independent school college university summer programs guide

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6 weeks of preparation for college / art school / portfolio / life


Summer Studies: Explore art + design courses

Summer Institute for Graphic Design Studies: Delve into a broad range of graphic design topics

Textiles Summer Institute: Access RISD’s renowned textiles studios and faculty

Experience RISD’s premier art and design education, unique studios and award-winning faculty, as well as historic Providence’s vibrant summer arts and culture scene.


this is my summer High school students experience college at UVM

High school students experience college at UVM

COURSES High school students or graduates may earn college credit in one or more courses alongside peers and undergraduates. UVM offers on campus and online courses. Many entry-level courses are appropriate for high school students. The small class sizes are perfect for interacting with faculty. Course credits are transferable within UVM and other institutions. Courses offered mid May - mid August Registration opens February 12

STUDY ABROAD UVM and University College Dublin offer a unique program for high school students to experience Ireland through faculty lead field trips, interactive workshops, and social activities all within the context of a 3 credit course. Students will challenge themselves academically and enjoy the vibrant student and cultural life in Dublin, a celebrated city. Dublin, Ireland: July 10 - July 25, 2014 Online: July 28 - August 8, 2014



UVM’s Summer Academy is the ideal way to get a head start on college. Made up of two weeks of on-campus learning and two weeks of online learning, students can complete a 3 credit course in one month. Tracks offered in business and economics, engineering and design, human health and medicine, environment and natural resources, and leadership and activism. Academy students will have the option to live in UVM residence halls, supervised by trained staff, or they have the option of commuting to campus. Open to high school students who have completed their sophomore or junior year.

UVM students can’t say enough about Burlington, a small city that feels like a big one. Among its charms: a lively and culturally diverse scene, countless shops and restaurants for every taste, a thriving economy that offers internships and job possibilities, and an open attitude that makes students feel welcome.

Session 1 starts June 30, 2014 Session 2 starts July 14, 2014

“One of the nation’s best towns.” -Outside magazine “Coolest college town in America.” -Travel + Leisure magazine “One of the five best places to live & ride.” -Bike magazine

learn more at The University of Vermont

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BROWN UNIVERSITY Pre-College Programs ON CAMPUS. ONLINE. ABROAD. Challenge yourself with Ivy League academics


Prepare to succeed in a college environment


Meet exceptional students from around the world


More than 300 Academic Courses


Sessions 1 to 7 Weeks in Length


College Credit Courses


SPARK - Middle School Science Program






I’d applied to twelve institutions of higher learning and got rejected outright by ten of them, including my safeties. I got wait-listed by two of my likelies, but neither one came through in the end. I got shut out, just like the kid in Accepted, except it was nothing like that, because he was a slacker and didn’t deserve to get in. I totally deserved it. I mean, I got a combined 2230 on the SATs (super-scored, but still), and had a GPA of 3.8, all Honors and APs, top ten percent of my graduating class in one of the premier public high schools in the state. Student Council rep, stagehand for the musicals, helped start a recycling program in the cafeteria. I ran cross-country all four years, even though I hated every tedious mile. But I did it, just so I could list a varsity sport on my transcript. Every goddam miserable thing I ever did, every shortcut I avoided, every scrap of fun I missed out on, I did it just so I could get into a decent college. And none of it mattered. My guidance counselor insisted that it was just a freak occurrence, a perfect storm of bad luck and rotten demographics. A record year for applications, too many international students, preferences for minorities and athletes, a need for geographic diversity, blah blah blah. But come on, not to get in anywhere? Even when kids from my own high school From Nine Inches by Tom Perrotta. Copyright © 2013 by the author and reprinted by permission of St. Martin’s Press, LLC.

INDEPENDENT SCHOOL GUIDE with lower grades and test scores got into colleges where I was rejected? Where’s the fairness in that? There was no logical way to explain it, but that didn’t stop people from trying. Maybe I was too well-rounded for my own good, or my recs were underwhelming; maybe my essay was pompous, or maybe it was pedestrian. Maybe I hadn’t done enough to set myself apart from the crowd, should have written about my lifelong passion for shoemaking, or my desire to someday design prosthetic limbs for transsexuals who’d stepped on landmines. Or maybe I’d just aimed a little too high, which was possibly true for Dartmouth and Brown, but those were my reaches, so that’s the whole point. But what about Connecticut College or George Washington? Was that really too much to ask? April of senior year was such a nightmare. Everybody else was all excited, hugging one another and squealing with delight, the future unfolding before their eyes—Colgate! Hampshire! UVM! And then they’d notice me, and everything would get all awkward and quiet, almost like somebody in my family had died. People just kept moaning and shaking their heads, telling me how sorry they were, how unfair it was, a complete injustice that shook their faith in the entire system, and I kept telling them not to worry. I’m on the Wait List at Duke and Grinnell, I’d say. I’m sure something will pan out. According to my mother’s Monday-morning analysis, the fatal flaw in my otherwise excellent college application had been a lack of genuine humanitarian service. She was pretty sure the admissions officers had seen right through my meager list of good deeds—a Walk for Hunger here, some Toys for Tots there, a weekend with Habitat for Humanity, a handful of cans for the Food Drive. “There was no follow-through,” she pointed out. “It was all for show, like you were just checking some boxes.” “I was,” I said. “I thought that was the whole point.” Unbeknownst to me, she started doing some research on the web, scouting out programs that offered young volunteers an opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to the less fortunate, putting their skills and ideals to the test in challenging third-world environments. She was especially impressed by an organization called Big Hearts International, whose mission was to connect college-age Americans with “the struggling but resilient children of sub-Saharan Africa.” “Just think about it,” she told me. “This could be a real game-changer.” “Africa’s pretty far away,” I reminded her. “And kinda dangerous.” “It’s just for a few months, Donald. I really think you should consider it.” I’d filled out the application in mid-May, when it became clear that I wasn’t going to be saved by the wait list at Duke or Grinnell. The way I figured it, my options were either Africa or community college, and I really couldn’t see myself at community college. By the time graduation rolled around, Big Hearts had already assigned me to an orphanage in Mityana, Uganda, not too far from the capital city, whose name I kept forgetting. Heather was almost as excited as my mom, clutching my arm, beaming at me like I was some kind of saint. “This is my boyfriend, Donald,” she kept telling her relatives. “He’s going to Africa in September.” That’s who I was for the rest of the summer, the Great Humanitarian and Intrepid World Explorer, Friend to the Struggling but Resilient Orphans. If nothing else, this identity got me through a lot of awkward situations, gave me something to contribute to what would otherwise

have been extremely painful conversations about distribution requirements, course schedules, Greek Life, and Facebook groups for admitted students. Jake bought me a pith helmet at a second hand-store, and I used to wear it when we went to the beach or the movies, sort of as a joke, but also as a badge of honor, a token of my good intentions. I swear, I was all set to go. I updated my passport, got my shots, read a whole bunch of book about AIDS and genocide and colonialism, even drove to Connecticut to meet with a volunteer who’d just finished the program, this skinny, haunted-looking dude whose arms and legs were mottled with bug bites. “It’s pretty freaky,” he said, scratching himself like a monkey. “You wouldn’t believe the poverty over there. But it’s like the most rewarding thing I’ve done in my entire life.” The last two weeks of August were like one big going-away party, the population of well-wishers dwindling nightly until I was the only one left. I had a few days to finalize my packing and spend some quality time with my parents and little sister, who was starting her freshman

Maybe I was too well-rounded for my own good, or my recs were underwhelming; maybe my essay was pompous, or maybe it was pedestrian. year in high school. My mom baked a cake on my last night, and we sat around talking about what a great adventure I was embarking on, how I was going to learn some real-life lessons that couldn’t be taught in any ivory tower. Then I skyped with a bunch of my friends, and had a long goodbye talk with Heather, during which we both promised to be faithful during our separation. We’d had sex for the first time the night before she left, and we reminded each other how amazing it had been, and how we couldn’t wait to do it again over Christmas vacation. “I love you,” she sniffled. “You take care of yourself, okay?” “I’ll be fine,” I told her. “I’ll see you soon.” That was it. I went to bed feeling brave and melancholy, ready for my big journey into the unknown. But when I woke up the next morning, I couldn’t move. I wasn’t sick; it just felt like my body had been sliced open and pumped full of wet cement. “Come on, sweetheart,” my mother said from the doorway. “You don’t want to miss your plane.” “I’m not going,” I said. “It’s not fair.” She withdrew and my father appeared a few minutes later. He told me that I needed to get my ass moving, that I’d made a commitment, and damn well better stick to it. He said there were orphans in Uganda who were counting on me. “F--- the orphans,” I said. “What?” I could see how shocked he was. “What did you say?” But by then I was crying too hard to repeat myself.


TOM PERROTTA is the author of eight books, most recently The Leftovers. Two of his novels—Election and Little Children—have been made into acclaimed and award-winning movies. Perrotta grew up in New Jersey and now lives outside of Boston, Massachusetts. WESTONMAGAZINEGROUP.COM


preCollege study at wesleyan university a tw esleyan u niversity • ON O ON-C ON-CAMPUS N-CAM AMPU PUS S AN AND D ON ONLI ONLINE LINE NE O OPTIONS PTIO PT IONS NS • SM SMALL SMAL ALL AL L CL CLAS CLASSES ASSE AS SES SE S • FA FACULTY FACU CULT LTY Y ME M MENTORING NTORING • IM IMME IMMERSIVE, MERS RSIV IVE, E, C CONCENTRATED O CE ON CENT NT NTRA TRA RATE TED TE D ST STUD STUDY UD DY • FULL FULL L C COLLEGE OLLE OL LEGE GE C CREDIT REDI RE DIIT ((on on n ccampus) ampu am pus) pu s)) • CO COURSES COUR URSE UR SE ES IN INCLUDE: NCL CLUD UD DE: Global G Gl obal Hip Hop Calculus Ca C alc lcul ulus us Chemistry C Ch h hem em emis mis istrry and istr and Society an SSo occiiet ety ty FFlash Fl ash as h Fiction FFiict c io ion n and aan nd Prose Pros Pr o e Po P Poetry etry et ry y FField Fiel Fi iel eld ld Me M Methods eth ho od ds in n Archaeology Arc rcha haaeo eolo logy g gy Introduction In Intr ntr trod oduc od uction ucti tio ti on n to to GIS GIIS G Film FFi ilm lm Analysis Ana nallysi ysis siis for fo or Future Futu Fu ture tu re Filmmakers, Fililmm mmak mm ake ak errs rss,, Critics, C Cri Cr rit itic iti ics, aand nd d SScholars c ol ch o arrs | | (860) 685-2005 PRE-COLLEGE STUDY AT WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY | 74 WYLLYS AVENUE | MIDDLETOWN, CT 06459

INDEPENDENT SCHOOL GUIDE SUMMER PROGRAMS The Rosetta Institute San Jose, CA The Rosetta Institute is an independently funded biomedical research institute that offers summer workshops on molecular biology for high achieving high school students interested in pursuing a career in medicine or related fields, such as pharmacy, nursing, biomedical research or pharmaceutical development. Taught by professional scientists with advanced degrees, the two-week residential workshops (Molecular Biology of Cancer and Molecular Neuroscience) are held at the University of California-Berkeley, Yale University and the University of California-Los Angeles. Through engaging lectures and hands-on laboratory classes, students learn normal molecular and cellular biology, and then learn how these normal processes are distorted during the development of cancer. The Molecular Neuroscience workshop is structured in a similar manner: lessons on normal molecular biology are used as a framework from which to understand the intricacies of normal and pathologic neurobiology at the molecular level.


The laboratory portion of the workshops teaches real-world molecular biology techniques using authentic samples from research that is currently being conducted at the Institute. These exercises provide valuable job experience that can be used to secure popular and competitive research assistant positions that are available to pre-med students during their undergraduate studies. In addition, there are a limited number of positions available for former workshop attendees to conduct research at the Institute after the conclusion of the workshops. To conclude the workshops, the students conduct independent computer research on a gene of their choosing to determine the normal role of the gene and the role of the gene in the development of cancer or neurological disease, and then investigate how researchers use this information to target the gene therapeutically. Students who attend our workshops make friends from around the nation and around the world…but these aren’t just friends in the traditional sense, they’re friends who share similar professional interests and goals who become personal and professional confidants throughout the undergraduate experience and beyond. In addition, our students get a feel for college dorm life in a safe environment and experience college-level curriculum in a low-stress environment. These experiences strengthen academic skills, and help to ease the transition from high school to college. Finally, we teach our students how to ask the important questions, and how to answer these questions in a systematic and scientific way. In other words, we teach problem solving, and that is a skill that will be valuable throughout their life, in any profession. Questions? Contact the founder and CEO of the Rosetta Institute Ryan Holzer, PhD at or 858-205-7479


University of Dallas Summer Programs in Rome In the Alban Hills just South of Rome, amid olives trees, umbrella pines, and a vineyard, the University of Dallas has a campus where it offers two courses for college credit to qualified high school students, Latin in Rome and Shakespeare in Italy. Each course devotes mornings to visiting nearby sites connected with the books that the students are reading. Afternoons and evenings are for seminars, spent discussing and interpreting these books, as would be done in small classes at the college level. The intent is to give high school students a taste of what is to come, while reading works in the locations in which they were originally set, and consequently bringing them to life in a way that cannot be duplicated at home. Latin in Rome is led by Dr. David Sweet, Chair of the Classics Department, with the assistance of other faculty and graduate students in Classics. The course reads selections from Cicero (Letters), Vergil (Georgics), Livy, Tacitus, Pliny, Suetonius, and Latin inscriptions, such as the Laudatio Turiae. Day trips are included to archaeological sites in the area of Rome, and on a five day trip to the Bay of Naples students visit Vesuvius, Pompeii, Oplontis, Sorrento, Capri, Cumae, Monte Cassino and Cicero’s home town, Arpinum, all the while reading Latin texts that illuminate these sites. Ariana McGinn, from NightingaleBamford School, recalls of her 2013 experience, “I thought I knew a lot of Latin but I couldn’t have imagined that I could learn so much more in three weeks and have such fun doing it.” Shakespeare in Italy is led by Dr. Gregory Roper, Chair of the English Department, with the assistance of other faculty and graduate students in English. Shakespeare was fascinated by Italy, setting one-third of his plays there. A “Gulielmus Stratfordus” stayed at the English College in Rome in the 1580’s, during the period of Shakespeare’s youth, ‘the lost years,’ when there is no record of him in England. Following the young Shakespeare to Italy, students read three of his Italian plays, Julius Caesar, The Merchant of Venice, and The Taming of the Shrew. The emphasis is not only on enabling them to read with greater insight but also to become more polished writers, and a four day trip to Padua and Venice helps them envision the lively stage in which these plays were set. For further information: email; web WESTONMAGAZINEGROUP.COM


INDEPENDENT SCHOOL GUIDE Hartwick College’s Summer College for High School Students Oneonta, NY High school students can make great strides toward college and their future in just three weeks this summer. Hartwick College’s Summer College for High School Students is designed to give talented teens(ages 16 to 18) the opportunity to study with college professors, earn college credit, and enjoy an on-campus experience in the beautiful foothills of the Catskill Mountains. It will be an enriching, resume-building, and potentially life-changing summer experience. Is your college-bound child considering a career in science or medicine? Summer study with Hartwick College Biology Professor AJ Russo with give her or him insight into groundbreaking research. Students in Russo’s Biology Research course will help design and conduct experiments using biomarkers to help better understand neurobehavioral disorders such as autism and ADHD. Dr. Russo is a noted expert in the field and editor of the journal HARTWICK COLLEGE Autism Insights. Was your high schooler born to the stage? Then get him or her into Hartwick’s Performance Workshop course with Professor Malissa Kano-White. A professional director, playwright and theatre educator, Kano-White has worked across the country in theatre for young audiences. Her Summer College students will perform their way through personal discovery, imagination, self-expression, and creative growth. If your teenager loves to write, this is his or her chance to delve into the art and hone the craft. In the Hartwick Summer College course Introduction to Creative Writing with English Professor Brent Delanoy, your student will have opportunities to develop a portfolio of work that he or she will be proud to show prospective colleges. Delanoy is the winner of the 2008 A. E. Coppard Prize for his novella, Benediction. Do you have a music lover in the family – as an instrumentalist, singer, or listener? If so, he or she will love Hartwick’s Dynamics of Music class with Dr. Jason Curley. Professor Curley is a professional musician (French horn) and conductor renowned for his dynamic approach to teaching and learning. The Director of Instrumental Music at Hartwick College, last year Curley served as Interim Director of the College Choir. If art and technology fascinate your teen, she or he may be ready for Hartwick’s Summer College digital media course, Introduction to Animation & Video, with Professor Joseph Von Stengel. Students will explore the creative use of “time” through animation and video and learn to create and animate their own videos using Quicktime Pro, iMovie, and Final Cut Express. Von Stengel is the head of the Digital Art & Design area of Hartwick College’s Art and Art History Department. Plan ahead and arrange to join your teenager at the end of their first college experience – at Student Showcase they will share what they’ve learned and how they’ve grown in just a few weeks at Hartwick College. For further information contact: Rachel Stevenson Director of Summer College, Manager of Special Events 607.431.4022,

University of Vermont Burlington, VT This is your summer as a high school student… to experience college, get an academic edge, travel abroad – the list goes on.

College Courses Take one or more of the 100+ UVM courses offered at 50% off regular tuition rates while earning college credits. Vermont students may take one tuition-free course through the dual enrollment program. $10.00 comprehensive fee per credit applies. Courses: mid-May through mid-August Summer Academy Learn with students from across the country – while earning college credit. Live on campus or commute from home. Students attend a credit course in a subject area of their choosing and enjoy afternoon admissions discussions, career panels, presentations, and visiting attractions around Vermont. Two weeks on-campus followed by two weeks online. Apply today! Session I starts June 30 Session II starts July 14 Study Abroad Learn with other high school students in Dublin, Ireland exploring the history of this incredible country with UVM faculty while earning 3 college credits. Go on field trips and participate in interactive workshops in many of Dublin’s most popular museums and visitor attractions. Apply today! In Country: July 10 – 25 Online: July 26 – August 8


INDEPENDENT SCHOOL GUIDE Pre-College Program at Skidmore College: Summer 2014 Saratoga Springs, NY Try college on before taking college on How can you anticipate what you haven’t yet experienced? Skidmore’s prestigious Pre-College Program in the Liberal and Studio Arts has been preparing talented high SKIDMORE COLLEGE school students for college success for more than forty years. Highachieving sophomores, juniors, and seniors from across the country and around the world travel to our Saratoga Springs campus each summer to take part in Skidmore’s five-week Pre-College Program. Students engage in college-level study in the liberal and studio arts amid a beautiful upstate New York campus setting. Prepare for college success In Skidmore’s Pre-College Program, high school students earn college credit while studying alongside college students. They work with Skidmore’s nationally recognized faculty and visiting artists and enjoy access to the College’s state-of-the-art facilities and resources. Do your interests range from math to studio art, psychology to English, economics to religion? Skidmore’s unique curriculum allows students to take either two liberal arts courses, two studio art courses, or one of each. Choose a class in an area where your strengths lie, or delve into an unexplored subject to challenge your perceptions and discover new fields of knowledge. Live and learn at Skidmore At Skidmore, high school students can imagine their futures while living together, cultivating new friendships, and discovering the right balance between work and fun. A carefully selected and trained residential staff lives with Pre-College students in their own private residence hall. The residential life program, designed to support and complement academic and artistic endeavors, ensures that students’ social lives are every bit as exhilarating as their intellectual lives. Skidmore College is a highly selective, independent liberal arts college known for outstanding academics, a rich co-curricular life, and its historic resort town setting. On Skidmore’s lively summer campus Pre-College students not only learn together with high school peers and college students, but they also have the chance to meet visiting students and participants from other programs as well. They are invited to take active part in the special workshops, visiting artist lectures, and gallery talks sponsored by Skidmore’s Summer Studio Art Program and the nightly readings by renowned writers of the New York State Summer Writers Institute. Skidmore’s summer campus hosts many other concerts, lectures, events, and weekend activities, and just steps away is Saratoga Springs’ dynamic cultural and arts scene. Find out for yourself why Skidmore Pre-College alumni describe the program as challenging, fun, enlightening, life-changing, mind-altering, motivational, experimental, adventurous, to name just a few. Come spend July with us and discover your future. Skidmore Pre-College Program, Saratoga Springs, New York.

Smith College Northampton, MA Smith precollege programs offer diverse programs for high school girls, who want to pursue their academic interests in and out of the classroom, strengthen their college applications and meet other motivated and ambitious college-bound young women. We offer two and four weeklong programs for rising 9th graders to rising seniors in high school. All programs are residential, and students live in Smith’s beautiful houses, supervised by professional residential life staff. Designed by Smith’s own professors and staff, the engaging curricula will give you a taste of Smith’s outstanding programs. Along with incorporating interactive components and challenging materials, your learning experience will earn you a recommendation from a Smith professor to use in your college application process. Outside of the academic programs, we offer fun activities for our participants, including a talent show, bowling, open mic, and weekly movie nights, and much more! The Smith College Summer Science and Engineering Program (SSEP) is a twenty-five-year-old program for young women interested in science—both biomedical and public health—and engineering, performing undergraduate level lab work. Field Studies for Sustainable Futures is a program for the environmentally conscious woman. Participants in this program are given the opportunity to learn about sustainable living, SMITH COLLEGE environmental science and environmental policy in a hands-on, interactive, project-based manner. Hidden Lives: Discovering Women’s History is a training ground for future women’s history buffs. This program explores 19th- and 20thcentury women’s history topics, in Smith’s world-renowned archive, and the life and times of renowned poet (and Smith student), Sylvia Plath. Participants will gain archival research skills, while learning about both familiar and undiscovered heroes in women’s history. Young Women’s Writing Workshop is a varied writing workshop that focuses on the following topic areas: poetry, creative fiction, and memoir, and playwriting, just to name a few. Participants are given the chance to work with published authors, lay the groundwork for a strong writing portfolio, and learn the steps involved in becoming a published writer. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, so applying before the deadline is suggested. SSEP applications are due April 11; all other programs are due May 1. For more information, please contact the director of non-degree programs, Sarah Craig, by email, or phone: or 413-585-2165. We hope to see you in July!



INDEPENDENT SCHOOL GUIDE Fordham University Summer Session More than 200 courses on three NY campuses: Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester Fordham University invites visiting college students and high school seniors to catch up or get ahead this summer. Achieve your academic goals with day and evening classes in three convenient locations, affordable tuition rates, and top-tier instruction for easy course transfer. Trying to gain experience through an internship? Fordham’s Summer in the City Internship Program helps students to secure New York internships, receive credit, and make the most of their positions with valuable career guidance. Need to fulfill pre-med prerequisites? Fordham’s extensive offerings in biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics allow students to stay on track for graduate or medical school applications. Did you switch or add a major? Core and advanced classes in every discipline help students to catch up on requirements so they can graduate on time. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY Special programs include the Fordham Musical Theatre Summer Intensive, a five-week program offered by Fordham’s renowned theatre department for actors who want to pursue their passion in a city equally passionate about the craft—New York. The curriculum includes intensive training in musical theatre, vocal technique, dance, acting, and theatre games; classwork is brought to life by weekly attendance of Broadway, off-Broadway, and off-off Broadway theatre performances. New this summer: a two-course sequence in Humanitarian Action. Fordham has long been a world leader in the academic study of humanitarianism and in professionalizing aid work. Designed to give students a practical and theoretical introduction to humanitarian action, these courses are ideal for those who wish to pursue careers in international NGO work; healthcare, particularly global healthcare; international affairs, including the State Department, United Nations, and USAID; and human rights and international law.

Pre-College Program Getting serious about getting into college? Consider the advantages of taking a class at Fordham University this summer: Gain real college experience in the classroom and beyond so that you can choose the right school for you next year. Make contacts with students, professors, and administrators for advice and guidance. Earn transferable credits toward your college degree. Learn something new while strengthening your college applications. This program is for high school seniors with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Think Summer, Think Fordham. To learn more, call 718-817-4665 or visit



Wesleyan University and Wesleyan Summer Session Middletown, CT Since 1831, Wesleyan University has provided an education characterized by boldness, rigor, and practical idealism. Wesleyan’s distinguished scholar-teachers work closely with students, supporting and encouraging fluidity among disciplines. Wesleyan Summer Session is a microcosm of this extraordinary experience; it is an immersive, concentrated form of study with full-credit courses taken in just five weeks. This rigorous intellectual atmosphere is enhanced by beautiful summer days and a serene campus, offering just the right level of activities outside the classroom. Located in the Connecticut River Valley in Middletown, Connecticut, summer at Wesleyan is incomparable. Wesleyan invites undergraduate students from other institutions and a small cohort of high school students to participate as well. “It definitely prepared me for the college workload.” – Forrest, Potomac School, Virginia.

Pre-College Study at Wesleyan Wesleyan Pre-College Study is an opportunity like no other, offering a college residential experience, faculty mentor, extracurricular opportunities, and two courses taken with Wesleyan Summer Session for full college credit. Residential Advisors plan activities exclusively for Pre-College students, and faculty mentors host discussions to address student questions about academics at the university level. High school students curious about the liberal arts experience - studying across disciplines, sharing knowledge, listening and learning from one another, ready access to faculty - can find out first-hand if it is the college environment they are looking for. Summer 2014 course offerings include WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY Global Hip Hop, International Politics, Biology, Calculus, Romantic Poetry, an archaeological dig, and more. Students may also choose non-residential study options in June and July. “I got an idea of what college is really like, and what’s being expected of me. The professors are great… they’re approachable, amiable, and obviously very passionate.” – Kaitlin, the Urban School of San Francisco Wesleyan Pre-College Online Students who attend sports camps, have family holidays, or other summer commitments, also have the opportunity to work closely with Wesleyan faculty through Wesleyan Pre-College Online. Exclusively for pre-college students, Wesleyan offers digital seminars with very low student to faculty ratio. Students make their own schedule and receive direct feedback from faculty and peers. Learn more about these extraordinary opportunities at: Prospective students and parents are invited to call or email the Pre-College Admissions staff at 860-685-2005 or

INDEPENDENT SCHOOL GUIDE University of Cambridge International Summer Schools Cambridge, England Building on their 90th anniversary year, the programme for the 2014 University of Cambridge International Summer Schools gives you the opportunity to meet award-winning lecturers, stay in one of the historic Cambridge Colleges and enjoy a wide range of excursions and social activities. At the core of the experience lies a vibrant and truly international community: some 60 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE nationalities will be represented. Underpinning their offering is a network of gifted communicators – expert and enthusiastic teachers, who are dedicated to making their courses both academically rigorous and immensely enjoyable. The programmes are delivered at university level and geared towards an adult audience of university undergraduate and graduate students, professionals and retired people. Participants will have already undertaken at least a year of study at, or have graduated from, a university, or - in the case of other adults, will bring workplace or other professional experience to the programme. This year the University of Cambridge International Summer Schools are offering new programmes devoted to Creative Writing and the Hanseatic League. There is a new structure for the Interdisciplinary Summer School, now in three two-week terms, which allows for two-, four- and six-week study periods. Within these programmes are new study paths of linked courses in philosophy, poetry, politics, history, archaeology, history of science and a plenary series which extends for the full six weeks. There are new plenary themes for all of the other programmes and a host of new courses and subject areas which include film studies, Greek heroes and international development. In addition to the Interdisciplinary Summer Schools, there are specialist programmes which cover Ancient Empires, Science, Literature, History, Shakespeare, Medieval Studies, Creative Writing and the Hanseatic League. Participants can choose from nearly 200 courses, within the ten two-week programmes, enabling you to combine studies from different disciplines. Few programmes offer such a rich and rewarding mix of range, teaching quality, academic rigour, accessibility, people and place. It all adds up to a winning combination of innovation and tradition: the best of both worlds. The University of Cambridge International Summer Schools’ programmes run between 6 July and 22 August 2014. Apply online: or email us at

The Summer Program At Cheshire Academy Cheshire, CT Running July 5-August 24 2014, students from around the world will gather at Cheshire Academy for a comprehensive summer experience. Set in historic Cheshire, Connecticut, this 104-acre campus provides the ideal setting for academic enrichment and exciting extracurricular activities and is open to students entering grades 7-12. • Focus on math and science skills in our accelerated academic sessions designed to take you further in classes like Chemistry, Algebra I and Algebra II. • Improve your English language skills through intensive ELL studies. • Prepare for the college application process and hone your test-taking skills as part of our comprehensive SAT college prep program. • Test your creativity and problem solving skills with educational challenges like our Crime Scene Investigation course. • Our competitive Scholar Athlete Basketball Camp lets student athletes prepare academically and athletically. • Engage in exciting Project-Based Learning courses that test your creativity and thinking skills. • Reach new heights on our Ropes Challenge Course. • Choose to live on campus, or commute from home. Academic & Project-Based Learning Ready to advance your knowledge and challenge yourself academically? Then, Cheshire Academy’s Academic & Project-Based Learning Camp is the perfect fit for your needs. Our accelerated academic sessions offered in the morning will prepare you to take on your academic classes in the fall, providing you with skills, knowledge and confidence. Switch gears for the afternoon and flex your creative muscles by engaging in one of our exciting project-based learning courses, or test your physical prowess with our athletics offerings. Scholar Athlete Basketball Camp Cheshire Academy’s Scholar Athlete program combines rigorous academic challenges with best in-class basketball training that preps students for the academic year ahead. This year’s Scholar Athlete Basketball camp runs from July 5 through August 2, 2014. In the morning, students flex mind muscles in CHESHIRE ACADEMY our accelerated academic classes. Choose from more than 10 accelerated academic courses, including ELL, SAT prep, math, science and more, that are designed to hone skills, advance knowledge, and increase confidence in young scholars. In the afternoon, athletes are challenged to improve their basketball skills and gain exposure to college coaches. This elite, highly competitive program primes international and domestic studentathletes for their upcoming season and prepares them to become college prospects. For more information on our summer programs, please visit:

INDEPENDENT SCHOOL GUIDE Eagle Hill School Greenwich, CT AT EAGLE HILL SCHOOL-GREENWICH, NEW SCIENCE WONDERS ENRICHMENT PROGRAM JOINS A ROSTER OF INNOVATIVE SUMMER PROGRAMMING FOR 2014 Eagle Hill School (EHS) is pleased to announce an additional offering to their already robust summer programming: the Science Wonders Enrichment Program for ages 9-12. Its goal is to provide an exciting and fun environment for students to learn about various science topics through engaging, hands-on activities. They’ll leave energized about science, armed with the projects and experiments they have completed. As an added bonus, the faculty will EAGLE HILL SCHOOL consist entirely of teachers from the full-time Science program at EHS. Students will be able to choose one of three options: Chemistry, where students will explore chemical reactions and much more as they build collaborative and laboratory skills; Physical Science, where the mysteries of physics and the laws of nature will be revealed with everything from magnets to rockets; and, Environmental Science, the exploration, observation, and learning of biology and ecology using the natural surroundings of Eagle Hill’s campus. All classes will encourage group discussion, hypothesizing, and observation of the world around them. As one teacher explains, “A lot of science is about problem solving, and students use that knowledge every day.” Still, the program aims to make learning fun. “Science at Eagle Hill is a fun, messy way to teach all kinds of skills,” says Program Director Ms. DiPalma. The program runs from 12:30-2:30 p.m., July 7-18, 2014. The Summer Remedial Program has been in place for more than 30 years, and has become a top educational choice for students who need to access learning resources not available at their other school. At the heart of the program is an intense schedule of academic instruction based on diagnosed needs, taught primarily by Eagle Hill faculty members. From June 25 to August 2, the students spend four hours every weekday in classes that include a language tutorial plus four additional subject areas (e.g., mathematics, spelling, writing, oral language, study skills, literature). The Summer Middle School Workshops for students entering grades six to nine are two-week long, two-hour morning classes that provide a combination of direct and individualized instruction plus group work in study skills, writing, mathematics, and summer reading comprehension. Many students attend simply to keep their skills sharp over the summer, especially those entering high school in the fall. The Summer Extended Day Program provides a camp-like afternoon ideal for students, ages 6-12, who would benefit from an increased focus on social skills, or who wish to enjoy an afternoon of activities. For more information on all of the summer programs, visit:


Hampshire College Amherst, MA HAMPSHIRE OFFERING INNOVATIVE SUMMER PROGRAMS Hampshire College is offering a variety of summer academic programs geared toward undergraduates, professionals and practitioners, advanced high school students, graduate students, and lifelong learners. The summer programs are built on Hampshire’s innovative leadership in selected academic fields. The four-week Creative Media Institute (July 13-Aug. 9) is a series of intensive screening seminars and creative labs led by a one-timeonly cast of visiting artists working in film, video, photography, and new media who will curate a film and video series, present new works, and advise and mentor students. Alongside famed documentarian and Hampshire alum Ken Burns, the Institute features filmmakers Brett Morgen, Ivy Meeropol, Robert Greene, and president of Imagine Entertainment, Erica Huggins, as visiting artists. The program points back to the summer institutes on film and photography that took place at Hampshire College from 1971 to 1981, when legendary artists such as Diane Arbus, Jerome Liebling, Hollis Frampton, Richard Leacock, and others screened works, mentored students, and experimented with new film technologies. Visit for more info. The Food, Farm, and Sustainability Institute (June 2 – July 11) is Hampshire’s flagship summer program, now in its third year. Participating students study sustainable agriculture from a variety of perspectives. The program includes lots of hands-on learning activities: communal meal preparation, working with local farms, and enjoying the beauty of the Pioneer Valley in the summer while integrating theory with practice. Visit The Institute for Curatorial Practice (June 2-July 3) introduces students to conceiving, developing, and designing exhibitions, whether actual, digital, or imaginary. From the history of collections and curating to contemporary practice and new media platforms, the program provides behind the scenes access to local, nationally recognized museums, culminating in a group digital exhibition project. Visit The TESOL Teacher Training Course (June 2 – 27) provides a solid foundation for teaching English to speakers of other languages, designed for professionals and students, many of whom are interested in pursuing Fulbright and other international teaching fellowships. Visit Designing Social Impact (two sessions: June 16-27 and June 30-July 11) is an entrepreneurial and design program for advanced high school juniors and seniors. Using the principles of design thinking, students will use rapidprototyping to build models of potential solutions for community-based challenges, then test them in the field. Visit For more information, please email: or visit:



INDEPENDENT SCHOOL GUIDE Pre-College Programs at Brown University: Summer 2014 Providence, RI A True Residential College Experience Summer@Brown attracts serious college-bound students from around the world. As a student, you’ll live in a Brown University residence hall, eat at a Brown dining hall, and join your fellow students on The College Green—just as you would if you were a Brown undergraduate. You will be surrounded by peers from diverse backgrounds and cultures—all sharing a passion for high-level academics and a desire to succeed at a selective institution like Brown University. A student who completes a Summer@Brown course is better prepared, more confident, and better positioned to succeed during one of the biggest transitions of his or her life: the move to college. BROWN UNIVERSITY MAIN GREEN PHOTO BY KARL DOMINEY

Brown University: 250 Years of Academic Excellence Brown is known in the Ivy League for an innovative open curriculum that challenges students to be actively engaged in their own intellectual development. Summer@Brown is an opportunity to explore this stimulating learning environment. Academics are at the program’s core, with more than 300 courses in one- to sevenweek sessions on campus, online and abroad. Dive deeper into a subject you love or a new area of learning you may never have considered. You will face exciting challenges and accomplish more than you can imagine. Come to Summer@Brown to experience college life, prepare for academic success, and make new friends from around the world. Brown University Continuing Education Providence, Rhode Island

George Washington University Washington, DC Putting knowledge into action, The George Washington University’s (GW) Pre-College program provides high school students hands-on learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom by taking advantage of GW’s strengths in research, diverse communities, a vast network in local and global partnerships, and service-learning initiatives. Drawing from the rich resources of the University and Washington, D.C., students are engaged in programs at the center of the nation’s political, intellectual, and cultural activity. Students may enroll in non-credit or credit-bearing courses, which include co-curricular site visits around DC to enhance classroom learning in an applied context. Evenings also include activities such as movie nights, pool parties, and chaperoned excursions around the city. GW residence halls are staffed with resident advisors who provide guidance, supervision, intercultural and social programming, and who are on call to respond to emergencies. The College Intensive program gives rising juniors and seniors the opportunity to earn college credit by engaging in challenging undergraduate coursework. These programs emphasize the academic rigors of college, but also the freedom and independence of college life. The 6-week session allows students to enroll in summer courses alongside GW undergraduates in over 20 introductory level courses taught by GW faculty in a wide variety of academic disciplines. The non-credit Summer Immersion option is open to students in grades 9-11. Students live at the university’s Mount Vernon campus in Northwest DC. This two-week highly-structured program taught by GW’s faculty provides interactive, non-graded experiential sessions that integrate lectures and seminars with applied activities and site visits. Students are able to expand and deepen their knowledge of a topic through collaborative learning and an exploration of the diverse intellectual and cultural resources of Washington, DC. Whether students are engaged in influential site visits to the US Capitol, or have front row access to guest speakers who influence the world, students are connected to a community of the next generation of global leaders and inspired to forge solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges. These are “only at GW” moments. GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY

Program Dates: College Intensive • 6-Week Session: July 6 - August 15, 2014 • 3-Week Session: July 6 - July 25, 2014 • 1-Week Session: July 6 - July 11, 2014 • 6-Week Online Options • Session I: May 19 - June 27, 2014 • Session II: July 7 - August 15, 2014 Summer Immersion • Session I: July 13-25, 2014 • Session II: July 27-August 8, 2014



INDEPENDENT SCHOOL GUIDE Junior Statesmen of America (JSA) Summer Programs


If politics is your passion, JSA Summer Programs are the place for you Since 1941, the Junior Statesmen Foundation has been educating high school students about leadership and active civic engagement. With more than 75 years of experience in leadership development, alumni of JSA’s pre-college summer programs have gone on to distinguished careers as Cabinet Secretaries, White House staff, elected officials, educators and leaders in the world of finance. JSA Summer Programs provide an outstanding and enriched learning environment where high-achieving high school students come together to create a unique and supportive academic village. Students from all over the world attend the programs and if politics is your passion, JSA Summer Programs are the place for you. The programs are structured to develop your knowledge of politics, leadership and history, your ability to speak and write persuasively and your appreciation for intellectual and ethical principles. The academic coursework at JSA Summer Programs is augmented with interactive, student-run activities and simulations so that students graduate from the program with increased confidence, an expanded knowledge base and a heightened sense of civic responsibility. Students live in college dormitories, eat in dinning halls, and experience college life while making friends they will have for a lifetime. JSA Summer Programs offer a wide variety of programs which include 3 to 4 week Summer School at some of the nation’s preeminent universities – Princeton, Stanford, Georgetown and the University of Virginia (UVA), as well as 3 to 4 day Summer Institutes which focus on today’s most important political issues. Additionally, in Presidential Election years, JSA conducts their Presidential Election Symposium, which offers students the opportunity to experience the excitement of the Democratic and Republican presidential nominating conventions. For those students interested in an international study abroad experience, JSA has the JSA Diplomat Program, which is conducted in Beijing, China and offers students the opportunity to learn Mandarin Chinese, as well as taking a course in Chinese History and Culture and using Beijing, and trips to the historic cities of Xian and Shanghai, as well as to sites like the Forbidden City and the Great Wall as experiential supplements to their classroom coursework. The JSA Summer School programs are academically rigorous and students complete a full semester’s worth of academic coursework. The College Board has certified JSA as an official provider of Advanced Placement courses and JSA Summer Schools offer a variety of AP courses such as AP U.S. History, AP U.S. Government & Politics and AP Macroeconomics. Additionally, students who may have previously completed these courses can take one of several college-level electives such as Honors International Relations, Media & Politics or Speech and Political Communication. A special Freshman Scholars Program at our JSA Summer School at Princeton offers recently graduated 8th graders to get an incredible jump-start on their high school career with special attention paid to study and writing skills while they undertake AP U.S. Government & Politics. The four-week JSA Summer School at UVA offers an in-depth study of AP U.S. History and offers students a chance to visit Jamestown, Williamsburg, Monticello and Montpelier to enhance their academic coursework. For more information about JSA Summer Programs, please visit or call 800-317-9338.

Georgetown University Summer School Washington, D.C. Students from around the world are invited to spend their summer living and learning in the heart of Washington, D.C. at Georgetown University. Georgetown Summer School provides students with a unique summer experience where they will learn from world-renowned faculty, expand their knowledge, and meet new people in the rich culture of the nation’s capital. Open to visiting undergraduate and graduate students, Georgetown offers more than 250 courses in 35 subject areas, making it easy for students to get ahead, fulfill course requirements, or take classes just for fun. Georgetown’s Summer School programs include: • Undergraduate Courses: Students can choose from more than 250 courses in 35 subjects, enjoying flexible schedules and small class sizes as they fulfill requirements and earn credit toward their degree. • Graduate Courses: Georgetown’s intensive graduate level classes are offered in more than 50 courses, giving students the opportunity to explore subject areas of interest or get ahead on their studies. • Community-Based Learning Courses: These experiential learning courses incorporate community service as part of the curriculum, giving students the opportunity to expand their knowledge while making an impact on the community. • Language Institutes: Students can master their skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking in Arabic & Persian, Spanish, French, or German through a combination of classroom learning and cultural experiences. • Georgetown Downtown: Select undergraduate courses are now offered at Georgetown’s convenient Chinatown location during the Summer Cross Session. These classes meet two nights a week, offering an ideal schedule for students who are working or volunteering during the day. Students accepted into Georgetown Summer School will build their own schedules, attend classes with peers from around the country, and earn credit from one of the nation’s most competitive universities. Outside of the classroom, students can explore the vibrant surroundings of D.C.—from museums and monuments, movies on the lawn, and baseball games to outdoor concerts and countless unique attractions. Summer School 2014 Dates: PRE-SESSION: May 19–June 13 SESSION I: June 2–July 4 CROSS SESSION: June 2–July 25 SESSION II: July 7–August 8 With a blend of challenging academics, educational opportunities, and social activities, Georgetown Summer School offers students an enriching experience where they will expand their horizons both intellectually and culturally. To learn more about Georgetown Summer School, including housing and dining options, scholarship opportunities, and application information:


INDEPENDENT SCHOOL GUIDE Experiment in International Living Extraordinary High School Summer Abroad Programs The Experiment in International Living provides 3-, 4-, and 5-week summer programs for high school students who want to connect deeply and engage meaningfully with the richness and complexities of another country. Programs equip students not only with essential cultural and, in many cases, language skills, but also with a deeper awareness of and sensitivity to global issues shaping the diverse communities and regions we visit. Students explore the host country through hands-on experiences in local communities and through the lens of a specific theme: • The Arts • The Environment • Peace, Politics, and Human Rights • Sustainability and Food Systems • Cultural Discovery Experiment Groups Experiment groups are small, typically comprising 10–15 students who represent a range of backgrounds: small towns and large cities; urban and rural areas; and public, private, and home-school educational experiences. SAINT MICHAEL’S COLLEGEabout the host culture, Experimenters learn about In addition to learning the diverse cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds that exist within the US and around the world. “I was so impacted by the diversity and intelligence of my group. We learned so much from each other and genuinely cared about one another.” —Lillian Hinshaw, Experimenter to China Summer 2013 Experiment Groups—At a Glance • Experimenters came from 37 US states. • Experimenters came from 10 countries around the world: India, Israel, Kenya, Kuwait, Macedonia, Mexico, Nepal, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States. • The average Experiment group had 14 students. An 80-Plus-Year History of Leadership and Innovation The Experiment has been providing immersive experiential learning programs abroad since 1932. Each year, students come away from an Experiment program with invaluable new skills, connections, awareness, and knowledge that helps them to thrive—and lead—in diverse, intercultural environments. Countless Experimenters have gone on to do extraordinary work in the world and attain important leadership positions in a diversity of fields and professions. Global Network and Family of Programs The Experiment in International Living is the founding program of World Learning, a nonprofit that advances leadership through education, exchange, and development programs in more than 60 countries. In addition to The Experiment, the World Learning family of programs includes SIT Study Abroad, SIT Graduate Institute, World Learning International Development Programs, and World Learning International Exchange Programs. Phone: 800.345.2929, TTY: 802.258.3388 Fax: 802.258.3428 PO Box 676. 1 Kipling Road, Brattleboro, VT 05302 USA

Mercersburg Academy Mercersburg, PA At Mercersburg Academy, its not just camp, it’s a wide range of opportunities for learning, personal growth, and most importantly, fun. Nestled in the mountains of south-central Pennsylvania, the beautiful campus provides the perfect setting for participants to take part in an array of programs, ranging from the Adventure Camp series to various Enrichment, Arts and Sports Camps. Mercersburg’s adventure camp takes kids ages 6-16 on a wild ride they will talk about for years. Variety is the spice of life, and at Adventure Camp, variety is an understatement. Camp adventures include trips to Hershey Park, white water rafting and a professional sports game. The camp’s unique structure provides just the right balance of enrichment challenges, sports, outdoor adventures, and fun trips to make every session wild, wonderful, and memorable. Adventure camp is not all that is happening at Mercersburg. The young writers camp allows participants to build writing skills and unleash creativity in a unique environment of like-minded individuals with a passion for writing. This enrichment camp allows for young students to explore the beauty of poetic style and the power of their own voice on paper. Language is at the core of life and Mercersburg campers learn new and liberating ways to express themselves through the written word. The summer theatre and dance workshops by Mercersburg Summer Programs allow students to improve their performing arts. A school that has helped to produce two Academy Award winners helps campers to explore and expand their interest in the many elements of theatre in one dynamic week that brings the stage and young people together. Young performers gain skills in improvisation, stage presence, body movement, vocal techniques, character development, ensemble work and problem solving. This unique experience exposes actors to the technical elements of lighting, sound, make-up and costume design. Mercersburg’s Summer Dance Workshop is a dynamic one-week program that will inspire dancers to learn different movement styles as well as discovering their own. Campers will experience a range of multiple classes from ballet and contemporary to improvisation, yoga and choreography. Expert instruction combined with creative and innovative workshops will insure that dancers will leave Mercersburg’s state of the art Burgin Center with a renewed passion for dance. On the sport side of summer camps, Mercersburg Swim Clinics are dedicated to improving campers’ technique and helping them to develop as a swimmer both inside and outside of the pool. Mercersburg Academy’s WHERE THERE BE DRAGONShas produced over 30 Olympians and brings a storied aquatics program tradition of excellence to their summer program. Clinic Director, Pete Williams, has been a part of four Olympic games as a swimmer, coach or official and brings a wealth of knowledge to the program. For more information about Mercersburg Summer Programs, visit



INDEPENDENT SCHOOL GUIDE Rhode Island School of Design Pre-College + Summer Studies Providence, RI RISD Founded in 1877, Rhode Island School of Design (or “RIZ-dee” for the acronym RISD) is recognized as the leading college of art and design in the US and one of the premier art and design schools worldwide. The college is located in Providence, Rhode Island, which offers its own vibrant art scene and is conveniently located between two other major cultural centers: Boston and New York. Students at RISD access the institution’s remarkable resources including the one-of-a-kind Edna W. Lawrence Nature Lab, RISD Museum featuring more than 86,000 works of fine and decorative art ranging from ancient times to the present and the RISD Fleet Library, recently named by Travel + Leisure as one of America’s most beautiful libraries. While the RISD campus offers a host of exceptional facilities, the most valuable advantage to students is access to the outstanding faculty and student body. RISD’s faculty are recognized as professional experts, as well as being exceptional educators. Pre-College Each summer, 400+ high school students from around the world come to RISD to immerse themselves in a comprehensive introduction to the college art school experience. Students experience the core elements of a RISD education – critical thinking and artmaking – in foundation drawing and design courses, critical studies in art, and a focused concentration in one of 20 diverse majors. Throughout the program, students are expected to maintain a high level of initiative and responsibility regarding their work and behavior. Students who come to RISD’s Pre-College program have varied backgrounds and choose the program for many reasons: to find out if the arts is the right choice for them, to further pursue their art or to build their portfolio for college applications. Students attending RISD’s Pre-College program all have one thing in common – they are passionate about art and design and are seeking an incomparable arts education and summer experience. Summer Studies RISD’s Summer Studies Program in the visual and liberal arts encompasses a wide spectrum of interests designed to meet the needs of beginning, intermediate and advanced students. Students from nearly 100 colleges and universities, as well as working professionals interested in new and refreshing creative experiences are drawn to RISD’s vibrant artistic community. Scores of accomplished, award-winning artists, designers and educators – including members of RISD’s degree program faculty – teach in the summer programs. Courses include introductions to fine art fundamentals such as drawing and painting, as well as specialized areas of study such as architecture, industrial design and children’s book illustration. Students interested in a concentrated area of focus may choose to attend the Summer Institute for Graphic Design Studies (SIGDS) or the Textiles Summer Institute. Whether augmenting current college curriculum, considering graduate studies or broadening professional skills, RISD Summer Studies offers students from around the world a unique, intense and exceptional learning experience.

UPCI Summer Academy


Pittsburgh, PA The University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute (UPCI) was established 28 years ago and the Summer Academy, in the Summer of 2009. This program was designed to promote engagement in cancer research and careers in the health sciences. We identify candidates based on personal characteristics, underrepresented in the biomedical sciences (minority and disadvantaged) high school students, and strategic international partnerships of the UPCI. Supported by the UPCI Director, Dr. Nancy Davidson, and grateful patient families, the program is partially funded by the National Cancer Institute CURE Program and the Doris Duke Foundation. Through continued collaborations with Pittsburgh Public Schools, Bayer Material Sciences, and partnerships with the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, Nazarbayev University, and the University’s Offices of Health Sciences Diversity and Science Education Outreach, students are immersed in science research learning experiences that include: 1) daily time in a selected mentor’s research laboratory 2) clinical cameos including visits with genetic counselors, trips to the operating room and genomics facility, zebrafish, and small animal facilities 3) field trips to the National Cancer Institute 4) weekly didactic sessions led by qualified faculty, graduate and medical students. Scholars are placed in six well-established programs under the UPCI Summer Academy: The Cancer Biology (CB) Hillman Cancer Center site prepares scholars to further their studies in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects. The Magee Women’s Cancer Research Center (WCRC) site exposes scholars to various aspects of research in women’s health, with research projects and presentation centered around critical research projects in breast and ovarian cancer, and state-of-the-art technologies and approaches for the studies. The Cancer Immunology (CI) site engages scholars in immunological research and prepares them for career opportunities in tumor immunology. The Drug Discovery, Systems and Computational Biology (DiSCoBio) site introduces scholars to an array of computer-based research areas and related careers. Scholars gain a greater knowledge of the interplay between biology, genetics, and mathematics that allows for the modeling of various aspects of cancer biology and other complex diseases. The Computer Science, Biology, and Biomedical Informatics (CoSBBI) site introduces scholars to different aspects of biomedical informatics, such as cognitive and translational informatics, and their uses in cancer research, detection and diagnosis, and treatment. Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion (CHERP) site located in new quarters at the VA Hospital, engages scholars in cutting edge studies designed to discern the origins of and develop solutions for disparities in health care. For more information, please contact: Megan M. Houlihan, Program Coordinator, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute. 150 Centre Ave., Suite 405, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. Phone: 412-623-5977; Email:

INDEPENDENT SCHOOL GUIDE Columbia University School of Continuing Education


New York, NY The School of Continuing Education at Columbia University is a resource for those who wish to take their lives in new directions, with a mission to transform knowledge and understanding in service of the greater good. Make the most of your summer by taking fascinating, challenging courses and certificate programs taught by Columbia’s distinguished faculty and visiting professors. Offering hundreds of courses throughout the Arts and Sciences, Columbia COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Summer Session courses extend and complement the academic year for Columbia and visiting students, and they open the intellectual and physical resources of the University to non-degree students seeking career and academic enrichment. Summer Session students matriculating at other universities can earn valuable credits that they can transfer to the home institutions. The School also offers Summer High School Programs in New York, Barcelona and Jordan. The School of Continuing Education at Columbia University offers a pre-college program for students entering grades 9 through 12 and freshman year of college who are interested in intensive summer study. Now in its 25th year, Columbia University’s Summer Program for High School Students offers highly motivated students the opportunity of a lifetime: a world-class educational experience set in the most exciting city in the world. The School offers thirteen applied master’s degrees in the established and emerging fields of Actuarial Science, Bioethics, Communications Practice, Construction Administration, Fundraising Management, Information and Knowledge Strategy, Landscape Design, Narrative Medicine, Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, Sports Management, Strategic Communications, Sustainability Management and Technology Management. Each program provides practical, professional education for students seeking demanding, focused training. Courses are taught by faculty and industry leaders who bring current perspectives into the classroom. Full- and part-time options vary by program. The Postbaccalaureate Studies program at the School of Continuing Education offers university courses and certificate programs in over 50 subject areas for graduate school preparation, academic enrichment or career advancement. Working with advisers, each student develops a plan of study tailored to his or her background and academic goals. Business courses and certificate programs are offered both on campus and online. Though the offerings are diverse, they are unified by a mission to mount innovative instructional programs that meet Columbia’s standard of excellence, take good advantage of its resources, and produce positive educational outcomes for the members of the student body. For information, go to Email or call (212) 854-9666

The German School of Connecticut Stamford and West Hartford, CT The German School of Connecticut (GSC), celebrating its 36th year, is enjoying another record enrollment of over 350 students for the 201314 school year. Founded in 1978, GSC is a Saturday school offering a two-track curriculum for non-native beginners, and native or near-fluent speakers. Classes are held on two campuses (Stamford and West Hartford), ranging from Pre-School through High School and Adult. Students learn German as a new, non-native language, others expanding their Muttersprache, while all celebrate German, Austrian and Swiss cultures. Come visit us at our Open House! You’re invited! Our Stamford campus (Rippowam Middle School at 381 High Ridge Rd.) is having an Open House on Saturday, May 17th from 1:00 – 2:30pm. Get acquainted with our school and community... you’ll find a friendly center with dedicated, professional teachers. Come early and enjoy our Spring Poetry Recital starting at 10:30, followed by our Spring Potluck Celebration featuring traditional German foods! Many GSC students realize the advantage of studying one of Europe’s leading languages: Some plan to split their future studies between universities in the US and a German-speaking country, others study to gain a professional advantage. Certain high school students have the opportunity to take a special German language exam, which can fulfill the language requirement for direct entry at a German university. GSC introduced these “Sprachdiplom” examinations in the US in 1982, authorized by the German education authorities in Bonn. Students may also get credits from local high schools, and can prepare to take the AP German Exam to gain US college credit. Studying German at GSC is fun! Adults enjoy the camaraderie and friendship among like-motivated class participants. Toddlers and elementary school children enjoy hands-on modern teaching, along with singing, playing and being with their friends. Middle school and high school students enjoy special projects and cultural events… and all students participate in the many traditional holiday celebrations. GSC also embodies an international parent community: those from German speaking countries are joined by US and other international parents. All appreciate the services of the school, and the transnational atmosphere. Classes are held from September to May. For further information regarding our Open House, enrollment or teaching, please visit: or call Stamford at 203.548.0438, West Hartford at 860.404.8838.

Photograph by Charlie Samuels

Pre-College Program at Skidmore College: Summer 2014 Saratoga Springs, NY Try college on before taking college on How can you anticipate what you haven’t yet experienced? Skidmore’s prestigious Pre-College Program in the Liberal and Studio Arts has been preparing talented high school students for college success for more than forty years. High-achieving sophomores, juniors, and seniors from across the country and around the world travel to our Saratoga Springs campus each summer to take part in Skidmore’s five-week Pre-College Program. Students engage in college-level study in the liberal and studio arts amid a beautiful upstate New York campus setting.

or one of each. Choose a class in an area where your strengths lie, or delve into an unexplored subject to challenge your perceptions and discover new fields of knowledge.

Live and learn at Skidmore

Prepare for college success

At Skidmore, high school students can imagine their futures while living together, cultivating new friendships, and discovering the right balance between work and fun. A carefully selected and trained residential staff lives with Pre-College students in their own private residence hall. The residential life program, designed to support and complement academic and artistic endeavors, ensures that students’ social lives are every bit as exhilarating as their intellectual lives.

In Skidmore’s Pre-College Program, high school students earn college credit while studying alongside college students. They work with Skidmore’s nationally recognized faculty and visiting artists and enjoy access to the College’s state-of-the-art facilities and resources. Do your interests range from math to studio art, psychology to English, economics to religion? Skidmore’s unique curriculum allows students to take either two liberal arts courses, two studio art courses,

Skidmore College is a highly selective, independent liberal arts college known for outstanding academics, a rich co-curricular life, and its historic resort town setting. On Skidmore’s lively summer campus Pre-College students not only learn together with high school peers and college students, but have the chance to meet visiting students and participants from other programs as well. They are invited to take active part in the special workshops, visiting artist lectures,

and gallery talks sponsored by Skidmore’s Summer Studio Art Program and the nightly readings by renowned writers of the New York State Summer Writers Institute. Skidmore’s summer campus hosts many other concerts, lectures, events, and weekend activities, and just off campus is downtown Saratoga Springs’ dynamic cultural and arts scene. Find out for yourself why Skidmore Pre-College alumni describe the program as challenging, fun, enlightening, life-changing, mind-altering, motivational, experimental, adventurous, to name just a few. Come spend July with us and discover your future.

Skidmore Pre-College Program, Saratoga Springs, NY

Creative Thought Matters

INDEPENDENT SCHOOL GUIDE BOARDING The Gow School South Wales, NY The Gow School is an internationally renowned boarding school located in South Wales, NY. Founded in 1926, it is the oldest college preparatory school in the country for students with dyslexia. All students take an Orton-based phonics program called Reconstructive Language. In addition to small class sizes, the school offers a range of academic programs as well as art, drama and music. The school


offers structured classes during the day, athletics in the afternoon and a study hall from 6:45-9:00pm. The Reid Arts Center houses a theater, technology labs, art studios, music lab and TV studio. The Gow Center is equipped with basketball courts, tennis courts, large multipurpose room, squash courts, fitness center and student lounge. Our 10,000 sq. ft. dining hall was completed in 2009. Our newly renovated science and technology center is home to our robotics lab, which includes a Computer Numerical Control machine. Gow has a selective admissions process and is dedicated to providing appropriate accommodations and remediation. Working closely with the school’s College Counseling Office, 100% of our graduates are accepted to and enrolled in a college or university. The Gow School is committed to physical growth, fitness and athletic competition, believing that sports help to assure a well-rounded education. The athletic program emphasizes the values inherent in physical well-being, fitness, teamwork and competition. The school’s teams compete with nearby public and private independent schools. Campus clubs, organizations and activities at Gow reflect the diverse interests of our students. Students are encouraged to add their talents to existing organizations and to initiate new ones. In addition to on campus activities, supervised travel enhances the student experience. Many courses incorporate field trips into the semester’s work, including visits to lectures, museums, plays and historical sites. Each Saturday evening, busses take many students to a local mall to shop and see a movie. Other activities include symphony and rock concerts, ethnic festivals, NHL Hockey games, NFL football games, skiing at local resorts, snow tubing, snowboarding, bowling, laser tag, sledding, NBA games in Toronto and NLL games. In July, the school’s summer program is five weeks of learning and fun for ages 8-16. The staff is committed to creating a positive environment for all and strives to provide a successful experience for all students. The program includes classes in the morning, traditional camp activities in the afternoon and evenings and weekend trips.

Avon Old Farms School Avon, CT Since 1927, Avon Old Farms has been a leader in preparing young men for higher education, and the world. Avon is a dynamic community of learning with a rigorous curriculum anchored in the liberal arts. By understanding boys – and with appreciation for their sense of humor, their energy, and how they learn – we have created the kind of environment where our students are able to become their best selves. Avon is conveniently located in the heart of the Farmington River Valley. Our founder, Theodate Pope Riddle, an accomplished American architect, created a campus with the feel of an English village on over 860 acres of Connecticut countryside. The Cotswold-inspired architecture reflects the traditional approach to education that is so successful here. Avon’s teachers are experts in their fields who bring lessons to life and create compelling context for discussion. Creativity, innovation, and collaboration are taught by example through humor, inquiry, and debate. Small classes mean that every voice is heard and every question answered. At Avon we understand the importance of personal connection, especially during adolescence; this is why we have held strong to the model of a faculty member who advises, teaches, mentors, and coaches our boys. Athletics is an honored tradition at Avon and, we believe, a valuable part of a complete education. Our athletic program is one of the best in the country and we attribute our success to experienced coaches, excellent facilities, strong competition, and an emphasis on things that matter most: teamwork, determination, and sportsmanship. Another way Avon boys come together is through the arts. Our rich and varied programs in music and the visual and performing arts provide many opportunities for boys to express themselves creatively and form meaningful connections with peers. Our students have been honored locally, regionally, and nationally for their creative accomplishments. Most impressive, however, Avon is a place where you can draw, paint, play an instrument, sing or act AVON OLD FARMS SCHOOL whether you have had years of experience or none. As a college preparatory school, one of our goals is to identify and facilitate the right matches between Avon students and institutions of higher learning. Our boys typically begin the college counseling process during sophomore year, setting expectations and goals early so that by the time they are seniors, they are prepared to take the lead on this leg of their journey to adulthood. Our core values of brotherhood, integrity, scholarship, and sportsmanship, are fundamental to life at Avon, and stay with our graduates for a lifetime. Avon Old Farms School: 500 Old Farms Road, Avon, CT 06001. 800-464-2866 WESTONMAGAZINEGROUP.COM



The Ethel Walker School

Middlebury, CT Westover, a selective boarding school of 200 girls, grades 9 - 12, in Middlebury, CT, has students from 16 countries and 19 states. In addition to its rich and varied curriculum, Westover offers three specialized programs for those students with more concentrated interests. • Brass City Ballet. As participants in this program, a joint venture between Westover and the Brass City Ballet, select students have the opportunity to study dance at one of the region’s leading dance schools. Students audition in the fall of their entry year and take six dance classes a week in ballet, modern, and jazz.

Simsbury, CT The Ethel Walker School offers an invaluable learning experience for girls from middle school through their secondary school years, preparing students for an ever-changing world and workplace environment. The diverse community is composed of students from around the globe, faculty, and alumnae who are dedicated to scholarship, the arts, athletics, wellness and service. A strong emphasis is placed on global experience, service learning, and environmental sustainability. Girls learn to lead with integrity, confidence, courage, and conviction. Academics: Walker’s integrates the arts into a challenging and engaging curriculum that focuses on opportunities for girls in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, with an emphasis on writing, including writing across the curriculum. Language instruction includes Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, and Latin. More than a third of classes are Honors and Advanced Placement classes. The close community of dedicated faculty members provides a nurturing and collaborative environment in which girls learn, stretch, and grow. Technology: All students and faculty use iPads to effectively create a personalized learning experience. Walker’s also maintains a wireless campus, SMART board-equipped classrooms, multi-media learning and presentations tools, and a state-of-the-art library. Athletics: Sports are a source of pride at Walker’s and instruct the lifelong


• Manhattan School of Music. This joint program between the Manhattan School of Music Pre-College Division and Westover offers talented musicians and vocalists the opportunity to study music and play in an orchestra or ensemble at one of the country’s leading music schools. Students must complete a separate application and audition to be accepted into the program. • WISE (Women in Science and Engineering). This advanced extracurricular program in conjunction with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) offers a variety of electives aimed at preparing students for careers in science or engineering. WISE graduates also receive special consideration for RPI’s engineering program. In addition, Westover offers three signature programs that further reflect the School’s commitment to giving students opportunities to gain experience and knowledge in special areas of interest: • The Sonja Osborn Museum Studies Internship. The Museum Studies Internship, designed for students with interests and aptitude in the study of art history, consists of a ten-week program. The first eight weeks are spent at Hill-Stead Museum in Farmington, CT, the home designed and lived in by Theodate Pope Riddle, Westover’s architect. The final two weeks are spent working on a project that investigates the historical ties between the museum and Westover. • The Online School for Girls (OSG). Westover was one of four allgirls schools in 2009 to establish a consortium to offer online education for girls. Girls taking part in the program are offered courses taught by faculty members from the consortium over the Internet. • Westover’s Summer Programs. The School’s residential one- or twoweek summer programs in the arts and academics are an extension of the Westover experience, allowing girls to benefit from courses taught by Westover instructors while enjoying a range of summer activities. For more information, or to arrange for a visit, contact Westover’s Office of Admission at 203-577-4521 or e-mail For more information about Westover, visit 226



skills of interdependent action, collaboration, and team spirit. The nationally acclaimed equestrian program is for girls of all ability levels; many compete locally, nationally, and internationally while others improve their skills as recreational riders. There is a new state-of-the-art turf and irrigated natural field complex. Recent championship teams include softball and golf. Life at Walker’s: The joy of friendship is a fundamental principle at the School. Walker’s has a strong sense of spirit, togetherness, and camaraderie. Traditions tie generations of alumnae and current students together. Myriad clubs, led by students and advised by faculty, cover many areas of interest. The campus – 300 acres of fields, forest, and trails – provides space for recreation, learning, and staying connected to nature. The Power of an All-girls Education: Research shows that girls educated in a same-sex learning environment test higher, experience greater academic achievement, have better mathematics and computer skills, and exhibit greater civic and political engagement. The Ethel Walker School: 230 Bushy Hill Road, Simsbury, CT 06070 860/408-4467;


Chapel Hill – Chauncy Hall School

Burlington, VT Rock Point School is a small, supportive day and boarding school for high school students who have not found success in other more traditional school settings. Rock Point is a place where young people who have found themselves off-track academically, socially, and personally are seen for who they are,

Waltham, MA At Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall School, a coeducational day and boarding school grounded in over 180 years of history, we remain dedicated to teaching the way our students learn. Students in grades 9-12 and postgraduate thrive in our college-preparatory curriculum where they find small class sizes, academic challenges and a tailored approach to learning necessary to be successful, innovative thinkers. Our students discover engaging classes, teachers, and peers, and actively contribute to a community that encourages participation in the arts, athletics and other extracurricular opportunities. Our rigorous curriculum challenges students, while instruction tailored to individual learning styles empowers our students to achieve their potential. Our multiple intelligences approach to teaching, along with support seamlessly integrated into the classroom, creates a transformational learning experience for students.


take healthy risks, grow, find success, and discover their passion. Located in beautiful and culturally rich Burlington, VT, we offer high school students small, engaging classes, experiential learning, close relationships with staff, and ongoing opportunities to discover who they are. Academically, we support a range of learning styles, and work with students to improve their organization, self-advocacy, and study skills. The academic program at Rock Point School is a college-preparatory program. Students take classes based on their grade level. The freshman and sophomore year curricula focus on the foundational skills that support more lengthy and intensive reading and writing assignments of the junior and senior years. Because classes are small in size (5-13 students), teachers come to know students’ strengths and needs well, and teachers work with students to challenge them at appropriate levels. One student’s assignment might be modified to reduce the length of a written piece, while another student’s assignment might be supplemented with additional reading and/or writing requirements. In our dorm program, we encourage our students to have fun, laugh, try new things, make friends, and discover what excites them -- whether it be snowboarding, digital animation, or playing music. Rock Point School is located on 125 acres of lake front property in beautiful Burlington, VT. Our students thrive in a unique environment that combines easy access to nature with a small, safe, fun city just down the road. We are proud to have been founded in 1928 with a mission to serve young people that remains strong to this day. Contact information: 802-863-1104 x12

We Teach the Way Students Learn: • An average class size of ten allows us to truly know our students • Dynamic 75 minute classes engage students in multiple ways of learning • Skills and Academic Support Program develops independent learners • Diverse population enriches the culture of our School • Co-curricular and arts programs inspire students to discover their passions • All CH-CH graduates enroll in college or university Teaching to Students’ Strengths The CH-CH community is committed to each student’s individual success and to understanding the unique ways in which each student learns. Our approach to education embodies the knowledge that students learn differently, exhibiting various academic strengths and areas which need more improvement. This requires varied, creative methods of instruction. An attentive, experienced faculty identifies ways to encourage each student to harness his or her strengths for continued progress, while devising strategies to engage students in learning methods that suit individual skills. CH-CH classes are both active and challenging. For example, students in a Spanish class may study a song, use its lyrics to hone speaking skills and engage in group work to examine the piece’s cultural nuances. Then, they may CHAPEL HILL – CHAUNCY HALL SCHOOL create their own lyrics to the same tune, cementing their understanding of a particular set of vocabulary terms. Our layered approach to instruction provides students with meaningful interactions and a deep understanding of academic material. Visit for more information. Located at 785 Beaver St., Waltham, MA 02452 If you would like an individual campus tour and school visit, please contact the Admissions Office. Lisa Pelrine, Director of Admissions: 781-314-0800,




Riverside Military Academy

Melbourne, FL Florida Air Academy is a co-ed, college-prep military school for young boys and girls in grades 6-12. The school is located in Melbourne, Florida in the heart of Florida’s Space Coast, just a few hours north of Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, West Palm Beach and Boca Raton. For 53 years, Florida Air Academy has developed young men and women who blend academic ability, integrity and good character, along with a knowledge of world cultures, into a powerful force—well prepared for future success, growth, and leadership. The school offers Advanced Placement, Honors and traditional academic classes, and students can earn college credit through dual-enrollment. With 100% college acceptance since 1978, F.A.A. provides a challenging academic program together with a structured environment that allows students to be successful in the classroom and well prepared for success in college and beyond. In the past three years, F.A.A. seniors have earned more than $4 million dollars in college scholarships and acceptances to top colleges and universities. For those students looking for Military Focus, F.A.A. has an active Air Force Junior ROTC program that has been an “Honor Unit” for a number of years—placing it in the top 20% of all AFJROTC units across the country. Students originate from more than 20 countries, and the school’s academic program provides individualized instruction while celebrating the diversity of the student body through academic study. F.A.A. has successfully implemented a 1:1 Apple iPad Program, which provides technology-centered activities and real-world probFLORIDA AIR ACADEMY lem solving to engage and challenge students. Teachers also promote curiosity and learning in ways that reveal each student’s intellectual strengths, interests and passions. Florida Air Academy recognizes that school is much more than just education—it’s about each child’s unique journey into adulthood. The strong academic program is enhanced with an established athletics program, forward-thinking elective courses, and fun extracurricular activities that can be tailored to a child’s interests and life dreams! The school is also located minutes away from the Melbourne International Airport, where students can gain the certified instruction and flying time needed to earn a pilot’s license prior to high-school graduation. F.A.A. is a member of and accredited by the Florida Council of Independent Schools (FCIS) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). It is also a member of the Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA), and the Association of Military Schools and Colleges (AMCSUS). For more information, visit: or call (321) 723-3211.

Gainesville, GA Founded in 1907, Riverside Military Academy (RMA) offers a traditional, American-style education where personal values, honor, and love of country still matter. Riverside is not owned or operated by any particular religious denomination, but supports the spiritual and educational goals of all families. RMA is first and foremost a college preparatory school. We offer high quality academRIVERSIDE MILITARY ACADEMY ics in a structured environment designed to meet the needs of boys in grades 7-12. The military setting adds structure, responsibility, accountability and yes, consequences when necessary. All contribute to a well-rounded young man. This environment works for those who have historically underachieved, who simply have not been able to manage their time, and who tend to procrastinate in every endeavor. The rigorous days at RMA are filled with academics, military activities, social activities, and athletics. Over 70% of our faculty hold advanced degrees and encourage our cadets to develop the daily habits essential for success at home and in the workplace. These habits include organizational skills, time management, and the ability to manage stress through preparation and exercise. Cadets of Riverside Military Academy benefit from a small class size and a 15:1 student teacher ratio. Our entire educational program centers around the way young men learn best. Because Riverside believes that there is a strong connection between physical and mental development, extra-curricular activities, field trips, and outdoor activities play an important role in the daily lives of our cadets. The RMA program takes full advantage of its 206-acre campus, athletic facilities, and proximity to Lake Lanier which is located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Riverside’s college center assists cadets in preparing for and placing their college applications each year. The graduating class of 2014 consisted of 97 cadets who were admitted to over 90 universities including the U.S. Air Force Academy , and the U.S. Military Academy –West Point, and received over $4.1 million in collegiate scholarships. Riverside Military Academy holds dual accreditation in SACS and SAIS. Located in Gainesville, Georgia, just one hour north of Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, Riverside is easily accessible to cadets and their families from around the world. In addition, RMA offers shuttle service to and from the airport for our cadets. Riverside Military Academy’s comprehensive program of rigorous academics, athletics and leadership development sets the stage for a lifetime of success. We invite you to learn more about Riverside Military Academy by visiting our web site at: or call our admissions office at 877.MY.CADET.



INDEPENDENT SCHOOL GUIDE UNIVERSITY Florida Institute of Technology Melbourne, FL Florida Tech is a national, doctoral-granting research university set just minutes from the beach in east central Florida. Known for its “High Tech with a Human Touch” approach, the university has been ranked a Top 200 World University by Times Higher Education and a Tier One Best National University by U.S. News & World Report. Students from more than 100 countries around the world and all 50 United States choose Florida Tech. As a result, the university offers a vibrant and diverse environment. Florida Tech students are passionately focused on academics and building real-world career experience, but they are also serious about enjoying the Florida lifestyle and all the benefits of 300+ days of sunny weather annually. The university offers more than 60 hands-on undergraduate degree programs through five colleges: engineering, science, aeronautics, psychology and liberal arts, and business. Popular majors include aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, computer science, marine biology and aviation management. New programs include biomedical engineering, entrepreneurship, prelaw, and sustainability studies. All students, regardless of major, participate in undergraduate research, a career-oriented practicum, internship or co-op work experience, or some combination thereof. In addition, all students may elect FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY OLIN PHYSICAL SCIENCES to participate in Florida Tech’s FastTrack accelerated master’s degree program. Through FastTrack, students have the ability to complete both a bachelor’s and master’s in as few as five years of fulltime study. Outside of the classroom, Florida Tech students participate in 22 NCAA Division II men’s and women’s varsity sports, which include baseball, basketball, lacrosse and football. They also build skills, friendships and lasting memories in more than 100 student clubs and organizations, a wide array of intramural sports, and numerous music and performance ensembles. Florida Tech’s campus features a lush, AAA-rated botanical garden and one of the largest research telescopes in Florida. A modern fitness facility, sparkling aquatic center, high-tech library and first-class dining hall are all within walking distance from the suite-style residence halls where the majority of new students live. Getting around often takes place via skateboard, bicycle, or one of Florida Tech’s signature open-air trolleys. The university is located a short distance from downtown Melbourne—a historic main street full of shops and cafes—as well as the Melbourne International Airport and the Atlantic Ocean. The world famous Cocoa Beach is a 30-minute drive from campus while Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex and Orlando are both about an hour away. Students who visit campus are eligible to earn a Visit Grant worth up to $4,000 toward tuition. Ask a Question: or (800) 888-4348 Get Admissions Info: Find Your Major:

Quinnipiac University Graduate Programs North Haven, CT Making a world of difference. Making a different world. It is an exciting time for graduate study at Quinnipiac University – with new QUINNIPIAC UNIVERSITY

programs, new facilities, and opportunities for collaborative learning. Named the top “up-and-coming” school with master’s programs in the Northern Region by U.S. News and World Report, Quinnipiac continues to grow as a great place for innovative graduate education and professional preparation. The Center for Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences The university’s North Haven Campus was in the spotlight this year with the opening of the $100 million Center for Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, home to the Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine, the School of Health Sciences and the School of Nursing, and an array of graduate programs: Anesthesiologist Assistant, Cardiovascular Perfusion, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Nursing, Pathologists’ Assistant, Physician Assistant, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy (online), Molecular and Cell Biology (Mount Carmel Campus), and Social Work (MSW), which welcomed its first class in the fall. New opportunities – Nurse Anesthesia* and Nursing Leadership* The Center’s exceptional resources, which include a state-of-the art operating room with anesthesia equipment, will be a benefit to students in the Nurse Anesthesia* track, one of two new options within Quinnipiac’s Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program. The other new track, Nursing Leadership* (online-pending state approval), is ideal for nurse managers who want to master leadership principles and practices. Professional study that leads the way: Law, Education and Business Quinnipiac’s outstanding School of Law joins the North Haven Campus in August, taking up residence in an impressive new Law Center. Also based in North Haven is the School of Education, with stellar programs like the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Sixth-year Diploma in Educational Leadership, and MS in Teacher Leadership (online). There are great options for graduate study on Quinnipiac’s Mount Carmel Campus in Hamden, too. Quinnipiac’s AACSB-accredited School of Business offers the outstanding MBA program (on-campus, online and hybrid) with several specialized tracks and a focus on strategic decision-making, and the MS programs in Information Technology, Business Analytics and Organizational Leadership (all online). Focus on Communications – Social Media and Sports Journalism And for media professionals, the Mount Carmel Campus is the destination for dynamic programs in the School of Communications, including the newest options: social media tracks in the MS in Public Relations and MS in Interactive Media (online) programs and a specialized track in sports journalism in the highly regarded MS in Journalism for students looking to hone their skills in that fast-paced field. Quinnipiac University Graduate Admissions 275 Mount Carmel Avenue Hamden, CT 06518-1940 203-582-8672 or 800-462-1944

INDEPENDENT SCHOOL GUIDE The Evergreen State College: Think Beyond the Ordinary Olympia, Washington While most colleges teach the same things in the same ways, Evergreen stands apart. We opened our doors in 1971, not 1791, and you’ll see the benefits in our innovative curriculum, student-driven academic pathways and focus on real learning. The Evergreen Difference • Full-time, multi-quarter interdisciplinary programs, often team-taught • Coordinated schedules for homework, tests and field study • Narrative evaluations • Customized academic pathways • Individual and group learning contracts to tailor your education • Extraordinary 1,000-acre campus in the Pacific Northwest Other Good News • Princeton Review 378 Best Colleges • Fiske Guides “Best Buy” THE EVERGREEN • Sierra Magazine top green colleges STATE COLLEGE • High acceptance rate to graduate school Learning in Community, Making Connections – Imagine studying art, science, history, writing and sociology in one integrated program focused on a central theme. Many students take just one 16-credit, team-taught interdisciplinary program per quarter (instead of four or five disconnected classes), studying with the same students and faculty for up to a year. Check out our catalog to get a feel for the unique and intriguing interdisciplinary programs you’ll find at Evergreen: Coordinated Studies – In a full-time interdisciplinary program, homework and tests for one subject don’t compete with another and you don’t have to miss other classes to take field trips, work at an internship, or study abroad. Focus on Learning – Your faculty will give you feedback in a narrative evaluation instead of reducing your hard work down to a letter grade. The focus is on learning and collaboration – often in small seminar groups – not competition for grades. The absence of grades doesn’t mean an absence of high expectations. National studies show that Evergreen students read more, spend more time preparing for class and work more in teams than their peers. More Flexibility – We don’t limit your options with formal majors. You can tailor your education to meet your needs and explore areas of interest without worrying that your credits won’t count toward graduation. Later in your studies, you can also design individual or group learning contracts to create customized learning opportunities. Great Value – Evergreen is both a nationally acclaimed public liberal arts and sciences college and a Fiske Guides best buy. Our total cost of attendance for non-resident students is less than tuition alone at many private institutions. Depending on your need and/or academic qualifications, your actual cost could be even lower. Living in the Pacific Northwest – Evergreen is located in Olympia, Washington’s capital city. Our 1,000-acre forested campus – a living laboratory and classroom – has a beach on Puget Sound, miles of trails, an organic farm, a Native American longhouse, and easy access to Olympia’s vibrant downtown. More opportunities for fun – the Pacific Ocean, Olympic and Mt. Rainier national parks, Mt. St. Helens, ski areas, and the urban scenes of Seattle and Portland, Oregon – are just an hour or two away. Learn more at 2700 Evergreen Parkway NW, Olympia, WA 98505. 360/867-6170.

DAY SCHOOLS Dwight-Englewood School Englewood, NJ “As a community of learners, Dwight-Englewood School strives to foster in each student a passion for life-long learning. We seek excellence, honor integrity, and embrace diversity in order to meet the challenges of a changing world and make it better.” Dwight-Englewood (D-E) is a coeducational, independent school of approximately 900 students, serving a seamless education experience for students in preschool (age 3) through Grade 12. Comprised of three divisions – the Lower, Middle, and Upper Schools -- each with their own distinctive personality, D-E is the most ethnically-diverse school in Bergen County, with students who represent more than 80 communities in New Jersey and New York. The school is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and the New Jersey Association of Independent Schools, and is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools. D-E is located on a beautiful 40+ acre campus, just minutes from George Washington Bridge. As the area’s longest-established independent PreK through Grade 12 co-educational day school, our students take advantage of an unparalleled rich academic experience that is both traditional and innovative. We provide a rigorous college preparatory program rooted in the classical liberal arts while at the same time preparing students with 21st century skills they will need for their futures. At Dwight-Englewood we all come to grow. We seek growth in respect, honesty, judgment, commitment, courage and community and expect each of us to work towards living these, our shared values. We believe that the opportunity to grow is a precious gift, one that brings out our best selves. Dwight-Englewood gives the highest quality preparation for college and university work while fostering independent thinking; the ability to solve problems; and the skills, tolerance, and integrity it takes to thrive in our multifaceted world. Students thrive here in a variety of ways including the arts, athletics, leadership and service. In the tradition of the nation’s finest independent schools, we offer small classes and stimulating coursework that encourages students to take risks and to learn to pursue their passions. Beyond the words of our Mission Statement, which charge us to “meet the challenges of a changing world and make it better,” our Profile of a D-E Graduate speaks to how “our graduates will explore ideas critically, communicate effectively, and lead active intellectual lives.” In turn our Profile of a D-E Teacher speaks to how our faculty and staff together “engage in the full life of our school, educating, supporting, and knowing our students beyond their academic experience.” We pride ourselves in having a friendly admissions team, eager to introduce you to our dynamic ‘community of learners’. Contact D-E Admissions today to arrange a visit to campus or to discuss your future at Dwight-Englewood. Dwight-Englewood does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, religion, age, national or ethnic origin, or sexual orientation in its admissions or employment, or in the administration of any of its programs. Dwight-Englewood School 315 E. Palisade Avenue Englewood, NJ 07631 201-569-9500, ext. 3500


Summer Rome Programs

Arete: An Introduction to the Classics (IRVING) Authors of essential texts of Western civilization – Plato, Aristotle, Sophocles, Shakespeare, Faulkner, O’Connor – will be your teachers over the course of 14 days as you live on our Irving campus. Students view films, visit celebrated art museums and attend Shakespeare in the Park. You will develop and hone reading and writing skills essential for the college classroom while making long and lasting friendships that inevitably develop in a learning community.

Undergraduate Summer in Rome The undergraduate Summer Rome Program is a month-long program for both UD and non-UD undergraduate students. The program builds upon the two great pillars of UD: a commitment to the liberal arts and our Catholic identity. Students encounter and reflect upon some of the most profound texts, ideas and art of the church and Western culture while studying on the Eugene Constantin Rome campus at Due Santi.

Latin in Rome Latin in Rome seeks intermediate and advanced students of Latin who desire to refine and deepen their understanding of the language and the Romans who spoke it. Throughout the program, you will study passages from Cicero, Pliny, Virgil and Horace to enhance visits to sites in Rome and Naples. The program includes lectures by university faculty who have lived and taught in Rome, daily language tutorials and group discussions of texts, as well as visits to historical sites and museums. This 21-day program is not simply a summer tour, but a college-level Latin course.

Apply Now High School Programs Arete: An Introduction to the Classics Latin in Rome Shakespeare in Italy High School Program Application

Undergraduate Course Offerings Catholic Faith and Culture Italian Liberal Arts Options Undergraduate Program Application

About the University of Dallas

Shakespeare in Italy This 18-day program focuses on Shakespeare and the place that inspired him the most, Italy. You will study three of Shakespeare’s Italian plays (Julius Caesar, The Taming of the Shrew and The Merchant of Venice). Additionally, you will tour Rome most mornings with faculty guides and take a trip to Venice and Padua. Unlike most study programs, your classroom is Rome, as well as the other cities and sites you visit. The program helps students prepare for college through small group discussions and writing tutorials; students emerge sharper readers and more polished writers.

The University of Dallas is dedicated to the pursuit of wisdom, of truth and of virtue as the proper and primary ends of education. The university seeks to educate its students so they may develop the intellectual and moral virtues, prepare themselves for life and work in a problematic and changing world and become leaders able to act responsibly for their own good and for the good of their family, community, country and church. The university has offered its Rome Program as a part of its undergraduate curriculum for more than 40 years. More than 7,000 undergraduates have spent an academic semester in Rome at the heart of our Western heritage. Programs in Rome are housed on our 12-acre campus, approximately 12 miles southeast of Rome. For 20 years, we have offered mature high school students summer and study abroad opportunities modeled after our signature Rome Program. Each program provides college credit while students study with university professors on our campuses both in Irving, Texas, and Rome.

For More Information Discover more about any of our summer Rome programs. Call 972-721-5181, email or visit

Who starts college after the 10th or 11th grade? We do. We offer a rigorous program in the liberal arts and sciences to younger students. Most start here after 10th or 11th grade, and earn their BA by age 20. Early college and accelerated learning give our graduates a head start on lifelong achievement.

LEARN MORE: 800.235.7186

Precollege Programs for High School Girls Summer at Smith


American College Immersion Program July 6–August 2

Summer Science and Engineering Program July 6–August 2

Hidden Lives: Discovering Women’s History July 6 –19

Field Studies for Sustainable Futures July 6 –19

Young Women’s Writing Workshop July 6 –19

Five Programs. Limitless Ways to Explore the World.


Smith College’s rigorous PRECOLLEGE SUMMER PROGRAMS give high school girls the FREEDOM TO EXPLORE challenging subjects—without the pressure of exams and grades. Here, professors who are world-class scholars offer personal attention in the classroom to college-bound girls while encouraging their interests and passions and helping them develop new academic skills. HERE’S WHAT RECENT PARTICIPANTS SAID ABOUT THEIR SUMMER AT SMITH:

“I enjoyed the fact that we were treated “It was exciting to work with real,

like college students.”

primary documents for research.

“I loved the opportunity to delve

I got to put the pieces of the story

into a college-level genetics course

together myself, challenge my

and answer scientific questions with

mind and work like a historian.”

experiments, not lecture notes.”

Individual. Global. Exceptional.


30 Belmont Ave. Smith College Northampton, MA 01063 413 585-2165 Fax (413) 585-2152


Celebrating 50 Years of Excellence & Remarkable Growth

I N S P I R I N G M I N D S. U N L E A S H I N G H E A R T S . As we look back on our first 50 years, Sacred Heart University celebrates an unparalleled momentum. We’ve become New England’s second-largest Catholic university, adding award-winning new facilities and relevant, engaging programs to meet the needs of our growing community. The next half century will herald more rapid change—not just for us, but for all of higher

education. We look forward to meeting the exhilarating challenges of the global revolution in education with a continued dedication to innovation, not just in what we teach, but in how we teach it. Through it all, our mission remains the same: to inspire minds and unleash hearts as we make a difference in the world, one student at a time.

If you’re a standout, you’ll fit right in. Don’t just communicate ideas—experience them. Don’t memorize a foreign language—think in one. Don’t study the ruins—excavate them. Don’t analyze dreams—live them. This is the very essence of the University of Chicago Summer Session. Where students are engaged at every level—intellectually, socially, personally, and professionally. Where you can benefit from the value of taking university courses in an accelerated, intensive format. Join us this summer for an extraordinary learning experience at the academic home to 85 Nobel laureates. For students in high school, college, and beyond. June 23–August 29, 2014, 3, 4, 5, and 6-week sessions.

Apply today.


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The Albert Nerken School of Engineering at The Cooper Union has been preparing high school students to pursue undergraduate careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields for over 25 years. The Summer STEM Program is an intensive experience that immerses students in hands-on engineering design and problem-solving, thereby placing them on the right track for careers in technological innovation. Students work closely with Cooper Union faculty on projects ranging broadly from robotics, digital fabrication, computer programming and app development to biomedical and genetic engineering, improved urban infrastructure and even race car design.

SUMMER OF FOOD Short courses throughout the summer in: • • • • •

diversified agriculture cheesemaking brewing viticulture bees and honey

• • • • •

beef production meat cutting hard cider craft distilling and many more!

Start your future today! |

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Weekend Trips to NYC and Boston & Off-Campus Field Trips and Excursions


Each student will get to pair their major with an elective of their choice:


Acting Workshop


Anatomy of an Eco-System: River and Stream




Baking Pastries

Digital Photography and Editing Farm to Table: Responsible Consumerism Internet Privacy and Safety Improv Comedy Workshop


College Admission Seminar: Prepare for the Process Sustainability Seminar: Cutting Edge Green Technology

College Essay Writing Public speaking Conspiracy theories Screenwriting Current Events: Get up to Speed


Debate: Current Issues

Yoga or Pilates | 866-928-2897 One Brennan Circle Poultney, VT 05764

Gain real college experience while living on campus and participating in classes that highlight experiential learning.

Summer College | Apply online:

For High School Students

July 5-25, 2014 Choose from ten exciting, thought-provoking, three-credit courses: EDUC 250: Children’s Literature BIOC 150: Synthetic Biology BIOL 150: Topics in Biology: Intro to Human Biology BIOL 101: Biology in Practice THEA 150 Theatre Performance Workshop

THEA 131: Stagecraft MUSI 150: Dynamics of Music ART 250: This is Drawing POSC 150: The United Nations in World Politics ANTH 150: Forensic Anthropology: Osteology

Submit your online Summer College Application today! Deposit deadline for Summer College is May 15, 2014. Hartwick College is a private liberal arts and sciences college of 1,500 students, located in Oneonta, NY, in the northern foothills of the Catskill Mountains. Hartwick’s expansive curriculum emphasizes a uniquely experiential approach to the liberal arts.



At Quinnipiac University, our students are our main focus. It’s why we offer graduate degrees in fields ranging from business to health sciences. It’s also why Quinnipiac was ranked among the top master’s-level universities in the North by U.S. News & World Report and first in the northern region in U.S. News’ Up-and-Coming Schools category.


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Institute of Continuing Education

International Summer Schools 6 July – 22 August 2014

Join us in 2014 for the University of Cambridge International Summer Schools Discover a variety of interdisciplinary and specialist programmes, which run from one to six weeks and are taught by leading Cambridge scholars and guest subject experts. Participants can choose from a wide range of subjects to build a study schedule to match their interests. The programmes are delivered at university level and are

SPECIALIST PROGRAMMES INCLUDE: Ancient Empires Literature Science History Creative Writing Shakespeare Medieval Studies Hanseatic League

geared towards an adult audience of university undergraduate and graduate students, professionals and retired people. To add to their academic experience participants can stay in historic Cambridge Colleges and take part in a range of weekend excursions

International Programmes Telephone: +44 (0) 1223 760850 Email: Website:

and social activities. For further information visit:

Glad Green Summer, 1997 (oil on canvas), Graham, Peter (Contemporary Artist) / Private Collection / The Bridgeman Art Library

6WXG\ LQ ' & DW *HRUJHWRZQ 8QLYHUVLW\ • Choose from more than 250 courses




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Pre Session:

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First Session:

-81( –-8/<

Cross Session:

-81( –-8/<

$SSO\ 2QOLQH 7RGD\ Learn more and explore scholarship opportunities at

VXPPHUVFKRRO JHRUJHWRZQ HGX GF Courses and dates are subject to change and cancellation. For the most up-to-date information, please visit our website. Georgetown University Summer School is administered through the School of Continuing Studies.

Second Session:

-8/< –$8*

Visiting student and Pre-College registration is open More than 200 classes in all major disciplines

Two New York City campuses and one in Westchester

Summer Session 2014 May 27 - August 5

Enrich your summer at Columbia. Hundreds of courses. CertiďŹ cates in business, international relations and human rights. Preparation for graduate studies.

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Over 650 courses for undergraduates, graduates, visiting students, & professionals. Take advantage of flexible options including evening & online courses. 3-credits in just 6 weeks Summer Institutes Short Term Abroad Programs International Summer @ GW GW Pre-college

6th Annual University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute International Summer Academy • • • Academy Dates: June 17 - August 8, 2014 • • • Application Deadline: March 1, 2014 The UPCI International Summer Academy is an 8-week program designed to prepare high school scholars to further their studies in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and pursue careers in scientific research and medicine. Our Academy comprises 7 Sites which focus on various types of cancers as well as different approaches to studying cancer and related diseases. Scholars are paired with a research mentor from 1 of the 7 Sites and spend the majority of their time (80%) working first-hand on a research project, which is specifically tailored to the scholar. All scholars present their work as both a research talk and poster at the end of the program. To complement the research training, the Academy also provides classroom instruction, research and career seminars, professional development opportunities, and a host of fun, social activities for our Scholars. CB: The Cancer Biology Hillman Cancer Center Site on the Shadyside campus prepares scholars to further their studies in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects and to consider careers in cancer care and research. Through immersion in our dedicated laboratories with qualified faculty mentors, students will increase their knowledge of (1) careers in cancer care and research, (2) education in cancer biology and therapeutic strategies, and (3) development of research and communication skills. WCRC: The Magee Women’s Cancer Research Center Oakland campus site will expose scholars to various aspects of research in women’s health, with projects & presentations centered around breast & ovarian cancer, & state-of- the-art technologies & approaches, such as novel methods using tumor cell lines & animal models. TI: The Tumor Immunology, Oakland campus site will expose high school students to immunological research and prepare them for career opportunities in tumor immunology. Scholars will work with a mentor in a laboratory to create a research project working with data analysis and experimental design. Scholars will explore the exciting biologic basis for novel therapies being developed in the immunotherapy of cancer. CoSBBI: The Computer Sciences, Biology and Biomedical Informatics site on the Shadyside campus hosted by the Department of Biomedical Informatics and Pathology Informatics, will introduce students to the application of informatics to cancer research, detection and diagnosis, and treatment. This is done through teaching basic concepts in biology, statistics, programming, and bioinformatics tools, coverage of topics such as genomics, proteomics and decision modeling, and individual mentored research projects. DiSCoBio: The Drug Discovery, Systems and Computational Biology Site on the Oakland campus provides immersive training and teaching in both the Computational and Experimental research and theories used to tackle cutting-edge questions in Cancer Biology, Drug Discovery, and related fields. Professional development and other enrichment activities prepare scholars for success in college and future careers in Science and Medicine. CHERP: The Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion Site on the Oakland campus will engage scholars in novel studies designed to discern the origins of and develop solutions for disparities in health care. CIO: Center for Integrated Oncology in Cologne/Bonn, Germany will focus on leukemias and lymphomas. PROGRAM DIRECTORS and CONTACTS Michael T. Lotze, MD, Program Director, UPCI Academy/CB Site: Steffi Oesterreich, PhD, Program Director, WCRC Site: Robert J. Binder, PhD, Program Director, TI Site: Mike Becich, MD PhD, Co-Director, CoSBBI Site: Joyeeta Dutta-Moscato, MS, Co-Director, CoSBBI Site: , Joseph C. Ayoob, PhD, Program Director, DiSCoBio Site: Michael T. Fine, MD, MSc, Program Director, CHERP Site: Michael C. Hallek, MD, Program Director, CIO Site: UPCI Academy Executive Administrator: Susanna Godwin: (412)-623-5977; UPCI Academy Administrator: Darren Gilmartin: (412)-623-6790;

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Florida Institute of Technology is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associate, baccalaureate, master’s, education specialist and doctoral degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Florida Institute of Technology. Florida Institute of Technology does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, color, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, marital status, age, disability, sexual orientation, Vietnam-era veterans status or any other discrimination prohibited by law in the admission of students, administration of its educational policies, scholarship and loan programs, employment policies, and athletic or other university sponsored programs or activities. MK-287-414

Riverside Military Academy

Year-Round Enrollment Offered


Educating young men in grades 7-12


Over 490 cadets from 25 states and 23 countries


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12 athletic sports with many championship titles


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(ages 6-11) June 25-August 1, 2014

(ages 6-11) June 25-August 1, 2014



(ages 11-16) July 7-18 and/or July 21-August 1

(ages 9-12) July 7-18, 2014 */(19,//( 52$' *5((1:,&+ &7

Registration begins at 5:30 p.m. ‡ Program begins at 6:00 p.m. Avon Old Farms believes strongly in the benefits of a single-sex education and understands the unique learning styles of young men. A structured academic day includes regular all-school meetings, family-style meals, athletic practices, and quiet evening study hours. Core values such as brotherhood, integrity, scholarship, and sportsmanship are emphasized and modeled by a caring and committed faculty who also serve as coaches, dormitory masters, counselors, valued mentors, and friends. Avon’s diverse academic program is both challenging and supportive. Avon Old Farms is a fully-accredited college preparatory school and its graduates represent their school proudly at some of

the finest colleges and universities in the nation and abroad. Avon Old Farms is located 15 minutes northwest of Hartford, offering a magnificent campus with outstanding facilities.

QUICK FACTS: Established: 1927 Enrollment: 405 boys States/Countries Represented: 22/22 Average Class Size: 12 Student-Teacher Ratio: 6:1 Campus Size: 860+ wooded acres Interscholastic Sports: 15

To RSVP or schedule an interview, please call us at 800-464-2866, or email us at 500 Old Farms Road, Avon, Connecticut 06001

Avon Old Farms School welcomes students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin.

Follow us:

“An Intimate PlacePlace to Learn theHeart Heart of a Great “An Intimate to Learnin in the of a Great City” City”

“An Intimate Place to Learn in the Heart of a Great City” “An Intimate Place to Learn in the Heart of a Great City”

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H S A E L N U l a i t n e t o Your P

Lots of students are thinking about going to college. If you’re thinking way beyond that—not just about going, but about succeeding, leading, and building your future…

JSA HAS THE RIGHT SUMMER PROGRAM FOR YOU. Nobody builds leaders like JSA. Our pre-college summer programs are transformational. They prepare you to be way ahead of the curve when you get to college. If you’re ready for life out in front, we’ll help get you there. “JSA taught me the skills that prepared me for leadership on the college level. ” – Jared Odessky, Columbia University University Senator, Class of 2015

APPLY NOW . . . for the best summer of your life!


For additional information, contact us at 1 (800) 317-9338 or email The Junior State of America (JSA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to preparing high schools to be active citizens.

Phillips Exeter Academy Summer School

Five weeks of academic exploration and discovery at one of America’s outstanding independent schools

July 6-August 9, 2014 The UPPER SCHOOL — Comprised of students who have completed grades nine, ten, eleven, or twelve — enrolls some 500 students who come to us from more than 40 states, Puerto Rico, Washington, D.C., and several dozen foreign nations. ACCESS EXETER — Open to students who have completed grades seven or eight — provides a challenging academic program for approximately 250 students. Together, these students embody a rich diversity of language, culture, religion and race.

Tel 603.777.3488 To learn more, please visit our website:


THE ETHEL WALKER SCHOOL is a private, independent boarding school for girls in grades 6-12. Research shows that all-girls learning environments produce young women who study better, test higher, excel in mathematics and sciences, and build academic poise and self-reliance. Come see how we empower girls to lead with integrity, conďŹ dence, courage, and conviction. The results are, in a word, extraordinary.

Visit or contact admissions at 860.408.4200.

Simsbury, Connecticut

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LEARN GERMAN... GO FURTHER ! German School of Connecticut

learning for the future

ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE! Saturday, May 17th, 12-2pm

Rippowam Middle School, 381 High Ridge Rd, Stamford CT Our Stamford campus is having an Open House on Saturday, May 17 from 12-2pm… and you’re invited! Get acquainted with our school and community... you’ll find a friendly center with dedicated, professional teachers. Come early and enjoy our Spring Poetry Recital starting at 10:30, followed by our Spring Potluck Celebration featuring traditional German foods! x x

Two convenient locations: Stamford & West Hartford Dual-Track Curriculum for both beginners/ non-native, and native or near-fluent students

“Fluency in German gave my daughter that extra edge to get into her first choice in college… and later helped her find a job as well!” - Mother of Former Student x x

All grades: pre-K-12, and adult classes too! Dedicated, professional teachers

“My children learned so much at GSC that when we go to Germany, they feel at home with the language and culture.” - German Parent

Best CT results in the National German AATG Examinations x Deutsches Sprachdiplom A2, B1, C1 satisfying German university entrance language requirements x Prepare for SAT Subject Test and AP German Exams x

“My Business Studies got me the interview, but I am convinced my fluency in German landed the job.” - Former Student/Business Major

Nothing connects us to a country more than its language. Speaking German can help you strengthen that connection while enhancing travel, education and business horizons. Established in 1978, the German School of Connecticut (GSC) – the only professional German Saturday School in the state – provides a high-quality German educational program for over 350 children and adults. At GSC, students at all levels learn German language along with German, Austrian and Swiss cultures Saturday mornings during the academic year. For more details, please see our website at:

Summer Science Camps for High School Students Molecular Biology of Cancer Molecular Neuroscience

Educating Tomorrow’s Medical Professionals We offer workshops on molecular biology for high-achieving high school students interested in pursuing careers in medicine or related fields, such as pharmacy, nursing or biomedical research. Students stay in undergraduate housing at world-class universities such as Yale and UC Berkeley. Our PhD-level instructors design curriculum to be both challenging and fascinating, and the laboratories offer hands-on experience with real-world molecular biology techniques. To conclude the workshop, the students use what they have learned to create an original research project on a gene of their choice.

UC Berkeley 6/1-6/14 and 8/4-8/16

Yale University 6/15-6/28 OR 6/16-6/29!cancer-neuroscience-workshops/crty 888-412-7284

Make friends from around the nation and around the world Explore world-class research universities Experience the responsibility and freedom of college life in a safe environment Learn to identify and solve problems using the scientific method

UCLA 7/6-7/19

Westover, one of New England’s leading collegepreparatory schools, engages young women in a powerful college-prep foundation. From that firm foundation, students build up and out, using our broad and diverse curriculum as building blocks. Students choose from compelling interdisciplinary electives and dive into Signature Programs in music, science and engineering, finance, global exchanges, and more. At Westover students go as far as their desire and imagination can take them. Here your daughter will grow both academically and personally within a collaborative community of students in grades 9 - 12 from 17 states and 20 countries. For more information or to arrange for a visit to the School, please call the Office of Admission at 203.577.4521 or visit

Westover School

Middlebury, CT

Rethinking Learning, Reigniting Lives

A school where dyslexic students rethink the learning process and reinvent themselves, forging futures they hadn’t thought possible.


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imagine yourself here.

Cheshire Academy Cheshire Academy’s individualized approach to education places the student at the center of the learning process.

Photos © Robert Falcetti

The curriculum for boarding and day students, grade eight through postgraduate, features an average class size of 12. The Academy offers AP and Honors classes in addition to the International Baccalaureate® Diploma Programme. The Roxbury Academic Support Program helps students build study skills that serve them well in college. The academic program is complemented by offerings in athletics, the arts, and community service. The college counseling process focuses on matching students with the colleges and universities that are best suited to what they hope to achieve in life. Call today to arrange a visit. We look forward to helping you imagine yourself here. Established 1794 • 10 Main Street • Cheshire, Connecticut A d m i s s i o n : 2 0 3 . 4 3 9 . 7 2 5 0 • a d m i s s i o n s @ c h e s h i r e a c a d e m y. o r g w w w. c h e s h i r e a c a d e m y. o r g

Dwight-Englewood School. We’re closer than you think.

Goals Start Young. Their Futures Start Here. Dwight-Englewood School Preschool (age 3) - Grade 12 Register for our upcoming campus visit days at or call 201.984.3949 Bus service available.


To succeed in a changing world

Think beyond the ordinary What’s here is unique in the country. It’s about a sense of self and where you fit in the world. You get the school to work for you, not the other way around.

— Rob Cole, physics faculty

Uniquely interdisciplinary | Dynamic curriculum | Coordinated studies Customized pathways | Narrative evaluations | Applied learning

Summer at WPI WPI summer programs are focused on fun experiences that expand the mind and body. Whether it’s building a robot, researching and learning with a group of new friends, or practicing the finer points of a favorite sport—WPI is the place for summer. From Frontiers and Launch to Camp Reach, Advanced Robotics, and more, WPI offers overnight and day camps and enrichment programs for elementary, middle, and high school students. To learn more or to apply, visit

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