To the latest edition of Westminster Plus magazine, bringing you news, events and activities from across Westminster
As 2022 draws to a close, we look back on an memorable year, one that won’t be repeated anytime soon. Rich in celebrations of the Platinum Jubilee, too quickly followed by a sad and fond goodbye to Her Majesty The Queen. A plethora of emotions swept across the country from June to September, and in true British spirit, we pulled together, supported one another, and reflected on a dedicated 70-year reign with a state funeral for Queen Elizabeth II.
Now, as a nation we have welcomed King Charles III, and in 2023, we will celebrate his coronation here in Westminster. Unfortunately, our previous issue of Westminster Plus, the Silver Sunday edition, was disrupted due to the break in services for the national mourning period. We know this will have disappointed a great many of you and for this we sincerely apologise. We’d like to thank everyone who organised and/or attended a Silver Sunday event and we assure you that we will be back in full force next year, along with some surprises earlier in 2023.
For now, we are looking forward to the winter months and we have listed a selection of festive events (see page 8 and 9) available in Westminster over December. On pages 10 and 11, ‘Winter in the City’ brings you free community and cultural activities to enjoy; all taking place in warm and safe locations around the city. That just leaves us to wish those that celebrate a very Merry Christmas and to all our residents, a wonderful new year and all the very best for 2023.
On the cover:
Turn to page 8 for festive events

Nafsika Butler-Thalassis
Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health and Voluntary Sector

Lead Member SEN and Learning Disabilities Champion
Judith Southern Older Persons Champion
Let us know what you think of the magazine! Call us on 020 7641 1444
Write to us at Westminster Plus, 17th Floor, Westminster City Council, 64 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QP Or email westminsterplus@ westminster.gov.uk
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
A grand day out
Cost of living support hub
Residents and staff at Westminster care homes enjoyed a special visit from mounted Officers from the Household Cavalry. It was an amazing experience and the horses were treated to apples and carrots to munch on while the Officers chatted to carers and residents. The activities continued that day with visits from The Lord Mayor of Westminster to care homes across the city, at which he chatted to residents and care home workers while enjoying special performances from the Chelsea Ballet.

The cost-of-living crisis is affecting us all. Rising costs, such as fuel, energy bills and food are having an impact. We have launched a support hub online for Westminster residents: westminster.gov.uk/ cost-of-living-support

Have your voice heard in how we deliver Adult Social Care Services
We’re passionate about involving residents in every aspect of Adult Social Care’s work. That’s exactly what our Local Account Group does. By joining, you will have your say in how services and policies are delivered, take part in projects, attend meetings, represent fellow residents, and receive training. Want to find out more? Keep an eye out for the next edition of Westminster Plus where we’ll hear directly from current members of the Group.
Interested in finding out more? Contact Nick Marchant: nick.marchant@rbkc.gov.uk
Doctor’s orders
COVID-19 hasn’t gone away and flu season is back upon us. We spoke with Pimlico community

GP Dr Connie Junghans on how to stay well this winter

Dr Connie Junghans loves people. After a decade of being a doctor, she retrained as a GP in order to better be a part of her local community. “I love solving problems people might be having,” she says, “as well as working with other professionals. What I especially love about being a GP is that I get to know my patients over time – sometimes even the whole family – which is lovely.”
What has been really hard about being a GP just recently, Connie explains, is the complete change in which they’ve had to do things. GP practices, like so many places, had to close their doors during the pandemic. Because of the volume of patients they are now seeing, those such as Connie are having to do less face-to-face appointments. “There’s a perception that GPs aren’t seeing their patients as much,” she says, “when really, we’re seeing so many more. GPs work long hours and deal with 37 patients on average per day. GP practices in England now deliver a million appointments a day, two thirds of which are face-to-face. What has changed is that we now
have a phone call with you first before we invite you in if needed, because many things can be dealt with over the phone.”
This is the first year without COVID-19 safety measures and as winter is upon us, Connie is taking pains to remind us that the virus hasn’t gone away. “It’s important for us all to remember those actions we’re so used to taking, such as regular hand washing and having your windows open if you’re meeting indoors even just for a few minutes.” Connie also strongly recommends “getting your flu and COVID-19 booster vaccinations, as well as any other vaccinations and check-ups for which you may be due.”
“What I especially love about being a GP is that I get to know my patients over time – sometimes even the whole family – which is lovely.”
For her patients in Churchill Gardens, another recommendation is to connect with your Community Health and Wellbeing Worker if you have one. For residents in other parts of Pimlico and across the city, Connie suggests you ask your local GP about the social prescriber. That’s a role that signposts you to community resources for practical and emotional support. “This year’s winter will be hard for many of us,” she says. “The council has a host of support and resources on its website that I regularly direct my patients to. If you haven’t yet, please visit westminster.gov.uk/cost-of-living-support”.

You can find out more about winter vaccines by visiting our website: www.westminster.gov.uk/vaccinations or speaking to your local surgery.

Our Fairer Westminster strategy sets out how the council will work to improve your local communities during the next five years. It is formed of the following five key pillars...

We will reduce poverty and inequality. We will provide excellent public health and social care. Westminster will be one of the best places in which to live and grow up.
We will provide more genuinely affordable housing, and more energy efficient housing. We will reduce homelessness. We will help private renters.
We will develop a strong economy that is sustainable. Residents will share in the city’s financial success. Residents will be given the skills needed to develop fulfilling careers.
We will take bold action to tackle climate change. Westminster will become a net zero carbon city by 2040. Its streets will be clean and air pollution will be reduced. We will encourage sustainable forms of transport.
Our council services will be easy to access and the way we work will be transparent. We will make sure our partners have ethical supply chains and practices. Residents will feel both safe and listened to, getting the support they need.

at The Abbey Centre.
The strategy was launched at a series of events in the north and south of the city recently, with residents, community leaders and local business owners having the chance to talk directly with both the Leader of the Council, Cllr Adam Hug, and cabinet members responsible for the different areas of the plan. Views were heard, questions asked and feedback was very welcome.
Work is already underway within the five pillars, with everything from launching the Future of Westminster Commission to bring in fresh ideas and perspectives, to helping families cope with the rising cost of living through increased support, to conducting ‘Community Thursdays’ on our housing estates to understand the key issues facing our housing tenants increasing the ways the residents are positioned at the heart of our actions.
Find out more about our Fairer Westminster strategy, via our website: www.westminster.gov.uk/fairer-westminster or visit your local library to read a printed copy.

“It’s fantastic to read and hear about this vision,” said Wilfried Rimensberger, who
the launch
“I’ve seen signs that say things are actually progressing.”Wilfried Rimensberger at the Fairer Westminster launch at The Abbey Centre
Tis the season…
Westminster comes alive in December and there’s nothing quite like a walk or bus ride around Soho to see the twinkling lights and soak up the Christmas spirit. There may even be a few mince pies around! However you like to spend the festive holiday period, there’s plenty to see and do.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…
The West End is sparkling once again with a beautiful display of Christmas lights. This year the lights have been made more environmentally friendly so take a walk or a bus ride to add a twinkle to your eye. Lights are on until early January in the following locations:
Oxford Street
Marble Arch and Park Lane
Regent Street
St Martin’s Lane
Carnaby Street
Covent Garden
Bus routes from Westminster that cover some of these are: 23, 38, 139, 390 and 453.
Westminster’s Norwegian Christmas tree
The Trafalgar Square Christmas Tree is an annual gift from the people of Norway and can be seen next to Nelson’s Column being placed there every year since 1947!

Hop on the number 9, 139 or 453 bus with your freedom pass to see the tree lit up.

This winter, Westminster has a variety of free community and cultural activities for residents to enjoy; all will take place in warm and safe locations around the city. For more ideas, visit: westminster.gov.uk/winter-in-the-city
Lunchtime concert, Westminster Music Library
35 St Martin’s Street, WC2H 7HP
Every Wednesdays, 12.30pm – 1.15pm
Westminster Music Library presents free live music every Wednesday lunchtime. Concerts include instrumental and voice recitals, chamber music, jazz sessions, and more. Admission is free, with optional donations welcomed.

Live at lunch
Royal Opera House, Bow Street, WC2E 9DD Friday’s at 1pm until 3 MARCH 2023

Free performances in the Paul Hamlyn Hall featuring Royal Opera House and guest artists. Admittance subject to capacity. roh.org.uk boxoffice@roh.org.uk 020 7304 4000
Free admission to ‘The Horror Show!’ at Somerset House
Somerset House, Strand, WC2R 1LA
Tuesday and Wednesday, 10am to 4pm only to claim free entry.
The Horror Show! is a landmark exhibition that invites visitors to journey to the underbelly of Britain’s cultural psyche and look beyond horror as a genre, instead taking it as a reaction to our most troubling times.
Please show your Westminster City Save card or proof of address showing you live in the City of Westminster on arrival. Pre-booking is not available.
visitor@somersethouse.org.uk 0333 320 2836
Everest through the lens
Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)
1 Kensington Gore, SW7 2AR
Free entry.
Open 10am to 5pm Monday to Saturday (Closed 24 December to 2 January inclusive)
The RGS-IBG’s new exhibition marking the centenary of the Everest expeditions in the 1920s explores how Captain John Noel’s films shaped the popular image of the mountain while sometimes obscuring the role of local intermediaries.

At the heart of the exhibition are the visually stunning films that Noel produced of the 1922 and 1924 expeditions. The exhibition goes behind the scenes of Climbing Mount Everest (1922) and The Epic of Everest (1924) to unpick the uncomfortable and complex social, racial and geopolitical dynamics that shaped the expeditions – from their beginning to enduring legacy.
events@rgs.org 020 7591 3000
Prices vary
Fitness sessions across the city
Paddington Recreation Ground Randolph Avenue, W9 1PD
Tai Chi @ The Rec: Tuesdays – 2pm-3pm
Forever Fit: Monday – 10am-10.45am 020 7644 6880
Academy Sport
Torquay Street, W2 5EW
Zumba Gold: Thursday – 12pm-12.45pm 020 3747 7771
Porchester Centre Queensway, W2 5HS
60+ Fitness Session: Monday and Wednesdays, 2.30pm-3.30pm Chi Gong in the Park: Wednesday – 1pm-2pm 020 7221 6118
Moberly Sports Club
25 Chamberlayne Road, NW10 3NB Swimming: Friday 12pm-1pm
Multi-Sports: Friday – 10am-12pm 020 3879 6669
Seymour Leisure Centre
Seymour Place, W1H 5TJ
Aqua Fitness Classes : Tuesdays and Thursdays – 11am-11.45am 020 7723 5139
Queen Mother Sports Centre
223 Vauxhall Bridge Road, Pimlico, SW1V 1EL
Aerobics 55+ : Tuesday 3pm-4pm 020 7798 2040
Getting to know Judith, Westminster’s Older Persons Champion
Cllr Judith Southern is a councillor in the Hyde Park Ward of Westminster and became Older Persons Champion in May. She has lived all over the UK and abroad so make a cuppa and get to know her a little better
Growing up in rural Cumbria, Judith was educated at Brookfield, a local Quaker school. After school, she headed north to Edinburgh to train as a nursery nurse, after which she worked in residential nurseries in Edinburgh and Leeds, before joining the maternity unit at Bradford Royal Infirmary.
“My first wage was a ten-pound note for a weeks work,” she recalls.
In 1974, Judith changed career direction and started work for West Yorkshire Passenger Transport, in Huddersfield. First as a bus conductor and subsequently as a driver. Later moving to driving coaches for National Express which took her to London regularly.
When 1981 came round, a career in care was calling her back. Still in Huddersfield, she started training to be a Registered Nurse which was followed by a move to London, to work at Paddington Green Children’s Hospital. This work kept her busy and well-travelled over the next few years with a variety of nursing postings including working at The Neuro Hospital in Queen’s Square and two and a half years in Baghdad.
From 1991-1992, Judith was in Tripoli, Libya, when sanctions were imposed, which meant there were no flights out of the country. Yasser

Arafat’s plane crashed over Libya, he was not hurt but her and her fellow nurses cared for his crew at the hospital where she was working. The last 11 years of her working life was spent in Palliative Care at Trinity Hospice on Clapham Common. Judith tells us “I loved working there and it was a privilege to be able to help people at a difficult time in their lives.”
“I would describe 2022 as a tumultuous year, with all the national and international problems confronting us. Like many I am facing 2023 with trepidation, I fear for people who already find it difficult to cope with the activities of daily living, the idea of people not being able to heat and/or eat seems so wrong in a country as rich as ours.”
When asked about becoming a Westminster councillor, Judith explained, “I became a councillor for the first time this year, another event to take me by surprise! I am still learning in this role and getting used to it, and I’m interested in meeting people and talking to some who may have felt their voice was not being heard.”

Outside of work, Judith is intrigued by Morocco, a place she first visited in 1984. “So close to Europe yet so different!” she says. “The culture, the landscapes, wonderful cities like Fez and Marrakech, its long relationship with Britain and watching it change.”
Judith likes to get around her local area on bicycle. “One good thing about lockdown was seeing so many people especially families out on bicycles,” she says. “When my grandchildren were young I used to take them on cycling holidays, so I am interested in seeing the cycling potential of London develop.”
Responsible recycling
For all the loveliness Christmas brings, it also brings a lot of waste! It is important we all take time to recycle our waste correctly for our planet. Read our top tips and ideas to have a more sustainable Christmas
Tips 1: That’s a wrap
Reuse your wrapping paper and cards by cutting them up to make gift tags for next year!
Tip 3: Reduce your plastic
Fruit and veg often come wrapped in plastic, you can reduce your plastic waste by shopping at local markets, greengrocers, and bakeries, buying quantities that you need. Saving plastic and money.
Tip 2: Jars, jars and more jars
All your jars, from cranberry sauce to mincemeat, can be recycled. Just give them a rinse and recycle with your other glass. No need to remove the labels, they’ll come off in the recycling process. They are also useful if you are visiting a refill shop for items such as rice, pasta or lentils.
Tip 4: Food sharing

We are all guilty of overbuying and having food left over at Christmas. If you have a neighbour on their own, perhaps pop them a plate round.
The Good Store – The sustainable department store
The Good Store offers the range of a department store, sustainably sourced. Everything in store is either telling a story on reuse and refurbishment, making innovative use of waste to create new products or products that allow less impact in how they are made or used.

Selling all sorts from clothes and accessories to books and household items, a great place for gift shopping.
Open now on South Molton Street, next to Bond Street station.
Tuesday – Friday, 10am – 6pm Saturday, 11am – 5pm thegoodstore.uk
Recycle at Christmas... it’s easy!

Aerosols and clean foil Food tins and drink cans

Will my recycling and rubbish collection day change over Christmas and New Year?

This information is for residents who receive kerbside collections. There are no changes planned to your recycling and rubbish collections over the festive season. However, please check our website for the latest information.
Please only put the following in your mixed recycling bags and bins: www.westminster.gov.uk/xmas-recycling

How do I recycle my real Christmas tree in Westminster?
Westminster has over 25 recycling points for real Christmas trees. You can take your tree to a drop-off point from the start of 28 December 2022 to end of day 8 January 2023. Opening hours are 8am to 8pm unless they are in parks, which close at 4.30pm.
If you already receive our food waste recycling service this will run as normal over the festive season.

Please remove all decorations, stands and netting from the tree before bringing it to a recycling point. Only trees taken to recycling points will be turned into woodchip and soil improver. For a list of tree recycling points, please go to www.westminster.gov.uk/xmas-recycling

Food for thought
With the cost of food going up and the price of electricity on the rise, it is becoming challenging to retain a healthy diet and get the nutrition we all need. We have complied a few tips to give food for thought on conscious cooking this winter
Tip 1: Batch cooking
Make large batches that can then be reheated quickly in the microwave, saving electricity and time. Dishes that are good for batch cooking and reheating include:
Pasta Bakes
Spaghetti Bolognese
Vegetable and lentil curries
Tip 2: Fill the oven
When baking something in the oven, think about anything else you could put it in at the same time to make use of the heat while it is on, for example, while a pasta bake is cooking, you could put a sponge cake in at the same time or make your own biscuits. Homemade cakes and biscuits are cheaper and healthier.
Tip 3: Sharing is caring
If you’re doing a batch cook, perhaps ask a neighbour or friend if they would like to do a swap one night per week. It’s always nice to try something new and perhaps you could swap ideas and recipes too.
Tip 4: There’s always time for soup
Vegetable leftovers in the fridge make a great ‘Stuffy Soup’ – no recipe, just throw whatever you have left over in (a potatoes helps bulk it out a bit), add a stock cube and some lentils if you have them, then warm up with a cup of broth on a cold afternoon while reducing your food waste and saving a few pennies!
5: Just a small one please!
Don’t over fill the kettle, just put in what you need to reduce boiling time and wasted hot water.
Cooking from scratch can be relaxing and benefit your mental health and bring families and communities together.

Find your local food bank

Westbourne Park Food Pantry
For a small weekly subscription of £5, members of this pantry will be able to have access to food, including fresh fruit and vegetables and store cupboard favourites that will often value £15 to £20.
Thursdays, 10am to 1pm and 3.30pm to 5.30pm and Fridays, 10am to 1pm
St Matthew’s Food Bank
Open to all. No voucher or booking needed. Coffee and tea also served.
Wednesdays, 4pm to 6pm
29 St Petersburgh Place, W2 4LA Call: 020 7229 2192
Granville Community Centre
Food Aid is now open for collections.
Wednesday’s 3pm to 4.30pm and Fridays 4pm to 5.30pm
The Granville, 140 Carlton Vale, NW6 5HE Call: 07952 616352
The Abbey Centre Pantry
For a weekly subscription of £4.50, members will be able to have access to food, including fresh fruit and vegetables and store cupboard favourites that will often value £15-20 or more. Wednesday, 9am to 5pm and Friday, 9am to 4pm
The Abbey Centre, 34 Great Smith Street, SW1P 3B Call: 02072220303
Westbourne Park Pantry, Westbourne Park Baptist Church, W2 5DX Call: 020 7727 6019

Bay 20
Providing hot takeaway meals on Thursdays from 2pm to 4pm.
Tea and coffee available Monday to Friday from 11am to 4pm, sometimes with pastries. Partnership with NK Hearts and Minds and Unity Grove.
71 St Marks Road, W10 6JG Call: 020 3579 0384
What’s on: Westminster Libraries
Bridge Club
Mayfair, 25 South Audley Street, W1K 2PB

Every Wednesday, 2pm – 4pm
The club is run by Age UK Westminster. To join the club, please contact Stephen Spavin. Call 07969 302517 or email stephen.spavin@ageukwestminster.org.uk
Chess Club
Paddington Library, Porchester Rd, W2 5DU
Every Sunday, midday - 3pm
Everyone is welcome to attend this weekly Chess Club for a fun game. Spaces limited, advance booking recommended. Call: 020 7641 6200
Westminster Writers Group

Church Street Library, 67 Church Street, NW8 8EU
First Monday of the month, 6:30pm – 8pm
Join us at Church Street Library every month to share your writing in a friendly, constructive atmosphere. The group reads out and discusses their own short stories, novels, plays and poetry. For more information, email the Westminster Writers Group: westminsterwriters@gmail.com churchstreetlibrary@westminster.gov.uk
“The only thing that you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library.” - Albert Einstein
Reading Groups and book clubs
To find out more about the groups and what they’ll be reading for their next meeting, pop into your local library, call 020 7641 6200 or contact them on the email address details below.
Pimlico Library
Lupus St, Pimlico, SW1V 3AT
Last Tuesday of the month, 3pm – 4pm pimlicolibrary@westminster.gov.uk – reserving a space is recommended, call 020 7641 6200
St John’s Wood Book Club
20 Circus Road, NW8 6PD
First Wednesday of the month, 6pm – 7pm.
No need to book a place, just turn up. stjohnswoodlibrary@westminster.gov.uk
St John’s Wood Library crime reading group
20 Circus Road, NW8 6PD
Do you enjoy reading crime fiction? Come along to our monthly reading group. It’s the perfect opportunity to meet fellow crime fiction enthusiasts.
First Tuesday of the month, 6pm – 7pm No need to book a place, just turn up. stjohnswoodlibrary@westminster.gov.uk
Church Street Library Reading group
67 Church Street, NW8 8EU
Lots of great discussions happen at this group through the use of both modern and classical literatures. If you like to read and discuss or even just to listen, then this the group for you. Every Friday, 9:30am – 11:30am churchstreetlibrary@westminster.gov.uk

Places limited so booking essential, call 020 7641 6200
Aloud in the cloud reading group
Church Street Library, 67 Church Street, NW8 8EU
Come along to hear us read aloud some of our favourite stories and poems. You can read aloud with the group, comment on the story or just listen.
Every Monday, 3pm – 4pm churchstreetlibrary@westminster.gov.uk No need to book a place, just turn up.
Libraries in Westminster that can be accessed by wheelchair include Church St, Maida Vale, Paddington, St John’s Wood, Westminster Archives, Pimlico (via accessible lift), Queen’s Park (ground floor only), Marylebone Library (ground floor only).
For more information, call 020 7641 6200 or visit: westminster.gov.uk/leisure-librariesand-community/libraries
Time for tech!
Digital Ambassadors deliver one-on-one training to residents that are digitally excluded through sessions held at local libraries

As the digital revolution hurtles along at an astonishing pace, it can be overwhelming for some to keep up with the latest technology and new ways of doing things. Maida Vale resident, Richard, used to find dealing with the world of digital devices a challenge. Living with dyslexia, as well as the general apprehension often felt by the older community around modern technology, was proving a barrier to staying in touch with friends and family.
“I was reading Westminster Plus magazine and saw an article about the Digital Ambassador programme,” he says. “I thought it was a great opportunity both to learn essential digital skills and meet new people.” Recent studies by the Good Things Foundation have shown that people aged 65 and over are
ten times more likely to feel digitally excluded than others. Not only that, but nearly ten million Britons lack even the most basic digital skills. As part of creating a Fairer Westminster (see page 6), we’re now expanding the Digital Ambassadors programme in Westminster to: feature in more accessible locations across the city, such as leisure centres work with GP practices to provide training and support so residents can get skills to navigate the NHS app widen the training and support offered to residents that are more likely to be digitally excluded (such as those with disabilities, or those struggling with the cost-of-living crisis)
City Save Offers
westminster.gov.uk/ westminster-city-save
Westminster City Save is a membership scheme for Westminster residents. It’s free to join and offers you local discounts and savings
10% off watches and 5% off gold jewellery Lanes Jewellers is a longestablished family jeweller, serving the local community since 1969. Located on Harrow Road.
Other services include: watch alterations and batteries, jewellery cleaning and valuations for insurance. How to claim: Show your Westminster City Save card upon purchase. 397 Harrow Road, W9 3NF lanesjewellers@gmail.com 020 8960 1280
Don’t have a Westminster City Save card? Register for one at westminster.gov.uk/ westminster-city-save/ register Email citysave@ westminster.gov.uk Call 020 7641 6000
10% discount at Maharaja of India

Maharaja of India showcases its culinary expertise with tasty mouth-watering traditional Indian cuisine cooked to perfection in the heart of London. How to claim: Available for dine-in meals only, over £20. 19A Charing Cross Road, Leicester Square, London, WC2H 0ET www.maharaja-of-india.co.uk hello@maharaja-of-india. co.uk 07427 316019
Save 10% on admissions to The Household Cavalry Museum
The Household Cavalry Museum offers a behind-thescenes look at the work that goes into the ceremonial duties and operational role of the Household Cavalry. A fascinating celebration of the British Army’s senior regiments who provide The Queen’s mounted bodyguards. See beautifully showcased military exhibits, working stable views and interactive presentations that bring to life the history, ceremonial and combat operations of this elite fighting unit.
How to claim: Show your Westminster City Save card. Horse Guards, Whitehall, London, SW1A 2AX
Open daily except Good Friday and 24 to 26 December. www.householdcavalry.co.uk/ museum museum@householdcavalry.co.uk 020 7930 3070
Your council services
General Contact Details
020 7641 7000 responsewcc@westminster.gov.uk westminster.gov.uk
Adult Social Care
020 7641 1444 or 020 7641 1175 adultsocialcare@westminster.gov.uk peoplefirstinfo.org.uk Animal Welfare awarden@westminster.gov.uk westminster.gov.uk/animal-welfare
Anti-Social Behaviour
0800 358 3783 (freephone) housing.enquiries@westminster.gov.uk westminster.gov.uk/housing
020 7641 6200 archives@westminster.gov.uk westminster.gov.uk/archives
0800 072 0042 (freephone) westminster.benefits@secure.capita.co.uk westminster.gov.uk/benefits
Births, Deaths and Marriages
020 7641 7500 registeroffice@westminster.gov.uk westminster.gov.uk/birth-and-deathcertificates-marriages-and-citizenship
020 8567 0913 parks@westminster.gov.uk
Health & Wellbeing
020 7641 7000 westminster.gov.uk/healthandsocial-care
Housing Services
0800 358 3783 (freephone) housing.enquiries@westminster.gov.uk westminster.gov.uk/housing
Leisure Centres

active@westminster.gov.uk active.westminster.gov.uk

020 7361 3993 or 020 7641 6200 libraries@westminster.gov.uk westminster.gov.uk/libraries

020 7823 4567

parkingservices@westminster.gov.uk westminster.gov.uk/parking
Pest Control 0800 358 0514 (freephone) pestcontrol@westminster.gov.uk westminster.gov.uk/pest-control
020 7641 2000 westminster.gov.uk/recycling
Report It westminster.gov.uk/report-it
Street Markets
020 7641 8549 or 020 7641 7010 streettradinglicensing@westminster. gov.uk westminster.gov.uk/markets

Westminster Adult Education Service 020 7297 7297 info@waes.co.uk waes.ac.uk Westminster Connects 020 7641 1222 westminster.gov.uk/westminster-connects