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We, the annual staff, on behalf of the graduating Seniors of 19 56, proudly dedicate this fourth edition of "The Shield" to our Senior sponsor and friend, Mrs. Ethel Davison.
because of her seemingly endless patience, has invested countless hours ofwork and sacrifice into our every need, and has been undoubtedly a deciding factor in our obtaining the coveted rank of graduates.
JANICE AUERBACK Transfer from Benson High School; G.A.P.; Red Cross 4; Band 3,4; Dance Band 3; Majorette; Mixed Quartet 4.
SHARON CONNER French Club 1; Y -Teens 1 2; G,A,P. 1,2,3,4; Jr. Cross 3,4; Shield Staff 4; Majorette 3,4; ta 2; What Not 4; County Gov't. 3; Library Worker 1,2,3,4.
ROBIN AXTELL Student Council 1,4; Officer 4· French Club; G.A.P. 1,2, 3:4; Y -Teens 2; Dramatics, Shield Staff 4; Latin Club, Jr. Red Cross 3,4; Operetta 2; Christmas Program 1,2,4; Library Worker 1,2,3; Jr. Class Play; United Nations 4; Homecoming Attendant 4.
JIM ANDERSON Hi-Y, Spanish C 1 u b, "W" Club 2,3,4; Key Club 3,4; Boy's Pep Club 2; Track 3; Base ba 11, Baske tba 11, Footba 11 1 2 3 4· Outstanding Back 4; Government 3; Homecoming Attendant 4.
DAVID C. BROWN Transfer from Central High School; Hi-Y 3,4; Science Club 3; Dr a m a tics 4; Jr. Class Play; One Act Plays
ALAN BERK Spanish Club 2,3.
RON BARNHART Key Club 2,3,4; "W" Club, Boy's Pep Club 1,2,3,4; Hiy 3,4; French Club 1 2 3· Food> all, Basketball, Bas'e: ball, Track 1,2,3,4; Outstanding Line man 4; Homecoming King 4.
NEIL COFFEY Hi-Y, SpanishClub 34· Boy's Pep Club 2,3,4; ball1,2,3; Track 1; County Gov't. 3.
SHARON ANN BECKNER Dramatics 4; Boy'sand Girl's Glee and Mixed Chorus Accompanist 2,3,4; Contest 3,4; Operetta 2; What Not 3,4; Jr. Class Play.
NANCY CARNEY G.A.P. 1,2,3,4; Y-Teens 3; Latin, Volley Ball 1; Drill Squad, Red Cross 4; Bowling 4; President 4; What Not 3, 4; Christmas Program 2,3,4.
RICHARD BAUMAN Class Officer 1; President 2; Key Club, "W" Club 2 3,4; Boy's Pep Club, French Club 1,2,3,4; Jr. "W" Club 1; Track 2,3,4; Jr. Class Play; Brass Sextet 3; Band 1,2,3,4; Manager 3.
JIM CHAMBERS Transfer from Thomas Jefferson. Student Council 3 · Hi-Y 3; Boy's Pep Club "W" Club-2,3,4; Key Club 3,4, Pres. 4; One Act Plays, Debate-3,4; Football, Track-3,4; Baseball 2,3,4; Ba.sketball2; Football Captam 4; Homecoming Attendant 4.
BILL HARVEY Transfer from Rich Township High S c h o o 1 . Key Club 4; Weskiteers 4. MIL TON FERRY Boy's Pep Club 1,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Track 2,3. WALTER E. DANIELS Transfer from Bay High School; Hi- Y 3,4; Science Club 3; Football 3; Basketball Mgr. 3,4; Debate 3,4; Shield Staff 3,4.
EILEEN II \NSEN Y-Teens1,2; Jr . Red Cross 2,3,4; Officer 2; G.A.P. 1,2,3,4; Officer 4; Drama tics 4; Christmas Program 1,2,3; Operetta 2; What Not 3,4; Octche 1; Library Worker 4; Declam 2,4; Debate 4; Majorette 2,3,4; Shield Staff 3,4.
DICK GILMORE Hi- Y, "W" Club 3,4; Boy's Pep Club 1,2,3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Track 1,2,3; Homecoming Attendant 4.
PAT ERNST Transfer from South High; Operetta 2. NANCY ELSEA G.A.P. 1; Operetta 2.
PATTY CURRAN Transfer from Benson High School; French C 1u b 3; Christmas Program 2. TERRY LIPPOLD Transfer from Benson High School; Hi-Y 4; Shield Staff
MARLA FERRY Cheerleader 1,2,3; Spanish Club 1; Jr. Red Cross 1,2, 4; G.A.P. 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 4; Shield Staff 4; Y -Teens 2; Band 1; What Not 3 • 4; 0 p e r e t t a 2; Christmas Program 3; Library Worker 4; Jr. Class Play, One Act Plays 3; Homecoming Queen 4.
MARY CUNNINGHAM Student Council 3,4; . Girl's State; Cheerleader 1; French Club 1,2,3; Latin Club 3,4; Pres. 4; Jr. Red Cross 1; G.A.P. 1, 2,3,4; Y -Teens 2; Band 1; Operetta 2; What Not 3,4; County Government 3; Library Worker 1,2,3, 4; C o u n c i l 2 ; Office Worker 4; Shield Staff 3,
MEROE HARVEY Na tiona 1 Honor Society; French Club, G.A.P. 1,2,3, 4; Red Cross 2,3,4; Quartette 2,3,4; Library Worker
TOM HUNT National Honor Society; Exchange Club Award 2; Shield Staff 3,4; Editor in Chief 4; High School Traffic Co unci 1 3; Jr. Class Play, One Act P 1 a y s 3; Football Mgr. 2; Football 1,3; Baseball 2,3,4; Hi-Y 2,3,4; Pres. 4; "W" Club 2,3,4: Key Club 4; French Club 1,2,3,4; Inter-City Hi-Y Council4: Boy's Pep Club 1,2,3,4: Office Worker 4.
MARGARET JACKS Latin Club 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club3,4; G.A.P.2; Y-Teens 2; Girl's Glee Accompanist 1,2,3,4; Library Worker 2; Office Worker 3 ,4; Jr. Class Play, One Act Plays 3: United Nations 4.
BOB JOHNSON Transfer from Benson Hi&h School; Baseball2; Football
JERRY HORTON Transfer from Tech High ·school. PATTY JOHNSON Transfer from Tech High School; G.A.P. 2,3,4; Jr. Red Cross4; LatinClub3,4; Operetta 2; What Not 3,4; Volley Ball 3; Library Worker 4. '
LELAND KIRBY Football1,2,3; Track 1,2.
CHUCK KIERSCHT Student Council 2; Hi-Y 3, 4; "W" Club, French Club 2,3,4; Boy's Pep Club 1,2,3, 4; Football 1,2,3; Basketba 11 Mgr. 1; Office Worker 3.4; Jr. Class Play; Shield Staff Sports Editor 4.
DON HUNT Student Council 2,4; Pres. 4; Class Pres.1; Key Club 3,4; "W" Club 2,3,4; Boy's Pep Club 1,2,3,4; Hi-Y 2, 3,4; Officer 4; Inter City Hi- Y Council 4; . Football 1,2,3; Basketball,Baseball 1,2,3,4; Track 1,3; Shield Staff 4; Homecoming Attendant 4.
JEANNE GORDON Transfer from Central High School; Class Officer 2,3,4; Girl's State Alternate; G.A.P. 2,3,4; Pres. 4; Y -Teens, Jr. Red Cross 2,3; Shield Staff 2,3,4; Associate Editor 4; Volley Ba 11 2 , 4 ; Library Worker 3; Office Worker 4; United Nations4; Contest 2,3,4; What Not 3,4; Operetta 2; Homecoming Attendant 4.
JANE LYMAN Transfer from Browne 11 Hall; RedCross 4; YTeens 2; G.A.P. 2,3,4; Latin Club 2,3,4; Officer 2,4; What Not 3,4; Operetta 2; Christmas Program 3,4; Shield Staff 4.
TAMMY MICKELSON Y-Teens 1,2; G.A.P. 1,2,3, 4.; Lettered 2,3,4; Red Cross 1,2,3,4; Officer4; What Not 3,4; Operetta 2; Shield Staff 3,4; Library Worker 2,3,4.
SUSIE MATTHEWS Cheerleader 4; G.A.P. 2, 3,4; Officer 4; French Club 2 3· Y-Teens 2· Inter City Council2; Jr: Red Cross 4; Shield Staff 3,4; Majorette 2,3; What Not 3,4; Volley Ball 2,3; Library Worker 2,3; Jr. Class Play Mgr.; Homecoming Attendant 4.
CHAPIN SIPHERD Class Officer 4; "W" Club 3, 4; Hi- Y 3,4; French Club 1, 2,3,4; Jr. Red Cross 1,4; Footbal11,2,3,4; Baseball 1, 2,3,4; Track 3,4; Sr. Class Play 2,3.
DICK POLLARD Transfer from Southwest High School.
JON MADER Class Officer 1; Spanish Club 2,3; "W" Club 3,4; Boy's Pep Club 2,3,4; Football, Basketball1,2,3; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Track 1,2.
JIM MONROE "W" Club 3,4; Fire Patrol 2; Football 1,2,3,4; Jr. Class Play Stage Crew.
ROBERT A MAYBERRY French Club 1,2; Officer 2; Y-Teens 2; G.A.P. 1, 2,3,4; Majorette 2,3, 4; Library Worker 2.
BEY KONECKY Transfer from CentralHigh School; G.A.P. 4; Spanish Club4; Jr.RedCross4; Dramatics 4; Officer 4; Drill Squad 4; Bowling 4; Shield Staff 3,4.
JILL Me KIBBEN Transfer from Lincoln High; G.A.P. 2,3,4; Latin 3,4; Officer 3; Jr. Red Cross 4; Y -Teens 2; What Not 3,4; County Gov't. 3; Library Worker 4; Shield Staff 4; Homecoming Attendant 4.
GRAHAM POPE Exchange S t u d e n t from London, England; American Field Service's International Scholarship. Hi-Y Y 4; Dramatics 4; Football 4; "W" Club 4.
BOB KOVARIK Transfer from Ralston High School; Class Officer 1,4; President 3; Boy's State; Key Club 3,4; Officer 4; Boy's Pep C 1 u b 1: "W" Club 4; Band 1,3,4; Brass Sextet 3; Dance Band 3,4; Basketball 1,3,4; Shield Staff Associate Editor 4.
SHARON RYALL Transfer from Central High School; Y-Teens 2; Red Cross 3,4; Pres. 4; G,A.P. 2, 3,4; Dram at i c s 4; French Club 2; Christmas Program 3; Jr. C 1 ass Play, One Act Plays 3; Library Worker 4; Office Workei 2; Shield Staff 3,4.
JUDY TEDESCO G,A.P. 1: Operetta 2.
JAN RAMPACEK Nation a 1 Honor Society ; Class Officer 1; Key Club 4 ; Boy's Pep Club 1,2,3,4 ; French Club 1,2,3,4;Jr. "W" Club 1 ; Science Club 3; Football 1,2,3,4 ; Track 1,2,3 ; County Gov't 3; Representative Colorado CD meeting ; Shield Business Manager.
ROSE REIFSCHNEIDER Transfer from Benson High School. G.A.P. 4; Drill Squad 4; Shield Staff Art Editor 4.
SUE SCOTT G.A.P.1,2,3,4; Red Cross 2, 3; Y-Teens 1,2; Cheerleader 1,2; Volley B a 11 1,2,3; Operetta 2.
RUSTY RUSSELL. Hi-Y 2,3,4; "W" C 1 u b 2; Spanish Club 2,3; Boy's Pep C 1 u b 1,2,3,4; Basketball Mgr.l; Basketball 2,3; Baseball Mgr .1; Baseball 2, 3; Track 1,2.
MARCIA SHIDELER Transfer from Benson High School; United Nations 4 .
LINDA RUCH Student Council!; Y- Teens 1; Jr. Red Cross 1,2,3; Drama tics 4; President 4; Spanish Club 2; G.A.P. 1,2,3,4; What Not 3,4; Operetta 2; Contest 1,2; County Gov't. 3; Jr. Class Play, One Act Plays 3; Christmas Play 3; Debate, Shield Staff, Drill Squad, United Nations 4.
SALLY SMILEY Class Officer 1; Cheerleader 1,3,4; Spanish Club 2,3; G. A.P. 1,2,3,4; Y -Teens 1,2; Lib. Council Pres. 1; Drama tics 4; Jr. Red Cross Officer 2,3,4; Operetta 2; Christmas Program 1,2,3,4; What Not 3,4; County Gov't. 3; Office Worker 4; Jr. Class Play; Baton Twirie r 2; Shield Staff 4; Rep.--Dist. Red Cross Meeting.
CAROLYN WOLFF Transfer from Central High School. Jr. Red Cross 3,4, Officer 4; G.A.P. 3,4; What Not 3; Library Worker 4.
DICK WOODFORD Transfer from St. John's Mi 1 it a ry School; Class President 4; Sr. Hi-Y 2,3, 4; Officer 4; Latin Club 2,3,4; Officer 4; "W" Club 3,4; Officer 4; Football 2,3,4; Basketball 3; Track 2,3,4; County Gov't. 3; Shield Staff Adv. Mgr. 4; Homecoming Attendant
GENE SHELLEY Transfer from Benson High School. "W" Club 2,3,4; Key C 1u b 3,4; Fire Patrol 3,4; Football 1,2,3,4; Captain 4; Outstanding Lineman 4; Basketball 1,2,3; Track 2,3; County Gov't. 3.
KAREN VANAMBURGH Fr. Club 1,2,3,4; Off.1; Latin Club 3,4; Off. 4; YTeens 1,2; Red Cross 2,3,4; G.A.P. 1,2,3,4; Lettered 3, 4; Triple Trio 4; Octette 2; Quartette 2,3,4; Operetta 2; What Not 3,4; County Gov't. 3; Lib. Worker 1,2,3; Cheerleader 4; Shield Staff 3,4; Homecoming Attendant
BILLIE SHADLE Cheerleader 1; French Club 1; Latin Club2,3; G.A.P. 1, 2,3,4; Y -Teens 1,2; Jr. Red Cross 4; Shield Staff 4; Operetta 2; Office Worker 1.
ANN SHOUPE Transfer from Henderson, Texas . What Not 4; G.A.P.
Transfer from South liigh School.
Transfer from Longview, Washington.
PRESIDENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DICK WOODFORD VICE-PRESIDENT . . . . . . . . . . JEANNE GORDON SECRETARY . . • . . . . . . . . . . . CHAPIN SIPHERD TREASURER . . . • • . . . • . . . . • . . BOB KOVARIK
Left to right: Bob Kovarik, Dick Wo0dford, Jeanne Gordon, Chapin Sipherd.
State of Nebraska County of Douglas City of Omaha We, the Seniors of 1955-1956, Westside High School, being of sound mind, and realizing the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death, do make and declare this our last will and testament, naming the Juniors our sole heirs and benefactors. You Juniors, who have always tried to imitate us, now have the undisputed right of becoming respected and dignified Seniors. Let no one question the ambitions and actions of your position. (Signed) The Senior Class Executed before me, this 28th day of May, 1956. W. Houston Elley (Notary)
1. Jim Anderson wills his incredible speed to "Ace" Hill.
37 . Leland Kirby wills his toothbrush to his brother Dale .
2. Janice Auerbach wills her bass viol to Judy Youngman.
38 . Bev Konecky wills her swing to the Loveland Playground .
3. Robin Axtell wills her car to Terry Ross.
39 . Bob Kovarik wills his Presidency of the Bachelor's Club to "Davey" Bronn.
4. Ron Barnhart wills his football knee-pads to Sherry Johnson.
40. Terry Lippold wills his rut to the Kaiser-Fraser Corporation.
5 . Rich Bauman wills a year's supply of Pet Milk to the Hungry Five.
41. Jane Lyman wills her walk to Terrie Bradley .
6. Sharon Beckner wills her poetic ability to Tom Epsen.
42. Jon Mader wills his art collection to Mad comics .
7. Alan Berk wills his big Crosley to little Bernie Grabow .
43. Suzie Matthews wills her waist to Sharon Eoff.
8. Bill Bowling wills his natural wave to Toni, Inc.
44 . Roberta Mayberry wills her baton-twirling ability to Calvin Carlson.
9. David Brown wills his eyebrows to Terry Bell .
45. Jill McKibben wills her half-sneeze to anyone who can finish it .
10. Nancy Carney wills her Junior boy friends to the Junior girls .
46 . Tammy Mlckehon wilh all her love letters to Jackie Uppold.
11. Jim Chambers wills his "technique .. to Terry Kiser.
47. Jim Monroe wills one slightly squashed Fremont quarterback to Ernie Noel.
12. Nell Coffey wills his map of California to Rita Benesch.
48 . Betty Nath wills her quietness to Sandra Vosler. •
13. Sharon Conner wills her small boy friends to Sandy Anderson.
49. Dick Parks wills his transmission bills to Fort Knox.
14. Mary Cunningham wills one dozen eggs to Sandy Secular .
50. Don Peterson wills his glasses to anyone who can see through them .
15 . Pat Curran wills her cashmeres to Joan Drawbridge .
51 . Dick Pollard wills his Kansas City "memories" to Terry Helms .
16. Dan Daniels wills his inverted "bath-tub'' to Connie Bastow.
52 . Graham Pope wills his "snagging" ability to Pat Fischer.
17. Nancy Elsea wills one slightly used cast to JoEllen Conley.
53 . Jan Rampacek wills his slide rule to Nancy Hanks .
18. Pat Ernst wills her note-passing ability to anyone who can get away with it.
54. Rose Reifschneider wills her bulletin-board displays to next year's Modern
19 . Marla Ferry wills her bottle of peroxide to Janet Voss.
Problems Class.
20 . Mllt Ferry wllls his "hot" car to Cliff Smith .
55 . Linda Ruch wills herse If to Dlor.
21. Don Gier wills his dramatic speaking ability to Mr. Retelsdorf.
56 . Rusty Russell wills his record collection to next year's Senior parties.
22 . DJck Gilmore wills his membership in the Marlon Branda Fan Club to Jim
57. Sharon Rya II wills her broken glasses to any one -eared Junior .
58. Rosalie Ryan wills her long hair to Marcia Meyer.
23 . Jeanne Gordon wills her pool table to Nancy Fraser.
59. Sue Scott wills her favorite dives to Buzzy Nielson.
24. Eileen Hansen wills her complexion to all Noxema users.
60. Billie Shadle wllls At-----Nope II She wants to keep him .
25. Darwin Hardy wills his innocence to the outside world .
61 . Gene Shelley wills his bloody football jersey to his brother Jim.
26 . Meroe Harvey wills her red Plymouth to Mike Eisenhart .
62 . Marcia Shideler wills her red hair to Boys Town .
27 . Bill Harvey wills his Tastee tips to Danny Schneider .
63. Anne Shoupe wills her streamlined chassis to the '57 Chrysler.
28 . Richard Hering wills his hair to the Charles Antell Research Laboratory.
64. Sally Smiley wills her Rockin-Chalr Society of America to Suanne Reichstadt.
29. Jerry Horton wills his bell-bottomed jeans to Gene Utterback . 30. Don Hunt wills his height to "Little Rodney ...
65. Chapin Slpherd wills his narural boldness to Gregg Milieu.
31. Tom Hunt wills his dancing ability to Roger Fellows.
66 . John Stevens wills his academic energy to Dave Wylie.
32. Margaret Jacks wills her candelabra to Buzzy Zschau.
67. Judy Tedesco wills her black hair to Deanna Ernst.
33 lester Johnsen wills his micro to some deservtng midget.
68 . Karen VanAmburgh wills her appetite to Carol EATon .
34. Pauy Johnson wills her typin abtlity to Mrs, Davison.
69 . Larry White wills his golf shoes to Rod Ross .
35 Bob Johnson wills his eyebrow to Jerry Sump,
70 . Carolyn Wolff wills the Dodge Bridge to Mike Wolfe.
36. Chuck Kierschr wills his "suchy" dantiness to Karen Nebergall.
71. Dick Woodford wills his enthusiasm to some Junior dead-beat.
EDITOR IN CHIEF . • . . . . . . • • • . . • . . • . • . TOM HUNT ASSOCIATE EDITORS . • • . . . . • • • . . . • JEANNE GORDON BOB KOVARIK BUSINESS MANAGER • • • . . . . • . . • . . • • JAN RAMPACEK ADVERTISING MANAGER . . . . . . . . . . • DICK WOODFORD SUBSCRIPTION MANAGER .••.•..• MARY CUNNINGHAM SPORTS EDITOR . . . . . • • . . . • . . . . . CHUCK KIERSCHT LAYOUT EDITOR • . . . . • . . . . • . . • • . . . . LINDA RUCH ART EDITOR . . . • . . . . • . . . ROSE MARIE REIFSCHNEIDER COPY EDITOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ROBIN AXTELL
1955 FOOTBALL SQUAD FRONT ROW, left to right: Bill Goodrich, manager, Graham Pope, Mike Wolfe, Sam Smith, Dick Woodford, John Bilby. Rex Rehnquist, Mike Williams, Don Miller. Sid Carstenson, Rod Fosler. Phil Brown, Terry Stinson, manager. MIDDLE ROW: Steve Dickinson, Chapin Sipherd, Milburn Sartin, Milt Ferry, Gregg Millett, Chuck Noble, Al Nielson, Jim Anderson, John Vilks, Ernie Noel, Gene Shelley, Ron Barnhart, Jim Shelley, Jim Monroe. BACK ROW: Mr. Hoyt, coach, Terry Kiser, Ronnie Mertons, Jan Rampacek, Roger Mertons, Dave Bronn, Dick Gilmore, Roger Fellows, Dave Shadle, Jim Chambers, Jim Hicks, Pat Fischer, Dave Humphry, Jon Mader, Bob Noble, Mr. Morrison, coach .
18 31 24
0 6 0 0
The Warriors on another scoring rampage . . . 21
12 13 0 6
Jim Anderson
Gregg Millett
Steve Dickinson
Gene Shelley
Ron Barnhart
Dick Gilmore
Westside started the season off with a bang by defeating Bellevue 18-0. Chambers' 80-yard run sparked the Warriors in a game which was also blessed with rain and a dusty wind. Westside continued their winning ways by trouncing Blair 31-6. Kiser and Fischer played an outstanding game and the Warriors rolled to an easy victory.
Bob Daniel
Ernie Noel
Chapin Sipherd
Jim Chambers
Dick Woodford
Pat Fischer
The Warriors blasted their arch rival Ralston 24-0. Rod Fosler was an outstanding lineman in this longawaited rematch of a now traditionalbattle. We romped past Plattsmouth in an easy victory, 39-0. Steve Dickinson's spectacular broken field running paced the Warriors' efforts. Rod Fosler
Terry Kiser
Jim Monroe
Al Nielson
Fremont, Westside's first Class A foe, tumbled before the smooth Warrior attack, 34-12. Monroe and Sipherd, our hardcharging guards, helped smother the Pioneer's attack. Ashland furnished the Warrior s with their stiffest c ompetition, but Westside emerged victorious by a score of 20-13. Kiser and Fischer led the way with their reckless broken-field running.
Valley was a stepping stone to the big Homecoming game with Columbus. Nevertheless, the Warriors played their usual sharp game with Woodford's center play and Millett's crisp blocks opening the way to a 2 7-0 win. Westside's was again victorious when Columbus fell before the onslaught of the powerful Westside team. Shelley, Nielson, and Daniels provided W e stside with a stiff defense.
Westside closed their victorious season by downing the Wahoo eleven 20-0. Anderson and Barnhart stood out in this, the final game for the Warriors. Westside's first undefeated season was due not only to the tremendous team-work shown by the boys and the great coaching of Mr. Morrison and Mr. Hoyt, but also to the unity of followers, both school and adult, with our whole squad.
FRONT ROW, left to right: Pat Fischer. Jim Anderson, Rod Fosler, Ron Saffer. STANDING: Mr. Koch. SECOND ROW: Terry Hill, Steve Dickinson. THIRD ROW : Dave Humphry, Ernie Noel, Don Hunt, Tom Wilson. FOURTH ROW: Dan Daniels, Terry Kiser, Bob Kovarik, Bobby Saffer. BACK ROW: John Lovgren.
Our winning ways carried over from football into our basketball season this year, for we had the best season in our history. During the regular season we won thirteen while dropping only five, and three of these games were lost by only one, two, and three points. Our team was sparked this year by the fine balance and team spirit displayed during the season. Rod Fosler performed well at the pivot, while Don Hunt and Pat Fischer displayed amazing ballhandling and dogged defense. Tt:rry Kiser and Jim Anderson sparked the team with their timely rebounding and jump shots. We started our season at Plattsmouth where we dropped a disappointing 49-48 ball game . In our first home game we were edged by Columbus, one of the better teams in the state, by 56-58. Despite these losses everyone realized our potential and we knew that we would win a lot of ballgames. We then started to roll, and our win streak began. We beat Millard 68-51, Elkhorn 64-49, Wahoo 64-58, Blair 88-61. and Ralston 74-32. We then entered the Ak-Sar-Ben Conference Tournament at Wahoo. We played sensational ball in this tournament and brought home the First Place Trophy, Westside's first in tournament play. We had little trouble with our opponents, beating Auburn the first night 74-43, then Bellevue 72-58, and on the last night we blasted Tecumseh 68-32 for the Championship. After this grind of three ballgames in as many days, we had to play the next night at Valley. This game will long be remembered because we set a new scoring record by swamping them, 100-63. Our next game was against a strong Sidney team. In one of the most exciting contests of the year, we edged them, 60-59. We then traveled to Nebraska City and pounded them, 68-51. We played a very smooth Lincoln University High team, and their sharp-shooting earned them an 81-59 victory. This snapped our winning streak at 11 games. We met our arch-rival Bellevue on our home court and, in one of our best games, crushed them, 76-44. Our squad next defeated Ashland, 81-40. Westside followed with one of those "cold" nights at Lincoln Southeast and subsequently lost, 52-49. We closed our regular season against Fremont, one of the best AA teams in the state, and were overrun, 81-60. The following week we entered our District's Tournament, met Plattsmouth, and came out on the long end of a 62-50 score. Our next game pitted us against Nebraska City, one of our early-season victims. Though controlling the exciting ballgame throughout most of the contest, the last few seconds found our State Tournament hopes shattered, 74-70. We owe much of our success this past season to the fine coaching of Mr. Koch and Mr. Hoyt. Much credit is also due to the fine reserve strength afforded by Bob Kovarik, Terry Hill, Steve Dickinson, Ron Saffer, Ernie Noel, Dave Humphry, Tom Wilson, and Jody Stocker.
FRONT ROW, left to right: Coach Mr. Hoyt, Jody Stocker, Bill Buller, Jerry Hart, Phil Brown, Bill Maus, Sam Smith, Duncan Fraser, Bob Daniel. BACK ROW: Paul Morgan, Larry Myers, Jerry Vaad, Mike Eisenhart, Monte Andrews. John Vilks, Louie Taylor.
FRONT ROW, left to right: Sonny Brown, Steve Spaulding, Danny Shaver, Mac Olmstead, Jerry Noel, Joe Malone, Steve Norstrom, Jerry Fischer. BACK ROW: Dave Chadwell, Bill Wright, Brook Brewer, Don Caveleri. Paul Eoff, Bob Neesen, Chuck Freeman, Bill I mig, Norris Siert, Coach Mr. Lang.
FRONT ROW, left to right: Coach Mr. Koch, Mac Olmstead, Joe Malone, Jack--Swarz, Howie Clark, Frances Haviland, Dennis McArdle, Steve Spaulding, Chuck Freeman, Dave Chadwell, Ronnie Saffer, Duncan Fraser, Brook Brewer, Barry MacAnally, Coach Mr. Lang. SECOND ROW: Johnny Lovegren, Ralph Joos, Jim Trester, Dick Sedden, Dale Larkin, Curt Davis, Bob Neesen, Paul Eoff, Glenn Vaad, Jerry Fischer, Bill Trowbridge, Tom Kleinkauf.
FRONT ROW, left to right: Jim Hicks, Don Miller, Bob Noble, Chuck Noble, Sam Smith, Phil Brown. BACK ROW: John Vilks, Jan Rampacek, Dave Bronn, Ronnie Mertens, Mike Wolfe, Dave Humphry. Standing at blackboard, Coach Mr. Hoyt.
FRONT ROW, left to right: Janice Oliphant, Julia Harvey, Nancy Carney, Susie Matthews, Earlene Durrant, Janette Sims, Meroe Harvey. SECOND ROW: Faye Katz, Rose Reifschneider, Sue Scott, Terry Ross, Nancy Young, Sandra Scoular , Jeanne Lichty . BACK ROW: Carol Schuett, Patty Johnson, Joan Stolley, Beverly Seaman, Iva Echelberger, Sue Colby.
SEATED CLOCKWISE: Penny Hunt. Steve Baird, Jerry Hart, Marilyn Cunningham, Robin Axtell. Dave Humphry, Don Hunt, Connie Bastow, Susie Sipherd, Ann Harding, Susie Lucas, Andrea Dale, Sue Green, Kathy Carney. Standing: Mr. Wells, sponsor.
"The Student Council is a representative body with the purpose of coordinating student activities, bettering the relationship of student and faculty. and serving as an intermediary whereby both the students and faculty can express and formulate new ideas for the better government of the school." This is the purpose of the Westside Student Council as stated in its Constitution. At present, the council consists of fifteen members, three from the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grades, and two from the seventh , eighth, and ninth grades. This year the council has met every day to have either a general meeting or to have a meeting of the committees. At the beginning of the year the officers established three standing committees to discuss and solve the problems of the council. These are the Convocation Committee, the School Spirit Committee , and the Citizenship Committee. Since the council sets up the convocation schedule for the school year, tire first committee handles all difficulties that might arise from this schedule. The School Spirit Committee is to do all it can on the subject of promoting proper school spirit. The Citizenship Committee has the broadest field of all, and often, if it is busy, some of its duties are assigned to the other two groups. Westside's Student Council has reached many of its goals this year, and much credit must be given to the officers--President Don Hunt, Vice-President Dave Humphry, Secretary Robin Axtell, and Treasurer Steve Dickinson, and to the sponsor, Mr. Wells.
" to right: Gregg Millett, Dick Woodford, Don Hunt, Ron Barnhart. SECOND ROW: Rusty Russell FRONT ROW, left Tom Hunt, Dave Humphry, Dave Brown, Steve Dickinson. THIRD ROW: Monte Andrews, Bill Buller, Terry Kiser, Dick Gilmore, Mr. Alden, sponsor. FOURTH ROW: Mike Eisenhart, Don Miller. FIFTH ROW: Bob Daniel, Chap Sipherd, Scott Sipherd, Mike Wolfe. SIXTH ROW: Gordon Graff. Milburn Sartin, Terry Hill, Dan Daniel. SEVENTH ROW: Mr. Koch, sponsor; Jim Anderson, Jim Hicks, C 1 iff Smith, Jerry Hart, Larry Myers. BACK ROW: Graham Pope, Neil Coffey.
The Hi-Y is a boy's club which is affiliated with the Y.M.C.A., and includes boys from the tenth through the t we 1ft h grades. The club is a service organization and strives "to create, maintain, and extend, throughout the school and community, high standards of Christian character." The Vice-President invites speakers to almost every meeting, and varied topics such as psychology, pro-football, the Better Business Bureau, and the Armed Services are discussed. The club plans its projects, its two annual parties, and how to divide and donate its funds at the bi-monthly general meetings. The Hi-Y included in its man y duties and services this year the job of cleaning up and dismantling after the annual Westside carnival, and it sold school directories to all of the students. The club collects the material for and sells these directories every year. It holds inter-denominational church services for the student body, which are held before the first morning class. Ministers from all over the city are asked to speak at these gatherings. During Lent, these services are held every day during Holy Week. One of the most important yearly projects in which the Westside Hi-Y takes part is the "Youth In Government" day. This is a mock legislative meeting held in the State Legislature at Lincoln and every Hi-Y group in the state is represented. This year, the Westside Hi-Y feels very fortunate in that one of their own mock bills was passed.
President . . . . . . . . • • Tom Hunt Vice-President . . . • Gregg Millett Secretary . • • . . . . . . . . Don Hunt Treasurer . . . . . Dick Woodford Chaplain . . . . . . . . Dave Humphry Sgt. at Arms • . . Ron Barnhart 33
FRONT ROW, left to right: Susie Sipherd, Lynn Armstrong, Barbara Hankins, Miss Kelly, sponsor; Johnson, Joan Rouse, Carol Connelly, Sharyne Trupp, Barbara Harn. SECOND ROW: Judy Horstman, BeverlY Blazek, Harriett Day, Nancy Fraser, Carol Schuett, Judy McGarraugh, Judy Morrison, Kay Hawkinson. THIRD ROW: Julie Jensen, Carole Crosby, Sandra A co u 1 a r, Jeanne Lichty, Beverly Morgan, Sharon Conner, Penny Bliss. FOURTH ROW: Rita Grothe, Susie Lucas , Susie Hapner, Ann Houck, Daphne Robbins, Ann Davis, Kay McKibben. HFTH ROW: Linda Stave, Sharon Elias. Judy Youngman, Sherry Johnson, Susie Sass, Nancy Young, Jana Lambach, Barbara Day. SIXTH ROW: Barbara Elwood, Brenda Nugent, DeDe Rampacek, Barbara Saddler, Julia Harvey, Sharon Hill, Anne Taylor, Marilyn Morrison. SEVENTH ROW: Gloria Stewart, Cindy Scoular, Jean Marshall, Darlene Utterback, Winsome Buell, Louise Jones, Cherie Danforth. EIGHTH ROW: Diane Rosner, Carol Bogle, Ruth Fiene, Dottie Carpenter. NINTH ROW: Rita Fiene, Kathy Carney, Sharon Edson, Colleen Fleharty, Debbie Donovan, Marilyn Handschuh, Delores Kuehn, Barbara Brown, Tilly Stevens, Louise Welstead, Janet Peppers, Sue Colby, Karen Kaiser, Iva Echelberger.
President . . . . . . . • . . Nancy Pinkerton Vice -President . . . . . • Harriette Day Secretary-Treasurer. . . Barbara Harn Sponsor . . . • • . . . . . • . . . . Miss Kelly
FRONT ROW, left to right: Jim Chambers, Jan Rampacek, Bob Daniel, Chapin Sipherd, Mr. Koch, sponsor; Bob Kovarik, Al Nielson, Don Hunt, Pat Fischer, Dave Humphry. SECOND ROW: Ron Barnhart, Jon Mader, Jim Monroe, Terry Kiser, David Bronn, Dick Gilmore, Dick Bauman, Mike Wolfe, Gregg Millett. THIRD ROW: Roger Fellows, Steve Dickinson, Gene Shelley, Rod Ross, Graham Pope. BACK ROW: Phil Brown, Terry Hill, Jim Anderson, Mike Williams, Dick Woodford, Chuck Noble, Rod Fosler, Jim Shelley. NOT PICTURED: Tom Hunt, Chuck Kierscht.
FRONT ROW, left to right: Mr. Woods, sponsor; Steve Spaulding, Jeff Poley, Pete Schuchardt, Eddie Lyman, Woody Mader. SECOND ROW: Jim Humphry, John Lovegren, Howie Clark, Tom Davis, Joe Malone, Tom Kleinkauf. THIRD ROW: Doug Miller, Burl Anderson, Ron Saffer, Ralph Joos, Billy Goodrich, Bill Wright. BACK ROW: Jim Trester.
SEATED, left to right: Karen VanAmburgh, Dick Woodford, Mary Cunningham, Jane Lyman. SECOND ROW: George Allan, DeeDee Rampacek, Virginia Vanice, Susie Lucas, Daphne Robbins, Jana Lamb a c h, Ann Davis, Ann Houck, Jill McKibben, Miss Joyce. THIRD ROW: Marney Meyer, Ann Harding, Dee Eurich, Patsy Shoupe, Billie Shadle, Robin Axtell, Kay McKibben, Kathy Murray, Bill Buller, Jim H i c k s. FOURTH ROW: Bill Imig, Julie Jensen, Marianne Gau, Byron Nelson.
The Latin Club has two main functions; to plan and earn money for their annual faculty-student Roman banquet, and to carry out the activities of the national Junior Classical League. The banquet is carried out in the Roman fashion, on mats and with togas, and there is entertainmen similar to the type at ancient Roman gatherings. The Junior Classicall League has chapters in each city consisting of the local Latin Clubs, and there are national and regional meetings to improve the local groups' purpose and activities.
FRONT ROW, left to right: Robin Axtell, Terry Ross, JoEllen Conley, Mrs. Lucas. SECOND ROW: Linda Johnson, Mar i 1 y n Morrison, Donn a Barnhart, Barbara Hankins. THIRD ROW: Jeanie Marshall, Cathy Carney, Mer o e Harvey, Karen VanAmburgh. FOURTH ROW: Bev Konecky, Rita Benesch, Dick Bauman, Don Hunt. FIFTH ROW: Judy McGarraugh, Carol Bogle, JohQ Fischer, Jan Rampacek. SIXTH ROW: Dee Kuehn, Louise Jones, Harriette Day, Bruce Hatfield. SEVENTH ROW: Judy Youngman, Sherry Johnson, Sandy Scoular, Nancy Fraser.
The French Club's purpose this year is to share and further as a group the knowledge of and interest in French culture. By accomplishing this the club wants to promote more interest in the study of the French language and to further the aim of working harmoniously together. As for activities, the club this year has adopted a constitution and a French Club pin, which members are purchasing. At the majority of our meetings we have a guest speaker who shares his experiences in regard to France. The highlight of the year is the annual French Club banquet in the spring.
FRONT ROW, left to right: Tom Hunt, Gregg Millett, Mike Williams, Steve Dickinson, Connie Bastow, Dave Humphry, Dave Bronn. SECOND ROW: Jerry Hart, Roger Fellows, Jan Rampacek, Jim Anderson, Dick Bauman, Bob Kovarik. THIRD ROW: Larry Myers, Mr. Romberg, sponsor: Don Hunt, Sam Smith, Bill Buller. STANDING: Jim Chambers, President.
The Key Club is an honor and service organization that is directly related to the Kiwanis Club of Dundee Omaha. The twenty-one members, under the guidance of their sponsor, Mr. Romberg, completed many projectsto help further their fundamental object, that of building a better school and community. Besides compiling a well-rounded vocational program, the group has undertaken such activities as, a "work day", an annual Christmas charity, assisting the police in a city-wide Bicycle Safety program, and taking complete responsibility for the concessions at a polio-benefit basketball game.
SEATED above is the Key Club Board of Directors. They are, looking c 1 o c k wise, Bob Kovarik, Don Hunt, Dick Bauman, Jim Chambers, Dave Humphry, Gregg Millett, Roger Fellows. 37
FRONT ROW, left to right: Bev Konecky, Linda Ruch, Marney Meyer, Sherry Johnson, Marla Ferry, Nancy Fraser, Judy Youngman. SECOND ROW: Brenda Nugent, Robin Axtell, Marilyn Morrison, Sharon Eo ff, Connie Bastow, Buzzy Zschau, Dave Brown. BACK ROW: Terry Kiser, Rod Ross, Mr. Retelsdorf, sponsor; Dave Bronn, Tom Hunt. NOT PICTURED: Sally Smiley and Chuck Kierscht.
The National Thespians Society, to which many Omaha high schools belong, was started at Westside this year. Its qualifications for are based on the amount of dramatic experience which the person has had. This is gained by major and minor class and one-act play roles, and also jobs in stage work and production. These are tallied in a nationally standardized point system. At present, the Westside group has members. "
FRONT ROW, left to right: Mrs. Conner, sponsor; Rita Benesch, Carolyn Wolfe, Sharon Ryall, Marilyn Morrison, Sherry Johnson, Judy Youngman, Miss Little, sponsor. SECOND ROW: Terry Ross, Dee Eurich, Janice Oliphant. THIRD ROW: Tammy Mickelson, Sharon Conner, Marla Ferry, Marne y Meyer, Sandra Scoular, Sara Jane Lukens. FOURTH ROW: Karen Van Amburgh, Ann Shoupe, Robin Axtell, Sharon Eoff, Jill M c Kibbe n • P a t s y Shoupe. FIFTH ROW: Carol Backman, Jackie Lippold, Gail Gray, Susie Matthews, Eileen Hansen, Mer o e Harvey. SIXTH ROW: George Allen, Byron N e 1 son , Chapin Sipherd, Bev Konecky, Sharon Elias, DeDe Rampacek, Bob Daniel, Barbara Saddler. 3R
The National Honor Society, which has been in existence since Westside began in 1951. had its induction service February 15th. The old members, Meroe Harvey, Tom Hunt, and Jan Rampacek were present to welcome the new Junior and Senior inductees to the Society. The new members chosen from the Junior class are; Nancy Fraser, Dave Humphrey, Gregg Millett, Terry Ross, and Edwin Z schau. Those selected from the Senior class were; Robin Axtell, Rich Bauman, Mary Cunningham, Dan Daniels, Don Hunt, Margaret Jacks, Bob Kovarik, and Dick Woodford. After the service, a tea was held in the library for the Society members, teachers, and parents.
• •
• FIRST ROW: Carol Bogle, Debbie Donavan, Jana Lambach, Ann Davis, Kathy Carney, Judy McGarraugh, Nancy Fraser. SECOND ROW: Louise Welstead, Jeanne Lichty, Mary Cunningham, Sandra Scoular, Jill McKibben, Harriette Day, Nancy Carney, Susan Hapner. THIRD ROW: Penny Bliss, Cindy Scoular, Susie Sipherd, Anne Taylor, Nancy Rogers, Donna Barnhart, Delores Kuehn, Rita Fiene, Beverly Morgan. FOURTH ROW: Sharyne Trupp, Sally Conner, Dianne Rosner, Gail Parish, Sharon Edson, Karen Kaiser, Cherie Danforth, Sharon Elias, Linda Stave, Beverly Blazek. FIFTH ROW: Barb Saddler, Dottie Carpenter, Cynde Haecker, Alice Jensen, Janet Krogh, Kay McKibben, Barb Day, Daphne Robins. Susie Sass, Barb Brown, Ruth Fiene. SIXTH ROW: Judy Morrison, Diane Rampachek, Barb Castle, Linda Ruch, Jean Skeans, Carol Eaton, Margaret Joan Rouse, Rita Benesch, Colleen Flehearty.
The first major activity of the Girls' Athletic Pep Club was to sponsor the Homecoming Dance. Committees of girls did all the planning and decorating that made the dance the success that it was. The next project of the G. A. P. was to initiate our new members. Part of the initiation took place during school, and the other activities were held in the evening at a city park. After the new members were all initiated, dinner was served. In the spring of the year, our annual banquet is held. The members and their mothers are invited; and this is where the G.A.P. letters, bars, and chevrons which the girls have earned are presented. This same night the officers of the club for the next school year are installed.
FIRST ROW: Eileen Hansen, Treas.; Jeanne Gordon, Pres.; Terry Ross, Nancy Young, Julie Harvey, Karen Nebergall, Sua nne Reichstadt, Sally Smiley, Karen Van Amburgh. SECOND ROW: Robin Axtell, Tammy Mickelson, Sharon Conner, Marla Ferry, Meroe Harvey, Bev Marvin, Kathy Murray, Deanna Eurich, Jane Lyman, Julie Jensen, Marilyn Handschuh. THIRD ROW: Rose Reifschneider, Sue Scott, Ann Schoupe, Janice Auerbach, Earlene Durrant, Roberta Mayberry, Carolyn Wolff. Pat Johnson, Billie Shadle, Nancy Pinkerton, Bev Konecky, Nancy Thomas. FOURTH ROW: Brenda Nugent, Marianne Gau, Susie Lucas, Faye Katz, Susan Heimann, Marilyn Morrison, Carol Schuett, Linda Johnson, Joan Thor?rgren, Janet Voss, Nancy Trester, Gail Gray. FIFTH ROW: Lynn Armstrong, Judy Hortsman, Rita Grothe, Barbara Ham, Virginia Vanice, Kathy Rydberg, Sharon Eoff, Judy Barrie, Jo Ellen Conley, Jackie Lippold, Marcia Meyer, Terry Bradley. SIXTH ROW: Iva Echelberger, Sue Colby, Winsome Buell, Bev Baldwin, Beth Neessen, Sharon Hill, Sherry Johnson, Nancy Hanks, Judy Youngman, Patsy Shoupe, Sara Lukens, Louise Jones, Janice Oliphant, Carol Backman.
In the spring, an overnight is also held, usually at Camp Brewster. This is a night for much fun and no sleep. To earn a letter there is a required number of activities in which the girls must participate. For example, they much go to a certain number of games. be helpful to the club, go to intramurals, and serve at games. After they have earned a letter, they are able to work for bars and chevrons, which are earned in the same manner as letters. This club is for girls who like to participate in sports, for on certain nights after school, intramurals are held. There is also a bowling league to which the girls may belong. The main purpose of the G.A. P., or the Pep Club as it is commonly called, is to back the team and send them on to victory.
Left to right: Debbie Donovan, Judy McGarraugh, Jana Lambach, Ann Davis, Cathy Carney, Carol Bogle.
Clockwise, starting at lower left: Jim Chambers, Nancy Young, Karen Nebbergall, Dick Gilmore, Suanne Reichstadt, Julia Harvey, Jon Mader, Terry Ross, Susie Matthews, Dick Bauman, Karen VanAmburgh, Sally Smiley.
The Westside High School Booster Club was organized in the spring of 1953. Mr. Walt Humphry was the first president, and he remained in office until the spring of 1954. At this time new officers were elected, as they have been every following year. club consists of about 125 active members. It meets once a month and has a monthly board meeting. The board has as its members the four officers, Mr. Elley as a permanent vice-president, and the president of the past year. Each of the officers works as a couple, so they proper way to list the present officers is: President, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Kierscht; Vice-President, Mr. and Mrs. ChuckSpaulding; Secretary, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Smiley; Treasurer, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Nelson. The aim of this organization as stated in its constitution is this: "The purpose of this organization shall be to further the welfare of the youth of the community and to strengthen the bonds between the school and the community." The Booster Club has followed through in its aims with some real accomplishments. The club has one large money-making project every year. This is the West side carnival, held every fall on the high school football field. This carnival has been held since the fall of 1953, and every year its profits have increased. Last year it netted at least $2,900. The profit made by the carnival is used for the benefit of both the school and its community. The club sponsors the Boy Scouts and donates to their cause. Gradually, it has bought a good share of the school's band uniforms. The high school library has increased every year through the club. Every year money is given for the winter and summer athletic programs. The Booster Club has paid all the expenses for Boys' and Girls' State every year, bought two popcorn machines, a reading machine, a football scoreboard and clock, and quite a bit of kitchen equipment for Westside. The club has given Mr. Retelsdorf money for stage equipment and has even bought new grass seed for the football field after the carnival. Their main civic accomplishment was a door-to-door drive for a Pacific Street sidewalk for the Westside students. The Shield itself can thank the Booster Club for its generous donation this year of a camera for the audio-visual department. The Westside High School Booster Club is truly a credit to our school and community. 44
Left to right: Dick Woodford, Jeanne Gordon, Dick Gilmore, Susie Matthews, Jim Anderson, Queen Marla Ferry, King Ron Barnhart, Karen VanAmburgh, Jim Chambers, J\11 McKibben, Robin Axtell, Don Hunt.
A huge bonfire at dusk started the Homecoming festivities at Westside this year. The cheerleaders kindled excitement with their cheers and enthusiasm. As a climax, a large shield, standing for the Columbus team, was toss¡ed into the flames. The group disbanded, singing "Fight on, Westside" as they left the field. The football game with Columbus followed the bonfire. Westside's football team again showed its strength by a convincing 20-6 defeat of Columbus. To add to the color of the occasion, the drill squad did precision marching to the music of the school band at the half. This was a very colorful performance and boosted the already enthusiastic homecoming spirit. The school gym was beautifully decorated for the Homecoming Dance, which followed the football game. Gaily colored balloons were strung from the ceiling, and two large thrones for the king and queen were placed in the center of the stage. North High School's Dance Bob Zampese and Ron and Sue Band played for dancing. The candiBarnhart. dates for queen, chosen by the Junior Class, were Robin Axtell, Marla Ferry, Jeanne Gordon, Susie Matthews, Jill McKibben, and Karen VanAmburgh. Jim Anderson, Ron Barnhart, Jim Chambers, Dick Gilmore, Don Hunt, and Dick Woodford were the candidates for king. Ron Barnhart and Marla Ferry were crowned Homecoming King and Queen by their predecessors to the throne, Bob Zampese and Sue Henderson. Everyone agreed that Westside's Homecoming was an occasion to be long remembered.
Mitzi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Fraser Horkoy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rod Ross Col. Radviany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terry Kiser Mrs. Guerkovich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marilyn Morrison Ka tinka • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sherry Johnson Sari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • Marney Meyer Ella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judy Youngman Terka . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dee Eurich Liza . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . Sharon Eoff Klara • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . Carol Eaton Michael Sandorffy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buzzy Zschau Toni Teleki . . . • . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joe Stocker Baron Gida . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terry Bell Janka . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dave Bronn Directed by Mr. C. L. Retelsdorf Produced by Miss Frances Little
Lefttoright: Rusty Russell, Eileen Hansen, Dave Brown, and Brenda Nugent.
Left to right: Dan Daniels, Mr. Retelsdorf (coach), and Tom Hunt, NOT PICTURED: Graham Pope,
Left to right: Terry Ross, Larry Myers, Mary Cunningham, and Steve Dickinson,
Left to right: Don Gier, Linda Ruch, Janet Voss, and Bob Daniel.
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Lefttoright: Mary Cunningham, Terry Ross, Jeanne Gordon, Sally Smiley, Margaret Jacks, Ernie Noel, Terry Kiser.
FRONT ROW, left to right: Sandra Vosler, Linda Siert, Carol Eaton, Mary Cunningham, Marney Meyers. SECOND ROW, lefr to right: Terry Ross, Eileen Hansen, Rita Benesch, Marla Ferry. THIRD ROW, left to right: Carolyn Wolfe, Sandra Secular, Sharon Conner, Tam my Michelson.
7th GRADE CLASS OFFICERS President . . . . . Jill Diesing Vice-President. Paul Pickrel Secretary . . . Randy Mertens Treasurer . . . . . Jan Gordon
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Pictured above are Randy Mertens, Paul Pickrel, Jill Diesing and Jan Gordon.
c 8th GRADE CLASS OFFICERS President . . . . Terry Stinson Vice-President . . . Jim Davis Secretary . . . . . Susie Myers Treasurer .. Richard Russell
... SEATED, left to right: Jim Davis, Susie Myers, Richard Russell. STANDING: Terry Stinson.
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9th GRADE CLASS OFFICERS President . . . . . . Susie Sass Vice-President . . . . Marilyn Handschuh Secretary . . . Barby Saddler Treasurer . . . . . Barby Day
SEA TED, le.ft to right: Barby Day, Susie Sass, Marilyn Handschuh, NOT PICTURED: Barby Saddler. 54
c E R
lOth GRADE CLASS OFFICERS President . . . . Larry Myers Vice-President .. Bob Daniel Secretary . . . . . . Sam Smith Treasurer . . . Milburn Sartin
SEATED, leftto right: Larry Myers, Bob Daniel, Sam Smith. NOT PICTURED: Milburn Sartin.
11th GRADE CLASS OFFICERS President . . . . Gregg Millett Vice-President . . . . . Buzzy Zschau Secretary. . Jo Ellen Conley Treasurer .. Kathy Murray
SEATED, left to right: Jo Ellen Conley, Kathy Murray, Buzzy Zschau, Grep:g Millett. 55
Identification by sections --CLARINET SECTION: Meroe Harvey, Gene Utterback, Ron Sharp, Sandra Anderson, Tom Wilson, Bill Imig, Norris Siert, Dusty Fleming, Harold Stinson, Judy Kovar. FRENCH HORN SECTION: Ward Holdrege, Dick Sidden. OBOE SECTION: Iva Echelberger, Jan Soderland. PERCUSSION SECTION: Connie Bastow, Bill Trowbridge, Bernie Grabow, Bill Gilmore. CELLO: Fred Stevens. FLUTE: Elizabeth Stevens. CORNET SECTION: Bob Kovarik, Jerry Vaad, Terry Bell, Phil Robbins, Byron Nelson, Francis Haviland, Charlie Comstock. STRING BASS: Janice Auerback. SAXOPHONE SECTION: Calvin Carlson, Julie Harvey, EarleneDurrant, Bob Stickney, Darlene Utterback, Sue Colby. BARITONE SECTION: Chapin Sipherd, Dean Berk. TROMBONE SECTION: Richard Bauman, Phil Olson, Bob Neesen, Doug Miller. BASS: Barry MacAnally. BAND DIRECTOR: Mr. Darwyn Snyder.
The 1955-56 WHS "Warrior" marching and concert band represents an impressive giant-step tit Mr. Darwyn Snyder's future plans for the WHS instrumental music department. Combining the talents of 43 WHS students, the band has presented itself outstandingly not only as a flashy precision unit during the football season, but also as an exciting concert organization during the remaining school year. This year the band took trips to Nebraska University's annual Band Day and the Aksarben Conference Band Clinic at Plattsmouth in addition to the usual yearly jaunt to the District Music Contest festivities at Fremont. The organization proper produced many unique small groups for performance at various programs and contests, including a brass sextet, a saxophone quartet, a trombone trio, and a clarinet quartet. There have also been a few small impromtu groups that have sprung up independently from the original organization, such as the Softones, a dance band, and the Hungry Five, a dixieland combo. Having already acquired some new and unusual instruments, including a set of chimes, the band sold magazine subscriptions to help pay for some additionally needed uniforms. The band elected by the members of the organization, is listed as: band manager, Bob Kovarik; secretary, Meroe Harvey; treasurer, Julie Harvey; drum major, Calvin Carlson; uniform manager, Earlene Durrant; and librarian, Phil Robbins. Mr. Snyder, in addition to organizing all these activities, is attempting to build a future band of larger membership by spon an extensive grade school instrumental program.
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SEA TED, left to right: Connie Bastow and Bill Trowbridge. STANDING: Rich Bauman, Phil Olsen, Barry MacAnally, Chapin Sipherd, Ron Sharp, Jerry Vaad, Bob Kovarik.
The Softone's- and the Hungry Five are tow musical groups that have emerged from the ranks of the instrumental music department to fame not only within WHS but also the surrounding area. The Softones officially established themselves as our school's dance band this term after making their debut last year. Acquiring instruments and personnel, they have received many engagements from some of our neighboring schools, besides playing for our own school dances. The Hungry Five's origin also dates back to 1954, when a few of the band members first got together for an old-time "jam session". Making their first public appearance in this year's What- Not, they added members (though still retaining their original name}, color, and a slight bit of comedy to become a delightful Dixieland aggregation.
FRONT ROW, left to right: JoEllenConley, Cal Carlson, Earlene Durrant, Gene Utterback. SECOND ROW: Connie Bastow, Phil Olsen, Jerry Vaad, Joyce Johnson.
f 0 FRONT ROW, left to right: Louise Welstead, Kathy Richardson, Ethel Towne, Cynthia Haecker, Susie Hapner, Janice Auerback, Nancy Young, Judy McGarraugh, Calvin Carlson, Jeff Poley . SECOND ROW: Sandra Teagarden, Jean Skeans, Linda Stave, Marilyn Handschuh, Barbara Hankins, Donna Barnhart, Eileen Hansen, Meroe Harvey, Marney Meyer, Dale Kirby, Bill Harvey. THIRD ROW:. Barbara Saddler, Beverly Lyons, Rita Benesch, Anne Taylor, Janet Peppers, Julia Harvey, Larry Plo'g, Jan Soderland. Harriette Day . BACK ROW: Judy Wiig, Dottie Carpenter, Penny Bliss, Dee Kuehn, Alan Auringer, Byron Nelson, Ron Sharp, Chuck Kierscht, Rod Fosler.
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FRONT ROW, left to right: Darla Bennett, Carolyn Wolfe, Tammy Mickel· son, Sharon Conner, Carolyn Evans, Rose Reifschneider, Jane Lyman, Virginia Vanice. SECOND ROW: Sherry Johnson, Sandra Scoular, Karen VanAmburgh, Sue Scott, Sally Smiley, Ann Shoupe, Gail Gray, Judy Wiig. BACK ROW: Judy Youngman, Jill McKibben, Marilyn Morrison, Thulin Danielson, Jean Skeans, Sandra Teagarden, Lucille Gartner, Nancy Pinkerton, Margaret Stein· bacher.
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Rusty Russell, Bill Buller, Jan Rampacek, Gloria Stewart, Jana Lambach, Ann Davis, Barbara Brown, Susan Hellman, Connie Bastow, Doug Miller, Terry Ross, Karen Nebergall, Nancy Fraser, Nancy Carney, Sharon Trupp, Judy Morrison, Mr. Kellogg, Jerry Sims, Bill Trowbridge, Patty Johnson, Brenda Nugent, Nancy Thomas, Janet Voss, Judy Bennett, Mary Akin, Judy Horstman, Don Miller, Dale Larkin, Barry MacAnally, Jim Trester, Chapin Sipherd, Joan Stolley, Karen Deets, Sharon Hill.
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The Melody Men have achieved quite a bit of acclaim around Westside. Formed only this year, they have entertained at many places, including the Football Banquet, the What Not, the Music Contest, and several school convocations. Pictured left to right, they are: Barry MacAnally. Sam Smith, Dale Kirby, and Rod Ross.
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BOARD OF EDUCATION OF DISTRICT 66. This Board is entrusted with the educational welfare of our community's most precious possessions--the sons and daughters of our citizens. The broad outlines of policy are shaped, with the professional help and guidance of Mr. Pickrel, by the members of this unsung and unpaid group of laymen. These policies have been, and shall continue to be, responsible for the high degree of educational excellence in our community. This is largely an index ofthe quality of the following members: (left to right, FRONT ROW) J. M. Barton, Northern National Gas Company; C. E. Clinton, Aetna Life Insurance Company (Treasurer); A. W. Gordon Jr., Finlay Ice Service; (BACK ROW) A. Clark Murdock, Attorney (President): Robert Fraser, Attorney (Vice-President); and Kenneth E. Martin, American Blower Corporation (Secretary).
MR. GLENN E. PICKREL, Superintendent of Schools of Dtstr\ct 66. As the professional educational leader of this progressive community, he is well aware of the magnitude of his duties. Bestdes being the responsible ad ministrative and executive head of our school system, Mr. Ptckrel performs those capacities that will asstst the Board in promotmg most advantageously the educational welfare of the commumty. Having 15 years in the educatlonal field, he is the holder of the A .B. and M.A. degrees, and he 1s workmg to obtam the coveted Doctorate .
Mr. Glenn E. Pickrel
MR. W. HOUSTON ELLEY, Principal of WHS. Mr. Elley, our faculty coordinator and supervtsory link between the school and the community, pro vides the necessary authority and definite responsibility which ensures WHS its proper leadership and professional organization. With the best interests ofthe students and teachers uppermost in mtnd, he daily directs the execution of his manifold and vaned duties . A native of South Dakota, Mr. Elley attended four universities, including USC, and holds both B.A . and M.A. degrees. 64 '
Mr. W. Houston Elley
Left to right: Mrs. Marion Sipherd, Mrs. Alice Gillogly, and Mrs. Mary Ann Kellogg.
The Office Staff, composed of Mrs. Marion Sipherd, Mrs. Alice Gillogly, and Mrs. Mary Ann Kellogg, performs a vitalsegmentof the work necessary to the operation of our school system. Combined, they have almost 40 years secretarial experience. Mrs. Sipherd, Secretary for the Board of Education, lists keeping the financial records for District 66 among her many responsibilities. Mrs. Gillogly, Secretary to the Principal, has a more general job, being directly related to anything in connection with WHS and its activities. Mrs. Kellogg, Secretary to the Superintendent, has the big job of correspondence and record keeping for Mr. Pickrel.
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MR. HENRY {HANK) ERNST, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, now has 15 years in his chosen profession. He supervises custodians who keep our school warm in winter, cool in summer, and clean at all times .
WILBUR {LARD) FITZPATRICK, Head Cook, has had 16 years of cooking experience, including several years with the Navy. Married and the father of three children, he resides in Louisville.
MRS. MARY K. CONNER, Assistant Principal and English, has25years of teaching experience, four of them at WHS. Though her administrative and teaching duties keep her quite busy, she finds time to sponsor the Junior Red Ooss.
MR. KARL PECHT, Guidance Director, is new to our faculty, but surely not to the teaching profession, having 27 years of experience. A native of Pennsylvania, he attended Cornell College and Nebraska University, and began teaching in the state of Minnesota.
MR. JOHN LAURENCE ALDEN, Social Studies and World Geography, is completing his first year at WHS. The proud father of a baby girl born during Teacher's Convention, he is a sponsor of the senior Hi-Y.
MISS SALLY A. BECK, English, a Sophomore Class sponsor, is closing her first year at WHS. A Lincolnite who started teaching at St. Edward, she received her degree at the University of Nebraska.
FACULTY MRS. ANN CAMPBELL, Home Economics, was known to ¡us last year as Miss Lammers. She is a sponsor of the Junior Class. Havingattended both Nebraska and Colorado Universities, she considers her trip to Europe a few years ago an invaluable educational experience.
MR. KENNETH CHRISTIANSEN, Physics, Chemistry, and Aeronautics, is a Junior Class Sponsor and another four year WHS teacher. Interested in flying, he is proud to have been chosen to attend the 50th Anniversary of Flight Celebration in Washington, D.C., two years ago.
MISS JANE E. ENGELHARDT, Girls' Physical Education, is now completing her first year at WHS, being sponsor of both the GAP and the Sophomore Class. She attended Omaha University, where she received her Bachelor of Science in Education degree.
MRS. ETHEL DAVISON, Library, has, besides her four years at WHS, 25 years of teaching experience. A native of Chicago, she lists Columbia University and University of Dijou, France, as two of the many colleges she has attended. 78
MR. LEON P. ENGELBART, Mechanical Arts, Crafts, and Wood Shop, has just finished his fourth year at WHS. A nine year teacher and Sophomore Class sponsor, he attended Colorado A. & M. and Nebraska University.
MR. WILLIAM D. HOYT, Junior High Mathematics, came to WHS last year from Clay Center . Also Assistant Coach in all major sports, he somehow finds time to sponsor the W. Club.
MISS MARY CLAR ! JOYCE, Latin and Spanish, again a four year WHS teacher, is the Freshman Class and Latin Club sponso r • H a vi n g attended Duchesne College and Minnesota University, she sponsored six WHS students on a triptoMexicolast summer.
MISS BEVERLY HOWLAND, Vocal and String Music, has just finished her first year at WHS. A native of Hastings, she is in charge of the young, but growing, stringmusic department at WHS.
MR. WILLIAM L. KELLOGG, Vocal Music, now has four years at WHS and a total of six years in District #66. An Omaha University graduate, he sponsors our Eighth Grade and Westkiteers and is active with many church groups.
MISS CATHERINE H. KELLY, Junior High Science, comes from New York, although she attended Indiana, Nebraska, and Colorado Universities. Our Y-Teen's sponsor has alsoworkedwithmanyWHS dramatic productions.
MR. EDWARD LANG, Mec h a n i c a 1 and Architectual Drawing, and Wood Shop, is now finishing his second year at WHS. A married man with three children, he received his degree from Omaha University. 79
MR. JERRY KOCH, World History and Modern Problems, our Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach, seems to find time to sponsor the Hi- Y and the W Club. A World War II veteran, he also sponsors his Modern Problems class on their annual New York trip.
MISS FRANCES E. LITTLE, English, is a sponsor of the junior Red Cross and the Freshman Class. The Treasurer of the Nebraska Council of Teachers of English, she attended Carleton College, Omaha University, and the University of Iowa.
MR. RICHARD J. KOSCH, Algebra and Geometry, has now spent one year at WHS. Starting his teaching career at Stapleton, he attended four schools of higher education.
MRS. CHARLOTTE MEADOWS, Language Arts and Social Studies, has now taught 35 years, one at WHS. A sponsor of the Seventh Grade, she is an author, photographer, traveler, and member of several teacher honoraries.
MRS. LOIS H. LUCAS, French and Language Arts, is a native of the state of Washington and has brought the vast knowledge gained from six universities to our faculty. Now with WHS two years, she is the sponsor of the French Club.
FACULTY MRS. PATRICE ROSENQUIST, Language Arts and Social Studies, is the sponsor of the Eighth Grade. She has attended the Universities of Omaha and Nebraska and raises champion dogs in her spare time.
MR. HUGH MORRISON, Boys' Physical Education, is another four year WHS faculty member. Also our Varsity Football and Track Coach, he attended Doane College and Indiana University for his degree.
MISS MARGARET SCHURMAN, English and Speech, a Senior Class sponsor, is another native of the state of Washington. A memberofKappa Theta Alpha, a journalism honorary, she attended Colorado Woman's College and Nebraska University.
MR. JACK NOODELL, Typing, Bookkeeping, and Citizenship, has now spent three of his four years of teaching at WHS. A sponsor of the Seventh Grade, he attended Colorado and Omaha Universities. 68
MRS. MILDRED NORDLING, Office Practice, Shorthand, and Typing, another Nebraska University alumnus, has now been with WHS two years. Before entering the teaching profession, she gained excellent experience by working in numerous business offices.
MR. THOMAS A. ROMBERG, Algebra and Geometry, sponsors the Key Club and the Intramural Program. An identical twin, he received his degree at Omaha University, where he wasamemberofOmicron Delta Kappa, senior men's honorary.
MR. C. L. RETELSDORF, American History and Debate, now has 25 years in the teaching profession, twoof them being at WHS. Directorof many fine WHS dramatic productions and Senior Class Sponsor, the second semester of this year found him holding the position of Business Manager of District 66.
MISS ELEANOR A. SKLENAR, Social Studies, Language Arts, and Citizenship, lists the sponsorship of the Safety Patrol and the Seventh Grade among her activities. Now finishing her second year at WHS, she is an alumnus of Nebraska University.
FACULTY MR. RICHARD D. WINCHELL, Mathematics and American History, has just completed his first year at WHS. The sponsor of this Yearbook and of the Eighth Grade, he taught Mathematics exclusively for the first semester, but changed departments the following semester and became the American History teacher.
MR. DARWYN SNYDER, Instrumental Music, now with WHS two years, is a Junior Class Sponsor. Having attended Morningside College, Ohio State University, and Color ado University, he holds both Bachelor and Master degrees in Music Education.
MR. DARRELL M. WOODS, Biology, Physiology, and Psychology, has now been with WHS its full four years. He sponsors the Junior Hi- Y and the Freshman Class, and is proud to have been chosen to attend the 50th Anniversary of Flight Celebration in Washington, D. C., two years ago.
MR. DAVID WELLS, Algebra, Logic, and Senior Mathematics, migrated from his native state of Missouri three years ago to join the WHS faculty. Sponsor of our active Student Council, he received his education from Texas A & M and Nebraska University. 81
FRONT ROW, left to right: Bill Ellis, Jerry Wilson, Donna Wenstrom, Rosarie Vecchio, Howard WeUs, John Wertz, Kin Chiles, Jeff Pilling, Randy Mertens, Sharon Thompson, Earl Baldwin. SECOND ROW: Martha Ellis, Mike McGarraugh, Douglas Ragnow, Marcia Malone, John Bucholz, Jill Diesing, Jim Varlamos, Clifford Peppers, Marvin Polikov, David Baxter, Sherry Utley. THIRD ROW: Steve Lamb, Marsha Siert, Linda Kaul, Jan Gordon, Barry Brewer, Terry Campbell, Lynnae Callaway, Susan Ostenberg, Bob Chrisman, Martha Thomas. FOURTH ROW: Sandra McAlister, Susan Wilson, Steven Bernstein, Tom Austin, JanisSoderlund, Dick Stewart, Bill Marquardt, Andrea Dale, Lorinda Siert, Margaret Swenson. FIFTH ROW: Roger Stanway, Kent Gronau, Doris Ware, Larry Kaul, Ronald Tegtmeier, Linda Clauss, Linda Peterson, Bill Schwarz, Karen Shelly.
FRONT ROW, left to right: Albert Sperry, Julie Dickinson, Kathy Vanice, James Tanner, Sandra Jenkins, Russell Zavitz,Betty Harding, Steve Mellor, Linda Kimmel, Bob Gotcher, Robert Borgeson. SECOND ROW: Richard Durfee, Judy Jorgenson, Patty O'Loughlin, James Forehead, Stan Voecks, Connie Fleming, Marilyn Allgaier, Lois Denzler, Dick Watson, Karen King, Jackie Smith, Dannie Corcoran, Mary Oelnick. THIRD ROW: Edwin Reitna, Bill Earl, Ken Noble, Paul Pickrel, Ralph Perkins, Larry Brown, Felix Meyer, Steve Redick, Debby Davis, Barbara Cocks, Dick Treakle. FOURTH ROW: Lorelei Adams, Rusty Bendorf, Bill Utley, Rita Anderson, Kathy Durham, Steve Baird, Dona Wilke, Dixie Duncan, Sandra Sevy, Leone Jones, Judy Forberger, Bob Reagle. FIFTH ROW: Mary Hackbarth, Charles Mumma, Russell Lamp, Gregg Nelson, Bob Saffer, Steve Durham, JoAnn Durrant, Fred Heydenreich, Dorthy Middleton, J. Clark, Patty Perislc, Joan Segar.
FRONT ROW, left to right: Merrily Kiser, Charlie Ingalls, Gerry Boyle, Steve Norstrom, Pam Rogers, Bob Hankins, Ruth Skean, Larry Worshek, Jerry Slack, Terry Rosseter, Pete Schuchardt. SECOND ROW: Willacene Collins, Gary Johnson, Sally Johnson, Bruce Goldstein, Sharon Mead, Ted Hering, Sharon Schomer, Corey Barrett, }.'ollie Millett, Jane Williams, Mamie Miller. THIRD ROW: Bob Kvaal, Barbara Petersen, Terry Stinson, Ann Anderson, Chuck Freeman, Ellen Morrison, Curt Davis, Carol Kohl, Burl Anderson, Mary Ann Ketchum. FOURTH ROW: Deanna Lambson, Neola Voegtli, Diane Durfee, Vaughn Wicker, Pam Merrill, Darreline Wyland, Nancy Smith, Frank Keatley, Kathie Boardman, Karen Nelson, Charles Stein. FIFTH ROW: Bill Goodrich, Jean Weaver, Glenn Vaad, Sherry West, John Martin, Jack Smith, Ann White, Gerry Rehnquist, Robin Sue Paetznick, GCl il Hatcher, Diane Young, Tom Ridgeway, Gary Ragnow.
FRONT ROW, left to right: Jay Freed, Dick Grabow, Juanita Dewey, Jim Davis, Suzy Myers, Ed Lyman, Babs Russell, Tim Reese, Jackie Alcott, Brian Peterson, Bill Lake, Irene Peringer, Lewie Houck. SECOND ROW: Jim Humphry, Barbara Vaughn, Gail Bucholz, Mary Steuteville, Dick Carlson, Judy Carstensen, Torn Moore, Charlene Olson, Patty Davis, Jerry Noel, Kathy Planteen, Richard Russell. THIRD ROW: Rick Hatfield, Diane Joens, Charles Stroup, Karen Hess, Sue Green, Bill Barber, John Lovgren, Sally Shanahan, 'Ferry Rosseter, Kathy Faulk, Jim Ross, Sharon Cover. FOURTH ROW: Dick Nicterio, Ron Susman, Robert Lind, William Kaufman, Steve Hillmer, Sue Jones, Loren Zinn, Penny Hunt, Kathy Hargleroad, Bob Harmon, Kathy Ferry, Bobbette Todd, Lois Baldwin. FIFTH ROW: Howie Clark, Jane Rohrig, Pete Kirk, Linda Strang, David Foote, Bruce Hansen, Torn Kleinkauf, Herbert Grothe, Vernon Wood, Dick Eilers, Alan Harn, Randy Hoth, Joan Weaver.
FRONT ROW. left to right: Debbi Donovan, Mac Olmstead, Susie Sass, Barbara Brown, Kay McKibben, Joe Malone, Barbie Day, Ron Vosler, Ber Wilson, Jackie Tanner, Louise Wilson, Judy Todd, Judy Lyle. SJiCOND ROW: Winsome Buell, Jean Kroupa, Lyn Cooper, Daphne Robbins, Bill Gilmore, Jerry Fischer, Janet Peppets, Sharon Edsen, Coleen Flehearty, Karen Kaiser, Alice Jensen, Judy Bennett, Bev Drawbridge, Danny Shaver. THIRD ROW: Lily Stevens, George Allen, Linda Stave, Scott Semens, Barbara Elwood, Howard Homen, Ruth Fiene, Dean Berk, Barbara Castle, Kathy Richardson, Butch Rogers, Lois Mixer, Sherry Jones. FOURTH ROW: Sharon Elias, Bev Blazek, Joe Perry, Karen Morgan, Dick Mann, Ralph Joes, Gail Parrish, Bob Pilling, Beverly Lyons, Gerry Flint, Sandra West, Kay Hawkinson, Dale Larkin. FIFTH ROW: Frank Molak, Garver Saylor, Dick Seddon, Norris Siert, Jack Shields, Bruce Gray, Tom Davis, Jim Trester, Doug Miller, Jim Hanks, Bill Trowbridge, Ward Holdrege, Bob Nlsson.
FIRST ROW, left to right: Gregg Andreasen, Dotty Carpenter, Deanna Turner, Durward Ulfers, Charlie Comstock, Susie Sipherd, Jack Diesing, Cindy Haecker, Woody Mader, Carol Bogle, Jana Lambach, Ann Davis, Kathy Carney, Judy McGarraugh. SECOND ROW: Bill McDonald, Warren Johnson, Larry Knight, Judy Morrison, Janet Crow, Dianne Risner, Beverly Morgan, Jeanne Lichty, Rita Fiene, Cindy Scoular, Penny Bliss, Diane Rampacek, Barbara Saddler. THIRD ROW: Marilyn Handschuh, Barbara Loften, JoAnn Burnham, Dennis McArdle, Lynne Cooper, Bernie Lipari, Francis Haviland, Sally Conner, Bob Stickney, Bob Reichstadt, Darlene Utterback. FOURTH ROW: Sharyne Trupp, Brook Brewer, John Ralph, Steve Spaulding, Bill Wright, Sonny Brown, Bill Imig, Nancy Thomas, Iva Echelberger,Harlan Labbs,Jeff Poley,Sue Colby. FIFTH ROW: Don Caveleri, Bob Pedigrew, Charles Shelley, Ron Saffer. Barry Mac An ally, Richard Arp, Dusty Fleming, Jan Soderlund, Dave Shadwell, John O'Conner, Rodney Nelson.
FRONT ROW, left to right: Virginia Vanice, Sue Hapner, Ann Taylor, Nancy Pinkerton, Nancy., Young, Nancy Rogers, Linda Johnson, Lynn Armsuong, Beth Neessen. SECOND ROW: Jacquelyn Wolf, Dave West, Kenny Andreasen, Bob Noble, Jerry Hart, Larry Hoch, Gary Mixer, Earlene Durrant, Mary Hardy, Harriette Day, Keith Rouse. THIRD ROW: Bill Maus, Marianne Gau, Barbara Harn, Gloria Stewart, Stephen Kelly, Dale Smith, Clarice Palmer, Donna Barnhart, Carol Connelly, Carole Crosby, Kathleen Ryan. FOURTH ROW: Nelson McNulty, Bill Buller, Dave Shadle, Sam Smith, Milburn Sartin, Byron Nelson, Jerry Wolff, Gordon Graff, Carol Schuett, James Luczyk, Julie Jensen. FIFTH ROW: Sid Carstenson,Dick Steuteville,Chuck Noble, Dennis Peterson, John Bilby, John Vilks, Torn Eilers, Bob Geisler, Fred Stevens, Dennis Tegtmeier, Alan Auringer.
FRONT ROW, left to right: Harold Stinson, Faye Katz, Lewis Taylor, Carol Backman, Joan Thorngren, John Fischer, Phil Robbins, Dolores Kuehn, Mike Mellor, Jack Martin, Janette Sims . SECOND ROW: Karen Deets, Phil Olson, Joan Rouse, Jerry Sevy, Beverly Baldwin, Louise Jones, Sandra Teagarten, Larry Plog, Fred Anthis, Susan Lucas, Barbara Hankins. THIRD ROW: Sharon Hill, Bernie Polikov, Paul Morgan, Tom Wilson, Steve Dickinson, Susan Hellmann, Terry Thompson, Bruce Hatfield, Everett Vanderpool. FOURTH ROW: Scott Sip herd, Jim Easton, Calvin Glidden, Dick Nielson, Bob Malone, Karen Deardorf, Jim Hicks, Phil Brown, Ron Rosseter. FIFTH ROW: Larry Myers, Roger Mertens, Bill Mears, Bob Daniel, Judy Horstman, Rita Grothe, Brenda Nugent, Don Miller, Ron Sharp, Roger Brown.
FRONT ROW, left to right: Judy Youngman, Nancy Hanks, Karen Nebergall, Sherry Johnsen, Jackie Lippold, Marilyn Morrison, Nancy Fraser, Karen Waara, Janice Oliphant. SECOND ROW: Terrie Bradley. Eaton, Deanna Ernst. Frank Blazek, Karen Flavell. Gene Utterback. Sharon Eoff. THIRD ROW: Pat Shoupe. Suanne Reichstadt, Terry Ross. Roger Fellows, Joan Wolfgram. Stanley Arp. Darla Bennett. Dave Humphry. FOURTH ROW: Jim Shelly.Pat Fischer.Joan Stolley.Rod Ross, Jerry Sump. Cliff Smith, Sandy Scoular. Jerry Simms. FIFTH ROW: MonteAndrews,MlkeEisenhart.JanetVoss.Bernle Grabow. sandra Anderson. Terry Bell. Phil Hansen, Jody Stocker. Sara Jane Lukens.
FRONT ROW, left to right: Julia Harvey, Beverly Marvin, Marcia Meyer, Sandra Vosler, Joan Drawbridge, Jeanne Skeens, Margaret Steinbacker, Nancy Lucas, Thulin Danielson, Kay Evans. SECOND ROW: Jean Hyde, Jackie Hansen, Conrad Bastow, Joyce Loften, Ron Mertens, Dan Snyder, Gary Knight, Gregg Millett, Maynard Rosen. THIRD ROW: Jerry Vaad, Jolene Smith, Dale Kirby, Jo Ellen Conley, Edward Zschau, Gail Gray, ErnestNoel,Dee Eurich, Nancy Trester. FOURTH ROW: David Wylie, Mondana Weaver,MikeWolfe,Janice Nath, Terry Kiser, Kathy Murray, Terry Hill, Kathy Rydberg. FIFTH ROW: Mike Williams, Rod Fosler, Tom Epsen, Terry Helms, Rex Rehnquist, Judy Barrie, Norman Peterson, Al Nielson.
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