We mean... learning through real-world experiences that shape your résumé and your life. We mean... living in a real collaborative environment where people know the real you. We mean... achieving real success in college and after graduation.
At Westminster College, each of our 50+ majors and professional programs combines expert classroom instruction with relevant hands-on learning opportunities. However, the real experiences available to our students extend far beyond our academic offerings. The life-long friendships made in residence halls and the leadership skills developed through participation in activities show that every element of the Westminster experience is designed to propel you to real success.


Westminster’s educational approach combines engaging classroom instruction with hands-on experiences to prepare students for success. Not only are our faculty master teachers and experts in their fields, the curriculum they have built encourages students to put what they are learning into action. Undergraduate research, artistic expression, internships, leadership development, study abroad and entrepreneurial initiatives are all part of the educational experience here, which means that our students graduate with a degree and a résumé.

Majors: Accounting Biochemistry Biology
Broadcasting & Sports Communications Business Administration Chemistry
Child & Family Studies
Computer Information Systems
Computer Science
Creative Media Production Criminal Justice Studies Education Engineering Physics English Environmental Science Environmental Studies Finance Fine Art History
Human Resource Management Interdisciplinary Major International Business International Studies Marketing & Professional Sales Mathematics Molecular Biology Music Music Education Music Performance Neuroscience Nursing Philosophy Physics
Political Science Professional Communication & Leadership Psychology Sociology Spanish Sports Management Strategic Communication & Social Media Undecided/Exploratory
Pre-Professional Programs: Pre-Dentistry
Pre-Engineering Pre-Health Pre-Law Pre-Medicine Pre-Ministry Pre-Music Therapy Pre-Occupational Therapy
Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Physician Assistant Pre-Podiatry Pre-Veterinary Medicine
We have many minors too! Go to our website for a full list of options or contact us to discuss designing your own major/minor.

Internships, research experiences for undergraduates, student teaching… Hands-on learning may go by different names in different majors, but it’s important no matter what you study.


One of the hallmarks of a Westminster education is collaborative experiences. We call it the “We in Westminster” and it is visible throughout our academic curriculum and student life activities. You will learn through conducting research side-by-side with faculty members, though working with your friends to lead student organizations, and through playing sports or in the marching band. Collaborative experiences develop communication skills, the ability to work well with others and leadership. In other words, it prepares you for success after college.

We are a community of learners. We will challenge you. We will teach you. We will learn from you. We will move forward together. Much of your educational experience happens in the context of the classroom. But faculty are not the only people who will invest in your Westminster experience. We offer a wide range of academic and services through our Academic Success Center, Disability Resources, the Wellness Center, our TRIO programs, and McGill Library. We are all here to help you achieve your goals.

Women’s: Basketball Cross Country Golf Lacrosse Soccer Softball
Swimming & Diving Tennis Track & Field, Indoor Track & Field, Outdoor Volleyball
Men’s: Baseball Basketball Cross Country Football Golf Lacrosse
Soccer Swimming & Diving Tennis Track & Field, Indoor Track & Field, Outdoor

Athletic Facilities:
• New UPMC Sports Complex, which includes the new turf soccer & lacrosse field
• New turf baseball field and natural softball field
• Burry Stadium

• Bill Rankin Indoor Golf Center
• Six competition tennis courts and four practice courts
• Memorial Field House, which includes the Buzz Ridl Gymnasium and the Natatorium

At our small college, student life is BIG. We’re a residential college, which means that about 75% of our students live on campus. But whether you live on-campus or commute, you’ll find a welcoming and active community. No matter what you’re into, whether it’s art and athletics or volunteering and video games, you’ll find other Titans who love it, too. Activities range from huge campus-wide events like home football games to smaller things like pick-up games of spikeball on the quad. But every night of the week, and every weekend, there’s something to do at Westminster.

The mission of Westminster College is to help students develop competencies, commitments and characteristics that have distinguished human beings at their best. We do that by offering students an exceptional educational experience built on expert classroom instruction, meaningful undergraduate research experiences, phenomenal internships, collaborative community and life-changing volunteer and leadership opportunities. Real experiences that lead to real success.

Our commitment to providing an exceptional private college education to every student is matched by our commitment to making that experience affordable to families. Last year, tuition assistance was offered to every student we accepted as a full-time undergraduate student. Every. Single. One.

To learn more about our merit scholarships, visit westminster.edu/scholarships
Amore information, or to apply, visit westminster.edu/real