2016 Winter Surgere

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from the head

table of contents 1 FEATURE Westridge Alumnae Network Launched

We are delighted to share with you this mid-year edition of Surgere. It is always our intention to keep our alumnae as informed as possible about their classmates and Westridge, but it has been a few years since have been able to produce two editions. Westridge continues to be a hive of educational and community activity. The nearly two years since the Centennial Celebration have seen particular progress and joy on campus. Our strategic plan has the school focused on stewarding Westridge so that it remains a leader in girls’ education for the next 100 years. That means such things as exciting advances in teaching and learning, evolving our campus to meet the needs of education today while respecting our rich architectural heritage, and expanding the programs offered to our alumnae. One of the many strengths of girls’ education and of Westridge in particular is the network—the family—of sisters you share across generations, and around the globe, and we are committed to fostering these relationships. This Surgere is focused on the events and news of our alumnae community. Our expanded summer edition will include insights into campus life today. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our March 11–12 Alumnae Weekend. Sincerely,

Elizabeth J. McGregor Head of School



ALUMNAE PROFILE Kate McAndrew ’05 and the Bay Area Brunch


FACULTY Q&A Betty Cole


NEWS BRIEFS Leadership and Loyalty Event Alumnae at Founder’s Day Picnic On-Campus Learning Opportunities Westridge Vintners Young Alumnae Circle Events Alumnae Affairs Team Update

12 ALUMNAE WEEKEND 2016 Save-the-dates 13








Westridge Connections


Help build the


“Hello, this is Lisa,” answers Director of Alumnae Affairs Lisa Vandergriff. “Yes, I do believe we have some alumnae in that area you could speak with. I’ll check our records. Can I take down your contact information and give you a call back with what I find?” Daily, Lisa fields phone calls and emails from Westridge alumnae and students wishing to connect with Westridge graduates. Seniors often reach out to the Alumnae Affairs office before going on college visits, in search of alumnae who attend their prospective schools and could be valuable sources of information or perhaps have a spare couch to offer up. Alumnae are known to reach out when considering a career change or a move to another city. While Lisa is more than happy to connect the parties, she recognizes there is a need for a more efficient way to

connect Westridge’s more than 4,000 alumnae. And with a community spread across 48 states, 31 countries, and six continents, it has become increasingly clear that a robust, online resource is needed to serve our alumnae. Introducing the Westridge Alumnae Network Soft launched in November, the Westridge Alumnae Network (www.Westridge.org/ AlumnaeNetwork) aims to strengthen relationships between Westridge alumnae and soon-to-be alumnae, and to provide connections that can offer both personal and professional benefits. Currently in its building block stage, the Network lists several dozen alumnae by college, profession, and location. It also includes an internship and jobs section, where alumnae can post employment opportunities or make inquiries.


“We are really excited to be taking this step, but now we need to get the word out and build the database,” said Lisa. “The Network needs alumnae support and participation to mature and be a viable resource for our current and future alumnae.” “Increasing networking opportunities is a priority for the Alumnae Board. Westridge is more than 100 years old and continues to produce alumnae doing remarkable things in so many different arenas,” Lisa said. “Ideally we’d like to have that information readily available so that our alumnae can reap the benefits of networking with alumnae year after year.” The Alumnae Network is currently housed in the alumnae section of the Westridge webpage at www.Westridge. org/AlumnaeNetwork and requires users to reach out to the Alumnae Affairs office for alumnae contact information. Eventually, with adequate growth, the Network will move to a password-protected database. Lisa hopes the network will blossom into a one-click resource for a variety of purposes, including as a business directory. “With so many alumnae-owned or operated businesses, it’s vital that we establish this formal network as a means to support their professional endeavors.”

JOIN THE WESTRIDGE ALUMNAE NETWORK Call or email today! Alumnae Affairs Office 626.799.1053, ext. 244 alumnae@westridge.org


A Tale of Three City Planners


n September 28, Debbie Lawrence ’71, Hannah Fong ’08 and Blair Smith ’08, visited campus for the Alumnae Luncheon Speaker Series that allows juniors and seniors to gain career knowledge from Westridge alumnae. While students were introduced to Debbie, Hannah, and Blair for the first time, it was not the first time the trio had met. Solid beneficiaries of alumnae networking, Hannah and Blair were part of a similar audience in September 2007 when Debbie addressed a group of inquisitive students. They were inspired to pursue a similar path that would eventually lead to all three working together. Debbie, who earned a B.A. in history from UCLA, an M.B.A. from Loyola Marymount, and a master’s in Urban and Regional Planning from Cal Poly Pomona, began the talk. She explained her day-to-day role in the management of land use regulation and zoning

through the Implementation Division for the City of Los Angeles, where she processes City Planning Commission cases, and manages large projects that require special approval from the Los Angeles City Council and Mayor Eric Garcetti. Blair, who works with Debbie as a planning assistant, graduated from Bryn Mawr College with a bachelor’s degree in Growth and Structures of Cities, concentrating in architecture. She discussed how her work involves identifying historic features, advising on the restoration of structures, and consulting on the compatibility of new features within historic areas. Like Debbie, Blair is a member of the Pasadena Tournament of Roses. She is also a member of the local historic preservation organization, Pasadena Heritage, and suggests volunteering to gain knowledge and enhance career potential. After graduating from Macalester College, where she majored in history

and developed an interest in the history of ethnic communities in Los Angeles, Hannah was selected for a summer internship in the City of LA Historic Preservation Department. She told students how the internship allowed her to explore city planning and “nerdout” about L.A. history while conducting research to help identify cultural resources to be preserved. The internship with Debbie led to a paid position, but Hannah is now taking a detour as a grad student in the Master’s of Urban and Regional Planning program at UCLA’s Luskin School of Public Affairs, where she will focus on affordable housing development, social justice issues, and urban design. Blair and Hannah are shining examples of Westridge students who benefited from the wisdom of a professional like Debbie, and the trio provides a story of networking at its finest. It was eight years ago that Debbie, a dedicated alumna who has twice served on

the Alumnae Board, shed light upon the city planning field Blair and Hannah are equally proud to discuss with Westridge students today. As the lunch hour neared its end, Blair offered some final words of advice: “Start talking to people. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and don’t be afraid to ask for help.” She certainly knows best.

Blair Smith ’08, Debbie Lawrence ’71, Hannah Fong ‘08 and Head of School Elizabeth J. McGregor

connecting the past to the present

Alumnae Connections at Work by Caroline Wallis ’11


ince my Westridge days, I’ve fostered a passion for writing and design. While studying Architecture at UC Berkeley, I was an editorial intern in Dwell’s San Francisco office, which influenced me to change my major to Product Development—a “make-your-own” major at the intersection of design and technology. Now as a content developer at Zuora, a “unicorn” startup based in San Francisco, my role is very writingoriented, but has also allowed me to develop a backbone in tech. Still, I never lost sight of my passion for design, so shortly after graduating, I reconnected with a contact at Dwell regarding work as a contributing writer

at the magazine. About a week later, I received a request to to submit stories for consideration as a “freelance test drive.” With about a week to complete three pitches, the first person I emailed was Juanita Jimenez, a long-time ceramics teacher at Westridge. Juanita connected me with a former student, Monica Oller ’88, who is now co-principal of an L.A.based architecture firm and mother of a Westridge fourth grader, Sabrina Pejic ’24. (Monica’s mother, renowned artist Erika Oller ’60, is also an alumna.) After talking to Monica, I wrote a feature on her firm’s Yucca Valley project, Black Desert House—a strikingly angular home inset in a rocky outcropping. Out of the three stories I pitched, Black

Desert House was the only one published and earned me a role as a contributing writer for Dwell. I now regularly write House Tours for dwell.com, and have met some incredibly talented designers in the process. Working at both Zuora and Dwell has enabled me to pursue my passions for writing, tech, and design. I still could not be more grateful to Monica and Juanita for helping me land a job at the magazine that inspired me to pursue those interests in the first place. Additional thanks need to be given to Upper School Art Teacher Katie Sivers, who taught me most of what I know about design, and to all my English teachers plus John Cross who taught me how to write. Surgere!



Kate McAndrew opens doors at Autodesk alumnae brunch

On October 4, Westridge alumnae gathered for a Bay Area Alumnae Brunch and private tour of the Autodesk Pier 9 Creative Workshop for Design and Fabrication, located near the Embarcadero. Access to this multi-million dollar prototyping facility was entirely due to alumna Kate McAndrew ’05. Kate is an investor at Bolt, a venture capital firm that funds startup companies very early on in the prototype development phase, when access to state-of-the-art hardware and software is key. As brunch began, Head of School Elizabeth J. McGregor welcomed alumnae spanning the classes from 1954 to 2015. She shared exciting news about Westridge’s STEAMWork Design Studio, currently being utilized by students and classes in all divisions of the school. Those familiar with the new makerspace at Westridge noted the uncanny resemblance to the white-walled, window-lit room with utility tables and stools where the brunch was held. After eating, the group donned safety glasses and embarked on the workshop tour. Starting in the CNC Shop filled with 3D printers and routers, laser cutting devices, and water jet technology machinery, alumnae jumped right in with questions such as: “what’s the difference between CNC (computer numeric control) and 3D print devices?” Kate deftly offered a layman’s explanation—CNC devices are subtractive, removing material and cutting away; while 3D print technology is additive, layering resin to shape the object. Kate explained how Bolt is more interested in non-consumer applications and in unlocking new technologies, such as metal 3D printing. “Printing metal is the holy grail of 3D printing,” said Kate. “We’re not there yet, but Bolt is investing in a company that is trying.”


Kate McAndrew ’05 Kate’s enthusiastic, friendly demeanor prompted additional questions about her background. Following Westridge, she attended McGill University in Montreal, majoring in English and Art History. She founded a vegan cupcake company, and penned a popular blog about the intersection between feminism and domesticity. After three years, she handed her company off to a friend and started an e-consulting business focus-

ing on social media practices. For the next three years, she worked 90 hours per week training clients on social media and in the end, was exhausted and disconnected. Reflecting back on an early interest in social justice that began at Westridge and continued throughout college, Kate wanted to return to doing meaningful work. She made a life-changing decision to volunteer for Habitat for Human-

ity, bought a pick-up truck and went to North Carolina. Interested in the notion of self-sufficiency with cooking, sewing, and learning to build shelter through Habitat, Kate was inspired by the physical act of building things. It was through this mission-driven work that Kate rediscovered her love for making things with her own hands. Around that time, she grew close to a group of angel investors funding $10,000–$25,000 into individual startups, and after taking a three-month accelerated boot-camp in start-ups, she was asked to run one. “I said sure,” said Kate. “I was interested in people with a vision to build the future, and I wanted to be the yes person.” Kate says her combined love for making things, and for people who make things, makes Bolt the perfect job for her. Interested in women’s health, one of her current investments is in a hardware company working on 3D tissue samples and ultrasound therapy that will help breast cancer survivors. As the tour wound down and alumnae headed back to the brunch room, talk turned to the notion of 3D printing in outer space. “I’m obsessed with space,” says Kate. “Fascinating things happen in that realm.” Fascinating things are happening in the Bay Area as well, evidenced by how the room was suddenly abuzz with enthusiasm and appreciation for the exciting fields that Westridge alumnae like Kate are driven to explore.

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Bay Area Brunch attendees included: Vanessa Wolf Alexander ’97, Mari Amend ’09, Ashley Bailey-Powell ’01, Claire Bevan ’10, Julie Cates ’69, Sandra Morse Coleman ’54, Laura Eng ’09, Virginia Good Falconer ’66, Kelsey Holmes Foster ’05, Jo Whitehouse Heffernan ’63, Tiffany Hsieh ’09, Louise Huttinger ’05, Joanne Ichino Jouris ’79, Pamela Knutstad ’79, Alison Marshall ’76, Kate McCarthy McAndrew ’05, Michelle Valentine Scott ’57, Olivia Tayback ’15, Mary Wheatcroft Ten Broeck ’78, Sarah Vernallis ’15, Caroline Wallis ’11, Barry Zorthian ’62, Head of School Elizabeth J. McGregor, Ian McGregor, Director of Alumnae Affairs Lisa Vandergriff, and Advancement Associate Candy Renick.



1. Elizabeth J. McGregor talks to alumnae at the Bay Area Brunch that took place in a room with a remarkable resemblance to Westridge’s own STEAMWork Design Studio; 2. Olivia Tayback ’14, Sarah Vernallis ’15, and Vanessa Wolf Alexander ‘97; 3. Pamela Anderson Knutstad ’79 and Joanne Ichino Jouris ‘79; 4. Ashley Bailey-Powell ‘01, Virginia Good Falconer ’66, and Louise Huttinger ‘05; 5. Sarah Vernallis’15 and Mary Wheatcroft TenBroeck ‘78; 6. Kate McAndrew ’05 with Head of School Elizabeth J. McGregor; 7. Louise Huttinger ’05, Kelsey Holmes Foster ’05, and Kate McAndrew ‘05; 8. Laura Eng ’09, Mari Amend ’09, and Tiffany Hsieh ‘09



Betty Cole

Betty Cole has been teaching history at Westridge for 34 years. She brought her lifelong passion of serving others to campus, making a permanent impact on the school’s culture. Betty sat down with Surgere to share more about her teaching, activism, and why she loves hearing from alumnae! What inspired you to get into teaching? …the teachers and classes I loved when I was coming up through school really meant a huge amount to me. There were times when I felt alienated from my peer group, misunderstood by my parents, and out of step with the world, but I always had teachers as a safe harbor, my confidantes. I always had classes that really got me thinking, some of which I still remember!


What drew you to Westridge, and what has kept you here? I was drawn to Westridge out of my experiences with it when my husband, Art Mack, taught here. I loved the geniality of the faculty, the enthusiasm and openness of the students, and the chance to participate in the very innovative Cultural Studies class with him. I have loved the students, and have gotten to do work like the Earth Festivals, hunger banquets, and working with community service kids. I have been able to teach the way I wanted to in AP European and Art History. I’ve had lots of great colleagues…a lot to keep my working life meaningful. What change have you seen at Westridge? What has stayed the same? I’ve seen a lot of changes—much stronger athletics, more range of sophisticated arts engagements and of students’ cultural and racial experiences, more emphasis on college preparation and choices, changes in the campus, etc. The basic balance between progressiveness and rigorousness, between work and play, and some student willingness to accept my foibles, passions, and whimsy has remained unchanged. Is there a theme you see in the girls that graduate from Westridge? I think the main shared characteristic is a certain confidence and creative flexibility. Any favorite memories from your early teaching days? I have a number of favorite early memories—making giant tag board kachina masks and piki bread in Cultural Studies, Art History charades, Art History marathon review sessions at people’s houses, building houses in Tijuana and in South El Monte. How long have you been involved in the CROP Hunger Walk, and what sparked your interest? I’ve been doing the walk virtually since it started here in 1975 or 1976. Westridge has been involved since at least 1983, but my husband gets credit for bringing it here.

I am a life-long advocate of the voiceless. I truly believe a lack of concern for other people is more startling than what I do (being involved in CROP and other community service). A lack of community service means there is a lack of compassion, and therefore a lack of imagination. What impact do you hope to have on Westridge girls? I would like them to be brave enough, courageous enough, to allow themselves to feel the suffering in the world, and wise enough to think creatively to figure out how to match their abilities to the needs they can do something about. Are there any themes you are interested in education right now? I’m interested in new ways of connecting students to the rest of the world… travelling, skyping, service, etc. Why do you stay in contact with alumnae? I love to find out how they are faring, what they remember, and what of their time here turned out to be helpful (or NOT!) later…I would hate for them to just disappear from my life all together. It also adds to my broader perspective on life. I’ve become, all in all, much less judgmental, for example, realizing how much people change and develop in surprising ways. Let the alums that knew me know that I would SO love to hear more from them!! (bcole@westridge.org)

“ I’m most proud about the years I helped create an all-school environment where Westridge students felt empowered to connect with the world.”

News briefs Herrick Bowl and Owen Trophy Awards Announced at Leadership and Loyalty Donor Event Westridge hosted its inaugural Leadership & Loyalty event at The Athenaeum at Caltech in October to celebrate and pay tribute to its valued supporters. More than 200 members of the Westridge community, including more than 30 alumnae, enjoyed an evening of cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, and dessert while being treated to a special performance by the Westridge Glee Club. The Leadership & Loyalty evening honored those who contributed at The Ivy and The Lamp Circle level ($1500) or higher last year, are members of the Madeline Society having remembered the school in their estate plans, or made at least 10 contributions to the Annual Fund in the last 20 years, including the 2014-2015 Annual Fund. Alumna and trustee Brooke Larsen Garlock ’70 announced the 2014–2015 Elizabeth Edmundson Herrick Bowl and Nancy H. Owen Trophy winners, honoring alumnae for their financial contributions to the school. The Herrick Bowl was established in 1974 to recognize the class with the highest percentage of participation in giving to the Westridge Annual Fund. It was awarded this year to four different classes with 100% participation: the Classes of 1945, 1947, 1953, and 1959. Established in 1986 to recognize the class making the largest dollar contribution to the Annual Fund, the Owen Trophy was awarded to the Class of 1968 for raising $19,000 in 2014–2015.








1. Larry Sargent, Lizabeth Maynard, and Bonnie Dean ‘75; 2. William Kenefick and Summers Newell McKay ‘96; 3. Barbara Davis Reynolds ’72, Catherine Christian Schultz ’71, Susan Frank ’71, and Linda LeMoncheck ‘71; 4. Elizabeth Huntley Algermissen ’77, Karen Huante ’79, and Joan Griffith Malloy ‘79; 5. Kristan Browne ’86 and Courtney Fong Evans ‘86; 6. Christine Zoff Rose ’66 and Erica Zoff Russo ‘75; 7. Current parent Reina Haque with

Jenifer Paul Bode ‘55


Founder’s Day picnic

Alumnae Host Greek vs. Roman Canned Food Drive Alumnae from near and far were invited to return to Westridge for the annual Founder’s Day Family Picnic. Held in September, the picnic was a fun-filled afternoon with music, games, fellowship, food, and of course, a little community service. The Alumnae Board hosted a food drive at Founder’s Day in support of the Westridge team for November’s CROP Hunger Walk. The Greeks won the donation challenge in dominant fashion, and together with the Romans, the entire drive was an overwhelming success. Middle School Science Teacher Barbra Chabot performed with her band, The Labrateers, and Head of School Elizabeth J. McGregor later put her cricket playing skills on display. Left: Andrea Mills ’72 and Debbie Lawrence ’71 both work for the City of Los Angeles Top right: Katherine Starros ’03 and Jennifer Schultz Bertolet ‘86 Bottom right: Mary Chess Abelson ’91 with her daughter, Sadie

Alumnae On-Campus Learning Opportunities Expand

Alumnae Yoga Class participants gathered after class include Alicia Walker ’84, Shahbano Nawaz ’98, Director of Alumnae Affairs Lisa Vandergriff, and Raleigh Renick Young ’80 with Yoga Instructor Courtney Seiberling.


With the tremendous success of last year’s Alumnae Ceramics Class, Westridge expanded its on-campus learning opportunities with two classes made just for our alumnae: dance and yoga. Karen Huante ’79, who has been a member of the Los Angeles dance community for more than 35 years, returned to campus to lead the Move & Groove dance class, introducing a variety of dance styles. Alumnae also enjoyed creating stillness, space, and serenity in their lives (and limbs!) with Westridge instructor Courtney Seiberling’s Alumnae Yoga Class. Using the five niyamas of yoga, participants learned about healthy living habits and how to apply those to their yoga practice. Namaste! “Ceramics, dance, and yoga are just the beginning, really, as we continue exploring educational prospects for our alumnae,” said Lisa Vandergriff, Director of Alumnae Affairs. “I love the idea of presenting a variety of enrichment opportunities, and the best part is seeing alumnae return to campus and develop new friendships through these types of classes.” Please contact Alumnae Affairs to let us know what classes are of interest to you!

Westridge Alumnae Vintners Next time you’re in Wine Country deciding which tasting rooms to visit, consider stopping into an alumnae-owned winery! We’ve visited several Westridge alumnae vintners with picturesque properties in Santa Ynez and St. Helena. The Alumnae Office organized an alumnae get-together last summer at the Buttonwood Winery and Farm in Santa Ynez, thanks to sisters Barry Zorthian ’62 and Seyburn Zorthian ’66. That same weekend, alumnae gathered in San Luis Obispo to see Leslie Clarke Gray ’62 at her store, Left Field. Leslie has since moved her store, now Deer Run Art & Artifacts, back to Cambria, where she sells objects of interest from the 20th and 21st centuries. From the Bay Area or Napa, take a worthwhile detour to St. Helena. That’s exactly what we did, before last October’s Bay Area Brunch, to visit Jennifer Zoff Lamb ’70 at Herb Lamb Vineyards and Dana Knox Gallagher ’77 at Trespass Winery. We are pleased to announce this triad of alumnae oenophiles will be pouring at our Alumnae Wine Reception on Friday, March 11!

Top, clockwise: Lisa Vandergriff and Jennifer Zoff Lamb ’70 of Herb Lamb Vineyards; Barry Zorthian ’62 talks about the Buttonwood Vineyard; Seyburn Zorthian ’66 raises a glass during the alumnae lunch; Elizabeth J. McGregor, Martha Torres ’72, and Leslie Clarke Gray ‘62; Elizabeth J. McGregor with Trespass Winery owner Dana Knox Gallagher ‘77, Jennith Gilbert Knox ’55, and Deborah Knox Cali ’79


Young Alumnae Circle Events Westridge Alumnae Return to Campus for Holiday Brunch Members of the Westridge Young Alumnae Circle (YACs) who graduated within the past 10 years (give or take a few years) revisited campus on December 19 for the annual YAC Holiday Brunch in the Commons. Attendees also included soon-to-be alumnae from the Class of 2016, Head of School Elizabeth J. McGregor, who led the visiting alumnae on a campus tour, and Lisa Vandergriff and Candy Renick from the Alumnae Affairs office, A note of recognition goes to the Class of 2012 with 15 members in attendance; and to Anya Gallardo ’03 and Whitney Hall ’03, who travelled from Turkey and Costa Rica, respectively.

a gathering for yac 21+




1. Kristy Koperski ‘12, Mara Goby ‘12,

Michelle Prestholt ‘12, Julie McCrimlisk ‘12, and Kimberly Koperski ‘12 2. Nicole Woo ‘08, Jessica Woo ‘06, Alden

Sorenson ‘06, Catherine Falzone ‘06, and Victoria Williams ‘02 3. Caitlin Emslie ‘12, Carrie Honn ‘12,

Metzli Mejia ‘12, and Brenda Soto ‘12 4. Laura Denenholz ‘07, Head of School

YAC 21+ members gathered for a festive evening at Chirp Karaoke Café in Pasadena on November 27, during Thanksgiving weekend. Attendees, pictured here, included (front row, from left) Lauren Yang ’09, Caroline Wallis ’11, Mary Hakimeh ’11, and Emilie Hahn ’09. Second row: Isha Nouh ’02, Deborah Bush ’02, Jumana Rose ’02, Claire Miller ’09, Jessica Traver ’09, Natalie Reynolds ’09, Bianca Tolbert ’09, Dian Jackson ’09, and Josie Ahrens ’10. Not pictured: Metzli Mejia ’12 and Brenda Soto ’12.

Elizabeth J. McGregor, Briana Cosko ‘07, and Sabrina Elfarra ‘07 5. Ellie Roth ‘14, Maddy McCrimlisk ‘12,

Erin Golden ‘14, Claire Votava ‘14, Cassidy Golden ‘13, and Sierra Lyman ‘13 6. Sabrina Elfarra ’07 and Noura Elfarra ‘08 7. Giselle Sanchez ’11 and Danielle


Wolfe-Ser ’11


Upcoming Events Alumnae Weekend — March 11 and 12 Westridge Alumnae Readers Book Group — March 16 College Connections Fair — May 18 Petridge — June 3 Visit www.westridge.org and go to the Alumnae tab for event updates.


Alumnae Affairs welcomes Candy Renick 6


Not pictured: Jena Carter ‘06, Sarah Jackson ‘12, Nayely

Martinez ‘12, Elise Post ‘06, and Stephanie Santana ‘00

Candy Renick joined the Westridge Alumnae Affairs office in August 2015. In her former life Candy was a producer for a design and production company in Hollywood. She left her career in entertainment to focus on her three children, now aged 18, 14, and 11. Throughout the last 12 years, she’s been a dedicated volunteer at the independent school her children attend, including serving on its Board of Trustees. After another stint in Hollywood, Candy decided that the school environment was where she belonged, which made coming to Westridge a natural fit. She continues to enjoy meeting the amazing women in the Westridge alumnae community.




friday, March 11 & Saturday, March 12 Alumnae Weekend is fast approaching and we hope you will be able to join the festivities. This year’s Alumnae Weekend events include: Friday i Gathering of the Classes of 1966 and 2024 i Campus tours i Westridge Tigers softball game i STEAMWork Design Studio Demo i Master Class Opportunity i Alumnae Wine Reception Saturday i Book Discussion “You’re the Best: A Celebration of Friendship” with author Lian Dolan i Reunion Class Photos (classes ending in 1 or 6) i Luncheon honoring the 2016 Ranney Award Recipient i Various Class Reunion events in the evening around Pasadena for classes ending in 1 and 6 If you haven’t RSVP’d and would like to attend, please email alumnae@ westridge.org to register today and reserve your seat at the luncheon.

2016 Ranney Award Winner Westridge is pleased to announce the 2016 Mary Lowther Ranney Distinguished Alumna Award will be presented to Elizabeth (Tizzie) Oldknow-Huttinger ’68 during the Alumnae Weekend Luncheon on Saturday, March 12. The citation for the award reads as follows: To honor Mary Lowther Ranney this award is given annually by Westridge School to an alumna whose life embodies the spirit of the Westridge motto, Surgere Tentamus, and who, by her commitment to her chosen path, her dedication to lifelong growth and learning, and her habits of heart, mind, and action is an example and an inspiration to the Westridge community. In 2004 Tizzie heard about an idea for a cure for schistosomiasis, a water parasite that infects 250 million people a year. A UC Santa Barbara marine scientist had discovered that freshwater shrimp eat the snails that harbor the parasite. The goal of his research was a scientific paper. Tizzie decided to translate that research into a cure. She found the most affected place in the world, Senegal, West Africa, and went there with a grant from the Gates Foundation to restore the local species of freshwater shrimp at village water points along the river. Twelve months later, the local population had 60% fewer cases of schisto than before. Freshwater shrimp becomes a “crop” that is managed and harvested by village women for cash income, which makes the “cure” sustainable. We hope you’ll join us Alumnae Weekend to celebrate Tizzie and her life-changing work as she joins the ranks of Distinguished Alumna recipients.

Class of 2006 Reunion Westridge School’s Class of 2006 celebrated its 10 year reunion on December 19 at El Portal restaurant in Pasadena. Classmates enjoyed dinner and dessert—a cake featuring their graduation photo—and a walk down memory lane while perusing yearbooks and various photos. Westridge teacher Georgette Awad also attended. Front row, from left: Aline Mardelli, Rebecca Schneider, Mara Leong, Jessica Woo, Sophie Rengarajan, Lisa Hanson, and Valerie Markle. Back row: Kym MacNeal, Catherine Falzone, Alden Sorenson, Elise Post, Meredith Brown, Mackenzie Aivazis, and Kirsten Larson Adams. Not pictured: Britney Kagawa, Justine Yang, and Katy Logan.


parents of alumnae Once a tiger, always a tiger! Dear Parents of Alumnae, No matter how many years have passed since your daughter graduated from Westridge, you remain valued members of the Westridge community. As such, you are always welcome to attend various campus gatherings such as school plays, athletic contests, and speaker events. We aim to keep you informed with the latest school and alumnae news, and hope you’ll share your updates as well.

You’re Invited! Upcoming Theatre Schedule A Little Princess by Andrew Lippa and Brian Crawley Friday, March 11 at 7 p.m. Saturday, March 12 at 7 p.m. Sunday, March 13 at 2 p.m. Still Life with Iris by Steven Dietz Thursday May 12 at 6 p.m. Friday, May 13 at 6 p.m. Saturday, May 14 at 2 pm. Sunday, May 15 at 2 p.m.

Other campus events College Connections Fair May 18 Petridge June 3 College Care Package Mailing Parents of alumnae helping with the October 2015 College Care Package mailing include (from left to right): Joan Martinez, Alison Ashford, Marta Mora, Lynwen Hughes, Jennifer Holladay, George Tolomiczenko, and Lisa Cochran. Not pictured: Bhanu Cruz, June Diarra, Carole Paddock, Kris Panagiotis, and Kai Venable.

Have advice for alumnae? We’d love to connect you. If you read our page 1 story on the Westridge Alumnae Network, you know we are starting a community referral network to help our students and alumnae who are looking for school, career, and other information and advice. Westridge parents—and parents of alumnae—are a valuable segment of our community and as such, we invite you to join the network (www.westridge.org/alumnaenetwork) if you are willing to offer insights on colleges and universities you attended, cities you lived in, careers and the like. If you have questions, please contact the Alumnae Affairs Office at alumnae@westridge.org or 626.799.1053, ext. 244. 13

Madeline Society

Maya Alvarez-Galvan ’88 I decided to include Westridge in my living trust for one simple reason—I owe my life to Westridge. That might sound overly dramatic, but it’s true. Westridge completely changed the course of my life. I was raised in a very traditional Mexican household where women did not go to school beyond high school. There is nothing wrong with that, except that it is not the life that I wanted. Westridge gave me the skills, confidence, and most importantly, the voice I needed to live life on my terms and today, I have multiple advanced degrees and teach at a local college. I couldn’t ask for a better job or life. That is why I initially decided to include Westridge in my living trust.

Editor’s note: We’re happy to report that Maya is healthy and strong today.








Westridge gave me life-changing tools. It helped me develop my confidence and gave me an inner strength. It constantly reinforced that I was worthy of being heard. In short, it taught me to appreciate the power of being a woman. That is why I have included Westridge in my living trust, and that is why I will continue to support the education of young women.

are you a


I was strong because I was able to gather multiple sources of information to make the best possible decision about my health care. I was strong because I was able to insist on getting the best treatment available. I was strong because I was able to ask for help and build a support network around me to hold me up when I felt I couldn’t move forward. I was strong because I didn’t let this medical crisis knock me out. During this journey, I learned that this isn’t always the case for many women who face this type of crisis. That is when I understood that I really was much stronger than I had given myself credit. I was Westridge strong!

I was quite traumatized by this diagnosis, so I turned to a therapist to help me as I prepared to go into the first of several surgeries. She asked me to think of a time when I was fearless. Immediately and without hesitation, I thought of my years at Westridge. During that time, I felt that I could conquer the world and that nothing could stop me. I held on to those memories of Westridge as I prepared to go into surgery.


However, in 2013, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I appreciated on a much deeper level the impact that Westridge had on me. I was overwhelmed and thought the worst would happen, but I decided that I wasn’t going to go without a fight. At first I did not feel strong. However, with a little perspective, I realized that I really was, and that strength came from my years at Westridge where I learned how to be a strong, confident, and articulate woman.






If you would like information about making a gift that will benefit the school in the future, please contact Rebecca H. Potter, planned giving officer, at 626.799.1053, ext. 261.

Class Notes 1939 Katharine Nevins Schwarzenbach (Pomona, CA): “Still spending summers on Island of Islesboro, Maine. Playing golf and loving every minute. When in Pasadena, stay with sisters Louise Nevins Miller ’44 or Dorothy McCay Scully ’54. When at the symphony, sat right behind Mrs. McGregor! I was captain of the Greeks in 1939, and we beat the Romans!” 1948 Constance Crawford (Palo Alto, CA): “I am enjoying my life in Channing House, a very stimulating retirement community. I have many new and rewarding people in my life these days. I am still writing, more actively than ever. Much of my work now is poetry, always a challenge. I look forward to visiting Westridge again—I hope before my 70th Class Reunion.” 1950 Nancy Copeland Lissaman (Los Angeles, CA): “For over a year now, I have been looking for a new place to live, after 25 years of climbing 55 steps to my hillside place in Echo Park (exhausted). My studio work is about climate change. As a long-standing member of the Southern California Women’s Caucus for Art (SCWCA), my time is spent with the Eco-Arts group. We had an exhibition recently entitled ‘ Wilderness Mind-Activating Wonder,’ which concerned DROUGHT. I really miss not teaching any more ‘creativity in the classroom for teachers’ and my art senior school program for kids that had to close, alas!” 1953 Cynthia Crawford Berne (Bradbury, CA): “Tom and I saw Bob and Susan Grandin Taylor at my 80th birthday party in Santa Barbara, and again in Napa in November.” Virginia Bigelow Burke (West Hills, CA): “Best times are when Alan and I are with our family—son Alan with his two boys, Alex and Zack, and our daughter Elizabeth and her husband, Bill. Still go to Maine every summer.” Sara Clifford Hammond (Ocala, FL): “Am keeping busy—go camping at least once a month with my singles camping group. I’m on the River Patrol (kayaking) with Silver Springs State Park—also a board member. And I’m also back volunteering with Hospice of Marion County! Had my cataracts done four years ago—love it!”

Westridge alumnae gathered for lunch in England on November 28, 2015, at Hinton House, the lovely home of 2015 Ranney Award recipient Ophelia (Nancy) Ennis Follett ‘59, in Hurst, Berkshire. Pictured from left to right: Ophelia’s granddaughter Alice, Ian McGregor, Brian Johnson and Ophelia (Nancy) Ennis Follett ‘59, Suzy Baggs Watt ‘80, Elizabeth J. McGregor, Bonnie Dean ‘75 and her husband Larry Sargeant, and Barbara Holway Ilias ‘59. Valerie Thom Read (Capistrano Beach, CA): “We spent a wonderful week in Paris this spring—still our favorite destination. Whitney is in nursing school—very happy— she was born to be a nurse!” Catherine Rose (Santa Barbara, CA): “I am thrilled to say that the California Native Plant Society has just published my little book, Rock Creek Wildflowers, about a beautiful flowery alpine canyon in the Eastern Sierra Nevada.” Susan Grandin Taylor (Ross, CA): “Last year, went on our first cruise—to Norwegian Fjords. Also, a trip to Costa Rica in January, which we loved. Just returned from Maui where I slipped and broke an ankle and wrist and spent my 77th birthday in a hospital in Maui, so will miss our reunion this year.” 1955 Jenifer Paul Bode (Pasadena, CA): “Each year at Christmas time, a group of classmates gather for a luncheon. This year’s host was Susan Straubel Champion. I am still an enthusiastic docent at the L.A. Zoo. Love it, except for the annual test, which is a bear!! Am planning a trip to eastern Europe in September, including a Danube River cruise. Took this trip in 1986 when the area was under communist domination. Am looking forward to seeing the changes. Love to all my remaining classmates, Jenifer.”

1956 Barbara Blankenhorn Urban (Ponte Vedra, FL): “Hi, fellow classmates. I thought it would be appropriate to write to say that Dick and I moved to Ponte Vedra, FL in 2013. Our daughter and her family live here so it seemed like a good idea to move away from the northeast to this warmer clime to be near family. Our new, smaller home and the climate are just what we needed for this time in our life. Our two sons live in Denver. All the grandchildren are growing up quickly and some are on their own already. We are so blessed. Thanks for the most recent publication.” 1957 Anne Hereford Rohrbach (San Jose, CA): “Just got married to Gary Allen Walker in Newport Beach on July 19! Yay! It was in Newport Beach because so many family members of my sister Fran Hereford Pfaff ’51 live there. Of the 51 attending, all but eight were family. It was such a delight to blend them all, including our 13 grandchildren. We enjoyed three full days of what became known as our ‘Family Love & Fun Fest,’ creating many happy memories with much love, much fun, and much joy!”


Claudeen Smith Lindberg (Atlanta, GA): “Eric and I have lived in Atlanta all but two years of our 52-year marriage and raised our three children here. Two children now live in California, Lafayette and Lake Forest, and one, thank goodness, in Atlanta. We have eight grands and our oldest is a freshman at Princeton.” 1958 Carol Morris Fruit (Bluffton, SC): “My husband and I are settling into our retired life in the lovely South Carolina ‘low country.’ I’m still playing golf a couple of times a week and am enjoying my new volunteer job as a docent at the Hilton Head Island Coastal Discovery Museum.” 1959 Gloria Newhouse Martin (Santa Barbara, CA): “In the spring, we took a fabulous cruise of the Italian and Adriatic coasts. I contributed to the monograph on the artist Roy Strong.” Carol Fisher Minelli (Longmont, CO): “Both my husband and I are enjoying perfect health. All our children, grandchildren, and great grandson are happy and well. Life is great!” Margaret Pohlman Schweizer (Aurora, CO): “I continue to love living in Colorado, and, of course, I send my greetings to the class of ’59. I’m wishing you all a happy and healthy year.” 1961 Alice Myers Brown (Palo Alto, CA): “In the last six months, I have seen so many classmates: Jan Russell, Mollie Paul Collins, Karla Stromberger, and Virginia Corlette Pollard. We enjoyed the Laguna Art Festival with Andi and Jake Rohrer in August— Linda Wheaton Hollister Lunfort in my PA studio lately and came to my booth at the Art Festival last weekend. I look forward to seeing Virginia soon with her sister Nancy Corlette Lloyd ’58. Mary Anderson ’69 has become my sister as she is my brother Jifford’s better half. We will all miss Jane Hoffman Popovich so very much. P.S. Deanie and Tony visited us in Carmel with Andi and Jake recently.” Virginia Gerner Heinrich (Rancho Palos Verdes, CA): “With the passing of our classmate Jane, and more recently my younger brother, I am increasingly aware of the unpredictability of life. Acceptance and gratitude are my watchwords now. ( Actually, ‘Surgere Tentamus’ has new meaning these days!) Although we enjoy our West Coast home and ocean view, my husband John and I travel a lot, mostly to our condo in Maryland, where we get to babysit two precious grandkids. I’m especially grateful for life-long friendships forged at Westridge. Y’all know who you are!”


Susan Higginbotham Rehm (Oakland, CA): “I was able to attend Jane’s service, highlighted by the SC band at the end. Spent time with Nadine Smith Danz and, as always, had a great time with her. My grandson Jackson Roberts started Swarthmore College this fall—another one of life’s chapters to get used to. I am living in a senior community in Oakland only four minutes away from Sarah and her two daughters who are left at home. Hope to see you all in March at our 55th reunion.” 1962 Ann Sturges Deyo (Park City, UT): “I enjoy living in Park City and am grateful for family, friends and being part of the Spiritual Care Team at Huntsman Cancer Hospital.” 1963 Judith Hereford Galloway (Pensacola, FL): “I recently published my first novel entitled Chosen Commander in Chief, available online at seattlebookcompany.com.” 1964 Carol Horton Hawkins (Hollister, CA): “All is well in the Hawkins household.” Elizabeth Safford (Carbondale, CO): “I’m semi-retired and enjoying mountain climbing and skiing in the Colorado Rockies.” 1965 Kathleen Gilbert Levin (Sedona, AZ): “Fabulous 50th reunion spearheaded by Mary Douglas and enhanced with a catered dinner at Ann Higginbotham’s followed by a tour with our very own Huntington Gardens docent, Laurel Babeaux. Travelled to the Netherlands last fall and our former (1988-89) German foreign exchange student joined us for a week. Love to all! See you in 2020!”

Martha McCook (Bend, OR): “Our 50th reunion was wonderful! I encourage all alumnae to re-visit Westridge School today. Still a progressive, cutting-edge environment for young women to learn to excel in the world.” 1966 Virginia Good Falconer (Moraga, CA): “Fall 2014 I traveled with my sisters, Kathy Good Podley ’68 and Mary Good Lindgren ’71, on a Danube cruise from Budapest to Nuremberg. Great fun to visit new sites with family. Prior to the cruise I had time in Prague on my own—lovely city!” 1967 Taffia Kennedy (Los Angeles, CA): Retired from my environmental job, so environmentalism is an avocation, not a vocation now. I never stopped being a tax preparer and that work has stepped up. I’m active in American Association of University Women and in my church.” 1968 Judith Wesley (Los Angeles, CA): “Retired in 2015 from 15 years teaching writing in college, and after 25 years in the film business as a post production project supervisor. No husband now, after a divorce in 1997, and no children, but writing poetry and fiction and doing freelance proofing and editing.” 1970 Laurie Barlow (South Pasadena, CA): “Incredible trip this 2015 year—a month in India! Exploring Rajasthan and Punjab, Taj Mahal, Holy City of Benares on the Ganges, and the Golden Temple at Amritsar were highlights not to be forgotten. It was kind of ‘rough travel’—lost 10 lbs., but learning about Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism ‘on

Members of the Westridge Alumnae Readers Book Group gathered in July include (front row, from left) Ann Morrison Wachter ’83, Anne Crotty ‘58, Barbara Davis Reynolds ’72 and Madeline Emslie ’16. Back: Gretchen Todd Schofield ‘79, Sylvia Crowley Holmes ‘76, and Jossalyn Turner Emslie ‘83.

the street’ was far deeper than academic studies. Urban planning and culture are informed by the people there.” Lisa Cobey Kelland (New York, NY): “This has been a great year—I’m engaged to a wonderful man; both boys (men?) are doing what they love—Mack working in a private equity firm in Dubai and Will teaching at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Life is indeed good!” 1971 Diana Vikander Edelman (Oslo, Norway): After 12 ½ years in the Department of Biblical Studies at the University of Sheffield, Diana has moved even further north. For the 2014–2015 academic year she was part of a research project entitled Local Dynamics of Globalization in the Pre-modern Levant at the Center for Advanced Studies at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Arts. Within a month of her arrival, she was hired as professor of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament in the Faculty of Theology at the University of Oslo. That position began July 1, 2015, and she is busy learning Norwegian and a new culture, but enjoying the challenges. 1972 Lisa Matthews (Plainville, MA): “Although officially living well south of Boston, I have been staying in Sunapee, New Hampshire since August attending Dartmouth College grad school for a master’s in Public Health. This is rewarding, difficult, and not cheap... but a great way to not feel 60 years old! Will finish thesis in 2017 and hope to get a job in Health Care policy or finance. My daughter Emily—a senior bio major at Bridgewater State University, swaps proof-reading chores with me! (To pay the bills, I have a part-time job in Family Planning and treating STIs in the Plymouth County House of Corrections.)” 1973 Nina Warner (Culver City, CA): “From the class of 1973—Since this is the year many of us turn 60, there have been a smattering of small reunions within the class with Terry Gamble Boyer, Katie Clark, Sarah Wheeler Cobb, Cathleen Chandler Eckhardt, Sarah Weller King, and Nina Warner gathered for a weekend up in Sonoma. We were hoping to see Lindsay Morse Bennett, Cole (Carol) Rowan and Lisa Fiedler Fryman. Lisa took a position as executive director of International Books. Other celebrations included a NYC adventure with Judith Schonbach, who stopped first in NYC for a pal around with Nina Warner in November, and then on to Paris to celebrate the big 6-0 with her husband, Peter. There was also a quick hello with Reavis Ward-Hilz and Judith that Saturday in the city. We hoped to see Marie-Noelle Brisson, who recently moved to Dallas, as

Class of 1973 members together in Sonoma in June 2015 include (from left to right) Nina Warner, Terry Gamble Boyer, Cathleen Chandler Eckhardt, Katie Clark, Sarah Wheeler Cobb, and Sarah Weller King. well. And since Facebook is our other way of keeping us in touch, lots of reunions with the Lassell sisters— Susie Lassell Zientek and Betsy Lassell Lebo and Sarah Lassell Iltis ’74 in Monterey and Santa Barbara. Diane Egelston traveled to South Africa. Cath to France, Susan Seager travels to her beloved Martha’s Vineyard, Sarah Weller King via boat to speak French. Tina Oldknow left her position at Corning Glass, and moved to Silver City, NM in September 2015 and will continue with independent curating. Enjoying the ride as they say.” 1976 Nancy Kawakita (Palo Alto, CA): “After 28 fun and exciting years working in finance and HR as a controller for various businesses, training, HR, and diversity and inclusion at Intel Corporation, I retired. I started a non-profit for the Palo Alto High School’s glass studio. Life is good!” 1977 Suko Gotoh (Glendale, CA): “My daughter became a Tiger this fall as a 9th grader and is loving every moment at Westridge!” 1978 Eve Rappoport (Venice, CA): “Nothing too new... just moving right along! Great to see Leslie Richard Cravens, Karen Huante, Meriel Bogen Stern ’77, Kristi Woods, and Greta Banks in the fall. Love seeing Liza Scully at the holidays and running into Blair Townsend in the South Bay.” Mary Wheatcroft TenBroeck (Los Altos, CA): “Enjoyed meeting fellow Westridge graduates in SF in October and learning about what’s new on campus.”

1979 Jenifer Biven Aldridge (Pasadena, CA): “Daughter Caroline (named after her favorite aunt Caroline Wheeler) is at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.” 1984 Anna Pehoushek (Orange, CA): “I continue to live in Old Towne Orange and work for the City of Orange as the Assistant Community Development Director. My son, John, is now a 4th grader and keeps life fun and busy.” 1986 Edith Morrison (Pasadena, CA): “Daughter is Sarah Tybkhan, new to the class of ‘22 in 2015–2016.” 1993 Jennifer Wagner Fancher (Salinas, CA): “Living in Salinas and working as Director of Marketing for Green Giant Fresh. I have three boys, ages 14, 11, and 6.” Emily Heaton (Santa Rosa, CA): “Just had my second kid, Finn, born in August. He joins big sister, Abby, who is 2 1/2. Enjoying life as a stay-at-home, except when I’m being driven crazy.” Bevin Allen Pike (Simi Valley, CA): “Abigail Dylan Pike was born September 18, 2014.” 1999 Miranda McLeod (New York, NY): “With thanks from the mother of former student, Miranda McLeod, who completed her B.A. at Columbia, her M.F.A. in Creative Writing at NYU, and has just earned her M.A. and on her way to a Ph.D. in Literature at Rutgers.”


2008 Elizabeth Gong (South Pasadena, CA) graduated from USC and is currently a third-year veterinary medicine student at Washington State University in Pullman, WA. 2009 Lauren Yang (Pasadena, CA): “I am still at UCLA Anderson School of Management. If any Tigers are in Westwood, hit me up!” 2011 Caitlyn Cheleden (Nashville, TN) graduated magna cum laude from Vanderbilt University with a B.A. with honors in History of Art as a member of Phi Beta Kappa, and is currently in her first year of law school at the University of Virginia.

Class of 1995 members who visited campus in June 2015 before celebrating their 20 year reunion at a nearby restaurant include: Vanessa Chaves Cochran, Jaime Morrison Curtis, Nicole Danilov, Vanessa Delgado, Fay Ellwood, Jennifer Gill, Jennifer Ha, Emily Miller Karlekar, Jennifer Heintz Lulla, Erika Ceporius Miller-Nguyen, Monique Murad, Ashley Flanagan Slaugter, and Alexina Vick. 2003 Anya Gallardo (Istanbul, Turkey): “I’m living the baklava-coated, politically unstable dream in Istanbul. Come visit!” Cynthia Gong (South Pasadena, CA) completed her Doctor of Pharmacy degree at the USC School of Pharmacy and a pharmacy residency at the Veteran’s Administration Health System. She returned to USC to pursue a Ph.D. in health economics and policy. She currently works at Kaiser Permanente as an Ambulatory Care Clinical Pharmacist.

2005 Jennifer Gong Cheung (South Pasadena, CA) received both her Bachelor’s of Science (2009) and Doctor of Physical Therapy degrees (2012) from USC. She is currently a Physical Therapist in group practice in Menlo Park, CA. She recently became Jennifer Gong Cheung, after marrying her physical therapy classmate Andrew Cheung from USC.

Elizabeth McKibben (Amherst, MA) is a recent graduate from the University of Massachusetts Amherst where she studied Psychology, and Chinese Language and Literature. Through her exploration of yoga and stress-reduction she became fascinated by the role of the mind-body connection in western medicine as a treatment for mental illness. Her Fulbright research will investigate how mind-body psychosocial interventions reduce mental illness stigma in college students with depression and anxiety. Through her work at Hong Kong University’s Centre on Behavioral Health she will explore the interplay of eastern and western medicine, thereby highlighting the importance of culturally diverse, and culturally sensitive interventions in mental illness treatment. Through her research and experience she hopes to integrate cultural perceptions of mental illness care into comprehensive treatments in order to create a psychologically aware and mentally healthy global community.

Whitney Hall (Monteverde, Costa Rica): “I’m the External Relations Manager at the Cloud Forest School/Centre de Educacion Creativa, which means I run international programs at our school. We would love to have a group from Westridge visit the school and create a connection between the two!” 2004 Rebecca Burrow (Portland, OR): “I’ve been in Portland since January, but in Oregon for the last four years working for the Oregon Department of Transportation as a Bridge Preservation Engineer.” Catherine Icaza (Los Angeles, CA) is excited for her upcoming wedding to Jonathan Roheim in Carmel, CA, in March. She and her sister, Dana Icaza Banta ‘01 own The Monogrammed Home together in Pasadena.


Faculty members Dr. Jim Holland and Bonnie Martinez recently connected with alumna Jessica Porter ’14 at Oberlin College.

In Memoriam Olivia Sajjadieh ‘05 is flanked by college counselors Kathleen O’Reilly and Lynn O’Grady. Erin O’Reilly (South Miami, FL) graduated summa cum laude in May from the University of Miami with a B.A. in Marine Affairs and Ecosystem Science and Policy. She is currently pursuing her master’s degree in Environmental Science and Management, specializing in Coastal Marine Resources Management, at UCSB’s Bren School. Recently she interned with Heal the Bay in Santa Monica where she worked as a Science and Policy intern for their MPA Watch Program. In her free time she enjoys scuba diving—in locations including Turks & Caicos, the Florida Keys, Bimini, Bonaire and the Channel Islands—as well as hiking around Santa Barbara. 2012 Kimberly Koperski (Washington DC) studied in Vienna last semester and wants to be a CPA. She is interested in connecting with alumnae in DC. 2013 Carole Gong (Los Angeles, CA) is currently a junior majoring in human biology and minoring in sports media studies and occupational science at USC. She works in the USC Department of Athletic Medicine as a student athletic trainer for the USC football team among others. She would like to pursue a career in physical therapy and sports medicine. Kendall Millard (Bloomington, IN) after her summer at the Gaiety School of Acting in Ireland, Kendall is spending the spring semester of her junior year in London, England. She loves Indiana University.

Virginia Limacher Benziger ’32

Mary Maule Riley ’50

Virginia passed away at the age of 101 on September 26. According to her daughter she lived a long, full, and happy life. While at Westridge, Virginia served as Vice-President of Welfare Association, Secretary and Treasurer of Crop and Spur Club, and as a member of the Inlook staff. She is survived by her daughter Virginia Lacy.

An educator and bookseller, Mary passed away peacefully on May 13, after a brief illness. Born in Pasadena, she attended Westridge and the University of New Mexico, where she met and married Howard Riley. At Westridge she was Assistant Stage Manager of Mask and Brush, played many sports, worked for the Welfare Committee, and was a member of the Junior Auxiliary. She received a master’s degree in education from Whittier College. Mary taught in the Monrovia Unified School District for more than 40 years, primarily at Bradoaks Elementary School. In 1990, she opened BOOK’em Mysteries in South Pasadena with her partner, and husband, Barry Martin. She is survived by her husband, his two sons, and her daughter.

Elaine Earley Bourdette ’38

The oldest living member of her class, Elaine passed away September 22, in Portland, Oregon at the age of 95. She was born and raised in Pasadena, attended Stanford University and Chouinard Art Institute, where she studied fashion design. While at Westridge she was the Business Manager of Inlook. During World War II she worked as a draftsperson for an engineering firm, in design at Catalina Swimwear, and as a swimsuit model. In 1950, she married Warren Bourdette. Her daughter reports that Elaine’s life was long and good, and she always spoke very fondly of Westridge. She is survived by her daughter Christine. Dextra Baldwin Hopper ’44

On October 4, Dextra, age 90, died peacefully at home in San Diego surrounded by her family. Born in Los Angeles, she grew up in Pasadena where she attended both Polytechnic and Westridge schools. While at Westridge, Dextra served as President of the Mask and Brush Club and then went on to attend Stanford University. She is survived by her five children,11 grandchildren, and nine great grandchildren. Her twin sister, Anne Baldwin Purcell ’44, preceded her in death.

Janet Johnson ’53

Janet died on March 30. She attended Westridge for Grade 10. Janet’s career was in teaching. She was buried at Mountainview Cemetery in Altadena. Leslie Archer Mayo ’53

After failing health for several years, Leslie died peacefully on November 16. Her page in the 1953 Inlook describes her as “contributing more than her share to Westridge life.” In her high school years she was 9th Grade Class Secretary, Art Editor of Inlook, a member of Mask and Brush, on Spyglass staff, and on the varsity swimming and tennis teams. Following graduation from Westridge she attended Pomona College, majoring in art at Scripps College, and then went on to receive her General Elementary teaching credential from the Claremont Graduate School. Leslie taught elementary school until retirement age. She loved teaching and was very close to her students. Leslie also enjoyed skiing, surfing, and tennis. She is survived by her husband, a son and daughter, and four grandchildren.


Carol Seley Shofner ’55

Jane Hoffman Popovich ‘61

Polly Blackburn ’68

Carol passed away on September 29. Born in Los Angeles, her family moved to San Marino when she was three where she remained as a resident the rest of her life. She enrolled in Westridge in the 9th grade where she was Vice President of Mask and Brush and a sports enthusiast. Carol attended USC, graduating in 1959. One of her earliest passions was thoroughbred racing and she raised and raced horses for most of her life. In 1963 she married Del Shofner, an NFL football player. She was a devoted football fan and was active in many local charities. She is survived by her husband, her daughters, her son, and five grandchildren.

On August 4, Jane passed away peacefully in the arms of her family on USC’s medical sciences campus after a long battle with ovarian cancer. She was born in Alhambra, CA and grew up in San Marino, CA. Jane attended Westridge and later USC. At Westridge she served as a trustee from 1979-1989 and her long-standing family support of the school is reflected in the Hoffman Gymnasium on campus. At USC she served as a member of the USC Board of Trustees, president of the USC Associates Board of Directors, a member of the USC Marshall Board of Leaders, a member of Town and Gown of USC and the Women of Troy. Closer to home, Jane sat on the Board of Directors at both Huntington Memorial Hospital and the Junior League of Pasadena, but her true labor of love was the development of the Kidspace Children’s Museum in Pasadena. As a businesswoman, Jane combined her flair for fashion and her own entrepreneurial spirit, opening the Armoire and Flutter boutiques in the Pasadena area. She is survived by her husband of 49 years, J. Kristoffer Popovich; daughters Kimberly Popovich Shepherd ’87, Tricia Popovich Fink ’89, Jennifer Popovich Allen ’92, and eight grandchildren.

Polly passed away peacefully June 15, 2015, in Las Vegas after battling pulmonary fibrosis for five years. While at Westridge, she was a member of Spyglass and the Athletic Association, and Head of Gymnastics. Her daughter held a celebration of her life on July 25 at Tolosa Winery in San Luis Obispo, a spot her mother enjoyed.

Gay Galbraith Doudoroff ’58

Gay passed away July 2 at her home in Lawrence, Kansas. Born in Hollywood, she graduated from Westridge in 1958 where she was a member of the Glee Club and Athletic Council, played volleyball, basketball, and was on the swim team. After Westridge, she attended the University of Oregon and Stanford University where she earned a B.A. in Spanish. She continued her education to complete a Secondary Education Credential program and later followed up her interest in specialized counseling through study at the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Direction. She married Michael Doudoroff in 1963. Gay will be remembered for many years of volunteer work at Headquarters Counseling Service, Douglas County Hospice, and Episcopal Diocese of Kansas Commissions. She was an accomplished weaver and enamellist. She is survived by her husband and son.


Holly Burnett ’83

Holly, a diagnosed “brittle” diabetic, passed away quietly in her Arlington, VA home on July 19, 2014. At Westridge she was an honors student and served as Student Body Vice President in her junior year. As a child, her father taught her about movies and took her to Broadway shows. Holly spent her days studying actors and actresses, reading their biographies and watching their films and live theater performances. She went on to obtain a B.A. and master’s in English and Creative Writing and Film from Hollins College. As a freshly graduated film major settling into Arlington, VA in 1988, Holly taught part-time film classes at a number of private schools in the area. A career woman all of her life, Holly spent 14 years at the American Diabetes Association and another nine years at the American Builders and Contractors Association in Arlington. She is survived by her father and sister.

Whose life will you change? At Westridge, philanthropy is critical to fulfilling our mission Make the Most of your Retirement Account If you’ve thought about making a gift to Westridge School, consider giving IRA assets to the School and giving other assets that are not as heavily taxed to family members. As a nonprofit organization Westridge is tax-exempt, so it will receive 100 percent of the benefit from your retirement plan assets. This can be accomplished easily. To leave the balance of your retirement account to Westridge School, simply list the School as the beneficiary on the beneficiary form provided by your plan administrator. For more information go to www.westridge.myplannedgift.org. Let us answer any questions you may have on how you can make the most out of a gift from your IRA. Contact Rebecca H. Potter at 626.799.1053, ext. 261 or rpotter@westridge.org.

This information is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor.



Westridge School 324 Madeline Drive Pasadena, California 91105-3399 (626) 799-1153 Address Service Requested


Westridge is an independent school for girls in grades 4-12 with a mission to educate intellectually adventurous thinkers, and courageous, compassionate leaders. The school balances challenging academics and a focus on leadership development with a priority on the human side of education, including development of one’s sense of self and consideration of individuals’ responsibilities to others and the world. As a result, Westridge students and alumnae are confident women, creative thinkers, and catalysts for action who are living lives of impact. Pictured at right: Upper School students work in the new STEAMWork Design Studio, which was made possible with a gift from Lucy Larkin Stephenson ’58.

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