1962 Westside Shield

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Thank You to Sunny Durham Lundgren & Pat Mayer Sweet for sponsorship of the

1962 Shield Support the Westside Foundation

Westside High School Omaha, Nebraska Volume X



There Are Many Points On A Compass But Here--"All Points West!"

A lthough there are many points on a compass, the life of the Westside student is symbolized by the point directed West. Since the early development of our country, the West has represented the unknown and challenging future . Here, students face challenges of the mind in Westside's unique courses: Far East, Science Seminar, English Seminar, Russian History. They face challenges of personal growth in club membership and leadership responsibilities. The Warriors also show initiative by developing their special interests beyond school requirements . Again, as traditionally the West signified the growth of the early Un~ted States, Westside originated as an extension of Omaha- -one which is expanding yet. As the horizon extends, it creates new challenges for Westside and creates additional goals for individuals through future jobs and colleges. To Westsiders there are no East, North, and South points on the compass for here "All Points West!"

Viewing West from Every Point

W hat makes up the western challenge? The usual workout at the pool day after' day, panel discussions in which students debate current problems and future situations, spiritual growth through attendanc;e at the church of one's choice and its youth groups, the "coke ritual" at th~ drugstore--the life of a Warrior revolves in the form of a compass with each point uniting to develop a well rounded individual.



F -i-ght. Fight! Yells dominate the halls, gym, and stadium as Warriors go forth in competition against inter -city teams. Click goes the camera as Peyton snaps last minute pictures to meet the never ending deadlines. Who else could pose a slumber party scene on a Sunday afternoon? Burrrrr . . . The quick snowfalls surprise and delight students throughout the winter as they cross the patio to get to their warm classrooms . Arriving early are those students who attend special holiday services arranged by Y-Teens and Hi-Y. Yes , a Warrior's life is always busy-路academically, socially, religiously, and physically.



hhh . . . just let me sleep another minute, dad . '' Long days and short nights prove difficult for the Warrior to handle without that extra minute of sleep. Once at school the busy day starts with beginning home ec. girls cooking and sometimes burning their concoctions . Boys are found gazing at the trophy case while dreaming of trophies to be won. The day reaches its midpoint with students rushing to get their lunch trays. Is it chocolate cake and hamburgers?


SHIELD STAFF Pat Mayer, Editor

Peggy Delong, Organizations

Sunny Durham, Associate Editor

Linda Twiss, Features

Kay Zavitz, Business Manager

Judy Linder, Co-Sports Editor

Jan Kucera, Promotion Manager

Lois McConkle, Co-Sports Editor

Gigi lice, Faculty

Susie Mellor, Staff Artist

Kay Melchoirs, Seniors

Peyton Whitely, Head Photographer

Kathy Westering, Underclassmen

Miss Marilyn Miller, Adviser


\ HG ee, I hope I can be as big as you someday." This is a familiar cry echoed by underclassmen awed by the height of the mighty seniors. After school Pep Club members combine work with fun by Clecorating goal posts . Football games present an equal challenge for the team and student supporters- -especially when it rains! As the school day closes, Warriors loaded with work depart for home. They meet the challenges presented by the school with enthusiasm for they realize their future depends on education. Yes, THERE ARE MANY POINTS ON A COMPASS, BUT HERE "ALL POINTS WEST" . . .

Shield Dedicated to Hansen S HAPING the destiny of Westside has been the job of Mr. Kenneth Hansen, principal, for the past five years. Upon his arrival to Westside High School, students remarked "Gee, he looks like Bing Crosby. I wonder if he can sing as well?" This easy going man may not be a Bing Crosby, but he is well recognized in the school as an example of one dedicated to the task of maintaining an environment which stimulates our school community toward better achievement. Mrs. Mary Conners, Dean of Girls, said, "I admire his ubiquity. He senses what goes on everywhere . . . at any time." Students, faculty, and administration alike respect him for his patience, thoughtfulness, kindness, and untiring efforts . Thus we dedicate the 1962 Shield to Mr.' Kenneth Hansen. Family activities create many wonderful times.

Sponsoring the Student Council is one of many jobs.

Anyone for a golf game? II

Pointing Toward Leadership • School Board • Administration • Faculty

t66' Board, Administration -


District 66 School Board consists of Mr. Verne Moore, Mr. Irvin Yaffe, Mr. Clark Murdock, president; Mr. Robert Heimrod, Mrs. Margre Durham, secretary; Mr. Jackson Barton, vice president. At right, Superintendent H. Vaughn Phelps.

Westside's future is in the capable hands of the "best school board in the state." Each day, problems large and small confront Mr . Hansen, Mr. Farrar, Mr. Phelps, and the District 66 School Board . These problems are solved with diplomacy and intelligence distinguishing factors among those who make up Westside's administration.

Receiving one of his many phone calls is

Mr. Kenneth Hansen, principal. Mr. Ralph Farrar, assistant principal, is instrumental in determining Junior High policy.

They Back Westside High Warrior "handymen" are custodians Jeno Howath, Glen Garairanet, Glenn Ries, Ray Selk, Sam Sperano,• Not Pictured are Robert Harrison, George Harrison, and Paul Manely.

Throughout the halls of Westside each day, the clang of dishes and the swioo of mops can be heard. Without the help of valuable custodians, cafeteria workers, the nurse and librarians, Westside could not function properly. These people all make up the pleasant atmosphere that surrounds each day at Westside.

Mrs. Margurite Wood, school nurse, performs a daily routine of taking a temperature.

Tasty dishes are prepared by the cafeteria staff Martha McGehee, Nell Partridge, Etheline Cubrich, Mary Holm, Dorothy Laughlin, Jeanne Anderson, Ilah Petersen, Louise Conrad, Ruth Severine. SECOND ROW: Virginia Nieman, Florence Braber, Johanna Hoff, Virginia Alsman, Lucille Geisler, Rachel Humphrey. 15

A Teacher's Day Begins "Chief safe-cracker" Mr. Jack Noodell begins the day.

"Well, here we are. All out!" Mr. James Lemon, Miss Lynne Lanham, Mr. Paul Andreas arrive.

A Westside teacher is more than a mechanism for grading papers; he is, in reality, a devoted person with a warm personal life that is seldom seen by the student. The day starts quite early for most teachers who may dash or leisurely stroll through Westside's hallowed portals at 7:15 a.m. Nevertheless, with the thud of the heavy front door, a teacher's day begins . "Oh, what a beautiful morning" muse Mr. Rex Steinkruger, Mt Bill Haffey, Mr. Richard Winchell.

Mr. Erling Schultz, Mrs. Carolene Steuck, Mrs. Julie George walk to their first hour class.

There Is Much to Be Done

Morning rendezvous with Mr. Jerry Koch, Mrs. Ruth Orkow, Mrs. Alice Gillogly, Secretary, and Mr. Leon Englehart.

With•the buzzing of early morning activities, teachers plan their daily schedules. They can only gu es s as to the outcome of these schedules for the day is merely beginning. There is much to be done; teachers hope for the best.


Thank goodness, no bills! 11 sigh Miss Lou McConnell and Mrs. Judy Krhounek.

The day starts early for librarians Mrs. Feme Mellor and Mrs. Ethel Dav ison. 17

Teaching, Planning, Guiding -

Westside's "guiding lights," Mrs. lois Lucas, Mr. Karl Pecht, Mr. Jack Petersen and Mr. Dale Fuerst, chuckle over an amusing anecdote.

Teaching, planning, and guiding are all part of a teacher's dat. Whether it be composing a freshman's schedule, or attending a meeting, the success of the student is considered most important to each daily routine.

Mrs. Jean Truman, Mrs. Nila Magdanz, Mrs. Clara Dunn, and Mr. Edward Mansur, meet for an informal discussion. "Mottoes speak louder than words" observe Mr. Bruce Holmquist, Mrs. Mary Conner, and Mrs. Susie Ball. 18


It's All

Day's Work

"Do, re, mi," directs Mr. William Kellogg.


"You too, can become a Rembrandt, 11 says Mrs. Jean Truman.

A teacher's day may be a variety of things , but most important , a teacher TEACHES. Whether it be music or history, English or physics, Westside students have the advantage of a well-trained faculty, skilled in their various fields. "No, these aren't for dinner! " Mr. Harley Hardison and Mr. Emil Wicina comment on the biology rabbits.

"Will the meeting please come to order?" begins a discussion with Mr. Darwyn Snyder, Mr. Kenneth Grizzell, Miss Gretchen Saeger, Mrs. Judith Hoyt, Mr. Harold Welch, Mr. Frank Hayworth, and Mrs . J uliana Swartzbaugh.

leisure Moments Precious

Mr. Bob Rademacher and Miss Laverne Allen take time for a short coffee break.

"It's a happy scene by the canteen" with Mrs. Helen Kelly, Mrs. Anna Clark, and Mrs. Elizabeth Griffin.

"If that dime gets stuck ONCE more, I'll--!" is the disgusted cry of many a teacher at one time or another when trying to operate the obstinate soft drink machine in the faculty lounge. This is just Qne of the many small catastrophies that blight a teacher's day. Little items such as dropping a stack of books, misplacing glasses, or a sudden loss of voice all go to make up the complex day.

"Oops, there go the books again" laugh Mr. Rod Hansen, Miss Pat Stalder, Mr. Burt Speece, and Mr. Dewey Asher.

Helping with painting scenes are Mrs. Elaine Limbaugh, Mr. Merritt Whitten, Mrs. Diane Althouse, and Mrs. Mary Davis.

lunch Is a Welc


Lining up for noon "vittles" are Mrs. Laverne Hammer, Secretary, Miss Pat Stalder, Mr. Wayne Wagncr, Mr. Marvin Nevins, Mr. Edward Mansur, Mrs. Clara Dunn, and Mrs. Dian Peterson.

Lun h i a welcome break in the daily routine for most teachers. Here, in the all-too-short lunch period, dally news is exchanged above the clatter of students and dishes. It is almost impossible to be heard in this confusion, but teachers are grateful for these few minutes of leisure.

A "Table Topics" discussion with Mr. Kenneth Hansen, Mr. Alvin Gloor, Mr. Phillip Pfenninger, Mr. Jim Tangdall, and Mrs. Hazel Patz. 21

A Teadr's Pastimes Vary

"No, we don't do this all the time." Mr. Ralph Farrar and Mr. Kenneth Hansen demonstrate their "favorite recreation."

Rendering enthusiastic "rahs" are Mr. Calvin Delano, Mrs. Lois Lucas, and Miss Marilyn Miller.

Teachers do manage to find time for their favorite pa times . School spirit ranks especially high with Warrior faculty member as they enthusiastically support the Westside team .

Cutting capers at the faculty basketball game are Mr. Kenneth Hansen, Mr. Richard Winchell, Mr. Richard Lane, Mr. Frank Hayworth, Mr. Edward Lang, Mr. Leon Englehart, and Mr. William Hoyt.



Miss Anna Louise McConnell, mathematics instructor, will always be remembered for her willingness to help others. She was truly a devoted teacher possessing a brilliant understanding of mathematics and a deep, sincere, interest in her students. Born in Broadwater, Nebr., Lou MeConnell graduated Magna Cum Laude from Hastings College. She later received her master's degree from the University of Illinois. After three years of teaching at Westside, Miss McConnell became head of the math department. Under her guidance, Westside achieved first place in the State Math Contest this year. She allowed no distinction, however, between those students interested in math as a career and those desiring a math foundation for other fields. Seniors and eighth graders alike learned of the "beauty of mathematics" from her. Respected and loved, Anna Louise McConnell will never be forgotten, for she continues to live forever in the hearts of all who had the privilege of knowing her .

MJ:. Wayne Glidden at day's end.


Directing Toward Scholarship •



Sophomores and Freshmen

Leading the class of 162 are President, Luckasen; V. President, Nelsen; Secretary, Olson; and Treasurer, Maddox.

That time, anxiously awaited by some, perhaps dreaded by others, has finally arrived- -Graduation Day! As each one of us leaves the familiar halls of Westside, what are our thoughts? Though our eyes may be filled with tears, our hearts are filled with many wonderful memories . Our regrets are many as we realize we must now leave the games, classes, and

even the cafeteria food, not to mention the administration, the faculty, class sponsors and the school itself. We are grateful for their making all our memories possible. With . our last game, our Senior Prom, our last pep rally with OUR senior song, baccalaureate, and finally, commencement, we find it hard to say "so long" to high • school. Yes, we've learned, laughed, and been happy to be a part of WHS . This is the end of the beginning of our lives. Our hearts swell with pride as we leave . . . as we hear the strains of POMP and CIRCUMSTANCE.

Who could ever forget that final locker cleanup?


A Scrapbook of Memories




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DALE ANDERSON--Hi-Y 1-4; International Club 1,2; Golf 1,2; Top Choir 1,2.

RON ADAMS--Hi-Y 1,2, Vice pres. 1, Pres. 2; WClub 3,4, Vice Pres. 3; International Club 1,2; Jr. Red Cross 1,2; Football 1,3; Basketball 1-4; Track 1-4; County Government 3; Variety Show 3; Lance Staff iJ Student Council 2,3,4, Vice pres. 3, Pres. 4; Key Club 4; Top Choir 3,4; Musicals 3,4; Math Club 4, International Affairs Forum 3,4.

JACKIE ANDERSON --Pep Club 1-4; Y- Teens 1,2; Jr. Red Cross 1,2; Drill Squad 2-4; Art Club 4. KAY ANDERSON--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club 1-4; Jr. Red Cross 1,2; GAA 1; Drill Squad 2-4; Variety Show 3.

DAVE ALLEN--W -Club 1-4, Sec. 4; Football 1-4; Track 1-4; County Government 3; Lance Staff 4; Student Council 1,3, Sec. 3; Key Club 3,4, Treas. 4; Debate 2,4; National Honor Society 3,4; NFL 2-4; Treas. 3, Vice pres. 4,

STEVE ANDERSON--Distributive Education 3,4.

MIKE ALTMAN--Transfer from Omaha Central. CARL ANDERSON--Variety Show 1; Band 1.





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Studying a little BONITA ARMSTRONG

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BONITA ARMSTRONG--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 4; International Club 1,2; FMA 3,4; Thespians 4. Fl.AINE ARP--Pep Club 1-4; Y -Teens 1-3; GAA 2. RON AUERBACH--Hi-Y 1,2; W- Club 3,4; International Club 2,3; Football 1-4; Basketball 1,2; Track 1-4; Homecoming candidate 4. DAVE AULD--W-Club 4; Football 4; Basketball 4; Baseball 3,4; Transfer from Cedar Rapids, Iowa.





JAN AURINGER--Pep Club 1-3; Y-Teens 2-4; International Club1-3; FTA 2; FMA 4. MIKE BAKER--Radio Club 1. SUSAN BALL--Pep Club 1-4; GAA 1; Transfer from McCook High School; Thespians 2,3; Band 1-4. RANDY BAUGHMAN--W-Club 3,4; Track 1; Wrestling 2-4.




Doing Nothing a Lot BILL BECK


BILL BECK--Jr. Red Cross 1-4; Chess Club 2; CAP 2-4. PORTIA BENNETT--Transfer from Omaha Central. TOM BENNETT--Hi-Y 1,2; International Club 4. CLIFF BENNETT --Distributive Education 3,4.





BRIAN BERRIS--Hi-Y 2-4; W-Club 2-4; Treas. 4; International Club 2,3; Football 1-4; Basketball 1-4; Track 1-4; Senate 4; Homecoming Candidate 4. CAROL BERRY--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1,2; International Club 3; Jr. Red Cross 4; GAA 4; FMA

4. MIKE BEUTERBAUGH--W Club 3,4; Football 1-4; Basketball 1; Track 1,3; Homecoming Candidate

4. CHERYL BIRD--Pep Club 3,4; Y-Teens 3,4; GAA 3; Lance Staff 4, Advertising Manager; Transfer from Omaha North; FMA 3 1 4.


CHERYL BIRD 29 ~~~-------------------------



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STEVE BLOCK--Transfer from Fair Lawn High, New Jersey.

STEVE BROCKY --Hi-Y 3,4; International Club 2; Baseball 3; Chess Club 3,4.

EDWIN BLUM--Basketball 1; Track 1; Transfer from Omaha Benson.

MAR.ll.YN BROWN--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club 3; Jr. Red Cross 1; GAA 1.

MARY KAY BOYD--Pep Club 3,4; Y-Teens 3,4; Drill Squad 4; Variety Show 3; FMA 3,4; Treas. 4; Transfer from Valley High, West Des Moines, Ia.

JOE BRUECKS--Transfer from Downers Grove High School, Downers Grove, Illinois.

GARY BRANDT--Transfer from Omaha South.

DIANNA BURTON--Pep Club 2-4; Drill Squad 4; FMA 2-4; Orchestra 1,2.




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but Always Talking




VIRGINIA CALAME--Pep Club 3,4; Y-Teens 4; Transfer from !iellaire High School, Houston, Texas.

• • •


BOB CARSON--National Honor Society 3,4; Boys' State Alternate 3; Key Club 3,4; International Club 1-4; Math Club 4; Jr. Class Play 3; Musicals 2; Hi-Y 1-4; Band 3,4; Choir 1,2; Debate 3; Spanish Club Pres. 4; Thespians 3,4; CPAF 4; Winner intercity spoken Spanish contest 2-4.

RUTH CANTRIL--Distributive Education 3,4; Transfer from Omaha Benson. ROGER CARLBURG--Hi-Y 1,2,4; Football 1,2; Track 1,2,4; Transfer from Omaha Benson.

ANITA CATLETT--Transfer from Riverside Brookfield School, Riverside, Illinois.

Bll..L CARPENTER--Distributive Education 4; Football 2; Basketball 1,2; Baseball 3,4.

DICK CEFREY --International Club 1; Football 1,2; Golf 2; Track 3; Shield Staff 4; Top Choir 4; Musicals 4; Band 1. LINDA CHRISTENSEN--Pep Club 4; Transfer from Norfolk, Nebraska.






Dreaming of Trophies TONY CIULLO

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JOHN CLAPPER TONY CIULLO--Football 1; Tennis 1,2; Variety Show 4; Top Choir 4; Musicals 4; Science Club 4. JOHN CLAPPER--Football 1-3; Baseball 1,2; Wrestling 1-3; Top Choir 1-4; Musicals 1-4; WClub 1-4. BARB CLEM--Pep Club 2-4; Y-Teens 2-4; International Club 2-4; Jr. Red Cross 2; Variety Show 2; Thespians 2; Transfer from Southeast High School, Lincoln, Nebraska. BRUCE CLOUGH--W-Club 2-4; Jr. Red Cross 2; Football 3,4; Golf 2; Track 3; Wrestling 2-4; County Government 3; Transfer from Edison High School, Rock Island, Illinois.







JON COLLINS--Distributive Education 3,4; One Act Plays 3; Art Club 3,4; Radio Club 3,4; Transfer from Cathedral High School, Duluth, Minnesota. CONNIE COLLITON--Lance Staff 4, Jr. High Columnist; Class Plays 3; Thespians 3,4,--Sec. 4; Transfer from Cathedral High School, Springfield, Massachusetts. CLIFF CONRAD--Variety Show 1; Band 1. MARILYN DAVIS--Y-Teens 1; GAA 1.


Some Won, Some Deserved

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SUSIE DEAN--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club 1-4; Jr . Red Cross 2; Musicals 2. NORMA DEETS--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club 1-4; French Club, Pres . 3; Latin Club, Pres. 2; Variety Show 2,4; Top Choir 2,4; Debate 3; Musicals 2,4; Z-Club 2-4; National Honor Society 3,4; ITA 4; Jr. Red Cross 1. PEG DELONG--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club 1-4; Drill Squad 2-4; Variety Show 1,2; Musicals 2; Z-Club 2-4; Orchestra 1,2; Shield Staff 4, Organizations Editor; Top Choir 2. PAT DIETZ--Transfer from Cheyenne, Wyoming.



LEWIS DOANE--Transfer from Omaha Central. DINAH DONOVAN--Pep Club 2-4; Y-Teens 2; Esquires 4; Transfer from Palm Springs, California. CAROLE DRESHER--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-4; Variety Show 3; Shield Staff 4; Z-Club 2-4; FMA 3,4; International Club 4. SUNNY DURHAM--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club 1,2,4; Jr. Red Cross 3; County Government 3; Lance Staff 3; Class Officer 3, Sec. 3; AFS 3; Top Choir 3,4; Treas. 4; Quill and Scroll 3,4; Musicals 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Esquires 4; FTA 2-4, Sec. 3, Pres. 4; Z-Club 3,4; Shield Staff, Assoc iate Ed. 4.



Filling School Year


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CATHY EATON--Pep Club 1-4; International Club 1,2,4; Lance Staff 4, 2nd Page Editor; FT A 2-4.


Math Club 3; Radio Club 1-4; Thespians 1-4; Band 1-4; V. Pres. 4; Orchestra 2-4; Jr. League Theater 1-4.

GREG EDEN--Hi-Y 1,2; Sec. 2; International Club 1,2; Football 1; Tennis 3,4; County Government 3; Variety Show 1,2; Student Council 3; Key Club 4; Top Choir 2,4, Sec. 2, Pres. 4; Debate 3,4; Musicals 2,4; Class Plays 3; National Honor Society 3,4; NFL 3,4; Science Club 3,4; V. Pres. 3; Thespians 2-4, Pres. 4, Treas. 3; Band 1-4, Sec. 3, Capt. 4; Safe Teens 3,4, V. Pres. 3, Pres. 4; German Club 1, 2, Sec.-Treas. 2.

JEANNE ENCELL--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club 1-4; Pres. 3; Jr. Red Cross 1; GAA 1; Drill Squad 4; Variety Show 3,4; Student Council 1,2; Top Choir 4, Sec. 4; Esquires 2-4; ITA 4; Homecoming Candidate 4. GARY ERNST --Football 1,2; Track 1-4. EDWIN ERVIN--Football 1-4.

JOAN EDSON--Pep Club 2; Y- Teens 2; Distributive Education 4; International Club 2.

CAROLYN FALKENROTH--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1,2; GAA 1; Tall Girls 3,4; Variety Show 2; FTA 4; FMA 3,4.

MICKEY EllEY --Hi-Y 1,2; International Club 1,2; Jr. Red Cross 1; Wrestling 1; Variety Show 1-4; Top Choir 1-4; V. Pres. 3, Pres. 4; Musicals 1-4;






Pep Rallies, Dances, Games




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ELDON FRANZ--Hi-Y 1, 2; International Club 2; Variety Show 2-4; Key Club 3,4; Top Choir 2; Debate 3,4; Musicals 2; National Honor Society 3,4; NFL 3,4; Science Club 2-4; Sof-Tones 3,4; Boys' Octet 2; Madrigals 2; Orchestra 3; CPAF 3,4.

YALE FINKLE--International Club 2-4; Math Club 3,4; Latin Club 2; German Club 3,4. DANNY FIRESTONE--Distributive Education 1-4; Basketball 1. '

MARIS FREEBERG--Pep Club 4; FMA 4; Transfer from Omaha Central.

REBA FOSLER--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-3; International Club 2; Tall G.rls 3,4; Variety Show 3; Z-Club 2-4; Treas. 4; FMA 3,4; Math Club 3; Thespians 3.

SHARI FREED--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-4, V. Pres. 3; International Club 1,2; Jr. Red Cross 1,2; Drill Squad 3,4; Variety Show 3; Esquires 1-4; FMA 3,4, V. Pres. 3, Pres. 4.

MILES FOSTER--W-Club 3,4; International Club 3; Football 1,2; Track 1; Wrestling 2-4.

KAY FUCHS--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-3; International Club 2-4; Jr. Red Cross 1,4; Drill Squad 2-4; Lance Staff 3,4, 4th Page Editor 4; Esquires 2-4 1 Pres. 4; FT A 4; FMA 4; Thespians 3; Variety Show 1,3; Homecoming Candidate 4.






Working Excitedly on BOB GARRETT

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BOB GARRETT --W- Club 3,4; Basketball 3,4; Track 3,4; Transfer from Valley High School, West Des Moines, Iowa. LINDA GATES--Pep Club 1; GAA 2; ITA 2,3. GWEN GIBBS--Pep Club 1-4; International Club 1; Variety Show 3; Top Choir 3,4; Musicals 3,4; FMA 3; Volleyball 2,3. JUDY GIRARD--Pep Club 1,2; FMA 4.





MARY GLISAR--Transfer from East High School, Sioux City, Iowa. DARLENE GLISAR--Pep Club 3; FMA 4; Transfer from East High School, Sioux City, Iowa. GEORGE GLOCKE--Transfer from Omaha South. LEANNE GOLDBERG--Pep Club 2,3; Y-Teens 1,2; GAA 2.



Homecoming, Sweetheart ART GOODWIN


ART GOODWIN--Transfer from Ralston High School, Ralston, Nebraska. BETTE GRAFF--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1,2; GAA 2; International Club 3; Drill Squad 2-4; Z-Club 3,4. SUSIE GRASMICK--Pep Club 4; Transfer from Omaha Central. GEORGE GURVIN--Transfer from Hampton, Virginia.





TISH HAECKER--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1,2; International Club 1-3; Jr. Red Cross 1,2; Tennis 14; GAA 1; Drill Squad 3,4; Variety Show 3. BARB HANDSCHUH--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 3; International Club 1,2; Jr. Red Cross 1-3; Variety Show 3; Class Plays 3; Thespians 3,4. JOSIE HAPNER--Pep Club 1-4; Y -Teens 1,2; International Club 1,2; Jr. Red Cross 1,2; Variety Show 3; Cheerleading 2-4; Homecoming Candidate 4. DOUG HART --Distributive Education 1-4.




Chanting So Furiously




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URSULA HENCKE--Y-Teens 3,4; Distributive Education 4; FMA 3,4.

BOB HAYS--Radio Club 3,4. SHERRY HAYES--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 4; International Club 3,4.

PAT HENDERSON--Distributive Education 4; Baseball 1,2.

BARB HEIMROD--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club 1-4; Drill Squad 2-4; Variety Show3; FTA4.

RON HENNINGSEN--Transfer from Omaha Benson.

REID HELD--Hi-Y 1,2,4.

CHUCK HESTER--Radio Club 3,4; Chess Club 4; Wrestling 3; International Club 4; Band 4. Transfer from Omaha Central.








for Broke''



KAREN HILL--Y-Teens 4; International Club 4; Transfer from Omaha North.

ALLAN HORWICH--International Club 2-4; Basketball 1; Key Club 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Science Club 2,3; Math Club 3,4; National Merit Semi-Finalist 4; Math team 3.


SHARRY HOGZETT --Pep Club 2-4; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club 2; GAA 2; Variety Show 1,3; Top Choir 3,4; Musicals 3,4; FTA 4; FMA 3; Transfer from Shenandoah High School, Shenandoah, Iowa.

DON HOSFORD--Hi-Y 1-4; International Club 2-4; Golf 3,4; Wrestling 3,4; Debate 3; Radio Club 4. WOODY HOVLAND--Variety Show 2; Science Club 2; Band 1-4; Orchestra 4; Transfer from Riverdale, North Dakota.

PHIL HOLLY --Hi-Y 1-3; International Club 1,2; Football 1,2; Basketball 1-4; Baseball 1,2. RICK HOLT--Hi-Y 1; International Club 3; Musicals 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Chess Club 3,4; Science Club 2-4, Pres. 3,4; Radio Club 3,4.



PAT HRONEK--Pep Club 2-4; International Club 2,3; GAA 3,4; Top Choir 4; FMA 3,4; Thespians 3,4.





Cramming for Finals MIKE HUBER

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MIKE HUBER--Basketball Student Manager 2-4. PENNY HULAC--Pep Club 2-4; Y -Teens 2-4; International Club 3; FT A 4; FMA 3,4. JULIE IVERSON--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club 1-4; Latin Club 1,2; French Club 3,4, Sec . 4; Drill Squad 3,4; Esquires 2-4; National Honor Society 3,4; FT A 4; Math Club 3; Musicals 2-4; CP AF 4. IRENE JACOBS--Pep Club 1-3; GAA 1; Variety Show 1; ITA 1; Thespians 1; Class Plays 3, Student Director.







TEKLA JACOBSON--Pep Club 4; Y-Teens 4. BONNIE JENSEN--Pep Club 1-3; Y -Teens 2; Distributive Education 3,4; V. Pres. 4; International Club 3,4; Variety Show 3; Top Choir 3; Musicals 3; FMA 3,4; Thespians 3. DICK JENSON--Hi-Y 1,2; Distributive Education 3,4; Football 1 . DICK JOHNSON--Transfer from Omaha Creighton Prep.


but Always Sweating It

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SUSAN JOHNSON--Pep Club 4; Jr. Red Cross 4; Variety Show; Lance Staff, Reporter 4; Top Choir 3,4; Quill and Scroll 3,4; Musicals 3,4; Class Plays 3; FTA 4; Thespians 3,4; Transfer from Shenadoah High School, Shenadoah, Iowa. DAILEY JONES--Ski Club 3; Transfer from Citronelle High School, Citronelle, Oklahoma. ERMA JONES--Y-Teens 3,4; Distributive Education 3; Art Club 4; FMA 3,4. HODGE JONES--W-Club 3; Football 1; Track 4; Wrestling 2; County Government 1; Key Club 2; Math Club 2.



RON JONES--International Club 2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Science Club 3,4; Radio Club 3,4; Pres. 4; Transfer from Winston-Salem, North Carolina. BLAINE JUNGERS--Hi-Y 1-4; Wrestling 1,4; Safe Teens 3,4; International Club 1. LARRY KALLHOFF--Wrestling 4; Transfer from Omaha Cathedral. WAYNE KABAT--Hi-Y 4; W-Club 4; Basketball 1; Baseball 1-4; Radio Club 4; Band 1,2; Safe Teens 3,4; Transfer from Washington Junior High, Duluth, Minnesota.



Remembering Some People




TOM KAMIN--Hi-Y 1,2; Distributive Education 1-4; County Government 3; Radio Club 4.

• • •


JIM KEHM--Chess Club 3,4; Gun Club 3. CAMI KELLOGG--GAA 2; Art Club 2.

JANICE KAUFMAN-BILL KING--Variety Show 1-4; Shi~~d Staff 4; Key Club 3,4; Top Choir 2,3,4; Musicals 2,3; Math Club 4; International Club 4; Jr. Red Cross 3.

REVELLE KAVITCH--Pep Club 1-3; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club 1; GAA 1,2; Variety Show 1,2; FMA4. LINDA KEATING--Pep Club 2-4; Y-Teens 2,3; International Club 2-4, Pres. 4; Cheerleading 3,4; Esquires 4; Homecoming Candidate 4; Transfer from Grand Island, Nebraska.


SANDY KLABUNDE--Pcp Club 1-4; Variety Show 3.




•• 42

Forgetting More






ELAINE KRIESEL--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-4; International qub 1; Art Club 3; IT A 4; FMA 4.

KAREN KOZA:K,..-Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 2-4; International Club 1-4; Jr. Red Cross 1; GAA 1; Lance Staff 3,4, Feature Editor 4; National Honor Society 3,4; Junior Classical League 2-4.

JANICE KUCERA--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 3,4; GAA 4; Shield Staff, Promotion Editor 4; FT A 4; FMA4.

TOM KREAMIER--Transfer from Thomas Jefferson, Council Bluffs, Iowa.

GARY KUNKLER--W-Club 4; Football 4; Baseball 3,4; Transfer from Shawnee Mission East, Kansas City, Kansas.

JIM KRIEGER--Track 4; Transfer from Omaha Benson.


• • •

TERRY KVAM--International Club 2; National Honor Society 3,4; Chess Club 2-4; Sec.-Treas. 3, Pres. 4; Math Club 3,4.





Going Together JAN LARSEN

• • •



JAN LARSEN--Track 3; Transfer from Fremont, Nebraska. HARVEY LEMON--Transfer from Weymouth, Massachusetts. JUDY LEYPOLDT - -Pep Club 1,2; Y-Teens 1-3; GAA 1,2; Volleyball Team 2. JEAN LEWIS- -Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club 1-4; Jr. Red Cross 3; Variety Show 3; Top Choir 4; National Honor Society 3,4; FTA 4; FMA 3,4; Sec. 3, Historian 4; Musicals, 4.







KATHY LIERLEY--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club 2-4, Sec.-Treas. 4; French Club 4; Jr. Red Cross 3,4; GAA 1; Variety Show 1; FMA 2-4. JUDY LINDER--Pep Club 1-4; Variety Show 2, 3; Shield Staff Co-Sports Editor 4; Top Choir 2-4; Musicals 2-4. CHIP LOCKWOOD-- Transfer from Baldwin High School, Milledgeville, Georgia. SARA LONG--Pep Club 4; Y-Teens 4; Transfer from Riverdale, North Dakota.



• • •

but Always






ART LORENZ--Hi-Y 1,2,4; International Club 2,3; Basketball 1, Class plays 3; Band 3,4; Math Club 4; Ski Club 4; Transfer from Omaha Central.

ED LOVE--Transfer from Omaha Holy Name. CAM LUCAS--Hi-Y 1-4; International Club 2-4; Pres. Spanish Club 3; Football 1; Student Council 1; Key Club 3,4; Science Club 2-4; Math Club 3,4; Debate 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; CPAF 4; Student Council, Senate Leader 4. JOHN LUCKASEN--W-Club 4; Football 3,4; Class Officer, Pres. 4; Student Council, Vice Pres. 4; Key Club 4; Kiwanis Award 3; National Honor Society 3,4; Track 3; Boys' State 3; Outstanding player Award 3; Homecoming Candidate 4; Transfer from Cheyenne, Wyoming.



STEVE LUDINGTON--Hi-Y 3; International Club 3,4; Basketball 1; Key Club 2-4; Track 1; Class Plays 3; National Honor Society 3,4; CPAF 3,4, Sec. 4; Student Council Senate 4; National Merit Finalist 4; Model Legislature 1961, 4. BOB LUNDSTROM--Hi-Y 3; Football 1-3; Track 1,2. BOB MADDOX--W-Club 2-4; Pres. 4; Football 1-4; Track 3,4; Wrestling 2-4; Class Officers 4, Treas. 4; Key Club 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Math Club 3,4; Boys' State 3; Student Council 4; Homecoming Candidate 4. PAM MAHNKE--Pep Club 2-4; Y -Teens 2-4; International Chili 4; Top Choir 4; Musicals 4; Transfer from Early, Iowa.




Trying to Stay Up




MARSHALL MEIMAN--W Club 3,4; International Club 1,2; Football 3,4; Golf 4; Track 3,4; Wrestling 3,4; Math Club 4.

MARILYN MANTEL--Y- Teens 1-4; International Club 1,2; Variety Show 3; Top Choir 2-4; Musicals 2-4; National Honor Society 3,4; Chess Club 2; V. Pres. 2; Math Club 3,4; Madrigals 2; Sophomore Octette 2; Girl Triple Trio 3.

KAY MELCHIORS--Pep Club 1-4, Sec. 3, Treas. 4; Y-Teens 1-3; International Club 1-3; Jr. Red Cross 1,4; Drill Squad 2-4; Variety Show 3; Z-Club 2-4, Sec. 2, Vice Pres. 3; Esquires 2-4, Sec.-Treas. 2, Vice Pres. 3; FTA 4; Math Club 3; GAA :,i,; Shield Staff, Senior Editor 4.

BOB MASON--Transfer from Norfolk High School, Norfolk, Arkansas. PAT MAYER--Pep Club 3,4; Y-Teens 2-4; Variety Show 3; Lance Staff 3; Quill and Scroll 3,4; Esquires 4; FMA 3,4, Sec. 4; Thespians 4; Shield Staff, Editor 4; Transfer from Columbus High School, Columbus, Georgia.

SUSIE MELLOR--Pep Club 3,4; Y-Teens 3,4; Shield Staff, Artist 4; Musicals 3,4; Class Plays 3; FTA 4; Art Club 4; Thespians 3,4, Recorder 4; Transfer from Baltimore, Maryland.

DICK MEIER--Hi-Y 2-4; International Club 2-4; One Act Plays 3,4; Class Plays 3,4; Chess Club 2-4; Math Club 3,4; Thespians 3,4.



NANCY METZ--Pep Club 1-4; International Club 2; GAA 2-4; Y-Teens 2.





to Finish Paper Due




CINDY MEYER--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club 3,4; Esquires 2-4; FTA 4.

• • •


PAT MILLER--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-4; Latin Club 1,2; International Club 1,2; Lance Staff, 3rd page Editor 4; Jr. Red Cross 2; FTA 3; Variety Show 3.

MARILYN MIDDLETON--Y-Teens 4. Transfer from Shawne~& Mission East, Kansas City, Kansas.

GARY MILLETT--Hi-Y 1,2; International Club 2,3; Football 1-4; Track 1-4; Wrestling 3,4; Key Club 2-4, Pres. 4; Debate 3; National Honor Society 3,4; NFL 3,4; Math Club 3,4; Band 1; Senate 4.

KAREN MILLER--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-3; International Club 1,3,4; GAA 1; Math Club 3. PAT MILLER--Y-Teens 4; International Club 4; Transfer from Lincoln High School, Portland, Oregon.

JEFF MISKO--Hi-Y 1; W-Club 4; Football 1-4; Track 1,2. BARBARA MONTES--Pep Club 4; International Club 4; FMA 4; Transfer from Omaha Duchesne.









Front Seats

• • •


CRAIG MOORE--Hi-Y 1; W Club 2-4; Football 3,4; Track 2-4; Key Club 4; Homecoming candidate

4. DENNY MOORE--Football 3; Transfer from Omaha South. PAT MOORE--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1,2; International Club 1-3; Drill Squad 2-4; Variety Show 1-3; Student Council 1, Secretary 1; Class Plays 3; Z Club 2-4; Esquires 2-4, V. Pres. 2; FTA 4; Thespians 3,4; Homecoming candidate 4. JANE MOSER--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1,2; Distributive Education 3; Jr. Red Cross 1; Drill Squad 3,4.







JOHN MUMMA--Football 1-3; Basketball 1-3; Baseball 1-3; Track 1. BOB MUSIL--Transfer from Omaha Central. LOIS McCONKLE--Pep Club 1-4; Y -Teens 1-3; International Club 2,3; GAA 1,2; Drill Squad 2-4; Esquires 2-4; Variety Show 3; Shield Staff, CoSports Editor, 4; Transfer from Lincoln, Nebraska. ED McCURTAIN--Hi-Y 1-4; W Club 3,4; International Club 1,2; Football 1; Basketball 1-4; Top Choir 1,2.


Facing Parking Problems CHRIS McELROY


CHRIS McELROY Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 3,4; International Club 4; FTA 1. DICK McKENNA--Hi-Y 1-4; Vice Pres. 3, Sec.Treas. 4; Basketball Student Manager 2; Tennis 2-4; Variety Show 1,2; Key Club 2-4; Sec. 4; Class Plays 3; Math Club 3,4; Radio Club 3; Thespians 3,4; V. Pres. 4; Band 2-4; Senate 4; Treas. 4; Sof Tones 4; National Merit Finalist 4; CPAF 3,4. DIANNA McNEAL--Pep Club 1, Y- Teens 2; Distributive Education 4; Sec. 4; Jr. Red Cross 2; GAA 2; Art Club 2. JUDY NELSEN--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 2-4; Treas. 4; International Club 1,2; Jr. Red Cross 1,2; Drill Squad 2-4; Variety Show 1,3; Class Officer 3,4; V. Pres. 3,4; Quill and Scroll 3,4; Esquires 2-4; FMA 4; Thespians 3,4; Girls' State 3; Lance Staff 3, Editor 4; Student Council 2,3,4, Treas. 4; Z-Club 2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4. CAROL NEUMANN





CAROL NEUMANN--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club 2,3; Jr. Red Cross 3; GAA 3,4. JACK NICHOLSON-JANET NICHOLSON--Pep Club 2-4; International Club 2; Transfer from Monroe Jr. High. RAMONA NORD--Y-Teens 1.




Exchanging Senior Pies




• • •


MARGARET O'BRIEN--Transfer from St. Joseph's Academy, Omaha, Nebraska.

RALPH PALMER--Hi-Y 1; Football!; Track 1; Band 1,2.

KA 11-IY O'HARA--Distributive Education 4; Transfer from Omaha Central.

GLENN PARDEE- -Hi-Y 4; International Club 3, 4; Radio Club 4.

JOAN OLSON--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-3; International Club 1-3; Jr. Red Cross 1; Drill Squad 1; Variety Show 3; Lance Staff 4, Business Manager; Cheerleading 2-4; Capt. 4; Class Officer 4; Sec. 4; Quill and Scroll 3,4; Z-Club 2,3,4, Pres . 4; National Honor Society 3,4; Esquires 2-4.

JEFF PARISH--Hi-Y 1,2; International Club 1,2; Football 1; Basketball 1; Track 1-3; Variety 1-3; Class Officer 3, Pres. 3; Student Council 3; Key Club 2-4, Sec. 3; AFS 3; Debate 2-4; Class Plays 3; National Honor Society 3,4; NFL 2-4, Pres. 4; Math Club 3,4; Thespians 3,4; Band 1; CPAF 4.

GAIL OSTER--International Club 1; GAA 1; Variety Show 1; Glee Club 1; FMA 2-4; Transfer from Indianapolis, Indiana.

DENNY PASSER--Top Choir, Musicals 3,4 . Transfer from Omaha Central.






Gathering Remembrances .




• •


SUSIE PETERSEN--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-3; International Club 1-4; Variety Show 3; Class Officer 3, Treas. 3; Debate 2,4; Musicals 2; Class Plays 3; Z-Clu~ 3; Math Club 3,4; Thespians 2-4; NFL 2-4, Sec. 3, Treas. 4; CPAF 3,4; V. Pres. 3,4.

KAREN PETTEGREW--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-3; International Club 1-4; Jr. Red Cross 3; GAA 1; FMA 3,4.

ARNIE PETERSON--Key Club 4; W Club 4; Football 4; Transfer from South High School, Denver, Colorado.

DIMITRIS PORTOLOS--International Club 4; AFS 4; Chess Club 4; Foreign Exchange student from Athens, Greece.

PETE PETERSON--Wrestling 2; Ski Club 3.

CLARKE POWERS--Band 4; Transfer from Omaha Central.

KEN PIPER--W Club 31 4; Track 2-4.

FRED PETHES--Football 2; Basketball 2; Wrestling 1.






Doing Everything for the DON PUGH


DON PUGH-CINDY QUERRY- -Art Club 4. LINDA RANDALL--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club 2,3; CAA 2-4; Tall Girls 4; Art Club 4. ANDY RASKIN--Pep Club 4; International Club 3,4; FTA 3,4; FMA 4; Transfer from Winnetha, Illinois.





BILL REDICK--International Club 3. MARCIE REED--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1,2; Jr. Red Cross 1; CAA 2; Art Club 4, V. Pres. 4; Orchestra, 2. JIM RHEINCROVER--Hi-Y 1-3; W Club 3,4; International Club 2,3; Jr. Red Cross Club 3; Top Choir 2; Debate 3; Class Plays 3; NFL 3,4; Math Club 4; Thespians 1-4; CPAF 3,4, Treas. 4; Senate 4. PETE RIDGEWAY --Hi- Y 1,2,4; W Club 2-4; Football 1-4; Track 1-4; Art Club 4; Band 1.




Last Time at Westside DAVE RIGDON

• • • LAN! RING

DAVE RIGDON--Hi-Y 1-3; Distributive Education 3, 4; Pres. 4; International Club 3. LAN! RING--Pep Club 2-4; Y -Teens 2-4; International Club 2-4; Jr. Red Cross 2,3; Transfer from Brownell Hall, Omal1a. JANET ROLICK--Pep Club 1; Y-Teens 2-4; International Club 2; GAA 2-4; Top Choir 4; FTA 4; FMA 3; Thespians 3; Orchestra 1-4. JERM ROSE--Hi-Y 1,2,Sgt.of Arms 1, Treas. 2; W Club 2-4, V. Pres. 4; International Club 1,3,4;

Football 1-4; Basketball 1; Track 1,2; Wrestling 2-4; County Government 3; Student Council 4; Key Club 3,4; Top Choir 1; Class Plays 3; Math Club 3,4; Pres. 4; CPAF 3,4; Boys' State Alternate 3; Homecoming King 4.





MARSHA ROSENBLATT--Y-Teens 2-4; International Club 3; GAA 2-4; FTA 4. TERRI RUPE--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 2,3; International Club 1-3; Jr. Red Cross 2; Drill Squad 2-4; Capt. 4; Esquires 3,4. GEORGE RUSSELL--Transfer from Omaha North. TUCK SADDLER--Hi-Y 1,2; Football 1,2; Basketball 1; Baseball 1; Track 1.



Talking About Next Year



KAREN SAHLER--Pep Club 1-4; Y -Teens 3,4; Jr. Red Cross 3.


• • •


KEN SCHNUR--Hi-Y 1-3; W-Club 3,4; Jr. Red Cross 1,2; Football1-4; Basketball 1,2; Golf 1,2; Baseball 1-4; Track 1.

SALLY SAKLAR- -International Club 3; Top Choir

4. JOHN SCHENKEN--Hi-Y 3,4; Golf 2,4; CPAF, Pres. 4; Senate 4.

KEN SEDOON--Hi-Y 1-3; W-Club 3,4; Jr. Red Cross 1,2; International Club 2; Basketball 2-4; Golf 2-4; Track 1; Math Club 4. STUART SHERMAN--Transfer from Omaha Central.

LONNIE SCHAFFROTH --Transfer from Kearney High School, Kearney, Nebraska.


NANCY SIMMONS--Pep Club 2-4; Y-Teens 3,4; International Club 1,2; Jr. Red Cross 1-4; Lance Staff 4; Artist; Art Club 4.







• • •




• • •


BONNIE SMITH--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 2,4; GAA 2; FTA 4. ' ·

RON STAVE--Hi-Y 1; W Club 2-4; Football1-4; Baseball 2-4; Track 2; Homecoming Candidate 4.

SANDY SMITH - -Pep Club 2-4; Top Choir 2-4; Musicals 2-4; Art Club 4.

PAM STEINERT--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 2; GAA 1-4; V. Pres. 3, Pres. 4; Art Club 2,4.

SKIP SORENSON --Hi-Y 1-4; International Club 1-4; Football 1-3; Basketball!; Golf 4; Debate 1,2; Math Club 4; Radio Club 4; Senate 4.

KAREN SUND--Transfer from Colwnbus Falls, Montana; Y- Teens 4; National Honor Society 4; Band 4.

SUE SPENCER--Transfer from Omaha Central.

TWillA SUTTON--Pep Club 2,4; Y-Teens 2,4; International Club 2-4; Jr. Red Cross 3; Thespians 3; Transfer from Brownell Hall.




---. 55


Anticipating Graduation JEAN SWANSON

• • •


JEAN SWANSON--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 2-4; Sec. 4; International Club 2-4; GAA 2; Variety Show 2,3; Top Choir 1-4; Officer 3; Musicals 2-4; FMA 3,4; Sec. 3; V. Pres. 4. NANCY SWANSON--Pep Club 2-4; Y- Teens 1,2; GAA 1-4; FMA 3,4. STEVE SYDOW--Hi-Y 2,4; W-Club 3,4; International Club 2; Baseball 2-4; National Honor Society 3,4; Math Club 4; Science Club 3; Transfer from Washington High School, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. TOM TALTY--Hi-Y 1-3; Distributive Education 3,4; Transfer from Omaha Central.





VICKI TAYLOR--Pep Club 1-3; Y-Teens 2; GAA 2; International Club 2-4; Top Choir 4; Transfer from Oak Park High School, Oak Park, Illinois. KAY TEGTMEIER--Pep Club 1-3; Y-Teens 2; International Club 2-4; GAA 2; Top Choir 4. GLORIA TI-IOMPSON --Pep Club 4; Transfer from Yankton, South Dakota. GIGI TICE--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1,2; Distributive Education 3,4; International Club 1,2; Jr. Red Cross 3; GAA 1; Variety Show 1; Shield Staff 4; Faculty Editor.



Ending Final Year

• • •



SUSIE TICHACEK--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-3; International Club 1, 2; Drill Squad 3, 4; Variety Show 3; Lance Staff 4, 1st page Editor; Quill and Scroll 3,4; Esquires 4; FMA 4; Thespians 3. JIM TOLLEFSON --Distributive Education 4; Transfer from Riverdale High School, Riverdale, North Dakota. LOUISE TOWNSEND--Pep Club 1-3; Distributive Education 3,4. SUSIE TUCKER--Pep Club 3,4; Transfer from San Angelo, Texas.





TRUDY TVRDIK--Transfer from Sterling Morton High School, Chicago, Illinois. LOIS TURNER--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1,2,4; International Club 2; Variety Show 2,3; Top Choir 2,4; Musicals 2,4; Thespians 3,4. LINDA TWISS--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1,2,4; International Club 1,2,4; Jr. Red Cross 1; County Government 3; Drill Squad 1; Variety Show 3; Shield Staff, Feature Editor 4; Cheerleading 2-4; Z-Club 2-4; National Honor Society 3,4; Girls' State 3; Homecoming Candidate 4. STEVE UROSEVICH--Hi-Y 1-4; W-Club 2-4; International Club 1,2; Jr. Red Cross 3; Football 1,2; Basketball 1-3; Baseball 1-4; Track 1.




But Finally Reaching






JUDY WELSTEAD--GAA 2-4; Pep Club 1,2.

JAN VAN ORSDEL--Transfer from Omaha North.

KATIIY WESTERING--Pep Club 1-4; V. Pres. 3, Pres. 4; Y-Teens 1,2; International Club 1-3; GAA 1; Drill Squad 3,4; Variety Show 3; Esquires 3,4; Thespians 4; Homecoming Queen 4; Z-Club 4.

COLLEEN VAUGHN--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-4; Pres. 4; International Club 1-4; Drill Squad 2-4; Top Choir 2-4; Musicals 2-4; Esquires 2-4; IT A 4; Math Club 3. PAM WEBSTER--Pep Club 2; International Club 1,2; Top Choir 3,4; Musicals 3,4; FTA 2; FMA 3,4.

CANDY WHEELER--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 3,4; International Club 3,4; Drill Squad 2-4;•Variety Show 1-3; Musicals 2-4; Warrior Mascot 4; Girls' Quartet 2; Triple Trio 3; Madrigals 2; Quintet 4; Lance Staff, Art Editor 4; Top Choir 1-4. PEYTON WHITELY --Shield Staff 2-4; Lance Staff 2-4, Photographer; Ski Club 3,4; Transfer from Duluth, Minn.






the Commencement of




LAUREL WHITTED--Youth Forum 4; International Club 4; Top Choir 4; Lance Staff 4, reporter; Transfer from Highland Park School, Highland Park, illinois.' 路

JAY WOLFE--Hi-Y 1, Chaplain; Top Choir 1. JOE WOLFF--Transfer from Atchison High, Atchison, Kansas. NANCY WORDEN--Y Teens 3,4; Transfer from Omaha North.

BILL Wll.SON--Distributive Education 4. JI!v1 WILSON--Hi-Y 1-4; Historian 4; Jr. Red Cross 3.

JANET WRIGHT--Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 2,3; Drill Squad 2-4; Lance Staff 3,4; Managing Editor 4; Z Club 2-4; International Club 1,2; Variety Show 3; Quill and Scroll 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; FMA 4; Thespians 3,4; Girls' State Alternate 3.

BARB WOLCOTT--Y-Teens 3,4; Transfer from Omaha Central.







the Class of 1962! JOHN WUPPER


JOHN WUPPER--Hi-Y 2-4, Pres. 4; International Club 1-4; Variety Show 1; Radio Club 3,4, V. Pres. 4; CPAF 3,4; County Government 3. DENNY YOUNG--Hi-Y 1-3; Distributive Education 3,4, Treas. 4; Jr. Red Cross 3. PRISCILLA YOUNG- - Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club 1,4; Jr. Red Cross 3; GAA 4; Lance Staff 4, Circulation Editor; FTA 2-4; FMA 3,4; Thespians 3,4. KAY ZAVITZ--Pep Club 1,2; Y-Teens 1; GAA 2,4; Variety Show 1; Shield Staff 4, Business Manager.



NOT PICTIJRED Russ Borneman Mike Bothel John Chadwell Ed Crowfoot Connie Gibson Mike Hakan Kathy Hybl Linda Sheehan Jay Vanasek Rose Weber Jean Wells Bruce Wingender

WALT ZIMMERMAN WALT ZIMMERMAN--W Club 3,4; Track 3; Tennis 2.


Juniors Ably Accept the

Class officers Anderson, Wright, Olson, and Freeman head the Class of '63 . Selling pop at games is one way to raise money.


Looking back as they are nearing their goal are the juniors, the class of 1963. They will always remember the wearisome hours spent at the library doing research for term papers and struggling through the weekly issues of U.S. News and World Report. Talking with Phoebe Pyncheon in The House of Seven Gables, and deciphering the confusing formulas of physics are also things they will recall. However, not all was work. Ably led by their class officers, the juniors sponsored numerous money-raising projects for the annual Jr . -Sr . Prom. Yes, juniors stop! Look back upon this past year, because you can never hope to relive it, but only cherish its occurrences as memories.

Challenge of leadership; J. Adams Adler Ainsworth J.Allen S. Allen Alsmeyer Alter B. Amis J . Andersen R. Anderson Arnold R. Arp Baade Bachert Bachus Bacon Barton Bauman Benton Berg Berry Bloom Blum Boardman Borgeson Bray Breci Bridgewater

Brooks K. Brooks J. Brown M. Brown Brownell K. Bell Boyd Buesking Burbridge Burger Burrows Campbell T. Campbell Carson Carter Chandler Chase Chorley Clark Clifton Cocks Coffland Colli ton Conrad Corcoran Cowman Cusick Dale 63

They Work Diligently for Deadman Deines De Poe Dewey Diegel Dloughy Doane Dolby Doll Duerkoop Duffenback Duncan Dunklau Eilers Eisele Ekwall Elliott Eoff Filkins Finks Fosler Foster Fredickson Free lin Freeman Galloway S. Gates Sue Gates

• Gerard Gillingham Gilligan Goodrich Gotcher Graf Grantham Grawkow Grossman Hahn Halla I. Hall R. Hall Hartzell Hatfield Hays Henderson Henry Herring Hetrick Hower Humphrey Hungerford Hunt Hubbard lmig Isaacson Jacobsen 64

a Better Than Ever Prom Jansen B. Johnson C. Johnson D. Johnson J . Johnson M. Johnson R. Johnson C. Jones C. Jones D. Jones J. Jones J. Kelley R. Kelly Kersh berger Kinsey Klein Kopecky Koser Kostos Kovarik Kriesel Lagerberg Lahners Langan Larson Larsen Lautenschlager Lee L. Lee Lefler Lich Lindee Lindgren Loshbaugh Louden McClendon McConkle McEntire McDonald McGrayel McKibben McWilliams Markesi Mason Mead Meredith Messner Mesterhazy Metzger Meyer Milne Monson Moore J . Moore Moran Morin 65

and Spend Hours Deciding G. Morley Morton Mumaugh Mumbly S. Nath Nealy B. Nelson Nelson Nixon Nordstrom Nothhelfer V. Nye 0 1 Connor B. Olson R. Olson P. Osborne G. Osborn Orkow Ostwinkle Paden B. Page Pal then Papineau Pedegana Percy Perry Perrigo B. Peters

K. Peterson R. Peterson Piatt Pillege Ploss Podrauzek Purchase B. Rahe Rankin Rees Reichman Reid Reitan Riebe Religo Roberts Rosenbaum Rosner Runstrom Sachse E. Sampson T. Samson J. Samson Saylan Schaible Schmalberger Schober Schuchardt



on Rings.

Schuett Seiger

Juniors finally obtain licenses.

Sennentz Shannon

Sharp Shelley

Sherman J. Slack

Slack R. Slack C. Smith

Smith Snoke Sprague Squires

Stark Stein Stiebler Stites

Stockman Straka Stu it Sutton


Last minute rush to get term papers done.

They Await next Year. Swanson Tate B. Taylor Terrill Theis Thomas Townsend E. Thompson L. Thompson Tierney Truhlson Vaad VanHouten Varney Volshek Vosler Voss Watson Whaley Wheeler J. White Williams Wolcott R. Wright W.Wright Zimmerman Baldwin Peterson

NOT PICTURED Beth Burlingame, Micheal Downs, Mike Hartin, James Johnson, Robert Johnson, Mickey Klabunde, Richard Klauchie, John Langan, William La Pour, Gerald Lofberg, Judy Neccio, Wayne Petersen, Gordon Randall, Richard Riebe, Leda Siglin, David Simpson, Janis Taulborg, Ellen Terry, Linda Werth, Rollie Winters.



with Only Two Years to Go

After an eventful year, the sophomores look forward to their next years at WHS. This past year was one filled with excitement and anticipation. Is there anything worse than disecting a worm? So ph Is heads are not only crammed with this thought but with those of geometry theorems and Shakespeare s quotations . But neither was this a year of all study for the sophomores. They supported their reserve teams and gave time and enthusiasm to the various clubs of their choice. Yes, this past year was one of good times for the class of 1964. 1

Sophomores directed by Mrs. Lois Lucas participate in language experiment.

Abrahamson Adams Allen C. Anderson J. Anderson M. Anderson T . Anderson Anson Arps Austin Arthur Bailey Beam Beauregard Beck Bemgen Bennett Bergstrom Blackwell Blum Boelter Borneman Boyd Brands Braun Bray Breci Bressler


The Sophomores Finally Brizzbe Brown J. Brown Brogden Burbridge R. Burton Callahan S. Campbell Caniglia Carmody Carey Cash Chamberlain Chubb Cleaves Cohan Cole Collins Condon Cornish Cozette Crabtree Crammer Cummins Curelop S. Davis Darling Deatsman

Deets Denzler Dewey Dewhirth Diegel Dietz Dilworth Dohn Donn Dryden Dunn Dugan Eden Elias Elliot Ellis Emerick Emery Engelbretson Field Fjelstad Fletcher Flihartz Foley Fox Francis Freyder Frileck 70

Enter Senior High Status Froisier Fruhwirth Funkhauser Colder Goodwin Craf C. Crau 1. Crau Craves Gray Greco Crimm Green Greene Gresham Grothe C . Hayes B. Hayes B. Hayes Halla Handschuh Hansen Harding Harvat Hendriks I. Henderson 1 . Henderson Henneman

Hinman Hicks Hilbert Hogan Holt Hotz Houck Hulac Hurley Hurst Ide Imig Jackson Jacobs Janak Jelken Johann 1. Johnson M. Johnson R. Johnson J. Jones R. Jones Kahler Kaiser Kallhoff Keating Kiefer Kibbey 71

Advanced Courses Challenge Killerlain King Klanse Klauschie Knott Koetter Kolash Konola Kostos Kriesal Krips Krogh Kruse Kucera Kuebler Kuhn Kuncler Kusleitsa La as Laitos Lammers Langdon Lange Lankford La Handeau Lautenschlager Leber Lemon

Levine P. Lewis Limprecht Lin dee Linsley Lipman Loring Lowe Luckasen C. Lyman R. Lyman Lynch Mack MacFarlane S. Madden T. Madden Mahaney Manchester Mattson McArdle McDowell McElroy McFarland McMaken Mercer Michael Medlock Me the


Their Curious Minds Miller Moore Mosley My jet Mumby Munson Murphy Naye Naylor K. Nelsen Ness Newcomb Newton Nye Olsen Olson Oquist Otte Palmer Parks Patten Patz P. Perry R. Perry Peterman C. Petersen G. Petersen G. Peterson

R. Peterson Petranek Piper Polston Pre wit Purchase Rains Rachford Reese Renner Rheingrover Ring walt Robey B. Robinson C. Robinson Robinson Roe man Root Rose Rosenbaum Rosenberg P. Ross J. Ross Rowden Ruch Ruge Runstrom Ruder


With Unerring Steps the Sahler Sakler Sartin Saxvik Scott Sedlak Serpan Shapiro Shaw Shelley Shipke Skaug Slayden Smiley Snaw Snyder Sousley Sorenson Stanley Steinert Stephens Steuteville Stevens Stockman Strange Stratton Strauss Sunderman Susman Sutter Sutton T. Sutton Swanda Swoboda P. Taylor S. Taylor Tepper S. Thomas R. Thompson Thorpe Tollefson Tonn Trupp Vanderhauer Van Fleet VanTilburg Van Vliet Volgl Walker Wallace Warren J. Welch K. Welch Wiese West Westering



Class of '64 Goes Forth,




... Willie Sophomores are entertained in Mr . Bert Speece's World History Class .

B. Williams P. Williams Wilson Wingender G. Woodbury H. Woodbury Woodland Wright Young Zvacek Zulfer Zoroya Ziegler Zachry Carlton J . Jones Lockwood Scudder Thompson

NOT PICTURED Bev Bade, Robert Burnhan, Fred Carlgren, Ann Davidson, John Dengen, Mike Fleharty, Kenny Gibson, Suzanne Greenco, Mike Jerdon, Neal Jones, Don Kaipus, Mike Leonard, Carl Rapp, Rick Ridemske, Paul Ryan, Bev Solem, Bob Soukup, Rich Thompson, Dick Wyman.

Frosh Compose largest Embarking on their voyage to the top are the freshmen, the largest class in Westside Is history. This year was one of many firsts for the class of I65. They finally reached the high school level, and participated in the clubs they have heard so much about. For many it was the year for that first big date. The freshman football team was enthusiastically supported by the class and had a victorious season. Yes, after their first taste of high school life, the freshmen eagerly await the day when they will be seniors.

Tsk, Tsk, Passing notes.

Abrahamson Allen Allgaier Altman AI seth Anderson Andreason K. Andersen M. Anderson S. Anderson Anson Aust Bachenberg Backhaus Baker Barnes C. Barton L. Barton Baska J. Baxter W. Baxter Beck Beecroft Berg Bergmann Boach Bother Bouett



Class in Westside's History Brager Brinkle Brock Browne Brenton B. Brewer B. Brewer Bucholz Buller Bullock Bunz Burdic Buick Busskohl Butterfield Caffland Calandra Caldwell Calome Campbell Caniglia Caplinger Carman Carleton Cash Cawthon Charles Chase

J. Christiansen M. Christiansen Church Clauff Cocks Coe Cohen Cockle A. Cole L. Cole Comstock Connelly Conner Com Cotton B. Coughenour R. Coughenour Covert Cox Curzon Cusick Czoja Davis DePoe Dettman Dewhirst B. Dietrich M. Dieterich


They Cause Clubs to Distefano Drips Dross Doll Duerkoop J. Durham L. Durham Ebsenshade Ehlers Ellis Enewold Engle Erdmann Eswern Findlay Finks Finley Finnell Fish Fleming Ford Forest Franklin Freeberg Freed Fruewirth Garget Gendler

George Gerber Gertyner Gilmore Goddard Goldberg Grantham Granzberg Grasmick Grimm Grear Guild Gundel Curvin Haffner Hagman Hansen S. Hansen Hargleroad Harris Hauptman Hauschildt Havelka Hower Hayes Hayward Heimrod Henderson



Bulge at Their Seams Henry Hepplinger Hering Hickman Hightower Hinchcliff Hinders Hinze Hocevar Holdrege Hoe man Holly Holste Hood Hopkins Hosford Howl Hruby Hultman Hunter N. Ide R. Ide Ingersoll lngoldsby Iverson E. Jacobson P. Jacobson Jenkins

Jipsen L. Jensen W. Jensen Jetter C. Johnson K. Johnson T. Johnson S. Johnson S. Johnson Jorgensen Kreiger Kehm Kreamier Kourta King Kelly Kelley Keefe Katzman Kaplan Kammerer Kallweit Lang Lausterer Lahners Lamp Lapsley Larrew


And Rules Have Them Lawson Leigh Lewis Lincoln Lind Lofberg Lorenz Lovgren Lowery Lynch McCrillis McClendon McCumber Mcintyre McKellar McMahan McMaster Mack Machiewicz Maddox Madden Madsen Magnuson D. Marrow R. Marrow Martin Meir Meier

Mellor Meiberger Meredith Mezger D. Miller L. Miller Millen Mitchell Montag D. Moore J. Moore L. Moore V. Moore V. Moore More dick Morgan Mosley Morrison Moustaket Mouer Mumaugh Murdock Nelson Ness Neumann Nilsson Noble Norberg



Going Around in Circles Nord Northheller T. Olsen S. Olsen Paeper Pardee Payne Peterson Petty Phalen Phillips Piatt Pierce Piffel Piper Rahe Raskin Rapp Reece Rees Reichman Reigle Reynolds Rice Richardson Rigdon Riffel Riley

Ring Ritchey Roberts Rockwood Rohwer Rosenbaum Ross Roth Rothschild Roudebush Ruby Rudolfo Runstrom Ryan Samson Saunders Sax Sayles Seamonds Sennetz Shackelton Schlegal Schory Schumacher Schultz Schwarz Sharp


The Freshmen look Sheppard Shoben Shoemaker Shook M. Simons C. Simmons Skeans Skoog- Smith Slack Slainhaltz D. Smith R. Smith A. Snow T. Snow Strait Stanner Starmur Stevens Sund Swanson Swenson Switzer Tarr Taulborg Tegtmeier Thomas J. Thompson T. Thompson

Thornton Tighe Trester Truek Truhlson Twiss Udes Ulfers Unzicker Vales Vanderpool Van Pelt Varney Vercoe Vichery Vainlunas Waara Wakefield Walker Ward P. Weber K. Weber Weingarten Wells Wendt West Wheeler White


Toward A Bright Future. Whitney Wigodsky B. Williams

T. Williams Wolf Wood

Trying to understand Algebra isn't easy!

Woodhull Woodworth Worley

Wright Wupper Wurl

Yarlee Young Ziegman Got 'em Coach!

Ziesemann Zimmerman Zoob

NOT PICTURED Jim Arundel, Bruce Badger, Larry Beatty, Andy Cain, Grey Clapper, Jim Farlee, Claudia Garrotto, Ron Gutzmoun, Lajean Harouff, Judy Hower, Margaret Kelly, Robert Kapplinger, Marlene Krouse, Bob Lovstad, Jim Martin, Rick Muffitt, Barb Norberg, Steve Nicholson, Dick Pieper, Carol Snodgrass, Mike Spirka, Dave Teeford, Doris Weber.

Zyck Gulizia Kwater




Aiming Toward Responsibility . Academic . Social . Service

Westside's Warrior Band Jack Morin, drum major; Pam Mahnke, Linda Sheehan, drum majorettes.

Candy Wheeler, W arriorette.

With performances varying from football field to concert hall, the Warrior Band has continued to prove its excellence in musicmaking. The band, directed by Mr. Darwyn Snyder, is always present at athletic events to play the national anthem, back up the cheering crowd, and perform halftime routines. All of WHS looks forward to the annual concerts, ineluding the Warrior Downbeat and the Jazz Concert. The members of the band are always eager to participate in music contests and festivals to improve the quality of the music they present.

WARRIOR WIND-MADRIGAL: FRONT ROW: Piper, Lagerberg, McElroy, Vosler, Gerber, Hunt. SECOND ROW: Bell, Elley, Sachse, Freyder, Cleaves, Levine, McKenna, Bachus, Bergstrom, Sunderman. THIRD ROW: Lorenz, Adler, Morin, Powers, Erdman, Adams, Wright, Brown, Mr. Darwyn Snyder. Not pictured: Eden, Trupp, Hovland, Johnson . .

Excels As Music Maker

TROMBONE OCTET: Dennis Adams, Wade Wright, Robbie Lankford, Lynne Graf, Danny Loring, Jim Brown, John Runstrom, Fred Carlgren.

\ CLARINET CHOIR: FRONT ROW: Rich Vosler, Karen Sund, Connie Sachse, Bob Sutton. SECOND ROW: Woody Hovland, John Piper, Steve Lagergerg, John Buller, Les Johnson, Dave McElroy. ·

SAXOPHONE SEXTET: FRONT ROW: Keith Bell, Chuck Hester. SECOND ROW: Mickey Elley, Phil Freyder, Jim Ellis, Greg Trupp.

BRASS QUARTET: FRONT TO BACK: Steve Levine, Dick McKenna, Bruce Bachus, Clarke Powers.


Top Choir Members Strive In its work throughout the school year, the Top Choir has strived to accomplish the goals set forth in its Creed. By producing "Oklahoma" and "Carousel, " it "presented music in a manner pleasurable to its audiences." Through appearances at Baccalaureate, assemblies, the talent show and with the Omaha Symphony Orchestra, it "served the school and cornrnunity by frequent performances." By participation in the Fremont Music Clinic and NMEA Clinic, it "created an understanding and appreciation for good music."

"Come on people, let's try it again," says director Mr. William Kellogg.

TOP CHOIR--FRONT ROW: Robey, Wilder, Rankin, Mantel, Meyer, Linder, Holt, Bounds, Page, Francis, Gillingham, Harding, Koetler, Ide, Williams, Stanley, Anderson, Brownell, Peterson, Graf, Lewis. SECOND ROW: Favor, Rowden, Nye, McEntire, Dunklau, Kruse, Johnson, Kaufman, Berg, Mahnke, Jones, Snoke, Clifton, Smith, McDonald, Sutter, Henderson, Madden, Austin, Hunt, Saklar, Eden, Murphy, Jones. THIRD ROW: Shelley, Frederickson, Hybl, Woodland, Taylor, McMaken, Whitted, Durham, Swanson, Hogzett, Frasier, Warren, Boelter, Passer, Podrouzek, Bergstrom, Anderson, Methe, Brown, Metzger, Deets, Johnson, Graf, Thomas, McDowell, Parks. FOURTH ROW: Rosenbaum, Gates, Hayes, Turner, Vaughn, Iverson, Rosenbaum, Webster, Madden, White, Ploss, Lockwood, Vanfleet, Elley, Johnson, Jones, Cohan, Abrahamson, Cefrey, Adams, Ciuillo, Sachse, Hower, Wheeler, Gibbs, Encell, Sennentz.


for Vocal Perfection THE CHOIR CREED The purpose of the Top Choir of WHS shall be to present music in a manner pleasurable to the Choir members and their audiences, to serve the school and community by frequent performances, and to create an understanding and appreciation for good music.

One of the highlights of the year was the musical presentation of "Oklahoma."

"Do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do." Choir members prepare for a big performance.


Boys' and Girls' Quartets warm up with Mrs. Kellogg, accompanist. FRONT ROW: Kathy Hybl, Kitty Murphy, Sherry Hogzett, Candy Wheeler. SECOND ROW: Kenny Ploss, Brent Warren, Rick Bergstrom, Jim Anderson.

Performances-All 1n a

1st VIOLINS Durham Moore Wright Rolick Ekwall Kelly Lyman Anderson

2nd VIOLINS Eden Hill Curvin Schlegel Coffland Jacobs Rosenbaum

HARPS Duncan Rosner

CELLOS Zoroya Galloway Beck Cure lop

VIOLAS Johnson Jacobsen Borneman Riley

"1 , 2,3 . . . Now you've got it Kathy," says Mr. Harold Welch, director, to Kathy Zoroya.

STRING BASSES Mester hazy Johnson

FLUTES Hunt Unzicker OBOES Gerber Elley

BASSOONS Freyder FRENCH HORNS Levine Cleaves Johnson Swanson

TUBA Morin

Hoping that "practice makes perfect" are the symphonette members.



Year's Work for Symphonette

TRUMPETS Sunderman Elliot Bachus CLARINETS Piper Johnson


"A Weekend With Music" and the annual winter concert- -these events were the bright spots of the year for Symphonette musicians. Director Harold Welch led these students through individual and group practice to their annual concert featuring soloist Woody Hovland, and to a special guest performance at the February "Weekend With Music" in Lincoln. Members attended the fall music clinic and spring music contest. In addition, at least 15 Symphonette members participated in the Omaha Youth Symphony.

TROMBONES Adams Lankford Wright PERCUSSION Eden Adler Lorenz

Shining on opening night is the WHS Symphonette. 91

Students Advance Math,

MATH CLUB--FRONT ROW: Meiman, Vosier, Jones, lmig, Lorenz, Franz. SECOND ROW: Miss McConnell, Meier, Horwich, Rose, Watson, Millett, Lucas, Eden. THIRD ROW: Dewey, Sharp, Sachse, Petersen, Kozak, Sund, Mantel, Gibbs, Hower, Ludington. FOURTH ROW: Schenken, Kunkler, Stave, Jones, Percy, Paden, Johnson, Sorensen, McKenna. FIFTH ROW: McCurtain, Parish, Maddox, Carson, Rheingrover, Kvam, Orkow, Brocky, Shannon, Sydow. SIXTH ROW: Holt, Finkle, Jones, Barton, Cocks, Wright, Bachus, Voss, Morley, Taylor, Seddon.

SCIENCE CLUB--FRONT ROW: Bell, Franz, Holt, Olsen, Thompsen. SECOND ROW: Watson, Eden, Cleaves, Lagerberg, Barton.

Math and Science Clubs are shining examples of "beyond the classroom learning. " Guided by Miss Lou McConnell and Mr. Bruce Holmquist, the promising members of these clubs explore the advanced principles of science and mathematics on which our complex world is based. Math Club has the honor of possessing a national charter in Mu Alpha Theta, honorary math society. Members have furthered their know ledge of even the most complex math subjects by attending meetings at the National Math Conference. Science Club members promote scientific knowledge through research, with each member preparing an individual research project for the annual Science Fair. Aside from science, members pursue another annual project-- elling red sweat shirts bearing the WHS emblem and the words "We t ide Warriors."


~ science,

Students discovered outlets for their talent and interest in dramatic and fine arts in Thespians and Art Club. Hard work and perseverance found their reward when the finished product- -portrait or play- -shone in the spotlight for an admiring audience. For Thespians, theatrical entertainment filled the year, ranging from the one -act plays, directed by Mrs. Anna Clark, Thespians sponsor, to the Mardi Gras, one of the newest WHS traditions. Aspiring artists, aided by Mrs. Jean Truman and Mr. Ken Grizzel, made posters and backdrops for WHS' s annual plays and prepared works for art shows, the highlights of the year.

Art, Theater

THESPIANS--FRONT ROW: Mrs. Clark, Whitaker, Mellor, Anderson, Eden, McKenna, Colliton, Filkins, Warren, Wright. SECOND ROW: Westering, Olson, Percy, Duncan, Hubbard, Meyer, Adams, Elley, Bloom. THIRD ROW: Petersen, Moore, Mayer, Hayes, Johnson, Young, Kostos, Squires, Elias. FOURTH ROW: Carson, Rheingrover, Paden, Meier, Johnson, Nelsen, Orkow, Religo.

ART CLUB--FRONT ROW: Smith, Mrs. Truman, Rosenbaum, Zimmerman, Nye, Jones, Saunders, Simmons, Alter, Mr. Grizzell, Reed. SECOND ROW: Stein, Steinert, Randall, Galloway. ~

Mardi Gras candidates--FRONT: Susie Mellor, SECOND ROW: Connie Colliton, Jim Rheingrover. THIRD ROW: Dick McKenna, Pat Moore, Mickey Elley. FOURTH ROW: Barb Handschuh, Ron Adams, Susie Petersen, Greg Eden.

Shield, Lance Staffs Show The Shield Staff's determination to make this, the 1962 Shield, the best yearbook in Westside's history, could be seen throughout the year as they endeavored to tell the story of the schoolyear in words and pictures that included more events and more students than ever before . After -school aid to the advertising staff was given by Joe Limbrecht, Phil Freyder, and Nancy Simmons.

f Pat Mayer, editor; Janice Kucera, circulation and promotion manager; Sunny Durham, associate editor; Kay Zavitz, business manager.

Miss Marilyn Mille Shield and Lance Staff advisor . . .

Susie Mellor, stafi artist; Peyton Whitely, photographer.

Power of Pen .. "What is this, a daily?" Lance reporters, rushing to cover their beats by interviewing students and faculty prompted this remark from a WHS faculty member. With their eyes open and their "nose for news" keen for everything newsworthy, these students were busy producing a bi-weekly worthy of Warrior approval.

Suzy Tichacek, first page editor; Cathy Eaton, second

page editor; Pat Miller, third page editor; Kay Fuchs, fourth page editor.

remembers lastminute rushes to meet deadlines.


Judy Nelsen, editor; Cheryl Bird, advertising manager; Joan Olson, business manager; Jan Wright, managing editor. Ron Adams, Dave Allen, sports writers; Priscilla Young, circulation manager; Peyton Whitely, photographer. Not pictured: Candy Wheeler, Phil Freyder and Nancy Simmons, artists.

Key, Z Clubs Build Leaders

KEY CLUB: FRONT ROW: Carson, Rose, Lucas, Allen, Anderson, Millett, McKenna, Hungerford; SECOND ROW: Maddox, Moore, Eden, Adams, Franz, Morley, Voss, lmig; THIRD ROW: Luckasen, Rheingrover, Parish, Peterson, Imig, Johnson, Curelop, Horwich; FOURTH ROW: Orkow, Wright, Saylan, Watson, Johnson, Vosler, Bachus, Foster; FIFTH ROW: King, Ludington, Gray, Beauregard, Burbridge, Luckasen, Rose, Jones. Officers are Millet, Pres.; Anderson, V. Pres.; McKenna, Sec.; Allen, Treas.

Two Omaha organizations have continued to make WHS the home of their affiliated clubs. As a result Key Club, connected with Dundee Kiwanis, and Z Club, associated with Omaha Zonta Club and Zonta International, are the only clubs of their kind in the city. Both clubs aided their parent organizations in city fund drives such as the Salvation Army and the campaign against tuberculosis . Key Club's basketball team tied for first place in Westside's intramural league. Delegates from the club attended the Key Club International Convention . Mr. Karl Pecht sponsors Key Club and Mrs . Lois Lucas sponsors Z Club, whose members collected clothes for the needy overseas and enjoyed a senior picnic and an early morning sur. pnse party.


Z CLUB: FRONT ROW: Burrows, Fosler, Olson, Squires, Moore, Petersen, Twiss; SECOND ROW: Wright, Vaughn, Iverson, Berg, Hower, Sachse, Ostwinkle; THIRD ROW: Falkenroth, Dresher, Arthur, Sutter, Rheingrover, Williams, Stein; FOURTH ROW: DeLong, Bloom, Percy, Sharp, Filkins, Jones, Keating; FIFTH ROW: Graff, Durham, McDowell, Tichacek, Kozak, Melchiors, Westering. Officers are Olson, Pres.; Squires, V. Pres.; Burrows, Sec.; Fosler, Treas.

"Now girls, only one cookie," is heard at the Z Club installation tea for new members and officers.

l Students Serve, Announce How an Junior Red Cros be des ribed? One of the oldest clubs at WHS? Yes. It has been a part of WH since its door opened. An organization dedi ated to ervice? Certainly. It helps the American Red Cross aid people here and abroad, give parties at ho pitals, and aids technicians at the Red Cross Blood Bank. A club with fun-loving member ? Of ourse. Members parti ipate in the annual Horse Show and select a andidate for the Criss Crosser.

Claudia Ostwinkle, Criss Crosser queen candidate, and Yogi Bear advertise the annual benefit dance .

RED CROSS: FRONT ROW: Curelop, Franz, Ortow, Shannon, Calame, Covert; SECOND ROW: Smith, Foster, Olsen, Boardman, Metzger, Lagerberg, Moseley; THIRD ROW: Lewis, Stanley, Williams, Dale, Sprague, Ulfers, Wilson; FOURTH ROW: Dugan, Woodland, Murphy, Mrs. Hazel Patz, sponsor, Kohler, Melchiors, Milne; FIFTH ROW: Stockman, Young, Ostwinkle, Burger, Klein, Rowden, Berris; SIXTH ROW: Smith, Madden, Austin, Cramer, Jones, Madden, Fuchs. Officers are Curelop, pres.; Boardman, v. pres.; Moseley, sec.-treas.

"Good morning, here are the announcements." These familiar words informing students of coming events could only be produced by R actio Club. But these boys don't specialize in early morning announcements. Sponsored by Mr. Bruce Holmquist, they provide listening music to teachers during free periods, set up sound equipment at programs and convocations, and operate KWHS, Westside's own radio station. RADIO CLUB--FRONT ROW: Glenn Pardee, Ron Jones, John Wupper, Rick Holt; SECOND ROW: Bill Beck, Wayne Kabat, Jon Collins, Dick Theis, Mike Eliot, John Milne. Officers are Jones, pres .; Wupper, v.pres.; Eilers, sec.-treas. 97

Welcome, Honor, Business, "Esquires made me feel liKe I belong to WHS." "I learned a lot about WHS through Esquires. These remarks are typical of those spoken by students new to WHS . They have experienced the efforts of the Esquires, the friendliest girls at West side, and their sponsor , Mrs. Dian Peterson . The girls greet newcomers upon their arrival and make them feel welcome her .

ESQUIRES: FRONT ROW: Thomas, McDowell, Encell, Fuchs, Boardman, Isaacson, Westering; SECOND ROW: Paden, Vaughn, Iverson, Williams, Stockman, Smith, Berg; THIRD ROW: Keating, Donavon, Herring, Jones, Sharp, Bloom, Squires; FOURTH ROW: Rupe, Melchiors, McConkle, Moore, Olson, Tichacek, Nelsen, Sachse; FIFTH ROW: Freeman, Finks, Durham, Freed, Mayer, Rankin, Westering. Officers are Fuchs, Pres.; Isaacson, v. pres., Boardman, Sec.-Treas.

"You are now full-fledged Warriors!" Jane Stockman and Diana Boardman welcome Kay Mummaugh and Janet Stites to WHS.

Once again outstanding WHS journalist have become honorary members of Quill and Scroll, the national organization for students who do outstanding work in publications. These girls have achieved membership either as a junior or senior by becoming editors of the newspaper or yearbook, by continuously writing exceptional news stories, or by producing an outstanding section for the yearbook. Miss Marilyn Miller sponsors . these journalists. QUILL AND SCROLL: Susan Johnson, Joan Qlson, Suzy Tichacek, Judy Nelsen, Sunny Durham, Pat Mayer. Not pictured: Janet Wright.



1~ssues Involve Students Salesman, clerk, typist, waitress-you can see a member of Distributive Education holding one of these positions anywhere. These students learn vocational skill and responsibility in the classroom and transfer this knowledge to the job. As members of DE class, students are eligible to become members of DE Club. Although best known for sock hops after football and basketball games, this club also takes part in State and National Leadership Conventions, where they place high in business competition. Mr. Dale Fuerst teaches D. E . and sponsors D.E. Club.

BISTRffiUTIVEEDUCATION: FRONT ROW: Wilson, McNeal, Ridgtm, Jensen, Young, Tice; SECOND ROW: Hendersen, Cantril, O'Hara, Gibson, Henke, Van Orsdel, Carpenter, Kamen; THIRD ROW: Tolefson, Wilson, Collins, Talty, Bennett, Jensen, Firestone. Officers are Ridgon, Pres.; Jensen, V. Pres.; McNeal, Sec; Tice, Treas. CPAF: FRONT ROW: McDowell, Petersen, Schenken, Ludington, Rheingrover; SECOND ROW: Adams, Franz, Lucas, Eden, Wupper; THIRD ROW: McKenna, Carson, Meier, Millett; FOURTH ROW: Newman, Kvam, Allen, Rose, Parish. Officers are Schenken, pres.; Peterson, v . pres.; Ludington, sec.; Rheingrover, treas.

Politics and Communism. These are some of the subjects Contemporary Political Affairs Forum members discussed while attempting to understand current affairs. But they did more than talk. They attended the anti -Communist rally held last fall and sponsored the controversial film, "Operation Abolition," to help them understand every aspect of Communism. Their interest in politics was increased by their participation in political conferences and forums featuring local personalities. They are sponsored in their efforts by Mr. Wayne Glidden.


Council Echoes WHS Voice

SR. HIGH--FRONT ROW: J. Adams, Nelsen, treas.; Anderson, sec.; Luckasen, v-pres.; R. Adams, pres.; Rose, Hurst, Maddox; SECOND ROW: Halla, Wright, Bloom, Isaacson, Gray, Beauregard, Beam.

It is th job of th Student Council of WHS to coordinate th opinions and activities of the faculty and student body. In pr vious years, it has done this as on body. But this year it added a sub-committee--the Senat --consisting of hom room repre entatives to provid the student body with more repre ntation in student government . WHS can thank th Council, sponsored by Mr. Kenneth Hansen, principal, for the nior lunch program in the student lounge, the b nefit faculty bask tball games, th Toys for Tots campaign, and a n w American flag .

JR. HIGH--FRONT ROW: McKellar, V. Pres.; Freed, Pres.; Ide, Treas.; Urosevich, Sec.; SECOND ROW: Gerber, Lueder, Eden, Brock, Eaton, Coe; THIRD ROW: Rose, Meyers, Blum, Laitos, Henderson, Bucholz. Not pictured, Snodgrass and Mr. Ralph Farrar, sponsor.


Having fun with the Toys for Tots, John Luckasen and Ron Adams/


Hi- Y

Stresses Fellowship

"Get your Student Directory--only 50¢!" Who can resist the cry of Hi- Y members trying to raise money to further service to school and community? They always gain support in maintaining high standards of fellowship. Church services at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Ea ter, participation in the Hi- Y Model Legislative Conference and parties constitute some other activities of the club. Hi- Y with its two separately charted chapters, Clemer and Gregg, is sponsored by Mr. Edward Mansur and T\Ar . Burt Speece .

Mary Boyd and Barb Heimrod watch as Bruce Clough buys two student directories from John Wupper so he will be sure to get that certain number.

HI-Y--FRONT ROW: Pugh, Held, Portolos, Kostos, Anderson, McKenna, Wupper, Wright, Brown, Meier, Newman, Lucas, Ludington, Rheingrover; SECOND ROW: Metzger, Langan, Voss, Lagerberg Shannon, Sorenson, Hosford, Pardee, Eilers, Urosevich, Kabat, Sprague, Dale; THIRD ROW: Campbell, Grossman, Dewey, !mig, Elias, Saxvik, Trupp, Renner, Bergstrom, PetersL , Brocky, Elley, Elliott, Slack; FOURTH ROW: Theis, Grau, L. Grau, VanTillburg, Meier, Elliott, Olsen, Adams, Gray, Wilson, Dott, Hungerford, Allen; FIFTH ROW: Eoff, Milne, Kibbey, !mig, Sorensen, Frasier, Lyman, anchester, King, Naylor, Bailey, White. 101

Pep Club Zeal Contributes

Kathy Westering president Carol Bloom Secretary

Claudia Ostwinkle, vice president


Kay Melchiors treasurer

to Avid School Spirit Why is the Pep Club the largest organization at WHS? Why have over 500 girls pledged their membership to this club? Pep Club has built a reputation for dauntless spirit and unending enthu iasm, standing behind the athl tic teams and cheering th m on to victory, or rebuilding their spirits after a loss. With the W Club, they sponsor Homecoming and Sweetheart, and Pep Club and All-Sports Banquets. Pep Club's excellent organization is due not only to its members but also to its sponsors. Mrs. Clara Dunn, Mrs. Judy Krhounek, and Miss Gretchen Saeger.

Up, up, up goes enthusiasm as the Warriors post one of their first victories of the season at Beatrice. 103

Cheerleaders Boost Enthusiasm

VARSITY: Joan Olson, Captain; Linda Twiss, Kristy Isaacson, Linda Keating , Josie Hapner, Carol Bloom, Lani Stockman, Cindi Smith.


"R, ady-0, Let's go!" With this cry the varsity and reserve che rleaders start off the cheering at p p rallie and football and basketball gam . Th y promot pirit on and off the field of competition with word of encouragemcnt to students and team member . While continuing these efforts and raising money to send next y ar' cheerleaders to the Oklahoma Cheerl ading Clinic, wher their rare talent for executing preci ion chc r won s econd place in last summer's omp titian, their personality, ability and character is neverfailing.

RESERVE: Andi Dugan, Brenda Williams, Phyllis Sharp, Carolyn Rankin.

Marchers Add Color to Events Half -tim at football and basketball games wouldn't be the same without the p rformance of the Squire and the Drill Squad. Excitement fills th air as the girls make nervous preparation for and a k lastminute que tions about their routines. Then com s the big moment. As the Squire in their unusual black uniform parade in front of the Warrior band and as the Drill Squad p rforms its precision marche , the e groups add an air of pageantry to any athletic event .

SQUIRES: Kathy Laas, Helen Townsend, Linda Randall, Jane Ross, Carolyn Falkenroth, Mary Beth Percy, Mary Gay Westering, Reba Fosler, Linda Finks.

DRILL SQUAD: FRONT ROW: Tichacek, Funkhouser, Matson, Ide, Freed, Keating, Anderson, Mead, Berg, co-captain; Rupe, captain; DeLong, Moser, Encell, Nelsen, Alsmeyer, Graff, Runstrom, Wheeler, Wright; SECOND ROW: Melchiors, Thomas, Austin, McConkle, Burton, Boyd, Heimrod, Iverson, Vaughn, Fuchs, Moore, Zimmerman, Murphy, Paden, Whitaker, Westering.


Clubs Salute Sportsmanship, GAA, W Club's sister organization, shows that girls have just as much ability in most sports as do boys . Though not tough enough for football or fast enough for track, these girls, sponsored by Mrs. Dian Peterson, excell in sports from badminton to basketball, from tennis to trampolining, from bowling to volleyball, and from hiking to swimming.

GAA--FRONT ROW: Hronek, Metz, Steinhart, Pres.; Zoroya, Vogl, Wingender, Rowden, Petranek, Ziegler, Beck, Zulfer; SECOND ROW: Rosenblatt, Welstead, Fruhwirth, Simmons, Freed, Kelley, Butterfield, Browne, Brock, Hansen, Ruge; THIRD ROW: Oquist, Brogden, Conner, Drips, Hoeman, Taylor, Fruhwirth, McMaster, Henderson, lngoldsby, Vanderpool; FOURTH ROW: Vales, Corn, Richardson, Rees, Norberg, Hopkins, Campbell, Calandra, Bovell, Cockle, Pardee. Officers are Steinhert, Pres.; Vogl, V. Pres.; Ringwald, Sec.; Zoroya, Treas.

There is something special about a boy in a black sweater bearing a red W. These are the W Club letterm n, whos abilities in football, basketball, track, wrestling, golf and tenni have gained them not only awards but instant recognition wherever they go . The boys promote WHS athletics and sportsmanship. With the Pep Club, the sponsor Homecoming and Sweetheart, and the Pep Club and All-Sports Banquets. Mr. Bill Hoyt, football coach, and Mr. Jim Tangdall, basketball coach, sponsor these sportsmen.

W CLUB--FRONT ROW: Moore, Ervin, Schnur, Shannon, Clough; SECOND ROW: Mr. Bill Hoyt, Allen, Rose, Maddox, Berris, Baughman, Mr. Jim Tangdall; THIRD ROW: R. Adams, Auld, J. Adams, Eilers, Garrett, McCurtain, Sydow, Beuterbaugh; FOURTH ROW: Kunkler, Stave, Urosevich, Kabat, Millett, Clapper, Seddon; FIFTH ROW: Wilson, Sorensen, Moore, Schuett, Jones, Susman, Messner: SIXTH ROW: Luckasen, Foster, Halla, Bauman, Piper, Foster, Meiman. Officers are Maddox, Pres.; Luckasen, V. Pres.; Allen, Sec.; Berris, Treas. 106


Skill, and Excitement "Checkmate." This word may sound unfamiliar to many, but to members of Chess Club, it is a part of the game of chess that they know and play so well . Proof of this can be found in their high placement in city team and individual chess tournaments . The club is sponsored by Mr. Bruce Holmquist. CHESS CLUB: FRONT ROW: Miller, Meier, Jacobsen, Kvam, Watson, Holt; SECOND ROW: Bell, Miller, Vosler, Orkow, Brocky, VanTilburg, Grau; THIRD ROW: Barton, Kibbey, Grau, Portolos.

SKI CLUB--FRONT ROW: Eoff, S. Sorensen, C. Sorensen, Olson, Squires, Hosford, Metzger, Anderson; SECOND ROW: Stein Filkins, Boardman, Isaacson, Terrill, Ostwinkle, Lewis, Hubbard; THIRD ROW: Lagerberg, Sprague, Patz, Jones, Allen, Rankin, Wright; FOURTH ROW: Corrow, Dinus, Jeff Dale, Whitely, Orkow, Milne. Officers are Whitely, Pres.; Olson, V. Pres. ; Isaacson, Sec.; Squires, Treas.

And away we go! as Peyton Whitely takes off down the slopes at Crescent Hills.

Skiing is the newest and most unique sport at WHS . The participants are not trained- -in fact many can hardly stay in an upright position. There is no cheering audience to boost them to victory, for there is no contest- -only Westsiders enjoying themselves at their favorite spot, Crescent Hills in Crescent City, Iowa, where the snow is fine and so is the skiing . Ski Club is sponsored by Mr . Bill Hoyt.


Girls of Y- Teens Dedi-

Y- TEENS--FRONT ROW: Kozak, Davis, Lewis, Swanson, Herring, Vaughn, Freed, Mead, Burton, Bird, Miller, Sahler, Kriesel, Iverson; SECOND ROW: Fletcher, Jackson, Nye, Sahler, White, Munson, Zoroya, Dlouhy, Straka, Hill, Mantel, Simmons, Rolick, Rosenblatt, Ruge, Mahnke, Strauss; THIRD ROW: Henderson, Gresham, Thomas, Ross, Duncan, McElroy, Linsley, McGrayel, Nelsen, Thompson, Francis, Engebretson, Conner, Hansen, Burrows; FOURTH ROW: Kunkler, Wheeler, Lockwood, Patz, Kaplan, Mayer, Durham, Reichmann, Grantham, Hayward, Whitaker, Mason, Eden, Sutter, Mattson, Calame, White; FIFTH ROW: Schaible, VanHouten . Finley, Freeman, Nordstrom, Trester, Baker, Root, Madden, Lefler, Beecroft, Rankin, Isaacson, Williams, DeLong.

Y- Teens I calendar for the y ar was crowded to its edges with projects. Among these innumerable services were included gifts to local and national organizations- -dolls dre s d at Christmas for children's homes, money for Omaha Is needy, world fellowship, and UNICEF raised through bake sales, the annual style show, and the Blarney stone Ball . But all was not work. Th girl enjoyed the Hi- Y-- Y- Teens ice skating party and participation in the Homecoming parade. Y-Teens is sponsor d by Mrs. Judith Hoyt.

Colleen Vaughn, president; Jean Swanson, vice president; Meredith Herring, secretary; Mary Mead, treasurer. 108


cated to Service

Shari Freed and Roxanne Freeman add another spot to "Spotty" the Y- Teen dog. Each spot represents a completed service project.

"Rock-a-bye . . . " Mary Mead and Colleen Vaughn make sure the dolls dressed by Y-Teens are ready for the orphans.

Debaters Excel


NFL, the honorary club for students who excel in forensics, offers them the opportunity to receive recognition for their efforts in public speaking . Membership is attained by earning eighteen points for participation in certain forensic events.

NFL--SEATED: Carson, Imig, Reid, Parish, Petersen. STANDING: Curelop, Sorenson, Lucas, Allen, Rheingrover, Franz.

Debate classes enable students to become proficient in their chosen field of forensics- -debating, original oratory, extemporaneous speaking, poetry and play reading, and newscasting . When their ability permits, they te.ke part in competition in forensic contests . Both groups are sponsored by Mr. Rod Hansen .

FIRST YEAR DEBATE--Dryden, Renner, Milne, Wilson, McDonald, Vosler, Anderson, Bachus.

SECOND YEAR DEBATE--Allen, Elias, Parish, McDowell, !mig, Petersen, Lu cas, Williams, Franz, Curelop, Eden.

FMA, FTA Study Careers

FMA--FRONT ROW: Kucera, Lewis, Mead, Boyd, Freed, Swanson, Mayer, Schuchardt, Hulac, Dresher. SECOND ROW: Benton, Lierley, Whitaker, Jones, Finks, Herring, Raskin, Burton, Brogden, Mantel. THIRD ROW: Falkenroth, Mosley, Wright, Fosler, Tichacek, Young, Engebretson, Glisar, Oster, Auringer, Kavitch. FOURTH ROW: Rosner~ McGrayel, Nelsen, Taylor, Brooks, Weber, Jones, Oquist, Brownell, Hronek.

The girls in FTA today are the educators of tomorrow. As they substituted for teachers, helped at kindergarten roundups, and had a party for a childrens' home, they learned about the opportunities and rewards found in and the qualities necessary for a teaching career. Sponsors are Miss LaVerne Allen and Mr. Paul Andreas . Officers are: Sonny Durham, pres . ; Mary Mead, v. pres . ; Judy Thomas, sec.; Meredith Hearing, treas .

FMA is in its second year at WHS. Its members heard speakers from numerous fields of medicine, visited the Methodist and Clarkson Hospitals, Nursing Homes, and Laboratories, Boys' Town Medical Department, and gave a Valentine's Day party for invalid children. In this way, they gained knowledge about the varied fields of medicine and which of these fields they desire to enter . Sponsor is Mrs. Helen Kelley. Officers are: Shari Freed, pres.; Jean Swanson, vice -pres.; Pat Mayer, secretary; Mary Kay Boyd, treasurer.

FTA--FRONT ROW: Melchiors, Moore, Hulac, Frileck, Isaacson, Freeman. SECOND ROW: Page, Thomas, Mead, Herring, Durham , Young, Raskin. THIRD ROW: Vaughn, Iverson, Jones, Westering , Stockman, Smith, Finks. FOURTH ROW: Rosenblatt, Patz, McDowell, Ostwinkle, Root, Fuchs, Encell, Heimrod. FIFTH ROW: Johnson, Roberts, Hogzett, Mattson, Kucera, Lewis, Mellor, Smith. SIXTH ROW: Grantham, McFarland, Smith, Falkenroth, Thompsen, Johnson, Stark, Hill.

Students Study Cultures

Claudia Gresham, Vice President; Linda Keating, President.

International Club is comprised of the four language clubs of WHS-Spanish, French, Latin, and German- -and each separately studies its own culture. But they are most effective when working as one club. At Christmas time the club sent toys to Children's Hospital. In the winter it held a candy sale to finance next year's exchange student. Spring brought an International Club banquet, to bind the four clubs closer together through better understanding. Sponsors are Mrs. Diann Althouse, Mrs. Betty Griffin, Mrs. Mary Davis, and Mrs. Julie George.

It didn't take long for Dimitris Portolos, Greek exchange student, to fit into the WHS routine.

SPANISH--FRONT ROW: Wendt, Harding, Ness, Sahler, Westering, Saylan, Carson, Ludington, Lucas, Lyman Williams, Rheingrover, Hill. SECOND ROW: Snow, Wurl, Browne, Portolos, Erdmann, Meier, McDowell , Deets , Jackson, Handschuh, Williams, Twiss, Ross, Gresham. THIRD ROW: Andersen, Francis, Abrahamson , Orkow, Bailey, Imig, King, Montes, Duncan, Young, Brizzee, Nye, Engebretson, Ide. FOURTII ROW: Udes, Koetter, Petranek, Langan, Campbell, Stuit, Frasier, Johnson, Ulfers, Johnson, Schapiro, Wille, Arthur, Madden, Cramer. FIFTII ROW: Austin, Corn, Lowrey, Cotton, Rheingrover, Boyd, Robinson, Murphy, Sutter, Henderson , White, Bovett, Joeman, Keating.


FRENCH--FRONT ROW: Dewey, Butterfield, Henderson, Lierley, Olson, Durham, Rosner, McGrayel, Henry, Heimrod. SECOND ROW: Petty, Truhlsen, Frileck, Whitaker, Percy, Squires, Filkins, Raskin , McFarland, Langdon, Grasmick. THIRD ROW: Vaughn, Abrahamson, Bartow, Wright, Adams, Mattson, Kellerlain, Cleaves, Funkhouser, Galloway. FOURTH ROW: Klein, Jelken, Berg, Ostwinkle, McElroy, Theis, Clifton, Rowden, Root, Montes, Raskin, Zoroya. FIFTH ROW: Twiss, Ross, Rees, Stein, Roberts, Thomas, McConkle, Iverson, Welch, Trester, Westering, Runstrom, Curzon.

LATIN--FRONT ROW: Hosford, Carey, Keating, Patz, Paden, Jones, Newcomb, Palmer, Hinman, Soren son. SECOND ROW: Holt, Krogh, Kucera, Stanley, Howl, Madden, Kozak, Whitted, Darland, Lammers , Brown. THIRD ROW: Grantham, Lewis, Petersen, Bergstrom, Levine, Rohwer, McCumber, Dryden, Reese, Gerber. FOURTH ROW: Calame, Adler, Golder, Keifer, Arp, Grossman, Condon, Covert, Thornbrad. FIFTH ROW: Callahan, Brock, Nothelger, Olsen, Sorensen, Beam, Demgen, Luckasen, Rose, Meier.

GERMAN--FRONT ROW: Jones, Finkle, Wupper, Barton, Johnson, Pardee, Renner, Holt, Sunderman, Cusick, Shannon. SECOND ROW: Woodbury, Johnson, Cocks, Orkow, Horwich, Von Bubridge, Wilson, Kibbey, Imig, Cusick. THIRD ROW: Grau, Lagerberg, Pardee, Vales, Tegtmeier, Ekwall, McKellar, Grau, Carter, Hansen. 113

Pointing Toward Achievement • Scholastic • So.cial • Community


1961 Homecoming -

Candidates for 1961 Homecoming. FRONT ROW: Craig Moore, Josie Hapner, Pat Moore, Ron Auerbach. SECOND ROW: Mike Beuterbaugh, Linda Keating, Kay Melchiors, Ron Stave. THIRD ROW: Brian Berris, Kay Fuchs, Jeanne Encell, Bob Maddox. FOURTH ROW: Linda Twiss, John Luckasen.

Oh, here comes the parade!


Excitement Weeks of preparation and anticipation led to the 1961 Homecoming. Confusion reigned in the parking lot as students ran looking for convertibles and people for the parade. Blocks of floats and decorated convertibles lined the streets. Later yells of encouragement for the team rang from the crowd at the bonfire rally. The Central eagle went up in flames amid yells and cheers. Though it was our most exciting football game, Westside lost to Central, 14-12. Through chaos and commotion the decorations went up just hours before the dance. Helmets, football players, and goal posts de co rated the gym for the theme-Goals of Success. After waiting for the king and queen to be revealed, th~ couples filled the room with applause when they were announced. Homecoming weekend- -highlight of the football season --came and then passed. Westside Royalty for 1961. King Jerman Rose and Queen Kathy Westering.

It's all over--the last dance is here. Hurry, we have to put the decorations up!


Cupids Decorate SweetheartWho will it be? Do you know? Can you guess? The anticipation is over. The Sweetheart and Prince have been announced amid thunderous applause of the people. Crowned were big John Luckasen, Prince, and Joanie Olson, captain of cheerleaders, Sweetheart. They were elected by an overwhelming majority of the couples at the dance. Weeks of hectic planning for the Sweetheart by the Pep Club are now past. The cupids, hearts, and balloons which elaborately decor ated the gym were taken down after the exciting dance by the W Club. The Sweetheart basketball game with Lincoln Southeast was close, 51-54, but being close was not enough. We needed just a little more to win.

FRONT ROW Sweetheart candidates are: Dave Auld, Jeanne Encell, Tish Haecker, Ed McCurtain. SECOND ROW: Phil Holly, Candy Wheeler, Kay Fuchs, Brian Berris. THIRD ROW: Bob Garrett, Barbi Clem, Kay Melchiors, Jim Adams (escort).

Cupid spies on Reba Fosler decorating its wing.

Garrett leaps for a rebound.


Prince John Luckasen

Sweetheart Joanie Olson

Dancing makes the world go 'round for excited couples.

1962 royalty enjoy Sweetheart dance. 121


Jud Is Dead''

Greg's in trouble with Pat and Charlotte.

"0-o-o-klahoma," burst from 100 voices as the entire top choir directed by Mr. William Kellogg presented "Oklahoma . " This year the parts were double cast . The romance of Laurey (Kathy Hybl, Charlotte Jones) and Curly (Mickey Elley, Greg Eden) with the aid of Aunt Ellen, (Marilyn Mantel, Pat Frederickson) provided the main drama. The villain, Jud (Dennis Passer, Ron Adams) also loved Laurey and provided dangerous competition. The second romance centered around Will (Kenny Ploss) and Ado Annie (Candy Wheeler, Donnie Meyer) and Ado Annie's romantic lover Ali Hakim (Tony Ciullo, Dave Johnson) .


Kathy looks pleadingly at Mickey. Tony holds up his latest item.


laugh with the Littles

Here's your payoff, Filmer.

"Bam jam, dobdest bobdest," flew from Mr. Little's lips in exasperation and the audience burst into laughter at the Junior Class Play, "The Fighting Littles" directed by Mrs. Anna Clark. The humorous situations of young people in a normal family secured the many laughs. The family is headed by Mr. Little (Nick Kostos) and Mrs. Little (Rena Olson). The problems are their two young children, young Filmer Qohn Mesterhazy) and Goody (Carol Bloom). Filmer has the pains of trying to be older, while Goody wants to be treated not as a baby but as a young adult. Goody's boy friends, Ham Ellers (Wade Wright) and Norman Peel (Alex Orkow) provide the conflict. While Filmer and his girl friend, Antoinette (Claudia Chorley) provide humor.

FRONT ROW: Claudia Chorley, John Mesterhazy, Rena Olson, Nick Kostas, Carol Bloom. STANDING: Rod Anderson, Cheryl Loshbaugh, Jan McEntire, Pat Dunklau, Cathie Ekwal, Kathy Colli ton, Alex Orkow, Becky Peters, Leslie Benton and Wade Wright.

Juniors combine efforts.

Mr. Little and Ham join sides. 123

Seniors Portray College Life

"That's the wrong line, Jerm," laughs Susan. "You're supposed to be serious, Jerm," say Susan and Terry.

Students line up to meet Terry.

Senior Class Play cast. FRONT ROW: Susie Tucker, Susan Johnson, Susie Mellor. SECOND ROW: Priscilla Young, Sandy Smith, Terry Rupe, Jeanne Encell, Susan Petersen, Barb Montes (manager). THIRD ROW: Greg Eden, John Wupper, Jerm Rose, Ed Erwin, Art Lorenz, Chip Lockwood, Bob Carson. Not pictured: Marilyn Mantel, Jeanne Lewis, Lois Turner, Pat Moore, Dick Meier. 124

Politics, love, and college are the themes in "Good -bye My Fancy, " annual Sr. Clas Play. A young Congresswoman, Agatha Reed (Terry Rupe), with her secretary Grace Woods (Susan Johnson), returns to her college to receive an honorary degree for her work in showing the horror of war to people. Her old love, James Merrill (Greg Eden) is president of the college. His daughter, Ginny Merrill (Susan Petersen) knows him as a spineless man. Miss Reed discover the truth and falls in love with Mat Cole (Jerm Rose), a photographer. The play concludes with Dr. Merrill standing up against the president of trustees, Claude Griswold (Bob Carson), while attacking the sissy college and its courses.

ttYou'll Never Walk Alone , "Jigger, pick her up! Gently! orders Mr. Kellogg during Top Choir rehearsals of Carousel. Billy Bigelow (Mickey Elley), carnival barker, loves and marries Julie Jordan (Kathy Hybl), the flirt. Billy, a failure, learns he is to become a father . Coaxed by Jigger Craigin (Ron Adams), he robs David Bascome (Chip Lockwood) . To avoid arrest Billy commits suicide and enters Purgatory. Julie's friend Carrie Pepperidge (Candy Wheeler) marries Enoch Snow (Kenny Ploss), a prominent citizen. Years later, Billy views Julie's daughter, Louise (Donnie Meyer), from heaven and returns to earth for awhile .

• • •


"Mickey, darling," says Kathy as Ron Adams looks on, "this is Kenny Ploss and Candy Wheeler."

Rehearsals combine work and talents of top choir. Mickey Elley admires lovely Kathy Hybl. Is Candy scared of Ron's strength?

Staters Meet Nebraskans "The most rewarding experience was meeting all of the Nebraska students." agreed Judy Nelsen, Linda Twiss, Bob Maddox and John Luckasen, Westside's 1961 representatives to the annual Cornhusker Girls' and Boys' State. The alternates were Norma Deets, Janet Wright, Bob Carson, and Jerman Rose. Faculty members and junior teachers selected the students for scholarship and leadership qualities. This annual event sponsored by the American Legion involves a study of government with individual participation in campaigns and elections for positions. Linda was elected Attorney General of Girls' State and Judy was elected Mayor of Johnson town. Bob was elected Mayor of Bataan town and John received a 94 on his test, one of the top fifteen scores .

Westside's representatives from top to bottom are= John Luckasen, Bob Maddox, Linda Twiss, and Judy Nelsen.

Westside's alternates are: Janet Wright, Norma Deets; SECOND ROW: J.erman Rose, Bob Carson.



AFS Students Make Friends "Turkish people are the friendliest people I have ever met," said Sunny Durham. "I really enjoyed the Japanese food," said Jeff Parish. These student represented Westside in the American Field Service program sponsored by the International Club. Dimitris Portolds from Athens, Greece, spent the 1961-62 school year with a Westside family. Dimitris participated in Westside's activities and was a member of the swimming team . In order to understand a country one must know and live with the people . Through AFS students are preparing for the future and for better relations with the woo:ld.


Jeff Parish, Sunny Durham and Dimitris Portolds. Is that a dressing gown Jeff?

Sunny meets her sister as she disembarks.

Jay Barton and Dimitris are new brothers.


Honors Bestowed on Deserving

National Honor Society Members. FRONT ROW: Susan Petersen, Marilyn Mantel, Sunny Durham, Julie Iverson, Norma Deets, Linda Twiss. SECOND ROW: John Luckasen, Dave Allen, Gary Millett, Eldon Franz, Terry Kvam. THIRD ROW: Bob Maddox, Jeff Parish, Steve Ludington, Steve Sydow, Rick Holt. FOURTH ROW: Allen Horwich, Cam Lucas, Greg Eden, Bob Carson, Ron Jones. Not pictured, Karen Kozak, Jean Lewis, Judy Nelsen, Joan Olson, Janet Wright.

Scholarships, and special recognition are bestowed upon students with good grades and high degrees of leadership. Membership as a junior in National Honor Society, National Merit Finalists and Nebraska Regents a Scholarship Winners are just a few of the honors won by Westside students .

National Merit Finalists. FRONT ROW: Eldon Franz, Marilyn Mantel, Hodge Jones. SECOND ROW: Steve Ludington, Cam Lucas, Jeff Parish. THIRD ROW: Jim Rheingrover, Allen Horwich, Dick McKenna. Nebraska Regents Scholarship Winners are Dave Allen and Marilyn Mantel. 128

Juniors Participate As Wigs? E-e-e-k a monster with long red hair parades in the halls. Is it a Wig or a Whig? Who Knows? Annually the Junior Class studies Nebraska's County Government and participates in their own County Government elections . The two parties are Whig and Greenback. Primary elections are held with one representative from each party elected. Platform speeches are mady by the candidates and final voting by the junior class is carried out in utmost secrecy. The winners attend lectures and meetings with other students from the county. Tom Samson, Betty Itahn, Marleen Stark, and Kay Numaugh vote for either Whigs or Greenbacks.

Clerk of Dist. Court . Kathy Duncan. . . . . . • . G County Assessor .•. Steve Lagerberg . . . . . . W County Attorney . . . Jim Adams . . . . • . . . . G County Clerk . . . . Bob Taylor . . . . . . . . W County Commissioner . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . Dimitris Portolos, . . . . . G County Judge . . . . • Bill Eilers, Steve Watson G,W County Sheriff . . . . Don Chase . . . . . . . . . W County Surveyor. . . Suzie Bray . . . . . . . . . . W County Treasurer . . Nick Kostos . . . . . . . . . G Public Defender . . . Wade Wright . . . . . . . W Register of Deeds .. Tom !mig . . . . . . . . . W Supt. of Schools . . . Rod Anderson . . . . . . . G Propaganda displayed by Cindy Smith, Neal Clark, and Shain Humphrey. Blah--Blah--Blah--vote for me--a Whig!

Attention is given by all juniors?


Directing Toward Enthusiasm • Football • Basketball • Wrestling

Hard Luck Season Hinders The 1961 football squad learned the true meaning of team effort from competition against the inter -city teams. Under the direction of coach Bill Hoyt and his assistants Jim Tangdall and Dick Lane, the team showed desire and determination in enormous quantities. As the fans cheered "Go Big Red," the squad was often a threat to the powerful teams in the state- -teams like Benson, North, and Central. The game with high -ranking North was especially rough with several players on both teams getting hurt. Highlighting the year was the Homecoming game, with Central winning by only two points. The scores below are disappointing, but they cannot and do not tell the whole story of this sea son's football . It was a tough season with tough opposition and the War:dors made a great showing in spite of the scores.

Quarterback Terry Petersen looks for a receiver while being chased by a Central player.

WESTSIDE . 0 . . .



, . . . :!5 . PREP

WESTSIDE . 9 . .


WESTSIDE . 6 . .

19 . NORTH

WESTSIDE . 13 . . . 1-! . FREMONT WESTSIDE . 12 . • . :!-! . SOUTH WESTSIDE. 13 . . . 55 . NORTHEAST WESTSIDE . 12 . . . 1-! . CENTRAL

The brains behind the brawn--coaches Hoyt and Lane--make a decision in a game.


Westside's Red and Black

The Warriors head down the field for a touchdown.

Fullback Pete Ridgeway rolls over the opposition for six points.

Dave Allen Quarterback

Ron Auerbach Fullback

Dave Auld Halfback


Brian Berris Quarterback

but We Continued to Keep

Mike Beuterbaugh Halfback

Hodge Jones Guard

Don Chase End

Bruce Clough Fullback

Ed Erwin Center

Gary Kunklar Halfback

John Luckasen End

Bob Maddox Tackle

Coaches Lane, Hoyt, and Tangdall talk over strategy at practice.

It's a moment of decision for fullback Ron Auerbach as the opposition closes in. 134 If

Our Opposing Tearns Jumping

Marsh Meinman Tackle

End Jim Adams goes after a pass in the Central game.

Arnie Peterson Tackle

Jeff Misko Guard

Pete Ridgeway Fullback

Jerm Rose Guard 135

Gary Millett Halfback

Craig Moore Halfback

Ken Schnur Halfback

and Expectation Runs High

"Did he make it?" wonder the Red and Black during the Fremont game.

Ron Stave Tackle

Wendell Messner End

It's the end of a long run for this Warrior.

Jim Adams End

Barry Halla End

Steve Pedigano Center

Tom Samson Tackle


Bill Boyd End

Gary Morley Guard

for the Next Season

Terry Petersen Quarterback

Bob Taylor Guard

Dick Hurst Halfback

Leon Arps Fulback

RESERVE SCORES WESTSIDE .. 13 . . . 0 . SOUTH WESTSIDE . . 0 . . . 7 . NORTH WESTSIDE .. .7 ... 13 . NORTHEAST WESTSIDE .. 12 . . . 7 . BENSON WESTSIDE .. 2 1 . . . 26 . TECH WESTSIDE .. 15 . . . 18 . LINCOLN WESTSIDE .. 28 . . . 7 . ABE. LINCOLN WESTSIDE . . 0 . . . 7 . PREP

Mighty mover meets his match, as Westside temporarily stops a frustrated ball carrier. RESERVE FOOTBALL--FRONT ROW: Cooley Smith, Doug MacFarland, Mike Serpan, Lee Cummins, Frank Hulac,. Bob Rose, Doug Adler, Bob Boyd, Joe Jones, Bill Grossman, Denny Osborne, Steve Skaug, Mike Brando. SECOND ROW: Coach Bill Haffey, Charles Perrigo, Pat McArdle, Gail Burbridge, John Demgen, Kim Field, Roger Emery, Chuck Snyder, Steve Dolby, Mike Hotz, Tom Donn, George Medlock, Stan Sakler, Coach Rex Steinkrueger. THIRD ROW: Chris Peterson, Gary Peterson, Al Beauregard, Jerry Jansen, Brian Halla, John Allen, Gary Kopecky, Dennis Wheeler, Gary Luckasen, Steve Hungerford, Mike Condon.

Wins Prove Hard to Get The 1961-62 basketball season proved to be a long one for the varsity court squad. The Red and Black was only able to post two victories, Beatrice and North, among their sixteen contests. Although the season's record is discouraging, Westside, coached by Jim Tangdall, was never out of any game. The Columbus and Lincoln High games were disappointingly close, as was the contest with high -ranking Prep. With victory near, the Warriors bowed to Bellevue, then to Tech. Senior John Luckasen chalked up an individual scoring record of 36 points during the Benson game. Averaging 22 points a game, John was the first AllIntercity League choice from Westside. Bob Garrett, senior, was another high scoring sharpshooter for the Red and Black whil~ little Ed McCurtain, the last of the Big Three, was known for his "basketball avvy." Basketball students managers were Pete Ridgeway, Mike Huber, and Darrel Olson. " "It may not be cricket, but it's just as much fun!" says Bob Garrett as he grabs a rebound.

Dave Auld Guard

Bryan Berris Guard

Bob Garrett Center


Phil Holly Center

Warriors Take to the Court

John Luckasen Center

Ed McCurtain Guard

Jim Adams Forward

Bill Eilers Center

Varsity coach Jim Tangdall and reserve coach Jack Peterson are intent upon a close-scoring game.

One jump ahead of the opposing team, the varsity five spring into action as they rush for the ball.

with Spirit and Determination

Jerry Jansen Guard


RESERVE . . . 43 . . . . . . 42 . . . . . . 61 . . . . . . 42 . . . . . . 33 . . . . . . 41 . . . . . . 47 . . . . . . 31 . . . . . . 36 . . . . . . 46 . . . . . . 40 . . . . . . 60 . . . . . . 31 . . . . . . 63 . . .

Bill Olson Forward

Terry Peterson Guard

Dick Hurst Guard

SCORES 54 . . . COLUMBUS 50 . . . LINCOLN 51 . . . ABE LINCOLN 40 . . . CENTRAL 31 . . . BENSON 44 . . . NORTH 41 . . . BEATRICE 48 . . . PREP 55 . . . SOUTH 64 . . . BELLEVUE 45 . . . BENSON 64 . . . TECH 56 . . . SOUTHEAST 61 . . . FREMONT

RESERVE BASKETBALL--FRONT ROW: Earl Beam, Al Beauregard, Rick Snarr, Lee Cummins. SECOND ROW: Jim Ellis, Steve Skaug, Tom Campbell, Doug MacFarlane. THIRD ROW: Bob Johann, Stan Saklar, Gary Gray, Paul Matt.

Varsity roundballer Dick Hurst searches for a way out of the cage he seems to be caught in.

Swimmers Make a Good Showing

SWIMMING TEAM--FRONT ROW: Steve Curelop, Tom Williams, Dave George, Rex Burton, Steve Jenkins, Bruce Frazier, Rusty Lyman. SECOND ROW: Jim Krieger, Jan Larsen, G ary Peterson, Peyton Whitely, Harv Lemon, John Van Pelt, Dimitris Portolos, Rob Moore.

Clocking a Westside swimmer is Coach Larry Hill.

Swimmers take your mark, get set, go! With this cry, the members of the first WHS swimming team hit the water. Coached by Larry Hill, the team has done re~arkably well in its first year. The boys showed ability as well as the desire to compete in the intercity league. In the state meet, Steve Sorenson placed first in diving while Peyton Whitely took fourth in the 50 yard free style and fifth in the 100 yard free style. It is hoped Westside will have a swimming pool in the future for then the team may develop its full potential.

Bang! Peyton Whitely is off showing his racing form against Boys' Town.

in First Year of Competition

Mass confusion reigns at the State Swim Meet.

Running over hill and dale is Westside's Cross Country team. The purpose of the team is to give the good trackman an opportunity to run in the fall of the year. Coached in its first year by Emil Wicina, the team participated in several meets. In a triangular meet with Thomas Jefferson and Creighton Prep, Westside placed second. The Warriors ranked fifth in the intercity meet at Creighton Prep. They also placed eleventh out of 15 teams in the Doane College Invitational Cross Country Meet. Members may be able to test their stamina on their own track next fall. Letter winners (RIGHT) are FRONT ROW: Jim Jones, Bill Robinson, Bart Walker. SECOND ROW: Jim Moore, Jim Ellis. (LOWER RIGHT) Coach Emil Wicina.

Peyton Whitely and Steve Sorenson go to state.

Wrestling Season Invites Under the direction of Marvin Nevins, Westside matmen had a good season with five intercity wins. Wrestling, in its third year at Westside, is showing itself worthy of school support. Bob Maddox in the 180 pound class and John Clapper in the 145 class represented Westside in the state meet. John was also selected to be Westside's first member of the All- Intercity team.

Randy Baughman struggles for freedom during an important match.

Who has whom is a good question. Bob Maddox and John Clapper qualify for state.

Bob Maddox, voted captain and Most Valuable Wrestler by teammates.

. WHS to Sit Up, Take Notice Randy Baughman and Scott Lausterer practice some holds.

Wrestlers try a pin for the countdown.

LEFT: Coach Marvin Nevins shows approval. LOWER LEFT: FRONT ROW: Hodge Jones, Bruce Clough. BACK ROW: Bob Maddox, Frank Denes, John Clapper, Joe Jones. LOWER RIGHT: FRONT ROW: Phil Dugan, Mike Bauman. SECOND ROW: Bill Foster, John Girard, Randy Baughman. BACK ROW: Scott Lausterer, Gary Millet, Dennis Shannon.

Aiming Toward Promotion • Proprietorships • Companies • Corporations

Administration, Faculty, Staff ALLEN, LaVerne 20,23 Althouse, Diane 20,23 Andreas, Paul 16,23 Asher, Dewey 20,23 BALL, Su"tn lo,23 CLARK, AnnJ 20,23,93 Conner, M.try lb,23 DA\'IS, M.try 20 , 23 Davison, Ethl'l 17,23 Delano, Calvin 22,23

Core, J\1KJ 23 Griffin. Eli7alwth 20,23

Dunn, Clara 10, 2 J ,23

Hoyt, Judith 1'1.23 IIO)'t, Willi.tm 22,23,106 KELLY, Helen 20 , 23 Kellogg. William 19,23,bb Koch, Gerald 17,23 Krhounek. Jud} 17,23 LANE, Richard 22,23 Lang, Edward 22,23 Lanham, Lynne 16,23 Lemon, James 16,23

illMISTO , Fern 23 Llli<, Kar n 23 Englehart, Leon 17,22,23 FARRAR, Ralph 14,22 ruerst. Da!to lb,23 CEISLtR, Etrg,•nc 23 George, Julie 16,23 Glidden, Wayne 23 Gloor, Alvin 21.23

Grit11;• JI, Kcnn.:-th 19,22,:!3,9:\

HAFFEY. William 16,23 Han~cn.

Kt"nn ..·th 10, II, 14,21,:!2

llan. en, Rod 20,22,23 llardison, ll.rrlcr 19, 23 Hayworth, Fr.mk 19,22,23




Holmquist, Bruce lb,23

Limb.nrgh, ELiine 20,23 Lucas, Lors lb,22,23 MAGDA Z. Nila 1&,23 Mansur, Edward 17,21,23 McConnell, Anna Lou 1b,23, 92 Ml'llor, Fern I 7,23 Miller, Marilyn 22,23,94,95 Mo•tWl'Ct, Richard 23 NEVINS, Marvin 21,23 Noodell. Jack 16,23 ORKOW, Ruth 17,23 PATZ, Hazel 21,23 Pecht, Karl 18,23 Peterson, Dian 21,23 Peterson, J;rck 18,23,140 Pfenninger, Philip 21,23 RADEMACHER, Bob 20,23 Russnoglc, Arline 13,23 S.\ECFR, Gretchen 19,23 Schult7, Erling 16

Speece, Burt 20,23 Snyder, Darwyn I 9,2:1,!s6 Stalder, Pat 20,21,23 Stcinkrugcr. Rex 16,23 Stenek, Carolcne 16,23 Swartlbangh, Juliana 19,23 TANCDALL, James 21,23,106.1 Truman, Jean 1!!,19,23, 93 WAGNER, Wayne 21,23 Wederqui\1, Donald 23 Welch, Harold 19,23 Whitten, Everett 20,23 Wicina, Emil 19,23 Winchell, Richard 16,22,23 Custodians 15 Kitchen llelp 15 Nur e 15 School Board 14 s~cretaries 17,21

Student Index ABRAIIAMSO , llugh 6lJ,bS,ll2 Abrahamson, Steve 76, I 13 Adams, D nnis 57,69,113 Adams. Jim 63,100,101,106,llo,l20, 135,136,1~0

Ad.tm, Ron 27,bb,93,95,96,99,100,106 117,125 Adler, Doug 63,b6,113, I 37 Ainsworth, Phyllis 63 Allen, Dave 27,95,96,99,101,106,110, 128,133 Allen, Cary 76 Allen, James 69 Allen, John 63,137 Allen, Sarah 63,107 Allgaier, John 76 Alseth, Jeffery 76 Alsmeyer, Athene 63,105 Alter, Kathy 63,93 Altman, Edward 76 Altman, Mike 27 Amrs, Rebecca 63 Anderson, Carl 27 Anderson, Carol 69 Anderson, Dale 27 Anderson, Dick 112 Anderson, Cordon 76 Anderson, Jackie 27 Anderson, Jim 69 Anderson, Judy 63,bb,107 Anderson, Kay 27,105 Anderson, Kristi 76 Anderson, Marilyn 76 Anderson, Michael 69 Anderson, Richard Anderson, Rod 62,63,93,96,100,101, 110,123 Anderson, Steve 27 Anderson, Tom 69 Andreason, John 76 Anson, Pat 69 Anson, Sharon 76 Armstrong, Bonnie 28 Arnold, Barbara 63 Arp, Elaine 2b Arp, Ray 63,113 Arps, Leon 69,137 Arthur, Kathleen 69,96,112 Arundel, Jtm 113 Auerhach, Ron 211, liB, 133,134, 152 Auld, Dave 2!>,106,120,133,139 Auringcr, Jan 211, 111 Aust, Holden 76 Austin, Jane 69,b!!, 97,105,112 BAADE, SUSAN 63 Ba.-an, Jack 63 Backenberg, Steven 76 Bachert, Karen 63 Bachus, Bruce 63,87,92,96,97,110 Backhaus, Steve 76 Bade, Beverly 75 Bailey, William 69,101,112 Baker, Debbie 76, 109 Baker, Mike 28 Ball, Susan 28 Barnes, Marilyn 76 Barton, Chuck 76 Barton, Jackson 63, 92,107,113

Barton, Linda 76,113 Baska, Lorraine 76 Baughman, Randy 2b,106,145 Bauman, Mike 63,106,145 Baxter, John 7 6 Baxter, Ward 76 Beam, Earl69,100,113,141 Beatty, Larry 83 Beauregard, AI 69,96,100,137,141 Beck, Doretha 69 Beck, Jan~en 76,106 Beck, Bill 29,97 Beecroft, Nancy 76,108 Bell, Keith 63,87,92,107 Bennett, Cliff 29,99 Bennett, Jacquelin~ 69 Bcnn~tt. Mary 29 B nnett, Tom 29 Benton, Leslie 63 , 111,123 Berg, Nadine b8,96,9b,105,113 Berg, Steve 76 Bergmann, Connie 76 Bergstrom, Richy 69,88,89,10 1,113 Bcrris, Brian 29,97,106,118,120,133, 139 Berry, Carol 29 Berry, James 63 Bcuterhaugh, Mike 29,106,118,134,153 Bird. Cheryl 29,95,109 Blackwell, John 69 Bloch, Steve 30 Bloom, Carol 63, 93, 96, 9b, 100,102,104, 123 Blum, Diane 69 Blum, Edwin 30 Blum, Joe 63 llo.ll'dman, Dianna 63,97,98,107 Boelt,•r, William 69,!lb Borge<on, Sherry 63 Borneman, Jean 69 Borneman,



Bothe!, Anita 76 Bothe!, Mike 30 Bovett, Leigh 76,106,112 Boyd, Mary Kar 30,101,105,111 Boyd, Robert 69, 137 Boyd, William 63,112,136 Bounds, Ronnie


Bradbur}, David Brager, John 77 Brands, Michael 69, I 37 Brandt, Cary 30 Braun, Marvin 69 Bray, Susan 63 Bray, Tom 69 Breci, Jerry 69 Breci, Vince 63 Brenton, J effrc1· 7 7 Bressler, Tom 69 Brewer, Betsy 77 Brewer, Bonnie 77 Bridgewater, Jay 63 Brinke, Pamela 77 Briube, Barhara 70,112 Brock, Ruth 77.106,1 I 3 Brocky, Steve 30,9~,101,107 Brogden, Marcia 70,106,1 I I Brooks, Kathy 63, Ill

Brook. , Kenron 63 Brown. Ch,•ri 70 Brown, Jim 63,87,88,101,112 Brown, Joyce 70 Brown, Mari ll•e 63 Brewn, Marilyn 30 Brown. William C. Browm•. Debhy 77,106 Browm'll. Sus.tn 63,b8,111 Bru<•ck,, Jo~ 30 Buchol1, Robert 77 Bue,king, J~.tn 63 Buick, Jody 77 Buller, John 77,b7 Bullock. Paul 77 Bnn1, Carol 77 Burbridge. Gail 70 , 137 Burbridge, Rohert 63 Burdic, Steve 77 Burger, Cheryl 63,97 Burham, Rohl'ft 75 Burlingame, Beth 68 Burrows, Beverly 63, 96,109 Burton, Diane 30,105,109,111 Burton, Re 70,142 Busskohl, Rodney 77 Buttl•rfield, Beverly 77,106,113 CAIN, Andy !S3 Calame, Thomas 77,97 Cal am~, Virginia 31,108,113 Calandra, Cris 77,106 Caldwell, Larry 77 Callahan, Cheryl 70,113 Campb~ll, Clark 63,112 Camphell, Mary 77,106,112 Campbell, Scott 70 Campbell, Tom 63,101,141 Caniglia, Jim 77 Caniglia, Lucille 70 Cantril, Ruth 31,99 Caplinger, Michael 77 Carey, Diane 70,113 Carlburg, Roger 31 Carlgren, Fred 87 Carman, Judy 77 Carlton, Cary Carlton, Karen 7 7 Carmondy, Thurman 70 Carpenter, Bill 31,99 Carson, Bob 31,92,93,96,99,1 10,112, 124,126,128 Car on, John 63 Caner, Steve 63, 113 Catlett, Anita 31 Cawthon, Danny 77 Cefrey, Dick 31,88 Chadwell, John Chamberlain, Jan 70 Chandler, Connie 63 Charles, Diane 77 Chase, Don 63, 134 Chase, James 77 Chorley, Claudia 63,123 Christensen, Juli~ 77 Christensen, Linda 31 Christen<cn, Mark 77 Chubb, Patti 70 Church, Gene 77

Ciullo, Tony 32,ts!S, I 22 Clapper, Gregory 83 Clapper, John 32,106,144,145 Clark, Neil 63,129 Clauff, Terry 77 Cleaves, Carol 70,87,92,113 Clem, Barbi 32,120 Clifton, Sandra 63,88,113 Clough, Bruce 32,101,106,134, 1• Cock!~, Sally 77,106 Cocks, Charles 77 Cocks, Rohert 63,92 Cocks, Tom 113 Coe, John 77 Corn and, Brooks 77 Coffland, Carol 63 Cohan, Joe 70,b8 Cohen. Stl'Ven 77 Cole, Anita 77 Coil', Carol 70 Cole, Lrnda 77 Col s, Connie 70 Collins, Jon 32,97, 99 Colliton, Connie 32,93,95 Collrton, Kathleen 63,123 Comstock, Chris 77 Condon. Michael 70,113,137 Connelly, John 77 Connl'f, Sonia 77,106,108 Conrad, Cliff 32 Conrad, James 63 Corcoran, Dianne 63 Corn, C~cclia 77,106,112 Cornish, Susan 70 Cotton, Connie 77,112 Coughenour, Ralph 77 Coughenour, William 77 Covert, Mark 77,97,113 Cox, Dennis 77 Co1ettc, Steven 70 Crabtree, Charles 70 Crammer, Eloise 70,97,113 Cummins, Norman 70,137,141 Cunon, Mary 77,113 Curclop, Steven 70,96,97,110,14 Cusik, Jim 63 Cusik, Ray 77, 113 Czaja, John 77 DALE, Jdf 63,97,101,107 D.t,J.rnd, Di.tne 70, 113 David,on, Ann 75 Davis, David 77 Davi•, Marilyn 32 Davi , Sherr) 70,108 Deadman, Ron b4 Dean, Su.,ie 33,116 Deatsman, Neil 70 Dtcts, Marilyn 70,112 Deets, Norma 33,88,126,126 Delong, Peg 33,94,96,105, 108,15, Deines, Cordon 6·1,107,145 Dcmgen, John 75,113,137 Den1ler, Tim 70 DcPO<', Jerr1 77 DePt><', John 61 D,·tt man, 'I im 77 Dewey, Paul 6·1,92,101 Dewey, Sheila 70,113

:lr$\, William 77 >1, Mlkt• 70 •1, Rkhard b-1 rich, Rob 77 rich, Marly 77 , Condy 70 , Patrici,t 33 >rlh, Aom 70 ·.mo. Mocha~! 78 1), Londa6·1 , 10b :, All~n 3:1 ! . •John 6·1 Tommy 70 • SI~\'C 64,137 Buddy 6·1. 152 Jim 78,101 1om 70,137 ·an, Donah 33,98 :. Micha~l 68 "• Carol<' 33, 96, I 11 lind.t 71l,l 06 Jack 76 1, Ray 70,110,113 lOp, Carol 64 lOp, William 61l , Andy 70,97,10-1 n. Kathy 64,93,109,112 IU, Pat 6-l,b6,123 Cary 70 n, Jim 78 n, lynd~ 76 n, Sunny 33,88, 9-1,96, 98,10b, ,113,127,128,157 ~. Calhi 3-1,95 ~reg 34,66,92,93,96,99,101,1 10, ,12~.128


70,1l8, 109 Joan 3-1 Donald 78 Bill 64,106,140 Mike 64 Cathi 64,113,123 loughton 70,93,101,110 \.l.ickey 34,86,87,88,93,101,117, 125 Max 70,101 Mike 64,97,101 im 70,87,141,142 eona 78 <, Karen 70 Roger 70,137 Jeanne 34,88,98,105,1 '1,118, 124 i, Chris 78 etson, Janel 70,108,111,112 3arbara 78 lVid 64,101,107 n, Jay 78,87,112 ary 34 ::.dwin 34,106,124,134 tdc, Jeff 78 Robert 78 !ROTH, Carolyn 34, 96,105, I I 1 Jim 83 <athy 88 rnest 70,137 Cathryn 64,93,96,107,113 Robert 78 Yale 35,92,113 ohn 78 inda 64, 98,105, Ill, 153 Marcia 78,108 Terry 78 c, Danny 35,99 iharon sscll 78 Jane 70 , Mike 75 , Chloie 78 , Sandra 70,108 im b 78 Linda 78 lawley 64 leba 35,96,105,11 I, I 20 ·ill 64,96,97,106,145 ltiles 35,106 ence 70 . Steven 78 Carol 70 ,88,108 den 35,92,96,97,98,110,1211 3ruce 88, 101,112,142 :on, Pat 64,88,122

Freeberg, lind.t Joy 78 Freeberg, Mari> 35 Freed, Micki 7 , 100 Freed, Shari 35,98,105,106,108,111 Frcclin, K.ucn 64 Freeman, Roxanne 62,64,9 ·, 10b,111 Frcydcr, Philip 70,87,151 Frileck, Nancy 70,111,113 Fruhwirth, Cynthia 78,106 Frubwirth, Marcid 7 I ,106 Fuchs, K.ty 35,95.97,98,105,11 1,1 lb, 120 Funkbous r, Ka1hy 71,105,113 CALLOWAY, Ann 6-1,93,113,152 Cargeu, Fred 71l Carrell, Bob 3!>.106, I 20,139,140 Carrotto, Claudi;l 83 Oates, linda 36 Calc>, Sandra 6.J C:.tt s, Susan 64,88 Gendler, Neil 711 George, David 7b, 142 Gerard, John 6·1, 145 Gerber, Timothy 78,113 Gibbs, Gwen 36,88,92,117 Gibson, Connie 99 Gibson, Kenny 75 C ill igan, Sh:aron 64 Gillingham, Nancy 6·1,8!> Gilmore, Jim 78 Girard, Judy 36 Clisar, Darlene 36, I 11 Clisar, Mary 36 Clockc, George 36 Coddilrd, Bill 78 Goldberg, Judi 711 Goldberg, l Anne 36 Colder, Tom 71,113 Goodrich, Bob 64 Goodwin, Art 37 Goodwin, Michdc l 71 Gotcher, J anne 64 Grabow, John Craf, N:ancy 64,87,86 Craf, Sus:an 71,88 Crill, Belly 37,96,105 Grantham, Jetta 64,108,111,113

H.uvat, Nancy 71 Hatfield, Chuck 64 Hauptman, JackJe 7b Hausch ldt, Patti 78 Havelka, Bill 78 Hayes, Cathie 64,88 H..tye>, Cynthia 71,93 Hayes, Elizabeth 71 Hayes, Kathy 711 H.1yes, Sharry 38 Hayes, Willi.tm 71 Hays, Bob 38 Hayward, Susan 78,108 Hcimrod, Barb 38,101,105,111,113 Hcimrod, Patti 78 Held, Reid 38,101 Hcncke, Ursula 38,99 Henderson, Carole 78 Henderson, Donna 64,88,108 Henderson, Ingrid 7 I ,106,112 Henderson, leslie 71,113 Henderson, Pat 38,99 Hendricks, Paui 71 Henneman, Nancy 71 Henning>en, Ron 38 Henry, Sharon 6-1,113 Henry, Yvonne 79 Hering, Margaret 79 Herring, Meredith 64, 98,108, I 11 Hester, Charles 38,87 Hetrick, John 64 Hickman, Holl i 79 !licks, Cheryl 71 Hightower, Jerry 79 Hilbert, Pauy 71 Hill, Karen 39,109,111,112 Hinchcliff, Holly 79 Hinders, Terry 79 Hinman, Sandra 71,113 Hinze, Tim 79 Hoccv:.r, Mike 79 Hoemann, Jean 79,106 Hogan, Sandra 71 Hogzctt, Sharry 39,88,89,111 Holdrege, Scou 79 Holly, Carol 79 Holly, Phil 39,120,139 Holste, Elayne 79 Holt, Judith 71,88,113,154 Holt, Rick 39,92,97,107,113,128 Hood, Tom 79 Hopkins, Sandra 79,106 Horwich, Allen 39,92,96,113,117,128 Hosford, Barbara 79,113 Hosford, Don 39,101,107 Hou, Michael 71,137 Houck, Jack 7 1 Hovland, Woody 39,87 Hower, Judy 78 Hower, Paul.t 64,88,92,96 Howl, Susan 79,113 Hronek, Pat 39,106,111,117 Hruby, Allan 79 Hubbard, Caylc 64,93,107 Huber, Mike 40 Hulac, Frank 71,137 Hulac, Penny 40,111,156 Hultman, Dwight 79 Humphrey, Shain 64,129 Hungerford, Steve 64,96,101,137 Hunt, Carol 64,88 Hllnter, Robert 79 Hurley, Sus:<n 71 Hurst, Richard 71,100,137,141 Hybl, Kathy 40,88,89,117,122,125 IDE, C:trol 71,88,112 Ide, Nancy 79,100,105 Ide, Richard 79 !mig, Tom 64,92,101,112 !mig, Richard 71,96,101,110,113 Ingersoll, Fred 79 lngoldsby, Kathy 79,106 Isaacson, Kristy 64, 98,100,104,107,108,

Grant ham, Penny 76

Cranzbcrg, Mark 78 Grasmick, Pat 78,113 Grasmick, Susan 37 Crau, C.1rry 71,101,107,113 Cr:au, larry 71,101,107,113 Craves, Carol 71 Gray, Cary 71,96,100,101,141 Crear, Pamela 78 Creco, Wayne 71 Green, Richard Greeno, Suzanne 75 Gresham, Claudia 71,109,112 Crimm, Donald 78 Crimm, John 71 Crimm, lana 78 Crossman, Bill 64,101,113,137 Grothe, Barbara 71 Cuold, Eliubcth 78 Culizia, John 83 Curvin, George 37 Curvin, John 78 Cutamoun, Ron 83 HAECKER, Tish 37,120 Haffner, Mary 78 Hagman, linda 78 Hahn, Betty 64,129 Hall, Judy 64 Hall, Randle 64 Halla, Barry 64,100,106,136 Halla, Brian 71,137 Handschub, Barb 37 Handschub, Denise 71,112 H:ansen, Janice 78 Hansen, Susan 78 Hansen, Susann 71,106,108,113 Hapner, Josie 37,104,118 Harding, Sharon 71,88,112 Harglcroad, Susan 78 Harman, Jim Harmon, Tom Harouff, laje:<n 83 Harris, Pal 78 Hart, Tom 37 Harlin, Mike, 68 Hartzell, larry 64

lvctfcfn, JoDee 79 Iverson, Julie 40,88, 96, 98,105,106, 111,113,128 JACKSON, linda 71,108,112 Jacobs, Irene 40 Jacobs, Pauline 71 Jacobsen, Larry 64 Jacobson, Ellen 79,106 Jacobson, Paul 79 Jacobson, '(ckJ a 40


Janak, Susan 71 Jansen, Jerry 65,137,140,141 Jelkcn, Sandy 71,113 J nkin., Steve 79,142 Jensen, Bonnie 40 Jensen, Dick 40,99 Jcn en, Linda 79 Jensen, William 79 Jeps n, Bill 79 Jcrdon, Mlcki 75 Jellcr, Art 79 Johann, Bob 71,141 Johnson, Carolyn 65 Johnson, CraJg 79 Johnson, Dave 65,88, 93,96 Johruon, James 68 JohJuon, Karen 79 Johnson, le>lic 71,87 John>on, Mary 65,88 Johnson, Michaol 71 Johnson, Rich:<rd 40 Johnson, Robert 64,96 Johnson, Robert C. 68 Johnson, Ron 7 I Johnson, Sandy 79 Johnson, Sandy K. 79 Johruon, Susan 41,92,93,95,98,111,124 Johnson, Tc rry 79 Jonc>, Carolce 65,88 Jon s, Charlotte 65,8!>,113,122 Jon s, Dailey 41 Jonc, Donnelly 65,92,96,97,98,107,111 Jones, Erma 41,92,111 Jones, Hodge 41,92,96,106,126,134, 145 Jones, Jim Robert 143 Jones, Joseph 71,137,145 Jones, Judi 65,88 Jones, Neal 75 Jon s, Richard 71 Jones, Ron 41,92,97,113,128 Jorgenson, Bob 79 Jungers, Blaine 41 KABAT, Wayne 41,97,101,106 Kahler, Audrey 71,97 KaJpus, Don 75 Kaiser, Carol 71 Kallhoff, Al 7 1 Kaul hoff, lc Roy 41 KallweJL, Kathryn 79 Kamin, Tom 42,99 Kammerer, Al 79 Kaplan, Jo Alyce 79,106 Kaplingcr, Robert 83 Katzman, Howard 79 Kavitch, Revelle 42,111 Kaufman, Janice 42,88 Keating, Linda 42, 96, 98,104,112,116, 118,155 Keating, Pat 71,105,112 Keefe, Jerry 79 Kehm, Jim 42 Kchm, Karen 79 Keifer, David 113 Kelley, Kathy 79,106 Kelley, Terence 65 Kellogg, Cam 42 Kelly, Margaret 83 Kelly, Robert 79 Kelly, Ronald 65 Kepplingcr, Robert 79 Kcrsbergen, linda lou 65 Kibbey, Mark 71,101,107,113 Kiesel, Ken 65 Killerlain, Nanci 72 King, Bill 42,96 King, John 72,101 King, Kris 79,112 Kinsey, Carolyn Mac 65 Klabunde, Mickey 68 Klabunde, Sandy 42 Klauschie, Richard 72 Klein, Beverly 65,97,113 Knott, Jim 43 Knott, Karen Lee 72 Koetter, lynn Carol 72,88,112 Kol:ash, John 72 Konola, Marie 72 Kopecky, Cary 65,137 Koser, Chynnc 65 Kostos, louise 72 Kostos, Nick 65,93,101,123 Kov:<rik, K athy 65

Kozak, Karen 43,92,95,96,108,113,126 Kreatnu!-r, Tom 43 Krieg r, Cary 79, H2 Kricgn, Jim 43 Kriesel, Darien•· 72 Knc cl, Elain,• 43,108 Krogh, Jean 72,113,154 Krouse, Marlene 83 Kruse, Cynthia 72,88 Kucera, Barbara 72,113,154 Kucera, Jamcc 43,94,111,158 Ku hlcr, Marilyn 72 Kuhn, l:li1.1b th n Kund.ler, Conmc 72,109 Kunkler, Cary 43,92,96,13-1 Kuslcika, Randy 72 Kvam, Terry 43,92,99,107,128 Kwa.rter, Gregory 83 LAAKER, Richard La as, Kathy 72, 105 Lascrbcrg, Steve 65,tl7,92,97,101,107, 113 Lahners, Diana 65 Lahn rs, George 1'.! Lauos, Jan 72 Lammers, Kathy 72, II :1 Lamp, Joanne 79 Langan, John 65,101,112 Lan don, Kathryn 72,113 Lange, Cynthia 72 Lankford, Robert 72,87 LaPour, William 68 Laps! y, Bob 79 LaRand,•au, John 72 Larrew, David 79 Larsen, Cary 65 Larsen, Jan 44,116,1-12 Larson, Donna Laust rcr, Scott 79, J.15 Lauten chlager, Candancc 72 Lautenschlager, Cathy 65 Leber, Abe 72 L e, Carol 65 Lee, Linda Sue 65 Lefler, Anita 65,108 Leigh, Ann 80 Lemon, lbrvcy 44,142 Lc mon, Stanley 72 Leonard, Mike 75 L rin , 0 n Levine, Steve 72,87,113 Lcw1s, Jean 44,88,107,10tl,111,124,128 Lcwu, Louise SO, 113 Lewis, Patricia 72,97 l.eypoldt, Judy 44 'ch, Carol 65,88 Licrly, Kathy 44,111,113 Limprecht, Joseph Allen 72 Lincoln, Susan 80 Lind, Cary flO Lindcc, Dave 65 Lindee, Michael 77 Lind r, Judy 44, 9·1,88,156 Llndgr n, Bcv rly 65 Linsley, Elena 77,108 Lipman, M1ke 72 Lockwood, Chip 44,88,124 Lockwood, Susan 108 Lofb rg, C r ald 68 Lofbcrg, John 80 Lon , Sa a 44 Long, Steven 79 Lor nz, Jut 45,86,92,124 Lorenz, 'ancy bO Loshb ugh, Cheryl 65,123 Loudon, John 65 loH•, fi.J ·15 Lovgr n, Robert SO !.oust d, Bob 83 Lowe, Robert 72 Lowrey, Ch ryl Renee S0,112 Lucas, Cam 45,92,9u,99,101,110,112, 12S Luckas n, Cary 72,137 Luckascn, John 26,45, 96,100,106,116, 118,121,126,12 ,134,140 Ludington, Steve ·15,92,96,99,101,112, 128 Lundstrom, Bob 45 Lyman, Candy 72 Lyman, Richard 72,101,112,142 Lynch, DeAnn 80 Lynch, Sharon 72

MacFARI \"f. Dougl.lS 72,ln,l-11 M:J.chicwtcl,



Mack, Cra1g 72 Mack, Da' td LO Madden, Lmda £>0 Madden, Susi 72,81J,97,113 Madden, Teresa 72,!JIJ,97,112 Maddox, Soh 26,45,92,96,100,106,11b, 126,12S,13·1, 1-14,145 Maddox, Frank 80 Madsen, Dianne IJO,lll Magnuson, Dean SO Mahan,•y, Patricia 72 Mahnke, Pam 45,60,1J8,10S Manchester, James 72,10 I Mantel, Marilyn 46,66,92,111,117, 12-1,12b Markcsi, Tony 65 Marrow, Don IJO Marrow, Ron 80 Martin, Jin1n1c 83 Martin, Thea 80 Mason, Bob 46 Mason, Sandra 65,109 Matt, Paul 141 Mattsen, Marsha 72,105,108,111, II~ Mayer, Pat ·16,93,94,9b,I08,111,157 McArdle, John 72,137 McClendon, Cary BO McClendon, Judy 65 McConkle, Janycc 65,113 Me Conkle, Lois 49, 94, 98,105 McCrillis, Kenneth 80 McCumber, Micheal 80,113 McCurtain, Ed 48,92,106,120,J.10 McDonald, Marilyn 65,88,110 McDowell, Linda 72,88,96,98,99,110, 111,112 McElroy, Cris 49,108 McElroy, Davis 72,87,113 McEntire, Janet 65,6tl,l23 McFarland, Mary 72,111,113 McCrayel, Kathleen 65,108,111,113 Mclntyr., John SO McKeller, Barbara 60,100,113 McK nna, Drck·19,86,87,92,93,96,99, 101,128 McKibben, Lynn 65,152 McMahon, Michael SO McMaken, Shirley 72,86 McMaster, Bonnie !J0,106 McNeal, Dianne 49,99 McWilliams, Don 65 Mead, Mary 65,105,108,109,111 Medlock, George 72,137 Meibcrgcr, Ira 80 Melchior., Kay 46,94,96,97,98,102, 105,111,116,118,120 Meier, Dick 46,92,93,99,101,107,112, 124 Meier, Ken 80,101 Mcimann, Marsh 46,92,106,135 Mellor, Tim !JO Mellor, Susie 93,9-1,111,12-1 Mercer, Billie 72 Mer <lith, Donna 80 Meredith, Pat 65 Messner, Wendell 65,106,136 M sterha1y, John 65,123 Methc, Sam 72,8£> Metz, Nancy 46,106 Metzger, Tom 65,S8, 97,101,107 Meyer, Cindy -17 Meyer, Donnie 65,ll!J,93 Mctgcr, Becky oO Michael, James 72 Middleton, Marilyn 47 Miller, David 73,107 Miller, Dianna 80 Miller, Karen -17,107 Miller, Lynn 80 Miller, Pat 47,95,109 Miller, Patricia -17 Mill<•n, Phil SO Millett, Cary 47,92,96,99,106,128, 135,145 Milne, John 65,97,101,107,110 Mrsko, Jeff 47,135 Mitch II, Dan SO Monson, Mike 65 Montag, Barbara 80 Montes, B:trbara~7,112,113,124 Moore, Craig 48,96,106,116,135

Moore, Dennrs 48 Moore, Di anc LO Moore, Jacki<- 80 Moore, Janws 73,106,143 Moore, Linda 80 Moore, Pat 41J,93,96,9 ,105,111,118, 12-l Moore, Rob 65,1-12 Moore, Virgrnra K. 80 Moore, Virginia 80 Moran, Terry 65 Moredick, Cheri tiO Morgan, Peggy 80 Movln, Jack u5,!i7 Morh.-y, Cary 66,92,96,136 Morrison, Lynne bO

Monon, Marvin Moser, Jane 48,105 Mosley, Randall SO Mosley, Sharon 73,97,111 Mouer, Cynthia IJO Moustakcs, George £>0 Muff itt, Rick 83 Mum a ugh, John SO Mumaugh, Kay 66,98,129 Mumby, Che t cr 66 Muml>r. Margar,•t 73 Mumma, John ·liS Mun on, B.~rbara 7:1,108 Murdock, M<·linda SO Murphy, Karen 73,8S,IJ9, 97,105,112 Musil, Bob 48 NATH, haron 66 Nayc, Eugene 73 aylor, Kirk 73,101 Neal~· . Jerry 66 Ncl!ly, Deanna Nelsen, Bradley 66 Nelsen, Judy 26,49,93,95,98,100,105, 10S,Ill,I17,126,121J Nch:cn, Knr\.~n 73 Nelson, Bennr SO Nelson, Don 66 Ness, Pam flO Ness, Susie 7 3, 112 Neumann, Carol 49,15S Neumann, Rog<·r SO Newcomb. Kay 73,113 Newman, Don 99,101 Ncwn1ann, Jean Newton, Donna 73 Nicholson, Jack 49 Nicholson, Janet 49 Nicholson, Steve 83 Nilsson, Tom 80 Nixon, Robert 66 oble, James 80 Norberg, Barb 80,106 ord, Roclyn 81 Nord, Romona 49 Nordstrom, Sharon 66 Nothhcfcr, Cathy 81,113 othhclfer, George 66 Nuccio, Judy 68 Nyc, Pamela 73,88,93,10 ,112 Nyc, Vicki 66 O'BRIAN, Margan'! 50 O'Conn r, Tim 66 O'Hara, Kathleen 50,99 Olsen, David 73 Olsen, Sandy 81, 113 Olsen, Thomas 81 Olson, Bill 66,101,141 Olson, Daryl 73 Olson, Joanie 26,50, 95,96. 98,10·1,117, 121,128,155 Olson, Rena 62,66,93,97,107,113,123 Oquist, Susan 73,106,111 Orkaw, Alex 66,92,93,96,97,107,112, 113,123 Osborn, Gene 66 Osborne, Dennis 66,137 Oster, Gail 50,111 Ostwlnkle, Claudia 6&,96,97,102,107, 111,113,154 Ottc, Unda 73 PADEN, Sherr)' 66, 92, 93,98,105,113 Paepcr, Bob 81 Page, Barbara 66,88,111 Palmer, Jan 73,113 Palmer, Ralph 50 Palthen, \'trginia 6Cr Papineau, Marian 66

l'ard<•e, Donna b1,106, i 13 PaniC<', Glenn 50.97,101,113 Pari>h, J,•ff 50, 92, 96, 99, I 10, 128 Park<, Susan 7 3,88 P;~. cr, Denny 50,88 Patten, Virginia 73 Pat1, Pam 73,107,108,111 , 11: Payne, William 81 Ped gan.1, Steve 66,136 P rcy, Mary B th 66,92,93,% 113 Pctrigo, Charles 66, 137 Perry, Phllip73 Perry, Rlt'hard 73 Perry, Su an 66 Peterman, Craig 73 Peters, Becky 66,123 Petersen, T~I'T} 96,132,137,1• Petersen, Ronald 73 Petersen, S rc 51,92,93,96,9 124,128 Pclcr on, Arnold 51,135 Peterson, Chris 73,137 Peterson, Cary 73,137,142 PctNson, Ca-y 73 Peter. on, John F.dward 81 Peterson, Kir t~n 66,88 Pctcnon, Norman 101 P~tcrson,

Pete 51

Pct•·non, Rita 66 Petersen, Wayn 6tl Pethes, Fred ·51 Pctranek, Karen 73,106, I 12 Pettegrew, Karen 51 Petty, Susie 81,113 Phalen, Tom 81 Phil lips, Robin 81 Piatt, Lad 81 Piatt, Richard 66 Pierce, Donna 81 Prllegc, Carol 66 Piper, Dick 83 l'iJwr, John 73,87 Piper, Ken 51,106 Piper, T rry 81 Ploss, Kenneth 66,8&,89,125 Podrouzck, Sharry Lee 66,88 Polston, Larry 7 3 Portolos, Dimitri> 51,101,107 •• 142 'rowers, Clarke 51,87 Prewitt, Wilham 73 Proia, Ro~;c:-r Pugh, Don 52,104 Purchase, Jack 66 Purchas~, irgrnia 73 QUERRY, Cindy 52 RACHFORD, Pal 73 Rahc, Barbara 66 Rah , Bob 81 Rain , David 73 Randall, Cordon 68 Randall, Lind. 52,93,105 Randall, Sheila Rankm, Carolyn 66,88,98,1( Rapp, Carl 75 Rapp, Mimi 81 Raskin, Andy 52,111,113 Raskin, Betsy 81,113 Redem ki, Rick 75 R<·d•ck, Bill 52 Reece, Jim 73 Rccc , Rocky 113 Reed, Mar ·ic 52,93,155 Rc es, Carol 66 Rcc, Kathy 81,106,113 Reichman, Barbara 108 Reichmann, F.Jwa1d (>6 Reid, Susan 66,110 Hdglc, Karen 81 Reitan, William 66 Rcli ,o, Bill 66,93 R<•nncr, Mark 73,101,110,11: R<•ynolds, Julie Ill Rh lngrovcr, Jim 52,92,93,9 110,112,117,128 Rhl'ingrovcr, JoAnn 73,96,11 Ric , Mary !-ranees 81 Richardson, Carolyn 81,106 Rrdemske, Rick 75 Ridgc\\ay, Pet 52,117,133,1 Riche, Lours 66

c•l, D IllS 81 c•l, Don I IS Ill lon, D.l\" 5:1,99, I 16 !on, Di ;,. Sl y, , .rnq 81 :. l'loyd 81 ;, lcll.rni 53 ;wall, Marjorie 73 h··y, Wilham 81 ch. Mikt• riS, D,l\ id b I •rts, Sn an 66,1 II, 1 13 cy, Dr.n 73,86 i nson, Ch;u h~s 7 !l inson, Charlnlll' 73,11. in on. D.·nnls 73 <WOO<l, Barbar.r 81 nu.n, J 1111 7 J wer, llenr~ 81 ck, Janet 53, I OS ., Kathryn 73,109,111,113 •, Jerman 53,92,9<>,99,100,106,1 13, Hr, 119, 124,126,135,155 '• Robert 73,96,137 !nbaum, Jean 81 •nbanm, Julianne 73 mb.111m, Theo 6(>,88,93 •nhcrs, St,•ve 73 !nhl.lll, Marsha 53,106,108,111 1er, lucinda 66,111,113 . oa,id 73,112 , Sharon 81 , Susan 73,105,109,113 1, Charles !H ISchild, Bonni" 81 Jcbush, Don 81 dt>n, Gail 73,88,97,105,113 y, John 81 k, Don 73 ~lfo, Gerald 81 ~. Diane 73, 10f>,l08 ;uom, Judy 81 ilrom, Karl 73,87 il!om, M rty 6<>, 105,113 ell, Georse 53 ~.Terry 53,9 ,105,124 •: ,, PauJ 75

,, Wall 81 ~r, Kathryn 73 HSI::, Connie &6,87 ,88, 92, 96,98 Iter, Tuck 53 cr, Jayne 74,109,112 er, Kart>n 54,109 cr, Sally 54,85 cr, Stanley N,l37,J.II pson, Eldon &6 :;on, David 81 son, John 66 son, Tom 66,129, 13& n, Darrel N .Uers, Ruth 81, 93 Joan 81 ·ik, Gary 7·1,101 an, Steve &6, 96, 112 cs, Bruce 81 lfnoth, lonnie Don 5·1 .tblc, Janice 66, lOS nkcn, .John 5·1, 92,99 csel, Marilyn 81 n;~.lberser, lynda Ann 66 ur, Ken 54,106,135 ber, Carol 66 ber, Donna •ry, Chryse 81 tchardt, Lynn 66, I l l .eu, H:ulan 67,106 .Itt, Johncttc 81 tmachcr, John 81

•arz, Rob,•tt 81 t, Ronald 7.J nands, Carol 81 on, Ken 54, 92,106 ak, Stuart Dave 7oJ cr, Virstni;.~ 67 entt, Gt>orsc 81 .enu, Winnie 67,88 an, Mike 74,137 kelton, Bruce 81 nholtL, Sandra non, Dennis 67,92,97,101, 10u,ll3, 45 •iro, Harlenc 7-1 p, K thleen 81

Sharp, Phyllis 67,92,96,98,104 Shaw, Micha,•l 7•1 Sheehan, lind.> Su Shelley, Leah 74 Shelly, Rudy 67,!l8 Sheppard, Dave 82 Sherman, Judy 67 Sherman, Stuart 5·1 Shipke, linda Kay 74 Shoem;.~ker, Dianne S2 Siglin, Lcda uS Shook, Nanci Pat 62 Simmons, Nancy 93, lOu, lOS Sinunons, Carolyn 62 Simon.<, Mrche.ll Curtiss 82 Skau , Steve 74, I 37 ,l.J I Skcans, John 82 Skoog- Smith, D~bh~· 82 Slo1ck, De"n 82 Slack, Jo1m •s 67 Slack, R>charJ () 7, I 0 I Slayden, Mike 74 Smiley, Gordon 74 Smith, Bonnie 55,111 Smith, Cooley 67,97,137 Smith, Cynthia 67,97,98,104,111,129 Smith, Douglas 62 Smith, Ron.1ld 82 Smith, Sandy 55,&8, <J3.111, 124 Snarr, Rick 74,141 Snodgrass, Carol•• 83 Snoke, Bar bar a () 7, b8 Snow, Ann 82 Snow, Tony Douglas 82 Snyder, Charles 7·1, 137 Sorensen, Skip 55, 92,101, lOu, 107,110, 113 Sorensen, Steve 74,101,107,113,1·12, 143 Soukup, Mary 83 Sousley, James 74 Sowkup, Robert 75 Spencer, Sue 55 Spicka, Micheal Robert ~3 Sprague, John 67,97,101,107 Squires, Taffy &7,93,96,98,107,113 Stanley, Margo 74,88,97,113 Stanncr, James 62 Stark, Marle~n 67,111,129 St armcr, Larry 82 Stave, Ron 55,92,106,117,136 Stein, Virginia 67, 93, 96,107,113 Steinert, Dous 74 SteuJcrt, Pam 55,93,106 Stephens, Sherry 74 Stcrl ing, Nikki Ann Steutcvill , Jo 74 Stevens, Jerry 7-1 Stevens, Susie 82 Stibler, Kay 67 Stncs, Janet 67,98 Stockman, Jane 67,97,98,111 Stockman, LcaAnn 74,10·1 Str.,it, linda 82 Straka, Nici 67,109 Str.lllge, Mike 74 Stro11ton, Judy 74 Strauss, Carol 74,108 Stuit, Harold 67,112 Sund, Karen 55,87, 92 Sund, Robert 62 Sunderman, Stuart 7-1,86,113 Susman, Harlan 74,106 Sutton, Dar lenc 7 4 Sutter, Gwen 74,88,96,109,112 Swanda, Ronald 7·1 Swanson, Jean 56,68,108,111 Swanson, Nancy 56 Swan on, Patsy 68 Swanson, Steve 82 Swenson, Ramsey 82 Switzer, Judi 82 Swoboda, Manlyn 74 Sutton, Robert 67,87 Sutton, Suzette 74 Sutton, Twilla 55 Sydow, Steve 56, 92,106,128 TAlTY, Tom 56,99 T ulborg, Terry 82 T;.~ulborg, Janis 68 Taylor, Pam 74,88,106 Taylor, Robert 68,88,92,137 Taylor, Susan 7·1,88, 111


Taylor, Vicki 56 Tegtmeier, !::Iaine 82,113 Tegtmei r, Kay 56 Telford, Dave !;3 Tepper, Arlene 74 Tcrr, Mary Terrill, Terri 66,107 Terry, Ellen 68 Theis, Richard 68,97, 101,113 Thom.,s, Carol t;2 Thomas, Judy 68, 105 Thomas, Sally 74,88,9!;,109,111,113 Thompson, Elizabeth 68,108,111 Thompsen, Gloria 54 Thomp:;on, Jerry Thompson, Joy 82 Thompson, Nancy Thompson, Rtchard 75 Thompson, Terri 82 Thornbl;.~d, Paul 113 Thorpe, Marily 74 Thornton, Karen 82 Tice, Gigi 56,94,99,156 Tichacck, Suzy 57,95,96,98,105,111 Tierney, Dixie Ann 68 Tierney, Frilncis Tighe, Lcs 82 Tollefson, Jim 57,99 Toll cf<on, Joe 7 4 Townsend, Helen 68,105 Towru end, louise 57 Trester, Sharon 82,109,113 Truhlscn, Bill 68 Truhlsen, N"ncy 82,113 Tmpp, Greg 74,87,101 Tucker, Susan 57,124 Tuerk, Sandra 82 Turdik, Trudy 57 Turner, lois 57,88,124 Twiss, Linda 57, 94, 96,104,113,118, I 126,128 Twiss, Sheri 82,112 UDES, Barbara 82,112 Ulfers, Rod 82,97,112 Unzicker, Rulh 82 Urosevich, Steve 57,101,106,155 Utterback, Dave 58 V AAD, Warren 68 Vainlunas, Vyto 82 Vales, Mary 82,106,113 Vanasck, Jason 60 Vandcrhaven, Paul 74 Vanderpool, Judy 82,106 Van Fleet, Parmer 74,88 Van I lout en, Kathy 68,108 Van Orsdcl, Jan 58,99 Van Pelt John 82,142 Van Tilberg, Richard 74,101,107 Van Vliet, Norman 74 Varn<·y, lewis 82 Varney, Wila 68 Vaughn, Colleen 58,88,96,98,105,108, 111,113 Vcrcoc, Bryan 82 Vickery, Robert 62 Vogl, Gcorgcllcn 74,105 Volchcck, JcarUJine 68 Vosler, Rich;.~rd 68,87,92,96,107,110 Vo , Don 68,92,96,101 WAARA, Kristi 82 Wakefield, Jim 82 Walker, Barton 74,143 Walker, Steve 82 Wallace, Cindy 74 Ward, Rachacl 82 Warren, Brent 88,89, 93 Watson, Steve 68,92,96,107 Weber, Doris 82 Weber, Karen 82 Weber, Rose 111 Webster, Pam 58,6!; Wcing;,~rtcn, Margaret 82 Wctr, Donald Welch, Jim 74 Welch, Kay 74,113 Wells, Jean 60 Wells, Lind.t 82 Wclsted, Judy 58,106 Wendt, Karen 82,112 Werth, linda 68 West, Cheryl 62 West, Donald 74 Wc~lerin~. Kathy 58, 93, 94, 96.98 102.

105, 112,116, 119 Westcrins, Mary Gay 74, 98,105, Ill, 113,153 Wh.,lcy, Kathy 68 Wheeler, Candy 5!i,86,86,69,105, 108, 116,120,125 Wheeler, Cindy 82 Wheeler, Dennis uS, 137 Whitaker, Dtane 75,93,105,109,111,113 White, John 68,88,93,101 White, Sherry 75, 108 White, Susan 82,108,112 Whitely, Peyton 58,94,95,107,142,1-13 Whnncy, Anne 83 Wluttcd, l"urcl 59,88,95,113 Wiese, Mike 74 Wigodsky, Steve 83 Wilder, Constance 75,88 Wille, Sharon 75,112 Williams, llccky 83,96 Williams, Brenda 75,88,97,104,108,112 Williams, Pam 68 Williams, Patricia 75,98,110, 112,153 Williams, Tom 83,1-12 Wilson, Bill 59,99 Wilson, Jim 59,99 Wilson, Steve 75,97,101,106,110,113 Wingender, Bruce 60 Wingcndcr, Susan 75, 105 Windholz, James Winters, Rolli 68 Wolcott, Barb 59 Wolcott, Roger 68 Wolfe, Jay 59 Wolff, Joe 59 Wood, Mary 83 Woodbury, George 75,113 Woodbury, Har~· 75 Woodhull, Diane 63 Woodland, Cindy 75,88, 97 Woodworth, David 83 Worden, Nancy 59 Worley, Pat 83 Wright, Janel 59, 95, 96, 98,105,111, 126,128 Wright, Lea Ann 83 Wright, Roger 75 Wright, Ruth 68,113 Wright, Wade 68,87,92,93,96,100,101, 107,123 Wuppcr, Anne 83 Wupper, John 60,97,99,101,113,124 Wurl, Kathy 83,112 Wyman, Richard 75 YOUNG, Denny 60,99 Young, Dous 75,97 , 112 Young, Priscilla 60,93,111, 124 Young, Richard 83 ZACHRY, David 75 Z;.~vitz, Kay GO, 94 Ziegler, Mary 75,106 Zicgman, Pam 83 Ziesemann, Candy 83 Zimmerman, AI 83 Zimmerman, Gay 68,93,105 Zimmerman, Walter 60 Zoob, Barry 83 Zoroya, Kathy 75, lOu, 108,113 Zulfer, Linda 75,106 Zvacck, Joan 75 Zyck, Gai I 83

Photo credits• Mervin Reese Studio, Donald Jack Studio, Peyton Whitely: 3-9,22, 26,62, 67' 69,75-76,83,89,90-91' 93-95,102,122-129,132-141, 148-149, 151,156,158.

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