1965 Shield

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Thank You to

Bob Lovgren for sponsorship of the

1965 Shield

Support the Westside Foundation

Westside High School Omaha) Nebraska Volume XIII

People ... Occasionally solitary) Often part of a crowd.

Questioning, explaining, discovering, Sharing knowledge and experience . . . Struggling for an answer.




People ... Discovering Loneliness, Concentration, Enthusiasm, Boredom.


People ... Accepting defeat, Anticipating victory; Winning or losing, Forever with the team.


J>e017le . ... . Coming together, Giving of themselves, Accumulating impressions; Separating, But retaining the knowledge and experience.



Contents Academic . .............. . 10 Classes. · · · · · · · · · · · · · ... 34 Organizations . .......... . 100 Sports. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .. . 134 Student Life· · · · · · · · · · . . 162 Advertising · · · · · · · · · · · . 176 Index.············ ..... 178 Club Rosters . .......... . 192


Mr. Ralph Farrar, assistant principal, and Mr. Ken Hansen, principal, read an invitation the many conventions held during the year.


one of


Superintendent Vaughn Phelps maps future expansion of District 66.


Administration Sets Westside)s Goals

Obtaining better educational facilitie for We t ide and for Di trict 66 wa the job of the chool Board and dministration. The Board examined new textbooks and di cu ed the problem and need of the district at the monthly meeting . All budget matter were ubject to the approval of the Board. They were al o concerned with long-range planning, building, and expan ion. uperintendent Vaughn Phelp relayed the deciion of the chool Board to the principal and teacher of the individual school . Mr. Kenneth Hansen, We tide principal , kept the chool running smoothly and traightened otlt problems of both teacher and tudent . Included in hi busy hedule were many meetings and conventions a a representative of We t ide. Mr. Ralph Farrar, a sistant principal and "di ciplinarian," not only carried out numerou admini trative dutie , but alway offered friendly advi e and converation to tudent .

Mr. Bob Klein explains the currem physical science project to Mr. Kenneth Hansen . principal.

hool Board: Mr. Verne Moore, Treasurer; Mr. Jackson Barton, President : :\lr. Robert lleimrod : 1r. A. Clark Murdock ; Mr . Marge Durham, Vice Pre idem; Mr. Irvin Yaffe, cretar} .

Westside Activity Centers A round Staff "But you don't have any temperature." These were the familiar words used almost every day by Westside's nurse. Most of the many students who visited her office were afflicted with colds, flu, and other common maladies. Health education was the main job of the nurse. She helped acquaint teachers with the illnesses or emotional problems of the individual students. Mrs. Alice Gillogly's official title was secretary to the principal, but teachers and students alike knew her as a good friend with a ready smile. Whenever a student stepped up to the counter in the office, he was greeted with a cheerful, "Okay, honey, what can I do for you?" Westside's other secretaries made appointments with guidance counselors and kept records of all students' grades and classes. Their other duties included keeping track of attendance and dispensing school supplies through the bookstore. It was the task of the guidance department to discover the problems, needs and aspirations of the students. With their help, students planned their curriculum to prepare themselves for a future career or a college education. Mr. Karl Pe.cht, senior counselor, has visited more than fifty college campuses in the past ten years. With a knowledge of both the physical aspects and the educational facilities of numerous colleges, he was invaluable as a help to seniors choosing a college.

"And do you hear anything in the left ear?" asks Mrs. Jean Panek, nurse.

Mr. Eugene Geisler and Mrs. Lois Lucas, guidance counselors, seem amused at one of Mr. Jack Peterson's anecdotes.

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Mrs. Marian Seidel, Miss Joan Jansen, Mrs. Darlene Eliason, and Mrs. Ruth Strong "keep the records straight."

Mrs. Alice Gillogly takes time out from her busy day to answer the phone.

Helping a student choose a college is one of Mr. Karl Pecht's many jobs.

Mrs. Judith Hoyt's second hour Engli h Seminar class listens attentively as Phyllis Donald on give her presentation on bullfighting.

Miss Joan Aspen Engli h 10 Reading Jr. Red ross

Mrs. Marla Barjenbruch English II FMA

What's going on here? Caesar is lying dead on the floor of room 1361

Mrs . Mary Conner English 10 Dean of Girls ational Honor ociety

Mr. Larry Dobbins Modern Literature World Literature

Mrs. Judith Hoyt Engli h Composition English eminar Y-Teen


Miss Virginia Laughton English 10, II

WHS Offers Background In Literature The Engli h Pilot program, in its third year at We t;ide, wa continued in ophomore Engli h and junior :'\merican Literature. It was al o used for the fir t time n the Engli h Literature cour . ophomore tudied "the way in which man tend to :onceive the world about him" through work such as Return of the Native and Julius Caesar. Thi olid background in literature wa intended to prepare them for future Engli h cour es in high school and college. The new Engli h Lit. Pilot cour e involved units in tragedy, the Chri tian Epic, atire, Romantic poetry, and the novel. nior were prepared for college in World Literature, Modern Literature, Compo ition, and English Seminar. eminar students devoted nine weeks of inten ive research to a ingle topic, and presented their papers at

Mrs. Elaine Limbaugh English II


Mr. Peter Pallesen Engli h II Modern Literature

the end of the cour e. Modern and World Lit. tudent read Death of a Salesman, The Red Badge of Courage, Don Quixote, and Cyrano de Bergerac. A term paper, a critical analysis, and a short tory were required in Compo ition, which also taught the principles of rhetoric and logic. eventy junior and seniors, more than in any previou year, took journalism I. Thi cour e acquainted them with the hi tory, principle , and technique of journalism and prepared them for position on the Lance and Shield. Speech offered tudents the chance to improve their public speaking ability. Drama classe taught oral and physical expression of ideas, as well a timulating interest in all of the media of the theater.

Mrs . Hazel Patz Engli h 10 Sophomore Class

Mrs. Lorraine Rogers Engli h 12 Modern Literature Y-Teens

Mr . Everine Van Amburgh English 10

Junior Jim Jansen ponders a difficult essay question on his American Literature final.


Philip Vreeland Engli h I I Composition

Claire Perrigo, John Smith, Kathy Kuszak, John Thomas, Jane Thompson, and Don oel seem to have difficulty in posing for a family picture during an improvisation in Drama. Dick Doxon plays the irate photographer .

Debaters And Actors Lose Inhibitions

First year debater Tom Barton presents an extemporaneous speech to his classmates and teacher, Mr. Rod Hansen.

Mrs. Anna Clark Drama peech Thespians FL

Mr. Rod Hansen English II Debate FL

Mrs. Judy Egbert Journalism I Lance, Shield Advisor Quill and Scroll

Mrs. Dorothy Hicks ubrary

Mrs. Ferne Mellor ubrary


Business Department Uses New Addition Five of the seven classroom in the new addition were u ed by the Bu ines Department this year. Courses included in the department were bookkeeping, distributive education, consumer economics, typing, shorthand, notehand, and office practice. Typing students were able to gain speed and accuracy through the use of electric typewriters. These pupils learned the fundamental of personal correspondence, care of machines, manuscript writing, and business forms. Bookkeeping clas e learned by means of even basic step . Dictation and transcription were practiced in shorthand classes in preparation for future jobs, while note hand students were taught to take quick, useful notes for cia sroom tudy. Office practi e dealt with general office procedures and included background in nearly all stages of business. Distributive Education students learned all facets of retailing and wholesaling, including sales techniques and personality development. D. E. prepared students for the future by providing them with on-the-job training.

"What's that liule thing?" asks Judi Switzer, studying shorthand.

Miss Laverne Allen Office Practice otehand Typing

Miss Joan Anderson Per onal Typing Shorthand Typing

Mr. Dale Fuerst Merchandi ing On-the-Job Training Distributive Ed Senior Class

Mr. Jack oodell Accounting Bookkeeping Con umer Economic Typing II Junior Cia

Mary oukup and Jeff Esben路 shade learn display tech 路 nique as the class observe .

Mr. Robert Rademacher Bookkeeping Sophomore Basketball Tennis


Far East Encourages Free Enterprise "Now get out there and ell those tickets!" was Mr. Richard Winchell' advice, not to a distributive education class, but to the 40 seniors in Far East. These students became accomplished ale men, organizer , ignpainters, and di hwashers through their sponsorship of two chili suppers and a pizza supper. The e succe sful projects raised over $1200 for the We tside Scholarship Fund, which benefits a worthy senior each year. Aside from such activities, Far East students gained a valuable insight into Asian hi tory and philosophy through extensive reading and discus ion. In Advanced American History, emphasis was placed on extra reading. Besides the textbook, Time magazine, American Political Traditions, and Great Issues in American History were utilized. Economics, a erne ter course, was concerned with such topic as demand and supply, credit and banking, and international trade and tariff. Highlighting the semester cour e was an all-clay field trip to Falstaff brewery, Mutual of Omaha, and Safeway. Sociology students also took several field trip , and were required to write an autobiography and present an oral term paper. The United States government and Constitution were studied for the first thre quarters of American Government, while the last quarter was devoted to the "isms": Communi m, Fasci m, Socialism, and Capitalism.

As every Westside student knows, every class begins. with filling out book cards. Mrs. Clara Dunn's second semester sociology class is no exception.

Mr. Paul Andreas World Hisll>r) Russian Hiswry ~TA

:\Irs. Clara Dunn Ame•¡ican History Sociology .Junior Class

Mr. Cerald Koch American ( ;overnment Activities Direcwr

:\1r. William :\lcCormid. World Histol') ociolog~

Drivers Education Bo) s' lmramurals Sophomore Football 20

Mr. Harry \filler American History World History

"Coke or Pep i?" wonders Mr. Farrar during an informal contest in an Economics class. 路路wrong!" exclaim Mr. Bert peece.

Far East students Dave heppard , Don DeFord , Tom Hood, teve Burdic. and AI Kammerer voice their opinion of the Japanese Constitution.

Her dass takes notes .ts Mi

Mr. William el on Sr. World Histor American GovernmenL PAF

Mr. Bert peece Economi World History Interact Club

Mi s u an Rapoport America n History

Mr. 1 homas elwold American History World History Hi-Y

Mr. tanley Wells merican Hi tory CPAF ki Club

Mr. Richard Winchell Ameri La n Hi9tory Far East Junior Class


Rapoport le tures.

Lab) Skits) Reports) And Conversations

Mrs. Diane Althouse French III , IV, V International Club

Miss Sharon Billerbeck French I French Club

According to Webster, language is the expression or communication of thoughts and feelings by means of vocal sounds. Many Westsiders spent an hour a day learning to communicate their thoughts and feelings in French, German, Latin, and Spanish. Language students learned not only grammar, but also gained knowledge of the country, its people and customs. Westside language classes learned by means of several devices. The language laboratory was an integral part of this department. The lab, was a room isolated from the regular classrooms in which extensive recording and listening equipment was installed. This included a master control which enabled the teacher to evaluate the progress of the indivi9ual student and the class as a whole. In the classrooms, emphasis was placed on class reports , skits, and conversations to make learning more interesting for teachers and students alike. Five years of both Spanish and French were offered, while Latin and German remained four-year courses.

French students tax their brains to recall answers for a standardized test.

Mrs. Mary Dav is Spanish II. Ill Spanish Club

Miss Juliann Donoghue Fren h II Pep Club

Mrs. Julie George Latin l,II ,III,IV Latin Club

Mrs. KiKi Gore Spanish I,III ,IV Spanish Club

Help Make Foreign Languages Easier au

•• •

Miss jeanne Held German 1,11 ,111 German Club Drill quad

Miss josefina Higuera Spanish V

Mrs. Trudie Olson German III ,IV

Mrs. Davis, Spanish instructor, listens to the sounds of language students repeating foreign phrases.

"Parlez-vous francais?" asks Betsy Raskin as she conjugates a verb for

ancy Caster.


,Zoology, Chem-Study, PSSC Physics

Mr. Harley Hardison Biology Physiology Science Club

Mr. Dave Hennings Algebra I Chemistry

Six guinea pigs, seven ham ters, a monkey, two wild rabbits, 80 mice, a sandhills box turtle, and five rats were among the inhabitants of the Science Department's new live room. This addition included an elevated concrete floor equipped with a hose, drain, and fans for proper ventillation. Biology and physiology students were thus able to observe and care for more animals. A record number of students participated in both the CHEM-Study and PSSC Physics courses. Techniques and experiments used for the first time last year were improved and perfected. Science Seminar again emphasized freedom for individual experiments and research. Seminar students produced and presented a convocation in which a frustrated Mr. Wizard went to a monastery where Friar Tuck taught him to be a uccessful scientist. Other courses included in the science curriculum were Botany, Zoology, Health, Prep Physical Science, and Earth Science.

Physics students learn the fundamentals of light intensity from their instructor, Mr. Charles I.ang. Which one is the monkey- Terry Niver, the furry little thing in the middle, or Doug Pappas?

Mr. Bruce Holmquist Physics Prep Physics Radio Club

Mr. Bob Klein Physics Prep Physics

Offer New Horizons To Science Students

Mr. Calvin DeLano Chemistry Science Seminar Chess Club

Mr. Cliarles Lang Physics Prep Physics

Mrs. Mary McCallister Algebra I Chemistry Jr. Red Cross

Most people like to eat lobsters but Mr. Ray Swift would rather take his chances with a live one.

"No, Tom, don't pick it up with your fingers," advises Mr. Calvin DeLano as Bill Strateman and john Coe look concerned. Mr. Ralph Reed Earth Science Prep Physics Hi-Y


Mr. Ray Swift Health Zoology

Math Prepares Students For College) The We tide High School math program ha b en growing steadily over the past several year . Thi year there were two classes of Advanced enior Math, a fifth year math course for advanced students which is equivalent to a college course. dvanced math ourses were designed to study the theories b hind the practical application of mathematic . There were al o ten classes of advanced algebra and three cla e of program math, which has been growing in popularity in the past few years. This course allows student to progress at their own rate. ophomore took advantage of the geometry and beginning algebra cour es.

Miss Diane Brost Senior Math Program Math Advanced Algebra Ceometry Pep Club

Miss Mary Suman Advanced Algebra Senior Math Geometry FMA Ski Club

Mr. Alvin Cloor Program Math Advanced Algeb1路a Advanced Senior Math

Mr. Roger HolTman Bu ines Arithmetic Advanced Algebra Geometry

Yes, math can be boring, but you'll never learn anything thi way!

Rick Anderson diligently figures the numerical coefficients of"x" and "y" on an Advanced Algebra test.


Provides Beginning) Advanced Courses I I

Mr. William Hoyt Geometry Advanced Algebra

Mr. Leslie Sladek Geometry Advanced Algebra Senior Math

Mr. jim Tangdall Advanced Algebr路a enior Math Program Math

Mr. Gerald Wisnieski Advanced Algebra Senior Math Geometry

"This angle is equal to what?" asks Mr. Roger Hoffman as his geometry class tries to absorb a bit of mathematical knowledge.

Tim Herrick seems to be stuck in the middle of a difficu lt theorem, as his classmates continue to struggle with their own problems.


Stage Crew Helps School Productions)

Mr. Leon Englehart Co-op. Trades and I ndu try Counselor On-the-Job Training

What would the Mu ic and Drama Departments do without the help of the stage crew? The crew built scenery and took care of lighting and ound for school productions. Trades and indu tries class was a new addition to the Industrial Education Department this year. The course was designed to prepare high school senior for their future vocations. Two hours a day were devoted to the class. The first hour consisted of a general employee study, while the second hour was used to study the specific vocation the student had cho en. Students in drafting class entered scale drawings and models of homes in the Omaha Homebuilding how. They also studied blueprints and symbols. A canoe was the major product of the wood shop this year. Wood, canvas, and fiber glass were used in its construction. In metal and machine shops student made vices, floor jacks, wrenches, castings, and developed transmissions.

Mr. Richard Lane Stage Crew Advanced Woodworking Woodworking

Mr. Ed Lang Mechanical Drawing Architectural Drawing ,\dvanced Architecwral Drawing Fire and Air afcty

Mr. Ed Sokol Advanced Metals General hop Electronics

Mike Gilligan mills a jaw of a vice with a Oy cutter and a vertical mill.

Mike Hocevar and Bob Jorgenson watch carefully as they turn a round stock between the centers on a lathe knowing that any mistake may mean the ruin of a time consuming project.


Trades And Industries Enters Program

One of the first steps in a projeCt in metal shop is heating the metal for forging.

Bill Jepsen and Lance Stark consider Mr. Lang's advice as they work on their drawings to be entered in the Omaha Home Builders' Contest. 29

Development Of Creative Abilities Aim

Mr. Kenneth Grizzell Painting Sculpture Art Club

Westside's one-room Art Depar:tment expanded this year. A new room was added for students interested in sculpture and metal work. The original art room was used mainly for drawing and painting. Those taking the regular art course learned to draw in perspective and to draw figures. They worked with chalk, oils, watercolors, and other media. Learning the history of art was another aspect of the course. The three phases of home economics gave the girls experience in cooking, sewing, and interior decorating. Cooking classes taught students the proper use of utensils, basic recipes, and provided them with a chance to criticize each other's finished products. Becoming an accomplished seamstress is difficult, but with the help of their teachers the girls learned short cuts to making inexpensive, fashionable clothes. Classes in interior decorating taught the fundamentals of color, design, and texture. Learning to re-upholster furniture was a new and interesting experience for many of the home economics students.

Mrs. Jeannie Kautter Beginning Art Commercial Art Fashion Illustration

Dave Chin listens intently as Mr. Kenneth Grizzell discusses sculpturing techniques.

Using the pottery wheel can be quite messy, as this art student knows. 30

Of Home Economics) Art Departments

Mrs. Iris Clark Advanced Foods Family Living Esquires

Mrs. Betty Howard Advanced Clothing Interiors

Seniors Suzi Stevens and Patti Heimrod get ready to taste the soup they have prepared in Advanced Foods.

The girls in Advanced Clothing learn that making their own clothes can be fun and profitable. 31




Physical Education, A new swimming pool was the pride and joy of the Physical Education Department this year. Becau e the pool was not completed during the fir t part of the year, Mr. Cal Benz, swimming instructor, held "dry-land" classes in which he taught the fundamentals of swimming. All sophomores were required to include swimming in their physical education program. This year the Physical Education Department concentrated on individual sports more than in previous years. Girls participated in archery, golf, badminton, and tennis. The boys' program ranged from tennis and golf to football, basketball and handball. Driver Education was a popular subject thi year. All students had actual driving practice once or twice a week. Classroom studies included what to do in case of engine trouble and how to change a flat tire.

Mr. Edward Stribley Driver Education afe-Teens

"What is the purpose of the odometer?" asks Mr. Ed Stribley in one of his Driver Education classes.

Ann Snow increases her driving proficiency as she practices under her instructor's careful supervision. 32

Driver Education Classes Demand Skill

Mr. Cal Benz Swimming Swimming Team Sophomore Football

Mr. Wayne Wagner Physical Education W-Club


Miss Sandra Edwards checks attendance in one of her gym classes.

Sophomores participated m tennis as well as other individual sports such as golf and archery.

Miss Sandra Edwards Physical Education GAA

Pep Club

Girls' gym classes enjoy using scooters.



Class Of 1965 Begins Its Final Year Graduation i enthu iastically anti ipated by every student from the fir t tim h enter th door of a high chool, but when it arrive it bring with it mixed emotion . It i true that it is only the beginning, yet it al o signifies the nd of an important part of a per on' life. For man eniors, leaving We tside mean leaving the chool they have attended for ix ears. eniors rememb r Reading Improvement in ninth grade; di e ting grasshopper and frog in biology; reading Relum of the alive, Tale of Two Cities, and Macbeth; being fru trated over geometry and enior math problems. Hour pent at th library, leepless night , and two-hour exam may have eemed like ndle drudgery, but out of We t ide' large t cia s have come many leaders. The numb r of holar hip winners,' National Merit emi-

finali t , and ebra ka Regent winner prove that the work was not in vain. enior cherish memorie of .. · i tory ompetition," kits for pep rallie , a uc e ful Hootenan , decorating for the Prom. They complained thi year about having to eat in the lunchroom, but made good u e of their privilege of no ixth hour tudy hall. It wa with regret that the lass of '65 attended their Ia t gam , dan ed at their last Homecoming, and even ate their Ia t cafeteria lun h. A they walk through th do rs of WH for the last time, the eniors hope We tside will alway remember "The one, the only, The be t alive, The Cia of 1965 ."

enio•· class ofliters Rick Willis, trea u•·er; Cind)' Wheeler, secretary; Nanci and Eric Hultman , presiclem get in the wim of things.


hook, vice presidem;

With Optimism, Unbounded Enthusiasm

j eff A/seth

teve Abrahamson

Ed Altma11

Jeff A ltsuler

Marily11 Anderson

K risti Andersen

Steve Abrahamson-Science Club 4; Jr. Red Cross I; [mernational Club I ,2; French Club I ,2. Cary Alle11- Football 3; Tr路ack 2. jeff A/seth- Football I; Class Plays 3; Variety Show I; Chess Club 1-3; Ski Club 2-4. J eff Altsuler- Wrestling I; Track 1,2; DE 4. Ed Altman. Kristi Andersen-Pep Club 1-4;

GAA 2; Z-Ciub 3,4, V. Pres. 4; Quill and Scroll 3,4; Shield Staff 4, Editor; ation al Honor Society 3,4; Musicals 3; Band 1-4 , e . 3, 2nd Lieut. 4; Ski Club 3,4; International Club 1-4; panish Club 1-4 , Pre. 4; National Merit SemiFinalist 4. Marilyn Anderson- Pep Club 1-4; FTA 3; [mernational Club I ,2; Spanish Club I ,2.

Richard Anderso11-Radio Club 1-4, ec.-Treas. 3. Scot Anderson-W- lub 2-4; Ke y Club 2-4; Track 1-4; Thespian

1-3; ki lub 1,2; Imernational Club 1-3; Latin Club 1-3; CPAF 2-4; Cross oumry 1-4. john Andreasen- W-Ciub 1-4; Football I; Ba ketball I; Tennis 1-4; Ke y Club 1-4; Variety Show I ; Jr. Red Cross I; lmernational Club 1,2 ; I; Jr. Red Cross I; International Club 1,2; German Club 1,2; Imeracl 3,4; Cross Coumry 1,2 . joyce Andrews-Pep lub 2,3; Drill quad 2-4; Y-Teens I. Sharon Anson-Pep Club 1,2; Class Plays 3; Jr. Red Cross I; Y-Teens 1,2. Lan-y Appleby. Art Arnold- he Club 2; Ski Club 3; lmernational lub 2; Latin Club 2.

Richard Anderson j oyce Andrews

Sharon Anson

Lan-y Appleby

Scot Anderson Art Arnold

John A ndrease,

A !though Confined To Cafeteria Lunches

Madeline Arncld "t Backlwus

Jim Arundel

Roger Attkisson

Steve Bachenberg

Kandra Bailey

Holden Aust

Kathy Audas

Madeline Arncld- Band 4; Transfer from Richfield High School, Minneapolis, Minnesota 4. jim Arundel- Math Club 4; Band 1-4; Chess Club 1-4; National Merit Semi-Finalist4. Roger Attkisson- Transfer from Palmetto Senior High School, Miami, Florida 3. Kathy Audas-Band 2, 3; Musicals 3; Orchestra 3; FMA 3, 4; International Club 3; Spanish Club 2, 3; Transfer from Messick High School, Memphis, Tennessee 2. Holden Aust-Math Club 4; Lance Staff 4, Artist; Top Choir 3, 4; Musicals 3, 4; Variety Show 3, 4; Science Club 3, 4; Chess Club 3, 4; Radio Club 4; Latin Club 2-4 ; International Club 2-4; CPAF 4;JCL 2-4, President 4; National Merit Semi-Finalist. Steve Backhaus-Football I , 3; Baseball 2-4. Steve Bachenberg - Football I ; Track I ; Baseball 2; Key Club 3, 4; Top Choir 2-4, President 4; Musicals 2-4; Variety Show 1-4; International Club 1-4; German Club 1-4, Secretary-Treasurer 3, President 4; ational Honor Society 3, 4. Kandra Bailey - Pep Club 2; International Club 2; Latin Club 2; National Merit SemiFinalist 4; Transfer from Kearney Hi'\.h School, Kearney, Nebraska 2. '

Marcia Bailey - Pep Club 3; Y-Teens 3; International Club 2; Latin Club 2; JCL 2. Debbie Baker- Latin Club 2, 3; International Club 2, 3. Marilyn Barnes- Pep Club I, 2; International Club 2, 3; French Club 2, 3; Art Club 4; Ski Club 4. Nancy Barr - Pep Club 2, 4; GAA 4; Y-Teens 3, 4. Chuck Barton - Ke y Club 1-4; Radio Club 2-4, Engineer 2, President 3, 4; International Club 1-4; French Club 1-4, Boys' State 4. Linda Barton -Pep Club 1-4; GAA I , 2; ITA 3, 4; Y-Teens 1-3; International Club 2-4; French Club 2-4.

Debbie Baker

Marcia Bailey Marilyn Barnes

Nancy Barr

Chuck Barton

Liru/4 Barton

Seniors Still Eny.qy Library Study Halls

john Baxter

Lorraine Baska

Ward Baxter Steve Berg

janem. Beck Elaine Biniamow

Nancy Beecroft Bm. Blackwell

Lorraine Baska~ Pep Club 1-4; International Club 2-4; French Club 2-4. john Baxter- Track 1-3; Orchestra 3; Band 1-3. Ward Baxter- Key Club 2-4, Treasurer 3, 4;

Math Club 2-4, President 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Chess Club 1-4, Governor 3, President 4; National Merit Semi-Finalist 4. janeen Beck-Pep Club 1-4; Musicals 2-4; Variety Show I; Orchestra 1-4; International Club 1-4; Latin Club 1-4, Secretary-Treasurer 4; Z-Club 4. Nancy Beecroft- Pep Club 1-4; FMA 2-4; Ski Club 4; Jr. Red Cross 4; Y-Teens 1, 3, 4; International Club 1. Steue Berg-Hi-Y 3, 4; CPAF 4. Elaine Biniamow. Ben Blackwell- W-Club 3; Swimming 2.

Leon Bockelman- Transfer from Central High School, Omaha, Nebraska 3. jackie Borcyk-Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1; International Club 3; French Club 3; CPAF 4. Anita Both.el. Larry Bourne. Leigh Bovett- Pep Club 1-4; Tennis

1-4; GAA I; Lance Staff 4, Managing Editor; FMA 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Y-Teens I ; International Club I, 2; Spanish Club l , 2; CPAF4 ; Z-Ciub4.JoAnnBoyens-PepCiub 1-4; FTA 3, 4; Y-Teens 3, 4; International Club 3; Spanish Club 3.

Leon Bockelman

Jackie Borcyk Anita Both.el

Larry Bourne

Leigh Boveu

joAnn Boyens

Library Becomes Even More Familia

John Brager

Bets_v Brewer

Bonnie Brewer

Pam Brinke

Mike Brice

Bill Brown

Ruth Brock

j ohn Brager- Interact 3. 4; Variety Show 4; Football I , 2. Bel.\)' Brewer- Pep Club I , 2. Bonnie Brewer - Pep Club I, 2. Mike B1·ice- Transfer from South High chool, Omaha , :-.lebraska4. PamBrinke- PepCiub 1-4;GA A I ; FTA3,4; .Jr. Red Cross I , 2; Y-Tee ns I: International Club 1-4: French Club 3; Latin Club 1-4. Ruth Brock- Pep Club 1-4. Secreta•·y 3, Treasurer 4; quires 2-4. Captain 4; GAA 1-4. Vice Presidem 2; Esquires 3, 4; FTA 3; Y-Teens I ; International Club 1-4 ; French Club 3. 4; Latin Club I. 2; Girls' State Alternate 3; Z-Ciub 4; Homecoming Ca ndidate 4. Bill Brown- Band I, 2: Chess Club 2; lmemational Club 2; French Club 2.

Debb)• Browne

Swan Burlwnan jod_v Buick

Robert Bucholz. john Bulin

Debby Browne - Pep Club 1-4 ; iuires 3, 4 ; Tennis 2 GAA I; Lance Staff 4 , First Page Editor; ational H01 Society 3, 4; Y-Teens I; International lub I, 2; Span Club I, 2; Z-Ciub4 . SwanBuchanan - PepCiub2-4; Shi Staff 4, Index EdiLOr; Variety how 3; Band 2-4; On 1ajorette 3, 4 ; International Club 2-4; Spanish Club 2 CPAF 4; Transfet· from Okemos High chool, Okem lichigan 2. Robert Buchoh - Hi-Y 3, 4 ; Optimist C Award 2; Student Council 1-4; Ke y lub 2-4, Secretar} Presidem 4 ; Math Club 3, 4 ; ational Honor ociety 3. Boys' tate 3; Debate 2-4; FL 2-4, Treasurer 4 ; lnt national Club 3, 4 ; Spanish Club 3, 4; CPAF 4. jody Buic, Pep Club 1-3; Drill Squad 2-4, Co-ca ptain 3, Captain GAA I ; Shield 4 , Assistam Student Life Editor; Art Clut Y-Teens I; French Club I. john Buller - W-Ciub 2 Football I ; Basketball 1-4; Track I , 2; Class President Student ouncil 1-4 , Vice President 3, President4 ; Key C 3. 4; Boys' State 3; Top hoir 2; Musicals 2; Band I Paul Bullock - Hi -Y 3, 4; Football I; Ski Club 3, 4; lnt national Club 2. 3; Latin Club 2, 3. Carol Btmz - Pep C 1-4; FMA 2; Ski lub 2-4; Y-Teens 4 ; International Clut Latin Club 2; CPAF 4. Paul Bullock

Carol Bunz

As Composition Term Papers Are Due

Steve Burdic

Ronald Burnell

Larry Caldwell

teve Calvert

Rod Busskohl

Cris Calandra

Tom Calame

Steve Burdic- W-Ciub 3, 4 ; Football 2, 3; Swimming 2-4; Track 1-4; CPAF 4. Ronald Burnell - Transfer from outh High School , Omaha, ebraska 4. Rod Busskohl. Tom Calame-Science Club 3, 4, Vice President 4; Che s Club 4: Ski Club 3, 4; Jr. Red Cross I; International Club I, 2, 4; Latin Club I, 2; CPAF 4. Cris Calandra-Pep Club 1-4; Cheedeading 3, 4; GAA I, 2; Esquires 2-4; hield 4. Advertising Staff; ki Club 2; International Club 3; French Club 3; Homecoming Candidate 4. Larry CaldwellSwimming 3; Golf 2, 3. Steve Calvert-Student Council 4; Debate 3, 4; NFL 3, 4, Vice President 4; International Club 3; French Club 3; CPAF 4 ; Transfer from Garden Grove High School , Garden Grove, California 2.

Michael Caplinger- Math Club 3, 4; Band 1-3; Debate 2;

Chess Club 1-4; International Club 1-4; Latin Club 1-4; CPAF 4. Sherry Carlson- Pep Club 2-4; ational Honor ociety 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 4; Y-Teens 3, 4; International Club 3; Latin lub 3; JCL 3. judy Carman- Pep Club 1-3 ; Drill quad 2-4; Shield Staff 4, As istant Organizations Editor; An Club 3; Y-Teens I, 2; International Club I, 2; French Club I, 2. Robyn Carmichael-Pep Club 2; Quill and croll 3, 4; Lance Staff 3, 4, Feature Editor 4. Na11cy Caster- Pep lub 2-4; Drill Squad 2; Lance Staff 4, Business Manager; Top Choir 3, 4; Musicals 3, 4; Variety Show 3, 4; Y-Teens 2. Dianne Charles-Pep Club 1-3; FMA 2-4; YTeens 2-4. james Chase-Hi-Y 4 ; W-Ciub 3, 4; Football 1-4; Wrestling 3; Track I, 2; Key Club 3, 4, Secretary 4; Math Club 4; Band I, 2, 3; Interact 4; Homeco ming Candidate 4.

Robyn Carmichael

Nancy Caster

Michael Caplinger

SheTT)' Carlson

Dianne Charles

James Chase

Judy Carma//

Senior Athletes Help WHS Warrior.5

Mark Christensen

Mike Christiansen

Sally Cockle

Charles Cocks

Gene Church

Terry Clauff

Matt Circo

John Coe

Mark Christensen-Ski Club I. Mike Christiansen-Band 2-4 Transfer from Kansas City, Missouri 2. Gene ChurchRadio Club 2, 3; Ski Club 3; Cross Country 4. Matt CircoFootball I. Terry Clauff- W-Ciub 3, 4; Footballl-4; Track I Baseball 2-4; Interact 4; Homecoming Candidate 4. Sail Cockle- Pep Club 1-4; Cheerleading 2-4, Captain 4; GAA I Esquires 2-4; Y-Teens 1-4, Vice President 3, President 4 International Club I, 2; French I, 2; Homecoming Candi date 4. Charles Cocks- Track I, 3; Math Club 4; Cros Country 3. John Coe-Hi-Y 3, 4; W-Ciub 3, 4; Footbal 1-4; Band I, 2; Ski Club 2-4; German Club I, 2; Interact 4 Homecoming Candidate 4.

Chris Comstock- Football I; Wrestling I; Transfer from Madrid, Spain 2, 4. Sonia Conner-Pep Club 1-3; Band I; FTA I, 2; FMA 3; Y-Teens 1-3. Cecelia Corn-Pep Club 1-4; Lance Staff 4, Third Page Ediwr; FTA 3, 4; Y-Teens I, 2; International Club 1-4; French Club 3, 4; Spanish Club I, 2. Connie Cotton-Pep Club 1-4; FTA 3; Y-Teens 2-4; International Club 1-3; Frl!nch Club 3; Spanish Club I, 2. Bill Coughenour-Football I. Ralph CoughenourFootball I.

Chris Comstock Cecelia Corn

Connie Cotton

Bill Cougherwur

Ralph Coughenour

Sonia Conner

Gain Top Spots In Metropolitan League

Dennis Cox

Mark Covert

Tlurmo.s Craig

Tom Curran

Mary Lou Curum

Ray Cusick

Karen Curtis john Czaja

Mark Covert - Hi-Y 4; Football 2; Track I ; Jr. Red Cross I ; International Club' :l -4; Latin Club 1-4. Dennis Cox Radio Club 3, 4; International Club 1-4; Spanish Club 1-4. Thomas Craig- Track 2, 3. Tom Curran - Swimming 3, 4 ; Interact 3, 4; Transfer from Bullard High School , Fresno, California 2. Karen Curtis - Pep Club 2, 3; ITA 2; Ski Club 3, 4; International Club 2-4; Spanish Club 2-4 ; CPAF 4; Transfer from Hawthorne High School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin I. Mary Lou Curum - Pep Club 1-4; Art Club 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Ski Club 3, 4; International Club I ; French Club I ; IT A 4; Thespians 4. Ray Cusick - Hi-Y 4; Football I, 2; Basketball I, 2; Jr. Red Cross I ; International Club I ; German Club I. john Czaja - Track I.

Pam Dalling- Pep Club 2-4; GAA 2-4 ; Z-Ciub 3, 4; AFS 3, 4; Top Choir 4; Musicals 4; Y-Teens 4; International Club 2-4; Spanish Club 2-4; Transfer from Carlsbad High School, Carlsbad, California 2. Robert Darling- Transfer from Creighton Prep High School, Omaha, ebraska I. Susan Dasher- Pep Club 2, 3. Dave Davis. Don DeFord - Transfer from Walter johnson High School, Bethesda, Maryland 3. Gary Dethloff- Transfer from Shawnee Mission North , Shawnee Mission, Kansas 3.

Robert Darling

Pam Dalling Susan Dasher

Dave Davis

Don DeFord

Gary Dethloff

Seniors Sing ''GTO))) ''Chug-A-Lug)))

Bob Dieterich - Wre tling 2; Track I. Marty Dieterich - Pep Club 1-4 ; Squires 3; Warrior Mascot 4; Tennis 2; GAA I; Top Choir 3, 4; Musicals 3, 4; Var路iety Show 3, 4; Band 3, 4, Secretary 4; Science Club 4; FMA 4; ki Club 2; Jr. Red Cross I; Y-Tee ns I; lmernational Club 2. 4; French Club 2, 4; CPAF 4; Senate 3. Gene Dinkel - Basketball I; Latin Club 2. Tony Distefano - Transfer from Crieghton Prep High School, Omaha , Nebraska 3. Charlotte Doering - GAA 3, 4; Art Club 4; CPAF 4. Jim Doll - Science Club 4. Phyllis Donaldson - Pep Club 2-4; National Honor ociety 3, 4; GAA 2; Y-Teens 2-4; International Club 2-4; Spanish Club 2-4; CPAF 4; Z-Club 4. Steve Douglas-Baseball 3; Radio Club 3; Transfer from Bellevue High chool, Bellevue, ebraska 3. Richard Doxon - Hi- Y 3, 4; Tr路ack 2; Thespians 3, 4; Class Plays 3; Top Choir 3, 4; Musicals 3, 4; Variety Show 3, 4; Band 2-4; International Club 2-4; Latin Club 2; German Club 3, 4; Interact 4. Bill Due1路koop.

"What price glory?" exclaims 'Jo hn Coe" to the other members of the senior skit before the Homecoming game.

Bob Dieterich Jim Doll

Marty Dieterich Phyllis Donaldson

Gene Dinkel Steve Douglas


Tony Distefano Richard Doxon

Charlotte Doering Bill Duerkoop

Spend All Weekend At King Arthur's

Richard Dummar. jonell Dunn - Pep Club 2-4; Top Choir 3, 4; Y-Teens 3, 4; International Club 3, 4; French Club 3, 4. jim Durham - W-Ciub 3, 4; Basketball I; Tennis 1-4; Key Club 3, 4; Top Choir 4; Musicals 1-4; Orchestra 1-4. Lynne Durham - Pep Club 1-4; quires 2-4; Esquires 3, 4; Lance Staff 4, Circulation and Promotion ; Variety Show 3; FTA 2-4; Ski Club 4; Y-Teens I, 2, 4; International Club 1-4; French Club3,4; Latin Club I , 2; CPAF4. DonEhlers W-Club 3, 4; Football 1-4; Basketball I; Track I; Baseball 2-4. Larry Eisenhauer - W-Ciub 2-4; Basketball2; Baseball2-4 . Cris Enewold- Pep Club 1-3; GAA I, 2; Shield Staff 4, Advertising Staff; FTA 4; Art Club 4; Ski Club 2-4; Jr. Red Cross 2; Y-Teens I , 4; International Club 3; French Club 3. Barb Er1gle- Pep Club 1-4; Distributive Education 4; Y-Teens I. Jay Erdmann- W-Ciub 4; Football 3, 4; Golf 2-4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Band 1-3 ; Warrior WindMadrigal I; Jr. Red Cross I; International Club 1-4; Spanish Club 1-4. jef!Esbenshade -Footballl; Ke yC lub4; Distributive Education 3, 4; I~ternational Club 2; Spanish Club 2. Mary Fabriz.ius - Pep tlub 3, 4; Thespians 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Class Plays 3; International lub 3; Spanish Club 3; Transfer from Central High School, Omaha, Nebraska 4. jim Farlee- Hi-Y 3, 4; W-Ciub 3. 4; Football I; Track 3; Jr. Red Cross 2; Cross Country 3, 4. Learw Ficklin - Y-Teens 3; Spanish lub 2; Transfer from Colorado 2. Robert Findlay - Hi- Y 3; Basketball I; Debate 3; Chess Club 4; Ski Club 3, 4; International Club 4; French Club 4; CPAF 4. john Finks - Football I, 2; Track 1-4; Math Club 4; Science Club 4; International Club 2-4; French Club 2-4; lnteract4. Marcia Finley - Pep Club 1-4; Drill quad 3, 4; Y-Teens I, 2, 4; International Club 2-4; French Club 2, 3; Spanish Club 4.

Cris Enewold Jim Farlee

Barb Engle Leann Ficklin

Richard Dummar Lynne Durham

jay Erdmann Robert Findlay

]one// Dunn Don Ehlers

jeff Esbenshade john Finks

jim Durham Larry• Eisenhauer

Mary Fabrizius Ma;cia Finley

Far East) Seminar) World Literature

Terry Finnell

Norm Fishel

Wanda Foley

Constance Foley

Chloie Fleming

Robert Ford

Linda Forrest

T erry Finnell - Football I. Norm Fishel - Interact 3, 4. Chloie Fleming- Pep Club 1-3; DE 4; Art Club 3; Ski Club 3, 4; Y-Teens I. Constance Foley - Pep Club 4; Science Club 3, 4. Wanda Foley - Pep Club 1-4; Drill Squad4 ; Y-Teens3 , 4. Robert Ford - W-Ciub 2-4 ; Football I ; Track 2-4; Chess Club

I ; Ski Club 3; International Club 3; German Club 3; CrossCountry 4 ; Etarletons 3. Linda Forrest - Pep Club I , 2; FMA 3.

Sherry Foster - Transfer from Gwinn High School, Gwinn , Michigan 4. Terry Fox - Pep Club 2-4; GAA 2-4 ; Science

Club 3, 4; Art Club 4; Y-Teens 4; International Club 2; Transfer from orthwest Classen High School, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 2. Linda Freeberg - Pep Club 3; DE 4 ; Y-Teens 2. Micki Freed - Pep Club 1-4; Cheerleading 3, 4; GAA I ; Student Council 1-3; Esquires 2-4 ; Variety Show I ; Jr. Red Cross 2; Y-Teens I, 2, 4; International Club 2, 3; French Club 2, 3 ; Homecoming Candidate 4. Cindy Fruhwirth - Pep Club 1-4; FMA 2; International Club 3, 4 ; German Club 3; CPAF 4. Susan Fugitt - Pep Club 2-4 ; Thespians 3, 4; One-Act Plays 3; Class Play 3; Top Choir 3, 4; Musicals 3, 4; Variety Show 3, 4; International Club 2, 3; French Club 2, 3; Transfer from Wichita High School S.E., Wichita, Kansas 2. Christine Gembica - Pep Club 3, 4 ; Transfer from Mercy High School, Omaha, Nebraska 3.

Sherry Foster

Terry Fox Micki Freed

Linda Freeberg Cindy Fruhwirth

Susan Fugitt

Christine Gembica

Present Challenges To Many Seniors

Tim Gerber

David George

Neil Gendler

Howard Gerelick

Robert Gibson

Karen Gilligan

John Gilgan

Neil Gendler. David George- W-Club 1-4; Swimming 1-4. Tim Gerber-Hi-Y 3, 4; Student Council I; Thespians 1-4, Vice President 3, President 4; One Act Plays 3; Class Plays 3; Top Choir 2-4; Musicals 2-4; Variety Show 2-4; Orchestra 1-4; Band 1-4; International Club 1-4; Latin Club 1-4, President 4; JCL 3, 4, President 4. Howard Gerelick- Math Club 4; International Club 3, 4; German Club 3, 4; Transfer from Central High School, Omaha, ebraska I. Robert Gibson- Football 3; Track 2, 3; Lance Staff 4, Reporter; Distributive Education 3, 4. John GilganTransfer from Abbey High School, Canon City, Colorado 3. Karen Gilligan-Pep Club I.

;aria Giwoyna- Pep Club 2-4; Y-Teens 3, 4. Judi Goldberg'ep Club I; Y-Teens I. Pat Grasmick-Pep Club l-4; ~squires 2-4, Vice President 3, 4; Shield Staff 4, Assistant Jnderclass Editor; Class Plays 3; FT A 2; FMA 2; Ski Club 4; r. Red Cross I; International Club I, 4; Spanish Club 4; :PAF 4. Sam Grasso- Transfer from Creighton Prep High -chool, Omaha, Nebraska 4. William Gray- Hi-Y 3; Debate -4; FL 2-4; Latin Club 2; International Club 2; CPAF 4; enate 3. Pam Grear- Pep Club 1-4; FMA 3, 4; Ski Club 4; ntemational Club 3; Latin Club 3. Suzanne Gregg- Pep :Jub 3; CPAF 4; FMA 4; Y-Teens 4; Transfer from Webster ;roves High School, St. Louis, Missouri 3.

Carla Giwoyna Sam Grasso

William Gray

Pam Grear

Judi Goldberg Suzanne Gregg

Pat Grasmick

''Bleach Boys)) Invade Westside Halls)路

Darwin Greiner

Betsy Guild

john Gulizia

Kathy Hammer

Janice Hansen

Ron Hansen

Linda Hagman

Mary Kay Haffner

Darwin Greiner-Ba ketball I; Science Club I. Betsy GuildPep Club 1-4; ITA 2, 3; FMA 2; Y-Tee ns I , 2; International Club 1-4; French Club I , 2; Spanish Club 3, 4; CPAF 4. j ohn Gulizia. Mary Kay Haffim路- Pe p Club 1-4 ; ITA 2-4; YTeens I ; International Club I, 2, 4; Latin Club 2-4; .JCL 2-4. Linda Hagman- DE4 . Kathy Hammer - PepCiub2-4 ; GAA 2; Thespians 3, 4; Top Choir 3, 4; Musicals 3, 4; Variety Show 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 4 ; Y-Teens 4; International Club 4. J anice Hansen- Pe p Club I. 2, 4; FTA 1-4; Y-Tee ns I; International Club 1-3; German Club 1-3. Ron Hansen- Transfer from Benso n High School, Omaha, ebra ka 2.

Sue Ha11sen- Pep Club 1-4; Top Choir 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Musicals 3; Variety how 2, 3; Y-Teens 1-4 ; International Club 2; Latin Club 2. Susml Hargleroad - Pep Club 1-4; FMA4 ; Y-Teens4. MaryLouHarnett-ITA4; International Club 3, 4; Spanish Club 3, 4; Transfer from orth High School , Omaha, Nebraska 3. Jackie Hauptman - Pep Club 1-4 ; GAA 2, 3, Secretary 3; Z-Ciub 3, 4, Treasurer 4 ; Math Club 4; National Honor Society 3, 4 ; Art Club 2; International Club 3, 4; Latin Club 3, 4 ; .JCL 3, 4 . Bill HavelkaW-Ciub 3, 4; Baseball 2-4; Interact 3, 4; Senate 3. Kathy //ayes- Pep Club I , 2, 4 ; Y-Teens I, 2; International Club 2; Latin Club I.

Sue Hansen Mary Lou Harnett

jackie Hauptman

Bill Havelka

Susan Hargleroad Kathy Hayes

Madras Shirts) Loafers Latest Style

Kenneth Ha)ford

Susan Hayward

j olw Headley

Palli Heimrod

Bill Hendricks

Rich Henningsen

Carole Henderson Thomas Henry路

Kenneth Hayford Transfer from Bossier City, Louisiana 4. Susan Hayward- Pep Club 1-4; DE 4; Y-Teens I. john Headley-Chess Club I. Palli Heimrod - Pep Club 1-3; F lA 2-4; Ski Club 4; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club I, 2; French lub I , 2; CPAF 4. Carole Henderson - Pep Club 1-4; Drill quad 3, 4; FTA 4; GAA I; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club 2, 3; French Club 2, 3. Bill Hendricks. Rich Henningsen- Math Club I; French Club 2. Thomas Henry Football I , 3; Debate 3; ki Club 4; International Club 2; Latin Club 2; CPAF 3, 4; Interact 3, 4.

Ken Herbert - Football I; Track I, 2, 4. Pam Herbst- Pep Club 2, 3; Top Choir 3. 1'vlargie Hering - Pep Club I, 2; DE 4; Y-Teens I. Patrick 1-lerrick - Hi -Y 4; Wrestling 4; lath Club 4 ; Chess Club 4; Ski Club 4; .Jr. Red Cross 4; Transfer from Creighton Prep High School, Omaha, ebraska 4. Hol/i Hickman - Pep Club 1-3; FTA :1; An Club 1-4; Jr. Red Cross I; Y-Tee ns I; International Club 1-4; French Club 1-4. jerry Hightower - W-Ciub 2-路1; Baseball 2; Track I ; Class Play 3; Variety how I , 2; DE 4, Vice President 4; .Jr. Red Cross I; International Club 2; German Club 2.

Pam Herbst

Ken Herbert Margie Hering

Patrick Herrick

/-Iolli Hickman

]en)' Hightower

Young Democrats) Young Republicans

Terry Hinders

H olli Hinrhcliff

Tim Hinze

Elayne Holste

jean H oemann Mike Hoke

Scott Holdrege

Holli Hinchcliff- Pep Club 1-4; ITA 2-4; International Club 1-4; Spanish Club I, 2; French Club 3, 4. Terry HindersPep Club 2-4. Tim Hinze- Wreslling I; Radio Club I, 2; Chess Club I; Ski Club 4; CPAF 4. jean Hoemann- Pep

Club 1-4; GAA 1-4, Vice President 4; Z-Ciub 3, 4; Shield Staff 4, Senior Editor; Top Choir 3, 4; Musicals 3, 4; Variety how 3, 4; ITA 1-4; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club 1-4; panish Club 1-4; CPAF 4. Elayne Holste-Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 4; International Club 3, 4; Spanish 3, 4. Mike Hoke. Scott Holdrege- Key Club 2-4; Shield Staff 3, 4, Photographer; Science Club 2-4, President 4; Radio Club 3, 4, Vice President 4.


Tom Hood- Hi- Y 3, 4; Key Club 2-4; Math Club 4; National

Honor Society 3, 4; International Club 2-4; Spanish Club 2-4; CPAF 4; ational Merit Semi-Finalist 4. Sandi Hopki7lS -Pep Club 1-4; GAA I, 2; Y-Teens I; International Club I, 2; Latin Club I, 2. Barb Hosford- Pep Club 1-4; Drill Squad 3, 4; GAA 1-4, Vice President 3, President 4; Thespians 2-4, Vice President 4; One Act Plays 3; Class Plays 3; Variety Show I, 2; Ski Club 2-4; Jr. Red Cross 1-3; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club 1-4; Spanish Club I, 2; Latin Club 3, 4; CPAF 4; Senate 2, 3; JCL 4. Susan Howl-Pep Club 1-4; ITA 3, 4; FMA 3, 4; International Club 1-4; French Club 2-4; Latin Club I. Allan Hruby- Football I; Track I, 2; Ski Club 4; International Club I. Susan Huffman- Tran.s fer from Brownell Hall, Omaha, Nebraska 4. Eric HultmanFootball I, 2; Basketball 1-4; Track 2-4; Class Officer 4, President; Debate 2; NFL 2-4; CPAF 4; Interact 3, 4.

Tom Hood

Sandi Hopki7lS Susan Howl

Barbara Hosford Allan Hruby

Susan Huffman

Eric Hultman

Campaign) Stage Mock Election

Terry Hunter

j e.ff H tLSba1Ul

jodee Iverson

Ellen jacobson

jim Irvine

Richard Ide

Jim Iverson

Tel7)' Hunter- Baseball l-3; Ski Club 2-4. jeff Husband Wrestling 2; Track 3; Cross Country 2. Richard Ide- Hi-

y 4; W-Club 3, 4; Football l; Basketball I ; Baseball 1-4; International Club I; French Club I. james Irvine- Hi-Y 4; Football l ; Basketball l ; Track 2; Science Club 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Interact 3, 4; Cross Country 2; Transfer from Central High School, Omaha, Nebraska l. j im Iverson- Hi-Y 4; WCiub 3, 4; Football 1-4; Wrestling l ; Basketball 1-4; Baseball l-4 ; Student Council 4, Treasurer; Key Club 2-4; Math Club 3; Ski Club 4; International Club 2; Latin Club 2; Interact 3, 4, Secretary 3, President4 ; Homecoming King4. jodee Iverson- TopChoir3,4; Musicals3 ,4 ; VarietyShow 3,4. Ellm Jacobson- Pep Club 1-4; E quires 3, 4; hield Staff 4, Student Life Editor; Class Plays 3; FTA 3, 4; FMA 3; Jr. Red Cross 4; Y-Teens 4; International Club l ; Latin Club 1; CPAF 4.

Steve jmkins- Hi -Y 3, 4; W-Ciub 1-4; Swimming 1-4; Track I, 2, 4; Math Club 3; Ski Club 4; International Club I, 2; Spanish Club l , 2; Interact 3, 4; Cross Country 2-4. Bi/ljmsen- Baseball 2; panish Club l. Jay jensen- Jr. Red Cross 3, 4. Linda jensen- Pep Club l-4 ; Shield taff 4, Associate Editor; FMA 2; Y-Teens l-3 ; International Club 1-4; French Club 1-4; CPAF 4; Etarletons 3. BilljepsenW-Ciub l -4; Basketball 2; Track 1-4; Cross Country 2, 4; Transfer from Central High School, Omaha, ebraska I. Art J etter - Variety Show I ; Chess Club l-4; Ski Club 3, 4. Charles johiLSon.

Linda j ensm

Bill Jepsen

Steve j enkins

Bill jensen

Art Jetter

Charles j ohnson

Jay jensen

Applicants Acquire College Catalogues)

Craigjohnson-Track I; Orchestra 1-4; Band 1-4; International Club 1-4: German Club 1-4; MathCiub4. Karmjohnson- Pep Club 2, 3; CAA 2; Z-Ciub 3, 4; Musicals 2-4; Orchestra 1-4; Band 3, 4; Y-Teens 3, 4; International Club 2-4; French Club 2-4. Kenton Jolmson-Football 2; Track 3, 4; Band 3, 4; Transfet路 from Bushey Hall American, England I; Cross Country 3. Marilea Johnson- Y-Teens 4; International Club 3, 4; Latin Club 3, 4; JCL 4; Transfer from Central High School, Omaha, Nebraska 3. Sandy jolmsonPep Club 1-4; Band I; FTA 2-4; Y-Teens I, 3, 4; International Club 4; Spanish Club 4. Terryjolmson- Football I, 2; Basketball I, 2; Track I; Key Club 2-4. Bob Jorgensen. Tom Kahley- ational llonor Society 3, 4; Transfer from Palo Verde High School, Tucson, Arizona 4. AI Kammerer- Hi-Y 4; Orchestra 3; Band 1-3; Senate 3; Ski Club 3; Latin Club I, 2; CPAF 3, 4. jo Alyce Kaplan- Pep Club 1-4: Esquires 3, 4; Y-Teens 1-4, Secretary 4; International Club 2-4; German Club 2-4; Z-Ciub 4.

Seniors Carolyn Richardson, Jean Hoemann, Kristi Andersen, and Linda .Jensen discuss their college plans.

1ig Jolmson fl)' Jolmson

Karen johnson Bob jorgensen

Ken/on johnson Tom Kahley

Marilea johmon AI Kammerer

Sandy johnson jo Alyce Kaplan

Anxiously Await Acceptance) Rey.ection

JoAnn Kaplan- Transfer from Central High chool, Omaha, ebraska 3. Sara Kaul- Transfer from Marian High School, Houston, Texas I. Marilyn Kaya-Band 3; Distributive

Education 4; Transfer from Tech High chool, Omaha, ebraska 2. jerry Keefe-Hi-Y I, 2; Football I, 2; Ski Club I, 2; International Club I, 2; Spanish Club I, 2. Karett Kehm-Pep Club I, 2; FMA 2;Jr. Red Cross I; Y-Teens I. Bob Kelly-Football 1-4; Track 1-3; 1' Baseball I; International Club I, 2; Latin Club I, 2. Kathy Kelley-Pep Club 1-4, Vice President 3, President 4; GAA I; Z-Ciub2-4; Esquire 2-4; Y-Teens I, 2; International Club 1-3; French Club 1-3; Homecoming Candidate 4. Margaret Kelly- Pep Club 2, 3; GAA 4; Lance Staff 4, Feature taff; Musicals I; Orchestra I, 2; Ski Club 4; Y-Teens I, 3, 4. Timothy Kelley-International Club 2. 3; Latin Club 2, 3; Transfer from Immaculate Conception High School, Elmhurst, Illinois 2. PtUricia Kellleborough- Pep Club 3; FMA 4; Transfer from Cathedral High School, Omaha, ebraska 2. Kris King- Pep Club 1-4; An Club 3, 4; Jr. Red Cross I; YTeens I, 3, 4; International Club 4. Jane Kinkead- Pep Club 1-4; FTA 4; International Club 2-4; Spanish Club 2-4. Phil Kirkle- Football 2; Track 2; Wrestling 2; Distributive Education 4. Greg Knox-lnteract4; Etarletons 4; Ski Club 3; International Club 3, 4; French Club 3, 4; Transfer from l. Jo eph, Mo. 2. Diane Kolasky- Pep Club 2-4; GAA 3, 4. Carol Krakowski- Distributive Education 4.

Kathy Kelley Jane Kinkead

Margaret Kelly Phil Kirkle

joAnn Kaplan jerry Keefe

Sara Kaul Karen Kehm

Marilyn Kaya Bob Kelly

Timothy Kelley Greg Knox

Patricia Kellleborough Diane Kolasky

Kris King Carol Krakowski

Chili Suppers Help Far East Raise

Gary Krieger

Kathy Kuzak

Daniel Kuttner

1orge Lalmers

Joanne Lamp

Jorjelle Langford

Mike Kyser

Linda Lacy

Cary Krieger - W-Ciub 2-4; Wrestling 1-4; Basketball I; Track I; Baseball 2-4; Band I, 2; Cross Coumry 2, 3; Science Club I, 2. Kathy Kuzak - Pep Club 2-4; International Club 3, 4; French Club 3, 4. Daniel Kullner - Debate 2; Radio Club 2, 3. Mike Kyser- Science Club 4; Ski Club 3, 4. Linda Lacy- Pep Club 2-4; Y-Teens 3, 4. George Lahners W-Club 3, 4; Football 2; Track 3. Joanne Lamp- Pep Club 1-4 ; FMA 1-3; ki Club 4; Y-Teens 1-4 ; International Club 1-4 ; Latin Club 1-4; CPAF 4. J orjelle Langford-Pep Club 2, 3; Art Club 2.

R obert Laf>sley-Chess Club 1-4. Russell La.rimer. Linda Lea Larson-Math Club 3, 4; ational Honor Society 3, 4;

Thespians 3, 4; One-Act Plays 3; Class Plays 3; Chess Club 3, 4; lmernational Club 2-4; Latin Club 2-4; CPAF 3, 4, Presidem 4; Transfer from Hopkins High School , Hopkins, Minnesota 2. Scott Lausterer - Hi-Y 2-4; W-Ciub 2-4; Football 1-4; Wrestling 1-4 ; Track 1; Baseball 2-4; Interact 3, 4; International Club 2; German Club 2. Lynda LawsonPep Club 1-4; Thespians 4; One-Act Plays 3; Class Plays 3; FMA 3, 4; lmernational Club 4; French Club 4. Nancy Lawson-Pep Club 1-3 ; Ski Club 4; Y-Teens I, 4.

Russell Larimer

Robert Lapsley Linda Lea Larson

Scoll Lausterer

Lynda Lawson

Nancy Lawson

$1200 For Westside Scholarship Fund

Meriel Lefler

Anne Leigh

Roxanne Lembke

Gary Lind

Allen Lenz John Linstromberg

Louise Lewis John Lojberg

Meriel Lefler- Pep Club 2-4; Drill Squad 4; FL 3, 4; IT A 4; Y-Teens 2, 4; lnl!drnational Club 2-4; French Club 2-4; Z-Ciub 4; Debate 3. Anne Leigh- Pep Club 1-4; Shield Staff 4, Organizations Editor; Top Choir 3, 4; Musicals 3, 4; Variety Show 3, 4; ITA 3, 4; Y-Teen 2-4; International Club 3, 4; French Club 3, 4; CPAF 4. Roxanne LembkeTransfer from Oakland High School, Oakland, Iowa 4. Allen Lenz- Hi-Y 3, 4; W-Ciub 3, 4; Football I, 2; Basketball I, 2; Track 2; Interact 2, 4; Cross Country 3. Louise LewisPep Club 1-4; Ski Club 3, 4; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club 1-4; Latin Club 4; JCL 3, 4; GAA 4. Gary Lind- Track 1-4; Band I; Ski Club 3; pan ish Club I, 2; Cross Country 3. john Lindstromberg-Swimming 2-4; Class Plays 3; Math Club 3. john Lofberg.

Paul Long- Transfer from Croton-Harmon High School, New York City, New York 3. Steve Long- Hi-Y 2-4; Foot-

ball I, 2; Track I, 2; Lance Staff 4, Page Four Editor; Ski Club 3, 4; International Club I, 2; panish Club I, 2; Interact 3, 4. Nancy Lormz- Pep Club 1-4; Drill Squad 2-4; Z-Ciub 3, 4; ITA 2-4; Jr. Red Cross 2; Y-Teens I, 3, 4; International Club 2-4; French Club 2-4. Loretta LouisTran fer from Pratt, Omaha, Nebraska 3. Robert LovgrenHi-Y 2-4; Track 1-4; Interact 3, 4. Cheryl Lowrey- Pep Club 1-4; International Club 1-4; Spanish Club 1-4; Transfer from Cedar Falls High School, Cedar Falls, Iowa I

Paul Long

Steve Long Nancy Lorenz

Loretta Louis

Robert Lovgren

Cheryl Lowrey

Nebraska Regents Taken In November)路

Rand)' Luder

Rick MacDonald

David Mack

Dennis Mackiewicz

Linda Maddm Dianne Madsen

Frank Maddox

Rand\' Ludn路- t\lusicals 3. 4; Orchestra 3. 4; Band 3, 4; Tr<u1sfer from Nonh Liule Rock High chool, 1onh Liule Rock, Arkansas :t Rick MacDonald-Wrestling I, 2; DE 4; Chess Club I. David Mack-Football I, 2; Baseball 1-4; Variety Show I; Cross Country :1. Dennis MackiewiczClass Pla)S :1. Linda Madden-Pep Club 1-3; Drill Squad 4; An Club 2; Ski Club 3; Y-Teens 3, 4. Frank MaddoxFootball I; Baseball I; Wrestling I; ki Club 4. Dianne Madsen-Pep Club 1-:~; Dt路ill Squad 3, 4.

Dean Magnuson. Don Marrow- Wrestling 4; Ski Club 4. Ron Marrow- Math Club 4; Chess Club 4: Ski Club 4: Imernational Club 2. Peter Matschke- Key Club 4: AFS 4,

Exchange Studem from Kulmbach, Bavaria, German)': Orchestra 4: International Club 4. Dmnis Malia- Football3; W-Ciub 3; Track 3; Interact 4. john Malison- Top Choir :1. 4: Musicals 3, 4; Vat路iety how 3, 4: Latin Club 3, 4;JCL 3. 4, Treasurer 4; CPAF 4: Tran fer from Cemral High School, Omaha, ebraska 3. Kath)' Jl/cBu-Pep Club 3. 4: FMA 4; lmernational Club 4: Transfer from Arlington, Virginia 3.

Dean Magnu.1on

Don ,\1arrow

Ron A/arrow

Peter Mat.1chke

Dennis Malia

john Malison

Kathy McBee

College Boards) ACT Are Necessities

Margo McCallum

David McCameron

Marci McDonald

ja11ice McFarland

Ken McCrillis

Cary• AlcClendon

Michael McCumber

onh High chool, Margo McCallum - Transfer from Omaha , ebraska 4. David McCameron-lli-Y 3, 4; Track 3, 4; Cro s Country 3, 4; Transfer from Cathedral High School, Indianapolis, Indiana 3. Gary McClendon - Football I; Tennis 1-3; Variety Show I; Cross Country 3, 4. Ken McCrillis. Michael McCumber- Variety how I; International Club I; Latin Club I. Marci McDonald- Pep Club 2, 3; An Club 4; Transfer from an Diego, California 2. Janice AfcFar/and- Pep Club 2,3; Ski Club 2; Transfer Irom anta Clara, alifornia I.

john Mcintyre- Hi- Y I;

hield Staff 2-4, Photo Editor 3, 4; Lance taff 4, Photographer; Science Club I; Band I; Latin Club I; JCL I, 2. Mtke McMahon- Wrestling I; Band 1-3; Ski Club 4; International Club I; French Club I. Susan .He Naughton- Pep Club2-4; FTA 4; Y-Teens I, 3: International Club 2; Latin Club 2; JCL 2. Karen McWhirter- Pep Club 3; Top Choir 3, 4; Musicals 3, 4; Variety Show 3, 4; Y-Teens 4: Transfer from Sibley High chool, St. Paul, Minnesota 2. Ira Meiberger. Kenneth Meier- Hi- Y I, 3. 4; W-Club 2-4; Track I, 2: lmernational Club I, 2; pan ish Club I, 2; Cross Country 2-4. Tim Mellor- Band I, 2.

Karen McWhirter

Ira i\leiberger

John Mcintyre

Mike McMahon

Kenneth Meier

Tim Mellor

S uscm ,\/ c a ughto,

Senior Girls Spend Saturday Nights

Becky Mezger

Dianna Miller

Len Miller

G1路egory Montes

Diane Moore

Ginny Moore

john Moffatt

Barbara Montag

Becky Mezger- Pep Club 1-4; Jr. Red Cross I; Y-Teens 3, 4; International Club 2. Dianna Miller- Top Choir 3, 4; Musicals 3, 4; Variety Show 2-4; CPAF 4. Len Miller- W-

Ciub 2-4; Track 1-3; Basketball I; Footbaiii;Jr. Red Cross I, 2; International Club 3, 4; Spanish Club 3, 4; Cross Country 2-4. john Moffatt. Barbara Montag- Top Choir 3, 4; Musicals 3, 4; Variety Show 3, 4. Gregory MontesNational Honor Society 3, 4; Chess Club 3, 4; International Club 2-4; Spanish Club 2, 3; German Club 4; Transfer from Escuela Bilingue San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico. Diane Moore-Pep Club 1-4; Drill Squad 2-4; YTeens 2-4; International Club 3, 4; French Club 3, 4. Ginny Moore-Pep Club 1-3; Lance Staff 4; Art Club 1-3, President 3; Ski Club 1-4; Y-Teens 3; International Club 2-4; French Club 2-4; Etarletons 3; Jr. Red Cross I.

Jacquie Moore- Pep Club 1-4; Drill Squad 2-4; Student

Council 2; Z-Ciub 2-4; Esquires 2-4; Math Club 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; FTA 4; Y-Teens 1-4, Treasurer 3; International Club 2-4; French Club 2-4. Linda MooreTop Choir 3, 4; Musicals 3, 4; Variety Show 3, 4. Virginia Moore- Pep Club 1-4; GAA I, 2; Student Council 3; ZCiub 3, 4; Musicals 1-4; Orchestra 1-4; Y-Teens 2; International Club 1-4; French Club 3, 4; Latin Club I, 2. Cheri Moredick- Pep Club 1-4; Drill Squad路 4; Thespians 4; Class Plays 3; FMA 3, 4, Vice President 3, President 4; Y-Teens I; International Club 2-4; French Club 2-4; Senate 3, Secretary; Etarletons 3. Micky Morgan- Pep Club 4; Esquires 4; Top Choir 3, 4; Musicals 3, 4; Variety Show 3, 4; Band 2-4; Drum Majorette 3, 4; Art Club 4; Y-Teens 4. Peggy Morgan- Pep Club 1-4.

Linda Moore

Jacquie Moorf Virginia Moore

Cheri Moredick

Mirkey Morgan

Peggy Morgan

Doing Homework And Playing Bridge

Linda Morrison

Lynne Morrison

Gerald Mosher

Randy Mosley

John Mumaugh

Melinda Murdock

George Moustalus Deanna Neely

Linda Morrison..-:Pep Club 2-4; FMA 4; International Club 3; French Club 3. Lynne Morrison-Pep Club 1-4; GAA I; Variety how 4; FMA 2; Ski Club 2-4; Art Club 3; Y-Teens I; International lub I, 3, 4; French Club I ; Spanish Club 3, 4. Gerald Mosher- Transfer from Cambridge High School, Cambridge, Massachusetts 3. Randy Mosley- Variety how I, 2; Track I. George Moustakes. john Mumaugh-Football 1-3 ; Wrestling I ; Tra k I, 2; Debate 3, 4; NFL 3, 4; French Club I; Interact 3, 4; enate 3. Melinda Murdock- Y-Teens 2-4; Art Club 2-4; International Club 3; Spanish Club 3. Deanna Neely- Pep Club 1-4; DE 4; Y-Teens I.

Donald Nelsen- Hi-Y 3, 4; Football 2, 3; Interact 3, 4, Secretary 4. Pam Ness- Pep Club 1-3; Lance Staff 3; Art Club 1-3 ; Ski Club 1-4; Y-Teens 2; International Club 1-3; French lub 1-3; Etarletons 3. Roger Neumann- W-Ciub 3, 4; Football I; Track I ; Baseball 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3. Jean Newman-Pep Club 1-4; FTA 4; Ski Club 2, 4;Jr. Red Cross 2; Y-Teens 2, 4; International Club 2-4; Spani h Club 2-4. Paige Newman-Pep Club 3, 4; Thespians 3; Class Pla ys 3; FMA 3, 4; Art Club 4. Stephen Nicholson-International Club 3, 4; French Club 3, 4.

Pam Ness

Donald Nelsen Roger Neumann

Jean Newman

Paige Newman

Stephen Nicholson

Enthusiastic Seniors Show Originality)

Tom Nilsson-Golf 2-4; Ski Club 3,4; International Club 1-3 ; Latin Club 1-3; CPAF 4. Don Noei-Hi-Y 3,4; Wrestling

3,4; Baseball 3,4; Thespians 3,4; Cia Plays 3; Top Choir 3,4; Musicals 3,4; Variety Show 3,4; International Club 2-4; French Club 2-4. Barbara Norberg-Pep Club 1-4 ; Squires 2-4; GAA I ,2, Sec. 2; Thespians 3,4, Recorder 4; One Act Plays 3; Class Plays 3; Variety Show 3; International Club 2,4; French Club 2,4; Z-Ciub 4. Rocklyn Nord-Pep Club 3; Y-Teens 2. Linda Nordman-Pep Club 2,3; DE 3,4. Kaye Nordyke- Pep Club 4; Transfer from Hugoton High School, Hugoton, Kans. 4. Catherine Nothltelfer- Pep Club 2,3; Top Choir 3,4; Musicals 3,4; Variety Show 3,4; GAA 2; FMA 2; Y-Teens I; International Club 1-4; Latin Club 1-4; JCL 3,4. Ruth Novak- DE 4; Transfer from Mercy High School, Omaha, ebr. 3. Terry Obteshka. Mike O'HaraTrack 3; Transfer from Dowling High School, Des Moines, Iowa 3.

Chuck Barton looks dismayed as he surveys his hand, as he, Rich Young, Steve Calvert and Dave Sheppard begin an evening of bridge.

Tom Nil1SOII Kaye Nordyke

Don Noel Catherine Notlzhelfer

Barbara Norberg Ruth Novak

Rocklyn Nord Terry Obteshka

Linda Nordman Mike O'Hara

Get Together For Pleasure And Profit

Mary Orth-CPAF 4; Tran fer from Wheaton Community High School, Wheaton , Ill. 4. Steve Pace. Bob Paeper Football I; Wrestling I ,2; Swimming I; Track I ; Ski Club 2. }O)'Ce Page- Pep Club 2-4; Drill Squad 4; Top Choir 3,4; Musicals 3,4; Variety Show 3,4; FTA 4; Y-Teens 3,4; International Club 4; French Club 4. Lynn Palmer- Pep Club 4; Top Choir 3,4; Musicals 3,4; Variety Show 4; Transfer from Hastings High chool, Hasting 路, ebr. 3. Donna PardeePep Club 1-4; GAA 1,2; FTA 1-4; Y-Teens I; International Club 1-3; Latin Club 2,3; German Club I. Craig Parkhurst. jeffrey Passer- Math Club 4; National Honor Society 3,4; Science Club 2,4; ki Club 4; CPAF 4. Mike PepfJle - D拢 4; Transfer from Hopkins High School, Hopkins, Minn. 4. Cln.ire Perrigo- Pep Club 2-4; Top Choir 3,4; Musicals 3,4; Variety how 3,4; FMA 2; International Club 2; Latin Club 2; CPAF 4. Susan P~uy - Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens I ,2; International Club I ;'2; French Club I ,2; Latin Club 3. Tom Phalen- W-Club 3,4; Football 1-4; Wrestling 1-4; Track I ,2; International Club I; German Club I. Lade Piau Baseball 3. Christine Pinali - Pep Club 2-4; GAA 2; Z-Club 3,4; ational Honor Society 3,4; Class Plays 3; Debate 3,4; FL 3,4, ec. 4; International Club 2-4; Spanish Club 2-4; CPAF 4. john Piper. Pam Prall - Pep Club 2-4; Class Plays 3; FT A 4; Y-Teens 2-4; International Club 2-4; French Club 2-4, Pre . 4; Z-Club 4. Mary Orth joyce Page

Craig Parkhurst Tom Phalen

jeffrey Passer Lade Piau

Mike Pepple Chirstine Pinali

Steve Pace Palmer


Claire Perrigo john Piper

Bob PMper Donna Pardee

Susan Peuy Pam Prall

Skate Boards And Hondas Develop As

Sheila Randall

Bob Rahe

Gary Radii

jewell Ranieri

joseph Rapoport


Betsy Raskin

Gary Radii - Transfer from Benson High School, Omaha, ebraska 2. Bob Rahe - W-Ciub 3, 4; Football 1-4; Basketball I, 2; Interact4 . Shiela Randall - Pep Club I, 2; International Club 2. jewell Ranieri - Pep Club 2-4; Art Club 4; Ski Club 4; JCL 2; Transfer from University City, Missouri 2. j oseph Rapoport- W-Ciub 4; Golf 3, 4; Orchestra I, 2; Band I, 2; FMA 4; French Club 4; CPAF 4, Vice President 4 ; Ke y Club 4; Math Club 4; Transfer from Wheatley High School, Long Island , New York I. Mimi Rapp - Pep Club 1-4; Drill Squad 2-4; FTA 2; Art Club 3; Y-Teens 2; Latin Club 2, 3. Betsy Raskin - Pep Club I; Z-Ciub 3, 4; Quill and croll 3, 4; Lance Staff 4, Editor; National Honor Society 3, 4; Debate 2-4; NFL 2-4, President 4; FTA 2, 3; International Club 1-3; French Club 1-3; CPAF 4.

Connie Ream - Pep Club I , 2. Elizabeth Reed - Pep Club 2-4; Y-Teens 2, 3; International Club 3; French Club 3. Kathryn R ees- Pep Club 1-4; GAA I, 2, Treasurer 2; Z-Ciub 2-4, Vice President3, President 4; Math Club 3, 4 , Vice President 3; ational Honor Society 3, 4; Girls' State 3; Debate 2; FL 2-4; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club 1-4; French Club 1-4; Tennis 2. Barb Reichman - Pep Club 1-4 ; FTA 3, 4; Y-Teens 2-4; International Club 2-4; German Club 2-4. Karen Reigle - Pep Club 1-4 ; FTA3 , 4; FMA 2; International Club 4; Spanish Club 4. julie Reynolds - Pep Club 1-4; Ski Club4; Y-Teens 1,2,4 ; FrenchCiub2,4 . M erry Rice- Pep Club 1-3; Shield Staff 4; Ski Club 3, 4; FMA 4; Y-Teens 3, 4.

Connie Ream

Elizabeth Reed Barb Reichman

Kathryn Rees Karen Reigle



julie Reynolds

Merry Rice

Hazardous Means Of Transportation

Carolyn Richardson Va/erie Rish

Dennis Riffel

Doug Riffel

Nancy Riley

Flo)'d Ring

Bill Ritchey

Carolyn R ichardson - Pep Club 1-4; Cheerleading 4; GAA 1-3; Shield Staff 4, Academic Editor; FTA 4; Y-Teens 2, 4; International Club 2, 4; French Club 4; Latin Club 2; Homecoming Candidate 4. Dennis Riffel. Doug Riffel. Nancy Riley- Musicals I ; Orchestra 4; International Club 4; JCL 2. Floyd Ring - Hi-Y 4; Golf I; Ski Club 4; International Club 2, 3; Latin Club 2. Valerie Rish- Pep Club 2. Bill Ritchey- Football I , 2; Wrestling I ; Band 1-3; DE 4.

Ross Rizley- Math Club3; Debate3,4; FL3 ,4; cienceClub 2-4, Treasurer 3, Secretary 4; Chess Club 2-4; Ski Club 4; International Club 4; German Club 4; CPAF 4; 1 ational Merit Semi-Finalist 4. Mike Roach. David Roberts - Hi-Y I, 2; Debate 3; Science Club 3, 4 ; Chess Club 2. Sandi Robimon - Pep Club 2-4; Ski Club 4; Y-Teens 4; International Club 2-4; Latin Club 2-4. Barb Rockwood - Pep Club 1-3; FTA 2; Y-Teens I; International Club I ; Spanish Club I. J eanne Roegner - Pep Club 2-4; Lance Staff 4, Page One Editor; FT A 4; FMA 4; Ski Club 4; Jr. Red Cross 3, 4; International Club 3, 4; French Club 3, 4; Y-Teens 3, 4; CPAF 4; Transfer from Chicago, Illinois I. Henry RohwerBand 1-3; Radio Club 3; International Club 1-3; Latin Club 1-3; JCL 3; Warrior Winds 3.

Ross Rizley Sandi Robinson

Barb Rockwood

jeanne Roegner

Mike Roach Henry Rohwer

David Roberts

Experimen.ts) Problems) Exams Prove

Sharon Ross john Ruby

Chuck Roth Gerald Rudolfo

Bonnie Rothschild

Leslie Rowland

Don Roudebush

judi Runstrom

Sharon Ross - Pep Club 1-4; Drill Squad 3, 4; Thespians 3, 4; Class Plays 3; FTA 1-4, Secretary 3, Treasurer 4; ki Club 3, 4; Y-Teens I, 2, 4; International Club 1-4: French Club 1-4: CPAF 4. Chuck Roth - Football I, 2: Track I. Bonnie Rothschild - Pep Club 1-4; Esquires 3, 4; FTA 2, 3; FMA 3; International Club 2, 3; panish Club 2, 3. Don Roudebush-Wrestling I; Track 1-3; Science Club I; Jr. Red Cross I. Leslie Rowland - Pep Club 2-4; F lA 3, 4. john Ruby - Baseball 2-4: Football I. Gerald Rudolfo. judi Runstrom-Pep Club 1-4 : Drill Squad 2-4; GAA I; Variet)' Show I, 2; FMA 4; Ski Club 4; Jr. Red Cross I; Y-Teens I; International Club 2: Latin Club 2.

Tom Rydberg- W-Ciub 3, 4; Wrestling 2-4; Band 2, 3. am Sacco - Transfer from Holy arne High chool, Omaha , ebraska 4. David Samson - Radio Club 1-3; Ski Club 4. Ruthie Saunders - Pep Club 1-4; Class Officer 3, Secretary; Z-Ciub 2-4; Esquires 2-4, Secretary-Treasurer 3, President 4; hield ta!f 2, Artist; ational Honor ociety 3, 4; Girls' State 3; Art Club 2; Y-Teens 2-4; International Club 3; French Club 3; CPAF 3, 4. Bruce ayles- W-Ciub 3, 4; Football 1-4; Wrestling 1-4; Track I, 2; Key Club 3, 4; Boys' State :~; Homecoming Candidate 4 . Marilyn Schlegel- Pep Club 1-4; Top Choir 3, 4 ; Musicals 3, 4; Variety Show 3, 4 ; Orchestra 1-3; FMA 2.

Sam Sacco

Tom Rydberg David Samson

Rut/lie Saunders

Bruu Sayles

Marilyn Schlegel

Confusing To Many Chemistry Students

Chryse Schory

Donna Schober

Kurt Schroeder

johnetle Schultz

Robert Schwarz

Carol Seamands

George Sennentz

Patricia hanahan

Donna Schober- DE 4. Chry•se Schory-Pep Club 1-4; Lane Staff 4, Page Three Editor; FTA 2-4; Ski Club 4; Jr. Red Cross 3, 4; lntern<J4ional Club 2; French Club 2. Kurt Schroeder-German Club I. Johnetle Schultz- Pep Club 1-4; Drill quad 3, 4; Y-Tee ns 3, 4. Robert Schwarz- W-Ciub 3, 4; Track 1-4 ; Thespians 3, 4; One Act Plays 3; Class Plays 3; Top Choir 3, 4; Musicals 3, 4; Variety Show 3, 4; Carol Seamands-Pep Club 1-4; International Club 2. ITA 4; International lub 4; Spanish Club 4. George Sennentz- Hi-Y 3, 4; Track I; Ski Club 3, 4; Jr. Red Cross I , 4; International Club 3, 4; German Club 3; CPAF 4 . Patricia Shanahan - DE 3, 4, Secretary 4; Transfer from Diable High S hool , Concord, California I.

Lynda Shannon - Pep Club2-4; Esquires3.4 ; VarietyShow3 ; An Club 2, 3; Ski Club 4 ; International Club 2-4; French Club 2-4. Kathy Sharp - Pep Club 1-4 ; An Club 4; International Club 4; Spanish Club 4 . Dave Sheppard-Hi-Y 4; Football I, 2; Track I , 2; Key Club 2-4; Math Club 4 ; ational Honor Society 3, 4 ; Band I, 2; CPAF 4; enate 3; Interact 3, 4. Diane Shoemaker - Pep Club 3; FTA 2; International Club I; Spanish Club I. Nanci Shook- Pep Club 1-4; Cheerleading 2-4; Class Officer. Treasurer 3, Vice President 4; Esquires 2-4; International Club 2-4, SecretaryTreasurer 3, President 4; French Club 2-4; Homecoming Queen 4. Carolyn Simmons - Pep Club 1-4; Cheedeading 2-4; GAA I; Z-Ciub3,4; Y-Tee ns 1-4 ; JCL2; Homecoming Candidate 4.

, Lynda Shannon Dave Sheppard

Kathy Sharp Diane Shoemaker

Nanci Shook

Carolyn Simmon.1

1964-65 Characterized By Hard Work)

Mike Simmons. Debbie Skoog-Smith- Pep Club 1-4; International Club 2-4; French Club 2-4. Dean Slack- Hi-Y 3; Wrestling 1,2; Thespians 3; Ski Club 2-4; International Club 1,4; German Club 1,4. RichardSline-Baseball 4; W-Ciub 4; Transfer from Syracu e, ew York 4. Robert Smallwood- Thespians 3,4; Radio Club 3,4; International Club 2; Spanish Club 2; CPAF 4. David Smith- International Club 3. Doug Smith- ational Honor ociety 3,4. john Smith- Band 1,2; Chess Club 1; Latin Club 2. Linda Smith -Pep Club 2-4; FTA 3,4; Y-Teens 1, International Club 2,3; Latin Club 2,3. Ronald Smith-Swimming 2; Cross Country I.


Rod Ulfers switches to scurfin' as his Banal buddies, Bryan Vercoe and Bill Gray, attempt a tackle.

Mike Simmons David Smith

Debbie Skoog-Smith Douglas Smith

Dean Slack john Smith

Richard Stine Linda Smith

Robert Smallwood Ronald Smith

High Achievements And Ambitious Goals

Ann Snow - Pep Club 1-4; Z-Ciub 3,4; Math Club 3,4; National Honor ociety 3,4; Band 1-4; Debate 2-4; FL 2-4; Science Club 2; FT A 3,4; International Club 1-4; Spanish Club 1-4, Sec.-Treas. 4. Mary Ann Souitup - DE 4; Y-Teens 2. Edward Spencer - Basketball I; Thespians 3,4, Treas. 4; Class Plays 3. Mike Spicka. Ron Sponsler - Transfer from Benson High School, Omaha, Nebr. 3. Mike Stanner - WCiub 2-4, Treas. 4; Homecoming Candidate 4; Football 2-4; Swimming 2-4 ; Track 1-4; Interact 4. Duane Stewart W-Club 2-4; Football 1-4; Track 1-4; Homecoming Candidate 4. Cmhy Stork - Pep Club 2-4; GAA 2; FTA 3,4; Art Club 4; Ski Club 3,4; Y-Teens 3,4. Bill Strateman - Hi-Y 3; W-Ciub 3,4; Lance Staff 3,4, ports Editor 4 ; Cross Country 3; Interact 3,4, Treas. 4; Ski Club 4; Transfer from hattuck School, Faribault, Minn. 3. Kathleen Stuhr - Band 2-4; Y-Teens 3,4. Pamela Stutzman - Pep Club 3; DE 4. Janet Sullivan - Pep Club 2-4; Thespians 4; Top Choir 3,4; Musicals 3,4 ; Variety Show 3 ,4; FT A 2-4 ; Jr. Red Cross 3; International Club.:2-4; French Club 3,4; Latin Club 2. Charles Summers - Transfer from ewton High School , ewton, Kans. 3. Robert Sund - Football 2; Track 1,3,4; Band 1-4; Ski Club 1-4 ; International Club 3; Cross Country 3,4. Scott Swanson - W-Ciub 2-4; Football 2-4; Wrestling 2-4; Spanish Club 4; Chess Club 2; Homecoming Candidate 4. Stephen Swanson - Hi-Y 1,2; Orchestra 1,2 ; Band 1,2; Science Club 1-4; Radio Club 4; Chess Club 1-4; Ski Club 4; Jr. Red Cross 4; International Club I ; German Club I.

Duane Stewart Janet Sullivan

Cathy Stork Charles Summers

Ann Snow Mike Spicka

Bill Strateman Robert Sund

Mary Ann Soukup Ron Sponsler

Kathleen Stuhr Scott Swanson

Edward Spencer Mike Stanner

Pamela Stutzman Stephen Swanson

Post- War Baby Boom Helps Produce

Ramsey Swenson

Terry Tau/borg

judi Switzer

j erome Taylor

Elaine T egtmeier

Tom Thiessen

Karen Thoma

Ramsey Swenson- Pep Club 1-4; Class Plays 3; Top Choir 3, 4 ; Musicals 3, 4 ; Variety Show 3. 4; FTA 3, 4 ; PAF 3, 4 ; Jr. Red Cross 4; Y-Teens 3, 4 ; Imernational Club 2, 3; panish Club 2, 3. judi Switzer- Pep Club 1-4 ; Drill Squad 3, 4; Shield Staff 4 , Underclass Editor; Variety Show 3; FTA 3, 4 ; FMA 3; Ski Club 4; Y-Teens 1-3 ; lmernational Club I , 2; Spanish Club I , 2. Terry Tau/borg. J erome Taylor Swimming 4; Student Council4; Ski Club 4; Transfer from entral High School , Omaha, ebraska 4 . Elaine Tegtmeier - Pep Club 1-4 ; Z-Ciub 4 ; ational Honor Society 3, 4; Girls' State Alternate 3; The pians 3, 4. Secretary 4; One Act Plays 3; Cia s Pla ys 3; Variety Show I, 2; Band 1-3; Ski lub 3, 4 ; Y-Teens I; lmernational Club 1-3; German Club 1-3, Presidem 3; Nation al Merit Semi-Finalist 4. Tom Thiessen. Karen Thoma - Pep Club 1-4 ; FTA 3, 4; YTeens 2-4; lmemational Club 2, 3; German Club 2, 3.


Carol Thomas-Pep Club 1-4 ; Z-Ciub 3, 4; Lance Staff 4 , Page Two Editor; ational Honor ociety 3, 4; FTA 1-3; Y-Teens 1-3; International Club 1-4 ; French Club 1-4 ; ational Merit Semi-Finalist 4 . Terri Thompson- Pep Club 1-3; Shield Staff 4 , Assistam Academic Edito r ; FMA 2, 3; Jr. Red Cross 1-3; Y-Tee ns I, 2; lmernational lub 1-3. Paul Thomblad - Hi-Y 4 ; T o p Choir 3, 4; Musicals 3, 4; Orchestra 3, 4; Band 1-4, Captain 4 ; lmernatio nal Club I , 2; Latin Club I, 2; CPAF 3, 4. Karen Thomton - Pep Club 2, 3. Francis Tierney- Football I , 2. Les TighP- Football I. 2. Robert Tilton- Top Choir 4; Musicals 3. 4; Orchestra 3, 4; Band 2-4; Transfer from Ga tew ay High School, Monroeville. Penns lvania 2.

Carol T hofrtas

Terri Thompson

Paul Thornblad

Karm Thomton

Fran cis Tierney

Lt>s Tighe

Robert Tilton

Largest Class In Westside's History

Ken Timperley

Keith Timperley

Sandra Tuerk

Morgan Tyler

Candace Trapp

Shari Trester

Nancy Truhlsen

Ken Timperley. Keith Timperley. Candace Trapp - Pep Club 2-4; International Club 3; Latin Club 3. Shari Trester - Pep Club

1-4; Ski Club 3, 4; Y-Teens I; lntemational Club 2-4; Fr路ench Club 2-4. Nancy Truhlsen- Pep Club 1-4; GAA I; Esquires 2-4; Shield Staff 4; Variety Show 4; FT A 3, 4; FMA I, 2; Ski Club 3; Jr. Red Cross I; Y-Teens I ; International Club I ; French Club I; Spanish Club 4. Sandra Tuerk - Pep Club 1-4; Lance Staff 4; Variety Show I ; FMA 2-4; Y-Teens 2"; Jr. Red Cross 2-4; International Club 2, 3; Latin Club 2, 3; CPAF 4; JCL 3. Morgan Tyler-Football 2; Tennis 1-4; International Club 2; French Club 2; CPAF 2-4; Transfer from St. Petersburg, Florida I .

Barb Udes- Pep Club 1-4 ; Lance Staff 4;

ational Honor ociety 3, 4; FTA 4; Y-Teens 4; International Club 1-4; Spanish Club I, 2; German Club 3, 4. Rod Ulfers-Hi-Y 3, 4; Football I; Wrestling 2, 3; Tennis 1-4; Debate 3, 4 ; Ski Club 4; panish Club I; CPAF 4; Cross Country 2, 3. Ruth Unzicker- Pep Club 1-4; Class Plays 3; Orchestra 1-4 ; Band 1-4; FMA 3, 4; Ski Club 3; Y-Teens 4; International Club 2, 3; French Club 2, 3; Z-Ciub 4. Mary Vales-Pep Club 1-4 ; Thespians 4; DE 4, Treasurer; FT A 2-4, Vice President3 , President4; Y-Teens I ; International lub 1,2 ; German Club I, 2. John Van Pelt - W-Ciub 1-4; Football I ; Swimming 1-4; Track I ; DE 4, President. Alicia VargasPorros - Student Council 4; Z-Ciub 4; AFS 4; Exchange Student from San jose, Costa Rica ; Thespians 4; Science Club 4; FTA 4; Y-Teens 4; International Club 4; Spanish Club 4. Bryan Vercoe-Football 2, 3; Track 1-4; Top Choir 3, 4; Musicals 3, 4; CPAF 4.

Mary Vales

john Van Pelt

Barbara Udes

Rod Ulfers

Alicia Vargas-Porros

Bryan Vercoe

Ruth Unzicker

Baccalaureate) Graduation End Year)路

jean Vipond

Richard Vinal

Dave Vickery

Kristi Waara

Ron Walker

Steve W alk.tr

Rachatl Ward

Dave Vickery-Hi-Y 4; Musicals I , 2; Orchestra I , 2; Band

I, 2; Ski Club 3, 4; International Club I, 2; Spanish Club I , 2; CPAF 2; Interact 3, 4; Senate I, 2. Richard Vinal- Debate 3; Transfer from Scottsdale, Arizona 2. Jean VipondPep Club 3; Top Choir 3, 4; Musicals 3, 4; Band 3; Y-Teens 4; German Club 4; International Club 4; Transfer from Winner High School, Winner, South Dakota 2. Kristi Waara - Pep Club I, 2; Thespians 3, 4; Class Plays 3; Top Choir 3, 4; Musicals 3, 4; Art Club 2, 4; Y-Teens I. Ron WalkerBasketball I; Wrestling 3, 4. Steve Walker- Track I, 2; Ski Club 3, 4. Rachael Ward- Pep Club 2-4; Shield Staff 4, Sales and Promotion Manager; FMA 4: Jr. Red Cross 4; Y-Teens I, 4; International Club 2; Latin Club 2.

Linda Warren - Pep Club 1-4; DE 4; Y-Teens I, 3. Charles Wathen - Transfer from St. John's, Delfield, Wisconsin 4. Bruce Waweres. Doris Weber. Karen Weber - Pep Club 1-4;

Shield Staff 4, Busines~ Manager; FTA 2; Y-Teens I ; International Club 2, 4; French Club 2, 4. Marg Weingarten -Pep Club I, 2; Ski Club 3, 4; Y-Teens I; International Club I , 2; Spanish Club 2. Linda Wells - Pep Club 1-4 ; Esquires 3, 4; Lance Staff 4; Thespians 4; Class Plays 3; FT A 3, 4; FMA 2; Jr. Red Cross 3, 4, Secretary-Treasurer 4; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club I, 2: French Club I , 2; CPAF 4.

Linda Warren

Charles Wathen Doris Weber

Bruce W aweres Karen Weber

Marg Weingarten

Linda Wells

A Collection Of Memories Is Complete

Linda Wemmer

Karen Wendt

Barb Whinery

Susan White

Cheryl West

Danielle West

Cindy Whuler

Linda Wemmer - Pep Club 2-4; ITA 3, 4; Art Club 3. Karen Wendt - Pep Club 1-4; Drill Squad 3; GAA 2-4, Treasurer 4; Esquires 3, 4; Shield Staff 4, Sports Editor; ITA 3; Y-Teens 2-4, Treasurer 4; International Club 1-4; French Club 3, 4; Spanish Club I , 2; Z-Club 4. Cheryl West Pep Club 1-4; Esquires 3, 4; Ski Club 2-4; Art Club 4; YTeens 1, 4. Danielle West - Pep Club 1-4; Y-Teens 1-3. Cindy Wheeler - Pep Club 1-4; Class Officer 4, ecretary; Esquires 3, 4, Secretary-Treasurer 4; IT A 2-4, Treasurer 3, Secretary 4 ; Y-Teens I , 2; International Club 2, 3; Latin Club 2, 3. Barb Whinery-Pep Club 3, 4; GAA 3, 4; Ski Club 4; Y-Teens 4; CPAF 4; International Club 4; Transfer from Des Moines, Iowa 3. Susan White - Pep Club 1-4; Lance Staff 4; FMA I , 2; Art Club 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Jr. Red Cross I ; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club I , 2, 4; Spanish Club 2-4 ; CPAF 4; Transfer from McCook High School, McCook, ebraska I .

Steve Wigodsky- Football I, 2; Shield Staff 2-4; Lance Staff 2-4; Radio Club 2-4; Jr. Red Cross 2, 3; International Club 2; French Club 2; CPAF 4. janet Wigton - Pep Club 3, 4; FTA 3, 4; Transfer from Bartlett High, Memphis, Tennessee 2. Nina Williams- Transfer from Colorado Springs 3. Tom Williams-Swimming I ; Track I, 2; Shield Staff 4; Thespians 3, 4; Class Plays 3; Debate 3, 4; FL 3, 4; International Club I ; Spanish Club I. Rick Willis- W-Ciub 2-4, Vice President 3, President 4; Football I, 2; Basketball 1-4; Baseball 1-4; Class Officer, Vice President 3, Treasurer 4; Student Council 2; Interact 3, 4, Vice President 3; Cross Country 3. Gary Wilson - Hi-Y I ; Science Club I; Chess Club I, 2; International Club I, 2; Latin Club I , 2. Joanne Wolf-Pep Club 2; FTA 2-4; Y-Teens 4; International Club 2-4; Spanish Club 2-4; CPAF 4 ; Transfer from Evanston , Illinois I.

Tom Williams

Rick Willis

Steve Wigodsky

Janet Wigton

Gary Wilson

joanne Wolf

Nina Williams

''The One The Only) The Best A live))) )

Timothy Wollin

Mary Wood

Diane Woodhull

Lloyd Woodland

Wayne Woodland

Patricia Worley

Lea Ann Wright

Timoth)' ll'ollin- Football 2; Wrestling 3; Latin Club 2. Mary Wood- Pep Club 1,2; Y-Teens I. Diane Woodhull- Pep

Club 1-4; Lance Staff 3,4, Artist 3,4, econd Page Editor 4; FTA 2-4; Art Club 2,3; ki Club4; Y-Teens 2; International Club 2; Spanish Club 2. Llo,yd Woodland- W-C iub 4; W•·estling 3,4; Orchestra 3,4; Band 2-4; Jr. Red Cross 4. ll'ayne Woodland-1-li-Y 4; Top Choir 3,4; Musicals 3,4; Variety how 3,4; Orchestra 4; Band 2-4; Chess Club 4; FTA <I; Ski Club 4; Jr. Red Cross 2-4, V. Pres. 4; International Club 2; Spanish Club 2; CPAF 4. Patricia Worley -Pep Club 1-4; International Club 3; panish Club 3. Lea Ann Wright-Pep Club 1-4 ; Top Choir 3,4; Musicals :1,4; Internationa l Club 3; GAA 1,2; French Club 3.

:• Mike Wright-1-li-Y I; Football I; Basketball I; Baseball I ; Art Club I ; International Club 2; French lub 2. 1Anne Wupper-Pep Club 1-4; Thespians 4; Class Plays 3; FTA 4;

FMA 4; Ski Club 2-4; Jr. Red ross 4; Y-Teens 1,2,4; International Club 3; French Club 3. Kathy Wurl- Pep Club 1-4; National Honor Society 3,4; FTA 3,4; FMA 3; Ski Club 3,4; International Club 1-4; Spanish Club 1-4. Richm·d Young-W-Club 1-4; Basketball 1,2; Tennis 1-4; Student Council 3,4; Key Club 3,4; Thespians 3,4; OneAct Plays 3; Class Plays 3; Interact 3,4. William las/eraFootball I; Basketball I; Tennis I; Math lub I ; Ski Club 2-4; Jr. Red Cross I; Latin Club I . Pam Ziegman- Pep Club 1,2; DE 4; Y-Teens I. Candy Ziesemann-Thespians 4; Class Plays 3; Top Choir 2-4; Musicals 2-4; Variety Show 2-4; Jr. Red Cross I ; Y-Teens 1,2; International Club 4; French Club 4. Mike Wright

Anne Wupper Richard Young

Kathy Wurl William Zastera

Pam Ziegman

Candy Ziesemann

The Class Of 1965 Enters The World

Albert Zimmerman

Barry Zoob

Bob Zultermeister

Albert Zimmerman- W-Club 1-4; Bas ketball 1-3; Baseball 1-4. Barry Zoob-Hi-Y 3,4, Treas. 4; W-Club 3,4; Basketball 1,2; Golf 1-4; Ski Club 2,4; International Club 1,2; Spanish Club 1,24 :Interact 3,4, V. Pres. 4. B ob ZuttermeisterFoOLball 3,4; Track 3; Baseball 4; Transfer from Houston, Tex. 3. (;ail Zyck- Pep Club 1-3; Drill Squad 4; GAA 1; Shield Staff 4, Advertising Manage r; FT A 4; An Club 3; Y-Teens 1; French Club I. Susan Lincoln- Spanish Club 1-4; lnLernational Club 1-4; Y-Tee ns 1; Pep Club 1-3; Shield taff 4 , ASSL. Index EdiLOr; FT A 4.

Seniors wallow in unchaperoned fun as they dance and eat on the train to Columbus.


(;ail Zyck

Susan l.incoln

Shield Announces Senior Superlatives

CLASS LEADERS Kath y Kelley-john Buller

CLASS CUT-UPS orm Fishel - Ruth Brock :•

MOST TUDIOUS Bob Bucholz - Kath y Rees

FRIENDLIEST Eric Hultman - Micki Freed

MOST TALE TED Virginia Moore - Tim Gerber

BEST LOOKING Cubby Taylor - anci Shook

SURE SUCCESS Betsy Raskin - Dave Sheppard

MOST ATHLETIC Barb Hosford - Jim Iverson

It looks as Lhough Junior Class officers Jim Jansen, vice president; Dick Tharp, Lreasurer; Rila Tarpley, secrelary; and Jeff Myers, president, would raLher scurflhan ride Lo school.

Class ProJ路ects Produce Fun) Funds

AI chomer , AnneLLC Ross, Candy Peuengill , and John Shriner show emhu iasm (or is iL exhauslion?) during Lhe Lrip to Lhe Columbus game.

We tside's Junior Class fell in step behind class president Jeff Myers in an all-out effort to i1iake the 1965 Junior-Senior Prom as successful as possible. Enthusiastic juniors sold class pins and held bake sales and car washes to rai e funds for the Prom. Besides ponsoring ock-hops and the Junior- enior Basketball Game, the Class of '66 found time to choose class rings, participate in numerous clubs, and put on a successful class play, "You Can't Take It With You." Dreaded term papers called for hours of research, many of which were spent slaving over books at the library. Hard-working juniors spent long, sleepless nights struggling with notecards, outlines, and encyclopedias. The works of Emerson and Thoreau became well known to American Literature students ju t as Time and American Observer were familiar to students of American History. Quick to adopt the latest fads and fashions, the junior boy sported madras shirts, skateboard , and blond hair, while the girls appeared in loafers and shoulder-strap purses. Looking back on their freshman, sophomore, and junior years, the Class of '66 prepares for an even more active year as Westside seniors.

Rings Selected) Bought) And Treasured

Andeacki, A. Annin , L. Amonson, L. Appleby, J . Aralll, N. Aronson. THIRD ROW: . Arthur, P. Ash , L. Babcock, J . Bachrach , M. Bacon, S. Barlow, A. Barnell , D. Seal. A. Beamis , L. Beckey.

TOP ROW: A. Abernathy, L. Adams, P. Adams, M. Adler, D. Albon, D. Allen, R. Allen , G. Amerine , P. Amis, B. Ander en . SECOND ROW: G. Anderson , H. Anderson , P. Anderson , R. Anderson, J.

TOP ROW: P. Branecki, S. Brase, S. SECOND ROW: G. Briggs, M. Brock , THIRD ROW: B. Brooks , D. Brown, FOURTH ROW: . Brown, M. Bundy,

TOP ROW: P. Bel Castro, L. Benner, D. Bennell, D. Benton . SECOND ROW: F. Bergstrom , L. Berrigan, R. Bevins , B. Bikin . THIRD ROW: K. Bird , F. Bladt, . Blake, S. Bloom. FOURTH ROW: P. Blum , L. Bosiljevac, B. Bourgeois, E. Bracey.


Breunsbach , P. Brice. P. Brock, M. Brock)'路 D. Brown , G. Brown . M. Burdic, B. Burling.

TOP ROW: K. Burnham , H. Burton, D. Bushnell, K. Button, C. Cadden, J. Cain, P. Calvert, M. Campbell, M. Campbell. SECOND ROW: S. Campbell, J. Capoccia, L. Carey, N. Carlgren, J. Carlson, B. Carpenter, L. Carrick, T . Castater, B. Chandler. THIRD ROW: S. Cham-

quist, D. Chin, D. Clark, T. Clark, A. Cole, S. Collins, W. Combs, L. Confer, J. Conner. FOURTH ROW.路 S. Cornish, D. Cone e,J. Cozad, J . Cozeue, K. Craig, K. Culbertson, E. Curley, S. Daniel, G. Davis.

Juniors Rog Herring and Ken Krichbaum shine their way to seniority under the watchful eyes of Dave Vickery and john Brager.

Weekends Are Often Spent At Library

TOP ROW: S. Davis, S. Dean, D. DeBuse. S. D.!Foil, J. Defrees.:, D. Delong, A. Denes, Q. Dibble , G. Disiluestro. SECOND ROW: D. Dixon, J. Doctor, J. Doughty, B. Douglass , C. Drake, L. Dresher, D. Dudley, D. Duffin , K. Dunn. THIRD ROW: D. Dwyer, E. Eades, . Eaton ,

S. Eberly, J. Elliott, D. Engleman , S. Erickson, J. Estey, B. Farris. FOURTH ROW: L. Fauquier, ]. Felker, S. Ferry, N. Filkins, S. Filter, J. Fisher, L. Fisher,J. Fjelstad , B. Flood .

TOP ROW: C. Ford , S. Forehead, J. Fowler, K. Freeman , S. Fry, J. Gaillard , . Galley, L. Garrett, G. Garvey. SECOND ROW: M. Gendler, M. Gibbs, J. Gibson, V. Gibson , S. Giller, C. Gillham, P. Glenn , C. Glisar, B. Goddard. THIRD ROW: J. Goldston, M. Goodrich, D.

Gordon, M. Gordon , S. Gottlieb, S. Graham , W. Graham, S. Grider, A. Grimm . FOURTH ROW: B. Grothe, J. Hafer, J. Hahn , T. Hall , L. Hamer, P. Hamilton, C. Hansen, M. Harbour, C. Harden .

TOP ROW: S. Harless , K. Harris, M. Harris. SECOND ROW: L. Hansell, S. Hartung. L. Harvey. THIRD ROW: L. Hazlett , S. Headle y, K. Heckenlivel y. FOURTH ROW: M. Heintzelman, M. Henel y, J. Henry. FIFTI/ ROW: G. Herbst, K. Hermsen, R. Herring. SIXTII ROW: K. Hiau, G. Highfield, B. Hill. :•

Mrs. Lois Lu as explains College Board test results to juniors Jan Whitaker and Mike Burdic.

TO/' UOW : S. Hill , S. Hill, H . Hilsabeck, S. Hinckle y. B. Hinman , R. Hinman, K. Hiykel, M. Hlavace k, E. Hoke. SECOND ROW: M. Holcomb S. Holmstrom . S. Holt , S. Honig, C. Hopkins. W . Hopkins,

L. Hotz, D. Howard. L. Hruby. THIRD ROW: D. Humphre y, M. Hurd , M. ltalia, J. James, D. Jansen, J. Jansen, K. Jaworski, M. Jensen, M.Johnsen.

"Okay, troops , take out a sheet of paper," says Mr. Stan Wells in preparation for another quiz in his American History class. TOP ROW : J. Killerlain, C. Kiplinger, G. Kirkle , J. Klopp . J. Klosterman. SECON D ROW: T. Knight , L. Koile, L. Koppit, J. Kovarik , K. Krabbenhoft. THIRD ROW: B. Kreider, K. Kri chbauim , J. Krug, . Kruse , A. Kulakof ky. FOURTH ROIV: P. Kuroishi , S. Ladwig, N. Lake, K. Lambooy, P. Landow . FIFT/1 ROW: L. Lange, M. Lankford , R. Lapour. D. Larkin , D. Larrew. SIXTH ROW: B. Larsen , J. Larson , R. Larson, B. Lawson , E. Leach . SEVENTH ROW: M. Lefholtz, S. Leger, . Lerner, D. Levine, M. Lewis. TOP ROW: J . JohJW)n , K. Johnson , M. John son . SECOND ROW: R. Johnson , T. Johnson , B. Jones. THIRD ROW: M. Jones , S. Jones , L. Jordan . FOURTH ROW: A. KallhOff, E. Kaplan , J. Katelman . FIFTH ROW: S. Kavitch, D. Keeley , K. Kehm . SIXTH ROW: N. Keifer, J. Kennedy, L. Ketzler.


Lettermen Bob Urosevich , Steve Kavitch, and Mark jen en relax between classes.

TOP ROW: G. Lichty, N. Lincoln , J. Linsley. SECOND ROW: S. Livingston, L. Love , B. Lucas. THIRD ROW: P. Lued e rs, P. Lyman , S. Ma lin. FO URTH ROll': J. Manka me )'e r , D. Ma rqu a1路dt, .J. Maso n . FIFTH ROW: B. Ma tejka, ~1. Marbe lT)". K. McCa me ro n.

TOP ROW: L. McClanah an , ]. McCollister, D. McCormack ,]. McDon ald , W. McDonald, R. Mcintyre, H . McLaughlin, A. McPherson, J. McShane . SECOND ROW: D. Meigs. G . Mensching, D. Menshik, S. Mercer, T . Menz. K. Metz, S. Meyer,J. Meyers, B. Middleton. THIRD

ROW: G. Miller, L. Miller, T . Miller, S. Mills, M. M}~cer , M.. Moody, J. Moore, C. Moore y, C . Morley. FOURTH ROW~ J. Mornson , G. Moustakes, A . Munson, P. Murra y, J. Musil , G. Mutz, K. Nash , G. ealy, G. oid .

Scurfing Proves To Be Favorite Sport

TOP ROW: elson, G. eid, J. ielsen , M. iemants, E. ilsson, R. Nogel, C. -芦onhouse, M. ovak, K. uccio. SECOND ROW: J. O' Brien, K. O ' Daniel, D. Olsen , P. Olsen , K. Olson , L. Orkow, D.

Osborne, S. Ostrow, P. Ono . THIRD ROW: D. Paulson, . Paulson. R. Peck, T. Pelkner , P. Perimeter , N. Person , J. Petersen , K. Petersen, L. Petersen .

TOP ROW: S. Petersen, J. Penegrew, C. Pettengill. SECOND ROJ11: B. Phalen , D. Pieper . D. Pierson . THIRD ROW: F. Pinali, K. Piper . T. Platner. FOURTH ROW: R. Poff, L. Polikov, M. Polito . Fl FTH ROW: G. Po nee , A. Prestwich, J. Prouty.

Chemistry rna}路 be a blast, but Physics is fun for juniors Kim Herbert . Scou Campbell, Don Albon , and teacher Mr . Bob Klein .

King Arthurs Becomes Favorite Hangout

TOP ROW: M. Pulhamus , S. Rauch , C. Reed, J. Reed, R. Rehurek, S. Renier, P. Re ynolds, V. Rhodus , S. Richard, C. Richart. SECOND ROW: . Rickabaugh , M. Rickerson , M. Riehle, B. Robbie, B. Roberts,

R. Roccaforte, B. Roeman , V. Roggy , S. Rohck, T . Rose . THIRD ROW: M. Rosen , T . Rossenbaum, A. Ross, D. Ross, T . Ruben , M. Ryan, C. Sachse, C. Sampson, C. Saunders.


TOP ROW: P. Schaap, L. Schell , B. chissler, P. Schlegel, M. Schneekloth, A. Schomer, G. Schroeder, L. Schultz, K. Scoville, J. Scull. SECOND ROW: D. Segur, B. Siems , B. Sellner,]. Seume, G. Shannon, M. Sheehan, K. Shipke, S. Shoeman,J. Shriner, N. Silverman. THIRD

ROW: S. Sinovich , C. Slack, D. Slatin, E. lavik, S. Small, C. Smith, S. Smith, S. Smodgrass, C. Sokol, S. okolof. FOURTH ROW: S. Sorensen, F. Soukup, G. Spaulding, C. Spear, C. Spicka, C. Spierhagen, L. Stark , D. Starmer, L. Staszko, K. Stauers.

TOP ROW: P. Thorson, C Toy,J.Trachtenber, P. Trapolino . SECOND ROW: M. Tull, R. Turner, P. Tvrdik , L. Tway. THIRD ROW: P. Tyler, S. Tyler, J. Underwood, B. Urosevich. FOURTH ROW: j . Vacanti , W. VanVliet, B. Veach, D. Vercoe.

TOP ROW: B. Stein, M. Stinson, S. Straus, V. Stuit. SECOND ROW: M. Suuon, J. Swanson, C. Swope , B Tank . THIRD ROW: J. Tappero, R. Tarpley, S. Tatreau, D. Tharp. FOURTH ROW: J. Thomas, R. Thpmas, J. Thompson , L. Thomp on .


TOP ROW: K. Vermehren, J. Villotta , R. Viola, S. Waldbaum, S. Walker, K. Wall, K. Ward, S. Ward, A. Wasson , J. Watts. SECOND ROW: R. Webb , F. Weiner, R. Welch, C. Wendt, B. Wergin, J. Wheeler, J. Whitaker, D. White, E. Whitesell ,]. Wiese . THIRD ROW:

B. Wille, B. Williams, D. Williams, L. Williams, L. Williams, B. Wilson, S. Wilson, B. Wolcott, B. Wood, B. Wood. FOURTH ROW: N. Wood , J. Woodland, P. Wyant, K. Zaleski, K. Zender, W. Ziegler, C. Ziegman, D. Zook, C. Zyck, G. Gibbs.



Awaited Seniority Comes At Year's End

NOT PICTURED D. Anderson \\'. Banker D. Chase M. Cook

D. Day D. Dettmann D. Duncan

R. Paulson

R. Hayle y R. Hall B. Hill

K. Koeller B. Looby P. O'Conner R. O'Conner H . Patz

j. Pecoraro

B. Reilly

J. .J.

Charlie Toy has learned that Happiness is sleep ...

but the alarm is mi ery.

acchi chumacher P. Vecchio P. Ward

" ot me, the car!" yell Jeff Meyers, junior cia s president, as the juniors scrub dozens of cars to 1路ai e money for the Pmm.

"Is it true blonde have more fun?" wonders Dave Brown. Juniors jewel deFreese, jeff Gaillard, andy Arthur, Dave Brown, Jim Musil, Pennie Ander on, and Rog Ander on have fun while decorating for the junior-Senior Prom.

All the efforts of the Junior Class come to a climax on the night of the Junior-Senior Prom.


Sophomore class officers lead the class of '67. Jim Tettenborn, treasurer; Terry johnston, president ; haron Wheeler, secretary; Dave Prall, vi e president.

Class Of )67 Together For First Time Bill Dunbar and Mi heline Eden leave chool on Friday afternoon, discussing the week-(!nd, Lhe upcoming game, or perhaps a recenLLest.

. .


The ophomore , for the fir t time in We t ide's history, had no fre hmen to look down on. They had only to look up and forward to 1967. • ophomore boys actively participated in football, basketball, and other port . The girls were loyal members of the Pep Club, always backing their teams and chool wholeheartedly. Many pent long hour practicing cheer and routine in hopes of becoming a cheerleader or a Drill quad member. Many ophomore enrolled in the driver-education cour e and looked forward with fear and trepidation to pas ing their driver ' te t. hake peare and Greek Mythology were explored in the pilot Engli h course, while World Hi tory and geometry offered further challenges. lumber partie , kate board , and Kings were incorporated into the ophomore ' after- chool life. Yes, with only two years ahead of them, the ophomore are well on their way to the top, but they will never forget the fun they had in 1964-65.




Sophomores Remain roungest Class

.: B. Arant, S. Arant, M . Armslrong, C. Arnold, .J. Aukisson. THIRD ROW: H . Ausl, A. Bach, R. Backhans, D. Bailey, D. Bales, M. Barber, . Barber, R. Barker, A. Barmore,]. Barnes.

TOP ROW: M. Abrahamson, L. Adams, S. Aikman, E. Albers, C. Adrian, L. Allen, L. Allen, L. AllingLOn, . Altsuler, M. Amick. SECOND ROW: D. Anderson, P. Ander on, R. Anderson , C. Angus, L. Anthis,

TOP ROW: S. Beucler, C. Billesbach, .J . Blazek , A. Blumenthal. SECOND ROW: L. Blume nlh al, R. Boardma n, . Bonacorso, G. Bouckhert. THIRD ROW: S. Bowe n, D. Boye ns, M. Brick , J. Bridgewaler. FOURTH ROW: R. Briggs, .J. Broc k, S. Brock, B. Brown.

TOP ROW: J. Barr, J. Barrell, K. Barrell, R. BarrelL SECOND ROW: D. Barron, B. Barton, T. Banon , C. Bartusek. THIRD ROW: A. Baskin , S. Bayne , B. Berni , L. Benham. FOURTH ROW: L. Bendorf, B. Benson, C. Bergmann, C. Bergmann.


Alway trying LO find new way to fight boredom, sophomore Pat Lee, Ginny Hronek, and Bob Fraiser leap to classes.

TOP ROW: B. Brown, B. Brown , K. Brown. ECO D ROW: K. Bmwn , R. Brown , T. Brown. THIRD ROW: D. Bruno, . Brunell, .J. Brun . FOURTII ROW: W. Burden , J. Burdi . D. Burro\\ . FIFTH ROW: K. Bussey. L. Calendine,

M. Carpenter.

arpenter, J. ase, M. Catania, C. Cavey, . Chamberlain , R. Chaney, M. Chase, P. hevalier, . Chin, J. Christensen. ECOND ROW: C. Clark, D. Clark, T . Clark, A. lem, T . Cleveland, . Clift, J. oe, B. Cohen,J. Cohen, T . Cohen. THIRD ROW: . Cole-


man, C. Collins, K. ombs, R. onner, R. Conrad, J. Constantino, D. ornell , D. Cox, C. Crowell, L. Dahl. FOURTH ROI-J'路 D. D'Audney, D. Dauffenbach, W. Dean, M. Dedevere, K. Deford, T . Demgen, A. Denney, D. Dettman, D. Dinkel, C. Di tefano.


Sophs Participate In All Clubs, Sports

TOP ROW: D. Dohner, K. Doughty, K. Drake, L. Drew, S. Dross, Ducharme, C. Dudley, K. Dudley, P. Duffin, B. Dunbar. SECOND ROW: N. Durflinger, D. Durham, .J. Dwyer, D. Dye, D. Eaton , J.


. :

Eberly, M. Eden , J. Egbert, .J. Ehlers, .J. Ellenwood. THIRD ROW: B. Emrick, .J. Engle, C. Epstein, P. Epstein, T. Eriksen, R. Ernst, .J . Esbenshade, P. Estep, B. Estey, C. Falkem路oth .

TOt> ROW: H. Fanckbone1路, M. Fay, K. Femmer. SECOND ROW: W. Ferer, T. Findlay,.). Finfrock. THIRD ROW: M. Finkle , L. Finney, R. Fishel. FOURTII ROIV: B. Foley, . Forehead, G. Forrest. Flrrt-t ROW: C. Fox, R. Franz, S. Freese.

Bill Emrick, Brad O 'Conne1路, Tom Demgen , and Tom Findlay admire Denny Hopson's new Yamaha, curremly the most popular means of transportation.

TOP ROW: G. Fritz, B. Friedl, M. Fritz, S. Frthwirth, L. Gambrel , L. Gardner, B. Garetz, D. Gaylor, B. Gehringer, A. Gendler. SECOND ROW: B. Gentleman, C. Gentleman, K. Gentry, B. Gerber, J. Cerelick , J. Germolus, R. Gibson, V. Gib on, P. Gilligan, L. Gilmore.

THIRD ROW: J. Glidewell, T. Goddard, K. Gotsdiner, C. Gould, C. Gozzo, G. Grafft, L. Graham, S. Green, C. Greenwell, F. Griebe. FOURTH ROW: J. Grimm, R. Groth, T. Grossman,]. Gunia, D. Gustafson, D. Gzenoviak, M. Hahn,J . Hall , G. Hammer, L. Hanon.

TOP ROW: C. Hansen, C. Harding, S. Hartford, J. Hasselbalch , J. Haviland, R. Hawkins, B. Henderson, J. Henely, T. Herrick, B. Hill. SECOND ROW: D. Hill, D. Hillmer, M. Hlavacek, D. Hoffner, E. Hoke. D. Holland. C. Holquist, D. Hopson, B. Horton, N. Hosman.

THIRD ROW: J. Howl , S. Hovland, R. Hoyt, G. Hrort~ , .J . Humphrey, E. Hunter, B. Hurst, L. Hyde, P. lncontro, G. Ingles. FOURTH ROW: . Irving, J. Jacobsen , T. Jaeger, J. Jansen, J. Jaros , D. Jeffry, S. Jennings, E. Jensen, J . Jensen , S. Jensen.


Sophs Discover joys) Risks Of Driving

King, L. King, C. Kinkead , M. Kinnally, R. Kenney, S. Kinzy, T. Kirshenbaum , A. Klopp, F. Knez. FOURTH ROW: R. Knox, G. Knudsen , L. Krcmarik, K. Krogh, L. Kuebler, R. Kuhl , . Kuttner, D. Lacy , P. Lacy, C. Lair.

TOP ROW: R. Johnsen, J. Johnson, M. Johnson, M. Johnson, S. Johnson, S. Johnson, T. Johnson , T. Johnston , B. Jolly, B. Jones. SECOND ROW: B. Jones, J. Jones, S. Jones, S. Jones, D. Kaiser, M. Kalb, E. Kelly, S. Kelly, T. Kelly, S. Kennedy. THIRD ROW: D. Kershaw, D.

Sophomore girls show enthusiasm for the Warrior varsity football Team at every game.


Second Year Of Gym New Requirement

TO/' ROW: 1.. Lambert . C. lAmgan . S. Langdon. L. Lanning. . Lantt, D. Lu 'en. C . Larren. S. Lu rew. C. Lee, P. Lee. SECOND ROll': j. I eller. D. Lemon . S. Limbau gh. S. l.inmln. :'.1. Lipman. L. Li'>ton.

D. Living ton, J Lodes, B. Loers, B. Loob) . THIRD ROW: G. Love, 1.. Lovgren, D. Lueders , L. Lueder, P. Lustgarten . L. Lyon. D. L •nch. P. Lynch.J . L\nn . j. ~1aas .

fOI' ROll ': F.. ~lacDonald . j. ~lac Donald. S. ~lac).., C. Mager·. :'.1.

Kinnon . B. McLochlin. B. :\lcMahon . J :'.!cShane. L. lcWhorter. K. :'.Ieier. J ~leig'> . FOL'RTH ROll': R. ~len ching. W. :\letcal!. J. ;\leyerson. C. ~Iiller. J. ~Iiller . 1'. ~Iiller . ~I. ;\linter . B. ~loor e. C. ~loore. L. ;\loor·e.


\l,unelli . j. \l ,tindli. ~ . ~laJm' . R. \Ialone. ~1. ~lala<,hod.. F. ~1aiiO) . Sf.(.'(),\ 'D ROW C . ~langiamele. J \larl..el. h. . ~l .utin . D. :'.l.trts. S. :'.l.t\thl..a. J ~latejl..a . C. \Iamon. h.. ~lcCall. D. :'.lcClure. S. :'.lcColli'>ter. THIRD ROll': J ~lcCm . C. ~lcDowell, C. ~lcElrm . \ '. \1c-

TOP ROW: T. ichols, L. ichloson, R. Nielson, T. iver. SECOND ROW: J. ovak, B. O'Connor, J. O 'Doherty , .J. Olivo. THIRD ROW: B. Olson , L. Orcutt, .J. Orth, M. Otte. FOURTH ROW: D. Otto, B. Owens, .J. Palled,, D. Pappas.

TOP ROW: C. Morrell, D. Morgan , D. Morris, D. Morris. SECOND ROW: R. Moulis, J. Mulick, T. Mutz, B. Nanfito. THIRD ROW: K. aylor, L. eal, T. eese, V. elson. FOURTH ROW: K. ewcomer, A. Newman, L. ewman, A. Nichols.

TOP ROW: K. Parkhurst, J. Parks, T. Patton, P. Payne, B. Peckham, . Perimeter, D. Petersen , G. Petersen , I. Petersen, C. Peterson. SECOND ROW: D. Peterson , P. Peterson, T . Petty, S. Pfeifer, L. Pipher, T. Pirruccello, J. Pleas, D. Prall, L. Prater, T. Price. THIRD ROW:

B. Protz, R. Purchase, M. Rachford. D. Ral ya, D. Rathbun, P. Ratti, V. Rauch, .J . Rawlings, S. Reed, P. Regan . FOURTH ROW: . Reichmann, J. Riel, D. Riley, T. Rish, . Ritums, M. Rivers, K. Robinson, G. Roe, M. Rogers, C. Ross.


TOP ROW: T. Ross, P. Rossi, J. Ruben. S OND ROW: R. RuLherford, D. Ryan, M. Sa. THIRD ROW: L. Saff~r. D. Salyards, D. Sand FOURTH ROW: T. S':twLell, T. Scharf, L. Sc FIFTH ROW: K. Schilz, B. chleifer, D. Sch feld . SIXTH ROW: L. Schneider, S. Schnei1

E. Schwalm.

Hands seem Lo be everywhere as sophomore boys parLicipaLe in an afLer-school inLramural game. TOI' ROW: M. Schweigan, T . Sconce. P. eddon, M. edlak, S. eibold, L. Seils, T . Selzle, D. Shannon, S. Sharp, B. Shindo. SECOND ROW: Y. Side1 is, .J. Simon , K. Simpson, D. Skanning, M. Skaug,

G . Skeans, B. krable, D. lack, K. Smid, B. SmiLh. TI-1/RD ROW: C. SmiLh, D. SmiLh, J. SmiLh, J. Snodgrass, L. Snow, M. Snyder, C. Sorensen,J. Soucie, G. paulding. G . SpelLs.

It may look like underwater ballet but it is really a sophomore gym class.

TOP ROW: B. Taylor, C. Taylor, J. Teuenborn, B. Tharp, C. Thieman. SECOND ROW: D. Thomas, . Thomas , S. Thompson, S. Thornton, K. Thorpe. THIRD ROW: S. Thorpe, B. Thorson, L. Thrapp, M. Thrapp, S. Thuman . FOURTH ROW: B. Timperley, S. Tobias, P. Tomas, B. Tomek, L. Trapp. FIFT/1 ROW: B. Trustin, M. Tuerk, M. Turner, D. Turnquist, D. Udes. SIXTH ROW: L. Valentini, A. VanPelt, C. Vantilberg, R. VanWinkle, K. Vipond . SEVENTH ROW: R. Volberding, W. Vom

Weg, W. Vosburg, C. Wagner, B. Walander. TOP ROW: J. pencer, D. Sponsler, S. Stalder. SECO D ROIV: B. Stewart, G. Stilwell, C. traka. THIRD ROW: M. Streeter, T . Struble, L. tuart. FOURTH ROW: ,j. underman, A. Susman, F. Suuer. FIFTH ROW: S. Swanson, S. Swanson, S. Swanson. SIXTH ROW: M. wift, C. Tank, B.



Clubs Supported By Active Sophomores

TOP ROW: G. Walker, K. Walker, L. Walker, M. Warren , J. Wasserkrug, M. Wassman, C. Waters. SECOND ROW: K. Weber, T . Weber, D. Weiner, M. Weingarten, D. Welch , K. Wells, D. West. THIRD ROW: D. West, B. Westering, E. Wheeler, S. Wheeler, White, W. Whitted , E. Wigg. FOURTH ROW: D. Wikoff, D. Wikoff, D. Wilkie, D. Williams, R. Wilson , S. Wilson , L. Wintroub. FIFTH ROW: J. Witt, D. Wolf, T. Worshek, R. Wright, S. Wurl, F. Zaleski , S. Zamzow.

OT PICTURED M. Burg L. Gregg R. Clark J. Main well E. Covert J. Myer B. Daniel M. Pedegana J. Doolittle D. Ralston J. Dross J. Schobet路 S. Ferris R. Sears B. Finley M. Seidl S. Freese M. Skoog Smith


Attired in madras blou es, football jerseys, and rollers, sophomore girls engage in another gossip and record session. Terry Nichols, Ginny Hronek, Karen Wells, Stephanie Dross, and Mary Catania.

Kathy Newcomer is one of many Westsiders who keep the telephones continually in use.

Hurrying to get a poster up on time, ophomores Judy Jaros, Laurie King, and ancy Duninger earn another point for Pep Club while boosting chool spirit.



Student Council Works To Gain Prestige "There will be one float and one car for each club," stated John Buller, Student Council president, in reference to the Homecoming parade. Student Council organized the parade this year and sponsored the prizes for the most attractive and original float . tudent Council projects this year were geared to rai e the council's prestige and give it more authority. Members helped Far Ea t classes raise money for the Westside Scholarship Fund by selling tickets to the Chili and Pizza Suppers. They also put out a student directory. This year's council was the first to make a solid attempt at improving interschool relations. A Student Council exchange with Benson wa; held in the fall. Junior Rusty Welch was elected vice-president of the State Student Council at the convention held in Fremont.

J ohn Buller as k t.ud ent Co uncil members for advice in plannin g th e stude m directory.

Student Council. FRONT ROW: Kath y Barrett, Ginn y Hronek, Alicia Vargas-Porros . SECOND ROI11: John Buller, pres.; Ru ty Welch , v. pres.; Bob Bucholz, Cubby Taylor, sec.; Rich Young, Jerry J a mes. THIRD ROW: Bob Henderson , Bill Ferer, Peter Matschke, Steve Calvert, jeff Myers, jim Iverson , treas.; Rick Anderson.




Stu Sorenson mans the tape recorder, while Ann Snow and Gary rna ugh's debating technique.

eid take notes on John Mu-

Debaters Continue To Collect Trophies National Forensic League sponsored the Teachers' Bowl to cover the expen es of the many tournaments in which they participated. The debate team this year traveled to Kansas City, Sioux Falls, Sioux City, and Kearney. At their monthly meetings, members were able to meet and discuss problems that they were having with their speeches. Members must have had one semester of debate and also had to have obtained a required number of points , earned through competition. Mr. Rod Hansen spent much time coaching members and also accompanied them on all trips.

NFL officers Bob Bucholz, treas.; Chris Pinali , sec.; Betsy Raskin , pres.; and teve Calvert, v. pres.; pose with debate trophies. 103

Mathematicians) Scientists Are Active "What size and what style do you want?" inquired the young scientist. He was referring, not to bacteria, but to the sweatshirts that he was selling for Science Club. However, Science Club did not spend all year selling sweatshirts. Members viewed scientific movies at several meetings and at other meetings heard speakers talk about some of the different fields of science. One of the highlights of the year was a tour of the Cancer Research Center. Each member worked on a project during the year and these were exhibited at the annual Science Fair at the University of Omaha. While our s~ientists were busy with their projects, our mathematicians were busy too . Math Club members toured the Corps of Engineers Computer Center and several members were able to work with a computer. The new sponsors , Miss Diaue Brost and Mr. Leslie Sladek, helped members in the club's purpose of increasing interest in mathematics by presenting unusual problems. Many members participated in the annual Math Field Day at Creighton University in the spring. Math Club members Holdy Aust, Bob Johnson, v. pres.; Ward Baxter, pre .; Kathy Rees. sec.-treas.; Ann Snow, jackie Hauptman, Tom Cocks, and jim Arundel search for an easier solution.

Alicia Yargas-Porros helps other Science Club members decorate the halls for Christmas. Mark Snyder seems to be caught in the midst of their efforts.

"Will it fit ?" asks Tom Calame, Science Club v.pres. Scott Holdrege , pres. , looks doubtful while Ross Rizley, sec.-treas., solicits customers. 104

Joe Rapoporl and Greg Miller prevem volers from sluffing Lhe ballol box during CPAF's mock elecLion.

Teen-Dems And TARS Aid Candidates Are you taking an active interest in your community? Contemporary Political Affairs Forum kept its purpose alive by keeping students interested in current local and national events. Members proved that being of voting age is not a prerequisite for an avid interest in politics. The two new divisions of CPAF, Young Democrats and Young Republicans, provided members a chance to campaign for the candidates of their choice. CPAF held its own mock election at Westside to promote more interest in politics and government. At one meeting, Simon A. Simon, Omaha minister, told members of his experiences in an Alabama voter registration drive.

CPAF sponsors Mr. William elson and Mr. Slan Wells discuss currem affairs wilh officers Joe Rapoport, v. pres. ; Linda Lea Larson, pres.; and John Mauson, program chairman.

Sleve and John McCollisLer show Lhal Lhey know which side Lheir bread is buuered on. 105

LANCE Changes Printers) Adds Features "There will be a picture taken today for the Shield. Please be prompt," was an announcement heard frequently thi year. Through the cooperation of the students, the Shield staff was able to meet its deadlines for publication of the school' largest yearbook. To promote better under tanding of yearbook publication, the American Yearbook Company invited four staff members to tour its plant in Topeka, Kansas . Kri ti Andersen , jean Hoemann, Linda Jen en, and Carolyn Richardson went on the trip. They were a companied by their advisor, Mrs. Judy Egbert, and the company's representative , Mr. Stan kaug. The Lance took on a new appearance thi year after the paper changed printing companies. The new printer was the Stockman 's journal Pre in outh Omaha. The change provided the Lance an opportunity to include more recent_news in each is ue. "Senior Spotlight" was an addition to regular articles and featured two enior in each issue of the paper. Other new features were regular letters to the editor and' a gos ip column. Quill and Scroll, national honorary society for high school journalists, initiated seven new member at the clo e of the first emester. Thi early initiation brought an increa e in the ize of the West ide chapter, since initiation has previously occurred at the end of the chool year. Both staffs sent members to the HSPA journalism workshop in Lincoln in the fall, where speakers gave advice on improving publications . Staff members competed in areas of copy writing and editing and news, feature, and editorial writing at a spring conte t.

'/ Leig-h Bo\'Cit . Betsy Raskin. Robie Carmichael. Bill Ste,路c Lon g- prepare paste-ups for the printer.

trateman. and

LANCE STAFF Editor ........................... Betsy Raskin Managing Editor ........ (I st sem.) Leig!1 Bovett (2nd sem.) Steve Long Business :\tanager ................. Nancy Caster Copy Editor ........................ Barb Udes Feature Editor ................ Robie Carmichael Feature Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... Barb Udes Margaret Kelley Page I Editors .................. .Jeanne Roegner (I st sem.) Debby Browne (~nd scm.) Carol Thomas Page ~ Editors .................. Diane Woodhull (I st sem.) Carol Thomas (~nd scm.) Debby Browne Page 3 Editors .................. Chryse Schory Cecc Corn (~nd scm.) Linda Wells Page 4 Editors ................... Hill Strateman (1st scm.) Stc\'e Long (~nd scm.) Susan White Circulation and Promotion ...... Lynne Durham Sandy Tuerk Ad\'ertising ....................... Ginny Moore Reporters ......................... Boh ( ;ibson Sandy Tuerk Artists ........................... Holden Aust Diane Woodhull

lhts\ Lanre ~tafT members type up stories for the next issue of the I..rutre. FR(J,\'T ROll ': Chryse Schory. Cinny ~1o01路e. usan White. Jeanne Roeg-ner. SEC0,\'1) ROll' : :'\ancv Caster. Sandy Tuerk. Carol Thomas. Linda \\'ells. TIIIRD ROll': :\1arg-a;路et Kelley. Bob 'c;ibson. Di ane Woodhull . Lynne

Dud1am . Barb L'dcs.


Rushing to meet a deadline are Shield staff members , FRONT ROW: Anne Leigh , Judi witzer, Jean Hoemann , Rachael Ward . SECO D ROW: Kristi Andersen, Suzy Buchanan , Linda Jensen , Carolyn Richardson , Karen Weber, Ellen Jacobson, Karen Wendt.

Meeting Deadlines Often A Nightmare

Yearbook staff members gaze hopefully at the KMTV Yearbook trophy presented to last year's Shield staff. LEFT TO RIGHT: Merry Rice, Jod y Buick , Cris Enewold, Bill trateman , Cris Calandra, Pat Grasmick, Nancy Truhlsen, Jud y Carman, Tom William , u an Lincoln . 107

Members of Westside's Quill and Scroll chapter, FRONT ROW: Carol Thoma , Kri ti Ander en , eigh Bovell, Linda Jensen . SECO D ROW: Jean Hoemann, Barb Ude , Robie Carmichael, Betsy Raskin , John Mcintyre, Anne Leigh .

International Club Members Participate La t summer, language club members had experience that they will never forget. French and German tudent toured Europe on a program spon ored by the Foreign Language League. They studied in Reim , France, and made everal side trips. Several Spanish student traveled to Mexico to study. Both group told of their experience at the meeting of the individual language club . At two different International Club meeting , the AFS Exchange tudent , Alicia Vargas-Porras and Peter Mat chke, poke about their countrie and showed film . International lub had a Ooat in the Homecoming Parade in the fall, and the club helped decorate the halls at Christmas time. The annual candy ale wa held again thi year before Christmas. Nanci Shook, International Club pre ident, stated, "We made over $1400 on the project owe will be able to have two exchang students again next year." The ale wa a great succe po sibly becau e the club sold Pear on's candy for the fir t time in a variety of assortment . The money will go mainly for the tran portation of next year' exchange tudent . The International Club Banquet wa held April 5 at Pacific Hills Lutheran Church. kits were performed by the individual language club , and the traditional slave auction was held.

. Exchange student Alicia Vargas-Porros describes life in Costa Rica at an International Club meeting.

Officers of International Club and individual language clubs take time out from a meeting to test their prowess with flashcards. FRONT ROW: Kristi Andersen, Mary Lin Lankford, Barb Stein, Pam Prall. SECOND ROW: Ann Snow,Janeen Beck, Nand Shook, Steve Bachenberg.


In European, Mexican Study Sessions

Peter Mats hke tells International Club members about the film he will show that show~ 'some of the beautiful sights in Germany.

Jeff Meyers looks shocked as he, Ann Snow, and Chris Pinali put their talents to work thinking up a hilarious Spanish Club skit.

Gini Roe, Liz Lueder, ancy DurOinger, and Julie Has elbalch offer a prospective customer three delicious types of candy.


Exchange Students EnJ.OY Music) Sports If you were an exchange tudent, how would you feel about coming to Westside? Each year, the American Field Service sponsors two exchange students through the efforts of International Club members. This year's exchange students were Alicia Vargas-Porros, from San jose, Costa Rica, and Peter Matschke from Kulmbach, West Germany. Alicia and Peter were very active at Westside. Both are interested in music. Alicia, who lived with the Arnold John on family, plays the piano, and Peter, who stayed with the Rev. Ralph Gerber family, played the violin in the Westside orchestra. They participated actively in everal clubs. Alicia was a member of Z-Club, cience Club, and Thespian , while Peter belonged to Key Club and Thespians. They were often asked to give speeches about their countries to variou organizations. Alicia and Peter also found time to include sports in their busy schedules. Both attended many ports functions and Peter was also on the swim team. Amusements such as King Arthur's and Kings made their tays more interesting. When they return to their home , Alicia and Peter will retain many treasured memories of Westside.

Exchange students Peter and Alicia show their musical talents in an after-school practice session.

AFS foreign exchange studems Alicia Vargas-Porros and Peter Matschke point out their homes in Costa Rica and Germany.


Under the direction of hard -working The pians, the prop room in back of the Little Theater became an allpurpo e room , with space for dre ing room , lights, and mirrors. Paint and some new furniture helped the Thespians make better use of the pace. Thespian members were required to have ten points, earned through participation in talent shows and musicals, being in the cast or crew of a play, and taking acting lessons. Other Thespian activities included sponsorship of the One-Act plays in the springs, and participation in the Junior and Senior class plays. They also had a float in the Homecoming parade. Meetings included skits and other entertainment by the members. "Ya want a fat lip?" says Ed Spencer to Elaine Tegtmeier as Barb berg and Tim Gerber whisper sweet nothings.


Students Smash Cars) Produce Plays

Bill Gray, sec.-treas. of Sa l"etee ns, de mo nstrates his prowess as he banall y ha mme•·s away at th e Safetee ns Car Smas h.

The sounds of glass and metal being broken a nd smashed were heard by anyone in the vicinity of the parking lot on October 23 as Safeteens sponsored the first Car Smash . Students were able to release their frustrations by hammering at a car which had been obtained from a junkyard. The $30 which was raised was used for other Safeteens projects. Posters illustrating helpful driving pointers were judged for the Safety Poster Contest. Winners were Karyn Freeman, Steve Thorton, and Kathy harp. Phil Amis, Kristi Waara, and Diane Woodhull received honorable mention. Ideas for a safer parking lot were discussed and debated at three meetings . Rod Ulfers, Safeteens president, submitted the final plans to the Board of Education. During the spring, Omaha area high schools cooperated in choosing a Safeteen of the Week. Westside Safeteens sponsored the annual Safety Check to remind students to keep their cars properly equipped and running safely.

Safetee ns preside nt Rod Ulfe rs and vice- preside nt .Ja net submitted in the Safety Poste r Co ntest.

nd erwood debate the merits of a poster


D.E.) Art Clubs Encourage Vocations Anyone who walked into Mr. Dale Fuerst's class fourth hour could have mistaken it for a small store. Display windows at the back of the room, a display case with the top of a mannequin on top, and many other factors contributed to the storelike atmosphere. During promotion of D.E. Week, club members gave speeches on radio station KF AB. There was also a convocation given for sophomores during the week to promote D.E. Winter also brought the Employer-Employee Luncheon which was held at Palazzo 'Taliano Steak House. All thirty-five members and their employers attended.

The state D.E. convention in Lincoln was attended in the spring. "The next painting on the tour is ... " said the guide to interested Art Club members as they toured the Sheldon Art Gallery at the University of Nebraska. As a money-raising project the club decorated stationery which was sold in the bookstore. Art Club members made drawings, paintings, sculptures, and graphics, many of which were submitted to the Joslyn Art exhibit. Another project was the assembling of collages, made from 85 to 100 pieces.


D.E. Officers are, FRONT ROW: Susan Hayward, historian, Pat Shanahan, sec., Mary Vales, treas. SECOND ROW: Bob Gibson, reporter, John VanPelt, pres., and Jerry Hightower, v. pres.


Art Club members, Becky Burling, treas.; Mary Curzon, sec.; Nancy Aronson, pres., and Nancy Brown , v. pres., study the art work on stationery made by the club.


Radio Club members teve Goulieb and Tom harf,operating the radio Jfter school, ar among many member; trying to get their operatm·'; licen e.

"Ma}be this hammer will help!" volunteers Boh Mcintyre, Radio Club sec.-trea., .. a' Chuck Barton, pt-e, .. and Scoll lloldregc, '. pre ., auempt a repair job.

Clubs Enthusiastically Promote Hobbies Have ou ever wondered what all the noises coming from room 212 meam? The onl meant that another Radio lub m eting wa in e sion. The club, pon ored by Mr. Bruce Holmqui t, promot d an interest in amateur radio and el ctronic . od and th or cia es were condu ted by li en ed memb r to help train tho who didn't ha e their licen e . t everal meeting , movie were shown concerning ele troni ·; at other meeting , gue t · ·poke about ele troni . t r gular m etings, member u ed We tid 's radio tati n, KWH . Radio lub m mber al o fixed ·peaker in th P. A. y tern which were not working in v ral room and volumeered to help with other project around th chool.






The We ·t ·ide Che s Club, which "a ·tart d in 1957, ha expand d to twent · m mbers. The club, spon ·ored b Mr. 'alvin Delano, participated in tournam 'nts with Ben on, B veridge, entral, orth, and Prep during the lember also played in the lntercit · Tournam nt with maha high chools, in which We tsidc ha placed fir t for the pa t thre ear ·. nother a tivity of th club was to pon or a booth in the pring Carnival to rai · mone ·. The purpo of the club, "to inspire and culti\'ate an intere t in ch ," wa promoted b · officer Ward Baxter, pre ·ident; Bob John on, ice president; Ross Rizle , tr a urer; and teve Ladwig, clerk.

othct mcmlx:t·, of Ches; Club comentratc on theit next


Z Club And Key

Club Service PrOJ路ects

Did you have trouble parking your car in Westside's parking lot this year? If you did, it wasn't Key Club's fault! Last fall, Key Club members repainted the lines in the parking lot which separate the parking stalls. This was not the only good deed done by Key Club. Sponsored by the Omaha Kiwanis Clubs, the club functions as a service organization for both the community and school. In the winter, Z Club and Key Club members went on a joint scavenger hunt, "Food for Fun." The food which was collected was sent to needy families for Christmas. The 35 boys in Key Club had to be in the upper third of their class to join. Membership in the club is on a selective basis. Don Marquardt, junior, was elected LieutenantGovernor of the Key Clubs in the district this year. Several members attended the Key Club District Convention in North Platte in April.

Mr. Karl Pecht, Key Club sponsor, receives helpful advice from club members as he attempts to paint a straight line in the parking lot.

Cold and hungry Key Club and Z Club members enjoy donuts and hot chocolate after participating in the "Food for Fun" drive.

"lsn'.t this fun!" exclaims Bob Bucholz happily as he and Scott Holdrege scrub pots at the Scholarship Fund pizza supper. 114

Aid Community "Would you like to buy a ticket to the Chili Supper?" a ked the enthusiastic Z Club member. Serving at the Chili and Pizza uppers was one of the club's projects this year. They also collected children's books in the fall and donated them to a new nursery chool in North Omaha. Members worked every Sunday in the snack bar and gift shop at Childrens Hospital, and participated in several charity drives during the year. Z Club gave a party for the children at the Hattie B. Monroe Home in the fall. A progre sive dinner at which new officers were elected was held in the spring. Also in the spring was the annual Mother-Daughter Tea. Z Club members must pass certain requirements to join the club. They must show a high cholastic standing, character reference, ervice to the school and community, and leader hip potential. The club serves the school and community, develop better citizens, and gives members a ense of leadership for the future. The Internat~onal Zonta Organization sponsors Z Club.

z Club member Barb Norberg, Karen Wendt, Kathy Rees, pres. , Jo Alyce Kaplan, and Kristi Andersen, v. pres., carry out the Z Club tradition of making valentines fo•¡ the teachers.

Liz Lueder serves coffee and rolls to a hungry customer at the Childrens Hospital


nack Bar.

Activities Raise Money) Give Service

Y-Teens officers Karen Wendt, treas.; Sally Cockle , pres.; Julie Klopp, v. pres.: and Jo Alyce Kaplan, sec., discuss club projects.

"Fashion Fantasies" was an appropriate theme for the annual Y-Teens Style Show, held in the fall. The clothes modeled were part of the fantasy world of a dream. A portion of the money made on tickets was donated to the World Fellowship Fund. Area hospitals appreciated the placemats and children's books which were made and donated by Westside Y-Teens. Another project was dressing dolls for the Goodfellows. The dolls were distributed to the children of needy families for Christmas. Y-Teens held their annual coketail party before school started. A handwriting expert spoke at one meeting. The Panel for Americans, speakers on religion, were guests at another time. A new system for taking attendance was started this year. Members were divided into triangles, units of girls with one girl in each unit serving a a roll-taker. Sally Cockle, club president, was elected vice-president of the lnterclub Council. This body coordinates the activities of the Y-Teens at all Omaha area high schools. Karen Wendt and Julie Klopp were also members of the Interclub Council.

Connie Cotton dreams of the clothes modeled by Cherie Chin, Jacquie Moore, Wendy Burden , ancy Beecroft, and Karen Olson in theY -Teens Style Show. 116

Another scurfer bites the dust! AI Bach disqualifies himself in the slalom at the Interact-sponsored Scurlin' Relays.

Interact officers , LEFT TO RIGHT, Barry Zoob, v. pres., BiU Strateman, treas., Don Nelson , sec., and jim Iverson, pres., grin slyly at the camera from behind bars .


"Grab your board and go to the Scurfin' Relays with me," was the plea of Interact Club last fall as they sponsored their fund-raising scrufin' project. Income from the relays was spent on a sewing machine for an Omaha rest home. During the spring, Interact sponsored a car wash to raise funds for future projects . One of the bi-weekly meetings each month was a breakfast at the Village Inn Pancake House. The Omaha Rotary Club, which sponsors Interact, hosted a fall luncheon for club members. An active Hi-Y campaigned for eyes for the eye bank. At one meeting, a blind man spoke and was accompanied by his seeing eye dog. The fifty club members raised money for the Salvation Army and sold candy for the World Service fund. Several members participated in the model legislature in Lincoln.

Hi-Y officers plan to send members to the model legislature in Lincoln . LEFT TO RJ(;HT: Gordon Nealy, Phil Blum, john Brager, jim Chase, Dave Vickery, Tom Henry , Dennis Matta, Terry Clauff.

FMA) FTA Members Gain Experience ---


Westside's previously egregated club , FMA and FT A, gained ma le members for the first time this year. Both clubs have a lways been open to both boys and girl , but until now gir ls have been the only members. Guest peakers and movie made up many of the monthly FMA meeting . At the e meetings members learned details of the variou field of medicine. The Future Medical Assistants went on field trips to the Cancer Research Building in the ebra ka Medical Center and to the new Archbishop Bergan Mercy Ho pita!. The Future Teachers of America tudied their future vocations right in the classroom . Speakers and movie emphasized observation in the cia sroom as the best instruction. Among the peaker were Westside teachers and counselors and college administrators. Films, provided by the University of Nebraska, acquainted club members with the fundamental of teaching. FT A members a isted elementary chao! in the district with their Kindergarten Round-up in the spring. Club members also helped with a tutoring program in North Omaha. Banners in the boys' gym displaying the names, colors, and ymbol of Omaha chools were made by FT A members . The club also donated funds to the Benson High Band and Tech High Drill Unit when they marched in the Inaugural Parade on January 20. The annual FT A Banquet was held in the spring.

FMA membe•·s listen attenti ve ly to a speaker from Clarkson Hospital.

~TA officers Mary Vales, pres.; Sharon Ross , treas.; Linda Ho tz, v. pres.; look over teaching pamphlets before a meeting.

FT A members put the finishing touches o n the banners for the boy's gym.


New girls chat with Esquire members at a morning breakfast.

]Jsquires) Red Cross Increase PrOJ路ects If you think you have to get up early to get to school, you ought to try coming for breakfast! Together with Interact Club, Esquires started this new project to further their purpo e. Helping new girls become oriented and adjusted and helping them make new friends was accomplished through these breakfasts. Esquires participated in the Homecoming Parade with their float, which was decorated by club members. A tea, held at the beginning of the year, welcomed new girls to Westside and helped them become acquainted with 9thers. New girls in the school were shown to their classes their fir t day and helped their first week by Esquire member.

"It wasn't like the Kentucky Derby, but then it wasn't meant to be," could be a description for the Red Cross Horse Show held on May 2. Entries were judged and prizes were awarded to winners in each division . The High School Red Cross at Westside also sent cookies to the Child Saving Institute in the fall and donated $20 to the Institute at Christmas. Two Red Cross chests, made up of items received in collection sacks, were sent overseas. Red Cross also gave a party for patients at St. joseph's Hospital in the fall. Cans of food were collected at Thanksgiving and given to needy families in the Omaha area. junior Terri Castater was Westside's candidate for the Criss-Crosser, a dance sponsored by all Omaha area Red Cross clubs.

Esquires of!icers Pat Gra mick , v. pres.; Pennie Anderson , sec.; Cindy Wheeler, treas.; and Ruth Saunders, pres. make cookies for the Alumni T ea.

Linda Wells, sec.-treas., and Cross Horse Show. 119

ancy Lincoln , pres., work out details for the Red

The Warrior Band entertains its audience at the Veterans' Day convo ation.

Football spectators eagerly anticipate the marching band at every home game.

Drill Squad. FRONT ROW: Jodi Buick. captain; Marcia Finley. Wanda Foley. Judi Switzer, Diane Moore, Rita Tarpley, Barb Hosford, Joyce Andrews, Jane Krug, Sue inovich, co-captain. SECOND ROW: Barb Williams, Nanc)' Lake. Chris Hopkins, Karen Olson. Linda Madden,

ancy Lorenz, Judi Runstrom, Sharon Ross, LaRae Koppitl, Judy Wheeler, Chris Zyck. THIRD ROW: Dianne Madsen, Gail Zyck, Joyce Page, Mimi Rapp, Cheri Moredick, Carole Henderson , Janel Doctor, Meriel Lefler,Jacquie Moore, Johneue Schultz. 120

Marching Units Add Color) Excitement Have you ever heard "Happy Birthday" played to a school? You have if you attended the Westside-Bellevue football game. The marching units formed a cake complete with candles during halftime in celebration of Westside's thirteenth annual Homecoming. The Warrior Band, combined with the Reserve Band, marched at all home games. This served to give Reserve Band members marching experience and added color and sound to the band. The pep band, on invitation, played at the Columbus basketball game. Drill Squad members were also invited to Columbus and marched during the halftime. Pins were bought to show membership. Drill Squad won the first place prize

in the Homecoming parade with their float and its motto, "Bury 'Em." They also marched at an elimination game of the Holiday Basketball Tournament and at the championship game. Two new twirlers joined the marching units and performed at all home football games. Gary Spaulding led the band as the new drum major. Marty Dieterich was the Senior selected to be the Warrior mascot. Squires, composed of tall girls marching in black and silver uniforms, varied the halftime shows by doing several dance routines. During the pre-game routines, the Squires carried flags displaying the colors of Metropolitian League schools.

Squires, FRONT ROW: Barb Norberg, Ruth Brock, captain; Kathy Dunn . SECOND ROW: Kris Zender, Lynne Durham, Lynn Garrett, Mary Johnsen, Debby Browne.

Twirlers Susan Buchanan , Joann Carlson , Susan Wilson, Mickey Morgan. Drum Major Gary Spaulding. Warrior Marty Deiterich.

12 1

Warrior Band, FRONT ROW: Mich Eden , Ruth Unzicker, Tamra Hall, Linda Gilmore, Linda Adams , Carol Gould , Tim Gerber. SECOND ROW: John Buller, Kristi Andersen , Ricky Gibson , Karen Krabbenhoft, Suzy Buchanan, Hale Aust, Steve Ferry, Craig Johnson, Bob Tilton, Gary Spaulding, Vicki Gibson, Terri Castater, Kathy Stuhr, Ann Snow. THIRD ROW: Chester Waters, Roger Franz, Ray Moulis, Kath y Metz, Pat Tvrdik , Kent Johnson , Tom Barton , Mark Malashock , Jim Coe, Craig Dudley, Gary Skeans, Bruce Thorson , Susan Grider,

Ken Hermsen , Rich Cornell, Greg Miller, Bill Siems, AI Kulakofsky, Kay aylor, Don Marquardt. FOURTH ROW: Linda Liston, (;ten Spaulding, Jeanine Germoulus, Annette Van Pelt, Evelyn Leach , Madeline Arnold, Mark Snyder, Jim Woodland, Mike Christiansen , Dave Levine, Armin Barnett, Warren Whitted, Bob Werbrin, Lloyd Woodland, Bob Barrett, Bob Sund, Randy Luder, Roger Larsen , Paul Thornblad, Randy Wilson, jim Arundel, Karen johnson , Don Salyards, Wayne Woodland.

Band officers meet before school to plan the trip to Des Moines. FRONT ROW: Kristi Andersen, 2nd Iieut.; Wayne Woodland, 1st Iieut. ; Paul Thornblad , capt.; Bob Tilton, 2nd Iieut. ; .Jim Woodland, treas. SECOND ROW: Pat Tvrdik. librarian ; Gary Spaulding, drum major; Marty Dieterich, sec.


"I know you'll like it if you try it," coaxed the anxious band member a he tried to ell another fruit cake. Each year, member of We t ide's concert band sell fruit cakes before Thanksgiving and Christmas to raise money for new band uniforms. On Veterans' Day, the band played at a convocation. They also presented a pre-holiday concert in conjunction with Top Choir. Mr. Donald Voorhees, director of the Bell Telephone Symphony, vi ited We tside and was a guest clinician with the Warrior band. The Warrior Downbeat was presented February 25. At that time, Mr. Ronald Tyree, a bassoon and alto saxophone arti t from Morningside College in Sioux City, was a guest oloist. In March, the band presented a concert at Drake University in De Moines, Iowa. At the end of March, an elimination contest was held to elect the olo and ensemble which participated in the District Music Contest in Fremont. The Annual Fine Arts Festival was held May 13, 14, and 15. Mr. Doc everinson was a guest trumpet player for the Jazz Concert. The band' Ia t activity was playing at Commencement ceremonie in J~ne.

Anxiety prevails as director Mr. Darwin Snyder puts the band through a warm-up session just before the Warrior Downbeat.

Warrior Band's Activities Are Varied

Reserve Band, FRONT ROW: Cheryl Kinkead, Di Ann Williams, Barb McMahon, Steve Zamzow, Becky Burling. SECO D ROW: Dee West, Lyle Hanon, Dave Ruthbun, Dave McClure, cott Swanson, Steve Gottlieb, Craig Taylor, Carl Adrian, Dave Morgan, Bill Schliefer, Bill Estey.

THIRD ROW: Jon Doolittle, Mike Streeter, Director Art Jenson , jim Haviland, joel Glidewell, Key Morrow, Steve Hartford, Brian Finley, Craig Hansen, Stuart jones, Bob Stewart.


Talented Orchestra Receives Invitations) "Start at 'A' as in 'atrocious,"' ordered Mr. Harold Welch, Westside Orchestra director. He was not trying to play the name game, but was, instead, instructing orchestra members where to start in their music. The orchestra put on their Winter Concert on December 21 in the Little Theater. The chamber orchestra, made up of selected members, was invited to the AllState Music Clinic at Hastings in November. The orchestra and several small groups and soloists entered the District Music Contest in the spring. At the orchestra concert in the spring, scholarships to All-State, as well as other scholarships and honors, were presented to exceptional members. The string quartet, made up of J aneen Beck, Jim Durham, Virginia Moore, and Nancy Riley, performed at the All-State Music Concert. They also performed for Mr. Donald Voorhees, director of the Bell Telephone Orchestra, when he was at Westside. The entire orchestra, including wind and percussion players chosen from the band, practiced every Tuesday and Thursday. The strings practiced on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Westside Orchestra, FRONT ROW: Jim Durham, Virginia Moore, Kathy Heckenlively, Linda Snow, Greg Love, ancy Riley,.Janeen Beck, Linda Allen. SECOND ROW: Peter Matschke, Nancy Reichmann, Christine Smith, Ruth Unzicker, Micheline Eden, Tim Gerber, Carol Gould, Karen Krabbenhoft, Ricky Gibson, Vicki Gibson, Gary Spaulding,

Members of the pit orchestra for "High Button Shoes" intently watch the music during an afternoon rehearsal.

Virginia Roe, Karen Combs, Penny Lyman. THIRD ROW: Lloyd Woodland, David Levine, Dave Osborne, Hale Aust, Steve Ferry, Craig Johnson, Bob Tilton, Bruce Thorson, Jim Woodland, Kent Johnson, Dave Andersen, Paul Thornblad, Randy Luder, Patty Otto, Wayne Woodland, Karen Johnson, Kathy Meier; Director, Mr. l-jttrold Welch.

High Ratings

" Let's go over this one more time," says Mr. Harold Welch as he conducts the pit orchestra in a practice for "High Button Shoes."

The harp is a beautiful and vital part of every orchestra. Kathy Meier demonstrates her technique on this instrument.

Concentration ...

Practice ...



Top Choir Members Work To Produce

Nancy Aronson, Wayne Woodland, Paul Thorson, Don Noel, Holden Aust, Bob Tilton, Bryan Vercoe, Steve Leger, Marty Dieterich, Leann Appleby, Becky Jones, Chris Hopkins, Margie Mayberry, Suzanne Giller, Claire Perrigo, Joyce Page. FOURTH ROW: Linda Moore, Nancy Wood, Jean Hoemann, Mary Johnsen , Sandy Malin , Marilyn Schlegel , Bob Schwarz, Gary Schroeder, Dick Doxon, Pat Kuroishi , Paul Thornblad, John Mattson, Lea Ann Wright, Jonell Dunn, Karen McWhirter, Pam Dalling,Julie Reed, Lynn Palmer, Ramsey Swenson.

Top Choir, FRONT ROW: Kathy Hammer, Sharon Tatreau, Mickey Morgan, Kris Waara, Mimi Orth, Barb Larsen, Connie Morey, Tim Gerber, Fred Weiner,Jim O'Connor, s路usan Barrett, Barb Montag, Jean Vipond, Nancy Caster, JoDee Iverson, Jean Kennedy. SECOND ROW: Laury Saffer, Susan Hansen, Cathy Nothhelfer, Dianna Miller, Janet Sullivan, Gary Shannon, Fred Bergstrom, Steve Bachenberg, John Linsley, Rick Peck, Doug Vercoe, Cindy Sokol, Mary Heintzelman, Debbie Chase, Judy Wheeler, Anne Leigh, Debbi Dwyer, Linda Thompson. THIRD ROW: Candy Ziesemann, Linda Harvey, Missi Adler,

Top Choir officers, Candy Ziesmann, v. pres.; Sue Hansen, treas.; Steve Bachenberg, pres.; accompanied by Marty Dieterich, sec. enjoy singing Christmas carols occasionally after school.

Mr. Kellogg inspires Top Choir to open their mouths wider.


Concerts) Musical During fourth and fifth hours, students who passed by the vocal mu ic room could often hear Top Choir or Concert Choir, or perhaps the voice of Mr. William Kellogg giving helpful advice. Daily practices proved valuable when it came time for performances such as the "Spirit of '66" talent how. This show was presented Nov. 5 and 7 for the public, and was also shown in part at convocations for Westside and Arbor Heights students. Top Choir sent 12 members to the State Music Clinic in Hastings, where they participated in the All-State Chorus under a guest director. "High-Button Shoes," a musical comedy, was produced by Top Choir after many weeks of hard work. The choirs added to the Christmas spirit with their community concert in December. Both Top Choir and Concert Choir performed in the annual Festival of the Arts in the spring.

Candy Ziesemann and Steve Bachenberg diligently memorize their lines for "High-Button Shoes." Concert Choir, FRONT ROW: Donna Barron, Linda Allington, Janet Lefler, Gail SpelLS, Pat Hamilton, Judy Barr, Wendy Burden, Sonja Hovland, Gini Roe, Cheryl Kinkead. SECOND ROW: Anita Baskin, Bonnie Trustin, Susan Aikman, Darlene Weiner, Margaret Fay, Bruce Thorson, Bob Groth, john Finfrock, Dee Eaton, Betty Loers, Liz eils, Kathy Martin, Barbara Arant, Glenna Knudsen. THIRD ROW: Sue Mack, Pat Miller, Linda jordan, Diane Gustafson, Candy Harding, Andrea Cole, Tom Ro s, Bob tewart, Bob Walander, Diane Dinkel, Cindi McDowell, Sue johnson, jeanne Lynn, omie Kuttner, Kalleen Naylor, Val McKinnon. FOURTH ROW: Joanne Wolf, Yolanda Sideris, Debbie Larsen, Lynne Calendine, Debbie Hill, Linda Adams, Bob Barrett, Stan Carpenter, Jeff Burdick, Ken McCall, Margaret Fritz, Connie Mattson, Linda Pipher, Ann Abernathy, Debbie Durham, Karen DeFord, Pamela Peterson.


Trips) Banquets) Dances Mark


"What are you doing on January 20?" inquired r. Ken Hansen, Westside principal. "Nothing that I know of," was Kathy Kelley's reply. Kathy, Pep Club pre ident, had been chosen to ride with several other ebraskans on the Nebraska float in the inaugural parade in Washington, D.C. Two new sponsors, Mi Diane Bro t and Miss Sandra Edwards, helped Mis Juliann Donoghue and the officers plan the year's activities and projects. Pep Club officers, along with cheerleaders, served at the Sports Banquets in the spring and fall. These banquets honored all boys who participated in sports and their parents. Westside chose four senior members of Pep Club to represent the school as queen candidates at the Holiday Tournament. Senior Pep Club member were also chosen as candidates for the Homecoming and weetheart dances, which were co-sponsored by Pep Club and W-Club. A great deal of planning, organizing, and hard work went into the decorations for the dances. Money was collected at one meeting to buy Thanksgiving baskets for several needy families in Omaha. Before Christmas, club members baked Christmas cookies which were delivered to several homes for the aged. Cheerleading tryouts were held in the spring. Twenty finalists were chosen from the many who tried out, and from these, Westside's twelve cheerleaders were chosen. New officers were announced at the Pep Club motherdaughter banquet in May. Members also received their letters, bars, and chevrons.

Pep Club officers, LEfT TO RIGHT: ancy Wood, v. pres.; Candy Pettengill, sec. ; RULh Brock, treas.; and Kathy Kelley, pres., watch the team practice after chool in hopeful anticipation of a victory.

ancy Wood takes name of anxious Pep Club members to make posters and sell ribbons for next week's game.

"Only 253 more times around the goalpost and we'll be finished!" says Cindy Wheeler to Mickey Morgan . 128

Pep Club Activity


Pep Club members, uzanne Giller, Jewel de Freese, Karen Olson, Pennie Anderson, and Marjie Mayberry make decorations for the weetheart Dance.

an y Wood,

o , Pep lub members aren't waving at the boys across the gym-they're only following the heerleader ' hand motions.

\ Pep Club ponsors Miss andra Edward , Mis Diane Brost, and Miss Juliann Donoghue are amused at ideas for a theme for the weethean.

Cheerleaders Add Spirit) Enthusiasm)·

Var ity cheerleaders for this yea•· arc, FRO T ROW: Cris Calandra, andy Arthur, Pennie Anderson, Carolyn Richardson. ECO D ROW: an i hook, ally Co kle; captain, .Jewell de Freese, Carolyn immons.

Practice, practice and more practice was the secret or uccess for We tside's twelve cheerleaders. In the summer, before traveling to a cheerleading camp in onnan, Oklahoma, the cheerleaders practiced every da . Their effort were rewarded when they captured first place at camp where they were in competition with other top cheerleading squads from high schools throughout the Midwest. Generating enthu iasm, however, wa not the only activity of the cheerleader . They put on two skits at pep rallies and attended many pre-game dinners with cheerleaders from opposing schools. The cheerleaders al o helped pour and serve at both sports banquets. Junior va•·sity cheerleaders baron Wheeler. Freed add spirit to sports events.


Skaug. Barb Douglass. and Micki

Sally Cockle. varsity cheerleading captain. jumps enthusiastically as Westside beats Prep.

Ski Club Demands Courage And Skill

Brave souls at We tside challenged the snow and slopes at Crescent Hills , Iowa again this year. Additional nowfalls were always welcomed by the people who made up the We tside Ski Club. The Ski Patrol , made up of Hale Aust, Eric Nilsson, Tom Ruben , Dean Slack, Bob Sund, Cheryl West, and Jan Whitaker reminded members to observe afety and courtesy to other skiier . Ski Club had two new sponsors this year, Mr. Stan Well , American Hi tory teacher, and Miss Mary Buman , math teacher. The club traveled to Crescent Hill every Tuesday when the weather permitted. A now manufacturer provided snow if it wa dry, so the greatest enemy of the skiiers was un easonably warm weather.

( ,'

kis that lit well are an important safety factor. Mollie Rivers waits while a pair is adjusted to lit her.

Miss Mary Buman, Ski Club sponsor, rests in the lodge and gathers her courage for another trip down the slope.

Does Liz Lueder see an abominable snowman, or is she just checking to see if she is in the path of another kier? 131

GAA And W Club Promote Sportsmanship)路 "Providing interesting and whole orne recreational activities for girls," one of the purposes of GAA, wa accompli hed this year through an active and varied program. To raise money, the girl old popcorn balls at WHS football games. When the State Phy ical Education Convention wa held at We t ide, GAA member served coffee and rolls at a breakfa t. The club, which met every Tue day and Thursday after school, offered unit in bowling, ba ketball, volleyball, wimming, softball, and trampoline. Member attended a Play Day at Nebraska Wesleyan Univerity in Lincoln, and went on an overnight to Camp Brewster in the spring. Enthusiastic cooperation from W Club boys wa received on the days before Homecoming and weetheart. Blowing up balloons, climbing ladder , and stuffing crepe paper into chicken wire were only a few of the tasks performed by club members. W Club and Pep Club spon ored both dance . W Club members, who are required to have earned a letter in varsity port, distributed programs at Westside basketball and football games. They also kept the gym floor clean during ba ketball game by holding ropes along the idelines. Other projects included cooperation with tudent Council to provide clothes for needy children in Appalachia, and the purchase of athletic equipment for the locker room. In May, W Club held a picnic to which members and their fathers were invited.

Danna Dye Lhrows for a slrike during a GAA bowling session.

"Anolher one like Lhal and I'll hil Lhe ceiling!" exclaims Barb Hosford, pres., as Jean Hoemann, v. pres., and olher GAA members look amazed. 132

Encourage Participation In All Sports

Service minded W Club members are among the many energetic decorators for the Sweetheart Dance.

Senior W Club officers Barry Zoob, Rick Willis, Jim Iverson . and Mike Stanner show underclassman Mark Jensen who's boss .

John Coe doesn't miss any action as he performs the W Club service of protecting the gym noor. 133


Jim Iverson holds as Bob Rahe kicks for another point and the Fremont Tigers are held by the Warrior line.

Warriors Chalk

Up Winning Record

Westside's 1964 football team boasted a 6-3 record, placing fourth in the new Metropolitan League and sixth in tate rankings. The team, composed largely of juniors, not only had a fine season but raised Warrior hopes for future seasons. The opening game against Benson was a disappointing loss. The Bunnies capitalized on Westside's inability to make first downs, and managed to walk away with a 14-0 victory. In the A.L. game the Warrior defense held the Lynx to about 50 yards while Westside gained over 350 yards. Despite the amount of yardage gained, WHS scored just once on a one-yard sneak by Jim Jansen, to win 6-0. The high point of this year's season came on September 25, when Westside defeated arch-rival Prep for the fir t time in history. The game started badly for the Warriors, with Prep scoring first on the ope.n ing drive. Westside bounced back and scored on a 3-yard run by Andy Denes with Bob Rahe adding the extra point. Prep then produced another touchdown. In the second quarter Westside took the lead away from the Junior Jays with a short run by Mike Stanner. Rahe again kicked the point. The Warriors scored again in the fourth quarter to win 20-13. Westside celebrated Homecoming by trouncing Bellevue 39-0. On the first play from scrimmage, Stanner scored on a 58-yard run. In the second period, quarterback Mark Jensen passed for two touchdowns and Bob Urosevich scored on an intercepted pass. Marty Jones scored on a 2-yard plunge, and a 13-yard pass from

Jansen to Steve Snodgrass ended WHS coring. Westside's second loss came at the hands of the North Vikings, 13-0. In a basically defensive game, orth scored once in the first quarter and again in the last. Back in the winner's column again, Westside defeated Fremont 13-6. A 41-yard J en en-Rahe touchdown pa came after a bad Fremont punt. The final touchdown was scored by end Rog Herring. Westside handed South a 28-20 defeat in the next game, scoring first on a long run by Urosevich. Jensen connected with Rahe on a 6-yard scoring pass, and Jim Iverson took a hand-off and exploded for an 80-yard scoring run. The final touchdown wa another by Urosevich. In a hard-fought 19-14 battle, We tside dropped a game to Tech. The Trojans scored the first two touchdowns. The Warriors picked up momentum when Rusty Welch and then Stanner scored. However, Tech came from behind late in the fourth quarter to clinch the victory. The Red and Black finished the eason with a 31-0 out of the Central Eagles. Jensen scored from the 12yard line and threw a 19-yard touchdowi-t pass to U rosevich. Jansen and Stanner produced the other touchdowns. At the season's end, Rahe was named to the All-Metro team and Mike Stanner and Duane Stuart received the Kiwanis awards for outstanding back and outstanding lineman. 137

FRONT ROW: Denny Humphrey, Dave Brown , Mike Stanner. SECOND ROW: Bob Wilson, Dave Bushnell, Dave DeB use. THIRD ROW: Coach Jim Tangdall, Mike Burdic, Les McClanahan, Bruce Sayles , cou Smith, Marty Jones, student manager, Ed Covert.

Westside Ranks Fifth In Metro League)路

\':\RSITY RECORD-1964 Westside 0 .................. 14 Benson Westside 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 :\.L. Westside 20 .................... 13 Prep West side


................... 0 Bellevue

Westside 0 ....................... 13 l\:orth \\' estside 12 ..................... 6 Fremont Westside 2H .... .. ............... 20 South Westside 14 ....................... 19 Tech Westside J I .. ... ................ 0 Central



FRONT ROW: Jeff Gaillard , Tom Phalen, Don Ehlers , Dick Tharp, Bud Anderson , student manager; Harry McLaughlin , Danny McCormick , Bruce Bikin . SECO D ROW: Jay Erdman , Brad Hill , jon Elliot, jim Sents, Coach Don johnson .

.. Prep Topples In Warriors' Best Game

Andy Dene makes it over the goal line by inches for the first Warrior touchdown in Westside's victory over Prep. The scoreboard shows that every Warrior's dream has finall y become reality.


FRONT ROW: Terry Clauff, Duane Stewart, Jim Chase, Bob Zuuermeister, Scott Swanson, John Coe. SECOND ROW: Bill Bourgeois, Jim Iverson, Scott Lausterer, Bob Kelly, Bob Rahe, Trainer Wayne Wagner.

Students Contribute Spirit, Pep To Games

Stanner takes a Jensen hand-off in the early moments of the Fremont game.

Tony Rose runs interference for Andy Denes in a 12-yard gain against North.

FRONT ROW: Jim Jansen, Mark Jensen, Bob Urosevich,Jim Musil, Steve Tyler, Andy Denes, John Thomas, oach Bill Hoyt. SECOND ROW: Rusty Welch, Steve Snodgrass, Roger Herring, Ton y Rose.

foung Squad Promises Bright Future JUNIOR VARSITY RECORD-1964 Westside 13 ...................... 6 Central Westside 12 ...................... 30 Prep Westside 13 ...................... 12 North Westside 6 ....................... 12 Ryan Westside 25 ...................... 13 South Westside 25 ...................... 7 Tech

A Warrior snags a Jensen pass against Tech .

Art Denny intercepts a pass in a Junior Varsity victory.

Resen-e Record - I ~Hi -1 \\'est side



Bishop R\an





\\'est side








\\'est side




\\'est side



Boys Town

Reserves, FRONT ROW: C. Lee, S. Jones, M. Tuerk, L. Nicholson, J . Soucie. SECOND ROW: T . Demgen, R. Kuhl, B. Taren, D. Morgan. THIRD ROW: R. Wright, P. Payne, G. Spaulding. G. Love. FOURTH ROW: R. Rutherford, J. Parks, B. Schleifer, B. Hurst. FIFTH ROW: F. Bergstrom , B. Wallender, J. Witt, K. Madsen. SIXTH ROW: R. Van Winkle, B. Emrick, L. Kuebler, D. Turnquist. SEVENTH ROW: D. Morris . L. Williams, B. Tharp, D. Thoma . EIGHTH ROW: Coach Cal Benz, D. Madsen, L. (~regg. Coach Louie Miloni.

Reserves Add Depth To Warrior Future Junior Varsity, FRONT ROW: Terry johnston, Ron Volberding, Bruce Moore, Gene Jensen, teve Seibold , Bob Brown, Art Denny, Tim Herrick, Jon Bridgewater, Guy Ingles, Ed Wigg. SECOND ROW: Coach Richard Lane, Ron O'Connor, Gary Peter en, Steve Freese, Gary chroeder. Ken McCall, john McCollister, Terry Worshek, Ken Herm-

sen, Dave Prall, Jim Tettenborn, Jim Rawlings, Sam Bonacorso, Steve Langdon, Bill Siems, Coach Bill McCormick. THIRD ROW: Bob Henderson, Gregg Walker, jon Jansen, Jim Coe, Steve Chamberlain, Bob Mcintyre, Charles Culberson , Don Dibble, Tom Grossman, AI Bach , Ralph Chaney, Scott Hinckley.

Coach Stan Wells, Dave Ross , Harry McLaughlin , Lee Fisher, Don Albon , Dave Larkin , Steve Jenkins, Jim Farlee.

FRONT ROW: Jim Kovarik , Harold Burton , Doug Vercoe, Mike Pulhamu , Dave Duffin, Jim Esbenshade, Robin John en. SECOND ROW:

Westside Harriers Rank Sixth In State

We tside's new Cross Country coach, Mr. Stan Wells , led the team to a sixth-place finish in the state meet this year. Since the team's beginnmg in 1962 it has grown from a 9-man squad to include both var ity and reserve units. Although daily workouts tarted two and a half weeks late , Mr. Wells said the boys did remarkably well. Their daily routine consisted of running to Elmwood Park and back to Westside. During breaks in the practice essions the boy chased squirrels. Mr. Well named Don Albon champion squirrel cha er. The reserve team competed in all dual meets, while the varsity ran in the bigger meets. Led by junior Lee Fi her, the varsity finished fifth at the Nebraska Wesleyan meet. Lee took eighth place while Dave Larkin placed twelfth . At the Metro politan Conference meet Westside placed fifth in the 12-team field. A sixth place finish was achieved at the Doane Invitational. In a triangular meet WHS harriers beat Prep while losing to Ryan. Competition in dual meets against North, Prep, Ryan, and Central helped the younger members of the squad gain experience and confidence.

Dave Larkin , Don Albon, and Steve Jenkins, team captain, look for squirrels to chase during a workout at Elmwood Park. 143

WHS 2nd In City) Reaches Semifinals Finishing with an 18-5 record, the Warrior ba ketball team had the fine t ea on in Westside history. Under the coaching of Jim Tangdall, the Warriors took second place in the newly formed Metropolitan L ague. They also reached the emi-finals of the tate Tournament and were rated first in the state by the WorldHerald for three con ecutive weeks. The Warrior tarted out the ea on in good shape by winning their first five games against outstate foe rand I land, Hastings, Columbus, Lincoln High, and Abraham Lincoln. We t ide fini hed second in the Holiday Tournament. In the first game of that tournament We tside beat defending tate champion Creighton Prep 68-64 in overtime. The Warriors stopped Central 67-57, but lot in the final game to Tech, 74-65. After the holiday the Warriors came out on the hort end of a 58-56 game with Central. The following week West ide walked away from orth with a 70-49 win and trounced Beatrice 87-56. During the remainder of the ea on, the Warrior team beat Prep for a econd time and avenged the earlier lo s to Tech by a 67-62 margin . The strain of a long season howed as WHS wa upset by the orthea t Rockets, then by Fremont in overtime . Bellevue and Benson were the Warriors' victims in the Di trict Tournament as Westside earned a berth in the State Tournament for the fir t time. In the Class A Tournament, We t ide opened by defeating Gering in a close game, 61-57. The following night the Warrior lost a heartb~eaker to secondseeded McCook, 51-50. The Warriors took the lead with 18 seconds left in the game, only to be defeated by a free throw in the last two second . :• At the eason's end, enior John Buller wa named to both All-Metro and All-State team .

Coach Jim Tangdall watches intently as the Warriors pull out of a close one.

Big .John Buller is in the air again as he lay one up to keep the Warriors ahead of outheast.

In State Tourney

During a tense momem the Waniors call a time-outlo go over some plays and gel encouragement from the oach and ·wdem managers.


A Beatrice Orangeman leaves the ground to shoot, but finds it a tough job when Eric Hultman is gua•·ding.

Westside Finishes Third In Nebraska ·

John Buller pa e to Mark Jen en de pite the efforts of two outheast Knights.

"Sink 'er, Jerry!" yell Pep Club members as James tries a free throw and Buller get ready for the rebound.

Westside \\'est side Westside \\'cstside Westside \\'cstsidc Westside \\'est side \\' cstside \\'est side

Varsity basketball, FRO TROW : Bob Uro evich, Roger Herring, Jim Jansen, Dick Tharp, Rusty Welch, Mark Jensen, Jim Iverson. SECOND ROW: Gordon Nealy, John Buller, Jerry James, Eric

H4 ... tiO ... 7'2. ... 7:~ ... 77 ... :}t) ...

711 ... H7 ... tiH ... 91i ...

Varsity Record 6:l llastings :~·I (;rand Island ()H ( :olumbus :J() l.inmln :}·1 A. 1.. :lH Central -1~1 :'\orth !}() Beat rice 64 Prep !"l·l SoUl h

19!11-t):i 7 \ \ estsidc 6-1 Westside() I Westside 7'.!. \\'cstsidc 67 Westside H·l Westside ll:~ Westside 7:) \\'est side 7 5 Westside {)I West side ;)()

... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ...

:i 7 Benson fi7 :'\orthca't :i:~ lkllnuc ti~ Tt·rh :i9 Southeast ti7 Fremont fi() lklle\"llc G I Benson !17 (;cring ill McCook

Hultman, Rick Willis. NOT PICTURED: Student managers Barry Zoob, Bud Anderson, Jerry Peter on.

Rick Willis sinks a basket in the District game with Bellevue, helping put Westside one step closer to the State Tournamenl.


Excitement is at its peak as Westside fans whoop it up after a Warrior makes an important score.

Rick Willis gets a "you were really hot tonight" handshake from Rusty Welch. Mark Jensen and Dick Tharp look exhau ted, but the scoreboard proves that it has been another successful nighL.

Guard Mark Jensen looks for a target but finds himself hemmed in by McCook's Roger Leitner in the tate Tourney semifinals.

Reserves Complete Successful Season)· In recent years West ide has had a Varsity and a Reserve team . However, this year because of the increasing number or promising boys trying out, Junior Varsity and Sophomore teams were created to replace the old re erve team system. The Warriors basketball future looked brighter than ever thi year as Coach Jack Peter on's Re erve ba ketball team finished the season with an impre ·sive I 0-6 season. Beating Prep and outh highlighted the season. Lee Fisher averaged about 20 points per game as high scorer and hit 30 points in the A. L. game. He was trailed in the scoring column by Phil Blum, Guy Ingles, and Terry Johnston.

Reserve Record 1964-65 \\'c~tsidc 70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;j/ Hastings \\'cstsidc 7:-> ......................... :-:., I Cathedral \\'cstside :->7 ......................... ·I!J Col111nhu~ \\'e~tsidc li~ . . ............... -19 Lincoln \\' cstside 71 ............................ fi!J .\ . 1.. \\'cshidc ·17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·I!J Central \\'estside f)~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. :-:.,~ :'\onh \\'cstside ;j\1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;j-1 Beat riel' \\'es!Sidc 79. .................. 71 Prep \\' cstside H·l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :j:! South \\'l'stside -H . ................ i·l Benson \\'cstsidc :>4 ........................... 7'.!. :'\onhcast \\'estside ·17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y2 Bcllcnll' \\' e~hidc Yl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 I Tech \ \' e~t side :->;> . . .................. ;)(} Sou t hca~t \\'eshidc ill ......................... ·Li FlcJnont

The Beatrice Reserves watch helplessly as Johnston makes a lay-up.

Re>erves Lee Fisher and Phil Blum demonstrate how to block a shot "' 1eam member' watch. FRONT ROW: Jon .Jansen, Guy Ingles, Bill ThaqJ, Art Denny, Gary Hammer. SECOND ROW: Steve Tobias,Terry

Johnston, Bob Brown, Bill Schleifer, Brad Ashford, Warren Whitted. Student manager Greg Love, Coach Jack Pe1erson.

Sophs) Intramurals Provide Competition

\\·e,tsidc \\'cstside \\' ntside \\'estside \\'ntsidc \\' cstside \\'cstside \\'eshide \\'estside

Sophotnore Rcconb I ~lti·l-1)."> :\7 ................... li I Ben'"" ·1\1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·1."> Bms To\\'11 .">:! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ill l't cp ~1:! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;->.->South ill ..................... 71 Tech -1:> ......................->I T. .J. ;->H .......................->7 .\. 1.. ti~ ................... :11 lkllnttt' ·L"> .................... ;->7 lknso11

Sophomore BaskeLball, FRONT ROW: Bob Henderson, Jim McShane, Russ WrighL, Bob Walander, SLeveJohn on, Glen Spaulding. SECOND ROW: SwdenL Manager .Jim Howl, Gene Jensen, lark CarpenLer, Dave Prall, Kem Vipond, Jim Teuenborn , Dave TurnquisL, Coach Bob Rademacher.

I :\TR:\~Il'R.\L REC< )RI>S :\ merictn Lea~ue

Rt:jen s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zips .................................... llawks I <tnd :! .......................... l'hy-.iocrats .............................. Simple Simons ........................... Squirrels ................................ Sroirraws ................................ Ro~ucs .................................. Clutchkickcrs ............................ Krispv Critters ........................... :\at ional League l'o p Tops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fi~hting Irish ............................ \\'ildcus ................................ Cakroaches .............................. Dunker-, ................................ Ball llawks .............................. Eight Balls .............................. Cluckcs ................................ Rhino\ ................................



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The inLramural scores may be low bul Lhe competitive spiriL is high .




The RejecLS close in on Norm Fishel Lo capLure Lhe ball.

7 7


Jon Jansen attempts the high jump as members of opposing teams look on .

Track Season Delayed By Snow) Rain The arrival of spring was delayed in Omaha by snow and rain. This weather produced unwelcome practice conditions for the track team, as runners and hurdlers were forced to use the halls after school. Rain also forced the cancellation of the Columbus Invitational Meet. About 70 boys turned out for the track team under coaches Bill Hoyt and Dick Lane. No cuts were made, but the boys eliminated themselves. The Warriors took fourth place at the Omaha University Indoor meet, and placed sixth at the Midland College Invitational in .Fremont. :~


Up and down the hall go distance men Bill Jepsen and Len Miller, forced inside by rain .

Al Bach clears another hurdle in his heat at the Midland College Invitational.


Dave Bushnell hands off to Kim Herbert in the 880 relay in a fifth place for the Warriors at the Midland College Invitational. George Lahners tries to better his shotput record in an early season track meet.

Track team, Front Row: Dan McCormack, ed Whitesell, Dave Brown, Jim Jansen, Dave DeB use, Dave Bushnell, Marty Jones, Bob Ford, Bob Matejka, Don AI bon, Jim Farlee, George Lahners, Duane Stewart, Mike tanner, Bill Jepsen, Scot Anderson, Len Miller, Bruce Bikin . Second Row: Jim Matejka, Ron Volberding, Bill Ferer, Jon Bridgewater, Jon Jansen, Guy Ingles, AI Bach, Bob Henderson, Steve jones, Bob Schwarz, jon Elliott, Ralph Chaney, Dave Ross, Warren Whitted, Bruce Moore, Jim Killerlain, Dave Larkin, Coach Bill Hoyt. Third Row: Steve Harless,

Doug Vercoe, Art Annin, Art Denney, Tim Herrick, Ray Rutherford, Bob Taren, Andy Denes, Harold Burton, Dave Duffin , Tom Mertz, Ken McCall, Dennis Dohner, John Johnson, Coach Ray Swift, Coach Dick Lane. Fourth Row: Student manager Ed Covert, student manager Tom Grossman, Randy VanWinkle, Steve Lightfoot, Kim Herbert, Don DeFord, Don Roudebush, Mike Pulhamus, john Baxter, Jack Cain, Coach Bob Klein .

Wrestlers Boast Two State Champions

Westside's new wrestling coach, Mr. Lou Milani, who was an assistant coach at the University of Omaha last year, led his team to a 7-5 season. The Warriors boasted two state champion , two di trict champions, two Metropolitan League champion , and several first and second place finishers in the North and outh Invitational meets. Senior Scott Swanson, team captain, led the Warrior grapplers with a 22-0 record, including Metro, district, and state championships in the 165-lb. clas . 120-lb. Scott Lausterer won an equal number of championships, and suffered only one setback all year. Junior Mike Burdic placed second in the district in the heavyweight class. Other members of the varsity team were AI Bach, Sam Bonacorso, Ralph Chaney, Ben Cohen, Steve Harle s, Gary Kreiger, Doug Morris, TomPhalen, Doug Ralston , Tom Rydberg, and Ron Volberding. The team elected Mike Burdic captain for next year. Ron Volberding was voted most improved wrestler. The reserve team finished the season with a 5-4 record. The leading reserve scorers were AI Bach and Bruce Moore.

Coach Lou Miloni watches as a Warrior defeats a Prep Bluejay.

\ ' arsit\ Remrd I \H)i-65 \\"cstsidc \\'estside \\'estsidc \\' cstside \\'est side \\'cstsidc \\'est side \\'cstside \\'est side \\'est side \\'cstside \\'cstsidc

Varsity wrestling, FRONT ROW: AI Bach, Doug Ralston , Ben Cohen, Ron Volberding, student manager Jeff Burdic. SECOND ROW: Tom Phalen, con Lausterer, Doug Morris, teve Harless, Coach Lou Miloni . THIRD ROW: Scott Swanson , Tom Rydberg, Ralph Chaney, Mike Burdic, stu.d ent manager Tom Grossman. 152

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Fremont R\路an Tech Prep A. L. Bo\'S Tm,路n

Benson :\'ot,it Bellente SoUl!. Beverid~e


Mike Burdic and his opponent begin the final match in the Heavyweight class of the District finals.

Reserve wrestling, FRONT ROW: Ken Brown , Bruce Moore , AI Bach , jerry imons, Stu Perimeter, Gary Skeans. SECOND ROW: Dick Bales , Bob Taren, Sam Bonacorso, Pete Payne , Steve Hill , Tom Grossman.

Westside Westside Westside \\'estside Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside

Westside's state champions Scott wanson and Scott Lau terer weigh in . This is the first year Westside has ever had two state champions.

Scott Swanson puts an end to a futile Packer struggle.

Reser\'e Record 1964-65 Fremont ~4 . . . . . . . . . . . ~:~ Ryan I :1 ........... 3~ Tech '!.i. ~~ A. L 1:2 ........... 35 l\oys Town ~4 . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Benson ~8 . . . . . . . . . . . 15 :\orth ~9 . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Bellen1e 15 . . . . . . . . . . . 34 South 18 . . . . . . . . . . . ~~ 0




Eleven Lettermen Boost Baseball Hopes A contrast of the new and the old made Westside's baseball future look bright this year. Mr. Gerald Wi nieski replaced Mr. Marv Nevins as coach. There were eleven returning lettermen on the team, with at least one experienced player at each position. Strong defensively, the Warriors worked hard to improve their fielding. Due to poor weather, baseball candidates were forced to practice in the boy ' gym, passing with tennis balls instead of baseballs. Practice sessions were also held at Sunset Hills School, and home games were played at Westgate field.

F1路ont Row: Student Manager Frank Griebe, Rich Ide, Craig Miller, Bob Urosevich, Terry Clauff, Mark Jensen, Steve Backhaus. Second Row: Dick Tharp, Steve Tyler, Gene Jensen, Jerry Peterson, John Ruby, Bill Havelka, Bryan Vercoe. Third Row: Don Dibble, Rick Sline, Larry Eisenhauer, Rog Herring, Tim Knight, Steve Snodgrass,

Rick Willis connects for another long one during praClice.


.. :

Senior Terry Clauff warms up his pitching arm during early spring practice.

r Hunter, Don Ehlers, Rusty Welch. Fourth Row: Coach Gerald ieski, Steve Hanford, Bob Rahe, AI Zimmerman, Rick Willis, 'r eumann, Frank Maddox, Denny Humphrey, Coach Huston.

ot even snow can keep these reserve base bailers from practicing. A snowy spring kept the players inside.

-..._ 155



Westside gains the lead as Metro champion Hap Pat7 prepares to begin his leg of a relay in a dual meet.

Westside Swimmers Take Metro Title Westside's first swimming team wa organized only four year ago. At that time, only two wimmer were sent to the state meet. Since then the team ha hown much improvement. A perfect record in dual meets, fir t place in the Metropolitan Conference, and a second place in the state meet in Lincoln highlighted the successful 1964-65 season. Undefeated in dual meet , Westside proved its ability by walking away with the Metro title thi year. Metro champions were Tom Curran in the 200 and 400 yard freestyle, Steve George in the individual medley, Todd Smith in diving, and Hap Patz in the I 00 yard backstroke. For the second year in a row, Westside placed second in the state meet, losing to Lincoln Southeast by one point. Westside's medley relay team, made up of Phil Amis, Steve Snodgra s, .John Lindstromberg, and Mike Stanner, won in a record time of I :46.8. Tom Curran, state winner last year:tin the 200 and 400 yard freestyle, took state this year in the I 00 and 200 yard freestyle. In the 200 yard freestyle, Steve .Jenkin placed second and Bob Hur t placed third. This marked the fir t time that a team has captured all three places in any one event at the tate meet. Steve George, a freshman from Arbor Heights .Junior High, won the 400 yard free tyle. Todd Smith, a freshman from Valley View, carried off the state diving championship, giving Westside its fourth con ecutive state diving title. Tom Cut-ran wins the freestyle relay at the Central meet give Westside an undefeated regular season .

Reserve swimming team. FROST ROll': Bob Barrett . .John Swanson. Clarence Lee . .John Meigs. Rich Malone. Scott wanson. Allan Schomer, Rav Rutherford. SH:<J.\'D ROll ': .John Barnes . Randy 路 Knox. Steve Renier. Bob Tank. Bill Reill)'. Tim Hinze. Doug Meigs. Bill Dunbar. T/1/RD ROll': Tom Petty. Ed Wigg. Brad O'Connor. Kenny Robinson . .Jim Haviland. Mark Malashock. Steve McCollister. FOL'RT/1 ROll ': Tim Rosenbaum. Carl Adrian . .John hriner. Coach Cal Banz. Tom :-Jeese. Rick Albers. Ralph :--:ielsen. Bill Banker.


Coach Cal Benz receives a victory dunking from Warrior swimmers after Westside Lakes the first Metro championship.

Girls' swimming Learn , FRONT ROW: Colleen Mager, Pal Lee , ancy Rile y, Cheryl West, Betsy Taylor, Amy Klopp , ue wanson, Marge Wein ga nen . SECOND ROW: Cris Smith , Kalleen aylor, Mary Kay Duffin , Mary Skaug, Fay uuer, Sue Sinovich. THIRD ROlli: Cindy Cadden, Karen GOLsdiner, Linda Lea Lar on,Jan Whitaker.

Backstmker Phil Ami gets ofT to a fast start on his leg of the medley relay during a triangular meet with Prep and Sioux City Cemral.

Varsity swimming Learn , SITT!t (;on deck: Ron Smith, Rick Ander on, Greg Walker. FIR T ROW: tudem Fox, studem manager Rick Ernst, Karl Kehm , Steve manager Bob BarreLL, Bob Peckham, John Larson ,

Roger Hawkins , manager Terry Burdic, student Leve Snodgrass,

Stale champion diver Todd Smith rates high scores fmm the judges during a dual meet.

Dave Morgan , Bob Hu•·st, studem manager Bill Dunbar, Gary Spaulding, Steve George, Dave George, Kurt Petersen , Phil Amis, Mike Stanncr, Leve Langdon , Coach Cal Benz, Tom Curran, ubby Taylor, Stevejenkins ,John Lindstromberg, studem manager Linda Lea Larson.

Boys' Tennis, Front Row: Jim Musil, Woody Vosburg, Randy Knox, Tom Findlay, Tom Barton . eco 11d R ow: Rod Ulfers, SLU Jones, Roger Franz, Bob Gehringer, Coach Bob Rademacher. Th ird R ow: Rich Young, Brad Ashford , Gary McClendon, Phil Blum, J eff Gaillard .

Tennis Teams Anticipate Good Season In his fifth year as boys' tennis coach, Bob Rademacher hoped for the best year yet. Three-year lettermen Rich Young and John Andreasen, one-year lettermen Jeff Gaillard and Jim Musil, and experienced players from last years' reserve team made up the var ity squad. Rich, second in state last year, wa expected to be one of the city's top players. Although a lingering winter kept the boys from practicing on the courts, the team kept in shape by working out in the ;girls' gym. The Warriors won their first match 3-2, over South. With the loss of state champion Margie Ringwalt and three-year letter winner Leigh Bovett, the girls' tennis team was left with four lettermen: Debby Browne, Penny Anderson, Jewell de Freese, and Terry Sconce. A record turnout of 20 girls reported to new coach Miss Sigrid Larsen and sponsor Miss Juliann Donoghue.

Jeff Gaillard and Jim Musil get ready to return a serve at the South meet.

"Thirty love!" shouts Rich Young as he prepares to serve.

With a look of determination, senior Debby Browne swings and wins her match at the Benson meet. Doubles partners Pennie Anderson and jewel deFreese practice intently during one of the first sessions at Dewey.

Front Row: Mollie Rivers, Terry Sconce, Pennie Anderson, Carol Stromberg, JoAnn Hall. Second Row: Gini Roe, Sue Mack, Cece Corn, Debby Browne, Coach Miss Sigrid Larsen, Karen Olson, jewel


ancy Lincoln.


Gymnastics team, FRONT ROW: Ron O'Connor, john Henely, Craig Taylor, John olberson, Dennis Hopson, Bob Matejka, Armin Barnett, Steve Capoccia . SECOND ROW: Dennis Engleman,Jim Kovarik, Bob Zuuermeister, Frank Soukup, Mike Hurd, Gary Spear, Duane Lewan, Harold Burton, Bob Eades, Coach Wayne Wagner, Dave Duffin, .John Moore, Stuart Jones, Mike Tuerk.

Gymnasts Make . Westside Ten Sport School A new sport, gymnastics, was added to the Westside athletic program this year. Gymnastics is one of the oldest sports in the world and requires a high degree of strength, balance, and coordination. Events included in gymnastics meets are the side hor e, the high bar, the parallel bars, trampoline, tumbling, still rings, and free exercise. The judges determine point according to the difficulty and accuracy of each routine. Under the direction of Mr. Wayne Wagner, the team managed to capture fifth place in the Metro meet, the highest of any first year team. We tside participated in three other meets. The gymnasts placed third in meet at Central and South and took second place at a meet held at Westside.

A gymnast performs a shoulder stand on the parallel bars.

Craig Taylor prepares for a dismount during a meet at Westside.

Returning Lettermen Boost Golf Team The 1965 golf quad had six returning lettermen from last year's Intercity Conference championship team. These lettermen were Jay Erdmann, Larry Hamer, Tom il on, joe Rapoport, Mark Rickerson, and Barry Zoob. The team' coach was Mr. Jim Tangdall, and the home course was again Miracle Hills. During Ia t ummer the We t ide golfers tayed in hape. Barry Zobb and Larry Hamer were Nebraska area qualifier for the National USGA Junior Golf Tournament in Oregon. Barry finished fir t and Larry finished third in the state. Larry wa unable to go but Barry went to Oregon and finished 70th in the national tournament.

Barry Zo0b tries a new method of sinking a pun during a praClice at Miracle Hills.


ilsson drives with a powerful swing.

Golf lettermen, FRO T ROW: la1路k Ri ckerson, Larry HameL SECOND ROW: Joe Rapopon, .Jay Erdmann, Tom ilsson, Barry Zoob.


National Honor Society members , FRONT ROW: Carol Thomas, Sherry Carlson, Jackie Hauptman, Ann Snow, Linda Lea Larson, Debby Browne . SECOND ROW: Kathy Ree , Ruthie Saunders , Chris Pinali, Phyllis Donaldson, Kristi Andersen, Elaine

Tegtmeier. THIRD ROW: Barb Udes , Kathy Wurl, Jeff Passer, Doug Smith, Jackie Moore, Betsy Raskin. FOURTH ROW: Greg Montes, Bob Bucholz, Chuck Barton , Jay Erdmann, Steve Bachenberg, Tom Hood , Dave Sheppard .

Warriors Earn Many Varied Honors Each year scholarships and special recogmtwn are bestowed upon many Westside students. Twenty-six juniors were inducted into National Honor Society at a special convocation in May of 1964. ~hese students were chosen by the faculty from the top ten percent oÂŁ their class. Selection was based on character, leadership, scholarship, and service. Dave Sheppard received the highest score in the state on the Nebraska Regents test, and Chris Pinali placed third. Eight other Westsiders scored in the top I 00 of those taking the test. Nine WHS seniors became National Merit Semifinalists through their outstanding performances on the NMS qualifying test administered last March . They then became eligible to compete for scholarships which may reach a maximum of $6000 for four years of college. Westside was represented by five students at Girl ' and Boys' State in Lincoln. They studied all aspects of government along with students from all over Nebraska, and assumed the positions of city, county, and state officials. Twenty-three girls attended the Mock United Nations Assembly at Duchesne College. The assembly was run like the actual UN, with Westside representing Sweden , Ireland, Israel, and Senegal.

ebraska Regents Scholarship winners, FRONT ROW: Chris Pinali, Ruthie Saunders, Betsy Raskin . SECOND ROW: Phyllis Donaldson, Ann Snow, Doug Smith . THIRD ROW: Dave Sheppard , Tom Hood , Jim Arundel.


Boys' and Girls' State delegates and alternates: Bruce Sayles, john Buller, Ruthie Saunders, Chuck Barton, Ruth Brock , Elaine Tegtmeier, Kathy Rees , Bob Bucholz.

Mock UN Assembly delegates. FRONT ROW: Linda Wells , Cecee Corn, Meriel Lefler, Diane hoemaker . SECOND ROW: Claire Perrigo, Cris Enewald , Ramsey Swenson, Pam Brinke . THIRD ROW: Joanne Wolf, Sue Hansen, ancy Beecroft, Cheri Moredick . FOURTH ROW: Ellen Jacobson , joanne Lamp, jo Alyce Kaplan, Gail Zyck, Mari Fabrizius.

National Merit Semifinalists: Ross Rizley, Kristi Andersen , Jim Arundel, Carol Thomas, Holden Aust, Elaine Tegtmeier, Ward Baxter. Kand y Bailey.

Victory Highlights 1964 Homecomzng


.\.J .,\ f... .




The gaily decorated cars and floats provide a kaleidoscope of colors and entertainment.

School spirit was unleashed as weeks of anticipation by eager Warriors began to take shape in final plans for the Homecoming festivities. Thursday evening the bonfire kindle~he enthusiasm of the crowd. The excitement still burned at the pep rally Friday morning. A parade of gaily decorated floats and cars added to the atmosphere as game time approached. For the first time in the school's history, each participating car had to be sponsored by a club. This helped to create a better-organized parade. Pre-game jitters were quickly dispelled when the Warriors came through with an overwhelming 39-0 victory over the Bellevue Chieftains. The king and queen candidates were in t rodoced at half-time ceremonies. Saturday afternoon was mass confusion as Pep Club members decorated the gym for the dance. By Saturday evening, sweatshirts had been exchanged for more formal attire, and an air of expectancy reigned. Using "Men of Honor" as the theme, the dance climaxed the weekend. All those in attendance waited anxiously for the announcement of the 1964 royalty. At 10 p.m. Jim Iverson and Nanci Shook were crowned king and queen. The traditional bonfire burns brightly as a symbol of school spirit.


The 1964 Homecoming king and queen: Jim Iverson and Nand Shook.

Homecoming Candidates-FRONT ROW: Mike Stanner, Cris Calandra, Micki Freed, Sally Cockle, Terry Clauff. SECOND ROW: Bruce Sayles, Kathy Kelley, Carolyn Richardson, Carolyn Simmons,

Jim Chase. FOURTH ROW: Duane Stewart, Scott Swanson, Ruth Brock, John Coe.

Time) Talent Contribute to Production Modern dances, folk ong , and pantomime were ju t a few of the variou a t pre ented at th annual " pirit of '66" talent how. Mu h of the ucce s of the how wa due to the good judgement and direction of Mr. William Kellogg, who cho e a variety of interesting act from the tryout whi h were held in the middle of October. Included in the how wa an accordion act, a kit, and popular ong . " he Topper ," Triple Trio, and the Bo ' Quartet added man humorou song uch a " rui in' In My Model T," and "Around The orner." Ventriloqui t Fred Weiner and hi friend Morty announced the act .

"Toppers," elected member of Top Choir, conclude one of their number.

"I give up, what i it?" ays Morty, looking atM . C. Fred Weiner.

Tim Gerber "steers" as he, Gary Shannon, teve Bachenberg, and Dick Doxon ing"Crui in' In My Model T ."


OJJunior Class Play)

Talent Show

At the last performance, the entire cast presents Mrs. Clark with flowers to show their appreciation .

Take one slightly ramshackle house and a rather eccentric family whose hobbies include collecting nake , and you have the humorous situation portrayed in "You Can't Take It With You," this year's Junior Class Play. Enthusiastic juniors spent many hours memorizing lines and rehearsing for the comedy. Crews hurriedly arranged scenery and put the finishing make-up touches on cast members as the audiences waited for the house lights to dim. Mr. Richard Lane's stage crew constructed and painted the settings and adjusted the lighting. The student directors, Debbie Chase and Elaine Richart, assisted Mrs. Anna Clark in all phases of the production.


J>eneloj1e Syramore ..................... Barbe Larsen E~sil' .................................... Sallv Dean Rheba ............................... Coleuc Reed l'aul Syra111ore ......................... Dave Osborne ,\lr. De l'inna ........................ Fred Weiner Ed . ................................. Paul Thorson Donald ....... ...................... Charles Smith ,\/arlin Vanderlwf ... ..................... .felT :\hers Alice . ................................ Pam Schaap Henderson .......................... John Larson Tony Kirby ............................... Hap Patz Boris Kolenkhot• ........................ Jerry James (;u.y ll'ellinf_;lon ................... Cinny Highfit.·ld A'tr. Kirbv ................................... Ken Bird A!_n. Kirby . .......................... Man· Johnsen (;-,\len .............................. . John Linslcv Ed Slavik Olf_;a .......................... :'\ ancy Silverman

"Why not spend your money?" exclaims Martin Vanderhof. "You can't take it with you when you die!" 169

Balloons New Innovation At Sweeheart

Glittering red hearts and a net full of festive balloons helped carry out the theme, "Victory Valentine," for the 1965 Sweetheart Dance. Through the efforts of Cindy Wheeler, over-all chairman, and hard working Pep Club and W Club members, the dance was a big success. Something new was added this year when 700 balloons were released from a net attached to the ceiling after the coronation. Rich Clayton and the Rumbles provided the music for this year's festivities. As a special attraction, the Rumbles sported long curly locks which contributed to the atmosphere. The highlight of the dance came with the crowning of the Prince and his Sweetheart. Candidates were selected from the Pep Club and the senior boys on the varsity basketball team. Ballots cast by the student body determined the royalty. At ten o'clock an aisle was cleared and the crowd waited in excited anticipation. John Coe announced the reigning Prince, Rick Willis. Carolyn Simmons was chosen Sweetheart and was presented with a dozen roses.

Complete with rollers and sweatshirts, Pep Club members apply glue and glitter to complete Sweetheart decorations. Rich Clayton and the Rumbles swing into another wild number.

The dog line flourishes as Westsiders enjoy themselves during the last minutes of the Sweetheart. 170

Prince Rick Willis

Sweetheart Carolyn Simmons

1965 Sweetheart candidates, FIRST ROW: Eric Hultman, Sally Cockle, Kathy Kelley, John Buller. SECOND ROW: Barry Zoob, Micki Freed. THIRD ROW: Jim Iverson , Carolyn Richardson .


Musical Is Successful Despite Snow Fierce winds and four-foot now-drifts couldn't keep Top Choir from pre enting their musical, "HighButton hoes." Although the Thursday night performance had to be postponed until the following Monday, the musical was a big success. Set in the early 1900's, "High-Button Shoes" involves Harrison Floy and his sidekick Mr. Pontdue, who are always looking for a way to earn a quick dollar. Harrison uses hi ingenuity to gain control of a town's money, selling shares of real estate in "Longstreetville," which i actually a swamp. Ken Ploss, a 1963 graduate, planned some of the choreography. He was assisted by Candy Ziesemann and Kris Waara. Mr. Richard Lane was in charge of set construction, and the orchestra was conducted by Mr. Harold Welch.


Harrison Floy tries to win the confidence of the Rutgers football team b)' leading them in their Alma Mater.

Tim Gerber and Connie Morey perform their soft shoe routine at the "teaser" presented at a convocation .

Cast Harrison Floy ................... Dick Doxon Oggle ........................ John Mattson Papa Longstreet ................. Tim Gerber ~1ama Longstreet ............... Connie Morey Fran ......................... Judy Wheeler :\lr. Pontdue ...................... Don Noel Uncle Willie ................ Steve Bachenberg Stevie Longstreet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paul Thorson ~ancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Candy Ziesemann Junior Simpkins ................. Fred Weiner Shirley Simpkins ................ Janet Sullivan Elmer Simpkins ................. Bob Schwarz Mr. Anderson ................ Paul Thornblad Coach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gary Schroeder Police Captam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bryan Vercoe

Og-g-le describes the wonders of Texas to an admiring Fran.


" ow, people , use more feeling!" admonishes Mrs. Anna Clark.

Don oel , Dick Doxon , and Barb listen lO Mrs. Clark's advice.

orberg pause in a rehearsal


''Charlie's Aunt'' Is Senior Class Play Cast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dick Doxon Bill Gra\· Charlie \\\·keharn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Don :\'oel Lord Fancourt Babberlv . . . . . . . . . . . . Tim (:erber Brassell .. ........ ........... Bob Smallwood Dona Lucia D':\h·adores .......... Lntda Lawson Kitt~· \'enlun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barb :\orberg \Ian· \'ales :\rm Spettigue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linda \\'ells \lr. Spcuigue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rod Clfers Ella Dclah\· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kristi Waara



Confusion is what results when two boys ask dates to spend the weekend at their college. Charlie and Jack find that they need an adult chaperone in order to have the girls there, so they send for Charlie's aunt, Dona Lucia D'Alvadores, from Brazil. When it appears that she will not arrive on time, Charlie' friend dre ses up a hi · aunt and provides the comical situation in the Senior Class play, "Charlie' Aunt," directed by Mrs . Anna Clark. The play was set in England, so the members of the cast had to learn English accents for their parts in the play. Mr. Richard Lane's stage crew constructed and painted the setting and adjusted the lighting. Peter Matschke, exchange student from Germany, and Mari Fabrizi us were the student directors.

The cast, FRONT ROW: Mary Vales, Lynda Lawson , Dick Doxon, Rod Ulfers, Don oel , Tim Gerber, Bob chwarz. SECO D ROW: Bill Gray, Bob Smallwood, Linda Wells, Barb Norberg.

Extra-Curricular Events Highlight Year; A variety of activities kept Westsiders busy this year. Far East classes planned and put on two chili suppers and a pizza supper to raise money for the Westside Scholarship Fund. The band and debaters presented the UN Day convocation. Other convocations included the Panel of Americans, speakers on religious and racial problems. The Macalester College choral reading group came to trampoline artists Westside in January, and two performed in December. John Coleman, television personality, moderated at the Faculty Bowl, an NFL fund-raising project. The defending champions were defeated in the final seconds when Mr. Larry Dobbins answered a 100-point bonus question.

Don DeFord and Steve Burdic serve home-made cake crowd at the Scholarship Fund chili supper. Debaters Betsy Raskin , Bob Bucholz, John Mumaugh , Steve Calvert, and Bill Gray await their turn at the podium as the Warrior Band plays at the UN Day convocation .

Moderator John "Dear Heart" Coleman fires a question at Mr. Ralph Farrar's defending champions in the Faculty Bowl.


the hungry

Graduation, Prom Arrive For Seniors

Seniors Bill Strateman and Anne Leigh try on graduation robes as they look forward to Commencement.

Cris Calandra graciously accepts her nosegay from Jim Jansen in the final moments before the Prom.


T 0


Call 393 -3633 8057 Biondo Plaza

Faculty And Administration A

Allen, Laverne 19 Althouse, Diane 22 Ander on, Joan 19 Andreas, Paul 20 Aspen,Joan 16 B

Batjenbmch, Marla 16 Barton, Jack 13 Benz, Cal 33, 142, 156, 157 Billerbeck, Sharon 22 Brost, Diane 26, 129 Buman, Mary 26, 131


Clark, Anna 18, 169, 173 Clark, Iris 31 Conner, Mary 16 D Davis, Mary 22, 23 Delano, Calvin 25 Dobbin , Larry 3, 16 Donoghue, Juliann 22, 129 Dunn, Clara 20 Durham, Marge 13

E Edwards, Sandra 33, 129 Egbert, Judith 18 Eliason, Darlene 15 Engelban, Leon 28 F

Farrar, Ralph 12, 21 Fuerst, Dale 19 G Geisler, Eugene 14 George, Julie 22 Gillogly, Alice 15 Gloor, Alvin 26 Gore, Kiki 22 Grizzell, Kenneth 30

- H

Hansen, Kenneth 12, 13

Hansen, Rod 18 Hardison, Harley 24 Heimrod, Robert 13 Held, Jeanne 23 Hennings, Dave 24 Hicks, Dorothy 18 Higuera, Josefina 23 Hoffman, Roger 27 Holmquist, Bruce 24 Howard, Betty 31 Hoyt,Judy 16 Hoyt, William 27, 141, 151


Jansen, Joan 15 Jenson, Art 123 Johnson, Don 139 K

Kautter, Jeannie 30 Kellogg, William 126, 127 Klein, Robert 13, 24, 83, 151 Koch, Jerry 20 L

Lane, Richard 14 2, 151 Lang, Charles 4, 24, 25 Lang, Edward 28 Lawton, Virginia 16 Limbaugh, Elaine 17 Lucas, Lois 14, 80 M

McAllister, Mary Ellen 25 McCormick, William 20, 142 Mellor, Ferne 18 Miller, Harry 20 Milani, Louie 142, 152 Moore, Verne 13 Murd9ck, A. Clark 13 elson, William 21, I 05 Noodeii,Jack 19

0 Olson, Trudy 23 178

p Pallesen, Pete 17 Panek, Jean 14 Patz, Hazel 17 Pecht, Karl 15, 114 Peterson,Jack 14, 148 Phelps, Vaughn 12 R

Rademacher, Robert 19, 149, !58 Rapoport, Su~ill 21 Reed, Ralph 25 Rogers, Lorraine 17


Seidel, Marian 15 elwold, Tom 21 Sladek, Leslie 27 Snyder, Darwyn 123 okol, Ed 28 Speece, Ben 21 Stribley, Edward 32 Strong, Ruth 15 Swift, Ray 25, 151 T

Tangdall, James 27, 138, 144


Vreeland, Philip 17 Van Amburgh, Everine 17


Wagner, Wayne 33, 140, 160 Welch, Harold 125 Wells, Stan 21, I 05, 143 Winchell, Richard 3, 21 Wisneski, Gerald 27, 154 y

Yaffe, Irvin 13

--------- --


Index A Abernathy, Ann 77, 127 Abrahamson, Mark 89 Abrahamson, Steve 37 Adams, Linda 89, 122, 127 Adams, L) nne 77

Baxter, John 39, 151 Baxter, Ward 39, 104, 165 Bayne, Sam 89 Beal, Debby 77 Beamis. Alvin 77

Allen, Diana 77

Beck, Janeen 39, I 08, 124 Becky, Lrnda 77 Becroft, Nancy39, 116,165 Bemis, Bob 89 Bel Castro, Peter 77 Benh,rm , Leslie 89 Bendorf, Linda 89 Benner, Uoyd 77

Allen, Gary 37

Bennett, Dannie 77

Adams, Pam 77

Adler, Missi 77, 126 Adrian, Carl 89, 123, 156 Aikman, Susan 89, 127 Albers, Enc 89, 156 AI bon, Don 77, 83, 143, 151

Allen, Leslie 89

Benson, Bob 89

Allen, Linda 89, 124 Allen, Ronna 77 Alhngton, Linda 89 Alseth, Jeff 37 Altman, Ed 37 Ahsuler, Jeff 37 Altsuler, Steve 89

Benton, David 77


Berg, Steve 39 Bergmann, Colleen 89 Bergm;:mn, Collette 89

Bergman, Jerry Bergsuom, Fr·ed 77, 126, 142 Berrigan, Lynda 77

Amerine, Gary 77 Amick, Mar) 89

Beucler, hcri 89 Bevin , Robert 77

Amis, Phil 77, IS7 Anderson, Dave 89, 122, 124 Andersen, Kristi 7, 37. 52, 107, 108, 115, 122, 164, 165 Anderson, Donna 191

Biniamow, Elaine 39

Anderson, Gail 77

Anderson, llarlan 77, 139 Anderson, M,trilyn !S7 Anderson, Pat &9

Anderson. Pennie 77, 87, 119, 129, 130, 159 Anderson, Ritk 89, 102, 157 Anderson, Richard 37 Anderson, Roger 77, 87 Anderson, Scot37, 15 1 Andmcki, John 77 Andreasen, John 37 Andrews, Joyce 37, 120': Angus, Carol 89 Annin, An 77, 15 1

Anson, Sharon 37 Anthis, Louis 89 Antonson, Lynn 77

Appleby, Larry 37 Appleby, Leann 77, 126 Arant, Barbara 89, I 27

Arant, John 77 Aram, Nancy 89, 127 Armstrong, Mike 89 Arnold, Art 37 Arnold, Charles 89 Amold, Madeline 38, 122 Aronson, ancy 77, 112, 126 Arthur, Sandy 77, 87, 130 Atundei,Jim38, 104, 122, 164, 165 Ash, Paula 77 Ashford, Brad 148, 158 Attkisson, Joanne 89

Attkisson, Roger 38 Audas, Kath y 38 Aust, II ale 89, 122, 124 Aust, Holden 38, 104 , 113, 126,165

B Babcock, Linda 77 Bach,AI89, 117,142,150,152, 153 Bachenberg, Steve 38, I 08, 126, 127, 164, 168 Bachrach, Jan 77 Backhaus, Rick 89 Backhaus, Steve 38, 154 Bacon, Mike 77 Bailey, Debbie 89 Bailey, Kandy 38, 165 Bailey, Marcia Baker, Debbie Bales, Dick 89, 153 Banker, Bill 156 Barber, Mike 89 Barber, Ste\e 89 Barker, Ron 89 B.ulow,

ue 77

Barmore, Ann 89

Barn<>, John 89, 156 Barnes, Marilyn 38, 189 Barnett, Armin 77, 122, 160 Barr, Jud y 89, 127 Barr, Nancy 38 Barrett, Bob 89, 122, 127, 156, 157 Barrett, Joyce 89 Barrett, Kathy 89, I 02 Barrett, Susan 126 Barron, Donna 89

Barton, Betsy 89 Barton, Chuck 38, 60, liS, 164, 165 Barton, Linda 38 Barton, Tom 18, 89, 122, 158 Banusck, Connie 89

Baska, Lorraine 39 Baskin, Anita 89, 127

Bikin, Bruce 77, 139, 151 Billesbach, Charles 89 Bird , Ken 77, 169 Blackwell, Ben 39 Bladt, Fran 77 Blake, Susan 77 Bla1ck, J.rn 89 Bloorn, Shelia 77 Blum, Phrl 117, 148, 158 Blumenthal, Am)


Blumenthal, Lan·y 89 Bmtrdman, Russ 89 Bockelman, Leon 39

Bonatorso, Sam 89, 142, 153 Borcyk, Jacquelyn 39 Bosiljevac, Lorraine 77

Bothe!, Anita 39 Bouckhert, Gary 89 Bourgeois, Bill 77, 140 Bourne, Larry 39 Bovett, Leigh 3, 39, I 06, I 07 Bowen, Steve 89 Boyen , Diana 89 Boyens, JoAnn 39 Bracey, Elaine 77 Brager, John 40, 78, 117, 181 Branecki, Paul 77 Brase, Steve 77 Brcun bach, Sally 77 Brewer, Betsy 40 Brewer, Bonnie 40 Brice, Mrkc 40 Brick, Marshall 89 Brick, Pat 77 Bridgewater, Jon 89, 142, 151 Briggs, Bob 89 Briggs, Gerald 77 Brinke, Pam 40, 165 Brocks, Jerry 89 Brock, Mike 77 Brock, Pat 77 Brock, Ruth 40, 74, 121, 128, 165, 167 Brock, Sharon 9 Brocky, Mary Ann 77 Brooks, Barbara 77 Brown, Uarbara 89 Brown, Bill 40 Brown , Bruce 90

Brown, Bob 90, 142 Brown, Dan

Brown, Dave 77, 87, 138, 151 Brown, Greg 77

Brown, Ka y 90 Brown, Ken 90, 153 Brown, ancy 77, 112 Brown, Robert 90, 148 Brown, Ted 90 Browne, Debby 40, 106, 121 , 159 Browne, Debby 40, I 06, 121 , 159 16·1 Brunell, Ann 90 Bruno, Diane 90

Bruns, Jim 90 Buchanan, Suzy 40, 107, 121 , 122, 190 Bucholz, Bob 3, 40, 74, 102, 103, 114, 164 , 165, 174 Buick, Jodi 40, 107, 120, 181 Buller, John 6, 40, 74, 102, 122, 144, 146, 165, 171 Bullock, P.aul 40 Bundy, Mike 77 Burn, Carol 40 Burden, Wendy 90, 116 Burdic,Jeff90, 127, 152 Burdic, Mike 77, 80, 138, 152, 153 Burdic, Steve 41, 21, 157, 174 Burg, Marsha Burling, Becky 77, 112, 123

Burnell, Ron 41 Burnham, Keith 78 Burrow, Jim 96

Burton, Harold 78, 143, 15 1, 160 Bushnell, David 78, 138, 15 1 Busse) , Kathy 90 Busskohl, Rodney 41 Buttom, Karen 78

c Cadden, Cindy 78, 157 Cain, Jack 78, 151 Calame, Tom 41, 104 Calandra, Cris 41, 107, 130, 167, 175, 189 Calendine, Lynne 90, 127 Caldwell, L:rrry 41 Calvert, Pat 78 Calvert, Steve 41, 60, 102, 103, 174 Campbell, Melanie 78 Campbell, Mike 78 Campbell, Scott 78, 83 Caplinger, Mike 41 Capoccia, John 78 Carey, Lance 78 Carlgren, Annika 78

Carlson, Joann 78, 121 Carlson, Sherry 4 I, 164 Carman, Jud) 41, 107, 181 Carmichael, Robyn 41, 106, 107 Carpenter, Bob 78 Carpenter, Mark 90, 149 Carpenter, Stan 90, 127 Carrick, Linda 78 Case, John 90 Castater, Terri 78, 122 Caster, Nancy 23, 41, I 06, 126 Catania, Mary 90, 99 Cavey, Gar·y 90 Chamberlain, teve 90, 142 Chandler, Barbara 78 Chaney, Ralph 90, 142, 151, 152 Charles, Dianne 41 Charnquist, Susan 78

Chase, Debbie 126 Chase, Jim 41, 117, 140, 167 Chase, Mary 90 Chevalier, Pam 90 Chin, Cherie 90, 116 hin, Dave 30, 78 Christensen, Janet 90 Christensen, M~rk 42 Christiansen, Mike 42, 122 Church, Gene 42 Circo, Matt 42 Clark, Dale 78 Clark, Dick 90 Clark, Ron Clark, Terry 90 Clark, Tom 78 Clauff, Terry 42, 117, 140, 154, 155, 167, 181 Clem, Mike 90 Cleveland, rom 90 Clift, Charlene 90 Cockle,Sally42, 116,130, 167,171 Cocks, Tom 104 Coe, Jim 90, 122, 142 Coe, John 25, 42, 44, 133, 140, 167 Cohan, Terry 90 Cohen, Bennie 90, 152 Cohen, Jeanne 90 Cole, Andr·ea 78, 127 Coleman, Sally 90 Collins, Claudette 90 Collins, Steve 78 Combs, Karen 90, 124 Combs, Ward 78 Comstock, Chris 42 Confer, Leslie Ann 78 Connelly, John 78

Culberson, Charles 78, 142 Curley, Ed 78 Curran, Tom 4S, 156, 157, 181 Curtis, Karen 43 Curzon, Mar) 43, 112 Cusick, Ray 4S Cuja, John 43


Fabrizius, Mary 45, 165 Falkenroth, Charles 91

Davis, Susan 79

Ferris, Ste\ e

Day, Doug Dean, Sally 79, 169 Dean, Walter 90 DeBuse, Da•id 79, 138, 151

Ferry, Steve 79, 122, 124 Filkins, ancy 79 Filler, Sandy 79 Findlay, Bob 45 Findl,ty, Tom 91, 158 Finfrock, John 91, 127 Finkle. Mike 91 Finks, John 45 Fin IC), Brian 123 Finle), Marcia 45, 120 Finnell, rerry 46

Defevcre, l\1ark.a 90

De Foil, Sandy 79, 151 DeFord, Don 43, 21, 151, 174 DeFord, Karen 90, 127 de Freese, Je"ell 79, 87, 129, 130, 159 Delong, Daniel 79 Demgen, Tom 90, 91, 142 Denes, Andy 79, 139, 140, 141 , 151 Denney,Art90, 141,142,148,15 1 Dethloff, Gary 43 Dettmann, Donald 90

Dibble, Don 79, 14 2, 154 Dieterich, Bob 44 Dieterich, Marty 44, 121 , 122, 126 Dinkel, Diane 90

Dinkel, Gene Disilucstro G. 79 Distefano, Charles 90 Distefano, Tony 44 Dixon, Doug 79 Doctor, Janet 79, 120 Doering, Charlotte 44 Dohner, Dennrs 91, 151 Doll, Jim 44 Doolittle, John 123 Donaldson, Phyllis 16, 44, 164 Doughty, Judy 79 Doughty, Kathy 91 Douglas, Steve 44 Douglass, Barbara 79, 130 Doxon, Dick 18, 44 , 126, 168, 172, 173 Drake, Charles 79 Drake, Kathy 91 Dresher, Linda 79 Drew, Linda 91 Dross, tephanie, 91. 99

Ducharme, Jacque 91 Dudley, Craig 91, 122 Dudley, Duane 79 Dudley, Karen 91 Ducrkoop, Bill 44, 151 Duffin, Dave 79, 143, 151, 160 Duffin, M..-y Kay 157 Duffin, Peggy 91 Dummar, Richard 45

Dunbar, Bill 88, 91, 156, 157 Dunn, Jonell, 45, 126 Dunn, Kath) 79, 121 Durninger, Nancy 91, 99, 109 Durham, Debby 91 Durham, Jim 45, 124 , 125 Durham, Lynne 45, 121, I 06 Dw)er, Debbie 79, 126, 127 Dwrer, Jim 91 Dr e. Danna 91, IS2

Eades, Bob 160

Conrad, Roger 90

Eaton, Deirdre 91

Constantino, Jim 90

Eaton, NanC) 79, 196 Eberly, Jeannie 91 Eberly, Shirley 79 Eden, Mich 88, 91, 122. 124 Egbert, Jay 91 Ehlers, Don 45, IS9, 154 Ehlers, Jean 91 Eisenhauer, Larry 45, 154 Ellenwood, Jim 91 Elliot, Jon 79, I S9, 151 Emrick, Bill91, 142 Enewald, Cris 45, 165, 181, 107 Engle, Barbara 45 Engle, Jon 91 Engleman, Dennis 79, 160 Epstein, Candy 91 Epstein, Paul 91 Erdmann, Jay 45, IS9, 161, 164 Erickson, Steve 79



Dahl, Lynda 90 Dalling, Pam 43, 126 Daniel, Bob 90 Daniel, Sandy 78 Darling, Robert 43 Oash~r. Susan 43 Daud ney, David 90 Dauffenback, Don 90 Oa\is, David 43 Davis, Gary 78

Conner, Jim 78 Conner, Roger 90 Conner, Sonia 42

Cook, Mike Corn, Cece 42, 106, 165, 159, 188 Cornell, Dick 90 Cornish, S 78 Cortese, Debby 78 Cotton, Connie 42, 116 Coughenour, Bill 42 Coughenorr, Ralph 42 Covert, Ed 138, 151 Covert, Mark 4S Cox, Debby 90 Cox, Dennis 43 Cozad, Jerry 78 Cozeue, Jim 78 Craig, Kyra 78 Craig, Tom 43 Crouch, Maureen Crowell, Chip 90

l:.rickson, 1 erry 91

Ernst, Richard 91, 157 Esbenshade Jeff 19, 45 Esbenshade, Jim 91, 143 Estep. Park 91 Este), Bill 91, 123 Est e), Jrm 79


Fanckboner, Helen 91

Farlee, Jim 45, 143, 151 Farri, Bob 79 Fauquier, Lany 79

Fay, Margaret 91, 127 Felker, Janice 79 Femmer, Kate 91

Ferer, Bill91 , 102, 151

Finney, Linda 9 1


orm 46, 74, 149

Fishel, Renee 91

Fi her, Lee 14 3, 148 Fisher. LeAnn 79 tJclstad, Jackie 79 Fleming, Ghloie 46 Flood, Bob 79 Fole), Barbara 91 Fole), Connie 46 Foley, Wanda 46, 120 Ford, Bob 46, 151 Ford, Cath) 7!1 Forehead, Sharon 79 Forehead, Ste,-e 91

ForreM, Gloria 91 forrest, Unda 46

Foster, Sherry 46 Fowler, Juanita 79 Fox, Candy, 91 Fox, Terr) 46, 156 Fraiser, Bob 90 Franz, Roger 91, 122, 158 Freeberg. Linda 46 Freed, Micki46, 74,130,167,171 Freeman, Kaq n 79

Freese, Stc\e 91, 142 Fritz, Glen 92 Fritz, Margaret 92, 127 Friedl, Uarbara 92 Frushwirth, Cindi 46, 166

Fruhwinh, her) I 92 Fry, Sheri 79 Fugitt, Susan 46

G Gaillard, Jeff 79, 87, 139, 158 Galle), a11cy 79 Gambrel, Linda 92 Gardner, Linda 92 Garet1, Bruce 92

Garret.<, Lynne 79, 121 Ganey, Gary 79 Gaylor, Daanne 92 Gehringer, Bob 92, 158 Gembica, Christine 4(i

Gendler, Alan 92 Gendler, Mike 79 Gendler, Neil 47 Gentleman, Bill 92

Gentlem,tn, Cathy 92 Genu·y, Kandy 92, 127 George, Dave 47, 157, Gerber, Becky 92 Gerber, Tim 47, 75, Ill, 122. 124, 125, 126, 168, 172 Gerclick, Howard 4 7 Gerelick, Jerry 92 Germolus, Jeanine 92, 122 Gibbs, Gerq• 85 Gibbs, Maril) n 79 Gibson, Bob 47, 106, 112 Gibson, Jerald 79 Gibson, Ricky 92, 122, 124 Gibson, Vicki 79, 122, 124 Gilgan, John 47 Gilg-an, Mike 28 Giller, Suzanne 79, 126, 129 Gillham, Cindy 79 Gilligan, Karen 47 Gilligan, Paul 92 Gilmore, Linda 92, 122 Giwoyne, Carla 47 Glenn, Patti 79

Glidewell, Joel 92, 123 Glisar, Colleen 79 Goddard, Bill 79 Goddard, Tern 92 Goldberg. Judi 47 Goldston, Jim 79 Goodrich, Mike 79 Gordon, Del 79 Gordon, Margaret 79 Gmsdiner, Karen 92, 157 Go11lieb, Ste\e 79, 113, 123 Gould, Carol 92. 122. 124 Col70, Connie 92 Grafft, Greg 92

lltghficld, Ginny 80 tlightower, Jerry 49, 112, 169 llill, Bonnie 80 Hill, Brad 139 Hill, Brian 92 II ill, Debbie 92 Hill, teve 80, 153 llill, Susan 80 II illmer. Debbie 92 Hilsabeck, Hale 80 llinchcliff. !Ioiii 50 llinckley, Sco11 80, 142 Hinders, Terry 50 llinman, Bob 80

Graham, Laura 92

Hinman, Ron 80

Graham, Sandy 79 Graham, William 79 Grasmick, Pat 47, 107, 119, 185

Hinze, Tim 50, 156 Hiykel, Karen 80 Hlavacek, Mary 92 lllavacek, Mike 80 Hoemann, Jean 50. 52, 107, 126, 132 Hoffner, Donna Kay 92 lloke, Eddie 80 Hoke. Ellet 92 Hoke, Mike 50 Holcomb, Marilyn 80 Holdrege. Sco11 50, 104, 113, 114,

Grasso. Sam 47 Gra), Bill47, 66, Ill, 173, 174 Grear, Pam 47

Green, Ste\'e 92

Greenwell, Cindy 92 Gregg, Lauren 142 Gregg, Suzanne 47 Cr·einer, Darwin 48 Grider. Susan 79, 122 Griebe, Frank 92, 154 Grimm, Alice 79 Crimm, Jim 92

Groth, Bob 92, 127, 151 Grossman, Tom 92, 142, 151, 152. 153 Grothe, Br)Ct 79 Guild, lletsy 48 Gih1ia, John 48 Gunia, John 92 Gustafson, Diane 92, 127 Gtehoviak, Diane 92

H Hafer, John 79 llaffner, Mary Kay 48 Hagman, Linda 48 llahn, Janine 79 Hahn, Maril) n 92 Hall, Joann 92, 159 llall, Tamra 79, 122 !lamer, L1rry 79. 161 Hamilton, Pat 79, 127 llammer, Bill 148 llammer, Kath) 48, 126 I Jammer, Gar·y 92 Hanon, Lyle 92. 123 Hansen, Craig, 79 Hansen. Criag 92. 123 I tansen. Janice 48 Han en, Ron 48 Hansen, Sue 48, 126, 127, 165 llarbour, Mack 79 Harden, Connie 79

Harding, Candy 92 llargleroad. Susan 48 Harless. Ste\e 80. 151, 152 llarnell, Mary Lou 48 llarris, Kathy 80 llarris, Mike 80 Hanford, Steve 92, 123. 127, 154 Hansell, Lois 80 llartung, teve 80 Haney, Linda 80, 126 Hasselbalch, Julie 92, 109 Hauptman, Jackie 48, 104, 164 Ha,elka, Bill 48, 154 Haviland, Jim 92, 123, 156 Hawkins, Roger 92, 157 llayes. TafT) 48 Hayford, Ken 49 Hayward, Susan 49, 112 Hazlell, Leanne 80 lleadley. John 49 lleadley. Sco11 80 Heckenlively, Kathy 80, 124 Heimrod, Pam 31, 49 Heintzelman, Ma•-y Lee 80. 126 Henderson, Carole 49, 120 Henderson, Robert 92, 102, 142. 149 Hendricks. Bill 49 llenely, John 92, 160 llenely. Mike 80 Henningsen, Rich 49

Hen!), John 80 Hem-y, Tom 49, 117 Herbert, Kim 49, 83, 151 Herbst, Gail 80 Herbst, Pam 49 llering, Margie 49 llermsen, Ken 80. 122, 142 Het-ring, Roger 78, 80, 141. 146, 154 Herrick, Pat 49 lletTick, Tim 27, 92, 142, 151 lliall, Kay 80 Hickman, Holli 49

Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson. Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson,

Kathy 81 Kent 52, 122, 124 Marilea 52 Mark 81 Mark 93 Mike 93 Roben 81, 104 Sand) 52 Steve 93, 149 Susan 93 Johnson, Tern• 52

Lacy, Pauy !J~ Lair, Mary 93 Lake, Nancy 81, 120 Ladwig, Stephen 81 Lahners,T.eorge 54, 151 Lambert, Larraine 94 Lamboo), Carl 81 Lamp, Joanne 54, 165. 189 Landow, Paul 81 Langan, Charles 94 Langdon, tephen 94, 142, 157

Johnson, Tim 81

Lange, Lynne 81

Johnson, Tom 93 Johnston, Terry 88. 93, 142. 148 Jolly. Barbara 93 Jones, Becky 81 Jones, Bcv 93 Jones, Bill 93 Jones, Jeanne 93 Jones, Marty 81, 138, 151 Jones, Sheila 81 Jones, Steve 93, 151 Jones, Stuan 93, 123, 142, 158. 160 Jordan, Linda 81, 127 Jorgensen, Bob 28, 52

Langford, Jorgeue 54 Lankford, May Unn 81, I 08



Holland, Dean 92 Holmstrom, Steve 80 llolquist, Carol 92 Holste, Ela) ne 50 lloh, Susan 80 Honig, Steve 80 llood. Tom 21, 50. 164 Hopkins, Chris 80. 120, 126 Hopkins, Sandi 50 Hopkins, William 80 Hopson, Dennis 90, 91. 160 !Ionon, Bob 92 Hosford, Barb 50, 75, 120. 132 Hosman, Nancy 92 llotz. Linda 80, 118 Howard, Dorothy 80 Howl, Jim 92, 149 Howl, Sue 50 Hovland, Sonja 92 lloyt, Rich 92 llocevat·, Mike 28 llronek, Ginny 90. 92, 102, 99 Hruby. Bud 50 Hruby, Lynn 80 Huffman, Susan 50 Hultman, Eric 36, 50, 74, 145, 171 Humphre). Dennis 80, 138, 154 Humphrey, Jerry 92 llunter, Eleanore 92 Humer, Terry 51, 154

Hurd, Mike 80, 160 llurst, Bob 92, 142, 157 Husband, Jeff 51 Hyde, Laura 92 Ide, Rich 51. 154 lncontro, Patty 92

Ingles. Guy 92, 142. 148, 151 I n 'inc, Jim 2. 51

Irving, Sally 92 ltalia, Mary 80 Iverson. Jim 51, 75, 102, 117, 123, 137, 140, 146. 167. 171, 181 h erson, Jodee 51, 126


Jacobson, JO) 92 Jacobson, Ellen 51. 107, 165 Jaeger, Tom 92 James, Jerry 80, 102, 146, 169 Jansen, Dean 80 Jansen. Jim 17, 76, 80. 141, 146, 151. 175, 189 Jansen, Jon 92, 142. 148, 150 Jaros, Judy 92, 99 Jaworski, Karen 80 Jeffry, Donna 92 Jenkins, Steve 51, 143, 157 Jennings, Susan 92 Jensen, Bill 51, 151 Jensen, Gene 142, 149, 154 Jensen, Jay 51 Jensen, John 92 Jensen, Unda 51, 52, 107 Jensen, Mark 80. 133. 140, 141, 146, 147, 154 Jensen, Ste\'e 92

Jepsen, Bill29. 51, 150, 151 Jeller, Art 51 Johnsen, Mary 121. 126, 169 Johnsen, Robin 93, 143 Johnson, Chuck 51 Johnson, Craig 52, 122, 124 Johnson, Jeanelle 93 Johnson, John 81, 151 Johnson, Karen 52, 122, 124

Kahle), Tom 52 Kaiser, Debby 93 Kalb, Merrill 93 Kallhoff, Anella 81 Kammerer, AI 21, 52 Kaplan, Ellen 81 Kaplan, Jo Alyce 52, 115, 116, 165 Kaplan, Jo Ann 53 Katelman, John 81 Kaul, Sara 53 Kavitch, Ste\le 81 Kaya, Marilyn 53 Keefe, Jerq 53 Keeley, Da,·id 81 Kehm, Karen 53

K"ehm, Karl81, 157 Keifer, ancy 81, Kelley, Kathy 53, 74, 128, 167, 171 Kelley. Margaret 53. I 06 Kelley. Steve 93 Kelley, Tim 53 Kelly. Eugene 93 Kell), Robert 53, 140 Kelly, Tim 93 Kennedy, Jean 81, 126 Kennedy, Susan 93 Kenney, Richard 93 Kershaw, Oa\•C 93

Ketzler, L) nn 81 Ke11leborough, Patdcia 53 Killerlain,Jim 81, 151 King, Dale 93 King, Ktis 53 King, Laurie 93, 99 Kinkead, Cheryl 93, 123, 127 Kinkead, Jane 53 Kinnally. Mary 93 Kinzy, Stephen 93 Kiplinger. Candy 81 Kirkle, Gary 81 Kirkle, Phil 53 Kirshenbaum, Tom 93 Klopp, Am) 93, 157 Klopp. Julie 81, 116 Klosterman, John 81 Knez, Freddy 93 Knight, Tim 81, 154 Knox, Greg 53 Knox, Randy 93, 156, 158 Knudsen, Glenna 93, 127 Koetter, Kurt

Koile, Lynn 81 Kolasky, Diane 53 Koppit, LaRae 81, 120 Kovarik, Jim 81, 143, 160 Krabbenhoft, Karen 81, 122, 124 Krakowski. Carol 53 Kremarik, Linda 93 Kreider, Fred 81 Krichbaum, Ken 78, 81, 185 Krieger, Gary 54 Krogh, Karen 93 Krug, Jane 81, 120 Kruse, Susan 81 Kuebler, Leonard 83, 142 Kuhl, Randy 93, 142 Kulakofsky. Alan 81, 122 Kuroishi, Pat 81, 126 Kuszak, Kathy 18, 54 Kuuner, Daniel 54 Kuuncr, aomi 93. 127

Kyser, Mike

L Lacy, Don 93 Lacy, Linda 54


Lanning, Lynette 94 Lantz, Susan 94

L>pour, Ron 81 Lapsle), Roben 54 Larimer, Russ 54

L1rkin, Dave 81, 143, 151 L·u-rew, Da\·id 81 Larrew, Susan 94

L:trsen, Barb 81, 126, 169 L:trsen, Debra 94, 127 L>rsen, John 81, 157, 169 1~1rsen, Linda Lea 54, 105, 157, 164, 165 L>rsen, Roger 81, 122 L>uSterer, Scou 54, 140, 152, 153

Malloy. Frank 9·1 Mangiamelc, Gar) 94

Makame)tr, Janet 82 Markel, John 91 Marquardt, Don 82. 122 Marrow, Don 56 Marrow, Ron 56 MarLin, Kathleen 94 MartS, Dean 9-1

Maschka, Sandra 94 Mason, Jerq Lee 82 Matejka, Bob 82. 160, 151 Matejka, Jim 94, 151 Mmschke, Peter 56, 102. 109. 110, 124 Malta. Denny 56. 117 Mattson, Connie 94, 127 Malison. John 56. I 05, 126, 172 Ma)berr). M.njorie 82. 126, 129 McBee, Kathy 56 McCall, Ken94, 127. 142, 151 McCallum, Margo 57 McCameron, Da\'id 57

Lueders, Dianne 94

McCameron, Kathy 82 McClanahan, Les 82, 138 McClendon, Gar) 57, 158 McClure, Dave 94, 123 McCollister, John 82. 105, 142 McCollister, Ste\e 94, 105, 156 McCormack, Dan 82, 139, 151 McCoy, Jacqueline 94 McCrillis, Ken 57 McCumber, Mike 57 McDonald, Bill 82 McDonald, John 82 McDonald, Marci 57 McDowell, Cindy 94 McElroy, Cindy 94 McFarland. Janice 57 Mcintyre, John 57, 107, 196 Mcintyre, Robert 82, liS, 142 McKinnow, Valerie 94 McLochlin, Bill 94 McLoughlin, Harry 82, 139, 143 McMahon, Barb 94, 123 McMahon, Mike 57 Me aughton, Sue 57 McPherson, Alex 82 McShane, Jim 94, 149 McShane, Judi 82 McWhirter. Karen 57, 126 McWhorter, Lynn 94 Meiberger, lr• 57 Meier. Kathy 94, 124, 125 Meier, Ken 57 Meigs, Doug 82, 156 Meigs. John 94, 156 Mellor. Tim 57 Mensching, Gary 82 Mensching, Ron 94 Menshik, Dave 82 Mercer, Shirley 82 Mertz, Tommy 82, 151 Metcalf, Wayne 94 Mctz, Kat~ 82. 122, 126 Meyer. Sharon 82 Meyers. Jeff 82. 87, 102, 109, 169 Meyerson, .Judi 94 Mezger, Beck) 58 Middleton. Barb.1ra 82 Miller, Craig, 94, 154 Miller, Dianna 58. 126 Miller, Greg 82, 105. 122 Miller, Jackie 94 Miller. Linda 82 Miller, Len 58, 150, 151 Miller, Pat 94 Miller, Tom 82 Mills. Stanley 82

Lustgarten, l'a11y 94 Lyon, Laura 94

Mincer, Martha 94 Mincer, Marty 82

Lyman, Penny 82. 124

Moffall, John 58 Montag, Barb 58, 126 Montes, Greg 58, 164 Moody. Marsha 82, 151 Moore, Bruce 94, 142, 151, 153 Moore, Cheryl 9·1, 127 Moore, Dianne 58, 120, 166 Moore, Ginny 58, 106 Moore, Jacquie 58, ll6. 120. 164 Moore, John 82, 160 Moore, Lesle) 94 Moore, Linda 58, 126 Moore, Virginia 58, 75, 124 Morcdick, Cheri 58. 120, 165 Morey. Connie 82. 126, 172 Morgan, David 95, 123, 142, 157 Morgan, Mickey 58. 121, 126. 128. 181 Morgan, Peggy Ann 58 Morley, Candy 82 Morrell, Charles 95 Morris, David 95. 142 Morris, Doug 95. 152

Lawson, Barbara 81 l~>wson,

Lynda 54, 173

L-'lwson, Nancy 54

Leach, Evelyn 81, 122 Lee, Clarence 94, 142, 156 Lee, Pat 90, 94, 157 Lefl10hz, Monte 81 Le0er.Janet94, 127 LeOer, Meriel 55, 120, 165 Leger, tevan 81, 126 Leigh, Anne 55, 107, 126, 175 Lembke, Rozanne 55 Lemon, David 94 Lenz, AI 55 Lerner, heldon 81 Levine, D3\id 81, 122, 124 Lewis, Louise 55

Lewis, Mitizi 81, 127 Lichty, Gwen 82 Lightfoot, Steve 155 Limbaugh, Susan 94 Lincoln, ancy 82, 119, 159 Lincoln, Stephanie 94 Lincoln, Sue 73, 107, 181 Lind, Gary 55 Unsle), John 82, 126, 169 Linstrom bet-g. John 6, 55, 157 Lipman, Marc 94 Liston, Linda 94, 122 Uvingston, Doug 94

Li\ingston, Ste\e 82 Lodes, James 94 Loers. Belly 94, 127 Lofberg, John 55 Long, Paul 55 Long, Steve 55, I 06 Looby, Betsy 94 Looby, Bev 94 Lo•·enz. Nanq 55. 120, 189 Louis, Lorella 55 Love, Greg 94, 124, 142, 148 Love, Lorna 82 Lovgren, Linda 94 Lovgren, Bob 55 Lowrey, Cheql 55 Lucas. Brenda 82 Luder, Randy 56, 122, 124 Lueder, Li1, 94, 109, 115 Lueders, Dennis 82

Lynch, Delores 94 Lynch. Pat 94 Lynn, Jeanne 94, 127

M Mas , Ger.tld 94 MacDonald, Ellen 94 MacDonald, John 94 MacDonald, Rick 56 Mack, David 56 Mack, usan 94, 159 Mackiewicz. Dennis 56

Madden, Linda 56. 120 Maddox, Frank 56, 154 Madsen, Dianne 56. 120, 142, 189 Magnuson, Dea!l' 56, 142 Mager, Colleen Ann 94, 157 Mainelli, Jerry 94 Mainelli, Mary 94 Majors. Eddie 94 Malone, Rich 94, 156 Malashock, Mark 94, 122, 156 Malin, andra 82, 126

Morrison, John 82

Mor nson, l.rnd.t 59

Moni'iOn, I ynne 59, I 85 Morro\\, Ke) I 23

Moshet, Gerald 59 Mosie), Randy 59 Moulis, R.ty 95, 122 Momt.tkcs, GeorKc 5~

Moustakes, Gus 82 Mulick, jnn 95 Mumaugh,john 59, 103, 174 Munson, Allene 82

ltndock. Melinda 59 Murr~t), Poll 82

Musil, jim 82. 87, 141, 158 Mutz, rom 95 Mull, Greg ~2

Nanlito, Blil 95 Nash, Kell 82 :'ola)IOI, K.ollccn 95. 122, 127, 157 Neal, Lind.t 95 Nealy, Gordon 82, 117, 146 Neely, Deanna 59

Peuegre"', Jams 83

0 O'Brien, joe 83 Obteshka, I en y 60 O'Connor, Brad 91, 95, 156 O'Connor, J•m 126 O'Connor, Ron 142, 160 O'Daniel, Kevyn 83 O'Dohcll), Burt 95 O'Hara. Mike 60 Olivo, joey 95 Olsen, john 83 Olsen, l'aul 83 Olson, Bill 95 Olson, Kat en 83, 116, 120, 129, 159 Orcuu, Lynda 95 Orko"· Linda 83 Onh, jan 95 On h. Mnm 61, 126 Osbotne. Da•e83, 124,169 Ostrow, Stanley 83 Oue, Mtkc 95 Ouo, O.micl 95 Ouo. Patricia 83, 124, 125 Owens, Bill 95

Neese, I·om 95, 156

Neid. G.ory 82. 103 Nelsen, Don 5, 59. 117 elson. Norman


p P<ICC,



Ne"'comer, KJth) 95, 99

Paepet. Bob 61 Page, jo)ce 61. 120, 126 Palk'Ck, Jill 95 Palmer, Lynn 61, 126 l'appas, Doug 24, 95

Newman, Arlene 95

Po11dce, Donna 61


Nelson, Vilki 95 Ness, P.un 59

Neumann, Roget 59. 154

' ewm~m,

Je;Hr 59 :-\ewman, Lane 95 Nc\\ man, P.uge 59

N 1chols, Amy 95 Nrchol , let es.1 95, 99

Parkhurst, Craig 61 Parkhurst, Kent 95

Parks, jack 95, 142 Passer, jeff 61, I 6-1 Patton, Tish 95

~acholson, l.<ttt) 95, 142 Nicholson, Steve 59

.'al7, ll.tp 156, 169

N•ed, Gcoaldinc j!3 Nielsen, Jim 8~ iel>en, R.•lph 95, 156 Nielsen, Sl1.1ron iemants, Mike B3

Paulson, Deborah 83

ilsson, Enc 83 'ilsson, rorn 60, 161 Nr\er, I erq 95

Noel, Don 18, 60, 126, 173 1 ogel. Randy 83 Norbetg, Batb 60, Ill. 115, 121, 173 Nord, Roclyn 60 , ordm;m, Lind.t 60 Nordyke. K.1yc 60 Nm thouse, C<ctm 83 Nothhcllct, Cathy 60, 126 Novak, Jimmy 95

Novak. M,n·iJyn 83 Novak, Ruthie 60 Nuccio, K.llhy 83

Paulson, Robert

Paulson, Neil 83

Payne, Pete 95, 142, 153 Peck. Rick 83, 126 Peckham, Bob 95, 15 7 l'elkner, Tom 83 Pepple, Mike 61 Perimeter, J>eggy 83

Perimeter, Stuart 95, 153 Perrigo, Claire 18. 61, 126. 165 Person, ancy 83 Petersen, Da\ie 95

PetetSen, Gary 95, 142 Petersen, I rene 95

Petersen, Jerry 83, 146, 154 Petersen, Kut·t 83, 157 Petersen, Linda 83 Petersen, Susan 83 Peterson, Caroline 95

Peterson, Debby 95 Peterson, Pan~ 95, 127

Peuengill, Candy 76, 83, 128 Pcll), Susie 61 l'euy. rom 95, 156 Pfeifer, Sharon 95 Phalen, Barbar~t 83

Phalen, Tom 61. 139, 152 Piau, Lade 61 Pieper, Dick 83 Pierce, Connie 83

Pierson. Doug 83 Pinali, Chris 61, 103, IO!l. 164 Pinali, Frank 83 Piper, john 61 Piper, Kathy 83 Pipher, Linda 95. 127 Pirruccello, Te1·q 95 Platner, Tom 83

Pleas, Jim 95 Pleas, Larq Poff, Rocl 83 Polikov, Leon 83 Polito, Mary 83 Ponce, B1ll 83 Ptall, Dave 88, 95, 142, 149 l'rall, Pam 61. 108 Prater, Linda 95 Prestwich, Afton 83 Price, lcrry 95

l'roll, Bill 95 Prouty, john 83 Pulhamu. Mike 84, 142, 151 Purchase, Richard 95

R Rachford, Melody 95 Rachford, Michele 84 Radii, Gary 62 Rahe, Bob 62, 137, 140, 154 RalSton, Doug 152 Ralya, Debby 95 Randall, Shcilia 62 Ranieri, jewell 62 Rapoport, joe 62, 105, 161 Rapp. Mimi 62. 120. 185 Raskin, Betsy 23, 62, 75, I 03. I 06. 107, 164, 174 Rathbun,. Dave 95, 123 Raui, Paul !}5 Rauch, Vicki 95 Rd.wlings, Jim 95, 142 Ream, Connie 62

Reed, Coleue 84, 169 Reed, Eli1.abeth 62 Reed, julie 84, 126 Reed, Steve 95 Rees, Kathy 62, 74, 104, 115, 164, 165 Regan, Pam 95

Reichmann, Barb 62, 189 Reichmann, ancy 4, 95, 124 Reigle, Karen 62

R)an, Mike 8-1 Rydberg. I om 7, 6·1, 152

Reill~. Bill 156 Rehurek, Roget 84

Renier, Ste\'C 84, 156

Reynolds, julie 62 Reynolds, Philip 84 Rhodus, Van 8·1 Rice, Merry 62, I07 Richard, hernll 84 Richardson, Carulyn 52, 63, 107, 130, 167, 171, 189 Richart, Claire 84 Rickabaugh, ancy 84 Rickerson. Mark 84, 161 Riehle, Martin 84 Riel, jeff, 95 Riffel, Dennis 63 Riffel, Doug 63 Riley, Doug 95 Riley, Nancy 63. 124, 157 Ring, Flo) d 63 Rish, Terry 95 Rish, Valerie 63 Ritche)'• Bill 63 Riwms, Selga 95 Rh ers, Mollie 95, I 59

RiziC), Ross 104, 165 Roach, Michael Robbie, Barbara 84 Roberts, Bart) 84 Roberts, David 63 Robinson, Ken 95, 156 Robinson, Sandy 63 Roccaforte, Rich 84 Rockwood, Barb 63 Roc, Ginny 95, 109, 124. 127, 159 Roegner, jeanne 63, 106 Roeman, B~trb 84

Rogers, Mar) 95 Roggy, Vicki 84 Roh\\'Cr, llenry 63

Rolick, Sandra 84 Rose. Ton) 84, 140. 141 Rosen, Melinda 84 Rosenbaum, Tim 84, 156 Ross, Anneue 76, 84

Ross, Carol 95 Ros, David 84, 143, 151 Ross, Sharon 64, 118, 120 Ro s, Tom 96 Ross1. Pam 96 Roth, Chuck 6-1 Rothschild, Bonnie 64 Roudebush, Don 64, 151 Rowland, Leslie 64 Ruben, john 96 Ruben, Tom 84

Ruby, john 64, 154 Ruqolfo, Get aid 64 Runstrom, Judi 64, 120

Rutherrord, Ray 96, 142, 151, 156 Ryan, Dan 96

s Sacch1, jo.mne 81 Sacco, Michael 96 Sacco, Sam 64

achse, Carol 84 SaAer, Laurie 96, 126

Salyards, Don 96, 122 Sampson, Ch..-i 8<1 ~tmson,

David 64

Sanders, Dianne 96 SJunders, Carol) n 8·1

Saunders, Ruthie64, 119, )(;.!, 165 awtell, Bill 96 Sa)les, Bruce 64, 137. 165, 167 Schaap. Pam 84, 169 Scharf, 1om 96. 113 Schat, Linda 96 Schell, Lora 84 Schilz, Kath\ 96 Schissler, Bob 84 Schlegel, Marilyn 6·1, 126 Schleifer, Bill 96, 123, 142, 148 Schlegel, P;tUI 84 SchlotCeld, Diane !l6, 127 Schneckloth,



Schneider, Lloyd 96 Schneider, Sharol 96 Schober, Donna 65 Schomer, AI 76. 84, IS6 Schory, Chryse 65, I 06 Schroeder. Gaty 84, 126, 142 Schroeder, Kun 65 Schultz, johnette 65. 120 Schultz, Lind,, 84 Schwalm. Enc 96 Schwarz, Bob 65, 126, 151, 173 Schweigart, Mike 96 Sconce, Terry 96, 159 Scoville, Kristine 84

Scull, john 84 Seamands, Carol 65 Seddon, Phil 96 Sedlak, Maril)lt 96 Segur, D.l\id 84 Seibold. Ste\e 96, 142 Seil , Liz 96. 127 Sellner, Bill 84 Selzle, Tom 96 Senncntz, Dell 65 Semz.jim 139 Seume. jim 84 Shanahan, Pat 65, 112 Sh.mnon, Dour 96

Shannon, (;,n·v 84, 126. 168 Sh~mnon. l.\ nda 65 Sharp, K.llh) 65 Sh~trp. Sandr d m.i Sheehan, ltke 84

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Sheppard, Da\e21,60,65, 75,164 Shindo, Scou 96 hipke, Kath) 84, 127, l!ll Shoemaker, Dianne 65, 165

Shoeman, Susan 84

Shook, anci 36. 65, 75, 108. 130, 167 Shriner, john 76, 8<1, 156, 185 Shriner, Julie

Sideris, Yolanda 96, 127 Siems, Bill 84, 122, 142 Silverman, ancy 84, 169 Simmons, Carol)n 5, 65, 130, 167.

171 Simons, jeri') 96, 153 Simons, Mike 66 Simpson. Kirk 96

Sinmich, Sue 84, 120,. 157 Sk<tnning, Dennis 96 Skaug, Mary 96, 130, 157 Skeans, Gal") 96, 122, 153 Skoog-Smi1h, Debbie 66 Skrable, Barb 96 Slack. Carol 84 lack, Dean 66 Slack, Diana 96 Slalin, Donna 8·1

Sla1ik, Ed 8'1, 169 Sline. Richard 66, 154 Small.



Smallwood, Bob 66. 173 Smid, Ka1hy 96 Smith, Bobbie 96

Smith. Charles 84, 169 Smith, Chris.tine 96. 124. 157 Smi1h. Dall 96 Smith, David 66 Smi h. Doug 66. 164 Smi1h, Jill 96 Smi1h. john IR, 66 Smith, Linda 66

Smilh. Ron 66. 157 Smi1h, S 01 84, 138 Snodgrass. Jan !16 Snodgrass, Sle,·e 84, 141, 154, 157 Snow, Ann 32. 67, 103. 104, 108, 109, 122. 164 Snow, l.ind;:r 96, 124

n)der. Ma1·k 96. I 04, 122 Sokol, C)nthia 84

Sokolof, S1e1e !14 Sorensen, Craig ~16 Sorensen, Stu 84, 103 Soucie, Jell 90. 142 Soukup. Frank !!4, 160 Soukup, 1al') 19. li7 Spaulding, Gar) Htl, 121, 122. 124.


Spaulding. Glen ~)6, 122, 142, 149

Spear, Gary H4. 11;0 S1>chs, Gail 96 Spencer. Ed 67, 1111 Spencer. jenil) n !17 Spicka. Calh) !14 Spicka, 1ick 67 Spierhagen, C. 84 Sponsler. Dennis 97 ponsler. Ron 67 1alder, Sieve 97 Sr_aners, Karina 84

S1anncr, Mike 67, 133, 138, 140, 151. 157. 167 Stark, Lance 29, R4 Larmer, Dennis 84

Slas7ko, Laura 84 S1ein, Barb 85, 108 Stevens. Suzi 31 S1cwan, Bob 97. 123. 127 S1ewan, Duane 67, 140, 151. 160. 167 Stinson, Merritt 85

Thompson, Linda 85, 126 Thompson, Shari 97 Thompson, Terri 68 Thornblad, Paul 68, 122. 124. 126 Thornton, Steve 97

Thorpe. Karen 97 Thorpe, Sharon 97 Thorson. llrucc 97, 122. 124. 127 Thorson, l'aul 85, 126, 169 Thorton. Karen 68 Thrapp. L. 97

Viola, Rainer 85

Wigodsky. S1e'c 7i: 196

Vipond, jea'11 70, 126 Vipond, Kem 97, 149 Volberding, Ron 97, 142, 151, 152 Vom Weg. Wayne 97 Vosburg. Sherwood 97, 158

Wikofl', Donald 98 Wikoff, Donna 98 Wilkie. David 98

w Waara, KriSli 70, 126 Wagne1·, Charles 97 Walandcr, !lob 97. 127. 149 Waldbaum, usan 85 Walker, Greg 98. 142. 157 Walker, Kristine 9R Walker. Unda 98

Wig10n, J.met 71

Wilkins, Diana

Wille. Barb 8:> Williams, Barb 85, 120 Williams, DiAnn 98, 123 Williams, Donna 8:, Williams, l.:n1) 85, 1 ~12

Williams, Linsda), 85 Williams, Nina 71

Stilwell, Gayle 97 1ork, Cal h) 67 S1 raka, Cheri 97 S1ra1Cman, Bill 25. 67. 106, 107. 117. 133. 175, 181 S1raus, Shcldecn 85 S1ree1er, Mike 97. 123 S1romberg. Carol 159 S1ruble. Terr) 97 Stuart, 1..) nn 97 Sll!hr, Kalh) 67, 122 Stuit, Van 85

Thrapp. Mal')' Jo 97

Stut7man, Pam 67

Sullivan, Janel 6, 67, 126

Toy, Charlie 85, 86 Tracluenberg, Janel 85

Summers, Charles 67

Trapolino, Peter 85

Wasserkrug. jay 98 Wasserman, Maril) n 98

Sund, Bob 67, 122 Sunderman, jeff 97

Trapp. Candy 69 rrapp. LaiT) 97

Wasson, Arell 85


Wa1ers, CheSler 98. 122

Wood, Beuy 85 Wood, Bev H5 Wood, Mary 72 Wood, f'i,ulC) 85. 126. 128 Woodhull. Di.111e 72, 106 Woodl•nd, jim 85. 122. 124 Woodland, Llo)d 72. 122. 124 Woodland. W.l) ne 72, 122, 124. 126

Thuman, Sherq 97 Tierne)'• Francis 68

Tighe, Les

Tihon, Bob 68, 122. 124. 126

Walker, Ron 70

TimperiC). Bcv 97 Timperle). Ken 69 l"imperle). Ken 69

Walker, SIC\'C 70 Walker, Sieve 85 Wall, Karen 85 Ward, Kei!l1 85 Ward. Rachacl 70, 107 Ward, Sandra liS

Timp rle). Kei1h 6!1 Tobias,

te\'C 97, 148

Tomas, Pe•e 97 Tomek, Bonnie 97

Susman, Alex 97


Suuer. Fay 97, 157 Suuon, Maq 85 wanson. john 85, 156

Truhlsen. NanC) 69. 107, 189

Swanson, Scott 67, 140, 152. 153,


hari 69

Wawers, Bruce 70

Tuerk, Mike 97. 142, 160 Tuerk, andy 69, 106 Tull, Maq 85

Webb. Roy 85 Weber. Doris 70 Weber, Karen 70, I 07 Weber, Ka1hy 98 Webe1·, Teny 98 Weiner, Darlene 98. 127 Weiner, Fred 85. 126. 168, 169

Turner. Rick 85 Turner, Mike Y7

wanson, Susan 157 Swenson, Ramsey 6~. 126, 165 Swif1, Mike 97 Swi1zer, judi 19, 68, 107, 120, 190 Swope, raig 85


Tank, Bob 85, 156 Tank, ChriSly 97 Tappero, Jill 85 Taren, Bob 97, 142, 151, 153 Tarpley. Ri1a 76. 85, 120 Tatreau, Sharon 85, 126

Taulborg, Terry 68 Taylor, BelSe 97, 157 Ta)lor:Craig 97, 123. 160 Ta)lor, Cubb) 68. 75, 102, 157 Teguneie1·. Elaine 68. Ill. 164. 165 Tcuenborn, Jim 88, 97. 142, 149 Tharp. Bill 97, 142, 148 Tharp. Dick 76, 85, 139, 146, 14 7, 154. 178 Thieman, Cynthia 97 Thiessen, Tom 68 Thoma, Karen 68

Thomas, Carol 68, 106. 107, 164, 165 Thomas. Doug 97, 14 2 Thomas, john 18, 85, 141 Thomas, onnan 97 Thomas, Ron 8.1i

Thompson, Jane 18, 85

Wathen, Charles 70

Waus, jackie 85

Trustin, Bonnie 97. 127

Swanson, cott 97, 123, 156 wanson, Stanley 97 Swanson, Ste\'C 67


Warren, Mike 98 Warren, Unda 70

Turnquist, Dave 97, 142, 149

Tway, T) ler, Tyler, T ler,

Pal 85, 122 Linda 85 101·gan 69 l'am 85 IC\'e 85, 141, 154

u Udes, Barbara 69, 106, 107, 164 des. Diane 97

lfers, Rod 66, 69, Ill, 158, 173 Underwood. Janet 85. Ill Unzicker, Ruth 69, 124

Urosev1ch, Bob 85. 141, 146, 154

v Vacanti, John 85 Valemini, Lawrence 97

Weingarten, Marge 70, 157 Weingarten, 1erri Jane 98

Vickery. Dave 70, 78, 117 Vi Ilona. joe 85 Vinal, Richard 70



WoriC). Pat 72

Worshek, Te1 q 9H, 142 Wright, Lea Ann 72, 126 Wright, Mike 72 Wright, Russ 98. 142. 149 Wupper, Anm· 72

Young, Rich 60, 72. I02. 158

Wend!, Karen 71, 107, 115. 116 Wergin, Bob 85, 122 WeSl, Cheryl 71, 157 WeSl, Debb) 98 WcSl, Danielle 71 WeSl. Dee !18, 123 Wcstcring, Bill 98

Vermehren, Kathy 85

~l . im

Wendt, Connie Lee 85

Wheeler. Cind) 36, 71, II !1, 128 Wheeler, Ellen !18 Wheeler. jud) 85. 120. 126. 172. 1!15 Wheeler. Sharon 88, 98, 130 Whiner). Barb 71 Whimker. Jan 80. 85. 157 While, Bill !18

Vargas-Porros. Alicia 69. I 02. I 04, 108, 110 Veach, Barbara 85 Vercoe. Bryan 66, 69, 126. 154 Veroce, Doug 85. 126. 143, 151

Wintroub, l.arr) 98

Will, jei'OmC 98. 142 Wolcou, llarb 85 \Voll, Dan !18 Woll,joanne 71, 127, 165

Wul'l, Kath 72, 164 Wurl, Susan 98 Wyant. Paul 85

VanPelt, Anneue 97. 122

VanWinkle, Rank) 97, 151

Wilron, Rand) m~. 122 Wilson, Sharon 98 Wilson, Susan 85, 121

Welch, Dick 98 Welch, RUSI)' 85, 102, 141, 146, 147, 154 Wells. Karen 98. 99 Wells, Linda 70, I Ofi, I 19, 165, 173. 188 Wemmer, Linda 6, 71

Vales, Mar) 69, 112, 118, 173 VanPelt, john 69, 112, 142, 181 Vandlburg, Chuck 97 VanVIiel, Wayne 85

Williams, Tom 71, 107

Willis. Rick 36. 71, 133. 146. 147, 154, 171 Wilson, !lob 85. I!lH Wilson, Ga1·y 71

White, Da"e 85

While, Susan 711, I 06 Whilesell, ed 85, 151 Whined, Warren 98. 122. 14!1, 151 Wiese. joel 85 Wigg. Ed 98, 142. 156


z Zaleski, Fred 98 Zaleski, Karin 85

Zamzow, S~eve 98, 123 Zastcra, Bill 72 Zender. Kris 85, 121 Ziegler, Bill 85 Ziegman, Cind) 85 Ziegman, Pam 72

Ziesemann, Candy 72, 126, 127 Zimmerman, AI 73, 154

Zoob. Bary 73, 117, 133, 161, 171 Zook, Diane 85 Zuuermciswr. Bob 73, 140, 160 Zyck, ChriSt) 85. 120 Zyck, Gai!i3, 120, 165, 181

CLUB ROSTERS ART CLUB an y Aronson- Pres. Nancy Brown- V. Pres.

Becky Burling-Sec. Mary Curzon- Treas . Mr . Kenneth Grizzell-sponsor

l>nda Babcock Anita Baskin Jan Blazek Linda Carrick Maf) C.11ania Da\'e Chin Linda Drew Sharon Forehead Juanat-<t Fowk!r Be ky Gerber Holti Hickman Debbie Hill Bob I Ianman

Jack•e McCoy llecky Mezger Melinda Murdoc~ John l'rotil y Jewell R.mien Tom Ross

K;llh) Sharp Kalh) S10r~ Janel Underwood Krisu Waara

Cheql Wes1



Ward Baxter- Pres.

Bob Johnson- V. Pres . Ross Rl1ley- Treas. S1e'e LadwiK- Clerk Mr. ah~n Delano-sponsor Bud Anderson Art Annin Madehne Arnold

Rulh ovak Craig ParkhurSI Michael Pepple Bill Ritchey Sam Sacco David Samson

Donna Schober Mary Soukup Pam Stutzman Karen Thorton Linda Warrf'n Pam Ziegman

Holden AuSI Hale Ausl

Pat Grasm.ick-V. Pres. Penny Anderson-Sec .

Cindy Wheeler-Treas. Mrs. Iris Clark-sponsor ancy Aronson

andy Arlhur Ruth Brock Becky Burting Cris Calandra Sally Cockle Jewel de Freese Barbara Douglass Lynne Durham NanC) Eaton

Mich Eden

Jean Hoemann

Nanc) Uncoln

Bonnie Rothschild Annette Ross Lynda Shannon

anci Shook

Fay Suuer Nancy Truhlsen Pa1 Tvrruk Annene Van Pelt

Linda Wells


Jerry Higlnower- V. Pres. Pat hanahan -Sec. Mary Vales - T reas. Susan H<t)'Ward-Hist . Bob Gibson- Repor1er Mr . Dale Fuerst -sponsor

Jeff Ahsuler Barbara Engle Je If Esbenshade Chl01e Fleming Unda Hagman Margart!l Hering

Marilyn Kaya l'hil Klrkle Carol Karkowski

Ri ck MacDonald Deanna eel) linda ordman

Kaye Nordyke

Lynne Durham

Candy Eps1ein Janice Felker Barb Friedl 1ary Haffner

Sue Howl Ellen Jacobson Jo Alyce Kaplan Ka~hy Kelley Jutie Klopp Lynn Koile Meriel Lefler Anne Leigh

Carolyn Simmons Barb tein

Mr. tan Wells-sponsors

Mary Curzon

Debbie Hill Holly Hinchcliff

Carolyn Richardson


Debby Seal JoAnn BoyerlS Suzy Buchanan

uzanne Giller Jackie Haup1man

linda Lea Larson Marc Upman Don Marquardt

Mr. \Villiam

haron Ross- Treas. Mr . Paul AndreasMrs. Elaine Umbaughsponsors Gail Anderson

Micki Preed

Pam Prall Coleue Reed

Unda Lea Larson- Pre . joe Rapopor1- V. Pres. John Mattson- Program Chair.

Unda Hotz- V. Pres.

Janice Hansen Mary Harnett Mary Heintzelman

haron Forehead

Karen Wendt

Cheryl Wes1 Bev Wood Nanq Wood Susan Wurl

Sue Howl Ellen Jacobsen Karen Johnson

Sandy Johnson Cheryl Kinkead Jane Kinkead Candy Kiptinger Meriel Lefler Anne Leigh Lorna Love Sue McNaugh10n Judy McShane Jacquie Moore Jean

Debbie Cox Pam Dalling Diane Dinkel harlotte Doering Linda Drew Nancy Durflinger

Danna Dye Elaine Eades Terry Eriksen l-lek!n Fan kboner ancy Filkins

Linda Finney Terry Fox

Cindy Wheeler-Sec.

Chris Pinali


Donna Wikoff

Ru1h Saunders- Pres.

Jerr) Gerelick Mike Henely Elle1 Hoke

Pete Tomas

Rachael Ward

Mary Vales- Pres.

Cand) Peuengill Su ie Pell)

Paul Olsen Hap Patz Tom Pelkner Frank Pinati Tom lzle con mith

Elaine Teguneier


Karen Olson

Tom Calame Gar) Davis Bruce Carcu

Micky Rachford Jutie Reynolds Merry Rice Leslie Rowland Ka~hy Schilz Barbara Skrable


Liz Lueder Kalh) Metz Jacquie Moore

Jim Arundel

linda Morrison Allene Munson


Joyce Page Donna Pardee

Pam Prall Karen Reigle Carolyn Richardson Barb Robbie Don Salyards Carol Seamands Diane Shoemaker Carol Slack haron Small Linda mith Ann Snow

Ka1hy 1ork Janel Sultivan Juru Switzer Ri.a Tarpley Karen Thoma

Margaret Fritz

Sheri Ff)' Linda Gambrel Linda Gardner Ka~hy Gem Ieman Cindy Gillham Terrie Goddard

Diane Gustafson

Dave DeB use Mike Harris

Tom Hood teve Holmstrom

Rich Ide Steve Jenkins John Larson AI Lenz.

Bob Lovegren Ken McCall teve McColli ter Jim lcShane Doug Meig.; John Mun~1ugh Cam


Tom Phalen Dave Robert Allen Schomer Steve '"''anson

Charle Toy Wayne Van Vliel

Janine Hahn Tamra Hall Candy Harding

Dave White

Donna Hoffner ancy Hosman Eleanore l:lunter ue Johnson

Jim Iverson - Pres.

Linda Jordan Margaret Kelle) ue Kennedy

Mary Ellen Kinnally Diane Kolask) Naomi Kuttner Loraine Lambert Susan L..,ntz Louise Le\\is linda Uston

Bell)' Loen Linda Lovgren Delores Lynch

TERACT Barry Zoob- V. l'res. Don elson- Sec. Bill Strmeman-Treas. Eric Hultman -

Rick Willis Ste\C Calvert- Board Members Mr. Burt peece-sponsor Roger Anderson An Annin Leon Bocklcman

J o hn Brager Dave Brown Mike Burdic

Pat Lynch Laurie Lyon

Jim Chase Terry Clauff Ward Combs john Connelly John Coe

Jackie MacDonald Sandy Maschka

Tom Curran Duane Dudley

Connie Mattson

John Finks

Jackie McCoy Val McKinnon Pal Miller

. orm Fishel

Bob Ford Tim Gcrbe•-

Martie Mincer

Bill Ha-elka

Kalleen Naylor Vicki Nelson

Tom Henry Ken Hermsen Roger Herring Stt\'t Jcnl..ins

arol Peterson

Unda Schal Liz Seils Dale milh JiiiSmilh Linda Snow Jeni Spencer

Mark jensen far1y j ones AI KammCtrer teve Kavitch

Jim Killerlain

Laura tazsko Sue wanson indy Thieman

Cregg Knox Ken Kri hbaum

Mary jo Thrapp

Scou Lausterer

Pat T,•rdik.

Diane Udes Dee WeSI Barb Whinery haron Wilson

Allan Kulakofsk) AI Len> Gar) Lind te\t Long

Bob Lo,w·en Dennis Matta Greg Miller John Mumaugh

Jan Tractenberg Barb des


Unda Wemmer

K tuner Chapta

Janel Wigton Diane Woodhull

Jim Chase - l'res. Phil Blum -V. Pres .

Barbara Veach- V. Pres . K.l) Hiau-Sec. Barbara Dougla - Treas.


Dennis Maua -Sec. Da,•e Vickery- Treas.

Mike tanner Duane tcwart S ott wanson

Mrs. Marla Barjenbruch-

Jean Hoemann- V . Pres .

Terry Clauff -Chaplain Tom Henry Gordon ealy-Sgts. al Arms

Cubby Taylor Dick Tharp

FMA Cheri Moredick- Pres .

Mis Mary Buman-sponsors Bets) Barton

anC) Beecrofl Sheri Beucler Fran Bladl Diane Charles Nancy Ea1on Candy Fox ancy Filkins

Terri Goddard Sonja Hovland Ka1hy Johnson Lynda Lawson Pat Lustgarten

Ka1hy McBee

Barb Hosford- Pres. ue Ma k-Sec. Karen Wendt- Treas. Miss Sandra Edwards-sponsor

Crtgg Chapitr Steve Green-Pres.

Linda Adams

Kay Brown

Randy ogel- V. Pres. Cubb) Taylor-Sec. John Brager-Treas. Dell ennentz-Chaplain John Coe-Sgt. a1 Arms Mr. Bob Reed Mr. Thomas Selwold-sponsors

Wendy Burden Becky Burting Lynne Calendine

Bruce Bikin Leon Bockelman ~ve Brown

Cherie Chin Karen Combs

Ward Comb Mark Cover!

Frankie Amik Madeline Arnold

Judy Barr Leslie Benham Ruth Brock


Gordon Neal) !lob Rahe Dave Sheppard

Bob rosevith Da,·e Vic.l..eq

Sieve Walker Ru" Y Welch

I TER ATIO AL CL B and Shook- Pres. Barb tein - ec. Mrs. Diann Althouse-sponsor

FRE c:;:H Pam Prall-Pres.

Mary !.in Lankford -Sec. Miss haron Billerbeck sponsor


Becky Jones AJ Kammerer Jean Kennedy




Kath) B~rreu Lorraine l\~k~1

Naomi Kuuner

Pat Lee Lmda U.ton Ken McCall John McGolli.ner Barb McMahon Greg Montes Peggy Morgan Ray Moulis Jack Parks Tom Pelkner Gary Petersen Paul Ratti Barb Reichmann Mol~e Rivers John Ruden Carolyn Saunders Bill Siems Chris Smith Stu Sorensen

l"nd.a lle<key Sa Lit Brcunsh;u_ h \Vendy Burdt•n Becky Burling

Jack (~'"' M·'f) C.uana.l Chene Chrn Ch<~rlene


Ben Cohen

Kyra Cr.ug Debbv Dua h.un Paul 1°.p'.ltcrn uzanne Giller

Candy Hardmg linda ll.trvey Bob Jlmm .m Bob Horton

Sue Howl Ginn)' Htonek

Bonnie Trustin

Sally lrvmg

Barb Udes

Karen .Johnson

Merrill K.Ub Lynn Kolle Kathy Ku:.Lak

LATIN Tim Gerber- Pres.

Janeen Beck- Sec. Treas. Mrs. Julie George-sponsor Bud Anderson

Barb Larsen Lynda Law on

Menel Lefler

Pennie Anderson

N.mcy l.orrnl

Sue Mack MaiJ•e Mayberry Kathy Mcllec K;uhy Metz Ginny Moore Jacquie Moore Leslie Moore C;mdy Morley

Rick Anderson Lynn Antonson


Ste"-e Nicholson Jim Novak

Jan Onh Stan Ostrow

joy« Page Candy l'ettengall Kathi l~per Micky Rachford joe Rapoport Julie Reed Selga Rnums

Holden Aust Doug Dixon Linda Dresher Kathy Dunn jon Elliott Jeanine Germolus

Linda Gilmore Pam Grear Mary Haffner Tamra Hall Craig Hansen Jackie Hauptman Mary Heintzelman Marilea johnson Jane Krug Don Marquardt Connie MattsOn Mary Mincer AUene Munson

Joanne Sacchi Kathy Schilz

Jerry Mosher Geri Nied Cathy Nothhelfer

anci Shook ancy Silverman Sonna Slatin

Cindy Sokol Barb Stein

Nancy Su llavan Bob Taren linda Tway Karen W.UI Marilyn Wasserman

Karen Weber Kathy Weber Karen Welb Karen Wendt

Nancy Wood Sue Wurl


Steve Bach en berg- Pres. Colleen Glisar-Sec. Mn. Gertrud"e Olson-sponsor Pat Anderson Betsy Banon Bob Carpenter Stan Carpenter John Case Sue Chamquist Tom Cleveland Gary Davis Jay Dwyer Roger Franz Margaret Fritz Bruce Gareu

Sue Hill Nancy Hosman Rich Hoyt Sally Irving


Lauri' l{jng Candy Kjplinger Jane l{jnkead LaRae Koppit Allan Kul,akofsky Cathy Lair Lorraine Lamben Sue Limbaugh Stephanie Lincoln Betty Loers Lorna Love

Liz Lueder Kathy Martin Judi McShane Martie Mincer

Connie Morey Lynn Morrison jeff Meyers Kalleen Naylor Kathy Newcomer Debbie Paulson Susan Petersen Chris Pinali

Barb Robbie Carol Ross

Linda Snow Denny Spangler Fay Sutter Sue Swanson

Bonnie Tomek Alicia Vargas-Porros Susan Waldbaum Barb Whinery Kathy Wurl

John Mattson

Gini Roe Annette Ross

Gary Shannon

Jay Erdmann Terry Eriksen Nancy Filkins Marcia Finley Karen Cotsdiner Carol Gould Tom Grossman JoAnn Hall Mary Harnett Leanne Hazlett Debbie Hellman john Henely Ginny Highfield Jean Hoemann Carol Holquist Jeanne Jones

Hap Patt

Julie Reed Nancy Rile) Undd Sc_hat





nda Thompson Candy Trapp Annette Van Pelt

Diann Williams Sherry Wilson Kris Zender

SPA ISH Kristi Andersen- Pres.

Ann Snow- Sec. Treas. Mrs. Mary Davis-sponsor Linda Adams Missi Adler Diane Allen LeAnn Appleby lynda .Berrigan Sheri Beucler Fran Bladt Suzy Buchanan Bob Bucholz Mary Chase Jeanne Cohen Dennis Cox Karen Curtis Pam Dalling Lynda Dahl Jewel de Freese Phyllis Donaldson Barbara Douglass Dee Eaton Micheline Eden Candy Epstein

JCL Holden Aust- Pres. Linda Lea Larson- Sec. John Mattson- Treas. Mrs. julie George-sponsor Bud Anderson Pennie Anderson

Rick Anderson lynn Antonson Janeen Beck Doug Dixon Linda Dresher Kathy Dunn John Elliot Tim Gerber jeanine Germolus Linda Gilmore Pam Crear Mary Haffner Tamra Hall Craig Hansen Jackie Hauptman Mary Heintzelman Marilea Johnson JaneKrug Don Marquardt

Sharon Wilson Kris Zender

KEY CLUB Bob Bucholz-Pres. Jeff Meyers- V. Pres. Jim Chase-Sec. Ward Baxter- Treas. Mr. Karl Pecht-sponsor John Andreason Bud Anderson Rick Anderson Scot Anderson Holden Aust Steve Bachenberg Chuck Banon Tom Banon John Buller Steve Calvert Oennjs Cox

Doug Dixon Duane Dudley Jim Durham Tim Gerber Tom Grossman

Scott Holdrege Tom Hood J i.m Iverson Terry Johnson Don Marquardt Peter MalSChke Bob Mcintyre Cordon Nealy Hap Pau joe Rapopon Tony Rose Bruce Sayles Doug Smith Gary Spaulding Bob Urosevich Rusty Welch Rich Young

Stu Sorensen

Barbara Veach Tom Williams Nancy Wood Sue Wurl

PEP CLUB Kathy Kelley- Pre>. Nancy Wood-Y . Pres . Candy l'euengiii-Sec. Ruth Brock- Treas . Miss Juliann DonoghueMiss Diane BrostMiss Sandra Edwards-sponsors

linda Adams Missi Adler Sue Aikman Diana Allen

Leslie Allen linda Allen Kristi Andersen Gail Anderson Pat Anderson Pennie Anderson Marilyn Anderson

Carol Angus LeAnn Appleby

Ward Baxter- Pres. Bob johnson- V. Pres. Kathy Rees-Sec. Dell Sennenu- Treas.

Sandy Arthur

Miss Diane Brost-

Mr. Leslie Sladek-sponsors Jim Arundel Holden Aust Bruce Bikin Bob Bucholz Mike Caplinger Jim Chase Tom Cocks Mark Covert Dennis Cox

Howard Gerelick Gerry Gibbs Tamra Hall Jackie Hauptman Steve Hill Tom Hood Craig johnson Kent Johnson Dave Larkin

Linda Lea Larson Ron Morrow

Don Marquardt Greg Miller jacquie Moore Nancy Silverman Stu Sorenson Ann Snow

NFL Beuy Raskin- Pres.

Steve Calven- V. Pres. Chris Pinali- Sec. Bob Bucholz- Treas. Bill GrayJeff Meyers-Sgts. at Arms Mn. Anna ClarkMr. Rod Hansen -sponsors Lynn Antonson Mike Armstrong Tom Banon Sam Bonacorso Sharon Brock Bill Dunbar Nancy Eaton Park Estep


Dean Marts

john Mumaugh Gary Neid Bill Protz Kathy Rees Ross R.izley Terry Sconce

Lynn Antonson

Mary Mincer AUene Munson

Dave Larkin

Liz Lueder


Connie Mattson

jerry Mosher Geri Nied Cathy Nothhelfer Hap Pall Julie Reed Nancy Riley Linda Schat Barbara Skrable Jane Thompson Linda Thompson Candy Trapp Annette Van Pelt Diann Williams

Bill Ferer Roger Franz Karen Cotsdiner Mary Johnsen Bob Johnson Merrill Kalb Steve l{jnzy

J.•n Bachrach Judy Barr Joyce Barrett Kathy Barrett Susan Bar..eu Donna Barron Connie BartWiek. Betsy Barton Unda Barton Lorraine Bask.<'

Debbie Beal janeen Beck linda Beckey Nancy Beecroft Leslie Benham Sheri Beuclet

Fran Blad1 Jan Blazek Sheila Bloom Jackie Borcyk Leigh Boveu Diana Boyens

Sally Breunsbach Pam Brinke

Sharon Brock Mary Ann Brocky Barbara Brooks Kay Brown ancy Brown

Debby Browne Ann Brunell Diane Bruno

Suzy Buchanan Wendy Burden Becky Burling Carol 8unz

Kathy Bussey Cindy Cadden Cris Calandra Lynne CaJendi ne Pat Calvert

Melanie Campbell Sally Cockle joAnn Carlson Sherry Carbon Linda Carrick Terri CCL$ttlter

Mary Catania

Mary 01ase Cherie Chinn Janet Christensen

Charlene Qift Jeanne Cohen Sally Coleman Claudette Collins Karen Combs Leslie Confer Cece Com Connie Cotton

Janice Hansen Susan Hansen Connie Harden

Candy Harding usan Hargleroad

Kathy Harris Julie Hasselbach Lois HartseU Unda Harvey

Jackie Hauptman Kathy Hayes

Debbie Cox Kyra Craig Lynda Dahl Pam Oalling ue Davis Sally Dean Jewel de Freese

Susan Hayward

Marty Dieterich Diane Dinkel

Janet Doctor PhyUis Donaldson Judy Doughty Kathy Doughty Barbara Douglass linda Drew Ste ph Dross Karen Dudley Peggy Duffin

Jackie Fjelstad Sharon Forehead Terry Fox

Mickie Freed Barb Friedl Margaret Friu

Cindy Fruhwinh heryl Fruhwinh Sheri Fry linda Gardner Dianne Caylor Chris Cembica Cathy Gentleman Kandy Gentry Beckie Gerber Jeanine Germoulus

Marilyn Gibbs Suzanne Giller

linda Gilmore Carla Giwoyna

Patti Glenn Colleen Clisar Terrie Goddard Marg Cordon Karen GoLsdiner

Carol Could Connie Gozzo Laura Graham

Sandy Graham Pat Grasmick Pam Crear

Ruth Um.ickcr

Carolyn Richardson Sherri Richard

Mary Vales

Barbara Veach Susi Waldbaum

An neue Van Pelt

linda Walker

Barb Robbie

Karen Wall

Bonnie Hill

Sue Mack Marcy Mainelu Janet MankamevPr Kathy MarLin

Sandi Robinson Cini Roe jeanne Roegner

Jackie Watts

Debbie Hill Debbie Hillmer Holly Hinchcliff

Vicki Roggy Sandi Rotick

Darlene Weiner Merri Jane Weingarten Karen Wells

Terry Hinders Jean Hoemann Donna Hoffner

Ginny Hronek Eleanore H umer

Laura Hyde Mary ltaJia Ellen Jacobson joy jacobsen Judy Jaroo Donna Jeffry linda Jensen Kathy Johnson andy Johnson Susan Johnson Barb Jolly Becky Jones Bcv Jones jeanne Jones Sheila jones linda jordan Delora Kaiser MerriU Kalb jo Alyce Kaplan Nancy Keifer Jean Kennedy Sue Kennedy Laurie King Cheryl Kinkead Jane Kinkead Mary KinnaUy Candy Kiplinger Amy Klopp Jutie Klopp Lynn Koile Diane Kolasky LaRae Koppit Karen Krabbenhoft Unda Kremarilc.

andy Maschka Connte Mattson

Maljie Mayberry Kathy Meier Kathy Meu Sharon Meyer

Becky Mezger Barbara Middleton linda Miller Pat Miller

arol Ros Annette Ross Sharon Ross

Virginia Moore ...:Onnie Morey

Candy Morley Peggy Morgan Linda Morrison Lynne Morrison Alene Munson

Kathy McBee Kathy McCameron Ellen MacDonald Jackie MacDonald Cindy McDowell Val McKinnon

Barb McMahon Susan McNaughton Judi McShane Lynne McWhorter KaUeen aylor Deanna Neely Vicki Nelson KaLhy Newcomer Jean Newman

Amy Nichols Terry Nichols Ceri Nied Barb Norberg Kaye Nordyke Karen Olson Unda Orcutt

linda Orkow Jan Orth joyce Page

Danielle West Dc:eAnna West

l..aurie Safi"er Sande~

Lora Schell Kathleen Schilz Marilyn Schlegel Diane Scl1lotfeld Shari chneider Chryse Schory jonnette Schult7 Terry Sconce Marilyn Sedlak Liz Seils Kathy Sharp Sandy Sharp Kathy Shipke Diane Shoemaker Nanci Shook Yolanda ideris Carolyn Simmons Sue Si novich

Mary Skaug Barbara Skrable Carol Slack Diana Slack Sharon Small Kathy Smid Bobbie Smith Christine Smith Dale Smith JiU Smith linda Smith Jan Snodgrass Ann Snow Unda Snow

Cynthia Sokol jeni Spencer Barb Stein

Gayle Stilwell Cathy Stork

JiU PaUeck

Lynn Stuart

Susan Kruse Naomi Kuttner

Ttsh Patton

Janet Sullivan Fay Sutter

Cathy Lair Nancy Lake

Caroline Petersen

Lorraine Lamben

Irene Pete"en Susan Petersen Pamela Peterson

Barbara Larsen

Diane Gustafson Dianne Gzehoviak

Debbie Larsen Barbara Lawson

linda Lawson Evelyn Leach Pat Lee Janet Lefler Meriel Lefler Anne Leigh

Marilyn Pedegana Debbie


Janis Pettegrew Susie Peuy

Sharon rfeifer Barbara Phalen Chris Pinali Kathi Piper linda Pipher Pam Prall Unda Prater Afton Prestwich

Melody Rachford


Unda Wemmer

Carol Sachse Diane

Cheri Moredick

linda Wells

Cheryl West Debbie West

Carolyn Saunders Rulhte Saunders

Diane Moore

Kathy Weber

Judi Runstrom Joanne Sacchi


Lesley Moore

Karen Weber

Connie Wendt

Martie Mincer

Moody Jacquie Moore Cheryl Moore

Kris Walker

Bonnie Rothschild Leslie Rowland

Donna Pardee

Karen Krogh Jane Krug

Betsy Guild

Patricia Hamilton

Julie Reynolds

Laura Lyon

Kay Hiall Holli Hickman

Cindy Greenwell

Kathy Ham mer

Barbara Udes Janet Underwood

Mollie Rivers

Carole Henderson

JoanneU!mp Lynne Lange Mary Lin Lankford Lynnette Lanning

Mary Haffner Janine Hahn Marlyn Hahn Joann Hall

Nancy Reichmann

Nancy Rickabaugh Selga Ritums

Sonja Hovland !)Je Howl

Kate Femmer

Pat Tvrdik Unda Tway

Pat Lustgarten

Nancy . Durninger

Nancy Filkins

Sandy Tuerk Mary Tull

Penny Lyman Dolores Lynch Pat Lynch

ancy Hosman Unda Hotz

Marcia Fink!y Rene,. Fishel

Vicki Rauch

Colelle Reed Kathy Rees Pam Regan Barb Reichmann

Leanne Hazlell

Dianne Duncan

jeannie Eberly Mich Eden jean Ehle~ Terry Eriksen Candy Epstein Mary Fabrizius Helen Fanckboner janice Felker

Unda Lovgren Cheryl Lowrey Brenda Lucas liz Lueder

Shari Trester Nancy Truhlscn llonnie Trustin

Mary Heinue_lman

Jonell Dunn Kathy Dunn

Lynne Durham Dee Eaton Nancy Eaton

Nancy Lorenz

Micky Rachford Mimi Rapp andy Rauch

Elaine Richart

Marilyn Holcomb Elayne Holste Carol 1-tolquist Chris Hopkins Sandi Hopkins Barb Hooford

Debby Durham

Gwen Lich1y Sue Limbaugh Nancy lincoln Stephanie Lincoln Unda Uston Belly Loe~ Bev Looby

Sue Swanson

Judi Swiuer Chris Tank Rita Tarpley Bet5e Taylor Elaine Tegtmeier Cindy Thieman

Karen Wendt

Cindy Wheeler Ellen Wheeler Sharon Wheeler Barbara Whinery Susan White

Janel Wigton Barb Williams Diann Williams

Sharry Wilson Barbara Wolcon

joanne Wolf Bev Wood Diane Woodhull Pat Worley Lea Ann Woight Anne Wupper

Kathy Wurl Susan Wurl

Karin Zaleski Kris tender Cindy Ziegma n Cris Zyck


Banon - Pres . Scott Holdrege- V. Pres. Bob Hall-Sec . Treas . Bob Mcln1yre- Engineer Mr. Bruce Holmquis1-sponsor

Holden Aust Tom Banon Dennis Cox Roger Frar11. Tom Grossman

John Moore Tom Scharf Mark Sn)'Cier

RED CRO Nancy lincoln - Pres. Wayne Woodland-V . Pres . linda WeUs-Sec. Treas . Mrs. Mary Ellen McAllisterMiss Joan Aspen - sponso~ . l'at Cal..,rt Terri Castater

Mary Catania Karen Gotsdiner Ginnte Hronek

Barb J olly

Karen Thoma

Dave Levine

Carol Thomas Jane Thompson Shari Thompson haron Thorpe Mary Thrapp Bev Temperley

Kathy McCameron Sharon Meyer linda Miller Pat O'Connor Kathy Nuccio Janis Pettegrew Barb Phalen Ramsey Swenson

Bonnte Tomek

Janet Trachtenberg

Karen Wells Jim Woodland

AFE TEE S Rod Ullers - Pres. Janet nderwood- V. l'rcs . Bill Gray-Sec . freas. Mr. Ed Striblcy - sponsor Lynne Adams Pdmekt Adams Missi Adler huck Arnold unda Babcock te\-e Berg Susie Ulake Jackie BorC) k Lorraine Bosiljevdc Jell Uurdic JoAnn Carlson Chip Clark Cherie Q·1in Tom Cleveland Terry C..ohan Chris Comstock Leslie Confer Diane Dinkel Doug Dixon Steve Douglas Jeannie Eberly Shirley Eberly rerry E1iksen Park Estep Helen Fanckboner Connie Foley Bob Gehringer Alan Gendler Cathy Gentleman Marilyn Gibbs Vicki Gibson indy Gillham Joel Glidewell Bill Goddard John Culizia Joann llall Tamra Hall John Henely Ken Hermsen PaL 1lerrick Ginny HighfiCid usan 1-liU Leanne Hobtee Chris Hopkins Nancy Hosman Denny Humphrey Joy J acoboen Mark Johnson Robin Johnson usan Johnson Marilyn Ka ya Lynnelle Lanning Clarence Lee Roxanne Lembke Doug Livingston Diane Lueders Dolores Lynch Jerry Mass Marjie Mayberry Jim McShane Judi McShane Unda Morrison Pal Murray Vicki Nelson Lynda Orcutt tan Ostrow haron Preifer Barb l'halen Richard Purchase Uill Reily Merry Rice ancy Rickabaugh Barbara Roeman Leslie Rowland Don alyards Tony Sa note II Uoyd Schneider Bill Sellner Diana Slack Bobbie Smith Laura Sta.zko

fike Streeter Leni Susman Mike Swift Tom Thiessen Sharon Thorpe unda Tway Bryan Vercoe Kathy Vermchren Karen Wall Cheryl West Barb Whinery teve Wigodsky SuSdn Wilson Wayne Woodland Cindy Ziegman

SCIE CE CL B Scott Holdrege - l'res. Tom alanlC- V . Pres . Ross Rizley-Sec. Trea< . Mr . Hadey Hardison -sponsor Holden Aust Tom Barton Tom Cleveland Cary Davis Dennis Dohner Steve ferry Terry Fox Gerry Gibbs Mike iemants Jeff l'a er Barry Roberts Dave Roberts Mark nyder Leve Swanson Alida Vargas-Porros Ned Whitesell

SKI CLUB Bill Obon-Pres. John Swanson-V . Pres.

Andy Denes -Sec. Treas. Miss Mary SumanMr . Stan Wells-sponsors

THE PlANS Tom Gerber- Pres. Barb Hooford - V. Pres. Elaine Tegtmeier- ec. Ed pencer-Treas. Barb or·berg-Recorder Mrs . Anna Clark - sponsor Madeline Arnold u nda Babcock Sally Oe<m Janet Doctor Dick Ooxon Debby Durham Nancy Eaton Mary Fabrizius uzanne Giller unda Gilmore Kathy Hammer Unda Harve y Ginny Highfield Barbara Larsen unda Lea Larson Lynda Lawson ue Umbaugh John unsley Peter Mauch ke Allene Munson Kathy ewcomer Don Noel Pam Prall Colome Reed Merry Rice Mollie Rivers Pam Schaap Robert Schwarz ancy i lverman Bob Smallwood Lynn Stuart Janet ultivan Jane Thompson Alicia Vargas- Porras Kris Waara Fred Weiner

Lindo Wells Jan Whit~ker Ann Wupper Rich Young

W CLUB Ri ck Willis- Pres. Mark Jensen - V. Pres. Mike SLanner- ec. Barry Zoob- Treas . Mr. Jim TangdaiiMr. Uill Hoyt -sponsors Don Albon Ri ck Andersen cot Andersen Uud Anderson Dave Brown John Buller Mike Burdic Steve Burdic Dave Bushnell Ralph Chaney Jim hase Terry Claul'f John Coe Ed Covert Andy Denes Bill Dunbar Jim Durham Don Ehlers Jay Erdmann Jim Farlee Lee Fisher Bob Ford Jeff Gaillard Bill Goddard Tom Grossman Larry Hamer Uill Havelka Roger Herring Jerry Hightower Eric. Hultman Bob Hurst Rich Ide Jim Iverson teve Jenkins Steve tc :-viLch Cary Kreiger George Lahners Dave Larkin John Larson cou Lausterer AI Lenz IJ•n McCormick Harry McLaughlin Ken Meier Len Miller Jim Musil Roger eumann Tom ilsson Hap Patz Tom Phalen Mike l'ulhamus Joe Rapoport Mark Rickerson Tony Rose Tom Rydberg Bruce Sayles Bob chwarz Rick Sline Scott Smith Steve Snodgrass Stu Sorensen Cary Spaulding Duane tewarl Bill trateman Scou Swanson John Thoma< Cubby Taylor Bob Urooevich Rusty Welch Uoyd Woodland Rich Young AJ Zimmerman

Y-TEENS Sally Cockle- Pres. Julie Klopp-V. Pres.


Jo Alyce Kaplan -Sec. Karen Wendt- Tre~ . Mrs. Judith Ho yt-sponsor Gail Anderson Pat Anderson Pennie Anderson Nancy Ban Debby neal Nancy Beecroft Lynda Berrigan Sheri Ueucler Jan Blazek Dianna Boyens ally Breunsbaclt Sharon Brock arol Bunz Wendy Burden Pat Calvert herry Carbon Dianne Charles Mary 0HL'ie Cherie Chin Connte Cotton Kyra Craig Mary Curzon Pam Dalling ally Dean jewel de Freese Marty Dieterich Phyllis Donaldson unda Dresher Debby Durham Dee Eaton Mich Eden Marcia Finley Wanda Foley Terry Fox Sheri Fry Carla Ciwoyna Suzanne Gregg Susan Hansen Candy Harding Susan Hargleroad Patti Heimrod Mary Heintzelman Carole Henderson Jean Hoernann Nancy Hosman unda Hotz Sally Irving Ellen Jacobson Karen Johnson Marilea Johnson Sandy Johnson helia Jones Laurie King Candy Kiplinger Linda Lacy Patty Lacy Mary Lin Lankford Barb Larsen Nancy Lawson Pat Lee Meriel Lefler Louise Lewis usan Limbaugh Nancy Lorenz unda Lovgren Charlotte Lucas uz Lueder Penny Lyman Karen McWhirter Jackie MacDonald ue Mack Kathy Martin Maljie Mayberry Jacquie Moore Candy Morley Melinda Murdock Kalleen Naylor Kathy Newcomer Jean ewman Pat O'Connor Karen Olson Joyce Page Pam Prall Barb Reichmann Jutie Reynolds Carolyn Richardson

Merry Ri c Uarb Robbie Gini Roe Jeanne Roegner Vi ki Ro-ggy Annette Ross Ruthie aundcrs Terry Sconce Mary kaug Carol Slack Chris Smith athy tork Kathy Stuhr Fay Sutter Sue Swanson Ramsey Swenson Rita Tarpley Karen Thoma Bonnie Tomek Barb des Ruth Unzicker Karen Wall Racheal Ward Sandy Ward Merri Jane Weingarten Cheryl West Uarb Whinery

Z-CL B Kathy Rees- Pres. Kristi Andersen- V. Pres. Barb Stein -Sec. Jackie Hauptman -Tn:as. Mrs. Lois Luca.s -sponsor Pennie Anderson Sandy Arthur Jan Uachrach Debby Beal Janeen Ueck Fran Bald< Leigh Uovett Ruth Brock Debby Browne Becky Burting Pam DaUing Phyllis Donaldson Nancy Eaton Mich Eden unda Gilmore Colleen Glisar Karen Gotsdiner Jean Hoemann Karen Johnson Jo Alyce Kaplan Kathy Kelley Barb Larsen Meriel Lefler Nancy Lorenz Penny Lyman uz Lueder Cindy McDowell Cheri Moredick Jacquie Moore Virginia Moore Barb Norberg Chris Pinali Pam Prall Micky Rachford Betsy Ra.kin Jutie Reed Sharon Ross Ruthie Saunders Carolyn immons Christine milh Ann Snow unda Snow Cynthia Sokol Elaine Tegtmeier Carol Thomas Ruth Unzicker Alicia Vargos-Porros Karen Wendt

Members of the photography staff teve Wigodsky, mountains of pi Lures for the yearbook.

ancy Eaton, and cott Holdrege son through

. In this ~earhook \\l' h;l\T tried to portra~· thc<apahilitic:-. the l'nthu.,ia~m~. the mo<><f.,. and the anompli-.hments of the people 1d10 make \\'est...,irk what it is. Thi: Staff' is deep(~· i IHfcbt<•d to Ill <In)" oft hcse peopfc f'm · t hci r a<h·in:. tooperatiott. and moral ... upport. :\lo.,t of all. I thank :\Irs . .Judy Egbert. out· ;ul\'i.,or. and :\11'. Stan Skaug. AmtTican Yearbook Compan~'\ rcprewntati\'c. both of' 1d10m !wiped ... ohe our many nises. Very special thank-. go to .Jolut ~lcltttyrc. who ..,taycd up nen later than ,,·e did and ''a~ alw;l\s ,,·illing to meet our 111o~t unreasonable demands. \\'e of f'er ~our apolog·ic' to .Jolut. and to the other photographer .... l(ll the im·,·itahle "deadline nhh." To our parents. 1d10 pro1·idccl floor ..,pace. typewriters. and f'ood on the frantic l\eckends \\'hen " ·e were trying to nH·ct deadline... : to the tcacltt·r~ who pretended to ignore the photographers in their da~sroom ... : l<J the coacla· ... who interrupted their bu ... ~· schedules f'or pictures; to ~II'. I Lut.,en. :\lr. Farrar. and 1\litl', 1rho 11c1er laikd to comply with our reque.,ts: and to the \\'est-.ide ~tudenh 1\ho bought ~carbooks. ~lt<>\\cd up on time lor picture~. and offered ach·in·: to all thc . . e people 1\e owe the 'Lil'tes-.f'ul produnion of' the 1\tli;> Shield. Kri ... ti .\ndn.,en. Editor

Shield Photogra ph y Edito r John Mcintyre .


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