childrenfirst Your magazine to find out more about children’s and young people’s services
Issue 15, Summer 2012
West End LIVE & Kids Week Better than ever for 2012!
What’s On Summer activities & events
Story Lab This year’s Summer reading Challenge is here!
Baby Friendly Breastfeeding support for new mums
Westminster Children First, Issue 15, Summer 2012
tickets Horriblto Histori e es LIVE
Dear Parent or Carer, A stable, loving home is one of the most essential and defining elements in every young child’s life and a strong family unit remains our best defense against social disorder involving young people in our community. As such, I am pleased that in April Westminster, Hammersmith & Fulham and Kensington & Chelsea councils launched the Care Proceedings Pilot to make adoptions happen more often and more quickly. Social workers across Westminster frequently told me about the frustrations they encounter, and more importantly the emotional turmoil suffered by our children, as family courts impose lengthy delays while series of obscure family connections are followed up. This Tri-borough pilot aims to reduce the length of care proceedings thereby making permanent decisions about children’s lives without unnecessary delay. There will be specially designated days at the Inner London Family Proceedings Court for Tri-borough cases being heard under the pilot and wherever possible the same judge will be used throughout a case to ensure continuity and further speed up proceedings. The groundbreaking pilot will also see new measures in place to speed up finding appropriate families for children in our care. It is built on a partnership agreement between children’s social services and the family courts. This edition includes information on the council’s upcoming Youth Summit, a guide to what’s on this summer, including during the Diamond Jubilee and the amazing West End LIVE, and some help for parents bringing up teenagers in the city. We hope you enjoy this edition of Children First. As ever should you know someone who may want to subscribe to the publication please ask them to send their name, number and address to childrenfirst@westminster.gov.uk to ensure they receive future editions. 2
Contents 4
The Big Shout
Young person of the year
Baby Friendly
Family Learning Fun
Bringing up teenagers
10 What’s on this summer 12 Summer Reading Challenge 14 Staying Active 16 Olympic Legacy 17 Supporting parents 18 Work experience for teenagers
Councillor Nickie Aiken Cabinet Member for Children’s Services Melanie Smith Director of Public Health for Westminster, Kensington and Chelsea, Hammersmith and Fulham Westminster Children First, Issue 15, Summer 2012
Families and Schools Together
Save the Children and Westminster Early Years Team have joined forces to deliver a parenting programme in schools in Westminster, supporting positive parenting, in increase parents’ confidence, give families a sense of belonging in their communities and improve children’s school attendance and achievement. To find out more, or to see how you could get involved, visit www.westminster. gov.uk/fast
Supporting charities and community groups in south Westminster Crowdfund SW1 is a new initiative which supports charities and community groups in south Westminster. The site allows local people to find out about and donate to local projects easily, and make a real difference to their communities. Find out more at www.crowdfundsw1.com
Vaccinations on Facebook You can now find out about childhood vaccinations on facebook! For information and news on all children’s jabs in North West London visit www.facebook.com/ NWLvaccination Spread the news by giving it a ‘Like’
Hosepipe ban Thames Water has issued a hosepipe ban across London, to save resources during a period of drought. To find out what this means for you, visit www.westminster. gov.uk/drought
2,012 opportunities for young people
Healthy Start vitamins in Children’s Centres If you’re on the Healthy Start scheme, remember to pick up your FREE vitamins - just bring your vitamin coupon. Vitamins are available at all Westminster’s Children’s Centres and some Health Centres. You can also buy them for a small charge. Extra vitamins are important for mums-to be, new mums and young children. Get yours today!
Westminster Children First, Issue 15, Summer 2012
With 3,000 young people looking for work in Westminster, the problem of worklessness remains a key issue, which can only be tackled by matching up the range of opportunities which exist in the city with potential candidates. A new programme co-ordinated by the council aims to generate 2,012 opportunities for young people in the city. To find out more, visit www.westminster.gov. uk/2012opportunities 3
The Big SHOUT, put on by young people for young people, is your chance to find out about all the amazing things happening for young people and to have your say on how you want youth services to be run. In April, Westminster’s children’s services joined together with services in Kensington and Chelsea and Hammersmith and Fulham, so young people can now access even more opportunities across the city. To kick start the new service, young people from across the three boroughs are working together to organise The Big SHOUT, a youth summit to be held on 23rd June 2012 at Chelsea Football Club, Stamford Bridge. Kids will have the chance to go to workshops about sexual and emotional health, communication between the police and young people, and how to get involved in the opportunities out there. Plus advice on CVs and careers, entertainment from some of the city’s most talented young performers and the opportunity to grill senior council, police and health officers on the issues that matter.
Westminster’s Youth Council are really enjoying working on the project, they say: “We’re passionate about getting the voice of young people out there. The Big SHOUT will give us the chance to get our opinions heard, to learn from the experiences of our peers in other boroughs, and above all to have fun and make new friends. And because it’s run by us for our peers it will be a comfortable environment to speak up without feeling awkward. We want people to get lots out of the workshops, but also to use the day to find out how to get involved in other amazing projects. Young people often think there’s nothing out there for them to do, but they just don’t know what’s going on – The Big SHOUT is just one of a whole range of opportunities available.” To find out more about The Big SHOUT, or to apply for a place, visit www.westminster. gov.uk/bigshout
Get online! Doing business with the council just got easier! You can now fill in online forms to set up a direct debit to pay your council tax, apply for council tax discounts or tell us when you’re moving. Throughout the year we’ll keep increasing the number of things you can do easily online. Find out more at www.westminster.gov.uk/onlineforms
Westminster Children First, Issue 15, Summer 2012
Young person of the year Zac Antrobus, age 19 Last month, Westminster’s community heroes were honoured at an awards ceremony in Bayswater. The awards recognise those people who make a positive difference to their communities, from helping older people to improving the local area and setting a great example to others. Children First caught up with Young Person of the Year winner Zak Antrobus to find out about the fantastic work he does in his community. “I wanted to get involved in my community and a way to do that was by volunteering for Westminster’s Youth Council. I take part in weekly meetings where we discuss topics of interest to young people. “We’re quite effective – recently we applied and were successful in receiving funding from the Youth Capital Fund and Youth Opportunities Fund which we’ve put to good use making changes to many young people’s lives. “We like to make our voice heard on behalf of young people and the Youth Council took part in an overview and scrutiny panel where we looked at issues for young people. We’re producing a report to present to councillors with our recommendations. The important thing for us was to challenge the perceptions people have of young people. A very small percentage of young people from Westminster actually commit crime and we suggested that instead of reporting negative things about young people, the positive things should be highlighted.
Westminster Children First, Issue 15, Summer 2012
ds r a aw
“I got involved with the Youth Council when one of my friends told me about it and I joined because it motivated me to help improve the lives of Young people in Westminster. It’s a way for me to help my own community plus others in Westminster and I’m now a mentor for the younger members of the youth council. “I work hard to promote the Annual Youth Elections because I think it is important for young people to get involved in their local communities for a sense of responsibility and awareness. Young people need to decide on a Youth MP to represent them for the next year. “After the August riots, I volunteered my time to talk to a local councillor about what I thought were the reasons and solutions to prevent further disturbances. Personally for me, I feel it was important to do this because it was I felt that the media portrayed the riots as representing all young people rioting. Without us giving the views of young people, people would assume the stereotype that is portrayed of young people within Westminster.”
Young Person of the Year award Runner up
Theo Calvin
Commended Amina Ahmed Commended Milad Fermani Commended Teiba Mutar
Breastfeeding Mums Excel!
Breastfeeding your baby both following birth and for as long as possible afterwards is very important to give your baby the best possible start in life. Mums in Westminster are doing really well – and are much more likely to both breastfeed from birth (over 90% of you do this) and also to continue doing so until your babies are at least 6 – 8 weeks old (more than 85% of you do this) than mothers in other parts of the country. One Westminster mum explained this by saying: “my Health Visitor really listened to some of the concerns I had around breastfeeding. I wasn’t that confident when I started and didn’t know if my baby was getting what he needed. After the visit by the Health Visitor I felt reassured things were going well and also got some information on where the breastfeeding support groups were running. I have found these groups so useful in meeting other mums and getting some more help with breastfeeding.”
Benefits of breastfeeding • The only natural food designed for your baby • Protects baby from infections and diseases • Provides baby and mum with many health benefits
National Breastfeeding Helpline Tel: 0300 100 0212 www.nationalbreastfeedinghelpline.org.uk 9.30am – 9.30pm every day. 5p per minute from BT lines plus a 3p call set up charge from BT residential lines. Mobiles and other providers’ charges may vary.
Becoming ‘Baby Friendly’ The NHS in Westminster, Kensington and Chelsea, Hammersmith and Fulham and Barnet is working towards achieving full UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative (BFI) accreditation. The Baby Friendly Initiative ensures mothers are given the support, information and encouragement needed to start and continue breastfeeding for as long as they choose. For support with breastfeeding Talk to your Health Visitor, Community Midwife or visit your local Children’s Centre Breastfeeding Support Groups. Find out more at www.westminster.gov.uk/childrenscentre
• It’s free • Available whenever and wherever you need to feed your baby • Always the right temperature • Builds a strong physical and emotional bond between mother and baby
Westminster Children First, Issue 15, Summer 2012
Breastfeeding support groups Day
Baby and Me Bayswater Children’s Centre, St Mary’s of the Angel RC Primary School Shrewsbury Road, W2 5PR
020 7641 5444
9.00am – 11.30am
Breast Feeding Drop-in Micky Star Children’s Centre, 58-61 St Michael’s St, W2 1QR Rumpus – Baby’s only drop-in Harrow Road Children’s Centre, Mary Paterson Nursery School, 13 Riverton Close off Ashmore Road, W9 3DS Baby and Me Paddington Green Children’s Centre, Paddington Green Primary School, Park Place Villas, W2 1SP Baby and Me Churchill Garden Children Centre, Churchill Gardens Primary School, Johnson’s Place, SW1 3EU
020 7402 4854
9.30am – 12 noon
020 7641 5804
9.00am – 11.00am
020 7 641 5675
9.00am – 11am
020 7641 5923
1.00pm – 2.30pm
‘Marsham St Baby Café’ Marsham St Children’s Centre, 121 Marsham St, SW1P 4LX Breastfeeding Drop-in St Mary’s Hospital, (for mothers who have delivered at this hospital) Parent Education Room, South Wharf, W2 1NY Breastfeeding Drop-in Chelsea and Westminster Hospital (for mothers who have delivered at this hospital), 369 Fulham Rd, SW10 9NH
020 7828 4083
9.30am – 12noon
0203 312 1750
1.00pm – 3.00pm
0203 315 3017
1.00pm – 3.00pm
`Baby and Me` Marsham St Children’s Children, 121 Marsham St, SW1P 4LX Breastfeeding drop-in (Starting May 2012) Queens Park Children’s Centre, 88 Bravington Road, W9 3AL Child Health Clinic (Birth to 5 years) Westbourne Children’s Centre, Edward Wilson Primary School, Senior St, W2 5TL
020 7828 4083
10.30am – 11.45am
020 7641 5838
9.30am – 11.30am
020 7641 4312
10.00am – 11.30am
Breastfeeding Drop-in Westbourne Children’s Centre, Edward Wilson Primary School, Senior St, W2 5TL Baby and Me drop-in Baby Clinic, Portman Early Childhood Centre, 12-18 Salisbury St, W8 8DE
020 7641 4312
10.30am – 12noon
020 7641 5444
9.30am – 11am
Worried about the costs of a new baby? Use the ‘Baby Costs Calculator’ The Money Advice Service has carried out a survey which showed that half of parents underestimate how much they would spend preparing and caring for their first baby in its first year. Six out of ten spent up to £1,000 more than they expected to, and a fifth were hit with between £1,000 and £5,000 in unexpected costs. In response, the Money Advice Service has launched a new ‘Baby Costs Calculator’, a FREE tool that helps parents calculate how Westminster Children First, Issue 15, Summer 2012
much they will need to spend on their baby in its first year. The new online calculator is part of the Service’s comprehensive Parent’s Guide to Money. The calculator shows costs (excluding childcare) scaled to three different budget levels ranging from £1,600 to £3,710 or up to £7,200. The Parent’s Guide to Money also features a Baby Timeline and advice on topics ranging from benefits and entitlements to planning for childcare costs. To find out more, visit www. moneyadviceservice.org.uk/parents or pick up the handy booklet A Parent’s Guide to Money from your Midwife or local Children’s Centre. 7
Family Learning in Westminster Libraries Edith Ebubedike was told about Family Learning by her granddaughter, Grace. Edith joined Maths classes at the school which focused on games. Edith explains, “I didn’t like Maths at all from school in Nigeria, but the teaching made it fun and exciting. We did role-plays and had discussions. It was good to express opinions and ideas. I was introduced to using a computer and now need to learn more.” Edith was delighted by how keen Grace was to work together. The idea of learning for herself and helping her granddaughter inspired Edith to enrol on two more Family Learning courses.
Get involved and learn new skills as a family this summer Westminster Adult Education Service runs courses at Westminster Libraries every six or seven weeks. All workshops are designed for you and your and children to work together and learn new craft skills and ideas to take home with you! To book a place at any library workshop call 020 7641 8102.
Edith now loves reading: “Everywhere I go, I must have a book!” Grace also gets great pleasure from reading and the pair visit the local library together and take part in activities.
Workshop Title
Crowns and Tiaras -Celebrate the Diamond Jubilee by designing your own headwear.
Church Street Library
Saturday 2nd June
10:30 – 12:30pm
Church Street, NW8 8EU
Paddington Children’s Library
Saturday 2nd June
2:30 – 4:30pm
Clifford Hall, Porchester Road, NW8 8EU
Windmill Hats -Construct a hat with rotating parts using recycled materials.
Queen’s Park Library
Saturday 9th June
2 – 4pm
666 Harrow Road, W10 4NE.
We are the Champions! - Celebrate the Olympic Games and make your own medal.
Pimlico Library
Saturday 30th June
2 – 4pm
Lupus Street, SW1V 3AT.
Church Street Library
Saturday 7th July
10:30 – 12:30pm
Church Street, NW8 8EU
Paddington Children’s Library
Saturday 7th July
2:30 – 4:30pm
Clifford Hall, Porchester Road, NW8 8EU
Queen’s Park Library
Saturday 14th July
2 – 4pm
666 Harrow Road, W10 4NE.
Westminster Children First, Issue 15, Summer 2012
Bringing up teenagers in the city Bringing up teenage children is never easy and in the city you may feel you have extra concerns around the risks of your child getting involved in antisocial behaviour, gangs or youth violence. Most young people in Westminster are hard-working and contribute to their communities in all sorts of ways. But being a teenager in the city is hard, and children might be tempted to join gangs for a variety of reasons, including to have more friends, to have more power, to protect themselves from other gangs, and to have some control over their lives. Are you worried that your child might be at risk of getting involved in a gang or other anti-social behaviour? Here are some ‘warning signs’ to look out for. • stopping or dropping out of hobbies or clubs they’re involved in
Ask yourself Does my child know I believe in him or her? Am I someone my child can trust? Am I someone my child believes will give him or her a fair hearing? Does my child believe I am someone who can protect him or her? Does my child actually feel loved and accepted by me? If you are not sure, you should discuss these questions with your child. If some of the answers are ‘no’ then you may have some work to do to try to build a good relationship with your child. If you’d like help and advice, you can talk to the Youth Offending Team on 020 7641 5308
• skipping school, or doing worse in class than they have been • not doing as they’re told, for example staying out later than scheduled • not telling you where they are going, who they are with and what they are doing • sudden extra money, new gadgets, clothes or trainers etc • new habits, for example smoking, drinking, dealing or taking drugs • adopting a change of name, or new nickname. • a change in dress and appearance • new friends, who you don’t meet • getting into trouble with the police • using new hand gestures, handshakes, or hand signals with their friends.
Westminster Children First, Issue 15, Summer 2012
Your Choice The council’s Your Choice programme is working with young people and the communities they live in to reduce the number of young people that turn to criminal gang activity and violent youth crime. To find out more, visit www.westminster.gov.uk/your-choice or contact amurray@westminster.gov.uk
Plan your summer with our round-up of free and low-cost events and activities. This is just a sample - visit www.westminster.gov.uk/inthecity for our full listings West End LIVE is back and this year is part of the London 2012 official programme of events in the run-up to the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Casts from every London musical will take to the stage to perform at London’s biggest free outdoor entertainment festival. Sing and dance along with the stars of the best musicals in the world. You can also visit interactive displays from London’s museums, galleries and shows including the Science Museum, Ripley’s Believe it or Not and Angelina Ballerina. Visit our Facebook page for videos and photos from last year’s event. Visit facebook.com/westendlive.
Introduce your children to the magic of live theatre during Kids Week. Throughout August a child aged 16 or under can go free to participating shows with an adult paying full price. Adults can buy up to two extra children’s tickets at half price. Visit kidsweek.co.uk for more information.
“Is this any way for children to learn about history? Too right it is!” Dominic Maxwell, The Times Don’t miss this horrible history of Britain with the nasty bits left in! WIN one of two family tickets to see Horrible Histories Barmy Britain – Live on Stage! To be in with a chance of winning email childrenfirst@westminster.gov.uk with ‘Horrible histories’ in the subject line by Friday 13th July 2012. Terms and conditions. Prize must be taken before 1st September 2012. Subject to availability. Prize is as stated and cannot be transferred or exchanged. No cash alternative with be offered. A family ticket is four seats
Westminster Children First, Issue 15, Summer 2012
The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Diamond Jubilee Festival
31 May – 5 June Musical evenings at St. Martin-in-the-Fields including Coronation anthems and a Proms concert. Visit smitf.org
Thames River Pageant
3 June A spectacular procession of 1,000 boats along the River Thames including Westminster’s very own Boating Base.
Climbing wall taster sessions
Tuesdays, Thursdays and weekends from 24 July – 4 September Age: 4-adult (children under 7 must be accompanied) Venue: West 1 Climbing Wall, Seymour Leisure Centre, Seymour Place, W1H 5TJ Tel: 0845 363 1177 or west1@ high-sports.co.uk Cost: £12.00 or £8.70 with a ResCard or Active Passport Nearest tube: Baker Street/ Edgware Road/Marylebone/ Marble Arch Wheelchair access: No Booking required: Yes
Summer of Service of free sport Thanksgiving and Centres on 27th July, Carriage Procession Leisure 12th August, 29th August and 5 June Following the procession The Royal Family will appear on the balcony and a RAF flypast will take place.
9th September Free activities and discounts at the start and finish of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Sports Jubilee time capsule Beach Academy Sport, various dates Pick a day in the past 60 years and use photos, videos or words to describe why it’s important to you at jubileetimecapsule.org.
Culture Big Dance Week
Covent Garden Piazza on 10th July, 12 midday – 4pm Climb aboard the Big Dance Bus in Covent Garden Piazza. Learn the moves for the Big Street Dance on 14th July with dance instructors from Jubilee Hall and enjoy performances from professional dancers and local dance groups. Visit bigdance2012.com
Sport and leisure
and times Westminster will host the Olympic beach volleyball on Horse Guards Parade from 28th July and 9th August. To help you get involved, Academy Sport is running a summer of beach sports on its new beach volleyball court. Try out beach volleyball, beach tennis and footvolley with a group of friends or as part of a programme. Call Academy Sport on 020 7121 0642.
Family WECH Summer Festival
9 July, 1 – 5pm, 10am – 3pm Age: All Food, competitions, sports and other activities
Westminster Children First, Issue 15, Summer 2012
Venue: Mews Gardens, corner of Warlock Road and Chippenham Road, W9 Tel: 020 7266 3347 Cost: Free Nearest tube: Westbourne Park/Royal Oak
Queen’s Park Summer Festival
28 July, 12 midday – 6pm Age: All An afternoon of activities centered around a main stage showcasing local and professional acts. Olympic events, afternoon tea for older residents, games and lots of fun for everyone. Plus an international food area and face painting. Venue: Queen’s Park Gardens, Ilbert Street, W10 Tel: 020 8964 8024 or queensparkforum.org Cost: Free Nearest Tube: Queen’s Park Booking required: No Wheelchair access: Yes
Youth St. Andrew’s Summer Project
Daily from 23 July-24 August, 3pm onwards Age: 9-19 Learn new skills this summer with daily activities such as DJ mixing, graffiti art, archery, table tennis and cookery plus trips to Thorpe Park, paint balling and quad biking Venue: St Andrew’s Club, Alec Wizard House, 12 Old Pye Street, SW1P 2DG Tel: 020 7222 6481 or info@standrewsclub.com Cost: Call for details Nearest tube: St. James’s Park Cost: Call for details Nearest tube: St. James’s Park Wheelchair access: No Booking required: No
Step into Story Lab, and you’re off on an imaginative adventure that knows no bounds. The brainchild of Prof Cortex, the Story Lab’s on board computer, Story Lab is a five-sided hi-tech HQ that attracts stories from all over the world and sends them spinning throughout the city – and beyond! Here you can read, collect, share, create, transmit and broadcast stories. Story Lab is this year’s Summer Reading Challenge. Encourage your children to read six books of their choice over the summer holidays and they’ll win stickers and rewards along the way and a certificate and medal if they complete the challenge. Story Lab is a great way to keep your kids reading over the school holidays, boost their reading levels and confidence and have some fun! Kira and Dominik Callrgari (both 5) loved last year’s Summer Reading Challenge. Their dad, Luigi, said “They were both so proud that they could complete the challenge and obviously excited by the
ongoing rewards, Kira was especially keen to build up the Circus background with the stickers. Dominik didn’t realise that there were only six books in all so when he completed he asked “where’s the next book?”. For both the twins it made reading exciting and rewarding, as demonstrated when the certificates and medals arrived. I’d like to send a big thank you to all the staff and volunteers who run the summer reading challenge. Not only for running the events but for taking time to listen to the children and what they think of the books they read.”
“where’s the next book?” Dominik, age 5.
ari, both 5 Kira and Dominik Callrg 12
Westminster Children First, Issue 15, Summer 2012
Want to get involved? We’re looking for young people (aged 15+) to be volunteer mentors on the scheme, encouraging children in their reading and giving out rewards. To find out how your kids can get involved, pop into your local library or visit www.westminster.gov.uk/ services/libraries/children
Make sure they know where and how to cross. • Find the safer places to cross. Learn to recognise Zebra, Pelican and Puffin crossings. • Even when the green man is lit up it may not be safe to cross so look and listen for traffic. Only cross if traffic has or will stop at the crossing.
Stay active this summer As the kids break up for the summer holidays, it’s important young people enjoy the outdoors and stay active. Westminster offers plenty of great value activities to help young people take part in the activities you want, including free swimming and over 100 hours of free sport every week.
Children from the club said “it’s fun and exciting and it helps me get fit and stronger. I can now compete and run faster at sports day. I also find it easier to concentrate in lessons.”
Active kids at St Stephen’s C of E School
Little ones
Staff and pupils at St Stephen’s have taken the messages about the importance of all children keeping active to their hearts. Every week, pupils take part in an active club session for fun, fitness and healthy eating to help children keep a healthy weight.
And for the little ones, it’s important to give them the opportunity to develop their coordination and strengthen their whole body. Take them to the park so they can run, climb and play with a ball and get some sun too to boost their vitamin D.
Children from the club said “it’s fun and
Westminster Children First, Issue 15, Summer 2012
How active should my kids be? • Health experts say that 5-18 year olds should be moderately to vigorously active for at least 60 minutes a day where they get warm, sweaty and out of breath. • Under 5s who are walking should be physically active for at least 3 hours, spread throughout the day.
• Parents also need to limit the amount of time children spend just sitting such as watching TV or playing computer games. • For tips and ideas for how to get your family more active this summer go to the Change4Life website. www.nhs.uk/ Change4Life
Activities for young people this summer What better time to introduce your family to sport than during the 2012 Games this summer? There’s lots going on across the city so take your pick and try it out. Visit westminster.gov.uk/ olympics or call 020 7641 2012 to find out more. • EDUTAIN EDUTAIN meaning to EDUcate and enterTAIN, is a sports and arts activity programme for young people aged 8-13. When: Summer dates: 23rd July – 24th August 2012 Where: North: Academy Sport, Westminster Academy, 255 Harrow Road, W2 5EZ South: St Andrew’s Club, Alec Wizard House, 12 Old Pye Street, SW1P 2DG Call: 020 7641 2012 for more information Cost: £5 per day
• Holiday sports camps Tennis, football, basketball, cricket and multi-sport. Where: Paddington Recreation Ground and St Augustine’s Sports Centre When: 10am – 3pm, Tues – Fri running for 6 weeks from the 24th July Ages: 5 – 15 Cost: £50. 25 for the week (£26.30 with a Rescard). Daily rate: £12.60 (£6.60 with Res card). Booking advisable Call: 020 7641 3642
• Kids Camp Football, badminton, netball, dancing, rounders, cricket and swimming Where: Queen Mother Sports Centre, 223 Vauxhall Bridge Road, SW1V 1EL Ages: 8 – 13 Call: 020 7630 5522 for more information and to book
• Active drop-in sessions All-day and two-hour drop- in sessions including parkour, football, basketball, street dance and multi-sports. Where: Academy Sport, Torquay Street, W2 5EZ When: 23rd July – 31st August Ages: 6-13 Cost: from £1 – 5 Call: 020 7121 0642 for more information and to book Pick up a copy of the Active Guide from your local leisure centre to find out about the full range of sport and leisure in Westminster.
Westminster Children First, Issue 15, Summer 2012
Olympic Sporting legacy
Melita, second from the right
Get involved in sport in 2012 and beyond with our 12 legacy programmes. Visit westminster.gov.uk/olympics for details of how to get involved. Our Champions of the Future scheme is one of our legacy programmes and future basketball champion, Melita Emanuel-Carr stars in the new Adidas campaign encouraging young people to get involved in sport. Look out for adverts featuring Melita across Westminster and take a look at her dunking the ball in the TV advert on our Facebook page. Just search ActiveWestminster.
Melita says: “the sports unit ask people like me to go into schools and tell people about our lives and what we want to achieve and that helps younger people to see the benefits of sport. I think 2012 can motivate people to pick it up as well.” Melita also stars in our 2012 video. Visit westminster.gov.uk/sport to take a look and to find out more about Champions of the Future.
Abdounour Berrah, 18, from Pimlico Academy, says:
“I’m most looking forward to the Olympics atmosphere; there will be a real sense of community and I think it will be great to see people of all ages getting involved. There are young athletes taking part in this year’s games and it’s inspiring. I will definitely be taking part in more sport.” Syeda Sultana, 18, from Paddington Academy, is the Deputy Youth MP for Westminster. She says:
“I’m really excited about London becoming more of a landmark by hosting this year’s Olympics. There will be so much going on and I can’t wait to be a part of it. The Olympics encourages you to get involved, focus on your fitness and aim to be like your sporting idols.”
Westminster Children First, Issue 15, Summer 2012
Supporting Parents Are you the parent of a child with Special Educational Needs (SEN)? If so, the council’s Parent Partnership Officer is here to help. They will: • liaise with schools on your behalf and go to school meetings with you • put you in touch with organisations that can offer you the help you need • give you advice about the statutory assessment and annual review processes The Parent Partnership Officer also works with local voluntary organisations that provide support to parents, including:
“I enjoyed meeting other parents in a similar situation” PAN-Westminster parent
Westminster Parent Participation Group – Make It Happen By joining the group you can help influence the future development and delivery of services for you and your children. Tel: 020 8960 5384 Email: Wmppg09@hotmail.co.uk Web: www.wmppg.co.uk PAN (Parents Advice Network) – Westminster PAN provides information, support and advice on special education needs, disability, education laws, schools, colleges and any other issues surrounding education. Tel: 020 7723 8656 Email: panwestminster@yahoo.co.uk Web: aslater.freeservers.com/ PANwestminster.html
Children lear n by example so be a good role model to ANY child who may be watching when you cross. Use the green cross code every time.
Stop, Look, Listen and Think! And TALK. Explain the decisions you make.
Teenagers wondering what to do this summer?
Ellie Sheene, 15
If your children are aged 16+, then work experience is a great way to fill time in the summer holidays, build up some valuable experience, and work out what they might want to do for a job or career. A work placement is an opportunity to spend a period of time outside the classroom, learning about a particular job or area of work. During a placement, teenagers can find out what skills employers look for when they’re hiring someone to fill a job vacancy. They will also get the chance to develop self-confidence and communication skills, to help them work better with other people in further or higher education, as well as in their future career. Ellie Sheene, a student of St George’s Catholic School, recently showcased her own mini film thanks to her involvement in the ‘Rise Up’ programme, which is aimed at Westminster students who are ‘at-risk’ of leaving education, employment or training,and provides a personalised work experience program helping young people like Ellie learn and develop though creative projects. Ellie says: “Once a week I get to work with the ‘Rise Up’ team on media projects which count towards my GCSEs and focus on the issues that face young people today like knife and gun crime.”
After interviewing for a place on the program, Ellie was able to gain hands on work experience, creating ideas through photography, video and digital, whilst gaining a real sense of the working environment. Rise Up’ has given Ellie the opportunity for her voice to be heard. Not only has she improved her approach to learning, she has also made her family very proud. “This project has been unbelievably rewarding. It has been professional but fun and it’s great to know that my ideas are valued. Overall, my self belief has improved and this encourages me to work harder.” Ellie believes that “people should grab every opportunity and contribute to projects like ‘Rise Up’ to be able to make a difference and realise their true potential.” For more information about local work experience options for your teenager, ask at their school. For general advice on work experience, visit www.prospects.ac.uk/ work_experience.htm
Westminster Children First, Issue 15, Summer 2012
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