W E S T R I D G E in the 21st century: Educating and Empowering Girls to Lead Lives of Courage, Compassion, and Conviction
W E S T R I D G E S C H O O L provides inspiring and challenging opportunities for girls in grades 4-12 to learn and to thrive.
Grounded in an abiding commitment to goodness in all aspects of life and learning, Westridge builds on a foundation of academic excellence, personal integrity, and social responsibility. As the school embarks on its second century, Westridge will expand its role as a leader in the education of college-bound girls. Westridge students will have the confidence and courage to stand up and speak out with convictions that embody our core values of integrity, respect, responsibility, and inclusion as they prepare for college and forge their paths in an ever-changing world.
3 2 4 M A D E L I N E D R I V E P A S A D E N A C A 9110 5 • w w w. w e s t r i d g e . o r g 1
ST R ATEG IC P L A N November 2014 Dear Members of the Westridge Community, We are fortunate to be a part of Westridge, a school and community that has given so much to so many, as it enters its second century. As committed members of our community, we are stewards of this wonderful institution, and like the generations before us, we have a responsibility to ensure that Westridge remains a leader in girls’ education for the next one hundred years. This theme was reflected in so many conversations leading up to our Centennial celebrations during 2013-2014 and has underscored long-term planning discussions with all members of our school community. This strategic plan, Westridge in the 21st Century: Educating and Empowering Girls to Lead Lives of Courage, Compassion, and Conviction, is a significant testimony to the efforts we have taken to ensure that we plan thoughtfully for our future. It is the outcome of extended research, discussions, and planning with students, parents, alumnae, faculty and staff, and trustees. Our guiding mantra was to focus on what is most urgent, important and relevant for Westridge in the next five years while staying true to our core values of integrity, respect, responsibility, and inclusion. As such, the plan falls into four major categories: Educating Girls with a focus on academic excellence, and faculty development and expertise; Empowering Girls with a focus on leadership and service, incorporating global understanding and environmental awareness, as well as physical and emotional wellness and ethical decision making; Engaging our Community with a focus on community outreach, public purpose, and becoming a center for learning and research; and Ensuring our Future with a focus on financial stability through philanthropy, proactive marketing and outreach, and student enrollment. The broad goals that we have identified are outlined in this plan, and we have already begun to create specific operational plans and action steps for each element. Our vision for the future harkens back to the things we hold most dear. But similar to one of our favorite Westridge sentiments, “As Westridge changes girls, so do girls change Westridge,” we are keenly aware that Westridge needs to continually evolve in order to help our girls prepare for a dynamic future. Our strategic plan will help ensure we continue to advance our mission, and we welcome you as partners with us on this path. Providing an excellent education that helps our students become informed young women of courage, compassion, and conviction is the best of what a girls’ school has to offer. Sincerely,
Elizabeth J. McGregor, Head of School
Jennifer T. Lum, Chair, Board of Trustees
EDUC ATING G IRL S Academic Excellence
Westridge will:
Westridge’s academic program supports girls in developing intellectual curiosity, creativity, critical thinking, skills of collaboration and communication, and the courage and character to realize their visions. Westridge will provide girls with opportunities that maximize their academic development and prepare them for the challenges they will face. Westridge will support faculty in exploring and implementing innovative educational practices that enhance girls’ learning.
• lead efforts to educate young women by employing and developing methods and practices grounded in current and emerging research on girls’ learning and development • enhance girls’ learning through the infusion of evolving technologies and digital resources into educational practices, including creative use of physical and virtual space • enhance student learning through focused implementation of educational practices that meet the variety of learning styles within the student body • expand opportunities for girls to engage in inquiry-based interdisciplinary learning that prepares them for the challenging tasks that will emerge as knowledge evolves • develop the capacities of girls to become innovators by designing programs that spark their imagination and nurture their creativity Faculty Development and Expertise
Westridge will: • support and encourage all faculty to incorporate research about girls’ education and development into their educational practice • support and encourage all faculty to incorporate current and emerging technologies to enhance authentic and meaningful learning • support and encourage all faculty in implementing educational practices that meet the variety of learning styles within the student body • create opportunities for faculty to develop and model leadership, innovation, and collaboration • recruit and retain a diverse faculty and administration
EM P OW ER ING GIRLS Leadership and Service
Westridge will:
As a school for girls committed to goodness in all facets of its program, Westridge provides a wide variety of opportunities for leadership and service. These opportunities allow girls to develop clear values and strong voices that empower them as future leaders and citizens. Westridge will support the social, emotional, ethical, and spiritual growth of girls through programs that encourage reflective, mindful, and deliberate engagement with their peers and the community.
• develop in girls an awareness of their responsibilities as global citizens through expanding their cultural knowledge, understanding, and empathy • nurture the development of values that inspire girls to pursue the goals of equity and justice in both the local and global communities • support girls in gaining the confidence and leadership skills to advocate for themselves and others by speaking up with authentic and informed voices • promote stewardship of the natural world through the school’s use of its resources and by educating girls about local and global environmental issues and inspiring them to work to preserve and protect natural resources for the benefit of future generations Physical and Emotional Wellness
Westridge will: • expand and implement programs that support girls in leading physically healthy lives, and empower them to be resilient and selfaware in the face of challenges • expand and implement programs that support girls’ social and emotional development, especially the capacity to build nurturing relationships based on mutual trust and respect • promote ethical decision-making that values diversity of all kinds and inspires girls to lead lives of compassion and conviction
Westridge will:
Westridge’s collective identity emerges from the diversity of its community, both past and present. Our core values of integrity, respect, responsibility, and inclusion connect current members with one another and with the legacy established by those who have come before. Westridge will take steps to enhance the strength of the community by promoting our core values and engaging all members in creating and sustaining connections that ensure a vibrant and thriving community.
• infuse the core values of integrity, respect, responsibility, and inclusion into all aspects of the community • become a leading resource for learning and research about girls’ education and development that serves both Westridge and the broader educational community • engage parents, alumnae, and parents of alumnae in opportunities and partnerships that build a dynamic community • strengthen the school’s public purpose by expanding and implementing new programs to engage local community members and organizations • build school/parent partnerships that provide education and resources for parents that support girls’ development and education
Realizing our vision of academic and personal excellence requires a strong commitment to financial sustainability. Through strategic development and stewardship of resources, Westridge will ensure continuity of educational excellence and personal growth for girls. Through an expanded marketing and outreach program, Westridge will ensure robust enrollment and cultivate financial support as key elements in securing Westridge’s future.
Enrollment, Admissions, and Retention Westridge will: • communicate the value of a Westridge education by promoting the strengths of the program, the achievements of our students, the quality of our faculty, and the accomplishments of our alumnae • strengthen marketing and communication in order to tell the Westridge story • invest resources in admissions to achieve and maintain a full and diverse enrollment • promote Westridge’s reputation as a leader and innovator in girls’ education Philanthropy and Involvement Westridge will: • educate students, alumnae, employees, parents, and parents of alumnae about our financial model and the philanthropic support the school needs to provide our students with an exceptional education • promote a culture of philanthropy throughout the Westridge community in order to increase financial support and resources, including endowment, annual giving, and planned gifts • strengthen the alumnae relations program to engage alumnae in the life of the school as role models and leaders and support their networks, friendships, and connection with one another Resource Stewardship Westridge will: • enhance and maintain a dynamic financial model that balances multiple sources of revenue with strategic use of resources in light of changing economic realities and educational practices • invest resources to recruit and retain an excellent faculty, administration, and staff • preserve the architectural and aesthetic beauty of the campus while responding to changing needs in the use of space and facilities in support of our programs 9
PU R PO SE The fundamental purpose of Westridge School is to develop
in girls their intellectual and creative powers and their unique
F U N D A M E N TA L P R I N C I P L E S • A tradition of academic excellence for girls • A legacy of leadership and service
qualities as individuals. Essential to the school’s purpose is the
• A commitment to excellence and goodness in every facet of the school
commitment to be a community that reflects and values diversity,
• A vision that embraces inquiry, reflection, and action
324 Madeline Drive
respects individual differences, and responds to a changing
Pasadena, California 91105-3399
dynamic world.
626.799.1153 www.westridge.org
An intellectually engaging and challenging curriculum prepares
students to continue their education in college and beyond as
Western Association of Schools and Colleges
discerning, motivated learners who are committed to excellence
California Association of Independent Schools
and goodness in everything they do. The program offers balance among humanities, mathematics and sciences, visual and
memberships & affiliations National Association of Independent Schools
performing arts, technology and athletics. A Westridge education offers both a path to self-discovery and personal fulfillment and
California Association of Independent Schools
an awareness of the essential interdependence of all peoples,
The College Board
places, and cultures.
National Association for College Admission Counseling Western Association for College Admission Counseling
Westridge strives to develop young women whose joy in
A Better Chance, Inc.
learning, personal integrity, courage, compassion, and commitment
Cum Laude Society National Coalition of Girls’ Schools
to ethical action and social and environmental responsibility,
Council for Spiritual and Ethical Education
will lead them to meaningful lives as contributing citizens of the
Independent School Alliance for Minority Affairs
larger world.
Southern California People of Color in Independent Schools National Association of Principals for Girls Schools
CO M M I T M EN T TO DI VERS I T Y AN D CO M M UNI T Y Westridge draws strength from the diversity of cultures, voices, and values in its community. It seeks to enhance student, faculty, administration and staff diversity, to educate girls with the skills to recognize, respect, and embrace diversity of all kinds, and to ensure that a culture of inclusion remains a commitment of the school. Westridge’s core values of integrity, respect, responsibility, and inclusion express the aspirational goals of all members of the community. As a community committed to inquiry, reflection, and inclusion, Westridge creates opportunities for students, faculty, staff, and parents to develop their understanding and application of these core values. The culture of Westridge emerges from the consistent and conscientious pursuit of these ideals, whose power to inspire and guide our individual and collective actions builds a vibrant and thriving community.