1972-73 Lance

Page 1

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Gail Cooksey and Rick Berkshire for sponsorship of the

1972-73 Lance

Support the Westside Foundation

17, No. 1



September 15, 1972

;teracy is blindness'

Reading center announces opening 路 you can't read, you can't lUnicate." This statement was ntly made by district visor of Reading, Mr. James 路, about the importance of de's new Reading Center. ~inning this year, room 232 become the high school's ;ion of the current district gprogram. :ording to Mr. Porter, in :t 66, reading instruction is mandatory through seventh e and courses in !lopmen tal" reading are e for eighth and ninth s. Under the direction of the !ading specialist for Westside, Dave Fitzeham, remedial g classes are being held this 'or sophomores an d juniors. mbition of the district is to nt reading problems before really begin," Porter 1ed. Both men hold masters 5 in reading. Porter emphasized that any t with reading difficulty can :eened and considered for

individual attention. The room is open all day. Plans are now in effect for the expansion of the center. The goal for next fall is the conversion into more of a "reading room with a large selection of reading matter such as magazines and paperbacks." The room would also contain "soft chairs, cushions and round tables for any student who wants to come in and read for pleasure." He added that "one advantage of the reading program is the closeness students have to the specialist, more so than with other teachers." He believes in a very individualized system. "Different people learn in different ways. Individual instruction may be more costly , but people honestly want other people to develop as individuals ." "To be a good reader, you have to stay in practice, as with anything else. In a recent national survey, the sad fact was discovered that college graduates read only about one t o two books a year when not forced ."

;tbrook initiates modified modules; umes a human, flexible approach xibility, sensitivity, ualization, and responsibility ne of the keywords that will Westbrook J unior High i in its new venture of a ied modular scheduling n for freshmen and a block ure for seventh and eighth . Mr. Les Sladek, former eacher at Westside and now year principal at Westbrook, !d his reasons for this 路ably extensive change in the n: We didn't want to 'trap .to study hall,' we wanted o have the chance to work tt they needed to work on. .ek added, "Classes like , shop and P.E. have labs formerly lasted 50 minutes. e time the lesson was !d and the materials brought was time to quit. These should be stacked vertically student's schedule, that is, of meeting 5 days a week minutes, they meet three Neek for 66 minutes." ~ k terms the new program as :iple period day" rather than r scheduling, mainly because ue no large groups and each morning the students hedule themselves into a > be every mod of the day. arable to Westside's oms, Westbrook's Student g Centers (SPC) enable 5 to choose which resource or study hall he needs to his free mods in order to for his classes. An SPC is more like a guidance or (as in the program ~ has installed this fall) the SPC teachers write the 'or the student to get into mrce center. Westbrook has ::-like resource center for 1ain subject, including a

practical arts center which houses sewing machines, typewriters and arts materials for the students' use. It also has a teacher resource center for individual help . Sladek stressed that the whole program was not "an inflexible mechanized system with a lot of rules and regulations .. . an experimental procedure in practice today may be discarded tomorrow simply because it did not work. There are 166 freshmen under this program, scheduled to begin actual proceedings last Monday. The first week of school was devoted to orientation, getting to know the SPC teacher and other students. continued on page 4

He continued , "Often forced reading causes hatred of reading. Even I re bel against forced reading. You should be able to read books of your own choice, and pride yourself more on discussion in general, than details. "It's a sad commentary to note there are 18,000,000 illiterate adults in our so-called 'free education' society. Illiteracy is like blindness. These people are at the mercy of others, having to accept what they hear as truth. We've worked hard in the district to reduce the number of remedial students. We have lowered the amount to the three percent level of total students, where it was as much as ten to eighteen before .

Mr. Dave F itzeham, Westside' s new read ing specia list, is al ready hard at work .

Club officers revise constitution to win fans "We sort of stole a quote of Coach Hall's for this year's Pep Club theme," said Pep Club president Sharon Benne tt. "We want fa ns, not spectators." She went on to say that last year it seemed th a t girls were more interested in let terin g than in being fans . To overcome this problem , she and o fficers Annette Sutherland , Linda Hasebrook, Eadie Fiscel , and Amy Pe terson spent their summer revising the constitution. The new one was approved by club members at the pre-summe r meeting August 28. Formerly , to letter, girls were required to attend 3 /4 of th e basketball games , so many meetings a month, and earn 18 points by serving on various committees, making posters, etc. This year girls will be required to go to six fall sport games, nine winter sports games, three spring sport games, and meetings will not be required. Fall sports will include football , gymnastics, cross country, and tennis; winter sports will

consist of swimming, wrestling, and basketball; spring sports will include track, golf and baseball. In previous years, another problem was that since more emphasis was placed on footb all and basketball the attendance at "minor sport games" was poor. Club officers felt that by letting the girls pick the games they wanted to go to, the over-all game attendance

Departments switch places, Courses make changes As usual, returning Westsiders will find things a little different than they did the yea r before. This year, there have been several departmental changes. The most obvious should be the relocation of the Social Studies classes into the area where Foreign Language classes once were. This was done because many Social Studies teachers felt they were wasting too much time moving

Jane Clark's adventures in beer capital of the world Would you want to live in a country where the legal drinking age is 16? This is one cultural difference encountered by Senior Jane Cla rk, in her two and a half month stay in Germany. AFS , the American Field Service , made her trip possible. While in Germany Jane lived with a

family of five, three children and two parents. The family lived in a heavily wooded rural area. "Germany is so crowded that you cannot go 10 kilometers without hitting a village," Jane said. She felt Germans are not adequately concerned about ecology, citing examples such as heavily polluted

would be more evenly distributed. Right now, Pep Club stands financially stable, another change from past years. Currently, officers are concentrating on raising money for the Homecoming dance. Red plastic ponchos are now on sale for $2.50 , and in the future, members will be selling game ribbons, Westside T-Shirts, and booster buttons.

industrial areas, and litter. Another difference in culture is the legal drinking age. Jane said, "It's not unusual for kids to go have a beer after school, because the legal drinking age is 16." When asked if there was a great deal of national pride in connection with the Olympics in Munich she replied," There is virtually no national pride, Germans cannot understand why we are so nationalistic and proud of ourselves, most Germans couldn't tell you their national colors." Jane feels that the AFS tours are beneficial for all who participate. She says she learned quite a bit, "When I went, I was terribly individualistic and felt I could get along pretty well without other people . But, you find when your in a different country with a different culture and language , you really need other people and I made some fantastic friends ."

between their classes, which were up in the English wing, and the SS IMC. The Foreign Language classes were moved up into the English wing. The Foreign Language IMC is now in the back of the library . Mr. Miller, a German teacher, described the changes as a compromise between the administration, the language department and the Social Studies department. He said he was hap py with it and felt they had "moved up in the world." Business and Industrial Arts offices are still in the former Foreign Language IMC. There have also been many curriculum changes. Mr. Bill Nelson, head of the Social Studies Department, said several changes had been made in his area. A couple of W or I d History teachers are teaching their class with more of an Asian empasis, while others are using an African point of view. Also, the first nine weeks of American History have been restructured, and Psycholgy large groups have been replaced with medium sized lab groups.American Government has been retitled American Political Behavior. In the English Department, American Literature has been divided into three tracks. One group meets only three mods a week. Last spring, students were allowed to pick the group they wished to be in, according to their interest and ability.


Page 2

September 15,


Movies and bands dominate fall scene L--------------------by Music ROCK OF AGES ... ....... THE BAND (In concert) Two sure ways of telling that Fall is h ere are school has started and The Band has put out a new album. This is the fourth year in succession that The Band has followed this procedure. Their new Album is the first live effort by the group. The majority of the songs are off the previous recordings with several new cuts including an eight minute organ improvisation which leads into the grou p's most popular number "Chest Fever." There are several new additions to the grou p including Snooky Young, Howard Johnson, Joe Farrell, Earl Mcintyre and J. D. Parron. The album was recorded on New Year's Eve at the Academy of Music in New York City. The group has also added electric mandolin a nd violin to enrich their country rock sound. As far as quality , this is one of the best albums to come out in a while. It also has several A poll conducted recently showed that elderly citizens' attitudes toward politicians range from statements like: "They usually make promises but never come through" to "politics corrupts." Conclusion : Age and experience gives rise to skepticism and a cynical, defeatist view of politics. But due to their staunch, sometimes blind idealism, young people won't listen to their seniors and inevitably have to learn the 'hard way.'" One month back, well-informed, youthful supporters of George McGovern would boast that their candidate's greatest single virtue was credibility. Today, 'honest' is opted for 'good-looking' o r perhaps 'liberal' (which really isn't much of a virtue these days). McGovern was one of the first outright anti-war senators way back in 1963. He was the first candidate of the presidential primaries to open his campaign-income books for public inspection. But this same man backed Senator Tom Eagleton '100%" one day and ousted him on the next. The same man recently altered his already tattered welfare plan to suit the wants of his traditional adversaries; the Wall Street "fat cats. " And what of Richard Nixon's credibility? Well , there are those sk?letons in the closet like the McCarthy witch-hunt days, the notorious Checkers speech, his vow to quit politics after his 1962 gubernatorial loss in California, his refusal to announce major campaign contributors, the Watergate affair, his ... There are too many breaches of credibility to list. George McGovern, a newcomer to presidential politics, has become almost as much of a back -tracker, denier, and double -talker as old-time Richard Nixon . So let us heed the skepticism of the old folks, for the statement "politics corrupts" is as valid as ever.

The 1972 Olympics were undeniably Germany's greatest chance to break away from its violent past and create a new image for its country throughout the world , one of peace and serenity . Years of preparation and countless millions of German dollars went into the fulfillment of that purpose. Through the tireless efforts of the German government and its people to provide the best possible conditions for both athletes and spectators the goal was being achieved. Even the weather, unusual for that time of year in Europe, cooperated with the German cause. All it took was five men to get together and say "let's destroy it all." And without justified motive they had succeeded in their madness by murdering nine Israeli captives, suspending the games and turning the Olympics, an event emphasizing peaceful coexistence between nations, into a scene of violence and political confrontation . Adding to Germany's misfortunes was the fact that this senseless act had involved people of the Jewish faith, those most tormented in its country's bloody history . The German government can only hope that the other countries of the world can recognize the efforts of the German people to rescue the Israelis and accept their deepest sympathies along with all the other nations of the world. This tragedy is another of a seemingly unending chain of violent acts that because of their impact on people completely overshadows any accomplishments made at that time. This is the fate that awaits the 1972 Olympics. All the pageantry and splendor that prevailed throughout the Olympic games will be forgotten by most. The 20th Olympiad will become known as the "Olympics of terror" and with that inevitable outcome Germany's chance to create a new image of its country through the games- an image of peace and serenity- will be destroyed .

dra wbacks, if you enjoyed the pure sound used on the prior albums, you may be disappointed by the blaring horn section on " King Harvest" and "Chest Vever." On several songs the vocals a re poor an d this really hurts the album, as The Band is noted for its unique tight sound. If you bought the first four albums that the group did you are likely to be disappointed in this effort. The Band travels the route that many other groups have, in a studio they can make a sound by mixing and redubbing but they can't reproduce that sound live.

In music news, Sha Na Na will have already played in Lincoln when this hits the press. Several new albums will be coming out this month by Black Sabbath, Grand Funk, and The Moody Blues. Movies With this being an election year, one of the popular trends in the movie business has been to produce poli t ical pictures. One of the most popular of these is a flick based on Irvi ng Wallace 's "The Man."


They don't make high schools like they used to .___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by susan darst I was shocked when somebody said, "Did you hear? Westbrook is going on modular scheduling this year. " I envisione d seventh grade kids smoking in the commons of the junior high school for a mod , then patching out on their bicycles for lunch at the Red Barn. I saw them casually me ntionin g phrases like "instructional m aterials center," ''modules," a nd "individualized vocational education" as easily as I s u avely mentioned "make-up," "nylons," a nd "yeah, we'll beat Arbor this year," back wh e n I was their age. In short, my first reaction to this change of system was skepticism in that I thought young teenagers could not handle the responsibility and pressure of modular scheduling. Later, as I interviewed the principal, faculty and students of Westbrook for the story that appears on page 1, I realized that this was a change long overdue. The students will have extended freedom on this modular system, but never will they be released to a playroom comparable to Westside's commons or cafeteria. Their Student Planning Center teachers will help them to plot out each day in relation to what area they need study or individualized help in . Therefore, the freshmen will never have "free time" as we know it, but rather time more wisely spent than before, when math class lasted 50 minutes, entirely too long for anyone's attention span. The days of Miss Pruitt, the 57-year-old spinster teaching all subjects in one classroom, the put-your-head-on-the-desk-you'vebeen-bad days, the walking to the lunchroom in a straight line days are all gone. But does this mean all the fun has "gone with the wind" and out of school as a sacrifice to superlative schedules, teaching methods and time utilization? Is Westside (and will Westbrook be) turning out classes of programmed robots, adept at research and

responsi ble ti me . planni ng, yet devoid of pleasant m emories from thr ee years of electric, computerized, xeroxed, mim eograp h ed and typed in triplicate hi gh school years? I say no. Westside students are more like people now than ever before. The mania for "The Big Game" and class yells is gone, but it is replaced by a more mature acceptance of do-your-own-thing whether it be athletics, scholastics, volunteer work or ecology. Mechanization has simply freed more time for the teachers to get right down to education. But you know, fundamentally nothing has changed at Westbrook this year because kids are still kids, and always will be, and the teachers know it. In the faculty lounge a teacher had confiscated a freshman's supply of firecrackers; a glance into a classroom showed the traditional "autum leaf" decorated blackboard ; a biology teacher had made mailboxes for his students out of Pringles potato chip cans. They sure don't make high schools like they used to, but when you get right down to it, the kids will always be the same.

Rick Denne

In "The Man ," James Jones plays the first black rr become President after President and Speaker of the : are killed and the Vice-Pre. refuses to serve because < illness. The former President's c: immediately takes control manipulates Jones to fit standards. He finally breaks < the mold he is encased ir speaks out against a supremacy government th. holding an American r prisoner. In doing so he has riskE chances for his party's nomir when election time rolls aroun The movie attempts to e the fakery and manipulation b politics and succeeds. photography and music scor both excellent and althougl movie drags in several place! worth seeing by anyone wh• political interest. Some other notes on m• Woody Allen's new co "Everything You AI ways W To Know About Sex But Afraid To Ask," will be rei this month as well as an "R" version of "A Clockwork Ora Around town

Several other artists who appear in the next few ' include Roberta Flack , Pink F Dan Hicks and his Hot Lick: there is some talk of a Gn Dead concert. In Omaha the comedy gro1 Cheech and Chong will appearing at the Civic Audito

As of Sept. 7 the Junior had a total of about $450 i treasury. Not too bad consid they were only mouse-mores year and contributed much to Westside dance fiascos. Do know what will happen this s: if that treasury isn't filled? won't get to hassel about Prom

Maybe you've seen ads clothes from Charlie's Girl magazines. If you've read them know they offer you free booklets about pollution, pov over-population .. . and what can do to help Write to : Cha Girls, Dept. S103, 1411 Broad New York, New York 1C Enclose 25¢ for postage handling. Maybe big business so bad after all. If they can t; help, so can we.

the lance Published bi-weekl y by the Publications D epartment of W estside High School, 87th and Pacific St., Omaha, Nebraska 68114. THE LANCE is a member of the National Sch clastic Press Association and the Nebraska High School Press Association. The paper is given free of charge to holders of Activi ty Tickets. Subscription rates to others are $3.00 postpaid. Non-profit mailing right s claimed . Printed by Wright Printin g Co., Omaha, Nebr. Editor ..... •. . . . . . •.. . Pam Hultberg Ass o. editors ••....... •. . Susan Darst Barb D emaree Editorial editor .. ... • . . . . . . . Bill Wald Asst. edtorial editor . . . . . Rick D enney Editorial writer •.•.•... Bob Eisenberg Feature editor ...•.. . . . . . . . Sue Berg Asst . feature e dit o r . . . . . . . ... . AI Kat z Feature writer . . . . . . . • . Sheri Petersen Business editor ...•. • . . ... Jim Clifto n Advertising manager •.• .•. Dave J ensen Sports writer ..•... •. Kathy Whittak er

News editor . . . . • . . . . . . Cyndie . Fine arts editor ..•• . . . •... Steve : Girls editor . . . . . . . . . Jessalyn Wil News writer . . . . . . . . Rosemary F t Will Sports editor •.•. . . . . . .. Brian l Asst. sports editor . . . . . . Steve R • Art editor . .. .. .. • . . . . . . • Jay Ja Photo editor .•• • .... ..•• Brian C • Photographers . . . . . . . . • Joe Petro Pat o · Bruce


ptember 15, 1972

Page 3

Governor Abernathy terms democracy 'frustrating' "For height in government efficiency vote Abernathy." This was the campaign slogan of the 5'10%" senior who last summer was elected Girls State governor, Kathy Abernathy. Kathy made history because the 1971 governor, Shawn Leary, was also from Westside and this was the first time two governors had ever been from the same school. Also, Kathy's older brother Dr. William Abernathy was Boys State governor in 1960. Kathy said of the Girls State Program that "most everybody came out of that place with a better comprehension of the basic structure and format of

Kathy believes the intelligent voter elects a person who is honest and does what he says.

Jpanese teacher visits Westside apanese students do not behave think as freely as American .ents, according to Tomoo tamura, an English teacher 1 Shizuoka, Japan. He was a or at Westside September 7 e in Omaha as a chaperon for Japanese students. 'hey arrived in America August md toured American schools as of Sister City Conference. n his own country Mr. 1amura teaches English at uoka Johoku High School. The e of the high school was red from two Japanese words : meaning castle, and hoku, 1ing north. It was so named use the school is located north •e site of an ancient castle. r. Yamamura noted the many rences between Westside and •wn school, the most apparent g the appearance of the mts. While Westside students r in anything from jeans and :shirts to maxi dresses and ; with ties, most Japanese ols have strict dress codes an d

often a school uniform. The behavior here is also freer. Although the lengths of the school days are approximately the same, the Shizuoka students are required to remain after school for twenty minutes to collect litter in the classrooms and corridors. The day itself begins at 8:20 a.m. for the Japanese students, and consists of six periods of 50 minutes each. The periods are divided by ten minute recesses, an d the day ends at 3:15 p.m. Mr. Yamamura was also impressed with the number of students in each class at Westside. As in many American schools, overloading of classes is a major problem in Japan. An average class-load in a Japanese school is 48 although the total enrollment is rarely higher than 1500, and usually closer to 1100. Although he saw the cafeteria at a time when the east lunch line reached into the hall , Mr. Yamamura considered it one of the highlights of his visit. Japanese high

ippers rare and cunning group nderclassmen days are gone. So it is time to give away some of :Jeep dark secret ways to leave •uilding. 1ere is always the legal way, that is to get a note from .my and be issued a blue slip. this article is dedicated to the tless number of attempts made year by underclassmen, some , some not so good, to illegally . Otherwise known as skipping. te skipper is a hard person to t. Look at the person next to or revolve your head around room. These people are all ttial skippers. You may not · it but the skipper looks no ·ent than anyone else. wugh about th at, now onto aring and unscrupulous escape tpts. Of the many ways of tg the building this one is tbly the favorite of many. is, walking casually through Loge and when nobody is ng make a dart for the door. If tre spotted the old "I thought 1ld take the long way around avoid the crowd" routine times works , no guarantees

given. The single most daring attempt of all is to get on the roof from the second story boys restroom, walk around to the side of the building and make a leap for your life. If you talk to anyone who has been caught and restricted you will find it best to stay until you can leave legally. But we still must respect this daring group of individuals who daily strive to leave, because that is what the American dream is made of, these individuals are a strong and cunning breed.

schools offer no hot lunch program and all lunches must be brought. A few food items, such as bread and milk can be purchased along with school supplies in a shop resembling Westside's Book Store. Mr . Yamamura found the elementary, junior high, and senior high programs in District 66 "very new and challenging" and added, "we have had three or four American students at my school, and I hope some students here will visit us."

People always talk about the condition of the school and suggesting new ways to improve it. Well, this year Westside has put in a number of improvements in the landscape and building. One of the major improvements will help the parking problem . The new parking lot just west of the auto shop will help ease the problem in the South and East lots with a capacity of 140 cars. Mr. Bill Hoyt indicated that this will probably be the last .of the parking additions because of space needed for the physical education classes and other sports activities. The only way that the land could be used for parking is the football field being Astro Turfed. Another addition is the new tennis courts which should be finished soon. Meanwhile the tennis team has been using Highland Country Club's courts. The four new courts will provide twice as many people than before. Other improvements are the Social Studies rooms were switched

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platform. It called for a 2 year work program like Conscientious Objector, as well as some restrictions on industrial polluters. Kathy said, "I learned what a truly frustrating and painstaking process democracy is through the Girls State Legislature. But really, once you work within it for awhile you wonder if the individual would remain important in any other system." She had an hour discussion along with the Boys State governor and James Exon, signed all the bills passed by the Girls State Legislature, and did indeed wear the traditional beanie, and Girls State pin and sang Girls State songs.

Parking problem diminished, other improvements made


he Strawberry Tree

politics in the U.S." Kathy explained that the whole system, sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary, was set up like a state legislature. The girls stayed in dorms on the University campus, with 50 girls each on one of eight floors. Each floor represented a town, and each girl was assigned to either the Federalist or the Nationlist political party . There were some 400 girls who filed for 60 offices on Sunday of the Girls State week. Kathy explained that the trick to winning her office was first to get the girls in her town (floor) behind her, then she won over her party, and finally the majority of the legislature. She disclosed that contributing factors in her victory were her heighth, the unusualness of her last name , and the coincidental fact that her Girls State number (assigned alphabetically) was No. 1 and this provided campaign slogans . Evidently Kathy's beliefs benefitted her as she went on to be elected governor on Thursday and then began the tasks of passing bills and having long legislative discussions. "We passed 9 or 10 bills out of 20 considered, which is pretty good. I made about three speeches during this time, including the one before the final election when I presented my party's


to where the foreign language rooms used to be an d were divided. Also better lighting was put in the Science Wing along with a few other changes so use your ingenuity to think up new complaints.

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September 15,


Page 4

AFS sends a South African girl, Johannesberg-Carol Stevens' home She is like any other student at Westside, making new friends and forming opinions. When 80 students were chosen from South Africa by the American Field Service, AFS, to travel all over the world Carol Stevens was one of them. She came to Omaha and is living with Mr. and Mrs. Sharp and their daughter Laurel, a junior at Westside. Carol became interested in the AFS program because, " ... my friends all liked the idea of traveling abroad." Carol's hometown is Johannesberg, South Africa. In the late 1800's gold was discovered and what began as a mining town has flourished into a cosmopolitan city of nearly one million. When most Americans think of Africa they see deserts or vast jungles. Yet Carol says her home is not very different from larger cities in the United States. The people are bi-lingual, speaking both British English and Afrikaans, a mixture of Dutch, Scot, and German. Carol explained that nearly all activities in South Africa are

segregated. Separate schools, libraries, living areas, and amusement. When questioned about the Rhodesian incident in the Olympics she replied, "I believe it was unfair, politics should not be, but often are, brought into sport activities." At home Carol lives with her mother and brother. Before coming to the U.S. she was attending a teachers college. There are some differences between schools here and there . In Johannesburg uniforms were worn and most teachers commanded a degree of respect that make them seem unapproachable . "There is a larger gap between student and pupil," Carol said, "and I would like to teach in the manner of the teachers here." There is not as large of a variety of subjects available and schools are not as large or crowded. Carol's hobbies are reading and writing poetry. She said she would like to live here and go to the University but was unsure about staying forever.

Democratic Convention "I think the best part of the whole convention was seeing McGovern nominated, seeing the man I'd worked for for 18 months win," said Senior Mike Carrick . Mike served as a page for the Nebraska delegates at the Democratic Convention this summer. He had been quite active in the McGovern campaign since McGovern announced in 1971 that he would run for president. "The state coordinator of the

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McGovern campaign called me and asked if I wanted a job as a page at the convention," said Mike. "I paid my own expenses for the trip down to Miami. I arrive d the Saturday before the convention and stayed at the Allison Hotel with the other people from Nebraska." What was his impression of the people that were at the convention? "They were very friendly, like one big family . We did have some problems with the Wallace people who were next to us. Every time something came up about the lettuce boycott, the people on one side of us would raise their signs and get all excited. The Wallace people on the other side of us would pass around lettu ce, eat it and stick it in their hats." "My main job was to run errands for the Nebraskan delegates," said Mike. "That wasn't very much." "Election night was really exciting. Ted Kennedy came and got everyone fired up. We knew that McGovern had to win though, after the California delegate vote."

The 1972-73 exchange students are left, Suchada Narkaphong and right, Carol Stevens.

Suchada finds names hardest to rememb To become an AFS student it would seem that one would have to be the ty pe of person who cared about what is going on in the world. Suchada Narkaphong, or simply Sue, from Bangkok, Thailand must be this type of person. In Thailand, to become an AFS student Sue had to take both a written and oral exam. The written exam consisted of two essay questions dealing with world problems. The first was "if you could change the world in three ways, how would you do it and why?" The second, a question quite popular nowadays, was "what do you think is the most serious problem in the world and how would you go a bout changing it?" Sue must have given some spectacular answers because she was one of the 70 chosen students out of 2,000 candidates from Thailand . When asked about her first impressions of Westside, sue replied, "It's very big, but I think I like it so far ." She noted that it was quite different from her school because she attends an all girl schools in which the girls are required to wear uniforms. As in many other foreign cou ntries, Sue's

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school is based on a regular schedule which means that she has no free time and she remains in the same room all day . The teachers are the ones that change classrooms. While attending Westside Sue, a senior, is taking American Lit, clothing, Concert Choir, Speech and U. S. History. Sue explained that while she takes French in Bangkok , she is not taking any languages at Westside. "It is too hard for me to study another language when I have to try to remember my English all the time."

Does Omaha make her home? "It is very m uch Bangkok except that Omah1 much smaller, as approximatel million people live in Bangk She descri bed her home town very b eau tiful one with a traffic p roblem. "The city is crowded with lots of cars people." Sue has met many pe1 already in school who have t frien d ly to her but she said problem is that she car remember th eir names!

Westbrook's new programs capable ofconfusion, challen~ continued from page 1 The seventh and eighth graders are on a separate program from the freshmen. A "fluid block" system is in operation, again with the goals of personalization of curriculum an d the method of instruction. A typical seventh grader's morning would begin in the SPC during which he may schedule himself into alternatives to his already scheduled study halls and classes. The morning would consist of four team teachers and English, Social Studies, Math, Science and Reading, a 20 minute lunch period, and then the afternoon would encompass Band, Orchestra, P.E., Vocal Music, Practical Arts and Foreign Language, along with the student's previously scheduled time in study or resource centers. Sladek thought the most imp ortant change was happening in the seventh and eighth grades, as under the flui d block program, the time would be spent exactly where it was needed. The teachers negotiate daily and weekly how much time each subject would need to be covered. For instance, if a Social Studies film took two hours, and an English teacher needed 55 minutes for his activity, there just may not be enough time for science. But Mr. Krueger as learning manager will m ake sure that at the end of each quarter approximately the right time is spent in each subject. No evaluation can be made of these two new systems until each has been in operation for a time. Sladek stressed that everything was subject to change, but that "the ninth graders needed to get a feel of change for sophomore year at Westside."

There are vol u mes of proced changes to be made, as well as Sl curriculum changes. We've add1 speech course, and a course c2 "World of Construction" in wl shop students actually work : team erecting a model h1 complete with plumbing electrical work, about one-fo• the size of a room. Also, 1 student is required to spend minutes a week for a quarter vocational planning course." Evidently this change in junior high level came at through months of planning consultation. Sladek and long-range planning committeE eight teachers and six students last year before Christmas discussed various programs. 1 spring each seventh and ei1 grader's parents were interviewe• as to understand what lean procedure would be best for e student. Reaction to all of this? The before classes really began, D avid Moore, music teacl relaxed in the teacher's lounge . admitted to some confusion anticipation of a better situal for his music classes. "This enable me to offer a lot m individualized work. Perhaps could get my Swing Choir Madrigals (smaller groups wit the choir) to meet sometime dUJ their unsche duled mods rather t before or after school. Mr. J ames Lemon, math teac: also admitted to some confus: He said he had four different cia in three different classroo Lemon joked that, when in the J wild-eyed students with sched• in their hands wandere d the h: one would now find some confu teachers.


•tember 15, 1972

Page 5

tudents travel to Africa and Israel

1e general impression that people have of Africa is the of jungle battles, native women ll'eird drum beats. )ur first impression was that it all green and very beautiful," Dave Slabaugh. Dave was one x: boys that were chosen to go frica this summer for a month !lp build a school in Kambele. 1e group left on June 25 and to Paris for two days. From , they traveled to Camroun e they took a Land Rover for niles to Batouri, the site of the on. fhe trip to Batouri was 1sored by the Dundee •yterian Church. They pay for nission there. We were met by rend Brock and his family who 1issionary for the Church. be people were very friendly helpful. I plan to go back ually," said Dave. "The only hing that happened was we all 1t malaria." >w were they chosen to go on ;rip? Ve were chosen on the basis of activity in the church and 1 group along with the reason hy we wanted to go," Dave d. "A committee made the decision ." •e other five people on the trip Joel Allen, Scott Edsen, Tom son, Tim Grissom and John g. They were accompanied by ·and Jack Bowers of Dundee yterian Church. to Jordan ing able to make history ~ a summer vacation doesn't easy, but being in the first ?oup to go over into Jordan Israel and return since the war .nitely history . :~.ior Joe Cassman was in the group that traveled over the . border into Jordan. He was oungest member of the group •d by ISSTA. (Israel Student Association.) he Israeli side was very •nt and had a lot of security d. We had a lot of forms, etc. 1e Jordanian side was just the ite. They had this 16-year-old ho just looked at the papers { and waved us through," said .at was his reaction to Jordan e? hey were very friendly and eager to find out about ica. They loved America." spent several weeks on a tz about two miles north of lheva. e expedition was set up as an tiona! project four years ago. •ackgrounds of the volunteers l from no previous experience haeology to students finishing ! work in the field. The can students participating in program had contacted can friends on the Tel Aviv rsity early in the spring. Other !ts, including Joe, contacted ~ to arrange to work at the :J.e work day began in the ng at 4 :30 with the sound of marching music . We were zed into separate working ns under the direction of a nember." y partner and I uncovered ents of Greek pottery, an te brick oven and part of an .t city street," said Joe. also visited Mount Sinai, •hem and toured Jerusalem," foe.

Photography dangerous

Switzerland "beautiful"

SHIELD photographers Don Fallon and Paul Novak used their summer to develop their talents at the Brownsville, Nebraska School of Fine Arts. The school offers 3 day courses in nearly all areas of ceramics, oil painting, photography, and water color. Noted artist Mr. Tom Palmerton directs the school. Paul and Don took a college credit photography course July 28-30 with a University of Florida professor, Gary Downing. Don said that one of his purposes in taking the course was to "learn to concentrate to plan a single photo as long as one hour." This is usually how long an advanced photgrapher will plan his landscape or mood photo before he actually takes the picture, explained Paul. Don discovered the physical dangers of photography at Brownville. "I was climbing on top of an old well to take a light reading for a picture. The bricks on the well crumbled, and I fell 5 feet, nearly breaking my leg," Don said. Paul interrupted, "when he fell I got upset because it was my light meter he almost fell on." Dorms are available to anyone enrolled in courses at the school. There is a state campground nearby, however, and some of the students camp out. Paul worked from 8 in the morning to 3 a.m. and next day working on shots and in the darkroom, but felt the course was worth the effort.

During August, Junior Kathy Whittaker went to Switzerland, Germany, and Ireland. "I couldn't believe how old and beautiful everything was. There's a church in Lucerne, Switzerland that was built in the year 735, now that's old!" According to Kathy, the Swiss are a lot different from the German people. "As close as the two are, you can tell the difference the minute you cross the border. The Swiss chalets are wooden with brown tile roofs, in Germany they are all white stucco with red roofs, and different dialects of German are spoken."

Hillbillies "fantastic" How would life be living with no e I ectricity, one faucet and a woodstove in a broken down house not being able to tell people your address because you're illiterate? Senior Chas Magdanz along with six other Westisde students (from Rockbrook Methodist Church) traveled to Barbourville, Kentucky this summer to witness and help rebuild this situation. These students met with others from Nebraska, Iowa, and Ohio for a nine week work camp sponsored by Union College. The students split up each day into workcrews of eight and worked from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. on the housing of one of the many poverty stricken hillbilly families. Chas' group succeeded in painting the house, building steps to the porch, fixing the floor, plumbing, and the ceiling. The cost of fixing these houses was approximately one hundred dollars which was donated by various Methodist churches participating. "The Hillbillies were fantastic people to work with when they were given the chance," said Chas as he searched for words to explain the spirit these people possessed. "It's too hard to convey to people that haven't been there," said Chas, "and I couldn't make it if I were put in their situation."

Cyclers meet real people Anyone who's bicycled 900 miles quickly learns that a handful of corn starch can be more of a comfort than Right Guard. Compatibility, being in shape, and a portable shower all go into the extensive planning of a cycling adventure. Traveling through five states, averaging 80 miles a day, riding 10-12 hours a day is not recommended for the Sting-Ray rider. Mr. Mervin (Bud) Reese of 3030 South 106th Street, along with Mike McFayden, 13, of 3410 South 101st Street and David Jensen, 16, of 9941 Broadmoor Drive made up the trio who cycled through Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Illinois during the Summer. The entire trip was over county roads, hitting the small unincorporated towns, and talking to a lot of "real people ." Over 70 cities encountered the three. Bud Reese , a professional photographer, said that in Iowa they don ' t believe in paving their streets and in Illinois they have never heard of county roads. Each rider rode a lightweight 10-speed bike , limiting themselves to 10-12 pounds of equipment. They also carried signs which read "Omaha," "800-Miler," and "To Chicago." Proud of the fact that one day they cycled 100 miles in 10 hours, all three agreed that the trip was demanding, but plan to do a similar cycle trip next year, but over 1000 miles.

Enjoying the last few evenings of summer, junior Dave Hubbard experiences freedom on his cycle before he must return to the restraining routine of school life. Dave is one of the many Westsiders who spent a versatile summer of travel, work, or play. Students spread out all over the country and over at least two continents, but all returned for another year of learning what makes the world go round. Who knows which mode of learning is more effective, everyday school instruction or experiencing a true-to-life situation.

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Page 6

September 15,

Ingram gains 106 yards

Warriors lose to strong Chieftains

Senior Howard Norton quenches his thirst after a hard fought gain against Bellevue.

The Warrior football team opened their five-game home season last Friday night and were defeated by a strong Bellevue squad, 19-7. Bellevue, who is defending their state championship, used a powerful second half running game to disappoint most of the near capacity crowd of 5000 at Westside Stadium. While Bellevue is mostly noted for their running strength, they completed three of four passes the first time they had the ball. Their first score came on a 61 yard touchdown pass from quarterback Mike Thesing to end George Cohlmia. The extra point attempt was wide, so Bellevue led 6-0. This touchdown climaxed an eight play drive that gained 72 yards. After Bellevue kicked the ball b ack to the Warriors, they

Boy's gymnastics team preparing for the new season with largest Sophomore turnout ever With the largest sophomore turnout ever, the boy's gymnastics team is ready for another season. This year's team includes 14 sophomores and six lettermen. This season has brought back Doug McKay and Dean Tatreau who show outstanding ability in

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almost every type of gymnastic competition. Also promising a good chance of going to state, is Jim Malet, who is the team's tramp man. Jim is also a returning athlete. The first meet with South and Northwest on November 20 will most likely be the toughest. South's team will put up a fight plus the meet will be at their school. The first competition will begin a new system. Instead of the usual dual meets, there will be double

duos. This competition.




"I think for enthusiasm and desire, coupled with the new gym equipment, this te am has a lot of potential. The sophomores have a potential that won't be realized for maybe a year because of the youthful team," Coach Frank May said. Coach May also believes that team support really improves the performance.

proceeded to drive downfield, using some fine runs by senior halfback Jim Ingram. The drive was stopped deep in Bellevue's territory on a third down fumble by senior quarterback Mark Kershaw. The Warriors recovered the fumble, but lost yardage and were not able to convert on fourth down. Then it was Bellevue 's turn for a bad break. Quarterback Mike Thesing swept around left end and outraced the Warrior defense for an apparent 72 yard touchdown run, but there was a clipping penalty that called the play back. There was no more scoring by either team in the first half, as Westside again fumbled away the ball inside Bellevue's 25 yard line. The second half began with Bellevue kicking off to the Warriors, and sophomore Greg Newton replaced Mark Kershaw at quarterback. Westside appeared to be on the way to tieing the Chieftains, as Newton led the Warriors 40 yards on 11 plays. On fourth and nine, Newton 's pass fell incomplete at the Bellevue 27 to end the scoring threat. The Chieftains then came right back, using 15 plays, and a pass interference call , to score their


QU 1. Name the ex-Nebraska middle guard who is now an injured linebacker for the Los Angeles Rams?

JV stops Lincoln in first game of season JV Football has more incentive this year, according to Mr. Dan Young, one of the three coaches. This incentive comes from the fact that last year's JV team went undefeated. Games will be held on Thursday afternoons at 4:00. Coach Young said that he hopes the student body will support the JV and Reserve teams better than last year, because the boys work just as hard as

Varsity and deserve credit. The following boys are on the JV football squad: Guards: Chip De Buse, Ron Dassner, Mike Waring, Tom Gilmore , and Tim Gardner. Centers: John Steinberg, Brad Nocita, Scott Bange, an d Dave Learch . Quarterbacks are Jeff Ferris and Tom Sneckenberg. Halfbacks : Ron Hagman, Rick Mercer, and Mike Ponseigo. Full backs : Rob May berry, Brian

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Clark, Mark Mongar, and Mike Hadley. Tackles are Bill Dana, Mark Hestmark, Mike Foley, Ken Minardi, and Dab Vernehen. Wingbacks are John Stewart, Bruce Finn, and John lngran. Ends are Kevin Wilhelm, Bill Katz, Mike Guinane, Jerry Shoemaker, Terry Smith, Brian Hoyn, and Bruce Carlton. In their first game of the season, the JV football squad stopped Lincoln with an overpowering score of 14-0. The game, held last Saturday at Lincoln, was highlighted by two touchdowns by sophomore halfback Ron Hagman.

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2. Who is the heaviest mar to wrestle for the U.S. in 01) history? And how much di weigh? A. 512 lbs. B. 420 11 496 lbs. 3 . As of the end of Aug., player had the highest b; average in the National League 4. What is the name of K City's new football stadium Municipal Stadium B. C Sta dium C. Arrowhead Stadiur 5. Who is the first-string s for the Baltimore Colts whop quarterback last year in college 6. With the addition of seats in the south endzon Memorial Stadium in Lincoln, is the new seating capacity 80,000 B. 71,000 c. 76,000 7. The U.S. lost the 100 r dash in the Olympics this yeE the first time in how many y 8. Who is the top money w: on the PGA tour this year Arnold Palmer B. Jack Nickla· Lee Trevino. 9. Name the three All-Arne candidates from Nebraska. 10. Boston 's ex-goalie, Cheevers, recently moved to team of the WHA? Answers

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second touchdown, and go 13-0. The extra point kick wa again. There was no more scor the third quarter, as neithe1 could mount an effective driv Bellevue started to move end of the third quarter, an d pass at the beginning of the f brought them down tc Warrior 's 15 yard line. A few later on third down , Rod ~ scored on a right sweep. Thi the kick by Mark Hawkinso good, and Bellevue pulled 19-0. Westside came back the time they got the ball. On down from the Warrior 42, N• dropped back, spotted senio Mark Brock wide open, and h with a perfect pass. Mark c the defense for a 58 touchdown. Senior Max kicked the extra point, which the final score 19-7. Bellevue downfield again at the end < quarter, but the Warrior dt held. Jim Ingram gained 106 yru 2 0 carries to lead West rushers, while senior middle Mark Boyer led the defen tackles.

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15, 1972

Page 7

'imary goal: beat North; rJrrior gridders promising

he Westside football team's ambitions to improve upon last year's season are geared around the return of 12 lettermen, most notable of 1 are two-year senior offensive and defensive veterans, Mark Boyer lim Mierendorf. The number one objective is to beat last year's ican division metro champion and this year's pre-season favorite, , and bring the championship back to Westside. he Warrior's are fortunate in having head coach, Don Johnson and mts Tom Hall, Lou Miloni and Paul Anderson back this year to direct otential championship team. 1 addition to experienced Boyer and Mierendorf, both strong ground : gainers last year, offensive backfield explosive power could come two promising hard running junior prospects, Randy Rome and John .os. Max Beins, senior transfer from Wichita and field goal kicking list, could mean that Westside's offense is a threat to score any time (et near the opposition's 50 yard line. Coach Johnson reported that ooted a 42 yarder recently in practice and may be able to go further. Testside expects to have a strong defensive team but their offense be in question. Senior Mark Kershaw and lone sophomore Greg Jn are battling for the starting quarterback position. The returning nen besides seasoned Boyer and Mierendorf include Fritz Archerd, Brock, Steve Gustafson, Jim Ingram, Steve Kolar, Don Legino, Dan !, Howard Norton, Mark Reicher and Rob Rickard. tther team members are Vance Jernstrom, Mark Ross, Tom Burke, Masilko, Bob Doney, Tom Elafros, Matt Metcalf, John Sternad , Tom ;s, Bob Latenser, Carl Anderson, Max Beins, Dan Furlow, Mark er, Bill Coburn, Kim Lapier, Pat Booth nd Rick Patterson, all ·s . Junior team mates include Mark Miller, Steve Davis, Rex White , Bonner, Jerry Johnson, Joe Engels, Greg Swanson, Dave Perry , Don ~,Jay Sonderup, Lon Legino, John Sotirhos and Randy Rome . 'he Warriors have started their season. If the offensive team can put it ~ether and move the ball, backed up by Max Bein's strong kicking toe powerful defensive unit, this could be a winning season. Westside >e looking for revenge for last year's 30-16 defeat by Thomas son at tonight's home game.

1972 Football Schedule Sept. 15

Thomas Jefferson

Sept. 22


Sept. 28

Tech at Burke

Oct. 6

Prep (Homecoming)

Oct. 13

Ryan at Rosenblatt

Oct. 19

North at Burke

Oct. 28

Lincoln High at Lincoln

Nov. 3


--- ~ ·

Returning lettermen on the 1972 Westside tennis team are juniors Paul Roth and John Freeman and seniors Dave deFreese and John Goldman.

Team awaits new courts

Four lettermen return to new coaching staff The biggest turnout ever for Westside's tennis team reported for the first day of practice, and received a few surprises. The first one being that the regular tennis coach, Mr. Paul J. Nyholm, was in the hospital recovering from an operation, and wouldn't be available to coach this fall. The second surprise came when they found out that their coaches would be Mr. Doug Pierson and Mr. Tom Carman. This came as almost an equal surprise to the two as Mr. Pierson said, "we just found out ourselves about a week before school started." When it was l ea rn e d that Coach Nyholm wouldn't be able to coach, Mr. Pierson and Mr. Carman volunteered to hep out. While Mr. Pierson admitted that his tennis exp erience was limited , he said, "one of the main functions of a

sterlin probable C. C. best hope >ss country is a word most 1ts at Westside never hear too about. This year's cross :y team could be very strong. de's depth could enable their to be right in the middle of ~tr o race. :n Mallisee from Westbrook gh will be coaching the team ~ar. Bob Moscrey coached last team. ! cross country team uses ood Park's cross country '· Seven men will represent earn during their regularly 1led meets. >ring is very important in country. First place receives oi nt, second place two points m down the line . Only five ers of the seven man unit The other two are called ers." They try to out do ers of the opposing team. 1ce Westerlin will probably be year's finest runner. Steve ·d is excellent in the long run. Mallisee said, "Jack Clifford, 1sfer from York, Nebraska, really be a good one." 1er team members are Ross rom, Morgan Finnell, Scott 'el, Gary Loft, Roger Bacon, Schorr, Jeff Suggs, Dave is, Dallas Focht, Randy m, Steve Waterman, Mike :i and Pat Gilmore . ~ch Mallisee encourages all mores to come out. They

need more underclassmen. The team will perform during half-time at tonight's Westside-T .J . football game. The team will run a mile relay against Prep, Bellevue, T .J . and North . Come out and support the cross country team when they dual Rummel on September 19.

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coach is to be an adult sponsor, and this will be our main duty. We will Jet the team returners help out with the coaching as people like John Goldman probably know more a b out it than I do." The three other returning lettermen are Senior Dave deFreese, and Juniors Paul Roth, and John Freeman. They will also help out with the coaching. The competition for the remaining three positions should be

tough, as there are nearly 40 boys trying out. Because of the large number trying out, a Junior Varsity team is likely to be organized this year for the first time. The team will practice at Highland Country Club until the four new courts at Westside are completed. Both coaches expressed their displeasure at the unfinished courts, as transporting everyone to and from Highland could be a problem.

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Page 8

News briefs

Varsity, JV cheerleaders attend clinic Diane Kidder and Lisa Worrall came out of this summer's cheerleading clinics at Norman, Oklahoma, with something more than a few good memories and ideas for new cheers. Both girls, seniors and captains of the JV and varsity squads, respectively, were asked by the cheerleading camp officials to teach in camps across the country next summer. Only five girls out of the 1400 cheerleaders participating in these camps were a~ked to teach, so Westside's two

were greatly honored. Lisa said she didn't think any girls from Westside had ever been asked to teach in the annual camps. Both squads did exceptionally well in the four days of competition in Norman in July. The opening day, Varsity received the blue ribbon and JV the white. The second day, JV took the blue and Varsity red, and both won the spirit stick. The third day both squads came through with blue ribbons, and in the final day

Teachers: old, new and recycled Sophomores and new students, you are not alone! Interspersed among the new faces at Westside this year are 19 belonging to new teachers. Five of the new faculty members are par t of the English Department. Two of them, Mrs. Faye O'Connor and Mrs. Kathy Staack were here last year as student teachers. Mr. David Fitzekam, a reading teacher, and Mrs. Suone Shreck are also new additions. Mrs. Nancy Ford is new here as a teacher, but is a graduate of Westside from the days when Dr. Tangdall was Coach Tangdall and room 128 was a student lounge with a pool table. Three are veteran members of the Westside staff. Mrs. Peg Johnson has returned to take Mrs. Fredrickson 's place in the Physical Education department until Mrs. F r edrickson's return second semester. Mr. Chuck Lang is back as

head of the Science Department after a one year leave to work toward his doctorate at the University of Kansas. Teaching Individualized Studies is Mrs. Joanne Roehl, who was an intern here last year. A resident of Nebraska for ten years, Mrs. Comsepcion Morgan is a native of Cuba and the only new addition to the Foreign Language Department. She is teaching Spanish. In the Math Department, Mrs. Nancy Wang and Mr. Jo Vacanti are new. Mr. Mike Crabbs and Mrs. Nancy Walker are the additions to the Guidance Staff. 0 ther newcomers are: Mrs. Janice Van Dyke in Business Administration, Miss Sandra Tellander in Business Education, Mr. Wayne Smith in Industrial Arts, Mr. Bruce Skinner in Science, and Miss Janet Antonson in Psychology.

Varsity received a blue, JV a red and the combined squads took a spirit stick all four days.

Tenley Rodgers, Intern Working in the office of Congressman John Y. McCollister in Washington, D.C. this summer seemingly influenced the artistic talents of Senior Tenley Rogers. Impressed with the "honesty and attainability" of Mr. McCollister, Tenley and Press Secretary Patti Matson set to work on a project to brighten his Omaha campaign headquarters. Tenley traveled "all over Omaha" in search of red, white and blue carpet scraps which when assembed, composed a 5 x 18ft. carpet for the 5006 Dodge headquarters. Tenley came to work as an "unofficial intern" in his office at the suggestions of her counselor at George Washington University where she attended classes this summer. He advised her to contact her congressman and she did, at the same time volunteering to work for several weeks in his office.

Students Honored Methodist Hospital recently recognized five Westside students for volunteer services. At a program held at the Indian Hills Educational Center, August 23, these students were honored for contributing over 500 hours of volunteer work. They are Juniors Susie Berner and Dave Bousha, Seniors Pam Dickey and Kathy Fjeld (co-preside n t of FMA) and Junior Dave Halsted.

A flock of cheering chickies demonstrate skills learned in Oklahoma. at left.

Forum elections to be held Tues with no serious changes forseen In the area of school policy, the board is setting up a suggestion box, in an IMC or the loge. "I hope that most students will write down their gripes instead of just voicing them among friends," president Mike Dorsey said. The suggestion box will be emptied after the first two or three weeks of school. Dorsey hopes this will identify the issues which concern students the most and hopefully point out alternatives to the present school policies. After studying the suggestions, the board will compose a survey to be sent to all students and faculty members. Forum Elections Forum elections will be held Tuesday , September 19, in each of

the 126 homerooms. elections are the following day. Surveys, sock-hops, suggestion boxes are what Student Advisory Board August 28, their last meeting summer. Once again the board has goal of $1200 for the fund. To meet this end, they sock-hop early in the possibly a drive-in movie fun Last year there were nil representatives, but Mr. Perkins, the sponsor, finds no technically different this although it may be harder individual members to express views. This year there will be a n equ;il representation, with member for every 18-21 stude

. 17, No. 2


a nee


September 29, 1972

With People, representing eight countries and 30 states will come to Westside soon.


religious overtones

Blindfolded Psyche Students fill halls with sense of trust by J ay J acoby "Hey ... look at the goofy guy," was the apparent reaction as Westside psychology students felt, smelt, and listened their way through the building as part of an experiment on Sept. 11. The experiment consisted of one student leading his blindfolded partner around the school premises, communicating to one another through touch and then switching positions. Sounds simple doesn't it? Well not quite. The reactions proved it was a very unique experience . Senior Kiki Schreiner was one of the first participants in the experiment and started off the hard way ... right into the cement wall head first giving fellow students a quick chuckle while Kiki was left with a nice lump between her eyes. Yet Kiki managed to continue the experiment with no problem and "felt" it was very successful in "teaching stu dents they have to have trust in people because that's what life's all about" and demonstrated in the experiment when "without trusting your partner you were lost." "Not being able to walk straight," was a problem that senior Tim Peters encountered while beginning his adventures of: walking into fists, kicking peoples feet, and walking into desks. Tim tried to picture where he was and it seemed every little noise scared him. Tim felt the experiment also taught who your friends are, since it was often one of the friend's knuckles he experienced. 路 Senior Dave McKean seemed astonished at one's sense of smell as his comment to being lead into the girls rest room was "(Gasp) it made me sick because it smelled so bad from cigarette smoke." Westside's new Psychology teacher Miss Antonson pointed out the two main (serious) reasons for this experiment were: to make students at ease with other people they didn't know, and to experience the emotion of trust which one often doesn't think about.

Up With People is 'people-oriented' )h, wow, another group of ; freaks are having another ocation to sing and convert us. ast this one isn't required." that what you thought when heard Up With People was ng to Westside? The group has ged since its beginning in 1964 no longer has any religious .ones. It is people-oriented and isn't concerned with J re-armament any 路 longer. will perform Monday ,Oct. 2, :40 in the boys ' gym. All mts are invited to come and the group's changes. p With People started from a J Re-Armament Conference in igan about eight years ago. A ly talent show was held which ne so good, that the group was ;ored to travel up and down :ast Coast performing. In 1968 , were incorporated as a >rofit organization called Sing is now composed of people 12 different countries around 'lorld between the ages of 17 :5. 1e member of the group, Joyce

Bates, is from Bellingham, Washington. She is basically serving in public relations but sings and dances also. She joined the group in February. "I've always believed in getting out and meeting people and getting to know them. Being in Up With People gives me the chance to do this." Randy Ferguson, a soloist in the group, is the only member in the cast from Nebraska. "We carry 13 tons of equipment in a 35 foot semi-truck and travel in three buses. The only things we're not allowed to do is smoke or drink, which makes sense when you're traveling with that many people." Rehearsals for touring with Up With People involve quite a bit of time and work. This summer the group met in Vermont and worked from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. The only breaks they had were ~or lunch and dinner. They write their own music and do their own choreography. Their director is Herbie Allen, who is famous for being the best

\le) Student Director, Sharon Williams, talks with pianist, Alan Jones, t what she wants done. (Below) At rehearsal, "FRENZY" closely hes the fast moving steps of Cathy Flagg.

xylophone player in the world. Randy has the best description for the attitude of Up With People . "If we can do it, the world can. We're there for people." They change their cast annually and if you are interested in the group, go up and talk to them after the performance.

See page 5 for Homecoming Candidates. The student body will vote next week on King and Queen .

Psyc hol ogy students Ann Butterfield and Susie Newberg lead "blind" students in grou p experiment.

Sophomores will seek Spotlight Success The Sophomore Class will take the stage tonight at 8:00 as they present the annual Sophomore Variety Show to the universal theme of Love. The display of multiple talents will take place in the Auditorium for an admission charge of 254. The student director, Sophomore Sharon Williams, who chose the theme said the show may be "rather comical but we'll just have to see what it turns out to be." Rehearsals, which began Tuesday, Sept. 19, revealed some exciting talents in this year's Sophomore Class. Among the dazzling attractions will be a combo called "Greaseback Joe and the Crewcut Kids" who will rock out with a 50's medley. The reminiscing mus1c1ans include Roger Bacon, Todd Boe, Dale Arnold, Bruce Moore , and Allen Jones. A female act headed by Sharon Williams and Laura Janke will add to the highlights with a dance to the tune of "Candy Man." Some interesting skits will also be part of the program dealing with sexy nurses to hillbilly families. Rounding out the array of talents will be a solo dance by Kathy Flagg (also program chairman), some songs by a folksinging group, and lots of vocal solos and surprises. The show is open to any sophomore who wants to participate, and is under the leadership of Drama Teacher Mrs. Anna Clark and members of the International Thespians. With the exception of two members of the

combo, the cast is made up entirely of sophomores. Lighting and the few sets will be taken care of by Mr. Runbaugh and members of Stage Crew, while the sophomores will be responsible for other backstage activities. This is the second Sophomore Variety show to be held at Westside. The first one, presented last October, was called "Fifteen Summers of A Wise Fool," denoting the actual meaning of the word Sophomore. This year's show is being presented earlier in the year due to

the Junior Theatre production which will require use of the auditorium stage beginning Monday. Despite the short one and a half weeks of preparation allotted to them, Sharon feels the effort has been well worth it. "There's lots of talent, and being sophomores doesn't make them vegetables." Actual rehearsals for the production began Monday, and the talent displayed at last night's 7:00 dress rehearsal should prove more than adequate for a successful show.

Staff awaits new Eclectic 's arrival; distribution date set for next month What is the Eclectic? The Eclectic is a literary magazine consisting of poetry, stories, essays and artwork done by Westside students and submitted to the Eclectic staff. Contents of the book is chosen by staff members on the basis of literary interest and talent. Staff members putting out the upcoming Eclectic are last year's graduates Kurt Andersen, Donna Arnold and Doug Berg; seniors Sara Barchus, Barb Demaree, Patty Tobin and Ann Yaffe; and junior Bob Eisenberg. Currently the Eclectic is being printed and staff members hope it will be distributed within the next month and a half. Right now the cost is yet to be determined, but according to staff member Sara Barchus, it won't sell for over a quarter. "It's a self-expression type thing," staff member Patty Tobin explained. "Students need some place to express their thoughts, an d the only other publications are the yearbook and newspaper." Sara Barchus added, "The staff wants to encourage student development in the areas of art and literature, both prose and poetry." The Eclectic is a non -profit organization, as the proceeds will go to the District 66 central offices for printing the magazine. Part of the money will also be used for paying off past Eclectic printing debts. After the distribution of the magazine, the staff will be soliciting for the formation of next year's staff. "This year we'd hope for a staff that wants to be involved and do something creative, and not just to join a literary operation for college records," concluded Sara.

Page 2



September 29,


Man vs. computer: the battle wages by bill wald

"Gonna live and die for Westside High!" This cheer expresses a spirit in some kids at Westside. Living is nothing more than coming to school. Westside is where they're going to find their cute boys or their heavy chicks; where they are going to make something of themselves by being in every single activity. These people have a club of their own - Westside Fakes. One common characteristic of all Westside fakes is the plastic smile imprinted into their faces. The mouth clicks out a HI! when anyone "important" passes. The definition of important is anyone who will get them ahead. The fakes seem to multiply in the spring with cheerlead ing tryouts, where every vote counts and around Homecoming, Prom and any other time they want a date. Of course a freak only dates a freak, and a jock dates a jock-chick . They must be careful about with whom they associate. If they talk with an "unimportant" it will naturally be assumed they 're going with it and their hard-earned status will be lost. Status is gained by being able to have a 3 inch senior summary in the yearbook. They rattle off all these clubs and just shrug when someone asks what that club means or does. The problem comes when Spanish, French, Pep and Ski Club are meeting on the same night. Our fakes don't care if they miss the meeting where some kind of work is planned, just as long as they're there for the Shield picture. So the next time you hear the cheer "Gonna live and die for Westside High" remember the smiles that click on- the voices behind them "Hi, are you still going with ... "and know another mind has died for Westside High .

Three-quarters of all Mexican-American lettuce farm workers earn less than federally established poverty-level wages. They average eight years of schooling - 17% are functionally illiterate. Life expectancy for the lettuce-pickers of California is 49 years. Most of them are exposed to toxic pest icides and many suffer from poisoning. Their housing is meager, their food is poor, but the spirit of the Chicano leaders to improve their people's lot is great. The greatest of all Chicano leaders is Cesar Chavez. Realizing that lettuce growing is a lucrative business ($273 million annually nationwide) his union -the United Farm Workers- organized a lettuce boycott throughout the nation. Farm workers have tried to settle their problems through striking . Nearly every time they have struck, farm-workers were replaced with strikebreakers and lost their homes and jobs. To some Californians, evident ly, a poor person is a cheap commodity and strikebreakers are plentiful. The only effective weapon farm-workers have is the boycott. It has won them contracts with virtually the entire table grape and much of the white grape industry . Lettuce growers, recognizing the power of the boycott, are moving to have it outlawed. Only the power of the boycott can make them sign contracts to better the living conditions of their employees. It is ironic that in the most diversly prosperous area of the wealthiest nation in the world there are workers who still make less then two thousand dollars per year . But we can help these people improve their living standards: DON'T EAT LETTUCE .

The age of computer technology is advancing so rapidly that by the year 2000 most of humanity's tedious tasks will be taken ove r by computers that can be programmed by man to fulfill his every desire . Perhaps we are advancing too rapidly, trying to achieve too much in too little time, for there now exists a computer that seeks to control humanity. Its objective is to manipulate thousands of humans into obeying its every command at specified time intervals. The shocking fact that we · as students here at Westside must face is that the computer is succeeding. You ask for proof? Simply glance at the crumbled sheet of paper that determines your every move nine months out of the year, five days a week and eight hours a day. It was compiled by that omnipotent computer men t ione d and it does, in fact, de termine our fate. During the first semester hundreds of its victims strive to fre e themselves from their predetermined course by ' ' dropping," "adding," or "cross-sectioning" with the help of their counselors while the computer is una ble to inte rfere. However, while some succeed others fail in their tireless efforts . . . The scene. An average guidance office designate d as such by the

large sign posted out front, "No schedule changes until September 20th." There is an SRO crowd even though the counselor has not yet arrived. A jubilant cheer arises as the counselor, flanked on all sides by a mass of the computer's victims waving their faulty schedules over their heads is spotted. The counselor directs his now classic phrase, "What can I do for you?" to the first person in line. "I'd like to change math teachers," he said as he tore himself away from the cobwebs that had rooted him to the wall during his week-long vigil. "The one I have doesn't know what she's talking about." The counselor grabbed a mound of "drop sheets" and headed for the door. "What's her name?" he asked. The dissatisfied student revealed her name with obvious distaste . "Fine teacher. Fine teacher," the counselor remarked and left shutting the door behind him. In one last desperate attempt the student ran for the door, but it was too late. The counselor had been engulfed by the crowd still waving their schedules over their heads ... Clearly in this phase of the man vs. computer war the computer, hav ing cleverly outwitted its huma n adversaries to obey its every command, is the undisputed victor. What future is there for man if he

allows himself to be by the computer's commands? Those enough to escape its "''"u•o•w•• be safe until the next when the computer reveals a set of commands, and the battle between man and its

c ouf\SeL.Oil


Sha-na-na: commercial rock, fifties styl by bob "Listen here you hippies, I got one thing to tell you" roared th e greasy voca list on stage at Lincoln 's Pershing Auditorium in front of a crowd of several thousand. "Rock and roll is he re to stay!" With that ad m o nition, ten-member ba nd Sha-Na-Na started ripping, rocking and rolling- fifties style. Sha-Na-Na's members include two guitarists (complete with leather jackets - the h aute couture of the greasy set), a sickly-looking, skinny vocalist with the face of a mutilated groundhog, a young, acne-ridden bassist who did a touching solo rendition of "Why must I be a Teenager in Love" that made the eyes wet and the stomach turn, a rotund, goateed saxophonist, and a relatively normal looking organist. But the highlights of the group are three energetic singers clad in glittery-gold hip-hugging slacks and matching vests, who provided a fast-paced choreography along with hilarious gestures and expressions. The crowd many attired in appropriate muscle-shirts and leviswas on their feet, literally going wild throughout the performance . The twist-provoking numbers included Elvis Presley's Sea Cruise and Singer, Medora, and White's "At The Hop"- the classical piece of rock and roll that made them famous at Woodstock and subsequently throughout the na tion. Backing up Sha-Na-Na was Dan Hicks and his Hot Licks, certainly the most bizarre group this side of Frank Zappa's Mothers of Invention . Hicks' music is an obscure but exciting mixture of boogie, swing, and - of course -rock and roll, complete with violin and brass.

Also appearing was Omaha's Bumpy Action. It was a m ellow, nostal gic evening at Pershing Auditorium. (Which, by the way, ain't no Fillmore East but is a certain acoustical triumph over the likes of our Omaha Civic Auditorium). Needless to say, the concert brought back memories to anyone over age twenty. For some it may have been cruising for burgers with Betty Sue in the Chevy. For others its L eave it to Beaver, Chuck Berry , or Pop's Malt Shop. Screams of "Back to the Fifties" could be heard from the audience. And why not? Those were happy innocent times, before Vietnam,

dope, and the likes of Lee Oswald and Charles Manson. were days when Olympics completed without an incident. Sha-Na-Na may be mocking that era. certainly aren't knocking it. In there was a kind of both the bands audience - a rejection confrontation - and a craving return to the temper and the of the times. Cinema

There's word or two on Slaugh Five (Six West) . You must see mindblowing masterpiece.

This page is open for letters to the editor. The editorial staff reserves the right to condense all material. Submit letters to SS I.M.C.

the lance

Published bi-weekly by the Publi ca ti ons D epartm ent of Westside Hi gh Sc h oo l, 87t h and Pacifi c St., Omaha, Nebraska 68114. THE LANC E is a member of the Nati ona l Scholastic Press A ssociat i on and the N e braska High School Press As soci ation . The paper is given free of c harge to h o lders of A ctiv ity Tickets. Subscription rates to o thers are $3.00 postpaid. N on- profit mailing right s cla im ed. Printed b y Wright Printing Co., Omaha, N eb r. Editor .. . •. .. . . . . . . .. • Pam Hultb erg News editor . •. . . . .. ... Cyn die As soc. editors . . . . . . . . . . . Susan D arst Fine arts editor . . . . . . • . . .. Steve Barb Demaree Gi rl s editor . . ... . . .. Jessalyn Editorial e dit or .• • ••.•..• ••. Bill Wald Asst. editorial editor . . .•.•• Terri Talty Entertainment editor . ... Rick Denney Sports edit or •• . . . . . .. . . Brian Editorial writer • . .. . . .. Bob E i se nberg Asst. sp o rts editor . . . . . . Steve Feature editor ••. . . . . . . . . .. Sue Berg Art editor •..• . . . . . . . . . . . Jay Asst. feature e dit o r . . . . . . . . . .. AI Kat z Photo editor . . . . . . •. .•. • Brian Featur e writer •.•.• . . . . She ri Peter se n Photographers ••• .. . ... J oe Pe Bu si ness editor • . . . . . . . • . . Jim C lif ton Pat Advertisin g manager . . . . . . Da ve Jen se n B ruce Fi1 Sports writer .. . . . . . . K at hy Whittaker Advisor .. . . . • . . . . Mrs. Kathy Bosh•

mber 29, 1972


Page 3

vs briefs

:complished musician joins symphony

1ry happy," was the reaction nior Greg Fried on his tance into the Omaha tony Orchestra. is the youngest member and, knowledge, the first Westside t ever to be accepted. litions were held Sunday, 7, where Greg performed the r t No. 4 in D major. 路ing his performance, Maestro polsky informed him of his tment. had to join the union," he ~d, "and they asked me like 'are you a Nazi, Facist or unist?' " Union rules will t Greg from continuing with . Playhouse performances. member of Westside's ~ra, his past experience has ~d concertmaster of the Area Youth Symphony, ~r of the American Youth ns Orchestra and three years te Playhouse.

tids fund irteen Westside Band joined Jane Wyman, Jeff , Lyle Bremser, Dr. San 路y, and a folk group from I in a benefit show for the ;is Foundation given Sept. te $6.00 a plate dinner was ; the Happy Hollow Country with proceeds going to ; of the still unconquered ~rs

ticipants from Westside led Alice Barmoor, Tod y, Scott McMillan, Keith er, Gary Lynn, Frank Russel, !ogzett, Marty Greer, Doug . au, Mark Roper, Dave rd, Dave Eaton and Ken tal. The band members were ly selected and received a dinner in return for their ail Varsity," "Dear Old ka," "Hey Look Me Over," Love A Parade" were among tured band numbers. band consisted of a flute, a t, an altonium, a trombone, xophones, three trumpets, a 1 baritone, and a percussion .. The members were chosen /estside's Pep Band.

路ers speaks 1at I say is true," State r Ernest Chambers said at ide before an American nment large group on 1ber 19. "And if you keep an mind during this assembly :{now it's true." tm be rs, I egis! a tor from a ' s predominantly black ., had much to say on the of the black American and he believed they could

improve their lot, both collectively and individually, through more black and "together" elected officials on all public levels. Many of his adversaries in the Unicameral call Chambers a closed-minded militant. In the black community of Omaha he is lauded as a leader. Certainly, to many he is an out-spoken, controversial figure. The assembly was originally intended to last only three mods, but Chambers held the group captivated for more than two hours.

"VD Blues" on NE TV A national campaign against Venera! disease will begin with the broadcast of "VD Blues." Dick

Cavett is hosting the program which will be shown on Nebraska ETV October 9 at 7:00p.m. While the program has a serious purpose, it will be basically an entertainment show. Musical numbers will be performed by Doctor Hook and the Medicine Show, Karen Wyman and Novela Nelson, a star of the play "Purlie." They will perform songs written especially for the show.

New teachers In the last issue of THE LANCE, two teachers were unintentionally omitted from the new teachers story . They are Ms. Marge Gibb and Mr. Tom Smith from the business department.

Ju nior Greg Fried practices for the first symphon y. Story at left.

Forum seats 126 'senators'

Have you started to play the 'let's Go to College' game The homonym of the word synonym is (blank). If you answered that question correctly you have collected 1 pt. in the "Let's Go to College" game. The object of the game is to make it through four years of college education with the least amount of sacrificing. To begin place your token on the square marked Guidance. Every time you pass Guidance you may collect additional points. Start the timer ticking and roll the dice. If you want to practice for other phases of the game, guidance in selecting colleges and fields of study, or if you want a chance to qualify for the National Merit Scholarships be sure to land on the square marked PSAT/NMSQT test before the deadline of Oct. 6. Pay the banker $3 and on Oct. 28 take the test. This is the only date for this test this year. If you have enough points from the test and have your "I'm in the upper quarter of my class" card when you land on the National Merit Scholarship square you could collect up to full tuition in scholarships from individual colleges, industries and the National Merit Corporation itself. Some are to the college of your choice; some pre-designated. As you travel around the board you will notice squares marked SAT and ACT. Most colleges will require one of these for entrance; some you take as basis for scholarships. So land on TAKE SAT or TAKE ACT preferably in the spring of your junior year or fall of your senior year. The dates on this year's playing board are in the handbook. Have $6.50 in your funds for each test. When you land on a square marked Achievement Test, you may take 1, 2, or 3 tests on particular subject areas. These are used for admission and placement. An interesting square is the Take Advanced Placement Test. If you are good at the US History game and have $27 you may receive up to 6 college credit hours in History. At a square marked Guidance Center you may pick a card or any resource material to help you decide on a college or field of study. If you would like a brief copy of the rulebook ask Mr. Huston. The winner is determined by the way he plays the next game- Life . SOUNDSOUNDSOUNDSOUND SONY 630-D 4 track stereo open reel pro tape deck WALNUT component cabinet Belair organ with playmate. Call Kevin at 3 9 1-613 3 SOUNDSOUNDSOUNDSOUND

UNO Swiss Ski Tour Dec. 22-30. $298. from Chicago including accommodations, meals, round trip air fare and transfers. Arosa, Switzerland Call:

A large number of students will comprise the first semester Student Forum. Due to the increase in number of homerooms (because of the teacher-advisor system) 126 representatives have been elected. Their names and homeroom numbers are as follows: Kent Taylor, 221; David Lay, 207; Sherril Prideaux, 139; Mark Martin, 117; Kim Yelkin, 211; LeAnn Wride, 141; Jane Clark, Cafe-5; Debbi Holmstrom, 108A; Deanna Nelson, SS2; Kathy Nogg, 218; Sue Eudeman, 228A; Kathy Bergstrom, 223A; Nan Roh rberg, I MC-E; Rosemary Freriks, 145; Joel Cassman, 101; Sue Noar, 102-So.; Carol Zerbe, Commons; Carol Nillson, 143; Suzy Wurtz, 115; Marty Kennedy, 213; Renee Chick, 119; Deb Bernstein, 233; Lori Feldman, 219-3; Karen Macchietto, 204; Tom Newman, 225. Mary Strong, 120; Jo Quinting, 237A; Breck Buck, Aud.; Christine Herold, 100; Cheryl Nadler, 226; John Goldman, Main-4; Steve Wigg, 232; Lou Ann Schermerhorn, 231; Sheri Petersen, 202; Bill Coyne, 135; Anne Gibreal, 222; Lynn Timperly, 104; Steve Sweet wood, 208; Dave Halstead, 129; Julie Stockman, Eng-1; Lisa Hattam, 120; Bob Brite, 235; Doug Cunningham, 108A; Randy Langdon, 200; Leigh Retelsdorf, 230A; Carol Baska, 128Y; Lynne Krelle , 133.

Judy Larsen, 123; Julia Davis, 106A; Rock Morris, 229; Bill Barr, 124; Deanne Kelley, 230; Jay Madden, Main 2; Steve Scudder, 219 - 1; Neal Miesbach, 127; Fred Smith, 116; Gabrielle Keller, 130; Carie Abraham, Cafe-1 ; Libby Hansen, 128; Julie Mitchell, Cafe-6; Beth Otis, 128Z; Howard Norton, 104Z; Charissa Lane, G. Gym; Louis Turco, 116; Jim Shewanick, 19; John Roley, B. Gym; John McGill, 212; Karen Honig, 206; Roger Cherek, Cafe-4; Cherie A midon, 227A; Vance Jernstrom, SS IMC-1; Jane Johnson, 214; Eadie Fishel, 138; Steve Blotcky, 118; Jay Baker, 125 . Kevin Lyons, 107; DeDe Walker, 237; Lyle Zastera, 220; Mindy Green, B . Gym; Joyce Dappen, 209; Anne Woodley, 226A; Pam McDonald, 201; Jess Smith, 103; Jll Arnsperger, Lib-1; Vicki Veach, SS-4; Dan Dixon, 126; Peter Cegielski, 205; Denise Kopecky, 217-3; Dave Haug, 223; Patty Tobin, Eng IMC-2; Steve Ward, 106; Trish Larson, 144; Steve Hinchcliff, 224; Sue Klabunde, 142; Becky Stephenson, Lib-3; Rick Malot. 002; J. Derr , 22 7 ; David Walker, 223A; Cindy Paul, 214; Joel Helvey, 136. Ross Scholz, 005; Todd Manritz, 001; Kathy Koch, Lib. 2; Ten ley Rogers, Main 1; AI Katz, 140; Eileen Pavlik, 121; John Heacock, 102N; Linda Christian, 132; Cindy Rickard, Commons ; Bruce Moore, 135-W; Marjorie Einerson, Cafe-2; Kirk Van Zandbergen, 217-1; Steve Korff, Pool; Gary Lienemann, 230A; Kim Arnold 203; Nancy Ma l nave, SS-3 .

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Page 4


September 29,

Westside students volunteer to help others by Sheri Petersen She walks into the room, softly closing the extra large door behind her. Kids of about four years of age are weaving about, chattering, screaming, and running. There are also a few adults in the room, but they seem a bit harried and out-numbered. She is a volunteer and these children are here because they have problems that need attention. She works with both physically and mentally handicapped children. Many Westside students are involved in such volunteer projects. One place where volunteers play a large part is Hattie B. Munroe Children's Rehabilitation Center. Many of the children who live here go home on the weekends to small towns in out-state Nebraska. Some children have cerebral palsy, others are rubella cases, and others are e motionally disturbed children. There are many possibilities for Westside students to become involved in volunteer activities. Karen Volenec, a student teacher, told about many volunteer projects that Sociology and Psychology classes are encouraged to participate in, although she mentioned that these activities will be open to everyone. The Volunteer Bureau has made up a list of agencies who need volunteers. With this is a folder containing job descriptions and hours . The folder was distributed for viewing and returned during both Sociology and Psychology


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Large Group on Thursday, Sept. 21. Those present were asked to choose an area or agency they were interested in. The Involvement Fair, which is sponsored by Sociology and Psychology teachers, was held on Sept. 28. It consists of tables manned by people from various agencies. Those who wish to may volunteer to work at any one of these agencies from 10 a.m. till 1 :15 p.m., in the Loge. "Once committed you shouldn't cop out," said Miss Volenec. However, each person has one week to think about his or her decision. Z-Club is the Westside organization whose specific purpose is volunteer work. Many projects

have been planned and discussed by this year 's club . They will have a party at the Lutheran Old Peoples Home on Sept. 26, and a party was discussed for children at Hattie B. Munroe. Z-Club will sponsor a take sale on Sept . 27 to raise money for the adopted child overseas. Individual projects discussed were tutoring for GOCA and teaching in Elementary Schools in the District 66 area. Ringing bells for the Salvation Army and collecting food or clothing are possibilities for Christmas work. Since there are so many possibilities to become involved in the community, it is hoped that the "committed and now" generation will take up the challenge.

Masculinity invades Fashion Mr. Ken Heimbuch is teaching Fashion Illustrations? No, it's not a counter attack on Women's Lib, b u t a necessity caused by Mrs. Dian Hansen's replacement by Mr. AI Vap in the Art Department. Equally novel is the fact that this year's class consists of 37 girls and a boy! Although Mrs. Hansen will be returning part time next semester, Fashion Illustrations is a first semester course. Of the two men, Mr. Heimbuch was the best qualified to teach the class, having had three years of part-time experience in commercial art, a closely related field. How's it working out? Mr. Heimbuch says it's his favorite class for many reasons. One factor is the

students. "Men are supposed to like teaching girls, and I guess that's true ." Mr. Heimbuch added that both he and the students were attacking the course with enthusiasm. The biggest problem has been his lack of knowledge on the subject. Preparation this summer inclu ded study of Women's Wear Daily, a magazine dealing with fashion trends. As for the one boy , David McKean, he is not the first boy at Westside to enroll in Fashion Illustrations. Terry Van Cleave led the way in 1970-71. Mr . Heimbuch pointed out that the course deals with illustrat ion, not a study of fashion. "There is no reason why a boy can't illustrate as well as a girl."

Help from the 1973 Guidance Dept. The newest thing to come out of the think tank of the guidance department is something called group counseling. Group counseling, still in the planning stage, is the latest attempt by the


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guidance depar t ment to increase its rapport with the students. Group counseling is, as Mr. Orval Jensen puts it, "The means by which people of similar backgrounds interact with one another to help each other cope with their problems in an objective way." In other words, it is a rap session in which kids with the same problems or same interests talk with each other and help solve problems in an orderly way.

Go Warriors!

Chess Club member Dave Jensen puzzles over his next move after placed in Check. The magn itude of Dave's game may not necessarily t hat of Fischer or Spassky, but th e concent rat ion is st ill t here. Bruce Amsden was re-el ected as president of the club.

'Queen to King's level three, check The weary student slowly looked over the playing area searching for the correct move. After five minutes he reached up, placed his finger on his King and toppled it over. He stood up and extended his hand out in resignation. The game had ended. This scene may be familiar to those who either play chess or are observant of the many chess matches that go on daily in the Social Studies IMC . While the Olympiad was the major sports event of the summer, one event did manage at times to overshadow it. Bobby Fischer beca m e the first American ever to hold the World Chess Championship after beating Bois Spassky by a 12 112 to 8'1• margin. Most observers don 't know the difference between a rook and a bishop. They also think that chess is just a modified version of checkers. The point of the game is to checkmate the rival's king, which is to place the piece in a position from which it cannot move out of

Beat Prep From Warrior Wome n

its location without being captw Chess has been described a "bloodless combat" where a I can break a master's spirit. It game of war played on alternating black and white squ It is played by two players I utilize 16 pieces. Most experts ag that it is the strongest play and the strongest player that wins. Most chess masters will train months as hard as a boxer o football player would . It is a g of intense concentration; the pia with the most foresight usw makes the best moves. It is also a game of "psych out" your opponent. In an atten to break their rival's concentrati many players will whistle, hum, their fingers on the table, bel and even blow cigarette smoke the opposition's face. Most masters make chess th whole life. Fischer in his days a child prodigy used to have viol1 fits and would cry for hours af being beaten. Mr. Niemann , sponsor of I year's Chess Club, announced tl the club will be participating more tournaments than last ye At the first meeting of this ye la st year's president, Bn Amsden, was re-elected and lifetime membership fee of $1. was announced.

Wes tside is always our winner And you can be a winner a t

The Homecoming Dance with our nosegays, corsages, and boutonnieres

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!mber 29, 1972

Page 5

1mecoming lowers ruthless arm by Rosemary Freriks ·ely over the threshold of fall schedule changes and the I adjustment to homework :1 them, Westside students he first major social event of 2-'73 school year. Once more, coming wraps its selective tround a group of couples, ting the "asked"s from the tSked"s. course, as every major event, coming has its pros and cons. ter it has more pros or more lepends largely on whether or e evaluator is a participant. r those looking inward over ansparent, waterproof sleeve, ti trable by tears), the dance is a farce in the form of a out tradition, or an exciting ~tion of other people's social s. However, the social ations of attending the dance over-shadow the hassle ed in actually getting there. ms are many ~

ultimate problems fall upon whom the mighty arm 1passes. For many girls it be the dilemma of explaining teir not-so-fortunate friends hey are going when they were ng the halls declaring it a 1 yesterday . The difference is, day they were "not asked "s, •day they are "asked "s. .o common is the problem of g matched up with the girl or of your dreams. It's not 1mon in these competitive to hear a guy moan that the Jerson he'd be able to get to with him is Zelma anhoffersnelp with the >Ot long front teeth. :ewise, one may hear while ng in line for lunch, "I told r I had a prolonged case of and mouth disease because I ·aiting for Arnold to ask me . I ht I could just tell Wilbur I 1ad a swift recovery. Well, d heard about it and now he ask me because he's afraid mtagious!" ce the participating couples >aired up, there are other :les to overcome. For the boy, ~ht be trying to convince his that there is plenty of room r in his back pack, because his .s taking the place of the car 1ad that unfortunate meeting the aggressive lamp post last .er. Jck or not to shock r the girl, it is inevitably ter to wear the long-sleeved 1it which her boyfriend likes 1anging in her closet, or the dress underneath a jacket for ;hock" effect . Of course, the was suggested by her best who will be covered from to toe by the purple wool dress despite forecasts of 80

degree temperatures. ready. Her father races out to get a replacement for her run hose, her mother struggles with the electric curler which has become permanently lodged in her hair, and little brother finds the window with the best view of the front porch, to There's always the last minute

frenzy while the girl rushes to be After a three hour wait while her father takes and develops 14 pictures of them standing beside the new T.V., they finally peddle off into the sunset to reap their reward. see how long it takes her to say goodnight when they get home.

Double-standard of justice argued at WHS conference by Joe Cassman A glaring double-standard of justice exists for women, declared Marilyn Jo Major, a repressentative from the National Organizations of Women, "for example, the names of prostitutes are published but not the names of their male partners." She made the statement at the "Justice in America" conference organized by senior Lisa Alam. It was held last Friday, in the auditorium, attended by about 500 students and visitors. Lisa described the conference as, "pretty good, because there were alot of arguments and angry people." Seven speakers were able to provoke the normally placid crowd into occasional bursts of uproar, especially over the issue of the administration of justice on the Near North Side. Mr. Charles Washington from the Urban League of Nebraska answered a question posed by senior John Goldman that police protection for black residents in the North Side was "lousy." In addition to general neglect, Mr. Washington claimed that there were many examples of harrassment by police officers. He said, "Patrolman Larry Minard had gone out of his cruiser district because he welcomed the chance to get in the Black community and administer injustice." The crowd started groaning with displeasure at that statement. He was referring to the case of Patrolman Minard who was killed by a booby-trapped suitcase left in a house on the Near North Side in August, 1970, while answering a "911" emergency call. After a series of rapid exchanges and interruptions between Mr. Washington and Sgt. Pelicula of the Omaha Police Public Relations Department, John Goldman asked the Urban League representative if he felt there are any good white officers. Washington replied, "I would say Minard." Some of the other members on the panel became angered because they interpreted the statement as saying that the

only good white officer was one who was dead. Other members on the panel were : Ms. Martha Gibbs, an Indian woman on the Omaha Human Relations Board; Ms. Marilyn Jo Major, from the National Organization of Women, a feminist group; Juvenile Court Judge Seward Hart; Mr. Donald Knowles, County Attorney; and Public Defender Mr. Frank Morrison. Students who asked questions to the panel used two microphones set up in the auditorium. Neil Meisbach questioned Judge Hart over alleged dehumanizing conditions in state correction homes. Judge Hart made the comment that he believed it unconstitutional to send youths living at the Kearney State Boys Training School to the Nebraska Penal Complex when they misbehave.

Homecoming candidates pictured above are, from left: Mark Belcher, Don Legino, Steve Kolar, Carl Andersen and Jim Ingram. Front row: Kathy .Farrell, Merrilee Carlson, Diane Kidder, Dede McFaydm'! and Linda Hasebroock. King and queen will be announced at the dance Saturday, Oct. 7.

Sharon Williams asked Judge Hart about groups opposing his re-election. The judge replied by stressing the wonderful cooperation he has established with numerous officials with state homes for children. Lisa Alam said that she "had been working on the conference since April." "I got the idea after attending the ' World in Revolution' conference at the University of Nebraska Lincoln campus . I chose the topic of justice because it was one of the basic issues discussed at the Lincoln conference." Some students interviewed after attending the conference expressed dissatisfaction with the responses which the speakers gave to their questions, claiming that most of the issues were avoided by the speakers .

More candidates are, from left: Howard Norton, Jim Mierendorf, Mark Kershaw, Mark Boyer and Mark Brock. The girls are Sharon Bennett, Suki Roach, Jayne Tinley, Lisa Worrall and Nancy Dean. Female candidates are selected by the pep club for their activities in pep club, and male candidates are chosen for their football attributes.

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STORE HOURS: Monday thru Friday, 9:30 to 8 : 30 Saturday, 9:30 to 6:00

September 29,


Page 6 I

The layered look 1s 1n


For fall, baggy pants, sweaters steal the show If you feel like just another soldier in the army of girls wearing smocks and jeans, this autumn is the time to go AWOL. Fall fashions offer such a wide variety of colors and styles, you can be an individual yet still feel part of the group. The phrase to remember this fall is the "layered look." Outfits will consist of several articles of clothing instead of just one or two. It may sound more expensive, but by choosing a basic color and mixing and matching, you can have an extensive wardrobe. The illustration at right is an example of the layered look . Start building your wardrobe with a couple of basic colored body-suits or blouses. Your favorite colors of blue and brown are still in, but some of the hot colors for fall are grey, earth tones, and spring pastels like yellow, pink and baby blue. Top off your blouse with a sweater vest or a long sleeved sweater. The patterned sweaters that were popular last year are still in. Also popular are argyles, and mohairs. Make any long sleeved

sweater more current by folding the cuffs of your blouse up over the outside. Your outfit becomes more complete if you add a blazer jacket. They come in many fabrics, such as winter seersuckers and corduroys. The styles are varied, too, but the most popular have wide lapels and the "narrow shoulder" look. Blazers look great over jeans. Illustrated is another popular jacket for fall, the Eisenhower jacket, which is more casual. The biggest fashion news this year are the pants. Many people had begun to think bell-bottoms were over the hill, but they are back, bigger than ever and called "elephant bells." The ones in the illustration include cuffs, a high waist, and skinny belts, all popular items for fall. If you are not that thin or tall and feel e lephant bells do nothing for you, try some baggy pants. They look like a style from the 30's, and because they are. Most baggy pants have a high waist and cuffs. Baggy pants will hide almost

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any flaw your figure has, because, obviously, they are so baggy. With pants so popular, the dress has been shoved into a shadow. But dresses are still the thing to wear to Homecoming, which is just around

the corner. Don 't worry about the length anymore, wear what looks best on you. Special interests on dresses this year are the tie back and dolman sleeves, which look like bat-wings .

Cycling: 'the only way to fly' What is it like being snowbound in the Middle of August on a motorcycle? Who should know better than Erich Schrempp, senior, who traveled 1,500 miles this summer by bike into the Rocky Mountains. Erich, with a homemade movie camera mount bolted to the front of the cycle, shot three reels of color movie film while riding through Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado for a film he is putting together. Some of the problems encountered while shooting the film were bugs on the lens, slow trucks and fast sports cars. Oncoming semis also presented complications. "They'll blow you all over the road, and sometimes they move in on you and crowd you for the lane," he said. Perhaps the strangest difficulty experienced was a freak mountain snowstorm which left Erich stranded for three hours. "Riding on that stuff is like riding on greased marbles!" remarked Schrempp. Camping by night and filming by da y, Erick kept himself busy by cleaning the daily accumu lation of soot off his spark plugs. The altitude, at times as high as 12,000 feet, wreaked havoc on the cycle's state of tune. At one point, Schrempp had to coast three miles when the bike ran out of gas on Trail Ridge Road, the highest continuous stretch of highway in America. "It was really strange, coasting along with no noise whatsoever. People in cars would give me the wierdest looks as I passed them." Schrempp had a rather unique way of keeping his tent warm. Just before he turned in each night, he would ride a few miles up a canyon to heat up the cycle's engine and

then park it inside the tent. It would radiate heat for hours, an advantage in an area where temperatures drop below freezing nightly. The camping/filming trip lasted nine days, five of which were inside Rocky Mountain National Park. It cost considerably more than Schrempp had planned, but was still less than $100. The motorcycle's economy factor helped, as gas expenses totalled only twelve dollars for over 1,500 miles of riding. To help relieve the monotony of riding across Nebraska, Erich had a cassette tape player packed in his gear and an earphone connected to the inside of his helmet. The most fun of the whole trip, Erich said, was riding up the Big Thomson Canyon in the rain listening to "Wasn't Born to Follow." When not cheating death on treacherous but fun mountain roads, Schrempp hiked around the Park taking pictures of the mountain scenery. He was unable to use all of the camera equipment he brought with him, as the bike's vibration "disassembled" some of it. Erich was particularly happy to make it back to Omaha. Last year on a similar trip, a crooked mechanic in Greeley, Colorado told him that the cycle would not make it all the way home. To be on the safe side, Schrempp had the machine trucked back from Ogallala, Nebraska. The repair cost $4.00, not the $200 asked in Greeley. Reflecting back over his travels and travails, Schrempp said he felt it was well worth the trouble. When asked to describe motorcycle touring he added, "It's the only way to fly!"

~ ~a.ve r:o.~

Virgies styleshow precedes 10% off Many clothing stores town have concentrated acquiring the business of teenage consumers. Hence, Bros.; Joey's Girls; Zoob's and now Virgie's Countryside also stressing the young looks fashion lines. Mr. Sam Gentile of announced the upcoming show Wednesday night, October at 7:00. Only Westside girls invited, and 15 models in sizes will display some of the available at Virgie's. The show be followed by refreshments then all Westside girls will be free select clothes with a 10% for that night only. Such fashion lines Legs, Red Eye and will be featured.

"Co~ •••

Come in and compare our ring with any Class Ring available today ... at any price ... and you'll agree it is the finest ring ever made. Your ring is available in white or yellow gold with a choice of stones. in all colors.

and you can Wednesday, October 18, 7:00 Exclusively for Westside The newest styles for teenage girls - like you, in the latest colors and fabrics. Refreshments will be served. And, following the style show, clothes will be sold at a 10% discount. Fantastic! But then, you'll have to see it to believe it.

CHARGE IT ... even if you've never had credit before!





tber 29, 1972


Page 7

Westside's offense scores 54 points; defense superb, shuts-out opponent

ram, the running machine, follows offensive blocker Dan Moore as . the way through the sea of gold monsters.

hat National league baseball :!inched their division . A. York B. Cincinnati C. ·gh hat National league football from Omaha recently bo are the Canadian hockey s currently playing? A. B. Germany C. Russia Before Nebraska's 77-7 over Army, what was the hey ever beat an opponent? did they beat? A. 80-3, B. 125-14, Creighton. C. 'lebr. Weslyan. What American won the c Marathon in Munich? A. ~ agren B. Carlos Smith C. :horter That is the Omaha Knights uent NHL team? A. New .angers B. Atlanta C. Seattle bat CHL team finished first .son? A. Dallas B. Tulsa C. rna City "ho are the opponents of the City-Omaha Kings in their in Omaha? A. Los Angeles ·aukee C. Houston >n what team is ex-Omaha U. uarterback Marlin Briscoe laying? What position is he :? A. Denver B. Miami C. • a. Quarterback b . Tackle c . r

How many games without a .id Nebraska have before beaten by UCLA? A. 3 7 B. 0 With what ma ke of car does \R driver Richard Petty A. Plymouth B. Dodge C. Who did Muhamad Ali y defeat in Madison Square


Garden? A. Joe Frazier B. Floyd Patterson C. George Foreman Answers UOSJaned pAOJ.'{ ·g "(;l q1110WA[d ·v ·u &f: ·g ·ol Ja:>jUBJ.'I ·:> twmw: ·g "6 S<!Jalluy SO'] ·y ·g SBIIBQ ·v · L B1uenv ·g ·g lapoqs :>jUBl.'{ ·o ·g ui\aJsaM. ·JqaN-O-OOl ·o ·v e!ssn'H ·o ·f: slai\es aJeD ·z qllmqsmd ·o ·l

Volleyball season brings discomfort "Now I realize in order to be good in a sport it t a kes a LOT of hard practice which sometimes means a lot of aches and pains," sighed exhausted senior Kathy Korcek . After one night of practice for the girl's volleyball team, 40 Warrior women "thought they were going to die." The team, coached by Miss Leslie Ann Royle, will consist of 15 girls. There will be 6 girls on varsity, 2 varsity substitutes, and 7 members on the J .V. team. Three one-hour practice sessions are held a week . During the tryouts, September 28 , the girls performed three volleyball skills: the spike , the overhand serve, and the set-up. To perfect these skills, the girls have been practicing much like the Japanese volleyball team did for the Olympics, only not to such an extreme extent. The varsity team will play other schools in the Omaha area during the year, the climax hopefully being the state championship game. One rough competitor Westside will have to contend with this year will be Ma rian , whe re 87 girls tried out for the team.

[,Jmpl ete line of ~r t suppli es Acrylics, Oil s, and J l! p:1in ting med iums ~e t s , bo ~rd s .


Candl e making suppli es, and de co upagc 39 7-60 77

Warriors score big in contest The mighty Westside Warriors rolled up 382 yards of tota l offense to Tee Jay's 31 to rout the Yellowjackets 37-0. The Warriors stung Tee Jay for 14 p oints in the first quarter. Randy Rome led the way to the first touchdown. Starting a drive at the 4 5 yard line, Rome ran six consecutive times to finally plunge into the end zone~ Max Beins added the extra point to m a ke it 7-0 . Gregg Newton hit Mark Brock at the Tee Jay's 35 yard line, to set up the Warrior's second touchdown drive . Randy Rome, Jim Ingram and Jim Miere ndorf combined to get the ball to the 23 yard line of th e Y ellowjackets. Then Gregg Newton roll ed to his right and hit Jay Sonderup in the corner of the end zone to make it 13-0. Max Beins converted the extra point to make it 14-0.

23 0 Ce ntral Park Wes tro ads

Junior fullback Randy Rome carries for a big gain through the T.J. line. Randy had a good night, scoring two touchdowns to aid the Warriors in their 34-0 victory over the Yellowjackets. Newton then hit Mark Brock at the four yard line. Jim Mierendorf took it to the two and Mark Boyer plunged over for the score. Westside lead 28-0, after Max Beins kick was good. The Warriors took a 28-0 lead at the conclusion of the first half. At half-time the Westside cross country team competed in a mile relay run, against Boys Town. Barney Hill of Boys Town was first and Warrior Bruce Westerlin took second. Tee Jay kicked off to the Warriors. Westside fumbled at the

Mierendorf contributes to win

fREE at:

'Pe. DS l





Tee Jay 16 yard line. The Warrior's Bob Doney intercepted a Tee Jay pass an d returned it to the Tee Jay 11 yard line. Jim Mierendorf took it to the 1 yard line and Randy Rome dove over for the score. Max Beins drilled his 5th straight extra point to make it 5-0. Less than a minute later Mark Boyer tackled Tee Jay's quarterback Bob Knezevich into the end zone for a safety. Westside increased its lead to 37-0. There was no scoring in the fourth quarter, and the Warrior's raised their seasonal record to 1-1.


At the beginning of the second quarter, Jim Mierendorf an d Randy Rome advanced the ball to the four yard line. Then Jim Mierendorf took it over from the four yard line to make it 20-0. Max Beins added the extra point to increase the lead to 21-0. With about three minutes left in the first half Carl Anderson recovered a Tee Jay fumble. Gregg


BnTWDRlD Drafting: Dr:Jwing

The Westside Warriors registered their second straight shut-out by downing Burke 20-0. Westside's offense exploded with 6:59 left in the first quarter. Gregg Newton dropped back to the 38 yard line and hit Mark Brock for a 62 yard scoring play. The extra point kick was short, and Westside led 6-0. The defensive units dominated the rest of the half, as both clubs went scoreless the remainder of the first half. With 5:28 left in the third quarter, Jim Mierendorf recovered a Burke fumble. Then Burke was penalized for grabbing the facemask. Mark Boyer carried two times to the four, and then took it over for the score. Max Beins added the extra point, and Westside led 13-0. Larry Masilko picked off a Burke pass and ran it to Burke's 45 yard line. Mark Boyer and Randy Rome combined to get the ball to the two yard line. Quarterback Greg Newton plunged into the end zone with 11 :19 left in the fourth quarter. This concluded the scoring for Friday's contest. Westside rolled up their season record to 2-1, and with a victory over Tech (the game took place yesterday, Thursday, Sept. 28) it could improve to a respecta ble 3-1.




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OMAHA . NEBRASKA 6 8111 ( 4021 451 - QS76

Page 8

September 29,


Defense plays well

JV Warriors beat TJ and South

Senior Steve Edwards grimaces under the excruciating pain of a grueling Cross Country race.

Runners recycle Rummel; Wester/in, Edwards leaders Westside's cross country team, led by Bruce Westerlin an d Steve Edwards ran Rummel into the ground on Sept. 19. Westerlin, with a time of 11:14, and Edwards; whose time was 11:15 took the top places and gave the Warrior team a 13-26 advantage over Rummel (in cross country the team with the least total of points wins the meet). The two-mi le course also gave the JV team a winner, Gary Loft. This was the second race of the season for the two teams. The following F riday, Sept. 22, the team ran at Prep in the Metro Invitational. Prep won the team title and Boys Town's Barney Hill was the individual winner. Westside finished 11th in the team standings. Edwards finish ed 31st in a field of 112 with Mark Schorr placing 44th . Both Westerlin and Edwards were ill at the time. Westerlin began the 1.85 mile race but was unable to finish the race past the h alf-way mark due to severe chest pains . The MHSAA Championships are coming up on Friday, Oct. 6 and the team is working very hard and is promising a good race. Both Edwards and Westerlin will be back in sha pe and will be runn ing in it, so there is an excellent chance the team will do well. Other members of the team include many fine runners who have a good chance at the Metro meet too. They are Morgan Finnell, Scott Scheffel, Ross Jernstrom, Ro ger Bacon, Jeff Suggs , Steve Waterman, Pat Gilmore, Dave Lan dis, Dallas Focht and Mike Arnold.

will be seen this spring in track. Cross country is a good fall sport for training and is one of the best sports for giving men breath control and endurance.

Last Thursday afternoon at Westside stadium, the Warriors, J.V. football team defeated the T .J. Yellowjackets 13-0 There was no scoring in the first quarter, as neither team could mount a sustained drive . Tom Sneckenberg opened up the scoring in the second quarter when he ran the ball in from the one yard line. This touchdown was set up by a 70 yard pass interception by safety J o hn Ingram. Sneckenberg kicked the extra point, and Westside took a 7-0 lead into halftime. The only scoring that was done in the second half was on a 68 yard touchdown run by fullback Rob Mayberry. The point after conversion was no good, so Westside pulled out ahead 13 -0. There was no more scoring after that as both defenses held. The leadin g rusher for the Warrior's was Rob May berry . Rob h ad 128 yards on 1 4 carries for a 9.1 yard average. Other leaders were John Ingram with 30 yards on six carries, a nd Ron Hagm a n had 70 yards on 20 carries. Westside's tota l rushing yardage was 237 yards. The defe nse was led by Mike Warring who had 22 tackles, Rob Mayberry who ha d 11 tackles, Bill Da na had 19, and Mike Ponsiego a nd John Steenberg bot h had 9 .

Injuries cripple gymnasts Jim Malot won the trampoline competition in the rece nt gymnastics meet with South and Northwest on Sept. 21. Westside lost the meet du e to the large number of injuries suffered by some of the team members. Jim defeated Northwest's Kelly Olds who dominated most of the events in the season's first double-duo meet. The scores for that night were as follows: Northwest won the night's competition with the top score of 89, South scored 82.45 to take the second place , and Westside totaled up 44.95 poin ts. Among t he injured is Doug McKay who is one of the team's most valuable gymnasts. Doug is out of action for a while with a spra ined wrist. Also injured is Alan Conner who has a broken ankle. Alth ough the team was supposed to go to the Metro Invitational on Sept. 23, they held practice instead.

1972 Gymnastics Schedule Sept. 30

Millard Invitational

Oct. 5

Dual with Burke and Ryan

Oct. 10

Dual with TJ and Rummel at TJ

Oct. 14


Oct. 17


Oct. 24-27

Metro Prelims

Oct. 28

Metro Finals

Oct. 31-Nov. 4

District Prelims and F inal

Nov. 11

State Finals

"The cleaner that cares" No matter how its labeled, your garments last 30% longer when dry cleaned Same day service

Schedule for 1972 Oct. 10

Ryan and Tech

Oct. 17

North and Central

Oct. 20-21 District Oct. 26


Most of the meets will be run at Elmwood Park. Besides running in the cross country meets, most of the runners

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JV Defeats South Two weeks ago the Warrior JV team defe ate d South 13-12. Westside opened the scoring with a touchdown in first quarter, and Tom Sneckenberg kicked the extra point for a 7-0 lead . South scored in

the second quarter to tie at 7-7. Westside scored a third quarter, and with p oint, led 14-7. South came the fo urth quarter a nd the Warrior defense

Two Westside students demonstrate the skills and stamina needed for swinging game of tennis.

Westside tennis team wins first Wests ide 's pre-season tennis optimism was well founded, as the Warriors so far have a perfect 3 and 0 record, and look forwar d to more wins. Th e Warriors have defeated South with a score of 4-1, Bu r ke 3-2, a nd Tech 5-0. There are five matches in a team m atch. Three s ingles play, a nd two doubles. Each win scores as one point. The top t hree singles pl ayers are al l seniors. They are John Goldman, Dave deFreese, and Shawn Savage. The first doubles team consists of jun iors Paul R oth and J o hn Free m an. Shawn Savage and Jim Hlavacek make up the second doubl es team. The strength of Westside's team , plus th e winning re putation of number one man John Goldman, h as caused several opponents to "stack" against Westside . This means that the number one man on the opponent's team plays the number two man of Westside's, figuring that their best man will

defeat our second. This caused the team some the over-all strength of has counteracted it for the part. Westside's opponents for of t he season are A.L. on T.J. on Sept. 路28, Ryan on N o rth on Oc t. 5, Tournament Oct. 12 and 13, Pl ayoff Oct. 16, and Tournament Oct . 19 and 20.

West Lovelan Barber Shop George H armon. Proprietor


391 -9811


17, No. 3


October 13, 1972

Nine constructioneers building house

Vocational Carpentry students really get "behind" the scenes in g an actual three-bedroom home as a class.

Each school day, nine Westside students report to homeroom and then drive to 7 529 So. 75th Street in La Vista for their first class. This is Vocational Carpentry, a suburban school program set up for students in which they will actually build a house. Thirty-three boys from Westside and Papillion high school comprise three different classes which are building three different homes, valued from $17,000-$20,000. Mr. Dick Lane, Industrial Arts department chairman, said that Seniors Keith Carson, Chris Darling, Tom Hope and Pat Piper and Juniors Gordon Buehring, Don Hopkins, Terry Lanam, Joe Robbins and Wes Young had met

the requirements for admission into the class and were presently working on one of the three-bedroom homes. The class, under the supervision of Mr. Jim Hanson of the Papio school district, is " ... designed to introduce to high school students the basic skills, processes, tools, machines and materials necessary for construction of a single family residence. It will teach a general knowledge of the phases of building trades." Eighty to 85% of the student time is spent at the actual construction site. The class is working in co-operation with two or three contractors from the

Omaha area. The foundation was previously installed by one of the companies because of the time involved in cement work; lectures and demonstrations from electricians, plumbers and other professionals will contribute to the class. The boys receive no salary and must provide their own transportation to the site. They must purchase a 16-22 oz. nail hammer, coveralls and nail apron, tri路square, and 12' by %" tape. Although the program was offered to all suburban Omaha high schools, Papillion, Bellevue and Millard, only Westside and Papillion industrial arts students were enrolled.

r is organized to encourage volunteers

, sociology - don't just read it," suggests sociology Bill McCormick. "The best understand, appreciate, and ~ a mental handicap is to rith it." ~ive students an idea of what ~er work was available, the le Involvement Fair was ~ed by Mr. McCormick, logy teachers, and the U.C.S. ~d Community Service). ay, Sept. 28, booths were set the loge area representing y-two groups needing ~ers.

:ients interested in working iny of the following :ations are asked to call the eer Bureau at 342-8232. >gy or psychology students only to contact their tors. 'se interested in working with illy able children should get rttact with the following izations : Ames Avenue unity Center, South Omaha Club, Christ Child Center, Tutorial Service, Big rs - Big Sisters (District 66 ), ~lementary Teacher Aides :t 66 ). es Avenue, Boy's Club, and :hrist Child Center offer lg programs with individual n and recreation programs . rother - Big Sister requires i friend to a child that needs :lementary Teacher Aides are

students helping in the District 66 classrooms. Students interested in working with physically or mentally handicapped persons may contact: Echo Variety Club, Encor, Goarc Citizen Advocacy, Dr. J. P. Lord School, Meyer Children's Rehabilitation Institute, Glenwood State Hospital School, and Special Education programs. Echo Variety Club offers openings for teachers, recreational and music aides, and Encor needs aides for recreational activities, such as bowling, swimming, arts and crafts. Goarc Citizen Advocacy wants volunteers to establish helpful relationships with mentally handicapped persons. Workers are needed at J.P. Lord to provide elementary education and physical therapy for handicapped children, including pre-school for the blind. Meyer Children's Rehabilitation Institute provides three programs for children ages 3 to 11: classroom work, swimming, and recreational programs. Glenwood State Hospital School needs students to aide in residential and educational programs for retarded persons, and volunteers are needed for special education swimming at Westside's pool. If interested in helping with elder persons, contact: Douglas County Hospital and Annex, Mobile Meals, and St. Vincent's

'liS semifinalists named;

' will compete for finals

may bring to mind such as football, new clothes and veather but the season also the start of national college programs.

first three tests will be held :tside on Saturday mornings. ire the ACT on Oct. 21, the NMSQT on Oct. 28 and the n Nov. 4. Students are urged !lsult Ron Huston or their tive counselors for further 11formation and application





seniors were chosen National Merit Semifinalists. They are Susan Adams, Bruce Amsden, Steve Blotcky, Joe Cassman, Chuck Petersen, Sue Randle, Tenley Rogers, Erich Schrempp, Fred Smith and Ann Yaffe. National Education Week will be Oct. 22-27 this year. This week is set aside by the President to inform people of the importance of education in a free society. Nancy Kracke, district publicity director, will be responsible for Westside's contribution to a district display at the Westroads.

Home for the Aged. The Douglas County Hospital needs volunteers to make calls on the elderly and ill. Students are needed at Mobile Meals to deliver packaged meals to elderly persons and shut-ins. St. Vincent's Home for the Aged needs workers to help provide diversification in the routine of daily living. If interested in ecology or identifying with young people contact: Keep Omaha Beautiful or Personal Crisis. Keep Omaha Beautiful helps unload recyclable material at the one-stop collection center, and volunteers at Personal Crisis deal with a problem caller in helping him face his problem and possibly finding a solution.

Photo by Paul Novak

Rad ian t Hom eco ming Ou een Sukey Ro ach is cro wned by King Mark Boye r as good-sport candidates approve. As the royal couple danced to a special so ng, h u nd reds o f ba llo ons d escended to the da nce floor.

Highflying victory heads Warrior Homecoming Once again Homecoming weekend, Oct. 6 and 7 was a high - flying success to the balloon-studded theme of "Up, Up and Away." The gala festivities included the traditional game and dance with floats and the selection of King and Queen highlighting the colorful events. Seniors Sukey Roach and Mark Boyer reigned over the packed but joyous Homecoming dance floor. Friday afternoon witnessed the beginning of the celebration with a 2:30 parade of decorative cars and floats putting an early end to the preceding week of school. As winners of the contest, three floats were chosen to circle the field at the half-time of Westside's 20-7 victory over the Bluejays. Seizing first place was the band's colossal entry featuring a giant paper Warrior in football regalia clasping a Bluejay. Accompanying the float was the slogan "Pluck Prep." The other two winners were both products of joint efforts. Interact and "Z" Club pooled their talents to compose a barbecue scene featuring an unfortunate Bluejay as the menu with the slogans, "Grill 'Em" and "Smoke the Jays." Drill Squad and Squires entered a large birdcage to illustrate their theme, "Cage the Blue jays." Also decking the Homecoming field were the 20 King and Queen

candidates. The female finalists were chosen for their contributions to Pep Club activities, and the selections for King were based on merit in the field of football. The final decision was made by the student body in a homeroom vote the preceding Monday. Saturday night's dance was an

array of pink, orange, and yellow helium balloons with music supplied by "Poppin' J." Work on the event was headed by Homecoming Chairmen Dede McFayden and Linda Hasebroock. The crowd, mostly seniors, filled the Girls' Gym from 8 until midnight.

local Issues

County candidates to come Oct. 17 "Local issues are extremely important because they affect people's everyday lives. Yet, they are not followed as closely as national elections" said government teacher Mr. Richard Hicks in explanation of the Oct. 17 government large group. The large group will last from 11:30 until12 :3 0 and is entirely concerned with local candidates. This particular large group will be held in the auditorium and as with all others, everyone is invited to broaden their knowledge of politics and political issues. Although this large group is concerned with local candidates it will be narrowed down to county election issues only. "There are many county issues right now and we didn't want to bring others in with them. Besides, not much is going on in terms of city elections," explained Mr. Dennis Mcintyre, also a government teacher. Mcintyre sent letters to both Republican and Democratic cand idates. The following county offices are open and hopefully a candidate from each party for these offices will participate: County Commissioner, Register of Deeds, County Clerk, Public Defender, and County Judge. Other candidates that are expected to come to Westside are Pat Cooney, Democratic candidate for the House of Representatives, and Terry Carpenter, Democratic candidate for the Senate, on Oct. 24. On Oct. 31 Westside will welcome John Y. McCollister, Republican candidate for the House of Representatives, and Carl Curtis, Republican candidate for the Senate.

October 13, 1


on --------------------------------------------~

the entertainment gap by bill wald

What is the definition of a well-rounded student? Who is to say what person is going to contribute the most to a college? How can an official accept some college applicants and reject others? A college wants a student who will give something to the school. But they are the ones who decide what they want given. The school is not to be used by the student; the student is to be used by the college. The whole trick to getting into the college of your choice is to conform to their model. Have yourself a fantastic list of credits, just like all the other good boys and girls. This means being in every club that sound s good: like International Manipulation of Digits Clubs- yes, the old Twittle Your Thumbs Club. You may need to do some volunteer work, hold down a paying job, be active in community affairs, take an interest in national and local government, campaign for present issues, lead the church group choir ... You must also be willing to live and die for Whatsamatta U. and get a fabulous score on one, just one, special test, the SAT. The problem is trying to fit a little studying in between all these activities in which you must participate. The best solution is to find the minimum effort you need to put forth to keep that activity among your credits. The small remaining fraction of time is allotted to you for your own personal use. This is just so you don't lose your real self while building your model self for the college. When you are finally recognized it may not be as the unique individual that you really are, but at least it's the unique individual the college wants- the well-rounded student, the contributors, the leader, the fake.

The summer of '72 brought to nearly all teenagers' attention the tremendous "entertainment gap" for young people in Omaha during the last several months. After so many rides on the "Galaxy" roller coaster at Peony Park, whoppers at Burger King, GP movies and other trivial pastimes engaged in during the summer month~, it's no wonder that some teens have turned to more "unconventional" forms of entertainment. Omaha will surely lose a great majority of its young people, this fear has been voiced by our own city government, if efforts are not made to make Omaha more appealing to its youth. Lately the entertainment scene has improved through school-related activities but compared to the last nine months any minor improvement seems like a major breakthrough. Most teens laughingly admit that the social event of the summer was a concert by the Grassroots in Peony Park this August that ended with members of the group shouting at the audience, begging them to return their lost instruments and clothing. Despite its part in the eight o'clock Memorial Park curfew that is responsible for further complaints about the "entertainment gap" in Omaha, the Parks and Recreation Dept. is perhaps first to be congratulated for organizing and financing free rock concerts at Elmwood Park featuring Omaha's top local groups a nd drawing thousands of spectators at each performance . Still, the main complaint has been the lack of rock concerts, and understandably so. Since Rod Stewart's unbelievable reception in December of last year, Omaha has not had a single appearance by a major recording artist.

.·1tem: - -


It's a school board policy that all social functions on the weekend must end at 11:00. Presently Chris Icenogle, senior SABE member, is working with the board to change this ruling to 11:30. The main argument against extending the dances is that the band would need to be paid more. But if the dances were longer more people would come and they'd probably be willing to pay a little more. Many lights around Westside remain on till 12:00 and some stay on all night if there is any question about safety. Most kids can stay out a little later than 11 :00. But if sophomores' Moms want them home, they can leave before the dance is over. If someone would be willing to stay to supervise, there is no reason why Westside dances should not last longer. After all, by the time the game ends and the music gets started it's about 9:45. People are just beginning to come unglued from the walls by 11:00. Why does any time limit have to be set by the board? Marian and Prep allow the sponsors of the dance to decide upon the length. Their dances always end at a reasonable hour. It would be foolish to hire a band until all hours. The sponsors are in it for the profit anyway. If anyone has any objections to dances ending at the discretion of the sponsor, write a letter to The Lance.The staff wishes it could didactically say "boycott sockhops" as easily as "boycott lettuce" but we feel this may harm the welfare of the clubs rather than change the policy.

Beginning next issue The Lance will publish Letters to the Editor. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material. Submit your letters to the box provided in the Social Studies I.M.C.


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The library is probably the last place you'd expect to find people listening to Alice Cooper or Grand Funk but rock music is monitored continuously through a six-channeled tape deck. The system is also used to transmit I ectures, dictation and foreign language instruction. This year students can bring their own cassette tapes or albums but you 'II need your I.D. card to check out the receiver and earphones needed. The bike revolution still continues at Westside. On the average, eighty bikes crowd the stalls on the south side of the school every night. As the number of bikes increases and the amount of cars declines it may become necessary for the administration to issue parking stickers for the two-wheeled vehicles and threaten to strip gears if the bike is parked illegally. The three television networks are to be congratulated for their outstanding line up of recent motion pictures. CBS has announced that it is setting aside an entire evening this spring for the showing of "Woodstock," the three hour documentary about the 1969 rock festival. After noticing cheerleaders, athletes and other students running barefoot after school, one teacher commented, "I guess hoof and mouth disease goes home at 3 :10 like everyone else."




Lincoln, chiefly through the support of University of Nebraska's students continues to monopolize the rock concert market and is unaccessible to most Omaha fans. The problem has been blamed on the unavailability of the Civic Auditorium due to construction, but arrangements could have easily been made to use another public facility. It was this same lack of interest and foresight that caused Omaha to lose out on a Rolling Stone cc;mcert earlier this year. It is estimated that over fifty other bookings were turned down because of the construction. Hopefully, now that the remodeling which includes a new sound system, an acoustic tiled roof and air conditioning, has been completed, KOIL 's concert staff will get to work after a nine month vacation. One proposal has been to transform the Orpheum Theater, which will be purchased by the city in the near future into a "Fillmore Midwest," attracting top artists and solving the problem in that area of entertainment. KFMX, a stereo rock station that made a sincere attempt toward more sophisticated Top 40 broadcasting in Omaha was abruptly and without previous warning ripped off the airwaves one summer night and replaced by a "beautiful music" format, leaving

those equipped with brand new component stereos listening "Sentimental Journey" and "In Love Call" the next morning. Recently there have been a breakthroughs in "entertainment gap" that plagued Omaha for the past se months. A youth council, consisti students from each Omaha school has been proposed the City Council to advise the youth oriented particularly to initiate entertainment for the city's y people. Surprisingly Omaha has presented with its first major le team. We will be host to Omaha-Kansas City King basketball team for fifteen home games season. An FM stereo rock station "The Last Radio Show" airs night from eleven to midnight a mgs. A concert by the Carpente group that doesn't appeal to musical tastes but will hope! pave the way for more conce the future, will appear in the Auditorium tonight. The "entertainment gradually narrowing but it's g to take a lot of effort from a I us, especially those "wal around, doing their sidewalk to close it completely.

And the rock rolls on.

• •

by Bob Eisenberg "You wanted more cards, you wanted more vacations, you -the listener - requested mooooore prizes, so we, the Neat Guys of mighty Top Forty Radio came up with (drum roll) Model-T-Give-Away!" Between messages like this and endless obnoxious hard-sell advertisements ("You know what freedom and equality is all about . . . Buy at Shmoey's Girls"), its rare that the listeners of Omaha's popular music stations can be treated to two or three songs in a row. And before every song, there's a little jingle sung out by the vocal equivalents of The Rockettes, training you -like Pavlov's dogs and the bell -to get that adrenaline rushing, those fingers snapping, to exclaim "Golly, here comes another hit!" All of this humiliating buildup to a "hit" wouldn't be so awful if, at least the music would be less commercial and somewhat more artistic. A good musician either has

to be dead (Hendrix, Joplin) have a pretty efficient manager be recognized and played by til highly discriminating stations.

Then there are the arroga hype disc-jockeys who come with a cute little sickie every n and then. Of course, they're "g~ guys" and "they care when counts." But can't they be a li more concerned with ban concerts and music in general a bit less involved with chru hooplas and basketball games? So now the Omaha-Cout Bluffs area has three "pop music" radio stations. Would one them please take the bold forward to initiate some chan and become more like their W Coast counterparts? Or are youth of Omaha too hung up the likes of David Cassidy and Osmonds to care less? No, we don't want "more ca or "more prizes." We'd simply I to hear more music.

the lance Published bi-weekly by the Publications Department of Westside High School, 87th and Pacific St., Omaha, Nebraska 68114. THE LANCE is a member of the National Scholastic Press Association and the Nebraska High School Press Association. The paper is given free of charge to holders of Activity Tickets. Subscription rates to others are $3.00 postpaid. Non-profit mailing rights claimed. Printed by Wright Printing Co., Omaha, Nebr. Edit o r .. . . • . . . . . . • • . .. Pam Hultberg Asso. editors ••...•••.• . . Susan Darst Barb Demaree Editorial edit o r • . . . . . . . . . . . • Bill Wald Asst. edtorial editor .•..• Rick Denney Editorial writer • . . . • . . . Bob Eisenberg Feature editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sue Berg Asst. feature editor . . . . . • . • • . . AI Katz Feature writer .••. _ . . .. S heri Petersen Business edit o r . . ..•..•.•• Jim Clift o n Advertising manager • • . . . . Dave Jen sen Sports writer •..•••.. Kathy Whittaker

News editor . . . . . . • . . • • Cyndie Jo Fashion editor • . ...• Jessalyn Wilsc News Writer ..• . • . .. Rosemary Fre1 Will R Sports editor . • . . . . . •... Brian Tn Asst. sports editor •••• • . Steve Rus Art editor • . . . • . • . . . . ..•. Jay Jac< Photo editor .. . .•.•••••• Brian Con Photographers ••••.•... Joe Petras! Pat O'H Bruce F Advisor ••.••••••• Mrs. Kathy Bosh


1ber 13, 1972

Page 3

Cheerleaders, Pep Band attend Agnew rally held at Hilton Hotel Wednesday "My fellow Republicans and enlightened Democrats," began National Committeeman, Dick Herman. This was the introduction for Vice President Spiro Agnew at the recent rally held at the Hilton on October 4. Westside's pep band and six cheerleaders were there. Vice President Agnew praised

last week or today? There are some times when the senator had stood on all sides of an issue," said the Vice President. In contrast to this, Agnew said, "President Nixon's record has been one of positive accomplishments." Vice President Agnew praised the cheerleaders and band from

"Up With People" soloists (left) managed to turn on a receptive audience, in contrast with the disappointing lows.

Jdience accepts 'Up With People' by Barb Demaree

om where I was sitting at the fith People convocation, I had d view of the performance and 1dience reaction . I was amazed for once, a great deal of :iders managed to overcome inhibitions and enjoy a good . Up With People gave a show was free of political comment, ious messages and moral ments. It was a performance !rned with entertaining an nee and I think it succeeded in respect. There was a minimum apathy towards audience :ipation and people all around ~ere clapping their hands and tg along, enjoying the music to Illest. te music was neither hard rock ellow but just somewhere in 1iddle of both. For the size of ast, the choreography was well tted and the singing blended r. The soloists were only ly above average; but fitted the format . The piano playing


was great and the other musicians excellent. I couldn't help but notice that upon close inspection of the performers that some of them weren't quite sure of what they were doing, but nevertheless, looked like they were enjoying themselves. On the whole, Up With People managed to break through the status barriers at Westside and let people enjoy themselves for once without fear of being laughed at . Spurrlows disappointing A broken tambourine just may have been the only highlight of the Spurrlow's promotion concert held here Oct. 4 at a special 60 minute convocation. The 16 piece group dressed in out-moded blue and white jumpsuits, were sponsored by the Warrior Voices. Still capitalizing on a concert at the White House several years back, the group still manages to tour the United States. Besides the old standard rock

writer becomes success by Rick Denney

lrrently playing at Omaha ~ theaters is a Science-fiction Slaughterhouse Five. Sounding like a prison or gangster e, the story actually deals with n who can't remain trans-fixed ne. We see ' the stages of his life his childhood until his death. majo rity of his history takes in Germany during World War

1e ending surprises the viewer seems far removed from the 1f the film . 1e author of the book is a vely unknown author Kurt tegut, Jr. He has four other ls, "Cat 's Cradle," "The Sirens 'itan, " "God Bless You, Mr. water," and his newest book minal Man ." He also has a ction of short stories entitled














Talented sophomores shine A hard pull on the curtain rope, a signal for the blackout, a pulsating rhythm and flashing colored lights marked the opening of an evening of "Love, Life and Laughter" as the Sophomore Class presented their annual variety show Sept. 29 . The music, supplied by a combo called Frenzy, was augmented by dancers on stage and clapping from the audience of approximately 200. Members of the combo included Bob Brennan, Alan Jones, Todd Boe, and Jim Shewanik. Vocal solos by Laurie Janke, Joann Peterson, and Sharon Williams, and five short skits glorified the "Love, Life and Laughter" theme. One of the highlights of the show was a dance medley by Program Chairman Kathy Flagg made up of four short dances, separated by a quick change and short narration. The medley included a soft shoe, a ballet, a lively flapper segment, and a tennis-shoe jazz. A reappearance of the already well-received combo with two numbers and Kathy Flagg, with a sensational interpretation of "The Look of Love" led the way for a flashback to the 50's with Aimiee Scudder and Sue Pryor singing the "Rock and Roll Waltz" in pony tails and rolled-up jeans.

The surprise of the evening was the appearance of Greaseback Joe and one of the Crewcut kids to announce the deletion of their already publicized act from the show. A folksinging group led into the finals, when the entire cast swayed to the tune of "What the World Needs Now." The show was punctuated with narration by Sue Meyer, and the piano accompaniment was supplied by Junior Kathy Whittaker. Credit for a week of fast work goes to Thespian treasurer Suzi Wurtz and vice-president Michelle Holmes. Also assisting were president Deanne Kelley, secretary Nancy Smith, and Thespians Rosemary Freriks, Kiki Shriner, and Carol Zerbe.

Westside which performed for the 2,000 people assembled at the Hilton . Many young faces were seen in the crowd, including Westsiders Mike Dorsey, Bill Toy, Julia Davis, Darcy Secor, Kathy Rozum, Mark Dickmeyer, and Bob Eisenberg. The cheerleaders performed a pubescent bump and grind version of "There is No Place Like Nebraska" to the delight of the crowd. A few vocal young dissenters were quoted as saying "this place is lit up like a high school gymnasium" and protested loudly to the numerous anti-McGovern jokes that some of the speakers used to loosen up the crowd . The Vice President thanked the dissenters and said "the voices of 路 dissent in this room are less than the voices of approval. This is somewhat comparable to the number of votes for Senator McGovern to the votes for the President." Agnew also commented that the world needs the leadership of Richard Nixon . He closed by saying that "a better world is possible and that a peaceful world is reasonable." He also said that "in the future, the reasons for dissent are going to be hard to find."



IN . A

local politicos and attacked Senator M eGo vern on economic issues crucial to Nebraskans. Also among the topics were federal subsidies for farmers, Senator McGovern's credibility, and inheritance taxes. ''Who do we believe, the McGovern of several weeks ago,

St'nior Nan Trachtenbarg find s that a blazer and t'lephanl be lls are for her at Gadabout.



"Welcome to The Monkey House." Vonnegut employs warm humor science fiction, harsh reality, and biting satire to aid him in the telling of his stories. His newest work "Terminal Man" has received very good reviews. His best work is possibly "Ca t 's Cradle." Anyone who enjoys the humor of Richard Brautigan, the science fiction ability of Ray Bradbury and the satire of National Lampoon will be exceptionally satisfied by any of Vonnegut's works.

numbers, the performance included audience participation and overdone skits, some as old as their last visit to Westside. Crude choreography and overamplification added to the 'entertainment.'

The Vice President's rally was attended by WHS cheerleaders and pep band.


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Page 4

Forum's concern is safety Forum seems to have gotten off to a good start this year after their first meeting, which was held the first three mods on Tuesday, Oct. 3. Many activities are being planned and a few resolutions have already been passed by the group . Westside will now be getting involved in ecology because of the Forum. They announced that there will be a truck parked by the swimming pool during the first week of every month to pick up papers for recycling. A group of Forum members toured different locations supported by UCS (United Community Services) to see just how student donations are spent. This activity took place on Oct. 10 and reports were given the following day during homeroom. It was announced during the Forum meeting that many teachers have complained about the movement in the halls between mods. Evidently the noise level is disturbing classes and if it is not stopped they will return to last year's system of having teachers "police" the halls. Students were also reminded that the speed limit in school parking lots is 10 m.p.h . and that this limit should be acknowledged by all students. According to Forum member Rosemary Frericks, many resolutions were presented but only a few were discussed in the hour long meeting. The total number of resolutions passed that will be discussed by the School Board was three . The first was that some sort of abrasion be put on the slippery steps in the winter to curb the number of injuries. The second resolution to be

passed was that the bushes on the southeast corner of the parking lot be trimmed. The reasons given were that they are a driving hazard because they obstruct vision and that they violate the city ordinance that bushes be at least 20 feet from the road. A letter of appreciation to the group "Up With People" from the student body was made possible because of the Forum. This wa~the third resolution passed. Seniors Deanne Kelley and Dave Walker will write the letter. Also, the group's address was announced during homeroom for those students who want to write their own letters. The other two resolutions that were not passed were either turned down or "postponed." Junior Bob Eisenberg asked that soc hops be extended until 11:30 or 12. He was told to wait about one month and bring it up again because it was not on the October agenda. A resolution to allow parking on the dirt road that used to be part of 89th Street was turned down. The group was told that this area is already scheduled to be made into an extension of the tennis courts.

Enj oying a fin al evening of Ou tdoo r Educa tion , district sixth-graders gather around an old-fash ioned campfire.

Outdoor Ed: fun or learning experience for counselors Each prospective outdoor education counselor for the fall sessions now going on had to ask himself if he could cope with the average 11 or 12 year old. Those that decided they could and were accepted as counselors may (or may not ha ve) regretted their decision. Everyone will have a second chance when spring session sign-ups come around.

Approximately 50 students were picked from over 150 applicants this fall to travel with sixth graders from Paddock Road, Swanson, Sunset, Rockbrook, Westbrook Elementary, Underwood Hills and Prairie Lane. These people pack up enough for two and a half days and load up the buses to head out to camp Ester K. Newman, a couple miles out of

Voluntary, diverse group counseling instigated "In our group counseling sessions, you try to be on the outside what you're feeling on the inside," said Junior Counselor JoAnita Anderson . "The other people in the group can be the mirror of yourself- you can really see, through the feedback, how other people see you." Ms. Anderson and Sophomore Counselor Mike Crabbs established

Newly elected F. B. L.A. officers attend officer leadership conference Tuesday, October 3, was the organizational meeting of the Westside High School chapter of the Future Business Leaders of America. The highlight of the meeting was the election of officers. The 1972-73 officers include: Junior Steve Korff, president; Junior Tom Sarka, vice president; Senior Carol Neth, secretary; Junior Kent Miller, treasurer; and Senior Nancy Frost, reporter. These newly elected officers attended a Nebraska officer leadership conference of F.B .L.A. officers Monday, October 9, at the Central Nebraska Technical College in Hastings. Sponsors of the club are Ms . Joan Anderson and Ms . LaNeta Carlock . Anyone interested in finding out more about F.B.L.A. or any prospective members should contact Nancy Frost.

that group counseling was instigated at Westside one semester in the 1969-70 school year. Group counseling is designed for " ... interaction between people, a give and take, self awareness process based on expressed feelings, problems and realizing other people's opinions of oneself." Group Guidance , on the other hand, is now viewed by the counselors as an information source . However, group counseling is a fle xi bl e, rather unstructured program. No deadline for "enrollment" is placed . Ms. Anderson commented that new groups would likely be formed all the time. Each group consists of at least one counselor and 5-8 students. The groups will meet one hour a week for a bout e ight wee ks. Ms. Anderson guessed that finding an hour when all of the group is free would be the program's biggest problem. Last week Ms . Anderson and Crabbs introduced the idea to the

SERVING DISTRICT 66 72 hours a week-- at one door or another

student body in pamphlets. Crabbs noted, "The types of students who are getting involved are really diverse. Group counseling is strictly voluntary ; it's not for one p articular type of person . You don't have to have a problem to be in there." Ms. Anderson mentioned one applicant who felt he was known only as "a brain, the boy you go to when you need help in Physics." He wanted to be known as a person, to make less superficial friends . The counselors invite anyone intereste d in group counseling to please contact them at any time. In the initial session they will propose what objectives they think are valid and the entire group can take it from there.

What is Arosa? It is a town in Switzerland and according to Travel and Transport it is "another of Switzerland's lakeside, year-round resorts for skiers and non-skiers alike." If you would like to travel, ski, or tour (Italy and Austria are near) Mr. Laugens' trip to Arosa is for you. Although this trip is not Ski


This reporter interviewed the counselors, Senior Meisinger, and learned that most, signed up just for the it, but got more out of it than expected. "Before I went I was to little kids, but now," Carol, "I dig them."

Club affiliated, some members going; all students are welcome. Laugens will be taking 25 from Westside; 15 students come from another school. teachers will go also. The group will leave 22 and the trip will last seven and eight nights. The cost is this includes transportation, and lodging. Besides skiing or are other things to tobogganing, in bowling, sledding, riding" are a few activities. The Ski-Club will be taking trips this year, also. In March will travel to Steamboat Colorado. In April they will Keystone, Colorado. If you interested contact Mr. Laugen the Business IMC.



-- - ----~


The program started in 1966 is still something that almost elementary student looks to in his last year before Jr. The only common complaint doesn't last long enough. It seems that the counselors the best time, however, not they get child psych experience, but while the are in classes they get free do as they please, which boating, horseback riding, cabin cleaning or just old-fashioned nature study.

Ski glee flees overseas

Th e Strawberry Tree


Louisville, Nebraska. Out at camp the environment provides surroundings for the application of such classes Ecology, Entimology, Tree Leaf Identification, Boating Archery and Hiking to name a Teachers and special speakers the classes and lectures.

Westside Pillows to Needlepoint


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tober 13, 1972



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understand Cliff's Notesthem can . help. Your bookseller has them or send for FREE list of more than 200 titles .. . add 1~ and we' ll include a handy, reusable, waterproof drawstring book bag. Cliff's Notes, Inc. , Lincoln, Nebr. 68501. Ecology ... we're working on It! During the past 14 years Cliff'S Notes has used over 2,400,000 tons of paper using recycled pulp.

Page 5

October 13, 1


Page 6

Baggies in, not button-down collars While girls have been worrying for years over whether to go mini, midi, or maxi, guys have been hanging in there with the dress slacks and button-down shirts their mothers bought them. Now fashion has invaded the dull world of mens wear and most boys are as clothes conscious as girls. Look at any boy this fall and he probably has the same thing his girlfriend has on (or vice-versa). Pants, sweaters and shirts create a total look that can't be beat by jeans. The 50's look has been revived through baggies. Some baggies come in the traditional style : grey chino with a skinny black belt. Others that are not so traditional sport giant rain catcher cuffs, and bright colors or plaids. After baggies, the high waisted, elephant bell jeans with flap pockets are popular. White jeans seem to be in with the jocks, who wear them with their letter sweaters. While it's still warm, the T-shirt will remain popular. As it gets colder, though, look for more and more sweaters. Argyles are the sweaters of the year, but they'll be challenged by sk i sweaters, patterned sweaters and plain ones. Turtlenecks are making a big comeback . If a boy doesn't go for a long sleeved sweater, he might like a sweater vest and shirt . Shirts in

Be an individual and save money: sew! Does the word "home economics" bring back memories of seventh grade home ec when that ugly "shift" was made and you had to crawl into it through an armhole because t he zipper ended up around the hem? Times have changed and sewing is fun and easy_ Why not beat the high cost of clothing and take up sewing again? Besides being economical, sewing puts the wearer into

SUPPLIES Complete selection


something besides a "Bobbie Brooks." On the other hand , the pattern companies offer fashions that are as current as any store-bought ones. The first step to take in m a king your wardrobe is to pick out patterns. Butterick is perhaps the most "youth oriented." Their best designs are their "Young Designer" styles; especially those by Betsey Johnson and Kenzo of J .A .P. Unfortunately the complicated instructions to Butterick patterns might seem impossible to the inexperienced seamstress. For the beginner, Simplicity offers the easiest patterns. McCalls offers "Make it Tonight Knits" that are great for finishing quickly and easily what is started. Although picking out a pattern may seem like the hardest part of making an outfit, selecting fabric is the most important. The first thing

to consider is quality . Hours of toil and trouble may go down the drain when finally tha t gorgeous dress is washed and ends up a limp rag beca use the material was second rate. More than likely, though, you 'II probably look at the style of fabric first. The popularity of double knits of which everything was made last year has sort of fizzled out. The swing is back to more natural fabrics like cottons a nd wools. Save the knits to make sweaters with . The most popular fall fabric is seersucker: not pale candy stripes, but bold, bright, and broad winter patterns in cottons and also in wools. Anything made out of a wool plaid is right in step, or a blouse out of the flannel you found in the baby department. Other winners for fall are unbleached muslins (for smocks), knit jerseys (for dresses), and corduroy (for blazers).

patterned stripes that look kind of like wallpaper take the place of solids. One of the biggest fads at Westside are the flannel lumberjack shirts. A big decision any guy will have to make is what kind of shoe to buy . High heels are definitely in, but many boys are reluctant to wear them. Although few Westsiders have them now, they can be expected to catch on later since

Recent rise in careers for women replaces stereotyp When someone says jobs for women, the most logical implication is: "the school teacher syndrome, the sexy secretary or being a housewife is the only way to fly, possibilities." This statement would probably give rise to high blood pressure in all active and aware working women of today because of one thing, it's wrong. Normally, as in the past, men have always had the predominant jobs and the woman has been protected for reproduction purposes only. But the times are changing and the recent rise in professional jobs for women is sweeping the nation . This may sound a bit optimistic to everyone who has heard the talk about the tight job market and the "settle for anything you can get" advice from parents. But if women persist, the opportunities are virtually countless. Businesses and industry are eager for women, and so are colleges, (according to Sept. Glamour "Job Mar ket Never Better for Women"). Many colleges hire women for both ad min istra ti ve and management positions. Among the best prospects are banks and stock brokerages. They take women as managers and trust officers. Many offices are open in city and state government for Public Administrators, Architecture and City Planning. all it takes is the right college degree. Newspapers all over the country are hiring women as reporters. This

"This guy at work asked me where I go to school. I said Westside, and he said, 'Oh, the drug school'." The boy in the cafeteria blushed and shrugged. "I don't know where

Fifteen Westside !drls in vary ing sizes will model th e best of Vi rKie 's fall outfits n ex t Wedn esday niKht. Here, four mod e l s march forward exuberantly: Janet Berkshire, in a long dress hy Nancy B.; Mari Wahl, wearinK a Dehutoj(s jacket and pants hy TJ: Jan e Clark in an l:"isenhower tweed jacket and culotte skirt: and in an A' Ia Mode plaid pantsuit is Joyc e Dapp en. Admission is fre e and followinK th e show all West side Kirts will receive a I 0% discount on Virgie's clothes.


WESTGATE PLAZA 3457 SOUTH 84th Phone 391 -6225 Take the 84th Street Interstate exit North to Westgate Plaza Sty le commentary by Susan Darst; Oct. 18, 7 p.m., Virgie 's basement.

does not include writing s sewing, and "Dear Abby" col the jobs are vital to the functi the newspaper. Law, the most popular c (according to one college holds a great future for wome more hiding in law libraries e路 they get into court and argu cases. At the same time that the world has opened up to the w some traditionally ch opportunities have dryed Among these are the social wor and teachers. The supply of elementary high school teachers could e the demands by three fourths i late 70's. Degrees in liberal arts are n valuable as before. Qu 路 workers have the pick of the 路 and these people start early in school and college. For any one interested in career planning, all kinds of help are available. The wo Bureau of the Department of is one of the best sources. V professional organizations are than happy to give stu information. "Man's world is in trouble spite of this, women are hell to get into it and work problems!" author Eliz Janeway says in her book, " World, Woman's Place ." F woman with the qualificat there has never been a bet~r to get in.

Westside: 'rich,smart, loose pothea or students just like everyone else?

A style show consists of more than just style ....


they really do look "cool." hurrah for those few brave who have been wearing clogs. The laugh of the year, so fashion goes, are "body shirts strong man shirts, etc.). Ve guys have the bodies to wear (and look great) and those t don't seem to wear them. So not pack body shirts away an on some of this year's fashio really do look fantastic?

he got that opinion, except thr some bad publicity. We used have a bad pot reputation, that's getting better now." What is Westside's image? people interviewed agreed that better than that of three or fi years past ; some suggested other high schools have "ca up" in the drug problem. Another factor in Westsi image seems to be the preju that the student body is made u "rich, spoiled brats. " Ms. Clark, Drama teacher, said, "I I this place and I hate to see any put it down. Westside's not j 'rich school,' we have people on free lunch program, and there students in terrible home situati just like every other school." Other high schools are awa the fine facilities Westside h Burke Chemistry teacher told class about an experiment that pretty good, all the other sch do it, all but Westside, that inferring that Westside's chemi is su perior , and that we know it. A Prep teacher asked one of students what girl he was dating the time. The student replied ti she was a girl from Westside and 1 teacher immediately said, "I he. a ll the girls from Westside w loose."


ber 13, 1972

Page 7

Tech and Prep fall

Warriors defense remains strong in wins The Westside Warriors chalked up their fourth consecutive win last Friday night against Prep 20-7, before a chilled Homecoming crowd. Westside capitalized on a Mark Belcher interception. The Warriors took the ball at the Prep 30 yard line. Mark Boyer and Jim Mierendorf combined to advance the ball to the 10 yard line, then Max Beins kicked a 27 yard field goal to give Westside a 3-0 lead with 3:22 left in the first quarter. Both defenses tightened, and the score remained Westside 3, Prep 0. Larry Masilko opened the second quarter with a punt return to Prep's 30 yard line. Mark Boyer, Randy Rome and Gregg Newton

took the pigskin to the 16 yard line. Then Jim Ingram passed to Gregg Newton at the eight, but the pass was incomplete. Interference was called against Prep , and Westside took a first an d ten at the eight of Prep. Mark Boyer drove to the four yard line and then Jim Mierendorf plunged to the one; Mark Boyer took it in for the touchdown. Beins converted the extra point to give Westside a 10-0 halftime lead. Westside kicked off to Prep to start the second half. The Warrior defense forced Prep to punt the ball . Larry Masilko returned the kick to Prep's 25 yard line, then Mark Boyer and Gregg Newton took the ball to the 17. Max Be ins got the call, but failed as the kick

Cross Country team loses to Burke in double meet at Spring lake ;ing sophomore quarterback Gregg Newton displays some real style pocket as the Warrior defense remained unscored upon for the consecutive game (the lone Prep touchdown was on Westside's e's fumble - a Prep defender picked it up and ran it in).

nnastics team is 9th in Millard ;rational, leaving North helpless Malot turned in a great nance on the trampoline as ie finished second in a duo meet last Thursday at ie . Malot and newcomer Jory 路o did great on the tramp for ie, but it wasn't enough to l strong Burke team . night's final tally h ad Burke ng with 80.11, Westside at 5 2.85, and Ryan finishing th 34.38. .n Tatreau placed in 5 events, ng 3rd on the sidehorse, and place on the high bar. In :J.e parallel bars and still rings, d Westside teammate Doug . y for 4th and 5th, :ively . Tatreau also finished 1d in the all-around tition. the floor exercises, Kirk ndbergen led the Westsiders, 1g fifth. Kent Taylor led the rs on the sidehorse edging :atreau for 4th place. ke 's George Baker was a ant figure winning four s an d the all-around tition. :ier last week, coach Frank tid he was going to shake up eup and use new personnel. :tics had a positive effect on !am as they were greatly 路ed over their performance at I. May said that by shaking up .ineup it created more tition and the boys worked

entered. On September 30 the gymnasts finished ninth at the Millard invitational. Coach May believes the team could have done better. Lincoln South East won the tournament with Grand Island edging Prep for second place . Jim Malot, the team's tramp man, turned in the best individual effort finishing in the top ten. Injuries were a factor at Millard. Doug McKay was hampered by a bad wrist, and Bill Turner was bothered by a bad foot. One bright spot in the Millard meet was that the Westsiders beat North , who had defeated Westside earlier in the year. Mr. May would like to see more fan support at the gymnastics meets, although he said the first meet at South was great.

Westside's cross country team lost to the mighty Burke team at a dual meet on Sept. 26. This race, held at Spring Lake, is the only meet of the season that has been lost so far. The final score was Burke 13, and Westside 25. Bruce Westerlin and Steve Edwards, the team's two runners, did not compete in the race. Junior Mark Schorr was the winner for the Westside team, placing second with a time of 9:4 7. Coming in seventh over all, and second for the Warriors, was sophomore Dave Landis. Also running were Ross Jernstrom, Mike Arnold, Gary Loft and Morgan Finnell, placing in that order for Westside. Later that week, on Sept. 30, Westside came in 8th of the 22 teams that ran at the Bryan Invitational. This race was run in class divisions. Dave Landis proved to be the best sophomore harrier for Westside, while Mark Schorr placed 23rd for the juniors. Running in the senior division and placing a strong 15th, was Steve Edwards. The individual winner of the Bryan meet was a senior from Burke, Mark Thomas. Boys Town's

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The Warriors scored another pair of touchdowns in the second quarter with Mierendorf scoring on a one yard plunge. The second touchdown came on a quick three yard pass from Newton to Mark Brock wide open in the end zone. The second half saw no touchdowns by either team, but Max Beins kicked two field goals for the Warriors. Max's first field goal came on a "free kick" from Tech's 25. A "free kick" may be taken by a team after receiving a fair catch. Max connected on a 35 yarder in the final quarter after Mark Kershaw 's 10 yard pass to Bill Koburn.



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ch May had special pra ise for 'appero, who had joined the only five days before the md Dean Tatreau , who did a ob in a ll the events he was

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Barney Hill had the second best time. On Oct. 7, the Metro Championships were held at Spring Lake. Bruce Westerlin led the Warrior team with 19th place . On the whole, Westside took the sixth spot out of the 14 teams that ran. Prep won the title for the teams, and Barney Hill was the top individual runner. Others that placed for Westside were Mark Schorr, taking 23rd; Ross Jernstrom, coming in 36th; and Steve Edwards, who placed 37th. Although the course at Spring Lake is very hilly, the team on the most part agrees that the tough course is Bryan . Bryan's track was not only muddy at the time, but also near the end, which is the hardest part of the race, are three large terraces with ruts. Most of the racers agree that the best course is Elmwood although the length of all three is the same at two miles.

went to the left. Prep 's only score came on a Mark Donnelly fumble recovery and an 84 yard return. Westside's Larry Masilko set up the Warrior's second touchdown. Westside lead 13-7. The fourth quarter score came on a Randy Rome fumble recovery. Jim Mierendorf scampered the rest of the way to give Westside a 20-7 victory. Westside plays Ryan tonight at Rosenblatt stadium. Westside continued on its winning way two weeks ago by trouncing Tech 41-ZIP. The game was played at Burke Stadium before a sparse and chilly crowd. The Warriors scored t'Wice in the first quarter . The opener coming on a four yard run by Randy Rome. This touchdown was up by a 31 yard pass from quarterback Gregg Newton to end Mark Brock. Max Beins kicked the first of his four extra points to make the score 7-0. The Warrior's defense held after the kickoff, as they did throughout most of the night, and Westside scored in three plays. Jim Ingram scored on an 11 yard run which was set up by Jim Mierendorf's punt return to Tech's 32, a Mierendorf run to the 13, and a two yard plunge by Randy Rome to the 11. Max Beins kicked the extra point to increase Westside's lead to 14-0.

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Page 8

Coyne, Mariucci lead golfers

Nobody on our team whiffs 4 times "If it's not a tree it's a sandtrap and if it's not a sandtrap it's a creek!" moaned girls golf team varsity member Senior Lauren Hansen. She was referring to the Fremont Country Club golf course, at which Westside competed Tuesday, Oct. 3, in an invitational. The team got fourth place for the average of their top three scores and Junior Ann Mariucci received a trophy for fifth place individually . The golf team, which has won all its duel meets, competes each Tuesday and Thursday afternoon and practices at its home course Elmwood Monday and Wednesday. Lauren says the worst thing about practice was that "the cross country boys are always out at Elmwood practicing too. Before you shoot they yell 'LOOK OUT' and hide behind a tree, then you hit the ball and it goes ten feet . No problem. . . " On the other hand, she says if a girl golfer really ''heaves one" while they are looking, they think she's Ms. Superjock. The members of the team are

Juniors Sue Coyne and Ann Mariucci and Sophomore Bobbi Jo Buel along with Lauren on varsity. The reserve team consists of Juniors Jeri Prasser and Susan Walla and Sophomores Barb Dappert and Kim Engels. However, the girls are always competing for the top four positions, which are usually the only ones which can score points for Westside. "Nobody is really consistent," said Lauren. "Sue Coyne probably hits the ball the farthest, but somebody else might be fantastic at putting and chipping." The girls wear red Westside jackets and shirts and jeans when they compete. Most of them own golf shoes and their own set of golf clubs. Coach Ms. Peg Johnson sometimes plays along with the team in practice, and Alice Gillogly goes along for moral support. "Alice plays golf, and one time she helped me with my chip shots - I was gripping too high and needed more wrist action. She saw my problem and fixed it, so she's really a great help to the team," said

Westside racketeer's win American Division of Metro The 1972 Westside High School tennis team swept the Metro's American Division title. Leadership was provided by the four returning lettermen. These veteran racketeers consisted of Dave deFreese, John Goldman, Paul Roth and John Freeman. Other members of the title team were Jim Hlavacek, Jim Alberts and Sean Savage. The Warrior Racketeers compiled a 9-0 seasonal record. They concluded the season with a 5-0 sweep of A.L., a 3-2 squeeker over T.J., a 4-1 win over Ryan and a 5-0 explosion over North. The Metro Tennis Tournament began yesterday at Dewey Park and will run through Friday. Dave deFreese will represent Westside in the singles competition. In the doubles match Paul Roth and John Goldman will represent the Warrior's. This Monday the Warriors will

play a strong Prep team for the Metro crown. The Warriors will conclude their '72 season after playing Prep. This year's team had two coaches, Mr. Carman and Mr. Pierson. Both entered this year for their first time; they should be given a big compliment for a fine job.

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Lauren. Ann Mariucci and Sue Coyne seem to be fairly even in their playing skills. Both shoot about a 44 at Elmwood. Lauren and Bobbi Jo hover around 49 and the reserve squad shoots in the 50s to low 60s. Said Lau ren, "My game has really improved since being on the team because I had to practice and I couldn't help it." Sue Coyne commented, "I've met a lot of people from other schools and that's been fun. I've been playing since I was six years old. Only nine people went out for the golf team this year and that's really a bummer." Sue said the most fun she's had on the course was the time she and a girl from Bryan threw Ann Mariucci 's clubs all over the course. She said the team has competed against some real "winners" including a girl who got up on the first tee and whiffed (missed the ball completely) four times in a row. There was also a girl who was "blind" in that she could never find her ball even if she was standing on it. The same girl wore high heels when she golfed. Occasionally the girls have to put up with cheating from other schools like the girl whose strokes they counted at 13 and who said she had nine, but "it didn't really matter because we were winning anyway." Each girl signs the scorecard and turns it in to the officials. Biggest competition comes from the Duchesne and Marian teams, who finished 1-2 before Westside in the Brownell-Talbot Invitational.

Senior flanker Larry Masilko dodges several Prep defenders as he the pigskin for a gain during the 20-7 defeat of Prep last Friday night

JV football beats North 14· Despite an 8 to 6 deficit at half-time, the Westside J. V. team North 14 to 8 on Sept. 28. Most of the first half Westside cormm~11111 make errors which killed offensive drives. Near the end of the 1st quarter, Sophomore halfback Ron scored Westside's first touchdown on a two yard run. Tom .:u""""'w. missed the following extra point try. At the end of the first quarter score was 6-0 Westside leading. Toward the end of the first half, North scored a touchdown on a pass to their split end. The Warrior defender had stumbled and had The North receiver ran into the end zone unmolested. North's try points was successful, and they enjoyed at 8-6 half-time lead. In the second half Westside's offense dominated the game but unable to put a lot of points on the board. In the third quarter the defense forced a bad punt by North, was recovered by them in their own end zone. This gave the safety and evened the score at 8-8 . Later in the 3rd quarter, Westside mounted an impressive drive highlighted by fullback Mike Hadley's 5 yard touch down Westside's try for 2 points failed, giving them a 14-8 lead going into 4th quarter. The defense stiffened on both sides and there was no in the 4th period. With this 14-8 victory over North, Westside's J.V. extended their streak to 15 games without a loss.

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1're Number One"

NCE ranked first in state 19 71-72 LANCE was number one amon g high newspapers in the state of ;ka, placing first in the Class ision. The Merit Award, a , was presented at the t sponsored by the Nebraska :Iigh School Press Association :oln, October 23 . E LANCE was critiqued by s in the field of journalism ~ded the entries, pointing eir strengths an d weaknesses. E LANCE also received an ,merican rating from the )nal Scholastic Press iation for journal is tic ·nee. High school papers are

judged each semester, and last spring's issues mark the second time in a row THE LANCE was judged on coverage an d content, writing and editing, editorial leadership , physical a pp earnace and photography. In the past THE LANCE has always finishe d strongly in the state competition, placing second last year, but until this year has never finished in the top spot. Rest assured that the staff, supporte d by inspired chants of " We 're Number One ," will go for three in a row .. .

Darst wins Byline Award First place and runner-up awards

went to four members of THE LANCE staff for their wor k on last year's paper. The byline a wards were sponsored by the Creight on University journalism department and over 25 high schools from Nebraska, Kansas, and Iowa participated . Susan Darst, Associa te Editor, won a first place byline award for her "Prom" editorial in last year's LANCE. LANCE Editor Pam Hultberg received second runner up for her front page lay o ut of last year's Christmas issue, Rick Denney and AI Katz also rated a second runner up award for their photography spread in th e '72 Lance magazine.

Preparing for winter concerts keeps music department busy

the lance 17, No. 4



October 27, 1972

school spirit only supporting your team? by Cyndie .Jones >tside seems to have lost a lot "school spirit" it once had in 1st - in previous years there ) question a bout Prom (it just ned) and sports d ances were em phasized . Older brothers ;isters even remember the te of the Week' column in ~ANCE .

the idea of school spirit is on support of the football maybe the amount of school depends on how good the s. This year Westside has been ,g its own, with a football I of three wins and two losses. a roving report, •ximately fifty Westside .ts were asked this question : ou feel that Westside's school improves with a better .ior Kathie Bergstrom, Drill member, said, "The school this year seems to have ved because we now have h.ing to yell ab out . Our team's

a lot better this year and no one feels dumb telling anyone where we're from. " Faye Dickey, a junior and Drill Squad member, ad ded, "Who wants to say they're from Westside if we lose all the time? If you're sitting on the loser 's side all the time, you're b ored stiff." Senior Debbie Holmstrom , another Drill Squad member, said, "I think that school spirit has changed this year. Everybody has somethin g else going on and too little time for games and school spirit. It has nothing to do with winnin g or losing." P ep club member Heather Broadbe nt replied, "I think that outside of the games spirit has not improved. In fact it has d ecreased since everyone is so busy with other activities. At the games there is possibly more backing and enthusiasm since we do have a winning record . It's more fun to cheer on a team that wins." Scorn came from those students wh o feel school spirit is not one big

'nior class play derives its me from thespians' eyes

Dr. Tangdall struggles to explain Westside to 10 of the 23 Japanese educators who visited last Monday, Oct. 16. None of the educators could speak English, and Tangdall could manage only an occasional "ah-so."

footba ll game. Senior Joe Cassman answered, "It is ridicul o us to discuss an inc rease in school spi rit when ma ny students here ha ve no aca demi c spirit. Westside's purpose is no t to fi eld a footb a ll tea m but to seriously prepare stude nts for a sel f-sufficient life . The qu esti o n is, w ill a winning team add any ince ntives for students to m a tu re? The answer is no ." "School spirit these days seems t o be cheering for your team. It 's a lot more than that. Juni o r hi gh was super jock oriented. It had to be , th e re was nothin g else. There ca n 't be greasers; nobody can drive cars," said senior Paul Novak. Sophomore Sharon Williams scoffed, "Westside 's sch o ol sp irit is a bunch of false-faced ph o ny bull , put on mainly by the m a jo ri ty of the Pep Club . More than hal f o f the Pe p Club girls who dress up in their little red jock ou t fits t o go t o th e games are just there to flir t a nd shout to get attention . R ah , rah , rah." One little sophomore girl smil ed sourly, "Well , at least if you're in Pep Club you have some thin g to wear every Friday ."

Westside 's choral groups will be participating in two major per formances wi thin th e next couple of months. They are the Oratorio a nd Th e Messiah. The Oratorio is Westside 's only annual large choral work. This year t he Warrior Vo ices Chambe r Choir and the Madrigal group will be perform ing the Lord Ne lson Mass, created by Joseph Hayden. The concert will be Nov. 6t h in t h e Westside a uditorium. According to Donovan Schuler, ch o ir di rec t o r, admissio n will be $1.00 per seat or 75q presale with activity ti cket. Th e Messia h will b e o pen t o all choral groups, singers, and adu lts. The Messiah, created by F re de rich Handel, will be accomp anied by Chamber Orchestra at Westside's audi torium Dec. 11. Admission will be $1.00 per seat. Five sin gers will b e participat ing in the All State Choral Clinic at Kearney Nov . 16 , 17 , an d 18 . Singers going to the clinic were chosen after tryou ts in Ralsto n and will be singing with a choir of 450 students from all over th e state. Westside stud en ts selected were Junior Michele Holmes , and Sen iors R obert Brite, Chas Ma gda nz, Chris Icenogle, and Tom Taxman. Several events are sc heduled for the other half of the music de partme n t includi n g th e instrum ental musicians . T h e first orchestra concert of the year is Monday, Nov. 13 at 8 p.m. in the aud itor iu m. Direc ted by Harold Welch, the ensemble will be performi ng Strauss' " Blue Da nube ," Beethoven's "Egmont" and Gluck's "Overture l phige nie en Aulide." The chamber orchestra will also perform Co rell i's " Concerto Grosso Op . 6 No . 4," Hovhaness' " Prayer of Saint Gregory" with tr ump et soloist Junior Gary Lynn, and "Arioso" by J . S. Bac h . Accord in g to Ju n ior Stacy Le inart, "The concert should be a good o ne th is year." Hold ing key posit ions in the string section this year are Junior Greg Fri ed, co ncertmaster; Juni or Stacy Le inart, principal second violin; Junior Cindy Dun bar, principal vi ola ; and Senior Fred Smith, principal cello. Au ditions for t he State Clinic which will take place Nov. 16-17 in Kearney were hel d th e wee k of Oct. 9-14. For the first time in several yea rs, Westside's cha mber o rchestra will attend the clinic. T h irtee n mem be rs of the orchestra were recently selected to be part of t he Om a ha Metrop oli ta n Area Yo uth Symphony which rehearses each Satu rday fro m 9-11 :30 a .m. in the UNO music annex. Senior Carol Jack summed up Westside's orchestral talent by adding, "This year's orchestra is · the best in the three years I've been here ." The ProArte Strin g Quartet from the University of Wisconsin will hold a workshop Maste rclass for string quartets in the Little Theater Monday, Nov. 13. The class w ill be o pe n to all students. Warrior ba nd will be performing Nov. 17 in Kearney and at Westbrook a nd Benson Nov. 1 4.

The play concerns an acting school that used method acting for ~tion. The students are all aspiring actors and actresses with stardust ir eyes and that is where the play derives its name ." he Junior Class Play this year is entitled "Stardust." It is a three act ly written by Walter Kerr, who is a drama critic for the New York

ormerly titled "Art and Prudence," Stardust is about a group of ng young actors at the Academy of D ramatic and Allied Arts. nee Mason is a Broadway actress that comes and visits the school. : chose the play because I thought it had enough representative parts e students and called for a large cast. I also fee l it's a nice story and a : omedy and it's interesting to see what someone who has been in the 'ss for a long time would write," said Ms. Anna Clark, director. [ usually pick a play that is fun t o d o and has something to say ." he lead characters are: The head drama coach, Mr. Bach, played by Corry, Prudence Mason, played by Lisa Behrendson, J a net Ross is I by Cindy Dunbar and Dave Jensen plays her sweetheart. The 1t directors are Julia Davis and Dave Bousha. he dates of the play are yet uncertain. "They will be during the week vember 9 , 10, and 11. If we win our game, the performances will be :h and 11th. If we lose, they will be the lOth and 11th," referring to rsi ty football game . .ctors were chosen the week of Oct . 2 , and auditions were held in the Theater. Live rehea rsals are to start the week of Oct. 15. Is. Clark said of her cast, "Some of them are the same ones we had in ophomore Variety Show last year. They were good then, and even · now. Some schools like to work with the same cast of peo ple every I think it's more f un to use a different cast. I get to know a lot mo re h.atway."

Westsiders of 1957 rock out. Story on Page 7.


Page 2

[ perceptions



The Greening of Westside


E"1 cl(1ef I Fouwo nltse iWo tOS

&oma. To A DA~te.

by bob eisenberg

"There is a revolution coming. It will not be like revolutions of the past. It will not require violence to succeed. This is the revolution of the new generation ." The Greening of America Thus spake Charles Reich . To some, the Yale law professor is the apostle of the new generation. Others cynically regard him as a Quixotic provicateur; the co-fou nd er, perpe t uator and heir-apparent to the Hippie Myth. The core of Reich's thesis is this: America is divided into three a bstract groups, Consciousness I, II, a nd III. Consciousness I is composed of big businessmen, the stock-broker, the civic leader. President Nixon is positively Consciousness I. Conscio usness II is schizophrenically torn between his personal ideals and his CIVIC pragmatism. It is the liberal young exec, the blue-collar worker, the man who wants to change the world without lay ing his social stat us on the line. Senator McGovern exemplifies Con. II. The artist, the young doc tor who runs a free clinic, the Berri ga ns and Dellingers of our society rna ke up the new consciousness, III. No, there aren't any Con. III politicians . Reich m a intains that a person no I on ge r aspires for power to m ani pulate once he has rega ined his self. The Con. III person strives for self-awareness.

And that, Reich tells us , is quite a feat with the monolithic, omnipresent "Corporate State" constantly bombarding the citizen via television, at school and work to stifle one's true self until one no

Submit letters to the box provided in the Social Studies I.M.C. The Editorial staff reserves the right to edit a ll m ater ial. Pen names may be used if desired , but only when accompanied by the writer's signature.

to both in for m an d enterta in . The majority of the m accomplish bo th. SATISFIED

Dear Editor : The Spurlows are not the professionals Westside students are accustomed to, but they shouldn't be put down for it. After all, two convocations in one week is quite an achievement. CULTURALLY DEPRIVED Dear Editor: I think THE LANCE should be congratulated for covering topics of interest outside of school rather than concentrating entirely on e vents within the building. OPEN MINDED Dear Editor: The Editorial staff obviously be lieves in the purpose of the paper

c ase, is presumptuousness. The synthesis of the new consciousness is not yet complete and is possibly sti ll in its e mb ryonic stage. Will the emb ryo be aborted? "Escape from a ro le is

Dear Editor: An art icl e lik e "the entertainment gap" h as needed to be written for a long time. My frie nds and I never realized how de prived we actua lly were. DEBBIE Dear Editor: THE LANCE : I couldn't agree more with the views expressed in "the entertainment gap." I was one of the unfortunates who purchase d a stereo FM component system three days before KFMX was "ripped off" the air. DAVE Dear Editor: THE LANCE staff wastes no time tackling controversial issues: politica l corruption, the lettuce boycott, Ernie Chambers proposals

. ·: Item: .



Den nis Weaver, o ne of the many television personaliti es touring the country speaki n g on behalf of Sen. George McGovern m ad e a brief stop in Omaha October 15th, staying long e nough to convince McGovern supporters that Nixon could be beaten. Speaking in what he believe d to be the native Nebraska n dialect, Weaver sai d "hogwash" to the idea that Nixon was unbeatable and added, "We're going to nip him at the wire." It seems a Ryan High starting fullback just may cause Ryan to forfeit all of its games played this fall. The student allegedly attended Central High until April of last year, at which time he transferred to Ryan. He went out for football, and is part of the team that is second in state and one of two teams which beat Westside. Well, there's a rule somewhere that says a student must attend a school for 18 weeks before he can compete in varsity sports. Ryan's forfeit (now under coaches' scrutiny) would rewrite Westside's record to 6·1 plus renewe d title hopes. George Orwell, the author of "19 84" has perhaps the most accurate assessment of the '72 election: "politics itself is a mass of lies, evasion, folly, hatred , and schizophrenia."

It can be generally assumed that the negative attitude toward you our country results primarily from the actions of a small percentage young people. A situation now exists in Councii _Biuffs, involving a minority that could have disastrous effects for all of that city's youth. increase in teen -age crowd disturbances since the start of school in Co Bluffs could very well result in the cancellation of football and bask games, dances and other schoo l related functions. As a result of instances brought to the attention of City Co members after police were confronted by unruly crowds while tryi"j quell minor disturbances, the ultimatum has been issued to they people of Council Bluffs. Council Bluffs blames people from Omaha for creating the pro and reason th at if their kids know they're going to lose extra-curri events they'll police themselves. You can imagine the impact incidents and their publicity has had on the citizens of that city. Many th em are afraid to be on some restaurant parking lots after ten o'cl Thomas Jefferson's homecoming dance was cance lled because of possibility of a disturbance; riot training and crowd control are stressed in the training of Council Bluffs police recruits. Police officials agree that the incidents were initiated by a minority of the city's youth as is usually the case , but insist that ultimatum applies to all young people. Omaha has had its own share of unjust punishment for al l because actions by a few. Memorial Park is the best example. By being awar! problems in Council Bluffs hopefully we can prevent similar circumsta from erupting in Omaha.

"It's getting better all the time" as the saying goes, and we certa" have to agree with that. Several weeks back, on the first day of school, Principal Dr. Tan announced that there are no longer any hall monitors. Trivial as sounds- it is, nonetheless- one step forward. Often The Lance is criticized for having too many negative editor· r We are try ing to alleviate this problem by inserting more editorials pra· · the school and its administrators. Students are still expected to stay out of the halls be mods - and rightfu lly so. Certainly every student can stay in one place twenty minutes when many were cooped up in a classroom for an hour junior high school. But just in case an emergency of some kind or ana arises, it's reassuring to know that we won't be arbitrarily hassled. 1 This announcement was long overdue and we acknowledge[)! Tangdall ' s decision with gratitude. b


the lance Published bi -weekly by the Publications Department o f Westside High School. 87th and Pacific St.. O maha, Nebraska 68114. THE LANCE is a member of the National Scholastic Pr ess Association and the Nebraska High Schoo l Press Association. The paper is given free o f charge to holders of Activity Ti ckets . Subsc ripti on rates to others are $3.00 postpaid. Non-profit mailing rights cla i med . Printed b y Wright Printing Co., Omaha , Nebr. Editor . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . Pam Hultberg Asso. editors ... . . . . . . . . . Susan Darst Barb D emaree E"dit ori al edi t or . . . . . . . . . . ... Bill Wald Asst. ec1torial editor .. ..• Rick D enney Editorial writer •...•• .. Bob E"isenberg F eature editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sue Berg Asst. feature editor . . . . . . . . .. . AI Kat1 Feature write r . . . . . . . . . Sheri Petersen Business editor . . . • . . . . . •. Jim C lift on Advertising manage r . .... . Dave Jensen Sports writer . . • . . . . . Kathy Whittaker

painfully difficult for most people . The high school athlete-leader, cool, competent, straight, find it a tremendous effort to free himself from this role; he mu st I earn to approach people instead of waiting to be sought after, m ake himself emotionally vulnerable, wear a bsurd clothes." How then, does the high school student of 1972 break out of his shell , develop his se nsitivity of nature, truth, God- wh e n he turns his te levision on - a nd there's a nother lying politici a n, or an advertise m ent pushin g the status of a new car or fancy clothes, when he's rejected by his classmates, dehumanized by his teachers? Perha ps the first question should be: does the Westside stud ent want to "find himself," free himself from social restrictions, hold his head up and m arc h to the sou nd of a different drummer ? The a nswer is mo re often than not, yes. Even at a smu g, suburban school in Omaha, Nebraska, there is a met a morph osis taking place - amo n g both individuals a nd collectively. Mr. Andreas, history teac her, said: "Kids are less bi ased toward their fathers' politica l opinio n now than when I first came here. Ten years ago, kids were 90% R epublican. Now of course, it has changed ." All teachers queried agreed that students are more tolerant of "social outcasts" than ever be fore. Even more exciting is the will a nd sheer energy that faculty m e mbers put forth to inn ovate, implant, and restore some of the sensitivity pupils lost in the stifling classrooms of elementary school and junior hi gh . Loo k around . No doubt you 'II see the Westside stud ent greening with the best of them. "For one who thought the world was irretrieveably encased in plas tic and stone, it seems a veritable greening of America ... "

News editor . . . . . . . . . . . Cyndie Jones Fashion editor ••. . .. Jessalyn Wilscam News Writer . . • . . . . . Rosemary Freriks Will Ross Sports editor ••.••....•. Brian Trude Asst. sports editor ...••• Steve Russell Art editor • . . . . . • . • . . • • . • Jay Jacoby Photo editor ••• •... . ..•. Brian Combs Photographers . . • ..••.• Joe Petrashek P at O'Hara Bruce Finn Advisor • ..•••••.. Mrs. Kathy Boshart


With the number of bikes being ridden today it's no wonder there traff ic problems. There should be some regulations for bikes. As it isn they are to obey the traffic laws for cars. But it is obvious that bikes don move as fast as cars. You can only peddle so fast. So you end up followi after bicyclers at about 2 mph or being sideswiped as you try to pass. probably wouldn't be too bad if all cyclers would stay very close to curb. But the more daring bikers choose the middle of the street. The I laners are noticeable characters and so are the "take the whole stree gangs. Since traffic is heavy, it's hard to get a break. When other cars w peel out in front of you to make a left it's bad enough. Bikes burni rubber (all two tires) is a pitiful sight. There is no alternative but to sl on the brakes and wait. You might as well let the others in the carav across to o ; they' ll ride out in front of you anywa y . Bicycling is a great move for ecology. Don't these people have an y value for a human life - like their own?


Jer 27, 1972

Page 3

by bob eisenberg

Wally Cleaver cuts up '50s satire

!ry decade has its main event will be recorded in history and thus make that decade 1s for that event. As we go ~h a book on the Twentieth ry, we find pages on those ring Twenties, the ;sian-ridden Thirties, the war of the Forties, and the ;ive Sixties. And only Jeanne 1 and Criswell know what the ties will bring. But wait!! we forgot a decade. Could it been a "Freudian slip"? The s were left out. What was that e famous for? Well, actually 1g, to be precise. Oh, there a few routine wars, but it td America - the world -had d in to lethargy. 1e Lance has secured•ugh devious means -a 10nial given to the House merican Activities Committee ,C), in June of 1964 on LIFE fiE FIFTIES. This testimonial ~iven by Wallace A. Cleaver !r known simply as "Wally;" elation to Eldridge), noted er of Beaver Cleaver, and 1nally famous Television [lality and Autofreak of 1958: [Ia tor Strom Stermond (of h Carolina) questioned er: Wally, describe a typical f1958. eaver: A typical day? Well may as well start from the ning. I'd get up at 6 :30 every ing. I'd walk over to Beaver's and spit in his face. That ·s woke him up. n. Stermond: One moment, is this Beaver? (uproar in e chambers) eaver: You- you've never of the famous Theodore er, indicted as a Communist JY the Middletown Council in 1964? n. Hruska: Strom, don't get

the boy so upset, ' he'll flood the chamber with tears. We all know who Beaver "The Beave" Cleaver was.

After-Shave Lotion Sen . Stermond: Sure, R.H., just trying to set the record straight. Continue, Mr. Cleaver. Cleaver: Where was I? Oh, yeah, I wakes up Beav and he yawns and says "Geez, Wally, it's raining out! " Then I go into the john an' shaves the peach fuzz around my chin. Beav would always watch me in awe, poor little shaver. Then he'd exclaim "Wally, if I eat a lot of potato chips, will I get a lot of that neat red stuff on my face, too?" I'd shut him up good and then I'd put on about ten different kinds of after shave lotion. I remember once Beav drank some Hai Karate and he puked all over the bathroom floor. Man, that was sharpo! Well, I'd comb my mohawk using half a jar of Lucky Tiger Butch Wax. Mom and Dad always told me not to get a haircut. Anyway, I'd go downstairs a nd have breakfast, which consisted of a cup of black coffee, and a ciggy-poo - which I snuck behind the toolshed - and then Hey-ho-Daddy-o-Holy-Don Ho and away we go!! I'd hop in my beaut and pick up old Eddie Hascal and Clarence Rutherford (better known by the gang as 'Lumpy.') My beaut was a 1947 souped-up Powder Blue Chevy Coupe One Door (the other fell off one day when Lumpy jumped in), it had an ~ 888.8 cubic engine , 77 .02 ... Sen. Stermond : Mr. Cleaver, please .. . Cleaver: Oh, yeah, I forgot that not many of you politicians ever took auto shop ... well, she was a beaut. I named her Daisy de Rock

tny Carlin leads new liberal humor ey man , did you see that guy on Johnny Carson last


eah, George Carlin." hat's right, he does the ion of Monty Hall." tile most people were !ring from George Carlin's last 1 AM & FM, he was busy 1g together another gem, Class 1. Using the standard Carlin 1es of satirizing situations with ' most people are familiar, ' tells us of his childhood as lass clown . ("The class clown s saved his best routines for


goes into some political •r on Muhammad Ali's draft !. "I'll beat 'em up but I won't em, that's where I draw the

the "new liberal humor ." Founded by Lenny Bruce, many great comedy albums have come out in the last year by Cheech and Chong, Firehouse Theatre, and a very satiric album by the edito'rs of National Lampoon entitled "Radio TV Dinner." Carlin's earlier works contain his same exceptional sense of humor but the covers can be quite confusing as he is pictured with short hair and a tuxedo.

'cause she was tough. I'd get to Eddie's house and he'd give his customary insult of the morning. Once he called me a retarded amoeba. Heck, I'll never forget that one! Well, Eddie 'd hop in and hold on for his dear life, 'cause there was no door on his side, and Lumpy would ride in the trunk because the seats would never hold him. We'd get into Central City High School for a typical day of school and then I'd be out for track. After practice we guys w~mld smell like skunks because the practical joker stopped up the showers again, you know. So then I'd go pick up Nancy Sue in Daisy an' take her to Pop 's Malt Shop! Senator, you sleepin' or something'? (Hruska nudges Stermond)

Pop's Malt Shop Sen. Stermond: Hot rocks! Is h e still shootin' on about the 50s? Cleaver: Old Pop was a great guy. Man, his cigar ashes would always drop into the mushroom pizza, but he was, the living end anyway. Sometimes- usually after a game- we'd cause a big ruckus and man, would he bl ow his top! We'd be out of there an' in our rods before you could say "10-4 Eleanor!" Sen. Stermond: Your what? Cleaver: You know, our hot rods! Man, are you L-7- square! As I was saying, at about five we would have dinner (Dad said only liberals ate supper late)- steak an' potatoes every night . Dad says its the only non-Commie meal left around, and he knows Joe (McCarthy- not Stalin)! Sen . Stermond: Did anything exciting happen? Cleaver : Yeah, like every other weekend I'd get to mow the lawn. An' we'd go bowling on Saturday nights - unless there was a John Wayne flick at the BIJOU! Sen. Stermond : No brand names please! Sen. Stermond: Could you sum up the fifties in one word or less? Cleaver: Yawn. Sen. Stermond: Thank you, Wallace.

In accordance with the Deutsch custom of celebrating the advent of autumn, Hilton Hotel sponsors an Oktoberfest. Seen here is Frau Blackstone; forty-eight Westsiders attended.

News briefs

Truck over, recycle papers "We will have to ask people to bring newspapers only and either tie them in a bundle or put them in a grocery sack," said Mr. Don Glasgow, Ecology Club sponsor and Earth Science teacher. He was describing Westside's participation in the Keep Omaha Beautiful recycling program. A truck will be parked in Westside's south parking lot from 8 to 4 Monday through Friday during the first week of every month. The bundles will then be shipped to Chicago, where they will be recycled. Glasgow said that up to 5 schools can participate in this program, which is headed by Mr. Frank Gaines. "As of now, though, only four schools are involved," he said.

Singers give hour show "What Color is God's Skin?", "Adoramus te, Christe," and "Silent Noon" were just a few of the selections the 1972-73 Warrior

Voices performed Tuesday afternoon, October 24, at the Westroads. The presentation was part of Westside's involvement in National Education Week. Chamber Choir, a smaller group of voices (about 25) also performed in the vocal music section. All students who were free last three mods on Tuesday were invited to attend.

Goldman is Math prez. Math Club has just elected new officers for the '72-'73 school year. The new President is Senior John Goldman . Tom Erikson, a Junior, was elected as Vice-President. The Vice-President is always a Junior and he automatically becomes the President in the next year. Secretary-General is Senior Steve Blotcky. Four teams have been chosen of 20 members, each headed by a captain. The teams meet every other week on Thursday night for Math Bowls. These test the speed a nd accuracy of the contestants.


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Page 4

October 27,

Pick a President: political platforms

Work right up to the wire Working for your candidates, b ecom in g involved, that's what it's all about. Westsi de's Republicans and De mocrats alike are in there and giving their all for the party they support. For McGovernites it's been more t ha n he lping a candidate, it 's been working for cha nge. Seniors Bec ky Powers, Joel Brooks, Rex Astle, Stu Chapman and Mike Carrick have done everything from canvassing, making phone calls, to working in front of the polls for the primar ies . Rex stuffs envelopes, Joel spends his time leafleting and getting m ore people involve d. Sophomore Steve Williams helps out any way h e can. Stu is really "into" McGovern. They a ll agree it's hard work, but well worth it and fun to do. On the other side of the political spectr um are the young Republican volunteers, equally as involved and eager to see President Nixon's re -e lecti o n. Sophomore Mark Dickmeyer e mph atically said, "the thought of McGovern in office makes m e work all the hard er for Nixon ." He an d Junior Kathy Whitta ker have spent days covering the city to bring home votes for the President. Junior Robin Ginn and Senior Annette Sette rl a nd hold positions in T ee nage Republica ns a nd ha ve devoted spare time to the effort . The Dougl as County Re publican Hea dquarters is coordinating t he R e publica n campaigns in this county. They are at 15th a nd Douglas a nd the phone number is 342-7100. Individua l candidates have the ir own h eadq uarters. Nixon - Agnew

h eadqu arters are also at 15th and Douglas, phone 34 2-7250. The Carl Curtis (for Senate) campaign is directed from the WOW Buildin g, phone 422-1207. John McCollister for Congress has his h ea dqu arters at 50th and Dodge, phone 558-8 76 3. The Democrats are operating their campaign throu gh the wards. War d 14 Democratic ca mpaign h eadquarters, is at 1 3306 Millard, phone 334-8630. Most of their work is di recte d towards t he McGovern·Shriver campaign, but they do distribute in for mat io n for the other candidates. The Pat Cooney for Congress campaign has its own hea dqu arters at 1 8th a nd Dodge , phone 422-0548.

by Bill Wald Only a handful of Westside s tudents will be eligible to vote in the November election, but everyone can voice their political preferences in a mock election sponsored by the Government classes on election day .

by maintaining the country's defense strength at a level which convinces our aggressors that they cannot gain by initiating hostilities against the U.S. Both parties urge the abolishment of the draft and the establishment of an all volunteer army.

In the months preceding a presidential election there is such an abundance of facts, promises, ac cusations, and ge neralizations from presidential candidates and their respective parties that the basic party platforms can be easily confuse d or misunderstood. So that you will understand these platforms and not be influenced by the media's professionally prepared e motional appeals, fear tactics and smear campaigns, t his article will briefly review som e of the major iss u es of the campaign and hop e fully aid you in choosing the candidate you will support .


VIE T NAM, DEFE NSE Geo rge McGovern relies chiefly o n his Vi et na m policy to fulfill his preside ntial asp iratio ns in '72. He has promised the Am er ica n peo ple that a ll militar y a id to t he Saigon gove rnm ent will cease and a ll U. S. troops will be withdrawn within nin ety d ays of his ina uguration. President Nixon continues to withdraw American forces, but will not bring all of our troops home until the enemy agrees to a ceasefire and the return of our POW's. A pro posal that has stirred controversy in both p o litical pa rti es is McGovern's vow to slash the U.S. nat ional defense budget by $32 billion annually by 197 5 . The current administration believes in its policy of detering war

The party platforms differ on the use of taxes to redistribute wealth. The Democratic platform urges that the cost of government be distributed more fairly among the income classes. Nixon has initiated several tax reduction laws during his administration and has promised to continue imposing a yearly ceiling on federal spending.

JOBS, LABOR McGovern and the Democrats advocate government programs creating public employment jobs in health, education, and welfare. The R e publican platform favors ince n t ives to busin ess to expand the job m arket, through direct subsidy to pr ivate enter prise or through invest m ent tax credits wh en a business expa nds. Bot h parties want to improve la bor conditions, but neither faces up to new de m a nds or realities. The D e m ocratic platform supp orts co mpul sory union m e mbership with the abolishment of right to work l aws. The Republican platfor m opposes this policy. No

Alleged bugging incident causes confusion; students think it's blown out of proportion Watergate. The na me sho uld bring to mind m a ny things. Watergate became more tha n a buildin g when it was se lected as Democratic Nat ional Headqu a rters. It became more than that when the D e mocr a ts fo und seve n m e n atte mpting to bug and monitor these headqua rters. Endictme nts were handed down by no less than the Supreme Court for these five. Also e ndicted were two for mer White-House aids. The Democratic Party is now charging Republicans with responsibility for the affair, claiming President Nixon to be responsible for not only bugging t hese headquarters and other places use d by Democrats, but also for

ge ner a l h arass m e nt of the Democra t ic Party. R ep ublicans, whil e wishing to know all the facts about this a nd other un ex plaine d affa irs feel allegation s such as w ere mad e by the De mocrats un fa ir. So unfa ir, in fact, that Maurice Stans, Nat ional Republican Fina nce Chairman, has filed a $5,000,000 libel suit aga inst Nat ional Democratic Co mmittee Chairman, L arry O'Brien. In as king st udents their feelings about the Watergate affa ir it was found that both liberals a nd conservatives opinions a re confuse d . Senio r Tom Newman comm e nted: "Because of the evi dence prese nted so far the Republicans seem to be guilty of

Dislike Dick and George ?

Vote Henry Krajewlski; Poor Man's Party In this perio d in history there is one thing that the American peo ple can depend on. Henry Krajewlski will run fo r Presi de nt o n the Poo r Mans ' Party t icket. He nry Kr ajew lski and his Poor Mans ' Party are just o ne part of that exc lus ive facet of American political behavior ca ll e d the third party. Often deride d as the hal rack for v ar ious assorte d crackpots, anarchists, co mmunists, and nazis, t h ird parties have bee n in existence over 1 Fi O years and actually one of today's third part ies was a major party when the Republic ans were a third p a rty . Ofte n the candidates of third

To improve the nation's present com plic a ted wei fare system, McGovern has proposed a $1000 per person government grant while Nixon and the Republican party flatly oppose government guaranteed income and support welfare plans that increase work incentives.

parties are unprinciple d dreamers, and th e names of their parties reflect it. Catch some of these monikers: the America First Party, Buffalo , Consumer, For The Peopl e, Militant Workers, Trotskyites, or the Urban Tax Reform Party . Occasionally, either ultra-militant or ultra-conservative groups will form a party, such as the Peace and Freedom Party, Pro American , Socialist Labor, Peoples', or the Loyal U.S .A. Parties. Even less common are the parties with good causes that never get anywhere either, the Prohibition Party, the aptly named Know-Nothing Party, and

Nebraska's most obstinate third party, the Constitution Party. Then come the four times in history that a third party helped a man into the White House. In 1830 Henry Clay's third party helped Andy Jackson reach President. In 1912 Teddy Roosevelt 's Bull Moose Party let Woodrow Wilson walk into the White House . Strom Thurmond's and Henry Wallace's third party campaigns helped keep Harry Truman in Washington. And it is said that George Wallace's American Independent party let Richard Nixon in the White House. Remember, if the citizens like neither McGovern or Nixon, there's always Henry Krajewlski.

so m e sort of es pionage, and Nixon knows more about it t han his ai ds will ad mit. I th ink it's sad that the public has n't reacted m ore tha n it has." Many stu de nts felt that " . .. t h e De mocrats are usin g this incident to create interest in McGovern." Some feel, too, that the whole thing is getting blown out of propo rtion.

'(.. .....



definite programs concerning negotiations or the role unions in labor has been to date.

POLLUTION , CR IME Both parties recognize the for cleaner water and air. Democrats suggest unconventional energy sources solution and like the favor stiffer pollution control (The Republ icans' principal to achieve a workable between the economy and environment. The parties differ on e ffective way crime. Democrats strive to the social roots of crime, economic and racial U J!;crilffil lllll!l'~ The Republican platform more police, speedy se ntences , a nd rehabilitation facilities. Lack of knowledge solutions to the drug e vident in both party Each party opposes the of m arij uan a. McGovern has he a vi er p e n a l ties for manufacturers and dealers in illegal activ ity over pr a possi ble solution. The Nixon adm supports government programs to combat problem.

ED UCATIO N The Democrati c plat form busin g as a "tool" to achieve integration, but McGovern stated that h e would support a nti -busi ng bill now in C contrast, the Republican is opposed to busing for balance and will call constitutional amendment busing if all else fails. Bot h political parties advocate an open campus students at Westside and policies o n this issue. One political critic has that the American people choosing betwee n the "lesser two ev ils:" one candidate they sta nd , the other they're afraid Whatever your p o litical views, to both candidates, weigh the an d m ake your vote, whether in the national or "mock" a n in for m ed one.


er 27, 1972

Page 5



Young Americans for Freedom form by Stu Chapman

1uttons illustrate some forms of personal political advertisin g, and · special interest groups get their points across.

A couple of w ee ks ago, Westside High gave birth to a new political organization on campus . It is the only completely student-oriented group of its kind at Westside.

Collister, Cooney vie for senate seat >rding to several national ;ions, the congressional race aska 's Second District is said one of the tightest in the John Y. McCollister's an d L . Cooney's chances are to be pretty even a nd the , could go either way Nov. , Y. McCollister, 51, is m 's first term Congressman 1e Second District. Born in he joined the Navy and 1s an officer during the war. :te war, he moved to Omaha >rmed his own company, ister and Co. In 197 0 h e ran Republica n primary for ~ntative in his first stab at . In two tough fights against own opponents he was able both and go to Washington. a member of the House tte and Foreign Commerce

Committee. Patric k L. Cooney, 42, is making his first try at politics this year. The Omaha lawyer ran unopposed on the De mocratic p ri m ary ballot. An Air Force veteran, Cooney has an excellent record both as a lawyer and as an appointed official. He has bee n, at different times, a member of the Nebraska State Democratic Committee, treasurer of the Dou glas County Central Committee, Governor J. J . Exon's campaign m anager in the Second District in 1970, a nd a member of the State Board of Education. The following are the candidates stands on many important issues in this e lection, as co nd ensed from an int erview by t h e Om aha World -Herald . The death penalty , both of them want it bac k ; marijuana , both are against legalizin g it; a bor t ion ;

litical advertising limited FCC, equal time, locals

t almost swayed to vote for ern because of the television rcial of the Democrats for . . it's a very unfair ;ement but I think Nixon ~ive his tacit approval to ty of this sort." This teacher Jmmenting on the use of tl advertising by candidates vision. teacher, a Republican, did ink a television ad will sway e of an intelligent voter. Most , except for 5-15 %, have tp their minds on candidates -. But politicians must a ppeal ; minority in the hopes of their vote and possibly the n. Hughes , a representative of here in Omaha, stressed that elevision station is regulated e Federal Communications ission (FCC) to give the ates equal time. The FCC ' puts t he h eat" on local ·ks to make longe r than ~o nd spots available to ales. Hughes pointed out 10sl prime time advertisi ng is ·k controlled anyway, but :te local stations didn't have 1 time to sell 10 minute spots tica l candidates. commercials are m ade up by ertis in g agency. KMTV limits ,ates to 10 spots of 30 Is eac h , but does not have the to censor political material. 7 offers spots to a candidate down the list as a judge. ghes commented, "Most al issues are covered in apers or TV news. Hard news more eloquently than an ad

McCollister is against liberalized laws and Cooney wants it left to the states; McCollister puts his financial worth at $250,000 while Cooney puts his at $100,000; Cooney is aga inst the war, vietnamizati o n a nd a mn esty, McColliste r supports the President all the way .

Young Americans for Freedom, a conservative youth organization that has chapters nationwide, had its first meeting at Westside on Sept. 29th and appointed Senior Joe Cassman as its president. Young Americans for Freedom (Y AF) was founded on Sept. 11th, 1960, in Sharon, Connecticut. Its purpose was to find youth a common conservative belief. According to Cassman, its ideology is based on limited government interference in personal lives and in the economic sphere. Y AF is a proponent of capitalism and free enterprise. "Man has freedom only as long as his economic freedom is assured," Cassman stated.

SAB to establish guidelines Sue Schwarz never should have moved . Sue was to have completed her stint at Westside as a three-year veteran Class Treasurer. Well , Campbell's Soup Co. (Sue's father's business) had other ideas, and sent the family to Toronto, Canada for a promotion. Fine and dandy, but where did that put the Senior Class cash?

Y A F a Is o advocated strict adherence to the ideas of the Constitution, in that they believe that its ideas limit the abuse of power by the government, and they advocate a strong military foreign policy to guard against the enemies of freedom. The leaders of Y AF include Sophomore Bill Toy, Juniors Dave Clark and Kathy Whittaker and Seniors Cassman and Stu Chapman. Cassman claimed that they are already planning activities concerning the plight of the POW's and activities designed to make people more aware of conservative issues. Does Cassman foresee a successful year for YAF at Westside? "Yes. Once we get our projects planned and recruit more members, we'll have a good chapter."

Obviously, a replacement had to b e found. Eight seniors registered to run for office, and now a few of those ca ndidates are complaining about the way the election w as handled. Evidently, the administration (specifically Mr . Ron Huston and Mr. Lee Perk ins) took it upon itself to place the announcement about the then-open f ilin g for office, as well as to make primary and final election arrangements . Three finalists were selected from the eig ht : Nancy Frost, John Roley and Carol Zerbe. Nancy reportedly won b y a meager two votes. The three senior class officers counte d the votes and the n inadverte ntly didn't keep the ballots. Roley protested on the grounds that : (1) no speeches were given (2) not every homeroom received ballots, and (3) the SAB should assume some power an d run class elections.

which the viewer knows is prepared by the candidate's staff." Hughes ascerta ined that news commentators never let their p ersonal political beliefs interfere with the news.

John suggested that in the future voting take place in the area outside the library so that "only the really concerned people would vote ." He added that each candidate should have been able to give a speech and then have a two perso n run-off. In any event, John feels that the guidelines should have been establi shed .

Senior Scott Bailey sees political advertising differently from the aforementioned teacher : "McGovern ads only put President Nixon down. Once you cut something up you have got to provide solutions."

Mike Dorsey, SAB preside nt, announced that the SAB unanimously voted to run all elections in the futur e, and also passed a resolution to write guidelines into student government constitutions about elections. These resolutions are up for consideration to the Forum. Nancy, newly e lected Senior Class treasurer, commented, "No one is really upset about the outcome, it's just that it was so unorganized. It's great that the SAB will run these things in the future."

Amid forty year old Curtis girls

Five SS teachers, county conventioners, tell why "I hate to let others control my destiny," smiled mustachioed Social Studies teac her Bill Hayes. "I wanted to experience firsthand the political process on the grassroots level," commented Ben Bruner from the same department. Three other Social Studies teachers agreed that the nature of their subject was such that no teacher could challenge his students to be involved and committed unless he himself was. That is why five SS teachers ran for and won seats in the Douglas County Convention . Both parties held their conventions early last June (incidentally the date of Westside's Commencement). Bill Nelson joined Bruner and Hayes at the Republican meeting at the Paxton Hotel. He said he hated

to admit exact ly brokered and that

it, but he didn't know how the power was at conventions like these, he had gone down there

Not too much controversy took place with the Republicans; Bruner found that there was more control by "political bosses" than he had

with the idea that he could manip ulate the convention in some way. Hayes echoed Nelson's finding that " . . . the convention was a collection of generally affluent Omaha people, with the exception of the three Westside teachers."

supposed. The three delegates said that the purpose of the county convention was to elect representatives to the ensuing Republican state convention, to elect the officers who would run the county party

the next four years and to prepare the county's platform. Mcintyre commented that his impact on the party was no different than if he hadn't been a delegate, but that "I knew I had some beliefs about this country, so I voiced them in a legitimate way." Higgins commented on how similar the county convention was to the mock convention staged by the U.S. History stu dents last week, in that the confusion in both conventions was realistic . All the teacher/delegates agreed that they would like to represent their precincts again. However, Nelson expressed concern over "40 year-old 'Curtis girls' prancing around the Senator" and Mcintyre mentioned a leader who was not elected but who just "took charge."

Page 6


October 27,

Independent study allows freedom for student "Actually, this program enables the student to initiate his own courses within each department. It is for those people who can't take some certain course or for those people who have an interest in a course that we don't offer," said Mr . Lee Perkins, assistant principal. He was speaking of the newly initiated Independent Study program, which allows a student to "invent" a project for credit on an optional or voluntary basis.

The Independent Study program was proposed last year by a group of students from Forum and SAB. It includes both major independent work in a regularly scheduled course and major project work for credit that is not offered in the regular curriculum. Students who participate in the program will receive credits for it, usually numbering somewhere between one and ten credit hours. Due to computer limitations

Student keeps ghost at home "From ghoulies and ghosties, And long-leggitie beasties, And things that go bump in the night, Good Lord deliver us." Old Scottish saying. Hallow's Eve. 'Tis a night of macabre spirits roaming the streets in ghastly, haunting forms. Tales of mysterious aparitions appearing in windblown graveyards and rickety houses have petrified young and old on this night for hundreds of years. But to some, the legends of ghosts are not confined to the Halloween season. There is one type of spirit which is active year-round, the fabled Poltergeist. Emerging from German folklore, this household haunter is common even today. In fact, a few are residents of the Westside area. Hilliary, who lives with Junior Michelle Holmes, is a friendly, mischevious soul. Like his peers the world over, he is a noisy domestic


fellow who delights in prowling the house when Michelle is there alone. "When I'm alone in the house and it sounds like someone's breaking in I know it's Hilliary." Michelle said that while Hilliary is sometimes present when she's with friends, he's fussy about which friends he likes and which he does not. "Only I can sense him being there . Sometimes I think it's dumb myself, but it's there and I can't ignore it." At times Hilliary can be evil, and performs annoying deeds such as pulling the chair out from under Michelle. This has been a common trait among the Poltergeists since their origin as house fairies. Not everyone can have a Poltergeist, but these are the main ingredients; 50% imagination, 25% need, and 25% boredom. Michelle adds this advice to her prescription, "Don't look for it, you 'II know when it's there."


though, this year will only include cou rses for two and a half to five credit hours. Independent study is available within each department. Teachers serve as academic advisors for students working on projects. Each student is required to have an advisor to participate. Although one is allowed to work at his own rate, independent study projects are not quite as easy as they seem. For instance, specific written objectives are required of the student. These objectives may be developed cooperatively with the advisor if so desired. The student must also establish deadlines for completion so that he has some obligation to himself. To keep him "on the ball" periodical progress discussions should be scheduled with his advisor.

A student contracts for a grade between one and five. If he fails to complete the project he receives an incomplete. There is no scheduled time for a student to work on his project. He must do all work during his free time. Credit allocation is reviewed by an independent stu dy review committee which consists of an administrator, a de p artment chairman in the su bject area of the project and a teacher from within the department. They decide how many credit hours the project is worth. When asked how effective this program is Mr. Perkins said, "I believe it is very effective. It's the kind of program that starts off real slow until more people hear of it and get the hang of it. Then it really catches on."

A sophomore ex am ines relics on an archeology f ield t rip 22 at a Sioux Indian area in

Class plays imminent; practice reviewed With the Sophomore Show just over, the Junior Class Play in fu ll view, and the Senior Class Play just around the corner, plays seem to be the topic of discussion in many areas of the school. Along with the usual criticism of the performances themselves, there is a prevailing desire for change from the class play system that now exists. Speculations about the situation range from total apathy toward a play of any kind, to a strong desire for revision. Junior Debbie Japp voiced her opinion: "It's stupid to have class plays. We should have four or five plays a year with sophomores,


juniors and seniors in all of them. We're already too class conscious." Senior Tom Taxman was another ad vocate of this idea. "It would be good to have one big play with everybody because there's a lot of good talent and we could have a really effective show." Many students agree, and the idea is not entirely new. A number of schools in the area have open plays in which anyone may participate. One of these is Burke, where one large play and a musical make up the bulk of the yearly theatrical calendar. Junior Sherry Helmke disagreed. "If you had three or four plays a

year you'd have a lot of people getting the lead parts time because they're the actors and there's no way to the field." The idea was brought to Teacher Ms. Anna Clark. "I would be nice to have one performing a few good plays. way I'd have the people who want to be in a play." She explained that the to stay with the established play system was made by administration, and until last the sophomores were not given a variety show.


IIThose who have had achance br fOur years and could not Jli:(XIuce peace should oot be given anotl1er chance:~ Rid1ard M. Nixon,October9.1968



tar 27, 1972

Page 7

F-i-g-h-t. Fight' Yells dominate the halls, gym and stadium as Warriors go forth in competition against inter-city teams . .. Yes, a Warrior's life is always busy -academically, socially, religiously, and physically. So stated the introduction to the 1962 Shield . Westside High School was born about 1955; some teachers and administrators have been here since that time and many for over 10 years. An interesting comparison can be made between the students of the past and of now. Most of the present Westside seniors were born in 1954-55, so 17 years of growth is telling on a school that has been around as long as its students. These pictures were reproduced from Shields of the past. A marked change in dress and attitude is evident; several organizations which existed way back when are no longer at the high school of the '70s. A few Westside teachers are graduates of this school, as recently as 1967. One thing may not have changed, as shown in the last line of this excerpt: " ... Once at school the busy day starts with beginning home ec girls cooking and sometimes burning their concoctions. Boys are found gazing at the trophy case while dreaming of trophies to be won. The day reaches its midpoint with students rushing to get their lunch trays. Is it chocolate cake and hamburgers?" Pictures in the 1962 Shield include left, four cuties; left below, the basketball team complete with blazers embarks for a big game; and right, cheesecake on the ever (and still) present saddle shoes and bobby sox.


Westside ·when our teachers were students

thought the goals of students haven't changed. Weekend

r is still foremost in their minds. Good grades and their futures are e main interests of kids today and then. 1en asked about social classes, Pierson said there weren't any freaks 'le thought the true freak developed from the meek and mild class ·ere nobodys in his Westside. Ms. David saw three different social the jet set, the cheerleaders, the jocks; the quiet scholars, who were tudents but didn't have alot of status; and the vocational students, )p gang. To be in with the elite you had to be a good student, good g, active in athletics and into school activities. Your status was also :ed by the nice clothes you h ad and what you did on Friday night. ng was fashionable, something like smoking pot today. obably the biggest difference was in the style of education. Then .t in rows, listened and answered questions. Today we are asked to late with other students and think more for ourselves. Modular .ling was introduced in 1967. It caused students to be more sible for their time and assignments. re kids more mature today? Ms. David thinks they are •hat -at least in thinking skills. Modular scheduling probably makes ~sponsible sooner. She thought a student from Westside often was :eady for college than one from a traditional school. Pierson felt that .e of the more relaxed atmosphere and lenience in discipline more tts have developed greater self-discipline. The kids today are not arily more totally mature . Ms. Antonson said there are mature kids aive kids in all times; it 's how they express themselves that is 'nt.

Shaping the destiny of Westside has been the job of Mr. Kenneth Hansen for the past five years. Upon his arrival to Westside High School, students remarked, "Gee, he looks like Bing Crosby. I wonder if he can sing as well?" The 1962 Shield dedicated its yearb'ook to Hansen, citing his "patience, thoughtfulness, kindness and untiring efforts."

Who are the last people you would expect to be Westside students? Our teachers. Ms. Jana Antonson, Ms. Jan David, and Mr. Doug Pierson, among others, have graduated from Westside. Well, what was Westside like five or six years ago? According to these three alumni, there was a much greater emphasis on athletics. Pierson said games with Prep usually drew crowds of over 1,000; the stadium was filled and others were on the grass. Homecoming Sweetheart and Prom were the events of the year. Every girl was in pep club so she had to work on Homecoming and Sweetheart committess. Ms. Antonson was wondering why she was in pep club. Ms. David said, "because everyone else was." The few girls that weren't became Friday night rejects. In the last half of her senior year, Ms. David left the pep club with some of her friends. That seemed like a time when kids found there was more to life than high school. Ms. Antonson felt this way when her friend's brother was killed in Vietnam. They were isolated from adult life and were socially unaware. Today she thinks kids are more aware mostly because it is in style to be up on the current issues. "Kids are the same; they're trying to find out who they are," Ms . Antonson said . Then you used clubs and school centered activities to express yourself. Now it is more diversified. All the people from the football games have gone into whatever interest them.

A tradition which has remained at Westside in 1972 is Homecoming. The 1962 Shield cited "weeks of preparation and anticipation led to the 1961 Homecoming. . Though it was our most exciting game, Westside lost to Central 14-12. Theme--Goals of Success.

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Page 8

Westside spoils North, falls to Ryan The Warrior gridders bettered their season mark to five wins and two losses last Thursday night, as they spoiled North's Homecoming game 9 to 0. The game was a tight defensive contest, and all of the scoring took place in the first half. Westside scored fairly early in the first quarter on a 37 yard touchdown jaunt by fullback Mark Boyer. This score climaxed a five play drive that gained 70 yards . A key play in the scoring drive was a 17 yard pass play, on third down a nd six, from quarterback Gregg Newton to halfback Jim Mierendorf. Max Beins' extra point was wide, so the Warriors quickly jumpe d ahead 6 -0. The Warrior defense came through with two fumble recoveries in the second quarter to prevent North from scoring the tieing touchdown. Tackle Carl Anderson recovered one at Westside's 25, and end Randy Rome recovered North's second fumble at the Warrior 26 . This recovery by Rome set up Westside's final score. With only a few minutes showing on the clock, Westside used eight plays to get the ball into field goal range. Lonny Legino had an 11 yard run to Westside's 43, and then on third down and ten, Mark Boyer powered to North 's 39. Newton ¡ hit Boyer on a fullback release pass on the next play, and the senior middle guard-fullback got to the 17. End John Sternad hauled in a pass from Newton on the five, and with only six seconds left in the half, Beins increased Westside's lead to 9-0 with a field goa l. The second half was scoreless, but Westside received two bad

breaks. Quarterback Gregg Newton broke a bone in his knee in the final minutes of the game, and will be out for the rest of the season. Larry Masilko, defensive and offensive back, pulled the ligaments in his knee, and will also be out for the last two ga mes. However, Larry will be able to play if Westside gets into the playoffs.

Westside suffers 2nd loss It was Friday the 13th, the opposing team's colors were black and white and it was their Homecoming. These factors contributed to the 29-17 Ryan victory over Westside tVIO weeks ago. The Warriors ' second loss was due to first half penalties, apparent Mark Boyer hurting, and a spunky little Rya n squad. Westside took the lead with 4:28 left in the first quarter, when Jim Mierendorf hit Larry Masilko for a touchdown . Max Beins added the point. Ryan received a scoring break in the second quarter when Westside was penalized for roughing the kicker . The Knights scored, and tied the game with 11:24 left in the first half. Westside was called for clipping just before the h alf, when Gregg Newton ran down to about the Ryan's 20 yard line. Don Legino intercepted a John Smolsky pass to stop a Ryan driver a nd at the brea k the score was tied. The Warriors sta rted off the second half with a 4 5 yard pass from Gregg Newton to Ma rk Brock for a score. Westside took a 14 -7 lead with 8 :28 left in th e third quarter. There was no more scoring

in that quarter . Sixteen running plays enabled Westside kicker Beins to convert a 23 yard field goal. Westside lead 17-7 with 11 :34 left in the game. Ryan was forced to play catchup ball. From that time on it was all Ryan. Ryan exp loded for 22 points in the last quarter and defeated Westside 29-17. The turning point in t he game was a 95-yard kickoff return for a touchdown. The 2-point conversion was successful. Ryan then added two more touchdowns, as the momentum switched from Westside to the Ryan Knights. Before tonight's Rummel game, Westside is rated third in the state behind Bellevue and Ryan. Both teams have beaten Westside.

Senior Jim Mierendorf makes some J ohnny Rodgers' type moves dodges Nort h defenders. Westside bounced back from the Ryan beat North, 9-0.

McAlister leads to second Metro title Veteran swimmer Senior Brian Smith attributed the rise in interest in girls swimming to "Mark Spitz. I think people realize that swimmers are sexy ." Evidently the majority of girls swimmers were out for the team for a different reason than dates: Tu esday night, Oct. 24 , Westside took Metro for the second year in a row. The team scored 82 total points. Seventeen Warrior women qualified for the fi nals, the most in the meet. Senior Kate McAlister led th e team with two victories. She swam the 200-yard freestyle in 2:04 .9 and the 100-yard fr ee in 5 7.6 . Neither of these was a record (since Kate a lready holds the records) but she did register a 56.6 in practice in the 100 . Debbie Peterson, a senior, scored another big victory with her time of :32 .7 in the 50-yard backstroke. The 200-yard medly relay team, consisting of Seniors Peterson and Linda Morgan a nd Sophomores Alice De Vries and Marty Wallace was also firs t, in

2:09.9. Junior Anne Gilmore d id it again, diving competition the second year in a totaled 302 .55 points. Teammate Junior Mactier was second with 221.85 . Others scoring for Westside include Williams and Linda Morgan, Juniors Janet and Judy Larsen, and Sophomores Sue Seidler, Wallace and Alice DeVries. The 200 freestyle placed second with 1:53.8. Coach Cal Bentz commented that the girls swim as well in the finals as they had in the '"""'m'• is concerned that spectators take it for granted "once Westside girls or boys swim in a meet, automatically going to win ." "We have a very talented group of girls tremendous potential," adde d Bentz. A invitational meet at Lincoln East awaits the girls, is hoped that a state meet will be organized next





er 27, 1972

Page 9

'x Beins leading kicker the Metro with 34 points

<icker is one of the most important positions on a high school , a or a professional team. Senior Max Beins has been Westside's 'and field goal kicker for the 1972 football season. x: started kicking when he played soccer in the fifth grad e. He ed kicking in junior high and as a sophomore at Wichita Heights hoot, Wichita, Kansas . moved to Westside in December of 1971, went to football practice and tried out for a place kicker and field goal kicker position. The ; his, and has been ever since. Max is the leading scorer on ~·s team, and the leading scorer in the Metro as a place kicker. His :ontains sixteen extta points and six field goals, for a total of 34 "said, "All the credit for my success goes to the offensive line and ler, Senior Larry Masilko ." ! whole team has had a good season so far. With two games left ~ still has a chance of taking the American Division. Ma x's toe may 'i aid the gridmen to the best season in years.

A potential North touchdown is cut off by Westside defensive players as they smother the carrier. The action took place last Thursday night at Burke stadium before a sparse Westside crowd.

JV football, tennis teams suffer losses Blowing some second quarter scoring opportunities, Westside's J.V. football Warriors were defeated by the Rummel Raiders 22-13 Oct. 19. After a scoreless first quarter, the Warriors got a break when Rummel was penalized for roughing the kicker. On the next play halfback Ron Hagman carried around right end for a big gai n to the Rummel 1'8. The Wa rriors couldn't convert a 4th and 1 situation and Rumme l took over. Westside got another chance when it recovered a fumble on the Rummel 17. Once again Rummel

ichita Lineman" boots it.

rsee anticipates next fall

ross Country finishes 5 and 2 after win ng out North, 14-28, the ! cross country team ended ·n with a dual record of five l two losses. Prochneau set a new ecord of 10:45 at the Oct. t. Rudy, from North, was ~d by Warriors Bruce n, running with a time of )teve Edwards, with a close 11:35, Mark Schorr was en Mike Arnold.

meet it was raining so ha rd that you couldn't see in front of you. Any other sport would have cancelled. It takes a special kind of kid to be a distance runner. The mental aspect is as important as the physical."

eet with Central was also tat was won by Central This dual did not count as > not belong to the same

Coach Mallisee compared cross country to track, "The problem is that as you run more , it's harder to keep up . In track you k!low where you are, in distance running you don't know if you have a half mile left or a full mile. It 's mentally a question of whether you're going to let the guy next to you pass you, or if you're going to compete.

Tom Mallisee holds a high [or the team. He had this to tey run anywhere from four !en miles a day in weather from 30° to 100° . At one

"Cross country isn't quite as boring as track, it's a lot different. Gary Loft and Jack Clifford like it better. Jack just loathes track practice but he'll run for miles during a cross country one."



Steve Edwards enjoys the medals along with the work. "I'd like to be a sprinter if I had the speed, but I don't, that's why I run distance." Morga n Finnell went out for cross country for fun and to condition himself for track. There are high hopes for next year, lo ts of the runners are returning, bu t they still encourage more and and strive for a team next year of fifty. Coach Mallisee is anxious, "Just wait till next year, we 'II be right there." "Yea," agrees Junior Mark Schorr, "we 'II smoke 'em."


Losses in the racket racket Thursday, Oct. 12 was the Metro Tennis Tourname nt. Three people from Westside's tennis team, Seniors John Goldman, Dave deFreese and Junior Paul Roth competed. Go I dman and Roth played

doubles in the tourney for the second year in a row. They won their first two rounds with victories over Central and South. They then m et their arch-nemesis, Prep, in the semi-finals . Unfortunately, Prep beat Goldman and Roth 7-6, 6-3 . Meanwhile, Dave deFreese, playing singles, beat Fred Anzures fro m Boys Town, 6-1 , 6-1. Dave then met Matt Iwerson from Prep, the defending state singles champ and was beaten 6-0, 6-2. Both I werson and the Prep doubles team went on to win the tournament. A week later on Oct. 19, the State tennis tournament was held at the Hanscom-Brandeis Indoor Tennis Center. Once again, the t rio represented Westside. DeFreese, playing in the Class A singles, won the first round against Orlin Faulhaber of North Platte. The score was a tie-breaker, 11-10. Mark Crew, the opponent from Central in the second round, then beat with a score of 10-6. In the doubles, Goldman and Roth defeated Jeff Schmahl and Mike Meyers of Grand Island, racking up ten points to their zero. Later, they lost to Fremont 's Kent Lund and Greg Johnson, who beat them 10-6. They were seeded fourth. Paul R oth had this to say about the tournament: "We were looking forward to P rep, we weren't ready for Fremont." Roth and Goldman had expected to play Prep after Fremont.

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held and took over on downs at its own eight yard line. The first half ended with Westside stalled at midfield. At the beginning of the second half Westside moved the ball downfield to the Raider 14. Then Ron Hagman skipped up the middle for a touch down. The extra point was blocked. Rummel then drove 65 yards to tie the score at 6 -6 . On the first play of the fourth quarter, Ron Hagman darted around right end 75 yards for a touchdown. The kick was good; Westside now had a 13-6 lead. A 46-yard bomb put the Raiders right back in the game, behind by one point . Then came the play that killed Westside. On the try for a 2 point conversion, there was a mixup on assignments and a Raider receiver was wide open, putting Rummel ahea d . Rummel added another touchdown with 30 seconds remaining to end the scoring 22-13 . The only previous loss for the J.V. team was to Burke.


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Page 10

October 27,


Imagination saves money

Re-live old movies, the 5~ buy 'fun' clothes at the S by Jessalyn Wilscam

year, the layere d look is y a bout $2.00. Some of the路 would look great with jeans. Back in the 40's, gl movie stars and other fas 路 ladies wore pla id jackets wi p added shoulders. Why notw yourself? There was not a single mi in the whole store, which rather disa ppointing.

While the price of clothes h as been skyrocketing over the past few years, one wing of the fashion field has discovered the great looks of second-hand clothes. Used clothes give a person an image that is earthy, natural and real, and by no means sophisticated or fake. A recent trip to a Salvation Army store yielded all sorts of treasures. While some clothes there are relatively new, buy the ones that are at least 20 years o ld. They are more fun to wear and interesting to look at.

Cast aside frills, lace: redecorate! Most hi gh school girls by now are tired of those pink and frilly " little girl's" rooms they have but afraid to re decorate because the cost seems too much to handle. They shouldn't worry . With the rig h t ideas an d ma terials, a complete change can be had for pennies. Transform a sma ll bedroom into an Arab tent. Simply drape wide lengths of cheap (but bright) cotton fabric across the walls a nd ceilings. In a larger room, do this to a small corner for a cozy and private retreat. If the furniture doesn 't match the occupant's personality, re-finishing it in a different color can make a big difference . Or, sell the furniture and sew some new things with the " Stitch and Stuff" patterns. Other accessories, like tables, can be made from painted fruit crates. Store clothes in decorated steamer trunks outfitted with lots of trays and drawers. Don't think walls have to be pale pink or lavender; bright colors don't cause nightmares. If a complete paint job isn't possible , re-do a single wall in a vibrant shade or paint a super graphic like a rainbow across the entire room. Plants can give a room life. Try things like violets that do well in softer light. Terrariums, bottles with plants in them, are really

great. Eve n a pack rat can express herself through her room. A tack-board the size of an entire wall can show off all the junk she has accumulated, yet still be neat eno ugh to make her mother happy . Even though posters have been around for years, they are still fine

for the walls. People with a special interest or hobby can devote a corner of their room to it. A seamstress could have a place to permanently set up her mac hine and have a special place for threa ds a nd such. An artist could do t he same thing with her easle .

Class studies discrimination "It's not a Women's Lib club, or some kind of p o litical thing," stated history teacher, Jan David. She was referring to a new independent study program known as "Women in History." Ms. David commented that it is the first attempt ma de by the social studies department to use the independent study program set up by the SAB. The objectives of the course are to study women 's traditional roles in western society and through history. They will be readi ng Women 's Liberation materials and discussin g its accuracy. "We're trying to find o u t if women are really discriminated against or not, and how far they h ave progressed ," Ms. David said . "It's the kids' project, all I do is ai d them." "The idea came from a student who was interested in women in history . There were twelve origi nal students, but the group is now

down to six who have put the course a nd bibliogra ph y together." They are currently trying to get up th e objectives for a proposed future mini-course. The students will receive two and a h alf hours of credit for the year.

Accessories like stick pit~ brooches will make any 50's more fiftyish. Hats with them will have the same eff Salvation Army also has the h eels" or "pumps" that e has been looking for.

Remember the cardigan sweaters Tippy Hedren wore in The Birds? The Salvation Army Store h as scads of those and the prices range from 30垄 to 65垄 buy o ne of those taffeta orom dresses like your o lder sister used to wear. Or try a satin "cocktail" dress from the 50's. Wearing these on a dull Monday would surely pu t everyone in a better mood for the week. For those in a less festive mood, why not try to revive the "shift" or the "shirtwaist?" It might be fun to wear nylon "old lady dresses:" those midi length sacks in non-descript colors and prints that come in sizes no small than a 20. It us e d to be that any well-dressed woman had a suit. The Salvation Army has a whole rack of them. Find one with % length sleeves on the jacket, wear a long sleeved sweater under it, and one of the most fashionable looks of the

Plaza 108

Don't think the Salvation ignores the guys. Tuxedos bought for about $5. Those sack suits that drunks seem are available also. Put oa esta blishment and wear a flannel banker's suit. Or, white linen "Southern gent suit to a George Wallace r you like baggies, or other that have been "revived" buJ originals for around $1.00. The Salvation Army has t h a n just clothes. Their collection is really exciting. Victrolas through Bing Cr Dinah Shore it includes gol den oldie imaginable. Re Steve Rossi? Annette Funi The Platters? Herbie and the Cutters? They are there along records for the Blind and n records in red or yellow plastic.

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17, No. 5


He said he had been dazzled by Faulkner and Joyce. He wrote this first novel in their high , elevated style. He felt that he just didn't know how to write . But he finished the book and through the help of a friend, Rich a rd Wright, an established author, he had it published. With the money from that novel, they returned again to the United States. After a few unsuccessful jobs they went back to Paris . Between serious novels, he wrote a thriller and was then given the Gogynheim Fellowship which was

1nd possibly to Europe '74 1974: in Kerkrade, Holland, the international band will take place, with concert and marching bands from 19 ries. This contest may be the focal point of a three-week tour of oe by Westside's band. larqin Snyder, director of the Concert, Reserve and Marching bands, sed the plans for the educational venture. Any band member this .nd next year will be enabled to go. The Class of '73 participants will rited back for at least a week's intense practice in July of '74, and -the tour. The whole thing is tentative ," explained Snyder. "It has not even blessed by the parents as yet. But the tour would arouse a ndous esprit de corps, with the inestimable value of working as a for musical experiences." nyder revealed that he had been considering a trip of this scope for a ~r of years. Monday night, Oct. 30, a meeting was held for parents tudents to explain the proceedings. Hal Meurer, of Indianapolis, band went to the quadrennial competition in Holland in 1970, d slides of his trip. Since the Marching band will also compete, Drill , Squires and Twirlers may be invited to accompany the entourage. nyder said the itinerary would include time for sightseeing. Besides a bly three-day stay in Kerkrade, the trip entails boatrides across the h Channel and down the Rhine, and buses to London, Brussels, Berne, Lucerne and possibly Rome and Florence . the tour is okayed, each student would have 20 months to raise the :ompassing $710. However, school-sponsored projects can be utilized 1ances -any profit on candy or fruit cakes would go towards the 1t 's account. 1yder expressed concern that " . . . the majority of the student body he band department in operation only on the football field . Our ·t band has an illustrious record, but few students ever make the to hear them." He cited as an example the fact that the top concert 1as been asked to perform at the State Music Educators' Convention trney Nov. 17. Westside has performed there also in 1959 and 1966 the only band ever to be asked to play three times. Other upcoming ·ts for the band are at Westbrook Junior High and Benson High, and •c. 19 concert.


November 10, 1972

gives advice to Westsiders

ephen Becker, well-known 1r of "The Outcasts," " When War Was Over" and "A 1ant With Death," spoke at .ide Monday, Oct. 30. In a tiscent tone he told how he 1 to write, why and how he ;, and gave advice to future rs. ' began to read a lot in the tes. When he returned to !E! he was no longer interested .th, his previous major. He was of military life, of corporals sargents. He wanted to be endent, to be a writer.



then being given to promising young artists. This is when he went to work as an editor. He learned to write jacket covers, do polishing and other writing skills. He was asked to write a book on the history of cartooning and finished a novel of his own. To future writers he said: write simply. Don't be infected by great men like Faulkner and Joyce; learn another language. Translating can bring in money and your own I a nguage and understanding is broadened; learn to write jacket covers, especially for your own books. Say some thing good the critics can use because they will. Don't write to make a living. Write to achieve your own level of excellence, and read a lot of "good stuff" like the Classics -The llliad, Tolstoy , McCauley, Shakespeare. He believes most literature today is just notation not language with feeling. For example, America is Mother, the flag, apple pie. He closed by telling his listeners to be a good pe rson, don't lie, every truth you tell will make you better, every bad thing that happens will make you stronger. "If you're interested , write; it's a good field."

Writer and author Stephen Becker speaks to a group of students in an informal question and answer period after his lecture on Oct. 30.

Joseline welcomes friends

Direct culture brought by fluent Frenchee "How long would it take to go from Omaha to Paris in a subm a rin e ?" asked an eight-year-old of Ms. Joseline Bougain of Brittany , France. Joseline , a 22-year-old teacher assistant in French for District 66 schools, works with students from the elementary level on up . She is in Omaha with the Experiment in International Living, and is staying with the Philip Gilmore family (Anne Gilmore, junior). Joseline completed eight years study at a boarding school, and graduated with the equivalent of a

M.A. at the Western Brittainy University, majoring in linguistics. She speaks French, Celt, German, Russian and English, and next year plans to begin a two-year study at the Sorbonne in Paris to become an international interpreter. The brunette, green-eyed scholar applied for the ElL while at the university and was one of 26 eventually selected from hundreds of applicants to go abroad under this program. Joseline has previously worked in London and Berlin, and was an International Camp Counselor in Wisconsin for a group of Chicago students. Last


summer she traveled all over Europe, sleeping in hostels and playing the guitar. Here in Omaha, she attends classes in political science at Creighton University as well as her 17 hours per week at Westside and six other schools. She receives a salary of $80 per month, which she says "buys my toothpaste." Joseline gives presentations (such as 17th Century French Literature) but prefers to "talk to the students and compare how it is in France and in the States." She can't get over the friendliness and generosity of Omahans.

opportunity for sophs 1

to see new club S displays

a Lane and Carol Otis were very busy digging up money for UCS. The gruesome twosome dressed up for :asion and collected around $125 for the cause.


What's going on next Thursday night. Activities Night for one thing. It will be the fourth year in succession that Westside has held this event. It will last from 7 to 9, with some 3 0 to 40 organizations competing for the first place prize of $25. "It 's a good opportunity for sophomores to see the various clubs, and decide if they would like to join any of them," stated Mr. Bill Hoyt. "It is held in conjunction with a Booster Club meeting. It is becoming an annual event," he went on to say. The Booster Club is sponsoring the event and is awarding $100 in prizes : $25 for first prize and five $15 prizes. Last year the event had an estimated 400 people in attendance. The schedule for this year's Activity Night : 7 :00-8:20- tour displays 8:2 5 -8:4 5 - short business meeting 8 :45 -9 :00- presentation in auditorium Last year's program included a performance by the gymnasts, the twirlers, Squires, Drill Squad and a skit by the debate team . This year's pr o gram will cover the areas in the loge, in the hall from the loge to the commons, the girls gym, the commons and the auditorium. "It's just like a carnival and should be even better this year," Mr. Hoyt said. "We expect a real good turn out." Last ye ar 's winners were the Ecology Club, French Club , Latin Club, Subsurfers and Smog Club.


Page 2

A Paid Political Announcement ... Ernie slouched into the leather recliner and thumbed through the latest issue of TV Guide. " ... an astronomical display of aerial aggressiveness," commented Howard Cosell as the ABC Monday Night Football Game flashed across the screen. " . . . and with the score tied here in the fourth quarter, let's pause for these messages." "The following is a paid political announcement ... " "Let's Make A Deal or the Brady Bunch all right," screamed Ernie,

for President sweatshirt over his overalls and a wad of tobacco wedged in the roof of his mouth. "Certainly I feel that taxes are too high," answered the candidate, "My party's platform condemns those "fat cats" who make ten times what you or I earn and feels that they ought to pay their share of the tax burden. If we were to redistribute the wealth the result would be lower taxes for the average American."

working and yet still relies on the taxpayers' money to support him and his family. Those people wo)l't have the Federal government to kick around any more ... " Ernie switched channels . A local candidate sat in the living room of his modest, middle-class home, surrounded by his ten children and holding his wife's trembling hand as he read an endless list of qualifications. The ad concluded with a touched-up photograph, a catchy campaign slogan and a little box with the candidate's name printed beside it, marked with a big X. Ernie found his favorite political advertisement on the next channel. It featured a disembodied hand dilligently engaged in removing specified amounts of toy soldiers, airplanes, and battleships from the camera shot. He could understand why his little brother was fascinated by this particular ad, but couldn't quite figure out why his father muttered under his breath and threatened to kick the set in after seeing that same commercial.

knowing all to well what was to ensue, "but please don't pre-empt the Baltimore-New York game!'' The candidate stood among a group of "blue-collar" factory workers who looked as if they had been dragged away from their lunch breaks and assembled according to their party affiliations and ethnic backgrounds within minutes of the actual filming. "Yes ... ugh ... my wife and I feel that we pay a helluva lot of taxes. We'd just like to know what you're gonna do about it," asked one foreman with an Archie Bunker

The mob roared their approval, nudging each other and rattling their lunch boxes ... "Listen man, just where do you think you're going to collect the bread for all those heavy welfare checks you're going to be passing out to all them lazy dudes," asked a long haired spokesman with an uncanny resemblence to Jerry Rubin. "Let me just say this. Naturally an increase in taxes amon~ Americans such as yourselves will be mandatory but I'm not about to give a red cent to anyone capable of

Don't miss your big chance to voice your complaints, comments, and opinions. Arise from the ranks of Westside's apathetic majority. Submit letters to the box provided in the Social Studies I.M.C. Pen names may be used if letters are signed by their authors.

euery 30 minutes! On Monday and

Dear Editor: In regard to the ''letter to the editor" in the Oct. 27 LANCE and to the article "Entertainment Gap," I don't think that you are looking very hard, or maybe you just haven't heard about it, but there is a stereo rock music station for the Omaha area. It does not play top 40, it does not have stupid disc jockeys that "talk into" songs. It is not 40% ads; it has ads only once

Wednesday nights they play a just-released album with no interruptions, with an added feature of "Lights Out" every Sunday night. The call letters are KFMQ and it's 101 on your FM dial, so listen to it, and QUIT CRYING! Kevin Voecks '74 Ed. Note. The station has recently increased its wattage to reach a greater mile radius with intent to move in on the Omaha stereo FM market. Unfortunately KFMQ has been unable to reach Omaha and only those equipped with FM antennas can pick up the station with any success.

the lance Published bi-weekly by the Publications Department of Westside High School, 87th and Pacific St., Omaha, Nebraska 68114. THE LANCE is a member of the National Scholastic Press Association and the Nebraska High School Press Association. The paper is given free of charge to holders of Activity Ti c kets. Subscription rates to others are $3.00 postpaid. Non-profit mailing rights claimed. Printed by Wright Printing Co., Omaha, Nebr. . .Pam Hultberg Editor . . . . . . . Asso. editor . . . . . . . . . . Susan Darst Barb Demaree Editorial editor . . . . • . • . . Bill Wald Asst. editorial editor . . . . . Terri Talty . Entertainment editor . . . Rick Denney Editorial writer . . . . . Bob Eisenberg Feature editor . • . . . . • . Sue Berg Asst. feature editor . . . . . . . AI Kat z Feature writer . . . . . . Sheri Petersen Business editor • . . . . . Jim Clifton Advertising manager • . . • Dave Jensen

Sports writer News editor . Fashion editor . News writer . . . Sports editor . . Asst. sports editor Art editor . . . Photo editor . Photographers



=. '. ·--f.- J _· -~

.• Kathy Whittaker . . . . Cyndie Jones . .Jessalyn Wilscam . Rosemary Freriks . . . . . Brian Trude . . . . . Steve Russell . . Jay Jacoby . Brian Combs . . . . Joe Petrashek Pat O'Hara Bruce Finn . . . • . . . • Ms. Kathy Boshart

"This ad paid for by the Democrats for Republicans committee," concluded the announcer ... Ernie was temporarily distracted by the doorbell, customarily followed by the distribution of campaign literature by a friendly neighbor ... "Sounds impressive, what did you say he was running for?" "I'm not real sure, just feel I should get involved. Say, there sure are a lot of houses for sale in this neighborhood. I see by the signs, they're all handled by the same. real estate man. Must keep himself pretty busy." "Yea, I hear he's running for the U.S. Senate on top of that," remarked Ernie. '' ... welcome back football fans, and Danderoo what an exhibition displayed here by a fired-up Jet offense ... After being down by ten points in the final quarter, Joe Namath went into his heroics and guided the Jets to a victory in the closing minutes of this contest ... " Ernie sighed, sat back in his leather recliner and dreamed of a world free of prejudice, poverty, war, and political advertising. Some dreams do come true.


Non-moving traffic violations department: As a American Government project for Mr. Nelson, Steve Wessel checked to see how many cars in the parking lot had out of date safety inspection stickers. On Monday, Oct. 23, he found that out of 469 cars, 48 had out of date safety stickers or none at all. This is an apparent violation rate in excess of 10%.


Several weeks ago Newsweek magazine ran a cover story on fifties revivalism. It has also been reported in Time magazine that kids are once again cruisin' the streets of L.A.- in mohawks! With all this wonderful nostalgia for such a lethargic decade -one is tempted to wonder what sixties revivalisms will be like. Throwing warped Beatie records at Offutt Air Base windows?


Contrary to rumor, Alice Cooper is not Eddie Rascal, we repeat, Alice Cooper is not Eddie Rascal. (He's Wally Cox.)

I never thought about pornography like that before, in fact thought about porno like anything before ... of course I've seen geez I'm no pervert. Brrinng, I walked from room 235 with thoughts. Reflections of the preceding class went through my mind as instinctively guided me to my next class in room 128. The echoed, "O.K. first let's decide on a good definition for My mind seemed to giggle with satisfaction as I scanned the room my peers had registered the same "tilt" expression that I did. The talk became very serious as we searched for words (which to be preceded by a sign saying: You Must be 21 to Enter). To in my childhood I would have cut my left ear off to roast my eyes forbidden fruit that was now the topic of class discussion. And couldn't define it. "Why is something considered pornography?" the teacher ............._. poked while electrifying us with pacing and all the things teachers do they become excited. "Well, the main subject of the work is sex," we casually which led to a landslide of ideas funneled down by our teacher concise definition. A definition which could be applied to anything and partaker to determine for him or herself whether the pornography or not. As I sat down into the chill of my next chair I thought very to my last teacher for having the urge and energy to present something relevant and interesting to our personal thoughts. The light flicked off as the camera rolled and my thoughts the flickering panovision. I found myself in the midst of a lady having an abortion. That's right, not just talking about it but calmly it done professionally before my eyes. The lights flicked on blurring my vision while the fantasy "nr•tin,,,... my mind. I swaggered down the hall smirking to myself and bab•bli1'411 the walls surrounding me, "Don't stop now Westside; What's next?"



can 'fG" clo.u, a p~?

After "trouble" in Memorial Park, the Omaha City Council 8:00 curfew at that park. This was the summer of '70 and meant obscene gestures, illegal drug traffic and an all around "kiss off, establishment." People wanted the park open for winter and the Council couldn't see how much "trouble" could arise in weather so that winter the park was opened till 11 like other Omaha With the coming of nice weather people started "hanging out" at Park and the obvious happened again. The World Herald carried digusting remark. "Trouble" reappeared and the park ciQsed at 8. time there was a much bigger turn out for the protest; it even make page of the Denver Post. The park remained closed that summer until 2, 1971 when the Council passed the resolution to leave the park 11 from Nov. 15 to March 15 and close at 8 the remainder of the year. City Council President Fred Jacobberger doesn't like the idea adamantly closing the park but illegal acts were being committed Omahans demanded some measures be taken to control them; he felt was no other alternative. However, as a result the lude and rowdy action and the drug has only been spread around the city. Jacobberger also said that leaders in the action and protest were older, about 25-30. Kids realized that the city will take action. They are also not too eagaer follow just any leader. So this is where Omaha is now: all the parks closed (don't ask 11, one of which closes at 8 three-fourths of the year. Maybe if we're this winter we can keep Memorial open this summer. And maybe, maybe, someone will get smart and realize you can't close a public and they will leave youth control to the parents.

nber 10, 1972



Page 3

'We don't feel we're on a mountain top'

by Bill Wald and Bob Eisenberg don't feel we're on a aintop, we care about our etition." - Sol Rosinsky, l manager, KOIL radio. pite mixed reactions about gramming, KOIL radio seems an extremely impressive and ent operation, with a

rise. As for other stations with a similar format, Rosinsky commented, "I was very sorry that KFMX ceased to broadcast what a segment of the population really enjoys." Disc Jockey Scott Carpenter, who has filled the air spot vacated by Joe Lite, says the station plays album cuts and experiments with

'65. Their license has not been renewed. ''There is a long list of allegations," said Rosinsky, "but within the due process of law these accusations must be proven." A major complaint among its listeners has been the abundance of advertisements broadcasted. KOIL sets their maximum advertising time at 18 minutes per hour in contrast with the FCC's set maximum time of 21 minutes. Advertising cost varies with the time of day. The most expensive being the rush hours and the least expensive being between r.tidnight and six A.M.

shut out everything around you." Carpenter is solely responsible for compiling the KOIL weekly music survey that plays a major role in dictating the listeners record acceptance. He goes a great deal on listener requests, numbering "thousands" daily as well as reports

sick of listening to some records day after day. "Popular music goes through a lot of phases. At times it seems like there's just nothing worth listening to, other times, like now, you're just buried by good songs." KOIL's broadcasting entails a


:an't please everyone, we feel a majority of listeners like what we heir tastes change, then we will try to change with them," -KOIL's I Manager, Sol Rosinsky. n.at questionable goal of ; to its listeners' demands ting in the public's interest. station also seems quite onscious about its nming format, not wanting over-board in pleasing any segment of the listening :e. u can't please everyone, we

other types of music on a limited basis. The current trend seems to be toward the "Golden Oldies" of the fifties and early sixties, and KOIL has a file of oldies that date back to the early days of rock and roll. Another current trend in KOIL's programming is its obsession with contests. Rosinsky said, " . .. KOIL feels their listeners enjoy them, they should have something else to listen to besides music. I love music and there is a good case to be made for playing only music, but if that's all someone is after he can simply install a tape deck in his auto. We

feel contests add to the excitement and fun of radio listening." There has been a good response to the contests - which include the model T Give-Away and the $10,000 Cash Stash.

The majority of the blame concerning the lack of rock concerts in the past several months has unjustly been directed toward KOIL. Unjustly because KOIL is not in the concert promotion business any longer. It was simply an "off-shoot" that resulted from a need for concerts among its listeners. All concert sponsorship has been assumed by out-of-town promoters and KOIL foresees no KOIL sponsored concert in the future. Reliable sources promise at least one or two concerts per month from now on, sponsored by 路 these out-of-town promoters.

KOIL's disc jockey, G. Michael McKay, checks the log for the day's music selections, advertisements, and announcements.

Disc Jockeys Sol Rosinsky estimates that he receives 12 to 15 applications per month from dies jockeys who must send an "air check," a recording of their work, along with a record of their previous work experience. KOIL presently employs seven D.J.'s. Scott Carpenter, a graduate of Wayne State where he majored in drama , has worked at three different radio stations throughout Nebraska in the last two years before coming to KOIL. Carpenter discourages potential D.J.'s from choosing a career in radio broadcasting. "Radio Broadcasting is such a competitive field, and it's hard to get into unless you're really good. Everything has to be done by the D.J . and it requires total concentration. You just have to

from local record distributors. Carpenter admits to liking "every type of music." "Opera is about the only style of music I have trouble liking." He also implied that some records really turn him off, and all D.J.'s eventually get

great deal more than AM Top 40 programming. It's news staff, aided by UPI audio and teletype services, is extremely efficient in covering regional and local news. KOIL also provides a totally automated stereo FM station.

Public Service The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) demands that all radio stations do some form of public service broadcasting. "We're proud of our public service broadcasting." Rosinsky points out that KOIL is the only station in the area with a full-time public relations director. "We broadcast over 30,000 public service announcements annually."

Read an easy book before you read a tough one.

FCC rulings





ter. tajority of listeners like what if their tastes change , then try to cha nge with them ," ~nted KOIL's General r, Sol Rosinsky. r formul a for success has ;ly clicked. Accordin g to taken twice a year by tdent research companies, attracts the largest liste ning :e among the 18-34 year o ld as well as the teenagers , a nd 1dience is reportedly on th e

Ease into tough reading assignments. Cliff's Notes ..,':,;;ill~ll"",.;iir;.;;~ give you a head start toward understanding novels, plays and poems. More than

Despite KOIL's impressive public service record, the station has had its share of trouble with the FCC as its sister station in Indianapolis experienced in '64 and


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Page 4

'Girls unfit for vocatio

Shrinks help Omaha youths out of confusion "We help young people help themselves" one West Omaha psychiatrist remarked. There are over a dozen psychiatrists in the Omaha area treating young people with mental problems. "Adolescent mental illness has not grown at the rate one would expect, what with the over-publicized 'drug problem,' in fact, in some areas of the city , it has even declined." So spoke an official at Omaha's Nebraska Psychiatric Institute on 44th and Dewey.

Adolescent unit If a student needs help, the procedure is a simple one. The parents may bring the child to a private psychiatrist or psychologist. Incidently, the difference between the two is that a psychiatrist must go to medical school before he can choose h is specialty, while a psychologist has gone to college and psychology school. The parents may take the child to Douglas County Hospital, Richard Young, or the OL V clinic at St. Joseph's Hospital. At NPI, there is a central admissions unit which decides whether the patient is "in" or "out." If the youth becomes an out patient, then he talks with his social worker and they decide on meeting times at the hospital. If the patient is to be held in the hospital, then there is a special adolescent wing of the hospital, with a capacity of 22

patients between the ages of 12 and 18. In the unit are two social workers, two psychiatrists, two psychologists, and several orderlies.

Parents don't get along Most young people admitted to the unit have behavior disorder problems. "This is not always a mental disorder," said a social worker at St. Joseph's. A typical behavior disorder case is a youth who steals, is truant from school, and fights with his parents. Usually the parents don't get along, either. These cases are put on a two-week diagnosis p rogram. If there is enough improvement after the two weeks, the patient may leave. Behavior disorder are only 90% of the cases. There are psychotic youths who suffer from hallucinations, delusions, and schizophrenia. There are also severe neurotics. These patients are sometimes given therapeutic drugs, like thorazine, but more often psychotherapy is the major factor in the cure. A good relationship between a doctor and his patient should develop . Most of these cases are lumped under the name "adolescent adjustment reaction." NPI treats over three-hundred patients a year. Young people who are apt to run away are sent to Lincoln Regional Center, which is much more secure.

One youth who was treated at St. Joseph's remarked, "I hated it. It was re p ressive, and the con ditions were dirty . They put me up there with a bunch of crazy people and drug "addicts," who were constantly trying to devise new drug-smuggling methods." This opinion may be minority, because many other young people treated by the hospitals felt they were really helped. One youngster said, "When I got out of the hospital and into society I felt that everything would come d own on me like before . But, actually, it's all changed. I feel at ease with people, and, more importantly , myself."

Prejudices and discrimination are common throughout today's world. Conflicts arise all the time between whites and blacks, whites and Indians, men and women, the working class and the business owners and so on. And shocking as it may seem, a certain amount and type of discrimination still flows through the corridors of Westside. Although there is not a set pattern of discrimination at Westside, such as whites against b lacks, there are certain rules and regulatiohs which do tend to discriminate against both male and female students. Believing that these discriminatory regulations are not intentional, the LANCE set out t o find just why these rules do exist. Pro b ably the most recent complaints about discrimination have arisen from a group of female students who feel that they should be allowed to enroll in the regular auto shop classes at Westside. They feel that girls should be able to take auto shop to protect themselves from the "cruel gas station attendants who try to screw girls out of a few dollars just because they don't know the difference between a carburetor and an air filter." Another argument states that girls should have the right to be able to know what is wrong with their car, just as much as boys should have the right. There are many girls in this country who own cars and probably cannot even get the hood open on their car.

Warrior wing-ding warrants wheels; Stribley solves what-to-wear worries Wheels are being shined and straps tightened as Westside students and their friends prepare to glide into the next Junior Class sponsored event to be held at Skateland 3, Nov. 30. Lasting from 8-10 p.m., the party will feature door prizes and private lessons for non-skaters. Tickets, at $1 a piece, can be p u rchased from the class officers and in the Loge on designated days. Skate rental will also be availab le. Mr. Ed Stribley, originator of the idea, said everyone is welcome.

Girls can bring boys, boys can bring boys, we don't care who comes as long as their clothes are all right and their hair isn't longer than mine." He added, "If anyone wants to let their eyebrows grow and comb them back, that's o.k."

Mr. James principal, stated in no way meant to diS4:rili~ against girls. "There has jUJt been that big of a demand to join auto shop. It has sort of tradition or custom only boys join auto shop." He went on to say shop is considered a c路o urse to

become mechanics. usually go into that field, the class is usually filled there is no room and accommodations for girls." For those girls who interested in learning more their cars, mini-courses will set up. The studies will not extensive as in the regular shop class but they will give a basic knowledge of her car it functions. Also, the School has actually paid the tuition few girls to take night courses dealing with an The question has arisen girls are not allowed to shop, why then are boys enroll in cooking and classes? As a matter of classes at Westside are boys. Findley stated that the for this was that, again, Economics classes at not in great demand Therefore, there is room the classes for the small boys that wish to join cooking classes. is the fact that girls are not to have an organized Again, it seems the certain lack of interest. "If it organized and had a might be possible to team," Findley said. continued, "the Nebraska Associations would have

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Four Westside cuties display th e variety of fashion available at Virgie 's. From left, Senior Judy Ja cobson, Sophomore Pam Turn er, Senior Jo William s, and Junior Ky le Gibson.


ember 10, 1972

Page 5

ght school offers dropout another chance ith all the emphasis now on

r to college 'to get a better

l.tion,' more Westside students staying in school this year. ~ding to Principal Dr. Jim dall, Westside's drop out rate never been very high. He >ared Westside favorably to a Jl with a dropout rate of as as 25%. lo far this year twenty kids dropped out. As school ·esses, probably 20-25 more drop." Since Westside had ) students enrolled, the ible drop-out rate is between 1 l percent. hat are the problems that kids that would result in dropping >I? It seems that most students showing "symptoms" of a ase." In other words, the ent may be truant (the 'tom), but it usually involves !r, more personal problems disease). The student may r from an unstable home life. also possible that the student learned the basic steps in ttion, such as reading well or oping good study habits. 1other possibility may be in

the student's attitude. He may be bored or lacking academic desires altogether. If the student is more interested in a job, the answer might be to have a broader curriculum where he can explore career opportunities. But what can be done for the small percent of kids that will drop out of Westside this year? According to World History and night school teacher Mr. Bill Hayes, there are two answers if a student plans on graduating: he can take a correspondence course or go to night school. If interested in taking a correspondence course, sign up through guidance counselor Mike Kissler. The University of Nebraska sends the books and question sheets, which the correspondent returns to them to be graded.

comprehension. Track A is designed for less capable students, primarily those with poor reading habits or difficulty. Track B is the secondary track, designed for the student with little or no reading difficulty. Track C is the final track . After completing this track, the student is through with the course. Materials are provided for the student, each containing a test or worksheet .. The student must have the required number of tests turned in and corrected to finish the track. Progress reports are made, but no grades are distributed. Hayes summed up night school by saying, "Night school is a good way of letting them feel the frustration of being out of school, but at the same time it doesn't deprive them of their credits."

What are consequences of crime? Read this!

Enrolling in night school is also done through Kissler. The student is given a test to determine which "track" of three he should be enrolled in.

Suspended from school. For some at least, this is a frightening thought- the shattering of a life

"Tracks," which are used in the social studies department, are comparable to three levels of

full of dreams. This is one of the consequences that arise when a student at Westside commits a

Yo-Yo's make a comeback A circular object in his hand he strolls the school. Suddenly with no warning what-so-ever, it flicks from his hand and spins as if suspended in space. It's a yo-yo. The answer to the frisbee for indoor enjoyment. Although you may be under the impression that this is a spontaneous development a salesman at Mutual Distributing Company explained, "The yo-yo was a carefully planned, heavily advertised and promoted campaign.

en ts illustrate 1d for Yo Yo's.



We had advertisements on radios, and demonstrations on television, or in person." When asked if last spring's frisbee craze was carefully planned he said, "No, but when it first came out we promoted it just as hard. However, you can't promote something that is no good, the public won't buy it." The Mutual Distributing Company supplies drugstores, hardware shops, discount stores, department stores, and hobby centers. They have sold close to

Mrs. Darlene Eliason busily fills out the necessary papers as student drops out of school.

1,000,000 yo-yos in the past few months. Mangelson's at Westgate Plaza said that within the last month or two they have sold approximately 60 dozen or 720 yo-yos and about the same amount of yo-yo string packages. The Hobby Center in Benson has sold most of their yo-yos in the last 30 days. They said they sell about 300 a week. Having sold about 12-1500 yo-yos so far . The Hobby Center said they have sold twice as many string packages. The hobby centers feel that the yo-yo boom has been explainable because of promotion activity. They said it is often the case that little brothers or sisters start using yo-yos and soon the older family members are hooked. One junior explained the yo-yo craze as, " ... just another sophomore sport." Whatever the real reason for the new/old sport many people are involved. Maybe the key to school harmony is only as big as some string and a circular object.

felony. A felony is determined mainly by the maximum sentence attached to a crime. If the sentence is less than six months the crime would be considered a misdemeanor. Shoplifting is usually a misdemeanor. However, if the sentence is in the excess of six months the crime is a felony. The theft of an auto or selling drugs would be considered a felony. The seriousness of a crime determines the sentence. Dr. Tangdall explained that in misdemeanor cases the parents may or may not be called in, depending on the seriousness and extent of the crime. However, "In felony cases the student is suspended from school until there can be a conference with the parents. In most cases the suspension lasts all of a day or a day and a half." The School Board has a ruling which protects students from prolonged suspension from academic subjects. "A pupil may not be suspended for more than two weeks without specific authorization of the Board of Education." The School Board, however, is responsible for suspension rules to begin with. As it is currently recorded, "Any student convicted of any offense will be prohibited from participating in extra curricular activities. A pupil may also be

suspended from school if a civil authority files charges in court accusing him or her of a felony or immoral act." In the revised, tentative School Board rules, there are some changes that are more specific. "Any student charged with a felony serious enough to constitute an undesirable example for other students, a detriment or threat to others in his attendance in school, may be suspended temporarily from the regular day school program until all charges are cleared. The student may continue his education by night school, home bound service, or correspondence courses." Drug charges are a different matter in certain respects. Dr. Tangdall explained, "We are caught between lack of policies. The fact that all medical authorities I have ever spoken with on the subject felt that all help must come from the family and certain community services that advocate no family intervention at all. Since this is a parent supported institution we must take that into consideration."

·iety Show will unite Senior Class he reason we want this Senior :y Show is to bring our senior together," said Carol Zerbe. cited such things as open 1s, cliques, and plastic people !Sons for conflicts within the The Variety Show will be Dec. 14 and 15. It will start d 7:30 or 8:00 in the orium. e originators of the plan, with Carol, are Kiki Shriner, 1e Kelly, and Nancy Smith. feel class unity can be red with this activity. The y to put on the production come from money-making :ts such as bake-sales. None of l come from school or senior

class funds. After the show is over any money collected will go to charity. There was a meeting Nov. 2 to organized and get ideas together. "We would like to get as many different kinds of people as possible in on this. If you don't have any ideas, we'll try to supply them," Carol explained. Since the production is around Christmas that theme will predominate. The planners would like to involve the audience and if possible have an intermission in which the cast would serve refreshments. So all you seniors , whatever label you think you carry , get involved in a unity project, Carol said.

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5c.hoo\ Clubs


Page 6

Folksinging girls go professional A guitar, a song and a smile, that's Freedom '70. This performing group of ten girls from Westside has sung everywhere from the Hilton, Nasr's, and the Fireside Restaurant, to hospitals, churches and homes for the elderly. Under the direction of Kathy Hansen, art teacher from Valley View, the folksingers have been together since junior high. All juniors this year, the group

began in 8th grade as an activity c I u b. They decided to stick together during high school, chose their name and went professional. The name came from a song written by one of the girls the year they started. Every member plays the guitar and the music and harmony is arranged by ear. Kathy Whittaker writes songs, does most of the guitar

Sea of teaching is turbulent by Rosemary Freriks It's Saturday afternoon and a music-laden ten-year-old parks his bicycle in the driveway of a residential abode. As unearthly squeeks and blasts emit from open windows, he relectantly approaches the door; instrument in hand. To anyone who's ever taken music lessons, this scene is probably familiar with the queezy stomach and tense nerves which accompany the weekly torture. If, like an increasing number of high school students, you've put yourself on the other side of the fence, you realize that those quakes and qualms are not the sole privilege of the student. The first of the many harrowing experiences involved in teaching music is the phone-call from the mother of a prospective student. The first question is always "How much do you charge?" followed by "Where do you live?" or "Do you mind me asking how old you are?", depending upon how mature your voice sounded when you answered the phone . Although you've played the instrument since you were three and taught for the past five years, the fact that you're still in high school is likely to put you in second place to a local housewife who charges twice as much and took lessons for two years some twenty years ago. Then there are those who realize that the day of the matronly white-haired teacher is past, agree to a time and price, and then add, "We don't have a piano yet, does that matter?"

Once the nitty gritty is out of the way and you have embarked upon the turbulent sea of teaching, you begin to understand the sanity your own teacher sacrificed for your sometimes-dubious musicianship. Essentially, there are two categories of students. One is the quiet, quivering, never-say-a-word type whose eyes get watery at the slightest mistake. The other is the walk-in-and-take-over type who discusses everything from arithmetic grades to the bathtub overflowing at Grandma's farm between notes. It is this one who answers the question, "What key is this in?", with, "We went to the store last night, Mom bought Daddy some shorts with hearts all over them and he said he'd be a t$%+&'*'! if he 'd wear them" to which you reply, suppressing a shocked laugh, "oh," and attempt to steer the conversation back to that comparatively dull music. As your students become more experienced, you begin to recognize the old fool-proof tricks and excuses you used coming b ack in various versions. One of the most common is the old, "I haven't practiced it all week so I'll leave the book at home" idea. From this the student graduates to bandaged fingers, grape jelly neatly blotting out the notes, and some originals like "My brother thought it was a paper towel and wrapped his mud-pie in it." Suddenly you come to appreciate the teacher's side of the arrangement, and wonder how your kind, understanding teacher ever stood you.

arrangements, solos and teams with Debbie Jenner to form one of the two duets. Jennifer Holmes handles the money, the bookings, an d is constantly on the telephone to keep every one up to date. Vicky Havelka is the M.C. and does all of the announcing. Add Sue Ludeman, Pam Farguson, a tambourine, and a guitar and voila! A quartet is born. Julie Beran is always there with her twelve string guitar and sings duets with Pam . Combine them with Amy Schlesinger, Mary Ann Hobza, and Patty Hopkins and you have instant Freedom '70. The latest "gigs" for the singers were a convention at the Hilton, singing at the Westroads for the district's display, and singing at a Halloween Banquet at the Fireside Restaurant. They usually do charge to play but enjoy doing the charity performances.

'Rough' juniors beat feminine Senior Women in Powderpuff football Oct. 29 How many times in a Westside football game does a five foot tall player race to the sidelines, pigtails flapping, and ecstatically shout, "Whatever side No. 7 lines up on is which way the play is going!"? This was Senior Leigh Ann Retelsdorf's comment during the Oct. 29 Powderpuff football game in which the juniors dominated the seniors 22-8.

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Spectators commented that while the girls did not exhibit the finesse of the fifth-rated Warriors, the desire to win and the hours of practice were evident that Sunday afternoon. Varsity gridmen coached the two squads: Seniors Mark Kershaw, Steve Gustafson, Mark

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said, "We seniors are acting more feminine than the juniors - they're playing like men." Another senior agreed: "Tell them to get their hormones checked." A major complaint from the seniors was that the juniors played a little rough. Injuries sustained by the seniors included Katie Gordon's bloody nose and Julie Gilmore's chipped tooth, and Sandi Morar got slugged, and Merrilee Carlson was flat on the field for five minutes with the wind knocked out of her. Lisa Trustin led the junior's

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" Classes start

Boyer and Larry Masilko advised the 22 senior women, and Juniors John Sotirhos, Tom Sneckenberg, Jay Sonderup and Rex White led the 29 victorious juniors. The flag football contest was staged on the field just like a varsity game but no helmets were worn; all extra point tries were for two; and the players were obviously girls. However, Senior Laurie Tangdall


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Freedom '70 girls prepare for their next performance. They are back Amy Schlesinger, Sue Ludeman, Mary Ann Hobza, Julie Beran and Farguson. Front row, Kathy Whittaker, Debbie Jenner and Patty

offensive attack with 102 two touchdowns. She carried times for a 9.3 yard Teammate Heather Mactier first touchdown in the quarter and had 45 yards Junior quarterback Anne passed 11 times with completion and also averaged yards in four punts. Statistics for the seniors not computed as concisely, Merrilee Carlson and Diane were the standouts Kidder scored the only touchdown on a 70 yard run the fourth quarter. Sandi who made the only i"•lterceptioeA,_.i the day, was a leading The juniors' defense, '' W omanhandlers" and Westside's Oklahoma 5-2 was led by Sandy Krause's tackling points, Karen Honig 13 and Debbie Koborg points. The seniors earned first downs, the juniors 10. The Class of '7 4 athletes charged with 35 yards of pen131tilb 1 and the seniors suffered one fl" yards. Referees were Senior Brock and Mr. Gerald ~<n••••,.., •.._ Valley View. The big difference between two teams, according to head Sotirhos, was that " . . . the defensive ends could not Trustin outside- they quick enough and didn't Sotirhos cited his team for its and turnout at practicesnights a week for five weeks. Head coach Kershaw praised seniors for their dedication, commented that those that practiced regularly did well. He disappointed with the turnout and admitted that juniors seemed more ready to At the end of the game, the vanquished seniors were first to lift their coach on shoulders in appreciation.

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tmber 10, 1972


Page 7

looses title with ineligible player


hopes for title fall short, Rummel wins

!stside's hopes for a Metro died last Friday night as nel turned a broken extra play into a victory over the ors. Rummel's 15-13 victory, ined with the ruling that ts Ryan's season, pits the 1rs against Bellevue for the :opolitan Conference pionship playoff tonight. tmmel's winning touchdown scored by quarterback Ed on a one yard sneak with 4:15 left in the game. On the point attempt Burns fumbled tap as he tried to set the ball. jumped up ran to his right, tossed a pass to Mike retto open at the goal. of the previous scoring by teams was done in the first Westside scored first, seven after cornerback Bob Doney epted Burn's first pass on nel's first play of the game. tck Mark Boyer scored from 'our to cap the 36 yard

touchdown drive . Max Beins' extra point kick was blocked , but the ease with which the Warrior offense drove looked encouraging. Rummel tied the game shortly after Westside's score, on an eight yard pass from Burns to Calabretta. This score came after a 63 yard touchdown drive. On the next kickoff, Jim Mierendorf took the ball at the 15, broke to the left, and ran 85 yards behind good blocking for the go ahead touchdown. That 13-7 lead held until the final minutes of the game, when Rummel scored its game winning touchdown and two point conversion.

Ryan forfeits The ineligibility of Ryan's Gary Shaddy was confirmed by the Nebraska School Activities Board last Saturday. Ryan's punishment is forfeiture of all games in which he participated, this includes the

:hers twang bowstrings to get two ~hies, while gymnasts show strength ;tside gymnasts scored high in 1s the best double duo this . The meet, held on Oct. 10 ron by TJ 60.40, with the •rs scoring 56.45 and Rummel ~last with 50.25. m Tatreau took first in high nd second on rings. Doug r placed second in parallel econd in high bar and third in Jim Malot was second in

Oct. 28 in Columbus, Nebraska. Representatives from Westside, Ralston, Columbus, Grand Island and other Nebraska schools participated. According to Archery Club president Nancy Kvamme, "This year 's State Shoot was the largest yet, and Westside contributed the most shooters." Anyone may compete in the individual competitions. Nancy places third in individual girls and Senior Carol Essex placed fourth. Junior AI Schmuecker placed fourth among individual boys.

'Y scored high in most of the tition. Taking three of the aces in three of the divisions, >arallels, and high bar. 'Y should've gone against Je in the Metro but the meet ncelled. Oct. 17 was the day ut there were no judges •le. the Metro, on Oct. 24 they score in the top five.

ns take State ~e

again, the Westside archery managed to dominate the Scholastic Shoot by receiving 'irst place trophies in both nd girls competition. ! shoot was held Saturday,

Coached by Industrial Arts teacher Lee Weyh, the boys and girls teams are made up of the top four scorers in the individual competitions. The girls team consisted of Nancy, with a score of 1096; Carol , 1004; and Sophomores Joanne Peterson with 874 and Beth Wedge , 833. Members of the boys team included AI, 1332 ; Senior Ted Marcuzzo, 1172; Sophomore Dave Wilt , 1102 ; and Senior Dan Blanchard, 1082.

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Ryan-Westside game, ratsmg Westside's record to 7 and 2.

Warriors get victory at Seacrest Fullback Mark Boyer scored three touchdowns to lead Westside to a 27-14 win over Lincoln High. Boyer's performance was viewed by a cold crowd at Seacrest Field in Lincoln. Many Westside fans followed the Big Red, as the Warriors chalked up their sixth victory of the season. Mark Boyer opened up a 6-6 tie to give Westside the lead for good. Boyer played an outstanding game both offensively and defensively. Coach Don Johnson said, "The team as a whole played below par against the Links. This might have resulted in key injuries to Randy Rome, Larry Masilko and Gregg Newton, all three of these men sat out of the Lincoln contest because of leg injuries. Despite the injuries the offensive unit rolled up 331 total yards. Mark Boyer, Jim Mierendorf, Lonny Legino and Jim Ingram, led the rushers, as they contributed 295 yards on the ground. Compliments to offensive line for opening the holes for the runners. Defensively the Warriors only allowed Lincoln 200 total yards and 14 points. Bob Doney and Fritz Archard filled in for the injured Randy Rome and Larry Masilko. The secondary picked up three Lincoln passes and played a good game. The officials that were calling the penalties "left little to be desired," remarked Coach Don Johnson . Every penalty took about five minutes to finally call, and some were pretty wild.

A split second after the ball is snapped, both lines converge in a mass of blurring motion. The action took place last Friday as Rummel barely edged Westside 15-13.

Women athletes complete competition Westside 's girls golf team almost came home with all the marbles in the Metro meet held in the cold and rain a few weeks ago. The team received second place behind Burke , but Junior Anne Mariucci was the medalist at Miller Park, with a 39. Burke had three of five medalists, which was "darn hard to beat," according to Coach Peg Johnson. The team had previously won all its dual meets, outshooting Benson, Bryan and Central in Metro competition. Of three indivitationals Westside participated in, third place was won twice and fourth once . The team also beat Syracuse, Nebraska. Ms. Johnson said, "The whole team has improved immensely over the fall, especially the junior varsity. Two of the girls had just started playing golf last summer. It got so that in the last weeks, I wouldn't play with them any more,

they played so well ."

Mermaids take fourth In other girls sports news, the swim team , recently Metro champions, competed in an invitational in Lincoln termed by some "State" although Coach Cal Bentz asserted it was not. Westside placed fourth among the 2 teams, winning three events. Senior Kate McAlister broke two records and took the two titles: :56.5 in the 100 free and 1:59.7 in the 200 free. Junior Anne Gilmore added another boon to her diving laurels, placing first. Coach Bentz was "a little frustrated. I'd hoped they'd want to win a little more." Westside beat Ralston, Central and Burke in Metro dual meets, lost to Marian, and won the American Division · Relays and Metro. Marian was first last Friday with 65 points, followed by Fremont with 40'12 , Northwest with 40 and Westside's 38.

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Page 8

News Briefs

Radio station has students work with pros Last May during the Nebraska primary, a local radio staion (KOIL) hired two students from Westside to help out for a day (and night). Again they needed help for the National election so on Nov. 7, AI Katz, Pam Hultberg, Don Fallon and Deb Dowling put their journalistic talents to the test, tabulating election returns. The group gained the experience of working with a professional news team.

ProArte to Westside

Westsiders horse around

The ProArte String Quartet from the University of Wisconsin, the oldest continuous string quartet in existence, will come to Westside Monday, Nov. 13. They will hold a workshop Masterclass for string quartets in the Little Theatre Monday morning. All students are invited to attend.

Four Westsiders were among 17 00 competitors in the Nationwide Quarter horse Competition held Oct. 22-29 . in Columbus, Ohio.

Adams wins award

Top flutist named When the results from the State Music Clinic auditions came in, no one was more pleased than Junior Alice Barmore. Alice was chosen the top flutist in the state and will travel to Kearney Nov. 1·18 to perform in the orchestra along with several other talented Westside students. She was the only Westsider to attain a top position in preliminary auditions.

Senior Susan Adams was among six Omaha area students to receive the Dundee Kiwanis Key A ward for Outstanding Citizenship. The award was presented at a Dundee Kiwanis luncheon meeting Oct. 30. Susan received an inscribed plaque, and her name is listed on a permanent plaque on display at Westside. Also, she is eligible for the annual Dundee Kiwanis Key Award which provides $250 scholarships and other cash awards.

Dahlias, evergreens will find new home by September Although it is still in the planning stages, Mr. Louis Niemann, Botany teacher, says "Westside will have a new greenhouse by next September (I hope!)." The main problem left, he feels, is coordinating the plans of the district with the needs of the botany department. The botany department plans for a three structure complex of about 5550 square feet, made out of glass and aluminum. One building would be a general workroom and the other two would be for plants. They would all be connected. The workroom would be for potting plants and other lab work. Soil, peatmoss, sand and equipment would also be stored in this room. Special equipment for sterilizing the soil and a walk-in cooler for storing cut flowers could be built in. Mr. Niemann can get the cooler for free from a local florist. The new greenhouse would be air conditioned and heated. There would be a special climate controls so that one greenhouse could have, perhaps, a desert climate, while the other one could be like a tropical rain forest. Added features would be special lighting for the plants that require it and an automatic watering and misting system. A permanent display area would be home for such plants as the banana tree, which is crowded into a corner of the old greenhouse. One major problem is the location. Mr. Niemann said he would prefer it to go where the driving simulator is. He said, "Its kind of an out of the way place, so it would be perfect." Outdoor landscaping would be possible in such a location, also.





Steve Klopp, Nancy Burford, Susan Carr and Susan Gasson all participated in the event, which is the largest of its kind in the U.S. Steve qualified for the finals. He was also on the Nebraska team which placed eighth in the competition.

Operation Bridge is no River Kwai caper by Beth Blotcky "We don't build their bridges. We don't even try to sell plans. But we do provide a place where young people like to come ... and talk." This is the key function of Operation Bridge, according to its board. Operation Bridge is a counseling service where young people can be advised free of charge. It was formed in 1967 by Countryside Briardale United Church of Christ, Chri~t the King, Temple Israel and Eastern Nebraska of Mental Health when a need for a counseling service in West Omaha was discovered . Operation Bridge headquarters are located in the 7701 Office Building on Pacific Street. It is not tied to a specific educational or religious group.

Alan Blotcky, president of Operation Bridge, said, "We want to emphasize that we are not purely a drug oriented service. We realize there are many young people with problems that do not involve drugs."

Walters has a bachelors sociology and is working his masters in counseling. In addition to their both counselors have training courses for and para-professionals who of the individual supported by the Omaha and Action. O.A.A. is the organization which ad1ninislels• obtains state, county and funds used to help city's drug related youth According to Mr. "Operation Bridge fits into network of helping agencies ser.ving as an agency professional counseling is to the young person in his family. Bridges have been Lives have been saved!"

Young people can and do come to Operation Bridge with problems .involving parents , boredom, liquor, drugs, religion, crime, draft, sex, friendships, lack of self-esteem, self-confidence, and troubles consisting of general dissatisfaction with life. AI Vanderberg and Ron Walters are the two counselors for Operation Bridge who help young people and adults to "bridge the gap" between generations. Mr. Vandenberg has a masters degree in counseling from Creighton. Mr.

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Ron Walters, Operation Bridge counselor, tries to build another



the lance Vol. 17, No. 6


December 1, 1972

Read underground newspapers?

Rules may make them harder to get

Jim and Ron, convicts from the Nebraska Penitentiary, answer rs' questions about prison life and administrative problems.

rong friends, bad attitude toward ciety indicated as causes of crime "I wouldn't wish the penitentary on anyone for anything; it's an lonely place." This was the description given by one of the convicts who attended convocation sponsored by the Sociology department on Nov. 16. The men were introduced simply as Ron, Jim and Buddy . Buddy was the for the group. They were all from the Nebraska Penal ;titution, serving time for burglary, armed robbery and forgery. Jim was the first to speak, telling of how he had spent the last eleven m in and out of prison. He attributed his detention to his attitude ard society. Ron said that he spoke for 85% of the men in prison . He said that he ~come from a good family with a very talented father. He dropped out ,high school and enlisted in the Navy, where he bacame an alcoholic and 1an to associate with the wrong type of people. "I came from a criminally oriented family," was how Buddy >lained his problem. All three felt that the people that they had been associated with were major cause for the crimes they had committed. They said that they I developed a bad attitude toward society early in life; this led to 1blem after problem, until they were caught. Jim had a word of advice for everyone in attendance: "You should m to appreciate your parents because they are the one thing that you . always turn to in times of trouble."

With all the new regulations concerning underground newspaper distribution maybe Westside as a school will be seeing less of them. Dr. Jim Tangdall, principal, and Dr. Kenneth Hansen , supervisor of secondary education, presented guidelines adopted from research done by the National Association of Secondary Principles to the Board of Education. In District 66, complaints had been made against local underground newspapers being distributed in the junior highs because students of that age are too easily influenced by other persons' opm1ons. Another reason for complaints was that a lot of the newspapers contained obscenities, advocated violence, and had no legitimate purpose. Guidelines for distribution of newspapers and leaflets at Westside are as follows:

1. Newspapers may be distributed outside of the old main entrance on the sidewalk between 7:30·8:00 A.M. and 3:10·3:30 P.M. 2. Students must get permission the previous day by the principal or assistant principal. If permission is denied, the distributors may appeal to a student advisory committee to review the matter. If approval is then denied they may appeal to the Superintendent, and then to the Board of Education. 3. Materials which are littered on school groun ds must be removed by distributing persons. 4. Unacceptable materials are the 'hate' literature that attacks ethnic, religious an d racial groups, publications advocating hostility

and violence, and pornography. Also unacceptable are materials degrading certain individuals in or out of school. Items designed for commercial propaganda and those designed to solicit funds will not be allowed; nor will literature promoting a candidate for election. 5. Materials will not be sold on school grounds unless it's a project sponsored by a school club. According to Dr. Hansen, a writer for this year's underground newspaper "Hiram" was asked to leave the building for trying to sell the newspaper here. All the way out the door he protested his

constitutional rights and freedom of the press . This type of action all over the country prompted the N.A.S.P . to research what could legally be done to restrict the distribution of underground literature. The restrictions of distribution now at school are designed to protect students from literature that may be slanderous or harmful to the education process. Dr. Hansen comm ented, "Generally, they're (underground newspapers) a harmless outlet for kids. I respect one that has a legitimate use of student's ideas. "

Christmas theme to be sung in the Senior Variety Show On December 14 and 16 the Westside Senior Class will put on their alternative to the Sophomore Variety show. On that day the Class of '73 will put on grease paint and costumes and hold their own variety show, in response to the very successful sophomore show.

As of this printing, the number of shows and the total number of players is still not absolutely known, but a rough program has been fitted out. Slated to be held near Christmas, the holiday theme will, of course, predominate . One of the co-ordinators, Kiki Schreiner, has said that with the amount of talent they have been able to get, and with the diversity of the performers and

performances, they should have a really good show. A featured attraction will be a chorus line of senior girls, attired like Carol Burnett charwomen, singing "Let Me Entertain You." Nancy Frost and Suzy Wurtz are responsible for this comic touch. Short spot skits will be given, along with some audience participation numbers. A rumor (?) has it that wily seniors have persuaded Bing Crosby · long alike Dr. Kenneth Hansen to don big hat and pipe and croon "White Christmas." As of now, this is a roster of the acts. There will be six songs sung, an emcee and a troupe of people to give it a Vaudeville atmosphere, two dances, two dancers and a potpourri of other acts. Come and see it and support the senior class; you'll be glad you did.

Kermit, Lloyd, John Y., and Dick are fathers of four normal Westsiders "Doctor, lawyer, Indian chief, rich man, poor n, beggerman, thief." Children may use this ·fashioned rhyme when describing their father's :upation. But four Westside seniors have fathers with jttly more glamorous professions than the average :ldle·aged breadwinner. Politics is their game. iversity of Nebraska Regent Kermit R. Hansen, mty Clerk Lloyd W. Kilmer, Congressman John Y. Collister and State Senator Richard Proud each have spring at Westside: Lauren Hansen, Frank Kilmer, tce McCollister and John Proud. All but State Senator Proud ran for and won llection in their respective offices ; Proud was in !-term this November. The Westsiders indicated that y worked hard on their fathers' initial campaigns, tding out cards at the polls, pounding signs together, l canvassing neighborhoods, but since name ~gnition is better the second time around, their 1paigning was not as vigorous this year. Bruce pointed out that, in the 1970 campaign, his ter's opponent John Hlavacek (whose children also to Westside) had 90% name recognition to ::ollister's 50%, so a lot of work went into the tgressman 's first victory. Frank pointed out that, on county level, "You could run a really efficient ce but then someone with a big name and lots of 1ey might run against you and win." However, the three fathers up for re-election all (they won in the mock election at Westside too) the Westsiders face new terms of their fathers' mces when on duty . John said, "My dad goes down .. incoln and the state legislature about 3·6 months of the year, and he spends five day s a week there commutes back home. He really isn't gone that :h." Lauren said her father attended the monthly ents meetings but does travel back and forth veen Lincoln and Omaha during the days. Kilmer 's :e is in Omaha, but McCollister's is, of course, in


From left, Frank Kilmer, whose father, Country Clerk Lloyd W. Kilmer is not pictured, Lauren Hansen and her father, U. of N. Regent Kermit R. Hansen, John Proud and dad, State Senator Richard Proud. Bruce and Congressman John Y. McCollister are not pictured. Other Westsiders with fathers in politics include Sophomore Micky Gunderson (Robert L. Gunderson, Republican County Chairman) and Sean Savage and Steve Russell (whose grandfather JohnS. Savage is also a State Senator).

Washington, D.C. Bruce said, "When he comes back to Omaha, I'm usually at school. Then he goes to a dinner or something and I don't see him." Bruce stays with a brother here in Omaha while his parents are in Washington. However, part of last year he attended Woodward High School in Washington. He returned to Westside for his senior year, to "graduate with the guys 1 grew up with." All four students expressed their wonder at the lack of political understanding of Westside students. "Most kids don't have any idea of what the state legislature does," said John. "A girl once told me my dad 'oughta run for President- he might make it!' " Frank was surprised at the conservative way the students voted in the mock election. "I feel that because the background of most Westside students is upper middle class, they reflect their parents' desire to maintain a conservative policy and to keep the wealth where it is." As to the identity of the offspring of a public figure, the four didn't feel that too many students realized who their fathers are. Said Bruce, "My friend s know I'm me, not my dad. He knows what he's doing. If he didn't, he wouldn't be up there." John commented, "Plenty of kids I know personally didn 't know what my dad is. He likes standing up and arguing. I like it too, but I wouldn't want to do it as a profession." Frank said, "A lot of people don 't care about county offices. Most Westside students haven 't had to register cars or property yet. It's not as glamorous as on the state or national level." "As the election got closer, more kids realized which Hansen I was- not the daughter of Dr. Hansen, the Director of Secondary Education ," smiled Lauren. It seems that all four famous fathers talk with their offspring about problems they face in their legislative duties, taking advantage of available young ideas on everything from the UNO parking lot to the Vietnam war.


Page 2

December 1, 1

Rare Earth breaks the concert barrier by Bill Wald

Alvin Lee and Ten Years After recently appeared in Lincoln in one of a series of concerts sponsored by the same promoters who brought Rare Earth.

"This is your concert. You paid for it. Now, do what you want with it," preached Ballin'jack's bassist to a crowd of nearly 6,000 November 24th at the Omaha Civic Auditorium. The group's return performance (they shared the bill with Elton John in April of last year) was only significant in that it was the first by an established rock group since the resonant echoes of "I'm Losing You" by Rod Stewart and the Faces last December. Ballin'jack's continuous barrage of over-amplified sound was little more than rhythm set to music with the group's only hit "Found a Child" wedged in there someplace, but it did succeed in bringing the audience to its feet despite a crackdown by Omaha's finest. In fact, it can be said that the sheriff's guards put on a better show than Ballin 'jack in their efforts to suppress the crowd. Poco, a country-influenced off-shoot of America's first super

The 1972 Lance Music Poll is an attempt to discover the musical preferences of Westside students. There has been an excellent response to such polls in the past and a good response to this year's poll will again give an accurate view of the albums, singles, and artists that Westside students feel deserve the recognition in their individual categories. Simply fill out the ballot provided below and toss it in the designated box located outside the cafeteria. The following is a brief explanation of voting procedures. Album of the Year- Vote for the album released after January 1 of 1972 that you feel deserves the designation of album of the year. Single of the Year - Thousands of singles releases by established artists as well as new artists have bombarded the charts throughout the year. Choose the one single that in your opinion deserves your vote. Male and Female Vocalists· One brief word on voting in these categories: this category does not include lead vocalists from groups of two or more. It is simply to determine the individuals who have contributed the most in this area. '72 Superstar - This is a distinction comparable to artist of the year and music hall of fame awards in similar polls. Cast your ballot for the individual whom you feel has contributed the most to the recording industry in 1972. Ballots will be accepted after today in room 145 until December 6. Votes will be tabulated and the results will be announced in The Lance Christmas issue, December 20.

group, Buffalo Springfield, were second on the bill. With a Minnie Pearl inspired "Howdy" the group performed a number of cuts from their numerous albums but mostly from their current "Good Feeling to Know," blending country-tinged vocals, a little rock and roll, and Rusty Young's versatile steel guitar. Rare Earth's road crew's attention was focused more on the groupies assembled backstage than on getting the equipment set up, and it was 20 Paul Simon songs over the P.A. and forty minutes later that the headliners sprang into the opening chords of "Hey Big Brother." Rare Earth, led by drummer Pete Rivera's soulful lead vocals, played extended versions of all of their familiar Top 40 hits with lengthy solos by each member of the group. At the chorus of "I Just Want to Celebrate" Rivera tossed his drumsticks into the audience (one snatched in the air by yours truly) and leaped off the stage thrusting the microphone into unsuspecting faces whose renditions of "I . . . just want to celebrate" made the audience appreciate Rivera's vocals even more. With the addition of Rare Earth's encore, a twenty minute version of "Get Ready," the concert lasted well past midnight.

Dear Editor : In reference to the Powderpuff article and as a proud junior team - we would like to correct some mistakes. As far as injuries sustained -there was nothing mentioned about the juniors. No one mentioned that Anne Mariucci's knee was stepped on about five times and was on crutches for a week and a half. To correct - or clarify a senior injury we would like to make it perfectly clear that Senior Merrilee Carlson tripped all by herself, causing her own injury. Mariucci passed 11 times, it seems to the rest of our team it was more like twice. The article presented in The Lance Nov. 10 seemed awfully one-sided. We just thought we'd let everybody know that the spirit of '74 is alive and jivin'. . . . Success is what you're sure to see-.. . We're the class of '74 Editor's Note: Ms. Mariucci was rather non-commital about her injury when asked. The statistics in the story were computed by the junior coaches. It seems the stat-man used Roman numerals when indicating pass attempt- i.e., II (meaning two). The "subtle" one-sidedness was tongue-in-cheek Senior Class pride by the reporter and displayed the feelings of the defeated seniors.


Dear Editor: Your editorial concerning the recklessness of bicyclists was totally one-sided. Try riding a bike to school for just two weeks and you'll find out what kind of heels some car drivers are. You get cut off, side-swiped and tail-gated. True, there are bad cyclists just like there are bad drivers, but try to give both points of view in the future. Respectfully yours, John Dillon

Looking around during homeroom period students and teachers be seen sitting on stairs, outside the auditorium, in the back of the IMC, and in regular classrooms. But it's different from last year; groups are talking together. The teachers are doing a little more reading announcements. In one homeroom the advisor knows what student does and he'll say, "Mary, there's a Z Club meeting tonight." discuss school problems and current events. A homeroom, Mr. Klein thought, should be family-like, should "where you get organized for the day." Junior Julie Stockman homeroom should be a group of people who can discuss things toge The advisor should be a person the students could ask for help, necessary . Assistant Principal James Findley sees "creating a po ·· self-concept for each student" as the main goal of education at Wes · The teacher-advisor system is an attempt at achieving this. Is it working? At the beginning of the year, many schedule cha were made through advisors which saved time . Juniors and seniors able to help sophomores get orientated. Kids from different grades got know each other. Most students said they would go to their advisor wi111 problem before anyone else at school. They see them every morning most were selected by the student. Some teachers could make more effort. One, when asked about system replied, "no comment" and that sums up his homeroom. But just one of the 20 others in that homeroom who make the same e Whether problems or success evolves depends effort - "what you put in - you take out."

The Board of Education's new guidelines concerning distribution underground newspapers and leaflets -although capable of interpreted ambiguously - seem to be a rather fair doctrine indeed. It extremely difficult to balance one-self on the legally appropriate side one is dealing with such a potentially volatile issue. Is school the place for absolute freedom of the press- regardless If said publication's content? Does the first amendment of the constitu · guarantee absolute freedom of the press for minors? Perhaps there is "absolute" freedom. Some would maintain that there is either freedom license. But Dr. Hansen's rules seem to fall delicately between the two. An underground newspaper, such as Hiram, which makes a scuril attack upon school as an institution, will be able to be distributed II certain points on school grounds at certain times. As for contelt, hard-core pornography will not be permited. Hiram is certainly no lllOII obscene than Catcher in the Rye, which is on the reading list for 50111 Iiterature classes. It is remarkable- but nonetheless essential to our basic rightsa radical publication such as Hiram is tolerated by the administration.

the lance Published bi- weekly by the Publications Department of Westside High School, 87th and Pacific St •• Omaha, Nebraska 68114. THE LANCE is a member of the National Sch clastic Press Association and the Nebraska High School Press Assoc i ation. The paper is given free of charge to holders of Activity Tickets. Subscription rates to others are $3.00 postpaid. Non-profit mailing rights claimed. Printed by Wright Printing Co., Omaha, Nebr. •• Pam Hultberg Editor • • • • . • Asso. editor . • • • • . • • • . Susan Darst Barb Demaree Editorial editor . . . . • . • . . Bill Wald Asst. editorial editor . • . • . Terri Talty Entertainment editor •. Rick Denney Editorial writer • • . • Bob Eisenberg Feature editor • • • . . • • • • Sue Berg Asst. feature editor • •. . . . • AI Katz Feature writer •. • Sheri Petersen Business editor •• • .• Jim Clifton Advertising manager • • . • Dave Jen sen

Sports writer .• Kathy Whittalflr News editor • • . • . Cyndie J Fashion editor • • .Jessalyn Wi15Cll News writer • • • . • . Rosemary Frerill Sports editor . . . . . • . • • Brian Trudl Asst. sports editor • • . • . Steve RuSIII Art editor . . • . • • • • • Jay Jacoll! Photo editor • • . . . . Brian Comll Photographers . . • • • • • Joe Petrashll Pat O'Hfi Bruce F Advisor . • • • • • . • Ms. Kathy Boilllt

ember 1, 1972


Page 3

Out of the bosom of the Air, Out of the cloud-folds of her garments shaken, Over the woodlands brown and bare, Over the harvest-fields forsaken, Silent, and soft, and slow Descends the snow. -Longfellow

Photos by Patrick O'Hara and Brian Combs
















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Page 4

December 1,

'Stardust' cast gives natu and convincing performan

No prejudices: managers fear legal action "The purpose of these so-called scientific experiments is to give students a chance to get a first hand look at what they are studying. It also teaches them how to effectively use the scientific method of research." This is how sociology teacher Doug Pierson explained experiments in discrimination to his students. Many different forms of discrimination were studied. For instance, two boys tried to test the amount of discrimination shown by employers to boys with long hair. Others went to North Omaha to see if they could determine whether blacks were very prejudiced against whites. One interesting experiment was done by Seniors Sukey Roach and Jay Madden. Sukey dressed up as a pregnant girl and the couple went shopping at a local maternity shop: the first time as an unwed couple and the second time as a married couple. They found that the first time the saleslady hardly helped them or spoke to them and the second time the same woman noticed the wedding band and was very eager to wait on them. Another humorous part to their experiment was their trip to a jewelry store to purchase a wedding ring. They reported that the salesman was "quite shocked." This is understandable as Sukey's costume made her look as if she were seven months pregnant. Another interesting experiment was performed by Seniors Tom

Newman, Steve Scudder, Mary Kay Steiner and a black girl from Central. They wanted to evaluate the amount of discrimination shown to mixed couples when trying to rent an apartment. There was an all white couple and a mixed couple (black and white). The story they used was that both couples were engaged, all were 19 years old and attending UNO, they were all supported by their parents and all were looking for one-bedroom apartments. After completing the experiment, the group found that there was no sign of outward prejudice shown at any of the apartment complexes. They

decided that the apartment managers felt that if they did show discrimination some legal action might be taken against them. This group was surprised that there was no actual prejudice shown against them. They had hypothesized that the inter-racially married couple would be pressured by the managers. They even stated before the experiment that if they found managers who discriminated against them that they would try to bring about some law suit against the apartment complex. The students involved in Pierson's sociology classes feel that these experiments were worthwhile.

Americanism is needed for students "We don't seem to know where to draw the line under the liberty of our law. We seem to respect anarchy," said Mr . William B. Craig. Craig was talking about the need for awakening our students to Americanism. He is involved in the American Study Forum, an organization that fights against Communism in America. A pilot program started in Omaha when the American Bar Association became concerned with the amount of disrespect shown by young people toward America and in particular, the judicial system. A teacher training institute was begun at the University of Omaha on a graduate level. It was designed to

compare the differences of the rights of an individual under our government and a totalitarian form of government. College seminars were also formed to acquaint students with conflicting government systems in the world. ASF is going to become the first regional office of the Freedom Foundation at Valley Forge. "Emphasis is on respect for our country," said Craig, "especially in high schools where a negative-positive approach is taken. A look is taken only at the things that are wrong about America and how we should solve them. We need to ask, 'Wait a minute, what's good about America?"

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It seems too bad that more enthusiasm was not evident in the production of the junior class play, "Stardust." The general impression was that most of the students in the play were there only because of a lack of other activities. Lisa Behrendsen 's portrayal of Prudence Mason, the lead role, was extremely well done. Her acting was superior to most of that given by the rest of the cast. She was natural in her delivery of lines and gave a convincing performance . Dave Cory also turned in an excellent performance. His role as Mr. Bach, the university department head, included a Russian accent which he pulled off very well. The part of Clair Carter was played by Michelle Holmes. Although her acting seemed slightly affected, she was humorous in her role as Prudence's best friend. The play itself is excellent for high school casting as it is slightly satiric and humorous and allows for a wide range of interpretation by the individual.

Ms. Anna Clark again su quite well in pulling toge diverse group of talent i smooth, well-run production. stage mechanics, props and work were all above reproach. The play as enjoyable if one looked at it light viewpoint. The actinc above average in most cases audience response was excel! The rest of the cast in Cindy Dunbar, Dave Jensen, Mullens, Chet Kiehl, Solomonson, Don Savage, Hinchik, Dorothy Davids, Nadler, Debbie Jenner and Perry. Other students in the cast Kathy Whittaker, Kirk Bell Ken Westphal. The s directors were David Bousha Julia Davis. The stage crew was under direction of Mr. Verlin Rum Rosemary Freriks was the manager. The crew was made Laurel Sharp, Aimee Jensen Jeff Suggs.

News briefs

Musicians present Messiah Over 200 voices will be raised in song Dec. 11 as Westside presents Handel's Messiah under the direction of Mr. Donovan Schuler. The 8 :00 concert will be the fourth of its kind to take place in the Westside auditorium. Featured in the program will be members of the Westside choruses, adult soloists, and 路 any other students who wish to participate. The accompaniment will be provided by the orchestra, prepared by Mr. Harold Welch, and an organ which will be installed for the occasion. Mr. Bill Gilinski, Miss Karen Prasser, and Mrs. Gloria Dunbar will be among the soloists featured. The concert will include the Christmas portions of the Messiah and the famed "Hallelujah Chorus."

Frenchmen to serenade On Nov. 30, the French club is planning to sing carols at the Festival of Lights. The carols will be sung in French with a piano accompaniment. The festival is an annual event held at Peony Park and is sponsored by the YMCA and YWCA. They will sing at about 4 p.m.

Juniors Mike Arnold and 路 Somberg, French Club officen, in charge of the arrangements. The French Department ia considering a trip to France Spring Vacation. The tour include Paris, the Riviera and Chateau area of France. All interested French stu should speak to Miss Orton the trip.

Activities displayed On November 16 Westside the annual Activity Fair to sophomores, their parents other interested parties what different organizations do. Over 20 booths and e from Subsurfers to the Smog from Archery to Math showed prowess in events and what the, to promote harmony at W 路 A program in the auditorium on by seven organizations co-ordinated by the Th highlighted the meeting. Prizes amounting to $100 awarded to the six best Five honorable mentions worth were awarded to FMA, Smog Ski Club, Field Club, and Club. The grand prize of $25 awarded to French Club.

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cember 1, 1972


Page 5

Neal to be in 'Up With People' by June "If you were elected President on Nov. 7 what would your first official action be?" " To end the war." This was one question asked of Senior Neal Miesbach when Up with People's Assistant Director,

Larry Lewis interviewed him. It seems he passed the interview admirably because on Nov. 2 Neal received a letter of acceptance. There are three different touring casts. Two are academic, one is

Shag carpets, grass are real traps for hyper wearers of contact lenses


have any time to myself. After rehearsing all day, I wouldn't t to come home and study," said Senior Neal Miesbach.

fministration policy on pregnant ·udents questioned in new survey )ne of the most difficult ;tions being asked in high •ols today is whether pregnant ,e nts should be allowed to nd regular classes in day school. present policy of the Westside Iinistration toward pregnant tents provides that they can nd school until the pregnancy >mes obvious and are then ·d to leave. l survey was taken of 1 00 .e nts and faculty members at tside as to their attitudes about policy. Students from all three ;es were asked. on overwhelming majority of >le were in favor of allowing nant girls to attend day school. !0 seniors questioned, 25 were 1vor of changing the policy; five ! against. Out of 25 juniors, 24 e in favor, one against. 1omore opinion was 10 for, 10 1St. Fifteen faculty members ! questioned and 13 were for ll'ing girls to attend day school, were against. 'he reasoning behind the inistration 's policy is that they t to protect the student from n and bad remarks. Most of the Ients questioned, however, Jed to feel that the student i would be able to accept them out much comment. tne teacher said that the lent needs the positive :orcement of education and not negative. Others felt that it ld be up to the individual ent. A few students felt that it prove embarrassing to the

student but they would support her if she wanted to attend school. The controversy seems to be the problem of student body reaction rather than whether or not a pregnant girl should be allowed to attend school.

To most observers with 20-20 vision, contact lenses are only another version of glasses. But any contact lens wearer can say his contacts are as much like glasses as San Francisco is like Omaha (and they are both cities). With contacts, a person can see the world without smudges and fingerprints. And there is a lot more of the world to see, because one's VISion is no longer confined by a little frame. Many contact lens wearers seem to stare at the floor or ceiling, because they've never seen them before. There are other advantages to contacts. They don't slide down the nose, or fog up in the winter. They don't get sweaty in the summertime, either. For those planning to enter a life of crime, be aware of the fact that they can be tinted to change the color of the eye and obscure one's identity. Of course, there are disadvantages to contacts, also. It takes a regular chemist to figure out whether to use cleaning solution, wetting solution, soaking solution or just plain water at any given moment. Losing them is another disadvantage . They have the gall to pop out at the most inopportune moments: never when a person has the time or desire to look for them. And they only fall in shag carpet four inches thick, unmowed grass, or down a garbage disposal (that's running). After a person invests up to $400 in contacts, he finds glasses are suddenly in style again. This year, even sighted people are going for wire glasses with aviator frames, or glasses that are clear in a dim room, but get darker as the light increases.

non-academic. Neal will be a part of the non-academic cast. "I wouldn't have any time to myself. After rehearsing all day I wouldn't want to come home and study," Neal explained. If his cast tours the U.S., transportation will be a bus. However, if his is the world troupe he will travel via commercial airlines. He has not been informed which cast he is a part of. Neal will tour for one year. After this he may quit, or submit to a re-evaluation that is carried on annually to determine whether or not a member is worthy to stay in the group. Neal said, "Talent has nothing to do with the cast. Personality tendencies away from bias and prejudice is what's desired." However, Up With People is getting a real bonus with Neal. He is a member of Top Choir, and is an experienced performer. Neal is now faced with a flood of forms such as wardrobe, records, physical examinations, police clearance from the Omaha Police Department, and all information necessary for a passport. He also had to send $150 down-payment to hold him a place in the cast. Over and above the down payment the tour with Up With People will cost $2,100.

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Page 6

Net men begin: 'Quickness is great asset' Coach Tom Hall doesn 't go in for predictions, but he did say this about the 1972-73 basketball team. "I really don't know how good we will be, but we should be very exciti ng to watc h." The Warriors will be almost t c tally unexper ienced as only senior guard Bob Poage saw much action last season. " We lost all o f our regular starters, " declared Coach Hall, "and we are very conce rned about this."

Bob Poage and Jim Ingram playing guard. The 1972-7 3 Westside varsity basketball roster; Carl Andersen - Senior - 6'3 1/z "Center ; Scott Salisbury - Junior 6 '3" - Center ; John Hansen- Senior - 6 '3" - Forward ; Steve Graham Se nior - 6' 3 1/z" - Forward; Dave Pfeifer - Senior - 6'2" - Forward; Rick Petersen - Junior - 6 '1 " Forward ; Greg Elliot- Junior- 6'1" - Forward; Jim Ingram - Senior -

give us a lot of support, a nd how we do early doesn't dictate how we do the rest of the season ." Varsity Basket Schedule 1972-1973

s F F F F F

s F

s s F




F F M-F Th-S

12-2 12-8 12-15 12-22 1-5 1-12 1-13 1-19 1-20 1-27 2-2 2-3 2-9 2-10 2-16 2-23 2-26-3-2 3-(8-10)

Lincoln High At Tech At Bellevue At Ralston At Prep At Rummel T .J . Central At Burke Benson South At Ryan Hastings A.L. Boys Town At North District State

Mark Boyer makes a move on Dave Perry at the Inter-squad meet.

100 o practices may pay off in meet tonig Wrestling season began anew for Westside, as the grapplers entered the North Invitational at McMillan Junior High. The Invitational runs through Saturday, but the action continues tonight at 6:30. Coach Lou Miloni said, "A good crowd would be appreciated."

"Get it on the rebound," a Pep Club cheer, might be applicable here as mem bers of the varsity basketball team work up a sweat in preparation for Saturday night's contest against Lincoln High. Westside will drastically chan ge it>- type of game from last year. Cnt•.ch Hall described the change. ''L.tst year we had a lot of heigh t, md this enabled us to set for t he ;;:ood s hot. This year we will try t o d0 many different things. We will definitely run a lot. Talent dictates the type of game that you play, and this year we don't have a lot of height, but we do have a lot of speed a nd quickness. This will be our greatest asset." The Warriors will change their offense from the 4-1, one guard offense of last year, to the single post offense, employing the usual duo guar d combination. On defense Westside will play similar to last year. "We will still play man to man, but we will press more this year. We feel like we can do this because ·we will be able to use a lot of people, and we have a ·rood group of guards." Probable starters are Carl Anderse n or Scott Salisbury at center, John Hansen and Steve Graham at the forw ard spots, and


5 '11" - Guard ; Bob Poage - Senior 5 '11 "- Guard ; Tom Lotus - Junior6 '0" - Guard ; Tom Heffron- Junior - 6 ' 0 " - Guard; Tom Snecke nberg Junior- 5'9 " - Guard . " Bo b Poage looks like the team leader, as he has a real good attit ude ," said Coach Hall , "as do all of the othe r seniors on the squad . We are working 45 minutes a day longer , and we still have a lot t o learn. " Coach Hall e xpects the toughest o pponent!? to be Ryan, Central, Rummel a nd Tech. "Tech has their en tire team returning, so they should be real tough, but they are not very disciplined. "

Joel Chandler, a sophomore in the 132 weight class, and who wrestles because "I like it," paused to tie his shoes before entering the stage of the girls gym where the team practices. "Wrestling is the best sport for building up your body and your mind, " he said. "It's more even because you only have to go against one guy - and he 's your weight." Joel then entered into the closed off stage, and a blast of hot air came out. It was 100° ; necessary

1 . How many Big 8 teams will play in post season bowl games this year? a . 4 b . 5 c. 3 2. Iowa State will play whom in what bowl ? 3. Who holds the record for most points scored in an NBA game t his season? a . Walt Frazier b. Kareem Jabbar c. Nate Archibald 4. How many points? a. 60 b. 72 c. 51 d . 45 5. Who is the only undefeated NFL team this season? a. Miami b. Dallas c. New York _ 6. When Nebraska meets Notre Dame in the Orange Bowl, it will mark the bowl appearance for the Irish? a. 4 b. 1 c. 2 d . 5 7. Who is leading the Omaha Knights in scoring? a . Lynn Powis b. Wendell Bennet c. Don Martineau 8. What two teams in the NFL have only one win this season? a.

New Orleans b. Chicago c. d . New England 9 . What NFL ex-Husker Joe Orduna play for? a. San Francisco b. York c. Chicago d. Minnesota 10. How many victories has Devaney had as a Nebraska? a . 130 b. 100 c. 98

oorq ·oi M.aN·q "6 UOlSTIOH'O 'sueap() ·g S!M.Od UUA'J''Il . L (;'0 '9 ·g 19'0 P!'llq!qO.JV al'BN':> 'E A:paqn-qoaJ. 'll!~.wan '('; g·q





Coach Hall closed with these remarks. "I think that the ' Rat Pack ' is really great, they should


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"Westside's outlook this year includes key personnel, " Miloni said. "The team will ma ke a good run for it." He speculated that the South, Benson and Bellevue teams would be especially tough. One hundred and six boys tried out for the varsity wrestling spots. Seventy eight remain, divided between the varsity and JV teams . The Warriors finished second last year in the Nor th Invitational. Team memb e r s expre s sed confidence tha t they can compete with the best.

because most wrestlers have to lose weight to make their weight class. (Maybe girls' wrestling will catch on someday - Joel commented that on the average he loses eight pounds every night of practice. He has to lose 20 pounds altogether.)

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oeoember 20, 1972


Page 2

December 20,

Social awareness--a passing fad? by Terri Talty

WELL MR StROOG£, \*RE\5 pA!<._T

~~ \\-


The only factor in the world that is constant is change. Our society, that of Westside or youth in general, finds it fashionable to be against established traditions, pro-humanism, and to be a thinker- knowledgeably mature. Our view of the fifties includes everything contrary to this mind-oriented existence. Kids were


Clit<lsTJ'I\A-S FLtTttR.E '




Rumors concerning the 1972 Reisman Trophy winner were widespread at Westside before noon on December 5th. Around 10 o'clock it had been revealed that Oklahoma's Greg Pruitt h ad edged out Johnny Rodgers for the award. Others were somehow convinced that teammate Rich Glover had won the trophy. all the rumors were finally disspelled after Dr. Tangdall's announcement over the P.A. shortly after noon . Mr. Paul Andreas contradicted his stern policy of "no talking in this IMC" by ecstatically shouting the news to industrious, quiet SS IMC students.


Coming home from the office today, Scrooge is still alone, still humbugging everything. The Christmas· that he was turned on to many years ago by the three spirits has been junked and reproduced in plastic. The air is heavy with Xmas. The wind howls the jingles, "Everything you want is at-- it's the fun place to shop-- your Christmas headquarters." He enters his home shutting the door to the new Xmas. Before retiring this night, he hears the commercials, but the TV and radio are off. Before him appears Dick Butkus selling shaving cream in decorated cans. Dick tells Scrooge he has lost the Xmas spirit and that he will be visited by three spirits tonight. He attempts to sleep but is restless. He is finally awakened by the first spirit, that of Christmas Past. She shows him evergreen trees strung with popcorn and cranberries, being adorned with candles and love. "Spirit, this is the Christmas I love," he says reaching to put the angel atop the tree. But he is home again with the flashing lights and advertisements. The second spirit comes soon. ·He takes Scrooge to Christmas present, to a home outlined in electric lights. Everyone is exchanging gifts; Dick's shaving cream, electric apple peelers and good wishes. Then the spirit goes into his rendition of "I like life." Scrooge can't see the goodwill and merriment in a commercialized Xmas. He returns to his bed bewildered. A little boy, the spirit of Christmas yet to come, flies him to a home of the future alighting him on the family escalator. Their tree is of polyglass with circling electron lights. The children open packages of atom dechargers and Susie SpaceCook ovens. The parents bring in a playful mechanical puppy. "Just what I always wanted," the little girl exclaims running and hugging Daddy. "Look what I made for you with my computer at school, Daddy!" She proudly holds up a card with Merry Christmas wished in seven different languages. They go on celebrating with carols piped in from all walls. "These people are happy," Scrooge, amazed, tells the little boy. "But this isn't Christmas. This isn't Christmas." "It is to them," the spirit smiled. "They have found CHRISTmas in all the commercialized, mechanized Xmas."

the lance Published bi-weekly by the Publications D epartment of Westside High School, 87th and Pacific St., Omaha, Nebraska 68114. THE LANCE is a member of the National Scholastic Press Association and the Nebraska High School Press Ass ociatio n. The paper is given free of charge to holders of Activit y Tickets. Subscription rates to o th e rs are $3.00 postpaid. Non-profit mai lin g rights c lai med . Printed by Wright Printing Co., Omaha, Nebr. Editor . . . . . . . . .Pam Hultberg Asso. e ditor . . . . . . . . . . Susan Darst Barb Demaree Editorial editor . . . . . . . . . Bill Wald Asst. editorial editor . . . . . Terri Talty Entertainment editor . . Rick Denn ey Editorial writer . • . . B ob E isenberg Feature e ditor . . . . . •. Sue Berg Asst. feature e dit or . • . . . AI Kat z Feature writer . . . Sheri Petersen Business editor . . . . Jim Clifton Advertising manager . Dave Jensen

. Kathy Whittaker Sports writer News editor • . . . . . . Cyndie Jones Fashion e dit or . . .Jessalyn Wilscam News writer . . . . . . Rosemary Freri ks Sport s editor . . . . . Brian Trude Asst. sports editor • . . • . Steve Russell Art editor . . . . • . Jay Jacoby Photo editor . . Brian Combs Phot og raphers . . . . Joe Petrashek Pat O'Hara Bru ce Finn Advi sor . . . . • . . • Ms. Kathy Boshart

ABC's first attem pt at programming Friday night rock concerts met with opposition from several midwest stations. A Cincinnati station, WKRC-TV yanked "In Concert" fifteen minutes into the program because they found Alice Cooper's performance offensive. Within minutes the station received a bomb threat and several carloads of teens were picketing outside. The station has already received over 4,000 letters, mostly obscene, denouncing the decision. A spokesman for WKRC said , "Our station is not opposed to rock concerts on TV, we simply found Alice Cooper a little tense." ... speaking of Alice Cooper ... it has been reported by TV Guide and Rolling Stone as well that THE LANCE Music Poll's contender for both male and female vocalist of the year honors has landed a spot on All in the Family. He has been cast as Archie Bunker's next-door neighbor.

interested only in playing games, whether basketball or sex, cheerleading, their hot rods, heavy tunes, getting drunk, and looking really cheery in the "costumes." The trend of the youth society today is thought centered. Students are more aware of world affairs. They can talk intellectually on the Wheat Deal SALT talks- they have op1n1ons on Women's Lib, over-population, ecology, ect. To a fifties teen the only important news was "What's the action Friday night?" But it is not necessarily true that youth today are mo re mature, because this new awareness is just a different road taken; the fad of today is: thinking is cool. Once upon a time prejudice was cool, but liberalism and humanism have taken over. Is this because of some great insight or is it just the nature of changing times? Our ancestors felt their convictions were right. Why is today's attitude the true "right" a nswer? Men in the

future will have a different (they may eve n feel w equal). Sports and physical a · highlight of the fifties, have game of King of the M Today's youth have dis find their own individual · Sports have oriented, complex. The youth society is think-orientated through of radicals who ushered it fifties, the forties, etc. Wba fad is completely accepted radicals will emerge and m to another era. For it's only only "think" deep and "action" deep in most cont Without this action and · conviction in this belief, seemingly a more worthwhile of life will fall back in time · greater accomplishment thai youth society of the fifties.

Alice Cooper is 'Elected' As expected, the results of The Lance music poll were ex varied with no landslide victories in any of the six major categories' poll . The Lance received over 200 ballots which we felt was a response. In the first category, "Album of the Year," the "Con Bangla desh" was the leading vote-getter followed closely by Elton "Honky Chateau" an d the Allman Brother's "Eat A Peach." Although Alice Cooper was defeated by Bread in the "Group Year" category, the band's single, "School's Out," won by a slim over "American Pie " by Don McLean and the more current "Alone (Naturally)" by Gilbert O'Sullivan. Despite J ames T aylor's absence from the charts during a great of the year, Taylor took the honors in the "Male Vocalist of the category . Cat Stevens, Rod Stewart, and John Denver were Taylor's rivals. Carole King won a convincing victory in the "Female Vocalistal Year" category as projected. Roberta Flack garnered enough vola second place, and Helen Reddy finished third in the balloting.

The "Superstar of the Year," a distinction going to the artistw contributed the most t o the recording industry during the year, is Cooper, who at this time last year was virtually unknown to many supporters. There was a surprisingly strong showing early in the tab by Elvis Presley, but this seems to have been the result of an unde conspiracy. To illustrate the variation in the musica l pre fere nces of they "Superstar of the Year" votes also went to David Bowie , Lou Nillson, Dr. Tangdall, Keith Emerson, Muddy Waters, Frank Zappa, Ross, Ian Anderson, Isaac Hayes, and yes, Donny Osmond. Results of the poll were sent, as requested, to Great W Production, a mong others, who will use the results to aid them in linq concerts which appeal to Nebraska audiences.

[perceiho;s erosion of our civil liberties by bob eisenber1 by Bob Eisenberg Americans from Mark Twain to Will Rogers have been amazed that our fundamental freedoms, as guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, have persevered through so many tumultuous decades. Perseverance, survival, but nonetheless, there is an awesome perennial tampering with our basic rights. Unlike the era of Senator Joe McCarthy of Wisconsin - this time repression has been inspired by the administration of President Nixon. The Bill of Rights is in greater danger today than it has been in decades. The administration has set out to weaken other governmental branches. Spiro Agnew has scapegoated dissenters to be the cause of many of our nation's domestic ills. He stubbornly equates the civil dissenter with the incendiary: "the whole zoo of dissenters, malcontents , radicals, incendiaries and civil and uncivil disobedients." In the years of 1969 and 1970,

there were more than 40,000 days of bugging wit hout court a pproval. Many of the conversations were innocent and absolutely private. The State's right to eavesdrop is certainly not guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. The State , upper-case "s," is reminiscent of an ominous, oppressive, Orwellian society. But it is also capable of being an altruistic institution which a lways serves the citizenry. Ours is neither. D es pi te see m ing ly serious setbacks to liberty in recent years, it would be wrong to conclude that we have become a "repressive society." That is merely rhetoric used by forces opposed to any semblance of governmental intervention in any area. We are still among the freest and least repressive societies in the h istory of mankind. It would a lso be wrong to conclude that the Nixon Administration is th e only one attempting to erode the Bill of Ri ghts. All admi nistrations - whil e not consciously trying to

undermine the potency of tbe of Ri ghts - have sought to e their power at the expense of constitutional rights. The given are varied and profuse. administrations wish to e governmental efficiency ; othe11 angered at the "bias" of a press. These days, almost administrative repression is nd frightening as public apathy. Pro fessor Alan Dershowitz "We, the American people, have lost some of the vigilance we have traditionally exer · defense of our sacred rights." Young people owe it themselves to see that our R ights does not become a meaningless piece of pare paper. Students have been told told again t hat free dom waa won easily by our "fou fathers." How ironic it would the overfed, leisure-ori pill-popping members of the" majority" a llowed it to e flounder, a nd die.


nber 20, 1972

Page 3

College board elects

Hansen: students' views represented

1ewly elected sophomore class officers are: Mike Gentile, SABE mtative; Sheley Menolascino, treasurer; Dave Landis, president; Sue , secretary; and Paul Green, vice-president.

"Getting elected into the College Entrance Examination Board is no big deal," explained Director of Secondary Education for District 66 , Kenneth Hansen. Dr. Hansen was referring to his appointment as a voting representative to the College Board, and his alternate, Principal James Tangdall. Dr. Hansen pointed out

phomore class elections follow the trend by Shelley Felt id tradition at Westside? ;ible, one might say. Yet the of the sophomore class ns have followed the trend has governed such affairs for LSt nine years. The president ways been a boy and the try has always been a girl. vly elected officers : Dave ;, president; Paul Green, •resident ; Susan Norby, try; and Shelly Menolascino, try. Mike Gentile was elected representative. ! president-secretary pattern isted since 1963. No rule for this way is found on the ., but perhaps it is etched on >ters' minds, for sophomore election patterns have ted constant while other have changed. t dents differed in their ns concerning the reasons d the president-secretary

pattern: "Probably the reason why a boy has not been elected as secretary is because no boy has ever run," said Senior Chuck Petersen. Sophomore Scott Nelson commented on the presidential pattern: "Could be by chance the girls did not appear as capable as the guys who won." Vicky Austin, sophomore, stated her opinion strongly : "Most people are too used to the idea that men make the best leaders. I'm not saying they don't; many of them do. Women have always been given subordinate positions- that's why the secretary is always a girl. Most boys also have a masculinity hang-up and wouldn't run for a traditionally woman-type position anyway. Actually the question is kind of ridiculous because most class presidents have failed to lead anyone anyway." Bob Eisenb e rg , former Sophomore Class President, now a

dents get one more day to play; I experiences 9 sensitive hours udent governing bodies combined efforts in the Dec. 4 school board tg to extend Christmas Vacation one more day. SAB, SABE and t members spoke before the board, citing such problems as "airline .tion difficulties on Jan . 1" for those students whose families d the vacation for travel and the fact that " . .. not many people , ts or faculty really want to return to school on the second." The t 66 Board then passed the ruling enabling students to enjoy winter m through J an. 2. ~ cently, the SAB spent a nine hour "group dynamics" session at the of Junior Ca rrie Lueder. This session was necessary, according to the >ecause "in order to serve the school better, the SAB should know >ther and Jearn to function as a group." The 18 students played and experienced sensitivity lessons designed to help the members tand and to work better with each other. tid Junior Pam Hochster, "The group became very close . I am really i about this, because the SAB can now work better in all :>ns ." other school board action Dec. 4, a report was heard on the UCS District 66 students and faculty contributed $12,769.42, which was of the UCS goal but only 92% of the goal set by District 66. The tt, however, represented a 6% increase in per capita contributions :u;t year. Also, the Administration, Business and Curriculum Building ;h and Pacific Streets was reported to be almost completely ted and ready for the 10 month building process.

junior, replied, "I think part of it is luck , or chance. Also, when boys run they run because they usually want to do the job, while some girls run just for the social benefits. ''Unfortunately most people think boys are better qualified than girls, which is untrue." Senior LindaHasebroock thought about the pattern and attributed it to "the female connotation of the word secretary." She summed up by saying, "The pattern in class elections will probably always be the same until somebody breaks it.,

that his appointment "will provide us with a direct input into decisions about policies of the College Board." Representatives from nearly 90 high schools in the nation were elected to membership in the College Entrance Examination Board for a five-year term. Elections took place at the College Board's annual meeting Oct. 29-31 at the Chase Park Plaza in St. Louis, Missouri. "The CEEB is more than a testing program," said Hansen. He outlined some of the various aspects of the Board by men t ioning programs such as Advanced Placement, College Scholarship Service, National Merit Testing, and Guidance Programs. Each one of these programs provides answers about decision making and choosing the "right" college suited to the individual. Each voting member has a voice in the policy decisions and activities of the College Board, whose real purpose is to design programs and services to help students move on

from high school to college. The data for these programs comes directly from the high schools so the members ca n discover the students' point of view. Dr. Hansen feels that the students' views are very important and should be represented. He also mentioned that at one time the high schools had no representation on the Board. The high school members however, have limited power in the decisions of the Board's actions. Even though the Board is a very complex organization, it is possible that one high school's view could have an effect on any one of the programs. "We can be as effective as we want to be," said Hansen, "if we come out and express it and work on it." By this he refers to becoming involved as a member in the many programs. Throughout the school year there are workshops, annual and regional meetings, and various committees. By becoming active in these, each school has a chance to influence any policies.

'Yea, Frank Zappa appearing live in Lincoln' by Rick Denney Fra nk Zappa has long been one of rock music 's most domina nt figures. He has been tabled as the found e r of "anarchist rock." Zappa recently appeared in Lincoln for one of the finest concerts that city has seen . He came on stage limping slightly from a broke n leg he received from a "fan," who threw Frank into the orchestra pit of the London Palladium. Zappa surprised the audience by announcing that the evening of music was being recorded for an upcoming album. The back-up group was an L.A. band, Steely Dan. The group began their show with "Do It Again" a curre nt single that is on the charts.

They then moved to one of their nicest songs, "Brooklin" which featured excellent peda't steel guitar. The group employed a Moog Synthesizer on several of their following numbers. "We're not used to this sort of thing" was how the lead singer described the ovation that led to an encore tune "Changing of the Guard ." Zappa appeared and was greeted with cries of "pervert," "wildman,"and "creep." The group then launched into two new numbers "Rollo" and "Montana." After this Zappa noticed a short in his guitar cord. The audience waited very patiently as it was replaced. Zappa a nnounced that for the next

number he would do an old Mother's song, "Duke of Prunes." Most of the audience was surprised to find no vocal accompaniment to the song that had appeared on the "Absolutely Free" album. Many in the audience had already departed when Zappa came out for the encore number, "America Drinks and Goes Home." This critic feels that the majority of the audience had come to see Zappa throw dead chickens into the crowd but instead found him to be a humble and very talented musician. If this concert is some sort of key to the future of live music in Nebraska, I am glad that is has finally arrived.

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Page 4

Hiram Club 1n near future?

Administration cites reasons for ban "As far as I know, no one has gotten in trouble for selling Hiram at school ... in fact, I have sold it to a number of unnamed teachers," said a Hiram staff member. Why hasn't the ban on underground publications been enforced? Was the rule enacted to keep legal factions and important people happy? Assistant Principal Lee Perkins explained, "We would rather see this kind of guide now,

when there isn't really a need, than to not have guidelines during some kind of crisis." He also explained that enforcement of this type of rule is difficult because a sale must be witnessed before action can be taken. If a teacher would consider Hiram or a counter-part to be an aid to instruction it could theoretically be used in the classroom at school expense. Many cases have gone to court. Hiram ran a story which gave

Hanuka is not major Jewish holiday With Christmas vacation rolling around again, giving students the break that they need, The Lance decided to investigate the feelings of a number of Westsiders concerning this holiday vacation. The object of this "investigation" was to see how students of the Jewish faith felt about the recognition of Christian holidays and the almost ingoring of Jewish holidays. Senior Joe Cassman said that it does not bother him that winter vacation is not centered around Hanuka (also spelled Channuka, Hanukah, etc.). "After all, it's not one of our major holidays. We are excused from school on major days, such as Yom Kippur. Students need a winter break, and that's all I consider it to be." Paul Novak, a senior, further supported Joe's feelings by saying that "just because Hanuka falls around Christmas, everyone thinks it's our major holiday too. No one has ever taken off from work or school for Hanuka or any other of the five eight-day Jewish holidays. Our major holidays are recognized by the school; they excuse us on these days." There were a few other students who took quite the opposite view from Joe and Paul. For example,

Junior Debi Bernstein said that she feels students here are prejudiced towards Jewish students and their holidays. She claimed that one person said "You Jews have an eight-day Christmas?" Debi feels that the Jewish holiday should be recognized too, although she said the reason why they are not is probably because Jewish students are in the minority . Therefore, it seems that the subject of Christmas vacation, or more suitably called "winter break," is not an issue which will ever make its way to the Board of Education.

examples of cases in which the publications won. However, in a legal paper that Mr. Perkins has, there are a comparable number of cases in which the school boards have won. Many court decisions have gone to the students due to unreasonable guidelines or demands on the part of the school board. District 66 is aware of this and as a result, the guidelines are set-up in such a way as to leave room for individual judgement. Dr. James Tangdall, principal, explained that the National Organization of Student Activities Advisors and the National Organization of Secondary School Principals have been urging school boards to make some new rules. District 66 needed rules in these four areas: handling students and staff according to due process, handling confidential files, and han dling underground publications. Mr. Perkins added that there are no rules which pertain to publications that are given away. His main objection is that they are sold for a profit. When asked why Josten rings can be sold in school he said that it is a DECA club project a nd some profit goes to them. It can be assumed that a Hiram club could be started at Westside .

Clubs sponsoring programs to promote charitable spirit Two Westside clubs have added holiday projects to the activities of the Christmas season. The Heath Candy Bars around the school were a part of the International Club's project to bring two foreign exchange students to Westside next year. The goal was set at $1700. Meanwhile, Westside's Z-Ciub has been especially busy this month

with other pre-season activities. Collection of ca nned goods for needy families is one of three projects sponsored by the club. Families to receive the food will be recommended by sociology teacher Bill McCormick. Previously, th e club has sent food overseas through an agency. A change occurred this year. Z-Club secretary, Senior Susan Darst, said, "There are people here in Omaha just as m uch in need of food as those in Asia." Dec . 19 Z-Ciub will also be carolling at Veteran, County and Children's Hospitals, and in early January club members will be busy trying to organize Z-Clubs at Burke and Gross High Schools.

Suzy Wurtz demonstrates her dramatic interpretation skills, wid! facial expressions.

Suzy sports a rubber face Suzy Wurtz has never returned from a dramatic interpretation contest without a trophy. Last year she placed second at three tournaments and took first in Metro and State. The blond, blue-eyed Westsider placed ninth out of 48 contestants at the national tournament in Greensboro, North Carolina. This year she has already won the Kiwanis and Columbus contests. How does Suzy explain her success? "I have a rubber face with an extremely large mouth, " she smiled. Dramatic interpretation, a division of debate, is judged on facial expression as well as voice inflection, gestures and choice of material. The latter also contributed to Suzy's winnings. "Most dramatic interps take just a scene from a play which lasts the maximum 10 minutes, but I condensed a 250 page novel, We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson, for mine ." Suzy's performance consisted of direct lines of the three main characters: an 18 year old childlike homocidal manic, her protective older sister, and an eccentric senile uncle . When presenting

Suzy stands at the fro nt room and faces the judges. have to learn to play to the she commented. "Last contests I always wore to help the main dream-world murderess, costumes are allowed, and character switches are seems difficult to switch silly young girl to an old split second, but Suzy did it estimated 100 hours of practi~ "I didn't concentrate memorizing the lines, but learning the characters," Suzy "I feel like the characters the presentations, not me. I them inside and out." She debate teacher Charles u u•wlll•drama expert Ms. Anna Cla!t listening and suggestions. However, all work on the interp was last year. Over summer, Suzy searched for book to condense for her year's presentation. She doesn't like her selection, as much, but already has victories with it. She saw the on TV last summer with Duke and James Farentino, moved her to tears. She's for the same effect on her this year. At Columbus Dec. 9, the team took five first place from the 30 teams Westside's extemp speaking stable seems ""'11-•·tnl'lr• as four seniors -Cindy Belt, Powers, Steve Blotcky, and Eaton- placed 1-2-3-5 in that

Making Your World Greener

with exclusive Green Carpet Service Th ere's still tim e to take advantage of distinctive Christmas presents available at Virgie's. Thermo-lac sportswear is new and in , as senior Paula Ha eder models her choice from . ..





20, 1972

Page 5

Weight Watchers offers hope to cake addict If cakes, pies, and tarts are what make Christmas worth remembering, uninvited fat is often the memory that lingers long after the last cookie melts sweetly into the stomach.

But , as usual, American capitalists have come up with a solution to the problem. "Fat farms," health spas, diet-pills, and "great grapefruit diets" are all part of a multi-million dollar business that attempts to satisfy everyone's desire to be thin. One of the most successful is Weight Watchers. With some 5000

members in Nebraska and part of Iowa, Weight Watchers combines a special diet and "group therapy." Ms. Nancy O'Shea, lecturer and public relations director, said this sort of arrangement helps dieters from being discouraged by letting them know "they're not the only ones who cheated and ate a cookie." After paying an initial fee, plus weekly dues, members are entitled to go to one meeting per week. One weekly meeting, at Rockbrook Village, began with a private weigh-in, while everyone else

Scudder hijacker look-alike and Carol experience their first American Christmas

1ristmas new for Suchada

he familiar American Christmas its gift-laden crowds, flickering :ed lights, snow-clad football sand multitudinous ornaments ing every hall, street and ling will be the first of its kind foreign exchange students ada Narpathong and Carol ~ns.

Dr Suchada, from Buddhist land, Christmas will be a ly new experience, only seen re on television_ I never knew it was so big or 1rtant." She added that the rations have been the highlight. going to send a big box of rations back to my family in land." ~e upcoming holiday season require less adjusting for Carol, South Africa, where it is 1rated similarly but without r, yard-lights or carollers. She

male mechanic rn shop-gang I


!though it's illegal in Nebraska 'estrict females from taking in classes, girls at Westside always been prevented from 1g Auto Shop. This is primarily !Use of girls' insufficient ground and the great demand he course. owever, so many girls wanted tke Auto Shop last year that a course has been opened "as a t of interest that was expressed he girls," said Dick Lundquist, 1r counselor. lindquist feels that the present ictions on girls joining Au to 1are unfair. He qualifies this by 1g, "I think that at this point me guys have more education shop, plus they have -education from cars, >rycles, etc." he class began Dec. 6 and is 1t by Mr. Allan Kraeger and Arlen Dobbins. The class meets days and Wednesdays.


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was impressed most by the throngs of shoppers. "It's amazing how many people there are shopping on Sunday." For both of them, the Nebraska winter has gotten off to a "cold" start. "The first time I saw myself with the coat and gloves and everything on I couldn't believe it," said Suchada, who has had the added experience of witnessing her first snowfall. "The first day it snowed I was outside for all my free mods, walking around and touching the snow." The past few months have brought quick adjustments and assorted experiences but the time has gone fast for both of them. One new festivity was Thanksgiving. Carol shared her traditional feast with a group of missionaries and, in the American style, "stuffed myself." Currently, Suchada and Carol are participating in the International Club's annual candy sales to bring two more AFS students to Westside next year. Details will be discussed at the Jan. 4 meeting.

"I kept thinking, what do they mean? How can they think I'm a hijacker?" These thoughts were expressed by Senior Steve Scudder in regard to a recent encounter with the Kansas City International Airport. "I had gotten my ticket already," reflected Steve, "and was at the front desk checking in my luggage. The girl said everything was in order, but that I could not get on the plane because my profile fit the description of a hijacker." Steve and two companions, Joel Brooks and Bjon Farber, waited approximately ten minutes for a man to arrive. "I kept thinking how silly a hijack check was on a flight from Kansas City to Omaha, " said Steve. The group was instructed to empty their pockets of all metallic objects, and a metal indicator was then utilized. "It was a weird-looking instrument which they brushed over our bodies." Steve reported that the only object found was a key, so the man proceeded to search their hand luggage. Steve's friend from Witchita, Kansas questioned the man about his authority to search and emitted a "semi-rude" comment. The man told him in response that if he said anything else, he would be held in jail overnight. After the search was completed, and nothing found, Bjon and Joel were released. As Steve went to reclaim his ticket, he was asked to give and spell his name as the man

. //~:a--..,,

checked his spelling gainst that on the ticket. "It really made me angry," said Steve. "I hate not to be trusted." "The whole incident was very inconvenient. We were held close to 20 minutes and almost missed our plane." Steve said he considered taking action for a short while. He later discovered that the Kansas City airport had been in operation for only two weeks, and extra precautionary measures were being executed.

socialized. The group, mainly middle-aged ladies, with a few men, teenagers, children, and even a pregnant woman, sipped Tab and Diet Shasta while the members talked about the weight they have lost, all the diets they've tried, and all the food they missed. The formal meeting began when Ms. O'Shea , a svelte woman who had been formally fat herself, answered questions (about food) in a friendly, personal manner. In fact, an old-fashioned sort of friendliness characterized the entire meeting. People laughed and smiled in a frank, positive manner that is rarely seen at gatherings anymore. After the questions, Ms. O'Shea moved into her lecture. After reminding the group that "here we're suffering together," she cautioned them on all the temptations they would encounter at Christmas time. She also talked about all the other diets there are, with members adding their own experiences. They collectively reached the conclusion that Weight Watchers is indeed the best. The meeting then broke up and everyone left, thoroughly embibed with a positive attitude and probably looking forward to the day when they would be thin.

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Page 6

December 20,

Honors, awards, and travel

Westside students active in the arts Don 't get excited; actually Buda had the lead in a UNO play, Blue Denim. He played Arthur, a teenager with a girlfriend and a set of parents, a fairly familiar story . Blue Denim was set in the late '50's, and dealt with the problems of communication between teens and parents. Buda found out about the play from drama teacher Ms. Anna Clark. Her husband, Dr. Edwin Clark, was the director of the play, and Buda was thought to be right for the part. Ten people tried out for the role, and Buda was selected because "they wanted somebody who looked like a kid." He rehearsed for three weeks from 7-10 p.m. The performance was Nov. 17-19. The UNO theater was filled the first two nights; the last was a light turnout due to the John Denver concert. Buda, who commented that the sets were excellent, has performed in such Westside productions as a One-Act, Sandbox, and The Ballad of Sneaky Fitch, in which he had the lead.

Heather McPherson had no plans for next year until she received a letter from Up With People inviting her to join the cast. Now she will tour the U.S., Europe, and Japan for 11 months. This June she will go to Arizona and rehearse ten hours a day for six weeks. The total cost is $ 3 ,000 but there are opportunities for financial aid . Heather doesn't consider herself particularly gifted in music or dance: "The opportunity for experience and travel prompted me to apply for Up With People." At 1:30 a.m. after their downtown concert, Heather and hundreds of others filled out applications and had interviews. Heather talked to some of the cast and to the director. She was asked hypothetical questions and apparently made a good impression for several weeks later received that letter.

Fred Smith Six schools nominate two of their students each month for the Dundee Kiwanis Key Award. Kiwanis, in turn, picks one of the two students from each school to receive the award at its Monday luncheon. This month's Westside scholar is Fred Smith. Fred is a member of the National Honor Society, the Forum, and the chamber orchestra. He also sings in two church choirs.

Sean Savage Senior Sean Savage is the lone Westside student included in next summer's OSACS choir trip to Europe. Sean tried out for the choir and joins 15 Papillion students, 13 Ralstonites, seven Millard singers and some from Gretna and Bellevue in the chorus. The group, under the direction of Mr. Duane Price, vocal music director at Ralston, will leave Omaha in June, fly to Luxembourg,

Jim Buda Senior J. Buda practiced for three weeks in November and got a girl pregnant.





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and visit eight other European cities in the twenty-day tour. Price calls the trip a ''travel-study-perform'' combination, as a five-day study at the Vienna School of Music is included. The choir will perform a variety of numbers, including spirituals and Broadway songs, and the music of Eugene Lettler and Alan Hovhaness. Cost per person is $650, and $200 per person will be provided from another source. The choir still needs four to five more male voices. Any tenor, baritone or bass who would like to take advantage of this may contact Price, 331-7373.

Michelle Holmes Junior Michelle Holmes recently won honorable mention with Superior rating in the Nebraska State Music Teacher's contest. She sang · three classical songs, one of them being an aria from the opera "Tosca."

Strange lyrics prevail when the Martians invade the Westside Senior Variety Show. Nancy Frost portrayed the lovely Martian girl who wo hearts of two "handsome" Martian guys, played by Kent Righter anc Figgens. This romance was enacted Dec. 14-16. An additional sho111 presented mods 7 through 12 on Dec. 18.

Benefit game organized to honor Walstro Several benefit programs have been recently initiated to assist alumni Rick Walstrom with his medical expenses. In recognition of his contribution to Westside athletics , a benefit basketball game will be held Jan. 4 at 7:30p .m. in the Boys' Gym. Faculty teams from Arbor Heights, Valley View, Westbrook and Westside will compete against alumni Ron Andrews, Randy Chick, Irv Dana, Glenn Harless, Gene Heckerman, John Lodes, Larry Schone, Rick Seume, and Joe Sloan. Tickets are $1 each and are available from Deb Dowling, Sue Nutty or Ms. Berigan in the office.

Christmas tea

annual event will be held from 9 :30 to 12:30 p.m . in the ballroom. Trojan Horse will provide the music for the event. Dundee Sun representatives from Westside selected Senior Lynn Timperley a nd Junior Janet Berkshire as Westside's queen candidates . Other schools participating in Christmas Prom are Benson, Burke , Central, Maria n, Mercy and Northwest. The dance is a girl·ask·guy affair and tickets are available from Lynn or Janet.

Top Choir to be aired on radio On Christmas Day Westside's choral groups will be heard over KOIL radio, both AM and FM . This is the second ye a r the group will perform for KOIL listeners.

Top Choir and Concert C will sing "How Far to Bethlehe1 "Carol of the Bells," " Tiny Ri "The Star Shone Brightly" parts of the Messiah. Girls' Glee will perform ' Little Drummer Boy " a nd "H Critus Natus est. "

Non-partisan tree in IMC In a surge of holiday spirit, Bill Nelson's homerc contributed a Christmas tree tc Social Studies IMC . Senior Ba rb Demaree, purchased the tree with homer• money, said, "It is intended to non-partisan tree. Anyone in school who wants to make orb an ornament for the tree perfectly welcome to do so

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CANfJT III£ATA ' " 11 hq


will be involved in a wide range of activities during the winter break. Any and all Westside graduates will meet at an "annual tea" tentatively scheduled for Friday, Dec. 22 at Westside. Vice Principal William Hoyt said that the tea is actually for all Westside graduates, but that the majority of the guests would be from the graduated class of '72. The Esquires sponsor the tea each year. Its purpose is to get all graduates together during the Christmas vacation.

Timperly, Berkshire candidates Peony Park will be the setting for Christmas Prom which is sched\lled for December 22. The

Thirty Westside students a re taking part in a University of Nebraska Medical Center study on the effects of air lead. All chemistry students of Ron Crampton, the group must unde rgo a monthly blood sample routine from November 1972 through May 1973. Students from Tech High and Druid Hill Elementary are also in the test. The goal is " .. . to define the difference between urban and suburban values of blood lead and whether these correlate with the seasonal changes in air lead," according to Omaha-Douglas County Health Department literature . In a 1970 study, air lead in central Omaha was found to be denser than that of seven larger


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see euRoPe l

Tubing und f'umpaynolo f'omponent11 C ,.-;,-e ,..rtllnf> .' ii::e11- 2tJ" to 2.'i" .' iix 1-.'namt•l Trco Tone ( 'olorll-llt•d-'M.hitelllnr·k-t 'hartrr•ullt•·t•r••••n 0 Tu-r1 l"r•arl Tu-o Ton1• ('olorll-( 't>lt•lltl' Pt>arl,,.atural l"t•11rl 0 ./ur·enilt• 2 -t" Trat•k and lload 0 1:1 .'Urule/11 ,tr·ai/ablf' and lnamt•diatP .'~l•iP'""nt fron1 ,' itor·k.

cities. Average air lead in ceD Omaha was equal or higher than highest in Chicago, New Yod Houston earlier this year. Tl conducting the study sus1 industrial contamination as the lead culprit. Any teeth lost by the stude, clipping from a haircut and ~ samples from each student's he will be utilized in the study. Carol R. Angle and Dr. Matilru Mcintyre (who are the respec mothers of recent graduate Mru Angle and Junior Pat Mclntrye), conducting the Board of Educa~ approved study. Junior David Halsted, who s; he enjoys chemistry class V1 much and who plans a medi future , is one of those involved the blood lead study. "I do really mind giving my blood," said, "if it's in the interest science. " Most students display nonchalant attitude about I whole procedure. "I can take il smiled Se nior Kent Righter.

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tber 20, 1972


Page 7

win opener, lose to Tech, then overpower Bellevue Chieftains

Tech Trojans overcame a 15 leficit in the second half to from behind and hand ,e their first defeat of the 60-57. Warriors took the lead early first quarter, and didn't turn until the final quarter, when hot shooting gave them the 1's comeback was led by All J. J . Collins, and Melvin ne. Tech outscored the 'S by 41-29 in the second tside hit on 50% of their or the game, while Tech only )%, but the difference came ~ throws, especially in the quarter. Tech hit 18 free , while Westside only made 1 also outrebounded their , "and this was probably the 1ce," said Coach Tom Hall. le also had 16 turnovers. Collins was held to 14 total hitting on only three field rwelve of his points were in 10rtant second half. ;;tant Coach Roger Herring Tom Lodes did a super job . , but he wasn't getting help :>me of the other people on '· Melvin Valentine did a

good job against us, and hurt us with his drives. Carl Anderson and Scott Salisbury did a good job on him, but they didn't get much help either."

Tech's spurt defeats Warriors Westside will try to better their 2·1 record this Friday as they take on the Ralston Rams at the Ralston High gym. Ralston is a big team, with front liners 6'-7", and 6 '-6 1/2". Ralston's record is 1-1, as they defeated Beatrice.

Bellevue Game Steve Graham and Carl Anderson each scored 13 points, while John Hanson got the game high of 17 points, as Westside collected their second victory of the season by defeating Bellevue 62-46. Bellevue hit the first basket to take a 2-0 lead, but Westside came back with 10 straight points to take the lead. The lead changed hands twice later into the game, but Westside was never more than a few points down. Assistant Coach Herring said, "Our man to man defense was

great, we kept them off balance with our high pressure defense ." Westside had 31 turnovers, but Herring said, "Our turnovers could have hurt us, but Bellevue had almost as many as we did. We will have to try and cut down on those from now on. "We also did a good job on jump balls. Steve Graham was 5-7, Tom Lodes was 2·2, Tom Heffron was 2-2. and Carl Anderson was 1-1. We got a lot of help from the bench. Heffron and Anderson did a great job." Westside hit on 48 % of their shots from the field, while Bellevue hit on 32%. The Warriors also had 33 rebounds. Other scoring leaders were Tom Lodes with seven points, and Bob Poage with five .

Stall results in opening win The Westside cagers opened their basketball season Dec. 5 on a successful note by defeating Lincoln High before a partisan crowd at the Westside gym. The Warriors were led by guards Bob Poage and Tom Lodes, and forward Steve Graham. Bob headed the scoring with 13 points, Tom followed with 8. Steve, at 6'3 1/• ", came off the boards with 12 rebounds to lead the Warriors.

·iors take North Invitational

Wrestlers pin Millard and South tside wrestlers captured the Invitational Dec . 2 at m Junior High. Coach Lou called the victory "one of ggest for the Warriors; it 1lot for us ." ~e championships and one place helped Westside tally nts. The smallest champ was Wear (98) who defeated Partridge of North 6-1. ~earce dumped top seeded Bishop of South 10-4 for · 8 pound title. Heavyweight ·eterson won 4-3 over Russ

team can become a n outstanding team if it keeps up its effort."

Warriors pin Knights "One of the best crowds we've ever had since I've been at Westside," was the comment of Coach Miloni, as Westside pinned Ryan 36-15 on Dec. 5th. Many Westside fans packed into the Ryan High School gym to see the Warriors wrestle . Fans got their money's worth as Westside took nine out of twelve matches and three pins. Dale Sieban (119), Jerry

,'Sullivan struggles with his Prep foe at the North Invitational.

of Bellevue in a close match. 1mpion Dave Pearce said, he ~ s because "it is th e most din g of all sports, and I enjoy arce said he loses about seven s a night during practice and 1ly eat meat, fish and some to keep his wei ght. 1Ch Miloni said , "This year 's

Johnson ( 14 5) and Dan Ortega (167) combined for the pins. Other winners included Allen Jones (98 ), Mike White (112),Bill Coyne (126), Matt Geddie (138), Mark Miller (185), and Mark Boyer (HWT). Coach Lou Miloni added that Senior Jack Struyk had done "exceptionally well."

~ORBALEY ,5 -(RossR.oa.D.S

The grapplers extended their chain of undefeated dual matches to three by annihilating Millard last Friday 32-5. Coach Lou Miloni complim e nted th e six m a n non-regulars for wrestling so well. Westside won ten matches, all by decisions. Winners included Chris Wear, Matt Geddie, Bob Harberg, Jerry Johnson, Allen Jones, Mike Kimmel, Dan Ortega, Fred Peterson, Dale Sieban, and Rex White . Mark Miller drew with his opponent and Jack Strike also wrestled a fine match. For the most part, regulars wrestled up a weight. Coach Lou Miloni said, "It was a tough match, South is a strong team. They finished third at the North Invitational behind us," but the Warriors won 30-12. Winners were Allen Jones, Chris Wear, Mike White with a pin, Bill Coyne, Dave Pearce with a pin, Mark Miller, and Fred Peterson. The South Invitational is an invitation that tried to match up kids from the junior and sophomore level to predict the future of varsity teams. Westside only produced one champion, Bill Coyne, but the White brothers showed that they would be back. Eighteen teams are competing at the Boys Town Invitational tonight.

Senior Bob Poage manuevers the ball around a Bellevue defender and then goes up for two during the Warrior victory over the Chieftains last Friday. The Lynx took an early lead in the opening quarter, but Westside later gained an 11-10 lead when Poage hit on two layups, both coming after steals. Westside never lost the lead as they turned in an impressive second quarter outscoring the Lynx 20-6. They carried a 26-17 lead in to the locker room at halftime. The second half was a low scoring affair, as Westside went into a " stall" type offense when Steve Gra ham collected his fourth foul three minutes into the third quarter. "We went into the stall for se ve ral reasons," said Coach Hall. "Lincoln chose to stay in their zone defense, and we were not able to penetrate it. We also were not hitting from the outside nor controlling the boards. The stall may be a relatively unexciting type of basketball to watch, but we will always try to play the way the other team doesn't want us to play." Coach Hall also commended Tom Heffron and center Carl Andersen for coming off the bench and doing a good job. Carl had 7

rebounds and two points . "We played a good defense and press," said Hall, "but we couldn't get our fast break going. We also had 27 turnovers, and we only got one jump ball out of nine. All of these things hurt us." Lincoln High had beaten Hastings the night before, and Hall said, "Lincoln is a good team, with size, speed, and experience." Westside's male cheering section, or Rat Pack, has been under some question, but Hall said, "They definitely had an effect on the game. The applause for the officials, and the enthusiasm they create for the team is great." The question of how far the Rat Pack can go before they become rude or unsportsmanlike arises. Hall said , "When they use the name of an opposing player, or direct remarks toward an opposing player, then it becomes an unfair advantage, but I don't think their conduct was unsportsmanlike. Some people think the whole thing is unfair, but I disagree. It is a great opportunity for the male students to outcheer the Pep Club. I appreciate it ."

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Page 8

Chlorine, a smell of sweet succ

lntramurals gains popularity with Monday night crowds. Here, Dan Dixon looks on as fellow teammate Jeff Ferris shoots for the sex-packs.

Aksarben home of amateurs Anyone who likes to watch hockey , but doesn't want to pay $2 to see an Omaha Knight's game might try attending an Omaha Amateur Hockey Association game. The OAHA teams play on Monday through Thursday nights, and provide a very exciting brand of hockey. There is only one game on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights, starting at 10:30 p.m. Tuesday night games start at 8, 9, and 10:30. All the games are played at Aksarben Colliseum, and no admission is charged for the spectators. The OAHA season lasts from November 20 to March 1, with each team playing a schedule of 30 games. Tryouts were held at Aksarben for two weeks before the beginning of the season. Over a

hundred players tried out, with a new rule that opened the league to all ages, and about 90 players were selected for the six teams. The six teams in the league are sponsored by local businesses: Firesides, Duffys, Deans, Falstaffs, Frontiers, and North Side Bank. The coaches and officials of these teams are simply interested men who volunteer for the positions. The teams provide pants, socks, and jerseys. The player must have all his own playing equipment. "The officials don't put up with too much," said one Westsider in the league, "so it is possible to get kicked out of the game for fighting, or hassling a referee." All of the penalties and rules are the same as in professional hockey, except fines cannot be levied.

Boy's Intramural predictions Thirty teams and some 250 players compose the 1972-73 Intramural Basketball competition. Mr. Max Kitzelman and Mr . Bob Klein are in charge of this year's program. Teachers also play a very important role in the program by officiating. The season runs from Dec. 4, through Feb. 28; playoffs will follow. Three leagues have been formed and each team plays a total of nine games. Two that stand out are the Dipshots and the Puds, both senior teams. The Dipshot team ripped its opponent 92-0, and the Puds creamed their enemy 82-22. Kitzelman said, "If the scores continue to be that wild a sophomore league may be established." Looking at this year's teams, The Lance sports staff has put together a top ten and a bottom ten. The following are the best ten

teams this year : 1. Pimps 2. Puds 3. Snappy Jocks 4. Dipshots 5. Aces 6. Sex Packs 7. All-Metros 8. Chicago Shots 9. Greasebacks 10. Rodds The following are the worst ten teams: 1. Animals 2. Wipes 3. G.R . I.T. 4. Big Daddy's 5. Stompers (tight ends) 6. Whoppers 7. Pros 8 . Boozers 9. Bullets 10. Sour Krauts.

Westside's successful team, the swimmers, won the Dec. 8 double duel against Rummel and Thomas Jefferson. The Warriors defeated Rummel with a score of 70-25 and TJ with an 82-25 margin. Clark Stanway's 4:20.3 met the varsity standard, bettering his own best time by nine seconds, and winning first place in the 400 yard freestyle. All-Americans Bryan Smith, Rich Maack, Tony Frink and Pat DiBiase all took first place. Smith won the 100 yard fly; Mack took the 100 yard back and was a part of the · winning freestyle relay team; Frink won the 100 yard free and also was in the 200 yard Medley Relay that took first. DiBiase was the 200 yard Individual Medley winner, and was also on the freestyle and Medley Relay teams. This season there are 15 lettermen coming back to defend the Metro championship and the state title. Coach Cal Bentz named the tough competition as Prep, Lincoln East, Burke, Fremont and Lincoln Southeast. Bentz said, "We feel we have as good a chance as anyone else to win the state championship. It 's the end toward which we plan to work." He also said that the team had more younger swimmers who may take longer to train, but that he knows they will all be ready for the state meet. The sophomores and juniors are also doing well, as they won the first meet of their season too. Teams particip,ating in that meet include Millard, Ralston and Prep . Burke came the closest to Warrior scoring, but lacked the nine points needed to win. Westside's final score was 52. North had a score of 45. The meet was held at McMillan on Dec. 15. Saturday, Dec. 16, gave the Warriors a second place standing in the Little Cuclone Invitational at Ames, Iowa. The teams' scores were as

The 72-73 swim team readies itself for another grind to top state. Sophomore Eric Skoog tries to prove his desire to be on follows: Cedar Rapids Washington 95:5, Westside 71.0, Ames 49.0, Cedar Falls 42.0, Iowa City West 20.50, and Newton 9 :00. Pat DiBiase won the 100 breaststroke, defeating 11 other swimmers in the event, with a time of 1:03.71. Westside took the Medley Relay with a time of 1:45.10 Warrior men, also placed second in the 400 free. Tony Frink placed a close second in the 100 free, barely edged by Cedar Falls' Webb. Rich Maack placed second in the 100 back, losing to Reinbold from

Ames. Diving his way to a Westside was Rick Malot. A Alan Conner, placed sixth. SCHEDULE Jan. 5 Jan. 6 Jan. 9 Jan. 20 Jan. 23 Jan. 26 Feb. 3 Feb. 8-10 Feb. 16 Feb. 23-24

Lincoln High Ram Relays at at Burke and Teci Relays Benson Central and WHS Invitational Metro Prep and Ryan State

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Jan ua ry 18, 1973

allowed on s

nnual trek East traditions changed changes are on the agenda annual New York and gton trip sponsored by the gy and Government It will be the first juniors will be able to trip and will also be the that the trip will be taken the school year. reason for doing this was of the students work and !y wait to get back many of ollege people have taken their stated Sociology instructor m McCormick. e trip will leave Omaha April d arrive back on April 19. The :ost is $240 which includes air hotels and meals, except in fork. reral of the · interesting spots will be visited include the House and Capitol, FBI ng, Library of Congress, le of Liberty, Greenwich e and several other places. !s far as I know the trip was

d by Mr. Jerry Koch twelve ago. Then, eight years ago, Ietson and myself took over." . McCormick went on to say :he groups took a train from a to Chicago and flew from 1 because they could not get rates from Omaha to New re now take half the students IZark and half on American es out of Omaha." ten asked about interesting iences that past groups have Mr . McCormick replied ~ly, "There are hundreds of incidents that I'd rather not printed on the grounds that it i incriminate Nelson." ;t trips to the capitol city have during Resurrection City and

the Israeli-Arab protest. Also, they stayed in the hotel three blocks from Robert Kennedy after his assassination. "One other thing that most parents should know is that we are staying in a hotel that is in a suburb of Washington." Another first is that teachers besides the sponsors are going on the trip. Mr. Doug Pierson and Ms. Jana Antonson, who are former Westside graduates, are going on the trip. They stated they could not afford the trip when they were seniors. They are not going as chaperones but for the good time and experience. Neither of them is preventing a student from going.

All deposits should be made sometime in the next several weeks. One of the other features on this year's trip is a visit to Philadelphia on the way back from New York. "Most of the kids are too worn out to look around Philadelphia," Mr. McCormick stated. Although no students have ever been mugged on the trip one of the incidents that McCormick recalled was the time that several students were lost. "We waiting getting starting

were sitting in the hotel for them to return, it was very late and we were to get concerned."

As it turned out, the students had been returning and their subway car had stalled.

Snowstorm gives students day of rest but costs District 66 about $45,000 An extra day of vacation given to students as a result of the snow storm, Jan. 4 was ruined for many by thoughts of a lost semester break. However, according to Principal James Tangdall, it is doubtful this day will be made up. According to the Nebraska state statute, each school must have a minimum of 17 5 school days. However, each district is responsible for setting its own calendar the spring before the next school year. Most districts exceed the minimum of 175, but all are not required to be the same . This is the reason why the length of Omaha Public and parochial schools' vacations often differ from District 66. Tangdall said, "I'd like to see schools have common calendars. It could alleviate many of the

problems." Westside has 181 school days on the current calendar, which accounts for the unlikeliness of making up Jan . 4. However, if they wish, the school board may make students go, despite the five day allowance. Tangdall is "pretty sure" the day will be dismissed. The World-Herald stated Jan. 5: "A spokesman for District 66 said the free day cost the Westside Community Schools about $45,000 in 'lost' salaries." Whe n asked why the decision to close was delayed until 6:30 a.m. the same day, he said, " Dr. Phelps just wanted to wait for news on the progress of street conditions." His decision was made after conferring with the superintendent of building grounds and city and county maintenance crews.

Recent w in ne rs on Westside's de bate team inclu de: BAC K, L-R: Dan Gru zd, Dave Blodgett, Steve Blo tcky , Tom Erickson, Dav id Co rry, Mike Pistillo, and David Earle. FRO NT: C indy Be lt, Becky Powers, Suzy Wurtz, a nd Linda Somberg. NOT PICTU RED: No ra St arr.

Debate team feels confident; hosts GOLD tourney Jan. 19 "It's too early to tell about this year's debate team," said Mr. Chuck Gowens, Speech and Debate teacher. "As far as prospects go, it depends on how well we do in the championship tournaments." Westside's debate team includes 37 students who have participated in various tournaments. The pressure is beginning to build up now that the championships are coming up. The team feels confident going into these tournaments because of its past performances. Boasting a total of 14 trophies, five for debate and nine for other contest speech events, the team has already won more this year than they had last year at this time. "Last year we held a record of 39 trophies," said Gowens, "and we hope to pass it up this year." The five trophies in Debate were won by several teams. One team, Steve Blotcky, Linda Somberg, Dave Cory, and Tom Erickson took a first at UNO. On Varsity and J.V., Somberg, Earle and Cory, Erickson took two more. The remaining debate trophy winners are two novice awards won by Mike Pistillo, Nora Stat;r, Dave Blogett, and Dan

Gruzd. For Extemporary Speaking, three first places were won by Becky Powers and Cindy Belt. In Dramatic Interpretation, three first place trophies are held by Suzy Wurtz. Two novices, Mike Pistillo and Nora Starr, took a first in Duet Acting. Dave Cory won two firsts, one for After Dinner Speaking and Humorous Impromptu. For the first time this year, Westside will host the Greater Omaha League of Debate on Jan. 19 from 4 to 7 p.m. Gowens expects a turnout of 40 teams from 12 schools. Gowens also mentioned that not all the students are in debate class as in the case of Suzy Wurtz and Deanne Kelley who work on their own and attend the tournaments. Ms. Anna Clark, Speech and Drama teacher, helps Gowen at the tournaments with the Dramatic Interpretation and Duet Acting. ''We're looking forward to pI a nning our strategy in the championships," said Gowen. "We know we have to do well and plan to see the top teams in action." The finals begin with Metro on Feb. 16 and 17, the National final on March 9 and 10, and the State tournament March 23-24.

Commons closes: Pop service man terrorized, problems-as usual

by B.J. News Research T eam 'Ever since they closed the Commons, the •oms, stairways, and halls have become just like Commons was. Will they close those next?" red Jessalyn Wilscam, a junior at Westside, !rning the issue of whether to keep the Commons !d or closed. 'he Commons, which once consisted of vinyl ;ure, couches, and upho~stered benches, has iorated to a room of four wastepaper baskets, II demolished tables and chairs, and two pop ines. Because of property damage, boy-girl ~ct, language , and lack of cleanliness the mons was indefinitely closed by the ~istration prior to Christmas. Among other non area problems listed by the administration, op service man has been terrorized. ~very year the Commons has been repeatedly d for the same reasons, although several attempts been made to change the situation. Some of the .ons were : to limit it to seniors only, to increase ty supervision, and to allow only students with rs passes to use it. All attempts have failed, :ed Dr. Kenneth Hansen, former Westside ipal. laid one sophomore at Westside , "I'm glad the nons is closed because now I don't have to worry t walking through there." \nother example of the stereotyped image of the nons was expressed by Junior Lesa Perry, a fer student : "Being a new student, at first older ;iders tried to warn me against going there. I don't

see any reason to close it completely because it could have been cleaned up ." Lesa also added, "I just don't care to have my name associated with the Commons .... " More supe rv ision? Several teachers seemed to think that the original idea of the Commons was to give the students a place to congregate without supervision. Ironically, increased supervision seems to be the most popular solution to the problem. This again creates the dilemma of trying to find someone to willingly supervise the area. Of seven teachers interviewed, however, all were against faculty supervision. Physical Science teacher James Allen pointed out, "Teachers have one or more undergraduate degrees in education, not in Civil Disobedience. We are educators, not police officers." Several students who often spend time in the Commons were asked what they felt about it being closed down . All agreed it should be left open, but for different reasons. One student said, "The Commons should be opened because the reasons given for closing it were ridiculous. Supervision like what they have in the cafeteria would be a good idea ." "It is stupid to close it. The kids will just move somewhere else. It doesn't matter to us where we go," a pro-Commons student added . Many Westsiders support leaving the Commons open although they do not usually enter the area . An anonymous sophomore said, "I think they should open it to relieve the overflow in the cafeteria." The idea of voting on whether to open or close the Commons has been suggested.


Page 2


The Snow Alert

IL__ · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - b y bill District Superintendent Dr. Vaughn Phelps, Westside's Principal Dr. Jim Tangdall, and several distinguished members of the School Board sat in the board room listening to radio station KGAS with concentrated interest ... ". . . severe blizzard conditions will continue to be in effect unt:: tomorrow or Wednesday with somewhere in the neighborhood of 10-12 inches expected by noon. Driving conditions remain extremely hazardous. We have a report that an Omaha snow removal crew is stranded near 90th and Center. That's the weather. Stay tuned to KGAS for further developments ... " " . . .As you know," continued another newsman, "we have spent the last three t o four hours reporting school closings and other cancellations in the KGAS area .. . some additional cancellations just handed me . . . The senior citizens bingo party scheduled for tonight at Hairline Manor will be held at a future date, the wedding of Jane Hill and Bill Payne is being postponed, and the funeral of Mr. Cecil Cauliflower has been canceled." " . . . As we reported earlier, all schools throughout Nebraska have been closed. However, we still have not, as yet, received word from Westside High School on any cancellation. Earlier this morning we were told that Westside administrators were withholding cancellation until an accurate assessment of the severity of the blizzard can be made. We'll keep you informed . .. " "Gentlemen," said Dr. Phelps, turning down the radio, "we are faced with an all-important decision. We must hold classes or .. . or ... I can't bring myself to say it . . . Could someone possibly ... "Cancel school," said Dr. Tangdall. "Thank you, Jim." "We set aside five extra school days this year to compensate for cancellations due to snow, did we not?" asked one Board member. "Nonsense," said Phelps, "there's no excuse for dipping into our reserves. As long as there is one student. ONE STUDENT! who wishes to attend classes we CANNOT deprive him of that golden opportunity." "True, but where do we find this student?" asked Dr. Tangdall. "What about those 200 students who were stranded in the cafeteria overnight. Surely there must be one , one .. . " "I'll check." said Dr. Tangdall. "We can always make up the day before the school year ends," said one Board member. "And just how do we propose to

do that? That last snowstorm wiped out the day we had set aside for Easter vacation!" "Dr. Phelps, here 's another report on the radio . . . " ". . . and still no word from Westside High School. This just in . . . Mayor Leahy has just now declared a "snow alert" to be in affect immediately for the Omaha area. It seems the honorable Mayor

set out on foot earlier this morning to inspect weather conditions firsthand, and is now stranded in a telephone booth a block away from his home ... " "I found one," said Dr. Tangdall as he entered the room dragging a sophomore with horn-rimmed glasses and braces behind him. "What's your name, boy?" ''Alexander Butterworth the Third," he replied. "Oh yes, our straight one student. Well what classes do


David Bowie: pioneer in '70's rock DAVID BOWIE . .. THE RISE AND FALL OF ZIGGY STARDUST AND THE SPIDERS FROM MARS. In 1970, James Taylor was hailed as the instigator of "soft rock" in cover stories of several major publications. More recently, the responsibility of transforming the mood of musical expression in the seventies has been assumed by David Bowie , whose current album, The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars, has r ecently been added to the list of Time's best albums of the year ; a list that has, in the past, included such rock classics as Sgt. Pepper and Jesus Christ S uperstar. As is the current trend in rock, "Ziggy Stardust," in part, tells a story through the use of a series of related songs. The album deals with the rise of an English , middle class

the lance Published b i·weekly by the Publ ication s Departm en t o f Westside High School, 87th and Paci f ic St., Omaha , Nebrask a 68114 . THE LANCE is a memb er of the National Sch clastic Press Ass ociation and th e Nebraska High Schoo l Press Association . The paper is giv en free of c harge to holders o f Act iv it y Ti ck et s. Subscription rates to others are $3 . 00 postpa id. Non- profit mailing r i ghts c laimed . Printed by Wright Pri n tin g Co., Oma h a, Nebr. Editor • • . • . • • • • . . • Pam Hultberg Asso. ed i tor . • . . • • . • • . Susan Darst Barb Demaree Edit o rial editor . . • • • • • . • Bill Wald Asst. editorial editor . • . • . Terri Talty Entertainment editor ••• Rick Denney Editorial writer . • • . • • Bob Eisenberg Feature editor • • • • • • • • • Sue Berg Asst. feature editor . • • • • • • AI Katz Feature writer . . • • • • Sheri Petersen Busi ness editor • • • . • • • • Jim Clifton Advertising manager • • • . Dave Jensen


say , what's that you have in your hand?" "It's a permission slip from my parents. I have an appointment at the orthodontist at 8 :30 this morning. I was wondering if you would sign this blue slip for me." Dr. Phelps reluctantly initialed the blue slip and Butterworth hurriedly left the room. "I'm afraid our last hope just walked out that door," said Dr. Tangdall. "You're positive there was no one else who insisted on holding classes, Jim, " asked Phelps. "Positive." "I assume our teachers are all present and accounted for." "On the contrary," said Tangdall, "I'm afraid none of them can make it. They've been calling in all morning and complaining of pneumonia, stomach aches, and several other assorted 24-hour diseases. Mr. Perkins called in around five this morning and claimed he was visiting his sick aunt in Millard. " "Then there is only one conceivable course of action to follow." "You don't mean . .. ,"said the Board in unison. "Exactly. Would someone please hand me the phone . . . " " ... we have just received work here at KGAS that Westside High School will not, and I must repeat and emphasize the word not, will NOT hold classes today .. . " "Thank you for your call, Dr. Phelps ," said the radio station operator. There was no reply. The only sound that she could make out was that of muffled sobbing. . .

Sports writer • • • • • • Kathy Whittaker News editor . • • . • • • • • Cyndie Jones Fashion editor • • • • ,Jessalyn Wilscam News writer • . • • . • Rosemary Freriks Sports editor • . . . • • ••• Brian Trude Asst. sports editor • • • • • Steve Russell Art editor •• • • • • . • • • • Jay Jacoby Photo editor . • • • • • • . Brian Combs Photographers . • • • • •Joe Petrashek ' Pat O'Hara Bruce Finn Advisor • • . • • • . • Ms. Kathy Boshart

rocker's rise to "rock and roll star" fame, and his eventual assassination; a conception that is both feasible and realistic. A similar fate had admittedly been dreaded by rock stars from Elvis to Elton John. David Bowie is the album's sole composer. His lyrics have been praised as a masterpiece of "seventies symbolism," and the musicianship on the album unobtrusively supports Bowie's powerful lyrics. As a performer, Bowie is as outrageous as Alice Cooper, and is considered one of the most talented composers the seventies have produced to date. Bowie's vocals are another significant quality the album possesses. Throughout the album, his vocals assume the characteristics of several current English vocalists. Standout cuts on the album are "Hang On to Yourself," an erotic rocker. with a fast-paced, hand-clapping chorus, and "Suffragete City," a song, best at its loudest, which justifies the request, "to be played at maximum volume" found on the liner notes. With the break-up of the Beatles (You all remember them, don't you?) rock music has been searching for a direction. David Bowie and others with the same theatrically-oriented approach to rock have temporarily provided this direction. Their new style of rock which I like to refer to as "degenerate rock" may have harmful effects on the future of rock, or it may just accomplish what it has probably intended; to depart from the complex and serious mood rock has taken in the last two years. Bill Wald

Does competition really increase production? Perhaps in the business and labor this is true. But certainly, education should considered competition between so many students. Class rank creates friction and antagonism instead of harmony "team-work" which should always be prevalent among students. especially true with the "high achievers" of any class; the pupil or her class is envied by some of those with lower standings. all this should be kept a secret between student and counselor, manage to discover where others stand. Ones standing in class among fellow students does not p1011 achievements or potentialities. A student, say, twelfth in his class, have this rank because he is taking shorter (8-10 mods per week), courses than someone taking longer ( 10-14 mods), tougher courses. The Lance disagrees with proposals to abolish the system some colleges request them from the guidance counselors. A practical answer would be to issue a student's rank in tenths. For if a student were ranked 180th out of 800, his tenth would be way, the student gets a good idea of his standing without rl~>rn~>anilll inaccurately judging him. Also, the colleges would be satisfied modification. Education is learning: the acquisition of facts and skills. student has acquired in a certain area cannot fairly be compared facts another knows in a totally different area of knowledge. knowledge is open to all, and some choose to study in areas which to take just a little more effort, and they should not have to submit unfair generalization of being ranked.

11 :00 p.m., Christmas Eve. Christmas. Christ. The Prince of many. And on this holy night when- if only once in the yearlove should overcome war and hatred, yonder in the sky one can see bombers jetting across, emitting ugly, foul-smelling smoke. Christmas Eve. My friend and I are standing here at Wherry front of Offutt, shivering, singing Woody Guthrie, Neil Young, Christmas carols. Praying for peace. As we prayed on the cold mornings of the sweet-smelling spring day near the stadium in Lincoln, protesting State massacres and the Cambodian invasion - frustrated, or as the militant of us prayed with their o~n brand of rituals on May Day, Here we stand, a few dozen up against the greatest air-base in world, the Strategic Air Command (superlatives are insufficient describing it). No, we aren't attempting to shut it down, it would be I assume that that is possible. We are just trying to make them see . . . Radio newsman approaches me: "Why are you here?" he ponder the question, repeat it in my mind several times. The bombing. ghastly, cold, super-sonic, ultra-modern metallic monsters of the dropping bombs on my fellow human beings. Repulsive. I see a school in North Vietnam. The air-raid siren thunders morbid warning. Little children cowering under their teachers, ru the flimsy shelters. Some make it. Others are cut into little pieces shrapnel of sophisticated pineapple bombs. And those in the shelterthey survive another day? And if they do -what of the scars, the anguish in seeing a dying mother, a starving sister? I see another scene. A stoic North Vietnamese manning a anti-aircraft monster. He nails the B-52. The American pilots into the dense jungle below. Our men are taken as prisoners by foreigners whom they do not hate, and as their beards grow stubbly ill-equipped POW camps, they are fed meager rations, and they they wonder if they'll ever see their beloved families again. Some been there for the better half of a decade. And still we sing in the cold, "Where have all the soldiers gone, to graveyards every one, when will they ever learn ... "When will they learn? by Bob Eisenberg


uary 18, 1973

Page 3

Entertaining hypnotist Jay B. Zee was once a 'for real' psychologist

,ctor tries to humanize policework by Susan Darst and Jessalyn Wilscam ·e police television dramas for ' Omaha Police Chief Richard ersen says, "You've got to ze they are designed for rtainment. They telescope six ths of our work into a ·hour show . It 's not realistic." am Melville, who portrays Mike ko on ABC's "The Rookies" ks his show is an exception. r show attempts to humanize police patrolman. We want to with the human issues," he Melville believes "The kies" escapes from the "tried true" format of stereotyped md order programs. lelville was in Omaha last week king at the Fraternal Order of :e banquet. He was met at the 10rt by 50 sign-waving e-school safety patrols and or Leahy. In an exclusive ·view with The Lance, Melville 'd that although the characters 1is show were not stereotyped, mediocrity on TV is a result of · writers. Many of them are :r in their forties or fifties and ::mt of touch with the younger ration." "Young people have 1.stic ideas," he commented, encouraged budding young ~rs to become scriptwriters. lelville feels he has acquired a taste of police work through ole as Danko. "It's easier to be 1.ctor than a policeman," he ped, adding that police work is

a "thankless job." "I have no right to speak for the police , but by osmosis, through scripts, and through contact with the L.A. police, I feel Mike Danko is authentic." Melville went through actual rookie training in L.A. The "excitement" on police shows is usually achieved by great amounts of violence. Melville said, "Personally, I don't care for that approacQ. but unfortunately the

Rookies." As a child, he acted in theater in his hometown of Fillmore, Utah. In college he was planning to go into pre-med but was offered a part in a movie, and naturally accepted it. Since then, he has acted in 17 "Gunsmokes," four "Hawaii Five-O's" and nearly forty other shows. His movie credits include "The Thomas Crowne Affair,"

Sam Mellville gave an exclusive interview to Lance reporters Senior Susan Darst and Junior Jessalyn Wilscam. public feels a need for it- there's a perversity in intrigues." Part of the violence problem, he feels, is that TV is commercially sponsored. Melville speculated that cable TV could solve part of the problem because it would allow for more competition. "The public would be buying the shows instead of the advertisers." Melville was an actor long before becoming involved with "The

"Killer by Night," and " Hour of the Gun." Melville said that his co-stars are "the finest guys I've ever worked with in my life." As for salary "I don't have very much after my agent gets through." As for the future, Melville has "high hopes for success," but is really looking forward to a ski trip with his wife Ann, in February.

Hypnosis. To many people the word denotes magic, the supernatural, or some evil villain murmuring "Look into my eyes." However, to 55 year old Dr. Jay B. Zee, hypnosis is a simple method used for diagnosis or treatment in clinical psychology, and is now his source of income. After 13 years of practice in the above field, Dr. Zee retired and "without intent" worked what he knew about hypnosis into a professional entertainment show. In the seven years since, he has traveled all over the world and the U.S., has made five complimentary appearances at Westside in 21h years and is currently billed at Domenico's restaurant with his wife/partner, Barbara Evans. Each of Dr. Zee's shows at Westside has packed the auditorium with students fascinated about hypnosis. "They come because it's very different and entertaining," said Dr. Zee. "My shows do a lot of good--they teach my audience that hypnosis is real. Someday if someone who's seen my show needs hypnotic treatment, they'll be able to accept it." Dr. Zee explained that while hypnosis has limited medical value, it is an important tool in psychoanalysis. When he was a practicing psychologist, he used hypnosis to discover the motivation, or root, of the patient's neuroses.

News briefs

Ecology Club's tree collection falters Ecology Club President Steve Blotcky commented that "response was not quite as good this year, but another drive is planned for next year." Blotcky was referring to the third annual Ecology Club disposal of Christmas trees. This drive alleviated the ecological problem of open burning. The drive took place Dec. 30.

brary joins growing list of trouble spots at WHS by Cindy Rupe V'estside's library is becoming a 1e concern to students as well as the administration. Problems 1r on an everyday basis in the sun-lit room. With the tion of a foreign language IMC, resource <!enter is far too noisy crowded. Is. June McDonough, head .rian, feels the main problem is ssive student conversation and 'ing around, making it unsuitable study. This disorder at times es much damage to the library. rels and bookshelves have tpsed upon students as a result ranks; luckily no one was badly ·ed. Some students feel the pline is too strict, others say ;trict enough. I can't stand people breathing n my back when I study in the xy," said Sophomore Marty

Riva. "If the Commons was opened I'd be there. At least in the Commons you can get help on your homework when you need it. Someone is always willing to help." The closing of the Commons (see page 1) has indeed caused space problems throughout the school. Ms. McDonough stated, "When we ask disruptive students to leave, we suggest the cafeteria if they wish to talk. We are surprised at the responses we get. One boy accused, 'You're just sending me where the drugs are!' and a girl last week said 'if I go there I'll be attacked' so we ask them to find something to do if they wish to remain." Ms. Joyce Jones, assistant librarian, says she gets an entirely different reaction: "When I ask the students to leave they give me the impression that they're on a higher

level just because they sit in the library, and that I'm downgrading them when I suggest the cafeteria." The difficulty of supervision in the large library is a problem. The librarians feel that they definitely need more help. "The students get sick of me. What we need is someone different in here at times like they do on hall patrol," Ms. McDonough said. She cited disruptive actions like paper football games, flying objects and paper airplane wars as favorites of the not-so-studious students there. Desk assistant Sophomore Julie Wamsat said, "The kids don't do these thing.s to irritate the

Wanted: a used ten-speed bicycle. See Ms. Ferring in the English IMC.


His hypnotic method in the show is not much different. "Any person of average or above intelligence who wants to be hypnotized, can be. I usually have the subject stare at a fixed object and talk to him until I can produce a dream-like fantasy. The subject believes he really is where I say he is." Dr. Zee has caused Westside students to do everything from (starting to) remove their clothing complaining of 'the desert' to stuffing popcorn down their shirts believing it was money. Dr. Zee stresses the incompetence of the amateur hypnotist: "You must study hypnosis just as a surgeon must study surgery. If you're not careful, you can blow someone's mind." He has been called to hospitals several times to correct the condition of cataleptic persons in hysterical reaction or trauma due to their faulty handling by an amateur hypnotist. "The watch fob swung rhythmically in front of the subject's face is old fashioned, overly dramatic, and produces nausea," he commented. Dr . Ze e estimates he has hypnotized over 50,000 people through his career as a doctor, then entertainer. Very often people in his audience just looking on may become accidentally hypnotized along with the subject. "My wife sees that these people are properly awakened," he smiled.

librarians, they do it to call attention to themselves." Julie works in the library every day but she doesn 't study there. "The atmosphere isn't right." Other students commented that the resource facilities are limited, and that they often didn't know where to return lost books. Westside students were given free mods to use wisely and responsibly. As a result the Commons has been closed and the library and cafeteria are a mess. More supervision is the solution , some say, but with more superv1s10n comes less study freedom and more restrictions.

All trees were taken by the Army Reserve Unit No. 17 2 trucks to a rural area to provide cover for wildlife.

Sensational superstars Despite blistering cold and snowy weather, the long awaited basketball game of Jan. 4th occurred. The game, a benefit for alumni Rick Walstrom, pitted selected faculty from the three District 66 junior highs and Westside against members from the '71 and '72 basketball teams. The final score of the game was a lopsided 59-36 in favor of the talented Alumni Superstars.

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Page 4

European ski tour SNAFU,· Westside students compla

This farm in rural Nebraska is cluttered with the implements of the trade even in the dead of winter. Photo by AI Katz.

Semester graduates view reasons, results by Susan Darst "The only time I experienced any regret was Commencement Night. I felt separated from my class." So said Westside alumni Nina Williams, who, along with 35-40 others, graduated a semester early last year. Nina looked back upon her eight month break between high school and college: "I really needed the time to be on my own, to decide what I really wanted to do. To succeed in New York you have to be best, and I realized that I wasn't." Nina is now a student at Columbia U. in New York. Indeed Nina's reason for completing graduation requirements early was echoed by several other graduates interviewed. All used the time for earning money for college, for traveling, and for introspection. Most commented that they had exhausted the course offerings they wanted or needed to take, and that high school activities no longer had any meaning for them. Mike Goodman admitted that the one thing he missed was Warrior Voices. All were glad they had terminated their secondary learning a semester early.


How to go about doing so? The majority had the foresight to take Senior Literature in the limited summer school session, so that only a semester of Composition remained. Others completed senior year requiremnts by correspondence from UNL after their winter graduation. Huston said the counselors simply ascertained that the student could present a valid reason for early graduation and had enough hours. A few alumni mentioned a slight hassle from the school about early graduation. "You've got to have another reason than "I wanna get out'," confirmed Huston. "We must approach each on an individual basis. It involves the student, parents and school." But he said he took a dim view of those who hope to graduate early on a whim, two weeks before the end of the semester. So far this year, only 15 of 765 seniors have indicated that they plan to graduate early. Among them are Todd Alexander, Sue Berg, Barb Demaree, Kathy Jack, Mary Jacobson, Glenda Jones, Linda Jones, Tom Newman, Paul Novak, and Carol Smith. Generally, financial reasons spurred these students, but "I'm just not excited about high school activities any more," was often commented. "Anybody who can, and has the maturity should graduate early," said Barb. "The average student, though, should stay and get an

additional 18 weeks of learning." Glenda will be able to take a two week nurses aide course and work full-time in preparation for nursing school in the fall. Early graduates are also allowed to take one or two courses second semester, or to complete a year-long course. For instance, Glenda will also take a shorthand course here at Westside. One student ruefully pointed out that he was obligated to bring " ... that familiar permission note from my parents saying it's OK for me to graduate. It's ironic that to get out of this place, I'm still treated as a kindergartener." Mary Jacobson, who made the decision in the fall of her junior year, admonished, "Don't blame the whole thing on the school if you're dissatisfied. Think about why you're unhappy."

It seems an incompetent tour guide ruined the "ideal vacation" hopeful ski enthusiasts over Christmas break. He had promised a deal of French cooks, two free meals a day, sleeping quarters with a room, and skiing, skating, tobogganing or sleighing in the Swiss over a week. The cost of the trip: $400. Westside students returned week of poor accommodations, a minimum of skiing, and foreigners. The expedition, led by Business teacher John Laugen, was from the beginning. Swiss Air, the airline that was supposed to students into Switzerland, cancelled the reservations. Air France over, but it was discovered upon arrival in Arosa that the previous had mistakenly cancelled their hotel accommodations as well. To the fiasco, the Swiss hotels and stores would not accept the currency the students had, and mysteriously the bulk of the money not arrived from the USA. The group was enabled to stay in an Arosa hostel for two anyway, but the accommodations were, as junior Sue Coyne put it, news. Sleeping quarters consisted of a mattress with an Army blanket pillows over it. There was no hot water, and 16 people to a room." owner, an ex-Zurich policeman, according to another traveler,' •uu, ....,_ someone just out of the S.S. He told us he had met eight Americans and hated all of them." The celebrated French cooks turned out to be one fat woman, and the Westside group received the first free meal: bread and hot chocolate. The day was spent renting skis and general expllor!ttion. hostel owner displayed his prejudice that night at dinner by sei>anttinr• French diners from the Americans. The French got wine; the water, and Laugen protested the fact that the French better food than his group. The owner ordered the group to leave next morning. This really ruined the plans for skiing adventures, and the of the trip was spent on long train rides and nights in hotels with to do. Laugen was praised by all the students for arranging for a stay. One-fourth of the group, those with their own skis, actually ski for two days in Arosa and Zurich, and agreed that the snow "great." However, the ski runs were not marked and some went down expert slopes on their backs. The majority of the group was unable to skis because of a two-day Swiss holiday. The students were forced to for lodging and food from their spending money. However, the travel agency has paid each student back his the travelers received plane trips and a place to stay Dec. 21-28 for They also flew back on a 7 4 7. Commented junior Cindy Lay, "It wasn't all that drastic. The travel guide just hadn't reservations. On the way home, we got to shop in Paris and that was

Harder drugs evident in parts of Omaha The drug situation in Omaha seems to be changing all the time, according to several experts in the metropolitan area. All of the workers agreed on one thing: although drug abuse may not be spreading, some of those who have used certain drugs in the past are moving on to harder, addictive drugs. According to a counselor at Equilibria, two years ago there was a lot of amphetamine (speed) abuse

among young Omahans. "They've wised up since then," he explained. "Now they realize what it (speed) can do to the body." As far as hallucinogens go, counseling agencies throughout the city have reported a marked decrease in LSD use. "It's still pretty strong, and we get an occasional psychotic reaction case," one West Omaha worker remarked. In the past few months, there appears to be more abuse of harder, more addictive drugs. These are primarily barbituates and heroin. There are two stereotypical barbituate abusers: middle-class housewives who have been taking them for many years, and "double addicts," which is Equilibria's term for heroin addicts who - during a

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shortage of the drug their habit on barbituates. "double addicts" are low-income groups. In fact, 90% of heroin addicts are from and North Omaha. There are few teenagers addicted to that go to Equilibria. Most into hospital de-toxification The Veteran's Hospital GI non-hardcore heroin users. of them picked up their habit Southeast Asia or while serving Western Europe. Both and Veteran's Hospital methadone treatment units. There are some heroin now coming to Equilibria who been users for over a decade. of them are in their thirties Equilibria spokesmen say methadone helps them to quit the drug. There are also younger addicts who looking for a cure. doctor instructs them completely, at once, aid of methadone.


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Page 5


lry 18, 1973

'Just cliches'

Suicide attempt 'just to make point'


Hall checks in and out many Westsiders each day.

路endance Office system shows

;nite improvement over last year

think we're improving every This was the statement of lance secretary Virginia Hall e condition of the present ance system.

She sees the new attendance office as "quiet and convenient" and believes they are now able to keep more accurate records.

Teenage suicide is a topic that has been discussed at length recently in psychology classes at Westside. Factors behind the attempts and the most common methods have been thoroughly examined. But what about the person involved? After one is finished with the statistics, a human being still remains. One case of attempted suicide concerns a student in high school. Ann , 17, tried to kill herself last spring by taking a bottle of sleeping pills. "I think I knew subconsciously that I wasn 't really trying to kill myself. If I had really wanted to, I would have taken my father 's gun and shot myself in the head. But, I don 't know, it just seemed that I was awfully tired of a lot of things and living in the mess I was in was one of them."

Hall and two aides, Ms. Gardner and Ms. Marty 1, can be found every school that structure designated as ttendance Office. According Hall, their pr imary jobs are ~p accurate records and to in for absentees. "Each year come a little more efficient, we're always open to tions," she said.

problem which Ms. Hall has ttered more than in past concerns students checking his is particularly noticeable he seniors. Even with open s, they are required to check l us."


"They (my parents) took me to the hospital to have my stomach pumped," said Ann. "I kept asking them afterwards if they would let me go to a psychiatrist but they wouldn't let me. I don't know why, I can't figure it out. Maybe I don't need one." At least 50% of teenage suicides are related to drugs. Was hers at all involved with drugs? "That is really a cliche. No, it had something to do with me, no one else, just me. I really can't say

Registration system will use help of the teacher advisors In the past, registration to many students has meant a hurried few minutes with a counselor where they get talked into a few courses that they end up changing a few months later. The classes that they stick with turn out to be something different than they were cracked up to be. This year, a new registration method using teacher advisors will be tried. Mr. Lee Perkins, who is in charge of registration says, "We (the administration) hope it will make registration more meaningful." The process will begin when the registration books are passed out, around Jan. 15. While students are studying the books, teacher advisors will be meeting with department heads and finding out about the courses, beyond the small sketch presented in the book.

wever, she claims that there atively few problems with the ts. " There are only about 20 ts who will be absent or every day." A file is kept of .es from home, which may be !d in case of a suspicious g note. "We catch most of ~rsistent skippers, " she said. a student is caught, he is to the administration, his !lor, or both , and his parents lied in. "This seems to stop 1f them " Ms. Hall added.

h as encountered several ous incidents with parents ;udents. "Once last year , a wrote a one page poem 1ing why their child was late e of the snow. Also, I have to e when a parent calls in gizing for a s tudent's ~ ss. They explain that they to set their son 's or ;er 's alarm clock for them."

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84th and Valley Streets The celebrated Interact drill team amazed spectators recently with an actually well done imitation of the girls' squads. Such formations of diagonals, a can-can line and pick-ups were executed by the 35 members. Here, from left: Senior John McGill, Junior Robby Mayberry, and Seniors Clark Stanway, Vance Jernstrom and Dave Williams.



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In homeroom, the teachers will pass on the information. They will also explain the new courses and any curriculum changes in the old ones. Then, during the week of Feb. 5, two days will be on convocation schedule so that classes are dismissed by 2 :30. The extra time is given to the advisors, who can, if they wish, use it to help their students choose courses. By Feb. 9, each underclassman should have a definite list of what he plans to take. Each will then meet with their counselors for formal registration. The major advantage of this system, according to Perkins, is that it should solve the problem of students coming back later and adding or dropping courses because they were dissatisfied with what they started out with.

Gill II Setvice Stafion1

serve as an alarm clock for tudent. Each morning when rd comes in , I call him right md get him out of bed."

is marks the sixth year at de fo r Ms. Hall. She has d as an aide at Hillside ntary for one year, and as risor at Westside for three .

what. I know, but it's hard to say it in words," explained Ann. "I don't want people to come up and say 'Hey, wanna talk about it? Would it help?' because it wouldn't. And to me, it was as if they really didn't mean it," Ann said. "I attempted suicide because of a reason I can't explain. If you really want a story, talk to some chickie who did it because her boyfriend didn't take her to Prom or something. No, I'm not going to attempt it again. I did it to make a point. And I didn't make it."





Page 6

Defense aids 1n 7th w1n

Warriors edge Junior Jays, 36-26 A tenacious Warrior man to man defense which held Prep to only 26 total points brought in the season 's seventh win. Coach Tom Hall said this about the victory : "We scouted them three times at the Holiday Tournament, so we knew pretty much what they would do. w_ knew they had big people that could hurt us inside, so we brought our guards in to help. "

game, but four costly errors gave North the squeaker 52-51 victory . Big Art Turner had 17 points, and Washington scored 18. Both made the All-Tournament team. After Westside 's opening loss to North, they met Bryan in the first game of the consolation rounds. Bryan has not won in over 25 games, and were again set back by a score of 57-40. Coach Hall said, "We played well enough to win, but not great." Center Carl Andersen led the team with 19 points and 14 rebounds, Steve Graham had 10 points and 10 rebounds, and John Hansen scored 7 points with 8 rebounds. Two days later Westside played T.J. in the consolated semi-finals, and moved into the finals by dropping the Yellow Jackets 70-61. Steve Graham led all scorers with 22 points; Graham also pulled down 11 rebounds. Carl Andersen had 14 points; and T.J.'s Dave Lamphear led the Jacket's scoring with 21 points. Westside wound up their Holiday Tournament performance by beating Northwest to win the consolation championship. The game was dead-locked at 32 apiece at the end of the third quarter, but Westside poured it on in the fourth, and won 53-42. "We showed great poise by coming back and beating them by 11. Steve Graham did a great job on Scanlon, holding him to 14 points, and only two free throws in the first half. We won the consolation championship which isn't as good as last year's championship, but it is still good for our young team, " said Coach Hall. Westside finished the Tournament in fifth place out of the 16 teams competing,

Steve Graham (30) almost outstretches his Tee Jay opponent. Junior Tom Lodes led the tough Warrior defense, and helped to hold Prep's high scoring Mark Donnelly scoreless. "Everybody played good defense," said Hall. The final score, 36-26, seems more like a football tally. Westside's offensive scoring was similarly held down by Prep's tough defense, but senior forward Steve Graham scored the game high of 14 points. Senior Bob Poage and Lodes had seven points and Carl Andersen came off the bench to score six. Hall, the ex-Prep coach said, "Prep is still one of our biggest rivals, but I don't enjoy beating them more than anyone else. I was very happy with our defense. We held them to two points at the first quarter, 10 at the half, and 26 for the game. Those are all record lows since I have been here."

T.J. game Carl Andersen came off the bench in the second quarter and scored 23 points to lift Westside to a 52-41 victory over T.J. Andersen scored 15 of the Warrior's 17 points in the second quarter. The victory lifted Westside's total record to 9-2.

WHS takes Consolation honors Westside's hope of regaining the Holiday Tournament championship was lost in their opening game against North. The Warriors led by nine with six minutes left in the

Rummel game With the score tied at 41 each at



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the end of regulation play, Westside and Rummel were sent into two overtime periods before the Warriors finally prevailed 51-49. Bob Poage scored with 48 seconds left in the second overtime period to put Westside ahead 49-4 7, and John Hansen hit two freethrows with eight seconds. Those freethrows became important when Rummel's Kevin Kerrigan hit on a desparation shot with two seconds left.

Tim O'Sullivan tries to escape from a Boystown foe: O'Sullivan match with a pin.

Four 'animals' also rated best in state The grapplers finished first in the Millard Invitational with four champions, Chris Wear, Bill Coyne, Mark Boyer, and Fred Peterson. Other members performing well were Dan Ortega and Tim O'Sullivan finishing in third place and Dale Sieban coming in fourth. Coach Lou Miloni said, "Four wrestlers are rated as tops in the state. Those animals are Chris Wear (15-0), Dave Pearce (11-0), Mark Boyer (10-0), and Fred Peterson (16-0). Twenty-five people have wrestled in varsity competition, mostly underclassmen. We are getting a lot of depth."

Holiday win for Warriors

Rummel and probably the toughest against Benson Jan. 30. Both matches start at 7:30 p.m. at Westside." The string of unbeaten dual matches continued as the Warriors defeated Boys Town 30-19. Winners were Mark Miller, Allen Jones, Mark Boyer, Dan Ortega, Tim O'Sullivan, Bill Coyne, and Chris Wear. Bill Coyne defeated the number three rated wrestler from Boys Town and will probably be rated at the end of the week.


Westside placed second at the Boys Town Invitational before the Christmas Holidays. Chris Wear, Dave Pearce, Mark Boyer, and Fred Peterson were champs . All four kept their number one seating at State, finishing first. Mike Kimmel wrestled a great invitation placing second.

Grapplers edge out Tee Jay Fred Peterson pinned his opponent in 1:51 to give Westside a 27-22 victory. Coach Miloni said, "the last four matches determine the winner. We had the strength and we won." Miloni added, "the Metro Invitational is coming up Jan. 18-19 at A.L. Preliminaries start the 18th at 6:00 p.m. with finals starting the 19th at 7 :30 p.m. Other matches coming up are Jan. 26 against

Undefeated and untied The Burke Invitational regular meet of the Westside will be one of for this meet. The close out their regular Lincoln High tonight at 7 will be the last time to some prophesize will be State Champs before the and State.

More than 40 years ago, at Baylor University in banded together to prepay pita! and medical costs. member of the group buted an equal amount ly, and the fund was used pay h ea Ith care costs of bers who became The idea caught on, across the country du depression, and became Cross and later, Blue Today over 70 million ican's have Blue Cross and Shield protection-there's ing else like it, in American the world.

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February 2, 1973

NHS inducts 140 in focus on change The return of the Andrews Sisters marked the 1973 induction of National Honor Society Wednesday. The theme of the induction involved the degree to which teenage fads and high schools have changed in one generation. The Andrews Sisters, portrayed by Seniors Suzy Wurtz, Deanne Kelley and Susan Darst, exemplified high school life of the inductees ' parents. Later in the ceremony Senior Hema Subbaratham gave a slide show and music presentation on individuality to tie in today's high school modes.

· Suzy Wurtz rehearses for her lead role as the zany duchess in 'The Mouse That d.'

Speakers at the induction included NHS President Joe Cassman. and Seniors Ten ley Rogers. Jane Clark. Dede Day . Kathy DeGioia and Judi Vrana . The

apes cause trouble in Senior Class Play ld it be possible to start a war over ape wine competition between two ies? "The Mwse That Roared, " '!llr's Senior Class Play, uses this to present a delightful two-act .y. play. adapted from a book by rd Wibberly, concerns the country

twick. the United States and their making industries. Fenwick is more over the United States ~tition. so the small country .s up an ingenious scheme to get r: declare war on the United . lose. and demand money for litation. However, nothing turns te way Fenwick expects , which the audience gues.sing what will n next. ; a fantasy play, but it is a satirical

comment to the way things are done in the United States," said Anna Clark . drama teacher and director. She went on to explain how the play can be compared with World War II and all the money the United States spent rebuilding Japan after the destruction of the atomic bomb. The cast includes Suzy Wurtz. Lisa Alam, Leigh Ann Retelsdori, Kris Van Zandbergen, Linda Christian. Deanne Kelley. Jane Clark , Beth Otis. Patty Tobin, Joan Boucher . Debbie Holmstrom, Sue Roberts, Carol Zerbe . and Katie Gordon. Other cast members are Nancy Smith. Kiki Schreiner. Gwen Glesmann. J . Buda , Gary LOft, Jim Mierendori, Fritz Archerd, Tom Rock, Don Fallon. Kent Righter, Paul Elofson, and Will Ross. Student directors are Missy Clarke and

1cks' shake off stereotype ,d compete in the fine arts all brawn and no brain . all muscle and no heart . all Health and no Calculus de jock is . if not a totally nonexistent stereotype. a very rare breed . Many !S prove themselves to be non-jocks by their participation in the fine arts . Jr football halfback and basketball guard Jim Ingram. a varsity member of Jorts for two years . is a prime example. All through school. Jim has been an ~.a nd since fifth grade. he has played the cello in the orchestra . " A lot of people rprised to learn I play the cello." he said. "Everybody thinks athletes are or something ." ·ral other athletes. though not always varsity material or two sport lettermen. ;o involved in Westside's fine arts programs. Senior Rick Malot. trampoline tst and Individual Medley swimmer. has been a member of three Westside He defines " jock .. as a "person fairly decent in sports who makes a super big bout it. .. Rick mentioned the conflicts arising between fine arts activities and cs . "I couldn't be in the Senior Class Play because of the State Swim Meet.· · ed. lack of time a nd conflicts are great deterrants for athletes who might wish ! part in the fine arts. Darwin Snyder. band instructor. said II of the sophomores ~rve band could not be in marching band because they had football 'practice ;chool. Senior Tom Taxman. who has participated in four sports . and is very in music . drama and journalism . feels the arts "are more lasting than sports. I' m all for sports. they mean a lot to many kids. But there just isn't enough time. 1ing ·s gotta give. ·· ever. the time conflicts can work both ways for athletes. Now that football t is over . Seniors Jim Mierendori a nd Fritz Archerd said for the first time in :hoot they had time for fine arts and tried out for and will play sizeable parts in 1ior Class Play. Seni or Dan Fox. who has been a wrestler and yout h group baseballer. "I joined 1rrior Voices because I wanted to contribute somet hing to the school. I don 't I'm categorized either as an athlete or a fine arts freak; it ·s the satisfaction I tm both that matters ... Dan made the eight foot tall junk sculpture " The Phyla .. red for so long in the loge. athlete-turned-musician commented . "True jocks are afraid to start fine arts ies because people will tease them and call them sissies ... It might be difficult ·ibute sissy characteristics to a 6'4 ". 250 pound bruising tackle. even if he is :a piccolo.

Dave Waters. " The Mouse That Roared" is scheduled for Feb. 23 and 24, Friday and Saturday . at 8 p.m. in the auditorium. Admission will be free in advance with an activity ticket and $1 at the door.

latter four spoke on Scholarship. Character. Leadership, and Service. the criteria for election into the honorary club. Twelve sophomores were admitted with only provisional membership. Cassman commented that NHS revised the point system. making more equality for different activities. "Previously. more points were given for athletics than for clubs, etc.," he said. Newly inducted honorees: Seniors Carl Andersen . Fritz Archerd. Paula Baeten. Scott Bailey, Sara Barchus. Sharon Bennett, Susan Berg , Angela Sichel. Steve Blotcky, Kendall Blumer. Candy Boone, Robert Brite. Leslee Bunsness. Chuck Burns. Kathy Burrow. Sue Carpenter. Linda Christian. Brian Combs. Jane Crandell . Susan Darst. David Defreese. J. Russell Derr. Mike Dorsey. Debra Dowling. Betty Duxbury. Steve Edwards, Ken Figgins. Dallas Focht. Anthony Frink. Cheryl Fry, Matthew Geddie. Gwen Glesmann. Steve Graham. Jim Greenspan. Libby Hansen. Robert Harberg. Linda Hasebroock . Denise Hill. Kristin Hoffman. Ann Hovendick. Paula Howard. Pamela Hultberg . Jim Ingram. Arlene lncontro. John lvuls. Vance Jernstrom. Glenda Jones. Peg Kettleborough, Frank Kilmer. Diane Knight. Kathy Koch. Wade Kuchel. Gary Loft. Susan Lorenz. Susa n McCormick. DaDe

McFayden . Dave McKean. Charles Magdanz. Cecilia Mahowald . Todd Manvitz. Robert Merritt. Judy Mollner. Phyllis Monasee. Thomas Moore. John Mossblad . Susan Nutty, James Ohara. Linda Overton. Charles Petersen, Kent Peterson. Becky Powers. Susan Randle. Leigh Ann Retelsdorf. Jack Ringwalt. Susan Roberts. Thomas Rock. Nan Rohrberg , Kathy Rozum. Tony Schermerhorn. Lisa Schleifer. Erich Schrempp, Steve 0 . Smith. Beth Staenberg. Tom Taxman. Bruce Vanderveld. Kris Van Zanbergen, Victoria Veach. Rajendra Wall . Christie Wegner. Dave Williams. Susie Wurtz.

Juniors Dean Arkfield , Carol Baska, Debi Bernstein. David Campbell. Randy Cassling, Peter Cegielski. Caroline Chantry. Dorothy Davis. Julia Davis. Richard Debuse. Patricia Eaton, Peter Foley, Rosemary Freriks, Kyle Gibson. Anne Gilmore. Mike Gilmore. David Hathaway, Vicky Havelka. Barbara Heidemann. Sherry Helmke. Michelle Holmes , Dan Keller. Mark Kelly. Nancy Macdonald. Cindy Mathe. Tim Patenode, Amy Peterson. Peggy Poeschl . Debbie Salmen. Susan Severa, Stephen Skrivanek. Linda Somberg . Terri Talty, Susan Uhrich. Janet Williams. Jessalyn Wilscam . Brian Wilson.

Sophomores Victoria Austin. Naomi Brown. Susan Dalton. Barbara Dapper!, Paul Green. Dwayne Hughes. John Japp , Rick Lawson. Douglas Michael. Michael Miller. Joanne Peterson. and Barry Summer .

Second annual fifties day

Girls and guys: bee-bop at the hop tonite Walking into Westside today . a forty year old man might feel like a high schooler again . For one day . rolled jeans. skinny suspenders. greased hair . bobby socks. belted waists. knee-length skirts , bobbed hair. and ponytails are back. The revival of the fifties and the soc- hop tonight following the South game is a fund raising project by the Junior Class. The soc-hop will be between 9:30 p.m. and 11 p.m. and admission is 75c with an activity ticket. Wh y have we celebrated the fifties for the past two years? Why not celebrate the roaring twenties. the thirties or the sixties?

According to senior Kris Streng . " The reason we celebrate the fifties is because we relate to that particular time . It 's the time when our parents were near the age we are now. In a way it's exaggerating our trends of today and at the same time mocking our parents ." Senior Neal Miesbach sa id . "Ce lebrating the fifties is like returning to the era of our birth. The twenties were too early for some of our parents to remember. let alone ourselves . The sixties were not long enough ago to look back on and " remember ." The fifties seem like a logical compromise. " " The fifties is a decade that some

of us can at least remember vaguely and we have a fifties day because this is the decade when our parents . teachers , and friends wer e teenagers. But it was s hort enough ago that we can remember clunk y saddle shoes and Beaver Cleaver, " commented senior Mike Dorsey . Junior Barry Summers said, " There aren't twenties and thirties da ys because kids don't identify with those eras . and the sixties weren't that different from the seventies ." " The reason is simple. " said government and history seminar instructor Bill Nelson . "It's because kids think that's as far back as history goes ."

Sophomore Clark Jordan shows off his new set of 'wheels' as Chris Streng portrays the average 50's student.


Page 2

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Honor student (on-er st-y-oo-dent)n . One who performs excellently in the fields of scholarship, service. leadership, and character. National Honor Society (nash-en-al on-er se-si-e-te-) abv. NHS n. An idealistic organization established by the National Association of Secondary School Principals whose aim is to honor each year the 150 most honorable students. It was established in the 1920's to balance the commandments in athletics and pure scholarship STEPS to qualify for NHS: 1. Class rank in the top 15 percent--seniors. 10 percent-juniors. 5 percent--sophomores. 2. Acquisition of infinite service points. 3. Upright and outstanding character as judged by a composite of teacher's evaluations. 4. Qualities of leadership determined by that same composite. EXAMPLES of service point system: 1 varsity letter-5pts. 5 varsity letters-5 pts. 3 yrs . of candy striping-1 pt. 1 swim lesson-1pt. (to an underpriviledged child ) outside job-none + 2SAB-3pts.

Orchestra-Ensembles-3pts. Chamber-3pts. Srings-3pts. Art-none ArtCiub-1pt. + 1 Newspaper editor-4pts. + 1 Yearbook editor-5pts.

+ 1 See " How to Succeed in High School Journalism for the Sake of Your Transcripts ." + 2See "Interest the College of Your Choice with a Colorful Transcript, " chapter Ill " Getting Elected to Your Student Council. " UNDERHANDED STEPS to obtain NHS membership: 1. Take many minimum work-maximum or average class rank point courses. 2. Brow nosing of teachers and established members. 3. Join the right clubs (high service point value with little labor) 4. Know how to avoid most meetings of clubs mentioned in No. 3. (a helpful book might be 100 Easy Excuses for Home or School) + taken from Rags to Rhodes Scholar by Trickery, chapter I "Assembling a Good High Schoo l Transcript ... The N HS's aim is high, but defining and selecting students to fit this aim is possible only in theory. However. NHS is only a product of our society which classifies. ranks, degrades. and honors everyone. to incite the odor of competition. It's not enough to be a good. loving human being, one must join the Peace Corps and sing in Swahili as he helps to cultivate tulip fields in the Himalayas.

Last year approximately 70 juniors attended an orientation with English Teacher Richard Bock on an experimental course ironically called Independent Literature 12. Bock introduced the advantages this course would have over the old structured English class. Briefly the course consists of students: 1) meeting with a scheduled small group whenever needed . about once every two weeks ; 2) setting up their own discussion groups during free mods or before and after school . whichever suited the situation ; and 3) proceeding by the usual contract for a date and grade system. The intended result of the course is that the students undertake more responsibility in return for more flexibility in student relationships and course structure. Students enthusiastically began the year by selecting their first units and discussion groups. But it seems when it came to finding a time to sign up for these discussions. varying schedules made the task almost impossible. One situation intended to enforce group responsibility was that. if one member of a discussion group was absent. the group could not meet. Time and again a member was absent. thus cancelling the discussion . Bock found this situation to be the rule rather than the exception and took appropriate action . He permitted the groups to decide whether or not to meet with a member absent. The absent student would then have to make up the time and do extra work for his negligence. However. the problem was not corrected until most of the students were already behind and some were not able to complete their first of five units until the end of the first quarter. This resulted in many students missing pre-contracted completion dates and having to overcome another rigid stipulation . If a completion date for written work is missed. the student receives an eight for that unit. However. he must complete the required work to receive the eight and continue to the next unit. So now as second semester begins to unwind there appears to be a great number of first semester Literature faces floundering from independence in order to complete an essential course . Bock realizes that the course was only moderately effective first semester. but also believes that those who floundered learned from the actual experience and therefore set an example for students and courses in the future . Obviously any progressive attempt will have its pitfalls and its guinea pigs. So. to those students (and others to come) only one thought remains: the realism and hardship that one has encountered is a tragic experience. and very hard to accept .. but life continues . . by Jay Jacoby

February 2,


AFunny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum ... J . - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - b y bill wall It was bound to happen. The members of Westside's illustrious st udent government , the Forum, having attained all of their goals for the school year. had nothing more to protest. To discuss possible solutions to this distressing situation a secret meeting was held in the auditorium ... " Students," yelled Forum President Howard Helrazer. "we have completely run out of demands. The administration has given in to our every wish. If we don't come up with something soon, we'll have to go to class during the rest of the scheduled Forum assemblies. " (Loud Booing ) "Why don't we demand that the school district set up a lifetime pension fund for all Westside graduates." one Forum member shouted. " We did, stupid," another shouted over the din. "We got that proposal passed after we locked up Coach Hall for three days in the shower room.'· "Let's demand that no teachers can give semester tests without a permission slip signed by their parents ," another suggested . " Idiot," Helrazer said. " That was put through after we burned down the guidance department. ·· "Oh. I thought we burned down the guidance department because they wouldn't give us a fifteen minute break during tests ." "No, we got the test break after we kidnapped Mr. Vendetti." "Co me on , students," Helrazer persisted. ''there must be something we want that they haven't given us." "Open campus for custodians." " A semester break between quarters.''

"What about parking space? ." a student cried. " We don't have enough parking space !'· " We got them to tear down the science wing last semester to give us more parking space," Howard said. " It would be hard to approach them again with that demand."

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fi'i " Free refreshments in the commons.· · someone suggested. " They 're already serving beer and pretzels in the commons now. " ' 'True. but you have to show them your I. D. card to get seconds." " Let 's raid the administrative offices and let them come up with some ideas." a junior yelled.

"Why should we have to think own demands all the time ? The has a responsibility to make SO!Ill' us. !Loud Cheering ! Helrazer said. " That's pia · administration's game. They'd think up student demands they in to. What kind of demonstration' I say this time we have to "go for They ' ve got to believe we business 1 '' " I 've got it! I've got it ! Let's demonstration protesting the fad the administration has given in to demands,'' an ecstatic student ''They're patronizing us. " "They've taken our pride away." " We 're sick and tired of liviJW permissive society." (Muttering from the crowd ) may work. para-professionals in the att office and won't let them out administration takes disciplinary against us." " If they give us amnesty. we'll faculty lounge apart." ... After the para-professionals held for four days the admi · finally gave in and agreed to the trouble-makers in the school. At the very next meeting a r was passed that warned if, in the Westside refused to take disci action against any student fir infraction of school policies, the commons would be burned to the

What's Bob Hope doing next Xmas1 by Bob Eisenberg

It 's incredible. After seemingly endless years of war . it all seems to have come to an end . To paraphrase the poem. it has ended with a whimper rather than a bang . The war in Vietnam is now a matter of history , let 's hope. Junkie GI 's defoliated jungles, moratoriums , weekly casualty counts, and yes . even editorials on the war are now a thing of the past . Gee, won 't we miss them? Last week President Nixon made his long-awaited speech concerning cease-fire and its rough generalities . It was the finest hour of his career. and even though he brought the conflict to an end with a Christmas-time blanket of terror over Vietnam, he must be commended for this masterful move of international statesmanship . Likewise , Henry Kissinger has proven himself to be much more than a precocious playboy piddling with the promiscuous Pandoras of Paris . No, he too has lived up to all that was expected of him . One can envision his robust German mother crying with pride over her Bratenwurst TV dinner in Podunk, New Jersey . And justified she is at that. It's not every mother who can boast of a son ending an international conflict. The provisions concerning the end to the war are

relatively simple to follow . Dr. Kissinger- madeitc that the U .S. will not impose a political solution 1 coalition government) on South Vietnam . The poll future of the nation will be determined by the Vietnamese themselves . After a primary agree between South Vietnamese political parties. they plan and conduct elections. The United States wants " lasting peace " in Vietnam . Hopefully , relations between the U.S. and North shall improve from hostility to normalizatioa then, possibly, to conciliation . The implementation observation of this cease-fire shall be conducted th the International Control Committee, consisting oiL citizens of Canada, Hungary , Poland , and Indonesia. The brightest news for us is the release of Ameri Prisoners of War from North Vietnamese prison ca within the next sixty days . Oh well, no m melodramatic. corny John Denver ballads for us. We' too busy taking off our VIVA-POW bracelets . As for bombing , President Nixon simply used the old Ma · theory : the end justifies the means . So come on p let 's all stand behind our President and his braveB-51 and thank them for ending the war .

the lance eThe mud and water tracked in from the 4,000-plus feet of the Westside student body has reportedly seeped down the aisles of the auditorium , and reached a high crest on the stage. The props from the Senior Class Play were recently si ghted floating down 72nd and Dodge. eThe hot lunch program has been intentionally avoided by many Westside seniors, who have relied on Burger King to provide their lunches . One senior, departing from the traditional hamburger , fries . and shake , ordered, much to the amazement of his friends. " One hamburger , hold the meat. "

Published bi-weeKly by the Publications D epartment of Wests i de High School, 87th and Pacific St. , Omaha, NebrasKa 68114. THE LANCE is a member of the National Sch clastic Press Association and the NebrasKa High School Press Association. The paper is given free o f charge to holders of Activity TicKets. Subscription rates to o thers are $3.00 p os tpaid . Non-profit mailing rights claimed. Printed by Wright Printing Co . , Omaha, Nebr.

... Pam Hultberg and Susan Darst Co-editors ..... Cyndie Jones Layout editor .. .. . . Jeasalyn Wilscam Copy editor ... . BiiiWald Editorial editor . Asst. editorial editor . . .. Bob Eiaenberg Entertainment editor . . . .. Rick Denney . ..... Terri Talty News editor . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Feature editor . . . . . ..... Rosemary Frerika Asst. feature editor .. . .............. . .... AI Katz .... Sheri Petel'80n Feature writer .

Business editor ... Advertising manager Sports editor . . ........ .. . . Asst. sports editor . .. ............ SIIYI Art editor ............ .. .... ...... J6f Phtoeditor ........ ......... ...... Br*IO. Photograph em . . ... Joe PW.-

PIIOltl llrucl Advisor . . . .

. .... Ms. Kathyaa.


ary 2, 1973


Page 3


Films show struggle rently playing at Omaha theaters is ly the finest film to come out thus 1 1973. The title of the film is 1iah Johnson. (GPl It stars Robert fd in the title role. .lis the story of a man who seeks to e the problems of society to find a ·re in the Rocky Mountains. As develop he realizes that he is onted with many of the same ions as he had faced when he had iving "down below." of the reasons for the film 's ence is the photography. Also this dford's best acting since " Butch iy and the Sundance Kid.·· i film is highly recommended for te seeking to escape the typical turemovie. eremiah Johnson is the best film ear, then in second place would be verance." (R) of the best discription 's of this flick at it is "i nteresti ng but not aining' " ~aves the viewer at a high level of ·ement with the main character Jon t, as he struggles with the morality man vs nature. ·e important than the struggle of in the wilderness is the way of tying the advantages of society. It s the viewer to realize that there is

a time and place for what society has to offer. If you can get through the grossness of the rape scene. without it destroying the entire film for you. this should be one of the most interesting films you will see. Although it is billed as a " 1937 classic. ·· " Madness. " is one of the funniest films I have ever seen. Before your very eyes "you will be able to witness how marijuana addiction is the first step into the asylum ." This film should be seen by anyone who enjoys old time film.~ as it is of superior quality . Several other films that are exceptionally good is the old classic "Gone With The Wind. " This film almost satisfies everyones tastes. The other classic now playing is MASH . Although it does not have universal appeal it is an exceptional satire. MUSIC Regarded as one of the finest polls taken, Playboy recently published the results of the annual music survey. Instrumental Group Vocal Group Songwriter Guitar

Chicago Rolling Stones Burt Bacharach Hal David Eric Clap ton

'usic by Electric Strings 'ghlights orchestra clinic ;pitesnowandadverseweather itions which caused the !llation of an earlier orchestra !rt, the District 66 Symphony est ra held their annual clinic oncert Jan. 22-23 . ! group, consisting of district •r and senior high school cians. practiced for several s prior to its final concert Jan. theW estside auditorium . ! day of the concert , students dismissed from classes for an 1y rehearsal in the auditorium . wo hour lunch break was filled such activities as eating, ng , studying , working out le spots, and relaxing . est conductor for the clinic was Marvin Rabin . Head of the ersity of Wisconsin Extention .c Department , he is also :tor of the Wisconsin State 1g Development Program. n has conducted several youth thonies and has studied with Mahler and Pierre Monteux . was his third visit to Westsid e est clinician . .e program consisted of on 's " A Shakespeare Suite ," 1er's " Procession of the Grail 'Parsifal.' " and Dvorak 's

"Fi nale from Symphony in E minor. " Guest artists were a group of seven students from Detroit . Michigan called tht! Electric Strings . The group utilized electric violins and amplifiers for an unusual effect. Coordinators of the 100 piece District 66 orchestra were music instructors Harold Welch , Marian Loseke and Annette Berger. Upcoming orchestra events include a February concert , the musical in March, the District Contest in April and the Honors Concert in Ma y.

br rick denne,] Paul McCartney Keith Emerson Buddy Rich M - Mick Jagger F - Carole King

Bass Organ Drums Vocals LPS

Big Band

Procol Harum Live in Concert Chicago V "Harvest" Neil Young

Rock Group Vocal

Two music specials can be seen on television tonight. In Concert on ABC and a special on NBC at midnight.

Photo by Erich Scbrempp

'Electric Strings' perlormed last week at Westside. The all-black Detroit group was well received at a non-mandatory convocation.

News Briefs

Homes 'desperately' needed for AFSers "We're in desperate need of families to house AFS students for next year." So commented AFS president Donna Elafros . The American Field Service sponsors all Westside . exchange s tudents and houses them with willing Westside families. The shortage of families is an unusual problem , and Ms . Elafros claims only one family has submitted an application .

awards and a performance with the Omaha Symphony . This year, seven awards were presented , and Junior Alice Barmore was the recipient of an Honorable Mention certificate . Although Alice did not receive a cash award, she found the contest a rewarding experience and plans to enter again next year. A talented flutist , Alice competed against 42 musicians for recognition.

" There are no qualifications , only desire and willingness ," said Ms . E Ia fros . Interested students and parents are encouraged to call Mr . and Mrs . Don Doerr at 393-7398; Mr. and Mrs . Bob Brahm at 391-7831 or Mr . and Mrs . Ken Kamphe at

Juniors raising funds

391-1402 .

Flutist honored

" We ' re trying to think of other projects ," commented Junior Class vice-president Barb Feeney, thinking of the approaching date of Prom. Although she would not reveal the date , Barb says there is still time for any interested junior to get involved in fund raising projects.

Already on the calendar is Fifties Day, which is today. A skating party is planned for Feb. 22. And Sadie Hawkins Day will be before Prom this year , on AprilS.

Try-outs held Try-outs for the Warrior Voices were held the week of Jan . 22 , according to Don Schuler , sponsor . Schuler said anyone was eligible , but " Those with experience have an advantage." Singing a solo, matching pitches , and filling out an application were part of tlie auditions for the 41 openings . One vocal music group , Chamber Choir , will perform the operetta "The Lowland Sea " in the Little Theater Feb . 13 . Admission is free for the 8 p .m . event .

Each year, talented Nebraska youths are encouraged to enter the Young Artists Solo Competition. sponsored by the Omaha Symphony Guild. The students compete for cash


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88th & West Center Road · 393-4300

Page 4

•••• Although the geography of the Omaha area inhibits skiing. many Westsiders have taken up this continually growing sport. Several students SPent Christmas vacation skiing; most in Colorado. some unfortunates from the Westside Ski Club . in Switzerland. Undaunted by this fiasco. the Ski Club plans to visit Steamboat Springs March 14-19. Travel and Transport offers package tours to any interested group . One example is a Sup Valley trip on United Air Lines. The one-way flight to Salt Lake City on United is $106. the bus to Sun Valley . Idah o is $10 . and accommodations. lift tickets. and ski rentals differ according to the lodge. At the beginning of each ski season Omaha presents a Ski Show . This year's was held at the Hilton Hotel. involving movies . demonstration~ and exhibits of the latest techniques. equipment. resorts and fashion . Sports shops and air lines are also represented . The problem of cost. a handicap to many students. is somew a a leviat"ed by a Ski Swap, sponsored by Omaha Ski and Avalanche Clubs each November. At this bazaar-like swap. skiing enthusiasts may sell and purchase used ski equipment at reasonable prices .

CRESCENT-CLOSEST SLOPES Crescent, Iowa, the closest skiing for Omahans has had many difficulties in remaining operational due to the fluctuating weather. A five inch base is a necessity even with the help of their snow makers. Lifts are $3.50 and $4.50 for weekdays and nights and Saturday and Sunday . respectively. Lifts plus complete rental packages are $6.50and $8. To Colorado skiers the situation at Crescent is far from ideal. The hill is liten icy and lifts are not always in working condition. However, a student commented, "It's fun, anyway.' ·

NEBRASKA'S SKI CENTER Nebraska's only ski resort, Devil's Nest , is on Lewis and Clark Lake about 200 miles· north of Omaha. Its facilities include 12 runs, a chair lift, and a poma lift. The longest run is 5,100 ft. The runs are almost too steep at the top but soon flatten out and stay flat. One skier said, "I had to push most of the way." Generally the runs are too narrow, with each ending in the same creek bottom (traffic jam). But an lificial said that problem never presented itself because

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there hasn 't been enoogh snow to open all the runs . The lift rates for weekends and holidays keep up with the Colorado competition, $6 a day and $4 after 6 p.m. For a poma lift ticket. alone. the rates are cut in half. A complete rental package is $6.50. These prices also align with Colorado, so does the quality of the equipment. They have the latest "step in" binding, and good quality boots and poles . Westside 's Ski Club has been contemplating possible trips to Devil 's

WHAT WESTSIDERS SAY ASPEN--is a well developed town, the people are friendly; a homey atmosphere. There are lots d highlands, lots of moontains. It's just conveniently huge. More crowded than Vail, a little cheaper too. Extra asset : Spider Sabish (swoon), also. a Jot of dogs (St. Bernards.etc . ) BRECKENRIDGE--cheaper than Aspen or Vail ; smaller, rounded mountain 2-3000 feet. Lots of trees and dogs. Ice skating also available. A lot of fun , especially with the ski club, but too bad Westside, the ski club has been banned because of our last visit. STEAMBOAT SPRINGS-a new resort built on a cute town; a lot of nice, reasonably priced accommodations . Intermediate runs harder tha most , not packed snow , moguls . A lot of experts. not strict dri~l),g age enforcement. Benson & Hedges Pro Rae ch 1£ same time as WHS trip. VAIL--all students remarked the expensive sides of Vail. The skiers are status conscious , the atmosphere is cold in more than one way. Accommodations modern . Very commercial, the night life is excellent even for high schoolers . " Aspen's a town; Vail 's a resort ." WINTER PARK-big (not as big as Aspen or Vail ). but most extensive of cheaper places. Beautiful scenery . Not a lot of accommodations nearby. Skiers mostly from Denver. Neat restaurant-sun porch midway down slope. • Certified ski school.



. ................ .· Buttermilk, Tieback , Snowman. 210 miles· frorrr !Mn-ver:-:-:-skiers ' Mecca for over 20 years.':..50 miles of runs. Lift rate : full day $9. Ski rental : $5. 14 doubfe chair lifts, 4 pomas. 85lodges. 7 nights , 6 days double occupancy--$83-$223. ASP~ !II.-

BRECKENRIDGE-in its 12th operational year. 86 miles from Denver. Winter snows average 250" . 75 acres of runs . Lift rate : $6.50. Ski rental: $5.50. 7 double chair lifts , 2 T-bars , 2 pomas. 27 lodges. 7 nights , 7 days double occupancy--$141.75. · STEAMBOAT SPRINGS-Ski Town USA. 31f2 hour drive pagne powder. " Lift rate: from Denver. Snow "c $8.50. Ski rental : $6. 5 ooble chair lifts, 2 pomas. Bell Gondola . 16 lodges at base of mountain, !.j! in Steamboat Springs . 39 runs. 3,600verticalfeet. VAIL--"Colorado's largest integral ski complex ." Ten square miles. llO miles from Denver. Lift rate : $9. Ski rental: $7. 9 dooble chair lifts, 2 gondolas, 3 pomas. 35 lodges or restaurants. 7 nights lodging, 6 days skiing--from $105-$23'7. Skier capacity~ hour : 12,600. WINTER P ARK : 2-mile long runs, 300 feet wide. Less ~ver. 33 slopes, mostly designed for than 2 hours the beginner. Lift rate : $6.50. Ski Rental : $5. 7 double chair lifts, 2-T-bars. 12lodges with American plan (with meals) . with European plan (without l.

SUN VALLEY- OOd family vacation..J.:! . crowded. Long runs , long hours, lots of powder. Large a nd convenient. Nice town (Ketchum . Ida . ). ice skating a nd · ... other winter sports , a lot of freedom .

SUN VALLEY - can be reached from Boise, Idaho, or Sa lt Lake City, Utah. Dollar Mt.--13 runs, 3 lifts :· Baldy Mt. --38 runs, 9 lifts. 3,000 vertical feet. Offers hikes, horse back riding. and backpacking to nature groups.

ALTA , PARK CITY, SNOWBIRD-are the best in Utah. Alta seems to be the closest thing to Europe in the U.S.: rugged, tough mountains. Steep but not crowded . Enough facilities to handle many more skiers.

ALTA , PARK CITY , SNOWBIRD- Three major resorts less than an hou r from Salt Lake City airport. Package deals include 7 nights , lodging, 7 days skiing--anywhere from $44-$215.

Nest in the near future. The general opinion from students is that it is better than Crescent but it's no Colorado. It's just a taste of skiing for Nebraska.

COLORADO SKI TIPS Prepare for the beauty of Colorado. From Omaha a reserved coach fare on United Air Lines is $92, student-stand-by

is $58 to Denver. Buses are a vailable for transport between Denver a nd the resorts for under $10. Where to stay? The most economical long-range plan would be to own a condominium and rent it while away. It practically pays for itself . For those without alot of collateral a "Grunt" is a cheap place to stay the night. It 's a heated trailer and rents for $3 a night.

They 're spread around the ski areas ; just watch for them . To cheapen condominium or hotel costs, travel with a large group and split the price. To hit the slopes, skis, boots and poles are necessary. Renting shoold be done in Colorado because d better quality equipment . There seems to be no problem of running out d rentals, but a reservation might be recommended.

carries the name brands. Sohler skis, Hart, Kneissl, 81111 are reliable makes. Look binding are favored by including those at Grenoble. name in boots.

WHAT TO WEAR Once the skier is all set on and where to go, the problem what to wear. The intrepid choose clothing that is u•m· UlfliiU slopes and attractive back at Cautious skiers may shy the very popular eire' nylon, slidy wet-look material, great resistance. It seems the Switzerland wish to ootlaw the

backs right into trees or even un~~~oo~ New this year are complete with extra convenient zippers and in wild parka and matching sweater over-the- boot stretch pants wiD 'em dead . Apres-ski wear these brand names: Rdfe $30-$45 ), Oberbanlon $30-$35 ), Medico ( hanlon $10 ), Ernst Engel (jun• • men ), Head Ski and Soo1rts1rear. Abercrombie & Fitch (ski paris mock turtleneck shirts at $23). Don't forget the little comf o.rt on the slopes underwear can be fun, as in'""'.,..- · ' of a cunning looking dog and " Don ' t Eat Yellow Snow." goggles are only $5, arxl gloves run from $13 to $22.50.

We don't make promises. We make guarantees. We have too many good things to offer you to make any up. (They're so good you may think we are making them up.) We won't guarantee you anything we can't pay off. (If we guarantee you Hawaii, start waxing your surfboard . You ' ll need it.) Everything we guarantee will be put down in writing. In a legal document that you get a copy of. (If you agree to sign for computer training and the Delayed Entry Option, it will all be spelled out in language you can understand.) We think today's Army has a lot to offer you. We'll try to convince you of that. That's our job. But we'll never try to mislead you. That's our job, too. Your Army Representative Contact SSG. Wallace C. Moore 6208 Maple St. Ph . 553-2289


uary 2, 1973


Page 5

Maybe not, but try these snow frolics

ng, supposedly the king cl winter .. lost its crown this winter to an foot long, $HXKI contraption on rs-the snowmobile. Now a $600 n industry , its growth in popularity een phenomenal, for a few years 1owmobiles were scarce. husiasts of the sport proclaim that "sleds " allow them to beat the :doldrums - to get away from it all. !so a group and family activity . are at least 3000 clubs in the U.S. nost of the people proclaim that dship is the best part of nobiling. wmobiles have several useful ses. Doctors in small. isolated ,unities use them to make house Even without the brandy of the St. Bernard, their use as a rescue e has been invaluable. j while skiing's greatest •versy has been over what kind of gs are best, snowmobiling has ~ an uproar that has caused the 1nmentalists to go up in arms and •ocates to take the defensive. vmobilers have allienated a great people who find the machines a t to the environment . They ain mostly about the noise, which ut as loud as a power chain-saw. pting the quiet countryside. •wners have objected to the te touring snowmobilers do to their iy . vmobiles can also crush small md bushes, frighten wildlife, and y dormant vegetation. There are >f snowmobilers chasing deer until .e of exhaustion. dents have been a major problem. ally because children operate the nes . Crashes with cars, and trucks, 's into lakes. and overturnings !aimed many lives. tsiders have experimented with ort , and all owners of snowmobiles im its versatility and fun. Senior Hinchcliff tows his "sled" around -Haul contra~ion to a snowy field , Is it and roars elf. porting goods store has sold 70 10biles this year, as well as even nylon. rubberized and insulated 'or the sport. A club to promote snowmobiling, Snowbirds, with :m George Fowler as president , be glad to amwer any questions get newcomers started in 1obiling.

E DARING ANKLES? 1ha makes up for its skiing lack in mdance of ice skating rinks. There any little Peggy Flemings gliding I out of charging junior Omaha :s . Outside rinks include Conoco Westridge Drive) and a rink near ate Pool (82nd and Grove) . Frozen !S , though clten oompy. are skated when possible at Happy Hollow -y Club and near the soccer fields and Center. only city owned and operated rink is Benson Park. Benson is Jr public skating. Friday : 8-10:30;

Saturday : 11-1. 3:3D-5 :30, 8-10:30; and Sunday: 10 :3D-12 :30, 1-3. 3:3D-5:30. 7)9 . Skate rental is 75c. As an added feature a rock tape is played for the high school skaters on weekends. Ak-Sar-Ben is the only other indoor rink. It is open daily for public skating (but varies clten because of hockey schedules, so call ahead) from 1D-12. 2-5 and 8-10. Admission, skate rental and skate sharpening are 50c each. Lessons are affiliated with the Omaha Figure Skating Club. They offer beginners' courses and extend membership invitations to skaters who pass the preliminary tests in Dance and School Figure. Juniors Sherril Prideaux. Kathy Musil and Debbie Rahel are presently involved in the club, studying under the Ak-Sar-Ben pros Joan and Jim Disbrow , and working toward competition level. Skating, compared to skiing, is rather inexpensive. Skates range from $16.95 to $94.50 (the latter for prclessional skates ) at Bahnsen's. Unlike ski equipment skates remain nearly unchanged and can

German Club hav e sponsored toboganning parties, and several other students gave tips on "the hot" places to go for sledding fun. The general consensus was that Memorial Park is ideal for the longer toboggan rides. Of course, the more people squashed on the toboggan. the better. According to Bahnsen's. the Adronak (brand name) toboggan is constructed of mahogany and pine, five



chocolate glazed Rockbrook Village

-- -


be used by many young Olympians.

SLED, SNURFORSKIBOB Each year. a universal Christmas toy is the sled . Virtually every child in this area has enjoyed the exhilarating experience of tottering down hills and over bumps at anywhere from !>-40 m.p.h. Many Westside students still enjoy this old fashioned winter sport. Z-Club and

to ten feet long, averaging $34.95. The weight-controlled sled runs over deep. not necessarily pack. snow. Enthusiasts of Spring Lake Park (4020 Hoctor Blvd. ) claim the slopes have diverse possibilites. One long run with many bumps is perfect for the standard three to four foot sled. Flexible Flyer. the most popular sled, is oak constructed and ranges from 37"-ffi". The standard four foot model is $19.95. Junior Laura Schory mentioned

" It 's something to do in Nebraska," asserted Ms. Pat Pugh, an authority on the second fastest growing sport (after tennis )--cross country skiing. "It gets you outside in the winter ; it's easier than hiking or bike riding," she said. Ms. Pugh estimated 300 cross country skiers in the Omaha area compared to about 25

skiers three years ago. Nebraska has the ideal terrain for the sport. with gently rolling hills. Cross country skis are rather light, with toepiece bindings. A boot much like a golf shoe with a hole in the toe is attached to each ski ; the heel is left free to place the weight on the ball of the foot. Ms. Pugh pointed out that a complete cross country set-up -boots. poles , skis and binding- -can be had for only $70. Incidentally. a good pair of downhill ski boots alone cost $79. so it can be seen that cross country is four times less expentSive than downhill skiing. · Ms. Pugh, the only cross country skiing expert in this five-state area , has forfour years been the proprietor of Ski Racket (33 Kiewit Plaza, 334-4422). The mail order department offers cross country equipment (shown by appointment only ). Ms . Pugh is also an American Professional certified instructor. Senior Kathy Koch described the sport : " The trick to it is in the wax. For daytime with not too sticky snow . I use a red wax, when it's real slushy I'd use blue. If you use the right wax you just glide effortlessly on top cl the snow. " Kathy says she skis nightly at Elmwood Park, occasionally seeing five to ten other enthusiasts. She generally follows trails already made by snowmobiles , propelled by slightly longer than average poles to facilitate pushing harder. Other Westside cross country skiers are Sophon10re Heidi Hamsa , Junior Kyle Gibson and Senior Jim Weaver . Ms. Pugh revealed that earlier in the fall she lectured at several Omaha high schools , showing films and demonstrating outside the techniques of cross country. She said area students responded tremendously to the sport, and hopes to visit Westside next year for the same purpose.

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Tachometer • Radial tires • Radio • Woodgrain style dash, console and shift knob • Racing stripes and hood vents • Electric rear window defogger • 4-speed synchromesh • Power braking system with front discs • Electric clock • And lots more



steered by shifting one's weight, holding onto a rope. The $9.95 snurfer has been tremendously popular and is seen at the slopes of various grade schools . including Westgate and Prairie Lane. Another new sledding apparatus is the skibob, which is cl metal construction and shaped like a bicycle. The two runners facilitate good control on steep hills. Price: $29.95.

Fully equipped and then some.

f you like doughnuts, you'll love

"Campbell Hill" as her favorite spot. The slope can be reached by driving past Skateland to 1(Jith and Z Streets. The hill is so named for its proximity to the Campbell Soup Factory. Laura said , "There are never any people there. and the sunset is just beautiful." Snurfing , not unlike slaloming in waterskiing, is a relatively new sport. The person stands with both feet on a five foot long laminated wood ski. The ski is





328 So. 72nd Cedar Note Shopping Center


Page 6

Red hot lovers anticipate valenti The Feast of Lupercalia. that day of lac e-trimmed . confection-filled hearts is once again taking its place among the year 's most contingent occasions under its more popular alias , St . Valentine's Da y. This heart-bedecked date looming in the center of th e February calendar is a sign of uncertainty to Romeos and Juliets alike. Through the years Valentine's Day has evolved from a simple feast for lovers into something far more complicated than the once-existing exchange of home-made cards with sugar-coated messages .



Curlers, permanents next? by AI Katz "About time for a haircut. isn't it son? " How many times have you heard that or something similar? Like to have a quarter for every time, right? Next time you concede. try something different, have it styled . Styled? Isn ' t that a little bit effeminate? According to Subby's Hairstyles Inc .. 90 percent of all the barbershops today now give their customers styled haircuts . The difference? When they style your hair, barbers now shape, straighten (or curl) , and build it

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into a styled look. Formerly they just combed and cut it. Now instead of your hair looking like you just dried it in back of a Boeing 747 engine, you're liable to be mistaken for Mark Spitz or Burt Reynolds. What's this newfrund beauty worth? To the barbers, styling means anywhere from $7 to $10.50 a head, a nice raise considering a regular old haircut costs $2. Sound nice but cost too high? Fear not. This reporter has discovered that. if you can stand the embarrassment, some beauty salons will do it for $5 even though it's against the barbers' union (which is a hairy union to begin with) . These beauty salons do a fairly decent job. They give you a wash, a good looking cut, and all the odd stares you 'II need for a life time.

As early a s grade school the event is not without difficulties . There is the inevitable decision of which card to slip into one 's favorite Valentine 's gluey , doilied shoe box , knowing that in the end it will join 352 identical others sporting the amorous promise . " I'll wear a sign if you 'II be mine ." As one grows older , the problem arises of what to give in return for a ten-pound hollow chocolate heart from

Pep Club faltering,· restricted to chants Pep Club, it is obvious in the halls and at the games, is dying. The concentrated efforts this summer and fall by the five Pep Club officers to form a much less strict constitution and attract more girls to join the club were successful for awhile. The club started out with 400 members; it does not now technically contain any senior girls except cheerleaders or those in marching units, and many others have dropped out. Senior President Sharon Bennett cited a smaller and less enthusiastic sophomore group and a lack of spirit

Bellevue College is a four-year college with a full program of studies leading to degrees in the liberal arts and business administration. At Bellevue , we believe in small classes and close student-faculty association . Degrees are offered in art , business administration, communicative arts , English , geography, history, mathematics, physical education, philosophy , political science , psych ology, sociology and Spanish . In addition , composite degrees are offered in urban studies and social science . CONTACT . . .

one 's father. or the brown paper bag with a circle cut in it and decorated with peanut butter finger prints from the young Don Giavanni one on Saturday nights . Of course, there is the classic challenge of for the ardent lovers . too . In any case. the creativity as illustrated in the following sugg For those who are agile in the culinary try a dyed red banana with both your names or a marshmallow doily-diapered cupid brarxlisl• red licorice spear ! For the slightly adventuresome . an attempt to bake the sixteen-layer red cake with a sonnet written oa layer in candy hearts may be worthwhile . If you're artistically talented. try a wooden heart and magazine rack! Or give an lover three turtles trained to walk in a heart with " I Love You " painted on their shells. developed the knack, the possibilities are

throughout the club and the school as major problems. She pointed out that junior high pep clubbers no longer have any motivation togo to their games. The Pep Club President at Valley View Junior High estimated 250 girls in her club , but "maybe 30 will appear in uniform at our games." She said all award systems were taken away from the junior high girls three years ago-- " reserved for Westside. " She commented that althrugh she looked forward to Westside, " Nobody has any spirit anymore. Yru used to feel bad if you didn 't wear yrur uniform on game day, now you 're rut of place if you do." Westside's club suffers from the same problem. Paradoxically for the Westside officers (who made extensive constitutional changes last summer). many members said they felt the rules (and sponsors) were still too strict. Drill Squad captain Paula Haeder agrees. and said. "You should be able to put as much effort into Pep Club as yru want. If a girl wants to come for even one game, they

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··A couple weeks after we'd only chants, " added varsity Sukey Roach, "people would us and wonder why we 'never there and do our stuff anymore.' can 't please anybody." Lisa commented that she


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shouldn't kick her rut for n« points ." She added that Pep invent new ways to make it girls, not new punishments. Varsity cheerleading Worrall said that. in a conttimaaticl officers ' plan to get everyone "We have stopped doing l<q, cheers and can do only chants . This was an attempt to Rat Pack involved. Besides, and administration were about our intricate ch~rs . 'were just there to look at' aoo promote more spirit. "

976 South 72 Street

Omaha, Nebraska 68114

four-girl sophomore rh<,..ri,PJ!tltiiiiJI• to cheer only at reserve athletics. sophomores would be really exdiSl cheer at the reserve games," ~ two-year JV member Lynn Ti~ " And it would take a load off us. " Other plans for Pep Cub's future!l girl said she was "tired <i bei111i responsible for all the spirit in thea It isn't every kid's bag." "It's a dJI tradition ," said officer Lil Hasebroock . "I would hate to see it but I can look back andseehowthel!i has declined, and the attitude towaNI school has changed. "

How It Started More than 40 years ago, teachers at Baylor University in Texas banded together to prepay hot pita! and medical costs. Eadl member of the group contributed an equal amount montltly, and the fund was used to pay health care costs of members who became hospitalized. The idea caught on, spread across the country during the depression, and became Blue Cross and later, Blue Shieldi Today over 70 million American's have Blue Cross and BIUI Shield protection-there's nodi' ing else like it, in American~ the world.


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oooGE 1 ::'&4~=

1ary 2, 1973


Page 7

ce beaten swimmers near final contests

; an illusion to think we can't be We 're not indestructible." said 1ing Coach Cal Bentz. Jan. 6 at the telays Westside was dealt its first n two years by Lincoln East. ~doesn 't appreciate the idea of the 1uman swim team. He feels it ate s a tendency toward uidence . The swimmers might •y are out of reach and not put out :omplete effort . The dedicated as made the swim team what it is nd without it the " Winning Makes !nd would di e.

Warriors defeat Ralston Jan. 26 Westside tankmen walked over Ralston , winning every event. Central. the other competitor in the triple meet . forfeited . Medley relays began the meet and Westside finished 1st and 2nd . Jeff Cohn won both the 200 and 400 free; Tony

meet with a 1st and 2nd in the free relays leaving the score 82-13. The Metro Championships will be held Feb. 8-10. Westside is most likely to finish first because most of the schools competing have already been faced and beaten by Westside. Feb. 16 is the last standard meet of the season (two relays, eight individual swimming events. and one diving event ). against Prep and Ryan. This will be the last contest before the State Meet and the last chance to experiment with different swimmers in different events . With the help of data gathered at this meet the lineup should be near maximum efficiency for State. The sophomores will have gained experience and the team should be fairl y " together." Right now, however. Bentz feels that Lincoln East is the top contender for the State Championship as apparent at the Rams Relays. They have a good team and have gone undefeated this year.

Swimmers may not take State?

Photo by Erich Scbrempp

Mermen display starting box techniques.

: made no excuses for the second inishing, " East was just a better n that particular day ." He felt. r, that the Westside squad is not r yet, that the best pa;sible lineup Jite in practice. re human. We can be beat like all



present : Benson, Burke. Hastings. Prep. Fremont . and Westside. These schools have some of the best individuals in Nebraska. for example. Jeff Evans of Fremont .

hurts, sophomores help

side suffered some illnesses. ,lly in the Rams Relays, " but so he other teams," Bentz said. and ineligibility have detracted :qui ring the combination the m~t 1t team. When these problems are out the diving team should be at a ith Juniors Jim Malot and Vince . Vince was the state diving from Bellevue in 1972. rear's Sophomore Class has aided m team , giving it four varsity eff Cohn; John Buss, Dave Tully, n Ward. Bentz predicts four more by the end ci. the season. He ; capabilities for even better n the future in the freshman and ~rade classes. 9 Westside defeated Burke and 3urke is probably the toughest ~ ition in the Metro American 1. At the Metro Relays on Jan. 20, le finished first in its division :1 by Burke ; Benson and Prep ng first and second, respectively . · division. On Jan. 23 Westside nson.

1tional, Metro coming up

lrrow. Feb. 3rd, Westside will .e in its own Invitational. Six of the best swi mming schools will be


Frink won both free-style sprints. Other winners: Brian Smith- 1M , Ri c h Maack - 100 fly. Pat DiBiase- 100 breast. Mike Miles - 100 back , and Jim Malot-diving. Westside finished the

Bentz, when challenged about his statement on Lincoln East . said , "We 're going to the State meet to win. For any team to beat us they 're going to have to be tougher than we are." The meet is to be held on Feb. 23-24 at the Lincoln East's home pool. Bentz feels that East will take for granted the excellence of their conditions. thereby helping Westside 's chances some. The East pool is a fast . smooth pool with an atm~phere that will incite good swimming .

Winning wre stler Mark Boye r stra ins at practice

Warriors beat Rummel, Tech The Westside Wrestlers extended their string of undefeated dual matches by defeating Rummel 33-15. Dan Ortega (167 ), Mark Miller (185 ), and Fred Petersen (HWT ). led the Warriors with pins. State leader at (105) , Chris Wear won by a decision. Undefeated, Dave Pearce won the (138) pound match with an overwhelming decision. Coach Miloni was very pleased with the team as a whole. Other winners included Bill Coyne (126). J erry Johnson !145 ). and Rex White (155 ). who all won by deci sions .

Warriors Trounce Trojans Allen Jones (95 ), Rex White (155) and Pearce started the match out right with forfeits as the Warriors defeated Tech 4!>-6. An overall team effort accounted for thebigwin. Westside completely dominated the matches , winning seven of the remaining nine matches. Heavyweight Petersen. who finished second at the Metro

Invitational, did his thing, with a pin. The only other pin came from sophomore Ron Wienert. He also finished second in the Sophomore Invitational at Westside. Five Warriors won their matches by decisions : previous winners Wear. Coyne and Ortega . and Dale Sieban (119). Da n Ortega (167), and Pat O'Sullivan (132 ). who defeated a top wrestler. Roy Oliver.

Westside will be there The District Tourney is coming up the ninth and tenth ci. February. A.L. will be the site of this year's tourney. Teams competing in Westside's district are Bellevue, Bryan, Central , North, Ryan. Papio, and Rummel. The tourney starts at 6:00 both nights with the finals on Friday night. Coach Miloni said , " We 'll be there."

Star Trek Convention 2 days, May 25-27 at the Holi day Inn on 72nd Street. Anyone with anything to sell or disp lay at conventi on please contact Jana Prescott, Ph. 391-9586, or Nancy Adams, Ph. 397-0744.

Boy's lntramurals will close with playoffs The Boy 's Intramural basketball season is quickly corning to a cl~e. with four more weeks left in the season. Playoffs begin to dominate the minds of players in the top teams. Max Kitzleman. in charge of intramurals, said, "I will try to get as many teams into the playoffs as ~sible ; that 's the whole purpa;e of the intramural program.'' There will be at least four teams in the playoffs : the three divisional leaders and the team with the best second place record. However , some alternate suggestions have been made and a decision will be made shortly.

that should be cleared up. Kitzleman said, " The rule is that if an opposing player intentionally fouls a member of your team , that member will be given the basket . No matter what time, the points will be given." The addition for the last two games was released today . S-7, 2S-27, 18-17, HH. 3G-24, 2G-14, 3-1, 23-21, 13-11, 2-4. 22-24, 12-15. The above games are for Feb. 19-Boy 's East , Boy 's West. Girl's North, and Girl's South, respectively. 8-9, 298-29, 18-19, 3-6, 23-26, 13-16, !>-1. 2:>-21, 1!>-11 , 4-7, 24-27, 14-17. All the above games are slated Feb. 26.

Kitzleman said the intramurals could possibly be extended one week to have divisional playoffs, with the victorious teams moving on to the final playoff. A very important phase ci. Intramurals is the officiating. "Many people sit and watch the games on Monday night," Kitzleman said . "and some of the verbal language is not needed." Comments like "Gee ref, it's a nice sunny day out, is the sun in your eyes? " may be disrupting. One intramural participant complained of valuable time losses when referees disagree. The two minute rule is another thing

The following is the name and record of The Lance's top ten. Pimps a-o Dips hots :>-1 PudsS-0 Sex Packs !>-1 All-Metros 6-0 Chicago Shots a-o Aces :>-1 Burnouts 3-2 Jocks !>-1 Bullets !>-1



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Page 8

February 2,

Cagers face South, future District foe Ry

Carl Anderson outstretches a Benson opponent for another two points.

Winning has always made it for Cal;

swim coach has 140 WHS victories by Charla Heim In his nine years as Westside's swimming coach, Cal Bentz holds a better win-loss record than any other coach around . Of the 147 dual meets Westside swimmers have participated in, they have won 140. Bentz's boys have never settled for less than second place in State, taking the championship in 1966. 67, 68, 70, 71 and 72. As a boy growing up in Hastings, Nebraska , Bentz lived next door to the YMCA and therefore learned to swim and became interested in swimming at an early age. Later success in swimming is largely attributed to the coaches at Hastings High School "who motivated me a lot, " Bentz said. Bentz majored in P .E. at the University of Nebraska so he could "swim and go to school. After I graduated I didn 't know whether I wanted to teach or coach or what. but my finances said I had to." For the next ten years Bentz took a job at Beaver Crossing, "doing everything," put in a year's service in the National Guard. coached Nebraska freshman and varsity swim teams, coached swimming at Lincoln High, taught at the Lincoln Swim Club and ran the Omaha Athletic Club pool.

Then, in 1964 Bentz became the very first swim coach for still new Omaha Westside High School. In that first year, still using the YMCA's pool, the coach led Westside swimmers to the Inter-City Conference championship and second in State. Coach Bentz says the highlight of his own swimming career was winning the 1500 meter free-style as a junior in college. The last record he held at the University of Nebraska was a freshman record, "and I coached the guy that broke it'' he said with a smile. Bentz cites one af the big highlights of his coaching career as tying Lincoln Southeast for State in 1966 after Southeast had won for eight years. "But I consider just coaching at Westside a highlight; it certainly is more rewarding than coaching University of Nebraska or Beaver Crossing. " Last summer Coach Bentz trained for competition in the A.A.U. 's swimming program for different age groups. It was the first time he had trained in 18 years. " It's a great program and I really hope it goes far ." He explains that the National Masters Swimming Championships are held twice each year. "This summer they're in Chicago, and I plan to be there in either the 200 or 400 meter or one of the strokes."

Tonight Westside will entertain South at home. The Warriors , who are now 4-4 in Metro play. will try to get back on the winning track against the Packers. Tomorrow night Westside invades the cramped quarters of Ryan 's gym for a game that will give a preview of Westside's toughest District play. Ryan was defeated last week by Prep in an upset , and the Knights will be looking for revenge after the controversial decision that forced them to forfeit their football wins lastfall. The critical part of Westside's basketball season became even more critical last Saturday night as the Warriors dropped their third straight decision to a fired up Benson team. The Bunnies jumped out to a 1~5 lead at the end of the first quarter, taking advantage of Westside's cold shooting, and led 24-20 at intermission. Carl Andersen led Westside's second half comeback attempt scoring 20 points. with eight of them tallied in the final quarter. Benson held a 47-46 lead with 26 seconds remaining, when Bob Poage drove in for the apparent go ahead score. The basket was not counted however, and Poage was called for charging. The turnover enabled Benson to stall until the last five seconds, when Bunnie Dave Roshone scored from underneath. Burke on its second game of the season, as the Bulldogs dropped Westside in a squeaker, 51-50. Cold shooting plagued both teams as Westside managed a meager on 28 percent from the field. However, Burke hit when it counted in the fourth quarter. Coach Hall said, "We concentrated on Central, and we weren't mentally prepared for Burke." Poage led all scorers with 17 points . and Graham had 10. Harmon got 14 for Burke, hitting most of them in the fourth .

For the most part, the third quarter was much like the second. Central was slowly catching up . but Westside remained in the lead. " Central played excellent defense in the second half. especially in the fourth quarter, but our defense didn 't play as well as they have in past games ." said Hall. "Our lack of rebounds was the key ."

The big figure in Central's board play was Charles Lewis. played most of the second half fouls. but didn 't foul out until minutes of the game. "Forrest . Butler, and Lewis most ," said Hall. "They all hit shots , and on defense they took shot selection, and we weren't enough."

Hockey draftee Bart returns When Bart Schoneboom lead s a power-play to his opponent's goal. he skates a little faster , negotiates the puck a little better . and shoots a little more surely than the average Omaha amateur hockey player . Reason ? Bart was " drafted " last fall to become the starting forward in one of Canada 's tough amateur hockey teams . The tall senior. who returned to Omaha after three months on the team, said. " I really learned how to play hockey better up there. The Canadian amateurs are a

Junior A team . In his first Canadian game. into a fight and suffered two eyes. Only one other Am on the team . which was in last in the eight team league. Bart's reas on for leaving three months was : " The didn 't like me , and I wasn't as much fun as before. kind of like Westside." He is the amateur team . Duffy's. .plays two games a Ak-Sar-Ben . Bart says the

Senior Bart Schone boom drives for the goal.

Three losses in a row "We are now in a very critical part of our season, " said Coach Tom Hall after Westside's double loss weekend: 64-56 to Central and 51-50 to Burke. "Our game next week against Benson is critical; we need a win badly to get back into things. '' Westside started out the Jan. 19 Central game looking very impressive, and had doubled Central's score by the end of the first quarter. The opponent cut Westside's lead to ~32 by the half, and the Warriors ran into early foul trouble, as Steve Graham collected three in the first half.

lot tougher and faster skaters than here in Omaha. " Bart, who has been playing hockey since the age of seven , scored 14 goals and 21 assists in the 1971-72 Ak -Sar-Ben amateur season . He wrote a letter to the Canadian league , and unsuccessfully tried out for a Junior A team. Bart later received a call from another team in Bellingham , Washington (in the sa me Canadian league ). and accepted its offer . The star forward received his schooling and room and board as well as $10 a week from the

games, which are free , are nearly as well-atttended as Canadian matches. Bart , who owns all of his equipment, foresees hockey u Metro sport " only if Omaha another rink " and hopes to college hockey.

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he lance

l17, No. 10




February 16, 1973

will display talents in church

1M mid-winter concert, the Warrior llileat, is the biggest concert by the delis," commented Tony Snyder, ddirector. The "Downbeat." an up ilg music presentation, will be held *Y¡ Feb. 26 at the Countryside 111unity Church due to a conflict in ~~e o! Westside's auditorium. !Ising the Community Church is a because we haven't done this in e years," Snyder said. Guest luctor, Mr. Paul Behrn from Mason •, Iowa will be practicing with concert Dbers on the Sunday before and the al day of the concert. Mr. Behrn will irecting the Oberon Overture by von Jerand the Klaxon (Horn) March. Alice Barmore will be one of the


Horn Sectional Solo. Both the concert Warrior Band and the reserve Band will take part in the presentation. The concert will begin at 8 p.m. at the church, 88th and Pacific. March 22 and 23rd, Warrior Voices will present "The Gondoliers," a Gilbert and Sullivan Production, in Westside's auditorium at 8 p.m. The Hastings College Honor Band Clinic held a three day concert which two Seniors from Westside, John Mossblad and Todd Manvitz attended. Chamber Choir will perform "The Lowland Sea. " an operetta. free of charge tomorrow night at 8. Seniors Cheryl Langdon and Chas Magdanz have the leads.

James Tangdall congratulates Junior Terri Talty at induction ceremonies for 1181 Honor Society held Jan. 31 in the Auditorium. NHS President Joel Cassman master of ceremonies in the annual event.

tock market hits bottom ~etickertape

dashes out the figures: AT&T at 25. Ford Motors at 23. and Florida !shad leaped five points to a big 30. Everyone buying and selling and buying again big money and big margins. Sounds like the 1920s. doesn 't it? "Gotta meet my :er lOth mod," running down the halls calculating profits and planning ingenious investments. oce Jan. 22, AP US History students have been "taking a field trip into the past ." history teacher H. Ben Bruner. They are playing a simulation game called nic. " Each student is assigned a special interest group: bankers . businessmen. rers, farmers, social critics or women. Then they receive a certain amount of ey and a bank to save it in, representing their part of the country (example : toorg ). It is a simulation game that enables students . as Bruner said, "to really the fears . the concerns .. the joys and frustrations . . " " The temperament of the s," finished constituent Tom Carman. efirst phase of the game is to take one's allotted sum and make money. This is ! by investing in the market with either of the three previously mentioned panies. Everyone got rich in just a matter of mods, especially the brokers who ! gaining an extra one per cent on all sales. Anne Mariucci made one million 1rs in less than eight hours. But on Black Friday , Feb. 2, the stock market hed. Florida Lands, which began at three and rose to 55, had dropped to ten. !pression had struck and on Tuesday , Feb. 5. the banks closed, leaving 75 per cent 1e students bankrupt. Linda Sharpe. whose wealth ranged near $54 million, was with nothing. Dave Clark and Pete Cegielski were audited for shady dealings and ro the tanks of the poverty-stricken. Tuesday , Feb. 13 was the organization of the 1ress and the second phase of the game-coping with the depression and finding lions. Feb. 20. Congress will be in session. So stay turned tuned for more details of !Conomic tragedy and for FOR's Fireside Chat.

Upcoming music events include: On Tuesday, Feb. 20, there will be an Orchestra Concert in the Little Theater at8p.m. All day Saturday , May 3rd, the Mid-America Stage Band Clinic will be performing in the auditorium. Another all day concert will be the Junior High Band Clinic on Tuesday, March6. The first Tuesday in April, there will be a Pre-Contest Elimination Solo and Ensemble Program at 7:30 p.m. at Westside.

Greasers Marty Koffman, Paul Anderson, Lou Miloni, Cal Bentz, Ron Huston, Bob Murphy, and Jim Findley form a freaky '50's faculty.

Chances for passage slim

LB 300 m.et with opposition in District 66 The District 66 administration is disturbed over the introduction of the controversial bill LB 300 in the state legislature. The bill, authored by Senator David Stahmer of Omaha, calls for a merging of District 66, Omaha , and Millard schools. Stahmer maintains that there is unconstitutional class legislation within Omaha's educational districts. "The people of suburban districts are receiving their education at the expense ci Omaha taxpayers," he says, "With my plan the city would save $10.000,000 in taxes. " According to Stahmer, there are three ways to alleviate the problem of class legislation: through a "confederation system " or individual school boards for each high school with its feeder schools , like Westside has, or one large school district. Stahmer believes the "confederate system" would be the ideal answer. However, it would take a "very large committee" to draw up a bill. To him, the most feasible solution for legislative action is one large district instead of three smaller ones. District 66 Superintendent H. Vaughn Phelps entered a school board resoluti on to oppose LB 300 or any other merger attempts. "We oppose it on the basis that

it is not good to have too large of a school district. Very large districts throughout the country need to decentralize rather than merge.' ' Phelps is quick to discuss the myth that District 66 is a wealthy district . The average valuation, approximately $15.000 in property per child, is no more than Nebraska 's average. He also explains that Omaha now has the first , third. fourth , a nd fifth largest districts in the state, and merging them

Independent study geared to satisfy student's own interest Mini courses mean different things to different people. To a group of fifteen girls who meet once a week in the pool (complete with noseplugs), a mini course is " just for the learning and fun." To Senior Bob Brite, who is taking both a theology cou rse and an investigation of male-female relationships within the family, the learning procedure is more concisely an independent study program. A fine line indeed exists between Westside's mini courses and independent study programs. It seems the former are undertaken by students motivated only

hoto and sculpture awarded old keys for achievements

bere is a lot of luck involved in a I photography," commented Senior n Combs about the entry which won agold key in the Brandeis Scholastic 'wards. 'ian was one oft wo Westside students eceive an award from among 2,000 :icipants throughout the state of raska. rian entered the contest at the :estion of journalism advisor Kathy ~art. The qualifications were quite mt. Any junior high or high school ent was eligible and all for¡ms of art photography were accepted. submitted several entries . I would ! expected one of the others to win.

The one that did win was not my best shot," said Brian. The top seven art works received Hallmark Awards and the top two photographs received Kodak Medals of Honor. These entries were sent to New York to compete in the national finals . Brian commented, "It's hard for people to believe the amount of work in a good photo. A photographer must be open to the rea lm of possibility." The other winner of a gold key was Junior LuAnn Arthur. Her winning piece was a sculpture. Brian and LuAnn were guests at a banquet where their awards were presented.

would depersonalize the schools and make administration highly inaccessable. Because all the bruhaha concerning LB 300, Stahmer concedes that its chances for passage are slim .If defeated, Stahmer will take the issue to court on a constitutional basis. Phelps had a stern reply to this threat, adding "I wasn't aware that he is a lawyer. As far as the bill 's unpopularity goes, I think that 's good."

Juniors Mark Dale and Marty Greer, Senior Jeff Suggs, and Junior David Halsted rehearse for the performance to be held later this month at Countryside Community Church.

by interest, but the latter involves a serious contract and grading system for credit. Assistant Principal Jim Findley compared Westside's two special course programs : "While mini courses have to be a form of independent study , they indicate that one or more persons are involved." He cites as an example the auto shop course that attracted 15 girls this semester. The class meets one hour a week and is presently learning basic automobile parts and seeing films . The more complex independent study proposal contract form, available from Lee Perkins , calls for these guidelines to be met: 1) Specific written objectives, 2) Deadlines for completion, 3) A recommendation for the amount of credit awarded if successfully completed, 4) Objectives developed by the student or the student and advisor cooperatively, and 5) Periodically scheduled progress discussion. Each student works with a teacher as academic advisor. According to the proposal, the student should meet all the above requirements , and can request between one and ten hours credit. The student must contract for a grade of 1-5 ; all independent study courses are viewed as a Group 2 course in class rank. Failure to complete requirements will result in an incomplete. Findley said that prior to this year's SAB 's guidelines, no independent study program was set up, and few students received credit for the out-of-class work completed. He stressed that the success of the course depends upon the student : he must choose a subject, convince a teacher to help him with it, set up objectives and of course, meet them. Said Bob, who plans to write a 5~100 page thesis exploring the Christian religion as his final independent project in theology, " You should take something you're really , really interested in. This will probably be the hardest course I've ever taken, but I am looking forward to it. "


Page 2


February 16,


~..-L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by "But what I do because I like to do."-A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess. It all started, oh my brothers , when me, that is Alex, and me three droogs, Georgie, Pete, and Dim, plucked the Drivers Ed. car, cut classes, and went for a bit of a joy ride round town. Who 'd have thought they 'rd be such a guff over so trivial an infraction of the rules. Me droogies and I had gotten away with most everything; the lewdies paying no mind to our fiddling about and frequent acts of the old "ultra-violent." So, can you viddy your humble narrater condemned to "restricted?"

destructiveness, or disregard for school policies brought on such physical pain that I begged the millicents to stop th e films , for I could stand it no more. The main topic among the millicents and faculty was the apparent success of their newly developed technique. Then. Dr . Tangdall , confident that the treatments had progressed to his satisfaction , called a 60-minute convocation for a public demonstration of the Tangdall Technique's results .

Well, brothers, after a few weeks of this unwelcome change in me daily routine ; everything strictly regimented - no puffs during class and the like - I had understandibly become quite gloopy in the gulliver. It was no wonder that I showed a special interest in the rumors about a new treatment that transformed roughs like meself, and reconditioned them into decent, hard working , rule abiding students. It was called the Tangdall Technique, and I saw it as the only way out. That morning I was led once again before the millicents and volunteered to be the first to attempt the Tangdall Technique. Your humble narrator was promptly labeled "a perfect specimen of the average , apathetic, destructive hooligan, " and that afternoon I began the treatments. I was given a series of injections and led into a sinny where I was forced to viddy a lot of films of roughs and hooligans like meself. doing their malenky bits of " ultra-violence. " Why , in the course of an hour I must have viddied a hundred hooligans fleeing the confines of the skolliwoll without passes, and engaging in orgies of random violence and destruction. At first I thought the films were real horrors how, but after awhile I began to get the most unbearable pains in me stomach and gulliver. The more films I viddied , the more intense these uncontrollable and unexplainable pains became. Day after day , oh my brothers. your friend Alex did his best to comply with the technique , and sat there like a co-operative little hooligan while they flashed nasty bits of the "ultra-violent " at me. At the end of a week's time your narrator had reached the point where viddying any act of violence.

the lance Published bi-weekly by the Publications Department of Westside High School. 87th and Pacific St. , Omaha , Nebraska 68114. The Lance is a member of the National Scholastic Press Association and the Nebraska High School Press Association. The paper is given free of charge to holders of Activity Tickets. Subsc ription rates to others are $3.00 postpaid . Non-profit mailing rights claimed. Printed by Wright Printing Co., Omaha , Nebr.

Co-editors .... Pam Hultberg and Susan Darst Layout editor . . ........... ... CyndieJones Copy editor .. . .. Jessalyn Wilscam Editorial editor ................... Bill Wald Asst. editorial editor . ........ Bob Eisenberg Entertainment editor , ......... Rick Denney News editor . . ..... Terri Talty Feature editor ........... Rooemary Freriks Asst. feature editor ................. . AI Katz Feature writer .. .. ...... ..... Sheri Peterson Business editor .................. Jim Clifton Advertising manager ........... Dave Jensen Sports editor .. . .. .. .. .. .. . ... Brian Trude Asst. sports editor .. Steve Russell Art editor ...................... Jay Jacoby Phto editor . . . ....... BrianCombs Photographers ....... Joe Petrashek Pat O'Hara Bruce Finn Advisor ......... Ms. Kathy Boshart

bill wald

"This demonstration will prove how we ha v e re c onditioned this former destructive, young hooligan into a model student. incapable of any detremental acts ," said Tangdall from the podium. " Now , Alex. You will be allowed to leave the school grounds without a pass. No one will attempt to stop you. There's a limousine waiting outside to drive you anywhere you wish to go. I repeat, you are free to go." All eyes turned on dear old Alex . The pain I had experienced while viddying those films returned , and it became so unbearable that I very nearly collapsed on the stage. " The Tangdall Technique is a success 1 This marks a new era in student deportment , " yelled Tangdall triumphantly as he was carried from the auditorium on the shoulders of the Phys. Ed. teachers; the ecstatic members of the faculty following close behind. And me, your humble narrator, Alex, confident that there would be no further attempts to put me on restricted, heaved a sigh of relief. ''Hi, hi , hi , me droogies ," I said as Georgie , Pete, and Dim cautiously approached me. " What do you say we cut out of this place and practice a bit of the old " ultra-violence" on unsuspecting mailboxes .. " I was cured all right. Glossary of Hooligan Language

The next thing I knew, my brothers , I was on the stage of a jammed auditorium. Reporters from all the local gazettas were invited to attend . and old Alex was the object of considerable attention.

Dear Editor :

As an alumnus of Westside, I was sorry to hear that the Athletes in Action were not allowed to appear there. It seems that people have been brainwashed into thinking that the constitution and the people who claim to have the " right" interpretation of it are somehow above divine law. When I accompanied a Campus Crusade staff member three years ago the same reaction was given out of fear of a Jewish backlash. Just who are the narrow minded people in this world anyway? It seems censorship should be used to close down the classrooms if one is going to be consistant. All knowledge is founded upon certain religious and philosophical pre-suppositions. Stuart Jones Westminister Theological Seminary Chestnut Hill Philadelphia, Pa. 19118

droogs- friends gloopy- crazy gulliver - head horrors how- far out lewdies- teachers millicents- administrators sinny - theater skolliwoll -school viddy- look or see

eGrand Funk 's Sunday night concert in Omaha will spearhead a line-up of several concerts during the next few months . For those who wish to travel country roads and get high on rocky mountains , John Denver will appear in Lincoln February 18th. The Grateful Dead are scheduled for February 26th at Pershing. Artists scheduled to appear in Lincoln during the months of March and April are Alice Cooper, The Moody Blues, Deep Purple, Fleetwood Mac , and Stephen Stills and Manassas . • To discourage excess passage through the newly divided library-foreign language I.M.C. , a profound warning was pasted on the library doors : " Warning , mad dogs on duty, enter at your own risk! " The sign has proved extremely effective according to the librarians, and has inspired the administration to consider hiring ogres and trolls to patrol additional trouble sp<ts.


·-····..i '.


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Dear Westside: I thought school spirit was dead . It seemed kind of freaky that just~ the cats were getting pretty frantic about losing the old spirit and desert school by open-campusing themselves to death , you daddy-o 's dug ba your folks ' old duds and put on the involvement action. cheering the team on to a big win . But it wasn 't the rah. rah , rahs that got me as maki day so really cherry_ It was just that everyone really hung together in; Brotherhood of Weirdos. All day Westside seemed like one big hep ha instead of its old congregation of lost souls. You all seemed like you be together. You really make a name for yourself, you Westside Weirdos. I Warriors . You made everybody forget their class rank and their social and make them really rock out. I'm kind a shy, you know. and on 50's day I went up to this goodlookin! in my Algebra class and I actually talked to her, said something about her threads. It was really keen , man, I may even talk my Physics teach1 passing me ; we 're such great buddies now. I bet ole Captain Super Jock Meredith got a thrill outta runnin ' thosE by us again . I had Hayes pegged from the beginning. I knew he was just Commons Crowder. And that game. man, it made me feel real loose like a long necked goo you cats really meant it when you said go for broke. Not one dud Westside Warriors what a joke! Everybody was yellin · so loud you couldn ' hear the rat pack. And at that pep rally I almost got hoofed to death 1 stampede up the bleachers. It would have been neat if ole Doc Stribley have pulled out the bicycle chain on Milani, but I guess he figured th bubble gum popping would probably wipe him out anyway. No really, yo1 were all such cool cat dads that I knew you were the good guys before yc me . Tell old Lisa Trustin and her junior class that the Beatles are a real I group. Too bad they couldn 't get them to play in person . (Don't tell her th she got rookeel on the tapes.) Well just wanted to tell you to keep up there on the charts. I hear yc some heavy action coming like a girls' rat pack and a pep rally for the D team. really groovy. Thanx man, it was a gas. The Big Bopper

!Jm~aiio.n U ... "Sorry, but geez, I can 't think of anything to write about. Couldn 't we ju an advertisement in this spot? I mean . . . ah , I'd really like to write some this week . Maybe next issue. I just can 't think of anything good right now." Lately, there has been an epidemic rate of concussions, due to stu1 beating their heads against lockers around 20th mod. in order to find idei an essay due at 3:10 of that day. " Students today are a victim of a media controlled adult environment." Students ' minds have been absorbed by Bounty 20 percent faster thai competitive tissue. So , when it comes to using one 's imagination . the ave student has his brain in a bucket of cement.

Imaginations are constantly on vacation. as teachers look forward to grc essays, in order to catch up on a snooze. So when a student does tun something creative, new. and exciting, he is regarded as some sort of age Beethoven. Not true! Take a glance at one 's dusty Dr. Seuslike stories written youngster. The potential was obviously there in all of us. But as our be matured. our imaginations have been forgotten . Students today watch TV. get drunk . get high , and fall asleep to the sou1 a radio. all as a form of occupying one 's time with as little individual m1 strain as possible. Conformity in styles and customs doesn 't inc imagination or creativity. "Well , why don 't schools do something to help students develop creal or individuality?" They have! Modular scheduling has given students h each day, or days per week to splurge in whatever indeavor they wish. A bl selection of teachers are available at all hours of the day, and are receptive to student interest .

The ecology club, whose purpose is to promote a healthy environment and encourage others to take up their cause, promoted a drive that involved collecting Christmas trees from the surrounding area, and disposing of them properly. The drive was a success; people came from miles around to deposit their trees on the Westside parking lot. To this day, those same rotting, decrepit, old Christmas trees still lie where they were originally dropped, polluting our environment.

Yet students occupy their school time in the cans having a smoke ; sittir the cafeteria imitating chickens. or leaving school completely for the : of ... " The All-American Hamburger." " I mean . maybe if I had a few more weeks. and didn 't have to work so m~ could think of something interesting to write about . Yea. I 'II just ask for~ more time . Then I'll write this blasted editorial. " JAY JAC<


bruary 16, 1973

Page 3

;ne maintain perfect averages

Honor roll lists 640 top scholars

ii hundred and forty students made Honor Roll last semester, meeting requirements of having at least a 3.0 rage, and having no more than two


llaining a perfect 1.0 average are a.mores Naomi Brown, Barbara .,ert, Barbara Gruenig, and Barry amer; Junior Brian Wilson; and iors Betty Duxbury , John Goldman, 1:e Richards , and Ann Yaffe. Junior 1lline Chantry just missed the top Ia 1.1 average. reraging a 1.2 are Sophomores Brian uns , John Japp, Michael Miller, bara Pryor, and Betty Youngman; ior Tim Patenode; and Seniors Jane ri, Deanna Fey, David Jones , Glenda 1es , Judy Mollner , and Erich


eniors Susan Adams and Kathy ;ioia ; Junior Julie Richards; and lL'I Nick Koszewski , Rick Lawson, 11'8 Leach, and Gregg Newton had a IVerage for the semester.


.has earned by Sophomores Jim Boelter, Linda an, Tom Harris, Dewayne Hughes, and Holly !; Juniors Mike Arnold , Bob Eisenberg, Lonny w,and Linda Somberg. iol! with this average are Paul Elofson, Deanna 1, Deborah Petersen, Susan Roberts , Tenley " ·Fred Smith, and Judith Vrana.


llllllalac a 1.5 average ""' Seniors John llod, Tom Plelfler, and Naocy Smith ; Juniors Artftld, Patty Eat011, Tom Ericksoo, and Sherry


b:Jmores having a 1.5 are Mark Ashcraft , Jerry

..rt, David Boone, David Haugh, Sidney Kelt, H.

lderlliser, Micky Rosenblum , Kurt Schropp, a nd

.,a Waldmann.


b:Jmore Steve O'Brien and Juniors Margaret Pam McDonald, Peggy Poeschl, and Debbie !lhadal.6average. ollavial 1 1.1 are seniors Bruce Amsden, Susan ~. Snsan Dant, Ken F1gglns, E . B. Hansen, ~Meyer, Sukey ROilcb, Jackie Van Cura, and 1lllar.

Other sophomores are Cynthia Myers , Mike McCiaughry , Joanne Peterson, Jon Petersen, K. L. Peterson, Jana Prescott, Melinda Rot , Heidi Swift, Rex Twedt, and Laurie Wodder. Juniors a t 2.0 are Jay Baker, Marchelle Elston, Rosemary Frericks, Anne Gilmore, Vicky Havelka, Jackie Hempy, J im Hlavacek , Dale Hocevar, and MaryHoth. Debra Japp, Erik Lanoo, Sue Ludeman, Susan Oobom, Rick Petersen, Jeri Ruther, Unda Sharpe, Kathy Sistek, E . Slabaugh, and Susan Uhrich are also In tbisgroup. Seniors finishing the semester with 2.0 are Carl Andersen, Sharon Armstrong, Paula Baeten, Sharon Bennett, Candy Boone, Pamela Bouckhuyt, Missy Clarke, Debbie Combs , Dave DeFreese, Brian Henningson, Denise Hill, Steven Hinchcliff, Bria n Hultberg , and Arlene lncontro. Other seniors are Mary Jones , Peg Kettleborough , Kathy Korcek , Jim Lebaron, Thomas Moore, Kate McAlister, DeDe McFayden, Debra Newcome r . Sherrie Petersen, Ronnie Von Wolf. Raj Wall, Jim Weaver, Christie Wegner, Jo Williams, Lee Williams, and Marilynn Wynne.

2.1 Averaging a 2.1 are Juniors Michelle Holmes and Bruce Novak and Senior John Ivbuls.

2.2 or

the 73 students with a 2.2, 31are sophomores. They are Vicky Austin, Mark Boetel, Nancy Bouckhout , Joan Carnazzo, Mark Dickmeyer, Cindy Dyles, Gary Epstein, Kevin Garey, Susan Gasson.. Richard Glasford , Keith Gourley, and Peter Jackson. Other sophs are Jeannalea Jones, Bruce Kendall , Patti Livingstone, Harry Lockwood, Mike Mangiameli. Robin Martin, Bob Meyerson, Jerry Nebbia, Mary Jane Rees, Debbie Rohen, Marcy Rosenblum , Pete r Schmitz, Stuart Schmitz, Douglas Shapland, Sally Simmons , Susan Steinert, Joel Vaaler. Kenneth Vrana, and Mark Wade. Seniors at Z.Z are Fritz Arcberd, Kim Arnold, Bernard Bui'IIS, Keith Carsoo, Dallu Focht, Unda Hasehroock, Deborah Hinckley, Jim Ingram, Vance Jernstrom, Daniel Kane, Diane Kidder, and Sandra Kidder. Susan Lorenz , Susan McCormick, David McKean. John Nelson, Ka rl Niehaus , James O'Hara , Diane Glson, Kathy Plunkett , Susan Randle. Kathy Rozum, Steve Smith, Leann Wride, and Susan Wurtz rwnd out the list of seniors. Juniors maintaining a 2.2 a verage are Dallas Coffey, Kathy France, Sharon Freeman, Karen Greenberg, Vincent Hoellerich, Robert Hogzett , Sue Homer, David Jemen, Keith Kirchner, Cynthia Methe , Pat>ricia Moffett , Jim Newstrom, Tom Rice , Kathleen Ringel , Cathe>rine Sortino, Terri Talty, Rodney Vanderveld, and Susan Walla .

2.3 1.7

•twenty-four students with a 1.7 average include "Kathi Burrow, Lisa Greenly , and Jay Simon. ' juniors with this average are David Campbell, y Cassling, Lori Feldman, Mike Gilmore, Debra 10n, Dan Keller , Nancy Macdonald , Anne ICci, Scott McMillan, and Jean Unzicker. ••t 1.7 are Susan Dalton, Rochelle Felt, Nyceitt blu, Charla Helm, Suaan Hom, Shelley losdao, Lori McGuire, Stan Schack, Jonlan 1ft, James nmberiake, and Janet Woodhull.


The sophomores having a 2.3 average are Ali Akkosoeglu, Sally Anderson, Inez Baumer, Robert Burris, Susan Glissman, Charles Harding, Martin Hestmark, Carrie Johmon, Sherry Kaiman, Ma rgery Miller, Mike Pistillo, and V. J . Wilscam. Jllllion In Ibis category ""' Susie Burner, Unda Carpenter, Cheryl Cbln, Dorothy Davis, David Earle, Steven Edgerton, and nm Force. Finishing the list of juniors are Pam Hochster, Philip Hofmann , Wayne Kinney , Carrie Lueder. Susan Pistillo, Beth Roskem, Debra Schneitel and Ken Westphal. Also with a 2.3 are Seniors Sue Berg, John Bicak . Angela Biebel, Jell Blodgett, Linda Burton, Kim Busacker, Merrilee Carlson, Joel Gassman, Brian Combs, and David Eaton.


a 1.8 are Juniors Marc Chauche, Neil !r, Debbie Deaton, Peter Foley , Catherine an, Lisa Keller, Kathy Musil, Katie Solomonson, onetWilliams. lmlores in this grwp are Beth Blotcky , Janet 1, 8obbie Buel, Pierce Carpenter, PhilipChauche, Fieber, Carol Gloor, Janice Johnston, S. !boroogh, Doug Michael, Shelda Noffsinger, >ria Thomas , Elizabeth Wedge, and Susan


, !eolors are Kathy Abernathy, Jeanette Austin, llllley, Pat Booth, Todd Crtstell, Gary Colvin, !II Derr, Sally Gillespie, Paula Haeder, Joe ., Allll Hovendlck, and Cbrislceqle. tr seniors are Gab>rielle Keller, Wade Kuchel , • Lernmers , Gary Loft, Robert Merritt, Pam ~ee , Linda Overton, Kent Peterson, David Rouse , Alisa Schleifer, Beth Staenberg , is Stamm, Jayne Tinley, and Bill Wald .

Otber senion are Beth Farley, Gwenda Glesman, Rachele Hans011, David Harisell, Kristin Hoffman, Deanne Kelley, Kathy Kocb, Nancy Kvamme, Debra Miller, Deborah Noonen, L. A. Scbennert.orn, Klkl Schreiner, and Peggy Slert.

2.4 Having a 2.4 average are seniors Sue Bernstein , Craig Bicknell , George Boll , Nancy Dean, Mindy Garey, Chuck Gentile, Katie Gordon. and Steve Graham.

1l>e list of seniors also includes Diane Knight , Barbara Mapes, Elizabeth Oglesby , Beth Otis, Dale Schwartz, R R. Stephemon, Kris Streng , Cindy Tollels rud, Carol Zerbe, and Ann Zoucha. Sopbll having Ibis average ""' Steven Andersoo, Terrel Beckwith, Ken Christie, Maria DeFIIlppl, Tammy Hammitt, M. J. Kravcbuck, Robert Lau1blln, Kristen Uenemann, Sott Nelsoo, Kevin Richardson, Tcm Slalght, John Smltb, Steve Van Camp, and Marty Wallace. Juniors earning a 2.4 are Alice Barmore, Carol Baska, Janet Berkshire, Marthina Greer. Mary Ann Krueger, Mark Martin, Marla May, Roger Morrison, Mary Rueve, Leslie Soucie, Julie Stockman, Marcia Streeter, Kevin Voeks, and Jessalyn Wilscam.

2.5 Students ending up with a 2.5 average include juniors Cincy Bailey, Nancy Maloove, Susie Newberg, Amy Peterson, and Stephen Skrivanek. Seniors bavlng Ibis average ""' R0111 Colanino, Patricia Estey, Lauren Hansen, Cheryl Kuster, Suaan Nutty, and Carol Petersen. Also, Michael Stanhro, Carol Stevens, Sue Aan Urooevich, S. Van Leeuwen, Scott Weir, and Usa WorTIII. Sophomores with a 2.5 are Bob Berger, Fred Cady , Debra Fisher, Kim Gray, Valerie Hill, Mark Jacobsen, Joseph Nigro, Katherine Novak , Jenny Sandman, Richard Schurkamp, and Susan Star.

2.6 Ending up the semester with a 2.6 average areSophs Bruce Baker, Miles Bryant, Cathy Decker, Lee Ann Dinwondie, Warren Drew, Diane Essex, Mike Gentile. B. F . Hayworth and Gail Hiatt. Other sophomores In Ibis group are Kim Johnson, Mart Krejd, Dave Landis, WilHam Leacos, Deborah Levin, Brad P!eiHer, C. Relfscbnelder, BIU Turner, Steve WIIHams, and Margarel Worsbek. Juniors that earned a 2.6 are Luanne Arthur, Kirk Belt, John Bishop, Kathy Brown, Chip Debuse, Janet Dobson, Gregory Wlliott. Greg Fried, Sue Givens, and Katherine Grabow . With them are Cynthia Hammack, Tom Heffron, Linda Jacobsen, Cyndi Johmon. Robert Learch, Gary Lynn , James Malot , Marcia Merchen, Marcia Middleton, Lynne Rutherford , and Tree Thomas. Seniors at bls level are Donna ll<lttoms, Debbie Chastain, Pat DIBiase, Michael E1an, Carol Jack , Cheryl Langdoo, and Don Leglno. Daniel Moore, Mark Morrison, Patti McKimmey , John Roley, Rick Strevey , John Stuart , Nan Tra chtenbarg , and Jane Turner also made 2.6.

2.7 Seniors Sara Barchus , Joseph Klein, Michaelyn Lentz, and Lynn Timperley averaged 2.7 for the semester.

Students earning a perfect LO average are, back row : Seniors Bruce Richards and John Goldman, front row : Sophomores Barbara Dappert and Naomi Brown, Senior Betty Duxbury, Junior Brian Wilson and Sophomore Barry Summer. Not pictured are Sophomore Barbara Gruenig and Senior Ann Yaffe. Juniors wltb Ibis average are Dave Bousba, E . Colantuono, Pat Gilmore, KIU'en Honi1, JIU Lelgbtoo, Janie McCarthy, Geraldine Roos, Don Sava1e, and Teri Betb Spires. Sophomores Laurie Andersen. Michael Beller. Garnet Blatchford, Dawn Brown, K>ristie Burton, Steve Cohen, Denise Fieck, Eileen Finn, Pam George, John Herder, Marie Burton, Steve Cohen, Denise Fieck, Eileen Finn, Pam George, John Herder, Marie Horn, Les Krumel , Luann Mahowald, Sandra Tawzer, and Julia Wamsat also had a 2. 7.

Lonnie Eggers, Terri Ellington, Beth Erdenberger , Carol Essex, and Elizabeth Fiske. Other seniors are Jana Heckerman, Kathy J ack , Judy Jacobson, Susan Johnson, Cynthia Jones , Karen Macchietto, Matthew Metcalf, James Mierendorf , Galin Nelson, Patricia Neuman, Thomas Newmand , and Fred Petersen. Also Included are Kent Rlgbter, Michael Rltcb, Nan Rohrtlerg, Judy Soadker, Cheryl Swansoo, Debra Swansoo, Cbarise VIUella, Diane Walker, Susan Weiner, and Dave Williams.


2.8 or

all the students that made Honor Roll , the greatest number, 85, had a 2.8 average. Those that made up this majority are Sophs Kevin Ecklund , Mary Fried>richsen, Dan Gruzd, Gregory Hagen, Cynthia Hanrahan, Patricia Heavican, Renee Korte, Bill Kulesh , Elizabeth Lay, Paul MacDonald. Included also are Resa Mallett, LesUe Marts, Edward Palandri, Judith Pavba, Kim Piper, Marjorie Prucka, Kay Rodman, Steven Snipes, Michael Tusbner, K. Van Zandbergen, Unda Wortman, and JlmWri1ht. 1l>e juniors are Carrie Abraham, Judy Bergstrom. Cherie Bligh, Mike Bonner, Dee Chick , John Clark , Jimmy Clifton, Tom Dickerson, Gary Elsasser, and Cathy Fricke. Also having a 2.8 are Timothy Gardner, Debbie Kaplan , Mark W. Kelly , Mary Kincaid, Kayla Kravchuck , Karen Krause, Jody Ludwig, Kent Miller. Emmett McMahon, Cheryl Nadler, James Newland. Tbe remaining juniors In Ibis group are Randall Palandri, Paula Petei'IOII, Annette Quinn, Paula Rotb, Paul Schafer, Debbie Stewart, Janette Suiter, Janie Sundell, Steve Tblesfeld, Steve Waters, and Riehle Wldstrom. Seniors that made the Honor Roll with 2.8 are Barb Bele, Cathy Bishop, Joan Boucher, Jell Carnaby.

All alone with a 2.9 is junior Barb Galstan.

3.0 Just squeezing on the Honor Roll with a 3.0 a verage are sophs Craig Barnett , Pat Broadhurst, Keith Bryant, Terry Clarke, Scott Evans, Allan Howard , Diane Howard, Dave Klauschie, Barb Marcotte, Jennie Marino, Joan McCullough, Pat>rick O'Hara , Chris Thomason, and John Waldbaum. JIWiors tbat just made It ""' James Albert, Larry Boe, Sheri Clemmer, Stephen EhDer, Susan Ennenga, Cedlla FreeUng, LesUe Meigs, John Meyer, Dan Scbari, Laurie Simons, Regina Sorrellllno, Lori Wilson, and Tbe<Jdore WoHf. Bringing up the end are seniors Kyle Antonson. Sarah Brown, Richard Cobb, Kathy Fjeld , Mindy Green, Dean Jacobson, P aul Jacobus, a nd J ean Jefferies Also included are Suzanne Jones , Steve Merrill, Neal Miesbach, Linda Morgan, John McGill, Carol Neth , John Sternad, Brian Trude, Pat Vipond , Steve Waterman, and Susan White. Six hundred and forty students made the Honor Roll last semester, meeting the requirements of having at leasta3.0

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y seven students had a 1.9 average. They a re

,. Pat Piper and Rick Ward ; juniors Karen Egan. eFriedel, David Hathway, and Debbie Petersen ; ophomore Vickie Workman.


11at1 H011or Roll with an even U are Sopbs Jay l Jeri Blumer, Kenneth Bryalll, Jeff Cohn, nm «, VIctoria Dodce, Gustav Dworak, Jackie

, Kalbleen Kalle, BIU MOI'Jan, and Sandra


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Page 4

Winners at District

Warriors send eight men to state

Sophomores Kris Petersen (Hookers) and Mary Feeber (Bouncers) battle for control of the ball during an intramural contest which the Bouncers won, 11-5.

lntramurals opened for girls,· basketball to be 1st activity Westside has not been fa mous for its concern with girls' intramurals. There has been no time set aside. other than girls' gym classes or gymnastics , when girls could compete in an intra mural situation. The girls decided to act. a nd with the help of Ms. Anne Royal. a business teacher and Girls ' Athletic Association (GAA) sponsor, they obtained the use of the Girls' Gym on Tuesday and Thursday nights. The first intramural activity will be basketball . The girls need not be in GAA to participa te. To date there are 18 basketball teams of eight to ten members signed up. Ms. Roya l said, ''I'm thrilled with the turn-out. but we will have to play double-elimination because of the time factor. We will have winner's and loser's brackets . The final play-offs will be between the best teams in each bracket. " Other girls intramural activities will be pla nned . Ms. Roya l explained . " We would like to go into cageba ll in the spring. However. if th e weather is ni ce we wou ld like to get the gi rls outside and play softball."

The Westside grapplers took the 1972-73 district wrestling tourney last weekend, placing eight men in the state championship tonight and tomorrow at Pershing Auditorium in Lincoln. The Warriors received 89 team points to edge out Bellevue. Senior Chris Wear, who is currently the state's number one seeded wrestler at 98 pounds, captured the district title with a pin over Joe Lahoda of Bryan. Unbeaten and untied Dave Pearce (138) , scored a unanimous decision over Tom Hampton of Bryan, 1~0. Both Chris and Dave will take their respective 2&-0, and 24-0 records into the state tourney. Mark Boyer (185) , kept his number one ranking by downing Terry Seliga of Ryan by a pin. Mark is currently 14-0, and will be a favorite at State. Rummel's Barry Ballentine was the only wrestler to stop Westside's Tim O'Sullivan last week with a 5-4 decision. Barry is 29-0 and the state's top seeded wrestler at 132. Junior wrestlers Dale Sieban, Bill Coyne, and Rex White all finished third with outstanding performance. One hundred forty five pounder White dropped down ten pounds and Sieban also dropped a weight to enter the state tourney in different classes. Second place finisher Senior Fred Petersen was edged out by Bryan's Chuck Covey 4-0. Heavyweight Petersen was top seeded in the districts, and will still be a favorite to take State. Last year the Warriors were a little disappointed in finishing 12th at State. This year's team looks a little stronger

Westside falls to Ryan, awaits Districts One would think that Westside's recent 47-44 loss to Ryan will give them an added incentive to beat the Knights come districts, if the rematch ever does take place. This is also Coach Hall's hope, but he said, " Losing never helps . It might have a good effect and give us a little more incentive to beat them.'' Scott Salisbury, at 6'3", had the unfortunate task of covering All-Metro player Larry Vaculik, who had five inches on him. "Scott did a great job on Vaculik, " said Hall. " He played his best game offensively too." Salisbury totaled 14 points. Vaculik managed to score 22 points , which is his average, but 11 of them came in the first three minutes. Westside jumped to an early lead, and held an eight point advantage with 3:25 left to play. Then it was Ryan's turn. Vaculik and Dan Sloboth, a substitute for starter Ron Chleborad, who was sick,

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hit on several jump shots. Sloboth scored on a layup after a steal to give Ryan a 4&-44 lead with just over a minute left. Westside was then called for a technical foul after a travelling call, and Vaculik hit the free throw to make the final score.

Greasers beat South February 2 was Fifties Day at Westside, and the Warriors gave the greased and bobby-socked crowd a lot to cheer about, as they rocked South, 72-31. Westside played strong throughout the whole game, especially on defense, as they held the Packers to 6 points at the half. Bob Poage paced Westside's balanced scoring with 12 points , John Hansen had 10, Steve Graham nine, and Carl Andersen got eight. AI Valasquez had 12 for South. Westside will begin District play Feb. 27 at Burke against either Papilion or Northwest. Ryan will play the team not

drawn by Westside, and the two winners will meet in the finals March 2, to decide who will go to the State Tournament in Lincoln March S-10.

Double victory weekend Westside wished that every weekend could be like last week, as they trounced Hastings and A.L. on consecutive nights. The Warrior defense was excellent against Hastings , as they held the outstate visitors to six points in the first quarter, and 10 at the half. Bob Poage again led the Warrior's scoring with 14 points. Westside jumped to an IS-7 lead after the first eight minutes of the game, and kept up the pace to hand A.L. their eleventh loss of the season, 58-51. Once again Bob Poage led the scoring with 14 points , eight of them coming in the first half, as the lead jumped to 31-21 at the half. Tom Carrithers scored the game high

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ci 17 points. Warrior scoring leaders were Steve Graham with 12 points , and Tom Lodes with eight.

and will give any team there a run for it all the way . The wrestlers finished the season undefeated in dual competition as they slaughtered Lincoln High 42-8. Undefeated in duals , Wear, Pearce and Petersen all closed out with strong wins. The latter disposed of his opponent in 39 seconds.

Seniors Dave Pearce, Chris number one wrestlers.

Jockettes voice inequality com unisex letter club for all compet by Bobbie Jo Buel In a time when mini-courses in shop are being offered for girls and a new independent studies course in Women's Lib has been set up it appears as if the boys at Westside still have the upper hand in at least one thing, athletics. This year has brought on an increasing number of complaints about the situation. Sophomore Melinda Rot expressed the feelings of most girls saying, " I don 't feel girl athletes are looking for equality, just some recognition. In comparison with Iowa 's girls we're just more or less a glorified intra murals program. " Currently Westside offers six inter-school sports for girls. Volleyball, golf and swimming in the fall ; gymnastics in the winter; track and tennis in the spring. Three sports have completed their seasons and have been highly successful. The swimmers finished 4-1 in dual competition and won the Metro title. The golfers won all of their duals and finished second in the Metro . Volleyball meanwhile finished 1-4 in regular season competition. Yet , little prestige or importance has been placed on them by the administration or students . Dates, times and locations of various events are not publicized and except for parents of participants attendance is very poor. Melinda added that "another promoter of athletics at Westside, The Lance, has been lacking in the number of stories relating to girls ' sports. "

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for six more big pointsforfeited.

Recognition of individual is another complaint. Many some type of Jetter club for girl be set up while others feel WClub be opened to girls. Volley ba ller, Golfer and President Barb Dappert said, '1 girls should receive letters f« achievements in sports. The girls compete in the boy's level 1M should receive recognition separate letter club." Others , such as swimmer McAlister, feel "there should discrimination and girls should the same manner that the guys do." The principal problem with put on an equal level with the however, is the amount of work devotion put out. The attendance at practices are casual for the girls and generan, length of practices are shorter. Availability of gyms and other for practice creates another The Boys ' and Girls' Gyms are constant use for Varsity, JVand basketball , wrestling, Int1-am1~ral, Squad and Squires both before school. Most boys questioned said they mind the girls getting more realgl81111 WClub sponsor Paul a possibility that girls could part of W Club, but it would have through a vote of the membership. A club of their another possibility ." This suggestion seems to be the solution according to student Sophomore Mary Friedrichsen "girls should form their own receive recognition for achievements but not through W No matter what position is taken, virtually every student agreed it will be quite some time girls ' sports develop to the level present boys program.


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Page 5

No matter the season, practice prevails Every sport fan knows that athletes must practice and work hard for many hours before they come anywhere near actual competition. However, many fans may not know that much of this work comes in the off-season, long before actual practice begins . There are four sports at Westside that have organized off-season practicing. They are baseball, track . football, and basketball. The latter two involve summer practices.


Mayberry jogs nightly after school, along with many other track team in order to get in shape for the upcoming season.

Although baseball tryouts and practice don 't start until March 5 and the first game is April 10. prospective Warrior ballplayers have been working out once a week since mid-December at the Boys Town Field House. Each Thursday night from 6:30 to 8:30, the players run. throw, field , and bat under the watchful eyes of Loren Babe. Babe should know what he is doing, as he has played for the New York Yankees, and has managed a minor league team in the Yankee organization. He runs the workouts for other area Metro high schools, as well as Westside. The Boys Town Field House has excellent facilities for these activities, as the artificial turf on the main floor provides a constant surface for infield or pick-up drills, and base running. The basement contains two batting cages and room for pepper games . As in most sports, running is a main tool in conditioning.

state champs, soccer usiasts work for Metro not doing this just for our benefit . It's not that we want to be recognized as anything like that." commented Senior Paul Kampfe on his drive to get !Cognized as a Metro varsity sport. 'e and fellow soccer enthusiasts Seniors Frank Kilmer and Kevin Muchemore wr Peter Cegielski have circulated a petition (which was signed by an two thirds of the student body l and have attend ed several Met ro meetings rt of soccer. They stressed the growth of interest in the sport. citing the 46 the fall roster as a good indication. "Since the sport is played in the spring. leagues are just for practice. it's easy to see just how popula r soccer is · said Kampfe. " And many boys were out for football or other fall sports and take part at this time." · teams consisting of Westside boys have fared excellently in state :ion. They have taken state twice and were runner-up to arch rival Prep last n schools had teams last spring. and Westside and Prep boasted two each. fe pointed out that not many people know much about soccer. " There are 16 on a team and II are on the field at one time. It would be very easy to convert Jall field into a soccer field in the spring. The only adaption would be to lower posts a few feet. Soccer shoes don 't wreck the field as much as football Jain problem in achieving the Metro varsity status would be the financial "Student interest this coming spring would be a helpful factor. " said . "You don 't have to be 6'6 ". 250 pounds to participate. either." He said math Joe Vacanti would be the coach.


timing team gets busy

.bly one of the most active yet 1eard about organizations is e's timing team. ding to swimming coach Cal timing team is "An auxiliary r girls formed to provide help for n meets. They keep busy timing ers , running scoring tables , diving, running the diving table, moting swim meets." :o-captain Kate McAlister feels ~r main objective is to support the ers. "We decorate lockers before sell ads to print programs , and oney for equipment. " recently . the 40 members finished st project , which was selling $440 of ads to put out the Warrior .ional programs. The Warrior .iona l meet was Feb. 3, at de , against Burke, Hastings , nt, and Prep. bers of the timing team are: Susie :ong, Paula Baeten, Elizabeth Nancy Burke, Kristie Burton, Coffey , Sheryl Feekin, Ann l, Anne Gilmore, Julie Gilmore, Hirt, Debbie Holmstrom , Patty ns , Denise Kopecky . Carrie , Heather Mactier, Karen Messer, Moeschler, and Emily Nelson. r timers are Cindy Paul, Debbie

Peterson , Diana Poage, Sherril Prideaux , Debbie Rahel, Leigh Ann Retelsdorf, Teri Rose, Linda Sharpe, Sue Seidler, Sally Smith, Mary Slabaugh, Jennifer Staley , Patty Taylor, Jayne Tinley, Cari Trygg, Marty Wallace, Jo Williams , Lee Williams, and Brenda Winn. Co-captains are Linda Morgan and Kate McAlister.

But most of the running, sprints and laps, is not mandatory , and is left to the discretion of the players. This practice is discarded when the regular workouts begin, and the players are told to run . . . run . . . run.

Track Track men never really have an off-season, as they must do some running all year round to stay in shape. Winter and spring running are a major part of their training. During the winter months, when it is too cold to run outside, the sprinters take to the halls to run their sprints , and the long distance men run their laps in the gym. The UNO Field House also provides a good year round running track , and they hold several track meets during the winter, with some high school events . Weight lifting is another form of conditioning for the track men. The sprinters, pole vaulters, and field men work with the weights the most, but the distance runners use lifting to help with their endurance. Last week the pre-season training became more organized, as the season is drawing nearer, and the coaches tell the runners how far to run, usually three or four miles. Mr. Klein is the head coach . and his assistants are Mr. Johns, who coaches the sprinters, and Mr. Malisee, who works with the pole vaulters, and field men.

The Westside S\\1m team took the Metro tourney last week, winning or tying in six of 11 events. The 200.yard medley relay (Rich Maack, Pat DiBiase, Brian Smith and Tony Frink) set a new record of 1:43.8. Those four men split the five remaining Westside wins between them (Frink is champ in two). Next weekend the tankmen attempt another State championship in Lincoln.

Playoffs are drawing near for athletes There are only about three weeks of intramural basketball left in the 1972-73 season for most boys. Other boys will enter with their teams into the playoffs . Mr. Max Kitzelman, coordinator, said , "We will try to get a lot of teams into the playoffs , but we will have to see how close the top teams are." So far the top teams in contention are the Pimps, Puds, Snappy Jocks, All-Metros, Sex Packs, Chicago Shots , and the Aces. In watching games on Monday night the favorite team would have to be the Pimps. They are led by Mark Brock, who leads everybody in scoring with around a forty point average per game. Other members that have shown talent in the game are Fritz Archerd, Larry Masilko, and Max Beins . The playoffs will start immediately after the last week of the regular a season. Kitzelman said that the best time for the playoffs is probably right after school. Free-throws will be shot in the last two minutes, to prevent intentional fouls . Mr. Bob Klein, another coordinator,

commented on forfeits, "There have only been three forfeits this year; this tells me that teams are becoming more responsible." The game between the Aces and the Kreskins was won by the Kreskins on forfeit. On February 5, Dean Jacobson was

hurt in this so called non-contact sport of basketball. He had his arm broken in a game against the Chicago Shots. If you don't believe intramurals are a contact sport just ask Randy Rome if he has ever completed a game. Rome likes contact and gets his fair share of fouls .


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Page 6

February 16,

News Briefs

Department gains baby, loses teeth New babies and wisdom teeth are the causes of activity taking place among the faculty in the Art Department recently. One event is the return of Art Teacher Dian Hansen this semester after an absence during which she had a baby. Ms. Hansen taught art at Westside for seven years before leaving. This year she is here on a part-time basis, teaching a Commercial Art class of about 50 students. Art Teacher Ken Heimbuch is celebrating the more recent arrival of his son, David Scott, who was born Feb. 4. "He has his father's chin" according to Mr. Heimbuch. AI Vap , also of the Art Department has returned from a stay in the hospital to have four wisdom teeth removed. After so much activity Mr. Heimbuch says, " I think we're all anxious to get back to some normality."

Evening IMC study? Would it be to the students' advantage to have the Social Studies IMC open again on Tuesday and Thursday nights ?

According to Bill Hayes, World History teacher, and Joe Higgins, Government teacher, District 66 cannot afford to pay supervisors to open the IMC. But District 66 pays supervisors for the night intramural basketball games and to keep the pool open at night. The solution to the problem seems to be to ask teachers to volunteer supervising the Social Studies IMC on certain nights , as they did last year.

Writing contest for juniors "To encourage high school students in their writing and to recognize publicly some of the best student writers in the nation" is the reason given by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) for the 1973 Achievement Awards in Writing. The contest, open to juniors only , will award 876 certificates and recommend recipients for scholarships. The number of winners from each state and school is proportionate to the population : Westside is allowed five entries and Nebraska will have at least

Forum leader Deanne Kelley: 'This time will be different' Deanne Kelley, newly elected Forum President, said her initial objectives to avoid confusion were to "acquaint the <ificers with the constitution, and to publish a sheet explaining which parliamentary procedures the Forum will follow." The senior added, "It's going to be different this time." Other officers are Junior Dan Dixon, vice-president; Senior Tenley Rogers, secretary; and Junior Rich Goodlette, recorder. Second semester forum representatives were elected recently. Though some homerooms experienced apathetic elections, these students were appointed: Carrie Abraham , Jan Allely, Chuck Archerd , Kim Arnold . Jay Baker, Carie Baska, Mike Beller, Debbie Bernstein. Kathy Bicknell, Steve Blotcky, Bob Brite, Shannon Brown, Gail Bruggeman, Sue Calkins , Pete Cegielski, Alisa Chapman, Renee Chick, Ken Christie. Jane Clark, Bill Coyne, Becky Daisley , Susie Dalton, Barb Dappert. Julia Davis, Jerry Delorenzo. Faye Dickey , John Dillon, Dan Dixon, Sue Doody. John Eckman. Steve Edwards, and Marge Einerson. More representatives include Lori Feldman, Eadie Fishel, Rosemary Freriks, Boni Graskowiak , Peni Graskowiak, Renee Gibson, Rich Goodlette, Katie Gordon, Jim Hadden, Robin Halsey , Dave Halsted, Lauren Hansen, Dave Haug , Debbie Heison, Joe Helvey , Mike Hendricks. Brian Henningsen, Steve Hiochcliff. Karin Hiochik , Kristin Hoffman, Debbie Holmstrom , Karen Honig , Mary Hoth, John Ingram, Jane Kahler. Tom Kampfe. Susan Karrer, Deanne Kelley, Martin Kennedy, and Denise Kopecky. Other forum members : Charissa Lane, Patti Livingstone, Kevin Lyon, Karen Macchietto, Rick Madsen. Jan Martin, Mark Martin, Sue McCormick . Neal Miesbach, Mike Morton, Cheryl Nadler, Deanna Nelson, Susie Newberg, Kathy Nogg, Doug Paulsen, Eileen Pavlik. Lesa Perry. Jody Petrashek , Mike Pistillo. Annette Quinn, Mark Reedy, Sandy Reimers, Leigh Ann Retelsdorl, Mark Roach, Tenley Rogers ,

Ten Rose. Paul Roth. Lou Ann Schermerhorn. Sue Seidler, Kathy Sistek, Linda Sharpe, Fred Smith, Jess Smith, Leslie Soucie, Carol Stevens , Julie Stockman. Norris Stolpe, Giny Sutko, and Heidi Swift. Completing the list of senators are Terri Talty , Kent Taylor, Peg Toth, Bill Toy, Kirlt Van Zanbergen. DeDe Walker, Mike Waring, Chris Wegner, Barry Wells . Angela Weinacht, Mike Wiezorek , Roger Wigg. Elizabeth Wilson, Anne Woodley , and Lyle Zastera .

two winners. As nominations are due to NCTE March 1, 1973, Junior English teachers will soon alert the students. Three entries are required by each student; 1) a 25~300 word autobiography, 2) an impromptu theme written in no more than one hour under a teacher 's supervision and submitted in longhand without revision, and 3) a sample of writing (prose or verse) that the student considers his best work. The five Westside students' compositions should be submitted by April 16. Winners are announced in October. English Department Head Mary Conner said that four years ago Westside received Honorable Mention in the contest.

Icenogle youngest in chorus Senior Chris Icenogle has been the yo ungest member of the Omaha Symphonic Chorus for four years now. The 75 member chorus, originally a part of the symphony orchestra but now encorporated and on its own, admitted Chris when he was in ninth grade. There is "quite a waiting list," and admission is by audition only. ¡ The chorus performs "all kinds of music, " including classical , Burt Bacharach works, and music composed exclusively for the Omaha chorus. Feb. 25 at First Christian Church, 66th and Dodge at 4 p.m., the group will sing "Gates of Justice," a contemporary jazz piece composed by Dave Brubeck involving religious and racial discrimination.

Sophomore Jon Legino of Westside's Future Business Leaders of America ex1 modular schedule to FBLA members visiting from Blair High School.

FBLA members work hard The business area of the Annex will be very busy the last half of the 1972-73 school year. Many things are happening or are being planned for the future. Last week on Thursday , Feb. 8, the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) hosted 50 FBLA members from Blair. They had come to Omaha to view some Omaha businesses. Saturday, Feb. 10, in order to start National FBLA week off right , 15 Westside members took 20 boys from the Omaha Home for Boys to the movie, Snowball Express. One of the most important events for FBLA is the State conference. The conference is usually held in Lincoln; however , conditions had become crowded and other facilities had to be found . Between 300 and 400 students from

Bored? Try a unique and exciting new entertainment There is a definite problem facing Omaha youth. That is. where's the action? It is very difficult to hassel with finding where everyone is going after the game or where the parties are. There are always movies. too. But all that gets boring. There's got to be something new and unique ... like a dinner theater. There are three fine dinner theaters in Omaha. The first to appear on the scene was the Westroads Dinner Theater in 1970. Many people who saw some of the first shows didn 't think highly of them but with increasing ex perience they 're getting better all the time. Right now it 's probably booked up farther than the other two theaters. This could be due to their "star system" which includes a famous name star like Robert Horton or Virginia Graham in each play. This is part of its standing as an Equity theater. Equity , an actors union, has been adopted by the Westroads to insure a better quality of acting. Most of the productions are comedies or musicals . Virginia Graham is now staring starring in " Barefoot in the Park ." The interior is modern, the architecture modeled exactly like the rest of the shopping center. The stage is in the round with

550 available seats surrounding it. The food is prepared in their own kitchens and served buffet starting at 6. The show begi ns at 8. May of 1972, the Firehouse Dinner Theater established itself in the Old Market. This antiquely modern location added to the reminiscent air traceable to the days when it really was a firehouse. The waiters and waitresses are very fri endly and talented. Before the play they present the Firehouse Brigade of music. When "Mr. Roberts" was playing they were decked in sailor pants and sang sailing tunes . "The acting was excellent. " commented junior Mary Hot h. Most of the actors are from the Omaha area . Mary thought "Mr. Roberts" was extremely good and that "The Amourous Flea " was even better. " Luv " is showing now until Mar. 3 and is a comedy about marriage and life. The Firehouse also offers discounted student rates for the show only. At 7:30 the doors are open to anyone who can find a seat for $1.25. The Talk of the Town, 84th & Center, is now presenting the musical "Oklahoma." "The music was great," Junior Lisa Hattam said. She also spoke well of the acting and the service.

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all over Nebraska will atte convention, to be held at Prorr House March 3~31. The Conference includes cont typing, shorthand , and other b related activities. Events re business equipment will be h Westside. Ms. Joan Anderson a, LaNeta Karlock, both business te at Westside, will be chairwon Shorthand Competition and of B1 Principles Competition. Students may also seek state 1 Steve Korff , a junior at Westside Local President and State Recore intends to seek the post of President. Kent Miller, also a ju1 the Local Treasurer, and wants to the state office of Treasurer. Cam for these students will be carri from Westside Headquarters.

The 1972 SffiELD, Westsi~ yearbook, has received a Fl Class rating from the Natio Scholastic Press Association. had three Marks of Distinct and was especially praised for copy and mood pictures.


17, NO.



~EB .


March 2, 1973

Girls' sports 'well-rounded' by Susan Darst A search for g ross inequalities came up short recently in regard to girls athletics. It seems alleged "male chauvinism" is nonexistent in the gyms. as the administ ration maintains an " open door policy." The girls program , which includes golf, swimming, gymnastics, track and tennis as Metro. intra-school competitive sports , and fields a non-Metro volleyball team, is growing every year. Naturally , the female athletes put in almost as many practice hours as the boys, and the coaches have systematically scheduled gym time for both sexes. As for intramurals, the boys command both gyms Monday nights; the two sexes split their respective gyms for practice and GAA (Girls Athletic Association) competition. Wednesday evening is set aside for adult recreation. No luck there for would-be feminists. However, action needs to be taken for the recognition of girls who letter in sports. Perhaps they should be accepted into W Club , the boys' letterman club. The club constitution states that the purpose of W Club "is to promote Westside athletics , school spirit, sportsmanship. interest of sports in school , and to distinguish lettermen." Club sponsor Paul Ande rson said that the boys would discuss letti ng girls into their club, but specu lated that "girls would be happier in t heir own letter (persons') club." The latter was championed by most girl athletes questioned. "It would be fun, just girls," explained Sophomore Amy Lepinski. The consensus of t he older athletes , however , seemed to be "equal recognition for equal accomplis hment ." Senior Lee Williams opted for the latter, saying , " We should be accepted into W Club ." Denise Kopecky, a junior, agreed, but argued that girls should be able to compete on their own level a nd degree of wo rk to earn a letter. "We shouldn't have to mimic the boys, " she added. Coach Diane Fredrickson said that her various teams preferred " to go out for pizza " rather than attend the s ports banquets. Only a fractio n of the girls teams show up to get their awards. An effort to establish criteria for awardi ng girls letters failed last sp ring when only 40 of the 120 lettergirls attended t he meeti ng. Mysteriously, the Warrior patch a nd windb reakers the female "letterpersons" decided upon never came in. Ms. Fredrickson echoed Athletic Director Bill Hoyt in the exigency of establishing set ru les to letter in all t he girls sports . It is important to realize that virtually every girl gets involved in athletics " just for the satisfaction, and also for exercise. " as observed a sweatsuit clad sophomore. She and over fifteen others. trai ning for the spring track team, run for " about an hour a night" in the Annex halls . They expressed a desire to work out with the boys . pointing out that they would "learn a lot more and maybe try harder. " Hoyt stated that Westside " has as well rounded a girls athletic program as any public school in the state." He claimed that the goal was " to get as many girls participating as possible." Hoyt added t hat , fo r girls, the indiv idual sports with "more carry over value"-- such as golf and tennis , are emphasized. When asked whether basketball would ever be instigated as a sixth Metro s port, Hoyt pointed out, "We have 211 girls in GAA intramu ral basketball now. Creation of varsity and JV levels in a sport a lways te nds to lower the intramural participation." He added that Westside shouldn't offer a competitive basketball team until " we've ironed the wrinkles out in the other five sports ." He intends to make a detailed study of the entire athletcis program, girls and boys, decide what improvements need to be made, and lea rn by experience from the boys' past programs .

Dntroversial LB 300 threatens District 66 sanctity 300. It strikes fear into the hearts of its opposers, causes ity in students and silence in faculty. The controversial bill well be, for Westside students, the most important ttion in the unicameral this year, for if the bill should te law , District 66 would be defunct August 1, 1973. 300 will be heard by the State Committee on Education l'uesday, March 6, at 2 p.m. at the Capitol. The bill, uced by Senator David Stahmer from the Benson district, rst read Jan . 25, and has since set off a chain of events . Jies of the bill are available at school, but fundamentally, it amend present statutes and merge smaller school ns , i.e., Millard, Ralston, and District 66, into that of the politan city , i.e. , the Omaha Public Schools. The proposed n would include more than 80,000 students next year. amendment to LB 300 has been added, which would divide 路stem into " . .. as many subdistricts as there are high s, " and provide for " the election of high school boards for 'ligh school within the confederated district " with duties like Westside's existing school board . A "managing board ~confederation, consisting of one member selected by each ;chool board from their membership, " would also be d. 300 action to date : ., Feb . 3--Ralston , Millard , and District 66 boards of tion met to draw up plans to fight the bill. !S ., Feb . 5--District 66 School Board passed a resolution tgly opposing" LB 300, and " ... reaffirms the long ing commitment of the residents of the Westside tunity Schools to maintain a school system which is both enough to be responsive to the needs and wishes of the ' and large enough to economically provide a quality

A map of the school systems concerned . Note thin lines designating city boundaries; thick borders represent school d istrict terri tory . program of education." The resolution went on to urge " . .. the residents, parents and students of the Westside School to vigorously oppose LB 300, and, as citizens , to take a ppropriate actions to defeat this proposed legislation ." ---Sen Stahmer received letters from a Valley View Junior High typing class, saying they had discussed the bill and that they were all against it. --During this time, petitions were made available to the 126 homerooms and parents . Students were to circulate the petitions

if they wished. Sat. , Feb. 17--10 a.m .--Sen. Stahmer at the Saturday morning Press Club news conference alleged that District 66 students were being brainwashed against the bill by the faculty and admi nistration , and were only hearing one side. --2 p.m .--The senator met with the District 66 SAB of E , no other adults present, to discuss the bill. Mon., Feb. 19--Westside Community Council passed a resolution opposing LB 300, saying it "hurt the educational potential of a lot of children in the Omaha area ." ---Sen. Stahmer made arrangements to speak to Valley View ninth graders Friday. Westside Junior Bob Eisenberg, after three phone calls , persuaded the senator to talk at Westside at 2:30, following the engagement. Thurs ., Feb. 22--Mr. and Ms. C. M. " Nick" Newman , parents of students in District 66, obtained a temporary restraining order prohibiting all professional staff members from "discussing , talking about, or expressing any opinion whatsoever about LB 300 on District 66 property during the normal school hours ." Fri., Feb. 23--9:30 a.m.--Judge John Murphy presided at a hearing. He strengthened the restraining order to prohibit advocation for or against LB 300 by District 66 faculty . --Sen. Stahmer cancelled speaking engagements at Valley View and Westside , saying the students had their minds made up already . ---District 66 parents and Booster Clubs organized petition drives against LB 300, with no administration push behind it. Mon., Feb. 26--Governor J. J. Ex on said he would veto the bill if it ever reached his desk. Fri., March 2--1 p.m.--Second hearing to obtain a permanent injunction, in Court Room No.2, fifth floor , County Court House.



1-B 3oD

Athletes in Action draw re-acti The Lance has received the following letter to the editor in opposition to the position taken by the administration concerning the Athletes in Action. The editorial staff welcomes any additional opinions from the administration, the faculty , parents, or students.



o.pr.uue .fB


There is a definite inequity in educational standards and conditions of poor urban schools and their affluent counterparts. There is no question that this difference exists; it is a disgrace to any nation which calls itself democratic and strives to establish a system of equal rights and services to all citizens. regardless of wealth . There is a difference in quality of education between Westside and Omaha Public Schools. The former has modern buildings and smaller classrooms. the latter with crowded classrooms. decrepit buildings. authoritarian attitudes. less academic freedom . relatively meager curricula. and outmoded petty rules. Contrary to popular myth . District 66 is not a wealthy school district . There is an approximate average of $15,000 in valuable assessed property per child in the district. This figure is no higher than the state average ; nor is Omaha's figure considerably lower. State Senator David Stahmer introduced Legislative Bill 300 in the state legislature to create " better education in Douglas County. " He evidently feels that if Westside. Millard. Ralston. and Omaha Public Schools are merged . Omaha will profit. There are six classes of school districts in Nebraska. Westside falls into Class Ill ; Omaha is Class V (metropolitan area of over 200.000 population). He believes that the current situation is not legal according to the state constitution. The constitution allows class groups if they are not-according to Stahmer-" special. privileged in nature ... Stahmer claims there are two statutes which are tailor-made for Omaha's suburban area and thus. unconstitutional. One statute states that if Omaha ever takes in a separate rural district it can remain separate. The other statute states that if a metropolitan area annexes a Class Ill city, the smaller school district would not be merged with the urban area. Stahmer insists that it would be constitutional to establish a metropolitan district in one of three ways: (1) a single. large district for the entire class area-county limits. (2) an individual district for each high school and surrounding junior high and elementary " feeder " schools. or (3) a "confederated district. " The original bill contained provisions for dissolving Westside. Millard. and Ralston school districts and. along with Omaha. creating the School District of Omaha in Douglas County. The amended version of LB 300 reads. "Whenever a district contains more than three high schools. it may choose to form a confederated school district by the majority vote of the electors living within said district ... The confederation plan contains provisions for the division of the district into as many sub-divisions as there are high schools. the caucus election of high school boards for each high school within the confederated district . and the creation of a managing board consisting of one member from each high school board . The duties of the high school boards shall pertain to setting codes of conduct . devising curricula and selecting textbooks. The general powers of the managing board include hiring , transferring . anc~ firing all personnel . establishing uniform retirement programs. setting a fiscal budget for the confederation and each high school district based upon requests made by each high school board . and "taking into account the differing need of children with the confederation ... Other duties of the managing board would be the purchase and sale of land . construction. maintenance. and demolition of school bu ildings. The main inequity , Stahmer maintains. is that the suburban school districts have individual school boards for each high school . and this makes West Omaha school boards and superintendents more responsive and accessible to the taxpayers and students of the districts. The answer to this is simple. Studies have shown that school districts with 5.000-15 .000 pupils are the easiest to manage. Let Omaha Public Schools decentralize. It is too large and bulky already. When this solution was suggested to Stahmer. he countered that this would produce poverty-stricken inner-city districts. This could be alleviated by well-planned . equitable. and munificent state aid . Is there any item higher on the list of governmental duties than the education of youth? The city of Omaha craws "culturally-deprived " poor people with children who require extra money. Ther is nothing to change in suburban schools that would lighten the load of spending on the poor. The answer again lies in federal Title I and liberal state funding . The Lance takes the stand of opposition to LB 300 because it will not be beneficial to any sing le group, and its programs would possibly be detrimental to Westside Community Schools by dissolving our responsive . efficient . and forward-looking school board . LB 300. if enacted . would not uplift the standard of education in urban areas. This task must be accomplished by strong . responsive school boards and administrators. and better funding .

Dear Editor, Westside High School is supposedly a good example of a modern educational institution based on fairness , equality, and justice. Without any one of these elements , Westside stops being an educational institution and begins being an indoctrinational institution. In one area in particular, Westside has become inconsistent in its dealings and totally minus any semblance of fairness , equality , or justice. The area referred to is that of religion. There are at Westside three main religious groups : Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish. It is primarily with the

Protestant and Jewish groups that this letter is concerned because it is with these two that the inconsistency has occurred. Just recently a group of young athletes · came to Omaha for a wrestling match against UNO. There was nothing unusual about these young men personally, but with the format they followed when they wrestled . During their matches with colleges and universities throughout the country, these young men pause after the fifth match has been completed to present to the audience their faith in Jesus Christ. This " half-time " usually consists of two testimonies by two wrestlers and an invitation of faith given by a third . There is no infringement upon a person 's privacy or anything else of that sort. This " half-time'.' has never been challenged until this group came to Omaha . Here, because one professor interprets the constitution in a way of his own, these athletes were prevented from

Grand Funk gets your footstompin' It has become the music critics ' favorite pastime to put down Grand Funk 's music and to analyze the reasons behind their phenomenal success. But the group 's musicianship is not its most vital asset. It is their ability to use their pulsating rhythms and screeching guitar riffs to get a footstompin' , hand-clappin' reaction from their audience . There is little doubt that Grand Funk got the reaction they desired at their concert in Omaha, Feb . 18. The Railroad nearly sold out the Civic Auditorium despite John Denver's appearance in Lincoln the same night. I estimated the crowd at over 9,000. (I was going to have the audience count off , but after we got through our row, I realized it would be too time consuming .) Grand Funk , for the benefit of the POWs who may have been out of touch with the rock scene in the last three years, is Mark Farner, Don Brewer

seats in New York 's Shea Stadium in eight days. It took th e Beatles nearly three weeks at the height of their popularity . On the opposite end of the tracks, a Grand Funk Railroad concert in London met with voiced disapproval from its audience. " Okay ," said Farner from the stage, " if there 's anyone out there who can do any better then get up here." Leon Russell entered stage right and the Londoners went bananas. Oh well, that 's show business. Farner and Co 's rapid rise to fame (they now · have been credited with eight gold albums ) is due to the impact of their albums " Grand Funk " and " Closer to Home." This is where the majority of their most popular concert material is derived . The level of hysteria never really tapered off from the opening chords of " Flight of the Phoenix " through " Footstompin ' Music " and " Closer to Home," among others . But it reached its peak when Farner led the group into " Inside Looking Out ," played an extended , improvised guitar solo, and swung his guitar over his head, dancing from one corner of the stage to the other. Grand Funk 's extended version of " Loneliness " was their most brilliant piece of concert material. Frost spiced the original recording with some innovated moog and then Don Brewer did a drum solo that no Grand Funk concert would be complete without.

and Mel Schacher. Craig Frost has not been officially declared a member of the group , but it is inevitable that he will eventually join. His back-up on the moog , piano , and organ allowed the group to perform more complex and sophisticated material, just as the addition of keyboardist John Evan increased Jethro Tull 's musical versatility . Although it was billed as " Grand Funk 's all new show ," the concert followed the same predictable pattern as their recent appearance on ABC 's "In Concert," but there were no Pepsi orClearasil commercial interruptions. Earlier this year it was feared that Grand Funk would hang up its dancing shoes and leave the concert scene forever because of their " financial derailment " due to legal hassles with their manager, Terry Knight. It was Knight who conducted the group's incredible publicity campaign that eventually made Grand Funk so popular that they sold out the 55,000

After the crowd yelled and stomped for an encore , Grand Funk, as expected, obliged with " Gimmie Shelter." Mark Farner told the audience, "We've never played here before, but if you ever want us to come back , just holler." Bulldog , the concert's opening act, is an off-shoot of the Rascals , one of the most popular groups of the 60's. Old Rascal fans expected drummer Dino Danelli and guitarist Gene Cornish to sing a rousing chorus of " Good Lovin'," or " People Got to be Free ," but there was no similarity at all betwe e n the two groups . Bulldog 's intro went something like, " You 're going to be hearing a lot about them ." Maybe so, but it won 't be complimentary. The group, complete with eye makeup , the latest rock fashions, and glitter in their hair, took the audience on a trip through fairyland with a dull , monotonous series of rockers . Bill Wald

speaking during the match A couple of days later were scheduled to speak at a NON-MANDATORY This, too, was cancelled. administration had because of phone calls from parents who couldn 't stand of Christianity possibly ears of their children !! This obviously is not fair people to dictate what the rest of the school. This just because those who were having these young men Westside never had an present their side.

panel would speak to a audience of sophomores wbo required to attend that large There was no interference parents or the professor went around views on this as related Constitution as in the case wrestlers . The panel did in fact their views on religion. They repeat performance later to Westside group. After looking of these cases regarding the school, one wonders happened to equality representation ! ! ! It is quite evident that in fact , become inconsistert dealings with religious administration needs to re-E:xamcriteria for allowing Westside. If it does not do expect it to be responsive to wishes any longer as convocations are concerend? we expect to see justice, ""'...,.•• equality any longer? In my can expect to see all characteristics of an institution disappear unless does something about decision making process, am hurry' 11

the lane

School Press Association. The nan..r iu i•• free of charge to holders of Subscription rates to others postpaid. Non-profit mailing righl! Printed by Wright Printing Co., Nebr.

Co-editors . Pam Hultberg and Su.u••lllll'• Layout editor Copy editor ....... . Editorial editor Asst. editorial editor Entertainment editor . News editor Feature editor

Business editor Advertising manager .... Sports editor . Asst. sports editor Art editor .. . .. . . Photo editor Photographers .

Advisor .




News briefs: District representatives north

Tom Rock, left, and Don Fallon shrug off the possibility of the going off in last week's Senior Class Play, 'The Mouse That Tom played a worrisome professor; Don his hunchback

mmer excursions planned spring and various trips for students are ed . This planning is centered in the science .Lynn France, zoology teacher, is a river raft trip for June Four students are going with They will travel up the Green through Flaming .Gorge , est Wy oming , and the illlhoOJI.tPrn portion of Utah. Tours Dinosaur Quarries, view of Petrographs , and a stop over the Snowy Mountain Range is Swimming , fishing , and the white water rapids will vacationers active.

are five Table Rock Lake June 10-16 (girls ), June (boys ), July 12-21 (girls ), July (boys). is also planning a tour to 路 , which is open to girls only.

IIID I'"''m"''"路

Ms. Deborah Harvey, a teacher at Valley View Junior High is taking reservations for students to spend from June 18 to July 13 in Barcelona, Spain. The students will live with Spanish families . The cost of the trip will be $575, which includes air fare . For more information call Ms. Harvey at Valley View any time from 9:30 to 10 a .m . or in the afternoon , 3:30-4 :30 p.m.

and s ophomores are their schedules for next year be turned in by March 23. are also reminded that they needing Social Security soon for college applications fill out their PCS , CEEB , and forms . Information may be in the Guidance Center.

to the University of at Omaha with financial aid be in by Aprill , and July 5 is the

Judge Cropper Judge Walter Cropper received enthusiastic response from American Government students in their Tuesday large group. The vivacious, self-confident municipal court judge explained the small-claims and state and county court systems . He casually remarked that he recognized several faces in the group from his former position as traffic court judge.

''The Lowland Sea"

better here than at Marengo High.

parents Feb. 17 in t he Little Theater. Seniors Cheryl Langdon and Chas . Magdanz had the leads in the operetta , which was the love story of a girl and a sailor who is lost at sea . Senior Sue Parkison was the choreographer for the event . Senior Tom Taxman handled the lighting and Junior Jim Clifton did the special effects.

Ward wins Elks' For the first time , Westside seniors have received schola rship awards from the local chapter of the Elks Club. Rick Ward took top honors and Tom Dinwoodie placed third in the boys' division, and Tenley Rogers placed second in girls .

Policy Changed The District 66 School Board passed a new amendment on Feb . 5 concerning tuition waiver policy. This new amendment now gives the superintendent the power to grant a one year tuition waiver to deserving students on an individual basis. Previously, there was no flexibility to the policy and if a student was not a resident he was required to pay $900 tuition. Because of this change, Dr. Phelps was able to waive tuition for Senior Dave McKean. The McKeans have lived in District 66 for six years until last summer when Dave's father accepted a job to work in a small Iowa town, Marengo.




'1 OV VE 6oT 10 )RIVE oNE ... 10 'BnEIVF trl 11

Dave is living in the district and attending Westside because he feels his educational opportunities are

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Chamber Choir performed " The Lowland Sea '' to an audience of mainly

Sports clubs combine efforts to sponsor All Sports Dance Winter ' s termination will be celebrated March 31 by Westsiders at the annual All Sports Dance. As in past years, the event will be semi-formal and the price of tickets will be $3.50 per couple. Contrary to last year , queen candidates will be elected at large, not restricted to a specific sport . Qualifications include membership in Pep Club and lettering for two consecutive years . King candidates from all sports, excluding football , will be selected.

estsiders make plans for future Guidance Department is lly busy now as Westside make preparations for the

Representing District 66 at the Conference of Minnesota School Administrators , Dr . H. Vaughn Phelps , Dr. Kenneth Hansen, Kenneth Kampfe, and Bob Klein made keynote addresses in front of administrators who came from " everything south of Minnesota." "Changes in Education" was the topic of this year 's conference. Phelps presented his ideas from the standpoint of a superintendent, as did the others , speaking for their respective occupations. Klein said , in explaining the similarities in the various school systems , "they were very interested in our LB 300 because so many of the Minneapolis school districts are like District 66. "

deadline for applications without financial aid . Out of state schools have earlier deadlines , so students are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. For those who are uncertain about future plans, a variety of reading material and machines in the Guidance Center offer information on educational and occupational opportunities.

Co-sponsored by Pep Club and W Club , the dance will be held in the Girls ' Gym from 8-12 p.m . Said Pep Club Treasurer Annette Setterlund, "We hope the dance will be successful, as the next major dance will not be until Prom on May 25."
















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'Living in the Past' with Jethro lull and Li by Bill Wald Living in Omaha and naturally being deprived of the world's greatest rock bands, you can imagine my reaction when I saw " Jethro Tull-Livingston Taylor- In Concert" on the marquee outside of the San Diego Convention Center. (The original site of the 1972 Democratic Convention.) It was my main ambition to see a L.A. rock concert on our family vacation through California last sum mer , but the only artists appearing were the Osmonds and Johnny Mathis. I had to be content with seeing the "Sound Effects" at Disneyland, and passing the L.A. Forum, America's number one concert arena, on the way to San Diego. Another disappointment: The Jethro Tull concert had been sold out, probably weeks in advance. The lack ci empty spaces in the vast parking lot attested to the fact. Well, maybe there's a good marimba band in Tijuana. Manuel's Motel and Cafe overlooking the scenic immigration station at the Mexican border was booked solid, so we decided to keep our reservations at " Vacation Village" down the street. (The motel achieved its prominence by providing the exterior scenes for the filming of "La nce Link-Secret Chimp ," a Saturday morning kid's show.) " Maybe there will be some scalpers selling tickets at the door," I thought to myself as we pulled up to the motel. However, my wallet had been victimized by the ticket office at Disneyland . As it turned out, all I needed to see Jethro Tull was a good pair of specs . In front of the registration office were piled three or four guitar cases and in the midst of them stood five outrageously dressed musicians. Then I recognized the coat that looked as if it had survived every battle of the Boer War, the frizzy hair, the skin tight pants , the deer boots , and the bulging eyes that set Jethro Tull 's Ian Anderson apart from the crowd. The entire English rock band stared at us as the seven of us piled out of the station wagon, and we stared back . "What in the world ," said my parents after viewing Jethro Tull ' s unconventional matter of dress.

"Geez, that 's one of the most famous rock bands in the world ." My 13 year old sister, whose musical background extends as far as the Partridge Family, apparently didn't recognize them , so they had to take my word for it. A three-door limousine came out of nowhere and pulled up to the curb, and whisked the group off to their capacity audience at the Convention Center. Any music freak can identify with the feeling of sitting in your motel room reading the Gideon Bible, and whatever else one does in a motel room, while your favorite group was playing to a sold-out crowd a block

" How long are Jethro Tull staying here?," I asked a long haired desk clerk. "Ian Anderson , John Evan , and Livingston Taylor will be staying here until tomorrow afternoon." (The rest of Jethro Tull , Clive Bunker, Martin Barre, and Jeffrey Hammond-Hammond were going on to Phoenix after the concert.) Vacation Village was actually a haven for rock superstars. "We've had almost every group that has played at the Center ... The Stones, Led Zeppelin, 3 Dog Night, David Cassidy . .. (The latter drew a hysterical reaction from my sister). We also were told that the entourage was staying in the row of cabin-like

rooms directly opposite ours . That information was verified when the group returned from their concert around midnight. The concert review that appeared in the San Diego paper the next morning raved about the group ' s performance .. . " Flutist and lead singer Ian Anderson pranced across 'the stage like a freaked-out pied piper using his flute as a baton to lead the group through a unique and exciting repertoire. Anderson's outrageous clothing added to the visual effect, and his warm treatment of the crowd won instant approval. " The review also mentioned Taylor: " Also on the bill was Livingston Taylor of the James Taylor family . His nasal-based vocals sound like James , the original folksinging member of the family." Around eight o'clock that morning my four younger brothers and sisters left our hotel room and walked past Jethro Tu II 's temporary living quarters. They were obviously unoccupied. I stopped at the gift shop and bought the latest copy of " Hit Parader," a monthly rock mag. As we walked near the pond that lay in the middle of the motel, I heard the sound of acoustic guitars and an occasional English accent. With some idea about what it might be, we went to investigate. A group of photographers were taking shots of Ian Anderson, John Evan, and Livingston Taylor who were sitting on the edge of the bank . Ian Anderson had an acoustic guitar slung around his shoulders and was playing a random progression of chords. Taylor was busy trying to coax a few ducks to pose in the pictures with him, but they wouldn't get near. "We've got a bunch of camera shy quackers here," said Liv . John Evan, Jethro Tull's keyboardist and newest member, was hysterical. After a while , the photographers were satisfied with the shots they had and sat down to listen to Anderson and Taylor pluck their guitars . Ian Anderson was playing a song that I later recognized as "Nursie" when the album "Living in the Past " was released . At this point Livingston Taylor, who had just lit up his corn-cob pipe, discovered us peering down at them.

"Hey, come on down. We can't work without an audience. " "It's good to know we appeal to all age groups ," said Ian Anderson as he saw my four year old sister tagging along behind us . (She has since become Jethro Tull's number one fan.) "Where are you guys from?" asked Taylor. I was tempted to say Haight Ashburry or San Francisco, but finally admitted to being from Omaha. Livingston saw the "Hit Parader" I had rolled up in my hand and I realized that it was James Taylor, his older brother, who was staring at him from the cover. "Well look who's here," said Liv holding up the magazine for the photographers . Ian Anderson read the cutline below the pic, "James Taylor makes a flick ." Liv then started to improve James ' somber expression by penciling in a moustache and transforming his tight drawn mouth into a wide grin. "There, James, you're supposed to smile when someone takes your picture." Ian Anderson asked to see the magazine when he noticed his name on the cover. " Ian Anderson - 'I don't listen to other people's music .' " "It's true, ya know ," said Ian. "John's the same way. We both dislike a lot of pop music. If we listen to something we 've got to give it our full attention. Clivf (Bunker) listens to Rich and Bellson a lot. " Anderson noticed the advertisement on the back cover that the magazine used to sell subscriptions. " Famous people read 'Hit Parader,' read Ian aloud . "If you're famous then we'll send you a free copy of 'Hit Parader,' but if you 're not, you 'II have to buy it." "Hey, how come they haven't sent us one yet," said Evan . " You've got to meet the qualifications first," yelled one of the photographers. "Hey, let's play something for our audience here or they 'll want their money back," interrupted Taylor. The song he played was " Carolina Day ," and when you listened to him you couldn't help but notice the similarities between Liv and his brother James. They used the same vocal inflections and a similar guitar style, yet TIME magazine was right when they said, " ... the tendency to see Livingston as a carbon copy of

James is unfair and anyone who listens to the deft twists and musical good sons ." The singer received a ovation from his audience. "Well, should we go breakfast?" said Liv. agreed , but before they left them if they were scheduled Omaha or Lincoln. " Not this time around," "We would like to play in u places as we can, but you just them all in on one tour." "We'll be playing in Kansu believe,' ' said Taylor, "but about as close as we'll Nebraska ." (There was no end to the bad luck I had exn<>•"'""'I'M played in K.C. the night passed through Omaha.)

Aside from being acclaimed rock "superstar," in the true the word, and hailed as a genius by pop and classical critics alike, Ian Anderson is a real friendly guy . After seeing pictures of t\11\1<:. . . his classic pose - the flute at one foot in the air, and his buldging - it is bewildering that he is totally opposite !1'011 madman he portrays on stage. Livingston Taylor also changellllll conception of rock stars contsidenMJil Since last year, Jethro Tull become one of , if not the, most groups in the world. Ian recently was pictured on the TIME with three other rock Now that I think of it, I miss seeing those L.A. concerts.

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2, 1973

Student volunteers are 'doing psych' by Shelley Felt "Volunteer work is doing psych, or sociology, " said J ana Antonson, psychology teacher. " It 's a real emotional experience for some to find out what problems other people have." The two above mentioned courses encourage students to volunteer in "mental first aid stations " such as Personal Crisis Service.

days get warmer, somehow they get longer too. Students now be outside; it seems good weather brings out the best of them.

Personal Crisis ( 342-6290 ) was founded five years ago , mainly as a suicide prevention service . Today it

nges taking place in student rights

example, the age of consent the legal question concerns rape is eighteen in Nebraska , yens in Delaware. Another of inconsistency in youth can be found in motor vehicle In New York , one has to be years of age 路to obtain a licence, while the age is only thirteen years in progress being made in constitutional rights for as with other minority . Most change is due to the Court precedents or trends schools in certain areas of the

area of student rights where gains are being made is in the li pregnancies . The days of disappearing for nine months . Some high schools on the coast , for example, allow girls to remain in school as they wish . Special classes on care and family living are for them to take .

so liberal, however. According to Ms. Peg Johnson, dean of women , there is actually no set policy . ''We try to treat each case individually ," she said. However, she did say , "We prefer that they not remain in our day school program. " Alternatives to day school include night school, the district 's home bound program, and correspondence courses. The district funds night school and the home bound program ; correspondence courses are taken at the girl's own initiative. Counseling services are also made available. " Although our own counselors do work with the girls, we do make them aware of the agencies that do specialize in this sort of counseling ," Ms. Johnson said . Changes in other schools came about because some girls challenged policies they thought were unfair and detrimental to their education. Ms. Johnson commented , "We have never been challenged." She said Westside's policy of having the girls leave day school was such because "the girls prefer it this way .' ' Ms. Johnson speculated that perhaps Westside 's policies had not been changed because the Midwest is still more conservative than other parts of the country. "While we are doing a lot more in the way of facing and handling the problem , it is still not socially acceptable."

elet' s P.0. W. becomes famous was just happy that I was g someone . I never it would turn out like this !" Sophomore Terri Stofferson. I first heard about the I knew I wanted one. I guess lucky ." is one of many Westside who wear P .O.W. bracelets, she stated , she got lucky. Not her P .0 .W. one of the first to he became one of the most 's bracelet had the name Robert Risner on it .

ask to meet him . I heard his name on the national news that night, and then saw it again in the morning paper." Terri was very happy about the release. "It 's about time someone did something . I'm really happy." When asked if she would send the bracelet to Risner, Terri smiled and said , " You bet! "

Another problem in the area of student rights which has cropped up recently is the right of "due process " for a minor. If, for example, a student is arrested for theft, should he be allowed to stay in school until his trial, even if he poses a potential danger to the student population? The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that students "in school as well as out of school are 'persons ' under our constitution . .. (and) possessed of fundamental rights which the state must respect. " Among these rights is the freedom to demonstrate within the school, provided no disruptions occur. When questioned about the precarious position of student rights today, one civil liberties lawyer remarked, " It's a long , hard road to equality."

All volunteers go through a total of 28 hours in training spread over five to six weeks. Training includes a lecture at the Nebraska Psychiatric Institute, and role-playing to see how to handle oneself in different situations. Classes are taught by a psychologist , minister, and doctor . Volunteers also take personality assessment tests . Debbie, Tom, and Gail all expressed the feeling that the training sessions were valuable . Debbie said , " Befor&, I always gave advice from my point of view. In a way, the training sessions are like a psychology course. " According to Ms . Wheeler, the

individual volunteers do mainly three things. They can refer people to the Omaha agency that can do them the most good , they can listen. and they can answer with facts when information is being sought. Dorothy Sistek, Director of Christian Education for nearby Countryside Briardale Church, has been with the program since it began . She said the hardest thing for her is the anonymity of the volunteers (all work under "code " names ) and never knowing what has happened to the caller. All calls are kept confidential. and all of the volunteers interviewed expressed reticence in discussing particular calls. Suicide calls are perhaps the worst for everyone. Debbie knew there was always the chance of receiving one sometime , but when it finally happened, "I kinda froze up for a second , I knew I had a life in my hands." There are 48 teen volunteers at Personal Crisis. Most are from Westside or Rummel. A person must be 16 years or older and take the training sessions to work at Personal Crisis. Any volunteers can contact Ms. Wheeler at 571-0122. Teen volunteers are always needed . All of the volunteers contacted expressed a feeling of growth. Ms. Sistek expressed it this way: " In seeing other people 's faults and short sightedness it strengthens my ability to cope. Selfishly , it makes me a better person, a little bit more conscious of other people's problems .

If interested, SS IMC might open at night Many students may be wondering why the Social Studies IMC hasn't been opened on Tuesday and Thursday nights, as it was last year. It seems funds from the already stretched budget have not been allocated for the purpose of keeping the IMC open. Dr. Jim Tangdall, principal, said , "Approximately 85 percent of the district's $9 million budget goes for total salaries, and the district felt they had put out enough money for salaries. "Many requests are cut out because of the money problem . To some students it's probably important to have the IMC open, but to others it might be important to hire someone to supervise an elementary school playground ." Are the Social Studies instructors willing to volunteer supervision in the


IMC as they did last year? WIP (Westside Improvement Program) organized opening the IMC last year, with members checking out books for students and an instructor volunteering supervision. " If WIP isn ' t functioning this year, maybe forum members or FTA members would be interested in taking over that function ," suggested Hayes. "Then, I think, as a group the Social Studies teachers might be willing to supervise the IMC if students showed an interest ." Joe Higgins, another Social Studies teacher, suggested that getting a teacher to supervise is a little inconsistent when .it's on a voluntary

basis. "It usually winds up that one or two teachers are volunt<!ering their time. It would be a more consistent operation if the teacher could be paid, because it 'd be part of his job and he'd have to be there." How can the IMC possibly be opened this year'? If enough students are interested in organizing opening it, and if a few teachers are willing to volunteer supervision, it can be done.

Buy STAR TREK photos and buttons. For information call: Jana Prescott Ph. 391-9586 Mrs. L. F. Kirlin Ph. 397-0424

Swing into spnng

enlisted in the Air Force and down in September of 1965. I got the bracelet , I found out missing in action, so I didn't that he could have survived time."

Sophomore Cathy Decker is looking fantastic in her two piece knit that she found right across the street at Virgies. She knows a distinctive-wardrobe can be found for any taste at . . .

was the first man off of the plane at Clark Air Force Base Phillipines. "He looked kind of but then again, they all did. He small speech, and I was glad I say my P.O.W . talked on surprises were in store, The night the P .O.W.s landed Terri heard his name on the said that he had called Nixon to thank him and to

has expanded to handle calls on sex. marital or dating relationships . alcoholism, drugs, and in the words of Personal Crisis Director Barbara Wheeler, "almost everything you can imagine." The teenage volunteers are used on the "youth line." Ms . Wheeler says. "Some teenagers feel they need to talk to another youth , or parents have questions they want to ask about their own teenagers ." Senior Debbie Combs said she had wanted to work in something like this for a long time. She signed up as a psychology student and continues to work at Personal Crisis for one shift (six hours ) a week. Seniors Tom Newman and Gail Kulakofsky both participated in Personal Crisis because of sociology and the Involvement Fair held at the beginning of the year. They both work one shift every other week .

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Warriors end 12-8 season; Districts begin Last Wednesday night Westside played Papillion in their opening game of the District Tournament at the Burke gym. Because of printing deadlines, this story was written before the score could be known. In the case of a Westside victory , the Warriors will play the winner of the Ryan vs. Northwest game tonight at Burke. Coach Hall said. "We are not looking ahead to the second game, we will play them one at a time ."

Westside vs. Boys Town Fred Anzures led Boys Town charge that enabled the Cowboys to defeat Westside 59-46. Bob Poage held Anzures to just one field goal in the first half, but Anzures got hot after intermission, and ended the game with 24 points . " Poage did a superb job on Anzures in the first half," said Coach Hall . " But

Anzures is a phenomenal athlete, and you can't keep him down forever. He is the best little man in high school I have ever seen." This comment accounts for the double teaming of the Boys Town fire plug for much of the game. The double teaming of Anzures allowed other Cowboys to get open however, and both Barney Hill and Dennis Sloan scored 10 points each . "We weren't discouraged by the loss," said Hall. "They are the number one team in the state, and we played even with them after their third quarter spurt ." John Hansen led the Warriors with 16 points and five rebounds, Bob Poage had 12 points and four rebounds, and Carl Andersen got 10 points and eight rebounds.

Westside vs. North North held off a strong fourth quarter comeback attempt by

Westside for a 58-56 victory last Friday at McMillan. The loss gave Westside a 12-8 regular season record. Westside got off to an early lead, but North came back to tie the game 29 all at halftime. North, led by Les Craig, jumped to a 55-44 lead with just four minutes left to play , when North's 6'5" center, Art Turner, was taken out of the game for kicking Scott Salisbury in a scuffle under the Westside basket. With Turner out, Westside scored eight straight points to cut the lead to 55-52 with 1:20 remaining. John Hansen, Westside's scoring leader with 18 points, brought the Warriors within two, as he sunk two free throws with 14 seconds left. A North turnover gave Westside the ball, but Bob Poage's 15 footer at the buzzer fell off the rim. John Hansen and Steve Graham led the Warriors with 18, and 14 points respectively, and Craig led North with 20. Art Turner hit 13 points.

lincoln East-a possible threat 1. What athlete recently won the Super Star competition held in Florida? a . Bob Seagren B. Joe Frazier C. Johnny Unitas d. Johnny Bench 2. What race driver won the Brazilian Grand Prix this season? A. Jackie Stewart b. Mario Andretti c. Emerson Fitipalti 3. What lawyer is representing the Baseball Players ' Association in their negotiations with the owners? 4. What Minnesota Twin has recently been diagnosed to have leukemia?

5. What hockey team recently won the World Cup Championships held in the United States? a. Czechoslovakia b. Russia c. West Germany d. United States 6. What NFL team is's stadium has the largest seating capacity? a . Cleveland b. New York c. Los Angeles d. Miami Answers sataBuv so1 ·:> ·9 llJSSnl:J ·s uosdwolll AUUllQ 't Jananw UJAJ11W ·c !lllld!ll..-J uosJaw3 ·:> ·z uaJBeas qoa ·e ·y

WHS tankmen make big splash at state mee1 At first glance it seemed this year's state swimming championship might not fall easily into Westside 's lap. Lincoln East , who defeated Westside at the Rams Relays and who had just captured the Trans-Nebraska league title, was in home waters and threatening. They displayed Spartan Power t-shirts and a poster saying "Hey Westside--Get ready Spartans are out to get you tonight. " After one plunge into the water, the Warriors could respond , "Hey East--We Got Ready !" as Rich Maack , Pat DiBiase, Brian Smith and Tony Frink splashed to win in record breaking time in the 200 yd. Medley Relay , which set off the meet that gave the Warriors their seventh title in eight years . Wes Beck with confidently remarked , " After the prelims we knew we had them stomped. " Westside fared well in the 200 Freestyle with Bob Woodford, sixth and Jeff Cohn second only to Prep's

Steve Raynor. Brian Smith bettered his qualifying time by six seconds but was unable to defeat swimmer of the yea r , Fremont 's Jeff Evans , who broke WHS graduate Randy Hartford 's record with a 2:01.062 clocking . DiBiase won the consolation heat and unsuccessfull y battled teammate Smith in the 100 Breast where the Warriors claimed first and second . In the 50 Free , Dave Tully and Craig Klemz placed eighth and twelfth, respectively, as Frink stroked to another win followed by exuberant victory motions and another win in the 400 Free Relay . Beckwith, Maack , and Cohn joined Frink in that event to finish the meet in record breaking style at 3:21.194. Maack paddled in to easily win the 100 Back and was followed by Jay Arnsperger, winner of the consolation heat.

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Jeff Evans, did it again breaki own record in the 400 Free with of 3:50.395 leaving Jeff Cohn t• third and Clark Stanway , sixth. The last record that was " mad broken " as stated by the winner first Coaches Association awa outstanding contribution to swirr Mr. Cal Hubbard of Omaha Tee a point accumulation of 460 Diving by Marc Stiner of Lincolr who seemed to never deviate perfection. Jim Malot bettered h day qualifying position of fifth into third place . Alan Conner fi1 on Friday in 27th place . Alone for Westside in the 100 F Steve Wigg fini s hing eigh1 Southeast 's Sophomore Eddy J< placed first. Bill Flory of Fremont won t1 Free as Beckwith , Bob Woodfon Dan Ward placed seventh, eightl 12th in the consolation heat. Westside finished with a total accumulation of 241 , leaving L: East sadly behind at 156 1/ 2. L1 Southeast was third with 129'h; and Lincoln High at 99 tyin fourth; Burke, Hastings , Fremon Benson filling in the next position Westside took the crown ar year and it seems as though the) be ruling for quite awhile with th potential in age group swimming will be back next year with a team and one Southeasterner "Southeast will get you next y But as for this year , Westsh unmistakably on top .

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mnasts await State girls state gymnastic meet will take place at Northwest High School. The meet will at I p.m. and will last all afternoon. meet this year will be an invitational, allowing teams to compete. In dual meets this year, girls gymnastics team had a record of 2-1. lost to Burke and won their meets against and Bryan. District meet was held Feb. 20, at South. The teams attempting to qualify at that meet were Westside, Bryan, Central and South. Teams various other schools met the previous night. highest scoring teams each night and the top girls in each event qualified for Metro. The four that qualified were South, Central, Northwest Burke. Five Westside girls qualified for Metro : Martin in floor exercise ; Karen Messer, Kathi and Kay Sedlacek on the bar ; and Shelley ll:lluliisl:lllu on the horse.


beam, Charissa Lane , and Linda Burton on the bars , Sally Anderson in floor exercise and prolific Kim Paulsen due to illnesses . Metro was held Feb . 22 . The schools participating were South , Central, Benson, Thomas Jefferson, Burke, North, Bryan, Abraham Lincoln, Northwest, Westside and Ryan. The events were floor exercise, beam , uneven bars , vaulting and all around . The top four teams from District plus the qualifiers from the different schools filled the gymnasium with plenty of excitement as the girls tried to place. Only the top five girls in each event at Metro received an award. Out of the Westside girls sent to Metro, one girl received an award . She was Junior Kathi Ruddick, who took fifth place on the bars . South won Metro and "has a definite advantage " over Westside , states Ms. Diane Fredrickson, gymnastics coach . South's Laura Hartung took first in every event as she did last year in State. Ms. Fredrickson said that she thinks Westside has a chance for second at the State meet. Westside's team consists of mostly sophomores and has one senior who will be leaving next year.

Junior owns, shows 2 horses Junior Nancy Burford is fulfilling a dream that many teenagers have at one time or another: owning and riding a horse . Nancy has two horses registered under her name : Mollie Madam, a three-year-old sorrel mare. and Red Gold Band, a two-year-old red roan gelding. She stables the animals near Elkhorn, a 25 minute drive. Nancy, who once broke both arms while taking English riding lesson~ at Ponca Hills, acquired Mollie two years ago when her first horse became crippled . More recently , her father

how the trainer shows the horse. The other two division are Western and English pleasure riding, judged on the horse's smooth gaits. Red has already won first at the Denver and Tulsa Stock Shows and the Chicago International. and was the high point two-year-old gelding of the Arizona Run. Senior Steven Klopp is another successful horse owner . He and his black gelding , Jetta Breeze. were members of the Nebraska youth team

estlers place 11th at State Tourney Westside grapplers were very two weeks ago as they far down the line in 11th place. eight qualifiers, it is more that a dominance of our would be able to add up their exceed a better showing than place. The caliber of wrestling is bigh at the state tournament. wrestlers were unfortunate in

Chris was defeated by Rod Van Vleet of McCook 11-0. Van Vleet finished second behind Anderson of Kearney. Most of the remaining wrestlers were stopped in the semi-finals. Tied for the number one seed at 138 was Dave Pearce. Dave was beaten by the Grand Island wrestler Gary Baldwin 11-3. Grand Island won the team championship, and Baldwin sure lifted his weight to accomplish such a great feat. Junior Bill Coyne wrestled extremely well. He was defeated 6-4 by another Grand Island wrestler, Terry

Brown. Coyne is the only junior the Warriors took to the state tourney . Heavyweight Fred Petersen was defeated by his arch-rival from Bellevue, Ross Glover, 4-1. It would seem that the tourney was arranged so that Westside would meet the meat of the competition at first. This eliminates the team as a whole to become the best ranked team in the state. Coach Lou Miloni commented about how many wrestlers they had had wrestle varsity. So the Warriors will be back next year for sure .

Playoffs have arrived in basketball; intramural hockey and volleyball next The last key intramural game was played Thursday , Feb . 22 . The All-Metros took a 36-24 victory from the Dipshots . This enabled the All-Metros to become the second team this year to remain undefeated. The Dipshots' loss eliminated them from post-season competition.

only champ for the Warriors 185 pound Mark Boyer. The football player chalked up a over Doug O'Mara of Mark came off a second finish last year to become the pound state champ . most disappointed wrestler have to be 98 pound Chris Wear.

The intramural basketball season has but one week left in the regular season. Advisor Max Kitzelman released the six teams that will compete for the school's title. The three teams which have gone through a pre-playoff tourney are the Puds, Sex Packs, and the Chicago Shots. One team has drawn the bye, while the other two teams battled Wednesday afternoon. The winner of the pre-tourney will advance into the playoffs , the following Monday. Three teams that are all ready in the playoffs are the Snappy Jocks , Pimps , and the All-Metros. Four teams will compete

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in the finals . The intramural hockey and volleyball season will begin as soon as the playoffs are finished . Monday and Tuesday are the tentative days for competition. Teams should not exceed 12 players. Boys may enter teams in both volleyball and hockey . Intramural handball and table tennis is currently going on. Westside's intramural program is currently <ifering a broad field of activities. Kitzelman has suggested that teams stick together as they go from sport to sport.

Junior Nancy Burford displays showmanship form on one of her two horses, Mollie Madam. bought Red . The trainer the Burfords employ and at whose stables the horses are kept is now breaking the gelding to be ridden. Nancy goes to the stables almost every day and brushes the horses. She rides the mare for an hour or more, training her to compete in the showmanship class at horse shows .

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Other Westsiders competing in horse shows are Juniors Susan Karrer, Jane Ringwalt and June White , and Sophomore Susan Gasson.

There are four divisions at the numerous horse shows Nancy enters. Red is presently a halter horse, because that class is judged on the confirmation of the horse, i.e. his good head or big chest, etc. Showmanship , a youth class, puts more emphasis on

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which placed eighth at the All American Quarter Horse Congress in Columbus , Ohio. Steven also competed at the Youth National Finals in Amarillo. Texas.

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Warrior Voices rehearse for musi1 Eighty-two members of Warrior Voices will present this year's musical "The Gondoliers ," March 22, 23, and 24 , under the direction of music instructor Donovan Schuler. The two act musical is a famous political satire written by Gilbert and Sullivan, and was first performed in London in 1889. "'The Gondoliers ' was chosen for the musical because the music is supposed to be the most beautiful of anything done by Gilbert and Sullivan. Also, it has a large number of leads ," said Mr. Schuler. The story opens with a group of maidens in the hope of being selected as the wives of two popular gondoliers, Marco and Giuseppe. Because all of the maidens are beautiful, the two find the decision difficult. At last , they blindfold themselves and take the first one they touch. The lucky maidens are Gianetta and Tessa .

Lance member Rick Denney interviews debate teacher Charles Gowan and two of his students: Senior Tom Corry, and Junior Dave Earle.

Debaters continue to hoard trophies; March meets include State Tournament While the basketball and wrestling seasons come to an end ; another activity at Westside continues to roll along. Westside 's speech and debate teams still face many important tournaments, including the two state tournaments in April. Last month the debate team continued to win . The Norfolk Invitational was held on Feb. 3; Varsity won first place with Juniors Dave Corry and Tom Erickson. Also Sophomores Mike Pistillo and Nora Starr won a noivce trophy. The following week another win in the novice di vision was recorded by Sophomores Doug Michael and Rick Lawson. Feb. 16, the Greater Omaha League of Debate tourney was held at Burke. Juniors Dave Hubbard and Tim Force won at the JV lev, l,. The final weekend of February was spent at the Metro tournament, held at Thomas Jefferson. The results will be listed in the March 16 Lance. During the next month the team will be participating in a meet every week , including the National Forensic League State Meet the 9th and lOth Also , on the 23rd and 24th, the Nebraska State Tournament will be held. The debate team has now won 30 trophies with nine contests remaining . One of the newest projects on which the debate department has been

working is an attempt to interest junior high students in debate. Several first year debators have been visiting District 66 7th , 8th, and 9th graders and giving demonstration debates on the financing of education. They also answer questions about debate and debate tournaments .

prince's nurse that he had in infancy. Inez , the nurse, also turns out to be Luiz 's mother. At the opening of Act II , the royal family is anxiously awaiting the arrival of Inez , who will tell who the prince really is. "All of Gilbert and Sullivan's works are satire," commented Mr. Schuler. Illustrations of political satire are shown throughout the musical. Seniors Cheryl Langdon and Chas

Magdanz carry the leading Choir members taking other parts are Kirk Belt , Bob Britt Dunbar, Ken Figgins, Karin I Michelle Holmes , Duane I Chris Icenogle , Rich Malo! Miesbach, Sue Parkison , Sue Nancy Smith, Tom Taxma Wolfe, and Suzy Wurtz . Tickets will be $1.50 at the d 75 cents in advance for studer an activity ticket.

. // _.12---,'


Casilda, the daughter of the Duke and Duchess , arrives to hunt down the Grand Inquisitor, Don Alhambra , because Casilda had been married in infancy to the Prince of Barataria. The Grand Inquisitor of Spain had transported the prince of Venice , so he wouldn't become involved with the Methodist denomination. In the time she had grown up , Casilda had fallen in love with Luiz , the Duke 's attendant. The two learn that the gondolier who was in charge of the baby prince had confused him with his own son. The only one that knew the prince from his own son was the



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Tired of throwing weight around?

hension, excitement, and happiness were all )revalent in the Lincoln Coliseum the three

e 7, NO. 12

times Westside played during the state basketball tournament. For more pictures and story, seep. 6.

If you hadn 't noticed , the social studies instructors are getting thinner since they started a mass weight reduction program . The idea originally started in December when Mike Kmiecik and Don Meredith, U. S. History teachers, decided to take off some weight. A short time later , Doug Pierson and Robert Johns , phycology and sociology teachers, and Ben Bruner, A.P .U.S. teacher, joined in the effort and made a game out of it. According to Pierson , " Every week we figure out how much weight each one of us has to lose. we weigh out every Friday morning in the boy 's locker room and if one of us doesn't make it (their goal), we have to take over someone else's IMC su pervision mods." Along with the "punishment " of mod supervision is a lot of heckling from the others . Kmi ecik believes that this

is the reason the weight reduction program is successful. Other social studies teachers are involved in losing weight, but not involved in the game. Bill McCormick. sociology teacher. said . " I 've lost 22 pounds in five weeks. On m y diet yo u can ' t have carbohydrates and if you go for 48 hours without carbohydrates you go through the process of ketosis. Ketosis is when your body has no more carbohydrates to burn, so you burn fat. " Also receivi ng credit for being originally a charter member starting the game is World History teacher Bill Hayes. He dropped out of the game. though, when his son had a birthday party. The social studies instructors were tired of throwing their weight around. As a result, they 've lost about 110 pounds between t hem.

a nee


March 19, 1973

m against 13,058: LB is killed 300 was killed before the 1tion Committee of the neral on the afternoon of y, March 6, in Lincoln . :or Jerry Warner, chairman , the meeting to order. He .ned the procedures for ng . There were two people 1g for the bill , Senator David !r, its sponsor, and Ms. Gibson, 1s children in Omaha Public

ner stated that "we are living use divided " and said that LB > the answer to this particular n. He explained the bill and Ms. Gibson to speak of the Jf Omaha Public Schools . The :enator from Omaha's Benson t (8 ) also noted what he felt was

unconstitutional in the current situation. The bill 's opponents spent the next hour explai ning their side of the arg ument. The coordinator of t he anti-LB 300 testimony was Mr. Jerry Koch, executive director of OSACS . There are five senators with territory in District 66. Among those to testify aga inst LB 300 were Sens . Proud a nd Fellman . The three presidents of the Boards of Education for Millard , Ralston , and Westside were the next to speak . They explained the history of their respective school districts . Mr. Verne Moore, attorney and former school board president of District 66 answered questions on legality. Moore claimed that " the current situati on is

fuation a problem

:inalists anxious to depart m't know if I can use my electri c curlers ," ponders Nancy Macdonald as <S forward to a year abroad as an exchange student. She and Peggy . both juniors , have been notified by the American Field Service that they lists in their Americans Abroad program . :y has signed up for the school year program and although she hasn't been of her country yet , she has been guaranteed that she will be placed . ~ she is going for the school year, she will, of course, miss her senior yea r school. But Nancy feels that the things she will gain from the program will veigh the fact that she will miss out on the traditions associatd with high " I think being totally in a language I don't know will be a good nee ," she says . g an exchange stud ent involves more than just flying over there . " I filled 00 pages of forms." Nancy said , expla ining that this insures that she will ~ hed with a family that best suits her personality. "I had to tell what I I 'd get out of it . my life history. and how my family works together," she

constitutional a nd is in accordance with the laws of the state." Dr. Stroh of Millard ex plai ned the present a nd future size of the school districts in question . Millard had comm issioned a study done by Golle h on and Schemmer which estimated the size of the districts in the year 2000. Speaking further were Mr. Pace and Mr. Stallard of Ralston who a nswered financial questions and described school reorganization in Kansas . The last official to testify before the committee was Dr. H. Vaughn Phelps . su perintendent of Westside schools. Phelps explained research done to find the most efficient and economical school district size for quality education. He cited studies done by Columbia Uni versity indicating that the ideal districts should have 20.000 to 50.000 residents and 5,000 to 15.000 students . Finally there were testimonies from eight area citizens , including P. J. Morgan, Bill Gourley . a nd Bob Klein for Westside , a nd Harry Anderson , Sr. for Millard. The Education Committee was presented with over 18,000 signatures on a petition opposing LB 300. 13,058 signatures came from the Westside area.

Holding the first-place trophy for her speech, Linda Somberg talks about the state tournament.

Somberg to Washington D.C. in competition for Nationals " I encourage everyone to try . You don 't have to be in debate or speech or anything like t hat , " commented Junior Linda Somberg. Linda recently returned from a six-day trip to Washington , D .C ., attending a gathering of 53 students . Each of these young people were State-wide and territorial winners in the Veterans of Foreign Wars 1972-73 speec h competition , "My Responsibility to Freedom ." Defeating 1135 students in State-wide competition, Linda went on to " D.C." to be entered in the national speech contest , in which the first prize was a $10,000 scholarship to the college of

luation will be another problem because she won 't be here. " I've worked duation with my counselor and I will have a diploma from Westside." aking Composition this year a nd will take a n English course in her new .o fullfill the English requirements. All of her College Board tests will be his spring , but she adds . "My mother will have to do all the legwork for ;forme." ~Y Poeschl is a tentative candidate for t he su mm er program . This means ~ is not guaranteed of being placed wit h a family . but if a family can be he will be able to go. She may be given as little as a week 's notice, so all of •thes and shots must be taken care of before hand. Because of the tinty of her status , she said . " I'll be making other plans for the summer. " optimistic about her chances and says , " I'm really looking forward to ~oth e r kids my age and seeing places that I've read about. " . are their responsibilities as exchange students? Nancy said. " I think it 's ~epresent my country in the way it is ." As to the anti-American sentiment ay encounter, both girls are unsure as to how they will deal with it . but ;aid , " I admit the U.S. is not perfect but we try and I think we're trying the y. " ~Y

and Nancy have been out of the country before. Nancy was born in ny and has lived in Japan. while Peggy took a trip to Mexico City last ·r .

Seniors Peggy Poeschl and Nancy MacDonald are this year's American Field Service candidates from Westside.

one's choice. From the local VFW chapter, Ms. Somberg received $50 cash a nd beca me $500 richer when she won the state prize . Included in her total winnings was the bond , $35 for district competition, and a week-end trip to Chicago this summ er for the Academy of Achievement. Highlighting Linda 's 'vacation ' were tours around Washington to various monuments and historic sites. But the high point of her trip was the congressional ba nquet. Some five thousand people were seated with others remaining standi ng . Two Prisoners of War and their wives attended the banquet as well as Senator McGovern and speaker, Vice-President Spiro Agnew. The last da y that the yo uth s were in Washington, they saw the President and visited with him for awhile. Mr. Nixon spoke to them and expressed his admiration for their fine achievement . In order to enter the White House, special identification badges had to be worn and strict securities were observed. The Nebraska congressmen treated Linda and a few others from her group to an informal breakfast the morning before the group 's departure. And after observing a hearing of the Veterans Affairs Committee before a House s ub - committee , John McCollister took them to lunch at the House Of Representatives Restaurant and talked with Linda in his office . Among other things . Linda went with her group to the J .F.K . Center for Performing Arts to see the play Henry the Fourth. " It was the most exciting experience in my whole life, " Ms . Somberg said in appreciation to the VFW for their kindness .




There's no biz like show biz ~-----------------------------------bybillwald " It 's Richard Nixon's privilege as President of the United States to be guaranteed access to the media at any time he deems necessary, " said the Secretary of State at an informal Cabinet meeting in the executive wing of the White House. "We were aware that the President was imposing more control over the media , but we never expected him to go this far' " All that exposure he got on Inauguration Day - his stand-up monologues, the witty anecdotes, his singing and danci~g. hobnobbing with show business's big names - they're all bound to go to a man 's head. Let's face it gentlemen , our President thinks he's a Sammy Davis Jr. with a skin condition! " "Much of the blame lies with NBC for allowing Nixon to persuade them into letting him guest host the " Tonight Show ," commented the Attorney General. " And letting Spiro fill in for Ed McMahon . . . " " Precisely. I feel those Alpo commercials were beneath the dignity of the Vice President. " " I'm afraid we ' re as much responsible for what has happened as NBC is . We should never have agreed to cancel that cabinet meeting so the President could be a guest panelist on "Hollywood Squares."

"It was very unfortunate that Paul Lynde tricked him into revealing the location of the nuclear submarine fleet, " said the Secretary of Defense. "We've received a lot of feedback from the networks because of Nixon's insistence tpat all of his television shows be aired over all three channels ," commented the newly instated Secretary of Stage and Screen. "Where is the President at this moment? " " Air Force One is scheduled to arrive from Burbank , California at any moment . The President has finished filming the next segment of 'The Nixon Comedy Hour.' " "Gentlemen, you may be surprised to hear that according to the latest Nielson ratings, 'The Nixon Comedy Hour' has unseated 'All in the Family' as America 's number one television show." "I believe it ," said the Postmaster General. " That comedy routine Nixon did with Ronald Reagen really broke me up." "Yeah, and that line about the deportation of all unemployed Americans . . . " "That was a joke' ," exclaimed the Attorney General. " The Senate introduced that bill on the floor this morning' " "Let's get on with the business at hand," interrupted the Secretary of

Don't take cheers literally It was cold in the city . My partner Bill Cannon and I were on the trail of an assault and battery suspect . My name's Friday; I carry a badge. The previous weekend , after an Eastfront High School basketball game, four members of the opposing team were attacked : they were punched, kicked and stabbed, their faces were covered with four cotton socks. We could see this was no ordinary 207. What were the motives for this heinous crime? Why would anybody want to beat up four healthy , young athletes? Monday , 4:13p.m. : We drove to the hospital to visit the four undeserving victims . One of them commented that the assailant had rhythmically chanted, " Let's win , hey , hey , we 'll getcha, okay " and "Fight 'em, beat 'em , defeat 'em " while frenzily assaulting each athlete in turn. Hmm ... strange and twisted. Tuesday, 11:45 a.m.: We receive an anonymous phone call. " Dan Jones done it! " said an uncontrollably giggling voice. We had reason to believe the suspect was from Eastfront High , and lo and behold! Jones was pictured in their yearbook . A senior. Four years in Boys ' Pep Club . Organized Wallace Rally . Fat Pack . Never made an athletic team but was a loyal fan. 12:02 p.m . : My partner and I head out to Eastfront. They call the suspect over the P .A. He comes to the office. I nab him . We take him into the Administrative Conference Room for the third degree: "Where were you Saturday night? " "I can't remember. " "Did you go to the game? " "I never missed a one." "WelJ? " "So what of it? I was down in the annex, sulking , cuz we lost and all, and I seen this poster the pepclubbers had put up : " Eastfront Worries Go For Broke" and it inspired me so much that I cruised out to the parking lot, seed the other team, and broke four of them, just like the sign said . I was only following orders ." "Whose order, Jones?"

"You know. Like in football season , they say "Push 'Em Back ." So I did. And for each successive punch I'd yell "F-1, F-1-G , F-1-G-H-T , FIGHT!" just like the cuties say when they kick up their legs and all." "Uh-huh. You sort of took the Pep Club signs literally, right, son?" "Yeah ' Like 'Cream 'Em '--1 took out my Redi-Whip aerosol and let them have it!!! And 'Sock It To 'Em '--I sure did, right over their heads'' ' My partner groaned. I sighed. We booked the kid, but knew he 'd be acquitted . It just isn 't American to jail a student for too much school spirit. It's too bad Jones had to take the school colors -- red and black-- in their literal, physical sense and apply that to the other team' Luckily, though, they transferred the kid to Benson High School -- you can't get too bloodthirsty yelling for a team of "screwy wabbits. "

State. " I have here a telegram from Ralph Williams in Hollywood. He wants us to get the President to appear on 'This is Your Life' Saturday night. He's already lined up Mao Tse-Tung, Nelson Rockefeller, Hubert Humphrey , and Bebe Robozo. " " Absolutely out of the question," said the Secretary of Stage and Screen. "The President 's rock group , 'Tricky Dickey and the Hickeys' is scheduled to give a concert at Carnegie Hall that night." "How 'bout Sunday night? '' " Sunday the President will be commentating the Washington Redskin's football game. " "Don't you feel that the President is being scheduled too heavily? He's been neglecting his duties lately ," said the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare. " Nixon has rerouted all the funds he appropriated for his welfare reform program into the Screen Actors Guild." The cabinet meeting was interrupted by the arrival of the White House press secretary who handed the Secretary of State the latest issue of "Variety." His countenance was transformed into an expression of utter bewilderment as he read the story that appeared on the front page aloud . . . "(UPI) President Richard M. Nixon has signed a four year contract with Universal Pictures effective immediately upon the conclusion of his four year term in office. "I just couldn't turn down the opp&rtunity to co-star with John Wayne in his newest Western flick," Nixon told reporters. When asked why he chose to give up his political career for a career in show business, Nixon said, "Every man must be allowed to develop some skills so he can support his family and earn a decent living. You can't be dependent on the presidency forever." The prevailing silence of the cabinet room was disturbed by the roar of the New York Philharmonic's rendition of "Hail to the Chief" over a cassette tape recorder in the hallway . Seconds later President Nixon entered the room . "Don't move. Sit back and make yourselves comfortable. My writers just finished my monologue for next week 's show . I'm just dying to try it out on an audience. Listen up! Knock , knock. "

After women's lib, where is woman? Women. Where is their place in society today? Much of the human population of the world believes in the home, with housework and children. Esther Vilar , the author of The Manipulated Man, violently demands them to stand equally with men saying women have created male domination. She asked women what stops them from being doctors, engineers, or the like. She accuses them of being lazy and using marriage for materialistic gains . They extend housework to a life's work , occupying their minds with small talk. Children, she believes , need care, and day care centers will not suffice . But she questions why child-care is associated with motherhood. Why can't fathers stay home and women work? Is it that society has conditioned men to always be " strong" and women easily subdued? Many men have put on unnecessary defensives , feeling this position challenged by the lib movement. But if many true women's liberationists are not misunderstood, a

voice for the freedom of both sexes can be heard. By seeing through the stereotypes of the sexes it could be realized that women and men (just as blacks and whites) have the same brain capacity; that men don 't always have to win. The question then arises about the equality of men and women in regard to their capabilities to play "mother." Are there men who could be "mothers?" Some women in this role could beneficially be replaced by their husbands. From this new perspective a family could be established where whichever parent having more aspirations toward parenthood could stay at home. If this parent is truly suited to parenthood, he I she will have a less demanding career. If after removing all pressures of societies, women remain "the nanny" Esther Vilar need not call women " manipulating. " They ' re simply assuming their role like the females of all species - mothers .

When the Wariors subdued top-ranked Boys Town in the first round State tournament the elation of their supporters reached the point detached spectator could have been led to believe that he had just Westside clinch the Interplanetary High School Basketball title. The following morning hundreds of Westsiders in black and red down to Lincoln by the carloads reciting their repertoire of chants fondling their " Keep on Truckin' "buttons. Again. they gave their support and were amply awarded with a 54-52 victory over Central inspired Warrior team. The bedlam that succeeded the Central surpassed the fanaticism displayed at the Boys Town contest . The fans even sustained the vocal and physical abuse leveled at them spirited hoodlums from Central. Westside had accomplished an inr.rl!rl,ihllll• by overpowering two favored opponents and procuring the in the State finals for the first time in eight seasons. Obscure concepts like school loyalty, spirit and pride. foreign to substantial number of students. had taken on new meanings to Westsider involved in the quest for a state title. It didn 't really seem to scream "go for broke " at the top of your lungs or defy some Northeast freshmen who claimed that Westside couldn 't take a Class D intramural team. For awhile it seemed that everyone shared in the of what their team had accompl ished and felt that they had helped the in their own way. After taking that sense of accomplishment into consideration, it bewildering to find that after the loss to Northeast by what little more than a basket and two successful free throws, that expressed the feeling of utter failure and unfulfillment . As the players became entangled in their gold medallions and huddled around first place trophy, it was as if all Westside had accomplished until that time been useless and forgotten . Sure it was frustrating. In a way it seemed to the team and its fans . But the Warriors had defied their predetermined! refused to let up, and through hard work. determination and undying they had come a long way - even farther than they themselves anticipated.

We could blame it all on the refs, as disappointed sports fans have since the first cave man athletics. But the referees in this game did damage to both teams. Forty-seven fouls were called - more than one111 minute of play. They never let the teams settle down and play basketball.(), we could criticize how the Lincoln teams always seem to back into thefni year after year. But it 's unfair to the integrity and heart displayed by II Warrior cagers for the fans to be poor sports.

If there is any justified bitterness toward the defeat it was initiated 1iJ Northeast coach Ed Johnson who had the audacity to stand before a television audience and shrug off the victory as just another of a successionl'l state titles. "no more outstanding than the rest ." When Johnson wasaskedliJ a sports commentator if Westside had not been a worthy opponent, heclaimll his Rockets had faced tougher teams and failed to acknowledge eithertll Warriors or the coaching staff for their tremendous effort, even while thew point margin the Rockets had escaped by glared down at him from Ill scoreboard and the nervous sweat ran down his forehead. Coach Hall summed up the whole ordeal: " I can 't be down. We got herell the basis of heart . We competed. We could have won . We believe that.'l \\Ould be next to impossible to find someone who doesn 't believe that, Coa:lt

Bill Wile

the lance Published bi- weekly by the Publications Department of Westside High School, 87th and Pacific St., Omaha, Nebraska 68114 , THE LANCE is a member of the National Sc h clastic Press Association and the Nebraska High School Press Association. The paper is given free o f charge to holders of Activity Ti c kets. Subscription rates to others are $3 . 00 postpaid. Non-profit mailing rights claimed. Printed by Wright Print i ng Co. , Omaha, N e br.

Co-editors. . . . Pam Hultberlland Susan Darst Layout editor . . .......... Cyndie Jones Copy editor ............. . . ..... Jesaalyn Wilecam Editorial editor ................. . ....... Bill Wald Aut. editorial editor . . . . ... Bob Eieenberg Entertainment editor ... . . ..... Rick Denney News editor . . .... Terri Talty Feature editor . . ... Roeemary Freriks Asst. feature editor . . .... AI Katz Feature writer ......... .. ... . .. Sheri Peter.>n

Business editor .. .. .... JimCIII Advertising manager ...... DiveSports editor . . ... ~T,. A sat. sports ed iter ...... SIM "Art editor ............ .. .... . ........ Jiy.lllllt Phto editor ........ ...... , ......... an.. C. Photographers .. .. ......

Jot,.. PIIO!tr

Bnlllfll Advisor .

. .... Ms. Kltllyli*



trict organizes 3 advisory boards 'ct 66 continues its tradition of munication with a number of ory boards . Members of the 'ty, students and parents , are to attend meetings of these , and to contribute ideas . bably the three best known ry boards are the Student ry Board of Education, the 66 Communications Advisory , and the Superintendent's ry Board.

newly formed, but important, on to the advisory system of the is the Student Advisory Board ducation . Formed second er last year, the main duties of dent advisors ar are to attend I Board regular and policy ngs, advise board members on attitudes, and disseminate of Education news to students . ently the SABE is involved in inating information on LB 300. March meeting the student made recommendations for next s school calendar and studied t legislation in the Unicameral eSchool Board. E member Bob Eisenberg 'ned that "it 's relatively easy to a say in board policy if it 's a onetary issue. The board is lly responsive to our advice. I we should have more say in ·ng the meeting as well as in r areas, particularly the budget." school board is having a policy 'ngMarch26 .

· 66 Communications editors of The Lance and Shield, ors Susan Darst and Pam rg and Deb Dowling and Kathy , respectively, atterid the newly

organized District Communications Advisory Board meetings . The board , organized by Gary Marx, Communications Director for District 66, meets four times a year. The board has met at the Press Club and the Steak and Ale so far this year. Representatives of the media, such as the World-Herald and radio stations in the Omaha area, also attend. Marx's purpose in establishing the communications board was to discover the opinions of the press people and act accordingly in District 66 matters. The four editors all seemed to enjoy the board meetings. The latest one was very lively, in discussion of how District 66 should handle the controversial LB 300 in its news releases and reactions.

Superintendents' Advisory Board Meeting the third Tuesday of every week . H. Vaughn Phelps ' advisory board is made up of about 100 mothers

66 schools. Each of the 16 schools sends from six to eight interested mothers to the New Tower meetings. Membership is renewable. The women sit at individual tables, with different representatives each time, and are asked their suggestions and advice on different matters. Said Sharon Clark, assistant to Marx, "We like to meet with the group, and either be a source of information to them or let them help us ." She said the group ranked in order of importance , the long range goals the School Board recently adopted, and helped in presenting the calendar to the Board. Said one woman, a five-year member of the board, "I have a chance to discuss the problems of my kids ' schools, as well as to learn of others. I always have a chance to write out questions and submit them to the superintendent." ci students in the District

News Briefs

Students discuss bill on TV A dozen students from Westside participated in a televised debate over LB 300 on March 3. State senator David Stahmer, sponsor of the bill, was on the Channel 7 program speaking for the bill with Senator Richard Fellman opposing him. Students from District 66, Millard and Ralston asked questions to the senators. Omaha Public Schools were invited to send representatives but declined . Westsiders that asked questions were Susan Darst, Charla Heim, and Lesa Perry .

Aviators build plane If you hear the roar of an airplane

il Young performs in Iowa Feb. 27; gs ·Harvest,' new album numbers er waiting about four years to see Neil Young, the chance finally came last . On the 27th one of the greatest song writers in the music business played Moines. Although he was not appearing with noted friends Crosby , Stills Nash, or even earlier in his career, Buffalo Springfield. it was worth ling the 138 miles to see him appearing with his newest back-up band, Stray , which appeared on the Harvest album . ·ooa Ronstat was the opening act but she only played for about 45 minutes as wd was growing impatient. nally, dressed in a familiar lumberjack shirt and blue jeans, Neil Young led on stage with his Martin guitar and started the show with "On The Way " If way through the song he walked off and explained that there was too noise and that they were going to do electric music. The band shot into Loner" off of Young's first solo album . They went on to play several new rs being taped for an album. The most noticeable were "L.A." and a cular number "Don't Be Denied." group played most of the songs off of Harvest then wrapped up the show "Cinnamon Girl." The encore was a jam type of number that left the crowd feet screaming for more. rung's vocals were somewhat lost in the barnlike Veteran's Coliseum but it still the concert of a lifetime.

engine . don't be surprised . Aviation Club and classes are building a single seat, two wing sports model airplane. They are under the direction of Bob Moscrey . sponsor and aviation teacher. Moscrey explained , " This model is mostly used for acrobatic flight .. . we hope to complete it by June of next year. " The metal shop. wood shop. and industrial arts departments are also involved with this project. District 66 alloted $2 .000 for the project and Moscrey feels they will be able to make a profit when they sell the finished product.

NHS plans dance The newly inducted National Honor Society has decided to deviate from its traditional purpose of solely being an award society. They have decided to provide a service .

Junior Mark Lastovica won $20 recently for his balsa wood constructed truss which held up 531 pounds.

lastovica leads architectural students in UNO competition Westside and Northwest High Schools were demonstrating a special talent in bridge building. The two schools won the first sixteen places in a contest sponsored by UNO 's College of Engineering and Architecture last month. The event was held in observation of Engineering Week ( 18-24) . Mark Lastovica had the winning bridge with a weight resistance of 531lbs . It received an efficiency rating of 4.68 lbs. I grams . An efficiency rating is the weight of the pressure withstood divided by the weight of the bridge . As Mr. Paul Nyholm explained it , "The students are given a balsa wood kit that costs approximately $3.00. The kit contains several 18 inch pieces and the student has to span a twenty inch area ." In the UNO contest the young architects were given one week to design and another week to build . The officials then picked up the entries from the high schools . The officials checked the weight of the bridges and applied a compression test and determined Lastovica as the winner. Mr. Nyholm stated , " The designs were mostly a personal thing, they used whatever design they thought could hold the most weight. ' ' Steve Gollehon also placed high at third place. Other members of the Westside team: Dean Arkfield. Jay Baker, Max Beins, Tom Burke , John Burns , Sally Donovan . Joe Engles , Dal Focht, Mike Forstrom, Dan Fox, Dean Galbreath , Grant Gollehon . John Heacock . Jim Herman , Charley Huddleston, Keith Kirchner . Gary Lynn . Mat Metcalfe . Randy Palandri , Dave Randle, Gary Reimer. Kevin Muchmore. Dave Salyards , Ken Westphal and Dave Williams.


The first project planned is a dance to rais e funds for ECHO. Some well-established bands originating from Minnesota and Kansas are planned as prospective entertainment. Another project will be a spring care wash to be held during the school day.


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Ecologists fight troubled environmE

Time is running out for seniors wanting to register for college for the fall session. Ron Huston urges seniors to register as soon as possible.

Brass sounds herald trophies Saturday, March 3 was a medley of brash and brassy tunes for those who attended the Mid-American Band Contest held here at Westside. From the 8 a.m . to 3:30 performances of modern melodies , Westside's Concert Jazz Band emerged with a handsome trophy proclaiming it the fourth-place winner in the senior high division. The band, under the direction of Senior Ken Figgins, performed a striking piece called " Inferno." After their presentation of "One Note Samba, " and " Peace on Earth ," the all-sophomore Stage Band placed fourth among the 18 Senior High entries. Contestants from various schools in the Nebraska-Iowa region participated in the performances in the Auditorium and Little Theater. Three swing choirs augmented the entertainment which was open to viewers for $1.25 Brent Leacox , on trumpet , and Dirk Olson, on drums, were Stage Band soloists in "Peace on Earth. "

3417 So. 84th Ph. 391-7511

C.J. B. soloists included Scott McMillan, alto sax; Ken Westphal and Don Enslow, trombone ; John Mossblad, tenor sax ; Kevin Lyons, guitar; J. Buda , piano; and Bob Hogzett, trumpet. The contest " gives Stage Band people a chance to perform, " according to Band Director Darwyn Snyder.

Gray smog covering the once iridescent sky forces itself downward upon the unsuspecting earth. Used and worn out products clutter the ground until scenes of nature become unrecognizable . Coughing and sneezing sounds replace the peaceful singing of birds . It must stop , but , when ... and how? Westside Ecology Club has some of the answers to this problem . Already they have had several projects that were designed to help clean up the environment, in one way or another. In conjunction with Quality Environmental Control (QEC ), Fontenelle Forest and other environmental groups , Westside's Ecology Club sent environmental questionnaires to all candidates in Nebraska. Some of the questions included their opinions on environmental control and what the importance of an environment is . The results were then sent to and printed in The Sun and The World-Herald . This was the first time a project of this sort was done in Nebraska and Westside Ecology Club President Steve Blotcky said it would probably become a biannual event. The Ecology Club also hosted a

Boredom epidemic takes toll by Rosemary Frericks Maybe , like hayfever, it's caused by something in the air. Or perhaps it's some sort of strange, progress-hating bug. Whatever it is, it strikes every year between the end of January and mid-March, sweeping over the school in epidemic proportions and grinding the wheels of productive winds to a dead hault. No 24-hour bug this, the grueling symptoms often persist right up to the last 3: 10 bell in June, or at least until after spring vacation. This year is no exception. It strikes again 1 Under such aliases as " the blaahs," " the valley of fatigue, " "t he pre-vacation vacantness," " doldrums ,'' '' chronic boredom ," '' spring fever ,'' and more euphoneously , the "second semester slump," it is evident everywhere. I knew it had hit when I began counting the minutes to lunch at 8: 15, and when observing the growth of a crack in the math-room ceiling became the highlight of my day . This was followed bv such idiocies as

actually reading the list of the 2500 authors of my history book just to aleviate boredom . One day I turned to pencil sharpening and had gone through 17 pencils, four pens, two crayons, a tube of eye-shadow , and a stick of chewing-gum before the craze had passed. I'm not alone in my suffering. Students are driven to drawing pornographic pictures on their desks a nd then erasing them 1 A few days ago I entered a classroom late and was overcome by the atmosphere of listlessness created by the staring eyes, clicking pens, and steadily chomping mouths of my fellow victims . No wonder the teacher was balancing a piece of chalk on the edge of his protractor. Even Sidney Cerebral has resorted to reading the study-carolls 1 As of yet , there is no sure-fire cure. It seems that something this universal

deserves public attention, like a fund"Join the fight against S.S.S. , crippler of great (and near-great) minds ."

" We will do it again n because we know that it is a b of getting rid of trees. Landfi at a premium and we don ' should be dumping trees the1 could be a voided ,'' continued The old van at the entran west parking lot is another Club sponsored project. The parked there the first week month and anyone who has paper other than magazines i! deposit it there . In coopera Keep Omaha Beautiful, the p; then transported to Omah Stock where they are recyclec

These papers may look like trash, but they are recyclable. public meeting in which the Congressional and Senate condidates of this area were invited to meet and talk about their views on the environment. As an annual event , the club collected Christmas trees in late December. Only 60 dollars was collected but , Steve said that there were many reasons for this . "We collected the trees before New Years , the weather was bad and wet, and this year it was announced that Metro Sanitation would pick up the trees.

Presently the Ecology sponsoring a paper recyclin! The person or group of pe bring in the most papers a March 31, will receive a ca Winners are decided uy h( material is brought per persm Another club activity that planned is an Environment E WHS. The program will be O( public and consist of a panel d of representatives from OPPI as other professional people Summer projects are al~ planned by the club. In consi are possible plans to coru graveyard for endangered S( the Henry Doorly Zoo and sorr camp out or back-packing. St stressed that they " can al\\ new members ."

Foreign language students invo with Oompah Band, songs and s The Oompah Band , a skit, and students ' singing and dancing will represent Westside at the Foreign Language Day at Wayne State College onMarch23. Dr. Sosa of Wayne is organizing the day. Mary Davis , Spanish teacher, French teacher Carolyn Stevens and Jeanne Blackstone, German teacher will accompany the 30 to 32 students who will attend . They will leave Westside at seven in the morning and return around three in the afternoon. Ten Spanish students will dance the Sardana, a dance that is from the province of Cataluna . They also plan to sing Spanish songs accompanied by guitar . The French students are


t:oN'T HAVE To


presenting a a skit. , based on; comic strip. The Oompah B represent German Club This is the second year West participated in the annual evt year French students won fil and Spanish received an h( mention. German did not parti French V class , made up en girls , enjoyed an evening of cuisine last Sunday at the I their teacher and District 66 L; Coordinator Madeleine Kemp. V, consisting of sixteen girls, i. unique, as only French is spo the class members are real after five years study. Senior Tenley Rogers , one ( Westside students who take than one foreign language takes fifth year courses in German, and Spanish ), said t doesn't really get them mixed that for her chosen field (s he t work in the UN), the triple lo necessary .




NATIONAL BANK Junior Amy Schlesinger is not "out on a limb " in spring fashions. She 's with it in an Eisenhower jacket, flared slacks and flowered shirt, just perfect for March fun.

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"19, 1973


Baggies survive winter

Great fashions in store for spring

Artwork by Carrie Baska

Too bad spring only comes once a yea r. All the great looks and fashions will make buying clothes for this spring fun, even though inflation has skyrocketed the already high prices. White is about the biggest color of the year. Look for it in tennis sweaters that even non-tennis players are wearing, or in white elephant bells that can be matched with a wi de assortment of baby-style shrink tops. A white blazer and skirt are just right for more dressy occations . Easter egg colors are also great this year, pushing the old standard, red, white, and blue , out of the picture. Chino baggies in pastel colors will fit in almost anyw here. For tops , go the layered-look route with a sheer blouse and a light weight jersey knit vest. Seersucker seems to be everybody 's favorite fabric now. In giant yellow , pink, or aqua plaids , seersucker will be seen in blazers, pants , skirts, dresses , and. in fact , about everything . Dresses have finally found their way back into the fashion scene. Little girl prints, tie backs and knee length hems are all part of the revival. The smock fad has fizzled out, giving way to a

me economics Susan Adams' specialty Dec. 7, twenty Westside girls in the Betty Crocker Tomorrow 's Homemaker's Susan Adams, was chosen as the top homemaker of this test. Her scores will city and state consideration. was the SAT of home ics, it required a solid 路ound in home economics. Each answered specific written Ins. They were then required to ln essay on "Permissiveness in gChildren ." n explained how she became ~ed in these types of activities, aother was a home economics r. I have always enjoyed sewing

and food preparation as far back as I can remember. " Susan is unique in another way, she is the first Westside student to terminate her Independent Study Project. Ms. lone Perry. the interiors and flat pattern instructor was her advisor. Wit h the approval of Mr. Lee Perkins she embarked on course of pattern drafting and dressmaking . She began by making a gray skirt for Top Choirs , Susan then progressed to making slacks and finally the construction of a tu nic and sleeves . This last project she felt was the most difficult. Susan is also active in the community. She assists home

Anasts perform in first state meet; 路tin places fifth in floor exercises lrst invitational gymnastics meet for girls was held Saturday . March 3 at ~st High . Laura Hartung of South dominated the entire meet capturing ce in all four events . Through her efforts , South 's team bounded into first Jorthwest , Burke and Central followed in that order. Westside came out in place . Other schools participating were Bryan, Ryan, Gross, North and

e. n Martin was the only Westsider to win a ribbon . She placed fifth in Floor es. Marti Wallace and Sally Anderson also performed in this event. Jones and Sharon Wallahan were Westside's participants on the balance Sandy Mossblad , Diana Poage and Shelley Menolascino entered the :com petition. Shelley finishing in tenth place. On the uneven bars Kathy t placed seventh , immediately followed by Linda Burton. eighth and Kay k finishing tenth . Karen Messer and Resa Mallet also did routines on the \Is. Diane Frederickson, girls gymnastics coach, has posted the other on the bulletin board outside the girls gym office. ing was based on the originality and value of the combinations in the 1ance , the difficulty of the exercises, the general execution, amplitude , .nization of the routine , and the judges overall impression. meet followed the rules as established in the National Federation Rules he highest and lowest scores given by the four judges were discarded and aining two were averaged for the final score. Team scores were obtained ~top three place-takers from the team in each event . y Ruddick . and Charissa Lane are the only upperclassmen on the tics team this year. These sophomores will be back next year and .y Westside will have a better team . Ms . Frederickson said this year's an improvement on last yea r 's team . There has been an overall better ,aced on girls athletics throughout the state.


Smiling Susan Adams is often called "Suzy Homemaker" by admiring friends. economics and biology teachers at Arbor Heights Junior High School and plans activities for the Loveland Brownies troop. She is also a Physics lab assistant at Westside . This summer she plans to counsel at Camp Wa-Shawtee , a Girl Scout Camp near Hamberg , Iowa . For her efforts Susan was awarded the Key Student award for October by the Kiwanis Club. Her plans for the future are enrollment in Iowa State, at Ames , Iowa with a major in Textiles and Clothing and related physical sciences with options in de s ign and manufacturing . She is also interested in the Air Force as a career.

more tailored look. Afraid of the price of all of this ? Skirt the high cost and switch to sewing. Besides getting twice as much for the money , the designs are as current as can be found in any store and the quality of the finished product can be much better tha n store-bought. But for those that can't even sew on a button, there is no need to start

pawning the family heirloom in order to buy the latest fashions . Girls are wearing much the same things boys are these days : baggies and sweaters, but it has been discovered that clothes in the men 's department are often cheaper. Why not liberate a few of the clothing stores around the city and besides striking a blow for women's liberation , save a few pennies?

Tracksters begin early; Tennis team welcomes help For all girls interested in playing tennis , there is a meeting after school today. Eliminations will be made throughout the next two weeks and the team of 12 girls should be selected by the end of March. The schedule for this spring is : April10 South- home April12 Bellevue- home April24 Tech- away April26 Central- away May 1 Benson - home May 3 T.J . - away May 1(}.11 Metro- Dewey Park Ms . Bea Haney , coach , doesn't foresee an alternate team for tennis bumettes to play among themselves like last year's B team , unless they would ha ve a sponsor. Any mother or friend interested in tennis that would like to help with such a group would be welcome. Much of la st year's team is preparing for this year 's competition. Some girls ha ve been practicing this winter at Hanscom Park . Ms . Haney

hopes for a "state champ " team. On the track this spring, WHS girls should make a good showing in their three dual meets. Aida Amoura thinks "the team this year is really going to be good. There are a lot of girls practicing early who should be in shape by the meets. " Aida plans to enter the 880 yard individual and relay and the long jump. Charissa Lane might join her in the distance run and along with Mary Hobza she'll take a leap at the hurdles. Returning sprinters are Sally Donovan (who qualified in state last year), and Deb Salmon.Upcomong sophomores are Renee Gibson , Lori Anderson, Kim Engles , Carol Jack , Janet Woodhall , Jane and Judy Pauba , Beth Wedge , Deb Toscano and Stefi Shapiro. On March 28 and April 5 and 11, Westside will meet Benson , T.J . and an undecided opponent , respectively . Metro will follow April 25-26, districts will be the week of April 30 and stateMay 12.

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March 1'

WHS peaks at State Tournt The dream of a season , and even a lifetime for many , almost came true for Westside at the State Basketball Tournament finals March 11 in Lincoln. Any Lincoln Northeast fan in the crowd of 8,500 had to breath a big sigh of relief at the buzzer, as Westside's fired-up team came close to knocking oif a third highly ranked team in as many days. Coach Tom Hall and team certainly felt that the third victory was possible. as Hall said, "We know we could have won, we had several opportunities, but it didn't quite happen."

Senior manned Pimps intramural champs

Westside opened their tourney with a sizzling 51-38 win over Boys Town. The Cowboys came in, not only with the top ranking in the state, but with Fred Anzures, one of the top players in the state. The Warriors used a special defense for the Boys Town spark plug . Bob Poage looked like Anzures ' shadow for most of the game, keeping right on him, and taking away his outside shot. Hall said . " We tried to force him to drive, and when he did , we had everyone inside helping out .' '

The 1973 Intramural Championship was played March 7. The Pimps, made up of seniors, won it, 62-38, over the junior manned Chicago Shots . Seniors Mark Brock and Larry Masilko led the way for the Pimps with 20 and 18 points , respectively . The Pimps dominated the whole game, having a 34-16lead at the halfway mark. Juniors Mark Harless and Dave Campbell kept the Chicago Shots in the game, Harless with t2 and Campbell with eight points . There was no question that the Pimps were this year's best team. They defeated a strong Jock team 70-34 in the semi-finals . Senior Fritz Archerd and Masilko paced the way, with 22 and 20 points, respectively . The Jocks were led by Seniors Steve

Boys Town 's hopes of a comeback ended in the third quarter when Westside held them scoreless for seven minutes. while moving to a 44-28 lead . John Hansen scored the game high , and his career high of 22 points , while Poage and the Warrior defense held Anzures to 16 points, five below his average. Coming off of their opening round upset of Boys Town, Westside advanced to the semi-finals against fifth rated Centra I. " We went in with the idea that it was just another ball game ," said Hall of their 54-52 win . " We had a lot of confidence going into the game, we concentrated well, and didn't lose our poise at the end ."

A quintet of Warrior hopefuls, Seniors Jim Ingram and Carl Andersen, Coaches Tom Hall and Paul Anderson, and Student Manager

Mark Dudley watch as Senior John Hansen, later elected to the All Class Tourney Team, helps in the 54-52 Central win.

Russell, Joe Heffron and Rick Peterson. All had 10 points . Other semi-final action saw the Chicago Shots gunning past a senior team , All-Metros, 40-39. Juniors John Gerd, Campbell, and John Kampfe supplied the punch . A 24-16 contest at half-time turned out to go down to the wire. Hot shooting by Seniors Dan Furlow and Chuck Winters kept the game close, scoring in double figures . Winters had 17 points, Furlow 10. Other All-Metro scorers included Pat Booth with six, and Steve Gustafson , Bob Latenser, and Howard Norton with two points each. The Chicago Shots then defeated the Sex Packs, 38-30, to get in the final two games . Balanced scoring, led by

Sophomore cagers tie for Metro; Collura praises teamwork, effort After dropping two of their first three games, the Sophomore basketball team rebounded to win the next ten. and to tie for the Metro title. Coach Rick Collura cited " coming together as a team , and getting a good team effort" as the key reasons for their improvement. The Warrior Reserves ended their regular season with a win over Tech that gave them the top spot in the American Division, and a tie with Prep for the Metro Championship. Earlier in the season, the sophomores defeated

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Campbell's and Gerd 's eight points proved to be effective . Harless, Kampfe, and Wayne Kinney contributed six points each, and Mark Butler had four. The final Big Eight Standings are: 1. Pimps 2. Chicago Shots 3. Snappy Jocks 4. All-Metros 5. Puds 6. Sex Packs 7. Dip-Shots 8. Aces This season's junior teams to watch out for next -year are the Chicago Shots. the Favorites , Sex Packs. Sweet Hogs, and the Kreskins. Look for these teams up in the Top Ten next year. An Intramural All-Star team will be printed in the next issue. Team captains will vote on a starting line-up and a second team . Hockey will be getting underway soon. Teams are advised to get organized.

Carl Andersen was again th the hour, as he came off the lead Westside 's scoring with H His biggest points of the came when he hit on two fn left to give Westside a 50"Steve Graham did a gooc Forrest ," said Hall. Graha Forrest to 19 points . For the first time in W1 history, its basketball team m the finals in the state 1 Although they were once dowr in the first quarter , the C• Warriors came back to a .:>r deficit with eight minutes ren Lincoln Northeast 's lead coul quite be taken however, ;; Rockets pulled out a 54-50 sque; Westside got back into the 1 the second quarter after hil freethrows . " Our poise wa~ greater," said Hall of the come Westside started the seco: behind by seven points , but wh down to just one point in thE quarter. Several opportunities the Warriors ' way in the minutes , but a traveling ca missed shots , and a del Northeast foul that wasn 't spelled the end of Westside hopes.









IN , A





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Prep, 46-39. The team voted defensive leader Mike Hay as their captain at the beginning the season. Coach Collura praised guard Jeff Horner and Jeff Elliot as the top offensive players , and forward Terry Lane as the key rebounded on the team. Collura also said that several boys have a good chance to move up to the varsity team next year.

How It Started More than 40 years ago, teachers at Baylor University in Texas banded together to prepay hospital and medical costs. Each member of the group contributed an equal amount monthly, and the fund was used to pay health care costs of members who became hospitalized. The idea caught on, spread across the country during the depression, and became Blue Cross and later, Blue Shield. Today over 70 million American's have Blue Cross and Blue Shield protection-there's noth ing else like it, in American or the world.



You are an individual ... A unique person unlike any other. Do your clothes reflect the real you? Or are you dressing as others want you to dress? If you are, today's the day to do something about it. Come on down to the Hitch in' Post and Wooden Nickel, both at 328 So. 72nd. There you'll find the real clothes for that real you . The best of fall's great clothes. Good feeling clothes that say you're feelin' good. The Hitchin' Post and Wooden Nickel care about you. The real you.

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Published by the Beginning Journalism Students WESTSIDE HIGH SCHOOL, OMAHA, NEB. 681 24

Sweetheart All-Sports Dance will be held March 31 from 8:30-12:00 in the Girls Tickets are $3.50 per couple in advance and at the door. A Group Called Trinity will play. year's King and Queen Candidates pictured are: first row: Lynn Timperley, Gwenda Paula Haeder, and Teri Rose. Second Beth Farley, Annette Setterlund, Sandy

March 30, 1973

The afternoon of April 7 will be an exciting one for all the members of the Warrior Wind Symphony and the Concert Jazz Band. It will be the time Tommy Newsom , of the Johnny Carson Tonight Show, arrives in Omaha to perform with the bands for Westside's Festival of Arts Program. Newsom , assistant director for the Tonight Show orchestra , was asked by Darwyn Snyder, head of the music department, to come to Westside and play at the festival. As a saxophone soloist , Tommy Newsom will be accompanied by the Concert Jazz Band in three of his own

Newsom 's last solo performance was with the United States Air Force Band of Washington D.C. on March 4th . His visit here will be reminiscent of the time Doc Severinsen, Tonight Show Band director, came to Westside in 1966. Severinsen was just beginning his career at that time. Tommy Newsom is a quiet person and is often teased when he is compared to Doc Severinsen, the flashy dresser. But the Festival of Arts Concert will be no joke. Tickets will be sold for $2.50 at the

T o m m y Newsom, lead saxophonist and assistant director for Johnny Carson's Tonight Show, w i I I be appearing at Westside April 7 with the Warrior Wind Symphony and the Concert Jazz Band in an 8:00 p.m. per-

Kidder, Marlee Richards, and Teri Statsny. Doug McKay (gymnastics), Bruce Westerlin (cross country), Pat Dibiase (swimming) and Scott Bailey (baseball). Not pictured are John Goldman (tennis), Tom Dinwoodie (track), Dave Pearce (wrestling), Bob Poage (basketball), and Dave Walker (golf). Students voted for their choice of King and Queen in homeroom.


ers take state, district with top honors the district speech event , made a good showing with ratings . They were by Junior Dave Cory , in •r-Dirmer Speaking ; Senior Susie for Oral Interpretation of and to the team of Senior Kelley and Susie Wurtz for Acting.

four years at this state tournament. The Somberg-Blotcky team defeated five other high sc hools in the preliminary rounds . They proceeded to the quarter finals , where Omaha Gross High defeated them. Corry and Erickson won two out of five preliminary rounds . In the finals, Bellevue and took first and Marian High took second place . Mr. Gowens commented on the fine a rts pep rally which was given to

support the debate team on the Friday ci the state competition : "The debate squad was appreciative ... it gave us a definite boost ." The debate teams have done very well this season , taking an award at nearly every competition they have participated in . The district and state tournaments provided a climax to the season. What lies ahead in debate classes is basically getting ready for the first match of next year's season.

arrangements. They are , " Billy Joe · II ," "Summer of '42 " and "Glad I'm Alive ." With the Warrior Wind Symphony . he will play a "Short Ballet for Saxophone and Band " by Dick Lieb . The bands , conducted by Darwyn Snyder, will play other selections without Newsom for the remainder of the program . Ken Figgins is the

Champagne powder in Steamboat .Springs by Patti Livingstone "The kids were excellent," was the comment of John Laugen , business teacher, about the ski trip to Steamboat Springs, Colorado, March 14-19. The trip started from Rockbrook Shopping Center at 6:30 p.m . March 14 with 79 students and six chaperons. Laugen organized his trip months before and then Paul Nyholm , architectural drawing teacher , formed another. The trip cost $105 which included round trip transportation by bus ,


Menolascino, Sandy Moublad and Laura Haggart (from left) time out on the slopes during their recent trip to Steamboat

three nights lodging and all lift tickets. Extra money was spent on food, ski rental, lessons for the inexperienced skiers and souvenirs . The accommodations were provided by Storm Meadows condominiums located right next to the slopes. The groups were right up the hill from each other. The rooms included two bedrooms , two baths , fireplace , a complete kitchen , dining room , shag carpeting and an outside deck. At the base of the slopes is a small village (about two miles from the city of Steamboat Springs ) with small stores , ski rental shops , motels , condominiums, a movie theater and small restaurants . An athletic club is located next to the Storm Meadows units. It includes men 's and women 's locker rooms , sauna , steam bath, whirlpool, sun room , exercise room and handball courts. An outside pool is located in the back for all-season swimming . Lifts start at nine every morning and close at different times of the late afternoon. The students were left on their own most of the time to do as they wish but the chaperons checked periodically. The skier has a choice of different slopes to challenge according to his ability to ski. Lessons are offered everyday by either full or half days . Steamboat Springs has a 3,600 foot vertical drop with one gondola , nine double chairs and two pomas. There are nearly fifty runs of different width and steepness. Steamboat is one of the

highest ski areas in the Rockies and has "Champagne Powder" snow. Westside was lucky to have no injuries this season and as Nyholm states, " The kids were really great , everyone cooperated and accepted each other. I was really proud of them all. " The only injury was the bus which got a flat tire on the return trip which caused one group to be three hours late ! !

door or students may buy $1.50 ticket if purchased in advance. No activity tickets will be accepted for this one night performance. The money collected will be used to help send the Westside band to St. Louis for the Midwest Competition at Six Flags Park , May 12. The itinerary for the week of April 7-12 is as follows : April 7 - Concert Jazz Band featuring Tommy Newsom , saxophonist. April 9 - 7:30 - Mime Troupe performance . April 10 - 7:30 - Choral Presentation. April 12 - Booster Club meeting ; in conjunction with short musical program. Throughout the week of April 9-12, there will be displays from Westside's practical arts department in woods, metals and other art work . From the junior highs there will be exhibits of · wood and metal craftsmanship.

Fine Arts departments honored at rally, debate and band 'jocks' introduced The first Westside " Fine Arts Pep Rally " was held Friday, March 23rd in the Boys' Gym. Highlights of the unique rally were performances by Westside 's Concert Jazz Band, the Debate Team, a solo by violinist Greg Fried , a ballet by the Drama Department, and a selection from " The Gondoliers " performed by members of Top Choir . The Concert Jazz Band , began the rally with a selection from the group, Chicago. Senior Ken Figgins, director of the Jazz Band, said that auditions for the band take place in the fall and that a senior is usually chosen as its director . The Concert Jazz Band's most important concert will be held on May 18. Four members of the Debate Team were given recognition: Juniors Linda Somberg, Dave Corry , Keith Erickson, and Senior Steve Blotcky. Linda, Dave, Keith, and Juniors Kirk Belt and Dave Hubbard were also honored for their participation in last week 's Debate and Speech State Tournament. Junior Greg Fried opened his portion of the program with the song " Rock Around the Clock." After his solo, Greg said that the orchestra must work as a team. The orchestra, which is under the direction of Harold Welch , has 60 members. Fried also announced that the annual Honors Concert will be held on May 24th . A featured soloist will be announced in the near future . The Mime Troupe presented a ballet performance at the pep rally. The Mime Troupe will perform at the Fine Arts Festival which will be held during the first week of April. The " Fine Arts Pep Rally" concluded with a song and dance from Gilbert and Sullivan's " The Gondoliers" performed by Westside's Top Choir .



March .


Israel 'Innocent' Son? Bue


"Modular scheduling is a mechanical device designed to help individualized instruction. Large groups, small groups, open labs, and independent study are rrodes of study particular to modular scheduling. It derives its name from the shorter twenty minute class periods called modules. " But that isn 't all the small but mighty mod can take credit for. Exhibit A: Typical Westside student Johnny Goodfellow. awakens Saturday morning with the sun shining and the birds singing . What words are appropriate at such a moment? Our hero finds them, " What mod is this?" Exhibit B: Bill, another typical Westside student, walks into an hour class (3 roods). two mods late. The teacher emphatically frowns and as he begins to open his mouth, a sound and assuring chorus of " he got his mods mixed up," rises from the class. And with that dramatic and revealing statement . class resumes. So, what's the point? It's this: The mod has become more than a unit of time. It has become a means of survival. You know you 're hooked when week-ends become a mere 42 free mods, you start planning your vacation for the summer and you decide to leave 12th mod , or when a strange old man starts appearing in all your dreams asking you what mod it is. The advantages to the mod are obvious. The person addicted is no longer responsible for time , as marked by hours. He learns that mods are harder than hours to keep track of, so he doesn 't keep track at all. The mod also can be a thrilling conversation piece. it replaces the simple 'hello' and the basic 'hi ' with a fascinating 'What mod is this?' followed by an equally exciting 'I just missed three classes.· The disadvantages? Well . they're easier to see. When you start dreaming about mods your mind is really bent . What's the answer? Try it the old way, you might get to one or two classes on time this week, or, at least , you won 't have a good excuse!

"Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech or of the press. " This is one of the highly controversial guarantees made by the first amendment being questioned by congress this year. Should a reporter be protected by shield laws? Defenders of the amendment argue a,bolishment of the law would infringe upon the rights of reporters and their duty to investigate and expose both good and bad aspects of the news. If a newsman had to testify in court it would force him to become a spy. When this happened his sources would dry up and the public's right to know anything uncensored by the government would end . Currently 19 states have "shield " laws protecting reporters from being forced to identify their sources of information. In New York, one of the states with shield laws. supporters of the amendment say that prosecutin of criminals has been aided by shield laws. Reporter's stories often provide leades into crime. corruption and drug traffic. Much of this information could not be obtained unless reporters could assure sources they woundl't be identified. On the other hand does being a reporter give a person privileges beyond that of any other American? When a court subpoenas a citizen it is his obligation to reveal any information he possesses. Some television networks. such as CBS, have the general opinion that the Nixon administration has created all this controversy through a plot against free speech . Fred Friendly, former CBS persident , went so far as to say " Nixon really doesn 't believe in a free and open society. " Perhaps absolute immunity for the press is not the answer. In cases where the country of a person 's life is threatened protection might be inappropriate. But unless some type of shield legislation is passed one of the most important bases of our country - freedom of speech - will be threatened . If that happens our "free and democratic society" is in danger too.

The grading system in Distrcit 66's secondary schools is one of. if not the most unique around . Most students question the fact that the point spread is nothing to bet on . The fact is that to get a perfect one you have to score between 97 and 100 percent. To get a seven. which is barely passing , you need to get between 70 and 71 percent . Between these two figures there are percentages ranging from three to five percentiles. The fact that the scale is so unequal gives way to many arguments by students and teachers alike. Another thing that tends to irritate students is the fact that there are so many grades in the system. It was much easier in grade school when the grades were one through five . Parents also many times fall victim to the merciless system . All too often a student's parents will think of a four on a report card as a low or bad grade, instead of a good "average grade," thinking again of the five grade methods. A good method to be considered would be a one through six arrangement with the percentiles decreasing by five . It would work like this: between the 95 to 100 percent bracket would be a one. from 90 to 95. a two. 85 to 90 a three. 80 to 85 a four, 75 to 80 a five and from 70 to 75 a six. We feel that this will better interest both students and teachers.

Once upon a time there lived a mother and a father with many sons. Each son had his own room, except for the youngest one, who had to sleep on an old army cot in the basement. One night the parents were passing through the basement and saw what deplorable living conditions this son had. "Something must be done about this," said the mother. " I agree ," said the father . " Tomorrow we will hire a carpenter to draw up plans to partition off some of the older boys ' bedrooms so our son will hav€ a nice room of his own. Although the older brothers did nothing to deserve this partitioning and protested the action, their parents were steadfast in their plans . In a few months the new room was complete. Soon afterward things began disapp€aring from the youngest son 's room and the older brothers teased and threatened him because they felt he had taken unfair advantage of them. Not knowing exactly what to do and realizing he was too small to defend himself the son went to his father. " Dad," he said , " the older boys have been ganging up on me , if something isn't done I'm going to end up in the basement again." " Now don 't worry , I'll talk to your brothers and we 'll see if we can 't straighten this thing out ," said the father. And so the family got together and called a truce. While things seemed to be okay on the surface , after this meeting there were still many little incidents that kept occuring . At first the parents chose to ignore these problems hoping they would work themselves out. But they on they realizing concerned

didn 't , in fact as time went only grew. The mother, she was not nearly as with outside problems as

her husband , decided to do something. Naturally she took the side of the older brothers. There were more of them than there were of her and everyone knows that it 's easier to avoid trouble by siding with the majority. She also started to give them gifts like cars and stereos in hopes of appeasing their anger. When the father finally found time to survey the situation at home he saw that the youngest son was being oppressed again . Now he could have easily sided with his wife and other sons but he and his wife were having disagreements of their own on the proper way to raise a family . This gave him a chance to spread his way of thinking . Now don't worry , he told his young son, " I will defend you against your mother." He also gave him lavish presents so he could show up his brothers . Unfortunately for the mother and older sons there were more major confrontations. Each time, because the father was the head of the family , the youngest son came out on top. After the last dispute it appeared as if a settlement might finally be reached between the brothers. Then , without any apparent cause , the young son commited a terrible crime. After school he came home and broke one of his brothers model airplanes. At first he denied guilt by saying he accidentally knocked it off a table. But the true facts came out when one of the brothers remembered that the broken model was lying in the middle of the floor without a table near it. Guilty? The father 's favorite son , who was so victimized , innocent and oppressed, guilty? Dare it be thought he might have been guilty before too ? Perhaps even worse, the father, head of the household , had the wool pulled over his eyes by a son who, in an attempt to keep from becoming just

An Ode to the Unrecognized by Sue Kalina Our hero peers anxiously into the chaotic depths of his locker ; searching for a book . There is no one around for him to talk to or to walk to his class with. And tonight he'll go to a basketball game and try desperately to fit in. His type is evident in high schools across the nation. Medium build, medium hair , medium ev€rything .. .he just fades in with the color of the metal-lockers.

Once someone talked him into going to a soc-hop and he sat and looked at his shoes all night. He has a secret crush on a girl who sits a row over and three seats up from him in typing and she'll never even know his name. And when the yearbooks come out this year, all the sophomores will think that he is a misplaced junior and all the juniors will think that a typical sophomore got his picture messed-up in the annual. And the seniors won 't care.

He excels in no sport and he is scholastically average . For Christmas he gets socks and money because no one knows what else to get him. When report card time rolls around teachers have to stop and try to picture his nondescript face. And he is referred to by others as " my lab partner," or " my locker mate ; " or nothing.

Dear Editor, It seems almost as though · students have had little exp minority group members. w: do have such contact, sue basketball games , the result i bad reflection for WestsidE institution. I am referring basketball game with Boy during the State Tournament in the crowd , I noticed Wt with signs that ridiculed t1 Town students , such as " Boy~ Bring Your Parents. " A part racist example, " Mexico - 12(); ridiculed the fact that Fred and other Boys Town stude Chicanos. At the Central game , consistent with the general b of the Westside crowd to hea chants , so I was not surprised " Jungle Bunny " shouted . grinding the faces of the Boy students in the mud with the si the chants, Westside students I their buses and chanted , " Gon or Die For Westside High " - a that Hitler's children would ha proud of. Then on March 19 , the administration gave defacto a1 of this behavior. An announ was heard that the admini! " commends the students ir conduct at the State Bas Tournament." Provoking other schools by chants, signs and actions is not spirit , but an indication of st and intolerance. JoeiF. Ca

This special issue the Lance w published by t Beginning Journali! classes of Westside .

th e lance

And he'll swear tht he doesn 't mind being ordinary . It saves him from talking in homeroom , running for a class office or going out fora sport. He feels safe that way. If he does nothing there will be no one to criticize or laugh at him. He eats by himself in the cafeteria . He never gets kicked out of an IMC for talking . He never does much of anything because it saves him from talking to girls , getting called on in class and getting him name in the school paper.

another unimportant 'fac• crowd,' had to " create " a ~ oppression. " By the way , that remin' another tale, do you have th hear it? " " Sure," I said . " Well, once upon a time th four countries ; the Unite<J Arabia , Russia and ... "

Published bi- weekly by the Publ ications Department of Wests i de High School, 87th and Pacif ic St . , Omaha, Nebraska 68114. THE LANCE is a member of the National Sch clastic Press Association and the Nebraska High Sc hool Press Assoc iation. The paper is given free of charge to holders o f Activity Tic k ets. Subscription rates to others are $3.00 postpaid. Non- profi t ma i ling r i gh ts claimed. Printed by Wright Print i ng Co. , O maha, Nebr.

Editors .

. .. Peggy Poeschl. Jeff Carnaby,

Jenny Staley, Pam George , Robyn Ginn,

Shelly Felt, Janet Will iams Sports editor .

. .. Ron Dassner

Wa!. Copyreaders ..

. .... Terri Sto

Sports writers . Harry Lockwood . John Scarpello.

Sue Kaline. Nan E

Lance Margolin

Proofreaders ..... Patty O'Brien. Vicki W•

Headline checkers . Bobbie Jo Buel. Eileen Finn. Valarie Wilscam . Marcy Rosenblum Page checkers .... Sherry Kaiman. Kat hi Mueller. Stuart Chapman

Luann M1

Mist .

............ ..


. .. . . Care

Rick Curzon. Dave H

Steve Walters. Bob Merritt , Rick McKa

Layout editors .. Patti Livingstone, Dallas Coffey.


Sally Simmons. Kristen Lieneman . Charla Heim.

Circulation managers .. . .. Steve Olds. Pe

Beth Blotcky Paste-up editors .

. Debbie Fisher. Sue Hansen.

Sharon Wallahan , Nancy Nied Advisor

........ . .... Ms. Kathy e




Job hunting traumatic for students by Shelly Felt and Valarie Wilscam Like a first car or a first love, the first time for looking for a summer job can be a traumatic experience . Nevertheless, those students who desire a life of luxury can plan on competing with thousands of other students for a job. The first problem in finding a job is to find out what jobs are available. See a guidance counselor and read want ads carefully . Call the personnel offices of stores to ask if they grant job interviews. Contact your nearest State Employment Office. The Nebraska Employment Service (2420 Grant Street) recommends that the job hunter contact them around or after May 11. Private businesses offer a number of jobs through their employment office.

Langdon and Ken Figgins sing of the problems their marriage in Westside's latest musical, ''The

doliers 'sail' at Westside by Debbie Fisher "Promises to be terrific'" This was the comment made by Donovan Schuler, music director, after the opening night of "The Gondoliers." the direction of Schuler, 82 members of Warrior Voices presented the by Gilbert and Sullivan. The pit orchestra played under the direction Welch all three nights of the production, March 22 , 23, and 24 . lllllimately 900 attended, which Schuler considered to be a good crowd . choir worked for four weeks, rehearsing with the orchestra only four The entire cast was together for rehearsal only in the final week of Most practice was done during regular class time. Schuler the cast as " strong," and felt they worked well together. included juniors Michele Holmes and Cindy Dunbar. Seniors included Sue Parkison, Ken Figgins, Neal Miesback, Chas Magdanz, Chris and Cheryl Langdon . Other important players included Karin Nancy Smith, Suzy Wurtz, DeWayne Hughes, Bob Wolff, Kirk Belt, Taxman, Rick Malot, and Sue Pistillo. scene is set in Venice in 1750. The Duke of Plaza-Toro, his wife, and , Casilda , were in search of Casilda's husband. Casilda was wed to the heir of the throne of Barataria twenty years earlier . Shortly afterwards, The Choir presented an excellent production of the Gilbert and favorite .

udsman serves WHS 18 years Alice Gillogly is like a a long lost aunt. A 50'ish looking woman bestowing "honey's" and upon you throughout the •rn~11on . You get the impression . ..... ~n.,... n her for a long time. starts by explaining that she working for District 66 since the entire main office of the superintendent, Alice other office girl. "It was just of a general job, I worked on they told me to," she said. likes to talk about how Westside District 66 have progressed since "At that time there were only 16 at Westside including the I enjoy being a part of that's moved so fast , it's areal thrill, " she said . h stayed at this job for 18 years two years ago her position - "I think in the book it says bing like ' Community • whatever that means. ·But elps calls me an an. • " Dr . H. Vaughn superintendent of District 66 - ' ' Alice serves as an JIIIIUIII>"'"" for Westside by serving an avenue for students, teachers families to solve problems they not ordinarily solve by !Me of Alice's main duties in her job is showing new people the building. One new student Alice as "That nice old lady by the attendance office who knows how you feel. When I she said 'Oh, I know how about 20 times ." Sine of her other duties include to parents, speaking at things a Lions Club meeting about 66, helping Ms. Virginia Hall the attendance office and staying school when there are meetings.

"I feel like Mrs . Olsen I make so much coffee for the school at night, " said Alice. When Bob Adams, assistant superintendent of District 66, was asked to technically define Alice's job, he laughed for quite awhile and said, "I'm not sure anybody can define Alice's job, her responsibilities are many and varied . She acts as a contact person within the community to the end that we can provide the utmost in opportunity for the student . She is also a secretary and receptionist for Westside High.'' In her free time Alice plays a lot of golf and bridge, " I don't stay home much, I try to move around as much as I can, " she said. When asked her age, Alice replied, "Let 's put it this way , honey , I have to retire in a few years, darn it! ''

The high school student can find jobs in a bank , insurance company, grocery store, drugstore, community service, car wash, gasoline station, or a food establishment. The easiest places for the 15 to 17 year old to obtain employment may be in the area of food service , according to Nebraska Employment Service. Most jobs available are those of waitresses and busboys. The Nebraska Employment Service rec<>jlJlends that the job hunter start looking for jobs as soon as possible. Don't get discouraged . Apply at many places. The main requirement for job hunting is a strong stomach, to take being turned down. Another aspect of job hunting is in what your interests are. For example , if you plan on going into a medical field, apply for work at a hospital. However, students must realize

that these are only summer jobs, and the job hunter may have Lo accept a job he would rather not. The usual pay for unskilled summer help is the minimum wage, or $1.60. When a student goes to apply at a job, he should remember to: l. Arrive on time 2. Have a positive attitude. 3. Understand the terms of employment 4. Have a date to tell the employer what time you can begin work . 5. Never bring friends or relatives. Go alone ! 6. Be neat and tidy in appearance. Many of the jobs as counselors in children 's camps. or directors in city recreational programs for children a re already filled up . Many camps are employing the same people they used last year. Some students have special talents. They can work as swimming instructors, teach guitar, or do things in the fi eld ci art. Many of these students can go into business for themselves . Here in West Omaha there are many large stores that employ a lot of part-time help. Students that are 17 or 18 years old can often find work in a selling job, while younger students are advised by the State Employment agency to look into the food establishments. The summer job obtained may not be the one the student would want to work in the rest of his life ; but he could fi nd a job that gives him a rewarding summer. Start looking for that job now. Be alert to all hints any friends may give. Acquaintances can sometimes ha ve a big influence over the type of job obtained. Watch the paper every day and remember all the tips for job interviews. Like a first car or a first love, the first summer joh could be a rewarding experience.

News Briefs

Christel/ to attend State Science Fair Senior Todd Christen will be the Westside High representative to the Nebraska Science and Engineering Fair, which is being held in Nebraska City on March 31 and April!. Todd qualified for the fair by entering a "hearing aid." "The hearing aid," Chris tell stated, "is a brand new type of design which includes a hearing aid for people with hearing losses and a special hearing aid for people who are totally deaf. The hearing aid," Christen went on to explain, "is custom-fitted for each individual." Todd has worked about a year on the project and has received an offer for a patent by the American Speeeh and Hearing Association (ASHA) . This will be the third year that Todd has entered the statewide contest.

Sadie Hawkins Day The comic strip Lit' Abner is soon to come alive in Westside tradition. Sadie

Hawkins Day will be celebrated April 13, all day at Westside. The Junior Class sponsors this activity . The traditional Sadie Hawkins Day dance will be held in the Girls ' Gym . The atmosphere is usually set in a barnyard scene. Among the most popular of the events of the dance are the marriages . For a nominal fee of some 50 cents, these "marriages" are performed .

World Affairs Conference "Europe, A New Focus for the 1970's" is the theme for the tenth annual Midwest Conference on World Affairs. It will be held at Kearney State College on April 3 and 4. At the conference, there will be over 50 delegates from around the world, exchanging ideas about world affairs. Selected students from Nebraska high schools will be there to listen to the diplomats and ask questions . Westside has been invited to the

conference, although students ha ve not been selected as yet .

Physics Field Day The Creighton Physics Field Day will be held April 7, at Creighton University. Westside has competed in this field day since its start. Last year they placed second, only because they were not allowed to play the first place team . The contest is played the way the television show, College Bowl used to be played. Each team plays at least five other teams, of four players, each. The finalists are chosen by the total number of points . Westside will be represented by two teams; the senior team , with John Goldman, captain, and an underclass team. Bob Klein, physics teacher, and one of the sponsors for the field day, said that both teams have a very good chance . About 50 teams are expected to enter.

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Sound meter says building noisy by Jeff Carnaby Throughout the nation toda y studies have shown that noise is on the increase. What with more people, more cars , more super-highways, more jet-liners, more airports, more office machines , more clutter ... Does that sound familiar? Oh you say , I don't really believe that. All these eco-com mie-freaks are just trying to get me to submit to scare tactics. When our unassuming friend is then confronted with the official noise chart documented by the American Medical Association , what is his classic reply? Uh, well this might be true but it doesn't affect my lifestyle.

As the aspirin commercial states " Isn't it funny how truisms come a nd go ' The importance of noise on people's lives has been ove rlook ed. With noise pollut ion inc rea s ing nation-wide, Senior Todd Christen did a study to measure noise levels at Westside. Using a newly purchased sound meter, he found that the boiler room had a noise-rating of 98 decibals making it the noisiest area in the school. On the a ccompanying comparison charts, Christen found that the 98 decibals (d. b.) compared it with a riveting machine at a distance of 35 feet. Other interesting correlations in our sound -uncon s ci ou s sc hool : the

April to include Newsom, vacation, track, and 'Sadie Hawkins' dance What 's going on in Omaha now that the basketball season is over? As far as school activities are concerned : March 30 - report cards come out. FBLA State Meeting. March 31 - Track team at Grand Island all day . Big League Baseball-sign-up in the loge. AATSP (Spanish) test for national contest. State FBLA shorthand test . Sweetheart Dance from 8:30 until 12:00 in the Girls Gym , Trinity is playing. Cheerleading practice from ~12a . m .

AprilS- Girls Track at T.J . April 6 - Baseball opens at Millard at 4 p.m. First soccer game against Prep here at 6 p.m . April 7 - SAT test. Track all day in Lincoln. Inter-city Math Bowl here. Cheerleading practice. Our band with special guest star Tom Newsom from The Tonight Show .

April 9, 10, 11 - Fine Arts Program with one night having music and another night drama including Thespians, mime troupe , and Readers ' Theatre . Art would be displayed every night. April 10 - Boys track here against Burke and Tech. April 11 - Girls track here agai nst Ralston. April 13 - Spring va ca tion begins . Boys tra c k a t Ha sti ngs . Sadie Hawkins Dance, 8:30 - 11 :30 p.m . April 23 - Tea chers workshop. April24- Classes resume Culturally around town there are symphonies , opera s, Jos lyn Art Mu s eum , and t he three dinne r theatres in Omaha all recently opened with new pla ys . There is also Fontenelle Forest, the Old Market and the Henry Doorley Zoo re-opens on Aprill.


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cafeteria is about as noisy as many people have thought for a long time. It had a rating of 87 d.b. which means it is as loud as a 10 h.p. motor 50 feet away. The Commons and the computer room both have a sound level of 80 d.b. which corresponds to loud classical music. The A.V . room and the kitchen rated with 76 d.b. which is as loud as heavy traffic 25 feet away. The main office and the Social Studies I.M .C are as loud as an average factory at 72 d.b . Happily to say , Christell found that there are four relatively sound areas in the building. The Math I.M.C. (66 d.b.), the English I.M .C. (65 d.b.), the library (64 d.b.) and the hall (70 d.b. ) all fall within the sound range of an average conversation. Many people have called us the "sound generation .'' One wonders that with so much ambient noise found howling through our school if we might become the " sound -less" generation.

Sound levels in Westside's halls are often comparable to sound of heavy traffic.

Student-inspired peace education forms, purpose is to find 'limit of destruction' by Janet Williams There have been anti-war demonstrations , organizations and literature ever since man has taken up arms against his fellow man. Now a group of Westside students has formed to study peace and to promote what

participant and founder Mike Carrick, a senior, calls " peace education." The group , which is politically nonaffiliated , is called Peace Studies. Its purpose is, as social studies teacher and group sons or Stephen Wiitala said, "To discuss peace, which is an idyllic

DECA, FBLA busy attending two State Leadership Conferences Sixteen Westside Distributive Education students attended the 19th Annual DECA State Leadership Conference held at the Prom Town House in Omaha on March 4, 5, and 6. The Distributive Education Clubs of America, known as DECAis organized throughout the nation to develop future leaders in marketing and distribution. Approximately 725 students representing 34 local DECA chapters in Nebraska participated in the competitive events and elected new state officers . Linda Overton, a senior in Distributive Education at Westside was crowned DECA , Sweetheart and will represent Nebraska at the National Leadership Conference in Atlantic City , New Jersey May 1-6. Other Westisde students attending that received awards were : Mike Stanbro - Scond Place in Buying and Pricing ; Suzanne Jones - Third Place

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in Display and Honorable Mention in Human Relations; Patty Estey, Kathy Jack, and Dave Wilson Honorable Mention in the Area of Distribution Manual ; Debbie Deaton Honorable Mention in Merchandise Information Manual ; Mark Koenig, Dave Wilson, Linda Overton Honorable Mention in D.E. Review ; Steve Branecki received Honorable Mention in Job Interview; Mike Koile Honorable Mention in T.V. Commercial. In the Sales Demonstration Contest where 250 students gave sample sales demonstrations , Kathy Crockett , Jaki Richardson and Dave Wilson were selected finalist.

FBLA The FBLA State Leadership Conference will be at the Prom Town House , March 30 and 31. Six Westsiders will attend. Seniors Judy Mallner and Cindy D' Agato will compete in the Steno Competition , Juniors Steve Korff, Kent Miller and Tom Sarka will all be in the General Business, Business Orgnanization and Management and the Spelling Competition. Sophomore Jon Legino will be in the Typing and Bookkeeping Competition . Steve, who is local president, will also be running for State FBLA President . Kent, who is local treasurer, will be running for State FBLA Treasurer, and Tom will be the Campaign Chairman . help FREE •l getWeyou to the Great Places of the World .

word like love, that is awfully call into real existence." Subjects being studied include UN, Ireland, the causes of war, peace, and technology in peace . The group is indlepeadlj~ non-credit and very informal, student chooses his own area of The meetings, every 3:3~5:00 , are described by " a symposium (in contribute, examine and

The basis for study is their of peace, which the group after much discussion. explained ': " A utopian peace is to look for . We look for the lird tl destruction. Peace is not only absence of war, as there is violence the family , in the makeup m individual, the 4~hour week, it is M directed toward nature, in trade other countries , and in c structure." Mike said there are hopes of a studies workshop this sprift I correlation with his peace educalilil idea. He feels that Peace ~ should be started in elememal schools. ·1 " Man has a twin capacity to at creative; in destruction or in creations . To make a better world, should encourage our creati~ capacity." He added that a diiil should understand himself and .. world, and realize his potential !I creation as well as be able to idl!ldf destruction. "There are two areas of conflilt. there is the individual against hillllll and the individuals against • another within a society or agaill other societies. It is either inner Ill psychological , or outer all structural ," he continued. Mike said there are no definite pill for the class in the future except fori! hope that Peace Studies may~ part of the curriculum . Otllei members of the group are sophomores Vicky Thomas and Pile Schmitz , and seniors Brenda AIW and Stu Chapman. Cj



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en's lib at WHS questioned single, and braless female nds on her soap box liberation. A middle-aged by and scornfully says , the vote and their own What more could they can be said for women 's It's obvious women have way from the era of wash whalebone corsets . Some complete liberation, oppression by the male and a small percent is n of liberation was girls at Westside. to be no majority controversial subject. ore Barb Marcotte, a of women's liberation , "Girls are treated like objects. For example , Drill Squad is not as a group of girls team spirit, the guys just tike male chauvinists . When I lith a boy they should treat me show some respect." hand, Sophomore Patti said , " I don 't believe in I enjoy having a guy open uxl doing special fa vors but I dink girls should return the

favors . Whistling at girls has nothing to do with women 's lib , it is just plain disrespect. " Most girls at Westside who were interviewed agreed tha t women need to be liberated in the field of athletics and study programs at Westside. Sophomore Sandy Mossblad, treasurer of GAA , said, " Women aren't liberated in athletics . The girls can't always get their own gym, let alone their own basketball team ." Another strong supporter of women's liberation is Sophomore Vicky Austin. Vicky said , "Women at Westside really need to be liberated. Take athletics for instance, boys athletics are a big deal. Women athletes get obsolutely no recognition." In regards to curriculum at Westside, Vicky added , " Girls are encouraged to take home-ec . There should be more girls in physics but all the counselors encourage tailoring, foods , clothing , etc . It is actually their fault. Guys can take home-ec at Westside, but since most of them have a masculinity hang-up they don't. Well, maybe no one is liberated at Westside." Senior Jayne Crandell said, " I believe in liberation. All people are equal and should be treated equal, men the same as women. Girls can be liberated if they want to. Any role a

· tianity expressed with usiasm at conventions ~y

Pam George

is Just All Right With Me" Doobie Brothers reflects the of a growing number of . Religious conventions held all over the United in different countries. such convention was an All Lutheran Convention held

youths sang praises , danced to music , and thoughts with each Lee, a sophomore at attended this convention. I first went I didn't think it beat all like it was," Sheri said . me happy because everyone friendly and so unashamed to · faith. " world another convention in London. In September of Nationwide Festival of Light a London Festival for This festival drew several of young people to Britain's for teaching and evangelizing. people were involved over days it was held. reason many youths turn away Christianity and balk at such is because of the criticism or down they receive by their you say Christian to they think of someone who , and a goody goody ; who never does anything Sheri said. "Some kids who and really do believe hide themselves because they're

afraid of being put down." The rock festivals , conventions , and gatherings for Christ are a far cry from the standard tiptoeing quietness of a Sunday morning church service . Many young people who detested this sort of worshipping are finding themselves in this new way of showing their faith . " I believe that in the last five years young people have been finding a real meaning in Christianity like they never had before, " the Reverend Paul Ruff of Pacific Hills Lutheran Church said , " through their own investigation and criticism of the church they have found the real Christ and what he really means to them ." " It's a wonderful thing when the youth can open a book thousands of years old and instead of saying how stupid it is or that it 's untrue, they really dig into the bible and find an answer to their problems ," he added . Expo '72, held in Madison Square Gardens , had 100,000 young people attending . They sang , stomped , romped , yelled , hugged , and screamed 'Jesus , Jesus !' at the top of their lungs. Not at all like the quiet church form of praising. Thousands of youths have found what they couldn't find before in their church. This is probably the reason for the growing and spreading trend of youth for Christ.

1706 Galvin Rd. Bellevue Ph. 291-8222

person wants to play , they should be able to assume that role. '' Other girls at Westside believe that women are already liberated . Sophomore Maggie Waldmann said , "Women are already liberated. At first guys would laugh at the girls in physics. We had to prove we were just as good as they were. Now that we have proved it they even come to us for help. " Sophomore Kim Kuchel concluded, "Women are already liberated . The only thing they can 't do is use the boys ' rest rooms and I don 't think any of them would be breaking the doors down to anyway." It seems that liberation needs to be a personal decision. Maybe it is not just women's liberation but human liberation.

S.H-5. (.OULD




People believe Open Campus may benefit or harm in discussion of possibilities of privilege for juniors by Terri Stofferson

Should juniors be allowed open campus? This question has been asked since the first day the seniors were allowed to leave during free mods . It has never been extensively looked at because the answer to the question is usually the same. " I don't think all of the juniors could handle it ," President of the School Board , Irvin Yaffe, is not totally against open campus for juniors, but he feels it should not be given to every junior. " As soon as they all learn a little more discipline, we 'll see. But for now, I cannot see it open to all juniors. Possibly for a few of the upper students."

Juniors agree Surprisingly, the juniors seem to agree. Junior Karen Honig suggested that juniors be allowed to leave only the last half of the day . " Besides , it's always been the tradition to let the seniors have it. It gives you something more to look forward to, besides graduating." Several juniors have echoed Karen's idea of a partial open campus. " I think we should have it the last semester," said Junior Heather Mactier,"lots of kids leave anyway . If we do get it , it won't be a major change , but I know I wouldn't mind having it. " The seniors have already passed their chances for an open campus their junior year, but they have something to say, too. They have said they neither believed in open campus for all juniors, nor for an elite group. They

have said that it would be unfair to the seniors if anyone were to have it , beside the seniors . Many have said that it is a senior privilege and should be left at that. "Beside that ," said Senior Fred Smith , "could you imagine about another 700 more cars running in and out all day ? Looking at the ecological standpoint , we don't need any more pollution than we already have." The sophomores are probably the students who will be most affected by any change in the near future . They would be the first to reap the full benefits . "I don 't think that juniors should have it any more than the sophomores ," said Sophomore Ted Neumann. " It was given to the seniors only , but if they let two-thirds of the school have it, why not everybody? " Ted also said, however, that each student should at least be able to leave after his last class each day. " It 's kind d dumb because you don 't have any classes left, and there's nothing to do, so why shouldn 't you be able to leave? It only seems like the right thing to do." Sophomore Lori Boyer stated why students would want it. " When you 're a junior, you've probably got your license, and easy access to a car. You probably have a lot of free time, too. Nobody would want to stick around under those circumstances, if

Make job easier Ms. Johnson said that it would make her job a lot easier because she wouldn 't have to phone parents of students who have been caught outside the building without passes . " But I can't see where it would really help the student , and that 's what we're here for." It is more than likely that juniors will be getting open campus, but it is hard to say when . One thing is for sure, though, it won't be before the superintendent and the Board of Education agree that the students can handle it , nor will it go into effect if the parents don't want their kids running around when they should be in school.

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they didn't have to. So, why should they have to?" Dean of Girls Peg Johnson might have had the answer to Lori 's question, though. " A lot of the kids are having enough trouble now , and just look at all the freedom they have. If we let them leave when they want , a lot of more classes will be skipped , and it will only end up making things worse. " "I couldn't see it being given to just a few students , either, because where would you draw the line? Some students who are getting good grades are taking much easier courses than those who are getting just average grades ."

..•...... .



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Trackmen aim high; practice star

Jon Peterson (left}, Mike McCiaughry and Coach Dan Young prepare for Junior Varsity Baseball.

Team lacking running speed by Ron Dassner


"I think it should be well balanced this year," said Bob Moscrey, baseball coach, commenting on the baseball competition for this year. Moscrey and Rick Collura will be the coaching tandem for this year's varsity team. Moscrey feels that the tough teams in the conference will be Burke, T.J., and probably Ryan. In Moscrey's opinion the team doesn't shape up too badly, but, "after having lost 12 semor lettermen it's going to be hard to do as good as last year." The only lettermen returning this year are Tom Thomas and Scott Bailey. Last year's record was 18 wins with just 2 losses. They finished second in metro, won district, and won the state title. "I would say that it is doubtful that we will do as good as last year," stated Coach Moscrey, "mainly because of the lack of varsity experience." The junior varsity team this year will be under the direction of J.V. head coach Dan Young. One of the strong points of this year's varsity team is that they have pretty good balance as far as pitching is concerned . Although, says Moscrey, "One of our biggest weaknesses is our running speed. This year's varsity baseball schedule is as follows:

4-10 4-11 4-13 4-17 4-18 4-20 4-24 4-24 4-25 4-27 S-1 S-2

Burke T.J . at North at Central at Benson Tech Bellevue Bellevue at Rummel Boys Town at Ryan at A.L. :>-4 at Prep S-5 at Lincoln High This years JUmor varsity schedule is as follows : 4-12 at Burke 4-16 Bellevue 4-23 Ryan 4-26 at Benson 4-30 North at Lincoln High S-5 S-7 at Tech S-14 at Rummel S-21 at T.J . Moscrey feels that he doesn't know too much about the ball players yet, and that after he has worked with the team he will know their potential. In preparation for their first game against Burke on April 10, and for the co!Jling season the team has been practicing at the 91st and Center baseball diamond. The coaches feel that it is an adequate field , and it is hardly ever used. Some of Westside's games will be played at the interstate diamonds. Moscrey feels that these diamonds are too dirty and most of all too noisy.

Soccer joins Metro scene by Lance Margolin Soccer is becoming a very popular spectator sport on the Metro sports scene. The first two years that it was a competitive sport in the district, soccer was not too popular as it was not recognized by high school sport's fans. However , last year the soccer crowds increased greatly , partly because people started to recognize how competitive soccer really is, and due partly to the excitement of last year's teams. Westside's former soccer coach, Mr. Claus Preuss, was mainly responsible for getting soccer started in the Omaha high school sports program. Preuss had been coaching little league soccer teams in Omaha for seven years, some of which included high school students. Preuss stated, "I thought it would be a good idea to .g et high school students interested in soccer, which has been spreading vastly around the United States. " Preuss, who is from Flensburg, West Germany, started actively playing soccer in 1942 on a team in his home town. This team traveled all over Europe to play soccer in different countries.

This year Westside will have a new head soccer coach, Joe Vacanti, math teacher. When some of the soccer players around Westside were asked how they felt about not having Preuss as head coach this year, players commented that they would miss Preuss because of the outstanding job he did . for the team least year. However, they are excited about this season and feel Mr. Vacanti will make a fine coach. Preuss has an optimistic outlook and prediction for this year's team . "Westside had an outstanding season last year with a record of 12 wins and 2 losses, I think that they will better that record this year. They have the potential to win the Metro."

by John Scarpello "We have s orne outstanding individuals ," stated Bob Klein , Westside track coach . "Although we lost quite a few blue chippers, we still have some outstanding individuals." "Our overall team strength will not be as strong as last year's team . Last year's team scored in nearly every event entered ." Coach Klein does not expect this strength in the members of this year's team. Some trackmen considered excellent are Bruce Westerlin, Tom Dinwoodie, Dallas Focht, Bob Doney, Mike Gallatly, Mark Belcher, Vance Jernstrom, Mark Boyer, and Howard Norton. Recently the team participated in the Great Plains AAU meet at Boys Town. They won the two-mile relay and placed fourth in the mile relay . Coach Klein explains, " This was basically a warm-up meet for the team. Both relay teams turned in times that are considered excellent for this time of year ." The track team also has entered on its schedule the Grand Island Invitational on March 31 and the Lincoln Invitational on April 7th. The following is a schedule for the 1973 track season. Some dates are tentative: UNO Indoor, March 23 , 24. Ryan-T.J., March 27 , Westside. Grand Island, March 31 , Grand Island Mem. Stadium Rummel April3 Westside Lincoln lnv., April7 , Lincoln East Burke-Tech, April10, Tech. Hastings Inv., April 13, Hastings . Dual, April17, Tentative. Burke Inv .. April 21 , Burke. North-Central, April24, North. Bellevue Inv., April 27 ,

Mark Shore (left}, Dan Preister and a fellow teammah workouts as track season opens. Bellevue Metro, May 1, 2, Burke. District , May 10, Millard . State, May 18, 19, Burke Last Saturday the Westside track team competed in the UNO Indoor Invitational at the UNO Fieldhouse. Out of a strong field of 245 teams, Westside tied for tenth place along

Walker, Graham returning hopefuls for Westside 1973 varsity golf team by Harry Lockwood High in enthusiasm , but lacking experience, the Westside golf team heads into the 1973 campaign with only two returning Varsity lettermen. David Walker anchors the squad, he was fourth man last year when he, Schwartz, Sloan and Winstrom won the District and Metro titles last year. ¡ Returning lettermen are : David Walker and Steve Graham, Varsity; Dave Pfeifer, John Hansen, Jay Baker, Mark Terry, Paul Roth and Andy Jetter, JV. Coach Roger Hoffman expects "a real dog-fight for positions on the team." The first meet was scheduled for March 23 in Lincoln and at press time the starting four players were still undecided. Hoffman says the " team's success will depend on how much individuals improve and mature." Hoffman sets some goals the team would like to achieve this year: to run Westside's dual victory streak to 25 (currently Westside has won 18 duals in a row , and 42 out of the last 43) ; to win its sixth Metro title in the last eight years; to win its sixth District title in a row and to win Westside's first annual invitational tournament (14 teams will participate) .

. . - - ---PLAYING----....

About 30 boys tried out for the golf team. That number was cut down to 19 on March 21. After final cuts are made, there will be 11 players making up the Varsity and JV teams. The first two days of tryouts were held in Council Bluffs at Dodge Park .

Young man to service lawr summer . Call 556-0827 after 3:30 6940 Burt

TENTATIVE GOLF SCHEDULE March 23- Lincoln Southeast Invit. April6 -Norfolk Invitational April!~ Westside Invitational April11- Ryan dual at Miracle April16- AL dual at Dodge Park April18- TJ dual at Dodge Park April 24- Fremont Invitational April2:>- North dual at Benson April27- Metro April3~ Rummel dual at Miracle May 2 - Tech dual at Elmwood May 4 - Burke dual at Miracle May 11- District in Lincoln May 18- State Tournament District tournament is to be scheduled later.



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with Tech , Central, and Dodâ‚Ź finished with nine points . placed first with 46 points . Bob Doney of Westside field event gold-medal winne pole vault with a vault feet-6 inches. Steve Wickst Burke also finished at 12'1 Doney had fewer misses and c the gold medal. Westside's t1 relay team captured fourth pia

speedo racing suits warm-up suits fashion suits



e 17, No. 14

a nee


April 13, 1973

wsom highlights fine arts festival the fields of music , art and the annual Festival of the Arts was an array of imagination talent from its premiere last night to its completion at 's Booster 's Club Meeting . of festivities was opened appearance of the Tonight's Tommy Newsom directing Warrior Band and Concert Band at last Saturday 's Band department 's va riety and dances were postponed due to the weather. After blew over, awa rds were ed in fiv e differ e nt with entrees ran ging interpretive dan ce to an avant presentation called " A Doink Bleeps. " Troupe and Reader 's Theater to present a na rrated story

augmented by three short mimes described by Senior Tom Taxman as " really out of the ordinary and stimulating to thought. " The spotlight was captured by the Vocal Music Department Tuesday night. Participating in a variety of numbers ranging from the popular "The Twelfth of Never " to the rousing "Drunken Sailor" were Concert Choir, Boy's Glee, and Girl 's Glee. Some of the numbers will also be performed at Contest April27. The three groups combined for a fina le featuring music from the rock opera "Godspell ." Musical entertainment at last night's Booster's Club meeting was supplied by the Men 's Quartet consisting of Seniors Bob Brite, Neal Miesbach. Chris Icenogle , and Chas Magdanz . Displaying the abundant talent in

art, woodworking , and metal working at Westside and the junior highs was a Monday through Thursday exhibit in the Loge featuring many award-winning creations . The Festival of the Fine Arts was originated to encouage attendance at the spring Booster 's Club meeting and has become an annual cultural event.

New compactor pride of custodians, cafeteria trash squished into bundle

"rls empty pockets, spare nge goes toward wedding

time ago. Sadie Hawkins Day celebrated annually as a holiday the people in the hills. Sadie · Day all the families living on mountain got together for a After all the food was eaten, and guys lined for a race. -··ov••auy , if a girl caught a guy in he became her husband . If a couldn't catch a guy , it was tough She'd have to wait until the next to try to catch a husband . through the years, the Sadie tradition has changed, it still does exist . Tonight the

junior class is sponsoring the Sadie Hawkins dance, marking the first day of Spring Vacation . The dance featuring the group Bink Brown, is from 8:3(}.11 :30, and will be held in the girl's gym . Tom Taxman will be performing the marriage ceremonies , and is equipped with pipe cleaner wedding rings for those couples too poor to get their own.

Tickets will be sold by Mrs. Berigan in the main office for $2.50 per couple. Tickets will be sold for $3.00 at the door.

Top Choir practices are directed by Mr. Donovan Schuler. Their patience and his bring a high quality of sound to their performances.

Social Studies Teachers Bill Nelson and Doug Pierson proudly demonstrate the technique used with new trash compactor.

"The real ecologists around this school are the custodians and the outside men," smiled a green-clad, middle aged janitor over the heavy din in the boiler room . This reporter was assigned to write a story about the new trash compactor in the cafeteria . In an interview with some ten members of the custodial staff, a sense of humor and an attitude of truly caring about Westside emerged from their comments. Custodial Supervisor Leonard Ulanowski said that the compactor was donated to the cafeteria for about a month by Haul-a-way , a company which had been removing Westside's garbage and was trying out the new compactor. Ulanowski said , "So far, it's working out real well." The compactor is capable of crushing all the paper waste of the two hour lunch period into a box three feet high and two and one half feet wide. Previously, it had taken the

Ulanowski stressed that the "Tite-wad," as it is named, is strictly on trial, and that if District 66 decided to buy it, it would cost about $3,000. The other custodians, joking but serious at times, expressed their concern that "students talk about ecology, but they don 't do anything about it. " They added that their job would be a lot easier if students would throw waste paper directly into the compactor during lunch mods , and not into wastebaskets. Herb Lienemann paused to consider another of Westside's ecological problems. "Grass grows by inches, but dies by feet--yours!" he intoned, in reference to the ruined grass by the south parking lot.

Fad followers spend $739.12 to be with it Today , as we find youth eschewing class , wealth, status , and other values of the past , one old institution remains: the fad. Fads are supposedly universal, with everybody participating in them. The hula hoop and fox trot attest to that. Yet , as teenagers continue to condemn money , one finds that their fads are getting more expensive. The 1{}-speed bike is an example of an anti-materialistic fad . Hundreds of concerned environmentalists waited up to six months for their bikes. But

the prices start at $70, or more than a week 's earnings for someone making mmtmum wages . Plus, there are many other " essential" accessories such as the back-pack ($6), sunglasses ($5) , and riding cap ($3) that totaled up to put the season 's most popular fad out of reach for a great many people. Entertainment also has its fads. Back in the 60's, driving around was "in," and still is , but a gallon of gas costs 39c these days . Drinking is back too: a six-pack of Old Milwaukee costs $1.25.

Bob Poage and Sandy Kidder happily embrace after being Westside Sweetheart Dance King and Queen. The dance was April 1.

Getting away from it all is a common desire of the anti-materialistic generation . The most practical answer is usually taking a summer trip. With an average of about $400, prices range from a $90 Table Rock junket to a $1200 European grand tour. And because it is a long time between summers, many travelers took the $100 ski trip in March. Hair, as always , has its fads. Styled hair is the trend for boys, as girls are going for the super-short haircuts. Six dollars is the bill for this, but a $20 styling dryer is almost essential for keeping the haircuts looking professional. As usual, most fads revolve around fashions . Jeans (at $10) aren 't the big thing they once were , but they are still a mandatory part of the wardrobe. The uni-sex layered look has really multiplied the cost of being " with-it ." Starting with two pairs of $16 baggies , a plaid pair and a plain pair, the faddist will have to add a patterned shirt ($16), a weater vest ($13) , and a blazer ja et ($20). In the shoe departm t, there were clogs for everyon , high heels for guys , and wedgies for girls , all with an average price of $16. Rat-pack t-shirts ($2.50) and Air Force parkas costing $40 achieved fad status this year. De rigueur also were flannel shirts ($4) and $5.98 overalls.

dd Christel/ designs hearing aid, rns awards, scholarship, trip !add Christell , familiar to Westside last year for the construction of a laser , has now taken first place in the Nebraska Science and Engineering Fair the third consecutive year. His project is a hearing aid designed to nsate for the exact hearing loss of any individual. Present hearing aids tify all hearing frequencies; Todd 's selects only those frequencies actually !llld will travel to San Diego, Calif. to participate in the International Science ·,May 6 through 11. In addition to this prize , Christell received a four-year rship from the University of Nebraska's College of Engineering and 'tecture in the amount of $3200, a certificate from the American Speech and ·ng Association , an award for achievement in Communications and ronics from the Air Force, and a Gold Medallion for the Outstanding of the Fa ir from the Army . He has also been invited to display his ·ng aid at the University of Nebraska 's Engineer's Week . lside from creating award winning science projects , Todd plays an organ he himself, is listed in Who's Who in American High Schools, and upon tion from college wants to be a silversmith in New Orleans.

janitors four white laundry carts to dispose of all the waste. Even then, as the uncompacted papers had been picked up by Haul-a-way, they had blown all over the loading dock area.

The above pieces of fine wood craftsmanship have all been hand-made by students participating in the Fine Arts Festival. They are on display in the Loge.

The total for these fads comes to a whopping $739.12. Must a person give up other activities , like eating, just so he can be "with it ", or will fads become merely a pastime of the upper class?


Page 2


April 13


IS teaching becoming a non-occupation by bob eisenb1.

Westside has quite a history of identifying inequalities and instituting policies fair to all. It is blessed with an innovative and approachable administration. but is s metimes cursed with a biased and unfortunately stubborn student body. Last month 's Fine Arts pe rally is a prime example. The rally was student conceived and student organized , yet the administration was cooperative and even enthusiastic. The rally attempted solely to honor the fine arts. and not to ridicule athletics. Fine arts students attend athletic pep rallies and cheer politely, for the most part. but ironically some athletes and other students belittled the efforts to recognize members of Westside's other "teams". This inconsistency with Westside's current all-encompassing attempt at achieving equality was augmented at the Sweetheart-All Sports Dance. For the second year. King candidates were chosen . one from each of the nine remaining sports besides _football . in keeping with Pep Club's new "ten major sports" conception . However. the Queen representatives were not so equally chosen. The purpose of the dance was to honor athletics. yet the Queen candidates were all Pep Club members. and the 500 girl athletes here at Westside were ignored. It would be much more suitable to elect a representative trom eacn or the six girls sports as Queen candidates. and to retain three Pep Club electees. The dance was not well attended this year. and many comments were heard about the " farcical coronation ". Perhaps if the letterpersons' club was more consistent with the equality drive. a more meaningful contest-to all students-could be achieved .

The new District 66 Board of Education policy on pregnant girls is that they will be " requested " to leave school and take up night school until they have their child . "Requested " is a definite improvement over policies in the past. when girls were required to take a leave from Westside due to pregnancy. However. it is disappointing that the Board wants administrators to ask girls to leave. The Lance sees nothing objectionable about a pregnant girl staying in school. If she chooses to remain. she may have to be a strong person to put up with glares and remarks by other students. But we feel most students have passed the stage of taunting anyone simply because one is in a different situation than the majority. We simply hope that the request to leave will remain request. and not pressure. coercion. or requirement , and propose that a committee of three faculty members be established to inform pregnant girls about the new opportunity to remain in school-as well as educational alternatives available.

The freedom of choice of every Westside student has been threatened . Not by Forum. the SAB. or the administration has this right been infringed upon, but by the cafeteria. We are advancing to a pre-programmed 1984 society, subject to pre-programmed hamburgers and forcefully imposed mustard. The theory is to avoid subversive attacks on mustard containers previously placed on the lunch tables. But instead. mustard is unquestionably placed on every burger whether it be that of the allergic or the weak stomached .

the lance Published bi-weekly by the Publications Department of Westside High School, 87th and Pacific St . , Omaha, Nebraska 68114. THE LANCE is a member of the National Sch clastic Press Association and the Nebraska High School Press Association. The paper is given free of charge to holders of Activity Tickets. Subscription rates to others are $3.00 postpaid. Non-profit mailing rights claimed, Printed by Wright Printing Co., Omaha, Nebr.

Co-editors .. . .. . .. . Pwn Hultberg and Suun Darst Layout editor .. . .. .. . . . .... . .. .... . Cyndie Jones Copy editor .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .Meaalyn Wilteam Editorial editor ... . ........ . .... .. .. . .. . Bill Wald Aut. editorial editor .....•....... . Bob Ei•nber; Entertainment editor ................ Rick Denney Newt editor . ...... . ....... . .......... Tern Talty Feature editor . . ... .. .. ... ... . . RoMINIIY Frerika Aut. feature editor .... .. ................. AI Katz Feature writer . . .. . ...... .. ....... Sheri f'eter.)n

~ ~·

Butineaa editor . . ... ... ... • • ... .. . .. . . Jim Clifton Advertiaing manager ... ... . . .. .. .. . Dave JeMen Sporta editor . . . . . . ... . . . .... . .... . . Brian Trude Aaat. sports editor . . ... St- Ruaaell Art editor ... .. .... .... .. .... .. Jay Jeooby Phto editor ........ ..... ........ .... Brian Combl Photographers . . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . Joe Petrllhek PM O'Hara Bruoe Finn Advisor . .. .. .. . .. .. ...... .... Ma. Kathy Bothart

I remember in fourth grade my teacher told me I didn't know what I was talking about. Maybe I didn't. But I went home upset and it bothered me for the next few weeks, and made a negative impact on me . (I am sometimes told that today, but I can 't take it to heart if I believe in what I'm saying) . What I'm trying to get at is to say that we 've all had experiences when we 've been insulted or humiliated by a teacher, in front of the class or privately, and if you happen to be quite young, it really hurts. Worse still, most anything that that teacher says in the future turns you off. I have not encountered any humiliating techniques at Westside directed against myself, and rarely at others . In fact , the new School Board policy states that this form of discipline is a " no-no." I'd say humiliation of students is an important problem --one of the many--in education . But most problems do not stem from the principal's office , the school board, or the administrative quarters. Most problems can be found--and solved-in that essential environment of learning , the classroom . And the captain at the helm of the classroom is the teacher.

How can a mutual respect be developed between teacher and student? Contrary to latest rumors respect is not passe. Respect is essential ; to learn you have to respect the person who is teaching you, and to really teach properly you must respect your students . The age-old goal of education is to build stable , secure adults with unyielding emotions and a strong sense of justice . This goal is applicable to all young people, but fundamental to achieving it is the teacher. It seems to me that its becoming tougher and tougher to be a teacher, and in many ways . Curricula is becoming more and more defined, certain skills must be learned. Get that skill down pat, take a test and move on to the next skill. Well, that 's no way to teach. Education is being broken down into smaller " units" with specific objectives in each unit. This gives the teacher less opportunity to create innovative, long-term projects within, say , the framework of a semester. Sometimes it even diminishes the role of the teacher, making him a mere appendage to the audio-vidual paraphenalia. Maybe all of this works to eliminate the subjective human element in the clas sroom . I for one

The 20th Annual Glamor Event " Live, from the Civic Auditorium in Omaha , Nebraska, it's the 20th Annual Graduation Ceremonies ," a voice announced over the intercom . "And here's your host for the evening, your principal, Dr. Tangdall!" A flood of applause greeted Tangdall as Westside's annual glamor event was underway. The traditional commencement tune, "Pomp and Circumstance" blared over the stadium 's dilapitated P.A. system. The only unusual sight was instigated by Patty Procrastinate, who had neglected to get measured for her cap and gown and was attired in a red and black smeared painter's smock and her father's tassled Shriner's cap . "Aaron Aardvark," said the principal as Westside's first '73 graduate -received his diploma, a hardy congratulations, and the customary vigorous handshake. Despite the drawn-out speeches, the commencement proceedings were adhering to their strict time limit until the name Marvin Blando, a bearded revolutionary known for public criticism of the school and the Tangdall administration, was uttered. When Blando's name was announced, a sophomore, wearing a prominent class of '75 ring, sprang from the audience and seized the microphone. "I do not wish to offend or diminish this occasion, but Marvin Blando will not accept his diploma ." The crowd heaved a colossal gasp. Faculty members fought for air, soggy handkerchiefs went limp, even the tassles on the graduation caps stopped fluttering in the breeze. "Marvin cannot accept his diploma because of the virulent treatment and discrimination of the sophomore in this institution. Blando is now on his way to attend an organizational gathering of the Sophomore Liberation Committee .. . " A hysterical scream permeated the dead silence in the stadium. "Marvin thought you would understand, Mrs. Blando," said the spokesman. "Marvin Blando is not only protesting the abuse of the high school sophomore, but also objects to the

desecration of the freshman class in the universities of America. " The throng of parents in the audience , having overcome their initial shock , attempted to drown out the sophomore ' s words with an onslaught of catcalls and booing. Simultaneously , a resounding cheer arose from the ranks of the senior class, who leaped to their feet , tossed their caps in the air, and chanted :

" Protest is what we 're here to see, we 're the class of '73." Before Dr . Tangdall and the remaining dignitaries could act, they were engulfed in a barrage of rejected diplomas. The dissenters , aided by the sophomores in the audience then formed an immense picket line around the stage. Several faculty members helped in uprooting the administrators from the refuse. Seeing no possible avenue of escape, Dr. Tangdall struggled to his feet, beamed at the audience reassuringly, and hurriedly moved on to the presentation of the special

awards. The crowd was rapidly diminishing as more and more joined the ranks of the dissentors. "The first special award goes to the ootstanding graduate of '73," began Tangdair " The nominees are voted on jointly by the faculty and their student peers. Votes are tabulated by the private accounting firm of Leech & Eddie, who alone know the contents of this envelope." "And the winner is . . . " "Marvin Blando! "

don 't want to be educated computer, I don 't find ther inspiring. Students cannot be well-educ an unjust environment. An exa an unjust environment is one i1 the teachers are not emo1 mature enough to tear do• walls between themselves an pupils . An inadequately n teacher will not aband ' authoritarian attitude and sin himself. No teacher, no matter what · to hide it, can help from advt his prejudices and biases, intentionally , then implicitly. biases are found not only in ~ issues, but more importantly i1 of moral and ethical significan< No teacher is only what he s is mainly what he does , what ht to be--and a small child 's x-raJ can easily detect the te2 inconsistency. Often the things a teacher lea from telling his students make impact than the textbooks and i on the bulletin board . Wh teacher leaves out of his curr can mean much more than \\ puts in. Obviously , a teacher ha impact on his students . If all teachers a student has h< apathetic, he is likely to t apathetic and desensitized him~ Apathy is what scares me tht If students are conditioned apathetic, they will be dehurn adults , and blind to bru suffering, and war. Teachers should act natural be themselves in the classroc their idea of some image they t the students ' concept of the teacher.

eTo those accustomed to Or sparce line-up of rock concerts past, the following list, as prir Peter Citron's April3rd entertai column, will come as quite a sho The Beach Boys , April 29. Deep Purple, tentatively , May 4 Leon Russell, May 11. AI Green, June 1. John Denver, June 13. Issac Hayes, July 2. Led Zeppelin, July 8. Seals and Croft, July 29. Chicago, Aug . 31. Allman Brothers Band , Sept. 21. Three Dog Night, Nov. 10. These concerts are sponsor Concerts West, who have pro Omaha at least twenty concer year. eThe chuck holes surrou Westside have become more noticeable to passing motorist have been responsible for s punctured tires and fore hubcaps. It might prove benefi Hertz or Avis were t{) rent out moon rovers so we could endu crater-like chuck holes w sustaining heavy injuries. eDays surrounding April 15 a tension experiences for two ty students : those who have Ce Public Accountants for father. those who are awaiting c acceptance letters. The former. of whom have not seen pencil-pushing daddies for week: forward to his release (u drunken) of April 16 at 12 :01 when all the returns are in. The nervous seniors, rip through mail, and anticipate either p1 wearing their Harvard of St< teesbirts to school or dejectedly rut applications to good old Neb



11 3,1973


Page 3

News Briefs

Archaeology Club goes to S. Dakota World History teacher Jim Knutson is sponsoring a group of interested

Holmes poses before the German Club's Oompa Band Vicky Mullens, Dan Keller, Ken Blumer, and Tim Patenode, Gutentag movie at the Wayne State Foreign Language Day, 23.

students on an archaeological dig in the area of Chamberlain, South Dakota over Easter vacation. There will be a $10 charge for the trip , and they will camp out and bring their own food . About 20 students will go on the trip, which is the second one Knutson has sponsored. On the first trip, pottery shards, parts of necklaces,

dden professions are now exposed what kind of a job can I get degree in mathematics? " This is typical of the dilemma many high school students are With decreasing interest traditional jobs such as , many are wondering what of professions are open to them different areas of education. al of Omaha and several in the school a re working in an attempt to reveal some " hidden" professions. The of the prog ram is Career . Students participating the Math department are Senior and Jim Greenspan. Bob

commented on his parti cipation in the program. " We a re interested mainly in the computer science area . The first trip down we didn 't really do much . We ta lked to a systems analyst but we haven 't had a chance to see or operate the computers yet. " Bob and Jim go to Mutual every Thursday and Friday to meet and talk with pe rtinent pe rso nnel. Their sponsor at Westside is Math teacher Dan Young . Bob said . "Working in this program has rea lly deepened my understanding of jobs open in the computer area . I 've gai ned a lot of information on what progra mmers

can do . " Demonstrating his enthusias m . Bob concluded . "'But I can't wait to get my nimble fingers on that keyboard 1 " Students from the journalism department. Seniors Deb Dowling and Pam Hultberg. are working under the sponsorship of English teacher Judith Hoyt. Th ey a r e observing the produ c tion process of Mutual's various corporate publications and both voiced their approval of the progra m. Said Deb. " It 's a good opportunity to be ex posed to other areas of journalis m that I wouldn 't know about through r eg ular education ."

HS selection is based on four attributes ry National Honor Society induction probably caused students , especially lrctassmE~n . to wonder about restrictions . The rules just and clear, but year students complain, " I the standards." Anyone election into the honorary heed its restrictions now. NHS is indeed a national Westside is bound to its of selection: scholarship, character, and service. advisor Mary Connor pointed Westside meets the limit in acceptance as set up by the Council. Specifications to class rank are: seniors , percent ; juniors, top 10 ; and sophomores, top 5 One cannot be considered for one's rank falls within the

eligible students they know in character and leadership . Most seniors were rated by 12 teachers . Connor's direction . " They don't get points if NHS kids know they're just joiners ," she commented. There are 99 service point possibilites: the average senior had about 50 ; junior, 3(}.35 ; and sophomore 10. Connor pointed out that the

sophomores were admitted with a provisional membership; they can neither vote nor hold office, and must meet NHS requirements junior and senior year to remain in the club. Finally , a cross -section of the faculty met in committee to review the statistics on each candidate, and recommended the new NHS to sponsor Dr. Jim Tangdall .


and other Indian artifacts were found . Knutson said they plan to bring back their finds and make a display with them .

FBLA Conference held The Nebraska Chapter of the Future Business Leaders of Amerisa (FBLA) elected Westside Juniors Steve Korff and Kent Miller, President and Treasurer respectively at its recent Leadership Conference . The conference was held Friday and Saturday, March 3(}.31, at the Prom Town House in Omaha . Over 600 of the 1,400 members from 43 schools throughout the state attended. Steve and Kent, along with the other <ificers, are now eligible to attend the National Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C. in June. Th e Westside FBLA Chapter received honorable mention for its Activities Report and Chapter

Scrapbook . Steve received an honorable mention in the Business Management and Organization Contest. Other Westsiders attending the Conference were Seniors, Cindi D'Agata and Judy Mollner, Junior Tom Sarka , and Sophomore Jon Legino.

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Junior Debbie Stewart feels delicious in her Abbey Road Ltd. pantsuit from Gadabout . Made with cotton and polyester and teamed with a red turtleneck it 's just perfect for the summer days ahead.

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Page 4


April 13, lfl

Tommy Newsom is 'not a dinosaur' by Rosemary Freriks Perhaps oval is an accurate description. At any rate. Tommy Newsom does not seem to be a "square. "

before the concert. Newsom was '' pleasantly surprised" by the performance of the bands as they accompanied him in three of his own arrangements and one number written in collaboration

Heeere's Tommy. Tommy Newsome, assistant director for Johnny Carson's "Tonight" Show orchestra, appeared in concert April 7th with Westside's Concert Jazz Band and Warrior Wind Symphony. "Mr. Excitement" strolled on stage attired in a suit, although far from rekindling old memories of Doc Severinsen's earlier appearances, did prove rather bold for Tommy's "Mr. Square" image. The renowned , easy-going personality of the " Tonight " Show 's lead saxophonist. with his winsome, Nixonic grin and easy Virginian speech invoked a standing ovation from a receptive audience last Saturday night. Arriving with an energetic attitude and saxophone case in hand , he led Westside 's Warrior Wind Symphony and Concert Jazz Band in a short afternoon rehearsal

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with " Doc " Severinsen. The latter featured Westside sax soloist John Mossblad. Also receiving thunderous applause was an intense drum solo by student intern Christopher Stovall. Despite frequent bantering from Johnny Cars on concerning his subdued dress and unassuming manner, the 44 year old father of two is "not a dinosaur . . It 's

standard practice to play up the band leader, " he explains . "I never know what he 's going to say. " His favorites in the music field range from Zoot Sims , a jazz tenor sax player, to new groups such as "Chicago." The revival of the '50's music is not included in his list of preferences. " I thought it was bad then," he says, "and now I know it was. " What does the future of music include? Newsom foresees a comeback for wind instruments . but no chance for a return of the big bands . "T.V. has taken th e place of the big bands. People don 't go out to dance as much . They can stay home and see anything they want to." As for his dress . Mr. Newsom admits he 's attempted a crescendo in his tone of attire, but arrived at the conclusion of many of today 's radicals . " I was putting myse lf on." A man of many talents . Newsom's accomplishments include recording. conducting on records. playi ng in studio bands. composing an d arranging and. occasionally. filling in for "Doc" Seve rinsen as director of the NBC Orchestra. This is augmented by occasional concerts at various schools . He prefers a quiet lifestyle revolving around one-hour daily rehearsals and 6 p.m . tapings for the " Tonight " show . Golf. tennis. The Wizard of Id . and life in the San Fernando Valley provide enjoyment.

District 66 Board of Ed unanimous on new policie~ On its meeting of April 3rd, held at Westbrook Junior High School , the District 66 Board of Education approved a new set of board policies . Included were policies on business, administration , curricula , students, personnel , community, and instruction . It was the end product of many months of work on part of the board, superintendent, and community. Board policies were revised and created at last year's spring meeting at the New Tower Motel. There was input from many people in the educational community , as well as the community at large. This year the Board and Student Advisory Board of Education

discussed the policies at a number meetings and sent them to an atton to meet legal approval. A spec Board meeting was held on March to examine and discuss the polic before final approval or rejection. that meeting, objections were rail by board member Gordon Sche111 over the vacation procedure : personnel on twelve-month contra SABE member Bob Eisenberg a brought up points on polie concerning student pregnancy a students accused of committi.. crime. Also, severa I typograpbi errors were found.

After appropriate alterations, 1 Board approved the policies at th April meeting.

Increase in smokers signals return to tobacco habit . ."Warning : The surgeon general has determined that cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health." But the warnings are recent and a cultural habit as widespread as smokin2 is not easily changed. Among the 51,300,000 Americans who still smoke, 250,000 can be expected to die from it this year. And the prospects are for more of the same - 250,000 deaths every year until the end of this century." (Joel Fort M.D., Sept. 72, Playboy Magazine) Yes , the barrage of anti-smoking advertisements has definitely had only moderate effects . Cigarette smoking is a 300-year-old tradition in Western society and obviously people


like it. It is an accepted adult fad and . " like father like son," teenagers are into tobacco. The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture has determined that cigarette smoking. among adults, is still below the all time high in 1963, and that the 1970 survey contributed the lowest figure in a decade. But cigarette smoking has been on a slight increase since then. This is also true for teenagers. "More young people are taking up the habit , and sales are breaking records." In a recent survey given at Westside by Teresa Baker and Teresa Forsgren for a sociology project, from a total of 136 boys and 299 girls , 35.2 percent of the boys smoked , while 39.5 of the girls smoked. A lack of information hinders an exact determination of the fluctuation of smoking at Westside. But due to a


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The next herald of spring, after the groundhog, is the hardy croa These buds pushed up to the sun recently by the Social Studies IMC


very foggy point of view exposed in the rest rooms, it would appear that cigarette s moking has either remained fairly constant or increased . If anything, it has become more open. In determining the reasons for cigarette smoking at Westside , the survey was directed toward various social relationships . It was shown that 58 percent of those students interviewed had parents who smoke. The number of sisters or brothers who smoke was also a relatively important · determinant- 50 percent . Peer-pressure proved to be a strong social determinant as a cause of smoking. Eighty per cent of the student smokers have close friends who also smoke. When students were questioned about their individual reasons for smoking , the principle reason was for relaxation and nervousness . Secondary reasons were peer pressure and for simple enjoyment. This situation of an apparent increase was predicted in the May 14, 1971 issue of Science Magazine. " Although the effects of smoking as a cause of lung cancer and other diseases appear to be well known

among young people , anti-sm<i propaganda does little to red smoking, and it is even suspected! smoking among teenagers 11 increase rather th decrease.'' Says a spokesman for tobacco industry, "There are 1 possible reasons . First, it is jus normal increase. Second, people de want to believe that smoking is I for their health. The questions rai concerning smoking are quite seri1 but they by no means have b answered. " One reason for this new popula1 among young people (especially gi! released by the Office of the Surg General stated : "Women have b smoking in great numbers si World War II. Among young worr smoking is no longer a taboo, as it , a generation ago. ' ' This is also probably intensified the publicity and strength of Women's Lib movement. The American Cancer Society is doubt depressed about the rellt!l popularity of cigarettes. A spokesman said, "Young pee still think smoking is sopbistical Some see it as slightly decadelll adventurous."

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Page 5

ery day is Fifties Day in Humboldt; students visit small town Nebr.--population: 1190. U.S.A.-It's no Westside . Two Westside students Humboldt to compare life in a to city-life. Charla Heim, who came from Humboldt showed Junior Talty around the town. Most of .-crp1r1se is in the town square. the two grocery stores, (the department store), Sandwich Shop, the shoe weekly Humboldt Standard, shop, the bank, the P.O ., , Merritt's, and the three

Marberger waited on Charla saying , "Why Cha.rla, it slips my mind just now what size you wear." The butcher could be seen next door smiling from behind his scale just like the movies in French class. The entire business area is no larger than the Westroads except maybe if the central park is included. This park has trees and fountains , not just a clock and Santa Claus. It is also the location of the town phone booth. Weekend activity

On weekends the kids ride around the square and down the three major streets (practically the only ones that are paved) . One street goes past the Mill and through the Recreation Park. There is a fishing lake and swimming pool in the park and soon the first tennis courts in Humboldt will be built here. Leaving the park on the way up the hill to the cemetery visitors can see the Air Force Plane, the Spirit of Humboldt , displayed on the grass . At night, the cemetery is where parkers

test nominees for the over of Rolling Stone' since the Bachscatting Singers edged out the Beatles Grammy Award 's " best new of 1964, an infinite number of groups and solo artists have their mark in the music and then vanished from it ly . (Eve n the " Swingle " tormented by the pressure , have split. ) a sudden flurry of newly artists have bombarded ves, assisted by the surge that has made for the first measured time in , the most popular form of l!rtamm.ent in America . Doobie Brothers (none of whom related) have manipulated their into the ranks of superstardom a brilliant album, " Toulouse " and frequent appearances on Concert " and its plastic "Midnight Special. " those who attended Frank 's December concert are aware of , Steely Dan, an L.A. group that fuses rock , pop, jazz, Latin influences , has arrived. current album , "Can't Buy A

Thrill" contains their hits , "Reelin' in the Years " and " Do it Again " in addition to eight other potential chart breakers . The Mahavishnu Orchestra has cut two of the most creative and galvanic instrumental albums ever recorded by a small group. The musicianship on their latest album . " Birds of Fire ," encompasses an enormous range and versatility; from Billy Cobham 's staggering drum solos to the rapidfire riffs of John McGlaughlin 's double barreled guitar. So, if you find that your record collection is dominated by Grand Funk, 3 Dog Night, Chicago , and Elton John, you 've been turning your back on several exceptional artists and have a great deal of listening to do. Bill Wald

can usually be found. In the woods adjacent the cemetery any Westsider's homesickness is cured by seeing the familiar Budweiser cans strewn about. Riding around town is a strictly structured social activity . Honks are aimed at people one passes and likes; obscenities fired at one's enemies. The carload of boys must honk first (same procedure for saying "Hi"). The boys follow the girls around until they 're ready to ask, "You wanna ride around with me? " It is easy to see why athletics and other school sponsored activities gain so much interest. 48 of the 60 high school girls are active members of Pep Club. In the sophomore English class, Ms. Breitman asked how many boys would be absent the next day because of the track meet. Only one boy abstained. Education in Humboldt

The biggest difference between a small town and the city is the education it offers . HHS has approximately 150 students attending the 9-12 grade high school. The school operates on the traditional seven period system. Passes are needed to be anywhere but an assigned class. There is no gum chewing, no political advertising, mandatory pep rallies, guests must be scrutinized by the Principal, absenses other than illness results in no credit for work missed. Each student is placed in a track, college-prep or non-college, and is

assigned accordingly to a math, history, science, and English class. Eight electives can fill the remaining periods. Seniors may choose two of the three semester coursest journalism, speech, or Modern Problems . The journalism class studied newspaper for two weeks and then began publishing the Cardinal Chatter. It includes the Bird Bits, Believe It or Else, Athlete's Feats, and editorials on Amnesty-"These deserters are just cowards afraid to die. " Modern Problems and Geometry

In Modern Problems they had been discussing modular scheduling with the two visitors from Westside. When the question was posed to them, "Do you think it would work at your school? " they hesitated . They had never thought about it before. Change their school--impossible, unthinkable. It was similar to Westside--without a grading system--impossible. Mr . Christiansen then explained the shortage of teachers and resource materials at HHS where Westside has so much. Modern Problems is an exception to the traditional memorize-test method of teaching. It is the only course without a textbook . Biology is typical; the teacher lectures , the notes are memorized, pre-test, test. Physics and Chemistry are the only other science courses offered . Geometry class was so similar to WHS geometry, an overhead

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transparency projector was even used. Many students complain they "don't get it "-another similarity. The question then, "Is WHS conservative in teaching math or is Humboldt progressive in the field? The feeling received was something from junior high school. A strictness , a brain washing, and an appreciation for Westside. It seemed Westsiders thought more , were more easily involved in deep conversations, and more socially aware. Why? The Humboldt kids have the same human qualities as Westsiders. From the total picture Westsiders seem more mature. But is it real or does it just ''seem''?

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Page 6

April 1 ~


Westside wins dual and single meets Westside's track men have successfully completed the home portion of their schedule. They opened with a dual meet victory over T.J . and Ryan. Against T.J .. Westisde won every event except the hi gh hurdles. Bob Doney was a triple winner, finishing first in the long jump . pole vault. a nd the triple-jump .

The Westside Soccer Club (A) defeated top rival Creighton Prep 2-1 last Friday night at the home stadium, and netted $150 from the paid attendance. The Warriors' first goal was scored by forward Junior Lance Margolin, assisted by Junior John Kamphe. The second goal was tallied by the same duo, with Kamphe scoring from Margolin. The contest was attended by 800 paying fans, in what Senior Tom Kamphe called "a successful turnout."

Rome and Kopeckey, Sluggers The 1973 baseball season opened last Friday afternoon as the Westside sl uggers defeated Millard, !l-5. It was a beautiful day; strong winds blew with the batters. giving them a definite advantage. The Warrior 's pounded out 12 hits, including a two run homer by Junior Randy Rome. Randy also had a single, going two for four. Lead off hitter Senior Joe Kopecky collected three hits, one whic h was a ground rule double . Joe didn 't quite agree, saying, " It cleared by 10 feet ." Starting pitcher Senior Scott

Bailey and second baseman Junior Dave Campbell each went two for three. Scott also got the win . pitching three innings . Millard 's only solid hit was a two run homer by Toque. Junior Rick Dunn and Sophomore Gregg Newton. pitchers. teamed up the rest of the way to insure the victory . They allowed only three hits in four innings . Coach Bob Moscrey said. " That 's one they can 't take away from us. " The Warriors play Central Tuesday, Benson Wednesday . and Tech Friday , weather permitting.

Other winners were : Scott Salisbury High Jump . . . . . . . . 100 yd. dash . . ... Mike Gellatly Mile .. Tom Dinwoodie Shot put . . ....... . .. . Howard Norton Discus . .... . . ... . . ....... Mark Boyer 440 ..... .. Bruce Westerlin Low hurdles ...... ... ..... Dan Moore MO ... . .... Da~sFochl Two mile . . . . ...... Steve Edwards Westside 's two mile relay. mile relay . and 880 yd. relay teams were also winners . The fi nal meet score was 122-15. The Warrior winne rs aga inst Ryan were mos tly t he sa me . with the exception of Junior Jay Sonderup , winner in the 100 yd. dash . Bob Doney was again a triple winner in his three events . Head Coach Bob Klei n said. "Tom Dinwoodie and Bruce Westerlin are our most consistent individuals in the middle distances . a nd we have three good senior pole vaulters. Bob Doney, Dean Ross, and Mark Kershaw .·· Coach Klein also had some comments on Mark . Boyer. ··Mark is a great athlete. and has an excellent cha nce at making all-state in the shot put. That would make it three for him this year. as he also took all-state honors in football and wrestling. I ca n't think of a nyone else that has done that for a long time ." The second . and final home track meet of the season brought Rummel to the Westside stadium . The Raiders




Experience needed on '73 golf team The Westside golfers finished second two weeks ago at the Lincoln Southeast Invitational. Junior Jay Baker led the way with a cool 40. Behind him was Harry Lockwood with a 42, and Mark Lastovica with a 44. Senior Steve Graham scored a 45 for t he tourney . The competition was called off after 9 holes when Mother Nature failed to cooperate . Coach Roger (Dodger) Hoffman said , " Around the last couple holes the guys were playing in water up to their ank les."



finished 16 strokes off the lead. Coach Hoffman stated that experience is needed to win big Invitationals.

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Senior Dan Moore (far left) and Junior Jay Sonderup (seconc right), compete in the 100 yard high hurdles in a meet a Rummel. had no bette r luck against the Clifford . the two mile by Dan P a nd Mike Gellatly took first in t Warriors than Ryan or T.J . did . as they fell 119-22. Coach Klein said that even Many of the winners were the same the team ha s rl one very w1 as in the previous meets , but there toughtest competition is yet tc were some new ones . He added that the lack all-weather track at Westsid1 Pat O'Sullivan won the pole vault. their practices when the wea Ron Hagamann was victorious in the bad. 440. the mile was taken by Jack

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he lance

Vol. 17, No. 15


681 24

May 11, 1973

p. 3 girls', boys ' state p. 8 education

p. p. p. p.

10 14 16 20

senior citizens homosexuality child abuse meditation

lance 3

Published by-weekly by the Publications Department of Westside High School, 87th and Pacific St., Omaha, Nebraska 68124. THE LANCE is a member of the National Scholastic Press Association and the Nebraska High School Press

Association. The paper is given free o holders of Activity Tickets. Subscripti others are $3.00 postpaid. Non-pro rights claimed . Printed by Wright Pr Omaha, Nebraska.



Girls and Boys State representatives named; selection method reviewed


AROUND WESTSIDE The Lance sticks it to 'em Hardison 's summer excursions Ed and Fred and what they said Concert Jazz Band Thespian officers direct One Acts Westsiders aid in kindergarten roundups McCormick: teacher of the year? Musicians vie at Contest Junior ballerina breaks leg Wine. men. and song spice trip


Missouri River moods patrick o 'har

INDEPTH FEATURES 10-11 Old people in Omaha by j 14-15 Homosexuality 16-1 7 the psychology of child abus 20-21 the increasing popularity of transcendental meditation

18-19SPORTS baseball. golf. track. soccer. the record, and faces in the< by brian trude c

NEWS CONTINUED 1973-7 4 cheerleaders Marching unit tryouts Business students




Hitler returns? Israel's 25th anniversary

A satiric look at Westside 's future by jay jacoby



EDUCATION SASE member ventures to California by bob eisenberg

The 1973 Lance Magazine adheres more than ever to professional magazine format . It is the third such endeavor at Westside, and has the widest variety of subject matter. The magazine is anticipated by the staff all year; we're proud of it and of them. pam and susan


REVIEW Alice Cooper

editors .. . ... . . . . . .. .. pam hultberg ; news staff .. .. ... ... cyndie jones. rc rick denney. bill photographers


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The Cornhusker Girls and Boys State representatives comprise a mere fraction of the Junior Class: six are chosen from 790 students. Naturally, many students are as deserving of the honor as those selected. Since only 45 percent of the faculty returned ballots on this matter in February, it can be logically assumed that they either didn't care about the competition, thought it ridiculous, or felt they did not sufficiently know students in the junior class in order to single out six of them for the award. A survey was taken of State representatives from last year and this year, faculty members, and "regular old students" to determine whether the present system of selection is fair, and if not, how to change it for a more equitable one. Those questioned agreed that it is difficult to select the representatives In a school as large as Westside. In out-state Nebraska, the Legion men and women know the high school students well

enough to select their own candidates, instead ot leaving the task to the school itself. Singled out recently for leadenhip and ~uperior character qualitie~ are these junioR: lhont, leh to right) Anne Mariucci, Suzy Severa, Carolyn Chantry, and Amy PeteROn. (Back, left to right) lonny legino, Carrie Lueder, and Chip DeBuse. They will represent We•t•ide at Comhusker Girls and Boys State this summer. Suzy cannot attend, however, so Anne will take over a• her alternate.

xjuniors honored as State reps Carolyn Chantry, Carrie Lueder, Amy Suzy Severa. Chip DeBuse. and Lonny have been announced as Westside 's IL..,.M,,~•ives to Cornhusker Girls and Boys s"tate . Named as alternates to the June 9-15 convention Anne Mariucci . Pam Hochster, Michelle Holmes. Linda Somberg . Westside was not asked to alternates for Boys State. id-February, each faculty member was given qualifications for the honor and was asked the top three candidates of his choice. ballots were then tabulated . singling out the girls and two boys. It is interesting to note that percent of the teachers returned ballots. and Boys State can be defined as "... an on the part of the American Legion and its to bring to the students of Nebraska a of the fundamental principles of government through actual practice and of city, county and state offices for a period one week. It will give them an opportunity to their government, to understand it and to it. " ing to Senior Kathy Abernathy, who last was one of three Westside Girls State and went on to become the Governor. it is to " go down there with the idea that it's going fun . and a learning experience ." She agreed co-representatives Jane Clark and Kathy ia that it was a memorable but frustrating Smith . Westside 's lone Boys State enrollee summer (Carl Andersen . the other winner, was I to attend due to an eye injury) said that he some organizational and disciplinary problems evident , but that he still felt it worthwhile . boys ' and girls' conventions are entirely though both are in Lincoln the same week. will room in regular University of Nebraska no gentlemen callers are allowed in · rooms. The last night . a dance is scheduled for ntatives. 'he 1973 Westsiders will be funded from both the oster Club and three West Omaha service anizations . The former will absorb the $55 cost each of three representatives. and the West 1urban Optimist Club. the West Omaha Kiwanis. the Suburban Rotary Club will each support 1. The cost (Boys State is only $50) includes six nls' lodgings, seven days meals . and use of the JOr swimming pool at the dorm . he four Girls State nominees this year are ~usiastic about the whole affair and seem to fit American Legion Auxiliary's guidelines for !Ction : "A girl must be a citizen of the United tes, a resident of Nebraska, have never been ried, and be in the Junior year of a Nebraska 1 school. She must not have participated in a vious Girls State session. She must have fership qualities, be of good character (alert, est and dependable), have a good to superior Jlarship rating, be cooperative, have emotional

stability, and be physically sound. She must not object to saluting and showing proper respect for the American flag . A girl who has a definite interest and knowledge of government and who has participated in extracurricular activities would be better prepared to comprehend and participate in the Girls State program." Carolyn is a member of Z Club. Math Club . and National Honor Society. She participates in math bowls. Carrie is also a member of Z Club. was the SAB secretary this year. and is a member of Pep Club and the timing team. Amy is secretary of both Pep Club and the Junior Class. and is a member of NHS. Suzy will not be able to attend as her family is going to Europe the same week. Alternate Anne Mariucci will take Suzy's place . continued on page 4

Some students maintained that those chosen are usually taking a variety of courses in several departments and thus have a large number of faculty "friends." Senior John Mossblad pointed out that today, high school students specialize in one area, and therefore are well known only by the teachers in that area. Chip DeBuse showed disdain for the type of student who tr:ies to develop an intimate rapport with teachers. "Teachers can usually see through them," another student added. Seniors in a Comp class decided that perhaps the fairest selection method would be to set up a committee of interested junior and sophomore teachers (who would have had the eligible students in class and would know them by more than reputation), the previous year's representatives, and other elite seniors. Junior carrie Lueder agreed with that procedure, and added that perhaps interested students could "run for" the honor; they could make out an application similar to the NHS one and be individually reviewed by the committee.


F!.f\1f8RIIIIE~ Cor~



con tin uecl from page 3

The focus of both the Boys State representatives seems to be sports. Chip has been a member of the JV football squad and the varsity soccer team for two years. He is also involved in NHS. the band . and Medical Explorers . Lonny has been co-captain of the JV football team. Varsity as a junior. JV baseball as a sophomore and Varsity now. was a member of Spanish club sophomore year. and is now active in Interact and curling . The six honored students all expressed an interest in the political elections inherent in the Cornhusker State program . The girls bemoaned the fact that they are required to take an examination on city, county, and state government in Nebraska. and in current events. They have been studying a government manual and the Nebraska Blue Book. The girls will also observe the local processes of government, visit trials and offices and talk with officials . The highlight of the week, however, is the filing for offices. Two political parties are formed, each with hundreds of appointive positions. Last year, Kathy Abernathy was elected as governor on her platform of pollution laws. Kathy DeGioia earned an appointive position, anCJ· Jane Clark was elected mayor of her town (dorm floor). The latter girls enjoyed leadership positions on the platform committee opposing Kathy's party.

LANCE rewarded The Westside LANCE received several awards in the recent UNO journalism awards. The Editorial Dept . did especially well. The Editorial Editor took two firsts and the two writers took two more. Susan Darst and Terri Talty won first place for best inside page. Bob Eisenberg took first with an editorial on LB 300. Bill Wald took first for best column and ·then they both combined to win with an interview they had with Sol Rosinsky, the manager of KOIL. Westside also had a best runner-up sports story, feature and interview.

In the State Finals . Jay Jacoby won the cartooning division , this marks the third year in a row that an artist from Westside has won or placed in the finals . Joe Cassman . a first year member of the Shield also received a Silver Key for Yearbook Copywrit i ng . One final note : the LANCE received All-American for the third semester in succession. The paper received five out of five Marks of Distinction.


Water attracts student travelers Harley Hardison . physiology teacher. is sponsoring seven summer trips for Westside students, including four different trips to Table Rock, Arkansas. one trip through Table Rock. Lake Powell, one trip to California, and one trip to the Bahamas. Trips to Table Rock, a lake resort area. will focus primarily on water skiing, sailing, canoeing, and some scuba diving . Disneyland. Catalina Island, off the coast of California. the San Diego Zoo, Sea World , Universal Studios in Los Angeles. the Greek Theater. and the beach will be attractions for the California trips. Scuba diving and sight-seeing are the primary reasons for Hardison 's student trip to the Bahamas. SUMMER TRIPS: June 10-16 Table Rock, Arkansas One week trip for girls June 17-26 Table Rock, Arkansas 10 day trip for boys July 12-21 Table Rock. Arkansas 10 day trip for girls July 23-28 Table Rock. Arkansas One week trip for boys

July 29-August 11 Table Rock, Arkansas Lake Powell California Two week trip for boys

August 12-25 California 14 day trip for girls

June 28-July The Bahamas for boys and girls



Silver Key Winner Jay Jacoby

Candidates visit WestsidE Omaha 's two candidates for r Zorinsky and Fred Jacobberger, spc American Government large group ' candidates presented a brief synops experience in city government questions from government students. Among the topics debated were thE congestion . the value of the gr rationing , drugs, and the " Mahoney r candidates were concerned over percent turnout among the registere primaries. (Zorinsky received 2 Jacobberger's 13 percent) Zorinsky pointed out that his oppo him for his candidacy for Director o· years ago . Jacobberger owned up to and assured the audience that he is effort to keep him there. Zorinsky cor recommended Jacobberger for City last election . and said he would opponent in this election ... for City<

Ken Figgins directs CJB cc The result of wild reverberations from the Band Room almost any rr week at 7 a.m. will be displayed at a~ Jazz Band (CJB) concert under th • direction of Senior Ken Figgins. The 20 member CJB will join talenl variety of modern compositions performance of the year. Among the , presented are a Chicago medley ent Montage ," and a fiery composition ca Many of the numbers were performed the three junior highs. Monday.

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The legs contest was one of three contests ~ May 1 and 2. Hamburger eating and tricy other events. The legs contest was won ~ Tatreau, top hamburger eater was Randy junior (I 0\-'2 hamburgers), and tricycle chao Paula Baeton. Prizes included a $5 gift c McDonalds for Randy and $4 gift certificat Theaters for Dean and Paula.

Music Dept. receiv'es high rating

iety highlights One Acts

Excellent ratings were earned by Westside 's musical groups at a district contest in Blair April 27 and 28 . In the Friday night large group competitions. the Band . Orchestra, and Boys' Glee received one ratings, and Girls ' Glee received a two. The small group and soloist competitions on Saturday yielded 9 ones and 3 twos for the Band . 4 ones and 2 twos for the Orchestra. and 5 ones and 5 twos for the Vocal Music Department . Last weekend the Warrior Band also participated in the Six Flags Midwest Competitions in St . Louis. They were funded with money raised through the sale of fruitcakes . and the recent Tommy Newsome Band Concert . Coming up on the concert agenda are the annual Night of Glees, May 14, the Warrior Voices Spring Concert May 21. and the Orchestra Honors Concert May 24.

ere but at Westside 's One Act Plays could be d a science fiction comedy, a drama by ssee Williams. and a play about original sin in ern context? These three one act plays were ormed Saturday, May 5. in the Little Theater. at m. They were produced by Westside 's Thespians directed by Seniors Nancy Smith and Suzy z. and Junior Michelle Holmes. The first . a science fiction comedy called "The ing," was written by Senior Susan Darst and originally video taped as a Senior Literature t. In it , a mad doctor attempts to give youthful lo four old ladies. but the ladies find . much to horror. that the magic potion caused them to This Property is Condemned " involves a boy and girl. The girl is from a broken family whose rty was condemned . As the play progressed . ver. she too seems to feel condemned . mishing on a lighter note. " The Serpent " is an ual approach to the old story of original sin . was the most innovative of the one act plays. Anna Clark. sponsor. summed up the one acts explaining , "We do these every year so that ents who are interested may get the experience oducing and directing a theatrical enterprise."

ude nts help herd at round-up emember that first terrifying or interesting duction to school? Now Kindergarten teachers istrict 66 need not deal with masses of miniature wle at once . Mr. Richard Bock, Senior Literature her and sponsor of the Future Teachers of rica (FT A). sent out a call several weeks ago for nteers to assist Kindergarten teachers during annual round-up . He said. " About 37 students nded with interest . but 12 dropped this activity use of conflicting activities. Most students who oonded were not FTA members and all but one ~girls .. I District 66 elementary schools participated the exception of Swanson Elementary School. ant to give the kids a chance to be introduced to '>01 individually and make their first impressions rable ones ... Senior Betty Duxbury said in laining her reason for participating. Her iments seemed to be much like those expressed ~ hers who participated .

'Dueling Fibula' causes broken leg Lisa Behrend sen and Lynn Freid el peel oH their skin in the one-act play "The Molting," written by Westside's own Susan Darst.

in Lincoln nominating McCormick for "Teacher of the Year " in Nebraska. What qualities make McCormick eligible for " Teacher of the Year" in Nebraska? McCormick, a graduate of Colorado State. has spent the past 12 years as a member of Westside 's Social Studies Team . He has sponsored two summer European tours and ten trips to New York and Washington . McCormick is a past president of Westside 's Educational Association and originated Westside 's Involvement Program . with the help of the United Community Service . This program involves students in voluntary work around the city ; most of the programs offered for voluntary services are working with normal and mentally retarded children. and the aged . According to McCormick , " The classroom should not be limited to four walls."

The traditional stage good luck wish. " Break a leg, " is a little ironic to Junior Kyle Gibson . During one of the intense five-hour rehearsals for the Omaha Civic Ballet Company 's Deliverance production . Kyle broke her leg . It seems that the muscle in her right calf became so strong that it cracked her fibula . The doctor said the overpowering of the bone by the muscle is a freakish phenomenon usually reserved for football players or long distance runners. Said Kyle " It 's unbelievable ."

Two seniors tour Canada Wine. men . and song dominated a trip to Canada recently for two Wests ide seniors. Heather Broadbent and Becky Powers. and their French teacher. Ms. Madeleine Kemp. On a nine day tour of Toronto . Montreal , and Quebec. the trio ate Chinese . Brittainy, and Italian dinners, were lucky enough to sit backstage at French singers Alain Barriere's concert. and enjoyed several fine arts events .


B awards McCormick tery year one of Westside 's faculty members is

;en to represent " Teacher of the Year ... Last :h William McCormick. sociology teacher. was ;en by the Student Advisory Board (SABJ for the \B member Frank Kilmer and Senior Dan Furlow nitted a letter to the Phi Delta Kappa fraternity

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NE' Selected as 1973-74 cheerleaders are, front row from left: Rita Clark, Shelley Menolascino, Leanne Donwoodie, Amy Schlesinger, and Nancy Burke. Back row, from left: Laurie Wodder, Barb Cervenka, Linda Sharpe, Janet Berkshire, Debbie Rahel, and Julie Stockman. Seniors will comprise the varsity squad, and juniors JV. Four girls were also chosen as sophomore cheerleaders for next year.

Marching unit tryouts Weeks of work and drilling ended Monday Tuesday for many of the 230 hopefuls for Squires Drill Squad . The auditions were judged by a group of tead and graduating seniors from both of the marc groups. Points are given on the basis of ger appearance. marching , pom-pon routines. and cr appeal. The points are then marked on comp cards and sent to U.N.O. where they are arrange order of the number of points received . Those the highest points are accepted . The final auditions will be held next Tuesday, f which the 13 Squires and 36 Drill Squad memben be selected .

Office Occupations class entertains their bosses The students in the Office Occupations class entertained their employers at a luncheon at Ross· Steak House on Wednesday, May 2. Special guests included the businessmen who were visiting the District 66 Schools for Education Business and industry Day as well as Westside High admm istrators. The students · employers represented 19 different companies from the community. Nancy Frost , senior. chairman of the class, presided at the luncheon . Senior Diane Walker. gave the invocation. Mr. Charles G . Gardner. Sales Promotion Manager for Sears. Roebuck and Company, was the guest speaker. Members of the class had sponsored a soc hop and completed a clerical project for the International Harvester Company in order to finance the luncheon. Bob Wheeler, the only male in the class. has served as treasurer.

Students enrolled in Office Occupations. newest coop program at Westside High , work time in offices and receive school credit as well salary for their work. Joan Anderson is teacher-coordinator of the program .

the part as a the

Neuman, Merchen win in business competition Carol Neuman, junior, and Jill Merchen, junior. won third place in the Advanced Bookkeeping and a 10-Key Adding Machines Contests respectively at the Eastern Nebraska Business Competition Day in Bellevue. Saturday, May 5. Carol is enrolled in John Laugen's Advanced Bookkeeping class and Jill is enrolled in Sandy Tellander's Business Machines class. Westside participants in the Invitational were sponsored by the Westside Chapter of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) .

Four juniors sporting Martian-like curlers at Drill Sq early morning tryout practices are Karen Honig, A Gilmore, Lisa Trustin, and Heather Mactier. All • members of the squad this year.

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California by Bob Eiser

= Q

"I cannot recall a single innovation that became a permanent program. Yes, I am an educational reactionary. Let's stick with the good, old three R 's." --Chet Huntley

Early in April the Natic Association (NSBA) held its a Anaheim . California. The perfec enough to make this boy - a harsh and erratic winters - nev路 I am a member of the Studer Education . There are six SA represent the junior class at WE to attend the convention by c apparent that I was the oldest would be at school next year. There was so much to learn a Anaheim that it was almost m was an incredible amount of e; companies trying to interest sc products. A delegate was able \ certain aspect of " boardmanshil and listen to the professionals. always Disneyland and Knott 's E some of the delegates were m entertaining themselves than ed but I didn 't see any evidence of i Besides learning a great deal , the viewpoints of many educato members. the Establishment of/There were over 18,000 superintendents , and administrat

Huntley spea

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Chet Huntley of NBC newsca: prominent speaker at the firs Huntley, who is currently Chairrr Big Sky of Montana. spoke abo American high schools. as well a! in general. Admitedly, he arriv' conclusions by visiting his son ' through reading books on the sub Huntley was negative toward changes in high school. particular fact. he proudly proclaimed hims reactionary ," stating that he visiting " audio-visual orie schools ... what 's going on , < produce a nation of radio announc curricula of most high schools is academic credit for drama . arranging, football. newspaper. c~ is all outrageous' " He went on to say, " I cannc innovation that became a permane am an educational reactionary. U three A 's." Huntley couldn 't undo schools are " burdened " with the < student . He proposed compulsor through the eighth grade. Huntley 's ideas, however, were the opinions of speakers at clinics These speakers were in fact highly innovative educators.

Ten-point progrc:

One of the first daily clinics cone grading methods. The speakers evaluation and reporting practice specific educational purposes. ar ten-point program for grading includ rather than competition among st self-evaluation, and the use of encouragement to learn more. Alte conventional grading system in evaluation . self-evaluation , gr Pass-Fail . Honor-Pass-Fail. Credit-No interesting system called blanket Elliot . curriculum coordinator at Jacl explained this whimsical type of ev< into the classroom the first day an< you all receive C's. Now let's start lea

cfor tru!J,f




lind-boggling experience' other interesting but slightly topical clinic :ipline Vs. The Free Speech Rights of Students reachers " was concerned with due process and •co parentis. the school's right to discipline mts in the absence of parents. This concept is ;~ing , as there are now bonafide constitutional ; of the student . The panel agreed that mts must be dealt with fairly and "expulsion is vorst thing possible to do to any child . There be a humanistic approach to discipline .

Occasional objections ~re

were occasional objections from audiences 1g ensuing discussion periods. There was ly an angry Southerner who would rise from his with a perplexed look on his face and exclaim thing similar to " Mr. Chairman , either time is ng me by or these gentlemen have some ilous ideas ." There was disagreement on the side of the spectrum as well. At the clinic ~rimental Alternatives Within the Public School !m ," a young black man rose to the podium to he panel it hadn 't spoken "a nickel 's worth of .perimental Alternatives " was an especially 1ating panel because of one speaker. Dr. on Leggett. educational consultant of Chicago . an impressive man. both in stature and ideas. 1entioned a certain high school on the East which allows the students and teachers to their own course-offering handbook. This is an we should seriously consider implementing at ;ide . James Hinson. Superintendent of DeKalb ty Schools . Decatur, Georgia. spoke of nizing the secondary school curriculum . He ined the five ke y ingredients essential to the of humanization: exploration, flexibility to e personal concerns, emphasis on how to learn r than what to learn, involvement . and success. laborated on each of these, "Exploration tioning . . manipulating, modifying ideas. your own viewpoint . Personal concerns - how human being relates to others ... students d be the focal point of the classroom rather the teachers ... It takes skills to choose a ~ss of learning comparing , analyzing , ing these skills should be taught . Teachers. nize successes which have occured . when it ed . how it occured - what is success? It's fineable . Talented kids have dropped out Jse they couldn 't demonstrate success in ng ." Many nodded their heads knowingly at tatement .


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"What a game we ask our students to play. Can you image the pressure we, as mature people, would have if our own status were being re-evaluated on the basis of weekly quiz results!" --Gary Elliot

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Uplifting the poor ~ry

important general session concerned what ~nee do schools really make in uplifting the Verbal sparring partners were Thomas ~rew , professor of social psychology at rd . and Mary Jo Bane, research associate for ;enter for the Study of Public Policy in ridge , Massachusetts (and collaborator with trd professor Christopher Jencks on the >versial book nicknamed "Inequality.") e claimed that the quality of schooling exerts nfluence on the final success - economically the student . Pettigrew strongly disagreed. statistics to show that better education makes >re financial success. he annual convention , I found that more and peoples ' minds were opening up to new and 1g areas of education . This is very significant, d . anything these 18.000 act upon is cant . because they control the spending of ters ' money, they set new precidents in the line of students. they have the power to expel! lent and discharge a teacher. The citizen and 1t must be constantly reassured that they use •ower to achieve the best ends.

Spring is here and Juniors Linda Sharpe and Lisa Trust in are ready to shine in bright outfits from Virgies . These lightweight fashions for day or night can be found exclusively at .. .



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"We have a real busy life."

Old age . According to the American Dream it means a happy retirement village in Arizona. a hefty pension . and the reverent admiration of the younger segments of society. For many people, though , old age is more of a nightmare than a dream : a dingy hotel room. poverty, loneliness and the impatient disdain of youth . Many people collapse under this: in fact . 30 percent of all suicides are committed by people over 60. But many people do manage to have a satisfying and happy old age . Such is the case of Alice L. (not her real name) . " I love every minute of it ," she said . describing the gamut of activities with which she fills her life. She works, but said , " I don 't do it for the money. My husband wants me to quit . but I always tell him that I love talking to the people." "We have a real busy life. " Mrs. L. said of herself and her husband . Their children . she continued . " kid us about doing so much all of the time ... We're gadabouts! " Do they live with their children as many couples their age do? "Oh no!" she exclaimed. adding that just recently they had moved out of their house into a "very nice apartment ." The apartment . though , is not one of the OHA (Omaha Housing Authority) high rises which dot the city. "We don 't live like that, " she said . explaining that they were very secure financially. Their budget allows them to travel . and usually, she said , they visit relatives . New England is one of her favorite places. however. she had been to Canada also. Contrary to common custom. she and her husband did not wait until retirement to travel. "We 've always done those things," she said . When asked to contrast herself with the many less happy elderly ones. she said , "We don 't sit around and feel sorry for ourselves."


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'They ... wait to die.'

.at about the old people that aren 't as 1endent as Mrs. L. ? For the thousands of ly who have nothing more than a Social rity check . a " very nice apartment " is :;sible. and traveling is out of the question . And is the use of doing anything if there is no one it with ? Omaha is working on an answer to the em.

citizens ' groups meet in local churches as opposed to having one giant center for the whole city, which would be too impersonal. One program that is maintained by the commission is a counseling service: the Senior Citizens Information and Referral Center (341-8122) . John Fritzmeir, a counselor there. says the center refers the aged that come to them to the agency that will help them the most . For example, an elderly alcoholic would be directed to a treatment center. He gave the example of an elderly man who would like to repair clocks and they are trying to connect him with someone that needs to have clocks fixed . The latter brings to mind the comic strip " Winnie Winkle " with its " Experience Unlimited " episode . What kind of problems do the people that see him have? Fritzmeir said. "One problem is their image -


or the image that many people. such as young people. have of them. They seem to feel that they 've been put on a shelf and all they have to do is sit back and wait to die ... They worry about social contacts ... Some of them don 't eat too well. " Contrary to what might be expected . the Center has had no trouble in reaching Omaha's elderly. Fritzmeir said the cooperation of the news media has been quite good . Those old folks who can 't phone or get to the center are visited . He said he had been to the downtown hotels. where many elderly live , several times. "We take them food baskets and use that as an opportunity to talk to them ," he commented . Obviously, once a person reaches 65 , there is no need for him to retreat to a rocking chair. With a little help and understanding from the young , the twilight years need not be dark ones.

Sales and Service Everything you need to be The Leader of the Pack BELLEVUE

HONDA Hwy. 73-75, 1 Mi. So. of Southroads led " The Mayor's Commission on Aging ," its in the words of its executive director. Robert J n , " is to enable the elderly to remain ·endent in contrast to going to an institution ." •son said that the Commission and the different ams maintained by it are aimed at the elderly )Verty or near-poverty economic levels. In 1a. this concerns about 10,000 people . The :ed bus fare program has about 8,000 riders. 1 causes Gibson to believe, "We're getting to a •er that really need it ." ~sently, a big endeavor is formulating ation programs. Gibson said, " The big effort is to stress neighborhood involvement ." This ::l include such things as allowing senior


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pture 路aces lonely riverfront Omaha 's lifeline as a growing town was the wide Missouri river. " The Big Muddy " flowed benevolently, and carried with it boats and the products of earnest farmers . As Omaha turned more towards commerce . the riverfront grew isolated . Now, as outgoing mayor Gene Leahy spearheads



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Photos by Brian Combs Patrick O 'Hara Paul Novak




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'we are human beings' features on these two pages by susan darst " I look at it as human liberation for human interaction . I mean , people should have the freedom to have a relationship with someone they care for." The girl hugged her knees. and added . " Society always puts the emphasis on homoSEXUAL. Well . we 're human beings, we 're people first , and then maybe homosexual. We 've got emotional . social . and spiritual feelings just like everyone else." The surrounding group of nine men and three women nodded its assent . This was the University of Nebraska Gay Action Group (UNGAG ) weekly Open House. Every Thursday from 8-10 p.m., gay people meet ·in the informal living room of a tiny chapel and have an opportunity to " meet , talk, and form new friendship s in an open, relaxed atmosphere ... The militant Gay Liberation Front started in the summer of 1969. although one member pointed out that conservative educational groups existed as early as the late 1940s. Now. over 500 Gay Lib groups ex ist all over the U.S. One mustachioed man stated that the two goals of Gay Liberation are: 1) to work toward society's recognizing that gay people have civil rights , and 2) to try to get rid of label s like gay and straight altogether. to have homosex uality thought of as just as normal as heterosexual ity. UNGAG , which has been in existence two and a half years , also sponsors two other important projects . The Gay Rap Line is a listening service for people with gay-related problems. The rap line. which is funded by the general student association . is open nightly from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. It is staffed by 15 trained counselors. They are not professionals , however. and can only refer interested callers to competent medical, psychological. or legal services. The people at the Open House asserted that they did not use the rap line as a propaganda device. and that they normally received only a few calls each night.

'being gay in high school, especially if you're aware of it, is torture. you feel/ike you're alone in the world.' The other activity sponsored by UNGAG is a coffee-house/ dance every other Sunday from 8 p.m. to midnight . It seems to be the only place in Lincoln where two people of the same sex can dance together. Crowds as large as 400 people. gay and straight , have attended on occasion . In a recent , anonymous survey of 120 Westside students , the majority defined a homosexual as "A person who is attracted to someone of their own sex ." A handsome man at the Open House disagreed . and stated , " Homosexuality is the ability to love someone of the same sex." UNGAG considers homosexuality as a good and positive thing . "Of course , it can be misused . just like all the

heterosexual exploitation that goes o n one man . The gay group was incensed categorization of people as either heterosexual , or bisexual. "Sure, that 's explained a man who identified himse " But it's so superficial. I guess I'm real that doesn 't exist , according to psych ic: frustration , and all that. Sure, it's easie homo or hetero sexual , and bisexuality both . But I wish they'd stop treat i biological specimen . and real ize that l'n Although the average Westsider ir estimated that one percent of the stu homosexual , a Gay action Group men general population (not medical) studie ~ 10 percent of the United States popl predominately gay. Applying th nationwide , 15 to 20 million Americ< making homosexuality the second lar£ in the country.

'people won't come until society chanc society won't cha1 until people come out " Being gay in high sphool , especial aware of it , is torture," confessed one feel like you 're alone in the world . In years. everyone tries to to mimic adult ~ which is why there are so many fag beating up queers." Many of the gay n too much emphasis was placed in higt establishing masculinity. Also, it was ft harder one laughs at homosexual joke ~ insecure one is about the subject . All of the open houe visitors said they awareness of their "difference" as ear years old . The men said they had dat school anyway (one went with a girl for He thought it amazing that she had nev his same-sex preference. as he had purp• her every indication. He had wanted her t The Gay Action Group specified ind society 's changing some attitudes. A plank was attempted in the Democratil and the American Psychological J changed its view of homosexuality fror deviation to a sexual lifestyle. "More gay people are coming out (• their homosexuality publicly) and joining • ours," added a girl. There is no gay rap lin for worried or curious people in Omaha reportedly one is forthcoming. Many < services are available. One need only look Concluded a gay lib advocate with a sig won 't come out until society changes. Sm change until people come out ."



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psychiatrist looks at homosexuality 'I suppose society is wonderfully delightful. To be it is merely a bore. But to be out of it simply a gedy. " A celebrity homosexual , Oscar Wilde wrote ose words in 1873 in "A Woman of No Importance." w , a century later, the words take on new aning . Morality is more open , yet homosexuals are I restrained from joining society by a wall of judice . ridicule , and fear. lr. William B . Long , a teacher of psychiatry and lily practice in the U.N . Medical Center. said that nosexuality is considered unnatural and abnormal A research study recently showed that 35 percent lUr society . However. it is just a symbol of deeper 1ted personality problems , manifested by of homosexual boys were aware of their abnormality by age 10. By age 16, 80 percent were aware of their adaptive sexual expression . ven as children , many homosexuals are rejected homosexuality . Prophylaxis, or prevention . of their peers . They lead lonely, isolated lives. An homosexuality and public education are important epted definition of a homosexual is " A mature factors in dealing with homosexuality. Psychotherapy and behavior modification are the lit who prefers the same sex for physical :if icat ion despite heterosexual opportunities ." two common methods of treatment . Psychiatrists adolescent experimentation, homosexuality in encourage everyone to seek treatment , but realize prisons. and that based on hidden fears of the that they can help only those people who want help. osite sex are classed as " homosexual activity," Group therapy yields a relatively high success rate: homosexuality per se. In sessions conducted by a Philadelphia psychiatrist, r . Long believes that homosexuals are " bred , not one third of his patients reached significant 1 ... (There is no medical evidence that genetics or heterosexual adjustments , and another third 1ormal hormones are responsible for improved somewhat . tosexuality, nor is administering hormones a Good prognostic indicators include a respect for tment .) Parents are great molders of their child's one 's father , a wish to change homosexual lifestyle, Jality . " The hostile and rejecting mother, as well the beginning of the treatment before age 35, and a he overprotective and seductive one, has been history of attempted heterosexuality. >gnized as playing an important role in the Negative prognostic signs include a history of the ~lopment of maladjusted states. The weak or mother preferring the boy to the father. and mt father . .. as well as the harsh, rejecting one effeminate gestures and voice in childhood . criticizes his son and labels him as a sissy or Though effeminate mannerisms may persist on 1a 's boy, contributes to the development of a into adulthood , they certainly do not in any way lgatory image (Human Sexuality, Jan., 1971, pg. connote homosexuality. In fact , extremely masculine )" males are the more desired homosexual partners. In .rents prevent homosexuality in their child by the vocational aspect. certain occupations seem to 'orcing his sexual security and by having an be over-represented by homosexuals. Dr . Long said that professionals strongly ent loving relationship between themselves. It is J important to encourage early encourage concerned · teenagers to seek help gh-and-tumble " play for the child , enabling him immediately if they fear they have homosexual :cept close and intimate contact with others and tendencies . Most teens ' fears. however. are el accepted . unfounded.


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March '73: Omaha Juvenile Court views ninety-two cases of child abuse or negl by Terri Talty

"all parents neglect their children"

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child neglect: the absence of a caring rei over a period of time. child abuse : a set of circumstances. Dr. Paul Nelson. a pediatrician at Uni\ Nebraska Medical Center. offered this definition as the only way of describing the problem that deeply touches the human cc - abuse of children . Child abuse has emerged as a problem 01 the last hundred years. The first legal term1 parental rights occurred in the 1890's anc the Cruelty to Animals Law. Children es true rights in the 1920's through the Ch Laws. In 1955 a radiologist observed old scars in many young children and rose the of possible abuse . Drs. Kemp and Heifer Denver. defined and reported on the Batte Syndrom - evidence of repeated non-a tramas. Within the next ten years almost ev adopted reporting laws for observed abw March , 1973 saw 92 active cases of at neglect in the Omaha Juvenile Court . Parents who have not been loved by the i are likely to abuse or neglect their childro have not learned how to handle stress. hOI to be a parent . Parenting , skills. like one language , are learned by imitation. E parenting, Dr. Nelson defined as the "cal initiate and maintain a caring relationship." relationship , according to Carl Rogers. a psychiatrist . consists of warmth (unco positive regard) , empathy, non-judgo acceptance , and honesty. One parent , who developed a caring relationship with her whose children went to school in winter boots. explained by saying that the boots the closet if they wanted them. Some adults that haven 't been loved I parents. or possibly by anyone at all , seek t from their children . The child then is expect• the parent to the parent . The child , howe' not learned parenting skills and can 't turn love and often becomes an abuse case. Campbell . Parents abused as children. young 1 neurotic parents. and unwed mothers have potential for abuse or neglect . But Dr. Nels• "All parents neglect their children." No paro be with the child every time the child has a danger. A child may be injured in a home ex1 the parent had no way to prevent the accidet protect the child . Nationwide studies sho abuse cases occur equally as often in all soc economic classes . " Most abusing parents know they hav control and would like help," Dr. Frances Ca said . But most parents are afraid that in can t to abuse their children will be taken from tt they will be imprisoned . Obviously, these 1= have psychological problems that need treated not left to grow in a prison cell. . Today, most abuse or neglect cases are re to the Juvenile Court . a rehabilitation court severest action is termination of parental Many times the judge will remove the ct temporarily from the home and make stipul that the parents must meet within a certai1 period in order to keep the children . conditions might be to find employment , estal suitable home or seek psychiatric help. Dr. Campbell and Dr. Earl Loschen have a therapy program that the court has ordered parents to attend. Along with expanding program . another treatment is the use of da} centers to relieve the pressures of mothers. for non-working mothers. the relief of stress c the day through care-centers is enough fc mother to develop a peaceful. positive att about herself. Finding capable staff for centers is crucial. There are many day care ce in Omaha , now, but a more stable, warmth-g professional institution is needed to h. emotionally disturbed. neglected or bat children .

"Most abusing parents know they have lost control and would like help. "

solution tried in Denver, that would demand { , somewhat trained interested persons is the Jf lay therapists. " A lay therapist would act as a 1er for the troubled mother. she would teach JOOd parenting and be her friend, " Dr. Campbell Omaha could expand its use of social workers :;tude this child abuse treatment . personal Crisis-like phone system could be )fished to serve as another outlet for troubled nts . Omaha could organize a Parents 1omous. like AA. which would allow parents to among themselves about the difficulties of 1ting and confer to make successes. ild abuse must be treated as a psychological lem of the parents. The myths must be trded. Potential abusing parents must be made 3 of their problem and the help available; while nethods of treatment are being improved and nded .

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Junior Pat Gilmore prepares to receive the baton against Rummel. Westside won the dual meet. See next page.

Districts start tonight at Pionet Coach Hoffman said, " This year' powerhouse ." The teams in Wes¡ Lincoln Southeast . Lincoln Hi~ South Sioux City, Fremont . C Northeast . The top three team: advance into the State tourney t l at Fremont . Westside finished second at tt Benson Park . Walker shot a 71 Lockwood had a 78 , Baker 79, and

Ball boys await Districts on 14th The Westside Ball Boys, with only one letterman back from last year's team, have compiled a 7-3 record so far this year. Victories over Millard, North , Central . Benson, Tech , Bellevue and Boys Town have accounted for the successful season . Going as far back as the Benson game saw Senior Scott Bailey throw a three hitter and striking out nine Bunnies . Junior Dave Campbell and Sophpmore Mark Mancuso each had two hits to give Westside a 4-2 win. Junior Lonny Legino hit a grandslam home run to lead Westside 's 25-0 slaughter over Tech. (the game was conceded after a few innings) Junior Randy Rome tied the Bellevue game up when he singled home Senior Joe Kopecky, and later scored on a pass ball to give Westside a 5-4 decision over Bellevue. Campbell went three for three against Boys Town to increase upon Westside 's 12-1 stomping of them. Coach Bob Moscrey said , "''ve been pleased with all but one of our games this year." With Districts Monday, the momentum carried in with this team will probably be the key factor. Westside drew a

bye in the first round of play. They will face the winner of the Millard-Prep game . Teams in this year's district are North, Prep, Millard . Rummel, and Westside. Both Districts and State are at Orval Smith Field in Ralston . If Westside should win but two games they would qualify for a state berth . Coach Moscrey said. "that's when it becomes a lot of fun ."

Golf team undefeated in duals. The 1973 Westside golf team had a string of undefeated dual meets prior to the Burke meet . Coach Roger Hoffman said, " Balance was the key to our success this year." The record of this year's team is 6-0 . Senior Dave Walker leads the team with an average of. 79 . Juniors Jay Baker and Mark Terry averaged 80, and Junior Harry Lockwood 81 . The six victories came against A.L. (Dave had the low total with a 39 ). T.J. (Harry with a 38) , Ryan (Steve Graham 40 ), North (Baker 39). Rummel (Walker 37). and Tech (Terry 32) .

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Senior leHerman Dave Walker keeps It his arms straight (good form) and i1 successful sand trap out.

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TRACK - Shot- Howard Norton . first . 48'8 ". Discus- Mark Boyer. first . 46 ' 0 ". Pole vault- Bob Doney, Mark Kershaw. and Dean Ros s tied for first . t 0 '0 ". Two mile relay- WHS. third. 8:27.8 . High hurdles- Kirk Van Zandbergen, fourth . t7.4. 100 yd dash- Mike Gellatly, second. 10.6. Mile run- Tom Dinwoodie . first . 4 :33 .0 . 440 yd . dash- Rob Mayberry, fourth . 54.4 . Low hurdles- Gary Reimer, fifth , 22.7. 880 yd . runBruce Westerlin . first . 1.59 .3 . Heat Two- Dan Preisler. first . 2.12.3 . 220 yd . dash- Vance Jernstrom, fourth. 24.0. Two mile run- Tom Dinwoodie . fourth . 10:57.0. Mile relay- WHS, third . 3:39.9. 880 yd . Relay- WHS. second. 1:36.9.

METRO- Shot- Howard Norton. third . 49'3". Discus- Mark Boyer. third . 143'1''. Pole vault- Bob Doney, first . 13'4 ". Dean Ross. third . 13 '0 ", Mark Kershaw. fifth . 12'6 ". 880 yd. runBruce Westerlin . second. 1:59.1. Two mile relay team. WHS. fourth . 8 :15.7.

Dave Walker. senior. has lettered in golf since his sop homore year, and expects to do well in the st ate tournament .

rrackmen look to district After a disappointing opening day, which was 1artially rained out . Westside moved up to sixth 1lace in the finals of the Metro Conference :hampionship track meet held at Burke High. Places for Westside were won by Seniors Mark layer, Howard Norton. Tom Dinwoodie. Bruce Vesterlin . Bob Doney, Dean Ross. Mark Kershaw. tnd the two-mile relay team. (see The Record ). Attention is now directed to the District meet . Uated for tonight and Saturday at Millard High . )ther teams in Westside 's district are Bellevue . ~illard. North . Central . Rummel . Ryan . and lapillion . The toughest competition should come rom Bellevue . who won the Metro meet . and are mdefeated in the season. Central should also be ough. Coach Bob Klein looks for Bruce Westerlin. Mark layer. Tom D inwoodie, and all three vaulters, Bob )aney, Dean Ross, and Mark Kershaw. to do well.

)occer attendance makes money

If any readers have missed seeing the soccer club this sp ring, you have missed an exciting and up nd coming sport . You wil l have a few more chances o see them before the season ends. Because of lack of time. no district playoffs will be 1eld . The team with the best record for the 12 game eason will win the championship. The club attempted to make soccer a recognized. 31ter sport this season. but were unsuccessful. Aaking it a letter sport will be the goal of next year's eam . The fact or involved in making it a letter sport ; that they make at least enough money to support he club . " It looks like it w ill be a letter sport next year." aid senior goalie. Kevin Muchemore. " Becuase we 1ave had pretty good home attendance this year." The first home game netted about $400. and the econd got about half of that, just a little more than 1reaking even . The team must pay a referee. as well .staking care of field expenses. Soccer is already a 3tter sport at Prep and Rummel. Outstanding player s this season have teen playmakers . Lance Margolin and Tom Kampfe. corers John Kampfe and John Freeman. lefensemen Frank Kilmer and Chip Debuse. and 1aalie Kevin Muchemore. who has four shutouts. .nd has had only three goals scored on him this eason . ~ ay

GOLF. The record for the first half of the season . Southeast lnv.-second place; medalist . Baker-40. Norfolk lnv .-tenth place ; medali st . Baker-SO . Capitol Cities lnv.-seventh place ; medalist . Walker-78. Westside lnv.-third place; medalist . Terry-77 . Fremont lnv.-third place; medalist . Terry-78 . Metro meet-second place ; medalist. Dave Walker-77 .

SOCCER . WHS-8 vs. Ralston-{). WH8-5 vs. Benson B-{). WHS-2 vs. Prep-1 . WHS-3 vs. Ryan-{). WHS-3 vs. WHS B-0. WHS-4 vs. Rummel-2 .

TRACK. Bellevue inv. Sixth place with 20 points. Pole vault-Dean Ross and Mark Kershaw tied for first . 13'0 ". Discus-Mark Boyer. third , 153'10". 880 yd dash-Bruce Westerlin . fourth . 1:58.4. Mile run-Tom Dinwoodie. fifth , 4:31.4 . (in top 10 in state) Two mile relay-Jack Clifford, John Stewart . Pat Gilmo re. Dal Focht . third. 8:18.2 North-Westside-Central. Long jump-Mark Belcher. first 20'9 ". Triple jump-Dean Ross. sixth . 37'1 ". High jump-Mark Belcher. third . 5 '8 ".

Senior M ark Boyer. a three sport letterwinner. placed third in the metro track meet . throwing the shot 143 ·-1 " .

Senior Tom Kamph e. co-captain an d one of the organizers of the soccer club . has scored four goals and eig ht assists in the team 's f irst six games.


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Meditation---not an escape by Pam Hultberg "Meditation is neither a religion or a philosophy. Nor is it a form of escape." Gregg Allen was seated comfortably in his home at 5132 Dodge St .. which doubles as headquarters for the International Meditation Society . Gregg and his wife. Mary. are two of three transcendental meditation (TM) instructors in the Omaha area. With the increasing popularity of TM . it has even been introduced as an elective into several high schools and colleges across the countr-y. Allen

explained the purpose of TM . " It is a method of allowing the mind to be drawn automatically to the deepest . most refined level of thinking ." The technique requires sitting comfortably with the eyes closed meditating for 15-20 minutes twi ce a day. " Unlike other forms of meditation . it does not involve concentration . TM entails deep rest thus refining the nervous system and enabling more enjoyable activity ." During meditation . the individual falls into a deep state of rest. yet the mind remains The Maharishi - founder of the : Intelligence a nd Tra nscendenta l Medit

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awake and aware of its su distinguishes TM from hypnosis c "You find yourself refreshed physi with increased energy and de intelligence ." The rest provided c of meditation is greater than th. night's sleep said Allen.

"In the last three } amoun t of people inv have doubled." The art of TM was revised in thE 1958 by Maharishi Mahesh Yc popularity has spread increasingly. years. the amount of people im doubled. O riginally student s enthusiastic. however adult med it ; as common . They seem to respor of relaxation ." Meditation is easy to do and is steps . The course in TM begins 1 which describe the benefits and 1 technique . Following ,he second IE interview with the individual parti• to enroll for instruction. An appoin

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Students find TM 'worthwhile' ral Westside st•1dents have participated in t ion instruction, two of which are Juniors ·ousha and Karl Muffly. began TM around last December, but does c t ice it much anymore. " /don 't have e nough • meditate twice a day for 16 minutes." (He structed to meditate the same amount of s as his age.) "For students, I think once a !no ugh - in the evening around 5 p .m., that 's 'he tension was accumulated. " Meditation be practiced before meals he added. ~ It the course was worthwhile and that TM ·im to relax . "If nothing else, it gives me a to be quiet for 16 minutes, which otherwise I 't ... received his initial instruction at Swanson " There are optional meetings every week, Jarticipants may get together to see a 1pe of the Maharishi, discuss, or hold a group

session s of about two hours each on four utive days. MS is a non-profit . tax exempt , educational ation established for the purpose of making tilable to " as many individuals as possible as as possible." The course fee which is :J includes a lifetime membership and covers J open offices. rent lecture halls. and pay ·s. is a full time TM instructor. but his wife holds · job with the telephone company. They ly give lectures at Creighton University or versity of Nebraska at Omaha. and also hold in their home. Allen spent five years

1e goal ... is the same as ~t of yoga - union with ;rself."

meditatio n." However he does not attend thse meet ings frequently. "It's supposed to take at least eight years to receive the full benefits of TM, but I do feel/ am getting some now." Karl began his training last February at Creighton University. He still manages to meditate at least once a day. "/ don't have time to do it twice, and I don 't meditate in the morning because it makes me go back to sleep." Both expressed skepticism about the elaborate initiation ceremony which entails the use of alters, incense , oils, fruits, flowers, and handkerchiefs. However, Karl claimed, " Meditation is really good. It's improved my disposition and I'd learn it again if I had the chance ." When asked if he felt the cost of the course was a deterrent, Karl said, "No, the reminder of the money spent encourages me to meditate regularly."

They are now studying the benefits of TM to health . Allen claims he has heard of some miracles attributed to it . but does not insist on their authenticity . Some studies have shown that an overwhelming percentage of people who practice meditation stop abusing drugs. It is also claimed to reduce nervousness , depression . irritability ,

tendency to dominate . inhibition . emotional instability . and to increase sociability and outgoing ness . " The goal of meditation is the same as that of yoga - union with yourself . We don 't enjoy as much if the mind is tired . It must be awake and expanded ." said Allen . " Everyone I know has felt something from meditation . It's not guaranteed to change your life in four days . however the benefits are immediate . The longer it is practiced the greater the benefits become ...

"The longer it is practiced, the greater the benefits become."

Allen is interested in setting up a possible elective in TM at Westside . however he claimed . " I came to Westside once to speak to a psychology class and the administration was angered because I represented an organization which charged a fee . even if we are a non-profit society ... However. he plans to discuss the idea in the future anyway. The next lecture that he will present will be Wednesday. May 16 at 8:00p.m . in the downstairs lecture hall at Swanson Library, 90th and Dodge Sts . PLEASE ORDER BY NUMBER


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] meditation prior to becoming an instructor trned the te chnique from the Maharishi 1 Yogi . His esteem for the man was Jle in the number of the Maharishi 's pictures ere present in his house.

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May 29, 1973

Group study acceptable

SS IMC problem solved at last? "It 's a socia l studi es lab ," said U.S . History teacher. Tom Ca rm an. adjusting the status of what was previously known as t he SS IMC. The Social Studies Dept. felt a change was needed. Too many books were being stolen ; the noise had m ade the term "q u iet study a r ea" inappropriate ; and the attempts at enforci ng quiet we re ineffective. Students talked consta ntly. Everyone was asked to leave whether talking about social st ud ies or not - by some teachers . This inco nsistency of

intended . Others don 't realize this intent . But as Junior Pam Shiverdecker said , "It always helps to get ot her ideas and this is what we need to get them." An other problem is students walki ng into the lab area through Rm . 105 and disturbing studiers . However, one student said this didn't bother her as much as the secretary's typing . No problems developed for guest speakers , except a little commotion at mod cha nges.

~e r

two weeks of practice and lots rorrying, 49 junior a nd sophomore found out they made the 1973-74 Squad and Squires .

lembers of Drill Squad are : Cherie idon . Kathy Bergstrom. Laurie er, Marilyn Buda . Becky Daisley . ye Dickey . Kyle Gibson. Anne more. Tammi Hammit. Becky rman. Karen Honig . Mary Lee h. Elaine Iler . Diane Koborg. mee Korte. Linda Larsen. Carrie der . Heather Mactier . Robin 1rtin. Martha McPherson. Kathy il. Susie Newberg . Jerri Prasser. rril Prideaux, Laurie Schory , ~rie Simons. Shelly Stone. Barb ihlsen. Lisa Trustin. and Janel tal.

Roskins. Garnet Blatchford, and Megan Clow. ' 'I'm so happy I could burst' " were the words of one new member. Mary Holh. She s poke of the nervousness she had the evening after tryouts. as new members are picked up and taken to a party by the seniors. " My friends were just as nervous as I was and all they could do was eat about everything in the house."

Interested students watch the Senate Watergate hearing in the re-arranged Social Studies IMC . teachers 路 e nfor cement was another problem . After sc hool on Fri. May II. the IMC was transfor m ed. Karrols now line Rm . 105. t he research book desk is also there. This room is entirely for quiet st ud y . The Ia b a rea is the large room with study tables . It can be used for any productive study . " Noise, " said Government teacher Dick Hicks. "is not a problem ." Group study is completely acceptable. as long as the subject matter is academic . Math students wou ld be asked to discuss math elsewhere only when the IMC is too crowded . Guest speakers are brought into the cente r carpeted area. All a udi o-visua l equipment is kept a nd used in this area. There is also a small lounge a rea near the windows, which would be a good place for student-teacher discussions . When stud ents are now asked to go to the cafeteria they often answer. " but isn 't this a talk area?" "It's still the Socia l Studies IMC." said Hicks. This is where the problems have developed . During an average mod . various subject matter can be heard discussed; drill squad. yearbooks. working . another class . Asian studies . Some have used the IMC as it was

tile rna les are Carol I nconlro. in Halsey. Dallas Coffey . Mary herly. Micki Graves. and Amy uires for next year are : Laurie erson . Chris Erdenberger. Mary er. Lisa Hallam . Lynne Krelle. di Mossblad. Debbie Scheitel. 路e Severa . Les Soucie . and Lynne man . Alternates on the squad are : Beth

"They have finally found the right proportion of study area types to studiers . There are more people who like to talk and study. than those who can sit for hours intent on studying. -Carol Baska. 74 "I think this is the way it should have been all the time." - Bob Harberg, 73

"It will be too hard to concentrate if the audio-visual equipment is too loud." - Jim Mierendorf, 73

nquet entertains staffers

rext year's marching units picked

'It's just like the cafeteria." Becky Rocker. 74

"It's the only IMC where they don 't step on your head if you say omething." - Greg Swanson, 74

1973-'74 Journalism staffs were recently announced at the alism banquet. New Lance editors (left) are Juniors Jessalyn am and Terri Talty, the new Shield editors (right) are Juniors 路 Berstein and Sherry Helmke . new

ntertained by a vaudeville style comedy act and an old time radio show. s Westside journalists learned t heir pos itions on the 1973-74 publications sat the annual banquet . held May 8. ' trict 66 communications director Gary Marx was the guest of honor. Paul ak and Tom Taxman performed the comedy act and publications ographers put on the skit. Jessalyn Wilscam and Terri Talty are editors of The Lance next year. Bob ~berg is ed itorial and entertainment editor. Rosemary Frericks is features or. Other positions are: Cyndi Rupe. news editor ; Shelly Felt. advertising 111ger; Jim Clifton . business manager ; Carol Baska . a rt editor; Dave n. photography editor ; Charla Heim . associate editorial editor; Beth cky. assiciate news edito r ; Patti O'Brien. distribution; Sue Kali na . girls' lely editor ; Robyn Ginn . feature writer ; Ron Dassner . sports editor; Kathi tiler. feature writer; Bobbie Buel. associate sports editor; Harry Lockwood. rts writer ; Dave Hubbard and Doug Walters. photographers . Debi Bernstein and Sherry Helmke are the new Shield editors. Other lllions are filled by : Janel Williams . fine arts editor ; Dallas Coffey. sports or; Patti Livingston. student life editor; Valerie Wilsca m. faculty and emics edito r ; Peggy Poeschl. se nior class editor ; Luann Mahowald . ercla ssme n editor ; Alisa Chapman. organization editor ; Helene erman . associate fine arts editor; John Scappello. associate sports editor : ron Wallahan. adv ertising editor; J enny Staley . associate faculty and ~emics editor; Vicki Westphal. index editor ; Pal O'Hara . photography lor; Sue Hans e n. associate organization editor ; Rick Curzon, Rick Merce r . e Finn. John Walton . and Rick McKay . photographers. ~ew Quill and Scroll members were also inducted into the honorary unizalion. They are Terri Tally. Pat O'Hara . Valerie Wilscam. Sherry ke. Alisa Chapman . and Dave Jensen .

Student Opinion

The 1973-74 Drill Squad assembles, flaunting smiles of success.

The situation will become effective "when t he students are educated to it ." Hicks said . If it is successful it should hav e been installed earlier and if not . next school year will see new learning situation concepts.

"I hate it. I don't like the way they have the films and phonographs in the center. The karrols in the back room are too crowded. But I like the relaxed talking rules." - Vicky Workman, 75 "The book desk should be out in the a in area because the majority of the ooks are there. But it's more pacious and casual - it's a change of enery . - Sherry Kaiman, 75

Reimer draws best plans; Be ins, Facht, lynn also win Gary Reimer. a junior. won a $350 scholars hip due to his architectural skill. when the Metropolitan Omaha Builders Association. MOBA.

were be low 1.500 sq uare feet. In their drawing project. they needed to includ e the perspecitive. the floor plan. elevations . plot plan and

Max Beins, Gary Reimer, and Gary Lynn display themsel ves in front of the drawings that helped them win the MOBA architectural awards. sponsored the High S c hool Architectural Awards . Also from Westside were 3rd place. Senior Max Be ins ; 4th place. Senior Dallas Focht ; and 5th. Junior Gary Lynn . There were 136 entries from 12 Omaha a r ea hi gh sc hools . The entries were judged Sal .. May 12 by a group of Omaha architects and builders who MOBA selected at random . May 14. the winners were announced at Bryan High in an awards presentation. Of the three categori es. blue prints. s mall house . and large house. a ll of the WHS winners entered the last. The entra nts were g iv en specifications : a family of fiv e. a lot - Skyline Ranch - west of Omaha . and finances nea r 80-100 thousand . The larger homes were allowed unlimited square fo otage. while the small homes

cross section. All year architectural drawing students work on these proj ects and submit them for a major part of the requirements of the course. The scholarship Gary rec eived can only be used to pursue architecture. Gary ha s not yet decided what his plans will be . Aviation is his main interest . but this award has e ncouraged an inter est in architecture . Dal Focht . who last year placed 5th, is known to draw expensive designs . One classmate commented that he builds them expensive so his commission will increase. Dal said he emphasizes originality and uses co ntemporary design . Since J anuary he has bee n making a home design for a KLNG radio announcer. .J

May 29,


Page 2


''Average'' student needs recognition, t1 ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - b y susan dar. "T ime, time, time, see .what's become of me . As I looked around for my possibilities , I was so hard to please .. . "

An open letter to the Nixon Administration . We are disillusioned. Don't get me wrong, many young people never really thought all that much of you . Some always thought you to be calculated, power-hungry, conniving and immoral men. But they only thought you to be that way, I mean . there was always common sense telling us, " It's all in the mind . he 's not really like that. he can 't be , he's our president, and our administration of leaders who run the country." But now I see the truth as clear as day . It's all very sad . You know. you are a pathetic man. Mr. Nixon. Having to go to such lengths to win an election. to " win " a war. Oh . the deeds you commit in this air war over Cambodia is much more excusable than your immorality and lack of ethics concerning this Watergate Affair. Because in the war. I understand how you could believe that what you do is the right thing for humanity . But you do not actually believe political espionage is perfectly alright. you cannot . The Ehrlichmans and Haldemans of this world are constantly preaching about morality , about honor and ethics and decency. You pin medals on courageous people for saving the lives of others. for telling the truth when there was no one else to speak candidly. Yes. you pin metal accolades on Eagle scouts. but you do not deserve a scrap of rusty metal for your valor. You are void of it . There are many people in this country who want to be moral human beings; who sincerely want to help others. By moral I mean a person who will not wantonly kill; a truthful person . Yet how can you preach to young people and expect us to be honest if you - our leaders - are not truthful. I realize that being in a responsible position of leadership one cannot always tell the truth. indeed . to attain this high position you must have lied - " fibbed " - at one point or another. I have no great . haughty ideal of our leaders. I don 't expect them to be saints. just decent human beings. Some of the greatest men of history have been notorious for their mistruths. Napoleon. for instance. was known as " The king of the liars ." But at least he didn 't self-righteously preach to his peers about the virtues of honesty when he did not possess them . But you do that constantly. You speak of law and order. you speak of prudence. of loyalty to one 's country. particularly its political institutions. But your benedictions are spineless. You do not believe what you say. You are willing to stoop to the depths of immorality to achieve what you incessantly hunger for . what you crave insatiably. power If you wo,uld lie occasionally. when you believed it to be necessary for the welfare of the people . that would be somewhat excusable. But Watergate proves. in this Administration dishonesty is the rule rather than the exception . You lied . you cheated . and you stole. to no one's advantage , not even your own' What good did bugging the Democratic National Headquarters do for your campaign? Now you are paying the price. Yet you continue to lie . Ehrlichman said he had no connection with ordering the cover-up of the burglary of Daniel Ellsberg 's psychiatrist's office. But the very next day it came out in sworn testimony that when he found out about the burglary. he merely told the thieves " never do it again ." You persist in poisoning the consciousness of America. Is it so ingrained in you that you cannot discontinue your treachery? You hypocrites. you call members of our generation immoral and disloyal. You are the immoral ones! Where is your conscience? How can you persist in this cursed . bold-faced lying? What happened to your religious upbringing? Or have you stifled all that in favor of that elusive goal . more power for you and your co-.horts. Speak the truth before it is too late. for you . for your party, and for democratic leadership in this nation .

It 's incredible - we 're graduating 1 Actually. it 's almost anti-climatic when you are handed that diploma by Mr. Yaffe at the Civic Auditorium . The real graduation is that rush you felt after turning in that Comp. term paper or passing that last Lit. objective . It's a feeling that is both nostalgia and nausea. and when you realize that you will never see alot of your friends ever again, it's probably a feeling of anxiety also. Nostalgia describe this going back to away from

- what else could year? Everybody was the fifties in order to get the seemingly bland

Nixonian seventies. Well. maybe our children will celebrate seventies days and wear natural hairstyles and wind-breakers. Maybe they ' II have Watergate dances where the girls will act like Martha Mitchell and the boys will steal each other's brief-cases. Even though we 'll probably all end up in some big suburban house with two cars and a color T .V ., our kids will imagine that while we were teenagers we all burned our draft cards and lived in communes eating micro-biotic foods . The point is , the next generation will probably stereotype us the way we stereotyped the fifties .

These lyrics from a Simon and Garfunkel song express the feelings of outgoing seniors. Twelve years of schooling have been completed . For some, years of additional study await . For others , formal education is all over. At a highly competitive institution like Westside , too many students graduate with a "so what? " attitude. With 765 kids in the class. and not nearly that many slots for excellence, we seem to be turning out too many kids disenchanted with school and school activities , or with inferiority complexes. Not everybody ca n be student council president . Not everybody can be talented . Not everybody can be athletic . Not eve rybody can excel.

graduate from high school, quite an accomplishment , and fear one has not fulfilled one's possibiliti es. Three years ago a pseudo-sop his ti ca ted j ou rna list berated the " common kids " and auto shop mechanics to "Get some Class." I entirely discard this as my last advice to Westside . Kids are kids; we 're no better or worse than anyone else. I suggest that Westside future classes 'Get Some Humor." I haven't

seen a real smile in these h< three years. Perhaps what is also nee make the high school trip enjoyable for the average kid change department heads mon Some department s are I problems with stagnation. teachers could be elected to year terms in a round-robin exc instead of a final decision b Phelps, Tangdall. and Hansen.


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We are too reward oriented. In the future , Westside should concentrate on the average student. Too many kids graduate who were "just average" at Westside , and went on to excel in later life. How sad to


An open letter toW estside: I read the article concerning the activities in and around Humboldt with a great deal of amusement. I must compliment the author on his (or her) ability to take facts and quite skillfu lly imply an atmosphere which deviates rather frequently from the true picture . To those of us who live in the described environment literary bias is clearly seen in this description . Obviously the author (assuming it was one of the two visitors) approached the situation with a somewhat pre -foremd opi nion and therefore sought only that which would verify this opinion . In order to get a complete picture of any situation it is necessary to become acquainted with more than just a few of the people and to see more than just one of the many r easons for the environment to be as it is . As mentioned in the article, Charla Heim did attend H.H .S., therefore a personal opinion and reaction would naturally have some effect on the nature of her presentation of Humboldt. I can not dispute the fact that Humboldt and its high school is a small place . But I vehenementlv disagree with the implication that H.H.S. is decidedly backward in its educational structure. Humboldt is a public school that must accept all students regardless of financial , scholastic. or social standing. Also, in contrast, it is a well known fact that Westside is constituted mainly of students who come from a "financially endowed " background in accordance with academic standards , W.H.S. excells in scholastic achievement too. Therefore , it is only logical that certain uncontrollable factors (money , number of and types of students , etc.) must be considered before any judgement or stereo-type can be formed for H.H.S. Naturally , there are many changes which could or perhaps should be made in our high school , but after a careful evaluation of the educational system on a whole it becomes evident that the faculty is doing better than can really be expected under these conditions. I noted an implication which hinted at the fact that the students of Humboldt High School were in oblivion when the idea of change was

brought up by th e " progressive " visitors. This is nothing more than a complete lie. The students and faculty of our high sc hool are continually pressing for c hanges in the learning enviro nment . But, r eference must alwa ys be made to the practicality of the change and its "workableness" for th e number of t eachers . size of building , and general overall scheduling. So you see Westside students, we do want change, but we must be realistic at the same tim e' Being th e editor of the Cardinal Chatter I especially noted the way its contents were mentioned. A quote from an editorial on amnesty wa s used to paint a picture of an entire school which didn 't approve of amnesty. Here again we confront a lie' This quotation was one sentence from one person's personal opinion and nothing more' May I now conclude by the structure of that one sentence in the article that the entire student body of Westside agrees with amnesty??? As for the description of the social activities for weekends , I am acutely curious to know what Westsiders do that is so much more sophisticated and " society oriented. " I might also note that in my riding around experiences I have observed one of the two visitors doing the same with a friend or friends of her choice' Shall we call the slam about our social activities "hypocritical " in the light of my observations? !?

So you see, Westside, ther some very good reason : Humboldt 's state of being. Yt (acco rding to the article ) 'socially aware' than we are , this is so then your awarenes carefully disguised in The La April 13 . Social awareness looking beyond the surface in ! of a reason for the situation a1 criticizing until you've see1 experienced the entire silL Social awareness m understanding others and not f, your own ego at their expense. awareness is caring for peo( matter how different (bett worse) from you they are. I c; you from personal experience tt townspeople of Humboldt , both and old have a very vast capac genuine concern for each other . m e, this is true social awareness So my point is , the observ which spurred thi s articie bia sed. superficial, and pre-pia And the article in general brings interesting flaws in the We m ake-up . Do all Westsi de st~ feel they are better than others? that just an implication fron author? If the implication is then I must congratulate you on exa mpl e of Wests snobbery ... an d for confirmin suspicions.

One who is proud of her Debbie M

the lance Published bi-weekly by the Publ i cations D epartment o f Westside High School, 87th and Pacific St., Omaha, Nebraska 68114. THE LANCE is a member of the National Sch clastic Pr ess As sociation and the Nebraska High School Press Associati on. The paper is given free of cha rge to holders o f Activity Ti c kets. Subscription rat es to others are $3 . 00 postpaid. Non-profit mailing right s claimed. Printed b y Wright Printing Co., Omaha, Nebr. Co-editors . . . . Pam Hultberg and Suaan Darst Layout editor . . ............... Cyndie Jones Copy editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Jesaalyn Wit scam Editorial ed itor . . . Bill Wald Asst . editorial editor .... Bob Eiaenberg .. Rick Denney Entertainment editor .. . Terri Tatty News editor . . ... Roaemary Freriks Feature editor .. . ..... AI Katz Asst. feature editor . Feature writer .................... Sheri Peteraon

Business editor . . . ..... Jim Advertising manager . . .. Dave, Sparta editor . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ..... Brian Asst. aparts ed itor . . . . . . .. . . . . . ... Steve F Art editor . .. Jay , .. ........... Brian< Phto editor . Photographers .. .... Joe Pet

Pall Bruc

Advisor ........ . ... .. .. .. ..... Ms. Kathy B

~29, 1973



Page 3

1973 Senior lance IDO

You tell me I must learn to live I do.

You tell me I must learn to love I do.

You tell me I must understand I do.

You tell me I must learn to cope I do.

You tell me I must see your way I do.

You tell me I must marry you I do. -by Jayne Crandell (Jayne, a senior. sent in the above and several other original PQems for PQssible publication. She recently learned that one of her creative writing efforts. "LIFE" has been selected for national publication in a student oriented pamphlet.)

am myself happy; I'm never alone. The only thing That makes me sad Is when I have to be with someone.

Talk is cheap But I've already spent Every single cent On two very expensive things; Exchange of intimate feelings And what I do Trying to break through. Yes, I play football; I'm hard as rock. Just try to make me fall; I'll throw a block. You'll never reach my soul, at all.

I sing, I dance, I write the show And irrepressively fight to know How I am to aim my bow, Evoking all that makes less-sense, To place the arrow in the essence. I always tried to do my best That's what I've done the best, Besides maybe a poem or love I edged between the lines of facts and inevitable talent.

I always have myself So I'm always happy. Oh, if I could only find myself.

I'm ugly; And even though my friends are friends I 'm apprehensive, Because that 's all they'll ever be. But like Ralph Waldo says, "Beauty is it's own excuse for being" And I be.

We artists put our work into a folder "What 's in the folder," you ask addressing me. I show you all my hopes But you're too nice to ever question Why I always carry it. For if you did, you know I'd have to tell It's only so you 'II ask.

We saw your picture in the yearbook, Your senior picture. You have no senior summary, And have no other picture but Your senior picture. We know it's very odd; Because we rarely ever do this, But we'd like to ask youWho you are.

-short anthologies on this page by Terri Talty.


Page 4

May 29,

Seniors will cafeteria table, storm trooper uniforms It has become a tradition at Westside for graduating Seniors to will their valuables to those they leave behind . This year the class of 73 was given the opportunity to leave more than their initials on the IMC study carrels for underclassmen and teachers to remember them by. Any will that was morally, legally, or ethically in poor taste was deleted or edited. Money will not be refunded . I will Denise Grazier Dr. San Guinary so she can have all the Frankensteins she wants. P.S. HA! HA! Steve I will T .S. my oldest dress since Marty stole hers. I Will Debbie Pickering (391-7565) Roger Cherek . I will Cindy Hammack my senior handbook. I, David the Great (Walker). leave to J. Baker. Harry L. . Cislo. Ro that smut mouth all the success in golf . Nancy Engleman and Bobi Bradford will to Carlo Meisinger all of our daring deeds for you to go through with . To Elaine I will all of my clothes that she hasn't already borrowed . From Elizabeth. I will to Peppi Turco two dollars. so he can give it away. I, Micheal Carrick. so will to Mr. Nelson a one way ticket to visit their colleges; to Mr. Bock a ten year non-refundable subscription to Readers Digest ; Mr. McCormick the illustrated guide to the odd sexual Fantasies of the Arunta Tribe ; Joel Gassman a lifesized bust of Fighting Joe McCarthy; Joel Brooks an autographed picture of lan Anderson : to Stu Chapman the bugs from the Watergate Building . I, Jim Bachman. being of sound mind and body, hereby will John one half of my dormroom; Leslie a key to get in with ; my sexual knowledge to Dan and Larry. To Ann M . a can of beer and 1 opener to practice with ; chairmanships of NOS to whoever can beat me and to Sue. Debbie. Cathy, CiCi . and Grace all my love. To the females of WHS my body to be used tenderly. To the past 3 fantastic years. Thanks a lot (signed) James Edward Bachman . To Bob Berger we will the secret of our identities from Pancake and Waffle . I, Sue McCormick. do hereby will the sociology team to those poor unsuspecting juniors who don 't know anything ; the leafleadership of Pierson 's homeroom to Nancy Weaver; to Jeri. Ross my good humor; and to Mueller. student foru m. I Sue M . do hereby will 5 inches to Tom Carman. Wear them in good faith! and to Rob Johns goes my good back. I. Bobette Bradford . will to Kyle Beam all the flip tops off beer cans. my straight hair, and a mind to learn how to button buttons.

To all sophomores and juniors who are going to be in Top Choir BEWARE! I. a choir member of 2 years. leave to you a bottle of aspirin . a watch. a large wad of money and PATIENCE. Good Luck.

I leave Frau Lisa. Lynne . Lynne. Les. Suz. Mary, Garnet . Sandi. Laurie . Deb. Megan. Bet . another year of Erdenberger. Alan Botler gets Tony for a year B.E. Chrissy gets the room. and reputation.

I. Jo William s. will Mary Krueger all the wedding I. Stu Chapman . do hereby will to Mr. Bock. Dale Carnegie 's course on How to Win Friends and Influence People ; to Mr. Andreas. a 12 volume set of the teaching s of Marx and Engels; to Mr. Nelson . a subscription to AIM . Robyn ; I will Mrs . Piper. Falstaff Brewery. a book on "How to make Fire at Ginger Cove. " Hilton. Golden Apple. 8 Limited . Farguars. Detours, the Dupont 's. Northwestern and most yall the happiness and LUCK . Puffer. To Sue Weldon . we leave the mirrors. the trash. the sweeping , the dusting, the sizing, the straightening. and of course. the selling, at JOEY'S GIRLS .... Kim . Ann and Debbie'hang in there'

To Michelle Holmes. I will my figure problem . Wurtz. To all underclassmen I leave the school and commons and skip passes. To Mr. Newell I leave my body. K.J.L.

receptions she can handle (which is about one). We . the 3 Muske teers. will to the Jr. girls a lot of lonely nights w ithout the Sr. boys. From Kim Arnold , D .M . S.U . We. Korch and Dowling will to Joey all the crystal balls with Coach 's heads in them that he can think of ; to Tom a dictionary of the conjugations of the word 'individual '; to Sharon a speech course; to Sherry (t he new layout editor) a blanket and a pillow ; to Berns! a book on how to be neurotic ; to the photography staff a stack of never ending assignment cards; to Ms. Boshart our famous so ng and dance routine; and to the new SHIELD staff the fun of thinking of a new theme during the summer meetings.

I will to Little Abner (N .C.) all the senior women of his choice providing they like corncob pipes and great times at Sadie Hawkin 's dances. Happily. your little Daisey Mae. (N.J.) To the next year's tailoring class we leave a can of Pring les candy . Denise. Jan. Carol . and Kathy. To Linda Sharpe we will our tailoring points and quality not quantity. from Mrs. Mitchell . Candy and Denise.

I. Viki Roark. w ill to all my closest friends (and they know who they are) one pack of cigarettes each. in their favorite flavor. Good luck and all my love.

I will Tony Frink his play by number piano course. I will Diane Korborg two more of what she already has! Bye , Sukey.

I will to the underclassmen my 1001 dispose of teachers. L.H . To Mr. Welch I will my density; to the u Department my persistance; and to West thanks. Betts.

To silo & classy I will a cabin. some oka the mile-high city, a box of screaming zonkers. and a lot of letters next year. Tt\ being there when I needed it . Squeak. To Mr. Hoyt & Perkins - a sack of cam Bock, a volume of 2800 Lit objectiv Schuler-Thanks Brite

I Kath-Koch will to Kylen a Gibsolonsly, the tantrum with Jimmy C. and my car radio (in case of laryngitis). And to Sherril P. I leave my place on the tennis team and ability to get kicked off + chiquita to Heidi.

I. Jeff Suggs. will to Mr. Rumbaugh my room. the sound room to Mr. Gloor. all my waste computer tapes and printouts. and to Mr. Cramptom. my mercury contaminated oil of wintergreen. the computer room a box of cotton. Tony my slimy Fr. H .

I, Annette . will to Carrie . Eadie. Mary, I Dee a big ulcer from Pep Club. I alsc Cherie A. all Tom 's lonesome week• Lincoln. and I am leaving Prideaux my ~ corpse. Have fun .

Kolyerkay each sigh of sheer content. T with you . Lisa, for you that big double rair found Sunday, Jack a taste of the sun. an Teddy a copy of the orange film. Toby

To Cliff. I leave one snuggled armpit . to Pammy I leave my cheese om lets. to Bobby I leave the Ivy League and many hours of drivel . to 'Jaxon I leave winged feet and a summer sans hitchie-babes. to tobie I leave one hot box of tamales. to Suzy I leave the apple . to Jane. I leave Asian studies. and to WHS I leave. Annie .

We. J. J. and L. will Charla H. an empty room at Storm Meadows and a can of Ajax for the bathroom sink.

I, Kathy Fjeld . wish WHS good luck n< when my brother comes. To Bender I Chern notes and Lit and Comp papers. 1 give the ability to keep falling in loVE different guy every weekend.

Judi Vrana. DeDe Day and Sue McCom Room 666 of the Taft Hotel to future N.' Travelers.

To NC I will headaches a gavel . certain parts of France (Columbus). and relaxation in a fun senior year MCD . To Mr. Schleifer I hereby will my ragged jeans and my holely worksheet . I will my diploma to Tom Foran.

I. Bob Clifton . being of superior mind and body, do hereby bequeath my entire collection of unfinished English papers to Mr. May; my collection of old , rare movies to Ms. Royle; my intellect to Mrs. Ford ; to Mr. Sedlacek's first two mods English class my unswerving loyalty; to Lee Peters I leave Henry Lampe; to Steve Smith I leave Raj Wall ; I leave Kent Peterson to anyone stupid enough to take him ; to Brian Combs I leave Erich Schrempp 's camer~collection ; to Dr. Tangdall I leave my storm trooper uniforms; to Joe Lynch I leave my car; to Dave Stark I leave Paul Jacobus; to Mr. Kolterman I leave my tardy slips; to David Lay I leave Issac Asimou 's phone number; and to God I leave my phone number.

I, an open minded senior. will Christl Thompson the entire male populi Westside . MG

To CC I will 88 hours of computer time dumb computer jocks. and to all the S< terrible case of senioritis & 52 lovely sprin I bequeth to the following people: IT brother Tom-my chem . notes and my cor paper; To Mr. Crampton-my brother; To more year of raspberry sundaes; To J ability to survive with a boy friend who another school. Finally to both Debbie an will love and luck for next year-DO

I. Brian Hinkley , in sound mind. will my boxing gloves to Ms. Stack and my shampoo to B.A. and dirty sox to Sylvia.

To the sophomore class. I leave Omaha. To John Waldbaum , my entire collection of pornography. David Smith .

To Katie Solomonson I. Neal Miesbach hereby bequeath one more year of Mr. Andreas and Mr. Schuler.

I will to Chet my chemistry notebook. free mods and rots a ruck . J.H .T .

To Mr. Vap we will some orthopedic bodl because when you mess with the best · with the best . Signed the Amazing Au Nanook

To S.N. I will my ability to procrastinate. One package of napkins for J.B.'s. Take care of Mike after I leave . Try with T .H . J.H.

I. Tom Bowman . will to Annette two cans' olives and one package of Alka Seizer. Kathie B . lot of luck with her diets.

We. K.K. and L.S .. will our membership and honorary positions of the sloosie club to Laurie Wodder and Jerri Blummer. We. the Sensuous Seven. will Mr. Kolterman: one case of champagne. one new pair of booties. and a barrel of laughs and memories. We thank you for the chance to learn that "Our Spring Shall Always Come .'' D .M . I hereby bequeath my Jack Nicklaus golf swing to the ugly geek. D.W. To all Westside swimmers and Cal , I've really enjoyed being a member of your swim team. Good luck always . DiBiase.

SERVING DISTRICT 66 72 hours a week--at one door or another

To Val Wilscam I will a place in the cafeteria. To MCB I will the snails. To Cil I will my cup of hot chocolate . Might come in handy at UNL. Anonymous . To the administration of Westside High I leave an engraved copy of " The Snow Alert " to consult for guidance in the event of hazardous weather conditions. B.W . To Dave Stryker I will the first ten altered copies of my original composition. a list of the upcoming concerts to be canceled. and a yearbook receipt . B.W. Miggie. I leave you sing sang, Oranguatang. Your Gashnew Pal-squirrel. Re-I leave you my song-I"M SO PRETTY AND MY CLOSET+ THE PRETTY ONE . Jud- I leave you the headaches of being capt . Lis . To Mary Hoth I will oyster crackers. Elaine Powers and many Harvy Wallbangers. Keep up the butterfly . Jayne . To the International Club officers I will my deficiencies in patience and promptness, 1 roll of turn s. 2 ditto sheets. and my roof. I wish you all luck & a good year. L.H .

To Teresa Thomas I leave a car and a tel which she already has and my flair with II which she desperately needs. Your brothe I. Steve Ward . will my name, " Big daddy'tl Dave Tully. I will my with to Matt Jones. Fiz 1 and Linna will to Fiz 2 all our empties I in and around the Omaha area. Also 10 Lean pressed ham and a 100 lb. jar of IT Which way to the beach? I WILL MY BODY TO SCOTI BAILEY AN AARVIG . SIGNED MARLEE AND TEAl. I will to Mr. Laugen my own answer book box of Pop tarts. " Lippy" I will to Bill AAARVIG A PACK OF Old G< Scott Bailey a head of hair; and Faye D small grey mouse . CCA To Lisa. I leave a star. to David I leave< chair & to Pammy I leave a purple Iedet Anay. We will to Uncle Tom Carmen our senior: of 100 pennies for the panhandlers he a Case & Liz.

Teen-age Sewing Course Girls 10 to 18


Make a dress and learn to sew this vacation. 8-2% hr. lessons , 17.50 (only 98¢ hr.) reference guide included with course. Enter Stylemaker Sewing Contest. Prizes galore-$15,000 in cash 72 sewing machines and 2400 pendant watches. Phone or Visit your Singer Sewing Center and Register now!

88th & West Center Road - 393-4300

For addre ss of the Singer Sewing Center nearest you, see White Pag es under SINGER COMPANY



Page 5

Graduates plan variety of majors

UNL retains popularity with seniors As usual. this year there are more students planning to attend school at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln than any other higher institute of learning. Students planning to study there explain that it's economical. "close to home but still a distance away," and relatively easy to be admitted . Westside graduates will be taking advantage of the diverse areas of study at UN L. Planned majors range from sociology to interior decorating to pre-med and anthropology.


lwo Westside students relax and enjoy the last few days of school finishing up last minute assignments.

, while 0


Steve Andrews. accounting ; Sharon Armstrong, undecided ; Denise Arthur. Spanish; Greg Ashley. undecided ; Jim Bachman. business; Sot! Bailey, pre-business law; Sara Barchus. pre-law; Max Bains, architecture; Jim Bird, business; Tom Bowman. business; Joe Bradley. chemistry;

:•. ind-hearted seniors will valuables to many


Niemann , I will the book; from L.K.

'oOee and Dr. we leave with you the store with a '

To my cousin , Sue . at Arbor I leave my bow and arrows and Mr. Weyh, the world 's greatest archery coach . N .L.K .

L llrt . A.D. and C.l.


rr lletings Dee. we will miss you. AD. and C.T.

'o Enzo I leave the Clifford - Yaffe Memorial r. loath in the pancake house not to mention sole r. II$8SSion of our name. signed Enzo.

SharBen , will to the jerk who took my annual a 1 lilt way ticket to h-. to Pete. Lueder. Eadie 1 10a luck with Pep Club, to all the great people I . 11t this year - happiness and to :.X - memories of Satan 's, a pen and my love. h n ~ Judy P. we will you all our hot dates. a glass of 1. mge juice and a hershey bar. Also some red "f lid black streamers. Have fun and good luck, o ('ndy and Deaner. I Pam Hultberg , do hereby will several flute MS and violin frets . Jim Porter, a senior pass. a lid the second violin _part of my violin trio to ellice (Heifetz) Barmore ; 30 pounds to Teri S.; a d lluble-dip Baskin Robbin 's (Apple Jack Ice and !oylent Green) to Dennis B.; another session at :.tip Newman to Tom R. and Barb G.; the k tllharishi to Dave B .; my senior courage and Linda (JUNIOR) S .; many 0 aatus to ICI<-headaches to Deb B .. Jess W., and Terri T.; '¥ bugged telephone to Tom P.; one cake of a Uty rosin to Stacy L. ; my ruined chemistry s IIP6riments to my savior Debbie J. ; and lastly my illrt and a pair of handcuffs to my fantastic !.J.D.

We,C.Z ., K.G .. and D.M . will to lonely hearts and dreamers the phrase. " Be realistic." To Pat O'Hara. I bequeath one can of Lysol basin, tub and tile cleaner; to Dave Hubbard, the penthouse key and a year's supply of oookies; and to John Walton. a book of excuses and a five mph bumper. Erich Schrempp. To Sue Korcek, I will my room. the phone. the car. 10 pairs of jeans. the auditorium stairs. Your loving sister. I will to Kent Righter all my good times with Annie Gilmore . Bob Brite. To Mrs . Clark and Mr. Schuler we will maturity - - remember there are no small departments . only small instructors. Your deprived students . I. Darst , will my accumulation of teacher brownie points to Johnny Williams; all my inane school activities to brother Dan ; my strong tonsils and semi-obscene screams to Jess and Terri; earplugs to the new Lance staff geeks; fortitude to Ms. Boshart ; Peony Park to the next Prom Chairmen; French VI to Kyle ; and the Mad Phantoms and corncobs to Davi d and Lisa. Being of fractured thoughts. I Ric K. Chapula, do hereby will all my misfortunes to all my followers. including my frazzled and dorky-looking teachers.


lo Tony: a laughing box; to Mr. Schuler: a

lltronome; to Mr. Bock: a banana; to Sandy M.: lie best of life; to George: a bouncer and an ,f IIUSed tuba; to Rohan : the stage and a tuba; to 1. lilt: a pizza and the guys on the fourth floor ; to ..nda A: luck and a great year; to Ginny: hope, mto all musicians: patience! S.N. j


1e will Mr. Douglas Pierson the loss of 25 more ""nds (Ha. Ha . Ha) . Liz and Casey. will Rick the " sense " to buy what Mr. Gloor has nsell and Jon the cents to buy Lunch. Debbie.

1 levin, we leave you a football scorecard. Dean ,

oe leave sanitary surgical gloves for your meals. 'alia & Barb.

. .lm, we leave easy access to the Aud. See us.


IIRB, we promise not to tell your wife. Mrs. B . IELEAVE OUR THANKS.

lo Mr. Kolterman I bequeath pink ribbons. Nlnpagne . and springs that always come with Eustacia Vye.


will Ginger all of my oscars. Kiki.

lo Chris I will those squire movements only an

We, the members of the WHS Marching Kazoo Band (both o f us) . do hereby will all of our musical talent t o the only person that really appreciated it . Mr. Laugen . Tell Todd Chris. Tell Tom Rock . To those members of operation Mick-Giick both knowing and unknowing , I leave the good will. happiness and privacy that was lacking the entire time. T . Christel!

I. Fred Smith , leave my pencils to whomever may find them . I leave my love for clean beakers to Randy. and to many others. the following : Summers - gone I gone too long I gone beyond the reader/ of him/ who sees in summer/ the things that summer bring s. I, De De McFayden . in most definite sound mind and maybe body, will to all future Sr. men maturity. To Jack Chittenden I will a pile of Shavers No. 5 paycheck st ubs and a collection of Harold's thought-provoking quotations. For this last writing in the Lance I. Rick Denney. leave Gil 's Mag collection to Stevie in the Army. my job at the Grease to Greg and John, my ten

&denberger has. Kiki.

To Mr. Bock I w ill happy times, nice new oeighbors. and the good life of country club lYing . Kiki .

lo Lisa. Lynne, Susie . Lynn, Leslie. I will a squad 1 good as ours and many fun times- with happy

11emories. KS

Bicycle Parts and Services----,

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I will Mrs . Mitchell padding stitches; Mr. Lang my red pen ; meal service steady nerves and future WHS students 3 happy successful years. Susan Leigh Adams I De De McFayden most sincerely will to Eadie Fischel and friends . a better understanding of the human race - because next year - believe me you 'll need it . To Joe H . have a hand mirror on us K.D. J.H. have fun with Bruce , Carla - go Stanford CECE what will you do without me? HR - J.H. Randy May you always have dirty 1000 mi. beakers to keep you occupied and happy. Good Luck. Kathy.

I. Judi Vrana . hereby bequeath my most prized possessions to the following people: To Ken I will my Comp term paper and Chern notes, to Melinda I will my knowledge of Wm. Faukner and my ability to talk to Mr. Hall in homeroom. To Debbie, I will my freshman picture of Laurie. To Mr. Crampton I will my box of 63 crayola crayons, to Mr. Hall I w ill my fantastic height in hopes that it will be of great asset in the '74 basketball season . to Randy I will my ability to grade Chemistry tests and most of all . I will to Jerry all my love and hopes for a fantast ic Senior year.

"Up With People" gains two graduating seniors Westside has two seniors joining " Up With People ." They are Heather McPherson and Neil Miesbach.

FREE! We help get you to the Great Places of the .World .

Many students chose to attend Nebraska schools other than UNO or NU-Lincoln. They receive the advantages of being far enough away from home and a great number of Westside alumni. yet are still close . Brenda Allely and Barb Bele both indicated that they will attend Nebraska Wesleyan in Lincoln; Barb will major in the theater arts. Brenda is undecided . Sharon Bennett will also attend Wesleyan , with a major in sociology . Leslee Bunsness and Merrilee Carlson will both seek a degree in special education from Kearney State College in Kearney, Nebraska. Rick Denney will attend Kearney with the idea of learning to broadcast ; Steve Edwards will attack pre-med courses at Hastings College. Deanna Fey will undertake a math major at Wayne State College. Randy Frink ventures to Kearney with a paint ing-art major. Beth Gabelhouse chose Dana College at Blair for her History plans. AI Katz plans to attend Kearney. Elementary education attracted Sue Klabunde to Wayne

Sailing into fashion Summer is here and soph Nancy Burke is cru1smg into it with her duck shorts outfit . You 'll never be shipwrecked in fashions from Virgies .

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Our service costs you nothing.


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To Kevin I leave my Close ·n· Play, to Dean I leave my crayons for architecture . to Jim I leave my big toe. to Mrs . Hoyt one red pen to replace the one you used on my papers. To Mrs. Burns one bottle of nerve pills. To Mrs. Leeper my attendance card and my I.D . card . To Westside I leave my kid brother. P. Dalton

Ph. 291-8222

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(402) 346-7170

Moore. undecided; To m Moore. business law; Debbie Newcomer . History ; Jim O 'Hara. undecided ; Debbie Petersen. chemistry; Sheri Petersen . pre -law ; Kent Peterson. chemical engineering ; Rick Peterson. undecided; Dave Pfeifer. arch itecture ; Kathi Plunkett . interior decorat i ng ; Ro bert Poage. undecided; Jan Poulsen. home eco nom ics. Bob Prucha. liberal arts; Dick Randazzo. math; Marlee Richard s. dental hygiene; Robert Rickard. undecided ; Jack Ringwalt . undecided ; Mike Robbins. animal science; Dean Ross. undecided; Nancy Schnaidt , undecided ; Peggy Siert . dental ass ista n t ; Nan cy Smith . undecided ; Judy Sondker. Kansas U .. psychology; Dennis Stamm. pre-med ; Clark Stanway, undecided ; Teri Stastny, arts and sciences; Kri s Streng, sociology. Rick Strevey, undecided ; Hema Subbaratnam. pre-med ; Chris Sundsboe. pre-med (zoology); Patt i Swift . elementary education; Laurie Tangdall , undecided ; Tom Thomas. business law; Lonny Todd , undecided ; Teri Weiner. undecided; Robin Wiar. social science ; Steve Wigg, undecided ; David Williams. engineering; Jo William s. bi ol ogy ; Lee Will iams. medical technology ; Lisa Worrall . special education; Marilyn Wynne , elementary education.

Instate schools maintain lclosenessl despite distance

MotOr5. F;(,/1-r 7!(~ r<rse



pounds to Katz. late stories to Boshart . scum to Joey C. a pheasant head to Pier and Car. a hot fudge to Gilby, Erich's spiders. Dan and a new gun . Debby. City C Notes. and Maci some respect , toupee 's for the SS teachers. a new soc project for Big AI and RF. Have fun playing G.l. Joe Stevie.Last . but most important. thanks to Anne and Jayne for the understanding that made the WHS trip a lot easier.

Heather Broadbent , undecided ; Mark Brock. undecided ; Deborah Bubar. occupational therapy; Chuck Burns. psychology; Linda Burton. medical technology ; Barb Case . elementary education; Stu Chapman . polit i cal science; Todd Christel! , EE ; Gary Colvin. pre-dentistry; Stephan Doerr. pre-dentistry. Betty Duxbury. elementary education; Bill Erickson . music ; Dan Fox. architecture; Cheryl Fry. pre-nursing ; Sally Gillespie, elementary education / human developmetment ; Gwen Glesmann , medical technology; Ray Grove. pre-dentistry ; Debbie Hammitt , interior decorating ; John Hansen . business; Linda Hasebroock . business administration ; Joe Heffron, zoology. Joe Hess, undecided ; Denise Hill. psychology; Steve H inchcliff, business administration; Kristin Hoffman . art ; Arlene lncontro. elementary education; Jean Jefferies. law enforcement FBI ; Vance Jernstrom . pre-medicine; Jane Kirchofer. undecided ; Craig Klemz. chemistry; Wade Kuchel , pre-med ; Cheryl Kuster. home economics; Janet Larson . anthropology ; Gary Loft , pre-med; Todd Manvitz. pre-med. Debbie Matya, home economics; Doug McKay, pre-med ; Peggy Meyer. romance languages; Brad


State. Nebraska Wesleyan will be the home of Kathy Korcek with a soc io I og y concentration . John McGill will also attend the University, adding anthropology to sociology endeavors. Emily Nelson chose Wayne State for the special/ elementary education program. Senior Sue Parkison has chosen an interesting major--cytotechnology . She comments that after two years study at Nebraska Wesleyan she will receive her degree after two more years at Kentucky. Will Ross will attend Creighton University with a pre-law major. Elementary Education is the chosen field of study for both Lynn Timperley and Cindy Tolle-fsrud at Wayne State. Jane Turner and Chuck Petersen are headed for Nebraska Wesleyan. Diane Walker will attend Central Bible College. Six senior girls indicated a desire to go into nursing : Judy Jacobson. Galin Nelson . and Lou Ann Schermerhorn at Bishop Clarkson School of Nursing , and Ann Hovendick and Cheryl Langdon at the Medical Center.

May 29 ,


Page 6

1973 Senior Superlatives

l. Most indi vidua l : Steve Scudder, Heather McP herson; 2. Most intelligent:

Cassman , John Goldman ; 3. Most Creative : Dave McKean . Jay J acoby ; 4. ~ Class : Ca rl Andersen . Sue Bernstein, Steve Graham; 5. Most witty: ' Taxman, Nancy Frost ; 6. Most Talented : Cris Icenogle . Suzy Wurtz ; 7. ~ Attra cti ve: Joyce Cappan, Jay Buda ; 8. Most Li kely to Succeed : Mike Dor Todd Chris tell; 9. Best Body: Pat DiBiase, Patti McKimmey .

Alpine Mall


lay 29, 1973


Page 7

108 plan to attend out-state schools Choosing not to follow the uiority of Westsiders who go to JIColn for school , many graduates I be migrating out of state, to such :verse locations as Thailand or :ali fornia . (llhy Abernathy, St . Olaf College. Northfield, mesota; Susan Adams. Iowa State U. at Ames. ~ies and clothing and related sciences; Bruce Bien. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Troy, Y. chemistry ; Fritz Archerd , Stetson 1versity , Deland . Florida . business istration ; Jeannie Austin. Oberlin College. Ill. pre-med ; Paula Baeten . University of North r~ina . Chapel Hill , physical therapy; Sue ~nstein . University of Denver. undecided; ag Bicknell. Un iversity of Southern California. nss; Ken Blumer. Rice U.. Houston, Texas. 11onmental science ; Pat Booth. Purdue rsity. Lafayette . Indiana. math or business; ma Bottoms. St . Benedict's College. Atchison. JUS, pre-med .

>X! Brite. Indiana U .. Bloomington. history; Jay •da. Colorado State U .. Fort Collins . 111:./ dramat ics; Jeff Carnaby, John Brown 1versity . Siloam Springs , Arkansas . munications ; Kathi Burrow . Stephens ege. Columbia . M o .. liberal arts; Sue ~nter . Iowa State University at Ames. Jtrinary med ici ne ; Mike Carrick. Dakota llleyan. Mitchell . South Dakota. sociology; Cassman . Brown University. Providence. Island . political science. kk Chalupa . Wichita State University. jllllautical engineering ; Jane Clark. Macalester liege. St . Paul. Minnesota. undecided; Missy ~e. Colorado Women 's College, Denver. •n; George Clifford . Washington University. louis. Missouri , arts and sciences; Brian . Utah State . Logan. Utah. undecided ; lilbie Combs. University of Northern Colorado. aeley, sociology; Jayne Crandell . U. Of Texas Austin . retailing ; Joyce Dappen. UNC. •nities. !usan Darst . U. of Missouri at Columbia. • nalism ; Kathy DeGioia. Northwestern U.

Evanston. Illinois. pre-medicine; Pat DiBiase. Kansas U. at Lawrence. undecided; Michael Dorsey, Stanford U .. California. political science; Buffie Drake . Colorado State U.. ceramics-art ; Dave Eaton . Indiana U. at Bloomington. pre-law; Dwain Elsasser. Kansas U.. undecided; Don Enslow. Oklahoma State at Stillwater. veterinary medicine; Beezer Erdenberger. University of Iowa at Iowa City. special education. Kathy Farrell. Stephens College. Columbia. Missouri. dance ; Beth Farley, Kansas State. at Manhattan . business ; Dal Focht . Iowa State. Ames. architecture ; Tony Frink. Yale University, New Haven . Connecticut. undecided; John Goldman . Yale . Undecided ; Katie Gordon. Northwest Missouri State. Maryville. special ,education ; Steve Graham . Drake University, Des Moines. Iowa. liberal arts; Lisa Greenly, Bowdoin College . Brunswick. Maine. undecided ; Jim Greenspan . U. Of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. math ; Lauren Hansen. Colorado State U.. fine arts ; Libby Hansen . Trinity University, San Antonio. Texas . undecided; Jana Heckerman. U. Of Wyoming , Laramie. psychology. Detlbie Holmstrom . North Park College, Chicago , Illinois. nursing ; Paula Howard . Stephens. theater art ; Jim Ingram. Notre Dame . South Bend . Indiana. architecture; John lvbuls. Iowa State . architectural engineering; Jay Jacoby , UNC. art educat ion; Cyndie Jones. Kansas U .. foreign language ; David Jones. UNC. pre-law ; Mary Jones. Macalester College, anthropology , Deanne Kelley , Sioux Falls College. Sioux Falls. South Dakota. special education ; Diane Knight , U. of Tulsa. Oklahoma. elementary education ; Greencastle. Indiana. undecided . Gail Kulakofsky, University of Iowa. undecided; David Lay, Iowa State . physics; Susan Lorenz. Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma. Washington. undecided ; Rick Malot . University of Puget Sound . Tacoma. Washington. accounting/ marine chemistry; Kate McAlister. Southern Methodist University , Dallas . Tex .. engineering; Sue McCormick, Lowell State . Lowell. Massachusetts. undecided ; Linda McEveny, Cottey, Nevada. Mo .. uncertain; DaDe McFayden. Tulane University, New Orleans. La .. undecided ; Patti McKimmey. UNO . special education ; Robert Meritt .

eniors anticipate marriage Ieven Westside graduates icipate marriages in the near re. Those who indicated this were ! girls, and all had concrete plans employment, etc. l im Brown, who will be married in !Iober, is presently and will continue be employed at Galley and 1ociates , Inc. as a secretary. Kim Iicker, who will begin a job with an 11rance company in June, will be Wried next fall. Charmaine Daniels II marry Tim O'Sullivan. Micki Fair II tie the knot July 27 ; Lorrie urity , August 4. Suzanne Jon es Freshman was mied April 28, 1973. She and her band will travel overseas this mmer to either Hawaii, Italy, tn11any. or England . Kristi Petersen

has set the date for June 8th, and will be working for the Army the next two years in San Francisco. Her husband to be will be working in the Armys' Teen Club . Nan Rohrberg plans marriage May 24, 1974, but until then will pursue a nursing certificate at CSM . Micki Sartori plans to get married in November . And JoAnne Schaefer hopes to travel in Europe soon, and will be married in August. Linda Abbott lists marriage " sometime next year" and " moving to Nevada with a friend " as prerequisites for her future happiness. She presently works nights in the Village Inn Pancake House. Charlotte Walton will be wed August 25, and will move to Texas to seek employment.

ndecided graduates plan rariety of future activities ~myriad

of students are plagued h uncertainty as to their futures this time. The attitudes range om anxiety to a comme ci, comme ~approach .

Senior Sue Allen indicates that Ia will work this summer at recutive Center. plans to further r education but has no plans. 11gela Sichel feels the latter, and I travel East this summer. Sue liechler wrote . " I will go to college OJ or Nettleton Business School a year after I have earned some p1ey to pay for it ." Cathy Conyers will work and may end technical school in Lincoln in future . Philip Dalton is in a .,dary: he has been accepted at th Hastings and Nebraska lesleyan and has not yet chosen


Frank Kilmer, Larry Masilko. Bruce McCollister. John Nelson , Jeff Suggs, Mark Thomsen. Vicky Trigg, and Ann Winstrand . Tom Otis will attend an out of state college with a major in history. Greg Yager listed an interesting aspiration: he plans to go to mountaineering school for " further knowledge of mountain climbing , with possible mountain guide opportunities ...

Senior Dean Ross attempts a vault in the State Meet .

Full-time jobs included in many seniors' future plans As always, a considerable number of graduates elect to go directly into full-time jobs after high school. Some of the below also indicated in the questionnaire a desire to seek higher learning after a few years' earning power is accumulated. Sheryl Boone said that she would be entering fulltime employment, but she was not sure where. Pam Bouchhuyt indicated that in August or September she would seek employment with airlines or other firms. Sarah Brown, who was married February 29, 1972, will continue to at Novak Cadillac after graduation. Mike Butler will work . Senior Char Carson and Keith Carson both plan to work full time but are not sure where. Jack Cheek , whose future plans include " hunting, fishing, and girls ," will work at Brandeis . Cindi D'Agata said she hopes to work fulltime and will start as soon as possible. April DePorte listed marriage within the next two years, a trip to Israel, and fulltime employment as future plans . John Donovan said he "would like to be a carpenter 's apprentice ." Don Dross lists travel " everywhere" for this summer, followed by employment. Jim Eckley will work at Kap 's Foods after graduation. Ann Edlund wrote, ' 'I'm just going to travel for a while , then get a fulltime job." Patty Estey will begin as bookkeeper at Carriage Cleaners the day after commencement, and plans to undertake Airline Training in 1975. Mary Estey will work, as will Bonnie Nejdl, Renee Hunter and Dianne Marling. Mike Togle will " work for a few years and travel, then join the fire department. " Terri Forsgren opts for fulltime employment this summer, as does Chris Gardner and Debbie George. Karl Hamann will work at Floor-Brite next year. Ricki Hanson is planning on further education but does not know where or when. Dave Hector will enter the Coast Guard, then plans a forestry major at Oregon State University. Cal Hesson will go fulltime for Richmond Gordman . Heather Hilsabeck will venture to Colorado, Washington and California before settling down to a job.

WestGA-fe HoMe Bea.vtitiJL \,..,\,\\"" fRoM HoMe


n's F£Avn ru L

You'd have seen it first on See it first on "The. Scene" News with Russ Baldwin, Gary Kerr, Frank Bramhall, Dale Munson.

Other undecided students include IVle Gibreal , Darryl Goodrich, Don

111on , Steve Gustafson, Jerree dlnston . Liz Kaiser. Mark Kershaw,

University of California at Los Angeles. physics; Jim Mierendorf . Augustana College. Sioux Falls. S.D.. pre-law ; Debbie Miller. Bethel . St . Paul. Minnesota. music/ Christian Education; Pam Monasee. Emory U .. Atlanta. Feorgia. pre-law. Daniel Moore. Bradley University, Peopria. Illinois. undecided ; John Mossblad. North Texas State University. Denton. Texas. music; Suchada Narkapong , Thamasat Un iversity. Bangkok. Thailan.-1 biology or literature; Howard Norton. U. of Utah. economics ; Susan Nutty, U. of Wyoming. music; Liz Oglesby, William Jewell College. Liberty , Mo. undecided; Sue Okon. Regis College. Denver. Colorado. anthropology; Beth Otis. U. of Denver. sociology. Tom Pfeifler. ISU . math; Becky Powers. New College. undecided ; Bruce Richards. undecided; Sue Roberts. St . Olaf. Northfield, Minn.; Kiki Schreiner. SMU. Dallas. Texas. education; Erich Schrempp , Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, photography; Rosemary Seidler. U. of Wyoming , undecided ; Jay Simon. Washington U .. Latin American Studies and Economics; Casey Smith . William Jewell . literature; Fred Smith. Macalester . chemistry/ music; Steve Smith. Rensselaer . bio-chemistry ; Carol Stevens. University of the Witwatersound. South Africa. remedial education ; Jack Struyk, Northwest Missouri State . Maryville . accounting/ business management ; John Stuart . Wheaton College. Wheaton . Illinois. pre-dentistry; Tom Taxman. Washington U .. pre-med ; Jayne Tinley. Arizona State U . at Tempe . undecided ; Nan Trachtenbarg . Oklahoma U. at Norman . undecided ; Peppi Turco. Arizona State. science; Sheryl Van Leeuwen . K.U .. music therapy; Sue Urosevich . UNC . undecided ; Dave Walker. New Mexico State . University Park. New Mexico. mass communication ; R ic k Ward . Kansas U .. biochemistry ; Steve Waterman. Brigham Young University, Salt Lake City, Utah. chemistry. Chr i s Wegner . U. of Arizona . Tucson . psychology; Suzy White . Colorado State. forestry; Anne Woodley . Arizona State. pre-elementary education ; LeAnn Wride. BYU . political science; Ann Yaffe . Yale Un iversity, philosophy; Kim Yelkin . University of Southern California, Los Angeles. English ; Carole Zerbe. Northwest Mo. State U .. criminology.

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Plan for the American Revo lutio n Bicentennial. 1776-1 976



Renee Hunter will work at Brandeis . Rodney Jensen hopes to travel around the globe, but sticks to a more worldly job in the meantime with construction . Bette Jo Johnston will be employed at Rapid Printing Co. Terry Lanam will work , but he does not know where yet. Chris Leary will enter fulltime employment at Leary Molasses June l. Import Auto Parts will hire Cathy Lemmers , a steppingstone to her hopes of becoming a stewardess and I or ballet teacher. Joe Lynch , who aspires to be a mechanic, will work at the telephone company at the end of summer . Kevin Lyon plans to take a correspondence course in camera technology and be that and a musician . Senior Patti Messer will also be employed at Carriage Cleaners. Corinne O'Doherty will probably work at Mutual. Larry Olson has an interesting plan; he hopes to play in a band. Mike Ortega, who wants to "buy a car and get an apartment " will work at Brandeis. Senior Debby Piper opts for the Bell Telephone Company for employment. Cheryl Piper intends to become an apprentice photographer after a year 's work in Harless Animal Clinic. Stephanie Potter plans to work fulltime, and eventually to go to business college. Bob Rathbun begins work at Texaco June I. Two graduates , Ann Townley are eager to work fulltime but did not indicate where . Mark Sedlacek will be employed at Baxter Electric.


May 29, 1


Page 8

Students' acheivements awarded

Westside seniors attract scholarships One hundred and five graduating seniors have received scholarships to the colleges of their choice. These include not only instate and outside college scholarships, but other honors awarded by institutions such as the Kiwanis. the World-Herald, and the Elks. These Susan Adams. University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents 1-year Scholarship, National Merit Finalist . National Merit Singer Company Scholarship. Iowa State University Admission with Recognition and Scholastic Award. Dundee Kiwanis Key Citizenship Scholarship; Brenda Allely . Nebraska Wesleyan Achievement Scholarship ; Bruce Amsden. National Merit Finalist ; Fritz Archerd . University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate. Barbara Bele . Nebraska Wesleyan Achievement Scholarship; Sharon Bennett . University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate . National Merit Commendation . Nebraska Wesleyan University Trustee 's Scholarship; Jeff Blodgett . Nebraska Wesleyan Plainsman Scholarship; Steve Blotcky, University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents 4-year Scholarship . Natio nal Merit Finalist ; Ken Blumer. University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate . Air Force ROTC Alternate Scholarship, Navy ROTC Alternate Scholarship; Bob Brite. National Merit Commendation; Heather Broadbent . University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate. DePauw University Honors Academic Scholarship; Leslee Bunsness. Kearney State Cooperating School Scholarship ; Bernard Burns . University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate; Kathy Burrow. University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate. Stephens College Academic Scholarship. Joe Gassman. University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents 4 - year Scholarship. National Merit Finalist ; Todd Christel!. University of Nebraska at Lincoln Hawksworth Science Scholarship; Jane Clark. Un iversity of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate . Trinity University Academic Scholarshio . Macalester College Academ ic Scholarship .

More seniors receiving awards are: George Clifford . National Merit Commendation; Gary Colvin . National Merit Commendation; Ron Colanino. University of Nebraska at Omaha Alk-Sar-Ben Scholarship; Brian Combs. University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate. Susan Darst . National Merit Commendation. Northwestern University Academic Scholarship, Omaha World-Herald Key Staffer Journalism Award ; DeDe Day . University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate; Kathy DeGioia . University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents 1-year Scholarship. National Merit Commendation. University of Southern California Honors - at - Entrance Scholarship, Westside High School Scholarship , Lou McConnell Memorial Scholarship. University of Nebraska at Lincoln Chemical Eng ineering Scholarship; J. Russell Dtm. University of Nebraska at Omaha Frederick Kayser Scholarship; Pat DiBiase. Northwestern University Academic Scholarship; Tom Dinwoodie . University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate. Omaha Elks No. 39 Most Valuable Student Award ; Steve Doerr. University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate ; Mike Dorsey, University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regent s Scholarship Alternate ; Betty Duxbury. University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate.

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Westside Education Association Future Teachers Scholarship. Dave Eaton . Ripon College Debate and Speech Scholarship ; Steve Edwards. Hastings College Academic Scholarship. Paul Elofson . University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alte•nate . Nebraska Wesleyan Achievement Scholarship. Beth Farley. National Merit Commendation ; Deanna Fey. Wayne State College Cooperating School Scholarship ; Ken Figgins. University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate; Dallas Focht. University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate; Tony Frink. National Merit Commendation. Matt Geddie. Principal Nomination Air Force Academy ; Gwenda Glesmann. University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate ; John Goldman. University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents 4-year Scholarship. National Merit Commendation . Creighton University Academic Scholarship , The Arthur Brandeis Award .

Others who scholarships are :



Lisa Greenly, University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate. National Merit Commendation ; Jim Greenspan. National Merit Commendation . Paula Haeder. University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents 4-year Scholarship. National Merit Commendation . Iowa State University Admission with Recognition; Bob Harberg . University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarsh ip Alternate; Joe Heffron. National Merit Commendation ; Brian Henningsen. St . Olaf Honors Scholarship, Westminster Grant and Aid Scholarsh ip ; Paula Howard. Stephens College Academic Scholarship; Pam Hultberg . University of Nebraska at Omaha Regents 4-year Scholarship. University of Nebraska at Omaha Alternate Music Scholarship. Chris Icenogle . University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate; Jim Ingram . Navy ROTC 4-year Scholarship; John lvbuls. University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate . Kathy .:lack . Nebraska Wesleyan University Plainsman Scholarship ; Mary Jones. National Merit Commendation . AI Katz.Kearney State Journalism Scholarship; Gabrielle Keller. Univers~y of Nebraska at Lincoln Regent s Scholarship Alternate; Joseph Klein . University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents 1-year Scholarship ; Kathy Korcek. Nebraska Wesleyan University Alumn i Scholarship , Nebraska Wesleyan University Achievement Scholarship ; Wade Kuchel . University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents 4-year Scholarship. National Merit Commendation ; Nancy Kvamme. William Penn College Scholarship. Cheryl Langdon . Phi Delta Kappa Scholarship; Janet Larson . University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate. Chas. Magdanz. Nebraska Wesleyan University Achievement Scholarship; Cecilia Mahowald. University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regent s Scholarship Alternate ; Bob Merritt . National Merit Commendation ; Neal Miesbach. " Up Wit h People" - 1-year Music Scholarship.

Scholarship recipients also include: Debbie Miller. Bethel College CYF Scholarship; Tom Moore. University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate; John McGill . Nebraska Wesleyan Achievement Scholarship. Galin Nelson . Ralston American Legion Auxiliary Scholarship ; John Nelson. University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate . Creighton Univers~y Educational Scholarship, Howard Norton. Brigham Young University Dean 's Scholarship; Jody Nummela. William Penn College Academic Scholarship. Jim O'Hara. University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate; Sue Parkison. Nebraska Wesleyan University Plainsman Scholarship ; Charles Petersen. University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents 4-year Scholarship, All-State Scholastic Alternate Team. Nebraska Wesleyan Trustee Scholarship, National Merit Finalist ; Debbie Petersen . University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate; Fredrick Petersen. Countryside Pharmacy

Athlete-Scholar Award ; Kent Peterson. University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents 1-year Scholarship. Sue Randle . University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate. National Merit Semi-finalist ; Bruce Richards. The American Institute of Industrial Engineers Mathematics Achievement Award ; Kent Righter. Nebraska Wesleyan Pla insman Scholarship; Sue Roberts. Foreign Language Award Scholarship; Tenley Rogers. National Merit Finalist . Readers Digest Valedictorian Award. Omaha Elks No. 39 Most Valuable Student Award . Omaha World-Herald Scholarship ; Will Ross. Ill inois State Scholarship; Kathy Rozum . University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate. University of Nebraska at Omaha Regent s 4-year Scholarship. Sean Savage , Doane College Scholarship; LouAnn Sche rmerhorn . University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate; Erich Schrempp. University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents 4-year Scholarship. National Merit Semi-finali st ; Sue Schwarz . University of Nebra ska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship

Seniors completing the list of scholarship winners are: Carolee Smith . Kearney State Cooperating School Scholarship ; Fred Smith. University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents 1-year Scholarship. National Merit Finalist . Lawrence University Merit Scholarship , Trinity University Presidential Scholarship ; Steve Smith . University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regent s 4-year Scholarship. National Merit Commendation. Rensselaer Academic Scholarship ; Beth Staenberg, University of Southern California Honors-at -Entrance Scholarship ; Cecily Stewart . University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regent s Scholarship Alternate ; Hemalatha Subbaratnam. University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents 1-year Scholarship. National Merit Commendation. Lynn Timperley . Wayne State College Cooperating School Scholarship ; Cynthia Tollefsrud . Wayne State College Cooperating School Scholarship ; Jane Turner. Nebraska Wesleyan· Achievement Scholarship. Rajendra Wall . University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents 4-year Scholarship. Nat ional Merit Commendation; Rick Ward. University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate . Elks Lodge No. 39 Most Valuable Student Award . Elks Club State Most Valuable Student Award . Kansas University Academic Scholarship. Omaha World-Herald Scholarship; Dave Williams . University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate; Jo Williams. University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate . National Merit Commendation ; Sue Wurtz . University of Nebraska at Lincoln Regents Scholarship Alternate; Ann Yaffe . Natio nal Merit Finalist .

Tenley Rodgers ... Valedictorian

Rick Ward .... ... . . Salutato

Tenley Roge rs holds the academic rank of valadictorian for this year 's Senior Class of approximately 750. with Senior Rick Ward as sal udatorian . Both attribute their academic success to an engagement of school and interesting teachers.

university June 11 for the begin of the second session . Tenley he to major in International Affairs International Business. Rick. though a senior. is takin< solids this year. His main inte~ are math and science. but he enjoys social sciences and Eng Rick plans to enter the Universit Kansas in Lawrence. Kansas th is after working as a pasta assis over the summer. He wants to rr in Chemistry and Bio-chemist ry, would like to be a Gen Practicioner or Genetics Researc

Tenley was chosen as the Foreign Language Student for this year. Last su mmer she attended George Washington University in Washington , D.C .. as well as serving as errand girl for Congressman McCollister. She will return to the

Seniors plan to attend UNO Sixty-five Westside seniors indicated th eir plans to atte nd the University of Nebraska at Omaha this fall . Their intended majors are fairl y varied, with a ma jority still undecided . Study at UNO features li vi ng at home and co mmutin g . or for so me lu cky st ud e nt s. a c quiring th eir own apartment. Several students wrote on their questionnaire that they intended part-time or more along with college

Nursing, armed services are in seniors' future Mary Marcuccio will study at a Practical Nursing School. Linda Morgan will garner training at OCTC next year . Deanna Nelson will attend ONTC . Carol Petersen plans to enter the Blair College of Medical and Dental .\ssistants . Jean and Joyce Stalder both indicated that plans to work this summer and go to Patricia Stevens, a finishing school , this fall . Diana Tubach will enter beauty school.

Ten enter the service

Only ten seniors indicated that they planned to enter the armed services. Entering the Air Force are Bob Wolff ,

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Matt Geddie and Tim O'Sullivan. Three seniors plan on entering the Army. They are David Thornsbury , George Bolt and Steve Scigo. Those seniors entering the Navy are Steve Trouba , Deryl Kemp , Scott Scheer and John Hale. Technical training

Several graduating seniors indicated on the plan questionnaires their plans for a technical education. Kyke Beam attended ECPI during her senior year, and begins work next month at Pamida. Bobette Bradford specified Nettleton Business College for her further education. Denise Brennan will also attend business school. Richard Cobb included in his future plans as going to a business (private ) college . He is presently working at Metro Sanitation, Inc. Senior Debbie Custer will attend Omaha Technical of Dentistry . Steve Jensen also indicated a desire to attend technical school.

studi es . Here are the UNO and their majors :


Carl Ander sen . engineering or bu! administration ; Ken Beehler. history; John 1 bi ology ; Bruce Bisson . pre-<lent istry; : Branecki . business; Ellen Brown. undecide< Casey. arts and sciences; Debbie Ca psychology ; Ken Chapman. undecided; Chastain . Bu siness administration. Linda Christian . art ; J. Derr. polit ical sci Deb Dowling . journalism ; Ron Dross. unde< Mark Dudley . pre-dentistry; Mike E undeci ded ; Kim Engel . undecided ; E Erftmier. undecided ; Nancy Frost . undecidec Mindy Garey , undecided; Boni Graskc inter ior design ; Heidi Hilsabeck. unde< Nancy H irt . science ; Pam Hultber. journ. Carol Jack. secretarial science; Dan Jaco u ndecided ; Karen Johnson. pr&-nursing; Johnson . special ed ; Daniel Kane. business; Koile. broadcast ing . Peggy Kettleborough . undecided; Steve~ undecided ; Mark Koenig . accounting; LeB aron . undecided ; M ichaelyn L psychology; Karen Macchietto. pr&-nursing; . Martin . business. Jim M c Donald . science ; Ted Mel undecided ; Mark Morrison . pre-ve ter medicine ; JoAnn Nichols. secretarial sc; Debbie N oonen . undecided ; Diane C American History ; Linda Overton. education Pedersen. undecided ; Cyndie Pepper, pn Lee Peters. pre-med . Tim Pe ter s. undecided ; Fred Pete pre-pharmacy ; Tom Rock. undecided; t Rozum. undecided ; Dale Schwartz. undec Dal e Sieben . undecided ; John Ste1 undecided ; Tom Strauss. undecided; 1 Suiter. undecided ; Cheryl Swanson. undecido Rene e T eper . educat ion ; Judi V undecided ; Jody Whit e. elementary edoo Scott We ir . science s; Bcuce Wesli undecided ; Rick Wil son . undecided; Suzy '.1 theater arts; M ichelle Zyla. nursi ng. Lynette Logan . University of North Dal undecided ; Joel Brooks. Columbia College. s work ; Vicki Veach . Southern Metho< University , pre- med ; Carol Essex. DE University . sociology ; Sue . Roberts. St. College . pol itical science ; Alisa Schl• Mankato State . Minnesota. interiors and sp therapy; Sukey Roach . University of Ari; undecided .


Page 9


29, 1973

Sports pays off 1n the long run

Seniors receive athletic scholarships

er AI Vap, second from left, attempts to fly one of the kites by students in his Art 1 classes. Lack of strong winds hindered

Several Westside athletes have received partial or full scholarships from colleges and universities for their athletic abilities . Carl Anderson received a full, four year scholarship to UNO for football. Carl was on the varsity basketball team for two years , and football for one. Max Beins received an athletic scholarship to Doane College. Max was on the varsity football team this year. Mark Boyer received a full athletic scholarship to UNO. Mark was on the va rsity football and wrestling teams all three years .

p Club, SABE elect new representatives e end of the school year also ans the election of new club cers . For Pep Club , its new tcers wi II be Eadie Fishel, sident ; Amy Peterson, assistant e-president ; Mary Slabaugh, ~pre sident; Dee Chick, secretary ; Carrie Lueder , treasurer. ob Eisenberg was elected SABE resentative for the senior class. ior class officers will be Barb mey , president; Mary Kincaid, e president ; Cindy Bailey , 1retary ; and Karen Honig , tsurer . ewly elected junior class officers Teri Stofferson, president; Shelley tolascino, vice president ; Jenny ey, secretary; and Diane Howard, surer. Dave Haug is the junior s SABE member. Club recenty had its elections . Sue Ludeman is president, Kyle

Gibson is treasurer , and Vicky Havelka is secretary .

St. Louis trip " Everybody had a really good time!" was the comment of Cherie Bligh on the recent band trip to St. Louis. Funded by bake sales, car washes, fruitcake sales and the Tommy Newsom concert, 70 musicians went on the junket that included sightseeing as well as performing . " I think it was the best we've ever done," Cherie said , referring to the contest the band was entered in. The AAAA Concert Band Competition, as it was called , involved schools from all over the country and yielded a high " 1" rating for the band. Summer school Summer to most students is a welcome relief from school. But the

restside awaits Summer, rlls early to Millard Club te 1973 baseball season came to a May 14, as a tough Millard team ped the Warriors 6-4. Millard took iarly lead with two runs in the top !he first, but the batmen from tside came back to score three in r half of the first to take a 3-2 lead . :e Benedict then tied the game at n the third . The Warriors regained lead in the fourth on Terry Lane's le, scoring Lonny Legino. That all the scoring for the Warriors, e Millard picked up a pair in the to insure the victory. estside scored five runs in the first 1g to insure a 5-4 victory over n. Mark Mancuso and Gregg ton each wnt two for two. Gregg ton received the victory , with If help from Steve Russell. le bats were alive at Abraham oln, as Westside pounded out 13 and 13 runs to defeat AL, 13-3. e Camp bell went 3-5 , Mark cuso 2-3, Steve Hitt 2-3, Randy te 2-3, and pitcher Scott Bailey 1-2. he defensive side Scott struck out lozen links , and the team mitted but one mistake. uth made the last day of the on a grey one as they defeated the riors 6-2 . Dave Campbell went 3-4, ad the seven hit effort. te Warriors will start their mer season soon, and should have

a good chance for the title. The hopes will increase with help from some alumni. They will try to improve their 10-5 season, with only one returning letterman .

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popularity of summer school over the past few years show that to many it is a time to pick up a few extra credits or try something that " winter school" doesn't offer. For $29 students have a choice of a wide variety of activities. There is Introduction to Film that will feature live action film making. Cultural Anthropology will include a trip to Indian reservations in the Southwest. Other offerings include Politics and Power, Bacteriology, and Frontier America. For juniors that may wish to graduate early, there is Senior Composition and Concepts in Literature that they can fulfill their English requirements with. They have the whole summer to complete this course.

Debutantes announced The 1973 Omaha Symphony Debutantes were guests May 19 of Mrs . Fred Hawkins at a Mother-Daughter Meeting and Coffee. Thirteen of the 29 debutantes are Westside seniors. They are Missy Clarke, Susan Darst , Julie Gilmore , Libby Hansen, Lauren Hansen, Linda Hasebroock, Kathy Koch , Gail Kulakofsky, Sue Lorenz , DeDe McFayden. Pam Monasee , Sukey Roach, and Vicki Veach.

Mark Brock received a full athletic scholarship to Nebraska U. Mark was on the varsity football team for all three years . Pat DiBiase received athletic scholarships at Nebraska U., Kentucky U. , Northwestern U., Kansas U. , Iowa State U., and Mankato State College. Pat was on the varsity swimming team all three years, and has chosen to attend Kansas University . Jim Mierendorf received an athletic scholarship to Augustana College. Jim was on the varsity football team for all three years . Dave Pearce also received an athletic scholarship to Augustana , as well as the University of South Dakota, and UNO. Dave was on the varsity wrestling team for three years . Chris Wear received an athletic scholarship to UNO . Chris was on the

varsity wrestling team for three years also. Brian Smith received athletic scholarships to Nebraska U., Kansas U., Arkansas U., and Northwestern U. Brian was on the varsity swimming team for three years , and is foregoing sc holar ships to go to college in California. Steve Wigg received an athletic scholarship to Mankato State, Northwestern U ., and Missouri U. Steve was on the varsity swimming team for three years, and is also foregoing these scholarships to attend Nebraska U. Howard Norton received a full athletic scholarship to Utah University. Howard was on the varsity footba II team for two years. Jim Ingram received the " West Omaha Kiwania 's Football Award, " for his offensive and defensive halfback play.

Pole vaulters gain 3rd, 4th, 5th place in State Tourney After qualifying eight men for the State Track Tourney held at Burke Stadium, Westside was only able to place four of them, for 12 points , and 17 place. Most of the points were gained in Westside's strongest event, the pole vault. Dean Ross and Bob Doney tied with a vault of 13'6", which is a school record. Although they tied, Ross was given 3rd place, and Doney received 4th. Mark Kershaw brought in 5th place with a jump of 13'0" . Bruce Westerlin took 5th in the 880 to wind up Westside 's scoring . Westerlin also ran on the two mile

Dave Walker shoots 75 at State Golf Meet Senior Dave Walker shot a 75 at the State Golf Tournament at Lincoln's Pioneer Park last Friday . The score earned him fourth place in the tourney.

relay team, which also included Tom Dinwoodie, Dal Focht, and Jack Clifford .



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Page 10


May 29,

Good Senior Portraits are not hard to _find . . they're just across the street




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