A-Z directory of services

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@-z directory

How to find services online and information on how your council tax is spent

www.westminster.gov.uk 1

Contents Contents We are committed to ensuring that everyone in Westminster has equal access to our services. To help you contact the council we offer the following: Website – westminster.gov.uk Main Switchboard – 020 7641 6000 Textphone/Minicom – This allows hearing impaired customers to have a text-based conversation with the council using their textphone/minicom or computer. • 020 7641 8222 (Social Services) • 0845 070 0281 (Council tax, housing benefit and council tax benefit) • 020 7641 8000 (All other council enquiries)

4 Leader’s overview 8 A-Z of council services 36 A-Z of health services 46 Where your council tax goes 50 How your council tax is calculated

Videophone – Contact us on 020 7641 6000 or 020 7641 8222 (Textphone/Minicom) if you require access to a British Sign Language Interpreter. Large format – Copies of this document are also available in large print. For a free copy call 020 7641 8088. Translation – If you would like this document translated into your first language see the back page.

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Westminster City Council Westminster City Hall 64 Victoria Street London SW1E 6QP

2 westminster.gov.uk

020 7641 6000 westminster.gov.uk

westminster.gov.uk 3

Leader’s overview

Dear resident

There are many ways you can help to shape your community by getting involved in new or existing projects, supporting others or simply sharing your views. Come to one of our area forums and tell us about local issues. Visit westminster.gov.uk/areaforums

This year’s Band D council tax level will be £687.62.

Join our Living City Conversation. Visit westminster.gov.uk/theconversation

For the fourth year in a row there has been no increase in your council tax bill. On top of this, the Mayor of London has again frozen the GLA precept paid by all Londoners, which will remain at £309.82 a year for a Band D household.

Alternatively, you might want to become a school governor. Visit westminster.gov.uk/schoolgovernor Join Neighbourhood Watch. Visit westminster.gov. uk/neighbourhoodwatch

Westminster City Council is committed to the issues that are important to the people who live here, raise their children here and see Westminster as home. Our proudest achievements over the past year include our Adult Social Care service, which was rated as “Performing Excellently” by the Care Quality Commission, our Family Recovery Programme which received national attention for its groundbreaking work with our residents, and our Living City programme which has delivered on a host of pledges including the improvement of 600 streets in Westminster. We also take pleasure from the fact that our customer satisfaction surveys show that 85% of residents are satisfied with the services we provide, all with one of the lowest council tax levels in the country. We know that there is more that we need to do. October’s spending review set out the financial situation we face as a country and also as a local council. Therefore, we know that it will be another difficult year and as such we are determined to continue to deliver first class services, keeping council tax low to reduce the burden on our tax payers.

Cllr Colin Barrow Leader of Westminster City Council

Become a volunteer. Visit westminster.gov.uk/volunteering You might even choose to foster or adopt a child. Visit westminster.gov.uk/fostering or westminster.gov.uk/adoption Your Council Tax Bill 2011/12 Band

Westminster City Council £

Greater London Authority £

Total £




































% increase

4 westminster.gov.uk

westminster.gov.uk 5

Visit westminster.gov.uk as your first Did yo.u stop to find all . . know apply the information , y a p n a ...You c line? n o t r o p e and r you need.

@-Z of Westminster City Council services

You can also: Pay online for: • council tax • parking tickets • resident parking permits. Apply online to: • sign up to pay by phone parking • renew library books • apply for a library card • make a planning application • order recycling bags • apply for a ResCard. Westminster City Council Westminster City Hall 64 Victoria Street London SW1E 6QP

Report online on: • comment on planning applications • a road, pavement or sign problem • noise • environmental problems such as fly-tipping • anti-social behaviour • advertising and trading issues.

Key There are many different ways of contacting the council. To help you identify these the @-Z uses various symbols:

Internet Email Telephone Minicom/Textphone Text Postal address

All information correct at time of going to print (March 2011).

020 7641 6000 westminster.gov.uk

6 www.westminster.gov.uk

westminster.gov.uk 7

A Abandoned Vehicles See: Environmental Action Line. westminster.gov.uk/ abandonedvehicles

Abuse Report suspected abuse. westminster.gov.uk/ safeguardingadults westminster.gov.uk/ safeguardingchildren 020 7641 2176 (adults) 020 7641 7560 (children)

Accessibility Information relating to Westminster City Council buildings. access2@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 6347

Adoption westminster.gov.uk/adoption adoption@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 4080 New Families Team, 2nd Floor, 4 Frampton Street, London NW8 8LF

Adult Education waes.ac.uk info@waes.ac.uk 020 7297 7297 See: Employment, Job Vacancies, Volunteering, Colleges. 8 westminster.gov.uk

Council services

Adults Services Help with maintaining independence for people over 18 years who have a physical or sensory disability, HIV, dementia, or other conditions. Some services may be charged for. westminster.gov.uk/ adultservices adultsocialcare@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 1175 07506 414 786 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) See: Mental Health Support.

Alarms Service For information about the council’s pendant personal alarm service for vulnerable people. westminster.gov.uk/ communityalarm alarmenquiries@westminster.gov.uk See: Senior Passport.

Alcohol and Drug Problems westminster.gov.uk/wdaat wdaat@westminster.gov.uk 020 7266 6200 (North Westminster) 020 7437 3523 (South Westminster)

Anti-Social Behaviour To report anti-social behaviour. In an emergency dial 999. westminster.gov.uk/ streetproblems 0300 123 1212 (Metropolitan Police)


Council services

See: Neighbourhood Crime Reduction, Police.

Archives and Local Studies westminster.gov.uk/archives archives@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 5180 10 St. Ann’s Street, London SW1P 2DE (Tue, Wed, Thu 10am-7pm Fri, Sat 10am-5pm)

See: Libraries.

Building Control How to meet building regulation requirements, street naming and numbering and public safety matters related to dangerous and temporary structures. westminster.gov.uk/ buildingcontrol districtsurveyors@ westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 7230

Area Forums westminster.gov.uk/haveyoursay areaforums@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 3916 See: Councillors, CityWest Homes Resident Involvement Team.

Business Information Points See: Libraries.

Business Rates (NNDR) westminsterNNDR@capita.co.uk 020 8315 2050

Arts and culture westminster.gov.uk/arts arts@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 2498 Westminster Reference Library, 35 St. Martin’s Street, London WC2H 7HP

Benefits See: Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit.

Bins See: Waste Collection.

General correspondence

NNDR, PO Box 187, Erith DA8 9EY Payments

Westminster City Council, PO Box 397, Warrington WA55 1GG

Car Club Get £25 free driving credit when you quote ‘AtoZ’ on joining. westminster.gov.uk/carclub westminstercarclub@zipcar.com

Births See: Registrars. westminster.gov.uk 9

C Car Parks See: Parking.

CCTV For subject access requests. westminster.gov.uk/cctvrequests dataprotection@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 3921 See: Neighbourhood Crime Reduction.

Cemeteries Burials, memorials and cemetery records. westminster.gov.uk/cemeteries 020 8567 0913 Cemetery Manager, Hanwell Cemetery Office, 38 Uxbridge Road, Hanwell, London W7 3PP

Childminding See: Family Information Service.

Children and Families Assessment Service For help with family support, protection of children and help for children with mental health needs or disabilities. 020 7641 7560 (9am-5pm) 020 7641 1687 (9am-5pm) 020 7641 7503 (9am-5pm) 020 7641 6000 (out of hours) 020 7641 8222

Children with Disabilities Support and counselling for children 10 westminster.gov.uk

Council services

with disabilities, their families and carers. westminster.gov.uk/disabilities 020 7266 7090 020 7289 4124

Children’s Centres westminster.gov.uk/ childrenscentre 020 7641 7929 (general enquiries) 020 7641 6000 (out of hours emergencies) See: Family Information Service. Abbey Road and Regent’s Park Children’s Centre Information Point

(St. John’s Wood Library)

020 7641 8689 Bayswater 020 7641 6105/020 7266 8748 Church Street 020 7641 5444/5435/5436

Marylebone Library Children’s Centre Information Point 020 7641 8690 Micky Star 020 7641 5409/020 7402 4854 Paddington Green 020 7641 5675/5409/5679 Queen’s Park 020 7641 5838 Queensway 020 7266 8748/020 7641 5673 Westbourne 020 7641 4312 West End 020 7439 1578/020 7641 5674

Citizenship Ceremonies

Churchill Gardens 020 7641 5923/5676

See: Registrars.

Harrow Road 020 8968 7610

Major works, decent homes, lessee services, service charges, right to buy for council tenants, rents, customer services and community development. cwh.org.uk info@cwh.org.uk (general information) serviceimprovementteam@ cwh.org.uk (complaints) 020 7245 2060 (complaints) See: Estate Offices, Lessee Services, Right to Buy.

Knightsbridge and Belgravia Children’s Centre Information Point (Victoria Library)

020 7641 8691 Maida Vale 020 7641 5775 Marsham Street 020 7828 4083


Council services

CityWest Homes

CityWest Homes Resident Involvement Team For council tenants and lessees to get involved in making decisions about how their homes are managed. involvingresidents@cwh.org.uk 020 7245 2350 21 Grosvenor Place, London SW1X 7EA

Civil Partnerships See: Registrars.

Colleges City of Westminster College cwc.ac.uk 020 7723 8826 Fashion Retail Academy fashionretailacademy.ac.uk 020 7307 2345 London College of Beauty Therapy lcbt.co.uk 020 7208 1300 Westminster Kingsway College westking.ac.uk 0870 060 9800 (course enquiries) 0870 060 9801 (main switchboard)

Commercial Waste westminster.gov.uk/ commercialwaste 020 7641 6180 westminster.gov.uk 11

C Communications For copies of the Westminster Reporter, this guide and other publications. communicationsmailboxfolder @westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 8088

Complaints and comments Complaints and comments can be dealt with most quickly by calling the relevant service. Alternatively contact us as below if you are unsure of the service you need. westminster.gov.uk/complaints customercomplaints@ westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 5000 020 7641 3482 (complaints concerning

Adult and Children’s Services)

020 7641 8000 City of Westminster, complaints, FREEPOST LON16284, London SW1X 7BR

Conservation Areas See: Planning.

Contaminated Land Register See: Environmental Monitoring.

Council Tax westminster.gov.uk/counciltax westminstercounciltax1@ capita.co.uk (for street addresses A-K) westminstercounciltax2@ 12 westminster.gov.uk

Council services

capita.co.uk (for street addresses L-Z) 0845 302 3400 (call charges vary,

Mon-Fri 8.30am-6pm)

03000 504 650 (property banding) 0845 070 0281 General Correspondence Westminster City Council, Council Tax, PO Box 165, Erith DA8 9DW Payments Westminster City Council, PO Box 397, Warrington WA55 1GG See: Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit.

Councillors To be put in touch with your local councillor or ward surgery or to find out about council and committee meetings. westminster.gov.uk/councillors councillors@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 7750 (Bayswater, Little Venice, Maida Vale,

Marylebone High Street, St. James’s, Vincent Square and West End wards)

020 7641 3411 (Queen’s Park, Harrow Road, Westbourne,

Regent’s Park, Abbey Road and Hyde Park wards)

020 7641 2322 (Tachbrook, Warwick, Churchill, Knightsbridge

and Belgravia, Lancaster Gate, Bryanston and Dorset Square and Church Street wards)

020 7641 3134 (Council or Committee meetings)


Council services

Customer Enquiry Line westminster.gov.uk info@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 6000 020 7641 8000

Cycling westminster.gov.uk/cycling cycling@westminster.gov.uk cyclisttrainer@westminster.gov.uk

(training) 020 7641 3241 (cycle parking) 020 7641 2034 (cycle routes)

Data Protection All residents have a right to access the information the council holds about them under the Data Protection Act 1998. Requests must be made in writing. A Data Protection Request form is available from the council’s website. westminster.gov.uk/dp foi@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 3921 Knowledge and Information Management Team, Information Services, Westminster City Council, 101 Orchardson Street, London NW8 8EA.

Deaths See: Cemeteries, Registrars.


020 7150 8000 See: A-Z of health services.

Disability See: Accessibility, Children with Disabilities, Handyperson Scheme, Private Sector Housing, Shopper Service, Social Services – Customer Service Centre, TaxiCard.

Disabled Driver Parking Permits westminster.gov.uk/ disabledparking parkingpermits@westminster.gov.uk See: Parking.

District Surveyors See: Building Control.

Doctors westminster-pct.nhs.uk 020 7150 8000 See: A-Z of health services (GPs).

Drains and Sewers Contact Thames Water for complaints or enquires regarding the main drains and sewers in Westminster. 08459 200 800 (Thames Water) highwaysmanagement@ westminster.gov.uk (blocked gulleys) 020 7641 2000 (blocked gulleys)

westminster-pct.nhs.uk/dentistry westminster.gov.uk 13

E Drug Addiction See: Alcohol and drug problems.

Education See: Adult Education, Schools, Special Educational Needs, Student Finance, Colleges.

Education Attendance Service westminster.gov.uk/ schoolattendance ews@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 7580

Educational Psychology Service westminster.gov.uk/edpsych 020 7641 7602

Electoral Services To check if you are registered to vote, to register to vote in person or by post, or for information about elections in Westminster. westminster.gov.uk/voting electoralservices@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 2730 (Mon-Fri 9am-8pm, Sat-Sun 9am-5pm) 020 7641 8000 Visit: Electoral Services, Westminster City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QP Postal: Freepost SW5001, London SW1E 6BR 14 westminster.gov.uk

Council services

Employment westminster.gov.uk/jobhelp See: Job Vacancies, Schools Recruitment.

environmentalsciences@ westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 1212

Estate Offices

Energy Efficiency and Grants See: Private Sector Housing.

Environmental Action Line A 24-hour hotline for recycling and waste collections, street cleansing, abandoned vehicles, graffiti and fly-posting, pavement and highways maintenance, street lighting (not traffic lights, which are Transport for London) and highways licensing (including temporary structures). westminster.gov.uk/environment environmentalactionline@ westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 2000 020 7641 8000

Environmental Health See: Licensing, Noise Team, Food Safety, Health and Safety, Pest Control, Private Sector Housing.

Environmental Monitoring For information about how the council measures air and water quality and for contaminated land enquiries and land use history. westminster.gov.uk/pollution


Council services

Managed by CityWest Homes 0800 358 3783 (repairs, from April 2011) 020 7286 7412 (emergency repairs outside office hours)

Bayswater 020 7245 2169 Church Street 020 7245 2731 Churchill Gardens 020 7245 2101 Grosvenor and Regency 020 7592 1766 Lillington and Longmoore 020 7245 2620 Lisson Green 020 7245 2801 Little Venice 020 7245 2333 Maida Vale 020 7245 2201 Marylebone 020 7245 2710 Millbank 020 7976 5788

Mozart 020 7245 2651 Paddington Green 020 7245 2511 Pimlico 020 7245 2800 Queen’s Park 020 7245 2651 Soho / Covent Garden 020 7245 2560 St. John’s Wood 020 7245 2451 Westbourne Park 020 7245 2571

Faith Exchange westminster.gov.uk/faithexchange faithexchange@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 3247

Family Information Service (FIS) westminster.gov.uk/fis fis@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 7929

Filming See: Special Events.

Fire Safety See: Private Sector Housing. westminster.gov.uk 15

FG Fly-posting and Graffiti Removal See: Environmental Action Line.

Food Safety For inspections of food businesses, complaints about food safety relating to premises in Westminster or advice on food safety if you are starting a business or require food hygiene training. westminster.gov.uk/food foodsafety@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 1092 Food Team, Westminster City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QP


westminster.gov.uk/fostering fostering@westminster.gov.uk 0800 032 2533 (fostering helpline, Mon-Fri 1-5pm)

020 7641 4050

(approved foster carers)

Fraud Hotline All information is treated in the strictest confidence and callers can remain anonymous. westminster.gov.uk/fraud 0800 028 9888 Fraud Hotline, 1st Floor, 33 Tachbrook Street, London SW1V 2JR 16 westminster.gov.uk

Council services

Freedom of Information You have a right to access information held by the council under the Freedom of Information Act. Requests need to be made in writing and can be made by post or email. westminster.gov.uk/foi foi@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 3921 Knowledge and Information Management Team, Information Services, Westminster City Council, 101 Orchardson Street, London NW8 8EA

Freedom Pass To apply for a Freedom Pass for travel on public transport if you are disabled and under 60. If you are an older person you can apply at the Post Office. westminster.gov.uk/ freedompass 020 7641 2266 See: Accessibility, Children with Disabilities, Shopper Service, Social Services – Customer Service Centre, TaxiCard, Weldis Information Service.

GPs See: A-Z of health services.

Council services

Handyperson Scheme (Staying Put) If you are over 60 or registered disabled, contact us to see if you are eligible for minor works to your home. 020 8996 8890 (Staying Put) sps.info@sbhg.co.uk

Hate Crime See: Police.

Health and Safety To report unsafe working conditions in businesses or serious accidents at work, and for advice about health and safety at work legislation or health and safety training. westminster.gov.uk/healthandsafety healthandsafety@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 1063

Home Care To arrange for someone to help you at home, based on assessed needs. 020 7641 1175 See: Adult Services, Handyperson Service, Meals Service.

Homelessness Information and advice for people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. hoscustomerservices@cwh.org.uk 020 7641 1000

GH Housing Options Service, 101 Orchardson Street, London NW8 8EA Mental Health Support (for homeless people) 020 7534 6711 See: Housing Options, Rough Sleeping, Support for Vulnerable People.

Home Ownership, Shared Ownership and Key Worker Housing Options homeownershipwestminster.co.uk info@homeownershipwestminster.co.uk 0845 437 9701 020 7245 2106

(council leasehold buy back scheme) See: Housing.

Hospitals westminster-pct.nhs.uk 0800 587 8818 See: A-Z of health services (Accident and Emergency).

Houses or Flats of Multiple Occupation (HMO and FMO) For enquiries relating to standards or licences for properties where tenants share facilities. westminster.gov.uk/housing res@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 8959 westminster.gov.uk 17

A J L H Housing westminster.gov.uk/housing See: CityWest Homes, Estate Offices, Private Sector Housing, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit, Housing Options, Home Ownership, Shared Ownership and Keyworker Housing Options, Housing Options, Landlord Services, Private Sector Housing, CityWest Homes Resident Involvement Team, Right to Buy, Sheltered and Supported Housing, Support for Vulnerable People.

Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit westminster.gov.uk/benefits 0800 072 0042 (Freephone 8am-6pm) 0845 070 0281 Visit: 180 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 1ER (8.30am-6pm) Visit: 101 Orchardson Street, London NW8 8EA (8.30am-5pm) Postal: Westminster Benefits Service, PO Box 82, Erith DA8 1WJ

Housing Options Advice and assistance for those threatened with homelessness, information on housing options and housing applications. hoscustomerservices@cwh.org.uk 020 7641 1000 (Mon-Fri)

18 westminster.gov.uk

Council services

Housing Repairs 0800 358 3783 (from April 2011) 020 7286 7412

(emergency out of hours repairs)

Job Vacancies westminster.gov.uk/jobs 0870 606 0505

Landlord Services HOSprivatesectorhousing initiatives@cwh.org.uk 020 7641 1000

Lavatories See: Toilets.

Learning Disability Services Assessment and support for people with learning disabilities and their family or carers. westminster.gov.uk/wldp wldp@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 7411 Westminster Learning Disability Partnership, 2nd Floor, 215 Lisson Grove, London NW8 8LW

Leisure Centres westminster.gov.uk/leisure


Council services

Academy Sport academysport@ westminsteracademy.biz 020 7121 0642 Westminster Academy, The Naim Dangoor Centre, 255 Harrow Road, London W2 5EZ Jubilee Sports Centre jubilee.admin@nuffieldhealth.com 020 8960 9629 Jubilee Sports Centre, Caird Street, London W10 4RR Little Venice Sports Centre littlevenice@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 5111 Little Venice Sports Centre, 10 Crompton Street, London W2 1ND Marshall Street Leisure Centre marshallst.sales@ nuffieldhealth.com 020 7641 5111 15 Marshall Street, London W1 7EL Moberly Sports and Education Centre moberly@westminster.gov.uk 020 641 4807 The Quadrant, Kilburn Lane, London W10 4AH Paddington Recreation Ground padrec.fitness@nuffieldhealth.com 020 7641 3642 Randolph Avenue, London W9 1PD

Porchester Centre porchester.sales@nuffieldhealth.com 020 7792 2919 Queensway, London W2 5HS Porchester Spa 020 7792 3980 Queensway, London W2 5HS Queen Mother Sports Centre queenmother.sales@ nuffieldhealth.com 020 7630 5522 223 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 1EL Seymour Leisure Centre seymour.sales@nuffieldhealth.com 020 7723 8019 Seymour Place, London W1H 5TJ

Lessee Services For information on lessee service charges and major works billing enquiries. 020 7245 2106 lesseefrontline@cwh.org.uk See: CityWest Homes, CityWest Homes Resident Involvement Team.

Libraries westminster.gov.uk/libraries 020 7641 1300 (enquiries: Mon-Fri

8am-8pm, Sat-Sun 9am-5pm)

020 7641 1400 (renewals, 24 hrs) 020 7641 8000

westminster.gov.uk 19

L Charing Cross Library including the Chinese Library charingcrosslibrary@ westminster.gov.uk 4-6 Charing Cross Road, London WC2H 0HF Church Street Library and Business Information Point churchstreetlibrary@ westminster.gov.uk Church Street, London NW8 8EU Home Library Service For people who have difficulty accessing libraries. homelibraryservice@ westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 5405 Little Venice Sports Centre Library 6a Crompton Street, London W2 1ND Maida Vale Library maidavalelibrary@ westminster.gov.uk Sutherland Avenue, London W9 2QT Marylebone Library and Information Service marylebonelibrary@ westminstergov.uk (library) referencelibrarynw1@ westminster.gov.uk (information service) 109-117 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5PS (entrance in Gloucester Place) 20 westminster.gov.uk

Council services

Mayfair Library mayfairlibrary@westminster.gov.uk 25 South Audley Street, London W1K 2PB Paddington Library and Business Information Point paddingtonlibrary@ westminster.gov.uk Porchester Road, London W2 5DU (adults) Clifford Hall, Porchester Road, London W2 5DU (children) Pimlico Library and Business Information Point pimlicolibrary@westminster.gov.uk Lupus Street (junction with Claverton Street) London SW1V 3AT Queen’s Park Library and Open Learning Centre queensparklibrary@ westminster.gov.uk 666 Harrow Road, London W10 4N St. James’s Library stjameslibrary@westminster.gov.uk 62 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QP St. John’s Wood Library stjohnswoodlibrary@ westminster.gov.uk 20 Circus Road, London NW8 6PD Victoria Library and Westminster Music Library victorialibrary@westminster.gov.uk


Council services

musiclibrary@westminster.gov.uk 160 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9UD Westminster Reference Library and Business Information Point referencelibrarywc2@ westminster.gov.uk 35 St. Martin’s Street, London WC2H 7HP

Licensing To view the licensing register, or to apply for a range of premises and personal licences, including the sale of alcohol, public entertainment, street trading and tables and chairs. westminster.gov.uk/licensing 020 7641 8549 020 7641 8959 (HMO licences) See: Houses or Flats of Multiple Occupation.

Licensing for Temporary Structures See: Environmental Action Line.

Listed Buildings See: Planning.

Local Development Framework westminster.gov.uk/ldf See: Planning.

Local History See: Archives and Local Studies.

Local Land Charges and Searches To submit a search of the Local Land Charges Register via the web, post or in person. westminster.gov.uk/landsearches landcharges@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 2413 (Mon-Fri 9am-8pm, Sat-Sun 9am-5pm) Land Charges Department, Westminster City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QP

Markets and Exhibitions See: Licensing, Street Licensing Enforcement.

Marriages See: Registrars.

Meals Service For those who cannot prepare their own meal at home. westminster.gov.uk/mealsservice adultsocialcare@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 1175 See: Senior Passport, Social Services.

Mental Health For assessment, treatment and support for adults with existing serious mental westminster.gov.uk 21

MNOP health problems. For other mental health problems, first see your GP. 020 7266 9500 (North Westminster) 020 7534 6685 (West End) 020 3315 2040 (South Westminster) 020 7886 1652 (out of hours) See: A-Z of Health Services (Mental Health Services).

MyWestminster Register to receive a bi-monthly newsletter. westminster.gov.uk/ mywestminster

MyWestminster Rescard westminster.gov.uk/rescard rescard@metropolis.co.uk 020 7641 6000

Nationality Checking Service See: Registrars.

Neighbourhood Crime Reduction westminster.gov.uk/crime 020 7641 1085 Westminster City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QP See: Police.

Neighbourhood Watch westminster.gov.uk/ 22 westminster.gov.uk

Council services

neighbourhoodwatch neighbourhoodwatch@ westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 2117 See: Neighbourhood Crime Reduction.

NHS Westminster See: A-Z of Health Services.

Noise Team westminster.gov.uk/noise noiseteam1@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 2000 (24hrs, 365 days a year)

Nurseries See: Family Information Service.

Older People See: Adults Services, Senior Passport.

Parking westminster.gov.uk/parking parkingenquiries@westminster.gov.uk 020 7823 4567 020 7641 8000 Park Right For a copy of the council’s guide to parking. westminster.gov.uk/parkright Pay by Phone General enquiries and automated payment facility. westminster.gov.uk/paybyphone


Council services

020 7005 0055 (24 hrs, 7 days) See: Car Club.

Parks and Gardens westminster.gov.uk/parks

Pest Control westminster.gov.uk/ pestsandnuisance pestcontrol2@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 1522 0800 358 0514 (CityWest Homes tenants)

Planning westminster.gov.uk/planning planninginformation@ westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 2513 Westminster City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QP See: Building Control, Local Land Charges and Searches.

Play Centres 020 7641 1107

Police 0300 123 1212 (non-emergency) In an emergency call 999. Deaf people using a Textphone (minicom ) should dial 18000 in an emergency. met.police.uk/reporting_crime See: Neighbourhood Crime Reduction, Victim Support.

Potholes See: Environmental Action Line.

Private Sector Housing and Grants For advice on and enforcement of minimum housing standards and responses to problems with drainage, repairs and pests. Advice on energy efficiency. To process applications for Licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation. For information on housing grants for home security and adaptations for disabled people. westminster.gov.uk/housing/private westminster.gov.uk/ housinggrants (housing grants) res@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 6161 See: Environmental Health, Handyperson Scheme, Houses or Flats of Multiple Occupation (HMO or FMO), Housing.

Race Equality See: Police.

Race and Hate Crime See: Police, Victim Support.

Recycling westminster.gov.uk/recycling recycling@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 2000 See: Environmental Action Line. westminster.gov.uk 23

R S Registering to Vote See: Electoral Services.

Registrars To register births, deaths, civil partnerships and marriages and for citizenship ceremonies, copies of birth, death, marriage or civil partnership certificates and a Nationality Checking Service. westminster.gov.uk/registrar registeroffice@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 1162 (Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat 9am-5pm) 020 7641 5912 Westminster Register Office, The Old Marylebone Town Hall, Westminster Council House, 97-113 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5PT Register Office open to personal callers 9am-4pm (Mon-Fri) except on the first Thurs of every month (open from 1pm). Open Sat 9am-12 midday (by appointment only).

Rescard See: MyWestminster Rescard.

Right to Buy Information on schemes to help you buy your own home. lesseefrontline@cwh.org.uk 020 7245 2106

24 westminster.gov.uk

Council services

Road Safety Education westminster.gov.uk/roadsafety roadsafety@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 2016

Roads and Pavements See: Environmental Action Line.

Roadworks See: Environmental Action Line.

Rough Sleeping A helpline for people who are concerned about people sleeping rough in their area. westminster.gov.uk/housing/ supportingpeople 020 7641 3841 (24 hrs)

Sayers Croft Field Centre A residential outdoor education centre in Surrey, offering outdoor learning for young people. sayers-croft.org.uk info@sayers-croft.org.uk 01483 275 541

Schools See: Play Centres, School Admissions, Student Finance, Colleges. All Souls CE Primary School 020 3116 0823 Foley Street, London W1W 7JJ


Council services

ARK Atwood Primary Academy Opens September 2011. 020 3116 0823 Foley Street, London W1W 7JJ

Dorothy Gardner Centre (Nursery School) 020 8969 5835 293 Shirland Road, London W9 3JY

Barrow Hill Junior School 020 7641 5005 Bridgeman Street, London NW8 7AL

Edward Wilson Primary School 020 7641 4303 Senior Street, London W2 5TL

Beechcroft School (KS3 Pupil Referral Unit)

Essendine Primary School 020 7641 4382 Essendine Road, London W9 2LR

020 7641 4370 111 Shirland Road, London W9 3EY Burdett Coutts and Townsend Foundation CE Primary School 020 7641 5930 Rochester Street, London SW1P 2QQ Christ Church Bentinck CE Primary School 020 7641 4135 Cosway Street, London NW1 5NS Churchill Gardens Primary School 020 7641 5935 Ranelagh Road, London SW1V 3EU City of Westminster College (KS4 Pupil Referral Unit) 020 7258 2812 Queen’s Park Centre, Saltram Crescent, London W9 3HW College Park School 020 7976 5593 Garway Road, London W2 4PH

Gateway Primary School 020 7641 4160 Capland Street, London NW8 8LN George Eliot Primary School 020 7722 2000 (infant) 020 7722 6870 (junior) Marlborough Hill, London NW8 0NH Grey Coat Hospital Secondary School 020 7969 1998 St. Michael’s Building, 98 Regency Street, London SW1P 4GH St. Andrew’s Building, Grey Coat Place, London SW1P 2DY Hallfield Primary School 020 7641 6230/6235 Hallfield Estate, London W2 6JJ Hampden Gurney CE Primary School 020 7641 4195 Nutford Place, London W1H 5HA westminster.gov.uk 25


Council services

Council services


King Solomon Academy 020 7563 6900 Penfold Street, London NW1 6RX

Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee School 020 7641 5825 Kennet Road, London W9 3LG

St. Edward’s RC Primary School 020 7723 5911 Lisson Grove, London NW1 6LD

St. Mary of the Angels RC School 020 7641 4482 Shrewsbury Road, London W2 5PR

Mary Paterson Nursery School 020 7641 5804 13 Riverton Close (off Ashmore Road), London W9 3DF

Queen’s Park Primary School 020 7641 5860 Droop Street, London W10 4DQ

St. Gabriel’s CE Primary School 020 7641 6300 Churchill Gardens Road, London SW1V 3AG

The St. Marylebone School 020 7935 4704 64 Marylebone High Street, London W1U 5BA

St. George’s Hanover Square CE School

St. Mary’s Bryanston Square CE School

Millbank Primary School 020 7641 5945 Erasmus Street, London SW1P 4HR Our Lady of Dolours RC Primary School 020 7641 4326 19 Cirencester Street, London W2 5SR Paddington Academy 020 7479 3900 50 Marylands Road, London W9 2DR Paddington Green Primary School 020 7641 4122 Park Place Villas, London W2 1SP Pimlico Academy 020 7828 0881 Lupus Street, London SW1V 3AT Portman Early Childhood Centre 020 7641 5435/5436 12-18 Salisbury Street, London NW8 8DE

26 westminster.gov.uk

Quintin Kynaston School 020 7722 8141 Marlborough Hill, London NW8 0NL Robinsfield Infant School 020 7641 5019 Ordnance Hill, London NW8 6PX Soho Parish CE Primary School 020 7641 7311 23 Great Windmill Street, London W1D 7LF St. Augustine’s CE High School 020 7328 3434 Oxford Road, London NW6 5SN St. Augustine’s CE Primary School 020 7328 0221 Kilburn Park Road, London NW6 5XA St. Barnabas’ CE Primary School 020 7641 4232 St. Barnabas Street, London SW1W 8PF St. Clement Danes CE Primary School 020 7641 6586 Drury Lane, London WC2B 5SU

020 7629 1196 South Street, Mayfair, London W1K 2XH St. George’s RC School (Maida Vale) 020 7328 0904 Lanark Road, Maida Vale, London W9 1RB St. James’ and St. Michael’s C.E School 020 7641 6218 Craven Terrace, London W2 3QD St. Joseph’s RC Primary School 020 7286 3518 Lanark Road, London W9 1DF St. Luke’s CE Primary School 020 7641 5855 Fernhead Road, London W9 3EJ St. Mary Magdalene’s CE Primary School 020 7641 4388 Rowington Close, London W2 5TF

020 7641 4130 Enford Street, London W1H 1DL St. Matthew’s CE Primary School 020 7641 5110 16-18 Old Pye Street, London SW1P 2DG St. Peter’s CE Primary School 020 7641 4385 Chippenham Mews, London W9 2AN St. Peter’s Eaton Square CE School 020 7641 4230 Lower Belgrave Street, London SW1W ONL St. Saviour’s CE Primary School 020 7641 6414 Shirland Road, London W9 2JD St. Stephen’s CE Primary School 020 7641 4488 Westbourne Park Road, London W2 5QH

westminster.gov.uk 27

S St. Vincent De Paul RC School 020 7641 5990 Morpeth Terrace, London SW1P 1EP St. Vincent’s RC Primary School 020 7641 6110 St Vincent’s Street, London W1U 4DF Tachbrook Nursery School 020 7641 8725 Cockburn House, Aylesford Street, London SW1V 3RT Westminster Academy 020 7121 0600 255 Harrow Road, London W2 5EZ Westminster Cathedral RC School 020 7641 5915 Bessborough Place, London SW1V 3SE Westminster City School 020 7641 8760 55 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HJ Wilberforce Primary School 020 7641 5865 Beethoven Street, London W10 4LB

School Admissions westminster.gov.uk/admissions schooladmissions@ westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 1816/1817 1st floor, 215 Lisson Grove, London NW8 8LF 28 westminster.gov.uk

Council services

School Meals westminster.gov.uk/fsm fsm@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 3412

Schools Recruitment westminster.gov.uk/teaching See: Job Vacancies.

Senior Passport Dedicated number for older residents and their carers to access information and advice on local services including helping you to live independently at home, or to consider residential or nursing home care. westminster.gov.uk/ seniorpassport adultsocialcare@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 1444

Sensory Needs See: Social Services.

Sheltered and Supported Housing Sheltered and supported housing services for older people (usually 65+). westminster.gov.uk/ shelteredhousing housingwithcare@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 1659 See: Senior Passport.


Council services

Shopper Service Free bus service to local supermarkets for older and disabled residents with mobility problems. 020 7641 2009 (Mon-Thu 10am-12 midday)

Skips westminster.gov.uk/skips See: Parking (for suspensions).

Social Services – Customer Service Centre 020 7641 1175 020 7641 3482 (complaints) See: Adoption, Adults Services, Children and Families Assessment Service, Fostering, Meals Service, Mental Health Support, Shopper Service.

Special Educational Needs westminster.gov.uk/sen sen@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 5350

Special Events Advice on staging events or filming in Westminster, including crowd control, locations and routes, structural and technical safety, licensing, road closures and parking suspensions. westminster.gov.uk/events speciale@westminster.gov.uk

020 7641 2390 020 7641 2616 (Events in Westminster parks and gardens)

Sports See: Leisure Centres, MyWestminster Rescard, Sports Unit.

Sports Unit Sports and physical activity programmes. westminster.gov.uk/sport sport@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 2012 See: Leisure Centres.

St. Mary’s Hospital Discharge Team Help with maintaining independence for people over 18 years who have a physical or sensory disability, HIV, dementia, or other conditions. 020 3312 1522 St. Mary’s Hospital, 1 Praed Street, London W2 1NY

Street Cleansing See: Environmental Action Line.

Street Licensing Enforcement For information on illegal street trading, illegal tables and chairs, market inspections, the prosecution of prostitute westminster.gov.uk 29

S T carders, forecourt trading, estate agent boards and advertising boards. streetlicensingenforcementteam@ westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 2362

Street Lighting To report faulty street lights see Environmental Action Line. Traffic signals are the responsibility of Transport for London and faults can be reported on 0845 305 1234. highwaysmanagement@ westminster.gov.uk

Street Management To report issues with safety or security on Westminster streets, or to request help from the council’s street teams. westminster.gov.uk/report 020 7641 2000

Student Finance From 21st March 2011 Student Finance England will be responsible for all student finance for new and continuing students. direct.gov.uk/studentfinance 0845 300 5090

Support for Vulnerable People Information on housing and support services to help vulnerable people to maintain their independence and 30 westminster.gov.uk

Council services

prevent rough sleeping, homelessness and unnecessary hospital admission. westminster.gov.uk/ supportingpeople Supporting.People@ westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 2834/3212 See: Homelessness, Mental Health Support, Rough Sleeping, Sheltered and Supported Housing.

Suspensions westminster.gov.uk/suspensions See: Parking.

Sustainability and Environmental Policy See: Planning, Recycling.

TaxiCard Scheme for residents with disabilities to travel in black cabs at greatly reduced fares. taxicard@westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 2266

Tenders westminster.gov.uk/tenders

Term Dates westminster.gov.uk/termdates

Council services

Toilets westminster.gov.uk/toilets See: Environmental Action Line.

Trading Standards For advice on shopping rights and enforcement of consumer protection laws preventing the sale of unsafe goods, misdescribed goods, counterfeit goods and age restricted goods to children. westminster.gov.uk/ tradingstandards tradingstandards@ westminster.gov.uk 020 7641 1111 See: Food Safety, Street Licensing Enforcement.

Training See: Education, Westminster Adult Education Service, Colleges, Volunteering.

Transport See: Freedom Pass, Shopper Service, TaxiCard, Parking, Car Club.

Trees westminster.gov.uk/trees privatelyownedtrees@westminster. gov.uk (privately owned trees) streetandparktrees@westminster. gov.uk (street and park trees) 020 7641 2618

TU V Unemployment See: Employment.

Unitary Development Plan (UDP) westminster.gov.uk/udp See: Planning.

Victim Support Free, confidential support and information to help cope with the effects of crime. victimsupport.org.uk vs.westminster@vslondon.org 020 7828 4142 Victim Support Westminster, 1 Aylesford Street, London SW1V 3RY

Volunteering westminster.gov.uk/volunteering info@volunteercentre westminster.org.uk 020 7402 8076 For general advice and support for voluntary sector organisations. vawcvs.org general@vawcvs.org 020 7723 1216

Voting 020 7641 2730 See: Electoral Services. westminster.gov.uk 31

WY Waste Collection To arrange a visit by the cleansing service within a matter of hours if your bins have not been emptied on schedule, or if you need bulky items removed from your home, see Environmental Action Line. westminster.gov.uk/waste environmentalactionline@ westminster.gov.uk 020 7332 3433 (hazardous waste

and asbestos)

Weddings See: Registrars.

Weldis Information Service Web-based directory of support for older people, carers and those with a disability or illness. westminster.gov.uk/weldis weldis@westminster.gov.uk

Westminster Hospital and Home Education Service cchs.org.uk 020 7886 6257 The School Room, Great Western Ward, 7th Floor, QEQM Wing, St. Mary’s Hospital, Praed Street, W2 1NY

Council services

Westminster Reporter See: Communications.

Young People’s Services westminster.gov.uk/hubs 020 7641 4013 (Church Street Youth Hub) 020 7641 2069 (Lupus Street Youth Hub) 020 7641 7747 (Stowe Youth Hub)

Mywestminster Find out the latest offers, events and activities for Westminster residents.

Youth Clubs westminster.gov.uk/services/ youngpeople/youth-clubs 020 7641 7704

Youth Offending Team westminster.gov.uk/ youthoffending 020 7641 5308/5309 6a Crompton Street, London W2 1ND

Youth Participation Unit For 11-19 year olds who want to get involved in decision making in Westminster, stand as a youth MP, learn new skills and gain accreditation. 020 7641 1048

Plus the latest information on council and health services. Sign-up to receive the bi-monthly MyWestminster e-newsletter by sending your email address to communicationsmailboxfolder@westminster.gov.uk

Westminster City Council

32 westminster.gov.uk

Westminster City Hall 64 Victoria Street London SW1E 6QP

020 7641 6000 westminster.gov.uk

westminster.gov.uk 33

Westminster has many different health services available to help you. These include GPs, dental practices, pharmacies, walk-in clinics and health centres. In Westminster there are 53 GPs, 54 dental practices, and 93 pharmacies.

You have a choice about which services you use. • Think about how unwell you feel and choose the service that best fits with your injury or illness. • Choosing the right one will ensure you get the best possible treatment, allowing in-demand services such as A&E to help those most in need. • Remember many illnesses can be treated at home. For help in choosing the right NHS service for you or your family, visit www.nhs.uk or phone NHS Direct on 0845 46 47.

A-Z of health services in Westminster Contents 36 Accident and Emergency

42 Mental health

36 Dentists

43 Other health services

38 GPs

44 Pharmacies

42 Health checks

45 Sexual health

42 Health trainers

45 Walk-in centres

43 Non-emergency care

42 Maternity services

All information correct at time of going to print (March 2011).

AD Accident and Emergency (A&E) A&E departments provide fast, emergency care 24 hours a day for serious life-threatening injuries and illnesses. This could be loss of consciousness, heavy blood loss, a heart attack, or difficulty breathing. St. Mary’s Hospital Praed Street, London W2 1NY imperial.nhs.uk/stmarys Charing Cross Hospital St. Dunstans Road, London W6 8RF imperial.nhs.uk/charingcross Chelsea and Westminster Hospital 369 Fulham Road, London SW10 9NH chelwest.nhs.uk University College Hospital (UCL) 235 Euston Road, London NW1 2BU uclh.nhs.uk

Dentists Dentists provide regular check ups for your teeth and gums. They also educate you on how to keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy, prevent decay and treat any dental problems. For information on local dentists please contact NHS Direct on 0845 46 47. 36 westminster.gov.uk

Health services

These practices are accepting new NHS patients: Dr Alia Faki Dental Practice 62 Gloucester Place, London W1U 8HW 020 7224 3566 Archangel Clinic 8 Westbourne Grove, London W2 5RA 020 7229 6622 Associated Dental Practices 392 Edgware Road, London W2 1ED 020 7723 9555 Associated Hyde Park Dental Centre 61 Bayswater Road, London W2 3PH 020 7706 1112 Bayswater Dental Surgery 129 Queensway, London W2 4SJ 020 7229 0863

Crescent Dental Clinic 57 Crawford Street, London W1H 4JL 020 7723 2255 Gentle Dental Care Chapter Chambers, 12 Chapter Street, London SW1P 4NR 020 7834 1882 Harrow Road Dental Surgery 349 Harrow Road, London W9 3RA 020 7286 8900 Imperial College Dental Surgery Watts Way, Princes Gardens, London SW7 1NA 020 7589 6623 Dr Leung Dental Surgery 2 Walterton Road, London W9 3PN 020 7286 3346 The London Dental Studio 27-29 Warwick Way, London SW1V 1QT 020 7630 0782

Cambridge Court Dental Centre 4 Sussex Gardens, London W2 1UL 020 7262 3334

Lupus Street Dental Practice 145 Lupus Street, London SW1V 3HD 020 7834 8081

Church Street Dental Surgery 69 Church Street, London NW8 8EU 020 7724 6191

The Maida Vale Dental Surgery 410 Harrow Road, London W9 2HU 020 7266 2332

The Covent Garden Dental Clinic 28a Chandos Place, London WC2N 4NS 020 7836 1847


Health services

Maison Smile at 234 Dental Care 234 Edgware Road, London W2 1DW 020 7725 9930

Marble Arch Medical and Dental Centre 217 Edgware Road, London W2 1ES 020 7723 5424 McKennell Dental Practice 21 Churton Street, London SW1V 2LY 020 7834 8802 Nigel Meyer and Associates Dental Surgeons 11 South Molton Street, London W1K 5QL 020 7499 1225 Paddington Dental Practice 17 Craven Road, London W2 3BP 020 7723 6106 Pearl Dental Practice 318 Kilburn Lane, London W9 3EF 020 8969 1406 Pimlico Dental Care 124a Regency Street, London SW1P 4AP 020 7233 5600 Porchester Dental Practice 11 Porchester Gardens, London W2 4DB 020 7727 3650 Queen’s Park Health Centre Dental Surgery 164 Dart Street, London W10 4LD 020 8960 9007 westminster.gov.uk 37

DG Queensway Dental Care 4A Queensway, London W2 3RX 020 7229 4033 Queensway Dental Practice 82 Queensway, London W2 3RL 020 7229 6248 Soho Dental Care Soho Centre for Health & Care 2nd Floor, 1 Frith Street, London W1D 3HZ 020 7534 6622

Health services

General Practitioners (GPs) You must be a Westminster resident to register with a GP in Westminster. Your local GP provides general medical advice and treatment, prescriptions, referral to hospital, vaccines and tests. To find the GP practices closest to your home visit www.westminster.nhs.uk or www.nhs.uk entering your postcode, or call NHS Direct on 0845 46 47.

W9 Dental Health 176 Shirland Road, London W9 3JE 020 7289 6222 Westminster House Dental Practice

11-13 Horseferry Road, London SW1P 2AH 020 7976 5251 Wilton Dental Practice 63A Wilton Road, London SW1V 1DE 020 7834 6361

Urgent dental care Patients who require urgent dental care should contact the North West London out of hours Dental Triage Service on 020 3402 1312. This service is normally available Monday to Friday 6pm-10pm, and on weekends and bank holidays 9am-10pm. 38 westminster.gov.uk

extended and weekend opening hour practices

Mon 6.30-8pm appointments

St. John’s Wood Medical Practice Brampton House, Hospital of St. John & St. Elizabeth, 60 Grove End Road, London NW8 9NH 0844 477 8590 Lanark Medical Centre Ground Floor, 165 Lanark Road, London W9 1NZ 020 7328 1128

Paddington and Queen’s Park

Fri 6.30-7.30pm appointments Sat appointments

Little Venice Medical Centre 2 Crompton Street, London W2 1ND 0844 576 9344 Sat appointments

Mon, Thurs 6.30-8.30pm appointments

56 Maida Vale, London W9 1PP 020 7624 4433 Paddington Green Health Centre 4 Princes Louise Close, London W2 1LQ 020 7887 1600

The Randolph Surgery 235a Elgin Avenue, London W9 1NH 0844 477 1763 Tues, Wed 6.30-8pm appointments

The Wellington Health Centre 16 Wellington Road, London NW8 9SP 020 7722 3382

Mon, Wed 6.30-8.30pm appointments

Third Floor Medical Centre 165 Lanark Road, London W9 1NZ 020 7624 8616 Tues 6.30-8pm appointments

Bayswater Medical Centre 46 Craven Road, London W2 3QA 0844 576 9250 Wed 6.30-8pm appointments, Sat appointments

The Connaught Practice 41 Connaught Square, London W2 2HL 0844 477 8766

Tues, Thurs, Fri 6.30-8pm appointments

The Elgin Clinic 40 Elgin Avenue, London W9 3QT 020 7286 0747

North West London Medical Centre

Mon, Fri 6.30-7.30pm appointments

Lisson Grove Medical Centre Gateforth Street, London NW8 8EG

0844 387 8797

Maida Vale Medical Centre 40 Biddulp Mansion, Elgin Avenue, London W9 1HT 020 7286 6464

St. John’s Wood and Marylebone Crompton Medical Centre 1 Crompton Street, London W2 1ND 020 7723 7789


Health services

The Garway Medical Centre Pickering House, Hallfield Estate, London W2 6HF 020 7616 2900

Mon-Fri 7.30-8am and 6.30-8pm appointments

Halfpenny Steps Health Centre 427-429 Harrow Road, London W10 4RE 020 8962 8700

This practice also offers walk-in appointments for non-registered patients

Harrow Road Health Centre 209 Harrow Road, London W2 5EH 020 7286 1231 The Health Centre 574 Harrow Road, London W10 4NJ 020 8960 5499 Fri 6.30-8pm appointments westminster.gov.uk 39


Lancaster Gate Medical Centre 20 Leinster Terrace, London W2 3ET 020 7479 9750 Milne House Medical Centre 1 Norfolk Square, London W2 1RU 020 7723 7891 Wed 6.30-8pm appointments

Tues, Thurs 6.30-7.30pm appointments Tues 7-8am appointments

The Newton Medical Centre 14/18 Newton Road, London W2 5LT 020 7229 4578

Mon, Wed 6.30-8pm appointments Tues 6.30-7.30pm appointments

Queen’s Park Health Centre Dart Street, London W10 4LD 020 8964 9990 Dr Ahmed 020 8969 1490 Dr Lai Chung Fong 020 8960 5252 Dr Nagarajan Mon 6.30-8pm appointments

The Medical Centre 321 Shirland Road,London W9 3JJ 020 8969 2626

40 westminster.gov.uk

Mon 6.30-7.45pm appointments Wed 7-8am appointments

260 Harrow Road, London W2 5ES 020 7289 2810 Wed 6.30-8pm appointments

West Two Health 33/35 Praed Street, London W2 1NR 020 7262 1307 Sat appointments Soho and West End Cavendish Health Centre 53 New Cavendish Street, London W1G 9TQ 020 7487 5244

Wed 6.30-8pm appointments

Crawford Street Surgery 95-97 Crawford Street, London W1H 2HJ 020 7723 6324

Fitzrovia Medical Centre 31 Fitzroy Square, London W1T 6EU 020 7387 5798 Mon, Thurs 6.30-8.15pm appointments


Health services

Marylebone Health Centre 17A Marylebone Road, London NW1 5LT 020 7935 6328

Mon, Tues, Wed 7-8am appointments Mon, Tues 6.30-7.30pm appointments

The Mayfair Medical Centre 3/5 Weighhouse Street, London W1K 5LS 020 7493 1647 Soho Square General Practice First Floor, 1 Frith Street, London W1D 3HZ 020 7534 6575

Tues, Thurs 6.30-8pm appointments

Covent Garden Medical Centre 47 Shorts Gardens, London WC2H 9AA 020 7379 7209

Mon, Fri 6.30-7.30pm appointments

The Medical Centre 7e Woodfield Road, London W9 3XZ

020 7266 1449

The Westbourne Green Surgery

Tues, Wed 6.30-7.30pm appointments

The New Elgin Practice 44 Chippenham Road, London W9 2AF 0844 477 8728

Health services

Soho Square Surgery 30 Soho Square, London W1D 3QS 020 7534 6570

The Marven Medical Practice 44-50 Lupus Street, London SW1V 3EB 020 7834 1160

Tues 6.30-7.30pm appointments

Victoria and Pimlico The Belgrave Medical Centre 13 Pimlico Road, London SW1W 8NA 020 7730 5173 Dr Muir

Imperial College Health Centre 40 Princes Gardens, London SW7 1LY 020 7584 6301

Mon 6.30-8pm appointments

The Surgery 131 Harley Street, London W1G 6BB 020 7723 6324

The Belgravia Surgery 24-26 Eccleston Street, London SW1W 9PY 020 7590 8000

Mon, Wed 6.30-8pm Mon-Fri 7.30-8am appointments

*The Mayfair Surgery Lees Place, W1K 6LL 020 7036 6060

*this is a branch surgery of the Victoria Medical Centre

Millbank Medical Centre 20 Page Street, London SW1P 4EN 020 7834 5502 The Victoria Medical Centre 29 Upper Tachbrook Street, London SW1V 1SN 020 7834 2298

Tues, Thurs 6.30-8pm appointments, Sat appointments

Westminster and Pimlico Health Centre

Mon 18.30-20.00 and Sat appointments

020 7824 8827 Dr Shakarchi

Tues, Thurs 6.30-8pm appointments

15 Denbigh Street, London SW1V 2HF 020 7834 6969

Tues, Wed, Thurs 6.30-8pm appointments westminster.gov.uk 41


Health services

Health checks GP practices and selected pharmacies in Westminster offer free 20 minute health checks for residents as part of the Healthy Hearts and Minds programme. The checks, available for anyone aged 40-74, are to help residents reduce the risk of developing vascular disease: heart disease, diabetes, stroke or kidney disease. The pharmacist checks your height, weight, blood pressure, cholesterol level and questions about your lifestyle. To find out where you can get your nearest check: www.westminster.nhs.uk 0800 587 8818

Health trainers Health trainers offer free one-to-one motivation, support and encouragement for residents. They are local people who have been specifically trained to help Westminster residents make the changes that could help them improve their overall health and wellbeing. Over six one-to-one sessions, a health trainer will work with a resident to develop a Personal Health Plan that targets those areas of their health that they want to improve and identifies the actions they can take to achieve their goals. westminsterhealthtrainers.com 020 8964 2727 42 westminster.gov.uk

Maternity services NHS Westminster has been working with local hospitals to make it easier for women to book a direct appointment with a midwife. Find out here how you can book in for your check up. How to book an appointment: St Mary’s Hospital and Queen Charlotte’s & Chelsea Hospital imperial.nhs.uk/ maternity/referral

Complete the self-referral form

University College London Hospital 1st.antenatal.appointments@ uclh.nhs.uk 020 7380 9400

Chelsea & Westminster Hospital chelwest.nhs.uk/maternity Complete the self-referral form

Alternatively... You can visit your GP who will put you in touch with your nearest midwifery service.

Mental health services Central and North West London Mental Health Trust Mental health services are run by Central and North West London Mental

Health services

Health Trust. Your GP can refer you to these services ,which are offered in hospital and in the community. 30 Eastbourne Terrace, London W2 6LA 020 8237 2000 (Mental Health Trust) For adults with existing serious mental health problems: 020 7266 9500 (North Westminster) 020 3315 2040 (South Westminster) 020 7534 6685 (West End) 020 7886 1652 (out of hours) If you have a question about any of the health services in Westminster please contact: westminster.nhs.uk 0800 587 8818 Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) 0845 46 47 NHS Direct Westminster Improving Access to Psychological Therapies A service that uses cognitive behavioural talking therapy to help people cope with the difficult feelings of stress, worry and anxiety, as well as conditions such as depression. The service is available either by referral from your GP or via self-referral. westminsterIAPT.org Westminster.iapt@nhs.net 030 3333 0000

MN O Non-emergency care Residents in Westminster or Kensington & Chelsea can now call one number if they need help fast. The number helps residents access non-emergency NHS healthcare 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. 020 8969 7777

Other local health services We have health centres which offer specialist health services including foot care, district nursing and health visiting. Some also offer stop smoking services, family planning, women’s/ men’s health clinics, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech and language therapy. The clinics listed offer more specialist services. Please contact your local clinic for further information.

extended and weekend opening hour clinics

Hallfield Clinic Hallfield Estate, London W2 6HF 020 7723 5071

www.westminster.gov.uk westminster.gov.uk 43


Health services

Linnet House Clinic Charlbert Street, London NW8 7BT 020 7586 4044

Westminster Diabetes Centre 4b Maida Vale, London W9 1SP 020 7316 1200

Lisson Grove Health Centre Gateforth Street, London NW8 8EH 0844 387 8797


Queen’s Park Health Centre Dart Street, London W10 4LD 020 8968 8899 Mon, 6.30-8pm appointments

Soho Centre for Health 1 Frith Street (off Soho Square) London W1D 3HZ 020 7534 6500 South Westminster Centre for Health St George’s House, 82 Vincent Square, London SW1P 2PF 020 8746 5704 The Medical Centre 7e Woodfield Road, London W9 3XZ 020 7286 5111

Sexual health services

56 Dean Street, London W1D 6AQ 020 8846 6699

Upper Montagu Street Clinic 64 Upper Montagu Street, London W1H 1FP 020 7935 0706

Mon-Thurs 6.30-7.30pm appointments

Open: 9am-1am

Bliss Pharmacy 5-6 Marble Arch, London W1H 7EL 020 7723 6116 Open: 9am-12midnight

Devonshire Pharmacy 215 Edgware Road, London W2 1ES 020 7402 6134 Open: 8.30am-11pm

Pharmacentre 149 Edgware Road,

For a full list of all sexual health services in Westminster refer to www.westminster.nhs.uk

Open: 8am-12midnight (Mon-Fri), 9am-12midnight (Sat-Sun)

Bin-Seena Pharmacy 73 Edgware Road, London W2 2HZ 020 7706 7006

4 Princess Louise Close, London W2 1LQ 020 7887 1600

44 westminster.gov.uk

These services offer help and advice for adults and young people on sexual health issues. This includes access to emergency contraception, testing for sexually transmitted infections, confidential sexual health advice, free contraception, pregnancy testing, cervical smear tests and help and advice with unplanned pregnancies or abortion. The below offer walk-in and prebooked appointments:

Paddington Green Health Centre

London W2 2HU 020 7723 2336

Pharmacies offer medicines and guidance on how they work. Some pharmacies offer emergency contraception, vaccinations and health checks. They may be able to help in providing guidance on healthy eating and how to stop smoking. There are 93 community pharmacies across Westminster. For a full list of where they are located check out the NHS Westminster website: www.westminster.nhs.uk Many pharmacies offer late night services past midnight. These include:


Health services

56 Dean Street for HIV and sexual health

Jefferiss Wing First floor, St Mary’s Hospital, Praed Street, Paddington, London W2 1NY 020 7886 6619

Walk-in Centres Walk-in Centres offer fast and convenient healthcare advice and treatment for minor injuries and illnesses. These could include coughs, minor cuts or stomach upsets. Soho Centre for Health 1 Frith Street (off Soho Square) London W1D 3HZ 020 7534 6500 020 7534 6550

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8am-8pm, Sat and Sun 10am-8pm

Victoria NHS Walk-in Centre 63 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6AT 020 7340 1190 020 7340 1196

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 7am-7pm

Westside Contraceptive Services Free and confidential emergency contraception and advice. Raymede Clinic at St. Charles’ Centre for Health and Wellbeing, Exmoor St, London W10 6DZ 020 8962 4450 westminster.gov.uk 45

As mentioned earlier, while the last year has been an important one for Westminster, this year will be even more critical. Broadly, we will be continuing to focus on providing you with the highest quality services, 46 westminster.gov.uk




London Average


£ 600





1 -1




10 20




































0 00




9 -9







However, while we’re pleased with what we’ve delivered, we know the main challenges are yet to come. As you may know, the government will be cutting our funding by just over a quarter over the next four years. This will lead to some big changes – though you can rest assured that you’re in good hands. As a public authority, we pride ourselves on two things above all: keeping your streets clean and providing value for money. Indeed, among Britain’s councils, we’re highly thought of for our financial management, as you may have noticed from your low council tax bill. So you can be sure we’ll concentrate on removing bureaucracy and inefficiencies wherever possible, while maintaining your services at the highest standards possible.

Council tax in Westminster versus other authorities


This year we’ve seen some real successes: such as a 10.8% rise in the number of children achieving A*-C GCSE grades and re-housing 125 overcrowded families. We’ve returned Marshall Street baths to their former splendour and re-opened Paddington Recreation Ground. Also, we’ve overhauled Piccadilly and Leicester Square as well as improving a further 600 streets throughout Westminster. We’ve also found time to establish a commission to look into how we provide social care, develop masterplans for three of the areas for our Housing Renewal programme, as well as provide a million pounds to fund local projects chosen by our communities.

reducing bureaucracy and being as efficient as we can. But of all the services we provide, two things in particular stand out: housing and supporting the government’s Big Society initiative.


We hope you found this A-Z helpful. It should give you an idea of the range of services we offer and the ways we can help you. Every year we have to contend with some very large numbers. From taking care of 190,000 tonnes of waste and overseeing 11,000 listed buildings and 56 conservation areas to dealing with 10,500 planning applications every year and providing social housing for 11,000 households

Where your council tax goes


Where your council tax goes


Our council programme is called Living City – and for good reason. We want to make Westminster an even better place to live; somewhere where families can thrive. However, we face some serious obstacles – housing above all. Basically, we don’t have enough homes and they’re not of the right types. This has a real impact on people’s lives. For example, how is a child meant to find a quiet place to study when they are sharing a one bedroom flat with a family of four? Also, the costs of providing temporary housing for thousands of people are extremely high. Because of this, we’ve launched a Housing Renewal Strategy, which aims to build more and better homes, improve local facilities and bring jobs into Westminster. We’re still speaking to residents, experts and local organisations. However, you should start seeing a real difference from 2012 – when work on the ground will begin. westminster.gov.uk 47

Where your council tax goes Another theme will be developing the government’s Big Society programme. In our view, that means people doing the right thing, taking responsibility and recognising the state isn’t always best placed to solve people’s problems. It also means we have a duty to show people how to join, participate and volunteer in their neighbourhoods – as well as removing any red tape that gets in the way. Finally, we have a duty to help you help us by being transparent about what we do. We’ve already begun doing this by publishing all our spending over £500, providing online details of how the council operates as well as our Open Government Charter which we published in November.


Council Tax

As you can see, there’s been a fair bit to cover and thank you for reading this far. If you want to find out more, visit www.westminster. gov.uk/livingcity, for further information about what we do and the way we work.

The following pages give details of how your council tax is calculated

Westminster City Council

48 westminster.gov.uk

Westminster City Hall 64 Victoria Street London SW1E 6QP

020 7641 6000 westminster.gov.uk

westminster.gov.uk 49

Budget overview

What is council tax?

Where the council’s income comes from Total General Fund income 2011/12 £880m

Council tax is a property-based charge with only one bill for each household.

Redistributed business rates £143m

Revenue support grant £44m

Council tax £49m Trading and other income £166m

The amount payable will depend on the value band that the property is placed into by the Valuation Office Agency of HM Revenue and Customs. The “Notes on Council Tax” document accompanying your bill gives details on: • council tax valuation bands • appeals against banding / being asked to pay council tax • people with disabilities • discounts you may be entitled to • reasons why your property could be exempt from council tax. If you have any queries about council tax, please telephone 0845 302 3400 (call charges may vary). Minicom/textphone: 0845 070 0281.

Specific grants and contributions £478m

How the money is spent Total General Fund expenditure 2011/12 £880m Children’s Services £182m

Resources £52m

City Management £72m

Corporate £25m

Adult Services £149m Built Environment £23m

City Management – Parking £31m

Finance and Performance £36m Housing £297m

50 westminster.gov.uk

Strategic Support and Legal Services £13m

Where there is a legitimate reason to do so, information which is collected for the administration of council tax may be shared within Westminster City Council and to some organisations acting on behalf of the council. Before any information is shared the council will apply rigorous checks to ensure that the sharing of such information is fair and warranted. If you require further clarity please write to Contracts Performance Team, 16th Floor, City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QP.

What are housing benefit and council tax benefit? Housing benefit can help you meet the cost of your rent. You may qualify for benefit if you are on low income and your savings (joint savings if you have a partner) are £16,000 or less. You may be entitled to housing benefit even if you are working as long as your income is low enough. Even if you and your partner’s savings or income are too high you may still be entitled to some council tax benefit (but not housing benefit) if there are other adults on low incomes living with you. Council tax benefit could help towards some, or all, of your council tax bill if you are on a low income, even if you own your own home. The maximum amount of council tax benefit payable is 100% of the charge. The amount you will get will depend on your individual circumstances. This will include your age and whether you live alone. Your council tax benefit will be deducted from the council tax bill that we send you. If you wish to claim housing benefit and/or council tax benefit please phone 0800 072 0042. westminster.gov.uk 51

52 westminster.gov.uk 89,096

Totals *Excluding £35,000 levy for Montpelier Square Garden Committee


Greater London Authority







Population base (Revenue Support Grant Assumptions)



















Total Amount per Band D amount resident Council Tax £,000 £ £

Westminster City Council

Collection fund adjustments

Redistributed non-domestic rates

Revenue support grant


Westminster City Council budget requirement*

Details of the make-up of your council tax

153.11 339.82

40,254 89,341







142,548 -626














Total Amount per Band D amount resident Council Tax £,000 £ £


This table shows how the council tax for a Band D property is calculated. The actual amount payable by each council taxpayer is dependent on their property band and household composition.

Council tax 2011/12

Our budget

How it has changed from last year

Westminster City Council’s Net Budget Requirement (its expenditure net of income and specific government grants and subsidies but before allowing for formula grant, area based grant and council tax income) for 2011/12 is £236.32 million, a decrease of £25.25 million over the 2010/11 budget. The reduction of £25m is largely the result of a corresponding net fall in central government funding (revenue support grant and area based grant). The key changes to the net budget are shown below. Our budget: How it has changed from last year £,000


Change in Levies

Change in Use of Reserves

Service Improvements & Other Provisions

Service Efficiencies & Other Savings

Change to Collection Fund Adjustment

Net variations

2011/12 budget requirement


Changes -106



-63,451 105



westminster.gov.uk 53


Nil 880,150


880,150 Total budget requirement

Council Tax

Use of / Contribution to Reserves

-49,087 49,087


-186,610 186,610

2,540 Levies

Revenue Support Grant & Business Rates

Area based grant (ABG) income

233,152 644,453 877,605 Service expenditure sub total

15,656 7,411 23,067 Corporate

52,342 71,547 City Management





Parking & Transportation




Business , Enterprise & Skills

2,914 7,475 10,389 Built Environment








Children’s Services

88,351 45,607 133,958 Society, Families & Adults


20,279 6,186 Community Services

44,903 72,165


Finance & Resources

16,280 22,950 Central Services


Net expenditure £,000s £,000s Income

Gross expenditure £,000s Class of Service

2011/12 estimates

Introduction Boris Johnson’s third budget continues to deliver on his priority to provide taxpayer value and protect front line services. For three years running he has frozen the GLA’s element of the Council Tax for residents of the 32 London boroughs, as well as fulfilling his manifesto commitment that Band D households would continue to pay only 38p a week for the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. In the current economic climate the public sector must do more with less, delivering improved public services for no extra cost. The Mayor will continue to invest in his priorities by increasing front-line policing levels, improving public transport, investing in new local green spaces to make our city cleaner and greener, working to increase young people’s opportunities and ensuring the 2012 Games leave a lasting legacy to lengthen London’s lead as the World’s Best Big City. Council Tax and Budget Information The GLA’s take of the Council Tax at Band D will remain at £309.82 or £5.96 a week. The table below shows how the Council tax (at Band D) is allocated. Council Tax




MPA (Police)




LFEPA (Fire)
















TfL (Transport) Collection Funds




898,375 898,374

-48,952 48,952

-30,615 30,615


263,302 632,427 895,728


6,865 8,798 15,663


60,419 18,543 78,962







3,573 6,725 10,298




28,771 120,941





37,767 72,952





6,565 30,666

54 westminster.gov.uk




Gross expenditure £,000s

Net expenditure £,000s £,000s

Total (£)

2010/11 estimates

Our budget: What we spend and where it goes

Greater London Authority


A Band D Council Tax payer in the City of London, which has its own police force, will pay £81.87. Restructuring City Hall and Controlling Costs The Mayor has put value for money at the very heart of his administration and has controlled costs tightly as well as ruthlessly cutting out waste. City Hall has been streamlined to deliver his priorities to Londoners more efficiently and effectively. These back office savings have released money which is being used to deliver the Mayor’s key priorities including: supporting three new Rape Crisis Centres; delivering 50,000 more affordable homes by 2012 - the largest number in a single Mayoral term, upgrading 50 sporting facilities prior to the 2012 Games to increase participation in sports and improving 11 rundown parks alongside planting 10,000 street trees to enhance London’s public realm. westminster.gov.uk 55

Policing The Mayor’s first priority is to make London safer. This budget enables the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) to continue to focus resources on preventing violence against women and young people and reducing the levels of gang, knife and gun crime. Support for local policing through the Safer Neighbourhood Teams will be maintained in order to boost confidence in the Police Service. The Metropolitan Police will have the resources to recruit more warranted officers, putting an extra 400 uniformed police onto London’s public transport network. Police officer numbers will be maintained at higher levels in 2011-12 than when the current Mayor came into office. London’s Transport System In the face of a challenging public spending round, fare rises have remained as modest as possible in order to give TfL a predictable and steady funding stream to maintain the investment needed to improve London’s transport system. All existing free and concessionary travel schemes, including the 24 hour Freedom Pass for older and disabled Londoners, free bus travel for those under 16 and half price bus travel for Londoners who are on income related benefits have been protected. The Mayor has fought for and secured a four year funding settlement from the Government which maintains investment in London’s transport infrastructure including:

2012 Olympics and Paralympics The amount to be raised through the Council Tax for the Games remains at £20 – or 38p a week - for a Band D household. This delivers on the Mayor’s commitment that it would not increase. The GLA will seek to ensure the benefits of the Games are seen London-wide and leave a lasting legacy. London Fire Brigade The budget for the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) will protect front line services in the London Fire Brigade. The Authority is building on its recent successes in reducing fires, fire deaths, arson attacks and hoax calls. Summary of GLA Group Budget The tables below provide information on the key funding sources for the GLA, including Council Tax and the reasons for the changes in the overall budget since last year. How the budget is funded


Gross Expenditure


Fares, charges and other income


Government grants for specific purposes


General Government grants


• The financing of the main construction works for the Crossrail project, which will increase London’s rail capacity by over 10%;

Use of reserves Surplus in council tax collection funds


• The completion of the upgrade of the Tube network and completing the delivery of new air conditioned trains for the District, Circle, Hammersmith & City and Metropolitan Lines;

Amount met by council tax payers


• Completing the planned extensions of the DLR to Stratford International and the East London line to Clapham Junction and Highbury & Islington;

Changes in spending 2010-11 Budget requirement Inflation

• Maintaining bus mileage at current levels and tackling overcrowding on the Croydon Tramlink;

Efficiencies and other savings

• Making London a genuinely cycle-friendly city including extending the Barclays Cycle Hire Scheme before the 2012 Games and delivering 12 cycle superhighways by 2015.

Other changes (including income growth)

Growth for existing services and new initiatives 2011-12 budget requirement


£m 3,263 124 -419 395 -80 3,283

The Mayor has listened to the wishes of local residents and businesses and abolished the Western Extension to the Congestion Charge zone. He is also working with London boroughs to improve road safety and deliver improvements to London’s road network.

56 westminster.gov.uk

westminster.gov.uk 57

The table below compares the GLA group’s expenditure for the MPA, LFEPA and for Other Services in 2011-12 with the previous year. Overall the budget requirement (funded from general grants and council tax) will increase by 0.4% - a reduction in real terms of around 3% based on expected retail price inflation levels in 2011/12.

£m Gross expenditure

Fire (LFEPA)

Other Services (including GLA and TfL)


2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 3,645.0




Specific government grants




-11.7 -4,030.7 -3,524.9 -4,648.1


Other income (incl. fares and charges)




-19.2 -5,175.5 -5,618.1 -5,557.5


























Net expenditure Change to Level of Reserves Budget requirement


The Council Tax (demand notices) (England) Regulations 2010. The Environment Agency is a levying body for its flood defence function under the Water Resources Act 1991. It provides the following information in connection with the requirements of the above regulations.

Summary of Spending and Income Police (MPA)

Environment Agency Thames Region

9,068.6 13,968.9 13,100.5

The Environment Agency has powers in respect of flood defence for 5,200 kilometers of main river along tidal and sea defences in the area of the Thames Regional Flood Defence Committee. Flood defence money is spent on the construction of new flood defence schemes, the maintenance of the river system and existing flood defences together with the operation of a flood warning system. The financial details are: Thames Regional Flood Defence Committee

Gross expenditure

More information on the budget is available on the GLA website at www.london.gov.uk. (tel: 020 7983 4000).

Levies raised Total council tax base

2010/11 £,000

2011/12 £,000







The majority of funding for flood defence comes directly from the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). However, where there are schemes which do not attract central funding the Agency may seek funding from County and Metropolitan Councils, Unitary Authorities and London Boroughs in the form of a Local Levy. The Local Levy is shared on the basis of Band D Equivalents between all contributing bodies within the Committee Area. Changes in the Gross Budgeted expenditure between the years reflects the impact of the Government Spending Review and national prioritisation of capital projects. The total Local Levy raised has remained the same in 2011/12 as in 2010/11 at £10,000,000.

58 westminster.gov.uk

westminster.gov.uk 59

Our commitment to enterprise

of the Greater London Council (GLC), the Inner London Education Authority (ILEA) and the London Residuary Body (LRB).

The council is committed to supporting business growth and helping entrepreneurs to succeed across the city. A number of projects have been launched which include public realm improvements to business areas and a Creative Industries programme to support a sector responsible for over 69,000 local jobs. Business information points are also available in four Westminster libraries to give your business access to computers, databases, contacts and research. To find your nearest information point visit westminster.gov.uk/businesslibraries.

For 2011/12, the income to be raised by levies is set out below. The Greater London levy is payable by all boroughs, the Inner London levy only in Inner London Boroughs (including the City of London). The figures show the total to be raised and, in brackets, the percentage change on the previous year. • Inner London £13,230,000 (-1.2%) • Greater London £10,317,750 (-9.4%) • Total £23,382,950 (-5.0%)

Apprenticeships Contact the London Apprenticeship Company if you are interested in an apprenticeship opportunity or in hiring an apprentice. For further information visit londonapprenticeship. co.uk, email info@londonapprenticeship.co.uk or call 020 7963 8548.

The Lee Valley Regional Park Authority was established by an Act of Parliament in 1966 to regenerate, develop and manage approximately 10,000 acres of the Lee Valley, which had become largely derelict, and transform it in to a unique leisure and nature conservation resource for the benefit of Hertfordshire, Essex and London. Its total levy for 2011/12 is £12m, of which the council bears £0.38m. Further details on how this budget is spent and the amount each council contributes can be found at www.leevalleypark.org.uk.

Business e-newsletter Sign up to receive our bi-monthly e-newsletter. Visit westminster.gov.uk/ businesssignup.

Other budget information Budget requirement The table on page 54 shows the expenditure and income on the main classes of services administered by Westminster City Council. Levies The expenditure shown in the table on page 54 includes levies charged by the following authorities. 2010/11 £,000

2011/12 £,000



Environment Agency*



Lee Valley Regional Park Authority





London Pensions Fund Authority

* Details of the Environment Agency finances are on page 59.

The London Pensions Fund Authority (LPFA) raises a levy each year to meet pensions costs and other employer liabilities for which LPFA is now responsible but cannot charge due to the pension fund. These payments relate to former employees 60 westminster.gov.uk

Montpelier Square The Montpelier Square Garden Committee, which is elected by residents in the square, has issued a levy of £35,000 to meet its special expenses which amounts to £387.73 for a Band D property. The total Band D Council Tax for properties in this area including this levy and Westminster City Council and Greater London Authority elements is £1,075.35. Staff Numbers The 2011/12 budget provides for the full time equivalent (FTE) of 4,162 staff including teachers. This is a reduction of 420 over 2010/11 staffing levels. Capital Expenditure The council’s net capital programme is £70m in 2011/12 (compared with £108m in 2010/11). Balances The General Fund balance (excluding earmarked reserves) at the end of March 2011 is estimated at £13.3m. Liabilities The council raises loans to finance capital expenditure on land, buildings and other assets. The long term debt outstanding at 31st March 2010 amounted to £240 million.

westminster.gov.uk 61


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