The Westminster Reporter

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reporter T H E


ISSuE ISSuE107 91 SpRINg 2008 2012 DECEMBER


Westminster City Council magazine

Reuse and reduce thisRChristmas ING

Gofor green GetHowready the being eco-friendly 2012 can cutGames your costs

Love your market

new skills


How you can save waste and money

see special Learn supplement inside

Where you can get good quality at great prices

Courses on offer in a library near you

WIN! £WIN! 25,000

Community Where does your heroes recycling go? rewarded Find out what the council

see page 23 for details £5,000 worth

does with it

Find out CHRISTMAS what’s on LIGHTS

of Selfridges vouchers

Celebrate the A Diamond Jubilee E V A H N E E GCRHRISTMAS

Westminster City Council

Westminster City Hall 64 Victoria Street London SW1E 6QP

WIN! See page 7

The Sugababes give Oxford Street the special touch

020 7641 6000

theatre tickets see pages 19 and 25

Community Reassurance

Unlock the door

to homeownership in Westminster

Do you live or work in Westminster? Homeownership Westminster is a council service that prioritises those currently living or working in the City of Westminster for homeownership and rental ADVERT opportunities through a number of different options. Arrange a face-to-face meeting to find out more and see how we can assist with your housing aspirations!

Register today Call: 0845 437 9701 Visit: Email: Find us on Facebook at Homeownership Westminster

Follow us on @HOW_Catalyst

Homeownership Westminster is delivered by Catalyst Housing, a charitable housing association 2 The Westminster Reporter

ISSuE 107 SpRINg 2012

Westminster City Council magazine

contents Follow us on


The Westminster Reporter is produced as part of Westminster City Council’s customer service programme. Cabinet Member responsible for Communications: Councillor philippa Roe, Leader of Westminster City Council. The Westminster Reporter is delivered to homes and businesses throughout Westminster. If you encounter delivery problems, please call the communications team on 020 7641 8088.


For general enquiries, call the council switchboard on 020 7641 6000. To discuss editorial matters, please contact: The Editor, The Westminster Reporter, 17th Floor, Westminster City Hall, 64 Victoria St, London SW1E 6Qp. Telephone: 020 7641 5295 Fax: 020 7641 2958 Email: Minicom: 020 7641 2948 The editorial team: Claire Appleby, Nicky Jackson, Samantha Newman and Clym Sutcliffe. Advertising Options: please contact Cath McNeill on 020 7641 2476, or Reference copies of The Westminster Reporter are available in large print and audiotape format. To have a free copy sent to your home call 020 7641 5295.


Also available from libraries and leisure centres.


Council Tax frozen


Community Awards

Meet the new Leader


Win £25,000

8 12

Celebrate the Diamond Jubilee



Low-cost family fun


Win theatre tickets – page 19 and 25

published by Westminster City Council, Westminster City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6Qp printed by Service Point UK Ltd, 161-165 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3AL printed on FSC® certified material. please recycle The Westminster Reporter. For more information on recycling call the Environmental Action Line on 020 7641 2000.

The Westminster Reporter 3

News in brief

Youth Column

Securing our future employment

With youth unemployment on the rise, there’s lots of support for young people to improve their skills and get a head start in their careers. Westminster Academy pupil Mohamad Salam Perez, 14, is enrolled on the Westminster Young Enterprise programme. He tells us why it’s important to gain work experience.

New look for Council House


he old Marylebone Town Hall will be restored to its former glory through a new lease with London Business School. A two-year refurbishment will start in 2013 and the building is due to reopen in 2015 as a campus for executive education and degree programmes.


ecause there aren’t many jobs about for young people I think it’s important we have the chance to get involved in programmes that can help us enhance our skills and attitude to work. My experiences of the Young Enterprise programme have made me realise that you have to want to work and can’t be lazy about it. The most important thing I’ve learnt is people skills and if I need to have an interview I would approach it with much more confidence. It’s important that young people help themselves too. I’m currently doing a ten-week internship at Barclays Bank and I spend each week Mulenga Kasoma, former Connexions apprentice who now works at the London Apprenticeship Company with a different department. Last week I was with the new Business that’s why they can’t offer jobs to Manager and learned how to open a more young people but maybe they new bank account for a millionaire. could think about taking on more My advice for young people is to go apprentices. That way we can get out and find out what it is you like to experience and prove that we have do. Then study this and become really skills to offer, and they will benefit good at it. I know businesses are struggling and from an extra pair of hands. To find out how you can help young people get into employment visit

4 The Westminster Reporter

Find out more at councilhouse

New location for Marylebone Library


arylebone Library will permanently move to a new local venue with more space and modern facilities. We are considering two new locations for the library: Luxborough Street and Moxon Street. We will provide a temporary library at a nearby location whilst the new library is built, so that local people are not left without a library service. Find out more at www.

Leader’s Column A new Leader for Westminster It is an honour and privilege to be Westminster’s City Council’s new lLeader. I understand the challenges that come with this role.

Leicester Square reopens


new-look Leicester Square will soon reopen after a £15.5 million two-year renovation programme in time for the 2012 games. New gardens, side streets, granite paving and seating will revitalise the square for the 250,000 people who visit it every day.

Get help with the digital switchover


etween 4th and 18th April 2012, analogue television will be switched off across London. If you don’t have digital TV, you won’t be able to watch. If you’re disabled or over 75 you can get help switching to digital. The Switchover Help Scheme can arrange for an approved installer to supply and install everything you need to switch your TV to digital. Call free on 0800 40 85 900 or visit

Did yo.u know ..

old have your d e arrange to can 0 bulky items collect 1 to p u ? d 0 n 2 TV a ncil for £ by the cou 1 2000. 764 0 2 0 ll a C


hey come because of the uniqueness, diversity and vibrancy of the city, which represents the best of Britain. They also come because of Westminster’s unique position – home to palace, parliament but also areas of significant deprivation. I also know that with the Olympic and paralympic games ames and Jubilee this summer, the eyes of the world will be on our city. I have lived or worked in Westminster for the last 27 years, more latterly, raising a family. I am therefore absolutely committed to delivering on what residents want. I know that many are feeling the pinch at this time. Therefore my priorities are clear: low tax and value for money; clean and safe streets and decent schools. But I also recognise that we need to help those who cannot help themselves by providing and creating opportunities. My experience in business, in politics and in my personal life is that if you help people and work with their aspirations, then the vast majority will grasp the opportunities they are offered. This year’s budget therefore proposes no increase in Council Tax for the fifth consecutive year. We’ll also start work this year on a major programme to renew our council estates including in Tollgate and in the

Church Street renewal area. We’ll work with the police to tackle gang culture and youth violence whilst we are taking on an additional 22 street sweepers to keep our streets clean. I also want to create the conditions for businesses to grow and create work for local people. I know that unemployment is a major issue for many of our young. That’s why we will create 2,012 job and training opportunities for young people across Westminster. I am committed to making Westminster a better city. A place where we create new opportunities for young and old alike to lead better lives, using the history, imagination and lessons of Westminster’s past and present to serve as inspiration for our future. I look forward to serving you.

Cllr Philippa Roe, Leader of Westminster City Council The Westminster Reporter 5




u o y d i D . . . w o n k

west second lo e th y a p u ? ...yo x in the UK Council Ta inster. Visit westm

Amount we saved in 2011-12

Giving you value for your Council Tax

Find out how we’ve frozen Council Tax for the fifth year in a row.


imes may be tough, but a combination of costefficiency and innovative new programmes helped us to save £61 million in the past year. Rather than make huge cuts to frontline services, 80% of our savings have been made by reducing back-office

New ways of working


e have saved money by delivering services in new ways. Our Family Recovery programme provides vulnerable families with intensive and co-ordinated support from all the people who can help them such as the council, NHS and police. This reduces the long-term cost on local services by tackling problems head-on as quickly as possible. By outsourcing our sport and leisure services, working with partners and redeveloping facilities we are due to save £1.2 million every year by 2016, when we will be the first council in the uK to provide sport and leisure services at no cost to local residents. At the same time we’re improving facilities and opening new ones such as Marshall Street and Little Venice Sports Centres. We’re also saving money by offering more online transactions. You can now set up a Direct Debit to pay your council tax and apply for Council Tax discounts and exemptions online. Andres garcia

6 The Westminster Reporter

functions and finding more cost-effective ways of delivering services. This means that most of the services that matter to you have been maintained. Although we have had to make some cuts, we have protected services that are used by everyone and continued to support the most vulnerable people.


’ve recently discovered that libraries are a great place to come to learn how to use a computer. I’ve been to a few computer classes and come here to practice my skills. I know that money is scarce but pimlico Library is a super library.” Angela Farrell, pimlico.

Angela Farrell


hat I love about living in Westminster is the fact that you’re so close to all of the buzz and mix of people of central London but are also surrounded by great services. What’s also handy is being able to use my ResCard for £1 swimming sessions at my local leisure centre. generally, I think that the services we receive are exceptional value for money.” Andres Garnica, Lancaster gate.

Find out more at


Band D Council Tax is £684.52

youyo r ur

Calendar of

exclusive offers Calendar ofand discounts exclusive offers inside. and discountssee page inside.



rectory direcditory 2012-201 2012-2 013 3

How to find on how you services online and How to find services information ronline counciland tax information on how your council tax is spent is spent see page 39

Westmin ster City Council Westmins ter City Hall 64 Victoria Street Westminster City Council London SW1E 020 7641 6000 6QP Westminster City Hall 64 Victoria Street London SW1E 6QP

money for £170 million

Streets, parks and highways

£75 million

Adult Social Care

£126 million

Planning and transport

£24 million

Maintaining council-owned buildings

£25 million


£27 million

Libraries and leisure

£14 million


£340 million

Customer services, grants and corporate services

£87 million

Central Services

£15 million

Reserves and levies

£5 million


westminster.go 1


Priorities for the year

How do we spend your money? Children’s Services and schools

020 7641 6000

£908 million

• we • we have pledged have pledged £2 million to help keep your streets clean • clamping down on benefit fraud, from drivers using fake disabled permits to council house tenants renting out their own houses • tackling youth violence and gangs • renewing local housing to improve communities.

Joint services


know that Westminster puts our Council Tax to great use with the fantastic Children’s Centres. Leo goes to Bayswater Children’s Centre which we rely on to meet other young families. We also spend a lot of time in the open spaces which are always kept so well. Coming from New York, I’m impressed with what Westminster has to offer to us.” Lyudmila and Leo Razumova, Bayswater.


e’re working with the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham and The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea to share adult services, children’s services and libraries, with the aim of saving £33 million a year by 2015.

Lyudmila and Leo Razumova The Westminster Reporter 7

Meet your new Leader “I will give this job my all,” the new Leader of Westminster City Council has vowed, as she steps up from securing the finances of the council to taking the lead ahead of London’s most important summer.


llr philippa Roe was formally voted in as Leader of the Council at Marylebone Town Hall on 7th March. “I want to make sure people have a voice. I am already meeting with residents associations, business associations and staff – I want to talk to them.” Following her election, the first step was to confirm that Council Tax would be frozen for a record fifth successive year – a commitment that is only possible from a prudent financial approach under Cllr Roe’s former cabinet position as Cabinet Member for Strategic Finance. “We never take more from people than we need to in order to fund services,” she said. A married mother, with six-year-old twins, Cllr Roe made her name in business and pR in the city before making the move into politics. She joined Westminster City Council in 2006, as a ward member for Knightsbridge and Belgravia. Before becoming Cabinet Member 8 The Westminster Reporter

“I come from a family where we were encouraged to put something back into society – you are duty bound to do so if you are able.” Cllr philippa Roe Leader of Westminster City Council

for Strategic Finance in May 2011, she was Cabinet Member for Housing between 2008 and 2011. Councillor Roe is adamant that she has the credentials to lead. “I had always worked, but gave up when I became a mum. However an opportunity to be a ward councillor came up and I took it,” she said. “I was elected to cabinet within two years and my interest grew from that. “I grew up with politics. I will give this post my all.” True to her localism roots, the 49-year-old is a patron for Breast Cancer Haven centres, and she is Vice Chairman of London events with Macmillan Cancer Support.

“I come from a family where we were encouraged to put something back into society – you are duty bound to do so if you are able,” she says. Facing up to the challenges ahead, she revealed excitement about the future as the Olympic and paralympic games approach, but also acknowledged that the council hasn’t always got things right in the past. “We are good at running big events, we will make the games work, we have been planning for a long time. We have already run a test day and it was successful. “I have no plans to look at reinstating the parking plans. Congestion still remains a problem; we will look at ways to tackle this through the West End Commission. I want to look forward going ahead. parking is behind us.” For more information on the cabinet and how to contact individual councillors visit www.westminster.

The new cabinet Cllr Philippa Roe

Cllr Melvyn Caplan

Leader of Westminster City Council

Cabinet Member for Finance and Customer Services

Responsibilities: Communications and Strategy, government Relations, pperformance, Chairman of the Health and Wellbeing Board, Equalities, pay ay policy and the Royal parks Board.

Responsibilities: finance, IT, HR, procurement, the Westminster Standard and customer services.

Cllr Robert Davis DL

Cabinet Member for Public Health and Premises Management

Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Built Environment Responsibilities: planning, Olympic and pparalympic games, major projects around Leicester Square and piccadilly, special events, sport and leisure and the community governance review.

Cllr Nickie Aiken Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Community Protection Responsibilities: children at risk, early years, schools and education, play services, Family Recovery programme, youth offending and domestic violence.

Cllr Ed Argar Cabinet Member for City Management and Transport Responsibilities: street cleaning and management, roads and highway maintenance, parks, recycling, CCTV and public toilets.

Cllr Daniel Astaire Cabinet Member for Business Responsibilities: Markets, street trading, Business Improvement Districts, adult education and skills, employment, training/ apprenticeships and parking policy.

Cllr Tony Devenish

Responsibilities: licensing policy and enforcement, trading standards, residential and commercial environmental health, air pollution and air quality.

Cllr Jonathan Glanz Cabinet Member for Housing and Property Responsibilities: housing options, housing management and CityWest Homes, housing renewal strategy, empty homes and corporate property.

Cllr Rachael Robathan Cabinet Member for Adults Responsibilities: adult services, mental health, adult disabilities, rough sleeping and relations with the NHS.

Cllr Lee Rowley Cabinet Member for Community Services Responsibilities: sport and leisure (post-Olympics), arts, libraries, civic engagement, advice services, neighbourhoods, ward budgets and volunteering.

The Westminster Reporter 9


Renewing communities

Artist’s impression

We’re working with residents in Westminster to create new homes and open spaces. In 2010 residents of the Tollgate Gardens Estate voted for a big change to their area and regeneration plans have now been approved.


lans focus on providing more open spaces through communal gardens and play areas and building more affordable homes including bigger homes for families. Where possible, ground floor family homes will have private gardens and flats will have access to balconies, decks or roof gardens. We will also improve community facilities including a new and bigger community centre. Local residents have been involved in the renewal plans and voted on what they want to see in their area. Azieb Nagash lives on the estate and

The masterplanners are now working with residents to finalise the designs before submitting the planning application in October. Work is due to start in December 2013 if the application is successful.

“For me it’s a good plan. There will be more housing for people who really need it and more space for my children to play.” Azieb Nagash Tollgate Estate resident

says: “For me it’s a good plan. There will be more housing for people who really need it and more space for my children to play. At the moment there isn’t a park on the estate which means I have to go to the big park and organise food and drink for my children. It will be great if we can use a local play area instead.”

Ismail has been living in the Church Street area for ten years.


’m pleased that there is going to be investment in the area – it’s exciting but I want to make sure that it’s done well. I am part the design team, which is a group of residents who have volunteered and we’re working with the council and architects to design three new homes that will be built to show everyone how good the new homes will be.”

To find out more visit

10 The Westminster Reporter


CV advice sessions Visit a CV advice session on the last Wednesday of every month at Westminster Reference Library, 35 St. Martin’s Street, WC2H 7HP. The sessions cost £10. Call 020 7641 1300 to book.

Keeping Westminster working Artist’s impression

Renewal roundup Other renewal areas are Church Street and Paddington Green, Westbourne Green and Ebury Bridge.

Church St and Paddington Green Plans include better outdoor space for young people, improving Church Street market, bigger homes and a new community hub to provide local services.

Westbourne Green We are consulting with residents to confirm plans, which will include improvements to Harrow Road to reduce noise and congestion, larger homes for local families who are overcrowded and improving the area under the Westway.

Ebury Bridge Plans are likely to include a new community centre, bigger homes and communal gardens.

Find out how we’re helping local people into housing and jobs whilst creating a thriving city for everyone.


est End workers can now apply for rented accommodation in Westminster at a third of the rental rate of the private sector. Adrian Stones from Soho says: “I share with one other person and it works really well for us. “Sharing makes for much cheaper living costs which really helps as living

in central London can be expensive. I enjoy sharing the flat as I think I would be pretty bored living by myself. “The flat is great for work for both of us and allows us to get involved in some volunteering work too. One of the surprising things about living so centrally is how much of a local community feel there is.”

For more information or to find out if you are eligible, call 0845 437 9701 or email

Helping entrepreneurs


udding entrepreneurs can get their businesses off the ground with help and support sessions at Westminster Reference Library, Church Street, pimlico and paddington Libraries. Maimunar Fraser recently set up her own business, Star Fragrance Ltd, selling handmade candles. She says: “I’ve had support from events at Church Street Library and they were very good at helping me think of how to build my business. I have found the sessions at the library really helpful and I’ve also used the Business Information points to help me find contacts.” Call 020 7641 1300 or email to find out more. Maimuna Fraser set up her own business The Westminster Reporter 11


of charities and organisations of ships launched of which the Queen is patron by the Queen 600 Number 21 Number

Celebrate the Di Westminster is the focal point for The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations from 2nd to 5th June.


xford Street, Regent Street and Coventry Street will be streaming with union Jack Flags, a thousand boats will take to the River Thames for the Diamond Jubilee pageant and the streets will be awash with musical performances. But the weekend is just as much about community events so why not take the opportunity to organise a street party? We will remove the red tape to make it easy for you. Let us know your plans as soon as possible and our special events team will give you advice and guidance to help you. We can also give you recycling and rubbish bins that we will deliver and collect. Visit or call 020 7641 2390.

Boating Base joins historic River Pageant


ake to the banks of the River Thames on the afternoon of Sunday 3rd June to support local charity, Westminster Boating Base, as they send eight kayaks onto the River Thames as part of the Thames Diamond Jubilee pageant. The Boating Base was selected from thousands of organisations who applied to take part in this historic event. They will join over 1,000 boats of all shapes and sizes dressed with streamers and union Jacks.

12 The Westminster Reporter

Street parties Jeanine Zirps organised a street party for the royal wedding.


he whole street came out to decorate and put up bunting the night before. It was fantastic fun and really helped kick-start the party. Then on the day everybody brought along something to eat or drink, which meant nobody had to do too much. I can’t wait for the next one.”

Jeanine’s street party advice • It’s t’s important to delegate, not only to take some pressure off the organisers, but also so that everyone feels involved. We let everybody know what we were planning and encouraged them to help out. • It doesn’t have to be fancy, it’s just about everybody getting together and contributing to a great community event. We didn’t hire anything, instead everyone brought their own tables and chairs onto the street.

of official overseas visits 261 Number

iamond Jubilee Coronation memories

Jack and Rose Fisher have lived on Regency Street since 1964.


ack says: “We met while we were both working for London Transport at the bus garage in Victoria. “Rose was the conductress on the number 52 bus that I drove. We married at St. Stephen’s with St. John on Rochester Row on 6th September 1952. “On the day of the Coronation, I was working a 12-hour shift diverting buses near Camden. Rose was lucky enough to have a friend with a television and watched the Coronation with a group of friends. “I’m very proud of the Queen and I think she’s had a marvellous reign. We’ll be watching the Diamond Jubilee procession and celebrations on TV.”

Gillian Dick, 72, lived above Marshall Street Baths for 20 years.


y father Len was the Baths Superintendent. Back then, people would pay sixpence to have their weekly bath in the cast iron tubs and housewives would do their laundry and use the ironing room. “We lived in DuFours place, or Duffers Alley as it was known then. During the war my father was an air raid warden and spent his nights on the roof of Marshall Street. I have fond memories of the place so it was very emotional to attend the reopening of the baths in 2010 after almost a decade of them lying derelict. “I vividly remember watching the Coronation on our 9” black and white TV. As we knew the Queen would be getting close, me and my brother David rushed out of the house towards Oxford Circus and down Regent Street. “It helped being children because when we got close to the procession, we pushed through the crowds and were able to see the coach with the Queen in and the soldiers go past. “I no longer live in Soho, but to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee I’ll be joining in with our local village celebrations.”

What’s on 31st May-5th June Diamond Jubilee Festival Musical evenings at St. Martin-in-theFields including Coronation anthems and a Proms concert. Visit

Sunday 3rd June Thames River Pageant A thousand boats take to the River Thames with big screens along the route from Hammersmith to Greenwich.

The Big Jubilee Lunch Get together with your neighbours to hold a Big Jubilee lunch. Visit

Monday 4th June Diamond Jubilee Concert A ticketed event at Buckingham Palace that will be broadcast live on BBC One.

Tuesday 5th June Service of Thanksgiving and Carriage Procession A service at St. Paul’s Cathedral. Procession time and route to be confirmed. If you want to be part of the national celebrations, visit for the latest event listings.

Parking will be affected during the Jubilee Weekend due to Metropolitan Police road closures. To find out if you’re affected visit jubileeparking

The Westminster Reporter 13


6th-8th Easter April activities

Your Westminster Find out what’s going on in your local area and how to get involved. Pimlico People When: Mondays from 23rd April, 2-4pm Age: 50+ What: Reminisce about the Royal Jubilee or the Olympics and write your thoughts down so others will be inspired by them. Where: Churchill Gardens Hall (turn left by the Toy Museum on Lupus Street), Churchill Gardens Estate, Pimlico, SW1V 3AL Contact: Call 020 7976 6354 or visit Cost: £2 per session Nearest tube: Pimlico

Zumba Gold When: Tuesdays from 24th April, 1.30-2.30pm Age: 50+ What: Have fun moving to Latin beats in this slower-paced Zumba class. Where: Moberly Sports Centre, Kilburn Lane, W10 4AH Contact: Call 020 8964 1900 Cost: £1 per session Buses: 6, 187, 316

Hyde Bark When: 15th April, 10am-6pm (registration opens at 9.30am) What: A great family day out packed full of attraction including vet demonstrations and pet behaviour advice. Where: Hyde Park (near The Pavilion, closest entrance is Alexandra Gate). Contact: Visit Buses: 9, 10, 52, 452

14 The Westminster Reporter

World Book Night When: 23rd April, 6-7.45pm Age: 50+ What: Hear from authors Jean Fullerton and Catherine King as they talk about their books, Perhaps Tomorrow and The Lost and Found Girl in celebration of World Book Night. Where: Victoria Library, 160 Buckingham Palace Road, SW1W 9UD Contact: Call 020 7641 1300 Cost: Free Nearest tube: Victoria

Dickensfest When: 28th April, 10am-5pm Age: 16+ What: Westminster City Archives and King’s College London invite you to a free day of readings and talks celebrating the great author Charles Dickens. Expert speakers share new perspectives on Dickens’ life and works, and reveal how our wonderful city inspired his works. Where: The Great Hall, King’s College London, Strand, WC2R 2LS Contact: Visit archives/dickensfest Cost: Free Nearest tube: Temple

Quick view 7th April, 2.15pm London Boat Race Putney to Mortlake. Visit:

21st April, 12.30-6pm St. George’s Day Festival Trafalgar Square is transformed into an English Garden with free entertainment, live bands and street actors putting on a very English display. Visit:

22nd April, 9.30m Virgin London Marathon Visit:

2nd May, 12 midday Vaisakhi A colourful celebration in Trafalgar Square to welcome in the Sikh New Year. Visit:

How you can help

Keeping your streets clean

• Make • Make Make sure you know your sure you know your rubbish and recycling collection times and put your bins, bags or recycling nes containers out at the start of n to 0 0 ,0 0 2 we clean every year? .....w er your time band tt li t e e of str • Report Report street problems to your • Report local Westminster Warden • Use the street recycling and • Use litter bins

Did yo.u know ..

Clean streets are always one of our priorities, but as the city comes under the international spotlight during the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the Olympic and Paralympic Games, it’s more important than ever. It’s everyone’s responsibility to play their part and take pride in where you live. Simon Daniels from Windsor Gardens was concerned that the streets around him were starting to feel dirty.

Feeding pigeons


eeding pigeons increases their population and can also attract rats. please don’t feed them on the street, they are scavengers and are well-equipped to find their own sources of food.


y street seemed dirty, so I spoke to Ashik Ali, my local Warden, who used the opportunity while parking was suspended to get some extra cleaning done. It’s brilliant to know who to contact and to know that things will get dealt with quickly.”

Find out more at uk/pigeonfeeding

Ashik Ali

Report street problems to the Environmental Action Line on 020 7641 2000.. Find out how to contact your local warden at

Helping you to recycle



You can now recycle ALL cartons including Tetra Paks. Simply rinse them out and place them in your recycling bag or container if you have a doorstep collection or your nearest micro recycling centre.

Let’s recycle even more. Find out how at www

ecycling is 40% cheaper to process than disposing of rubbish. Last year you saved £½ a million by recycling. If everyone in Westminster recycled, next year you could save over £2 million, meaning there is more money to spend on services such as street cleaning. To find out what you can recycle and your recycling collection times visit or call the Environmental Action Line on 020 7641 2000.

Money-saving rubbish trucks on your streets


new fleet of eco-friendly vehicles including some that can double up as winter gritters will save £300,000 a year in fuel costs. State-of-the-art technology means they are quieter and emit fewer CO2 emissions as they go about collecting 35 million bags of waste from your streets every year. The Westminster Reporter 15


Fun for all the fami Make sure you and your family make the most of free and low-cost services on your doorstep.


here are 12 libraries, 12 Children’s Centres, nine sports and leisure centres, and over 60 parks, gardens and open spaces and playgrounds. You can also join one of our eight holiday and afterschool play projects. Here’s our pick of some of the best family fun in the city.

Children’s Centres Visit your local Children’s Centre to find out what’s on.


Harrow Road Children’s Centre

very centre has free play sessions, early learning, health service and parenting information. You can also access adult education classes and training and there’s support through home visits.

For more information visit

Inelda Monteiro, from Vauxhall Bridge Road, says:


y son and daughter come to Sussex Street play Centre where they have fun with other local kids. I can drop them off which is a big help to me as it gives me a bit of free time to myself which I normally spend doing the shopping. “They get really excited to come and I often have to drag them away. The staff are fun and provide good role models for all the kids. “Even though we’re in the centre of London I find it a nice quiet and safe place for the kids to grow up.”

16 The Westminster Reporter

Playtime If you need low-cost supervised after-school and holiday childcare, where your children can play safely and happily whilst you are at work, visit a Play Centre.


s well as after-school and holiday play services, the council also runs FREE play sessions at playgrounds and parks across the city for 8 to 13-year-olds on Saturdays during term-time and at least three days per week during the school holidays. Most sessions are sport and physical activity-based and arts and crafts activities are usually available. The sessions happen at Lisson green Estate, Elmfield Way, Queen’s park gardens, Lydford Estate, paddington Recreation ground, Westbourne green, Vincent Street, Causton Street and peabody Avenue. Other sites are available in the summer holidays. For further information call the play Service on 020 7641 1107 or visit uk/playservice Inelda, Mayara and Madiu Monteiro (right)

for Paddington community projects £700k Funding

New service for adults with physical disabilities


I Joshua Hogan (left at Sussex Street play Centre with Dad, Lee

Stacey Palmer from Ebury Bridge, says:


bring Joshua along to Sussex Street play Centre after school sometimes and more often in half-term. It’s nice to see them playing together but also with the other kids who are different ages. I think it’s boosted his confidence. “Whilst Joshua is at the play centre, it gives me the chance to spend some time with my younger daughter or even just do the housework.”

Get the most from your local library Westminster’s 12 libraries are about more than just books. Family fun in libraries includes: • homework clubs • sessions for the under fives held regularly in 10 libraries • family learning • half-term and holiday events, courses and activities. plus this April get involved in Cityread London. Londoners of all ages will

be reading Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens and Westminster libraries will be running Oliver Twist themed events for readers of all ages. For more information visit www. or call 020 7641 2000.

Edouard, 2 ½, from Chelsea, comes to the under fives sessions at Victoria Library. His carer says:


douard socialises with other children and has really become a lot more confident since he started coming along.”


f you have a physical or sensory disability and are 18 to 49-years-old, you can use the new Westminster Connect service. It’s a pilot project that helps you to overcome barriers and build confidence and independent living skills. The service will encourage you to be ambitious about what you can achieve, helping you make lasting changes in your life. For more information call 020 7641 4559, text 07903 142 865 or email uk

£700,000 funding for Paddington community projects


ommunity projects that make a difference to local people will receive £700,000 in funding through the paddington Social and Community Fund. Those who will benefit include the Mozart pilot project for 8-13 year olds in the Harrow Road, Queen’s park and Westbourne area; £10,000 for an apprenticeship scheme; and funding for repair works to the Avenues Youth project building. Volunteer Centre Westminster, Open Age and local arts projects are also amongst those to receive funding. For more information visit www.

Support community projects A new donations website that helps community projects in south Westminster to get off the ground has launched at The Westminster Reporter 17

Veolia – main awards sponsors

GLL – kindly agreed to host the awards, free of charge, at Porchester Hall

Community Awards meet the winners!

Last month, Westminster’s community heroes were honoured at an awards ceremony in Bayswater. The awards recognise those people who make a positive difference to their communities, from helping older people to improving the local area and setting a great example to others. Inspirational Person of the Year WINNER: Antonina Yemelyanenko


ntonina inspires people in all sorts of ways, from giving advice to young people on how to find jobs, to combating drug-dealing and violence in her housing block, and becoming an Olympic volunteer. “My advice to people is ‘don’t be afraid’. go to your local library or on the internet – there are so many opportunities to help people and charities to work with. “It’s great to know that my efforts are being acknowledged – it inspires me to continue my work.” Sanja Morris

Partnership of the Year WINNERS: Sanja Morris and Simon Mullins, Dehesa restaurant


anja and Simon have formed a partnership with Switchback, a charity which helps former prisoners to find careers as chefs and kitchen staff. They raise money for the charity and provide work experience for ex-offenders. “We wanted to do something that wasn’t only about raising money; we also wanted to actively support the charity and the young people they work with. “We run a restaurant so it made sense for us to partner with Switchback. My advice is to find a charity or cause that links to your own business. If every small business in Westminster did something like this it would make such a huge difference.”

Antonina Yemelyanenko 18 The Westminster Reporter

The council would like to thank: Veolia – the main awards sponsors, GLL – who kindly agreed to host the awards, free of charge, at Porchester Hall, The West End Partnership – who sponsored Olympics tickets for the winners and runners-up in each category and the 230 people who sent in their award nominations.

The West End Partnership – sponsored Olympics tickets for the winners and runners-up in each category

Working with Young People Emily Marbach

WINNER: Emily Marbach


mily volunteers at Westminster Academy, helping children to overcome literacy problems. “I watched the building go up a few years ago and thought, ‘I wonder if they need some help?’ “To have a healthy society it’s really important to focus on children. The more opportunities that children have to improve their English by talking to adults, the better.”

List of winners in full: Working with Young People

Winner: Emily Marbach Runner-up: John Murphy Inspirational Person of the Year

Winner: Antonina Yemelyanenko Runner-up: Tarik Ellekhlifi Improving Westminster

Winner: Elaine Arthur Runner-up: Romil Patel Young Person of the Year

Working with Older People WINNER: Jacqui Haynes Jacqui Haynes


acqui runs a lunch club for older people and raises money by selling donated goods on a stall at Maida Hill Market. “Every community should have stuff like this going on. It’s almost like a way of saying, ‘it isn’t about money – it’s all about community’.”

Winner: Zak Antrobus Runner-up: Theo Calvin Working with Older People

Winner: Jacqui Haynes Runner-up: Jane Buttigieg Partnership of the Year

Winner: Dehesa restautant and Switchback Runner-up: Vital Regeneration and BNP Paribas Civic Community Person of the Year, sponsored by Veolia

Winner: Elaine Arthur The awards were judged by an independent panel made up of councillors and representatives of community

organisations in Westminster.

To find out more visit www. civiccommunityawards


Win tickets to see Ghost the Musical

Ghost is a timeless fantasy about the power of love. Sam is trapped as a ghost between this world and the next, trying to communicate with his girlfriend Molly through a phoney psychic in the hope of saving her from his murderer. A roller-coaster ride of romance, drama and excitement, GHOST has been adapted for the stage by Bruce Joel Rubin who won an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay. The new score and lyrics are by music legends Dave Stewart and Glen Ballard whose combined album sales top 250 million: the score also features the unforgettable Unchained Melody. To win one of three pairs of tickets email by 27th April stating ‘Ghost’ in the subject line.

Win tickets to see comedy play, The 39 Steps THE 39 STEPS is the hilarious comedy based on the 1935 Hitchcock spy film with four actors playing a minimum of ONE HUNDRED and ‘39’ roles! Winner of Laurence Olivier Award for Best New Comedy, THE 39 STEPS features iconic scenes from the film such as THE CHASE ON THE FLYING SCOTSMAN, THE ESCAPE ON THE FORTH BRIDGE and the FINALE AT THE LONDON PALLADIUM!


To win one of three pairs of family tickets (two adults and two children aged under 16) email by 4th May stating ‘39 Steps’ in the subject line. The Westminster Reporter 19


d t an por ortrand o sto pste t s e id ide tmin sp orrt and toinste r gu guur s idsetm gu We YouYourYo e riseuirne in eWin Westminster u s i ur is le le le 12 r 20 mbe r 2012 epte embe l – S – Sept 2012 Apri April Apri l – September

1 11 10:0


Get active 1 _aw.indd sport_card indd 1 active_passport_card_aw. active_pas

15/04/2011 10:01

Plans for new leisure centre in Queen’s Park Find out about our proposals to merge Jubilee and Moberly Sports Centres.


ave your say on our proposals to merge Jubilee and Moberly Sports Centres to create a new and improved £18 million sports and leisure centre for all Queen’s park residents. The proposed centre at Moberly will be larger than both the existing centres combined and will have new facilities including a swimming pool and dedicated learner pool, an eight-court sports hall, a health and

fitness suite, exercise and dance studios, a synthetic turf pitch and a boxing hall and community club facilities. The refurbishment will be funded by the sale of residential properties at both sites and will be at no cost to the tax payer. There will also be community facilities. Moberly is expected to close for redevelopment in 2014 for 20 months. Jubilee will remain open during this time.

Find out more about our proposals and let us know what you think at a drop-in session. Email newmoberly@ or visit

A weekend of free sport

eure uris edisle n l a t r d o n p s a E t E FR por FREE s 22nAdpA rilpril – t d s n 1 2 2 2 21st –

Don’t have time to take exercise classes during the week?


hink you have to buy membership before trying out the gym? Don’t want to be the only beginner in the class? Our regular weekends of free sport and leisure activities give you a chance to try out new activities at your local leisure centre and the next one is on 21st and 22nd April. There’s a packed schedule of taster sessions, gym inductions for beginners, new sports to try out and much more. Visit or call 020 7641 2012 to find out what’s on.

20 The Westminster Reporter

: sit: kend esoidr evisoitr vi tivewtieveeweekend id c in s k a s / in A k k u . s c v A .gte ers stin esintm r’. weswtm inste tm ter’. s e W ctive ctive Westmins ‘A h ‘A SearchSearc

Free swimming Don’t forget to sign up for your new ActiveWestminster Passport if you’re aged 19 or under.


ou will get free swimming and discounts on other activities in local leisure centres. It’s quick and easy to apply.

pick up an application form at your local leisure centre or visit

Did yo.u . . w o n k pick up a free can rt at your local po guide to s re centre? leisu

Local sport gets national recognition There are over 40 local sports clubs with an ActiveWestminster Mark, our quality accreditation mark.


he clubs offer something for all ages and interests whether you are a budding basketball player, gymnast or cricketer. And it could lead to a promising sporting career. Young footballers from Samba Street Soccer, one of our accredited clubs, have been invited to try out for some of the world’s top football teams including West Ham, Tottenham, Arsenal and QpR. Visit to get involved.

Have your say


The Mayor of London and London Assembly are responsible for the way your city is run. They work for you and are elected by you.

Have your say -- vote 3rD may

3 may rD

For more information please visit The Westminster Reporter 21

are eight safer schools officers dedicated to schools in Westminster 8 There

Tackling gangs head on Following the launch of the Met’s dedicated Trident Gang Crime Command in February, Westminster was named as one of 19 priority boroughs giving it a dedicated gang crime task force aimed at tackling local gang crime and offering prevention and diversion activities for young people.


etective Superintendent penny Banham, Lead for gangs and Serious Youth Violence in Westminster, explains what this means for the city and how it’s already starting to make a difference. “The launch of the new command is really about changing the way we deal with gang crime across London and building on the work that we are already doing to tackle serious youth violence. The approach is two-fold, firstly using our intelligence more consistently to deal with the key individuals affiliated to these gangs. Secondly, identifying those young people who are currently on the periphery of gang activity and who, with the

“Sometimes just by talking to these young people, their parents and families, we can start to change the way they think.” Detective Supt penny Banham

support of our partner agencies such as the local authority and schools, we can actively help to divert away from a life of crime. “It’s not just about waiting to arrest these people once they become involved in serious youth violence, it is about making early contact and letting young people know that we are aware they are affiliated to a gang. They need to understand that not only have we identified them but we can also help and support them in making the difficult decision to leave the gang lifestyle behind. “It’s also important to remember that we’re not just talking about groups of boys, girls are often involved with gangs as well either directly or by association with a brother or boyfriend. We need to be working with these young women to show them that

their actions, whether it be covering for a loved one or concealing a weapon for them, could be just as harmful as if they were a gang member themselves and may lead to someone being seriously or fatally injured. “Sometimes just by talking to these young people, their parents and families, we can start to change the way they think. By taking the next step and working with other agencies to develop diversion projects which they can become involved in, we can really start offering them an alternative to joining a gang. “In the first three days of the MpS crackdown alone 365 people were arrested across London. Ten of those arrests taking place in Westminster for offences such as possession with intent to supply class A and B drugs, handling stolen goods, possession of live ammunition and breach of bail. “In addition officers are working with youth groups at local youth and community centres to help set up regular sports and gaming tournaments and develop regular contact with the younger members of the Westminster community.”

The council is working with the police to tackle the issue of gangs in the city. Visit to find out more. Detective Supt. penny Banham 22 The Westminster Reporter

of an online payment compared to £6 for a face-to-face transaction 32p Cost

Paying your council tax online just got easier. You no longer need to download forms but can apply directly from your computer.

You can now...

You can also...

• set up a direct debit • set up a direct debit • apply for a second home discount • apply for these council tax discounts: carers, child benefit, disabilities, apprentices, hospital discount or exemption, religious, student, youth training and single persons, severely mentally impaired • complete a moving out form • apply for a refund.

• pay • pay your council tax online your council tax online by debit card. Visit uk/payct for more information.

A mobile city • 64% of Westminster residents own a smartphone compared to the national average of 30% • 19% own an iPad compared to compared to 6% nationally • 8 6% of residents have internet access at home • 1 2 libraries offer free internet access.

You can use a computer FREE at all our libraries. ook a pC on 020 7641 1300 or just turn up. You can also get training and help to use the internet. If you are aged 50 or over, you can take a lesson or course through your local Community Hub.


Switch to Direct Debit for a chance to win

£25,000 WIN! I

Free internet training


ing permit ident park line? s re f o % ...over 90 als take place on uk/ renew .westmins Visit www newpermit re

WIN! Ter ms a nd c ondiit ions apply

Paying for your services online


u o y d i D . . . w o n k

• Churchill, call 020 020 7976 6354 • Queen’s Park and Harrow Road, call 020 8964 1900 • Westbourne, call 020 8964 1900 • Penfold, call 020 8762 3082

Visit to find a course near you.

Spread the cost of your council tax across the year by setting up a Direct Debit and you will be entered into a prize draw to win £25,000.

To enter just set up a Direct Debit with your bank or at www.westminster. by 12th July 2012. It can be cancelled at any time and it’s one of the safest ways to pay your bills – everything’s protected by the Direct Debit Guarantee. If you already pay by Direct Debit you will have automatically have been entered into the prize draw. The competition is run by Bacs Payment Schemes on behalf of councils in London.

The Westminster Reporter 23

Spring activities

for children and young people

Learn a new skill, meet new people and have fun by bringing along your children to a free or low-cost event or activity this spring. Look out for our summer listings brochure, Summer in the City, available from schools, libraries, youth clubs and Children’s Centres from June. Children’s Spring Festival When: 4th April, 2-4pm Age: 4-11 What: Enjoy a storytelling session, make an Easter gift or Spring decoration to take home, hunt the chicks and win books and chocolates. Where: St. John’s Wood Library, 20 Circus Road, NW8 6PD Contact: Call 020 7641 1300 Cost: Free Nearest Tube: St. John’s Wood b

Edutain sports activities When: 10th-13th April, 10am-3pm Age: 8-13 What: Try out new sports, meet new people and learn new skills at these popular holiday sessions. Where: Academy Sport, Westminster Academy, 255 Harrow Road, W2 5EZ and Churchill Gardens Youth Club, The Annexe, Churchill Gardens Road, Churchill Gardens SW1V 3AL Contact: Call 020 7641 2012 Cost: £1 per day Nearest Tube: Royal Oak (Academy Sport)/ Pimlico (Churchill Gardens)

Fourth Feathers and Fisherton Street Easter activities When: 2nd-13th April, various times Age: 10-19 What: Activities include music day, multi-sports

competitions and a BBQ. Where: 12 Rossmore Road, NW1 6NX Contact: Call 020 7723 8308 Cost: Please call for details Nearest Tube: Edgware Road/Marylebone


Sports camps When: 5th April, 10th-13th April and 6th-8th June Age: 5-15 What: Join us for four-day camps packed with sports coaching and games. Choose from tennis, football, cricket, basketball and multi-sports camps. The camps are popular so early booking is advised. Book at Pad Rec or online. All equipment is provided but bring a packed lunch. Where: Paddington Recreation Ground, Randolph Avenue, W9 1PD Contact: Call 020 7641 3642 or visit to book online Cost: £50.25 for four days or £26.30 with an ActiveWestminster Passport Nearest Tube: Maida Vale/Kilburn Park b

Sailing and kayaking for beginners When: Mondays, 5.45-7pm (sailing) and Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 4.45-8pm (sailing and kayaking) Age: 10-23 Sailing, kayaking and canoeing sessions for beginners. Sessions are on a first-come first-served basis. Please call ahead for details and a membership form.

For more information visit Key:

disability access

24 The Westminster Reporter


Where: Westminster Boating Base, 136 Grosvenor Road, SW1V 3JY Cost: Free with a yearly donation of £10 Contact: Call 020 7821 7389 or visit Nearest Tube: Pimlico

advance booking required – contact venue

Meanwhile Gardens Playhut When: Mon-Fri (closed Weds), 2-5pm Age: 0-6 What: Free drop-in for parents and carers with children under the age of six. Art and crafts activities, toys and large outdoor play area. Where: Elkstone Road, W10 5NT Contact: Call 020 8960 7894 or email Cost: Free Nearest Tube: Westbourne Park

Te rm s


Make the most of world-class theatre on your doorstep. Trafalgar Square, Saturday 23rd June, 11am-6pm and Sunday 24th June, 12 midday-6pm

an d con ditio ns apply

West End LIVE!

A pair of tickets to Long Day’s Journey into Night I


ow in its eighth year, West End LIVE is a spectacular FREE event in Trafalgar Square featuring showcase performances from many of London’s most celebrated West End musicals. An array of interactive marquee content from some of the London’s most popular museums, galleries and cultural institutions as well as activities in and around the square make this a weekend of top-class entertainment for all the family. Exhibitors confirmed for 2012 include Historic Royal palaces, Ripley’s Believe It or Not! and the London Film Museum and, just for the kids, we have Angelina Ballerina and Everything’s Rosie! West End LIVE is produced by Westminster City Council in partnership with The Society of London Theatre, in association with MasterCard. For more information visit

Family theatre

West End LIVE is FREE

Make the most of world-class theatre on your doorstep. Family bulletin Subscribe to Official London Theatre’s free fortnightly family bulletin for family friendly theatre information.

Register at official londontheatre.

Covent Garden Piazza Visit Covent Garden Piazza on Sunday 15th April for The Olivier Awards with Mastercard. Watch the ceremony live on a big screen and enjoy entertainment including live performances from some of the West End’s major shows.

Visit olivierawards. com for the latest news and updates.

Kids week Introduce your children to the magic of live theatre during Kids Week. Throughout August a child aged 16 or under can go free to participating shows with an adult paying full price. Adults can buy up to two extra children’s tickets at half price.

Visit kidsweek. for more information

To celebrate David Suchet’s return to the West End, Nimax theatres are giving away a pair of tickets to Eugene O’Neill’s Pulitzer prize-winning masterpiece, Long Day’s Journey into Night at the Apollo Theatre. To enter the competition email your name and contact details to reporter@ with APOLLO in the subject line. Competition closes on Friday 27th April. Tickets are valid for Monday to Thursday performances from 1st to 31st May 2012 subject to availability. Long Day’s Journey into Night runs at the Apollo Theatre until 18th August. To book and for more information visit www. or call 0844 482 9671.

The Westminster Reporter 25


childrenfirs t

Your magaz ine to find out and young people’s servicemore about children’s s

What’s on

Activities & events this half term

Issue 13, Autumn

/Winter 2011

A great place to grow up!

FREE sport & leisure

ActiveWes tmin Weekend 18th ster - 19th November

Story time

Why reading your childrenwith matters FREE for Ch books First ildren read ers

Your magazine to find out more about children’s and young people’s services

Westminster Children


First, Issue

13, Autumn/W inter 2011 1



d 1

Subscribe to Children First 04/10/2011


Children First magazine, for parents and carers in Westminster, is FREE and delivered directly to you, three times a year – just in time for the half-term holidays. Each edition is packed with news, advice, information and special offers. Email ‘subscribe’ plus your name and address to childrenfirst@

Choose life, not gangs

W © 2012

Get free-running Family learning


26 The Westminster Reporter


et crafty with your children this spring at a family M uc he learning workshop at nje your local library. Catherine Muchenje and her children took part in a family learning art course. She says: “The children were excited about being artistic at home.” e

Take a look at our video of parkour in action at parkour to find out more.

with Westminster Adult Education Service erin Cath

he world’s largest outdoor parkour park is now open at Academy Sport. It’s an amazing facility where your child can learn to jump down steps, scale walls and vault obstacles, all in a safe environment. Over eights can join regular classes which start at £1 and more seasoned parkour professionals can use the park unsupervised once you pass a competence test with qualified instructors from parkour uK.

Visit childrenfirst/news to find out more.

e have launched a new Your Choice programme to divert young people away from criminal gang activity. We will target young people who may be at risk of joining gangs, including working with young people transferring from primary to secondary school. And it will also give support to young people who want to leave gangs, helping them to find employment and training. To find out more visit www. We would also like to hear your views on gangs and youth violence including why you think young people get involved and how you think the council can address the causes behind it. please email your thoughts to

Westminster Car Club cars are parked around your office Westminster Car Club is the perfect solution for your business, with cars and vans parked nearby and available to book at short notice. “ It doesn’t cost us a penny in maintenance, insurance, Congestion Charge or tax and we can drive from £3.96 an hour including fuel. Westminster Car Club allows us to offer greater flexibility to our customers while providing us with both economic and environmental savings.” Julian Harris — Tuckerman Residential Limited, 40 Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3BU

For more information please contact our business team on 0203 004 7816 or join at

You need to be 21+ and meet safe driver standards to join. *Free parking subject to minimum parking charge and limited to 1 hour per stay. The Westminster Reporter 27 **See website for details of mileage allowance. WCC0005-160312



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