FACULT Y UPDATES David Briones has a number of upcoming popular-level articles, including “Greco-Roman Control of the Jews,” in Tabletalk (February 2022), “God Loves through Human Love: How Grace Breeds Generosity,” at Desiring God (February 2022), and “Philemon and Forgiveness: Reconcilable Differences in Christ,” in New Horizons (forthcoming). David is also presently writing a scholarly article that engages the meaning and significance of the term “equality” in 2 Corinthians 8:13–15 in its broader context of 2 Corinthians 8–9. Additionally, David has been translating Spanish scholarly articles written on Philemon and 2 Corinthians 8:9 for the broader world of scholarship. David will also be the retreat speaker for the Calvary OPC family retreat in May 2022. Stephen Coleman has two publications forthcoming from Crossway. The first, The Minor Prophets: Seek the Lord and Love, was co-authored with Paul R. House and will appear in the Preaching the Word commentary series. He has also contributed an essay to Ruined Sinners to Proclaim, edited by David and Jonathan Gibson. Brandon Crowe has recently published two essays, one academic and one popular. The academic essay was published in Studies in the History of Exegesis (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2022) and is entitled “Reading the Acts of the Apostles with Francis Turretin: Continuity and Discontinuity.” The popular-level essay entitled “Idleness and Temptation” was published in Tabletalk in January 2022. His essay, “Both Son and Priest, Then and Now: Christology and Redemptive History in Hebrews in Light of the History of Interpretation.” appeared in the Spring issue of Westminster Theological Journal.
John Currie began a study leave in February in order to pursue a number of writing projects. John recently spoke at The Center for Missions and Evangelism’s conference “More Salt, More Light: Church in an Age of Opportunity” on January 27, 2022. Iain Duguid will speak at Senior Connect Day for Catawba Presbytery of the ARP on March 18. William Edgar’s A Supreme Love: The Music of Jazz and the Hope of the Gospel is due out in June 2022 from IVP. Bill recently preached a sermon on 2 Corinthians 13:14 entitled “The Richest Blessing” for Westminster Theological Seminary’s chapel series Communion with the Triune God. Bill will introduce Dan Strange at the Gaffin Lecture, which will occur on March 23, 2022. His lecture, “Are We Really Secular”, will appear in The Pastor and the Modern World (Westminster Seminary Press) this Spring. David Garner recently taught a series in February at Proclamation Presbyterian Church (Bryn Mawr, PA) on the sacraments entitled “Visible Words.” In March, Dave will deliver a special lecture at Westminster Theological Seminary entitled “‘The Son of God in Power’: Further Considerations.” Dave also has a number of upcoming publications to note. He is the co-author of A Call To Faithful Mission: The Southgate Fellowship Statement (Crossway, forthcoming) and co-editor of Word and Spirit: The Shorter Writings of Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. (Westminster Seminary Press, forthcoming). Finally, Dave has the immense privilege of serving as the commencement speaker for the first graduating class of Santiago Theological Seminary in Santiago, Dominican Republic in July.