Class of 2020
he spring of 2020 is one for the books—and one members of Westminster’s Class of 2020 won’t likely forget. The coronavirus pandemic may have stripped seniors of a proper spring commencement, but it didn’t erase the hard work and sacrifices made by students—and their families—to achieve what they set out to do: Become graduates of Westminster College.
On May 9, Westminster hosted an online virtual degree conferral with President Dr. Kathy Brittain Richardson, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the College Dr. Jeffrey Coker and Campus Chaplain the Rev. James Mohr. Brief remarks were made and graduates were encouraged to turn their tassels—and while this historical event didn’t compare to walking across Senior
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Terrace to shake President Richardson’s hand and pause for the cameras, it did offer a degree of ceremonial recognition to our students and their academic achievements. It goes without saying: Westminster is proud of each and every one of you. A few of our graduating seniors let us know about their future plans—and we’ve shared a few on the following pages. This
is only a sampling of the great paths our graduates are taking to post-graduate success. Westminster recognizes this wasn’t a perfect ending to our students’ four years at Mother Fair—and plans are taking shape to offer an in-person commencement on Saturday, Aug. 1. But one thing is certain: History will forever remember the Class of 2020.