Thank You to
Dr. Gregg & Debbi Schreiner Dimmick for sponsorship of the
1970 Shield Support the Westside Foundation
1970 SHIELD Westside High School 87th & Pacific Street Omaha, Nebraska 68124 Volume 18
Faculty & Personnel. ........ 16 Academics ....................... 34 Classes............................ 54 Sports ............................. 118
Student Life 0000000000000000.. 00148 Fine Arts 0000000000000000000000000166 Organizations 00000000000000000190 Advertising & lndexooooooooo 220
This is you, you know.
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Is it what you really want?
Seasons ... Do they break the monotony for you or do they create uniformity? It's 1 0 째 below .zero and you still have to come to school. It's 90째 above and here you are in an unbearable classroom. Oh come on, keep shining.
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Modular Scheduling ... Third year a charm? You bet!
Participation ... Helping build a float, Sleeping through a class, Caring enough to attend a cross country meet, Smoking behind the shop, or yelling at a pep rally. Who are you trying to kid?
p 14
Groups ••• Individuals ... One for many or many for nothing. Two heads better? Just the same, you can't do it all alone.
Following a dinner prepared by Home Economics students, Mr. Les Sladek, math teacher and Dr. H. Vaughn Phelps, superintendent discuss upcoming events and policies.
Auditorium main concern of administration Since the initiation of modular scheduling, three years ago, Westside has introduced anumber of additional changes . This year the District 66 School Board, headed by superintendent Dr. H. Vaughn Phelps, has been chiefly concerned with the addition of Westside's new wing. The new wing will include administration offices, new English and Math IMC's and a new autlitorium. Holding over 1,000 people, the auditorium will be used mainly for the production of plays . The completion is planned for next fall. Dr. Kenneth Hansen, principal, has three, assistant principals this year. Dr. Ralph Farrar, who has been assistant principal for the past nine years, is now a principal in Ames, Iowa. Taking his place was Mr. Lee Perkins, who became head of curriculum, activities, and disciplinary measures . Mr. James Tangdall concerned himself with pupil personnel. Student activities and athletics were supervised by assistant principal Mr. William Hoyt. 18
Wholly involved in construction at Westside, Mr. James Findley, administrative assistant, and Dr. Kenneth Hansen, principal, explore the pipeline to higher education .
SCHOOL BOARD-Left Row: Mr. Fred Holmstrom, Mr. Walter Anderson, secretary, Mr. Ken Kampfe ; Right Row: Mr. John Marshall, treasurer; Mr. lrv Yaffe , vice president; Mr. Verne Moore , president.
Mr. Jim Tangda/1 and Dr. Phelps pause.
Assistant principals, Mr. Bill Hoyt and Mr. Lee Perkins find concentrating difficult.
Counselors offer aid in scheduled classes With modular scheduling permitting scheduling innovations, counseling was able to take on a new facet: scheduled group counseling classes. Scheduled counseling allowed counselors to distribute pertinent information to students and give them ample opportunity to ask questions, give opinions, make suggestions and register complaints. Each group session contained around fifteen students . There was one scheduled meeting a week and counselors could decide if it was needed. Although many new faces were present on the staff, Mr . Karl Pecht, aided by Mr. Ron Huston, continued as college counselor. Mrs . Lois Lucas , senior counselor, was joined by Mr. Keith McCreight , recruited from junior counseling. Mr. Spence Roberts , now finishing two years of junior instruction , was teamed up with newcomer Mrs . Helen LaUman. New sophomore ad visors were Mrs . Jo Anita Anderson (first semester), Mrs . Myrna McDaniels (second semester ) , and Mr . George Schliefer.
Junior counselor Spence Roberts magnifys his environment for well-rounded advice.
Putting scheduled counseling into action, Mrs. Lois Lucas meets with senior classes
New to senior counseling, Mr. Keith McCreight found that life can become twice as busy. ,:
Counselor Karl Pecht is important to college-bound seniors.
COUNSELORS: Mrs. Myrna McDaniels, Mr. George Sch/iefer, Mrs. Helen Lallman.
Mrs. Jo Anderson Mr. Calvin Bentz Mrs. Iris Clark Mrs. Anne Danna Mr. Leon Engelbart
Mr. Bruce Anderson Mr. Richard Bock Mrs. Mary Connor Mrs. Mary Davis Mrs. Sharon Evans
Mr. Paul Anderson Mr. Ben Bruner Mr. Ronald Crampton Mr. Rob Dornacker Mr. Ron Fehr
Mr. Paul Andreas Mrs. Anna Clark Mrs. Lana Curry Mrs. Clara Dunn Mrs. Nina Fling
Momentous occasions cause Mr. l
Faculty picks up momentum
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Miss C. Floerchinger Mr. Don Glasgow Mrs. Diane Hansen Mr. Ken Heimbuch Mrs. J. Higuera
to show the legendary Skateboard.
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Mr. Lynn France Mr. Alvin Gloor Mr. Harley Hardison Miss Jeanne Held Mrs. Judith Hoevet
Mr. Dale Fuerst Mr. Charles Gowens Mrs. Betty Harmsen Mr. David Hennings Mr. Rooer Hoffman
Mr. Gordon Fulton Mrs. Bernice Haney Mr. William Hayes Mrs. Dorothy Hicks Mrs. Judith Hoyt
Faculty again grows in number, talent
Mrs. Elizabeth Hummel Miss Victoria Kroeker Mrs. Elaine Limbaugh
Mr. Ronald Huston Mrs. Helen Lallman Miss Sylvia Littlejohn
Mr. Don Johnson Miss Linda Lamb Mr. Wm . McCormick
Mr. Bob Klein Mr. Richard Lane Miss Jan McReynolds
Mr. Michael Kmiecik Mr. Charles Lang Mr. Frank May
Mr. Don Kolterman Mr. John Laugen Mr. Don Meredith
Mr. Virgil Windels shelves his son for failing to complete required English objectives.
All choked up over his pet, Mr. Lynn France is left speechless. Custodian Parker Moore dumps controversial commons paper
Mr. Lewis Miller Miss Jacquie Moore Mr. Louis Niemann Mr. Daniel O'Connor Mr. Richard Rezac
Mr. Louis Miloni Mr. Robert Mo!>crey Mr. Jack Noodell Mrs. Hazel Patz Mr. Verlan Rumbaugh
Mrs. Pat Mitchell Mr. William Nelson Mr. Paul Nyholm Mrs. Jane Rankin Mr. George Schleifer
Team instruction stressed
Not resting on laurels, Mr. Gary Sedlacek takes a creative stand
Mr. Laurence Schuler Mr. Ed Stribley
Miss Sandra Scofield Mrs. Jane Tegeler
Mr. Gary Sedlacek Mrs. Carol Tilson
Mr. Leslie Sladek Mrs. E. VanAmburgh
Miss Jeanne Held '/'lows a proper plan to conjugate verbs.
Mr. Pat Venditte Mr. Stephen Wiitala Mrs. M. Woodbury
Mrs. Jean Panek calmly tests sophomores listening ability.
Mrs. Karen Ward Mr. Virgil Windels Mrs. Martha Yaussi
Mr. Leroy Weyh Mrs. Kristine Wolff Mr. Allen Zimbleman
MISS LA VERNE ALLEN: Advanced Typing; Office Practice; Office Occupations; FBLA. MR. BRUCE ANDERSON : Algebra 2 ; Geometry ; Pro grammed Math; Senior Math. MISS JOAN ANDERSON: Advanced Shorthand ; FBLA. MRS . JO ANITA ANDERSON: Sophomore Counselor; Esquires. MR. PAUL ANDERSON: Advanced Algebra; Basic Math ; Geometry; JV Football; Reserve Basketball. MR. PAUL ANDREAS: Russian History; World History; FT A . MR. CALVIN BENTZ: Physical Education; Swimming; Track ; Varsity Swim Coach. MR. RICHARD BOCK: English Literature. MR. BEN BRUNER: Advanced American History ; Programmed American History. MRS. ANNA CLARK: Drama; Speech; Thespians; Junior, Senior Class Play Director. MRS. IRIS CLARK: Home Economics Department Head ; Advanced Foods; Intermediate Foods; Meal Service; Esquires. MRS. MARY CONNER : English Department Head; Sophomore English; National Honor Society . MR. RONALD CRAMPTON : Chemistry; Science Seminar . MRS . LANA CURRY : American Literature; Y-Teens. MRS. ANNE DANNA : American Literature; Programmed English; Sophomore Class Sponsor. MRS . MARY DAVIS: Spanish 1, 4 ; International Club. MR. MAURICE DEINES: Algebra 1 ; Geometry; Programmed Math. MR. ARLEN DOBBINS: Auto Shop; Vocational Autos . MR. ROBERT DORNACKER: American Studies ; American Literature. MRS. CLARA DUNN: Sociology; Dean of Girls . MR. LEON ENGELHART: Counselor; Adult Education; Vocational Education. MRS. SHARON EVANS: French 1, 3 , 5 ; French Club. MR. RON FEHR: Advanced Machine Woods ; Beginning Woods ; Wrestling. MRS. NINA FLING: Advanced Algebra; Geometry . MISS -CAROLYN FLOERCHINGER: Interiors; Intermediate Foods . MR. LYNN FRANCE : Zo Mr. Paul Anderson whistles past his foes during the intramural ping pong tournament
ology; Science Club. MRS . DIANE FREDRICKSON (Second Semester): Girls' P .E . MR . DALE FUERST : Counselor; D .E .; DECA; Senior Class Sponsor. MR. GORDON FULTON: Advanced Bookkeeping; Beginning Bookkeeping. MRS. JULIE GEORGE: Foreign Language Department Head; Latin; JCL . MR. DONALD GLASGOW : Earth Science ; Physiology . MR. ALVIN GLOOR: Math Department Head; Calculus; Math for Prospective Elementary Teachers; Senior Math 2 ; Programmed Math . MR . CHARLES GOWENS: Advanced Debate; Beginning Debate; Speech; Debate Squads; NFL. MRS. BERNICE HANEY : Far East; World History . MRS. DIANE HANSEN: Advanced Design; Beginning Art: Commercial Art; Drawing; Uraphics; Fashion 28
Illustration ; Art Club. MR. HARLE"'x HARDISON: Marine Biology; Mod ern Concepts ; Physiology ; Scub ~ Diving. MRS . BETTY HARMSEN Algebra 3 ; Geometry; Senior Math Y-Teens. MR. WILLIAM HAYES Programmed World History; Worlc History . MR. KENNETH HElM BUCH: Art Department Head; Ceram ics; Graphics; Painting; Sculpture Watercolor; Art Club. MISS JEANNE HELD: German 2 , 4 ; Drill Squad; Ma路 jorettes; Squires. MR. DAVID HEN路 NINGS : Chemistry; Physics ; Re d Cross. MRS.DOROTHYHICKS: Hea d Librarian- Social Studies IMC. MR RICHARD HICKS: Economics; World History; Archeology. MR. JOSEPH HIGGINS : American Government: American History; CPAF. MISS JO路 SEFINA HIGUERA: Spanish 3 , 5 ;
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Mr. Dan O'Conner and Mr. Joe Higgins retreat to the lounge for independent study.
Teachers too can relax 1n free time Spanish Club. MRS. JUDITH HOEVET: Head Librarian-English IMC; Pep Club. MR. ROGER HOFFMAN: Algebra 2; Boys' Golf. MRS. JUDITH HOYT: Composition; English Seminar. MRS. ELIZABETH HUMMEL: Sophomore English; Y-Teens. MR. RONALD HUSTON: College Counselor: Sociology; Baseball; Interact. MR. JOHN W. JOBST (Second Semester): English. MR. DONALD JOHNSON : Bookkeeping ; Typing ; Head Football Coach ; Assistant Track Coach. MR. BOB KLEIN: Physics; Physical Science; Intramurals; Assistant Track Coach. MR. MICHAEL KMIECIK: American History; World Studies . MR. DONALD KOLTER MAN : Sophomore English ; World Studies; Archery Club; ECLECTIC; Junior Class Sponsor. MRS . VICTORIA KROEKER : Bookkeeping; Consumer Economics. · MRS. HELEN LALLMAN: Junior Counselor; Esquires. MISS LINDA LAMB : Composition; English Literature; Modern Poetry ; Z -Club . MR . RICHARD LANE: Industrial Arts Department Head; Co-op Education; On-the-jobtraining; Track . MR . CHARLES LANG: Physics ; Physical Science. MR . JOHN LAUGEN : Sales and Marketing ; D .E .; DECA ; Ski Club . MRS . CAROL LILIDAHL: Speech Therapist . MRS . ELAINE LIM BAUGH: American Literature; Humanities . MISS SYLVIA LITTLE JOHN : Mathematics . MRS . LOIS LUCAS : Senior Counselor. MR . FRANK MAY: American Literature; Gymnastics Coach. MR. WILLIAM MCCORMICK: Advanced World History ; Sociology ; Interact ; Intramurals . MR. KEITH MCCREIGHT: Junior Counselor. MRS . MYRNA
MCDANIEL (Second Semester) : Guidance. MR. DENNIS MCINTYRE: American Government; American History; World History. MRS. JAN MCREYNOLDS: Advanced Typing; Notehand . MR. DON MEREDITH : American History; Reserve Football; Swimming; Diving. MR. LEWIS MILLER: German 1 , 4 ; German Club. MR. LOU MILONI: Boys' P .E .; Football; Wrestling. MRS. PATRICIA MITCHELL: Adult Living; Advanced Clothing and Tailoring. MISS JACQUE LINE MOORE: Advanced Algebra; Basic Math; Geometry. MR. ROBERT MOSCREY: Aviation; Biology; Cross Country; Baseball. MISS SHERYE NELSON : Spanish ; Spanish Club . MR. WILLIAM NELSON: History Department Head; American Government; Histo:ty Seminar. MR. LOUIS NIEMAN: Botany; Chemistry; Chess Club. DR. JACK NOODEL: Business Department Head; Beginning Typing; Junior Class Sponsor . MR . PAUL NYHOLM: Architectural Drawing ; Architectural Sketching ; Mechanical Drawing ; Ski Club. MR. DANIEL O'CONNOR: Advanced American History; American History; Karate Club; Weight Lifting. MRS. HAZEL P ATZ: Sophomore English. MR. KARL PECHT: Senior College Counselor . MRS . JANE RANKIN: Special Education; Adult Education. MR. RICHARD REZAC : D .E .; Sales and Marketing ; DECA; Reserve Football. MR . JAMES RILEY : Health ; Head Basketball Coach; Assistant Football Coach. MR. SPENCE ROBERTS : Junior Coun selor. MRS. LORRAINE ROGERS : English Media . MISS THEO ROSENBAUM (First Semester): Girls' P .E .; GAA . MR . VERLAN RUM-
BAUGH: Electronics; Audio-Visual; Radio Club. MR. GEORGE SCHLEIFER : Sophomore Counselor. MR. DONOVAN SCHULER: Vocal Music; Concert Choir; Glee Clubs; Musicals; Oratorio Concert; Warrior Voices . MISS SANDRA SCOFIELD: American History; Economics; Archeology Club; American History Forum. MR. GARY SEDLACEK: Creative Writing; Senior Composition . MR . LESLIE SLADEK: Advanced Algebra; Geometry; Senior Math . MR . DARWYN SNYDER: Music Department Head; Warrior Marching Band ; Reserve Band; Concert Jazz Band; Pep Band. MRS. CAROLYN STEVENS (Second Semester): French 1, 2, 4 ; Pep Club. MR. EDWARD STRIBLEY: Drivers' Education; Safe-teens. MRS. JANE TEGELER : Intermediate Clothing; Human Development. MRS. CAROL TILSON: Beginning Journalism ; Publications Photography; LANCE; SHIELD; Quill and Scroll. MRS. EVERINE VANAMBURGH: Sophomore English . MR . PAT VENDITTE : Health; Sports Trainer; W-Club. MRS. KAREN WARD: Algebra 1, 2; Senior Math. MR. HAROLD WELCH: Music Theory ; Music History ; Orchestra; String Quartet. MR. LEE WEYH: Beginning Auto Shop; Beginning Vocational Metals; Field Club . MR. VIRGIL WINDELS: English Literature; Archeology Club; Hi-Y. MRS. KRISTY WOLFF: Sophomore English; Programmed English; Cheerleaders ; Pep Club ; Girls' Tennis . MISS MARILYN WOODBURY: American Literature; FMA. MRS. MARTHA Y A USSI (First Semester): French ; Pep Club. MR. AL ZIMBLEMAN: Algebra 3 ; Geometry; Senior Math ; Math Club.
Mrs. Thelma Jones keeps vigilance on the attendance window.
Mrs. Dappen exchanges change and talk with Mrs. Jansen.
Mrs. Darlene Eliason finds that being guidance secretary gives her little time to relax .
PARAPROFESSIONALS, AIDES-Front Row: Mrs . Lucy Wrabetz, Mrs. Sharon Prideaux, Mrs. Mary Dickinson, Mrs. June McDonough ; Second Row: Mrs. Evelyn Boucher, Mrs. Helen Newland, Mr. Dick Boyer, Mrs. Helen Groteluschen , Mrs. Willo Boe; Not Pictured: Mrs. Carol Burbridge, Mrs. Irene Christie, Mrs . Virg inia Hall, Mrs . Particia Jackson, Mrs . Rita Nielsen, Mrs. Elvina Schlicker, Mr. Richard Peterson .
Secretaries,paraprofessionals get involved
Mrs. Alice Gillogly and Mrs. Joyce Walker take time out from their office business.
It' s said that getting along means getting involved, and the Westside secretaries, aides and paraprofessionals have done just that. Mrs . Alice Gillogly, finishing her 16th year at Westside, and Mrs. Joyce Walker, completing her fifth year, took care of office business as well as proving able help to the students. Mrs. Marjorie Eliason made appointments for Mr. Karl Pecht in room 214 and Mrs . Marge Dappen had charge of the bookstore for the fourth year. Mrs . Thelma Jones ran the attendance office in her first year at Westside, and Mrs. Joan Jansen has been taking care of the secretarial chores in the library for ten years now. Whether it's ordering art supplies, making dittoes, standing guard over scheduled study halls, or sitting in open mechanical drawing labs, paraprofessionals and aides have a place in every area of the school. "It's great to be able to get to know so many kids," commented art lab assistant Mrs . Sharon Prideau. 31
Mrs. Gertrude Kobs and Eileen McCallum ; behind the scene cleaning ladies of 1970.
Cooks fry burgers worth $5,500, 33,00( In keeping the cooks busy this year, you ate 176,000 ounces of hamburger. This was the case in most foods as literally tons of the different courses were consumed. This was especially true in the fields of potatoes and ice cream. You proved that fact by devouring 33,000 pounds of french fries andover 108,000 icecreamcones. The cafeteria also provided a location in which the janitors were able to carry out their tasks. You kept them active by supplyingthem withover320,000empty milk cartons to carry out. The trash cans were emptied approximately 45 ,000 times during the year, while cashiers fulfilled their part of the cause by taking care of the payments for the lunches.
DAY JANITORS-Front Row: Leonard Ulanowski; Back Row: Sam Soprano , Ted Kurcz, Ray Se
:oOKS-First Row: Mrs. Ruth Servine, head cook; Mrs. Anna Belle >teele, Mrs. Nell Partridge, Mrs. Amy Burk, Mrs. Mary Holm , Mrs. >orothy French ; Back Row: Mr. Wilber Fitzpatric, hot lunch superisor; Mrs. Virginia Alsman , Mrs . Betty Scholtman, Mrs. Beverly Bass, .frs. Margaret James , Mrs. E. Skarr, Mrs. R. Humphrey.
oounds of potatoes liGHT JANITORS- Robert Harrison, Marvin Wheeler, Leonard Carrol.
Cashiers Mrs. Annette Fitzpatrick and Mrs. Ruth Harrie tend to agree that in certain cases it is more gracious to receive.
Drama students illustrate their unique and
Pointing out basic concepts, Mr. Don Kolterman instructs a Sophomore English class.
English Literature introduces new system As in the past, modifications were instituted to motivate the English student. A new system referred to as "contracting" for a grade was introduced by Mr. Virgil Windels . This allowed a student to pick a grade and complete objectives at his own speed to fulfill the requirements of his goal. An addition to the department were Teachers' Assistants employed in Sophomore and Junior English classes . They typed, corrected papers , and researched topics pertaining to the class . Another modification was the English Media course, "designed to meet the needs of certain students", said Mrs . Mary Connor, English department head. This course, for those students who have difficulty in English, replaced last year' s Film Study curricul urn. Aside from these changes , other phases of the department remained primarily the same . Sophomore, Junior and Senior English electives involved more students than in previous years . Sophomores studied Man's pic-
ture of nature, society and moral law through reading selections by William Shakespeare and Thomas Hardy . Juniors read selections by Herman Melville, Sinclair Lewis , and William Faulkner in accordance with their study of American Literature. English Literature and Composition were studied by seniors while those with high interest in English took English Seminar in place of Composition. They learned to draft compositions in accordance with their study of English authors . Debate, Drama, Speech, and Beginning Journalism, including publication staffs were offered to those interested in electives. Another course, Creative Writing was introduced this year. It gave students a chance to express themselves in poetry and prose, while reading selections by prominent authors as well as those of their classmates. These students improved their syntax and diction.
Laura Beecroft, Jackie Tinley and Randy Horn quietly study in the English /MG .
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ingenious talent by acting pantomimes.
Anticipating future positions on staff publications Junior Journalists learn basic skills.
for grading
Sophomore Bob Meyerson tunes to idea of doing homework while listening to a record.
Anticipating no interruptions Joe Buda conscientiously reads available history books.
'Moratorium' views are reflected by L. D. McKinnon, Tom Walstron , and AI Schempp.
Classes expand because of growing need "The History department is growing by leaps and bounds," according to Mr. William Nelson, head of the department. For this reason new courses must be added frequently . This year four levels of American History and four levels of World History accommodated the needs of students. Different levels are needed because "students shouldn't be allowed to fail as Americans," said Mr. Nelson. In the future new courses added may be Black History, African History and Psychology. According to Mr. Nelson new courses may be added because of the overwhelming enthusiasm shown by the Westside faculty. As in the past six years the trip to Washington and New York will be taken by seniors after graduation. The trips to Glenwood and the Nebraska Penitentiary also were taken by Sociology students during the year. Pensively researching a topic, Mr. Dan O'Connor utilizes the library for history material.
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Elementary course aids future teachers Along with second year Calculus, a new course designated as Mathematics for Prospective Elementary School Teachers was added. This one semester course was incorporated into the curriculum for two reasons . The first being that people who will teach elementary education many times come from District 66 schools themselves . Since most colleges don't offer this course it is a good investment for the high school to train its future teachers . The second reason for this course is that it provides an opportunity for students taking it to act as teachers assistants in the elementary schools . Aside from this addition the curricul urn remained primarily the same. Algebra 1, 2 and 3 , Geometry and Senior Math were again studied. Programmed, advanced and average levels were used to reach all students. Miss Sylvia Littlejohn attacks the equation and aids an apparently lost algebra student.
Looking over the problem again, a studious sophomore searches for a solution.
Stimulating interests in Aviation, the simulator gives needed practice to aspiring pilots.
Animals visit grade schools Aviation students used the simulator during class time in order to gain experience needed in actual flying . After school, students supplemented their time with actual flying experience. Physiology dealt with the rat and human tissues . Zoology students studied living organisms from the amoeba up to man. Students taking Health learned about body care and human development. Undertaken this year were thirty minute presentations to elementary classes by accelerated students. Thirty students enrolled路 in Modern Concepts of Biology and Science Seminar spent their free time giving demonstrations of animals to elementary school classes.
Physical Science, Physics and Science Seminar students again studied under the team teaching method applied by Mr. Charles Lang and Mr. Robert Klein. A two-year sequence was attempted in Integrated Physics and Chemistry instead of the usual three year sequence. Mr. Ronald Crampton aided Mr. Louis Nieman in the Chemistry department. In its second year, Marine Biology taught several concepts. Color slides , water skills and textbooks were utilized. Through the use of color slides of plants and animals, students were able to identify ocean creatures. Diving skills were used to help the student when scuba trips were taken during the year.
Learning about plants and beautifyinf
Mr. Ronald Crampton dramatically states the formula for hydrogen during chemistry.
:chool grounds are WHS Botanists.
The rat's anatomy became almost second nature to exploring Physiology students.
Sophomores Janie Hayward and Barb Thomas join in an effort to notch an arro1
Physical Ed. centers on post-graduate ski/, Keeping students physically fit and teaching activities which could be used in future years were goals stressed in Physical Education this year. Activities offered in Boys' and Girls' P .E. were six week units in swimming as well as spectator and individual sports. Students also attended large group lectures concerning First Aid, Sex Education and Drugs. Advanced P.E. gave students an opportunity to concentrate on perfecting skills already acquired. Directing classes were Mr. Cal Bentz, department head, Mr. Lou Miloni and Miss Teddy Rosenbaum, new to the department this year. Miss Rosenbaum previously taught at Logan-Fontenelle in Bellevue. A neophyte swimmer in Open Rec. sprawls off the board hoping for a successful div~
Future secretaries obtain on job training
)igesting valuable knowledge of business is Mrs. Kroekers' Consumer Economic class.
Helping the student adapt in a business world is the primary goal of the Business Department. In order to attain this goal :new courses must be added frequently. This year Office Practice, an on the job training course, was introduced into the curriculum. It is comparable to Distributive Education. Mrs. Laverne Allen, instructor of Office Practice , believes "it gives girls experience in working with people and a chance to see the possibilities of office work." The girls enrolled do stenographic or clerical work. Along with Office Practice other courses offered in B.E. are Typing, Shorthand, Briefhand, Bookkeeping, Data Processing, Sales and Marketing and Consumer Economics. Distributive Education, a culmination of the business curriculum, gave students a chance to test their business knowledge by working half a day in business firms.
Kathy De Long and Kay Hinkley improve shorthand by listening to dictophones .
Content in his isolation, Keith Livingstone calculates on the adding machine.
The sky's the limit for those in Industrial Art "There are no limitations to how far a student can progress in Industrial Arts if he wishes," according to Mr . Richard Lane , department head. With this in mind, the department has added two new courses: Electronic communications and architectural sketching. Future I.A. projections may include power mechanics, graphic art, plastics and electrical wiring. The goal of the department is to keep up with the technical advances in the world, however, according to Mr. Lane, a lack of money and space has stymied the department. In addition to the above courses in I.A. , Wood Shop, Metal Shop, Auto Shop, Architectural Drawing and Mechanical Drawing were also available for interested students.
Reflecting an intense concentration , Dan Goodrich faces a difficult metal problem.
In order to meet requirements for shop, Glen Leaply begins a project at the drill press.
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Another Drivers Ed. lecture begins by giving preliminary knowledge of highway rules.
Developing good driving skill primary goal .:
Smashed headlights , dented fenders and absent bumpers are some things which can be avoided by taking Westside's Driver Education course. Students profit by "developing skills and attitudes toward defensive driving", according to Mr. Edward Stribley, instructor. Other purposes of Drivers Ed. are to teach students to be good citizens and give valuable information pertaining t o driving safety. Mr . Stribley hopes to fulfill his purposes through the use of three hours of actual driving and three hours of simulation. Simulation is achieved with the use of an artificial vehicle . This machine has controls and a moving screen which shows possible road situations. It's purpose is to prepare the student for possible hazards on the road. Classes also use the Nebraska Driver ' s Manual and movies showing the effects of bad driving.
Mr. Edward Stribley and a novice driver begin anbther adventure on the road.
Boys end concept of all-girl Home Ec. "Westside has an excellent curriculum, probably most like any college freshman curricul urn in the state," boasts Mrs . Iris Clark, head of the Home Economics department. Not forgotten in the Home Ec curriculum are the occupational and vocational subject areas . Students may select from a wide range of beginning and advanced Home Ec offerings in Cooking, Sewing, Tailoring, Flat Pattern Construction, Adult Living, Housing Interiors, Home Decorating Skills and Meal Service. Although Home Economics is traditionally for the female element of the school, boys were also enrolled in Advanced Foods . Mrs . Clark anticipates more enrolling in Foods next year. Foods is not the only Home Economics course open to men. Having broken the ice this year Mrs. Clark expects more interest in Interiors and Family Living.
Putting in several last minute stitches, Laura Rowe endeavors to make ends meet.
~~~~ Debbie Thompson, Chris Jones and Diane Fallis prepare a breakfast for Meal Service.
Paying strict attention to a difficult assignment are several beginning French students.
Many Parties, movies highlight languages Parties, films and songs supplemented the basics of grammar in the Foreign Language department. Activities could be continued for five years in foreign languages with the exception of German which offered only four years. Spanish offered the basic vocabulary and grammar as well as extra activities. Spanish students had a chance to see the play "Man of la Mancha" in November at the Music Hall. French classes supplemented the basic requirements with films and parties. Films were of France or French novels and plays. Popular German songs were sung and current German magazines read to highlight the classes. Latin students were concerned with translations of the Roman classics. Parties and speakers d uring the year added extra interest.
Sophomore Garry Rickabaugh is completely engrossed in a captivating German lab
Art courses semesterized; open to more With a surge of student interest in art, all art classes were reconstructured this year so that all were one semester in length. According to Mr. Ken Heimbuch, art teacher , this was done because of increased enrollment. With courses halved, twice as many students could be scheduled into art classes. Painting joined a semester of Oils with one of Watercolor. Sculpture, Advanced Design , Fashion Illustration, Beginning Art, Ceramics and Commercial Art all changed to one semester schedules. Drawing, a new course offering this year, was taught by Mrs . Diane Hansen, the other member of the art faculty . Its purpose was to aid the student in expressing himself through va;rious drawing media.
Bent over a watercolor painting, Melinda Clark applies another stroke to her masterpiec
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Eyeing a strange sculpture, Dave Godfrey and Carole Connors seem perplexc
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"Tuning up" for upcoming concerts are Mr. Schuler, Debbie Coe and Mary Taylor.
Vocal units travel; instrumentals play host ,:
Performing for local clubs and hosting guest conductors were high points in the Westside Music Department this year. Vocal music groups sang for local organizations as well as presenting "The Messiah" and Oratorio concerts for the school. Accompanied by the Orchestra, Warrior Voices performed the annual musical "H.M.S. Pinafore" by Gilbert and Sullivan. Orchestra hosted guest conductor Mr. Marvin Rabin of the Boston Symphony at an all-district concert. Concert Band again presented the Warrior Downbeat as its major performance in the spring. Serious musicians were offered Music History and Theory, which was centered around composition of original music as well as the study of accomplished musicians and their work.
Lost in swirling moods of the cello, Scot Marshall obliviously practices for concerts.
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY - Front Row: Ed Leach , president; Carole Bender, Jennifer Harvey, Gail Watson , Karen Hovendick, Jo Smith , Dennis Raffensperger, vice-president; Second Row:
Becky Wodder, Gary Tarpley, Debbie James, Cindy Mangiamelli, Gail Baxter, Wendy Brown , Ross Stafford; Third Row: Peggy Sellner, Beth Gondringer, Laura Havelka , Jay Shukert, Don Darst, Steve Gerdes , Bill Scott; Fourth Row: Louise Faith , Gregg Dimmick, Ron Weiss, Kathy Svehla , Sue Lawson , Vik Wall. Not Pictured: Andy Graham, Kris Hansen , Kent Holm , Sarah Jones, Carolyn Long, Nancy Tweeton.
Scholastics, leadership, citizenship decide Scholastics , leadership and good citizenship are three major factors in determining Westside's honor societies' members . Included in these organizations are National Honor Society. N ationa! Merit semi-finalists, Boys' and Girls' State representatives and the Regents winners . National Honor Society, sponsored by Mrs . Mary Connor, is a nation-wide group that is selected each year for all-round outstanding qualities . Members are picked in complete secrecy. They don't know of their candidacy until the annual convocation in the spring. National Merit contenders took
a scholastically oriented test in the spring of their junior year, in competition for scholarships offered by different corporations. Representing Westside at the annual Girls' and Boys' State, selected juniors learn how the State government operates. Those who attend the summer conclave are chosen by faculty members . Scholastic excellence is also displayed by the number of WHS seniors winning Nebraska Regents Scholarships. Eleven were this year awarde d four-year grants to the University on the basic of their high scores on the Regents Scholarship Ability Test.
BOYS' AND GIRLS' STATE REPRESENTATIVES -Front Row: Becky Wodder, Ross Stafford;
REGENTS WINNERS-Front Row: Vik Wall; Second Row: Kathy Svehla, Neal Davis, Sue Lawson, Erika Andersen, Sonia Schone, Billie Wilson ; Third Row: Dennis Raffensperger, Ed Leach. Not Pictured: Bruce Corn, Jay Shukert.
honor student Back Row: Rick McFayden, Lyn Wallin . Not Pictured: Dan Hubbard.
NATIONAL MERIT SEMI-FINALISTS-Sue Lawson, Bruce Corn, Rikki Andersen, Gregg Stanway.
Standing alone at the board, Craig Say/an meditates on a trying arithmetic problem.
Home kitchens, shops provide outlets .. ;
Cooking in the home of Mrs . Jane Rankin, Special Education instructor, and working in shops with instructor for the blind, Mr. Bill Pfeiffer, added a new dimension to the Special Education classes this year. Studies involved reading current magazines and a novel, Steinbeck's "Travels With Charley". By reading about America, Special Ed students were able to choose where they would like to take their annual one-day trip. This spring they went to Dallas, Texas . Because securing future employment is so important, preparations for job placement were studied. In addition to working in the cafeteria during lunch mods, several seniors had the opportunity to work fulltime outside of school and receive credits.
Apparently very interested in his typewriter, Roger Fa/ken roth tediously erases mistakes.
Sophomore boys in World Studies speak of preceding homework assignments.
World, American Studies offer motivation World and American Studies mixes English and History at two levels for the un-motivated sophomore and junior students. The primary purpose of World and American Studies is to teach the troubled student English and History. A variety of methods is used : including video slides , films, tapes, speakers, debates, discussions and several field trips . Although English and History are stressed, the Studies were not limited to these alone. Time was spent discussing current events and daily problems as well as doing artwork. These diverse activities were intended to improve attendance and participation in the classroom as well as to offer information pertaining to the subjects.
Portraying the calm mood of Ame.rican Studies are Mr. Steve Wiitala and students.
Class otJ70
The class of '70 had it's share of ups and downs as the year progressed. They got an early start on plans for a senior gift as parties at Westgate pool brought the class together at various times of the summer. Not all summer plans were successful though. The bake sale netted only three dollars, due to lack of publicity. Basketball season was opened by a senior sponsored sochop. The Hands of Time performed for the largest project of the year. The year was not strictly money oriented. The Senior Class play, "Ah Wilderness" by Eugene O'Neill, provided an opportunity for students to display their theatrical talents . Traditional lines were formed for cap and gown measurement, graduation announcements and the acquisition of "confiscated" honors passes at the book store. An early spring brought "skipping fever" and with it new policies for the senior skipper or hall loiterer. Migration to Fremont Lakes, Platte and Elkhorn Rivers, Old Market and Memorial Park added an uplift in spirits from weekend boredom. In the minds of many Warriors, echoes of "We're the best there'll ever be .... " were heard as the first class to finish three years of modular scheduling walked into the football stadium for the last time . 56
first to finish program
SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS - Mike Benson , president; Carey Wheeler, vice-presient; Kathy Lynch
secretary; John Filkins, treasurer.
Senior Class
Viewing senior announcements, Cheryl Mertz, Debbie Forstrom , Steve Moore pick the best. Rhonda Abbott Fred Altic Craig Anderson Ron Anderson Lori Arnold Susan Barber
John Adams Linda Andersen Don Anderson MarkAnich ThomasAust John Barrett
John Agee Rikki Andersen Jeff Anderson • Patricia Anthis Tim Bachrach Thomas Barrett
Dick Allen Bob Anderson Rhonda Anderson Joseph Anzalone Ann Barber Brice Bartusek
Recreational sports occupy empty mods
Pam Baughman Mary Beck Anne Benson Thomas Bird
Gail Baxter Laurie Beecroft Mike Benson Chris Blackman
Nancy Seal Carole Bender Mary Berounsky Cathy Bloom
Playing a rough game , Jay Davis and Scott Benner ping .
Cheryl Beam Scott Benner Dave Bicknell Connie Bock
Jackie Beamis Diane Bennett Joe Bilek Michael Boe
Caren Beardmore Robert Bennett Peggy Bilek Ed Bolas
Debbie Bolay Bruce Boyd Steve Brown Gary Busboom Melody Callaway Barbara Carman
Doug Boll Mike Bradley Wendy Brown Robb Busch Tom Campbell Cyndie Carpenter
Jill Bowen Laurie Brain Meridith J. Bryant Mike Butler Gary Campisi Bill Carrick
Richard Bowen Robin Breum Carole Bull Bill Butterfield Steve Caniglia Colleen Carson
Michael Bowerman Jim Brewer Connie Buresh Dave Calandra Walt Carlson Dennis Carson
Sue Bowers Larry Brown Linda Burke Craig Calendine Mark Carlton Kathy Carter
Applying mechanical skills , David French repairs an engine.
Stan Carter Anthony Circo John Clifton Jeff Craig Dennis Culver Kathy Dalton
Pete Castater Don Clark Carole Connors Linda Cramer Ann Cunningham Jerry Dappen
Lynn Ciciulla Kim Clark Bruce Corn Kit Crews Dan Czaja Robert Darnell
Seniors begin last year with brea-kfast
Don Darst Jim Dickerson Jill Donham Kathy Eichenberger
Jay Davis Debbie Dieterich Jeff Dross Karen Eldridge
Mark Decker Gregg Dimmick Vera Durrant Jim Ellett
Joe Deklotz Mark Dizona Barbara Eberly Kristy Englebart
Kathy Delong Cathy Doerr Kirk Edwards Rick Epstein
Kathryn Denney Debbie Doney Leslie Edwards Ronald Epstein
Phil Graham and Chris Sorenson wait enthusiastically for a Senior Breakfast.
Tourek traps the tardies, teachers , thugs Officer John Tourek, WHS supervisor, stops senior Ursula Neese on check.
SteveR. Epstein Diane Fallis DeniFeeken Janet Fischer James G. Foertsch
John Estabrook Jim Farrell Marcia Feeney Woody Fiske Vicki Fogle
Larry Evans John Farrell John Filkins Ann Flemming Debora Forstrom
Louise Faith Jean Farris Cheryl Finnell John A. Fling Ed Foster
and truants
Linda Freese Christine Frink Sandy Gendler Rod Gibson
Darold French Jeff Frisch Tom George Colleen Gill
David French Paula Jean Frost Gail Gerber Bill Giller
Robert Freshman Chris Galleson Greta Gibbs Jim Giltner
Gary Rockwood proves that perfection of cullinary arts is not a female trait.
Bob Glenn Gordia Goodman Andy Graham Dave Grantham Jeff Grill Chris Hall
David Godfrey Rex B. Goodwin Phil Graham Kathy Grear Susan Groth Deborah Hall
Ann Golden Nancy Gould Scott Graham Marcia Green John Gruidel Nancy Hallgrimson
Beth Gondringer Gretchen Graff Cathy Grandgenett Bennett Greenspan Dian Gunia Michelle Halprin
Faye Hansen
Kris Hansen
Laurie Hargitt
Julius K. Harrell
Sue Harris
Bronwyn Harrison
Home Ec., Shop are courses of exchange
Greta Gibbs works diligently at the lathe, to finish her project.
Jean Hartman Laura Havelka Dave Headlee John Henningsen
Bronna Hartung Nancy Hawekotte Marc Hechter Debra Hesson
Jennifer Harvey Susie Hawkins Mike Henderson Bill Hickman
Senior girls practice vigorously for game •
Peggy Hightower Teri Hinckley T. J. Holmes Judy Howard Dawn Ingles
Sheryl Hilbers Terry Hineline Jay Holmquist Marilyn Howard Karen Jabenis
Kevin Hill Kay Hinkley Jim Hopkins Dan Hubbard Lynn Jackson
MickiHill Randy Hlavac Randy Horn William J. Hulbert Cathy Jacobs
Nancy Hill Debbie Hoard Suzie Hoskins Jim Huston Julie Jacobson
Annette Himberger Kent Holm Karen Hovendick Gary Ihnen Debbie James
ron Harrison checks to make sure teammates keep in shape for the powder puff game.
路erry James 'aul Jessen )avid Jones ~ary Jorgenson
Jim Jelken Wally Jingleski Judy Jones James Joseph
Julie Jensen Janel Johnson Laraine Jones Dianne Kammerer
Maureen Jensen Steve Johnson Linda Jones Tom Kamprath
Valerie Jernstrom Andy Jones Sarah Jones Kauffie Kaplan
David Jesberg Chris Jones Teresa Jones Steve Keist
Kathy Keele John Kirchofer
Colleen Kelley Colleen Kizer
Debbie Kincaid Sally Klopp
Bill King Laurie Knudsen
Carol King Gene Koborg
Rob King Ken Koborg
Larry Koening Sally Kruse Cindy Lacy
Kim Koetter Pat Kubsch Debbie Lakin
Jerry Kotlik Michaela Kuhfahl Paulette Lange
Jane Kovarik Ed Kulakofsky David Lanoha
Karen Kroeger Robert Kulakofsky Steve Larrick
John Krug Bonnie Kurtenbach Janet Larsen
Recca Larson Tomas J . Ledin Kathy Linstromberg
Robert Larson Craig Lee Kris Lipari
Bill Laughlin Matt Letter Lana Lippold
Sue Lawson Randy Lieber Sue Litel
Edward Leach Lana Limbaugh Nancy Little
Molly Leary Gordon Lind Deann Loft
First snow crystallizes December's dream Enjoying the .snow , Howie Kaplan , Todd Ball, Neal Davis, and Rick Prevett, Doug Rymph , Ed Harriman have target practice.
Carolyn Long Kathy Lynch Merrilee Mallett Midge Mattson Robert Mierendorf Jane Mitchell
Mike Looby Kim Mactier Tom Mancuso Alan Mayper Charline Mildrexler Sharon Mitchell
Diane Ludwick Scott Madden Pat Manning Lou Meigs Bruce Miller Anne Monen
Pam Lueders Mike Magnuson Scot Marshall Robert Meiman Jean Miller Patty Montag
Sandy Lundgren Pam Mahurin Barbara Martin Cheryll Mertz Linn Miller Diana Moore
Kathy Lustgarten Tom Mahurin Connie Mascher Mark Mezger Tim Miller Mike Moore
Seniors continue reign over underclass
Steve Moore John Moyes Bob Musil Colleen McCoid Barry McDonald
Steven Morgan Kim Muffly Wayne Myers Diane McCollister Pat McDonough
Ann Morin Mary Murphy Melinda McCauley Richard McCormick Rick McFayden
Laurie Morton Susan Murphy Michael McClure Bill McCrillis Angela Mcintire
Utilizing his authority, Rob King points in jest to Live Room display Doug Gruzd.
Honors courses require outside application
Third year /PC demands concentration from Karen Hovendick.
Steve McKenzie Janet McPherson Ursula Neese Barbara Neth Elaine Newcomer
Jim Mclochlin Debbi Nalow Dave Nelson Tom Neubauer Tom Nichols
Bill McMahon Steve Nebbia Mike Nelson Linda Newbanks Kathy Nicholson
Nied Nye lerry O'Hagan lanet Oliver lim Otis Nayne Paeper ~osie
Jeanne Nielsen Sharon Nye Michele Qkon Nancy Olson Nanci Otis Deani Palmer
Sue Niemants Terry Oberst Mark Olderog Denise Olvin Sarah Otis Roxy Pappenheimer
Sharon Nogg Pat O'Brien Janet Olds Joe O'Sullivan Jim Padberg Fabio Pasian
Finding a practice room, Jim Dickerson utilizes its purpose to practice his guitar.
Tom Pate
AI Paterson
Rick Patterson
Evelyn Perry
Patty Person
Chuck Petersen
Homecoming brings
Seniors Karen Sondker and Kris Hansen learn crepe paper art.
Doug Petersen Bruce Peterson Marilyn Phalen Nancy Polito
Rosie Petersen Ron Peterson Patty Poage Tom Pollard
Vickie L. Petersen Bill Pfeifer Dan Polito Sue Pomeroy
Rita Post
Bill Prall
Anne Primeau
Vivette Pullum
nostalgic memories
Trent Quinlan Debbie Raschke Evelyn Render Mary Riva
Mark Rada James Rasmussen Nancy Rice Nancy Roach
Carol Raduziner Joellen Rasmussen Ross Richards Dale Robbins
Dennis Raffensperger Phil Ray Mary Richardson Debbie Robbins
Cherrie Ragan Dave Reed Anne Ridenour Bill Roberts
Gayle Randall Ann Renander Wanda Ritthaler Lisa Roberts
Judy Rockwell
Gary Rockwood
Jim Rose
Annie Rosenberg
Debby Ross
Colleen Rowe
Treasuries swell from hearty appetites
Alan Schempp helps the junior class f, prom, by indulging himself on Pie D;;
Nancy Ruback Bob Rygg Kris Santi
Bob Running Ellen Sabin Peter Sawtell
Jim Ruse Fred Sacco Clay Schad
Jim Russell Doug Sadler Roger Schat
Mark Trustin pauses from a Math assignment for a Senior women's joke.
Alan Schempp Rick Schulze William Scott Randy Sheets Jane Skeffington Craig Smith
Susan Schnaidt Connie Schwartz Nancy Sears Janice Shook Virginia Slabaugh Jo Smith
Sonia Schone Geraldine Schwartz Ken Self Jay Shukert DickSmilley Krysty Smithson
Debbi Schreiner Susette Schwenk Peggy Sellner Krista Simpson Christy Smith Steve Snail
Opinions of games loud in Senior Class
Susan Sneckenberg Ann Spl ittgerber Robert Steele PeggiStonebraker
Bob Snow Ross Stafford Richard Stehno Linda Strandlund
Voicing his opinion, Steve McKenzie calls on able vocal cords to aid a Warrior win .
Becky Soh I Lindy Stalder Glenn Steinhausen Deanna Streeter
Karen Sondker Susan Stalnaker Cindi Stewart Larry Sund
Chris Sorenson Steven Stanbro Mary Stitt Kathy Svehla
Molly Spire Gregg Stanway Sherry Stone Cheryl I Swope
ecky Sydow inda Lee Terry ebbie Thompson om Tobin onnie Tull ynne Udes
Julie Taren Randy Thatcher Vicki Thompson AITohill Cindy Turansky Mike Upchurch
Gary Tarpley Chuck Thomas Ellen Thornton BevTomek Greg Turnquist Joe Vacanti
Jeff Taxman Cindy Thomas Jackie Tinley Mark Trustin Nancy Tweeton Nancy Vana
Disappointingly, Anne Benson and Faye Hansen time for another team 's first.
Bob VanBoskirk Craig Vipond Debbie Walker Tom Walstrom Bob Wemmer Janet Weitzki
Marcia Vance Bill Vlcek Ric Walker Chris Warne Dick West MarkWigg
Brad Vaughan Nancy Waggener Robert Walker Gail Watson Carey Wheeler Billie Wilson
Deanna Vellinga Barb Wagoner Stewart Walker LeRoy L. Weidner Larry Wheeler Micheala Winstrom
Herb Vermaas Jerry Waldbaum Vivekanada Wall Ron Weiss Tom Wheeler Debbie Winter
Mike Vinal Cathy Walker Lyn Wallin Ron Wells Pam Whitesell AnneWirka
Julie Jensen and Alan Tohill escape from problems at the Inner i.
Inner i provides escape for weary seniors SENIORS NOT PICTURED
Becky Wooder Denise Woodworth Jeffery Young Peter Zandberger
Thomas Wolfe Rona Workman Russell Young Elizabeth Ziegler
Bob Woltemath David Wyant Mark Zach Barb Zimmerman
Becky Woodle Joan Yaffe Mary Zach Peggi Zuroski
James Anderson Larry Anzalone Sara Bahringer Todd Ball David Berry Donna Berry Christy Bjorge Joseph Bodine David Buechler Peggy Castor Richard Clement Josh Compton Timothy Crouch Neal Davis Karen Doerr Joseph Dohnal Michael Dubuc Cyndy Dudley Debbie Dummer Rick Edwards James Findlay Jack Fisher Bart Ford Stephen Gerdes Bruce Gilinsky Daniel Goodrich Gary Grabow Bailey Hankins Edward Harriman Patrick Hartin Steve Hawkins William Hill Kenneth Hites Bill Hiykel Kenneth Hoeper Craig Hoogensen Mike Jackson Hank Jarrett William Johnson Howard Kaplan Cynthia King Douglas Kinney Dean Kramer Kenneth Lapour Dennis Larson
Scott Lewis Ken Lyons Michael Marsh Mary Martig Belinda Melville Roger Michalski Joyce Micheels Marilyn Moylan Jeannine Mueller Mark Mulick Marilee Mullin James McDonald Jess Napiorkowski Robert Nazario Beth Novak Craig 0 ' Doherty Tim Otte Bud Piper Susan Potts Richard Prevett Mark Reedy David Rehurek Kathleen Ring Douglas Rymph John Schanbacher Jeff Schlotfeld Richard Scott Gary Sharp Richard Shetland Judy Sloan Martin Smith Craig Stark James Stewart Michael Sutko Brent Topper TodTrigg Steve Vickland Rick Von Wolf Paxton Waters Diane Weber Steve Willmer Lester Willoughby Julie Wilson Ira Wolfson Kathy Zorko
Faculty name 17 sen1ors as outstandinc "-'~
RHONDA ABBOTT: Band; FBLA; Orchestra. JOHN ADAMS: Weight Lifting Club ; Wrestling . JOHN AGEE : Concert Jazz Band; Debate; JV Football; Interact; Subsurfers, Vice President; Track; W-Club. DICK ALLEN: DECA . LINDA ANDERSEN : Drill Squad ; Esquires ; GAA ; Pep Club ; Powder Puff Football. RIKKI A DERE : Band, Captain; GAA; Girls ' Gymnastics ; International Club; ational l\lerit ; Orchestra ; Pep Club; panish Club, ecretary; tudent Advisory Board; Z-Ciub. JEFF ANDERSON: JV Football ; Subsurfers; Swimming; W-Club. JIM ANDERSON: Art Club; Eclectic Staff; Junior Class Play; Thespians. RHONDAANDERSON:GAA. MARK ANICH: Boys' Gymnastics. PATRICIA ANTHIS : Art Club ; Pep Club . LORI ARNOLD: Art Club; Esquires; Pep Club ; Powder Puff Football ; SHIELD , Sports Editor. THOMAS AUST: Astronomy Club; Archeology Club, President; CPAF; German Club; Boys' Intramurals ; International Club; Junior Class Play; Publications Photographer; Safe-teens ; Student Forum. TIM BACHRACH: JV Baseball ; DECA ; Hi -Y . SARA BAHRINGER: Transfer from Hartland, Wis . TODD BALL: Transfer from St. Cloud, Minn. ANN BARBER: Drill Squad; Esquires; French Club; Girls' Gymnastics; International Club; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Ski Club; Girls ' Tennis . SUSAN BARBER : FTA; GAA; International Club; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Spanish Club ; Variety Show . JOHN BARRETT : JV Football ; Track; W-Club; Wrestling . THOMAS BARRETT : Cross Country ; Ski Club ; Student Forum; Track; W-Club . BRICE BARTUSEK : Ski Club . PAM BAUGHMAN: Pep Club. GAIL BAXTER: Art Club; Gerrftan lub; International Club; !\lath Club; ational Honor ociety; Orchestra ; Pep Club ; Z-Ciub . A CY BEAL: Art Club, President; Drill quad ; Esquires ; International Club; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; panish Club; Student Forum. CHERYL BEAM: GAA; Pep Club. CAREN BEARDMORE : Drill Squad; French Club; FTA; International Club ; Pep Club ; Y-Teens . MARY BECK : GAA ; Pep Club ; Y Teens. LAURIE BEECROFT: Drill Squad ; Esquires ; FMA; FT A ; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football. CAROLE BENDER: Concert Choir; French Club; GAA; International Club; National Honor Society; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Top Choir; Z-Club.
SCOTT BENNER: JV Baseball; JV Football. DIANE BENNETT : Con cert Choir; Pep Club; Senate. ANNE BENSON : Concert Choir; Debate ; GAA; International Club; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Spanish Club. MIKE BENSON : Astronomy Club ; JV, Varsity Basketball; FTA; Hi-Y ; Interact; Junior Class Play ; Safeteens ; Senior Class President; Student Forum; Thespians . MARY BEROUNSKY: Transfer from Omaha Central; Powder Puff Football; Top Choir. DAVE BERRY: Transfer from Sioux City, Iowa. DONNA BERRY: Transfer from Sioux City , Iowa. DAVE BICKNELL: Chess Club , JV Football; German Club ; International Club ; Top Choir. JOE BILEK: Subsurfers. PEGGY BILEK: GAA ; Pep Club; YTeens . THOMAS BIRD : Transfer from Fremont High, Fremont, Neb.; German Club; Interact; Key Club; Ski Club. CHRIS BLACKMAN: Art Club; French Club; FTA; Pep Club; SHIELD, Business and Promotion Manager. CATHY BLOOM: FMA; French Club; International Club; Pep Club. CONNIE BOCK : Pep Club . MICHAEL BOE: Boys' Gymnastics; Interact; Student Forum; W-Club. ED BOLAS: Transfer from Tempe Union High, Tempe , Ariz . DEBBIE BOLA Y : DECA ; Esquires; GAA ; Pep Club ; Safe-teens ; Y-Teens. DOUG BOLL : DECA; German Club; Boys' Intramurals . JILL BOWEN: French Club ; International Club; Thespians. RICHARD BOWEN: Aviation Club; Boys' Gymnastics; Boys' In tram urals; Subsurfers; W-Club. MICHAEL BOWERMAN: Cross Country; Boys' Intramurals; Key Club; Safe-teens; Student Advisory Board; Student Forum; Top Choir; Track; W-Club. SUE BOWERS: GAA; Pep Club. BRUCE BOYD: Band; InternationalClub. MIKEBRADLEY: Varsity Baseball; Interact; Boys' Intramurals; W-Club. LAURIE BRAIN: Archeology Club; Art Club; Aviation Club; FMA; P~p Club; SHIELD, Advertising and Sales Manager; YTeens . ROBIN BREUM : Esquires ; GAA ; Orchestra ; Pep Club . JIM BREWER: Chess Club; DECA; Safeteens . LARRY BROWN: JV Basketball; JV, Varsity Football; Interact; Subsurfers ; Swimming; W-Club . STEVE BROWN: Aviation Club; Karate Club; Safe-teens; Ski Club; Track. WENDY BROWN: Band; International Club; National Honor Society; Pep Club; Spanish Club; Y-Teens; Z-Club, Vice President. MERIDITH J . BRY-
Since 1966, the SHIELD ha: featured the class's Outstandin~ Seniors. However, this year th• basis of selection has beex changed. The honored now represent th• academic departments of th• school. The final decision was lef up to the faculty to insure a mort accurate representation. Seventeen students from elev en departments were chosen. Tht selection was based upon the out standing work and achievemen of the students in their respectiv1 field . Also taken into consider ation was their attitude, overal interest and outside partici pation. To better recognize these Out standing Seniors, their senio: summaries have been printed ix a heavier type . OUTSTANDING BUSINESS SENIOR-Cath Grandgenett.
OUTSTANDING MATH SENIORS-Peggy Sellner, Sue Lawson, Debbie Kincaid.
ANT: GAA; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Y-Teens. CAROLE BULL: Art Club; GAA; Pep Club; SHIELD, Fine Arts Editor. CONNIE BURESH: Transfer from Omaha Marian; G AA; Pep Club. LINDA BURKE: JV Cheerleading; GAA; Homecoming Queen; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Student Advisory Board ; Top Choir; Yearbook Queei\ Candidate. GARY BUSBOOM : Math Club ; Student Forum. ROBB BUSCH: Archery Club; DECA. MIKE BUTLER: Transfer from Valley High , West Des Moines , Iowa; Band. BILL BUTTERFIELD: JV Football; Boys' Intramurals; Karate Club; Subsurfers; Track. DAVE CALANDRA: Boys' Gymnastics ; Swimming. MELODY CALLAWAY: International Club; Pep Club. TOM CAMPBELL: JV, Varsity Football; German Club; Interact; International Club ; W - Club , Secretary ; Wrestling. STEVE CANIGLIA: Band; DECA; Latin Club; Math Club. WALT CARLSON : Audio -Visual ; DECA; Boys' Gymnastics. MARK CARL TON; JV, Varsity Basketball; Varsity Football; Homecoming King Candidate ; Interact; Powder Puff Football Coach; Sophomore Class President; Track; W-Club. BARBARA CARMAN: Concert Choir; Drill Squad; Esquires; Pep Club; Top Choir. CYNDIE CARPENTER: Pep Club. BILL CARRICK: Art Club; CPAF. COLLEEN CARSON: Drill Squad ; Esquires ; Pep Club ; Powder Puff Football. DENNIS CARSON: Band; Orchestra; Swimming. KATHY CARTER: GAA; Pep Club; Ski Club. PETE CASTATER: Boys' [ntramurals . PEGGY CASTOR : Transfer from Wheeling; Art Club; Powder Puff Football ; SkiClub . LYNN CICIULLA: FTA; GAA ; Pep 8lub; Powder Puff Football. KIM CLARK: Pep Club. JOSH COMPTON: Swimming . CAROLE CONNORS : Art Club ; Aviation Club ; Pep Club ; Ski Club. BRUCE CORN: National Merit. LINDA CRAMER: FT A, Secretary; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football. KIT CREWS : Varsity Baseball; JV Basketball; JV Football; Interact; WClub. TIM CROUCH: Boys' Gymnas-
tics ; Interact; Senate; Student Forum; W -Club. DENNIS CULVER: Aviation Club; JV Football; Ski Club; Track. ANN CUNNINGHAM: International Club; Senate; Ski Club; Girls' Tennis; Thespians . DAN CZAJA: JV, Varsity Baseball; JV, Varsity Football; Track. KATHY DALTON: Band ; Debate ; FMA; FTA; NFL, Secretary; Pep Club; Z-Club. JERRY DAPPEN: JV Baseball. ROBERT DARNELL: Transfer from Wheatridge High, Denver, Colo; Archeology Club; Art Club; Koil Representative ; Quill & Scroll; SHIELD, Organizations Editor. DON DARST: JV , Varsity Football; German Club , Secretary-Treasurer; Boys' Intramurals; International Club; Key Club; Musical ; National Honor Society ; Student Advisory Board, Vice President; Top Choir; W-Club. JAY DAVIS: Transfer from Ashville School, Ashville, N .C.; Aviation Club; Interact; International Club ; Spanish Club ; Student Forum. MARK DECKER: Transfer from Hopkins High, Hopkins , Minn .; Band; Ski Club . JOE DEKLOTZ : Aviation Club ; DECA ; Subsurfers. KATHY DE LONG: FTA; GAA ; German Club; International Club; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football. KATHRYN DENNEY : Esquires ; French Club ; Junior Class Play; LANCE , Editor; Pep Club ; Quill & Scroll; Student Forum; Thespians , Vice President. JIM DICKERSON: Chamber Orchestra; Orchestra; Student Forum ; Subsurfers. DEBBIE DIETERICH: JV, Varsity Cheerleading; French Club, Secretary-Treasurer; Homecoming Queen Candidate; International Club; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Y -Teens. GREGG DIMMICK : Transfer from Eisenhower High, Lawton , Okla.; Archeology Club; Interact ; National Honor Society; Quill & Scroll; SHIELD, Editor. CATHY DOERR: French Club; FTA; International Club; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football ; Y-Teens . KAREN DOERR : AFS ; Debate; Esquires; FMA; German Club; Girls' Gymnastics ; International Club ; NFL; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Ski Club; Y-Teens . DEBBIE DONEY : GAA ;
Girls ' Gymnastics ; Girls ' Intramurals ; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Ski Club ; Student Forum . CYNDY DUDLEY : DECA; Drill Squad ; Esquires ; French Club; International Club; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Ski Club. VERA DURRANT: Transfer from David Douglas High , Portland, Ore.; Debate; French Club; FTA; International Club; NFL; Pep Club; Thespians; Z-Club. BARBARA EBERLY: DECA; GAA; Pep Club. KIRK EDWARDS : CPAF ; German Club ; Boys' Intramurals ; International Club; Top Choir. LESLIE EDWARDS: Art Club; French Club; GAA; International Club; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Ski Club. KATHY EICHENBERGER: Esquires; GAA; Y-Teens . KAREN ELDRIDGE : DECA ; GAA ; Pep Club. JIM ELLETT: DECA; Ski Club . KRISTY ENGELBART : JV Cheerleading; FTA; GAA; Homecoming Queen Candidate; Pep Club ; Powder Puff Football ; Ski Club ; Sophomore Class Vice President ; Student Forum; Top Choir. RICK EPSTEIN: Ski Club. RON EPSTEIN: Boys' Intramurals; Math Club; Safeteens; Student Advisory Board , Treasurer; Student Forum. STEVE EPSTEIN: Interact; Boys' Intramurals; Key Club; Math Club; Student Forum. JOHN ESTABROOK: FMA; Karate Club. LARRY EVANS: Safeteens . LOUISE FAITH: GAA; International Club ; Junior Class Play ; National Honor Society; Pep Club; Spanish Club; Thespians; Y-Teens. DIANE FALLIS: Varsity Cheerleading; Drill Squad; Esquires ; Home coming Queen Candidate; Pep Club; Safe-teens. JIM FARRELL: Art Club; JV Football; Boys' Gymnastics; Karate Club; Ski Club. JOHN FARRELL: JV, Varsity Football; Boys' Gymnastics; Karate Club; Ski Club; Subsurfers. JEAN FARRIS: French Club; Thespians . DENI FEEKEN: DECA; Esquires; GAA; Y-Teens, Treasurer. JOHN FILKINS: International Club; JCL; Junior Class Treasurer; Junior Class Play ; Key Club ; Latin Club ; Senior Class Treasurer; Spanish Club; Swimming; Thespians; W-Club. JAMES FINDLAY: DECA; Ski Club. CHERYL FINNELL: Pep Club. JANET FISCHER: Esquires; GAA; Pep Club ; Powder Puff Football ; Top Choir. WOODY FISKE: Band. ANN FLEMMING : Drill Squad; International Club; Pep Club, Assistant Vice President; Powder Puff Football; Spanish Club. JOHN A. FLING: Astronomy Club; Archeology Club; Boys' Golf; Boys' Intramurals; Spanish Club; Wrestling . JAMES FOERTSCH : Art Club , Secretary ; Boys' Intramurals ; Key Club . VICKI FOGLE: GAA ; Pep Club ; Y-Teens .
DEBORA FORSTROM : Pep Club ; LINDAFREESE: GAA; GermanClub ; International Club; Pep Club. ROBERT FRESHMAN: DECA; Hi-Y; Student Forum . CHRISTINE FRINK : Art Club; French Club. JEFF FRISCH: German Club; International Club . PAULA FROST: German Club; International Club. CHRIS GALLESON: ArtClub, Swimming, W-Club . SANDY GENDLER: Esquires; Pep Club; YTeens. TOM GEORGE: Band; Swimming ; W-Club. GAIL GERBER : DECA; Esquires; French Club; International Club; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Ski Club. STEVE GERDES: Audio-Visual ; Boys ' Intramurals ; Key Club; National Honor Society; Radio Club; Sophomore Boy of the Year; Boys' Tennis. GRETA GIBBS: German Club ; International Club ; LANCE , Business and Advertising Manager; Pep Club; Quill & Scroll; Twirler . ROD GIBSON : Transfer from Fairview High , Boulder, Colo; German Club; Boys' Intramurals; Intern a tional Club ; Key Club ; Safeteens . BRUCE GILINSKY: German Club, Interact; International Club ; Karate Club; Safe-teens; Subsurfers. COLLEEN GILL: French Club; International Club; Junior Class Play; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Y-Teens . BILL GILLER: JV, Varsity Baseball; Interact; Boys' Intramurals ; W-Club. JIM GILTNER: Cross Country; German Club; International Club; Karate Club. BOB GLENN: DECA; Boys' Intramurals ; Math Club. DAVID GODFREY: Art Club; Key Club; Ski Club; Subsurfers. ANN GOLDEN: Esquires; FTA, GAA; Girls' Gymnastics ; International Club; Pep Club; Safe-teens ; Ski Club. BETH GONDRINGER : FTA; International Club ; National Honor Society; Orchestra; Pep Club; Spanish Club. GORDIA GOODMAN: DECA; Pep Club; Ski Club; Student Forum; Thespians. NANCY GOULD: Esquires; FTA; JCL; Pep Club; Quill & Scroll; SHIELD, Associate Editor; SkiClub. GRETCHENGRAFF: International Club ; JCL ; Latin Club . ANDY GRAHAM: Band; JV, Varsity Basketball; Boys' Golf; Interact; Boys' In tram urals; Nationa l Honor Society. PHIL u.rtAHAM : Transfer from Omaha Creighton Prep; JV, Varsity Baseball; JV , Varsity Football; FTA. SCOTT GRAHAM: JV , Varsity Baseball; JV Football; Interact; Student Forum; Swimming; W-Club . CATHY GRANDGENETT: French Club; International Club ; Pep Club. DAVE GRANTHAM : Varsity Basketball ; Varsity Football ; Interact ; W -Club. KATHY GREAR: Esquires; Pep Club; Y-Teens. MARCIA GREEN: DECA; Esquires; FMA; GAA; Pep Club; Safe-
teens; Ski Club; Y-Teens. BENNETT GREENSPAN : CPAF; Debate ; German Club; NFL; United Nations Test Winner . JEFF GRILL : Wrestling . SUSAN GROTH : Band, Secretary, First Lieutenant; Esquires; GAA; Orchestra; Pep Club; Student Forum. JOHN GRUIDEL : DECA . DIAN GUNIA: Drill Squad; Pep Club; Top Choir. CHRIS HALL: GAA; Pep Club. ,DEBORAH HALL: Girls' Gymnastics. 'NANCY HALLGRIMSON: Transfer from Menomonee Falls High, Menomonee, Falls, Wise . MICHELE HALPRIN: Art Club; Concert Choir; CP AF; FT A ; Junior Class Play ; Spanish Club ; Thespians . FAYE HANSEN: Pep Club; Ski Club; Squires; Z-Club. KRIS HANSEN : Art Club ; French Club; International Club, President; National Honor Society; Pep Club; Ski Club; Yearbook Queen Candidate; Z-Club . LAURIE HARGITT : Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; SHIELD, Senior Editor; Y-Teens . JULIUS HARRELL: Transfer from Eastwood High, El Paso, Tex; Boys' Gymnastics; Intera ct. SUE HARRIS : French Club; Pep Club; Y-Teens. BRONWYN HARRISON: Drill Squad; GAA; German Club; International Club; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Student Forum. JEAN HARTMAN: Art Club; Debate; German Club; International Club; JCL; Ski Club. BRONNA HARTUNG: Esquires ; French Club; International Club; JCL; Latin Club; Pep Club. JENNIFER HARVEY: Concert Choir; French Club, President; International Club ; LANCE , Page Five Editor; National Honor Society; Pep Club; Quill & Scroll, President; Spirit of 66 ; Top Choir, Secretary; Yearbook Queen Candidate ; Z-Club . LAURA HAVELKA: JV Cheerleading; Drill Squad; GAA, Secretary; Girls' Gymnastics ; National Honor Society; Pep Club; National Thespians; Thespians. NANCY HAWEKOTTE : French Club; GAA; International Club; Pep Club; National Thespians ; Thespians . SUSIE HAWKINS : Varsity Cheerleading; Debate ; Esquires ; French Club; GAA; Girls' Golf; Girls' Gymnastics ; Homecoming Queen Candidate ; International Club ; NFL, Sergeant of Arms ; Pep Club; Ski Club; Sophomore Class Secretary; Student Advisory Board ; Z-Club. DAVE HEADLEE: DECA. MARC HECHTER: CPAF; German Club; International Club: LANCE, Page Two Editor. MIKE HENDERSON: DECA. DEBRA HESSON: Esquires; GAA; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football. BILL HICKMAN: Varsity Football; Hi-Y ; Interact; Boys' Intramurals; International Club; JCL; Karate Club; Latin Club; T r ack . PEGGY HIGHTOWER :
OUTSTANDING ART SENIORS-Nancy Bea, David Godfrey, Janet Olds .
French Club ; International Club Safe-teens ; Thespians. SHERYL HIL BERS: Esquires; FTA; Pep Club; Y Teens. BILL HILL: Cross Country Track ; W -Club . KEVIN HILL : Sk Club . MICKI HILL : CPAF ; FMA G AA ; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football Ski Club; Student Forum; Thespians ANNETTE HIMBERGER: Pep Club TERI HINCKLEY : Esquires ; FTA Vice President; International Club Pep Club ; Powder Puff Football Spanish Club; Z-Club. TERRY HINE LINE: JV, Varsity B a seball; Kara t! Club ; W - Club . KAY HINKLEY Transfer from Omaha North ; B a nd GAA ; International Club ; Spanisl Club; Y-Teens. KEN HITES: Junio
Department basis of choice
:Jlass Play. RANDY HLAVAC: Band; ::ross Country; German Club; Interwt ; Boys ' Intramurals ; InterJ.ational Club ; Key Club ; Track. JEBBIE HOARD: Art Club; Esquires; }AA; International Club ; Junior J lass Secretary; Junior Class Play; =>owder Puff Football; Spanish Club; rhespians . KENT HOLM: Cross :::ountry; Boys' Intramurals; Interna.ional Club; JCL; Key Club, Vice Presdent ; Latin Club ; National Honor 3ociety. T . J . HOLMES: Astronomy ::lub , Vice President; Archeology ::lub; CPAF; Math Club; Safe-teens ; 3wimming. CRAIG HOOGENSEN: )ECA. JIM HOPKINS: JV Basketlall ; Boys' Intramurals . RANDY ~ORN : Varsity Baseball; JV, Varsity 3asketball; JV, Varsity Football;
Homecoming King Candidate; Interact; W-Cl ub. SUZIE HOSKINS: FTA; Pep Club ; Red Cross ; Y - Teens. KAREN HOVENDICK : Esquires ; GAA, Treasurer; International Club; National Honor Society; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Spanish Club; Z-Cl u b . JUDY HOWARD : Drill Squad; Esquires; French Club; GAA; International Club; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football ; Thespians , Z-Club. MARILYN HOWARD : Esquires; GAA ; Pep Club . DAN HUBBARD : Boys' State; Debate; JV, Varsity Foot-
Club. CHRIS JONES : Esquires; GAA; German Club ; International Club; Pep Club ; Powder Puff Football ; Sophomore Class Treasurer; Senate; Y-Teens . DAVID JONES: Cross Country; German Club; Boys' Intramurals ; Track. JUDY JONES : DECA; GAA ; Pep Club. LARAINE JONES: FBLA; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Ski Club. LINDA JONES: DECA; Pep Club; Ski Club. SARAH JONES : Drill Squad; GAA ; International Club; National Honor Society; Pep Club; Ski Club, Vice President; Spanish Club.
ball; Interact; Student Forum; Swimming. WILLIAM HULBERT: DECA,
TERESA JONES: GAA; International Club; Pep Club; Spanish Club. GARY
President; Boys' Gymnastics; Karate Club , President ; Student Forum; Track. JIM HUSTON: German Club; International Club; LANCE, Photographer; Swimming; W-Club. GARY IHNEN: Boys' Gymnastics. DAWN INGLES: JV, Varsity Cheerleading, Captain; French Club; Homecoming Queen Candidate; International Club; Pep Club. KAREN JABENIS: French Club; International Club; Pep Club; Safe-teens; Ski Club . CATHY JACOBS: Esquires; FBLA; GAA; Girls' Gymnastics ; Girls ' In tram urals ; Powder Puff Football ; Safe-teens . JULIE JACOBSON : LANCE , Circu lation and Exchange Editor; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Y-Teens. DEBBIE JAMES : Art Club; JV Cheerleading; GAA; Math Club; National Honor Society; Orchestra; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football ; Ski Club; Spanish Club; Senate, Vice President; Student Forum; Thespians; Z-Club. TERRY JAMES : Varsity Basketball; Key Club; Student Forum; W-Club . HENRY JARRETT: Astronomy Club; Archeology Club ; Avaiation Club ; Band; Field Club; German Club; International Club; Science Club; Subsurfers; Swimming. JIM JELKEN: Band. JULIE JENSEN: FTA, President; GAA; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football. MAUREEN JENSEN: GAA; German Club ; International Club ; Pep Club. VALERIE JERNSTROM: Esquires; FMA; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Ski Club; Top Choir. DAVID JESBERG : DECA . PAUL JESSEN: JV, Varsity Baseball; JV, Varsity Basketball; French Club; Interact; Key Club; Latin Club; Student Forum; W-Club . JANEL JOHNSON: Drill Squad; G AA; Powder Puff Football. STEVE JOHNSON : DECA; JV Football; Boys' Intramurals. ANDY JONES : CPAF; Debate; Student Forum; Swimming; Water Polo; W-
JORGENSON: Interact; Senate; Subsurfers, President. DIANNE KAMMERER: Drill Squad; Esquires; G AA; Pep Club; Z-Club. TOM KAMPRATH: Transfer from Collinsville High, Collinsville , Ill. HOWARD KAPLAN : CPAF; German Club; International Club. KAUFFIE KAPLAN: French Club; Pep Club. STEVE KEIST: Interact; Boys' Intramurals; Key Club; Student Forum ; Track ; W - Club . KATHY KEELE : GAA ; Pep Club . COLLEEN KELLY: GAA; Girls' Gymnastics ; Junior Class Play; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Ski Club; National Thespians; Thespians. DEBBIE KINCAID : International Club ; Pep Club ; Spanish Club. CAROL KING: International Club; Pep Club; Prom Chairman; Safe-teens; Spanish Club; Student Forum. CINDY KING: Pep Club . ROB KING : Thespians . JOHN KIRCHOFER: Transfer from Omaha Rummel. COLLEEN KIZER: Esquires; French Club; International Club; Junior Class Play; Pep Club; Thespians . SALLY KLOPP : Drill Squad; Esquires; French Club; International Club; Pep Club; PowderPuff Football ; Student Forum ; Y-Teens . LAURIE KNUDSEN: Concert Choir; DECA; GAA; Pep Club. GENE KGBORG: Subsurfers; W-Club; Wrestling. KIM KOETTER: International Club; Squires. JERRY KOTLIK : Karate Club; Boys' Tennis. JANE KOVARIK: Esquires; Girls' Gymnastics ; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football ; Spanish Club. KAREN KROEGER: Esquires; French Club; GAA; Girls' Intramurals; JCL; Latin Club; Powder Puff Football; Ski Club; Synchronized Swimming. SALLY KRUSE : Chamber Choir; GAA ; Madrigal Choir; Pep Club ; Top Choir ; Z - Club . PAT KUBSCH : Transfer from Omaha Marian; Esquires; FMA; GAA; Pep Club. MICHAELA KUFAHL: DECA:
Purpose aimed at recognition of feats GAA. ED KULAKOSKY: Ski Club. ROBERT KULAKOSKY: Archeology Club ; CPAF . BONNIE KURTEN BACH : Esquires ; FMA ; GAA , Vice President; President Pep Club; Senate; Y-Teens . CINDY LACY: Ski Club. DEBBIE LAKIN: Transfer from OdeboltArthur Community School, Odebolt, Iowa; FMA; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Ski Club; Top Choir. PAULETTE LANGE: Drill Squad; Esquires; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Senate. DAVID LANOHA: DECA; Interact ; W -Club ; Wrestling , Captain . STEVE LARRICK : Band ; Cross Country; Boys' Intramurals; LANCE , Page Seven Editor; Quill & Scroll; Track ; W -Club . JANET LARSEN : Esquires; FMA; FTA; Math Club; Pep Club ; Senate ; Y-Teens ; Z - Club . DENNY LARSON : Aviation Club ; Boys' Gymnastics; Boys' In tram urals ; Subsurfers. RECCA LARSON: Ar t Club; Concert Choir; French Club; International Club; Pep Club; Powder Puff Footb a ll ; Ski Club . ROBERT LARSON: Astronomy Club; Archeology Club; Band; Chess Club , Clerk, Vice President; Interna tional Club; JCL ; Latin Club ; Math Club . SUE LAWSON: GAA ; International Club ; lath Club ; National Honor Society, Secretary-Treasurer; National Merit ; Pep Club; Spanish Club; Z-Ciub, Treasurer. BILL LAUGHLIN: Audio Visual ; Chess Club ; International Club; Radio Club, Secretary-Treasurer. EDWARD LEACH: Band, Drum Major; Eclectic Staff; Key Club; National Honor Society , President; Orchestra ; Student Forum. MOLLY LEARY: Esquires ; GAA . TOMAS J . LEDIN : Youth for Understa nding Student from Skogffruvagen, Sweden ; Art Club ; German Club ; Intern a tional Club. CRAIG LEE : Varsity Football, Manager; Key Club; Subsurfers; Top Choir; W -Club ; Wrestling . MATT LETTER: Art Club; Aviation Club; JV , Varsity Football; Math Club; Student Forum; Track; W-Club . SCOTT LEWIS : Swimming . RANDY LIEBER : Intera ct ; Boys' Intramurals . LANALIMBAUGH: JVCheerleading; French Club; Girls ' Gymnastics ; Homecoming Queen Candidate; International Club; Junior Class Play; Pep Club; Student Forum; Thespians; Top Choir; Z-Club. GORDO LIND: Debate; Boys ' Intramurals ; Student Advisory Board, President; Student Forum. KATHY LINSTROMBERG: Art Club; Y-Teens. KRIS LIPARI: GAA; Pep Club ; Y-Teens . LANA LIPPOLD :
FMA; GAA; Pep Club. SUSAN LITEL: Transfer from Hastings High, Hastings , Neb . NANCY LITTLE: DECA; Pep Club; Red Cross. DEANN LOFT: Esquires; Pep Club; Y-Teens. CAROLYN LONG: Band; National Honor Society; Orchestra; Pep Club; Z-Club. DIANE LUDWICK: DECA; Esquires; GAA ; German Club; Pep Club ; Red Cross ; Safe-teens ; Grils' Tennis . SANDYLUNDGREN: GAA; PepClub; Powder Puff Football. KATHY LUSTGARTEN: GAA; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football ; Ski Club ; Student Forum. KATHY LYNCH: Art Club; Concert Choir; Esquires; FT A ; Junior Class Play ; Powder Puff Football ; Senior Class Secretary ; National Thespians; Thespians , Secretary ; Yearbook Queen . KIM MACTIER : Drill Squad; Esquires; International Club; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Spanish Club; Timing Team; Y -Teens. SCOTT MADDEN: Aviation Club; Ski Club. MIKE MAGNUSON: Transfer from Glenwood School, Glenwood, Minn; Band. MERRILEE MALLETT: Transfer from Palatine High, Palatine , Ill. THOMAS MANCUSO: Boys' Gymnastics . PATMANNING: Transfer from Omaha Mercy ; FMA ; Pep Club ; Powder Puff Football ; Thes pians ; Y-Teens. MIKE MARSH: Transfer from Clarke High, Osceola, Iowa. SCOTT MARSHALL: Concert Jazz Band; Chamber Orchestra; Orc hestra ; Sophomore Class Play . MARY MARTIG : Transfer from OmahaBenson. BARBARAMARTIN: Esquires , Advisory Board; Pep Club; Squires , Captain. CONNIE MASCHER: Concert Choir; FBLA; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Variety Show. MIDGE MATTSON : International Club ; JCL ; Latin Club , Secretary , President; Pep Club; Thespians , Treasurer; Top Choir; Z-Club . ALAN MA YPER : Transfer from Omaha Burke; CP AF. LOU MEIGS: German
Club; International Club; Senate; Student Council. LYNN MEL VILLE : DECA. CHERYLL MERTZ: GAA; Pep Club . MARK MEZGER : Interact ; Subsurfer. JOYCE MICHEELS: GAA ; Pep Club . CHARLINE MILDREXLER: DECA; Esquires; GAA; German Club; Pep Club; Red Cross; Safe-teens. ROBERT MIERENDORF : German Club; Junior Class Play; Key Club; Musical; Student Forum; Thespians; Top Choir; Wrestling. BRUCE MILLER: DECA. JEAN MILLER: Band; GAA; International Club; Pep Club; Spanish Club; Z-Cl ub . LINN MILLER: Art Club; FMA; Girls' Golf; Pep Club; Spirit of 66; Thespians; Top Choir. JANE MITCHELL: . Band. SHARON MITCHELL: Esquires; Pep Club; Safeteens; Y-Teens. ANNMONEN: Transfer from Omaha Duchesne ; Girls ' Golf; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; SHIELD, Underclass Editor; Ski Club. PATTY MONTAG: FBLA; Pep Club. DIANA MOORE: Concert Choir; Pep Club . STEVE MOORE : Band ; Top Choir; W-Club; Wrestling. STEVEN MORGAN: Varsity Football , Manager; Safe-teens; Track , Student Manager ; W -Club . LAURIE MORTON: GAA ; International Club; Pep Club; Spanish Club ; Squires . JOHN MOYES : Archery Club; Art Club ; Wrestling . MARILYN MOYLAN: Band; JCL; Latin Club; Pep Club; ZClub. KIMMUFFLY: GAA; PepClub; Safe-teens; Y -Teens. MARK MULICK: DECA. MARY MURPHY: FMA; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Thespians ; Y -Teens . SUSAN MURPHY: GAA; Pep Club; Y-Teen~ . BOB MUSIL: JV, Varsity Football; Interact;W-Club. MELINDA MCCAULEY: FTA; GAA ; International Club; Pep Club; Spanish Club ; Top Choir . MICHEAL MC CLURE : Audio -Visual ; Aviation Club; Radio Club; Safe-teens. COLLEEN MCCOID: Orchestra. DIANE
MCCOLLIS'T'ER: Esquires; FT;A; Pep Club; Powdt. r Puff Football; Slli Club. RICHARD MCCORMICK : German Club; Boys' Intramurals; Intet national Club. BARRY MCDONALD: Band; Eclectic Staff; International Club ; JCL; Latin Club; Top Choir. PAT MCDONOUGH: Transfer from Bedford, Mass ; SHIELD, Factulty Editor; National Thespians; Thespians . RICK MCFAYDEN: Art Club; Boys' State; CPAF; Hi-Y, Interact; International Club ; Junior Class President ; Key Club, Secretary-Treasurer, President; Red Cross; Spanish Club; Student Advisory Board ; Student Forum ; Thanksgiving Prom King ; Thespians . ANGELA MCINTIRE : Pep Club. STEVE MCKENZIE: Boys' Intram urals . DEBBIE NALOW: Art Club ; Powder Puff Football . JESS NAPIORKOWSKI : JV Football . ROBERT NAZARIO: Transfer from Brownell-Talbot . STEVE NEBBIA : Track . URSULA NEESE : DECA ; GAA ; Pep Club . DAVE NELSON: Audio-Visual; Concert Choir; LANCE, Page One Editor; Quill & Scroll; Top Choir; Wrestling . MIKE EL 0 : Transferfrom eaholmHigh Birmingham, lich路 Junior Class Play; Thespians, President. BARBARA ETI-1: FT A; Pep Club. TOM NEUBAUER : Varsity Football ; Karate Club ; W-Club. LINDA NEWBANKS: GAA; Pep Club; Ski Club . ELAINE NEWCOMER : Drill Squad; Esquires; FT A ; International Club; Pep Club; Spanish Club; Thespians. TOM NICHOLS: DECA; Gun Club, President; JCL. KATHY NICHOLSON : Pep Club . ROSIE NIED; Pep Club. JEANNE NEILSON: Esquires; FMA, Secretary; GAA; Pep Club. SUE NIEMANTS: Pep Club; YTeens. SHARON NOGG; Astronomy Club; Aviation Club; German Club; Powder Puff Football; Red Cross; Ski Club; Student Forum. BETH NOVAK: Esquires; FMA; German Club; International Club; Red Cross, Treasurer; Z -Club . NANCY NYE: Esquires ; French Club; International Club; Pep
Club; Thespians. SHARON NYE: Art Club; FTA; Pep Club. TERRY OBERST: Transfer from Omaha Creighton Prep; Varsity Football; Homecoming King Candidate ; Interact; W-Club ; Wrestling . PAT O 'BRIEN: Scuba Diving. JERRY O'HAGAN: DECA; Varsity Football; Boys' Intramurals. MICHELE OKON : Esquires ; FMA ; French Club ; GAA ; International Club; Pep Club. MARK OLDEROG: Subsurfers; Swimming, Captain; WClub. JANET OLDS: Art Club; French Club; International Club; Pep Club; YTeens . JANET OLIVER: Esquires ; Pep Club. NANCY OLSON: Concert Choir; Esquires; Pep Club; Ski Club. DENISE OL VIN: Art Club, Secretary; Esquires; French Club; GAA; International Club ; Pep Club ; Y-Teens . JOE O 'SULLIVAN: International Club; JCL; Latin Club; Subsurfers. JIM OTIS : Interact ; Subsurfers . NANCI OTIS: Esquires; International Club ; Pep Club ; Spanish Club . SARAH OTIS ; GAA ; International Club; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; SHIELD, Academics Editor; Ski Club; Spanish Club ; Student Forum ; YTeens. TIM OTTE: Ski Club. DEANIE PALMER: PepClub. ROXYPAPPENHEIMER: French Club; International Club ; Thespians . FABIO PASIAN : AFS Exchange Student from Italy; Chess Club; International Club; JCL; Latin Club . TOM PATE : Varsity Baseball; JV, Varsity Basketball; JV, Varsity Football; Homecoming King Candidate; Interact; Student Advisory Board; W-Club. AL PATERSON: Archeology Club; Karate Club; Science Club; Subsurfers. RICK PATTERSON: CPAF; German Club; International Club ; LANCE, Associate Editor; Quill & Scroll , SecretaryTreasurer . DONNA PEARSON : Transfer from Pratt High, Pratt, Kansas . EVELYN PERRY: Art Club; Concert Choir; Orchestra; Pep Club; National Thespians; Thespians; Timing Team; Y -Teens. PATTY PERSON: DECA; Y -Teens. CHUCK PETERSON: Boys' Intramurals; Math Club; Safeteens ; Student Advisory Board . DOUG PETERSEN: Interact; Swimming; W-Club . ROSIE PETERSEN: GAA; Pep Club. VICKI PETERSEN: GAA ; German Club; International Club; Pep Club. BRUCE PETERSON: Archery Club, Vice President, President ; Aviation Club ; DECA . RON PETERSON: Math Club ; Student Forum; Wrestling. BILL PFEIFER: Transfer from Robbinsdale High , Robbinsdale, Minn; JV Basketball; Boys' Golf; Hi-Y; Boys' Intramurals; Ski Club. MARILYN PHALEN: Pep Club ; Powder Puff Football ; Safeteens . PATTY POAGE : FMA, Vice President, President; GAA; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Ski Club; Thespians ; Y-Teens. NANCY POLITO : DECA; FBLA; GAA. TIM POLLARD: Aviation Club ; Swimming. SUE POMEROY : Esquires ; GAA ; Pep
Club; Safe-teens ; Ski Club; Y-Teens. RITA POST: Transfer from Upper St. Clair High, Pittsburgh, Penn; Drill Squad; International Club; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Y-Teens . BILL PRALL: JV Football; Karate Club; Subsurfers; Wrestling. RICK PREVETT: Band; Karate Club; Orchestra; Student Forum. ANNE PRIMEAU: DECA ; FBLA ; GAA ; Pep Club . VIVETTE PULLUM: Esquires; French Club; FTA; GAA; International Club. TRENT QUINLAN: Varsity Football; Homecoming King Candidate; Interact; Track; W-Club, Treasurer; Wrestling. MARK RADA: Aviation Club; Spanish Club. CAROL RADUZINGER : DECA . DENNIS RAFFENSPERGER: Varsity Football; Boys' Gymnastics; Homecoming King Candidate; Interact, Treasurer; National Honor Society, Vice President; Student Forum ; W - Club . CHERRIE RAGAN: Esquires; GAA ; Girls' Gymnastics ; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Ski Club. GAYLE RANDALL: French Club; Red Cross; Thespians. DEBBIE RASCHKE : Esquires ; French Club ; FTA ; International Club; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Red Cross ; Safe-teens . JOELLEN RASMUSSEN: FTA, Treasurer; GAA; Pep Club ; Powder Puff Football ; Spirit of 66 ; Student Forum. JAMES RASMUSSEN: Audio-Visual; Radio Club ; Publications Photographer . PHIL RAY: FBLA; Boys' Gymnastics; Karate Club; Ski Club; Swimming; Track; W-Club. DAVE REED: Boys' Gymnastics ; Karate Club; Ski Club. MARK REEDY: Karate Club. DAVE REHUREH: Boys' Golf; Boys' Intramurals . ANN RENANDER: Band ; French Club; FTA; Pep Club; Student Forum . EVELYN RENDER : Art Club ; French Club ; International Club; Junior Class Play; Thespian. NANCY RICE: Drill Squad, Captain; Esquires , Secretary ; Homecoming Queen Candidate; Junior Class Play; Pep Club; National Thespians; Thespians . ROSS RICHARDS: Transfer from Oelwein High, Oelwein, Iowa; DECA; JV Football; Track; Weight Lifting Club. MARY RICHARDSON: Esquires, Treasurer, President; International Club; Pep Club; Prom Chairman; Spanish Club; Z-Club. ANNE RIDENOUR: Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; SHIELD, Student Life and Index Editor. CATHIE RING : Pep Club. WANDA RITTHALER: Transfer from Omaha Tech. MARY RIVA: DECA ; GAA ; Pep Club . NANCY ROACH: Drill Squad; Esquires; FMA; FTA; Pep Club ; Ski Club ; Y -Teens . DALE ROBBINS : Archery Club ; DECA . DEBBIE ROBBINS: Arche-
Brownies pay off for seniors ology Club; GAA; International Club· Pep Club; Safe-teens; Spanish Club: BILL ROBERTS : Ski Club . LISA R~BERTS : Astronomy Club ; Es qUlres; Pep Club. JUDY ROCKWELL: E~q~ires ; FMA , Treasurer; GAA ; G1rls Gymnastics; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football ; Ski Club . GARY ROCKWOOD : Aviation Club ; JV Football; Boys' Intramurals; International Club; Subsurfers; Swimming; W-Club. JIM ROSE : JV Basketball· Varsity Football; Homecoming King~ Interact; Latin Club; Track; W-Club, Vice President, President. ANNE ROSENBERG : FTA ; Safe-teens . DEB:SY ROSS : Esquires; Girls' Gymna~tws ; International Club; Pep Club; Sk1 Club; Squires; The Warrior. COLLEEN ROWE: DECA; Esquires; Ski Club; Spanish Club. NANCY RUBACK: Art Club; French Club; International Club; Pep Club. BOB RUNNING : DECA ; Boys ' Gymnastics ; Karate Club; Wrestling. JIM RUSE: Transfer from Shawnee Mission West, Shawnee Mission, Kansas ; Band; JV Football; Track. JIM RUSSELL: Swimming . BOB RYGG : Band; Boys' Intramurals; Ski Club; Subsurfers; Swimming. ELLEN SABIN: DECA; Esquires; FMA; French Club; GAA; Girls' Gymnastics; International Club; Pep Club. FRED SACCO: Varsity Baseball ; JV, Varsity Football; Interact; Student Forum; WClub ; Wrestling . DOUG SADLER: Art Club; Boys' Intramurals · International Club; Latin Club; Student Forum; Boys' Tennis. KRIS SANTI: Esquires; French Club; International Club; Pep Club; Senate. PETER SAWTELL: Astronomy Club, President; Archeology Club, Vice President, Secretary; ChessClub; CPAF. ROGER SCH~T : Jy-. Varsity Football; Homecommg Kmg Candidate; Subsurfers, Secretary-Treasurer; Track; W-Club; Wrestling. ALAN SCHEMPP: Debate; Varsity Football, Trainer; Senate; Ski Club ; Student Forum; Subsurfers · Swimming; Track , Trainer; W-Club: SUSAN SCHNAIDT: Transfer from Lincoln High, Sioux Falls, So. Dak.; GAA ; German Club ; International Club; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football. SONIA SCHONE: Transfer from Central High, Sioux City, Iowa; French Club; GAA; International Club; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Z-Club. DEBBI SCHREINER: Concert Choir· Esquires; GAA; Girls' Golf; Pep Club: PowderPuffFootball: StudentForum· Top Choir ; Z-Club . CONNIE SCHWARTZ: Transfer from Robbinsdale High, Minneapolis, Minn.; Art
Club ; Esquires ; German Club ; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Ski Club; Y-Teens . GERALDINE SCHWARTZ: Art Club ; Pep Club ; Y -Teens . SUS ETTE SCHWENK : International Club ; Latin Club ; Pep Club . RICK SCHULZE : Transfer from Omaha Creighton Prep; JV Football; Cross Country; Track; W-Club. WILLIAM SCOTT : Astronomy Club ; Arche ology Club ; Audio-Visual ; Chess Club ; CPAF; Key Club; Math Club ; National Honor Society; Safe-teens. NANCY SEARS: DECA; Esquires ; FMA; GAA; Pep Club; Y-Teens. PEGGY SELLNER: International Club· National Honor Society· Pep Club: Spanish Club; Student 'Forum· To~ Choir; Z-Ciub. RANDY SHEETS: Junior Class Play. RICHARD SHEFLAND: Transfer from Shawnee Mission West High, Overland Park, Kan.; Boys' Golf. JANICE SHOOK: Varsity Cheer leading; Esquires ; FT A ; Pep Club ; Powder Puff Football . JAY SHUKERT: Chess Club; CPAF; Interact; Boys' Intramurals; Math Club; National Honor Society; Safe-teens; Student Advisory Board ; Student Forum, President . KRIST A SIMPSON: GAA; Pep Club. JANE SKEFFINGTON: DECA ; Esquires ; FTA ; GAA; International Club; Pep Club; Ski Club; Spanish Club. VIRGINIA SLABAUGH: Drill Squad; GAA; German Club ; International Club ; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Thespians ; Top Choir; Y -Teens, President. DICK SMILLEY: Art Club; JV Football ; Ski Club ; Track . CHRISTY SMITH : GAA ; International Club· JCL; Latin Club; Pep Club; Thespians: Y-Teens . CRAIG SMITH : Aviation Club; DECA; Karate Club; Safe-teens . JO SMITH: CPAF; GAA; International Club· Junior Class Vice President; National Honor Society; Pep Club; Safeteens; Spanish Club ; Student Forum · Z-Club. MARTY SMITH: Debate; Hi~ Y ; Ski Club ; Swimming . KRYSTY SMITHSON: Esquires; FMA, Secretary; GAA; International Club; Pep Club; Spanish Club; Y-Teens . STEVE SNAIL : DECA ; Boys' Intramurals . SUSAN SNECKENBERG. Transfer from Omaha Marian; GAA; Pep Club. BOB SNOW : International Club · Spanish Club; Subsurfers. KAREN SONDKER: Esquires; GAA; German Club; International Club; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Senate. CHRIS SORENSON: Track. MOLLY SPIRE: International Club; JCL, President; Junior Cla~s Play; Latin Club; Pep Club; Spamsh Club; Thespians; Top
Choir. ANN SPLITTGERBER: Concert ~hoir ; Debate ; Esquires , Vice Pres1dent ; Advisory Board; FMA; GAA; NFL, Treasurer; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Safe-teens ; Student Forum; Thespians ; Top Choir; YTeens ; Z-Club . ROSS STAFFORD : Band ; Varsity Football, Trainer; Boys' State; Interact, Secretary; Boys' Intramurals ; International Club ; Math Club, Vice President, President; National Honor Society; Orchestra; Spanish Club ; W-Club . LINDY STALDER : JV , Varsity Baseball · Boys' Intramurals; LANCE, Page Si~ Editor. SUSAN STALNAKER : Esquires ; GAA; Pep Club; Safe-teens ; YTeens. STEVEN ST ANBRO: Aviation Club ; Varsity Football . GREGG STANWAY: JV, Varsity Football; Interact; National Merit; Track. ROBERT STEELE : JCL ; LANCE, Page Four Editor; Latin Club. RICHARD STERNO: Aviation Club, Vice President. GLENN STEINHAUSEN: JV, Varsity Football; Interact; Boys' Intramurals ; Student Forum . CINDI STEWART: GAA; Girls' Intramurals; Pep Club ; Powder Puff Football . MARY STITT: Esquires; GAA; German Club; International Club; Pep Club ; Ski Club ; Timing Team ; Y Teens. SHERRY STONE : Concert Choir; Esquires ; French Club ; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Student Advisory Board, Secretary, President; Student Forum . PEGGI STONEBR.AKER : DECA, Secretary ; Esqunes ; French Club; Pep Club . LI~DA STRANDLUND : Pep Club ; Sk1 Club ; Thespians ; Y - Teens . DEANNA STREETER : Chamber Choir; GAA; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football ; Triple Trio ; Top Choir. LARRY SUND: JV Football. MIKE SUTKO : Varsity Footb~l. KATHY SVEHLA: Band; GAA; International Club; National Honor Society; Orchestra; Pep Club; Senate; panish Club; Z-Ciub, ecretary. CHERYLL SWOPE : Esquires; GAA: Pep Club. BECKY SYOUTSTANDING LANGUAGE SENIOR-Josephine Smith.
DOW: Esquires ; FMA , Treasurer; :JAA; International Club; Pep Club; Spanish Club ; Y -Teens . JULIE TAREN: CPAF; Debate; International :::lub; NFL; Pep Club; Spanish Club; Thespians; Y-Teens. GARY TARPLEY: Debate; Interact; Key Club; National Honor Society; NFL; Student Forum; Subsurfers; Swimming; W:::lub. JEFF TAXMA : Top Choir, President. LINDA ~ERRY : GAA ; Pep :::lub; Twirler. RANDY THATCHER: Varsity Football; W-Club; Wrestling. :::HUCK THOMAS: Archeology Club; Boys' Intramura ls ; LANCE , Page Three Editor. CINDY THOMAS: FTA; Pe p Club; Y-Teens . DEBBIE THOMPSON: Esquires; FTA; GAA; International Club; Pep Club; Spanish Club; Student Forum. VICKI THOMPSON: Concert Choir; Esquires; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football ; Safe-teens . ELLEN THORNTON : Band ; Pep Club; Top Choir. JACKIE TINLEY: Esquires; FTA; International Club; Pep Club ; Powder Puff Football ; Spanish Club ; Student Forum ; Y Teens. TOM TOBIN: German Club; Boys' Intramurals ; International Club; Wrestling . AL TOHILL : JV Baseball; JV, Varsity Football; Interact; Powder Puff Football King; Student Forum ; W-Club , Sargeant At Arms ; Wrestling. BEV TOMEK : DECA; Esquires; Pep Club. BRENT TOPPER: Karate Club; Science. TOD TRIGG: Archery Club. MARK TRUSTIN: Interact; Senate; Student Forum; Swimming; W-Club. CONNIE TULL: German Club ; International Club ; Pep Club ; Powder Puff Football ; Thespians . CINDY TURANSKY : DECA; Pep Club. NANCY TWEETON: Drill Squad; Esquires; GAA; International Club; National Honor Society; Pep Club; Spanish Club; Thespians; Z-Club. LYNNE UDES: FTA; GAA; International Club; LANCE, Copy and Proof Editor ; Pep Club ; Quill & Scroll ; Spanish Club . MIKE UPCHURCH: Boy's Gymnastics; Interact ; Powder Puff Football Coach ; Student Forum ; Track ; W -Club ; Wrestling . JOE VACANTI: DECA ; Boys ' Intramurals ; Karate Club. NANCY VANA: DECA ; GAA ; Pep
Club. BOB VAN BOSKIRK: Archeology Club; Boys ' Intramurals ; LANCE , Page Eight Editor. MARCIA VANCE : Transfer from Lincoln High , Des Moines, Iowa . BRAD VAUGHAN: FMA; Interact; Subsurfers; Swimming; W-Club. DEANNA VELLINGA: Transfer from Central High, Sioux City, Iowa; German Club; International Club; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football. HERB VERMAAS: Astronomy Club; Debate; Boys' Intramurals . MIKE VINAL: Field Club, Secretary-Treasurer. CRAIG VIPOND: JV Basketball. BILL VLECK: JV , Varsity Baseball ; JV, Varsity Football; Boys' Intramurals; W-Club. RICK VON WOLF: Weight Lifting Club, President. BARB WAGONER: Varsity Cheerleading; Esquires ; FTA; Homecoming Queen Candidate; Pep Club ; Powder Puff Football. JERRY WALDBAUM : Interact . CATHY WALKER: FMA; GAA; Pep Club. DEBBIE WALKER: Esquires; French Club ; GAA; International Club; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Ski Club; Squires ; Y -Teens . RIC WALKER: JV , Varsity Football; German Club ; Interact; International Club; Powder Puff Football Coach; W-Club. ROBERT WALKER: Interact ; Boys ' Intramurals ; Student Forum. STEWART WALKER: Band; Concert Jazz Band; Boys' Golf; Boys' Intramurals; Ski Club; Subsurfers . VIVEKANANDA WALL: Astronomy Club; Archeology Club; Chess Club; Math Club; National Honor Society . LYN WALLIN : Chamber Choir ; Chamber Orchestra ; Esquires ; French Club; Girls' State; Homecoming Queen Candidate; International Club; Pep Club, Vice President, President; Powder Puff Football; Squires; Student Forum ; Top Choir; Triple Trio ; Variety Show ; Z-Club . TOM WALSTROM : Chess Club ; Debate ; Key Club; NFL, President; Student Forum; Swimming; EFFE Chairman. CHRIS WARNE: AFS Exchange Student from Melborne , Australia ; French Club ; GAA ; International Club; Pep Club; Thespians; Z-Club. PAXTON WATERS: JV Football ; Track. GAIL WATSON: GAA; Inter-
national Club ; National Honor So ciety ; Pep Club ; Red Cross, Vice President, President; Z-Cl ub . DIANE WEBER : Pep Club . RON WEISS : Boys' Intramurals; National Honor Society ; Student Forum . RON WELLS : Swimming . BOB WEM MER : DECA ; Boys' Intramurals. DICK WEST: DECA . CAREY WHEELER: International Club; Math Club; Pep Club, Secretary, Treasurer; Senior Class Vice President; Spanish Club ; Senate ; Squires ; Student Forum; Top Choir. LARRY WHEELER: Boys' Gymnastics; W-Club. TOM WHEELER: Band; SHIELD , Photo Editor; Subsurfers ; Boys' Tennis . JANET WIETZKI: Art Club; Pep Club. MARK WIGG: Hi-Y; Swimming; WClub . BILLIE WILSON: FTA ; Pep Club ; Top Choir. JULIE WILSON: Transfer from Tulsa, Okla.; GAA; Pep Club ; Powder Puff Football . MI CHEALA WINSTROM: Concert Choir; GAA; International Club; National Honor Society; Pep Club; Ski Club; Spanish Club; Yearbook Queen Candidate; Z-Club, Vice President, President . DEBBIE WINTER : German Club; International Club; Pep Club; Squires; Y -Teens . ANNE WIRKA: Drill Squad; Esquires; French Club; GAA; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football; Student Forum. BECKY WODDER: Girls' State; GAA; International Club; National Honor Society; Pep Club; Ski Club; Spanish Club, SecretaryTreasurer; Z-Club. THOMAS WOLFE: Transfer from Lincoln High, Sioux Falls , So . Dak .; Art Club; Science Club. IRA WOLFSON: Transfer from Omaha Central; CP AF; Debate; NFL. BOB WOLTEMATH: Varsity Baseball; JV Basketball; Varsity Football; Homecoming King Candidate ; W Club. BECKY WOODLE: Band; Concert Choir; Pep Club. DENISE WOODWORTH : DECA, JAA ; Pep Club . RONA WORKMAN: Esquires; GAA; Pep Club ; Powder Puff Football . DAVE WYATT: Safe-teens; Ski Club; Student Forum. JOAN YAFFE: Esquires ; GAA; International Club; Pep Club; Ski Club; Spanish Club; Thespians; Z-Club. JEFF YOUNG: Transfer from Omaha Creighton Prep; International Club; JCL; Latin Club. RUSSELL YOUNG: Transfer from Omaha Benson; JV Baseball; Boys' Gymnastics . MARK ZACH: JV Baseball. MARY ZACH: GAA; Pep Club. PETER ZANDBERGEN : German Club; International Club; Key Club, Secretary- Treasurer; Swimming . ELIZABETH ZIEGLER: Pep Club . BARB ZIMMERMAN : Esquires ; GAA; Pep Club. KATHY ZORKO: Art Club. PEGGI ZUROSKI: GAA; Pep Club; Powder Puff Football.
Juniors plan ahead with pies, Smells of warm pies, blisters from rollerskates and late night soc hops are a few of the memories that juniors envision when reflecting on their junior year. The class of '71 strove to involve the entire student body in their money making projects for Prom. They tried to find activities that everyone would be interested in , whether they were pie sales, soc hops, pool parties or bake sales. November 13-15sawthejuniors presenting their dramatic talents in the annual Junior Class Play. This year they performed "Milton of the Movies", with Clayton Abel holding the lead. Services for the school and community were also part of their year's activities . On October 12 they manned a booth for Childrens' Hospital and collected $312. Previous to the school's opening in September, they held a painting party and painted new lines on the parking lot. On May 1 they sayv- their efforts come to a close with the 1970 Prom, at Peony Park. Prom chairmen Carol Crawford, Amy Fortner and Nan Lueder presented the Senior Class with "Reflections; come what may". President Dennis Sondker does not believe that the fund raising for the Prom is the sole purpose of the Junior Class. Instead, he feels that it is the values that each individual receives from these experiences that help attain that goal. All of their efforts culminated to prove "we're the class that can't be outdone, the class of 1971!". 90
JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS - Carol Amidon, treasurer; Dennis Sondker, president; Jeff Ostro1 vice-president, Debbie Norby, secretary.
An ingenious jun ior discovers a method of getting pop .
Clayton Abel Carla Ancona Steven Anderson James Auxier Bernie Bailey Dave Barnhart Dave Batchelder Steve Beckwith Cybil Bendorf
Bradley Adams James Andersen Kathy Armentrout Claudia Backlund Scott D. Baker Allan Barrett Shelly Bauer Scott Belknap Tim Bennett
Randy Adams Malcolm Anderson Julie Armstrong John Backman Cindy Ball Cindy Barlett Lori Baxter Lee Bell Tracy Benton
Diane Allison James Anderson Robin Armstrong Bill Bade Jim Barger Randy Barton Nate Beber Karen Selmer Bruce Berrigan
Carol AmidOn Steve Anderson Cindy Atkinson Ralph Baggiani Dave Barmore Bev Baska Dave Beck Nicki Bender Jeannine Bessey
Tom Bicak Chris Blanton Grove Bock Marg Berghoff
Julie Bichel Kent Bligh Susan Bock Vince Boucher
Dean Bjerke Gregg Blodig Shari Boelter Sherrie Bourgeois
Connie Blackman Lindsey Blum Joe Bolen Paula Bourks
With a spark of interest, Larry Freshman finishes with a flair.
Free mods easily filled by lively juniors
Beth Bowerman Susan Brit Charlie Brown Dick Brozek
Carol Boyd Gail Boyer Shirley Briggs John Britton Gary Brown Jeanette Brown Danny Bruggeman James Bruzek
Chris Blanecki Bill Broadhurst Pat Brown Jo Buda
Loraine Brettag Tom Brock Peggy Brown Dave Bunting
Bill Brewer Dan Broenlee Richard Brown Steve Burke
Jell Busacker Deborah Cady
Tom Busch Linda Calvin
Don Busching John Caniglia
Benita Buss Paul Carl
lnta Buss Sue Carsisle
Julie Butler Sally Carmichael
Collette Carson Dian Chastain John Coburn Jell Crabtree Mary Davidson
Scott Carson D. Chittenden Debbie Coe Michael Craren Don Davis
Nancy Case Debra Ciullo Mark Cohen Carol Crawford Gail Davis
Amy Gassman Bill Clark Kristine Colvin Alison Culling Rob Davis
E. Cervenka Sam Clark Dave Combs Larry Cusick Dick Dawson
Joseph Cervenka Cristy Clarke J. L. Comstock Mary Czaja Bert Deems
Le Roy Chalupa Robin Clemmer Jo Cortese Steve D'Agata Karl Deford
,foney comes rolling in as juniors skate onto the rink at their annual skating party.
Becky Chandler Dave Clow Bill Cosgrove Irving Dana Pat Delehant
Rhonda Chantry Weldon Coats Ken Cotton Robin Darst Bobbie Dettmann
Prom dominates junior class
Steve De Voss Bill Dixon Debbie Dryden Tom Eaton Jeri Elofson
Bill Devnes Barb Dohnal Ann Duffin Patti Eckley Kellt Engelbart
Wayne Diamond Bill Doney Dentse Duncan Terri Ehlers Chnsttne Engler
Pat Farley Theresa Foran Bob Freeman
Virg inia Farley Mary Forsgren Eric Fried
Lori Farrell Amy Fortner Stephen Friend
Frank Dibble Tom Drake Tern Dunn M. E. Eichenberger J. Erdenberger
Julie Dtckmeyer Richard Dross Don Eades Patty Elliot D. L. Erftmter
Robyn Dinwoodie D. Droullard Janet Eades Melissa Ellis Bruce Erickson
Allan Felkner Francme Fowler Steve Frisbie
Lynn Ferguson Jon Fox Stephanie Frttz
Taking time off from Z-Ciub duties, Patty Farley tries her hand running the library.
Carl Ervin Peggy Ferns Debby Fran co
Kathy Estey Dtane Fieck Renee Frank
Steve Evans Vicki Fix Roberta Frank
Steve Feldman Doak Fowler Mark Fnsbie
Dan Frost Bonnie Geddie Dave Gloor Kristin Grady Bill Gurnett Brian Harden
Pat Frost Jane Gehringer Cathy Golden Marianne Graham P. Gurnett Karen Harket
John Fruhwirth Arlene Gendler Judith Goldston Mark Graham Tim Gzehoviak Glenn Harless
Scott Fryar Larry Gendler Becki Gou Suzanne Graves Riky Hafer Margaret Hartin
Mark Gallison Steve Geppert Mark Good J. Graves Don Haile Dave Harrison
Junior Kathy Poage enjoys working on her " unobjective art".
Mike Gardner Gary Gerber Owen Goodenkauf Mark Green berg A. Hajek Garth Harrison
John Garrison Debbie Gass Karen Gilmore 'Richard Gilmore Mark Goral Gary Gotsdiner Pam Greenberg Barry Gridley Noel Hau Jim Hansen Randy Hartford Jim Hasler
Lewis Gaston Hollis Giesman Nikki Graber Donna Grimes Richard Hansen Kim Haws
Janice Headley Brian Heywood Tamasine Hope Bob Hurstad Rochard Jaworski
Michael Heavey Aolken Holl Barb Hord Jom Inserra Bob Jensen
Patty Heaton Sally Holl Tom Hosman Lynn Ireland Rock Jensen
Doug Hennongsen Susy Hlavacek Mary House Bruce Jacobson Sue Jensen
Gene Heckerman Diane Hort Connoe Hoth Elizabeth lrvon Steve Jensen
Pam Hermann Peter Hoefler Dave Howard Reod Jacobson Alana Jepsen
Lynn Herngren Kirk Hoffman Debboe Hoyt C James Neol Johnson
Becky Hesson Dave Holcomb Nancy Hultberg Ken Jarosz Jeff Johnson
Connoe Hetrock Sherry Holmquost Boll Hurd John Jarrett Joel Johnson
Lou Willing assures the students that Warrior basketball players will slaughter Prep.
WHS spirit aided by juniors
Kent Johnson Gary Kaminski
Tom Johnson Steve Kaldenberg
Sue Johnston Paul Kampfe
Laurie Kaul Pete Kinn ick Karen Kojdecki Steve Kucera Bill Lantz Julie Lay
Wayne Kaya Vern Klauman Douglas Kothlow Linda Kvamme Elaine Larimer Glenn Leapley
Hilary Keegan Carolyn Klemz Robert Koza Dave Lacy Susan Larkin M1chele Le Bron
Larry Jones Paul Kantrowitz
Jeanine Kahler Gayle Karabatsos
John Kahler Janice Karlin
Bob Keeling Sylvia Kleeman Steve Kratz Shelly Lane Beth Larson Barb Lee
Jeff Keyser Susan Kloop Steve Krause Connie Lang Mary Larsen Scott Lee
Eugene Kidder Lillian Klotz Karen Kravchuk Lisa Lange Karen Larson Carol Lefholtz
Ken Kaiser Debbie Katelman
Barb King Steve Knight Mark Krisinger Bill Langford Kirk Larson Doug Leigh
Pat King Kurt Knutson Roberta Krueger D. Langford Kathy Latimer Paul Leighton
Steve King Susan Koborg Nancy Kube Michael Lanoha Paul Lawson Debra Lecnard
Annual projects earn money for junior~
Mike Leonard Leslie Luebbe Sherri Mahurin Nancy Martin Mark Metcalf Gary E. Miller
Craig Limoges Nancy Lueder Tom Mailand Tom Martin Vicki Metcalf Jay Miller
Nancy Lochiano Gary Lyle James Major John Mason B. Meyers Bruce Milnikel
John Lodes Pat Lynch Dee Dee Malec Donald Mastny Laurie Mezger Jon Minkner
John Lot Colleen Lyon Cyntha Mangiameli Jim Mauldin Marsha Michael Kim Minnig
Kim Longley John Macchietto Robbie Marble Melinda Maxwell Michael Michalski Linda Mitchell
Janet Lorenz Kathy Mager Pete Marcuzzo Pam Melcher Alan Middleton Bill Minarik
Shelly Loseke Joy Magnuson Ross Margolen Judy Melius Doug Miller Doug Monroe
Kris Love Margie Mahacek Trudy Marshall Jeff Mellen Gary Miller Michael Mooney
Junior class play cast contemplates last minute acting instructions given by directo,
Karen Harkert pleased with her pie day selection, assures others of its fine quality. ~:
Dave Moore Nick Moustakes M. McCarthy Jeri McKimmey Diane Neis
Dennis Moore Kathy Mulick Kevin McCarty L. McKinnon Clarence Nejdl
Pam Moore Mary Murphy Bruce McClanahan Laura McManus Debby Nelson
Jackie Morgan Robert Murphy Kris McClendon Tom McManus Kathy Nelson
Nancy Morphew Tom Murray Marilyn McDonald Kevin McNabbs Lori Nelson
James Morris Tim Murray Mike McGillen Doug McNeil Ruth Neumann
Jim Morrow Dave McAvin Nancy McGu1re Betty McShane Pete Newman
Steve Morton Alan McAlister Sue McKay A. McQuirter Gary Newsham
Karen Mosbald Charles McCall Curtis McKean Barry Nash Debra Nielsen
Class enjoys skating party
Steve Petersen Steve Poll kov Martha Pressley Curt Renander
Vocki Petersen Tom Polito Donna Prestwoch Doug Roce
Sharon Peterson Janet Pomoanek Cns Quinn Kom Roce
Jill Nielsen John Oglesby Jeff Ostrow Tom Parks
Susan Nielsen Dailce Olberdong Ed Otto Laurel Paulson
Debbi Norby Robert Olson Steven Ozmun Unda Payne
Carol North Jerrell Onstead Virginia Padgett Kathy Pearse
Colleen O'Doherty James Oppold Reggoe Parkhurst Jeff Peter
Ed Ogden Dave Osborn Janet Parkinson Craog Petersen
Steve Peterson Condy Pondelis Cheryl Radol LaMarr Rochards
Ron Phelps Joseph Ponseigo Cleroce Randle C. Rochardson
Mark Piper Jeff Pools Mary Randolph D. Rochardson
Tim Pleiss David Powers Barb Rauch Larry Rochabaugh
Kathy Poage Dennos Powers Don Reed Paul Rox
Anita Poff Terry Pray Beth Remongton Dave Robo nson
Juniors add a new twist to their skating party.
Renee Robinson Diane Rockwell Andy Rosen Joan Ross Stephen Rule Sue Rushing Rich Rybin VIcki Sackler Sue Sampson Stacy Sandmann Babette Schl icker Mary Schmitz Tim Schultz Ricky Schwenk Leonard Scigo Donna Scott Bill Seidler Judy Sem inara
C. Rohrberg Chris Rowe Dave Russell Mark Salisbury Dave Santa Ana Steve Schmitz Wanda Schwenke Mike Scudder Steve Sem inara
linda Rookstool R. Roseberry Carol Rozum Diane Rudolfo Jean Ruther Jo Rutherford Michael Salser Pat Salmen Pam Scamperino Linda Schaefer George Schneider Rob Schulze Dean Sciford Kathy Schwetz Mark Secor Gary Sedlacek Debbie Sennentz Dave Serafini
Juniors begin new projects
BarbSueme Jodi Smith Joan Soucie M. Steingraber
Keven Stokke Mary Taylor Bob Timberlake J. Underwood
Rick Seume Joleen Smith Bill Spire Ten Stenstrom
0 . Stranhoener Martin Thieman Cheryl Tobias T. A. Van Cleave
Rebecca Sideris Steve Smith Barb Springer Don Stevens
Stella Sideris Sue Smith Dan Staley Lynn Stevens
M. E. Streisinger C. Thiesfeld Pat Todaro Bob VanCura
Bill Struyr M. Thoma Carre Trude Diane Vanderkolk
Rob Sistek Kathleen Smithson Cynthia Stamm Debra Stewart
Suzanne Skar Terry Sounderup D. Stang Laurel Steibler
Ellen Skeffington Dennis Sondker Suzanne Start Pam Stinson
B. Small Scot Sorensen Ricky Steele Claire Stites
Joan Summer Dave Thomas Louis Tuccillo Kelly Van Horn
Kent Swenson Tim Thomas Dave Turner Carla Vaughan
S. Tanner Bill Thompson Paul Turner Michael Veldman
Ron Tatreau Joan Thompson Janis Tweeton Carol Vice
B. Smidt Richard Sorum Susan Stehno Slnda Stofferson
K. Tauba K. Thornburg Gloria Ueding Dale Vlcek
Denise Vohoska James Watkins Craig West Cheryl Wiar Gari Wilson
Dixie Volcek Vaughn Watts Don Westerlin Don Wichman Rebecca Wilson
Greg Wadleigh M. Weaver linda Westphal Dana Widstrom Sue Wilson
Nancy Wahlstrom W. Weaver John Whinery Marilyn Weinert Dave Wondrasek
Debbie Walander G. Weidner Edina Whistler Bruce Wigodski Bruce Woodhull
Janet Walker T. Weingarten Debby Whitaker Doug Wigton Tom Woodworth
linda Walker B. Welch Bill White Barb Williams Gregg Wurdeman
Janice Walters Shirley Wells Bruce White Steve Williams John Zaiss
Russell Ward Kerry Wessberg Rex White Lou Willing Ray Zich
Gregg Zimmerman
Barb Zoob
Barry Zorinski
Joe Zuelein
Jeri McKimmy spends Thursday night decorating for games.
Not Pictured Don Adams Mike Alam Mike Anderson James Bonham Pam Bradley Mark Briggs Mary Cajacob Brenda Casper Jill Chamberlain Fran Custer James Derr Patrick Eberly Arnold Filter Howard Gaebel Mike Grau Deborah Ireland Cameron Johnson Donna Johnson Caroline Meadows Josephine Miceli
Barb Myers Mike McFarland Larry Newstrom Ellen Nielsen Randy Olson Karen Pauba Dave Preisler Mike Quinlan Steve Shneider Catherine Smyth Jon Stroble Rick Van Cura linda Wagner Sandra Wallahan Cheryl Wegner Doug Wilson Michael z ~路 Don Zellmt!r Jon Zellmer
Sophomores obtain new privileges, rings No longer was a class ring a symbol of an upperclassman. The class of 1972 broke the tradition this year and ordered their class rings in early winter. Except for Senior Keys , rings had been one of the few remaining upperclass privileges. Underclassmen elected their officers in the fall and started money making projects soon afterward. Following the established pattern of bake sales , sochops and game concession stands , the officers felt they had a good start on the 1971 Prom fund . In addition to P .E . lectures and Machiavelli's "The Prince," sophomores diligently studied their driving manuals and memorized the Pep Club constitution and demerit system. In early spring, registration for the 1970-71 school year began. Classes were scheduled with college requirements already in mind. Sophomore athletes composed a large percentage of Reserve and Junior Varsity teams, with hopes of making the Varsity next season. In the late spring, optimistic sophomore girls could be seen marching in the gyms before school or rubbing liniment on tired muscles , the price of marching unit tryouts . Throughout the year, the underclassmen strove to prove that "We're the best in all we do, the class of 1972." 104
Sophomore Class Officers -Bruce Bell, president; Chuck Stephen, vice president; Meredit
Mactier, treasurer; Lisa Brown , secretary.
Sophomore Class
Stephanie Abraham Donna Arnold Jerry Barrett Sandy Bekins Lenny Bergman Hal Blanton
Patty Aldrich Patty Aronson Judy Bauer John Bell Rory Berigan Rod Blaydes
John Allington Dave Ash Debbie Baumgart James Benak Richard Berkshire Karen Bloom
Pam Ames Angelo Badami Steve Baxter Sue Benke Dennis Bert Margie Bodine
Kurt Andersen James Badami Karen Beamis Dianna Bennett Bob Batterman Ron Bonacci
Marcia Gerelick blows it in becoming a typical bubblegummer.
Doug Anderson Dan Badeer Cyd Beardmore Kathy Bennett Tom Bihler Debbie Bosse
Ron Andrews Stacy Ball Ron Beber Rip Beber Corinne Blackman Tom Boughman
Marcia Angle Mike Barna Sue Beck Steve Bentson L. Blackenship Sue Bowen
Pat Arnold Bob Barrett Peggy Beisch Doug Berg Doug Blatchford Cindy Bowman
Sophomores gain new knowledge at
Pat Box Janet Broadhurst Carol Bruzek Karen Cain Don Carlson Nicole Chauche
Randy Bradley Sue Brock Grant Bryant Darla Caldwell Linda Carney Randy Chick
Jo Branch S. Brookstein John Bukacek Rod Caldwell Curtis Carrick Debbie Chick
Michelle Brase Dave Brophy Craig Burch Karen Campisi Doug Carson Cliff Christie
J. Bredensteiner Kim Brown Bob Buresh William Camby Bob Cassling Bob Clark
Michael Breazile Jeff Brown Bruce Burnham lucinda Campbell Charles Castle Melinda Clark
Mary Brennan Lisa Brown Gail Burris Sue Campbell Marcia Catania NinaCiow
Shirley Brice Linda Brown Shelley Bush Donna Capoccia Beth Chapman Debbie Coats
Steve Brinjak Lori Brown TomCambello Mike Carl Dianne Chasen Bill Coffey
An interested student, Craig Burch, diligently studies in the organized Science I.M.(
Sophomores think1about future years at Westside as they inspect newly arrived rings.
Denise Coggins Larry Cramer Cynthia Davis Kurt Doerr Ed Dudley
Steve Combes Tom Combes Tom Davis Dave Doll Don Duerkoop
Megan Combs Warren Daasch Sandy Deklotz Michelle Donovan Debbie Dunham
Mark Constantino Kim Dahmer Marc Delman Judy Dorf Debbie Durrant
Kathy Costanzo Diana Dalton Tom Depetro Barb Dorothy Liz Dwyer
Richard Costanzo Laurie Dammen Dennis Deporte Bob Drake Carol Eckman
Charles Cox Bcib Dana Tim Devlin Sally Drew Greg Edgman
Dick Coyne Carol Daudney Pat Dickey Danielle Dubuc Mike Edwards
Tom Craig Danny Dauner Dianne Dobson Cherie Ducharme Karen Edwards
Doug Gruze discovers new as well as old worlds with the microscope in Biology lab.
Betty Ehlers Ron Elsasser Mary Estey Bill Fenderson Danny Franco Debbie Gardner
Sally Einersen Linda Elsasser Randy Evans Debra Fieck Larry Freshman Steve Garey
Joseph Eisenberg Debby Elsasser Roger Falkenroth Bill Finley Susan Fried Richard Gates
Chris Ekholm Theresa Engels Barb Fallon Michael Finnell Nancy Frisbie Shelley Gaylor
Laurie Ekwall Sally Engler Steve Fallis John Fischer Dwight Frost Marcia Garelick
Debby Elafros Mary Ennenga Tom Fauth Molly Flemming Gary Fryar BevGibb
Margie Eliason Wilma Ennenga Gary Fay Scott Foresman Kevin Fullerton Irene Gibbs
Don Elbel Cynthia Enslow Allison Feeken Brenda Foster Don Furlow Chan Gibson
Martha Elliot Jane Estabrook Steve Felt Peggy Fowler Bob Gaines Pat Giller
'Jnderclassmen enjoy new opportunities
usan Gilmore arol Graham ruce Grewcock lan Hansen im Hawkins
Debbie Gilster Pam Graham Renee Grieb Jill Hanson Janie Hayward
Ray Golden Becky Grear Janet Griese! Marc Hanson Janet Hazlett
Greg Goodman Michael Green Doug Gruzo Gary Harper Michael Headlee
Michael Goodman Beth Greenberg Ton i Gulizia Beth Harrington Beth Headrick
Steve Goodrich Tessa Greene Dave Hajek Jim Harris Pat Heavey
:ophomore Randy Bradley and Junior Jeri Elofson participate in candy sales.
John Goodwin Russell Greenly Larry Hankey Pat Harvey Denise Hector
Steve Gotsdiner Debbie Greenwell Larry Hannagan Ester Hasler Jan Helgesen
Ellen Gottlieb Mary Greguska Laura Hanrahan Julie Haviland Mary Henderson
Pat Henderson Tom Hirt Marty Holmes Jane Huston Jeff Jansen Alex Johnson
Sue Henry Liz Hitt Lynn Hoogensen Warren Ihnen Lynn Jansen Ben Johnson
Terry Hermann Deann Hlavac Rosemary House Jennifer Iverson Judy Jefferies Dale Johnson
Micheal Herring John Hlavacek Bob Howard Betsy Jackson Tom Jenkins Judy Johnson
Gretchen Hess Clarke Hoard D. Huddleston Tom Jacobsen Sally Jenkins Karen Johnson
Bill Hill Howard Hoc hester Steve Hultquest James Jacobson Mike Jensen Nancy Johnson
Peggy Hineline Peggy Hoeper Brent Humphrey Robin Jacoby Ray Jensen Bob Johnson
Roger Hines Frosty Hoeper Mark Hunter Cindy Jani.,s Steve Jensen Steve Johnson
Jerry Hinkle Nancy Holland Margaret Hunter Diane Jansen Fred Jetter Dave Johnston
Sophomores Patti Aronson, Doug Berg discuss vacation plans with Howard Hocheste.
Class of '72 promotes unity
Fred Jolly Mark Jordan Jeff Kaplan Jon Ketzler Tom Kirchofer Shery Klippert
Janice Jones Max Jordan Fritz Karrer Randy Kilzer Ray Kirchmeyer Peter Knez
Mike Jones Bruce Kabat Vicki Katz Kathy Kincaid Jim Klatt Dave Knight
Stephen Jones Belinda Kaiser Nancy Keller Brian King Dave Klaus Andrea Knudsen
Sue Jones Steve Kaldenberg Richard Kemp Tom Kinney Sue Klasna Kathy Knutson
Terry Jones Sandy Karabotsos Debbie Kessler Dick Kirshenbaum Cheryl Klein Debbie Koborg
Rip Benson enjoys reptilian conversation.
Kathy Koetter Charles Kriesel
Ed Kolar Robin Krueger
James Kopecky Kathy Kubsch
Jean Kotlik Nancy Lakin
Thomas Koza Debb)e Lakin
Doug Kramer Jeff Langdon
Connie Kravchuk Cody Langford
Lorraine Krcmarik Shelley Krecklow Joleen Lanning Debbie Lapier
Sophs dominate in cafeterie:
The cafeteria serves simultaneously as a meeting place, study hall and lunchroo,
Brad Larrick Shawn Leary Doug Lincoln Sherry Lundgrer Janice Malashoc
Dave Larsen Sherry Lee Margaret Lind Gayle Lyle Bob Manchester
Pam Larsen Ronny Legino Theresa Lipelt Patty Lynn Tim Markel
Curtis Larson Steve Leinart Jo Lopsey Kathy Maas Kathy Markley
Bill Latenser Marie Lammers Sara Liston Rozanne Mac John Marston
Sue Laughlin Jenny Lemon Broan Lottie Jim MaCallister Sharrie Marts
Lmda Lawson Terri Lieber Barb Loers Meredoth Mactoeo SueMattonew
Paula Leacox Alan Lienemann Steve Lucks Vocko Macy Jom Mattson
Randy Leader Jane Lomprech Paula Ludwick Jom Maenner Doane Matya
Bruce Maxwell Cathy Messer Jack Mills Michael Morrison
Mike McCrillis Robin Nelson
111 Mazzei Laurie Meyer Jim Mitchell Fred Morrow
Steve McFarland Patty Newbanks
Joan Mead Bruce Meyers Joan Mitchell Kathy Mullenax
Mona Meader Bobby Meyerson Sharon Mitchell Linda Mullin
Dorinda McKnelle路 Harry McMaken Cynthia Newberg Beth Newell
Linda Melhorn M. Milenkouich Darrel Moreland Sandy Myers
James Meese Scott Michaels Diana Mooney Scott Murphy
Richard Melcher Carol Middleton Bill Moore Vince Murphy
Scott McMullen Roger Newman
Anajo McWilliams Ken Nelson \.1ark Nielsen Jerri Niver
)teve Combo, sophomore student from Mexico, creates a tasty treat for his lunch
Dave Mellor Pat Miller Anne Morin Paula McClure
Richard Merrill Steve Miller Cathy Morris Diane McCormick
Karen Nelson Karen Ncar
Chris Nelson Steve Noodell
Sophomores participate in school events.
Scott Norby Janet Oppold M. Pappenheiner Sue Peters Anne Polito Kirby Ralston
Pat O'Brian Sandra Oquist Roger Pardee Debni Peterson Nancy Pollard Mike Ralya
Steve Ocampo Sue Osborne Nancv Parks Eric Peterson Maureen Potts Barb Randolph
Francis O'Connor Mike Otis Vicki Pearce Pam Petersen James Primeau Mary Rankin
Bill O'Doherty Dick Otto Kim Pedersen Rick Pettigrew Rose Procopio Nancy Rathbun
Pam Ohert Jane Overton Ronnie Peetz Jim Pfeffer Barb Quam busch Shane Reedy
Sue Oliver Joan Padberg Carol Pelkner Anne Pflug Mark Raduziner Cindy Rehder
Randy Olson Mike Olson Debbie Panos Patty Palmer Carolyn Penney Mark Penry R. K. Piper Lana Pleas D. A. Raffensperger Mike Ragan Kris Reigle Scott Remington
Debbie Rice Jeanne Rodgers
Larry Rice Greg Roecker
Rick Richardson Tom Rogers
Bill Riehle John Romano
Jo Riva Kevin Rooney
Martin Robbins Karen Roos
Jon Roberts Laura Rowe
C. A. Robertson Sue Rowel and
Mr. Scheifer discu~~es second semester plans as well as E. F. F. E. week with Mark Scherer.
Jim Rowson Linda Sader Pat Scam peri no Sue Schoolfield Sally Sears
Jon Runge Julia Sadler Randy Schad larry Schone Jeff Seume
Debra Running Mark Saitta Mike Scheinost Bob Schorr Kathy Shaddy
Pete Russell Linda Samson Richard Schempp Wayne Schroeder Dave Schewanich
Frank Ryan Jerry Sanders Mark Scherer Peggy Schultz Debbie Shidler
Jim Sabin Beth Sandmann Cindy Schieber Mark Sch u pack WesShoop
Cathy Sacchi Carol Santa Ana Jeff Sci lord Mike Schwartz Nancy Skaug
Rick Sacco Joan Sargent Mike Schlotfeld Rod Schwenk Madeline Skoglund
Clayton Sacher Liz Sass Bob Schnaidt Cathy Scott Dave Skrivanek
Underclassmen elect queefi
Bill Skultety Peggy Smith Larry Stamm Don Steele Michael Storm
Nancy Slabaugh Rickey Snail Terry Stamm Charles Stephen Debby Storz
Sue Slaight Herman Snipes Dave Stanbro Paula Stevens Connie Strandlund
Joe Sloan Sue Sorenson Dennis Stark Tom Stilmock Nancy Stowell
Debbie Koborg, sophomore wrestling queen candidate, comtemplates another victory.
Marsha Susman Dave Terry Shirley Trigg
Barb Swanson Debby Thacker Toni Troia
Jewel Swenson Barbie Thomas Mike Troia
John Smid Jeff Spiegal Craig Starr Dave Stites Dave Stump
Nick Syslo Bill Thomas John Tully
Sonja Tallaksen KrisThuman Gayla Turco
Dan Tank Jeanne Titus Jerry Underwood
Dick Tasich Phil Tomek Sue Upchurch
Dick Smith Mike Staenberg Rex Stastny John Stokke Dick Suiter
Doug Tatreau SueToth Julie Vaaler
Beth Taylor Linda Treat GeorgeVana
Marla Van Bosklrk Craig Vohaska Eddie Weber C. Westenskow
Jitll Vanderkolk Rick Walstrom Eric Weiner John Westering
Kathy Vandervort G. Wamsat Dick Weinert Larry Wetterberg
Bob Vanness Gloria Ward Marc Weinstein Ronnie Wheeler
Bob Vanderahe Jim Vaughn Wayne Waterman Wayne Waterman Sandra Weiss John Welch Ruth Widstrom Richard Wilcox
Arne Voila Bernard Waters Scott Wells Charles Wilhelmi
Linda Vlach Thos Waltonville Cory West Mike Williams
PeggyVogt Mike Wayne Terry West Nina Williams
Mark Wilson Michael Wolf
Philip Wilson Diane Woodcock
Steve Wilson Bob Woodle
Mark Winstrom Ann Woodworth
Sue Wirka Marian Wright
Dave Witt Anne Wyatt
Cheryl Wohlner Doug Wynne
Diane Wilson Ken Wolf
Nancy Zandbergen Nancy Zart
Richard Zastera
Debbie Zimmerman Steve Zulfer
SOPHOMORES NOT PICTURED Patty Aronson Gena Auxier Thomas Baughman Tom Becker Joyce Berglund Ron Bergstrom Joseph Bevins Mike Biczak Sue Powers Mae Bozannz
Michael Breazile John Bukacek Diane Cook Bob Dana Grace Favara Rosanne Fisher John Garlock Liz Gerd Sheila Gillies Tom Grothe
Steve Jurgens Sue Karabotsos Kevin Kelley Scott Kelly Ron Kolasky Janice Hawkins Lance Harkey Mike Hybl Robin Johnston Kathleen Lappat
Banks Liltenser Catherine Lay Keith Livingtone John Lyons Ronald Madison Ann Mitchell Darrel Moreland Anne Morin Kirk Mulfly Tom Neal
Lori Wintroub Rinda Workman
Debby Oleary Clifford Parker Randy Peck Cindy Pignotti K. A. Quinlan Dave Quirk Gary Roffman Donna Sacher Sheldon Sadofsky Donna Seidl Richard Sendgrafl Mark Sheets Debby Sherman Joe Sloan Peggy Schultz Nancy Slabaugh Roy Smith John Stewart John Tallon Jody Vestal John Ward John White Liz Whitely C. Wofford
Aroused feelings on the grid iron lead Fred Sacco to a confrontation at Burke.
VARSITY FOOTBALL RECORD Westside 34 ..... .... .... Rummel 14 Westside 6 ..... ........ Bellevue 41 Westside 6 .. ......... .. Prep 12 Westside 32 .... ... ...... Ryan 14 Westside 6 ........ ..... Tech 14 Westside 7 .. ... .. .. . ... Burke 21 Westside 17 ... .. ........ North 6 Westside 24 ...... .. ..... Lincoln 0 Westside 16 ... ... ....... T . J . 0
Trainer Pat Venditte applies care to Ton Neubauer's leg while watching the game
Silent thoughts amidst the locker room confusion are helpful to Tom Campbell
----=--- - - - -
Winning season for varsity
Defense coach Jim Riley and lineman Tom Campbell observe from the side.
Homecoming saw Westside score first, and lead 7-0. Burke stymied any other score as well as the teams chance to be in the conference play-off game as they defeated the Warriors 21-7 . After five consecutive losses to the North Vikings the football team defeated North 17-6, a game that coach Jim Riley labeled "the best effort between the backfield and the line." Blitz was the word for their last two games as the Warriors beat Lincoln High 24-0. Then finished their season with a 16-0 win over the TJ Yellow-Jackets. In outstanding performance tnis year were seniors Roger
" Small, but tough," the line prevented many tacklers from breaking through .
Schat, Tom Pate and Jim Rose. Schat and Pate were on the all Metro line-ups . Pate had the greatest amount of unassisted tackles 76 and 47 assisted tackles . Rose was the greatest gainer in yardage as he carried for 521 yards with 106 carries, an average of 4 .2 yards gained with every carry for the entire year. New to this year's coaching staff was coach Dan Klepper. He commented on his line as being both "tough and little." As a summation of his team coach Don Johnson concluded that "we were in every ball game except the Bellevue game."
'69 squad lacks '68's size
Stopping Prep passes with a block, junior Rich Rybin cost Prep several incompletes.
Short comments from backfield coach Louis Miloni, bring about defensive gains.
On fourth down when a kick is needed, Tom Pate lends his best foot for the cause.
VARSITY FOOTBALL-Front Row: coach , Don Johnson, Jim Rose, Terry Oberst, AI Tohill, Trent Quinlan, Rick Gilmore, coach Lou Miloni. Second Row: coach Jim Riley, Bob Musil, Phil Grahm, Gene Heckerman , Don Darst, Doug Leigh , Scott Leigh , coach Dan Klepper. Third Row: Jim Watkins , Doak Fowler, Bill White, Randy Horn , Steve Burke , Dan Hubbard, Fred Sacco , trainer Pat Venditte. Fourth Row: Glenn Steinhausen , Steve Anderson, Steve Kucera , Gregg Stanway, Dennis Raffensperger, Tom Neubauer, Steve Williams, Jeff Poots, Bruce Wigodsky. Fifth Row: Jerry O'Hagan , Matt Letter, Larry Brown, Bill Hickman , Mark Carlton , Tom Campbell, Bob Wolte math , Dan Czja , Roger Schat. Sixth Row: Randy Thatcher, Vaughn Watts , William Vicek, Mike Gardner, Jeff Anderson, Tom Pate, John Coburn , John Garrison , Rich Rybin, Rick Walker, Ed Kolar.
Leaving his backfield open, a Bellevue Chieftian tries to pull down Mark Carlton.
Coach Paul Anderson counsels Jeff Jensen in his next moves against Lincoln
JUNIOR VARSITY FOOTBALL RECORD Westside 12 ......... South 27 Westside 20 ......... T . J . 0 Westside 21 .. ... .. .. North 6 Westside 6 .... . ... .Burke 15 Westside 12 ......... Ryan 21 Westside 12 ..... .... Rummel 8 Westside 8 ......... Tech 0 Westside 28 .. ...... .Lincoln 7
Garth Harrison pulls down a Tech Trojan who threatens the JV's i'5uchdown territory
JUNIOR VARSITY FOOTBALL-Front Row: Bill Coffey, Steve Schmitz, Bill Moore, Gene Kidder, William Spire, Jim Harris, Bob Clark; Second Row: John Whinnery, George Vana , Steve Kucera , Randy Chick, Garth Harrison. Joe Sloan . Jeff Jensen, Marty Holmes ; Third Row: Larry Cu-
sick, Doug Blatchford, Dave Combs, u ick Hanson , Steve Kn ight, Gar} Kam inski, Chan Gibson ; Fourth Row: Larry Shone, Jon Stroble, Gregf Wurdeman , Gary Brown, David Beck, Bill Gurnett, John Mason.
=lESERVE FOOTBALL-Front Row: Bud Goodman , Dave Stites, Pat Wazzey, Denney Deporte, Mike Schwartz, Tom Davis; Second Row: 9ave Kn ight, John Hlavacek, Jim Benak, Bill La tenser, Mike Hybl, Larry Aletterberg, Jerry Underwood; Third Row: Steve Felt, Bruce Burnham,
Jim Vanderkolk , Jack Garlock, Steve Combs, Scott Remington , Scott Norby ; Fourth Row: Tom Neal , Jerry Sanders , Steve Garey, Bi ll Skultety, Mike Jones, Rick Richardson , Scott Michaels.
Second year shows results
:oach Don Meredith instructs Pat Mazze •ith winning strategy against South.
Sub-varsity's second year was successful in its records as the Junior Varsity ended the season with a 5-3 record. Reserve ended their year with a 3 -3 -1 record, with the sopho mores' only tie going to Burke as neither team scored. The team's record is the best in two years . Coaches for JV were Paul Anderson and Gene Rupp, a student teacher from Kearney State College. This year, the coaching ability of Bill Hass was added to that of Don Meredith in coaching the Reserve team.
letermined Reserve team members look toward the future as well as the game at hand.
Coach Anderson reflected that the JV had a good effort from all the players with several sopho-· mores on the starting line-up. Commenting on the Junior Varsity team , coach Anderson said " the boys showed a lot of spirit within the team itself." Coming from junior highs , the Reserve team members adapted well to high school sports , according to Coach Meredith. RESERVE FOOTBALL RECORD Westside 14 .......... ... South 6 Westside 15 ... ......... .T. J . 0 Westside 41 ..... ...... ..North 0 Westside 0 ..... ........ Burke 0 Westside 6 ...... ..... .. Ryan 12 Westside O ..... . . . ... .. Rummel 21 Westside 0 .... .... ..... Tech 30
CROSS COUNTRY - Front Row: Coach Bob Moscrey, Gary Lyle, Randy Barton , Bernie Bailey, Randy Hlavac, Roger Newman ; Second Row: Steve Larrick, Bill Doney, Bill Hill, Doug Miller, Mike Ragan , Scott
Carson ; Third Row: Rick Berkshire, Bernie Waters , Jim Giltner, Riel Schulze, David Jones, John Lodes.
''Best team 1n five years.'' "One of the best teams I've ever seen," was Coach Bob Moscrey's reflections on this season's Cross Country team. In dual meets they were defeated only once, by Burke. They tied with Burke and North for the American Division title. Metro saw three Westsiders placing first, Rick Schulze, second, Bill Doney and third place Bill Hill. "This," commented Coach Moscrey, "was by far their best meet." As an outstanding member of the team, Moscrey credited senior Rick Schulze with this accomplishment. Rick was defeated only once, at State where he placed fourth . State was disappointing but
with three returning qualifiers; Bill Doney, Bernie Bailey and Gary Lyle Coach Moscrey hopes to have a chance at the title next year.
CROSS COUNTRY RECORD* Westside 10............... .. ... Tech 38 Westside 11.. .............. ..... ... TJ 31 Westside 15 .............. Bellevue 21 Westside 19.. .... .. .. ........ Burke 17 Westside 13 .......... .. .... ... Ryan 26 Westside 14 ........... ... Rummel 28 Metro Invitational..... .. ....... .. . 2nd Metro Tournament .... .. ... .. .... .. 1st District ..... .... ............ ........ .... .. 1st State Tournament ...... .... .... .... 5th *Low score indicates winner
One of Rick Schulze's first place occurred at the meet against Nortt
Finishing his cross country trek, Randy Barton finishes behind his Viking foe.
"he disappointed look on Coach Bob Moscrey's face reveals his feelings after his team took fifth at the State Meet.
GYMNASTICS RECORD Westside 26 ........ Prep 86 Westside 30112 ........ South 801!2 Westside 52 ........ Burke 60 Westside 86 .. .... .. Ryan 26 Westside 77 ...... ..Tech 34 Westside 36 .... ... .North 76 Westside 52 ....... .A . L . 60 Westside 51 1/2 ........ Central 60 1f2 Westside 35 ... ... .. Rummel 77 Metro ..................... One Qualifier
Head over heels, Tim Crouch tries to accumulate qualifying points for State Tournamen:
GYMNASTICS TEAM-Front Row: Coach Frank May, Larry Wheeler, Tom Mancuso , Mike Leonard, Martin Thieman , Russ Young , Rick Haefer; Second Row: Steve Stark, Mark Jordan, Brian Harden, Warren
Ihnen , Marty Robbins, Mike Parker; Third Row: Ph il Ray, Gary Dick Bowen, Mark Andich, Tim Crouch,Mike Upchurch .
lhne ~
Tim Crouch's feeling of disappointment with the results of the District Meet is evident.
Gymnastics falls as fall sport
Mike Upchurch demonstrates his ability at a back lever to become a State qualifier.
When gymnastics became a fall sport it was supposed to make it possible for more swimmers and wrestlers to participate. This advantage became a disadvantage when it came time for a choice between football and gymnastics . State qualifiers from last year; Gregg Wurdeman and Dennis Raffensperger decided that football was more desirable at this time and thus the team lost two returning lettermen. Senior lettermen Tim Crouch , Larry Wheeler , Mike Boe and Steve Brown did return. Metro saw Tim Crouch place tenth in free exercise and Larry Wheeler qualified in the prelims but did not make the finals. The record for the year was 2-7 as the team lost against Prep, South, Burke, North, A.L., Central and Rummel. They scored vic tories over Ryan and Tech. In the district meet Tim Crouch and Mike Boe qualified for the preliminaries but failed finals .
Mike Boe executes a difficultmanueveron the sidehorse in the meet against South .
Stretching to return a serve, junior Peter Kinnick becomes a part of a doubles duel.
Tennis is junior Scott Baker's racket as he strains the "cat-gut" to win a close match
TENNIS RECORD Westside 5 .. ... .... .......... ... South 0 Westside 5 ...... ....... .. ......... Tech 0 Westside 4 ... .. ........ .... ..... Burke 1 Westside 4 ............ .... ..Rummel 1 Westside 3 ... .. ............... Benson 2 Westside l.. ... . .... . . . . .. ........... AL 4 Westside 3 .. ... ..... .... . .. ..Lincoln 2 Westside 5 ..... . ...................... T J 0 Westside 5 .. ..................... Ryan 0 West side 3 .............. ........ North 2 Metro Tournament ..... ..... .... .. 2nd State Tournament ..... ............ 2nd
TENNIS TEAM - Front Row: Gary Miller, Scott Baker, Gary Gotsdiner, Mike Staenberg, Terry Van Cleave; Second Row: Dick Kirshenbaum , Steve Gotsdiner, Peter Kinnick, Steve Gerdes, Chuck Stephen, Coach Paul Nyholm.
Tennis team nets 9-1 season "We've had a very good year," comments Coach Paul Nyholm as he looks back on their 9-1 season record. They tied for second in the State Tournament, having beat Central for American Division title honors. Central then cost Westside the Metro Tourney with a match score of 3-2. Coach Nyholm commends senior Steve Gerdes as his most out-
standing player. Steve was undefeated in all his matches except for State. At State Steve placed second. Nyholm also cited his doubles team of Peter Kinnick and Scott Baker as having done a fine job in all their matches . Expectations for next year are "very good" as far as Coach Nyholm is concerned.
ary Gotsdiner, points his way to better 1rving form against all his opponents.
Second place State singler, Steve Gerdes serves his opponent with a difficult time.
Cagers bounce bunnies Keeping their fans guessing as to what they'd be doing in the next game seemed to be the theme of this year's Varsity Basketball team. Coached by Mr. Jim Riley, the cagers bounced from first to completely off the ratings and then edged back on in ninth place after defeating the sixth ranked Fremont team. Top-rated Prep saw the sharper side of the Warrior's ability as Dave Grantham and Andy Graham led the scoring that slashed the Bluejay defense . North brought the Westside five back to earth, downing the elated players, 69-64 . Rummel and TJ were slated to go down in defeat as the Warriors raised their record to 3 -3 . Central caught the swift-paced team and passed them, 65-61. Burke was the next victim of
the red and black tide as Westside swept over them , 60 -5 7 . Fans were on the edge of their seats for an entire evening, as the team edged past the Benson Bunnies, 51 -50. South followed in the footsteps of the lost, as they were defeated, 61-59 . One point also was the margin, but of defeat, as Ryan overtook Westside the next night, 54-53 . The Warriors ended the regular season with a 13-7 record after beating Hastings, 76-67; AL, 81 65 ; and Fremont, 54-41. Boys Town got their revenge for last year's 67-55 licking, and topped the Warrior five . Post-season hopes died the first night of Class A district tournaments at Ralston . North High Vikings repeated their previous triumph and ousted the Warriors, 61-58.
Randy Horn works a good defense as he tries to aid in the win over the Rummel Raiders.
Rick Seume appears to be walking on < as he tries to sink it for two against A
With Dave Grantham approaching from the rear a Knight has a moment of indecision.
Struggling for control of the airborne ball are Andy Graham and a Tech High Trojan .
VARSITY BASKETBALL RECORD 59 Westside 57 ...... .Tech Westside 60 ....... Lincoln High 64 Westside 70 .. . .. ..Bellevue 45 Westside 63 .. ..... Prep 42 Westside 64 ....... North 69 Westside 7l .. ..... Rummel 42 Westside 66 .... . .. T .J . 62 Westside 6l. ...... Central 65 Westside 60 .. ..... Burke 57 Westside 51 .. . ... .Benson 50 Westside 61 .......South 59 Westside 53 ....... Ryan 54 Westside 76 .. ... .. Hastings 67 Westside 81 ....... A.L. 65 Westside 68 ... .. .Fremont 53 Westside 65 ...... Boys Town 70 District Westside 58 ...... North 61
Not sure the shot will fall, forward Rick Sueme calmly awaits a rebound against Burkt
BASKETBALL TEAM-Front Row: Gary Newsham , Steve Burke, Randy
Horn , Rick Walstrom , Ric Sueme, Glen Harless , Paul Jessen , Dave Grantham. Second Row: Coach Ron Huston , Glen Steinhausen , Andy
Graham , Tom Pate, lrv Dana , Jeff Sueme, Terry James , Coach Ji, Riley.
Prep bows to Westside
Guard Randy Horn rides high while creating excitement in an early victory over Bellevue.
Anticipating a tight game against Tech , Paul Jesson uses expression to guide the ball.
Eyeing the basket, Terry James reflects.
JUNIOR VARSITY BASKETBALL RECORD Westside 61 .. ... ..... .. Tech Westside 45 .. .... ... ... Lincoln Westside 69 ........... . Bellevue Westside 55 .. ...... ... . Prep Westside 65 .. .. .... .. .. North Westside 37 ...... ...... Rummel Westside 52 ......... ... Tee Jay Westside 61 ...... ..... . Central Westside 58 ....... .. .. . Burke Westside 57 ........ .. .. Benson Westside 51 ......... ... South Westside 51 .. ......... . Ryan Westside 80 .... ..... ... Hastings Westside 43 .. ...... .. .. A .L.
46 40 35 51 54 50 44 35 62 56 43 39 46 66
J. V. shows skill, ends 12-4 Although sophomores dominated the J .V. team this year, "it's probably been the best team in four or five years," boasted Junior Varsity coach Ron Hutson. Mr. Huston also commented that team prospects for the next two years seemed bright if the boys continue to improve. Gene Heckerman was the lone junior starter, while sophomore Jeff Seume led the team in de-
fense as well as rebounding . Leading J .V . scorer was Rick Walstrom. Both Seume and Walstrom were promoted to the Varsity team in mid-season. The Junior Varsity record was 12-4, with losses coming at the hands of A . L ., Burke, Rummel and Boystown. With the exception of the Benson game, all J .V . victories showed a ten or more point span .
JUNIOR VARSITY BASKETBALL - Front Row: Mike Olson , Gene Heckerman , Steve Schmitz, John Lodes, Joe Sloan; Back Row: Scott Carson , Ron Andrews, Doug Blatchford, Larry Schone, Rick
Berksh ire , John Colburn , Randy Chick.
Scott Carson lunges to recover a turn over made by the Burke Bulldogs.
Watchful opponents gaze as Rick Walstrom leaps for the basket and a score.
qeserves finish season victoriously RESERVE BASKETBALL RECORD Westside 52 ... ........... Central Westside 48 .............. Benson Westside 49 .. ........... .Bellevue Westside 54 .............. Prep Westside 50 .............. T .J . Westside 73 ....... .... ... North Westside 49 .............. Burke Westside 4 7 .... .......... Ryan Westside 5 9 .... .... ...... Rummel Westside 6 6 ... ... ........ Tech
IESERVE BASKETBALL-Front Row: Brian King , Bill Latenser, Chuck Cox, Rick Sacco, Mike lalya, Mark Hunter, Phil Tomek; Back Row: Steve Gary, Chuck Stephen, Don Carlson, Mark
lie/son , Dick Wilcox, Jim Maenner, Coach Paul Anderson .
Nestside's offensive manuevering by Randy Chick against Tech provides two points.
43 42 31 52 36 36 61 39 34 58
Consistency and poise were an underlying factor contributing to the Reserve team victories this year. In a majority of the games achieving Warrior victories were difficult, with the boys behind in the early stages of the game. Emphasis waE placed upon developing defensive skills in each player . The Reserves run the Warrior Press and then employ man to man coverage to insure further pressure. Leading the scoring and rebounding for the sophomores this year was Chuck Stephen. Mike Ralya, another promising sophomore player, led the team defensively.
Tankmen recapture state championshi{. Six first places out of eleven events and a total of 297 points proved Westside to be State swim champs for the fourth time in five years. Craig Limoges, Dan Hubbard, Chan Gibson, and Scott Graham broke the relay team record at 1:42 .1. The freestyle relay team also broke a record, taking first in the event with a 3:24.4. Individual record breakers were Randy Hartford, Roy Smith, Al McAlister and Dan Hubbard. Diving gave Westside a fourth and sixth place by Phil Ray and Scott Baker respectively. The State meet was no surprise after having captured the District and Metro crowns. The entire season went well for the tankers , winning their entire 15 meet program. Coached by Cal Bentz and Don Meredith, the team worked out before and after school, in addition to Christmas vacation. Practice paid off for eight swimmers who became AU-American following the State meet in Lincoln.
With perfect coordination , a senior heads towards breaking another Metro record
Swimming Record Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside Westside
83... Ryan 7 84... North 11 57...Burke 38 79 ...T .J . 13 61. .. Lincoln High 34 55 ...Benson 40 63 ... Sioux City 32 Central 25 Westside 72 ... Ralston 14 Westside 81.. .Central 23 Westside 72 ... Rummel 14 Westside 81. .. Fremont 0 Westside 86... Tech Westside 81.. .Bryan 14 Westside 54... Prep 41 Metro ......... ... .... ... ..... .... .... ... First Division Relays .. .......... ...... .First State..... ... .... ... ...... ... ...... ... .... First
Alert for a coach , Dan Hubbard rests from a workou
" We 're number one" echoed while the team gave visual proof of their state title .
Confident in his style, Craig Lamoges pulls in another first.
Metro swimmers set their minds on the championship while Timers check watches.
Team hopes for ten All-Americans
A precise start proved a first place . VARSITY SWIMMING: Front Row: Jeff Jansen , Scot Sorenson , Bill Coffee, Dave Gloor, Mark Sherer; Second Row: Scott Belknap, Bob Clark , Chris Ga/lison , Mark Wigg , Mark Trustin , Rip Benson ; Third Row: Terry Stamm, T. J. Holms, Tony Troia , Paul Tuner, Roy Smith , Mike Jensen , Doug Grudz, Doug Wigton , Phil Ray, Coach Cal Bentz; Fourth Row: Jim Huston , Bill Seidler, Scott Baker, Steve Beckwith, Scott Lewis , Andy Jones, Larry Brown ; Fifth Row: Tim Markel, Mark Gallison, Gary Lyle , Pete Cassling, Steve Williams , Brad Vaughn , Jayme Breenly; Sixth Row: Josh
Compton, Mark Olderog , John Filkins, Dan Hubbard, AI Schempp , Mark Krisinger, Coach Don Meredith : Back Row: Jeff Anderson, Craig Limoges, Scott Graham , Randy Hartford, Gary Rock路 wood, Chan Gibson .
Von Wolf strives for new dead/itt record
WEIGHT LIFTERS-First Row: John Adams, Rick Von Wolf, Garth Harrison ; Back Row: Rick Gilmor, Bill Hill, Gregg Wurdeman , Vaughn Watts.
Determined to break the dead lift record, senior Rick Von Wolf practices daily at the pool.
A WestOmahaclubsponsoreda new organization this year. The Optimists "fathered" the Weight Lifters , agroupofboyscombining athletics and physical prowess . Mr. Dan O'Connor, history instructor and interested boys worked in the summer to earn sponsorship. Their first experience as a group came a few weeks later at a clinic they sponsored for all interested boys . Practice was held behind the pool area with the cooperation of swim coach, Cal Bentz. Workouts were held after school and left to the discretion of the participates. Senior Rick Von Wolf broke the world deadlift record during practice and had Mr. O'Connor's backing to break it in a power meet. The weight lifters feel they have the best set of York weights in Omaha and hope to obtain an exerciser for isometric and isotonic exercises.
Koborg takesstateat98/bs. "This is one of the best balanced squads I've ever had," commented Coach Lou Milani about his 196970 Varsity Wrestling Team. The grapplers captured third place at the North High Invitational and firsts at Lewis Central (Ia.) and Millard. They went on to add two seconds at the Metropolitan and District tournaments . After four consecutive District triumphs, the Warriors were edged out by a single point by an improved Papillion team. A disappointing State Tournament held one ray of victory in 98-pound senior Gene Koborg. Koborg captured the State title in his weight class after defeating Rod Ord una of Lincoln Southeast. Koborg lead the team with the best record and the most pins; he also took the District title in the 98 lb. weight class. The only other member of the squad to make it into the State finals was Terry Oberst. The 123pound senior, who claimed a first in his weight class at the District Finals, finished with a second in the State competition. District honors were also gained by Fred Sacco, (175), adding a first place to Westside's score; John Barrett ( 130), taking
Coach Miloni gives Oberst a few pointers on a riding position.
second; and Tom Campbell ( 165) and Randy Thatcher (heavyweight), winning third place ratings . Depth and experience were added to the squad by the seniors who made up all but four of the weight classes . They included tricaptains Gene Koborg (98), Dave Lanoha (107) and Tom Campbell (165). Others were Terry Oberst (123), John Barrett (130), Trent Quinlan (155 ), Fred Sacco (175) and Randy Thatcher (heavyweight). VARSITY WRESTLING RECORD Westside 24 ......... .Bellevue 18 Westside 20 .. ........ South 17 Westside 22 .. ........ TJ 22 Westside 21 .. ........ Boys Town 27 Westside 35 ... ....... North 8 Westside 36 .......... Burke 8 Westside 25 .. ........ Tech 19 Westside 39 ... ..... .. Rummel 9 Westside 30 .. .. . ..... Ryan 12 Westside 19 .. ...... ..Benson 22 Westside ... ....... Lincoln 15 North Invitational. .. .... .......... 3rd Lewis Central Invitational. .... 1st Millard Invitatioi.tal .. ............ 1st Metro Tournament ... ... .......... 2nd District . ... ....... .. .... .... .......... ...2nd State ... ...... ................. ........... 7th
Going for a pin, Dave Lanoha tries a predicament.
VARSITY WRESTLING- Front Row: Larry Jones Mike Lanoha , Gene Koborg , Dave Lanoh~ . Terry Oberst, Coach Lou Milani; Second Row: Dave Knight, Tom Campbell, Fred Sacco , Bill White , Randy Thatcher, John Barrett.
A loss in the last four seconds to TJ foe by one point causes TerfyOberst unhappine
JV mat rats end season wei/J gain ability This year's Junior Varsity Wrestlers grappled to an 8 -3 record, losing only to top-ranked T .J ., Boys Town and Benson. Coach Ron Fehr commented that several of the sophomores showed promise for the next season. Included are Dave Hajek, Kim Hawkins , Bob Howard and Bill Skultety. Also cited was Dave Knight who wrestled on the JV squad in the 155 pound weight class and on the varsity at 145 . Also to be retained by the 197071 squads will be juniors Gene Kidder, undefeated in his dual matches ; John Stokke , a first place winner at the South Invitational (89 lbs .); and Marty Theiman (137 lbs .) who wrestled with the varsity squad at District. Junior Tom Johnson also wrestled in Varsity weight class at 165 lbs. for two dual meets and will return to add depth to next year's team.
JV wrestler Marty Theiman works for a good hold to use for a win over his Benson enemy.
JUNIOR VARSITY WRESTLING - Front Row: Coach Ron Fehr, Steve
Fallis, Kevin Stokke, Gene Kidder, Bob Dana , Marty The iman ; Second Row: George Vana , Jim MacAllister, Bruce Woodhull, Tom Johnson , Dave Hajek, Rich Rybin, John Allington; Th ird Row: Randy Evans,
Bill Skultety, Bob Howard, Gary Harper, Peter Marcuso, Scott Wells , Ron Bergstrom .
JUNIOR VARSITY WRESTLING RECORD Westside 32 . ....... ..Bellevue Westside 28 .. .... ... .South Westside 22 .. ... .. ... TJ Westside 18 .......... Boys Town Westside 49 ... ... ... .North Westside 29 .... ...... Burke Westside 46 .... .. .... Tech Westside 28 ... .. .. ... Rummel Westside 29 .. . .... ...Ryan Westside 21 ... .... ... Benson Westside 44 ...... Lincoln High
14 16 24 29 2 16 8 17 15 29 8
Low Men upset Charlies; win 1970 title The Low Men captured the 1970 Intramural Basketball Title by upsetting the Wong Cong Charlies , 49-33. Jay Skukert led his winning team consisting of seniors Jim Hopkins, Chuck Petersen, Dick McCormick, Ross Stafford, Steve Keist, Rod Gibson, Ron Weiss, Bill Pfeifer, Lou Meigs and Gordon Lind to a 10-0 record for the season. Sponsors Mr. William McCormick , Mr. Bob Klein and Mr . Roger Hoffman refereed throughout the tournament, with the help of Mr. Pat Venditte. Of the estimated 230 boys who played, senior Lindy Stalder was the high scorer for the season, while Mark Carlton took the same honor during the champion game.
Anything goes as Gregg Stanway tries to tackle Jim Rose, while Mark Mezger pushes off.
Jim Fruhwrith secures the ball from teammate Ralph Baggiani as their opponent lunges.
Going up for the score, Dennis Moore is inadvertently charged by Chuck Thomas .
NATIONAL LEAGUE Team W-L Low Men ... .......... .. . .. ........... .. 1 0-0 Hot Airs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 -1 Fancy Larks ... .. ......... .. ... ...... 7-2 Hot Fudges . .. ......... ............... 6-4 Baccardi Eight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Bluejays ..... . .. ...... ........... ...... 4-5 Clever Boys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -5 Royal Flush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Mules ...... . ..... ... .. ...... ...... ...... 3-6 Born Losers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8 Lost Cause ... .. ...... ... .. ... .. ... .... 0-9 AMERICAN LEAGUE Team W-L Wong Cong Charlies ... ... .. .. ... 9-1 Dirigibles ... ..... ... .................. 7 -2 Gatoradors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2 G . R . I. T ... .... .... ..... ... .. ...... .. ... 7-2 Horn Squad ... ..... ............. ..... 6-4 Long Jumpers ..... ..... .... ... .. ... 4-5 Marvel Men . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Mirages .............. ... ... .... .. ...... 3-6 Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7 Soul Brothers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
Jim Foertsch proves that jumping jacks help as he rebounds over Dave Combs.
Representing the ideal "Warrior Woman," senior Kathy Lynch was chosen 1970 Yearbook Queen. Service to the school, participation and scholastic abilities were all necessary requirements for nomination. The 1970 SHIELD staff nominated five senior girls. Each yearbook purchaser was allowed one vote for the candidate of his choice. Kathy was seen throughout the school participating in activities that involved her class and fellow students. Clubs , and extra-curricular projects filled her remaining free time. Especially active in Thespians, she served as secretary in her senior year. Initiation into National Thespians and performance in the Junior Class Play proved her talent. Secretary of her senior class completed her years of activity. 150
Kathy reigns as '70 Queen; Shield candidates versatile
Micki Winstrom
Scholastic interests ranked high in Micki's life. She served as vice-president of Z-Club as a junior and was president in her senior year. Micki was also inducted into National Honor Society as a junior. A member of the Spanish Club and International Club, she also participated in Pep Club, GAA and Concert Choir. Musically inclined, Jennifer took part in Top Choir and held the lead in the '69 musical, "Iolanthe." Leadership seemed natural for Jennifer. President of French Club, she also served as treasurer for Top Choir and president of Quill and Scroll. Pep Club, Z-Club, National Honor Society, International Club, and page five editor of the LANCE filled her busy schedule.
Linda Burke
Jennifer Harvey
Kris Hansen
Language gets top honors with Kris. As a three year member of International Club, she served as president in her senior year. Induction into National Honor Society as a junior, and membership in Z-Club proved her scholastic abilities. Participation in Pep Club, Ski Club, and Art Club lent expression to Kris' high school years. Student government and JV cheerleading filled Linda's time. On Student Council in her sophomore and junior years, she was elected to the student Advisory Board as a senior. Linda generated spirit as a senior JV cheerleader and was elected Homecoming Q ueen . Warrior Voices, GAA and Thespians completed Linda's list of activities.
Homecoming Royalty-Linda Burke and Jim Rose
152 of Aquarius' dawns '70 Homecoming
:andidate Debbie Dieterich is presented to the Pep Club by her escort, Andy Jones.
Homecoming '70 was off to an early start as the traditional parade left the Countryside Church parking lot October 3 . First place went to Drill Squad's float, with a theme of "Ring Around Ryan". Second and third places went to Band and Z-Cl u b-Key-Club, respectively. Discarding tradition, Pep Club postponed the bonfire till later in the season. Warrior fans were rewarded with a 32-14 victory over Ryan. Drill Squad sang in accompaniment to the band as they treated the crowd to their own version of "Marne" at half time. Weeks of planning and decorating greeted students as the "Age of Aquarius" dawned under stars, moons and zodiac signs. Completing the weekend was the announcement of Homecoming King, Jim Rose. The varsity footballer in turn crowned his Queen, JV cheerleader Linda Burke.
OMECOM/NG CANDIDATES - First Row: Susie Hawkins, Lana Limbaugh , Diane Fallis, Trent Quinlan , AI Tohi/1, Roger Schat; Second ow: Debbie Dieterich, Dawn Ingles, Nancy Rice, Randy Horn , Terry Oberst, Bob Woltemath ; Back Row: Barb Wagoner, Kristy Engle~rt, Lyn Wallin , Mark Carlton, Dennis Raffensberger; Not Pictured: Tom Pate.
High from the weeks excitement, senior Nancy Tweeton finishes last minute touches .
Framed in an exuberant moment, paraders lend spirit, drive while enjoying themselves .
Hectic days result in unforgettable week
Pressing their team to VIctory, the SHIELD-LANCE staffs contribute to parade festivities
Squad's first-place float appears to be stuffed with a bevy of beauties, intent on a win .
First tie in powderpuff history; final score Despite a shortage of players, the senior women fought the juniors to a 14-14 tie, the first in Powderpuff history. The Class of '71 scored first on an interception by Colleen O'Doherty. But the seniors were not to be outdone and quickly followed with a touchdown by Ann Barber. JoAnn Rutherford recovered a fumble and made the next touchdown for the juniors. The final senior touchdown was made by Julie Wilson. A last at-
tempt was maae路 by the seniors after they gained possession but the clock ran out and the final score was 14-14. During the game, tension was relieved a little when a senior player, Ann Barber called time out for equipment repair. She was forced to change shorts with teammate Linda Burke after they were ripped beyond repair. Following tradition, the Powderpuff King was crowned after the game. This years' choice was senior coach, Al Tohill.
Dianne Kammerer completes a pass to
Senior Julie Wilson tries to outsmart
Warily eyeing theis foes, the teams line up as the members are called and the ball snapped.
reads 14-14
Rita Post in an early Saturday practice.
1969-70 Powderpuff King-A/ Tohi/1
the junior tacklers with her footwork.
Practicing new plays, the senior defense ponders the advisability of a quarterback sneak.
Sweetheart Royalty-Dave Grantham and Nancy Rice
SWEETHEART CANDIDATES-Front Row: Micki Hill, Kristy Engelbart, ~nn Flemming , Diane Fallis, Susie Hawkins, Debbie Dieterich ; Back
Row: Barb Wagoner, Paul Jessen, Terry James, Andy Graham , Tom Pate, Dawn Ingles ; Not Pictured: Lyn Wallin .
Sweetheart royalty reigns at Mardi Gras ~rown
bearers Lynn Riley and Mark Huston get a head start at their high school dances.
Spring flowers and lampposts replaced the usual hearts and roses at the Sweetheart festivities as this year's theme was "Mardi Gras ." The climax of the evening was the naming of the king , Dave Grantham, and his Queen, Nancy Rice. They were crowned following the traditional procession of all the candidates. Unlike any other year, the 1970 Sweetheart dance was an ap parent financial failure . This was due to the low attendance. The dance was held much later in the year and on the same day as the State Swim Meet.
Melinda Clark , Nancy Parks and Julie Haviland create a springtime atmospher1
Valentines replaced by spring flowers Susie Hawkins , one-half of WHS 's own " Odd Couple" e presses her joy, as she and Andy Graham join in the festivitie
Having a stare-down was only one aspect of the eventful Sweetheart evening for sophomore Linda Carney and junior Mike Grau.
raise money while students dance
lal/flowers, not only girls , are abundant after game soc hops.
anel and Fred tind soc hopsacalmplaceto listen
Keeping an eye out, Chris Warne and Sue Lawson challenge the library's silence policy.
Catching a breath of American air, Chris Warne is oblivious to any Nebraska pollution.
Fabio appears to be dtJep in thought as he strolls between mods on his way to class.
Australia, Italy, Sweden represented Ringwood, Australia and Trieste, Italy are the homes of this year's AFS students , Chris Warne and Fabio Pasian. On her first trip outside of Australia, Chris, staying with the Frank Lawson family , found America all she had expected it to be . "Modular scheduling was a bit confusing at first, but it's really a good system," said Chris. Italian, Fabio Pasian, staying with the Bernard Carltons, described his WHS schedule as "easy" compared to his old one. In Trieste he was required to take ten subjects and attend school six days a week. Tomas Ledin is the Swedish foreign exchange student, staying with the John Nelson and John Marshall families under the "Youth for Understanding" program. Coming from Skogsfruvagen, Sweden, Tomas was very active around school and participated in the Humanities talent show.
Drawing on his experience, Tomas begins sketching while trying to catch the light.
Fabio and Brother Mark appear to be listening intently to sounds from the language lab.
Original folk songs and ballads performed by senior Linn Miller highlighted the show.
The art of modernistic dance is displayed by junior Sandy Wallahan to the tune of roc .
Spirit of '66 performs to a small audience On December 5, students were given the chance to display their "own thing" at the annual "Spirit of '66" Talent Show. A total of 16 acts, ranging from dance numbers to big band arrangements, were presented. The CJB played "The Stripper" and "Young Man With The Blues"; Herb Vermaas presented "Laura" on the piano ; Eric Fried performed a violin solo, "Vietti Concerto"; the Chamber Choir sang "Shadrack"; and Carol Felkner pounded out "Chui, Chui" on the marimba. Margie Eliason and Debbie Coats twirled in a baton duo while Coleen Carson, Barb Carman, Nancy Rice, Barb Martin and Diane Gunia danced the "Charleston". Junior Barb Dohnal sang "Mira" and Sandy Wallahan danced to "Hawaii Five-0"; the String Quartet played "Rondo" by Mozart followed by the folk trio of Seniors Val Jernstrom, Molly Spire and Linn Miller. "Waltz of the Prophets" by the CJB topped things off. The entire show was organized by Mr. Don Schuler, choir director.
Seniors Molly Spire, Valerie Jernstrom and Linn Miller harmonize three different ways.
Fourteen Chamber Choir members stick their necks out by singing " Shadrack" off-key. ~
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Fine Arts
Company of "Merton of the Movies" Merton Gill ............. Clayton Abel Amos G. Gashwiler ...... Jim Major Elmer Huff ................ Tom Busch Tessie Kearns .. .... Barbara Myers Casting Director .. .... ..... ........ ........ Diane Rockwell J . Lester Montague ............. ........... Steve Anderson Sigmond Rosenblatt ...... .. ....... ............ Tom Johnson Weller ..... .. ... ....... ...... Gary Miller Cameraman ........... Scott Belknap The Montague Girl ....... ..... .. ... .......... Amy Gassman Harold Parmalee ... Barry Gridley Beulah Baxter ...... Suzy Hlavacek Mueiel Mercer ............. Barb Zoob Jeff Baird ............ .... Lou Tuccitto Mrs . Patterson ............. Sally Hill Mr. Walberg .... .. ..... Tom Mailand Max ............................. Eric Fried Student Assistants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Janet Lorenz Jeff Ostrow Publicity ....... .Chrissie Theisfeld Costumes .. .... ........ .. Pam Melcher Set ....... ..................... Shelly Lane Props .. ... ....... .......... ... Kris Grady Make-up ..... ........ .... Stella Sideris House Manager .. .... Kathy Poage
Sally Hill calls on her many inner resources to put a ringing tonal quality in her lines .
Marianne Graham finds that putting the extra touches on an actor's face takes time.
Addressing a clotheshorse, Clayton Abel protects a young girl.
Determined not to let the show fold, Mrs. Anna Clark irons problems after dress rehearsal.
Projeqted sets new in Junior Class play An innovation in stage production was incorporated into the Junior Class Play this year. Projected scenery, the use of movie projectors and screens , used along with old style honky-tonk music. A movie was shown before the play, which was produced entirely by students. It intended to bring the audience into the mood of the play. "Merton of the Movies", written by George S. Kaufman and Marc Connelly, is about a small town boy, enchanted with the idea of becoming a serious actor in Hollywood and goes there to make his dream come true. His first encounter with Hollywood is discouraging until he signs a contract with a comedy film-maker under false pretenses. He makes it big in comedy and the play ends happily when Merton decides to make comedy his entire career.
)erenaded by Eric Fried, Barb Zoob uses sweeping arm motions to polish her performance.
Nina Williams relates to the audience the perils of having a son who is " the Bag".
THESPIANS OFFICERS - Clockwise: Midge Mattson, treasurer; Mike Nelson , president; Kath Lynch , secretary; Clayton Abel, vice-president.
Thespians ''worthy of honor' Thespians Club became international this year, and the Westside chapter showed its pride in the club by trying to promote more interest in the dramatic arts. Led by President Mike Nelson and Vice-president Clayton Abel, the club began its year by holding the traditional candlelight ceremony to induct new members. Fifteen inductees promised "to be worthy of the honor of Thespian membership". Members kept their promise, with the evidence being their attendance at the presentation of "Man of La Mancha" at the Music Hall on November 5, and their performance of "A Christmas Carol" on December 18. It is not surprising that many interested Thespians were seen throughout the year in convocation skits . They are able to earn points by also participating in stage crews and pantomines. Most Thespians also held lead roles in the annual One-Act plays Feb ruary 12. Six acts were presented in the Little Theatre, including an original, "Euthanasia", written by Mike Nelson. 170
Vivette Pullum , Edna Eyespy, accuse~ "I know that man, that man ' s a spy "
Robin Darst plays a college prof, insisting that an unusual pupil in class does not cheat.
INTERNATIONAL THESPIANS-First Row: Barb Dohnal, Evelyn Perry, Linda Westphal, Amy Fortner, Nina Williams , Patty McDonough; Second Row: Diane Rockwell, Esther Hasler, Lou Willing , Amy Cassman , Barb Myers, Nancy Lakin, Bob Hurstad, Jean Farris; Third Row: Lisa
Brown , Jeff Peter, Nancy Johnson, Colleen Kelly, Steve Anderson, Nancy Rice, Barry Gridley, Rob King , Donna Scott, Chris Warne , Robin Darst, Lynn Stevens, Molly Spire .
ART CLUB-Front Row: Denise Olvin , secretary; Wendy Weaver, treasurer; Nancy Beal, president; Bert Deems, vice-president; Kathy Zorko; Second Row: Hilary Keegan , Dian Chastian, Pam Melcher, Janet Olds, Teresa Ehlers, Kris McClendon, Vince Boucher; Third Row: Carole Bull, Nancy Pollard, Recca Larson , Laurel Paulson , Sue Stehno , Becky Chandler, Marlene Czaja ; Back Row: Bruce Woodhull, Laurie Stiebler, Steve Patterson , Linda Westphal, Jeff Peter, Bob Darnell.
Designing their Homecoming Volkswagen "bug", Art Club spots a misplaced eyelash
Mixed reactions are shown on the faces of Hilary Keegan , Dian Chastian ,Jeff Peter andJir Foertsch during a critique session where many student's work is judged by club member. 172
Art Club boasts creative floats, stationery Led by president Nancy Beal and vice-president Bert Deems, Art Club began its year by participating in the annual Homecoming Parade. Members spent seemingly endless hours trying to transform a borrowed Volkswagon into a "ladybug" by making cellophane wings, antennas and eyelashes . During the final months of 1969, members designed stationery, psychedelic posters and signs . Posters were also made to help boost the wrestling season. A bake sale was held in January and during bi-monthly meetings members sought to keep a display of student artwork around the school at all times. Members also vis ted Joslyn Art Museum to learn different artists' styles. "The purpose of Art Club this year," summarized Nancy, "was to have fun and to get more kids interested in art."
':;/ub president Nancy Beallooks discouraged, sure that the weight of the job is ahead. "Janey Beal tells steps to be taken , as Bert Deems and Wendy Weaver stand their ground.
NATIONAL FORENSIC LEAGUE-Front Row: Spenser Brookstein , Doug Gruzd, Joe Lipsey, John Fischer; Second Row: Stephanie Abrahams, Debbie Durrant, Dave Hannigan , Mike Schwartz, Kathy Dalton ; Third Row: Dave Brophy, Dianne Matya , Nancy Lakin , John Agee; Back Row: Rick W:1.lker, Marc Delman, Paul Leighton , Owen Goodenkauf.
New coach Mr. Gowens confidently polishes a trophy, knowing the Westside debators will shine.
NOVICE DEBATE-Front Row: Mary-Beth Davidson, Joe Lipsey, Doug Gruzd, Bruce Meyers; Second Row: Spenser Brookstein, Debbie Durrant, Dave Hannegan , Mike Schwartz; Third Row: Marc Delman, Stephanie Abraham, Nancy Lakin , Dianne Matya; Back Row: Jim Harris, Doug Leigh, Bob Meyerson, Dave Brophy.
fohn Zaiss practices his presentation, as Mr. Gowens and debators check his facts .
feads debate squad into forensic frays A new debate coach, Mr. Charles Gowens, led the Novice and Varsity debaters to several wins this year. Novice debaters Nancy Lakin and Dianne Matya took second place at the G .O .L.D. tournaments December 5 . Spenser Brookstein and Marc Delman joined them to win a second place trophy at the Beatrice tournament November 15. At the Coe College tournament January 13 and 14, Dave Hannegan and Mike Schwartz were undefeated, and went on to win a trophy at Norfolk on February 7 . Mr. Gowens said that debate is for "the promotion of the use of public speech for the good of the school and community." National Forensic League, an honorary for debate and speech achievement, had approximately 50 members . Participation in speech contests and district tournaments are qualifications for earning a pin. Junior Sam Clark makes sure his facts will hold up under fire by rearranging his cards.
Shield Staff up dates format; 1970 was a year of change for the Westside SHIELD. Breaking away from tradition, the staff chose colors never used before on the cover. Adaptation of mosaic layout served as the basis for the book . Pictures were grouped to the center of the pages , with the copy towards the outside . Following the annual journalism banquet, and the appointing of the small fourteen-member staff, students began working on advertising sales and layout plans . 路 During free mods, staff members made appointments with teachers , administrators , and students . Providing an inspiration for this year's staff was the fact that the 1969 SHIELD earned top first class ratings in the National Scholastic Press Association Contest.
SHIELD STAFF- Sitting: Anne Ridenour, Laurie Hargitt, Nancy Gould, Sara Otis, Anne Monen ,
Organizations Editor Bob Darnell creates
Regaining sanity, Advisor Mrs. Carol Tilson has the deadline in the palm of her hand.
becomes 98% more unique
Joe O'Sullivan, Pat McDonough , Chris Blackman, Lori Arnold; Standing: Gregg Dimmick, Bob Darnell, Carole Bull, Tom Wheeler; Not Pictured: Laurie Brain
a look of organization while cropping.
1970 SHIELD Staff Editor ... ..... ....... . Gregg Dimmick Associate Editor ..... Nancy Gould Faculty Editor ... ....... Patty McDonough Academics Editor .... ..... Sara Otis Student Life and Index Editor ............ ..Anne Ridenour Fine Arts Editor .. ..... .Carole Bull Organizations Editor ...... .. .... ........ Bob Darnell Sports Editor ... ..... .... Lori Arnold Senior Editor ....... Laurie Hargitt Underclass Editor ... Anne Monen Advertising and Sales .. ...... .... ...... .. Laurie Brain Business and Promotion ..... .Chris Blackman Photography Editor ..... .... ...... ... Tom Wheeler Photographer ... ....Joe O'Sullivan Advisor . .. .. ....... Mrs . Carol Tilson
Gazing over the list of ads sold, Editor Gregg Dimmick adds a few selling tips.
1969-1970 LANCE Staff Editor ............... Kathryn Denney Associate Editor .. Rick Patterson Business and Advertising ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .Greta Gibbs Page l.. ................... Dave Nelson Page 2 ................. Rick Patterson Page 3 ..... ............ Chuck Thomas Page 4 ....... ............ Marc Hechter Page 5 ............... Jennifer Harvey Page 6 ................... Lindy Stalder Page 7 ................... Steve Larrick Page 8 ............. Bob Van Boskirk Artist ............................ Jeff Peter Ad Salesman .............. Bob Steele Copy and Proof Editor............... . .............................. Lynne Udes Circulation and Exchange ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Julie Jacobson Photographer ........... Jim Huston Advisor ........... Mrs . Carol Tilson
Marc Hechter leans back, after exercising
'Effectiveness of the Lance Bob Steele and friends take a moment out to learn the ancient art of " chalking it up".
Kathy Denney pauses to hear a suggestion.
is writer's rights.
LANCE STAFF - Counter-Clockwise: Chuck Thomas, Lindy Stalder, Lynne Udes, Bob Van 8oskirk, Steve Larrick, Jennifer Harvey, Greta Gibbs, Marc Hechter, Bob Steele, Jim Huston , Julie Jacobson, Rick Patterson , Kathryn Denney. on reader, writer' Meeting the demands of the indi vidual reader was the main concern of the LANCE staff this year. "LANCE serves the school, but its effectiveness is as equally dependent upon the reader as it is upon the writer," reflected Editor Kathryn Denney. Various staff members attended several conferences this year. Among them was the Creighton University Roundtable Conference, held October 11 . Area newspapers were critiqued, in addition to the LANCE . On November 20 the LANCE staff and other Journalism students began an exchange with Southeast High School in Lincoln. The journalism department participated in a breakfast and general orientation. Two members of the staff went to journalism clinics last summer in preparation for working on the paper. Kathy attended Kansas University's School of Journalism, and photographer Jim Huston attended Ball State University in Illinois .
'ter frequent insults from his peers, ave Nelson appears grim.
QUILL and SCROLL-Front Row: Kathryn Denney, Greta Gibbs, vice-president; Jennifer HarveJ president; Lynne Udes; Back Row: Dave Nelson , Gregg Dimmick, Bob Darnell, KOIL represent< tive; Nancy Gould; Not Pictured: Steve Larrick, Rick Patterson .
ELECTIC Staff-Sitting: Joan Summer, Barb Dohnal; Back Row: Mike Scudder, Beth Greenber! Barry McDonald, Mary Anderson, Jim Anderson.
Eclectic, Quill and Scroll: combines talent The ECLECTIC staff, a unique combination of talented students interested in creative writing , spent the major part of the year reading poetry submitted for publication. In comparison, Quill and Scroll spent their year putting out the student directory. The honorary society for high school journalists was also responsible for the journalism banquet at which the 1971 LANCE and SHIELD staffs were announced. New Quill and Scroll members were inducted twice this year. They had to be in the upper onethird of their class, and had done superior work in some phase of journalism. The ECLECTIC staff accepted poems during the first semester, instead of the half-semester deadline date which has been used in the past. Sponsor of ECLECTIC, Mr. Don Kolterman summarized the purpose of the literary magazine by saying, "It is a student voice somewhat .creative". Quill and Scroll annually picks one of its members to be Westside's KOIL representative. This year's broadcaster was Senior Bob Darnell. laney Gould appears to have supreme distaste for a fellow student's suggestion .
:arry McDonald characterizes a "Poet in a lime of love ... whistles dances oh so joyously".
Publications photographers, artists aid Although LANCE and SHIELD staffs are often credited with all the work on the publications , two other groups; photographers and artists work diligently be hind the scenes. This year, publications photographers were given academic credit as well as a chance to learn "by doing". Classes were held once a week and during free mods the pub photographers helped in the darkroom by developing and printing pictures. Students were also drawn from the art department by the LANCE to do cartoons, fashion illustration and advertising art. Artists received no academic credit since all work was voluntary. Journalism teacher, Mrs . Carol Tilson commented that the students participating in these activities got a chance to learn by "applicable experience."
PUB PHOTOGRAPHERS-Front Row: Jim Hirt, Theresa Foran , Jim Rasmussen ; Second Row: Bruce Berrigan , Gary 路Gerber; Back Row: Tom Aust, Kurt Anderson, Mike Williams, Gary Miller,
Jon Minkner.
Gary Gerber perches on top of a roof, determined to get a bird's-eye view.
Cartoonist Jeff Peter is bent on doing only his best drawings for each publication .
'70 staffs
Positive it needs change, Gary Miller checks a negative. for an editor's early deadlines.
Drawing three years of art courses together, senior Nancy Nye begins to ink-in a line drawing for an ad.
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Westside 's Orchestra poses with guest conductor Dr. Marvin Rabin after the clinic. Eric Fried, Steve Goodrich, Nancy Hultberg, Debbie James, Marilyn McDonald, Evelyn Perry; Viola: Julie Dickmeyer, Jim Dickerson, Barb Dohnal, Jane Huston; Second Violin: Lori Brown, Barbara Dorothy, Patty Elliott, Marsha Michael, Nancy Stowell, Charles Wilhelmj ; Cello: Gail Baxter, Laurie Ekwall, Gary Gerber, Mark Hunter; Bass: Max Jordan, Scot Marshall; Harp: Carolyn Long; Flute: Sue Groth, Barb Hard; Oboe: Ed Leach, Vicki Peterson ; Clarinet: Jean Hansen , Kathy Pearse, Stewart Walker; Bassoon: Debbie Kessler, Kathy Svehla; French Horn: Rhonda Abbott, Dennis Carson, Ross Stafford, Jim Watkins; Trumpe t: Rikki Anderson, Jon Lof, Rick Previtt; Trombone: Scott Belknap, Mike Craren , Randy Hlavac ; Tuba: Bill Thompson ; Timpani: Randy Adams; Percussion: Ron Phelps; Director: Mr. Harold Welch . WESTSIDE
Annual clinic highlight for Westside's Orchestra became involved inmanyeventsthisyear, with the highlightbeingtheirperformance at the Orchestra Clinic. The annual clinic was held February 10, and the guest conductor was Dr. Marvin Rabin of the University of Wisconsin. In March, members played for the Westside musical, "HMS Pinafore," and on April 24 they played at the District Music Contest in Fremont. The 1970 String Quartet appeared on National Educational Television, January 16, and also played for five Norfolk Public School concerts . Mr. Harold Welch, conductor, reflected that the String Quartet performs "twice as much as any performing group in Westside." Concert Jazz Band, led by Band director Mr. Darwyn Snyder and student director Erika Anderson, played at the Stage Band Clinic Feb. 22, and also participated in Westside's annual "Spirit of '66"', and the Warrior Downbeat.
'70 Orchestra
:TRING QUARTET - Laurie Ekwall, Barb Doh Jal, Debbie James, Eric Fried.
CONCERT JAZZ BAND - Front Row: Bruce Cabot, Randy Bradley, Randy Adams; Second Row: Bruce McClanahan , Max Jordiin , Lynn Jansen , Scott Kelly, John Lof; Curt McKean, Bob Schorr, John Agee, Scot Marshall; Third Row: Rikki Andersen, Woody Fiske, Stewart Walker, Scott Belknap , Mike Craren , Lynn Ferguson .
To crowds in the stands, the 1970 Warrior Marching Unit was a symbol of enthusiasm.
Bands play locally,statewide Keeping in step with national performers, Marching Band participated in the Barnum and Bailey Circus Parade November 4, along with members of the marching units. Auditioning for the State Clinic Band and Orchestra began early in the year, and selection of some Concert Band members took place. Mr . Darwin Snyder, director and sponsor of Top Concert Band, is certain that there are "definite educational goals as well as the enjoyment of creating music" in the classes and band clubs. In studying to become candidates for Warrior Wind Symphony, members of Reserve Band obtain points by playing solos, participating in small groups, making posters, or being librarians and uniform helpers.
Usually "on the march ", Ed Leach is stepping out of the ordinary while posing.
Randy Hlavac plays to his heart's desire, while entertaining parents and students.
RESERVE CONCERT BAND-First Row: Ann Pflug, Susan Klasna , Cori Blackman, Beth Newell, Kathy Scott, DeAnn Hlavac, Patty Lynn , Steve Baxter; Second Row: Lori Wintroub , Bruce Kabat, Jim Benak, Carol Eckman , Laurie Meyer, Claire Stites, Sheila Gillies, Bev Gibb , Judy Bauer, Andie Knuasen , Susan Sorenson , Debbie Kessler, Karen Edwards , Debbie Shidler; Third Row: Larry Cramer, Robin Jacoby, Rod Schwenk, Cliff Christie, Jeff Langdon , Max Jordan , Thomas Fauth ,
E. Miller, Dave Turner, Randy Hlavac ; Fourth Row: Debbie Franco , Nicky Bender, Bob Larson , Mike Butler, Henry Jarrett, Dave Harrison , Rikki Andersen, John Lot, Don Haile, Bruce McClanahan , Dana Widstrom , Sue Smith , Owen Goodenkauf, Vern Klaumann , Ed Ogden , Mike Grau, Tom Bicak, Lee Chalupa , Woody Fiske, Bill Thompson , Mr. Darwyn Snyder, Randy Adams, Joe Bolen , Kim Rice , Mike Magnuson , Kirk Hoffman, Ron Phelps, Carol Pelkner, Bob Hurstad, Carolyn Long.
CONCERT BAND-First Row: Sue Groth , Amy Fortner, Carre Trude , Carol Boyd, Lori Brei tag, Barb Hoard, Nancy Morphew, Cheri Wiar, Debbie Coe; Second Row: Jean Hansen , Stewart Walker, Kathy Pearse , Joan Thompson , Laurie Stiebler, Ross Stafford, Ann Renander, Jim Watkins, Dennis Carson , Rhonda Abbott, Lynn Ferguson, Jim Ruse, Gary Miller, Vicki Petersen , Ed Leach ; Third Row: Connie Blackman , Doug Carson , Marilyn Moylan , Jeff Peter, Linda Stofferson , Kathy Erdenberger, Dave Barnhart, Doug Henningsen , Kent Swenson , Gary
Svehla, Scott Belknap, Mike Craren , Rick Brown , Jerri Niver, Jani Jerri Niver, Robert Gaines, Scott McMullen , Bob Schorr, Sue Schoolfield, Gary Roffman, Bob Cassling, Bob Manchester, Jim Vanderkolk , Kurt Larson , Howard Hochester, Lynn Jansen , Mike Olson , Scott Kelly; Fourth Row: Clark Hoard, Carol Pelkner, Mike Schlotfield, Vince Murphey, Mike Goodman , Mr. Musick, Mr. Darwyn Snyder; Not Pictured: Diane Dalton , Randy Bradley, Steve Felt, Laurie Hanrahan .
CONCERT CHOIR - Front Row: Mary-Beth Davidson, Shari Boelter, Becka Wilson, Debbie Coe, Mary Taylor, Carol Crawford, Nancy Case, Clarice Randle, Nicole Bender; Second Row: Marianne Graham , Stacy Snadmann, Nancy Martin, Dee Dee Malec, Pam Scamperino , Mary Murphy, Gayle Karabatsos , Gail Davis, Jan Hankins, Joy Magnuson , Amy Gassman ; Third Row: Cheri Wiar, Jeri McKimmey, Linda Rook-
stool, Mary Alice Borghoff, Shelley Line, Beth Newell, Nancy Hultberg, Diane Vanderkolk , Kathy Poage, Ginger Farley, Liz Cervenka, Karen Gilmore; Fourth Row: Linda Payne, Cris Engler, Kelli Engelbart, Julie Butler, Colleen Richardson , Beth Bowerman , Tammy Hope, Karen Mossblad, Barb Lee, Debbie Nelson, Barb Myers, Sue Jensen , Jeanette Brown;Not Pictured: Amy Fortner, Karen Harkert.
Oratorio, ''Messiah'' top Top Choir's year The Warrior Voices, otherwise known as Top Choir, combined with Chamber Choir November 3 to present the Oratorio Concert and the Spirit of '66 December 5 . Top Choir also presented the " Messiah" December 15, and a Holiday M usic Concert at two junior highs . Concert Choir competed in the State District Music Contest April 24, along with Girls' Sextet and Boys' Quartet. Chamber Choir performed at Wayne State College February 20, and the Warrior Downbeat Feb ruary 24. Four girls' sextets, two triple trios , one girls ' quartet and Mad rigal Choir were called upon at various times to take up special assignments .
CHAMBER CHOIR - First Row: Terry Van Cleave, Jennifer Harvey, Carole Bender, Linn Miller, Jeff Taxman ; Second Row: Molly Spire, Kristy Engelbart, Mike Craren , Marilyn Mc Donald, Dan Darst, Third Row: Ellen Thornton , Bob Hurstad, Sally Kruse, John Lof, Billie Wilson ; Fourth Row: Deanna Streeter, Ron Tatreau , Mike Bowerman , Midge Mattson , Ira Wolfson ; Not Pictured: Ginny Slabaugh, Kurt Edwards, Bonnie Getty, Mike Mirendorf.
BOYS' QUARTET AND GIRLS' SEXTETS-Front Row: Bob Hurstad, Jeff Taxman , Don Darst, Ron Tatreau ; Second Row: Jennifer Harvey, Valerie Jernstrom, Kathy DeLong, Marilyn McDonald, Carole Bender, Dian Gunia ; Third Row: Babette Schlicker, Kristy Engelbart, Ellen Thornton , Deanna Streeter, Sally Kruse, Midge Mattson .
TOP CHOIR-Front Row: Jeff Taxman , Paul Kamfe , Debbie Lakin , Mary Berounsky, Jill Nielson, Carole Bender, Linda Westphal; Second Row: Lee Chalupa , Mike Craren Terry Van Cleav, Connie Hoth , Melinda McCauley, Linn Miller, Nancy Morphew, Tom Johnson, John Lof; Third Row: Bob Hurstad, Ginny Slabaugh, Becca Sideris, Debbie Smith, Nan
Lueder, Patty Poage, Kathy Delong, Ann Splittgerber; Back Row: Vaughn Watts, Gregg Wurdeman , Mike Bowerman , Midge Mattson, Lyn Wallin , Deanna Streeter, Jan Fischer, Billie Wilson , Coleen Lyon , Carey Wheeler.
TOP CHOIR-Front Row: Laurie Stiebler, Carol Amidon, Joan Summer, Barb Zoob, Lou Willing , Dave Nelson, Doug Henningson, Bruce Erickson; Second Row: Arlene Gendler, Jennifer Harvey, Sue Larkin, Dian Gunia , Barb Dohnal, Peggy Sellner, Barry Gridley, Don Darst, Paul Leighton; Third Row: Molly Spire, Linda Burke, Valerie Jernstrom,
Marsha Michael, Marilyn McDonald, Barb Carman , Mark Metcalf, Jeff Johnson ; Back Row: Bonnie Geddie, Kristy Engelbart, Margie Mahacek, Debbi Schreiner, Ellen Thornton , Babette Schlicker, Sally Kruse , Sally Hill, John Coburn , Ron Tatreau , Dave Bockne/1.
Linda Burke voices an idea for the Homecoming float while taking Board notes.
Voting on an amendment, president Jay Shukert retreats from an onslaught of hand
3oard-Forum plan for 1970
lgging for a decent proposal, Jay Shurt pleads with eighteen bored members.
Determined to get more students involved, the Student Advisory Board and the Forum started off the year with the objective, "creating the best learning atmosphere we can". The Forum consisted of selected members from each homeroom who were concerned with voicing the students' requests. Proposals were put forth to senior Jay Shukert, who then turned them over to the Advisory Board for recommendation. The eighteen-member Student Advisory Board led by senior Gordon Lind, concerning themselves with Forum proposals, met bi-monthly. The senior lounge and the picnic tables were two of the many projects dealt with this year. These provided a place for informal study during free mods . Revisions in the dress code and cafeteria rules were also tackled by the Forum members . Due to Forum action, a clock was also installed in the Social Studies I.M.C. to aid students in "mod figuring" .
Sophomore Howard Hochester offers a few criticisms on the topic at hand.
Gordon Lind wonders where time went Reading the minutes of the last meeting.
"UDENT ADVISORY BOARD-Front Row: Milo Krichbaum , Bob Howard, Dick Wilcox ; !Cond Row: Ron Epstein , Sherry Stone, Jeri McKimmey, Gordon Lind, president; Third >w: Mike Olson , Gene Kidder, Steve Kucera , Jay Shukert; Back Row: Suzanne Start, Carol ·awford, Nan Lueder, Linda Burke, Howard Hochester; Not pictured -Jennifer Iverson,
•nie Hayward.
Pillows, candy turn to profh
INTERNATIONAL CLUB OFFICERS-Clockwise from upper left: Debbie Dieterich , Jennifer Harvey, Midge Mattson, Peggy Ferris, Kris Hansen, president; Karen Sondker, secretarytreasurer; Mary Stitt, Becky Wodder, Joan Yaffe; Not pictured: Don Darst, Molly Spire.
Composed of all language clubs, this year's International Club contained approximately 250 members. Their major project was the financing of the exchange students, Chris Warne and Fabio Pasian. President Kris Hansen and secretary-treasurer Karen Sondker directed many projects路 such as the WHS pillow sales and candy
sales held early in December. Members could make poster and sell candy in order to ear their eight points for a pin. Men bers from other language clut could earn additional points b attending all International Clu meetings. This year, International Club Homecoming float displayed th theme, "Roll Over Ryan".
Latin -JCL attest: Latin lives To prove Latin is not a dead language, president Midge Mattson and secretary-treasurer Peggy Ferris provided the members with many worthwhile projects throughout the year. Members could make posters, work on Latin Club bake sales, and attend all meetings in order to earn the eight points necessary for a pin. The candy sales went into full swing in December, and many boxes were sold to students.
Dr. Widosky, AFS representative, addresses Latin Club on Latin today.
Most of the Latin Club members participated in the bake sale held December 10 while others sold King's Food Books earlier in November. A car wash and bake sale were two of the projects which helped Junior Classical League send a representative to theN ational JCL convention. When asked about the advantages of JCL, president Molly Spire reflected, "It helps a person understand the Roman culture".
Mrs. Julie George not only teaches Latin, but is a/so the sponsor of Latin and JCL Clubs.
LATIN CLUB-First Row: Midge Mattson, president; Peg Ferris, secretary-treasurer; Alan Young , Joe O'Sullivan , Bob Steele; Second Row: Gary Newsham, Diane Wilson , Nancy Rathbun , Kathy Ma rkley, Diane Vanderkolk; Third Row: Branna Hartung, Fabio Pasian , Mary Kay Forsgren , Jim Maenner, Doug Lindon , Kim Minnig.
FRENCH CLUB - First Row: Carole Bender, Chris Warne , Connie Hoth , Debbie Raschke, Les Ed-
wards, Jennifer Harvey, president; Patty Farley, Kris Hansen, Cathy Doerr, Debbie Dieterich , secretary-treasurer; Second Row: Robin Jacoby, Debbie Cady, Amy Gassman , Recca Larson Suzy Hlavacek, Beth Headrick, Connie Kravchuk, Nancy Lakin , Sally Einerson , Nancy Kube ; Thin Row: Nancy Keller, Lisa Brown, Sandy Bekins, Wilma Ennenga, Tracy Benton , Kim Longley, Jar Helgesa, Nancy Skaug , Marcia Catania , Paula Bourks; Fourth Row: Michelle Brase, Kris Love Peggy Brown , Jeanette Brown, Beth Bowerman , Lorrie O'Connor, Pam Ames, Kathy Bennett Megan Combs, Sue Koborg ; Fifth Row: Kathy Kincaid, Sue Smith , Julie Lay, Sue Johnston , Vick Saklar, Debbie Nielsen , Aileen Hill, Barb Barrett, Randy Bradley, Trish Delehant.
Members achieve cultural understanding The purpose of French Club, according to president Jennifer Harvey, is to "gain a better understanding of the people of another nation." They did just that by having guest speakers come to speak on their trips throughout Europe and byvisi ting the French Cafe in the Market. Members were also urged to bake French desserts and pastries to earn the eight points re-
quired for a pin. By selling "Uber Alles" car stickers and baking cookies , German Club members also raised money to sponsor a German Club member on a tour of Germany. Members could also earn points by attending all International club meetings and selling 12 boxes of candy during basketball season.
GERMAN CLUB - First Row: Howard Kaplan , Jean Hartman, Marsha Michael, Bob Howard, Sally Jenkins, Don Darst, secretary-treasurer; Mary Stitt, president; Kathy Nelson , Gail Baxter, Paul Kampfe ; Second Row: Barb Dorothy, Beth Newell, Linda Calvin, Jane Gehringer, Sue Schnaidt, Deanna Vellinga , Vickie Petersen , Mora Meader, Jon Ketzler; Third Row: Lori Breitag, Sally Hill, Linda Westphal, Tom DePetro, Sheila Gillies, Beth Chapman , Carol Pelkner, Marc Weinstein , Tom Neal, Steve Felt; Fourth Row: Jim Oppold, Dennis Sondker, Scot Sorensen , Debbie Winter, Connie Tull, Tomas Ledin, AI Felker, Arne Viola , Pat Lynch, Jeff Frisch.
Don Darst, secretary-treasurer of German Club, exp lains " Uber Alles " stickers.
SPANISH CLUB-First Row: Marcia Gerelick, Sarah Jones, Jo Smith , Becky Wodder, secretarytreasurer; Joan Yaffe , president; Rick McFayden , Carol King , Sara Otis , Debbie Robbins , Laurie Morton , Karen Cain ; Second Row: Jen Elofson , Jodi Smith , Renie Frank, Becky Wilson , Diane Neis , Joanie Summer, Laurie Stieb/er, Kathy Pearse, Jeff Ostrow, Shawn Leary, Marcia Angle; Third Row: Carol Rozum , Nancy Martin, Debbie Elafros, Shari Boelter, Steve Baxter, Chuck Stephen, Kurt Andersen, Diane Mooney, Linda Lawson, Nancy Johnson, Gail Burris; Fourth Row: Debbie Kincaid, Kathy Svehla , Marti Elliot, Alan Lieneman , Ron Wheeler, Doug Berg , Dianne Matya, Meredith Mactier, Karen Bloom, Molly Fleming, Liz Gerd; Fifth Row: Gail Watson , Louise Faith, Sue Lawson , Peggy Selner, Steve Krause , Steve Smith , Linda Brown , Susie Wirka , Jane Limprecht, Jane Huston , Patty Lynn.
Fiesta heads Spanish bill "The purpose of Spanish Club is to provide those students who take Spanish a chance to get together and enjoy entertainment related to their study," revealed president Joan Yaffe. Members were treated to such events as a tobogganing party and a talk by those students who had visited Mexico last summer. A joint meeting with Burke was Catching up on her French, Spanish teacher Mrs. Higuera ignores Sara Otis.
French Club president Jennifer Harvey tries to "out-scrabble" Megan Combs.
planned, and both clubs had the chance to enjoy a real "fiesta" . All members could make posters or help with the annual club banquet in order to earn their eight points for a pin. Spanish Club members, along with the other language clubs, also sold candy during the first week in December to help finance the 1970 AFS students.
By cheering and lending a hand to help the teams, spirited Pep Club girls never failed.
Pep Club aids minor sports Carrying on the Warrior tradition, the 1970 Pep Club continued to support all athletic events by having the members attend as many games as possible. Pep Club girls had to earn twelve poster points and six service points to be eligible for a letter. Among the 675 girls involved, many earned points by baking Christmas cookies for old folks' homes and by giving food to
needy families at Thanksgiving. A new award was also created for girls attending minor sports events such as tennis , gymnastics and golf. This year, Pep Club was led by president Lyn Wallin. All officers arranged the Pep Club awards banquet held in the spring, and weekly held separate meetings by themselves to discuss future plans.
During game time , Pep Club members unite with Drill Squad in approval.
lespite the drizzle, spirit still shows through the sleet.
PEP CLUB OFFICERS-Counter-clockwise from upper left: Lyn Wallin , president; Carey Wheeler, treasurer; Debbie Nelson, vice-president; Ginger Farley, secretary; Ann Flemming, assistant vice-president.
Mrs. Wolff reads the demerit list while the entire club crosses their fingers .
Varsity-JV cheerleaders win 'spirit sticks Summer practices payed off for Westside cheerleaders as they were again honored at clinic competition in Norman, Oklahoma. For the first time, Varsity took home the colorful spirit stick and placed first against other cheerleading squads across the nation. JV cheerleaders also placed first at camp and won the spirit stick on the final day of competition. Both squads attended the Holiday Basketball Tournament and received new "sailor" outfits to be worn in the spring. Dawn Ingles, Varsity captain emphasized, "we tried to get three or four girls to attend all minor sports events ." When asked about the real purpose of cheerleading, JV cocaptain Kristy Engelhart said, "to support all our teams! "
JUNIOR VARSITY CHEERLEADERS - Upper: Kristy Engelbart, captain ; Laura Havelka , Linda Burke, Lower: Debbie James, Jeri McKimmey, Lana Limbaugh , co-captain .
Even tho ugh the Pep Club was lo ud, Varsity cheerleader Lou Willing was louder.
VARSITY CHEERLEADERS - Upper: Dawn Ingles, captain ; Susie Hawkins, Lou Willing , Janice Shook, Barb Wagoner; Lower: Diane Fallis, Barb King , Debbie Dieterich.
Junior Varsity captain Kristy Engel bart finds cheerleading can sometimes be frustrating. Representing higher qualities in cheering , Dawn Ingles performs as Barb King applauds.
Portraying a conductor, Linda Burke electrifies a charged-up Pep Club section. '(
Girls march for UNO, JFK Perfection became the by-word as the Westside marching units once again invaded pre-game and half-time activities. Drill Squad , led by captain Nancy Rice, spent their summer mornings practicing at the school parking lot to perfect their routines. They also marched for UNO and JFK college games after the Westside football season came to a close . Nancy Rice stated , " twenty hours of practice went into a routine that lasted about three
minutes ." Squires , the marching unit for girls 5 ' 8 " and over, also marched in the JFK Homecoming and the Barnum and Bailey circus parades . Out of sixty girls that tried out, ten were selected with two alternates . This year, from the fifteen girls that tried out for Twirlers, eight were selected instead of three as in previous years . Only one of the girls in the group had ever twirled before.
Overflowing with exuberance, twenty-one Squire and Drill Squad members float to Ryan.
SQUIRES -Debbi Hoyt, Susie McKay, Ann Duffin, Colleen O' Doherty, Joan Soucie, Debbie Winter.
Holding her shield, " Warrior " Debby Ross lances another victory.
DRILL SQUAD-Front Row: Nancy Rice, captain ; Janel Johnson , Denise Vohoska , Peggy Brown , Barb Zoob , Sally Klopp , Marianne Graham, Anne Wirka, Colleen Carson , Dian Gunia , Carol Boyd, co-captain ; Second Row: Paulette Lange, Bron Harrison , Ann Flemming, Robin Darst, Colleen Richardson , Robyn Dinwoodie, Sue Larkin , Dianne Kammerer, Nancy Beal, Judy Howard, Ann Barber; Third Row: Collette Carson , Nancy Roach, Lindsey Blum , Barb Williams , Kim Mactier, Nancy Tweeton , Ginny Slabaugh , Laurie Beecroft, Rita Post, Linda Andersen, Carey Beardmore, Barb Carman .
>rill Squad captain Nancy Rice leads the rirls, hoping the Squad won 't blow it.
:QUIRES-Lyn Wallin, Faye Hansen , Debbie Valker, Debby Ross, Barb Martin , captain ; :arey Wheeler.
TWIRLERS-Margie Eliason , Linda Terry, Connie Hetrick, Debbie Coats, Kathy Koetter, Greta Gibbs, Debbie Shidler, Bobbie Dettman.
Lined up before the start of the city-wide car rally, cars patiently wait out the signal
Safety, profit are ''go'' for 1970 Safeteens "To promote safety in school, home, and general community," became the motto of Safeteens, led by sponsor Mr. Ed Stribley. The Governor's Safety Conference in Lincoln was one of the various activities open to Safeteens members this year. Many car rallys were also held city-wide and within the club The membership drive offered the
new enrollees a chance to try their hand at driving for fun and profit Members could expect to be in vol ved in at least one car rally such as the one held at Cross roads on October 19. A framed map of the moon wa: also added to the decor of the li brary with the help of the Safe teens fund . ~
SAFETEENS - F/rst Row: Mary Jo Randolph , Craig Petersen, Linda Blankenship, Kim Dahmer Second Row: LaMarr Richards, Marla Van Boskirk, Joleen Lanning , Mary Kay Forsgren ; Thirc Row: Robby Gaines, Scott McMullen, Nancy Pollard, Joan Mead.
RCHERY CLUB-First Row: Carl Ervin , Wendy Weaver; secretary-treasurer; Shelley Lane, Debbie ryden ; Second Row: Bruce Peterson , vice-president; John Macchietto, Jim Hasler, Ed Otto ; '1/rd Row: Bill Clark, Tom Busch , Don Wester/in , Jim Major, Kevin McNabb , president.
'Jnior Carl Ervin hopetully caps a " Bul/sve" while scaring a photographer.
Archery Club fires at range Starting off their second year as an active Westside club, the Archery Club was able to send the best three boys and the best three girls to the 2nd Annual Inter-Scholastical and Intercollegiate State Archery Tournament in Hastings. Most members were able to shoot every Thursday, with
equipment furnished by the Westside Athletic Department, in a nearby field. Two teams were sent to "club shoot" at the Omaha Archery Range as a special attraction in early spring. Members were also treated to a picnic in October to celebrate the end of the shooting season.
Shooting in a nearby field, President Kevin McNabb sights his target in the underbrush.
Departing from the bus, four skiers gather up their paraphena/ia
Karate, Ski members learn by Cries of warning were heard echoing from the girls' gym on Wednesday nights as Karate Club members learned the art of selfdefense . The club boasted a larger membership than ever before with many members earning colored belts. The color of a student's belt -white, green, blue, brown or black- indicates the amount of skill obtained. To increase rank, students must show their ability in formal exercises, one-step sparring and free sparring before a panel of judges at the Omaha School of Karate . Senior officers Bill Hulbert and Rob Meiman taught the club. Ski Club traveled to Breckenridge, Colo. on January 22 for four days of fun in the sun. Regular trips to Crescent Ski Hills in Crescent, Iowa were scheduled every Tuesday, provided the weather was suitable. Boasting close to 100 members, the club also participated in Club Night, February 19. "To provide recreational entertainment and develop an interest in the greatest winter sport," was the main objective of the club according to sponsor Mr. John Laugen.
degree ~
KARATE CLUB -Front Row: Kevin Kelley, Dave Hajek, Steve Frisbie, Kirk Hoffman, Joe Prentiss Mary Henderson , Debbie Cuil/o; Second Row: Bob Meiman, vice-president; Jean Kotlik, Joannt Riva, Tom Murray, Doug Monroe, Jerry Kotlik, Dave Harman, Nancy Morphew, Beth Taylor, Bii Hulbert, president.
Kirk Hoffman isn't getting a kick out of Tom Murray's fine tom
SKI CLUB-Front Row: Kathy Latimer, Jodi Smith , DeeDee Malec, Marianne Graham , Debbie Gass, Debbie Coe, Hilary Keegan , Karen Kravchuk, Diane Jansen , Pat McDonough ; Second Row: Mr. Laugen , sponsor; Terri Lieber, Les Edwards , Jane Limprecht, Sue Jones, Debbie Dryden , Kerry Wessberg , Melinda Clark, Jeannie Hartman, Carole Connors; Third Row: Diane Neis, Patty Poage, Kathy Linstromberg, Rod Gibson, Debbie Richardson , Valerie Jernstrom, Nancy Olson , Debbie Lakin , Bob Keeling , ~raig West, Wendy Weaver; Back Row: John Zaiss, Don Wester/in , Grove Bock, Jim Major, Tom Busch , Steve Nebbia , David Beck, David Godfrey, Jim Farra/1, Joe O'Sullivan, Sue Beck, Charmaine Rohrberg, Reggie Parkhurst, Sharon Peterson , Trish Delehant.
Seniors Sarah Jones and Laurie Morton watch the Breckenridge action.
Karate president Bill Hulbert shows Jean Kotlik the correct sparring form to use.
Adjusting his spear gu n, sophomore Tom Bihler keeps out swimmers.
Subsurfers dive 1n Florida, California Wednesday nights were anything but dull for members of Subsurfers, an underwater scuba diving club. Led by president Gary Jorgenson, vice-president John Agee, and secretary-treasurer Roger Schat, the members were shown the fun and sport of underwater exploration. All were given the chance to take open water dives in nearby lakes . During Christmas vacation , Subsurfers dived in Florida and then explored the underwater secrets of the Pacific at California during spring vacation. Subsurfers is also open to girls, although there were few participating this year.
SUBSURFERS - Front Row: Scot Norby, Mike Green, Mark Mezger, Roger Schat, John Agee, Gar Jorgensen, president; Second Row: Rick Schempp, Jim Harris, Bruce Woodhull, Ken Cotton , Jin Andersen, Dean Bjerke, Noel Hall, Tom Bicak, John Jarrett, Jeff Anderson, Jim Bruzek; Third Row Bill Broadhurst, Doug Kothlow, Dana Widstrom , Tim Thomas, Jeff Kezer, Kurt Knutson , Dan Fran co ; Fourth Row: Mark Scherer, Joe Bilek, Paul Turner, Bill Seidler, Jim Derr, Lynn Jansen .
Clubs discover high, low Led by president Tom Aust, this year's Archeology Club was able to visit the Mesa Verde cliff dwellings in southern Colorado during spring vacation. Trips to Louisville on Sept. 27th and Plattsmouth on Oct. 11th, also highlighted the "digging" season. Astronomy Club made observations of two solar eclipses, one at Westside, the other on the out-
skirts of St. Louis . The St. Louis eclipse was the last solar eclipse in the Western hemisphere for another ten years. Astronomy Club also tried something different this year the photographing of constellations and solar eclipses. "We hoped to give the members a basic knowledge of Astronomy and related subjects," according to President Peter Sawtell.
ARCHEOLOGY CLUB - First Row: Sylvia Kleeman , Steve Anderson, Wendy Weaver, secretarytreasurer; Tom Aust, president; Vtk Wall, vice-president; Joe Branch , Bill Scott, Dave Gloor; Back Row Sponsors: Miss Sandy Scofield, Mr. William Hayes, Mr. Richard Hicks.
ASTRONOMY CLUB -Jay Miller, Peter Sawtell, president; Tom Aust, T. J. Holmes, Steve Anderson,
Bill Scott.
Faces mirror needed concentration in Chess Club play
Math, Chess encourage calculating move~ To "encourage student knowledge in the area of math" was the purpose of Math Club, according to Ross Stafford, president. Math Bowls were held twice a month with the club's 16 members as active participants . Mr. Allen Zimbleman, sponsor, with help from Math Club's additional officers Jay Miller and Vik Wall, sponsored a field trip to Mutual of Omaha's computer center. Vik Wall, also a member and president of Chess Club, felt the club's purpose was simply to "instruct students in Chess and promote interest among those that already play" . Other club officers included Robert Larson, vice-president and Pete Sawtell, secretary. Playoffs for team ranking were conducted among its ten active members by Mr. Louis Nieman, sponsor . The Chess team then participated in the State Meet in March at Lincoln. The club also had a large following of "Ultimate" players, a variation of the game. 210
CHESS CLUB - Front Row: Howard Hochster, Noel Hall, Vik Wall, president; Bill Finley, Mar Schupack, Mr. Louis Nieman, sponsor; Second Row: Harry McMaken , Mark Wienstein , Dav. Bricknell, Bruce Bell, Tom Murray.
MATH CLUB-Front Row: Kirk Larson , Russ Ward, Jay Miller, vice-president; Dave Batchelder, Gail Baxter, Vik Wal , :secretary-treasurer; Second Row: Ron Epstein , Jay Shukert, Dave Gloor, Carey Wheeler, Marilyn Moylan, Ron Peterson ; Third Row: Bob Larson , Gary Busboom , Ross Stafford, president; Mr. Allen Zimbleman , sponsor; Bill Scott.
Vith determination, Ross Stafford presides over Math Club.
FTA - Front Row: Lynn Ciciulla, Suzanne Start, Joel/en Rasmussen, treasurer; Linda Cramer, secretary; Teri Hinckley, vice-president; Julie Jensen, president; Janice Shook, Rona Workman ; Second Row: Robin
Jacoby, Barb Wagoner, Susie Sampson, Colleen Carson, Kathy Lyncl Mr. Paul Andreas, sponsor; Third Row: Ann Renander, Donna Grime~ Diane Nels, Debi Nielsen, Debi Leonard, Vicki Saklar, Patti King.
FTA helps at Oakdale, visits Montessor1 Cultivating the qualities essential in a teacher , FT A visited many local schools for special education students . For the April meeting , FTA members visited The Nebraska School for the Deaf and were given a talk by the head of the school. In November, they visited the Montessori School , (a special school with no grade levels), and had numerous trips to Oakdale to help the mentally retarded. According to the president Julie Jensen , "this club is trying to
interest students in teaching ; helping at the cottages is very interesting and rewarding." The twenty members began the year by constructing a Homecoming float with the slogan, "Teach Ryan a Lesson". Mr. Dave Bloom, a former member of "The Young Americans" singing group also came to speak at the spring meeting. In order to earn the fifteen points for a pin, members could bake cookies, work on the float, or teach Sunday School locally.
FMA's float with an " Aquarius" theme was plastic covered to prevent wind damage.
FMA hosts party at home
Senior Patty Poage vetos a suggestion for FMA's booth on Club Night, Feb. 19th.
The medically oriented FMA began this year by building a Homecoming float that won fourth place and consequently paraded around the field at half time. During November, FMA members helped the nurses with the audio testing and helped out in the nurses office. The members also sold honey on Honey Sunday to collect money for the mentally retarded. Probably the biggest project of
the year was the Christmas party that they hosted at the Redmond Nursing Home. The film, "The Birth of a Baby" was presented by Dr. Field from TheN ebraska School of Medicine. FMA officers were Patty Poage, president; Kathy Poage, vicepresident; Christy Smithson, secretary; Becky Sydow, treasurer. Patty summed it up, "To present our speakers and activities so that they are enjoyable learning experiences for the club."
FMA-Front: Patty Poage, president; First Row: Shari Boelter, Krys Smithson, secretary; Mary Taylor, Marsha Michael; Second Row: Debbie Lakin, Valerie Jernstrom, Becky Sydow, treasurer; Jane Gehringer; Third Row: Chris Branecki, Jeannine Titus, Kathleen Poage, vice-president; Kathy Smithson .
DECA-Front Row: John Farrell, Jim Brewer, Rob Busch , Peggy Stonebraker, secretary; Bill Hulbert, president; Ellen Sabin , reporter; Bob Freshman , vice -president; Dave Jesberg, historian ; Gordia Goodman , parliamentarian ; Michaela Kuhfahl, treasurer; Steve Caniglia , Cyndy Dudley, Karen Eldridge, Jim Ellett; Second Row: Jim Findlay, Vicki Fogle , Bob Glenn , Gail Gager, Ann Golden , Joe Deklotz, Marcia Green , John Gruidel, Dave Headlee, Mike Henderson, John Henningson , Craig Hoogensen ; Third Row: Debbie Bolay, Deni Feeken , Tim Bach -
rach , Dick Allen, Judy Jones, Linda Jones, Laurie Knudsen , Davâ&#x20AC;˘ Lanoha , Nancy Little, Charline Mildrexler, Diane Ludwick, Colleet Rowe; Fourth Row: Bruce Miller, Marilee Mullin , Ursula Neese, Ton Nichols, Kathy Nicholson , Pat O' Brien, Patty Person , Bruce Peterso n Dan Polito, Nancy Polito, Anne Primeau, Ross Richards, Mary Riva Back Row: Doug Boll, Walt Carlson , Bob Running, Jane Skeffington Steve Snail, Craig Smith , Jerry O'Hagan, Bev Tomek, Cindy Trunsk'y Nancy Vana , Joe Vacanti, Bob Wemmer, Dick West.
CPAF hears Ross; DECA hears
Earning money on part-time jobs helped Junior Sales and Marketing and DE students understand the practices of the business world. All senior members were allowed to leave school early for applicable job experience. Serving morning breakfast and producing the year's largest Soc Hop were two major projects. The Employer-Employee Luncheon was held at Venice Inn Feb. 18. News commentator John Hlavacek addressed the group. CP AF heard Republican Donald Ross speak on Nixon's war policy and later sponsored talks by other political spokesmen. "CP AF promotes interest in current affairs ," said president T. J . Holmes .
CPAF OFFICERS-Mr. Joe Higgins, sponsor; Tom Aust, treasurer; T. J. Holmes, president; A/a, Mayper, vice-president; Marc Hechter, secretary.
RED CROSS OFFICERS-Suzy Hlavacek, Nancy Little, Gail Watson , president; Doug Lincoln, secretary-treasurer; Sharon Nogg, Nancy Holland, vice-president.
Horse show nets Red Cross over $800 President Gail Watson and champion " EI Don" have won many Red Cross events
The Red Cross horse show, one of their major projects, was held May 3 at the Western Trails Ranch and the profits were donated to the American Red Cross Council. During the Holiday Season , they collected books and magazines forthe lstinfantryDivision in Vietnam and sent other items from bake sale profits. President Gail Watson was Westside's candidate for the Red Cross sponsored Criss Crosser dance held in April. Gail says the club tried to have just one major project to help unify the club.
Finding it a little hard to mount with a skirt, Gail Watson embarrasses " EI Don ".
Interact-Esquires raise money for the poor By donating money to worthy causes , Interact and Esquires provided a worth while community service. Interact is a worldwide service club sponsored by Rotary Club and corresponds with other Interact clubs in foreign countries. All proceeds from money-making projects are donated to charities. This year, the club showed movies on Fridays during free mods and earned over two hundred dollars. The Peace Corps and an orphanage in Vietnam became the recipients of this money. Esquires repaired toys , made nut-cups, stuffed animals 路and other projects to aid childrens' homes during the holiday seasons. For the first time, Esquires established an advisory board consisting of two members from each class . In this manner, club representation was equal for all grades . Among the 130 Esquires , many also earned points by contributing to various bake sales held throughout the year. Esquire girls also acted as guides during their free mods for new students at Westside.
INTERACT - First Row: Paul Jessen, vice-president; John Bachman , Dave Gloor, Gregg Stanway, Mark Mezger, Trent Quinlan, president; Second Row: John Zaiss, Jim Hansen , Terry Pray, Steve Williams, Jeff Poots, Doug Leigh; Th ird Row: Glenn Harless, Terry Sonderup, Steve Anderson, Steve Burke, Mike Leonard, Denny Moore; Fourth Row: Dick Hanson, Don Mastny, Rick Gilmore,
David Beck, Rick Seume, Randy Barton .
ESQUIRE OFFICERS - Upper: Debbie Coe, Junior Advisory Board Member; Mary Richardson, President; Lowe r: Diane Neis, Vice-president; Nancy Rice, Secretary; Karen Mossblad, Junior Advisory Board Member; Ann Splittgerber, Senior Advisory Board Member; Not Pictured: Carol
Crawford, Barb Martin.
CEY CLUB OFFICERS-Bob Darnell, head committee chairman; Kent Holm, vice-president; Pete ~andbergen ,
secretary-treasurer; Rick McFayden , president.
Parties, parades, projects head Z-Key Club
CEY CLUB-First Row: Rick McFayden; Back ~ow: Bob Darnell; Not Pictured: First Row:
3ary Tarpley, Louis Meigs, Mike Mierendorf, Jon Darst, Ron Weiss , Rod Gibson, Randy -11avec, Bill Hill, Bill Scott, Tom Walstrom , Mark Wezger; Second Row: Terry James, Dennis ":/affensperger, Steve Gerdes, Steve Rule, Dave 31oor, John Filkins , Ed Leach , Mike Bowernan, Mike Benson , Randy Horn , Paul Jessen ; rh/rd Row: Vik Wall, T. J. Holmes, Rick Patter;on, John Zaiss, Bob Howard, Steve Fellman , ~ennis Sondker, Kurt Anderson, Doug Berg, ';huck Stephen ; Fourth Row: Bruce Bell, Kit "Jrews ; Bill Hickman , Steve Epstein, Jerry Naldbaum , Gary Jorgensen , Steve Anderson, l(ent Holm, Pete Zandbergen .
Key Club, headed by senior Rick McFayden, lowered the restrictions this year on entrance qualifications . Any student with a four average who earned the required amount of points was allowed to stay in the club. The Key Club is affiliated with the West Omaha Kiwanis, and provides, "a good time while serving the community," according to Rick. The 30 members participated in such projects as a carolling party to the Hattie B . Monroe nursing home, and the March of Dimes fund drive from March 2 9 to April 13 . Z-Club, a branch of the women's Zonta Club of Omaha, worked
Z CLUB-First Row: Nancy Tweeton , Faye Hansen , Lana Limbaugh , Laura Havelka , Marilyn Moylan , Gail Baxter, Cindy Mangiameli, Carolyn Long , Becky Wodder, Kathy Svehla , Sue Lawson , Louise Faith ; Second Row: Judy Howard, Wendy Brown , Chris Warne, Jean Miller, Diane Neis, Karen Mossblad, Charmaine Rohrberg , Gail Watson , Jennifer Harvey, Marsha Michael, Micki Winstrom, president; Third Row: Teri Hinckley, Jo Smith , Debbi Schreiner, Karen Hovendick, Carole Bender, Dianne Kammerer, Sally Kruse, Barb Dohnal, Kathryn Pearse, Laurel Stiebler, Shirley Wells , Joan ie Summer, Peggy Sellner, Debbie James, Kris Hansen; Fourth Row: Kathy Dalton , Ann Splittgerber, Janet Larsen , Mary Richardson , Sonnie Schone, Lyn Wallin , Ginger Farley, Kelli Engelbart, Nan Lueder, Patty Farley, Paula Bourks, Vera Durrant.
with Key Club on a Homecoming float that won 3rd place in the parade. A Halloween party for the Lutheran Old People's Home and baking cookies for the Children's Hospital Bazaar were two of many Z-Club projects . Z-Club also sold honey on Honey Sunday for the mentally retarded, collected can goods at school for the Salvation Army and decorated the library for Christmas. Z-Club also held their annual Mother-Daughter Initiation Tea in May to induct new officers. These girls are selected for their outstanding scholarship and service potential.
W-Ciub plans banquet; GAA girls bowl "Building good sportsmanship and pride for your school and yourself," was theW-Club motto according to president Senior Jim Rose. Earning a letter in any varsity sport was all that was needed to join the club of 100 members. Early in the year, W-Club held an auction where the members were sold for the Soc-hop. This helped reduce the club debt from $1000 to $300 dollars. New this year was the Fall Sports Initiation Breakfast where cheerleaders, coaches and administration were invited. W-Club also sold tickets for Homecoming and Sweetheart dances. The girls' athletic club, G.A.A., bowled on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Ranch Bowl, and played basketball and football after school. All girls who earned 12 units and 4 service points were eligible for a letter. Most of the 130 members attended the overnight initiation campout at Camp Harriet Harding near Louisville.
GAA OFFICERS - Front Row: Bonnie Kurtenbach, president; Amy Fortner, vice-president; Sac Row: Karen Gilmore, secretary; Karen Hovendick, treasurer.
W-CLUB SENIORS - First Row: Mr. Pat Ven detti, sponsor; Larry Bro wn, AI Schempp, Brad Vaughn, Mark Olderog, Jim Rose, president; AI Tohill, sergeant-at-arms; Trent Quinlan, treasurer; Phil Ray, Jerry O'Hagan ; Second Row: Mark Trustin , Randy Hlavac, Dick Bowen, Fred Sacco, Glenn Steinhausen, Tom Pate, Randy Horn, Dennis Raffensper-
ger, Chris Gal/ison , Mark Carlton, Ross Stafford; Th ird Row: TerrJ James, Mike Bradley, Chris Sorenson , Mike Bowerman , Steve Keist John Agee, Gregg Stanway, Paul Jessen , Dave Grantham, Mike Up church , Jim Watkins.
fi-CLUB SOPHOMORES AND JUNIORS - First Row: Vaughn Watts , Wike Gardner, Randy Hartford, Steve Burke, Doug Leigh , Steve Nilliams, Mike Leonard, Bill Wh ite. Second Row: Bernie Bailey, Brian '-farden , Martin Th ieman , Fred Hosman , Bruce Wigodsky, Steve Ander-
son , Gene Heckerman , Bill Doney; Third Row: Gregg Wurdeman, Doug Miller, Steve Gotsdiner, Marty Robbins, Mark Gallison , Steve Beckwith , Lee Chalupa, Gary Lyle, Bill Struyk, Kevin Stokke.
Y- Teens donate to charities The community oriented YTeens , led by president senior Ginny Slabaugh, began the year by collecting $83 .70 for UNICEF on Halloween . By collecting $104.41 for the March of Dimes they placed second in city-wide competition. During November, Mrs . Judy Steele showed slides of the YMCA affiliated George Williams College campus which is located outside of Chicago. During December they decorat-
Junior Robin Darst and president Ginny Slabaugh hang streamers in the /. M .G.
ed the Math I .M.C . for Christmas and held a carolling party. A wig consultant was then invited to speak in January, followed by the annual style show later in the year. Members could earn points by working on community related projects and by helping with bake sales and the style show. Ginny reflected, "there is a true satisfaction knowing that you have helped someone less fortu nate than you are. "
Y TEENS - First Row: Wen dy Brown , Janet Larsen, Carol Bruzek , Mary Greguska, Carol Boyd, vicepresident; Ginny Slabaugh, president; Second Row: Diane Neis, Nancy Keller, Jane Limprecht, Barb Swanson, Karen Edwards, Sheryl Hilbers, Robin Darst; Third Row: Diane Woodcock, Debbie Zimmerman , Mary Beth Davidson , Julie Bredensteiner, Cindy Davis, Nancy Roach ; Fourth Row: Cathy Messer, Sue Laughlin, Nancy Slabaugh, Liz Cervenka , Nan Lueder.
INDEX A Abbott, Rhonda 57. t85. t87 Abel. Clayton 70, 91 , t68. 170 Abraham. Stephanoe tOS. 174 Adams, Brad 9t Adams. Don 103 Adams, John 57 Adams. Randy 91 , t85, t87, 235 Agee, John 57, t85, 218 Alam. Moke 103 Aldrich. Patty 105 Allen, Miss Laverne np Allen. Rochard 57, 2t4 Allen, Steve 216 Allongton, John tOS Allison, Doane 9t Altlc. Fred 57 Ames, Pamela Dee 96. 105 Amodon, Carol 90, 91 Ancona, Carla 91 Andersen, Erika 51. 67, 86. t85, 187 Andersen, Craig 57 Andersen, Londa 57, 203 Andersen. Malcolm 91 Anderson, Bob 57 Anderson, Donald 57 Anderson, Douglas t 05 Anderson. James 180 Anderson, James 91 Anderson, Jeffrey 57. ~ Anderson, Moss Joan np Anderson. Mrs. Jo Anota 22 Anderson, Kathryn np Anderson, Kurt B tOS. 182, 197 Anderson, Mary E. 180 Anderson, Moke t03 Anderson, Mike t03 Anderson, Mr. Paul 22, 28, t24, t25 Anderson, Mr. A. Bruce 22 Anderson, Ronald 57 Anderson, Rhonda A. 57 Anderson. Steve A 91, t23. 216. 219 Anderson, Steven 13, 9t , 209 Anderson, Mr. Walter 19 Andreas. Mr. Paul 22, 212 Andrews. Ron t05 Angle, Marcia Ann 105, 197 Anlch, Mark 57. 128 Anthos, Patrocia 57 Anzalone, Larry np Anzalone, Joseph M. 57 ARCHAELOGY CLUB 209 ARCHERY CLUB 205 Arledge, Londa np Armentrout, Kathy np Armstrong, Julie 91 Armstrong, Robin 91 Arnold, Donna 105 Arnold, Lori 57, 177 Arnold, Patricia L. 105 Aronson, Patti J. 105. 110 ART CLUB 172-173 ARTISTS (PUBLICATIONS) 182-183 Ash, Davod 105 Atkinson, Cindy 91 Aust, Thomas 57, 182, 209, 214 Auxier, Gena np Aux ier, James 91 AVERY OPTICAL 232
B Bachrach, Timothy 57. 2t4 Backlund, Claudoa 9t Bachman, John 91, 2t6 Badamo , Angelo tOS Badami, James tOS Bade, Wolloam J. 9t Badeer, Danoel H. tOS Baggoano , Ralph A. 9t Bahronger, Sara np Bailey, Harold 9t , t26, 2t9 Baker, Scott D 9t , t30 BAKER'S 243 Ball. Cynthoa 9t Ball . Stacy 105 Ball. Todd 69 BANDS 167, t87 Barber, Ann H. 57, 202 Barber, Susan 57
Berger, James 9t Barmore, Davod A 9t Barna. Mike tOS Barnhart, Davod 9t , t87 Barrett, Alan 9t Barrett, Barbara t 05, t96 Barrett, Geraldone t 05 Barrett, John 57, t42, t43, t44 Barrett, Thomas 57 Bartlett, Cynthoa 9t Barton, Randall 9t . t26. t27, 216 Bartusek, Broce 57 Baska, Beverly 9t BASKETBALL t32, t33, t34, t35 Batchelder, Davod 9t , 210 Bauer, Judy tOS. t87 Bauer, Shelley np Baughman, Pamela 58 Baughman, Thomas np Baumgart. Debboe L. 105 Baxter. Gall 50. 58, 84, 185, 196, 210, 217 Baxter, Lori Ann 91 Baxter. Steven D 105. 187, t97. 239 BEACOME HARDWARE 236 Seal. Nancy 58, 84. 160, 172, 173, 203 Beam, Cheryl 58 Beamls, Jackoe 58 Beamos, Karen 105 Beardmore. Caren 58. 203 Beardmore. Cydney 105 BEARDMORE SUBURBAN CHEVROLET 233 Beber, Nate 91 Beber. Ronald 105 Beck, David 91 , t24, 207, 216 Beck, Mary 58 Beck, Susan 105, 207 Becker. Tom np Beckwoth, Steven 91 , 2t6, 219 Beecroft, Lauroe 36, 58. 203 Beosch, Peggy 105 Bekons, Sandy 105. 196 Belknap, Scott 91 , 185, t87 Bell, Bruce t 04, 211 Bell, John 105 Bell, LeaAnn 9t Belmer, Karen 91 BEN FRANKLIN 228 Benak, James 105. 187 Bender. Carole 50, 58, 196, 217 Bender, Nicky J 91, 187 Bendorl. Sybol 9t Benke, Susan 105 Benner, Scott 58, 157 Bennett, Doane 58 Bennett, Dianne t 05 Bennett. Kathy t 05. t96 Bennett, Robert 58 Bennett. Timothy 91 Benson, Anne 58 Benson, Michael 58, 134 Benson, Richard 105. 111 Bentz, Mr. Cal 22, 119 Benton, Tracy 91 . 196 Bentson, Steve 105 Bercutt, Davod np Berg, Douglas E. 105, 110, 197 Berglund, Joyce np Bergman. Lenny B. 105 Berlgan, Rory 105 Bergstrom, Ronald np Bergum. Susan np Berkshire, Richard 105, 126 Berounsky, Mary 58 Berrogan, Bruce 91, 182 Berry, Davod np Berry, Donna np Bert, Dennis 105 Bessey, Jeannine C. 91 Batterman, Robert 105 Bevons, Joseph np Bleak, Tom K 92, 187 Bochel, Julie 92 Bocknell, Davod 58. 2tt Boczak. Mike np Bohler, Thomas tOS, 208 Bolek, Joseph 58. 2t6 Bolek, Peggy 58 Bilek, Rosemary np Bord. Thomas F 58, 2t6 BJerke, Dean 92 Bjorge. Chrosty np Blackman, Chros 58. t77 Blackman, Connoe t87, 192 Blackman, Corrine t 05, t87 Blanton. Christoe 92 Blanton, Haloran t 05 Blankenship. Londa 105, 204 Blatchford, Doug M. t 05, 124 Blaydes, Rodney t 05 Blogh, Kent 92 Blodog, Greg 92 Bloom, Catherone 58 Bloom, Karen E. t 05. t97
Blum, Lindsey 92, 203 BOARD-FORUM t92, t93 BOB 'S OX 246 Bock, Connie 58 Bock, Grove F. 92. 207 Bock, Mr. Rochard 22 Bock, Susan 92 Bodone, Joseph np Bod one. Mar)oroe t 05 Boe. Mochael 58. t28. 129 Boe, Mrs. Wollo 3t Boelter, Sharo 92, t97, 2t3 Bolas, Edward 58 Boley, Deborah 59, 2t4 Bolan. Joe 92, t87 Boll, Douglas 59, 2t4 Bonacco , Ron 105 Bonham, James 103 Berghoff, Mary A. 92 Bosse, Debra Lynne 105 Boucher, Mrs. Evelyn 31 Boucher. Voncant A. 92, t72 Bourgeois. Cheroe 92 Boughman, Tom 105 Bourks, Paula 92, 196. 217 Bovill, Patricia np Bowen, Jill 59 Bowen, Richard 59. 128, 218 Bowen, Susan 105 Bowerman, Beth 92, 196 Bowerman, Michael 59, 218 Bowers, Susan 59 Bowman, Cynthia 105 Box, Patrocoa 106 Boyd , Bruce 59 Boyd , Carol 92. 187, 203, 219 Boyer, Mr Dock 3t Boyer, Gail 92 Bradley, Pam 103 Bozanne, Mac np Bradley, Mochael 59, 218 Bradley, Randy t06, 185, 187, 196, 323 BRADLEY'S 240 Branch, Joseph 106, 209 Braon, Lauroe 59 Branecki, Chros 92. 2t3 Brase, Michelle 106, t 96 Breotag, Loraone L. 92, t87, t96 Bredensteoner, J. t06, 2t9 Breazlle, Michael 106 Brekus. Peter np Brennan, Mary 106 Braum, Robon 59 Brewer. Jom 59, 214 Brewer, Bill 92 Broce. Shorley 106 Brocknell, Dave 2tt Brof, Susan 92 Briggs, Mark 103 Broggs. Shirley 92 Bron)ak, Steve t06 Brotton, John 92 Broadhurst, Wilham 92 Broadhurst. Janet 106 Brock. Susan 106 Brock, Tom 92 Broenlee, Dan 92 Brooksteon, Spencer 106, 174 Brophy, Dave 106, 174 Brown, Charles 92 Brown, Gary 92, 124 Brown, Jeanette 92, 196 Brown, Jeffrey L. 38, 106 Brown, Komberlee 106 Brown, Larry 59, 123, 216. 218 Brown. Londa Kay 106, 197 Brown, Losa 42, 104. 106, 196 Brown, Loro Doane 106. 185 Brown, Patrocoa 92 Brown, Peggy Jo 92, 196, 203 Brown, Richard 92, 187 Brown. Steven 59 Brown, Wendy 50, 59, 217, 219 BROWNIES MELODY LANE 229 Brozek, Richard 92 Bruggeman, Danny 92 Bruner, Mr. Ben 22 Bruzek, Carol t06, 2t9 Bruzek, James 92 Bryant, Grant 106 Bryant, Merro Joan 59 Buda, Joseph 38, 92 Buechler, David np Bukacek, John t 06 Bull, Carole 59, t72, t77 Buntong, Davod 92 Burch. Craog t06 Buresh. Connie 59 Buresh, Robert 106 Burke, Londa 59, 151 , t52, t92, t93, 200, 20t Burke, Steve 92, 123, t34, 2t6, 219 Burnham, Bruce t06 Burros, Gaol 106, 197 Busacker. Jeff 93
Busboom, Gary 59. 2t0 Busch, Robby 59, 2t4 Busch, Tom 93, 205. 207 Busching, Don 93 BUSINESS SERVICES EQUIPMENT 244 Bush, Shelly t 06 Buss. Benota 93 Butler, Juloe 93 Butler, Moke John 59. t87 Butterlield. Wolloam 59
c Cabello, Thomas 106 Cabot, Bruce 185 Cady, Deborah 93. t96 Cain. Karen 106, 197 Ca)acob, Mary 103 Calandra, David 59 Caldwell, Darla 106 Caldwell, Rodney 106 Campisi, Karen np Calendone, Craog 59 Callaway. Melody 59 Calvin, Linda 93. 196 Camby, Wolloam 106 Campbell, Luconda 106 Campbell. Sue Ann 106, 223 Campbell, Tom 59, 120, t2t , 123, t44, 231 Camposo, Gary J. 59 Camposl, Karen t 06 Canogloa, John 93 Canoglia, Steven 59, 214 Capoccia, Donna t 06 Carl, Mike 106 Carl, Pat np Carl. Paul 93 Carlosle. Susan 93 Carlson, Don t 06 Carlson, Walter 59, 2t4 Carlton, Mark 59, 118, 123, t34, t63, 218 Carmen, Barb 59. t98, 203 Carmochael. Sally 93 Carney, Linda t06 CAROLE'S CURLS 235 Carpenter, Cynthoa 59 CARRIAGE SHOP 243 Carrock, Curtos E t 06 Carrock, Wolloam 59 Carson. Colleen 59. 203. 212 Carson, Collette 93. 203 Carson, Dennis 59. t85, t87 Carson, Doug 106, t87 Carson, Scott 93, 126 Carter. Kathy 59 Carter. Stanley 60 Case, Nancy 93 CASHIERS 33 Casper, Brenda 103 Cassling, Robert 106, 187 Gassman. Amy 93. 196 Castater. Peter 60 Castle, Charles 106 Catania, Marcoe 106. 196 Cervenka, E. 93. 219 Cervenka, Joe 93 Chalupa. LeRoy 93. 187. 219 Chamberlaon, Joll 103 Chandler, Becky Jo 93, 172 Chantry, Rhonda 93 Chapman, Beth 106. 196 Chasen, Diane 106 Chastain, Doan 93, 172 Chauche, Nocole 106 CHEERLEADERS 200. 201 CHESS CLUB 211 Chick. Debra t 06 Chock, Randal 124 Chittenden, Debboe 93 Chrostie, Cloff 106, t87 Cicoulla. Lynn 60. 2t2 Corco. Anthony 60 Coullo. Debra 93. 206 CJB t87 Clark, Mrs. Anna 22, t69 Clark, Boll 93, 205 Clark, Don 60 Clark, Mrs lros 22 Clark, Kim 60 Clark, Melinda 48, t06, t60, 207 Clark, Robert 106. t24 Clark, Samuel 93, t75 Clarke, Crosty 93 CLAUDE'S 23t CLEANING LADIES 32 Clement, Rochard np Clemmer, Robin 93 Chiton, John 60 Clow. Davod 93, 216 Clow, Nona 106 Coats, Debra t 06. 203
Coats. Weldon 93 Coburn, John 93. t23 Coe. Debboe 30. 49, 93. t87, 207. 2t6 Coffey, Boll t06. t24 Coggons, Denose t07 Cohen, Marc 93 Colvon, Krostone 93 Combes, Steve t 07. tt3 Combes. Tom t07 Combs, Davod 93, t24 Combs. Megan t07, t96 Compton, Josh np Comstock, J. L. 93 Connors. Mrs Mary 22 Connors. Carole 110, 207, 227 Constantino. Mark np Constantono, Mark 107 CONVENIENT FOOD MART 237 Cook, Doane np COOKS 32, 33 Corn, Bruce 50. 51 . 60 Cortese. Jo Dee 93 Cosgrove, Bill 93 Costanzo, Kathy t 07 Constanzo. Rochard 107 Cotton, Kenneth 93 Coury. Suzanna np Cox . Allen np Cox , Charles t 07 Coyne, Dock 107 CPAF 214 Crabtree. J. B. 93 Craog, Jeff 60 Craog. Thomas t 07 Cramer. Larry t07, 187 Cramer, Linda 60. 212 Crampton, Mr. Donald 22, 4 t Craren, Mochael 93. 185, 187 Craren, Tom np Crawford. Carol 93. 193 Crews, Chrostopher 60 CROSS COUNTRY 126, 127 Crouch, Tomothy 128, 129 Culling . Alison 93 Culver. Den nos 60 Cunnongham, Ann 60 Curry, Mrs. Lana 22 Curtoss, Tamoe np Cusock, Larry 93. 124 Custer, Fran 103 CUSTODIANS 32. 33 Cza1a. Dan 60, t23 Cza1a. Mary 93, t72. 232
0 Daasch, Rob 107 Daasch. Warren np D' Agata, Steven 93 Dahmer. Kim 107, 204 Dalton. Doane 107, 187 Dalton, Katherine 60, 217 Damman, Lauroe 107 Dana, lrvong 93, 134, 216 Dana. Robert 107 Dana, Mrs Anne 22 Deppen, Mrs. Merge 30 Deppen, Jerry 60 Darnell, Robert 60, 172, 176, 177, 180, 218 Darst, Donald 20, 61 . 123. 196 Darst, Robin 93. 170, 203. 219 D'Audney. Carol 107 Dauner. Danny 107 DAVID LEE STUDIO 235 Davodson. Mary 93. 174, 219 Devos. Cynthoa 107, 219 Devos, Don 93 Devos, Gaol 93 Devos, John 58, 6t Devos, Mrs Mary 22 Davos, Neal 50, 69 Devos. Robby 93 Devos, Tom t 07 Dawson, Dock 93 DEBATE t74, 175 DECA 2t4 Decker. Mark 6t Deems. Roberta 93, 172, 173 Deford. Karl 93 Deines. Mr. Mauroce np Deklotz, Joe 6t . 2t4 Deklotz. Sandy t 07 Delehant . Pat 93. t96. 207 Delman, Marc t07, t74 De Long , Kathy 43. 6t Denney. Kathryn 6t , t79, t80 Depetro. Thomas t07, 196 Deporte. Dennos t07 Derr. James t 03
LINf: Dettmann, Bobble 93, 203 Devli n, Timothy 107 De Voss. Steven 94 Devries. William 94 Diamond, Wayne 94 Dibble. Frank 94 Dickinson, Mrs. Mary 31 Dickerson. James 61 , 73, 185. 240 Dickey, Patrick 107 Dickmeyer, Julie 94. 185 Dieterich. Debbie 61 , 153, 159, 194, 196. 200 Dimmick, Gregg 50. 61 , 177, 180 Dinsmoor. Casey np Dlnwoodie, Robyn 94, 203 Dixon. Will iam 94 Dizona, Mark 61 Dobbins. Mr. Arlen np Dobson. Diane 107 Doerr, Cathleen 61 , 196 Doerr. Karen np Doerr, Kurt 107 Dohnal . Barbara 94 , 170, 171 , 180. 185. 217 Dohnal . Joseph np Doll. David 107 Doney, Bill 94, 126. 219, 225 Doney, Debra 61 Donham. Jill 61 Donovan. Michelle 107 Dorf, Judy 107 Dornacker. Mr. Robert 22 Dorothy, Barb 107, 185. 196 Drake. Robert 107 Drake, Thomas 94 DRESHERS 227 Drew, Sally 107 DRILL SQUAD 203 Dross. Jeff 61 Drouillard, Duane 94 Dross, Richard 94 Dryden , Deborah 93, 205. 207 Dubuc, Danlelle 107 Dubuc, Michael np Ducharme, Cherie 107 Dudley, Cydy 214 Dudley, Ed 107 Duerkoop , Donald 107 Duffin, Ann 94 , 101 , 202 Dummer, Debbie np Duncan, Denise 94 Dunham. Debbie 107 Dunn, Mrs. Clara 22 Dunn. Terri 94 Durrant. Debra 107, 174 Durrant, Vera 61 , 217 Dwyer, Liz Ann 107
E Eades, Don 94 Eades. Janet 94 Eaton. Tom 94 Eberhardt, Michael np Eberly, Barbara 61 Eberly, Patrick 103 Eckman. Carol 107. 187 Eckley, Patti 94 ECLECTIC 180, 181 Edgman, Greg 107 Edwards, Karen 107, 187. 219. 237 Edwards. Kirk 61 Edwards. Leslie 40, 61 , 196, 207 Edwards, Mike 237 Edwards, Ri ck np Ehlers, Belly 108 Ehlers. Theresa 94 , 172 Eichenberger. Kathy 61 Eichenberger, M. E. 94 Einersen. Sally 108. 196 Eisenberg , Joseph 108 Ekholm , Chris 108 Edwall, Laurie 108, 171 , 185 Ela1ros, Debbie 108, 197 Elbel . Donald 108 Elbel. Jim np Eliason. Mrs. Darlene 30 Eldridge, Karen 61 . 214 Ellett, James 61 , 214 Elliot, Martha 108, 197 Elliott. Patty 94, 185 Ell is. Melissa 94 Elofson. Jeri 94, 197 Elsasser. Debra 108 Elsasser, Linda 108 Elsasser, Ron E. 108 Engelbart, Kelll 94, 217 Engelbart. Kristy 7, 61 . 153. 159, 200. 201 Engelbart, Mr. Leon 22 Engels, Theresa 108 Engler. Christine 94 Engeler. Sally 108
Ennenga. Mary 108 Ennenga. Wilma 108. 196 Enslow, Cynthia 108 Epstein. Broderick 61 Epstein. Ronnie 61 , 193. 210 Epstein, Steve 62, 216 Erdenberger, Jane 94, 187 Erftmler. D. L. 94 Erickson . Bruce 94 Ervin. Carl F. 94, 205 ESQUIRES 216 Estabrook, Jane 108 Estabrook. John 62 Estey, Kathryn 94 , 108 Estey. Mary L. np Evans. Larry 62 Evans. Randy Lee 108 Evans, Mrs. Sharon 22 Evans. Steve 94
F Faith, Louise 50. 62, 197, 217 Falkenroth , Roger 52. 108 Fallis. Diane 46, 62, 153. 159 Fallis. Steve 108 Fallon, Barb 108 Farley, Patricia 94, 196, 217 Farley, Virginia A. 94, 199. 217 Farrell . Lori A. 94, 160 Farrell , James 62. 207, 244 Farrell . John 62. 214, 244 Farris, Jean 62, 170 Fauth, Tom 108. 187 Favara. Grace np Fay, Gary 108 Feeken. All ison 108 Feeken , Denise K. 62, 214 Feeney, Marcia 62 Fehr, Mr. Ron 22 Feldman. Steven J. 94 Felker. Alan D. 94 , 195 Felt, Steven 108. 187, 196 Fenderson, Bill 108 Ferguson. Lynn 94, 185, 187 Ferris, Peggi Jo 94, 194, 195 Fleck, Diane 94 Fleck. Debra 108 Filkins. John 62 Filter. Arnold 103 Findlay, James 214 Findley, Mr. James 18 Finley, Bill Matt 108, 211 Finnel , Agnes np Finnell . Cheryl 62 Finnell , Michael 108 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 237 Fischer, Janet 62 Fischer. John 108 Fisher. Jack np Fisher, Rosanne np Fiske. Woody 62, 185, 187 Fix, Vicky 94 Flemming . Ann 62, 159, 199. 203 Flemming , Mary'J. 108, 197 Fling , John 62 Fling , Mrs. Nina 22 Floerchinger. Miss Carolyn 23 FMA 213 Foertsch, James 62. 172 Fogle. Vicki 62, 214 FOOTBALL 120, 121 , 122, 123, 124, 125 Foran. Theresa 94. 182 Ford, Bart np Foresman , Scott 108 Forsgren, Mary K. 94, 195, 204 Forstrom, Debora 57, 62 Fortner. Amy 94, 170, 171 . 187, 218 Foster, Brenda 108 Foster, Edwin 62 Fowler, Doak 94. 123 Fowler. Francine 94 Fowler, Peggy 108 Fox. Jonathan 94 France, Mr. Lynn 23, 25 Franco, Danny 108 Franco, Deborah 94, 187 Frank, Renee 94, 197 Frank, Roberta 94 Frederickson, Mrs. Diane np Freeman, Bob 94 Freese. Linda 63 FRENCH CLUB 196 French. Darold 63 French. David 60, 63, 77 Freshman . John np Freshman . Larry 108 Freshman , Robert 63, 214 Fried, Eric 94, 171 , 185 Fried. Susan B. 108
Friend, V. Stephen 94 Frink, Christine 63 Frisbie, Mark 94 Frisbie, Nancy 108 Frisbie, Steve 94, 206 Frisch. Jeffrey 63, 196 Fritz, Stephan ie 94 Frost. Daniel 95 Frost. Dwight 108 Frost. Patricia 95 Frost. Paula 63 Fruhwlrth, John 95 Fryar, Gary 108 Fryar, Scott 95 FTA 212 Fuerst. Mr. Dale 23 Fullerton. J. Kevin 108 Fulton. Mr. Gordon 23 Furlow, Donald G. 108
G GAA 218 Gaebel . Howard 103 Gaines, Robert V. 108, 187, 204 Galleson. C. 63, 218 Gallison. Mark 95. 219 Gammon , Joel np Gardner. Debra Kay 108 Gardner. Mike 95, 123, 219 Garey, Steven B. 108 Garlock. John H. np Garrison . John 95. 123 Gass. Debbie 45, 95, 207 Gaston, Lewis 95 Gates, Richard 108 Gaylor. Shelley 108 Geddie, Bonnie Ann 95 Gehringer, Jane 95, 196, 213 Gendler, Arlene S. 95 Gendler. Lawrence 95 Gendler. Sandra 63 George. Mrs. Julian np George, Tom 63 Geppert. Steve 95 Gerber. Gall 63, 214 Gerber. Gary 95, 182, 185 Gerd, Elizabeth 197 Gerdes. Stephen 50. 130, 131 Garelick , Marcia 105, 108, 197 GERMAN CLUB 196 Gibb, Beverly 108, 187 Gibbs. Greta 63, 65. 179, 180, 203 Gibbs, Irene 108 Gibson. Chan 108. 124 Gibson. Richard np Gibson, Rodney 63, 207 Gibson. Teri np Gilinsky. Bruce np Gill, Colleen Ann 63 Giller. Bill 63 Giller. Patricia 108 Gillogly, Mrs. Alice 31 Gillies. Sheila 187, 196 Gilmore. Karen L. 95, 218 Gilmore, Richard 95, 123, 216 Gilmore. Susan 109 Glister, Debbie K. 109 Giltner, James 63. 126 Glasgow, Mr. Don 23 Glenn, Robert 64. 214 Glesmann, Holly 95 Gloor, Mr. Alvin 23 Gloor, David 95, 210, 216 Godfrey, David 48, 64, 84, 207. 227 Golden . Ann 214 Golden . Cathy 95 Golden , Mary np Golden, Patricia A. 64 Golden, Raymond A. 109 Goldston , Judith 95 Goll . Becky A. 95 Gondringer, Beth 50. 64 Good, Mark 95 Goodenkauf. Owen 95, 187 Goodman. Gordia 64, 214 Goodman, Gregory L. 109 Goodman, Michael 109, 187 Goodrich. Daniel 44 Goodrich . Steven 109, 185 Goodwin , John 109 Goodwin , Rex B. 64 Goral, Mark L. 95 Gotsdiner, Gary 95, 130 Gotsdiner. Steve 109, 130, 219 Gottlieb, Ellen 109 Gould , Nancy 64. 173. 176, 180, 181 Gowens. Mr. Charles 23, 174 Graber, Nikki L. 95 Grabow, Gary np GRABOWS 231
Grady, Kristin 95 Graff, Gretchen 64 Greguska. Mary 219 Grahan, Andrew 50, 64, 133, 134, 159. 216 Graham. Carol 109 Graham . Marianne 95, 168, 203, 207 Graham. Mark 95 Graham. Pamela 109 Graham. Philip 64, 123 Graham, Scoll 64, 216, 231 Grandgenett, Cathy 64, 82, 83 Grantham . David 64, 132. 134, 158. 159, 160. 218, 231 Grau . Mike 103. 160, 187 Graves. J. 95 Graves. Suzanne 95 Grear, Becky 109 Grear. Kathy 64 Greely, Jim np Green. Marcia 64, 214 Green. Michael j. 109 Greenberg. Beth 109. 180 Greenberg , Mark 95 Greenberg , Pam 95 Greene. Tessa 109 Greenly, Russell 109 Greenspan. Bennett 64 Greenwell , Deborah 109 Greguska, Mary C. 109 Grewcock. Bruce 109 Gridley, Barry 95 Grieb, Renee 109 Griese! , Janet 109 Grill. Jeff 64 Grimes. Donna 95, 212 Groteluschen, Mrs. Helen 31 Groth, Susan 64, 185, 187 Grothe. Thomas np Gruzd , Douglas 71 , 108, 174 Gruidel. John 64. 214 GUARANTEE MUTUAL 228 Gulizla. Toni M. C. 109 Gunia, Dian 64, 203 Gurnett. Bill 95, 124 Gurnett P. 95 GYMNASTICS 120, 121 Gzehoviak. Timothy 95
H Hafer, Riky 95, 128
Haile. Donald 95, 187 Hajek. Anntolnette 95 Hajek, David 109, 206 Hall. Christi 64 Hall , Deborah 64 Hall . Noel 95. 211 Hallgrimson, Nancy 64 Halprin. M. B. 64 Haney, Mrs. Bernice 23 Hankey, Larry 109 Hankins. Bailey np Hankins. Janice np Hannagan, Dave 174 Hannegan:'llawrence 109 Hanrahan, Laura 187 Hansen . Mrs. Diane 23 Hansen . Faye 65, 203, 217 Hansen . Jean 109, 185, 187 Hansen , Jim 95, 216 Hansen , Dr. Kenneth 1, 18 Hansen, Kristin 4, 50, 65. 74 , 151 , 194, 196. 224 Hansen, Marc 109 Hanson . Jill 109 Hanson. Richard 95, 124. 216 Harden. Brian 95, 128, 219 Hardison. Mr. Harley 23 Harg ill, Laurie 65, 176 Harkert, Karen 95, 99 Harkey, Lance 209 Harless. Glenn 95, 134. 216 Harmen. Dave 206 Harmsen, Mrs. Belly 23 Harper, Gary 109 Harrell , Julius 65 Harrington, Beth 109 Harriman, Edward 69 Harris, Jim 107, 124, 174 Harris, Susan 65 Harrison. Bronwyn 65. 67. 203 Harrison , David 187 Harrison. Garth 95, 124 Hartford, Randy 35. 95, 219 Hartin, Margaret 95 Hartin, Patrick np Hartman. Jean 65, 196. 207. 234 Hartung , Brenna 65, 195 Harvey, Jennifer 50, 65, 151 , 179, 180, 194, 196. 217 Harvey, Patricia 109 Hasler, Esther 109. 170, 171 Hasler, Jim 95, 205 Havelka. Laura 50. 65. 191 . 200. 217 Haviland . Julie 109 Hawekotte, Nancy 65
Hawk1ns. Kim 109 Hawkins. Steven np Hawkins. Susan 65. 153, 159 200, 225 Haws. Kim 95 Hayes. Mr. William 23 Hayward , Jame Ann 109 Hazlett, Janet 109 Headlee, Dave 65. 214 Headlee. Michael 109 Headley, Janice 96 Headnck. Beth 109, 196 Heavey, Patricia 96 Heavey, Mike 96 Hechler. Marc 65, 179. 214 Heaton . Patty np Heckerman, Gene 96, 123, 219 Hector, Denise 109 Heimbuch, Mr. Kenneth 23 Held. Miss Jeanne 23. 27 Helgesen, Jan C. 109. 196 Henderson. Mary 109, 206 Henderson. Michael 65, 214 Henderson. Pat 11 0 Hennings, Mr. David 23 Henningsen , Doug 96, 137 Henningsen. John 65, 214 Henry, Susan Kay 110 Hermann, Pamela 96 Hermann , Teresa 110 Herngren. Lynn 96 Hemng, Michael 110 Hess, Gretchen 110 Hesson, Becky 96 · Hesson, Debra 65 Hetrick, Connie 96, 203 Heywood, Brian 96 H1ckman. William 65, 123 Hicks, Mrs. Dorothy 23 Hicks, Mr. Richard 23. 209 Higgins, Mr. Joseph 29. 214 Hightower, Peggy 66 •· Higuera, Miss Josefina 23 Hilbers. Sheryl 66, 219 Hill, Aileen 96, 196 Hill. Kevin 66 Hill, Michaela 66. 159 Hill, Nancy 66 Hill, Sally 96, 168, 196 Hill, William 126 Hill, William 110, 225 Himberger. Annette 66 Hinckley, Teri 66, 212. 217
Hineline. Peggy 110 Hineline, Terry 66 Hines. Roger 110 Hinkle, Jerry 110 Hinkley, Kay 43, 66 Hirt. Diane 96 Hirt, (Jim) Thomas 110, 1a2 Hites, Kenneth np Hitt, Elizabeth 110 Hiykel, Bill np Hlavac. Deann 1a1 Hlavac. Randy 66, 126. 1a5. 1a1. 21a Hlavacek. John 11 0 Hlavacek, Suzy 96. 196, 215 Hoard. Clark a9, 110 Hoard. Debra 66 Hochster, Howard 110, 1a1, 192, 193, 211 Hoefer, Peter 96 Hoeper, Frosty 110 Hoeper, Kenneth np Hoeper. Peggy 11 0 Hoevet, Mrs. Judith np Hoffman. Kirk 96, 1a1. 206 Hoffman, Mr. Roger 23 Holcomb. Dav1d 96 Holland. Nancy 110. 215 Holmes, Marty Paul 124 Holmes, T. J. 66. 214 Holm . Kent 50. 66. 21a Holmstrom, Mr. Fred 19 Holmquist. Jay 66 Holmquist. Sherry 96 Hoogensen. Craig 214 Hoogensen , Lynn 110 Hope, Tamasine 96 Hopkins, Jim 66 Hord, Barbara 96, 1a5, 1a1 Horn. Randall 36, 66, 123, 132, 134, 135, 159, 216 Hoskins. Suzanne 66 Hosman, Fred 96, 219 Hoth , Conme 96, 196 House, Mary 96 House, Rosemary 11 0 Hovendick, Karen 50. 66. 72, 217, 21a Howard, Bob 110, 193, 196 Howard. David 96 Howard . Judith 9, 66, 203, 217, 225 Howard, Marilyn 66
. . . . LUNCH
Hoyt, Debra 96. 202 Hoyt, Mrs. Judith 19 Hoyt, Mr. William 23 H. P. SMITH FORO 229 Hubbard, Dan 50, 66, 123 Huddleston, Debbie 110 Hultberg, Nancy 96, 1a5 Hulbert, Bill 66, 206. 207. 214 Hultquest, Steve 110 Hummel, Mrs. Elizabeth 24 Humphrey, Brent 110 Hunter. Mark 110. 1a5 Hunter, Margaret 110 Hurd, Allan 96 Hurstad, Robert 96, 170. 1a1 Huston, Jane 110. 1a5, 197 Huston. Jim 66, 179 Huston , Mr. Ron 134 Hybl, Gerald Mike np
1-J Ihnen, Gary 66. 12a Ihnen, Warren 110, 12a Ingles, Dawn 66, 153, 159, 200, 201 Inserra, Jim 96 INTERACT CLUB 216 INTERNATIONAL CLUB 194 INTRAMURALS 146, 147 Ireland. Deborah 103 Ireland. Lynne 96 Iverson. Jennifer 110 Irvin. Elizabeth 96 Jabenis, Karen 66 Jackson . Betsy 110 Jackson , Lynn 66 Jackson, Mike np Jacobs, Cathy 66 Jacobsen, Thomas 110 Jacobson, Bruce 96 Jacobson. James 110 Jacobson, Julie 66, 179 Jacobson, Reid 96 Jacoby. Robin 110, 1a1, 196, 212 James. Cindy 110 James. Deborah 50, 66. 171 , 185, 200, 217 James, Terry a . 67, 134, 135, 159, 21a Jansen . Diane M. 11 o. 207 Jansen. Jeffrey 11 0. 140 Jansen. Mrs. Joan 30 Jansen, Lynn 110, 1a5. 1a1 Jarosz. Kenneth 96 JCL 195 Jarrett. Hank 1a7 Jarrett. John 96 Jaworski. Richard 96 Jeffries, Judy 110 Jelken, James 67 Jenkins, Paula Kay np Jenkins. Salley E. 110. 196, 237 Jenkins. Thomas N. 110 Jensen, Jeff 124 Jensen. Julie 67, 74, a1 . 212 Jensen. Mike E. 110 Jensen. Maureen M. 67 Jensen. Robert C. 96 Jensen, Ray 110 Jensen . Rick 96 Jensen, Stephen F. 110 Jensen. Steve 96 Jensen. Susan 96 Jepsen. Alana 96 Jernstrom. Valerie 67, 207, 213 Jesberg . David 67, 214 Jessen. Paul 67, 134 , 135. 159, 160. 216. 21a Jetter, Fred 110 Jlngleskl, W. A. 67 Jobst, Mr. John np JOE'S BARBER SHOP 232 JOHN JENKINS REALTY 231 Johnson. Alex 110 Johnson. Ben W. 110 Johnson. Cameron 103 Johnson. Dale np Johnson, Mr. Don 24, 123 Johnson. Dok 11 0 Johnson. Donna 103 Johnson. Janel 67, 203 Johnson. Jeff 96 Johnson. Joel 96 Johnson. Judith A. 110 Johnson, Karen 110 Johnson. Kent 97 Johnson. Nancy M. 110. 197, 237 Johnson. Neil 96 Johnson . Robert 110 Johnson. Steve E. 67 Johnson. Steve 11 0 Johnson. Scott Tom 97
Johnson . William np Johnston, David B. 11 0 Johnston. Robin np Johnston , Susan 97, 196 Jolly, Fred H. 111 Jones. Andrew 67, 153 Jones. Chris 46, 67 Jones. David 67, 126 Jones, Janice 111 Jones. Judy 67, 214 Jones. Laraine 67 Jones. Lawrence 97, 144 Jones. Linda 67, 214 Jones, Mike J. 111 Jones, Sarah L. 50, 67, 197 , 207 Jones, Stephen 111 Jones. Susan E. 111 , 207 Jones. Terry 111 Jones. Teresa 67 Jones. Mrs. Thelma 30 Jordan , Mark A. 111 . 12a Jordan . Max E. 111 , 1a5. 1a1 Jorgenson. Gary 67 Joseph. James 67, 232 JUNIOR CLASS PLAY 169 Jurgens. Steve np
K Kabat. Bruce 111 . 1a1 Kahler. Jeanine 97 Kahler. John 97 Kaiser, Belinda K. 111 Kaiser, Kenneth H. 97 Kaldenberg . Steve 97, 111 Kaminski. Gary 97, 124 Kammerer, Diane 7. 156, 203, 217 Kampfe. Mr. Ken 19 Kampfe. Paul 97. 196 Kamprath. Thomas 67 Kantrowitz. Paul 97 Kaplan , Howard 69, 196 Kaplan. Jeff 111 Kaplan , Kauffie 67 Karabatsos, Susan np Karabotsos. Gayle 97 Karabotsos. Sandra 111 KARATE CLUB 206 Karlin. Janice 97 Karrer. Fritz 111 Katelman , Deborah 97 Kaul. Laurie 97 Katz, Vicki 111 Kaya. Wayne 97 Keegan, Hilary 97, 172. 207 Keist. Steven D. 67, 216, 21a Keele. Kathleen 6a Keeling. Bob 97, 207 Keller. Nancy 111. 196, 219 Kelley. Colleen 6a Kelley, Kevin W. 206 Kelly, Scott D. 1a5. 1a1 Kemp. Richard 111 KEN 'S FLOWERS 227 Kessler, Deborah A. 111 . 1a5. 1a1 Ketzler, Jon T. 111 , 196 KEY CLUB 217 Keyser, Jeffrey 97 KEYSTONE BUS 230 Kidder. Eugene 97. 124. 193 Kilzer, Randall 111 Kincaid , Deborah 6a. a3. 197 Kincaid, Kathleen 111 . 196 King . Barbara 97, 200. 201 King . Brian 111 King . Carol 68, 197 King . Cynthia np King . Robbie 6a. 71 King . Patricia 97, 212 King . Steven 97 King . William 6a Kinney. Douglas np Kinney, Tom 111 Kinnick, Peter 97. 130 Kirchofer. John M. 6a Kirchofer. Thomas 111 Kirchmeyer, Ray 111 Kirshenbaum. Dick 111 , 130 Kizer, Colleen 6a Klaumann. Vern 97, 1a1 Klatt, Jim Chris 111 Klasna. Susan 111 . 1a7 Klemz, Carolyn 97 Kleeman. Sylvia A. 97, 209 Klein. Cheryl 111 Klein, Mr. Robert 23. 24 Klepper, Mr. Dan 123 Klippert. Sherry 111 Klaus. David 111 Klopp. Sally 6a. 203 Klopp. Susan 97. 160 Klotz, Lillian 97 Kmiecik. Mr. Michael 24
Knebel . Mike np Knez. Peter 111 Knight, David 111, 144 Knight, Steven 97, 124 Knudsen . Andrea 111 . 1a1 Knudsen , Laurie 68, 214 Knutson. Kathryn A. 111 Knutson . Kurt 3a, 97 Koborg . Debbie 111 , 116 Koborg , Eugene 68, 144 Koborg. Kenny 6a Koborg . Susan 97, 196 Koenig , Lawrence 6a Koetter. Kathy 111 . 203 Koetter. Kimberly a. 6a Kojdecki. Karen 97 Kolar, Edward L. t t 1, 123 Kolasky. Ron np Kopecky. James 1 t 1 Kolterman. Mr. Don 24, 26, 36 KOORY CARS 230 Kopecky. James np Kothlow. Douglas 97 Kotlik. Jean 1 t 1, 206. 207 Kotlik. Jerry 68, 206 Kovarik. Jane 6a Koza. Robert E. 97 Koza. Thomas 11 t Kramer, Dean np Kramer. Douglas L. 111 Kratz. Steven C. 97 Krause. Stephen 97, 197 Kravchuk. Connie 111 . 196 Kravchuk. Karen 97, 207 Krcmarik. Lorraine 111 Krecklow, Shelley 111 Kriehbau m. Milo 193 Kriesel . Charles F. 111 Krisinger. Mark 97 Kroeger, Karen 68 Kroeker. Mrs. Victoria 24 Krueger. Robert 97 Krueger. Robin M. np Krug . John 6a KRUGS 244 Kruse. Sally 6a, 217 Kube, Nancy J. 97. 196 Kubsch. Kathryn 111 Kubsch. Patricia L. 6a Kucera. Steve 97, 123, 193 Kuhfahl. Michaela 68. 214 Kulakofsky, Edgar 68 Kulakofsky, Robert 68 Kurtenbach. Bonnie 6a. 21a Kusleika. An ita np Kvamme. Linda S. 97
L Lacy, Cindy 6a Lacy, David 97 Lakin. Deborah 6a. 111 . 207 Lakin, Nancy 111 . 170, 174, 196. 213 Lallman. Mrs. Helen 21 , 24 Lamb, Miss Linda 24 Lane, Mr. Richard 24 Lane. Shelly 97, 205 LANCE 17a. 179 Lang . Mr. Charles 24 Lang . Connie 97 Langdon. Jeff 111 . 1a7 Lange. Lisa 97 Lange. Paulette F. 68, 203 Langford, Bill 97 Langford . Cody 111 Langford. D. 97 Lanning . Joleen S. 111 . 204 Lanoha. David 6a. 142, 144, 214 Lanoha. Michael 97, 144 Lantz. Bill 97 Lapier. Debbie 111 Lapour. Kenneth np Lappat. Kathleen np Larimer, Elaine 97 Larkin. Susan 97. 203 Larrick. Brad 112 Larrick, Steven R. 6a. 126. 179, 1aO Larsen. Elizabeth 97 Larsen. David W. 112 Larsen. Dennis np Larsen. Janet 68, 217, 219 Larsen. Mary 97 Larsen. Pamela 112 Larson. Curtis 112 Larson . Karen 97 Larson. Kirk 97. 1a1. 210 Larson. Robert 69, 1a1. 210 Larson. Recca Ann 69, 172. 196. 229 Latenser, Sill 112 Latimer, Kathryn 97, 207
L LATIN CLUB 195 Laugen, Mr John 24. 207 Laughlin, Sus1e J 112. 219 Laughlin, William 69 Lawson . L1nda L. 111 . 197 Lawson, Paul 97 Lawson. Sue 50, 69, 83, 162, 197. 217 Lay. Cathenne np Lay, Julie 97. 196 Leach , Edward 50, 69, 85, 185, 186. 187 Leacox. Paula B 112 Leader. Randy 112 Leapley. Glen 44, 97 Leary. Molly 69 Leary. Shawn 1 t2. 197 La Bron. M1chele 97 Ledin, Tomas 69. 163. 196 Lee. Barbara 97 Lee. Cra1g 69 Lee. Scott 97, 123 Lee. Sherry 112 Lefholtz, Carol 97 Leg1no. Ronny L. 112 Le1gh, Douglas 97. 123. 219 Le1ghlon. Paul 97 Leinart. Steven 112 Lammers. Marie 107. 112 Lemon, Jenn1fer 112 Leonard . Debra 97. 126. 212 Leonard. Mike 98, 216, 219 Letter, Matthew F. 69. 123 Lew1s, Scott np L1eber. Randy 69 Lieber, Terri L. 112. 207 Lienemann. Alan P. 112. 197 Limbaugh, Mrs. Elame 24 Limbaugh. Lana 8, 69. 153, 200. 217 Limoges. Cra1g 98 Limprecht, Jane E. 112. 197, 207. 219 Lincoln. DouglasS. 112. t95, 214 Lind. Gordon 69, 89, 193 Lind, Margaret D. 112 Llnstromberg, K. 69, 207 Lipari, Kris 69 Lipelt. Terri 112 Lippold. Lana 69 Lopsey. Joseph 112. 174 Liston. Sara J. 112 L1tel. Susan 69 Little, Brian K. 112 Little. Nancy 69, 214, 215 Littlejohn, Miss Sylvia 24, 39 Livingstone. Ke1th 43 Lochlano, Nancy 93 Lodes, John 98, 126 Loers. Barbara 112 Lot. John 98, 185, 187 Lofberg . Ed np Loft, OeAnn 69 Long. Carolyn 50, 70, 185, 187, 217 Longley. Kim 98. 196 Looby. M1chael 70 Lorenz. Janet 98 Loseke. Shelley 98 Love. Knstme 98. 196 Lucas. Mrs. Lois 20 Lucks. Steven J. 112 Ludw1ck, Diane 70, 214 Ludw1ck. Paul J. 112 Luebbe. Leslie 98 Lueder. Nancy 98. 193, 217, 219 Lueders. Pamela 70 Lundgren. Sandra 70 Lundgren. Sherry M. 112 Lustgarten. M. K. 70 Lyle, Gayle 98. 126, 219 Lyle, Gary 112 Lynch. Kathleen 70, 150, 170, 212 Lynch. Patrick 98, 196 Lynn . Patty 112. 187, 197 Lyon, Coleen 98 Lyons. John D. np Lyons. Kenneth np
M Maas. Kathy 112 Mac. Rozanne 112 MacAllister, James np MacChietto. John 98, 205 Mactler, K1mberly 70. 203 Mactler. Meredith 104, 112. 197 Macy, Vicki J. 112 Madden. Scott 70 Madison. Ronald G. np Maenner. J1m W. 112. 195 Mager. Kathleen 98 Magnuson. Joy 98 Magnuson, M. S. 70, 187
Mahacek, Marg1e 98 Mahunn. Pam 70 Mahurin, Tom 70 Mahunn, Shem 98 Mailand. Thomas 98 Major. James 98, 205, 207 Malashock, Janice 112 Malec. Deidre 98, 207 Mallett, Merrllee 70 Manchester. Robert 112. 187 Mancuso, Tom 70, 128 Mang lamell . Cynthia 50. 98, 217 Mannmg . Patnc1a 70, 222 Marble. Robb1e 98 Marcuzzo. Peter 98 Margolin, Ross 98 Markel. T1mothy S. 112 Markley, Kathleen 112, 195 Marks. Shoshana np Marsh. M1chael np Marshall, Mr. John 19 Marshall. Scot 49, 70, 185 Marshall, Trudy 98 Marston. John 112 Martig . Mary np Mart1n. Barbara 70, 203 Martin. Nancy 98. 197 Martin. Tom 98 Marts, Sherrie t12 Mascher. Conn~e 70 Mason. John 25, 98 Maslny, Donald 98. 216 MATH CLUB 210 Mathnew. Susan 112 Mattson. James A 112 Mattson. Midge 70. 170, 194, 195 Matya. D1anne 112, 174. 197 Mauldin, Larry 98 Maxwell, Bruce np Maxwell. Melinda 98, 113 May. Mr Frank 24, 128 Mayper. Alan G 70, 214 Mazze1, Pat 113, 125 Mead. Joan 1 13, 204 Meader, Mona 113, 196 Meadows. Lynn 103 Meese. James t13 Meigs. Lou1s 70 Me1man. Robert 70, 206 Melcher, Pam 98 Melcher. R1chard 113 Melhorn. L1nda 113 Melhorn. M1chael 113 Melius. Judy 98 Mellen. Jeffrey 98 Mellor, David 113 Melville. Belmda np Mered1th, Mr. Don 24. 125 Mertz. Cheryl! 57. 70 MERVIN REESE STUDIO 242 Messer, Cathy E 113, 219 Metcalf, Mark 98 Metcalf, V1cky 98 Meyer. Laune 113, 187 Meyers. Bruce D. 98. 113, 174 Meyerson. Bobby 37, 113. 174 Mezger. Laune 98 Mezger, Theodore 70. 216 Miceli, Joseph1ne 103 Michael . Marsha 98. 185, 196. 217 MIChalSki , MIChael 98. 213 M1chalsk1 . Roger np M1cheels. Joyce np M1cheels. Scott A 113 Middleton. Alan 98. 113 Middleton . Carol np M1erendorf. M1ke 70 M1ldrexler, C. 70. 214 Milankovich . A M. 113 MILLER STUDIO 234 Miller. Bruce K. 70, 214 M11ier. Douglas 98. 126, 219 M11ier. Gary 98, 130, 187 M11ier, Gary E. 98, 182. 183, 187 M11ier. Jay 98, 210 M11ier. Jean A. 70. 217 M1ller. Mr Lew1s 25 M1ller. L1nn 76, 164. 165 M1ller. Patnc1a 113 M1ller. Steve 113 M1ller. T1mothy J 70 M1lls. Jack 113 M1ln~kel . Bruce 98 M1l0n1. Mr. LOUIS 25, 122, 123, 142. 144 Mmkner. Jon 98. 182 Mmn~g . K1m 98, 195 MIIChell , Ann M 113 M1tchell , Jane 70 Mitchell , Jim 113 M1lchell , Joan 113 M1tchell , Lmda 98 M1tchell, Mrs Palncla 25 Mitchell. Sharon A 70 Mitchell . Sharon 113
Mlnank. B11i 98 Monon. Anne C. 70. 176 Monroe. Douglas 98. 206 Montag . Pat 70 Mooney, 01ane F 113. 197 Mooney. M1chael T 98 Moore, Oenn1s 99, 216 Moore. Diana 70 Moore. M1ss Jacqu1e 25 Moore. M1chael 70 Moore. Pam 99 Moore. Stephen 57. 7t Moore, Mr. Parker 25 Moore. Mr. Vern 19 Moore. William M 113, 125 Moreland . Darrel 113 Morgan . Jacqueline 99 Morgan . Steven 71 Monn. Ann 71 Monn. Anne 113 Morephew. Nancy 99, 187, 206 Moms. Cathy J 113 Moms. James 99 Momson . Michael 113 Morrow, Fred A. 113 Morrow. Jim D 99 Morton. Laura 4, 71 , 197. 207 Morton, Steven 99 Moscrey. Mr. Robert 25. 126, 127 Mossblad , Karen 99, 216, 217 Moustakes. Nick 99 Moyes, John 71 Moylan. Marilyn J. 187. 210. 217 MR. TUXEDO 244 MUD 229 Mueller. Jeann1ne np Muffly, Kimberly 71 Muffly, Kirk np Mulick. Kathy 99 Mulick. Mark np Mullenax. Kathy L. 113 Mullin, Linda 113 Mullin, Marilee A 214 Murphy. Mary A. 71 Murphy. Mary 99. 230 Murphy, Robert 99 Murphy, Scott 113 Murphy. Susan 71 Murphy, Vincent 113, 187 Murray, Thomas P. 99, 206, 211 Murray. Timothy J. 99 Mus1l , Robert 77. 123 Myers. Barbara 103, 170 Myers. Sandra 113 Myers, Wayne 71 McAlister, Alan 99 McAvm. Oav1d 99 McCall, Charles 99 McCall1ster. J1m 112 McCarthy, Michelle 99 McCarty, Kev1n 99 McCau ley. Melinda 71 McClanahan. Bruce 99, 185, 187 McCiedon. Krlst1 99. 172 McClure. M1chael 113 McClure. Paula 0 . np McCoid. Collen 71 McCollister. Diane 71 McCormick. D1anne 113 McCormick, Mr. B11i A. 227 McCormick, R1chard 71 McCre1ght, Mr. Ke1th 21 McCnllis, M1k8 113 McCnllis. Wil liam 71 McCumber. M1tchell np McDan~els . Mrs. Myrna 21 McDonald. Barry 71 , 180, 181 McDonald, James np McDonald, Manlyn 99, 185 McDonough . Mrs. June 31 McDonough. Pat 71 , 170. 171 , 177. 207 McFarland, M1ke 103 Mcfarland, Steve 113 McFayden. Rick 50, 71 , 160, 197, 218 McFAYDEN FORD 238 McG1IIen. M1ke 99 McGu~re . Nancy A 99 Mcintire, Angela 71 Mcintire, Mr. Denn1s np McKay. Susan 99, 202 McKean. Curtis 99, 185 McKenz1e, Steve 71 , 78 McK1mmey. Jan 99, 103, 193, 196 McK1nnon . Le1ghton 38. 99 McKnelley. Dorinda 113 McLochlin , James 72 McMahon . B11i 72 McMaken, Harry 113. 211 McManus. Laura 99 McManus. Thomas F 99 McMullen, Scott E. 113. 187, 204 McNabb. Kevin 99. 205 McNPII , Douglas 99 McPherson. Janet 72 McQulrter A. 99
McReynolds. Mrs Jan 24 McShane. Betty 99 McWilliams, Anato 113 McW11ilams, Pam np McWhorter. Robert np
N Nalow. Oebbi 72 Naplorkowskl , Jess np Nash. Barry 99 NASA'S 232 Nazario, Robert np Neal , Tom 195, 196 Nebbia. Steve 72, 207 Neese. Ursula 72, 214 NFL 174- 175 Ne1s, D1ane 99. 197. 207, 212. 216, 217. 219 Nejdl , Clarence 99 Nelson. Ken np Nelson , Dav1d 72, 179, 180 Nelson, Debralee 99. 199 Nelson . Karen 113 Nelson, Kathy 99, 196 Nelson , Ken 113 Nelson L. Chns np Nelson, Lon 99 Nelson, M1ke 72, 89, 170 Nelson. Robm L. 113 Nelson. Mr William 25 Neth, Barbara 72, 87 Neubauer, Steve np Neubauer. Thomas 120. 123 Newmann. Ruth 99 Newbanks, Linda 72 Newbanks. Patty 113 Newberg . Cynthia 113 Newcomer, Elaine 72 Newell , Beth 113. 187. 196 Newland, Mrs. Helen 31 Newman, Peter 99 Newman. Roger H. 113, 126 Newsham. Gary 99. 134, 195 Newstrom. Larry 103 N1chols. Thomas 72. 214 Nicholson. Kathy 72, 214 N1ed. Rosalie 73 N1elsen. Debra 99, 196, 212
Nielsen. Ellen 103 N1elsen. Jeanne 73 Nielsen. Jill S 100 N1elsen, Mark 113 N1elsen. Susan 100 N1emann. Mr LOUIS 25, 211 N1emants. Susan 73 NINA 239 N1ver. Jem 113, 187 Noar. Karen., 13 Nogg . Sharon 73. 215. 229 Noodell. Or. Jack 25 Noodell . Steven t 13 Norby. Debra 90, 100 Norby, Scott 113 North, Carol Ann 100 Novack, Beth np NOVAK CADILLAC 245 Nye. Nancy 73. 183 Nye. Sharon 73. 234 Nyholm. Mr Paul 25, 130
0 Oberst. Terry 73, 123, 142, 143. 144, 153 O'Bnan. Patrick 73, 214 O'Brian. Patrick 114 O'Campo. Steve 1 t 4 O'Conner. Mr. Dan~el 25, 29. 38 O'Conner, Frances L. 114 O'Connor. Lome 196 O'Doherty. B11i t 14 O'Doherty, Colleen 100, 202 O'Doherty, Cra1g 8 Ogden. Edward 100. 187 Oglesby. John 100 O'Hara, M1ke np O'Hagan. Gerald P 73. 123, 214 218 Ohrt, Pamela 114 Okon. M1chele 73 Oiberdmg . Oalice 100 Olderog , Mark 73, 218 Olds, Janet 73, 83. 231 Oleary. Deborah K. np Oliver, Janet 73 Oliver. Susan 1 t 4 Olson, M1ke 114. 187
)I son, Randy 103. 114 llson, Robert 100 lison, Nancy 9, 73, 207 llv1n, Demse 73. 172. 239 •MAHA SCHOOL EQUIPMENT
230 •nstead. Jerrell 100 0 P P D 231 •.P P D 232 •ppold, James 100, 196 ppold. Janet 114 qu1st. Sandra 1 t 4 RCHESTRA t 84· 185 sborne. Dav•d 100, 209 sborne, Susan J 114 strow. Jeff 90. 100, 197 "Sull1van , Joseph 73, 177, 195. 207 11s. James 73 liS, M1ke 114 lis. Nancy 73 lis. Sarah 73. 176. 197 tte. T1m np Ito. Edward 100, 205. 237 :to, R1chard 114 1erton. Jane 114 !mun. Steven 100
p tdberg , James 73 1dberg. Joan 114 1dgett. Vorg1ma 100 1eper. Wayne 73 timer. Nadme np .!mer. Patnc1a 114, 223 .nek . Mrs Jean 27 nos, Debbie 114 ppenhe1ner. M 114 ppenhe1mer. R A 73 ra Professionals 31 rdee. Roger 114 rker, Clifford M 126 • : rkhurst , Regg1e 100, 207 rk1son . Janet 100 rks , Nancy 114 rks , Tom 100 s1an, Fabio 73. 162. 163. 195 te, Tom 74, 123, 134. 159. 216. !18 1erson. Alan 74 tterson, R1ck 8. 74 , 179, 180 tz , Mrs Hazel 25
Pauba. Karen 103 Paulson, Laurel 100. 172, 226 Payne, L1nda 100 Pearce. V1ck1 114 Pearse. Kathryn 100. 185. 187. 197, 217 Pearson, Donna np Pecht, Mr Karl 21 Peck, Randy C. np Pedersen, K1m 114 Peetz, Ronn1e 114 PEG BOYLE ACCESSORIES 236 Pelkner. Carol 114, 187, 196 Penry, Mark 114 Penny, Carolyn J 114 PEP CLUB 198 Perry, Evelyn 74, 171 , 185 Perk1ns. Mr. Lee 19 Person. Patnc•a 74, 214 Peter. Jeff 100, 187 Peters. Susan 114 Petersen. Charles 74 Petersen , Cra1g 100, 204 Petersen . Douglas 74 Petersen, Pamela 114 Petersen, Steve 100 Petersen, V1ck1 74 , 187. 196 Petersen, V1ck•e 100, 185 Peterson, Bruce 74, 205, 214 Peterson, Debra A 114 Peterson Enc A 114 Peterson Ron 74, 210 Peterson, Rosemary 74 Peterson, Sharon 100. 207 Peterson. Steve 100 Pettigrew, R1ck 114 Pfeffer, James F 74 Pflug. Anne 114, 187 Pfeifer. William A 114 Phalen. Marilyn 74 Phelps, Dr. H. Vaughn 18, 19 Phelps, Ronald 100. 185, 187, 246 PHOTOGRAPHERS 182· 183 PICCOLO PHARMACY 234 P1gnott1 , Cynlh1a np P1per. Bud np Piper, R K. 114 P1per. Mark 100 Pleas. Lana 114 PIOISS, Timothy 100 Poage. Patnc1a A. 74 , 207, 213 Poage. Kathleen 95, 100, 213 Poff, Anoia 100 Polikov. Steve 100
Poliolo, Anne L. 114 Polito. Dan 74, 214 Polito. Nancy 74, 214 Polito. T1mothy 100 Pollard, Nancy 172. 204 Pollard, T1mothy 74 Pomeroy. Sue 74 Pom1anek, Janel 100 Pondelis. Cindi 100. 160 Ponseigo. Joseph 100 Pools. Jeff 100. 123, 216 Post. R1ta L. 9, 75, 157, 203 Potts, Maureen 114 Potts, Susan np Powers, David 100 Powers, Dennis 100 Prall. William 75 Pray. Terry 100, 216 Pre1ster. Dav•d 103 Pren11ss, Joe 206 Pressley, Martha 100 Preslw•ch . Donna 100 Prevett. Richard 69, 185 Pndeaux. Mrs. Sharon 31 Pnmeau . Anne 75, 214 Pnmeau , James 114 PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE 239 Procipio. Roselyn 114 Pullem, V1vette 75. 170 Purchase. W1lliam np
Q-R Quambusch, Barbara 114, 236 QUILL AND SCROLL 181 Quinlan, K A. np Quinlan, M1ke 103 Quinlan. Trent 75, 123, 143, 144. 216, 218 Quinn, Chnsline 100 Quork, Dave np Rab1n, Dr. Marvin 184 RACELAND np Rada, Mark 75 Rad1l, Cheryl tOO Raduziner, Carol75 Raduziner, Mark J. 114 Raffensperger. D. A. 114 Raffensperger, Dennis 50, 75. 123, 153, 216, 218 Ragan. Cheryl 75 Ragan. M1ke 114, 126 Ralston, Korby 114 Ralya, M1ke 114 Randall, Gayle 75 Randle, Clance A. 100 Randolph, Barbara 114 Randolph, Mary 100. 204 Rankin, Mrs. Jane 25 Rank• n, Mary 114 Raschke, Debra 75, 196 Rasmussen, James 75, 182 Rasmussen, Joe lien 75, 212 Rathbun, Nancy 114, 195 Rauch, Barbara 100 Ray, Phil75, 128, 218 RED CROSS 215 Reed, Dav1d 75 Reed, Don 100 Reedy, Mark np Reedy, Shane 114 Rehder, Cindy 114 Rehurek, David np Re1gle, Kris 114 Remington, Beth 100 Remington, Scott 114 Renander. Ann 75, 187. 212 Renander, Curt 100 Render, Evelyn 75 Rezac, Mr. R. 25 R1ce. Deborah np R•ce, Doug 100 RICO, K1m 100, 114, 187, 246 R1ce. Lawrence 114 RICO, Nancy 9, 75, 153, 159, 203, 216, 228 R•chards, D Ross 75, 214 Richards, La Marr 100, 204 Richardson, C. 100,203.216, 240 Richardson, D. 100. 207 Richardson, Mary 75, 216, 217 Richardson, R1ck R. 114 RICK McFAYDEN INC. 243 Rickabaugh, Larry 47, 100 R•denour. Anne 75, 176 R1ehle, William 114 R1tey, Mr. James 121 , 123, 134 R1ng, Kathleen np Ritthaler, Wanda 75 Riva, JoAnne 114, 206 R1va, Mary 75, 214 RIX, Paull 00
Roach, Nancy 75, 203, 219 Robbins, Dale 75 Robbins, Debra 75, 197 Robbins, Martin R 114, 128, 219 Roberts. Jon 114 Roberts. L1sa 75 Roberts, William 75 Roberts, Mr. Spence 20 Robertson. C. 114 Rob•nson, Dav•d 100 Robinson, Renee 101 ROCKBROOK PASTRY 234 Rockwell, D•ane 101 , 171 Rockwell, Judy 76 Rockwood, Gary 64, 76, 216 Rodgers. Jeanne L. 114 Roecker, Gregory 114 Roffman, Gary 187 Rogers, Mrs. Lorra1ne np Rogers, Tom 114 Rohrberg, C. 101 , 207, 217 Romano, John 114 Rookstool, Llnda101 Rooney, Kev•n 114 Roos, Karen 114 Rose. James 76, 123, 152, 218 Roseberry, R. 101 Rosen, Andy 101 ROSEN NOVAK CHEVROLET 241 Rosenbaum. Miss Theo np Rosenberg. Ann1e 76 Rosenberg , Helen np ROSS ' RED HANGER 232 ROSS' STEAK HOUSE 227 Ross, Deborah 76, 202, 203 Ross, Joan 101 , 148 Rowe. Chnsline 101 Rowe. Colleen 76, 214 Rowe. Laura 46, 114 Rowland, Susan 114 Rowson, James 114 Rozum, Carol 101 , 197 Ruback, Nancy 76 Rudolfo, D1ane 101 Rule, Stephen 101 Rumbaugh, Mr Verlan 25 Runge. Jon 114 Running, Debra 114 Runn1ng, Robert 76, 214 Ruse. James 76, 187 Rusing, Susan 101 Russell, Dav1d 101 Russell, James 76 Russell, Peter 114 Ruther. Jean 101 Rutherford. Jo 101 Ryan, Frank 114 Rybin, Richard 101 , 122, 123 Rygg. Robert 76 Rymph, Douglas 69
s SAB 192 Sabin, Ellen 76, 214 Sab1n. J1m 115 Sacch1, Chathy 115 Sacco, Fred 76, 119, 120,123, 143, 144, 218 Sacco, R1ck 115 Sacher, Clay1on 115 Sacher, Donna np Sader, L1nda 115 Sargent, Joan np Sadler, Douglas 76 Sadler, Julia 115 Sadofsky, Sheldon np SAFE· TEENS 204 Sage, Steve np Sa•tta, Mark 15 Sakler, Victoria lOt , 196, 212 Salisbury, Michael lOt Salmen, Patricia 101 Salser, Michael np Sampson, Brian np Sampson, Susan 101 , 212 Samson, Linda 115 Sanders, Jerry 115 Sandmann, Beth 115 Sandmann, Stacy 101 Santa Ana , Carol115 Santa Ana. David 101 Santi , Chnsline 76 Sargent. Joan 115 Sass, Elizabeth 115 Sawtell, Peter 76 Saylan, Craig 52 Scampenno, Pamela 101 Scampenno, Pal 115 Schad, Clay1on 76 Schad, Randy115 Schaefer, Linda 101 Schaefer. Marv np Schanbacher, John np
Schat, Roger 76, 123, 153 Scheinosl. M1ke 115 Schempp, Alan 77, 218, 238 Schempp, R1chard 115 Scherer, Mark 115, 140 Schiebur, Cynthia 115 Schleifer, Mr. George 21 , 25, 115 Schlicker, Bobette 101 Schlotfeld, J np Sc1ford, Jeff np Schlolfeld, M1ke 115, 187 Schna1d1, Robert 115 Schm1tz, Mary 101 Schm1tz, Steve 101 , 124, 216 Schna1dl, Susan 77, 196 Schneider, George 101 Schone, Larry 115, 124 Schone, Soma 50. 77, 217 SCHOOL BOARD 19 Schoolfield, Sue 115, 187 Schorr, Robert 115, 185, 187 Schovanec, Jon np Schovanec, Kathy np Schreiner, Debbi 9, 77, 199, 217 Schroeder, Wayne 115 Schuler, Mr. Laurence 26, 49, 167 Schulze, Richard 77, 126 Schulze, Robert 101 Schultz, Peggy 115 Schultz, T1m 101 Schupack, Mark 115, 211 Schwartz, Conn1e 77 Schwartz. G. 77, 222 Schwartz, M1ke 115, 174 Schwenk, Ricky 101 Schwenk, Rodney 115, 187 Schwenk, Susette 17 Schwenke, Wanda 101 Schwetz. Kathryn 101 Sc1ford, Dean 101 Scigo, Leonard 101 Scofield, Miss Sandra 26, 209 Scott, B•ll 50, 77. 209 Scott. Ca1heri ne 115, 187 Scott, Donna 101 Scott, R•chard np Scott. William 210 Scudder, M1ke 101 . 180 Sears, Nancy 77 Sears, Sally 115 Secor, Mark 101 Sedlacek, Gary 26, 101 Sedlacek, Mr. Gary 26 Se•dl, Donna Jean np Se•dler, William 101 Self, Kenneth 77 Sellner. Peggy 50, 77. 83. 197. 217 Seminara, Judy 101 Seminara, Steve 101 Sendgraff, R1chard np Sennentz, Debb1e 101 Serafini, Dav1d 101 Seume. Barbara 102 Seume, Jeffrey J. 115 Seume, R•chard 102, 103, 134, 216 Shaddy, Kathy 115 Sharp, Gary np Sheets, Mark np Sheets, Randall 77 Sherman. Deborah np Shewamck, Dav1d 115 Shidler, Deborah 115, 187, 203 SHIELD 176, 177 Schultz, Peggy np Shetland, Richard np Shne•der, Steven 103 Schoop, Wesley 115 Shook, Janice Dee 77, 200, 212 Shukert, Jay 50, 77, 192, 193, 210 S1dens, Rebecca 45, 102 Sideris, Stella 102 S1mmons, Peggy np S1mpson, Krista 77 SIR KNIGHT 243 S1stek, Robert 102 Skar, Suzanne 102 Skaug. Nancy Jane 115. 196 Skeffington. Ellen 102 Skeffington, Jane 77, 214 SKI CLUB 206 Skoglund Madeline 115 Sknvanek, Dav•d L. 115 Skultety, W1ll1am 116 Slabaugh, Nancy 116, 219. 244 Slabaugh, Vorg1nla 77, 203. 219 Sladek, Mr Leslie 26, t 18 Slalght, Susan 116 Slauter. L•nda np Sloan. Joe 116, 124 Sloan. Judy np Small, B. 102 Sm1d, John J 116 Smidt, B. 102 Sm•lley, D1ck 77 Sm•lh, Chnst1na 77
Smith, Craig 77, 214 Smith, Jody 102, 197, 214 Smith, Joleen 102 Smith, Josephine 50. 77. 88, 197, 217 Smith, Martin np Smith , Peggy 115 Smith , Richard 116 Smith, Roy np Smith, Steve 102, 197 Smith, Susan 102, 187, 196 Smithson, Kathleen 102, 213 Smithson, Krystyn 77, 213 Smyth, Catherine A. 103 Snail. Rickey W. 77, 116 Snail, Steve 77, 214 Sneckenberg . Susan 78, 224 Snipes, Herman 116 Snow, Robert 78 Snyder, Mr. Darwyn 167, 187 Soh I, Becky 78 Sonderup, Terry 102, 216 Sondker, Dennis 90, 102, 196 Sondker, Karen 74, 78, 194 Sorenson, Chris 78, 21 8 Sorenson, Scot 102, 140, 196 Sorenson, Susan 116, 187 Sorum, Richard 102 Soucie, Joan 101, 102, 202 SOUTHWEST BANK 235 SPANISH CLUB 197 Spiegal, Jeff 116 Spire, Molly 78 Spire, William 124 Splittgerber, Ann 78, 148, 199, 216 217 Springer, Barbara 102 SQUIRES 203 Staenberg, Mike 116, 130 Stafford, Ross 50, 78, 187, 210 216,218 Stalder. Lindy 3, 78, 179 Staley. Dan 102 Stalnaker, Susan 78 Stamm, Cynthia 102 Stamm , Larry L. 116 Stamm, Terry Lee 116 Stanbro. Dave 116 Stanbro. Steven 78 Stang, D. 102 Stanway. Gregg 51 , 78, 123, 216, 218 Stark, P. Craig np Stark, Dennis 116 Stark, Steven 128 Starr, Craig F. 116 Start, Suzanne 102, 193, 212 Stastny, Rex A. 116 Steele, Don 116 Steele, Ricky 102 Steele, Robert 78, 179, 195 Stehno, Richard J. 78 Stehno, Susan 102 Steingraber, Marcie 102 Steinhausen. Glenn 78, 123, 134, 216, 218 Stenstrom, Ted 102 Stephen, Charles 104, 1 I 6, 130, 197 Steven, Mrs. Carolyn np Stevens, Don 102 Stevens, Lynn 102 Stevens, Paula 116 Stevens, Trudy np Stewart, Cynthia 78 Stewart. Debra 102 Stewart, James np Stewart, John np Stiebler, Laurel102, 187,197, 217 Stilmock, Thomas 116 Stinson. Pamela 102 Stites, Claire 102, 187 Stites, Dave 116 Stitt, Mary 78, 194, 196 Stofferson, Linda 102. 187 Stokke, John 116 Stokke. Kevin 102, 219 Stone, Sherry 7, 78, 193 Stonebraker, Peggy 78, 214 Storm, Michael np Storz, Deborah 116 Strandlund, Connie 116 Strandlund, Linda 78 Stowell, Nancy 116, 185 Stranghoener, David 102 Streeter, Deanna 78 Streislnger, Mike 102 Stnbley, Mr. Ed 26, 45 Stroble, Jon 103, 124 Struyk, William 102, 219 Stump, David 116 SUBBY'S BARBER SHOP 239 SUBSURFERS 208 Suiter, Richard 116 Summer, Joan 102, 180. 197, 217 Sund, Larry 78, 87
Susman, Marsha H. 116 Sutko. Michael np Svehla, A. Kathryn 27, 50, 78, 84, 185. 187, 197 Swanson, Barbara L. 116, 219 Swenson, Jewel E. 116 Swenson, Kent 102, 187 SWIMMING 138, 139, 140 Swope, Cheryl 78 Sydow, Rebecca 79, 213 Syslo, Nick 116
T Tallaksen, Sonja 116 Tallon, John np Tallon, Pat np Tangdall, Mr. James 19 Tank, Daniel B. 116 Tanner. S. 102 Taren. Julie 79 Tarpley, Gary 50, 79, 216 Tasich, Dick 116 Tatreau, Douglas 116 Tatreau. Ronald 102 Tauba. K. 102 Taxman, Jeff 79, 86 Taylor. Beth 116, 206 Taylor. Mary 49, 102. 213 Tegler, Mrs. Jane 26 TENNIS 130, 131 Terry, David 116 Terry, Linda 79, 203 Thacker, Debby 116 Thatcher. Randy 79, 123, 144 Thieman, Martin 102, 128, 219 Theisfeld, Criss1e 102 THESPIANS 170, 171 Thoma, Mark 102 Thomas. Barbara 116 Thomas, Charles 79, 179 Thomas, David 102 Thomas. Lucinda A. 79 Thomas, Timothy 102 Thomas, William 116 Thompson. Bill102, 185, 187 Thompson, Debbie 46, 79 Thompson, Joan 102. 187 Thompson, Vicki 79 Thornburg. Kathy A. 102 Thornton, Ellen 79 THULL'S 228 Thuman, Kristy 116 Tilson, Mrs. Carol26, 76 Timberlake, Robert 102
Tlmperley, Roger np Tinley, Jacqueline 36, 79 Titus, Jeannine M. 116, 213 Tobias, Cheryl! 02 Tobin, Tom 79 Todaro. Pat 102 Tohill, Alan 79, 81 , 123. 153, 157, 218 Tomek, Beverly 79, 214 Tomek, Phillip 116 TOP CHOIR 189 Topper, Geo. Brent np Toth, Susan J. 116 Treat, Linda 116 Trigg, Shirley v . 116 Trigg, Tod np Troia. Antonette 116 Troia, Mike Jude np Troia, Tony S. 116 Trustin, Mark 77, 79, 140, 218 Trude, Carre 102, 187, 226 Trunsky, Cindy 214 Tucitto. Louis 102 Tull. Constance 79, 196 Tully, John Mark 116 Turco, Gayla M. 116 Turansky, Cindy 79 Turner, Charles np Turner. David A. 102, 187 Turner, Paull 02 Turnquist, Greg 79 Tweeton, Janis 102 Tweeton, Nancy 50. 79, 154, 203, 217 TWIRLERS 203
u Udes. Lynne 79, 179, 180 Ueding, Gloria 102 Underwood, Jackie 102 Underwood, Jerry 116 Upchurch, Michael79, 128, 129, 216, 218 Upchurch, Susan 116
v Vaaler, Julie M. 116 Vacanti, Joe 79, 214 Van a, George J. 116, 124 Vana, Nancy 79, 214
VanAmburgh, Mrs. Evie 26 Van Boskirk, Marla 117 Van Boskirk, Robert 80, 179 Van Cleave, T. A. 102, 130 Vance, Marc1a 80 VanCura, RickT. 103 VanCura, Robert 102 Vandervolk, Diane 102. 195 Vandervolk, Jim 117, I 87 Vandervort, Kathy 117 Van Horn, Kelly 102 Van Ness, Robert C. 117 Vaughan. Bradley 80, 218 Vaughan. Carla 102 Vaughn , James 117 Veldman, Michael! 02 Vellinga, Deanna A. 80, 196 Venditte. Mr. Pat 27, 120, 123, 218 Vermaas, Herb 80 Vestal. Jody 236 Vice, Carol 102 Vickland, Steve np Vi nal, Mike 80 Viola, Arne Gerd 117 Vipond, Cra1g J. 80 VIRGIES 234 Vlcek. Bill80. 123 Vlcek, Dale 102 Vlcek, Linda 117 VOCAL MUSIC 188, 189 Vohoska, Craig 117 Vohoska, Denise 103, 203 Vogt, Peggy Anne 117 Volcek. Dixie L. 103 Von Der Ahe. Robert 117 Von Wolf, Rick 141
w WARRIOR 202 W-CLUB 218 Wadleigh, Gregory 103 Waggener, Nancy 80 Wagner, Linda 103 Wagoner. Barb 80. 153. I 59, 200, 212 Wahlstrom, Nancy 103 Walander, Debby 103 Waldbaum, Jerome 80. 216 Walker, Cathy 80 Walker, Deborah 80, 203 Walker, Janet 103 Walker, Mrs. Joyce 31 Walker, Ltnda 103 Walker, Richard 80, 123
Walker, A. Z. Jr. 80 Walker, Stewart 80, 185, 187 Wall, V1vekananda 50, 80, 209, 210, 211 WALLACE-HEDLUND JEWELER 240 Wallahan, Sandra 103, 164 Wallin. Lyn 20, 27, 50, 80. 153. 159. 199. 203 Walters, Jan1ce 103 Ward, John np Waterman. Wayne np Waters, Bernard np Walstrom. Rick 116 Walstrom, Thomas 38, 80 Wamsat, Garrison 117 Ward. Gloria J. I 17 Ward, John np Ward, Russel 103, 210 Ward. Mrs. Karen 27 Warne, Christine80. 162. 196. 217 Wart a, Joseph J. np Waterman. Wayne 116 Waters, Bernice 116, 126 Waters, Paxton np Watkins, James 103. 123. 185. 187, 218 Watson. Gail 50, 80, 197, 215, 217 Waltonville, Thomas 117 Watts. Vaughn 103, 123. 219 Wayne, MikeS. 117 Weaver. M. 103 Weaver, Wendy 4, 103, 172, 173, 205. 207, 209 Weber, Eddie 117 Weber, D1ane np Wegner, Cheryl A. I 03 WEIGHT LIFTING CLUB 141 Weidner, Glayds 103 Weidner. Leroy 80 Weiner, Eric Lynn 117 Weinert. Richard 117 Weingarten, Thomas 103 Weinstetn, Marc 117, 196 Weiss. Ronald 50, 80 Weiss, Sandra 117 Weitzki, Janet 80 Welch, B. I 03 Welch, Mr. Harold 185 Welch, John 117 Wells, Ronald 80 Wells. Shirley 103. 217 Wells, Scott 117 Wemmer, Bob 80, 214 Wessberg , Kerry L. 103, 207 West. Cory D. 117 West, Craig C. 103, 207
WEST OMAHA NATIONAL BANK 239 West, Richard 80, 214 West, Terri Lynne np Westenskow, C. 117 Westering, John 117 Westerlin, Don 103. 205, 207 WESTGATE BAKERY 237 Westphal, Linda34, 103, 171 , 196 Wetterburg, Larry 117 Weyh, Mr. Lee 27 Wheeler. Carey 80, 199, 203. 21 0 Wheeler, Larry 80, 128 Wheeler, Ronnie E. 117, 197 Wheeler, Tom 80, 177 Whmery, John 103, 124 Whistler, Edina 103 Whitaker, Debra A. 103 White, Bill144 White, Bruce 103 White, John np White, Lewis np White, Rex 103 Wh ite, Will iam 103, 123. 219 Whitesell, Pam 80 Whitely, Elizabeth np Wiar, Cheryl1 03, 187 Wichman, Donald 103 Widstrom, Dana 103, 187 Widstrom, Ruth Ann 117 W1enstein, Mark 211 Wietzki , Jan np Weinhart, Marilyn 103 W1gg , Mark 80, i40 Wigodsky, Bruce 103, 123, 219 Wigton, Doug las 103 Wiitala, Mr. Steven 27, 53 Wilcox, Richard 117, 193 Wilhelm), Charles 117, 185 William, John 233 William. John 233 Williams, Barbara 103, 203 Williams, Mike 117, 182 Williams, Nina 117, 170, 171 Williams, Steven 103, 123, 216, 219
Willing, Louise 96, 103, 200 Will mer, Steve np Willoughby, Lester np Wilson, Becky 103, 197 Wilson, B1llie 50, 80 Wilson, D1ane Lynn 117, 195 Wilson, Douglas 103 Wi Ison, Mark 117 Wilson, Gary 103 Wilson, Julie 156 WilSOn, Philip 117 Wi Ison. Steve 117 Wilson, Susan 103 Windels. Mr. Virg il27 Winstrom, Mark 117 Winstrom. Michaela 80, 151 , 217 Winter. Deborah 80, 196, 202 Wintroub, Lori 117, 187 Wirka, Anne 80, 203 Wirka, Susan 117, 197 Witt, David 117 Wodder, Rebecca 50, 81 , 194, 197, 217 Wofford. C. np Wohlner, Cheryl117 Wolf, Ken 117 Wolfe, Michael 117 Wolfe, Terry np Wolfe, Thomas 81 Wolff, Mrs. Kristine 27, 199 Wolfson, Ira np Wollemath, Robert 81 123, 153 Wondersek, David 103 Woodbury, Mrs. Marilyn 27 Woodcock, Diane 117, 219 Woodhull. Bruce 103 Woodle, Rebecca 81 , 117 Woodle, Robert np Woodworth, Ann 117 Woodworth. Denise 81 Woodworth , Tom 103 Workman. Rinda 117 Workman, Rona 81 , 212 Wrabetz, Mrs. Lucy 31 WRESTLING 142, 143, 144, 145 Wright Marian 117
Wurdeman, Gregg 103, 124,219 WURTHMAN CONSTABLE STUDIO 240 Wyant. David 81 Wyatt, Anne 117 Wynne, Douglas E. 117
X-Y-Z Y-TEENS 219 Yaffe, Mr. lrv 19 Yaffe, Joan 81 , 194, 197 Yaussi, Miss Martha 27 Young, Jeffrey81 , 195 Young . Russell81 , 128 Z-CLUB 217 Zach, Mark 81 Zach. Mary 81 Zaiss, John 103, 175, 207, 216 Zandbergen, Nancy 117 Zandbergen. Pete81 , 218 Zart, Michael103 Zart, Nancy 117 Zastera, Richard 117 Zellmer, Don 103 Zellmer, Jon 103 Zich, Ray 103 Ziegler, Elizabeth 81 Zimbleman, Mr. Al27, 210 Zimmerman. Barbara 81 Zimmerman, Debra 117, 219 Zimmerman. Greg 103 Zoo b. Barbara 103, 169, 203, 240 ZOOS'S 240 Zorko, Kathy 172 Zorinsky, Barry 103 Zuerlein, Joe 103 Zulfer, Steve 1 !7 Zuroski , Peggy 81
np â&#x20AC;˘ not pictured
The 1970 SHIELD is an attempt at the coverage of one year of high school by a very small minority of the senior class. It reflects hard work, fun, laxity and emotion . As is the case with most high school yearbooks , it will be anticipated with excitement , gladly received , quickly skimmed over, signed numerous times and finally shelved. This space is traditionally set aside for statements the editor feels are worth having the students remember or realize. In spite of the fact that this is probably read less than the index, I would like to use it for that purpose. I would like to thank my whole staff for a job (although a little slower than hoped) well done. I also would like to thank Gary Gerber and the other pub photographers who helped out when the staff was in a slump. I hope the students realize the problems encountered in publishing a yearbook. Because of limited space I won 't even attempt to list them . There won't be any fantastic thought provoking farewell statement, that's up to you . GREGG DIMMICK, EDITOR
Up, up, and ??? 254
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