Westminster College School of Business Advising Handbook - 2023-2024

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For students entering Westminster in the 2023-2024 academic year

Thompson-Clark Hall | westminster.edu | 724-946-71600

Faculty and Staff

Linda A. Travers Administrative Assistant

Robert Badowski

Associate Professor, Chair

Keith B. Bittel Assistant Professor

Martha C. McGrath-Brown Instructor

Eric A. Gaber

Entrepreneur-in-Res., Lecturer

John W. Geidner Lecturer

Jesse R. Ligo, Jr. Professor

Brian A. Petrus Associate Professor

Jennifer Waldo Assistant Professor

Academic Program Coordinators

TC 301 724-946-7160 traverla@westminster.edu

TC 306 724-946-6831 badowsr@westminster.edu

TC 308 724-946-6834 bittelkb@westminster.edu

TC 309 724-946-6835 mcgratmc@westminster.edu

TC 302 724-946-7161 gaberea@westminster.edu

TC 310 724-946-6832 geidnejw@westminster.edu

TC 312 724-946-7167 ligojr@westminster.edu

TC 305 724-946-6833 petrusba@westminster.edu

TC 307 724-946-7162 waldoj@westminster.edu

Major Minor Contact Accounting Accounting

Business Administration Mgmt. for Scientists


Finance Finance

Human Resources Mgmt.

International Business

Human Resources

Marketing & Professional Sales Marketing

Sports Management

Online Resources:

Majors & Minors

All majors

Sports Management

Jesse R. Ligo, Jr.

John W. Geidner

Eric A. Gaber

Jennifer Waldo

Brian A. Petrus

Robert Badowski

Brian A. Petrus

Robert Badowski


Facebook Westminster Campus https://www.facebook.com/westminsterpa

LinkedIn General site https://www.linkedin.com/

All campus Westminster College (PA)

Flickr Westminster campus


Table of Contents Page School of Business Welcome 1 Majors and Minors 2 Other Credit Opportunities & Information 3 Accounting 4-5 Management for Scientists 6 Business Administration 6-7 Entrepreneurship 8 Finance 8-9 Human Resources Management 10-11 International Business 12-13 Supply Chain Management 13 Marketing and Professional Sales 14-15 Sports Management 16-17 Prerequisites 18-19 Internship Guidelines 20-21 Advising Contract 22 Academic Integrity Agreement 23 Scholarships and Awards 24

School of Business Mission Statement:

The School of Business commits to develop in students critical thinking leading to logically sound conclusions, competency in oral and written communication, awareness of ethical issues and effective moral reasoning, and building technical skills directly related to School of Business majors and minors.

School of Business Outcomes:

1. Students will demonstrate competency in data analysis and statistical reasoning.

2. Students will develop and exhibit effective oral and written communication skills, including interpersonal, leadership, and team skills necessary for business professionals.

3. Students will identify contemporary business issues and apply relevant knowledge facilitating logically sound resolutions.

4. Students will foster self-awareness enabling the selection of an appropriate career path and will pursue career entry or graduate study.


Graduation Requirements

Candidates for undergraduate degrees at Westminster must satisfactorily complete the requirements described in the Westminster College Undergraduate Catalog (the official source for requirements). Graduation and major requirements in this handbook are from the catalog corresponding to the handbook’s year. Academic advisors and the college registrar will make every effort to help you, but you are responsible for complying with Westminster’s graduation requirements.

School of Business Policies

Completion of at least 64 semester hours, including 16 in major, is required to be completed at WC. Students earn permission to enroll in sequential and advanced courses in accounting, business, and economics by completing the stipulated prerequisite courses with a grade of C- or better.

The School of Business requires its students to earn not only a grade point average of 2.000 for courses taken in their major, but also to earn grades of C- or better in each course stipulated as supporting major or minor programs in the School of Business.

Majors and Minors

Accounting: concentrates on the importance of accurate, relevant, and timely information to both internal and external decision makers. Majors develop, interpret, and evaluate data capturing the financial activities of a business. Assessing business activities and their financial consequences make accountants ideally capable of developing business solutions. Westminster accounting majors planning to become licensed CPAs can achieve 150 credit hours by working closely with their accounting advisor beginning their first year.

Business Administration: builds a foundation for successful entrepreneurship through strategic management, organizational behavior, and effective leadership and change. Students explore multiple disciplines and participate in hands-on opportunities while experiencing a variety of business structures.

Finance: focuses on financial markets with courses in accounting, business, and economics. Through this course of study, students strengthen their ability to use analytical techniques for banking, financial analysis, and funds management.

Rev. 08-04-2023 1 WELCOME

Human Resources Management: applies psychological concepts, theories, and methods to organizational processes with an emphasis on human resource functions. Not only does this cross-disciplinary major include courses in business, economics, mathematics, and psychology, but it also prepares students to assess and explain organizational patterns from multiple disciplinary viewpoints.

International Business: equips students with cultural and language knowledge to complement an intensive background in business. Students in this program graduate with a background in the international aspects of economics and business with a proficiency in a second language, with special emphasis on the concepts of management, marketing, and finance.

Marketing and Professional Sales: explores the managerial approach to developing processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value. Special emphasis will be placed on planning, implementing, and controlling product development as well as coordinating pricing, promotion, and distribution management strategies.

Sports Management: prepares individuals to hone their knowledge in the core areas of communication (including media and public relations), facility and events, finance, law, management, marketing (including promotions and licensing) and revenue generation (including sponsorship and ticketing). Students will develop their career readiness skills, informational literacy and public speaking while acquiring the abilities that employers seek.

Double Majors

Please schedule an appointment with your academic advisor before pursuing a double major.

NOTE: You are not guaranteed to be able to complete multiple majors and/or minors in the standard four-year time period.

Minors and Concentrations

Minors are offered in Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Human Resources, Management for Scientists, Marketing, and Sports Management. Supply Chain Management Concentration (independent concentration and may be declared by students of any major.)

NOTE: You are not guaranteed to be able to complete multiple majors and/or minors in the standard four-year time period.

Other Credit Opportunities and Information

Transfer Credit

In addition to Degree Requirements listed in the Westminster College catalog, transfer students must successfully complete a minimum of 64 semester hours at Westminster College, at least 16 of which must be in the major. Transfer students must successfully complete a minimum of 8 semester hours at Westminster to meet requirements for a minor.

With School of Business permission, courses taken during a semester abroad while a student is still a Westminster student can be considered courses taken at Westminster.

Transient Credit

With prior approval from the chair and registrar, students may take classes at other colleges or universities. An approved Transient Credit Permission form, available in the Office of the Registrar, must be on file prior to

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registration for transient coursework. A maximum of two major or minor course requirements may be transferred in after a student has matriculated full time to Westminster.

Cross-listed Courses

A cross-listed course cannot be counted or taken twice, once for each prefix. For example, ACC/BA 300 cannot count as both a business and an accounting elective.

Failure to Progress

No grade lower than C- may be counted toward any requirement for the major. A student who withdraws failing (WF) from three courses required for their major or completes three courses required for their major and earns a grade lower than C- will be identified as failing to progress in the major (exceptions will be made for students who take a medical or personal leave for the semester). Students failing to progress in the major will be counseled as to choosing a more appropriate path.

Enactus is an international organization focused on increasing awareness of the principles of free enterprise. Enactus members will team with the Westminster Entrepreneurship Center to help businesses promote social entrepreneurship. (Contact: Keith Bittel)

Entrepreneurship practicums help students engage in business by helping actual companies and start-up businesses create due diligence research, marketing and feasibility studies, just to name a few. General course credit is available: 1 semester hour per academic semester with a 2-hour maximum. (Contact: Eric Gaber)

Internships are highly encouraged. Students can earn 1-4 semester hour credits. Complete School of Business guidelines are included in the back of this handbook.

Summer/Winter Analyst Program is a mock Wall Street financial analyst internship and is available to students in both the summer and winter months. General course credit is available: 1 semester hour per academic year with a 2-hour maximum. (Contact: Brian Petrus)

VITA Volunteer Income Tax Assistance is a service learning internship. General course credit available: 1 semester per academic year with a 2-hour maximum. (Contact: John Geidner)

School of Business Scholarships and Recognition The School of Business administers a number of scholarships and recognitions. The student application process held each spring awards over $30,000 to deserving students.

Titan Endowment Practicum is a one-credit seminal course on investing and constructing a more effective portfolio in practice. The practicum class is an experiential learning course focused on managing and investing endowment funds for educational institutions, non-profit organizations, or foundations. The primary goal of this class is to provide students with hands-on experience in real-world financial management, asset allocation, and investment decision-making within the context of an endowment fund.

General course credit is available: 1 semester hour per academic year with a 2-hour maximum. (Contact: Jennifer Waldo)

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ACCOUNTING – Suggested Course Sequence

Professional Certifications in Accounting

Pennsylvania’s State Board of Accountancy follows the national educational standard for granting a CPA license by requiring 150 semester hours of undergraduate or graduate level courses. At least 36 hours must be in accounting and accounting related subjects such as auditing, tax, finance, and business law. Westminster accounting majors planning to become licensed CPAs can achieve 150 hours in four years by working closely with their accounting advisor beginning in their freshman year.

ACCOUNTING - Minor Course Requirements

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ACC 201 ACC 202 ECO 150 MTH 131 or BA 160 SOPHOMORE: ACC 305 ACC 306 ECO 220 BA 225 ACC 2-credit courses JUNIOR: ACC 300 ACC 315 BA 327 BA 310 ACC 2-credit courses SENIOR: ACC 410 ACC 601 BA 370 ACC 2-credit courses
Semester Completed Major: Disciplinary and Supporting Course title When Offered Prerequisite (C- or greater) ACCOUNTING COURSES: ACC 201 Principles of Accounting I F, SU ACC 202 Principles of Accounting II S, SU ACC 201 ACC 305 Intermediate Accounting I F ACC 202 ACC 306 Intermediate Accounting II S ACC 305 EIGHT SEMESTER HOURS OF THE FOLLOWING 4 SH AND 2 SH COURSES: 4 SH COURSES: ACC 300 Cost Accounting F ACC 202, MTH 131 ACC 315 Federal Taxation S ACC 202 BA 327 Practical Applications of Business Intelligence F BA 225 and ECO 220 ACC 410 Auditing F ACC 306 ACC 601 Preparing for the Profession (Capstone) S ACC 410 or School Consent 2 SH COURSES: ACC 331 Accounting Information Systems SO ACC 202 ACC 332 Forensic Accounting FE ACC 202 & JR/SR ACC 343 Governmental and Non-Profit Accounting SE ACC 202 ACC 353 Advanced Accounting and Theory S ACC 306 ACC 361 Financial Statement Analysis FO ACC 202 ACC 362 Tax Return Scenarios and Financial Planning F ACC 202 or permission TOTAL CREDITS (24)

ACCOUNTING - Major Course Requirements

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Accounting Major Course Requirements: Semester Completed Major: Disciplinary and Supporting Course title When Offered Prerequisite (C- or greater) ACCOUNTING COURSES: ACC 201 Principles of Accounting I F, SU ACC 202 Principles of Accounting II S, SU ACC 201 ACC 300 Cost Accounting F ACC 202 ACC 305 Intermediate Accounting I F ACC 202 ACC 306 Intermediate Accounting II S ACC 305 ACC 315 Federal Taxation S ACC 202 BA 327 Practical Applications of Business Intelligence F BA 225 and ECO 220 ACC 410 Auditing F ACC 306 ACC 601 Preparing for the Profession (Capstone) S ACC 410 or School Consent BUSINESS COURSES: BA 225 Management Information Systems F, S, SU ACC 201 or BA 140 or ECO 150 BA 310 Organizations and Management F & S ECO 150 & JR/SR BA 370 Business Law F, S, SU SOPH ECONOMICS COURSES: ECO 150 Economic Reasoning F, S, SU ECO 220 Statistics F, S, SU BA 160 or School Consent OTHER SUPPORTING COURSES: BA 160 or MTH 131 Personal Financial Decisions or Applied Calculus TWO OF THE FOLLOWING SIX 2-SH COURSES: ACC 331 Accounting Information Systems SO ACC 202 ACC 332 Forensic Accounting FE ACC 202 & JR/SR ACC 343 Governmental and Non-Profit Accounting SE ACC 202 ACC 353 Advanced Accounting and Theory S ACC 306 ACC 361 Financial Statement Analysis FO ACC 202 ACC 362 Tax Return Scenarios and Financial Planning F ACC 202 or permission TOTAL MAJOR CREDITS (64) All College Course Requirements: First year program INQ 111 Intro to Liberal Arts WRI 111 Writing SPE 111 Intro to Public Communications WST 101 (1 SH) Westminster 101 IPs (enter specific courses below) FL: Foreign Language thru 201 HC: Humanity and Culture QR: Quantitative Reasoning RP: Religious and Philosophical Thought SD: Scientific Discovery ST: Social Thought and Tradition VP: Visual and Performing Arts Cluster (enter course pair below) CL 1: CL 2: TOTAL ALL CREDITS (125)

BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION – Suggested Course Sequence



A wide variety of courses are available to meet the requirements of the Business Administration major. Majors choose 4 courses out of 16 available courses based on the areas of most interest to them.

MANAGEMENT FOR SCIENTISTS - Minor Course Requirements

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BA 140 ECO 150 MTH 131 or BA 160 ACC 201 ACC 202
ACC 201 (if
FY) ACC 202 (if
FY) ECO 220 BA 225 BA xxx 1 of 4 JUNIOR: or BA 305 BA 310 BA 350 BA 370 BA xxx 2 of 4 SENIOR: BA 601 BA xxx 3 of 4 BA xxx 4 of 4
not taken as
not taken as
Biology, Neuroscience, Nursing & Physics Semester Completed Major: Disciplinary and Supporting Course title When Offered Prerequisite (C- or greater) ACCOUNTING COURSES: ACC 201 Principles of Accounting F, SU BUSINESS COURSES: BA 140 Introduction to Business F & S Complete as FY/CO or School Consent BA 305 Marketing F, S, SU BA 140 or ECO 150 or SCSM 101 BA 310 Organizations & Management F & S ECO 150, JR/SR ONE OF THE FOLLOWING ECONOMICS COURSES: ECO 150 Economic Reasoning F, S, SU ECO 151 Environmental Economics S TWO OF
COURSES: One from: BIO 206, ECO
252 F & S BA 225 Management Information Systems F & S ACC 201 or BA 140 or ECO 150 BA 250 Principles/Practices of Project Management S Statistics or Instructor Permission BA/PCL 260 Leadership and Development SO ECO 150 or ECO 151 PS 241 Public Policy PS 242 Environmental Policy & Politics PS 101 or consent of instructor. PHI
Environmental Ethics TOTAL
Available to majors in Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Molecular
220, MTH 135, MTH 335, PS 301, PSY 201, SSC

BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - Major Course Requirements

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Business Administration Major Course Requirements: Semester Completed Major: Disciplinary and Supporting Course title When Offered Prerequisite (C- or greater) ACCOUNTING COURSES: ACC 201 Principles of Accounting I F, SU ACC 202 Principles of Accounting II S, SU ACC 201 BUSINESS COURSES: BA 140 Introduction to Business F & S COMPLETE AS FY/SOPH or School Consent BA 225 Management Information Systems F, S, SU ACC 201 or BA 140 or ECO 150 BA 305 Marketing F, S, SU BA 140 OR ECO 150 OR SCSM 101 BA 310 Organizations and Management F & S ≥46 credits BA 350 Finance F & S ACC 202, BA 160, ECO 150, ECO 220 BA 370 Business Law F, S, SU ≥13 credits BA 601 Strategic Management (Capstone) F & S BA 305, BA 310, ECO 220, ≥78 credits ECONOMICS COURSES: ECO 150 Economic Reasoning F, S, SU ECO 220 Statistics F, S, SU BA 160 or School Consent OTHER SUPPORTING COURSES: BA 160 or MTH 131 Personal Financial Decisions or Applied Calculus F, S, SU FOUR OF THE FOLLOWING SIXTEEN COURSES: ACC 300 Cost Accounting F ACC 202 BA 240 Entrepreneurship F ACC 201 or BA 140 or instructor permission BA 245 Small Business Management S BA 140 BA 250 Principles and Practices of Project Management S ECO 220, instructor permission BA 260 Foundations of Leadership & Development SO ECO 150 BA 326 E-Commerce Marketing SO BA 140, BA 305 BA 327 Practical Applications of Business Intelligence F BA 225 and ECO 220 BA 345 Sales, Business Development, and Big Data S BA 305 BA 360 Human Resources Management F BA 140 or School consent BA 390 Buyer Behavior FE BA 305, BA 410 Global Marketing Management S BA 305, ≥46 credits BA 594 Internship F,S,Su 3 courses in major, GPA ≥ 2.00, SO/JR/SR, School consent BA 611 Approved Advanced Topics (4 SH) TBA School consent ECO 365 International Finance SO ECO 150, BA 350 ECO 380 Investments S ACC 202, BA 350 strongly advised ECO 601 Advanced Finance (Capstone) SE ECO 150, ECO 220, BA 350 TOTAL MAJOR CREDITS (64) All College Course Requirements: First year program INQ 111 Intro to Liberal Arts WRI 111 Writing SPE 111 Intro to Public Communications WST 101 (1 SH) Westminster 101
(enter specific courses below) FL: Foreign Language thru 201 HC: Humanity and Culture QR: Quantitative Reasoning
Religious and Philosophical Thought SD: Scientific Discovery ST: Social Thought and Tradition VP: Visual and Performing Arts
(enter course pair
CL 1: CL 2:

Entrepreneurship - Minor Course Requirements

FINANCE– Suggested Course Sequence

* Courses marked with an asterisk (*) are not normally offered every year.

FINANCE – Minor Course Requirements


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Semester Completed Major: Disciplinary and Supporting Course title When Offered Prerequisite (C- or greater) ENTREPRENERUSHIP COURSES: BA 140 Introduction to Business F & S Complete as FY/SO or School Consent BA 240 Entrepreneurship F BA 140 or ACC 201 or Instructor Permission BA 245 Small Business Management S BA 140 BA 305 Marketing F, S, SU BA 140 or ECO 150 or SCSM 101 BA 241 (1 SH) Practical Experience 1 (1 SH) F BA 140 BA 242 (1 SH) Practical Experience 2 (1 SH) S BA 241 EIGHT SEMESTER HOURS OF THE FOLLOWING COURSES: 4 SH COURSES: BA 326 E-Commerce Marketing SO BA 140, BA 305 BA 345 Sales, Business Development, Big Data S BA 305 BA 360 Human Resource Management F BA 140 or School Consent BA 370 Business Law F, S, SU ≥13 credits BA 390 Buyer Behavior FE BA 305 BA 594 Internship F, S, Su GPA > 2.0, SO/JR/SR, School consent ACC 201 Principles of Accounting I F, SU TOTAL CREDITS (26)
FIRST-YEAR: ACC 201 ACC 202 ECO 150 MTH 131 or BA 160 SOPHOMORE: ACC 305 BA 370 ECO 220 BA 225 JUNIOR: or BA 350 ECO 340 * BA 591 X 4 * Fin. Elective 1 * Fin. Elective 2 * SENIOR: ECO 380 * ECO 601 * ECO 365
Semester Completed Major: Disciplinary and Supporting Course title When Offered Prerequisite (C- or greater) ECONOMICS COURSES: ACC 201 Principles of Accounting I F, SU ACC 202 Principles of Accounting II S, SU ACC 201 ECO 150 Economic Reasoning (ST) F, S, SU BA 160 Personal Financial Decisions F, S, SU BA 350 Finance F & S ACC 202, BA 160, ECO 150, ECO 220 TWO OF THE FOLLOWING FIVE COURSES: ECO 340 Money and Banking FE ECO 150 ECO 380 Investments S ACC 202 and BA 350 Strongly Advised ECO 365 International Finance SO ECO 150 ECO 601 Advanced Finance (Capstone) SE ECO 150, ECO 220, BA 350 BA 591 x
Practicum Enactus, Analyst, VITA, Entrepreneurship, Titan Endowment (4 SH) F, S, Su

FINANCE - Major Course Requirements

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Financial Economics Major Course Requirements: Semester Completed Major: Disciplinary and Supporting Course title When offered Prerequisite (C- or greater) ACCOUNTING COURSES: ACC 201 Principles of Accounting I F, SU ACC 202 Principles of Accounting II S, SU ACC 201 ACC 305 Intermediate Accounting I F ACC 202 BUSINESS COURSES: BA 225 Management Information Systems F & S ACC 201 or BA 140 or ECO 150 BA 350 Finance F & S ACC 202, ECO 150, ECO 220, MTH 131 or BA 160 BA 370 Business Law F, S, SU ≥13 credits BA 380 Investments S ACC 202, BA 350 strongly advised BA 591 x 4 Practicum – Enactus, Analyst, VITA, Entrepreneurship, Titan Endowment (4 SH) F, S, Su ECONOMICS COURSES: ECO 150 Economic Reasoning F, S, SU ECO 220 Statistics F, S, SU BA 160 or School Consent ECO 340 Money and Banking FE ECO 150 ECO 365 International Finance SO ECO 150, BA 350 ECO 601 Advanced Finance (Capstone) SE ECO 150, ECO 220 OTHER SUPPORTING COURSES: BA 160 or MTH 131 Personal Financial Decisions or Applied Calculus F, S, SU TOTAL MAJOR CREDITS (64) TWO OF THE FOLLOWING FIVE COURSES: ACC 306 Intermediate Accounting II S ACC 305 ACC 310 Federal Income Taxation F ACC 202 BA 305 Marketing F, S, SU BA 140 OR ECO 150 OR SCSM 101 BA 310 Organizations and Management F & S ECO 150 & ≥46 credits BA 594 Internship F,S,Su 3 courses in major, GPA ≥ 2.00, SO/JR/SR, School consent TOTAL MAJOR CREDITS (64) All College Course Requirements: First year program INQ 111 Intro to Liberal Arts WRI 111 Writing SPE 111 Intro to Public Communications WST 101 (1 SH) Westminster 101
Foreign Language
Humanity and
QR: Quantitative
RP: Religious and
ST: Social
Visual and
IPs (enter specific courses below) FL:
thru 201 HC:
Philosophical Thought SD:
Tradition VP:
Performing Arts Cluster (enter
pair below)


Suggested Course Sequence

FIRST-YEAR: BA 140 ECO 150 MTH 131 or BA 160 PSY 101

SOPHOMORE: ECO 220 BA 225 BA 260 BA 360 ACC 201

JUNIOR: or BA 310 BA 361 BA 362 BA 370

SENIOR: BA 601 HR Elective 1 HR Elective 2

HUMAN RESOURCES - Minor Course Requirements




220 or BIO 206, MTH 135, MTH 335, PSY 201, PS 301, SSC 252

BA 310



& Management

360, ECO 150

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When offered Prerequisite
Semester Completed Major: Disciplinary and Supporting
(C- or greater)
of Accounting I
Statistics F, S, SU
F &
150 & ≥46 credits BA 360
Resources Management
140 or School consent BA 361
& Benefits
201, BA 360, ECO 150 BA 362
and Labor Law
F & S

HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT - Major Course Requirements

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Human Resources Management Major Course Requirements: Semester Completed Major: Disciplinary and Supporting Course title When offered Prerequisite (C- or greater) ACCOUNTING COURSES: ACC 201 Principles of Accounting I F, SU BUSINESS COURSES: BA 140 Introduction to Business F & S COMPLETE AS FY/SOPH or School Consent BA 225 Management Information Systems F, S, SU ACC 201 or BA 140 or ECO 150 BA 260 Foundations of Leadership and Development SO BA 140 BA 310 Organization & Management F & S ECO 150, ≥46 credits BA 360 Human Resources Management F BA 140 or School consent BA 361 Compensation and Benefits SE ACC 201, BA 360, ECO 150 BA 362 Employment and Labor Law SO BA 360, ECO 150 BA 370 Business Law F, S, SU ≥13 credits BA 601 Strategic Management F & S BA 310, ECO 220, ≥78 credits ECONOMICS COURSES: ECO 150 Economic Reasoning F, S, SU ECO 220 Statistics F, S, SU BA 160 or School Consent OTHER SUPPORTING COURSES: BA 160 Personal Financial Decisions F, S, SU PSY 101 Introduction to General Psychology TWO OF THE FOLLOWING SIX COURSES: BA 250 Principles & Practices of Project Management S ECO 220 or School Consent PCL 207 Business and Professional Communication PHI 250 Business Ethics PSY 210 Social Psychology PSY 235 Psychology of Women SOC 108 Social Problems, Social Policies BA 590 Internship F,S,SU 3 courses toward major, GPA> 2.00, SO/JR/SR, School consent TOTAL MAJOR CREDITS (64) All College Course Requirements: First year program INQ 111 Intro to Liberal Arts WRI 111 Writing SPE 111 Intro to Public Communications WST 101 (1 SH) Westminster 101 IPs (enter specific courses below) FL: Foreign Language thru 201
Humanity and Culture
Quantitative Reasoning RP: Religious and Philosophical Thought SD: Scientific Discovery ST: Social Thought and Tradition VP: Visual and Performing Arts
(enter course pair

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS – Suggested Course Sequence


* Courses marked with an asterisk (*) are not normally offered every year.

SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT - Concentration Course Requirements. Courses Offered Online only.

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Foreign Lang BA 140 ECO 150 MTH 131 or BA 160 Int’l culture SOPHOMORE: Foreign Lang ACC 201 ACC 202 ECO 220 BA 225 JUNIOR: BA 305 BA 310 PS 104 or 431 Semester abroad ECO 365 * SENIOR: BA 350 BA 410 BA 601 FR/SPA 302
Semester Completed Major: Disciplinary and Supporting Course title When offered Prerequisite (C- or greater) BUSINESS COURSES: BA 380 Forecasting and Logistics F BA 381 Sourcing and Operations S BA 380 BA 382 Supply Chain Management Practicum F BA 380, BA 381 TOTAL CREDITS

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS - Major Course Requirements

All College Course Requirements:

FR/SPA 302

101, 102, REL 170,171,172,173, SOC 105

Advanced Conversation and Composition II

One-sem. work/study abroad Must focus on knowledge and skills in BA or ECO


First year program

INQ 111 Intro to Liberal Arts

WRI 111 Writing

SPE 111

Intro to Public Communications

WST 101 (1 SH) Westminster 101

IPs (enter specific courses below)

FL: Foreign Language thru 201

HC: Humanity and Culture



Quantitative Reasoning

Religious and Philosophical Thought

SD: Scientific Discovery

ST: Social Thought and Tradition


Cluster (enter course pair below)

CL 1:

CL 2:


Visual and Performing Arts

Determined by Language Division - See College Catalog

FR/SPA 301 or consent of instructor

Note: Student should consult International Studies Coordinator regarding a one-semester international “Work/Study Abroad” experience arranged through Westminster College. To be eligible for international study, students must have an all-college GPA of at least 2.500. During the one-semester abroad experience, the courses taken or the work experience must focus on acquiring knowledge and skills in business or economics. Generally, the location of the experience should promote increased foreign language proficiency

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International Business Major Course Requirements: Semester Completed Major: Disciplinary and Supporting Course title When offered Prerequisite (C- or greater) ACCOUNTING COURSES: ACC 201 Principles of Accounting I F, SU ACC 202 Principles of Accounting II S, SU ACC 201 BUSINESS COURSES: BA 140 Introduction to Business F & S COMPLETE AS FY/SOPH or School Consent BA 225 Management Information Systems F, S, SU ACC 201 or BA 140 or ECO 150 BA 305 Marketing F, S, SU BA 140 OR ECO 150 OR SCSM 101 BA 310 Organizations and Management F & S ECO 150 & ≥46 credits BA 350 Finance F & S ACC 202, ECO 150, ECO 220, MTH 131 or BA 160 BA 410 Global Marketing Management S BA 305, ≥46 credits BA 601 Strategic Management (Capstone) F & S BA 305, BA 310, ECO 220, ≥78 credits ECONOMICS COURSES: ECO 150 Economic Reasoning F, S, SU ECO 220 Statistics F, S, SU BA 160 or School Consent ECO 365 International Finance SO ECO 150, BA 350 OTHER SUPPORTING COURSES: BA 160 or MTH 131 Personal Financial Decisions or Applied Calculus F, S, SU PS 104 or 431 International Politics or Int’l Law and Organization Determined by Political Science Division - See College Catalog One
Int'l Culture course from:


MARKETING - Minor Course Requirements

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BA 140 ECO 150 MTH 131 or BA 160 ACC 201
ECO 220 BA 225 BC 301/ PCL 303 BA xxx 1 of 3 JUNIOR: or BA 221 BA 305 BA 310 BA xxx 2 of 3 SENIOR: BA 345 BA 370 BA 601 BA xxx 3 of 3
Semester Completed Major: Disciplinary and Supporting Course title When offered Prerequisite (C- or greater) ACCOUNTING COURSES: ACC 201 Principles of Accounting I F, SU BUSINESS COURSES: BA 305 Marketing F, S, SU BA 140 or ECO 150 or SCSM 101 ECO 220 or BIO 206, MTH 135, MTH 335, PSY 201, PS 301, SSC 252 Statistics F, S, SU ECONOMICS COURSES: ECO 150 Economic Reasoning F, S, SU THREE OF THE FOLLOWING SEVEN COURSES: BA 221 Marketing Research Methods FE ECO 220, BA 305 BA 326 E-Commerce Marketing SO BA 140, BA 305 BA 345 Sales, Business Development, & Big Data S BA 305 BA 390 Buyer Behavior FE BA 305 BA 410 Global Marketing Management S BA 305 & ≥46 credits BC 301/PCL 303 Sales Communication S SCSM 202 Advertising: Approaches and Methods FE SCSM 101 TOTAL CREDITS (28)


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Marketing Major Course Requirements: Semester Completed Major: Disciplinary and Supporting Course title When offered Prerequisite (C- or greater) ACCOUNTING COURSES: ACC 201 Principles of Accounting I F, SU BUSINESS COURSES: BA 140 Introduction to Business F & S COMPLETE AS FY/SOPH or School Consent BA 221 Marketing Research Methods FE ECO 220, BA 305 BA 225 Management Information Systems F, S, SU ACC 201 or BA 140 or ECO 150 BA 305 Marketing F, S, SU BA 140 OR ECO 150 OR SCSM 101 BA 310 Organizations and Management F & S ECO 150 & ≥46 credits BA 345 Sales, Business Development, and Big Data S BA 305 BA 370 Business Law F, S, SU ≥13 credits BA 601 Strategic Management (Capstone) F & S BA 305, BA 310, ECO 220, ≥78 credits ECONOMICS COURSES: ECO 150 Economic Reasoning F, S, SU ECO 220 Statistics F, S, SU BA 160 or School Consent OTHER SUPPORTING COURSES: BC 301/PCL 303 Sales Communication S BA 160 or MTH 131 Personal Financial Decisions or Applied Calculus F, S, SU THREE OF THE FOLLOWING SEVEN COURSES: BA 240 Entrepreneurship F ACC 202 or BA 140 or School Consent BA 326 E-Commerce Marketing SO BA 140, BA 305 BA 390 Buyer Behavior FE BA 305 BA 410 Global Marketing Management S BA 305, ≥46 credits BA 594 Internship F,S,Su 3 dept courses, GPA ≥ 2.00, SO/JR/SR, School consent SCSM 202 Advertising: Approaches and Methods FE TOTAL MAJOR CREDITS (64) All College Course Requirements: First year program INQ 111 Intro to Liberal Arts WRI 111 Writing SPE 111 Intro to Public Communications WST 101 (1 SH) Westminster 101 IPs (enter specific courses below) FL: Foreign Language thru 201 HC: Humanity and Culture QR: Quantitative Reasoning RP: Religious and Philosophical Thought
Scientific Discovery ST: Social Thought and Tradition
Visual and Performing Arts Cluster (enter course pair below) CL 1: CL 2: TOTAL ALL CREDITS (125)

SPORTS MANAGEMENT – Suggested Course Sequence




SPORTS MANAGEMENT - Minor Course Requirements

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SMGT 110 BA 140 ECO 150 BA 160
ACC 201 BA 305 BC 301/PCL 303 BC/PCL 320 SMGT 201& 202
or BA 310 BA 370 BC/CMP/SCSM 110 ECO 220 SMGT 335
Select SMGT elective SMGT 601 SMGT 602
Semester Completed Major: Disciplinary and Supporting Course title When offered Prerequisite (C- or greater) ACCOUNTING COURSES: ACC 201 Principles of Accounting I F, SU BUSINESS COURSES: BA 140 Introduction to Business F & S COMPLETE AS FY/SOPH or School Consent OTHER COURSES: SMGT 110 Sports Management F SMGT 335 Sports/Event Planning and Management SE BA 305, BA 370, SMGT 110, ≥78 credits BC/PCL 320 Strategic Sports Communication F AT LEAST TWO OF THE FOLLOWING FOURTEEN COURSES: BA 225 Management Information Systems F, S, SU ACC 201 or BA 140 or ECO 150 BA 305 Marketing F, S, SU BA 140 or ECO 150 or SCSM 101 BA 310 Organizations and Management F & S ECO 150 and ≥46 credits BA 360 Human Resources Management F BA 140 or School consent BA 370 Business Law F, S, SU ≥13 credits BA 594 Internship F, S, SU 3 dept courses, GPA ≥ 2.00, SO/JR/SR, School consent BC 301/PCL 303 Sales Communications S BC 309 Sports Broadcasting F every 2 yrs BC 101, BC 251 or consent of instructor BC/PCL 325 Communication Ethics SE CMP/PCL 301 Applied Social Media FO SCSM 101 Principles, Practices and Theory of Public Relations F SCSM 310 Event Management S every 2 yrs COM 430 SCSM 402 Strategic Communication Essentials S SCSM 101, SCSM 202, SCSM 401, WRI 201 SOC 307 Sociology of Sport Low level SOC/CJS class, or instructor approval TOTAL CREDITS (28)

SPORTS MANAGEMENT - Major Course Requirements

IPs (enter specific courses below)




Language thru 201

and Culture

RP: Religious and Philosophical Thought

SD: Scientific Discovery

Social Thought and Tradition

VP: Visual and Performing Arts

Cluster (enter course pair below)


Rev. 08-04-2023 17
Sports Management Major Course Requirements: Semester Completed Major: Disciplinary and Supporting Course title When offered Prerequisite (C- or greater) ACCOUNTING COURSES: ACC 201 Principles of Accounting I F, SU BUSINESS COURSES: BA 140 Introduction to Business F & S COMPLETE AS FY/SOPH or School Consent BA 160 Personal Financial Decisions F, S, SU BA 305 Marketing F, S, SU BA 140 101 OR ECO 150 OR SCSM 101 BA 310 Organizations and Management F & S ECO 150 & ≥46 credits BA 370 Business Law F, S, SU ≥13 credits BA 594 Internship F,S,SU 3 dept courses, GPA ≥ 2.00,SO/ JR/SR, School consent ECONOMICS COURSES: ECO 150 Economic Reasoning F, S, SU ECO 220 Statistics F, S, SU BA 160 or School Consent OTHER SUPPORTING COURSES: BC 301/PCL 303 Sales Communication S BC/PCL 320 Strategic Sports Communication F SMGT 110 Sports Management F SMGT major or minor SMGT 335 Sports/Event Planning and Mgmt. SE BA 305, BA 370, SMGT 110, ≥78 credits SMGT 201 (2 SH) Practical Experience 1 (2 SH) F & S SMGT 110, ≥13 credits SMGT 202 (2 SH) Practical Experience 2 (2 SH) F & S SMGT 201 SMGT 601 Revenue Generation in Sports (Capstone I) (2 SH) F Senior Standing, SMGT 110, PCL 320, BA 370, SMGT 335 SMGT 602 ROI and Analytics in Sports (Capstone II) (2 SH) S Senior Standing, SMGT 110, PCL320, BA 370, SMGT 335 AT LEAST ONE OF THE FOLLOWING ELEVEN COURSES: BA 225 Management Information Systems F, S, SU ACC 201 or BA 140 or ECO 150 BA 345 Sales, Business Development, and Big Data S BA 305 BA 360 Human Resources Management F BA 140 or School consent BC 309 Sports Broadcasting F every 2 yrs BC 101, SCSM 251 or consent of instructor BC/PCL 325 Communication Ethics SE CMP/PCL 301 Applied Social Media FO BC/CMP/SCSM 110 Graphics Design F & S SCSM 101 Principles, Practices and Theory of Public Relations F SCSM 310 Event Management S every 2 yrs PR 203 - S SCSM 402 Strategic Communication Essentials S SCSM 101, SCSM 202, SCSM 401, WRI 201 SOC 307 Sociology of Sport Low level SOC/CJS class, or instructor approval TOTAL MAJOR CREDITS
All College Course Requirements:
INQ 111 Intro to Liberal Arts WRI 111 Writing
Intro to Public Communications WST
First year program
SPE 111
101 (1 SH)
Quantitative Reasoning

SCHOOL OF BUSINESS - Course Prerequisites 2023-2024

Rev. 08-04-2023 18
Number SH Name Offered Prerequisites (all must be C- or higher and may have underlying pre-conditions) ACC 201 4 Principles of Accounting I F, SU ACC 202 4 Principles of Accounting II S, SU ACC 201 ACC/BA 300 4 Cost Accounting F ACC 202 ACC 305 4 Intermediate Accounting I F ACC 202 ACC 306 4 Intermediate Accounting II S ACC 305 ACC 315 4 Federal Taxation S ACC 202 ACC 331 2 Accounting Information Systems SO ACC 202 ACC 332 2 Forensic Accounting FE ACC 202 ≥ 46 credits ACC 343 2 Governmental and Non-Profit Accounting SE ACC 202 ACC 353 2 Advanced Accounting and Theory S ACC 306 ACC 361 2 Financial Statement Analysis FO ACC 202 ACC 362 2 Tax Return Scenarios and Financial Planning F ACC 202 or permission ACC 410 4 Auditing F ACC 306 ACC 590 03 1 VITA S ACC 201 ACC 601 4 Preparing for the Profession S ACC 410 School consent BA 140 4 Introduction to Business F & S COMPLETE AS FY/SOPH or School Consent BA 160 4 Personal Financial Decisions F, S, SU BA 221 4 Marketing Research Methods FE ECO 220 BA 305 BA 225 4 Management Information Systems F, S, SU ACC 201 or BA 140 or ECO 150 BA 240 4 Entrepreneurship F ACC 201 or BA 140 School consent BA 241 1 Entrepreneurship Practicum I F ≥13 credits BA 242 1 Entrepreneurship Practicum II S BA 241 BA 245 4 Small Business Management S BA 140 BA 250C 4 Prin & Prac of Project Management S ECO 220 Instructor consent BA 260 4 Foundations of Leadership & Devel. SO BA 140 BA 305 4 Marketing F, S, SU BA 140 or ECO 150 or SCSM 101 BA 310 4 Organizations & Management F & S ≥ 46 credits BA 326 4 E-Commerce Marketing SO BA 140 BA 305 BA 327 4 Practical Applications of Business Intelligence F BA 225 ECO 220
Rev. 08-04-2023 19 Number SH Name Offered Prerequisites (all must be C- or higher and may have underlying pre-conditions) BA 345 4 Sales, Bus Dev, & Big Data S BA 305 BA 350 4 Finance F & S ACC 202 ECO 220 ECO 150 BA 160 BA 360 4 Human Resource Management F BA 140 School consent BA 361 4 Compensation and Benefits SE ACC 201 BA 360 ECO 150 BA 362 4 Employment Labor Law SO ECO 150 BA 360 BA 370 4 Business Law F, S, SU ≥13 credits BA 380 3 Forecasting and Logistics (RISE) F BA 381 3 Sourcing and Operations (RISE) S BA 380 BA 382 3 Supply Chain Management Practicum (RISE) F BA 381 BA 390 4 Buyer Behavior FE BA 305 BA 410 4 Global Marketing Management S BA 305 ≥46 credits BA 601 4 Strategic Management F & S ECO 220 BA 305 BA 310 >78 Credits ECO 150 4 Economic Reasoning F, S, SU ECO 220 4 Statistics (QR) F, S, SU BA 160 or School Consent ECO 340 4 Money and Banking FE ECO 150 ECO 351 1 Titan Endowment Investment Practicum F ECO 150 ECO 365 4 International Finance SO ECO 150 BA 350 ECO 380 4 Investments S ACC 202 BA 350 strongly recommended ECO 601 4 Advanced Finance (Capstone) SE ECO 220 ECO 150 BA 350 ECO 610 01 1 Financial Analyst Program W & Su Instructor Permission SMGT 110 4 Sports Management F SMGT major or minor SMGT 201 2 Sports Management Practicum I F & S SMGT 110 ≥ 13 SMGT 202 2 Sports Management Practicum II F & S SMGT 201 SMGT 335 4 Sports/Event Planning and Mgt S SR >78 credits SMGT 110 BA 305 BA 370 SMGT 601 2 Revenue Generation in Sports (Capstone I) F Senior Standing SMGT 110 & SMGT 335 PCL 320 BA 370 SMGT 602 2 ROI and Analytics in Sports (Capstone II) S Senior Standing SMGT 110 & SMGT 335 PCL 320 BA 370 ACC/BA/ECO 1-4 590 Internship TBA 3 courses in major GPA ≥ 2.00 So./ Jr. / Sr. School consent ACC/BA/ECO 1-4 610-611 Seminar/Advanced Topics TBA School consent ACC/BA/ECO 1-4 620 Independent Study TBA 6 dept. courses GPA ≥ 3.25 Jr. or Sr. School consent

Westminster College School of Business – Internship Guidelines

School of Business Internship Procedure:

1. 1. Student talks to internship instructor – Discuss viability of internship idea. Students are advised to begin the internship process in the semester before they plan to intern.

a. Internship instructor will give student this check-off sheet to help with the internshipprocess.

b. Discuss internship idea, description ofwork assignment, work schedule, goals, number of credits, and School of Business guidelines andrequirements.

c. Acquire School of Business Internship folder containing Internship Guidelines and Requirements(Blue for regular internship packet, green for VITA internship packet, or find on D2L ACC/BA/ECO 59x Course page).

2. 2. Student notifies Professional Development Center (PDC) of potential internship via calling 724-946-7338 or visiting (recommended) the Professional Development Center on 2nd floor of McKelvey Campus Center. Students are advised to begin the internship process in the semester before they plan tointern.

a. Complete Application for Internship form on my.westminster andsubmit.

b. Print a copy of Application for Internship form and obtain signature of your on-site supervisor.

c. Return completed Application for Internship form with on-site supervisor signature to PDC.

d. Complete and return the Election for Off-CampusActivities form to PDC.

e. In my.westminster, choose terms and agree to Terms andConditions.

f. IMPORTANT: All internship paperwork must be completed and submitted prior to commencement of the internship and on or before the last day to add a course for the semester (Drop/Add Deadline). Internship credits cannot be earned retroactively. Students are not permitted to register for credit after completing the internship.

3. Student talks to academic advisor (in person or by phone) - Discuss internship idea. If they approve:

a. Academic advisor must grant registration clearance so student can register for an internship (Fall, Spring, or Summer).

b. Via email prompt, academic advisor must “approve” internship in my.westminster Workflowsand assign instructor.

4. 4. Via email prompt, internship instructor must “approve” internship in my.westminster Workflows and assign S/U grading and credits 1-4.

a. Instructor will email student Internship Guidelines and Requirements and due dates or use D2L.

5. Via email prompt, School of Business Chair reviews and approves/rejects internship in my.westminster Workflows.

6. 6. If not done already, student submits completed Application for Internship form with the on-site supervisor’s signature to Professional Development Center. PDC reviews andapproves.

7. Registrar registers student.

a. Registrar sends student verification email.

b. Registration deadlines - Plan ahead. All paperwork and signatures must be submitted on a timely basis. – Credit hours will not be issued for internships if deadlines are missed.

i. Summer deadline – June 1

ii. Fall and Spring deadline - Internships follow regular course registration deadlines.

8. Cost and fees:

a. Summer - $400 fee for all internships (1 CH - 4CH). (Internship fee subject to change.)

b. Fall & Spring - Normal tuition fees apply.

Rev. 08-04-2023 20

Westminster College School of Business – Internship Guidelines

School of Business Internship Guidelines:

Internship Eligibility Requirements for receiving academic credit for an internship:

1. Students must be School of Business majors.

2. Students must have completed at least three courses toward their major (waived for VITA internship).

3. Students must have sophomore, junior, or senior standing during the internship.

4. Students must have GPA of at least 2.0.

5. Students must have consent of the School of Business.

6. Internships MUST be approved PRIOR to the work experience. Internship experience will NOT be retroactively awarded credit.

Internship Rules and Requirements:

1. School of Business encourages students to negotiate their own internships. Writing letters, making telephone calls, and arranging meetings to locate a business that will sponsor your internship is part of the internship experience.

2. School of Business grants one (1) - Internship semester hour (SH) for every 40 clock hours on-the-job (OTJ). Four credit-hour internships require at least 160 hours of OTJ participation (example: 4 weeks x 5 days-per-week x 8 hours-per-day = 160 clock hours).

3. Interns must keep a daily work log keeping tally of their OTJ hours and work activities. Students are required to give an accounting of daily and total OTJ hours worked.

4. Students may register for 1, 2, 3, or 4 SH internships.

5. Internship grades are issued on satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U) basis.

6. Internship SH that are in your major discipline, do count as hours in the major discipline.

7. Two regular internships, max 8 SH total, are permitted toward the 125 SH required for graduation. The second internship must differ “substantially and significantly” from your first internship.

8. Two VITA internships (1 SH each, max 2 SH total), are permitted to count toward the required 125 SH.

9. A total of 14 internship SH (4 SH in addition to the hours from items #7 & #8 above) are permitted to help students reach 150 SH required for CPA licensure.

10. Internships for credit must be completed prior to graduation. A full-time permanent job may not be used for internship credit.

11. Direct supervision is required. Internship must provide a meaningful learning experience.

12. Work supervisor may not be a parent, grandparent, or sibling.

13. Internship instructor may contact your work supervisor to monitor specifics of your internship.

14. All internship academic assignments must be submitted by required deadlines.

15. A “round table” meeting of all students who have completed internships may be required to discuss the WC internship program. School of Business values your comments and suggestions.

Rev. 08-04-2023 21

Westminster College School of Business – Advising Contract


WC Start Date:

Anticipated Grad Date:

Major(s): Minor:


I have read and understand the following and agree to abide by them:

1. Ultimately, I am responsible for my academic career.

2. As a major in the School of Business:

a. An advisor will be assigned based on major/interest.

b. Advisors may be changed. Change of Advisor form is available from Registrar.

3. Responsibilities of major:

a. Scheduling advising meetings with advisor each semester.

b. Understanding the School of Business handbook.

c. Studying College Undergraduate Catalog, this is the ultimate authority.

d. Confirming necessary prerequisites are complete.

e. Completing of ECO 220 and MTH 131 or BA 160 by end of sophomore year.

4. I understand:

a. Advising meetings will be scheduled with the Administrative Assistant by announced deadline.

b. Registration clearance will not be granted until scheduling and attending advising meeting.

c. Failure to register on my assigned day may adversely affect my ability to graduate on time.

5. At advising meetings I am required to bring:

a. Tentative schedule.

b. Degree audit.

c. School of Business handbook.



Rev. 08-04-2023 22
First Name Middle Initial
Last Name

Academic Integrity Agreement

"Central to the purpose and pursuit of any academic community is academic integrity. All members of the Westminster community, including students, faculty, staff, and administrators, are expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity, in keeping with the philosophy and mission of the College. Academic dishonesty is a profound violation of this code of behavior."

- ACADEMIC INTEGRITY (Westminster College Catalog)

As a student in Westminster College's School of Business I, name of person , agree to maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity, in keeping with the philosophy and mission of the college.

I will not cheat, engage in misconduct, plagiarize, or provide false information as outlined in the Westminster College Catalog. I understand and agree that professionalism and ethics are the cornerstone of business and I will strive to establish both.

I will abide by the following School of Business electronic device policy which states:

1. Cell phones are not to be used during class for any purpose unless given specific authorization from instructor.

2. All cell phones are to be turned to silent and placed face down on the desk or zipped into a backpack during class.

3. No recordings of any kind are permitted to be taken during class; including audio, video, photos, etc.

4. Unauthorized access to the internet and web sources is strictly forbidden during online testing.

Student signature: ____________________________________________________

Date: ____________________

Rev. 08-04-2023 23

School of Business Scholarships and Awards - $30,000+

1. Senior Honors School of Business major and GPA of 3.5 and above

2. Bill Rankin Award

3. Elevator Pitch Competition

4. Ann M. Kendlehart Scholarship

5. Samuel H. Sloan Memorial Scholarship

6. Ronald B. and Emily P. Mackall Scholarship

7. David W. Edward Business Plan Scholarship

8. Joseph F. and Cecelia R. Zunic Scholarship

9. John B. Fouss Leadership & Scholarship Fund

10. Donald R. & Denise Fishback Scholarship

11. William C. Neely Free Market Business Award for Excellence

12. Ron Bergey Accounting Scholarship

13. Robert E. and Jane S. Lauterbach Scholarship

14. John G. Hepler Entrepreneurial Values Scholarship

15. PICPA Outstanding Senior

16. School of Business Outstanding Senior

17. Alumni Entrepreneur of the Year

2023 Craig Villwock ‘97

2022 David King ‘91

2021 Rick Cesari ‘78

2019 Lyn Goss ‘66

2018 Chad Wise ’97, DDS

2017 Laura Scotford ‘86

2016 David Robbins ‘82

2015 Dave & Robin Gooch ’75 ‘75

2014 Robert Jazwinski ’75, CPA/PFS, CFP

Deserving rising senior student aspiring to a career in human resources

Demonstration of and contribution to entrepreneurial spirit

Academic achievement and potential in accounting, business, and economics

Rising senior student with superior all-college average

Rising junior/senior demonstrating an appreciation for the fine arts

Outstanding presentation of a successful business concept

Achievement in the area of accounting

Sophomore with high academic achievement and strong leadership characteristics

Rising senior demonstrating high character, integrity, and leadership skills

Outstanding academic and leadership skills and interest in marketing or management

Outstanding accounting major intending to enter the accounting profession

Rising senior displaying outstanding academic achievement

Promising student participating in the Westminster Entrepreneurial Center

Graduating senior exhibiting excellence in field of accounting

Graduating senior exemplifying outstanding academic achievement and initiative, that portend continued success in accounting, business, or economics

Honors Westminster College Alumni for outstanding success as entrepreneurs.

It is the intention of Westminster's School of Business that all our students, not just those who are in traditional entrepreneurial roles, strive to think entrepreneurially within their own sets of responsibilities and work situations.

08-04-2023 24

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