Your choice for primary education A guide for parents with children starting primary school in September 2012
Westminster City Council
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020 7641 6000 westminster.gov.uk
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Apply online for your child’s primary school place Information for parents
What are the benefits of applying online? Westminster City Council is working with the 32 other London boroughs and the London Grid for Learning, to enable parents to apply for school places online. The benefits of applying online include: • a quicker process • the option to track the progress of your application • faster feedback on the results of your application • less paper • the opportunity to apply from any location with internet access 24 hours a day, seven days a week up until the closing date. If you wish to continue to apply using a paper form, you will be able to do so.
How do I apply online? You can apply online from 1st September 2011. The national closing date for online applications is 15th January 2012, the same as for paper applications. Read this brochure and visit www.westminster.gov.uk/ admissions for further information about schools in Westminster. If you decide to apply online you will be directed to the London eAdmissions website, where you can search for the schools that are nearest to your home address. You will need to enter details about yourself and your child, so it may be useful to have these to hand before you start.
Front cover image: Pupils from St. Clement Danes CE Primary School
Depending on what school(s) you prefer, you may also need to complete a school supplementary form, which can be requested directly from the school. Remember, you can apply for up to six schools for your child. We recommend that you apply for at least three schools, including your nearest community schools or Academies. Limiting your number of school preferences may reduce your chances of being offered a place.
If I don’t have a computer at home, can I still apply online? You can apply anywhere with internet access, including your local library (visit www.westminster.gov.uk/libraries to find your nearest library).
When will I find out about my application? The School Admissions team will write to all resident applicants on 18th April 2012 to notify them of the outcome of their applications. Notifications will be sent by first class mail on this date. If you have applied online, you will also be notified by email on the evening of 18th April 2012. For further information, visit www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Contents Welcome Message from Councillor Nickie Aiken, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Community Protection
How to apply
Common application form
Closing date for applications
Supplementary application forms
Introduction to Westminster schools 6
Changes of preference
Contacting the School Admissions team
Children with a statement of special educational needs 18
Community schools, voluntary aided schools and Academies – an explanation
Academies in Westminster
How your application will be considered
Building Schools for the Future
The National Curriculum
Early years education and childcare
Applications procedure
19 19
Notifying you on your application outcome 19 Proof of address and date of birth
Waiting lists
Applications received after the closing date of 15th January 2012
21 21
Applying for a nursery place at a maintained nursery or primary school
Appealing against admission decisions
Maintained nurseries and nursery classes
Key dates
Nursery schools
Nursery classes at Westminster primary schools
Starting school
Commitment and support
How to apply
Full-time nursery places
Nursery children transferring to reception class
Applying for a reception class place at a primary school
When to apply for a reception class place at primary school
When your child should start at primary school
Pan-London co-ordinated admissions system
Which school?
Nursery and primary schools in Westminster
Admission criteria
Other information
In-year admissions
Attendance Service
Special educational needs
Westminster Family Information Service
Free school meals
Deciding your school preferences
Assistance with home-to-school travel
Schools outside Westminster
Westminster secondary schools
Private/independent (fee-paying) schools
Contact details for neighbouring boroughs
Map of Westminster’s educational establishments 106
4 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Welcome Starting school is one of the most important and exciting times in your and your child’s life. We will support you and your child to ensure this is a positive experience.
This brochure is designed to give you information about all the primary and nursery schools in Westminster and is produced in partnership with them to provide the information you need to make an informed choice. It also explains the whole process of applying for your child’s place. With the nationwide expansion of the Academies programme and the introduction of free schools, parents have more choice than ever before about where to educate their children. One of our priorities as a council is to develop a school choice for parents and carers. This means helping you, as parents, to make an informed decision about the range of education providers now available – making sure you have all the information you need to make the best decision for your children. Westminster primary schools perform above the national levels in the Key Stage tests and pupils make more progress than the national average. You can be confident that by attending a primary or early years class in Westminster, your child will receive an excellent education and also develop physical, emotional and social skills.
If you have any questions, or need further information about the schools you are considering, please do contact the School Admissions team on 020 7641 1817/1816 or email schooladmissions@westminster.gov.uk. I wish your child every success at primary school.
Councillor Nickie Aiken Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Community Protection
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Image: Pupil from Robinsfield Infant School
6 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Introduction to Westminster’s schools This brochure is for parents of pupils aged between three and 11, but deals mainly with issues for parents whose children are due to start primary school in 2012. It gives information about how and when to apply for a place, explains how admission decisions are made and gives information about each school to help parents decide the best school for their children. There are 40 maintained primary schools and Academies and four maintained nursery schools in Westminster. The education provided at each of these schools is free. All other schools in Westminster providing primary or nursery education are either independent (private) schools or run by other organisations that may charge fees. The council’s Family Information Service provides details of all provision in the area and can be contacted by visiting www.westminster.gov.uk/fis, emailing fis@westminster.gov.uk or calling 020 7641 7929.
Community schools, voluntary aided schools and Academies – an explanation
Further information on independent schools is available from the Independent Schools Council at www.isc.co.uk and the Independent Schools Directory and Resource at www.independentschools.co.uk
Community schools are financed by public money and maintained by the council, which also sets their admission requirements.
Many of the questions parents often raise are answered in this brochure, but if you need further information, the School Admissions team will be pleased to help.
Voluntary aided schools are set up by a religious or voluntary body but funded through the council. Governors have additional responsibilities for community schools, including setting admission requirements and deciding which children to admit.
Contacting the School Admissions team The council’s School Admissions team is based at the council offices on Lisson Grove, NW8. The team can be contacted in a number of ways: • write to Westminster City Council, School Admissions team, 1st floor, 215 Lisson Grove, London, NW8 8LF • visit www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions • email schooladmissions@westminster.gov.uk • call 020 7641 1817/1816 Please note: at busy times, it may be necessary to make an appointment if you need to see a member of the School Admissions team.
There are 40 maintained primary schools and Academies and four maintained nursery schools in Westminster. Twelve of these are community primary schools, 19 are Church of England voluntary aided primary schools, seven are Roman Catholic voluntary aided primary schools and two are Academies.
Academies are independent schools funded directly by central government. Each Academy’s governing body sets its admission arrangements in agreement with the Secretary of State and the local authority.
Academies in Westminster Westminster currently has four recently built Academies – Westminster Academy, Paddington Academy, Pimlico Academy (all of which are for pupils aged 11 to 18 years) and King Solomon Academy (for pupils aged three to 18 years) – and one new Academy, ARK Atwood Primary Academy, which opens on a temporary site in Third Avenue in September 2011.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. Marylebone School has recently opted to become an Academy under the government’s new initiative and Quintin Kynaston School has also applied to gain Academy status from November 2011.
Building Schools for the Future Building Schools for the Future (BSF) was the previous government’s national programme to transform education for all secondary school students. In Westminster, more than £152 million was granted for investment in new and refurbished buildings and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for seven secondary schools, two special schools and the Alternative Provision Centre. Work is complete at Pimlico Academy, Westminster City School, St. Marylebone School, Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee School and The Grey Coat Hospital. Work at St. George’s RC School and St. Augustine’s CE High School will finish in September 2011. The rebuilding of College Park School will be complete by the end of 2011. The rebuilding of Quintin Kynaston School is due to start in 2012, as soon as the new Alternative Provision Centre is completed. On completion, the programme will have achieved:
• redevelopment of Westminster’s special schools – College Park and Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee, on their existing sites • development of a Marlborough Hill campus, including brand new facilities for Quintin Kynaston School, an Alternative Provision Centre and, using Primary Capital Programme funding, George Eliot Primary School. All of the developments incorporate some community facilities ranging from sport and art to academic and craft programmes.
The National Curriculum Westminster primary schools follow the National Curriculum. When your child starts primary school in the reception class they will be taught at Foundation stage. The remainder of your child’s time at primary and secondary school is divided into four stages known as Key Stages. Each stage has its own programme of study, targets and assessment arrangements. The four stages are: Key Stage 1 Ages 5–7
(School years 1 and 2)
• redevelopment of Pimlico Academy on its existing site with community library and adult education unit
Key Stage 2 Ages 7–11
(School years 3 to 6)
Key Stage 3 Ages 11–14
(School years 7 to 9)
• expansion of St. Marylebone School through a new facility on the nearby Blandford Street site, which currently houses the school’s sixth form centre
Key Stage 4 Ages 14–16
(School years 10 and 11)
• expansion of St. Marylebone School through a new facility on the nearby Blandford Street site that houses the school’s sixth form centre • a new extension and refurbishment of Westminster City School • expansion of St. George’s RC School and St. Augustine’s CE High School through new buildings and the refurbishment of existing buildings • a new extension and refurbishment of The Grey Coat Hospital
At primary school your child will be covering Key Stages 1 and 2. These are the subject areas: English
Design Technology
Physical Education
Religious Education
Information and Communication Technology
8 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Early years education and childcare The council is responsible for supporting the delivery of quality education and childcare across Westminster. This is delivered through a range of early years and nursery settings, including 12 Children’s Centres, which provide family support, adult learning opportunities and access to employment advice. Parents will need to apply directly to the school in the spring term to secure a nursery place for a September start. Nurseries in primary schools may have limited vacancies for in-year admissions.
Image: Pupils from Hallfield Primary School
Parents of three and four-year-olds can access a funded part-time early education place for three hours a day, 15 hours a week, up to 38 weeks per year. Visit www.westminster.gov.uk/children, contact the Family Information Service on 020 7641 7929 or email fis@westminster.gov.uk for further information.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Applying for a nursery place at a maintained nursery or primary school Maintained nurseries and nursery classes There are four nursery schools and 32 nursery classes at primary schools maintained by the council, as well as a nursery class at King Solomon Academy.
Nursery schools Dorothy Gardner Nursery Centre
Portman Early Childhood Centre
Mary Paterson Nursery School
Tachbrook Nursery School
For more information on these schools, please see page 24.
Nursery classes at Westminster primary schools Nursery classes offer 15 hours of early learning a week. Full-time nursery places are allocated by schools to children who meet the agreed criteria. You are welcome to find out from each school whether it offers full-time places and how it allocates them. You will need to apply directly to the schools in the spring term to secure a nursery place for a September start. Some schools may allocate nursery places earlier so please contact your chosen school directly for more information. Please note that nurseries in primary schools may have limited vacancies for in-year admissions. The following maintained schools in Westminster have a nursery class: All Souls CE Primary School
St. Augustine’s CE Primary School
Burdett-Coutts and Townshend Foundation CE Primary School
St. Clement Danes CE Primary School
Christ Church Bentinck CE Primary School
St. Edward’s RC Primary School
Churchill Gardens Primary School
St. James’ and St. Michael’s CE Primary School
Edward Wilson Primary School
St. Joseph’s RC Primary School
Essendine Primary School
St. Mary Magdalene CE Primary School
Gateway Primary School
St. Mary of the Angels RC Primary School
George Eliot Primary School
St. Mary’s Bryanston Square CE Primary School
Hallfield Primary School
St. Matthew’s CE Primary School
Hampden Gurney CE Primary School
St. Peter’s Eaton Square CE Primary School
King Solomon Academy
St. Saviour’s CE Primary School
Millbank Primary School
St. Stephen’s CE Primary School
Our Lady of Dolours RC Primary School
St. Vincent de Paul RC Primary School
Paddington Green Primary School
St. Vincent’s RC Primary School
Queen’s Park Primary School
Soho Parish CE Primary School
Robinsfield Infant School
Wilberforce Primary School
For more information on these schools, please see pages 25–66. Please note attendance at a nursery listed above will not result in automatic entry to the school. All parents are advised to make applications to their preferred schools in accordance with the procedure set out overleaf.
10 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
How to apply To apply for a nursery class place at a Westminster primary school or maintained nursery, you will need to apply directly to the school/nursery. You are welcome to contact them to arrange a visit and make an application. Contact details are given on pages 24–66.
Voluntary aided schools and Academies Voluntary aided schools and Academies have their own criteria for deciding which children should have a place in their nursery classes. Parents should contact each school directly for more information.
Community schools/nursery schools
Full-time nursery places
There may not be enough places in the nursery school or nursery class to take all the children who would like to attend. For community schools and maintained nursery schools, where there are more applications than places, schools will allocate places in the following order:
A review is currently taking place to agree common criteria for allocating full-time nursery places across all those schools in Westminster that offer them. The new criteria will be published during the autumn and will be available to view at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
1. Looked After Children. 2. Children with an exceptional medical or social need for a place at the particular school concerned. 3. Children with a brother or sister already attending the nursery school or class, or the main school of which the nursery class is part, at the time of admission. In the case of the nursery class at Robinsfield Infant School, this priority would also extend to applicants with a sibling attending Barrow Hill Junior School. This is in line with the linked sibling priority that already exists between these schools for admission from reception onwards. 4. Children for whom the school or nursery class is the nearest nursery provision in a community school. Priority within this group is given to those living nearest to the school as measured by the shortest walking distance. 5. Children who live nearest the school (as measured by the shortest walking distance).
Nursery children transferring to reception class Please note there is no automatic transfer from the nursery class to the reception class at a school. The infant or primary school where a child attends a nursery class will not necessarily be able to offer a place in reception. There is a separate application procedure for reception class places at schools. All schools have admission criteria, which they use to allocate places when they are oversubscribed.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Image: Pupil from Hallfield Primary School
12 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Applying for a reception class place at a primary school When to apply for a reception class place at a primary school If your child was born between 1st September 2007 and 31st August 2008, your child is due to start in the reception class at school in the 2012/13 school year. You must make your application by 15th January 2012. You can apply from September 2011, but please note that the length of time your child’s name is on the application list does not affect your priority for a place. If you apply after the closing date you may find your preferred school is already full with children whose parents applied at the correct time. The council is co-ordinating the admission process for 2012/13 as part of the pan-London co-ordinated admission system (PLCAS) for admission to primary schools. Any parents and guardians who have already made applications to a Westminster school before September 2011 will need to re-apply and complete the common application form of the local authority where they live. See the how to apply section on page 16 for further details.
When your child should start primary school The first class your child will join when starting primary school is the reception class. Children are required by law to receive full-time education in the school term after they turn five but have the opportunity to start in the reception year in the September following their fourth birthday. From September 2011, all children will normally be admitted to school reception year in the September following their fourth birthday. If you wish you can defer your child’s entry until later in the school year. If you decide to defer entry, the school will hold the place for that child and will not offer it to another child until the agreed admission date. However, you cannot defer entry beyond the beginning of the
term after your child’s fifth birthday, nor beyond the end of the school year. In practice, this means that you could defer entry until January if your child was born between 1st September and 31st December, or until April if your child was born between 1st January and 31st August. You must still apply at the normal time even if you wish to defer entry. Parents can also request that their child attends part-time until he/she reaches compulsory school age. Please contact the school for further details.
Pan-London co-ordinated admissions system Admissions are now co-ordinated on a London-wide basis as part of the new pan-London co-ordinated admissions system (PLCAS) for admission to primary schools. Co-ordinated admission arrangements were introduced to make it easier for parents to apply to the primary schools of their choice and increase the number of children offered a reception place at a school of their preference in the initial offer round. Under the PLCAS, each applicant can express up to six preferences for primary schools and Academies in order of preference on the common application form. This form (either paper or online) is then returned to the local authority for the area in which the child lives. It is very important that applicants list their schools in order of preference, as they will be offered only one school on the initial offer day – the highest-preference for which their child is eligible.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
The local authorities taking part in the PLCAS then use a computerised system to pass on application details for schools in other areas. They will also co-ordinate to ensure nobody gets offered more than one school place. The decision on whether a place can be offered will continue to be made by the admission authority for each school. For schools in Westminster, the governing bodies of voluntary aided schools and Academies will order applicants in accordance with their admission criteria, and the Westminster School Admissions team will do this for community schools.
Where a child is eligible to be offered a place at more than one school, the local authority will hold the offer for the highest preference on the parent/carer’s form and release all other lower-preference offers. These places can then be offered to other applicants. Potential offers are exchanged between local authorities until they are in a position to make the single best offer to parents using all available places. All offers will be made on the same day: 18th April 2012.
Local authorities will not pass on details of where the school was ranked on the common application form. No school will be told about other schools a parent has applied for.
Image: David Wu, 11, Barrow Hill Junior School
14 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Which school? Deciding your school preferences Before you decide which schools to apply for and your order of preference, we strongly advise you read the guidance in this brochure. Information about each school is contained in the schools section on pages 25–66. The brochure also contains information about the admission criteria for all community schools and guidance about the admission arrangements for voluntary aided schools. Each school issues its own prospectus (available directly from the school) for further information. We also recommend that you visit each school in which you are interested. The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted) inspects and regulates care for children and young people. If you want to find out about Ofsted reports for Westminster primary schools, you can visit www.ofsted.gov.uk. You are strongly advised to name at least three schools on the Westminster common application form and to include all your local community schools in your preferences. Failure to do so will restrict our ability to offer you a place at a school if your other preferences cannot be met. Please remember most schools will receive more applications than they have places, in which case places will be given first to children who have the highest priority under the school’s admission criteria. The admission criteria for community schools are listed on page 68. Voluntary aided schools and Academies have their own admission criteria (see pages 70–97) and it is important to check them to see whether your child would be eligible for a place. If applying for a place on religious grounds, you will need to provide proof of your church attendance and/or religious commitment on the school’s supplementary form. If a school is heavily oversubscribed, meeting the admission criteria for an
individual school does not guarantee a place. The information section for each school gives an indication of which criteria places were allocated in previous years. Please remember not all schools give priority to children with siblings already attending the school and most schools do not give priority to children already attending the school’s nursery. Making an application for a school does not guarantee a place for your child. A breakdown of last year’s admissions to each school is included in the schools section of this brochure. Further information about previous years’ admissions (including maps indicating offers made under distance criteria for community schools) is available at www.westminster. gov.uk/admissions or by contacting the School Admissions team. Please note that the pattern of admissions can vary from year to year and living within the distance in which places were offered in a previous year does not guarantee a place will be offered in this or future years. All voluntary aided schools in Westminster (except Soho Parish CE Primary School) and some Academies and foundation schools outside Westminster have additional supplementary forms to complete, which are available directly from the schools. The schools in Westminster that require you to complete supplementary forms are listed on page 17. If you are applying for a place at one of these schools, you must complete the school’s supplementary form.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Schools outside Westminster You may also wish to consider schools outside Westminster. Under the PLCAS, Westminster residents can apply for schools anywhere in London on Westminster City Council’s common application form. Detailed information about schools outside Westminster and their admission arrangements is available directly from the schools and their local authority. Contact details for each of the boroughs neighbouring Westminster are given on page 104. Please remember to check the admission arrangements to assess whether you are likely to be offered a place. You may also be required to complete a supplementary form.
Private/independent (fee-paying) schools Further information on private or independent schools is available from the Independent Schools Council (www.isc.co.uk) and the Independent Schools Directory and Resource (www.independentschools.co.uk). You will usually be required to pay fees to attend these schools. These schools do not form part of the PLCAS and you must apply to them directly.
Image: Pupil from Hallfield Primary School
16 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
How to apply Common application form If you are a Westminster resident you must complete Westminster City Council’s common application form to apply for a primary school place. You can also apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions. Further information about applying online is given on the inside front cover of this brochure. Paper forms are available directly from Westminster primary schools and from the council’s School Admissions team. A copy of the form can also be downloaded from www.westminster.gov.uk/ admissions. On this form, you can express a preference for up to six primary schools and Academies, including schools outside Westminster. You must list them in order of preference. This means you should write your first choice (ie the school you most want your child to go to) at the top of the list, your second choice below and then continue with all your preferences. If you have any difficulties, please contact the council’s School Admissions team. The council will co-ordinate the admissions process to ensure no child receives more than one offer of a place at a maintained primary school or Academy (the highest preference for which they are eligible) on the common offer day of 18th April 2012. If you wish to apply for a primary school place in Westminster but are not a Westminster resident, you must complete your own local council’s application form and follow its instructions for submission. All voluntary aided schools in Westminster (except Soho Parish CE Primary School) have additional supplementary forms to complete. See page 17 for further information. You should complete only one Westminster common application form. If you submit more, the School Admissions team will try to contact you to confirm
your preferred application. If it is not possible to contact you, the council will order your preferred schools by distance, with the closest school as your most preferred school.
Closing date for applications – 15th January 2012 Westminster residents should send the completed common application form to: Westminster City Council School Admissions team 1st Floor 215 Lisson Grove London NW8 8LF If you prefer, you may hand your completed form to your local primary school, which will pass it to the School Admissions team. Forms must be received by the School Admissions team by 5pm on 15th January 2012. Online applications will be accepted up to 11.59pm on this date. An acknowledgement will be sent to confirm receipt. Applicants living outside of Westminster who wish to apply for a place at a Westminster school must apply on their local council’s common application form by 15th January 2012. See page 104 for contact details of neighbouring local authorities.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Supplementary application forms All Westminster voluntary aided schools (except Soho Parish CE Primary School) have additional supplementary forms to complete, which are available directly from the schools or at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions. These forms are necessary for the school governors to determine whether applicants meet their faith requirements or other criteria. If applying for a place on religious grounds, you will be required to provide proof of your church attendance and/or religious commitment on the school’s supplementary form. If you are applying for a place at one of these schools you should also complete this form. Failure to do so will mean the school governors will not be able to fully consider your application against the school’s oversubscription criteria. If you are also applying for schools outside Westminster, you should check with the individual school(s) concerned. Westminster Schools for which an additional supplementary form needs to be completed: Voluntary aided (church) schools All Souls CE Primary School, W1W 7JJ
St. Luke’s CE Primary School, W9 3EJ
Burdett-Coutts and Townshend Foundation CE Primary School, SW1P 2QQ
St. Mary Magdalene CE Primary School, W2 5TF
Christ Church Bentinck CE Primary School, NW1 5NS
St. Mary of the Angels RC Primary School, W2 5PR
Hampden Gurney CE Primary School, W1H 5HA
St. Mary’s Bryanston Square CE Primary School, W1H 1DL
Our Lady of Dolours RC Primary School, W2 5SR
St. Matthew’s CE Primary School, SW1P 2DG
St. Augustine’s CE Primary School, NW6 5XA
St. Peter’s CE (Chippenham Mews) Primary School, W9 2AN
St. Barnabas’ CE Primary School, SW1W 8PF
St. Peter’s Eaton Square CE Primary School, SW1W 0NL
St. Clement Danes CE Primary School, WC2B 5SU
St. Saviour’s CE Primary School, W9 2JD
St. Edward’s RC Primary School, NW1 6LH
St. Stephen’s CE Primary School, W2 5QH
St. Gabriel’s CE Primary School, SW1V 3AG
St. Vincent de Paul RC Primary School, SW1P 1EP
St. George’s Hanover Square CE Primary School, W1K 2XH
St. Vincent’s RC Primary School, W1U 4DF
St. James’ and St. Michael’s CE Primary School, W2 3QD Westminster Cathedral RC Primary School, SW1V 3SE St. Joseph’s RC Primary School, W9 1DF
18 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Schools for which no additional form is needed: Westminster community schools Churchill Gardens Primary School, SW1V 3EU
Millbank Primary School, SW1P 4HR
Edward Wilson Primary School, W2 5TL
Paddington Green Primary School, W2 1SP
Essendine Primary School, W9 2LR
Queen’s Park Primary School, W10 4DQ
Gateway Primary School, NW8 8LN
Robinsfield Infant School, NW8 6PX
George Eliot Primary School, NW8 0NH
Wilberforce Primary School, W10 4LB
Hallfield Primary School, W2 6JJ Westminster voluntary aided (church) schools Soho Parish CE Primary School, W1D 7LF Academies ARK Atwood Primary Academy, W10 4RS
King Solomon Academy, NW1 6RX
Changes of preference It is not normally possible to accept any changes after the closing date. If you do add preferences or change your order of preference after this date, the new or changed preference school will normally be considered only after all other applications have been considered.
Children with a statement of special educational needs If your child has a statement of special educational needs, different procedures apply and you should not complete the Westminster common application form. Please contact the council’s Special Educational Needs team on 020 7641 5348/5350/5352.
Image: Pupil from Millbank Primary School
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
How your application will be considered Applications procedure Applications received by the closing date of 15th January 2012 will be dealt with in the following way: • Under the pan-London co-ordinated admissions system (PLCAS), the Westminster admissions database will send details of resident applications for schools outside Westminster to the central computer hub. This is called the pan-London register (PLR). These details are then forwarded by the PLR to the relevant local authority. The council’s School Admissions team will in turn receive applications to Westminster primary schools from out-of-city applicants. • The council’s School Admissions team will give a list of applicants to each voluntary aided school and Academy in Westminster. None of the schools will be given information on the preference order of any applicants. • School governors will then rank applicants in accordance with their admission criteria and return the list to the School Admissions team. The School Admissions team will rank applicants for each community school in accordance with the published admission criteria for Westminster. • When the offer lists are prepared, the council’s School Admissions team will enter this information on the Westminster admissions database. The School Admissions team will then check all lists to see whether any child has been offered more than one school place. In such a case the child will be offered only the highest preference of these schools. All other potential lower-preference offers will then be allocated to other applicants. This data is then transferred to the PLR.
• The PLR will then inform the School Admissions team of the highest potential offer for each resident applicant and eliminate multiple offers for applications made for schools in other boroughs. Other local authorities will do the same for their residents and schools. The local authority will inform the schools to whom it will offer places, in accordance with the highest preference of the parent/guardian. • Under co-ordinated admissions arrangements, only one place at a primary school will be offered on the initial offer date of 18th April 2012. This will be the highest-preference possible, so please make sure you put your school preferences in the right order. • The council’s School Admissions team will write to resident applicants on 18th April 2012 to advise them of the outcome of their applications. Notifications will be sent by first class mail on this date. Online applicants will also be notified by email on the evening of 18th April 2012. Applicants residing in other boroughs will be notified by their own local authority. • Academies and voluntary aided schools in Westminster will write to successful applicants. The council’s School Admissions team will do this for community schools. Unsuccessful applicants will also be contacted to explain why their application was unsuccessful and to give advice regarding waiting lists and appeal procedures.
Notifying you on your application outcome If your application is received by the closing date of 15th January 2012, the council’s School Admissions team will write to you on 18th April 2012 to notify you of the outcome. Notifications will be sent by first class mail on this date. Online applicants will also be notified by email on the evening of 18th April 2012. Applicants residing in other boroughs will be notified by their own local authority.
20 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Academies and voluntary aided schools in Westminster will write to successful applicants. The council’s School Admissions team will do this for community schools. Unsuccessful applicants will also be contacted to explain why their application was unsuccessful and to give advice regarding waiting lists and appeal procedures. The school will ask you to confirm in writing, by 2nd May 2012, that you wish to accept the place offered. Failure to do so may result in the place being withdrawn. If your form is received after the closing date of 15th January 2012, it will only be considered after the initial offer date of 18th April 2012.
Proof of address and date of birth You will be required to provide proof of address with your application. When offering you a place, the school may also request evidence of your home address and child’s date of birth. Please note, if you are not able to provide an acceptable form of proof of address, your application may become invalid and the offer will be withdrawn. Acceptable forms of proof of address are as follows: • council tax bill • council/housing association tenancy agreement • child benefit book/notification. The evidence provided must be dated no more than six months before the offer letter. Acceptable forms of proof of date of birth are as follows: • birth certificate • passport • immigration document • child benefit book/notification (where the child’s date of birth is shown) • baptismal certificate. Only original documents should be submitted. Photocopies are not acceptable. Please note that giving any false or deliberately misleading information on the common application form, school supplementary form and/or supporting information may render your application invalid, or lead to the offer of a place being withdrawn.
Waiting lists Applicants’ names will be included on waiting lists for schools that have been cited as a higher preference than the one offered. For example, if a child has been offered their third-preference school, they will be included on the waiting list for their first and second Image: Pupil from Millbank Primary School
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
preference schools. The school or council’s School Admissions team may contact you to confirm whether you wish to remain on the waiting list for a particular school. Applicants who apply after the closing date will be included on waiting lists for schools. All places on the waiting list are ordered in accordance with the published admission criteria for each school and will be offered to children as vacancies arise. After the initial offer day of 18th April 2012, the School Admissions team will offer any places that arise at community schools and Academies. The school governors will decide who is offered any subsequent vacancies at voluntary aided schools in line with the published admission criteria and waiting-list ranking. You will be notified of any subsequent offers by your local council. Please note: a child’s position on the waiting list can go down as well as up. For example, if a new application is received or if a child on the list moves nearer to the school, the waiting list may need to be revised. The offer of a place does not depend on the length of time your child’s name has been on the waiting list. If you request to be included on the waiting list for a school that was a lower preference than the one offered or add new school preferences after the closing date, you will normally be ranked on the school waiting list below all other applicants for the school. If you have difficulty in obtaining a reception class place for your child, contact the School Admissions team for assistance.
Applications received after the closing date of 15th January 2012 If you apply for a reception class place after the published closing date, your application will be considered only after the offer date of 18th April 2012. Your child’s name will then be added to the waiting list together with unsuccessful applicants considered in the initial allocation round. See above for how waiting lists operate.
Appealing against admission decisions If it has not been possible to offer your child a place at your preferred school, you have the legal right to appeal to an independent appeal panel. Details of your right of appeal will be included in the letter from the school (or from the council for community schools). Since September 2001 (subject to certain very limited exceptions) reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes have not been allowed by law to contain more than 30 pupils if the class has only one teacher. The power of appeal panels to uphold appeals in these circumstances is very limited. Panels will only be able to uphold your appeal if they consider that: the decision to refuse your child was unreasonable in legal terms; an error occurred in carrying out the school’s admission arrangements that prevented your child being offered a place; or the admission arrangements for the school were unlawful and, had they been lawful, your child would have been offered a place. Please note there is no formal right of appeal concerning admission to nursery schools or classes. More detailed information about appeals is available at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions or from the School Admissions team. Guidance will also be provided with your appeal form should you decide to pursue this right.
22 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Key dates 2011
September 2011
Your choice for primary education brochure, common application form and guidance notes are available online, at libraries and schools, and by post. Parents of children who were born between 1st September 2007 and 31st August 2008 should start applying for a reception place.
From 1st September 2011
Parents can apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions.
2012 15th January 2012
Closing date for applications.
18th April 2012
Common offer day. The School Admissions team will write to you advising of the outcome of your application. Letters will be sent by first class mail. Online applicants will also be notified by email on the evening of 18th April 2012.
18th April 2012 onwards
Any vacancies will be filled from school waiting lists. Appeal hearings will be arranged for parents wishing to appeal.
2nd May 2012
Deadline for successful applicants to return acceptance slips to schools.
Starting school Once you have accepted a place, you will need to make all the necessary arrangements for your child to start school, such as signing parental agreements or attending parents’ sessions. The school will tell you what you need to do. You should notify the school of any change of address during the application process so it can get in touch with you if it needs to. If your child attends nursery school, let the nursery or school know which primary schools you have applied to and after you have found out the result of your applications, tell them which primary school you have decided on.
Commitment and support When your child starts primary or nursery school, the school will expect you to show commitment to your child’s education throughout their time there and to confirm your support for their values and beliefs.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Image: Pupil from Hallfield Primary School
24 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Nursery and primary schools in Westminster Nursery schools Dorothy Gardner Nursery Centre
Portman Early Childhood Centre
Head of centre
Nikki Cary
Joanna White
293 Shirland Road, W9 3JY
020 8969 5835
12–18 Salisbury Street, NW8 8DE
020 8969 1952
020 7641 5435
Nearest tube station Queen’s Park (Bakerloo line)
020 7641 5427
Bus routes
Nearest tube station Edgware Road (Bakerloo, District, Circle and Hammersmith and City lines)
6, 36, 187, 316, 328, 414
The centre is run in conjunction with Children’s Services and offers integrated care and education.
Bus routes
Mary Paterson Nursery School Headteacher
Sylvie Gambell
13 Riverton Close, (off Ashmore Road), W9 3DS
020 7641 5804
020 7641 5649
www.marypaterson. westminster.sch.uk
The centre, which is run in conjunction with Children’s Services and Church Street Sure Start, offers integrated care, education and family support services for children and their families.
Tachbrook Nursery School Headteacher
Tess Robson
Cockburn House, Aylesford Street, SW1V 3RT
020 7641 8725
020 7641 8726
Nearest tube station Queen’s Park (Bakerloo line) Bus routes
6, 36, 187, 316, 328, 414
2, 6, 16, 18, 27, 98, 139, 189, 205, 332, 414, 453
Nearest tube station Pimlico (Victoria line) Bus routes
2, 24, 36, 87, 88,185, 360, 436, C10
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Primary schools Key to primaty school codes BS
Beacon Status
Nursery class
Church of England school
Infant school
Early Years Unit
Junior school
Full-time Equivalent
Roman Catholic school
All Souls CE Primary School (voluntary aided) N I J Headteacher
Alix Ascough
Foley Street, W1W 7JJ
020 7641 4707
020 7641 4703
Nearest tube station
Goodge Street (Northern line), Warren Street (Northern and Victoria lines)
Bus routes
7, 8, 10, 14, 24, 25, 29, 73, 98, 134, 176, 390
Type of school: Church of England voluntary aided Number of pupils (January 2011): 176 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 30 Number of nursery places: 25 All Souls CE Primary School is a warm and friendly school that prides itself on its strong sense of community and caring ethos. The school has good links with the church but has always served all the children in the local area and truly reflects the cosmopolitan nature of central London. The school is committed to high achievement and all children are given the opportunity to achieve their full potential. Details of the school’s published admission criteria are given on page 71.
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 30 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 36
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) On the initial offer day, under Westminster’s co-ordinated admission arrangements, all applicants were offered a place at the school or offered a higher-preference school. Please note the pattern of admissions can vary from year to year.
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 None 2010 None 2009 None 2008 None 2007 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live and complete the school’s supplementary form if applying on faith grounds.
26 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
ARK Atwood Primary Academy I J
every child achieves mastery of mathematics concepts. The primary performing arts programme focuses on dance, drama, singing and music.
Daniel Upfield
17-23 Third Avenue, W10 4RS Temporary site from September 2011 to September 2014. It is proposed that the school will move to a permanent site in Amberley Road W9 in September 2014
020 3116 0800
Admissions to reception class 2011/12
Nearest tube station
Queen’s Park and Westbourne Park
Number of places available: 60
Bus routes
18, 28, 228
Type of school: Academy Number of pupils (January 2011): Not applicable – new school opened in September 2011 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 60 Number of nursery places: Nursery proposed to open in September 2014 ARK Atwood Primary Academy is a happy, well-run school characterised by high ambitions, high achievement and exemplary behaviour. Its vision is for every child to fulfil his or her potential. It does everything possible to ensure every child achieves year-level expectations and above and takes responsibility for nurturing and developing the personal qualities of every child. The curriculum programme has a strong focus on core subjects, particularly literacy and mathematics, and the Academy specialises in mathematics and the performing arts. The Academy’s aim is to ensure
The Academy operates an extended school day, creating extra curriculum time for music, sports and the arts. The school day runs from 8.30am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. The school is committed to providing beforeand after-school care for any pupil who attends ARK Atwood. Breakfast Club starts at 7.45am through to the start of school day at 8.30am. The after-school play centre starts at the end of the school day from 4pm to 6pm. Details of the school’s published admission criteria are given on page 70.
Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 29
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) On the initial offer day, under Westminster’s co-ordinated admission arrangements, all applicants were offered a place at the school or offered a higher-preference school. Please note the pattern of admissions can vary from year to year.
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 None As ARK Atwood Primary Academy is a new school, there is no appeal information before 2011.
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Barrow Hill Junior School (community school) J Headteacher
Michael Matthews
Bridgeman Street, NW8 7AL
020 7641 5005
020 7641 5014
Nearest tube station St. John’s Wood (Jubilee line) Bus routes
13, 46, 82, 113, 187, 274
Type of school: Community school Number of pupils (January 2011): 239 Number of pupils to be admitted in Year 3 intake (2012/13): 60 Barrow Hill is a global school, with children from over 53 countries, bringing a richness of diversity and experience that is harnessed and celebrated. The school’s ethos is focused on developing the whole child and is equally concerned with care, guidance and support as it is on academic achievement.
Ofsted inspections agree: “The school provides outstanding care, guidance and support for pupils and their families. Inspection evidence confirmed that pupils from many different backgrounds work and play together harmoniously and this is reflected in their outstanding social, moral, spiritual and cultural development. This, together with their excellent behaviour, makes a significant contribution to their good achievement.” The school has a real commitment to the arts and to sport and is keen to ensure all children’s skills are nurtured and developed. The curriculum and inclusion teams work together to ensure the learning needs of all children are addressed, supported and challenged. The school offers a full range of after-school clubs ranging from arts to sports and also offers a choice of nine musical instruments that can be learnt to music board examination levels. Further information can be accessed from the virtual prospectus at www.bhjs.co.uk. The admission criteria are those agreed by the council for all its community schools, but priority is given first to children on the roll of Robinsfield Infant School and sibling priority includes children with a brother or sister at Robinsfield Infant School (see page 43).
Image: Pupil from St. Luke’s CE Primary School
28 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Burdett-Coutts and Townshend Foundation CE Primary School (voluntary aided) N I J Headteacher
The Revd John Hicks
Rochester Street, SW1P 2QQ
020 7641 5930
020 7641 6386
Nearest tube station St. James’s Park (District and Circle lines), Victoria (Victoria, District and Circle lines) Bus routes
3, 11, 24, 36, 88, 148, 159, 185, 211, 436, 507, C10
Type of school: Church of England voluntary aided Number of pupils (January 2011): 352 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 54 Number of nursery places: 15 full-time and 10 part-time morning and afternoon Baroness Angela Burdett-Coutts, who had a passion for learning and exploration, founded this Church of England school 162 years ago. It is a two-form entry school with 360 pupils, housed in a Victorian building, which has undergone extensive development over the past seven years. Ofsted last inspected the school in December 2009 and graded it ‘good’ with ‘outstanding’ features, which it believes to be a true reflection of the school. The school is situated in the heart of Westminster, close to Victoria, Westminster Cathedral and Parliament Square. The school seeks to serve both the local community and those who travel into the area.
Those attending the school come from a variety of faith and non-faith backgrounds. They have significant numbers of Anglican, Roman Catholic, Orthodox Christian and Muslim pupils. Staff work hard to offer a creative and stimulating curriculum maximising the use of central London. In December 2011 it will be opening a brand new reception class accommodating 54 children, following a £300,000 development. Full details of the school’s published admission criteria are given on page 72.
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 54 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 107
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) On the initial offer day, under Westminster’s co-ordinated admission arrangements, all applicants were offered a place at the school or offered a higher-preference school. Please note the pattern of admissions can vary from year to year.
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 None 2010 None 2009 None 2008 None 2007 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live and complete the school’s supplementary form if applying on faith grounds.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Christ Church Bentinck CE Primary School (voluntary aided) N I J
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 30 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 72
Sandra Tyrrell
Cosway Street, NW1 5NS
020 3351 4135
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011)
020 7641 5442
Children with brothers or sisters at the school: 15
Children of practising members of other Christian churches: 1
Nearest tube station Marylebone (Bakerloo line), Edgware Road (Bakerloo, Hammersmith and City, Circle and District lines) Bus routes
2, 6, 16, 18, 27, 98, 139, 189, 205, 332, 414, 453
Type of school: Church of England voluntary aided Number of pupils (January 2011): 292 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 30 Number of nursery places: 40 part-time Christ Church Bentinck CE Primary School is a thriving multicultural, central London school serving the local community, with a supportive and inclusive Christian ethos and a highly committed and friendly staff. The school is close to Marylebone and Edgware Road stations and is within the parish of St. Paul’s Church, Rossmore Road. Full details of the school’s published admission criteria are given on page 73.
Other children: 14 (up to a walking distance of 2.08km) Please note the pattern of admissions can vary from year to year.
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 None 2010 None 2009 None 2008 None 2007 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live and complete the school’s supplementary form if applying on faith grounds.
30 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Churchill Gardens Primary School (community school) N I J Headteacher
Mrs Jane Thomas
Ranelagh Road, SW1V 3EU
020 7641 5935
020 7641 6388
www.churchillgardensprimary. co.uk
Nearest tube station Pimlico (Victoria line) Bus routes
24, 360, C10
Type of school: Community school Number of pupils (January 2011): 285 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 30 Number of nursery places: to be confirmed – see page 10 Churchill Gardens Primary School is in Pimlico, close to Churchill Gardens Estate and Pimlico Academy. The school has an after-school play centre. Work is in progress to improve the facilities for pupils in reception and nursery, who will have new classrooms and unrestricted access to a fantastic outside learning space. The new building also houses considerable additional space for their Children’s Centre, which has strong and productive links with many of their families. The pupils study a broad and rich curriculum, which links subjects together and makes learning fun. They provide a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities, attended by 167 of the school’s pupils. This includes a group of parents and children who will be taking GCSE Arabic together in the summer. The admission criteria are those agreed by the council for all its community schools (see page 68).
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 30 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 97
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) Children with an exceptional social or medical need to attend the school: 1 Children with siblings at the school at the time of admission: 10 Children for whom the school is the nearest community school: 18 Children for whom the school is not the nearest community school: 1 (up to a walking distance of 0.65km) Please note the pattern of admissions can vary from year to year.
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 None 2010 None 2009 None 2008 None 2007 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Edward Wilson Primary School (community school) N I J
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 56 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 135
Debra Okitikpi
Senior Street, W2 5TL
020 7641 4303
020 7641 4317
Children with a statement of special educational needs: 2
www.edwardwilson. westminster.sch.uk
Children with siblings at the school at the time of admission: 25
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011)
Nearest tube station Royal Oak (Hammersmith and City line)
Children for whom the school is the nearest community school: 25
Bus routes
Children for whom the school is not the nearest community school: 4 (up to a walking distance of 1.09km)
6, 18, 36, 46, 187, 414
Type of school: Community school Number of pupils (January 2011): 452 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 56 Number of nursery places: 40 full-time, 20 part-time Edward Wilson Primary School is a special place to learn with dedicated staff offering children the very best education, in a well-maintained, spacious building with access to many community facilities. The school is situated just off Harrow Road and the Westway, close to Maida Vale Library and Little Venice. It has an after-school play centre and facilities for visually impaired children. The admission criteria are those agreed by the council for all its community schools (see page 68).
Please note the pattern of admissions can vary from year to year.
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 None 2010 Two heard – none upheld 2009 None 2008 None 2007 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live.
32 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Essendine Primary School (community school) N I J
The school is also very proud to have achieved the School Achievement Award; ActiveMark Gold; ArtsMark Gold; Healthy Schools Award; Active Sports Mark and the Silver Eco Schools Award. These are all national awards and to have achieved so many is a credit to the aspirations and work of the governors and staff of the school. The admission criteria are those agreed by the council for all its community schools (see page 68).
Ken Battye
Essendine Road, W9 2LR
020 7641 4382
020 7641 4316
Admissions to reception class 2011/12
www.essendine. westminster.sch.uk
Number of places available: 60
Nearest tube station Maida Vale (Bakerloo line) Bus routes
6, 31, 36, 187, 328, 414
Type of school: Community school Number of pupils (January 2011): 484 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 60 Number of nursery places: to be confirmed – see page 10 Essendine Primary School is set in the heart of Maida Vale, London and is a large community school with 480 pupils, fully equipped with the latest technology to satisfy all the varied children’s educational needs. The school prides itself on its positive attitude towards the welfare of the children, its high standards of achievement, its caring relationship with pupils and their families and multinational cultural integration. All children are equally valued at Essendine, irrespective of their background. Teaching and learning programmes are designed to get the best potential for each and every child. The school’s Ofsted inspection reports from May 2007 and May 2008 can be found on the school website and are seen as a compliment to the hard work put in by the staff of the school to ensure the children of Essendine Primary School receive a high-quality education, and the inspection reports recognise they are working hard to continually improve the school.
Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 169
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) Children with an exceptional social or medical need to attend the school: 3 Children with siblings at the school at the time of admission: 31 Children for whom the school is the nearest community school: 26 (up to a walking distance of 0.94km) Please note the pattern of admissions can vary from year to year.
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 None 2010 Three heard – none upheld 2009 One heard – none upheld 2008 Three heard – none upheld 2007 Three heard – none upheld
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Gateway Primary School (community school) N I J Headteacher
Louise Lochner
Capland Street, NW8 8LN
020 7641 4160
020 7641 5466
environment and extended opportunities for after-school sports clubs. Currently, the school offers a wide range of after-school clubs that cover the creative and academic curriculum. Gateway Goes Green is the official name for its sustainability mission. This green movement is supported by Gateway’s sustainable schools policy and there are a number of exciting projects planned for the coming year. The admission criteria are those agreed by the council for all its community schools (see page 68).
Nearest tube station Marylebone (Bakerloo line), Edgware Road (Bakerloo, Circle, District and Hammersmith and City lines)
Admissions to reception class 2011/12
Bus routes
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011)
6, 16, 98, 139, 189, 332, 414
Type of school: Community school Number of pupils (January 2011): 692 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 90 Number of nursery places: 40 full-time, 40 part-time Gateway Primary School serves the children and families of the Lisson Grove and Church Street areas of Westminster. The high quality of teaching and learning, along with close co-operation with parents, remain the outstanding features of school life. Children work hard, behave well and have a positive attitude to school life. Staff work hard to ensure the best for the children in their care. They regard the relationship with parents as central to what they do and pride themselves on being open and approachable. By the time children leave school at the end of Year 6, standards are above national average for English, maths and science. Games and PE have continued to thrive across the school and the sports teams have been particularly successful. To engage pupils in an additional PE/sport the school has made improvements to the outdoor
Number of places available: 90 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 253
Children with statements of special educational needs: 3 Children with siblings at the school at the time of admission: 40 Children for whom the school is the nearest community school: 41 Children for whom the school is not the nearest community school: 6 (up to a walking distance of 1.01km) Please note the pattern of admissions can vary from year to year.
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 Two heard – none upheld 2010 None 2009 None 2008 Two heard – none upheld 2007 Two heard – none upheld
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live.
34 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
George Eliot Primary School (community school) N I J
The school also offers a range of clubs – both breakfast and after-school (including football, basketball and sewing), along with a well-attended homework club. The admission criteria are those agreed by the council for all its community schools (see page 68).
Beatrix Simpson
Marlborough Hill, NW8 0NH
020 7722 6870
Admissions to reception class 2011/12
020 7483 0239
Number of places available: 60
Applications received (by 15th January closing date): 134
Nearest tube station Swiss Cottage, St. John’s Wood (both Jubilee line) Bus routes
13, 31, 46, 82, 87, 113, 139, 189, C11
Type of school: Community school Number of pupils (January 2011): 459 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 60 Number of nursery places: 50 part-time George Eliot Primary School is fortunate to be situated in leafy grounds on the border of both St. John’s Wood and Swiss Cottage. In May 2011, George Eliot was one of only two London schools praised by Ofsted (Excellence in English) for inspiring pupils to make outstanding progress in English. The report concluded high-quality teaching combined with an innovative curriculum helps pupils to excel in the subject. The 2011-12 year also marks the development of our exciting new Forest Schools programme in the early years, where children learn from participating in engaging, motivating and achievable tasks and activities in a woodland environment. Each child has an opportunity to develop intrinsic motivation and sound emotional and social skills. These, through self-awareness, can be developed to reach personal potential.
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) Children with an exceptional social or medical need to attend the school: 3 Children with siblings at the school at the time of admission: 29 Children for whom the school is the nearest community school: 28 (up to a walking distance of 0.99km)
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 None 2010 None 2009 One heard – none upheld 2008 None 2007 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Hallfield Primary School (community school) N I J Headteacher
Judith Grigg
Hallfield Estate, W2 6JJ
020 7087 4960
020 7087 4961
Nearest tube station Bayswater (District and Circle lines), Queensway (Central line), Royal Oak (Hammersmith and City line) Bus routes
7, 15, 23, 27, 36, 46, 70, 332
Type of school: Community school Number of pupils (January 2011): 706 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 90 Number of nursery places: to be confirmed – see page 10 Hallfield Primary School, located in the heart of Westminster, serves the children and families of the Hallfield Estate, Bayswater and the wider community. It is a large, successful and very happy school where children, staff, parents and governors work extremely hard to ensure every child is successful. They celebrate and embrace their rich cultural diversity and at the end of Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and 2 reflect upon their hard work and commitment. Hallfield Primary’s curriculum is creative and stimulating, which allows all children to flourish and learn. Hallfield Primary School opened in September 2010, following an amalgamation of Hallfield Infant and Hallfield Junior. The school admits 90 pupils in each year group and has 49 full-time and 58 part-time places in the nursery.
The main school building was designed in 1954 in the shape of a flower, by the famous architect Sir Denys Lasdun. The original building is a Grade 2 listed building. The school grounds are extensively landscaped and provide a stimulating environment for the children, including a large environmental garden. In addition to the varied before- and after-school clubs, the school is host to the Westminster Play Service. The school aims high and they learn and grow together. The admission criteria are those agreed by the council for all its community schools (see page 68).
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 90 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 130
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) On the initial offer day, under Westminster’s co-ordinated admission arrangements, all applicants were offered a place at the school or offered a higher-preference school. Please note the pattern of admissions can vary from year to year.
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 None 2010 None 2009 None 2008 None 2007 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live.
36 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Hampden Gurney CE Primary School (voluntary aided) N I J BS
The school aims to provide: • a foundation of Christian teaching and values • the highest possible achievements by each pupil in our multi-cultural society
Evelyn Chua
Nutford Place, W1H 5HA
020 7641 4195
• a positive partnership with the parents and wider community
020 7641 5468
• a happy, safe and stimulating environment
office@hampdengurney. co.uk
www. hampdengurneyschool. org.uk
Nearest tube station Marble Arch (Central line), Edgware Road (Bakerloo, Circle, District and Hammersmith and City lines) Bus routes
6, 7, 15, 16, 23, 27, 36, 98, 205, 414, 436
Type of school: Church of England voluntary aided Number of pupils (January 2011): 233 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 30 Number of nursery places: 30 Hampden Gurney is an outstanding Church of England school where committed managers and staff aim for the highest standards of achievement and discipline for all pupils. It is located off Edgware Road on the corner of Forset Street and Nutford Place.
• a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum. Details of the school’s published admission criteria are given on page 74.
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 30 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 187
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) Children from Church of England families outside the parish who attend the parish church: 8 Children from Church of England families outside the parish who attend another Christian church: 22
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007
Four heard – none upheld Five heard – none upheld Three heard – none upheld Three heard – none upheld Three heard – none upheld
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live and complete the school’s application and supplementary form.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
King Solomon Academy (Academy) N I J
activities. School trips and performances also enrich school life. The curriculum weeks are a huge success – during science week, the children took part in daily science investigations; in maths week, the Puzzle People visited and authors, illustrators and storytellers visited during literacy week.
Venessa Willms
Penfold Street, NW1 6RX
020 7563 6900
office@kingsolomon academy.org
The school has a fabulous new building, completed in 2009, with excellent facilities where pupils can learn, play and explore. The Academy is rated outstanding by Ofsted.
www.kingsolomon academy.org
Academy open days
Nearest tube station Edgware Road (Bakerloo, Circle, District and Hammersmith and City lines) Bus routes
6, 16, 18, 27, 36, 98, 139, 189, 205, and 414
Type of school: Academy Number of pupils (January 2011): 360 (240 primary, 120 secondary) Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2011/12): 60 Number of nursery places: 60 part-time King Solomon Academy admits two reception classes each year, so there are 60 children in each year group. Primary school pupils are entitled to transfer to King Solomon Academy secondary school if they wish. King Solomon Academy supports every pupil so each child achieves his or her full potential. The curriculum is designed to nurture each pupil’s academic and personal development. The primary school has a strong focus on core subjects, particularly literacy and maths, and the Academy has specialist status in maths and music. Pupils achieve highly in all tested subjects, exceeding national expectations. The school day runs from 8.30am to 4pm, Monday to Friday, with clubs running to 5pm daily. The extended school day provides extra time for music, sports, art and a wide choice of stimulating extra-curricular
The Academy invites parents of prospective pupils to visit on the following dates: 18th October 2011, 4.30pm 29th November 2011, 4.30pm 10th January 2012, 4.30pm
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 60 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 270
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) Children with special educational needs: 1 Looked after Children: 1 Children with siblings at the school at the time of admission: 32 Children living closest to the school: 26 (up to a straight-line distance of 0.49km from the school)
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 Three heard – none upheld 2010 None 2009 None 2008 None 2007 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live.
38 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Millbank Primary School (community school) N I J Headteacher
Alyson Russen
Erasmus Street, SW1P 4HR
020 7641 5945
020 7641 5946
www.millbank.westminster. sch.uk
Nearest tube station Pimlico (Victoria line) Bus routes
2, 36, 88, 185, 436, 507, C10
Type of school: Community school Number of pupils (January 2011): 439 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 60 Number of nursery places: 15 full-time, 20 part-time Millbank Primary School is situated on the Millbank Estate, behind Tate Britain Gallery. The school is near to Vauxhall Bridge Road and Pimlico Academy. Millbank has a breakfast club open from 8am and offers afterschool play until 6pm, as well as a range of after-school clubs and homework rooms before and after school. The school is equipped throughout with a sound field system for the hearing-impaired and the main building is fitted with a stair lift to access all floors and all rooms. The school has The Windmill classroom, a specialist class for 10 pupils with autism, who also spend time with mainstream classes. Every building has ramped access and toilets designed for people with disabilities. In the school year 2011/2012, Millbank has specialist teachers for art, dance, sport, ICT and guitar. The admission criteria are those agreed by the council for all its community schools (see page 68).
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 60 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 182
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) Children with siblings at the school at the time of admission: 34 Children for whom the school is the nearest community school: 26 (up to a walking distance of 0.47km) Please note the pattern of admissions can vary from year to year.
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 None 2010 One heard – one upheld 2009 None 2008 None 2007 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Our Lady Of Dolours RC Primary School (voluntary aided) N I J BS Acting Headteacher
Sarah Alley
19 Cirencester Street, W2 5SR
020 7641 4326
020 7641 4389
Nearest tube station Royal Oak (Hammersmith and City line) Bus routes
6, 18, 36, 46, 187, 414
Type of school: Roman Catholic voluntary aided Number of pupils (January 2011): 324 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 45 Number of nursery places: to be confirmed – see page 10 Our Lady of Dolours Catholic Primary School is committed to developing each child to their full potential by offering a broad and balanced curriculum based on Gospel values and the beliefs of the Catholic Church. The school is situated off the Harrow Road and gives priority to baptised, practising Catholic children who are resident in the parishes of Our Lady of Sorrows, W2, and Our Lady of Lourdes & St. Vincent de Paul, W9. Priority is then given to baptised, practising Catholic children resident in other parishes. Details of the school’s published admission criteria are given on page 75. The school has two reception classes for an intake of 45 pupils, each of which is taught by a teacher and a qualified nursery nurse. The school offers access to wraparound care for children aged five and up and was awarded Enhanced Healthy Schools status in June 2011. In 2008, the school was awarded the School
Sports Activemark in recognition of its commitment to quality curriculum and after-school PE. It became a Voices Foundation Beacon school in 2010 in recognition of its commitment to teaching singing. Spanish is taught from Year 2 upwards and specialist sports coaches teach across the school. The school offers a wide range of after-school clubs and currently offers music tuition for the recorder, violin, cello, guitar, oboe and bassoon.
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 45 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 90
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) On the initial offer day, under Westminster’s co-ordinated admission arrangements, all applicants were offered a place at the school or a higher-preference school. Please note the pattern of admissions can vary from year to year.
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 None 2010 None 2009 None 2008 None 2007 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live and complete the school’s supplementary form if applying on faith grounds.
40 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Paddington Green Primary School (community school) N I J Headteacher
Jane Sowerby
Park Place Villas, W2 1SP
020 7641 4122
020 7641 4181
Nearest tube station Warwick Avenue (Bakerloo line), Edgware Road (Bakerloo, Circle, District and Hammersmith and City lines) Bus routes
6, 15, 16, 18, 46, 98, 332, 414
Type of school: Community school Number of pupils (January 2011): 465 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 60 Number of nursery places: 70 part-time Paddington Green Primary School is near the junction of Harrow Road and Edgware Road, and Paddington Station is nearby. It is a child-centred school and focuses on enabling each and every pupil to exceed their individual expectations. This is achieved through regular assessment, high-quality teaching and carefully planned lessons, which make learning stimulating and interactive. Teachers provide a rich and varied range of activities aimed at appealing to all children and there is a combination of whole-class teaching and group and independent learning. They praise good work in classrooms and assemblies, and award certificates for excellent achievement. The school has an ICT suite, a well-stocked library, music lessons led by a specialist music teacher and extensive grounds where the children grow flowers, fruit and vegetables. There is a breakfast club at the school from 8am and a walking bus, which takes children to a nearby after-school play centre.
Classes regularly visit the local library, and they also arrange frequent visits to places of interest linked to the curriculum, including The Wallace Collection, Hampton Court Palace and The Science Museum. The admission criteria are those agreed by the council for all its community schools (see page 68).
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 60 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 115
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) On the initial offer day, under Westminster’s co-ordinated admission arrangements, all applicants were offered a place at the school or offered a higher-preference school. Please note the pattern of admissions can vary from year to year.
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 None 2010 None 2009 None 2008 None 2007 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Queen’s Park Primary School (community school) N I J Headteacher
Barbara Mayne
Droop Street, W10 4DQ
020 7641 5860
020 7641 5826
office@queensparkschool. co.uk
www. queensparkprimaryschool. co.uk
The school’s Gold Artsmark award recognises the determination to raise achievement through an emphasis on the expressive arts – encouraging young learners to develop language skills to express themselves articulately. Its mission statement underpins the importance of providing a happy, healthy and safe environment in which every child is able to reach his or her unique potential and take their place in society as independent, confident, responsible and successful adults. The admission criteria for this school are those agreed by the council for all its community schools (see page 68).
Admissions to reception class 2011/12
Nearest tube station Queen’s Park (Bakerloo line)
Number of places available: 42
Bus routes
Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 102
6, 18, 28, 36, 52, 187, 316, 452
Type of school: Community school Number of pupils (January 2011): 321 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 42 Number of nursery places: to be confirmed – see page 10 Queen’s Park Primary School is a one-and-a-half form entry school of approximately 330 children (including 50 part-time currently in the nursery), in a listed Victorian building in north Westminster. The local community is culturally and ethnically diverse and the school is proud that the intake reflects the breadth of the wider community. More than 85% of the children speak English as an additional language. Although backgrounds are diverse, the school population shares a common aim: the desire to learn. This can be seen in every classroom, where pupils display their friendliness, willingness to participate, enthusiasm for learning and celebrate their diversity.
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) Children with a statement of special educational needs: 2 Children with siblings at the school at the time of admission: 11 Children for whom the school is the nearest community school: 14 Children for whom the school is not the nearest community school: 15 (up to a walking distance of 1.73km)
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 None 2010 None 2009 None 2008 None 2007 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live.
42 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions Image: Pupil from St. Luke’s CE Primary School
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Robinsfield Infant School (community school) N I
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 60 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 201
Naomi Leaver
Ordnance Hill, NW8 6PX
020 7641 5019
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011)
020 7641 5035
Looked After Children: 1
www.robinsfield. westminster.sch.uk
Children with siblings at the school at the time of admission: 21
Nearest tube station St. John’s Wood (Jubilee line) Bus routes
13, 46, 82, 113, 187, 274
Type of school: Community school Number of pupils (January 2011): 249 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 60 Number of nursery places: 62 part-time Robinsfield is a two-form entry infant school situated in St. John’s Wood. It is a culturally diverse community school with pupils from over 40 different heritage countries. The school is highly respected in the community and Westminster for its long-term commitment to supporting children’s emotional and social wellbeing, achieving inclusion and high standards across the curriculum. The school environment and ethos is aimed at creating an atmosphere in which children feel safe and confident to be creative, think laterally and strive to reach their full potential. The school aims to enable children to become independent, autonomous learners. The admission criteria are those agreed by the council for all its community schools (see page 68) but priority is also given to children with a brother or sister at Barrow Hill Junior School.
Children for whom the school is the nearest community school: 35 Children for whom the school is not the nearest community school: 3 (up to a walking distance of 0.72km) Please note the pattern of admissions can vary from year to year.
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 One heard – none upheld 2010 None 2009 Three heard – none upheld 2008 One heard – none upheld 2007 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live.
44 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. Augustine’s CE Primary School (voluntary aided) N I J Headteacher
Suzanne Parry
Kilburn Park Road, NW6 5XA
020 7328 0221
020 7372 0251
www.st-augustines-pri. westminster.sch.uk
Nearest tube station Kilburn Park (Bakerloo line) Bus routes
6, 16, 32, 98, 206, 316, 328, 332
Type of school: Church of England voluntary aided
The school works in close partnership with the Maida Vale Children’s Centre and St. Augustine’s C.E. High School, to which the majority of Year 6 pupils transfer each year. It has an after-school play centre on-site and offers a wide range of after-school clubs. Throughout their time at St. Augustine’s, children will enjoy a very wide variety of trips and visits, including a residential visit to Sayers Croft in Year 5. Details of the school’s published admission criteria are given on page 76.
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 30 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 113
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011)
Number of pupils (January 2011): 258
Children with statements of special educational needs: 1
Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 30
Children whose parents or guardians worship regularly at St. Augustine’s or another Anglican church: 1
Number of nursery places: 50 part-time St. Augustine’s Church of England Primary School was established to serve the local community and welcomes children not only from Christian families, but also from other backgrounds and faiths. Consequently, the school’s population is wonderfully diverse and is comprised of pupils from a wide range of nations, ethnicities and cultures who speak many different languages. The school is keen to promote mutual understanding and respect between all members of the school community and to focus on the fact they are each members of St. Augustine’s as well as Londoners and fellow citizens. At the core of their vision is a determination to foster, in all children, a love of learning that will endure long after they leave, enabling them to adapt easily to whatever future challenges they may meet throughout their lives.
Children whose parents or guardians worship regularly at another Christian church or chapel: 6 Children with siblings at the school at the time of admission: 14 Children of other faiths whose parents or guardians who live in the local community and regularly attend their place of worship: 8
Admission appeals in previous years 2010 None 2009 None 2008 None 2007 None 2006 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live and complete the school’s supplementary form if applying on faith grounds.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. Barnabas’ CE Primary School (voluntary aided) I J
Details of the school’s published admission criteria are given on page 77.
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Headteacher
Ann Townshend
Number of places available: 23
St. Barnabas Street, Pimlico, SW1W 8PF
Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 56
020 7641 4232
020 7641 4229
office@stbarnabasprimary. org.uk
www.st-barnabasprimary. org.uk
Nearest tube station Sloane Square (District and Circle lines), Victoria (Victoria, District and Circle lines) Bus routes
11, 44, 137, 170, 211, 360, 452, C1, C10
Type of school: Church of England voluntary aided
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) On the initial offer day, under Westminster’s coordinated admission arrangements, all applicants were offered a place at the school or offered a higher-preference school. Please note the pattern of admissions can vary from year to year.
Admission appeals in previous years 2010 None 2009 None 2008 None 2007 None 2006 None
Number of pupils (January 2011): 156
How to apply
Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 23
For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live and complete the school’s supplementary form if applying on faith grounds.
St. Barnabas’ is a Church of England voluntary aided school situated on a safe and secure site on Pimlico Road (entrance in St. Barnabas Street), near Victoria and Sloane Square stations. The school offers children a high-quality education through small class sizes, a balanced curriculum and creative use of on- and off-site facilities. It enjoys close links with St. Barnabas’ Church, a number of community organisations and other agencies. The inclusive school ethos is one where honesty, respect and trust are valued. The majority of our pupils live in the local area and families at St. Barnabas’ enjoy being part of a caring, inclusive community. The school offers a daily breakfast club from 7.45am and a variety of lunchtime and after-school clubs. The school is equipped throughout with a sound field system for the hearing impaired.
46 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. Clement Danes CE Primary School (voluntary aided) N I J
Priority is given in the first instance to Looked After Children. Details of the school’s published admission criteria are given on page 78. The children benefit from the extensive use of the school’s magical setting and the provision of a creative curriculum. The school has a number of exciting after-school clubs and an after-school play centre.
Angela Abrahams
Drury Lane, WC2B 5SU
020 7641 6586
020 7641 6556
Admissions to reception class 2011/12
www.st-clementdanes. westminster.sch.uk
Number of places available: 30
Nearest tube station Holborn (Central and Piccadilly lines), Charing Cross (Bakerloo and Northern lines), Covent Garden (Piccadilly line), Temple (Circle and District lines) Bus routes
1, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 15, 23, 26, 59, 68, 76, 87, 91, 139, 168, 171, 172, 176, 188, 243, 341, 521, RV1, X68
Type of school: Church of England voluntary aided Number of pupils (January 2011): 197 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 30 Number of nursery places: to be confirmed – see page 10 St. Clement Danes Primary School is a Church of England voluntary aided primary school situated in the heart of Covent Garden, WC2. The school has strong links with St. Paul’s Church and St. Clement Danes, as well as the parish church of St. Mary-le-Strand. Although Christian in character, the school welcomes children of all faiths and celebrates the diversity in its school community.
Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 69
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) Children with siblings at the school at the time of admission: 8 Children who live within the school’s catchment area: 6 Children of families who are regular worshippers at a Christian church and live outside the school’s catchment area: 9 Other children living closest to the school: 7 (up to a walking distance of 1.63km)
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 Four heard – none upheld 2010 None 2009 None 2008 None 2007 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live and complete the school’s supplementary form if applying on faith grounds.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. Edward’s RC Primary School (voluntary aided) N I J Headteacher
Maureen Donnelly
Lisson Grove, NW1 6LD
020 7723 5911
020 7723 5250
office@stedwards primary.co.uk
Nearest tube station Marylebone (Bakerloo line), Baker Street (Bakerloo, Jubilee, Metropolitan, Circle, Hammersmith and City lines), Edgware Road (Bakerloo, Circle, District, Hammersmith and City lines) Bus routes
2, 6, 13, 16, 82, 98, 113, 139, 189, 205, 274, 332, 414, 453
Type of school: Roman Catholic voluntary aided Number of pupils (January 2011): 436 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 60 Number of nursery places: to be confirmed – see page 10 St. Edward’s RC Primary School is a Roman Catholic school situated on Lisson Grove, NW1, close to Marylebone Station. Priority is given to Catholic families but any remaining places are then offered to Christians of other denominations, children of other faiths and any other applicants. Full details of the school’s published admission criteria are given on page 78.
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 60 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 126
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) On the initial offer day, under Westminster’s co-ordinated admission arrangements, all applicants were offered a place at the school or offered a higher-preference school. Please note the pattern of admissions can vary from year to year.
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 None 2010 None 2009 None 2008 None 2007 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live and complete the school’s supplementary form if applying on faith grounds.
48 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. Gabriel’s CE Primary School (voluntary aided) I J BS Headteacher
Sue McMahon
Churchill Gardens, SW1V 3AG
020 7641 6300
020 7641 6334
office@stgabrielsprimary. co.uk
www.webfronter.com/ westminster/stg
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 30 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 105
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) Children with Statements of Special Educational Needs: 1 Children whose parents worship at St. Gabriel’s: 2 Children whose parents worship at least monthly in Anglican churches: 3
Nearest tube station Pimlico (Victoria line)
Children whose parents worship at other Christian Churches: 6
Bus routes
Other baptised children: 2
24, 360, C10
Type of school: Church of England voluntary aided Number of pupils (January 2011): 208 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 30 St. Gabriel’s is a Church of England voluntary aided school in Churchill Gardens, SW1. As a church school, it seeks to establish a community founded on Christian values, promoting moral and social respect for other faiths and cultures. At all times, the school aims to create a happy, calm atmosphere where children take great pride in their school and develop a love of learning. Details of the school’s published admission criteria are given on page 80.
Children with siblings at the school at the time of admission: 9 Children whose parents live in the parishes of St. Gabriel’s, St. Saviour’s and St. James the Less: 7
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 None 2010 None 2009 One heard – none upheld 2008 None 2007 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live and complete the school’s supplementary form if applying on faith grounds.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. George’s Hanover Square CE Primary School (voluntary aided) I J Headteacher
Malcolm Lothian
South Street, W1K 2XH
020 7629 1196
020 7641 4920
Nearest tube station Marble Arch (Central line), Hyde Park Corner (Piccadilly line), Bond Street (Central and Jubilee lines), Green Park (Jubilee, Piccadilly and Victoria lines) Bus routes
2, 8, 10, 16, 36, 73, 74, 82, 137, 148, 414, 436
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 30 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 90
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) Children whose parents are committed Christians and worship at least monthly at St. George’s Church, Hanover Square or the Grosvenor Chapel: 4 Children who have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of admission: 15 Children whose parents worship at least monthly at a neighbouring Anglican church: 8 Children who live within the parish of St. George’s and whose parents worship at least monthly at a neighbouring Christian church: 3
Type of school: Church of England voluntary aided
Admission appeals in previous years
Number of pupils (January 2011): 205
2011 None 2010 None 2009 One heard – none upheld 2008 None 2007 None
Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 30 St. George’s School dedicates itself to providing all pupils with the opportunity to achieve their maximum academic and physical potential at all times. The school endeavours to offer the most effective quality teaching and learning opportunities in a happy and safe environment, in order to facilitate the future economic well-being of all the children and to value the contribution that each makes. Full details of the school’s published admission criteria are given on page 81. The school is usually oversubscribed and parents are recommended to make applications to other schools as well.
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live and complete the school’s supplementary form if applying on faith grounds.
50 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. James’ and St. Michael’s CE Primary School (voluntary aided) EYU I J
the nursery to the reception class, there is no automatic right to do so – therefore parents will need to make a separate application for reception. Once a place has been offered in reception, if appropriate, there are arrangements for take-up of the place to be delayed until the child is five.
Valerie De Angelis
Craven Terrace, W2 3QD
Admissions to reception class 2011/12
020 7641 6218
Number of places available: 25
020 7641 6220
Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 73
Nearest tube station Lancaster Gate (Central line), Paddington (District, Circle, Bakerloo and Hammersmith and City lines) Bus routes
46, 94, 148, 390, 7, 15, 23, 27, 36, 205, 332, 436
Type of school: Church of England voluntary aided Number of pupils (January 2011): 188 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 25 Number of nursery places: to be confirmed – see page 10 The school’s admission criteria give preference to children attending the churches of St. James’, Sussex Gardens and St. John’s, Hyde Park and to other Christian children, with some priority then being given to siblings of current students. Full details of the school’s admission criteria are given on page 82. In practice, the school takes children from many faiths and is proud to be a community school. The school has an after-school play centre. St. James’ and St. Michael’s CE Primary School has an early years unit comprising a nursery class and a reception class. Children are admitted into the nursery at age three and into the reception in the academic year that they turn five. Each class is staffed with a teacher, a nursery nurse and a classroom assistant. Although most children move from
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) Unavailable at time of going to press, 2010/11 analysis as follows: Children from families who worship frequently at St. James’s Church, Sussex Gardens and St. John’s Church, Hyde Park: 2 Children who have a sibling already present in the school at the time of attendance: 7 Children from families of other Christian denominations recognised by Churches Together in Britain, who live in the above parishes: 13 Children of families practising other world faiths who wish their child to attend a Christian school: 3
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 None 2010 None 2009 None 2008 None 2007 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live and complete the school’s supplementary form if applying on faith grounds.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. Joseph’s RC Primary School (voluntary aided) N I J BS Headteacher
Catherine McKeever
Lanark Road, W9 1DF
020 7286 3518
020 7286 2303
office@stjosephsschool. org.uk
Nearest tube station Maida Vale (Bakerloo line) Bus routes
6, 16, 46, 98, 187, 332, 414, 139, 189
Type of school: Roman Catholic voluntary aided Number of pupils (January 2011): 329 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 42 Number of nursery places: to be confirmed – see page 10 St. Joseph’s RC Primary School is a Roman Catholic voluntary aided school situated in Lanark Road, Maida Vale. The school is a vibrant part of the neighbourhood of Maida Vale and St. John’s Wood in north-west London. Founded in 1959 to serve the parish of Our Lady’s, the school works to give their children the best possible education in the fullest sense of the word – academically, spiritually and emotionally. At the heart of the school, running through every aspect of its daily life, are gospel principles of loving your neighbour, of compassion and of justice. The school believes these make for a challenging, warm and outward-looking community of pupils, teachers, support staff and parents. Whilst proud of successes in public examinations and on the sports field, the school values just as much the work it does with local, national and international charities and organisations, and the way the children
support each other in the classroom and playground. It all adds up to a nurturing environment that enables children to grow into fulfilled and rounded adults. Full details of the school’s admissions criteria are given on page 82.
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 42 (44 offered) Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 180
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) Catholic children who live in the parish of St. John’s Wood or within the agreed boundaries of W9: 39 Other Catholic children from practising Catholic families: 5
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007
Three heard – none upheld Two heard – none upheld Six heard – none upheld Three heard – none upheld Two heard – none upheld
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live and complete the school’s supplementary form if applying on faith grounds.
52 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. Luke’s CE Primary School (voluntary aided) I J Headteacher
Barbara Dunn
Fernhead Road, W9 3EJ
020 7641 5855
020 7641 5827
Nearest tube station Queen’s Park (Bakerloo line) Bus routes
6, 31, 36, 187, 316, 31, 328, 206
Type of school: Church of England voluntary aided
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 30 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 67
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) On the initial offer day, under Westminster’s coordinated admission arrangements, all applicants were offered a place at the school or offered a higherpreference school. Please note the pattern of admissions can vary from year to year.
Admission appeals in previous years
Number of pupils (January 2011): 188
2011 None 2010 None 2009 None 2008 None 2007 None
Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 30
How to apply
The school serves the parish of St. Luke’s, West Kilburn, and the admission criteria are based on children living in the immediate local area. Full details of the school’s admission criteria are given on page 84. This is a Christian school founded on the love of God expressed in Jesus Christ. It seeks to provide education in a caring Christian environment and is committed to enabling each child to develop his or her potential, intellectually, physically, emotionally and spiritually. The school values, celebrates and enjoys the cultural diversity its children bring to school and promotes mutual respect. Supported by St. Luke’s Church, it provides a context of Christian worship with the participation of the local Christian community.
For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live and complete the school’s supplementary form if applying on faith grounds.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Image: Pupil from Robinsfield Infant School
54 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. Mary Magdalene CE Primary School (voluntary aided) N I J Headteacher
Tonnie Simpson
Rowington Close, Warwick Estate, W2 5TF
020 7641 4388/4395
020 7641 4327
www.st-marymagdalene. westminster.sch.uk
Nearest tube station Royal Oak (Hammersmith and City line), Warwick Avenue (Bakerloo line) Bus routes
6, 18, 36, 46, 187, 414
Type of school: Church of England voluntary aided Number of pupils (January 2011): 231 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 30 Number of nursery places: 26 St. Mary Magdalene CE Primary School is a Church of England voluntary aided school situated within the ecclesiastical parish of St. Mary Magdalene, Paddington. It has breakfast club from 7.50 to 8.30am. It also has several after-school clubs from Year 1 to Year 6. Details of the school’s published admission criteria are given on page 85.
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 30 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 60
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) On the initial offer day, under Westminster’s coordinated admission arrangements, all applicants were offered a place at the school or offered a higherpreference school. Please note the pattern of admissions can vary from year to year.
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 None 2010 None 2009 None 2008 None 2007 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live and complete the school’s supplementary form if applying on faith grounds.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. Mary of the Angels RC Primary School (voluntary aided) N I J Headteacher
Helen Connolly
Shrewsbury Road, W2 5PR
020 7641 4482
020 7641 4484
www.st-maryangels. westminster.sch.uk
Nearest tube station Westbourne Park (Hammersmith and City line) Bus routes
7, 23, 27, 28, 31, 70, 328
Type of school: Roman Catholic voluntary aided Number of pupils (January 2011): 343 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 45 Number of nursery places: to be confirmed – see page 10 St. Mary of the Angels is situated south of the Westway, off Westbourne Park Road, and close to the underground and railway stations. It is set in attractive and modern surroundings serving the parishes of St. Mary of the Angels and Our Lady Queen of Heaven. Full details of the school’s published admission criteria are given on page 86.
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 45 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 118
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) Catholic children who live within the boundaries of the parishes of St. Mary of the Angels, Our Lady Queen of Heaven or Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Vincent De Paul who are practising members of a Catholic worshipping community: 30 Catholic families who live outside the boundaries of the above parishes who are practising members of a Catholic worshipping community: 11 Other Catholic children who live within the boundaries of the parishes of St. Mary of the Angels, Our Lady Queen of Heaven or Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Vincent De Paul: 1 Other applicants: 3
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 None 2010 None 2009 None 2008 None 2007 Three heard – none upheld
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live and complete the school’s supplementary form if applying on faith grounds.
56 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. Mary’s Bryanston Square CE Primary School (voluntary aided) N I J Headteacher
Peter Hadfield
Enford Street, W1H 1DL
020 7641 4130
020 7641 5438
Nearest tube station Marylebone (Bakerloo line) Bus routes
2, 18, 27, 205, 453, 13, 30, 74, 82, 113, 139, 189, 274
Type of school: Church of England voluntary aided Number of pupils (January 2011): 239 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 30 Number of nursery places: 12 full-time, 28 part-time St. Mary’s Bryanston Square is situated in the parish of St. Mary’s Bryanston Square and St. Mark’s Old Marylebone Road. Priority is given to practising Christians and others living in the parish and then practising Christians in the local area. Details of the school’s published admission criteria are given on page 88. Applicants are also encouraged to attend the school’s open morning on Friday 18th November 2011 between 10am and midday, when the school will: • put your name and address on its mailing list • give you a copy of the school brochure, which includes the admissions policy • answer any questions about how to apply.
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 30 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 99
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) Children from practising Christian families resident in the parish of St. Mary’s Bryanston Square and St. Mark’s, Old Marylebone Road: 1 Other children resident in the parish: 16 Children from practising Christian families resident in local area: 3 Other children resident in local area: 10
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 None 2010 None 2009 None 2008 None 2007 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live and complete the school’s supplementary form if applying on faith grounds.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. Matthew’s CE Primary School (voluntary aided) N I J Headteacher
Emily Norman
16-18 Old Pye Street, SW1P 2DG
020 7641 5110
020 7641 5116
Nearest tube station St. James’s Park (District and Circle lines) Bus routes
11, 24, 88, 148, 211, 507, C10
Type of school: Church of England voluntary aided Number of pupils (January 2011): 175 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 30 Number of nursery places: 16 full-time, 20 part-time St. Matthew’s CE Primary School is a Church of England voluntary aided school in Old Pye Street, Victoria. After Looked After Children, priority is given to children whose parents are regular Christian worshippers. In particular, the governors give priority to children whose parents are regular worshippers in the parish church of St. Matthew’s, Westminster. The school has an after-school club for children from reception to Year 6. Full details of the school’s published admission criteria are given on page 89.
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 30 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 76
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) On the initial offer day, under Westminster’s coordinated admission arrangements, all applicants were offered a place at the school or offered a higherpreference school. Please note the pattern of admissions can vary from year to year.
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 None 2010 None 2009 None 2008 None 2007 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live and complete the school’s supplementary form if applying on faith grounds.
58 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. Peter’s CE (Chippenham Mews) Primary School (voluntary aided) I J
development. Parents and governors are very supportive and the school is highly regarded in the community and by the local authority. The school offers 18 foundation places to families who provide evidence of commitment to a Christian church and 12 open places to families in the local community. Details of the school’s published admission criteria are given on page 90.
Samanda Adcock
Chippenham Mews, W9 2AN
020 7641 4385
020 7641 4318
Admissions to reception class 2011/12
Number of places available: 30
Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date: 155
Nearest tube station Westbourne Park (Hammersmith and City line) Bus routes
6, 18, 28, 31, 36, 187, 228, 328, 414
Type of school: Church of England voluntary aided Number of pupils (January 2011): 210 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 30 St. Peter’s is a small, oversubscribed multicultural school of 210 pupils, situated on Chippenham Mews just off Chippenham Road and Harrow Road in the Maida Hill, W9 area. Thirty-nine different languages are spoken at the school. The school finds that it is a joy to work with so many children from different backgrounds who are self-motivated, enjoy others company and a delight to teach. St. Peter’s is dedicated to the whole child with a strong focus on the spiritual and creative, alongside the academic wellbeing of its pupils. The school has a strong staff with specialists in music, Spanish and PE. Breakfast club is run before school, as well as a selection of activities after school. Good connections are made with nurseries and local secondary schools to ensure smooth transition for pupils. Workshops are regularly held for parents and carers to give them a greater insight into their child’s learning and
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) Children with statement of special education needs: 1 Foundation places: Children whose parents worship at St. Peter’s Church and who have a sibling at the school at the time of admission: 2 Other children whose parents worship at St. Peter’s Church: 2 Other children whose parents worship at another Christian church: 13 Open places: Children with a sibling at the school at the time of admission: 11 Children from the local community: 1
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 None 2010 None 2009 None 2008 None 2007 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live and complete the school’s supplementary form if applying on faith grounds.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. Peter’s Eaton Square CE Primary School (voluntary aided) N I J Headteacher
Nicola Cottier
Lower Belgrave Street, SW1W 0NL
020 7641 4230
020 7641 4235
Nearest tube station Victoria (Victoria, Circle and District lines) Bus routes
2, 8, 11, 16, 24, 38, 44, 52, 73, 82, 148, 185, 211, 239, 436, 507, C1, C10
Type of school: Church of England voluntary aided Number of pupils (January 2011): 294 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 40 Number of nursery places: 10 full-time, 30 part-time St. Peter’s Eaton Square is situated right in the heart of Westminster, very near Victoria Station. The school is teeming with positive, productive and passionate individuals. Children love to learn and achieve tremendously well. Staff and governors are dedicated and committed to providing the best opportunities for the children and to helping them thrive. The school community is wonderfully supportive, embracing the Christian ethos of the school and working in partnership to ensure the best outcomes for their children. Details of the school’s published admission criteria are given on page 91.
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 40 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 156
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) Baptised children whose parents or guardians regularly worship at St. Peter’s Eaton Square Church: 23 Children who had a sibling at the school at the date of entry: 9 Baptised children whose parents or guardians regularly worship at another Church of England church: 7 Baptised children whose parents or guardians regularly worship at another Christian church: 1
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 One heard – none upheld 2010 None 2009 None 2008 None 2007 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live and complete the school’s supplementary form if applying on faith grounds.
60 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. Saviour’s CE Primary School (voluntary aided) N I J Headteacher
Lindsey Woodford
Shirland Road, W9 2JD
020 7641 6414
020 7641 6416
Nearest tube station Warwick Avenue (Bakerloo line) Bus routes
6, 46, 187, 414
Type of school: Church of England voluntary aided Number of pupils (January 2011): 236 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 30 Number of nursery places: to be confirmed – see page 10 St. Saviour’s CE Primary School is a Church of England school located on the corner of Shirland Road and Formosa Street in Maida Vale. After Looked After Children who are baptised and are practising within the Church of England, priority is given to families attending St. Saviour’s or St. Mary on Paddington Green. There are eight points to the school’s admission criteria, within which brothers or sisters already at the school are listed seventh in order of priority. Full details of the school’s published admission criteria are given on page 92.
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 30 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 185
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) Children whose parents attend St. Saviour’s Church or St. Mary-on-Paddington Green Church: 27 Children whose parents attend other Anglican or Christian churches: 3
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007
Three heard – one upheld Four heard – none upheld Two heard – none upheld One heard – none upheld Two heard – none upheld
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live and complete the school’s supplementary form if applying on faith grounds.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. Stephen’s CE Primary School (voluntary aided) N I J Headteacher
Lucy Cohen
91 Westbourne Park Road, W2 5QH
020 7641 4488
020 7641 4487
office@st-stephensprimary. co.uk
www.st-stephens. westminster.sch.uk
Nearest tube station Westbourne Park (Hammersmith and City line) Bus routes
7, 23, 27, 28, 31, 70, 328
Type of school: Church of England voluntary aided Number of pupils (January 2011): 231 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 30 Number of nursery places: 17 full-time, 16 part-time St. Stephen’s CE Primary School is located in Westbourne Park, which is bounded by Bayswater, Paddington and Notting Hill. The current pupils at St. Stephen’s come from a wide range of ethnic and cultural backgrounds. St. Stephen’s builds confidently on its Christian roots and foundations, whilst celebrating the place of all beliefs, to create a caring school family where everyone feels safe, happy and special. St. Stephen’s offers a wide curriculum, including Spanish and specialist music tuition. It has a free breakfast club every day from 8 to 8.30am, which is open to its pupils from reception upwards. Details of the school’s published admission criteria are given on page 93.
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 30 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 54
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) On the initial offer day, under Westminster’s co-ordinated admission arrangements, all applicants were offered a place at the school or offered a higher-preference school. Please note the pattern of admissions can vary from year to year.
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 None 2010 None 2009 None 2008 None 2007 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live and complete the school’s supplementary form if applying on faith grounds.
62 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. Vincent de Paul RC Primary School (voluntary aided) N I J Headteacher
Jack O’Neill
Morpeth Terrace, SW1P 1EP
020 7641 5990
020 7641 5901
www.svpschool-primary. org.uk
Nearest tube station Victoria (Victoria, Circle and District lines) Bus routes
2, 8, 11, 24, 36, 38, 44, 52, 73, 82, 148, 185, 211, 239, 436, 507, C1, C10
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 30 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 133
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) Baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families with siblings at the school at the time of admission: 17 Baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families currently attending the school’s nursery: 13 (up to a walking distance of 1.16km)
Admission appeals in previous years
Number of pupils (January 2011): 248
2011 None 2010 None 2009 One heard – none upheld 2008 None 2007 None
Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 30
How to apply
Type of school: Roman Catholic voluntary aided
Number of nursery places: 18 full-time, 24 part-time St. Vincent de Paul RC Primary is a small, one-form entry Catholic voluntary aided primary school situated a few minutes’ walk from Victoria Station. As the parish school of Westminster Cathedral, we have a strong religious character and a positive Catholic ethos that is reflected in the children’s behaviour and their attitude to learning. The school has a variety of after-school clubs together with a daily breakfast club. The last Ofsted report states St. Vincent de Paul RC Primary School is a good school that makes a real difference to the community it serves. Not only does it greatly benefit the pupils who attend but also their families. Full details of the school’s published admission criteria are given on page 94.
For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live and complete the school’s supplementary form if applying on faith grounds.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. Vincent’s Catholic Primary School (voluntary aided) N I J Headteacher
Marina Coleman
St. Vincent Street, Marylebone, W1U 4DF
020 7641 6110
020 7641 6116
office@stvincentsprimary. org.uk
www.stvincentsprimary. org.uk
Nearest tube station Bond Street (Central and Jubilee lines), Baker Street (Bakerloo, Jubilee, Circle, Metropolitan and Hammersmith and City lines) Bus routes
2, 6, 7, 10, 13, 15, 18, 23, 27, 30, 73, 74, 82, 94, 98, 113, 137, 139, 159, 189, 205, 274, 390, 453
Type of school: Roman Catholic voluntary aided Number of pupils (January 2011): 227 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 30 Number of nursery places: 16 full-time, 10 part-time morning St. Vincent’s Catholic Primary School is a one-form entry Catholic voluntary aided school situated on St. Vincent Street, Marylebone. Priority is given to baptised Catholics with a letter of reference from their parish priest. Details of the school’s published admission criteria are given on page 94. In October 2010 the school was judged by Ofsted to be ‘Outstanding’. As well as strong academic achievement, the school excels in the fields of music and sports. There is a very creative curriculum and the school runs a wide range of exciting extra-curricular activities.
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 30 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 107
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) Baptised Catholic children from practising families with siblings who will be in attendance at the time of admissions: 11 Baptised Catholic children from practising families who had attended the St. Vincent’s Nursery: 12 Other baptised Catholics according to distance from the school: 7 (up to a walking distance of 1.85km)
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 None 2010 None 2009 Two heard – none upheld 2008 One heard – none upheld 2007 One heard – none upheld
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live and complete the school’s supplementary form if applying on faith grounds.
64 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Soho Parish CE Primary School (voluntary aided) EYU I J Headteacher
Rachel Earnshaw
23 Great Windmill Street, W1D 7LF
020 7641 7311
020 7641 7334
Nearest tube station Piccadilly Circus (Bakerloo and Piccadilly lines) Bus routes
3, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 22, 23, 38, 88, 94, 139, 159, 453
Type of school: Church of England voluntary aided Number of pupils (January 2011): 145 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 24 Soho Parish’s primary catchment area is Soho, bounded by Charing Cross Road, Regent Street, Oxford Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, Chinatown and Leicester Square. Details of the school’s published admission criteria are given on page 96. The school has a breakfast club and an after-school play centre.
Image: Pupil from Millbank Primary School
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 23 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 77
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) Children with a sibling at the school at the time of admission: 14 Other children living closest to the school: 9 (up to a walking distance of 0.88km from the school)
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 None 2010 None 2009 None 2008 One heard – one upheld 2007 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Westminster Cathedral RC Primary School (voluntary aided) I J Headteacher
Linda Vassallo
Bessborough Place, SW1V 3SE
020 7641 5915
020 7641 6384
www.westminster cathedralprimary.org.uk
Nearest tube station Pimlico (Victoria line) Bus routes
2, 24, 36, 87, 88, 185, 436, C10
Type of school: Roman Catholic voluntary aided Number of pupils (January 2011): 208 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 30 Westminster Cathedral RC Primary School is a Roman Catholic voluntary aided school situated in Bessborough Place, Pimlico. Details of the school’s published admission criteria are given on page 96. The school has a strong Catholic identity with committed Catholic leadership. The staff work well and support each other. The school provides a safe, secure, happy environment where pupils are encouraged to do their best. Children of all abilities are catered for, not only within the classroom but also by working in small groups or one-to-one with staff appointed for specific purposes. The school offers many sporting and musical opportunities. Instruments include flute, clarinet, guitar and ukulele. A wide variety of after-school clubs ensure all children have the opportunity to further their talents, be it in art, sport, drama, dance, languages or music.
Admissions to reception class 2011/12 Number of places available: 30 Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 110
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) All 30 places were allocated to baptised, practising Roman Catholics.
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 None 2010 None 2009 None 2008 None 2007 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live and complete the school’s supplementary form if applying on faith grounds.
66 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Wilberforce Primary School (community school) N I J Interim Headteacher Michael Larkin Address
Beethoven Street, W10 4LB
020 7641 5865
020 7641 5828
office@wilberforceprimary. co.uk
Reception classes also have a separate play area (outside classroom). At the time of its last inspection, the inspector in a letter to children, said: “All in all, you get a really good deal at Wilberforce …If I lived nearer, I would send my children to your school. They would love it!” The admission criteria are those agreed by the council for all of its community schools (see page 68).
Admissions to reception class 2011/12
Nearest tube station Queen’s Park (Bakerloo line)
Number of places available: 60
Bus routes
Applications received (by 15th January 2011 closing date): 81
6, 28, 52, 36, 187, 316, 452
Type of school: Community school Number of pupils (January 2011): 445 Number of pupils to be admitted in reception intake (2012/13): 60 Number of nursery places: to be confirmed – see page 10 Wilberforce Primary School is located just off Kilburn Lane, close to Queen’s Park underground station. The school has a breakfast club and after-school play centre. Other lunchtime and after-school activities include homework, reading, gardening and sports clubs. All children learn Spanish and music and there are opportunities for instrumental tuition. Children regularly visit museums and galleries and take part in musical activities in London’s concert venues. The school works closely with local arts and sport organisations. Children learn to swim in Years 2, 3 and 4. The school’s nursery is housed in its own building. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are housed in a singlestorey building and Years 3, 4 and 5 are in a separate building. Each of the three buildings has its own large playground with grass, trees and shrubs, as well as traditional playground equipment.
Analysis of offers made on initial offer day (4th April 2011) On the initial offer day, under Westminster’s co-ordinated admission arrangements, all applicants were offered a place at the school or offered a higher-preference school. Please note the pattern of admissions can vary from year to year.
Admission appeals in previous years 2011 None 2010 None 2009 None 2008 None 2007 None
How to apply For a reception class place for 2012/13, applicants must name the school as a preference on the common application form of the local authority where they live.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Image: Year 1 pupils from St. Peter’s Chippenham Mews
68 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Admission criteria Community schools • • • • • • • • • • • •
Barrow Hill Junior School Churchill Gardens Primary School Edward Wilson Primary School Essendine Primary School Gateway Primary School George Eliot Primary School Hallfield Primary School Millbank Primary School Paddington Green Primary School Queen’s Park Primary School Robinsfield Infant School Wilberforce Primary School
Places will be first allocated to children with statements of special educational needs who name the school with the agreement of Westminster City Council. In the event of oversubscription, places will then be allocated as follows: 1. Looked After Children. 2. Children with exceptional medical, social, or other needs that can only be met by providing a place at the particular school concerned rather than any other school (to be decided in consultation with the Director for Schools and Learning in each case). 3. Children with a sibling at the school at the time of admission. A sibling is defined as a brother or sister, half-brother or sister, or step-brother or sister whose main residence is at the same address. Please note sibling priority only applies to children with sibling(s) at the school from reception to Year 6 at the time of admission (not nursery). 4. Children for whom it is the nearest community primary school. 5. Children for whom it is not the nearest community primary school.
Within categories four and five, priority will be given to those children who live nearest to the school. Distances are measured by the shortest walking route, using roads and lit pathways, from the centre of the child’s home address to the nearest school entrance for pupils, as measured by the local authority’s computerised measuring system. Where it is necessary to differentiate between applicants living in flats using the same street entrance, priority will be given to the applicant(s) living closest to the ground floor and then by ascending flat number order. Applications made under category 2 will only be considered if supporting evidence from an appropriate professional (eg doctor or social worker) is attached to the local authority’s application form. This supporting evidence must set out the particular reasons why the school in question is the most suitable and the difficulties that would be caused if the child had to attend another school. Within category three, in the case of the reception classes at Robinsfield Infant School, sibling priority would also extend to applicants with a sibling attending Barrow Hill Junior School, and vice versa. Children from multiple births (eg twins/triplets) Where the admission of children from multiple births would lead to exceeding the published admissions number, priority will be given to the eldest of the siblings. Split residence Where a child lives with parents with shared responsibility, each for part of a week, the address where the child lives is determined using a joint declaration from the parents stating the pattern of residence. If a child’s residence is split equally between both parents, parents will be asked to determine which is the residential address for the purpose of admission to school. If the residence is not spilt equally between both parents the address used will be where the child spends the majority of the school week.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Method of application
Casual/in-year admissions
Parents/carers must apply using the common application form of the local authority where they live. This can be completed online via www.westminster.gov.uk/ admissions or on a paper form available from schools or their local council’s School Admissions team.
For in-year admissions, parents/carers must apply to the school directly. Applications will be considered in accordance with the over-subscription criteria. In the event that it is not possible to offer a place, the waiting list and appeals procedures will apply.
Closing date and initial notification date
Year 3 admissions
Under Westminster’s co-ordinated admission arrangements the closing date for reception class applications will be 15th January 2012. Notification letters will be sent out on 18th April 2012.
In the case of Year 3 admission to Barrow Hill Junior School, priority of admission is given to pupils transferring from Robinsfield Infant School.
Late applications
Parents of children attending the nursery class at a school must re-apply for a reception class place. There is no automatic transfer from the nursery class to the reception class at a school. The infant or primary school where a child attends a nursery class will not necessarily be able to offer a reception place.
Applications received after the set closing date will be accepted, but will not normally be considered for a school place until after the initial offer date. Waiting list Unsuccessful applicants (including any applications received after the closing date) will be included on the school’s waiting list ranked in order of priority under the published oversubscription criteria, without regard to the date that the application was received. Please note a child’s position on the waiting list can go down as well as up. For example, if a new application is received or if a child on the list moves nearer to the school, the waiting list may need to be revised. The offer of a place does not depend on the length of time your child’s name has been on the waiting list. Appeals Unsuccessful applicants have a right of appeal to an independent appeal panel. Further details will be included in the notification letter.
Children attending nursery class at a school
Date of admission Children will normally be admitted to the reception year of community primary schools in the September following their fourth birthday. Deferred entry In line with the admissions code, parents can defer their child’s entry to the reception year until later in the school year, where they have been offered a place at a school to start before they are of compulsory school age. Where entry is deferred, the school will hold the place for that child and not offer it to another child. However, entry cannot be deferred beyond the beginning of the term after the child’s fifth birthday, nor beyond the end of the reception year. In practice, this means that parents could defer entry until January for children born between 1st September and 31st December, or until April for children born between 1st January and 31st August. Parents can also request that their child attend part-time until he/she reaches compulsory school age.
70 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
King Solomon Academy
Full admissions policies for the Academies below are available directly from the schools or online at www. westminster.gov.uk/admissions.
If the school is oversubscribed, priority will be given to students with a statement of special educational needs. The remaining places will then be offered in the following order of priority:
ARK Atwood Primary Academy Where the number of applications for admission is greater than the published admission number, applications will be considered against the criteria set out below. After the admission of pupils with statements of special educational needs where ARK Atwood Primary Academy is named on the statement, the criteria will be applied in the order in which they are set out below: 1. Looked After Children. 2. Children whose siblings currently attend the school and who will continue to do so on the date of admission; (for this purpose sibling means a whole, half- or step-brother or step-sister resident at the same address, including adopted and fostered children). 3. Children living closest to the school using straight line measurement from the main entrance of the Academy to the main entrance of the child’s home.
1. Looked After Children. 2. Children who have a sibling who already attends the school and who will continue to do so on the date of admission. For this purpose sibling means a whole, half- or step-brother or sister residing at the same address. 3. Children who live closest to the school using a straight line distance from the main entrance of the Academy to the main entrance of the child’s home. The school keeps a waiting list, which is used to fill casual vacancies occurring as a result of students leaving during the academic year or withdrawing from a place that has been offered.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Voluntary aided schools Full admissions policies for all schools listed below are available directly from the schools or online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions.
All Souls CE Primary School When there are fewer vacancies than applicants, our admissions policy will be applied in order of the following priority: 1. Looked After Children who are regular members of the Church of England.
Within each of the above categories, priority will be given to those children living closest to the school. Distances are determined by the shortest walking route, using the road network, from the centre of the child’s home address to the main entrance of the school, as measured by the local authority’s computerised measuring system. Where it is necessary to differentiate between applicants living in flats using the same street entrance, priority will be given to the applicant(s) living closest to the ground floor and then by ascending flat number order.
2. Children of parents/carers who are committed members of and regular worshippers at a local Christian church, for whom we are the nearest primary school.
Applicants applying under category one, two or four will need to provide a letter from their priest or minister confirming church attendance at least twice a month for the past year.
3. Other Looked After Children.
Sibling refers to brother or sister, half-brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step-brother or sister, or the child of the parent’s/carer’s partner where the child for whom the school place is sought is living in the same family unit at the address as that sibling.
4. Children of parents/carers who are committed members of and regular worshippers at All Souls Church or Clubhouse. 5. Children who will have a sibling at the school at the time of admission. 6. Children who already have a place in our nursery. 7. Children whose parents/carers satisfy the governors there is an exceptional need for education at this school for medical or social reasons. This would need to be supported by professional evidence (eg a letter from a doctor or social worker) specifying why All Souls CE Primary School is the most suitable school and the difficulties that would be caused if the child had to attend another school. 8. Any other applicants.
72 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Burdett-Coutts and Townshend Foundation CE Primary School When there are fewer vacancies than applicants, our admissions policy will be applied in order of the following priority: 1. Looked After Children 2. Children whose brother or sister is currently at the school and will still be a pupil when the applicant joins. 3. Fifty percent of the remaining places are foundation places, available in the first instance to children whose families worship regularly at St. Stephen’s with St. John, Westminster. Thereafter, foundation places are available to children whose families worship regularly at other churches. 4. The remaining places are open places, available on the basis of proximity of the child’s home to the school.
Any unsuccessful applications for foundation places will be automatically included among applications for open places. Any unfilled foundation places will be added to the open places available. In all categories where oversubscription occurs, distance from the school is the deciding factor. Proximity to the school is measured from the child’s normal residential address, measured by the shortest walking distance on the road network to the school’s main entrance, using the council’s computerised measuring system. The priority for siblings only applies where other siblings are normally resident at the same address, and includes step-brothers and step-sisters. Information on Church of England churches in St. Margaret’s Deanery can be found on its website: www.westminsterstmargaret.org. Regular worship is understood to mean at least twice a month for two years or more. A clergy reference will be required. Other churches need to be affiliated to Churches Together in Britain and Ireland or the Evangelical Alliance.
Image: Isa Przha, 5, George Eliot Primary School
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Christ Church Bentinck CE Primary School In the event of oversubscription, the governing body admits children to the school in the following order of priority: 1. Looked After Children (in care of a local authority) as defined in the Children Act 1989. 2. Children with exceptional social or medical needs who would benefit from attending the school. A statement in support of the application must be returned by the GP, social worker or other appropriate professional. This should set out the particular reasons why the school in question is the most suitable school, and the difficulties that would be caused if the child had to attend another school. 3. Children of practising members of the Church of England, who attend St. Paul’s Church and St. Cyprians Church Clarence Gate, who have a brother or sister in the school at the time of attendance. 4. Children of practising members of the Church of England living within the Parish of St. Paul’s and St. Cyprians Clarence Gate churches. 5. Brothers and sisters of pupils, not in the above categories, who are currently in the school and will be at the time of attendance. 6. Other children of practising members of the Church of England. 7. Children of practising members of a church belonging to Churches Together in Britain and Ireland and the Evangelical Alliance. 8. Children of other world religions, or none, whose parents wish them to be educated within a Church of England school, who are living nearest the school. Children with statements of special educational needs who name the school will automatically be admitted to the school.
In the event of any of the above categories being oversubscribed, governors will give priority to those children living nearest to the school. Distances are measured by the shortest walking route, using the road network, from the centre of the child’s home address to the nearest school entrance for pupils, as measured by the local authority’s computerised measuring system. Where it is necessary to differentiate between applicants living in flats using the same street entrance, priority will be given to the applicant(s) living closest to the ground floor and then by ascending flat number order. If two applicants live the same distance from the school, a decision will be made by random allocation. Parents who wish their application to be considered under criteria 3, 4, 6 and 7 should ensure that the form provided by the school is completed by the clergy or faith leader and must be returned to the school. Practicising members refers to parents who have attended church at least once a month for at least one year (this should be confirmed by the parish priest). Brothers and sisters (siblings) refers to brother or sister, half-brother of sister, adopted brother or sister, stepbrother or sister, or the child of the parent/carer’s partner where the child for whom the school place is sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as that sibling.
74 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Hampden Gurney CE Primary School Where there are more applicants than places, school governors will allocate places in accordance with the following criteria, in this order of priority: 1. Looked After Children of Church of England families. 2. Children of Church of England families resident within the parish of the Annunciation, who attend the Church of the Annunciation. 3. Children of Church of England families resident outside the parish who attend the Church of the Annunciation. 4. Children of Church of England families resident within the parish of the Annunciation who attend another Church of England church. 5. Children of Church of England families resident outside the parish who attend another Church of England church. 6. Baptised members of the Church of England. 7. Other Looked After Children. 8. Baptised members of other Christian communions as recognised by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland for whom Hampden Gurney is their nearest church school. 9. Siblings of pupils, defined as a brother or sister, half-brother or sister or step-brother or sister whose main residence is at the same address and is/are on the school roll at the time of admission. 10. All other children. Within this category, priority will be given to those applicants whom the governors are satisfied have an exceptional social and/or medical reason to attend the school. Such applications must be supported by documented social and/or medical reasons from an appropriate professional (eg a doctor or social worker), specifying why Hampden Gurney is the most suitable school and the difficulties that would be caused if the child had to attend another school.
For children to be admitted on the basis of criteria 1 to 6 and 8, it must be shown that, in addition to a baptismal certificate, the family has been involved in the work and worship of the Christian church. To support this, the relevant section of the school’s supplementary information form must be completed by the vicar/priest/minister/religious leader of the place of worship. Governors request that parents obtain a letter of support from their priest, pastor or minister to indicate their degree of involvement and frequency of attendance at church (eg twice a month for at least two years), entry on the electoral roll, communicant member of the church, acting as a server or reader, or participating in the choir. As a further tie-break, where there are more applicants than places available in any of the criteria set out above, the governors will allocate places to that child or those children living nearest to the school. Proof of residence will be requested in support of the application. Distances are measured by the shortest walking route, using the road network, from the centre of the child’s home address to the nearest school entrance for pupils, as measured by the local authority’s computerised measuring system. Where it is necessary to differentiate between applicants living in flats using the same street entrance, priority will be given to the applicant(s) living closest to the ground floor and then by ascending flat number order. The governors wish to make it clear that sibling links do not override the preceding criteria.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Our Lady of Dolours RC Primary School Where there are more applicants than the number of places available, places will be offered according to the following order of priority: 1. Catholic Looked After Children. 2. Baptised practising Catholic children who are resident in the parish of Our Lady of Sorrows, Cirencester Street, W2, or the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes, Harrow Road, W9. 3. Baptised practising Catholic children resident in other parishes. 4. Baptised Catholic children. 5. Other Looked After Children. 6. Catechumens and members of an Eastern Christian church. 7. Children of other Christian denominations whose parents wish them to have a Catholic education. 8. Children of other faiths whose parents wish them to have a Catholic education. 9. Any other applicants. Within each criterion, the governing body will give top priority to an application where the child has documented social, medical or pastoral reasons from an appropriate professional (eg a doctor, social worker or priest) specifying why Our Lady of Dolours is the most suitable school and the difficulties that would be caused if the child had to attend another school. The attendance of a sibling at the school at the time of enrolment will increase the priority of an application within each criterion. Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any of the categories listed above would still lead to oversubscription, the places up to the admission number will be offered to those living nearest to the school. Distances are measured by the shortest walking route, using the road network, from the centre of the child’s home address to the nearest school entrance for pupils, as measured by the local
authority’s computerised measuring system. Where it is necessary to differentiate between applicants living in flats using the same street entrance, priority will be given to the applicant(s) living closest to the ground floor and then by ascending flat number order. Notes • Looked After Child has the same meaning as in Section 22 of the Children Act 1989, and means any child in the care of a local authority or provided with accommodation by them (eg children with foster parents). • Catholic means a member of a church in full communion with the See of Rome. Catholic means both the Western (Latin) Rite and the Eastern Rite. This will normally be evidenced by a certificate of baptism in a Catholic church or a certificate of reception into the full communion of the Catholic Church. • Practising Catholic means a Catholic child from a practising Catholic family where this practice is verified by a reference from a Catholic priest in the standard format laid down by the diocese. • Catechumen means a member of the Catechumenate of a Catholic church. This will normally be evidenced by a certificate of reception into the order of Catechumens. • Christian means a member of a church which belongs to Churches Together in Britain and Ireland. • Membership of an Eastern Orthodox Church is normally evidenced by a certificate of baptism or reception from the authorities of that church. • Home address means the place where the child lives for more than 50% of the school week. • To demonstrate an exceptional social, medical or pastoral need which can be most appropriately met at this school, the governing body will require written evidence from an appropriate professional such as a social worker, doctor or priest.
76 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
• Sibling is defined as a brother or sister, half-brother or sister or step-brother or sister whose main residence is at the same address. • Parent is defined as the person or persons who have legal responsibility for the child.
St. Augustine’s CE Primary School Where there are more applications than places available, the governors will admit children according to the following oversubscription criteria: 1. Children who are in public care (Looked After Children). 2. Children whose parents or guardians worship regularly at St. Augustine’s Church, Kilburn Park Road or another Anglican (Church of England) church. 3. Children whose parents or guardians worship regularly at another Christian church or chapel that is a member of, or is in association with, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland or the Evangelical Alliance. 4. Children whose parents or guardians live in the local community and attend St. Augustine’s Church, Kilburn Park Road or another Anglican (Church of England) church occasionally. 5. Children whose parents or guardians live in the local community and occasionally attend another Christian church or chapel that is a member of, or is in association with, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland or the Evangelical Alliance. 6. Children who will have a brother or sister (including step- and half-brothers or sisters) living at the same address, attending St. Augustine’s Primary School (that is in reception or Years 1 to 6, but not in the nursery) at the time they start attending reception class. 7. Children of other faiths whose parents or guardians live in the local community and worship regularly in other places of worship and who would value the education and ethos of a church school.
8. Children whose home address is closest to the school. Regular attendance is taken to be at least twice per month over a period of at least the past year. Occasional attendance is taken to be less than twice per month over a period of at least the past year. The school will seek confirmation of attendance at a place of worship from the priest, minister or church leader or other faith leader. Where a family has not lived in the area long enough to meet this criterion, confirmation of regular attendance at their previous place of worship will be accepted. The local community is taken to be the area defined as follows: Kilburn High Road from Willesden Lane to Quex Road; Quex Road from Kilburn High Road to Abbey Road; Abbey Road from Quex Road to Abercorn Place; Abercorn Place from Abbey Road to Maida Vale; Elgin Avenue from Maida Vale to Shirland Road; Shirland Road from Elgin Avenue to Fernhead Road; Fernhead Road from Shirland Road to Carlton Vale; Salusbury Road from Carlton Vale to Winchester Avenue; Winchester Avenue from Salusbury Road to Willesden Lane; Willesden Lane from Winchester Avenue to Kilburn High Road. (See the school’s full policy for area map). Distances are determined by the shortest walking route from the main street entrance to the child’s home address to the school gate as measured by the Up My Street website. Where it is necessary to differentiate between applicants living in flats using the same street entrance, priority will be given to the applicants living closest to the ground floor and then by ascending order of flat number. Each criterion will be applied in the order given above. Where there are more applications in any category than places available, the next criterion will be taken into account.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. Barnabas’ CE Primary School In the event that there are more applications than places, the following criteria, in this order of priority, are used to decide which children are to be admitted: 1. Looked After Children. 2. Baptised children from families active in St. Barnabas’ Church or other Anglican church in Westminster (St. Margaret’s Deanery). 3. Children with siblings in the school at the intended date of entry. 4. Children who live in the parish. 5. Children from families active in Christian denominations as recognised by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.
Active means attendance at least twice a month during the last year, confirmed in writing by an appropriate person. Sibling means brother or sister, half-brother or sister, or step-brother or sister whose main residence is at the same address. Distances are determined by the shortest walking route, using the road network, from the centre of the child’s home address to the main entrance of the school, as measured by the local authority’s computerised measuring system. Where it is necessary to differentiate between applicants living in flats using the same street entrance, priority will be given to the applicant(s) living closest to the ground floor and then by ascending flat number order.
6. Children of other faiths as recognised by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland whose parents wish them to attend a church school. 7. Children who live closest to the main school entrance as measured by the shortest walking route.
Image: Pupil from Millbank Primary School
78 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. Clement Danes CE Primary School If there are more applications than places, the governors will use the following criteria when deciding on the allocation of places to the school and the nursery. Criteria are listed in order of priority: 1. Looked After Children. 2. Children who live within the catchment area who are regular worshippers at the parish church St. Mary le Strand. 3. Siblings of a child/children attending the school and who will be on the school roll when the child attends the school. 4. Children who attend the St. Clement Danes Nursery at the time of application. 5. Children who live with a parent/parents within the catchment area and who live closest to the school. 6. Children who live outside the catchment area who are regular worshippers at another Christian church, that is, other than the parish church of St. Mary le Strand. 7. All other children. If there are more candidates fulfilling any one criterion than the number of available places, priority will be given to those candidates living closest to the school. Distances are measured by the shortest walking route, using the road network, from the centre of the child’s home address to the nearest school entrance for pupils, as measured by the local authority’s computerised measuring system. Where it is necessary to differentiate between applicants living in flats using the same street entrance, priority will be given to the applicant(s) living closest to the ground floor and then by ascending flat number order. A map of the catchment area is included with the full admissions policy available direct from the school or at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions. The boundary for the area will run down the middle of
each of the streets around the edge of the map, and is the area as follows: from Victoria Embankment along Middle Temple Lane, into Fleet Street, along Chancery Lane, into High Holborn to New Oxford Street, along Charing Cross Road, through St. Martins Place, across the Strand to Northumberland Avenue. The catchment area then follows the River Thames east along the Victoria Embankment. Regular worshippers means those who worship at least monthly over a period of at least one year, supported by a letter from the regular priest or minister at the time of application. Applications will not be considered until the supporting documents are received. Sibling means brothers and sisters and step-brothers and step-sisters (being the children of a step-father/ step-mother by a previous marriage) who reside at the same address.
St. Edward’s RC Primary School Whenever there are more applications than places available, places will be offered in the following order of priority. 1. Catholic Looked After Children. 2. Baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families who are resident in the Parishes of Our Lady, St. John’s Wood. 3. Baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families who are resident in the Parish of The Rosary, Marylebone Road. 4. Other baptised Catholic children. 5. Other Looked after Children. 6. Christians of other denominations whose parents wish them to have a Catholic education and whose application is supported by a minister of religion. 7. Christians of other denominations whose parents wish them to have a Catholic education.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
8. Children of other faiths whose parents wish them to have a Catholic education. 9. Any other applications. Within each category, the governing body will give top priority to an application where professional compelling evidence is provided at the time of application of an exceptional social, medical or pastoral need of the child which can only be met by attendance at this school. The attendance of a brother or sister at the school at the time of enrolment will increase the priority of an application within each category. Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any of the sub-categories listed above would still lead to oversubscription, the places up to the admission number will be offered to those living nearest to the school as measured by the shortest walking distance. This will be determined using Westminster City Council software. See full policy for further details. The governing body does not give priority under its admissions criteria for twins, triplets or other multiple applications from one family for the same year group. If there are insufficient places available, the governing body will draw lots in the presence of an independent witness. However, it will endeavour wherever possible not to separate children while still operating within the infant class size legislation. Notes • Looked After Child has the same meaning as in Section 22 of the Children Act 1989, and means any child in the care of a local authority or provided with accommodation by them (eg children with foster parents). • Catholic means a member of the church in communion with the See of Rome. This includes the Eastern Catholic Churches. This will normally be evidenced by a certificate of baptism in a Catholic church or a certificate of reception into the full communion of the Catholic Church.
• Practising Catholic means a Catholic child from practising Catholic families where practice is verified by a Catholic priest in the standard format laid down by the diocese. Family may be taken to mean the child and one Catholic parent. • Parent is defined as the person or persons who have legal responsibility for the child. • A child is deemed to be resident at a particular address when he or she resides there for 50% or more of the school week. • Christian is defined as a member of a church which belongs to Churches Together in Britain and Ireland. • Brother or sister is defined as including adopted brothers or sisters, half-brothers or sisters or step-brothers and sisters. A sibling relationship does not apply when the older child(ren) will leave the school before the younger one starts.
80 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Image: Pupil from Hallfield Primary School
St. Gabriel’s CE Primary School Where there are fewer vacancies than applicants for places, our policy for admission to the school will be applied, in order of priority as follows: 1. Looked After Children. 2. Children whose parents worship at St. Gabriel’s at least monthly and have done so for at least a year. 3. Children whose parents worship at least monthly and have done so for at least a year in other Anglican churches. 4. Children whose parents worship at least monthly and have done so for at least a year in other Christian churches (as defined by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland). 5. Children who are baptised Anglicans (baptismal form will be required). 6. Children who are baptised by other Christian rites (baptismal form will be required). 7. Children who have siblings already in the school, at date of entry to reception class. A sibling is defined as a brother or sister, half brother or sister or step brother or sister whose main residence is at the same address.
8. Children whose parents live in the parishes of St. Gabriel’s, St. Saviour’s and St. James the Less. 9. Children of other faiths who practise their faith at least monthly and have done so for at least a year (a supporting statement from a religious leader is required). 10. Children who do not meet any of the previous criteria. In each of the criteria 2 to 6, parents should provide a supporting statement from their priest or minister. Each criterion will be applied in order. Should there be more applications in any category than places available, preference will be given to the child who lives nearest to the school; as measured by the shortest walking distance, using the road network, from the centre of the child’s home address to the nearest school entrance for pupils, as measured by the local authority’s computerised measuring system. Where it is necessary to differentiate between applicants living in flats using the same street entrance, priority will be given to the applicant(s) living closest to the ground floor and then by ascending flat number order. Other faiths are defined as: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. George’s Hanover Square CE Primary School In the event of oversubscription, the governors will apply the following criteria in order of priority: 1. Church of England Looked After Children. 2. Children whose parents are committed Christians and who have worshipped at least once a month during the previous year at St. George’s Hanover Square or the Grosvenor Chapel. 3. Other Looked After Children. 4. Children who have a brother or sister attending the school at date of entry into reception class. 5. Children whose parents have worshipped at least once a month during the previous year at a neighbouring Anglican church. 6. Children living within the parish of St. George’s but of other Christian denominations, as defined by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, whose parents have worshipped at least once a month during the previous year at their place of worship. 7. Children living outside the parish of St. George’s who are of other Christian denominations that are members of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland and whose parents have worshipped at least once a month during the previous year at their place of worship. 8. Children of other faiths who live within the parish and whose parents desire them to attend this school because of its religious tradition and who have worshipped at least once a month during the previous year at their place of worship. 9. Children of other faiths who live outside the parish and whose parents desire them to attend this school because of its religious tradition and who have worshipped at least once a month during the previous year at their place of worship.
All applicants must provide proof of date of birth (this can be a medical certificate), and proof of residence. If any category is oversubscribed, priority will be given to those living nearest to the school. Distances are measured by the shortest walking route, using the road network, from the centre of the child’s home address to the nearest school entrance for pupils, as measured by the local authority’s computerised measuring system. Where it is necessary to differentiate between applicants living in flats using the same street entrance, priority will be given to the applicant(s) living closest to the ground floor and then by ascending flat number order. Applications for criteria 1 to 2 and 5 to 7 require a baptism certificate and a letter from your vicar confirming church attendance once a month over a period of at least a year. For the purpose of admissions, a sibling is defined as a brother or sister, half-brother or sister, or step-brother or sister whose main address is at the same address. If any category is oversubscribed, priority will be given to those living nearest to the school. Distances are measured by the shortest walking route, using the road network, from the centre of the child’s home address to the nearest school entrance for pupils, as measured by the local authority’s computerised measuring system. Where it is necessary to differentiate between applicants living in flats using the same street entrance, priority will be given to the applicant(s) living closest to the ground floor and then by ascending flat number order. A map showing the parish boundaries is included in the full admissions policy available direct from the school or at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions.
82 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. James’ and St. Michael’s CE Primary School Where there are more applications than places available, the governors will apply the following criteria: 1. Looked After Children who are of the Church of England Christian faith. 2. Children from families who worship frequently at St. James’s Church, Sussex Gardens, and St. John’s Church, Hyde Park. 3. Children from families who attend another Anglican church frequently and who live in the parishes of St. James’s, Sussex Gardens, and St. John’s, Hyde Park. 4. Other Looked After Children. 5. Children who will have a sibling present in the school at the time of admission. 6. Children from families of other Christian denominations recognised by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, who live in the parishes of St. James’s, Sussex Gardens, and St. John’s, Hyde Park. 7. Children of families practising other world faiths who wish their child to attend a Christian school. 8. Children who live nearest to the school, measured by the shortest walking route.
differentiate between applicants living in flats using the same street entrance, priority will be given to the applicant(s) living closest to the ground floor and then by ascending flat number order.
St. Joseph’s RC Primary School Priority will always be given to applicants from practising Catholic families in accordance with the oversubscription criteria listed below. In the event of there being more applicants than places, the criteria used to decide which children are to be admitted are as follows, and are placed in order of priority: 1. Catholic Looked After Children. 2. Catholic children from practising Catholic families who live in the parish of St. John’s Wood, NW8 or within the agreed boundaries of W9. A map showing the parish boundaries and the agreed area in W9 is available with the full policy from the school or at www.westminster.gov.uk/ admissions. 3. Other Catholic children from practising Catholic families. 4. Other Catholic children. 5. Other Looked After Children. 6. Children of other faiths whose parents wish them to have a Catholic education and whose application is supported in writing by their religious leader.
Frequent worship is defined as weekly attendance at church for the past year.
7. All other children.
A sibling is defined as a brother or sister, half-brother or sister, or step-brother or sister whose main residence is at the same address.
The governing body will give top priority to an application within a category where professional evidence is provided at the time of application of an exceptional social, medical or pastoral need of the child which can only be met at this school. See full policy for further details.
Distances are determined by the shortest walking route, using the road network, from the centre of the child’s home address to the entrance of the school, as measured by the local authority’s computerised measuring system. Where it is necessary to
Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any category listed above would lead to oversubscription, the attendance of a brother or sister at the school at the time of enrolment will increase the priority of an application within each category.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
In the event of a tie-break, proximity of the home address to the school (ie shortest walking distance) will be the deciding factor.
child in the care of a local authority or provided with accommodation by them (eg children with foster parents).
Where only one place is available and there is more than one child eligible within the same family ie twins, the offer of a place will be decided by random allocation.
Siblings include step-brothers and sisters, half-brothers and sisters or adopted/foster brothers and sisters.
Catholic means a member of a church in full communion with the See of Rome. This includes the Eastern Catholic churches. This will normally be evidenced by a certificate of baptism, within one year of birth, in a Catholic church or a certificate of reception into the full communion with the Catholic church. If baptism was delayed, please submit a written explanation with your application. Practising Catholic means Catholic families who habitually attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. This practice is verified by a reference from a Catholic priest in the standard format laid down by the diocese.
Home address means where the child resides for more than 50% of the school week. The school uses Westminster City Council’s model (ie distances are measured by the shortest walking route, using the road network, from the centre of the child’s home address to the nearest school entrance for pupils, as measured by the local authority’s computerised measuring system). Where it is necessary to differentiate between applicants living in flats using the same street entrance, priority will be given to the applicant(s) living closest to the ground floor and then by ascending flat number order.
Looked After Children has the same meaning as in Section 22 of the Children Act 1989 and means any
Image: Year 1 pupils from St. Peter’s Chippenham Mews
84 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Image: Pupils from Christ Church Bentinck CE Primary School
St. Luke’s CE Primary School In the event of oversubscription, priority is given to admissions in this order: 1. Looked After Children. 2. Children living in the local area, whose parents are committed members of, and regularly worship in St. Luke’s Church, West Kilburn. 3. Children living in the local area, whose parents are committed members of, and regularly worship in, other Anglican churches, or churches and chapels of other Christian denominations. 4. Children who will have a sibling already in the school, at the time they start attending the reception class. 5. Children who do not meet any of the previous criteria and who live closest to the school.
Within each category, priority will be given to children of families living in the local area of the school. For a definition of the local area, please refer to the map available from the school. Regular worship is defined as at least once a month for the past year. A sibling is defined as a brother or sister, half-brother or sister, or step-brother or sister whose main residence is at the same address. Distance is measured in a straight line from the centre of the home property to the school gate.
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St. Mary Magdalene CE Primary School Where there are more applications than places available the following criteria will be used: 1. Looked after Children. 2. Children from Christian families who regularly attend worship at the parish church of St. Mary Magdalene, Paddington. 3. Children from Christian families who regularly attend worship at other churches. 4. Children from families active in other faiths. 5. Any other children. The attendance of a sibling at the school at the time of admission will increase the priority of an application in each category. For categories 2 and 3 above, evidence of a family’s attendance at church worship on Sundays will be provided by the supplementary information form. For category 4 above, evidence of a family’s attendance at the appropriate place of worship will be provided by the supplementary information form. Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any of the categories listed above would still lead to oversubscription, the places up to the admission number will be offered to those living nearest to the school. Distances are measured by the shortest walking route, using the road network, from the centre of the child’s home address to the nearest school entrance for pupils, as measured by the local authority’s computerised measuring system. Where it is necessary to differentiate between applicants living in flats using the same street entrance, priority will be given to the applicant(s) living closest to the ground floor and then by ascending flat number order.
Christian is defined as being a member of a Christian church that is recognised as a full member of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland or the Evangelical Alliance. Regular worship is defined as attendance at Sunday worship at least once a month during the last year, confirmed in writing by the parish priest/vicar on the supplementary information form. Other faiths include Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism and Buddhism. Active means attendance at their place of worship at least once a month during the last year confirmed by a priest, an elder or equivalent on the supplementary information form. Please see full policy for definitions of Looked After Child and sibling.
86 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. Mary of the Angels RC Primary School If there are more applications than places, priority will always be given, within a category, to applicants from practising Catholic families in accordance with the oversubscription criteria listed below. Further priority will be given, within a category, to siblings of children currently at the school who will still be on roll in September 2012. 1. Catholic Looked After Children. 2. Catholic children who live within the boundaries of the parishes of St. Mary of the Angels, Our Lady Queen of Heaven or Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Vincent de Paul. 3. Catholic children who live outside the boundaries of the parishes of St. Mary of the Angels, Our Lady Queen of Heaven or Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Vincent de Paul. 4. Other Looked After Children. 5. Catechumens and members of Eastern Christian churches. 6. Non-Catholic children whose parents wish them to have a Catholic education, who live within the boundaries of the parishes of St. Mary of the Angels, Our Lady Queen of Heaven or Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Vincent de Paul. 7. Any other applicants. If any category is still oversubscribed, places will be offered to those who live nearest to the school measured by the shortest walking route. Distances are determined using the road network, from the centre of the child’s home address to the main entrance of the school, as measured by the local authority’s computerised measuring system. Where it is necessary to differentiate between applicants living in flats using the same street entrance, priority will be given to those applicant(s) living closest to the ground floor and then by ascending flat number order. The governors will give top priority within any particular category to a child who has a documented pastoral, social or medical need that can be met particularly by this
school, where the application sets out the relevant circumstances and shows the difficulties that would be caused if the child had to attend another school and which is supported by an appropriate professional (ie priest, doctor or social worker). Notes • Looked After Children (as in Section 22 of the Children Act 1989) means those in the care of a local authority, or foster children. • Baptised children living with parent(s) who are resident in the combined parish of St. Mary’s Bryanston Square and St. Mark’s, Old Marylebone Road, and whose parents are practising members of one of those churches. • Children living with parent(s) who are resident in the combined parish of St. Mary’s Bryanston Square and St. Mark’s, Old Marylebone Road, and whose parents are practising members of a Christian church. • Other children living in the combined parish of St. Mary’s Bryanston Square and St. Mark’s, Old Marylebone Road. • Children living with parents who are resident in, and practising members of a Christian church within the local area. • Other children living with parent(s) in the local area, with preference being given to siblings of pupils who are already in the school (who will still be in the school on the younger sibling’s starting date) who have not been offered a place under criteria 2 to 5. • A sibling is a brother or sister, half-brother or sister, step-brother or sister, or adopted brother or sister whose main residence is at the same address. In all cases siblings must still be attending the school when the applicant is enrolled. • Children from multiple births (eg twins/triplets): where the admission of children from multiple births would lead to exceeding the published admissions number, places will be decided by random allocation in the presence of an independent witness.
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Image: Pupils from Hallfield Primary School
88 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. Mary’s Bryanston Square CE Primary School Should there be more applications than places, places will be offered in the following order of priority: 1. Looked After Children. 2. Baptised children living with parent(s) who are resident in the combined parish of St. Mary’s Bryanston Square and St. Mark’s, Old Marylebone Road, and whose parents are practising members of one of those churches. 3. Children living with parent(s) who are resident in the combined parish of St. Mary’s Bryanston Square and St. Mark’s, Old Marylebone Road, and whose parents are practising members of a Christian church. 4. Other children living in the combined parish of St. Mary’s Bryanston Square and St. Mark’s, Old Marylebone Road. 5. Children living with parents who are resident in, and practising members of a Christian church within the local area. 6. Other children living with parent(s) in the local area, with preference being given to siblings of pupils who are already in the school (who will still be in the school on the younger sibling’s starting date) who have not been offered a place under criteria 2 to 5. 7. If there are places remaining, these will be offered to children living outside the local area and decided on distance from the school (as measured by the shortest walking distance from the main school entrance). In exceptional circumstances a child may be admitted by the governors following consultation and where there are exceptional medical or social reasons and provided that they are satisfied that there is a medical/ social need for that child’s admission. Letters from appropriate professionals would be needed to support such an application detailing how the school can meet
their needs and how they would suffer detriment if they went to another school. In the event of equal qualification, the place will be offered to the child who lives nearest to the school as measured by the shortest walking distance from the main school entrance. Confirmation of residence and/or baptism (if appropriate) is required. For the purposes of admission, the governors deem practising to mean, on average, at least twice monthly attendance at church for at least a full year. For the purposes of admission, the governors deem Christian to mean membership of churches recognised by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland or the Evangelical Alliance. The local area is defined as: The eastern boundary consists of a line running through Hollies Street, western side of Cavendish Square, Harley Street and Brunswick Place south/south-west of The Outer Circle/ Cornwall Terrace, Hanover Gate, part of Park Road and Wellington Road to the junction with Circus Road. The northern boundary consists of a line running through Circus Road (west of Wellington Road), Hall Road and Sutherland Avenue. The western boundary consists of a line running through Warrington Crescent, Warwick Avenue, crossing the Harrow Road to part of North Wharf Road, beside Paddington Station (London Street), Sussex Place, along Stanhope Terrace and Brook Street. The southern boundary consists of a line running through Bayswater Road (east of the junction with Brook Street), Marble Arch and Oxford Street to its junction with Hollies Street.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. Matthew’s CE Primary School When there are more applications than there are places available, the governors will admit pupils according to the following criteria, which are listed in order of priority: 1. Looked After Children. 2. Children whose parents/carers have attended the parish church of St. Matthew’s, Westminster at least once a month for the past year. Please enclose a letter from your parish priest with your child’s application. 3. Children who already have siblings attending the school at the date of entry, whose parents/carers have attended a Christian church at least once a month for the past year. Please enclose a letter from your priest/minister with your child’s application. 4. Children whose parents/carers have worshipped at another Anglican church at least once a month for the past year. Please enclose a letter from your parish priest with your child’s application. 5 Children whose parents/carers have worshipped at another Christian church at least once a month for the past year. Please enclose a letter from your priest/minister with your child’s application. 6. Children who already have siblings attending the school at the date of entry but do not meet the previous criteria. 7. Children whose parents/carers have worshipped another world faith at least once a month for the past year who want them to attend this school because of its religious tradition (please enclose a letter from your religious faith leader). 8. Children whose parents/carers do not meet the previous criteria but want their child to attend because of the school’s religious tradition and because the child currently attends St. Matthew’s nursery. 9. Children whose parents/carers do not meet the previous criteria but want their child to attend because of the school’s religious tradition.
When deciding between applicants who have equal entitlement under the criteria above, the governors will have regard to the proximity of the applicant’s home to the school. Priority will be given to applicants who live closest to the school’s main entrance. Distances are determined by the shortest walking route, using the road network, from the centre of the child’s home address to the main entrance of the school, as measured by the local authority’s computerised measuring system. Where it is necessary to differentiate between applicants living in flats using the same street entrance, priority will be given to the applicant(s) living closest to the ground floor and then by ascending flat number order. Applications on religious grounds 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 above, must be supported by an attached letter completed by a priest or religious leader stating how frequently the parents/carers attend worship. Governors make all decisions without regard to the sex, ability, or cultural or ethnic background of the child concerned. By Christian church we mean one that is a member or in association with Churches Together in Britain and Ireland or the Evangelical Alliance. A sibling is defined as a brother or sister, half-brother or sister, or step-brother or sister whose main residence is at the same address.
90 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. Peter’s CE (Chippenham Mews) Primary School The governors will offer up to 18 foundation places and up to 12 open places. If there are more applications than places available, places will be allocated as follows. Overall priority will be given to children in public care (Looked After Children). If any of the places are taken by children with statements of special educational needs or by Looked After Children, the remaining places will be allocated in the ratio of 60% foundation places and 40% open places according to the following criteria: Foundation places 1. Children whose parents or guardians have worshipped at St. Peter’s Church, Elgin Avenue, or St. Mary Magdalene’s Church, Warwick Estate at least once a month throughout the year preceding the date of application and who will have a sibling attending St. Peter’s Primary School at the time they start attending reception class. 2. Children whose parents or guardians have worshipped at St. Peter’s Church, Elgin Avenue, or St Mary Magdalene’s Church, Warwick Estate at least once a month throughout the year preceding the date of application but who will not have a sibling attending St. Peter’s Primary School at the time they start attending reception class. 3. Children whose parents or guardians have worshipped at another Christian church at least once a month throughout the year preceding the date of application and who will have a sibling attending St. Peter’s Primary School at the time they start attending reception class. 4. Children whose parents or guardians have worshipped at another Christian church at least once a month throughout the year preceding the date of application but who will not have a sibling attending St. Peter’s Primary School at the time they start attending reception class.
Open places 1. Children who will have a sibling attending St. Peter’s Primary School at the time they start attending reception class. 2. Children from the local community. Each criterion will be applied in the order given above. Should there be more applications in any category than places available, priority will be given to children whose home address is closest to the school. If the governors are not able to offer a foundation place to anyone applying for a foundation place, the application will be considered for an open place according to the criteria for open places. If there are insufficient applications to fill the foundation places, the remaining places will be offered to applications for open places according to the criteria for open places. Those seeking a place under the criteria of church membership should note that the school will seek confirmation of this from the priest, minister or church leader. Christian churches are defined as those which are full-member churches of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland or of the Evangelical Alliance. For families recently moved into the area, attendance at their previous church will also be taken into account. Siblings means brothers or sisters, including halfbrothers, half-sisters, step-brothers or step-sisters, living at the same address. Distances are determined by the shortest walking route from the main street entrance of the child’s home address to the Chippenham Mews entrance of the school, as measured using the route-planning application on the RAC website.
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St. Peter’s Eaton Square CE Primary School If there are more applications than places, as is usual, the governors will admit children to the reception class places according to the admissions criteria listed below: 1. Children ‘Looked After’ by a local authority. Written confirmation from the local authority will be required. 2. Baptised children whose parents or guardians regularly worship at St. Peter’s Eaton Square Church. 3. Brothers and sisters of children already in the school at the date of entry. 4. Baptised children whose parents or guardians regularly worship at a Church of England church in the Deanery of Westminster (St Margaret’s), which has no Anglican school of its own. 5. Baptised children whose parents or guardians regularly worship at a Church of England church. 6. Baptised children whose parents or guardians regularly worship at another Christian church. 7. Unbaptised children whose parents or guardians regularly worship at a Christian church. 8. Others. If it is necessary to decide between applicants who have equal claims to a place under each category, priority will be given to those who live nearest the school, measured by the shortest walking route. Distances are measured by the shortest walking route, using the road network, from the centre of the child’s home address to the nearest school entrance for pupils, as measured by the local authority’s computerised measuring system. Where it is necessary to differentiate between applicants living in flats using the same street entrance, priority will be given to the applicant(s) living closest to the ground floor and then by ascending flat number order.
All applicants who have complied with the admission procedures will be considered under the admissions criteria before those who have not (see full policy). Regular worship means at least twice a month over a period of at least a year, prior to the completion of the clergy form. Confirmation of this from the priest, minister or church leader must be provided on the form supplied. Other Christian churches are those as defined by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland and Christian shall be construed accordingly. Baptised means baptised before the application for a place is made by an authorised Anglican rite or an authorised rite of another Christian church. Children who have not been baptised because of their parents’ allegiance to a particular Christian tradition or denomination but who have been the subject of an authorised and public rite of dedication or thanksgiving will, for the purposes of these criteria only, be treated in the same way as baptised children. Children baptised by an authorised Anglican rite take precedence over those baptised by the rites of other Christian churches. For the purposes of admission, a sibling is defined as a brother or sister, half-brother or sister, or step-brother or sister whose main residence is at the same address.
92 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. Saviour’s CE Primary School If there are more applications than places, as is usual, the governors will admit children to the reception class places according to the admissions criteria listed below: 1. Looked After Children who are baptised and practising within the Church of England. 2. Baptised children who are regular frequent worshippers with their parent(s) or legal guardian(s) at either of the churches in the Parish of Little Venice (St. Saviour Warwick Avenue and St. Mary-on-Paddington Green). Parents are required to sign one of the registers available at each Sunday service to demonstrate regular attendance. For both nursery and reception, the 30 children who have attended Sunday worship most frequently with their parents or legal guardian(s) in the Anglican Parishes of Little Venice will be given the places. In the event of oversubscription and if it is necessary to decide between applicants who have equal claim for a place in the reception class, priority will be given to children already in the nursery. 3. Baptised children who are regular frequent worshippers, with their parent(s) or legal guardian(s), in other Anglican parishes which: (a) do not have an attached school and (b) do have an attached school. 4. Other Looked After Children. 5. Children who are regular frequent worshippers, with their parent(s) or legal guardian(s) at other Christian denominations as recognised by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland and the Evangelical Alliance. 6. Children who currently attend St. Saviour’s School nursery. 7. Children with siblings in the school at the time of admission (ie who have at least one parent in common or who are legally adopted).
8. Children who are regular worshippers with their parent(s) or guardian(s) within the other major world faiths. 9. Children living closest to the school (Shirland Road entrance) as measured by the shortest walking distance by the local education authority. In the event of oversubscription, priority for a place in the reception class will be given to children already in our nursery class, provided all the worship criteria have been fulfilled. The majority of children in the nursery class are within categories 1 to 5 and are regular churchgoers. Please note that regular, frequent worship signifies at least three Sundays in every month for at least two years before application to reception. As a further tie-break where there are more applicants of equal merit than places available in the reception class, the governors will allocate places to those living nearest the school. Distances are measured by the shortest walking route, using the road network, from the centre of the child’s home address to the nearest school entrance for pupils, as measured by the local authority’s computerised measuring system. Where it is necessary to differentiate between applicants living in flats using the same street entrance, priority will be given to the applicant(s) living closest to the ground floor and then by ascending flat number order. It should be noted that the local authority can direct the school to admit a child (or children) who have a statement of educational needs; if and when this occurs it affects the number of children who can be admitted by the school’s admission criteria.
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St. Stephen’s CE Primary School The governing body has responsibility for admissions to the school and places are allocated according to our admission criteria, which are listed below in order of priority: 1. Looked After Children. 2. Children whose families have worshipped at St. Stephen’s Church, Westbourne Park, W2, at least monthly for at least a year. 3. Children from families who live in the local area and worship at a Christian church and children from families who worship at a Christian church in the local area. 4. Children with a brother or sister (including stepbrother, step-sister, half-brother or half-sister) or other child under the responsibility of the same parent or carer and living at the same address who will be in the school at the time the child starts reception. 5. Children already attending the nursery class at St. Stephen’s. 6. Children who have documented social and/or medical reasons from an appropriate professional (eg a doctor or social worker) specifying why St. Stephen’s is the most suitable school and the difficulties that would be caused if the child had to attend another school. 7. Children from families practising other world faiths who have attended a place of worship at least monthly for at least a year and live within the local area defined. 8. If there are remaining places, these will be offered to children living closest to the school. Distances are determined by the shortest walking route, using the road network, from the centre of the child’s home address to the main pupil entrance of the school, as measured by the local authority’s computerised measuring system. Where it is necessary to differentiate
between applicants living in flats using the same street entrance, priority will be given to the applicant(s) living closest to the ground floor and then by ascending flat number order. Each criterion will be applied in the order given above. Should there be more applications in any category than places available, the next criterion will be taken into account. Distance from home to school (measured as set out above) will be used as a tie-break. While operating within the constraints of our building, we do everything reasonable to accommodate the needs of all pupils. Worshipping at a church means having worshipped there at least monthly for at least a year. We will require confirmation from the priest or minister. Christian churches are those recognised by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland and members of the Evangelical Alliance. In the case of a family who has moved to the United Kingdom from abroad in the 12 months prior to submitting the application, worshipping at a Christian church means having worshipped at a Christian church (as defined above) at least monthly since arriving in the United Kingdom and having attended a Christian place of worship at least monthly in the country from which they have come to the UK for at least a year. We will require confirmation from a priest or minister in each place. The boundaries of the local area are Bayswater Rd, Westbourne St, Westbourne Terrace, Harrow Rd, Great Western Rd, Tavistock Crescent and Portobello Rd. Both sides of these roads are included. A map is available from the school, showing this area.
94 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
St. Vincent de Paul RC Primary School Places will be offered according to the following order of priority: 1. Catholic Looked After Children. 2. Baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families with a brother or sister at the school at the time of enrolment (or step-sibling resident at the same address). 3. Children from practising Catholic families attending St. Vincent de Paul RC School Nursery. 4. All other baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families. 5. Other baptised Catholic children with a brother or sister at the school at the time of enrolment (or step-sibling or half-sibling resident at the same address). 6. Baptised Catholic children. 7. Other Looked After Children. 8. Other Christian applicants. 9. All other applicants. Where the offer of places to all applicants in any of the categories listed above would lead to oversubscription, places up to the published admissions number of 30 will be offered to those living nearest the school (this will be determined using Westminster City Council software). Where distance is used as a tie-breaker, and where it is necessary to differentiate between applicants living in the same block of flats and eligible for the remaining place(s), priority will be given to applicants by ascending flat numerical order. Where the admission of children from multiple births would exceed the published admissions number of 30, priority will be decided by lottery.
Looked After Children in public care has the same meaning as in Section 22 of the Children Act 1989, and means a child in the care of a local authority or provided with accommodation by them, eg children with a foster parent. Practising means regular family attendance at Sunday or Saturday evening Mass more often than not (as far as can be judged by observation in the supporting priest’s reference). Catholic family/families denotes the Catholic or Catholics who have legal responsibility for the child.
St. Vincent’s Catholic Primary School The governors welcome applications from families whose child is baptised a Catholic and whose application is supported by a completed form from their parish priest stating they are practising Catholics. Practising Catholic means regular family attendance at Sunday Mass, which is confirmed by the diocesan priest’s reference (‘family’ normally includes the Catholic or Catholics who have legal responsibility for the child). In the event of having more applicants than places available, offers of places will be made in the following order of priority: 1. Catholic Looked After Children. 2. Baptised Catholic children from a practising family who have a sibling at the school in the year of the admission (a sibling is defined as a brother or sister, half-brother or sister or step-brother or sister whose main residence is the same address). 3. Baptised Catholic children from a practising family who attended St. Vincent’s Nursery Class. 4. Other baptised Catholic children from a practising family. 5. Other baptised Catholic children.
Catholic, in this instance, means a member of any Catholic church that is in full communion with the See of Rome.
6. Other Looked After Children.
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Image: Pupils from Hallfield Primary School
7. Catechumens and members of an Eastern church whose application is supported by a minister of religion. 8. Christians whose parents wish them to have a Catholic education and whose application is supported by a minister of religion. 9. Children of other faiths whose parents wish them to have a Catholic education and whose application is supported by a religious leader. 10. Any other applicants. Exceptional compassionate circumstances will be taken into account to give higher priority to a child within an admissions category. Evidence from an appropriate professional must be presented at time of application demonstrating that the needs of the child can only be met at St Vincent’s. Evidence supplied after the governors have processed the applications will not be considered. Where the order of priority is otherwise equal, preference will be given to a child who lives the shortest walking distance from the school. Home address is defined as the address at which the child resides for 50% or more of the school week. Distances are measured by the shortest walking route, using the road network, from the centre of the child’s home address to the nearest school entrance for the pupils, as measured by the local authority’s
computerised measuring system. Where it is necessary to differentiate between applicants living in flats using the same street entrance, priority will be given to the applicant(s) living closest to the ground floor and then by ascending flat number order. These arrangements also apply equally to other ages than reception. Catholic means a member of a church in full communion with the See of Rome. This includes the Eastern Catholic Churches. This will normally be evidenced for a child by a certificate of baptism in a Catholic church or a certificate of reception into the full communion of the Catholic Church. Catechumen acceptance into the Catechumenate is demonstrated by a certified copy of the entry in the register of Catchumens. Looked After Child means a child in the care of the local authority or provided with accommodation by them eg children with foster parents (see Section 22 of the Children Act 1989). Parent is the person or persons who have legal responsibility for the child.
96 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Soho Parish CE Primary School
Westminster Cathedral RC Primary School
If there are more applications than places, places will be allocated in order of priority as follows:
Where there are more applications than the number of places available, places will be offered to the following, in order of priority:
1. Looked After Children. 2. Siblings of children who will be attending the school when the applicant starts. A sibling is defined as a brother or sister, half-brother or sister, or step-brother or sister whose main residence is at the same address. 3. Other children. Should we need to decide priority between applicants within a category, distance from the school (measured by the shortest walking route) will be the deciding factor. Distances are determined by the shortest walking route, using the road network, from the centre of the child’s home address to the main entrance of the school, as measured by the local authority’s computerised measuring system. Where it is necessary to differentiate between applicants living in flats using the same street entrance, priority will be given to the applicant(s) living closest to the ground floor and then by ascending flat number order. The same criteria will be applied to applicants seeking places in other year groups.
1. Catholic Looked After Children. 2. Baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families with a brother or sister at school at the time of enrolment (or step-sibling resident at the same address). 3. Baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families who are resident in the parishes of the Holy Apostles and Westminster Cathedral. 4. Other baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families who live outside the parishes of the Holy Apostles and Westminster Cathedral. 5. Other baptised Catholic children. 6. Other Looked After Children. 7. Christians of other denominations whose parents wish them to have a Catholic education, whose application is supported by a minister of religion. 8. Children of other faiths whose parents wish them to have a Catholic education at the school, whose application is supported by a religious leader. 9. Any other applications. Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any of the categories listed above would lead to oversubscription, the following provisions will be applied: • The attendance of a sibling including brothers and sisters, step-brothers and sisters, half-brothers and sisters or adopted brothers and sisters at the school at the time of enrolment will increase the priority of an application within each category. • Within a category, the governing body will give top priority to an application where the child has documented social and/or medical reasons from an appropriate professional (eg a doctor, social
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
worker or priest) specifying why Westminster Cathedral is the most suitable school and the difficulties that would be caused if the child had to attend another school. Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any of the sub-categories listed above would still lead to oversubscription, the places up to the admission number will be offered to those living nearest the school. This will be determined using Westminster City Council software. Where distance is used as a tie-breaker, and where it is necessary to differentiate between applicants living in the same block of flats and eligible for the remaining place(s), priority will be given to applicants by ascending flat numerical order. Where the admission of children from multiple births would lead to exceeding the published admissions number of 30, priority will be given to the eldest of the siblings. Looked After Child has the same meaning as in Section 22 of the Children Act 1989, and means any child in the care of a local authority or provided with accommodation by them (eg children with foster parents). Catholic means a member of a church in full communion with the See of Rome. This includes the Eastern Catholic Churches. This will normally be evidenced by a certification of baptism in a Catholic church or a certificate of reception into the full communion of the Catholic Church. Practising Catholic means a Catholic child from a practising Catholic family where this practice is verified by a reference from a Catholic priest in the standard format laid down by the diocese. To demonstrate an exceptional social, medical or pastoral need of the child which can be most appropriately met at this school, the governing body will require compelling written evidence from an appropriate professional, such as a social worker, doctor or priest. Image: Pupil from Millbank Primary School
98 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Other information In-year admissions If you would like your child to go to a primary school or Academy in Westminster at any age other than the reception year intake (for instance if you have just moved into the area), you will need to apply on your local council’s common application form for in-year admissions. Since September 2010, local authorities have co-ordinated in-year admissions into their schools and also for residents wishing to attend schools elsewhere. As with reception admissions, if you are a Westminster resident you must complete Westminster City Council’s common application form for in-year admissions to apply for a primary school place. You can also apply for schools outside Westminster on this form. The Westminster form is widely available through schools, libraries, and directly from the Westminster School Admissions team. If applying for a voluntary aided (faith) school you will also need to complete the school’s supplementary information form. If you wish to apply for a primary school place in Westminster but are not a Westminster resident, you must complete your own local council’s application form and follow its instructions for submission. Once your application is received, your local council’s School Admissions team will then forward it to the voluntary aided school(s) or Academy(ies) for a decision as to whether they can offer a place. The School Admissions team will do this on behalf of any community schools. If the school is in a different borough, this will be done via the School Admissions team for the borough in which the school is located (the maintaining local authority). Your local council will then write to you to advise you of which school can be offered. As with reception admissions, you will normally receive the offer of only one school. If the school or Academy for which you have applied has vacancies in your child’s year group, it should offer a place. If the school cannot accept your child straight
away because the year group is full, it will normally place your child on a waiting list. School waiting lists are ordered in accordance with the school’s published admissions criteria. If a place becomes available because another child has left, this place will be offered to the applicant who is next on the list. Please note the length of time your child is on the waiting list does not affect your position on the waiting list. Your child’s name can go up or down the list as other people join or leave it. Waiting list arrangements can vary and each school or Academy will be able to advise you of its exact arrangements. If a school is unable to offer you a place, you have right of appeal to an independent panel against the school’s decision. Contact the school directly for further information. The council’s School Admissions team can also give you advice about the appeals process. If you experience difficulty obtaining a primary school place or require further assistance or guidance, please visit www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions or contact the council’s School Admissions team on schooladmissions@westminster.gov.uk or 020 7641 1381/1386.
Fair access protocol Every school is committed to taking its share of vulnerable children who are hard to place, in accordance with locally agreed protocols. Outside the normal round of admissions, the school governing bodies are empowered to give absolute priority to a child whose admission is requested under Westminster’s fair access protocol, that carries the agreement of both the governing body and local authority for the current admission year. School governing bodies have this power even for cases when admitting such a child would cause the school to exceed the normal admission number.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Attendance service www.westminster.gov.uk/schoolattendance Telephone: 020 7641 7580 The attendance service (formerly education welfare service), works in partnership with schools and families with the objective of achieving high levels of school attendance. Its main responsibilities are carried out through education welfare officers who are based in three geographical areas of the city. In accordance with the cross-borough protocol, the council’s attendance service works with, and may enforce attendance for, all pupils in Westminster schools regardless of their borough of residence. The reasons for school absence are varied and its effects could impact on attainment and life chances. By failing to regularly attend school, children and young people may also become involved in anti-social behaviour or become susceptible to crime or abuse. By law, all children between the ages of five and 16 must have appropriate full-time education. Parents have a legal duty to make sure this happens by: • registering their child at a school • ensuring their child regularly attends school on time and ready to learn • ensuring they support school initiatives that will assist their child’s progress • ensuring the school is informed of any changes that may affect attendance and/or behaviour • making other arrangements to provide their child with an education suited to their age, ability and aptitude, and to any special educational needs, for instance educating the child at home.
While the attendance service helps families to overcome some of the problems they encounter in ensuring their children attend school regularly, the service also has a statutory duty to employ legal sanctions where there is no justifiable reason for pupil absence. This may be done through issuing penalty notices and/or prosecution.
Special educational needs www.westminster.gov.uk/sen Telephone: 020 7641 5348/5350/5352 Westminster City Council must ensure that arrangements are in place in Westminster mainstream schools for identifying, assessing and making provision for children with special educational needs. The majority of these children will have their needs met by their mainstream school, which has resources to support them. However, some children have severe and/or complex special educational needs and may need more than the mainstream school can provide. For these children it may be necessary for the council to undertake a detailed statutory assessment to establish the extent of need and whether a statement for special educational needs is required. The statement is a document that describes the provision or placement needed to ensure that the child receives appropriate support. This could be additional support in their mainstream school or a special school placement – whichever is considered the most appropriate in consultation with parents/carers. If you think your child may have special educational needs, in the first instance you should contact the special educational needs co-ordinator at your child’s school or setting. If your child does not have a school or nursery place, then contact the council’s special educational needs statementing team.
100 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Westminster Family Information Service (FIS)
Westminster services for children with disabilities
www.westminster.gov.uk/fis fis@westminster.gov.uk Telephone: 020 7641 7929
You can find a directory of services for children with disabilities and their families in Westminster, as well as a map showing the locations of key services in your area at www.westminster.gov.uk/cwd.
The FIS provides a statutory information service to prospective parents, parents, carers, guardians, children and young people up to their 20th birthday. The service offers accurate, impartial information and guidance on childcare, activities for children and young people, and other children’s and young people’s services in Westminster. The FIS holds information on Ofsted-registered childcare, as well as holiday provision and services for young people and general information including help with childcare costs, healthy eating and parenting support. Other available information includes: • out-of-school childcare and play – details of clubs providing childcare and play activities for five- to 12-year-olds in your area
The directory includes information about special schools in Westminster, as well as mainstream schools that have disability specialisms.
Free school meals www.westminster.gov.uk/fsm fsm@westminster.gov.uk Telephone: 020 7641 3412 Children whose parents receive any one of the following are entitled to free school meals: • Income Support • income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance • income-related Employment and Support Allowance
• schools – lists of primary and secondary schools, information on home education and independent schools
• Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 (parents who are supported by the National Asylum Support Service or their home local authority’s central asylum team).
• leisure – swimming classes, soft play, dance, music, sport, library story-time, martial arts and other information on activities for children and young people
• Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) that does not exceed £16,190 (as of 6th April 2011).
• special needs – support groups and services for children and young people aged up to 21
• Working Tax Credit during the four-week period immediately after their employment ceases, or after they start to work less than 16 hours per week.
• support groups for parents and carers – contact details for local support groups such as children’s centres. For more information visit www.westminster.gov.uk/ fis or email fis@westminster.gov.uk. For information about young people’s activities visit www.westminster.gov.uk/wow.
• The guarantee element of State Pension Credit. Application forms are available from all Westminster schools or Pupil Benefits at www.westminster.gov.uk/ fsm, fsm@westminster.gov.uk or 020 7641 3412. If your child attends a Westminster school, you should apply on a Westminster form regardless of where you live.
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions 101
Entitlements are reviewed yearly and parents are responsible for ensuring applications are renewed every year and the Pupil Benefits team is notified of any change in circumstances or school.
In addition to these points, children with statements of special educational needs and those who attend specialist provision may be entitled to home-to-school travel assistance.
Assistance with home-to-school travel
There is a right of appeal against the refusal of a travel pass. Further details are available from the council’s School Admissions team.
www.westminster.gov.uk/schooltravel Telephone: 020 7641 1816 All children living in London under the age of 11 are able to travel for free on London’s buses and trams or by tube if they hold the relevant photocard. Photocard forms are available in main Post Offices. The council will only issue free travel passes (including rail and underground) to children of compulsory school age living in Westminster if: • for children aged under eight years old: the qualifying school is the nearest available, the journey between home and school is more than two miles by the shortest available walking route and it would be unreasonable to expect the child to make the journey by bus, tram or tube as it would take more than 45 minutes each way • for children aged eight years old or over: the qualifying school is the nearest available, the journey between home and school is more than three miles by the shortest available walking route and it would be unreasonable to expect the child to make the journey by bus, tram or tube as it would take more than 45 minutes each way • for children aged eight to 10 years old from lowincome families: the qualifying school is the nearest available, the journey between home and school is more than two miles by the shortest available walking route and it would be unreasonable to expect the child to make the journey by bus, tram or tube as it would take over 45 minutes each way • the circumstances are so exceptional that the Director for Schools and Learning agrees to issue a travel pass.
Notes 1. A ‘qualifying school’ is defined as: a community, foundation or voluntary school; an Academy, City Technology College; community or foundation special school; non-maintained special school; Pupil Referral Unit or maintained nursery school. 2. Children from low-income families are defined as those who are entitled to free school meals or those whose families are in receipt of the maximum level of Working Tax Credit. 3. The shortest journey time is that ascertained and published by Transport for London on its journey planner website.
102 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Westminster secondary schools The Grey Coat Hospital
Quintin Kynaston School
Siân Maddrell
Jo Shuter
Greycoat Place, London, SW1P 2DY
Marlborough Hill, London, NW8 0NL
020 7969 1998
020 7328 3434
Girls, ages 11–19, Church of England
King Solomon Academy
Mixed, ages 11–19
St. Augustine’s CE High School
Max Haimendorf
Eugene Moriarty
Penfold Street, London, NW1 6RX
Oxford Road, London, NW6 5SN
020 7563 6900
020 7328 3434
Mixed, ages 3–18
Mixed, ages 11–19, Church of England
Paddington Academy
St. George’s RC School
Oli Tomlinson
Martin Tissot
Marylands Road, London, W9 2DR
Lanark Road, Maida Vale, London, W9 1RB
020 7479 3900
020 7328 0904
Mixed, ages 11–19
Mixed, ages 11–16, Roman Catholic
Pimlico Academy
The St. Marylebone School
Jerry Collins
Elizabeth Phillips
Lupus Street, London, SW1V 3AT
Marylebone High Street, London, W1U 5BA
020 7828 0881
020 7935 4704
Mixed, ages 11–19
Girls, ages 11–19, Church of England
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions 103
Westminster Academy Headteacher
Smita Bora
255 Harrow Road, London, W2 5EZ
020 7121 0600
Mixed, ages 11–19
Westminster City School Headteacher
David Maloney
Palace Street, London, SW1E 5HJ
020 7641 8760
Boys, ages 11–19 Christian, non-denominational When the time comes for your child to move from primary to secondary school, you will be provided with information about the transfer procedure by your child’s primary school. The council provides a secondary school admissions brochure with details of admission requirements, opening days and the transfer timetable. You can also apply to secondary schools in other boroughs. For information about these please contact the local authority for the area in which they are situated (see page 104 for contact details). Parents whose children are accepted at a voluntary aided (church) primary school should note that attending such a school does not always give priority at the age of 11 for transfer to a secondary school of the same religious denomination. Copies of the Westminster secondary school admissions brochure are available from www.westminster.gov.uk/ admissions, or by contacting the council’s School Admissions team.
Image: Pupil from Millbank Primary School
104 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Contact details for neighbouring boroughs Detailed information about schools outside Westminster and their admission arrangements are available directly from schools or the local authority in which they are situated. Please remember to check the admission arrangements for your preferred schools to assess whether you are likely to be offered a place. You may also be required to complete a supplementary form. If you live outside Westminster, but wish to apply for a school in Westminster, you will need to apply on the common application form of the local authority where you live, which can be obtained from your home council.
Brent Website: www.brent.gov.uk/admissions Email: school.admissions@brent.gov.uk or casualschool.admissions@brent.gov.uk
Kensington & Chelsea Website: www.rbkc.gov.uk/schools/admissions Email: school.admissions@rbkc.gov.uk Telephone: 020 7361 2210
Lambeth Website: www.lambeth.gov.uk/eadmissions Telephone: 020 7926 9503
Southwark Website: www.southwark.gov.uk/schooladmissions Email: schools.admissions@southwark.sch.uk Telephone: 020 7525 5337
Telephone: 020 8937 3110/3100
Website: www.wandsworth.gov.uk/admissions
Website: www.camden.gov.uk/admissions Email: admissions@camden.gov.uk Telephone: 020 7974 1625
Hammersmith & Fulham
Email: admissions@wandsworth.gov.uk Telephone: 020 8871 7316
Contact details for diocesan authorities
Telephone: 020 8753 2627/3628/3664
The Diocese of Westminster Education Service and London Diocesan Board for Schools provide additional information about education in Catholic and Church of England schools respectively.
Diocese of Westminster Education Service (Catholic)
Website: www.islington.gov.uk/education/admissions
Website: www.rcdow.org.uk/education
Email: admissions.camb-ed@islington.gov.uk
Telephone: 020 7798 9005
Website: www.lbhf.gov.uk Email: school.admissions@lbhf.gov.uk
Telephone: 020 7527 5515
London Diocesan Board for Schools (Church of England) Website: www.london.anglican.org/schools Telephone: 020 7932 1100
Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions 105 Image: Pupils from St. Clement Danes CE Primary School
106 Westminster: Your choice for primary education Apply online at www.westminster.gov.uk/admissions
Map of Westminster’s educational establishments Nursery schools 1. Dorothy Gardner 293 Shirland Road, W9 3JY Telephone: 020 7969 5835 2. Mary Paterson 3 Riverton Close, off Ashmore Road, W9 3DS Telephone: 020 7641 5804 3. Portman Early Childhood Centre 12–18 Salisbury Street, NW8 8DE Telephone: 020 7641 5435 / 020 7641 5436 4. Tachbrook Cockburn House, Aylesford Street, SW1V 3RT Telephone: 020 7641 8725
Primary schools 1. All Souls CE Foley Street, W1W 8JJ Telephone: 020 7641 4707 2. ARK Atwood Primary Academy a) 17-23 Third Avenue, W10 4RS (temporary site until September 2014) b) Amberley Road, W9 (proposed permanent site from September 2014) Telephone: 020 3116 0800 3. Barrow Hill Junior Bridgeman Street, NW8 7AL Telephone: 020 7641 5005 4. Burdett–Coutts and Townshend Foundation CE Rochester Street, SW1P 2QQ Telephone: 020 7641 5930 5. Christ Church Bentinck CE Cosway Street, NW1 5NS Telephone: 020 3351 4135 6. Churchill Gardens Ranelagh Road, SW1V 3EU Telephone: 020 7641 5935 7. Edward Wilson Senior Street, W2 5TL Telephone: 020 7641 4303 8. Essendine Essendine Road, W9 2LR Telephone: 020 7641 4382 9. Gateway Capland Street, NW8 8LN Telephone: 020 7641 4160
10. George Eliot Primary Marlborough Hill, NW8 0NH Telephone: 020 7722 6870 11. Hallfield Primary Hallfield Estate, W2 6JJ Telephone: 020 7087 4960 12. Hampden Gurney CE Nutford Place, W1H 5HA Telephone: 020 7641 4195 13. King Solomon Academy Penfold Street, NW1 6RX Telephone: 020 7563 6900 14. Millbank Erasmus Street, SW1P 4HR Telephone: 020 7641 5945 15. Our Lady Of Dolours RC 19 Cirencester Street, W2 5SR Telephone: 020 7641 4326 16. Paddington Green Park Place Villas, W2 1SP Telephone: 020 7641 4122 17. Queen’s Park Droop Street, W10 4DQ Telephone: 020 7641 5860 18. Robinsfield Infant Ordnance Hill, NW8 6PX Telephone: 020 7641 5019 19. St. Augustine’s CE Kilburn Park Road, NW6 5XA Telephone: 020 7328 0221 20. St. Barnabas’ CE St Barnabas Street, SW1W 8PF Telephone: 020 7641 4232 21. St. Clement Danes CE Drury Lane, WC2B 5SU Telephone: 020 7641 6586 22. St. Edward’s RC Lisson Grove, NW1 6LD Telephone: 020 7723 5911 23. St. Gabriel’s CE Churchill Gardens, SW1V 3AG Telephone: 020 7641 6300 24. St. George’s Hanover Square CE South Street, W1K 2XH Telephone: 020 7629 1196
25. St. James’ and St Michael’s CE Craven Terrace, W2 3QD Telephone: 020 7641 6218 26. St. Joseph’s RC Lanark Road, W9 1DF Telephone: 020 7286 3518 27. St. Luke’s CE Primary Fernhead Road, W9 3EJ Telephone: 020 7641 5855 28. St. Mary Magdalene CE Rowington Close, W2 5TF Telephone: 020 7641 4388/4395 29. St. Mary of the Angels RC Shrewsbury Road, W2 5PR Telephone: 020 7641 4482 30. St. Mary’s Bryanston Square CE Enford Street, W1H 1DL Telephone: 020 7641 4130 31. St. Matthew’s CE 16–18 Old Pye Street, SW1P 2DG Telephone: 020 7641 5110 32. St. Peter’s CE (Chippenham Mews) Chippenham Mews, W9 2AN Telephone: 020 7641 4385 33. St. Peter’s Eaton Square CE Lower Belgrave Street, SW1W 9AL Telephone: 020 7641 4230 34. St. Saviour’s CE Shirland Road, W9 2JD Telephone: 020 7641 6414 35. St. Stephen’s CE Westbourne Park Road, W2 5QH Telephone: 020 7641 4488 36. St. Vincent De Paul RC Morpeth Terrace, SW1P 1EP Telephone: 020 7641 5990 37. St. Vincent’s RC St. Vincent’s Street, W1U 4DF Telephone: 020 7641 6110 38. Soho Parish CE 23 Great Windmill Street, W1D 7LF Telephone: 020 7641 7311 39. Westminster Cathedral RC Bessborough Place, SW1V 3SE Telephone: 020 7641 5915
40. Wilberforce Beethoven Street, W10 4LB Telephone: 020 7641 5865
Secondary schools 1. The Grey Coat Hospital Telephone: 020 7969 1998 a) St Andrew’s Building, Greycoat Place, SW1P 2DY b) St Michael’s Building, 98 Regency Street, SW1P 4GH 2. King Solomon Academy Penfold Street, NW1 6RX Telephone: 020 7563 6900 3. Paddington Academy Marylands Road, W9 2DR Telephone: 020 7479 3900 4. Pimlico Academy Lupus Street, SW1V 3AT Telephone: 020 7828 0881 5. Quintin Kynaston School Marlborough Hill, NW8 0NL Telephone: 020 7722 8141 Oxford Road, NW6 5SN Telephone: 020 7328 3434 6. St. Augustine’s CE High School Oxford Road, NW6 5SN Telephone: 020 7328 3434 7. St. George’s (Maida Vale) RC School Lanark Road, Maida Vale, W9 1RB Telephone: 020 7328 0904 8. The St. Marylebone School 64 Marylebone High Street, W1U 5BA Telephone: 020 7935 4704 9. Westminster Academy 255 Harrow Road, London W2 5EZ Telephone: 020 7121 0600 10. Westminster City School 55 Palace Street, SW1E 5HJ Telephone: 020 7641 8760
Special schools 1. College Park Garway Road, W2 4PH. Telephone: 020 7641 4460 2. Queen Elizabeth II Kennet Road, W9 3LG. Telephone: 020 7641 5825
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