1966 Westside Shield

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Dedicated in Memory of Classmates Passed

1966 Shield

Support the Westside Foundation


Students, Studying endless hours of homework, Researching unheard of topics to reach Deadlines which were years away, Developing the mind of youth by Effort and teaching ski lis, Experiencing the satisfaction of Challenge and discovery, School becomes a grim but rewarding way of life.

Westside is a symbol of study.











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Students together, Uniting in an undefinable cause, Reflecting unbounded enthusiasm In the upturned faces of the young, Exhibiting frenzied activity to make a Homecoming a success, Devoting concentrated effort to make a Team the best, Applying talents to ring out the school Song loud and clear; All represented by a sword and a shield:

Westside is a symbol of spirit.



Students, Enjoying life and wonting to shore it, Finding friendships and experiences Which will bring a smile when remembered, Showing pride in our flog with a Hand on a heart, Laughing, playing, growing, Maturing together, Stopping for a moment with God, All becoming apprentices to adulthood .

Westside is a symbol of youth .





















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.. A Symbol of a School


Teachers and administration are always on the move, participating in community as well as school functions. Their interests and hobbies keep them occupied as they strive for perfection both in and out of the classroom.


Administration Moves On To Higher Goals

Mr. Kenneth Hansen, principal, and Mr. Vaughn Phelps, superintendent, take a break from their busy sc hed ule for a moment of relaxation.

Mr. Ralph Farrar, as istant principal, is well known to all and better known to others.

Mr. Richard Tonjas , administrative assistant prepares for future responsibiliti es in school administration.


We tside' Administration excelled this year a it participated in various a tivitie . Mr. Richard Tonjas joined the taff a an admini trative a i tant and became one of 50 who took part in an experimental program in the Omaha Public chool and Di trict 66. Training to b om a principal, Mr. Tonjas' duties included a isting any teacher or coun elor in need of aid. We t ide' principal, Mr. Kenneth Hansen, wa elected presid nt of the ebra ka A ociation of Admini trator , marking th e first time a representative from the district has held thi office, and Mr. Ralph Farrar, assi tant princi pal, headed the Adult Education Program. The Admini tration' many programs and advanc ments ontributed to the succe and smoothness enjoyed by th e high c hool throughout th year. The everyday duti s of the taff uch as h lping tudent and faculty, disciplining, and the setting up classes and cla s change , wer again an integral part of the administration' hool year.

Mrs. li ce Gillogy tells Mr. J:Uchard Tonjas of the hilarious incidents of the day.

choo l Board : Mr. A. Clark Murdock, Mr. Robert ll eimrod , Secretary; Mr . Marge l-1. Durham, Vice Preside nt; Dr. Verne Moore, Jr., Pres id ent; Mr. Irvin Yaffe, Treas urer; and Dr. am wensen.

Active Staff Keeps WHS On The Move

When there was a problem to be olved or a question to be answered, the common solution wa "ask Alice". Even though her official title was secretary to the principal, she always had time for student and teachers. Handling class records, grades, corre pondence, attendance, and the bookstore wa the endless ta k of the secretarial staff. Keeping track of approximately 1800 students was a time consuming job. Guidance counselors readily tackled student problem . Changing schedules and trying to get everyone in the right room at the right hour proved to be a confusing job. Counselors also helped students select a college to fit their own needs and abilities.

Mrs. Alice Gillogly always has time for everyone in her busy schedule.

Mrs. Darlene Eliason, Mrs. Margaret record of Westside's many students.

ampbell, Mrs. Irene Clark, . and Miss Anita


wanson keep

Counselors Advise On Classes, College

Mr. Ron teinke advises Senior Gail Anderson on her choice of college.

Mr. Karl Pecht

Mrs. Lois Lucas

Mr. Jack Peter on

Staffs' Assistance Valuable To WHS

An important part of We tside ha been it extensive library, under the able direction of Mrs. Fern Mellor, Mrs. Dorothy Hicks, and their assistant Mrs. Joan Jansen. Their job included keeping track of approximately 10,000 volumes, and meeting the anxiou cry of tudent trying to get a much needed book. Mrs. Jane Rankin and Mr. Jim Baird were in charge of special education cla ses. This year the tudents' biggest project was the selling of crafts and candy to raise money for their annual trip. The office of the nurse Jean Panek always seemed to be full, as she helped each ailing student. Her many tasks included the instruction of health education and the administration of hearing tests. The kitchen and maintenance crews continued to be an important part of school life. A variety of nourishing hot meals was prepared daily by the cook , but the favorite meal seemed to remain hamburgers and french fries. The maintenance crew was on hand to make sure Westside maintained its reputation for beauty.

Mrs. Dorothy Hicks, Mrs. Fern Mellor, and Mrs. Joan Jansen examine a new election of book .

urse Jean Panek administers a hearing test to ophomore AI Bernstein.

Jim Baird joins Mrs. Jane Rankin as a new special education instructor.


The kitchen staff performs the monumental task of preparing hot lunches for hungry WH students each day. FIRST ROW: R. Severine,

D. French, . Partridge, M. McGhee, E. Cubrick. SECOND ROW: H. Brown, I. Grimm, M. James, V. AI man, R. Humphrey, . Richart.

Their many re ponsibilities keep the maintenance men continually busy. B. Harrison, G. Howath, P. Manley.

FIRST ROW: B. Fries, L. Ulanowski, R. elk. SECOND ROW: T. Kurcz, S. aprano, G. Harrison, W. Moss.

Social Studies Department Encourages Views

Mr. Ray Best American History CPAF

Mr. Ron Huston World History

Mr. Roger Jacob American History

Mrs. Clara Dunn American History ociology FMA

In American History classes student kept up on cur路 rent as well a hi torical events through out ide reading assignments and use of the textbook. Russian History dealt with the ancient and current governments of the Soviet Republic. As orted films offered a look into the history of the Communi t rule. Sociology classes took their annual field trips to Lincoln and Glenwood in order to gain in ight into social problems. An American Government excursion to W a hington, D.C. and New York was offered to all student . The workings of the nited tate Government was the main subject of discussion. Also, the capitalistic system was compared to those of Communism, Socialism and Fascism. Learning ancient Asian and Chinese history and philosophy was the main objective of Far Ea t classes. However, each year since 1963, these student have been raising money for the Westside Scholarship fund. Chili and spaghetti upper produced the necessary $1200 given to a worthy senior to further hi education. ET was added to the American Hi tory course enabling juniors to attend mass lectures.

Mr. Gerald Koch American Government Activities Director

ocial Studies teachers discuss the day's events with Seniors Gerry Gibbs and Linda Tway.

Mr. Steve Wiitala American History World History





Dealing With History And Current Affairs

Mr. William Nelson American <rl>vernment enior World History World History CPAF

Mr. Harry Miller American History Sophomore Clas

"Not another lecture?" Mr. Andreas' sixth hour students listen to vivid de路 criptions of the Sam uri Warriors of Japan.

Mr. William McCormick Sociology World History Interact Club

Mr. Richard Winche U American History Far East Junior Class

Sociology tudents return from a field trip to Glenwood, Iowa.

Mr. Paul Andreas World History Russian History


Mr. Thomas Selwold Economics World History Hi-Y

Math Department Enlarges Curriculum How can you put new math problem in an old math mind? This wa the common complaint heard from math students taking the new Algebra III course. Designed for those who did not meet the academic prerequrisite for Senior Math, its purpose wa to tie together major con路 cepts of Alaebra and Geometry with a complete tudy of Triaonometry. Algebra III wa centered around the concept of the tudent working at hi own peed. The regular math courses were not neglected however, as math teachers faced full classes of Geometry, Algebra I and II, enior Math and Advanced enior Math. The large number of students enrolled in these cour es required the addition of four new math teachers to the faculty.

" o, this is not a parallelogram," explains Miss Diane Bro t, as she patiently helps confu ed ophomore Bill Koile struggle for an answer.

"x+y does not equal b," explains Mr. Gerald Wisneski as he overlooks a junior geometry clas .

Mr. William Hoyt Geometry <\dvanced Algebra

Mr. Jim Tangdall enior Math Program Math Advanced Algebra

Mr. Roger Hoffman Algebra Geometry Business Math


Mrs. Betty Harmsen Geometry Senior Math Advanced Algebra

Mr. Gerald Wisnieski Geometry Senior Math Advanced Algebra

Algebra III Added To Regular Courses

Mr. Alvin Gloor Adv. enior Math Algebra Ill

Mr. Robert Otto Geometry Algebra Advanced Algebra

Mr. John Guildea Geometry enior Math Algebra Ill

Miss Diane Brost Geometry enior Math Advanced Algebra Pep lub

Mr. Leslie ladek Geometry enior Math Advanced Algebra Math lub

An open door reveals Mrs. Betty Harm en hard at work explaining theorms during a morning geometry class.

Junior Doug Riley seems to have found the perfect solution to his problem.


Science Department Adds Equipment New additions to the Science Department included the greenhouse, which was used by biology and botany students, and the weather station, which enabled Earth Science classes to record weather conditions accurately by remote control. Time, temperature, and color were just a few of the reactions recorded by chemistry, PSSC Physic and Prep Physics classes. The Science Seminar cia pre路 sented "Get rna h," a comedy modeled after Ian Fleming's J arne Bond. Biology, Zoology, and Physiology cour es offered students an opportunity to learn more about the anatomy of both animals and man. Extensive dissection were important learning devices used in these classe . Mr. Bob Klein Prep Physics

Mr. Calvin Deland Chemistry cience eminar Chess Club

Mr. Charles Lan g Physics

Mrs. Mary McAllister Chemistry Prep Physic 1r. Red Cross Mr.

wift explains the intricate dissection of a clam to his zoology students.

Senior Bob Mcintyre, Roger Rehurek, and teve Ferry prepare an experiment for the Science eminar show.

ophomores Chuck Eliason and Mike Dunham work carefully to record accurate readings for a Prep Physics a signrnent.

Mr. Ralph Reed Prep Physics Physical Science Earth cience Hi -Y

Mr. Ray wift Botany Zoology

Mr. Harley Hardison Biology Physiology Science Club

Mr. Robert Moscrey Health Biology

Mr. Dave Hennings Chemi try Prep Physics Physics Jr. Red Cross

ophomore Bruce Remington and Mr. Ralph Reed take great pride in the new weather tation.


Seminar, Composition , Literature This wa a year of continuing change for the English Department. This year the revised English Curriculum from Nebraska University was extended to include all the English classes at all grade levels. Westside is unique because four Warrior teachers, Mrs. Mary Conner, Mrs. Elaine Limbaugh, Mr. Philip Vreeland, and Mrs. Shirlee Nance, who now teaches at Arbor Heights Junior High, have written many of the packets used in "Project English." Another first for Westside this year was the initiation of a Senior Linguistics class. The purpose of modern linguistics, according to department head Mrs. Mary Conner, is to teach the language as it ounds rather than the way it appears. By taking linguistic and another year of "Project English," seniors who attend NU will only have to take one semester of English a college freshmen. Mr . Linda Chevalier Project English English 10

Mrs. Hazel Patz English 10 Sophomore Cia s

Mrs. Mary Conner English 10 Dean of Girls ational Honor ociety

Mr. Philip Vreeland Composition

Mr. John Elswick

Mr. Peter Pallesen emphasizes one of many important points as he compares Milton to penser in junior Engli h.

English 11


Offer Challenge To English Students

Mrs. Judith Hoyt English Composition English eminar

Mr. Don Kolterman English 10

Mi s Linda Lyman Modern Literature World Literature Y路Teens

Mr. Peter Pallesen English 11 West Side Story Advisor

Mrs. Elaine Limbaugh English 11

Mrs. Everine VanAmburgh Engli h 10


The world of modern Literature is explored in depth by eniors during a discussion of Red Badge of Courage.

Transcendentalism is a mighty long word but Mrs. Elaine Limbaugh narrows its meaning during a morning American Literature class.


Specialized Courses Offered In English

Miss Carol Page English 10 Journalism I Lance, Shield Quill and croll

Mrs. Marilyn Woodbury Engli h

Mrs. Lorraine Roger English Y-Teens

Mrs. Anna Clark Drama peech Thespian

The English Department stood out this year in the fields of journalism, drama, and debate. These courses were designed to thoroughly acquaint students with usefulness and satisfaction by participation. In the debate field, more people participated this year than ever before. Through debate, students acquired confidence in public speaking. To improve in all areas of argumentative speaking through competition, was the goal of Debate Seminar, a course open to Var ity debaters for the first time this year. Speech and drama were available for those interested in speaking. Passing by a drama class, one may see anything from pantomimes to an imitation of a tree. Drama included the oral interpretation of pros~. poetry and drama. Bodily actions portrayed the emotional contrast found in literature. Journalism was offered to those students who wished to work on either the yearbook or the Lance taff, their senior year. On January 13, l%6 the first year journalism students took a field trip to the Stockman's Journal with Miss Carol Page, journalism teacher. The trip was designed to give the students a better understanding of printing techniques.

Mr. Rod Han en Debate English

Julie Klopp offers advice to fellow Lance ed it or, Paula Rose n.


Business Enlarges To Satisfy Demand Becau e of an increase in the number of students enrolled in typin g classes, a new member was added to the bu ine s taff. Typing received the largest number of bu ine tudents. Personal and business typing cour e helped tudents prepare for the future. Distributive Education student received many trophies as a result of their accomplished techniques in retailing, whole aling, salesmanship, and personality development. On-the-job training provided needed experience for DE students. Shorthand clas es were busy learnin g difficult symbols for dictation and tran scribing, while notehand students learned how to take accurate lecture notes. Office Practice included nearly all phases of general office and business procedures. Both personal and business bookkeeping and accounting were dealt with by the u e of specific steps.

Mis Lave rn e Allen Office Practi ce T ypi ng

Mr. Robert Rademac her Bookk eepin g

Mr. Jack Noodell Bookkeeping Personal Typing Consumer Economics Junior Class

Mi s Joan Ander on Typing horthand

Mr. Dale Fuer t a les and Marketing Distributive Education enior Class

Mrs. Wilm a Erickson T ypin g

Mrs . Erickson s hows a student the correct way to operate the type writ er.

Foreign Languages Made Easier By Habla u ted e panol? Parlez-vou Francai ? As the year closed the answer to these questions became an emphatic Si and Oui! German, French, Spanish, and Latin classes found an abundance of eager students truggling with memorization and other learning technique. The Language Lab, installed in 1962 came into full u e thi year as each language cia s used it for one half hour twice a week. Introduced last year, the Oral-Aural Method was u ed extensively this year in first and econd year French and pani h classes and added to the first year German curriculum. The Oral-Aural method provides for learning through practice, discarding older grammer method . It goal are to make the tudent understand, speak, read, and write a foreign language, in that order. This year aw WH ' fir t fifth year French cia . A fifth year Latin cla is anticipated next year.

Mrs. Sharon Evans French I French lub pon or

Mrs. Trudy Olson German IJI, IV German lub ponsor

Counting isn't always as easy as "one, two, three." French students find "un, deux, trois" more difficult.

Miss Josefina Higuera panish V.


Mrs. Elizabeth Cooper French II, I , V French Club pon or

Miss Juliann Donoghue French IT, Ill Pep Club ponsor

Iniss Gracia Canto pani h I, II, IV panish Club ponsor


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New Provisions And Oral-Aural Methods

Mrs. Mary Davis pani h II, Ill, International lub

Mrs. Julie Ge orge Latin I, II , liJ , IV Latin Club

Miss J e anne H e ld Germa n I, II , I U, Drill qu ad quires

Fre)lch II stud nl Lake a fe w minute each day to re vie w for upcomin g semester exam s.

Miss He ld 's fifth hour Germ an c lass respo nds to que Lion a ns we r practi ce.


Future Homemakers Develop New Skills

Mrs. Iris Clark Adv. Foods Meal e rvi ce Family Living Esquires

Mrs. B e tt y Howard Int erior Adv. Clothing

Miss J an Beemer Foods Clothing

" Beat lowly for five minutes" advises student teacher Mi s Rodgers to her first hour cia s.

Happiness is seeing the WHS Home Economics department progressing with new patterns and ideas. A new addition this year was the "Meal Service" class. It included juniors and senior only, and wa held fourth hour. These students wanted to improve their skills in meal planning and serving. From Friday through Wednesday the girls planned complete dinners and on Thursday they served to guests who paid sixty cents. The class was taught by Mrs. Iris Clark, head of Westside's Homemaking Department. Dinners were not, by far, the extent of the girl's home ec. training. The Department offered inteJiior decorating, cooking, and sewing. The cooking program taught the tudents how to u e the utensils and how to plan a dinner. In sewing, the girls learned to make wool garments and how to distinguish between different fabrics. Sewing techniques learned this year were satin ro es, thread crocheting, and pattern alteration. In interiors, each student planned and designed a house of her choice, including the color scheme. The girls also re-upholstered furniture.


Art Department Teaches Self-Expression

Students who pa ed by the art room caught a glimpse of Warrior artists at work. Art students were often seen working with oils, plaster, and welding irons. Courses such as culpture, ceramics, graphics and advanced painting, offered art students an opportunity to display and improve their talents. Beginning students received a broad background in all fields of art. They worked in many different medias; watercolor, oils, chalk, pastels, figure drawing and painting. Another important phase of their training was art history. Sculpture, advanced painting and ceramics offered challenges for seasoned artists.

Leve Chamberlain and Pat Brice find that clay has many uses as Steve shows hi s prowess in clay Los in g.

Mr. K e nn e th Grizzel Painting Sculpture Ceramics Graphics

Mr. Kenneth Grizzel studies a wood sculpture at Duchense Academy. 35

Miss J e an K a utte r Fashion Illu Lration


Mr. Cal Be nz wimming wimming Team In wimming clas relay, some master backstroke while other wait their turn.

Physical Education Develops Athletic Skills

Ha anyone seen the puck? The sophomore boys learn imple techni<Jues of field hockey in fifth hour gym class. :•

Mr. Wayne Wagner Physical Education W Club

Miss Sandra Edwards Phy ical Education GAA



Driving Simulator Receives Frequent Usage

The goal of phy ical fitness for all was achieved by the Physical Education Department. As sophomores became the only required participants, volley ball, archery, swimming, modern da~ce and field hockey became familiar activities. Modern jazz dancing was expanded this year to increase co -ordination capabilities and field hockey wa added to the curri c ulum for the fir t time. A new addition to the Driver Education Department this year was the driving imulator. This instrume nt enabled students to increa e their driving ability by practicing in a machine similar to a real automobile. tudent pent time in the classroom as well as on the road . Safe driving technique and car mechanic , including the importance of afety belts and the cau es of engine trouble, were stres ed. Each tudent wa required to attain a certain number of hour of driting in order to pa s the cour e.

Automobile for the stud ent drivers were provided by local dealer . Everyone will ge t a cha nce! He le ne Co hn tak es her turn at the wheel a Dee West and Bob Harden wait patiently.

Mr. Lou Miloni Driver Education

Mr. Edward tribley Drive r Education afe路Teens

Stage Crew, Trades And Industries Classes Vocational training became an integral part of Westside curriculum a the Trade and lndu try cla went into its second active year. Job opportunitie were provided for the fir t time by a youth employm nt agency. Thi enabled the nineteen students to get more of the kind of job they desired. Before leaving school at noon to go to their jobs, student studi d manual related to their cho en occupation and sidelight of bu ines math, taxe , and Social ecurity. The auto-mechanics course was given a boo t by the addition of a 1966 Ford motor and tran mi ion. Thi new equipment gave the tudent the opportunity to become completely familiar with the technical a pects of the new car . Although mo t of the department did not change thi year, Department Head, Mr. Leon Englehart noted that this year was a year of planning for the department.

Mr. Leon Englehart Co-op Trades and Industry

Hot blow torches are a familiar sight to shop students as welding skiUs are developed.

Mr. Richard Lane tage Crew abinet arpentry Woodwork General hop

Intricate machines become uncomplicated with hours of study and memorization.


Mr. Edward Lang

Mechani~al Drawing Architectural Drawing Advanced Mechanical Drawing Radio lub

Mr. Ed Sokol Advanced Metals Beginning Metals Electricity



On Many Varied Projects

Paul Gilligan operates one of many machines in metal shop. 39




Student Council's Work Earns Respect

Student Council memb ers Pam Whitted, Vincene Kirshaw , John Horwi ch, Jim Fried, Liz Leuder, Phil Blum, J erry Jame , Dick Tharp, Jim Me hane, Pennie Anderson, Rusty Welch. STANDING: Jim oe, Todd mith, Art Denny.


"The purpose of Student Council," said President Rusty Welch, "is to promote school spirit." The Council was in charge of the Homecoming Parade this year, and it offered first, second, and third place prizes for the best floats. Student Council members also participated in the planning of Christmas decorations to brighten up the halls. In order to raise money, the Council sponsored T. G. I. F . parties in the student lounge after school. Besides being fun, the parties gave the students an oppor路 tunity to make better use of lounge facilities. This year's Student Council presented a special con路 vocation for the student body, which showed exactly how their meetings are conducted. A Student Council exchange with Lincoln Southeast was held after Christmas. Council members also took part in the State Student Council Convention in Fremont. Activities also included ushering for Booster Club open house.

Student Council officers Rick Anderson, v. pres. ; Rusty Welch, pres.; Phil Blum, treas.; and Pennie Anderson, sec.; finish decoratin g for Christmas.


Quill and croll members, FRONT ROW: Lorna Love, Susi Waldbaum, Nancy Eaton, Kathy Metz, Leanne Hazlett. SECOND ROW: Susan Petersen, usan Kruse, Karen Wall, Linda Tway, Sandy Ward. THIRD ROW: Connie Harden, Gini Highfield, ancy Wood, Jane Thompson.

Free-Lance photographers admire their late t negatives. LEFT TO RIGHT: Steve Lochiano, teve Bowen, Bob Harden, Don Harouff, and Jim ymonds. SEATED: Nancy Eaton.

School Publications Serve Students Usually when one thinks of school publications, the

SHIELD and the LANCE come to mind. However, with the end of la t year came a new addition to school publications, the WESTSIDE STORY headed by John Larson and Cam Northouse. What would a yearbook be without pictures? The freelance photographers of Westside made sure that all phases of school life were accurately portrayed, by snapping pictures at various school events. Although most of the photographers were novices, they proved a valuable asset to the SHIELD staff. Westside Story Staff looks over this year's first addition. eid, haron Wheeler, Mr. Peter Pallesen, sponsor, Doug Pierson,

LEFT TO RIGHT: Kathy Barrett, Gary

Quill and Scroll enlarged its membership this year by initiating ten new member at the beginning of the year. In 1anuary, officers of Quill and Scroll were elected for the first time at Westside. The chapter also put out this year's student directory. To be eligible for Quill and croll members had to be juniors or seniors ranking in the upper third of their class. They must have done superior work in some phase of journalism, and they must have worked on school publications in some area such as writing, editing, business management, or production. Kathy

ewcomer, Cam Northouse, Carol Holquist. NOT ancy Eaton.

PICTURED: John Larson,

Shield Adds Color., Changes Tradition

Long nights of writing copy, cropping pictures, and counting headlines made Sh ield staff member wonder at times why they were on the staff. Their hard work, however, paid off with the publication of the '66 Shield, the biggest book ever. An added feature tills year was an aerial color picture of the chool. To meet increased production costs, the staff sponsored a powder-puff football game in the fall. The staff also changed tradition tills year by adding an "Outstanding enior" ection and removing "Senior uperlatives." Over teachers' convention, Nancy Wood, Gini Highfield , and Connie Harden vi ited the American Yearbook Company in Topeka, Kansas. Their advi er, Mi Carol Page, and Mr. tan Skaug, the company's representative, accompanied them. The trip was de igned to help the girls gain a better understanding of yearbook publication.

Sh ield staff, F RONT ROW: andy Malin, Janet Doctor, Connie Harden, ue Waldbaum. SECOND ROW: ancy Wood, Barb Brooks, Lynne Lange, Karen Wall, J an Felker, haron Forehead, andy Kiplin ge r, Bonnie Hill, leve Bowe n, Dave Benton.

Shield Staff

Under the upervi ion of Mis arol Page, adviser, busy Shield staff members, andy Malin, Dianne Duncan, Bonnie Hill and a n y Wood rus h to meet the fir t deadline.

Editor .. Associate Editors

. . . . . Nancy Wood . . . . . . . . . .. Gini Highfield Sandy Malin Business Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . Connie Harden Academic Editors . . . . . Dianne Duncan , Brenda Lucas Organizations Editors . Sharon Forehead, Lynne Lange Sports Editors . . . . Suzanne Giller, Gus Moustakes Underclass Editors . . . . . Janet Doctor, Sue Davis Senior Editors . . . . . . . . Kathy Metz, Jan Whitaker Student Life Editors . Sue Waldbaum, Candy Kiplinger Index Editors . . . . . Kathy Johnson, Barb Brooks Advertising Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Karen Wall Advertising Staff . . . . Peg Perimeter, Dave Benton, Cam Northouse, Kathy Shipke, Bonnie Hill Sales and Promotion Manager . . . . . . . Jan Felker Assistant Promotion Manager . . . . . . Gwen Lichty Photo Lab Staff . . . . . Peg Perimeter, Steve Bowen


Shield Staff, F RONT R OW: Kathy Metz, Gwen Li c hty, Dianne Duncan, Brenda Lucas. SECOND ROW: Gus Mus tak es, Sue Davis, Peggy Perimeter, Kathy hipk e, Ca m Giller, Gini Hi ghfie ld, Kathy John on.




Trips to the printer, many intervie ws, and la t minute copy writing were the ni ghtmares of the Lance staff. Even though taff memb ers may have lost a little sleep, the success of the L ance made their efforts worthwhile. Many c han ges were in tore for the Lan ce thi s year. This year's paper had an eight page format, while the staff wa only half as large a last year's. Under the supervision of their new advi er, Miss Carol Page, the L a n ce added several ne w feature . Among the e were student opinion polls, a beauty column, " ew Faces", and "Warrior' Machine " . Throu gh these features the staff was able to increase stude nt interes t.

Miss Carol Page, staff adviser, helps Lance taff member , andy Ward and Linda Tway set up a page for the printer.

Student Expression Built B y Lance

Lance Stoff Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Eaton Managing Editor . . . . . . Lindo Twoy Page One Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . Julie Klopp Page Two Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jane Thompson Page Three Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gory Neid Page Four Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Susan Kruse Page Five Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sandy Word Page Six Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steve Leger Page Seven Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . Scott Hinckley Page Eight Editor . . . . . . . . . . . Paulo Rosen Copy Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leanne Hazlett Feature Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lorna Love Advertising Editor . . . . . . . . Sherri Richard Business Manager. . Susan Petersen (1st Sem.) Steve Leger (2nd Sem.) Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . Scott Hinckley Circulation, Promotion . . . . . . . . . . Missi Adler Photography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Eaton Artist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Denny Sponsler Andy Acker

Being on the Lance staff is not all work. smile over teve Leger's page layout.

Lance staff, FRONT ROW: lever Leger, ancy Eaton, Lorna Love, Jane Thompson, Leanne Hazlett. SECOND ROW: usan Peterson, Linda Tway, usan Kru e, andy Ward, Julie Klopp, colt Hinckley, Missi Adler. NOT PICTURED: Gary eid, Andy Acker, Denny ponsler, herri Richard.


ancy Eaton tak es time to

WHS Clubs Provide For Varied Interests The We t ide Ches lub, pon ored by Mr. Calvin Delano, participated in a total of fourteen matche in the Metropolitan Che League. They took part in the Intercity Tournament with the Omaha high schools and al o in the tate Tournament. The officer Bob John on, pre ident; teve Ladwig, vice-pre ident; and Pete Toma , clerk, tried to create an intere t in che among the club member by holding meeting twice a week. Are you interested in current political is ue ? ponsors Mr. Bill Nel on and Mr. Ray Be t tried to enrich the minds of Contemporary Political Affairs Forum members and citizens in regard to controversial event . CPAF Club met once a month, and at one of their meeting adopted a CP AF con titution for the first time. peaker on current event empha ized ob ervation a the best method of learning. tewart Hart, Juvenile Court Judge for Douglas County, spoke at a CPAF meeting on the ubject of juvenile delinquency in general. His talk also dealt with the troubles in Memorial Park. Carl Davidson, as i tant profes or at Nebraska niversity, and Richard Fellman debated on . . policy in Vietnam. This type of pre entation was preferred by the club members. Another speaker later in the year was Theodore Reichtly, the prosecuting attorney in the Duane Earl Pope Case.

Chess Club President Bob Johnson chuckle over Hale Aust's last move. LEFT TO RIGHT: Pete Toma , Don Marquardt, Bob John on, Hale Aust, and teve Ladwig.

P AF officers disc uss . . policy in Vietnam. F RONT ROW: John McCollister, Don Albon, teve Me ollis路 ter, usi Waldbaum. SECOND ROW: Mr. Ray Best, sponsor; Craig spon or.

wope, and Mr. WiUiam



"To train leaders in bu ines , i the purpose of D. E.," tated club Pre ident, Jim Estey. At the tate meeting h eld in October, Jim E Ley wa ho en tat D.E. pre ident, while Lynne P ter on wa voted state ere· tary. Th D.E. program includ d getting a job through interview , planning window di play , and ale cont t . A convocation wa held for ophomore in the fall to promot D.E. The club wa n't all work however, for D. E. member took time to pon or a ock-hop and r lax at roller- kating partie . In the pring, member took part in the tate leader hip conference in Lincoln. D.E.' thirty-two member participated in the program, which wa designed to make them better bu ine men and women.

Mr. Fuer t, D.E. sponsor and Dick eli play et up by students.


lark criticize a window

D.E. Members Train For Business

D. E. officers, Jim Estey, pres.; Linda Petersen, v. pres.; Dave White, sec.; Tim Rosenbaum, treas.; Mike Pulhame , historian; Mike Camp· bell, John wanson, Jay Egbert.

D.E. member, Pam dams get on the job experience by working at a local drug tore after school.


Club Participation Shown In Three Fields

Problem , problem~. and more problems wer the topics of di cussion for Westside's \1ath Club. Active member participated at mt•etings by analyzing unusual problem . Math Club members toured \lutual of Omaha' computers and had guest 1-lpeakers from various univer itie peak to them about cart•Ns in tlw mathematic fi ld. In the pring, most of the members took part in the annual Math Field Day at Creighton lniversity. cience Club held itl-l annual sweatshirt sale in the fall. The twenty members could bt• set•n before and after chool trying to interest ft•llow students in purcha ing a sweatshirt. At the Scien<"t' Cluh meetings, memb rs watched several movies on difft•rent phases of cienc . They also had guest speakers who discu!-lsed opportunities in the field of cienct•. In the spring, members submitt d project to the annual Scien<"t' Fair at the University of Omaha. Archeology Club took fit·ld trips throughout the year. The member visited the Smithonian and Historical ociety in Lincoln and studit•d various rt•lic!-l belonging to earlier periods of existt•m·e. At one of tlwir meetings, club officers and \lr. Rngt•r Jat·ohs, sponsor, ~wt up a con titution.

Den Dohne r, sec- treas.; Tom Barton, v. pres.; a nd Mark nyder, pres., la ugh ove r a project sugge ted by a cie nce Club me mbe r.


Math Club offi cer ponder ove r the solution to a n equation . LEIT TO RIGHT: Tom Gross ma n, v. pres.; Dave Larkin , sec.-trea .; Bob John on, pre .

Archeolo~ officers llale Au t. trea .: Eric il nn. v. prt•s.; and Brian Finley. sec.; admirf' somf' of their anifact . OT PICTURED: Ellet Hoke, pre~.


Debator became sea oned traveler this year as trip to South Dakota, Kansas City, Lincoln, Beatrice, and Kearney brought home many trophie as proof of their debating skill. Omaha schools were not neglected as debates were held with uch school as Ben on, Creighton Prep , entral, orth, outh, Abraham Lincoln and Marion. FL member attended a Debate and Social Studies Institute October 16 at ebra ka Univer ity, where they heard Profe sor Wallace Rudolph peak on "Compul ory Arbitration: A earch For Standards.", as well as Dr. William Torrence who talked on the "Advantage and Disadvantages of Compulsory Arbitration." Be ides making excellent showings at Kansas City and outh Dakota, the team won the Kearney State Teacher's College Tournament with six first place trophies. The overall trophy for excellence, the weeps takes trophy, wa awarded the debate team, coached by Mr. Rod Hanen.

Admiring debate trophies are FL offi cers Warren Whitted, ec.; tu orensen, pre .; Sharo n Brock, sgt. at arms: and Gary eid, v. pres.

NFL Skill Measured By Many Trophies

FL varsity debater meet for \ ' atertown, outh Dakota ross-Examination In vitational. FRONT ROW: haron Brock, Mr. Rod Han sen, Debate coach; John Horwic h,

Brooke Peterso n, ue King. ECOND ROW: Dwight John son, Jim Fried, Dean Holland, tu orensen, i\like Armstrong, Wally Dean.


Talents Find Expression Through The Arts

nder the direction of Mrs. Anna Clark, Thespians provided a wide range of entertainment, which offered somethinu for everyone. Thespian Club members worked on skits, One-Acts, and Blackouts at their meetings. They also took part in various Talent Shows, musicals and plays, as well a the Junior and Senior Class Plays. ln-clas activities included improvi ation , which involved spur of the moment composing and reciting. In the spring, the One-Acts were presented. Thespians ended the year with their annual picnic. "First place goes to the Art Club," said the voice over the loud-speaker. This year the club worked long hours decorating a trailer for the Homecoming parade. The $25 prize money wa a boost to the club trea ury. Member di cu sed plans for a mo aic mural to be given to the school and decided on a theme, which would include the whole tudent body. The mural, when completed , wa hung on a prominent wall in th schooL In the spring, intere ted Art Club member traveled to Lincoln to view the heldon Art Gallery' sculptures, collages, and painting .

Thespian officers ancy ilverman, recorder; Ri ck Anderson, treas.; Barb Larsen, sec.; Fred Weiner, pres.; Debbie has e, v. pre . "ham it up" in an after school session.

"Lance 'Em" was the theme of the Ar1 Club' s winning Home coming float.

Art Club officers work on plans for the mural. LEFT TO RIGHT: Janet nderwood, treas.; ancy Brown, pres.; haron Forehead, v. pres.; Becky Burling, sec.


Clubs Promote Safety, Explore Electronics

Safe-Teen offi cers illu Irate rules of good drivin g. LEFT TO RIGHT: J a net nde rwood , pres.; Barb Pha le n, trea .; an cy Galle y. sec.: Jill mith , v. pres.

afe-Teen Po ter Contest winners Rick Eades, Becky Burling, and Karyn Free man dis play their winnin g poste rs.

Do you need a repair job? Perhaps Radio Club, sponsored by Mr. Carl Lang could be of some assistance. Radio Club provided an opportunity for those interested in amateur radio and electronics to develop skills in these field . One of the main functions of the club was to train members so that they could obtain their operators' licen e . Another activity involved checking faulty intercoms and making other minor repairs about the school. In December, Radio and cience Club members took a trip to Western Electric where they observed the construction of the tools of their trade. Safe-Teens worked all year to make our school a safe place. The club members sold Robinhood hats at Homecoming to rai e money to pay for igns in the parking lot. Safe-Teens also sponsored a Safety Poster Contest in the fall. The contest posters pointed out the dangers of carele driving. Westside afe-Teens also promoted good driving habits by posting a Safe-Teen of the Month. All of the club's 365 members were eligible. At the end of the year the club officers and their sponsor, Mr. Edward Stribley, announced the Safe-Teen of the Year.

路'Let' tune in Mosco w today ," s tates Radj o Club Pre id e nt Roge r Franz. LEFT TO RIGHT: Roger Fran z, J ohn Evans , Bria n mith , and John cull.


Z Club, Key Club Build Character

Affiliated with the Omaha Zonta Club, Z Club erved the chool and community in many way thi year. Propective memb r w re el cted on the bas i of c hola ti c ability, activitie , and character. In December, Z Club girl rang bell downtown for the alvation Army and coli ct d donation for Chri tma eal on Bangle Day. The member al o promoted a clothing drive for underprivileged people in Appalachia. Throughout the y ar, Z Club membe r worked in th e chool library during their tudy hall . Each week, two girls worked at Children Ho pital on unday in the gift hop and in the snack bar. A Chri tma party wa given by the Zonta Club of Omaha for Z Club me mber on Dece mber 6th at the Homestead Center. The program con i t d of a Chri tma reading, a piano and flut du e t, a dane , and orne ong . Z Club members e ntertain ed hildren at the Hattie B. Monroe Home with a party in January.

'> orkin g in the library are Z Lankford, olleen

lub members Mary Lin li sar, and Cyn thi a okol.

Z Club officers Barb tein, pre .; Linda Gilmore, v. pres.; Fran Bladt, ec.; and Barb Veach, treas.; admire po tcrs exhi bitin g art creativit y after their monthly meeting.


Scholarship Through Community Activities

Key lub and Z Club members build a float for the annual Homecoming Parade.

Key Club officers Bud Anderson, v. pres.; Bob Mcintyre, pres.; and Gary paulding, ec.路treas.; check the agenda for their next meeting.

Key Club met every first and third Tuesday of the month. One of their services was painting line on the parking lot in the pring. An International Key Club meeting was held from July ll-14 in New York. Key Club officers who attended were President Bob Mcintyre, Governor Don Marquardt, Lt. Governor Rick Anderson, and Secretary-treasurer Gary Spaulding. Don Marquardt, senior, was elected Governor of the Key Clubs in the district this year. He also spoke to Kiwanis men last summer in Des Moine , Iowa. Three West ide Key Club member attended induction ceremonies at Mis ouri Valley Key Club on December 14. They were Bob Johnson , Bob Mcintyre, and Don Marquardt. A Christmas party was given December 20 for underprivileged youngsters in the Omaha area. They received dinner, as well as individual presents. Key Club contributed $50 toward this effort. A Nebraska-Iowa District Conference was held in April. 53

FMA, FTA Prepare Students For Future

Office r of FMA look over thi year' mem bership. F RONT ROW: Pat Lust路 garten, publicity chairman ; Kay Hiatt, tr eas . ; Terri e Goddard, v. pres. SECOND ROW: Barb Veach, pres.; ancy Filkins, historian; Allene Munson, repr esen tativ e. NOT PICTU R E D : Mi ckey Rachford , ec.

Guest speaker , field trips to Omaha hospitals, orphanages, and medical a sociation once again appeared on the schedule of the Future Medical Assistant Club. Omaha FMA members took part in a tour of Nebraska Methodi t Ho pital, where they saw the chool of nur ing building and the students' dorms. In December,FMA had a very succes ful cupcake sale. On Valentine' Day, FMA visited orphanages and homes for the aged. Tours of the Univer ity of Nebraska College of Medicine and the Clarkson School of Nursing were among pring activities. The purpose of Future Teacher of America wa to acquaint its member with the working life of a teacher.

At their meetings, FT A members had various guest speakers, and educational movie . Among the speakers were Mr . Mary L. Hale, principal of Prairie Lane Elementary School, and Mr. Bill Buller, a general science teacher at Arbor Height Junior High. College ad minis路 trators and counselors helped FT A members to under路 stand the basics of the teaching field. FT A members also visited Underwood Hills Grade School and as isted elementary chool with their Kindergarten Round-Ups. Club members ushered at the Teacher's Convention and watched ov~r the teachers' children during the faculty Christmas party. The annual FT A banquet was held in the spring.

Mr. Bill Buller speaks at FT A meeting about the problems encountered by a young teacher.

Plans for the next FT A meeting are made by Barb Friedl, v. pres.; Linda Hotz , pres.; Candy Kiplinger, treas.; Barb Robbi e, ec.

Around Christmas time many people, both young and old, were happy that there were so many ervice-minded Y-Teen at Westside. Y-Teens upplied Children' Hospital with holiday placemats to bri ghten the children' trays. In the fall the ann ual Y-Teens style how was held . T he theme again thi year was "Fashion Fantasies." Members of the club modeled clothes from The Nebraska. Money from the sale of ticket was donated to the YWCA. Y-Teens mixed fund-rai ing activities with plea ure by inviting guest panels to speak to the group. The first of these was the Panel for Americans, which dis c u sed religion. At another time the girls invited Hi-Y boy to give their views on dating. At the end of the year the Y -Teens were given a hairstyling demonstration at the Townhouse. They also h ld a Mother-Daughter Tea.

Pros pective Y-Tee n members gather in the student loun ge for a coketail party.


WHS Y-Teens Serve School, Community

Y-Teens officers mak e plans for their next meeting. LEFT T O RI GHT: Kathy ewco mer, treas.: ue wanson, v. pre .: Juli e Klopp, pres.; Debbie Durham , sec.

enior Annette Ross and Linda Thomp on decorate placemats for Childrens' Hospital.


Active Interact, Hi-Y Boys Raise Money

Interact, a rvice organization for boy , again rai ed funds for needy organizations. In the fall , the 25 club members old ticker . For week , WE T IDE TAKE TATE could be een pa ted all over halls , car , and clothing. Interact also pon ored a ock-hop to rai e money for th e fight again t cerebral pal y. Boy were admitted into Interact according to cia s rank, activities, and character. In ovember, Hi-Y boy attended a Yout h and Government Conference. Hi-Y member from all over the tate met to di c u plans for this year. West ide's Hi-Y old hot chocolate at the football game and also sold candy for UNICEF. In the pring a panel of Hi-Y members spoke to We tside's Y-Teens on dating.

Int eract officers examine ticker b fore turning them ove r to member for selling. LEFT TO RIGHT: Mark J en en, trea ., Rog Herring, v. pres., Phil Blum, pres., Rusty Welch, ec.

Hi-Y officer discu s plans for the next meeting. FRONT ROW: Jim Me hane, chap., Rand y ogel, treas., Phil Blum, pres., Bruce Bikin, sec. SECOND ROW: Ed Wigg,

gt. at Arms, te ve McCollister, 2nd v. pres., teve Green, 1st v. pres.


Cynthia Thieman , ancy Lincoln , pres.; Elaine Eades, Becky Burling, an cy Person .

Members of Red Cro s make plans for the annual Red ross Horse how. LEFT TO RIGHT: haron Meyer,


Clubs Further Good Will In Community

The We t ide Red Cro s wa active in promoting good will in the Omaha area. Member befriend d underprivileged children from Lathrop Elementary School by helping them after chool. Red Cro al o provided partie at local ho pital to ch er up th patient . Red Cro s entered a float in thi year' Homecoming Parade and won a ca h prize for 3rd place. The member helped to promote the annual Red Cro Hor e how in the pring. Prize were awarded in each cliviion. At the end of the year, active Red Cross member were awarded member hip pin . nlike most organization , Esquire wa active before chool opened in the fall. The old member held an informal party in the student lounge before chool started. The purpo e of the party wa to welcom n w girl and acquaint them with the chool. The big event of the year wa the Alumni Tea, whi h wa held in the library in December. This year the club changed its rule for member hip. Girl did not have to apply to join E quires this year, but did have to earn point to remain in the club. The Esquire girls earned points by helping with decoration , invitation , or the bake sale .

Members of Esquires Gail Anderson, Jewel deFreese, pres., and Cindy Cadden pour punch for the annual Alumni Tea.


Drill , qu ad, F RONT ROW: Karin Dudl ey, Ci ni Roe, Lind a J ordon, Di a na Boye ns, co-capta in ; ue inovich , captain ; C he rie C hin , Lind a Gam bre l, heri Be uc le r, Liz Le ud er. ECOND ROW: J anet Le fler, Kare n '\ e lls, Rita T ar pley, Bev Looby, teph Dross, Ka ryn Free man, Elai ne Ric hart . Li nda Babcock. THIRD ROW: Barbara Wille, Jud y

Whee ler, ris Hopkins, Kathy e wco me r, La Rae Ko ppit , Mary Lee He int ze lma n,] anie Kru ~- FOU RT H ROW : Barb Robbie, haron Brock, 1ar y Lin La nkford , Ba rb ~ illi a m , Kare n Olso n, ancy Lake, J anet Doc tor.

Colorful Marching Units Parade Proudly Thi year's Wa rrior ma cot , Linda Dres he r, pro udly di play the c hool e mble m.

Twirlers, F RONT ROW: J a n Blazek , ue Ri ce, ECOND ROW: J oa nn Ca rlson, usa n Wilso n. Drum Major, Cary 1>a ulding. NOT PICTURE D: Delora Kai er.


Hard Work Proves Rewarding For Bands

Marching unit , twirler ,

quire and band salute Westside during half-time entertainm e nt.

and marching routine . For the fir t time this year, the quires used silver porn porn . They al o ordered pin with the quire in ignia. Three new twirler were added to the marchin g unit . The five colorfully clad baton twirler marched at all home game . Gary paulding wa cho en to be the drum major thi year. Linda Dresher wa the enior chosen a the Warrior rna cot. Marching ahead of the band, Linda was a symbol of We tside. Drill quad changed their uniforms omewhat by switching to black glove and black shoe . They also were asked to march during halftime at the Holiday Tournament.

One of the mo t beautiful pectacles of the football ea on wa the crown formed by the marching units during halftime of We t ide' 14th annual Homecoming celebration. While the band, Drill quad, and quires formed the queen' parkling crown, the candidate for Homecoming queen were e corted onto the field. All of the marching unit performed for the reighton niver ity Homecoming parade. The Omaha Mu tang also invited the marching unit to provide halftime entertainment at one of their home games. The quires, who mu t be tall girl , were chosen for their poise, appearance, and marching ability. They provided halftime entertainment with their graceful dancing

quire , FRONT ROW: Kathy Dunn, ue wan on, Lynn arrett, Linda Krcmarik, Gini Hi ghfield. BACK ROW: Lynne Calendine, F'ay utter, Debby Hill, Marty Mincer. NOT PICTURED: Mary Johnson.


New Band Uniforms Add Sparkle To Music

Warrior Band officers meet for a practice sess ion after school. LEFT TO RIGHT: Debby Eggers, sec.; Jim Woodland, 2nd Iieut.; Glen paulding, trea .; Ric h ornell, 2nd Iie ut. ; Doug White, l s t Iieut. ; Don Marquardt, band ca ptain . Warrior Concert Band , FRONT ROW: M. Eden, T . Hall, L. Gilmore, L. Bachus, A. Wallin , . Reed, . Adams, P . Whitted, J. Adler, T. Baxter, C. Gould. ECOND ROW: R. Gibson> K. Krabbenhoft , R. F'ranz, R. \l ou li s, C. Kink ead, \1. Rae hford, I. plittgerber, H. Aust, . Fe rry, D. ~· illiam , G. paulding, . Gibson. E. Leac h, E. tearn. T HIR D

Director Darwyn ynder reviews music for 6th hour music class.

H O~ : L. Li s ton , G. paulding, J. Germoulis, J. Zompare lli, R. Co rnell, K. He rmse n, . Grider, B. Burling, . Zamzow, G. Miller, . Swanson,

D. .\IcC lure, D. Rathbun , J . colt, . Jon es, R. Stuart, i\1. Swanson, R. Larson, L. Broo ks, K. aylor, A. Kulakos ky, D. Marquardt. FO HT H ROW: R. Thei , T . King, D. \ illiam , :\1. Kinnally, J. Galloway, J.


Band officers. Doug \\ hire, i{ich Cornell. and Glen paulding proudly show off new band uniforms.

Jacobs, B. Wergin, W. Whilled, D. Eggers, G. hannon, R. \! il on, R. Cri er, . Brown, D. alyards, . Goulieb, B. E tey, G. Adam , J. Wood路 land , D. Whir.e, D. Morgan, G. Taylor, B. Thorson, G. S keans, B. rank路 boner, P. Je lken, M. ynder. DIRECTOR: Darwyn ynder.

Warrior band member, teve Zamzou, stand at allention before marching in the Creighton lloml'corning parade.

Efforts Pay Off The All-State Music Clinic was held at Columbus, Nebraska in November. A total of 18 members of the WHS orchestra took part. The District 66 Symphony Orchestra Clinic was held December ll. Mr. Marvin Rabin, Professor of Music at Boston University and founder of the Greater Boston Youth Symphony Orchestra, was the guest conductor. Mr. Rabin has performed in concert at the White House and has al o appeared at Carnegie Hall. The orchestra put on their annual Winter Concert February 21. The guest soloist was Mr. Arnold Schatz, a violin instructor at Nebraska University. Also presented for the concert was a five harp ensemble. In March, the pre-contest elimination was held at West ide. The District Mu ic Conte t then took place. This was also held at WH . Five superior in the District Contest have been awarded to Westside in the last five years. The annual Spring Contest was presented in May. The guests for this were the student soloists. The Westside Orchestra furnished the music for the production of "Bye Bye Birdie." The annual orche tra banquet was held in April.

Linda Allen, junior, waits anxiously for her c ue from Mr. Welch.

Are you kidding? Anna Marie colt picks the stran gest igns under which to practice bass violin as the orc hestra practices in the wrestling room.


As WHS Orchestra Marks Successful Year

Kathy Meier find !!l omet hing to harp about as she co ncentrates on her music.

In anti cipation of one of their many concerts, Linda Snow a nd Smith practi ce a difficult pas age.

Orchestra, FRONT ROW: ancy Reichmann, Alice Poulson, Cindy Lise ny, Sa ndra Ritums, Greg Love, Ellen McDonald, Charles Kahan e, Linda Allan. SECOND ROW: Linda Snow, Chris mith, Karen Winthroub, Linda Gilmore, Micheline Ede n, Trudy Baxter, Kare n Krabbenhoft. Don Marquardt, Gary paulding, Ann McCoid,



Martha McGuire, Hu gh John so n. THIRD ROW: Dave Levine, John Galloway, John Jacobso n, Mark plittgerber, Marla Rachford, Hale Au t , Steve Ferry, Jim Woodland, Gary Adams, Mark Snyder, Roger Larson, Bob tresrl , lu art J ones, Don alyards, Anna Mari e colt, Mike Ruge, Kathy Meier.

Top Choir Produces Musical Concerts

Top Choir,FR ONT ROW: Janet LeAer, ancy Aronson, Donna Barron, onja Hovaland, Sue Aikman, Barbe Larson, Connie Morey, Mary Lee Heinzleman, Linda Jordon, Pat Miller, Gloria Rudeen, Linda Thomp on, Geri Carl on, Jean Kennedy. SECOND ROW: Margret Faye, Darlene Weiner, Laurie affer, Lynn Weber, Bruce. Thorson, Jim onnor, Paul Thorson, Bob Grothe, John Frinfrock, teve Hartford, Doug Vercoe, Fred Bregstrom, Fred Weiner, Vicki Gibson, Barb Arant, Pam Schaap, Missi Adler. THIR D ROW: Bonnie Trustin, Andrea Cole, Kathy Martin, Linda Allington, uzanne Giller, Sandra Malin, Gary Shannon,

teve Leger, Jim Haviland, Bill Dunbar, John Lindsey, Gerry Gibbs, Dan hannon, Chri Hopkins, Julie Reed, Leanne Appleby, Debbie Durham, Judy Wheeler. FOURT H ROW: Yolando ideris, Debbie Larson, Mary Johnson, Cherrie Moore, Marjie Mayberry, ancy Wood, indy okol, Bob tewart, Bob Barret, Gary chroder, Bruce Porter, Bob Carpenter, Bill chleifer, Bob Walander, teve Carpenter, Rick Peck, Linda Pipher, Connie Matt en, Margaret Fritz, Karen Deford, Becky Jone , Debbie Chase.

Those students who enjoyed singing or had unu ual musical talent were able to spend an hour each day inging with either the Top Choir or the Concert Choir. In the fall, Top Choir sent 12 small groups to the District Music Contest. Here the students participated with other groups from the district in various contests. At the State Music Clinic, Top Choir performed with musical groups from all over the state. The groups combined their efforts to give a concert. At Christmas, Top Choir and Concert Choir caroled throughout the school spreading Christmas cheer. Under the direction of Mr. William Kellogg, "Bye Bye Birdie" was produced by Top Choir. The musical comedy given in the spring gave the Top Choir members a c hance to display their talents. Concert Choir and Top Choir both performed in the annual Festival of the Arts in the spring.

During vocal exercises Top Choir members warm up for a vigorous hour of singing. 64

Concert Choir Members Gain Experience

"How about this song?" a ks Gary Shannon of Top Choir officers. LEFT

TO RIGHT: Connie Morey, v. pre .; Jean Kennedy, sec.; 1arjie Mayberry, treas.; Gary Shannon, pres.

Mr. William Kellogg, director of Concert Choir and Top Choir, listens intently during warm路ups.

Westside's largest Concert Choir, 112 members.


GAA, Ski Club Promote Sports Activities GAA m mb rs participated in many recreational activitie . Their program included ten week of bowling and volleyball. Regular matche between team and champion hip game were play d. The GAA champion bowling team wa a sophomor team, the All y Cat . The team con i ted of Jeri Carlgren, Ann Rickerson, Linda Bachu , and Cindy Lesseney. These girl received pin to wear on their Pep Club weater . The club had meetings twice a week, and a bu ine m ting one a month. Unit were offered in bowling, volleyball, wimming, and ba ketball. GAA member received a letter, if they earned nine unit . M mbers planned an overnight trip in the spring. Money wa rai ed for this trip by elling weal hirt and popcorn ball at GAA basketball game . GAA had their annual picnic at Elmwood Park in the pring. Award were di tributed and the new officer were announced. We t ide's ki Club attempted the lopes and cold weather at Cre cent Hill , Iowa, every Tue day during the winter. If the weather wa dry, now wa provided. Thi year ki Club wa more organized. Members et up a con titution at one of their early meeting , and for the fir t time had a float in the Homecoming Parade. ki Club had two new pon or thi year, Mr. Roger Jacob , and Mr. Thoma Selwold. The club wa al o promoted by officer Bill OJ on, pre ident; John wan on, vice-pre ident; and Terry conce, secretary-trea urer.

Terry Erickson, vice-president of GA , warms up for a volleyball game by practi cing her erve.

ki Club members Jim Coe, Pat Lee, Gini Roe, Pat Lustgart en, and Bill 01 on, pre ident , get ready for an active afternoon of skiing.


W Club Gives Recognition To Lettermen

enior W luh officers land over underclassman AI Bach. LEFT TO RI GHT: AI Bach, v. pres., Rusty Welch,

sec., Mark J ensen, pres. , Rog Herring, treas. , Mike Burdic, Sgt. at Arms.

Contributing clothing, food, and toys, the junior and enior member of W Club helped to make the Chri tmas of orne iet amese children a happier one. Officers of th club accompanied Pep Club officer in delivering Thanksgiving ba kets to needy Omaha families marking the fir t time both clubs had contributed together. Bu y members could be found decorating for Homecoming and Sweetheart as they stuffed crepe paper into chicken wire, put decoration on walls and curtains, and hung balloon from the ceiling. The e dances were sponsored by W Club and Pep Club. The club distributed programs at home football and ba ketball games and kept the floor clean during the half. To boo t the spirit, a W Club pep section was organized . Other activitie included initiation at the end of the year and di tribution of the first W Club pins .

During halftime lett e rman AI Ba c h keep spectators off the gy m floor.


Pep Club Sends Baskets To VietNam As "There will be a short but important Pep Club meeting Monday after school." Thi was a familiar announcement heard every other Monday throughout the school year. Pep Club was a new experience for sophomores and other newcomers to the chool. However, before long, the new girls were into the swing of things, making posters, attending games, decorating for dance . and learning new cheers. The four Pep Club officers erved at the fall and spring Sports Banquets, along with the cheerleaders. At these banquet , boy who participated in ports were recognized and honored. The Homecoming and Sweetheart dances were coponsored by Pep Club and W Club. Pep Club girls earned points for decorating, planning and baking for the annual dances. Eight senior Pep Club girls were chosen as queen candidate . At Thanksgiving, money was collected to provide food for the needy. The money that the individual girls donated wa doubled by the club treasury. As a re ult, the club wa able to provide several nice food ba kets for the families. Before Christmas, the club members baked dozens of cookies, which the Pep Club and W Club officer delivered to invalids. The year's activities were culminated with the MotherDaughter banquet in May. Pep Club members were awarded their letters, chevrons, and bars. The real excitement of the evening came when the new officers were announced. Pep Club officers, pres. STANDI NG:

ue Wurl, sec.; Kathy Mctz, treas.; Mich Eden, v. ancy Wood, pres.

"Hooray for Westside!" Red and black fills the stands a Pep Club girls enthusiastically await the en路 trance of the team.

Spirit Is Promoted At Home And Abroad

mile , laughter, and ometimes tears are reflected on the faces of Pep Club girl during a game.

Roll路takers concentrate on spotting members of their squads during a Pep Club meeting.

Pep Club sponsors Miss Sandra Edwards, Miss Juliann Donoghue and Miss Diane Bro t congratulate Pep Club girls on attendance at away game .

"Let' go!" shouts sophomore Janet Swanda while Warriors edge their way to victory.


Cheerleaders Boost School Spirit At WHS

Varsity cheerleaders for this year are FRONT ROW: Sharon Wheeler, Sandy Arthur, Barb Dougla s, Jewel de Freese, Pennie Ander on, captain; usi Limbaugh. SECOND ROW: Mary Skaug, Debbie Hillmer.

Cheering for player , promoting school spirit, and practicing long hour , were among the activitie of W tide's twelve ch erleader . The cheerleader worked to perfect their cheer throughout the year, and also attended the Oklahoma Cheerleading Camp held in July. While at camp, they won 2nd place in the final competition. Every day a spirit tick wa awarded to the quad showing the most enthusiasm during practice. For three con ecutive days the junior varsity cheerleader were pre ented this honor. ever lacking in energy, the cheerleaders also helped at both of the port banquet . Cheerleaders al o di played pirit at wre tling matche , wimming me t , and gymna tic meets. Junior var ity cheerleader are FRONT ROW: Merry Ann Whinnery, J ea nine Giller. ECON D ROW: Kathy Barre tt, captain; ue Mack.

Cheerleading Captain Pennie Anderson shows enthusiasm during the annual Homecoming celebration.

Chess, Music Interest Exchange Students

You might think that adju ting to life in Turkey or Brazil would be hard. However, adjusting to the United State was an easy task for Pinar Oztarhan and Horus Magalhae . Sponsored by the American Field rvice, Westside' two exchange students took an active interest in Westside. Pinar, from lzmir Turkey, lived with the Dr. Edwin Lyman family. Becau e Pinar enjoy clas ical mu i , he attended musicals and operas in her spare time. Horu , whose home i in Brazil, lived with the Dr. J ame R. Kovarik family. He improved hi che game by hours of practice. Both Pinar and Horu participated in several club . P inar was a member of Pep Club, GAA, International Club, and Z Club, while Horus joined Key Club, Chess Club, and International Club. Pinar and Horu showed an intere t in sports, and attended many games . While attending Westside, Horus did not have time to go out for sports, although he like to play soccer and volleyball in Brazil. After they return to their home , Pinar and Horu will continue their education . Pinar plans to major in foreign language at the Univer ity of Istanbul. After hi high hool graduation in Brazil, Horu wants to become an engineer.


Pinar Oztarhan relaxes after a long day of lasses with an American favorite , Coca-Cola.

Horus Magalhae intently studies for his next chess move.


International Club Members Again Assist

International Club officers, Barb te in, president; and Bonnie Tomek, sec retary-treasurer; look over plans for this year_

Office rs of individual language clubs are, FRONT ROW: Alle ne Mun on, Jean Kennedy, 1ollie River . SECOND ROW: Bud Anderso n, Candy Kiplinger, Julie Reed. NOT PICTURED: Cindy Cadden, tu Sorenson, Linda now.

This year International Club again pon ored two A. F. . foreign exchange tudent , Pinar Oztarhan from Turkey, and Horu Magalhaes from BraziL At one of the fir t meetings club member revised th ir con titution, making it easier to obtain club pin . All of th language clubs helped to decorate the halls for Christma . French Club held their first banquet thi year at aint Andrew's Episcopal Church. It wa a sit-down rather than buffet style banquet. French food was served and atmosphere was heightened by colorful decoration . Fr nch games were played and other type of entertainment were provided. At their meeting , French Club members saw slides of Switzerland, France, and weden. Julie Reed, French Club pre id nt, and Tam HaJJ were West ide's only American Field ervice repre ental ive . Latin Club held their annual Roman banquet in February. Slave were auctioned off for the ev ning to the highe t bidders. Member dres ed in toga , and the food was of typical Rome. German Club ent for book about Germany. Throughout the year they tudied the e, learning about G rmany's customs and traditions. German Club also held a banquet. The annual candy sale wa held again this year by International Club. Money from the sale will mainly be used for ponsoring next year's exchange tud nts. At everal International Club meetings guest speaker told of experiences in foreign countri . International Club Banquet was al o held thi year.


Two AFS Foreign Exchange Students

" Komme und singe mit mi r! "' Gathe ring fo r a so ng-fe t are Ge rman Club membe r .

AF exchange student , Juli e Reed, recalls plea ant me mori es of a summ er in weden.

pani h Club offi cers turn in money from cand y sal es to th eir ponsors. LEIT TO RIGHT: Mr . Mary Davis, pon or; Linda now, sec.-treas.; Miss Graciela Ca nto , sponso r; Cand y Kiplinge r, pres.

French Club members meet to di scuss plans for the club banquet.





Outstanding players chosen: Bob rosevich, Kiwanis; Mike Burdic, Kiwanis; Jim Jansen , Captain; Coach Bill Hoyt, Steve nodgrass, outstanding lineman ; Roger Herring, Captain; not pictured, Dave Brown, outstanding back.

Footballers Finish Successful Season by beating Fremont 46 -19. Fremont scored first but Westside controlled the game from then on. Dave Brown scored two touchdowns to be high scorer. Homecoming saw the Warriors up their season point total to two-hundred point with a 42-6 win over Bi hop Ryan. Westside showed a tremendous passing attack with Mark Jensen throwing three touchdown passes, two to teve Snodgrass, and Jim Jansen throwing another. Westside met its second defeat of the season at the hands of a strong Tech High team. Westside's total yardage was greater than Tech's, but the Warriors could not match Tech's two touchdown . The Warriors ended their season with a fine victory over Burke High. Six players cored with AI Bach, Dick Tharp, and Andy Denes getting their first touchdowns of the sea on. The strength of the Warrior team was shown when Roger Herring and Mike Burdic made all- tate teams, and Steve nodgras , and Jim Jansen were given honorable mentions. Westside also showed its strength in the Metro football statistics. The Warriors placed second in total defense, giving up 144.6 yards a game, and first in rushing defense, allowing only 70 yards a game on the ground. The high powered offense led the league with 328.6 yards a game. They were third in rushing offense with 207 yards and first in passing, averaging 121.6 yards a game. Backs Dave Brown and Bob Uro evich were high on the rushing chart, averaging 6.9 and 6.8 yard a carry respectively. End Steve Snodgrass was fourth in pass catching. The Warriors were the only team to have two quarterbacks in the passing department. Westside's total was 1,110 yards, 300 yards more than any other school. Dave Brown was second in the Metro scoring with 61 points.

Westside's 1965 varsity football team ended the season with a 7 win, 2 los record, its best since becoming a Class A high school. A veteran team this year, it had 27 seniors. Becau e of its depth, Coach Hoyt was able to use a defensive team and an offensive team, with only one player going both ways, all-state center Roger Herring. The Warriors opened their season against a tough North High team, and came away with a 2-0 victory, when Jim Musil blocked a punt which resulted in a safety. The Warriors next game was against an easier foe, Thomas Jefferson. The Warrior defense was outstanding, intercepting four passes and recovering three fumbles. The offense lead by Dave Brown and Bob Urosevich ran at will against T.J. The final score was 24-0. Westside started slow against rival Creighton Prep, but came on strong after the first quarter to win 19-0. The Warriors saved their power play for the second half, when they easily ran around Prep's ends for two touchdowns. Westside wa scored against for the first time by a strong Bellevue team. Bellevue scored twice on long pass plays to take a 14-0 halftime lead. The Warriors came back strong during the second half with a 21-yard touchdown run by Bob Urosevich and a 35-yard pass from Mark J en en to Steve Snodgrass. Because one of the extra points was blocked, We t ide lost 14-13. Westside took revenge against outh the next weekend with a 54-0 victory. Six warriors scored in the game, with Bob Urosevich and Dave Brown getting two touchdowns each, and Steve nodgrass, Guy Ingles, and Greg Walker scoring one each. Denny Humphrey kicked the extra points. The Warriors made it one hundred points in two games


FRONT ROW: Terry Johnston, Bob Brown, colt mith, Jeff Soucie, John Thomas, SECOND ROW: Bruce Moore, Bruce Bikin, Gene Jensen, Jerry Peterson, colt Hinck ley, Ralph Chaney.

FRONT ROW: Jim Mu il, SECOND ROW: Ron Volberding, Jeff Gai llard.

FRONT ROW: teve nodgras , Denny Humphrey, Mike Burdic, Tony Rose, Dave Bu hnell, Jon Elliot. SECOND ROW: Ru ty Welch, Andy Denes, Jim J ansen, Bob rosevich, Dave Brown.




teve Tyler,

FRONT ROW: Dick Tharp, Les Me Ianahan, Art Denny, SECOND ROW: Marty

FRONT ROW: John Bridgewater, AI Bach, Dan McCormkk, Dave DeBuse, SECOND ROW: Mark Jensen, Jon Jansen, Gregg Walker, Guy Ingles.

Jones, Rod Broughton, Bob Henderson, Roger Herring.



Westside 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ...... 0 North Westside 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 T. J. West ide 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ..... 0 Prep Westside 13 . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Bellevue Westside 54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 South Westside 46

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Fremont

We tside 42

. . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Ryan

We tside 0

12 Tech

West ide 47

0 Burke

Coaches; Mr. Miloni, Mr. Hoyt, Mr. Lane, Mr. Housto n, Mr. Best. 79

Dick Tharp is tackled aft er catchin g Mark J ense n's pass.

7-2 Mark Best Since Joining Class A

Westside goons throw Prep's Danze for a loss.

When•'s my uper¡ball?

H. Dibble, THIRD ROW; L. ichol on, J. koog-S mith , B. tewart, B. Koile, B. Re ppard, B. Robinso n, T. Graber, J. tanner, G. Granthu m. FOURTH ROW ; . Hink , R. an Winkl e, D. Turnqui t, M. Teten路 born , D. Prall , F. Kene s, L. Lee.

FRONT ROW; R. Mank ameyer, W. Walton, S. Chamb erlin , J. Coe, D. Th o ma , D. Me Ia na ha n , B. T a rre n , P . Freeze, M. Ture k , B. O'Conn er, J. Brown , SECOND ROW; F. Rup p, C. Free man, D. mall, . Hend er on, B. Rai ney, . McCall , D. Hopse n, . Bonacorso,

Injuries Plague Junior Varsity Season


The Junior Varsity squad , under the leadership of Mr. Lane and Mr. Miloni had a disappointing season due to many injured players. The season started with a 13-0 loss against Wymore on a rain soaked field . Tech beat the J.V.'s by a clo e 18-13 score, and West路 sid~ tied their next two games ; 18-18 against Bishop Ryan, and 20-20 against a good North team. Westside enjoyed its only victory of the season with a 32-18 trouncing of T.J. Bellevue squeaked by the Warriors 14-7 and Prep soundly beat them 26-6 to close out the season.

13 Wymore

Westside 13

18 Te ch

Westside 18

18 Ryan

Westside 20

.. . . . . . . . . . 20 North

Westside 32

. 18 T.J.

Westside 7


Westside 6 .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 Pre p

Warrior struggle against Pre p defenders.


F RONT ROW; K. Chamberlin, . Conner, D. Pierson, L. Keating, ]. Jackson, J. Butler, J. BuUock, F. Kunkler, J. Kopesky, SECOND ROW; D. Markham, B. Otis, T. Bailey, J. Legros, J. trother, M. Allison, D. Bridgewater, R. Harris, R. Kaiser, J. Clark. THIRD ROW; F. Hawkins, J . Giwannia, P. Kratz,]. mith, V. Sutterlund, P. Boyne,

S. Clauff, P. Jessen. FOURTH ROW; M. Kimberly, T. Meyer, . Brown, J. Tyler, F. immonds, L. Deb use, D. Ketzler, L. Krakowski, FIFTH ROW; Mr. Housto n; coach, T. Christ, j. Meyers, T. O'Hara, Mr. McCormick; coach, C. Rogers.

Sophomores Battle To A .500 Season


0 Benson

Westside 7

. 20 North

Westside 20

12 Central

Westside 12

14 A.L.

Westside 28

. 0 T.J.

Westside 13

. . . . . . . . . .... .... 14 Ryan

The Sophomore football team was coached by Mr. McCormick and Mr. Houston. Their record wa three wins and three losses. The ophomores started off their season with a hard fought 6-0 victory over.e tough Benson team. The next game was a 20-7 defeat 路 at the hands of North. The season continued this way as the Sophomores beat Central 20-12, lost to A.L. 12-14, beat T.J. 20-0, and lost to Bishop Ryan 13-14. The Sophomore league is now in its second year. It is designed to let more boys show their football skills. Many of these boys will be on the future varsity team.

ophomores how ball handling ability against a tough defense.

Harriers Gain Fifth In Metro League

FRONT ROW ; R. Veach, D. Vercoe, . Langon. SECOND ROW; L. Carey, K. Morrow, D. Ralston. THIRD ROW ; Mr. Moscrey, coach; D. Larkin, D. Ross, . Whitesell. NOT PICTURED; D. Donher, W. Whitted, A. Annin.

Gra pin()' a fifth place in the new Metropolitan League, and a sixth place in State, the young Cro s Country team enjoyed a good sea on, and added much experience to the underclas men. Coaching the team for the fir t time this year at We t路 side wa Robert Mo crey, a former teacher in the Omaha Public Schools. Placing second in the two triangular meets, and winning two out of four dual meet with Bellevue and T. J. highlighted the season. Los es were to Ryan and orth. t the Cla A meet held at Doane College, junior Warren Whitted finished 18th with a time of 11:30. Westside came ill third at the Nebraska We lyn Invitational with our be t time being 10:59. Ned Whitesell placed high in the district meet with a time of 11:32. The Warriors gained 5th place at the Metro Meet as Warren Whitted eros ed the finish line with a 10:36 time.

enior, Dave Ross leads pack after first lap.


Warriors Boast 17 Win 4 Loss Record

Under the coaching of Jim Tangdall, the Warrior basketball team experienced one of their best sea on , finishing with a 17 win 4 lo s record. The Warriors captured second place in the Metropolitan League and were rated second in the state behind Boys Town by the World Herald. Westside lo t most of last year' starting line-up, but came through with a great team effort from all the players this year. This was one of Westside's mo t balanced teams, with even top player instead of five, any one of whom could have started. This bench trength was one of the reason for the team's success. The Warriors won their first three games against Hastings, Columbu , and Bishop Ryan , before lo ing to Lincoln. A.L. was their next victim as the team prepared for the Holiday Tournament. Westside took third place in the tournament, beating Prep the first game. They lost their econd game to Tec h by two point , but came back to beat North. The victory over North started a ten game winning streak that included Central, North, Burke, Tech, Prep, Benson, Bellevue, Beatrice, and South , highlighting the Warrior season. Westside beat Prep by 16 points and Benson by 19 points. Boys Town handed Westside its first league loss, a the Warriors wound up in second place behind Prep in the Metro League. The Warrior ended the ea on with wins over Fremont and Burke.

Varsity basketball team, FRONT ROW: Bob Urosevich, Lee Fisher, Rusty Welch, Mark Jensen, Guy Ingles, Bud Anderson, student man -

ager. SECOND ROW: Rog Herring, Bob Brown, Terry Johnston, Jerry James, Phil Blum , Dick Tharp, Jim Jansen.

Lee Flsche r shoots as fin a l buzzer of Prep ga me ounds.

Whic h way did it go?

Team Spirit, Desire Prove Greatest Asset

Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside We tide Westside Westside Westside Westside West ide West ide Westside Westside West ide Westside Westside Westside Westside W~stside

67 .......... 50 64 .......... 54 60 .......... 40 67 .......... 74 85 .......... 64 53 .......... 43 54 .......... 56 59 .......... 49 48 .......... 34 70 .......... 39 74 .......... 61 72 .......... 61 69 .......... 53 67 .......... 57 86 .......... 67 70 .......... 56 78 .......... 51 44 .......... 52 63 .......... 55 85 .......... 49 56 .......... 68

Hasting Columbu Bi hop Ryan Lincoln

A.L. Prep Tech North Central Burke orth Beatrice Prep South Ben on Bellevue Tech Boy Town Fremont Burke Boys Town

Mark Jensen hits for two again t a tough Prep defense.

Rusty Welch gets the rebound in spite of a Ryan heckler.


FRONT ROW: Bill Grantham, Tom Jaeger, Dave Prall, Art De nny, John Cockle, Steve Achepohl, Keith Freeman. SECOND ROW: Mr. 1ack Peterson, coach, Jim Lodes, Virgil etterlund , Russ Wright, Brad A hford, Bob Robinson, Jon Jansen. ot Pictured : Bob Hardt.

Jr. Varsity Proves Springboard To Varsity Junior Brad Ashford was the high scorer for the Junior Varsity's 1965-1966 season. This past year, Warrior fans witnessed many closely contested games. Among these was a 39-37 triumph over Hastings. In the final seconds, Junior Dave Prall's basket put the Warriors vn top. Also included in this list of closely fought contests was the Columbus game, in which Dave Prall once again led the Warriors to victory with 22 points. The concluding game of the season proved to be as hard fought as any. This time Junior Bob Hardt captured scoring honors with 14 points and 19 rebounds. The Junior Varsity win over the Boys Town Cowboys instilled hope for the coming year.

Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside

39----.-.--.-. 37 56 .. -----.----51 52.--.----.-.- 40 63---.--------52 62.-----.--.--57 55 .. ------ ... - 72 67.-- .. --.- .-. 50 58---- .... ---- 51 81.----- .. -.-- 44 42--- .. -------51 52--- ... ------63 69-.---- ..... - 47 61 .. -.--.-.--. 69 62----------.-56 40.-- ... ------ 66

Hastings Columbus Ryan Lincoln A.L. Central Burke North Beatrice Prep South Benson Tech Boys Town Fremont

Brad Ashford tips to a junior Warrior.

FRONT ROW: Mr. Bob Rademacher, coach. SECOND ROW : Mike Manning, John Tatreau, Scott Henderson, Charlie Albers, Pete Whitted,

Dave Bier, Tom Christ. TH IRD ROW: Tom Meyer, Denny Small, Dale Bikin, Bob Roggy, Rick Mankameyer, Terry Graber.

Sophomores Display Traditional WHS Spirit The Sophomore team ended their season with a 5-6 win-los record. Rick Mankameyer was high scorer with a eason total of 97 points. At the end of the season, Dave Bier was elected captain of the team. Wins over Boys Town, South, North, Ryan, and Central highlighted the season. Westside rose victorious over both Ryan and North, even though they were pegged as underdogs. The most exciting game of the season was their final game with A.L. Going into the fourth quarter, the Sophomores were behind 55 to 26. After a final surge, the basketballers tied the score. In the final moments of the game A.L. pulled ahead to win 57-59. Although the season did not prove to be an entirely winning one, the Sophomores marked up a year of experience on their record. Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside

56 ............ 34 Boys Town 63 . ........... 45 South 40 ............ 36 North 42 ............ 40 Ryan 57 .......... . . 33 Central 44 ............ 66 Tech 53 ............ 72 T.J. 55 ............ 60 Prep 34 ........... . 53 Benson 45 ............ 48 Bellevue 57 ............ 59 A.L. 88

lntramurals Allow Chance For Competition



Pop Top ............................. 8


U' .................................. 7


Bojack .............................. 6


Hustlers .............................. 6


Big Toads ............................ 5


Nomads .............................. 2


Hot Shot ............................. 2


Drop Outs ............................ 2


Barbarians ........... . ............... 0



Dennis Humphrey blocks Dave Larkin's attempt to score two.

NATIONAL LEAGUE Eight Balls ............................ 8 God's Chosen Children ................ 7 Cellar Dwellers ....................... 7 Cheeks ............................... 5 Fat Men .............................. 5 Moorlocks ............................ 3 Rookies ............................... 3 Sick Seven . ... ................ ... .. ... 2 Sdamons ............................. 1 Vettes .......... ........... ........... 0

Don't wait to be told, use Palmolive Gold.


0 1 1 4 3 5 5 7 7


Wrestlers Qualify Eight For State Meet

Westside grappler came up with a six-win five-loss record thi season against tough competition. Westside qualified eight for the State meet this year. Senior Mike Burdic and Junior AI Bach placed second in the competition and Don Wikoff, junior placed fourth in State. Mike Burdic, heavyweight, pinned last year's defending champion, Mike Goodman, in the semifinal only to lose to Ben Schaffer in the finals of the State match. The eight qualifiers were, AI Bach, Sam Bonacorso, Mike Burdic, Jim John on, Bruce Moore , Ron Volberding, Ward Walton, and Don Wikoff. In the South High Invitational, Ron Volberding placed first in the 180 weight division, and AI Bach placed econd in the 120 division. Mike Burdic, the only graduating grappler, was captain and gave the team a total of 17 pin . Al Bach was elected next year's captain. Bruce Moore was the only member of the non-duck club. He was never pinned this year. Coach Lou Miloni lends a helping hand.

VARSITY RECORD We tside 24 ..... 22 Fremont We t ide 28 ..... 22 Ryan Westside 16 ..... 32 Tech Westside 34 ..... 13 Prep Westside 17 ..... 23 A.L. Westside 14 ..... 26 T.J. Westside 21 ..... 26 Ben on Westside 33 ..... 14 orth We tside 20 ..... 20 Bellevue Westside 17 ..... 29 South We t ide 37 ..... 9 Boys Town We tside 22 ..... 19 Lincoln


Varsity wrestling, FRONT ROW: teve Conner, AI Bach, Ron Volberding, Doug Ralston, Bruce Moore, Jim John on, Kent Chamberlain. SECOND ROW: Mr. Lou Miloni, coach; am Bonacorso, Ward Walton , Jim Tyler, Don Wikoff, Ralph Chaney, Randy Hardy, Mike Burdic.

JU lOR V RSITY We tsid e 28 . .... 25 Wes tside 30 ..... 27 Wes t id e 17 .. .. . 31 Wes t ide 25 .... . 19 Westside 31 . .... 13 Wes t ide 17 .. .. . 29 West ide 21 ..... 22 We t ide 27 .... . 14 We t ide 16 .. . .. 33 Westside 14 . . ... 38 W st ide 36 . .... 17 Wes t ide 15 . .... 29

RECORD Fre m nt Ryan Tec h Prep A.L. T.J. Ben on orth Bellevu e South Boys Town Lincoln

FRONT ROW: Dick Jone , Mik e Ev an . Bob Terron. Mark Splitge rber, Mike Ge ndl er. SECOND ROW: Tony awtell. Tom Lonohow, Daryll Wikoff, Larry Lee, Mr. Ray Best, coach. THIRD ROW: J erry Gerelick, Al Dibble, Geo rge Hall, Francis Ru pp. teve Tobias, Mike Lesga rten.

Ward Walton goe for a pin .

"Cuddle up a little closer," co mes th e ca ll from the stand s as AlBach takes hi s man.


Coach Cal Benz lends a word of advice.

FRONT ROW: Captain Gary paulding, Mike Grear, Rick Anderson, Bob Peckham, Mike Durham, Ron Theis, Hap Patz, Leo awatzki, Gif Walter , Jerry Pondali . SECOND ROW: Mr. Cal Benz, coac h; Bob Barret, s tudent manager; Mr. Peter Pallesen, teve George, Kurt Peterson, Ed Wigg, Jim Haas, Dave Turnquist, Tom Petty, Randy Knox, Dave Morgan, Doug Riley.

Westside won its first State swimming conference title this year. The wimmer tied with defending State champions, Lincoln Southeast. Both the Warriors and the Knights scored 78Vz points. The medley relay team set a new State record with a time of 1:45.1. Members of the team were Phil Amis , Steve Snodgrass, Greg Walker, and Gif Watters. Todd Smith took first in the diving competition. Warriors lost to a tough Sioux City Central team in Sioux City. The wimmers challenged Sioux City to a meet in Westside' own pool. The Warrior emerged with a 62-33 victory. The Warriors placed fir t in both the Metro and the State meets. Their record for the ea on was 10-2.

Swimmers Tie For First Place In State Warriors take State in thei r Bat Pool.

Smith, George, 200 Medley Rate Firsts VARSITY RECORD Westside 68 ........ 27 Ryan Westside 69 ........ 26 Tech Westside 69 ........ 26 North We t ide 79 ........ 16 South We tside 83 ... ..... 12 Boys Town Westside 69 ........ 25 Ryan Westside 81 ........ 14 Bellevue Westside 83 ........ 6 T.J. Westside 46 ........ 49 Lincoln We tside 59 ........ 37 Prep Westside 43 ........ 52 Sioux City Central Westside 62 ........ 33 Sioux City Central JUNIOR VARSITY RECORD West ide 69 ........ 25 Bellevue We tside 76 ........ 19 Ryan Westside 46 ........ 49 Prep Westside 89 . . . . . . . . 6 Ryan We tside 46 .... ... . 49 Sioux City Central Westside 53 ... ..... 42 Sioux City Central

Todd Smith show championship form.

A portion of th e Junior Var ity team. FRONT ROW: Jim Hin路 kle, Ron Roffe n perger, John Meig , Craig Dudley, Mr. Peter Pall ese n , coac h . ECOND ROW: Fred Ri c hart , Da n Boy n , Bret Ha rri s, Dave Williams, Doug Meig .


FRONT ROW: De bby La rse n, Mary Kay Duffin , Fay utt e r, Pam Rowe. ECOND ROW : ue pa ulding, Kris Ke hm , J a ne t wa nda, Ann Bla nc hard, J a ne t Dauffe nbac h, Be t h til we ll.

Westside Girls Host First Swimming Meet ta te fin ali sts: te ve nod gras , Ga r y pa uldin g, Gif Wa tte rs, Ri k Ande rso n, te ve Geor ge, Bob Hurst, Phil Ami s, Greg Walk e r.

irl ' s wim team pull a hea d as fin al re lay s wimm e r dive in .


Gymnasts Gain Prowess In Their Skill Tim Herrik takes a different view of things after a flip off the trampoline.

Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside West ide Westside Westside

RE{:ORD 46 ...... ... 53 South 45 . .. ... ... 13 Boys Town 74 ......... 38 T.J. 601/2 . .... .. 511/2 Bellevue 69 ... ... ... 45 Burke 66 ......... 43 Tech 46 .. . .... .. 66 Prep 50 ..... .... 75 Ryan 63 ... ...... 43 North

FRONT ROW: Gary Spear, Jim Kovarik , John tanner, Dave Suggs, Lyle wenson, Charlie Culber on, Craig Taylor, Dennis Hopson. SECOND ROW: Bob Man mith, Roger Rehurek, John Moore, Carl Troia. THIRD ROW: Steve Ca. poccia, Dave Duffin , tuart Jones, Ron O'Conner, Tim Herrik, Mark Stewart, Mr. Bob Moscrey, coac h.

Coached by Bob Moscrey, the gymnastics team ended its season this year with a six-win three-loss record, an improvement over la t year's team. The team took third place in District competition and qualified seven for the State meet. In the District meet held at Westside, Carl Troia took first place in tumbling, while John Moore captured the top spot in the trampoline competition with Tim Herrik taking second place. Those qualifying for the State meet were, Carl Troia, John Moore, Tim Herrik, Steve Capoccia, Ron O'Conner, Dave Duffin, and Stuart Jones. Westside's second gymnastics team was made up primarily of returning juniors and seniors from last year's team.


Victory Symbolizes Homecoming '65 Profile of Victory-a Homecoming theme inspired by the end of Westside' greatest football season and produced by hours of hard work by enthusiastic W aniors. A proce ion of Warrior tud nt , clothed in black, walk d lowly b hind a h ar e, which carried a d feated " ewton Knight." The occa ion wa Homecoming '65, a festivitie got under way Thur day, October 21, with the traditional bonfire. Friday came, and We t maha wa the cene of the spirited Warrior parade. Colorfully decorated car and float , overflowing with cheering tudent , made their way: down Pacific treet. Week of hard practice proved worthwhile, when the Warrior gridiron heroe trampled Ryan 46-0 Friday night. aturday night ended w eks of preparation, a the hanghai' played for 250 We t ide couples. Profile of Victory wa climaxed at 10:15 a Jim Jan en crowned his Queen, Pennie Ander on.

Dave White help to put the finishing touches on the 1%5 D.E. float .

Homecomin g '65 begins with the traditional bonfire. This year's fire was preceded by a death march in honor of the cremat ed " ewton Kni ght ."

Varsity cheerleader Barb Douglass yells" ucce s, Warriors, ucces !"


Homecoming will soon begin as Barb Robbie makes a last minute check.

Candidates Sally Dean and Dave Brown begin the coronation parade.


Warrior royalty Jim Jansen and Pennie Anderson reign over Homecoming '65.

HOMECOMING CANDIDATES: From top to bottom: Sally Dean, Bob Urosevich, Jewel de Freese, David Brown, Sandy Arthur, Mark Jensen, Barb Douglass, Tony Rose, Kathy Metz, Mike Burdic, Nancy Wood, Roger Herring, Barb Stein, and Steve Snodgrass.


Boys Go For Girl's Football Game "Orange, orange, banana cream pie, give the seniors a poke in the eye."

"Spirit was the highest I've seen in years," commented one faculty member after seeing Westside's first Powder Puff football game between the hard fightin g junior girls and victorious seniors, who racked up a score of 13 to 7. The game, which was spon ored by the Shield Staff, proved to be a morale booster for the whole school. Rooky players practiced diligently to bring home a class victory. The boys were there to root the teams on with memorable and very original cheers.

Captain Sharon Brock see ms to fret over an intercepted pass.

Dave Brown leap for joy as "hjs girls" make another touchdown.

enjor Lynne Koile charges down fi eld hopi ng to make a first down. 101

Warriors Inducted Into Honor Society; "In the long run the secret of study resides in ow路 ability to bathe our task in the stream of interest." Trus year, a in the past, Warrior received variou scholarships and honor . In May of 1965, at a p cia] convocation, twenty路 ix junior were inducted into National Honor ociety. The e tudent , cho en from the top ten percent of their cia , wer elected on the ba i of character, leader hip, cholar hip, and ervice to the school. Five Warrior qualified as National Merit mifinalist and became eligible to take the finali t test given in the spring. An additional fifteen received Letters of Com men路 dation for their exceptionally rugh core . On November 3, 177 We t ide eniors, ranking in the top third of the class, took the ebra ka Regent Exam. The exam was a comprehen iv te t of the general knowledge of a well rounded student. During December, ten seniors were chosen a Regent cholars, wrule 53 received alternate rating .

ational Honor ociety members: FRONT ROW: Gini I field, Jill Tappero, Donna latin, ancy ilverman, P Lyman, andy Arthur. SECOND ROW: Gerry Gibbs, Meyers, Dave Larkin, Hap Patz, Don Marquardt. TH ROW: ancy Eaton, Barb Veach, Pennie Ander on, Le Research and concentration result in ultimate achievement.


Earn Various Scholarships And Honors

Winners of the ebraska Regent cholarshi ps: FRONT ROW: Paula Rosen, Barb Veach. SECOND ROW: Don Mar路 quardt, Bud Anderson. THIRD ROW: Paul Olsen, Barry Roberts. FOURTH ROW: teve Ladwig, Bob Johnson.

National Merit Semifinalists: FRONT ROW: Bob Johnson, Stan Ostrow. BACK ROW: Greg Miller, teve Ladwig, and Mike Hlavecek.

:lett. FOURTH ROW: Micky Rachford, LaRae Koppit, by Beal, Fran Bladt, Julie Reed, indy okol. FIFTH W: Art Annin, Dick Tharp, Bruce Bikin, Steve Ladwig, 7y Roberts.


nited States and Canadian delegates, F RONT ROW: Jan Bachrach, Candy Pettengill, Candy Morley, Judi Me hane, Vicki Gibson, Kathy Heckenlively, Marilyn Holcomb. ECOND ROW: Gail Anderson, Jane

Thompson, andy Arthur, Joanne Sacchi, Karen Olson, ue Charnquist, Candy Kiplinger, Marjie Mayberry, Jan Doctor.

Seniors Show Interest In Government "What government is best?" "That which teaches us to govem our elves."

Last summer, senior Pennie Anderson, Jeff Meyers, Dick Tharp, and R u ty Welch were cho en as repre entatives for Girls' and Boy ' State in Lincoln. Through participation in mock government they learned how Nebraska's government operates. Alternates were 1erry Jarne , LaRae Koppit, Don Marquardt, and Hap Patz. The annual United Nations' As embly, ponsored by Duchesne College, gave thirty-two enior girl the opportun ity to become better acquainted with prominent world problems of today. Warrior delegates represented the views of Canada, Colombia, Italy, and the United States.

tater Jeff Meyers, Pennie Anderson, Dick Tharp, Rusty Welch show souvenirs to alternates Jerry James, LaRae Koppit, Don Marquardt, Hap Patz.

Italian and Colombian delegates diligently prepare for the annual U. . Convention. FIRST ROW: Barb Veach, ancy Wood, LaRae Koppit, Connie Morey. SECOND ROW: Judy Wheeler, Linda Thompson, 104

Linda Jordan, Mary Lin Lankford, Julie Klopp, Conme Harden, Lynn Koile, Betty Wood, Jill Tappero, Mary Mincer.

Senior Girls Lose In Last Minute Press Go for broke, go for broke, Senior girls go for broke.

Accepting a hallenge by South, the Westside senior girls agre d to play their girls in a basketball game. The Warriors practiced several weeks after school under the leader hip of Carol Stromberg, captain, and J anet Doctor, co-captain. Th meet between the two team proved to be a hectic scramble, a each side tried their newly developed skills. In the first two quarters the core remain d tied, showing that the teams were well matched. During the third quarter the Warriors moved a head but finally relented to the Packers drive in the la t few minutes of the fourt h quarter. The final score wa 28 to 31 in outh' favor.

All eye are on the basket, a Warriors prepare to rebound.

Lynn Garrett raises the Warrior's score with another free throw.

Warrior basket.

haron Forehead aims carefully and then shoots for a


Sweetheart Salutes 1966 Basketball Stars "Spotlight on the tars"- a tribute to We tside's mo t succe sful basketball team. A team that won with humility and lost with dignity." Three dimensional heart , glittered tar , and cardboard cupid helped to carry out thi year' theme" potlight on the Stars." Elain Richart, overall chairman, and her commjttee worked for many hours to transform the Girls' Gym into a realm worthy of the Warrior Prince and his Sw etheart. The Chevrons, a well known Omaha combo, provided the music, a Warrior "dogged," "fi hed," and "frugged," to the late t tunes. The climax of the dance came with the crowning of the Prince and his Sweetheart. As in previous year , candidate were cho n from senior in Pep Club and on the Varsity ba ketball team. At 10:15, Mr. Jim Tangdall crowned Prince Mark Jensen. Moment later, Mark crowned hi weetheart Jewel deFreese. The evening wa nearly over. For orne, it was their last weetheart Dance, for others, only the prelude. "A little to the left?" asks Diane Williams as to mount one of the wall decorations.

Pep Club me mb ers labor zealously from early girls' gym an appropriate setting for the dance.

aturday morning till late in the afternoon to make the


uzanne Giller help

Concluding their final


eniors Janine Hahn and Jim Kovarik relax at Ross'

Prince Mark Jensen and dance. 1966 weetheart candidates- FIRST ROW: Lee Fisher, Barb Douglass, ally Dean, Bob Urosevich. SECOND ROW: Rusty Welch, andy Arthur. THIRD ROW: Jim Jansen, Kathy M tz. FOURTH ROW: Rog Herring, Suzanne Giller. FIFTH ROW: Dick Tharp. ancy Wood. SIXTH ROW: Jerry James, Marjie Mayberry, Barb tein, Phil Blum.


teak House.

weetheart Jewel de Freese reign over the

Actors Gain Experience Through One Acts "The play is done; the curtain drops, A moment yet the actor stojJs." The annual One Acts, pre e n ted by Thespians under the sponsorship of Mr . Anna Clark, featured Eugene lnesco's "The Bald Soprano" and "The Ugly Duckling" by A. A. Miline. Many evening of diligent work were rewarded by the response of an enthusiastic audience. "The Bald oprano," under the student direction of Debbie Cha e, portrayed a supposedly average evening in the lives of an English suburban couple, the miths, who live a see mingly uneventful and ordinary life. In " The Ugly Duckling,"' directed by Mollie Rivers, a king and queen were faced with the problem of finding a husband for their kind but homely daughte r.

Linda Gilmore, Jeff Meyers and Dave Anderson seem irritated with J eann e Cohen.

Prince Bill Dunbar innovate an original way of weighing his s weeth eart Beverl y Wood.

"Re me mbe r me?" asks maid J eanne Cohen of fire inspector Dave Ande rso n. ·•J was yo ur faithful, little fire hose.'' 109

The Girl ' Triple-Trio presents "Chim Chim Cheri." FRONT ROW: Barbara Lar en, Mary Heintzelman, Laurie affer, Geraldine Carl on. ECOND ROW: Mary Johnsen , Linda Pipher, Leann Appleby, Karen Deford, Judy Wheeler.


Of '66'' Reveals Warrior Talent "Talent is ten-percent inspiration, and ninety-percent perspiration." Thi year's "Spirit of 66" wa presented on January 20 and 22, in the Girl ' Gym. Some of the number were the Boys' Quartet's pre entation of the hillbilly clas ic "I Like Mountain Music" and the Wa hington quare ' rendition of Bob Dylan's "The Time They Are A 'Changing." Kenny Ploss, a We t ide graduate, directed the choreography for such numbers a Girls' Quartet, and TripleTrio. The Fifth Annual "Spirit of 66" was hie;hlighted by a rhythmic interpretation of the " Battle ' Hymn of the Republic," as performed by the Top Choir and the Concert Choir. A procession of Warriors carrying flags brought the talent show to an appropriate end.

Dressed as hillbillies Bob tewart, tan Carpenter, and Bob Barrett add an extra "bang" with their version of "I like Mountain Music."

Janet LeOer sing "Show Me" from My Fair Lady.


Juniors Return To Roaring Twenties "Curtains up, light the lights, We've got nothing to hit bul the heights." November 18, 19, and 20 the Little Theater wa mvaded by Andy Hardy and his wacky family. "Andy Hardy," this year's Junior Clas play, tells the tory of t en life during the Roaring Twentie . Andy arrive home from Mexico only to find that he is kneedeep in debt and without a girl. Comedy ens ues as Andy tries to gain his financial independen e and recover Pollie. Mr. Richard Lane was in charge of stage construction, while Mrs. Betty Howard's clas es worked on co turning. Diane Ude and Brian Findlay were a istant directors to Mrs. Anna Clark

Behind the cene "Twenty路three skidoo," cries Polly to boyfriend, Ronny

Waiting anxiously for that big opening night are- FRONT ROW: Brian Findlay, Diane Udes. SECOND ROW: Terry conce, Rick Anderson, Kathy ewcomer, Dave Ander on, Linda Gilmore, Sue Wurl.


THIRD ROW: Bob Gehringer, Mark Snyder, Hale Aust, Tom Grossman, Jim Coe, Jim McShane, Laura Graham, Martie Mincer, Paul Epstein, Gini Hronek, ue Barnicle, and Mollie Rivers.



路'Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow ye diet," or so wrote William Gillmore Beymer long ago. opho路 more girls find this true, even today!

Sophomores Accept New Responsibilities This year' ophomore Class, the largest in the history of Westside, found the change from junior high to high school to be challenging but rewarding. Led successfully by their officers, the ophomore Class began projects and fund rai ing activities to finance the prom of'67. Pep club with its rules and regulations:'Wa introduced to the girls, as the athletic department presented new opportunities to eager Sophomore athletes. The high school routine came ea ily after a week of continually being lost. The Song of Roland and Julius Caesar became familiar stories, as English students discovered the world of hidden meaning, dramatic irony, and Project Engli h. Lunch tables saw more driver manual than sandwiches, as determined sophomores studied for their driving tests. Finding the hard work, the long hour , the unexpected pleasures of high school life, the Class of '68 moves on to responsibility and sati faction.

ancy Blotzer, Barb Pat e and Anne Slabaugh begin the lon g walk home as events of the day are discussed. 114

Sophomores Join Clubs, Support Teams

So phomore class offi cers Darryl Wik off, pres.; J im Haas, treas.; Pam Whitted , vice路pres.; a nd Merry Ann Whinn ery, sec., work their way u p to se norit y.

Top Row: J. Ab el, B. Abraha mso n, . Achelpoohl , D. Adams, G. Ad a ms, ]. Ad ler, K. Ahre ns, R. Albon, M. Alliso n. Second Row: L. Ande rson , . Anderso n, T . Anderso n, R. Annin , L. Anthi s, J . Anton on, P. Anvine n, R. Anw yl. Third Row: C. Arn old , K. Bac h, L. Bachus, M. Bada mi , B. Bai ley, T. Bai ley, C. Barbe r, B. Barn s, . Barnett , W. Ba um gart. Fourth Row: T . Baxter, D. Beie r, J. Beindorf, P. Be nn e ntt.


The differences between jr. high and high school become apparent to Jerry Sund as heavy work begins and pres ures mount.

TOP ROW: T. Benson, D. Benton, . Bergmann, A. Bernstein, D. Beucler. SECOND ROW: C. Beuterbaugh, C. Bevin , Bigler, G. Bjerke, M. Blackwell. THIRD ROW: A. Blanchard, H. Blanchard, N. Bloom, M. Blose, . Blotzer. FOURTH ROW: D. Blower, B. Boelter, T. Boe, D. Bourne, D. Bovill. FIFTH ROW: D. Boyens, B. Brase, R. Breci, R. Breitag, D. Bridgewater. SIXTH ROW: C. Briggs, D. Briggs, D. Brock, L. Brooks, D. Brown, J.

Brown, L. Brown, . Brown, L. Brozek. SEVENTH ROW: T. Bruggeman, L. Buda, J. Bullock, H. Burnett, . Burnett, M. Busching, K. Busskohl, R. Campbell, D. Canaga. EIGHTH ROW: N. Caniglia, J. Carlgre.n, J. Carlson, L. Carlson, T. Car on, M. Ca asola, M. Cas teel, . Chapman, . Chastain. NINTH ROW: D. Christiansen, T. lark, J . Clemons, J. ockle, R. ohn, . Conley, . Connors, D. Crain, R. Cramer. 116

TOP ROW: E. Evan , L. Faith, B. Fanckboner, G. Ferri , SECOND ROW: E. Ficklin, J. Fiene, D. Fisher, G. Fitts. THIRD ROW: T. Flannery, J. Ford, J. Fox, K. Freeman. FOURTH ROW: M. Galley, J. Galloway, B. Gardner, C. Garvey. FIFTH ROW: L. Gaston, teve George, J. Gerber, K. Gerber.

TOP ROW: L. Criser, B. Cro by, E. Cubrich, L. Daasch. SECOND ROW: R. Dagata, J. Dana,J. Dauffenbach, C. Dauner. THIRD ROW: C. Davis, D. Davi , L. DeBuse, P. DeFoil. FOURTH ROW: D. Devlin, A. Dibble, J. Dickhart, J. Dinwoodie. FIFTH ROW: L. Dixon, R. Donnermeyer, . Donovan, J. Doxon. SIXTH ROW: G. Dudley, M. Duffin, D. Duncan, M. Dun ham. SEVENTH ROW: A. Dunk law, S. Dunn, M. Eberly, M. Ecc leston. EIGHTH ROW: M. Egbert, R. Eliason, C. EUett, . Elsasser. NINTH ROW: C. Emery, B. Engebretson, J. Engle, J. Evans. ophomore Dennis Crain works with care on an archjtectural drawing project. 117

Top Row: L. Gibbs, P. Gilinsky , J. Giller , R. Gilles, D. Goodman , T. Graber , . Graham, J. Graham , J. Gra ha m. Second Row: M. Grea r, M. Grimm , T. Gulizia, L. Gunn , M. Gze hovi ak, M. Haa e, . Habe rs trch, Haffn er, G. Hall. Third Row: J. Ha n e n, J. Ha nsen, B. Harde n, R. Hard y, j. Harmon, B. Harn ett , D. Haro uff, B. Harri s, R. Harris.

te ve Turner , Ed Ware, Barb Will e r a nd Ka rl a Buss kol ste rilize tes t-tub es in biology lab.

Fourth Row: C. Harriso n, F. Hawkins, M. He nde rso n, . Henderson, B. He nry, C. He rring, G. Hetri ck , D. Hayne, D. Hickma n. Fifth Row: J. Hill, J. Hink el, K. Hint on, K. Hinton, R. Holm , K. Holquist, B. Hood, G. Hopkins, B. Hopkins.


Top Row: J . Horwi c h , K. Ho ugh , R. Ho wa rd , J . Hrub y, D. Humphrey, L. Hybl , M. Ide, A. lnnen, B. Irrin g, ]. Issac on. Second Row: J . J ackso n, M. J acobberger, . J acobs, M. J acobsen, Jacobse n, J. J acob en, . J acob en, . J acob en, Y. J ames, C. J anse n. Third row: F . J en en, J. J ensen, P. J e se n, S. J ohnse n,

A. Johnson, C. J ohnson, H. J ohnson, J . Johnso n, K. J ohnso n, L. John so n. Fourth Row: M. J ohnso n, . Johnso n, B. Johnson, C. Jones, D. Jones, M. J one , M. J ones, D. J ones, K. J orge nse n, K. Jorgense n, . Kahane.

TOP ROW: T. Kin g, B. Koil, J. Kopecky, P. Kratz. SECOND ROW: D. Krause, D. Kucera, B. Kuhn , D. Kurtz. THIRD ROW: J. Lacras i, J. LaFe uon, P. Lake, T. Lange.

TOP ROW: G. Katelman , M. Ka ul , L. Keatin g, K. Kehm. SECOND ROW: J. Keiser, L. Kell y, V. Kershaw, D. Ketzler. THIRD ROW: L. Kilmer,' H. Kin g, J. Kin g, L. Kjnser.


TOP ROW: L. Lantz, M. Larandeau, C. Larkin, D. Lar on, L. Lar on, R. Lawson,]. Leach, . Lebaron, L. Lee. SECOND ROW: . Lefholtz, J. Legro , B. Lichtman, J. Lincoln, A. Linn, C. Love, C. Lorimer, L. Lucas, . Lundgren. THIRD ROW: M. Lust路 garten, R. Lunch, K. laaske, . Maaske, T. Madden,J. Malashock,

. Malkin, B. Mallett, . Malnove. FOURTH ROW: D. Mancuso, R. Mankameyer, M. Mannin~J:, B. Mansmith, R. Markham, P. Marquardt, C. Martin, D. Maschka, M. Ma tny. FIFTH ROW: T. Matthew , R. Maupin, D. Maxwell, M. 1ay, T. Mazzei, D. McClanahan, A. McCoid, B. McCormack, M. McCormick.

TOP ROW: J. McElroy, J. McGillen, J. McKay, E. McKinney. SECOND RO.W: E. McKnelly, K. McMahon, C. McManus, C. Melcher. THIRD ROW: B. Mercer, L. Merritt, J. Meyer, T.

TOP ROW: W. Meyer, . Michael, . Michael, K. Miller. SECOND ROW: J. Miller, . Milnikel, L. Mollica, R. Montag. THIRD ROW: B. Moore, . Moore, J. Morley, C. Morrow.



Sophomores Anticipate Junior Standing

TOP ROW: D. Pierson , C. Poff, A. Polito, . Po ndelis. SECOND ROW: B. Porter, K. Poot , R. Preuyman , B. Price. THIRD ROW: . Qu a mbu s h, M. Rac hford, B. Radi i, G. Randal. FOURTH ROW: R. Rathun , D. Ratlift, . Reed, R. Rehurek. FIFTH ROW: B. Reminton, B. Re pport , L. Rice, . Ri ce. SIXTH ROW: F. Ri chart, A. Ri ckerso n, S. Ritums, A. Rizley. SEVENTH ROW: L. Robbin , B. Robinso n, L. Roeman , B. Rogers. EIGHTH ROW: B. Roggy, 0 . Rookstool, P. Rowe, L. Roy.

TOP ROW: E. Mou tak es, B. eal, H. ewb ank s, L. ewman. SECOND ROW: G. ielse n, j . ocita, W. ord trom, C. ori ega. THIRD ROW: ye, ]. Obtes hka , D. Ohara, S. Olderog. FOURTH ROW: B. Olse n, B. Otis, D. Otis, B. Owens. FIFTH ROW: J. Papineau, !. Park , G. Park , B. Pate. SIXTH ROW : L. Pa ul se n , f . P ay ne, V. Pe de rso n, B. Pe te r on. SEVENTH ROW: E. Peterso n, . Peter on, W. Peter on, A. Peter on. EIGHTH ROW: B. Peter on, P. Peterson, K. Phelps, M. Pichler. 121

Sophomores Begin Fund Raising Projects

TOP ROW: . Ruback, M. Ruge, F. Rupp, A. Russell, J. Ryan, L. adow ki , C. aklar, L. aunders, . avage. SECOND ROW: L. Sawatzki, P. chaffroth, K. chmitz, . chory, M. chroeder, M. chroeder, R. chultz, A. cott, J . cott. THIRD ROW: L.

elzle, V. etterlund, C. Simons, J . inset, J. kood路 mith, A. laubaugh, D. mall, B. mith, C. mith. FOURTH ROW: mith , T. Smith, V. mith, T. mithson , . oderland, M. odare, L. ohl, W. ohl, K. okolof.



ophomores Charlene Graham, Gayle Tweeton, Julie Graham, ecily oder路 land, and Margie Hargrove find time to di cus the latest date news as they await the bell afler gym class.


TOP ROW: J. oren on, L. Sorenso n, C. ortin o, G. oucie, D. ower , . pauldin g, R. pencer, pick a, . picka. SECOND ROW: . S piegal, M. pUttgerb er, . taln aker, J. Stanner, D. l.

Clair, F. Stehne, E. tern , M. tewart, B. Stilwell. THIRD ROW: I. tinso n, B. trand , B. tra uss, J. tromberg, J. trot her, M. Stuhr, D. ugg , K. ugg , J . und.

TOP ROW: K. undsboe, J. wanda, M. Swanson, P. Swanson. S ECOND ROW : L. we nso n , j . ymo nd s, M. Tall o n , J . Tas mas i. THIRD ROW: J. Ta ppero, J. Tatrea u, K. Te pper, D. Te wk sbury. FOURTH ROW: S. Tharp, R. Theis, J. Thomas, T. Thompson. FIFTH ROW: . Thorton, B. Thum an, V. Tillery, C. Timberley. Sophomores Gary Randall and Ruth Ste phan find more than one way to 123 e nj oy the facilitie of the student loun ge.

TOP ROW: C. Toll ander, J. Turansky, L. Tra pp, M. Trimble. SECOND ROW: J. Troy, . Turbet, R. Turke l, . Turner. T HIRD ROW: G. Tweeton, J. T yler, D. VanAckeren, J. Va n路 DerLees t. FOURTH ROW: C. Vau ghn, R. Veac h, A. Vickery,

TOP ROW: G. Volcheck, G. Wagner, A. Wallin , W. Walton. SECOND ROW: . Ward , E. Ware, K. Watkin , E. Waters. THIRD ROW : ~ . Watt s, P. We bb , R. Wei s, R. We ll s. FOURTH ROW: T. Wendt, C. Wes terlin , M. Wetzler, P.

J. Vleck.


Sophomores Gain Knowledge., Recognition

ophomores Kri s Kehm and Jacki e J ose ph di sco ver the art of cookin g tak es more th an just a knowledge of boiling water. 124

Sophomore Tom Boe shows the talent of the Sophomore Class through his sculpture.

TOP ROW: M. Whinnery, P. Whitted, P. \Vhiued, C. \1 igodsky, D. Wikoff, J. Wilke, B. Wilkins, D. \Vil.liams, J. \Vil.liams. SECOND ROW: . Williams, B. \Villmer, H. Willoughby, F. Wilson, K.

Wilson, P. \Vii on, . \Vingender, J. Winters, K. \Vintroub. T HIRD ROW: J. Wolcott, C. Wolfe, K. Wolteman, K. Woodhull, P. Wright, L. Yenglin, R. Zaiss, R. Zorko, T. Zorko.


TOP ROW: K. Anderson, R. Bake r, C. Be uterbaugh, D. Bikin, W. Bloom, . Boll , . Burrow, J. Butler , Caldwell. SECOND ROW: K. Cham berlain, P. C hri ste nsen, . Clauff, . Co nne r, L. Debu e, S. Donnerm yer, K. Dwyer, R. Eades, P. Filter. THIRD ROW: . Frasier, . Grantham, . Gundry, G. Hall, J. Hallqui t , K. He nde rson, T . Hinder , D. Hoi te, D. Holmstrom. FOURTH ROW: J. Hultquist, P. J e lk en, D. J ohnso n, C. Kin ~, T . Kizi er, . Klauschi e, V. Kobold , L. Krako wski, C. La cy. FIFTH ROW: . Lan g, . Lochiano, G. Mille r, M. Monso n, J. a low. SIXTH ROW: L. olt e, W. ordstrom , . Poff, C. R o~e r , . Zuerlein.

"You'll clean out my locker e very day," says Senior Rog Rehurek to ophomore Germaine Hopki ns, as Senior Elaine Richart says to ophomore Cheryl Vau ghn, "Would you believe once a mont.h?

If you were ophomor John ockle sleeping oundly wouldn't you wake up after hearing the sou nd of Janet Jen en, Charlene Graham, Midge Ide, and lison Vickery having a pillow fight especially if you lived on 9Ist and the party was taking place on 104th?

SOPHOMORE C. lbers M. nich D. Busch J. Bu h T. hrist T. Davis J . Duerkoop J. Eagle L. Felkmon J. Fried


. George M. Gerard J. Giowoyna J. Haas J. Hahn 1. Hargleroad R. Helm s D. Hick C. Johnson P. Johnson

J. Joseph P. Kizzier B. Korbitz R. Kurtz C. Kuster i\1. Lo hiano P. Madden




kradis latin tephan R. Thron R. Tigh L. aughan R. Wangsgard . \' illiams G. Yen

Juniors Anxiously Await Seniority

W hj)e anxiously awaiting eniority, juniors found many things to keep them bu y. During the past year, the juniors have participated in many activitie includ ing bakesale , car washe , and the elling of coin purses to rai e money for the juniorsenior prom. Junior standing brought added re pon ibility to the Cia of '67. Junior became energetic upporter , and thus, an jmportant part of the numerou WH club . Many boys took an active part in ports, while the girls remained loyal to the victory competition yell. The year brought academic challenges a Shake peare wa read, P a radise Lost struggled through, and the dreaded thought of term paper aro e. The library became econd home to most a deadlines crept clo er and time grew shorter. American History student had a well-de erved break from formal cia sroom e ions as Educational Television was initiated. Talent was proven in thi year's Jr. Cia s play, "Andy Hardy." The junior showed a willingness to work and true dedication as they acrificed dates and game along with other activities for afternoon and evening rehearsal . The traditional class rings were select d and anxiously awaited a each day pa ed. When the rings finally arrived, most were kept, some quickly exchanged hands, but all were treasured. Enthusiastic girl attended mass practice for cheerleading and drill squad, a the juniors put forth their be t and final effort. The year pa ed quickly and the Cia of '67 is now looking forward to the sp cia] privilege and coming year when the "greatest" cia s "from here to Heaven" will have achieved their long awaited goal of eniority.

Wes tside juniors take advantage of their s tudy ha ll s to catch up on a lot of thing .


Juniors Discover Drudgery Of Term Papers

Junior Class Officers, haron Brock, ec.; Gene J ensen, Vice Pres.; Doug Ralston , Treas.; and Ri ck Anderson, Pre .; successfully lead the class of '67.

FIRST ROW: M. Abrahamson, A. Acker, A. Adams, . Aikman, C. Adrian , L. Al len, . Alsuler, D. Anderson. SECOND ROW: P . Anderso n, R. And erson, B. Arrant, M. Armstrong, J. A hford , J. Attkisson, ll Au st, A. Bach, R. Backhau s. THIRD ROW: D.

Bales, M. Barber, S. Barber, R. Barentso n, R. Barg, R. ;..arker, A. Barmore, J. Barne , J. Barr. FOURTH ROW : K. Barrett, B. Bar路 rett, D. Barron, T. Barton , A. Baskin , S. Bayne, B. Bemi s, L. Ben路 dorff, . Beucler. 129

TOP ROW: C. Billesbach, J. Blazek, L. Blumenthal, R. Boardman,

ROW: A. Brunell, J. Bruns, \v . Burd n, J. Burdic, J. Burme te r, D. Burrow, C. Carl on, \1. Carpenter, VI. Carpt'nter, '. Carp!'n ter,

. Bonacor o, G. Bouchuyt, S. Bowen, D. Boyens, 1\1. Brick. SECOND ROW: J. Bridgewater, J. Brock, S. Brock, B. Brown, B. Brown, K. Br~wn, R. Brown, T. Brown, D. Bruno. THIRD

FOURTH ROW: J. Ca e, D. Casper, G. Cavey, . Chamberlain,

TOP ROW: C. Clark , R. Clark , T. Clark, M. Clem, C. Clift , C. Coats, J. oe, B. Cohen, J. Cohen. SECOND ROW: T. Cohan, H. Cohan, C. Collin , K. ombs, R. Conner, R. Conrad, D. Cornell, E. overt, D. Cox. THIRD ROW: R. Cri er, K. Curtis, D. D' Aud -

ney, D. Dauffenbach, R. Davidson, W. Dean, M. Defevere, K. Deford, T. Demgen. FOURTH ROW: A. Denny, D. Dohner, J. Doolittle, K. Doughty, K. Drake, L. Drew, . Dross, C. Dudley, K. Dudley.

R. C haney,


1. Chase, P. Chevalier, C. Chin, J. Chri tensen.

Juniors Engage In Different Activities

Juni ors Sharon Brock and Ste ph Dros point out so me s pec ial poo l techniqu es as a nd J on J anse n anxi ous ly await the ir cha nce.

FIRST ROW: P. Duffin , B. Dunb ar,

. Durflinger, D. Durham, D. Dye , D. Eato n , B. Ea s to n , M. Ed e n , J . E gb e rt , D. E gge rs. SECOND ROW: J . Eh lers, J . Elle nwood , B. Emri ck, J . En gle, Q. Epperson, . Ep tein, P. Epsle in, T . Erik se n, R. Ernst , . Ernst.

13 1

te ve C ha mb erl ain

THIRD ROW: J. Es be ns hade, P. Es te p, B. Esty. M. Evans, C. Falk e nroth , H. Fran ce kb oner, 1\1. Fay, W. Fe re r, T . Finl ay, J . Finfrock. FOURTH ROW: B. Finle y, L. Finney, R. Fis hel, B. Foley, C. Fox, J . Fox, R. Franz , S. Freese, B. Fri edl , G. Fritz.

TOP ROW: M. Fritz, . Fruhewirth, L. Gambrel, L. Gardner. SECOND ROW: D. Gaylor, C. Gentleman, B. Gerber, J. Cere路 lick. THIRD ROW: J. Germo lus, R. Gib on, P. Gilligan, L. Gilmore. FOURTH ROW: P. Giltner,]. Glidewell, T. Goddard, K. Gotsdiner. FIFTH ROW: C. Gould, G. Graft, L. Graham, . Green. SIXTH ROW: C. Greenwell, F. Griebe, J. Grim, T. Grosman. SEVENTH ROW: J. Gunic, D. Gu tafson, D. Gzehoviak, M. Hahn.

TOP ROW: j. Hall, G. Hammer, P. Hanrahan, L. Hanon. SECOND ROW: C. Hansen, C. Harding, . Hartford, C. Hasche. THIRD ROW: J. Hasselbalch, B. Henderson, T. Herrick, W. Higley. FOURTH ROW: B. Hill, D. Hill, D. Hillmer, M. Hlavacek. FIFTH ROW: B. Hoard, E. Hoke, D. Holland, D. Hopson. SIXTH ROW: E. Horman, R. Horton, . Hosman. J. Howe!. SEVENTH ROW: S. Hovland, R. Hoyt, G. Hronek, J. Hum路 phery.


TOP ROW: P. lncontro, G. Ingles, M. lnkle, . Irving. SECOND ROW: G. Jacobberge r, J. Jacobsen, T. Jager, J. Jansen. THIRD ROW: D. Jeffery, . Jennin gs, G. nsen, J . Jensen. FOURTH ROW: . Jensen, A. Johan en, R. Johnsen, M. Johnson. FIFTH ROW: . Johnson , . Johnso n, T. Johnson, T. John ton. SIXTH ROW: B. Jolly, B. Jones, B. Jones, J. Jones.

TOP ROW: . Kuttner, D. Lacy, PattyL, M. Lair, L. Lambert, C. Langan, . Langdon, . Lantz, D. Larsen. SECOND ROW:

TOP ROW: S. Jones, S. Jones, D. Kaiser, L. Kathrein. SECOND ROW: E. Kelly, T. Kelly, . Kennedy, D. Kershaw. THIRD ROW: L. King, C. Kinkead, M. Kinnally, R. Kinney. FOURTH ROW: . J(jnzy, T. J(jrshenbaum, K. Kizer, A. Klopp. FIFTH ROW: L. Klundt, F. Lnez, R. Knox, G. Knud en. SIXTH ROW: L. Kremarik, K. Krogh, L. Kuebler, R. Kuhl.

P. Lee, J . Lefler, D. Lemon, J. Lightfoot, S. Lincoln, L. Liston, D. Livingston, J . Lodes, B. Looby.

TOP ROW: R. Malone, C. Ma ngia mele, M. Ma nning, ]. Mark el. SEC OND ROW : K. Martin , . Ma c hk a, J. Ma tejk a, Mathews. THIRD ROW: C. Matt on, K. McCa ll, . McCo lli ter,

TOP ROW: L. Lo vgre n, D. Lu eders, L. Lu eder, D. Lynch. SECOND ROW: P. Lynch, C. Maas, . Mack , C. Mager. THIRD ROW: J. Mainelli, M. Ma ni elli , E. Majors, M. Mala路

S. McColl is ter.


Juniors Make Selection Of Class Rings

TOP ROW: J. 1cCoy, V. Mc Kinnon, B. Mc Lochlin, M. McMahon, M. Me abb , L. McWhort e r, K. Meie r, R. Me n c hin g, W. Metca lf. SECOND ROW: M. Miller, P. Miller , M. Mince r, C. Mitts, B.

Moore, C. Moore, C. Morrell , D. Morga n, D. Morri s. THIRD anfito, P.

ROW: L. Moss, R. Moulis, J. Mu lick, T. Mut z, W. alow, K. aylor, L. ea l, T. eese.


1uni or dis play great enthu sia m durin g the junior-se nior gi rls footba ll ga me.

TOP ROW: V. e lso n, K. e wco me r, A. e wrn a n, L. e wm an, ichols, L. icholso n, J . igo, T . iver, B. O'Conne r. SECOND ROW: B. Olse n, L. Orc utt , J . Orth , M. Otte, D. Otto, J . P a lleck,

R. Pa lme r, K. Parkhurst , J . Park . THIRD ROW: P. Pay ne , M. Pedegan a, . Perim eter, D. Pete rson, D. Peterso n, B. Peterso n, G. Pete rso n, K. Pete rson, T. Petty.


Juniors Prepare For Successful Prom

rOP ROW: J. Piesik , L. Piphe r, T. Pirruccello, J. Pleas, D. Prall, L. P rater, T. Price, W. Protz, R. Purchase. ECOND ROW: D. Ral ton, D. Ralya, D. Rathbun , V. Rauch, J. Raw ling , . Reed ,

P . Regan, . Reichmann , V. Rhodu . THIRD ROW : J. Rid enour, J. Rei!, D. Riley, T . Ri h, . Ritums, M. Rivers, K. Robin on, G.

TOP ROW: J. Ruben, G. Rudee n, R. Rutherford , D. Rya n, M. acco, L. affer, D. alya rd , D. anders, W. watell. ECOND ROW : T . charf, L. chat, K. chilz, G. chleifer, D. chotlotfeld, L. chneider, . chneider, J. chober, M. chweigart. THIRD


Roe, T. Ros .

conce, M. Sedlak , eibold, E. eil , T. elzle, D. harp , . hind o, Y. ideris. FOURTH ROW: J. imon , K. impson, M. kaug, G. keans, . kinner, B. krable, D. lack, K. mid, B. mit h.


TV Adds New Depth To American History

TOP ROW: C. Smith, D. Smitn, J. Smith, J. Snodgrass. SEt;OND ROW: L. Snow, M. nyder, C. orensen, J. Soucie. THIRD ROW: G. Spaulding, G. pelts, J. Spencer, D. pon 路 ler. FOURTH ROW: S. Stalder, L. Steele, L. tephan, B. tewart. FIFTH ROW: G. Stillwell, C. Straka, M. treeter,

Junior Jerry Humphrey anxiously awaits fir tin line to accept hls class of '67 ring.

TOP ROW: A. usman, F. Sutter, . wanson, S. Swanson, S. wanson, M. wift, C. Tank, M. Tanner, R. Taren. SECOND ROW: C. Taylor, B. Taylor, J . Teuenborn, C. Thieman, D. Thoma ,

M. truyk.

. Thomas, S. Thompson, S. Thornton, K. Thorpe. THIRD ROW: M. Thrapp, . Thuman, B. Timperley, . Tobias, P. Tomas, B. Tomak, . Trent, J. Troxel, B. Trustin. 137

Hamlet., Huck Finn Baffle Junior Scholars

TOP ROW: M. Tuerk, l\1. Turner, D. Turnquist, D. des. L. al· t•ntini, A. \ anPt'h, C. anTilburg, R. an~ in!de. K. \ ipond. SECOND ROW : L. Vizina , R. olberding, W. VomWeg, . o ·

T OP ROW : D. West, B. Westering, E. Wheeler, ECOND ROW: B. White, W. Whitted, E. Wigg, THIRD ROW: D. Wikoff, D. Wilkie , D. Williams, FO RTH ROW: . ~ ilson, L. Wintroub, J. Wit t, FIFTH ROW: . Wurl, F. Zaleski, . Zamzou.

burg, . Wagner, R. Walander, G. Walker, K. Walker, L. Walker. THIRD ROW : M. Warren , J. Wasserkrug, i\1 . Wasse rman, Water , T. Weber, D. Weiner, l\1. Weingarten, D. Welch, K. Wells.

. Wheeler. D. Wikoff. R. Wilson. R. Wright.


J uniors J on Bridgewater, Ginny Hronek, Teddie Fillman, Karen Wells, Kim Kizer, Ken Robinson, Randy Knox, a nd rt Denny, eem to be up a tree.


dams, M. Amick, . Barnicle, L. Behamn, L. Calendine , M. Catania, J. Ducharme, . Kelley, L. Lanning. SECOND ROW: B. Loers, D. McClure, B. McMahon, J. Me hane, J. Meigs,

J. Meyer on, J. Myer, R. M. Ru

ielsen. B. O'Doherty. THIRD ROW: el, D. kanning, B. Thorson.

NOT PICTURED E. Albers L. Allington J. Barrett R. Bert A. Blumethal K. Brown M. Carpenter D. Dinkel C. Di tefano J. Dwyer J. Eberly K. Femmer T. Fillman M. Finkle . Forehead G. Forrest B. Garetz K. Gentry L. Gregg R. Groth J. Haviland R. Hawkins H. Hilsabeck C. Holquist ]. John son

M. Johnson D. Kroupa S. Larrew C. Lee S. Limbaugh G. Love P. Lustgarten D. Marts P. Metz J. Miller K. Morrow ]. ovak

]. Olivo B. Owen D. Papas P. Peterson J. Pondeli M. Rogers G. chumac her P. eddon E. eils L. Steele W. Tharp . Thorpe D. West


Junior Prom Co mmiltee Bonni e Tome k, Fay utte r, Jim Te tt enborn , Bob He nde rson and Brad O'Conne r plan , pre pare and begin work on the prom for '66.

\Vhat"s thi s'? 路路 Print er's de vils" ge tting their firs t lesso n on e niority from e ni or Bob Wil son, far right.

Juniors ue Mack, Gini Roe, Randy Knox , and Mike Turk, take advantage of the first s pring day.

Juniors Kathy '\lartin and Eileen Rogers receive admit slips from Mr . Clark. office sec retary.

Junior Dave Anderson rests for a moment in a most unusual place.

Warrior Greg Walker finds responsibility accompanies the pre tige of a letterman as he preforms his ta k of keeping crowds off the gym floor at half-time.


Awaited Seniority Comes To Class Of '66;

With reflection of the past, thoughts of the present, and anticipation of the future, the class of '66 receives their diplomas. To the graduating cla s, it is a ymbol of four years of hard work and lively activity. Each year has been special: as freshmen, the excitement of high school status; as sophomores, unmeasured activity in sports and organizations; as juniors, the thrill of choo ing class rings and organizing a prom; and finally as seniors, memories aroused by the last Homecoming, the last pep rally, and the last singing of the school song. If seniority brought sentimentality, it also brought hours of tedious and concentrated study. Constant struggles to grasp the mysteries of parallel construction, the symbolism in Re d Badge of Courage, and the purpose of man in "The Inferno" brought new challenges. Research papers prompted solemn vows never to enter another library while college boards, Nebraska Regents, and ACT tests made the pressure of college entrance a startling reality. The tangible reward of these hours of work was realized when it wa announced that 10 out of 100 Nebraska Regent winners and five National Merit scholars

were Westsiders. Numerous scholarships were received while throughout the year cries of "I was accepted" resounded in the enior hall. The final class activity in the whirlwind of graduation was the senior trip to Washington and New York, making the lessons of American History and Government concrete. The trip was a reminder of a personal commitment of involvement in world affairs. At times, strict responsibility was exchanged for just plain fun as Batman's pow, crunch, ooff became the rage. King's provided seniors with the opportunity to discuss a game, a date, or a te t. Bob Dylan, The Rolling tone , and the Astronauts provided the beat while seniors furnished the dance steps at numerous parties. Saddle shoe and wonderballs roamed the hall and long hair went out of style. One thing that never went out of style wa pride in the cla s and the chool. As eniors pau e in the present to recall the pa t, they find it difficult to express imultaneou feeling of deep sadne sand unbound d joy. Proudly, they anticipate the challenges of the future.

enior class Pre ident, Jeff Meyer , give his fellow officers Jewel deFreese, Vice-President; Ru ty Welch, Treasurer; and Marjie Mayberry, ecretary, a push in the right direction . 142

Acceptance Of Responsibility Molds Future

Judy Abbott Donald Albon

Ann Abernathy Diana Allen

Lynne Adams Ronna Allen

Pam Adams Phil Amis

Donna Anderson Harlan Anderson

judy Abb o tt - Y-Teens 4; International Club 4; Transfer from Lincoln Pius X, Lincoln, ebras ka 4. Ann Ab e rn a th y- Transfer from Columbus ll igh chool, Columbus, ebraska 3. Lynne Adams-Pep Club 1, afe-Tcens 1,2. P11m Ad a m s-Pep Club 1.2; DE 4; afeTeens 3. Missi Ac:U e r - GAA 2; Lance taff 4, Circulation Manager 4; Top Choir 3,4; Mubicals 3.4; Variety how 3,4; International Club 2-4; panish Club 3,4; German Club 2. Donald Albon - W-Ciub 2-4; Football 1,2; Track 1-4; Cross Country 3,4; Interact 4; ki Club 1-4; CPAF 4, - Pres. 4. Dia n a Alle n -Pep lub 1-4; FMA 1-3; Y-Teens 3; I nternatonal Club 2.3: Spanish Club 2,3. Ronn a All e n - Pep Club 2. Phil Ami s- ll i-Y 2; W-Ciub 1-4; Swimming 1-4; Radio Club L Darwin Ande r s on - ll i-Y 1; W- lub 1-4; Football 1-4; Ba ketball 1-4, Manager; Track 1; Key Club 3,4, V. Pres. 4; Chess Club 1-4; Interna路 tional Club 1-4; Latin Club 1-4, Pres. 4; CPAF 3; ational Honor Society 3,4. Donna And erson - Pep Club 1-3; Art Club 1 ,2,4; Y-Teens 1,2; Tlwspians 1,2,4; GAA 1,2; R d ro s 1; <:ki Club 1,2,4. Gail Anderson -Pep Club 1-4; GAA l; Z-Ciub 4; Variety how 2; ITA l-3; Y-Teens 1-4; International lub 1-3; panish Club l-3; Esquires 4; Math Club 4. Harla n And erson -Art Club 1; tudent Council L P e nni e Ande r son - Pep Club 1-4; Cheerleadjng 2-4, Captain 4; Tennis 2-4; G A 1; Class Officer 2, Treas. 2; Student Council 4, ec. 4; Z-Ciub 3,4; Esquires 2-4, ec. 3: ational Honor ociety 3,4; Girls' tate 3; Variety Show 3; Red Cross 1; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club 1-4; pan ish Club l-4; Homecoming Qut路en 4.


Mi si Adler Darwin Anderson

Gail Anderson Pennie Anderson

Seniors Begin Final Year With High

Roger Anderson John Arant

Jan Bachrach Linda Barlow

John Andracki anc y Aron on

Art Annin andy Arthur

William Banker Armin Barnett

Lynn Antonson Paula A h

LeAnn Appleby Linda Babcock

Roger Anderson- Hi-Y 4; Football 1,2; Basketball 1,2; Track l; International Club 1,2; Latin Club 1,2; Interact 3,4; Jurtior Achievement 3,4. John Andracki-Hi-Y 4; ki Club 4; Transfer from St. Joseph's Military Academy, Hays, Kansas 2. Art Annin-Football 1,2; Track 3; Student Council 1,2; Math Club 4; ational Honor Society 3,4; Chess Club 3. Lynn Antonson- Pep Club l-4; Z-Ciub 4; Debate 2,4; FL 2-4; FMA 1; International Club 3; Latin Club 3; CPAF 3; JCL 3. LeAnn Appleby- Pep Club 2-4; Top Choir 3,4; Musicals 3,4; Variety Show 2,3; International Club 2,3; panish Club 2.3. John Arant- Wrestling L Nancy Aronson- Pep Club 1,2; Esquir£'S 2-4; Tlwspians 4; OneActs 3,4; Top Choir 2-4; Musicals 2-4; Vari£'ty how 2-4; Art Club 1-3, Treas. 2, Pres. 3; International Club 1,2; French Club I ,2. Sandy Arthur- Pep Club 1-4; Cheerleading 3,4; Z-Cluh 2-4; Esquires 3,4; ational Honor Society 3,4; FMA 3; Y-T!'ens 4; International Club 4; German Club 4; Homecoming Candidate 4. Paula Ash-Pep Club 1,2; FMA l; Y-Teen L Linda Babcock- Pep Club 2-4; Drill quad 4; Thespians 3; Class Plays 3; Art Club 3; Y-Te(·ns 4; lntrrnational Club 2,3; French Club 2,3; Esquires 4; Z-Club 4; Saft•-Trrns 3. Jan Bachrach-Pep Club 1-3; GAA 1; Z-Club 2-4; Band I; FTA I; Y-Teens 4; International Club 1,2; French Club 1,2. William Banker- DE 4. Linda Barlow- Pep Club 1,2; Y-Tet•ns 1,2; Safe-Teens L Armin Barnett- W-Ciub 4; Math Club 4; Orchestra 3; Band 2; Science Club 4; Ches Club 4; Spanish Club 4; Gymnastirs 3,4; Transfer from cnn High chool, Chicago, Illinois 3.


Hopes, Enthusiasm, Boundless Energy

Debby Beal Dannie Bennett

AI Beami Dave Benton

Linda Beckey Fred Bergstrom

Barbara Benker Lynda Ann Berrigan

Kenneth Bird usy Blake

Debby Bcal-Pep Club 1-4; CAA 1; FTA 2,3; Y-Teen 2-4; Z-Club 2-4; Esq uires 4; utional Honor ociety 3,4; International Club 1,2; pani h Club 1,2. AI Beamis- cience Club 1; Photography Club 1; Archeology lub 3. Linda Bee key- Pep Club 1-3; International Club 1-4; French Club 1-4. Barbara Benker- Pep Club 2; Transfer from Tul a Cen tral, Tulsa, Oklahoma 2. Lloyd Benner- cience Club 4; afe-Teens 3,4. Dannie Bennett. Dave Benton- cience Club 1,4; Hi-Y 4; hield taff 4, Adverti ing taff; International Club 1,2; Latin Club 1,2. Fred Bergstrom-Football 3; Top Choir 3,4; Musicals 3,4; Variety how 3,4; Tran fer from Creighton Prep, Omaha, eb ra ka 2. Lynda Ann Berrigan-Pep Club 4; Y-Teens 1-4; Intern ati onal Club 3; pani h Club 3. Bruce Bikin-Hi-Y 3,4, ec. 4; W-Club 4; Football 1-4; Ba ketball 1; Track l-4; Math Club 3; ational Honor ociety 3,4; Interact 4. Kenneth Bird- Wre tling 1,2; Class Play 3. Fran BladtPep Club 1-4; CAA 1,2; Z-Club 3,4, ec. 4; Math Club 4; ational Honor octety 3,4; FMA 3,4; Y-Teens 1; lnternauonal Club 1-4; pani h Club l -4. uzy Blake- Pep Club 1; afe-Teens 3; Junior Achievement 4. heiJa Rae Bloom- Pep Club 2,3; FMA 4; ki Club 4; Red Cross 4.


Lloyd Benner Bruce Bikin

Fran Bladt heila Rae Bloom

New WHS Leaders Begin To Sense

Su san C. Blower- Pep Club 3,4; Ski Club 2; International Club 4; panish Club 24; Latin Club 1,2,4. P hili p C. Blum -Hi -Y 14, V. Pres. 3, Pres. 4; '\ -Club 3,4; Ba ketball 14; Tennis 14; tudent Council 14, Treas. 4; Interact 4, Pres. 4. Lor raine Bosileva cTran fer from Mercy High c hool, Omaha, ebraska 1. P a ul Bra n ecki. Steven Brase- afe Teens 4. Sally B re unsbac h - Pep Club 3,4; Y-Teen 3; International Club 3. P a t Br ice. Ger a ld BriggsTran fer from idney High chool, idney, ebraska 4. Mi c hae l D. Brock . P at Brock - Football 1; International Club 1; Latin Club l. Ma r y Ann B rock y- Pep lub 14; FMA L Barb ara Bro oks- Pep Club 1-4; h.ield taff 4, Index A sistant Editor; Red ro s 1; International lub 1; German Club L Rod Broug ht o n -Football 4; Transfer from Aruada We s t, Aruda, Colorado 3. D a n Brown Wrestling 2,3; Band L Dave Brown - Hi -Y 3,4, ergeant at Arms 4; W- lub 24; Football 1-4; Ba ketball 1; Track 1-4; Red Cross 1; International Club 1,2 ; Latin Club 1,2; Interact 3,4; Junior Achievement 4; Homecoming andidate 4. Na n cy B rown - Pep Club 2-4; F'TA 24; Art lub 24, V. Pres. 3, Pres. 4; Transfer from Fort Dodge, Iowa 2.

Susan C. Blower Paul Branecki

Ph.ilip C. Blum teven Bra e

Pat Brice Barbara Brooks

Lorraine Bosilevac ally Bre un sbach

Gerald Brigg Rod Broughton

Michael D. Brock Dan Brown


Pat Brock Dave Brown

Mary Ann Brocky ancy Brown

The Promise Of A Successful Year

Mike Burdic- W-C iub 24, ergeant at Arm 4; Football 14: Interact 3,4; Wrestling 2-4, Capt. 4; cience Club 1; Homecomin g andidate 4. Beck y Burling - Pep lub 14; GAA 14; Z-C lub 24; E quire 24; Band 14; Art Club 14, ec. 3,4; Red ros s 4; International Club 2,3; French Club 2,3. Ke ith Burnham - Wrestling 1,2; Radio lub l ; International Club 1; French C lub l. Harold Burton- W-C lub 1,2; Track 1-4; Gymnastic 3; Interact 3,4. Dave Bushnell - W-C iub 2-4; Basketball I ; Track 1-4; Interact 4. Kare n Button- DE 3,4. Cynthia Cadde n - Pep lub 24; wimming 3,4; FMA 4; ki Club 4; Y-Teens 4; International Club 3,4; French Club 3,4, ec.-Trea . 4; Transfer from Du che ne cademy, Omaha, ebraska 2. Jack Cain- W-C iub 4; Track 3,4, Manage r; cience Club 3,4; I nternational lub 3;4; French Club 3,4. Me lanie Campbe ll- Pep Club 3,4. Mike Carnpbe ll- Hi-Y 4; hess Club 1; DE 4; Photography lub I ; ki Club 3,4.

After four years, senior obtain the privilege of a locker in the sacred se n.ior hall.

Mike Burdic Karen Button

Becky BurHng ynthia Cadden

Keith Burnham Jack Cain


Harold Burton Melanie Campbell

Dave Bushnell Mike Campbell

Wearing Newly Arrived Band Uniforms

Scott Campbell Bob Carpenter

Debbie Chase Tom Clark

David Chin Andrea Cole

John Capoccia Linda Carrick

Lance Carey Terri Castater

Annika Ca rl gren Barb Chandler

JoAnn Carlson ue harnquist

Dale Cla rk Steve Collins

Scott Campbeii- Hi -Y 4. John Capoccia-Ski Club 1-4; Gymnastics 3,4. Lance Carey-Football 2; Cross Country 4; Wre tling 4. Annika Carlgren-Pep Club 1,2; GAA 2. JoAnn Carlson-Pep Club 14; Drum Majorette 3,4; Y-Teens 1,4; Safe Teens 3. Bob CarpenterSki Club 14; Top Choir 24; Mu ical 2-4; International Club 24; German Club 2-4. Linda Carrick- Pep Club 1-3; Art Club 3; International Club 2; French Club 2. Terri Castaler- Pep Club 1-4; GAA 1-3; FMA 24; Band 1-3; Red Cross 14, V. Pres. 4; Y-Teens 1,2. Barb Chandler- Pep Club 3. S u e Charnquist- Pep lub 2-4; FT A 2,4; Y-Teens 3; International Club 3; German Club 3. Debbie ChasePep Club 1,2; GAA 1,2; FMA 4; Thespians 3,4, . Pres. 4; Class Play 3; Top Choir 24; Musicals 2-4; Variety S how 2,3; International Club 1,2,4; French Club I ,2,4. David Chin- Football 2; Wrestling 3; Art Club 3. Dale Clark-Track 1; ki Club 2; cience Club I. Tom ClarkTransfer from orris Jr. Hi gh, Omaha, ebraska 2. Andrea ColeTop Choir 4. Steve Collins-Footba ll 1; Track I.


Seniors March At Final Homecoming

Ward Combs James M. Cozette

Jim D. Conner Kyra Craig

Debbie Cortese Charlie Culberson

Mike Cook Delores Cross

Sandra Daniel ally Dean

Ward Combs-Hi -Y 3,4; Football 14; Wrestling 2; Track 1,2; Key Club 4; Red Cross 3,4. Jim D. Connor- Top Choir 24; Mu icals 2-4. Mike Cook- DE 4. Debbie Cortese- Pep Club 1; Thespians 4; Y-Teens 1-3. Jerry L. Cozad-Red Cro s 4. James M. Cozette. Kyra Craig- Pep Club 1-3; Y-Teens 1,3; International lub 2,3; French Club 2,3; afe Teens 4. Delores Cross- Transfer from Olathe High hool, Kan sas 3. Charlie Culberson-Hi-Y 4; Football 2,4; Golf 3,4; International Club 4; German lub 4. Ralph CulbertsonTran fer from Cathedral High chool, Omaha, ebraska 4. Sandra Daniel. Gary Davis-Math Club 1; Chess Club 14; cience Club 14; International lub 3,4; German Club 3,4. Sue Davis- Pep Club 1-3; GAA 2: Shield tafT 4; Thespians 4; ki lub 4. SaUy Dean- Pep Club 14; Class Play 3; Variety how 2-4; FT A 4; Art Club 4; Red Cross 3; Y-Teens 14; International Club 2; Latin Club 2; Homecoming Candidate 4. David DeBuse-Hi-Y 3; Football14; Basketball1 ; Track 14; International Club L Sandra DeFoil- Pep Club 1,2; Red Cro s 1; Y-Teen 1,2.


Jerry L Cozad Ralph Culbertson

Gary Davis David DeBuse

Sue Davis Sandra DeFoil

Spirits Rise At Homecoming Bonfire

Jewel deFreese Cheryl Donnermeyer

Dan DeLong Judy Doughty

Andy Denes Barbara Douglass

Donald Dibble Linda Dresher

Janet Doctor Duane Dudley


J e we l d e Freese -Pep Club l -4; Cheerleading 3,4; Tennis 24; GAA l; Class Officer 4, V. Pres . 4; Esquires 3,4, Pres. 4; Variety Show 3; YTeens 1-3; International Club 1-4; panish Club 1,2; Latin Club 3,4; Homecoming Candidate 4. D a n D e Long-Hi-'r 4; Red Cross 4; International Club 2; Latin Club 2; Gymnastics 3,4. Andy De n esW-C iub 24; Football 1-4; Basketball 1; Track 1-3; Art Club 1,2; Ski Club 2-4; Treas. 3; tudent Council 2. Donald Dibble-Football 3; Debate 3. J a n e t D octor - Pep Club 14; Drill quad 2-4; hield Staff 4, nderclass Editor; FMA 1; Thespians 4; Y-Teen I ; International Club 2; French Club 2. Ch eryl Donne rrneyer-Pep Club 1-3; Red Cross I ; Latin Club l. Judy Dought y- Pep lub 4; Transfer from Wurzburg High chool, Wurzburg, Germany, 4. Ba rbara Douglass- Pep Club 14; Cheerleading 3,4; Esquires 2-4, ec. 4; FMA 14, Treas. 3; Art Club 4; Y-Teens 4; International Club 3; panish Club 3; Homecoming Candidate 4. Linda Dresh e r -Pep Club 1-3; quire 1-3; Warrior Mascot 4; GAA l; FTA 2; FMA 2; Art Club I; Y-Teens 1-4; International Club 1-4; French Club 1,2; Latin Club 3,4. Dua n e DudleyHi -Y 24; Football 1,2; Ba ketball I ; Track 1; Key Club 24; Band 1,2: Interact 3,4.

" ink 'em Warriors," see ms to be the battle cry as enior boys raise spirit for the '65 Homecoming parade.


As Warriors Cremate ~~Newton" Knight Dave Duffin- Hi-Y 4; ~ -Club 4; Football1,2; Track 1-4; FL 1; Cross Country 3,4; Gymna ti s 3,4; afe Teens 4. Diane Duncan- Pep Club 14; G 1; ki Club I; Red Cross 1; hield taff4, cadernics Editor; International Club 1,2; French Club 1,2. Kathleen Dunn- Pep lub 14; quires 3,4, Capt. 4; Math Club 4; Fl\1 2,3; International Club 14; Latin Club 14; CPAF 3,4; JCL 24; Band 3,4; Librarian 3,4. Elaine Eades-Pep lub 1,2; GA 3; Red Cross 4. Judy A. Earp- Pep Club 4; G 4; Transfer from outheast High chool, ~ ichita, Kansas 4. Nancy Eaton- Pep Club 2-3; GAA 1,2; Z-Ciub 24; Esquir s 24; Quill and croll 3,4; hield taff 3,4, Photographer 3,4; Lance taff 3,4, Editor 4; ational Honor ociety 3,4; The pian 14; One路 ct Plays 1,2; lass Play 3; Debate 2; FL 24; Photography Club 4; FMA 2,3; YTeen 1,4; International Club 1,2,4; panish Club 1,2,4; CPAF 14; afe Teens 2,3. hirley A. Eberly- afe Teens 3. Greg EbertHi -Y 4; Key Club 4. Jon EIJiott- Hi -Y 4; Football 14; Basketball 1,2; Track 1-3; Chess Club 14; International Club 1,3; French Club 1; Latin lub 3; CPAF 3. Dennis Engleman- W-Ciub 4; Track 2; Photography Club 1; Gymnastics 3,4. teven A. Erickson. Jim Estey -DE 3,4, Pres. 4; Transf r from orth High chool, Omaha, ebraska 2. Joe Evans- Transfer from idwell Friend , Wa hjngton D.C. 4. Bob Farris-Football 1,2; Track 1,2; Radio Club 2; Latin lub 1,2; enate 2. Larry Fauqwer- Golf 2; panish Club I ,2. Jan FelkerPep Club 1 -~; hjeld tafT 4, Promotion Manager; FT 3,4; International Club 2,4; French <;lub 2,4.

Dave Duffin Elaine Eades

hjrley A. Eb rly Jim E tey

Greg Ebert Joe Evans

Jon Elliott Bob Farris

Dennis Engleman Larry Fauqwer

Diane Duncan Judy A. Earp

Ieven A. Erickson Jan Felker

Kathleen Dunn ancy Eaton

Columbus Migration Helps To Promo路

tephen Ferry Jackie Fjel tad

Juanita Fowler Jeff Gaillord

Karyn Freeman ancy Galley

Sandra Filter Bob Flood

ancy Filkins Ann Flannery

heri Fry Lynn Garrett

Jerry Fis her Cathy Ford

Lee Fis her haron Forehead

S t e ph e n F e rry-Math Club 4; Band 2-4; Mu acals 3,4; Orches 路 tra 3,4; cience Club 2-4. Nanc y Filkin s- Pe~ Club 1-4; GAA 14; Math Club 4; T hespians 4; ITA 1; FMA 1,3,4; ki Club 1,2,4; Red Cross 1,2,4; Internationa l Club 1-4; panish lub 14; PAF 3. Sandra Filte r- DE 4. Jerry Fishe r. Lee Fish e r - W-Ciub 2-4; Football 1; Basketba ll 14; Track 2; afe Teens 3,4; ro s ountry 2,3. Jackie Fjelstad- Pep Club 14; Thespians 4; Variety Show 3; FMA 4; Y-Teen 1; International Club 2-4; French Club 24; afe Teens 4. Ann Flanne ry -Thespians 4; FTA 4; Y-Teens 4. Tra nsfer from rosse l ie, Michigan 4. Bob Flood- Wrestling 2; Safe Teens 3; International Club 3,4; pani h Cl ub 3,4; Interact 4. Cathy Ford. Sharon Fore h ead -Pep Club 14; GAA 3; Esquires 3,4; hield taff 4, Organizations Editor; Musicals 1; Band 1; Art Club 3,4, V. Pres. 4; Latin Club 2. Juanita Fowle r- Art Club 3; Safe Teens 2; Junior. Achievement 3,4; Transfer from Mercy High chool, Omaha, Nebraska 2. Karyn Freeman - Pep Club 1,2; Drill quad 4; Art Cl ub 4. Sh e ri Fry- Pep Club 14; GAA 14; ki Club 4; Red Cros 24; Y-Teens 1,3,4; International Club 2; Latin Club 2. J e ff Ga illard-Hi-Y 2; W-Ciub 3,4; Football 14; Basketball 1,2; Tenni 14. Nancy Galley - Pep lub 1,2; Thespians 4; Variety Show 1,2; ki Club 1,2; Red Cross 4; Y-Teens 1; International Club 1; Spanish Clu b 1; Senate 1; afe Teens 3,4, ec. 4. L ynn Garre tt- Pep Club 1,2; quires 2-4; GAA 1,2; Thespians 4; Musicals I; International Club 1,3; French Club 1; Latin Club 3.


lchool Spirit And Support For Team

Gary Garvey Suz Giller

Michael Gendler Cindy Gillham

Gerald E. Gibbs Patricia Glenn

Gary Garvey-. Michael Gendler- Wrestling 4; cience Club 4; Math Club 4. Gerald E. Gibbs- Wrestling 1; Math Club 4; cience Club 24; Ski Club 24; Top Choir 4; Debate 2; ational Honor ociety 3,4; International Club 4; German Club 4. Jerry Gibson- Tran fer from Central City, ebraska. 3. Vicki Gibson-Pep Club 1,2; Top Choir 4; Musicals 24; Orchestra 24; Band 14; Debate 2; CPAF 3. Suz Giller- Pep lub 1-4; GAA 1; Y-Teens 1; FTA 1,2; Thespians 3; Esquires 3,4, Trea . 4; International Club 1-3; French 1-3; hield Staff 4, ports Editor; Top Choir 24; Musicals 24; Variety Show 2-4. Cindy Gillham- Pep Club 2; GAA 2,3; FMA 4; Transfer from Central High chool, Omaha, ebraska. 2. Patricia Glenn- Pep Club 1-3; FT A 4; International Club 1; French Club l. Colleen Glisar- Pep Club 24; Red Cross 4; Y-Teens 4; CPAF 3; Z-Club 3,4; international Club 24; German Club 2-4, cc.-Treas. 3. Jim Goldston-Math Club 4; International Club 1,2; French Club 1,2. Micheal R. Goodrich. Del Gordon- Internati onal Club 4; panish Club 4. Marg Gordon- Pep Club 14; GAA 2; FTA 4; ki Club 24; CPAF 3,4; International Club 14; panish Clu b 1-4. Steven Gottlieb-Band 3,4; Radio Club 3,4; Transfer from Central High School, Omaha, ebraska. 3. Sandy Graham- Pep lub 1-3; Y-Teens l. William Graham-Ski Club 4; Archeology Club 4.


Jerry Gibson Colleen Glisar

Micheal R. Goodrich Steven Gottlieb

Vicki Gibson Jim Goldston

Del Gordon andy Graham

Marg Gordon William Graham

Many Seniors Discover New Challenges

Susan Grider Tamra Hall

Alice Grimm Larry Hamer

Janine Hahn Craig Han en

John Hafer Patricia Hamilton

Bob Hall Lana Hansen

'Tis the seaso n to be jolly . . . se nior basketball devils lau gh while Warrior angels present them with Christmas ties. S u san Grider-GAA 4; Band 4; Transfer from Rockwell City, Iowa 4. Alice Grimm -Pep Club 2; DE 4; Y-Teens 1. J o h n H afe r - Football I ; Track I ; cience Club I; International Club 2; panish Club 2. J a nine Ha h n- Pep Club 4; GAA 4; International lub 4; panish Club 4; Safe Teens 4; Transfer from Benso n Hi gh School, Omaha, ebra ka 3. Bob Hall -Radio lub I -3, Sec.-Treas. 3; Archeology Club 3,4. Tamra H a ll - Pep Club 4; GAA 3,4; Math Club 3,4; Band 3,4; Orchestra 3,4; International Club 3,4; Transfer from Marion, Iowa 3. Larry H a m erW-Club 3,4; Golf 3,4; Hi -Y 4; Transfer from Alliance, ebraska 2. Pa tricia H amilton - Pep Club 3,4; Mu ical 3. Craig H a n sen Latin Club 4; Transfer from Ea t Hi gh School, Cheyenne, Wyoming 3. La n a Hanse n -Pep Club 4; Y-Tee ns 4; Transfer from Bountiful High School, Bountiful, Utah 4.


In Far East~ World Literature ~ Seminar

Mack Harbour Lois Hartse ll

Co nni e Harde n teve Hartun g

Margaret Harmon Lea nne Haz lett

Darl a Harouff cott Head ley

Mary Lee Heintzelma n Ke n Hermse n

Mac k Harb o u r- Tra nsfe r from Techni cal Hi gh c hool, Omaha, ebra ka 3. Connie Harden - Pep Club 1路4; hjeld taff 4, Bu iness Manager; FT 4; International lu b 3; French Club 3; Qujll a nd croll 4. Ma r ga r e t Harmo n -Tra nsfer from ioux City Ce ntral Hi gh chool, ioux City, Iowa 4. Darla Ha rouff -DE 4; Transfe r from Munj ch Ame ri ca n Hi gh chool, Munic h, Germ any 4. Mike HarrisHi -Y 3,4; Footb all! ; wimmjn g 2; Musicals 1; Interact 4. Lois Hartsell -Pe p Club 2-4; FTA 4; Safe T ee ns 4. St eve Hartung-W-C iub 4; Baseball 3,4. Lea nne Hazle tt - Pe p lub 1-4; tude nt Co uncil l ; Lance taff 4; ational Honor oci ty 3,4; Intern ational Club 2-4; pa nj s h lu b 2路4; Z-C iu b 4; FTA 4; afe Teens 3; Quill a nd croll 4. Scott H e adley- Chess Clu b 4. Ka thy Heck e nlively- Pe p Club 1,2; Musicals 2,3; Orche tra 1路3; FTA 1; Intern ational Club 1,2; Latin Club 1,2; PAF 3. Mary Lee H e intzelman - Pe p Club 3; Top Choir 3,4; Drill quad 4; Mu icals 3,4; Vari ety how 3,4; FTA 3,4; Y-Tee ns 3,4; Intern ational Club 3,4; Latin Club 3,4; Transfer from Anderson Hi gh chool, Cin cinn ati , Ohio 3. John H e nry- Wres t[jn g 3,4; International Club 2; Inte ract 4. K e n H e rmsen -Footb all 1,2; Math lub 4; Ba nd 1-4; Interact 3; cie nce Club 4; Key Club 4. Roge r H e rring- w. Club 2-4, Treas. 4; Football l-4; Bas ke tball1 路4; Ba eball 2-4; Intern ational Club 1,2; Latin lub 1,2; Interact 3,4; Homeco min g Candid ate 4.


Mik e Harris Kathy Hecken Hvely

John He nry Roger Herrin g

CP AF Presents Opportunity To


Kay Hiatt- Pep Club l-4; Tennis 2; FMA l-4; ec. 3, Trea . 4; Red Cross 1,4; Y-Teens 1,4; International Club 2,4; French Club 2. Gini Highfield- ational Honor ociety 3,4; quires 4; hield taff 4, Layout Editor; Quill and croll 3,4; Thespians 3,4; las Play 3; International Club 2-4; panish Club 2-4; Z-Club 4; Esquires 4. Bonnie Hill-Pep lub 3; hield taff 4, Adverti ing staff; Variety how 3; FTA 4; ki Club 4; International Club 3,4; French Club 3,4; Transfer from Cedar Falls, Iowa. Steve Hill- Wrestling 2-4; CPAF 3; Interact 3,4. Susan Hill- Pep lub 2; GAA 4; Thespian 4; cience Club l; FMA 1; International Club 3,4; German Club 3,4; afe Teens 3; wimming 3,4. Hale Hilsabeck. Scott Hinckley-Hi -Y 4; Football 1,3,4; Track 1,3; Lance Staff 4; International lub I; French Cl ub I. Bob Hinman-Footb all 1; Track 1; Ches Club 4; Art Club 3,4; International Club 3; French lub 3. Ron Hinman-Football 1; One-Act Plays 1; Chess Club 1; Ski Club 2,4; Int ernational Club 4; CPAF 4; Archeology lub 4. Karen Hiykel- Pep Club 2; GAA 2. Michael Hlavacek- Transfer from Coral Gables High choo l, Coral Gables, Florida 3. Eddie Hoke- afe Teens 4; French Club 2; Math lub I. Marilyn Holcomb- Pep lub 1-4; FMA I; International Club 2,4; French Club 2,4. Betty Holdorf-Transfer from emaha Public chool, emaha, ebraska 4. Steve Holmstrom-H i-Y 3,4; Football 1; Band 1-3; International Club 1,2; German Club l; Interact 4. Sue Holt-Pep Club 1,2; Y-Teens 1, ec. 1; DECA 4. Gini Highfield Su an Hill

Kay Hiatt teve HiU

colt Hinckley Eddie Hoke

Bonnie Hill Hale Hilsabeck

Bob Hinman Marilyn Holcomb

Ron Hinman Betty Holdorf


Karen Hiykel Steve Holmstrom


Michael Hlavacek ue Bolt

:ontemporary Political Situations

Stephen D. Honi g Lynn Hruby

Bill Hopkins Denny Humphrey

Chris Hopkins Mi chael Hurd

Stephen D. Honig- Football 1,2; Track 1,2; Hi -Y 4; cience Club 1; International Club 1,2; Latin lub 1,2; afe Teens 2,3. Bill Hopkins Basketball 1; lntramurals 1; Variety Show 1; International Club 2. Chris Hopkins-Pep Club 1-3; afe Teen 3,4; GAA 1; French Club 1,2; Drill quad 3,4; Thespians 4; Red Cross 1; Top Choir 3,4; Musicals 3,4; Variety Show 3,4. Linda Hotz-Pep Club 14; GAA 1,2; FTA 2-4, V. Pres. 3, Pres. 4. Dorothy Howard- Pep Club 1; Art lub 4; YTeens l. Lynn Hruby- Pep Club 1,2; Thespians 4; FMA 1. Denny Humphrey- Hi-Y 4; Football1 -4; Ba ketball1,2; Wre tling 1; Track 1; Baseball 2-4; Variety Show 1; International Club 2; French Club 2. Michael Hurd- Gymnastics 3,4. Mary halia-Pep C lub 2,3; Variety Show 2,3; FTA 3. Transfer from Mercy High chool, Omaha, ebraska 2. Jerry Jarnes-Hi -Y 4; W-Ciub 3,4; Football 1,2; Basketball 14; Baseball 2; Student Council 3,4; Boy's tate Alternate 3; Class Play 3; Red Cross 2,4; Senate 2; Interact 4. Dean Jansen- Safe Teens 4. Transfer from Bishop Ryan High chool, Omaha, ebraska 2. Jim Jansen-Hi -Y 2-4; W-Ciub 3,4; Football 14; Basketball 14; Track 3,4; Class Officer, Pres. 2, V. Pres. 3; Interact 3,4; Homecoming King 4. Karen Jaworski. Mark Jensen- W-C iub 24, V. Pres. 3, Pres. 4; Football 1-4; Ba ketball 1-4; Track 1; Ba eball 2-4; tudent Council 1; Interact 4, Treas. 4; Homecoming Candidate 4. John Johnson- Track 3; Transfer from orthern Valley High chool, New J er ey 3. Kathy Johnson- Pep Club 2-4; FMA 3,4; Y-Teen 4; hield taff 4, Index Editor; Transfer from hawnee Mis ion West High Sc~ool, Shawnee Mission, Kansa 3.


Linda Hotz Mary ltalia

Dean Jansen Mark J ensen

Dorothy Howard Jerry Jam es

Jim Jansen John Johnson

Karen Jaworski Kathy Johnson

Saddle Shoes Reappear To Complete

Mark Johnson Marty Jones

teve Kavitch Jean Kennedy

Mary Johnson hiela Jone

David Keeley Lynne Ketzler

Robert Johnson Linda Jordan

Tim Johnson Ellen Kaplan

Becky Jones John Katelman

Karl Kehm Jim Killerlain

Mark Johnson - afe Teens 3,4. Mary Johnson - Top hoir 24; Musicals 24; Talent Show 2-4; quires 3,4; NFL 24; Pep lub 2,3; Ia Play 3. Robe rt Johnson -Math lub 3,4, Pres. 4; Debate 2; FL 2-4; Chess lub 14, Pres. 4; International Club 1,2; Latin lub 1,2; CPAF 3. Tim John son- Track 3,4; Math lub 4. B eck y JonesPep lub 1-4; Thespians 4; Top Choir 24; Musicals 2-4; Variety how 24; Y-Teens 1; International Club 2-4; German lub 24; PAF 3,4. Marty Jones-Interact 3,4; w. lub 3,4; Football 14; Basketball 1; Track 1-4. S hi e la Jon es-Pep Club 3,4; Y-Tee ns 1-4; International lub 3,4; panish Club 3,4. Li nda Jordan -Pep Club 24; GAA 24; Top Choir 4; Mu icals 4; Variety how 4; International Club 2; French Club 2; Drill quad 4; Transfer from Benson High chool, Omaha, ebraska 2. E lle n Kaplan - Transfer from entral High chool, Omaha, ebraska 2. John K a t e lman -Ches lub 4; International Club 2; Spanish lub 2. St eve Kavi t c h -Hi-Y 4; w. lub 2-4; Football 24, Trainer; Track 24, Trainer; Wrestlin g 2-4, Trainer; Thespians 4; Interact 4. David K eeley. Karl K e hm - W-C lub 1-4; Football 1,2; wimming 14; Chess Club 1; Interact 4. J ean K e nne d y- Pep lub 14; Top Choir 2-4; Musical 2-4; ariety how 1-4; FMA 1; International Club 14; German lub 14, Pres. 4. Lynne Ke t zle r - Pep lub 1,2; Y-Teens 1,2; International Club 1-3; French Club 3; Latin Club 1,2. Jim Kille rlain -Hi -Y 4; W-Ciub 3,4; Football 1,2; Ba ketball l ; Track l -4; International lub 1,2; pani h lub 1,2 ; PAF 3; Junior Achievement 3,4; Interact 3,4.


Burgundy., Camel., Navy Blue Outfits

Be t sy K ingma n - Pep lub 4; afe Teen 4; Art Club 4; Tran fer from Brownell Hall, Omaha, ebraska 3. Gre gg Kinney - Math Club 4; Interact 4; Transfer from La Habra High School, La Habra, California 4. Candy Kiplinge r - Pep Club 14; GAA 1; hie ld taff 4, tudent Life A sistant Editor; Class Play 3; FT A 24, Trea . 4; ki luh 3; YTeens 24; International Club 1-4; panish Club 14, Pres. 4; CPAF 4. Gary Kirkle. Judy A. Kle mke-Tran fer from Dodge High chool, Dodge, ebraska 4. Julie Klopp - Pep Club 1-3; GAA 1; E qujre 3,4; Lance taff 4; FTA 1-3; Y-Teens 14, V. Pres. 3, Pres. 4; International Club 1,2; French Club 1,2. John Klos t e rman. T im Knight- Football 2; Track 1; Ba ball 3; Math lub 4; Intramural 1-3. Kurt Koe tte r Hi -Y 4; Track 1. Lynn Koile- Pep Club 1-3; wimming 3; GA 1,2; Class Officer 2, V. Pres.; Esqwres 24; Math Club 4; ki Cl~b 4; Red Cross 4; Y-Teens 4; International lub 1-4; French Club 1-4.

Clod-hopper WHS.

Betsy Kingman Julie Klopp

Gregg lGnney John Klo terman

Candy Kiplinger Tim Knight

or bubbles,

addle shoed feet parade the halls of

Gary Kirkle Kurt Koetter

Judy A. Klemke Lynn Koile

Seniors Continue To Enjoy Library

La Rae Koppit J ane Krug

ancy Lake Mary Lin Lankford

Paul Landow Ron LaPour

Jim Kovarik usan Kruse

Karen Krabbenhoft Alan Kulakofsky

Fred Kreider Pat Kuroi shi

Ken Krichbaum tephen Ladwig

Lynne Lange David Larkin


La Rae Koppit- Pep Club 1 4; Drill quad 2-( Z-Club 4; ational Honor ociety 3,4; Girls' tate Alternate 3; Y-Teens 1; Int ernational Club 2,3; Spanish Club 2,3; PAF 4. Jim Kovarik-Football2; Track 1-3; Gymnastics 3,4; ki Club 2; German Club I,2. Karen Krabben路 hoft-Pep tub 1-3; Orche tra I4; Band 14; Int ernational lub I; Latin Club I. Fred Kreider. Ken Krichbaum-1-l i-Y 4; Footballi,2 ; Track 1; Interact 3,4. Jane Krug- Pep Club I-3; Drill quad 3,4; FMA 1; Y-Teens 4; International lub 1,3,4; French tub 1,4; Latin Club 3. Susan Kruse -Pep lub I4; CAA 1,2; International Club I,2; French Club I,2 ; Lance taff 4, Feature Editor, Fourth Page Editor. Alan Kulakofsky-M ath Club 4; Band 2-4; ki Club 3,4; International lub 3,4; panish Club 3,4; Interact 3,4. Tran fer from Central High School, Omaha, ebra ka 2. Pat Kuroishi-Top hoir 2,3. Stephen Ladwig- Key Club 4; Math Club 4; ationa l Honor Society 3,4; Chess Club 24, Treas. 3, V. Pres. 4; Int ernational Club 24; Spanish Club 2-4. Nancy Lake-Pep Club 14; Drill quad 3,4; FMA 1; ki Club 1; Red Cross 1; Y-Teens 1,2. Paul Landow-lntramurals 1; Red Cross 1; International Club 1; Spanish Club I; CPAF 4. Lynne Lange- Pep Club 2-4; hield taff 4; Art Club 4; Transfer from Mercy Hi gh chool, Omaha, ebraska 2. Mary Lin Lankford- Pep Club 14; Drill quad 4; GAA 1,2; Z-Club 4; FTA I ; FMA 1,4; Ski Club 1,4; Y-Teens 1,3,4; International Club 14; French Club 14, ec.-Treas. 3. Ron LaPourFootball 1; Basketball 1; WrestHng 1; Baseball I. David LarkinW -Club 24; Basketball 1; Track 1-4; Math Club 3,4, ec.路Treas. 4; ational Honor ociety 3,4; Cross Country 24; Debate 2; FL 2-4; Chess Club 14; Int ernational Club 1,2; French Club 1,2; CPAF 2-4.




Study Halls And Sixth Hour Privilege

Susan Larren Evelyn Leach

Barbe Larsen Monte Lefholtz

John Larson Steve Leger

Roger L. Larson Sheldon Lerner

Gwen Lichty Betsy Looby Susa n Larren. Barbe Larsen-Pep Club 2-4; Z-Ciub 3,4; Thespians 2-4, ec. 4; One-Act 2; Class Play 3; Top Choir 3,4; Variety Show 3,4; Y-Teen 3,4; International Club 2-4; French Club 2-4; Transfer from Hinsdale Township High School, Hinsdale, lllinoi 2. J o hn Larso n -Hi-Y 3; W-Ciub 2-4; wirnming 2-4; Class Play 3; Band 2; International Club 4; German Club 4; Westside tory, Editor 4. Roger L. Larso n -Math Club 4; Musicals 3,4; Band 3,4; Orche tra 4; Concert Jazz Band 3,4; Red Cross 4; International Club 4; lntramurals 4; Transfer from Geneva Community High School, Geneva, Illinois 2. Ba r bara Lawson - Pep Club l-4; IT A 4; Red Cros 4; Y-Teens 4. Evelyn Leac h -Pep Club 3,4; Band 1-4; Y-Teens 1,2. Mo nte Lefh o ltzFootball 1; Top Choir 2; Mu icals 2; Variety how 2. Steve LegerLance taff 4; Top Choir 3,4; Musical 3,4; Variety Show 3,4. S h e ldo n Lerner- afe-Teens 4. David Levine-Mu icals 1-3; Orchestra 1-4; Variety how 2; Band 1-4; Red Cro s 3. Gwen Lic hty-Pep Club 1-3; GAA 1; llield Staff 4; Thespians 4; Class Play 3; Variety Show 1; ITA 4; ki Club 4; Y-Teens 1,3,4; International Club 3,4; French Club 3,4. Na n cy Lincoln -Pep Club 1-3; Tenni l-4; GAA 1; E quires 2-4; Red Cross l-4, Sec.-Treas. l, V. Pre 2, Pres. 3,4. J o hn L insleyClass Play 3; Top Choir 2-4; Musicals 2,3; Radio Club 1,2. Be tsy Loob y -Pep Club l-3; Y-Teens l. Lo rna J , Love-Lance Staff4; ITA 3,4; International Club 2-4; Spanish Club 2-4; Quill and croll 4. Bre n da Lu cas- Pep Club 1-4; Shield Staff 4, Assistant Academic Editor; Thespians 4; Y-Teens 1,4; International Club 4; French Club 4.


Barbara Lawson David Levine

ancy Lincoln Lorna J. Love

John Linsley Brenda Lucas

Seniors Drain City's Wonder ball Supply D e nny Lue d ers. P e nny Lyma n - Pep Club 1-4; Z-Club 3,4; ational Honor ociety 3,4; Orchestra 1-4; Y-Tee n 24; Internati onal Club 2,4; Latin Club 2,4. Horus Magalhaes- Intern ational lub 4; French Club 4; Key Club 4; Ches Club 4 ; A.F.S. 4; Foreign Exchange tudent from Brazil. Sandra Malin -Shield taff 4, opy Editor; Top Choir 3,4; 1u i als 3,4; Variety how 3,4; Int ern ational lub 3,4; French Club 3,4; Transfer from Kirkwood Hi gh chool, t. Louis, Misso uri 3. J a n e t Manka m eye r -Pe p lub 1-4; GAA 3; FTA 2; Y-Tee ns 1; afe路 Teens 2. Don Marquardt -Key lub 2-4; ational Honor ociety 3,4; Boys tate 3; Orchestra 24; Band 1-4; Chess lub 2-4; International Club 1-3; Latin Club 1-3; J C L 24. J e r ry Mason . Robert Matej k aHi -Y 4; W 路 lub 4; Track 14; cience Club 1,2; ki lub 1,2,4; Gy m路 nastics 3,4; Interact 4. Marjie Mayb e rry- Pe p Club ] 4; GAA 1; Class Officer 4, Sec.; Top Choir 3,4, Treas. 4; Musica ls 3,4; ariety Show 14; FMA 2; Y-Tee n 1,3; Int ernational Club 1-3; French Club 1-3; afe-Tee ns 3; Esquires 4. Les McCla n a h a n - W- lub 3,4; Foot路 ball1 4; Wres tlin g 2. John McColliste r - Hi -Y 4; Footb alll -3; Track 1; Top Choir 2; Musical 2; Variet y how 2; Debate 3; FL 3,4; Jr. Red Cros l ; Int ernational Club ] -3; Latin Club 1; Germ an Club 1-3; enate 1; Interact 4; CPAF 4. Dan McCormack - W-C lub 24; Track 2-3; Footb all 2-4. Bill McDonald . J o hn McD o nald - DE 4; Ski Club 3,4; Transfer from Hazelwood Hi gh chool, t. Louis, Misso uri l. Ma rtha McGu ir e- Pe p lub 4; Orchestra 4; FT A 4; Int ern ati onal lub 4; Latin Club 4; Transfer from Fargo, orth Dakota. Bo b Mcl nt yreFootb all2 ,3; Track 1,2; Key Club 3,4, Pres. 4; Band l ; Science Club 1; Radi o Club 14, V. Pre . 2. Denny Lueders Sa ndra Malin

Penny Lyman J anet Mank ameyer

Jerry Maso n Dan McCo rm ack

Horu s Magalhae Don Marquardt

Robe rt Matejk a Bill McDonald

Marji e Mayberry J ohn McDonald


Les Me Ianahan Martha McG uire

J ohn McCollister Bob Mcintyre

As Latest Craze Bounces Into Westside

Alex McPh e r son -lli- Y I ; Footb all 1,2; Debate 1. Judi Me h a n ePep C lub J -4; FT A 3,4; Art C lub 2-4; Red C ross 2; Y-Tee ns 1: Inte rnational Club 2-4; pani sh C lub 24; afe T eens 24. D o u g M_;igsHi-Y 3; Footb all 1; wimmin g 3,4: Chess lub 1. D ave Men s hikHi -Y 4; Footba ll I : T rac k 1,2; afe Tee ns 3; C hess Club 1; Inte ract 4. S h irley Merce r. T h o m a s L. M •rtz- Track 1-3; DE 1. Ka thy MetzPep Club 14, Treas. 4; GAA 1; Es quire 24; hi e ld ta ff 4 , e ni or lass Editor; ariety how 1-3; Band 1-3; Y-Tee ns 1; Inte rn ational C lub 1-3; Fre nch C lu b 1-3; Quill a nd c roll 4; Homeco min g Ca ndid ate 4. h aro n Meyer- Pe p Club 1-4; GA 1,2; F 1A 4; Red Cross 14; Y-Teens 1,2,4; Inte rnati onal C lub 1,2; French C lub 1,2. J e ff MeyersC lass Officer 3,4, Pres.; tud e nt Co un cil\ 4; Key C lub 24, V. Pres. 3; ati onal Honor oc iety 3,4: Boy's tate 3; Thespians 4; Ia s Pl ay 3; Debate 24; FL 24, erl(ea nt at rm s 3, Treas. 4; C hess Club 14; Inte rn ationa l Club 14; pani s h Club 14; C PAF 3,4. B a rb Middle ton -Pep C lub 1-3; rt J ub 1,2; Intern ati ona l C lub 1,2; Fre nc h C lub 1,2.

enjors Mik e Pulhamus, Art nnin , and ed Whitese ll discover that wond erb all s live n up th ose dull mome nts b twee n classes.

le x Mc Pherso n Thomas L. Me rtz

Judi Me ha ne Kathy Metz

Doug Meigs haron Meyer


Dave Me ns hik J e ff Meyers

hirley M rce r Ba rb Mjddl ton

Friday Morning Breakfasts, Batman, Red

Harold Mildrexler l\1arsha Moody

Judy Mo s Patricia Murray

Gus Mou take Jim Musil

Greg Miller John Moore

Linda Miller Connie Morey

Tom Miller Candy Morley

Mary Mincer John 1orrison

H a r o ld Mildrexle r - Transfer from Oxford, I ebraska 4. G r eg Miller-Math Club 3,4; Chess Club 1-4; ki tub 2-4;' Mu ical 2-4; Band 1-4; CPAF 3; International lub 1,2; Spanish Club 1,2; Interact 3,4. Li nd a Mille •·- Pep Club 1-4; G A 1,2; ki Club 1-3; Red Cross 2-4; Y-Te ns 1; afe-Teen 2-4. Tom Mille r - Basketball 1; Intramural 3; cience Club 1; International Club 2. Ma r y Mincer - Pep Club 1-4; GAA 1,2; Fl\IA 4; International Club 3; Latin lub 3. Ma r s ha Moo d yPep Club 1-3; International Club 2; Latin Club 2. John MooreW-Club 4; Gymna tics 3,4; Band 1; Radio Club 1-3; hess Club 1; ki Club 1,2; International Club 2. Co nni e Mo r ey- Pep lub 1-4; GAA 1; Thespians 4; Top Choir 2-4, V. Pre . 4; Musicals 2-4; ariety how l-4; ITA 1-3; Y-Teen 1.2; International Club 1-4; panish Club 1-3; Latin Club 3,4. Ca nd y Mo rl ey- Pep Club 1-3; Thespians 4; Y-Teen 3,4; International Club 1-4; French Club l-4. J o hn Morriso n - Hi-Y 4. Jud y Moss- Transfer from La Meroda High chool, La Meroda, California 4. G u s Mous takes- Track 1; International Club 1,2; French Club 1,2; hield taff 4. Alle n e Munson -Pep Club l-4; Class Play 3; FMA 2-4; Y-Teens l; JCL 2-4; International Club 2-4; Latin Club 2-4, ec.-Treas. 4. P a tri c ia Murray- Pep Club 1,2; Red Cro s 1; Y-Tccns 1,4; afe-Tecns 3,4. jim Mus il - W-Club 2-4; Foot ball 2-4; Basketball 2; Tenni 2,3; Interact 3,4; Transfer from East Aurora High chool, East Aurora, w York 2. Gr eg Mutz-Hi-Y 4; Basketball!; CPAF4; afe-Teens4.

Allene Mun on Greg Mutz


Barn, Provide Food, Fun, In Leisure Time

Susan Nardie- Transfer from ormandy High chool. St. Loui , Mi ouri 4. Kelly Nash- Wrestling 2. Gary Neid-Debate 3; NFL 3, V. Pres. 3; Lance taff 4; Latin Club 1; afe-Teens 1; Intera t 1; JCL 3. Norman Nelson - DE 4. Nancy Neubauer- Tran fer from Heelan High chool. ioux Ci ty, Iowa 4. Geraldine Nied-Pep Club 1-4; GAA 1,2; Y-Teens 1,2; International Club 4; Latin Club 4. Jim Nielse n -Track 1,2. Mik e Ni e mants- cience Club 3. Erik Nilsson cience Club 1; Chess Club 4; ki Club 1-3; CPAF l. Randy Noge iHi-Y 1-4, V. Pres. 3, Treas. 4; W-Ciub 3,4; Football 1,2; Basketball!; Tennis 1-4; Band 1; CPAF 3,4; Interact 4. Dave North- Transfer from orfol k, ebraska 4. Cam Northouse- Hi-Y 3,4. Pres. 4; F'TA 4, Pres. 4; Interact 4; CPAF 4; Internatio nal Club 4; Latin Club 4; Westside tory 3,4, o-Edi tor. Marilyn Novak-Pep Club 1,2; GAA 1; The pian 4; Red Cross 1,2; International Club 1,2; French Club 1,2. Kathy Nuccio. Jay O'Brien- Band 1-3; Distributive Education 4; Chess Cl ub J ; Red Cro s l. Doug Olsen- WrestUng 1; Track l.


Susan Nardie orman elson

Jim ielson Cam orthouse

Mike iemants Marilyn Novak

Erik ilsson Kathy uccio

Kelly ash ancy Neubauer

Randy ogel Jay O'Brien

Gary eid Geraldine ied

Dave orth Doug Olsen

Term Papers., Essays., Book Reports

Paul Olsen Pat Otto

Karen 01 on Pinar Oztarhan

Linda Orkow Hap Patz

David Osborne eil Paul on

tan 0 trow Rick Peck

College bound enior, Gail nder on, fights off a seriou ca e of enioriti as she diligently cracks the books. Paul Olse n- 1ath lub 4; hess Club 3; afe Teen 4. Kare n Olson -Pep Club 1-4; Drill quad 3,4; Tennis 1-4; GA 1; Z-Ciub 4; E quire 3,4; Math Club 4; Y-Teen 1-4; International Club 1,2,4; pani h Club 1,2,4. Linda Orkow- Pep Club 3,4; FM 4. David O s borne- las Play 3; Orchestra 2-4; CP F 3,4. Stan O s trow- Math Club 4; Debate 2: Int ernational Club 2-4; French Club 2-4. Pal Ollo- Orc he Ira 2-4. Pinar Oztarhan-P p lub 4; GAA 4; tud ent Council 4; Z-Ciub 4; Int ernational lub 4; French lub 4; F 4; Exchange tudent from Turk ey. Hap Patz- W-Ciub 1-4; wimming l-4; Track I; Key Club 2-4; 1ath lub 4; ational Honor ociety 3,4; Boy's tate lternate 3; C ia s Play 3; he Club 2,3; Int ernational Club 1-3: Latin Club 1-3. Neil Paulson-Math lub 4. Rick Peck-Top Choir 2-4; 1u icals 2-4; ariety huw 2-4.


Require Hours Of Research At Library

T om P e lkne r -Football 1; Chess Club 3. P eggy Pe rime te r -Pep Club 1,2; hield Staff 4; Thespian 1,4; One Acts l ; Variety how 1; French Club 2; International Club 3. Na n cy P erson - Red Cross 4; Transfer from Lawrence Central High chool, Indianapolis, Indiana 3. J e rry Pe tersen - \V.Ciub 3,4; Football 1-4; Baseball 3,4; Basketball 14, Manager. Kurt Pe te r sen -W路Ciub 3,4; Football 2; wimming 3,4; lnlernational Club I. Lynn P e te r sen - Pep Club 2,3; DE 4, V. Pre . 4. Su san P e te r se n - Pep Club 14; GAA 1; Lance taff 4, Business Manager; International Club 1-4; panish Club 1-4; CPAF 3,4: Quill and croll 4. J a nis P etteg r ew - Pep Club 1-3; Red Cros 3,4; Y-Teens 1; International Club 1,2; French Club 1,2. Candy Pe tte ngiU- Pep lub 1-4, ec. 3; Esquires 2-4; Y-Teen 14: International Club 1-3; French Club 1-3. Barbara Phal e n - Pep Club 1-3; GAA 1,2; Art Club 1; ki Club 1,2; Red Cross 3,4; Y-Teens l ; International Club 1,2; panish Club 1,2. Douglas Pierson -Hi -Y 3,4; Football 2; Track 1,2; Westside tory 3,4; lnleract 4; ITA 4; Red ros 1; International Club 1,2; German Club 1,2. Frank Pinali- Chess Club 3; ki Club 2; Kathi Pipe r - Pep Club 3; International Club 3,4; French lub 3,4; Thespians 4; Transfer from Marian High chool, Omaha, ebraska 3. Rod Poff- In1e11act 4. Leon Polikov- cience Club I ; International Club 1,2; pani h Club 1,2; Interact 4. Mary Cathe rine Polito. Tom Pelkner Jerry Petersen

usan Petersen Frank Pinali

J ani Pettegrew Kathi Piper

andy Pettengill Rod Poff

Peggy Perimeter Kurt Petersen

Barbara Phalen Leon Polikov

ancy Person Lynn Petersen

Douglas Pier on Mary Calherine Polito

Seniors Take College Boards, Regents,

Bruce Porter Sandy Rauch

Phil Reynolds ancy Rickabaugh

Afton Prestwich Julie Reed

Sherri Richard Marty Riehle

John Prouty Rog Rehurek

Elaine Richart Barbara Robbie

Mike Pulhamus William Reilly

Michele Rachford Steve Renier

Bruce Porter - Top Choir 3,4; Talent how 4; MUiicals 4; Transfer from Olympia High chool, Olympia, Washington路 3. Afton Prestwich-Pep Club 2-4; Y-Teens 4; Transfer from ilver Springs, Maryland 2. John Prouty- Hi-Y 4; Art Club 3; ki Club 3; Transfer from Benson High School, Omaha, ebraska 3. Mike Pulhamus- W-Ciub 2-4; Track 2-4; Cro Country 2,3; DE 4; Int ernational Club 4. Michele Rachford-Pep Club 1-4; Z-Cl ub 3,4; ational Honor Society 3,4; FMA 1-4, Sec. 4; International Club 1-4; French Club 1-4. Sandy Rauch -Pep Club 4. Julie Reed-Pep Club 1-3; GAA 1,2; Z-Club 2-4; ational Honor Society 3,4; AF 3, The pian 4; Top Choir 2-4; Musicals 2-4; Variety Show 1-4; Band 1,2; ITA 2; Red Cross 1; Int ernational Club 1-4; French Clu b 1-4, Pres. 4; Latin Club 3; JCL 3. Rog RehurekHi-Y 3,4; Wrestling 1,2; Science Club 2; Latin Club 2; CPAF 3,4; Gymna tics 3,4; Cro s ountry 3. William Reilly. Steve Renierwimming 3,4; Phil Reynolds- Transfer from an Diego Military Academy, Del Mar, California 2. Sherri Richard-Pep Club 1-3; Lance Staff 4, Advertising Manager; ITA 4; FMA 2,3; Ski Club 3; Red Cross 4; Y-Teens 2,3. Elaine Richart- Pep Club 2-4; Drill quad 4; Esquires 4; Class Play 3; IT A 3,4; Interna tional Club 2,4; Spanish Club 2,4. Nancy Rickabaugh-Pep Club 3; GAA 2; Transfer from Woodrow Wilson High chool, Council Bluffs, Iowa 2. Marty Riehle. Barbara Robbie-Pep Club l -4; Drill Squad 4; GAA 2; ITA 2-4, Sec. 4; Y-Teens 3,4; International Club 1,3,4; Spanish Club 1,3,4.


ACT, While College Plans Formulate

Barry Roberts Melinda Rosen

Rich Roccaforte Paula Rosen

Vicki Roggy Annette Ros

Sandy Rolick Dave Ross

Mike Ryan Carolyn Saunders

Barry Roberts- Hi-Y 4; Math Club 4; ational Honor Society 3,4; cience Club 2,3; International Club 2-4; Spani h Club 2-4; CPAF 3,4; Interact 4. Rich Roccaforte- wimming3; DE 4. Vicki RoggyPep Club 14; Art Club 1; Y-Teen 1,3; International Club 2; panish Club 2. Sandy Rolick-Pep Club 1-4; ITA 4; Red Cross 4; Y-Teens 4; International Club 3; Spanish Club 3. Tony Rose-Hi-Y 4; Homecoming andidate 4; W-Ciub 2-4; Football 1-4; Track 1,2; Key Club 24; International Club 1; Latin Club 1 ,2. Melinda Rose n- Pep Club 2,3; Thespians 4; Art Club 3; International Club 2,3; French Club 2; Spanish Club 3. Paula Rosen-Pep Club 1,2; GAA 1; Math Club 4; Z-Ciub 4; Lance taff 4, 8th Page Editor; Thespians 4; Art Club 2; International Club 1,2,4; French Club 1,2,4; Transfer from horewood High School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 3. Annelle Ross-Pep Club l-3; GAA l; Esquires 3,4; ITA l; Red Cross 1; Y-Teens l-4; CPAF 2-4; International Club 1,2,4; French Club 1,2,4. Dave Ross-Hi-Y 4; WCiub 3,4; Track 1-4; Band 1,2; lnteract4; Cro s Country 24; lntramurals 2-4; International Club 1,2; French Club 1,2; CPAF 3. Cherry RussellPep lub 4; Transfer from Lincoln High chool, Lincoln, ebraska 4. Mike Ryan. Joanne Sacchi-Pep Club 1-3; Art Club 1,2, ec.Treas. 1; International Club 1-3; French Club 2,3; CPAF 3. Carol Sachse- Pep Club 1-3; GAA 1; FMA 1,2; Art Club 2; ki Club 4; Y-Teens 1,2; International Club 1,2; French Club 1,2. Carolyn Saunders- Pep Club 3,4; Transfer from avertown, Pennsylvania 2. Pam Schaap- Pep Club 1,2; GAA 1; Thespians 3,4; One-Acts 3; Clas Play 3; Top Choir 2-4; Musicals 2-4; Variety how 2-4; Y-Teens 1. Paul chlegei-International Club 1,2.


Tony Rose Cherry Russell

Joanne acchi Pamela Schaap

Carol achse Paul chlegel

Seniors Fill Out College Applications.,

Allan S chome r - Hi-Y 3,4; wimmin~ 3,4. Gary Schroe d e r - Football 2,3; Top Choir 24; Musicals 24; ariety Show 2-4; German Club 4. Linda Schultz - Pep Club 14. Krist in e Scoville- Pep Club 2; ki lub 2,4; International Club 4; French Club 4. John R. Scuii Hi-Y 2,4; \V-Ciub 2-4; Football 24, Manager; Basketball 4, 1anager; Radio Club 4; Red Cross 1,2; Interact Club 4. Da vid Segur - Hi-Y 1; Cia Play 3; Band 2; CPAF 3. Willia m Sellne r . James SeumeFootball 1,2; Track I. Gary A. Shannon -Football 1; Basketball 1; tudent ouncil l; Top Choir 2-4, Pres. 4; Musicals 2-4; Variety how 24; Band l ,2,4. Mike S h eeh a n -Ba eball 1; Chess Club l.

ancy Eaton, Julie Reed, and Jane Krug discuss their plan for the days to come after graduation.

Allan Schomer David egur

I /

Gary chroeder William ellner

Linda chultz J ames eume


Kristine coville Gary A. hannon

John R. cull Mike heehan :~

Anxiously Await Letter Of Acceptance

Kathy hipke Donna latin

Jon hriner Edward R. lavik

ancy ilverman haron mall

Cynthia Sokol Frank oukup Ka thy S hip k e- Pep Club 24; GAA 4; hield tafT 4, Adverti ing tafT; Thespian 4; Musical 3; Variety how 3; Debate 4; FT A 4; ki Club 2,4; Red Cross 4; Y-Teens 4. J o n S h r iner-Basketball 1; Interact 4. Na n cy Silverma n - Pep Club 1; Math lub 3,4: a tiona] Honor ociety 3,4; Thespians 3,4, Recorder 4; One·Act 3; Cia s Play 3; Orchestra 1; International Club 24; French Club 2·4. S u e Si n ovich Pep tub 1·4; Drill quad 24, Co. Capt. 3, Capt. 4; wirnming 3; FMA 1; ki Club 1,2; International Club 1; panish lub 1. Carol Slack Pep Club 1·4; GAA I; FTA 24; ki Club 4; Y·Teen 3,4; International Club 3,4; panish Club 3,4. Donna Sla tin -GAA 4; Z·Club 4; National Honor oci ty 3,4; International Club 3,4; french Club 3,4; Transfer from entral High c hool, Kalamazoo, Michigan 3. E d ward R. Slavik -Thespians 4; One- ct 3; Class Play 3; Variety how 3; Ski lub 3; Interact 4; Tran fer from Creighton Prep High chool, Omaha, ebra ka 3. Sh aron SmalJ -Pep Club 14; FTA 3,4. Scoll Smith - W- luh 24: Football 1·4; Chess lub 1-4; CPAF 4. St eve Snod grass- W-Cluh 14; Football14; wirnrning 1·4; Track 1,2; International Club 1; Latin lub 1; Hom coming Candidate 4. Cyn thia S oko l -Pep lub 14; GAA 1; Z·C iub 3,4; FTA 1,2; ational Honor ociety 3,4; Thespians 4; Top Choir 3,4; Musicals 3,4; Variety how 1,3,4; Y·Teens 1; International lub 14; French lub 14. St eve Sokolof-Math Club 4; Debate 2; FL 2,3; International Club 2; French Club 2; CPAF 4. Stuart Sore n son - W·Ciub 1·4; wirnrning 14; Math Club 3,4; Debate 24; FL 24, Pres. 4; Che Club 14; International Club 3,4; German Club 3,4, Pre . 4. Frank Soukup - ymna tics 3. Ga r y S p a uldi n gw. lub 14; wimming 14; Key Club 2·4; Orchestra 3,4; Band 14; Drum Major 3,4; International tub 4; German lub 4. Ga ry Sp eer Gymna ti s 3,4. 171

Sue Sinovich cott mith

Carol lack teve nodgrass

teve okolof Gary paulding

tuart orenson Gary peer

1965-66 Comes To A Successful Close Ca thy Spick a-Pep Club 1,2; Y-Teens 1; French lub l. Chip Spie lhagcn . La ura S tasz ko -Pep lub 1,2; GAA 1-4, Treas. 2; International Club 2,3; Latin lub 2.3; afe-Teens 3,4. Karina tauers- 1ath Club 4. Ba rba r a tei n -Pep Club 1-4; Z-Club 1-4, ec. 3, Pres. 4; E quire 2-4; FT A 1; Art Club 1,2, V. Pres. 2; Ski lub 1-3; International Club 1-4, V. Pres 3, Pres. 4; French lub 1-4; heerleading 2; Homecoming Candidate 4. Me rritt Stinson. S h clli trau ss. Ca r o l Strombe r g- Pep Club 3,4; International Club 4; pan ish Club 4; The pians 4; Transfer from Medenah, Illinoi 3. Ma r y utton. John R . wa n so n , Jr.-Hi-Y 4; Football 1; wimming 3,4; Gymnastics 4; afe-Tecns 4; DE 4; ki Club 2-4, V. Pres. 3; Red Cros 1-4. Mary Swe n se n -Archeology Club 4; Tran fer from Central High chool, Omaha, ebraska 4. C raig wopc- ience Club 2; CPAF 3,4, Pre . 4; Transfer from Central High chool, Omaha, ebraska 2. Bob Tank Football 1; Swimming 3; Ski Club 2-4; Hi-Y 4. Jill Tappe ro - Pep Club 2; Math Club 1; ational Honor ociety 3,4; PAF 4. Rita Tarpley-Pep Club 1-4; Drill Squad 3,4; GAA 1; Class Officer 3, ec. 3; FTA 1-4; International Club 1,2; panish Club 1,2; Red Cross 1; YTeen 2-4. Dic k T h a rp - Hi-Y 4; W-C iub 3,4; Football 1-4; Ba ketball 1-4; Baseball 2-4; las Officer 3, Treas. 3; tuden t Council 1; ational Honor ociety 3,4; Boys' State 3; Interact 3,4; Optimi t Club Award 2.

Cathy picka Karina Stauers

Chip piclhagen Barbara tein

helli traus Craig Swope

Laura Staszko Merritt Stinson

Carol tromberg Bob Tank

1ary Sutton Jill Tappero

John R. wan on, Jr. Ri ta Tarpley

Mary Swen en DickJharp

While Memories Of Fun And Toil Remain John Thomas- W- lub 2-4; Football 1-4; Basketball I; Track 1-3; Clas Play 3; Chess Club 1; ki Club 1.2; International Club 1,2; French lub 1,2; Interact 4. Ron Thomas-Swimming 3,4; Ski Club 3,4; afe-Teens 2-4. June Thompson-Pep Club 1-4; GAA 1; Lance taff 4, 2nd Page Editor; Thespians 3; ki Club 1: Y-Teens 1; International Club 1-3; panish Club 1,2; Latin Club 3; CPAF 2-4; Quill and croll 4. Linda Thompson- Pep Club 1-3; GAA 1.2; Top Choir 1-4; Musi 路als 2-4; Variety how 2-4; FTA 1,2; FMA 1; Red Cross 2-4; Y-Teen 1,2.4; International Club 1-3; panish Club 1.2; Latin Club 3. Paul Thorson- Wrestling 1,2; Track 2.3; Thespians 3; Class Play 3; Top Choir 2-4; Musicals 2-4; Variety how 2-4. Charlie Toy- Hi-Y 1-4; Football 1,2; Basketball 1,2; Wrestling 1; Track l-4; Student Council 1. Janet Trachtenharg- Pep Club 1-4; Esquires 4; FT A 3; French Club 1,2.4. Pete Trapolino- Wrestling 3.4; Transfer from Rochester, ew York 3. Carl Troia- Transfer from reighton Prep High chool, Omaha, ebraska 4. Mary Tuii-Pep lub 1,3,4; Y-Teens 1. Rick Turner- Transfer from Pierre, outh Dakota 2. Pat Tvrdik-Pep Club l-4; GAA l-3; Esquires 2-4; Band l -3; Librarian 2,3; Red Cross 1; International lub 2; Fr nch Club 2. Linda Tway- Pep Club 2-4; Lance Staff 4, Managing Editor; afe-Teens 3; FTA 4; International Club 2,3; French Club 2,3; Quill and croll 4. Pres. 4; Z-C iub 4. Steve Tyler- Football 1-4; Basketball 1,2; Track 1,2; Base ball 3,4; Red Cro 4. Janet Underwood- Pep Club 2-4; Art Club 2-4, Treas. 4; Red Cross 2; ate-Teens 2-4, V. Pres. 3, Pres. 4. Bob Urosevichlli-Y 1-4; W-Ciub 2-4; Football 1-4; Basketball 1-4; Base ball 1-4; tu dent Council 1; Key Club 2-4; Red Cross I; International Club 1; Interact 3,4; llomecoming Candidate 4. John Thomas Linda Thompso n

Janet Trachtenbarg Pat Tvrdik

Pete Trapolino Linda Tway

Carl Troia Steve Tyler

!ary Tull Janet Underwood

Ron Thomas Paul Thorsnn

Jane Thompson Charlie Toy

Rick Turner Bob Urosevich

As Graduation Draws Near, Seniors

John Vacanti- Football 1; Basketball1; Math Club 1; hess Club l. Wayne VanVlie t - Hi-Y 1 ,3,4; Track 1; International Club 2; panish Club 2. Barbara E . Ve a c h- Pep Club 2-4; NFL 2; Z-Club 3,4, Treas. 4; National Honor Society 3,4; Math Club 4; Debate 2; FMA 1-4, Vice V. Pres. 3, Pres. 4; Y-Teens 1; International Club 1-3; Latin Club 1-3. Paul J . Vecchio. Doug Ve r c o e-Track 14; Football 1; Top Choir 3,4; Musicals 3,4; Variety how 3,4. Kathlee n Ve rM e hre n- afe Teens 3. Joe Villotta. Su s i Waldbaurn- Pep Club l 4; Thespians 4; One Acts 4; hield taff 4, Activities Edi tor; F'M 1,2; I nterna tional lub 14; panish Club 14; CPAF 1-4, ec-Treas. 4; Esquires 4; Quill and Scroll4; Westside tory 3. St e ve n Walke r- Math lub 4; Transfer from Central High School, Manchester, ew Hampshire 2. Kare n Wall - Pep Club 24; hield taff 4, Advertising Manage r; Thespians 3,4; Class Play 3; Safe Teens 3; FTA 4; Y-Teens 24; Interna tional Club 2,3; French Club 2,3; Quill and croll 4.

He made a touchdown, a basket? o, it's just Bob Uro evich waving to his favorite English teacher, Miss Lyman.

John Vacanti Kathl een VerMehren

\V ayne Van Vlie t J oe Villotta

Barbara E. Veach S usi Waldbaum


Paul J . Vecchio Steven Walker

Doug Vercoe K!l'en Wa ll

Are Measured For Caps And Gowns

Keith Ward Roy-; ebb

Pat Ward Lynn Weber

andra Ward Fred Weiner

Arell Was on Lloyd R. Welch

Bob Wergin David C. White Keith Ward -Football 1,2; Wrest)jng 3; Track 1,2. Pat Wa rd- CAA 1: Art Club 2,3: Y路Teens 1; panish Club 3; Tran fer from Mercy High chool, Omaha, ebra ka 2. Sandra Ward- Pep Club 1,2; Lance tafT 4;.FTA 4; Y路Teens 1路4; CPAF 3; Quill and croll4. Are U Wasson - afe Teens 4; Transfer from Ben on High chool, Omaha, ebra ka 2. Jacki e Watts- Pep Club 1路3; rt Club 4. Roy We bb -Tran fer from Lewis Central, Council Bluffs, Iowa I. L ynn We b e r- F lA 4; Transfer from Lliance Township High chool, La Grange, lllinois 4. F r e d We ine r - Thespians 3,4, Pres. 4; One-Act Plays 4; Class Play 3; Top Choir 3,4; Mu icals 3,4; Variety how 1-4. Lloyd R. WelchW-Ciub 2-4, ec. 4; Football 14; Ba ketball 14; Track 1; Baseball 24; Cia s Officer 4, Treas.; Student Council 1-4, V. Pres. 3, Pre . 4; Key Club 24; Interact 3,4, Treas. 4. Connie We ndt - Pep Club 2,3. Bob We rgin -Orchestra 3,4; Band 3,4; Tran fer from Rapid City, outh Dakota 3. Judy Wheele r - P p Club 1,2; Drill quad 3,4; Cia s Officer 2, ec.; tudent Council1,3; Top Choir 24; Mu icals 2-4; Variety how 14; Red ross 1; Y-Teens 1,2; International Club 1,2; French Club 1,2. J a n Whitake r - Pep Club l-3; wimming 3,4; GAA 1,2; hield tafT 4, Assi tant enior Editor; Thespians 3,4, V. Pres. 4; One-Act Play 4; lass Play 3,4; Debate 2; FL 2; FMA 2,3; ki Club 2-4; Y-Teen 1,2; International Club 1,2; Latin Club 1,2. David C. White - Hi-Y 3,4; DE 3,4, ec. 4. Ned Whitesell- Track 2-4; Cross Country 4; Science lub 2; Transfer from Alexandria, Virginia 2. Joe l Wiese.


Jackie Watts Connie Wendt

Judy Wheeler ed Whitesell

Jan Whitaker Joel Wiese

Proudly, The Class Of '66 Confronts

Barbara Wille Barbara Wolcott

Paul Wyant

Barb Williams B tty Wood

Deborah M. Dwyer

Larry Williams Beverly Wood

Robert Wilson Nancy Wood

usie Wilson J ames A. Woodland

Barbara Wille - Pep Club 2,3; Drill quad 3,4; ki lub 2; International Club 2; pani h Club 2. Barb Williams- Pep lub 1-3; Drill Squad 2-4; GAA 1,2; FT A 4; International Club I,:Z,. Spanish Club I,2. Lorry Williams - Tran fer from I. Boneventure. Robert WilsonFootball 3; Track l. S u sie Wilson-Pep Club I-3; Variety how I; Drum Majorette 3,4; DE 4; Y-Teens I; Safe-Teen 2-4. Barbara Wolcott- Pep Club 3,4; German Club 4. Betty Wood- Pep Club 1; Y-Teen l. Beverly Wood-Pep Cl ub 2,3; Esquires 3,4; The pian 4; Transfer from North High chool, Omaha, ebraska 2. Nancy WoodPep Club l-4, V. Pre . 3, Pres. 4; GAA l; Esquire 2-4; Quill and croll 3,4; hield taff 4, Editor; Top Choir 3,4; Musicals 3.4; ariety hows 1,3,4; Debate 2,3; FL 2,3; Int ernational lub I-4; French panish Club I; CPAF 1,2; enate 2; Homecoming Candidate 4. James A. Woodland-Football l; Musical 3,4; Orche tra 3,4; Band I-4, Treas. 3; Red Cro s 2-4, ec.-Treas. 4; French Club 2; CPAF 3; Conce rt Jazz Band 3,4. Paul Wyant-Foo tball I; Track l. Deborah M. Dwyer- Pep Club I,2; GAA 1; Thespians 2,3; Top Choir 2,3; Musicals 2,3; Variety Show 2,3; FMA 1; Ski Club 4. teve Livingston.

Steve Livingston


The Challenges Of A Changing World

Karin Zales ki

Bill Ziegler

Cind y Ziegman

Jud y Zomparelli

Daniel B. Zook


Kare n Zales ki -Pep lub 1,4; DE 4. BiJJ Ziegle r - Transfer from Lutheran High chool, Milwaukee, Wi sco nsin 4. Cindy Ziegman Pep Club 1-4; DE 4; Y-Tee ns 1; afe-Tee n 3. Jud y Zom pareiJi Band 4; Ches Club 4; Red Cross 4; Transfer from Bi hop Mi ege High School , haw nee J\lijssion , Kansas 4. Daniel B. Zook.

" Head s up." exclaims Jr. Farrar as he measures De bb y Beal for her cap.



Seniors"" Changes Tradition The Outstanding Senjors fo r l %6 were chosen by a faculty committee and a final Senior class vote. Thjs procedure marks the beginning of a new tradition at Westside.

LaRae Koppitt

Phil Blum :~

Kathy Metz



Jerry James


Rusty Welch

Pennie Anderson

Mark Jensen

Jewel deFree e

ancy Wood



Dick Tharp

Roger Herring

Jeff Meyers

Marjie Mayberry Barb


teve Ladwig

"Let today embrace the past with remembrance ; the future with longing ."

Index Faculty And Administration

Koch, Jerry 22 Kolterman, Don 29

-LLane, Richard 38,79 Lang, Charles 26 Lang, Edward 38 Limbaugh, Elaine 29 Lucas, Lois 19 Lyman, Linda 29,174

-AAllen, Laverne 31 Anderson, Joan 31 Andreas, Paul 23

-BBaird, Jam s 20 Beemer,Jan t 34 Benz, Cal 36,92 Be t, Ray 22,46,79,91 Bro t, Diane 24,25,69

-CCampbell, Margaret 18 Canto, Gra iela 32,73 hevalier, Linda 28 Clark, Anna 30 Clark, Irene 18,141 Clark, Iris 34 onner, Mary 28 Cooper, Elizabeth 32 Cu todian 21

-D Davis, Mary 33,73 DeLano, Calvin 6 Donoghue, Juliann 32,69 Dunn, Clara 22

-EEdwards, andra 36,69 Elia on, Darlene 18 El wick,John 28 Engelhart, Leon 38 Erickson, Wilma 31 Evans, haron 32

-F farrar, Ralph 16,177 Fuerst, Dale 31,47

-GGeorge, Julie 33 Gildea, John 25 Gillogly, Alice 17,18 Gloor, Alvin 25 Grizzell, Kenn th 35

-HHansen, Kenneth K. 16 Hansen, Rod 30,49 Hardjson, Harley 27 Harmsen, Betty 24,25 Held, Jeanne 33 Hennjngs, Dave 27 Hick , Dorothy 20 Hoffman, Roger 24 Howard, Betty 34 Hoyt, Judith 29 Hoyt, William 24,77,79 Huston, Ron 22,79,82

-JJacob, Roger 22 Jansen,Joan 20

-KKautter, Jeannje 35 Kellogg, WiLJjam 65 Kjtchen Help 21 Klein, Robert 26

-MMcAJijster, Mary 26 M Cormick, William 23,82 Mellor, ferne 20 Miller, Harry 23 Miloni, Louis 37,79,90 Moscrey, Robert 27,83,95

-Nelson, William 23,46 oodeii,Jack 31

-0Olson, Trudy 32 Otto, Robert 25

-PPage, Carol 30,44,45 Palleson, Pete 28,29,43 Paneck,Jean 20 Patz, Hazel 28 Pecht, Karl 19 Peterson, Jack 19,87 Phelp , Vaughn 16

Brownies Melody Lane 197 Central Market 185 ountryside Barbershop 189 Countryside Pharmacy 192 David Lee Photography 191 Dresher' leaners 188 fox Champlin tation 189 Golden pur 189 Grabow's Auto ervice 184 Guaranteed Mutual 196 John M. Jenkins 199 Kjnney hoes 193 Krug' 193 Lloyd's hoe tore 185 Midtown Motors I89 Piccolo Pharmacy 188 Randall's 193 Red Hanger 186 Mervin Rees' tudio 194 Rockbrook Barbershop 193 Rockbrook tyle alon 186 Ross' teak House 199 ecurity Patrol 189 paretime Restaurant 186 tanley's 185 tate farm In urance 185 Todd's 185 Tway Van and torage 197 Village Barbershop 199 Virgie's 196 Western Hill Plaza 184 Westgate Drugs 196 Wolf Brothers I93 Wurdeman R alty 188 Zoob's 197

-R -


Rademacher, Robert 31 Rankin, Jane 20 Reed, Ralph 27 Rogers, Lorraine 30

-School Board 17 elwold, Tom 23 ladek, Leslie 25 nyder, Darwyn 60 okol, Ed 38 teinke, Ronald 19 tribley, Edward 73 wanson, Anita 18 wift, Ray 26,27

-TTangdall, James 24,84 Tonjes, fuchard 16,17

-VVan Amburgh, Everine reeland, Philip 28


-WWagner, Wayne 36 Welch, Harold 62 Wiitala, teve 22 Winchell, Richard 23 Wi neski, Gerald 24 Woodbury, Marilyn 30

Advertisers Alamito Dajry 192 Black tone Hotel 189 Bob's DX tation 188 Bradley's 196 Broadmoor Grocery 192 187

Archeology Club 48 Art Club 50 Band 58,59,60,61 Cheerleaders 70 Chess Club 46 Choir, Top 64,65 CPAf 46 Debate 49 Distributive Education 47 Drill quad 58 E quires 57 Exchange tudents 71 fMA Club 54 ITA lub 54 GAA 66 Hj.y Club 56 Interact lub 56 International Club 72,73 Key Club 53 Lance taff 43 Math lub 48 Orchestra 62,63 Pep Club 68,69 Quill and croll 43 Radio Club 51 Red Cross Club 57 afe-Teens 51 ience Club 48 hield taff 43,44 ki Club 66 tudent Council 42 Thespians 50 W lub 67 Y-Teens 55 Z Club 52

Students -AAbbo11, Jud y 143 Abel, J an 115 Abernathy, Ann 143 Abrahamson, Bruce


Abrahamson, Mark 129 Ach•lpohl, teve 87,115 Acker, Andy 129 Adams, Alexandra 129 Adams, Dale 115 Adams, Gary 61,63,115 Adams, Linda 61,139 Adams, Lynne


Adams, Pam 47,143 Adler, Jacquie 61,115 Adler, Mi88i 45,64,143 Adrian, Carl 93,129 Ahrens, Kathy 115 Aikman, Susan


Albers, Charles 88 Albon, Don 46,143,196 Albon, Rosemary 115

Allen, Diana 143 Allen, Linda 62,63,129 Allen, Ronna


AIUng1on. Linda 64 Allison, Mark 82,115 Ahsulcr. tevt• 129 Amick, Mary 139 Amis, Phil 92,143 Andersen, Donna


Andersen, Keith

Andersen, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, 166 Anderson,


Tc:rry 115 Bud 53,72,84,103,147 Dave 111,129,141 Gail 19,57,101,143, Harlan


Anderson, Laura


Anderson, Pat 129 Anderson, Pennie 42,70,100,102, 101,143,179 Anderson, Rick 42,50,92,111,129 Anderson, Roger Andenwn, teve

144 115

Andracki, John 144 Annin, Art 103,144,163 Annin, Roger 115

Anthis, Louis 115 Antonson, Jana 115 An10nson, Lynn Anvinen, Penny

144 115

Anwyl, Richard 115 Appleby, LeAnn 64,110,144 Arant, Barb 64,129 Arant, John 144 Armstrong, Mike 49,129 Arnold, Cy 115 Aronson,



Arthur, Sandy 70,100,102,101, 108,144 Ash, Paula 144 Ashford, Brad 87,129 Aukisson, Joanne 129 Aust, Hale 48,61,63,111,129

-8 Babcock, Linda 58,144,196, Bach, AI 67,79,90,91,129 Bachrach, Jan 103,144 Bachus, Linda 60,115

Bach, Karen


Backhaus, Rick 129 dami, Mary Lou 115 Bw , Hyrle 115 Bailey, 1 82,115 Baines, John 93 Baker, Ron 126 Bales, Dick 129 Banker, Bill 144 Harber, Celeste 115 Barber, Mike 129 Barber, Steve 129 Barentson, Richard 92,93,129 Barg, Richard 129 Barker, Ron 129 Barlow, Linda Barmore, Ann

144 129

Barnes, Barb Barnes, John

115 129

Barnett, Amy


Barnell, Armin 144 Barnell, Bob 110 Barnicle, ue 111,139 Barr, Judy 129 Barrell, Bob 64,129

Barrell, Kathy 43,70,129 Barron, Donna 64,129 Harton, Tom 48,129 Basken, Anita 129 Baumgart. Wayne 93,115 Baxter, Trudy 61,63,115 Bayne, am 129 Deal, Debby 103,145,177 Beamis, AI 145 Beckey, Linda 145 Beier, Dave 88,115 Bemis, Bob 129 Bendorf, Janet 115 Bendorf, Linda 129 Benham, Les~e 139 Benker, Barb 145 Benner, Lloyd 145 Bennett. Dannie 145

Bennett, Pam 115 Benson, Tim 116 Benton, Dave 44,145,188 Bentson, Daryl 116 Bergmann, Corrine 116 Bergstrom, Fred 64,145 Bernstein, AI 20,116 Berrigan, Lynda 145 Beucler, Diana 116 Beucler, heri 58,129 Beuterbaugh, Cliff 126 Beulerbaugh, Kathy 116 Bevins, Cathy 116 Bigler, Sue 116 Bikin, Bruce 56,78,103,145 Bikin, Dale 88,126 Billesbach, Charles 130 Bird, Ken 145 Bjerke, Greg 116 Blackwell, Mary 116 Bladl, Fran 52,103,145 Blake, usan 145 Blanchard, Ann 116 Blanchard, Hugh 116 Blazek, Jan 58,130 Bloom, ancy 116 Bloom, Sheila 145 Bloom, Willa 126 Blose, 1ichelle 116 Blotter, ancy 114,116 Blower, Dan 116 Blower, Sue 146 Blum, Phil 42,56,84,108,146,178 Blumenthal, Larry 130 Boardman, Russ 130 Boe, Tom 116,125 Boelter, Bob 116 Boll, Steve 126 Bonacorso, am 81,90,130 Bosiljevac, Lorraine 146 Bouckhuyt, Gary 130 Bourne, Dorothy 116 Bovill, Dave 116 Bowen, teve 43,44,130 Boyens. Dan 93,116 Doyens, Diana 58,130 Boyne, P. 82 Branecki, Paul 146 Brase, Barb 116 Brase, teve 146 Breci, Ron 116 Breitag, Ron 93,116 Breunsbach, Sally 146 Brice, Pat 35,146 Brick, Marshall 130 Bridgewater, Don 82,116,138 Bridgewater, Jon 79,130 Briggs, Carol 116 Briggs, Debbie 116 Briggs, Gerald 146 Brock, Diane 116 Brock, J erry 130 Brock, Michael 146 Brock, Pat 146 Brock, haron 49.58,101,129, 130,131 Brocky, Mary Ann 146 Brooks, Barb 44,146 Brooks, Loel 61,116 Broughton, Rod 79,146 Brown, Barb 130 Brown, Bob 78,84,130 Brown, Bruce 130 Brown, Dan 146 Hrown, Dave 78,99,100,101,146 Brown, Dave 116 Brown, John 81,116 Brown, Kay 130 Brown, Linda 116

Brown, ancy 50,146 Brown, tcve 60,82,116 Brown, Ted 93,130 Brozek, Linda 116

Bruggeman. Tirn 116 Brunell, Ann 130 Bruno. Dianne 130 Bruns, Jim 130 Buda. Linda 116 Bullock. Jim 82,116 Burden, Wendy 130 Burdic, J eff 130 Burdic, Mike 67,77,78,90,100, 147 Bur~ng, Becky 50,51,57,60,147 Burmester, Jean 130 Burnell, Amanda 116 Burnett, Carole 116 Burnham, Keith 147 Burrow, Denny 130 Burrow, teve 126 Burton. Harold 147 Busching, Marcia 116 Hushnell, Dave 78,147 Busskohl, Karla 116,118 Butler, Jim 82,126 Button. Karen 147

-CCadden, Cindi 57,147 Cain, Jack 147 Caldwell, Sherrie 126 Calendine, Lynne 59,139 Campbell, Melanie 147 Campbell, Mik e 47,147 Campbell, Ron 93,116 Campbell, Scott 148

Canaga, Diane 116 Caniglia, ancy 116 Capoccia, John 95,148 Carey, Lance 83,148 Carlgren, Annika 148 Carlgren, Jeri 116 Carlson, Geri 64,110,130 Carlson, JoAnn 58,148 Carlson, Judi lib Carlson, Linda 116 Carpenter, Bob 64,148 Carpenter, Mark 130 Carpenter, Mike 130 Carpenter, tan 64,110,130 Carpenter, Steve 130 Carrick, Linda 148 Carson, Terri 116 Casasola, Michael 116 ase, John 130 Casper, Dianna 130 Castater. Terri 148 Casteel, Michael 116 Catania, Mary 139 Cavey, Gary 130 hamberlain, Kent 82,90,126 Chamberlain, S teve 35,81,130. 131 Chandler, Barb 148 Chaney, Ralph 78,90,130 Chapman, ue 116 Charnquist, Sue 101,148 Ch ase, Debbie 50,64,148 Chase, Mary 130 Chas tain, Dave 116 Cheva~er, Pam 130 Chin, Cherie 58,130 Chin, Dave 148 Christ, Tom 82,88 Christensen, Jan 130 Christiansen, Debbie 116 Christiansen, Pat 126 Clark, Cecelia 130 Clark, Dale 148 Clark, Dick 47,130 Clark, j. 82 Clark, Terry 130 Clark, Tim 116 Clark, Tom 148 Clauff, Steve 126 lem, Mike 130 Clemons, James 116 Clift, Charlene 130 Coals, Gloria 130 Cockle, John 87,116,127 Coe. Jim 42,66,81,111,130 ohan. Terry 130 Cohen, Ben 130,184 Cohen, Jeanne 130 Cohn, Helen 37,130 Cohn, Ron 116


Cole, Andrea 64,148 Collins, laudette 130 Collins, teve 148 Combs, Karen 130 Combs, Ward 149 Conley, teve 116 Conner, Jim 64,149 Conner, Roger 130 Conner, teve 82,90,116,126 Connors, Susie 116,126 Conrad, Roger 130 Cook, Mike 149 Cornell, Ri ch 60,61,130 Cortese, Debbie 149 Covert, Ed 130 Cox, Debbie 130 Cozad, Jerry 149 Cozette, Jim 149 rais. Kyra 149,199 Crain, Dennis 116,117 Cramer, Richard 116 Criser, Linda 117 Criser. Roger 60,130 Crosby, Becky 117 Cross, Dee 149 Cubrich, [my 117 Culberson, Char~e 95,149 Cu lbertson, Ralph 149 Curtis, Kathy 130

-DDaasch, Larry 117 Dagata, Ron 117 Dana, John 117 Daniel, andra 149 D'Audney, Dave 93,130 Dauffenbach, Don 130 Dauffenbach, J anet 117

Dauner, Clare 117 Davis, Carol 117 Davis. Dana 117 Davis, Gary 149 Davis, ue 44,149,186 Davison, Richard 130 Dean, Sally 99,100, 108,149 Dean, Wally 49,130 DeBuse, Dave 79, 149 DcBuse, Larry 82,93,117,126, 193 DeBose, Linda 117 DeFevere, Mark 130 DeFoil. Pam 117 DeF'oil, andy 149 DeFord, Karen 64,110,130 deFreese, J ewel 57,70,100, 106, 108,142,150,179 DeLong, Dan 150 Demgen, Tom 130 Denes. Andy 78,150,196 Denney, Art 42,79,87,136,138 Devlin, Dave 117 Dibble, AI 81,91,117 Dibble, Don 150 Dick hart, J ohn 117 Dinkel, Dianne 130 Dinwoodie, Jim 117 Distefano, Charles 130 Dixon, Lynette 117 Doctor, Janet 44,58,101,150 Dohner, Dennis 48,130 Donnermeyer, Cheryl ISO Donnerrneyer. Ri ck 117 Donnermeyer, heryl 126 Donavan, ancy 117 Doo~ttle, John 130 Doughty, Judy 150 Doughty, Kathy 130 Douglass. Barb 70,98,100,108, ISO Doxon, Jo Ellen 117 Drake, Kathy 130 Dresher, Linda 58,150 Drew, Linda 130 Dross. Steph 58,130,131 Ducharme, Jacque 130,139 Dudley, Craig 93,130 Dudley, Duane 150 Dudley, Gary 117 Dudley, Karen 58,130 Dufron, Dave 95,151 Dufron, Mary Kay 117 Dufron, J>eggy 131 Dunbar, Bill 64,93,131 Duncan, Deanna 117 Duncan. Dianne 44,151 Dunham, Mike 27,117 Dunklau, Alan 117

Dunn, Kath y

59,151 l)unn, Sherri 117 J)urflinger, ancy 131 Durham, Debby 55,66,131 Dwyer, Debbie 176 Dwyer, Kathi 126 Dye. Danna 131

-E Eades. Elaine 57,151,186 Eades, Richard 51,126'" Earp, Judy 151 Easton, Bill 131 Eaton, Dee 131 Eaton, ancy 43,45,102,151,170 Eberly, Michael 117 Eberly, hirley 151 Ebert, Greg 151 Eccleston, Marg 117 Eden, 1ich 60,63,68,131 EglJert, Jay 47,131 Egbert, Mary 117 Eggers, Debbie 60.131 Ehlers, Jean 131 E~ason, Chuck 27,116 Eliason, Ray 117 Ellenwood, Jim 131 Ellct, Craig 117 Elliott, J on 78,15 1 r:Isasser, ally 117 Emery, Cheryl 117 Emrick, Bill 131 Engelbre tson, Becky 117 Engle, Jim 117 Engle, Jon 131

Engleman, Dennis


Epperson, Quynton 131 Epstein, Candy 131 Epstein, Paul 111,131 Erickson, Terry 66,131

Erickson, teve 151 Ernst, Ri chard 131 Ernst, uzanne 131 Esbenshade, Jim 131 Estep, Park 131 Estey, Bill 47,60,131 Estey, Jim 151,184 Evans. Ernie 117 Evans. Joe 151 Evans, John 51,117 Evans, Mike 91,131

-Fhit h, Lynda

117 Falkenroth, Charles

131 Faockboner. Brian 60,117 fanekboner, Helen 131 Fauquier, Larry 151 Farris, Bob 151 Fay, Mitgaret 64,131 Felker, Jan 44,151 ferer, Bill 131 Ferris, Gary 117 ferry, Steve 26,61,63,152 Fick~n. Earlene 117 fiene, John 117 Filkino, ancy 54,152 Fillman, Teddie 138 Filter, Pam 126 Filter, andy 152 Findlay, Tom 131 finfrock, John 64,131 Finley, Brian 11,48,131 finney, Linda 131 Fischer, Dianne 117 Fi,cher. Jerry 152 fisher, Lee 84,108,152 Fitts, Greg 117 Fishel, Renee 131 Fjelstad, Jackie 152 Flannery. Ann 152 Flannery, Tom 117 Flood, Bob 152 foley, Barb 131 Ford, Cathy 152 Ford, Jack 117 Forehead, haron 44,50,105,152, 196 Fowler, Juanita 152 Fox, Candi 131 Fox, Janie 131 Fox, Roger 117 Franz, Roger 51,60,131 Frasier, Sara 126 Freeman, Karyn 5 1,58,152 Freeman, Keith 81,87,117 Freese. Stevr 131

Freese. Paul 81 fried. Jim 42,49 Friedl. Barb 54.131 frioz. Glen 131 F'ritz, Margaret 64,132 F'ruhwirth, Sheryl 132 Fry. heri 152

-GGaillard. Jeff 78,152 Galley. Marty 117 Galley. ancy 51.152 Galloway. Jon 61.63.117 Gambrd. Linda 58,132 Gardner. Bill 117 Gardner. Linda 132 Garrett. Lynn 59.152 Garvey. Carol 117 Garvey. Gary 153

Caston. Laverne


Gaylor. Diane 132 Gendler, Mike 91.153 Gehringer. Bob Ill Gentleman, Cathy 132 Gerber. Becca 132 Gerber.Judi 117 Gerber.Kathy 117 Gere~ck. Jerry 132 Cerrnolus. Jeanine 60,132 Gibbs,Gerry 64,102.153 Gibbs, Linda 118 Gibson. Jerry 153 Gibson. Ricly 60.132 Gibson, Vicky Gi~nsky. Paul 118 Giller, Jeanine 70,118 Giller. Suzanne 44,64,107,108. 153 Gillham. Cindy 153 Gillies, Ray 118 Gilligan, Paul 39.132 Gilmore, Linda 52.60.63,111,132 Giltner, F'ranl 132 Ciowoyna, Jo 82

Glenn, Pani


Glidewell. Joel


Glhfur. Colleen


Goddard, Terrie 54.132 Goldston. Jim 153 Goodman. Daryl 117 Goodrich. Mile 153 Gordon. Del 153 Gordon, largaret 153 Gotsdiner. Karen


Gott ~eb, Steve 60.153 Gould. Carol 60,132 Grabor, Terry 81.88.118 Grafft, Greg 132

Graham, harlene 118,122,127 Graham, Judy 118 Graham, Julie 118,122 Graham, Laura 111,132 Graham,



Graham, William 153 Grantham. Bill 81,87,126 Grear. like 92.118 Green. teve 56.132 Greenwell, Cindy 132 Grider. Susan 61.154 Griebe, F'rank 132 Crimm, AJice


Grimm, Jim 132 Grimm, Melody 118 Grossman, Tom 48,111.132 Grothe, Bob 64 Gulizia, Tom 118 Gundry. teve 126 Gunia. John 132 Cunn, Lorrcn I 18 Custofson. Dianne 132 Gzehoviak, Dianne

Gzehoviak. Michael



-HHaas, Jim 92.115 Haase, Mark 118 Haberstroh, Carl 118 Hafer. John 154 Haffner, Cindy 118 Hahn. Janine 108,154 Hahn. Marlyn 132 Hall, George 91,126 Hall. Greg 118 Hall, Jo Ann 132 Hall, Robert 154 Hall, Tamra 60,154 Hallquist, John 126 Hamer. Larry 154,184 Hammer, Gary 132 Hamilton, Pat 154 Hansen, Craig


Hansen, Craig


Hansen, Janine


Hansen. Julie 118 Hansen, Lana 154 Hanon. Lyle 132 Hanrahan. Pat 132 Harbour, Mack 155 Harden, Bob 37,43,118 Harden. Connie 43.44,104.155, 197 Harding, Candi 132 Hardy, Randy 90,118 Hargleroad, Marg 122 Harmon. Jeff 118 Harmon, Margaret 155 Harnett, Barb 118

Harouff. Darla 155 Harouff, Don 43.118 Harris, Brett 93,118 Harris, Mike 155 Harris, Richard 82,118 Harrison, Cheryl 118 Hartford, teve 64,132 Hartsell, Lois 155 Hartung, teve 155 Hasche, Carol 132 Hasselbach. J u~e 132

Haviland, Jim 64 Hawkins, F'red 82,118 Hawkins. Roger 92 Hulett, Leanne 43.45,103,155, 197 Headley, colt 155 Hecken~vely, Kathy 104,155 Heintzelman. Mary Lee 58,64, 110,155 Henderson. Bob 79,132,140 Henderson. Kathy 126 Henderson. Muriel 118 Henderson, Scott 81.88,118 Henry, Bill 118 Henry, John 155 Hermsen. Ken


Herrick, Tim 95,132 Herring, Colleen 118 Herring, Roger 56.67,77.84,100. 108,155.180 Hetrick, Gayle 118 Heyne. Don 118 Hiatt, Kay 54.156 Hickman, Dave 118 Highfield, Ginny 43,44,59,102, 156,197 Higley, Bill 132 Hill, Bonnie 44.156.186,199 Hill. Brian 132 Hill, Debbie 59,132 Hill. Jim 118 Hill, teve 156 Hill. Susan 156 Hillmer, Debbie 70,132 Hilsabeck. Hale 156 Hinckley, colt 45,78,81,156 Hinders. Tammy 126 Hinl<le, Jim 93,118 Hinman, Bob 156 Hinman, Ron


Hinton. Ken 118 Hinton, Keith 118 Hiykel, Karen !56 Hlavacek, Mary 132 Hlavacek, Mike 103,156 Hoard, Barb 132 Hoke. Eddie 156

Hoke, Ellet 132 Holcomb. Marilyn 104,156 Holdorf. Betty 156 Holdorf, Betty !56 Holland. Dean 49,132 Holm, Ron 118 Holmquist, Dave 93 Holmstrom, Doug 126 Holmstrom. Steve 156 Holquist, Carol 43 Holquist, Kristin 118 Holste, Dave 126 Holt, ue 156 Honig, teve 157 Hood, Bob 118 Hopkin&, Bob 118 Hopkins, Cris 58,64,157 Hopkins, Germaine 118,126 Hopkins, Wil~am 157 Hopson, Dennis 81.95,132 Hormann, Ed 132 Horton, Bob 132 Horwich. John 42,49,119 Hosman, Nancy 132 Hotz. Linda 54,157 Hough, Kathy 119 Hovland. onja 64.132 Howard, Dorothy 157 Howard. Randy 119 Howl, Jim 132 Hoyt, Rich 132 Hronek. Gini 111,132,138 Hruby, Jim 119 Hruby, Lynn 157 Hultquist. Jim 126 Humphrey, Dennis Humphrey, Dennis

Humphrey, Jerry Hurd, Mike 157 Hurst, Bob 92 llybl, Larry 119

157 78,119





us an



Ingles, Guy 79,84.133 lnkle, Mike 133 Irving, Becky 119 Irving, ally 133 Issacson. Jim I 19 lt~a. 1ary 157

-JJackson. Jeff 82,119 Jacobberger. Georgia 133 Jacobberger, ~like 119


Jacobson, John 61,63,119 Jacobson. Marcia 119 Jacobson, Stephen 119 Jacobson. teve 119 Jaeger, Tom 87,133 James, Jerry 42,84,104,108.157. 178 Jame. Yvonne 119 Jansen, Carole 119 Jansen. C.,.ole 119

Jansen, Dean Jansen, Jim 157 Jansen, Jon

157 77,78.84,100,108, 79,87.131,133

Jaworski, Karen


Jeffry, Donna 133 Jelken, Paul 60.126 Jennings, u.san 133 Jensen. F'lora 119 Jensen, Gene 78,129,133 Jensen, Jan 119,127 Jensen. John 133 Jensen. Mark 56,67,79,80,84,86, I 00,106,108,157.179 Jensen, teve 133 Jessen. Peler 82,119 Johansen, Ardyth 133 Johnsen, Mary 64,110,119,158 Johnsen. Robin 133 Johnson. Ann 119 Johnson, Bob 46,48,103,158 Johnson, Dwight 49,126 Johnson, Glenda 119 Johnson, Hugh 63,119 Johnson, Jim 90,119 Johnson, John 157 Johnson, Katherine

ld , Midge 119,127 Ihnen. Allen 119 Incontro, Patty


Jacoh en, Joy Jacobsen,


Johnson, Kathy 44,157 Johnson. Larry 119 Johnson, Mwjorie 119 John on. Mark 133 Johnson, Mark 158 Johnson, ue 119 Johnson. Tom 133 Johnson, Tim 158 Johnston. Barb 119 Johnston. Terry 78,84,133 Jolly, Barb 133 Jones, Becky 64,158 Jones, Bev 133 Jones, Bill 133 Jones, Carolyn 119 Jones, Debbie 119 Jones, Dick 91 Jones, Jeanne 133

Jones, Marty 79,158,193 Jones, Mike 119 Jones, Richard 119 Jones, heila 158 Jones, teve 95,t33 Jones, tu 60,63,133 Jordan, Linda 58,64,10.1,158

Jorgenson, Karen


Jorgenson, Kirk 119 Joseph, Jackie 124

-KKaiser. Delora 133 Kanane, Charles 63,119 Kaplan. Ellen 158 Katelman. Gary 93,119 Katelman, John 158

Kathrein. Linda


Kaul, Mary i 19 Kavit ch, S teve !58

Keating, Larry 82,119 Keeley, Dave 158 Kehm, Karl 92,158,185 Kehm, Kris 119,124 Keiser, John


Kelley, Larry 119 Kelley, tevc 139 Kelly, Gene 133 Kelly, Tim 133 Kennedy. Jean 64,65,72,158 Kennedy, ue 133 Kershaw, Dave 133 Kershaw, Vincene 42,119 Kettler, Don 82,119 Ketzler, Lynn 158 Killerlain, Jim 158 Kilmer, Lloyd 119 King. Carol 126 King, Helen 119 King, James 119 King, Laune


King, Sue 49 King, Terry 60,119 Kingman, Betsy 159 Kinkead, Cheryl 60,133 Kinnally. Mary 60,133 Kinney, Dick 133 Kinney, Gregg 159 Kinser. Linda 119 Kinz.y,



KipUnger, Candy 44,54,72,73, 104,159 Kirkle, Gary !59 Kirshenbaum, Tom 133 Kizer, Kim 133 Kizier, Tom 126 Kizzier, Roy 82 Klauschie, haron 126 Klemke, Judy 159 Klopp, Amy 133 Klopp, JuUc 30,45,55,104,159 Klosterman, John 159 Klundt, Leigh 133 Knez, Freddie 81,133 Knight , Tim 159 Knox, Randy 92,133,138,140 Knudsen, Glenna 133 Kobold , Virgene 126 Koetter, Kurt !59 Koile, Bill 24,81,119 Koile, Lynn 101,104,159 Kopecky, John 82,119 Koppit , LaRae 58,103,104,160, 178 Kovarik, Jim 95,108,160 Krabbenhoft, Karen 60,63,160 Krakowski, Larry 82,126 Kratt, Paul 82,119 Krause, Diane


Kreider, Fred 160 Krichbaum, Ken 160 Krogh, Karen 133 Kromarik, Linda 59,133 Krug, Jane 58,160,170,193 Kruse, S usan 43,45,160 Ku cera, Denise


Ku ebler, Leonard 133 Kuhn , Bob 119 Kulakofsky, Alan 60,160 Kunkler, Frank 82 Kurtz , Dick 119 Kurtenbach, Mary 133 Kuroishi, Pat 160 Kuttner, Naomi


-LLacasse, Jerry 119 Lacy. Connie 126 Lacy, Don 133 Lacy. Patty 133 Ladwig, teve 46,103,160.180 Lafevor, Joel 119 Lair. Mary 133 Lake, ancy 58.160 Lake. Penny 119 Lambert, Larraine 133 Landow, Paul 160 Lang, ally 126 Langan, Charles 83,133 Langdon, teve 133 Lange, Lynne 44,160 Lange, Terry 119 Lankford, Mary Lin 52.58,104. 160 Lanning, Lynnette


Lanohow, Tom 91 Lantz, Laurie 120 Lantz, ue 133 Lapour, Ron 160 LaRandeau. Mary 120 Larkin, Cathy 120 Larkin, Dave 48,83,102.160 Larren, ue 161 Larsen, Barbe 50,64,110,161 Larsen, Debbie 133 Larson, Debbie 64,119 Larson, J ohn 92,161 Larson, Linda 120 Larson. Roger 61,63,161 Lawson, Barb 161 Lawson, Randy 120 Leach, Evelyn 60,161 Leach, John 120 LeBaron, Sue 120 Lee, Larry 81,91,120 Lee, Pat 66,133 Lefhohz, Monte 161 Lefhohz. Nancy 120 Lefler, Jan 58,64, 110,133 Leger,



Legros, Jeff 82,120 Lemon, Dave 133 Lerner, Sheldon 161 Levine, Dave 63 Licht man, Barb 120 Lichty, Gwen 44,161 Lightfoot, John 133 Limbaugh, ue 70 Lincoln, Judy 120 Uncoln, ancy 57,161 Lincoln, tephanie 133 Linn, Ann 120 Linsley, J ohn 64,161 Linsey, Ci nd y 63 Liston, Unda 60,133 Livingston, Doug 133 Livingston, Steve 176 Lochiano, Steve 43,126 Lodes, Jim 87,133 Loers. Betty 139 Looby, Betsy 161 Looby, Bev 58,133 Lorimer, Gregg 120 Love, Greg 63,120 Love, Lorna 43,45,161 Lovgren, Linda 134 Lucas. Brenda 44,161,197 Lucas. Larry 120 Lueder, Liz 42,58,134 Lueders, Dennis 162 Lueders, Di ane 134 Lundgren, Steve 120 Lustgarten, Mike 120 Lustgarten, Pat 54,66 Lyman, Penny 102,162 Lynch, Dolores 134 Lynch, Pat 134 Lynch, Richard 120

-MMa as, Gerry 134 Maaske, Kathie 120 Maaske, haron 120 Mack, ue 70,134, 140 Madden, Tamara 120 Magalhaes, Horus 71,162 Mager, Colleen 134 Mainelli, Jerry 134 MaineiU, Mary 134 Majors, Eddie 134 Malashock, Jim 120

Malashock, Mark 134 M.Un, andra 44,64,162 Malkin, hari 120 Mallet, Brad 120 Malnove, Sue 120 Malone, Ri ck 134 Mancuso. Diane 120 Mangjamele, Gary 134 Manka meyer, Jan 162 Mankameyer, Ri ck 81.88,120 Manning, Margaret 134 Manning, Mike 88,120 Mansmith, Bob 95,120 Markel, John 134 Markham, Richard 82,120 Marquardt. Don 46,60,63,102, 103,104,162 Marquardt, Peggy 120 Martin, Greg 120 Martin, Kathy 64,134,141 Maschka, Dave 120 Maschka, andy 134 1ason, Jerry 162 Masteny, Mary Lu 120 Matej ka , Bob 162,197 Matejka, Jim 134 Mauhewe, ancy 134 Matthews, Tom 93,120 1attson. Connie 64,134 Maupin, Randy 120 Maxwell, Debbie 120 May, Mickie 120 Mayberry, Marjie 64,65,104,142, 162,180 Mazzei, Jimmy 120 McCall, Ken 81,134 McClanahan, Dave 81,120 McClanahan, Les 79,162 McClure, Dave 60.139 McCoid, Ann 63,120 McCollister, John 46,56,162 McCollister, teve 46,134 McCollister, Steve 134 McCormack, Becky 120 McCormack, Dan 79,162 McCormick. Mike 120 McCoy, Jackie 134 McDonald, Bill 162 McDonald, Ellen 63 McDonald, John 162 McElroy, Janice 120 McGillen, Julie 120 McGuire, Martha 63,162,188 Mcintyre, Bob 26,53,162 McKay, Jean 120 McKinney, Ellen 120 McKinnon, Val 134 McKnelly, Evelyn 120 McLochUn, Bill 134 McMahon, Barb 139 McMahon, Karen 120 lcMaho n, Mary 134 McManus, George 120 Me abb, Mike 134 McPherson, Alex 163 McShane, Jim 42,56,111,139 McShane, Judi 104,163 McWhorter, Lynn 134 Meier, Kathy 63,134 Meigs, Doug 93,163 Meigs, J ohn 9l,l39 Melcher, Cheryl 120 Mensching, Ron 134 Menshik, Dave 163,185 Mercer, Bob 120 Mercer, Shirley 163 Merritt, Larry 120 Mertz, Tom 163 Metcalf, Wayne 134 Metz, Kathy 43,44,65,100,163, 178 Meyer, Bill 120 Meyer, Jim 120 Meyer, Sharon 57,163 Meyer, Tom 82,88,120 Meyers, Jeff 82,102,104,142,163, 180 Meyerson, Judy 139 Michael, Anne 120 Michael, teve 120 Middleton, Barb 163 Mildrex le r, Harold 164,186 Miller, Glenn 60,126 Miller, Greg 103,164 Miller, J eff 120 Miller, Kath y 120 Miller, Linda 164


Miller, Margaret 134 Miller, Pat 64,134 Miller, Tom 164 Milnikel, George 120 Mincer, Marty 59,111,134 Mincer, Mary 104,164 Mitts, Con nie 134 Mollica. EUzabeth 120 Monson. Marty 126 Montag, Bob 120 Moody. Marsha 164 Moore, Barb 64,120,134 Moore, Bruce 78,90 Moore, Cherrie 134 Moore, John 95.164,186 Moore, teve 120 Morey, Connie 64,65,104,164 Morgan, Dave 61,92,134 Morley, andy 164 Morley. Jan 120 Morrelli, Charles 134 Morris, Dave 134 Morrison, John 164 Morrow, Coven 120 Morrow, Key 82 Moss, Judy 164 Moss, Linda 134 Moulis. Ray 60,134 Moustakes, Elaine 121 Moustakes. Gus 44,164,188 Iulie, Jim 134 Munson, Allene 54,72,164 Murray, Pat 164 Musil. Jim 78,164 Mutz, Greg 164 Mutz, Tom 134 Myer. Jim 139

-Nalow, J im 126 alow, Phil 134 anlito, Bill 134 Nardje, usan 165 Nash, Kelly 165,184 Naylor, Kalleen 60,134 Neal, Bill 121 Neal, Linda 134 eese, Tom 93,134 eid, Gary 43,49,165 el.son, orman 165 Nelson, Vicki 135 eubauer, Nancy 165 ewbanks, Harold 121 ewcomb, Ronnie 111 ewcomer. Kath y 43,55,58,111, 135 Newman, Arlene 135 Newman, Lane 135 ewman, Lorry 121 Nichols, Amy 134 icholson, Larry 81,135 ied, Geri 165 ielsen, Gerald 120 ielson, Jim 165 ielson, Ralph 139 iemants, Mike 165 igro, Joe 134 ilsson, Eric 48,165 Niver, Terry 135 ocita, Judy 121 Nogel, Randy 56,165,193 Nolte, Larry 126 ordslrom, Wayman 121,126 Noriega, Candy 121 North, David 165 orthouse, Cam 43,44,165 Novak, Marilyn 165,178 uccio, Kathy 165 Nye, teve 121

-0O'Brien, Jay 165 Obteshka, J.oAnn 121 O'Connor, Brad 81,135,140 O'Connor, Ron 95 O'Doherty, Burt 139 O'Hara, Do" 82,121 Older6g. Sharon 121 Olsen, Bob 121,135 Olsen, Doug 165 Olsen, Pa•l 103,166 Olson, Bill 66,135 Olson, Karen 58,104,166 Orcutt, Lynda 135 Orkow, Linda 166 Orth, Jan 135

Osborne, David 166 Ostrow, Stan 103,166 Otto, Dan 135 Otto, Pat 166,185 Oztarhan, Pinar 71,166 Otis, Bob 82,121 Otis, Don 121 One, Mike 135 Owens, Bob 121

.p. Palleck, Jill 135 Palmer, Richard 135 Papineau, Jack 121 Pappas, Doug Park, Mike 121 Parkhurst, Kent 135 Parks, Greg 121 Parks, Jack 135 Pate, Barb 114.121 Patz, Hap 92,93,102,104,166 Paulison, Neil 166 Paulsen, LczUe 121 Payne, Frank 12 1 Payne, Herschel 135 Peck, Rick 64,166 Peckham, Bob 92,135 Pedegana, Marilyn 135 Pedersen, Valerie 121 Pelkner, Tom 167 Perimeter, Peggy 44,167 Perimeter, lu 135 Person, ancy 57,167 Petersen, A_ndrea 121 Petersen, Brooke 121 Petersen, Dave 135 Petersen, Debbie 135 Petersen, Eldon 121 Petersen, Gary 135 Petersen, Jerry 78,84,167 Petersen, Kurt 92,167 Petersen, Linda 47,167 Petersen, Pam 121 Petersen, tcve 93,121 Petersen, Susan 43,45,167 Petersen. Wade 121 Peterson, Brooke 49,121 Peterson. Carol 135 Peterson, Pam 135 Penegrew, Janis 167 Pettengill, Candy 104,167 Petty, Tom 92,135 Phalen, Barb 51,167 Phelps, Ken 121 Pichler, Mary 121 Pierson, Dave 82,121 Pierson, Doug 43,167 Piesik, Gerald 136 Piesik, Jerry 136 Pinali, Frank 167 Piper, Kathy 167 Pipher, Linda 64,110,136 Pirrucello. Terry 136 Pleas, Jim 136 POff, Chris 121,126 Poff, Rod 167,199 Polikov, Leon 167 Polito, Augu81 121 Polito, Mary 167 PondetiA, Jerry 92,121 Poots, Kathy 121 Porter, Barb 121 Porter, Bruce 64,168 Poulson, Alice 63 Prall, Dave 81,87,136 Prater, Unda 136 Prestwich. Mton 168 Prettyman, Richard 121 Price, Barb 121 Price, Terry 136 Protz, Bill 136 Prouty, John 168 Pulhamus, Mike 47,163,168 Purchase, Richard 136




-RRachford. Marla 63,121 Rachford, Micki 60,103,168 Radii , Bill 93,121 Rainey, Bill 81 Raffensperger, Ron 93 Ral81on, Doug 83,90,136 Ralya, Debbie 136

Randall, Garv 93.121.123 Ra1hbun. Dave 60 Ra1hhun, Richard 121,136 Ra1liff, Dale 121 Rauch, Sandy 168 Rauch, Vicki 136 Rawlings, Jim 136 Reed, Julie 64,72,73,103,168.170 Reed, ancy 60,121 Reed, leve 136 Regan, Pam 136 Rehurck. Richard 121 Rchurek, Roger 26,95,126,168, 199 Reichmann,

Reilly, Bill




Reming10n, Bruce 27,121 Renier, teve 168

Repperl, Bill 81,121 Reynolds. Phil 168 Rhodus. Van 136 Rice, Linda 121 Rice. Sue 58,121 Richard, Sherri 168 Richar1, Elaine 58,126,168 Richarl, Fred 93,121 Rickabaugh, Nancy 168 Rickerson, Ann


Ridenour, Jay 136 Riehle, Marly 168 Riel, Jeff 136 Riley, Doug 25,92,136 Rish, Terry 136 Ritums,



Rilums, Selga 136 Rivers, Mollie 72,111,136 Rizlcy, Anila 121 Robbie, Barb 54,58,99,168 Robbins, Larry 121 Roberls, Barry 103,169 Robinson,Bob 81,87,121 Robinson, Ken 136,138 Roccaforte, Rich

Roe, Gini



Roemen, Lois


Rogers, Aileen 141 Rogers, Bill 121 Rogers. Clay 82,126 Roggy, Bob 88,121 Roggy, Vicki 169 Rolick, andi 169 Rook81ool, Ora 121 Rose, Tony 78,100,169 Rosen, Melinda 169 Rosen, Paula 30,103,169 Rosenbaum. Tim


Ross, An neue 55,169 Ross. Dave 83,169 Ross. Tom 136 Rowe. Pam 121 Roy, Linda 121 Ruback, hari 122 Huhen, John 136 Rudeen, Gloria 64,136 Ruge, Mike 63,122 Rupp, Francis 81,91,122 Russell, Annelle 122 Russell, Cherry 169 Russell, Margarel 139 Ru1herford, Ray 93,136,189 Ryan, Dan 136 Ryan, Jim 122 Ryan, Mike 169

-SSacchi, Joanne 104,169 acco, Michael 136 achse, Carol 169 Sadowskis, Linda 122 Saffer, Laurie 64,110,136 aklar, Carol 122 Salyards, Don 60,63,136 Sanden, Diane


aunders, Carolyn 169 Saunders, Libby 122 avage, teve 122 awlell, Bill 136 Sawaltki, Leo 92,122 Schaap, Pam 64,169 Schaffralh, Pal 122 Scharf. Tom 136 chal, Linda 136 chellofeld, Diane 136 chilz, Kalhy 136 Schlegel, Paul 169 Schleifer, Bill 64,136 SchmiiZ, Kaye 122

chneider, Lloyd 136 chneider, harol 136 chober, Jim 136 chomer, AI 170 chory, Sara 122 chroeder, Gary 64,170 Schroeder, Madeline 122 chroeder, Marlene


chuhz, Linda 170 chuhz, Rick 122 chweigarl, Mike 136 conce, Terry 111,136 coli, Ana Marie 62,63,122 coli, John 60,122 coville, Kris 170 cull, John 51,170 edlak, Marilyn 136 egar, Dave


eibold, 1eve 78,136 eils, Elizabelh 136 ellner, Bill 170 elze, Leo 122,136 ellerlund, Virgil 82,87,122 Seume, Jim 170 Shannon, Dan 64,136 Shannon, Gary 60,64,65,170 harp, andi 136 hechan, Mike 170 hindo. coli 136 Shipke, Ka1hy 44,171,188 Shriner, Jon 171 ideris, Yolanda 64,136 ilverman,



Simmonds, Frank 82.93 Simons, Carol 122 Simons, Jerry 136 impson, Kirk 136 insel, ue 122 inovich, ue 58,171

kaaning, Dennis


kaug, Mary 70,136 Skeans. Gary 60,136 kinner, Cindi 136 Skoog· milh,Judd 81,122 krable, Barb 136 laubaugh, Anne 114,122 lack, Carol 171 lack, Diana 136 Slalin, Donna 102,171 Slavik, Ed 171,185 mall, Derrell 81,88,122 maiJ, Sharon


Smid, Ka1hy 136 Smilh, Bobbie 136 Smilh, Brian 51,93,122 Smilh, Craig 122 milh, Chris 63,137 milh, Dale 137 milh, Jill 51,137 Smilh, Jim 82 Smilh, coli 78,171 Smilh, Shelley 122 Smilh, Todd 42,92,93,94,122 milh, Von 122 Smithson, Tom


nodgrass. Jan 137 nodgrass, 1eve 77,78,92,100, 171 Snow, Linda 63,73,137 Snyder, Mark 48,60,63.111,137 odaro, Mike 122 oderland. Cecily 122 Sohl, Lesley 122 ohl, Wesley 122 Sokol, Cindi 52,64,171 okolof, Karen 122 okolof, 1eve 171 Sorensen, Craig

Sorensen, Jack orensen, Linda


123 123

orensen, lu 49,9'2,171 Sor1ino, Charles 123 oucie, Gail 123 oucie, Jeff 78,137 Soukup, Frank 171 owers, DeDe 123 paulding, Gary 53,58,60,63,92, 171 Spaulding, Glen 60,61,137 Spaulding, Sue 123 pear, Gary 95,171 pehs, Gail 137 Spencer, Jenilyn 137 Spencer, Ron 123 Spicka, Cherne 123 Spicka, Ka1hy 172 picka, Sue 123

pielhagen, Chip 172 piegal, ue 123 pliugerber, Marc 61,63,96,123 ponsler, Dennis


Ialder, Sieve 137 S1alnaker, ally 123 S1anner. John 81,95,123 lauers. Karina


S1azko, Laura 172 1. Clair, Diane 123 Sleele, Larry 137 S1ehno, Frank 123 S1ein, Barb 52,72,100,172,180, 193 Slephan, Lynn 137 lephan, Ru1h 123 lern, Eli se 60,123 S1ewar1, Bob 61,64,81,110,137 S1ewar1, Mike 95,123 1ilwell, Belh 123 lilwell, Gayle 137 Stinson. Irene 123 Stinson. Merrill 172

Slraka, Cheri 137 Slrand, Barb 123 lraus, Shelly 172 1rauss, Dill 123 S1ree1er, Mike 137 S1res1, Bob 63 lromberg, Carol 172 lromberg, John 123 lrolher, Jeff 82,123 S1uhr, Marilyn 123 1ruyk. Molly 137 Suggs, Dave 951123 Suggs, Karl 123 und, Jerry 116,123 unds, Karen 123 Susman, Lexy 137 u11er, Fay 59,137,140 Suuon, Mary 172 wanda, Jan 69,123 Swanson,John 47,172 wanson, Mark

Swanson. Pal



wanson, Scott wanson, tan

137 137

wanson, ue 55,59,60,137 Swensen, Lyle 95,123 Swensen, Mary

l 72

wifl, Mike 137 Swope, Craig 46,172 ymonds, Jim 43,123

-TTallon, Mike


Tamei, Jean


Tank, Bob 172,189 Tank, Chris 137 Tanner, Mary 137 Tappero, Jan 123 Tappero, Jill 10'2,104,172 Taren, Bob 81,137 Tarpley, Rila 58,172 Ta1reau, John 88,123 Taylor, Belse 137 Taylor, Craig 60,95,137 Tepper, Karen 123 Teuenborn, Jim 81,137,140 Tewksbury, Dave 123 Tharp, Dick 42,79,80,84,103,104, 172,179 Theis, Ron 60,93,123 Thieman, Cindi 57,137 Thomas, Doug 81,137 Thomas, Jim 123 Thomas, orm 137 Thomas, Hon 173 Thomas, John 123 Thomas, John 78,173 Thompson, Jane 43,45,104.173 Thompson, Linda 55,64,104,173 Thompson, Shari 137 Thompson, Tom 123 Thornlon. 1eve 123,137 Thorpe, Karon 137 Thorpe, haron 123 Thorson, Bruce 60,64,139 Thorson, Paul 64,173 Thrapp, Mary Jo 137 Thuman, Bill 123 Thuman, Sherry 137 Tillery, Vickie 123 Timperley, Bev 137 Timperley, Carol 123 Tobias, Sieve 91,137 Tollander, Carol 124


Tomas, Pe1e 46,137 Tomek, Bonnie 72,137,140 Toy, Charlie 173 Trachlenberg, Jan 173 Trapolino, Pe1er 173 Trapp, Larry 124 Trent.



Trimble, Mike 124 Troia, Carl 95,173 Troxel, Jan 137 Troy, John 124 Trustin, Bonnie


Tuerk, Mike 81,138,140 Tull, Mary 173 Turansky, Jackie 124 Turbol, Clee 124 Turkel, Rosandra 124 Turner, Mike 138 Turner, Rick


Turner. leve 118,124 Tumquisl, Dave 81,92,138 Tvrdik, Pal 173 Tway, Linda 43,45,173,197 Tweelon, Gayle 122,124 Tyler, Jim 82,90,124 Tyler, 1eve 78,173

-UUdes, Diane 111,137 Underwood, Jan 50,51,173 Urosevich, Bob 77,78,84,100, 173,174

-VVacanli, John 174 Valenlini, Larry 138 VanAckeren, Dave


Wendl, Connie 175 Wendl, Terry 124 Wergin, Bob 61,175 We81, Debbie 138 Wes1, Dee 37 Weslering, Bill 138 We81erlin, Carol 124 We1zler, Marlene 124 Wheeler, Ellen 138 Wheeler, Judy 58,64,104,110, 175 Wheeler, Pam 128 Wheeler, baron 43,70,138 Whinery, MerryAnn 70,115,125 Whilaker, Jan 175 While, Bill 138 While, Dave 47,175 While, Doug 60.61 Whilesell, ed 83,163,175 Whined, Pam 42,61,115,125 Whined, Pe1e 88,125 Whined, Warren 49,61,138 Wiese. Joel 175,185 Wigg, Ed 56,62,138 Wigodsky, Calhy 125 Wikoff, Darryl 115,125 Wikoff. Don 90,91,138 Wikoff, Donna 138 Wilkie, Dave 138 Wilkie, Jan 125 Wilkins, Bryan 125 Wille, Barb 58,176 Williams, Barb 58,176,185 Williams, Dave 61,93,125 Williams, Diann 60,138 Williams, John Williams, Larry 176 Williams,



VanDerLeesl, Jean 124 VanPeh, Annelle 138 Veach, Barb 52,54,102,103,104, 174 Veach, Bob 83,124 Vecchio, Paul 174 Vercoe, Doug 64,83,174 Vermehren, Ka1hy 174 Vickery, Allison 124,127 Villoua, Joe 174 Vipond, Kenl 138

Willmer. Barb 118,125 Willoughby, Hugh 125 Wilson, Bob 140,176 Wilson, Faye 125 Wilson, Ka1hy 125 Wilson, Pam 125 Wilson, Randy 60,138 Wilson, Sharon 138 Wilson, usie 58,176

Vizina, Larry

Winlroub, Karen 63,125 Winlroub, Larry 138


Vleck, John 124 Volberding, Ron 78,90,138 Volcheck, Gary 124 VomWeg, Wayne 138 Vosburg, Woody 138

-WWagner, Charles 138 Wagner, Greg 124 Walander, Bob 64,138 Waldbaum, Susi 43,44,46,174 Walker, Greg 79,92,138,141 Walker, Kris 138 Walker, Linda 138 Walker, S1eve 174 Wall, Karen 43,44,174 Wallin, Ann 60,124 Wahon, Ward 81,90,124 Wahon, Ward 81,90,124 Ward, Charla 124 Ward, Keilh 175 Ward, Pal 175 Ward, Sandra 43,45,175 Ware, Ed 118,124 Warren, Mike 138 Wasserkrug, Jay 138 Wasserman, Marilyn 138 Wasson, Arell 175 Wa1ers, Che1 138 Walkins, Kalhy 124 Wauers, Gif 92,124 Walls, Jackie 175 Walls, Wendy 124 Webb, Peggy 124 Webb, Roy 175 Weber, Lynn 64,175 Weber, Terry 138 Weiner, Darlene


Weiner, Fred 50,64,175 Weingarten, Merri 138 Weiss, Rick 124 Welch, Dick 138 Welch, Rusly 42,56,67,78,84,86, 104,142,175,179 Wells, Karen 58,138 WellA, Rod 124

Wingender, teve 125 Winters, Jan 125

Win. Jerome


Wolcoll, Barb 176 Wolcoll, Judy 125 Wolfe, Charles 125 Wohemalh, Ka1hy 125 Wood, Belly 104,176 Wood, Bev 176 Wood. ancy 43,44,64,68,100, IM~76,179

Woodhull, Karen 125 Woodland, Jim 60,61,63,176 Wrighl, Peggy 125 Wrighl, Russ 87,138 Wurl, ue 68,111 Wyanl, Paul 176

-YYenglin, Lyle


-ZZaiss, Richard 125 Zaleski, Fred 138 Zaleski, Karin 177 Zam•ou, Sieve 60,61,138 Ziegler, Bill 177 Ziegman, Cindy 177 Zomparelli, Judy 61,177 Zook, Dannie 177 Zorko, Richard 125 Zorko, Tom 125 Zuerlein, Nancy


Students Participate In School"s Clubs ARCHAEOLOGY


Etiot Hoke-P"''· Eric ils on-V. Prrt. Brian finley·


Hale Au t·Trut. Mr. Roaer Jacoba-apontor

Alu Adamt Tom Doe Bruee Brown Jim Clement Richard Cornell Dave O'Audner TefT)' Davit

Kann Deford

John Kloaterman Horu Magalhaet Don Marquardt Eric il .an Paul 01 en Hap Pall. Tom Pelkner frank Pinali Tom elte cott mith

Ralph TalArico Bob Veach othy Wi&od ky P<gy Wn&ht Judy Zampar.lli

teve Hartrord

I'AF Crai& wope-Pret . Don Albon-V. Pn~• ·

Bill Hi&ley Brian Hill Mory Hlavae<k Mike Jonet Linda Utton

Mark Lo hiano Mike Lustgarten James alow



Mary Swenton

Randy Wilton Ruu Wri&ht ART CLUB ancy Brown-l>ret. haron Forehud-V. Pres. Becky BurlinK· ec. Janet nderwood-Trua. Mr. Kenneth CriueiJ -apon or ue Barnicle Trudy Baxter Jan Bluek

Debbie Briw Jeri Carlgren Linda Carrick usi Connon Nancy Donnan Rick Eades Paul Epstein

Barb foley Karyn freeman Becky Cerb.r


Undo BAbcock Debby Deal

Linda Hott-l>ret. Barb Friedl-V. Pres.

Corky Bergman heri Beucler Kathy Beuterbaugh haron Brock Ann Brunell Cindy C1dden

Barb Robbie-Sec.



Gloria oata Janet hrittenten Linda OtBu.se

Debby Durhom ancy Eaton ~Uch Eden Becca Gerber

Jan Galloway

Bill Graham Bob H•ll Ceor&• lloll

Pat Anderson Pennie Anderton

Kothy Cerb.r Unda Cibbo

Carol Could Laura Graham

Cinl lli&hfield

Mr. Ray Be l·tpontol"' Jim lement Dave D. Audney Jan Oauffenbach John Evant Mar1 Gordan Ball Graham teve Gundry John Hafer Ron Hinman

Rich Hoyt Bob Hurot Jim Killerlain Candy Kiplinger LaRae Koppit Paul LAndow Doug Meip Greg Muta



Enc il ton am orthoute Dave Osborne ue Peter on Doug Pierson ~n Polikov Barb Robbie Bany Roberti Dave eeger cott mith teve okolof JiU Tappero Bob Taren Jane Thomsnon

Carol Holquitt Candy KJplinger Lynn Ko1le LAurie Lantt. Debbie Larsen Pat Lee Gwen Lichty uun Limbaugh ancy Lincoln Pat Lu t&arten ue Mack Marjie Mayberry Kathy Meta Maraaret ~UIIer Cherrie Moore Kathy ewcomer Karen Olson Elaine Richart Gini Roe Teny conce fay utter ue wan on Belle Taylor Bonnie Tomek Janet Tnchtenbera Pat Tvrdik Annette VanPelt uti Waldbaum Karen Wall Kathy Watkjna haron Wheeler Donna Wikoff ancy Wood ue Wurl

John Vleck


Bob Hinman Krit Holqui t


Bob Horton Dorothy Howard

Jim Eatey-J>res. Linda Peteraen-V. Pres. Dave White-Sec. Tim Rosenbaum -Treat. Mr. Dale fuerst·tponaor Pam Adam Bill Banker Karen Button

Barb Veach-Pret. Terri Coddard·V. Pres. Micky Rachford-Sec. Kay Hiau ·Treaa. Mrs. lara Dunn· Mrs. Marilyn Woodbury·tpon ora Sheri Beucler fran Bladt heila Bloom Wendy Burden Marcia Bu ch.ing Diane anage ue Charnquill Claudette Collins Barb Douglau

Becky lrvin1 Cindy Johnton Viraene KoBold

hori Molkin ue Malnove Morr Lou Ma tny Candy oneaa Barb Pate Tom Rot Tom charl Yolanda ideri• Linda orenaon Denny pon ler Debbie We t Randy Wil1on

Mike ~t.ke

ampb.ll ook

Jeny Cozad

Joy E&bert Richard Erntt Sandra fiher leve Green Alice Crimm


Bob Johnaon-Pret. teve LAdwia·V. Prtt. Pete Tom .. ·Clerk Mr. alvin DeLano·tpontor Art Annjn Rocer Annin Hale Auat Amy Barnett Armln Barnett Bob Berni• Roaer riter Due D'Audney Cary Dnit Park Ettep Larry G.. Ach Wah Gardner Bruce Garett.

JetTy Cer.Uck Scott Headley

Mike Henely Jim HiU Bob Hinman

Eliot Hoke

Mich Eden

Diane Cuhovia.k Cindy Haffner Marlyn Hahn Joann HaU Connie Harden Leanne Hulett Lois Hantell

Debbie Hill Barb Hoard ue Jacobten Flora Jenaen Jeanne Jones Linda Kathrein Lynn Ketder Linda Kicmarik

Ch<ryl Kine<od Barb LAwton Cwen Lichty Linda Lovgren Dolores Lynch Pat Lynch andy Muchka onnie Mattson

Barb McMohon am orthoute haron Olderog Pam Peteraon Mary Kay Pichler Dou1 J>ierson

Undo Roy andra Rolick Jame inset Carol lack haron Small Unda now Carol tromberg Mary Jo Thrapp Vane Ja Timberlake Linda Tway Carol Weaterlin Ellen Wheeler Barb Williams DiAnn Williams Faye Wilaon

Kar•n Woodhall

CAA Tamra HaU-PTet. Te_rry Erickton~ V. Pres. Val McKinnon· ec. Betty Loera -Treu. Min andra Edwardt·tponaor ue Adams Jackie Adler Linda Bacchus Lealie Benham

Mike PulhamuJ teve Renier

Nancy Filkins Dianne Fischer Jackie Fjelstad indy CiUham andy Harding onja Hovland Kathy John&On ue Kennedy Lynn Ketz.ler Karen )(jmmel Lonaine LamNrt

Van Rhoduo

Mory Un Lankford


Rich Roccaforte Mike Sacco RoNrt chli aer John wan on uaan Wilton Karin Zaletki Cindy Ziecman

Pat Lull ,an en Peuy Marquardt Nancy Manhewa Anne Michael Allene Munson Linda Orkow ue Quambuach Marla Rachford Pam Repn Laurie affer Barb crable Bobbie mith Marilyn tuhr Lynn Webber Pam Whitted Donna Wikoff Karen Wentroub

Debbie Cox

Darla Harouff huck l..an&an


andy Kiplinger-Treu. Mr. Paul Andreu· Mrs. Elaine Limbaugh·tpon ora ue Bigler Janet hriatenaen Gloria Coats Karen Combs Lynette Dixon Dee Eaton Candy Epstein Jan relker Earlene Ficklin

John McDonold Tom Merta orman et.on Joe igro

J.- O'Brien

ESQ IRES Jewel de Freete·Prea. Li1 Lueder-V. Pres. Barb Douglan· ec. uunne Ciller-Treat. Mrs. lrit Clark·tpon or Kathy Ahrens Gail Anderson


Mory Blackw•ll Diane Brock Barb Brue Becky Burlin& Marci Buachin& Karla Bu11kohl he_rri Caldwell Nancy Cani&J,ia Judy Carlton

Cherrie Chin hriaten en

Linda Cox

Emy Cubrich Claire Dauner Carol Davia JoEUen Doxon Linda Ihew Jean Duerkoop Jeanne Eberly aJlyEitancr Helen Fanckboner Lana Feltman ancy Filkins Barb Foley Mar&aret Frita

herri Fry Cathy Cenlleman

ue Crider Janine Hahn Julie Hanaen ue H.all Ellie Uunter Ceor,Pa Jacobsen arole Jansen Janet Jen en Marjorie Johnton arol yn Jonu Linda Jordan Jackie Joeeph Vincene Kerahaw

Mory Ellen Kinn•lly aomie Kutner Kathy l..air Laurie l..ant& ue LAnt& Kathy Larkin Otbbie Laraen Linda Larson Cindy U.aeney tephame Lincoln Linda Liston

Kothy Mauke haron Mauke Pegy Marquardt andy Muchlta Becky Me ormick

Jackie McCoy Pat Moiler Jan Morley ue Nardie Vickie elton JoAnn Obteahka Paula Peter ue Quambuach Marla Rachford Oe.bbie Rayla Linda Rice Ann Rickerson Pam Rowe Gloria Ruden Libby aunder• Linda chat ara chory

Borb kroble Anne labaugh Donna latin

Cale Smith Jene pencer ue picka Laura tuko

Both tiUwell Cail Stillwell Mary K. Tanner

JIU Toppero Cindy Thueman Vikie Tillery Gayle Tweeton Lynn Vau&hn

A\n Wwn Dee Wetl Janet Wilke Diane WilUam• harry Wilson

Hl-Y Phil Blum-Preo. teve Creen-V. Pres. Bruce Bik.in· ec . Randy 01ei·Treu.

Mr. Ralph Reed· Mr. Tom ~lwold ·tponaora Don Albon Dave Anderton John Anducki Art Annln

Brod Aahford Richard Bar& Bob Beamia Dave Benton Ru11 Boardman Pat Brice Dave Brown

Ron Campb.ll colt Campb.U John Cuh TerTy Clark John Cockle Ben Cohe-n Chuck Culbcraon Dave OeBu.e Larry O.Buoe

Dan O.Lon1 Duane Dudley Dave Duffin

Mike Dunham Eb.rt Bill Emrick


DennJt En&Jeman Paul Epttein Ric.k Errut

Greg Kinney Ken Krichbaum Due Lemon Bob Matcjkt John McCollister Dan McCormick Dave Menahik Jim McShane CrcglltiUcr Jim Muail Randy Nogcl Brooke Pete.non Ooua Pienon Rod Poff Leon Polikov Doug Ralaton Mark Rickenon Barry Roberts Clay Rogen Dave Roll Steve Seibold Dick Tharp Bob Urosevich Ron Volberding

Bob Fanit Larry Hamer

Mike Hanit Fred Hawkins Roger Hawkint Rich Hoyt Jim Janaen

Pele Je.. en John Johnaon

tuart Jonee Karl Kchm Jim Killerlain Greg Kinney

Tim Knight

Randy Knox Kurt Koetter Ken Krichbaum Dave Lemon

Brad MaUcH Gary Mangiamele Bob Matcjkt Jim Matejka John McColliater S1eve McCollister BiU McDontld Alex MePhenon Jim Me hane Oou& Meip Jim Meier Jcfflltillor John Morrison Gus Mouataket

INTERNATIONAL CLUB Barb Stein-Pret. Bonnie Tomek-Sec. Treaa . Mn. Mary Davia·aponaor FRENCH CLUB

Creu Muta Tom Muta Kelly Nub

Brad O'Connor Dan O'Hara Bob Peckham

Brooke Petenon Eldon Petenon Bruce Porter Terry Price Mike Pulhamua Doug Ralston Mark Rickenon BarTy Roberti

' "

Kenny Robinaon Bill Rogen Clay Rodgcrt

Tony Rote Dave Ro.. Ray Rutherford Jim Schober FUp Sodden Ed Slnik teve Sta1der

John tromber1 John Swanaon Jim Symondt Bob Tank Dick Tharp Ron Theis

Norm Thoma& Tom Thompton Charlie Toy Jim Tyler Wayne VanVliet

Ward Wanon Rod WcUt Ed Wig INTERACT Phil Blum·Prct.

Roger Herring-V. Pret. Ruaty Welch -Sec. Muk Jenaen·Treu . Mr. William McCormick -aponaor Don Albon Rog Andenon Brad Aahford Bruce Bik.in Sam Bonacono Jon Bridaewater Bob Brown 1\tikc Burdic Jim Coe Ben Cohen Ward Comb• Wally Dean Due DeBuae Art Denny Duane Dudley Paul Epatein Charlet fallr.enroth Jeff Gaillard Steve HiU Steve Holmatrom John Horwich John Howl Denny Humphrey Guy ln&)et JetTy Jamet Jim Janten Dwight Johnaon Marty Jones Alan Kulakoftky Steve Kavitch Karl Kchm Jim K.illerlain

Julie Reed-Prca. Cindy Cadden-V. Pret. Mn. EUubcth Cooper· Mn . Sharon Evana-aponaon Rick Alben Barb Arant Linda Btbcock Karen Bach l.Jnda Bachua Kalhy Barrell linda Becky Sue Bi&ler Diana Boyena Sally Breuntbach W-endy Burden Jack Cain Dianna Caaper Mary Canta.Ua Cherrie Chin Pat Chrittenaen Charlene Clift Ben Cohen Kay Curtit Steph Drou Karin Dudley Nancy Durflin1er Ernett Evana Margaret fay Jan Felker Renee Fiahel John Calloway Charlene Graham Julie Graham Greg Htll Candy Hardin( Barb Harnell Rick Harria Meriel Hender.on Bonnie Hill Bub Hoard Marilyn Holcomb John Hollquitt Carol Holquiat Sonja Hovland Ginny Hronek 1\tidgc Ide Janet Jenaen linda Kathrrin Krit Kehm Vincene Kenhaw Lynn Kelder Lynn Koile Jane Krug Randy Lafevor Lorraine Lambert Mary Lin Lankford Kathy Larkin BarbLusen Roger Lanon Gwen Uchty Stephanie Lincoln Be• Looby linda Lovp-en Brenda Lucas Pat Luatgarten Sue Mack Colleen Magt>r Sandra Malin Shari Malkin ue Malnove Becky McCormick Kathy Meir Margaret Miller Barb Moore Jan Morley Robert Peckham Sue Quambuach

Mickey Rachford Nancy Reed Sherri Richard Sandy Ritums elga Ritum• Ann Rickenon Gini Roe Paula Rosen Pam Rowe Libby Saundcn Kathy Schily Terry Sconce Kria Scoville Kay Sehmety


Silverman Ann Slabaugh Donna latin Cindi Sokol Karen Sokolof Cecily Soderland Sue Spaulding Barb tein Beth Stillwell Mary Swensen Bob Taren Betay Taylor Mary Jo Thrapp Vickie Tillery Linda Tway Charlt Ward Carol Wetterlin Sharon Wheeler Pam Whitted Cathy Wigodsky Don Wikoff Janet Wilke Judy Wolcon Nancy Wood

Glen Spaulding Lynn tephen Ruth tephen Jim Symore Bob Veach Wendy Wattt Bob Wolcoll LATIN CLUB Bud Anderson-Pres. Allene Munson-Sec. Treaa. Mn. Julie Ceorge·tponsor Jacquie Adler Rick Anderton Mandy Burnett Hugh Blanchard Sue Blower Paul Epatein linda Gilmore Tom Crouman Tamra Hall Tammy Hinden Jeanne Jonea Steve Kelly Dave Lemon Penny Lyman Pew Marquardt Connie Mattton Martha McGuire Connie Morey Amy Nichola Pam Petenon Linda Schat Eline Stem Marilyn Stuhr Annette VanPelt Woody Votburg

GERMAN CLUB SPANISH CLUB Stu Sorenaen·Prea. Jean Kennedy-¥. Pn:a. Mollie Rivert ·Sec. Mn. Trudy Olton·Spontor Amy Barnett Linda Suter WiUa Bloom Diane Bruno Dave Buach Marcia Buahintr; Karla Buahkohl Nancy Caniglia Bob Carpenter Stan Carpenter Tom Clark linda Criaen Cary Davia Tony DeBuae Mark Oefeverc Jean Duerkoop Debbie Euen Sue Ernat Teddie fellamn Briam finley Roger Frana Bill Gardener Walt Gardener Gerry Cibbt Phil Giltner frank Criebe Tom Guli1ia Jim Haviland David Hickman Sue HiU Ron Hinman Doug Holstrom John Horwich Yvonne Jamea Tarry Johnaon Becky Jonea Debby Jonea Jim Kin& Greg Kinney Paul Kratz Naomie Kutner St.lly Lang Debbie Lanon Ken McCaU Mike McCormick Barb McMahon DiU Meye!' Steve Michael Jeff 1\tiUcr Coven Morrow Ray Moulia Bob Otit Tom Pelkner BiU Prota Ron Raffenaperger Bill Reppert Clay Rocen John Ruben Carolyn Saunden Sara Schory Uoyd Schneider Madeline Schroeder Steve Seibold Denny Smt.ll Cary Spauldina


Candy Kiplin&er·Prea. linda Snow-Sec. Mn. Mary Davit· Min Graciela Canto·tponaon Kathy Ahren• Pennie Andenon Sue Barnicle Bob Demit Daryl Bentton Diana Beuc:ler Mary Blackwell beryl Donnermeyer Sherri Dunn Judy Earp Chuck Eliaaon Linda Faith Sua Frasier Janie fox Unda Gardner 3ecca Cerber Judy Gerber Jeanine Giller Del Cordon Marg Gordon Janine Hahn Leanne Hulett Mary Hlavacek t.arol Holquiat Suaan Jacoba Sue Jacobsen Hugh Johnsqn Don Ketder Terry Kina Bill Kroupa Alan Kulaltoftky Steve Ladwi& Debbie Lanen Cindy Leteney Sue Umbaugh Lorna Love Lit Lueder 1\tikc McNabb Kathy Miller Candy Noriega Paul Otten Rick Palmer Andy Peterson Ken Phelpt Elaine Richart Barb Robbie Carol lack Otic Smith Carol Stromberg MoUy Struy fay Sutter ue Swanton John Tatreau Bonnie Tomek Bonnie Truatin Randi Turkel Gayle Tweeton John Vleck Susi Waldbaum Ann Wallin Donna Wikoff Steve Zam&ou Judy Zomparclli

JCL Penny Andenon ·Prea. Peter Whitted· ec. Treat . Mra . Julie Ceorge·sponsor Bud Andenon Hale Aust Mandy Burnett Kent Chamberlin Kay Curtit Claire Oauner Mike Dunham Paul Epste-in Linda Gilmore Tom Gro11man Mary Lee He.int.elman Ron Holm Bob Johnson Dwight Johnson Jeanne Jones ~like Jonea Don Marquardt Pegg·y Ma.rquardt Connie Mattson Annelte Van Pelt Brook Petenon Pam Petenon ue Quambusch Ellisse tern John Troy Rich Wdu Ellen Wheeler KEY CLUB Bob Mcintyre-Pres. Bud Andenon-V. Prea. Guy ptuldin& ec. Treat . Mr. Karl Pecht-aponaor Rick Andenon AI Bach Tom Barton Bob Brown John Cockle Dua.ne Dudley Greg Ebert Joe Evans Roger fran• Tom Crouman Bob Henderaon Ken Hermsen Bob Johnaon Dan Kin& Mike Kroeger Steve Ladwig Dave Lark.in Muk Mdashock Don Marquardt Jeff Meyen Ray Moulia Hap Pah Brooke Peterson Jen-y Pondelit Tony Toae Glen Spauldin1 Mark nyder Ron Theil Rutty Welch WatTen Whitted MATH CLUB Bob Johnton·Pret. Tom Grouman ·V. Prea. Dave Larkin-Sec:. Treu . Mr. Lettie Sladek· Mr. John Cildea·tponson Gail Anderson Art Annin Armin Barnett Tom Barton Sam Bayne fran Bladt Jan Bluck Bob Carpenter Sian Carpenter Gloria Coati Dennia Crain Art Denny Kathy Dunn Steve Ferry Nancy f'ilkina Margaret fritz Bruce Caret& Mike Gendler Gerry Cibbt Jim Coldttrom Tamra Hall Ken Hermten Steve Hill Jim Howl Dean Janaen Tim Johnaon Greg Kinney Alan Kulakofaky Steve Ladwig Roger Lanon Dave Lemon Belly Locrt l.J& Lueder

Mark Malaahoek Don Marquardt

Creu Miller Kathy Newcomer Paul Olsen Karen Olaon Stan Ostrow Neil Paulison Hap Pat&

Tom Pelkner Doug Riley

Barry Roberti Paula Roten Nancy ilnrman Chrit mith Linda Snow Mark nyder Steve Sokolof tu Sorenten Jeff Soucie Karina tauert Jill Tappero Bonnie Tomek Pete Tomas Nancy Trent Barb Veach Doua Vercoe Bob Walander teve Walker Sharry Wilson N.f . L. tu Sorensen·Pres. Cary eid·V. Pret. Warren Whitted· cc. Jeff Meycrs·Treu. Mr. Rod Hansen·tponsor Lynn Antonton Mike Armttron& Tom Barton am Bonacorso haron Brock Wally Dean Bill Dunbar William Ferrer Rogcr Franz Karen Cottdiner Dean Holland Li& Lueder Ray Moulis Terry conce Sue Wurl PEP CLUB Nancy Wood· Pret. Mich Eden.V . Pres. Sue Wurl·See. Kathy Mett·Treu. Min Juliann Donoghue· Min Diane Brost· Min andra Edwardt·tpontors Jan Able Linda Adams JaeqWe Adler Kathy Ahren• Sue Aikman Rotemary Albon Dianna Allen Linda Allinglon Gail Anderson Laura Anderson Pat Anderson Pennie Anderton Jana Antonton Lynn Antonson LeAnn Appleby Barb Arant Sandy Arthur Pennie Awinen Linda Babcock Karen Bach Jan Bachrach Linda Bachut Celette Barber Barb Barnes Kathy Barrett Donna Barron Debby Deal Linda Berrigan Diana Beucler Sherri Beucler Sue Biller Mary Blacltwell Fran Bladt Ann Blanchard Jan Blazek Nancy Bloom Willa Bloom Michele Blote Nancy Blotzer Sue Blower Dianna Boyens Barb Brue Carol Brigp ~bbie Origp Diana Brock Sharon Brock

Mary Ann Brocky

Terri Goddard

Barb Brooks

Carol f.ould Margaret Gordan

Kay Brown Linda Brown Linda Brozek Ann Brunell Diane Bruno ally Brucnsbach Linda Buda Cindy Bukacek Wendy Burden Becky Burling Jan Burmeater Ka.rla Bunkohl Cindy Cadden Sheri Caldwell Melanie CampbeiJ Diane Canna ancy Caniglia Jeri Carlgren Jeri Carlt.on JoAnn Carlton Judy Carlson Linda Carlson Diane Cuper Terri Caatater Mary Catania ue Chapman Sue Charnquitt Mary Chaoe Cherri Chin Debby Christensen Jan Chriatenaen Par Chritten.aen Charlene Clift Jeannie Cohen Claudette Collins Karen Combt uti Connors Julie Conon Oc.bbie Cox Linda Criser Janet Dauffenbach Clare Dauner Carol Davis Dana Davia Sally ~an Linda DeBuae Pam Defoil Karen Deford Jewel defreese Lynette Dixon Janet Doctor Nancy Donovan Sheryl Donnermeyer Barb Douglaaa JoEIJen Doxon Linda Drew teph Drou Karin Dudley Jean Duerkoop Ma.ry Kay Duffin Pe&&y Duffin Dee Duncan Kathy Dunn Nancy Durflin&er ~bby Durham Joan Eagle Judy Earp Dee Eaton Jeannie Eberly Mary Lou Egbert ~bby E&&ers Sally Eltaaaer Cheryl Emery Becky Engelbretson Candy [p.atein Terry Erickson Suzanne Ernst Lynda Faith Helen Fanckboner Jan Felker Lana Feltman Kate femmer Nancy filkint Diane Fischer Renee Fishel Jackie fjelttad Candy Fox Sara Frasier Barb Friedl Mar&aret Frit& Cheryl fruhwirth Sheri fry Linda Gardner Carol Garvey Laverne Caston ~Caylor

Kalhy Gentleman Mary Gerard Decca Gerber Judy Gerber Kathy Gerber Jeann.ie Ce.rmoulut Linda Gibbs Jeanine Giller Suzanne Giller Linda Gilmore Colleen Cliaar

Debby Lanen Debra Larsen

Karen Gotsd..iner

Barb Lawton

Charlene Graham Judy Graham Julie Graham Laura Graham Melody Crimm

Evelyn Leach ue LeBaron Pat Lee Nancy Lerhotz

Diane Gutta/son Diane Cr.ehoviak Cindy Haffner Janine Hahn Marilyn Hahn Tamra Hall Pat Hamilton Parri Hanrahan Janine Hanten Lana Hanten Connie Harden Candy Harding Marje Hargleroad Barb Harnett Cheryl Harriton Lois Hartzell Julie Hanelbach Leanne Hulett Kathy Henderson Muriel Henderson Colleen Herrin& Kay Hiatt ~bby Hillmer Tammy Hinders Barb Hoard Marilyn Holcomb Kria Holquill Germaine Hopkins Nancy Hotman Linda Hotz onja Hovland Ginnie Hronek Ellie Hunter Midge Ide Becky Irvin& ally Irving Georgia J acobber&er uun Jacobs Joy Jacobsen ue Jacobaen Carol Janaen Donna Jeffrey Flora Jensen Janet Jenaen Cindy Johnson Glenda Johnton Kathy Johnson Kathy Johnson Polly Johnson Sue Johnson ue Johnaon Barb Johnaton Barb Jolly Becky Jones Bev Jones Carolyn Jones ~bby Jonea Sheila Jones Linda Jordan Karen Jor&enten Jackie Joseph De Lora Kaiser Linda Katherine Mary Kaul Kris Kehn Jean Kennedy Sue Kennedy Karen Kemme) Vincene Kershaw Lynne Ketzler Cheryl Kinccad Laurie King Suzanne Kin& TerTy Kina Mary E. KinnaUy Candy Kiplinger Sharon Klauschia Amy Klopp Virgene KoBold LaRae Koppit Linda Kramarik Diane Krause Karen Krough Sutan Kruse Mary K. Kurtenbach Carolyn Kutter Naomie Kuttner Connie Lacy Cathy Lair Nancy Lake Penny Lake Lorraine Lambert Sally Lang Lynne Lange Mary Lin Lankford Lynnette Lannin& Laurie Lanlz Mary LaRandeau Cathy Larkin Barb Larsen


Barb Robbie Cini Roe Eileen Rogers Vicki Roggy andi Rolick ~bby Rolya Pam Rowe

Unda Larsen

Linda Ray hari Ruback Gloria Ruden Annette Ru11dl

Vergie Lefhotz Janel LcOer Cindy Leaeney Susan Limbaugh Judy Lincoln Nancy Lincoln Stephanie Lincoln Linda Litton Betty Loert Bev Looby Linda Lovgren Cindy Lowrey Brenda Lucas Liz Lueder J>at Luttgarten Penny Lyman Oeloret Lynch Pat Lynch Kathy Maaake huon Muske ue Mack Tami Madden Colleen Mager Mary Mainelli hari Malkin Sue Malnove Diane Mancuso Mar1Juet Manning Peggy Marquardt Kathy Martin Sandy Muchka Mary Lou Matney Connie Manton Debby Muwell Marjie Maybepy Sandy McColnoter Becky McCormack Janice McElroy Martha McGuire Judy McKay Val McKinnon Barb McMahon Mary McMahon Judi McShane Lynne McWhorter Cheryl Melcher haron Meyer Judy Meyerson Anne Michael Kathy ~UIIer Margaret Miller Pat Miller Marty Mincer Mary Mincer Barb Moore Cherrie Moore Connie Morey Jan Morley Elaine Moustaket AIJene Munson Ka.lleen Naylor Kathy Newcomer Amy Nichola Jeri ied Candy oriega JoAnn Obteahka haron Olderoc Karen Olson Linda Orkow Pinar Oztarhan Barb Pate Alice Paulson Leslie Paulton Marilyn Pedegana Va.lerie Pederson Paula Peter Carol Petersen Debby Petersen Andy Peterson Pam Peterson Pam Petenon Suun Peterson Candy Pettengill Linda Pipher Chris Poff Afton Prestwich Sue Quambutch Mickey Rachford Marla Rachford Sandy RaUch Vicki Rauch Julie Reed Nancy Reed Pam Regan Linda Rice Sue Rice Elaine Richart Ann Rickerson Sandra Rituma MoWe Rivers Anita Rizley

Cherry R. Ruuell ue Ruttell Laurie affcr Carol Saklar Diane Sandcrt Carolyn aundert Libby Saundcrt Pat chaffrath Kathy Scily Kay mill Sara Schory Madelene chrocder Marlene chroeder Linda chultz Terry conce Ane Maria cott


Marilyn Sedlak Liz Seilt andy harp Yolanda Siderit Sue inovich Janice Sintel Carol Simon• Mary Skaug Andy A. Skinner Barb krable Anne Slabaugh Carol Slack Diane Slack ally lalnaker Sharon mall Chrittine Smith Dale mith helly mith Jan nodgrus Linda pow Cecily Soderland Cindy Sokol Karen Sokolof Linda orenaen Gail Soucie ~D. owen ue paulding Jeri penccr Cheri Spicka ue pick a Sue Spiepl Diane t. Clair Barb Stein Eline Stein Beth till well CayTe till well Irene Stinson Carol tromber& Molly truyk Karen undtboe fay utter Jan wanda ue wanton Jean Tamue Mary Tanner Janet Tappero Rita Tarpley Bette Taylor Vaneua Tembcrlake Karen Tepper Cindy Thieman Jane Thompson Shari Thompton Mary Jo Thrapp Bonnie Tomek Janet Trachtenberg Nancy Trent Janice Troxel Mary TuU J~e. kie Turan.aky Clee Turbot Randi Turkel Pat Tvridik Linda Tway Gayle Tweeton Janet Underwood Jean VanDerLeest Cheryl Vaughn Lynn Vau&hn Barb Veach Aliton Vickery uti Waldbaum Kria Walker Karen Wall Ann Wallin Charla Ward Kathy Watkin• Mary J . Weingarten Karen Well Debbie Wett OeeAnn West Carol Wetterlin

Ellen Wheeler Sharon Wheeler Mary Ann Whinery Pam Whined

Cathy Wigodaky Janet Wilke DeAnn WiiUams Harriet Witoughby Faye Wilton Pam Wilton Sharry Wilton Barb Wolcott Judy Wolcott Kathy Wohemath

Karen Woodhull Nancy Zuerlein


Miss Carol Page-sponsor Naney Eaton Connie Harden Leanne Hulen

Gini Hil!hfield Suun Kruae Lorna t.o~e Kathy Met& Suun Petenen Jane Thompeon Linda Tway Susi Wa.ldbaum

Karen Wall Sandi Ward Nancy Wood Honorary Memben· Mn. Mary Conner

Mn. AUce Gillogly Mr. Jack NoodeU

Mr. Pete Pa.Uesen Mr. Stan kaug RADIO CLUB Roger Franz-Pres. John ScuU -V. Prea. Brain mith·Sec. Treu. Mr. Charles Ll.ng·aponaor Cary Adama Ron Breitag lArry Daaach John E~ana Doug Holmstrom Raymond Mouli• Francia Rupp Larry Seize Mark Snyder

Bob Veach RED CROS Nancy Lincoln-Pres. Terri Castater-V. Pres. Jim Woodland-Sec. Treaa. Mn. Ma.ry McALliater-1ponaor Ann Barmore Kathy Barrell N1ncy Blotter Sheila Bloom Jon Bridgewater Ron Cohn Ward Comba Jerry Coud

Emy Cubrich WaUy Dean Dan DeLong Sherri Dunn Elaine Eadea

Joan Eagle Barb Friedl Sheri F'ry Carol Gould JoAnn Hall Kay Hiall Da~e Hickman

Bobbie Smjth Woody Voaberg

John Vleck Arell Wasson Mary J . WeingaJ1en Rick Weist

Ann Wallin Kathy W altemath

Ellen Wheeler Kathy Wigodaky

Charla Ward

Donna Wikoff

Da~e Will.iama Judy Zamparelli

Jan Wilke

Cindy Thieman Jim Tyler


Diann Williams Larry Williams Barb WiUmer

Carol Stromberg Setae Taylor Paul Thonen Diane Udea Karen Wall Pam Whitted Ba.rb William• Bev Wood Sue Wurl

Jan Underwood -Pres.



Mark Snyder- Pre•. Tom Bal1on- V. Prea. Dennie Dohner-Sec. Treaa. Mr. Harley Hardiaon-aponaor Armin Barnett Jack Cain Cary Davia Ste~e Ferry Roger Franz

Mark Jenaen- Pres. AI Bach- V. Prea. Rusty Welch-Sec. Roger Herring- Treat. l'ttr. Wayne Wag.ner-sponsor Karl Adrian

Jill Smith·V. Prea. Nancy CaUey-Sec. Barb Phalen·Treu. Mr. David Henninp · Mr. Edward Stribley·lponaon Lynne Adama Keith Andenen Dave Andenon Steve Bowen Ste~e Brown Jeff Burdic Janet Christensen Debbie Cortese

Sally Dean BiU Dunbar Sherri Dunn Debby Durham Paul Epatein Larry Fauquier Jackie Fjelstad Sara Fruier Ma11in CaUey Bob Gehringer Alan Gendler

Cindy Gillham Ray Gillies

Carol Gould Frank Criebe John Ha.fer Janine Hahn

JoAnn Hall Brian Hall John Hallquist

Bob Harden Connie Harden Lola Hartzell Ken Hermsen Gayle Hetrick

Sally Lang Barb Lawaon Sue Limbaugh Judy Lincoln Sharon Meyer Linda MiUer Nancy Penon Jan Pettegrew

Barb Phalen Sandra PofT Marcia Renner


Bill Olson- Prea. John wanson- V. Prea. Terry Sconce-Sec. Trea1. Mr. Roger JacobsMr. Tom elwoldMr. Steve Wiitala-tponaors SUBSURFERS Clen Spaulding- Prea. Mark Johnson- V. Pres. Tom Petty - Sec. Mr. Harley Hardiaon-aponsor John Andracki Ste~e Barber

Bob Bucholz Tim Denzler Bob Peckham

Barb Hoard Kathy Hough Joy Jacobaen Dean Jansen Donna Jeffrey Mark Johnson Tom Johnson Terry Johnson

Lloyd KHmer Karen Kimmel Betsy Kingman Creu Kinney Fred Knez Alan Kula.kofaky Mary LaRandeau Lynne Lange Lynnette Lanning Joel Lefevor Sheldon Lerner Barb Uchtman Sue Malno~e Cary Mangiamele Da~e McClanahan Judy Meyenon Anne Michael Ellen McKinney

M;ke McKnabb Phll Nalow Bob Olaen Paul Ol1en Dan Otto Andy Peterun Brooke Petenon Richard Purchue Van Rhodu1

Jean Kennedy Lynn Koile

Tom Johnson Ray Moulis Frank Stehno Chet Waters

Scott Holdredge

Don Otio

Barb Jolly

Ken Hermten

Jim ffill

Keith Hinton Ken Hinton

Debbie ffiU Kathy Hough

M;ke Gendler Gerry Gibba lUck GiUnaky

Bill Higley

Mary Hla~acek Germaine Hopkins Jerry Jame1 Glenda Johnson

Fred IUchort Jeff IUel Cherry Ru11eU Sue Russell Don Salyards Tony Sawtell Jim Schober

John Scull Bud imonds Kirk Simpaon

Barb Skrable Lloyd Snyder

Ste~e Stalder Lora Stuzko Jerry Sund Lex.ie Susman John Swanton

F'Up Seddon

Fred Weiner- Prea. Jan WhitakerDebbie Chase- V. Pres. Barb Lanen- Sec. Rick Anderson- TreU. Mn. Anna Clark -aponaor Nancy Aron10n Hale Autt Donna Barron Unda Becky Ann Brunell Jeri Carlgren Diana Casper Jeanne Cohen Julie Cotton WaUy Dean Janet Doctor Bill Dunbar Debby Durham Dee Eaton Nancy Eaton Paul Epstein Nancy Filkins Brian Finley Jackie Fjelatad Tom Flannery Lynn Carrell Becca Gerber

Kathy Gerber Linda Gilmore

Gini Highfield Sue ffiU Sally lning Muy Johnaon Larry Johnaon Becky Jone• Debby Jonea Jeanne Jones Stne Kavitch Suzanne Kin1 Janet Leiter Cwen Lichty Brenda Lucu Colleen Mager Jeff Meyen

Kathy M;ller

Yolanda Sideria

Cheryl Vaughn

Judd Skooc·Smith

Dou1 Vercoe

Ed Slavik

Carolyn Saunden

Kathy Shipke

Don Albon Rick Anderton

Phil Blum Jeff Burdic Mike Burdic Da~.,. Bushnell Jack Cain Ben Cohen Ed Covert BiU Dunbar Rick Ern11 BiU Fernr

Jeff G.;Uard Frank Griebe Larry Hamer Steve Hartun1 Roger Hawkin•

Bob Hunt Guy lngleo Jerry James Jim Janaen Marty Jonet Jirri KiUerlain Les McClanahan Dan McCormick John Moore Jim Musil Randy Nogel Jerry Petenen Mike Pulhamus Mark Rickerson Dave Rota John cuU St u Sorensen

Gary Spaulding THESPIANS

Connie Morey Mollie Ri~t:rs Anila Rizley Tom Roll Pam Schapp

Sandi RoUck

Mark Snyder Cindi Sokol


Dick Tharp Bob Urosevich Ron Volberding Woody Voaber1

Charlene Graham Ll.na Han1en Kay Hiatt

Debby Hillmer Ellie Hunter Kathy Johnson Sue Johnson Jeanne Jonea Sheila Jone1 Ll.urie King Candy Kiplinger Virgene KoBold Lynn Kolle Barb l.aw1on Pat Lee Liz Lueder Linda Lo~gren Penny Lyman Sue Mack Diane Mancuto Sandy Matchka Connie Matt1on Lynne McWhol1er Pat Murray

Sharon Olderog Pam Peterson Afton Prestwich Nancy Reichmann

Barb Robbie Sandy RoUck Yolanda Sideri•

Carol Slack Mary Shu1 fay Sutter Sue Sw1n1on linda Thompson Vicki TiUery Bonnie Tomek Nancy Trent Al.iaon Vickery Deborah West Merry Ann Whinery

Karen Woodhull Judy ZampareUi

Z·CLUB Barb tein- Prea. Chria Smith- V. Pres. Fran Bladt-Sec. Bub Veach- T reu. Mra. Loia Lucu -•pontor Cail Andenon Pennie Anderson Lynn Antonson Sandi Arthur

Linda Babcock Jan Bachrach Kathy Barrett

Greg Walker

Debby Beal


Jan Bluek Becky Burling Diane Catper

Cam NorthouseJohn Lenon -editors Mr. Pete Palle•en-•ponsor Kathy Barren Carol Holquiat Cua Moustake1

Gary Neid Kathy Newcomer Doug Pierson Sharon Wheeler


Mary Chaae Kathy Dunn Nancy Eaton

M;ch Eden Linda Gilmore CoiJeen Cliaar Karen Cottdiner Tamra HaiJ Leanne Hulett

Gini Highfield Kathy Johnson LaRae Koppil

Mary Lin Lankford J ul.ie Klopp- Pres. Sue Swanson- V. Prea.

Linda Babcock

Barb Laraen Sue Limbaugh Li~ Lueder Penny Lyman Nancy Matthews Ma11ha McGuire Val McKJnnon Margaret MiUer Kathy Newcomer Karen Olaon Pinar Oztarhan Mickey Rachford

Sue Barnicle

Julie Reed

Debby Durham- Sec. Kathy Newcomer- Treas. Mill Lynda LymanMrs. Lorraine Rogers-1ponson

Judy Abbott Kathy Ahrens Cail Andenon Pat Andenon Penny Awinen

Debby Beal Lynda Berrigan S heri Beucler Ann Blanchard Jan Bluek Diana Doyens linda Brown Mandy Burnett

Geri C&{laon Sue Charnquist Ja.net Christenten

Charlene CUft Sue Connon Dana Duia

Sally Dean linda OeBuse

Debby Durham Dee Eaton Kathy Gerber Carol (;Quid

Elaine Riehm Paula Roaen Nancy Sil~erman Donna Slatin Linda Snow Cynthia Sokol Faye Sutter Sue Swanson Bonnie Tomek Nancy Trent Linda Tway





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