Volume XLI, Issue 1
Elizabeth Fontaine Hildebrand ’92
Editor & Designer
Kara H. Montgomery
Linda Wilson
William Eavenson ’73
Printing Concepts, Inc., Erie, PA
Jeffrey A. McCandless ’80
Chair, Board of Trustees
Dr. Kathy Brittain Richardson President Dr. Jean M. Hale
Vice President for Institutional Advancement Dr. Jamie G. McMinn
Vice President for Academic Affairs & Dean of the College Kenneth J. Romig ’85
Vice President for Finance & Management Services Dr. Karen H. Schedin
Vice President for Enrollment Management
Dr. Gina M. Vance
Vice President for Student Affairs & Dean of Students Jason A. Lener ’93
Director of Athletics
The Rev. James R. Mohr II College Chaplain Erin T. Smith
Chief Information Officer
On the cover: Juniors Alex Marinski and Breannda Davis were crowned the 2022 Homecoming King and Queen.
On this page: A fall walk along Westminster’s Bio Trail.

Photography credits: Elizabeth Hildebrand ’92, Derek Buck, Nathan LaRiccia, Erin Smith, Peter Smith, Taylor Carson, Kendall Graham ’19, Jason Kapusta
Mailing address: Westminster College, 319 S. Market St., New Wilmington, PA 16172-0001 ATTN: Westminster Magazine Editor
Email Address: wcmagazine@westminster.edu
For Admissions inquiries, call: 724-946-7100.
Westminster Magazine is published twice a year by the Office of Marketing & Communications. Westminster College does not discriminate, and will not tolerate discrimination, on the basis of race, color, sex, gender, gender identity or expression, age, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, veteran’s status, religion (except for those positions where religious affiliation is a necessary qualification), or any other classification protected under applicable federal, state, or local law, in the administration of any of its educational programs, activities, or with respect to admission and employment. Westminster College is an Equal Opportunity Employer and acts in accordance with applicable laws in all of our hiring and employment practices. Inquiries may be directed to the Equal Opportunity Officer, Westminster College, New Wilmington, PA 16172-0001, 724-946-7247. Westminster College is related to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) through the Synod of the Trinity.

What’s it worth to you? This sometimes flippant question was often posed by one of my siblings when we were growing up and I had the audacity to ask one of them to help me with a chore or to answer a question. Depending on the urgency of the occasion, the perceived “worth” could rise or fall quickly, based on the calculation of my need or their desire to tease.
However, I have heard that question raised more frequently in recent days as pundits debate the value of a college education. Sometimes centering around dollars and cents, they offer data such as the financial cost of tuition and fees versus graduates’ starting salaries, or they discuss the gain in salaries of college graduates compared to nongraduates over time. (The data are clear in that matter, by the way. College graduates’ lifetime earnings greatly outpace those of others.) Occasionally, the question targets the worthwhile nature of skills and abilities that are honed in college as opposed to the worksite or apprenticeship.
What’s a college education worth to you? As a first-generation graduate of a small liberal arts college, I can answer that question very personally. My undergraduate experience opened a myriad of opportunities for my growth— intellectual, economic, social, religious, and professional. I learned to read more deeply and write more effectively, to reason critically and listen respectfully, to understand history and science more objectively and the forces that affect behaviors and norms more empathetically. The students I met in classrooms, residence halls, organizations and choirs came from wider backgrounds and different perspectives, as did the faculty who taught, mentored and challenged me. Through those interactions, my world view grew and deepened, as did my sense of self-efficacy. Learning to learn and to value the importance of such a practice was itself one of the most important values gained. I was prepared not only for my first destination post-graduation, but also for the immense changes that would occur in my disciplines of mass communication and higher education in the years that followed. To use a Westminster allusion, my college education opened doors for me then and continues to open doors for me years later.
The value of such an education seems ever more important for students and for our region and nation. The skills of critical reflection, civic discourse and social responsibility and the body of knowledge across disciplines gained through formal curricula and extra- and co-curricular opportunities build deep foundations on which lives of great fulfillment can be built. Further, at a small college like Westminster, students forge strong bonds with classmates and teammates and connect with faculty, staff and coaches who become lifelong mentors and role models. This type of education offers experiences in and outside the classroom that set resumes or grad school applications apart. The four years invested in such personal and professional growth yield strong returns for the many years that follow—returns that may be calculated in real dollars but also in those attributes and qualities that carry even greater personal and lasting value.
Knowing this, we are gratified to again be recognized by U.S. News & World Report for the fourth consecutive year for promoting social mobility. The report, which assesses colleges based on the number of Pell-eligible students who enroll and who graduate in four years, ranked Westminster the #9 liberal arts college in the nation. The truth is our faculty and staff provide support that enables all students—whether they are the first in their family to go to college or they come to Westminster as seventh-generation scholars—to achieve their goal of a diploma and new opportunities. And then, as alumni, they leave Westminster with the “characteristics, competencies and commitments” that prepare them for lives of meaning, integrity, leadership and service in pathways that pay dividends for themselves and their families for decades. The Titan experience moves young people from where they were as they arrived to where they want to be when they graduate—and afterward.
So, what it’s worth to me? The growth and achievements of Titans in classrooms, studios, labs and halls; on the fields, courts, courses and pools; in meetings, in volunteering and on worksites have lasting value, value demonstrated throughout the years in the many ways in which our alumni rise to the tops of their professions, serve their communities and organizations, care for their families, and live with faith and integrity. 170 years of higher education at Westminster with thousands of students, faculty and staff—it’s the Titan legacy—and its value is, indeed, priceless.
It’s a great day to be a Titan!
Dr. Kathy Brittain Richardson President of Westminster College
Our TRIO Student Support Services office provides services and resources to first-generation students, income-eligible students and students with disabilities to ensure they successfully navigate their college education. The TRIO program provides eligible students with resources such as tutoring, academic success and wellness coaching, to promote classroom achievement and personal wellbeing, support for learning and other disabilities, and career and college mentoring.
Titan news on and beyond campus
Movin’ on up Westminster tops in social mobility
Westminster is one of the leading liberal arts colleges in the country for helping students to get ahead in the world, according to U.S. News & World Report’s 2023 Best Colleges ranking released this fall. Westminster earned the No. 9 spot in the nation in the Top Performers on Social Mobility list, while also ranking No. 1 in the state of Pennsylvania.
“Our doors are open to students from a wide range of backgrounds, and we are committed to supporting them through to graduation,” said President Dr. Kathy Brittain Richardson
The Top Performers list assesses how well colleges and universities graduate economically disadvantaged students. The social mobility ranking is computed by aggregating two ranking factors that measure graduation rates of Pellawarded students: Pell Grant graduation rates and Pell Grant graduation rate performance.
Last year the average graduation rate for Pell Grant recipients was 55%, while Westminster’s rate was 69%, 14 points above the national average.
Recipients of Pell Grants, a form of need-based federal financial aid, come from households
whose family incomes are less than $50,000 annually, though most Pell Grant money goes to students with a total family income below $20,000.
This is the fourth consecutive year we have been recognized by U.S. News as one of the best liberal arts colleges in the country for economically disadvantaged students. We jumped 10 slots since its first showing in 2019 (No. 19). In 2020, we were ranked 14, and last year we took the No. 10 overall spot on the list.
This year we earned the highest marks in Social Mobility among 21 Pennsylvania liberal arts colleges that were recognized on the list.
According to the U.S. News, economically disadvantaged students are less likely than others to finish college, but Westminster College has strategies in place to assist those students.
In addition to Pell Grants and other need-based and merit scholarships, special programming such as our TRIO Student Support Services—made possible through a $1.3 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Student Support Services—is also available to make a Westminster College education affordable and accessible.

New faculty hires for 2022-2023
Westminster welcomed three new faculty members to her teaching ranks this year.
Dr. Robert Craven '13, assistant professor of English. After receiving his undergraduate from Westminster, he earned his master’s from Duquesne University and Ph.D. from the University of Oregon. He previously served as an instructor at the University of Oregon.

Dr. Timothy Grieve-Carlson, assistant professor of religion and interfaith studies. GrieveCarlson earned an undergraduate degree in anthropology and religious studies from Drew University and his master’s and Ph.D. in religious studies from Rice University.
Dr. Jenna Copper, assistant professor of secondary education and secondary education program coordinator. Copper earned her undergraduate and M.Ed. degree in English from Slippery Rock University and her Ph.D. in instruction and leadership from Robert Morris University.
Board extends president’s pact

The contract of Westminster College President Dr. Kathy Brittain Richardson has been extended through June 2027 by unanimous action of the College’s Board of Trustees.
Board of Trustees Chair Jeffrey A. McCandless ’80 commented on the recent contract extension.
“Stability in the leadership is a key ingredient in the success of any organization, and Dr. Richardson has brought tremendous stability over the past six years, particularly during the recent COVID years,” said McCandless.
Richardson has served as Westminster’s 15th president since July 2016. During her tenure, the College has seen the completion of more than $40 million in campus improvements, including the renovation and expansion of the Hoyt Science Center; the addition of three new athletic fields; renovations in the Memorial Field House and Wallace Memorial Chapel; significant upgrades throughout several residence halls; and replacement of the campus Wi-Fi network.
New degree programs in nursing, environmental studies, marketing and professional sales, music technology, sports management, and a Master of Business Administration program have been added to the curriculum.
President Kathy Brittain Richardson at the Hoyt Science Center dedication ceremony in September 2021Cultural Center is McKelvey’s newest gem
Westminster’s centrally located Cultural Center officially opened this fall, providing a dedicated space where all students can gather to find support, encouragement and learn about the College’s diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.

Located in the highly visible former campus gift shop in McKelvey Campus Center, the space now houses the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, functions as a student study and lounge space and provides a venue for speakers, forums and other cultural programs.

The space also features a 40-foot original mural, “It Is Possible,” created by Pittsburgh multidisciplinary artist Joy Poulard Cruz. Incorporated into the colorful mural are symbols of New Wilmington’s heritage and cultural background, female activists and agricultural traditions of the area.
The center is part of Westminster’s ongoing commitment to building and fostering a culturally and racially diverse campus community. The center, approved and funded by the Board of Trustees, supports the Student Engagement and Support in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategic Action Plan.
Artist Joy Poulard Cruz, above, works on the Cultural Center’s inspiring feature, a full wall mural, “It Is Possible.” At right, Divine Davenport, left, assistant director of diversity and inclusion, and Candace Okello ’11, associate dean of student affairs, cut the ribbon at the center’s opening celebration.
Meet the Class of 2026!
This year, Westminster welcomed more than 300 new first-year and transfer students to campus on Aug. 19. But just who are these new Titans? Let’s take a quick look:

Students hailed from (in order) Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Virginia, New York, California, Texas, Indiana, Tennessee, West Virginia, Kentucky, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Oklahoma and South Carolina!
TIDBIT: 2004—the birth year for most of today’s new first-year students—also marked the year Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook from his Harvard dorm room. Most of today’s students consider Facebook to be outdated, instead preferring social media platforms TikTok and Instagram.
A Gift in Faith
In August, the Rev. James Mohr, campus pastor and director of church relations, left, and Rob Klamut, senior director of charitable relations, right, met with Karen Haddad, treasurer of the now-dissolved Whitehall United Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh, to establish the Whitehall Presbyterian Church Scholarship Fund. When Whitehall closed its doors in the spring, the church—founded in 1948—elected to donate $50,000 of its remaining assets to Westminster to establish a scholarship fund. The fund will provide financial support to a first-year student with a demonstrated faith in Jesus Christ through a Christian church.

More opportunities for students to study abroad
Students now have even more transformative study abroad options with new exchange agreements with institutions in Costa Rica and Israel.
New partnerships with the University of Costa Rica and Western Galilee College will provide affordable study abroad opportunities for Westminster students and allow Westminster to receive exchange students from abroad.

The agreement with the University of Costa Rica, located in the suburban region of the capital city San Jose, is Westminster’s first partnership with an institution in Latin America. Students in all majors will be able to choose from a wide variety of educational opportunities.
Westminster’s agreement with Western Galilee College in Akko, Israel, is an extension of a former partnership that lapsed in 2016. Under the previous partnership, established more than a decade ago to build academic connections, only faculty exchanges occurred between the two institutions.
The new agreement provides for direct exchange of undergraduates including opportunities for virtual exchanges.
Westminster currently has student exchange agreements with Yonsei University (Seoul, South Korea), Richmond International University (London), University of Sunderland (Sunderland, England), Queen’s University (Belfast, Northern Ireland) and the EUSA Center in Seville, Spain.
For more details, contact Dr. Michael Aleprete at alepreme@westminster.edu
Lahr lecture focuses on women reformers

This year's Henderson Lectureship Award winner, Dr. Angela Lahr, associate professor of history, discussed “Saints, Statues, and Barbie: Six American Women and Their Legacies of Conscience" to the Westminster community on Oct. 19.
Lahr's lecture focused on the conclusion of her latest manuscript project, “Stoking the Conscience: Religion, Political Culture, and American Women Reformers in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries,” which examines the ways selected religious American women reformers attempted to use the tool of conscience to enact or resist change.
Lahr’s manuscript explores the work of six women who lived in the 19th and 20th centuries: anti-slavery and women’s rights proponent Angelina Grimké Weld; temperance activist Frances Willard; anti-lynching crusader Ida B. Wells; Pauli Murray, the first African American woman ordained a priest in the Episcopal Church Pauli Murray; Catholic Worker cofounder Dorothy Day; and conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly.
“Examining the cultural legacies of these women and their roles in American collective memory is a way to connect the past, present, and future,” said Lahr.
"Agents of conscience in life, the legacies of these women became sites of collective memory in death, and how Americans remember them reveals the process of multifaceted meaning-making taking place in contemporary society,” she said.
Honors Program resumes annual educational journey
After a three-year hiatus, Westminster’s All-College Honors Program resumed its annual journey to Greece in May.
In collaboration with the Athens Centre, 23 honors students participated the two-week travel experience. Dr. Kristianne Kalata, associate professor of English and Honors Program director, and Dr. Jamie Chapman, associate professor of sociology and criminal justice studies, accompanied the students.

The short-term study abroad experience is designed to complement first-year honors coursework. The student travelers visited the cultural sites they learned about in the classroom.
Sites visited included the Acropolis, Agora, museums of Athens; ancient sites at Mycenae, Epidaurus, and Delphi;
and for the first time, the ancient Minoan ruins in Heraklion and Chania on the island of Crete.
The travelers learned to speak the language, participated in dance, enjoyed the cuisine, learned about the history, observed art and enjoyed legendary Greek hospitality.
“My top experience was joining a dance circle in the streets of Athens,” said Ashely Madasz, a junior biology major from Medina, Ohio. “I will never forget learning the dance and the burst of joy I got from being in the moment.”
“This trip transforms students’ views of the world and their place in it,” said Kalata. “By the end of the trip, many students refer to Athens as their home away from home and cannot wait to go back.”
For more information on the Honors Program, contact Kalata at kalatak@westminster.edu
A family member, a neighbor, a member of your church congregation? Encourage them to check out our campus first hand to experience the people, places and programs that are uniquely Westminster.

Schedule a campus visit today to tour the grounds, meet a few Titans and learn more about our 50+ majors and preprofessional programs. Applications are being accepted for Fall 2023. Go to westminster.edu/real for more information.
Finding the best fit.
To arrange a campus visit or to learn more about Westminster, go to www.westminster.edu/real or email us at visitwc@westminster.edu
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UNIQUE Destinations

exactly what they want to study and what career they want to build. Others come with less direction, hoping to find their calling through a process of trial and
At Westminster College, we welcome both types of learners, and we support them by providing a liberal arts education. We believe that this type of education—one that focuses on the humanities, arts and sciences—helps our students develop key skills like critical thinking and communication, which are valuable tools in whatever career path is chosen.
Maybe one of the best traits of a liberal arts education is that it can lead you to places you imagined—or never imagined. The following five alumni discuss their Westminster experiences and how they arrived at their unique destinations.
Christopher Latta: Legislative Budget & Finance Committee
Growing up in New Wilmington, you might say that Chris Latta ’95 was destined to attend Westminster. His mom, dad, brother, sister, an uncle on his mom’s side, and an aunt on his dad’s side all attended the school. His dad also worked at Westminster.
“I’m a townie that turned into a Titan,” says Latta. “I guess you could say that Titan blue courses through my veins.”
Today Latta serves as the deputy executive director of the Pennsylvania Legislative Budget and Finance Committee in Harrisburg, Pa. This bicameral and bipartisan committee of the General Assembly conducts performance audits and other research assigned by members of the House and Senate.
During his time at Westminster, Latta majored in history and political science, minoring in secondary education. His plan was to teach high school social studies, and he even completed his student teaching experience.
But Latta had always enjoyed reading politics and had a bit of a political bug. As
a student, he served as president of the Student Government Association and was a student member of the Westminster College Board of Trustees. At the time, Pennsylvania State Sen. Gib Armstrong ’65 was serving as a trustee.
“I would arrive early to the Board meetings and switch the name plates so I could sit next to Sen. Armstrong and chat him up at the meetings,” he says. “I believe they call that networking nowadays.”
During his senior year, Latta completed an internship in Washington, D.C., for a U.S. Congressman and really enjoyed the experience. Before he graduated, the Congressman offered him a job on his reelection campaign, and Latta took it.
After the campaign, Latta landed a job in Harrisburg with the Pennsylvania Senate, where he started out as the executive director of the Labor and Industry Committee. Then, after a stint in the Governor’s Office of Administration, he returned to the Senate as chief of staff to the Banking and Insurance Committee. From there he was appointed to chief of staff to the Senate Appropriations Committee.
“All of those experiences prepared me for the job I have now,” he says.
Latta says the value of the liberal arts can be summed up in one word: connections. And not just the networking type.
“Sure, those are helpful,” he says, “but I’m talking about the connections between the arts, sciences and humanities. If you study those three, you’ve been trained. Possibly well trained. But life is not lived and careers are not advanced in a vacuum. It requires connections between the three. If you have all three, you’ve begun an education. And personally, I’d rather be educated than trained.”
For Latta, Westminster’s style of education is about connecting the dots between arts, humanities and sciences.
“Westminster excels in this type of education because she demands it of her students,” he says. “You cannot get through any major at Westminster without studying the arts, the sciences and the humanities.”
“I owe all of that to my professors at Westminster,” he adds. “They didn’t just help me get a job or career—they helped me get a mission.” S
students come to college knowing
self discovery.
Steve Keener: Little League Baseball & Softball
When Steve Keener ’80 chose to attend Westminster College, his goals were to play basketball for the Titans and major in English in preparation for a career in radio broadcasting.
“I was a part time DJ in high school,” says Keener, “and I thought this was what I’d like to pursue professionally at the time. That changed
Today, Keener serves as president and CEO of Little League® Baseball and Softball based in Williamsport, Pa.

During his senior year, he took an internship in the public relations department of Little League International and was eventually offered a full-time position as assistant director of public relations. In that role he wrote and coordinated stories for a special issue of Woman’s Day magazine that was devoted to Little League Baseball.
“It was a great experience,” says Keener. “Not only did I get to interview MLB players that played Little League, I also learned how to work with a team of professionals on a project for which we all shared the same vision.”
Keener believes the value of a liberal arts education is that it gives students the opportunity for a diverse educational foundation.
“Westminster does this very well,” he says. “Not only does it offer a variety of academic offerings, but there’s also a strong emphasis on your major field of study.”
Although his career isn’t exactly what he envisioned when he first chose to major in English, he says his studies in that area continue to benefit him in his day-to-day duties.
“Effective communication skills are essential to my current role,” he says. “My days are full of meetings, conversations and written interaction with a wide variety of professionals and volunteers. I need to be able to communicate effectively with skilled and highly motivated professionals, as well as with people who are giving their time to provide kids with the Little League experience.”
Looking back on his own life experiences, Keener says it’s important to expand your education beyond the specific areas of a major.
“While you might be an accounting star, you still need to communicate with others effectively. It’s all about becoming a more wellrounded person.” S
Ashley Patton: CS Pathways @ CMU
When she chose to major in philosophy at Westminster, Ashley Williams Patton ’05 planned on using her degree to become a college professor. She actually started a Ph.D. program after graduating with that intention in mind. But life doesn’t always go as planned.

“I realized after the first year,” says Patton, “that while I enjoyed philosophy, I wanted to do something more hands on with my degree. I didn’t want to just think about why things are the way they are—I wanted to change them.”
Today she is the founding director of the CS (computer science) Pathways Program at Carnegie Mellon University’s (CMU) School of Computer Science.
Patton was working in a different role at CMU when a donor provided a gift to jump-start their programming in broadening participation in computer science. Because of her academic interest in equity and ethics, as well as her passion for educational fairness and access, she volunteered to lead the new project. Over the course of six years, she turned that project into a full-time office with six staff members, multiple programs and community partnerships across Pittsburgh.
A native of Washington, Pa., Patton says she and her dad visited just about every small liberal arts school in the tristate area when she was searching for a college.
“Many of them seemed the same,” she says. “A beautiful campus, a student-centered ethos, etc. Westminster had that too, but it also had that extra something special. It’s cliche to say, but I knew I wanted to attend there the moment I stepped foot on campus. The atmosphere is so welcoming, and I truly appreciated how much care the faculty and staff gave students to help them grow and thrive.”
She has many fond memories of big-topic conversations with her Westminster peers and professors. In particular, she recalls a field trip with Dr. Bryan Rennie, professor of religion emeritus, for Phi Sigma Tau, where they visited several museums in Pittsburgh, including the Warhol, Carnegie Art Museum and Mattress Factory to inform a discussion of aesthetics.
“It was the first time I’d really thought about the way perspective and emotion informs how we communicate,”
she says, “both through art and in our day to day lives. That conversation still informs the way I approach working with others in a respectful and inquisitive manner.”
Patton believes a liberal arts education is one that teaches you how to think instead of telling you how to do something.
“Being able to think critically and deeply about how to solve a problem is vital in the modern workforce, especially in leadership roles,” says Patton, whose husband, Brad ’05, is also an alumnus. “The pace of societal advancement makes it impossible to accurately predict every skill you’ll need in your job. I think it’s so much more important to be able to approach new problems critically and creatively, which I definitely learned at Westminster.”
As for her current work in computer science, Patton finds it funny that she managed to become a working philosopher after all.
“There’s no blueprint for the work my team does as we actively try to shift entrenched systems. We have to figure it out day by day by looking at the whole problem and its root causes. That’s basically applied philosophy.” S
Jason Kalajainen: Luminarts Cultural Foundation of Chicago
financial awards, spending a good deal of his time writing, presenting, facilitating meetings and navigating interpersonal situations.
“I don’t necessarily use the specific skills I gained from being a political science major,” he says, “but I use the tools I began to develop throughout my education at Westminster. I think my time there really served as the foundation for the development of those abilities.”
When Jason Kalajainen ’97 chose to major in political science at Westminster, he thought it would be an appropriate foundation for law school. He also decided to minor in art to activate and engage his creative side.
“One of the wonderful things about Westminster is the opportunity to take courses in a variety of departments,” he says. “Through this I discovered I really enjoyed many areas of study.”
Following graduation Kalajainen attended graduate school at Vanderbilt University and majored in higher education and non-profit administration. Soon after he found himself heading regional arts councils in Michigan before becoming executive director of Ox-Bow School of Art and Artists Residency.

Then, after many years leading organizations that support artists and the creative community through programming, in 2013 he had the opportunity to become the executive director of the Luminarts Cultural Foundation in Chicago. In this role he supports visual artists, writers and musicians through significant
Kalajainen says Westminster encouraged him to find his strengths and passions both in the classroom and within the campus community and run with them, while providing resources that nurtured them along the way. He sees a liberal arts education as one that provides students with the opportunity to be both focused on their primary interest, while simultaneously dipping into new areas and discovering interests they didn’t know they had or that even existed.
While he feels the classroom experience was certainly important, he says Westminster provided a great stage to rehearse on.
During his time at Westminster, he had the opportunity to be the student representative on the Board of Trustees, serve on a Presidential Search Committee and be president of the Student Government Association. He says that all of these experiences, the people he met and the skills they engaged, opened his eyes to career paths he didn’t know existed beforehand.
“There is so much to learn and discover,” he says, “and it’s hard to imagine that an incoming first-year student has even begun to scratch the surface of that intellectual and cultural iceberg.” S
Ted Mansell: National Severe Storms Laboratory
After growing up in New Wilmington, Ted Mansell ’91 started out looking at schools other than Westminster because he didn’t necessarily want to stay close to home.
“Part of it was the feeling of being in the shadow of my hometown and wanting a little separation,” he says. “New Wilmington is pretty small, after all, and I already knew some of the professors. One lived next door, and I knew others because I was friends with their kids or delivered their newspapers.”
But every now and then Mansell would bump into Bob Latta '63 from the admissions office, who would cajole him about submitting an application.
“His persistence paid off,” he says. “I finally got over my hometown phobia and sent it in. As it turned out, the familiarity I was so worried about turned out to be a positive. The student-faculty ratio was attractive, too. Most of my classes in physics and philosophy were small, which helped motivate me to come to class prepared.”
He ended up majoring in philosophy and physics and now works as a research scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Severe Storms Laboratory in Oklahoma.
When he was first admitted to Westminster, he was undecided between physics and chemistry, or maybe even biology. One of the reasons he decided on physics was the idea that it was fundamental to the sciences and could take him in many directions.
“I was really interested in going for an advanced degree,” he says. “I also had some vague thoughts about getting into
academia. Physics seemed like the right choice.”
One of Mansell's favorite courses in physics dealt with acoustics, so he focused his initial graduate school options on that. This led him to Northern Illinois University (NIU) and a master’s degree that focused on the acoustics of musical instruments, handbells in particular. While at NIU, he did an independent study in fluid mechanics that got him interested in pursuing a Ph.D.
At this same time, a couple of University of Oklahoma faculty members were looking for a graduate student to work on some new computer modeling of clouds and electrification to better understand lightning.
“I didn’t know much about the subject,” says Mansell, “but that didn’t stop me from jumping into something new.”
Ever since, he’s been developing sophisticated computer code to model the processes in storms for generating hail, lightning and even tornadoes.
“Sometimes I even get outside to chase thunderstorms,” he says.
In his current role with the NOAA lab, Mansell says he still uses the skills he learned at Westminster on a daily basis.
“My studies in physics taught me problem solving,” he says, “which definitely comes in handy in my line of work. Research, after all, has an endless supply of problems!”
Mansell credits his liberal arts education from Westminster for much of his career success.
“It’s more than being well-educated and well-rounded,” he says. “Exposure to other points of view and perspectives in an open and non-confrontational setting provides an opportunity for growth. That is definitely needed as much as ever. My second major was philosophy, which if nothing else taught me that there are many ways to think about ethics and society. And in my opinion, we shouldn’t be constrained by tradition.” S

10 things making us pretty Titan proud right now
Mummy maintenance
Hats off to our curator of cultural artifacts Dr. Sam Farmerie for tending to Westminster’s 2,300-year-old Egyptian resident mummy, Lady Pesed. This summer Farmerie arranged a visit from conservators Mimi Leveque, director of the ArchaeaTechnica Conservation Services, and Jessica van Dam, and Egyptologist and director of the Akhmim Mummy Studies Consortium Dr. Jonathan Elias. Pesed was removed from her coffin for the first time in more than 100 years for an in-depth examination, as well as restoration and conservation efforts.

Book Week
This fall’s Book Week welcomed a number of speakers to campus to discuss issues relating to this year’s first-year summer reading book, What the Eyes Don’t See While the book is an account of the water crisis in Flint, Mich., as told by Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, speakers addressed issues such as clean water, pollution and community involvement from a variety of disciplinary and intellectual perspectives.

Networking win
Word of mouth 4.
We’re honored that so many of our alumni and friends are out there encouraging high schoolers to consider Westminster. And kudos to those who nominate potential Westminster students for the Jerb Miller Scholarship Program and the Young Presbyterian Scholarship Program, enabling them to receive up to $96,000 in scholarship funding. Keep those nominations coming!
Slam dunk
More than 100 Westminster alumni participated in this year’s Professional Networking Symposium in September. We are grateful for those in our Titan network who volunteered, spoke with students and presented career opportunities.
Former Titan basketball player, 6’6” guard Isaac Stamatiades ’21, turned professional this summer when he signed with USM Maubeuge Basket in the Nationale 2 (NM2) League in France.

Fresh check-in
Bleasby reading
7.Sam Killmeyer ’12 returned to her alma mater in October to offer a poetry reading from her newest book of poems, Again the Grass Again the Wind Sam's visit to campus was sponsored by the Department of English as part of the George Bleasby Colloquia series of literary events.

Honey buzz

8. What do you do with the honey produced in the campus aviary?


The Westminster Wellness Center knows how important it is for students to take care of their emotional and mental health. This fall the center sponsored Fresh Check Day, a mental health fair giving students a chance to participate in some self-care activities. Students were encouraged to take a break and enjoy some stress-relieving activities such as petting a few furry friends, playing in a ball pit and exploring their creative sides through canvas painting and sand art.
Setting the stage
9.Westminster College Concert Choir members were given a true experiential learning opportunity this fall when they performed on the Orr stage with Broadway star Mandy Gonzalez (Hamilton, Wicked, In the Heights) as part of the 2022-2023 Celebrity Series season. The student vocalists sang backup for “Fearless,” a song written especially for Gonzalez by Lin-Manuel Miranda.
Why, you sell it, of course. The Westminster Bee Company created quite the buzz this fall as they launched their first honey sales during Homecoming. Honey will be available for sale for a limited time in the Campus Store.
Tiny Titan
If you've been to Homecoming or an alumni function in the past two decades, chances are you've crossed paths with Linda Wilson, coordinator of alumni engagement. Linda retired in October, and we are thankful for Linda's steadfast commitment to Westminster. She has left an indelible impression on our alumni, students, faculty and staff. Despite her petite stature, Linda will forever be one of our truest Towering Titans.
7 Titans join Hall of Fame

Seven former Westminster athletic standouts joined the Titan Sports Hall of Fame in September. The Class of 2022 members were formally inducted at a ceremony on Sept. 9 and recognized during halftime of the Westminster vs. Bethany football game on Sept. 10.
Adam Carswell ’13, Men's Track & Field

Carswell was one of the leaders who helped the men’s track and field program claim three consecutive Presidents’ Athletic Conference (PAC) Championships. A 400-meter specialist, Carswell was a three-time PAC Champion in the outdoor 400 and was a part of the PAC Champion 4x400 relay team in 2010. Carswell, the only Westminster runner to be the PAC Champion in the 400, is one of two Titan track athletes to win an individual event at PACs three times in a career.

Carswell was also a key member of three-straight PAC Outdoor Championship teams (2011, 2012, 2013).

James Dafler, Director of Athletics & Men’s Basketball Coach—Dafler was a member of the Titan Athletics staff for 32 years, including 22 as director of athletics. Dafler, who retired in 2021, helped lead the construction and renovations of several athletic facilities—the UPMC Sports Complex, new baseball and softball fields and the Bill Rankin Indoor Golf Center—and oversaw several renovations and improvements to Harold Burry Stadium and Memorial Field House. Women’s golf, women’s track and field and men’s and women’s lacrosse were added under his tenure, and the diving team was reestablished. He assisted in the transition of the College’s move from NAIA to NCAA Division II to NCAA Division III. Hired in 1989 as an assistant basketball coach, he was later promoted to head coach. He helped Westminster win five Keystone-Empire Collegiate Conference (KECC) titles and earn two NAIA Division I National Playoff appearances.
Rebecca Giles Badgujar ’08, Women’s Swimming—Badgujar was a four-time First Team All-PAC selection and a key member of the 2006 and 2007 PAC Championship teams. She holds four top 10 times in school history: third in the 200 individual medley (IM), fifth in the 200 fly, sixth in the 200 back and seventh in the 100 breast. She was the PAC Champion in the 400 IM in 2006 and a member of two relay teams that claimed conference titles—400 medley in 2007 and 800 free in 2005. She qualified for the 2007 NCAA Championships (400 IM, 200 IM and 200 backstroke). She is a member of the PAC 60th Anniversary Team.

Caitlin Hosler Zavora ’14, Women’s Tennis—Zavora, the only PAC Player of the Year in the women’s tennis program’s history, was an All-PAC selection all four years, including All-PAC First Team in three seasons. She was a key member of back-to-back PAC Championship teams (2012, 2013). She holds the school records in both singles and doubles wins. In her PAC MVP season, she was 20-1 in No. 1 singles and helped lead Westminster to a PAC Championship and advance to the NCAA Tournament. Her 20 wins in 2013 are tied for the second-most singles victories in a season in school history and are the most by a No. 1 singles player all-time. She won No. 1 singles at the 2013 PAC Championship, the only No. 1 singles player in program history to win an individual PAC Title. With Alex Bailey ’13 at No. 1 doubles, they became the school’s only undefeated pair with a 20-0 record. In 2011, they were 20-1 overall in No. 1 doubles, tying for the most doubles wins in program history.
Ryan Pontius ’98, Men’s Golf (posthumous)—Pontius was a three-time NAIA All-American. Named Team MVP, Pontius is the only player in program history to have the season lowest average score on the team all four years. His 76.5 average during his senior campaign ranks fifth all-time in school history. Pontius is tied for first in school history for a 36-hole total with a 142 and fifth in program history for most rounds of par or better. He helped lead the team to four-straight NAIA Northeast Regional Championships. An all-region honoree, he was a back-to-back NAIA Northeast Regional individual medalist and tied for first as a senior. He passed away in 2020.
Elisabeth Schulz Fee ’11, Softball—Fee was a four-time All-PAC selection, including First Team in both 2010 and 2011. A member of the PAC 60th Anniversary Team, Fee was an All-Region selection in 2010, one of two pitchers in program history to be named All-Region. Fee, the Team MVP as a senior, compiled a 2.39 earned run average (second on the team), tied for the team-lead with nine victories, and her 70 strikeouts also tied for teamlead in 2011.
Jessie Szakacs ’12, Volleyball—Szakacs is a three-time All-PAC First Team selection. A member of the PAC 60th Anniversary Team, Szakacs has the second-most assists in program history with 3,309 - only the third Titan ever to have dished out over 3,000 career assists. A three-year starter, Szakacs finished inside the top four in the PAC in assists in each of her last three seasons. Szakacs was third on the team in service aces three of her four seasons, including second-best in 2009.
Beard earns national DIIICA award
Ryan Beard '22 was one of two inaugural recipients of the Division III Commissioner's Association (DIIICA) Student-Athlete of the Year awards in August.
Beard and Eliza Beaudin from Elmira College (N.Y.) emerged as the national winners from an elite pool of 20 regional honorees. Selection criteria included academic achievement, athletics excellence, service and leadership.

Beard, who graduated summa cum laude with a degree in accounting, earned College Sports Information Directors of America (CoSIDA) Academic All-America honors after completing a three-year accelerated undergraduate degree in accounting and posting a 4.0 cumulative GPA.
At the 2022 Division III Outdoor Track & Field Championships in May—where he and his relay team became the first NCAA All-American relay team in school history—Beard became the first Westminster student-athlete to receive the prestigious NCAA's Elite 90 award, given to the student-athlete with the highest cumulative GPA participating at the finals site for each of the NCAA's 90 championships.
Named Westminster's most outstanding accounting student, he received the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) Outstanding Senior Award. He also received an Elks National Foundation Legacy Scholarship. In 2021 he was one of 10 interns from Deloitte's Pittsburgh office selected to attend the Deloitte National Leadership Conference.
Beard earned First Team All-PAC honors as a part of the winning 4x100 and 4x400 relays last spring.


October 14 & 15, 2022
Reunited and it feels so good.

at this year’s
To view photos from other reunion classes, visit www.westminster.edu/2022Reunions
of the Class of 1972 celebrated their Golden Anniversary Homecoming. Front row from left: Donald Dawson, Ginny Frazier Dawson, Scott Venema, Craig Dimon, Bill Johnston. Second row from left: Mike Shovlin, Tom Jackson, Susan Carnahan Jackson, Susan Hasson Callahan, Ronee Christy, Kathleen Anderson Moncure. Third row from left: John Hamilton, Tom Boddorff, Jeffrey Jones, Will Murray, Arthur Stewart. Fourth row from left: Jan Kingery, Jean Kingery Workman, Harold Workman, Susan Ferguson-Whitney, Frances Case Beaty, Ann Strome GoldMother Fair honors her own during Homecoming
Westminster Alumni Award Citations and the Young Alumni Award are presented to those alumni who have made significant contributions, achieved success and served their communities well.
This year’s honorees made their marks in various fields—early childhood education, medicine and military service, research— but each started out at the same place. From the inspirational and empowering liberal arts education to the relationships they formed, skills they developed and new experiences the gained, their years at Mother Fair were foundational and life changing.
“I received the individualized attention that I needed to excel in challenging coursework while developing the personal accountability to continue to succeed in medical school and beyond,” said David Dado ’09. “The smaller class sizes make you feel like an individual rather than a number and allow you to build real relationships with your classmates and professors. I got to know my professors on a personal level and therefore they were able to challenge me and hold me accountable.”
Danielle Clark ’09 said Westminster challenged her and pushed her to excel, encouraging her to explore her own capabilities in her search for success.
“Westminster College has a standard and expected greatness from everyone that steps foot on campus, no matter the diverse
Young Alumni Award
backgrounds we all bring to the Titan community. I am currently a first-grade teacher and my classroom is comprised of diverse socioeconomic needs, emotional needs, academic needs and family dynamics. Keeping my students’ pertinent histories in mind, I still expect greatness for them and will not settle for anything less because I know each of them is bound to excel and I will make sure I spend time cultivating their uniqueness,” she said.
Alina Clough ’18 said the College’s liberal arts approach to learning allowed her to pursue a wide range of fields and interests.

“The multidisciplinary environment showed me how to combine methods of inquiry in ways that transferred well to the real world rather than staying confined to my major,” she said. Clough says she’s also grateful for the solid Westminster alumni that’s in place.
“The best thing about the Westminster experience is probably the fact that our alumni network makes it feel like you never totally left,” she said. “I don’t go a day without speaking to Westminster alums, which isn’t something a lot of people can say. Whether they’re friends, networking contacts, or now even my coworkers, it’s a really unique campus that can create something that lasts your whole life.”
Westminster presented Alumni Award Citations, the Young Alumni Award and the Rising Titan Award as part of the 2022 Homecoming & Reunion Weekend.

Alumni who graduated within the past 10 years and are making significant contributions as they build careers and serve their communities or the College
Alina Clough is a public service technologist designing software for NASA’s small business procurement program. A 2018 international politics graduate, she earned a master’s degree in public policy from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. While at Westminster, she was a young professional ambassador to Germany, volunteering to resettle Syrian refugees and working on technology and startup policy in the government. As a United Nations volunteer, she digitized drone maps to help Tanzanian girls escape child marriage. While living in New York, she worked on election and voter registration technology. At Harvard, she was founding designer of PathCheck Foundation, a nonprofit privacy-preserving COVID contact tracing solution. She is a frequent contributor to the Westminster’s Analyst Program and Professional Networking Symposium efforts. She lives in Washington, D.C., where she is the vice president for the local chapter of the American Conservation Coalition.
Award winners from left, David Dado, Alina Clough, Darnelle Clark, Baylee Horvath and Adel Abdul-MalekADEL ABDUL-MALEK ’62

Born and raised in Cairo, Egypt, Adel Abdul-Malek spent a year at the American University of Beirut before arriving at Westminster. After graduating in 1962 with a degree in chemistry, he continued his studies in physics and chemistry at Princeton University. After earning his Ph.D. he worked for Standard Oil Company of Indiana—subsequently Amoco Oil Company and more recently part of British Petroleum—as a research scientist, advancing through the ranks to manage his own team of Lubricant Additives Research, retiring in 1997. He has been a dedicated and strong supporter of Westminster scholarships, contributing annually to various campus initiatives and has served as a signatory for annual fund outreach. He and his wife, Diane, make their home in Sarasota, Fla.
After receiving her undergraduate in psychology, Darnelle Clark turned towards early childhood education and earned a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction from Youngstown State University. Currently a first-grade teacher in the Liberty (Ohio) Local School District, she is also the creator and founder of Clark’s Cozy Corner, a YouTube channel born out of the pandemic and viewed in 33 countries. By educating and entertaining children and their families, she aims to make all of her viewers feel valued, safe, loved, seen and heard. She is involved in local and national civic groups, has a variety of leadership roles in her church and received the Game Changer Award from the City of Youngstown for her positive impact on her community. Sidelined by COVID and extended hospitalizations, her plans to start doctoral work and teach at the university level are on hold. Clark has supported Westminster through donations and her time. She resides in Warren, Ohio.

Following Westminster, David Dado received a U.S. Air Force Health Professions Scholarship to attend the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, from which he graduated with honors. He was promoted to captain, entered active-duty military service and completed residency in internal medicine at Wright State University/ Wright Patterson Air Force Base and subspecialty training in nephrology at UT Health San Antonio. He has served as staff nephrologist and medical director for hemodialysis at the San Antonio Military Medical Center and chief of nephrology/ hemodialysis at Keesler Medical Center. He also worked for a nephrology practice along the underserved Mississippi Gulf Coast. He received two U.S. Meritorious Service Medals and a U.S. Air Force Commendation Medal for Meritorious Service. He was honorably discharged with the rank of major in July and accepted a clinical academic position at Malcolm Randall Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Gainesville, Fla., where he lives with his wife, Megan, and daughters.

A senior from Murrysville, Pa., Baylee Horvath is majoring in business administration, marketing and professional sales and sports management. She was a member of the women’s swimming and diving and championship women’s golf teams and is the outgoing president of the Student Athletic Advisory Club. She is president of Titan Guides and is a member of the Sports Promotion Club and the Alpha Gamma Delta sorority. Baylee completed her practicum in the Office of Alumni Engagement and launched the “Inside the Huddle” virtual series during COVID. She most recently completed an internship with Amazon in Phoenix as an area manager. “Westminster gave me so many experiences that I know I can go into the real world and succeed. Westminster helped me secure an internship with one of the largest companies in the world, and I am forever grateful for that.” Horvath will graduate in December.
DARNELLE Rising Titan Award Honoring up-and-coming students who showcase the ability to be leading alumniMichael Anthony ’77 B.A., Business Administration
Getting ahead, giving back
By Valentine Brkich ’97When Michael Anthony was a sophomore at Westminster, he spent his second semester in Denmark as part of the Experiment in International Living program, which brought together students from local colleges and provided opportunities for overseas learning. It was an experience that would set him on his life’s path.
“It was a fabulous, eye-opening experience,” says Anthony. “In 1974, international travel experiences weren’t very common for students. Being part of a small group of students in Copenhagen receiving language training, experiencing another culture, and learning to look at social morays through a different lens, really set the stage for what I wanted to do, which was meet different people and travel the world.”
Immediately upon his return, Anthony declared his major in business administration management—a decision that would set the foundation for a 40-plus-year career as a leader in the retail industry.
Anthony chose Westminster for a variety of reasons. First, it was a school that met his mother’s “educational and spiritual requirements.” Plus, several people on his street were Titans. Most of all, it provided an education that was not only high-quality but affordable.

“I spent the weekend on campus with my friend Jeff Fuller ’73 and some members of the Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity who gave me an introduction to the school,” says Anthony. “I really enjoyed it. It seemed like a place that I could have some fun and get a first-rate education in the process. And of course, the standards of the school were important.”
While working towards his degree, Anthony worked his junior and senior years as a desk clerk at the old Howard Johnson’s hotel on Interstate 80. After school, he took a job as an assistant buyer at Gold Circle Stores in Columbus, Ohio, and while advancing through the merchandising ranks he had the opportunity to travel the world, Asia and Europe in particular.
Anthony spent 10 years in that position before accepting a job as head merchant with Lechter’s Housewares, a national chain of kitchen-supply stores. In this role he continued to travel as the company went public and experienced steady growth. Eventually he was named president and COO with over 500 stores reporting to him.
Six years later in 1994, he jumped at the chance to become the next CEO of Brookstone Inc. By 2007, he was also named chairman to the board. In almost 12 years there, he helped the company grow fivefold in size and increase profits by 13 times before taking the company private.
Following his time at Brookstone, Anthony spent seven years as chairman, president, and CEO of Things Remembered, where he helped to reposition the company by building a leadership team, modernizing the brand, creating a new store prototype, establishing a meaningful web presence, and significantly improving operations. These efforts led to an almost doubling of the company’s profits and, eventually, its successful sale.
Today, Anthony no longer works full-time, but he’s still active in the business world. Currently, he is an investor and partners with private equity in identifying and optimizing business opportunities.
Throughout the years, Anthony has maintained a strong commitment to Westminster, particularly with the School of Business. In 2016, he and his wife, Debra, established the Michael F. Anthony ’77 Scholarship Fund. This renewable, merit-based scholarship is awarded to an incoming freshman student who graduated from Corry Area High School in Corry, Pa. (Anthony’s hometown), or second preference, a school district in Erie County, Pa., who is in good academic standing with high academic achievement and demonstrated leadership qualities.
“Years ago my wife and I created a charitable foundation with focus on education,” says Anthony. “We wanted to establish the scholarship because we felt Westminster is a worthy place to make an investment in.”
He and Debra also made a generous gift to Westminster, which helped to build then School of Business' new conference room and make other needed renovations. On a recent visit to the College, Anthony got to view the new additions and was impressed with Eric Gaber, lecturer of business, and the work he’s done there.
“What they’re doing gives students real-life entrepreneurial guidance that will be invaluable in their careers,” says Anthony. “It’s a type of innovative thinking that engages students in a different way, and it’s this type of education that makes me want to stay involved and contribute.”
Anthony is a firm believer in the type of liberal arts education that Westminster provides.
“It has great power,” he says. “Westminster teaches critical thinking, problem solving, communication and leadership. If you can walk away with all four of those, you’ll do quite well. These are the types of skills that will help you regardless of what you choose to do in your career.”
He also believes the type of well-rounded education Westminster provides can help make you an interesting individual.
“After all,” adds Anthony, “it can’t all be about the numbers.” S
Westminster teaches critical thinking, problem solving, communication and leadership. If you can walk away with all four of those, you’ll do quite well.

Broadway sensation Mandy Gonzalez (Angelica Schuyler in Hamilton, Elphaba in Wicked, Nina Rosario in In The Heights) brings her sultry sophistication to the Orr stage! “One of THE greatest singers on Earth!” – Lin-Manuel Miranda.

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Handpicked by Billy Joel to star in the hit Broadway musical Movin’ Out. Billboard calls him the “New Voice of the American Rock and Roll Songbook.” Songs include: Piano Man, Rocket Man, Bennie and the Jets, Movin’ Out, I’m Still Standing, My Life and more.
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Celebrate the magic of Christmas in an aweinspiring show encompassing seasonal and Irish favorites along with spectacular world class champion Irish dancing featuring two former lead dancers of Riverdance.
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From the musical team behind the hit movies “Drumline” and “Drumline: A New Beat”!! Drumline Live is an international tour based on the Historically Black College and University marching band tradition. From James Brown to the Temptations to Michael Jackson, Prince, Dream Girls and more!

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Postmodern Jukebox, the time-twisting musical collective known for putting “pop music in a time machine,” are set to make the ‘20s roar again! PMJ will perform some of modern music’s biggest hits in the classic styles of bygone eras!

Celebrity Series for Kids
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MAY 15, 2023
Join Mouse on a daring adventure through the deep, dark wood in Tall Stories’ magical, musical adaptation of the classic picture book by Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler. For everyone ages 3 and up.
Sponsored by: Not part of season ticket
I was recently asked by an alumnus, what is the purpose of the Alumni Council? Does it promote connections and plan events? Does it assist with fundraising? Does it serve as a means to communicate information about the College to alumni? Having been asked this question left me a bit surprised, but it led me to thinking about ways in which the Council can enhance its engagement and exposure with Westminster alumni.
The first step to address this concern resulted in both revisions to the Council’s by-laws and the development of a mission statement used to drive goal setting. This work was accomplished by a subcommittee of the Council that met throughout the summer to draft and revise these deliverables. The by-law changes were adopted during our September meeting. The mission statement, provided to the College leadership for endorsement, reads as follows:
“To build and nurture an enduring community that inspires volunteerism and promotes philanthropy.”
Using this statement, thought was then given to the Council committees needed to fulfill its mission by aligning its goals with those of the College. Consequently, changes were made with several retired and two added. Nominations and National Connections were retained. Two new committees provide support to the College’s Professional Development Center and social media/marketing efforts. The first supports existing students with resumé preparation, mock interviewing and the identification of internships and/or fulltime employment opportunities. The second expands the audience of alumni, friends and potential students via various social media platforms followed and shared.
It is my hope that these efforts will provide the visibility needed for the Council. However, in case you were wondering, the following is a partial list of the Council’s recent achievements:
• Grew its regional representatives program to 20-plus;

• Thanked more than 2,000 donors personally by email, phone call, text or postcard;

• Served as lead advocates raising, most recently, more than $120,000 for various projects through a Giving Tuesday crowdfunding campaign;
• Continued its tradition of 100% participation in giving;
• Assisted educators in nominating 43 students for Jerb Miller Scholarships in the last academic year;
• Hosted the alumni table at admissions events;
• Hosted virtual and in-person events including National Networking Day and an Alumni Book Discussion;
• Created/promoted Wear Westminster Day;
• Reviewed and awarded more than 260 Alumni Citation Awards.
I hope this list demonstrates the level of involvement of Council and its measurable results and the many ways in which its members serve as exemplars to the alumni community at large and as ideal stewards to the College.
I encourage each of you to become more involved by providing gifts of your time, talents and dollars. The Council depends on alumni to promote the College and enhance connections. This cannot be done solely by 35 Council members and the current College community. Westminster particularly needs assistance with your financial gifts and in identifying potential students. Links to do both can be found under the Alumni tab on the College’s website.
Thank you for your support of Westminster. I look forward to serving as Council president in the year ahead.
Everyone has a story—and we want to hear yours! We want to know all about you—your career, your family and your many adventures. Westminster Magazine’s Class Notes section is a wonderful way to share your story and keep up with old friends and classmates. Send us your news today! ONLINE
CLASS NOTES | Titans doing incredible things.
DONALD WAGNER’s memoir, Glory to God in the Lowest: Journeys to an Unholy Land, was published August. The book—which includes a chapter about his time at Westminster—is a personal, political and religious journey from Evangelical Christian faith and conservative politics to solidarity with the poor and advocacy for anti-war, anti-racism and Palestinian rights. He is the author of five previous books on Palestinian rights.

LANA BADGER HAZLETT recently published the book MuzartConnection, a series of three books for children,
parents and teachers that highlight famous classical composers and their music along with contemporaneous art, architecture, history and fashion. Hazlett has taught elementary school music, established her own classical music school and served as the director of The Woodlands Symphony Orchestra in Texas.

RICHARD LININGER recently published a book, Shotgun Rider: A True Angel Story. The book has many references to Westminster College. Richard resides in Fort Pierce, Fla.

of Douglas, Mich., Jack read at the city’s Memorial Day service. The University of Parent Learners in Atlanta invited him to teach a course via Zoom focusing on the Black history poems of Sam Cornish. You can check out Jack’s website at www.ridl.com. He and his wife live in Saugatuck, Mich.
DR. DONALD MCKIM and biblical scholar Jim West have co-authored Heinrich Bullinger: An Introduction to His Life and Theology, published this year by Cascade Books as part of the Cascade Companions. Don resides in Germantown, Tenn.

A few members of the Class of 1972 recently held a mini 50th reunion in Pittsburgh and Syracuse, N.Y. Reunited in Pittsburgh were BRONYA BISCEGLIA STROSNIDER ’72, JANE BURDICK HADBURG ’72, KATHY MYERS LUTHER ’72 and MARSHA MOORE SABOL ’72. Another mini reunion followed at Green Lakes in Syracuse, N.Y., with KAREN OLSON MILLER ’72 and husband FRED MILLER ’72, SUE VOEGELE TABER ’72 and husband Mel, and Sabol and husband Barry.
Westminster College Office of Alumni Engagement 319 S. Market St. New Wilmington, PA 16172
JACK RIDL’s poem “The Last Day of November,” published online by Rattle magazine, was the publication’s most read and shared poem in 2021. As poet laureate
THE REV. JAMES CARPER was recently renewed as pastor of St. Bernadette Church in South Los Angeles. He is president of the Los Angeles Police Department Clergy Council for the Southwest Division and is also secretary for the Deacon Council of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. He also serves on the Pastoral Council for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
gathering. The group, all adorned with
met in Myrtle Beach in April for many rounds golf and plenty of reminiscing. Pictured are

‘73, Ralph Dise ‘74 , Bill Johnston ‘72, Herb King ‘74, Patrick Lydon ‘70, Jeffri Theys ‘72, Darrell Davies ‘70, Michael Hutkowski ‘72, Dave Acheson ‘70, Ron Roppa ‘75, Ron Wigand ‘70, John Holensworth ‘71, Bob Watson ‘70, Gene Watkins ‘72, Dave Williams ‘74, Bob Boyd ‘70, Tom Jackson ‘72, Craig Dimon ‘72, John Zupanovich ‘74, Brent Long ‘72, Sandy Black ‘72 and Wally Clements ‘73
WARREN GLEESON has published the book Money Lessons for Life and an Early Retirement, which shares stories and examples of managing money for debtfree living, making an early retirement a possibility for many.
CAROL HANEYWATSON was promoted to full professor of education at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania in July 2021. Carol was awarded the Outstanding Research and Publication Award by the Pennsylvania Association for Curriculum and Supervision in 2021. She is president of the Pennsylvania Professors of Middle Level Education and Pennsylvania National Associate of Multicultural Education. She also serves on the state leadership team for Pennsylvania Schools to Watch and the state executive board of the Pennsylvania Association of Middle Level Education.

RICK FEZELL retired as vice chairman of Ernst & Young and recently joined the board of American Battery Technology Company in Reno, Nev., a technology development and commercialization company in the lithium-ion battery industry. Rick and his family live in Carmel, Calif.
DAWN “DEE DEE” MORRELL, president of the White Oak Rotary Club in White Oak, Pa., led club members in raising $22,000 for local student scholarships. Twenty-two students from McKeesport High School, Serra Catholic High School and Penn State Greater Allegheny campus were each awarded a $1,000 scholarship for their academic accomplishments and local community service. Students planned to pursue a four-year college degree, vocational-technical training, or a career in the military.
DAVID FARNER, executive vice president and chief strategic and transformation officer at UPMC, was included in City and State magazine’s Pittsburgh Power 100 list.
LISA JO FANELLI-GREER earned her Master of Divinity degree from Evangelical Seminary in Myerstown, Pa., in May. She also graduated summa cum laude and earned her M.A. in ministry leadership from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Mich., in April 2021. She is currently pursuing a Master of Theology degree at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

DR. BRIAN MONTGOMERY was promoted to chief scientist for the StellarPeak Corporation, where he provides comprehensive and detailed

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Imagery Scientist support to the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and innovative solutions and initiatives to addressing difficult problems. He resides in Frederick, Md.
VICKI JEWEL RAISLEY joined the music faculty at Charleston Southern University’s Horton School of Music in 2021. She teaches elementary music methods courses and oversees student teachers and practicum students. Vicki retired from full-time music teaching at Goose Creek Primary School in 2018. She resides in Goose Creek, S.C.
SCOTT SELTZER was named executive director of Western Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic League (WPIAL). Scott had served as a WPIAL board member since 2009 and board president since 2016.
Phi Kappa Tau brothers from the early 1970s continue their golfing Westminster caps, Dave SarverFrom Ukraine with Love
By Mackenzie Basalla ’19Over the winter of 2019, just as Karen Jones Lazo ’85 and her husband Phil were on the path to become empty nesters, a spiritual calling veered them in another direction. Instead of embarking on a new hobby or crossing dreams off their bucket list, the Lazos instead chose to open their hearts—and their home—to orphaned Ukrainian twin sisters.
Working with the New Horizons for Children—an orphan cross-cultural hosting ministry—the Lazos met the girls, Anastasia and Tetyana, in 2019 and hosted them in their Maryland home through the winter. They grew close to the twins during their stay, and losing their connection to the girls after they went back to the Ukraine was not an option for the Lazos.
Instead, they had a more permanent solultion in mind. Adoption.
With the adoption finalized on May 5, 2021, the Lazos readied for the girls' return to the U.S., but a paperwork work error significantly delayed their travel.
And then, on Feb. 24, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine, causing even more bumps along the road of their adoption journey.
Tanya and Nastia, in white, with their new family. From left, Phil and Karen Jones Lazo, the twins, Shannon & Zack Lazo and Brett Lazo.

The girls successfully evacuated to Poland, and finally in July, the Lazos were granted permission from the Ukrainian National Social Service to fast track their custody paperwork. The Lazos flew to Poland to reunite with their daughters—who now go by the name Nastia and Tanya—but more challenges were waiting for them. The girls' reissued passports, with their new adoptive names, were across the border in Ukraine. The family would need to return to Ukraine to obtain them.
After all the legal challenges surrounding the adoption, retrieving the new passports, avoiding a Russian missile strike and a flight home, the newly upgraded Lazo family finally had their girls on American soil on July 18.
“Having the opportunity to totally change a couple of lives has been very gratifying and fun,” said Karen. “People always comment how fortunate these girls are to have us, but my husband and I say that we are the fortunate ones!”
Tanya and Nastia have been home in Point of Rocks, Md., for a few months and are thriving in their new lives, learning English and life skills such as not piling wet laundry on antique wood furniture, knowing it does not take a foot and a half of paper towels to dry hands, and even money management.
“It’s been a joy seeing our daughters thrive and grow in confidence, while living life to the fullest as they feel at home in our family,” said Karen. S
Friday, April 14, 2023
Avalon Country Club at Buhl Park 1030 Forker Boulevard | Hermitage, PA
Celebrating the impact of our key contributors who, through selfless generosity, ensure that Westminster College continues to thrive as a place where students develop the competencies, commitments and characteristics that distinguish human beings at their best. hosted by
to follow.

From left are Rob Lytle ’97, Apryl Preston Lytle ’99, Christina Waszczak Douglass ’03 and Julie Waszczak Perron ’00
TITAN Team-up
Two Westminster alumni—ROB LYTLE ’97 and CHRISTINA WASZCZAK DOUGLASS ’03 recently collaborated on a new display at the National Museum of the United States Air Force (NMUSAF) at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.

Lytle, the squadron commander of the 76th Aerial Port Squadron at the Youngstown Air Reserve Station, and his team served as subject matter experts and helped build the aerial delivery portion for the NMUSAF’s newest display, “A Force for Good: Department of the Air Force Humanitarian Missions.”
Douglass is curator of the NMUSAF and lead curator of the exhibit, which demonstrates the history and role the Air Force plays in humanitarian operations to assist people domestically and around the globe.
Lytle and Douglass were joined at the exhibit’s opening in April by Lytle’s wife, Apryl Preston Lytle ’99 and Douglass’ sister, Julie Waszczak Perron ’00
CARBERRY, an algebra and math teacher at Edward E. Drew Middle School in Fredericksburg, Va., was voted “Teacher of the Year” for the 2021-2022 school year. She resides in Stafford, Va.
CANDACE KAIRIES-BEATTY was selected as a 2022-2023 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science & Technology Policy fellow with placement at the U.S. Department of Defense in the Office of Naval Research. The AAAS Science & Technology Fellowship program supports evidence-based policymaking by leveraging the knowledge and analytical mindset of science and engineering experts, and trains leaders for a strong U.S. science and technology enterprise.
JENNIFER MCCONAHY REEL was named chief communications officer for F.N.B. Corp. Reel, who joined F.N.B. in 2000, most recently served as director of corporate communications.


DR. REBECCA POPE-RUARK AGILE’s second book, Unraveling Faculty Burnout: Pathways to Reckoning and Renewal, was released by Johns Hopkins University Press in September

and details her own burnout experience. Rebecca and her book were featured in the Sept. 12 issue of Inside Higher Education. She is now the director of the Office of Faculty Professional Development at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
CHAD STOVER has earned the Exhibitor’s Certified Trade Show Marketer designation. Chad is the technical marketing manager at The Conair Group in Cranberry, Pa.
MEGAN ALRUTZ MOORE earned her M.Ed. degree in English as Second Language from California University of Pennsylvania in May. Megan is a second grade teacher in the Chartiers Valley School District in Bridgeville, Pa. She and her husband, Dave, reside in Canonsburg, Pa.
LINDSEY BRAEM is the vice president and director of business development at the marketing agency Formerly Known As. Lindsey resides in Pittsburgh.
DR. KATE SWEENEY POSTLE has published her first book of poetry, Worrisome Creatures, which takes on issues of family, history and failings of the body and heart. Kate is also the author of the chapbook, Better Accidents, and is an English professor at Keiser University in New Port Richey, Fla. She lives in Seminole, Fla., with her husband, Steven Postle ’02, and two children.
CARLA SORG ELENZ, a benefits consultant with Aflac, was recently welcomed into company’s Pinnacle Club after achieving Gold Level status after her first year and is considered a premier leader in the Aflac Field Force.

RAY WALLING was named the acting state librarian of the State Library of Kansas in June by Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly. He previously served as director of library services at Baker University’s Collins Library.
MATTHEW KERNS is chair of the Association of American Law Schools’ Section on Pre-Law Education and Admission to Law School. Matthew is the associate dean of admissions for Widener University Commonwealth Law School in Harrisburg.
KATIE BUZARD has joined the development team at Case Western Reserve University as senior director of development for Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences.
JARED FOSTER joined the real estate department for FedEx Ground in July. He resides in Pittsburgh.

PAMELA MARLOWE ZACKAL was named a 2022 Mercer County 30 Under 40 honoree by the Shenango
Valley Chamber of Commerce. Pam is a digital marketing content specialist for Armstrong. She lives in New Wilmington with her husband, Justin.
THE REV. DREW HIMES recently passed the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) clinical examination and is now a licensed clinical social worker in Pennsylvania. He serves as pastor of the Church of the Cross in Fairview, Pa., is an outpatient therapist at Lake Erie Counseling Inc. and is an adjunct professor of theology at Gannon University. Himes obtained his Master of Social Work degree from the University of Pittsburgh and his Master of Divinity degree from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. He lives in Erie, Pa., with his wife, Brady Keister Himes ’15
ANDREW BORTS is the senior instructional technology support specialist at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

CHRISTOPHER BODLE recently completed his postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh with a focus on Parkison’s disease research. Since then, he has passed the patent bar exam and is a patent agent with Troutman Pepper Law Firm in Pittsburgh. He and his wife, Amber Rex ’12, reside in Allison Park, Pa. (See also New Additions.)
HAPPY HAPPENSTANCE | It was a chance encounter for three Westminster alumna, all graduates from different decades. The three educators met at the National Forum to Accelerate MiddleGrades Reform annual conference in Alexandria, Va., in June 2022. From left are Jeannine Hatch Anthony ’86, Carol Haney-Watson ’79 and Valerie Prevade-Meehan ’03
arts and communications at Buhl Farm Park, was named a 2022 Mercer County 30 Under 40 honoree by the Shenango Valley Chamber of Commerce. Julie resides in Sharon, Pa.
THE REV. KALYN STEVWING was ordained as a minister of word and sacrament in the Presbyterian Church (USA) on March 27 in the New Wilmington Presbyterian Church. Participating in the service were the Rev. Michael Spicuzza ’07, moderator, and the Rev. Evan Wildhack ’13. Others attending included Lindsay James Naples ’12, Natalie Bok Jordan ’12 and Megan Morrow Lonich ’12
LAURA CHAMBERS LIGO was named the leadership giving manager at Maryland Public Television.
BRANDON MOSLEY recently published a book of free-form poetry, Guided by Greater: The Journey of Self-Actualization This compilation of work summarizes his recent journey of self-realization and spiritual growth. He currently lives in Virginia Beach, Va., with his wife, Nicole Karpinsky-Mosley ’13
University in May 2022. While at Clemson, where she also earned her master’s in environmental toxicology, she received the Phil and Mary Bradley Graduate Student Award for Mentoring in Creative Inquiry. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Purdue University where she is investigating undergraduate biology student data literacy learning focusing on graphing. (See also Weddings.)
LAUREN STOCZYNSKI earned a Ph.D. in biological sciences from Clemson

BRADY KEISTER HIMES was promoted to branch manager for Help At Home, a national provider of in-home services for people of low income experiencing disability. She manages the Erie
Regional Office, overseeing a staff of nearly 20 case managers and hundreds of direct care staff. She resides in Erie, Pa., with Drew Himes ’09, her husband of six years, and their beloved pup, Anna.
ANGELICA PETRISKO was named assistant director of development at Mellon College of Science at Carnegie Mellon University.
CHRISTIAN KEEGAN has joined Ernst & Young’s People Advisory Services practice as a senior consultant.
WANT TO SEE THE ALUMNI COUNCIL IN ACTION? The April 15, 2023, council meeting is open to all alumni. Mark your calendar and watch for details!
ALUMNI COUNCIL REPRESENTING | Do you know who your Westminster Alumni Council members are? These alumni volunteers from all corners of the United States serve as liaisons between the College and the Alumni Association. The current council includes, front from left, Ann Jackson Sleggs ’85, Catherine Bishop Ross ’09, Kait Roth’14, Harry Bittle ’14, Don Goughler ’68, Mary Mazzoni Reames ’68 M’69, Nadine MacLeod Valco ’94, Angelica Petrikso ’17, Dan Bishop ’15, Jessalyn Smith ’04 and Cyndi Mancini ’06. Back row from left are Dennis Schotsch ’75, Stephanie Martin Kerns ’07, Timothy Brennan ’91, Council President Bill Eavenson ’73, Doug McKinney ’80, Karla Bacon Arnold ’81 M’82, Nicholas Smith ’15, Scott Colvin ’74, Keith Bittel ’95, Joe McCaw ’73, Scott Dietz ’98, Nanci Kleese Hosick ‘95 M’03, Nicole Phillips Porter ’98 and Zane Gizzi ’83 M’88. Not pictured are James Beaudry ‘12, Carl Carpenter ‘18, James Giel Jr. ‘74, Heather Bloom Hall ‘95, Darwin Huey ‘74 M’77, Jason Nevinger ‘98 M‘21, Alexis Shellow ‘15, Susan Scally Slye ‘68 and Daniel Vogler ‘81.

2014 | Lauren Stoczynski and Romeo Schwartz, May 14, 2022. The couple lives in Lafayette, Ind. (See also Class Notes.)
WEDDINGS | Love always.
2016 | Amber Forrest and Jared Baummer ’18, June 19, 2021. The Rev. James Mohr, Westminster College chaplain, officiated.

The couple lives in Greencastle, Pa. (See also New Additions.)

2017 | Rachel Read and Zachary Balog ’19, June 25, 2022. The couple lives in Murrysville, Pa.
2019 | Hailey Tammaro and Scott Hughes ’16, Sept. 24, 2021. The couple lives in Portersville, Pa.
2016 | Abigail Miles and Benjamin Grove ’16, July 30, 2022, in Culpeper, Va. Participating in the ceremony were many Westminster alumni, including matron of honor Tiffany Jackson-Greene ’16; bridesmaids Angela Colella-Mesin ’16 and Elizabeth Buechele ’16; and groomsman Harrison Greene ’16. The ceremony included a choir featuring Chloe Knappenberger ’17, Rachel Read-Balog ’17, Maria McTighe-Barnes ’15 and Zach Balog ’17. Other attendees included Ante Mesin ’15, Kyle ’15 and Laura Mink Grabigel ’15, Sarah Gabrick ’15 and Maggie Hess-Warren ’15. The couple lives in Prince Royal, Va.
2017 | Sydney Sterner and Brandon Heeter ’16, July 2, 2022, at Montour Heights Country Club in Pittsburgh. Mariah Turiano ’17 served as maid of honor, while Natalie Paoletta ’18 and Samantha Wildman ’15 were bridesmaids. Dylan Hogue ’16, Matthew Kiernan ’16 and Cody Alward ’16 were groomsmen. The couple honeymooned in Antigua before returning home to Zelienople, Pa.
NEW ADDITIONS | Welcome, Tiny Titans.
2010 | Amanda Ratliff Schmid and her husband, Derek: a son, Barrett Christoph, on Jan. 20, 2021. The family resides in Neenah, Wis.
2012 | Addie Domske and her husband, Daniel Giles ’12: Sagan Jan-Zi, on May 22, 2022. The family resides in Sunnyvale, Calif.

2012 | Amber Rex and her husband, Christopher Bodle ’11: a daughter, Anna Marie, on May 23, 2022. She joins big brother Parker and sisters Addie and Haley at home in Allison Park, Pa. (See also Class Notes.)

2013 | Caitlin Rozgonyi Beckert and her husband, Josh Beckert ’11: a son, Noah Arthur, on July 9, 2022. The family lives in Warren, Ohio.
Welcome to the world, Tiny Titans!
Westminster Magazine is happy to include the news of your latest arrival. Birth announcements and photos can be emailed to alumni@ westminster.edu or submitted through the online form at westminster.edu/classnotes. Digital photos must be high resolution and 300 dpi. If emailing, please do not embed photos in the body of your email, but instead attach your high-resolution image.
2013 | Caitlin Fleckenstein Chinchilla and her husband, Brian Chinchilla ’12: a daughter, Lyla Rae, on Feb. 17, 2022. She joins big sister, Cecilia, at home in Beaver Falls, Pa.
2016 | Amber Forrest Baummer and her husband, Jared Baummer ’18: a daughter, Emmylou Virginia, on May 11, 2022. The family lives in Greencastle, Pa. (See also Weddings.)
On July 20, Donald ’78 and Denise Bowen Fishback ’78, alumni regional representatives for the western New York area, hosted the area’s first casual happy hour at Buffalo Riverworks. Alumni and friends in their area enjoyed tasty appetizers, cocktails and connecting.


Alumni living in and around State College, Pa., met up on July 21 for social gathering organized by alumni regional representative, Mitch Stipanovich Kirsch ’79 Brand new Titans and those of yesteryear both
Alumni events are open to all alumni and friends of Westminster College. The Office of Alumni Engagement works with volunteers to plan events in cities and regions across the country— or virtual online events. Get connected with alumni in your area!
NWMC Reception
In its 117th year, the New Wilmington Mission Conference held its annual conference on campus. With that came the tradition of alumni attendees to gather and reminisce about their days at Mother Fair. Guests were welcomed by President Kathy Brittain Richardson, the Rev. Jim Mohr and Vice President for Enrollment Management Dr. Karen Schedin
Harrisburg Happy Hour
Fellow Titan alumni and friends got together for a Harrisburg happy hour at SpringGate Vineyard. The event was hosted by regional representative Doug McKinney ’80
Over Time Event
The Office Alumni Engagement hosted Titans Over Time, a unique spot during Move-In Day 2022, provided incoming students and their families with photo opportunities while traveling to and from other orientation programs. Attendees could peruse old Argo yearbook editions or snap a photo with our life-sized Titan cutout.
4 PRE-GAME PARTY — Alumni, friends and parents enjoyed brunch before Westminster’s first away football game against Delaware Valley University on Sept. 3. Guests included regional representative Melissa Batulis Fullerton ’03 and alumni volunteer John Still ’74. Westminster Director of Athletics Jason Lener ’93 headlined the gathering and offered athletic updates.
Golden State Gathering Kelly Lake ’11, alumni regional representative for California, coordinated a second virtual gathering for alumni and friends. Titans came together on Zoom to reminisce and develop new connections with other alumni living in the region. Senior Director of Alumni Engagement Kara Montgomery and Charitable Relations Manager Brad Tokar ’91 provided campus updates.
Stay connected with your classmates and other Titan alumni through in-person or virtual events. We’re frequently updating our events calendar, so please check back often! www.westminster.edu/events
5 PITTSBURGH WINE MIXER — The Pittsburgh Regional Alumni Committee concluded their year of events on a gorgeous day on July 28 at the Narcisi Winery in Gibsonia, Pa. Hosts Andrew Anthony ’11 and Stephen Crowe ’14 welcomed guests to our blue and white tent on the lawn. Titans enjoyed live music, appetizers and spirits offered by the marquee venue.IN MEMORIAM
Word has reached us of the passing of the following alumni and friends of Westminster College. To submit information for the In Memoriam section, please provide a complete obituary notice (if available) to the Office of Alumni Engagement.
LEAH DAVIS ROWLAND ’41 of Honolulu, Hawaii, Aug. 2, 2020.
WILLIAM DAVIS ’49 of Tampa, Fla., Dec. 19, 2017.
JOHN ABRAHAM ’52 of North Huntingdon, Pa., Jan. 4, 2018.
BARBARA BUNCE JONES ’52 of Grayson, Ga., Dec. 1, 2021.
ILSE PACKMOHR NOREN ’53 of Tacoma, Wash., May 20, 2022.
BARBARA DAWSON SAMPSON ’54 of Murrysville, Pa., Nov. 24, 2020.
DORIS LANGEFELD DORAN ’54 of Gibsonia, Pa., July 22, 2017.
GEORGE LINDOW ’54 of Bridgeville, Pa., April 13, 2002.
MARGUERITE MERSHIMER WAGNER ’56 of Orrville, Ohio, Feb. 9, 2022.

CHARLES GARRETT ’57 of Greenville, Pa., Sept. 27, 2018.
ISABEL “SCOTTIE” PRICE DALSIMER ’57 of Alexandria, Va., Feb. 17, 2022.
CLARA GILLIS BEATTY ’59 of Omaha, Neb., June 11, 2021.
THEODORE TAYLOR ’59 of Plymouth, Mich., March 15, 2022.
GARY ALLEN ’60 of Melbourne, Fla., Nov. 18, 2020.
CHARLES “GUS” OAKLEY ’62 of Bethel Park, Pa., April 12, 2022.
JAMES MOORE ’63 of Pittsburgh, April 7, 2022.
LESTER FOSTER ’64 of Ballston Lake, N.Y., Dec. 16, 2022.
JOHN WILLIAMS ’64 of Hudson, Ohio, April 15, 2022.
KEITH HERCHENROETHER ’66 of Wexford, Pa., March 28, 2022.
FRANCIS THOMAS “TOM” RICHARDSON ’66 of Lewes, Del., April 18, 2022.

JOHN REED ’68 of Glenwood, N.Y., Sept. 24, 2020.
DOUGLAS WILSON ’70 of Greensburg, Pa., Aug. 16, 2022.
GARLAND JENKINS ’72 of Basking Ridge, N.J., Oct. 16, 2021.
THE REV. DR. JAMES A. DURLESSER ’75 of New Wilmington, Aug. 16, 2022.
DOUGLAS HAGY ’77 of Greensburg, Pa., Sept. 30, 2020.
JOHN GIBNEY JR. ’78 of Pittsburgh, Sept. 15, 2019.
JOHN HOLTZCLAW ’88 of Hebron, Ky., Feb. 6, 2022.
EMILY HARDISKY LOVE ’98 of Mercer, Pa., Dec. 6, 2021.
AMBER WERTZ BROCKETT ’04 of Clarksville, Tenn., Sept. 14, 2022.
DR. PHILIP FAWLEY was a member of the Westminster and New Wilmington communities for more than four decades. In 1971, he joined the biology faculty at Westminster, where he developed a deep love for teaching and remained until his retirement in 2014. Outside of the classroom, Phil was a certified scuba diver and an avid spelunker. He helped establish the College’s Spelunking Club and organized student trips to Virginia and West Virginia to explore caves. Within the community, Phil was a paramedic and member of the New Wilmington Emergency Rescue Squad. He also helped establish a soccer program from New Wilmington youth and was a scout leader. Survivors include his son, Trevor Fawlely ’97, and daughter-inlaw Jacqueline D. See Fawley ’98
During his tenure at Westminster College from 1969 to 1980, DR. ROBERT DESIENO, assistant professor of chemistry, and his colleagues forged a multidisciplinary program that sought to combine the expertise of those in literature and in the natural sciences. While at Westminster, Bob captured technological developments in computing to enhance scientific measurement and understanding of the natural world. He built one of the very first personal computers from a kit in the mid-1970s, and he taught his students to connect it to their lab experiments, graphing results, using a keyboard, a TV monitor and even a printer. He retired from Skidmore College where he was a faculty member and chair of the mathematics and computer science department.
| Titans we will miss.
It was during his first year at Mother Fair when PAUL MUSSER ’45 met the two loves of his life—his wife, Margaret (Peggy) Newcomb Musser ’45, and the Westminster College bells.

During his freshman year, Paul—a Bible/psychology/philosophy major and member of the band—was asked if he would consider playing the chimes for 15 minutes each evening, Monday to Friday.
“The wires were all rusted, the pulleys were tight, nobody had played it for a long time. I got up there with a can of oil and some rags and knocked the rust off it. The first thing I played was an Easter Sunday morning service,” Paul recalled in 2004.
That same year during chapel service, Paul was fortunate enough to be seated two seats away from Peggy. The girl between them often did not attend chapel, so Paul’s and Peggy’s relationship blossomed. The two were married in 1946.
He was a strong advocate for the Duff-Armington Memorial Carillon located in Old Main. He continued to play into his 90s, climbing the 100 steps to the top of the bell tower. In 2005, he and Peggy co-founded the Friends of the Carillon Endowed Fund at Westminster. In 2014, he drove the effort to refurbish and relocate Westminster’s Victory Bell from the tower of Old Main to its current home outside the entrance to Memorial Field House. The Titan Victory Bell Tower was built in memory of the Mussers’ daughter, Rebecca Musser Hosea ’73, who passed away in 1992.
After graduating from Westminster, Paul continued his lifelong passion for learning. He held Bachelor of Divinity and Master of Theology degrees from Pittsburgh-Xenia Theological Seminary, an
honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Westminster, a Doctor of Ministry degree from Ashland Theological Seminary and a Master of Divinity from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.
Over the years, in addition to the various faculty and administrative roles he held at Westminster, he also served as a missionary in Egypt, dean of students at Tarkio College in Tarkio, Mo., and pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church in New Kensington, Pa., Pioneer Memorial Presbyterian Church in Solon, Ohio, and Christ Presbyterian Church in Canton, Ohio.
Paul passed away Aug. 21, 2022, leaving behind his wife and two sons, including Paul Musser ’75. Memorial contributions can be made to the Friends of the Carillon Endowed Fund or the Cole Hughes Musser Newcomb Scholarship Fund at Westminster.
ELAINE BEAN — MAY 27, 2022
From 1995 to 2003, ELAINE BEAN served as executive secretary to Westminster College Presidents Dr. Oscar E. Remick and R. Thomas Williamson. She also was executive secretary to the Board of Trustees during her tenure. She is survived by a daughter, Andrea Bean Bontrager ’02
FAYE SWANHART, the wife of the late Dr. Harry Swanhart, former professor of history at Westminster, was a nurse at Jameson Hospital and later served in the infirmary at Westminster from 1964 until her retirement in 1989. Faye is survived by two daughters, including Diane Swanhart Summers ’74
JANICE FARMERIE M’73 was a familiar face on Westminster’s campus and in the local community. It was during her first teaching position in East Smithfield, Pa., when she met fellow math teacher and future husband, Dr. Samuel Farmerie—professor of education emeritus at Westminster and current curator of the College’s artifacts and antiquities. The two were married on April Fool’s Day in 1961. In New Wilmington, although no longer teaching full time, she shared her excitement about science with school groups, summer camps and college students. Janice is survived by her husband and three children, including Todd Farmerie ’87 and Wendy Farmerie ’91 Memorial contributions can be sent to the Samuel A. and Janice C. Farmerie Scholarship at Westminster College.
| A trip down memory lane.
125 years of roundball
Before there was a swish of a net, there was a plunk of a peach basket. As Westminster College’s 2022-2023 basketball season gets under way, it seemed only fitting that we should mention that Westminster’s very first varsity team was formed 125 years ago in 1897, just six years after the sport’s birth in Springfield, Mass. Basketball didn’t quite muster the excitement that the baseball and football teams did, and in 1906 basketball was dropped as an intercollegiate sport for six years. It wasn’t until the 1926 season under coach and 1919 alumnus John Lawther that basketball came into its own at Westminster, and the “Towering Titans”—a name penned by Holcad sports writer Irving “Bud” Mansell ’29—were born. Our hoopsters have come a long way since those early days, under notable coaches such as Lawther, Grover Washabaugh—who guided the Titans as they amassed a string of 77 home court victories that gave the gymnasium its “Old 77” moniker in 1951—Charles “Buzz” Ridl ’42, Ron Galbreath ’62, and now 11-year head coach Kevin Siroki ’93. Go, Titans!
Can you name these players?
Pictured above, with celebrated head coach Buzz Ridl, are the Towering Titans from the 1959-1960 season, who made their way to the District 30 finals and the NAIA National Tournament. Also pictured is NAIA All-American Chuck Davis ’60, fourth from left, and future head coach, Ron Galbreath ’62, fifth from left. Can you name the rest of the Titan greats from this standout squad? Send your answers to wcmagazine@westminster.edu.

This September, Talia Kosonovich '26, center, a first-year environmental science and business administration major, welcomed family members to a Westminster tradition: Family Day. Moms, dads, sisters, brothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins are invited each fall to spend a day on campus reconnecting with their Titan. This year, families could enjoy brunch, attend fun and informative sessions, take in a sporting event, tour the Westminster trails—or just spend time with their students.