1976-77 Lance

Page 1

Thank You to

Dan & Jennifer Hamann for sponsorship of the

1976-77 Lance

Support the Westside Foundation

21, No.1


September 10, 1976

,dfey promoted

istrict 66 changes members of staff

vera! District 66 administrative .ges were announced July 7, by !rintendent Dr. H. Vaughn ps at a Board of Education ting . The administration 1ges, according to Phelps were to Bob Adams ' death, gnations and upcoming ements . te new administrators and ;ions include: Dr. William Hoyt, :tor of Personnel; Sharon Clark, istant Superintendent for linistration ; Lee Perkins, cipal at Valley View Junior High; ~urtis Olson, Assistant Business ager; James Findley , Vice cipal at Westside; Ron Huston, ctor of Activities and Athletics; Schleifer, Director of Student ices and Roger Herring, Dean of

. Hoyt, who had been Vice cipal at Westside, is now involved te hiring and firing of personnel h.e district. "I am very busy but as ce principal there was always ething popping," said Hoyt. Hoyt the new position as a challenge, Hoyt, " Everyone gets so they to rejuvenate themselves." fter having served as ninistrative Assistant to !rintendent Phelps , Ms. Clark her new job is an extension of her luties. "We are in the process of ·iting the duties of my job now," Ms. Clark . According to Phelps, . Clark had made decisions in his 'nee after conferring with him . ' she will be making basic inistrative decisions on her own . has been moved to an in-line sion making position ." 'rkins had been an Assistant cipal at Westside for seven years. "eels the only major adjustments

he has to make are learning the new building , faculty, and curriculum . " I have had the desire to become a junior hig:1 principal for sometime," said Perkins. Dr. Olson was Principal at Valley View Jr. High for 11 years before accepting his position. "I miss working closely with students and parents," said Dr. Olson, "but I have been a principal for 26 years and this position was a good opportunity for the future and retirement." Dr. Olson's primary concerns will be budgeting , purchasing, and the payroll. Many of Findley ' s new responsibilities are in addition to those he had as Assistant Principal at Westside. He is no longer in control of the minimum competency tests but will be in charge of summer school. "I am very pleased with the job," said Findley . "I would not want to be anywhere else. Huston has acquired more responsibilities since serving as Assistant Athletic Director. He now is in charge of all club and sports activities . "In my preparation for

administration I was hoping for this type of work ," said Huston. Formerly the Dean of Boys, Schleifer is now in charge of the master schedule, the use of the building during the day, scheduling for teachers, students, and rooms. He also supervises field trips and submits federal reports. As Dean of Boys , Herring feels he will work with many of the same people he did as a health teacher. "I would really like to get into administration and I see this as a stepping stone. Among other new faces at Westside this fall are these new teachers: Mary Anderson , media specialist; Kevin Biga, Chemistry; Iris Clark , Home Economics; Don Gilpin, business; Tom Grevich, Lynn Hansen, Marion Hanson, math; John Hudnall, journalism; Rosie Lenz, foreign language; Don Meredith, social studies; Larry Morrissey, health; Jim Ogden, English; Mary Ann Pederson, foreign language; John Rogers, physics; and Mary Jo Steinauer, business.

NSTA recognizes Crampton The National Science Teachers Ass o ciation headquartered in Washington, D .C ., this spring sponsored "Teachers Participation Competition for the design of student activities around energy themes." Ron Crampton, a science teacher at Westside, and a chemistry teacher f()r eight years , has been named one of ten winners in the national competition . As a winner, Crampton

· Tom Pate Memorial Plaza was dedicated at the Westside football 1e Friday night. The ceremony included an invocation and ediction by Reverend Martin Ashley, an acceptance of the plaza by Robert Berkshire, chairman of the building committee and the Jtside Community Schools, an opening of the plaza by the Pate tily, and a dedication by Mr. Robert Devaney, Athletic Director of University of Nebraska.

has been invi~ to participate on a Washington Seminar this summer, with expenses paid. He has also been asked to serve as reviewer for educational materials related to energy education. According to the National Science Teachers Association, judging was based on three major criteria, originality, appropriateness to the specific course, setting, and promise of success in achieving important energy education goals. The association has expressed a hope that the ideas will provide learning experience which will help students understand important energy issues.

Reassigned staff members, James Findley, Ron Houston, and Roger Herring.

'Lance' wins All-American The Lance newspaper for the seventh time in five years won the AllAmerican award for first semester of 1975-76. This .is a rarity for a paper to win this many times according to Ms. Kathy Boshart, former Westside High School journalism teacher. Ms. Boshart went on to say , "A newspaper will usually win once and rarely twice." This contest is open to all high schools across the nation who are members of the National Scholastic Press Association (NSP A). NSPA is a service that receives all issues from a semester of the high school newspapers which are entered in this contest. It then reviews and criticizes each newspaper against itself. The paper is judged in comparison with other school papers. This is categorized in with schools of approximately the same enrollment, by similar printing methods with similar frequen cy of the issue. The papers are judged in the

following five areas with a point system of 40 being weak and 200 points being excellent: (1) Coverage and Content (2) Writing and Editing (3) Editorial Leadership (4) Physical Appearance (5) ·Photography If the paper then receives a First Class rating after all the points from the five categories have been totaled and it is 3200 or better, it is eligible for an All-American . To receive this top rating, it must receive from the judge a "Mark of Distinction " credit for unusually high quality and creativity or distinctly lively, appealing work in at least four of the five categories mentioned. This is then checked by the director of critical services before final approval can be ma de for an All-American rating. The Lance newspaper received excellent or very good ratings in the five areas mentioned. The Lance did go on to win the All-American with a total score of 3640.

WHS administration modifies mods - aga1n Westside has once again changed the method of scheduling. This year the 13-mod day was adopted. Since 1967 Westside has been using modular scheduling. The 21 mod day was divided into twenty-one mods, each mod was twenty minutes long. Twenty minutes really wasn't long enough to get anything done. By the time a student came from class, went to a study area and began to study the mod was nearly over. In the winter of '76 the nine-mod day was adopted. Modular scheduling is used instead of the traditional scheduling because it gives students more freedom and responsibility. Traditional scheduling has a definite time schedule. A student must go to an assigned study center. Modular scheduling enables the student to choose his place of study. Using modular scheduling students can become involved more in independent study. Students involved in courses



1st mod-


2nd mod-


3rd mod-


4th mod-


5th mod-


6th mod-


7th mod-


8th mod-


9th mod-


lOth mod-


11th mod-


12th mod-


13th mod-


Thirteen mod day

designed for independent study can develop their unique tallents and interests . Under the 13-mod schedule each day begins at 8:00 a .m . and ends at 3:10 p.m . Classes meet for either one or two mods. The main reason for changing over to a 13-mod day is because of lunch mods. Many students had to 'brown bag it' because their classes coincided with open lunch mods and there was no available time to eat. Each mod is still forty minutes with the exception of mods six through ten, these mods are twenty-two minutes in length. "Compared to last year I think the 13-mod day has improved the lunch problem , there doesn't seem to be as many people running around the cafeteria," stated Senior Bob Sturm. Junior Lisa Kaplan explained, "The 13-mod day is less confusing because there isn't cross-sectioning and now at least you have time to eat."

Page 2


September 10, 19

Our favorite martian ~-----------------------------------------------------------------------by

Dear Readers: This year, thanks to modern science and the Viking mission, Westside is hosting an AFS student from Mars. Below is a transcript of the interview obtained by The Lance.

As our nation 's 200th anniversary dwindles into time government officials and merchants alike share a feeling of content in their selling of American nationalism. Why shouldn 't they? America's wounds from the past two decades have healed, haven't they? Nixon, Watergate, the CIA scandals, and the Vietnam War are all dim memories . But with all the content we now seem to have, there is still one ghost that has returned to haunt the American people: the Vietnam draft evaders. Considering all the complex philosophical, moral, and judicial arguments pertaining to the pardoning of the Vietnam draft evaders, people tend to overlook the obvious clue to a solution; the draft is no longer in existence .

L: How did your people react to the landing of the Viking vessel? M: We were somewhat surprised to see Earthlings again. L: Again? M: Yes, things have been pretty quiet up there since Startrek was canceled. L: I see. What major differences have you noticed between Mars and Omaha? M: Well, for one thing, you're a year behind in the "Mary Hartman , Mary Hartman" episodes. L: Sorry about that. When the first color photographs came back from Mars, some scientists compared them to a "sunset in Nevada. " Do you agree with that comparison? M: No. We don 't have any slot machines . However, if you're looking for a quickie divorce ... L: Uh, no . Is your planet as desolate as it appears in the Viking pictures? M: Oh, no. On the opposite side of the planet we have a village. L: You do? What's it like? M: Well, there are some houses , a playground, parking meters, a couple of Pizza Huts; just the usual things .

L: No kidding. M: We are also building a concert hall. We thought it would class the place up a little bit. As a matter of fact, we are kind of hoping to set up a cultural exchange program between Mars and the United States. L: Really, what did you have in mind? M: Well, we would be glad to give you all the bacteria you can use. L: What do you want in return? M: The Captain and Tennille. L: Would you settle for Bert Convy? M: Maybe, if you throw in Barbara Wa lters. L: We'll try and arrange it. What do you think of Westside? M: Oh, I just love Westside Story! I've seen it three times. Those dancing street gangs and Natalie Wood were great. L: No, I mean Westside High School. M: Well to tell the truth , I don't get the plot. L: Have you joined any clubs? M: Yes, "A" Club. The members remind me of the folks back home. May I interest you in an invisible fish? L: No thanks. Have you ever seen a copy of the school newspaper, The Lance, where this interview will appear? M: Yes. L: What did you think of it?

Picture perfect


M: Well ... L: Come on now , we can take it, long as it's done in good taste. M: I don't want to hurt y< feelings. They told us duri orientation not to offend anyone. L:Oh. M: The ads are really good. L: Thanks. How do you American food? M: You're really hard up questions, aren't you? L: Music? M: Try again. L: Let me think a minute ... I go• Are you excited about experiencin real Nebraska winter? M: What's that? L: You mean they didn 't tell ) about the sub zero temperatures a wind chill index. M: Wind chill ... ? L: The sound of snow tires grindi up an icy hill in the snow and sleet c blizzard ... M: Is this some kind of joke? L: No, I'm serious, I can't beli• they didn't warn you. M: This could really put a crirni my surfing plans. L: Surfing? You must be thinkin1 California. What do you really w to do while you're in Omaha? M: I think I'll ride the Peony P. Roller Coaster a few times, tl transfer to Malibu Beach.


• • • ••


Since the draft no longer exists, the laws pertaining to draft do not exist. Thus, how can we punish the Vietnam draft evaders when there is no law against draft evasion? Punishing the draft evaders , now using laws that do not exist, would be similar to putting to death all those on death row even after the abolition of the death penalty . The American people decided to abolish the draft and that act in itself pardoned the draft evaders. Now that the laws pertaining to the draft do not exist, a formal pardon is not even necessary .

Reading ; the most fundamental skill taught in schools today. District 66 in the past few years has adopted a new system of teaching reading skills based on an individualized concept. Years ago the only method of teaching reading skills was by using one book per reading level. This system concentrated on phonetic and contextual clues. Perhaps this was not the best and broadest means by which a child could learn to read . A method called i/t/a was experimented within two schools using an entirely different approach. An alphabet containing 44 symbols was used for a beginning reader in lieu of the standard 26 letter alphabet. Later, the child was transferred to the standard alphabet. This method aided the child gifted in reading . However, another child would become lost and confused during the transfer of alphabets. This obviously was a poor teaching method . In the past four years, the reading program has extended beyond the first years of junior high and continues throughout high school. This has been a large and worthwhile improvement. Some of the District's teachers and administrators have designed a new reading program keyed to each individual reader . The program is called IRS, and involves many different approaches to reading. The main concept is to surround each child with books, tapes, records, toys, and games. It is hoped that with all this material the child will find something that he can relate to and enjoy. The child is tested frequently for placement so that he may work wherever comfortable. lnd ividualization has had its failures . However, the administration realized that something had to be done to improve the reading program. They should be recognized for designing a program to teach a student individually.

Again this year, incoming seniors are required to pass a most rigorous test necessitating the cleverness and cunning of a fox in hot pursuit of its prey: having his or her senior portrait taken. Innocently, I embarked upon this task, Westside yearbook guidelines in hand. The treachery of the portrait photographer cannot be underestimated. Daily, enticing advertisements found their way into my mailbox, proudly displaying sample portraits of youthful faces with perfectly formed features and natural smiles upon their faces. Glancing through the literature I wondered how many hours would be needed to retouch my portraits into a presentable condition. In addition to the Robert Redford look alikes on the ads, they boasted: "Satisfaction Guaranteed," "No Sitting Fee Charged," "Natural Color," "Free 8x10 for sittings before July 19," and so and so forth. One studio even took the liberty of telephoning me one evening after I had ignored their "fabulour offer" I'd received earlier in the mail.

Assuming the role of the careful shopper, I ignored all such ploys and began comparing package prices. Each photographer boasted its reasonable student portrait packages containing various sized portraits, wallets and a yearbook glossy. Unfortunately my idea of reasonably priced portraits and their ideas differed by a wide margin . Even the barest necessities of an 8x10 for my parents, a few 3x5's for relatives, and wallets for friends ran upwards of $60. I fmally settled on the lowest priced photographer in my area. Over five weeks in advance of my yearbook deadline, I secured my appointment as instructed by the studio. I was assured that it would take that long to prepare a 3x4 for Shield. At that rate I wondered if the rest of my portraits would be ready by the time I reached retirement age. I awoke early at dawn the morning of my appointment, carefully did my hair and applied my make-up with an unsteady hand. Arriving at the shopping center, I groped my way to the photographer, half blind, for I'd been told that wearing my contact lenses would ruin the appearance of

* Letters * Letters * Letters Dear Editor, I just wanted to voice my opinion concerning minimum competency tests. I think that they are a very good idea and serve an excellent purpose. I have been reading in many magazines about 18 and 19 year olds who graduate and are completely illiterate. They cannot read or write. For many, signing their name is a challenge. Having a special test for each skill is an excellent attempt to cut down if not stop these unfortunate people from graduating. It is not only bad for the community, but bad for the individual to let them graduate. My only gripe is the manner in


which these tests are given. Most are split into three locations: cafeteria, Little Theater, and the Upper Auditorium . In two of these places, cheating is very simple. The cafeteria would be a good location, if some of the students didn't have to have their backs against the table. It is very awkward, and cuts down a few points from their score. Editor's note: If you have an idea which you would like to voice, there are boxes in the S.S. IMC, and the English IMC for your letters. All letters must be signed. However, upon special request, your name will be withheld. Editor


my eyes. I needed all the help I cc get. I presented my deposit, took minutes to fix the two hour mak( job which now looked horrible in new light, and prepared to look best. When I left, the studio, howevt felt more like a tangled contortio: than anything else. "Come on de: chided the photographer, "Head · way a little, not too much. Cross y legs. Lower your hands and cl them ... now smile!!! After leaving the studio, I felt\ proud of myself indeed outsmarting all the price gougers ploys. A week later when I pickec my proofs I felt all the dumber. It's not that they were all that 1 It's just that after all that trouble family and I cannot agree on wl pose to get. So the proofs remair the coffee table undecided upo1 guess that's the breaks!

Published bi-weekly by the Publicati< Department of Westside High School , 87th' Pacific St., Omaha, Nebraska 68114 . T LANCE is a member of the National Schola. Press Association and the Nebraska H School Press Association . The paper is gi free of charge to holders of Activity Tick Subscription rates to others are $3 .00 postp. Non- profit mailing rights claimed . Printed Wright Printing Co., Omaha. Co-edlton ......... Margaret Kane, Rick Pant• Editorial editor ...................... Brenda Mosko Alii. editorial editor ......... Dan Goldr Editorial writer .............. Sharon Sha Newo editor ............ ....... .. ....... Connie Schl< Alii. newo editor ...... ........ ...... ..... .. . Steve M Newo wrlten ........................... Kirsten Karr Beth Lashinsky, Robyn Nichols, Jenny Wt Feature editor ... ........... ............. .... Kathy o · ~ Aut. feature editor .... .. ......... Mary Z immerr ................ lisa Kap Feature wrlten .. Kim Nilsson , Kathy Sheri Bualnua manager ............. Terri Perr Alii. buolnno manager ........... Russ Undel Sporto editor .... ....... Bob Peter Aut. oporto editor ... .. Brent Bierr Sporto wrlten .................. Bill Saint, BobSt Arllot .................................. ......... Dan Gold• Photography editor ..... .. Marty 'I Advloor ... . ................... John Hue


Jtember 10, 1976

Page 3

Westside Rejuvenated Throughout the last summer, much work has been done to improve the looks of Westside, according to James Findley, Vice Principal. Some of the interior changes made were remodeling and painting the Vocal and Instrumental rooms, and carpeting th e offices in this area, putting in n ew tile, and replacing parts in the seats of the Little Theatre, repainting m any rooms, replacing parts of bleachers in the Boys' Gym, painting the walls of the Commons, replacing the ceiling by the swimming pool, and putting tile in areas of both the English and Math IMC's.


The outcome of these additions and replacements will be safer, more efficient equipment, as in the case of the bleacher s, which Findley said will be much easier to move in and out now; and a "certainly more pleasant" atmosphere for teachers and students. These changes are authorized through various people in the district, such as Dr . James Tangdall, principal at Westside, Dr. H. Vaughn Ph elps, Superintendent of School District 66, the Westside custodians, and oth ers. Findley said that many of these improvements are planned on a long range basis and some of them are "spur of the moment" ideas.

last moments of solitude before the beginning of another busy year.

uggestions to ease college costs fter taking all the necessary tests, lying and finally being accepted peek into your saving account find that you may not be going to ege because of finances . J many students find themselves king and saving for another year. e there's always next year right? mg! College costs this year are up average of eight percent · The .re looks grim for college costs to .me. .ccording to the College olarship Service, public and ·ate schools in the Midwest are siderably cheaper on the average, :1 those in theN ew England or the idle states, and private itutions in areas such as Illinois usually less costly than those on

the West Coast. Though many parents have put aside some money for their children's education they often find their money doesn't put a 'dent' in the final college cost. Requests for student assistance have grown steadily. A student is found to have financial need if the total expected parent contribution and the anticipated contribution from his own resources is less than the appropriate student budget described in the specific college financial aid a pp lica tion. Working while going to college is considered much more acceptable than it was a decade ago- so much so that financial assistance packages frequently include jobs for students. Some students even go into debt now,

nsa Horses Around

changed their weekly meeting days to Monday so that Lois Devereaux, Westside math teacher, will be able to continue as the club's sponsor .

lacing eighth for her ;emanship at the American Jr.-Sr. .rter Horse Association World .mpionships, was Kristy Hamsa, ;tside junior. Miss Hamsa 1peted against 77 other ;ewomen in her class, Geldings ·!ish, and Showmanship. Miss nsa earned the right to compete in contest by qualifying for the raska riding team. Only fifteen of state's top riders can qualify. The e team competed for honors inst 44 other states. Overall the n placed in the top 20. Miss nsa plans to compete in The gress Horse Show in October, in 1mbus, Ohio. The show is the est quarter horse event of th e

bs Party In Elmwood ~ lub

and Interact kicked off the school year with a get together at wood Park Sunday, August 20. 1g with the soccer games, frisbee •wing, and mingling, Z-dub

Welcome back

Enter the Wor ld of Fabulous Gifts

to cover college costs. Another solution to the high cost of college life has been the community college, which provides savings by living at home. Community and commuter colleges may be the solution because private and statesupported colleges are beginning to price themselves out of the average family market. Academic scholarships and grants are another solution. Scholarships can be acquired from the school you are presently attending or the college of your choice. Supplemental educational opportunity and basic educational grants , college-work study programs, student loans and special educational benefits may help in diminishing college costs.

He said an example of an improvement made on a long range basis is the n ew windows being installed on the north side of the Science Wing at this time. Findley said this "was a bad situation" in the past with many ofthe windows in poor condition. He added that the change should be completed within the first two months of school. Not only have interior improvements been made, but much h as been done on the exterior of the school, in the football field. These changes include, an entire new lighting system for th e field, wh ich Findley said will make the games better for everyone; and the building of th e "Tom Pate Plaza" in the entrance to the field , which houses the Tom Pate Memorial and ticket booths.

lr~z LS~tr@!MD~2 SOJ...O

Le~ven wo..--th

don't get Left out of the picture. There 's still time to have your picture taken for the yearbook .


Call now for an appointment, 393-7443

1 016 So. 74 Plaza 393 -8380 342-0786

James Soucie Photography 10917 Elm Street 120 Regency Parkway 391 -7744

Joyce's Korner Sam Amato

Regen cy Fa sh ion Court

Page 4


September 10, 1

Previous experiences helped

Decision on joining AFS emotional "AFS is a very emotional experience," explained Annette Stayner, Australian exchange student. She and Carmen Herran from Colombia were officially introduced into the life of AFS (American Field Service) on August 29 at the annual AFS picnic. The event provided an opportunity for all to see into the life of exchange students. Annette got into AFS through experience. Besides her family's involvement with it, an older sister was an exchange student. "Also, many United States students stayed in Australia and I met quite a few of them." City life, Annette explained, is not drastically different in Omaha from Melbourne, which contains one-sixth of the country's people. "It's more

crowded at home than it is here. The first thing I noticed about Omaha was its spread-out feeling . Houses and shopping centers are laid back from the streets here." She added that there is less public transit available here. Since her arrival on July 20, Annette and her "host sister" Lorri Todd have viewed movies, toured Omaha, and spent a week in Colorado . "I was really looking forward to that week."

Learned much about U.S. "Before I came, I decided I didn't want preconceived ideas about how things would be. I didn't want to be disappointed. I knew quite a bit about the U.S. from American AFS students, so there haven't been many surprises." Anthropology, social studies, English, and drama are some of the

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Bass Weejuns Miss America Hush Puppies

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classes that Annette has enrolled in. When asked if she planned to try out for parts in productions at Westside, she was uncertain . "I've been into drama for 5 years, but I'll have to see how things go before I decide." America plays a very big part in Australian life, she commented. "Nearly every television show is imported from the States. Life in both places seems to be very much the same." Similar comments came from Carmen Herran, native of Cali, Colombia. "Life is just a little faster here. It's not too hard to get used to though."



Carmen learned a great deal about the U.S. from American AFS students that previously stayed at her home. Three older sisters and an older brother each hosted visitors from the United States. She added that another exchange student is staying at her home in her absence. The good experiences with their guests got her interested in the program. "I wanted to come last year, but my parents felt I was too young." Her American "sister" is senior Lynn Conser.




"Very big, interesting, and complex," were Carmen's reactions to Westside. Eleven years of education are required in Colombia, she stated, starting around the age of six or seven. Upon her return, she will take a test to determine whether or not she will be allowed to graduate. Those not passing the test are required to go through another year of school. American customs and forms oflife hold a great deal of interest for Carmen. She hopes to learn as much as she can during her stay. "I want to get to know a lot of cities and a lot of people."




Trip to Olympics is excitin) This summer, while most Americans tuned in to ABC to watch the Summer Olympics, Judy Morrison, senior at Westside, witnessed the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat in person. Although living in Nebraska almost a year, Ms. Morrison was invited last summer by her former teammates to compete with them in a sort of mini-olympics at Ft. Collins, Colorado. Teams from many states compete in this semi-annual event. This year the top three teams won a trip to the Summer Olympics. Ms. Morrison's team, the Oklahoma Explorers, placed third.

Personal Olympic glimpses Arriving in Montreal four days before the opening ceremonies, Ms. Morrison received an identification card to be worn at all times and a metro tag which would allow her to ride the buses and subways free. Similar delegations came from other countries where they all stayed in dormitories designated especially for them. "Everyone I saw was so friendly," explains Ms. Morrison, "everyone you see says hi, even if they don't know you." There was no discrimination between the people I met, that's what was so neat." Most everyone spoke a little English which was surprising to

her. She made many interet friends during her stay. Ms. Morrison explains they free to do whatever they wa whenever they wanted. There street parties every night or would visit the local discos or r. spots. During the day they took t• went shopping, saw Expo '67 were able to meet some of the ath in the Olympic Village. Tickets were divided among delegates and they attended sports they were most interest• along with the opening and ell ceremonies. Among the many e' Ms. Morrison attended were Men's track and field finals. Shl her friends didn't actually tickets to the track finals but in1 sneaked in as athletes. identification cards resembled athletes except for a few details o front. She explains that they v flash their cards walking very q u past each guard. It wasn't until got to the last guard when he asl see their tags more closely. Thee didn't notice the difference and were allowed in.

Political interference Ms. Morrison recalls that saddest part of her stay was wh{ African nations had to pull out getting to the point where countries bring politics in ' they're not supposed to be. · think that for just a few weeks four years these countries could 1 their differences for the sake l athletes."

Olympic games worthwhi

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Westgate Home Beautiful

AFS students Annette Stayner and Carmen Elisa Herran adjust to 1

1 08th & Center


Ms. Morrison brought many t back with her that she will k{ momentos of her trip to Mor Many of which she traded for personal items of her own. She large collection of pins repres{ other countries that she t American pins for. She corresponds with several o foreign friends. "Being at the Olympics is a f you just can't imagine. It's somE you always read about or see o: It's really something else to ac be there."When askediftheOly were her goal as an athlet replied, "It's hard for Am athletes to make it that far. I look at it realistically, but bein~ would make anyone think i worthwhile."

Page 5


tember 10, 1976




1125 South 119th Street Skylark Plaza

(Just South of Big Fred's)


Chiefs scalp Westside Right: Warrio r q u arterback Bill Nocita eludes Ch ieftain t a ckle r for a long gain in West side's 7-0 heartbreaking l oss. Mi ddl e: Spikers prepare for open er w ith T.J. Left: Netter polish es up ser ve before meeting P r e p tonigh t a t Westside.


Of th e numerous athletic clich es which have developed th rough the ages, "We beat ourselves," is th e most appropriate one to describe Westside 's fall to Bellevue. Error s were the cause of an otherwise good Warrior effort, to end in defeat, 7-0. With 6:53 remaining in the th ird quarter, Bill Nocita, Warrior quarterback, miss-timed a pitchout, leaving the ball up for grabs. Subsequently, Bellevue recovered the loose ball and raced 68 yards for the touchdown. This broke up what was a strong Warrior 50-yard drive. Only two other times in the game

state tourney format benefits netters

was the first day of practice. t off, Boys Tennis Coach Paul •lm began talking of a title that ong eluded the Warrior netters, ~ state

tournament this year has ;ed a new format. In addition to :raditional Il l singles and Ill les, it includes 112 singles and 112 les. The changes, according to olm, will show which school has •est 'team' - not just the best idual players. ~ new format provides separate ; for both singles and doubles so for example, a Ill singles player never compete against a 112 ! S player. Also, the Il l events will more weight in the point scores the 112 events. era! area coaches had been mg a new system for years, said lm, but there were always some

who were violently opposed. Now, the changes will best display what Nyholm claims is his team's best feature- depth. "We've always had the best depth and the best team, but we've only been able to play one singles and one doubles ," contended Nyholm. "We could have won state four or five times if it had been on more of a team basis. " A total of 26 players are participating on the varsity and junior varsity - a number which has forced the varsity and two groups of J.V .'s to practice at different times. " You could put 30 players on four courts for two hours a day (at the same time) and never get anything accomplished ," explained Nyholm. Senior Co-captains Tom Rice and Steve Albert will lead the team which returned all but two of its varsity

ikers seek Metro Conference title ; hard to tell how our team will come out this year. I hate to make any :tions now . It's really too early to tell. We do have the ability to become an ent team but other variables will influence that," stated Leslie Royle, volleyball coach, about the 1976 team . ; year the volleyball team is having five returning starters to Varsity and returning on Junior Varsity from last year to make a 12 member squad. are four girls that are standouts from last year who are returning; ·s, Jennifer Erickson, and Janet Pattavina along with Juniors Lori erman , and Jodi Sanders . requirement for making the volleyball team involves the necessary skill , •ability ," team effort, and experience. girls have been practicing since Aug . 16 and are preparing to take on 'irstgame, Sept. 7, with T.J. here at Westside and then they are on the road ~ ir second game at Tech on Sept. 14. · think our team can make State this year. We are only limited by how we mrselves," said Ms. Royle and the J.V . coach, Jackie Henningsen .

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members. They include Seniors Steve Davis, Mark Pred, and Juniors Dan Goldman, Mike Mellen, Chris Olson, Ken Somberg and John Staenberg. Nyholm described the team as a "Good, close-knit bunch of guys who want to play tennis ." The first duel meet of the season is 4 p.m . , today at home against Creighton Prep. Playing Ill singles for Prep will be last year's State High School Singles Champion , Bob Green. His opponent has not been selected.

did Westside mount any significant drive, but both times they made crucial mistakes a nd lost any opportunities to score. The first came h alfway through th e first quarter, after Westside had driven down to th e Bellevue 20. With 4:20 left, Warrio r back, Craig Johnson, swept around the left end, broke through the Bellevue defense, and cracked the goal line. The score, which would have proved the tying factor, was called back because of a clipping penalty.



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Later, in the second quarter, Nocita delivered a long, well th rown bomb to receiver Rob Linde. The play was good for 43 yards and set the Warriors in striking range from Bellevue's 12. But an offside penalty nullified the play leaving Westside, once again, scoreless. It must be emphasized, however, that the Warriors, despite mistakes, beat Bellevue everywhere, except on the scoreboard. Westside's secondary shut down Bellevue for no yardage passing, while offensively the Warriors hit a couple for 17 yards. A strong Westsdie defense held the Chieftains to 168 yards rushing while the Warriors blasted for 216, led by Johnson's game high of 164 yards.

Hope for Naiad development Under the coaching of Cal Bentz the WHS girls' swim team is preparing for another season. This year, two returning standouts will be Junior Carol Berger, a state diving champion who made AllAmerican last year, and backstroker Debbie Hartford, a senior. Bentz sees a strong team but can't be assured of a state victory . "It's too early to tell after just one week of practice," said Bentz. In order to be ready for their swim meet with Roncalli and T.J. the girls have been practicing since Aug. 24.

Some of the competition that the girls will be swimming against this year are Bellevue, who took state two years ago, Marian, winner three years ago, and various Metro teams. "The team will take each meet as it comes," concluded Bentz.

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Page 6

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lansmen speak to seminar class

though they came without their 路sand hoods, two members of the {lux Klan spoke to Jan David's ory Seminar class to aid them in a y of the organization, on Friday, . 10. Tangements to have Klan tber Bob Lauritsen, then the local er of the Ku Klux Klan, to come to tside were partially made by or Dick Giller. Dick called an 1ha World-Herald reporter who previously done a story on :itsen, to make some connections, invite him to the school. The rter contacted Lauritsen and :itsen then called Dick back and ed to come, for the question and ver period.

Blacks, Lauritsen said that he had no hate for them; he just didn't "want to associate with them." Further prodding by the class got no reason for this comment. Other remarks included a comparison by Lauritsen, that "fifteen average Whites are smarter than fifteen 'sharp' Negroes."

uritsen and another Ku Klux . member, Bud Clapp, spoke to group with what Ms. David ed a "very emotional pitch." She that the Klansmen expected rone to agree with them in a class 路e there were many hostile people.

Many times during the discussion, the topic would suddenly change. One of these imes was when a student asked aoout the Klan's feelings toward Jews. Lauritsen, up to this point, had done quite a bit of speaking. This time all he said was, "Personally, I have nothing against the Jews." However, Clapp took over from there, saying that he doesn't care for Jews because they don't believe in Christ. They both agreed that they are against Jews in higher government offices. Lauritsen said as

me of the ideas covered in the 1ssion were the Klan's feelings trds Blacks, "White Trash," :, government intervention, and : information on the Ku Klux 1en questioned by the students on

Both the Klansmen said that they are "tired of supporting Negroes" with Welfare and Aid for Dependent Children (ADC). When the students asked how they felt about Whites on these same programs, Clapp quickly replied, "We're down on 'White Trash' too." Lauritsen said they will legally try to stop the distribution of ADC to those who can work.

a rule, the Ku Klux Klan is against Jews, although in Nebraska there are few with anti.Jew feelings. Another issue discussed was forced busing. The Klan is very much against this, and any other type of government intervention, such as the enforcing ofthe 55 mile per hour speed limit. Lauritsen called the speed limit "extortion" by the federal government. Their feelings on busing are that better teachers should be hired in the black neighborhood schools, rather than busing the children to get a better education. During the course. of the discussion, the men explained some basic things about the Ku Klux Klan . They said that they have many women and some Nebraska politicians in the Klan. They emphasized, though, that no Omaha city officials are part of it. Another point of interest was that Lauritsen had handed down his position of "Exalted Cyclops" or the local lodge leader of the Klan, to another man. He now has a higher position. After the discussion was over, Ms. David commented , "I thin kit's a good experience for the kids to look at both sides of the issue." She added that she would do this type of activity again in the future.

Bob Lauritsen and Bud Clapp KKK representatives said ... "We're down on 'White Trash' too," in a recent class interview.

Westside's September24.1976 Westside High School Omaha. Nebraska 68124 Vol. 21. No.2


WHS gets free science equipment

ding occupancy available immediately. The KOIL headquarters now empty as a result of a recent FCC decision.

Due to the initiative oftwo Westside electronics teachers, Tim lngoldsby and Jim Allen, the science department has received about $3500 worth of free equipment. lngoldsby and Allen have written evaluations of this new equipment which are published in 'The Physics Teacher.' The companies see this as a form of free advertising and send Westside the equipment for free evaluations. "Some of the equipment we get permanently, and some other we just use for a year, but that is up to the company," said lngoldsby. Pasco Scientific and Thorton Associates are two of the companies that lngoldsby does evaluations for. He has a full year of evaluations planned. According to Ingoldsby, Pasco is sending another $1000 worth

of equipment soon. He also hopes to evaluate a new line of 'Heathkit' programmed learning kits, although it is not definite yet. "I got started doing this type of thing sort of by chance," said lngoldsby. "You have to meet the right people." The idea was first presented to

I have not encouraged or discouraged Mr. Ingoldsby and Mr. Allen. If they feel it is a benefit to education then it is fine, but I would not encourage this type of thing on a large scale. -Dr. Jim Tangdall, principal lngoldsby about three years ago when the editor of the apparatus section of 'The Physics Teacher' was at Westside for a meeting. Then in June of 1975 in Boulder, Colo. and last spring in New York at the National

I years of 'LOVE-THAT-KOIL' off the air-waves . thanks to the thousands of e who have enjoyed KOIL for the fifty-one years." That was the tatement read by Steve Shepard, President and General Manager )IL and KEFM, before KOIL d off at 12:01 a .m . Thursday, 2. Disc jockey Gene Shaw played n and Garfunkel's "The Sound ilence." The song seemed 1priate. er ten long years of court battles the Federal Communications nission (FCC), KOIL, KEFM, ive other broadcast stations in is, Indiana, and Washington stripped of their licenses on the tds of mismanagement, f"lxed sts, and giving two illegal aign funds to two United States ors between the years of 1964 966.

According to Jimmy O'Neill, now owners, the Nebraska Rural Radio program director at KRCB in Council Company. Later it bought KEFM in Bluffs, lA , the violations were 1958. Burden developed a program for committed in the Washington, young people. It was based on rock Illinois, and Indiana stations and not music format. It played popular in the Omaha stations. O'Neill said 路 music, blended with gimmicks. that he never believed that they would Tom Barsanti, program director at really take KOIL off the air, "Because WOW radio station, said that he they usually just take and find new didn't know if the ratings at his management." station had gone up because they only take the ratings twice a year. When Les Steffen, treasurer and secretary asked what his feelings were about for the Star Stations (the company KOIL being stripped of its license, which owned KOIL, KEFM and the Barsanti answered that he had none. five other stations), said that they The reaction around Westside High (FCC) began investigating Don School was mixed. Some felt that the Burden (owner of the Star Stations) station deserved to be taken off, ten years ago to see about the others said that they couldn't care necessary character qualifications in less since they never listened to KOIL his Star Stations. to begin with . One student at Don Burden and Chic Crabtree Westside pointed out that she was going to miss KOIL because "when bought KOIL in 1953 from its then

Physics teachers meeting manufacturers. He is not sure why more teachers don't get involved, but says, "I think a lot of teachers are unaware of it. Very few high school physics teachers can attend these meetings, mostly because they are not free," Ingoldsby, however, hopes to attend another

they were playing a song I didn't like, then I'd switch over to WOW and visaversa. But now WOW dominates the radio, so I really have little or no choice but to listen to WOW or to turn the radio off.'' When asked the question whether or not KOIL will ever be back on the air, O'Neill answered "Yes, but not as KOIL. It would be with different call letters because it would be with different management." Could Don Burden ever get back or buy new stations? "It would be very difficult for him to own any stations any more since the trouble he has gotten into with the FCC," Steffen said. O'Neill summed up KOIL's leaving by saying, "It's like having your driver's license taken away, but then they burn your car."

convention in Chicago this February. " I have not encouraged or discouraged Mr. lngoldsby and Mr. Allen," said Dr. James Tangdall, Westside principal. "If they feel it is a benefit to education then it is fme, but I would not encourage this type of thing on a large scale. I feel that students and staff should not have to compete just because there is a new piece of equipment." Dr. Tangdall does not want Westside's labs to become a vending place. "We already have a science department that is equipped better than most colleges," said Dr. Tangdall. According to Chuck Lang, science department head, this idea has been practiced in varied forms. "I think because the electronics program has just become part of the science department is why they have become involved in it," said Lang. Biology has received an autoclave, which is a sterilizer. Chemistry gets magazine subscriptions, laboratory hardware and glassware. The equipment received so far due to lngoldsby's work includes two electronic counting timers, a signal generator and power supply. A complete line of biomedical equipment has also been received.


Page 2

Slang's fangs easily jammed by Sharon "Man, that pre-calc assignment kills me! Ya know?" "Ya , that blew me away too!" "Freaky . . . Well guy! When's it due?" "Day after yesterday!" "Huh?" No, no one is being murdered by his pre-calculus assignment and no tornado has blown anyone away as a result of his pre-calculus class. This is American English. As in, "Excuse me, do you speak American?" Americans of all ages are inclined to distort meanings, tenses and even invent new words to suit their emotions. The above sentences of an average American (perhaps a highly educated Westside student) may be translated with the help of a Roget's

Thesaurus, Webster's Dictionary, and an average American as: "Gracious, that pre-calculus assignment is totally baffling me! Do you comprehend and sympathize with me?" "Yes, I do. That came as quite a shock to me also." "How unusual! Well, my goodness! When are we to hand it in to be corrected by our teacher?" ''Today ." "This is shocking to me! Could you please repeat yourself?" Which of these dialogues strikes a fa miliar and perhaps harmonic note to your ears? It was probably the first one. Few Americans have been able to escape th!l clap-trap jaws of slangorrhea: the distant relative of

by Dan

Published bi-weekly by the Publications Department of Westside High School , 87th and Pacific St. , Omaha, Nebraska 68114 . THE LANCE is a member of the National Scholastic Press Assoc iation and the Nebraska High School Press Association . The paper is g iven free of charge to holders of Activity Tickets . Subscription rates to others are $3.00 postpaid . Non-pro fit mailing rights claimed . Printed by Wright Printing Co., Omaha . Co-edltora ......... Margaret Kane, Rick Pantoga Editorial editor ...................... Brenda Moskovits . Aut. editorial editor ................... Dan Gol.dman .. .. Sharon Shanks Editorial writer .. News editor ... . ................... Connie Schleich Aut. news editor ............................ Sieve Maun News writers .. .. ................. Kirsten Karnett, Beth Lash insky , Robyn Nichols, Jenny Welch Feature editor ............................... Kathy O'Hara Aut. feature editor ............... Mary Zimmerman Feature writers ............................... Lisa Kaplan , Kim Nilsson , Kathy Sherlock Business mMager ....................... Terri Perrone Aut. buslnns m1n11ger ........... Russ Undeland Sports editor ............................... Bob Peterson Aut. sports editor ................ .. ... Brent Bierman Sports wrttera .................. Bill Saint, Bob Sturm Artist .. .. .......... Dan Goldman P11otogr1phy editor ............. Marty Wells Advisor . .. . .. ... .......... ~... John Hudnall

defense provisions to prevent further conflicts, thus, creating a high demand for weapons in the world . The U .S . has been more than willing t o quench the nation's "in its best interests" thirst for weapons . In 1975, international arms sales soared to an all-time high of 20 billion dollars, making the U .S. the world's largest dealer of weapons. This hypocrisy begins to be obvious. While we preach world peace on one side, we are supplying the world with weapons for war on the other. Motivation for this h ypocrisy is manifested into two reasons . First, the two biggest buyers of American weapons are none other than oil producing Saudia Arabia and Iran. Secondly, we feel that it is necessary to supply our allies with an. equal amount of weapons as Russia supplies hers. Supplying the Arab nations with weapons would not be necessary if we develop our untapped resources of energy such as solar, coal and atomic fusion . The real question of world peace though, lies in dealing with Russia and the arms race. Probably the most effective weapon we have is notour F14 fighter planes, but rather our grain. To prevent Russia from supplying her allies with weapons, the imposition of grain embargoes would be effective. Imposing grain embargoes has been recently condemned as being highly inflationary, but this does not have to be the case. Taxes could be temporarily increased to pay back the farmer for lost money. If Russia succumbs to our pressure and curtails weapon sales, the money that we normally use for our weapons could be


logorrhea. Even those educated professors of grammar may be inclined to use y'know, rip-off, putdown .. . depending, of course, upon the locale. Basically, the slang used today is nationwide. It is rare that we midwesterners have so much difficulty in communicating with slangers of a different region that we have to resort to using a term such as wod-duh ... (wa-ter.) However, if this nation were to divide into four regions; EST Eastern Slang Terms , CST - Central Slang Terms, MST - Mountain Slang Terms , and PST - Pacific Slang Terms, could we communicate? Imagine a typical teenage conversation: PST - "Hey baby, y'gonna ride the waves?" CST - "Y a mean party down?" EST- " Hey, you two tryin' to space me off?" MST - "What d 'ya mean? There aren 't any slopes around here." Perhaps a bit extreme. But it does illustrate the fact that those unfamiliar with slang could easily be confused. You must be cautious of personal cliches and take into consideration the situation at hand . Slang limits your vocabulary usa ge. It's also habit forming. Many have tried to break slang's jaws, but it is difficult to break a habit that may have been formed with your first word : "ouchie." Observe the speech around you , a nd your own. P erhaps slang and distortion of the English language will someday be ranked along with , apple pie, baseball, hotdogs, Coke, pre-calculus, and Mom.

Weapons race can prove deadly As the presidential election of Tuesday , Nov . 2 approaches, the call for world peace is inevitably sounded again . This call is echoed across the nation by politician as well as citizen, for world peace possesses a high value to the American people. But the real American dream is not just centered around world peace, but rather it is centered around the role that America should play in achieving it. Unfortunately, the American dream of world peace is far from becoming a reality. In the last 30 years alone, there have been 119 armed conflicts involving69nations. Each ofthese conflicts results in the na tion feeling a need to increase their

September 24, 19

Omaha integration went into effect over two and one-h weeks ago , causing no serious problems nor incidents for 1 students involved. The fine efforts of the students, parer teachers and administrators making this possible should commended . Another related matter, however, has caused considera consternation and disconvenience in the District 66, Ralst• Papillion and Millard school districts; this matter being · discontinuance of parent-paid bus routes . Countless students have relied for years upon parent-p routes to junior and senior high schools previously provided the Keystone Bus Company . When City School Bus Service tc over the company these routes were automatically transferee the new operation. As the opening of the Omaha Public Schools approached , C Bus Service found itself short of sufficient drivers, and in orde carry out the integration order, was forced to discontinue pare paid routes until enough drivers could be licensed to cover alii routes . City Bus Service was aware of the possibility of being shor drivers, as was apparent in the media the entire week preced the beginning of the Omaha Public Schools . Never, however , v it suggested that parent-paid routes would need to discontinued. City Bus Service informed the press on Monday, (Labor D that parent-paid routes would be discontinued , when m e concerned persons were out-of-town and unaware of situation . Many students were out on bus stops the next morn as a result of this. If parents paid for this service, then they should have b• informed much earlier that temporarily discontinuance of service was possible, before the final decision was ma Reimbursing parents does nothing for students stranded Ul bus corners.


cha nneled back to the farmer to replace the increase in taxes, and the embargoes would be lifted. As we American citizens live n a ively within our nation , our government is partaking in a race to supply the world with a hideous technology for war and destruction . The only way to stop this race is to ..:onvince Russia through drastic blunt measures to stop their end ofthe race. If we fail to take these measures, the tension will continue to mount and then it will take only one spark t o ignite the world , ending the arms race once and for all , as well as mankind .

Letters Dear Editor, I'll be short and to the point. Why can't, a drop be considered after you find out what a class is really like? There is no way for a paragraph or two to describe a full year class which could be the death of you. Yes, I admit, officials gave us three or four times and all summer to change our minds. All of which were before we had a taste of the class itself. I believe the "old was better" at least in this case. Why can't we have a week or two trial basis? This is our education. You've got to want to learn before you do. What really ticks me off, is the fact that my counselor told me to wait a week or two before dropping. The day after, my homeroom advisor told me that "There will be no more drops ... period. Give us a break, we're only human. Name Withheld

Status symbols are becoming the American way of life. Nee everything has some sort of meaning concerning the backg r01 of its owner. All objects from an automobile, preferably a fore sportster, to the brand of cigarettes smoked, contain a rani status. Status symbols are such a big deal that high-cl manufacturers are putting their labels outside of their cloth in! that one may show off his fine status rank without being tack) mentioning them on one's own . Such items as ladies' scar· shoes and mens' ties display the artist's name where all can and comment. The type of car that one drives tells others of his income how he chooses to spend it. Lately, a poor, shoddy-looking (only if it contains AM-FM stereo, with 8-track tape player) i the top of status symbols. It shows that you spend your mane ~ other more log.ical objects; such as plaques for the bathroom golden push buttons for light switches . The ultimate is the si plated dog dish. Many restaurants have raised their status by doing away ' the traditional 'doggie-bags' and renamed them 'people pia The opinion of many is that status is being taken too far and seriously, and proves nothing. Thus, the reason for this edito By the way, having an editorial written about ones main cau! very high on the status staircase . Congratulations anti-st. enthusiasts, you're now the envy of all your friends .

1tember 24. 1976


Page 3

Leaders meet; clobber club problem

ng Life leader, Guy Rodgers, socializes in IMC while taking time teaching.


Student apathy, lack of pride and plain disconcern, all lead to diminish Westside's school spirit. School clubs, teams and organizations then begin to feel the effect of apathy. Dr . James Tangdall, WHS principal, has arranged meetings for all club, team and organization leaders. The meetings are held every two weeks on Wednesday mornings, before school. ''There are two reasons I want to meet with club leaders," stated Tangdall. "First of all I think through these meetings clubs can communicate with each other, telling others what is going on in their particular group and informing others. Secondly, to improve pride, through the clubs, to the whole school. So far the leaders of the various

organizations have had two meetings. An idea was discussed about having a night where all clubs got together and presented a program for students and parents. Instead, for example, of a two hour band night, every club would display or present their various club. This way students and parents would be introduced, briefly , by many clubs and organizations. "By having and attending the meetings each club can see what other clubs are doing, such as selling things," explained Tangdall. "Also clubs then can help each other improve and promote involvement," stated Tangdall. At the meetings clubs can give ideas on activities that could take place, money-raising ideas

and overall student and community interest projects. In recent years before clubs seemed to be competing against each other. Clubs were not raising money for the community or future projects but instead running against each other. "To get the clubs more unified and working for the school is the main reason, I think, for having the meetings," stated Synda Swift, captain of varsity cheerleading. The meetings include everyone who is a captain, president of leader of any organizations from sports to band and music groups. So maybe with a new year and a whole new set of people to work with the problem of apathy can be conquered or at least decreased.

International club meets

Thespians will put on a puppet show to be announced at a later date. Ogden said that the show will contain the same type of humor found on the television program Saturday Night Live.

According to Ms. O'Brien, the choir was designed to serve as "Another facet of the music program ." Carefully staged pop music numbers will be the choir's specialty. For this reason, auditioning students were tested for singing and dancing ability, along with stage personality. Students were also required to be a member of vocal music. Twenty-six students, including two alternates, were chosen to participate. Practices will be held Tuesday nights, and Thursday mornings before school. Ms. O'Brien said planned performances include entertaining at the next teacher's convention and two concerts to be held at Westside.

tung Life-student outreach asically, Young Life is a way to kids who don't have much vement with church," said Guy ers, Westside's student teacher ychology. :lgers explained that Young Life international organization that Christian, nondenominational ach to high school students. e organization, which started in in Texas, has spread throughout United States and now has ~hes in Latin America and pe. mg Life came to Omaha five 1 ago. Rodgers was introduced to his senior year at Benson by his rmate. Rodgers so enjoyed his vement with the movement, that ntinued on with it and became a g Life leader. •sently, 10 to 15 Westsiders are


involved with Young Life. Young Life has other chapters in Omaha which include all high school age students. A typical Young Life meeting consists of singing contemporary songs, entertainment by members, such as skits, and is closed with a talk by one of the leaders. · Rodgers explained that the talks deal with topics the members can relate to today, not of something 2000 years ago. Evie Thomas, Westside senior, joined Young Life the spring of her sophomore year, and has been active since. "I like it mainly because of the people, and they don't preach at you," said Ms. Thomas. Rodgers is a senior at UNO, and is majoring in social studies, with a concentration in psychology.

ate fair has many aspects >colate cream pie eating contests, quarter horse judging, midway •ment, nightly shows featuring big stars, and parades of different natures just a few of the many attractions to be found at theN ebraska State Fair, mber 2 through 12. :ord-breaking attendance was set this year with over 600,000 people ng through fair gates, and carnival receipts were up 15 percent from that .t year. A record crowd of 145,500 forced fair officials to close gates on .ay, Sept. 6, because there was no more room. s year's nightly performances by well-known stars included Bob Hope, Davis, Roy Clark, Freddie Fender, The Fifth Dimension, Johnny Cash, 1any others. These entertainers appeared in the round in the new sports r. 1rter horse judging, goat, pig, and cow judging, beef breeding cattle 1g, and other animal-related contests also took place during the ten day >ther interesting event that took place was the home wine making etition . The judges taste tested a total of 136 different wines. Competition teld in eight classifications, some of which were: sweet red, rose, sweet vines, and sparkling wines. Midway excitement included thrilling rides, ssions for everyone's taste, games and amusements of all kinds.

Garage and candy sales were among topics discussed at International Club's Tuesday, Sept. 13 organizational meeting. Club President Bev Brokke outlined the coming year's activities which will begin with the International Club Dinner. Taking place in the cafeteria, the dinner is planned for Monday, Oct. 11 at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 11, 12, 13 are the dates set for the annual AFS weekend. The club candy sale will begin around the end of November. A spring garage sale is planned as a change of pace in AFS fund raising. German teacher Warren Gitt informed club members of meetings being held Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, Sept. 27, 28, and 30 to explain the "Westside Goes To Europe" program.

Sophomore shares stage Although the annual Sophomore Variety Show was cancelled this year, sophomores will be involved in more theatrical activities than ever, according to Jim Ogden, drama instructor. These activities include two all-school plays and one allschool variety show. Ogden's philosophy is "Theater is a discipline," and he felt that this year's Sophomore Variety Show was not teaching this to the students. Ogden said that because of the money-raising commitment made to the sophomore class, a group of

ACT. SAT exams coming Seniors who plan to attend college should definitely take the American College Test (ACT) and/ or the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). Four fields are covered in the ACT test; math, natural science, English and social studies. Test scores are important because they provide information on the student's ability to do college work. The SAT is a multiple choice exam covering verbal and mathematical questions. The verbal questions measure how well a student can understand and comprehend what is read. Saturday, Oct. 9, is the first testing date for the ACT. The SAT test will be given on Saturday, Nov. 6. Both tests . will be given at Westside .

Play Foosball Pinball Air Hockey and Pool

WHS ready to swing In response to requests of parents and students, a new swing choir has been formed at Westside. Arbor Heights Music Director, Elaine O'Brien, will conduct the group.

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Page 4

Septem ber 24, 19"j

Buses create problems in more ways than one Buses seem to be playing an experienced important role in the 1976-77 school the spokesman year. Although a major part of activity is centered on th e ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ that they were of. "Things Publis School District and its out a lot faster ordered integration , there is attention to be focused on As of Tuesday, Sept. 7, some bus service for secondary students the Westside Community Schools su spended . Transportation viously contracted with City Sch Bus Service was cancelled an indefinite length of time. According to Fred Downs, m<<n<<~o;<:J! I!B•IIIna~ of CSBS in Omaha, the working constan tly to train drJIVer&!'---i<efUJldl "We can only test dr ivers state examiners say we can," made up of licensed drivers assigned added. to different positions, was used to find In contrast, State Director of Motor


IF arced busing· other alternatives available I Voluntary busing One prominent factor which has helped to ease th e str ain of forced busing has been voluntary busing. Victor Larsen, curriculum supervisor for Omaha Public Schools (OPS), estimated th at 2,000 students, elementary thr ough high school age, are being tr an sported on a voluntary basis . One direct effect of voluntary busing is that th ere is no mandatory busing for senior high students. It has

also affected junior high and elementary schools. Norris, Lewis and Clark, and Hale Junior Highs had enough racial balance transfers to meet federal court guidelines, as did many elementaries. Tech High School, which last year was 82 percent black and 18 percent white, is now 55 per cent white and 45 percent black due to voluntary busing. Larsen credits the large turnout for voluntary busing to a cooperative attitude; people wanting to help make the plan work. Also many blacks decided they would like to attend a school with a white majority . When asked if busing could be totally voluntary in the future, Larsen replied, "It's possible, but not probable. We've seen it work on the senior high level, but it would be more difficult on the junior high and elementary level because oftheage."

Magnet school

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Another alternative to busing is magnet schools. Tech High School is the only such school in Omaha, but its success rate is high. The enrollment

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has doubled this year over last year and its black to white ratio exceeded the federal court regulations. Tech is also open to students who wish to take just one course. There are two such students from Westside, Seniors Brian Krueger and John Polito. They are both enrolled in an advanced television course. Brian's reasoning for going to Tech is the facilities, which according to Brian, are the best inN ebraska, and the very professional staff. "They aren't just people hired and told how to teach the course, but people who have professionally involved in this field ." In a survey Tech ran, the students reported that they were not coming for integration purposes, but rather for the school's curriculum and facilities. Odra Bradley, principal at Tech , further explained, "There is a warm , personal relationship between the student, staff and parents. There is a low ratio between group guides (counselors) and students. This allows the student to go in and talk to his or her counselor at any time without having to set up an appointment." Another attraction for students, according to Bradley, is that there are no semesters. Students get credit for the work they've done, but do not get penalized for any incomplete work. Also, most all classes are self paced so that a student "can take off for five weeks and when he comes back he can pick up right where he left off." Bradley feels that if schools had appealing curriculums, like the magnet school, students would want to sign up at different schools and racial balance would be accomplished .

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FOR >-

authority in choosing bus services l individual families and it's th decision." Mter hearing word of t suspension, Wergin phoned pr cipals in the district to get the narr of students affected, in order to C< tact them. According to Wergin, this is t year of the Great Transition for be District 66 and the Omaha Pub ' "'""uu."'· Although many bugs need ironed out, he stated, "We're pre· overthehUJnpnow. At least we there."

eature stories by: Kathy O'Hara, Ma Zimmerman, Kim N ilsso Kathy Sherlock, and Li Kaplan .

Group fights busing Amidst all of the pro and antibusing argUJnen ts in Omaha, a non-profit organization has emerged . Omahans Against Forced Busing (OAFB) is a group of concerned parents interested in the educational level of schools. The group, initiated last October, is concerned with the conditions of schooling for all children, as well as their own . Omaha president Mrs. John Eisel explained the organization in detail. "Basically, the group got together to inform citizens and assist parents in maintaining the educational level in their children's schools." "We want racial justice, but not federal intervention education ." This appears to be the base of OAFB. Mrs. Eisel stated that governmental interference infringes upon the rights and freedoms of citizens. Mrs. Eisel called busing a "social experiment" that interferes with education. "Busing is not a racial issue," she commented. She believes that although racial sentiment is usually aroused, busing only lowers the level of schooling. "Many groups involved with the busing problem push people to action or anger . We've studied cities previously having busing, and we've tried to stay away from anything promoting violence in Omaha." She said that OAFB does not wish to manipulate people into thinking what they actually do not believe in . OAFB is active in many areas. Members extensively research and study statistics pertaining to busing in other communities. Findings are recorded and filed for educational

material that is prepared E distributed by OAFB. Speakers have been brought Omaha by OAFB in order to infc people of busing and its proble1 Members of the Omaha group h; testified before special politi committees. From studies conducted by OAJ the group has concurred that bus has not and will never work. "In years of court-ordered busing," sta Mrs. Eisel , "records show that it is doing what it was intended to de the first place." Omahans Against Forced Bus also belongs to the National Assoo tion for Neighborhood Schools large non-profit organization with same goals as OAFB. Members oft group have spoken to the Natio Republican Platform Committee its arguments opposing busing achieve racial balance. Late in August, the Civil Rig Commission challenged anyone t public debate on busing, with Civil Rights group arguing affirmative. One day later, N a tiona! Association Neighborhood schools took challenge, requiring only that debate be nationally televised. ' debate is tentatively scheduled late September. Mrs. Eisel and the OAFB beli that court-ordered busing does achieve what it is supposed to, ; they intend to voice their opinion! the conflict. "We're working on 1 because we hope someday, pe< won 't have these problems to cont with ."

1tember 24. 1976


Page 5

eaceful integration goal of CCFO

ogether ... let's make it work!" s the motto on the CCFO, cerned Citizens for Omaha, ;letter. Together, CCFO and the .ha Public Schools (OPS) are ing to make integration in .ha work. ~ FO

is a citizens' group that takes ~utral position on busing. Its ose is to see that the integration ess is peaceful so that every child ves a quality education . 'he main outreach of CCFO has its Telephone Information ;er," according to Mrs. Mary wn , Information Center rdinator . "When the center .ed in March, the calls were tly concerned with why the :rs' children were being bused, how they could stop it. Now the ems are about transporting the lren. Callers want us to alert the er sources when safety measures stopping at railroad tracks and ng out stop signs aren't being wed."


Nork helped :FO sponsored a public relations Jaign before the opening of ol that reinforced what was being at the Information Center. The ic was urged to make the

listrict 66 Views Local ntegration

pointed out the importance of the long-range planning that began in February. "At that time a task force began working out the details of the integration plan." Special plans had to be developed for the transportation, health, safety, security, financial, and communications aspects of integration.

integration process a nonviolent one for the sake of the children involved . This message was delivered through public service announcements, various civic organizations, bumper stickers, and the students themselves. Students were involved in activities that included a picnic in Elmwood Park, the distribution of bumper stickers , (7,500 in one day), and Coke parties. Coke parties were used to train students to lead group discussions with other students concerning their feelings on integration . OPS is also bringing the students into the picture. Once a month student council presidents from each high school meet with Superintendent Owen Knutzen to voice their concerns. Help has come from outside those directly involved with integration as well. According to Mrs. Brown , "People from District 66, Millard, and surrounding areas volunteered their time at CCFO." Many saw that a violent integration process would have a harmful effect upon the community at large.

Planning integral Information Specialist Mary Jane O'Gara of the Omaha Public Schools

Court-ordered de~;>egregation of the Omaha Public School System began Tuesday, Sept. 7. District 66 is among the suburban school districts not affected by the court order. Many views on integration have been expressed by the parents, students, teachers and administrators of the district. Westside Vice-Principal Jim Findley stated, "I don't think Westside can or has ever intended to remain outside of busing. It's just a matter of working out a program for it." 0

Findley feels that Westside is ready to accept and encourage busing and that it's the best thing people know to do right now. Findley's daughter will be involved in busing next year. "I don't know if that second grade year will be as valuable an experience as it would be

Good for One Dollar

OPS also brought parents and citizens who weren't directly involved into the planning process. "Business people were consulted as to how the business community would react," said Mrs. O'Gara. "Parents became volunteers inside the schools so they could see what was going on first hand." Both CCFO and OPS agree it was beneficial to have two information centers. "Some people would rather believe CCFO," said Mrs. O'Gara. "They think the school will give them a biased answer, and this way they have a nother source to check." Mrs . Brown added that busing has traditionally gone more peacefully in cities with strong nonbiased community organi zations. Antibus i n g c iti ze ns gr o ups hav e seemed to bring about the opposite effect. Although CCFO will only concern itself with busing through September, it will continue as a citizens organization and be heard from in other areas of concern in the future.

if she remained in the neighborhood school," commented Findley . Wanda Frykberg, parent of a district third grader, commented, " I don't think a child should be forced to attend a school outside of her neighborhood . On the other hand a child should be allowed to attend a school where his needs will be met, whether 20 miles away or next door." Dr. H . Vaughn Phelps , superintendent, said that current enrollment figures show very little increase over last year indicating that integration has had almost no effect on enrollment. Phelps feels that in the future the district will go to some type of voluntary integration with '66 students leaving the district and OPS students coming in. Phelps believes that the best type of integration would be natural integration whereby the housing patterns would be integrated .

Tuition is payed for reasons other than avoiding integration Is Westside an escape route for students avoiding integration? The a nswer to this question is no, or at least it's not suppose to be. Students wishing to attend Westside High School and living outside of District 66 must apply for tuition . Adequate reason must be given for attending District 66 and the application must be reviewed by the School Board. The revised tuition policy No. 3150 was adopted on Nov. 3, 1975. The main part of this policy reads as follows : The criteria for the superintendent to determine that a n onresident student may attend the Westside Community Schools shall be, but not limited to: 1. The agreement of the parent, student, or School District to pay the applicable tuition fees. 2. The necessity of the student to receive educational programs not offered in the resident's district. 3. Reasonable assurance that the student will not overcrowd or diminish the quality of the programs

for the District 66 residents. 4. The length of time the applicant has been in the Westside Community Schools and / or the length of time the student plans to attend. A nonresident student shall not be admitted to the Westside Community Schools if the primary motivation for the student's request is either: 1. To enter a school which is not as racially integrated as the student's former school or 2. To avoid assignment to a racially integrated school in the school district in which the student resides. Altogether 21 students pay tuition to attend Westside. One of these is Senior Kathy Westphal. Ms. WestJ>hal explains she had attended District 66 schools until her family's decision to move to Papillion after her sophomore year. Ms. Westphal and her parents agreed she would like to finish out her high school at Westside. Better educational opportunities and wider choice of classes were among the reasons for paying to attend Westside High School.

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Page 6

I..----IM·e·s-ts·i-de-b-oa_s_t_s_s~!~P ~~a·c-he•r•a•c•h-ie•f(l•e•m•e·n-ts_ _ __ Mex ican l ikes t acos "I miss the meals of Mexico. Here, everyday, we eat hamburbers," said Roberto Becerra, Mexican studying here at Westside. "People at Westside are very shy. They do not say hello t o those that they do not know. In Mexico, we greet everybody we haven't seen before. Everybody is welcome," related Becerra. Becerra is 19 years old and a senior.

He is living with the Krejci family . His own family lives in Mexico City, a "large and very busy place" as he describes it. Becerra does not like sweets. They are too bitter for him. Football is his favorite sport. "American football is very different from ours. Yours is not as brutal as ours, but is a pleasant change." Becerra played football in Mexico before coming here to study. Classes at Westside are "ok" stated Becerra. He prefers to speak English so that he may "learn faster and better the American way of speech ."

R e m em be r you r yearbook port rait s. Get yo u r p i c t ure taken before Sept . 30 .


Kurt Sage .... . ........ sh ow biz.

Ogden 'plays ' around



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Children's Theater, Nebraska Repertory Theater, multi-media productions, puppeteering and directing are just a few things Mr. Jim Ogden, new drama teacher at Westside, has taken part in. In high school, where Ogden first became involved with theater, he performed in school productions and also at the Lincoln playhouse. At the University of Nebraska at Lincoln , Ogden got his masters degree in theater. Most of his acting was done in Lincoln at UNL, but he has also performed at the Lincoln playhouse, Ridge puppets in

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Tennis came into her life successfully as track and golf. Di: was state champion in the ten world for two years. Diane is now competing S eve nteen Magazine's ten tournament for girls across country . The winners in each . bracket were determined by number of matches won . Diane l competed in this match bef• representing the state of Colorad<

Lincoln, Nebraska repertory theater and last spring he acted semiprofessionally at the Norton Theater in Omaha. "However, directing is more my forte," explained Ogden. "I guest directed at the Lincoln playhouses and the Lincoln city summer theatre. If a student is interested in drama, Ogden suggests, "Try it in high school or go to the playhouse, and just see if you like it ."

Weins takes f irst

Sage in Shenandoah No one asks why he's the only flaming red head in the Anderson family of six young men portrayed in the musical "Shenandoah," Kurt Sage, a sophomore at Westside, will be appearing six nights a week ending Oct. 10 at the Omaha Community Playhouse. The show itself is still running on Broadway a nd the Playhouse is one of the first theaters off Broadway to produce it. The story takes place during the Civil Wa r and revolves around the life of Charlie Anderson and his sons. Sage portrays 17 year old Henry Anderson . "Everything is so professional, explains Sage, I find it a challenge compared to other shows I've been in ." Sage would like to fit music and drama into his future college and career plans.

Diane Kobs ..... . .. .. . ... . tennis.

Sports, sports, sports "Tennis is my main activity right now ," said Junior Diane Kobs. Starting with track, and later golfing, Diane worked her way towards being a ranking tennis player. After moving to Colorado, Diane took state in pentathlon and placed high in shot put and javelin. After running the track world, she took up golf, and rather successfully. At the age of 13, she took state in golf.

Westside senior, Theresa Wei and her partner Carol Beckman, Des Moines, Iowa, placed first in b< the four and six week deb: competition at the Bradley Foren Institute in Peoria , Illinois. During the six week competiti• Theresa participated in six rounds debate and three rounds of speech Theresa also reached the se1 finals of the extemporaneous a oration competition. During the four week session, J1 19 - August 13, much of the time\\ spent researching this year's deb; topic, penal reform. "I learned a lot about theory, a that debate is a fascinating subjec think the experience will really h< me during the debate season tl year," commented Theresa. Other Westside students w attended the Institute were Da Hubbard and Pam Sullivan.

Wallin represents Nebraska in Washington Senior class president Julie Wallin spent July 21 - August 7 in Washington, D.C. as a senator at a joint session of Girls and Boys Nation . Girls and Boys Nation is sponsored annually by the American Legion and Auxiliary to give high school students the opportunity to experience and observe the way the fed eral government works. Julie was chosen to attend Girls Na tion last J une by the members of Nebraska Girls State. Each state sent three boys and three girls to participate in the national program. The Nebraskans joined the other student Congressmen in passing bills that each individual had prepared . Julie's bill dealt with the revitalization of the inner city and a temporary ban on suburban growth. Although Congress ran out of time before the bill could be passed, the mock Senate Committee which reviewed Julie's bill strongly favored

it. Being on a similar Senate Committee brought Julie to the realization that our system of government 1s impossible to

undermine. "If someone on our committee would come up with an idea that could possibly be harmful to our system of government, something in the Constitution would prevent

that idea from being put ir practice," said Julie. "Even if offensive bill would be passed b)' faulty legislative body, the executi or the judicial branch of govemm{ could veto it." Besides working as Congressm1 the students, who had just complet their junior year of high school, got . inside look at the White House, a: met with President and Mrs. Ford their garden. Julie also becar acquainted with the Secretary Defense and other governme officials. "When I met these peopl• found that some of them knew lit1 more about democracy when th first got involved in politics than ' do right now ." " If our form of government is goi1 to work , each individual must take t responsibility of getting involved.\ must assume we are capable playing a vital role in local , state, national government."

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'tember 24, 1976


Page 7

:Warrior hopeful Louis Kohli practices his routine before meeting Prep and Thomas Jefferson. Right: Mallisee, cross country coach, concentrates on the team's performance.


mnasts rebuilding under Coach Willits

ymnast Kohli leads rebuilding team Sept. 14 the WHS boys' nastics team took part in their tournament of the year at Prep nst Prep and Thomas Jefferson . :~e end of the tournament, Prep l in first with a score of 117.35, second with a 113.04, and .side third with 97 points. is year the 17 man gymnastics is coached again by Tim Willits, a new assistant coach, Tom ich. llits explained that they are ilding this year after losing :al of last year's top stars. rding to Willits, there are no >rs this year as some quit or 't come to practices. is year the team is in good hands Junior Louis Kohll , as he .cipates in six of the seven events ing him the all -around player. s believes he is best at the parallel and the floor exercises. e seven events in gymnastics tde the floor exercise, vaulting, horse, parallel bars, horizontal , and the tramp. In each event ! are four boys or more and one is the all-around. ,ouis could be High State ender in the top five if he would .l his routines. The reason he isn't !cause it's the beginning of the and also lack of concentration ," Willits. oking down the schedule, the s' gymnastics team has


Northwest, and Bryan at Northwest on Sept. 16, and the Art Invitational at Benson on Sept. 18. Coach Willits thinks that Omaha South will be the toughest team his boys will have to face this year. The Prep and T.J. coaches also tend to agree on this also . " I encourage more Westside students to watch the gymnastics team . Our first home tournament is against South and Benson on Sept. 21

One such example is the Plains Track Club's six mile cross country meet, later in the year. In such a situation , however , the girls will be unable to compete under the name of Westside. They will have to go by something, such as, "Westisde Cross Country Club," explained Glasgow. But this arrangement still brings about dissatisfaction in the mind of Glasgow . "To compete in this manner is difficult because we don't know when or where we can compete. Glasgow cites one of the problems of getting a team together lies within the state. "The state discourages the development of such a team by not having state organized competition. For example, in girls' track they have a State Meet and it's really great. It gives the girls something to shoot forand be proud of." But in our case, it's awfully tough for the girls to jog and practice, but not to compete against anybody," further explained Glasgow. If there is a bright spot, it lies in the future. Both Glasgow and Huston feel that by next year, the Metro Conference will have developed a girls' cross country program. But this still leaves the girls of this year unable to represent Westside in competition. Glasgow wraps up the fate of the girls' cross country team, now and for the rest of the year, in a single sentence, "We are nota team, but only a group of joggers."

Heat, hills hamper Harriers It was hot. Steep hills made up a majority of the course. Nearing the end of the race, while going up the final steep embankment, many athletes could be heard to loudly groan in extreme physical pain and exhaustion. You are entering the world of cross country . The course descirbed above is located at Bryan High, where, on Tuesday, Sept. 14, the Bears played host to rivals Westside, and North. The final glory of a first place finish was given to the Bears , while Westside's brightest outlook came from returning star Dave Maenner. Maenner provided the major strength in the Warrior effort, finishing second, and the only Warrior to place in the top five.

The Marine Corps gives you as many educational opportunities as the Air Force, Navy or Army. Now, what makes us different: J

at 4 p.m ." said Willits. Th e Prep c oach after the tournament was pleased at his boys' performance. Their team consists of mostly sophomores and juniors and he hopes to have them very competitive before the end of the season . After the tournament, the T.J . coach was very pleased to see his team come in second since they lost six starters from last year.

Following the rise of the concept of equalization between the sexes, Westside's athletic program has, in recent years, gone through drastic changes. The girls have developed a higher quality sports program by entering into the mainstream of, would-be, male programs and forming their own Warrior teams. The most recent example would be the construction of the Warrior women's basketball , last year. This year, yet another conception of girls' sport has found its way onto the assembly line, but has just as quickly been halted. The sport in question is girls' cross country. Unfortunately for the six girls who have joined the team , the idea for a Westside cross country team is not possible. Says Huston, athletic coordinator for WHS, "The Metro Conference will not sponsor girls cross country this year." Th e question then arises as to the competition of a Westside team outside the Metro. "Westside is tied to the Metro Confer ence and cannot compete, as a tea m , outside of it," explained Huston. So what does a group of girls who want to compete in cross country do? Th e answer comes from Don Gl a sgow , would be coach of Westside's team . "We will try and search for and compete in meets that a re not in anyway connected to the Metro and we will compete as a group in no way related to the Westside athletic program.

When the final points had come in and been totaled, it was apparent that Bryan had won their meet, taking all the top positions, excluding the Warrior second place effort. The Bears easily did away with the team from North , winning 15-48. North also suffered extensive defeats from the Warrior squad , 12-44 . Westside, however, unable to control the strong Bryan effort and determination, subsided into defeat, 22-37. Tomorrow, Westside must return to Bryan , for the Bryan Invitational, and once again face the wrath of the Bears and the paih of the hills.

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September 24, 19


Page 8

In the books VARSITY FOOTBALL - Westside overcame an early 6-D deficit to handily defeat North 21-6, on Craig Johnson ' s t hree touchdowns. The defense held Bryan to less than 100 total yards. Westside squeaked by on alate 4th quarter touchdown by Craig Johnson. J . V. FOOTBALL - All scoring was done in the first quarter as Lincoln High handed Westside an 18-16 opening game loss. The gridders rebounded well as they soundly defeated Tech 20-0. The combination of sophomores, Kirk Erickson to And y Robinson accounted for two touchdown passes. RESERVE FOOTBALL - A close hard fought game ended up in a 126 victory for the Warriors against a surprising Tech. BOYS' TENNIS - Netters had no trouble at all as they lost only one

match in three duels defeating, Prep, 4-1, A.L., 5-0 and T. J. , 5-0. Metro Tournament begins Oct. 7. VOLLEYBALL- In the first match of the year the spikers went three games with T .J ., winning the first 16-14, losing the second 15-10, and losing the third in a match that could have gone either way, 16-14. In the next match the girls bounced back nicely by beating Tech 15-3 and 15-6. BOYS' GYMNASTICS- Inexperience hurt as the Warriors were third in both their first two meets with Prep and T.J. Then last against Northwest and Bryan. In the Art Harris Inv. the tumblers finished 12th out of 15 teams competing. GIRLS' SWIMMING - It was once again an easy time for the swimmers as they easily defeated Ron calli and T.J. in the first meet. Then Benson and Tech in their second. Metro begins Oct. 27.

Harris, Miller; high hopes for Metr1 Girls' golf? Yes, even at Westside High School. Whether you knew it or not, and successful. So far this season, the girls have a 30 record with impressive wins over A.L. (175 to 225) and North (205 to 220). In another dual, Tech forfeited . During the course of the season, the girls have seven dual matches and the only team that Coach Lois Edmonds thinks will give them trouble is Burke. During tournament play Marian and Duchesne could cause difficulty for the girls. Westside's home course is Cedar Hills. "In the future I would like to see a bigger course as a home course," said Ms. Edmonds. The reason for this wanted change is that the state meet is held at Benson, a much bigger course. This year Westside's hope for first medalist in Metro comes from two seniors, Nanci Harris, who finished fourth last year, and Karen Miller, who placed sixth. Ms. Harris feels she has a chance, but there is good competition. Ms. Miller commented, "I think I have an outside chance, but everybody has improved right along

with me." She also added, "Nanci's chance is as good as mine."

The reason for such a high num· of sophomores is "They don't get a of opportunity to play in duals, but · practice they get helps for the year1 come," said Ms. Edmonds. An undefeated season and to reg1 their Metro crown are the goals for 1 girls this year.

This year's team consists of five sophomores - Cathy Johnson, Sara Lockwood, Kathy McCarthy, Joann Mierendorf, and Sally Saistean. Marcia Combs, Debbie Ginsberg, and

Girls Golf Coach Lois Edmonds, happy after victory, looks forward results of future rivals Burke, Duchesne, and Marian. Patty Kenny are the juniors. The seniors include Nanci Harris, Karen Miller and Jeane Vifquain.

Warriors f do, don't) stack up nationally In the year of the Twenty-first Olympiad, the focal point of athletics is national and international competition. To learn where Westside stood in the nation , The Lance talked to various Warrior coaches. "It's quite simple," remarked Track

News, theN ational Postal Meet is an imaginary contest for which each state sends in its best times all year. The times are then averaged together to obtain the final results. Klein viewed Nebraska's weather as a major disadvantage for track.

Girls swim team at early morning practice ••• ranked sixth in the nation by Swimming World. Coach Bob Klein . "On a national basis, we don't do all that well. Trackwise, in the past four or five years , in the National Postal Meet, Nebraska has been around 34-40 nationally ." Conducted by Track and Field

"Traditionally," he explained, "the teams that win the postal meet are California, Texas, Louisiana,. Florida has become a power. They are able to train year round. "We could take our same athletes, put them under the same weather

conditions as in California, and could compete quite well," he contended. "It's hard for the runners to get their times (down) in cold weather." Another disadvantage Klein mentioned was the lack of an indoor track facility. "If we had an indoor facility, we could have some kids who could compete on a national level," he maintained. "In April and May, it's still cold and rainy in Nebraska. It's difficult for example, for vaulters of long jumpers to get their techniques while it's cold ." Graduate Dan Overton was the lone Warrior to obtain a national ranking the past year. In 1975, he was tied for 18th in the 880 yard run. Overton bettered his time in the state track meet last spring, and Klein looks for him to move up in the new rankings to be released this month. "About the only group (at Westside) that does well nationally is the swimmers," said Klein. Confirming the national class of the swim teams was the release of the All-American rankings. Returning this year are All-Americans Chuck Sharpe (220-yd. freestyle - lOth, 100yd. freestyle- 19th, 500-yd. freestylehonorable mention), Scott Mactier


(100-yd . butterfly - honorable mention), Carol Berger (diving), Deb Hartford and Leslie Berkshire (both members of 200-yd. medley relay 11th), and Terri Sneckenberg and Marian Maack (both members of 400yd. freestyle relay - 19th). In addition to the All-American rankings, the June, 1976, issue of Swimming World named the naiads the Number 6 team in the United States in conjunction with "The First National Girls Mythical Title." Swimming World pitted the top ten teams in the country against each other in an imaginary meet. Individual performances included Deb Hartford (100-yd. backstroke 6th), Carol Berger (diving - 4th), and Terri Sneckenberg (200-yd. individual medley- 11th). Swimming Coach Cal Bentz explains the swimmers key to success as "not a test of who swims the most, but who sets their goals and works for them."


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ctober 8, 1976 restside High School maha, Nebraska 68124 ol. 21, No.3



all those interested in hearing a rock band, dancing to your > content with someone special, 1aving a generally good time, ;his year's Homecoming Dance place to be. s year the dance will be held the >f October on a Saturday night, ght after the Homecoming game Burke. course, no Homecoming would te same without the annual e. This is where anybody, group anization can get a car, truck or r to decorate and class up any hey want to. A contest will be

senior portraits for the 1977 :LD must be taken by MonOct. 11. Students may have photos taken at any local o. All black and white ies must be turned into the :LD office by Friday, Oct. 29, -ts John Hudnall, advisor.

finalists announced

held for the best job done and the winners will get something to make it all worth it. The dance will be the night of Oct. 16 at 8:00 to 12:00 p.m . in the boys' gym featuring Bourbon Street costing the couples $4 .00. Even though there is a lot of fun in the Homecoming activities, there's also a lot of hard work. There's decorating to do, and the organizing of the dance. And of course there is always the election of Homecoming Queen . The Pep Club votes on the girls and guys that qualify for Homecoming coming up with 12 nominations for both the guys and girls. Then the Pep Club votes again, to see who will be Homecoming Queen and King. The people up for King and Queen ar e The Boys: Craig Johnson, John Beavers, Mark Berner, Mike Mackie, Dick Dawson , Rob Linde, Brian

phomore officers elected

mt 400 Westside sophomores to the polls on Sept. 31 , :ling to James Findley, vice ipal, to elect their class officers e upcoming year. ~ new officers are: Camille rson , president; Erin Williams, president ; Marci Hagerty, ;ary; Steve Kupka, treasurer; :arol Dahl, SABE. dley feels that there was a good u t for the voting. In recent years 200 to 300 students have :ipated compared to the 400 this ~re

were 24 candidates running e various offices, but only one of was a boy. This is a place where ey would like to see better

balance. The officers met for the first time Oct. 4, with their sponsor Mr. Donald Kolterman , an English teacher. According to Erin they talked about some ways to raise money but they were mostly just planning now . Kolterman who has been a sponsor for eleven years and is in his sixth year with the sophomores, feels the officers' responsibilities are "To see what they can do to cause some kind of unity" among students from three different junior high schools . 路 Although he feels students are more unified when they get here than in junior high, it is still a "major task." The cla ss officers act as a type of catalyst for this.

Muenster, Curt Anderson , Bruce Salisbury, Bob Pistillo, Tom Boyer and Rick Kalina. The Girls: Ann Cambell, Cathy Chapin, Nan Crawford , Julie Nelson, Lisa Pate, Lisa Roach, Barb Roskins, Liz Salistean, Kelly Spires, Debi Stryker, Ann Thompson and Synda Swift.

Homecoming preparation is underway with committee members Lisa Roach, Kathy McNamara, Debi Stryker and Elaine Weldon making initial plans.

Competency tests still an obstacle For 210 Westside seniors the day of judgment ma y be rapidly approaching. If graduation were held today , that is many seniors would not graduate, because of minimum competency tests, according to James Findley , vice principal. "What I hope they are going to realize is that this is it," said Findley. A letter was sent home last week informing the parents and urging the students to take their tests. The deadline for taking the test is May 1. Findley urges that all new seniors see their counselors about which tests they are required to take. The tests are given in six categories. Consumerism, oral communication and writing are given in the sophomore year and democratic process, problem solving and math are given in the junior year. There are about 60 seniors who have not passed the consumerism test. On Friday, Nov. 19, there will be no s chool because of parent-teacher . conferences and at this time the consumerism test will be given to any senior who needs it. Another option open to students this year only is to enroll in the consumer economics course next semester.

The oral communication test can be taken care of any time. There are about 30seniors who have not passed. Homeroom advisors will pass the students on it. "We would like to have all of these completed by Friday, Nov. 5," said Findley. The writing test is given by the English teachers and can be made up a ny time by contacting an English teacher. The democratic process and problem solving tests can be made up a ny time by contacting Ben Bruner, Bill N elson or Joe Higgins in the Social Studies IMC. According to Findley, if a senior has passed the math test, but not the consumerism test he could take it on Tuesday , Nov. 9 with the sophomores. Phil Kaiser, math teacher, should be contacted in Room 128 if there is a problem . Although May 1 is the cutoff day for spring graduation , it would be possible, for example, to take a summer writing course to learn the skills. A student could then take the test at any time. Despite the 210 seniors, Findley feels minimum competencies have done what they are intended to do . "I think we have reemphasized many of the basic skills throughout the

district, particularly in writing . Oral communication needs more work because we have to get more of the students who need help into our speech courses," said Findley. Parents are in favor of the program according to Findley. He also feels tha t the students realize that this is only the minimum requirements. As far as Findley knows, Westside will be one of the first schools in the country to graduate students under a minimum competency system. He has received 100 to 150 letters from other schools inquiring about the system. "We had an advantage because we did it as a district. Some states have mandated requirements, but I think it should be done on a much more local scale," said Findley. Findley says Westside will continue with the minimum competency s y stem , but the tests may be re e valuated . Consumerism, for example, is dealt with little in grades 1-9 now, but more courses are being offered so the minimum knowledge requirements may move up. "I hope the students see it as a serious thing in October and not in April. I am optimistic, of the 210 students, I am guessing only 1 to 3 percent of these will not have passed their tests.

ampaign race for Senate off to a good start

rican Government large p guest speaker Mayor Ed rtsky.

Ed Zorinsky " I'm running for the senate because every time I wanted something for Omaha, Federal government stepped in and said no. I feel that the people should do what they feel is best for them. That's why I want to go back to Washington," said Mayor Ed Zorinsky , who is running for United States Senate on the Democratic ticket. Zorinsky's philosophy is that just because you have tax dollars does not mean that you have to spend them . Last year, Omaha came out $1.6 million ahead, this money will be placed in a plan for a new program for Omaha . Zorinsky explains that Omaha has been living with a balanced budget for the past three years and that Omaha has a triple A credit r a ting which only 26 cities in the country have. "As in the office at city hall the office in Washington, D.C. will have no doors on it, because the office belongs to you," said Zorinsky. He is

also going to have a line open for direct input from Nebraska, "because the people need to have an input and voice." He opposes National Health Insurance, but supports a program to provide coverage in the case of catastrophic illness. Zorinsky feels that the NHI shows how irresponsible the government can be with longrange programs.

John McCollister "We should be finding new ways to interest and stimulate voters rather than finding new ways to register them. The system has too great a potential for abuse," said John Y. McCollister, a Republican running for the United States Senate. McCollister went on to tell about his other beliefs in a speech given at Westside. "Small business is in trouble. The growth of Big Government has brought with it discrimination against small business." McCollister

feels that fair competition in the marketplace should be restored. On the subject of gun control, McCollister opposes all gun control measures, because "it would still not prevent individuals from obtaining firearms in order to commit crimes. The answer lies in better law enforcement and stricter penalties." He feels that the answer lies in the death penalty, because it serves as the best deterrent for certain crimes and should be returned in the cases in which a life was deliberately taken. McCollister believes that we must maintain a strong military posture in creasing military spending if necessa ry. He believes that we should build the B-1 born ber for this purpose. McCollister explains that the weapon of the 50's and 60's is no longer adequate and that the B-1 when combined with submarine forces to provide this country with deterrent strategic force.

John Y. McCollister also makes guest speaker appearance.


Page 2

October 8 , 19'j

opinions ... editorials ... letters ... opinions ... editorials ... letters... opinions ..

Schedule change policies injure students Scheduling changes have become a detailed process for Westside students . The schedule changes cause frustrating situations for students, teachers, parents and counselors. Barring changes resulting from computer errors, the students must receive official permission from parents , teachers, and their counselors who then take into consideration the student, course, and situation before giving their consent. Most transfers or drops are unnecessary and are usually due to lack of information concerning course curriculum according to Dick Lundquist, head counselor. One way this situation could be avoided would be a more thorough course description in

the student handbook. In some cases, the student could attend a class that he may have doubts about before the semester begins. We do not advocate students who change their schedules to get out of school early, decide that they would rather have more unscheduled time , or transfer classes to be with friends . They are using poor excuses .. This is a very irresponsible gesture considering that last year for one semester, the amount of add and drop slips doubled the enrollment of the student body. Students should be very careful when considering their courses before the next semester and have consideration for the amount of work to be involved before changing their schedule . Improved farm methods of pest control.

Placement program deserves acclaim With the high rate of unemployment, students have discovered year after year that finding employment is becoming increasingly difficult. With the overabundance of total workers , high school students are traditionally given low priority on employer's hiring lists . An area receiving little attention at Westside High is the job placement program . In addition to distributive education and work-study programs, Westside is the only high school in the city with a regular job placement center . The placement center, run entirely by Kay Rozmajzl, is similar to a free employment agency, finding part-time and full-time jobs for interested students . Students apply in Ms .

Rozmajzl's office and she explores job possibilities for them by contacting various employers in the Omaha area . In addition to working full time , Ms. Rozmajzl spends an average of one to two hours a night contacting both students and employers. The result of her efforts : Seventy-five percent of all students registered in the job placement office have found employment. In addition, last year all seniors registered in and not intending to attend college were found full-time employment. The job placement program ought to be commended . Other Omaha area schools could take example from this fine effort .

To view or not to view ~--------------------------------------------------------------------by Margaret Kane Divorces, affairs, powder puff derbies, crazy ex-step sons, silly hairdressers, Indian massacres and locker rooms. Sounds like Mary Hartman Mary Hartman on a slow night, right? Wrong. Just another season of television beginning. During the early weeks of every season, the three major networks brawl for ratings in classic roller derby fashion. Now is the time when the fate of many a drama and sit-com are determined. While the networks and advertisers ask themselves whether or not a show will be commercially successful, viewers must determine if the same show is worth investing some of their

numbered moments on earth. Here are some questions for viewers to contemplate: Is Pinky Tuscedaro worthy of the Fonz or prime time? Will Rhoda and Joe get divorced? If so, who would get custody of Carlton and the house plants? Did the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman really take on Big Foot and the Deep Space Explorers, or was it a figment of T.V. Guide's imagination? Will the writers of Rich Man Poor Man Book II continue to kill off main characters at a rate of three a week? Will Rhett Butler give a damn on a

Poisoning problems ~---------------------------------by Dan Goldman -

As the faltering economy, the rising price of gas and scandalous government officials send millions of Americans into near frenzy, one hidden danger lies invisible to the human eye or senses: chemical poisoning. The type of chemicals that pose the real threat to people are not the food additives and preservatives or the aresols we spray , but rather it is found in insecticides , and other farming materials. Chemicals recently discovered as being extremely toxic and harmful to humans are Kepone, which has reportedly causted sterility, difficulty in breathing and side pains, polybrominated briphenyl (PBB) which caused dizziness, diarrhea and fatigue, and Mirez which has produced similar effects in the case of human exposure. The real problem , however, is that these are non -biodegradable chemicals that have been distributed over wide areas. Kepone has polluted the mouth of Chesapeake Bay and the lower James river in Virginia. PBB has been added to animal feed throughout Michigan and parts of Wisconsin. Mirex has been sprayed across 200 million acres of farmland in the South and dumped into Lake Ontario and the Niagra River in New York. Consequences of this wide-spread dis tri bu tion may be extreme. Chesapeake Bay , which is


portable black and white set? Will the Baudine brothers of The Quest find their sister Patricia before the show is cancelled?

Will people tune in Bill Cosby when they can see him eat Jello anytime? Is there intelligent life in networks that opens the first week of the new movie season with three of probably the only four or five films in history made about airplane disasters? Perhaps you watched sgme of these, most of which were centuries long or con tined the next week. It is now left up to you to decide whether to return same time, same channel, or join a bowling league.

* Letters * Letters Dear Sirs: Today as I was walking past the Student Union, I stumbled upon an issue of an Omaha high school newspaper called the Lance. It must have been dropped by an ex-student. I was amazed at what high school papers get away with these days. I think Dan Goldman is a radical warmonger and should be thrown off the staff! Sincerely, A Member of the Young Republicans University of Missouri Colombia, MO

Dear Lance, We have a grievous over population problem in the Westside cafeteria.

Another Television Season

The conditions are so chaotic and maddening, it tempts me to revert to primal screaming to save my sanity. True, enrollment will drop in the


contaminated with Kepone, is a rna: source of East coast seafood . If t fish become contaminated with t chemical , the thousands of peo1 who eat the seafood may also bec01 con tam ina ted. In the South, where Mirex has be sprayed, rain will cause much oft chemical to be carried off to pollt streams and underground wa· supplies causing the same end eff, as Kepone. In the North , where PBB was mix with animal feed , the animals ~ have to be killed to protect people fn buying contaminated meat and da: products. A solution to this problem imminent and to arrive at one, it necessary to look beyond the surfa It is not the farmer 's fault, but ratl it is the manufacturers. If firm guidelines were set through congressional help to fo: the manufacturers to test ea chemical they give to the farmers , t majority of the dangerous chemic could be eliminated. Furthermore, the dangerous chemicals on t market now should be banr immediately. The chemical problem tl: confronts us is no longer purely environmental question. Rather, directly affects our health a general state of well being. It imperative that we take posit measures now before trage necessitates that we do so.

Letters *

near future. Ten, maybe even five years from now, the cafeteria will be of adequate size. It may even have a pleasant, cozy atmosphere. Maybe they will install pop machines again. But what about now. What about the unfortunates who through accident of birth are condemned to eating with another person's elbow in their ribs and/ or grilled cheese. Why not have open campus for all students during lunch mods? I recall being trusted with that privilege in grade school. Am I less mature now than I was then? Phil Mason Dear Editor: What are all ofthese crumby letters you keep printing with the names withheld? Isn't anyone man enough to sign their names anymore? Name Withheld

Published bi-weekly by the Publicatior Department of Westside High School , 87th ar Pacific St., Omaha , Nebraska 68114 . Tl' LANCE is a member of the National Scholast Press Association and the Nebraska Hi~ School Press Association . The paper is giv• free of charge to holders of Activity Ticket Subscription rates to others are $3.00 postpai Non-profit mailing rights claimed . Printed I Wright Printing Co., Omaha.

Co-edlloro ......... Margaret Kane, Rick Panto~ Editorial editor .. Brenda Moskovi Alii. editorial editor ................... Dan Goldma Editorial writer ...... Sharon Shan I Newo editor ............................. Connie Sch leic Alii. newo editor ............................ Steve MaL Newo wrltero .............. Kirsten Karne· Beth Lashinsky. Robyn Nichols . Jenny Welc Feature editor ..... ....... Kathy O'Ha Alii. feature editor ...... ......... Mary Zimmerm• Feature wrltero ....... .... ........ . ......... Lisa Kapla Kim Nilsson , Kathy Sherloc Buelnese ma~!•G_!r .. ..... Terri Perror Spor1s editor ................................ Bob Peters< Alii. oportl editor ..................... Brent Bierm• Spor1s wrltero .................. Bill Saint, Bob Stur Artist .. .. .... Dan Goldm< Photography editor ....................... Marty We Adwloor . . . ...... .. . .. . John Hudm

ober 8, 1976


Page 3

'estside to host clinic estside is the host school for this r's All-State Music Clinic , rding to Don Schuler, Choir ctor . >proximately 750 students and teachers will participate in the 1t from Thursday, Nov. 18 ugh Saturday , Nov. 20. 1y junior or senior student who nds a school which is a member of Nebraska State Music Education audition for the clinic on 1rday, Oct. 16. Auditions will be . at six different sites across the e. >audition, one must play required .ic, which will be taped. Students • qualify should be notified by the . of November. ccording to Harold Welch, .rumental Music Instructor , 30 .tside students will audition, and .opes "at least 25 or 26" get to go. uring the three days of the clinic, 1y activities will be going on at 1tside. These include rehearsals students, and guest speakers for teachers to hear. Welch said that fmal rehearsal will be at the Field use at UNO on Saturday •moon. This is where the final cert, at 7:30p.m. Saturday will be i. He added that it is possible that

the guest speakers will be at UNO that afternoon rather than at Westside. Directors for the final concert are Orchestra director Dr. Robert A. Emile of the University of Nebraska, Band Director Colonel Arnold A. Gabriel, of the United States Air Force Band in Washington, D.C., and Choir Director Paul Salamunovich of Loyola-Maryrnount College in Los Angeles, CA. Schuler said that these directors are booked a year ahead of time. Accommodations for the students are being handled by Joyce Shanks, president of Orchestra Parents of Westside. She said that they are asking Westside students to volunteer their homes. They will be asked to provide sleeping quarters and breakfast on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. She added that many will not need to spend Saturday night here, because they live close enough to drive home that night. Ms. Shanks said she has a "crew of mothers" working on finding homes, and that she may have to advertise and "beg" to get enough homes . She added that there will be a notice in the District 66 Bulletin in October, asking for volunteers.

Troupes get talent together

WHS choir to tour Chicago

Jr. class gathers goodies

"I'm really enthusiastic this year. I think the administration is becoming more aware of the theater arts program at Westside," said Senior Mike Wasserman , president of Thespians .

In order to tour Chicago and the surrounding vicinities next spring , Warrior Voices must raise $5,000. Hopefully , the money will be raised through the selling of candy, fruit, stationery, rings, candles, and possibly an organized pop bottle drive . Donovan Schuler, director of the Vocal Music Department, said, "We would like to go for four or five days. We would give two concerts in Madison, Wis. and two in Decatur, Ill . besides the Chicago concerts." Last year, Warrior Voices went to Minnesota and Wisconsin for five days. "I thought it was really worth w bile ," said Senior Sue Swancutt. "We got to show the rest of the country that Westside has a good choral group."

The teacher's parking lot is the site for the junior class garage sale, Saturday, Oct. 9. Proceeds from this sale will go towards paying for prom. Along with this project, the junior class is sponsoring a soc-hop, tonight. It will have a carnival type atmosphere with booths and a stereo as a doorprize. Val Arkoosh, junior class treasurer, is optimistic that between these two projects, $500 could be raised. Another money related event the junior class officers would like to sponsor is a 50's day and dance.

This year Thespians has been divided into four groups, mime troupe, dance troupe, readers theater, and a puppeteer troupe . Presently, these groups are organizing, electing leaders and planning for upcoming performances. Mime troupe is planning to give shows at hospitals, and for charitable organizations. The puppeteer troupe is currently making puppets, and hopes to have a performance sometime in mid-November. The major shows Thespians will be involved with are the all school plays, first and second semester, an allschool variety show, and several one act plays which the club will take to contest.

Truck mishap occurs while removing old stadium lights.

exaco station continues smooth operation /estside High School Texaco, now .ts third year of existence at 7502 :ific Street, is operating "smoother n ever " according to Dick Rezac, manager. 'We have more experience now m we did at first, in the beginning weren 't quite sure how the 3iness and learning aspects would nbine," said Rezac. rhere are close to 100 students 'Olved with the station through the cational and advance auto •chanics classes. AI Kraeger, auto •chanics teacher, says these classes ~ related so some out of every class ~n d one day a week of scheduled 1e at the station .

" We try and make each class an extension of the other," said Kraeger . Beginning auto mechanics is primarily theory and advanced and vocational are more of an application . The station was established on a loa n by a non-profit Westside foundation. At present Reazc says the business is breaking about even. "It is not generating any great profit but we're making payments on the loan as well as buying the things we need," said Rezac. To participate, students must be involved in one of the four cooperative groups at Westside: TNI, DE, Medical, or Office Services. The students who work at the Texaco station get paid $2.25 an hour

1estination: England, France

'This is an opportunity the tdents may not get for quite some 1e," said Ms. Mary Davis, head of ! Foreign Language Department d one of the sponsors of the !stside Goes to Europe program . "It Nell organized, and financially, it is 1ery inexpensive trip to Europe." rhe intent of the program is "to give 1dents as broad an education as ssible. Students should learn as 1ch out of school as in," explained 3. Davis. "It used to be just foreign 1guages that got these privileges, .t this time, there are many different eas going.

Madelline Kemp, also very active in the program, said, "One will be able to see the problems that Europe has, but do not exist here in the United States, and vise-versa." "The agency , working with us is very good. Westside has used it on smaller trips, and found them to be very responsible. They let us make up our own agenda, and then they arrange everything the way we asked them," added Ms. Kemp. Some stops include family stays. This is to "learn about understanding. Understanding is the key to harmonizing," Ms.Kempsaid.

and work 15 to 25 hours a week. "This ," said Rezac, "enables them to work and does not interfere with their school activities." "We want to involve the students," stated Rezac. "We do not tell them to do something and leave them to do it. We train and teach them and are always there when they need assistance."

Mamiya For the amateur who wants Professional Results

Outing Club starts second year Approximately 25 students attended the first meeting of Outing Club on Thursday, Sept. 23, according to Pat O'Malley, club sponsor. Membership this year will require payment of a $1 fee and a 10 cent activity fee each time one participates in an event. According to Junior Dan Goldman, founder of the club last year, the purpose of the $1 dues this year is "to get enough money within our club so eventually we can accummulate our own equipment." He added that a long range plan is to be able to rent out equipment to others in the future. The 10 cent activity fee is also new this year. Its purpose is to get more money into the club, and allow nonmembers to join in on activities when they wish to. Some of the possible activities this year include hikes, campouts, canoe trips, and mountain climbing in Pa lisades, S .D.

Skiers prepare to hit ·water "I think it's going to be fun because I want to learn to slalom," said Terry Murphy, Westside sophomore, referring to the water skiing club. The club , sponsored by Harley Hardison, is planning many skiing excursions during the school year. Along with trips to Table Rock, the Florida Keys, and Galveston, Texas, short after-school and week-end trips are planned. During thewintertheclubwillhave A WSA movie parties, and moneymaking projects. The cost involved with the club will depend on the trips taken. An initial $5 pays for dues and a wetsuit.

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Page 4

October 8 , 19·

Visit to South Africa rewarding for student The goal of AFS (American Field Service) is to develop a better understanding of people, according to Senior Dean Mathisen. Dean spent this last summer as an AFS student in South Africa. Applying in the spring of his junior year, Dean was one of four students from Westside to be accepted into the AFS program . Dean and his parents attended a meeting last September, filled out forms, and were brought before the AFS Program Election Board for approval. Once through that, his forms were sent to AFS headquarters in New York . "We were allowed to state a preference as to where we wanted to go, Europe, Asia and so on. I chose to leave mine open," said Dean. Dean was notified that he was accepted two weeks before he was to leave. "Itdidn'tleavememuchtimeto get my passport and other things." Dean left Omaha on June 20. He flew to New York for a day of orientation, then on to the city of Pretoria in South Africa . He spent one' day of briefing there before he met his family, the Gurneys. Dean had two brothers, Neil, 18, Keith, 21, and a sister, 26-year-old Melanie. The

family had two servants, a maid and a gardener, and lived in a house on a 10 acre lot. "The country itself is very beautiful and is constantly changing. It's major products are diamonds, gold , and uranium ," related Dean . The English style of driving on the left side of the road caused Dean some trouble at first , but soon forced him to adj ust to it.

Open-hearted People Dean said of his experience, "The people in South Africa were very open-hearted to me. People I had only m et once sent me going-away presents and invited me to dinner before I left. " Dean explained that the South Africans were basically made up of the black Africans, the natives, and the English-speaking whites. Each race seemed to have their own society. There are 12 tribes of natives and they are ra nked from highest to lowes t , in accordance to social acceptance. The Zulu tribe , being the top-ranked, often looked down on the lower class tribes like the Vendus. This is where friction sets in between them.

During his stay, Dean attended school at the Christian Brothers College, an all-male school in Pretoria. "The school system there is very different from the States. The school is run by Irish Catholic priests. When the teacher, or a woman enters the room, everyone was supposed to stand. Also, there were no tests during the year, but instead, one big test was administered at the end of the year that decided if you passed or not," said Dean. Dean explained that an achievement test is taken during a student's senior year which determined if he would go on to the University. "The test consisted of seven subjects. Approximately five hours of testing is spent on each subject." During Dean 's stay, his brother Neil spent most of his time studying. "The test almost decides your whole life; if you fail you must take the whole year over." Dean had good feelings about his three months in South Africa. "Living in a different country gives you a new perspective of the United States. My experience as an AFS student is hard to explain in words. There is nothing like it. "

Friendly people made summer in Columbia more enjoyable "Columbia was the most beautiful place I've ever seen and the people there were the friendliest people I've ever met," commented Sarah Nutty. Sarah , a senior, was one of two Westside students to participate in the AFS program over the summer. She applied to AFS in the fall of her junior year. In February, after three interviews and four months of waiting , she was told that she had been accepted as an AFS student. A few weeks before her departure, she was notified that she would be spending June 18- August 31 in Cali, Columbia, a city close to the size of Omaha. A two-day orientation was held in Miami, Florida for all AFS students going to Columbia and Ecuador.

During the orientation, games were played to aid the students in adjusting to different cultures. Sarah's family, the Cajiao's, included four sisters ages 12, 16, 17 and 18. Her father, who attended the University of Nebraska and whose major is in Agriculture, is now a professional photographer . Her mother works in the mornings as an accountant. One of Sarah's favorite activities was going to her father's office to watch him make movies. She got to be in one of the movies that he took at a national sailboat race she attended. Another thing she enjoyed was going flying with her father, as he owned a plane along with two other men . They would take films from the

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35 different sandwiches ... submarines, BIG RED STEAK, ruebens, fries, and much more.

plane. " He was going to fly me to the coast and land on the beach but he couldn 't because the clouds were too low," remarked Sarah. Sarah's everyday activities included swimming, shopping and "doing mostly the same things we do here." For fun everyon e would go to the discoteques as there is no age limit. "Not having an age limit on drinking doesn 't seem to be a problem there because the teenagers know how to handle it," Sarah stated. "A lot of people think there is a problem with marijuana in Columbia but it's really the Americans who bring the problem there."

Peanut Butter The meals were very formal and included lots of fruit . "I missed the junk food most. There weren't any sandwiches," Sarah commented. Her father really enjoyed peanut butter so Sarah made it for him two or three times. "The blender didn't work after I used it so I think I broke it." She also cooked an American meal for them. "They kept eating the food so they must have liked it," she stated. Sarah didn't know any Spanish and used infinitives most of the summer. Her parents and most of her new friends spoke English, making the langauge problem easier. When around people who didn't speak English, Sarah used a dictionary or her sisters would act as "middle people. " "I communicated by using half Spanish, half English and a lot of gestures."

Seniors Dean Mathisen and Sarah Nutty enjoyed summers abro with AFS.

'No grade' system motivates by Lisa Kaplan Have you ever wondered what it would be like not to have report cards? or grades? or lectures? Can you imagine considering ten students a big class or making your own schedule rather than having a computer do it? Students at Ryan High School have the opportunity to experience all these things. My first reaction upon hearing about the system was, "How can a nograde system work?" and then, "It must be for kids who don't like to work." However, after seeing the high school in operation I realized that it does work and it isn't for non-working students. There are no grades given at Ryan, o nly teacher evaluations. The students work with the teacher individually or in small groups so there is constant verbal communication. Most subjects have packets where the student takes a pretest. If he passes the pre-test he can pass out of that unit and on to the next. If the pre-test is failed the student goes through the packet doing all exercises and activities. When he has completed all the work , his teacher gives him a "test pass." This pass allows him to take his test in the testing center. If the test is passed successfully the student gets credit for the course and a written evaluation is made by the teacher. When the student receives this evaluation he will know how the teacher felt he did on the unit and where his strengths and weaknesses lie. The reactions of each faculty member and of each student varied but most all expressed a positive attitude. Everyone had their own personal reason for liking the system . For example, Kathi Urban, junior, likes the fact that she can excel as fast as she wants and because of this she'll be able to graduate at the end of this year after only three years of high schools. Jim Horiz, a Ryan senior,

If it's

in this, it's in.

feels he works up to his full potent rather than only working as hard at took to reach his grade goal. Jun Cathy Houston likes the individl attention she receives . Ste McMahon , senior, enjoys the syst• because he doesn't feel he has to we as hard. A junior, Teri Wais , likes t fact that she doesn't have to comp• against anyone but herself. J Marx, Ryan principal, summed up t students' reactions, "Some COl work harder, and some work mu harder than if they were graded." Most of the teachers responded th it made teaching more worthwhi pleasant, and easier. Dan Ebber first year teacher at Ryan, explain that his job was more pleasa because kids came prepared and r "expecting the teacher to enterta them." Sr. Rita Johnson, teacher 1 12 years, enjoys the opportunity innovate; however, she stressed th Ryan didn't switch to this syst( overnight, "It was a gradual chan1 a step-by-step process, each ye another loop hole was plugged. : while it's a drastic change from oth schools it wasn't a drastic change 1 us." None of the students which I talk to had had any difficulties applyi to colleges. Dave Hazell, seni explained that while the sch< discouraged giving grades they war interpret the evaluations that w if it would increase your chan• of getting into a school. Marx explained that most scho( accept the ACT and SAT tests adequate information. However, further explained, "We make sure one gets hurt in the process, if they we'll have to seriously review t system. If a student applies to an I League school we make sure th have every benefit. We look at tho overall record and translate it intc rough class placement." Another problem which the sch< solved was keeping track of t student's progress. Since the stude makes his own schedule there are · set classes, also most subjects are se paced . In this kind of a situation th( is little or no check of a studen progress. To solve this problem t school began an accountabili session. It meets once a week foro· hour. The accountability session the same group as the homeroo! however, the sole purpose of the sessions is for the proctor ( homeroom teacher) to check t student's progress and give them little push if needed. As Teri Wais p it, " If you get behind you'll hear abo it in accountability!"

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ober 8, 1976

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hile Chris Evert was demolishing 1alf of the draw at Forest Hills, a ear-old veteran of the tennis tour . bad knees and 20-400 vision was ting her return to singles petition. 1llowing a moratorium of little e than a year, Billie Jean King given up her true loves, ice cream beer, to return to the Virginia IS tour this month. the week prior to the U.S. Open Forest Hills, Billie Jean nheaded an Evert-less U .S. eration Cup team to victory over tralia. Billie Jean's play was :tacular as she outmaneuvered sie Evonne Goolagong in an ibition of talent and skill which mpted TV commentator (and ~inia Slims player) Julie Anthony ay, "Tonight, nobody could beat Right now, she is the best in the ld." wo weeks later, she teamed with .sie Phil Dent to capture the mixed hies at Forest Hills. The Old .y's knees must be holding up. She 3, however, apply ice packs to her es before and after each match as >recautionary measure." fter the Mother's Day Massacre in 3, in which 55-year-old hustler 1by Riggs destroyed one of the ·!d's top-ranked women, Margaret .rt of Australia (6-2-6-10) Billie n signed to play Riggs in a 0,000 winner-take-all match in the 1ston Astrodome.

:tie of the Sexes 1 1971, Billie Jean had been the t professional woman athlete to 1 $100,000 in a year - a fact she ie well known because she felt it : a stepping stone for all women letes. Two years later, she had the nee to make the same amount in night. nown for his passion of lobbing I bragging , Riggs proclaimed 1self the number one Male lUvinist Pig in the United States. claimed that any man could beat y woman. The up-coming frontation he called "the Battle of Sexes." -illie Jean called it a hustle. He (Riggs) knew it was a hustle, I !W it was a hustle, the media knew

; ; /. ,; I \

it was a hustle, and, no mistake, so did the 30,472 people who saw the match live in the Astrodome and the 40 million who saw it on television," she wrote in her autobrigraphy (Billie Jean, 1974, with Kim Chapin). "The only reason I'm playing him," she told the press, "is because Margaret had to go out and play like a donkey." Billie Jean wasted no time once she got Riggs on the tennis court, and ripped the Geriatric Hustler 6-4,6-3,63.

Tennis boom bangs The hustle, as Billie Jean termed it, nevertheless, made an unforeseen impact of a tremendous magnitude: it ignited the tennis boom. "On that night, I think, the game of tennis finally got kicked out of the country clubs and into the world of real sports, where everybody could see it," she wrote. Rapidly increasing in popularity is World Team Tennis (WTT), now in its third season. A financial disaster its flrst two seasons, WTT was the "brainchild" and "baby" of Billie Jean . Billie Jean wanted for tennis the enthusiasm and the roar of the crowd that basketball, football and other sports had. Polite applause was simply not enough. She encouraged fans to "make noise" and they did, bringing color to the matches. With the signing of box office hits Chris Evert and Ilie Nastase this year, few teams are facing the financial crunch they have in the past. WTT, it appears, is here to stay.

Page 5

On-the-job training engages seniors John Offutt Designer Co., Physicians Mutual Insurance, and the Southwest Bank are only a few of the varied employers of 31 Westside seniors who are currently enrolled in Office Occupations. Office Occupations, in its eighth year of operation, provides on-the-job training and high school credit to students while receiving a regular salary. Students must work at least 10 hours a week, but most average 18. Some of these hours are usu 'illy put in during school time. The schedules of On-the-job training (OJT) students are blocked so they are able to work during office hours. Normally, they are finished with classes by 12:30. Interested students register for Office Occupations in the spring of their junior year. At that point, Ms. Joan Anderson, the program coordinator, becomes their counselor. She informs and explains the program to the students before they become involved. "AI though students are encouraged to flnd their own job, I place about 95% of them," said Ms. Anderson. "Some businesses contact me and request a student employee." Students become employees by the fall of their senior year, although some work through the summer. In the fall, Ms. Anderson begins her role as mediator between employer and employee, making regular visits to the employer's office. "I answer any questions a new employer might have about the program. Then we talk about how the student is doing. We

consider personal qualities, such as appearance, attendance, and production, as well as the student's skills and the quality and quantity of his / her work." Each week, the employer reports on the student's progress. This includes any new responsibilities or skills that are being utilized. The employee's salary is also discussed.

stapling), typing the blue slip list, to sending out the mail. She plans on pursuing a secretarial career, as do more than half of those involved in the program . Student employees of Credit Advisors have favorable work records. According to Rosemary Skrupa, most ofthe people involved in the OJT program have stayed on past

Senior Debbie Rockwell, employee of Business Services and Equipment Company, talks with Controller Keith Brawe. Brenda Andresen works about 22 hours a week for the Westside Community Schools. Her work areas are the Westside library, mailing room , and attendance office. "I work whenever I have two consecutive free mods, and I stay until 3:30 or 4:00 every afternoon," said Brenda. She works at jobs that vary from filing, collating (the professional term for

the termination of their "contracts." These include one present fulltime employee and one that works each summer. "We love the concept of onthe-job training here. The girls have all been just super." The students learn a lot in school, but experience in the work world is very valuable, especially later in life."

A very special person You know a person is special when . .. Elton John dedicates a hit single ("Philadelphia Freedom") to them . .. . the Stanford University band at halftime during a college came of the week (Stanford vs. Penn State, 1973) forms their initials (BJK) and plays a song for them ("I Am a Woman") . . . . they found the flrst large sports magazine mainly for women (Women Sports) .... they are number one. Welcome back, Billie Jean.

Special: Sunday-Thurs. 7-llpm GBuy one ice cream soda or sundae Get one of equal value Gf'REE!! In the Woolco Shopping Center on South 84th Street Hours: 11 a.m. 11 p.m . .; Sunday-Thursday 11 a.m. - 1 a.m. - Friday & Saturday

Page 6

October 8, 19


Warriors-Junior Jays; classic clash

Netter returns volley in Westside's comeback win over South.

Spikers confidence regained Their record was 1-2, they were behind South in the third game 12-10, and it looked like the girl spikers were off to a miserable start this season. Then all of the sudden the momentum switched. Two ace serves in a row by junior Lori Zimmerman completely turned the complexion of the game around, as the girls ended up taking the last game 15-12. In the first game South won 15-12, in a well played game by both teams. After the first game loss the girls in no way were going to give up. "Every match this year has gone three games and the girls knew it was not over," said Coach Leslie Royle. The girls must have been thinking the same thing as they had an easy time the second game winning 15-1 on senior co-captain Jennifer Erickson 's nine service points in a row to give the netters a 9-0 lead. During the third game tension showed as both teams were letting

balls drop as they stared at each other. Westside seemed to put it back together just in time, when trailing 1210 came the two service aces by Ms. Zimmerman and a spike on the 14th point by senior co-captain Janet Pattavina, lead the Warrior comeback as the netters went on to win 15-12. "This kind of win could regain the team's confidence. In the previous matches we lacked consistency," commented Ms. Royle. The victory ran the netters' record to 2-2, "I still think we have a very, very good chance to make it to state, but I don't know how well we would do once we got there," said Ms. Royle. The junior varsity ran its record to 4-0 by defeating South. The success of the J .V. so far leaves promising hopes for the years to come. Ms. Royle named sophomore, Joan Learch, and Mary Joan Palmasano as the two who fit into varsity plans for the future .

Westside vs. Prep, perhaps the most traditional and emotional rivalry within the structure of Warrior ath letics. This concept becomes clearest when it involves the confrontation of the two opposing football squads. Prep, the #1 team , has thus far demolished and humiliated their opposition. The most noted strength of Prep, is without question , their excellent defense against the rush . And this develops the major conflict between the teams. Westside, offensively , depends on a strong running attack, led by running sensation, Craig Johnson . Perhaps, then, an accent on more passing is called for as a solution to the tough Prep rush defense. But, thus far , the Westside passing game has not developed to a status of being threatening and Johnson does not feel th at passing would be effective against Prep. Says Johnson, "We will run at Prep. " Intuitively , one has to feel that something will have to give between the Warrior rush and the Jay's defense. " It will depend on who gets off the line first," said Warrior head coach, Don Johnson. "If we can beat them in that respect, our running ge.me shou ld be effective. The trouble with such an optimistic outlook lies in the possibility of a reversing of performances. Prep, as Johnson agrees, is a quick team, defensively, with a good line. They could then, in all probability, out-perform the Warriors at the line, cutting down Westside's rush. Whichever way it goes, a strong fee ling within the Westside staff is that the Warrior offensive attack, success or failure, will be decided at the line. A less talked about aspect of Prep's game plan is their offense, but says Johnson, "They have an explosive offense with 9.7 backs. Their quarterback is very good and can lead a strong passing attack, if need be." A complete comparison of statistics between Westside a nd Prep, after the first four games this season appear at the right.


FIRST DOWNS Avg. per game RUSHES Net yds. gained Avg. gain Av . ds. PASSES ATTEMPTED Completed %completed Net yds. gained Avg. yds. per game Net yds. per pass play Yds. gained per comp. COMBINED NET YDS GAINED % total yds. rushing % total yds. passing Avi. ~ds. Eer iame BALL CONTROL PLAYS A vs:. ~ds. E!r Ela~ PUNTS Avs:. Eer Eunt TOTAL POINTS Ayg. per game

Team effort key to success Craig has impressive statistics, but h e cannot do it all by himself. "It is the line, ifthe line makes the blocks, I will get my 100 yards," Johnson stressed. This year the line has done its job well. They are, center Glen Rumbaugh, guards Curt Andersen and Scott Sage, tackles, Bob Pistillo and Bruce Salisbury, and tight end Rob Linde. So far the help of these men this season has enabled Johnson to be the class A's leading rusher . With the help of the line the rest of the season Johnson could sh atter all Westside scoring and rushing records.

practice as a junior." Last year, over-shadowed by Bob Billinger, Johnson was virtually unknown. This year is a different story as Johnson has proven his talents to everyone. In the first game of the season against Bellevue, Johnson gained 167 yards rushing in a losing effort, 7-0. In the second game, the Warriors beat

North , 21 -6, as Johnson racked up 212 yards and scored three touchdowns. Aga inst Bryan , Johnson outgained th e Bears, by himself, gaining 103 yards and scoring the only touchdown as Westside squeaked by 7-0. The Tech game was also a successful one as Johnson totaled 197 yards and scored three touchdowns to aid the gridders roll to a 32-16 victory.

FIRST DOWNS Avs:. Eer s:ame RUSHES Net yds. gained Avg. gain A vs:. ~ds. E!r s:ame PASSES ATTEMPTED Completed %completed Net yds. gained Avg. yds. per game Net yds. per pass play Yds. s:ained E!r comECOMBINED NET YDS. GAINED % total yds. rushing % total yds路. passing Avg. yds. per game BALL CONTROL PLAYS A vs:. ~ds. Eer Eia~ PUNTS Avs:. Eer Eunt

51 12.75

173 827 4:78 206.75 43 7 16.28 66 16.5 1.53 9.43 893 92.61 7.39 223.25

203 939 4.63 234.75 27 17 62.96 225 56.25 8.33 13.24 1164 80.67 19.33 291

216 4.13 12 38.25 61 15.25

230 5.06 17 34.25 83 20.75



39 9.75 143 381 2.66 95.25

23 5.75 132 134 1.02 33.5 39 14 35.9 156 39 4 11.14 290 46.21 53.79 72.5

54 23 42.59 362 90.5 6.7 15.74 743 51.28 48.72 185.75 .97 3.77

171 1.7 27 29 0 0

18 26.75 31 7.75

Lloyd's Shoes Just Across the Street 8722 Countryside Plaza 391-1133



Bass Weejuns Miss America Hush Puppies

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The place where you can play pinball, skeeball, and ride on the slammer cars.

LOOKING SO GOOD A "FIRST" ... taken "ORALLY" .. . works from "WITHIN" ... start looking good. Put the BRAKE on the BREAKOUTS.

Bright outlook for future Johnson hopes his future in football goes farth er than high school stardom. "I would like to go as far as I can ," commented Johnson . Westside coach Don Johnson thinks he is capable, "Craig has a world of potential, and is capable of playing major college football. Coach Johnson also added , " I saw potential in Craig the first time he had a varsity

43 10.75


Warrior Johnson, Class A's leading rusher He's 6'1 W' and weighs 165, he is the Class A's leading rusher with 679 yards in four games on 116 carries for an average of 5.85 yards. He is Westside's senior tailback, Craig Johnson .




Two Locations

At our four locations 1 08 San Francisco Mall 393-9988

117 Howard Street in the Old Market 346-9992

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Pacific 391-6500

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Moonies shine on (see page 4-5)

Vol. 21, No.4- Westside High School, Omaha, NE 68124, October 22, 1976

Westside plucks Prepies (see page 8)

Controversy raised over textbook Morality is something that does not come naturally to children and should be taught carefully, according to Linda Simmonds, mother of a Hillside Elementary student. This is a belief that has caused the recent controversy over textbooks in the Heath Series English program, for elementary children in the district. Yet during a board meeting Monday, Oct. 11, it was decided that the children of parents who object to the book, will be provided with an adequate substitute book.

Ia Simmonds addresses board members concerning Heath series.

The language arts program was the topic at a Hillside Elementary School parent coffee, Wednesday, Oct. 6. The coffee was attended by approximately 50 parents who were informed as to how the program had been adopted. James Findley, a chairman of the

language arts committee, points out that the Heath Series is "only one part" of the whole language arts program. He feels that "the whole program," which includes other texts, accomplishes the objectives identified by the committee. The categories identified as objectives are grammar, spelling, usage, mechanics, proofreading, and creative writing. The program was adopted by a committee consisting of 27 members, with representatives from each school in the district. According to Dr. Kenneth Hansen, associate superintendent of operations for District 66, the members had a special interest or expertise in the language arts area. The previous English program was based on the theory that if a student

ewsletter concentrates on parent-child activities ptember of the fall of 1975, ked the beginning of Family 11s, a monthly newsletter during school year, which goes to all .entary and junior high schools in .rict 66, according to Susan Jbs , founder of the paper, and tselor at Hillside Elementary >Ol. hen the paper initially began last , approximately 1500 issues were ributed monthly to Hillside mentary , Underwood Hills menta ry, and Westbrook nentary and Junior High Schools. ~cording to Ms. Crabbs, she did all IVI'i.ting last year, but she now has

three assistants , Lynn Hansen , Westside counselor, Mardelle Meredith and Ila Alden , both Arbor Heights Junior High School counselors. The pa per is funded through the three District 66 consortiums. A consortium consists of a junior high school, and its feeder elementary schools. For example, Westbrook Junior High School, Westbrook, Hillside , and Underwood Hills Elementary Schools, make up one consortium. Ms . Crabbs estimated the approximate cost of the paper to be about $450 a year, with each issue

lerit awards received

.though the top one half of the top one percent is a very select group, ten tside seniors scored that high on their Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude .s (PSAT), according to Mr. Len Hansen. 1is score qualifies them as semifmalists for National Merit Scholarships :hare awarded by the National Merit Corporation. The semifmalists are: I Armbrust, Bev Brokke, Sam Friedman, James Luebbert, Gregg Leuder, 1 Render, Kirsten Skoog, Ronald Smith, Patrick Weigel, and Mary merman. Hansen says Westside also had 19 students who earned a mendable ranking. he semifinalists are chosen on their scores only, according to Hansen. Then !1 of the semifinalists are asked to fill out an application concerning family kground and college plans. Each also writes a self portrait essay telling of I leadership roles, community activities and organizations they are )ciated with . ansen has a personal interview with each semifinalist and with the help of :hers and family makes out a report which he submits with the student's >Ol record to the National Merit Corporation. The finalists are then selected 1 this information and their scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SAT). he finalists will be announced in late April and their scholarship money is varded to the institution of their choice. There will be 3850 students who !ive some form of scholarship this year. emifinalists receive no money but their names are printed in a book that is t to colleges around the country by the National Merit Corporation. ast year 1.3 million students took the PSAT test and 15,000 were chosen as tifinalists. "I strongly recommend taking the test for various reasons," said 1sen. "It is a preliminary test for the SAT and can help students understand format. It can also qualify you to be a recipient of a National Merit .olarship. lary also feels it is worthwhile for students ''because it makes eligible for the scholarships and if you only become a semifinalist your nes goes in a book sent to colleges.

.ccording to Hansen, juniors can register for the PSAT test in the main dance center at this time. The test will be administered Oct. 23, from 8:30 to 30 a.m. There is a fee of $3.25 to take the test but Hansen feels it is well worth onsidering the opportunity for college funds it presents.

costing $30 to type set. Basically, the newsletter stresses such things as positive thinking in the home, encouragement to children, and "a variety of things ," stated Ms. Crabbs. She added that some issues are dedicated to certain subject areas, such as "school phobias," concerning problems children may have upon entering school at the beginning of the year, and "positive thinking," an issue devoted to thinking of positive nicknames for others, rather than the usual derogatory remarks like "fatso" and "tubby." Another issue contained questions a parent can ask teachers during Parent-Teacher Conferences. Ms. Crabbs feels the paper is " unique" because it suggests activities to practice between parents and children in the home. She remarked that she hadn't received much feedback yet, but what has come in has been mostly positive. She added that last year during April , 350-400 evaluations of the paper went out to the parents in the Westbrook Consortium, and three-

fourths of these came back with "very positive" reactions. Dr . H . Vaughn Phelps , superintendent of School District 66, also voiced a very positive reaction from himself, although he added that he has received very little feedback from others. After this survey, she talked to principals of the other schools in the district, who seemed very receptive to the idea of expansion of the paper. During the past summer, Ms. Crabbs and her assistants did much of the writing for the paper, although she said the writing is not as complete as it should be. They now have the rough drafts for the issues, and Ms. Crabbs said she spends "another two days each month" working on pictures, artwork, and perfecting the copy. A completed issue of the paper is written in a "very practical and concise manner," and is printed on both sides in "fairly sizeable print," to aid everyone in reading it, according to Ms. Crabbs .

reads good literature, he will learn to write well. The committee's goals, said Findley, "Were to keep good literature, as well as to teach good writing. In establishing a program, we tried to create options in stories for students to read, and options for teachers on what assignments to use, and teaching techniques. According to Hansen, the program has been in limited use within the district for three years, without complaints. Last year, 18 parents of students enrolled at Paddock Road Elementary School, were invited to look over the books being used. No complaints were received. "If the concensus of the community was not to use them, (the books), we would not," explained Hansen. Since the meeting at Hillside, there has been much support in favor of the books, and no more complaints issued, according to Hansen. Ms. Simmonds feels the morals in the books being used are purposely omitted. The stories require that a child reach his own conclusion. She believes a child should be guided to morality by an adult. The whole tone of the book is negative , according to Ms . Simmonds. She would rather see children exposed to books that are positive, cheerful, uplifting, and constructive. Ms. Simmonds feels the pictures used condone wrong and are negative. Some of the pictures she has objections to are those depicting children robbing others, children turning in false fire alarms, stealing fruit and hubcaps, and letting air out of tires. According to Rod Johnson , principal of Hillside, 21 of 22 fourth grade students thought that the children at the fruit stand were putting the fruit back after having fallen off. However , this was not a spontaneous response, according to Ms. Simmonds, whose daughter was in the class that Johnson asked. The children were told by the teacher the fruit was being put back.




__,..- _...---



...... _...

Merit scho larship winn ers: P at Wie ge l, Mary Zimmerma n, Bev Brokke, Tina Render, Gregg Leuder, Karl Armb rust, Ron Sm ith , and J im Luek k ert.

LANCE - October 22. 1976 - Page 2

opinions ... editorials ... letters ••. opinions ... editorials ..• letters ... opinions ..

Team teaching methods considered Of all complaints heard at the time downslips are issued, the most frequent concern is the inconsistency of grading systems and curriculum used by different teac;hers of the same course. Westside's administration has acknowledged this problem as expressed by Dr. James Tangdall, principal , "One of our biggest concerns is inconsistent grading between teachers and sections of the ~me course." Tangdall further stated that Westside has tried to use a team teaching approach and has found it successful in the Science Department. Many courses entail more than one teacher and each teacher has a different approach to the same subject. Classes that don't readily lend themselves to the team teaching concept, are capable of using

I hope I'm not intruding.



For the past several weeks, Westside students in. physics, chemistry, physiology, and other science and social studies classes have been subjected to the sounds of hammers, power tools, and shattered glass as new windows are being installed in the north side of the building . Many classes have been temporarily forced to find quarters in other classes or the Loge, while some sections have been cancelled altogether due to the inaccessibility of a suitable place to hold laboratory classes. The new windows are aluminum framed, replacing extremely worn and obsolete wooden frames . Their installation paves the way to the eventual air-conditioning of the science wing . The inconvenience to the students and teachers involved is readily apparent. The science labs, in particular, have been left in extremely poor condition . Shattered glass has been found in most rooms and in physiology the cages of 250 rats are scattered so haphazardly about that many students cannot locate their

laboratory animals . Replace the windows during the school year exhibits extremely poor planning. The rationale behind replacing the windows at this time is economic. The school district's fiscal year ended in August and the board was previously uncertain as to whether sufficient funding would remain last fiscal year. When bids were received in July, however, sufficient funding did exist and plans to replace the windows this year were made out. It was too late to complete them by the fall semester . The only alternative to this plan would have been waiting until next spring or summer , because winter would have already set in by the time funds could be appropriated du"ring the new fiscal year. In this case, the school board should have thought earlier when setting budget priorities. If new windows were extremely necessary, they should have budgeted them early in the fiscal year. It is ridiculous that both students and teachers should be penalized through building improvements.

day began. There was uproar from all parts of Westside . If student apathy ha d truly set in , there would have been much less concern about the change. I think that the only real "apathy" there is in Westside, for the most part, is a lack of knowledge of current h a ppenings in Westside. Just as I stated earlier, it takes a disaster for people to look up. With a

The only way possible to insure a consiste grading scale and syllabus is a team teachi1 method . Department heads should re-exami the consistency between curriculum , a1 grading systems of all courses . T l requirements should then be reviewed with t teachers and team planning, or better yet, tee teaching should be carefully considered.

There is nothing wrong with "see Dick run!"

Book controversy futile L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - by Dan GoldmanControversy that has arisen over the Heath elementary English series in District 66 is a result of overexaggeration and extended imagination. One of the primary objections that opponents of the series have is that they stress that the textbooks used in the series advocate the religion and philosophy of Secular Humanism . Then, with pseudo-eloquence, they state that our constitution prohibits the teaching of any religion in he public schools. The absurdity of the Secular Humanism claim is that it is based upon a few pictures which students are asked to describe. According to the opponents, since a student's description cannot be wrong, and supposedly in Secular Humanism there are no set truths, then the entire Heath English series must advocate Secular Humanism . But alas, is not Secular Humanism a bit too complex to be portrayed by a few simple pictures? Secular Humanism is just a front for the cause against the Heath series. In actuality, allowance of student opinion is what the opponents are really against. Since the opponents object to students using opinion in the school, they would have to object to all forms of art in the school, all essay and interpretive writing and just about anything the student can do by himself. This objection to opinion leads to the opponents' second point concerning the Heath series: they are illustrative of progressive education , and in progressive education, learning is impossible. The books in the Heath series may illustrate a few concepts of


populous of over 3,000 (including t e a c hers, administrators , para professionals, etc.), only the bad news is passed from person to person. It's too bad good news is soon forgotten . "This is time for a change," has been heard many times in this election year, but it is still a good motto to follow . It's time for a change, Westside .

* Letters * Letters * Letters Dear Editor, John F. Kennedy , at age 43, was president-elect after only eight years in national politics - a remarkable achievement. Not only remarkable, but a record that, with the exception of military heroes such as Washington, Grant, and Eisenhower, was almost without parallel until Jimmy Carter. Despite Carter's total lack of any national exposure prior to the primaries, he swept up the Democratic nomination very easily . Perhaps it was too easy . Many people have pondered Mr. James Carter's success. In 1963 Norman Mailer wondered about J .F .K. too. His answer was :

What students should take into consideratic is that teachers, due to varying values a1 background , cannot grade identically.


Student apathy · dying dis~!~P~to.. Student a pa thy , student apathy . Every where you look, something is being sa id a bout student apathy . There is even student apathy about s t u d e nt a p a th y. Why doesn 't a nybody ever say anything about the in volved students? Student involvement is considered to be like good n ews - nobody is in terested. It ta kes a disaster for peo ple to look up. There are over 40 clubs in Westside. They ra nge fr om Z-club and Interact, to a clu b leader 's club a nd A-club. Over 1 / 3 of the population of Wests ide is in a t least one club or orga nization . Ma ny are in two or three. Because of these clubs there are teac h ers wh o organize, students which participa te , and hundreds who benefit. Because of these clubs, Westside gives its Christmas trees to a citywide ecology club, and makes it possible for our AFS students to study here. Student apathy n eeds a stab in the back. It has got to be known that just like a bad rumor, it has gotten out of ha nd , a nd been blown out of proportion. Most students really care a bout wha t happens to them and their school. This was very evident last year when the talk of the nine-mod

a system of team planning. Team planni requires that the teachers of the course discu future curriculum to insure that each cour covers the same material and each has standard grading scale. These rules, howev• are seldom followed as the quarter progress and teachers prefer to explore certain topi more than others.


"It is true that we have a president with a face. And it is the face of a potential hero. But he embodies nothing, he personifies nothing, he is a power, rather a quizzical power, without light or principle . . . He learned too much and too early that victory goes to the discreet, that one does not speak one's opinion, that ideally one does not even develop one's opinion." Well, Jimmy? John J. Rueve

progressive education but not pure] The course, in which the series is use is set up so teachers help the studen with basic drills and exercises al01 with optional material utilizi1 filmstrips, recorders and other medi Although constant questioning the educational system by taxpaye may be an integral component, th controversy was but a mere fallac The questions were far-fetch• theories without much content base. It may be advisable that befo one publicly blasts curriculum , certain amount of factual resear< should be done.

Published bi-weekly by the Publ ication! Department of Westside High Schoo l. 87th ano Pacific St .. Omaha . Nebraska 68 114. THE LANCE is a member of the Nat ional Scholastic Press Association and the Nebraska H igh School Press Association . The paper is g iven free of charge to holders o f Act ivity T ickets. Subscription rates to others are $3 .00 po stpao d. Non-profit mailing rights claimed . Printed by Wright Printing Co .. Omaha . Co-edltoro ........ .Margaret Kane. Rick Pan toga Editorial editor ... .. ............. Brenda Moskovits Aut. editorial edHor ................... Dan Goldman Editorial writer ........................ Sharo n Shanks News editor ............................ Conn ie Schleic h Aut. news editor ...................... ..... Steve Maun New• wrlterw ............................. Kirsten Karnett , Beth Lashinsky . Robyn N icho ls. Jenny Welch Feature edHor .............................. Kath y O'Hara Aut. feature editor ............... Mary Z immerman Feature wrltera .. ............................. Li sa Kap lan , Kim Nilsson . Kathy Sher lo ck Bualneaa manager ....................... Terri Perrone Sports editor . .. .......... Bob Peterson Aut. sports editor ..................... Brent Bierman Sports writers .................. Bill Saint. Bob Sturm Artists ............... Sheri Bendorf. Dan Goldman Photography ................................... Marty Wells Phot09raphy editor .............. Jennifer Erickson Advisor ......................................... John Hudna ll

LANCE - October 22, 1976 - Page 3

tudents sacrifice valuable free time .dents at Westside are spending free time tutoring, taking ;privileged children on field trips delivering meals to senior ns. stside students are not getting for giving up their time, but are nteering their time. On sday, Oct. 8, the Volunteer Fair place in the loge area. The fair .ponsored by the Psychology and logy departments. encies from the Omaha area represented at the fair. An .ated 28 agencies, ranging from le Meals to GOARC. They had mation about their agency on ay. The District 66 schools were represented. 1chers encouraged the students t involved and show concern for community. " Itisagreatchance .udents to de·1elop their interests eas which need volunteer help," d Robert Johns, psychology and logy teacher. "It is also a good ce for students to see if in the e they might want to go on and ~ a career helping others in their cular field ," explained Johns. personally did not mind giving ny free time and going and

helping others. Last year I tutored 8 to 10-year-olds at Boys Town , and I am going to tutor there again this year," said Julie Moore, senior. "If it weren't for the Volunteer Fair, I probably wouldn 't have gotten involved," explained Julie.

later, find they enjoy working in their particular field and go on into highpaying jobs. It is also a good chance for students to see if they are willing to spend the time and money for school to be trained for a specialized field .

" I can now say I am grateful for what I have," said Cindy Norby, senior. "I volunteered at Social Settlement las t year and this year I a m going to work with the handicapped, through Easter Seals."

Handicapped children, who oth erwise might not be able to get out, are taken skating, to the zoo, on picnics, or to movies by volunteer students . Often times the only reward the students receive is a thanks or an inn er feeling of accomplishment, though some teachers raise the stud ents grade, the teachers' way of saying thanks for helping out.

Many students who are neither in psychology nor sociology also volunteer. Students who volunteer

Homecoming royalty Nan Crawford and Craig Johnson.

Bikes, books, and basketballs

Garage sale benefits junior class treasury "Successful" was the term used to "I was surprised with the turnout," describe the junior class garage sale, said Ms . Carol Brueks, Westside h eld Oct. 9, by class officers. junior. Carol commented on the The sale, which took place in the steady stream of customers at the sale, approximately 10 to 12 per hour. teacher's parking lot, added $413 to Those who came to the sale were the class treasury, which goes toward ·: mostly a dults, said junior class paying for the junior-senior prom . ·

treasurer, Val Arkoosh , yet several Westside students were there. "I was pleased with it," said Jacque Miller, Westside junior, referring to the sale. Ms. Jacque admitted to h aving her doubts as to how many people would come. Most everything donated was sold; h ousehold items, books, clothes, sporting items and furniture. The remaining clothing will either be sold as costumes for theatre, or donated to the Salvation Army . The left over books will be sold to a

t and Crew chosen is year instead of having a Jr and Senior Class Play, there is ~ to be an all school play. This 1s all three grades to participate joint presentation . e name of the play is "AVisit to a .l Planet," The cast: Kreton ·Kurt , General Tom Powers · Brian :er, Roger Spelding · Dean tisen, Ellen Spelding · Sherri >hy, Conrad Mayberry· Geoffrey m, Reba Spelding ·Barb Oliver, · Dewey Hocevar, Delton 4 · ry Bale, Television technicians · ot hy Amoura and Bob 3mann, Technical Director · .ael Wasserman, Stage Director· 3Sa Jordan , Student Director · y King. e date for the play is November 2, 13. .

music; my favorite is 'Stars and Stripes Forever," stated Gilpin.

Puppetry, pottery, portraits The week of October 11-18 was the Fine Arts Festival at Arbor Heights Junior High School. The festival was set during the school hours so that any student who wanted to go to a certain activity may with a request pass for that activity. During the week , Arbor Heights students were able to see much activities as a potter's wheel, portrait, stage make· up , puppetry, jazz improvisations and glass blowing . The students were able to participate in such activities as modern dance and creative dramatics. At the end of the Fine Arts Festival week an all-school assembly was held with the SAC dance band playing for the students. Arbor Heights Junior High School has been holding the Fine Arts Festival for seven years now. Until recently the festival used to be called "Artist in Action Week."

Clubs combine cultures

<in' teeth, Music?

rumming the guitar, blowing the e, playing the piano? Let's be e practical. With a flick of the nb, your teeth can make music. :maid Gilpin, WHS business her actually plays his teeth. " I ted when I was a senior in high ool, one of my friends played his 1 so I took it up," stated Gilpin. t is all in the thumb," Gilpin said. l have to flick your thumb and · nail h as to hit just right on your 1, and then you form a low sound 1 your mouth ," h e explained. can play almost any· song that :n't have too much background

International Club held something different this year rather than the usual progressive dinners. It was one big dinner with all the clubs combined in the cafeteria. "In the past the progressive dinner involved a lot of driving from house to house, and finding homes big enough for each club was another problem," said Ms. Sheryl Wiitala, sponsor of French club. Each club brought something from their respective country. The German club brought cold cuts, the Latin club m ade a salad, Spanish club made a mixture of hamburger, rice, green peppers, tomatoes and olives called "Pacadillo" and French club brought traditional French bread, six different cheeses and various fruits. An approximate 170-180 international club members attended the dinner . Each language club was to decorate a table for the dinner of their country 's cultures.

Forum Officers picked During the last Forum meeting, officers were elected. They will serve all of this year, and the beginning of n ext, until the next representatives are chosen. The president this year is Senior Tim Zwieback. Recorder is Senior Mark Pred , and Clerk is Senior Scott Nelson . The secretary was chosen at the following Forum meeting, which was held the 21st of October. The Forum officers are chosen each year to make the meetings more for the students, and less for the faculty.

Dawning of the Democrats "I think '76 is the year of the Democrat," stated Senior Margaret Ka ne, founder of Westside's Young Democrat organization this year. The organization, which charges n o dues, has 20-25members presently. Margaret said she got the idea to start the organization last year, and discussed it with her homeroom advisor , Tom Carman. Carman had n ever sponsored this type of group before, but he felt this one was worth his time, and agreed to do it. His main activities are to act as a coordinator between candidates and the organization at Westside. He a dded that he tries to keep his responsibilities " at a minimum," because he wants the students in the club to be making the decisions, rather than himself.

United Fund Drive under way The United Fund Drive started Monday, Oct. 18, and went on for a week. The drive took place in the homerooms. This year a prize will be given to the two top homerooms who gave the most money. The prize will be to take the two winning homerooms out to breakfast. Bill Findley, sponsor of Forum, said that he hopes to get close to or at least a little bit above the final total of last year. Findley feels that with giving a prize this year to the homerooms will motivate the students into giving. Findley explains that though there is a prize being given this year, a lot of the students will give irregardless of the prize. " For instance, the winning homeroom last year gave much more than the prize was worth ," said Findley.

used book store, and the furniture given to a church rummage sale. Along with the class officers, president, Chris Olsen, secretary, Martha Rigby, and treasurer, Val Arkoosh , juniors, Carol Brueks, Betsy Crites, Kathryn Kelsey, Carol Marcotte , Rob Donovan, Patty Herman sky, Kristi Hamsa, and Jacque Miller helped with the garage sale. Mr. Rod Karr, Westside social studies teacher, also gave a hand. "The garage sale went so well, that possibly another will be held in the spring," according to Ms. Brueks.

McCarth y of Carter-Mondale headquarters, and Tim McNally, State Chairman of the Nebraska Young Democrats. According to Carma n , the main concern of the club now, is to decide whether or not they wish to join the national organization of Young Democrats. Margaret said that in order to be a part of the national group, they n eed to a dopt or write their own constitution . She added that McNally gave her a sample constitution. She said they will probably adopt some parts ofthis and write other parts of it on their own. If they do join, the president of the organization may attend the statewide convention to represent his or her group, which will probably be held in Omaha this year.

National organization According to Margaret, the group's main objective is to make themselves available to candidates. "We do doorto-door leafleting, and helped with the voter registration drive. There are usually plenty of odd jobs to do, like addressing envelopes and stapling things." At the meetings held thus far , the group has heard three guest speakers, Jim Cavanaugh, (bro.ther of congressional candidate John), Jay

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•side news ... inside news ... inside news ... inside news ... inside news

LANCE - October 22, 1976 - Page 4

features ••• people••• entertainment••• features ••• people••• entertain men Two years ago Scott McQuin, 21, lefthisjobandpregnantwifetojoin the Unification Church. McQuin was invited to a talk on the Bible, and attended with a friend who was already associated with the church. He went to lectures the following three nights and decided to become a member after the third lecture. "I was conned," said McQuin. "I didn't have much knowledge of the Scripture, so I didn't realize how it was being twisted." McQuin tried to get his wife to join, but she refused. The other church members encouraged him to leave his wife in hopes that she would follow him into the church. They reminded him that according to Moon , a person isn't actually married unless Sun Myung Moon performs the ceremony.

"I was conned." As a result, McQuin left home and moved into the center, and was sent to a two-week training camp in Iowa the following day. Most of the training period was spent attending lectures , but between talks the new mem hers participated in physical activities like hiking and volleyball. McQuin felt that the physical strain of constant activity with little food or sleep made it easier to accept what they were saying. When McQuin returned, he was put to work witnessing and selling carnations. "I was told to say I was raising money for a youth center," he said. "Our whole life revolved around witnessing and selling carnations."

Disillusioned kids more vulnerable Meanwhile, McQuin's conscience was bothering him about leaving his wife. When he talked to the others about returning, they advised him that Satan was leading him to leave the church . "The church plays upon your emotions," said McQuin. "It's a psychological game." He continued that he was kept busy all the time and didn't have the chance to really think over what he was doing. "Finally I was so torn between church and family I had to getoffby myself for awhile," stated McQuin . A friend who had already gotten out of the church shared a scripture with McQuin which opened his eyes. Matthew 24:23, "Then if any man shap sayuntoyou,Lo, hereisChrist, or there; believe it not," convinced McQuin he had been deceived. McQuin returned to his wife. Looking back, McQuin realizes that his disillusionment with his life and its goals were what made him so vulnerable to the cult. However, he feels that it is not uncommon for a young person to be discontent. "They can get you to do about anything," concludes McQuin. " I'm not the type of person who would normally leave my wife and quit my job in a period of three to four days."

Stories by: Mary Zimmerman Photography by: Jennifer Erickson

Moonies, clean-cut smiling kids selling flowers or candy, members ofthe Unification Church- these terms are synonomous for followers of Sun Myung Moon . What does it mean to be a follower of this man from Korea? According to ex-Unification Church members and parents of past and present members, the Unification Church is a cult which controls its members through psychological means. Once a Moonie, the power to think for oneself quickly deteriorates, and members follow orders to raise money and make new converts. Unification Church members disagree, describing their group as a movement to save the world. Their philosophy teaches people how to live God-centered lives while creating the Kingdom of God on Earth. In Omaha, the Unification Church is located in an old fraternity house at 4016 Davenport. There are seven fulltime members living at the church who solicitfunds and new members, and approximately 30 supporters in Omaha who give one-tenth of their salary to the group. The Lance became acquainted with two members while taking pictures of the fraternity house for this story . The two girls who greeted the two Lance staffers were friendly, well groomed, and eager to answer questions. Both are full-time members who joined after attending lectures and an orientation camp . The girl who acted as a spokesman was originally from Michigan, and was sent to Nebraska to be a pioneer missionary in Lincoln. When asked why the Unification Church has received so much bad publicity, the girl from Michigan replied that it's controversial because it goes against the materialistic and self-centered philosophies of the world.

Also, "the press criticizes certain areas of the church without understanding the central core of the church ." This central core is Sun Moon, who the girls respectfully referred to as Reverend Moon. Both spoke as though they knew him well. They said that he is a prophet, and one emphatically proclaimed, "He's the closest person on Earth to God." Nationally, the June 14, 1976 issue of Time reported that Moon 's followers number approximately 30,000 in the United States alone. They are mostly middle class college students seeking idealistic causes. Some are attracted to the movement through advertisements, such as this "Denver Post" ad, "Sincerely conscientious person interested in the betterment of mankind call this number ... "Others are contacted personally. Once a person has shown an interest, he is invited to a weekend retreat or a week-long training center . He is surrounded by friendly people, and spends long days listening to speakers, taking hikes, and participating in athletics. The new members receive very little food or rest. The trainees are taught the message of Sun Moon as written in his book Divine Principle. Moon believes himself to be the new Messiah, the fulfillment of God's plan . As he says in the June 14, 1976 issue of Time , "I am a thinker. I am your brain. When you join the effort with me, you can do everything with me, ... in utter obedience to me." "There is no complaint, objection against a nything being done here until we will have established the KingdomofGodonEarth until the very end." "I want to have the members under me who will be willing to obey me even though they may have to disobey their own parents, and the Presidents of their own nations."



LANCE - October 22, 1976 - Page 5

fures ••• people••• entertainment••• features ••• people••• entertainment••.

l, many leave families and jobs to work church. A basic concept of the church is sins and the sins of his ancesters can 1r through work. To achieve salvation, pend their days working to raise funds hey are not opposed to using "Holy se this money. Last July, two smiling Jnification Church solicited funds for a at the office where this reporter was then , it has been learned that no exists at the given address , only the :ch . Jnification Church raised $12 million of 1ccording to the Septem her Omaha, the The Unification Church has purchased worth of real estate, including theN ew ! Columbia University Club, a former !ry, and 350 acres ofland and a mansion The church also owns a bank in :. and two yachts. Their next goal is the ilding - the philosophy being the more ey can obtain from Satan's hands, the •ld will be. mbers' belief in Sun Moon and his tkeable. They are convinced that their to good use. :e sums of money involved, there may be ~hurch in Washington unless the mendment providing separation of prevents it. that the Unification Church is ·ld a t large with its monetary profits .

()n1aha "If it affects and harms the children in the community, it harms the whole community,'; said Rabbi Barry L. Weinstein, Advisory Council member to Love Our Children, Inc. The others in the room nodded their agreement, and Weinstein went on to suggest including the professional and business sectors in Love Our Children's efforts to make the public aware of Omaha area cults. Most of those gathered at the meeting were parents who have lost a son or daughter to a cult. They meet on the second Tuesday of each month to discuss constructive, legal ways of opposing cults and releasing cult members from their hold. The meeting began with a progress report from the group's president, Mr. Eugene Wyman. Representatives from Love Our Children had talked at two churches and Mr. Wyman had been interviewed on KTOD radio in Bellevue. The group contacted City Councilman John Miller in hopes of changing a city ordinance, as Lincoln has already done, to make it more difficult for cults to obtain permits to solicit funds . Wyman referred to Love Our Children's need for more funds, and the talk tumed to the necessity of becoming more widely known. A Benson High School counselor suggested contacting the Omaha area PTA's. Rabbi Weinstein reinforced the need for all Omaha religious organizations to join together to resist the cults and inform the public of their presence.

Parents regain daughter As the talk subsided, Wyman tumed to a girl who had been silent throughout the discussion . He explained that she was a former Unification Church member who had just retumed from a month of rehabilitation. "I was in the Unification Church for two years and two months," began Barbara Michael of Lincoln, NE. "My first contact with the group occurred towards the end of my freshman year at UNL." A French member of the Unification Church invited Barbara to a lecture conceming creation, the fall of man, the mission of Jesus, and the second coming of Christ. Instead of just asking her to come, the man urged her to commit herself to a specific day and time . Barbara went to the meeting at the appointed time, but there wasn't any lecture going on. "We spent the time singing and talking," said Barbara. "The people impressed me with their friendliness." Mter attending a picnic, a weekend retreat, and a week-long workshop, Barbara decided to join, and moved into the Omaha center. 'They explained the Bible logically," said Barbara. "It was fascinating to me. They told me that the Messiah was on the Earth in the form of Sun Moon, and I felt I had to join or be left out."

"Fundraising was hard," continued Barbara. "We worked from 10a.m. to 9 p.m. those first weeks." Then Barbara was sent to the Madison Square Garden Campaign in New York, an effort to gain new members. After the campaign was over, Barbara covered much of the nation on a "Day of Hope" tour, another attempt to convert more kids. Barbara's last assignment in the church was the National Fund Raising Team. For 17 months she was urged to set a monetary goal for herself of not less than $100 per day . Barbara was fund raising in an Illinois parking lot on the day she was picked up by two deprogrammers who were accompanied by the police. Barbara's capture was not accidental. Having located Barbara, her parents went to court in Lincoln to obtain legal custody of her for thirty days. This safeguarded them from being charged with kidnapping,since Barbara is 21 and not under her parents' jurisdiction. The Michaels had to go through legal channels in the state that Barbara was currently residing. Next, and perhaps most important, a team of deprogrammers had to be contacted. Deprogramming is a legal, non-violent yet forceful means of reversing the "brainwashing" process that has occurred in a cult member. Although the Michaels were able to coordinate the legal papers and the deprogrammers, their ordeal was not yet finished. "During the deprogramming all I could think was 'You're not going to get me'," remembers Barbara. "Different ex-members talked to me from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., but nothing sunk in." On the second day of deprogramming, Barbara was introduced to a girl named Michelle, an ex-member who had been high up in the Unification Church on the West Coast. "She told me how Oni Durst, the leader of the church on the West Coast used money earned through fund raising to buy herself a Mercedes Benz and $65.00 shoes," said Barbara. Michelle also explained how people were conned to sign a membership list for the Unification Church. Individuals were asked to sign up for a Creative Community Project. Once the signatures were obtained, the words "Creative Community Project" were replaced with "Unification Church." Michelle finally broke through to Barbara, who voluntarily spent the next month in a rehabilitation center for ex-members of cults in Tucson , Arizona.

Ex-members deprogrammed Barbara's story was finished, but anxious parents had many questions for her. Mrs. Barbara Warnke, vice president of Love Our Children, told Barbara of a friend's son who was home for a few days from the Unification Church. "Should his parents attempt to have him deprogrammed?" asked Mrs. Warnke. The entire group broke into a discussion of how deprogrammers could be reached, and offered advice on other aspects of the situation. A deprogrammer told Barbara Michael's father that nobody wants to be deprogrammed, but cult members are always glad to be out. Barbara Michael's words verify this, and encourage Love Our Children to maintain its efforts.

LANCE - October 22, 1976 - Page 6

let the buyer beware

Westroad's guards watch wanderers When I walked into Westroads Sept. 7, I had no idea anything would go wrong. I walked into a store and purchased a frame, and did a few other errands. I left the store never suspecting that anyone had been following me. I had walked a little way down the mall before a plain clothes security officer from the store stopped me. The officer, who prefers to remain a nonymous, identified himself, and showed me his badge. He said he had seen me buy a frame and asked if I had taken another one. I replied, " No." He then checked my purse and sack, finding me completely innocent. He said, ''I'm really sorry about this . I hope I didn't scare you," as I was standing there shaking from hea d to toe. When I called the store to do an interview for my story, I had no idea I was talking to the officer who had stopped me until, after relating my experience, he said , "I remember you. I noticed you were a little upset. I'm the big, bad guy who stopped you." The officer believes that plain clothes officers are very effective. "Last year, from December 1 to January 7 we caught 85 people shoplifting." People who act suspicious are the most likely to be stopped. A person can not be stopped until they leave the store. "Alotoftimes a person will take

something and walk through the store with it. They'll drop it right before leaving and then it's like saying I tricked you , to an officer." He has noticed that there hasn 't been as much shop-lifting in the past year. Most shop-lifters are still teens although they are by no means the only ones. "Most teens who steal are out on a dare or just out to steal," commented the guard. He also cited organized stealing as a growing problem. "A lot of people think we're out to get the younger people, but we don't like it any better than they do." The number of security people employed varies with the season . "We have more at Christmas because there are more shop-lifters. Last year we had a Douglas County officer in uniform just to let people know they were being watched. There is more shop-lifting at Christmas because with more people in the stores , there is better cover for the thieves," the officer commented. If a juvenile is caught stealing a small , inexpensive item, the store will call their parents and have them come and get them. If it is a more expensive item the police will be called. If it is a first offense, the parents are called and the charges are usually dropped. If they choose to press charges a summons is issued. The person then appears in court to enter his plea. If

his plea is guilty, the penalty is decided. With an innocent plea a trial date is set and the person goes through court procedings. " I've been involved in two cases that went to court in my one and a half years here," stated the officer. As I concluded my interview I asked the officer what I could do to protect myself from being stopped again. He apologized again for stopping me and commented, "That's one of the most asked questions about security procedures and there really is no answer. We do stop innocent people. Those are honest mistakes. After all, we're only human." It's like being in the wrong place at the right time. by Kim Nilsson

Senior Nanci Harris led the Warriors to a fifth-place tie in the St1 Golf Meet. Columbus was disqualified from first place after an erJ was discovered on CHS golfer Cathy Curry's scorecard.

Putters sputter with fast greens and win " It was extremely windy and a couple of the girls were off. We just weren 't shooting," were the words Girls Golf Coach Lois Emonds used to describe their sixth place finish in the State Golf Meet, Oct. 14, at Benson. "We can shoot better than that," she stated . "We shot 403 today , and we won Metro a week ago with 390," she explained. Senior Nanci Harris was low scorer for Westside with a 94 and a 12th place tie. She was followed by


Sophomore Sara Lockwood who had a 96, and Senior Karen Miller and Junior Debbie Ginsberg who shot 103 and 110 respectively. Ms. Harris maintained she played well "except for my putting. I threeputted six greens." She described Benson as "really a tough course, with lots of creeks, and sandtraps. The wind made it seem longer than it was, and the greens were super-fast which made putting hard." "The girls had an overall great season," stated Ms. Edmonds. "They broke the school records in duals and in Metro. The season , besides the state meet , was fantastic." Westside was undefeated in dual meets, but the

high point of the season came " the capture of the Me Championship in which Ms. Mi was runner-up. Ms. Edmonds described thetean a group of "great girls, alw wanting to practice, always work on their games .. . Nanci and Ka were my top girls, and Sara was 'sophomore surprise.' She started fifth or sixth (on the team) t finished third . She just k improving throughout the seaso Patty Kenny and Debbie Ginsb helped to make the team solid , added. "We set our goals at the beginnin stated Ms. Miller, "and we came pretty well."

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LANCE - October 22, 1976 - Page 7

Westside naiad dives into the lead during the Metro Relays. The Warriors come off a convincing victory in the Cyclone Invitational to host their own invitational tomorrow.

Cookie monsters propel swim team

:h Nyholm gives a sly smile in fond remembrance of the night re, the Warrior capture of its first State tennis crown.

Have the Westside naiads really turned to Sesame Street? Not quite, but they seem to be developing an addiction to Swimming Coach Cal Bentz's homemade cookies. Bentz explains, "I told the girls at the beginning of the season that if they were to swim one minute or under in the 100-yard freestyle, I'd make them a dozen cookies ." "It's sort of an incentive," said Cocaptain Terri Perrone. Many of the girls try for the one-minute mark, she said, even if it's not their best event. So far, said Bentz , seven swimmers have earned cookies by beating the

estside netters rise; capture State crown

ter being dropped by Burke and out of participation in the Metro offs because of that loss, the ~ior netters began their comeback

llowing a victory in the Metro nament, came the climax - the ure of the State Championship, a for Westside. The Warriors ed 38 points, followed by Millard 32. tclaims Tennis Coach Paul olm again, and again, and again , won with a touch of class," a :ment obviously in reference to te's unethical "stacking" of a meet against Westside and in the ·o Playoffs against Prep. ler the first day of competition, /arrior entrants had advanced to semifinals where Westside rred their first casualty of the n.ament. Dan Goldman, playing ingles, lost to hardhitting Tom s of Millard, 6-1 , 6-1. ves advanced to the fmals where tet top-seeded Bob Green of Prep. !n , undefeated in two seasons of , school tennis, was not to be ed his second consecutive Class A les title and prevailed in a toughht match , 7-6 (5-3), 6-3. II other Westside entrants meed to the finals, in which the riors netted both doubles titles. te major confrontation, as far as tside was concerned, was the #1 >les victory of the #2 seeds,

Warriors Tom Rice and John Staenberg . They downed Burke hopefuls Jim Conant and Larry Phillips, 6-4 , 3-6, 7-5, in a marathon match which lasted over two hours. The Burke duo, in their semifinal match , had upset top-seeded Chuck Leichner and Steve Albin of Millard, 5-7, 6-3,7-6 (5-4), in a match which had been decided upon by the final point of a third set tiebreaker. Westside also claimed a first place finish in #2 doubles as Sophomore Scott P erry and Senior Steve Albert were never threatened seriously in the tournament. The team of Perry-Albert moved swiftly through their fmal ma tch , defeating their rivals Jim Dawson and Jim Allen of Lincoln Southeast, 6-3, 6-2. The only other Warrior in the midst of the action was Steve Davis in #2 singles . After out-classing Prep's Matt McLeay, 7-5, 6-1 , he met his

match in the finals, falling by a surprising score of 6-4, 6-3, to Peter Storch of Millard. "I feel Steve could have won his match . He was a little offthough, and just couldn't put it together, explained Nyholm. All that is left for Nyholm to do now is to begin his contemplation for organizing next year's team. Three key players in the Warrior success plan are leaving: Rice, Davis, and Albert. "We are certainly going to miss them, but we have a lot of good juniors who can take over their places," said Nyholm . Nyholm pointed to Staenberg, Goldman, and Perry as returning crucial assets and to Ken Somberg who was idled this season by tendinitis in his shoulder. " I think we'll have a strong team next year with great potential," concluded Nyholm .

'No fat swimmers' Is Bentz worried about the cookies causing fat swimmers? "Not if they continue to work out twice a day," replied Bentz. "They should go through those calories pretty fast." Thus far , the cookies have been excellent fuel for the naiads. The team completed their season of dual meets undefeated and recently swept all ten events in the Metro Relays held at Westside. Remaining meets include the Westside Invitational tomorrow, Metro Championships Oct. 27-29 at Westside, and the State Championships Nov. 5-6 in the new UNL Sports Complex at Lincoln.

The key word to describe the Warrior Women is depth. Bentz feels the team has more depth than last year's team which captured the State title. Co-captain Debbie Hartford explained, the benefits of the naiads' great depth: "We can have four entries in each event oftheStatemeet and we think we can get everyone qualified. Last year we didn't have four people in every event. That's what we're trying for this year." Ms. Hartford looks for records to fall in the State meet, as she described the pool in the new Sports Complex as "very fast." According to Bentz, "We're going to go down there with the idea that we have the best chance to win state we've ever had." "We'll be ready for State," assured Ms. Perrone.

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rarrior sports ••• features ••• stats ••• warrior sports ••• features ••• stats •••

LANCE - October 22, 1976 - Page 8

• • sports ••• features ••• stats ••• warr1or sports ••• features ••• stats warr1or

Warriors up and down; T.J. tonight for title "Execution of plays by both the offense and defense were pathetic," was the way Coach Don Johnson described the Warriors' 22-13loss to a fired-up Burke team.

"Quickness of both the offensive and defensive lines off. the ball," commented Warrior coach Don Johnson was the key to the Warriors' impressive 21-7 win over favored Prep.

Westside struck first on an 18-yard run by tailback, Craig Johnson with 5:41 left in the first quarter and it appeared the Warriors were on the way. Penalties were a major problem as every time the Warriors started something a penalty would push them right back.

Before the Warrior-Junior Jay grudge match, Prep had only allowed six points and 138 yards rushing on 162 carries, for an average ofless than on e yard per carry. The Warriors racked up 165 yards rushing and scored 21 points. This is more than had been scored by all five of Prep's previous opponents total.

Soon Burke took advantage of Westside's mistakes and tied the game 7-7 with 4:57 left in the second quarter, on a ten-yard touchdown pass. Then an interception with three minutes left in the half lead to a 27yard field goal with four seconds left to put Burke ahead 10-7.

Game action Prep struck first on a five-yard run by John Sempek in a Prep dominated first quarter . With 1:52left in the half, Dick Dawsan, middle linebacker, recovered a Prep fumble on the Prep 44 . It did not take long for the Warriors to capitalize on the turnover and tie the game 7-7 on tailback Craig Johnson's three-yard run.

Warrior Dan Arnold gets off a pressure punt against a strong Prep rush. Westside went on to upset the favored Junior Jays, 21-7.

Then came the clincher- a 45-yard touchdown run tomakethescore 16-7. Burke added one more touchdown on a 2-yard run set up by an interception to make the score 22-7. With 1:48left

The momentum carried through to the third quarter as a 36-yard touchdown pass from Junior Craig Ladwig to Senior Brian Muenster put the Warriors ahead to stay 14-7. On the very next possession, Warrior Craig Johnson romped 78 yards for the clincher.

C.C. team young; gains experience


The unsung team of eleven have gone through heat, rain and even gloom of night (they sound like postmen, don 't they?) just to complete a practice.

Offense was not the only asset as the defense played perhaps their finest game. The Junior Jays moved within the five-yard line twice in the final quarter in an attempt to comeback . First, it was the defensive backfield to stall a drive. Then, with Prep inside the one on third down , the defensive line stiffened and stopped the Junior Jays.

Westside #3 The win moved the Warriors into third position in the ratings and sky high for the conference game with Burke. With the playoffs not very far off you have to be thinking about a rematch with the Junior Jays . "You never know jt depends on who is up emotionally, and the attitude of both teams," Coach Johnson said.

by Terri Perrone A fall season has come and gone; and again, little recognition has been given to the WHS cross country team.

Practicing since the beginning of July, the harriers have logged well ov er 500 miles each and have experienced much pain. With all the work they put in, they even broke their attendance record of six spectators this year, they had twenty. It seems strange that only one out of 120 students can attend this secondary sport.

Experienced gained "We are a young team and have a great deal of potential," said Junior Jim Carnazzo. This year's varsity team consisted of two seniors, three juniors and two sophomores . That means there will be five returning varsity lettermen next year to start


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35 different sandwiches ... submarines, BIG RED STEAK, ruebens, fries, and much more.

the '77 season. Camazzo added that "Although we all didn't make it to state this year, we gained a lot of experience." The cross country team got a great deal of distance in this year, as they averaged between ten and fourteen miles a day .

Warrior standout Dave Maenner, the team captain and the only experienced runner on the team , ran consistently good all year. With this he placed third at the district cross country meet. By placing third, Maenner was allowed

to compete in the State meet today at Kearney.

in the game, the Warriors scor• an eight-yard touchdown pass Craig Ladwig to Tom Boyer to the score closer 22-13, but it we little too late as the Warriors defeated 22-13. "We're going to work on a I things, we looked at the game · and we saw mistakes made thE didn't even make in the first gar said Johnson . "Our mental attitude was not coming off the big win against J Burke played real well. If we VI have been up it could have been l game," commented Johnson. Tonight the Warriors will ti regroup against tough T.J., ii attempt to hold on to sole posse! of first place. T.J . so far this se has compiled an impressive conference record. Perhaps T .J.'s greatest ass• their running attack. "They havo real fine runners, one with 10 speed in the 100," said C Johnson . With chances of snow or weather could play a big part h Warrior-T.J. clash. "Bad wet would be to our advantage, becat the quickness of their backs, strt Coach Johnson.

Team lineup This year's cross country team, consisting of Seniors Dave Maenner, Mark Mitera, Rick Winslow, Mike Snipes , Andy Shack; Juniors Jim Carnazzo , Rod Larson, Bruce Thompson; and Sophomores Phil Perrone, and Steve Teter have worked hard and deserve a round of applause - as does their coach, Tom Mallisee.

THURSDAY NIGHT October 28 7:30 AT

With a little more experience, the cross country team should fair pretty well next year.

1867 So. 130th

a stereo system you won't have to apologize for The $319 System Despite the low price , y ou will be enjoy ing tru e high fid e lity with this system . The new B .LC. 920 turntabl e is a n e nginee ring breakthrough in a class of it s own . This belt-drive, multiple-play manual turntable is powe red by a 24 pole, synchronous motor whic h g ive s you e xcelle nt s peed s tab il ity. It comes ! ••••• lj! • .-. 11 '· comple te w it h base , dust cove r and Thchnics SH URE cartridge . For the bes t buy in receivers, we look to the TECHNICS SA5160 . Fe atures suc h as phase lock loop, F.E .T . front end, and interstation muting s ophistications give unbeatable FM reception at the price . You get 12 watts RMS per channel for a c ombined power of 24 watts, with less than 0.9% T. H.D . Match the SA5160 with STUD IO 1 speakers for clear highs and impressive hass, and you have a quality sys tem.

Open 6 a.m. till 8 p.m. tilllO p.m. on Fri. & Sat. 2535 So. 90 St. 391-9079 1 to 5

olvement for many 1n district

urveys set pace for evaluation Friday, Oct. 22, all Westside participated in surveys tg questions about the school. e surveys were a part of the :1al evaluation being conducted year as a part of the North ral Association Evaluation. least every seven years, Westside quired by the school board to cipate in the North Central ciation Evaluation, in order to tme accredited by this 1ization, which covers 19 states its Chicago location. e purpose of this evaluation is to :e the tax payers that their Jls are meeting up to some type of iards. aluation of a school lasts two ;, with an internal evaluation the year, as is being done at Westside and an external team evaluation econd year. ;ernal evaluating consists of a ber of different surveys covering areas of citizenship, career ation , staffing and instruction. .e surveys are all taken by !rent groups of people. For 3.nce, parents, students and mi might evaluate such things ~nship , l).nd instruction, while 1ers analyze instruction in the ol. Some surveys will be taken by 1e people in the school, and some c ific ones will only be inistered to department heads administrators. ~nts

:cording to Dr. James Tangdall, tside principal, the results of e surveys should be available for to study sometime late this :lg .

1e external team evaluation ion of the analysis takes place the nd year. This consists of a group eople coming into Westside from t places as the Nebraska State

D e p a r t m e n t o f E d u c a t l"o ri , universities across the country , and other school systems. These people come for two to three days to analyze specific areas which they specialize in. After they have completed their evaluations and compiled data , a report goes to the Board ofEducation . Dr. Tangdall emphasized the fact that not all schools participate in the evaluation. Only those that wish accreditation by the North Central Association do so. District 66 is required by the school board to take the evaluation, and has done so since 1952. Along with the major report done every seven years, Dr. Tangdall said that each year he must "fill out a quite extensive report" covering every area in the school, which is reviewed at an annual meeting that he attends. During these meetings he helps review reports from school systems in outside states under the North Central Association, and administrators from other schools do the same for Westside's report. This year the accreditation for the elementary and junior high schools in District 66 is being handled in a different manner. Normally they would go through the same procedures Westside is active in now. However, these schools received approval through the association to do only a district-wide evaluation, rather than each school doing a s .e parate one. Westside also participlftes in this part of the analysis . District-wide evaluation is concerned with analyzing the 18 cognitive, affective and psychomotor goals which a group of 800 teachers, parents and students set up approximately four years ago. They termed these goals the "Mission

Statement." Cognitive goals , which are intellectual skills, are basic Skills (words and numbers) , Science, Art, Humanities; Skills to use Knowledge, Preparation for Future, Career Preparation, Environmental Quality (appreciation, maintenance and improvement of the environment), a nd Economic Understanding. Affective goals, covering interests, values, and emotions are, Self Worth, Citizenship, Morality, Human Relationships , World Understanding (international understanding and peace) , Family Life, Continuing Education (school learning as a lifelong process), and Student Involvement (planned education).

Vo l. 21 , No. 5 - Westside High School, Omaha , NE 68124, November 9 , 19 76

District 66 board member appointed Dr. John C. Goldner, neurologist, has been newly appointed to the Board of Education of District 66. A vacancy was left this summer when former member Mr. Robert W. Hasebrook moved to Minnesota. Goldner has attended two board meetings since being appointed by a board vote Oct. 11.

·pacem en premiere in fall drama miors, juniors and sophomores combine their theatrical skills talents this year to put on a play ch will prove to be enjoyable for "Visit to a Small Planet," a .edy, will be presented at the WHS itorium, Nov. 11-13. The play will t at 8 o'clock. rhis year's play should be an •rovement over recent years 3.use there is a variety of talent," .ed Mike Wasserman, technical -ctor. "An all school play can get entire student body involved tead of just supporting one ticular class," explained Mike. his year's cast consists of: Kurt :e (Kreton), Brian Kruger (General-

Tom Powers), Dean Mathisen (Roger Spelding), Sherri Murphy (Ellen Spelding), Barb Oliver (Reba Spelding), Geoffrey Jordan (Conrad Mayberry), Dewey Hocevar (Aid), Sherry Bale (Delton 4), Dorothy Amaura and Bob Glissmann (Television technicians). "Visit to a Small Planet" generally centers around Kreton who is studying Earth and plans to land during the Civil War but instead lands on Earth in the 1950's. The spaceship lands in the yard of Roger Spelding, nation-wide newscaster. Later in the play, people from the other planet come and get

terri Murphy, Jeff Jordan, Brian Krueger, Dewey Hocevar, a nd trt Sage rehearse for "Visit t o a Small P la n et."

Marching band member, Ch ris Beem, hustles during last game of the season.

Kreton and lock him up for being morally retarded. Shairmen and co-chairmen working behind the scenes: Ann Hunter, Chrissa Jordan (properties), Mike Wasserman (technical director), Chrissa Jordan (stage manager), Laura Kunkle (publicity), Susie Kennedy (make-up), Theresa Coluntuono (costumes), Cathy King (student director), and directing the play is Jim Ogden, drama teacher.

According to Irvin Yaffe, president of the board, names are submitted to the board and other people are asked about ideas of who would be interested. A list of ten people was compiled. These people then submitted background information and their reasons for wantin·g to be a board member to the district office. The district office distributed this information to the board members who then familiarize themselves with it. At the board meeting the night of the vote most of the candidates gave a

term. "I consider it an obligation to participate in community sen<ices you benefit from," said Goldner. Goldner who has been a resident of the district for seven years will have four children enrolled in District 66 schools by next fall. He has been active in many other community services, mostly associated with medicine. Goldner served on the board of the Greater Omaha Medical Society and as chairman of the Medicine and Religion Committee of the Nebraska Medical Association.

"I consider it an obl igation to participate in com munity services you benefit f rom ." - D r . John C. Goldner two or three minute talk on why they wanted the position. Goldner was then chosen to finish the four remaining years on Hasebrook's

"I think they give me an experience in one area, health, which will compliment the other members of the board," explained Goldner.

Upcoming career plans, education explored Guidance Center excellent reference Career Exploration, the guidance department's new contribution to the students, concerns finding out where their possible interests lie. In the program the first thing the student does is search himself in depth, with the help of tests and the advisor. From there he goes into exploring the thousands of possible career fields for those that he fmds interesting and appealing. He must decide if he wants to go to college, vocational school, a junior college, or go to work right out of high school. Dick Lunquist, guidance department head, says students usually come in with open minds about their futures, but some come in knowing what they want to do with their careers, and their lives. Also new to the department is the new advisor for college and university bound students, Lynn Hansen. Hansen helps a student decide which college he might be interested in attending. Some of th e determining factors are scholastic achievement, sch olarships, fields of interest, and financial aid. He sets up test dates, helps the student determine which tests to take and explains how to study for them. Under law, now, students a re allowed to see their cumulative folders. At Westside, however, this has been done for about fi ve years. Lunquist thinks that it is very important for the st udents to know what has been

recorded about them from elementary school. When the student graduates the folder will be locked in the safe. Lunquist feels that Westside has one of the best guidance departments in the area, but he hinted that it might be a little biased in his opinion. He says the counselors are "really neat." Since Lunquist came toW estside six years ago he thinks that the whole emphasis of the department has changed. The counselors provide a much broaderrangeofservices. Group guidance has been a mandatory part of sophomores schedules for seven years. They usually meet about the frrst five weeks of the semester so the students can become better orientated and meet more people. When the program frrst began the classes were involved in more things, but now the homeroom advisors share part of the tasks. Lunquist feels that the counseling on the junior high levels help students in better understanding of counselors as informative, interesting people. He said that the junior high counselors prepare the students for high school whereas senior high counselors prepare the students for their future. Junior orientation and brief twenty minute meetings in the guidance department are really informative and helpful to all classes. It is a good way to keep the seniors up to date on latest test dates and colleges that will be coming to Westside.

LANCE- November 9, 1976- Page 2

opinions ... editorials ... letters ... opinions ... editorials ... letters... opinions

Foreign language: is it really a language? Many foreign language students having reached the fourth and fifth year levels of a language find very little emphasis placed on teaching the conversational aspects of the language. Instead, literary works in the language are the major areas of concentration. This may be fine for those desiring an insight into other cultures, but it does little for those aspiring to gain proficiency in a language in order to survive abroad. As one foreign language student related, she was capable of translating quotes from a Spanish text, but would be completely lost on one of Spain 's ¡ streets. In add it ion, these language classes may seem extremely irrelevant, and routine, discouraging those wishing to take an active role in foreign conversation. Interpreting a literary work concerning events occurring more than a century ago does not meet these criteria.

Consequently, many students discontinue their language studies during their high school years. This is extremely unfortunate; many students are not being provided for under the current language program. In addition, the language department also experiences a decline in enrollment in progressively more difficult course levels. Alleviating this problem would necessitate establishing two types of language classes on each course level, one with the present literary emphasis and one with an emphasis on conversational language. Total foreign language enrollment would most likely increase, the number of drops would most likely decrease, and a greater percentage of the student body could be served by the foreign language department. We suggest serious consideration of such a change in order to accommodate many students .

You failed again. I'm beginning to think you might have problem.

Competency tests prove self-defeating

The annual 60's day dance.

Are you sick of Fifties nostalgia? Tired of worshipping a dull decade that you are too young to appreciate in the first place? Be patient. Even "Laverne and Shirley" can't last until 1980. I suggest that we use the next four years wisely, preparing for the coming craze scheduled to errupt about then. Get ready for the lighter side of the Sixties! Yes, it's entirely possible that enterprising young people such as we, could stand to make a mint selling Eighties teenagers a memory. Ah, the good old days of love beads, granny glasses, and the Monkees. They will be bopping to the beat of "Judy in Disguise" while those of us who knew Michael Jackson before his voice changed , bring in the bucks. Now is the time to pile up on anything and everything even remotely attached to that age. Who cares if you throw in some Fifties and Seventies stuff too. As long as you can get some famous Sixties faces like Mark Lindsey (Paul Revere and the

Raiders) or Herman (Hermits) to promote it, they'll never know the difference. Kids will be searching for "Flying Nun" posters to decorate their walls. " Room 222's" Pete Dixon should be another big seller. He could really solve those contemporary, "now" problems of his students. Caution: Frivolous nostalgia buffs will have little interest in assassinations , riots, or civil rights. Since people often have a morbid fascination with our history 's wars (ask your parents about the good old days of WWII) there may be a market for draft card reporductions (flammable). I would like to say to all those with a lifetime supply of spike heels and mouton coats, "Don't give up hope." When everyone is sick of the Sixties they are going to need a new era. Somehow, I get the feeling that the public isn't quite dumb enough to idolize the Seventies.

Westside 's L811ce is published bi-weekly by the Lance staff forthe students and faculty of Westside High School, 87th and Pacific St.. Omaha , Nebraska. 68124. Westside's Lance is a member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association . the Nebraska High School Press Association and the National Scholastic Press Association . The paper is given free of charge every o ther Friday after 1 p .m . Subscription rates are $3 .00 post-paid . Non-profit mailing rates claimed. Printed by Wright Printing Co ., 13426 B St. , Omaha. Co-editors ......... Margaret Kane. Rick Pantoga Editorial editor ... ............... Brenda Moskovits Aut. editorial edHor ................. Dan Goldman .... Sharon Shanks Editorial writer .... News editor .......................... Connie Schleich Asst. news editor . ........................ Steve Maun News writers .. ........................ Kirsten Karnett, Beth Lashinsk y , Robyn N ichols , Jen ny Welch Feature editor ............................... Kathy O'Hara Asst. feature editor ... .......... Mary Z immerman

Feature writers .................. ............. Lisa Kapl an, Kim Nilsson . Kathy Sherlock Business manager ....................... Terri Perrone Sports editor ... .. .......................... Bob Peterson Asst. sports editor ..................... Brent Bierman Sports writers .................. Bill Saint, Bob Sturm

Artists ................. Sheri Bend o rf. Dan Goldman Photographers ...................... Jennifer Erickson and Marty Well s Advisor ...................................... John Hudnall

Since recent statistics illustrate that onefourth of the senior class have not passed their minimum competency tests, the relevance and necessity of these tests can be validly questioned. One of the primary purposes of the tests is to locate those students who have a flaw in their basic skills . If a student does not pass the tests , then he is coached until he is able to do so. Those who finally pass the tests then supposedly have an official guarantee that they possess the basic skills. Although District 66 advocates that the basic skills are manifested in the minimum competency tests, they cannot accurately define what the basic skills actually are . It is useless to prescribe for students what they should learn, for each individual has their own conception of what basic skills are necessary according to his/her interests and goals in life. Oral communication, for instance, may be completely irrelevant to a particular individual's education . Thus , these tests do not examine the basic skills. Instead, they test how effectively the

district has taught a few general, but necessarily basic, skills . They do not po int the flaws in students , rather they point out flaws in the educational system itself. If the district wants students to possess sc general skills when they graduc; administering tests in high school is not correct method. The prodigious amount students who have failed these tests have r and will not, learn these skills, for they sirr will be coached in how to pass the test rat than to actually learn. Administering a similar battery of tests earl junior high , for educational purposes only,< not graduation requirements, would prove m effective. If one failed a test , he/she could placed in classes set up to deal with his ind dual problem(s). One would then actually le a skill instead of learning how to pass a tes In essence , min im um competency te: accomplish nothing deeper than testing its( for their tardiness totally deters them from a educational value. These tests should serve more useful purpose rather than to punish the students who were ignored .

SERGEANT foLEy,sERGEANT foLE " Mary Hartman! Mary Hartman!" You kn ow h er. Everybody does. She's that crazy character with the long red braids and the Jimmy Carter smile. The on e who is beating the Tonight Show in m an y viewing m arket . Yes, that Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman. She is Norman Lear's newest triumph , thespin-offkingofCBS. The on e who created "All in the Family," " Maude," "The Jeffersons," and "Good Times," the longest spin-off ch ain in T.V . history. He pioneered some of the most controversial topics on T.V. Bigotry, Discrimination , Liberalism. And now "Mary Hartman," a satire on the soap oper a, complete with crime, infidelity, and floor wax build-up. The only question is : What will Norman Lear do n ext??? Maybe a spin-off on Mary Hartman? "Sergeant Foley, Sergeant Foley," the dedicated cop with a love life active enough to put Arthur Fonzerelli to shame. Just imagine it. Sergeant Foley up at the crack of dawn pressing his uniform for a ch allenging day answering the . information desk at the police station. Sh opping for turtleneck sweaters . Preparing candlelight dinners for all his prey. They could even make a special two

hour episode, "The Lives of Mary and Dennis, Mary and Dennis," a melodrama of unequaled proportion, continuing saga of Mary's melting butter. It could be a whole n ew series of spin-offs! And when the series got boring he could always start a meaningful relationship with the only innocent

member of the Hartman fan " Heather Hartman, Heat Hartman ." That has a ring to it. r unattempted problems of junior I delinquency. Norman Lear, yc amazing. Who knows? Maybe next se1 he'll delve into science fiction. I about "Love on a Sputnik?"

LETTERS TO LANCE Dear Lance: School District 66 has always prided itself on the fact that it has been a leader in instituting new education programs and ideas into our sch ools to enable our children to receive a better education. Wouldn't it be refreshing if District 66's high school, Westside, would be the first school in Omaha, or possibly in the State, to recognize the fact that we can n o longer go on supporting two sports. Westside recognizes 17 boys and girls sports, yet the only ones we sh ow interest in are football and basketball . In talking to athletes from other sports you can sense some bitterness toward the Pep Club, Cheerleaders, Band, students and even parents, many of whom won't take the time to

watch their own child in a seconc sport, but wouldn't miss a Westsic Nebraska football game. Wrestling has an active auxil and the boys and girls swim team tennis teams look out for each ot What about the other sports? \ decorates their lockers, who put! signs to encourage them before t. metro and district meets, who co¡ to watch them perform? No one! Many of our secondary sports h been very successful, in spite of lack of support they receive. Tl success has enabled Westside receive All Sports School two yE in a row. The football and basket] teams could not have done it a! and it is about time everyb• realizes it. Concerned mot

LANCE - November 9, 1976 - Page 3

Manson's prosecuter speaks murder

\CHERS CONVENE-Westside Community School instructors ·e entertained by the Westside Swing Choir during the teachers' vention, held on October 28 and 29.

"It was one of the most bizarre and unusual murders in the history of crime," said Vincent Bugliosi, author of "Belter Skelter," a novel which tells of the Manson killings. Bugliosi was the speaker at a University of Nebraska at Omaha lecture Thursday, Oct. 21, in the Milo Bail Student Center. He talked and answered questions for approximately two and one-half hours to a crowd of close to 250 people. ''The thought of girls dressed in black and armed with knives going into a house and brutally murdering seven people is just too unbelievable," explained Bugliosi. Bugliosi, who was the prosecuting

ited is the way

the Shield.

This year's United Fund Drive ; fantastic," said Jim Findley, vice 1cipal at Westside, "the students Vestside should be complimented." tudents gave an average of .50 per lent, according to Finley. A total 1,504.59 was collected at Westside. s year's total was a little under last r's total of about $1,600. he top two homerooms this year e Dr. Jim Tangdall with a total of .26 from their homeroom and :old Welch with a total of $70.46 m their homeroom . LaNeta ·lock's homeroom came in third h. a total of $70.31. angdall and Welch's homerooms

will be able to go out to breakfast next week with a total of$50.00to spend for each homeroom . "There was only one homeroom this year that didn't contribute," said Findley, "but otherwise the response from the other homerooms was tremendous ."

Shield should be a sell out The Shield will be selling receipts for yearbooks during the week ofN ov. 8. The yearbook will sell for $8.00 . "This year 's Shield staff is striving for creativeness instead of just doing stories to meet deadlines," according to Julie Ebner, Academics t>ditor of

"The Shield is trying to relate more to students by trying to create an image of all students instead of just a few," explained Pam Cooper, coeditor. Pam feels that this year's annual will be a real good book, and the staff is striving to win an All-American award this year. The Shield will be sold at various locations throughout the school, but primarily in the cafeteria. Those who don't buy the yearbook during the week of Nov. 8, can buy one for $10.00 from a limited supply in the spring. The Shield will be distributed sometime in May.

ight seeing scheduled for AFS Weekend 'orty-five to sixty AFS (American ld Service) students are expected to •w up for AFS weekend, this year ng held Nov. 11-14. They will be 1ing from throughout Nebraska l parts of Iowa. "This will be a mce for the kids to meet their ociate AFS students," said Ms. ry Davis, head of the Foreign 1guage Department. Their weekend will be very full," . Davis added . The AFS'ers will ive late Thursday and be taken to ir host family here in Omaha. ey are free to do as they please with ,ir new family. Friday, the :hange students will go to classes ich interest them. They will be led volunteer Westsiders who wish to to be a guide for half-a-day. Vhile in classes, the students who ne from various countries will 'ak a little on their native land and ;sibly show slides. Some may wear tative costume of their area of the rid . IIid-day Friday, AFS students iting Westside will be treated to a .ch flavored by many cultures .

THURSDAY NIGHT November 11 7:30

AT 523 South 119th

"There are usually four or more foreign countries represented in the lunch served." The meal is served by home-ec students during lunch mods for the visitors only . A wiener-roast and get-together is planned for Friday night. The location has not been announced. "It is more exciting to get on a bus and not know where you're gonig. It's just an added surprise," said Ms. Davis. Old Market, Union Pacific Museum, and more sight-seeing is on the agenda for Saturday afternoon .

The students will be riding the Old Market double decker bus," commented Ms. Davis. An undisclosed destination, and lots of fun are in store for Saturday niyht. There is a square dance with all AFS kids attending. Tickets are now on sale from Mrs. Cheryl Wiitala, French teacher, Ms . Davis and various International Club members. Everybody is invited. Sunday, they leave to return to a familiar surrounding "after a weekend which we hope they enjoyed and learned from," ended Ms. Davis.

attorney in the Tate-LaBianca case, feels this is why the case has had such a lasting interest. Manson was a racist and believed that blacks were sub-human, according to Bugliosi. He believed there would be a war between whites and blacks which he called ''helter skelter." Manson thought the blacks would win, but because they were subhumans they would need help ruling. As mentioned in Revelations of the Bible, Manson and 144,000 people were going to wait out this war in the bottomless pit then come out to rule. "Manson is probably completely different from any mass murderer we have ever had," said Bugliosi. Most are low intellect and "flip out" and commit murders themselves. Manson recruited other people to do it for him. Most of the actual murderers had good backgrounds said Bugliosi. Patty Krenwinkel was a good student and even wanted to be a nun. Charles Tex Watson was a high school football, basketball and track star. He feels the girls had a pre-existing hostility towards society but the murders would not have happened without Manson . "He has an inherent ability to dominate men," said Bugliosi. Manson convinced his family that he was Jesus Christ. Bugliosi thought "it was a game at first" until he interviewed some former members of the family. "He is a very evil sophisticated con man," stated Bugliosi. Ruth Moorehouse was a 14-year-old member of the family. Her father was a Methodist minister who went to bring her home but ended up following Manson for two months.

A key issue in the trial was to prove that Manson completely dominated his co-murderers. Bugliosi believes he did this in three ways: sexual perversion, drugs, and preaching. One former family mem her testified that no one ever touched, kissed or made love to any other member without Manson's orders. Marijuana and LSD were the two most prominent drugs of the family. They went on acid trips together, but Manson would take smaller doses and try and break down their convictions says Bugliosi. He would convince them death was beautiful. ''The main technique Manson used was constant everyday preaching," said Bugliosi. The family was situated on Spawn Ranch outside Los Angeles. Every night Manson would sit on a rock around the flre playing his guitar and preaching. The Tate-LaBianca trial lasted for nine and one-half months, one of the longest trials ever. Together with the Watson trial there were 36,000 pages of transcript and a cost of approximately $1.2 million · to the taxpayers. In all 23, first degree murder convictions were given to members of the Manson family. All the defendents were sentenced to death. These sentences have been commuted to life due to the abolishment of capital punishment in June of 1972. Manson is serving time for nine counts of murder but will be eligible for parole in April 1978. "I do not think Manson is going to get out for a long, long time," commented Bugliosi. " In view of what he did I do not think he should ever be let loose."

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nside news ... inside news ... inside news ... inside news ... inside news

LANCE - November 9, 1976 - Page 4

leatures ... people... entertainment... leatures ... people...entertainment.

Knowledge for college handy How many students plan to further their education once they graduate? The majority of students are but don't know how to decide on a college. According to Lynn Hansen, college counselor, there are five basic steps to choosing a college. The first step is research. Some important things to keep in mind, according to Hansen, arethe area ofthecountryyou wish to be in, the cost, size, the desire for a public or private institution, and the choice of a co-ed or non-coed school. Also taken into consideration should be curriculum, majors offered, and tests required to be taken before applying. There are materials available which students may use to do their research. The main Guidance Center has several different college guides designed for this purpose. Another source is the college view deck which helps to "narrow down the field" quickly and easily. By the end of this year the Guidance Center is also planning to add Guidance Information Search (GIS) to their resources. GIS is a computer terminal which is able to provide information concerning colleges. However, the service Hansen greatly encourages is the college representative program. "We've had kids meet the reps from a college they would have never considered and become so fascinated by its curriculum and culture that they have

decided 'that's where I want to go to college.' It's a super way to learn about schools." The second step involves writing schools to get application forms and catalogs. After researching students should have decided upon six or seven schools from which to choose. Next , students should review application materials and make sure they have taken all the tests requried by that particular school. They should then visit as many of the campuses as financially feasible. Fourthly, a student should confer with a counsel or and review application procedures. These procedures include accuracy, legible writing, getting teacher recommendations , and any other materials the application calls for. The final step, waiting, "Must be the h ardest step of all," according to Hansen . Financing is one of the key factors in choosing a college and many students would like to receive scholarships. "Self-initiative is the key word to scholarships." There are several d ifferent sources of information available concerning scholarships. There is a senior newsletter published three or four times a year and information is given out at senior group guidance. Counselors, bulletin boards, and the morning bulletin are also good sources.

MANHANDLED-Supervisors Kim LaPier and John Tourek keep sophomore Eddie Fritz " out of trouble."

SWAT team takes positive action battling theft problems When walking out of the building, the first thing a Westside student sees is two plain-clothes "attendance supervisors" walking toward him. "Do you have a pass?" they ask. If the student is lucky, he does. Watching for students leaving the' building is one of the duties of Kim LaPier and John Tourek, known by Westside students as bouncers . Along with checking for passes, they check for ID's of people suspected of not being Westside students, and handle

The CarterLang ticket ran in Westside's pumpkin contest. The entrant, created by students in Chuck Lang's homeroom, was one of many voted on in the October 27 election.

Student election-low turnout but learning experience "All in all, I think it was a neat experience for everyone involved," related Government teacher Dennis Mcintyre. Westside's 1976 mock elections, held Wednesday , Oct. 27, proved to be informative, as well as partially predictive of the actual elections. Generally, our student elections prove to be somewhat of a foreshadowing of the real thing," said Mcintyre. "What the election actually is is an indirect poll. Students vote according to peer pressure and family attitudes, therefore reflecting fairly accurately the votes of their parents or guardians. For instance, the 1972 mock election we conducted was very close in many cases to the actual results. The major objective of the event is to give students not of voting age an opportunity to vote and see all it entails. Also, it raises the awareness of all people concerned with the construction and voting. "The election is a tremendous educational experience. Everyone learns something from it," commented Mcintyre. One of an estimated 2500 students at Westside, 525 people voted. That figure represents 21.6 percent of the student body. Partial results of the mock election follow in the next column. All percentages refer to the number of voting students.

various security problems . "Basically," explained LaPier, "we patrol the lots and try to keep kids out of trouble." Lately, however, an additional responsibility has been handed to the pair. Beginning the week of Oct. 18, a rash of burglaries started. "Larceny," as Tourek termed it, occurred in the senior parking lots. Citizens' Band radios (CB's), tape decks , and tapes are some of the items that have been taken from cars. Vandalism occurred as well, mainly in the form of distributor caps being taken from car engines. To combat the crimes, Tourek and LaPier have revised their routines a little. New equipment, furnished by the school, has been implemented by the two men to aid in their search for the thieves. Now, in addition to their senses, Tourek and LaPier employ

walkie-talkies and binoculars. Th strategy varies from day to day, l the basics remain the same. "One us stays in the building with t binoculars, watching the lot. At t same time, the other patrols the si streets, ready to 'close up' the lot i suspect is spotted." The pla1 effectiveness if 100%, as there ha been no more occurrences of larce since its implementation. "The poi of the whole thing is that we· watching them , but they (t criminals) don't know from where. As of October 27, no suspects h: been prosecuted. Tourek and LaPi plan to continue their work surveyiJ the lots for as long as is needed. T major advantage for their work their ability to maneuv • unpbtrusively. "We want everyot: car owners and the guilty alike, know that we' re watching f anything suspicious."

NOVEMBER Westside· State Girls Swim Meet-4,5; AFS Weekend ·11, 12,13 ·Drama · "A Visit from a Small Planet"· 11, 12, 13; State Girls' Volleyball Tourney · 12, 13; State Boys' Gymnastics · 12, 13; State Football Playoffs · 12, 13; Oratorial Concert · 16; State Music Clinic · 18, 19, 20. Westroads · District 66 Education Week · 8 through 14; Dinner Theater· "Rainmaker" ·through

13, "Accommodation"· startit 15. Creighton · John Paul Thomas ·1 Civic Auditorium and Orpheu Theater· Phoebe Snow· 5; Islo Brothers · 6; Lettermen · 1 Eagles· 14; Gina Vanelli · 18. Pershing Auditorium - Lincolr Kansas · 7; Merle Haggard · 2 Pure Prairie League· 21.

PRESIDENT Carter · Mondale · Democrat Ford · Dole · Republican Maddox · Dyke · American McBride · Bergland · Liberterian McCarthy.· Paine · Independent

24.2% "' 70.3% .6% .8% 3.8%

SENATE Zorinsky · Democrat McCollister · Republican

"' 50.5% 49.5%

HOUSE Cavanaugh · Democrat Terry· Republican

If it1 s in this, it S in. 1

"'52.8% 47.2'Vo

"' denotes winner

magee's westroads

LANCE - November 9, 1976 - Page 5

Personal experiences

Children challenge camp counselors

s country finished its season at the end of October. Team member Maenner qualified for state and placed third in a tough district


How was I to know what I was getting myself into? "Camp Counselor," it sounded so innocent that afternoon last Spring when I signed up to go to the Outdoor Education program at Camp Esther K. Newman. I thought I was all prepared with my sunglasses, suntan lotion, chewing gum and cutoffs. I even had the names of my cabin members memorized. I went forth with a positive attitude that morning on my way to Sunset School. There they were, at least 2,000 of them it seemed, in all sizes and shapes and IQ's. AB I stepped closer to get a better look, I recalled one of them saying "Oh yuck, I hate camp counselors." This was almost enough to destroy my positive attitude. After loading the bus, discovering that I wasn't the only one who over packed, we were on our way to Camp to the tune of "100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall," forwards and backwards at least 20 times. Once in the lodge at Camp I was to finally meet my girls. This is when I discovered that memorizing their names did me absolutely no good and that more than half of them were an inch or more taller than me.

·chery seeks students for target practice ontrary to popular belief, those ·le with bows and arrows seen lVanting about the cafeteria after ol are not Robin Hood and his l of Merry Men. :tually, it is the Westside Archery 1 which took State last year 1ing 13 of 14 medals. On the basis .is performance, there are several • feel that compared with tside, Robin Hood and his friends ~merely a bunch of ignorant bowkers. is the same organization which the following notice in the 1ing announcements: "Archery ) is looking for new members to >t."

sado -masochistic cult at tside? Or just simply in need of targets? )ach Lee Weyh calls the club's :ess a result of its program. "If .ents have an interest, we more 1 welcome them. They don't have e experts," he said.

club wants to make sure the kid has a good interest." Archery, while being an Olympic sport, is not a state-recognized sport in Nebraska, explaining why archery operates as a club at Westside. This was the main reason , he stated, why it is so hard for Westside to find teams to compete with. There are no other high school archery teams in Omaha.

Recognition a necessity State recognition, according to Weyh, would help diminish this problem. "As soon as a sport is recognized, they get a coach, they get equipment, and away they go," he theorized. Junior Steve Lewis is regarded by Archery Club as the William Tell of Westside. In 1975, in his first year of competition, he placed twenty-third at Nationals. Last spring, he placed first in State.

ners from rookies Ve take kids who have never shot -re, and in six weeks we can win e with them," claimed Weyh. He mnted for this by the fact that he ks with each archer individually ng practice. 1itially, club members must ;>ly their own arrows, a finger tab love, and an arm guard. Then, if member decides to continue in 1ery, he is encouraged to obtain own bow. "A bow is a big ~stment," said Weyh, "and the

Archery interests Lewis because it is an individual sport. He described archery as "something where the competition is there, and there is no way to be perfect. There's always a goal."

The rest of the day was filled with constant activity and more hiking than I'd done in my entire outdoor life. Once in awhile the counselors had free time which we spent exchanging stories from the night before. It seemed that Cabin Four boys got

Outdoor education group trapse through the wilds of Camp Esther K. Newman. caught with not one but two Playboy Magazines, and that Cabin Three had the hots for a couple girls in Cabin Five. It was also discovered that Cabin One boys had overturned Cabin Two's bunks right before inspection. "Aha," no wonder Cabin Two kept throwing there mash potatoes at Cabin One during lunch. I got to the point where I was use to

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With the Army's Delayed Entry Program, you can come down now and pick the job you want. And if you qualify, we'll hold it for you- for up to 270 days, depending on the job you choose. Then you can relax and enjoy the summer without worrying about what you'll be doing when it's over. When you do come in the Army, you'll also have a salary of $361.00 a month before deductions waiting for you. Plus free meals, housing, health care and 30 days paid vacation . And if you'd like to try college while you're in, we'll pay up to 75% of your tuition for you.

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Bass Weejuns Miss America Hush Puppies

Pro Keds Clarks of England Pedwin

Buy a winner Order a SHIELD

November 8 - 12

would grumble. Not to mention the fact that they could never seem to find me in a crowd. They said I was too short. When it came time to go, there were mixed emotions. No, we didn't get the cleanest cabin award, but I'll bet we were the only cabin to leave our permanent trademark in indelable ink on our cabin walls.

Reserve your job for fall now.

Moscow in 1980 Lewis has set his sights on the 1980 Olympics in Moscow as his goal. He started too late to get all his qualifying scores in for this year's Olympic Trials. "Around this part of the country, it's pretty hard to qualify," he stated, "unless you have the money to travel around."

such familiar phrases as; "Hey, what are we having for lunch?" "I don't know, I don't have ESP," I would reply. Such situations as: "Counselor, I have to go to the bathroom." "But it's 3:00 in the morning," I

Join the people who've joined •he Army.

1976 Edition Rated 2nd best in Nebraska


rarrior sports ••• leatures ••• stats ••• warrior sports ••• features ••• stats •••

LANCE- November 9, 1976- Page 6

warrior sports••• leatures ••• stats••• warrior sports••• leatures ••• stats.

Westside State playoff hopes ended One of the biggest flip-flop weekends of this season's football scenes saw Westside, quite unexpectedly, drop out of the State playoffs. They dropped out because they' were second in their division in the amount of points. The point system was developed last year inN ebraska, after extensive use in the country. A team receives 50 points for defeating a winning club (a team with a season record above .500), 40 points tying a winning team, and 30 for losing to such a team. On the other hand. a

team who beats a losing club (one with a record of .500 or less) obtains 40 points, 30 for a tie, and 20 for a loss.

Ryan rousted by WHS Prior to Westside's finale with Ryan they led their District by a point over Northwest, who faced Prep in their final game . Westside decisively downed Ryan, 41-6. Thus, Westside received 40 points for beating a losing club minus an additional 5 points for playing a Class B school, which Ryan lS.

So Westside stood in confidence, a

total of36 points ahead of Northwest. Westside would go to State if Prep would beat Northwest, a situation which appeared to avid fans and newcomers alike, highly probable. But Northwest pulled out the miracle they needed to down Prep, receive 50 points, and qualified for the State playoffs , leaving the Warriors quickly and harshly out in the cold. The Warriors were left to accept Metro playoff honors. "It was a great disappointment," said head coach Johnson. "The team played an excellent game against Ryan, and then the next thing we know, Northwest wins ... It was a shock . .. It was as if we had actually lost the game we won."

In the books Varsity football Craig Johnson led the Wrariors to a lop-sided victory over Ryan, 41-6. Johnson compiled 149 yards and picked up four touchdowns. Tom Boyer also broke the 100 yard mark, totaling 114. JV football Losing only the first game of the year, and ending with a 7-1 record, the Junior Warriors claimed the Metro crown. Coach Rick Collura and his team edged by Bryan, 'Z7 -20 to secure the title.

Girls swimming Warrior naiads made a big spl at Metro capturing the crown ~ 3831/2 points, far up on second-pl2 Bellevue, with 199. As the nai swam by their opposition, they acquired a feeling of fame and glo . obtaining two new records. The1 Hazuka put her name in the book swimming the 100 breaststrokE 1:11.8. She then teamed with Hartford, Leslie Berkshire, and R Drake to set a record in the 200m relay, a 1:57.8.

soth& DUNDEEss1-



Don't fight the system Starts Thurs., November 18 A French Classic with English subtitles

So what does Johnson think of a system which stopped the Warriors a 7-1-1 club from State while letting Prep, a 7-2 team, seventh in points in their district. "It's by far the best system that has been developed thusfar, despiteofnot qualifying," said Johnson. "It takes in to consideration the roughness of a team's schedule. I feel this gives the most accurate ratings. Sure, there are flaws, but any system will have flaws under certain situations. Perhaps someday a better system will be introduced, but at this time, it's the best we've got."



Volleyball State hopes alive incentive," stresses Coach Royle. When the girls have been up and ready they have done a good job making good teams look bad. If they make it to state, enthusiasm and skill will play equal parts. The four S's; setting up, saving, spiking, and serving, play a major part in team success. "We have the skill and we think we are ready," assured Coach Royle.




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You can use the ca rd to challenge your footbaiii.Q.' First, rub off the si lver area coverin g the question. Then se lect the answer you think is correct and rub off the si lver ova l next to that answer. If the letters "TO" appea r under the silver ova l, you win' Come into participating McDonald's for complete details and play our Fans Favorite Football Facts

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Game. And see if you really do know as much about football as you think you do.

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McDonald's'" Fans' Favorite Football Facts Game. It's almost as much lull to play as it is to win.

Warrior Kathy Benak challenges her opposition with an attempted spike as Westside drove to keep their State aspirations alive.

A respectable 7-5 record with wins over the good teams and losses against the lesser teams was the way the Warriors' volleyball season was going enteringtheMetrotournament. This trend continued into Metro as the girls upset fourth seeded Ryan then got upset by a lesser-rated Abe Lincoln . "The loss was disappointing to me because I know we can beat them (A.L.),"said Coach Leslie Royle. So far the netters' season has been "up and down" as Ms. Royle describes it. All season long the spikers would beat a very good team then turn around the very next week and get upset by a less impressive team. "All season long I have been second guessing teams, and not taking some teams serious enough," said Ms. Royle. Even though the netters' performance was less than anticipated at Metro, they still have a chance to go to the state meet if they do well enough in district. "With state in min"d I think it could provide

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!~1If!V ~-

INGREDIENTS Executive Internship 2 Page .. · .... · · · · ·· ·· .. ·· · · · · .. ·· ·...... 1 00% Editorials Page 3 ........................................ . Page 4 ........................................ . Expose: Hunger Page 5 ........................ Features: A Turkey Tells All. Page 6 .......................... . ........................ Potpourre Page 7 .............................. . . ....................... Sports Page 8 ............................. . Sports Picture Wrap-up

Page 2 - November 18, 1976 - LANCE

Aid requested from students

Cafe-chaos conquered1 Around 11 o'clock students make a run for the cafeteria, pushing and shoving, stomping over mangled bodies to get their food. After eating, students nonchalantly walk out leaving their remains behind plates, trays, and trash . "Something must be done about the

Susan Garver (top) and Suzanne Joffe (bottom) tussle in a pile of autumn leaves.

what they liked and did not leave what t disliked on the table, but the problem : remains . "The administration I discussed the problem and at the meeti for club leaders we have discussed it,. n are a lot of ideas but nobody is willing to and tackle the problem," Tangdall said

"It would cost a lot of money to hire someone to clean up after students, and teachers can not do it alone, we need every student's help."- Tangdall cafeteria mess," stated Dr. James Tangdall, principal. "All the students have to do is pickup after themselves, but they don't," explained Tangdall. "I scheduled a meeting for those students who would be interested in drawing up solutions for the cafeteria problem, no one attended the meeting," stated Tangdall. The policy of having to take four food items was changed .so students would take

Solution? 路 Completely do away with the ice crt and ala carte line, to eliminate dishes . paper items. 路 Hire someone to 'pick up after studt which would mean an increase in price cover the cost. 路Have students "patrolling" the cafet along with the teachers. Students simply pick-up a : themselves.

Program gives on-the-job experience An opportunity for high school juniors and seniors to gain practical knowledge and experience in different business fields, is the objective of an Executive Intern program to be initiated second semester. The program provides students with on-the-job experience in fields such as business and finance, law, medicine, education, and social services. "The experience is 'invaluable," said Don Johnson, business teacher, the program's director. According to Johnson, instead of regular classroom work, an intern spends one full semester learning about a business with the help of a sponsor. Four days a week are spent working with the sponsor, and the fifth is spent in conferences with other interns and the program director, on field trips, or in meetings with resource persons. The intern not only observes the workings of a business, but takes an active part in such things as preparing reports, and attending important meetings. A student earns 20 credit hours for

the semester of his internship, if he successfully completes the requirements of the sponsor and keeps a detailed daily journal of his experiences and insights. The internship program will involve approximately 25 students each semester, according to Johnson . When the program is started second semester, however, only 10 to 15 seniors will participate. This is to give seniors an opportunity to become involved. Participants for the program are chosen on the basis of their maturity, leadership ability, creative problem solving ability, and special talents and skills valuable to particular sponsors. A participant must also be capable of taking a responsible and active part in the organization. Sponsors are chosen because they are able to give a stimulating internship, are sensitive to the concerns of youth, willing to devote personal attention to the intern, and can involve the intern in major issues faced by the organization. Johnson said that students may choose an internship in any career field, such as architecture, art, and

religion. Johnson would like to see indicators from the students involved as to what kind of fields they would like to work in. The whole program originated five years ago, and now involves 27 different school districts throughout the United States. Interest in this program for Westside was taken last fall by Dr. James Tangdall, Westside's principal. In April, Johnson visited a Des Moines school district involved with internship to see if it was feasible to initiate such a program at Westside. This is the first program of this sort used in Nebraska. "The program has been very successful everywhere it has been tried," said Johnson. The major results expe(:ted from this program are the opportunity for students to develop practical skills and to gain insight into the world of work at a relatively sophisticated level. Students will also gain experience impressive to potential employers and colleges. Many of the students are invited to return to their sponsoring agencies for summer employment.

Inside the resource center a student learns to handle a home applia under the supervision of one of the six workers employed at the ceo

Resource center relocated at Arbor CJUflL to the tight baq~. for expert alert banking

Approximately 35 "trainable" retarded students, ranging from age 16 to 21 are involved with the Westside Learning Resource Center, located at Arbor Heights, according to Ruby Huebner, district director of special services.

Vocational training center The object of the center is to be a "vocational training center" for these students, and eventually get them into some type of job, whether it be in a "competitivP" field or a sheltered workshop.

MAIN BANK 90th and West Dodge Road

Bass Weejuns Miss America Hush Puppies

Self reliance Inside the resource center is a room home, and another very I room with washers and other h appliances. The purpose of t areas is to teach home skills, reliance (learning to live alone), gaining work experience.

Work experience


Just Across the Street 8722 Countryside Plaza 391-1133


and Bill Kesling, and tl paraeducators; Mae Acamo, I Landow and Sheila Markol.

Gaining work experience is major job of the center, becaus students must leave the center b)

Lloyd's Shoes

Member F.D.I.C.

DRIVE-IN WALK-IN 90th & Maple 84th & Dodge

A competitive job is one in which a student is not under direct supervision, such as a waitress. Ms. Huebner said that three students at the center are currently working in a competitive job. This program began about 10 years ago at Oakdale Elementary School, and was situated in the cottages behind the school. It was then moved to Arbor Heights this year, and the program got underway the second week of school. Operation of the center is headed by six people. 路 Three teachers; Marguerite Bacon, Toni Harrington



Pro Keds Clarks of England Pedwin

Ms. Huebner said, "Hope around (age) 18 we will get mo them out," (and into work situati Other than District 66 stud people from Millard, Ralston Gretna are involved in the prog1 Aside from the building being for retarded students, Arbor Hei Junior High and Elementary Sc use an open area of the buil frequently for physical educ; classes.

LANCE- November 18, 1976- Page 3

-Class rank useful but inaccurately derived-eniors spend a great deal of time preparing their future. Part of that future is pre3rmined by the institution of class rank. ss rank is designed to place a student olastically in his/her class for colleges. The stice of the matter is the method of arriving :lass rank . t the present time, Westside employs two tems of deriving rank. The first, grade point rage, is determined by multiplying grade nts obtained by the number of credit hours each class and then dividing by the total nber of credit hours attempted . Th is method, stated in the WHS Educational Planning 1dbook, "places greater emphasis on the de itself and little emphasis on the number of 1rses taken." ccumulative grade point class rank is :Jrmined simply by multiplying the total nber of grade points and the number of credit


hours in each course and then summing the products. This enables the student to take ·m ore difficult courses without being penalized by possible poor performance in a difficult class . For final placement, the higher of two scores is used. Using two systems to determine something as important as class rank defeats the entire reason for having it. If it s purpose is to accurately place a student among others, a score that is the "higher of the two" is inaccurate. Two students could , in reality, have the same class rank, when it is understood that they can never be equal in ability. To be completely fair and precise, only one procedure should be implemented . More credit should be given to the student attempting a more difficult course, but his/ her grade should be one that indicates a certain amount of student effort .

of PAT: Turkeys have a right to live

)an Goldman > the holiest of all holy days in ember approaches, millions of ware people will once again 1lge in thoroughly extending nselves to an extreme limit of ey, mashed potatoes, cranberry :e and television eating. > the holiest of all holy days in ember approaches, millions of len people will cringe at the tght of the coming festivities for · dislike turkey, are allergic to ;hed potatoes, never tasted tberry sauce, and do not own 1isions. the wake of the energy shortage, ~ring economics, and the rising ne r ate the problem of tnksgiving lovers, and nksgiving haters casts a grim low over the country, for the •lem seems all too futile to solve. 1t, how can anything be futile in land of purple mountain esties, flowing fields of wheat and


peanuts, hardy boys that grow up to be men, and Amy Carter. If through the democratic process we can impeach presidents, change laws and amend to the constitution , why can't we, by some stroke of the democratic process, change holidays? Perhaps the changing of a holiday could become an intrinsic component of the presidential race. It would be a sure thing sign of candidates political and philosophical affiliations as to whether he advocates changing a holiday . Organizations composed of people either for or against the continuation of a h oliday would crystalize across the country. For example, opponents of Thanksgiving would probably form the organization People Against Thanksgiving (PAT). While presidential candidates campaign vigorously , organizations such as PAT would launch their own campaign utilizing catchy slogans that would be smeared on billboards,

chipmunks: you do have company

Jrenda Moskovits .ther half the jaws of mankind e undergone a drastic change in cture in the last year or dentists, odontists and oral s urgeons are ticipating in the greatest ;piracy known to mankind. I refer he sudden epidemic of wisdom :1 extractions. nyone from the age of 12 to tl thood finds themselves ·ptible to this malady. It usually ns with an innocent visit to the ist or orthodontist for x-rays and ; in the surgical removal of one to wisdom teeth. :>thing, however , quite resembles :tim following this procedure. The ·, unfortunate soul looks either a very loveable chipmunk or a rrel with a month 's supply of nuts ;hed inside his cheek. The tiliation at stepping out in public >uch a condition can only be

surpassed by having to admit that Eastern Europe is indeed under Soviet domination . A more important problem , however, involved food consumption, which is virtually impossible. Aside from being unable to open one's mouth past the point of allowing a spoon inside (with much difficulty at that), one's mouth is too sore to chew anything with more substance than applesauce. Consequently, the diet of a victim consists of soup, soup, soup, soup, and soup. Those with an appetite for finer cuisine may partake of milkshakes, jello and baby food . This fact makes the procedure extremely attractive to those with weight problems. Once the ordeal is over, a new dilemma faces the victim: bills. The average procedure entails two days hospitalization , a physical examin a tion , a dentist's and/ or orthodontist's check-up, an oral

Westside 's L..,ee is published bi -weekly by the Lance staf11or the students and faculty ol Westside igh School . 87th and Pacific St. . Omaha . Nebraska. 68124 . Westside's Lonee is a member ol the olumbia Scholastic Press Associa tion , the Nebraska High School Press Association and the ational Scholastic Press Association . The paper is given free of charge every other friday after 1 .m Subscrip tion rates are $3 .00 post-paid . Non-profit mailing rates claimed . Printed by Wright ri nting Co .. 13426 B St .. Omaha .

o-edltors ........ .Margaret Kane , Ri ck Pan toga editor .. . ........ ..... .... Brenda Moskovits sst. editorial edhor .......... ... .... .. Dan Goldman ~ltorlal writer ... .. ..... . .. . .. .. Sharon Shanks ews ed itor ... ....................... Connie Schleich sst. news editor ..... ........ ... .. . Steve Maun ews writers ............................ Kirsten Karnett. leth Lashmsky . Robyn N ichols. Jenny Welch •ature edhor .............................. Kathy O'Hara sst. feature editor .. .. ........... Mary Zimmerman ~ltorlal

buttons, and bumper stickers. Typical s logans would run "who cares about black hats and buckles," "Jamestown came first," and "Turkeys have a right to life." An important part of PAT's campaign would be a plan for an a lternative holiday. Since PAT's m a j or th e me would be Thanksgiving's irrel evance in perspective of American history, they would strive for an a lternative holiday more representative of the unification of the colonists behind the r e volutionary ca us e. Perhaps Taxation Without Representation Day. Once the respective campaign of oppon ents and proponents of a certain holiday h ave terminated, it will be time to elect the president. Und oubtedly people will vote for the candidate who supports their view of th e h oliday. All presidents will be expected to follow up on holiday promises.

Feature writers .. ... .......................... Lisa Kaplan , Kim Nilsson. Kathy Sherlock Business manager ....................... Terri Perrone Sports editor .......... .................... Bob Peterson Asst. sports editor ..... ................ Brent Bierman Sports writers ... .. .... ..... .... Bill Saint , Bob Sturm Artists ............ .. ... Sheri Bendorf, Dan Goldman Photographers .. .................... Jennifer Erickson and Marty Wells Advloor . .. .. ................. .. ......... John Hudnall

s urgeon 's fee, an anesthesiology and pathology bill, all totaling something close to the national war debt. Oral s urgery , of course, is not covered by the average insurance policy, If yo u're lucky, you can be the first one on the block with a million-dollar mouth . Those of yo u who have gone through the ordeal, or a r e looking forward to it, don 't fret. At least you're in league with Susan Ford.

After seeing the wisdom teeth bill. George decided to alleviate Sonny's future dental bills.

Letters • • • Letters ... Letters Dear Lance: As members of the foreign language department and as teachers of fourth and fifth year foreign la nguage, we wish to differ with the editoria l in the November 9th iss ue of The Lance. We question the validity of many statements in this editorial a nd feel that many facts are misrepresented as well as grossly overgen eralized. It is indeed true that emphasis is placed at the upper levels on the li terature of the languages being studi ed. However , it should be noted that in the study of any language, the most concise and abbreviated summary of a foreign country's culture is to be found in its literature. The moral val ues, history, idiomatic expressions and a myriad of other cultural aspects of a county are best represented by its great works of literature. Reading a country's literature provides the best source of the broadest base of vocabulary development. If indeed a student wishes to learn to converse at a native flu ency level in a foreign language, the subject material discussed in round-robin discussions of literary works in the target language (as is being done at WHS) is the most desirable, all encompassing and effective approach to language

learning at the advanced level. It requires the student to "think" in the language .. . not just parrot back trite words and phrases. The attentive student at the advanced level does benefit greatly from the study of civilization , literature and history. The Lance contends that the s ubj ect matter of levels 4 and 5 significantly contributes to the attrition rate among language students. Subject matter is of course influential in co ur se selection, however it should be noted that nearly all areas of academic endeavor have a decreased enrollment at the upper level. In conclusion, we would like to state that WHS and School District66have a history of an ever increasing enrollment in foreign language, despite the decline in the total student population. The expressed desire of The Lance to have two forms of advanced study of a foreign language is commendable. It is however unrealistic in light of the current staffing within the foreign language department at WHS. Merci beaucoup, Vielen Dank , Munchas Gracias, Mademoiselle Kemp Herr Gitt SenoJ"a Davis Madame Wiitala

Administration error loss to students Westside has abandoned a program beneficial to students due to poor planning by the administration. With the abolishment of Peer Counseling, Westside students are being denied a valuable means of guidance. Peer Counseling is viewed as an alternative method of helping new students, -introverts, those with study skill problems or those who simply don 't feel comfortable discussing their problems with an adult . Last spring , the administration was faced with the choice of continuing and expanding the Peer Counseling program or initiating an alternative school. The alternative school was to be a voluntary school within Westside, designed to aid those students having difficulty adapting to Westside's diverse modular system . The alternative school concept was adopted but later cancelled due to insufficient enrollment, leaving many students without the guidance supplied by either program . Peer Counseling was instituted following a

r~inions ••• editoria Is ••• letters•••

1973 survey indicating that students with a problem would rather go to a friend of another student than a counselor or teacher. According to Guidance Counselor Sharon Bjornsen, Peer Counseling was not effective for lack of a full-time administrator and a separate area of operation . Had the program been continued, an informal lounge would have been instituted to provide someone available for counseling at all times . An alternative school would satisfy the needs of a minority of students, whereas Peer Counseling is a program from which all students can benefit. We recommend the reinstitution of the Peer Counseling method regardless of a new attempt at establishing an alternative school. Editor's note: If you have any comments, please write a !etter to Lance and voice your opinions. There are letter-boxes spread throughout the building or you may bring them to room 302. Please sign your name. Your name may be omitted upon request. -Editor

• • opinions••• editoria Is ••• letters ••• Opinions ••.

Page 4 - November 18, 1976 - LANCE

Nebraskans join fight against hunger Practically everyone agrees that world hunger is a growing problem. The question is if there is any way Omahans can help alleviate future mass starvation. Nebraskans are already working to ease the world food shortage on both a group and an individual basis. Members from many different religious denominations attended the first state level world hunger workshop in September. "We decided it was essential to bring in the local churches," said Mr. Jerry Vanice, Chairman of the Boi'J.rd of Vanice Grain Co. Regional meetings on world hunger were also planned. Last month these regional workshops were held across the state. Possible programs of action within individual churches were discussed. For example, Countryside Briardale United Church of Christ has taken a personal interest in the funding of Dr. Tom Takami, a graduate of Doane College who teaches better farming methods to representatives of many developing countries from his institute in Japan . Those who a ttended the workshops were also t a ught how to awaken others in their churches to the world hunger problem. Thus far Nebraska's efforts to lessen world hunger through its churches are primarily in the planning and public awareness stages. Future workshops will consider plans of action and help to implement them. Some individuals have already taken positive action, however. In 1972 Mr. Vanice took a year's leave of absence from his career to work for Technoserv. Mr. Vanice dealt with the varying economic and a gricultural problems of East African countries. " We interviewed individuals who had ideas for private

projects to improve their own situation, and discussed the feasibility of these projects," said Mr. Vanice. During his stay in Africa, Mr. Vanice helped start three projects, two of which are still in operation . Thanks to the efforts of Mr. Vanice a nd Technoserv, 120 Ugandans have a share in a cooperative beef ranch which they run themselves, and a new grain grinding and storage unit prevents Kenyans from transporting their grain long distances for storage, selling it, and buying it back to eat. The third project, a 60-acre farm in an area where the normal farm was two to three acres, was successful until the owner was forced to leave Uganda because the government frowned upon his mixed marriage. "Through these projects we tried to raise the standard of living and create a sense of pride," said Mr. Vanice. "Young people are doing a great job," continued Mr. Vanice. Many high school and college students from around the world were working in Uganda as a part of the Peace Corp. Others were there with the AFS program. "In Arizona high schools sponsor a program called 'Amigos di a Las Americas' high school juniors and seniors are taught how to give innoculations and to teach methods of better hygiene," said Mr. Vanice. After instruction, the students spend th e summer in a developing nation in South America. Similar programs are available through most religious den ominations. Is there anything an individual can do without leaving the country or even the city? "Yes," answers Mr. Vanice. "We seem to forget that at the present rate of consumption our food will run out." He believes we need to anticipate this and take positive

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action now. The first step is to have some knowledge on the problem. Each person must answer some basic questions for himself. For example, is th ere a problem at all? If so, what are the intelligent steps to solving this problem? What can I do? Modification of lifestyles is the second step. If everyone would eat less meat, (for example, by going without meat two to three days a week) , it would create a 3 percent reduction in the consumption of grain . Experts say that this would be enough to prevent mass starvation in the world . Cutting down on the three million tons of fertilizer Americans use for lawns, gardens, cemeteries and golf courses would supply the fertilizer needs of Southern Asia. Leaders in the fight against world hunger aren't asking for anything dramatic. They do need the concern and backing of Americans to slow the growth of starvation before conservative measures to control the problem will no longer be of any use.

Pangs felt by the nourished

Brief experience with hunger unappetizing How can you write about world hunger when food is never far from your grasp and you never go to sleep hungry ? A partial answer is to go without food for 24 hours . To those of you who skip meals frequently this will seem a small sacrifice. However, those of you who regularly eat three m eals a day plus snacks will appreciate my experience. I decided to begin my hunger strike after lunch on Thursday so I'll be done in time to go out to eat Friday night. Almost half a billion people, one out of every eight alive today, suffer the pain and despair of hunger. After school I go to work. There's candy sitting on a desk. My stomach says it wants some, and I tell it to be quiet. I've only been on this fast for fiv e hours - how am I going to make it! Each person in a developing country eats about 400 pounds of grain per year as bread or gruel. We in the United States, eat a ton, which is five times as much, eachyear.Someis in the form of beer and whiskey. The grain that goes into alcoholic beverages alone could feed 20 million people per year. I g et off work at what is normally "suppertime. " I walk into the kitchen and a Better Homes and Gardens is open to a centerfold of delicious dishes, but that 's all the food in sight. It's lucky nobody else is eating at home tonight or I'd never make it. McDonald's uses more beef per year in their hamburgers than is annually consumed by the people in such countries as Ghana or the Ivory Coast. Our livestock eat enough grain to nourish more than a billion people. I'm hungry. It 's always there in the back of my mind. It 's nothing hysterical or overpowering, but it's there. When my mind is empty I don 't think about shakes or hamburgers or

pizza , but I do think that I want to eat. Period. If you're an average American, you eat twice as much protein as your body can use. We would be able to lower the n urn her of livestock by onefourth million and still eat one-half pound of meat per person per day. This alone would satisfy our protein

American male will live a shorter l than a 22-year-old male in 36 ott countries. Less than a half hour to go and tJ is no fun anymore. I'm in a bad mo and I'm weak, I'm not dying to eat 1 the sake of eating, I just don 't want feel like this . By the year 2000, food intake \\

Feast, not famine, dominates the mind of reader and writer in this holiday season. needs , not to mention the protein we get from dairy products, vegetables , etc. I wake up fe eling light-h eaded. I don't have hunger-pains any more, but I do have a headache. I'm n ervous, but I don't feel like doing much of anything. Even though Americans eat too much and the United States uses a larger share of the world's resources than any other nation, a 22-year-old

R&S SENTRY HARDWARE For your electrical needs 2918 So . 84 St. 393-8882

increase by one billion tons per yeE That's four times the current year production of North America. My hunger was easily satisfied i scallop ed potatoes covered wi ch eese, baked chicken with rice, chej salad and topped off with . bana1 cream pie.

Stories on this page by Mary Zimmerman.

THURSDAY NIGHT NOV. 18 7:30 AT 13368 Shirley

LANCE - November 18, 1976 - Page 5

cording to Jim Havenridge, of Food City, the primary m for price increases are wages. ·ryone from the bottom right on 1rns more. The manufacturers do, •rocessors do, we do." Him burger ves labor is the major reason for · increases. "Then comes freight, aging, advertising, and content, 1at order." Right now a can of 1to juice costs 46CI:." e items which have risen the ;, according to Havenridge, are 5arine, cheese and other dairy 1u c ts, flour and products aining flour, such as cake mixes. ·e is a bright spot for those who :~ ger

are curious about their turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. The price has decreased approximately 15% from last year. Two explanations were given for this. Havenridge explained the supply of turkeys was greater this year which brought prices down. The other explanation, given by Himburger, states that since beef prices were higher last year, turkeys were promoted much more and this caused a price increase. This year, since the cost of beef has decreased, the turkeys are not promoted as much and this is reflected in their price. The wasting of food is of nationwide concern, however, Wilbur

Fitzpatrick, district food service director, does not feel this problem is out of control in District 66. In order to cut down on the amount of food wasted district-wide, several preventive steps are taken. To begin with, the portions served to the elementary are smaller and increase according to age. Another effective step is the optional ala carte line on the high school level. This allows students who want only a main dish to buy one, without buying an entire lunch. Fitzpatrick explained that while it may seem that there is a lot of waste, when it is put into proportion with the

!rsonal account· Thanksgiving from a bird' s eye view ith Thanksgiving only a week y , let's take a look at the other side h e platter - the turkey's side. nished with parsley, he sits alone !riencing the final stages of tence (If you can call being !athered , beheaded, and pre;ed existing.) ) get this true feeling, the Lance f interviewed a giant 26-pound .ey which is one of many anxious l which live on a turkey ranch r North Platte, Neb. Do you feel that you h ave been ustly chosen to die for this se?" { es , why should turkeys be killed the millions to satisfy a 1ultaneous craving of the erican people? There are plenty of ~r types of mouth-watering meat ilable to them. There is nothing ng with squid, liver, and goose ks. Why not have a Thanksgiving r armadillo or feast on a bullfrog? s custom is severely unfair to we ud birds with a colorful tail." How do they choose which !S (turkeys) are lucky enough Je eaten?" Primarily , it's body-building. !Y pick a few scrawny little ones, a of middle sized well-proportioned






birds and several hundred of the big, fat, juicy, two-legged creatures. There is usually no way of getting out of it if you have been selected. At times, it is an honor to be picked as the first one to die. It proves that you have the desirable qualifications. Those with deadly diseases are not eligible for the big meal of the season. Many turkeys try to lose weight before November, but our trainer always feeds us best around then. We always gain weight about that time of the year. They give us one year of relaxation and gourmet food, then off with our heads! It's terrible. Along with other honors, this turkey has been named "Head Turkey, 1976." He was judged by seven authorities who are tops in their field. "Do you feel privileged being chosen 'Head-turkey' for this season?" " Extremely so. I am now in charge of the farm and all requests for dieting must be cleared by me. I do, however, feel bad that my term is so short and that I am disliked by many of my fellow fowl. They consider me to be the hard nose and I'm only taking orders. They themselves voted to have


.,. /


"What would you like to be after you've been killed?" "I really would like to come back as a turtle . Sure, they are eaten. They die accidentally- as does everybody. But, they are allowed to live a full and complete life. They could possibly live to be 100-years-old. Have you ever heard of a turkey 100-years old? Never!"

Throughout the year, and especially at Thanksgiving, food is a popular subject. Thanksgiving dinner, the highlight of the year, anticipated by kids; adults even talk about it, and mothers plan it. Thanksgiving, the time of the year for expression of gratitude for the land of plenty, is also a time for eating the foods dieters wait all year for. Aside from the obvious delight in eating it, food has many aspects . Prices have risen, as most things have, but this affects everyone, not just a choice few. Food waste, evident everywhere, is a big factor in the degree of those prices. Also, while many feast over turkey and dressing, many others have to be content with much smaller meals. To aid them, organizations provide families with suitable meals. In honor of Thanksgiving, the following stories are didicated to food and its many faces. Food prices skyrocket! Cost of sugar up! These headlines are common and a cource of concern for many people. Accoring to Mike Himburger, of Baker's Supermarket, "All items have

risen considerably, many have doubled, and very few have gone down. On an average, prices have increased 30-40'J1o over the past eight years." One thing many shoppers fail to realize is how much they spend on non-edible items such as paper, which has increased significantly. Him burger said , "Many shoppers see a $50 grocery bill" and are amazed at how much they spend on food. They fail to itemize and see how much they spend on "paper toweling, detergent, waxes and other non-edible items. These are the things which have increased the most." Sharon Smith, working for Douglas County, heads an office of people who compile lists of families requiring assistance. They release these names to groups that offer to take into their responsibilities the nutrition of one family for Thanksgiving day. "Social service caseworkers are usually close enough to people to know if they need help. We ask them for names of those families and many times someone will volunteer their time and effort to help them," said Ms. Smith. The number of families on thier lists depends on the activities of the caseworkers.

"All in all, are you proud to be a turkey?" "Yes! I wouldn't have missed this opportunity for anything, despite what I have said before. Being a turkey is an indescribable feeling." So ends our turkey interview. This article has been said to be the last words spoken by our turkey personality . He is now sitting in a cold supermarket freezer along with the common everyday turkeys.




a "Head-turkey." "Under my administration, turkeys will be allowed to volunteer to die, unlike when only those selected were permitted to give their lives. This is what they really want- freedom." "Do you believe in reincarnation?"

amount of students fed per day (between 50,000 and 60,000) the actual waste is minimal.

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Page 6 - November 18. 1976 - LANCE

Club to go down in history Want to learn how Omaha got its name? Join History Club and find out. The club organized by Bill Nelson and Rod Karr, both history instructors, will answer that question and many others. Although still in organization, the club plans to view historical Hollywood films, go to different historical sites in the Omaha area, dine out at ethnic restaurants and discuss the group of people which that restaurant relates to. There are already 10 to 15 students in the club, and they will meet in various places throughout Omaha for their topic of discussion. Karr, one of the club's sponsors, feels good and positive about the club, and adds that it might prove interesting historical opportunities.

Parents meet with teachers

"Johnny Can ... Jane Can" was this year's theme for District 66 Education Week.

For the last two years, Westside has had teacher·parent conferences. Because of improvements in communication between parents and teachers, this plan has proven effective.

OSACS, ESU Corporations benefit district Thirty seven thousand students in seven school districts benefit from the Omaha Suburban Area Council of Schools, (OSACS), according to Mr. Gerald Koch, co·ordinator. In late 1966 OSACS was formed as a corporation between school districts 46, 66, Bellevue, Ralston, Millard, La Vista and Papillion. "It deals with instruction on a cooperative bases ," said Koch. The program is financed by each school paying a yearly usage fee based on the number of students involved in the program . The "recovery project" which enables students who have had trouble functioning in regular schools to take night classes is sponsored by OSACS. There are 15 vocational programs offered. "OSACS deals basically with science. It has a bank of materials and equipment which can be checked out," said Koch. "It also offers teacher inservice courses, some with college credit. These are designed to keep teachers up to date on new teaching techniques and equipment." "OSACS has the largest fUm bank

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in the state containing approximately 3500 films ," said Koch. Koch feels this exemplifies one of the program's advantages. Seven school districts can afford to accumulate these films while for one it wouldn ' t be possible . This equipment can be used in courses for all grades. At Westside, according to Mr. Chuck Lang, head of the science department, calculators, films, many of the animals for zoology, and other large equipment is borrowed from OSACS. "Much of this equipment we use only two weeks out of a year so we can 't affor to buy it," commented Lang. "I think it benefits students because it exposes them to equipment they otherwise wouldn 't be exposed to." Koch applied for and received a federal research grant of $3500 in 1968 to investigate the feasability of the project. In 1970 the first federal operational grant was received. OSACS works in close connection with the Educational Service Center, (ESU). According to Dr. Bruce Holmquist, director ofESU, it started as an OSACS project. If was then combined with it and now operated as a separate program. Blood can be donated Dec. 1 and 2 at the Red Cross Bloodmobile which will be parked in the east parking lot. It will be open from 1:00-5:00 p.m. Students 17 and 18 years old must have a parent consent form which can be picked up from any Future Medical Assistant (FMA) member. Anyone up to 65 years of age can donate .


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The ESU program involves 20 school districts in four counties: Douglas , Sarpy, Cass and Washington. It involves 55,200 students. The main functions of ESU are similar to OSACS which is one of ESU's largest customers, said Dr. Holmquist. There are three major subdivisions to the ESU program, said Larry Hardt, science theacher at Valley View Junior High . One is to provide live animals and other hardward. Another is teacher in-service programs, and the third which Hardt does much work with is their outdoor wilderness trips. Hardt has taken "hundreds and hundreds" of students on these trips. He feels it gives them a chance to experience things they might not otherwise have.

The homeroom advisor sets up a time and date with the parents and students. Then they meet and discuss problems in school, or differences in opinions. The homeroom advisor is used, because the smaller the group, the better the teacher gets to know the students. The system is a joint idea that was made up from numerous meetings between teachers, parents and the administration. The conferences this year will be Friday, Nov. 9. Hopefully the conferences will also improve teacherstudent relationships.

Emphasis on education "Johnny Can-Jane Can" was the theme of District 66 education week. Various programs and displays were presented during education week. All District 66 schools participated through projects, demonstrations, and musical performances. Displays featured explanations of the district's language arts, reading and math programs, the district's special education programs , career education, and the district's economy, also the people who work in the schools. "The purpose of education week is to set aside days to let people in the community know what is going on within the school systems, basically to inform," stated Gary Marx, District 66 Public Relations Director. "All that seems to be printed nowadays is "Johnny can 't-Jane can't" - but they can . Statistics show that they are doing better than ever, the students are staying in school longer and learning more," explained Marx.

Guidance Center changed Planning is now underway for the remodeling of the Westside Guidance Center located near the main entrance of the building. "Hopefully the plans for the remodeling of the Guidance Center will be finished within the next month ," said Dr. H. Vaughn Phelps, superintendent of Westside Community schools. Remodeling of the Guidance Center will begin as soon as school is out in

June, and should take all of Jun July, and most of August, he said. The remodeling plans are to enlart the area, divide the center into smE group areas, and make offi, accommodations for all d counselors, so they will all be togeth in one pa rt of the building, sa Phelps.

Again men dominate For all seniors planning to go tl University of Nebraska at Lincoln • to the University of Nebraska ; Omaha, the ACT (American Colle1 Test) will be administered Saturda Nov. 20 at Westside. The results from last month's AC tests are in and according to Mil Crabbs, guidance counselo Westside's average has gone dow along with the national average. Another result is that males sti dominate the scores. The me excelled in Natural Sciences, Mat md Social Studies categories, whi the women excelled in English. Th was also the national tren<

Wallin given recognition Julie Wallin, senior, has qualifiE as a semi-finalist for the Century I Leader's scholarship at Westside. To qualify for competition, Jul was judged on the basis ofleadershi qualities, including community an extracurricular activities. She wf also judged on an essay that she wroJ concerning her opinion of America needs and challenges for the futur. and her scores on a required currer events examination. State semi-finalists compete for on of two $1,000 scholarships. If Julie is state finalist, she will then compet for a $10,000 national scholarship. In addition to the scholarship, ih two state fmalists receive an a: expense paid trip to Williamsbur1 Virginia. While at Williamsburg, th fmalists will participate in the secon annual Century III Leader's Meetin, which features current event topics. Julie was disturbed by the fact tha the program had little publicity. Sh said, "It upsets me that so fe1 students knew about it. I'm sure ther were many others who wer qualified."

UFO is sighted near Westside; Alien puts on fine show Splish splash I was taking a bath, long about a Saturday night . .. The music in the foreground of the Westside Auditorium was preparing the audience for "Visit to a Small Planet," the all school play which takes place in the 1950's. A sizable crowd was gathered opening night to witness Director James Ogdon's first production as Westside's new drama instructor. One could tell the play was a success by the reaction of the audience. "We chose the play because we thought it would go over well with a high school audience," commented Student Director Cathy King. The first act stared off slow but soon caught the viewer's attention by the end. The second act went smoothly and was highlighted by a few special effects. In the third act the story started piecing together as the ending was somewhat of a surprise when the audience discovered the true missiori' of the alien. Senior Barb Oliver was brilliant as Reba, a typical but not so typical suburban housewife. "Mr. Ogdon and Cathy really put in a lot of time and effort to make this show a success," said Barb. ''The stage crew was great! It was the little technical things that

made the show click." Kurt Sage was a natural as Kreton, the alien from another planet. "It's the kind of show you never get tired doing, something new happens every night," explained Kurt. Playing the role of Roger Spelding was Senior Dean Mathiesen, who had sprained his ankle the morning of the performance. When asked how he was able to do the show, Dean repleid, "I had to grin and bear it." Senior Brian Kruger played a

convincing General Powers. OthE fme performances were given b Sherri Murphy, Geoffrey Jordo1 Dewey Hocevar, Sherry Bale, Bo Glissman, Dorothy Amoura and < course Dino Stevens, the cat. "I was very pleased with my fm production at Westside and ar looking forward to our next project, stated Ogdon. Two one act play are Ogdon's next endeavor, an he has hopes they will go to Distri< and possibly State contests.

Earthlings Dean Mathiesen, Barb Oliver, Brian Kruger, Sher1 Murphy, and Geoffrey Jordon meet space alien Kurt Sage in "Visit to Small Planet."

LANCE - November 18, 1976 - Page 7

immediate beliefs from fans and press alike, after a :I consecutive State Championship victory for the

or naiads, was that a swimming monopoly by ide had been obtained. Or phrased by various ~s around Nebraska, it is a dynasty. This talk, .singly enough to the fan , disgrunted Coach Cal rather than pleased him. tz down on dynasty

lon't think we have a dynasty, and we don't try to . .sty makes people think of easy victories and little . We work hard before meets, as hard as any other . We don't shoot for so many points to run away with •et, but stress the accomplishments of individual rmances," remarked Be111tz. 3pite how it is phrased, Westside did put together a g effort and stole most ofthe honors. They totaled 297 .s , far ahead of second-placed ·Lincoln East with 149. .rrior Theresa Hazuka showed the way for the iors capturing two individual first place honors. The in the 200 individual medley, with a 2:14.7. The other in the 100 backstroke, swimming a 1:11.0. tit was not merely Hazuka who captured the victory, combination of the entire team, as the Warriors went • win six of the 11 events. t most importantly, Westside had excellent output the athletes, with 89.9 percent of the Warrior 1mers having their best times at the meet. 1 any sport, if 90o/o of the kids give their best then the .e team looks great. We're really happy with the i ll performance of the club, and the individual ts," said Bentz.


The top performance event for the Warriors was the 200 medley relay, in which Deb Hartford , Theresa Hazuka, Leslie Berkshire, and Ruth Drake combined to win a 1:54.6. This broke the state record set by the Warriors last year of 1:54.7. Teri Shneckenberg out-distanced her opposition from Lincoln East by five sec.o nds, winning the 500 freestyle with a 5:17.9. Carol Berger gained the dubious honor of consecutive victories , withstanding a strong finish by Karin Olson of Lincoln East, to win the diving championship, 408-370.1.

Strong experienced club returning The Warriors' talent won them the crown. And, good news for Westside, only three athletes from within this talent will be graduating. Westside will then be left with an extraordinarily strong team. "We have high hopes for next year. There are talented ninth graders who we hope can take over the seniors places. The team next year does have potential," said Bentz, in perhaps a touch of modesty. And this is where the common belief is , that Westside will indeed control a dynasty and have an easy time of it all because of a strong returning club. A common belief to everyone but Bentz and the team, who feel that they must work just as hard.

Hard work victory "No sweat," said a happy fan congratulating Bentz on Westside's supposed easy victory. "Oh , believe me," "There was sweat," quipped Bentz.

Two time State champions, the Warrior naiads line up to receive congratulations for the strong, impressive victory.

State disappointing, but still victory

husiastic Warrior naids reflect the thrill of victory of the Westside 1.

"I not only know it, but the players know, too. We could have beaten Marian," stresses Ms. Royle pertaining to the Warriors' opening loss to Marian at State Meet in Scottsbluff. "Losing in State was not disappointing, getting there is an accomplishment in itself. This season was not bad, but Ms. Royle was not totally pleased." A winning season is good, but I wish we wouldn't have had so many losses," commented Ms. Royle. The main problem with this season was inconsistency. Despite losses, the Warrior spirit and morale were continuously high. When the tough teams came to face a charged up Westside club they were often shocked at the consistency and ability of the Warriors. And the reason, most likely, for this extreme high the girls had was their coach, Royle. "Of course we're going to win. It's tough to beat a team as up as we are," said Royle prior to their clash with a strong, tall Burke club this past year. "We have a lot more spirit this year than last," said Jennifer Erickson, co-captain of the club, reaffirming the enthusiasm of the squad, and wrapping up the reason for the team's fine season this year.

And, indeed, this is perhaps the biggest reason for the successful season the volleyball team achieved this year. "We have confidence, confidence that we can win over the strong teams," said Erickson, and with a second more thought added, "We wereableto play with more of a team effort." The team's basic game plan? It was generally a power play game which they so dearly relied on. This proved to be throughout the year the key to the very essence of the team. And often Westside's .confidence in their ability to execute this strategy led to the inevitable high spirit. Despite their opposition's strengths, heighth or speed, the team often had confidence that their ability in this respect would, in fact, be the winning factor. Such a game was against Burke, a team who were inches above the Warriors height. But did this height make Royle believe in a Warrior loss. No, the power play game, believed Royle, should be the win or lose factor in th e game. And the prediction by Royle came .true. The Warriors did lose the match, but they lost because they were inconsistent in their play , making numerous errors. This problem haunted them the entire season.

oach Johnson step-down terminates era :emories - the end of an era. fter thirteen years as a football coach at Westside, Don n son retires from the position, but his retiring goes r as far as coaching. Johnson, now, becomes the dor of a new program at Westside, the executive intern ~am . The program is one which enables a student to r1d a semester working with executives from a wide iety of career fields. F'ootball is a very demanding sport, it's a full year job. •n after the football season , we take a week or so break l start back up on weight training. We practice and ;ch films throughout the week. It's really tough," tarked Johnson. I'm really excited about the program. I'll need a lot of e for it, and just won't have time for football ," said mson. ohnson 's years at Westside, three as an assistant coach I ten as the head coach, have been a successful •enture. He has been with the Warriors through three tro championships, more than any other team. The .te playoffs, only two years old, had seen the Warriors ticipating once, last year. Coa ching here has been a very satisfying experience. ~ really enjoyed it, I'm sorry to leave it all," expressed ln SOn .

)ut of Kearney State graduated Johnson with memories a fullbacking position. His first coaching job was in r1tral Nebraska for Harvard, a Class C school. Success t Johnson early. In his final two years at Harvard his

tea m went undefeated. From there it was bigger and brighter things as he moved onto "Hollywood High." But he came here to, what he thought was to be only a teaching job, leaving coaching because of stomach problems. But fate led him elsewhere. "They needed an assistant coach when I came here and I ended up with the job. Well, one thing led to another. The head coach at that time resigned and there I was . It just worked out that way," explained Johnson. The rest, as they say, is history. But times always can't be sugar and spice, disappointment always lurks about the comer. "Sure we had disappointments, but that's part of the game. There's no such thing as football without disappointment. But with the dissapointment there's a lot of good times," said Johnson. This year's Burke game, a Warrior loss which remains painfully imbedded in the minds of the Warrior team and fans alike, is according to Johnson the biggest disappointment of the past season, and many others. "We really felt bad after the Burke game. When you lose to a strong club it's not so bad, but when you lose to a team you know you should beat, that's when it hurts," philosophied Johnson . So it goes. The resigning of Johnson to be replaced by someone, who at this time is unknonw, to lead the Warriors to future battles, to feel all the publicized agony of defeat , but highly more probable, to bask in the thrill of victory.

Dan Johnson steps down from his coaching position after thirteen successful years leading the Warriors.

Page 8 - November 18, 1976 - LANCE

Netters celebrate victory i: highly spirited season; Nai1 cap off the season with tb second State championsl: Duffer practices the fine al"l putting before State mE Louis

exhibits I


gymnastic ability performi the

cross; Craig Johns'

leading rusher in Metro, pic the hole for a gain agai1 Burke.

Fall sports end, Warriors impressive When the fall sports began for the Warriors there were high expectations for some sports, and question marks placed on others. Football was one of the questioned sports, even by Coach Don Johnson. Before the season began Coach Johnson believed a .500 record would be an accomplishment. But the gridders were not going to be satisfied with a dismal season . After an opening game loss to Bellevue the Warriors went through the remainder of the season with only one loss to Burke. Possibly the high point of the season came when the Warriors knocked off top ranked, unbeaten Prep in a game where the emotions of both teams ran possibly as high as a Nebraska-Oklahoma game. Later in the season Northwest upset the same Prep team to shut the Warriors out of State competition. So Westside settled for the Metro championship playoff against South. The Warriors did end on a sad note as South defeated the Warriors 24-12. The Warriors ended with a 7-3 record exceeding the prediction of Coach Johnson. Cross Country and Boys' gymnastics were two sports hurt by inexperience as both were dominated by sophomores and juniors. Sitting through a somewhat dismal season may have its consolations as those sophomores and juniors gained the needed experience to become a contender in years to come. In the past years boys' tennis and girls' swimming have been successful, and this year was no exception. The netters fmal match of the year was with Burke, a showdown of undefeated teams. Burke's 4-1 win

perhaps woke up the netters before the State meet, as the Warriors won State for the first time. Girls' swimming this year was almost totally dominated over opponents all season. Even in the State meet the girls won rather convincingly and closed out an excellent season the way they started, dominant. Goals set at the beginning of the season were achieved by the golf team as they had an undefeated match play season plus - regained their Metro championship. With these impressive statistics the girls traveled to state with high hopes. Shooting below their season

average the duffers finished below their expectations on a day where weath er played a major part, as high winds hampered the shooting all day. The best way to describe the girls' volleyball season would be "up and down ". The girls ended the regular season 7-5 with victories over respected teams, and losses suffered against lesser teams . The trend continued into Metro as the girls knocked off fourth seeded Ryan and lost to an average A.L. With half of the sports over and four out of seven going to State, the Warriors proved to be one of the all around top Class A schools, and promise to be respected during the winter and spring seasons.

When was the last time you watched a JV game? Do you know who is on the JV teams? Do you know what JV stands for? JV stands for junior varsity and student attendance at JV games is almost down to zero. Sure there are people at the games, consisting mostly of proud fathers, concerned girl friends of the players, and a handful of pep club girls looking for extra brownie points. Then there is basketball season where you arrive for the varsity game a half-hour early and the JV game is still going on. Remember, that's when you and your friends run over to Countryside to get something to eat before the varsity game.

J .V . shows talent

An Adv enture In Shopping

This year so far JV teams have compiled impressive accomplishments . An opening game loss was their only set back as JV football won their last

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seven games in a row to take Metro championship from Bryan the last game of the season. Gi volleyball gained respect for n year by accumulating a 10-2 recc The JV tennis went through season undefeated and establisl themselves as a threat to take st for the second consecutive year. Gi swimming captured the JV vitational showing once again wl hard work can and will do for a teE

Support needed

These accomplishments are c standing when you take into accm the amount of support they receiv Only three JV losses so far this Y· a nd each team reaching their goa: their sport, to be near the top. games are scheduled a day before after varsity games so students c attend both games. Where is a ll that support you sh for JV football, Warriors?

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estside's >ecember 6, 1976 /ol. 21, No. 7

Westside High School, Omaha, NE 68124

Ouestion .....To close or not to close? With winter approaching, thoughts of Christmas presents, New Years, Jack Frost and Snow enter the minds of all, especially students awaiting that day when they just might get the sacred opportunity to spend the day at home while a wild storm rages outside, and school officials shout obscenities at Mother Nature, for doing her "thing" on a school day. One may wonder if the mass confusion which has notoriously gone hand-in-hand with bad weather in the past, will again make an appearance during this school year. This will not be the case, according to Dr. H. Vaughn Phelps, superintendent of Westside Community Schools. Although not all portions of the school closing policy of District 66 are finalized, a few changes to avoid confusion have been made, including the time the school closing announcement is to be put on the air. In previous years, this announcement was on the air by 7 a .m . This year, the question will be answered by 6:30, explained Phelps. In the past, the Omaha Public Schools (OPS) officials gave their lven Hudalla, manager of City School Bus Service, Inc., agreed with Gray's statement, saying, "Whatever OPS does, we will do."

• • • • • Story by Beth Lashinski Art by Jane Wenstrand

Inside Highlights Special: Beginning Journalism Page ................ Page 2

Expose: Teachers' Lounge .................................Page 3

Feature: Clinical Experience ..............................Page 4

Review: Two Minute Warning ............................Page 5

Preview: Boys' and Girls' Basketbaii .................Page 6


announcement to the media by 7 a.m. This year, according to Dr. Owen H. Knutzen, Superintendent of OPS, their decision will be known by 6 a .m . Integration with early bus routes is the major reason OPS makes their decision earlier. Because the use of buses plays such an important part in both school systems, (in District 66 alone, 1,000 to 1,500 students take a bus, in Phelps' approximation, with somewhere in the "neighborhood of 200" students using them at Westside), another question might be the involvement the two bus companies in Omaha play in the decision to close school. Both companies, Chief Bus Services, Inc., and City School Bus Services Inc. , (formerly Keystone Bus Services Inc.) said that they work with the school systems which they provide transportation for in making their decisions. According to Donald Gray, dispatcher for the Chief bus lines , which runs to District 66, OPS and other schools, they "absolutly will try" to have their buses running any time the school systems choose to hold classes. I ven Hudalla, manager of City School Bus Services Inc., agreed with Gray's statement, saying, "Whatever OPS does, we will do," meaning they will run their buses ifOPS holds school. His service provides transportation mainly for the Omaha Public Schools, and is the only company in Omaha involved with court-ordered busing. Snow safety guidelines, a pamphlet put out by OPS, states this about the running of buses during poor weather, "Parents and students should assume buses and vans will not run when school closings are announced." This pamphlet contains a list of seven guidelines designed for parents to use when winter snow conditions might make school attendance questionable in their minds . One of these policies, stating the attendance of " ... all staff members should expect to report for duty (at the earliest possible time) on the day when schools are closed for reasons of weather unlessspecific orders have been given to the contrary' •.• " - Snow safety guidelines, put out by the Omaha Public School System. school staff members on snow days, differs radically from the policy of District 66. It says, "The inclement weather regulation of the Omaha Public Schools is clear on this point: ' .. . all staff members should expect to report for duty (at the earliest possible time) on the day when schools are closed for reasons of weather unless specific orders have been given to the contrary.' This provides for the safety of children who might unknowingly come to school on such days. Personnel will also have the chance to attend to matters which cannot be done during a normal school day."


Westside Community Schools have never asked their teachers to report to school on a day when classes were cancelled, according to Phelps. In previous years, one school system in the city may have cancelled classes, during bad weather, while another would stay open. This causes still another question to loom in the minds of students and parents. Who does the superintendent of a prospective school district talk to, other than bus companies, in making their final decision, and what conditions would cause one system to close, and not another? In District 66. the methods to be used this year are similar to those used in the past, said Phelps. Some of the procedures involved are talking with other school systems in Omaha, such as OPS, the Ralston school system and the Millard school system, talking with District 66 Supervisor of Ground and Buildings Henry Ernst, and consideration of the temperature, wind, snow, projected weather and the total weather picture. Gary Marx, District 66 public relations director, takes on the responsibility of reporting to the media the determination of this district to cancel or hold classes. This district also has a radio system in all the schools, so that officials may speak to any one of them at any time. Additions to the communications system this year include weather radios in Phelps's home and office, and one for Ernst. Procedures in the Omaha Public Schools are much the same as in District 66, according to Knutzen. One major difference is the spotter system used by OPS. This is a program used because of the "extensive nature of the geography" of this district. During the early morning hours of a day when weather conditions look poor, spotters One major difference is the spotter system used by OPS. This is a program used because of the "extensive nature of the geography" of this district. -Dr. Owen A. Knutzen are stationed in different parts of the city, and call in at various times to report weather conditions in their specific area. This is necessary because weather in one part of the district can be much different from that of another area. Knutzen added that he speaks to city officials concerning snow removal plans, as another step to his fmal action in holding or cancelling classes. Another similarity between District 66 and OPS is that OPS also owns a radio system much like the one used by Phelps and the schools in District 66. A few changes in communications methods have also been made by his district, said Knutzen. The major change is in the manner in which the media will be contacted this winter. Previously, when the final decision was made, Knutzen would place a call to the telephone company, and have an operator connect a conference call. This involved contacting all members of the media and asking them to "hold" until everyone was on the line, and then an official from the district would state the position they were taking. The entire process took from 20 to 30 minutes, causing some impatience on the part of district officials. The alternative to this is the procedure to be used this year, which involves calling the weather bureau, putting the message on a teletype machine, and sending it off to the media on their respective teletype machines. This method cuts the time down to approximately three to five minutes, remarked Knutzen. Careful consideration of the extended forecast will be an important part of Knutzen's snow-day procedures during this winter. Because about 20 percent of the students in OPS ride buses for integration, he said that "rather than take the chance" of having many students with transportation problems if the weather should worsen during the day, he "wouldn't be a bit surprised" if he should call off school more often than in previous years, on the merit of the extended forecast.

Page 2 - December 6, 1976 - LANCE

Friends unite, SAB conference by Jeanine Van Leeuwen Reuniting old and new friends? That's what really happens at the annual Nebraska Convention of Student Councils. It's many business assemblies and workshops rolled into a great time, a learning experience, and, in a way, a "family reunion." On November 12 and 13, members of Westside's student council, SAB (Student Advisory Board), attended this convention. It was held at Tech High School, with students from all over the state in attendance. The main purpose of these annual conventions is to help student councils learn how to get students and teachers involved in school activities. There are assemblies and workshops members can attend.

Football flies through winter's first flurries as Tim Owens, Dale Terry, and Tom Owens enjoy a quick post-season game Tuesday.

But there are other activities at the convention besides workshops and lectures. For many, this is a small meeting compared to what they have been to before. A state workshop is held in the summer for a week. Here, those in attendance learn about themselves by doing a variety of activities. Many of those same people attend this state convention, and there are dances and plenty of free time for talking to the friends made the past summer. Georgie Bender, who has attended both state

Education proves rewarding

Various jobs give Phelps experience by Kathy Finn Ever since he was a youngster in Gardiner, Montana, Superintendent Dr. Hugh Vaughn Phelps has been reaching for the top ofthemountain. Quite often as a boy, his attention was focused on one of the towering Rockies which fringed the Northern edge of Yellowstone National Park. These peaks served as an inspiration for a boy hoping to rise above his humble beginnings in a small town which is divided by the swift currents of the Yellowstone River. Omaha knows him as a strongwilled educator - a super salesman who introduces one new idea after another to his fellow educators. But under t:he Big Sky of Montana there was a different Vaughn Phelps, a young man seeking a future after touching base with a variety of occupations. Not many District 66 residents know that their superintendent is an

ex-railroad fireman. Or that he is a graduate mechanical engineer. Or that he has hauled garbage, served as a "mucker" in an ore refinery, worked in a service station, and even filled in occasionally as a dealer at a casino blackjack table. An avid sports fan, Dr. Phelps has been to Pasadena's Rose Bowl - he played there. His other interests in sports include hunting, boating and fishing, his particular pleasure being mountain trout fishing. He has worn uniforms of the United States Navy during World-War II, and the National Parks Service.

Dr. Phelps was graduated from Gardiner High School in 1943. There were only three other students in the class. The school was big enough to field a six man football team and strong enough educationally to attract a teacher like Leroy Houger. Houger convinced Vaughn that he should leave blackjack dealing,

garbage hauling and even mountain stream fishing for higher education.

convention and state workshop, says, "This convention just isn't as fun as state workshop, It's more business." Indeed, the convention for student councils is primarily business. One of the main objectives is to elect district officers, (there are eight districts in Nebraska) and state officers. The officers preside during the year and help to plan the state workshop next summer. Student council members also attended small 45 minute sessions on such topics as "Jocks and Freaks ,"

Frozen Yogurt!

Frogurt-new delicac~ by Mary Stejskal Variety for ice cream lovers has arrived a t Westside in the form of " Frogurt," a soft serve dessert, somewhat like ice cream, but fewer in calories. Many students, with a practice of buying an ice cream each day, took a day off on Monday of this week, to try "Frogurt," a new product being introduced at Westside. By a unanimous vote of the students, the new product will be a permanent item in the cafeteria this year.

After trying "Frogurt," Amy Gordon stated , "Frogurt has a better, more tangy taste than ice cream . I'm glad we have it for a change in variety."

Before entering the Navy, Dr. Phelps married his childhood sweetheart, Peggy Bowman. The Phelps now have three grown children, Ken, Pamela and Ron.

Just walking into the cafeteria, one can't help but hear comments about " Frogurt." Most comments are generally made in a positive manner; however, some have different opinions.

Does he have any goals for the future? "To make Westisde Community Schools one of the most outstanding systems in the country," he replied with no hesitation.

sundaes. As has been said by many, "W something is free, everyone like1 but the truth is evident only w people either agree to spend mone) a product, or else they refuse, fine something better suited to t: liking ."

"I'm glad we can offer something to the calorie-conscious student now. "Frogurt" has about half the calories of ice cream, and is really good for you," says one of the cafeteria workers. She predicts that many "ice cream regulars" will try, and possibly switch to "Frogurt."

"He talked me into enrolling at Whitman College of Walla Walla, Washington. Where I later graduated," said Dr. Phelps, "and one way or another, I've been close to education ever since."

Asked if he had a chance to change his job, would he? he answered, "Interesting question, I really don't think I would. I enjoy my job very much . Education is a fascinating business. I enjoy working with people, especially young people."

Vandalism , Projects, Fund rais Film Festivals, and many otr Each person attended two sessior his choice. Rich Secor, SAB presid said, "I really learned about stu< council." One of the things lea1 was that the student cou· constitution needed revision ba "It's really outdated," said Secor Much was learned by the ~ members at the convention, but those who attended the s1 workshop this summer, their fun · in "re-meeting" old friends making new ones.

"I don't like sherbet or yogurt, and I don't like fruit flavored ice cream. "Frogurt" has too bitter of a taste," says Sue Madison. In comparision of the people who like "Frogurt," and those who don't, there are generally more who seem to like it than don't. It will only be proved by the number of students who buy "Frogurt" cones instead of regular ice cream cones, malts, or

An ice cream cone? No, frogu

Plant life, greenhouse brought to WHS by Niemann by Bob Glissmann Cactus, ferns, flowers of every shape and size, even palm trees are just a few of the types of plants a person can find in Westside's packed greenhouse. Today, imagining the greenhouse empty seems impossible, but just eight years ago it was just that- barren and plantless until Louis Niemann came to Westside and transformed Botany into one of the most popular courses here at school.

Hotany Instructor Louis Niemann cares for plants in the Greenhouse.

Reasons for such a drastic change, without a doubt, lie within the instructor. Niemann is a person wit:h a very open mind who gets involved

and 1s never afraid to try something new and different. This may be reflected by the wide variety of jobs he has held and schools he has attended. Niemann has held such positions including window washer, lifeguard and assistant manager at Delenslo stores, which put him through school so he could get his Masters Degree in Science. He still drives a Greyhound bus part-time. Seven different universities and colleges which Niemann attended for his Masters include Tarkio College, Missouri, Kansas State, UNO, UNL and Wayne State in Detroit,

Michigan, where he met his wife. Niemann has been married for 12 years and has two children, Zachary and Casey. Their house is loaded with plants, which shows his interest in Botany and the outdoors where his family goes whenever possible. Goals in Niemann's life are few and when asked if he would like to own a plant shop, he replied, "I just like to be a grower - the business end doesn't interest me." He would, however, like to take some students over to Europe and teach over there for a semester. He has never been to Europe before, but intends to go this summer with a tour set up by him and sponsored by

Westside. Future plans for Niemann do lay in teaching, however plans leaving Westside are far away ; what to do after teaching is 1 unknown. Over all, Niemann is a very br< minded person who does whateve· wants whenever and wherever likes. When he came to Westside; saw the old greenhouse empty, said, "It needs something put in and put in it he did. The enrollmer Botany has gone from the 30's to 100's and if nothing else, that sh• the kind of instructor and person Niemann really is.

LANCE - December 6, 1976 - Page 3

Counseling system lacks guidance ~~



I hate getting help from my teacher here.

Due to its basic structure, the Westside counseling department has lost communication with the majority of the student body. One of the primary downfalls of the current counseling structure is that the major responsibilities are left up to the student. The counseling department has not made an effort to communicate with students, rather it is the students' responsibility to communicate with their counselor . The counseling system's lack of communication with the student body has alleviated intrinsic components of the counseling system. Because of the lack of communication, the majority of the student body have not even been informed of the major purposes of the counseling department, that of course, job and career counseling . Since the majority of the student body does not even know the purpose of the counseling department, they will not make an effort to see their counselor. Thus, it is inevitable that the only students who come into contact with their counselor are those who are forced to : the students with d isciplinary problems.

Another detriment to the counseling system is the implementation of the homeroom "advisor." Because of Westside's homerooms' size, length of meeting time and teachers' other obligations, the basic homeroom purpose of relieving the burden off the counseling department of minor problems between students and teachers and course selections has failed . The function that the homeroom advisor was supposed to play should be the responsibility of the counseling department. Since the homeroom advisory system has failed, it has left the counseling system at Westside in shambles, for students do not know what avenue to utilize in case of a problem . For an effective counseling system the communication between student and counselor must be improved. Elimination of all the homeroom advisors responsibilities and bestowing them upon the counselor, and creating a set time in which it is required that students meet with their counselors would be two steps that would bring this necessity closer.

'Jhind closed doors - a teachers' lounge :ick and Margaret tis is the high school. A teaming, mt mass of 2500 people. What es it tick? That's right! The .lty . Teachers. The Adults. wut these people, my job would be .mal. Who am I , you ask? I am Teacher's Lounge. 1e story you are about to read is . The names have been changed to ect the innocent, such as the tors of this column. 1e time : 7:50a.m. Teachers gather to brace up for the treacherous :s that lie ahead. Swat helmets in e, they pause for a word from Oral erts . A quick smoke, then off to 1eroom clutching attendance !s and morning announcements. lSsing students try to peek ugh my discreetly curtained door. n the ultimate mystery of the >ol. 1e time: 9:04 a.m. Teachers with mscheduled second mod stagger tripping over the wall to wall >eting . As they dive for a space on couch, several clutch at the .mic ashtray, the one with a ure of Mount Rushmore on it. As mod wears on , canned pop clunks r1 a vending machine. If it is a :I day, everyone gets a Snicker bar. he time: 9:40a.m . The door swings :~ . Teachers depart in a suspicious td of smoke. They appear serene. 1aining faculty sit and discuss .r weekends. This lasts until 9:41 . Dr . Pepper cans pile up. A crowd :~ers around the roulette tables. A

shrill voice repeats "29 Black" over and over again. The time: 11 a.m. Brown bags are removed from the portable Frigidaire. "Mine's the Rexall bag," someone shouts . Another voice cries for silence. "The Young and the Restless" is on . Those who can afford it, depart for McDonald 's. The less fortunate pretend to go on cafeteria duty. They grab what debris they can from desolate trays before they reach the trash masher. The time: 12:06 p.m. Virtually every student in the building roams loose, enjoying " unscheduled" time. Several teachers prepare to go on Rat Patrol. Someone searches for a bush hat. The time: 1:10 p.m. Lucky teachers with a free mod scurry in. It's time for "11th Mod Matinee." Today's feature is "Ozzie and Harriet Visit Calypso Beach" featuring Annette Funicello a nd Frankie Avalon. The aroma of hot buttered popcorn drifts into the hallways . It is announced that tomorrow's flick will be "Gidget Eats a Snow Tire." The crowd goes wild. The clock ticks on. The group happily discusses tonight's Tupperware party and kegger. The time: 2:30 p.m . The cocktail hour is here. The roulette table is pushed back to make room for the portable bar . An unidentified paraeducator breaks out t h e Cherry Tiparillos. "I propose a toast to the continued success of the star-studded 'Match Game 76' and host Gene Rayburn." Glasses clink in approval.

The time: 3:15 p.m . The students have gone now. The teachers bid each other farewell and good wishes until tonight's big bash . The time: 10:20 p.m . The custodians enter, Formula 409 and mops in hand ready to tackle my rubber walls and ceiling. They unlock the closet revealing rows and rows of white, well-worn straight jackets. One comments, "These will have to be replaced one of these days ." The other replies, "How about a game of snooker before Johnny Carson?" The preceding story was true. Our thanks to the L.A.P.D . for their cooperation, and the inmates of "Teacher's Lounge."

Jimmy's White House and welcome to it Alas . The Great Presidential Election of 1976 is over. And Betty's husband lost. No more "working vacations" in Vail. No more Secret Service football games. No more Jack Ford and Chrissie Evert. No more falling down airplane steps. And last but n ot least, no more presidents on Saturday Night Live ("I'm Gerald Ford, and you 're not!"). Oh, the pain! Will the White House be without humor? Will we no longer be ab le to joke about the First Family? Fear not, syndicated columnists and writers for the Tonight Show, the upcoming four years should prove to

cecutive Internship could prove effective

Jext year, 10-15 Westside High School dents will participate in a new educational tgram , the Executive Internship Program. is program , highly successful in other nmunities, entails a semester of actual on the ' experience in a profession in lieu of regular ssroom instruction. ~t the present time, information on the >gram is available from Program Director Don 1nson and several students have already licated interest in the program. The success the program largely depends on the :lication and seriousness of the students who I ultimately be involved in it. \ program of this type could be a valuable Jerience to students uncertain as to their reer plans, the profession's internal structure, his/her plan's desirability. It is very likely that ;ponse from the participants will run in two 路ections : "(1) This is definitely the career I tuld like to pursue , and (2) I'm glad I received

this experience before I entered the job market and became disappo inted with my chosen field." In either response , the program would have performed a valuable service to the student, reaffirming his prospective career plans, or altering them, before his final education and career goals are set. Students considering this program should carefully examine their motives in participating in it and determine what valuable experience they intend to gain from it. The participating students's attitudes and input into the program will either make or break it. Dedicated students and sponsors will make the program a considerable asset to Westside High School. Editor's note: If you have any comments, please write a letter to Lance to voice your opm1ons. Please sign your name. Your name may be omitted upon request. -Editor.

be among the wildest ever seen at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The story of Goobers to Governor and Peanuts to President is an utterly fascinating one, made only m ore intriguing by the characters involved. First, there's the President-elect's mother, Miss Lillian . Do she and Walter Cronkite really lust after each other in their hearts? And if he can't escort her to the inaugural ball, will she pick up a sailor at the nearby n aval base? Then there's Ruth Carter Stapleton, the evangelist sister. Will she replace Billy Graham as the unofficial White House spiritual guide and faith healer? Will her third book, Confessions of a Reformed Peanut-Picker, make the best-seller list? Amy Carter, age 9. How does one describe the strawberry-blond kickball player? Sweet. Innocent. Adorable. Shrewd. This is the kid who made a mockery of the Supreme Court's anti-trust laws by instituting a lemonade monopoly on the streets of Plains, Georgia. This is the kid wh o tried to make a fast

buck and rip-off ignorant reporters at the same time by renting them her Frisbee during the Democratic National Convention. Perhaps the most interesting is the President's brother, Billy Carter, saloon owner and confessed sinner. He told the world how deeply religious his brother was by saying that he never knew Jimmy went to church until h e read it in the papers. More importantly, will peanut-shaped keggers become his trademark? Rosalynn Carter is perhaps the m ost boring of the Carters, with a vocabulary limited to " I just knew Jimmy could do it," and "Smooth or crunchy?" And then there's old Grits himself, with teeth that could put Donny and Marie Osmond to shame. How long will his friendship with Lester Maddox last? Finally, what would have happened if Jimmy's cousin Hugh had been elected? The self-proclaimed " largest worm farmer in the world" is still trying to convince us that "worms are a good, clean business." by Brent Bierman

Westside's LMce is published bi-weekly by the Lence staff lor the students and faculty of Westside High School . 87th and Pacific St., Omaha , Nebraska. 68124 . Westside's LMce is a member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association . the Nebraska High School Press Association and the National Scholastic Press Association . The paper is given free of charge every other Friday alter 1 p.m . Subscription rates are $3.00 post-paid . Non-profit mailing rates claimed . Printed by Wright Printing Co., 13426 B St. , Omaha . Co-edlto,. . . . . Margaret Kane. Rick Panloga Editorial editor .... ....... . Brenda Moskovits Aut. editorial editor ....... Dan Goldman Editorial writer . . . . . . Brent Bierman Ne- editor . Con nie Schleich Ant. newt editor . . .. . . Steve Maun News wrltera . . .. . . ....... . .. Kirsten Karnett. Beth Lashinsky , Robyn Nicho ls, Jenny Welch Feature editor . . . . . . Kathy O'Hara .... Mary Zimmerman Aut. feature editor .

F..ture write,. ... . Lisa Kaplan . Kim Nilsson . Sharon Shanks. Kathy Sherlock Bualnftl m.n-aer .... . .. .... . . Terri Perrone Spoi'U editor . .. . Bob Peterson Spoi'U write,. .. . .. ... .. Bill Saint. Bob Sturm Artlala ... ...... Sheri Bendorf, Dan Goldman Photogrephe,. ..... . . . .. . . Jennifer Erickson and Marty Wells Advlaor . . .. . . . .. .... . . . .. . .. . . John Hudnall

Page 4- December 6, 1976- LANCE

Guiding college hopeful: Through resource centE by Cindi Crane

Mike Crabbs coordinated the Iowa Test of Educational Development (ITED) program at Westside. The exams, administered only to juniors on November 30, and December 1, are given to check up on district teaching methods and results.

Pins and honors presented Z-club, Westside's Girls' service orgartization, is holding its annual banquet on Monday, Dec. 6, at Club 89. Since Z-club's beginning, a banquet has been held in December to issue pins and distribute awards to deserving members. Among these awards are outstanding junior and senior members, and recognition of second year senior tnembers and officers. Presentations are to be made concerning this past year's projects and upcoming activities. Thus far, Z路 club has aided with such projects as Honey Sunday, open house guides, and a halloween party for Social Settlement. Further projects include ushering for the Nutcracker Suite, delivering poinsettias to shut-ins with the Zonta Ladies of Omaha, and ringing bells for the Salvation Army.

Ski Club going to the slopes Skiing down the snow-capped mountains of Colorado is on the agenda for Ski Club. Sponsored by Dan Miller, special education coordinator, the club plans to go to Steamboat Springs, Colo. during the weekend of January 28-31 and another trip to Steamboat Springs is being planned in April for a week. With a 150 student membership, the club is still in the process of organizing other activities as taking the visually impaired students to Crescent, Iowa for an afternoon to teach them to ski. Miller said that usually the hard core skiiers join, but he encourages anyone who can or cannot ski. For those who want to join, but cannot ski, Miller explains that other students will be there for assistance in skiing. Miller adds that anyone in the facility who has an interest in skiing or in Colorado are also encouraged to join. "I would like to thank the administration for allowing us a day off as an excused absence for us to take these ski trips," said Miller. Miller feels that this is a great way to get closer to the students and that it also helps in improving or learning a new skill. Although they won't be going to Breckenridge, Colo. this year, Miller feels that this will be a good year for the club.

A very active night? Active night? No. According to Dr. James Tangdall, principal, the

Activities Night was a big disappointment. "We only had 23 clubs and four related groups as Debate and Drill Squad participate," said Tangdall. Tangdall went on to say that the turnout of students and parents was another big disappointment. "The purpose of Activities Night is to get the students and parents involved with things that they would normally not get involved with," explained Tangdall. ''The first two or three years we had Activities Night the attendance was great" said Tangdall. "I would like SAB (Student Advisory Board) and Forum to evaluate this problem and make some recommendation." This was the sixth year for Activities Night.

Pro powder puff? It is not quite as exciting as pro ball, the thrill and suspense of college ball may not be present either, but the annual girls powderpuff football game will prove to be great fun for all. The game will be held on WHS's practice field on Sunday, Dec. 5. "I think the game will be a challenge, the juniors have been practicing for a long time, but we plan on keeping up the tradition, seniors always win," stated senior Julie Moore. "Last year it was really close, but our team is really good and we plan to win," explained senior Jeannie O'Sullivan. "Our team is really together we are

really tough and nothing will stop us from creaming the seniors," stated junior Carol Brueks. "The only way the game will be cancelled is if there is a blizzard that day, a little cold and snow won't stop us from winning, " explained senior Connie Schleich. Good luck to all , and may the best 'group of gals ' win.

Ach i evement of a personal relationship with each of the 2,400 people that they work with is one of the most outstanding goals of the guidance department, according to Ms. Jan Kuhl, counselor. Ms. Kuhl would also like to be on a one-to-one basis with each of the students that come in to talk to her. Trust is very important in counseling and anything said to a counselor is in the strictest confidence. The counselors of Westside offer a wide range of counseling and career guidance services, some of the most used are; registration, individual counseling , group counseling, testing, career information selection of colleges, post high visitation , and help in finding financial aid. Helping a student find the right courses to take out of a possible 185 is , perhaps, one of the most widely used services of the guidance department. Before a student registers he must know what his academic abilities and interests are, the counselor helps him <:hoose the right courses.

Home-sweet-home When one thinks of a counselor one of the first things that comes to the mind is individual counseling. The comfortable atmosphere of the counselor's office at once puts a student at east, and makes the two people feel comfortable with each

other . Ms. Kuhl has a hiking di1 in her room , and a r ocking chai1 the chair is broken. Mr. Lundquist, head counsel or, ha over-stuffed chair with a rug to 1 hi s o ffi c e more homey. comforta bleness of his office an casualness of his clothing, m ta lking to him seem almost t a lking to a nother student. Group counseling is a way for n students with the same probler get a way to talk about them. One session is led by Ms. Kuhl and ra pping session for shy people. Kuhl would like to have more oft sessions and feels that they are worthwh ile.

New resource center F or college, university, or jt college bound students the guid department has a special aref aside just for information abou various resources available for t students . The department also h special man to help these stud determine if they want to cont with their educations and where t Mr . Len Hansen also applications for scholarships tests. One of the newest additior the guidance department i computer terminal which is h()( up to a resource bank that information about every coL university or junior college in United States.

All-State held at Westside

Downbeat given to state musician: Participants of Nebraska's AllState Music Clinic started off on a good note with their first practice Thursday, Nov. 18. Dr. Robert Emile was the orchestra conductor. Dr. Emile is a professor of violin and theory at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The chorus was directed by Paul Salamunovich, associate professor of Music, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles. Colonel Arnold D. Gabriel, Commander Conductor of the United States Air Force Band, Washington, D.C. conducted the band. Students were expected to attend concerts held between rehearsal times. Most students found these very enjoyable. Among the groups performing were: the University Singers of Lincoln, directed by Earl Jenkins; and the Strategic Air Command Band , conducted by Lieutenant Colonel Loren Johnson.

The Marine Corps gives you as many educational opportunities as the Air Force, Navy or Army. Now, what makes us different:

In addition to the concerts, there were displays. These displays were sponsored by such firms as Hospe's, Doane College, and Doremi Musical Gifts. Each of these firms rented space for their displays . The money raised from the displays was then sent to the Nebraska Music Educators Association (NMEA) to sponsor the

Senior 1 Glesmann 'p1 tices up' on saxophone c ing the all s1 music clinic.

convention. Sessions were held for teachers belonging to NMEA. These teachers may or may not have students participating in All-State. The sessions were designed primarily to aid teachers with student instruction. Among such classes were the Developing High School Choral Tone

Mr. Harold Welch, chairmar orchestra affairs, said that, " sessions were so much larger t: anyone anticipated. For example, session was enrolled for 25 to people, 120 to 130 would be pres That caused a problem for place sit. Also, a leg on a grand pi broke."



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Class and the Flute Master Clasr Throughout the clinic, there we few minor difficulties. Mrs. J< Shanks, chairman of housing s "There was a problem with housing . Some of the schools devi1 from the established housing pc and caused undue hardship for s路 of the host families ."


7641 Pacific St.

LANCE - December 6, 1976 - Page 5

• re111ews

asters, whether man-made or a!, are popular topics for motion ·es. Following in this recently:ed tradition is the suspenseful y Peerce-Edward Feldman I uction of Two Minute ting. Adapted from the Edward Fountaine novel, the story ves around one unnamed, nosniper surveying his pray : over 0 football fans at a Super Bowl

opening scenes, the unknown nal shoots from his motel ow at a passing bicyclist, :ently for "target practice." This ally starts the suspense and the viewer somewhat in awe of 1iper's twisted "habit." ·oughout the movie, only his feet hands are shown, the later pulating what at first appears to arsenal of weapons. In reality, only" a semi automatic rifle with . Only a few glimpses of his face ~en for the duration of the film. puts more attention on the other Lcters and their lives. asset to the production is its :tudded cast. Heading up the list Lctors is disaster veteran !ton Heston, who always does nvincing job, as he does in 11ing as a dedicated police 1in. Following close behind m is Martin Balsam, portraying ,os Angeles Coliseum manager of course, desperately wants to the excitement for the football

players, not the sniper. John Cassovetes does a superb job of acting with his part of a S.W.A.T. team leader. As do most disaster movies, Warning provides several mini-plots before the actual drama begins. These small stories succeed in developing an involvement of the viewer with the characters. Some of the "supporting" actors and actresses, although they deserve better titles, include David Janssen, Gina Rowlands, Beau Bridges, David Groh, Marilyn Hassett, and Jack Klugman. Cameo appearances by personalities as Howard Cosell add to the reality of the film. The reaction of the crowd can be startling and even start the moviegoer wondering about his/ her own reactions in such a case. Hysteria, although emphasized, could have been more realistic. In fact, it was not wild enough in parts, but it may have been underplayed for specific reasons. The actions of police officers are also surprising. Two Minute Warning, which carries an R rating, has a reasonable amount of blood but is not an abundant amount for the weak of stomach. A short semi-nude scene in the beginning helps the picture obtain its rating. Although classified as an escapist film, Warning, is a good suspense drama with its share of oneliners and humorous effects.

People helping people

Community action helps curb crime Crime - "A violation of the law," according to Webster's Dictionary. Everyone reads, thinks, or is some how affected by crime every day. But what about organizations whose goals are to help prevent crime or to assist the victims of crime. According to Omaha Police Community Relations officer, John Tourek, crime rates in the Omaha area over the past year have decreased. Statistics released in October show that Omaha ranks 30th among 32 cities based on crime rates with the first city having the highest crime rates. The Community Relations mobile unit, currently involves about 60 businesses. "Its purpose is to help educate people as to what to observe in the commission of a crime," commented Tourek. Another goal of the Community Relations Department is to help educate the general public concerning crime prevention . They present lectures on general crime prevention methods and self-defense. Tourek feels that neighborhood residents getting together and watching each others' houses while a family is away is a good idea and very worthwhile. "After all, there are only 425 officers to cover 82 square miles and they can't be everywhere." The Mayor's Commission on the Status of Women Rape Council was organized in 1974, after a year of being a task force. The head of the council, Donna Crawford, stated,

"The program was started because there was no program of this type in Omaha and we felt there was a definite need for one." The program is funded by an LEAA grant and usually averages 180 calls a month, about one-third of them being crisis calls. The Rape Council accompanies the victim to the hospital and court. It arranges for mental health aid and provides personal and family counseling. The council also operates a 24-hour hot-line for immediate assistance. The council also provides public education "in the hope of exploiting the myths of rape," stated Ms. Crawford. The newest crime-prevention program to come to Omaha is Whistle STOP. The program is sponsored by Greater Omaha Community Action North (GOCA). The program originated in Chicago, Illinois under the supervision of the Edgewater Community Council. The program is currently being used in 14 states, including the suburbs of Chicago and New York City. People involved in the program meet once a month at the North center, where guest speakers talk about self protection. At the October

meeting police officer Mary Lou Lawson spoke on how to protect oneself against crime, and at the November meeting the Rape Council spoke on how to protect oneself from rape. A WhistleSTOP kit is obtained by attending a meeting and registering for a kit. A kit contains a whistle, a breakaway chain, a decal for a window in the home and a pamphlet explaining how to use the whistle. By blowing the whistle, the victim indicates that he is in need of help. Hopefully another citizen will hear this signal and call for help. "Hopefully , the sharp, piercing sound the whistle makes will frighten the thief away," commented Jacque Stucks of GOCA. The whistle is meant to scare the thief, let others know where the crime is occurring, and to alert the general area to trouble. The whistle is especially useful for elderly people who fall and injure themselves and need assistance . Ms. Stucks concluded, "Our goal is to have 10 to 15 people in a neighborhood using whistles. We hope it will become a signal for trouble and encourage people to help other people."

elch's love for music came the hard way

orchestra director who didn't music? That's how Westside's ~stra director Harold Welch rhen he was a boy. l now, of course, he enjoys it. why did he dislike it during 'Scence? was forced on me," he said. :en he was eight years old, his r "stuck a fiddle in my hand and ~ me play," said Welch. He l music at the time, and didn't to practice, but his father made anyway . (sound familiar ~stra members?) Len he was 16 he still hated it, and .veek he didn't practice for two and had had a date planned for weekend. When his father asked had practiced, Harold said no. 'ather then told him he couldn't Lt until he had practiced for three s. Naturally with a date that t he wanted to change his ~r's mind, but his efforts were in

was so upset that for three weeks ~ouldn't talk to anybody and !<I in his room practicing (taking

time out to eat and sleep of course). He then found that with a little effort, he could produce good results and it was at that time when he decided to concentrate on music. Twenty-seven years later after 22 of those years teaching, he still hates to practice, but he likes to perform. (This causes problems sometimes, but Welch said he usually practices just enough to get by). Welch was born in Utica, Nebraska in 1933. Ever since then he has been involved in numerous activities. "When I went to school, I was in everything," he said. From the newspaper staff to class plays, he was involved. It is basically the same today, but now his activities are mostly music oriented. Take this week, for instance. He is chairman for orchestra affairs for the state music clinic Nov. 18-20 (which takes up most ofhis time as it is.) He is also the host for the clinic (which is more work than being the chairman for orchestra) and he is also practicing for the Omaha Opera

Company's performance of "Aida." How does he manage? "Strict organization of my time," explained Mr. Welch. He has been practicing organizing his time to his advantage for many years now. For example, when he was in college he held an eight hour job, five nights a week, as an orderly at a hospital and still found time to do homework and practice (ugh!) his violin. Why? Organization. He would do a term paper the week it was assigned to him rather than wait until the last week before it was due. And with all his work , he still had as much or more free time as everyone else. He also brings his attitude home with him. Living in an apartment leaves him more free time than running a house. And when he finds time to relax (who knows when) he and his wife like listening to music and traveling. Mr. Welch has a Masters degree in music, and when he retires he plans to do about the same thing he's doing now- keeping busy.

restside All-Staters recap football season ~stside

showed its strength in the football season by placing three ~tes on the top two all-state s. They are end Brian Muenster, Craig Johnson, both on the first :sive team, and linebacker Dick son of the number two defensive :. They talked about their honors their thoughts in the Warrior

)n .

1enster is an exceptional story in this is his second straight all~ ranking. His accomplishment year is a shock to some, especially ;elf. , was a surprise getting on the ~ team, I missed three games use of a broken finger I had," lined Muenster. 11enster cited that one of the keys lestside's offensive success this

year was all-State back Craig Johnson. Johnson had an exceptional season, ending as the Metro's leading rusher. He played the major role in a run-oriented Warrior attack. "I thought we were a good team this year . When we were able to put everything together I felt that our team was really tough, maybe the best team in the state." But Westside's strength, in a large way, stemmed from a strong defense. And leading this defense was Dick Dawson. Dawson felt that his play was good throughout the season but cites the Bellevue and Prep, two of the hardest games, as the climax to the year. And explained Dawson, the entire team played in this manner.

The J.V. team with Kevin Jensen and Dave Stryker practicing for their first match today.

Wrestlers improve with leadership TheN orth High School Invitational will open new season for Coach Lou Miloni and his wrestlers. His success will depend heavily on the leading seniors John Butler, Tom Boyer, Gary Niver, and Roger Schwenke, all state qualifiers last year. This year 16 lettermen are returning from last year's successful team, eight of which will be starters. The newcomers to the team are 90pounder Keith Sortino, 132-pounders Sam Geddie, and Steve White. Today, the wrestling team is competing in their first meet of the year at McMillan Junior High in the North Invitational. The teams competing in the Invitational are three metro teams plus seven which are out of state. "The three main ingredients for a successful season," said Miloni, "is

our ability to score more points, to show some type of leadership and to have a lot of dedication . Leadership and dedication are essential ingredients for a winning team. If we can concentrate on just building leadership and dedication, we will have the same success in winning this year as we did last year." According to Coach Miloni, the teams that will be tough this year will be Bellevue, Northwest, Tech, South, and Bryan. Incentive plays a large part in winning and with a balanced, competitive schedule there will always ·be incentive. "The wrestling team has the potential to become one of Westside's strongest teams. If they can wrestle to their ability they can take State," concluded Miloni.

And how do these athletes feel about this dubious honor of theirs, an all-State performer? Said each one of them in a short, uncomplicated answer, "It's a great feeling."

If it s in this, it S in. 1


THURSDAY NIGHT December 9 magee's westroads

Page 6 - December 6, 1976 - LANCE

attle of the basketballs In only their second year of existence, girls' basketball coach Lee Nordine feels the Warriors can play close with anyone this season. "I think we have the size and quickness, but execution could be a problem," stated Nordine. Inexperience could be another problem as there are only two seniors on the varsity squad, and six sophomores. The reason with just one year the girls are improving is the Junior High programs around the state, "We are more fundamentally sound this year because of Junior High programs, said Nordine.

The center of attention

Simple but effective

Girls scrap for rebound during early season practice.

Inserting the "slam dunk" back into high school basketball rules will not benefit the Warriors squad this year as lack of height could hamper the Warrior season. Coach Hall feels quickness and experience could pay up for the lack in height. Captains Mike Mackie, Bill Marriucci and Steve Crouse lead the experience, with Mike Mackie, Steve Friedman, Tom Pflug and Brian Muenster leading the quickness category. Muenster could. be slowed by a knee injury suffered in the last football game of the season as he has not yet practiced with the team. Coach Hall fears rebounding and the opposing team's center as the major problem . But height is not everything, "We have good shooters and expect balanced scoring from everyone," stressed Hall .

Because of Junior High programs inexperience might not be the major problem. Possibly the major problem will be execution, "We do fine in practice, but when we get into a game situation everybody forgets what they are supposed to be doing and it is back to "jungle" basketball, commented senior Sandie Wiggins. One example of wildness in girls' basketball was last year when Wiggins grabbed 16 rebounds in one quarter. Not half, not game but quarter. This year's team will consist of seniors Jennifer Erickson and Sandie Wiggins, juniors Jody Sanders, Diane Kobs, Karen Thompson and Lori Zimmerman, plus sophomores Joan Learch, Jean Pistillo, Karen Veverka , Debi Bieer, Marci Andersen and Kris Greenly. With a little team work and execution the Warriors could enjoy a fine season and possibly even better.

This season the Warriors will be led by senior Mike Mackie as Coach Hall signed him as this year's "floor leader." Plays designed by Westside are not complicated as Coach Hall admitted, " Mter one or two games they (the opposing team) will know our plays, but if we execute correctly, they will work." Admittingly early in the season Coach Hall said the Warriors still have a lot to work on. But did give reassurance that good progress was being made . Right away the Warriors started the season on the road meeting Gross last Friday night, then Saturday came home for a clash with Lincoln High. Back to back games right at the beginning of the season could prove how the Warriors will handle pressure during the rest of the season. Results were not known at press time.

Dave Nelson and Tom Thurm< battle for possession preparation for tonight's ga with Gross.

Sharpe, Mactier lead way in boy's swimming With the oncome of the dreary winter months, many outgoing athletes take to wilderness with their 20-gauges following closely behind to get in as much hunting as they possibly can . At this time of year, the most popular in-season game is pheasant and quail. But for different tastes, squirrels, rabbits and upland and migratory birds are all in season. Success, it is interesting to note, is reasonably high according to Westside hunters. Why? The reason is mainly attributed to a mild winter last year which enticed birds to remain. Westside's success is interesting in the fact that the overall availability of game in Nebraska this year has been deficient. This cause comes from large turnouts from the initial weeks of the quail and pheasant seasons (quail opened on Saturday, Nov. 6, and pheasant on Saturday, Oct. 30). The output of hunters was large enough that it put excessive pressures, say the hunters, on the various game birds, especially quail. The effect of this pressure has caused great populations of birds to seek refuge on private lands, away from the ensuing mass of hunters. With the decline of available birds the number of hunters also declined, leaving only the serious left to tromp through the fields. The good news to these hunters is that because of the decline of hunters the birds have once again begun to migrate back to public lands, where they are in a habitat more designed for their nature. Time for the hunter, though, is slowly running out, as soon as the season for birds will be over. Pheasant season will end this year on Sunday, Dec.12, duck ends January 4, and quail ends January 16. There is but one thing slowing down the anxious hunters, that being extensive criticism from a large number of non-hunters. The basic issue, said by the non-hunters, is why kill, for pleasure, such defenseless creatures as pheasant or quail. But retorts Andy Shack, an avid hunter from Westside, with what has to be said as an air of confidence, "I really enjoy hunting and watching the birds fly. It's not only the shooting, but it's a good opportunity to get into nature. It's fantastic to be out alone with a good dog (Andy owns a four year old Brittany Spaniel bred from champion stock)." "It's just a thrill," concludes Andy about the sport of hunting.



Fuss Muss Bother


Following the trend of Westside swimming in past years, Coach Cal Bentz feels that once again the Warriors have put together a strong squad.

some unexperienced swimmers but that is to be expected. With a lot of work they should improve. Coach Bentz is great, he's getting us in shape for this year," said Mactier.

This year Bentz has 16 boys returning . Among the swimmers returning are Scott Mactier, the State record holder in the 100-yard butterfly and 200 individual medley, and Chuck Sharpe who owns State championships in the 200 and 100 freestyle, and Rick Rhodes who was State champion in the 100-yard breaststroke.

Coach Bentz feels he has a good team and feels he has a competitive team to have a good season this year.

"Mactier and Sharpe have the potential to do well this year, but I don't like to make any predictions at this time," said Bentz. Mactier doesn't believe in standouts, as he himself is. "It takes a whole team to win a State meet," said Mactier. " I think we will do good this year but we need a lot of work. We have

"With competition between the swimmers on the team it can definitely motivate a winning team," concluded Bentz. Bentz feels that the tough teams that Westside will have to face this year will be Lincoln Southeast, Lincoln East, Creighton Prep, Hastings and Bellevue.

"Th e team looks good with g swimmers. Mactier and SharpE think, will take State again this yo Also, Rick Rhodes will probably t. State in the 100-yd. breaststrc There's a couple of sophomores v could place high in State," s Howard Wax, manager of the tea According to Wax, the swimrn are competing with each other fc spot on State this year.

Westgate Home Beautiful

The first meet is the Dec. 4 J.V. Invitational, whereas the J. V. and the Varsity will have their first meet on Dec. 10 with T.J. and Roncalli. Other meets this year will be the Westside Invitational on Feb. 5, the Metro championship Feb. 10 and 11, and the State Meet on Feb. 25 and 26.

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.~ •.

Vol. 21. No. 8. Westside High School, Omaha. NE 68124. December 17, 1976


Page 2 - December 17, 1976 - LANCE

Contents Page 3: Holiday traditions in Omaha Page 4: Field trip to Glenwood Page 5: Question of capital punishment Page 6- 7: What to do with your winter Page 8: Success after college Page 10: Basketball Page 11: Other side of the action-referees

Westisde's Lance is published bi-weekly by the Lance staff for the students and faculty of Westside High School , 87th and Pacific St. , Omaha, Nebraska 68124. Westside 's Lance is a member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association , the Nebraska High School Press Association and the National Scholastic Press Association . The

paper is given free of charge every other Friday after 1 p.m. Subscription rates are $3 .00 post-paid . Non-profit mailing rates claimed . Printec by Wright Printing Co ., 13426 B St., Omaha . .. Margaret Kane, Rick Pantoga Co-editors Editorial editor .. Brenda Moskovits ..... Dan Goldman Ali i. editorial editor ....... .. . .. .. . Editorial writer ........... .. ...... . .... . . ... . . .. Brent Bierman . . Connie Schleich Newo editor . . . . Aaat. new• editor ........... Steve Maun New1 wrltera . . . ........................... Ki rsten Karnett, Beth Lashinsky , Robyn Nichols, Jenny Welch .... . . Kathy O'Hara . ....... Mary Zimmerman

Feature editor Alit. feature editor . . Feature wrttera

.. Lisa Kaplan, Kim Nilsson ,

Sharon Shanks, Kathy Sherlock Bualnese manager . . Terri Perrone Sports editor . . . . . . . ........... Bob Peterson . . . Bill Saint. Bob Sturm Sporto writers . ... . . Sheri Bendorf. Dan Goldman Artloll ........... .. Photographero ....... ...... .. .. .............. Jennifer Erickson Advloor

and Mary Wells .............. John Hudnal l

RSVP program for community

Senior citizens give assistanc Eastern Nebraska Office on Aging (ENOA) is dedicated to serving senior citizens. The office works in cooperation with ACTION in offering the elderly numerous ways to retire to something instead of retiring fro m somethin g. ENOA is s upported by Douglas and Sarpy Counties, the Administration on Aging through the Nebraska Commission on Aging and ACTION. "When you are growin g older there are two ways to go. You can stay home and feel sorry for yourself or get out and see who needs you," commented one elderly vo lunteer. ENOA and ACTION offer many solutions for this. One possibility is the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) wh ich is part of ACTION but operated by ENOA. Senior Volunteers are placed in one of over 42 community agencies. They serve in schools, libraries, correctional institutions, hospitals, nursing homes, telephone reassurance programs and local government agencies. Ther e are n o educational requirements for the volunteers but there is a minimum age of 60. RSVP volunteers are not paid but are provided with free liability coverage and reimbursed for expenses such as transportation and meals. Another facet of RSVP is their holiday dinner match up. It is for elderly citizens who norma lly have to eat by themselves. The plan was originall y for families to have elderly guests over for Thanksgiving dinner, but Ms. Patty Bonacci, program director, said, "We find they (the h ost fami lies) usually keep in contact and have them over more often." One such couple is Mr . and Ms. John Westmoreland. They first saw an article in the paper last year about the Thanksgiving program. Ms . Westmoreland , who has no ch ildren of her own, says they do it "primarily because I know there are people in the world who are lonely, especially at the holiday time." Th is past Th anksgiving th ey had two elderly gentlemen and one lady over. They have h ad them before and are hoping to have them again at Christmas. "We probably get more satisfaction out of it than they do," stated Mrs. Westmoreland. Ms. Bonacci match es the families a nd their guests. Both parties give the following information : name, address, phone number, age, interests, handicaps and marital status. From this she matches the guests to hosts. "Th ey all h ave a common denominator; they are lonely ," explained Ms. Westmoreland. Today there are approximately 660 RSVP projects in fifty states,

th e District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands than 150,000 older people are participating. Another major AC program for the elderly is the Foster Grandparent Program ( This federally funded program has existed for ten years and be tw o different groups of people. It benefits older low income peop: want to be useful and feel needed, as well as lonely children wh be institutionalized or otherwise disadvantaged. These volunteers usually spend about four hours a day d· between two children , five days a week . The foster grandp1 receive a small fee, transportation and a meal each day th£oy A Senior Companionship Program (SCP) operates on the principle but benefits senior citizens . ENOA has various other services available to serve older pee Sarpy and Douglas Counties. Services include : Informatim Referral, Friendly Visitor and Telephone Reassurance, Homen Home Handyman Program, Nutrition, Senior Mini-bus, Chart and Health Maintenance Program . The Information and Referral system provides informatio· assistance for contacting different services. It has a 24 hou phone line. Friendly Visitor and Telephone Reassurance helps older 1 living at home. It involves having a volunteer make regular 1 calls or visits to check for problems or emergencies. Homemaker Service helps chronically ill or disabled pe1 Trained personnel do work around the house . The service is ava 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Home Handyman Program lets a pool of retired craftsm around doing small home repairs and maintenance. In the Nutrition Program a hot noon meal is served at 15 dif sites, five days a week. The cost is whatever can be afforded I cents is requested. Senior Mini-bus transportation is for those who are disab can not get to a bus stop. Priority is given transportation to mo facilities . The Charter Bus program is for groups of 25 or more withi1 mile radius . Health clinics are located at 15 sites where any senior citize receive medical ass istance. These programs all help to make senior citizen s feel a part of so aga in. They present opportunities for them to gain fulfillment ir: lives.

Spreading cheer Poor a nd starvin g, hundreds of Om a h a's fa milies sit and wonder at the fast arrival ofth e Ch ristm as h olidays and how to pay for gifts for their ch ildren . Twenty-one of these families, ran ging from senior citizen s to one family with thirteen children , will not be sh oved aside from all the merryment, thanks to over thirty Westside homerooms. Pat O'Malley , past sponsor of families and current coordinator of th e project, states th at there is an aim of one to two gifts per ch ild. One article of clothing- such as jeans, sweaters, coats, gloves, etc. and a plaything- such as a toy, game, radio, or album, each child will receive at least on e of these d uring the week before Christmas . How the homerooms collect the items is left up to the individuals. Some homerooms are collecting money to buy gifts, a n d on e homeroom is shopping for each individual sponsor ed. Another homeroom is buying a Christmas tree for its family. Each h omeroom will buy the wrapping paper and accessories and the parents will wrap th e presents up themselves. Said O'Malley in a letter to homerooms, "These things (paper a n d ribbons) are expenses many people cannot afford." All ofthe Westside sponsored families live on the north side of the city a n d most already receive some aid through Social Security, Welfare, and individual agencies. "Churches are a big source," says O'Malley, for individual aid. This is the first year that all homerooms were asked to help the drive. In the past four years O'Malley's homerooms have sponsored a family every season . Last year some teach ers said they were interested in the program so th is year each homeroom was sent a letter requesting th em to help sponsor a needy family . Some Westside students will be delivering gifts on the Wednesday before the holidays , says O'Malley , "The purpose (of the drive) is people working one-to-one" without any chances of a bad contact afterward, as might be the case if a man runs out of money and remembers the student and asks for financial help. "Holidays are extremely h ard on the poor," says O'Malley , "there a re no parties to go to and no money to spend. It is an especially rough time to go through if a family has a television." A child sees Stretch Armstrong on a commercial during a Saturday morning television program and wants it. It is difficult for the parents not to have the money to afford such items. "Everybody is really being cooperative and generous in their initial response, " states O'Malley, " and I am sure that they will carry through . But it doesn't mean much unless students realize that they are working with people!"

Can You Count the Possibilities? ~\

Careers General Studies Life-long Learning

457 51Q~Q l -

Metropolitan Technical Community College Southwest Campus · Fort Omaha Campus

LANCE - December 17, 1976 - Page 3

Handmade items sold; a learning experience "I think it was really great," said Ms. Ruby Huebner, district director of special services, referring to the Christmas items made by the retarded students at the Westside Learning Resource Center. The students, ages 15 to 20, sold their handmade items at a bazaar at the resource center located in Arbor Heights. Items such as wreaths, plaques, food and pillows were displayed on tables from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Dec. 7. The objective of the project was to teach the students neatrtess, coordination, how money is spent and earned and also to provide training, said Mrs. Huebner. The money made from this project will be put back into the school to benefit the students, according to Ms. Huebner.

•ised during Act 1 are Mary Offut and Kevin Morrow in their roles as Ballerina and Soldier Doll in the aha Ballet Society's annual presentation of the Christmas ballet, "The Nutcracker."

oliday activities liven Omaha area rnaha is filled with traditional festive activities during the .day season. Activities range froin rity drives to contests to ballets. ltside also has unique traditional .vities that take place throughout :ember. erhaps one of the city's most owned events is the annual 3entation of "The Nutcracker" by Omaha Ballet Society which was i Dec. 3, 4, and 5. Another major iday event is the presentation of te Messiah." This, however, is not fined to one performance by one ral group. Churches, schools and a specialized groups such as the ce of Omaha, present this famous ·k. his year one of Omaha's old :istmas customs is being revived. .s tradition involved the erecting of hristmas tree inside the old Union tion at 801 So. lOth Street. The tting of the 45 foot tree, which urred on Dec. 3, was the beginning . three day festival. Included in the ;ivai were exhibits of gift ideas, oling, holiday plays performed by Norton Theater and how-to rkshops for those baking cialities of the holiday season. ust across the river, in Council .ffs, the annual Christmas tree tea 3 held at the General Dodge house its members earlier this month. :hin this traditional event lies 1ther tradition; that of a Victorian

1lvation Army

tree erected in the parlor arrayed with 19th and 20th century ornaments. The Omaha World-Herald has a different kind of holiday tradition. This is their annual house contest in which houses are judged for their creative holiday decorations. The winners are announced in midDecember. Probably the two most publicized local charity drives are those of the Salvation Army and Good Fellows. The Salvation Army has a tree of lights which is a Christmas tree erected every year in front of the county courthouse. Each light on the tree represents $100. The Salvation Army's goal this year is $95,000. Good Fellows is sponsored by the Omaha World-Herald. Through this program , people may send contributions of any amount to the Omaha World-Herald. If desired, their name is printed on the front page of the paper under the amount of money donated. The money will be divided among hundreds of families to help make their Christmases merrier.

Prom , a city wide high school event, will be held in Peony Park ballroom . While most of the major traditional h oliday events are held in early to mid-December, there are still activities for students to attend during Winter Vacation. Among these are: "A Christmas Carol" .. . . . Dec. 17-19 Omaha Community Playhouse

Westside's holiday traditions include a presentation of "The Messiah " by the combined efforts of the orchestra and vocal music departments, a holiday show featuring mime and dance troups and the reader's theatre sponsored by Westside's Thespians. Christmas

"Windows" and "Basement"

fasten lights to the annual Tree of Lights !&ted outside of the County Courthouse in Downtown Omaha.

Christmas Prom .... . ....... Dec. 19 Peony Park Ballroom Metro Holiday ..... . ..... Dec. 27-31 Basketball Tournament Civic Auditorium August Beresheim ..... . . . Dec. 1-31 House Christmas tree display Adjacent to Dodge House in Council Bluffs

"The plays are very heavy and very deep," said Junior Cathy King, Thespian treasurer, in reference to the two one-act plays to be produced by Westside in January . The plays , ''Windows" and "The Basement," were chosen on the basis that one would be sent to district and state contests, and a short, good dramatic production is necessary. An assembly Jan . 14 for Westside students is possible, said Cathy. Other production dates are Jan. 13 and Jan. 16, which would be a review show for district contest, and at the beginning of February, for state contest. The casts of the two plays consist of Kurt Sage, Cathy King, and Martin Smith, in "Basement," and Barb Oliver, Brian Krueger, Dewey Hocevar, Linda Stevens and Chris Beam, in "Windows." The plays, approximately 45 minutes each, require a good deal of acting ability according to Cathy. Yet she believes that both will be very successful.

Graffiti hits WHS Ronnie Howard, star of "Happy Days," and Cindy Williams of "Laverne and Shirley,"·starred in the movie "American Graffiti," shown at Westside on Tuesday, Nov. 30. The film was spon!lored by SAB (Student Advisory Board) and was a definite success. SAB's profit totaled close to $200. The money will go to the scholarship fund, for which SAB has to earn $1200 this year. ''The movie was a real success, we really did not expect to have as many people there, people came despite the

Last year the money was used to send the students to a summer camp. This year, stated Ms. Huebner, the money will probably go towards buying physical fitrtess equipment. "I think the whole project was extremely worthwhile to both the community and students involved." - Ms. Peggy Bridley The project, which has been traditional since the center began ten years ago, took in approximately $650 to $700 last year. This year no general goal was set, but a total of $500 was collected. "It makes the students feel good about themselves, to think that someone wanted to buy what they made," said Ms. Huebner. "I think the whole project was extremely worthwhile to both the community and students involved," said Ms . Peggy Gridley, a customer at the bazaar . The materials used for the different projects such as pine cones used in wreathes, were either purchased by the sponsors, collected by the students, or donated by several organizations like the Union Pacific Railroad. The general prices of the Christmas items varied. The students themselves decided on the price of their projects. The prices ranged from wreaths sold for $10 to $12, pine cone trees, plaques and pillows for $6 and small items from 50¢ to $1.50. The students at the resource center began working in September on the items sold. A teacher from the center commented on the general attitude of the students towards the project, "They really enjoyed it, and were enthused." Approximately 150 people and parents of the students attended the bazaar. An added attraction to the sale was 25¢ tickets sold for a raffle of a giant stuffed lion.

snow," stated Kris Kirchner, SAB member. SAB purchased the movie through a mail order catalog. In January, SAB hopes to sponsor another film.

Meals on wheels Mobile Meals is an organization that was brought to Westside through the Volunteer Fair. It is a group of people that go around to places and deliver meals to the elderly. One of the volunteers from Westside is Terri Perrone, a senior. She feels that Mobile Meals is a good organization. "It provides a square meal to the elderly that may be they wouldn't ordinarily get." The average meal includes: meat, potatoes, vegetables, salad, bread and dessert. There are also meals provided for those who are low sodium patients. Terri, along with Jani McMuellen work together to give out lunches every Thursday at Benson Towers. The Mobile Meals organization does not take money from its subscribers, and the meals are free to them. Terri and Jani have been working for Mobile Meals for two months and Terri said that she really enjoys it and adds "It benefits older people and that any older people that need help in getting a balance meal should get this kind of help."

'Twas the night "Live Holiday Show" was the title of this year's fall show that was put on by Mime Troupe and Reader's Theatre. The show which was held on Thursday, Dec. 16 at 7:30 in the Little

Theatre offered such things as a New Year's Eve party, opening packages and trying to wrap a puppy were the presentations of Mime Troupe . Reader's Theatre read three poems and both groups got together to perform "'Twas the Night Before Christmas." Mime Troupe acted it out and Reader's Theatre read the poem. A small admission price of 25¢ was charged per person. The money is to be donated to a worthy cause that is dealing with children. Sue Johnson, junior at Westside, felt that the show as was "pretty good and was worth seeing." There was about 50 people attending the Holiday Show, which according to Sue is a big crowd for the clubs that were participating.

Ecology club starts drive Mter the hustle and b11stle of the holiday season, the problem of getting ril;l of the Christmas tree always ari.ses. Well, Westside Ecology club will take care of it for you. The annual Christmas tree pick-up will be January 2nd in the south parking lot, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Ecology Club will also be asking for contributions of 25¢ for Fontenelle Forest, and to help preservation of endangered species. The trees will be taken to a location north of Omaha by the Army Reserve in 5 ton trucks. Don Glasgow, the sponsor of the club, said that the tree will be used for ground covering for small animals. "In this certain location, the animals have a hard time finding shelter. This way they have a place to go and they won't have as much problem with preditors.


Page 4 - December 17. 1976 - LANCE

Glen~ood: Glenwood State Home and Hospital. That's where my sociology teacher told us we were going . We weren 't told much more, except that a ll the residents at Glenwood are mentally retarded and that each Westside student would spend the day with a resident. To be frank , I was rather a pprehensive about the trip. After all, I had no previous experience with a mentally retarded individual. Neither h ad most of my peers. So, we a pproached the day with mixed emotions. Bundled for the cold with sack lunches in hand (we were told we would probably spend time outdoors a nd we were required to bring lunch for ourselves and our "buddy"), over two hundred students boarded the buses for Glenwood. The ride was short, about 45 minutes or so. The road approaching the home was extremely narrow, with a narrow

a day's expertene4

tunnel leading to it that made the former eighty-fourth street tunnel look like a four lane highway . The buildings were old, mainly brick , and most having makeshift elevator ramps. New cottages are being built, but I never had time to see them . The group met in the small church, brightly festooned with Christmas decorations and a blinking, brightly colored Christmas tree. This was our first encounter with an actual resident of the home. A young lady was sitting at the piano with what appeared to be a voice instructor. She was singing Christmas carols, noticeably off-key, but with enough enthusiasm to compensate, in anybody's mind. As the group began to settle in the room for orientation , she rose and left with the instructor with a noticeably shaky gait and a reassuring arm steadying her. I continued to wonder

how my day would turn out. We were arbitrarily divided into groups to visit areas numbered one through five. These separate areas of the home each cater to a particular type of Glenwood resident. I was assigned to area one, an area comprised of small children of varying degrees of mobility. The floor I spent the morning on housed children age twelve and down, all highly mobile and extremely excited. When I arrived, only three students were in the "living room" of sorts, the rest were at school, to return for lunch. Most of the Westsiders decided to visit the school until the others returned, while myself and two others decided to stay with the youngsters already there. The rooms were far from modern, bare pipes on the ceilings , dirty walls, and ill-fitting, filthy windows. The living-dining area adjoined a restroom and two sleeping areas, each

Capital punishment simple escapism by: Dan Goldman

As the death wish of convicted murderer, Gary Gilmore, is catapulted in to the national limelight, electric chairs and gas chambers are being refurbished, for the American people are once again listening to the argu:::nerits on the virtues of capital punishment.

adage. Just as one who commits murder is totally void of understanding of our society, so is the state when it partakes in execution. It is an extreme act ofhypocritism when the state murders because murdering is against the basic philosophy of the state.

Proponents of capital punishment base their first argument upon the logic that the threat of death to a potential murderer will stifle his objective. What the proponents fail to realize though, is that the majority of the people who would commit murder are totally void of understanding relative to our society, for an act of murder violates the basic philosophy that holds our society together: preservation of life.

Finally, it becomes evident, from muddling through the surface arguments for capital punishment, that the real reason capital punishment is spawned is out of an escapist belief that rehabilitation of potential murders and convicted murderers is impossible.

Thus, since the person who would commit a murder is totally void of understanding of our society, he will not take into account the logic of the death penalty, and thus, the death penalty will not stifle his objective. The second argument of the proponents of capital punishment is the old eye for eye, tooth for tooth

The escapist point of view is perhaps more dangerous to society than the murderers themselves. A belief in the escapist point of view is a disbelief in being able to enhance the development of public education, the penal systems and psychology, which are intrinsic areas for murder prevention and rehabilitation. This disbelief of not being able to enhance the development of these areas will cause a backlash against so ciety. If people think that

education , the penal systems and psychology can not be developed in a way in which to lower the murder rate, then progress in these area will halt. If progress in these areas halts, then the development of society will also halt, for these areas are its foundations . To solve the problem of the spiraling murder rate and the rehabilitation of convicted murderers, optimism and a certain sense of inhibition are needed. Although it may seem risky, it is necessary to have the courage to delve into new methods of education and to try to reorganize the penal systems until by trial and error, a suitable decrease becomes evident in the murder rate. Capital punishment is merely a product of a pessimistic outlook of society. Unable to exert enough effort to try to make considerable progress in the basic areas of murder prevention and rehabilitation, people simply escape the problems by murdering the problems. It is this aspect that overshadows the barbariousness of murder itself.

with several beds per room. The bedrooms were almost totally bare, save the furniture, a few posters, and a little resident artwork . One student was asleep on the couch and we were warned not to awaken him, for he needed his rest; he was new to Glenwood, emotionally and socially maladjusted, and had recently forced the workers into locking the floor doors at all times after having been found on the bank of a nearby creek in the middle of the night. Another was playing contentedly with plastic fences and farm animals on a table. He seemed awfully bright to be institutionalized; we were later told that he was only mildly retarded, yet his parents refused to personally care for him. My "buddy" was a boy of twelve, very thin , dark haired and short for his age. He was severely visually impaired, had motor difficulties, and was unable to read. Even so, he was enthusiastic and spent the better part of the morning leading me by the hand around the floor, showing me his bed, toys, closet etc .. . We played hide-and-seek for awhile, had a snack, and waited for the others to return for lunch. The boy on the couch finally woke up and spent most of his time being totally obstinate, once narrowly missing the head of a friend by hurling a jack-in-the-box. I

couldn 't help feeling sorry for him didn't know how to conduct himse: a social situation; he was a victin his circumstances . By the time lunch time arrived became acquainted with the res the floor. Their impairments ran from seizures to no physi ma nifestations of their situation. Lunch was a happy time. Wesha our lunches, traded food, mad• mess, and had a grand time. surprising how much a small cl can eat. By th e time we left, I had forgot that these children had impairme a t all; they were children, plain : simple, just like you and I were. T: were handicapped, but they were 1 little children , with feelings , ne a nd emotions. After all my apprehensivenes1 really didn't want to leave at These children needed and wan my attention and I would have gla stayed all day if I could have gi• them a little more love that they dearly lack. They accepted me an they. As I left, one little boy called "Good-bye Brenda" three times un1 a cknowledge I'd heard him . The l who had been asleep on the co\ grabbed my hand on the way out a he wanted to accompany me. I ca help wishing he could have.

Murdering our problems

The Best of Burbank ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - by: Rick & Margaret •

Welcome, insomiacs, to "The Best of Bu;rbank." Tonight's full length motion picture is "Road to Dubuque," starring Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, and Dorothy Lamour. Don't adjust your sets, fans, this one's a Band W. But first a word from our sponsor. Attention: Fish Fiends! This announcement is for you! A new, fantastic, indispensible Fish-Detailer. This amazing tool removes even the toughest tails the K-Sel way, with just one quick stroke. It also takes care of arms, legs and appendix if your aim is bad. Away from the lake, it chops, dices , slices, and makes the tastiest Julian fries in seconds. It will sever even the ripest tomatoes without losing a seed. A great Christmas gift for just $9.95 (not including postage, handling, boxing, insurance). Blade is slightly extra. Perfect for the entire family. And now, back to our film . Our movie opens with our stars floating their way down the Mighty Mississippi in innertubes. Bob: Look , Bing! What's that up there? Dorothy: I think it's a town. Bing: (singing) I'm dreaming of a White Christmas, just like the ones I used to know. Bob: Let's stop at the Hilton and eat. Dorothy: Will they let us in? Bob: Sure, we've got tails and ties. Dorothy: But what about these tap shoes? We will return following station identification , and an important message from K-Sel. Hello Music Fans! Here's your chance to add a priceless

member to your record collection . Don't miss out on K-SE "Greatest Hits of the Puritan Revolution. " 40 origir stars, original records. Act before midnight tonight a receive bonus record " Nineteen Interpretations of the B• Barrel Polka." Makes a marvelous Christmas gift at j1 $9.95. We return now to "Best of Burbank." Our terrific trio h docked their innertubes and ventured ashore. Bob: You know what? I think we're in Dubuque. Dorothy: How do you know? Bob: Everyone's asleep. Bing: (singing) Where the tree tops glisten, and childr listen , to hear sleigh bells in the snow. We pause for a word from our sponsor. Friends, K-Sel proud to present the perfect gift for the practical person your Christmas list. Yes, it's the all new "Attach· Matic." Now you can attach anything to everything th your heart desires. Secure buttons, buckels, bead work wi an ease you never dreamed possible. Great for hangil portraits and installing wall board, too. Just $9.95 wh supplies last. Back to our film. Bing: (singing) I'm dreaming of a White Christmas wi every Christmas card I write . .. Dor othy: What do you think makes him act that wa Do you suppose it's the orange juice? Bob: I don 't know. But then what can you really exp1 fr om someone n a med "Bing"? Bing: May your da ys be merry and bright, and may 1 your Christmases be white.

LANCE- December 17. 1976- Page 5



Winning father and daughter

The inevitable change.

LETTERS TO LANCE :Lance: 1 I sat at the North Invitational ltling Meet Saturday night and ned to one school continually •" Westside wrestlers, I thought it was so great that our school ved so much more class and tsmanship than that. It gave me ething to feel proud about. 1t Sunday afternoon I played in Powder Puff football game and all confidence in the feminity and tsmanship of some of the girls at tside. I realize that a Powder ·game can be vicious and there is l way to avoid getting tackled, red, or mangled. But literally eking an opponent with ten to one 1 is a little ridiculous to say the

t. re watched or played the annual der Puff game for three years and lr have I seen such a showing. I not even heard some of the vile is that came from our "sweet" .nine Westsiders. I must admit I heard these words from both s and even took part at some .ts of the game. But, as the saying 1, "actions speak louder than is," and the actions taken by e of the juniors proved to me why · are referred to as "girls" and the ora referred to as "women." ever have I heard of a girl being ·wn out because she was too busy ting and pulling the hair of an ment to care about the game. t is not only juvenile, but shows . she cares little about her peers. 'lUBe of her actions she started a :1 of events which ended with a sical fight between the two :hes. also dulls the hope for another •der Puff game in the future. But I Jusly doubt if any sophomores ld want to play against these ors next year. It would be like ring a pack of sniffling brats who 't know the meaning of the word :tsmanship and care only about amount of girls that they can sically hurt. retired forever football player.

;he Editorial Staff of the Lance: have been employed as a '!.educator in the Guidance and .nseling Department of Westside h School for over three years. ing this time I have had the ·ilege of working very closely with · of the eight counselors in this artment, and am well acquainted

with the outstanding and dedicated work done by the entire counseling staff. I would like to correct the misinformation contained in your December 6 editorial. You contend that "The counseling department has not made an effort to communicate with students .. .. Because of the lack of communication, the majority of the student body have not even been informed of the major purposes of the counseling department, that of course, job and career counseling." The counseling department begi.ns communicating with students during their first week at Westside. For the trrst five or six weeks of the fall semester every sophomore has mandatory group guidance with his counselor once a week. During these guidance sessions, the students and counselors become well acquainted; the students are oriented to life in a large high school; the many facilities and information available for choosing a career or college are explained through tours of the Main Guidance Office. All the testing data accumulated on each student is interpreted and each sophomore is encouraged to meet with his counselor and go through his cumulative folder. Later in the fall semester, group guidance sessions for juniors are held in the Main Guidance Office to explain college testing and to point out to the students again the many resources available to them with regard to college, vocational training and career possibilities. Students are encouraged to use these materials alone or with the help of their counselor so that they can make a beginning step toward some goal in life after Westside. The two counselors with whom I am currently working have each counseled on a one-to-one basis with every one of the over one hundred seniors they are assigned, checking to be sure that graduation requirements are being met, college entrance tests taken , or other career options discussed. All college entrance test results are carefully reviewed with each student. College bound students are helped in filling out college applications and coached in college entrance test taking skills. Counselors, in an effort to communicate with students, have offered a variety of mini courses, group sessions, peer counseling, etc. Counselors are in contact with each student who is having difficulty with his classes and attempt to help

students who are having personal problems. I would like to invite the author of the December 6 editorial to spend a few of his free mods in a counseling office and ask each of the dozens of students who come in to see their counselor exactly why they are there. He would quickly realize that almost none of these young people are "forced to" be there because of disciplinary problems. Mr. Herring, the Dean of Boys, and Mrs. Johnson, the Dean of Girls, are in charge of disciplinary problems. I might add that the schedule changing process alone brings counselors in contact with at least halfofthestudentbody. The homeroom advisor system, which you find so detrimental, was established to relieve each counselor of some of the responsibility for the welfare of over 300 students which is the average number of counselees per counselor. It should be obvious that there are not enough hours in the day or night to successfully deal with this many students. Each homeroom, containing students from each grade, was meant to give the homeroom members a chance to know a small group of students well, to have a home base, and for the advisor to be able to detect students who might be having problems and who might have gone unnoticed . Eliminating the homeroom advisors' responsibilities would only compound the giant task each counselor is confronted with and would work to the disadvantage ofthe Westside student body. As I explained above, every effort imaginable is being made to contact each counselee, and from what I have observed this is being done. Annette Yaffee

Dear Lance: Am I mistaken or is there a dress code at WHS? Recently, immediately following homeroom I was told to take my hat off in school by an administrator. I was not planning to keep it on as I was going to my locker for the first time that day and I still couldn't take it off since my hands were full. But that is beside the point. It is my personal choice if I wish to wear a hat or not. As is stated in the guide book except for extreme cases, my dress is to be between my parents and myself. This incident is a contradiction of the dress code rules in the guide book. One of the differing opinions should be changed. Kevin Tierney

Horses are a family affair for Senior Lori Schleifer and her father, Bill Schleifer, WHS Director of Student Services. Each summer Lori and her parents travel throughout the Midwest showing Lori's horses, Baron von Copper and Hickory 2 Gold. Last June Lori and her father took first place in the palomino family competition at the Tulsa State Fair, a major palomino show. "Lori has been riding and training her own horses since 1970, and is one of the top three riders in the palomino youth division in the United States," said Schleifer. "She aroused our interest in horses." Schleifer didn't start riding competitively until last year. "In January of 1977 both horses will be in the same age bracket, the five years and older category," explained Schleifer. "When the horses were in different categories Lori could ride both of them, but this year the horses will compete against each other.'' The solution is to let Schleifer compete on one of the horses. "It's Lori who has done it by her interest and desire to excel in this particular area," said Schleifer. "As long as she's interested, we'll support her."

Wasserman- "A Good Man" Playing the role of a real Blockhead will be senior Mike Wasserman. Mike will be appearing in the Jewish Community Center (JCC) Theatre production of "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown." Portraying the title role, Mike explains that shaving his beard and mustache, to better suit the part, was the only heartbreaking experience about the whole thing. Other than that, Mike has nothing but good feelings about his experiences on the JCC Stage. Mike is hardly a newcomer to the theatre arts as he is president of the Thespian Troupe here at Westside. According to Mike, the play is done in a very unique way. "The players are on stage at all times. When they don't have lines, they become somewhat a part of the audience. The play is very easy going and the plot very simple, if there is a plot at all." The musical will be running Dec. 18 at 8 p.m. and Dec. 19 at 2:30 p.m.

Kenya-destination for lang

lady Cellist "noteworthy" Who says high school orchestra is for high school students? JoAnn Rheiner, mother of three, is presently playing cello with the Westside Orchestra. With the help of her teacher, Dr. David Low, Ms. Rheinerinvestigated into the possibility of playing with an organized group. Dr. Low got in touch with orchestra director Harold Welch and arranged for Ms. Rheiner to play with the Westside Orchestra. Ms. Rheiner has been studying privately on and off for five years, but has never played with a group since last Spring when she came to Westside. "It took me a long time before I was able to hear myself in the whole cello section," stated Ms. Rheiner. Ms. Rheiner has a Masters degree in Nursing but is presently not working. Her husband is a teacher at the Graduate School ofN ursing at the University Medical Center here in Omaha. "I plan to audition for the Town and Gown Symphony at UNO (University of Nebraska at Omaha), they take students as well as adults. If I do make it, I won't be back at Westside next year." Ms. Rheiner has not yet participated in any of the scheduled concerts for the Westside Orchestra, but hopes to play in the Spring Honors Concert.

Christmastime will be spent far from home by Science department head Dr. Chuck Lang. He will be leaving for Kenya and Tanzania on Friday, Dec. 17. "It will be mainly a pleasure trip," he said. But business will also be involved . Dr. Lang's brother, also a physics teacher, will be working in Kenya for 11 months starting in June. He has been hired by the Kenyan government as a consultant to computerize the movement of animals on the Serrangetti plains. Dr. Lang will be doing some preliminary work for his brother, such as checking on availability of housing and arrangements for moving. He will also be asking questions of various people. Dr. Lang isn't quite sure what else the trip will involve. "Some people make a lot of plans, but I just get on the plane and go." The trip is sponsored by the National Education Association, and is billed as a photographic safari.

Page 6- December 17, 1976- LANCE

Ski, skate, or slide into Cold, blowing seemingly bleak winter days turn into bright, glistening days of activity - with the first snow. On these two pages just a few of the enjoyable winter sports that are available to Westside students are shown. Children, bundled up to their eyes, run outside with their sleds. They find the top of their favorite hill and whiz down it. The cold bites at their noses, as the winter wind blows. However, every activity has its downfall, and the sledders know when they reach the bottom, they have a long trek back up. For the more "experienced" sledders there are toboggans. This consists of cramming as many people as possible on one long, thin sled and coasting down snow packed hills as half the people fly off.

Ski Nebraska? While some enjoy Nebraska's opportunities for cross country skiing, others prefer to leave the state to participate in the downhill variety. The number of people who've taken part in downhill skiing over the past ten years has tripled. To the downhill skier, the thrill of skiing in the mountains is worth the extra dollars. Costs don't have to be prohibitive, however. Consult Harley Hardison, science teacher, for two days of skiing for $50. Hardison takes groups of eight to twenty people to Breckenridge and Steamboat six or seven weekends each year. " I go whenever kids contact me and find enough people. to go," said Hardison. The $50 package includes two lift tickets, food, and one night's lodgings in a condominium. Us Inc., operated by Arnold and Rocky Stern and Ronald and Susan Budwig, is taking two young people's trips and two

adult trips to Colorado this year. "We formed the organization because we found ourselves going skiing four or five times a year with a small group of people," said Bud wig . "Organizing ski trips enabled us to go skiing r egularly , and we enjoyed going in a group ." Four years ago Us Inc.'s first ski trip could barely fill a bus. "The next year we filled two buses," continued B udwig. This year Us Inc. is taking two adult trips , each with a capacity of 32 people, and two young people's trips of 86 kids each to Steamboat, Vail, and Winter Park. The cost is $130 for three days of skiing including transportation, lift tickets, and a condominium shared with three to seven other skiers. Ski rental and lessons ar prearranged if necessary. Junior Roxanne Walker has been on two ski trips with Us Inc., and is going again this year. "It's well organized and good for beginners," commented Roxanne .

Bud wig agrees that lots of beginners their trips. "We make sure they're enj< it," he added. Telephone the Ster Budwig residences for more informati What will the conditions be like one prospective skiier has made his way t slopes? Although a few days of snow ' transform the barren slopes, }< Bahnsen of Bahnsen 's advises ski areas with a man-made base ar safest bet over Christmas vacation. "W P ark and Keystone are both making sr sa id Bahnsen. Karl Theirstein of Arne Tra il adds A-basin, a higher altitude! to the list of slopes with good s conditions . Other hopeful slopes in Copper Mountain and the Loveland Aspen areas. Before venturing out on one of the ! covered mountains, it's essential to ha' proper clothing. Although many begir skiiers are tempted toinvestin an expe. ski outfit, Thierstein advises the novi

Snowmen and snowball fights are also very common winter activities. Snowballs whiz by "soldiers" in snowforts and when the war co~es to an end the snowballs grow into large snowmen which of course have carrot noses and charcoal mouthes. However, there are many imaginative children who change their snowman's image by adding a corncob pipe or even forfeiting their own hat or mittens so "Frosty" won't catch a cold. Adults aren't forgotten either there's always shoveling to do! They try bribing their kids, the neighbors' kids, and even the dog, yet, somehow they always seem to end up doing it themselves. Although skiing is old hat to many Westsiders, it is still a popular and booming sport. Skiers flock, with their families or friends, to Colorado resorts just so they can break their leg as their skis cross (which they inevitably do- at least when I ski) and break in half. There are many different types of skiing - downhill, slolem, crosscountry - almost every flavor you could possibly want. For those unable to make the journey to Colorado or without the skill to tackle those Rocky Mountains, you can always buy a pair of "mini" skis and tackle that rolling hill in your back yard. Then there are ice sports. The beauty of ice skating and the beastliness of hockey. Many rinks around Omaha offer skating lessons, hockey teams, and open skating. Some are more "airy" than others, but those are also free. Another sport, which is not widely known, but very exciting, is snowmobiling. It requires little skill and little snow but provides a lot of fun. These are just a few of the many sports and activities which take place during the winter season . Contrary to popular belief there are things to do in the cold, winter months other than sit in front of a fireplace with a cup of hot chocolate warming your hands. The rest of these two pages deals with a few sports, that I have just touched lightly on, in more depth. Read them and then make it your goal to try something new over Winter Break and if you really become bored, you can always let your parents bribe you into shoveling the driveway.

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Snowball fights are a frequent occurrence when snow falls. (above)

Heave-ho. Snowballs fly between classes on the football practice field. (right)

Although Nebra ska hasn 't attained thetitl ski state, there is a form of skiing that is avai to everyone, provided there is snow. Cross co1 skiing has, over the past few years be increasingly popular, with young and old a: The sport originated in Northern Eu primarily for transportational purposes. A only method for traversing the snowy te1 cross country skiing became a way of life for people. Now , cross country is an enjoyable for recreation. It is used by more and more p every winter. Karl Thierstein, owner and ope of American Trail, confirmed the increa: participants. "One winter we had four and h a lf months of solid bookings for our cross cm skis. We even used them ourselves durint blizzard just to get food. "

Setting your own pace is one unique fa< cross country skiing, as reported by Thien Since there is no force controlling the spee< cross country skier can go as fast or as sic desired . Because it is basically flatland orie the speed should never be too great to hand Caution is advised, as in any sport, as t pla ces and methods of skiing. "Steep hills sl be avoided, especially by people relatively n the sport. Cross country skis are longer n arrower than downhill skis, making them h t o maneuver. However, cross country skii primarily a flatland sport and is more fu relatively level ground. You don 't really wan1 of hills ."

LANCE - December 17, 1976 - Page 7

r e house and use what is ' visiting a ski shop. "Two 3prayed with Scotchguard aid . .s ready to buy an outfit, nmends a jacket and pant over stretch pants and overalls look nice, but the fall down, and you get snow s anyway," said Thierstein. acket, and pants run about J have been badly bitten by packages including skis, >oles start at about $149. A Jts costs about $100. Jtivation for the large output 1oney to traverse down a lorado? Senior Judy Garfoot ly exciting to be speeding ountain. You're totally - not competing against

A new mode of transportation, but only if you're careful. Sledding is a WHS pasttime.

ry is a reasonably inexpensive sport. tt they average about one-third ofthe hill skiing. According to Thierstein, .uipment at first is a wise move. "It's and make sure you like it before you ;tr." Renting price at American Trail, ! , is $6 per 24-hourday . A $10 security 1uired. That fee is refunded to the he return of the equipment. lesson should be obtained at the time ! W pointers on techniques and safety aluable, according to Thierstein. ·uction, although beneficial, is not the best places to go? Omaha is a ot for the sport. The most popular •st is Elmwood Park. Many places ~ity , however, have flat or slightly ains. "The good things about cross tg," related Thierstein, "are that it's it's practical, and it's something .o in Nebraska."

O.K., so you're not exactly Dorothy Hamill. That's no reason why you shouldn't take advantage of one of Omaha's most popular and accessible winter sports, ice skating. Ice skating, as all sports, starts with the first step. If you don't think you can take it alone, learn to skate lessons are available by calling any of the three major ice skating rinks in Omaha; Ak-Sar-Ben, Benson and Hitchcock. If your goal is the Olympics though, you may have some problems. As in some midwest states, professional help in figure skating seems to be limited. Junior Renea Montmorency had been ice skating for four and a half years until this year when she decided to discontinue it. "There aren't any good pro's in Omaha," stated Renea. "Right now I'm at a standstill, if they (Ak-Sar-Ben) got a new pro next year, I'd p10bably start skating again, otherwise it's just a waste of money." Before, Renea would have to travel to Buffalo, New York in order to skate during the summer. Another junior at Westside, Josi Farber, had to quit for the same reasons. This is not to discourage young skaters though, teachers are available and some skaters rise in the morning before the sun does in order


to practice their School Figures before school starts. For the weekend skater there is an abundance of locations to take your skates. Located at 63rd and Shirley is the Ak-Sar-Ben ice skating rink. Public skating is held from 8:30-10:30 p.m. Friday through Sunday and 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Admission for High School students is 50¢. The Benson ice skating facilities offer indoor skating as well as outdoor. It is located at 69th and Military. Skating hours are 8:15 10:15 p.m. on Friday, 2:30 -4:30p.m . and 8:30 - 10:30 p.m. on Saturdays. The Sunday hours are 1:30-4:30 p.m. and 8- 10 p.m. Public skating is also available on Tuesday nights from 8:30 - 10:30 p.m. The new Hitchcock Ice Rink is open during the summer as well as winter. Skating hours are 8:30 - 10:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 1:30- 3:30p.m. and 4- 6 p.m. on Saturday afternoons and 2:30 - 5 p.m. on Sunday afternoons. Skating is also held from 7:30 - 9:30 on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings. Hitchcock is located at 42nd and Q streets. There are several Park and Recreation ice skating ponds located throughout the city which are flooded

each winter. The Towl Park and Hanscom Park lagoons are available when the City declares the ice safe to skate on. Good skates can be purchased at most sports stores, as well as famous department stores. The prices range from about $12 to $50. The best skates are made of real leather and have been balanced properly according to the purchaser's height and weight. Skates should be sharpened about twice a year and you can do so at the various public rinks. If you don't have your own skates they can be rented at these locations also.

lor e11eryone

Page 8 - December 17, 1976 - LANCE

f3r-aduate Year-~ Uf)

uua r-an tee

Flexibility-success key


Just a decade ago a college degree virtually assured a person of a job~ Today that isn't so. The government predicts, that by 1985, 13.1 million graduates will join the labor forces. 12.2 million jobs will be available. Even with an increase in college-level jobs, an oversupply of about 900,000 college graduates is expected. Graduates will be taking jobs for which a college degree is not required, all their education going to waste. Astounding changes have already taken place. In professional and technical fields the percentage of college-educated employees has declined from 67 percent in 1970, to about 60 percent in 1975. College graduates will still be in demand, but in smaller number&. Those with advanced degrees and those from more highly regarded schools will have an edge on others. The problem? There are just too many college graduates for the job market. This will mean that many people may have to find jobs in a field totally unrelated to their field of study. People may find themselves competing with graduates of two-year schools. The Department of Labor has predicted that the majority of jobs will be found in the area of paraprofessional skills. Approximately one million of the college graduates in the next ten years will end up being employed in these types of jobs. Because of the abundance of college graduates, employers will be taking a closer look

at prospective employees. The oversupply of college graduates has also resulted in a change in meaning of different levels of degrees. A bachelor's degree is, in most cases, equivalent to a high school diploma, forty years ago. A master's degree has the implied meaning a bachelor's degree once had, and a Ph.D., the implied significance a master's degree once had.

This is part of the materia available to college students the UNO Placement Cent• Director Yvonne Harsh report that in 1975, 1,271 success: candidates were placed by t Center.

By 1980, there should be some relief in the tight job market. During the 1980's, the declining birth rate of the late 1960's and the 1970's should begin showing up in graduating college classes. There will be fewer college-age people, resulting in fewer college graduates. Another problem that has had a big influence on the job market is peoples' impatience. People feel that a college degree should automatically put them at the top. "Too many people don't seem to realize that all of us have to start somewhere," commented Yvonne Harsh, head of UNO's Career Services. Most people look for jobs with the potential for advancement. Even more are looking for jobs which pay higher wages than their qualifications warrant. Jobseekers have to learn to be flexible . "Flexibility is one of the many keys to success," stated Ms. Harsh. Ten years ago a college degree was ticket to a job. Today you have to go out and look for any kind of job. But the jobs are there- if you look for them.

Advanced education needed to keep jobs Today, more and more people are returning to the classroom. Some have spent up to four years, three thousand plus dollars a year and long sleepless nights on college all ready. Others have never been there or find that they must return to keep their job or even to get one. Ms. Nina Wardell, an assistant instructor at the College of St. Mary's, has returned to school in order to keep her job. She has received her Bachelor of Science, but the job requires that she have a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. When she receives that, if she decides to remain in nursing, she will be required to receive her

Career changes required and rewarding More and more people, upon entering the working world, are fmding that they must secure some type of advanced education to get a job. Still others are finding that they must attend some type of continuing education courses in order to keep their job and not be replaced by a fresh college graduate, more up to date in the field. In some cases higher education is used to gain social status. Blacks and women use higher education as a means of getting ahead both socially and financially . At one time advanced degrees would have gotten a person the job he wanted. Today it only puts him on the waiting list for that same job. "Students do not always try to obtain advanced degrees

A great number of people graduate with four years of college, however, evidence indicates that many times, graduate work is required.

immediately after receiving their bachelor's degree. They may find a job in their field and return to school later if they fmd that more advanced education is needed for advancement in their particular field," according to Ms. Yvonne Harsh, of the UNO Career Services.

Continuing education is also becoming a requirement of many jobs. Its purpose is to keep people working in the field up to date about advancements and changes taking place within the field. Continuing education is obtained through night school, technical school, extension courses, forums and lectures, radio and television courses, and correspondence courses. The variety of ways to obtain this type of education allows many more people to actually participate. Law is just one of the fields now requiring some type of continuing education. To get your law license renewed in Iowa a lawyer must have thirty hours of classroom exposure. Many lawyers feel this is a good idea because it keeps them up to date on the changes of the laws. Others, however, feel that it is just a waste of their time and it isn't really helping them any.

Master's ofNursingwithin five years. " The purpose of requiring advanced education is to keep people better prepared for their jobs, and to keep people up to date on changes taking place within their field," commented Ms. Wardell. Ms . Joan Halsted attended a business school for two years, 25 years ago. Ms. Halsted had always hoped to return to school and decided to definitely return when she found that there was no way for a woman to get a decent salary in a business field without specialized training. She chose Medical Records as her field because Medicine is a major field in Omaha and she would be able to combine that with her previous business experience. The starting salary for a person in Medical Records is $18,000 a year. Cindy Tajchman received her degree in Recreation, with emphasis on the performing arts. She attended UNO and did not make a defmite career choice until the end of her sophomore year. After graduating, Ms. Tajchman found that full-time jobs in the performing arts were hard to find in the Omaha area. There were part-time jobs available, but she needed the money and did not want to leave Omaha. She decided to return to school in

Nursing. "I decided on Nursil because it has a lot of the sar benefits as Recreation . It's not a de job and you're working with peop It's also a more secure field to be ir commented Ms. Tajchman. S eventually hopes to get a job in whi she can combine her Nursing ru Recreation interests. "The service is a really good thi as long as there isn't a war going< and you're sure you don't want to go college, stay at home or worl remarked John Montalto. Montalto entered the service aft graduating from high school ! years ago. He feels that h experiences in the service influenc him one-hundred percent in } decision to become a nura anesthesist. "I really enjoy worki with the patients and my training the Service had a lot to do with I decision. The service helped to stimulate I interest in the field, and while I w there I had some of the best trainir met some of the best people, and h. some of the best times of my lift commented Mantalto. Today, the average colle classroom holds more than just t 18-22-year-old students most peoJ expect to find there. People E returning to the classroom, ru whatever their reason, are finding rewarding and worthwhile.

In Pharmacy continuing education is not required. Special seminars and classes are held to refresh and update knowledge of the field. Television courses are also used. This is the first year that nursing licenses will not automatically be renewed upon payment of the licensing fee. Even if a nurse has been practicing, every two years he or she must attend a certain number of seminars or workshops, or contribute some type of volunteer work in the nursing field . Another way of obtaining these credits would be to publish articles relating to nursing.

People in many professions imd themselves returning to college f extra schooling. Employers require supplemental education f promotion chances.

LANCE- December 17, 1976- Page 9





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Page 10 - December 17, 1976 - LANCE

Crouse: Warrior team leade1 Victory provides hope If there has been any question as to the caliber of this year's Westside girls' basketball team, it may have been answered in their first game of the season against Central. Before the game Central was seeded second in this year's Holiday Basketball Tournament. Ignoring this rating, the girls went out and got the job done by defeating Central 48-35. Going into the fourth quarter, Westside held a narrow three point lead. Outscoring Central in the fourth quarter 19-9 the Warriors showed team work and determination. "They overlooked us and we just plain outhustled them," stated Lee Nordine, girls coach. Forward Jennifer Erickson added, "We worked good together and were conditioned well."

Last season the girls did not win - a game before Christmas. "An opening game victory gives us a positive attitude. It's also important to win early for team morale," said Nordine. "It gets us off on the right foot, and gets momentum going," stressed Guard Diane Kobs. Even in a winning cause there were a few problems. "I would like to cut down on turnovers and fouls," sighted Nordine. We are too aggressive," added Guard Jean Pistillo. Guard Sandie Wiggins noticed no great problem but

added, "In practice lately we have just been kidding around since we won."

Outside of Ms. Kobs' game high 18 points, scoring was distributed throughout the lineup. Jean Pistillo 8, Jennifer Erickson 8, Debbie Beier 2, Jody Sanders 6, Marcie Andersen 4, and Kris Greenly路 2. "The team is built around Diane (Kobs), if we lost her we would lose everything," commented Ms. Wiggins. At the beginning of the season Burke was singled out as the team to beat. In their first game they soundly defeated Northwest 48-25. "Central was considered the top contender for Burke. If that is true I guess we are a contender," replied Nor dine. "He (Nordine) is a good coach and knows what he is doing," commented Ms. Kobs. This is only the second year of existence for girls basketball and fan support can be a big asset. "We need fan support, girls sports have just started," stressed Center Marcie Andersen . Next games will be held December 27-31 as the Warriors play in the Holiday Basketball Tournament. With the victory over Central, the Warriors should be one ofthetop contenders for Burke. Girls' basketball may not draw as many fans to a game as boys yet, but two years ago there was not even a girls' basketball program .

After the initial weeks of the basketball season, the team's strengths and weaknesses become evident. There is no bigger strength for the Warriors than Forward Steve Crouse . Crouse has been the leader of the Warriors thus far this year, leading in the points category with 40 after two games. It is, for a large part, his performance which has backed up the team. And he will probably continue in his present role. "I never thought that I would be the high scorer for the team. In fact , I thought the team would be pretty well balanced, which we haven't been. After awhile though I'm sure that the team will balance out," remarked Crouse. The game against Lincoln High was Crouse's first true point explosion as he put together an amazing 20 point first half, out of the entire 28 Warrior points. Crouse was hot hitting from the outside and used it for the totality of his shots. "I wasn't ready for the first game (against Gross), I was a lot more prepared and felt I did better against Lincoln. I played better both offensively and defensively," explained Crouse. Hut he is not yet satisfied with his play and feels that he, along with the rest of the team have a lot to improve on. " I feel that I could play much better especially in our defensive game." Crouse not only feels for his own play but for the whole teams' as well. " I feel that he can win despite our need for a big man," said Crouse, confidently commenting on what has been a serious state of affairs for the Warriors this year. Indeed height , not surprisingly, has hampered the Warriors immensely at the start of the season. Their problems are clearly evident in rebounding, an area of skill which the Warriors have yet to develop fully. A perfect example to identify the problem would be the game with Lincoln, a losing effort for Westside. The game was anticipated to be tough, as feels Crouse, "Lincoln High is probably the best team in Lincoln." But why did Westside buckle under Lincoln?

Immediately the height factor pia Westside. "They had two big guys and were beati1 under the boards because of it. The game loosely reffed and few penalties were Cf this was a disadvantage to us because Lir was drawing more penalties than we under the boards," explained Crouse. Crouse feels that they can win without: man because the team has "a lot of stre and speed, good shooting, and a l attitude." And indeed these qualities have sl: themselves in the Warriors play. The gu perhaps best exemplify the Warriors' speec strength. "Our guards have out hustled our opporso far. For example, in the Lincoln gam forced eight turnovers in the fourth quart1 their ten in the whole game. The forwards take the role as the shoo Says Crouse, "they are the best shooters Westside has ever had." And it is because o team's ability to score that they run a forward offense, which, according to Cn gives the team a greater shooting potenti We'll improve with each game, Crouse on to explain, and we expect to imp immensely on rebounds and freethrows , two areas in which we are struggling then "I think we will definitely be strong con ten in our district when the time comes." Tonight the Warriors will face North' and once again their ability to control th1 man will be tested as Northwest's biggest stands 6'9". "Northwest is really quick they run the fast break a lot. That along their height will make it a tough ga1 predicted Crouse. On into Christmas vacation, the War~ will enter the Holiday tournament. Westsi ranked seventh and will face #16 T.J., a vic would then lead them to meet the winn1 Burke-A.L. If there is OJV! thing going for Crouse anc Warriors it is confidence. Says Crouse wi great deal of pride and enthusiasm, "Be Joo: for us at Lincoln."

Fan enthusiasm: endangered cause by Bob Peterson There appears to be, here at Westside, a movement towards, excuse the worn out, overly used expression, apathy in sports. The prime example, for this season, is basketball, a sport which was at one time the most fan-supporting, enthisiastic event of the school year. One finds it hard to believe that this school at one time housed the fans that prompted Jim Kelter to praise Westside as being one of the most enthusiastic schools. The leading force behind that which used to be excitement was those scurrying little creatures known as the Rat Pack. The surprising fact as the season gets underway is that there fails to be an organized pack. The result is instead of a loud, boisterous, close knit yell, a weak, feeble , spread-out squeak manages to break the air of silence. One of the most shocking events at the games is that afterwards it was learned that the fans could actually stand up, as they headed for the doors. They showed no such ability during the actual contest.

Even the traditional standing before the initial basket was made was somehow forgotten. And even the intensity of the warm phrases which happily greet the opposition has lessened; phrases such as "you turkey" or other quips which are beyond the scope of this story. There have been very few fans this year who have been so worried about the referee's health. In past years the fans have always shouted out to him "Do you need glasses?" Yes, it appears as if the excitement is leaving the game of basketball. Despite efforts by the band and cheerleaders to bring about a fanatic attitude, there seems to be a Jack of continuity through the fans . Chants, such as "Fire up Westside fire up," or "that's four big boy that's four" are becoming an endangered species. Soon, if the trends follow as they have at the beginning of the season, another old, familiar chant may become a perfect phrase for the continuing excitement of basketball, and all sports, Hey, hey, hey, good-bye.

Gymnastics Tom Grevich, would-be ordinary math teacher, has been raised to the high ranking status of coach. This is Grevich's first year at Westside as a teacher and he has taken on the responsibility and frustrations of being the High spirits. Varsity cheerleaders lead a cheer at the pep rally prio leader of the girls gymnastics team. the winter break from schooL This year's 25-woman team has seven returning ..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ starters, four of which Grevich has labeled as standouts. Seniors Nan Crawford, Marsha Kirsten, and Synda Swift, and Junior Catherine Clussey. Grevich has signs of optimism this year, feeling the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. team is probably more talented than last year's, but still is well aware that weaknesses still exist. Burke and Northwest, teams that WestsidefaceJan.13 and Feb. 3, respectively, are the teams cited by Grevich as being the most capable teams this year. But first things first as Grevich and the girls concentrate on their opener with Lincoln High on Jan. 6 at home.


LANCE - December 17, 1976 - Page 11


fans' favorite punching bag

!r since organized sports began, the referee and :e have been the center of attention . Also, a good way :e out frustrations of your team's loss is to heckle a â‚Ź.

ore football season began this season for high school 1, there was a new rule adopted stating you can not ! an opponent by using your head. This was put into tle books in an attempt to cut down on the number of es in football. This penalty was hardly if ever called g the season. the Dec. 4 Warrior basketball game against Lincoln Steve Crouse was practically tackled twice. But the !e did spot the foul once calling it on Crouse. pro sports , referees and umpires still make mistakes . 1e 1975 World Series a call cost one game for the natti Red Sox. The play involved an interference call was never called as Ed Armbrister and Carlton Fisk >ed into each other as Fisk threw the ball into center There were also a number of bad calls made in this s playoff series featuring the Kansas City Royals vs. York Yankees as proved bv the instant replay. a pro football game this season between the Oakland ers vs. Chicago Bears a referee admitted after the ~ he had made a mistake. This mistake cost the Bears ;arne.

ere have been quite a few phrases directed at the ee over the past years like, "You need some glasses," "Where is your seeing eye dog?" These are not the . original phrases directed at the referee but the new can n ot be quoted in a newspaper.

This year for the first time this reporter tried umpiring for Little Leaguers. This reporter will never do it again. You can take the language from the parents, but the kids' language makes the parents look like angels. I was only human. Some fans lately seem to be showing more emotion than just language. In the basketball playoffs last year after the final buzzer had sounded, a referee was attacked by a fan. In last year's pro football playoffs, a referee was hit in the h ead with a bottle thrown by a fan and seriously hurt. "Many people do not realize that we are right about 90% of the time," stressed a referee who desired to remain anonymous. "The langauge is easy to accept once you get used to it, but some people are yelling at me even before the game starts." he said. One of the main problems of the referee is that he doesn't admit he is wrong and won'tchange his mind. One solution mentwned this year is to have a video tape machine on the sidelines to play back the close calls. The main complaint of the referee is that the coaches would wa nt virtually every play played back. ''This system could work if the coaches were reasonable to what they wanted played back," he said. He also stressed the cost would be enormous and could only be used in pro sports. They're only human. Everybody makes mistakes in their profession and in pro sports a wrong call can cost a team money in the long run . They're only human . (aren't they?).


Wrestlers start on right foot On the road to a state championship there are always obstacles , last year' s Westside wrestling team overcame them and won the cha mpionship, this year's team is headed on the same road but the upcoming obstacles of Thomas Jefferson , Millard, and a host of tea ms at the Millard Invitational have to be contended with first. The Warriors have already captured one invitational this year, the North Invitational. They did it by using their depth to the fullest. Although Bob Danenhauer was the o nl y individual champion the Warriors won four second-place medals and four others took third. Warrior Coach Lou Miloni felt it was a good first tournament, "Any time you place nine of 12 wrestlers, it's a good tournament." The nine wrestlers included runnerups Keith Sortino at the 98-pound class , Roger Schwenke at the 145pound class, Jeff Finley at the !55pound class, and at 185-pounds Tom Boyer. Third place finishers were

John Butler at 112-pounds, Greg Marino at 119-pounds, Steve White at 126-pounds, and Mark Estey at 132pounds. The final team standing had Westside in first with 1731/2 points and Thomas Jefferson in second with 100. North west was third, then South , and n ext North rounding out the top five. Westside won by 73 1/2 points but Miloni feels that they have a long way to go, "We 'Btill have a lot to learn. We're certainly not unbeatable." One team that could give them a h a rd time is T.J ., who finished second at the North Invitational. "They have a lot of depth and they are especially tough at 98-pounds," said Miloni. Mter Westside goes to T.J. they come back two days later to wrestle Millard at home. "They are awfully young and they fmished seventh at the Fremont Invitational," said Miloni. Next, on January 8, they wrestle in the Millard Invitational.

WINTER SPORTS SCHEDULE Dec. 17 Dec . 17 Dec. 27-31 Jan . 4 Jan . 4 Jan . 4 Jan . 7 Jan . 7 Jan. 8 Jan . 8 Jan. 11 Jan. 14 Jan. 14 Jan . 14 Jan. 15 Jan. 18 Jan . 18

Boys Swimming Boys Basketball Holiday Tournament Wrestling Boys Basketball Girls Basketball Wrestling Boys Swimming Boys Basketball Boys Swimming Boys Basketball Wrestling Wrestling Boys Swimming Boys Basketball Boys Basketball Wrestling

North at McMillan Northwest (Boys and Girls) At T .J. At Ralston Gross Millard Lincoln High North Ram Relays at Ralston Hastings Bryan Burke Burke, Tech at Burke Burke South at Norris Ryan


in the hot box, Senior Phil Bro and Sophomore Chris Krejci take advantage of a free mod to practice their wrestling technique.


'Athletes' in action WRESTLING- a form of sport in which the opponents struggle hand to hand attempting to throw or force each other to the ground without striking blows. You could call that a good definition of high school and college wrestling but what about the pro circuit, AllStar wrestling. A more suitable defmition for AllStar wrestling could be, "A form of sport in which two opponents struggle fist to fist attempting to hurt or lame each other using any available means. All-Star wrestling is on every Sunday for an hour with seven matches featuring the likes of, World Champion Nick Bocwinkle, Baron Von Rauscke, Mad Dog Vachon, Chief Mavia, Greg Gagne, Jim Brunzell and The Crusher. These well known wrestlers never meet each other on T.V. To see the famous ones wrestle each other you have to pay three to five dollars at the Civic Auditorium about every other Tuesday. On Sunday these greats wrestle tune up matches against men like Kenny Jay and Scrap-iron Kadasky. Whose combined records over the past year is about 0-34. You do see a variety of holds and take down in All-Star wrestling. A few of the favorite holds are, by the hair, the choke and the most popular ''The Claw ." Baron Von Rauscke originated and made "The Claw" famous by using it on Kenny Jay and Scrap-iron Kadasky. A few of the favorite take downs include, the head into the turnbuckle, a swift kick and an occasional punch . Another attraction of All-Star wrestling is the tag team match. This leaves more variety of holds and

takedowns. You can throw the opponent int() the turnbuckles where your partner accidentally puts his knee into the other's gut. Plus they can team up on their opponent, but if you do not break by the count of five your team will be disqualified. Five seconds is nearly enough time to kill a person. Yet another attraction is the interview with a wrestler about his upcoming match. In this interview the wrestler spends 60 seconds reciting the parts of the body he vows to rip off his opponent. There stiil are a few soft hearted and quiet wrestlers during the interview. For example Chief Mavia strumming his guitar, plus Greg Gagne telling about his last experience in the hospital where the doctors told him he could never wrestle again . But, how determination saved his career. Then there is manager of the year Bobby Heneen . What an honor to be manager of the year. You would think it would be a greater honor for Heenen if there was another manager in AllStar wrestling. You could not talk about All-Star wrestling without mentioning the famous Gera-Speed commercial with Joe Zwieback. Joe rambles on so much in that one minute commercial he has to take Gera-Speed himself. One thing about the commercial, you do not forget the product. You can not really call All-Star wrestling, wrestling from the true definition, but what would you call it. They do draw from 2,000 to 2,500 fans every Tuesday. You may say that is not much but that is around $12,000 plus concessions. Not bad for a sport that features two grown men in a "free for all."


Business Administration and Liberal Arts

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Page 12 - December 17, 1976 - LANCE

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January 21, 1977

Vol. 21, No. 9 Westside High School, Omaha, NE 68124

Westside: we almost never close Have you ever wondered what goes on in that building at 87th and Pacific Streets (commonly known as Westside High School), after 3:30p.m. on a weekday? By the looks of the halls, which just one half hour earlier housed some 2400 students plus teachers, paraeducators and others, the school is virtually empty, aside from a few teachers and custodians. The information following should prove that looks are deceiving. According to a report put out by the Westside administration last year, entitled, Westside High School Almost 24 Hour Service, the building is in use 17 hours a day, Monday through Saturday during the school year. The study of the use of Westside was made during the two month period of January 28 to March 30, 1974, and was published the following year. The report stated that during this time, "The minimum of 39,864 adults and students participated in activities both before and after the regular school hours . . 路." It then went on to say that projected nine month estimation of these types of activities "involve at least 179,388 people." Keep in mind that these activities did not include after school practices of the basketball, swimming, wrestling, track and girls' gymnastics teams, which tacks on an additional 1,140 people. Equally important, it was a survey taken two years ago. Now, with the new activities opened to students in the past two years, try to estimate the number of people who use the building in one year. It is still hard to imagine without some more information. Possibly the best place to start is Adult Education. LaNeta Carlock, in her first year as the head of the Adult Education program at Westside, which works in conjunction with Metropolitan Technical Community College, said that approximately 600 adults were involved in the Fall quarter of the program . Adult Education classes are split up into two groups. Some courses are offered on Monday nights, and some on Thursday nights. Approximately 50 courses ranging from Beginning Bookeeeping to Auto Mechanics for Women, are offered to adults, just as a learning experience,

story by Beth Lashinsky .

'TUDENTS participate in a friendly basketball game during

unch mods - top left; Laneta Carlock discusses winter 路egistration of Adult Education - bottom left; student uses Social ;tudies I.M.C. after school for study - right.

as no credit is received for any of the courses taken. During the Fall session, Belly Dancing, Yoga, and Ballet were the three most popular courses offered. For classes such as these, instructors come in to teach, but for the most part, Ms. Carlock said, "We try to get our own teachers." As of the writing of this article, registration for the second session of classes was in progress, therefore, no defmite statistics on it were available. Ms. Carlock did say that it appeared that Microwave Cooking and Gourmet Cooking are going to be among the popular choices for this quarter, and added that more courses are available this session than last. An interesting piece of information is that two years ago, when the last study on building use was made, only 20 classes in Adult Education were available. With nearly 50 in operation this year, the program has more than dm:.bled in the two past years. Of course, Adult Education is not the only activity which attracts many people to Westside, but it does bring in a large portion of the people to the school.

groups (who do not practice religion while in the building). The only time religious services were held in Westside was after the 1975 tornado. At this time, a church in the area which had received damages from the tornado, was allowed to hold services in the auditorium for two or three weeks. A few groups which used Westside in the past, have not asked to use the facilities so far this year for various reasons, said Tangdall. Some of these are the Junior Theatre organization which bought its own building this past year, and a business group that held its meetings in the school. Now that it is obvious that Westside is used by more than just high school students from 8 a.m. to 3:10p.m. from Monday to Friday, another question about the building remains unanswered. That is, what part of Westside is used most by everyone? Tangdall's answer to this is the two gymnasiums. Two years ago, during the two month study period, approximately 4600 people used the gym for recreation, and basketball games. Add to this the various teams that practice in the gyms, and one I


WELCOME VfSlTORS PlEASE CHECK IN AT THE Many other activities, such as adult, family, and open swimming, open recreation for adults, swimming lessons, and meetings of "various isolated groups" are just some of these, according to Dr. James Tangdall, Westside principal. The "various isolated groups" which Tangdall spoke of, include the Nebraska State Parks and Game Commission, who use the building as a place for hunting orientation courses, and some non-profit, service orientated groups, situated in District 66, such as Boy Scouts and church


gets a number somewhere in the area of 6000. Not only are the gyms the most used facility during the nine months of school, it also owns this title during the summer, by being open for weight training, gymnastics, basketball, etc. One cannot forget the swimming pool and its many programs, when thinking of summertime and sporting recreation. Some of the many programs offered at the pool are the family, adult and open swimming mentioned previously, lessons at many times during the year, and of course, swim meets held at the school. One area of the school which is seldom used by anyone other than students, is the football .field. Tangdall said that it has been rented in thepastforsuch things as the UNO Alumni football game and to other schools who need the facility. The basic reason the stadium is not used more, is because it is not artificial turf, and with real grass, such as Westside has, the upkeep is very difficult if it is always in use. The best conclusion to this story comes from the final paragraph ofthe study done in 1974. It says, "So year round from Monday to Saturday, 6:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m., Westside keeps its doors open for not only its 2400 students but for the community at large. Westside High School is not a building for learning only the 3 R's, it's almost a busy Nebraska town."

Page 2 - January 21, 1977 - LANCE

Students find fifties fad favorabl "Get your glad rags on and join me hon .. ."Westside students dug the old skirts and saddle shoes out along with the grease to slick back the hair and participated in the fun-filled 50's day. Fifties day, sponsored by the junior class, was held on Friday, Jan. 14. Students got together in the girls' gym at 9:30 a.m. through lunch mods to stroll and bop to the 50's music. "It was a day full of fun and excitement, and lots of laughs,"

explained senior Jennie O'Sullivan. "I thought it was fun seeing everyone dressed up, but I think more teachers should have participated," stated senior Julie Moore. At 10 a.m. students filed into the boys' gym for the pep rally. Skits and performances were part of the festivities. After the game "Van the Man and the '57 Grease Band" performed. All proceeds went to the Junior-Senior prom.

"I think 50's day is a fun act because it enables you to have a r good time and still concentrat schoolwork," explained senior Westphal. Last year Bicente1 Day did not go over too big, ever likes dressing up in clothes ol

Strings vs. percussion Tae-K wan-Do:

New club at Westside, club members demonstrate

one of art's forms.

Board adopts new calendar With the new calendar for the 197778 school year, students will attend school for 179 days, four days more than required by state law. Monday, Jan. 3, the District 66 School Board members voted on two proposed calendars. The calendar accepted allows for only two snow days as opposed to four. The only other difference is the length and beginning of Winter Vacation. The calendar rejected allowed for Winter Vacation to begin on Thursday, Dec. 22 and last until Jan. 2. The new calendar's Winter Vacation will begin on Dec. 24 and end Jan. 8. Student Advisory Board of Education (S.A.B.E.) members from Westside, Valley and Arbor met with Sharon Clark, assistant superintendent of administration,

SS IMC vandalized Monday, Jan. 10, Westside's Social Studies I.M.C. was broken into, and teachers' desks were vandalized. The copy machine was destroyed, and the lines of the telephones were cut. Police have been called in, but in the opinion of Bill Nelson, social studies teacher, "It won't do any good because there are so many people who could have done it." It is uncertain how access was gained to the I.M.C. since there were no signs of forced entry. The quiet room was broken into also, and books were thrown on the floor. Money was taken out of the check out desk, and some compositions were taken off of one of the teacher's desks. "The only way that they can stop the vandalism , is to put constant police supervision on the school," believes Nelson.

Oregon trip for theatre buffs Have a desire to see Shakespearean, modern and classical plays? Then take a trip this summer to Ashland, Oregon with Richard Bock and Steve Drickey, English teachers at Westside. Leaving on June 14, the group will spend three days driving before

and a representative of the Westside Education Association to discuss the calendars before attending the school board meeting. The S.A.B.E. members had talked with students at their schools concerning the calendars. They found the new calendar the most desirable because it allows two full weeks rather than eleven days for Winter Vacation. This factor was particularly important to Westside because of modular scheduling and the problems created in missing class sections when school is in session for a partial week. In the event that more than two snow days are used, those days will be accounted for during the first part of Spring Vacation. Days missed for any other reason after that will result in extending school beyond June 2.

arriving in Ashland. There they will stay for eight days. During this time they will view six plays, go on tours and lectures and spend time at Crater Lake and the coast, before returning home June 27. Plays that they plan to see are: "Anthony and Cleopatra," "Measure for Measure," "Merchant of Venice," "Henry VI, Part Three," and "A Streetcar Named Desire." The cost of the trip is $225. This price includes round trip transportation, two out of three meals per day in Ashland, the tickets to the plays, lodging, admission to tours, and lectures, Crater Lake, and the beach. Those who go on the trip will receive three English credits.

Music talents honored Five of Westside's outstanding band members have been chosen to participate in Hastings College's annual Honor Band.

"It gives Westside orchestra students an opportunity to play under a well known conductor, and serves as a stimulus for eighth and ninth graders," explained Harold Welch, Westside orchestra director, in reference to the annual orchestra clinic. The clinic, to be held Jan. 25, will be directed by James Latimer, conductor of the Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestra. Latimer, considered one of the finest percussionists in the United States, said in his resume, "I tend to lean heavily on rythmic precision." According to Welch, this will provide, "Qhite a challenge for those in our percussion section."

Usually string players receive the attention from guest conductors, but this year the percussion will be heavily challenged, commented Welch. The program of music selected by Latimer uses a great deal of percussion, Welch stated. Welch believes that the clinic teaches and helps not only the students, but helps him also. "I learn a lot by seeing the students re~pond to the conductor. It is an extra shot in the arm what someone else does with the orchestra." This aids Welch in whether he expects too much or too little from his students. The clinic also

Westside's participants are Terry Jenner, trumpet; Tim Glesmann, alto saxophone; Terri Perrone, bassoon; and Kent Carson and G. R. Laughlin who are principal chair clarinet and trombone respectively. Kathy Westphal, flute; and Laurie Goodenkauf, mallets; are first on the list of alternates. Robert Jenkins, band director, feels that Hastings is a good opportunity for students. "It's really an accomplishment to be a principal chair," he added. Kent Carson is looking forward to Hastings as he said, "I think it will be a lot of hard work but it will be very rewarding."


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Rehearsals will begin on Jan. 28 and will continue at selected intervals until the concert the following night. The 120 band members are selected on the basis of a try-out. Each musician must play a solo, scale, and sight-read music.

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broadens his musical repertoire. Rehearsals with Latimer begin Monday, and will end with a performance Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. for the public in the Westside auditorium . The first practices are closed yet the dress rehearsal Tuesday afternoon is open. The clinic includes all Westside orchestra students and eighth and ninth grade students from the three District 66 junior highs. A little over 100 will participate in the clinic, according to Welch. Future performances of Westside's orchestra are: February, a trip to perform for another school, (not yet finalized), March, accompaniment for the Warrior Voices musical, April22 and 23, district contest, April 30, an orchestra festival in Lincoln, and May 26, the honors concert.

50's days; Little and Cram] join in festivities. 50's," stated Julie. "There were a lot of kids at the hop, there usually is not as go• turnout at the soc-hops, but I g everyone liked the 50's e explained Jeannie.

Title li-C grants requestet Federal funds are being considered for the district. The continuation of Title IV -C federal grants are being considered for renewal. There are three programs included in the districts use of these funds, according to Niels Wodder, the assistant superintendent of research and evaluation. The early identification of learning disabilities program is applying for a demonstration grant. This has been a program used primarily for kindergarten through second grade students. "It is designed to spot any audio or visual disabilities that create problems in students' learning. This program has been under federal development grants for three years. "A team of analysts will be sent in the spring to validate the program," said Wodder. The grant of thirty thousand dollars which must be applied for by Jan. 15, will be used for equipment. Futurism is another program that would receive money from these grants. The program is in its second year at Arbor Heights Junior High School. The program has started to move into Westbrook Junior High. It teaches future ideas in English, science, and social studies courses . A development grant of 15 thousand

dollars has been requested. money would be used to buy h and other materials. Humanities is the other prog operated with Title IV-C grants.' program is also in its second ye~ has been primarily used at v~ View Junior High, but is expanding to Westbrook. Humanities is taught in connec with English courses. New film sl and tapes would be purchased iJ 45 thousand dollar developr grant is awarded. These programs were forrr operated as Title III projects until year.

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The Marine Corps teaches valuable technical skills, just like any other service. Now, what makes us different: PRIDE .. . TRADITION .. . TRAINING .. .

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LANCE - January 21, 1977 - Page 3

Europe goes to Westside - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - b y Rick and Margaret red by the recent Westside Europe program, a similar has been designed for the of European high school ts. The new Europe Goes to ie program is scheduled to ;econd semester. Participants .vel throughout the buidling to •nee the many facets of the It is expected that at least 12 ts with unlimited financial :es and nothing better to do will sometime during our lengthy er break . ling for our foreign friends will ; of tents pitched around a lly located camp fire on the :e field . In case of severe d conditions, cots will be ed in the loge for a small ma l fee . following is a copy of the travel ure supplied to interested ;urers. J

.OPE GOES TO WESTSIDE iUE NCE IT! .d 18 glorious weeks in another Meet the natives! Learn the customs! Explore the many ~ region s contained within one ock! Bring your camera! tour will begin in Room 217 . See racy in action as you attend a m eeting . You will be amazed at avy weight decisions made by e l ec t e d representatives! nber , n o flash cubes allowed. .rds may be bought outside the Jr a small a dditional fee . reling n orth. to the band room,

music lovers will appreciate the fine talent, friendly people, and delicious fruitcake. Souvenir cakes and candles are offered at a small additional fee. All proceeds go to the Retirement Home for Aged Clarinet Players Fund (RHACPF). Eat in the world famous Cafe Westside! Sample gourmet flavors from the kitchens of Kitty Clover, Hostess, and Fairmont. Travelers are asked to supply their own bottled water. Lunch will be followed by a relaxing afternoon of shopping. Be certain to wear comfortable shoes to browse the spacious Book Store. Shoppers will be thrilled with the large selection and low, low prices. Later that evening take a moonlight stroll on the overpass. Bring a friend so that you may encompass the full effect of this magnificent view of West Omaha. Attend the annual sail boat races held a t Lake Westside, located in the annex. These fantastic racers come from throughout the district junior highs. Bets will be taken no later than 20 minutes before each race. You musn't miss the excitement of chlorine on wet tiles. Momentoes, consisting of peanuts, and miniature sailboats may be obtained at a small a dditional fee . Don't miss the thrills and chills of our Daily Demolition Derby! Smell burning rubber! See metal bend! The constant cracking of human bones! All located in south parking lot.


Journey to the dark recesses of a Westside restroom. Discover ancient hieroglyphics. Delve into the minds of past prophets. Those without parent or guardian must be 17 or over to attend. From there you safari through the wilds of the Animal Room. Bag a Bunny Rabbit! Make the coyote nervous! Befriend an oppossum! Remember to purchase a bag of Pruina Porcupine Chow on your way out. Pickled cats in the adjacent Zoology room may be viewed for a small additional fee. All this and more can be yours for a mere $5,273.41 (not including transportation, food, tent accommodations, and souvenirs).

And here we have the magnificent cafeteria, famous for its picturesque scenery and soothing atmosphere.

Use of lfillersl impedes teaching process When the time arrives that students must select their courses for the upcoming year, many find themselves lacking the required 25 credit hours per semester. To remedy this deficiency, numerous students indulge in the dubious practice of selecting a mini-course for the sole purpose of filling the gap. While no standard definition has been set down by the administration, mini-courses are usually thought of as those having one or two credit hours per semester and meeting once or twice a week. They are intended to be compact courses concerning student-interested areas that instructors feel are important but don't merit a full course. The use of "filler courses" has reached its peak in two courses offered by the social studies department- Current Events and Westside High School. These courses were instituted as a resu It of complaints from many students that the two topics were not discussed enough in regular courses.

Bill Nelson, social studies department head, described the situation in one Current Events class: "There are a few who are vitally interested, and then there are a bunch of others who really don't want to be there ... which makes the course tough to teach." Nelson theorized that many students use these courses as :·tillers" because they are not enrolled in other social studies courses. Therefore, advisors and counselors suggest one of the two courses in order to "round out" a student's schedule . Therein lies the problem. Advisors and counselors seeking to provide a student with a well-balanced schedule, although meaning well, succeed only in supplying the student with "fillers" he dislikes or which have little educational value. Rather than impairing the learning and teaching processes by taking such a course he finds uninteresting, a student would be better off to enroll in additional courses in his same interest area.


L - - -_ _

Americans may soon experience a major shock as coffee prices continue to rise. While many drinkers will soon be priced totally out of the market, other consumers are organizing boycotts to force Brazil and Columbia

·udents role limited in scheduling system the past five years, computers have med an increased amount of control over lives. In most cases, computers are ;pensable to the area in which they are zed , for they possess incomparable anizational, standardizational and putational skills . However, they cannot be ;tive when personal preference comes into , and this is the case with the present Jduling system . Students should be given privilege, that they have been denied by puter regulation, to layout their own ~dules.

1ere are four basic steps to the current 1pletion of student scheduling . First, ents choose the courses they want to take sign these up with their counselors. Second, data is sent into a computer which Jrmines the number of sections for each rse. Third, a master schedule is manually ted from the information from the computer, finally, the master schedule is sent into the 1puter which organizes student's individual adules. i nce the computer organizes the vidualized schedules, students have no Jt in the layout of their own schedule. To edy this situation, and to increase the

students' role in education, it is necessary to devise a type of scheduling system in which students could layout their own schedules. The card pull system, which is utilized by Burke High School, Millard High School and most Universities, is such a system. There is only one basic difference in the card pull system with the system that is currently in use. After the master schedule is complete, students and their teacher advisor sit down and make out their schedules by hand. Students are chosen on some rotational method (alphabetical order, etc.) to decide which students have priority in course and time selection. Thus, with the card pull system students could arrange their schedule to meet personal preferences such as blocking classes in the morning or afternoon for job commitments, sleeping late, being released early or simply spreading the classes throughout the school day. To have an effective educational system, students must have a voice in the governing process. Providing students with the opportunity to layout their schedules by initiating the card pull system can be one step, if taken, to improve our education.

to lower their prices. What they fail to account for is the enormous dependency Americans have for the beverage , and the severe consequences of going without it. First of all, the physical consequences of a coffee-drinking caffme-addict can most likely be equated to those experienced by a drug-addict on other stimulants. Even so, imagine the social implications. The coffee break would become an endangered species. Can you imagine a chocolate milk break? Maybe prune juice? What about the Girls Scouts? What will they use for their p::ojects? How about coffee-can puddle-jumpers? The childhood of our youth will never be the same. And what about the frizzy-haired young ladies of America. How will they survive without one pound coffee

cans to roll their Jocks on? The nation's women would suddenly bear strong resemblance to Cousin It. What would careless waitresses spill on customer's laps? What would people dunk their stale donuts in? What would become of the coffeecake? Think of poor Mrs. Olson. What will become of her when the phrase "mountain grown" becomes obsolete? No longer will she magically appear at every breakfast table and dinner party to save the day. She could become a manic-depressive. Who will take responsibility when people's Jives are altered by the Jack of this precious drink? Coffee is essential to American life. Like it or not, coffee-producing countries have Americans wrapped around their little fingers. And with America's terrible desire for coffee, they will for some time to come. Anyone for a spot of tea?

Westside's LMoa is published bi-weekly by the Lance staff for the students and faculty of Westside High School , 87th and Pacific St., Omaha, Nebraska, 88124. Westside's L8noa is a member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, the Nebraska High School Press Association and the National Scholastic Press Association . The paper is given free of charge every other Friday after 1 p.m. Subscription rates are $3.00 post-paid. Non-profit mailing rates claimed . Printed by Wright Printing Co., 13426 B St., Omaha. Co-edlton . .... Margaret Kane, Rick Pantoga Edltort•l editor ... .. .. . .... Brenda Moskovits Aut. edltort•l edHor ......... . . Dan Goldman Editorial writer ... Brent Bierman N. . . edHor ................ Connie Schleich Aut. n... edHor . . . . . .. . .... . .. . Steve Maun N. . . wrHen . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Kirsten Karnett, Beth Lashinsky , Robyn Nichols, Jenny Welch F..ture editor .. .. . . .... Kathy O'Hara Aut. fe•ture editor . ....... Mary Zimmerman

F..ture wrlten ... . Lisa Kaplan . Kim Nilsson. Sharon Shanks, Kathy Sherlock Bualnesa m.,eg., ...... . . . .... Terri Perrone Sporll editor ...... ......... . . . Bob Peterson Sporll wrtten .. ........ Bill Saint, Bob Sturm Artlsta ...... . . . Sheri Bendorf, Dan Goldman Photognophen ... . ... . .. . . Jennifer Erickson and Marty Wells Advisor . .. ....... . .. ...... . .. . John Hudnall

Page 4 -January 21, 1977 - LANCE

'Your safety is our concern'

Policemen strive to fulfill their motto by Mary Zimmerman Disrespect for police officers? Poor citizen cooperation in the fight against crime? The Community Relations Division of the Omaha Police Division, State Senator Ernest Chambers, and the Mayor's Task Force on Police and Community Relations are all working through different channels to achieve better relationships between policemen and

Operation Identification programs, 11nd 198 Ride-along nights." (A Ridealong night consists of three or four citizens age 19 or older accompanying officers on their rounds.) "Altogether we reached 157,457 people," said Sieborg. "We try to sell the police division and its protection and safety programs." Lecturing is probably the most familiar and obvious form of public

when actual contacts with the police are rude and discourteous," continued Chambers. "The police have to realize that they must obey the laws, and treat others as they would want to be treated," said Chambers. He concluded that a policeman cannot make a person forget injustices done to him by offering him an identification program for his valuable. Last February the Mayor's Task Force on Police and Community Relations filed its report. It included recommendations geared to improve relationships between the police and the public. According to Sieborg, the task force allowed for input from many different groups of people. " Some of the suggestions were impractical, some were already being done, and others would be instituted if there was an increased supply of manpower or money," said Sieborg. At the present time the police force is understaffed, and there are only about 40 cruisers on the streets of Omaha each shift.


Police officers advise citizens in the main lobby of Police Headquarters at 15th and Howard. The building also includes jail and criminal investigation facilities. citizens. Working on the itfth floor of police headquarters are the men of the Community Relations Division. While these officers aren't the men of Dragnet or the Rookies, their job is equally important. The duty of these officers is to remind the public that the police division's major concern is for the protection of the citizen's life and property. "We have 1,278 programs and 17 officers involved in policecommunity relations," said Sergeant Bob Sieborg. "Last year we gave 673 lectures, 220 tours, operated a mobile crime protection unit, had 115

relations. A public relations officer visited an American Government large group in December. "All of the lecturers have worked on the street, and are told to respond honestly to questions," continued Sieborg. "However, the first and most lasting impression citizens form of police officers is usually with the traffic cop who stops them." State Senator Ernest Chambers agrees that it is the policeman on the street who makes the lasting impression. "The public relations programs only sugar-<:oats a cancer," said Chambers. "The programs are peripheral and superficial things

How do your after-graduation plans compare with those of other high school seniors? If you are like many high school seniors, your aftergraduation plans still are pretty much up in the air. You 've thought about trying to find a job. You 've considered going on to school. Or, maybe you 've explored the possibility of getting some sort of job that will enable you to go to school part time. Whatever you're considering, you'll probably be interested in comparing your possibilities to opportunities other seniors found open to them. Can you check "yes" to at least five of the following as also being in your future plans? BENEFIT


Guaranteed job Goodpay Help to continue education First-class job training Travel possibilities Advancement opportunities Four-weeks vacation to start




Beautiful music reverberated through the halls of Westside as tenor Neil Rosenshein and conductor Donald Voorhees visited the Westside High music departments. Rosenshein appeared through Opera/ Omaha, and Voorhees through a lucky break from Creighton University. As an Affiliated Artist, Neil Rosenshein's role is to reach people who for some reason have not been exposed to Opera. He communicates to his audience through an informance, another name for a short informal performance. From his vast repertoire, Rosenshein chose an aria from the Messiah as well as other songs from well known operas and musicals to entertain the students. Later during the informance the audience learned that Rosenshein was born and reared in New York. He first got "turned on to music" when he heard the Messiah performed at Carnegie Hall by the


lack of funds, but would resume if funding were renewed." The situation of a police sponsored and directed week of summer camp for inner city kids was similar- not enough money or manpower. Other suggestions were met with approval. "The additions of new police equipment, including bulletproof vests, have already saved a couple of lives," said Virgil Rohlff, Vice Chairman of the task force. The suggestion concerning recruitment and testing of minority policemen was not so successful. The task force asked for testing centers in both North and South Omaha, and

Morman Tabernacle Choir. He added that he has just finished soloing with the Boston Symphony doing the very same piece. Rosenshein explains, "I started singing when I was 16, flrst doing choral music and then deciding I wanted to study seriously. I use to go to the Juilliard School of Music preparatory division on Saturday afternoons . I started out singing contemporary and folk music, but once I discovered opera, I got the bug!'' Rosenshein has done countless numbers of Operas and once appeared with Beverly Sills in La Traviota. Rosenshein adds, "I was the guy who jumped up on the table and did the Spanish dance." "Music is uni versa!, explains Rosenshein, the langauges used are not as important as the mood the music creates, the most important thing is to be sincere in your music." Rosenshein will be appearing in

the police complied. Classes wl prepared prospective officers for test were also offered at Techr High School by the police diviE "Mter the first few weeks, no came to the classes," repo Sieborg. "Everyone on the task f learned," said Rohlff. "We gain• better understanding of the t community." Sieborg believes main achievement was to awa people to what is already bt accomplished by the police divis Chambers points to the problem police-<:ommunity relations wl remain unsolved.



Opera / Omaha's Merry Wid February 10 and 12. Donald Voorhees is a g1 conductor of symphonys orches1 around the country . Perh conducting the orchestra on the 1

Donald Voorhees


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Sieborg organizes police efforts to involve the community in cril prevention and safety programs.

Famous musicians inspire

Nosegays, corsages, bouquets, Hallmark cards and assorted gifts

If you didn't check "yes" to at least five of the above, you owe it to yourself to find out how you can. Many young men and women just like yourself found all these benefits in today's Army, and you may be surprised at what today's Army can offer you . For a chance to make some after-graduation plans you really can look forward to, call now to arrange a no-obligation interview with your local Army representative. Call :

One suggestion made by the task force was to reinstate the Police Athletic League. The league consisted of teams of students from each grade level of the poorer elementary schools. Each team was coached by two policemen. "The league was great!" exclaimed Sieborg. "It had to be discontinued three years ago due to

BEHIND THE SCENES- Community Relations Officer 1


C16LVIN R_!:).

Bell Telephone Hour on radio ; then on television was his rr famous achievement. Jascha Heifetz, famous violir was among the distinguished art that Voorhees directed under. In his visit with the West! orchestra, Voorhees listened on w: Director Harold Welch conducted Orchestra. Voorhees's comments were uso in the betterment of the orchestrE Voorhees shared some of his I with the audience while he and WE "chewed the fat." They talked Voorhees's days with the 1 Telephone Hour and some of famous artists he came to kr personally. He explains how convinced flutist Fritz Kriesler appear on the show. Before, Krie1 refused to do any television.

LANCE - January 21, 1977 - Page 5

Exploring childhood a practical experience by Kim Nilsson

Texaco - an operation largely run by on-the-job Westside !es.

HS Texaco: a start sa Kaplan tch student has a right to an ttion fitting his or her own s, interests and abilities." Dr. H. Vaughn Phelps superintendent District 66 s is the goal of the Westside School Texaco station. The Jn combines business and ing aspects in a "real life ;ion ." It's an extensive learning !S S which involves actual icipation . " There is no .ation," explained Dick Rezak, uctor and manager at the m . "It's a very risk-oriented :onment , if we work with one who does not know what doing we may have to spend !Y to correct his mistakes. There :Jre pressure on the student to 1ce."

ere are many other aspects of ,ing a station other than tanical. This is where the office pation classes at Westside :nes involved. All bookwork is aged by students. The station works with the Special :ation Department. Students in

the department are offered a workable skill. This gives them a sense of responsibility. The station also works with Metro Tech adult education. Rezak feels the station is a good learning experience for whatever career a student chooses to pursue. He feels the exposure to people is useful in any business, and for students who may want to get a job in this type of work it is particularly useful. All employers want to hire people with experience and this is one valuable way to get that experience. In order to get my information for this story I decided to have my own first-hand experience. When I walked into the station on that Friday morning, I began to feel the pressure Rezak had told me about. I was quite apprehensive. "What am I doing h ere? I don 't know where a gas tank is, let alone fill it! Whose idea was this story anyway? What if they have to pay for my mistake!" Luckily, they realized my skills(?) and asked me to observe Rick, an employee-student. His first assignment consisted of patching a hole in a tire. Then came the first customer, and I found I did have one skill required at a gas station . I became official window cleaner.

I began teacher assisting at District 66's Early Childhood Education Center with eagerness and ambition. Working as a teacher assistant was an opportunity offered to me through Child Development, a course I was taking. The Early Childhood Education Center is located at 1305 So. 90 and serves as the district's preschool for three and four-year-<>lds. Children attending the school pay tutition and are enrolled in either morning or afternoon sessions two, three, or five days per week. I was assigned to work at the school on Fridays from 10:20 - 11:30 a.m. When I arrived at the school the first day I was surprised to find that it was a regular house turned into a school. Inside the rooms had been turned into large, informal learning areas, a playhouse, an art room and a quiet room. There was also a kitchen where the children took turns helping to prepare their snacks. The children were usually just beginning to clean up from their art or play activities when I would get there. They were expected to be sure that everything was put away right. Their enthusiasm at doing such a job amazed me. It was something I would have groaned at, had I had to do it. After that came "talking time." This was a time where the children developed skills when "P. Moony" came to visit. They also discussed events such as the Bicentennial and how it affected each of them. Snack time was always a big event. Snacks included things like celery, soup, and peanut butter sandwiches to expose them to a wide variety of foods. Following snacks the teacher would read or they would see filmstrips about helpers within the community. From week to week it se&med the children would always choose the same book without tiring of it. Their teacher remarked to me once, "You can always tell their favorite books. They're the ones with the worn out bindings." As the weeks went by the children

rJntz compliments Sharpe in invitational; wimmers take contest held at Ralston te swim team which outscored :oln East by 20 points took the 1 championship, while Lincoln ;heast and Creighton Prep were far behind in the competition ;h was held Saturday, Jan. 8 in Ra m Invitational Swim Relays at

Prep won four . Both teams also set four records.

Record settings In the swim meet there were some record-settings by two individuals, Chuck Sharpe swam 1:43.4 in the 200 freestyle leg and also finished :4 7.4 in the 100 freestyle , and Rick Jenkins from Prep which was timed in :56.6 on a 100 backstroke leg. "We did what we planned to do in which a lot of our swimmers swam pretty good. We are now getting a good idea of what to expect at State," said Coach Cal Bentz commenting on his boys' performances this year.

the best times we can. If everybody can meet their goal, we will really do well in the State competition," concluded Coach Bentz. The next opponent for the swim team is Benson next Friday here at Westside.

got to know me and would argue over who should get to sit by me. The experience is one I will always treasure. Each week the children seemed to have grown a little wiser and I feel that in a little way I had helped them get there. Even their little accomplishments were such big ones. In the hope of providing more people with this type of experience, the Home Economics Department offered a new course this year, Exploring Childhood, taught by

"HANDS ON." Junior Jenny Armstrong gains "hands on" experience while reading to children at District 66's Early Childhood Education Center.

Netters undefeated thus far After just one year in girls' basketball Westside has already put themselves in contention for a possible state title. The improvement looks even brighter next year as the girls' JVhas compiled a 4-0 record so far. Girls' JV Coach Lois Edmonds is concerned about the long layoff of the team over the vacation as they have not played in almost a month. "The girls are anxious" said Ms. Edmonds.

Injury tests depth One other concern of Ms. Edmonds is the loss of one of their star players in Dixie Dawson. Ms. Dawson will be out the rest of the season with a broken wrist. Ms. Dawson will be replaced byMaryJoPalmosano, who Ms. Edmonds is very high on. "The

don't get left out of the picture.

Strong competition


lior Bob Westphal mentally :pares to execute his dive 路ing a practice session.

ston High School. he swim team placed only in one nt which was the 400 individual :Hey relay, but had enough fmishes place first wit h a score of 302 nts. Southeast won five events and

In the meet Bentz felt Prep and Lincoln Southeast were strong and had a lot of potential. Also, Bentz felt that Lincoln East, who placed second, was also strong. Chuch Sharpe was the only swimmer on the team to break a record at the meet. Bentz feels the team is making good progress, but they still have a long way to go, since there are still seven weeks left of the season. Bentz's expectations of his swimmers this season is really not important. It's more important for the athletes to set their own expectations. "Our plan in making State is to set

James Soucie Photography 10917 Elm Street

Call now for an appointment,


Hester Anderson, home economics instructor. The course is open to juniors and seniors who have taken Child Development, and have the instructors' permission . The 22 students in the course this semester were the first qualified students to register for it, according to Ms. Anderson . The course holds two SOminute labs a week at the preschool and a large group . The course is in experimental stages this year. It will be offered again next year.

injury hurts us but I think we have the depth to continue our winning ways," assured Ms. Edmonds. With the JV girls compiling a 4-0 record so far, there is hope for even more improvement. FORMAL WEAR BY

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Page 6- January 21, 1977- LANCE

Westside performance up; height unchange1 Playing number one rated North emotions of the Warrior team and fans began to show even before the start of the game.

Mike McGee spectacular Fans were all set to watch the man they had all heard about, who was averaging 40 plus points a game. Warrior coach Tom Hall calls him the best high school basketball player he has ever seen. The player is Mike McGee. McGee started slow, after hitting his first shot of the game he then proceeded to miss the next six shots in the first quarter. "It takes a while for him (McGee) to get warmed up, and he had not seen this type of defense," commented Coach Hall. McGee's inability to hit early was evident on the scoreboard as Westside held an 188 lead after one period.

II ·--r

• SQUIRES INSPIRE team at Fifties Day rivalry with Bulldogs.

Hot McGee Then the second quarter began and McGee adapted a very irritating habit, hitting 25-foot shots. "We did what we wanted, we made him shoot from the outside, and he only had one offensive rebound," stressed Coach Hall. McGee totaled 19 in the second period as North took a 35-28 halftime lead. Westside played even in the third quarter as both teams added 14. Going into the fmal period North lead 49-42. But in the fmal period McGee got hot again as North pulled away with a 71-52 victory. For the night McGee hit 21 of 44 tries and scored 45 points to lead the victory.

Hastings clash Going into the Hastings game the next night the main problem in the

season had been rebounding. But on this night the Warriors out rebounded Hastings by six. Even by eliminating their biggest problem thus far the Warriors lost on fouls as Hastings outscored Westside from the line 19 to 8. With 54 seconds left in the game with the score 56-56, Mike Mackie fouled Rick Rader of Hastings to give Rader a one-and-one. Rader converted the first one-and-one, and a technical shot called on Mackie to make the score 58-56. Mackie also fouled Rader with 10 left to make the final margin of victory 59-56. Mackie led all scorers with 20 in Westside's most balance scoring attack of the season as Tim Ingram added 10, John Pflug and Tom Thurmond 9, and Steve Maun 8.

Losses disappointing These two losses back to back were

disappointing, but Coach Hall called them the best games the team has played all season and hopes it continues. Tonight the Warriors will have to win by a run-away margin, as they meet Tech, at Westside. Tech has, thus far, been a team struggling to make it through the year, compiling an 0-8 record. "His team was leading Lincoln High 56-54 with one second to play when one of his players was fouled. Hall leaped up - he says in exultation, the officials say to argue, that the foul was intentional, which would give Westside two free throws instead of one- and was zapped with a technical foul for leaving the bench illegally. The Westside player was awarded two free throws and Hall arose again to argue that he was within his rights the first time he stood up . Zap.

Another technical. The Westside player missed both his free tries. The Lincoln player converted both the technicals. The game was tied and Lincoln went on to win in overtime 6259. Sit down, Tommy." This quote which appeared in the Jan . 12, 1976 issue of Sports Illustrated has become the trademark of Coach Tom Hall. And in fact, when one stops to reflect upon the matter, it is quite an accomplishment for a mere high school coach to reach such a high pinnacle of national fame. "We can !aught at it now but at the time it was a painful experience. It hurt the whole team. It was a game taken away from us, the article took a long time to recover from. So perhaps the nightmare did accomplish one thing, a unique opportunity for the fan to gain some insight into the emotional characteristic of Hall. This is the man, after all, who stated that the most vital factor for succeeding in coaching is "a genuine concern for the players." So indeed the seven-year Westside coach shows a grand quality of warmth and dedication towards the game. Hall can even look back at the series of events concemingtechnicals and whimsically joke, "I've managed to go through this year without a technical, and in the same breath add, "they've changed the penalty to two free shots." "Quickness, size and shooting," explained Hall, now revealing the formula for the production of a

powerful club. In a quick compa of this year's squad tothecriterif fmds the team lacking only or point, and that point is a surpri no one, size. And Hall is as willi admit the weakness as is the r1 the team. "We have great kids wh very talented, our size just w< against us. But you can't just m : 6' 10" kid appear, so we do our with what we've got." But ad with an airofconfidencewhichs to prevail in Hall's character, kids are gaining confidence, know that they can play agains1 taller team." But looking back over the year St. Mary's of Winona, Minn . ex-< has had over-all success and bll memories. But each rose ha: thorns, and the sharpest most pa one to Hall is of course the shoe tum-around game against Linc1 The height of his coaching ca The year says Hall would have '73. A year which saw Westsid through the state playoffs and I the ultimate finals. On the way t finals Westside pulled off one of greatest victories dumping Central. But once again the War ran into another thorn, falling 1 in a game Hall feels certain the:v the ability to win, losing to Rurr But win or lose Hall, as a · coach in basketball and an assif in football, has helped Wes become dominant in both sports Hall seems to stay out of the 1 spotlight. Perhaps it is time for h rise and take his bow . Stand up, Tommy.


Second place at Millard satisfying Warriors will be up against the rest of the year. Coach Miloni described it as "pretty close." With the Burke Invitational and Bellevue coming up, the next two matches could provide tough competition and a tune up for state.


....::) (.) ~




w w



The Beautorium




Westside wrestler battles toward a victory.

Going into the Millard Invitational, favored and defending champion Westside had a little extra pressure and were the team everybody was after. Westside did finish well with 123 points, but that was four less than winner Bellevue. Bellevue did need help from a new rule to assure the victory. Westside's Tom Boyer wrestled to a 2-2 overtime tie with Papillion's Steve Cooley. Cooloy was awarded the victory because the new rule states the first person to score in the overtime wins. The rule was designed to take some of the pressure off of the referees. "I am a firm believer of the old decision where three officials decide," commented Coach Lou Miloni. Not winning was a different situation for the wrestlers, but asked if coach Miloni was satisfied with his team's performance he was quick to reply, "yep." As the four point margin showed it was a close match but even closer than some realize. In six Warrior matches the margin of victory was either decided in the last period or a one point margin.

Westside had two individual champions in John Butler at 112, and Roger Schwenke at 145, both by decisions. The two second place finishers were Mark Estey at 132, and Tom Boyer at 185. The closeness of the finishes for the top ten teams proved what the

98 pounds-John Shearer, Northwest 105 pounds- Phil Pesasale, Northwest 112 pounds- John Butler, Westside 119 pounds- Randy Glur, Columbus 126 pounds- Ryan Huafman, Burke 132 pounds- Bob McCaw, Bellevue 138 pounds- Randy Schlensig, Ralston 145 pounds- Roger Schwenke, Westside 155 pounds- Sidney Richard, Tech 167 pounds- Dan Hassel, Bellevue 185 pounds- Steve Cooley, Papillion HWT pounds- Bob Ring, Northwest

.... ::) (.) ~



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·ib notes or shirt sleeves, which works? e dreaded words have just been . You're having a pop quiz and ln't read the assignment. You :1lly look to see who is in the •at. Good, it's the class brain. she's read the assignment, and 's just a quiz you can "borrow" mswers. Does this scene seem .r? Can you honestly say you .ever ''borrowed" answers on •ork, quizzes or tests? Its from a poll taken at ie, including 75 sophomores, , and seniors showed that all copied answers on daily work; copied on quizzes and minor :4 had cheated on major tests s semester finals; and none of > admitted to copying on ~ment or college tests.

ine t actually could one determine 1ting? Mike Crabbs, guidance lor , stated, "There is a fine line n where a student gets help friend or just copies answers." s believes if no explicit ms are given by the teacher, if working with a classmate a t can learn and develop an tanding. Yet if the teacher cally directs an assignment be lone, receiving answers from a .ate gives a student an unfair tage, and therefore is cheating. ce I was in school, the meaning tting has changed. The schools ore lax on th e way work is ~d . such as group projects," said

Peg Johnson, dean of girls. Ms. Johnson believes that students today have no idea of the seriousness of cheating. "Get the assignment in and don't think of the consequences," is the attitude students take, she added.

Keeping up with friends "The feeling is more restrictive of what one can define as cheating today, than yesterday," said James Findley, vice principal. "There certainly is cheating in classes at Westside, yet it is controlled by the classroom teacher," Findley added. "There is less tolerance today of cheating by parents and people in general," he said. There is no overall policy for dealing with students caught cheating at Westside. Punishment is usually left to the teacher , according to Findley. Ms. Johnson commented that the problem most of the time is dealt with on an individual student-teacher basis. Ordinarily an 8 is given for the assignment, yet last year several cases involved a parent conference in which the decision whether or not to drop the class was made. Cheating on major tests, such as achievement and the ACT, SAT, and PSAT, is very rare according to Lynn Hansen , guidance counselor. Hansen attributes this to the close supervision of the tests and the student is pressed for time to complete the tests.

Findley commented that the individual student is expected to be somewhat responsible during these tests since testing facilities are not adequate. Students are more apt to cheat on achievement than college tests according to Crabbs. This is because students take the college tests much more seriously. Crabbs cited only a few problems in the past of cheating on college tests, in which students brought materials with them such as calculators, dictionaries, tables of numbers, and books. To eliminate any cheating, Crabbs added , the desks used are cleaned and the proctors make sure only the test booklets and answer sheets are used. If a student is caught cheating on a test, (which is extremely hard to prove), a letter is sent along with the test to the testing company. The

company then decides whether the test should be corrected and recorded, said Crabbs . The reasons behind cheating are as diverse as the methods. ''The basic motives are pressure the individual student might be feeling. Such as getting into college, receiving a better grade, or keeping up with friends, " Crabbs said. Findley attributes cheating to different pressures, and a "fear of failure" by the student.

Parents put on pressure Ms. Johnson believes it is basically parental pressure. This makes the student feel he can not come home with less than the top, Johnson said. "It is not a desire to cheat by the student; rather the parents' high expectations and pressure; they want to get into a certain school; and they

fear that the student might not get what he wants in the future," said Hansen. "I cheat on such things as daily work and tests because I want to get a good grade and sometimes I just don 't feel like doing the work," said a Westside senior. "I feel that if I really respect a teacher, I won't cheat in his class. Yet ifl don't respect the teacher, cheating doesn 't bother me, " a student commented. "I feel strongly against cheating. It really upset me when I found that after studying two hours for an English final, someone stole the test and it wasn't counted. It made me mad that something I didn't do affected my final grade," a Westside junior said. Cheating at Westside is not as extreme as other problems, yet as Crabbs said, "It hurts the student in the long run."

Vol. 21, No. 10 Westside High School, Omaha, NE 68124, February 11. 1977

ueer plus education basis for service academy award :e are various

awards and rships presented to graduating s. One such award is the :e academy scholarship.' The Ish ip enables a student to go to -year college and then on to a in a branch of military service. LO,OOO students apply for such Iships and only an estimated students are accepted into the tm. Westside senior, Richard ) W, was notified early this year acceptance.

• application first started the application >s when I was a freshman ," l Rick Winslow. "You have to 1letter to a congressional source .h ey are the ones to nominate I sent my letters to former ressman John McCollister, :or Carl Curtis, and retired :or Roman Hruska. From there ll out forms and send test scores, cripts and medical reports. After

the long process of applying you are then informed of your acceptance," explained Rick.

Enlistment for service Rick will be going to the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland for college. All four years of school are paid for and a monthly allowance is a lso given . "After completing the requirements for your specific major, and graduation, you must then enlist for five years in the service," explained Rick. "It is possible to get out of the service after the first two years, after that you are obligated to remain in," said Rick. "You can be thrown out or be suspended from school and you must maintain a 2.0 average," stated Rick. Rick will leave for Maryland on July 6, for six weeks of basic training. Basic training includes physical co nditioning , small arms fire

Inside this issue: fED results up ..................................... page 2 ohnny can't add ................................... page 3 ~una way,

the real truth ................... page 4, 5

'ransportation .................................. page 4, 5 ~nergy

crisis ......................................... page 6

Vrestling for first ................................. page 7 ntramurals compete ............................. page 8

training, sailing and navigation techniques along with just simply getting used to the military life style. "The first year is called the "plebe" year, during this time you are treated like the low man on the totem pole," exp lai n ed Ri ck . "Yo u h ave to continually salute and say "yes, sir," and " no, sir," you must walk square corners, make sure everyone has started eating before you and you have little vacation and liesure time. The longer you are in school the more free time and monthly allowance you receive, stated Rick. "During the first year the education program is pretty well structured. I will be taking general courses," said Rick. "Later on I will take classes that will aim towards my bachelor's degree in engineering," explained Rick.

A challenge In the summer between the freshman and sophomore year a cruise is set up so students can get a more detailed insight to naval life. Students serve and live with enlisted men for six weeks. The students learn simple and basic techniques of naval operation. During the summer of the sophomore and junior year a tour is arranged to learn more about the four major areas of the Navy; aviation, submarine, the fleet, and the marines. Everything learned is put to use the summer after the junior year when the students go on a naval cruise and work as junior officers. Later on students take command as Naval officers . "I am really excited to go, I realize it will be difficult, but it really is a challenge ," states Rick. " My freshman year will be extremely hard, trying to get in the basics, but I am looking forward to it. You have to want to go. I will be getting an education as well as a start on my career," stated Rick.


Rick Winslow was awarded a service academy scholar ship to a Naval Academy.

Page 2 - February 11, 1977 - LANCE

1 Changes in ITED's; scores rise Tommy -a first for Westside


Westside's student advisory board (SAB) will present the movie 'Tommy' on Tuesday , Feb. 15. The movie will be a double-feature. A short cartoon will be shown before 'Tommy.' 'Tommy' is a bizarre tale of a little boy who witnessed the murder of his fther. He grows up deaf, dumb and blind . Gradually he becomes aware of things around him and turns into a pinball wizard. The movie has a rock beat to it and includes rock stars like Elton John , Eric Calpton and Tina Turner. "Our last movie presented, 'American Graffiti,' was a real success so we thought we would present another movie," states Kris Kirchner, SAB mem her. "We made about a $200 profit from 'American Graffiti,' the profit from the movie goes to the WHS scholarship fund," explains Kris. "I really enjoyed seeing 'American Graffiti' and I think bringing 'Tommy' is a great idea, a lot of people would like to see it," states senior Jeannie O'Sullivan .

Uruguay summer will welcome Rick's arrival Temperatures in the midwest are sub-zero and snow and ice prevail. It's at times like this when it would be nice to go to South America where it's summer and winter temperatures seldom drop below 50°. One Westside student will have this opportunity. Rick Pan toga, senior, will be leaving Sunday, Feb. 13 for Uruguay on an American Field Service (AFS) program. Rick will live in Uruguay for an entire year with a carefully selected family. AFS is very particular when matching AFS students to families. When Rick first applied, last October, a committee came to his house to interview both he and his parents. This committee chose four of the applicants and sent those names to New York for the final selection. The selection is based on AFS's ability to match the application with a family in another country. AFS sponsors three different programs. There is a year program in the Northern Hemisphere, a year program in the Southern Hemisphere, and also a summer program anywhere in the world. The students are not allowed to choose which country they want to live in, they are matched to a family according to mutual interests. Even the language a student may take has no bearing on the decision. Visiting a foreign country is not a new experience for Rick. In the summer of 1973, when Rick was entering ninth grade, he went to Mexico with Ira Brodsky, a Westside Spanish teacher, on an exchange program. After his sophomore year he went to Spain on a trip sponsored by Mary Davis, another Westside Spanish teacher. Wendy Wills, Jenny Armstrong and Eric Storm, the other three students whose names went to New York, probably will not know until later in the year whether they were selected, since they applied for the summer program.

Ski Club sets sights on Steamboat Steamboat Springs was the destination for approximately 50 members of Westside's Ski Club January 28 through 31. This was the club's first trip to Colorado this year; however, another is scheduled for April 2-9. In February, the club hopes to go to Crescent Hills, Iowa to help teach the visually impaired to ski. This was done successfully three years ago. Students who belong to the Ski Club take their trips at minimum cost. With these trips, everything is prearranged by the school. This year, a few members have discussed traveling to Colorado during the summer to backpack, but no formal action has been taken. Dan Miller, Ski Club sponsor, said that Ski Club is not just for experienced skiers. "One-half of the people that went last year could not ski."

Upcoming all-school play has a lot of bite Rehearsals are in process for the second all-school play Dracula, but beware, this is no spoof or satire. The copyright on the play is 1927 and the script is similar to the motion picture version. Special eerie effects will highlight the production. Brides of Dracula will be performing rituals in the loge and escorting people to their seats in order to create the mood for the night's performance. Obtaining a coffin was one of the unusual tasks of junior Cathy King. "We needed one for me to lay in," stated Cathy, leader of the Brides. Student Director will be senior Barb Oliver_ The cast includes seniors Annette Staynor, Kathy Chaput, Brian Kruger and Kevin Tierney. Juniors are Scott Sherwin and Chuck Essex and sophomores Kurt Sage and Geoff Jordon . The play will be presented Thursday through Friday, Feb. 24-26 in the auditorium . The drama department has recently brought home a rating of excellent in the One-Act Play District Contest held in Blair for the play Basement. The play was chosen from two, the other entitled Windows, which were performed on the Westside stage, Thursday, Jan. 13. The time limit was the main consideration in the choosing of Basement to go to the contest. Sophomore Kurt Sage explains, "There were two judges, we were the first out of about 30 schools to perform. Afterwards the judges took us to the back of the auditorium and criticized the play and our individual performances. We were awarded an Excellent, which unfortunately was not able to qualify us for the State Contest."




..................... .~

Westside's L8nce is published bi-weekly by the Ulnce staff lor the students and faculty of Westside High School, 87th and Pacific St., Omaha, Nebraska, 68124. Westside's L811ce is a member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, the Nebraska High School Press Association and the National Scholastic Press Association . The paper is given free of charge every other Friday alter 1 p.m. Subscription rates are $3.00 post-paid. Non-profit mailing rates claimed. Printed by Wright . Printing Co., 13426 B St., Omaha. Co-editors .. . . . Margaret Kane, Rick Pantoga Editorial editor . .... . .. ... . Brenda Moskovits Al8t. editorial editor . .... . .. .. . Dan Goldman Editorial writer ........... .. .. Brent Bierman N... editor . .......... • .... Connie Schleich A..t. n. . . editor . .... Steve Maun writers . . . . .. . ......... Kirsten Karnett, Beth Lashinsky, Robyn Nichols, Jenny Welch Feature editor . ... . . . .. . ....... Kathy O 'Hara A..t. feature editor ........ Mary Zimmerman







Feature writers .... Lisa Kaplan, Kim Nilsson , Sharon Shanks, Kathy Sherlock Bualne.. mMager ...... .. . .... Terri Perrone Sports editor .. Bob Peterson Sports writers ..... .. . .. Bill Saint, Bob Sturm Artllll ...... ... Sheri Bendorf. Dan Goldman 00







Photographers .... .. . .. . .. Jennifer Erickson and Marty Wells Advllor . ...... . . . . __ . John Hudnall 00



Earlierthisschoolyeartheentire junior class was involved in taking the Iowa Test of Educational Development (ITED) . These achievement tests were given under the direction ofthe School Board over a period of two days, Nov. 30 and Dec. 1. Thepurposeofthetestistwo-fold.It is primarily for the district to measure the student's past learning. "It's to see ifthe students are learning at the rate the school district would like," according to Mike Crabbs, Westside's Director of Testing. The second purpose of the test is to allow students to compare their scores to that of their fellow classmates. This year marks the eleventh year the test has been in the district; however, it is only the second time it has been given at Westside. In past years the test was given in the 7th, 9th, and 11th grades so students could check their progress over the years. It was also only given to a sample oflOO to 200 students; however, the district feels by giving the test to all juniors they have a more valid assessment of the class . Prior to the !TED's another, more competitive, test was given. This year is the first time the district has paid for the tests without aid from state funds . Due to this, Westside decided to try a few new things to see if they affected the test scores. "It's all really a game trying to find which combination will get the highest score," commented Crabbs.

The changes included the date on which the tests were given. Rather than giving the test in October "when students still have their mind on summer, we gave it in November, right after Thanksgiving break.., so kids had rested and were in a good frame of mind," stated Crabbs. The test was also given over two days

section that dropped considera· this year, was spelling which w~ percent lower than last year. ' biggest disadvantage to these tt according to Crabbs is that national average does not prO\ much aid, however Westisde is abl compare its scores from year toy and see what programs are lacki

ITED Test Results

Composite (in%)

1975 1976

Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Total

65 70 Math

1975 1976

66 66

61 67

I 1

6S 67

Social Studies

59 65

rather than in one block of time. There are many other factors that could affect the scores . Instead of giving it in the auditorium with cafeteria trays the school rented tables to put in the gym . They also rotated the sequence of the individual tests, however, Crabbs does not feel the order made much difference in the results. The test consists of eight parts: reading compre h ensio n and vocabulary, language arts usage and spelling, math, social studies, science, and sources. This year's composite score, which includes reading, langauge arts, and math, went up five percentage points over last year, from 65 percent to 70 percent. The only

I l

Language Arts Usage Spelling Total

55 53

60 63


I 53 1 53

53 46


55 55

54 62

One point Crabbs felt was interes1 to note was that while ITE improved over last year the PSI did not produce as many Natic Merit semi-finalists. He interpr• this that there are fewer studt capable of receiving extremely }: scores but the class, as a whole, sct better. On Wednesday, Feb. 9, a mee1 was scheduled for parents . students to receive their results, h an opportunity to ask questions, . receive an explanation of indivi( and group results. These test sc1 are included in the studeJ permanent record, as are all other results.

Humanities' prerequisites are strongly encouragedsecond semester by staff Second semester came as a rude awakening to approximately 30 seniors enrolled in the English class, Humanities. These seniors had not completely fulfilled one of the prerequisites of the course, an average English grade of 3.

Registration confusion Bill Schleifer, director of curriculum, said that these students may have had this grade when they registered in February, 1976. "At that time, they may have been eligible for Humanities . The description in the registration book says that a student must have a senior standing with a grade average of a 3. Although it doesn't specify that this is an English grade average of a 3, we assumed that they would know what we meant," he said. Schleifer further stated;" At that

time our counselors may have enrolled students in the course with grade averages of lower than 3. That's what happened in most cases. At that time, it was not strictly a 3 average, but 4.5." Schleifer said that the counseling staff should have done a better job in forewarning the students of ineligibility for the course upon distribution of the 3 by 5 schedule cards just before winter vacation.

Disappointed senior Students like Tammi Saint, were disappointed as she stated, "I was looking forward to it because I like the teacher, Mr. Hall, and it sounded like a fun class." Schleifer said that there were no other major scheduling difficulties or violations of course pre-requisites.


student w . in counselor's office for sebeC: change.

Executive internship is valuable experienc Planning for the future? That's what 14 selected students at Westside are doing as they begin the executive intern program , implemented for the first time this semester at Westside. Don Johnson, coordinator, says the executive internship program started about five years ago in New York City. District 66 is the 28th district to take part in the countrywide program and more than 230 colleges and universities support it.

Nine-to-five The program is set up so that the "executive interns" will be working with the sponsor on a one-to-one basis in professional fields, on a professional level. The students will spend four days a week, eight hours a day, on the job with the executives and on Friday they will come back to Westside for day-long seminars and personal conferences with Johnson. The program runs for a semester and the students earn 20 credits for their work.

The internship program is set up to offer valuable experience for the prospective employee. "The program is really involved with giving students executive experience," said Johnson.

Zoo time Two of the "interns" have discovered this in less than two weeks. Betti Fesler, who is working at Goracke, Vawter, and Associates, said, "you get more out of than you would from a book." Bill Highes, who is working at the Henry Doorly Zoo, also agreed and said, "already in one week I have learned as much about my job as I did in six weeks of book work at school."

Advertising, business, theatre Along with these two, only 12 other seniors were selected out of about 50 that applied "because we have to be

sure the student is independent," Johnson. The seven boys and seven 1 selected are doing many diffe types of work. The jobs range J advertising to business to theatr The students have been "on the for two weeks now and most I formed an opinion on the progJ The majority of the comments I been favorable and Bill Hig statement, "It's a great program f would certainly recommend i anyone who wants to find out ab< particular field," typifies thoughts of the other interns.

Info available

Johnson is optimistic about program and hopes it is at Westsi< stay. Any juniors interested in program for next year can rec information starting, Tuesday, 15, from Johnson in the busi1 IMC in his office or from secretary.




LANCE - February 11, 1977 - Page 3

es, I understand that the U.S. is thinking of implementing a ew draft system; double our weapons production and triple our .rmy, Comrade.

Controversy has arisen over a Defense Department proposal that a stand-by draft system be instituted in the near future. Defense Secretary Harold Brown, of the Carter Administration, favors a stand-by draft to be implemented in case of an emergency . However, Chairman John C. Stennis (D-Miss.) of the Senate Armed Services Committee is calling for a return to a full draft. Senator Stennis opened committee hearings in late January on the U.S. defense posture by stating that he feels that the U.S. must return to the Selective Service System (draft) in order to maintain the nation's military strength . He further expre~sed doubts about the future of the all-volunteer army concept. Supporting the Defense Department recommendation , Brown told the committee that he would support the enactment of a new stand-by draft system . The system would include the revival of an annual lottery for 20year-old men in case swift mobilization is necessary in a war emergency . A complete revival of the Selective Service

System would serve no purpose during peacetime. To reinstitute the draft now would succeed only in bitterly dividing a nation which is still healing from the wounds of Vietnam . There is also a possibility of a lack of compliance with a full draft following President Carter's recent pardon of Vietnam draft evaders. An all-volunteer Army is sufficient during peace-time. At present, the new volunteer Army is experiencing a large degree of success. During the hearings, Brown said he thinks the all-volunteer Army "is working as of now . . . I believe from what I've been to see, the quality so far has been maintained." He added , however, that he is less certain about its future due to recent cutbacks in the G.l. Bill and slowly decreasing unemployment. Instituting a stand-by draft is a necessary protection measure for the United States. Combined with the successful all-volunteer Army , that is all that should be required of the American people during this time of peace . A return to the full draft is neither wanted nor needed.

Bouncer knows best --------------------------------------------------------------by Margaret Kane this issue, it was decided to mix a human interest into our serious thought provoking editorial !. Because of this , we have nsively studied and interviewed a tside bouncer in order to create 'ollowing compelling portrait of a 1 who wishes to remain :1ymous. m ce: We would like to know how feel about your title. Doesn't the 路d " b o uncer " itself imply ething burly and unreasonable? Juncer: You're probably right e. And I would like to take this :>rtunity to say that I prefer being ed a "skipper catcher." It sounds e appealing, you know. !

ance: We'll take a note on that. kip: It's not easy being a skipper :her. It's a tough union to break ). (A.F. of S.C.) ance: We're in a student parking right now. Is this your regular t? kip : Yes, this is one of our high ne rate areas. .ance: What would you say is your 3t important responsibility out e? kip : Definitely, it's checking for .'s. Everyone's got to have an I.D. 'ill times. That's the rules. .ance: What do you do if you catch neone without one?

Skip: I don't like to talk about it. It's pretty ugly. (Our conversation was interrupted as a teenager approached, and Skip went into action . He asked to see an I.D.) Teen: Why do you want to see my I.D.? I'm clean. Skip: How do we know you're not an infiltrator from another school? Teen: What makes you think that? Skip: You're driving a tank with a swastika on it. Teen : Well, my parking sticker is valid. Skip: In that case, I'll let you off this time. Lance: That was amazing! You really know how to handle yourself. Skip: It was nothing. I'm a trained professional, you know. Lance: Does the danger ever bother you? Skip: I'm used to taking risks. Besides, I'm wearing a bullet proof vest and a Saint Christopher medal. Lance: What are your chances for adva ncement in this field? Skip: They're really pretty good. You know I started on hall duty and if I do alright out here in the lot, they're going to put me out on the front lines . Lance: Where's that? Skip: The cafeteria. I'm really looking forward to it. Lance: Because of all the chaotic excitement?

Westside offers valuable educational ,portunities through its year-end excursions various locales throughout the world. More Jdents should take advantage of these trips 1ich offer a great deal more than simply a 1mmer vacation . Many students think that the prices of these ps are expensive. However, when compared the costs of traveling on ones own , the costs these travels are much cheaper. A student 3.Veling without the advantages of tour prices >Uid expect to pay between $200-$500 more an one who goes with a Westside tour. The largest portion of the expense is the plane ip. While an ordinary flight to London would )St approximately $828 round trip , a student ho takes the Westside Goes to Europe tour )Uid expect to pay $430 for a round-trip ticket. Besides the cost comparison , another factor 1at should be considered is the time element. lith a tour, the sites and transportation are

Skip: No. It'll give me a chance to thaw out. Lance: Is there any special message you would like to relay to the student body? Skip: Yes, there is . It's about the raunchy shape some of those I.D. cards are in . Now if all of you would go down to the drug store and put a quarter in the little machine and get them plastic-coated, it would make my job easier. And if moms would just stop running them through the washing machine . ..



In the wee hours of the morning, a short balding middle-aged man with a protruding waistline sat slouched in the corner of a dimly lit路room pecking furio usly at an outdated electric typewriter. He was thoroughly engrossed in a paper article which was sure to revolutionize educatiCm: Johnny can't add or subtract. Beads of perspiration streamed down his forehead from the mounting tension, for the New York Multiplication, Sum Up

already provided for the students. While a student outside of a tour finding the sites and getting transportation may be difficult, which can cause more time and money spent than was intended. Another advantage of taking a tour offered at Westside is that the student would be traveling with friends . This would make the trip more enjoyable than traveling alone . The educational experience of a tour is valuable. A tour provides the student with the experience of viewing where and how other people live. In all fairness to both the Westside tours and traveling alone, it seems that the best way to travel is through the Westside trips . These excursions, besides being considerably cheaper than traveling alone , offer the best chance of seeing the world and enjoying the trip without the hassle that sometimes confronts tourists who travel alone .

Addition's deadline for its December 30, 1994, issue was in a mere hour. His editors had continually stressed the overwhelming significance of this story and failure to meet his deadline would undoubtedly mean the loss of his job. Later in the morning with the deadline met, an unsuspecting P .H.D. Helps the unprecedented and official superintendent of District 6666, casually walked to his mailbox while in deep thought over whether he should have orange juice or tomato juice for breakfast. Mter returning with his Sum Up Addition, he seated himself at the breakfast table, poured a glass with half-orange and halftomato juice and stared in disbelief and horror at the headline. Mter two minutes and 32 seconds of choking on his tomato-orange juice and his cornflakes he managed to yell out for his wife, "Mary Lou!" "Come here, quick!" "Yes, P .H.D., "she replied, "What is it?" "I . . . I .. . Ic-c-can't b-b-believem-mmy ... " "Oh P.H.D., don't tell me it's just a nother one of those math articles." "Yes, yes, but this time it is even worse. I can't understand it. They say Johnny can't add or subtract, but we furnish students with the most modern calculators on the market. Even our little cute l_<:indergarteners . "Oh, P.H.D. I never really liked those calculators; personally, I like pencil and paper. "But can 't you see that's the problem? People don't understand that the calculators we bestow upon

our students are simply an extension of the evolution of man and his selected place in the universe. It is my duty to carry through my part, to teach these students the true essence in calculators as related to the universe, nature and man." "Oh, P.H.D." After silently absorbing the commotion around the breakfast table, Johnny, P .H.D. Helps' sixth grade son interrupted the discussion, "Dad, where is my five dollars allowance that you owe me?" "Don't interrupt me in thought," snapped Helps, "anyway, I don't owe you five dollars since yesterday I gave you a dollar twenty-eight. "OK," Johnny exclaimed," you owe me four dollars and sixty-two cents." "Wait a minute, why should I trust your judgment on such a matter? Let me see for myself. Now, five. dollars minus a dollar twenty-eight April May, double September, zero minus eight thrice September; Ohhh!!" Mary Lou!!! Where is my calculator?" "It's on your belt dear." Helps took out his calculator fumbled with it. "How do you turn this darn thing

on?" "P .H .D.," said Mary Lou casually, "the answer is three dollars and seventy-two cents." "What?!" "I said, the answer is three dollars and seventy-two cents." Helps helplessly looked over and saw Mary Lou holding a sheet of paper with a math problem neatly written out in longhand.

Page 4 - February 11 , 1977 - LANCE

Teenage rune


by Beth Lashinsky In the first nine months of 1976, 1,252 runaway teenagers were report Omaha a r ea. Tota l Awareness, Whitman Center, Shiloh. These names do not carry any mean i who has never contemplated running from home, but to a teenager who has run , a loneliness , these refuges in the Omaha area may be the beginning of the end of th problems. Specific statistics on runaways are difficult to come by , and are virtually no: because these centers deal with different areas of the city, and handle problems d: causing conflicting reports. Most runaways do not just walk in to a center a nd automatically adjust t o their There may be as many as two to three channels to go through , for t ota l reha l depending upon the situation a teen is in. The first and most important aspect of operating a home for run awa ys is the state law which states that no one- from a neighbor down the street, t o a n operat works directly with runaways, may harbor a teenager without notifying his or h e who then must agree to the situation , before their child may stay. Disregard ofthi lead to a fine or imprisonment for the violator, according to Marie Tillman , of ¡ Omaha Crisis Center. Just how does a runaway become involved with a center such as T otal Awa Whitman Center? Places like the South Omaha Crisis Center a re good a reas to be the first step back to home. When a runaway teenager comes to the center Ms. Tillman is affiliated with , she them in either Whitman Center in Omaha, or Total Awareness Center , in Council ] help. What happens to the family of a runaway when their brother, sister , son or d ~ placed in this type of residence? How long do they stay? What is don e to rehabilit The answer differs depending on where the teen is placed. The most complete example of a system of rehabilitation is Tota l Awareness Council Bluffs, where a teen may stay as long as he or she fmds necessary , a ccordi.n1 Dishman , of the center. Some places, like the Whitman Center, put a limit on the 1 time a teen may stay in their building as an inpatient. (The Whitman Ce approximately a two-week limit on their residents). When a young person is first placed in Total Awareness , which can house as m tenants at one time, he undergoes a behavior evaluation , for approximat ely seven tc A beha vior evaluation includes such things as responsibilities, involvement wi1

Collura's flying high, almost Use of air travel in the United States has become almost as commonplace as driving a car, riding a bike, or just walking places. The advantages of air travel are many. Reaching a destination sooner and convenient service are advantages cited by many of the major airlines. The time has arrived when private citizens can provide their own fast and convenient service. Many people are now getting their pilot's license. Rick Collura , Westside math teacher and junior varsity basketball coach, is an example of this trend. "It's like a dream. Flying is just something I've always wanted to do and I finally got the money and the opportunity to do it," stated Collura.

I; ~.

~C> ~ y~ - ¡


Collura flies single-engine training planes . These planes have more lift so that if one does make a mistake while in the air it can be corrected. Collura rents a plane from Husker Aviation in Millard. Currently Collura has his student pilot's license and can fly anywhere in the United States as long as the wind and weather agree with the Visual Flight Rules (VFR). Collura sees being able to operate an airplane himself as a hobby, a way to get places faster, and as a chance for himself and his wife to take vacations they might not have been able to otherwise. ''The first time I flew I was excited," commented Collura. "Flying solo was a different experience. I was a little apprehensive." In late February or March, Collura's wish will come true. Right now he has completed all of the requirements except for the final check with a certified FAA examiner. He flies about once every two weeks just to keep in practice. Collura hopes to get his license at the end of February after basketball season ends. "I'll take a couple of days to brush up and then take the check," he commented. Steve Derebey, instructor at Husker Aviation's flight school, urges high school students with an interest in flying to learn how to fly while still in school. "I enjoy teaching high school students the most," said Derebey. "They're easier to teach

because they're used to studying." " It usually costs between $1 ,100 and $1,200 to complete the training needed to be a private pilot," commented Instructor Bill Eckel of the Sky Harbor Flight School. "However, this is often less expensive than investing in skiing equipment, taking lessons, and spending a week in Colorado. When you're fmished and have a private pilot's license, you can come and go wherever and whenever you please ." A private pilot is eligible to fly a single engine plane with an average capacity offour persons, and can fly directly to the approximately 13,000 airports which are not served by commercial airlines, as well as those that can accommodate the bigger planes. The average cost per lesson is $32 per hour. A minimum of35 hours of flying time is required to become a private pilot, including 10 hours of solo cross country at $22 per hour. According to Eckel , if lessons are taken two to three times each week, a prospective flier can earn his private pilot's license in ten weeks. "Some of the lessons are in the air and some are on the ground," he said . "All lessons are given on an individual basis." Currently, over 250 people are taking lessons to earn their private license, instrument rating, or commercial license," said Derebey, "including three high school kids." Westsider's Brad Orr and Bill Schrader are two of his pupils . Once the age requirements and monetary compensation are met, the only other eligibility requirements are a fluent knowledge of English , a clean bill of hea lth , and correctable vision. Both Sky Harbor and Husker Aviation offer a $10 introductory lesson during which the student flies the airplane under the supervision of an instructor. "Most people find it's easier and much more fun than driving," said Eckel. "Flying can be an aid to any career ," continued Eckel. Besides becoming a commercial pilot, many firms now own company aircraft. A businessman can cover three times as much territory in the same amount of time. Commercial pilots are usually required to have a high school education with at least two years of college or equivalent experience, a height between five feet four inches and six feet four inches, 20120 vision and be a minimum age of 20-23 and no older than 27-30 at the time of hiring. Actual flying experience required varies with airlines. All pilots must have commercial pilot ratings, instrument rating certificates, and radio-telephone permits. . Pilots are first co-pilots, where they receive extensive training, before becoming captains. A pilot's salary depends on his base salary plus the hours and mileage flown , type of equipment used, type ofland flown over, and whether he flies during the day or night. Today half of all miles traveled are via plane. Still, planes useless than 1o/o of the total fuel resources, consume non-lead fuels, and emit exhaust above the layer of air which humans breathe. Air travel, both private and commercial, has come into its own.

FRIENDLY 0 engines and parts course. Girls pla:y counterparts.

No cl

In th e pa s t a pproximat ely 70-10( inv olved in a uto according to Alan Kr instructor . This sen girls are ta king eithe1 shop or an a uto mi might n ot sound like! the avera ge studen t t s ix yea rs ago, it controversy. Apparel girls decided to t ake this time, they wen th eir counselors or th•




LANCE - February 11 , 1977 - Page 5


- victims of family conflict

>thers, and truthfulness . The purpose of this evaluation is to show how deep a mbles lie, according to Ms. Dishman. Contrary to the beliefs of some, the average ~en is not in trouble with the law, strung out on drugs, or been raised in a r bad environment. The biggest problem says Ms. Dishman is a "conflict between :h eir parents." This behavior evaluation does show if these other problems are ·ed instances where teens came into the center, and did not know how to do a load or understand the necessity of bathing everyday. The concept of responsibility is tant, explained Ms. Dishman. initial evaluation, involvement in the cen teris begun . At the center, they use what 1s a " Positive Peer Approach." Basically what this means, according to Ms. .s working with other teens in the center, who have a positive attitude, and trying he brighter side of any situation. the most important programs at Total Awareness, relates directly back to ity . This is holding the position of a department head. Tenants in the center are ·eas such as the· kitchen etc., which obviously requires some responsibility on the teen. e time comes for the parents and family to be brought in for discussion sessions era lly ranges from ten days to two weeks after the run a way was placed there, if his :l not bring him or her in initially), it is necessary to work with both sides of the ! runaway and the parents. •man stated that when these family sessions first begin, many times the parents ;s the feeling that they do not want their child to return home; that they cannot problems that go along with them being at home. She said that this is not a bad sign that they want help , and understand that the best way to get it, is to have their or king in the programs at the center. She added that usually three to four weeks have lived in the center, the parents request that their children come home. testion is what exactly causes this "conflict" in the family . The answer to this is na n ofthe South Omaha Crisis Center says that a family's social position may be a and "you find more white affluent girls who run away." The reasoning behind this ;his type of setting, the parents are frequently away from home, and. if they have ' allow them to be out socially more than girls. This leads to the girl feeling , a nd thus she runs away . She even wentasfartosaythatthefmily conflict may be tt the parents' fault. 1man has different views on the subject. She says that very rarely is the problem

Students listen among ion of Auto Mechanics I challenge their male

totally the fault of one side or the other, but that it is "a whole breakdown offamily structure." She explained that more problems may arise if the parents are a little bit older than the average parent of a child of that age. It is harder for both sides to accept things with this greater age difference. When the time finally comes for the teen to go home, he is required to sign a contract with the center, which says he or she will stay involved with group sessions in the center as an outpatient. Many times this leads to the teens becoming very involved with the newer inpatients, giving them something to do, and thus, keeping them from running away again . One must remember that a very small percentage of those who runaway get the thorough help available at a center such as Total Awareness. According to Ms. Tillman, the majority of teens who run a way do not show up at any place looking for help. Likewise, most parents do not report their runaway children to the police because of feelings of shame or guilt, and they have little faith that their child will be found. Another problem is that if their child is found, he or she will have to go to Juvenile Court, a problem many parents do not wish to deal with. There are also places in the city which will take in runaways, and talk to them for a few hours, but will not allow them to stay over night. One of these places is Shiloh. Previously, Shiloh, a religiously orientated center had allowed youths to stay over night, but they were not always sure that parents had been notified ofthis, and they would not force this action. Knowing that they could get into trouble working in this manner, they turned to their current operatio-n . Workers at Shiloh stated that if they are sure parents realize what is going on, they will allow runaways to stay for one or two nights at the most. In most instances, when they stay overnight, they just live in the area, and want to get out of the house because of family hassles. When someone does come through the center, they may talk to the religious workers at the center, or others working there. Generally they try to get them to go back home and handle the problems they have. Sometimes a worker may even go to the home of the teenager and talk to the parents, and try to make them understand the problem, and give advice on how to handle the conflicts. Still other places like the Whitman Center, will keep runaways, but for a short period of time, making it necessary to have sessions with the parents immediately. One of the goals of Total Awareness is to separate parent and child, so they may get a full evaluation of the runaway first. They may then have a better understanding of the situation, and have an easier time helping the family . Overall, there are many options available to a runaway and his family, but first, they must be willing, and know where to go, for help.

AVIATOR. Math teacher, Rick Collura, is getting his pilot's license-part of a dream. Collura will obtain his license in March.

STATUS. The car has become a vital p a rt of a student's life. It's the way t o get around for Westside students. Those with out, seek rides fro m car owners.

1ism apparent in auto shop classes a t this was not possible. Kraeger id tha t this was a mystery to him cause neither he nor the other structor at the time, had said that rls could not participate in the class. ~ added tha t when the auto shop 1s built in 1966, it was constructed tha t one must enter through the •ys' restroom , showing that they •ver intended for girls to take the iSS.

N ow that has all changed. Girls tter the shop through the boys'

bathroom, and have a lot of fun in the class. Areas that are discussed in the beginning auto class are cooling s y stem service, ignition tune-up, lubrication, and buying a used car. Many reasons are stated by girls for ta king the class. One of these is knowing they won't get taken by station attendents when they go to get their ca rs checked. Senior Cindy Ihnen expressed this

opinion when she said "I know nothing about cars and thought I'd better learn before leaving home. I will know what a station attendent kn ows and won't get ripped off." Junior Jennifor Worral agreed with this statement, saying that she just wanted to learn how to change a tire, and doesn 't like getting taken. Kraeger said that he doesn't think that boys are disturbed by girls in the class, and in fact, that it helps them out, because guys don't want to be

shown up by girls, so they work harder to compete with them. One male student jokingly said he would rather have girls in the class, because they are more fun to look at than Kraeger all day! Most girls take the course seriously, because they do want to learn, stated Kraeger. According to Kraeger, the class has changed some over the past few years. It has become much more academic than it used to be, with less time spent in the auto shop.

Page 6 - February 11, 1977 - LANCE

Cool draft caused by energy saving attemp1 By Cathy Johnson Record-breaking lows have been sweeping across the country, and with it the energy crisis is getting worse. District 66 is doing all they can to try to diminish the problem, according to Dr. Ken Hansen, associate Superintendent for operations. The thermostats, previously set at 68 degrees, were lowered to 65 degrees Monday, Jan. 31 at Westside, at President Jimmy Carter's request. The elementary and junior high schools will also experience this change, although Dr. Hansen would

decree as the thermostats were dropped three degrees. But the temperature was by no means 65 degrees throughout the school. "We can tum the thermostats to 65 degrees, but that won't assure it. I don't know any way we're going to be real consistent," said Dr. James Tangdall, principal. At this time his thermostat was set at 60 degrees, but the reading was 76 degrees. There are many problems with the heating system at Westside. The heating is individually controlled, with a thermostat in each room. These thermostats are frequently

FREEZING, coats longer belong in lockers. N they are part of studet attire due to the temperat1 drop at Westside.

"I think the American people are going to have to get used to colder temperatures."- Dr. Tangdall

rather not see it. Letters were sent home to parents this week. "We have several problems," said Dr. Hansen. "With the thermostats approximately six feet off the ground, the tempreature is often three or four degrees lower at floor level and near windows. This creates uncomfortable working conditions for young children." Dr. Hansen feels that the weather hasn't affected the district very badly. Omaha has not had any really heavy snows. "We've been much more fortunate than the eastern states." One of the biggest problems of the district is an inadequate fuel supply. "We don't have supplies to last more than a week," said Dr. Hansen. The schools run off of natural gas for the majority of the year. Each junior high and the high school has a 10,000 gallon tank of oil, but the price of oil has tripled in the past few years. Students at Westside felt their contribution to President Carter's

tampered with. "Everyone wants to fool with the thermostats," said Dr. Tangdall. With classrooms often empty and teachers absent, thermostats have been found broken, with severed wires, and even kicked off the wall. One broken thermostat was found set at 30 degrees. Another problem is the building structure at Westside. The building has been added on to ten times, but still works off a singular heating unit, located beneath the girls' locker room. Rooms far from this heat source are frequently much cooler than those nearby. Insulation is another big problem. Although the windows of the science wing were replaced this year, there are many more that need improvement. Westside's other contribution occurred in the change in its night control, which works on automatic timers. Thermostats previously dropped to

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65 degrees from 6 p.m . to 6 a.m. They will n ow be lowered to 60 degrees from 4 p.m. to 6 a.m . Westside is usually run off of natural gas . When the temperature goes below approximately 20 degrees, the gas supply is cut off and Westside is forced to run off its oil supply. "We've been on oil since last Wednesday, but warmer weather is predicted and I hope we can be on natural gas heating for a couple of days this week," Dr. Tangdall said. He doesn't expect the oil supply to be too greatly weakened . "I don 't expect any more bad cold spells, although I could be wrong." Neither Dr. Hansen nor Dr. Tangdall see much chance in the closing of District 66 schools due to cold this year. Only in the extreme

cases of a drastic cold spell in February or a need for additional fuels in the east would closing be probable. Solutions to the district's problems have been discussed at great length, but few definite plans have been made. "We're looking at more long-range needs than immediate ones," said Dr. Hansen. The biggest push is towards insulation. Thermal pane windows were installed in the science wing last fall, and will be added to the south side of the building this summer. All new glass in the district will be thermal pane. One long-range hope is for a centrally controlled heating system. This will prevent the problems

created by tampering '1\ thermostats. "We need to look at more insulat and other sources of heat sud solar energy rather than oil or nat gas," said Dr. Tangdall. Various proposals have been before the school board. "I think the American people going to have to get used to co temperatures," said Dr. Tangdal He feels it is partly a psycholo!! problem . Americans have 1 spoiled by comfort. Dr. Hansen feels that conser' energy is everyone's responsibili "Students should try to cons energy," he said. This could be done by rem em be: to turn off lights, and driving I Carpools are also beneficial.


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LANCE - February 11, 1977 - Page 7

mgaroos keep Kroeger company ·ina, the Gold Coast, and ay are more than exotic names mior Kathy Kroeger. Kathy 1e familiar with each of these 3 during her year in Australia on AFS "Americans Abroad" am. .hy spent nine months with an ralian senator's family in a, a town of 2,000, and three hs with a different family in ay, practically a metropolis of ern Queensland at 30,000. The :>wns are located some 20 miles each other in the agricultural nee of Queensland. "Northern 1sland is in the tropics," said y. "The desert area of the .ck is approximately 200 miles to ·est." thy arrived in Sarina last uy, just in . time for the rainy n. "It rained for three weeks :ht when I arrived," exclaimed y. "School would close because e flooding." In Australia, the 3 of January are a part of the 1er, while winter comes in June, and August. wol begins in the late summer. ·as harder and almost entirely

academics," said Kathy. It was necessary to pass a difficult test developed by the state in order to complete a course. Extra-curicular activities were virtually non-existant. Even music was studied outside school. "Westside does a better job of preparing you socially to go out in the world, but they know their math and physics better," commented Kathy. "Their courses are twice as difficult as o~rs."

Sarina State High School is much smaller than Westside, with only 450 students in grades 8-12. Students are eligible to leave school in the tenth grade, and about 75 percent do drop out. In Sarina, Dr. James Tangdall, (WHS principal), for example, would dress for the tropical climate in shorts and knee socks. All students wear uniforms and line up twice daily for "parade," the Australian version of a strict homeroom. After-school activities were similar to those in Omaha, even though there wasn't as much to do. "We'd go mucking around town on Friday night," said Kathy. "Everyone would get dressed up and go to the movies, or take a short drive to the ocean." Although Australia is separate

PORTS BRIEFS Wrestling estling Warriors proved again :1turday, Jan. 29th, that they are , than a bunch of wrestlers as presented Coach Lou Miloni the fourth straight Metro 'erence championship at the 1cil Bluffs fieldhouse. !stside outscored Bellevue 146 to 2 in the team race. No other team ! close during the meet, but in the it was another satisfying victory Varrior fans. .loni said his team's performance e meet was a complete team effort they "All came through in a 1ing spirit and they refused to to the championship." 1e Warriors had individual npions in John Butler at 112lds, Roger Schwenke at 145, and Dauenhauer who finished second 37. :very match was important to said Coach Miloni. You just have ope that you can survive. e lost some close matches that we were crucial and also won some. just too tough to pinpoint one ch in this championship. ther wrestlers who placed in the

from Great Britain, Kathy felt the British influence which is still present there. "We ate breakfast, lunch, and tea, (dinner), and had tea between meals," explained Kathy. Christmas, which Kathy spent lying on a beach of the Gold Coast, was complete with bon bons, Christmas cake, and plum pudding. Australians also listen to British rock groups, pledge allegiance to the Queen of England, and play rubgy, squash , and cricket. The United States also influences Australia. Australians listen to American music and drive Fords. They have developed a stereotype of America as Americans form stereotypes of other nations. "While there is no real anti-American feeling, they think of the United States as being a wealthy and modernized nation," said Kathy. "Most of the Americans that Australians come into contact with are the wealthy ones who spend their winters in Australia." Kathy has felt the influence of Australia in many ways. Most obvious is her accent. Less conspicuous is her conclusion that "people are the sametheworldover."

RETURN FROM AUSTRALIA: Senior Kathy Kroeger has left the tropics of Australia to brave Nebraska's winter. She studied for a full term at Sarina State High School, and will receive credit for the time away from Westside.


consolation finals were 98-pounder Keith Sortino; 138-pounder Mark Estey; and heavyweight-Gary Niver.


Chuck Sharpe missing All American by three one hundredths of a point," said Coach Cal Bentz.


The Warrior Swim team took another victory in the American division of the Metro Conference Swimming Relay Championships held at the Westside pool Saturday, Jan. 29. The Warriors finished winning nine of 11 events in the whole divisional competition . In the National division, Bellevue edged Prep. Bellevue took the title by scoring in all 11 relays. In the overall competition , Westside won five titles, Prep took three, Bellevue, Burke, and Northwest won one each. In the American division, Westside finished with 160 points, 42 points better than second place Burke. In the other division Bellevue finished with a 118, 28 points better than second place Prep. "It was a fun meet, everybody got to swim and there were surprising times, some of which were outstanding . The only disappointment of the meet was

The Westside gymnastics team is not in shape to be an Olympic team quite yet, but has a young team with good talent. The young team took part in their seventh meet this season going against Benson and Marian on Thursday, Jan. 28 at Westside. Benson came in first and Marian second with the Warriors finishing last. The Warriors lost to Marian by nine hundreds of a point and eight points to Benson, the top seeded team in Westside's district. The young talent that came through for Coach Tom Grevich in the meet are four sophomores. Moe Giller at the vault with a score of 8.35, and Laurie Witherbee, Cathy Mailander and Sandy Enslow, all at the floor exercise with a score of 6.85 Coach Grevich says this was one of the best meets they have participated in . He's glad to see the team improving since they had a bad start.


Giris' Basketball

Boys' Basketball

Playing top-rated Burke, the Westside girls' basketball team was up against one of their toughest teams thus far. Not only was it a chance to prove the girls as contenders, but to also get sweet revenge against the Bulldogs for the boys' basketball loss. The game was fairly close throughout the first half as Westside's high scorer Diane Kobs hit 13. When the third quarter began, ev .rything started going the Burke way. Kobs' injury allowed Burke to take a sizeable lead as Kobs was forced to stay out for the remainder of the game. Girls' coach Lee Nordine was slapped with two technicals at the beginning of the fourth quarter in a possible attempt to fire the girls up.

After a struggling start, it appears that the Warriors have started something which has escaped them up to this point. Winning. Westside drove its winning streak to three dumping Ron calli 44-43. Tom Thurmond proved to be the winning factor hitting a shot with seven seconds remaining in the contest. A weak second quarter dropped Westside to a 22-18 half-time deficit. Westside pounced on the unsuspecting Roncalli club in the third quarter. But with Roncalli's relentlessness, the match evened and was decided, finally, by Thurmonds clutch act. The victory came, but just a week after Westside's most surprising accomplishment of the year, upsetting #8 Central, the second win in Westisdes string. Thurmond, combined with Steve Maun, led the Westside scoring attack, each responsible for ten Warrior points. Westside has, as a result of the win, upped its record to 7-8 with a 2-2 mark in Metro competition.

The score ended 50-40 in favor of Burke, but Westside proved a possible threat for state as the girls stayed with the Bulldogs until the injury to Kobs, matching them basket for basket.




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Page 8 - February 11, 1977 - LANCE

Mooses mighty in A league title clash Perhaps the greatest active participation sport at Westside, it should be noted, is not a varsity sport but rather is intramural basketball. The sport has produced a loose, fun style of the game, while simultaneously creating the greatest sport enthusiasm at Westside.

Intense battle This year's "A" league is comprised of eight teams, teams which compiled a total of 20 victories with only four deficits in the pre-season. After the initial four weeks there has already been established an intense battle for the league lead. The Mooses topped the Pack with a 6-1 record. Pressure is extreme on the Mooses as the Scholars, Popcorn Surprises, Shockers, and Dip Shots are looking to hunt them down. Each

has achieved a 5-2 mark. The Mooses achieved their status in what was by far the top quality and most entertaining game of the fourth week. The Mooses, 5-1 at the time met a powerful Dip Shots, also 5-l. The match was even all the way, with a 1616 score at halftime. There was no change throughout the majority of the second half. With just under a minute left the Mooses led 32-30 with the Dips driving. With a half a minute left the Dip Shots missed, the Mooses hit a fast break, and the game ended 34-30 - the Mooses on top of the "A" League. The emotion after the game was as high as any Varsity sport contest this reporter has seen. There was the sight of Chris Eddens shouting in the ecstacy of victory, with teammates slapping hands in jubilation. But at the other end of the spectrum was

Dick Dawson angered.

frustrated and

Much attention "The participation in intramurals is greater than any sport at Westside. Intramurals should, I feel, get as much school attention as, say, Varsity basketball," said Max Kitzelman, sponsor of intramurals. And he added fmally, "The kids have a lot of fun."

Calendar of Sports Boys' Basketball Feb. 12 . . . .. .. .... ..... .. . . . .. Prep Feb. 18 .... . ... . .. . .. .. .... at Ryan Feb. 26-Mar. 2 . . ........... District Mar. 10-12 .......... . .... . .... State

Boys' Reserve Basketball

Young takes coaching job After just one season as assistant varsity coach, Dan Young has been named successor to former varsity football coach Don Johnson. Johnson stepped down as coach after 10 years to pursue the new Executive Intern program at Westside. The program was adapted so that qualified seniors could work in various fields of interest with qualified executives.

New interest areas "I feel it is time to move on to another area now," Johnson said. He added, "I have enjoyed working with every one of the players during my years as coach." Johnson cited the highlights of his coaching career as the Metro championships the Warriors won, "But something new and interesting happened every year." Johnson named his successor as a proven coach, also adding "He has done quite well in the past and will continue to do well in the future."

master's degree in education from Reed College in Portland, Oregon, and a bachelor's degree from Kearney State College. Young called the promotion very gratifying, stressing most positions will be wide open next year due to the lack of juniors on last year's team. Players are also pleased with the new transaction. "Last year I thought he did a great job coaching backs," stressed varsity quarterback Craig Ladwig. Ladwig also added, "He is one of the best coaches I have ever had. He knows what he is doing and knows what he is talking about." Young's first year looks promising as last year's junior varsity, which will make up most of the 1977 varsity team, only lost one game.

Feb. 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bellevue Feb. 19 ... . . . ... . ... .. at Northwest Feb. 26 . . ..... . ...... .. . . . at North

Boys' Wrestling Feb. 11-12 .... .. ..... . . District Meet Feb. 17-19 ......... . ... . . State Meet

Boys' Swimming Feb. 10-12 . .... Metro Championship Feb. 18 . .. . .. Bryan, Prep at Bryan Feb. 25-26 ............ . . . State Meet

Girls' Gymnastics Feb. 12 .... . ... ... .... . . Metro Meet Feb. 14-19 .... ... ..... District Meets Feb. 25-26 ........... . ... State Meet

Girls' Basketball Feb. 17 .... . ...... . ..... at Roncalli Feb. 21-26 ..... . ..... .. .... Districts Mar. 3-5 . . .. . . . . . ... .. .. .... .. State

8069 Biondo In The Biondo Plaza Shopping Center 391-2322

Gratifying promotion Young came to Westside in September of 1970, after leading Valley View Junior High to two conference titles. In 1971 he was appointed head junior varsity coach and in 74 lead the JV to its only undefeated season . Young first joined the varsity staff as an assistant, coaching, offensive backs, offensive ends, and defensive backs. Young, 35, teaches mathematics and computer science. He earned his



is intramural athlete Steve Binder.

1-M Players-Blazers on "B" League. The league, known to most, is that which is comprised of the teams compiling the worst records in preseason play. And while it must be conceded that in many cases the quality of play within the league does not consistently compare to that of the "A," it is obvious that the

IStandings I "A League Mooses Dip Shots Popcorn Surprises Scholar Shockers Little Red Stars The Undecided The Mob "B" League

6-1 5-2 5-2 5-2 5-2 4-3 4-3 2-5

New 1-M Players Trailblazers Dr. Flub's S.R. Stars We Decided Bad Company Black Sheep High Riders Man Handlers

4-3 4-3 3-4 3-4 2-5 2-5 1-6


intent and desire of the game is e' in every respect. And perhaps because of the hi1 point of crudeness shown in some games, the contests are far more' interesting, and surely n enthusiastic. After four weeks, the New Players and the Trailblazers l placed themselves on top of division compiling an overall re of 4-3. Taking second to them are the Dr. Flub S.R. Stars and th( Decided each totaling 2-2. If there is one major probler intramurals it would have to b( officiating at the games. "The aren't particularly happy with officiating that we have at this t but then nobody ever is, whethe1 intramurals or varsity basketb said Max Kitzelman, sponsor oJ intramural program . The "B" le1 has the greatest problem only bee, of its less stylish ways of bringing the foul into a positio greater pertinence.


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r::uture enrollment declines lationwide birth rates are down and consequently total school llment has decreased," stated Dr. James Tangdall, principal. ·ht now enrollment is down, but not by a considerable amount. e trend keeps going, in the near future there will be a noticeable .ne, explained Tangdall. estside's enrollment presently is 2400 students, next year it is :cted to be an estimated 2350, in six years enrollment will •ably be around 1900, a drastic drop. It was reported in a onal survey that there are presently 50 million students going

teachers from one department left, then they would have to be replaced. The problem would then be solved by having qua lified teachers from other departments replace them or give teachers the opportunity of teaching on a part-time basis," stated Tangdall . WESTSIDE ENROLLMENT 1976-'77 2400

1977-'78 2350

Right now enrollment is down, but not a tsiderable amount. If the trend keeps going, the near future there will be a noticeable !line," - Dr. James Tangdall

1982-'83 (projected) 1900

The long-range planning committee has also been examining the problem of decline in enrollment. The committee has been ementary and secondary schools throughout the nation . By reviewing probable solutions, such as providing additional ' there will be 40 million students, a 20 percent decline. services within the school and improving the present services. One example would be specialized classes and various mini-courses. ·ollment declines Classes that would provide students with information on taking college board examinations, for example. General courses have )istrict 66 was once one of the fastest growing communities, also been suggested that would be directed towards information Jle were moving west and this was usually where they came, that would be beneficial, but not normally taught in traditional now people are moving to Millard and Elkhorn. Now classes. Also suggested were classes such as writing labs, where Jllment at Millard and Elkhorn is increasing and District 66's students with difficulty in specific areas could receive additional Jllment is slowing decreasing," explained Tangdall help. Through improving and providing special services , and 'tight now if a teacher retired they probably would not be having smaller numbers of students in classes, it can benefit the aced, because of smaller student load. Unless a number of entire educational system.

There are 12 elementary schools in District 66. Some of the elementary schools already have a small enrollment. A distant solution might be to close some of the elementary schools and transfer students to other schools in District 66. "It really depends on what the community wants," stated Tangdall. But the parents must be willing to pay more taxes in order to keep the staff at the particular school," explained Tangdall. "Having fewer students can also be an advantage," stated Tangdall. Schools then could concentrate on more specific areas of education . They could teach the fundamentals more thoroughly; reading, writing, and arithmetic. Emphasis on independent study or more liberal methods is another direction the schools could take. "Working with a smaller number of students has always been an asset," said Tangdall. Another problem that arises is that of economic stability and energy. "If two elementary schools, for example, have a small amount of students and you're paying for

"It really depends on what the community wants," stated Tangdall. "But the parents must be willing to pay more taxes in order to keep the staff at the particular school," - Dr. James Tangdall maintenance and salaries for both schools then it seems reasonable to close one of the schools," explained Tangdall. "It is really difficult to present any kind of perspective of the problem right now, but enrollment is a problem we are going to have to deal with," stated Tangdall.

estside's February 25, 1977 Vol. 21, No. 11 Westside High School, Omaha, NE 68124

• r:uel costs r1se as supplv decreases IJuch has been said concerning the tionwide energy shortage. At stside steps are being taken to :rease the consumption of energy . the meantime, the cost of energy > risen drastically . The immediate •blem for Westside and the rest of ;trict 66 includes not only the 1ilability offuel, butalsothecostof !rgy. n December of 1975, Westside's ctrical bill totaled $4,686.77 for ),720 kilowatt hours. The total cost heating fuels in the same month .s $2,702.70 for 3,344,500 cubic feet natural gas and 10,000 gallons of !I oil. In 1976 of December Westside id $5,316.27 for 265,020 kilowatt urs of electricity, and was charged ,533.99 for 3,979,400 cubic feet of s. 'MUD projects that natural gas ices will increase by 40% annually," ll'ns Dr. Curtis Olson, Assistant tsiness Manager of District 66. Iowever, the increases aren't

always as large as they're predicted to be." While rate increases are a large factor in the increased utility bill, there are other causes. "The new lights in the football stadium and on the outside of the building have increased our electrical bill," said Dr. James Tangdall, principal. " Otherwise the increase was primarily due to a 12-15 percent rate hike."

More fuel storage If the budget's allotment for energy would be unable to cover these increases, money would have to be drained from the 15 percent of the budget which is not devoted to salaries, according to school board member Robert Berkshire. "We would get recommendations from Dr. Phelps and Dr. Olson on where to cut," commented Berkshire. The budget is prepared in January to cover the time

period from August to August of the next year, and the allotment for fuel is normally raised substantially to accommodate rate hikes . Assuming that Westside will be able to pay for the fuel, there is still the problem of obtaining enough natural gas and fuel oil. "The district is planning to double Westside's fuel oil storage capacity," said Berkshire. "At the height of Omaha's cold spell in early February, the district was only two or three days away from closing school. Then the weather broke and an unexpected supply of oil was found." Westside will continue its efforts to lower the consumption of fuel through the familiar energy conservation measures. In addition to the well known techniques of lowering thermostats, increasing insulation, and turning off lights, Olson urges students to make sure outside doors are closed at all times. "We forget it's as important to close school doors as

Alternatives to closing school If these energy saving measures do not prevent Westside's fuel supply from becoming inadequate, what next? "There are many alternatives to closing school," said Tangdall. "Although I don't want to do this, we could close the building at 5:00 or 5:30 p.m ., eliminating such activities as Adult Education and intramurals. Tangdall added that his was not a likely possibility for the near future. Berkshire proposed that in the long run schools might have to operate on

a spring to autumn basis, vacationing during the severe temperatures of winter which increase the scarcity of fuel. According to Tangdall, "a great deal depends on the energy situation throughout the nation." "We'll take our cues from Northern Natural Gas," he said. While examining the problem of heating fuels and electrical usage, Tangdall believes it's necessary to consider other energy shortages besides natural gas. "Everyone at Westside could use less energy for transportation purposes," he said. "We've grown accustomed to colder inside temperatures, and we can adjust to other measures which will enable us to use less energy."

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Westside sponsors tours ................................ page 2 Several summer tours will take students from Oregon to Washington to Europe.

Prom controversy ......................................... page 3 Conflict between administration and class officers.

Executive internship ..................................... page 4 Personal views of life on the job.

Escape from Yugoslavia ............................... page 4 Joseph Vrbik tells of his life.

Wrestlers take State ...................................... page 5 CLOSED


Westside's power •urce. The furnaces are located tder the girls' gym.

Unseasonably warm temperatures have made classrooms more comfortable.


those in our homes," he said. Olson also feels that the monthly meetings of custodians concerning ways they can help District 66 save energy are very beneficial.

INSIDE. The boiler room throbs with the pulse of the furnaces.

Danenhauer and Boyer individual champions.

Page 2 - February 25, 1977 - LANCE

n~olehills New representatives for NHS club National Honor Society elected their two representatives for the NHS scholarships, last Tuesday, Feb. 15. Julie Wallin, and Mary Zimmerman are the two representatives of the 15 in the state competing for the National Honor Society Scholarship. Ms. Wallin, and Ms. Zimmerman will compete with 13 other students around the state to win $1000 for first prize, and $200 for the students who represented their state. Then they will go on to compete in the country· wide NHS scholarships for scholastic excellence. NHS is an organization for those students interested in excelling scholastically. To be in NHS, a student's grades must be at least a 3.0, and be involved in some sort of extra-curricular activities. They must show leadership and interest in other people.

Math team puts force winning effort Placing third at the South High Math Contest was Westside's Math Team. Preceding Westside was Central, fust, and Prep, second. Winning the individual competition for Westside was Sophomore AI Farquhar. Other members of the Westside team are Todd Little, Ed Sisson, Dave Baca, Rick Eaton, Sam Friedman, Dan Dahl, and Tammy Kilgore. On Saturday, Jan. 29, at Central High School, Westside scored a decisive victory over East High and Prep. Besides Westside having the first place team, Todd Little placed first in the senior division . Said Sponsor AI Zimbleman, ''They did great."

Garage sale most successful project The main objective of the Junior Class each year is to raise money for the Junior-Senior Prom. The class of '78 began their fundraisers last summer with three pop bottle drives and a pool party. Since then they have sponsored a garage sale, a 50's day and dance, and have sold Westside bumper stickers, Christmas cards, and Valentine's Day cards. The garage sale was the most successful of these projects raising $420 of the current treasury of $1200. The date of Prom was set for April 1, which is much earlier than previous years. This has created the problem of raising enough money. Last year's Prom cost between $1500 and $1600. However, "You can go less or more depending on the type of Prom you want," according to Chris Olson, Junior Class President. Despite these difficulties Chris does not foresee any major problem . "Even though we don't want to, we are allowed to go into debt." Due to the early date of Prom the annual Sadie Hawkin's Dance will be held after Prom. The profits from this event can be used to repay any debt. "Our biggest worry is getting a good group. Since we are cut so short of time many of the good bands are booked."

Computer error Due to computer error, senior Kate Hopkins' name was omitted from the program and was not included in the National Honor Society (NHS) induction ceremony. "Somehow Kate's class rank was wrong and; therefore, she was not included on any list," explained Dr. James Tangdall, principal. A sincere apology to Kate Hopkins.



Westside's L8nce is published bi-weekly by the L1nce staff for the students and faculty of Westside High School , 87th and Pacific St. , Omaha, Nebraska, 68124. Westside 's L1nce is a member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association , the Nebraska High School Press A•sociation and the National Scholastic Press Association . The paper is given free of charge every other Friday after 1 p.m. Subscription rates are $3.00 post-paid . Non-profit mailing rates claimed . Printed by Wright Printing Co., 13426 B St. , Omaha. Editor-In-Chief ...... . . .. ..... Margaret Kane Editorial edltora .. Dan Goldman. Steve Maun Editorial writers ...... .. .... . Brent Bierman , Robyn Nichols N. . . editors .. . Connie Schleich , Lisa Kaplan N. . . writers ... Jenny Welch, Sharon Shanks FHture editors .... . .. . .... Mary Zimmerman Beth Lashinsky

Fe1ture wrltero .. Kim Nilsson, Kathy Sherlock Sporto edlloro ... ... . Bob Peterson , Bill Saint Sporll writers .. .. Bob Sturm, Kirsten Karnett Buoln•• monoger . .. ..... .. . . . Terri Perrone Advertlolng monoger ... . ....... Kathy O'Hara Artloll . .. .... Jane Wenstrand, Dan Goldman Photogr1phero ... . ....... . Jennifer Erickson, Gary Whitaker Advl- ... . . ........... . .. . ... John Hudnall

If it's in this, it's in.

Where would you like to go?

Westside's '77 summer trip summary Travel is often said to be a very exciting and educational experience. This summer various Westside trips will feature one or both of these facets. Summer trips scheduled to emphasize the educational aspect of travel are the five Westside Goes to Europe excursions, and a new trip offered this year, "A Shakespearean Summer in Oregon," sponsored by Richard Bock and Steve Drickey. Of the 15 originally scheduled Westside Goes to Europe trips, five have received the necessary response which will enable them to go. These are the German Adventure, sponsored by Warren Gitt; the Art History Tour, sponsored by Kenneth Heimbuch; Getting to Know Spain, sponsored by Mary Davis; France is Exciting, sponsored by Jolene Smith; and Europe in Bloom, sponsored by Louis Niemann.

will take several years to gel," e Bock. Among the trips that focus mai on pleasure are those sponsored Harley Hardison . Florida, Bahamas, California, and a Miss< River boat excursion are the propo tours featured this summer. '. Missouri River excursion will be sponsored by Chuck Lang. The fi destination will be St. Lo1 Hardison said that on the way do· much of the time will be spent wE

Stomping grapes One educational .tour is the Europe in Bloom tour which concentrates on studying the horticulture techniques used by European botanists. Sponsor Niemann said that the purpose of the trip lies in studying. He said, "We're going to steal ideas on planting and growing. We're talking to the guy in the back room. Wedon'tcarewhatthe gardens look like. Once you've seen one, you've seen them all. We'll tour the wine vineyards to see what's going on, how they make wine, and how to grow a grape to make wine. Niemann views this trip as providing lasting experiences. "There's a possibility that when we get back to Westside, we'll plant a flower garden of our own," he said. "One of our contacts in the Netherlands flies in and out of Omaha twice a year to sell his tulips, so he can help us too," he added. "A Shakespearean Summer in Oregon" is an educational trip which is being offered for the first time this year. This tour is unique in that the students may receive three hours of English credit providing they fulfill the requirements of the course.


Ashlar Oregon is a featured Elizabethean theatre to be visited by t members of the Oregon tour. opportunity to see a first rate Elizabethean theatre," said Bock. "It's an idea I've had in my head for several years, but I didn't get around to it until now." Thus far; however, the trip has had little student interest. "We don't understand if it's due to lack of exposure, expecting work from the kids, the distraction of the Westside Goes to Europe program, or undelivered messages in homeroom. We've had meetings, but the response was not particularly great. Perhaps it

skiing. 0 ne additional trip that educational is the Washingt• Williamsburg, Colonial Virginia, a New York trip sponsored by Dem Mcintyre and William McCormi• "We've convinced this trip educational. It just happens to fun," said McCormick. "We need know the names of people now tl: are interested so that we c communicate with them . We are n• to the point where we have to airline tickets," he added .

SAB members provide computer 'date-a' Perfect matches will be the objective of the computer dance to be sponsored by the Student Advisory Board sometime in March. The dance will probably be held in the Westside High School Girls' Gym with the projected date being March 19. One of the big problems the Student Advisory Board is facing is that they either have to find a good band or get a disc-jockey. Both of these are being looked into. The cost of the computer service is $86.00 so S.A.B. will probably have to charge $2.00 to help pay for the music and still make a little profit. Rich Secor, president, said, "I feel this dance is something new for the students at Westside to try and I hope

KISS Pictures from the Omaha concert 558-2118

magee's westroads

The requirements include the study of four Shakespearean plays and one play each of Tennessee Williams, and Richard Sheridan. The plays must be read, and if the students desire, discussed. Next, the student must take a test on each of these plays and earn an 84 percent or higher grade, with retakes allowable. Finally, the student must write two, two-part papers. "The purpose of the excursion to Oregon is to give students an

a lot of people come." The $2.00 will have to be payed a couple of weeks in advance and this is when the student that is paying will fill out a computer card stating his or her interests and age and the interests and ages of the dates he or she likes to go out with. Another new feature of this dance is that S.A.B. is going to try to encourage any and all teachers to attend if possible. With age qualifications being stated, a senior girl will not be put with a sophomore or a junior guy unless both parties wish it. After the cards have been illled out, S.A.B. will send them back to the computer agency for matching.

On the night of the dance ea person will be assigned his or } number, then the person will get a 1 of at least six other numbers tl: could be his or her dates for t evening. This person then has to go arou and find these other six numbers order to see who his or her matd: are. Since both people will be looki for each other, they are more likely meet. A list of six numbers will also given to each person based astrology. Rich Secor also said, "Since computer company also sends usn records and tapes of the popul groups, we can give these to t person or persons that are match most with other people."

When you're busy, let your fingers do the walking ...

~ yellow pages

LANCE - February 25, 1977 - Page 3

Outdated college elects losers 1ericans are being denied the . to directly elect the President of United States by means of an tquated and arc hai c titutional device - the electoral ge. present, the candidate winning •Opular vote in a state receives all 1at state's elector al votes . The tber of electoral votes is .valent to the number of ~sentatives the state has in ;ress. tree times in this nation's history who failed to win the pop ular have become President - John 1cy Adams in 1824, Rutherford B. ·es in 1876 and Benjamin rison in 1888. ; er the past thirty years, America narrowly escaped having as .ident the losers of the popular in sever al elections. ost r ecently, in the 1976 idential election, Jimmy Carter ated Gerald Ford by two million s. Yet, a shift of fewer than 7500 ·sin Ohio and Hawaii would have 'n the election to Ford. addition to the possibility of ting a "losing" president, the toral college violates a primary .ocratic value- that each person's ! is equal to that of every oth er ;on.

he disparity is visible in that each e casts a set number of electoral !S regardless of the voter turnout. example, in 1960, 25.5 percent of a dult citizens of Mississippi voted president, giving each electoral ~ a value of 37,271 votes. Yet 1sas had a popular vote turnout of

70.3 percent . Each of Kansas' electoral votes represented 116,103 votes, a lmost three times that of Mississippi. Further violating the one-man, onevote principle is the unit rule provision, whereby the winner of a plurality of a state's popular vote is awarded all of that state's electoral votes. The unit rule, thereby, places little or no importance on the margin of victory. Those who vote for the losing candidate fail to have their votes reflected in the awarding of a state's electoral votes. More unfairly, those who vote for a losing candidate, due to the unit rule, end up transmitting losing popular votes against the winning candidate into electoral votes for him. Recently Congress introduced a joint resolution to abolish the electoral college and provide for the direct election by popular vote of the President of the United States. The bill would further provide for a run-off election between the top two tickets if no candidate received at least 40 percent of the popular vote. Widespread a nd bipartisan support was shown for such a measure in a recent Gallup Poll in which 75 percent of t h ose interviewed said they a ppr oved of amending the Con stitution to provide for direct election. Only 14 percent said they opposed such a change. The balance were undecided. The e l ecto ral co llege was unquestionably intended to serve ends we no longer need or care to serve, and which it no longer serves. Certain delegates to the

Constitutional Convention in 1787 felt th e common people were too ignorant to directly participate in electing the President. Today, thanks to better education, the co untry is more politically aware. The mass media, particularly television, h as created a national political audience. America must cease to play "e l ectora l roulette" with the Presidency and implement direct election by popular vote . Direct election is the only method which assures that the candidate with the most votes will win .

Although I may have lost the popular vote, I am positive that you will entrust in me your total backing to govern this country effectively.

Prom controversy- bad April fool's joke Traditionally, and in the minds of most students, the Junior-Senior Prom should be held in late April or in May. But this year, because of a questionable decision by the administration, the Junior-Senior Prom will be held on April Fools Day. The class officers gave Peony Park five preferred dates for Prom two weeks after school started with May 6 their first choice and April1 st their last. Peony Park waited as long as January to reply, giving the class officers their last choice , April 1st. Dissatisfied with such an early date, the class officers looked for an alternative to Peony Park. Holiday Inn , Ramada Inn, the Livestock Exchange Ballroom and the Hilton Hotel were all booked up , so the class officers chose the date of May 20 at the new Carter Lake Ballroom. Upon presenting this alternative to Dr. Tangdall , they were promptly turned down . Tangdall's main objections to Carter Lake Ballroom was its distance and its image. "With Peony Park being ten or twelve blocks from Westside, I think we have an obligation to Westside students to hold it there . Besides , parents would not want students to drive that far and psychologically the image of Carter Lake

Ballroom would be a negative factor in the community," said Tangdall. To understand the full magnitude of this decision, it is necessary to examine the consequences. Because prom will be held April 1st, the class officers will not have enough time to make their money goal. Sadie Hawkins, which is usually a major money maker , has to be held after prom on May 7 and the class officers say that it will be hard to find a good band on such short notice. The distance to Carter Lake Ballroom and its so-called image is less a sacrifice than holding prom on the early date of April 1st. Twelve other high schools including South, Elkhorn, and Ralston seem to have used the same reasoning, for they are all holding their proms at the Carter Lake Ballroom . Prom is a student activity that exists primarily for student enjoyment and not for educational purposes . Thus, any decisions made concerning prom should be made by representatives of the student body, the class officers. By overriding a decision by the class officers because of expected community response, the administration has stripped all power from the class officers.

Birthday celebrations threatened Mrs . Payne, an eighth grade history teacher at Washington Junior High school, was planning a test about George Washington, the father of our country.

Roots: when T.V.laid down their guns.

Frank Wright, the smartest kid in the class, studied and took the test. After finishing, he was confident h e had done well. but the next day when he got his test back h e was a larmed at the fact h e had missed George Washington's birthdate. Frank was

loots': a hope for the future of television

'Roots ' the magnificent bestselling novel of 1e black man 's family tree from the preslavery tys in Africa to the 20th century , written by ex Haley, recently came to television , and with came shattering viewing records . It captivated millions of Americans who :itched, and educated all that did. For one 1tire week the watching of 'Roots' became as •utine as eating dinner . The presentation of 'Roots' started a curiosity it hi nus all , of whom we really are and where we )me from . Although we don't have a genealogy )proach in terms of historical significance ere still lies that feeling of where our roots are. Many people are already involved with :mealogy and with the popularity of the novel loots' and the television presentation , it can be Jspected that many more people will be getting tvolved with this growing hobby . Going about finding one's family tree is not an

easy task. A person looking for his ancestry must start by looking for records of full names, talk to the oldest family's members about their predecessors. They may then end up taking endless trips to places located where their ancestors lived. Haley accomplished in twelve years of toil and pain, what many black Americans only dream of doing. He found his roots. The television network should be commended for taking such a project of depth and meaning , and making it into a show which will be remembered as one of the most popular shows of its time. Television presentations such as 'Roots' should be televised more frequently. It is clearly shown by the reaction of American viewers who watched 'Roots' that they want to see shows of more educational value than the violence that is shown on television every day .

sure he had given the correct answer. He had looked on the calendar which said it was Monday, Feb. 21. George Washington's true birthday is Feb. 22, but Congress has seen fit to ch ange the man 's birthdate. Washington 's birthday is now celebrated the third Monday in February, regardless of the date. Frank discovered that Washington's birthday h a d been moved to create a three-day weekend for the great American Businessman. Frank was shocked that his own government would have the audacity to change a n American hero's birthday. He realized the American businessman was important but was alarmed at the fact that this could be a precedent. He pondered who would be next. Would it be Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin or maybe even the country's own birthday; the Fourth of July . The thought of his own birthday being changed was so alarming that he prepared a letter to his Congressman , stating adamantly the moral injustice of such an act. Dear Congressman: It has com e to my attention that several years ago Congress perpetrated what I consider a criminal act of changing a ma n 's sacred date of birth. A person is only hom once and throughout his life he anxiously awaits that day of celebration each year. Much of a per son's life is based on his sacred day of birth . One's

development is gauged on the 12 month span. Many privileges of society such as drinking, driving and voting are awarded on the basis of birthdates. It is an injustice to the American populace to tamper with the accuracy of this system . I don't suppose anyone considered the feelings of Mr. Washington or his moth er. I realize they are both deceased. but that is no excuse. Think of those nine long months of anxiety poor Mrs. Washington s pent in anticipation of that one sacred day when her son was born and that she would celebrate every year thereafter. What about Mr. Washington himself? Consider the time h e spent counting down the days to his birthday. It seems as though the government has seen fit to rob this man of on e of his most personal and sacred days just to benefit the businessman. I realize that George Washington h as been dead for over 100 years, but what disturbs me is that if such disregard and disrespect can be shown for such a great American hero then what is to protect the ordin ary American citizen like myself? I also wonder, sir, if you r ealize that the next time Mr. Washington or any of his descendants will be able to happily celebrate his birthday with the rest of the country will be in 1982! That will be the next time Feb. 22 is the third Monday in the month. Is this a burden you would want placed on your family? Sincerely concerned, Frank Wright

Page 4 - February 25, 1977 - LANCE




• ••

people ••• people ••• people •

Wasserman mingles with Hollywood stars

CLOSE EXAM IN A Tl 0 N. Busily planning the next issue of the Omaha World-Herald is Brenda Moskovits under the executive internship program. Page layouts are one of Brenda's concerns.

Noise and newspaper mix Visions of All the President's Men seem to come to mind when one thinks of a hustling, bustling newspaper office. By being able to work !rrst hand with executives in this area , Brenda Moskovits, former Lance staff member, has been able to experience the real ups and downs in a field that she wishes to make a career. Brenda spends four days a week learning and working under professionals at the Omaha WorldHerald under the executive internship program. "I !rrst got introduced to the program when I needed a topic for an editorial I was writing for the Lance. I wanted to gear away from a topic that would criticize Westside and find one that showed what Westside had to offer." Brenda talked with Don Johnson, coordinator of the executive internship program, and soon became interested . "I was at a point in my studies where I felt my classes weren't preparing me for what I really wanted to go into. The executive internship sounded like a good idea. I had a hard time deciding if I had made the right choice, but I know now that it was worth it." Brenda's first week was spent mainly observing. "My sponsor was the news editor and as he would lay out the page he would ask me 'How would you do it?' " Brenda explains that she would watch in amazement as the printers put the paper together in such a short amount of time. " Everybody is up against deadlines

and even though there's a lot of pressure, the atmosphere is very relaxed." Her second week was spent at the copy desk where she would do odd jobs for the copy editor. One of her jobs was to write headlines. "The headlines were hard to write, because they are very short and must be to the point and at the same time catch the reader's attention."

Happy Day's' Ralph Mal ph, Donny Most; Dawn Wells, Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island; Marsha Wallace and Bill Daily, Carol and Howard on the Bob Newhart Show; and Peter Lupas, star of Mission Impossible, are some of the stars Mike Wasserman, Westside senior, will come in contact with by participating in the Executive Internship program. An intern at the Westroads Dinner Theater, Wasserman works under the supervision of Gary Bandringa, and Steve Wool vert on, the theater's owners. According to Wasserman, Bandringa exposes him to the business end of the theater, and Woolverton shows him the production end. Bandringa shows Wasserman how to deal with equity contracts, reports, and rulings, and general business. Woolverton helped him gain experience in cutting scripts, how to pick actors, and audition people, and how to look for hidden talent.

Wasserman explained that his internship has, "Given me a chance to see how a real theater is run and see the good points, bad points, and everything in between." The theater, which is termed the "newly reborn Westroads Dinner Theater," by the owners, is trying to build a new reputation for a theater that once had a "low standing in Omaha," said Wasserman. This has left the owner extremely busy, so Wasserman has been put in charge of the new Children's Theater Program. The Productions the Children's Theater performs are actually chosen and directed by Wasserman with some help by Woolverton. Presently the Children's Theater is producing "Sinbad the Sailor." The production, involving a cast of 11 high school students, "Gives a professional atmosphere in an amateur standing," Wasserman commented. "The productions are not only for

"I received my first writing assignment during my third week. I'm doing a story for the Teen Page on the high cost of teenage dating. Maybe if I do a good job on it, next time they'll give me something with a little more substance." Brenda describes the newspaper office as a huge room. "It's the noisiest place I've ever been in. Phones are ringing constantly, teletype is coming off the wire and a police radio is going constantly . They tell me that after working there so long they find it impossible to work in the quiet. When asked if she would recommend the program to others, Brenda replied, " I wouldn't recommend it to everybody, but to someone who has a pretty definite idea of what they wish to go into, it's a perfect situation. I think you learn more by seeing." "I'm at a point now where I know what I want to do with myself, I know something about it, and I know where I'm going."

For Sandwiches, Dinner, And Pizza Eat in, or take out Monday-Saturday 10:00 a.m.- 1:00 a.m. Sunday 4:00p.m. - 1:00 a.m.

72nd St. - South of Pacific

393-121 0 393-1223

DISCUSSING INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCES. Mike Wasserman, senior, heads the Children's Theater program at The Westroads Dinner Theater.

high school students who want t actors, they are for students who v experience in technical the; production , public relations, e said Wasserman. Other possible shows Wassen may choose to produce are "Wi1 the Pooh," "The Emperor's I Clothes ," and " Tutti and Minstrel." The Children's Theater product: tentatively are set for Saturdays Sunday afternoon, during wl lunch would be served, 1 Wasserman . Eight productione each show will be given and at e• change of a major show, children's show will change also The first performance of "Sin the Sailor" will be Sunday, Marcl Monday through Thursday typical day for Wasserman begin 10 a.m. and ends at 8 p.m . During time, Wasserman calls schools in Omaha vicinity to introduce ther the Children's Theater Program. then spends time working with script for the Children's product cutting it. Wasserman cuts the sc to get the actors more involved ' the audience by not having then stage all the time. Wasserman r also work in the box office ta~ reservations or making seal charts, and then sit backstage u the professional performance beg Wasserman explained that exa what he does at the theater char from production to production. might do public relations, product assistant direct, just whatever co up."

Yugoslavian's escape: a little bit of luck Once a political prisoner in Yugoslavia, Joseph Vrbik, age 39, escaped his country of political unrest, andcametothe United States. He is now working for Northwestern Bell Telephone Company and is the founder of The Croatian Times, a monthly newspaper published in Omaha. On Tuesday, Feb. 8, he related some ofthe incidents ofhis life to the newly formed History Club at Westside. Vrbik's story began some 18 years ago, in his home town of Zavidovicki, Yugoslavia, where he was arrested for participating in a political demonstration as a high school student, in 1959. After his arrest, Vrbik was. sentenced to 51/z years in prison, but served only a little over three years of this sentence. He was released in 1962, under a grant of amnesty. That same year, Vrbik heard rumor that political prisoners were going to be rearrested by the government, and decided that he must escape Yugoslavia. Vrbik's hometown of Zavidovicki is located in the northwestern part of the country, which is known as Croatia, and was once a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Escaping from his country was an extremely difficult task. Vrbik related that corruption throughout the country was very high at this time, and that even the police would issue a citizen a passport just to make some money. Unfortunately, even these people would not help political prisoners to escape Yugoslavia, for fear of becoming involved. Finally, through a friend of his, Vrbik met someone who was able to tell him exactly where to cross the Yugoslavian border and not be caught by the government. Vrbik

then left with two friends to try to escape the country. They eventually came to the place on the Austrian· Yugoslavian border where only Austrian guards were on duty. He said that had he been 50 meters to the right or left of his position, he would have been caught by patrollers of his own country. Vrbik and his friends were discovered by an Austrian soldier, and investigated by the Austrian government. He said they were told by the Austrians that this particular area on the border was used for espionage, and questioned as to how they knew they were safe crossing there. Vrbik told them he had no idea of anything of this sort. For three years he lived in Austria, and was granted political asylum in that country, before coming to the United States in 1965. In 1966, he began teaching linguistics at Georgetown University in Washington D.C., and did so for five years. Soon he decided he would like to work with computers of some type, because as he put it, it is easier to talk to a machine than to people. He worked as a computer consultant for one company, and now works as a computer analyst for Northwestern Bell Telephone Company in Omaha. Vrbik said he had always wanted to come to the midwest, because the pace of life is slower and there is less pollution than in Washington D.C., which bothers his wife. Because of her condition, their doctor advised them to move , and they ended up in Omaha. After settling in Omaha, the printing of The Croation Times, a newspaper concerned with the Croation people and their culture, was begun by Vrbik. According to Vrbik, "People are

responding very well" to the paJ with approximately five to requests for subscriptions comin( each day. He said that it will take three to f months for the paper to get 1m established, and that he will at sc time in the future look for an office the employees of the paper to work time in. Currently, work on the paper is o a part time job for its seven writ and all the work is done after hour Vrbik's home. Vrbik said that ofth seven people, only three write every issue of the paper. Printing of The Croation Tin is done by the Papillion Times, < Vrbik does all the paste-up by hims Some of the articles of the last 1 issues of the paper include stm about Croation people in the midw. such as Anton Mihalovich, policeman in Des Moines, and M Bilandic, the interim successor Mayor Richard Daley, in Chicago


LANCE - February 25, 1977 - Page 5

rockey shortsl Magazine r~m

takes fifth in Districts

tside's Girls' Gymnastics team l fifth out of six teams in District !tition held last Friday at :tl High School. There were only ophomore girls that qualified for ate meet being held tonight and row at Northwest High School. fying girls were Heidi Rath on uneven bars and Cathy mder placing in the floor se and the uneven bars. m 't be said that the team had a season this year. However, 1 Tom Grevich is pleased about lented sophomores. king back at districts, Coach ch thought his girls performed as well as they did during the n . He had anticipated placing d or third, but Marian and

Central got in their way.Coach Grevich thought that Millard, and Benson looked tough, as Millard finished first with Benson trailing second. The two teams were really going at it during the meet in which both teams finished very close to each other. Marian, Central, Westside and Roncalli finished closely together. "I don't think that Heidi and Cathy will be spectacular, since the two will be fair. I see Northwest taking State but strong teams could give them trouble. I don't see teams from our district as strong teams," said Coach Grevich commenting on State. The coach feels he has had an overall good season, but has discovered a lot of talent that will pay off in the future.

rec~gnizes W_HS a~hletes

Sharpe, Mact1er make 1t nationally Even before the season began , Chuck Sharpe and Scott Mactier were well known in Omaha for their swimming excellence.

But now with the help of a new magazine, "Joe Namath's National Prep Sports," their talents are exposed to the whole nation.

Mactier and Sharpe rated Scott Mactier is rated ninth in the nation in the 100-yard butterfly with a time of 51.7, only 1.1 seconds behind the top man. Chuck Sharpe is listed fifth in the 200-yard freestyle with a time of 1:41.5, only 1. 7 seconds behind the leader. Sharpe is also listed sixth in the 100-yard freestyle, and 13th in the 500 freestyle, with times of 47.1 and 4:39:1 respectively, only .6 seconds away from the leader in the 100-freestyle.

arriors capture Metro title rrior swimmers continued upon r usual winning ways, •owering Prep, 322-256. Westside Jed five event championships, Chuck Sharpe leading the effort g the 200 and 500 freestyle ;s .

ile Sharpe's two victories, which to be Metro records, was .ctic, it proved to be anticlimactic mparison to the running of the utterfly. ,d,

>m the very start, in the ninaries, the event was shown to e closest of any contest. Warrior Mactier and Junior Jays Bill tpton and Rick Jenkins battled to the very end. Scott Mactier first blood, not only beating his

opponents, but at the same time setting a Metro record. However, in the final day of competition, it was Bill Crampton who , not until the final lap, just outdistanced teammate Rick Jenkins, with Mactier accepting a third place fmish. Crampton's time of :53.188 was good enough for a new Metro record. Other Warrior victors were: Mactier · 200 individual medley (a Metro record), Korff· 100 freestyle, Sharpe, Mactier, Korff, White · 400 freestyle relay. "This was a big meet. There were some improvements and I was pleased. I'm anxious now, to participate in the State meet," said Cal Bentz, Warrior coach.

"ep halts Cager win streak •stside was at last snapped out of dream-land, 5-game winning .k, dropping a 59-52 decision to e first half was one of near equal the Warriors just falling behind :. Westside ran into its greatest lems during the third quarter, as were outdistanced 16-9, a margin h proved to be the deciding •r. cing the situation of an 11-point it in the final quarter, the ·iors went to work.

Westside slowly chipped away at the Prep lead, managing to pull within five points with but a minute to play. But any Westside hope was ended as Prep came alive dumping in two baskets, leaving the Warriors defeated. Warrior Steve Crouse's explanation of Westside's mid-season oncome of power, "We have more experience, and have improved a lot on the boards." Why the apparent letdown against Prep? "We were intimidated in our shooting by their big guys," explained Crouse.

Other sports recognized

BEARDED Sharpe and Mactier, nationally recognized swimmers, have in mind another victory in today's state meet.

)anenhauer seemingly had an

easier time with his opponent, downing Jim West of McCook, 7-3. Even admitted Danenhauer, "I thought it would be a tougher match than it was." And then, in what could be described as modesty, Danenhauer added, "My thoughts were probably more on losing than winning." But, Danenhauer's uncertainty in his ability can be easily understood, considering his tough 6.0 overtime victory over Hassle of Bellevue just the night before to qualify for the fmals . Finley had, without a doubt, the most heartbreaking match, falling to Sidney Richards of Tech, 5-0 in overtime. Finley took an early 5-0 lead in the first period. But after receiving a slight pulled shoulder muscle, he began to give up points. He managed to just hold off Richards, seemingly winning 6-5. As the match ended, Finley in exuberation of victory, threw his head gear into the air. That action, illegal in wrestling, cost Finley a point, thus tying the match. Once into overtime,

Swimming is not the only Warrior sport recognized, as the boys' baseball team received honorable mention. Omaha Creighton Prep was listed 18th in the nation with seven returning starters from last year's state championship team. Now not only are professional and college sports noted, but also high school. Westside also surprised the rest ofthe nation as we still have them wondering how us Nebraska farmers found the time for athletics after our chores.

Bentz to stay despite ISU prospect There unquestioningly appears to be some discrepancy in viewpoints over the question of Bentz 's opportunities to become Iowa State's new coach.

was offered, and was ready to accept the job." Explains Bentz, " I have had no official contacts from Iowa State nor have I tried to contact them."

A shock wave has, in fact, hit various major periodicals in the Nebraska-Iowa area with the opinion that Bentz, was in fact , Iowa's most likely substitute for the position .

Bentz talks to McGuire

Bentz upset "What I'm really upset about," explained Bentz, "is that the papers wrote the stories from rumors that I

The fact is, to get the story straight, that Bentz's single connection with ISU has been with his good friend, Coach McGuire. The two have met twice, with McGuire informing Bentz of the job opening and asking him only to apply. This contact is, however, totally unofficial, as will admit McGuire, "I have no real say in

rrestlers grab second consecutive state crown

nidst 6,689 hysterical fans, :mnded by the new, sensational ~ Sports Complex, the wrestlers 1 around the state battled, seeking ;itle of State champions. :td as the three day excursion :!d, it was Westside who, for the nd consecutive year, claimed the , outdistancing Bellevue, 14PI2· :. " We had a lot of good 'o rmances. Everybody wrestled tt," described Lou Miloni, coach of Warriors. ut the greatest performances, ch led the way for the Warrior ory were 167lb. Bob Danenhauer, 185 lb. Tom Boyer, who grabbed State title, and 155 lb. Jeff Finley > placed second. oyer met Steve Cooley of Papillion Je who had earlier in the year !a ted him by a decision. Following 1 draw,Boyercamealivedumping opposition 10-1 in overtime. He was really a tough opponent. · a time, I thought I was going to !. I'm just happy I came through," :l Boyer.

This new magazine is for the high school athlete. It features all the top teams and athletes in all high school sports across the nation. Not only are Sharpe and Mactier recognized, but the Westside swim team rates number 16 in the nation. The magazine lists the top 20 teams in the nation, and also the top 15 swimmers in each event with their times.

Richards simply overpowered Finley, leaving him defeated, 5.0. Finley, then, raised himself off the mat, meditated a second , perhaps in disgust, and finally went up to Richards and embraced him for several seconds. Finley's immediate response to the whole affair? "I just blew it. I have to say, though , that Richards is a champion being able to come back from a 5-0 deficit in the first period." And, concludes Finley, "It wasn't my best effort, I've had better

matches than this one." Second placed Bellevue has been a formidable foe throughout the season, constantly, as Gary Scheet, the Bellevue, describes, "giving them (Westside) a run all season." But he adds, "we just couldn't win. This time Westside just deserved it." And perhaps the greatest example of the intense emotion of the entire event, was Miloni's initial comment in describing the meet. Miloni stated simply, but in total, ecstatic jubilation, "Fantastic."

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the final decision." And it must be said, as an aftermath to the whole situation, that Bentz has not sent in an application, and what's more, he is not planning to at this time.


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Page 6 - February 25. 1977 - LANCE





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changes needed

.ow, privileged price It's a real deal! Though Westside has its fair share of rip-offs, the school's populace as a bargain rate for towing. While the rest of the city must pay $20 to be >wed by Neff Towing Company, Westside students and faculty pay a •w, low price of $17. And, if you act before your car is towed out ofthe lot, ::reaming at the top of your lungs, "Stop, that's my car!" you pay only 10. On the spot, of course. These bargain basement prices are a direct result of the limited arking at Westside. Dr. Jim Tangdall, principal, said, "We've 300 stalls. •bviously, we don't have enough space. Nobody likes to tow cars, but it's 1e only way we can use. We try to announce over and over again for tudents not to park in the teacher lot, and for students without parking tickers not to park in the senior lots. We've only got one person, Kim La 'ier, to not only supervise towing cars, but to supervise the building. Of ourse, there's an element of inconsistency in what days we tow. Ifl had 1y way, I'd say first come, first served, but the seniors say no because of pen campus and the need to fmd a parking space once they've left and orne back."

Overall spirit and student involvement is down at Westside and consequently changes are needed. A committee was formed to investigate changes in clubs and organizations. In the very near future the formal recommendations will be voted on and changes will become effective. In recent years the student attitude and involvement has taken a gradual decline. Majority of students are no longer interested in extra-curricular activities. It seems to be getting worse instead of better. The committee headed by athletic and activities director Ron Huston, consists of; pep club, interact, pep band, marching and cheerleading units, their leaders and sponsors. "Everyone thought the spirit would pick up but it didn't, that is why changes are necessary," stated Dr. James Tangdall, principal. ''The general reason for being in pep club has turned artificial. Girls are no longer in pep club for spirit and team support, they are in it just to be able to tryout for a particular squad," explained Tangdall. "Westside used to have the strongest distributive education (D.E.) club, but recently membership has declined, there seems to be a general dissatisfaction with the purpose of the clubs," stated Tangdall. "Other schools have already gone to clubs that have few or no rules, this may be one of the

choices , stated Tangdall. At first the committee gave general suggestions and criticisms about the purpose of certain clubs. Then they began to look for structural changes. After that each club was to draw up an outline for their club. The outline contained specific changes. The outline was presented to the committee. Then formal recommendations were to be typed up and Mr. Huston and Dr. Tangdall reviewed the recommendations. Dr. Tangdall will make the final decision. "We tried to make stricter pep club rules and goals this year , we felt that if a girl was to tryout for something, she would have to get a certain amount of points and really be dedicated," explained Connie Schleich, assistant vicepresident. ''Then the squads would contain only those girls who really wanted to make it, because there has been a problem with girls quitting the squads. But the points had to be lowered because only a few girls had reached the goal, so really the whole purpose was defeated," Connie said. We have many alternatives to choose from . Club structures could be changed dramatically or not at all, or we could abolish a particular club completely, at this time it is really hard to say until I see the clubs' proposals," Tangdallsaid.

Those privileged with parking spaces, are those with proper parking tickers. Roger Herring, dean of boys, also is the distributor of parking tickers. The only time these stickers will be replaced, he said, is if the car 3 stolen or wrecked. Yet, Herring failed to replace his own sticker after elling his car and the inevitable happened. "I was towed the same day •S Mr. Bruner. We didn't have stickers. Both of us had sold the cars we'd tad stickers on the previous week. We were at fault. Fortunately, no lamage was done to our cars," he said. "Our biggest concern is that we tave so many staff members that come at odd hours of the day. So, when .tudents see an empty stall, they figure it's not going to be used," Herring tdded. Kim LaPier, supervisor of towing, says that people blame him for being owed. "I don't blame people for being mad when they're towed. I'd be nad too. I hate to tow. People always hold me responsible. They even •lame me when they tow in the church lot and I have nothing to do with hat," he said . People often blame LaPier for damage done to their cars. Iowever, there is usually no damage done. LaPier said, "I check the car or tape players, books, and scratches. That way, if they complain, I can :o back and check to see if they're right." H. R. Neff, of Neff Towing ::om pany, says there is little damage done to cars due to the cali her of his !rivers. He said, "We have real good drivers. But, we have trouble 1ecause of old dents and people trying to blame us." Each time cars are towed, there are only about two taken, said LaPier. rhey are taken either from the teachers' lots or the east or west student ots. "Once in a while," said LaPier, "a junior or sophomore will get a 10ld of a senior parking sticker. If I find out who it is and what car, I'll ;ow them , sticker or not." There have also been cases when towing has been a mistake, but there was no way of knowing it at the time. LaPier remembers one time when, "A junior or sophomore girl was parked in the west lot after school for an 3.ctivity. She had to leave it there until the next morning because it wouldn't start. They were going to have it towed to a gas station, but that morning the school lot was towed and her car was towed too. It cost a lot Jf money because her parents had to pay to get the car back from the school's company and had to pay for the gas station's tow truck too." Another example of towing in a confused situation is that involving University of Nebraska at Omaha swimmers. According to Herring, swimmers from UNO come over to use the pool. If they have no knowledge of the parking restrictions, they may be towed. This has occurred. Often, it is cheaper to be ticketed by the police for illegal parking than to be towed. So, if your budget is your main concern, think before you park.

Vol. 21, No. 12

Westside High School, Omaha, NE 68124

March 11, 1977

Senior tradition runs into high cost Are you a senior in high school? Do you enjoy spending money? If your answer to both the above questions is yes, then you qualify to participate in the fantastic, annual, Great Senior Traditions held at Westside. Items included in this opportunity are graduation announcements, personal cards, thank you notes, appreciation gifts, memory gifts, senior albums , souvenir announcement covers, special items, class rings, and last, but certainly not least, senior keys (with numerous accessories available upon request). Although seniors are not required to purchase any of the items listed above, many do buy one or more novelties, and may end up spending a good deal of money. According to Senior Class president, Julie Wallin, if a student wishes to be traditional and purchase many items, the cost may run into the hundreds of dollars. She cited the case of one of her friends who has spent close to $200 on various articles. Julie added though, that most seniors who buy many items do not really feel they are being taken, because all profit made goes to the contracted company rather than Westside. Of course, costs up to the hundreds of dollars are rare, and according to Stan Skaug of Josten's in Omaha, costs for a graduating senior buying the average 25 graduation announcements and a box of namecards, usually runs between $8 and $9. He added that if a student bought all the novelties available to him or her, it could run from $27 to $28, excluding class rings. Class rings are an item which may boost the amount of money spent up close to $100. Average cost of class rings from Josten's is generally between $40 and $50, says Skaug, with boys' rings usually running a little higher than girls' because they are larger. The number of class rings being purchased at Westside now is less than in the past, according to Ron

Big Choice:

Bruce Farrell and Sandy Wiggins look over the variety of class rings displayed in the trophy case. Huston, director of student activities. He said he is not quite sure of the reasons behind this drop, but said it is just like pep club membership dropping off, no one really knows what causes it. Huston did say though, that he doesn't feel students are being asked to pay an exorbitant amount of money for the items from Josten's, especially when one considers the amount of money students put out for prom, and the service Josten's does provide for Westside. If the company did not have an outlet in Omaha, there would only be delivereies to the school two or three times a year, whereas now, they come

to the school for delivery purposes every few weeks. Finally, the cost of graduation caps and gowns comes in . This year students pay $7.50 to Willsie Cap and Gown Company for the use of these items. Ken Kampfey, a representative of the company, said that last year, when thecostwas$7, Willsie'smadea profit of approximately 21 cents per outfit. Huston summed up the rising cost situation the best, when he said he doesn't enjoy paying $2.21 per pound of steak in the grocery store, but that is just how it is, so students at Westside should look at their own rising costs this way.

Page 2- March 11, 1977- LANCE

Honor roll revived after absence The honor roll, which has not been computed for the past two years, has been restored at Westside. The honor roll represents those students with a grade point average of three or higher , with no single grade below a four and no incompletes. Approximately 27% to 28% of the student body met these qualifications according to Bill Schleifer, Director of Student Personnel. Schleifer explained, "Lots of schools have done away with an honor roll over the past two years. Many universities found that 75% to 80% of their students were on the Dean's list, so they no longer have them ." However Schleifer does not believe this holds true at Westside. "It is still significant and meaningful." The lapse of two years since the last honor roll is due to the computer system used for grades. The system was not geared to compute grade point average. Schleifer added, "I think it is important that the students who tried hard to get the most out of their courses be recognized." The following is the list of students on the honor roll.

Seniors: Patti Abraham , Dolly Addison , Steve Albert, Curt Andersen , Robert Andersen, Bruce Anderson, Holly Anderson, Brenda Andersen, Clark Antonson , Karl Armbrust. Tracey Atkinson, Thomas Baker, Carla Bange, Cathy Bartlett, Anne Bast, Martha Bean, Laurie Bedwell, Thomas Bellinger, Sheri Bendorf; Donna Beringer, Mark Berner, Randy Biart, Steve Binder, Debbie Bishop, Daniel Boynton, Carol Brennan, John Brinkman, Holly Broadbent, C. Brougham, Michael Brown; Nancy Bruggeman, Patricia Burden, Timothy Burns, Kent Carson, Nancy Ann Cejka, Cathleen Chapin, Kathleen Chaput, Susan Christie, Lynne Conser, Dena Conyers; Kelly Cook, Sandra Cooley, Pamela Cooper, Elaine Cornelius, Nan Crawford, Wendy Dann , Heidi Davies, David Dessel, Debra Diamond, Jane Dixon ; Pam Dowd, Wyatt Drew , David Dunham, Richard Eaton, Julie Ebner, C. Eddens , Mary Egan , Leslie Eisen, Jonila Elliott, Roxane English ;

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Jennifer Erickson , Laura Ernst, Becky Estabrook, Betti Fesler, Therese Finn , Kathy Floen, Paul Foresman, Larry Forsgren , Nancy Foster, Vicky Frahm ; Ellen Freeman, Edward Fried , Samuel Friedman, Mark Gaebel , Judy Garfoot, Mary Gilmore, Jeffrey Glass, Lori Glissmann , Pamela Gorat, Laurie Gould; Steven Green, Jane Gregory , D. Groteluschen , Suzanne Hallas, Nancy Harris, Daniel Haug, Scott Hawkins, Mark Hendricks, S.J . Hermansky , Diana Herring; Jill Hestmark, Adelia Hill, Linda Hill, David Hoffman, Lisa Holquist, Kate Hopkins, Paul Horn , M. Iaffaldano, Cynthia Ehnen, Lori Jacobson , Barrett James; Cynthia Jay, Curtis Johnson, Daniel Joss, Margaret Kane, Kris Kauss, David Kelly , Marcia Kersten, Kathleen Keyes, Kurt Kiefer, Margaret King; Kristine Kirchner, Ann Klosterman, Beth Knebel, Julie Kragh, W. Alan Krane, Carol Krupinsky, Ricky Lee Lamb, Douglas Larson, Mark Larson, Linda Laughlin ; Therese Lee, Andrew Lepinski, Michael Leven, Todd Little, Karen Loft, James Lucas , James Luebbert, Gregg Lueder, Susan Macchietto, Scott Mactier; Mark Magistretti, Ann Mammel, Michael Mardis, William Mariucci, Linda Martin , Mary Jo Mazzei, Kathy McCarteny, K. McKenzie, Janis McMullen, Kathy McNamara; Jodeen Melotz, Debbie Mercer, Douglas Meyo, Karen Miller, Mark Mitera, Susan Moackler, Donly Moran, Judy Anne Morrison , Todd

Morrison, Ann Munson; Julie Nelson, Scott Nelson , Gary Niver, Cynthia Norby, Mary Sue North, Sarah Nutty , Terry Ohalloran, Barbara Oliver, Jean O'Sullivan , Bill Owens; Richard Pantoga, Stacy Parker, Lisa Pate, James Paustian, Tamara Payne, Daniel Perdue, Thomas Perkins, MaryT. Perrone, Mark Peterson, Nancy Pospichal , Julie Prescott; Gregory Quirk, Daniel Rath, Betty Reinhart, Tina Render, Elizabeth Renstrom, C . Retelsdorf, Jeffrey Reynolds, Thomas Rice, Michael Richards, Alison Roach; Paul Roach, Kathy Roarty, Edith Rock , Susan Rocker, Susan Roley, Barb Roskins, Julie Ruther , Scott Sage, L. Salisteen, Gale Salmen; Mike Sanders, Terry Sanders, Jane Schatz, Connie Sch lei ch , Lori Schleifer, Brian Schmuecher, James Schone, Jane Schorr, Guy Schropp, Debbie Schumacher; Nancy Schwetz, Elaine Schwid , Lisbeth Scott, Rich Secor, Kathy Shapland, Charles Sharpe, Marsha Shipman, Sherri Simmonds, Terri 'Simmonds, Danver Simmons, Duane Simpson; Colleen Skinner, Kristin Skoog, R. E. Skutnik, Linda Smith , Martin Smith , John Sparano, Mary Spiers, Kelly Spires, David Stamm , Jacqueline Strong, John Sundell; Barbara Swanson , Suzanne Taborsky, Kevin Tatreau, Evelyn Thomas, Ann Thompson, Cherry Thompson , Thomas Thurmond, Lorri Todd , Judy Tollefsrud, Sharon Uhrich; Mark VaJentic, Jill Vestal, Jeane Vifquain, Mark Vipond, Christine Wagner, Julie Wallin, Steve Warta, Patrick Weigel, Theresa Weins, B. J. Westerlin; Connie Weston , Kathy Westphal, Kathryn Whiles, David White, Ruth White, Nancy Whittaker, B. J . Williams, Teresa Winkler, Richard Winslow, Kristine Woodke; Katherine Wyatt, Julie Youngman, Karen Zich , Cindy Zimmerman, Mary Zimmerman, Leo Zuerlein, Timothy Zweiback. Juniors: Marie Acamo, Dorothy Amoura, Cindi Ancona, Eric Andersen, Karen Anderson, John Angle, Valerie Arkoosh, Walter Armbrust, David Baca, Betsy Baker; Edward Beber, Scott Beier, Debra Belknap, Kim Berguin, Leslie Berkshire, Julie Bernstein, Eileen Bichel, Brent Bierman, Edward Bilek, Cindy Bishop; Deborah Blenden, Steve Blodgett, Susan Bloom, Andy Bock, Blake Bolton, Kelli Bradley, Susan Brennan, Marguerite Brown, Tammy Brown, Paul Brown back;

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Sherri Broyles, Peter Burch , Ronald Caniglia, Lynne Chandler, Marcia Combes , Steven Conley , Ann Copenhaver,JamesCorson , Elizabeth Crites , Robyn Cronk; Kathy Cushing, Daniel Dahl , James Daum, Catherine Davis , Elizabeth De Laittre, Karen Dibble, Helen Dibona, Paula Dickhute, Dianne Dierks; Karen Donnelly, Robert Donovan , Cathy Mari Drahota, Lynn Durkan, Linda Ehrenberg, Kirsten Elkholm, Sally Epstein, Lisa Erickson , Jocelyn Farber; Kelli Farrar, Kimberly Faur, Tari Feinberg, Ann Ferlic, Daniel Ferris, Mark Fitzpatrick, Douglas Fletcher, Sharon Foley, Angela Foran , Joann Francis ;

Debra Garringer, Cathy Geer, Steven Gessert, Victoria Golden , Daniel Goldman , Helen Good , Laurie Goodenkauf, Mary Ann Gourzis, Rose Ann Graham , Debra Gray; Joseph Greenberg, Susann Greenhagen, Jean Griffith , Mary Beth Hagedorn , Esther Hamann, Julie Hamann, Kristin Ham sa, Greg Hand, Susa n Hansen ; Kim Healey, Alane Hector, Cheryl Hein, Barbara Heiser, Heidi Himes , James Hinchik Amy Holmquist, David Hubbert, Christin~ Hughes, Ann Hunter; Paula Hustig, Lorie Ann Huston , Timothy Ingram , Mark Allan Johnson , Sue Ellen Johnson , Linda Jones, Mary Kane, Lisa Kaplan , Kirsten Karnett; Michael Kavan, Nancy Keegan , Kathryn Kelsy, Patricia Kenny, Sherri Kern , Kerry Kernen, Patricia Kinsella, Kathi Krane, Cheryl Kreifels , Bruce Kruger; Kathryn Kulesh , Laura Kunkle, Sharon Kunold, Sarah Larsen, Rodney Larson , Beth Lashinsky, Grafton Laughlin, Harold Laurence, Cathy Lehn, Robert Lerner; Steven Lewis , Steven Linden , Raylene Lowe, Susan MacDonald, Kenneth Mahowald, Michelle Mangano, Carol Mangiameli, Carol Marcotte, Jay Margolin , Patrick McClaughr; Jane McFadden, LeAnn McNiven , Linda Melius, Mike Menolascino, Timothy Mergen&, Linda Merrick, Danna Meyer, Joseph Meyers, Thoma s Miles, Jacque Miller; Debi Mitten , Kurt Mollner, Scott Momsen , Maureen Monson, ReneeM ontmorency ,Jonathan Morgan , Eileen Murphy, Pamela Murphy, Sherri Murphy , Diana Myers; Nick Nelson, Nancy Newstrom , Robyn Nichols, Elizabeth Niehaus, Julie Novak, LeAnne Novak , Sonja O 'Neill , David Olsen , Chris Olson , Michael Ostrom; Cathy Paciotti, Anne Pascale, Debra Pavlik , Patty Peetz, Mark Petersen, Kristin Peterson , John Pflug; Elizabeth Pieck, Debbie Pinkes , Ter ence Pleas , Jeffrey Polsky, Susan Prescott, Scott Prideaux, Martin Pugh , Michele Quinn, Laura Quirk, Steve Quirk; Lynn Remer, Richard Rhodes , Martha Rigby , Mary Ringwalt, Tami Rosenbaum, Teri Ann Rupe, Cheryl Ruvolo, Jody Sanders, Nathan Sarbin , Steve Schermerhorn, Carrie Schmitz; Mary Schroeder, Sandra Schulz, Kim Schupack, Sue Sciford, Kevin Scudder, Thomas Secor , Patricia Seume, Todd Shainholtz, Sharon Shanks, Diane Sharp; Deanna Silk, Jon Skoog, Debra Smith , Teresa Sneckenberg , Kenneth Somberg , Connie Sortino, John Staenberg, Diane Stewart, Leslie Stofferson ; Tina Streight, Philip Strevey, Pamela Sullivan , Lori Thomte, Robin Towey , Thomas Tritsch, Dennis Trouba, Julie Turkel , Victoria Walker; Sivananda Wall , Jeni Walling, Tom Walsh, Christine Waszak, Annette Weigel , Pamela Weiner, Jane Wenstrand, Ciddy Wiar, David Wiesman; Janey Wigodsky, Andrew Wodder, Janet Wood , Cynthia Woodruff, Deborah Woster, Jack Wright, Lori Zimmerman. Sophomores: Bradley Abbott, Ann Amberg, Paige Amick , Andrew Bailey , Eric Ba ker, Deborah Baltaxe, Kenneth Batchelder, James Bath, Debra Beier, Ann Berman;

(continued on page 5)


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on corsages and bou boutonnieres (with student I. D. card)

molehills Essays on alcoholism Nebraska Council on Alcohol (and Drug) Education, Inc. (NCAE), in a joint effort with the schools, is trying to make students more aware of "the inherent dangers from the use of alcoholic beverages," according to a letter issued by James S. Hamilton, Executive Director ofNCAE. One project sponsored by NCAE to achieve this goal is an annual essay contest for senior high school students. The subject of the essay, open to tenth, eleventh, and twelfth graders, is "Alcohol: Asset or Liability." The contest opened Thursday, Feb. 24 and closes Thursday, March 24. The contest rules state the essay must be 600 words and written in the student's own words. Prizes include four $50 Savings Bonds plus a State prize of an additional $50 Savings Bond for the best District winner, and eight awards of merit. Prizes will be awarded on April 23, Citizenship Day, at the State Capitol. The day will include the presentation of awards, a Capitol tour, and the awards luncheon. There is a similar contest open to junior high students. The junior high topic is "Alcohol Advertising: Leads or Misleads."

AP registration approaching The deadline for registration for the Advance Placement examinations is approaching. Students interested in taking one or more of these exams in May should contact Mike Crabbs, counselor, in the Guidance Center, by Monday, March 21. Successful completion of these exams offers students the opportunity to be awarded college level credit, entrance into honors or other special programs at the college level, and the opportunity to avoid taking a course that one already has knowledge about. In the past, Westside students in the areas of AP United States History, European History, Chemistry, Calculus, and others have taken these exams and received college credit for their participation. Generally, students should consider taking these tests if they scored in the 50's or 60's on the PSAT test; received a grade of a 1 or 2 in the subject; have definite plans for attending college; and have a high degree of interest in the subject. Each examination has a fee of$32, and will be administered May 16-20 at Westside. Tests are available in the following subject areas: English American History European History Calculus Biology

Bloodmobile will return to Westside for more donors. Westsiders interested in donating their time and blood for a good cause are invited to the east parking lot, Tuesday and Wednesday, March 29 and 30, 1 to 5 p.m. For the last couple of years, Westside has not met their blood quota. They need donors who are 17 years of age or older. It is not painful, and the amount of blood taken only amounts to one pint. After the donation, cookies and orange juice are served. Some people are restricted from donating. This includes people who have had their ears pierced in the past six months, diabetics on insulin, or people using some kind of anti-biotics for acne. If any of these conditions exist the blood cannot be used, because of the foreign chemicals in the blood stream. Westside was the first school to bring the bloodmobile to campus. Central, Burke, Northwest, and South High Schools have now started similar programs.

~---Lance----------------------~ Westside's Lance is published bi-weekly by the Lance staH for the students and faculty of Westside High School , 87th and Pacific St. , Omaha , Nebraska, 68124 . Westside's Lance is a member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association , the Nebraska High School Press Association and the National Scholastic Press Association . The paper is given free of charge every other Friday after 1 p.m. Subscription rates are $3.00 post-paid . Non-profit mailing rates claimed . Printed by Wright Printing Co .. 13426 B St., Omaha . Editor-In-Chief . . .. .... . . ... . . Margaret Kane Editorial edHoro .. Dan Goldman , Steve Maun

1706 Galvin Road

15 Ofo Off

Classics French Language French Literature German Literature Spanish Language Spanish Literature

Blood mobile at Westside

Editorial wrltero . . .


Chemistry Physics Music Studio Art History of Art

. .... , . Brent Bierman , Robyn Nichols

Newo edHoro ... Connie Schleich , Lisa Kaplan Newo wrltero . .. Jenny Welch, Sharon Shanks Feature edltora ... . . .

Mary Zimmerman Beth Lashinsky

Feature wrlt.,a . . Kim Nilsson,Kathy Sherlock Sporta edltora ....... Bob Peterson, Bill Saint Sporta wrHen .... Bob Sturm , Kirsten Karnett Bualn•• mM-aer ... ... . . ... . . Terri Perrone

Advertlalng m.,ag., .. ... . .. .. . Kathy O'Hara Artlata ....... Jane Wenstrand, Dan Goldman Photograph.,• .. . . ...... .. Jennifer Erickson , Gary Whitaker AdviHr ... . . . .. ..... . •. . . . . .. . John Hudnall

on the following merchandise during March and April (with student 1.0. card) Exotic houseplants Hanging baskets

Plant stands Pottery & Accessories

12100 West Center Road Bel-Air Shopping Center


doug bronk


hair stylist

Home Beautiful

Indian Hills Plaza 8901 W. Dodge Road 393-1771

3417 So. 84tt

LANCE - March 11, 1977 - Page 3

I Demo Derby Blues I

~~ I


The great American hero •an Goldman .m was born with a credit card in hand . As a child his natural .ty in the area of credit first ~ared at the age of two. One day mother thought she had Jlaced some household items. :ching the house frantically she d only find little spoons which ~ later replaced in portions of yfood. :linking this sudden appearance abyfood in place of her household 1s was odd, she reported this to n' s father who immediately ized what was happening. He 1ed over to Sam's playpen, and ~ enough, all of the items were in playpen. "Margaret!!" he said, have created a genius!!" nder the guidance of his father, 1 was soon enrolled into an msive eight hour a day training p-am for gifted youngsters with nation's foremost experts on lit as teachers. he results were amazing. At the of four, Sam had a total grasp of intricacies of the installment n. At the age of five, Sam n orized every varying interest ~ in the country. At the age of six, n fully understood the grimness of 1kruptcy. I o longer feeling a need to continue daily workouts, Sam quit the ining program to go out in the dd himself. Equipped with a mtiful new Master Charge card i income from hisfivejobs, Sam set eyes on a red bicycle which he

purchased with exhilarating success. Possessed with great confidence from his purchase of his bicycle, Sam soon acquired a baseball mit, a bat, 250 record albums, a $2,000 stereo system, two complete wardrobes, a $200 cassette recorder, a blowdryer and a Porsche Carrera Turbocharge for his driveway- all by credit. As Sam bought more and more and repayed everything back with perfect promptness, he became more than just a neighborhood hero. He was an American Hero: apple pie, mother, Babe Ruth and Sam Winkhauser. Little chilren went up to him on the streets and asked for his autograph. Businessmen marveled at his four houses, three boats, six cars, two snowmobiles, three fleets of helicopters and one lier jet. Credit experts marveled at his 808 different credit cards and brilliant usage of each one to its maximum purchasing power while still staying within a yearly income of $9,654.31. Soon, the endorsements started coming in. Companies paid him to use their credit cards in public for publicity. He was the guest host on Johnny Carson for a week and he appeared in two new movies . But his greatest pride was that his face appeared on Master Charge and BankAmericard credit cards. By the time he was 20, Sam had reached the height of his glorious credit career, for he owned a credit card from every store and company in the country except for his old neighborhood grocery store.


Confidently, Sam applied for a credit card and to his horror and disbeliefhe was turned down . He couldn't handle it. He needed this one last credit card to make his image complete in the eyes of the American people. In an attempt to prove to the grocery store his good credit rating, Sam lost control of himself. He overextended by trying to buy New York City and in a matter of two years he went from being an American hero to a bankrupt derelict.

by Robyn Nichols A young girl hurriedly rushed from the school building with books loaded in her arms. She looked at her watch. "Eight minutes after three - not much time. I'd better hurry before it happens," she said to herself. The girl ran to her car, frantically she unlocked the door and got in . Nervously sticking the keys in the ignition, she looked behind her to make sure no one was coming. She began to back out slowly. She looked at her watch uneasily. "Oh my God!" she screamed , "it's 3:10!" Swarms of students came rushing from the school to their cars, the parking lot became a Saturday night demolition derby. Students were shaking their ists out of car windows and shouting obscenities as their cars were knocked from parking lot to parking lot. Others were laughing wildly from their cars as they knocked pedestrians down like a succession of dominoes. The young girl sat terrified in her car as she saw another vehicle flying over the speed bump towards her. Hours later, the young girl sat in the desolated parking lot with her car. "With a little repair work and some paint the car will look as good as new ," said the bouncer as he bent over

exammmg the car. "Have they located the back end yet?" The young girl shook her head and replied, "No." "How about the other car door?" The girl again shook her head "Has anyone ever made it home from here without a scratch on their car?" asked the girl. "Well, not since I've been here." "When did you come to Westisde?" "Back in '52." "Well, wait a minute. Let me take that back. Back in about '64 a kid's car made it out of here without a scratch or dent." "How did he do it?" "His car was towed."

" Listen, you shouldn't feel so bad," said the bouncer. "Like I said before, you were reallucky. A lot of kids never see their cars again, let alone in threedimension, after they have parked here at Westside." "Well I suppose I better get home," said the girl as she got up from the parking lot ground. "I have to get up early tomorrow." "Oh , you have to be at school early to do some school work?" "No, I have to get up early to catch the school bus at 6:15." But that's another column.

Pep Club without pep serves no purpose What purpose can a Pep Club without pep serve? Our Pep Club at Westside qualifies for this category. Pep Club attendance and involvement has sunk to an embarrassing point. Attendance by club members at various sporting events consists almost entirely of sophomore girls. Sophomores also form the majority of members in the club (excluding Drill Squad and Squires). The reason forth is is that to qualify for Drill Squad or Squire tryouts girls must be juniors or seniors and have enough Pep Club points. There are two kinds of pep club points available which are awarded on the basis of participation: game and service. One game point is awarded for every varsity event attended. Reserve and junior varsity games are worth one service point. Two service points are awarded for decorating a locker and one for

every two posters. Service points can also b~ earned for decorating the halls and bringing items for bake sales. This year, the points required for tryouts of Drill Squad and Squires has been lowered from 30 game and 50 service to 20 game and 30 service, because not even the present members of Drill Squad and Squires who must qualify on the point system to tryout again have earned enough points. When Pep Club has been reduced to the state where it cannot function adequately to produce spirit an alternative should be considered. Perhaps a coed Spirit Club could be formed which would allow all the students who attend events to become involved. The uniforms and regimentary restrictions could be abolished to encourage participation. Tryouts for Drill Squad and Squires could be open for all junior and senior girls who wish to participate.

'NO achieves educational excellence goal As a resu It of tremendous changes within the >t six years, the University of Nebraska at naha is rapidly losing its image among estside students as an institution of 1estionable quality. UNO has long been ridiculed by West Omaha udents . The major reason, according to Jidance department head Dick Lundquist, is at most students don't want to live at home as ) many students who attend UNO. However, ated Lundquist, students are now accepting e fact that UNO offers excellent educational )portunities. He attributed this, partially, to )St. "It's not as easy to go away to college as it :>ed to be," he said. Students' visions of UNO as a place where one lCeives a "lesser education" have been altered 10st recently by findings of academic Kcellence by evaluators from the North Central ssociation of Colleges and Secondary chools. Giving UNO the highest accreditation ossible under its guidelines, the NCA sighted INO's "remarkable" growth in size and quality ince 1970. This growth, according to undquist, is because UNO has made academic xcellence its primary goal. "They're bringing in xcellent staff members and administrators," he

said. In addition, UNO has received increased support from the Board of Regents and the Legislature. Lundquist further stated that only "ignorance" could cause students to believe that UNO offers an inferior education. UNO's educational opportunities, said Lundquist, are equal to those of the University of Nebraska at Lincoln and Iowa State. One area the NCA report expressed concern over was financing by the Legislature and the Board of Regents. According to the report, "state funding has not kept pace with the institution's needs for faculty, salaries, instructional and research equipment, science equipment and the like." The report further stated that UNO programs that are areas of excellence have not received adequate state funding, and therefore, "expectations have not been fulfilled." Being the second largest state university in Nebraska, UNO should be allotted the funding necessary to further attain its goal of academic excellence. UNO is outgrowing its reputation from the time it was "Omaha U." and is rapidly being recognized as an institution of quality education.


,.,,., Kl

That sign's got to go.

Page 4 - March 11, 1977 - LANCE

Families face common adjustments When one thinks of a single-parent family, he usually thinks of an unmarried mother. However, this is not the only type of single-parent family. Single-parent families also include families that have lost a parent through death or divorce. Put simply, it is a family in which one parent is not present. Psychologists estimate that in the next decade, nearly 50 percent of all children growing up will come from single-parent families. They are already worried about one aspect of this situation. Depending on which parent is absent from the home, the little boy or girl will not have a parent he can model his behavior after. The Child Saving Institute, which has been in operation since 1972, is designed to assist unmarried mothers. "The main goal of our program is to help the mothers get back on their own two feet, and to provide for themselves and their child without being on ADC (Aid to Dependent Children) or welfare," commented Terry Lind, institute counselor. The Institute provides many services including counseling and day care services. In addition, classes in parenting are taught, and the mothers are helped to find jobs or to obtain grants for returning to school. "In this type of family situation there are problems typical of any other family," Lind stated. The day care program at the institute includes children from birth through two years. When a child is placed in the day care program he has to adjust to a daily routine and is usually afraid of the new environment. Through a constant daily routine, the child gets to know what to expect at certain times. "We usually try to have the mother stay in the day care situation for at least one and preferably two to three days until the child adjusts," remarked Lind. The mother has a lot of adjusting to do too. It's her first experience with children and she has to learn to relate to such a little human being. She has to adjust her time and budget. She can't do things she used to do, and she is now spending time on the needs of two people. "Most important is that before there was only one person to be responsible for, and nowtherearetwo,"concludedLind. According to Willie Harper, of Family Service of Omaha-Council Bluffs, divorce is usually caused by a change in attitude between husband and wife. However, besides parental adjustment, there is a lot of adjustment on the part of the children involved. The decision as to which parent should get the children is made by an

arbitrary judge. "Therefore, even if a little boy wants to live with his father, the judge may decide that he would be better off with his mother," commented Harper. An attorney will supervise the case to insure the rights ofthe children. Family Service Agency offers counseling for both parents and children involved in a divorce. "We use a model by Virginia Seteir in dealing with the kids. This model depicts both parents as leaders of the family," remarked Harper. Mter a divorce, the children often have an attitude of"I want you to be here" towards the absent parent. The parents may feel some guilt towards their children at this time, for involving them in the whole situation. Parents Without Partners is an international organization of single-parents and their families that originated in Washington D.C. It is not a social service organization. It is an organization of single-parents working to help each other. The organization is staffed by volunteers who have been through many of the same problems as those seeking assistance. The program came to Omaha 14 years ago. "We're really dedicated to helping each other," commented one volunteer. The organization holds educational discussions and other activities for the adult members. These are usually held on Monday nights. A major goal of the program is to provide the children with a well-rounded background and contact with other children that they might not always get. "We try to do things with the children, as a group, that single parents can't," remarked the volunteer. Every Sunday afternoon is considered family time and the group does things together, like roller-skating parties and hayrack rides. During the summer the group tries to go on a "family campout" every third weekend. Major activities of the group include things like a trip to Worlds of Fun. A person does not automatically become a member of the organization. He may observe the group for 45 days with other group members helping him over the "first step." At the end of this period the person must decide whether or not to join the organization. Human Communication Services, Christian Counseling Service, Lutheran Family and Social Service of Nebraska, and Parent-Effectiveness Training groups, are some other organizations in the Omaha area, which aid the adjustment of a single-parent family.

Count Dracula accepts blood and applause Bela Lugosi would have been proud. Dracula, the second semester allschool play was unlike any other drama production done this year. The organist and brides of Dracula gave an added dimension to the production. One of the most outstanding aspects of the play produced Thursday through Saturday, Feb. 2426, was the set itself. Designed by Director James Ogden, the set and props were very convincing and lifelike, complete with trap door.

Attired in ghostly white gowns and haunting make-up were 13 brides of Dracula who served to create the mood for the play. They used nonverbal communication while roaming the aisles before and after the production in order to spook the audience. "It was incredibly hard to keep in character, stated Junior Ann Hunter, especially around my own friends." Junior Lisa Kaplan said, "It was fun to see people's reactions. Some would take it seriously, others would just

G88C goldstein chapman's 1

Wild about Westside! Spell it out with our school name necklace!

kind of ignore me." Lisa explains "We spent a lot of our rehearsal time staring at one another." Playing the part of Count Dracula was Senior Brian Kruger. ''The character Dracula wasn't hard to play once I established the right pace. The lines were easy and the character is well known ." Making their debut on the Westside stage were seniors Annette Staynor, Scott Sherwin, Kathleen Chaput and Juniors Chuck Essex and Kevin Tierney. Kathleen, who played a convincing role as Lucy Seward, states that working on this play was the best thing she'd ever done. Sophomore Kurt Sage developed a taste for flies and spiders as he played the role of the mad R.M. Renfleld. Kurt's performance was possibly the highlight of a great many of the scenes. Sophomore Geoff Jordan played an amusing attendant. Geoff joked, "The play was definitely type cast. Everybody liked the spooks!"

Dancers discuss performances. Darcy Gibson and Cindy W discuss rehearsals for upcoming appearances with the Omaha Bal Company . Not pictured, Ellen Fowler . .

Dancers require dedication "The experience, the dedication and discipline, and the building as a dancer," Darcy Gibson, Westside junior commented as to the experience she is gaining by being a member of the Omaha Ballet Company. The Omaha Ballet Company, in existence for 12 years, includes three Westside juniors, Darcy Gibson, Ellen Fowler, and Cindy Wiar.

Waiting in the wings Darcy and Ellen have achieved the rank "dancer" in the company, and Cindy is an apprentice. Dancers appear in all the company productions, while apprentices, are understudies and replace a dancer in a performance if they suddenly get sick. Other ranks within the company are soloists, and junior apprentices. The Omaha Ballet Company consists of two soloists, eight dancers, eight apprentices, and six extra dancers from the Creighton Dance Company. The company rehearses three times a week with a requirement that two of these rehearsals be attended by each company member. Along with the company rehearsals, all three dancers take regular classes at the Omaha Academy of Ballet. Directors of the company are Thomas Enckell, artistic director, and Kathryn Horne, assistant director, both dancers from the American Ba llet Theater in New York. The seasonal productions the company presents, that Ellen, Darcy and Cindy take part in, include a ballet in the fall , with a guest performer, the Nutcracker Suite at

Christmas, and a spring ballet. 1 spring, the three will participate i production at the Omaha Playh01 Two different performances will given of Peter and the Wolf, Bath Gin, Time Steps, Carrilln, and oth• " It has helped me with st presence, and helped develop mort a dancer," said Ellen referring to}: the company has helped her. El first made the company dur tryouts for the Nutcracker two ye ago. She plans to continue seriou with her ballet after high school. T summer she plans a trip to New Y to study with the Joeffrey Schoo: Ballet and The American Ba Theater.

Festival in June

"I have really improved, and neat to take classes with people ~ are better than you. it gives you m of a goal, and it is so much m professional," Cindy commen about the company. Cindy tried for the company last fall, and possibly considering a trip to I' York this summer to try out for sc of the professional company clas1 Darcy joined the company dur tryouts for the Nutcracker one y ago. There was no official auditi she was asked to be in the com pan) the directors. Darcy doesn't wan¡ become a professional dancer, does want to keep it up. The only dance-related trip Da will take this summer, is with Omaha company to Minnesota fc dance festival in June. Master clas a re taken by the dancers E performances are put on for p ar ticipants by certain da1 companies.

School name or mascot in red, black or white. $4. ORDER BY MAIL - DELIVERY IN 3 WEEKS GOLDSTEIN CHAPMAN'S 16th & Farnam Omaha, NE 68102 Please send me bead necklaces

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Defensive and psychopathic.

Sophomore Kurt Sage portrays the mad man R. M. Renfield in t all-school production of the play 'Dracula.' Renfield attempts to keep the true identity of Count Dract concealed. Pictured are Scott Sherwin, Kurt Sage, Geoff Jordan and Kevin Tierney.

LANCE - March 11, 1977 - Page 5

Students tackle T.V.'s technical side

dnJ( behind the scenes. Media Specialist Joyce Jones .er first semester class through the basics of television .ction.

"Stand by . . . action!" These words can be heard on early Tuesday and Thursday mornings during UNO's Basic Television Production class. For four hours a week, about 16 of the university's students gather to pick up the basics which they hope will get them started in the career of their choice , broadcasting , especially television broadcasting. Students first must complete a course called Broadcast Practimum where they learn the basic functions of a T.V. and radio station. They are taught how to operate an audio board (a large control panel) and the Switcher (which operates the various cameras) in a television studio. After obtaining this necessary background, students are ready to create their own productions . On filming days, the basement-like atmosphere of UNO's studio comes

loni compliments wrestlers for a fine job re is so much to say about . Lou Miloni, but that would 1any words, since his 13 years of ing wrestling have been a ete success. mi feels his best season, out of . total, has to be this one, as he wo boys who won State. His s record this season was 9-1 and 1e can add that to the overall l of 115-25-3. Since he has been he has had ten wrestlers that taken State. They are, Dave •n who took it twice, Tom and Boyer, Bob Danenhauer, Kirby .e, Al Bach, and Gene Kobert. irst two to take State for Miloni Scott Lausterer, and Scott 1SOn .

loni succeeded Coach Marv 13 years ago. He started the ·am and it existed for four years e Miloni took over. Nevins had three boys who took State in ' four years. The reason Miloni the job after Nevins was that he l to coach the sport. lS

e only thing that Miloni has ged since succeeding Nevins is :equirement that the wrestlers :e weight. ch year, Miloni expects from his tiers nothing more than what can produce. He tells his boys to 100 percent on the mat. This year top 12 athletes had 84 percent ·ries on the mat; the 32 wrestlers

>nor roll .

who lettered won 75 percent of their matches . These percentages , according to Miloni were extremely high. "What I look for is to see who will be on top of the 12 weight classes which range from 98 pounds to heavyweight. Any boy can clinch one of any weight class, since each one has a chance to be on top," Miloni explained. Miloni feels wrestling has become popular since he has become coach. While coaching for the last six years he has averaged 105 boys on the squad, a high of 139 which was his best season , and a low of 65 boys . He doesn't feel, yet, that wrestling is becoming as popular as the other boys' sports, but sees wrestling becoming more popular in the future . He also feels there should be more participation from the student body. "As I look back, all my years as wrestling coach were good; my record can stand for that. Since I have been coach my team has placed in a total of seven tournaments placing first and the others, second by four points." Miloni would like one major thing to happen in the future, that being, an increase in student spectators, especially at Districts and State. "I'm pleased to have such good wrestlers come out each year, which ir1 return makes a good team. It's a good feeling to win State for the second straight year and win four

• (continued from page 2)

hard Betz, Paul Bicak, Shelly Bishop, Philip 1, Jeff Bladt, Linda Blodgett, Laurie Bloom, la Bourke , Michael Brady, Michael m an ; uglas Brune, Kenneth Buehring, Kelly •n, Stacy Carp, Claudette Carson , Karen .dler, Barbara Chantry, Robert Chapman, 'rey Chappell, Andrew Cihal; J<i Clanton, Cheryl Coatea, Deborah Coateo, y Cole, Ruasell Conser, Chriaty Cradic, >erl y Cr osby, Linda Culp, Caaaandra lop, Carol Dahl; c ki Deniston , J im Dibona , Michael voodie, Michaela Donovan, Tim Duffy, than Duitch , Daniel Dunker, Kriatin Ericaon; rt Erixon, Allen Farquhar, Lida Feeken, Jodi n an, Louri Fellman, Meriwether Felt, Mark "· Kathleen Finn, Joni Fredrickson, Mark rickson; ckie Freeling, Kathleen French, Ann Gaines, Geddie, Becky Geialer, Amy Gendler, Anita d , Maureen Giller, Bob Gliaamann , Amy ion, Jackie Graves, Daniel Green , Kriatin on ly, Michael Grier, Lynn Gruenig, David tan, Megan Hamaa, Beverly Hanoen, Jane sen , Sandy Harder, Andrew Hargitt; oristine Hauaer, Gregory Havelka, David eo, Theresa Hazuka, Diana Heimberger, Eric richsen , David Hermann, Paula Hidy, Renae kina, Terry Hopkina; ·alee Hughes, Harold Hunter, R. laffaldano, 'ia Jay, Sara Jensen, Catherine Johnoon , 'i J ohnson ; acey Johnoon, Jennifer Kahl, Beth Kaiman , n Kane, Chriaa Karnes, Gregory Keller, Keith er, Jane Kelay, Michelle Kennedy; tZanne Kennedy, Tammy Kilgore, Catherine 1terman, Kathy Kobe, Steven Koukol, Douglaa

Kozeny, Robert Krueger; Lori Kuhl, Steven Kurtz, Liaa Kuzela, Karen Larsen, Barry Laraon, James Lathrop, Lawrence Leader, Joan Learch, Beth Lee; John Lehr, Jane Lemon, Spencer Levels, Lori Lienemann, Todd Lincoln, Sara Lockwood, Sharon Lod.ien, Suaan Madison, Nichole Mallett, D. Maragoa; Susan Marley, Lealie Marshall, Bet Mcinnis, Mary McKenzie, Linda Miceli, Gary Moran, Steven Moakovita, Bruce Muenster, Julie Muir, Teresa Murphy; Danice Nelson, R. Keith ·Neth, Susan Newell, Deborah Newhouse, Sharon Newton, David Noodell, Jose Novoa, John Offutt, Carl Olsen; Chria Olson, Kim Orr, Douglaa Packard, Mary J o Palmesano, Angela Payne, Marcia Pederoen, Lance Perkins, Philip Perrone, Scott Perry , Laura Peter; Camille Peters, K. Petersen, Suzanne Petersen , Scott Pinaon, Raymond Poage, Rebecca Quinn, Heidi Rath, William Repichowokyj, David Ripo, Dana Robicheau; Andy Robinoon , Brenda Roskeno, Rita Rueve, Nancy Samaon, Neil Schlegel, Jana Schmidt, Janet Schoolfield, Jeff Schrager, Amy Schreinger; Mark Schumm, Kellene Sedlak, Joan Seman, Craig Shapiro, Diane Shapland, Alan Sladek, Scott Slaggie, Andfew Smith; John Smith, Ken Snowdon, Kria Sonderup, Jeannie Sterba, Carol Stevena, R. Stofferaon, Koni Stone, David Strecker, Patricia Stremlau; Molly Strom , Mary Sudyka, Jack Swanoon, Todd Swift, Kimberly Terry, Jeanine Vanleeuwen, Reuben Vann, Karen Veverka; Robert Walenczyk, Jill Walters, William Welch, Julie Westphal, Cindy Whitfield, Scott Whitfield, Grace Willing, Brenda Wingard, Cynthia Zook.

Metro titles. With Miloni's standards, and being a fme coach, he can look at a fine record and several wrestlers who have taken State. Many wrestlers who have been coached by Miloni say he is one of the best coaches in the United States. So wrestling will have a fine coach and a well-coached wrestling team next year.

alive with activity. Members of the class set up lights, microphones, arrange sets and cameras, and untangle a seemingly infinite n urn her of cords and cables. Instructor Gretchen Borbatsis is mainly a supervisor in the student oriented process . So far in the course, each student has been responsible for two productions; a two minute editorial and a three minute interview . This means writing their own scripts, designing a set, outlining specific camera directions, choosing music and titles for the opening and closing of the show, and performing in their creation . Those who are not on camera are working on one of the crews. There is a floor director and two assistants who give the signal to stand by and also que performers. Someone is at the audio borad operating the sound system, and a switcher controls the cameras which are manned by three student cameramen. Fellow classmates may also aid each other with their productions by appearing as announcers or any on· camera character needed for the spot. On Thursday, Feb. 24, an odd variety of interviews were recorded on video tape. They included facious interviews with an English soccer player and Amy Carter, a serious interview with a UNO sportscaster, and even a puppet show. Interest and enthusiasm run high in the group where humor is a popular ingredient

in their works. Sophomore Marge Dupley expressed her feelings about the class by saying, "It's an interesting course because you're not locked into a desk." Westside students have also had the opportunity to look behmd the scenes of television. Students seen roaming around pep rallies with their cameras rolling were members of Westside' s Television Production class , taught by Joyce Jones, Westside media specialist. Class members get a chance to produce their own news, weather and sports shows. Large groups also offered a look into other important aspects of the medium. Guest speakers and films presented students with information concerning rating systems, television violence, children's programming, public versus commercial broadcasting and cable television. The television production class has provided many opportunities for students. Each year several class members spend one afternoon a week at Mutual of Omaha's television studio. "The program teaches about industrial television. Channels three, six and seven are only a part ofT.V." Jones states . The Mutual of Omaha studio makes training program films to distribute throughout the country. John Polito became so interested in television production after taking the course second semester last year that he is now working as an executive intern at KETV.

Disappointment arises for Ingram this year "I'm kind of disappointed but I think I've done a decent job for the team, and I can always improve since I have been designated as one of several shooters on the team," said junior Tim Ingram, basketball player, on his performance this year. The reason Ingram got into basketball was he liked the game and the Westside basketball team impressed him since they have had good teams in the past. The person who has helped Ingram improve is Coach Tom Hall. What Hall does to help is that he spots for him while he is shooting in practice, and shows him what he is doing wrong. Hall has also helped Ingram in his summer camps by pointing out problems. Ingram feels one problem he could see this year was lack of height, the team was outrebounded early in the year and in turn the team lost a lot of

games. But Ingram feels quickness made up for it. "Our biggest let down this year was the Prep game since we built a five· game winning streak before the game," said Ingram.Ingram feels Coach Hall is a great guy to have as a coach, and does a great job. Also Ingram feels new assistant coach Tom Lotus is easy to talk to. He feels the team should have won some games that they lost, especially to teams like Gross and Thomas Jefferson, who they were beaten by in the Holiday Tournament. The Warriors also lost by slim margins to South and Hastings.

should be a competitive team when next year rolls around." For a second year letterman, Ingram feels he has accomplished his goal as a good player. He says he could always use improvement. That shows to a basketball fan how a player works to achieve his goal. So Warrior fans watch out for a really fine player.

Enter the World of Fabulous Gifts

"We should be in good shape next year, except we will be in the same situation, as we'll be lacking a big man. We look forward to Steve Maun, John Pflug, Steve Friedman, and the rest of the returning lettermen. We


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Pro Keds Clarks of England Pedwin

Page 6 - March 11. 1977 - LANCE


Southeast terminates Westside rei~ defeat must have come into the Warriors' minds directly following the preliminary competition .

April 3 ............... . ... Council Bluffs Relays at C.B.

In Lincoln, competing in the much talked about Sports Complex pool , the Westside swim d ub, dominated for years in their respective sport, was ousted from their throne by Lincoln Southeast. Southeast's 213·87 victory over the Warriors was, at least to the sell-out crowd , a shocking upset.

April 5 .......................................... North

looking Sharpe

April 8 .............. .... ...... . . . Westside Invitational

Shining through, however, for the Warrior cause, was Chuck Sharpe. Sharpe, voted for the second time as the meet's outstanding swimmer, set two records during the course of the meet. One record, a :45.508 in the 100freestyle boosted Sharpe to a number two ranking nationally. Sharpe's other record came in the 200-freestyle, in which he finished with a time of 1:39.242, bettering his own record set the day before in the preliminaries of a 1:40.o14. Sharpe swam better than anyone in the State meet had ever done before. Just that accomplishment overcomes the fact that we lost the State title. Sharpe was up for the meet," said Cal Bentz, head coach of the Warriors.

We had a lot of kids who just barely missed qualifying," explained Bentz. " Southeast ' s qualifiers, in comparision to their times prior to the State Meet, was surprising. But I had a feeling that their times during the season were not their full potential," added Bentz.

March 25 ..... .. . Grand Island Relays at Grand Island March 29 ........ . ..... . .. . . . .. Bryan, Burke at Bryan

April 12 ..... . ............... Roncalli, Tech at Roncalli April 15 or 16 ............. Burke Invitational at Burke April 20 .............................. T.J., Ryan at T.J. April 23 ................ . .. Dutch White Relays at Tech April 29 ...................... Bellevue lnv. at Bellevue May 3, 4 ............... Metro Championships at Burke May 13, 14 .... ............... , . . . ..... . . District Meets May 17 ..... . .. ..... .... . .. . Sophomore Meet at Bryan May 20, 21 ................................. . State Meet

In the preliminaries, Lincoln had placed 14 athletes to Westside's ten in the championship division. Westside h a d five swimmers to four for Southeast in the consolations.

Outstanding relay Also carrying the weight for the Westside effort was Scott Mactier. Mactier set a record on his way to winning the 200-individual medley, posting a 1:58.509. Mactier also placed second in the 100-butterfly. Mactier was just

outdone by long-time rival, Crampton, of Creighton Prep, :5: to :52.206. The Warriors' final indivi champion was Junior Rick Rh1 Rhodes added to the list of record in the meet, as he finished the with a :59.162, nearly three sec• ahead of his opposition . As the final event, the 400-free: relay, came up it was evident t that the Warriors had indeed dethroned . Despite the insignific of the event in the final standi Westside performed greater thE ever had before. The War outclassed second place South 3:12.363 - 3:15.879. The victory perhaps, a final whimper ofprote, the part of the Warri • Unfortunately, however, it wa~ too little, far too late. " Overall it was a good meet. We a lot of great performa1 throughout the competition, de: the fact that we lost," concll Bentz.

Taking a dive

Absence of big man painful When basketball season began a little over three months ago, it was evident the Warriors had the good shooters to become a fine team. But, there was also one big problem, no big man to control the boards. As the season progressed this problem became more obvious as the Warriors were getting beat time and time again on the boards. After a few games Westside improved in the rebounding department. Then there came a new problem to plague the Warriors , the fourth quarter. In almost every game the cagers were staying with their opponents until the fourth period . The Warriors out to prove they could overcome the height problem . met Gross in their first game. The Warriors lost to a pesty Gross by a narrow margin. Then after splitting a pair the cagers had to face Northwest at home. Westside played aggressive throughout the game and came away with a mild upset. Next the Warriors traveled to play in the Holiday Tournament. Playing below par theW arriors lost to T.J. and Ron calli, but did get them back in the latter part of the season. The next big game for the cagers came against North. They were playing one of the most highly regarded players in the state of Nebraska, Mike McGee. Westside stayed with North until the fmal period when McGee got hot and blew them away. Then came the Burke contest, where the Warriors played excellent

until the final period as the Bulldogs pulled away. But this game seemed to be the turning point as the Warriors put together a five game winning streak going into the Prep contest. Once again the Warriors played well but not quite well enough as Prep squeaked by. Westside was eliminated from State by Central to end the season. The Warriors record was not exceptional but with the obstacles they had to deal with they should be commended on a fine effort.

There has been considerable speculation , by almost all fans of the sport , that Westside' s greatest downfall, or better yet, Southeast's major reason for victory, came as a result of the diving competition . Southeast grabbed 49 points in the competition, while the Warrior.s failed to qualify. The margin of difference in this single event was nearly double that of the final margin. "The diving, of course, hurt us. Without the diving we would have won by 23 points. We were very strong in the rest of the competition," said Bentz. Whatever Westside's reason for defeat, it was certain that the idea of

Girl cagers fall in Districts The girls basketball team, upon entering District competition, had , at most, hopes of producing an upset during the course of play. But any hope diminished quickly in the Warrior's opening game of the competition . The girls fell to Papillion , a team that beat them by 8 earlier in the year, 53-40. The cause of the downfall , according to head coach Lee Nordine was that "they (Papillion) have the quickest guards we've ever played. They broke our press throughout the game." And as a result of the Papillion speed, the Warriors were un able to set on defense. With continual defensive unstability, Westside found themselves unable to hold off the Papillion attack. Westside, as a result of the loss, finished the season with an 8-9 mark.

Big Red acquires Johnson When the end of football season rolled around and Craig Johnson emerged the Class A's leading rusher with well over 1000 yards it was evident that there would be interest shown in obtaining Johnson's talents . In fact there were seven scholarship offers for Johnson . And the offers came from major college teams like, Iowa, Iowa State, Kansas , and Nebraska. With a wide selection , the obvious question would be, why did Johnson pick Nebraska? "I have always wanted to play for Nebraska, and the distance was within reason . Johnson also added, "It is a good school for football, and I think everybody would want to play there." Last year Johnson gave up baseball so he could work out in the weight room in preparation for this season, and it payed off. This spring Johnson plans to run track in preparation for next year at Nebraska. "They did not impose it on me to go out, but I thought it would help me the most, Johnson implied. Johnson was not the only Warrior to receive a scholarship , as Dick Dawson and Brian Muenster received grants from the University of Nebraska at Omaha. All three of these men were contributing factors to the Warrors' fine 7-2 record, and being runner-up in the Metro game against South.

Nordine, in no way making excuses, hut rather praising his team , stated that "for having a team comprised of six sophomores, four juniors, and only two seniors, I think that playing near .500 ball is quite an accomplishment, and is as good as can be expected." If there is any advantage to having such a young squad it would have to be the ability to look forward to next year. With the on come of such athletes as juniors Diane Kobs, Jody Sanders, and Lori Zimmerman, all with extensive experience during the season, perhaps an optimistic outlook for next year is a highly occuring incident. Following the conclusion of a season which had to, without a doubt, be filled with many disappointments and much pain , Nordine concluded, seemingly putting it all behind him, "We should certainl y be picked as one of the top teams in our area next year. " Central, grabbed the honors, winning the crown in Westside's district.

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...... 10.,..




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-. 111£"' ;.

Take a dunk

The latest fashions in swim wear feature Westside models making their debut. See story page 11.

Contemporary problem A look at four aspects of the problem of alcoholism. See story page 8.

Death of Pep Club?

Pep Club will be changed or completely abolished and a decision will soon be made about open tryouts. See story page 3.

Page 2 - March 25, 1977 - LANCE


MateS match at dance

Those interested in finding a perfect match or those just out to have a fun time attended the computor dance on Saturday, March 19, at Westside's girls' gym. Each student filled out a questionnaire when they purchased a ticket. There were questions dealing with favorite sports, personality, characteristics, and general likes and dislikes. The answers were then sent through a computor for programming and matched up students at Westside. Upon entering the dance each student received a computor printout which had their number on it which also appeared on their ticket. Each student was matched up with other students as well as astrological matches. On the print out each student was told their sun and moon sign as well as celebrities who shared the same brithday. 30 YEARS.ABC building the hub of District 66, is the focal point of Ea ch participant received their number which was to be pinned on them so the district which has been serving the community since 1947. others could find their matching number. The band then took a short break while each student found his/ her matches. The dance lasted untilll :OO p.m. Door prizes were awarded to the boy I girl with the most matches and the couple best matched. For 30 years- a reflection of the community. This is the theme of District 66's 30th anniversary, which will be celebrated on Wednesday, March 30. District 66 has been serving this area of Omaha since 1947. Up to that year there were three rural elementary school districts; Loveland, Underwood, and Oakdale in this area, the nearest high schools were Benson and Central. As a "Westside Story" is the theme given five sections , Student Life, result, students were attending those schools on a tuition basis . Benson and to this year's yearbook, tentatively Academics, Organizations, Sports Central eventually became overcrowded. The three elementary districts in this scheduled to be distributed to those and People. area then decided to merge to form one district, this is when District 66 was Student Life, the section set aside formed . students who purchased one, on Most of the elementary and junior high schools were built during the 1960's , for student activities, has been Monday, May 16. The last spreads of the 280 page expanded to include areas outside the while the district's population was steadily growing, The student population is book were sent into Taylor Publishing school. A four page color spread of the currently about 8200. The district is planning several activities for the celebration as Gary Marx , Company of Dallas, Texas, on city of Omaha is an example of this, Director of Communications for the district, outlined. He told of a dinner for cited Hudnall. February 25. Some new and unique ideas were Featured in the book is a multi-color former superintendents and board members to be given by superintendent H . put to use in this year's book, line drawing of the campus, by Laurie Vaughan Phelps on Wednesday, March 30. There will also be a book on the 30th a c cording to John Hudnall , Bedwell, which goes along with the anniversary sent to all homes in the district. Marx said, "We're just trying to let people know that we have an anniversary and we want them to help us journalism adviser. Some of these are theme "Westside Story." five modem design layout styles Hudnall said that the theme was celebrate it." Marx will also produce some television and radio spots, along (previously only one style had been chosen "to show the unique aspects of with public service announcements. Marx commented that individual schools within the district were not used throughout the book), and hand路 Westside High School and its obligated to initiate activities to help celebrate. Westside assistant principal set hea dlines, done by the yearbook individual story." This year plastic covers will be sold Jim Findley said "We have not had any ideas or definite plans brought to use staff. yet, but we are still hoping to plan something ." The yearbook will be divided into for 25 cents to protect the books.

District boasts 30 years

'Shield' features new ideas

Roses Carnations Cymbidiums Daisies Baby Breath Snowflakes Button Mums Hyacinths

PROM TIME Let us help make PROM night memorable with flowers from our shop. Whether you need a boutonniere for your guy, or a corsage, nosegay, basket or a single rose for your girl, see us. We have a large selection of flowers and colors to match, blend, or contrast with the color your date is wearing.

etc. Countryside Village 391-7483



The place where you can play pinball, skeeball, and ride on the slammer cars.

FBLA members unite at Hilton

Participating in the 15th annul Nebraska State Future Busine1 Leader's of America Conference wi be four students from Westsid Students attending will be Am Swoboda, Joan Anderson, Kim Yorl and Michele Kennedy.

Conference at Hilton This year the conference is bein held at the Omaha Hilton HotE Approximately 1200 students ru expected to attend from all ovt Nebraska. Students will participal in oral and written examinatior covering the areas of business . A tou of 26 different contests are offered i which a student has to choose minimum of three. If a student enters a contest that : listed as a competency series, he wi ha ve to go to either the Office Carel Pa nel or the Management Semina Each is to enrich his knowledge in tl: different areas of business. Students will arrive at the Sta1 Conference on Thursday, March 3 Testing will be held on Thursda: March 31 , Friday, April 1 an Saturday, April 2. Students will t adjourned on Saturday aftemoo after the Awards Banquet is held. Winners from Nebraska will got the National Leadership Conferenc' Said FBLA sponsor Jeanne Nielser "We have a small number of peopl going, but we're hopeful that we'll d well."

National spanish exam approaching All around the nation, Spanish students will be taking the annual American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portugese exam on Saturday, March 26. Students who score high on the test receive trophies or even trips to Spain or Mexico. Students from Westside will be taking the test at Bellevue High School. "The students meet at

was kind of disappointed in not winning the trip, but it was a good experience." -Jeanine Van Leeuwen


Westside at 7:45a.m. then a bus will take them to Bellevue, said Ira Brodsky, Spanish instructor. The test is a challenge for the students because it is more than just a written exam like the Spanish students would take in the classroom. Brodsky stated, "The test begins with

the students listening to a tape recorder which will ask the students 30 questions. Next, the students listen to a short story from the recorder and answer ten questions about it. The next 40 questions are similar to questions from a test in class. The last 20 questions have the students reading some stories and answering questions pertaining to them." Taking the test is exciting for the students, especially when they have a chance of winning a trip. Last year, Jeanine Van Leeuwen, sophomore, came close to winning one. She came in second place in the entire state for the second year Spanish students.

She said, " I was kind of disappoin in not winning the trip, but it wa good experience." In order to prepare for the test, 1 students have to work hard. Te Hopkins, who is going to take the t this year, said, "Since the beginni of the year, we've been meeting a playing games similar to Jeopard~ Spanish. Also, we have looked at te from the past few years, in order to . an idea of what the test will be lik With all of the hard work that tl have been doing and a little lu Westside students should be able win some trophies and maybe e\ win a trip.

Extended homeroom popula1 For the last few years, Westside High School has been participating in an annual extended homeroom day involving homeroom teachers and students in going out for breakfast. For four or five years, Westside has been getting students and teachers together for homeroom breakfasts. The students decide the location of where they want to eat, and the

If it s in this, it S in. 1


Westroads 108 San Francisco Mall 391-9988 magee's westroads

teacher will accompany the group the past a lot of students h1 participated in these outings sim because it's a change of pace from 路 average 8 to 3:15p.m . schedule. Tl get a good breakfast with friends, f they get to see the more human sid' their homeroom teacher.

Last Monday, March 10, West! had their breakfast . So homerooms decided to go out breakfast, some went to the hom' the homeroom advisor and others j stayed at school and had donuts n 8 to 9 a.m. But for the last two ye there may be reasons for dropping program because of lack participation by both teachers 1 students.

Mr. Jim Findley , homero director, said, "The reasons for lac: participation are unknown. We re1 don't know why the number ofpe< going to these breakfasts has g down, except that maybe the studE don't like their homeroom teacher they just don't feel like go anywhere that early." " Some of the teachers ar' interested in taking their students is entirely up to the students if t wa nt to go or not," Findley said.

LANCE - March 26, 1977 - Page 3

urpose of pep club questioned Homecoming would be organized by both girls and boys and also sponsors. "There will still be a need for some kind of leadership to help organize certain activities," stated Huston. "There are still some students who are interested and want to get involved," said Huston.

ecommendations have been presented, by the spirit tmittee, for necessary changes in various club !Ctures. The recommendations have not yet been tlized but changes have been discussed. ep club is the major concern. The number of members dwindled and the purpose of the club has been stioned. "Girls seem to be in pep club just to earn ugh points to try out," stated Ron Huston, athletic l activities director. "Consequently the spirit and .e ral attitude has declined," explained Huston.

The cheerleading squads might also be changed or rearranged in a number of ways. Leaving the squad the same with the same number of girls is the first proposal. To create another squad for less major sports was another idea. The last idea was to add more girls to the present squad. "By adding more girls the squad could spread themselves out over more sports," explained Huston. Pep club will either remain the same, be abolished completely, or become a less formal organization whose main purpose is to promote spirit.

ryouts for this year and the future bring about the 1t controversy. One alternative presented is to open JUts for marching and cheerleading squads, this tld mean any girl could tryout as long as she had the per teacher recommendations and grade point rage. Another suggestion is to give a certain number 10ints to those who were previously in pep club and n proceed to have open tryouts. The final alternative lld be to leave the try out structure the same.

The final decision made by Huston and Dr. Tangdall will be made in the near future and the changes in structure will hopefully benefit the whole student body.

lther clubs were represented such as pep band and !ract. Pep band may change their structure and if they there will be only minor alterations. Interact was .cerned with the decline in spirit and presented ideas change.





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fJnvention close to Disneyland

:ooper meets DECA qualifications attend the national conference. This year, 65 students from across the state qualified to go to Anaheim.

"It is just an honor to be

able to go there." Don Gilpin, business instructor, hopes to go to California with Sam, but is not sure he will be able to make it. He feels that Sam has a good chance of coming back with trophies,

as he is a very good student, and the state of Nebraska always does well in national competition. Gilpin added though, that even if Sam would not win anything, "it is just an honor to be able to go there," and that he will have a good time at the conference. Sam shouldn't feel that he is very far from home though, because all Nebra·ska representatives at the convention wear their native "Go Big Red" hats, so that they will not get lost in the corwds.


Hklllll~ (i)st ~



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dresses for prom time, sportswear for spring, come on in, Colonial Chapel


A Unique Experience In Dining.

"Basketball and football have always been the two major sports at Westside. By having fewer rules and a less formal structure students will hopefully support the other sports," explained Huston.

"So this is the Pep Club!"

Disneyland, Universal Studios, nces and "Go Big Red" hats will all just part of the National Career velopment Conference, to be held Anaheim, Calif. Senior Sam ooper, qualified to go to this nvention, and plans to attend. 3am qualified for this trip at the stributive Education Club of nerica, (DECA) State Leadership mference, held in Omaha last Feb. ·28. At this conference at the Hilton >tel, students participated in mpetitive events related to their .reer choice. The area Sam .rticipated in was Apparels and :cessories on the Manager and IVIlership level. During the state convention, a 11dent participates in five to six ents within his or her particular ea, some written and some role aying, for qualification to the ltional conference. Judges are esent at the conference for all the ·ents. After all competition is over, the top .ree students overall are eligible to



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Page 4 - March 25, 1977 - LANCE


Security tightened

by GoldMaun A thick fog had set m adding to the gloom of the school. The spotlight barely pierced the fog,leaving a faint glistening of light upon the barb wire which had recently been installed around the school because of an excessive rise in vandalism . The night shift of guards, who were dressed in red shirts, black pants, and arm bands with a bold black "W" on them, mechanically paced at their respective posts. There were 20 guards in all, (two at each post), and each was equipped with an M-16 rifle, suitable ammunition , a hand bazooka, three knives, two grenades and a sixshooter; they were ready for any student, teacher, or community member who tried to penetrate into the impenatrable. At post three, located near the south loge doors, the two guards were arguing over the environmental importance of ants and zebras, when a lone figure approached through the fog . The guard who favored the ants grabbed the spotlight and shined it on the approaching figure , while the guard who favored the zebras sat poised with his bazooka. "Who goes there?!" bellowed the ant guard. "What?" asked the figure as he grimaced at the blinding light. "Approach and be recognize<! with your hands on top of your head," ordered the zebra guard. The figure rambled up to the post and furiously shouted, "Don't you know who I am?! I'm Dr. Tangdall, the principal of this school! It's imperative that I get into the school!" "Sure buddy," said the zebra guard. " You 're Dr. Tangdall like I'm


Supermtendent Phelps. Now who are you?" "I don't have time for this! I have to get into my office to get materials to report on this security system for the board meeting. I can't be late!" "Uh huh. I really would like to believe you, but I can't believe you unless you have your I.D. card. " "I.D . card? I don't need an I.D. card! I'm the principal!" "Orders are orders. We just can't let anyone into this building who wants to, no matter who they say they are. Furthermore, do you realize why me and my buddy are standing out in the fog with our M-16? Because people like you who are the ones who get into the school and vandalize and ruin everything. You should be ashamed of y01:rself." "Eh?" "Don't give me that. If you don't leave right now we are going to call the police and have you arrested." "Huh?" "Search him for weaoons," said the zebra guard. "Weapons? Can't you just let me into my office for a minute, even 30 seconds. I can't be late to this board meeting," pleased Dr. Tangdall. "Call the police." In disbelief Dr. Tangdall realized the futility of his purpose and he departed back into the fog. The fog had thinned, the sun had risen, and Dr. Tangdall gazed with hysterical satisfaction as the last piece of barb wire was being dismantled, as the last boxload of weapons was being taken away, and as the last truckload of guards were being shipped away. All by his command.

All I need is my math book.

Rallies not only valuable convocation use Now that the cheers of this year's pep rallies have echoed off into eternity, it is time to present the student body with another type of convocation . Talent at Westside is by no means limited to the area of sports. There are several groups in the school qualified to provide some spring entertainment. ' The orchestra, stage band, Concert Jazz Band, Warrior Voices, swing choir, Chamber choir, mime troop, and any of the smaller groups are made up of talented and dedicated students who deserve more recognition. Attendance at evening performances of these groups is often low. Perhaps this is because the general student body has little knowledge of their quality due to a lack of exposure. Excellent turnout for this year's drama productions, including "Visit to a Small Planet" and "Dracula" is evidence that there is interest in

student entertainment. Given the opportunity is certain that performances by any of the oth groups would be well received by students. A step in this direction was taken earlier in tl year when the two one-act plays were presentc during the school day. Unfortunately, they we scheduled during the last two mods on a Frid. afternoon and could only be attended I students with this time open . In view of the fact that the administration willing to use a convocation schedule on pt rally days it does not seem unreasonable suggest that a musical program be plann1 occasionally. Any interested groups from the wide varie found at Westside should be given the chance offer a sample of their work . This would serve create equal time and draw attention to grou1 worthy of notice.

Death probe: self-inflicted wounds John F. Kennedy has been dead 13 years. Martin Luther King Jr. has been dead eight years. The House Select Committee on Assassinations has been dead since February.

I don' t see how they can expect me to vote on whether there should he convocations featuring ochool playa, the Jazz band and the Thespians when I didn't even know we had ochool playa or a Jazz band and I don't know what Thespians are.

Recent allegations and remarks by former committee chairman Henry Gonzalez (Dem.·Texas) has more than questioned the integrity of the ~ommittee ; they have buried it. Gonzalez resigned at the beginning

Closing school at night result of vandalism In a recent decision by the administration, the building is being closed at 6:30p.m. every night and 2 p.m . on Saturdays, due to vandalism and theft. A major part of this destruction took place in the boys' and girls' gym lockers. Although students and faculty are still allowed to use the building after school hours, it is now being made more difficult. They have to receive perm iss ion from the front office. The same goes for the use of the boys' and girls' gyms, but there must be adult supervision at all times. The closing of the school won't prevent vandalism of property since the school really isn't closed, if people are still allowed in the building . Also the destruction of the gym lockers can't be prevented, because the supervisor cannot be in the gym and lockers at the same time watching the students. The closing of the school at these hours may

also put a hindrance on the people requiring the use of the IMC's or any other part of the building to do school work. "People can still hold meetings, or whatever in the school," explained Dr. Jim Tangdall, principal. This is true, however, closing the gyms creates problems for the athletes who would use the gyms to practice for sports events, and not many adults would agree to spending an evening sitting around watching teenagers. The answer to the problem does not lie in closing the building, since allowing people to use certain parts of the building will not eliminate the vandalism and theft problem. By keeping the locker room doors to both gyms locked and more supervision throughout the school at night, we might reduce the vandalism. This way students will still be allowed to use the building for both educational and athletic purposes.

of March following an unsuccessful attempt to fire the committee's controversial chief counsel Richard Sprague of Philadelphia. In an interview with the San Antonio Express-News, Gonzalez said that Kennedy's assassination will never be properly and thoroughly investigated "because vast and powerful forces , including the country's most sophisticated crime element, won't stand for it. This criminal element is all-pervasive, loaded with nothing but money and in many ways more potent than the government itself." He further specified "The Kennedy family and heavy business interests in the Dallas-Fort Worth area who don't want all the old JFK muck raked up" as additional forces against the investigation. Gonzalez went on to call the committee "A put-on job and a

hideous farce that was neverinten< to work." He alleged that the Ho1 had planned for the committee to 1 and that " powerful forces, includi criminal elements" had set Spra1 and himself on a collision course. Sprague, alleged Gonzalez, wa1 " transparent phony " "unconscionable scoundrel," and t used committee funds for an Acapu vacation and long-distance ph< calls to his girlfriend and law firm Philadelphia. The HouseofRepresentativesvo in January to end the committee's : Thursday, March 31, unless it co uncover some significant n information. Thus far it has not. 1 committee should proceed to quiE die on the last day of the month. Another look into the Kennedy a King assassinations is needed, I the present committee, with integrity no longer in tact, can; possibly hope to continue its worl

~---Lance------------------------~ Westside's LMc:e is published bi-weekly by the unce staff for the students and faculty of Westside High School, 871h and Pacific St. , Omaha , Nebraska . 6812~ . Westside's L - is a member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association , the Nebraska High School Press Assoc iation and lhe National Scholastic Press Association . The paper is g iven free of charge every other Friday after 1 p.m. Subscription rates are $3.00 post-paid. Non-profit mailing rates claimed. Printed by Wright Printing Co .. 13426 B St., Omaha . Editor-In-Chief ..... . ..... . ... Margaret Kane Edltorlel eciHora . . Dan Goldman , Steve Maun Edltorlel writers . ....... . .. . . Brent Bierman, Robyn Nichols editors . . . Connie Schleich , Lisa Kaplan N. . . wrtler ...... . ... . ......... Jenny Weich Feat..• eclltora . . . . .. ... . . . Mary Zimmerman Beth Lashinsky Feat... wrttero .Kim Nilsson, Kathy Sherlock


Sportl eclltora ....... Bob Peterson, Bill Saint Sportl writer . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . Kirsten Kamett Buoln"" manager ........ . .... Terri Perrone Advertlllng mMager . . .... . .... Kathy O'Hara Arltoll ........ Jane Wenstrand, Lonnie Urich Cartoon lot ............ . ........ Dan Goldman Photographera : .. ........ . Jennifer Erickson, Gary Wh itaker Advller ..... .... ...... .. . . .... John Hudnall

LANCE - March 25, 1977 - Page 5

trait jackets and student stress Jrent Bierman !veral weeks ago, I did something )Ught I'd never do. I cracked under pressure of my homework load. happened one afternoon when I td myself with three major tests, !Ssay and a newspaper article all within the next two days. s I sat down at my desk which was l camouflaged by a multitude of ks, pens and paper, I slowly began xperience a build-up of pressure. ally, feeling total futility, I flung books across the room, called a nd on the phone and rushed off to tennis courts to release my pent-

up frustrations on a bucket of tennis balls. Returning home a few hours later, I found myself wondering why I had "cracked." I began to look into the dreaded high school disease of student stress. Upon my return to school, I sought out a counselor to learn what causes stress and what students can do about it. "Just about anything can bring about stress," she said. "Anything from two much homework to getting a job to arguments with your parents. "Teenagers are at a very awkward stage in their lives," she went on.

arne shows: gloom, glamour or_? Robyn Nichols 'elevision game shows, the mour, the excitement, the fun of ming wonderful prizes is now part the American scene. Everybody tches them wishing they were the !S on the game show winning the zes. lecently, while being home ctoring the flu, I had the Jortunity, or torture, of watching 'se game shows, since these were ' only shows on the three television ;works from 9 a .m. until 3 p.m . So I ;ided to risk my health and take a ance and watch the shows. :<'irst, and probably one ofthemost portant people is the game show st. The game show host on every ow was a man. He had short hair d was always wearing suits with itching shoes. He comes from back tge bouncing and running up to the ntestants acting as if he had waited .d studied thousands of years for the ry moment when he would be a me show host. He is always smiling and laughing everyone can see the $3,000 dental J. When a contestant has a large aount of money at stake, the game .ow host will always say, "Now if ou miss this then you lose erything. " Invariably the constant misses and loses the 8,000, but the host always laughs td says, "Too bad, but we do have me nice consolation prizes," (which e usually things that people would row away). As the contestant walks "f stage muttering something coherent, the game show host ways ends the show by waving to ,e cameras, as if the people watching ere waving back.

The second most important person is the contestant itself. I found that three-fourths of the contestants were women. These average women found on the game shows were about 5'4", bleached-blond hair , lived in Anaheim, Calif. and were happily married housewives with 3.2 children. When asked the question what would they do with the money if they won. They always reply wide-eyed, "Oh golly I just don 't know!" After winning a mere trinket they jump up and down screaming hysterically, and then attack the game show host, messing up his suit with the matching shoes. The game shows themselves display a magnitude of creativity. There are shows which use a giant wheel and spin it around. There are the ones which use people to play tictac-toe and then there are the ones which require the contestants to use their brains by filling in the blanks. Winning prizes on these game shows can be fantastic, but many people forget the things that happen after you win prizes. One contestant who may regret the experience, gave her husba nd the Mercedes she won (worth about $20,000) and kept the rest of the prizes. She decided to buy all her friends and relatives gifts. This was before she had talked with her tax man . After the $23,500 in cash went to taxes, she ended up paying for the gifts out of her own pocket. To raise more money, she held a garage sale to sell some smaller prizes like a pool table, a one-seat dune buggy and a special mailbox. Oh game shows, the thrill, the glamour, the excitement and all those taxes to pay on the winnings.

"Besides going through physical changes , teenagers are also experiencing drastic changes in responsibility. Although they're no longer led around by the hand by their parents, they're not quite free yet." The topic of our conversation changed to the effects of student stress. The most common results, she said , were headaches, acne, irritability, depression and insomnia. The most extreme and obscure were suicide and nervous breakdowns . When we began to discuss how students can cope with the many pressures placed on them, she emphasized two methods - talking and relaxing. ' 'Talk to anybody who is a good listener," she said. "Friends, parents, counselors - anyone who will listen . You'd be amazed at how much relief people can get by simply talking." One of the most promising methods of relaxation , she told me, is meditation . " It's different, and it seems to help a lot of kids get their heads together. Yoga is good, also, and it's fun, too." "Student stress is a big problem," she said toward the end of our discussion, " but you don't have to end up in an asylum like Mary Hartman."


Quiz President Carter

by Steve Maun Ask President Carter has been considered a success by presidential aides and many radio professionals . As Bill Balance of KABC in Los Angeles said, "Honesty throbbed in his voice. He came through like a champion ." I do not question that President Carter presented himself well on the program, but I do wonder if its true value to the American people has not been over-emphasized. The program lasted for two hours Saturday afternoon , March 5. It was a rranged by AT&T and CBS for broadcast from the Oval office. It was carried on 265 radio stations throughout the nation. There were over nine million calls monitored in the Bedminster, New Jersey Bell Communications Center. Of these estimated nine million people who dialed the president's number (900242-1611) only 42 connected. The purpose of the program was to allow the president to gain an intimacy with the governed and hear the h onest concerns of the American

people. It was not forJimmyCarterto sound honest. I believe it is reasonable to doubt the accomplishment of this purpose. Having a short conversation with 42 Am e ricans should not allow President Carter to assume he has become intimate with the American people . An examination of the questions asked also raises doubts about the true value of the program to Americans . When asked how to deal with the new complicated tax forms, Carter s y mpathized . One concerned American asked what to do about the high price of coffee. The president suggested they drink less. One caller asked what the president would do if Idi Amin retained Americans in Uganda . The president's response was keep cool. This answer does help Carter sound down home and concerned, but I feel if the situation did arise he would (I hope) do more than keep cool. A 13-year-old boy called in and suggested the government ship snow from the East to the drought-stricken West. Mark Fendrick of Brooklyn, asked if the Yankees would be allowed

to play an exhibition game in Cuba. Carter replied, perhaps. If these questions represent what President Carter feels are true concerns of Americans, then a great many Americans should become extremely concerned. " I think it is very good for me to understand directly from the American people what they are concerned about, in questions that have never been asked or been reported in the news media," said Carter. President Carter only spoke with 42 people, a portion of who did not ask or suggest anything concerning government policy. The value of Ask President Carter to the American people may not be as great as the value it has in helping Jimmy Carter keep his campaign promise of involving the populace in government. Carter says he is inclined to do another program in the future. If this happens Mr. President, I have a question. Why don't you encourage mail correspondence with the same zeal? It would allow you to involve more Americans.

High school football field mania an Goldman

With all the current improvements t high school football fields it is easy , speculate the vigor in which :lministrators will strive for new nprovements. Here is a typical day t a high school in the endless quest >r football field improvements. At 8 a .m. sharp, the telephone rings 1 the principal's office. Good morning, Dr. Smith, principal f Wonderful High School, which is 1e best in the state taking in Jnsideration the facilities we have at ur disposal, speaking." "Jim," asks superintendent Jones, what's going on?" What's going on with the field? Oh, ·es, yes. I think it's becoming lonely. t' s off season, you know, and it's been , long time since it felt the carressing of the football team's cleats. " Hmmmmm, we'll have to do :omething about that. Maybe a mate tr something. But what about the ovorkmen?" "At 8 : 15, Elbert Systems

Incorporated is scheduled, at 12:00, I'm meeting with Bartley, Shmidlap and associates and at 1:30, Willie's Wiring Company." " I suppose that will have to suffice," says Jones . "I'll be by at2:30 to check up on the progress. But now, I want you out by that field supervising construction. What would happen if the workmen injured the field while one of us wasn't around? Why, we would be sued for millions by the community. At 8:16, Elbert Systems Incorporated arrives at the football field ; their specialty is underground watering systems. Recently a brown spot was reportedly seen on the 22yard line. Realizing that the watering system must obviously be deficient, the administration hired a team of 1000 men from Smith to install an underground watering system in a matter of a few hours. At 12:00, Dr. Smith meets with the respected law firm of Bartley, Shmidlap and Associates on the 50-

yard line. They discuss a tricky legal question concerning the annexation of all the land in a one mile radius of the stadium. Finally, at 1:30, Willie's Wiring Company arrives. Lately, a few students had been sneaking on the football field and walking on it. This, according to the administration, was causing the grass to turn brown, to stop growing and to ultimately die. Thus, it is Willie's Wiring Company's job to install a barbed wire fence around the stadium complete with armed guards and fierce dogs. "How's the field?" asks Jones. "We lucked out again, replies Smith, "it came through with only a few scratches and bruises." "How's it feeling now?" "Well, it's still pretty lonely." "I think I can solve that," announced Jones, "I'm looking at the field at the university. It may be a little bigger than ours, but don't you think the two would make a nice couple?''

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Next year's improvements in the Westside football field.

Page 6 - March 25, 1977 - LANCE

Guidance department undergoes 'face lift' With the closing of school Friday, June 3, builders will enter the building to start to tear out walls from

the two guidance offices, for a new united guidance and counseling facility.

The plan also includes an addition to the school that will unite the Deans' offices and allow space for the nurse and infirmary. The addition will be added to the north side of the building, right across from the guidance center.

Student service is the main reason for the new guidance and counseling facilities. The new area will contain more space for students to research and do quiet study in materials that are currently just stacked on shelves, hidden in rooms, or spread out in the

that students will use it as they do · IMC's. Tangdallstates that the first act· plans for the new area were m! eight years ago and were alw! cancelled because something ca up, such as the fire escape doors tl

three different guidance areas. Counselor Dick Lunquist hopes that the students will feel as free and comfortable there as in the cafeteria. The project, scheduled to be finished by the first week of August, includes a six-foot high graphic design made of mirrored threedimensional aery lie, and color coordinated carpet and furniture. The new area will also contain a conference room with a capacity of more than 60 people and a screen to project student orientation films on. A large research area is the main project. All eight counselors and the job placement office will be in the same area. Dr. Jim TAngdall, principal, states that the current use of space is very inefficient, and that the new area will be "more attractive, efficient, and comfortable." He hopes

were ordered by the fire marsh; Lunquist states that he thought · plans would never be carried throu because of the delays. "Not v• many students are even aware tl we have a job placement servic said Tangdall .

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Working together "Right now the counselors starting to provide better stud• services," states Tangdall. ''Then facilities will definitely help." Ma times the counselors, deans, and e' the nurse should work together a Tangdall feels that the closeness the group will allow for what 1 seemingly discipline problems , revolve into counseling problems.

"The new facilities w definitely help." Westgate





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" There will be bet1 communication as far as department," states Mike Crab counselor. Crabbs thinks that th will be a cozy, more organiz inviting area for quiet research a study for students. The estimated cost of the projec $100,000.00.

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LANCE - March 25, 1977 - Page 7

Two nights left for 'Desert Song'

Eltive dancers, Bev Brokke and Judy Tolleforud keep in racter while taking time off from rehearsal. "Desert Song" will be ~ented tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. in the WHS Auditorium.

1niors for State chosen uring the month of February, hers were asked to select junior Ients they felt were best qualified )articipate in Girls' and Boys' ;e, both to be held this summer on University of Nebraska at ~oln campus. h.e process of choosing candidates nreefold, according to Dr. James ,gdall, Westside principal. First of a sheet of paper describing Girls' . Boys' State, and listing eligibility 1irements for students, is sent und to all teachers, who then icate three girls and boys as their lt favorable candidates. orne of the requirements are olarship, leadership and interest :ovemment. After this, ballots are sent back to Tangdall, who then !Cts the 12 candidates most often ntioned for both the boys and girls, I sends this list of 24 students back the faculty, who then rank the dents in order of their preference. 'he two top boys and five top girls informed they have been chosen,

and decide whether or not they wish to participate. If one student does not care to, the next one down the list is allowed to attend State. This year's candidates have been chosen, but cannot be disclosed at this time. Once the approximately 400 students from across the state arrive on the Lincoln campus, they live in areas called "towns," with university students who act as counselors, and begin campaigning for various govemmental jobs. Students are split into two parties, and may run for a local, state, or county position. After being elected, the student visits with someone in Lincoln, who really does hold this position in his or her govemment. Tangdall said, that of course, there are such things to participate in as sports and dances, while students are in Lincoln . He added that the money to send juniors to State is put up by the Westside Boosters' Club.

"One Alone" is the theme song for the Westside Musical Desert Song, which will be presented, Thursday through Saturday, March 24, 25 and 26 at 8 p .m . in the Westside Auditorium. The show will run about two hours. The musical presents the French Foreign Legion in Morocco battling against a Robin Hood band of riffs. The Red Shadow, the leader of the band, is feared by almost everyone except Captain Paul Fontain, an officer in the French Foreign Legion, who is determined to destroy this man. The plot also includes a reporter from France who tums out to be a real comedian. He begins as a spy for the Riffs and winds up trying to escape, to return to France. There are also several love affairs that add a different dimension, to the constant battle between the Riffs and the French Army. "We will be trying for realism, but the lines themselves will make it more of a comedy," said Jim Ogden, drama teacher. The musical will be presented by the Warrior Voices and some members of boys' glee, who are used in the chorus. The coordinator of the show is Don Schuler, vocal music director. "Time will be our biggest problem," said Schuler. Helping are Harold Welch, orchestra conductor and head of all instrumental music for the show, and Ogden, who is doing the blocking and is designing and building sets for the show . The show will be


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choreographed by Michaelle Rosendahl. The choice of Desert Song was a result of many things. It's unusual, most high schools won't try it; the music is difficult; and most schools would do a Broadway show which Desert Song is not; are some of the reasons given by Ogden. In past years any show that was presented during the school year was paid for with money raised by the choir. Schuler said, "We didn't have a budget last year to put on a show." The cast for the show is large and includes a large chorus and different dancing groups. "We have a lot of talented people this year," said Schuler. Some of the leads are Kurt

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Page 8 - March 25, 1977 - LANCE

Wh() a r-e Skid-row bum. All too often this is the general picture people perceive of the alcoholic. One out of every 13 people in the United States today is an alcoholic. An alcoholic is a brain surgeon, an alcoholic is a minister or teacher, an alcoholic could be your best friend. The interviews conducted for this article comply with the rules of Alcoholics Anonomous (AA). The names of the AA members have been withheld and the occupations of the interviewees will be used when referring to a statement by them. A minister, after being sober for 20 years and an active member of AA for that time, explains how and why a person drinks. "A person will start drinking because he has problems. When drinking starts controlling your life, that's when you become an alcoholic, when you cross that invisible line from social drinker to hard drinker." Signals of alcoholism are often all too obvious. Divorces and arrests often serve to wake alcoholics up to reality. Non-drinking persons often ask the question, "Why does a person drink?" The alcoholic would answer, "because I have to." "Alcoholics tend to have addictive personalities, " explains the minister, "they tend to over-do everything such as eating and smoking. Alcoholics are victims of their own excesses." A former teacher explains, "After you realize you have a problem with drinking, you have three choices. You can continue to drink and go crazy, seek help, or eventually die." The step from realization of a drinking problem to actually getting help for it is almost the toughest part of becoming sober. Often, somebody else has to make the decision for the alcoholic. This is where AA comes in. "The transition from an alcoholic world to the social world is a hard one for the alcoholic," explains the minister. Teen-age alcoholism has become more apparent in student life. The former teacher explains, "Young people today are being thrust into the adult world faster. Jobs become important, the pressures start building. The question is, what makes drinking at school any different than drinking on the job? If you were caught drinking at work, you would be fired on the spot."



1 out of 4 people in the U.S. are potential alcoholics. 1 out of 13 people in the U.S. are alcoholics. 1 out of 36 alcoholics will make it to sobriety. 1 out of 10 alcoholics willdie. 3 out of 4 alcoholics stay sober with the help of AA. 1 out of 200 alcoholics will stay sober without the help of A A.



Teen-agers experiment with liquor for several reasons. Many are not confident of themselves around other people; drinking brings out their inhibitions. Still others drink in order to go along with the crowd. The former teacher stated, "Take a look at students who drink on the weekends. How many of them do you think tell their parents what they are planning before they go out? Those who do, probably have their parents convinced that drinking is okay . I used to come home from drinking and lie to my parents. When I told them the truth one night they refused to believe their son would do such an immoral thing." A student at Westside explains how his friends react to the fact of his being a member of AA. "My friends don't believe that I have that bad of a problem, they try to talk me into drinking with them anyway. I think maybe they hurt a little bit inside also." "All too often the teenage alcoholic has little guidance. The real sin is when a kid needs help and no one hears him scream," said the former teacher. The social acceptance of alcoholism is a sad story. "Alcoholism is often glamourized on

television in commercials. Grab for all the gusto you can and so on," explains the minister. "Promoters should be required to show what happens afterwards, the part that's not so pretty. Likewise bar owners should be required to put a banner across their bars proclaiming, 'I am a legal drug pusher."' The alcoholic is often thought of as stupid and ignorant. "To be called an alcoholic is like being called a dirty name ," explains the minister. "Alcoholism is still to be a socially acceptable disease, like diabetes or cancer." The former teacher explains, "Take for instance the other day when a teenager was killed on the highway while driving down the wrong side of the road. The teen-ager was drunk. If the accident would have been caused by some physical attack, people would feel sorry for him. If he would have been high on drugs, he would have made headlines. But since he was drunk, the guy was an ungrateful slob." Churches are often guilty oflooking down on the alcoholic instead of trying to help him. "Some churches feel if they turn their back on the problem, it will go away," said the minister. "I once asked a fellow minister if he had come across any

"My name is Joe Smith, and I'm an alcoholic." "Hi Joe!" simultaneously respond the friendly people around him. An Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting is underway. People of all descriptions and ages introduce themselves before sharing their views on the evening's topic of discussion. The group leader, himself an路 alcoholic, coordinates the procedure. He asks each person to voice his opinion, and afterwards thanks him. Observers are welcomed and also asked to comment. An observer does little to hinder the openness and honesty found in an AA group. Participants speak frankly about their drinking and their sobriety. The discussion topic for the evening was fear. Commented one youth, "I was rarely afraid when I drank. The more I drank the less fear I had." Others agreed, but had found freedom from fear while sober in a "higher power." The atmosphere was informal. The group of 15-20, comprised equally of young people and adults, listened attentively and was supportive as each shared his feelings on fear. The meeting ended, but the group lingered to enjoy the "birthday" cake of a Westside graduate who was celebrating one year of sobriety. A typical birthday party, but the beverage was coffee. Gradually, the crowd thinned as each alcoholic left to pursue another day of sobriety. Alcoholics Anonymous describes itself as "a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problems and help others to recover from alcoholism." Through AA, alcoholics learn to live their lives separate from alcohol. While the drinking alcoholic's world is one of self-deception, an AA meeting resounds with stark honesty. It enables its participants to take a hard look at themselves. "I went to AA because I was sick and tired of being sick and tired," explained one sober alcoholic. "I was tired of feeling alone in the middle of a party." This former school teacher began attending one ofthe 85 AA meetings held weekly in Omaha. "I wanted to equal or exceed what I had when I was drinking," said the teacher.

troubled alcoholics in his congregation. He said, heck no, if we find out anybody is an alcoholic, we kick him out.'" "What people fail to realize is that we ' re all a little screwy, only alcoholics have a drinking problem on top of it," explains the minister. " The guarantee to keep from becoming an alcoholic is simply not to drink," explains the former teacher. "Also, become aware of the affects of alcohol, there are no real advantages. If you drink, think, then make your decision." "We need people to tell people, to communicate to others about alcohol abuse and where you can go to for help," said the minister. "Alcoholics Anonyomous is listed in the telephone book and help is often available in school guidance centers. Talk to your counselor." The minister relates to a story that reminds him of this. "It's the one about the two men in the cemetery visiting graves. One man turned to the other and said, "Howdidhedie?" "Too much alcohol in his system," the other man explained, "Didn't he know about Alcoholics Anonymous?" asked the first man. "Are you kidding, he wasn't that bad off ... "

"I found that I liked myself sober and no longer had to drink to live with myself." AA helps the alcoholic put his drink down and learn to live without it. "We don't quit for life," remarked a minister. "We stay sober one day at a time." The sober alcoholics begin to depend on God instead of alcohol. "We turn our lives over to God as we understand Him," explained one member. This faith in God is manifested by the loving concern of the group members for one another. "The people themselves are important, not what they do for a living or how old they are," said the teacher. "Everybody belongs." "I could call a member of my group at 2 a .m. if I needed him," said the minister. This type of fellowship doesn't force an alcoholic to make a decision to stop drinking. Instead, it points the alcoholic in the right direction. Once the alcoholic stops drinking, the rewards are fantastic. "There's no more wondering what it was you did or said the night before, no more arrests, and no more hangovers," stated the teacher. If the alcoholic should return to his drinking habit, his AA group still supports him. "No alcoholic ever made it by himself," said the minister. "AA members practice the 'I love you enough to break both arms to help you' philosophy. We don't desert anyone." This philosophy has met with a high success rate in the past. Three out of four alcoholics stay sober with AA, but only one out of 200 make it without help. Help is also available for the wives and family members of alcoholics through Al-Anon and Alateen. "A child or wife of an alcoholic can be sicker than the alcoholic," said the minister. "They have to learn to live their lives separate from the alcoholic." Although the minister has been sober for 20 years and was married after he stopped drinking, his wife is a member of Al-Anon. "I still think and act like an alcoholic," said the minister. "Alcoholics can always be addicted to anything which is addictive, and they tend to be victims of excesses. We often overeat and work extremely long hours." Even after 20 years, the minister attend AA meetings three to four times per week. "I like it and want to be there," he explained. "It saved my life."




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LANCE - March 25. 1977 - Page 9

Var-tY•!!()er()1'" a C()h()lic:1 Alcoholism is terminal. It is like cancer in the sense that stopping it in its early stages will slow its spreading process. Unlike most cancer, alcoholism is not curable. Premature death can occur from lack of treatment. "Once the disease is acquired it will progress whether or not you drink," said John Warren, a member of the co-ordinating committee of the Youth Alcohol Council. Alcoholism is being battled by the Omaha Area Council on Alcoholism (OACA). OACA is dedicated to promoting an awareness of alcoholism, its nature, and treatment. An affiliate of the National Council on Alcoholism, its sister organizations include Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, and Alateen. A drop in grades, tardiness, change in personality, and many other characteristic changes mark the effects of alcohol. Early warning signs of alcoholism include a high tolerance to alcohol, lapse of memory or change in reputation caused by drinking, gulping drinks, frequent drunkenness, a change to friends that do drink, and guilt or remorse about drinking. Warren adds that the alcoholic will stop just to prove he can stop, but this won't solve his problem of alcoholism. In a nationwide survey conducted in 1975, 50 percent of all teens said that they were in a situation at least once where alcohol was present. By the twelfth grade, 93 percent of the boys and 87 percent of the girls admitted to having a drink. Of that percentage of boys, 70 percent drank once a month or more, 40 percent drank once a week or more, with 14 percent getting drunk at least four times a year. Of the 60 percent of all traffic accidents involving youth

"Warning: Altered or counterfeit driver's license is a felony." Felony: any of various offenses of graver character than those called misdemeanors. Murder, burglary and altering driver's licenses are all considered felonies . Altering a driver's license in order for a minor to obtain liquor has stronger implications than many people realize. The penalty for this crime is a $100 fine plus a minimumof30 days in jail. There is also the possibility that the business may sue the parents of the offender. However, there is yet another consequence that could occur due to a minor buying liquor, one that many people don't realize. As Stillman Hazeltine, owner of the Saddle Creek Bar states it, "They are jeopardizing a legitimate businessman's whole business. Just because a minor has an I. D. it does not relieve the owner of being guilty of selling to a minor. It also jeopardizes the livelihood of many employees." There are generally three types of false !.D.'s circulating. They are altered !.D.'s, counterfeit !.D.'s, or !.D.'s which belong to someone else. According to Dorothy Schwid, executive director of the Douglas County Beer and Liquor Retailers Association, they have some of the names of those supplying false identification, however, their purpose is not to prosecute, but rather to prevent it. They are also aware of certain flaws in the altered or counterfeit I. D.'s thatmaketheillegal licenses easier to spot.

and alcohol, nearly 8,000 teens are killed annually. Mr. Dick Lundquist, department head of guidance, cites alcoholism at Westside as a problem. "Drinking is a common thread, because it's expected," said Lundquist. He doesn't feel this problem is unique to Westside, however. "It occurs most everywhere and is apparently a part of the adolescent stage from 15 to 19-years-old," said Lundquist. He feels that people have become more sophisticated about drugs, but need to use more common sense about alcohol. "Now they have that bill which will raise the drinking age to 21. People may be scared away from bars here, but I hope they don't drive off to Council Bluffs for a drink." Counselor Jan Kuhl believes there is a fine line between drinking and alcoholism. " Drinking is so socially acceptable that people who are alcoholic often don't realize it or admit it," said Ms. Kuhl. Ms. Kuhl was employed as a counselor in an Iowa school system when the drinking age was lowered from 21 to 18. "Before, kids who were 19 would have to sneak into bars, but now high school sophomores and juniors are able to." "Self-respect and self-worth are as big a problem for the alcoholic as drinking," added Ms. Kuhl. She has come into contact with students who think they need to be high to ask a girl out or even feel happy. Warren, Lundquist, and Mrs. Kuhl agree on three points concerning teenage alcoholics. Students take to alcohol because they want to be like others; alcoholism is a growing problem with teenagers; and there are safer ways to get a high.

There are many ways to enforce the laws. People who sell liquor are instructed on how to spot altered or counterfeit I. D.'s and are encouraged to • carefully check identification. Placing pictures on driver's licenses is another preventative measure. However, both Ms. Schwid and Hazeltine believe that minors should have respect for the law. As Ms. Schwid explained, kids who will be voters in a few years should be responsible enough to obey the law. Although there are strong penalties for selling liquor to minors, there is no law which requires owners to check I. D.'s. It is up to the owner's discretion whether or not to check a person's identification card. "Most operators that are good, will check !.D.'s. -I've known of people 25 to 30-years-old that have been checked," explained Ms. Schwid. When an owner suspects a person is using false identification he is instructed to hold the person and call the police or sheriff. The police determine if the I. D. is false and arrest the person accordingly. The Nebraska Licenses Beverage Association is trying to help its members enforce the law and help good operators not sell to anyone under age. "It is the goal of our association that, to the best of our ability, we abide by the laws," stated Hazeltine. Ms. Schwid concluded, "Only one person knows if they are a legitimate purchaser. If an attempt is made by a minor to purchase liquor, it is a deliberate breaching of the law."



Page 10 - March 25, 1977 - LANCE

Fast food restaurants prove to be the rage at WHS

And then came the '70's.' With it came a new generation- a new way of life. The pace of life picked up. There were the teenagers, the working mothers and FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS. The day's big decision has now become, "Where shall we eat lunch?" or "Mom, can't we just get hamburgers tonight?" McDonald's, Arby's, Burger King and Godfather's 11re fast becoming the places to find Omaha teenagers. You may sometimes hear McDonald's referred to &s "the annex of Westside." Why are Westside students eating at fast-food restaurants? "I prefer fast-food restaurants because you get a little better food and faster service," commented junior Chris Schenkelberg. "I could eat at places like Arby's all the time," commented one junior girl. Linda Estill summed up the general feelings about fast-food restaurants. "You get what you want and you get it in a hurry. When you go to a regular restaurant and you're hungry, you want the food right then and there. If you have to wait you lose your appetite for it." Yet, why do some students still prefer regular sitdown restaurants? Senior Tom Fennessy remarked, "Regular restaurants have better reputations , better food , better service, and more choices of food." "At regular restaurants you get more service for your money and a

higher quality of food," stated John Hubza, junior. "I like restaurants better because at fast-food places people come in and out, and I like to go somewhere that I can sit down and relax," junior Robyn Nichols concluded. Recently a new ad, themed "Eat In and Bank It," appeared. The ad is used in correlation with Banquet products, and appeared in the Omaha area at Hinky Dinky supermarkets. The ad encourages shoppers to compare the prices of preparing a meal at home or eating the same items out. Other supermarkets have not used the ad for various reasons. Some managers do not believe in the idea of direct product comparison. If present trends continue one out of

two or even two out of three meals VI be eaten outside the American hon In 1966 only one out of five meals v; eaten outside the home, and by 19 the figure had jumped to one out three. The change in eating habits h caused concern among area groceJ The new ad compares Banqt prices with those of Kentucky Fri Chicken. This is the first time Omal area supermarkets have used dire product comparison as a means advertising. The ad encoura~ people to save money by eating home. Fast-food restaurant owners 1 saying that their food is better th frozen, and that mom and dad deseJ a break after a long day.

Fast food restaurants.

Burger King is just one of the maJ area eating places which is patronized by Westside students duri1 lunch mods.


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LANCE - March 25, 1977 - Page 11

Latest Fashion.

Junior Steve Friedman models a pair of this year's swimming trunks from Ben Simon's of the Westroads.

Ready for Summer.

Marian Maack wears one of the suits for the more serious swimmer, sold by Susie's Casuals.

Boxer Style.

Rick Rhodes models another one of this year's styles from Ben Simon's.

aet in the swim of summer sportwear Wondering what will be the latest in swim wear with the warm days ahead? Fashion experts feel that for girls the one piece is definitely back and even though there is little change in men's wear we will still see somewhat of a difference. This season the girls' suits may not reveal as much flesh, but they certainly contribute to the natural look. The buyer for Tobers believes their most popular suits will be the Farrah Fawcett and the Huggers, neither of which leaves much to the imagination. Farrah Fawcett influenced swim wear this season with a suit named after her. The style is taken from the scoopneck suit she wore in a poster and the material being used is every bit as see-through as the suit Farrah wore. These suits should be accompanied with a warning to anyone daring enough to put them on. No one can be sure of exactly how these suits will look on them when they get wet. At Tobers some of the sales girls are still laughing about one of the suits they're supposed to sell. "I would be embarrassed to wear it, and yet we're selling as many of them as any other style!," commented one of the sales girls. The suit she was referring to is called the dipper and it is without a doubt the most unusual suit to come out. The dipper is a two-piece suit that comes in bright colors with bottoms that bear a strong resemblance to men's underwear. Strangely enough thus far the dipper is one of the biggest selling suits of the early season. The conventional bikini bathing suit is back with an added dimension. Many of the halter tops have an added twist or a knotted front to provide an interesting and attractive suit. Tober's other big style this season is the hugger. The huggers come in both one and two-piece styles . This suit can be flattering when worn by the right figure. It is tightfitting all over and teh bottoms could easily be mistaken for a layer of skin. The manager from Susie's Casuals said, "Many of the big styles from last year have been revised slightly and are back again, as big as ever." The most popular style last year was the bandeau top bikini with the ring-center. This basic style has been revised as a one-piece suit also. The suit itself can be worn

athing Beauties.

Marian Maack, Theresa Sneckenberg and 1dy Morrison wear three suits from Susie's Casuals.

in two different ways, by simply adjusting the straps. One offers a great deal of cover while the other is about as revealing as the suits get this year. The assistant manager of Ben Simon's sees little change in men's swimwear. The "boxer" shorts or swimming trunks are still popular. The suits are made to fit tighter around the leg and actually resemble running or track shorts, more now than ever. Many of the big styles from last year have been revised slightly and are back again, as big as ever. A feels that unless the bikinis do have some type of added dimension they won't sell this season. "When gir Is buy a bathing suit they may prefer different styles, but when it comes down to it they're all looking for the same thing 路 something different, unusual, classy 路 something that will make the heads turn for them. That's why the conventional bikini won't sell this season, not with all the other styles we have to offer." The racing suit will be popular again in both girls' and guys' wear. For girls, the racing suit will be big with the "serious" swimmer and with guys it will be popular with the teenagers and younger boys. The girls' racing suits are much more attractive this season because the designers have used the brightest colors to give the suits more eye appeal. For the men, there is no particularly popular color, except that there are many blue and green suits. There are a great deal more solid colored suits in men's wear this year . Any girls shopping for a new suit this summer should plan on seeing the brightest of reds, oranges, yellows, and greens, a few pale pastels, and some classy black suits. Even though the majority of the girls' suits are still bikinis, almost 40 percent of the suits on the racks will be one-piece suits, quite an increase from last year. It looks like the one-piece suit is here 路 at least for this season. It's also predicted that now that the word is getting out, the one-piece suit will be selling even faster. Stores are just getting their suits in, so for a wide selection, the time to buy is now.

Duy a new suit

Page 12 - March 25, 1977 - LANCE

sports personalities ... sports personalities ..

Moscrey heads Warrior powerhous1 Perhaps, as the baseball season rolls around, it is necessary to investigate the man who heads up the team, the man who has produced a strong contending team in many of the past years, Head Coach Bob Moscrey. To look at his baseball, and whats more, his total athletic experience, leaves one totally flabergasted.

Tennis enthusiast. Doug Pierson, Westside social studies teacher, speaks to students about his tennis team's outlook for the season.

Moscrey attended UNO, and participated in their basketball program. He didn't play baseball for UNO because at the time he was playing pro ball. In fact, he spent four years playing for the Cardinals and another year with Cleveland. The service cut into his baseball

Tennis enthusiasm gives coaching desire "The best kids I've ever coached are still on the team," said Doug Pierson, Westside's girls' tennis coach. Pierson first coached tennis at Westside five years ago when Paul Nyholm , Westside architecture teacher, became ill and a replacement was needed. Pierson and Tom Carmen, Westside social studies teacher, volunteered and coached the boys' team. In the spring the girls' coach resigned, so Pierson took the

coaching position. When asked if he had any aspirations to also coach the boys' team, Pierson replied, " No, Nyholm is doing a great job. I might considerit if he retired, but I'm happy with the girls ." "I really enjoy the game, and I'll do almost anything to play," Pierson stated as to his reason for wanting to coach tennis. Pierson first began playing tennis six years ago. "I never played in high school or college and I love athletics," he said. His desire to play a sport and the fact that tennis seemed logical to take up, was Pierson's reasoning for starting. "I see my role of coach as one of helping the girls maintain a skill," Pierson stated as to his methods of coaching. He explained that the team members receive good instruction where they normally play and he doesn't want to mess up a girl's game if she is playing well. "I'll help with a weakness if I am asked, but usually I

Nosegays, corsages, bouquets. gifts. and cards

stay out of the way," Pierson stated. The lack of support at tennis matches doesn't bother Pierson. "The girls want recognition, but people showing up at matches doesn't make much difference. I don't worry about it," he said. Presently 13 girls are on Westside's varsity team. Ten of these girls play varsity matches, and the other three are what Pierson termed as "in limbo" varsity players. The three will play varsity matches if necessary. Pierson explained that each year he has been cutting the size of the squad. "Thirteen is a good number for me," he said. The reason the team has been cut in size, and a JV team doesn't really exist, is due to the fact that Westside and all the other metro area schools don't have the time or facilities to support a JV squad. "It's impossible to schedule practices for 25 JV and varsity members with only four courts," Pierson said.

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career; Moscrey entered the Air Force. coming back, he found himself dissatisfied with offers made by pro teams, thus ended his career. It was in 1965 when Moscrey first came to Westside as a JV baseball coach. After five years, Moscrey took over the top spot. However his coaching experience extended further back than Westside, a fact which best exemplifies his total athletic capabilities.

after that season we fell off a bit 1 weren't in the picture." They fell off, that is, until last y1 Westside was extremely str• through the regular season, and m. it to the State finals, against Milh

He was, at one time a coach at T.J . in both JV baseball and football . And even more, he has headed the Ralston varsity football program.

American Legion play t summer, by the way, also just short, as Westside lost to Prep in finals . But despite his losses and disappointments, Moscrey still he a highly successful record Westside. "It's been great at Westside. : had great kids to work with, and h had a good time coaching," e Moscrey commenting on his coach career.

A year after Moscrey became head coach for Westside baseball, the Warriors began their growth into a baseball powerhouse. It grabbed its first American Legion Championship. The American Legion is a summer baseball program in which Westside participates under the name of Westside Roberts. Says Moscrey of his first exposure of success, "It was my greatest thrill of baseball coaching." And just the next season the Warriors, led by Moscrey, won its first State title. "It was another great thrill, said Moscrey, "It was a great team. But

" It was probably my grea1 disappointment. We were up Millard 2-0 and we just didn't anything with it. It hurt a lot to lo1 Westside lost the game 3-2.

And he adds, "I can hardly \1 until my next championship," VI such a gleam in his eye that it ' obvious that his mind was set on optimistic dream, that this will ind be the year that Westside reclaims superiority in baseball. "Winning is an exciting thir: concluded Moscrey.

Trainer? What does he do Trainer? Of what importance is one to Westside? Why do we waste the school's money paying for one? Because Tony Matinez is one reason why Westside is a winning school.

Dealing with injuries During football season Rick Kalina had both his hands broken, with the correct care he was able to play. Tom Boyer had a broken knuckle and with the proper care took state in wrestling. Bob Billinger a freshman at the University of Nebraska at Omaha still comes to Martinez for help. ."There are many rewards, seeing them perform well makes me feel good," commented Martinez. Martinez is the trainer by himself for all 18 sports and 45 teams. "I am responsible for any injury in these sports," Martinez also added, "If the injury is above my head I go to the team physician, but 99 percent of the

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time I make the decision."

Interest began in '73 The thought of becoming a trai: entered Martinez's mind in 1973 UNO. " It began as a work stt program, I had always thought becoming a doctor," said Martine: Martinez graduated from UNO December 1973, and found an openi at Westside so he applied. Marti1 received his interview not long al that, and after six hours of talk he v hired. Teaching was Martinez's fi choice for a career, and that v accomplished when he was hired a physical education teacher for kid! first through sixth grades along w nis training job. "I like working w kic!a, once they got to know me tl were not afraid to talk to me," stres1 Martinez.

Happy with job Martinez is happy with his job, l complains, "It bothers me that tl think so little of trainers. Ma athletes would not be able to comp without my care." All Martinez does all day is lister: complaints from athletes, but he dt admit there are rewards. "The bigg reward is when the athletes say tha you," concluded Martinez. Martinez is now on his fourth yt and doing a fine job. Thank you.

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LANCE - March 25, 1977- Page 13

rlitioning, training result 1n strong track team

ack team needs senior leadership of hard conditioning and 1g marks the beginning of ~r track season at Westside. The which has been working out for month , shows the makings of a · track squad.

well as the Grand Island Relays being held at Grand Island tomorrow at noon are the Warriors' first official meets of the season. Bellevue and Burke look like Westside's strongest opponents with Lincoln Southeast , Lincoln Northeast, and Bryan not far behind. According to Bob Klein, head track coach, Westside's good depth should play an important part in the meets this year, hopefully sending the Warriors for a shot at the State Title.

qualifying times can be met. The most important meets however, still stand the same "the big three," District, Metro and State. All the coaches feel with the Warriors' depth, unity, and outstanding leadership, Westside could take them all just like the '75 track team did.

Youthful team Although a very young team, Westside does have a few outstanding individuals like Gary Niver in the discus, half milers Dave Maenner and Bruce Thompson, Dan Rath, Glen Rumba in the two-mile relay, sprinters Dave Kelly and Pat Wigel, and Tom Treach in the one mile relay, one mile medley, and 880-relay. "Many of these individuals and relay teams have a very good chance for State," commented Mr. Tom Mallisee, long distance coach. actici~g discus. Gary •r, sen1or, practices his 1ique for upcoming meets.

e University of Nebraska at ha Indoor Invitational being today and tomorrow at UNO as

Future goals for the team are very strong and precise. Tomorrow's Grand Island Relay is an important meet to the team because Westside has never won it before. The prestigious Kansas Relays are also in the team's future if the rough

BASEBALL arch 31 ..... .. ....... . .. . .... ..... ..... . ....... . ........ at Millard pril 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bellevue at Towl pril 12 . .... . . ... .. . . ... ....... . ............ .. . . ...... Burke at Towl pril 15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ryan at Christie pril 19 . ..................................... . ........ South at Towl pril 21 ......... .... . . ... .. ..... .. . . ....... .. .. . North at Fontenelle pril 22 ........ .. . .. .. . ......... . . ...... . ... . ......... . .... . . at Prep pril 26 .......... .. .................... . ... .. ....... A.L. at 21 and J pril 28 .. Tech at Towl pril 29 ......... . ...... . . .. ........ ... .. . . . ... . .. Northwest at Towl :ay 3 ... . .. .. ... . .... .. . .. .. . . ...... .. ...... . .... .. . . .. T.J. at Towl :ay 5 ....................... . ... . .................... Bryan at Towl [ay 6 . .. . ....... .. . ... .... . .. .. ................ . ... .... . at Roncalli lay 7 .... . ................ . .... . .... . ............ .. at Lincoln High lay 10 .................. . . . ........ . . . ........ .. ... Central at Boyd lay 16, 17 ........... . ... . .... . ....... .. . ... . . .. .. .. Division Playoff lay 16-20 .................. .. ....... ... ........ District Tournament lay 23, 24 .... . ........ .. ......................... State Tournament 00.00














GIRLS' TRACK [arch 29 ... .. . . .. ...... . ...................... . . . ..... Burke, Bryan .pril 5 ... . ..... ... . . . . . . .... .. . . ... .. ... .. ...... . . . ........... North .pril12 .. . ..... . ............. ... .............. Tech, Roncalli at Tech .pril15 ............... ... ..... .... ... . .... . Bellevue Inv. at Bellevue ,pril19 . . . . .... . . .... . ........... . ...... . . ...... . . ........ Ryan T.J . •pril 27 . . . .. .. . . ............. . ....... Metro Championships at Burke fay 2-7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . District Meets 1ay 13, 14 ..... . ...... ...... .... . ....... ....... .. ... ..... State Meet

GIRLS' TENNIS lpril 5 .. .. ... . .. ... .. .. . .. . ................... . .............. Marian •pril 7 ................... . .................... . . . ............ at A.L. lpril12 ....... . ..... . ........... . ... . .... .... .. . . ............... T.J. lpril14 ............................. . ............... . . .. ..... at Tech ~pril 19 ........ . .. . ..... .. .... ..... . . ................. . ........ Ryan ~pril 21 ......... . ........... .. . . .. . . . .................... at Roncalli \pril 26 . ... . ....... . ....... .. . .. ... ... . ...... .. .. .. ..... ... at North \pril 28 .......... . . . ................... . ............. .... .. at Bryan .fay 3 .. .. . . ............ . ..... . . . ............................. Burke day 5, 6 . ................ .... .... ..... . .. ... .. . . . Metro Tournament day 10 .. . .. . .................... .. .... . ...... . ... ... . Metro Playoff 11ay 20, 21 ..... .. .. ....... ........ . ............... State Tournament

BOYS' GOLF \pril 6 .. ... .............. . ..................... North at Miller Park \pril 7 ..... . ........... . .. . ........ . .... . . . ... . .... Tech at Elmwood ~pril15 .... . ........ . .......... . .. .. ........ Westside Inv. at Miracle <\pril18 ..... . ............. . .. ... .. . . . .... . .. . ......... . T.J . at Dodge <\pril 20 . ........... .. ..... .. .. . . ..... ... . ........ Roncalli at Benson <\pril 21 .. . . . ............. . ..... ... . Metro Championships at Benson A.pril 26 .. ... ............ ..... ............ .. .... . . . .. Ryan at Miracle A.pril 27 ............. . .. . . ..... ........ .... ..... . ... Bryan at Miracle A.pril 29 .... .. .. . ........................ . .......... Burke at Miracle May 9-14 ....... .. ... . .... . ............. . . .. ..... . .. ... . District Meet May 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State Meet

Vaulting. Senior Mark Hansen works out to prepare for the first meet. Some of the upcoming meets include a Double Dual against Burke and Bryan at Bryan Tuesday, March 29, and a Boys' and Girls' Track Meet against North at Westside, Friday, April 1 at 4. There will also be a Westside Invitational at Westside, Wednesday, April 6, also another Double Dual against Roncalli and Tech at Roncalli, Tuesday, April 12.

With the oncome of the spring sports season, an interesting phenomenon takes shape in the world of girls track. Hastings St. Cecilia is, unquestioningly, the outstanding school in the State. And it has dominated girls track, not only this year, but for many years back. The strange thing about this, or at least it appears to be strange, is that Hastings St. Cecilia is a Class B school. The idea of a Class B school being far superior to Metro schools is, in retrospect to other sports, quite ironic. Or is it? The question should be, in this instance, why are Class A schools so far behind, athletically, in girls track? Girls Track Coach Don Glasgow explains this occurrence as being mostly the pitfalls of a large community. In small town schools there are far less school oriented activities in which an athlete can participate. This allows more concentration and dedication to, in Hastings St. Cecilia's case, girls track. In comparing Hastings St. Cecilia to a Class A school, such as Westside, it becomes evident that the massive amounts of organizations that a Westside student can and does, participate in, lowers the devotion of an individual to his/her respective sport. "We want our girls to give at least 90% of their effort, with as little outside activity which would directly affect their performance in track," explained Glasgow. And he added, " If they are too involved in outside activities then we'll just tell them not to get involved in our program." One major outside obstruction cited by Glasgow is a part-time job, an activity which is much more of a rarity in small towns. Emphasizes Glasgow, on the subject, "You can get a job any time, but few times in your life can you go out and try to reach your athletic potential." And another tremendous advantage that a town such as Hastings has over Omaha is its high level of team spirit and support. "In such a small town, a star athlete can walk down the street and have nearly all the people he meets congratulate or encourage him. In Omaha the athlete lacks recognition," explains Glasgow. A strong key to the success of an athlete, then, is a psychological inspiration from within the athlete's community,' positive reinforcement. As Glasgow put it simply, "Everyone likes to be recognized and praised." If this psychological need in sports is so, it is a factor that definitely lacks throughout the Warrior sports programs. This, with the fact that most Warrior athletes have, because of many outside activities, a less intense and dedicated attitude toward their athletic programs, explains the question of why a school such as Hastings should be far superior than Westside in girls . track.

Kobs named to All-Metro basketball squad A somewhat dismal season for the girls' basketball team was livened up a bit with Diane Kobs being named All-Metro as a junior. Kobs, who averaged a bit over 15 points a game, was also noted as honorable mention on the state team. Kobs was a prominent figure in every Warrior win this season. In numerous games she surpassed the 20 point mark.

Bas ketball is not Kobs ' only interest as she also stars in tennis. But she will not be playing tennis for theW a rriors as she has elected to play in tournaments in California instead, which eliminates her eligibility. The girls' 9-10 record was no indication of what is to come. With only two seniors leaving experience will be in their favor. Next season with seven girls

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returning it could be a successful season. After only two years in existence the Warriors should be hear the top in one more sport, thanks to the girls and Diane Kobs.

Support Westside Advertisers

Page 14- March 26, 1977- LANCE

~~:~.:M!~~~~rM.!~~~~&=~~:~d~~,~gtt~~~!m. (Jockey short~ quite, the WHS girls' track team only began practice on Monday, Feb. 28.

The training is leading up to the first meet Tuesday, March 29, against Burke and Bryan, at Westside. Although they aren't "faster than speeding bullets," they're headed that way. Practice has been grueling for some girls, but most feel it well worth the effort. Coach Don Glasgow feels this will be a good meet to begin the season with because Burke was theW arriors' greatest rival last year. Glasgow said, "Where we were strong, they were strong and where we were weak, they were weak. It was a very friendly competition." The meet will begin at 4:30. This year's team started out with 50 girls, but only half that number are expected to stay on the team . There

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the rest are mainly sophomores and a few new juniors. Along with the new team is the new assistant coach Ms. Mary Jo Steinhauer; who is also a new business teacher in the building. Glasgow feels that there is great potential this year and that the team will be strong in the 880, the mile, and discus. The teams participate in a total of 13 events. Each girl is limited to four events per meet, they may be in either track or field, or both. There are seven scheduled dual meets for girls' track this year. Slightly higher than last year's five meets.

commented on why she is out for the team, "Track is rewarding, it gives you a great feeling when you know you've accomplished something like winning an event."

Many of the girls feel a great determination and enthusiasm for the sport. The girls voluntarily practiced before the season by running in the halls at school and working out in the weight-room. Now that the season is underway the girls are practicing with the boys on the field. Most girls feel selfconscious because of this, but find that the boys are helpful.

Young duffers have talent Looking forward to a good year on the greens is Roger Hoffman, golf coach. Hoffman said, "I think we have talent, but very little experience; success is hard to predict."

Westside to victories in four metro tournaments and two sessions of the State tournaments. Hoffman said, "No other schools have won state more than once."

The lack of experience comes from fewer varsity lettermen. Steve Buel is the only returning golfer this year in the varsity division. The Westside golfers will be facing some stiff competition from Burke High School, says Hoffman. Last year Westside went 7-0 in duals and won two out of eight tournaments. In the years that Hoffman has been coaching the golf teams he has seen

Hoffman says that chance plays a part in how the teams do, because of the condition of the greens and the other uncontrollable natural elements. He also states that it is hard for one school to dominate. All of Westside's meets are held at Miracle Hill, and the meets are set on a seven dual schedule. Hoffman's

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We'll pay you to learn a skill, and send you to Europe.

"I think we have a good chance of taking state, we have a lot of depth a we all want to win," said Diana Myers, the number one ranked girl Westside's tennis team. Diana was first introduced to tennis at a clinic when she was eight. Si.J: then she has gone on to take singles in girls' state tennis last year. "I ho so •." she replied when asked if she believes she can duplicate the win. Diana admitted that she feels the biggest weakness of her game is grou strokes. "I like to play the net, and not off the ground. Usually what y don't like is what you are the poorest at," she stated. As to her preference between doubles and singles. Diana stated she h none. "During the last three years I have played with Tari (Feinberg), a I've done better in doubles regionally. Prior to that, I 'd always done better singles," she said. The hardest opponent that Diana sees presently is Tari, the number t· ranked girl tennis player at Westside. Diana explained that when th played it was an even match. Tournaments that Diana probably will participate in this summ include, regional tournaments, and Kansas City and St.Joetournamen As to whether Diana will go on professionally with her tennis, is what s termed as "doubtful." Diana would like to receive scholarships and play college teams, yet she believes she won't professionally play.

Crouse: big hit in basebali After just completing a grueling basketball season, hard-hitting S1 Crouse prepares to enter the spotlight in the Warrior baseball program. Crouse, a strong first baseman, should play a vital role on the te stemming from his extensive experience on last year's squad, runner-uJ State. And feels Crouse, "We have a good shot at the State title this year. Itl: we can play against any team around." Crouse's greatest strength in the game is his hitting, an aspect which sh< most greatly aid in the Warrior effort. Best exemplifying his batting skill were his two winning grand slam he runs in back-to-hack games last year. It seems obvious that because of his talent for the game of baseball, Crc should get plenty of opportunities to play college ball. "My main concerJ this time is getting into, hopefully, a Big 8 school. I'm not too concer which college it is, I just want to get an opportunity to play," 'laid Crous Concludes Crouse concerning his, as well as the entire team's chance; success, "We lost a lot of good players last year, but I think we'll get it together by the time our first game comes up." Westside's first contest is against last year's State champs, Millard.

Trofholtz--big plus this year

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Myers to lead girl netters

Golfer swings with spring. Westside golfer putts in preparation for upcoming matches. team's past dual record is 73-3. The team's schedule for this season includes six invitational&, across the state, the Metro championship, and the State tournament. The team will go to its first invitational in Beatrice on Friday, March 25.

After a successful season last year for the boys' baseball team, a new prob invades them this season, inexperience. The Warriors do have 10 seniors, but three of these did not play on Warrior squad last season. Kirk Trofholz, one of these, could be the most prominent of the th Trofholz, a pitcher, is a transfer from Central, where he played last year The reason Trofholz is probably the most prominent is the fact he is a pitc: Only Bill Nocita and Dick Dawson are returning from last year's team. B worked in short relief last year so this year the Warriors needed someone ' could go the distance. Coming from a different school Trofholz had to prove himself all over ag: and he was successful in doing so, as he may get the assignment for Warriors' first game.



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LANCE - March 25, 1977 - Page 15

Shallow experience brings obstacle "We have a lot of seniors, but not too much experience," said Bob Moscrey, Westside's varsity baseball coach, referring to the strength of this year's team. "We lost a lot of good people last year such as Bob Billinger, Dan Severa and Todd Jacobs," Moscrey said, "but this year we are pretty well set with Steve Crouse first baseman, Chris Eddens, left fielder, and Rick Kalina, right fielder."

bing practice.

Kirk Trotbolz, varsity baseball team er, practices his pitch to prepare for the first game against d, March 31.

timistic outlook for soccer ht now, I think that we have a good chance to have a very sful season," said Coach Bruce ~r about this year's varsity team . team will be able to find out on •, April 1, whether or not they they will have a good team, 1e this is the date of the first y game.

during the season and could possibly win the tournament trophy at the end. ''The team is shaping up well," he also stated. The junior varsity team is also hoping to do well this season. They are coached by Mr. Howard Bigham, Westside English teacher.

re were 55 guys who originally out for both the varsity and varsity teams, but only 35 of survived the final cut. ach Skinner stated , .itionally, the best competition 1 from Bellevue, Burke, and hton Prep. They usually have teams."

one champion cce r is not played as a >politan Conference sport. The e Westside and the other teams in was formed separately. At the >f the season there is a season .pion and a tournament between >p four teams for a trophy. e teams from Westside practice mset Hills Elementary School. : home games will be played rat Sunset Hills or at University ~braska at Omaha in the football urn under the lights. 1m expecting Steve Sevick, Bruce ~rson, and Chris Hargitt to be a few of the stand-outs for this Jn," said Coach Skinner. ~ve Sevick, senior, remarked that earn has a good chance of success

Attend Spring Sporting Events

"Take state." That's the goalofthe defending state champion Westside Girls' Tennis team according to Head Coach Doug Pierson. The state-bound Warriors have six returning lettermen from last year's championship team . They are Cathy Davis, Laurie Gould, Diane Haney, Ann Thompson, and state-champions Diana Myers and Tari Feinberg. Coach Pierson feels that Diana and Tari are going to be keys to Westside's success, but that the depth on the team is "exceptional." "We have a lot of girls who could be tops in the state," added Coach Pierson. This depth won 't go to waste, however; because of the new format implemented for the state tournament this year. It allows for each team to enter two teams of singles and two of doubles whereas last year only one team of each was allowed. Pierson feels that the new format will be a big help in terms of Westside winning state. "The new format is great. With the depth we have it will be very helpful," said Pierson. The "Women Warriors" may have been even stronger if Diane Kobs had been able to go out for the team. Instead she decided to play tournaments in California during

Last year's team held a record of 16 and 2, the best record at Westside except for an identical one in 1972. Moscrey is not optimistic as to whether this year's team can tie or break this record. Moscrey would like to see this year's

Moscrey sees Burke, Prep and Ryan as Westside's toughest opponents because of their returning team members, upcoming JV players, and their strc.ng baseball programs. Sixty-one people went out for this year's team according to Moscrey. After four weeks of practice the team was narrowed to 15 making varsity and 16 making JV.

Poised. Mark Burner, Westside senior, awaits the ball during baseball practice.

The varsity team includes pitchers Bill Nocita, Al Krane, Bill Mariucci, Kirk Trofholz, pitcher-catcher Dick Dawson, catcher Dan Fulkerson, first baseman Steve Crouse, second baseman Mark Burner and John Pflug, third baseman Kurt Anderson

Meyers, state title hopeful

I turnout

and Rob Dolezal, shortstop Dan Arnold, left fielder Chris Eddens, center fielder Craig Ladwig, and right fielder Rick Kalina. With this, Moscrey believes his team should have good bench depth. Westside's first game will be

against Millard, Thursday, March 31. Moscrey termed the team's chances of winning as 50-50.

spring break which will take away her eligibility to play high school tennis.

team win Metro, District and State. The same aspirations as most teams have, he said.


Kobs' absence felt Although they will be without Diane's services, Pierson and the team feel they will stack up well against the other high school teams. "I feel that our team is tougher than the others and overall I think the Metro will be down a little, but as always it will be tough," said Pierson . Diana Myers, defending state singles champion, said, "I think it will be very hard, but I feel that with a team effort we can win state." Tari Feinberg, defending state doubles champion, is also optimistic. She said, "I think this team could go all the way. There is certainly a lot of potential and the spirit is really high." This year's team may be the best Pierson has ever had the opportunity of coaching, but still the goals are the same as in past years. "Our goals are to be undefeated in Metro and of course we hope to defend our state championship," said Pierson. According to Pierson, it will be rough, but he thinks the girls can meet their goals.

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Page 16 - March 25, 1977 - LANCE

Phelps talks of improvements !Scholarships announce1 and future development plans Plans are formulating for Westside's future, but beyond this summer it all depends on an evaluation of the school district which is presently taking place.

except they will be heat-reducing. Phelps said that the old windows are "pretty well shot," and the windows on the north side have helped considerably.

Remodeling the animal lab had been planned for last summer, along with the greenhouse, but the two projects could not be done at once.

Results of this study will enable the district to project its needs for the next five years. The study will determine how students, parents, and teachers feel about Westside.

A small, rubber strip is fitted into the frames for the new north windows. The strip is a moisture and condensation helper. Phelps said the strip should more than pay for itself. In the next five years, Westside's enrollment will slide from around 24,000 to around 18,000 students. This will put less pressure on the facilities, and the school will better be able to accommodate the students.

Insufficient lab

Dr. H. Vaughn Phelps, District 66 superintendent, said, "Through our study we will be able to see where our strengths and weaknesses are, and where we ought to be going." There are, however, plans for Westside's immediate future. This summer the guidance and counseling area will be totally remodeled. Not only will the inside of the building look different, but the outside of the northeast entrance will be completely redone. An exciting and colorful graphic design is planned for the wall of the new entrance near the guidance center. Phelps said, "Color is good in schools today. Graphics really make a difference."

Thermopane windows New thermopane windows will be installed on the south side of Westside. There is a heat overload on that area, and this special kind of window cuts out 73 percent of the heat. The windows will be the same kind as were installed on the north side,

The decrease in enrollment will permit Westside to reduce class sizes, expand certain areas of the curriculum , and improve the counseling program so more students will get one-on-one counseling. Within the next five to eight years, Phelps hopes that instruction will become more individualized than is presently possible. The reduced enrollment will allow for small class relationships between teachers and students. Though there will be some r eduction in staff, Phelps looks forward to an improved studentteacher ratio. Now the teacherstudent ratio at Westside is 17 to one. The superintendent believes that is a good p路r oportion compared to other high schools in the United States. Updating the science areas is probably the next priority. The science animal lab is very inadequate and in need of renovation .

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Harley Hardison, science teacher who is responsible for the animal lab, agrees that the lab is insufficient. Hardison is glad that the lab's inadequacy is realized, and hopes something will be done about it soon. Physical education is another area Phelps feels needs updating. The physical education facilities are under strain, and allow for only a minimum program in girls' physical education and athletics. The superintendent hopes to alleviate the problems in wrestling and gymnastics.

Air conditioning plan Portions of Westside are already air conditioned, but students and teachers still complain . Phelps is optimistic, "Within three or four years, I would think we could develop a master plan for air conditioning Westside. " Because of the tremendous volume of coiling it would take, certain sections would not be air conditioned . Westside ' s future looks pretty bright. Recommendations from the study to be completed in the fall will help govern which direction the school outhg to be going. Definite plans can then be made to turn some of the dreams into realities.

Now is the time when seniors are worrying about scholarship results a juniors should be looking into scholarship opportunities. The deadlines applying for the majority of scholarships expired between March 1 and Ma1 15, so most results are not finalized. Some scholarships have been announced, however, and among these are 1 University of Nebraska at Omaha and Lincoln Regents Scholarships. Regel are based on ACT scores, the English score is tripled and added to the rna social science, and natural science scores. Nearly 12 percent of all UNL fo year regents scholarships awarded went to Westside students. The recipie1 were Julie Wallin , Sharon Uhrich, Todd Little, Adelia Hill, Sam Friedml Rick Eaton, Doug Haug, Kristi Skoog, Mary Zimmerman, Greg Leuder, 1 Weigel, and Tina Render. Six Westside students received one-year Regentll UNL. They were Rick Winslow, Jim Luebbert, Sue Swancutt, Heidi Davies, , Hestmark, and Guy Schropp. Westside also had approximately 50 alternat UNO presents a renewable Regents Scholarship which, if the student retru high grades, may be in effect for four years. The recipients of this scholars! were Julie Prescott, Pat Weigel, Todd Little, Sharon Uhrich, Sue Swanc\ Heidi Davies, Jim Luebbert, Sam Friedman, Tina Render, and M1 Zimmerman. Westside had two students place in the Elk's Club Scholarship. Todd Li1 tied for second place and Barb Oliver tied for fourth place. One of the most unique scholarships Westside students received, accordin~ Lynn Hansen, college counselor, was given by the Department of Educati through the President. A total 750 students are nominated according to A< and SAT scores, 121 receive the scholarship. The final scholarships are not : available but three Westside students, Pat Weigel, Kristi Skoog, and S1 Friedman, were nominated. Another scholarship offered is the Cooperative School Honor Scholarshi These scholarships are offered by colleges who have a certain number student teachers at Westside. Ann Munson, Kathy Westphal, and San Cooley received this scholarship from Kearney State College. M1 Zimmerman and Pat Weigel both had the opportunity to take specialized te from which they both received scholarships from the University of Dalla! A specialized scholarship offered by the Engineering Society announced Westside finalists. They included Todd Little, Pat Weigel, Scott Sage, Sc Nelson, Dan Rath, Sam Friedman, and Carl Armbrust. Next year's seniors are encourated to look into all scholarship possibiliti The majority of colleges offer presidential or specialty scholarships wh many students never investigate. The bulletin board in the Guidance Cen and the announcements both publicize available scholarships. "The most disappointing thing," stated Hansen, "is there are rna scholarships in which little or no interest is shown." Hansen further explair that one problem is the limiting factor that students be in the top 25 percen1 their class to qualify. However, there is money available to students with g< standard test scores. Seniors who are still interested in applying scholarships should see Hansen. The majority of deadlines, however, h1 expired.

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Vol. 21. No. 14

Alignment. Boys Town auto

'ost considered or Dr. Lang

repair student aligns the wheels of a staff truck.

Westside High School. Omaha. NE 68124 April15, 1977

Pillsbury says it best. The Boys Town bakery is just one industrial arts area that will be open to Westsiders next year if the negotiated contract with

"Every five years I want to do tmething different, something • keep me alive. I like teaching :!re but I hope I can keep getting ,ave of absenses to do different 1ings. I think people should be >ntinually growing." - Chuck ang This five year cycle is beginning s-ain and Chuck Lang, Physics epartment head, is under msideration for his next "growing ~perience. " Lang has applied for, nd is one of three being considered >r, the position of Staff Physicist for 1e American Association of Physics 'eachers. 30 members from the .ssociation applied for the position nd Lang made the first elimination ) eight. The eight were then asked to 1rite a critique on an article, in order :> aid in further elimination. This .rticle placed him among the three rom which the final selection will be nade. The job is a rotating one, with a new nember being selected every one to wo years. "They want one member in h e job to bring in new life," explained ,ang. A high school teacher has 1ever been selected to fill the post. The job entails many duties. Lang >roke down the duties in the following nanner: m e-fifth of the time will be spent ¡esearching and responding to letters 'rom members. me-fifth will be spent helping >rganize two major conventions. m e-fifth will be spent in committee n eetings, and )ne-fifth will be spent traveling as "a >ort of good will ambassador." If Lang receives the appointment it will be necessary for him to take a sa bbatical and move to the headquarters in Stoneybrook, New York. The position will aid him, howev er , when he returns to Westside . He will have the opportunity to see other physics departments, make new contacts, get new ideas, and learn new techniques.

Westside negotiates to ~share, Boys Town facilities

suburban schools is passed. Boys Town facilities will expand the industrial arts offering for Westside students.

Westside is presently negotiating a sub-contract with Millard School District to allow Westside students to use Boys Town's extensive vocational equipment and instruction. Boys Town has many facilities presently not available to Westside students. The contract would allow use of the auto body repair, agrbusiness, bakery, welding, and culinary arts facilities. "This gives Westside students a chance to be trained and explore a specific area to see if they are really interested," explained Dr. James Tangdall, principal. Don Stroh, Millard superintendent and the Rev. Robert Hupp, Boys Town director, have been working for several months, according to the Omaha WorldHerald, to setup a contract allowing Millard to use a large proportion of the Boys Town facilities beginning in the fall of the 1977-78 school year. There were many legal difficulties in drawing up the contract due to Boys Town being a church supported school and Millard being publicly funded. Westside is subcontracting with Millard in order to avoid the same problem.

Five schools interested Pre-registration figures show an estimated 239 students from five schools are interested in use of the facilities. Bennington, Valley, Elkhorn, and Ralston School Districts have also indicated an interest in the program. "Since Millard has no vocational facilities at all, except graphic arts, they will want the majority of slots," explained Tangdall. Millard expects to enlist 154 students into the program, Westside and Bennington 30 each, Elkhorn 15, and Valley 10. The idea of using Boys Town's facilities is not a new one. Westside has been working with Boys Town the past 2 or 3 years on an exchange basis. This year, for example, eleven Westside students are enrolled in classes, mostly auto body repair, and in exchange there are two full time students from Boys Town attending Westside. However, by subcontracting, this opportunity will be available to more students.

Program leaves alternative Each student will travel to Boys Town by bus. They will attend the specific classes for two hours, five days a week. At least 13 two hour units, a maximum student load of 235, will be offered at a cost of about $133,000 next year. Estimated cost per student at capacity is $573. Cost will be pro-rated among the other schools. This program leaves an alternative for those students interested in pursuing some kind of vocational and technical courses. "Here at Westside we have a good auto shop and classes, but we really do not expand to auto-body repair. Those interested in auto-body repair would be candidates for Boys Town auto mechanics and body work classes," stated Tangdall. Tech high also has a wide range of courses, which are not offered at Westside. "Right now we have two students attending Tech's tele-communications classes, we would like more students to use Tech's facilities but the Omaha Public Schools have their students attending Tech and they have priority," explained Tangdall. The program at Boys Town will be similar to the present program at Tech.

Interest in agriculture Surprisingly, most of the interest dealing with agricultural training comes not from the farming communities but from Westside students. Ten out of the nineteen students, in pre-registration, interested in farming were from Westside. The program is open to all grades but few sophomores will participate, it will be mostly on the junior and senior level. Millard and Boys Town have finalized the agreement. However, while Westside has received a verbal "go ahead" from the school board, the finalization has not yet occurred.

Page 2 - April 15, 1977 - LANCE

Evaluation surveys analyze district

,Garden of Love:, theme for junior-senior prom The junior-senior prom was held on Friday, April1, at the Peony Park ballroom. Odyssey performed for the dance. "I think prom this year was really fun," stated Julie Moore, senior. There was really quite a lot of people there, I was really surprised," explained Patti Abraham, senior. "Some people liked the band and others didn't, I myself thought they were really good," stated Bob Westphal, senior. "It really was fun and exciting to get all dressed up, also it was fun seeing people that you are used to seeing in jeans, all dressed up," said senior Jeannie O'Sullivan. "I really like the whole tardition of prom; dressing up, going to eat, going to the dance and going out afterwards," said Patti. "This year prom was a lot of fun, but the weather could have been a little nicer," stated Patti. "It seemed like everyone that attended prom had a good time," said senior Kris Kirchner. The 1977 junior-senior prom went off smoothly and the only major complaint was the weather.

Open tryouts replace procedures Tryouts for the 1977-78 marching and cheerleading squads will be open to all Westside girls. A meeting was held on Monday, March 28 to provide information to those interested in trying out for a squad. Tryouts for cheerleading will begin on Friday, May 6, and Drill Squad and Squires tryouts will begin approximately two weeks later. An information sheet was given to cheerleading candidates. To be a candidate for varsity and junior varsity cheerleading, two requirements must be met. First of all the candidate must be passing in all subjects. The second requirement is to complete and submit five teacher recommendation forms. Sophomore candidates must also be passing in all subjects and complete required forms. Two girls will be added to the varsity and junior varsity squads. The bigger squads will enable the girls' basketball and volleyball games to be covered by cheerleaders. Four cheerleaders, two of whom must be varsity, will be at the girls' varsity sports. Those girls who were in Pep Club this year will be given credit towards tryouts for the points they earned while members.

Variety show displays Westside,s talent Student producers have been chosen for the all-school Variety Show, which will be performed on Thursday and Friday nights, May 5 and 6. Tina Render, Lisa Holquist, Dave Hoffman, and Barb Oliver were selected by Jim Ogden, drama director, from over 35 applicants. "The criteria for my choices was responsibility and interest in putting together a good show," stated Ogden. Those not chosen as producers were asked to help on set crew, stage crew, publicity, make-up, for costuming areas of the show. This variety show will be different from previous ones in that this is the first year an all-school variety show has been held. In the past each class has held their own variety show. This year talents from all three grade levels will be pooled. Tryouts for the show were held after school on Thursday April14 and Monday April18. "This school is full of talent and I hope we can expose some of it at the show," said Ogden.

Govenor gives award to Westside ecology Since the beginning of the Westside Ecology club, in 1970, the reaction to ecology has been phenomenal, and so has the work by the students in the club. Not only have they continued to support natural wildlife habitats by picking up Christmas trees and putting them down for cover for small animals, and giving regular donations to Fontenelle Forest, but have also continually picked up recyclable materials. This month the Ecology club has outdone itself. An award for Outstanding Ecology Community Work was presented to Edie Rock, president ofWestside's Ecology club. Governor James J. Exon awarded a plaque in honor of the club's past year of outstanding work in ecology. In order for a club or group to receive such an award, they must have proof of work being done for the community. Newspaper articles, :nagazine articles and any other proof of volunteer work for the community, automatically make them eligible for this award. The group must also be a non-profit organization.




Westside 's L.,ce is published bi-weekly by the Lence stan lor the students and faculty of Westside High School , 87th and Pacific St., Omaha, Nebraska, 68124. Westside's L.,ce is a member ol the Columbia Scholastic Press Association , the Nebraska High School Press Association and the National Scholastic Press Association . The paper is given free ol charge every other Friday alter 1 p.m. Subscription rates are $3.00 post-paid . Non-profit mailing rates claimed. Printed by Wright. Printing Co ., 13426 B St., Omaha. Editor-In-chief ...... .. . . .. . . . Margaret Kane Editorial editors . . Dan Goldman , Steve Maun Editorial wrttera ..... ..... . .. Brent Bierman , Robyn Nichols Ne- editors .. . Connie Schleich. Lisa Kaplan Ne- writer ... . . .. . ... . . .. . . .. . Jenny Welch Feature edltora . ....... . .. . Mary Zimmerman Beth Leshinsky \..Feeture wrltera.Kim Nilsson, Kathy Sherlock

Spom editors ... . . .. Bob Peterson, Bill Saint Spom writer . ......... .. .. . . Kirsten Karnett Bualn... maneger ..... .. .. .... Terri Perrone Aclvertlalng m.,eger . . .. . . ..... Kathy O'Hara Artlala . . .. . . . . Jane Wenstrand, Lonnie Urich Certoonlat ... .... . ... .. .. ...... Dan Goldman Photographers . .. .... . . ... Jennifer Erickson , Gary Whitaker Aclvlaer ... .. .... ... . .... ..... . John Hudnal~

Students, parents, staff members and alumni participated in the District 66 self-evaluation. Four major surveys have been administrated and the results are being tabulated by a computer. The survey gave a chance for people to voice their opinions about the intellectual, emotional and physical environment of the District. The survey, related to educational goals, was administered in February. The special services survey was taken last November by staff members and some parents of students who are a part of the special services program. Another survey was given to staff members which involved communication and planning between the elementary, junior and senior high schools. External evaluation teams will visit District 66 schools and examine various aspects of the educational system during the 1977-78 school year. Members of the external teams will be invited by the superintendent on the basis of recommendations from the staff and community. During the spring of 1978, District 66 will hear the results of the evaluators, and the State Department of Education and the North Central Association will present the District's accreditation status. The results will be a help in determining future goals of the District. The State Department of Education requires all stateaccredited schools to conduct self-evaluations to take an overall look at the educational system. Improvement of programs is one goal of the self-study. It is a time to take an overall look at the District and methods for achieving particular goals. There was also a school-climate survey used by District 66 as part of their self-evaluations. School climate is one of the most significant factors contributing to student achievement.

There were results analyzed from 12 different grou (as printed in the District 66 newsletter, Perspective

1. General District Profile-all persons who took 1 survey. 2. Administrators-three profiles -building administrators -ABC administrators -building and ABC administrators together 3. Teachers-several profiles -all elementary teachers -all junior high teachers -all senior high teachers -a separate profile for teachers in each building 4. Parents-same groups as teachers 5. Students-same 6. Alumni (1973-74)-two types of profiles -general profile involving all alumni-by-year prol 7. Custodians-general district profile 8. Food service staff-general district profile 9. Secretaries and paraeducators-general distr profile. 10. Board of education-general district profile 11. Elementary teachers-several profiles -grades kindergarten-3 -grades 4-U -grades kindergarten-6 (for teachers who work more than one school, teaching children in seve· grades, such as physical education and art) 12. Secondary teachers-several profiles -general district profiles by department -each building profiles by department With the combined results from the surveys taken t District hopes to get a broad outlook on its entire syste

Music department now 'tuning up' Westside's music department, composed of orchestra, band, and choir, remains a very active department throughout the year. As spring approaches, this department becomes especially busy with tours, performances, and contests. The following is a brief summary of the activities which are being prepared for within the department. The major event which the band, under the direction of Bob Jenkins, is preparing for is a tour of Nebraska on May 12 and 13. The band is placing emphasis on small towns. "We are concentrating on small towns because small schools have so much enthusiasm. Our kids don't realize that a good band is a big deal," explained Jenkins. The tour is also intended as a learning experience. There are many other reasons for the tour. It is an "end of the year thing." Money was raised last year for a trip but the band was unable to go. Jenkins also feels it will give the band an idea of what it is like to play on the road and give them a feeling of camaraderie. "I know it's not as glamorous as Florida, but after all, they get a night on the town in Grand Island," joked Jenkins. The band will perform in Tekumseh, Norris, St. Paul, and Hastings. The band has also been stressing small groups this year, so in order to give the groups an opportunity to

perform, they have been playing as a community service at Children's Hospital, retirement homes, and other places. Orchestra has many activities occurring in the next two months. The orchestra travelled to Wayne State College on April 15 to participate in an all day clinic directed by Mike Palubo, Wayne State orchestra director. Westside's orchestra was the featured performing group and gave two performances, one in the afternoon for clinic participants and a second one in the evening for the college and local people. Other participating schools were from Northeast and North Central Nebraska. Upcoming events include the first annual Nebraska Orchestra Festival sponsored by the American String Teachers Association. It will be held in Lincoln on April 30. Orchestras from all parts of the state will compete. The top three orchestras will win a trophy. The final performance for the orchestra will be their honors concert on May 26. At this concert the orchestra will honor their graduating senwrs. Warrior Voices' major project for the remainder of the year is a tour which will be taken from April 24 to 27. The choir will perform in Decatur and Chicago, Ill. and Madison, Wise.

While on tour they will have 1 opportunity to see how differt choruses perform, visit universiti gain experience, and also hope make a tape from which tyey v make a record, according to E Brokke, choir president. The choir}been selling jewelry, M&M's, can bars, and cheese in order to ra enough money to subsidize eE member's bus fare. "The musical VI our first big group effort . .. it brou1 us all together and got us up for t: trip," stated Kathy Sherlock, Warr Voices member.

Warrior Voices is also plannin1 Spring Concert to be performed May 16. There are two other activities wh involve the entire music departme The first is the district music cont to take place on April 22 and 23 Plattsmouth. The entire band E orchestra will compete as well small groups, ensembles, and soloi from all three branches of the mu department. Warrior Voices will : be able to perform due to their to\ The second activity is a school-w Night of Excellence the departm plans to participate in on May 19.1 night is planned to allow outstanding groups to be able exhibit their activities according Welch. All three groups will perfo on this night.

Making plans. Boys' St1 representatives Ken Sombe Dan Dahl, Doug Fletcher, a John Pflug will represE Westside this summer at Bo State in Lo•.uc•LJu.~

LANCE - April 15, 1977 - Page 3

Juvenile jollies disruptive Steve Maun 'ire alarms are required by law to nstalled in all schools in the state Nebraska. These buzzers are tailed for the safety and protection ;tudents and faculty. , trend of childish amusement has ~rged once again at Westside. The nber of false fire alarms being ivated by students in the halls h as ched a harmful state. >n Friday, March 24, three false rms were pulled by students who ' iously seek a mysterious brand of isfaction . 'he increasing frequency of these .nks has disturbed both teach ers :1 administrators. The fire drills rupt classes and use up about ten nutes of class which co uld ,erwise be spent on something rthwhile; perhaps an education. vfany students return to their sses with the attitude that since !re was a fire drill they will not have

to do anything in class. Ma ny times, once a stude nt gets outside, particularly in pleasant weather, he does not return for class. "They create an atmosphere and an attitude of who cares," concluded a Westside history teacher. The intensity and efficiency of exiting suffers because of the false alarms. Students and faculty just begin to expect that when they h ear the buzzer it is another prank. The Monday after the three alarms a legitimate alarm was sounded. When students and faculty begin filing out, they lacked the crispness and concern necessary in case of a true emergency. For those students who have, or are considering pulling the a larms, one last reason not to is simply that it is a criminal offense. Westside administration has adamantly adopted the policy of prosecuting all offenders. It is unreasonable to assume that all perpetrators of these crimes can be

apprehended. There are too many a larms and too many opportunities. However , the practice can be discouraged . One possible solution is installing fire a larms that eject a dye. This could discourage students who would not want to be sprayed with a dye for a cheap thrill. In case of an authentic emergency the dye would seem a small price to pay for safety. Encasing the alarms in glass would also act as a deterrent. A student would then h ave to carry an instrument to break the glass while making a minimal amount of noise. A combination of these proposals could be used. Unfortunately, the need for a solution has arisen. The administration can no longer get by using threats on the morning an nouncements.


No need to hurry. It's probably another fake fire alarm.

Alternative needed to audio visual room With the increase in required out of class films and video tapes, an alternative to the audio visual room must be considered. The problem with the audio visual room is that it is acoustically unfit. "For the prime function it serves, I can't think of a worse place to do it," said Jim Allen, Westside technical director. "It's like an echo chamber. To make it fit for a viewing we need a room with dimable lights, acoustic wall paneling and carpeting ." However, according to Dr. Tangdall , because of district budgeting , refurbishing the audio visual room is an impossibility. "With all the current improvements at Westside such as new science wing windows, and new shop, new football lights, and the proposed guidance center, I don't think the board will be allocating many funds towards Westside in the next couple

of years. And if they were, they would go to new science and social studies rooms. Since the audio visual room is unfit for the purpose it is supposed to serve, yet presently, this cannot be remedied, an alternative must be considered. If all courses were to incorporate a large group into their scheduling, it would alleviate the need for an audio visual room. Audio visual material could be presented in large groups held in an auditorium instead of running a film or filmstrip all day long in the audio visual room. Due to a deficiency in acoustics, the audio visual room does not effectively serve its purpose. But, because of budgeting priorities, realistic steps must be taken toward solving this problem : instituting more large groups is one such solution .

Uncle ldi wants you! by Brent Bierman Wanted: respo nsible, mature person with cutthroat tendencies to serve as deputy dictator of fast路 developing third-world nation . Experience n ecessary. Apply in person to the office of Field Marshall Idi Amin Dada, Uganda.

I sure wish I could hear that T.V.

"Field Marshall Amin," said the receptionist into the intercom, "I have

'I.S. History Department improves program This year the U.S. History department hanged its format for teaching courses. nstead of having different courses each six ~eeks for the students to choose from, it has this 路ear four nine week units held each semester. 'hese courses range from the American evolution to examining minorities. This program enables students to pick which mits they would enjoy studying. This way the ;tu dents take courses of importance to them , naking the subject more interesting.

Another advantage to this format is that it Jrovides the students with more individual time vith a teacher. This helps the student to get a )etter understanding of the course . "Generally 'Ve find the nine week units more productive by he students," said Mr. Joe Higgins, social ;tudies teacher at Westside . "It gives the ;tudents choice to choose what they want to

study and provides the students for more individual time for help . I really feel that this program is very good." The nine week units help the teachers to get to know the students better than the six week units did . The program provides the best benefit for the students to obtain materials. When the format was that all students were taking the same U. S. History, one student had a poor chance of getting the materials he needed , since the other 599 students would be after the same material. This also helps , with the different courses, for the students to better utilize the materials in the Social Studies IMC. The U.S. History department should be commended for bringing about this change in the program . This format is working much better than those in the past and the students get more enjoyment from the course.

a little old lady out here wanting to see you about the job opening. Says her name is Gandhi." "Send her in by all means," came the voice from the intercom. " Idi baby!" shrieked the little old lady as she flung open the door to his office. " Indira," he said smiling, "how nice it is to see you again. Please sit down. Tell me, what qualifications do you think you have to be my deputy dictator?" " Well, I placed my country under a state of emergency when there really wasn't one, halted public elections, and censored the press for over a year and a half." "That's good for a start." " A start?" "Yes," he said, " please continue." Squirming in her chair, she thought f or several seconds and said cautiously, "I imprisoned 100,000 of my political enemies without trial and

" "Childplay!" he roared out. "Jail is too expensive. You should try my method." "What's that?" " Bullets!" Mrs. Gandhi looked stunned but continued. " I initiated a population control program and sterilized seven million people last year." "Very commendable, but that's only one percent of India 's population." "Yes, I know," she agreed, "but we had problems. There was a great deal

of resistance, mostly from Catholics." "Ah , yes. I, too, had problems with Catholics, but then there was this automobile accident and .. ." "Such a clever idea, ldi. " "You should have tried it. It's very economical, you know. " "I know, but there aren't many automobiles in India - mostly sick cows and elephants." "Elephants!? Why that would be perfect! Do you know what it would be like to be stampeded over by a herd of elephants? Now , who wouldn't believe that?" ... And so the interview continued. Shortly after its end, his receptionist informed him of a long-distance phone call waiting on line one. "Hey, Big Daddy, como estas?" came the voice on the line. "Ah, Fidel, it's good to hear from you." " Hey, hombre, how you like Cuban troops I send you? What are your job applicants like?" "Not too good. I just saw Indira, but she is just too innocent for the job. Then there was this former U.S. Secretary of State. He was a little wet behind the ears, and besides, his people and I have not gotten along so well since Entebbe. "There has been one really good one," he went on. "Oh?" "Yes, quite. An American television newslady , but it didn't work out." " Why not?" "She wouldn't take the drop in salary."

Page 4 - April 15, 1977 - LANCE "In 1975, 342 cases of child abuse and 756 cases of child neglect were reported to the Douglas County Protective Services." - Parent Assistant Line pamphlet. Just what is child abuse and neglect? According to information put out by the Parent Assistant Line, (PAL) of Omaha, child abuse is a "non-accidental injury to a child: physical, emotional, sexual." Neglect is defined as "failure to provide basic physical necessities: food, clothing, adequate supervision or medical care." It is difficult to stereotype the person capable of abuse or neglect of his or her child, but there are some signs to watch for. These include parents who cannot get help with their problems; parents who were abused or neglected themselves as children; families which are physically, socially or psychologically isolated; parents who are extreme disciplinarians with unrealistic expectations for their children; parents under a great deal of pressure or stress (due to jobs, etc.); alcoholic or drug-addicted parents; or the parents who view their child or children as "different." Dick Stoll of Child Protective Services added that parents in their middle twenties are those most likely to abuse their children. This is due to their lack of experience

A child may disrupt the lifestyle of parents in their 20's who are "still in the early years of adjusting to marriage" Del Roper with children, and according to Del Roper of the Parent Effectiveness Training Center, they are "still in the early years of adjusting to marriage," and a child may disrupt their life style. It is necessary to remember that although parents may mistreat their children, abusive parents really do love their children, but for some reason, cannot cope with some of the problems of parenthood. Many services geared toward parent-child relationships are available in the Omaha area. One of these is the Parent Assistant Line, a telephone service open to Omaha and the surrounding area, from noon until9 p.m. daily, according to a counselor of the service. PAL was first initiated on July 1, 1975, by the Junior League of Omaha, in cooperation with the Omaha-Council Bluffs Family Service. The main purpose of PAL, and services like it, is to help control child abuse and neglect, which it is estimated is five times as great as statistics show, due to unreported cases.

One may be led to believe that child abuse occurs mo often in low income areas, but this is not so. It is true th more low income cases are reported, but according to Sto it is a problem which is spread out equally among famili of all income ranges, most of which may not be reporte Statistics on how many people are helped by servic such as PAL are difficult to come by, but it is known th from 50 to 100 calls are received by the line each mont with more of these in the winter and summer, due to the being high stress times for parents. Another factor in tl amount of calls coming in monthly, is the number television spots the line gets during a time perio advertising their service.

"Being a parent is the most difficult j< you'll ever have" - Parent Assista1 Line Pamphlet What type of person makes a good counselor for PA One counselor for the service stated simply that go listeners who appreciate people's problems are the rig type for the job. To become a counselor of this service, as in any, sor training is necessary. Before a person may answer t PAL telephone line, they must undergo 15 hours training. Once they are working, a monthly three ho training session is necessary to keep working. A quote from the pamphlet published by the servi sums up the ideas of PAL and parenthood, stating, "Beil a parent is the most difficult job you will ever have."

Area crin1e costs offenders The defendent, call him Jack, was well-liked by his employer and expected to be employed by him in the future. Jack was intelligent and did well in school. Last summer when he was 18 Jack passed three grams of marijuana to an undercover narcotics agent in a local park. He was arrested and convicted, but was let off on probation since he was a first offender. At first glance, it might appear that Jack was untouched by his brush with the law. False. "Delivery of any drug is a felony," explains Chief Deputy Public Defender Lynn Carey. "A felony

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conviction prevents a person from becoming a professional such as a doctor, lawyer, or dentist. A felon loses all his civil rights, for example, voting and jury duty, until he has successfully completed his probation. A person convicted of a felony can not be bonded." (Bank tellers, salesmen, and others who handle large sums of money on the job must be bonded by insurance companies to safeguard their employers against embezzlement.)

area, has increased significantly over the past ten years," said Carey. "Society is more permissive. There was more teacher and parent-imposed punishment twenty years ago, and kids didn'thaverights. Juvenile court

besides liquor and narcotics violations. Drug and liquor violations can be mis demeanors or felonies . While possession of less than one pound of marijuana is a misdemeanor, which

YouR G RMES I'.RE Goof>, ftui WE: CANT t;t'II~V ...... ANYON6 WITH A fCLCN'/ Ct1 f\~{r€. I ,.r[0 "'-NY MEOil'~L.

Where does this leave Jack? His activities are heavily restricted because he is on probation. Although he does not have to serve time in the penitentiary, he is still a convicted felon, and will not be able to pursue his previously planned career as a dentist. Other doors continue to close.



IT WAS Ju<>T P~T ~!

Jack is not uncommon. "Teenage crime, which primarily involves alcohol and narcotics in the Westside

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was only instituted in Nebraska in the early 1960's." "Crime has increased disproportionately in the Near North Side," continued Carey. He explained that in poorer areas teenage crimes included many other infringements

can result in seven days in the county jail, delivery or possession of any drug, which includes more than a pound of marijuana, is a felony. This can carry a penalty of one to two years imprisonment, a fine of not more than $500, or six months in the county jail, FORMAL WEAR BY




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with the court always having tl right to impose probation instead ol jail sentence. Liquor viol a tions , carry maximum penalty of six months : the county jail, a fine of $500, or bot

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More specifically, drunk driving c~ result in 30 days in the county jail 01 fine, and a year's suspension of om license. Driving on a suspend• license carries a mandatory 30 da: in jail. "Liquor and narcotics violatim are usually referred to adult court said Carey . A minor isn't always tri• in juvenile court. It depends on tl nature of the defendetn's crime ar his past record. Juvenile court has tl authority to handle anything whi< involves minors, but it's work load sufficient that it can't bother wi1 minor liquor or narcotics violation• "Some kids see the apparent ease their friend's probation , and think,' I do get caught, it doesn't matter, said Carey. "However, if there is 1 jail sentence, a felony conviction~ ruin a person's life."

LANCE- April15, 1977- Page 5

lack Sunday flies like lead blimp 1agine a blimp crashing into the of a football stadium during the erbowl. Now imagine sitting in a

theater for two and a half hours watching a blimp crash into a football stadium during the Superbowl.

ttter up. Kurt Anderson takes batting practice in preparation for :stside's upcoming contest with South on Tuesday, April19 at Toll rk.


af baunds

As I threw down my stick dejected ter my intramural hockey team had st tied I noticed the next game atured the two best teams in the 3.gue so I decided to hang around. Each team was big and had little tentions of playing a friendly after hool hockey game.

It started off with Mike Mackie •tting checked under the scorers ble. Mackie them proceeded to tase the player around the gym. Not long after that away from the :tion was a fight. Both benches eared and it resulted in two being ected. The next period remained fairly tim on both ends except for an :casional check or two. Then came the final period. Craig Jhnson checked Mike Mackie into te bleachers then Mackie proceeded • punch Johnson and a nother bench earing fight broke out. When the mjestion cleared you could see Jhnson standing, shirt tom and ngry, and Mike Mackie shouting bscenities as Max Kitzleman, league Jordinator, was restraining him.

by Bill Saint

stands around 5 foot 6 inches tall and is a prime target for the other, bigger teams. Most teams have in mind trying to injure or la me someone with winning being their second priority, and the team I play for is a good chance for those teams to hurt someone. When the league was started anyone could have guessed that most people thought hockey was a sport where you try to knock someone out of the way in an attempt to score. It is almost impossible to stop or prevent a fight when tempers flare, and more emphasis should be placed on winning. One solution could be to charge a 15 dollar entry fee per team and award the first place team trophies at the end of the season . This would not solve the problem for the teams who are out of the race early, but it could cut down on fights from the teams interested in winning. Max Kitzleman should also be given the authority to kick someone out of the league who is just there to cause trouble.

This is not the wa y every 1tramural game is played, but this is good example of what can happen 1hen tempers flare. Intramural hockey was meant for he enjoyment of students at Westside very Monday night. For those who have any hockey alent (all six of them) it gave them a hance to excell in this after school tctivity. The hockey team I play for is one of he teams with obsolutely no hockey alent. Each member of this team

Although this is a slight exaggeration, you might feel as though you have after viewing "Black Sunday." Released by United Artists, "Black Sunday" is for moviegoers who like plenty of suspense and don't mind the sight of blood. Throughout the first two hours the story line is very vague, characters are introduced, houses get blown up and people get shot. The question is, how does it all fit in? Martha Keller , last seen in " Marathon Man, " portrays a Palestinian terrorist. Together, she and her group stage a national disaster to be created at the super bowl game . They are angry at the American government for giving aid to Israel. They plan to surprise them when proving their point by a mass murder. Bruce Dern, who plays her accomplice, a former POW, would also like to square things with the US. He's the brains, she's the leader. Together they create a sort of bomb comprised of high explosives and thousands upon thousands of darts. It sounds crazy and far fetched to the viewer, but in a scene where they test it out, it becomes quite real. The good-guy, played by Robert Shaw (of "Jaws" fame) is an expert killer. Ironically, by the end of the film, one wants to root for Keller and Dern. It seems that their killings and their reasons for killing are more justified than his. The story sounds very interesting, but it's hard to follow. Questions are still left in the viewer's mind. The movie ·makers keep throwing in characters and shooting them before you have a chance to figure out who they were. The violence starts to get to a person. The tenseness and suspense will create knots in your stomach. All in all it' s a very unpleasant experience. The fine acting, however, cannot be overlooked. All of the leads were excellent. The R rating given to the movie is justified in the excessive violence. There is moderate raw language and little or no sex or nudity. Sometimes the viewer will get the feeling that the whole production is one big commercial for the goodyear tire company. At one point the blimp is shown displaying "Goodyear tires and goodyear service for more good years in your car." If planning to see it, a person should try to hit discount hour. It might not be worth spending $3.00 to see this movie.

When you're busy, let your fingers do the walking ...


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Tennis matches between Westside and Marian High School were cancelled last week because of bad weather, yet were played at Westside Wednesday and tonight after school. Marian is charted to be Westside's toughest opponent before Metro and state. This is due to Marian's experience, and the girls on their team. Next week, Westside goes up against T .J. and Tech. Tari Fein berg, Westside's number two ranked player, sees no trouble or problem with either team. Westside's experience and a new format which has been initiated this year may be attributed to this. The new format this season has the top three players on each team play one set instead of two, and eliminates the "stacking" of teams. "Stacking," Tari explained, is where one school's team moves their number three player up to the number one position, and the number one and two players to the second and third positions respectively. This means the school which "stacked" will most likely lose only one match, and win the other two. The fact that a lot of people don't begin to warm up until the end ofthe first set or beginning ofthe second is what Tari finds as the only fault of the new format. Tari believes that the reason for the tennis team's success is due to attitude. "The attitude with the sophomores and the new people on the team is really good. We're all really excited and our spirit is good," she said.

Golfers swinging smoothly Westside's varsity golf team consisting of Mark Wheeler, Steve Buel, Joe Meyers, Bruce Kruger and Kevin Kelliher, took first at the Beatrice Invitational Friday, March 25. The team took first after breaking a three way tie of313 in a sudden death round between Lincoln Southeast and Millard. Sudden death is played by the four lowest scoring on each team. Wheeler, Meyers, Buel and Kruger participated, and on the last hole Wheeler eagled, B-;el and Meyers bogied, and Kruger birdied. In individual competition, Wheeler placed fourth, with a score of 76, and Buel placed fifth with 77. At the Ralston Invitational Friday, April1 , Westside placed second following Burke who took first. Wheeler was the low scorer of the meet with 69. Last Friday, AprilS, Westside placed second in a tie with Millard in a meet at Capital City. Sixteen teams participated in the meet with Lincoln Southeast taking first. The low individual in the meet was Buel, scoring 75. The only weakness Buel, the only returning varsity team member, sees with the team this year is their inconsistency of all members getting low scores at each meet. "Our strong point," Buel said, "is we have guys who are really talented, but the same guys don't have too much experience."

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Page 6 - April 15. 1977 - LANCE

Warrior tracksters face top Metro competitor: Westside tracksters today go to Burke to participate in the Burke Invitational. The significance of the meet, in the eyes of the coaches, is the fact that it will be Westside's initial confrontation with the Metro teams. Explains Bob Klein, head coach of the Warriors , "At the Gra nd Island Relays (March 26), we got to see the strong out-sta te schools. Here (the Westside Invitational, April7), we saw the strong Lincoln schools. The Burke Invitational will be our first look at the tough competition in Metro ." And an added flavor comes not just from the unseen Metro clubs, but also from teams such as Grand Island a nd Lincoln East, teams which will add, as Klein discribes , "an all-around blend of talent." The Westside club comes off a loss to a strong Lincoln East squad, 99 1/z-70 112 in the Westside Invitational. For the most part, however, the team is on par, according to Klein, in its development. Says Klein , "We're a solid team with good depth, and we h a ve good people at most ofthe events." But adds, "We're a young developing team and we're untested. That's still one of our problems." One specific concern for the Warriors in the meet will be its middle distances, an area below what was originally expected. " Our middle distances have great potential, we do have good talent in those events. They just haven't, so far, proved themselves accordingly," said Klein. Westside should have its best performances today in the hurdles and the relays, the Warriors' top strengths. Because of the lack of knowledge of the teams participating, Westside's exact role in the 14 squad meet is uncertain . Bellevue and Lincoln East should be, however, the teams which Westside will have to deal with.

Today's Bellevue Invitational is, in the world of g track, a rather precise preview of the up-coming Me championships. The teams participating will be, in f1 the same as that in the Metro Meet. The meeting of the Metro teams will be, with little dot dominated by Metro powerhouses, Central and Bellev Westside should play a somewhat significant r• finishing , as predicts Coach Don Glasgow, in the top fi

Middle to long distance strength The Warriors' strength in today 's meet should be, a has been thus far this year, in the middle to long dis tan and the discus. More specifically, Westside standouts should be: Jen: Kahl and Mary McCormack in the 880. Both broke 1 school record earlier this year. Kahl has the top tir 2:33.9; Eydie Rock, in the discus , who threw 94'9" agail Burke and Bryan this year; Terri Perrone, a miler, w Glasgow feels is one of the top Metro milers.

Strong Warrior development


Jeff Aarvig throws the shot during a recent afternoon practice session.

Out-of-breath. Jean Vifquain completes a dash in preparation for the Ryan-T.J. triangular meet Tuesday, April 19.

Westside has , thus far, developed well, impressi Glasgow. "We're coming along quite well. At this po last year there wasn't as much effort given. C conditioning this year is shaping up much bette explained Glasgow. And what Glasgow states is clearly evident in t Warriors ' performance . On March 29, Westsi convincingly downed Burke and Bryan 61-44 and 71-: respectively.

Runners take second at invitational

Bend and stretch. Thinclads prepare under the watchful eye of Coach Bob Klein, for an upcoming meet with T.J. and Ryan at Thomas Jefferson on Wednesday, April 20.

Placing second at their own invitational track meet, Wednesday, April 6, was Westside, being outscored by Lincoln East, 99 112 -70 112. Third and fourth were taken by Lincoln High with 36 and a tie between Burke and South with 33 112. Westside's most outstanding events were the 180 low hurdles, the two mile relay, shot put, and discus in which we placed first, and the 880 relay, the 220, the mile, the 100 yard dash, 120 high hurdles, the pole vault, and high jump, in which we placed second. The only events Westside did not place in were the triple jump, long jump, the

two mile relay, the 880 and the mile relay.

They placed Track team members who placed during the meet include Larry Roark, second in high jump, Mark Hansen, second in the pole vault, Gary Niver first in the discus and third in shot put, Dick Giller first in shot put, Bruce Thompson , Glen Rumbaugh, Bill Ha ile, a nd Dan Rath first in the two mile rela y, Mike Snipes and Scott Bier second and third in the 120 high hurdles , Craig Johnson second for the

100 yard dash and the 220, and th in the 440, Da ve Maenner second th e mile, Scott Bier first in the 180 I hurdles, and Tom Tritsch, G Schropp, Cra ig Johnson , second the 880 r elay.

Semi-success The meet was termed a ser success by one track team membt " We could have done better, but 1 one of our first meets we did fair well. I think that in the future we w pull together and completely swe th e meets," h e said.

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estside's April 29, 1977 Vol. 21, No. 15 Westside High School, Omaha, NE 68124

I District 66 Community I

Mrs. Helen Schorr

Dr. John Goldner

Mr. lrv Yaffe

Mr. Robert Innes

Mr. Wayne Meier

Mr. Robert Berkshire








Superintendent I

Administration I


Board IDirrors t:OIDIDunity standards Ordinary citizens, not trained as ·ofessional educators, lead the way in istrict 66 in the form of an elected school >ard. "Each of them are selected and willing serve, without pay, so they can help the lucation of the student," explained Dr. H. aughn Phelps, superintendent of Westside

Anytime you are small and good, people rant to get in on the act."

:ommunity Schools. The school board is an American invention aving its origin in Massachusetts when 1embers of a Congregational Church wanted ertain religious ideas taught in the schools. A ommittee of laymen, since even the ministers rere not above suspicion, were sent to visit the chools to check up on matters. The school board serves many purposes. rving Yaffe, who is serving his 19th year on he board, outlined these purposes as hiring the uperintendent, controlling the financial .spect of the district, setting policies, and nsuring periodic evaluation of the schools. The hief purpose, however, is to establish policies •Y which the district operates. "This is very mportant in terms of our growth and levelopment," commented Phelps. In Education Leader's Notebook, a eference manual published by the Nebraska ;tate School Boards Association, it is stated, 'A boards responsibility is not to run the .chools but to see that they are well run."

Implementation of the board's policy is the duty of the superintendent. Keeping the board informed and making recommendations to the board are important in the harmonious workings of the board. The Board relies upon the recommendations of the superintendent who is involved in the day-today workings of the district. The board has a difficult task in representing . the entire district. There are 40,000 people in the district, only half of which are students, or have children in the school system. This creates a direct conflict between the parents who are willing to pay high taxes for a quality education and the residents, without children, who are concerned about property taxes. The board must find the balance between these factors.

The purpose of these procedures is not to assert control over each piece of material but rather to set guidelines within which materials should be selected. Teachers are responsible for choosing the texts used in their classes. Yaffe believes the board has much faith in the quality of Westside's teaching staff and their ability to choose appropriate materials. Being receptive to student input and suggestions is basic in the thinking of most members. The representatives of the Student Advisory Board are at attendance at each meeting. SABE is an avenue through which students can express their opinions. "We pay attention and listen. Whenever it is possible and feasible we do it," stated Yaffe. Some board members expressed disappointment in the

Procedures Westside Community Schools has a relatively small board consisting of six members. The board is divided into two committees, three members on each. The first committee is referred to as the Americanism or instructional committee and the second as the building and grounds committee. These committees review and study the problems which fit into each category and then report or make recommendations to the entire board.

"A board's responsibility is not to run the schools, but to see they are well run."

The board is an active member of the Nebraska State School Boards Association. This association is representative of the majority of school boards in Nebraska. Through this association, legislation may be supported or opposed and new legislation may be proposed. The district also belongs to the National School Boards Association, which serves the same basic functions as the state association but on the national level.

amount of student input they receive, but are satisfied since the opportunity is there. A lawsuit was filed last year seeking a merger between Omaha Public Schools and District 66. Many believe this type of a merger is to be feared and is a great threat to the integrity of Westside Community Schools. Wayne Meier, board member, explained, "The potential threat is always there. Anytime you are small and good, people want to get in on the act."

The board enjoys only those privileges derived from the state constitution and statutes. The Public Meetings Law states that the establishment of public policy is public business and may not be conducted in secretEvery public meeting, which includes the school board, must be open to the public so that citizens have the opportunity to exercise their democratic privilege of attending and speaking at meetings_ Expulsions, suspensions, right to the access of records, and release and challenge of student records are also regulated by state laws .

The controversial Harry Stotlemeier series, which was recently debated, illustrates the board's role in controlling the materials used in the classroom. Many parents were protesting the use of the series, believing it set a poor example for their children. The board spent many hours resolving this issue_ Phelps explained, "There were board members who personally did not like the Stotlemeier series, but they followed their established procedures and upheld the material."

Page 2 - April 29, 1977 - LANCE


UNO names 'Lance' best newspaper


Students find crossing Pacific Street in front of Westside is more

convenient than crosswalk usage. (Photo by Aaron Maynard)

New crosswalk furthers safety Presently there is a crosswalk located at 87th Avenue, which is used by few students. A four-day pedestrian count was made and the results showed that more students crossed Pacific Street east of the present crosswalk. Brian Schmuecker, a Westside senior, made a pedestrian count for four days. Brian is enrolled in the Executive Internship program at Leo A. Daly architecture firm. The planning department at the Daly firm assigned Brian to do the pedestrian count, to see if the present crosswalk was used by students. There were three specific time intervals that counts were made in. The first was from 7:15 a .m. to 9:00a.m., the second was 11:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m., the third was 2:30 p.m . to 4:00 p.m. These particular times would be the times which students would cross Pacific Street the most. Before school, during the early afternoon, and after school. On March 16 the first count was made. Every fifteen minutes the number of pedestrians that crossed the street were recorded. Pacific Street was divided into three sections: The first section was the 87th Avenue crosswalk. The second was from the present crosswalk east, and the

third was east to 87th Street. The summary showed that on the first day, out of a total of 1,136 students, only 225 students used the present crosswalk. The second section had the most use, 752 students crossed Pacific Street where there are no lights or a crosswalk. The third section, east to 87th Street, was used by 159 students. On the second day, March 17, the total was 1,075 students that crossed Pacific Street. Only 173 students crossed at the crosswalk. The third day, March 21, a total of 989 crossed the street. Only 162 students crossed at the lights and 726 students crossed east of the crossing, the second section. The final day, March 22, 189 used the present crosswalk, 894 students crossed east of the crosswalk, and 128 crossed Pacific Street by 87th Street. A committee went before an appointed traffic council and presented the report. The crossing was to be revised next year. After discussion and slides of the specific areas of Pacific Street plus the statistics, it was decided to begin construction of another crosswalk this year. There will be an additional set of lights constructed east of 87th Avenue. The walk will be completed by the fall school year.

36 have not passed

Graduation for some just a dream Every Westside student, by the time they graduate, must successfully co mplete seven minimum competency tests. All of the tests must be completed by May 1, or the student will not be graduating in June. The program was started so that each graduating student would be assured to have mastered specific skills.

Mother's Day is just around the corner. We can help you make her feel special with a gift of flowers or plants from our shop. Order early for best selection.

As of Friday, April15, there were 48 seniors who had not yet passed all of th e minimum competencies. The number had declined to 36 on Monday, April18.

Three years to pass Each student has a period of three years to complete all the tests. Testing begins when a student enters Westside. Through the years different tests are administered and students have until their senior year to pass all of the tests . Tests are taken until they are all passed. "If a student has a problem passing a particular test their homeroom teacher is usually the one who is notified," stated Virginia Davis, part-time teacher aid . "Students who have difficulty in passing one or more tests work on a one-to-one basis with a teacher or teacher aid," explained Davis. "I think students do not realize that

if they do not pass all of the tests they will not graduate," stated Davis. "Certified letters were sent to each student's home explaining the situation and stating the deadline for testing," said Davis. "There does not seem to be one specific test that students are not passing," stated Davis. "Most of the students have only one test left to take," she said. Even students who recently transferred to Westside must complete all the tests. "A senior that comes to Westside about half the way through this year passed all seven tests in 32 days. It can be done if students just put their minds to it," said Davis. There are about 20 new seniors and even the ones who transferred here in February must complete the tests. Students who fail to pass all the tests will have to take them in the summer in order to get their diploma. FORMAL WEAR BY

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Best Newspaper was awarded to Westside's Lance on Tuesday, April 20, by the University of Nebraska at Omaha's Department of Communications. Each year, UNO sponsors the contest for high school journalists, but this is only the second year that the category of Best Newspaper has been offered. Lewis Central's publication Highlights, and Central's Register were awarded second and third place in the category. The Lance also left the contest with the most first place wins. Best Feature story was awarded to senior Mary Zimmerman for her article on the Unification Church in Omaha. Artist Jane Wenstrand was honored in the Best Original Art competition, and the best inside page layout was also credited to the Lance. The Benson News was the only other multiple first place winner with awards in the Best Sports Photograph and Best Headline categories. A story on a visit to Westside by Ku Klux Klan members brought Junior Beth Lashinsky a runner up award in the Best News Event Story division. Newspapers from Omaha and surrounding areas competed in the contest and First Place and Runner Up awards were given to a total ofl6 schools in Nebraska and Iowa . Ratings recently released by the Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA) classified the Lance as a medalist, the highest distinction given by the national service. Last received by Westside in 1974, the medalist award signifies that the Lance is in the top ten percent of the nation's high school newspapers.

Sadie Hawkins Dance slated May 7 Sadie Hawkins Dance this year will be later than usual. Usually, the dance is held before the Junior-Senior Prom in early April, because Sadie Hawkins helped pay for Prom. But not so this year, simply because Sadie Hawkins was out-voted by the junior officers. Sadie Hawkins originally was a race where the men got a head start and ran as fast as they could to get away from the ladies. If the lady caught the man then they had to marry them. If they didn't marry, then the man would remain a bachelor for another year. This was all derived from the comic strip 'Lil Abner' by AI Capp. Everything is the same except for the race. Saturday, May 7, the dance will be held in the girls' gym, at 7 p.m. to midnight. The live band to play for the dance has not yet been decided on by the officers.

Biceps to abound in arm wrestling Arm wrestling is not confined strictly to those who have arms of steel and muscles like grapefruits, because the first annual Nebraska State Arm Wrestling Championship is open to any man or woman willing to put their arm to the test. Requirements include: entrants must register their weight and category by Friday, May 20 at 11:30 a .m. to 1:30 p.m., at the Peony Park Royal Grove. A briefing on all the rules will be given to the participants at this time. There are five weight classes for the men; fly weight, 160 pounds and under, light weight, 161 to 185 pounds, middle weight, 186 to 210 pounds and heavy weight, 211 pounds and over. For the women there are no weight classes. All female entrants are pitted against each other. The rules for arm wrestling are simple. The opponents stand at a special table that has long legs and carpeting on the top. On two sides are wooden pegs exactly the same distance from the sides of the table. Opponents lock hands, holding the thumb as a grip (so fingernails can't be driven into the hand) with their elbows on the table. The referee holds their hands straight up asking if both of the opponents are happy with the grip. If they're not, then they are free to change it, because after the match has started, it is too late to stop and change the grip. The other hand grips the wooden peg for support. The opponents can wrap their legs around the legs ofthe table ifthey wish, but they can't use any other kind of device. When the back of the hand touches the forearm of his opponent, then the pin is called. Trophies will be awarded for first, second, and third places on Saturday, April30, at 2 p.m., along with runner up and honorary awards. Tickets are available at the Brandeis ticket office and Peony Park.

Foreign language cover-up

Creative bookcovers are being sought by the district's Foreign Language department to help stimulate interest in foreign language study. Students attending Westside or any of the three junior highs are eligible to participate. It is not necessary to be enrolled in a foreign language. The winning entry will be printed and offered for sale next year in district schools. The Westside International Club will also donate a cash prize to the winner. The entry may contain a clever slogan, an eye catching design, ot both . Creations should also be aimed at promoting interest in foreign language among secondary students. White paper, 8 1/2 x 11", and India ink should be used, and no more than two colors should appear on the white background. According to the rule sheet, neatness and sharp definition of line are extremely important and fuzziness and shading should be avoided. It is recommended that the design be kept simple. The cover designs should be the work of a single student and must be turned into Mrs. Wiitala by Tuesday, May 10. All profits will go to International Club.

LANCE - April 29, 1977 - Page 3

Labor loses influence I immy Carter is a Democrat and so a majority of Congressmen. The sident and many congressmen ched their elected offices with the •port of labor. .abor spent 8.2 million dollars and .tributed many union voters to try d get the Democrats into shington because Democrats are ;oriously liberal spenders and tally favor pro-labor legislation. :ould labor have blundered this oe? They have recently suffered backs on legislative goals they had >ected to achieve easily. ..ast month the House rejected the nmon-situs picketing bill. This bill uld have allowed one striking ion to shut down an entire 1struction site. \ t the same time the AFL-CIO's $3, nimum wage bill was defeated. es ident Carter proposed a nimum wage increase of only cents, to $2.50. :::arter also ignored AFL-CIO oices for the Secretary of Labor and cretary of Defense appointments. The latest rift between President 1rt er and labor is over high Jtective tariffs. Labor feels that less protective tariffs are instituted employment will get worse. fhe increase in importing shoes

ain"' 1968 haa oau"'d 300 Amorioan shoe factories to close and added 70 , 000 unemployed . The International Trade Committee predicted that if a tariff is adopted, 5,100 jobs can be saved and that many more can be added . One of Jimmy Carter's campaign promises was to solve unemployment, but AFL-CIO secretary-treasurer, Lane Kirkland feels Carter has broken his promise to the working people in the country. "There ain't gonna be no full employment here for the next four years," said Kirkland . Protective tariffs do not always accomplish their purpose because they usually encourage other nations to retaliate. High protective tariffs have been used in history before, often producing disastrous results. The Hawley-Smoot Tariff of 1930, was one factor that brought on the Depression. Jimmy Carter is now a free trader but he is committed to solving unemployment. Since President Carter has climbed to 75 percent popularity among the people, it could be a sign that the people are satisfied. Carter is riding high and I believe it may be time to curtail the political puppeteering of labor.


Boys Town provides vocational experience For the past three years, Westside has been offering students courses outside the school campus at such area institutions as Boys Town . Under a sub-contract with the Millard School District, Westside students will be able to use the facilities at Boys Town not available at Westside, in the 1977-1978 school year. These facilities include the use of the auto body repair, agribusiness, bakery, welding and culinary arts programs. Students here should take advantage of this opportunity. This program offers the best selections for those interested in a vocational career and a chance to explore a career before making a commitment to whether or not they would enjoy a career in that field of work. Another advantage to this program is that in the past Westside has been operating with Boys Town on an exchange basis with 11 students from Westside going to Boys Town two hours each day while two students from Boys Town come to Westside full time. With the

subcontract, the opportunity will be more convenient to more students to attend. Along with Millard School District and Westside, five other schools have expressed an interest in this program. With 239 students demonstrating an interest in the pre-registration figures (30 of whom are from Westside), the program seems to be gaining in popularity. Millard estimates that 154 students will sign up for the program since Millard has no vocational facilities except for graphic arts. The finalization for Westside has not yet been received except for a verbal "go ahead" from the school board, while Millard and Boys Town have finalized their agreement. Students should not overlook the vocational opportunities offered to them through this program. These courses submit the best opportunity for a student to pursue a vocational interest. It may also help a student investigate a broader range of vocational careers that may have otherwise been limited.

Cancer law must be changed

I don't care what this student got first semester! We don't take into account grade inflation.


Cancer: the very word seems to evoke a deep fear from all who hear it. One result of this fear is the Delaney cla use of 1958; it is because of this cla use that saccharin will be banned. Because the Delaney clause is a result of fear and not reason, it simply states that no substance known to induce cancer in man or animals can be used as a food additive. Since the t e rm " induce cancer " is left undefined, nowhere in this piece of

goal: grading consistency

Despite the nation-wide uproar concerning rade inflation, the Westside administration :::>es not advocate the stiffening of grading :andards. Instead it has proposed the more realistic and eneficial aspect of establishing greater grading onsistency among teachers of the same ourses. According to Dr. James Tangdall, principal, the ecision was based on the fact that Westside tudents are in competition with those 1 roughout the nation. Lower grades at Jests ide unaccompanied by those at other high chools might harm WHS students' chances for ollege entrance, scholarships, awards, and ·ther interscholastic competition . Different methods being employed to achieve 1rading consistency include that of team aaching in the science department. Students in . course are instructed by two or three teachers lfho divide equally among themselves, nstruction of large groups, labs and small 1roups. Assignments and work expected are dentical for each student and are likewise

graded on the same scale. Through this method, students receive the knowledge of more than one teacher and grading consistency is automatic. A more common method is that of the social studies department. Teachers of the same course instruct apart from each other (except for large groups) but periodically meet to discuss general expectations in amount of work and grading . Assignments are made by teachers as individuals so that each may emphasize certain elements according to his own background and teaching philosophy. After each semester, the department receives a computer printout detailing the breakdown of grades according to course and teacher. The "teams" then meet and discuss any sizeable differences, their possible causes and solutions. Both of the above methods have proved effective in providing greater grading consistency. Rather than implementing a program detrimental to Westside students, the administration has shown leadership and wisdom in its decision of fairness.

leg i slation is there room for guidelines to determine the practicality of research on a drug or for measuring the consequences of banning a drug. Saccharin is the best example of the fa ultiness of the Delaney clause. In the Canadian study in which the FDA's ban is based upon, 13 out of200 ra ts developed bladder cancer when fed saccharin. However, the amount of saccharin fed to the rats is equivalent to a human consumption of about 800 cans of diet soda a day. Another factor that the Delaney clause does not take into account is the nation's 10 million diabetics. Since most sugar substitutes, including saccharin have been discovered by accident due to a limited knowledge in taste mechanisms, it could take anywhere from 2 to 10 years to develop another sugar substitute. There are also other patients who use saccharin for medical uses other than diabetics. There are 619 separate medications ranging from antibiotics to antacids , that now contain saccharin. And most of these cannot

be reformed with sugar since it serves as a natural incubator for bacteria. Perhaps the most objective testimony came from a panel of five physicians. In Newsweek magazine, Dr. Kurt J. Isselbacher, a spokesman for the panel concluded that, "The potential of dying from obesity and its complications is as serious as the potential of dying from bladder cancer that can be caused by the use of saccharin." Instead of banning a drug such as saccharin that requires enormous consumption to cause cancer and that is vital to many people, the Delaney clause itself should be altered. It should include specific guidelines concerning practicality of research results and giving room for consideration of the consequences resulting in the ban of a drug. The Delaney clause is an ineffective piece of legislation. Because of its unspecific wording, a drug as virtually harmless and as vital as saccharin is can be banned . Changing the Delaney to a more exacting law would alleviate this problem.

~---Lance------------------------~ Westside's Lance is published bi-weekly by staff for the students and faculty of Westside the~

High School, 87th and Pacific St., Omaha , Nebraska, 68124. Westside's L - i s a member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, the Nebraska High School Press Association and the National Scholastic Press Association . The paper is given free of charge every other Friday after 1 p.m. Subscription rates are $3.00 post-paid. Non-profit mailing rates claimed. Printed by Wright Printing Co .• 13426 B St., Omaha. Editor-In-Chief . . .. . . ... ...... Margaret Kane Editorial editors .. Dan Goldman . Steve Maun Editorial wrflen ........ . ... . Brent Bierman, Robyn Nichols Nawa editors ... Connie Schleich , Lisa Kaplan Nawa writer ..... . .............. Jenny Weich Faatwa edltora . ....... . . . . Mary Zimmerman Beth Lashinsky Faatwa wrllara.K im Nilsson. Kathy Sherlock

Sporta edltora ....... Bob Peterson. Bill Saint Sporta writer . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . Kirsten Kamett Bualnfta manegar ......... . ... Terri Perrone AdYartlllng manager . . . . ....... Kathy O'Hara Ar11ate ....... . Jane Wenstrand, Lonnie Urich Cart_,lat ..... .. .............. Dan Goldman Photographen . . .. . • . ..... Jennifer Erickson , Gary Whitaker AdYIIar ........... .... .... . ... John Hudnall

Page 4 - April 29, 1977 - LANCE

Placement office eases hassle of summer job hun1 Still looking for a summer job and having no luck? Do you know where and how to go about looking for summer employment? Many job possibilities are still open for high school students. Easing the sometimes difficult process of hunting a job is Kay Rozmajzl, Westside's job placement counselor. From her small office adjacent to the Commons, Rozmajzl helps to place students in part time, summer, or year round employment. "About three-fourths of tbe students I work with are placed," said Rozmajzl. "I contact employers for job listings. After finding out what the employer wants and expects in a prospective employee, I match students with similar job qualifications for an interview." "Westside's Job Placement office places students in all types of work including sales, office, foods, medical, and summer outdoor work," continued Rozmajzl. "Jobs are available all over Omaha, but most kids would rather work west of 72nd Street." Rozmajzl follows a careful procedure in order to find the student a job he'll be happiest with and best qualified for. First, parental consent must be given to insure that the parents don't mind if their child works. "Some would rather their child spent his time on homework and maintaining their grade average, than holding down a job during the school year," explained Rozmajzl. " Next, the applicant must give his consent to allow me to talk to employers about his qualifications," said Rozmajzl. "I also need a copy of the student's schedule. Although I can find seniors jobs where they can work during their free mods, I don't encourage or have the authority to

ask students to change their schedules so they can work." Students are interviewed to determine what they are looking for in a job and what they are qualified for. Rozmajzl contacts different employers to see ifthey are interested in the applicant and if an interview can be arranged. "I only set up an interview if it's a job the applicant likes and wants," said Rozmajzl. "This way he can choose the jobs he's really interested in." "Kay found me a job in three to four days," remarked Senior Nancy Pospischal. "I register brides and sell china, silver and gifts." "The job placement program is one of the best programs at Westside," continued Nancy. "Kay gives you a choice of jobs to be interviewed for and tells you what the hours and wages will be before you decide to be interviewed. Senior Kathy Kadave obtained a job as a cashier through job placement. "You have much· more going for you when Westside is recommending you to an employer," explained Kathy. "This is the second job I've gotten through job placement." "it's rewarding to place someone in a job and to know I've helped him," added Rozmajzl. "Today a boy came in who was dropped from school. After a half hour of counseling I was able to send him on a job interview later in the day and he was hired." "We're the only high school in Omaha which offers a job placement service," added Rozmajzl. "Westside has a good name in the employment field. You must be honest with the employer and the student, so they'll both get what they want." Rozmajzl stresses that there is no fee to the student or the employer, and

every student is welcome to come in. If venturing out on your own to get a job is your idea, then some of the best prospects for a summer job, are working at unusual tasks. According to Westside counselor Sharon Bjomsen, many students each year form their own type of neighborhood service. These include such things as house painting, yard work, or a nursery service. If these ideas do not please you, then an even more unusual idea is to apply for a job at Ak-Sar-Ben to walk horses, or go to a local farmer and ask for a job detassling com or hoeing beans. Sound bizarre? They are still money making opportunities. Other opportunities are open through District 66 each summer in the area of school maintenance. To get a job painting the walls of a school, or mowing the area around the building itself, apply at any one of the schools individually, or go to the ABC Building on 76th and Pacific and talk to someone there. Although by this time it is almost impossible to find employment with local parks or area pools, some opportunities are still open. Try applying for a job at an out-state national park or large amusement park. It is true that they already have many summer employees hired, but according to the Summer Senior Sourcebook put out by the U . S. Army, many summer replacements are often needed so students can and many times will be hired as late as mid-July and later. Of course, there are always jobs as volunteer workers in the community, open each summer to students. Aside from helping others out through this type of work, it is also possible to learn if you might really be interested in a particular field of work. Just a few of the areas open for volunteers are

According to the Omaha World-Herald, these are just a few of the steps one can take to help land himself or herself a job. Don't's

Don't be late Don't have anything in your mouth Don't show your nervousness Don't be a jokester Don't hog the conversation Don;t interrupt Don't use profanity Don't answer questions you feel are too personal Do's

Do have some money with you Do ask when you will hear again from the interviewer Do take notes if you wish

Meals on Wheels, or hospital work. Usually when one thinks of hospital work, candy-stripers come into mind. But numerous other opportunities are open in the hospital, according to the Summer Senior Sourcebook. These include the "shampoo cart" which helps long term patients shampoo their hair,

Help possible in job search Summer! Just five more weeks until that long-awaited freedom. With summer comes the problem of finding a job. For some students this may mean increasing their part-time jobs to full-time jobs, finding a second job or getting a new job. Several places offer services to help students find summer work. These include Westside Job Placement and Nebraska Job Service. The Omaha Parks and Recreation Department also offers many jobs to high school students. Besides helping people find jobs year-round, the Nebraska Job Service has a special Summer Youth Program. The central location of this service is in the Son a Building at 5211 South 31st Street. It is available at other offices, though not on such a large scale basis. Rod Barnes, of Nebraska Job Service, encourages students to use the main location for a better overview of the jobs available. Microfilm is used to give a complete listing of all available jobs. Prospective employees must fill out applications stating their

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emergency admittance, a practically any other area within t hospital where a teenager may hel] hired staff member. Remember, although volunt. work doesn't pay money, it pays experience, and it is much easier pick and choose when and where y wish to work when volunteering.

qualifications and the types of we they will or will not do. The serv also employs a Summer Yot Specialist to assist in locating job1 Barnes commented that jobs in f1 food restaurants, lawn and gard services, amusement parks, a recreation areas are available students. "The earlier someone sta: looking for a job, the better chance will have of getting a job he want concluded Barnes. Omaha Parks and Recreati conducted interviews for th summer job openings over spri vacation. According to Jerry Pari Parks and Recreation manager, tl was necessary because job openin must be filled by May 1. Jobs inclu working at city swimming poo being a counselor at day camp working at area playgrounds. People working at parks would things such as setting up tables for 1 work. A junior leader will usua: check out equipment for games. Tl job usually involves a lot of physi< activity in organizing games a: tournaments. Day camp counselors a encouraged to have some backgrou: in Biology to aid in activities like IE identification. Counselors organi hikes and afternoon recreati• programs. Swimming pool jobs inclu lifeguards whose main responsibili is public safety, cashiers who a responsible for collecting admissior checkers, and the pool manager w: is responsible for the entire pc operation. Westside students have foUJ different means of obtaining summ work. Junior Jenny Welch found aj• through Nebraska Job Placeme1 She filed an application listing h qualifications for different jobs a1 later obtained a job as a waitress Happy Hollow Country Club. "If hadn't been for Nebraska Jo Placement I wouldn't have found job so easily," commented Jenny. Junior Robyn Nichols found second summer job through Westsio Job Placement. She had to fill out 1 application stating what kind of j< she wanted, what she wouldn't do, h schedule and her parents' signatu1 She got a job at Peony Park for tl summer.

LANCE - April 29, 1977 -

Iockey shorts ('Audrey Rose' fails to bloom again! ictories bring state title closer eating Ryan Tuesday, April19 the girls' tennis team mounted a score of12ll the matches played, including three singles consisting of three sets each, two doubles consisting of two sets, were won, except for a loss by one of the bles teams. he team has also won previous meets against Marian, 11-2, Tech, 13-0; and '13-0. latches against A.L. were discontinued Monday, April18, due to rain. Three ;ches had already been played and Westside was winning 3-0. Matches were uesumed Wednesday, April10, and the team went on to win. Westside also beaten Roncalli, North, and Bryan. he next meet the tennis team will participate in is against Burke. Tari 1berg, the number two player on the team, commented on the teams they ·e confronted so far this season. "The competition seems a lot better this r than last year," she said.

aseball team sputters early urke and Ryan defeated Westside back to back to put the Warriors' baseball •rd at 1-2-1. he Warriors had all kinds of trouble in the Burke contest, as the Bulldogs !Zed to an 11-3 victory. Hot-hitting Burke hit all four Westside pitchers well. :>f Westside's runs were accounted for by a three-run triple by Craig Ladwig 1e was thrown out at the plate. he next game against Ryan featured one of the best high school pitchers in 1raska, Lou Gomez. Westside hit him fairly well, but were a little short on hing as Ryan prevailed, 8-4. he Warriors, now 1-2-1, (the tie a result of a game called because of darkness .inst Bellevue) will face Northwest next in an attempt to break their twole skid. urke and Ryan, two of the toughest teams Westside will face all year, leave >tside with still a chance to win their division.

ickers boot in three wins 'estside soccer remains a definite ;or in the race for the first place Nn. The Warriors have continued ·ir victorious ways, simply rpowering the weaker Ralston J, 6-0. This match exemplifies the rrior effort throughout the inning of the season. n the game, four Warriors found ir places in the spotlight. Pat Nland gavethemostin the Warrior 1mph, blasting in two goals. :ling to the remaining Westside nts were Steve Sevic, Phil Strevey, i Clark Kampfe. vhile the Warriors continue ming, and winning big, it is 'ortunate to add that their major >osition is doing pretty much the

same thing. As Westside was rolling by Ralston, Burke, a team cited by Bruce Skinner, as being a top squad, was doing their thing. Burke dumped Bryan 8-0. Following both the Westside and Burke example, Bellevue, another major threat to the Warrior cause, has showed their strength easily humiliating a much weaker Holy Name squad, 8-0. Westside has thus far posted a highly impressive, undefeated record, 3-0. It must be added, however, that Westside has already outdone the Bulldogs, defeating them earlier this year.

When you're busy, let your fingers do the walking ...

~ yellow pages

College of Saint Mary . • . a learning canter for woman that understands how you think.

Suppose a stranger told you your daughter was his daughter in another world? Suppose you began to believe him?- Suppose it was true? These are the questions posed by the movie "Audrey Rose," released by United Artists. The movie version is an adaptation of the novel by Frank DeFellita. This story of reincarnation was first conceived by DeFellita through a personal experience. While relaxing on the terrace of his Los Angeles home, he and his wife suddenly heard the sounds of ragtime piano playing coming from inside the house. As they hurried inside to their amazement they saw their six-yearold son playing the piano. Their son Raymond, who had never before displayed any musical talent, was playing with the sound of a professional. When the boy was asked how he was able to play so brilliantly, the boy said, "My fingers are doing it."

"Incarnation leak" DeFellita immediately began to investigate the occurrence. He consulted a Los Angeles occultist who explained Raymond's talent as an "Incarnation leak," another term for reincarnation. Mter further study, he and his wife are true believers in reincarnation . This inspired DeFelitta to write "Audrey Rose," the story of another incident in reincarnation. The faces in the movie may not be too familiar at first. Marsha Mason and John Beck play the parents ofl vy Templeton, the reincarnated Audrey Rose. In the beginning of the movie, the couple is happy, but as the movie progresses, the audience witnesses a

j{'IU -

change in their individual characters and appearances. Audrey Rose is played by a newcomer to the acting profession. Susan Swift was chosen over almost 250 other young actresses to play this demanding role. She is amazing to watch. Anthony Hopkins portrays Mr. Hoover, the father of Audrey Rose. Audrey, along with her mother, was killed in a car accident several years ago. Hoover believes that Ivy is his daughter's reincarnation. At first he has a hard time convincing Mr. and Mrs . Templeton of this, but eventually gains the trust of Mrs. Templeton. Together, he believes they can attempt to relieve the torment in the soul of Ivy. Mr. Templeton remains sceptical. After a few episodes of dramatic nightmares displayed by Ivy, it is found that only Mr. Hoover can calm the child down. By this time Mrs. Templeton is convinced of reincarnation, but her husband refuses to believe it and is


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The ending is unsuspecting and possibly helps to put some quality into the movie. What seems like another spin off on the "Exorcist" or "The Omen" almost ends up to be. The movie itself is fair, but the message it tries to present is puzzling and thought provoking. This message could have been better presented, but the overall effect is good.

For Information Call 551-1010 ., 1976 World Plan Executive Council - U.S. all rights reserved Transcendental Meditation and TM• are service marks of WPEC - U .S. a nonprofit, educational organization .

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At this point the movie begins its slow decline. In one scene the defense attorney calls an Indian guru to the witness stand to explain the mysteries of reincarnation to the jury. Convincing the jury that reincarnation truly exists seems like an impossible task. The movie seems to turn into a cheap version of "Owen Marshall, Counselor at Law."

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out to get Mr. Hoover for trying to tear his family apart. One thing leads to another and Mr. Hoover winds up in court for suspicion of kidnapping.

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Page 6 - April 29, 1977 - LANCE

Foosba/1 facilitates fun

Bored? Try a game room by Bill Saint Game rooms. Why are they so popular? Foosball, pinball, pool, air hockey, what is it that attracts teenagers to game rooms? There seems to be a difference in opinion in why teenagers are attracted to game rooms. "Air hockey .i s my choice; it is a fast game and passes the time when you're down," commented a game room fanatic. "Pinball has to be the favorite, and the challenge to beat the machine is exciting," said another. "My game is foosball . You get a lot for your money and a lot of skill is required," stressed a Burke senior. Air hockey is a dying sport, which was very popular when it started out. "Kids just are not that interested anymore," commented a game room owner.

Pinball leads in popularity Pinball is still popular despite its recent changes. Pinball has changed to two games for a quarter and some machines are even going from five to three balls a game. The oncoming game room craze is foosball. Foosball is not a new game but has just recently started growing in popularity. "I think the kids like the skill aspect of the game, whereas pinball is more of a luck game," stressed a game room owner. Most game rooms now are going to a majority of foosball tables over other games. "The reason for the

change is popularity, we try to have the games the kids like and the ones that bring us the most profit; it's logic." The owner went on to say, that on a good night he makes $10 a game. To encourage more business game rooms have added a fairly new dimension, tournaments. The high scorer in pinball might win something, but the most popular is the foosball tournament. There is an entry fee, and each time the player advances he has to pay the quarter.

TAKING A BREATHER. Prize money The game room offers from $50 to $200 to the winner, but from the entry fee and money received from the machines, the owner still breaks even. This type of set up encourages more people to practice to try and win the next week. So next time you are bored and have nothing to do, try a game room. It's cheap and a good way to have fun.

Mark Hansen, pole vaulter, rests disgustedly after an unsuccessful

attempt in a recent meet. Mark's next attempt at crossbar was successful.

Bellevue predicted to dominate Metro met Bellevue, the team dominating the boys track scene, should continue their winning ways. Today Bellevue is the top pick in the Bellevue Invitational, and Tuesday they should lead the pack in the Metro

Championships. Westside should prove to be little match for the all-powerful Bellevue squad. Earlier this year, at the Burke Invitational, Bellevue topped the field with 55 points. The Warriors placed

Metro second snatched by boy swingers Tying for second with Burke at the Metro Meet was Westside's boys golf team with a total score of 324. Mark Wheeler, senior, medalist in the meet, played at Benson Park, with a final score of 75. Prep won the meet with a score of 312, and placing third was Northwest, with 325, and fourth was taken by Abraham Lincoln with 333. Individual team scores from the meet include Steve Buel, senior, 80, Kevin Kelliher, junior, 83, and Bruce Kruger,

junior, 86. At the Westside Invitational, the team placed third with 315. Winning first was Burke, at 305, and second was Lincoln South East with 306. Individually Wheeler scored 76, Buel, 81, Kelliher, 80, and Kruger, 78. Taking sixth at the Lincoln South East Invitational was Westside with 352. The windy weather was a disadvantage as Buel shot 83, Wheeler 87, and Kelliher 91.

The more recent dual meet Westside participated in was the T.J . Invitational at Dodge Park . Westside ' s score totaled 158, undercutting T.J.'s 177. Wheeler shot 38, Kelliher 39, Kruger 40, and Meyers 41.

Joe Meyers, junior team member, commented on the team's standing so far, "It is a lot better than we ever expected, although we have had a lot of seconds."

CLIMBTHELE TO SUCCESS. An Air Force way to give more value to your college life and college diploma. • Scholarships • $100 a month tax-free allowance • Flying instruction • An Air Force commission • A responsible job in a challengingfield,navigation ... missiles . . . . . . sc1ences ... eng1 neen ng • Graduate degree programs • Good pay ... regular promotions ... many tangible benefits • Travel

seventh with 12112. Westside will however, exceptionally strong in two even1 the upcoming meets. The first ie two mile relay, an event in whicl: Warriors are in a tie for secon· State, with Bellevue. Both teams} posted an 8:14.3. Warrior Gary Niver will provid• other big boost in the Warriors' ef Niver is third in state in the die heaving for 164-2112. Bellevue • again tops Westside, however Matt Tranowicz has reached a le1 of 175'. "Bellevue is undoubtedly favorite team In the Metro. They} the overall best depth," said Wa1 head coach Bob Klein.

Few first place finishes Bellevue's strength, interestil enough, is based mostly on runne finishes . In the Burke Invitatio for example, Bellevue won in on events. All were field events· the ' put, discus, and pole vault. On other hand, they placed eighth in second and third positions. This phenomenon, while nm significant in a Metro contest, c• be vital in Bellevue's succese failure later this year at State. "Bellevue, so far, hasn't had m first place finishes. It'll be in teres to see what happens to them at St! commented Klein.

Prep, a strong contender If there is a team capablt catching Bellevue in the M Championships it would have t Creighton Prep. Prep finished Burke Invitational with four place victories. They are led by Ra Brooks, who at this time leads State in both the 120 high bur (:14.0), and the 180 low hurdles (:1


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"The summer school program helps students to make up courses that they have done poorly in or failed . It also enables students to take courses that are not available during the school year," explained James Findley, vice principal and sponsor of summer school at Westside. A total of 84 courses are being offered at Westside and surrounding junior high schools during the summer months. One new course that has been added to Westside's list of summer courses is Concepts In Electronics. Auto Mechanics and two math courses were dropped due to lack of interest .





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Other courses being offered at Westside are Batik, Driver Education, Satire Seminar, Recreational Clinics, Urban Studies and Psychology. Driver Education has proven to be the most popular of the summer courses with approximately 600 students taking it last summer. "We encourage students to take it during the summer," Findley said.






SAB terminates elections In order to obtain a more dedicated council in the future, the Student :ivisory Board (SAB) recently revised the selection process of its embers. Future members will no longer be chosen by student election 1t rather by a nine-member committee, said SAB sponsor James .ndley. " Any student wishing to run for Student Advisory Board (SAB)," :cording to the proposal by Junior Linda Ehrenberg, " must write a 1ragraph describing why they feel qualified and have an interest in .nning. Then they must petition for 50 of their own class members' gnatures." In addition, each student must have two teachers complete commendation forms. The candidates will then be interviewed by a •mmittee consisting of the presidents and vice-presidents of Forum and A..B, the three class sponsors and the two student government sponsors. pon completion of the interviews, the committee will select six ·presentatives from each grade level as next year'sSAB members. Among the main intentions of the new selection method was allowing udents who would dislike giving speeches to be considered. "I had tlked to a lot of people who had wanted to be on SAB, but who didn't ant to give speeches in front of the class because of the mockery," >mmented Ms. Ehrenberg. She went on to cite the example of a senior h o had seriously campaigned for SAB last year. Several of his assmates mocked him throughout his speech and afterwards. He was :>t elected. Ms. Ehrenberg's proposal was also prompted by feelings that some AB members were not carrying out their responsibilities. She noted 1at two senior members in particular who opposed her proposal had tt ended "only two or three meetings all year." Her proposal, she added, as designed to deter those who might have similar attendance records if

elected. " You know a person is going to be dedicated if he has to go out a nd get sixty signatures, teachers' recommendations, and go through committee interviews," she stated. SAB sponsor James Findley agreed, sa ying that obtaining the signatures and recommendations " puts a certain amount of pressure on whether or not a student decides to run ." Junior SAB member Steve Gessert added that he hopes the new system will attract "people who would really want to run, and it (SAB selections) wouldn't be turned into a popularity contest." Among the most common arguments against the new selection system was voiced by Sophomore SAB member Jeanine Van Leeuwen. " It doesn't have any student input in it at all," she stated, "except for the presidents and vice-presidents and they won't be here next year anyway." Another complaint was raised by Vice-President Gregg Lueder who claimed, " It's going to be unfair, because people presently on SAB are automatically going to be selected for next year." Findley consented to that opinion saying that the tendency to appoint this year's members for next year "could be strong" and that it is unreasonable "to think that eight or nine people making a selection would not be influenced by people they know." He stated that he personally will try to be objective and look at every applicant by his paragraph and interviews. He added, however, that he doesn't know how much his subconscious might affect his selections. Concerning the possible student body reaction to the selection process ch a nge, Findley said that he anticipates a great deal of apathy. "In the past," he related, "one of the biggest stumbling blocks to the Student Advisory Board has been apathy (by the student body)."

rncreasing tardies change policy

Recent announcements concerning tardies .ated that, "Any student who accumulates tree tardies between May 2 and June 3 of this :hool year will not be issued a pass for the H 7-78 school year. In addition, any student ho has a pass this school year, will have it !moved immediately after the third tardy." This policy was established to cope with the tcrease in tardies which the adminsitration as incurred this semester. In the past there were approximately 100 to 25 tardies per day at the beginning of the ~hool year, increasing to 250 or 300 by the ear's end. This year, however, the increase ·as considereably higher, reaching 400 on ~ veral occasions. Another reason for the implementation of 1is policy, according to Jim Findley, vice rincipal, is that previously most students were 1rdy only to homeroom, this year almost 50 ercent o f~he students arrived after homeroom. There are several reasons for this concern ver tardies. The first of these being the time

spent by the attendance office on tardies. The school's policy is to call home if a student has not arrived by 9 a.m. Duetothelargenumberof ta rdies , the attendance office was spending much of its time on tardies . A student missing homeroom is missing one o f the most effective methods of communication, and homeroom is the only effective channel through which to do this, explained Findley. Tardies have been discussed for the past two to three years, attempting to find a good solution to the problem. "Only time will tell if this works. If we're up to 400 tardies again at the end of May it obviously did not work," sta ted Findley. The first indications are encouraging. The number of tardies went from 400 on Friday to 200 on the first Monday the policy took effect. The following day tardies stayed down to 250. Not all the details ofthe new policy have been worked out. There is still discussion as to whether sophomores will be punished in their

senior year for an offense occurring this year . One possibility is that a sophomore's unscheduled mods may be restricted next year. All three grade levels will be affected by this policy.

For those students graduating with the class of 1977 who have not met minimum competency requirements, additional help and testing are provided in the seven competency areas. However there will be a registration fee of $20. The registration fees for summer school courses will be $20 for one or two courses and $40 for students whose parents live outside the District. Driver Education fee will be $22.50 instead of $20, as last summer and $42.50 for non-resident students. Music and Sports Clinics fee will be $10. There will be no refunds given after the first meeting of the class, ifthere is a class with an insufficient enrollment the class will be cancelled and a full refund will be made. Summer school classes will begin Monday, June 13 and end Friday, July 22 except for swimming and Driver Education which will go until August 5 for Swimming and end August 12 for Driver Education students. Classes will start at 7:30a.m. and 9:45a.m . with a 15 minute period between classes to allow for moving between Arbor Heights and Westside for various classes. All courses being offered at Westside are credit courses with the exception of Sports Clinic and Swimming. These offer credits which can be used toward graduation; if a student wishes to take a course for no credit he must notify the instructor during the first week of the course. The Social Studies department will hold 12 different courses, the most of any one department. They will offer courses ranging from Frontier America to Sociology. The Music Drama workshop will present for the summer of 1977, the musical 'Li'l Abner." Kirsten Karnett, a junior who was in last year's summer musical of "Show Boat" feels that it was a good experience being on stage and meeting people. "It was really worth the $20," said Kirsten. This course meets during the week nights.

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Seniors' destinations . . .......................... . .. pg. 2 A listing of seniors and their post-graduation plans

"The Village" .......... . .............. .. ........... pg. 4-5 An in-depth look at Countryside and Westside's affect on it.

Senior Wills . .. .. . . . .. . . . ....... . ................. . ... pg. 6 Seniors bequeath "prize" possessions.

Page 2 - May 13, 1977 - LANCE


Quill and Scroll revived Quill and Scroll, international journalism honors organization, has been revived. This year's organization consists of 26 members from the Lance and the Shield staffs. Certain requirements had to be met in order to be eligible for Quill and Scroll. First of all each candidate must be a junior or senior. Each candidate must be in the upper one-third of his or her class, and each student must have done superior work in some phase of journalism or school publication.

Initiates this year for Quill and Scroll are: Brent Bierman, Dan Goldman, Margaret Kane, Lisa Kaplan, Kirsten Karnett, Beth Lashinsky, Steve Maun, Kathy O'Hara, Brenda Moskovits, Terri Perrone, Bob Peterson, Connie Schleich, Kathy Sherlock, Mary Zimmerman, Holly Anderson and Laurie Bedwell. Other members are: Pam Cooper, Julie Ebner, Ellen Freeman , Rod Larson, Drew Lepinski, Kathy McNamara, Betty Reinhart, Erin Savage, Brian Schmucker, Becky Vohoska and Toni Wells. Steve Maun, junior, is the newly

elected president of Quill and Scroll for the 1977-78 academic year.

Involvement pays off "Nebraska Reading Hall of Fame" inducted James Porter, Director of Reading and Assistant Special Education for the Westside Community Schools, at the Metropolitan Reading Council meeting. For twenty-one years Porter has served as a District 66 staff member and for the last 8 years he has been Director of Reading for the school system . Porter has also been president of the Metropolitan

Reading Council, as Nebraska Coordinator for the International Reading Association (IRA) and currently serves as chairman of the Right to Read Committee for the State of Nebraska. The Nebraska State Reading Council hopes to induct a leader into its hall of fame each year.

Off to Mexico Spanish students from all over Nebraska participated in the American Association ofTeachers of Spanish and Portugese annual examination on March 26, and Westside students did extremely well.

This year, 45 Westside students took the test and 13 of them won trophies. Of these 13, five took first place in their particular category. They were: Rita Rueve, Jose Novoa, David Hayes, Chris Eddens and Carmen Herran. In addition to trophies, several trips to Mexico are given to some of the first place winners each year. The trip takes the students through Mexico City, Acapulco, and Taxco, lasting approximately one week. David Hayes said, ''I'm really excited to win the trip. Not only will it be a lot of fun, but it should be a good learning ex perience."

Seniors head many directions, several plans Seniors who will be graduating in two weeks, have been spending hours deciding what to do once they have received their diploma. Among the options have been college, the military and working. The following is a listing of seniors and their postgraduation plans. The University of Nebraska at Lincoln is a popular choice. The following will be headed for Lincoln next year: Mike Abramson, Bruce Anderson, Clark Antonson, Tom Baker, Chuck Beck, Bob Bennett, John Brinkman, Dave Bunkers, Patty Burden, Tim Burns, Nancy Cejka, Brian Clark, Sue Day, Rick Eaton, Jim Foley, Larry Forsgren, Scott Friedrichsen,

Bruce Frisbie, Mark Fritz, Meg Gilmore, Laurie Gollehon, Diane Haney, Mark Hansen, Scott Huber, Dale Holub, Paul Horn, Jim Kaul; Tom Keck, Christy Kelt, Cindy Klemz, Dave Koukol, Julie Kragh, Kathy Kroeger, Sue Landis, Mark Larson, Rick Learch, Therese Lee, Mike Levin, Mike Linn, Mark Lodien, Chuck Madsen, Artin Mahboubi, Peggy Mainelli, Cathy Marrow, Julie Moore, Dean Mathisen, Brenda Moskovits, Jim Maultsby, and Mark Miter a; Dan Neely, Cindy Norby, Barb Oliver, Dave Olson, Kevin O'Meara, Lisa Pate, Mark Petersen, Jean O'Sullivan, Julie Prescott, George Proud, Dennis Pfeffer, Grant Pouchert, Cindy Retelsdorf, Lisa Richards; Edie Rock, Suzi Roley, Jim Romano, Andy Schack, Lori Schleifer, Jane Schorr, Nancy Schwetz, Elaine Schwid, Kathy Shapland, Mike Simon, Greg Slaight, Brad Smith, Jackie Strong, Patty Sundberg, Synda Swift, Kevin Tatreau; Kirk Trofholz, Sharon Uhrich, Steve Walton, Michael Wasserman, Howard Wax, Theresa Weins, Connie Weston, Melanie Wigg, Dennis Wright, Kathy Wyatt, Brenda Zalkin, Cheryl Ziegler, Cindy Zimmerman.

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The following students are attending the University of Nebraska at Omaha next fall: Dave Allison, Debbie Baughman, Sue Bckwith, Donna Beringer, Debbie Bishop, Jeri Bishop, Mary Bolen, Mike Bonham, Tom Boyer, Keith A. Briggs, James Carlin, Gary Chance, Bob Danenhauer, Dick Dawson, Becky Decker, Rob Derr, Doug Dierks, Jane

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Dixon, Dean F. Dougherty, Teri Dresp, Mary Egan, Laura Ernst, Linda Favara, Kevin Feldotto, Paul Foresman, Lori Glissmann, Donna Gohr, Steve Green, Debbie Groteluschen, Ray Gunset, Diana Herring, Shari Householder, Jan Heider, Brian Jacobsen, Mark Johnson, Kim Johnson, Margaret Kane, Laura Leigh Kelley, Marcia Kersten, Kathy Keyes, Janet Kehmkuhl, Kurt Kiefer, Karen Loft, James Lucas, Sue Markley, Mike McCann, Bob Melcher, Karen Miller, Phil Morgan, Brian Muenster, Melanie Muffitt, Dave Nelson, Terry O'Halloran, Kathy O'Hara, Bruce Paeper, Dan Perdue, Terry Perrone, Bob Peterson, Bob Pistillo, Nancy ospichal, Greg Quirk, Mike Quirk, Jim Rankin, Jeff Reynolds, David Richter, Paul Roach, Kathy Roarty, Debbie Rockwell, Pat Rowland, Tammi Saint, Eric Sandman, Stephanie Schaff, Marsha Shipman, Sherri Simmonds, Terri Simmonds, Lynn Sinos, Colleen Skinner, Michael Snipes, Barb Snowdon, Mike Sonalus, Tom Strong, Ann Thompson, Kevin P. Tierney, Bernie Turbes , Ben Tuscano, Pam Uhing, Mark Vipond, Becky Vohaska, Candy Wenzel, Jeanneane Whitacre, Sandie Wiggins, Dawn Wilkie, Jarrod Williams, Dan Young, Tony Young, Karen Zich, and Scott E. Zyla. Students planning to attend a college within the state of Nebraska include: Metro-Technical College: Steven Adams, Scott Bade, Dan Boynton, Jeff Donovan, Vicki Jones, Bob Ramer, Terry Sanders, Debbie Schumacher, and Leo Zuerlein. Wayne State College: Cheryl Albright, Debbie Graham, Bill Nocita, Gale Salmen, and Debbie White. Nebraska Wesleyan: Tom Bellinger, Linda Laughlin, David Stamm, and John Sundell. Kearney State College: Sandi Cooley, Patti Feldridge, and Ann Munson. Nebraska Medical Center: Cindy Ihnen, Debbie Kahnen. Ann


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Klosterman, Kathy McEveny, Liz Salistean, and Kelly Spires. Methodist School of Nursing: Shelly Anderson, Cathy Scavio, and Sherri White. Hastings College: Kent Carson, Tim Glissmann, Lisa Holquist, and Jeane Vifquain . Nursing school in Scottsbluff, Nebraska: Shelley Yank. Milford Trade School: Dave Anderson, Tim Lemmers, and Tim Owens. College of Saint Mary: Jan Kusleika. Midland College: Scott Sherwin. Grace College of the Bible: Pat Roach. University of Technical Agriculture: Jackie Tuchner. Bellevue College: Judy Putjenter. Omaha Art School: Jo Melotz. Southeast Community College: Mark Wheeler. NCE School of Commerce: Kathy Whiles. Rudies Beauty School: Denise Rowe. Stewarts School of Hairstyling: Ann Gappa. Peru College: Don Funkhouser. Going into the Army after graduating will be: Mike Brown, Mike Faust, Tim Galde, Ken Incontro, Jeff Longwell, Paul McArvin, David Staenberg, and Robert Vondrasek. U. S . Naval Academy: Rick Winslow. Marines: Dave Shapiro. Air Force: Cory Bryant. Police Academy: Gary Whitaker Flight training school in Colorado: Kathy Vilnow .

Crossing state lines Many Westsiders have decided to go out of state to College. Following are the students and the colleges they plan to attend. Patti Abraham, U. of Texas; Dolly Addison, Southern Methodist University; Steve Albert, U. of Southern California; Brenda Andresen, Bethel College; Curt Andersen, Iowa State; Lisa Jo Becker, Iowa Western Community College; Laurie Bedwell, Kansas U.; Mark Berner, South Dakota; Kylan Block, Iowa State; Tristan Bonn, U. of Arizona; Bev Brokke, Concordia College; Karen Brookstein, U. of Kansas; Nancy Bruggeman, Hawaii State College; Elizabeth Bucholz, Texas Christian University; Ann Campbell, Kansas U.; Kathleen Chaput, Iowa State; Dena Conyers, Brigham Young University; Pam Cooper, U. of Texas; Elaine Cornelius, Sioux Falls College; Nan Crawford, Iowa State; Steve Crouse, Central ARizona College. Wendy Dann, Indiana U .; Steve Davis, Texas Christian U.; Dave Dessel, Iowa State; Debbie Diamond, Michigan State; Julie Ebner, Northwest Missouri State; Chris

Ed dens, U. of Texas; Leslie Eiser Colorado State; Roxanne Englisl Iowa State; Jennifer Erickson, U. < Tulsa; Dan Findlay, Northwest U Kathy Floen, St. Olaf; Sam Friedmar Rice; Judy Garfoot, Kansas Stat. Dick Giller, College of the Holy Cros1 Marla Goldberg, U. of Michigan; Par Gorat, Colorado State; Gordo Gendler, Indiana; Jeff Glast Stanford. Chris Hargitt, U. of Arizona; Nanc Harris , U. of Missouri; Mar Hendricks, Drake; Jill Hestmark, l of Northern Colorado; Adelia Hil Augustana College; Dave Hoffmar U. of Wisconsin; Mike Hopkin, Arkansas; Michelle laffaldan• Northwestern; Jay Jansen, Arizon State; Cindy Jay, Carleton; Ge: Johnson, UCLA; Rick Kalina, Texa Christian U.; Clark Kempfe, low State; David Kelly, Iowa State; Kri Kirchner, Iowa State; Wand Koszewski, Utah State; Julie Krame: Briar Cliff; Alan Krane, U. < Arizona; Susie Krantz, U. of Arizon1 David Krogh, Augustana Colleg• Brian Kruger, Arizona State U.; Mik Larson, UCLA; Dana Lewis, U. < Arizona; Rob Linde, Norther Arizona U.; Gregg Lueder, Harvar University.

Dave Maenner, SMU ; An1 Mammel, Iowa State; Mike Mardit Iowa State; Bill Mariucci, Kansas U Kelly Martens, Colorado Mountai1 College; Susan McManigal California State College at Sonamf Kathy McNamara, Boston Colleg1 Debbie Mercer, Colorado State; Susa: Moackler, Rockhurst; Don Morar Georgia Tech; Judy Norrison, U. c Oklahoma; Nancy Newton, Colorad State; Mary North; U. of Michigar Sarah Nutty, U. of Kansas; Michat Osten, Arizona State; Farok: Pakravan, U. of California at Sant Barbara; Jim Paustian, Iowa Stat! Tom Perkins, U. of Wyomong.

Dan Rath, Standofrd U.; Tin Render, Brandeis U. ; Nanc Robinson, Alison Roach, U. • Arizona; Sue Rocker, U. oflowa; Sco Sage, Iowa State; Connie Schleicl Iowa State Greg Schmidt, Arizon State; Jim Schone, Colorado Stat Beth Scott, U. of Iowa; Rich Seco Tulane; Ann Sinks, Iowa State; Kris Skoog, Carleton; Tom Rice, U. • Arizona; Eric Smith, St. Olaf; Marti Smith, Washington U.; Annet1 Stayner, Mowash U., Australia; Be Sturm, U. of Arizona; Dan Summon Iowa State; Barbara Swanson, Dral


Evie Thomas, Carlton; Juc Tollesfrud, Luther College; Bo Unruh, U . of Colorado; Mik W a lenczy k, Rockh urst Colleg' Denise Walker, North Central Bib College; Julie Wallin, Duke U.; Elair Wledon, U . of Arizona; David Whit U. of Utah; Nancy Whittaker, S Olaf; Kris Woodke, U. of Iowa; Mar Zimmerman, St . Olaf; Vid Zimmerman, Faith Baptist Bib College.

LANCE - May 13, 1977 - Page 3

Democracy crumbles with SAD elections


Student government has been dealt a serious setback at Westside. The Student Advisory Board (SAB) previously consisting of duly elected members will now consist of individually selected members. Our present SAB members recently passed this resolution with a majority vote. To become eligible for selection, a student must acquire 60 signatures from classmates (formerly 30), receive two teacher recommendations and instead of making a speech before the student body, they must write a paragraph on why they desire the position. All this material will then be submitted to the selection committee. The committee will consist of the president and vice president of Forum and SAB, the three class sponsors, and James Findley, vice principal, and Roger Herring, SAB sponsor. They will review the materials submitted and select the new members based on this evidence. According to Findley, no more than 200 class

members have ever voted in an SAB election. Findley also points out that many of the candidates are elected because of their popularity, not because of their interest or ability. "They (the committee) will be able to pick students who represent the different groups of people within the school," explained Findley. Getting representation from different groups has been one problem with the voting process. A diverse group representation has not been achieved. However, considering the requirements a candidate must fulfill before becoming eligible for selection, won't the same group that has run in the past be the ones who have enough interest to complete the new requirements? Throughout American history the principle of electing government officials has been fought for and upheld . This right has been extended to the student body of our school and it is a gross injustice to have it stripped from the students who truly have a concern.

Oh to be POPULAR! L----------------------------------byTerriPerrone----~

Now that we've abolished our elections, we can get down to business.

Where' s my gold watch? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - b y Margaret Kane _ _-.J

Well kids , this is it. The big farewell >lumn from the editor. Most of you robably don't care at all that I'm oing the "right" thing by digging up ty deepest emotions and dragging tern across the sidewalk like this. So 1rn on your "The Way We Were" )Und track anyway and get ready for tearjerker. I'd like to begin by saying that I ked being on the Newspaper. But 1en , I like the "Gong Show." Of course, there were some low oints. Like in February when my >rmer co-editor (what was his name? think it started with an "R") made 1e supreme sacrifice and cut his hair. 'hen , he left for Uruguay to spread ood will and fellowship, etc. as a lean cut American AFS student. I suppose being editor had its good oints. It gave my mother something > tell grocery store clerks about. lt ave me an excuse to run around in a mn y looking Lance T-shirt and 1eet, gosh, just the greatest people 1hile distributing our fine ublication in the hallways. What a reasure chest of memories. I'll admit, the Uraguanian and I tere a bit apprehensive about the thole thing back in August. We had J break in this new adviser from omewhere in the deep south of 1issouri. I mean , who knows what ind of upbringing this boy had had? 'ortunately, he adapted nicely and tas even anxious to see some big


snow . So was I after we devoted an entire front page of an issue to snow day policies and sat back and waited for the blizzards to rage. We're both still waiting. Alright, I know. Within this space I should leave some sort oflegacy to the new staff. Words, even paragraphs of wisdom that the new editor can call upon for spiritual strength throughout next year. I should shed some light on that bizarre mystery of the·printer, or stress the im porta nee of copy deadlines. I should say a few words on authority and respect. But I won't. Nothing I can say will prevent my successor from finding out everything the hard way. So, now for something completely different. Soon after you read this, I will be a ghost of editor past and some junior will be opening my Journalism room mail. I will have stopped taking credit for our honors and will be through giving my favorite "we have to quit making these same mistakes " lectures. There won't be any more vital strategy sessions with Mr. Hudnall and all the different awards he's been inventing lately will have already been given at our banquet. I could be bitter at my loss of power. I could even barracade myself in the dark room and refuse to abdicate. But that would be tacky and I've always favored smooth transitions ofpower. So I'll say goodbye and thank you to my friends . Hey, it's been fun. Gong.


Westside's LMce is published bi-weekly by the Lance staff for the students and faculty of Westside High School. 87th and Pacific St. . Omaha, Nebraska. 68124. Westside's LMce is a member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association , the Nebraska High School Press Association and the National Scholastic Press Association . The paper is given free of charge every other Friday after 1 p.m. Subscription rates are $3.00 post-paid . Non-profit mailing rates claimed . Printed by Wright Printing Co .. 13426 B St. , Omaha.


Edltor-ln-Ctllef ......... . . .. .. Margaret Kane Edltorl•l edHon .. Dan Goldman, Steve Maun Edltortel wrtt.,. ............. Brent Bierman, Robyn Nichols edlton . .. Connie Schleich, Lisa Kaplan writer .................... Jenny Welch Fe•t..e edlto,. . . .......... Mary Z immerman Beth Lashinsky F..ture wrHera .Kim Nilsson , Kathy Sherlock


Sports edlto,. .... . .. Bob Peterson, Bill Saint Sports writer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kirsten Karnett Bualn... m•neger .......... .. . Terri Perrone Advertising m•neger ... .. .. .. . . Kathy O'Hara Arttab .. . ... .. Jane Wenstrand, Lonnie Urich C•rtoonlot .. ..... . ... . .. .... ... Dan Goldman Photogreph.,. .....• . ..... Jennifer Erickson , Gary Whitaker Adviser .. .. ....... . ... .. .... . . John Hudnall

I really regret graduating. Not only will I miss the students, classes and teachers, but I will miss just being a senior. Just the name SENIOR makes you an instant success. I have based most of this success on the amount of mail that I have received, and believe me I have received more mail this year than I have in my entire life. This can really send a senior on an ego trip. The big mail extravaganza arrived in three different shipments, the first of which was started by the photographers. WOW! They promised me a free 8 by 10 color picture with no obligation. I should have realized that every senior in Omaha probably received the same letter. Within one week I had received six different brochures from four different photographers, offering a variety of deals. You'd think I was Farrah Fawcett Majors. I really don't think they even cared

how I looked as long as I had enough money to get my picture taken at their studio. You could have been a dragon with green skin and four eyes and they still wouldn't have cared. The second phase was started by our beloved military institutions. They bragged of the fact that their institution could offer the most advantages and the best education. I received letters from the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, National Guard, and even the Coast Guard, all boasting that they were the best. It makes you wonder who really is the best. The biggest joke was from the Marines. It stated that they were looking for but a few good men. (I wonder if they will ever realize that I am a girl.) The final big mail push came from the colleges and universities. Each college would love to have you come to

Letters * Letters The following is a copy of a letter written by Social Studies Teacher Bill Nelson to Rich Secor, President of SAB. ed. Dear Rich: Speaking both for myself and many members of the Westside Social Studies Department, I want you to know that the changes you made in the SAB election process were appalling. Without going into any detail on the reason for change, what a way to choose a "representative" SAB: an appointed committee which consists of a 5-4 majority of adults! I suggest that since we live in a representative democracy, student " governments" should make an attempt to model the same system. Instead you have chosen an elitistoligarchy system - do you believe this will overcome the apathy of your constituents? Sincerely, Bill Nelson P .S . Almost all the students I mentioned this to were unconcerned. Almost unanimously they believe that the SAB is of too little consequence to worry about who got on it, and how. Nonetheless, your new method of election is still repulsive to the democratic tradition.


their school. Of course each school can give you the best education. If they realized the kind of people they were sending things to they might think twice. The big thing is to offer the senior a guided tour of their campus. They don't give you any suggestions on how to get there, but if you do, they will be there. I wonder if President Carter realizes that the nation's seniors are helping the economy? Someone has to be making money from the entire affair. Who else could institutions send their mail to if it not the seniors. Think of how many jobs would be lost if there were no seniors at all. I really don't know how much I gained from being a senior. Maybe it was just an ego trip, or 12 inches of mail, but I wouldn't have missed being a senior for all the money in the world.

Letters * Letters * Letters

The two authors of this letter are presently members of the Student Advisory Board (SAB). ed. The abandonment of the democratic process by concentrating power within a few has arrived at Westside. As two SAB members, we are appalled by the fact that, because of a majority vote, SAB members will no longer be elected by their fellow classmates. We believe that this decision was not given adequate consideration by the members. The less than three meetings worth of discussion was now here near enough time to consider the ramifications involved. Because of the haste in making this decision, the basic principle of democracy, as stated by Thomas Jefferson, was overlooked. "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." This principle was ignored twice by SAB. Very few members consulted other students, who they were supposedly representing, when they considered this issue. An even more flagrant example of lack of proper representation will occur next year. Since the ultimate selection of future representatives lies in the hands of a seven member committee, consisting of faculty members, and Forum and SAB officers, students will not have a true voice in student government.

Furthermore, we believe that, in practice, this decision cannot even accomplish what it was supposed to accomplish : alleviating apathy among board members. The board felt that elections were becoming a meaningless popularity contest. We feel that the essay and interview, which will be required, will be just as meaningless. Students will be chosen due to their personality and promises, however sincere, whether by elections or by the proposed selection process. This, however, will not apply to those who are currently members of the board and who wish to run again. Ideally, the selection committee should objectively evaluate prospective members as to their performance in the past year. But how can this committee evaluate past performances without involving personal biases? For example, committee members will probably elect their friends, although others may have performed just as well. What it all boils down to is that no committee can possibly possess the judgment to select people who will properly represent others. Only the governed should choose by whom they are governed. Sincerely, Gregg Lueder, vice president of SAB Dan Goldman, member

Page 4 - May 13, 1 977 - LANCE

Countryside Village. The many shops from the Pharmacy to the savings and loan building beckon students to take advantage of the many facilities. Relations between Westside and the Village have improved in recent years.

Village merchants find WHS students easy to deal with "We have been here 19 years and have had nothing but good relationships with Westside students," said Lois Krug, owner of Krug's Men's and Boys' clothing store. Although not all Countryside Village merchants have had an optimistic attitude toward Westside students in the past, Ms. Krug voiced the present opinion of most Countryside Village shops and stores. According to Ms. Krug, her store has "great raport with the kids" who she says not only make many purchases at the store, but also come in "forty times a day to use the telephone." Krug's is also one of the few places in the Village which felt the affect when Westside changed over to modular scheduling. Ms. Krug explained that it is easier to help students now, because "they don't all come in at the same time. " Another area of the Village which felt the change to modular scheduling is Broadmoor Market. A spokesman for the store said students "come over the entire day now, not just a thrust at the end of the day." Broadmoor Market has a positive feeling for Westside students. The feel that Westsiders are a "great bunch," and they have "very few problems" with the students. The spokesman for the store said they do have a small problem with shoplifting, but it hasn't gone up in the past years. Wally Langdon, a spokesman for Countryside Pharmacy, said that they also have a shoplifting problem, but it comes mostly after school. The pharmacy experiences a great deal of the trouble caused by students from Westside, such as gangs of kids grouping on the sidewalk, or sitting on cars; overall driving a few people away during the after-school hours. Despite all this they still have a positive attitude, which Langdon summed up by saying, "I like most kids." There is "no question now, the kids are wonderful" say the owners of Frieman's Bakery. Two years ago, this was not their attitude. Friedman's has had some trouble with Westside students in the past, but now has relatively few , as Westsiders only come in and make small .purchases such as a roll or cookie, and then leave.

Some of the smaller stores in Countryside Village which are not frequented often by students from Westside, also have a good attitude toward them. Margaret O'Neill, a spokesman for Brilezyay Gifts, a store under new management in the past two years, said, "we like them (the students) very much." She said that mostly girls come in the shop and are always polite and courteous. Many times the Westside girls will come in with their mothers and make purchases, explained Ms. O'Neill. The Needlepoint Studio is another shop which girls from Westside and their mothers shop. Two women who work at the shop said many times they come in and look around and bring their mothers back or "they come in and buy" the first time. The Needlepoint Studio has never experienced any problems from Westside, according to the two women. For 14 years, the Village Bookshop has been located in some part of Countryside Village, and according to a store employee, has no problems now with Westsiders. The Bookshop is not used by students during the school day much, as some Village shops are, but is used by students to purchase needed schoolbooks. The employee said, "We do try and stock the books they use," for when they come in after school, on holidays or vacations to make purchases. Two stores that get very little business from Westside, but do have some contact with the students are Dean's Camera Center, and Virgie's for Women clothing shop. Both stores have optimistic views of the students. Betty Hopkins of Virgie's said that girls "seldom come in" but are always very pleasant when they do. Dean's Camera Center does more business with the teachers and school departments than with the students directly, according to Kevin Morrissey, an employee of the store. He said that they never have problems with students, and that not more than one or two occasionally come in, because most of them are not in the line for a $300 camera. Finally, a store used by Westside as an educational center, is the Dirty Fingers Pottery and Plant Shop. According to owner Robert Wagner, pottery students from Westside work and come in to shop at the store.

Grocery shopping. SE studies the many food Broadmoore Market for

Little Pete's no longer a Little Pete's, the coffee shop across the street from Westside, has successfully adapted to serving student customers. Through close cooperation between the Westside administration and Little Pete's manager Bob Peterson, most studentrelated problems have been solved.

Relaxathon. Two Westside students use free time to study and enjoy themselves at Little

Pete's, a popular eating establishment in Countryside Village.

"The problem of kids hanging around is not what it was three or four years ago," explained Peterson. "Kim LaPier and Dr. Tangdall (principal) are doing a jood job. They're making sure the students' passes are checked before they leave the building." "It's nice to be across the street from a high school," continued Peterson. "It's good from a business standpoint, and I enjoy the kids." At first Peterson felt it was difficult

to intermingle student custc solved that problem by sea coming in for snacks in t reserving the back room customers who wanted Peterson also required tl student customer make a r purchase of25 cents and limi to half an hour.

Ninety percent seniors ''I'm frequently in contact Tangdall," adds Peterson. want anyone hanging an coming in without a pass. percent of the kids who come seniors, and they usual! passes. Most of the kids I contact with are good kids, know that a student doesn't


13, 1977 - Page 5

In today's Arm~ you earn

good money while learning a skill to make even more mone~ If you' re looking for a good job, and a good starting salary, today' s Army can help you. In fact, the Army has more good jobs to fill than anybody. Hundreds of good jobs. And we'll give you the training and the experience you need for the job you select. All of which is pretty hard to beat, especially when you get an attractive starting salary and a jump in pay after just six months in the Army. Look over the stamps on this page, representing 40 Army career categories. Pick your first three choices, detach, moisten and place the stamps on the postag~paid card and mail it to us. We'll send you all the details. There's no obligation.



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Military Intelligence

Ballistic Missile Repair

Electronic Instrument Maintenance





Topographic Engineering



Signal Intelligence





0 0

Automatic Data Processing




Combat Engineers ~



play a big part in the tudents spending time :eet? Yes, say all three ved with Westsidevillage relations.


id that in the winter the h snowballs is ever n the spring the number >es up. rangdall notice a larger tdents spending time at during the spring reather is nicer.

.. ••....•..•....•.•.•••.•....•......•..••••...•...••.•.•...•...••.•...•.•.•... ,...•........•.......•..•.••.•.......... . .. .. ....................., .................• 25

ve become wor s e ~ t han boys." :rickson



Mechanical Maintenance

er hand, Erickson feels does draw its share of aid that only 50 percent


tying the Village at any ' the day are there



lints were voiced on this tll is convinced that the tOt draw many skippers. nost often when he is at and checks passes, 90 ose there are out of the .imately.



····································'························································' ..•..•••...•....• .··················~···················: : :

Aviation Maintenance

lion one might make is dents spending time at are not over there ,tis they might not have wing them to be outside ing, or they are not

..........••••...., ......•.•.••.•....••...•....•....••.••..•..........•.•.••..•..•.....•.•••.•• . . . 0 0

General Engineering


dismissal time after arking is always a big



Communications Opera..:-ns ....,

.t the pharmacy is very

> Erickson, "Girls have r to handle than boys," ; to having them move roper areas outside the 1g facilities. He claims ls have an attitude that touch them," and that ginning to use foul :h more than they used

join the people who've joined the Army.



:Field Communications! Area Communications: Maintenance Maintenance





Power Production ~

relationships are etween Westside High ountryside Village. With ~ration, maybe they will ng.

Non-Integrated Radar MaiDtenance


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t; bouncers successful tell him to leave." Peterson didn't choose his .ocation because it was close 1 school, he now appreciates ent business. Approximatly ent of his customers are ! students. ~ a small business, but a busy !I'm looking for more room," erson. "I'll take all the kids I .die, and I'd like to have one oom for students and one for ·ntly 15 Westsiders are d at Little Pete's. Senior May s has worked there since the 1g of the year. e working here," said May. > a lot of Westside kids and ; and Countryside merchants

who come here. " "The bouncers come over here and check kids for passes," continued May. "Some kids try to hide in the back, but it doesn't work."

Loitering and parking "Although many of the Countryside merchants have had problems with loitering and parking at one time or another, those concerns have mostly been taken care of. We tow students who park at the village, and have hired a security officer to control the after-school traffic congestion," concluded Peterson. "We like being the only shopping center in the city with a high school across the street."




Decisions, decisions. Countryside Pharmacy provides both school supplies and food for Westsiders to purchase. Students

patronize the businesses during free mods and before and after school hours.

Advertising Supplement

The job you learn in theAro is a skill that stays with yot You'll find that the job you learn in the Army has a lot of "staying'' power. An gives you options you probably didn't have before.You can use your skill to build a care in the Army. And, we think you'll discover another important fact. The Army's jo~trainin~ courses are probably the best around. They're taught by excellent instructors, in good schools, on the most up-to-date equipment. You'll have a job that could cost you a lot c money to learn in civilian life. Remember, you're also paid good money while you learn. And after six mont while you're learning your skill, you get a nice raise. After that, further raises and pron will come as you earn them. And, of course, the Army takes care of your meals, clot:hil housing, medical and dental care, plus a lot of other benefits, such as a 30 day vacatior paid every year. Send back the card today and get all the facts.

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. . . ....••.•.•.•.•.....••... . ........... ........................................................................................................ 40








Note : I nformatio n in this publication is s u bj ect t o c hange. See your Arm y Representative for the latest information .

LANCE - May 13, 1977 - Page 5

Illegal Village parking still. a big problem Despite problems three to four years ago with students loitering around Countryside Village and generally causing trouble, problems in this area have greatly diminished, but have not totally disappeared. Larry Myers, Jr ., owner of Countryside Village, contends that this year fewer students may be seen loitering around the Village. A few years ago, students would travel to路 the Village during their free mods and sit on the curb area smoking cigarettes or man)uana. Unfortunately congregations of this type tended to scare off the women shoppers, according to both Myers and Francis Erickson, security guard for Countryside Village. Both Dr. James Tangdall, Westside principal , and Myers feel that this year the biggest problem is the parking situation. According to Myers, he personally really does not mind a few students using Village parking facilities on the east and west ends , because they do understand the lack of parking space at Westside. The only time he becomes irritated is

"Two of the greatest supporters of our high school" are Countryside Pharmacy and Little Pete's. Dr. James Tangdall when an abundance of students use up parking space that patrons of the Village would normally use. This is where Erickson comes in. Since 1963, Francis Erickson of Telestar Security, Incorporated, has worked for the Countryside Village area. He was hired by Myers seven years ago to patrol the area outside the pharmacy after school. Erickson said that students parking in the Village parking lot is his "pet peeve. " He claims that a few students using the east and west ends is only tolerated by Myers, and merchants in the Village get extremely irritated with this problem. Despite this attitude, Myers' philosophy is "Westside High School and the Village have to work together. " Things do work out between the two areas, because when

art at ods

the Village needs extra parking space, Westside offers their parking area when possible, such as in the summer, when the local art fair is held at Countryside Village, and extra parking space is necessary. One might assume that Westside

"Westside High School and the Village have to work together" - Larry Myers, Jr. students would hinder Village business by constantly being on its grounds. On the contrary, students are an asset to Countryside Village. Said Myers, "I think they help it definitely." (The students). Obviously the two areas most patronized by Westside High School students are Countryside Pharmacy and Little Pete's. Both Tangdall and Myers are optimistic about students handling their use of the Village stores and shops, especially those most used by the student body. Both men have seen a definite improvement in the attitudes of students using the Village facilities. According to Tangdall "Two of the greatest supporters of our high school" are Countryside Pharmacy and Little Pete's Restaurant. These stores have both seen a drop in the number of students just wasting their time. Erickson has also noted a drop in students wasting time. He feels this is because of the attitude ofthe Westside faculty. More teachers are coming over to Countryside Village and checking passes of students, thus

Do students help or hinder Countryside Village business? Larry Myers says, "I think they help it definitely." eliminating some of the skippers. Although the number of students wasting time in the Village has dropped considerably, trouble before and after school hasn't. Erickson said

the pilferage at the pharmacy is very high around dismissal time after school, and parking is always a big problem. According to Erickson, "Girls have become harder to handle than boys," when it comes to having them move their cars to proper areas outside the Village parking facilities . He claims that many girls have an attitude that "nobody can touch them," and that girls are beginning to use foul language much more than they used to. An assumption one might make is that most students spending time at the Village are not over there "legally." That is they might not have blue slips allowing them to be outside of the building, or they are not seniors. Two viewpoints were voiced on this issue. Tangdall is convinced that the Village does not draw many skippers. He said that most often when he is at Countryside and checks passes, 90 percent of those there are out of the building legitimately. On the other hand, Erickson feels that the Village does draw its share of skippers. He said that only 50 percent

"Girls have become worse to handle than boys." Francis Erickson of those occupying the Village at any one time of the day are there legitimately. Does season play a big part in the number of students spending time across the street? Yes, say all three men involved with WestsideCountryside Village relations. Erickson said that in the winter the trouble with snowballs is ever present, and in the spring the number of skippers goes up. Myers and Tangdall notice a larger number of students spending time at Country side during the spring because the weather is nicer. Overall, relationships are improving between Westside High School and Countryside Village. With student cooperation , maybe they will keep improving.

snack. Betty makes use of her senior privilege freedom of movement. 路

bouncers successful I him to leave." ;erson didn't choose his .tion because it was close hool, he now appreciates business. Approximatly of his customers are 1dents. >mall business, but a busy n looking for more room," Jn . "I'll take all the kids I , and I'd like to have one n for students and one for

y 15 Westsiders are t Little Pete's. Senior May as worked there since the Jf the year. 10rking here," said May. lot of Westside kids and 1d Countryside merchants

who come here." "The bouncers come over here and check kids for passes," continued May. "Some kids try to hide in the back, but it doesn't work."

Loitering and parking " Although many of the Countryside merchants have had problems with loitering and parking at one time or another, those concerns have mostly been taken care of. We tow students who park at the village, a nd have hired a security officer to control the after-school traffic congestion ," concluded Peterson. "We like being the only shopping center in the city with a high school across the street."

Decisions, decisions. Countryside Pharmacy provides both school supplies and food for Westsiders to purchase. Students

patronize the businesses during free mods and before and after school hours.

Page 6 - May 1 3 , 19 7 7 - LANC E I Craig Johnson will: The fur lined, fold down back seat of my car to Dan Ferris and Kathy Heins on the weekends, and to Fletch during the week. My num ber "24" jersey to Curt, (Good Luck next year). All my free mods to Louri , (Too bad Michael and Bob aren 't here to spend them with you). My a utographed "Puma" track shoes to Mr. Johns to hang on his fireplace, and a six-pack of Miller to the football team next fall after "two-a-days." Dear All: to Kevin my DQrep, to Jenny-tact, to any fool a seat in the Lib, to Cathy the night at the stage door, to TC the cave, to other Mom a large tha nks, to Pam my bad back, ANN, my love, Julie, too, still 17, young and sweet DQ I Lisa P. will to H.R. 212 all the donuts I never brought. I will S. Fieber an apology and all the sr. guys she thought I stole from her. To Curt Erickson whom I will always be infatuated with, a dictionary. To the students of Mr. Nyholm, I will a bronzed statue of my drawing pencil to be placed in the room in order to motivate and inspire the underclassmen. To Steve Teter, I will 5¢ for a phone call. To the future senior distance runners on the track team, I will the best of luck at initiating sophomores. And to A-Club Benson, I will all my love, Yours Truly, Mark M.

I. Sue Christie, still being of somewhat sound mind , after three years at Hollywood High, whereby bestow upon my frien ds and loved ones all my belongings and memories from Westside High School. To my sister, an upcoming sophomore, I leave my mother and her supervision, GOOD LUCK! To Robin I leave the Iicker and our table at Pete's. To Lamberto I leave Robin, to pour your coffee. To Miss Edmonds I leave my Gym locker, which I've had for 3 years, give it to someone worthy of the honor. To Mr. Skinner, !leave my rat, do with it what you will. To Mr. Hardison, I leave a new P.A. system or much luck with the one you have. To Mr. Hall, Mrs. Clarke, and Mr. McCormick !leave my love and Best Wishes- You are all the Best of Westside. To Mr. Boe I leave my homeroom attendance card, frame it for Best Attendance. To Keith Briggs I leave $75, one of these days. To Geoff Wertheim I leave a coconut cream pie to be delivered when you

" tick me off' just onetime too many. And lastofall !leave Westside, for good, in hopes that someday the memories will fade. To Ron Hatfield my book of late excuses. To Kurt my records so they won't melt. To Pam K. I leave 4 in the front seat. To Timmy !leave my heart and hope for the future so he will have it wherever I go. LJ

!leave my crutches to Laura Patterson, my mouth to Martha Rigby, my delinquency to Betsy Crites, all my talent? to Jeni Walling, an d all of my grace and coordination to Mr. Crampton. J .S. To Paula Hustig I leave the food times at Westside. To Mr. Bock I leave my essays. To Quiet Eagle I leave my friendship. To Herr Miller I leave the infinitive of the Rat Patorl. T. Mr. Bigham I leave th e good times in h omeroom. To Mom and Dad I leave my love. To Rick (the leach) Learch we will our lifesize rubber doll in hopes that some day you will attain the real thing. You're the only senior we know that can 't buy beer. Signed Ex-Friends. I Jill hereby leave my appointment book to Buzz Bigham for the many nice fourth mods. To Shortie !leave my ashes and totherestofH .R. 2271leavea case of doughnuts and Bud. I Jim, being of warped mind a n d tired body bequeath my worldly possessions to my loyal friends , to Incontro, I leave our locker since yo u will probably be here to use it next year, and to Karyn, ! leave my parking place of course you will have to h ot-rod your car alot to make it feel right. And to my one and only homeroom teacher I leave behind the memories of all of the fun and hard times we have had together.

I will to Laura Patterson (my little sister) my key to the McC's garage and my senior ID. JS To Roxane W., a nice homeroom, to Sherlock, a singing newspaper staff, to Danny G., a tennis jersey, to Kurt T ., junior jokes, to Pade B., a great senior year, to Steve M., Beth and Lisa, to Kathy, skiing, to Roxane, all the neat guys in Iowa, to Julie, the East, to Jane, Rocky, to Kate, a new lab partner. MZ Dear Matrix Man: No more after school rounds for ·me. Nice try though , huh? I still want to go emmulating with you sometime .. . maybe 4-18-82. However, you might already have plans with M.M. P.S. dear C.S.: You should've told me at the door. Brother Weldon- what's the word-Clinger? Are you comatose? How about a little raquetball with the Bros. and then some jacuzzing with some hello Bettys? Then we could go for a breakfast with some 0-Chi-Ducks or the FIJI house to hear some tunes. It's been a great year- prepare yourself for the Floyd's of N.Y . - a victim of racquetball homicide · pecan tassaway.

I, Pattie A. , will to the following people: ten balls in bed for Ann, a four hour nap, Todd & Kt & Steve, have fun! C.W.J . 30 extra minutes to yourself ready csja wed. nite phone call. I Andreas crackers. CMJ the cowboy at b-fr• Jam , Sulis bod CR; a golf game. Hatfield s< caffine so you can fall off the edge. Johns, a " Mervin" a pin in your head, I hope your doesn't,pop. Carman , I leave ya'll your favc thing . . . Texas. Ya'll come back now, ya he1 And finally to JO, DG, KK, SR, I leave squirrelness, even thou you don't need it! Res thanx for all the great times! A.H. you're a 1 Good Luck to everyone! I would like to say good-bye to my senior frie1 who have been so much a part of my life, especi1 to those who work with me at Indian Hills. E• after we have gone our separate ways, I hope shall meet agian .

Kevin: We wish you all the luck trying on your swimsuit in your bra and panties. From L and E

To Col. I leave another right arm. To Helen, height and encouragement for Metro, State, 1 that big important day. (whenever that may · To LU, luck in H.R. and blinders for your fri, and mind . KMM

I wish to leave Rocky to WOP, trashy novels to 0 nuts. Brian to Rich Girl, PA's to JP, and another Mettler to Crampy (you wish) Laughlin.

I Robert Bennett Ill bequeath my River Cit} Kenneth Arthur Batchelder.

Seniors will pr IZe dpossessions to select To all those football playersthatgotT.P.'dlastfall - CL, OS, MB, AC, DD- Guess you never did find out who we were! The experts C & D!

To Jeff I will you the great times we've had. Thanks so much. Hope we have plenty more! Love your pal.

I Quiet Eagle being of sound mind & cast body leave these: Sundance - the rodeo loves of youre (Scott) & " Red Bam antics." Sue N. - salad bar liability & crazy 8's. Herr Miller - all my worries & the German shoes w/ Nazis. Edie & Erpy - the 13 German D's & the musical preps. Amy H., JulieN., % Cathy C-Maranatha, PTL, Agape, & Jesus Loves Ya! Paula, Karen, Brenda, Kathy, Ray line, & Vicki - the lunch room days of Dickie D., diets, insults, and mooching. Eco Club - smogless, recycling days. The Folks- my love forever. Janet W., 12 colored combs, retainers, & a blind date for once. Lundquist - a lifetime supply of laughter, understanding & portraits!! Bjomsen - infinite smiles to last all the while Kenny W-notacent, but some chipmunks! Paula H.- a boy per finger & an empty coin purse Glasgow's- all my JD memories - FCA leftovers. Kolterman - all of "stream of consciousness & Thoreau." Bigham - neat & bea utiful thoughts. Myself-everything, the worldnothing! To Jesus, I donate freely my entire life.

To P.S.D.S. and G.H. it was a blast being soldiers with you. Thanks C. H. for the dress. This is for you K.S. "freaky" 8617, D.B.I. hope you meet your "Hellobetty!!" and last but not least R.S. (alias J .H.) "One Alone" .. . A.M .


Bein g of frazzled min d, I leave to all juniors season passes to UNO library. To BillS. a phone call from Chuck at O.K. To Aaron , a marriage license. To Lance staffers '78, COURAGE, since yo u obviously have no sen se. To Lisa K., a book cart (you, too, Beth L!). To GoldMaun, I leave a strong will to expose the evils of society, with the goal of bettering mankind. Also, front row seats to KQ's new show "Spaced Out." To Mr. Bigham I leave fond memories of your expression during "The Seven Words." Thanks for all the arguments and worldly advice. To Mr. Gilpin, a guest shot on the Tonight Show. To Miss Anderson, someone to carry on in my "tardiness." To Mrs. Winslow, my copy of "The Accountant's Lament" and someone to complain like I c;lid! To Kate, Jude, Deb, Mary, etc., box seats at "Mac's" To Terri, all the happiness now that you're out of "circulation"Love to you and Terry "Bruce" To Tunsa, what can I leave you - you know everything (Ha). To Hudnall, all my hate, I a lso hope you get someone like me every year · Long Live Senior Wills! To the Physics & Chern teachers, you've been a real inspiration to me -and laughs. Finally, to Sue from MHS - "Kosh de mano" and I know you love DG. Kath


bouquets. gifts. and cards


Flowers for any occasion or just to say ''I'm thinking of you." Find out how easy it is to say what you want with flowers.

To Kevin (SB) Basino, the title of head art jock entitling him to privileges of art rooms LBH I. Samuel Elias Friedman , being of sound mind and relatively sound body do hereby bequeath the following items: To A-Club, I leave my executive commissionership, and a Care package. To Russ U .. I leave my position at WOW (say hello to Chuckles.) To Allen & lngoldsby, lleave my Casio, so they can see exactly how much of my time they are losing, and also a year of Hinchik's life. To Lang I leave a soldering iron and a tube of crazy glue for any "terminal" illnesses. To Nubs !leave my official TWA Barf-Bag. To Gloor I leave my spare calculators (the ones with cranks.) To Sedlacek I leave a bionic arm to correct papers. Finally. to all the rest of my friends , teachers, etc. , ! leave many pleasant (hopefully) memories. To KK !leave my math & comp papers, just chan ge the name on them, KU. To the team, good luck always! "Helen " thanks for all you've done! Show Mr. G. what a good team is like! SM. I leave you all the kicks you deserve. MM. a book on how to avoid the bouncers. To my sis, a coat hanger, and a thanks for caring! To H.R. 214, I leave my forwarding address. NIH I Karl Armbrust being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath to Sharon: my love for physics. To Sharon and Phil : An empty room . To Walter: his very own truck . To Jeanine: 1st chair in a great section. To Kellie M.: a big smile. To RC: a linac for safer experiments. I NUBS being of great mind, body, and modesty bequeath to fac ulty: hair dye for gray hairs I have caused. To A-Club and friends !leave to the track team; one can of concentrated barf. To Jean, the Bass section. To Terri and Terry, some medicine for sore lips. To all the pretty girls, my phone, 3979769. To Diane, a long political discussion. I, Leslie Eisen, leave to K. Chaput, the memories of spaghetti or boys? Copper Mountain, Jr. Prom, . . To Cindy Klemz, remember getting stuck on the ice, the Depot, McDonald's, and the police, passports, and the airport! And what about this summer??!! To Derr - A pinup, To Depot Stud - Little Miss Sunshine, To Kyle - Big "Yowza" and a sore arm , To Boss- Woman Beater! To Lar - A big kiss from both of us, To Baby-Face-"Jackpot" and a punch in the nose! Wop-Wop-Wop!! Love Boom-Boom & "Crude"

TWO LOCATIONS 108 West Dodge Road Otd Mill Shopping Center 496-4140

We the Members of the Adv. Arch. Class (Mike, Steve. and Kylan) will: to Kim B & Linda E a chance to drive my car if ... which one of you lost the sock in the back of my car that wild night last fall ? To M&M I will!! ToSaraJyou'realittle . . . To Susie B I will my French notes if she can get to them before I bum them. To the Adv. Arch. students of '78, Ha Ha Ha ... To the future Chern class, 1 case of No-Doze per large Group. To all the sophomore Space Cadets I won't miss you. To Theresa M - wash off you r eyelids! To Jerald Christens•n R.I.P. I TP leave Karen Johnson the words cinnamonday, alluminumber, and rist watch. To Jenkins a little height and a big smile. To KO an ad and a great journalism career. To Ron H. I leave a good night sleep. To Phil I leave a year without Matt. To H.R. 109 I leave a handful of cotton and a good sense of humor. ToTJ !leave my Porsche, my old bassoon reeds, someone else to pick on, the will to run on. a 2 minute half, a heath candy bar, and some pop tarts. To Bebop, some tenor shoes. To Glasgow my starting career. To Mikey, a bowl of Life cereal, my wedding ring, a new girlfriend, and a 50.000 mile warranty on repairsofZE-Mazda. To Glenda the Good Witch, Toto. To Buggy,a handful of ants and the Nubs, a punch in the nose, and some Pepto Bismol. To Mr. Hudnall, this page of senior wills. To Bonnie, BOYS, BOYS. BOYS. To Stacy, my little brother, To the track team, my big mouth . To Mr. Lang a table for two in the cafe. To Mr. Welch a yellow school bus. To Prideaux my golden tan. To Pistillo my #1 track jersey. To Dave Hayes my hair brush. To Tina, " Pile it on, Ma, I could eat a horse." To Steve Warta, root beer in your mose, chalk on your shirt, my Royal Crown in your face , and water on your body. To Elfy some Kentucky Fried Chicken. To Buckle, my brown swim suit. To Jelly, some peanut butter. Finally to WHS a better year without us. Lori, Kirsten, homeroom buddies, I know you will miss me terribly next year, but keep your chins up and practice the pyramid every day! Remember, I hate you both! Cheers! Nancy.

Lloyd's Shoes

Countryalde Ylll8111•

31 05 Forest lawn 453-2321

To Rob: I leave all the memories of the past few months - trying not to act drunk, Burger King on Prom night, playing in the park, Boz Scaggs, driving around Ginger Cove, gardening, dropping the cake. champagne, . . Love & XXX The Phantom


Just Acr oss the Street 8722 Countryside Plaza 391-1133



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I, Sherry Bale, being of sound mind(?) ant painfully mediocre body, will my socks to B.O., car to Fig Newton, my hockey game tickeu Hopalong, my insanity to the Theatre Gang, 1 my thanks to Mr. Bigham and Mr. Loverchec I leave: the bmoc a case of beer, the boss a rub band for his car, the bwak anything she WBI B.M. a basketball scholarship to UCLA, the li girl a new hom, big chuck a membership care the Depot and Lar a brain. Bmim

I, being drained of mind and body, her> be_queath the queenship ofthe choir room and ri to Fremont to Princess Julie Hamann. Mrs.Da· muchas gracias for keeping me sane. Mise Ket C'est atroce! French V will miss you! My Gloc promise I'll get some sleep. Choir and Mr. Schu good luck on tour, beware of typical tenors 1 golden arches. Tina, best of luck at Kilpatric Thanks for the picnics. BJB remember: PTLA

Thanks, WHS, for enduring 13 years of us. R it's too bad neither of us were uvery much Cl man" our sophomore year (but better late tl never!) Marla, you may not know it, but you he!; me in. Thanks Susie, Mike, and Carol for a gr summer (Scott Halpenny and noses at Spaghetti Works). Guy, no more night "trips' Ryan, but maybe a few more to the Cottage : Castle. Have fun with the "mental giants." D.C (Love those initials), it was fun and tell Sunn~ for me. Daddy Wobbleface, thanks a lot leaving, we'll have to try for 17 and then go ca the rerun of "Cheryl's Surrender." Kathy haven't deserted you and I'll see you in Boat Thanks everybody. GTL

I, Tina Render, beingofquestionablesoundnes mind and unquestionably too much body, hereby bequeath the following: To Cathy K., a of vaseline, some saran wrap, and the key to Rc 433 at the Decatur, Ill. Holiday Inn; to Connie my chair in the choir room and a soprano sole Kathy S., my address at college and a phone • during vacation; to Lisa D., my grandson 1 some graspberry frogurt; to Beth L., a rean typing paper; to LisaK., my USY legacy of ph bills, letters, friendship, laughter (and tears) ar round trip ticket to Boston, via Philadelphia Mr. Hansen · a doctoral dissertation on yawn and a bad case of the bongoes; to Laura E ., Y Bear & Boo-boo; to Kristi S., a little man in awl coat and a radical sign; to Julie W., my eter friendship and a box of green pelican cigars Kathy 0 ., my copy to Childhood's End and wishes for a good life; to all juniors, the Big Th1 Mr. Bigham, Mr. Dornacker, and Mr. Sedlat enjoy, enjoy!; to Mr. Bigham, an honorary deti in philosophy; to Barb, David, Lisa, and Ogden, the Gong Show?; to Mr. Schuler, a r program person and my thanks for teaching what dedication is all about; to Ms. Kemp, tha for making my senior year bearable; and finallJ "Mom" Winslow, my undying gratitude 1 affection for being mother, counselor, and frien me for these three years. Good Luck to all -it's b real.

I Conrad bequeath to my friends and foes eac portion of my worldly possessions 1: remembrances of my Westside years. First of (not in any order of importance), I give to Jean Marie a pass to the Deep-Hole so that when sh 104 and in a wheelchair she can hang out at fave place. To Kris, my college roomie, !leave Halloween costumes and a $2 bill we never got JAM I leave the ever-so-high mountains Crescent, to a joe-pro skier. To Kimberly St leave the title of " Miss Avonofthe Century" al• with many memories of great times. To Pat leave oodles of info on how to - and not to, an certificate for becoming a woman. To Lando I 1 " fish tails" up the dirt roads to her cabin and lc State's "fish" and the guy with the fro . To Deb! leave a bike, an arm, a hospital, a pass to all movies (since I've seen 'em all) and the "dud" of year award. To Suzi I make a promise to keep eye on "the-man ." To Skin I leave a partnershi: Little Kings and Rolls!, along with the skinn girl award for you know who. To Andrew Harg leave the door unlocked to your neighbor's roor come and visit him - day or night. To Steven M1 I give a congratulations on the presidency & I h you have a pleasant flight. Good Luck to everyo Con.

LANCE - May 13, 1977 - Page 7

Jockey shorts rJod Metro finish -rmally one of the top golf teams in the state is side, and this season is no exception, as the Warriors hed second in the Metro meet. !Stside senior Mark Wheeler won the individual medal irst place. Wheeler is not the only star so far this Jn as in almost every dual a new golfer stars. ,e Warriors still remain undefeated in duals so far for varsity and junior varsity. <is year's team is young and talented and the future ess of this year's team is promising as only a few Jrs are on the team, and the juniors are getting the ing time they need . 1e improvement so far this year leaves hope for an ' better team next year with ten individuals returning 1 this year's team.

ickers goal state >ccer team members will be playing the top three teams .he State tournament Tuesday, May 18. Possible :enders for the other three slots are Bellevue, Prep, ke and Ron calli. Qualification for the to urn amen t held 1e University of Nebraska at Omaha, is determined by best record. Westside's record is 4-0. hi! Strevey, varsity team member, views Bellevue as r toughest opponent if they make it to state because r team plays year round and most of the players have 1 together for several years. Strevey believes that what ld carry Westside through state, is their teamwork and ' team they pass well. The only thing Strevey believes ld hold them back is not getting up for the game. Steve

Sevick , center halfback , Jerry Swim, goalie, and the front linema n , are who Strevey believes will stand out the most in state. " We have a rea lly good chance to go all the way," he said . Other games previous to state that Westside has played are May 3, Bellevue; May 5, Prep; and tonight Westside goes against Northwest.

Girls close season Placing seventh out of 16 total teams, was Westside's girls ' track team in the Metro Championships, Wednesday , April 27. The meet, held at Burke, was won by Central, followed by Bellevue in second, and Marian in third. Events that the team did place in include the mile, discus and the 220 a nd 880 relays. Joann Mierendorf, sophomore team member, termed the meet "hard" because of all the competition . Turning in outstanding performances at the District meet, Thursday, May 5, was Jenny Kahl in the mile run, Joan Learch, the 100 and 220 runs, Jean Pistillo, the hurdles, and Edie Rock, discus . Other outstanding events were the mile relay , and the 880 rday. Teams that particiapted in the meet were Benson, Bryan, Tech, Burke, Gross, Northwest, and Papillion. Qualifications for the state meet held at North Platte Friday and Saturday, May 13, and 14, were taken from the District meet. State was more of an individual competition , according to Ms. Mierendorf. The track team's overall record includes, four wins and n o losses at any of their double-dual meets, except for the Tech-Roncalli meet. Westside beat Tech , yet lost to Roncalli.

ictories over Tech, Prep help even record lith victories over Tech and Prep Warrior baseball team evended ir season at 4-4-1. 'orrid hitting enabled the Warriors m easy 17-0 win over Tech as Kirk ofholz threw a one hitter for the rriors. Vestside th en stunned Creighton !p with a s urprise 6-2 victory . Prep, ed 18th in the country in a high 100! magazine prior to the start of · season, is off to a slow start as ·stside won with excellent hitting. n both games the Warriors showed

a great a mount of improvement from the beginning of the season, with good hitting, a nd good pitching performances from AI Crane a nd Kirk Trofholz. The Warriors a lso showed excellent improvement in hitting form with Mark Berner, Steve Crouse, Curt Anderson , a nd Rob Doze!. Defense still remains a little shaky, but improvement was a lso noticed in the defense. Wi th half of the season over and the a m ount of improvement shown

remarkable, the Warriors a re now b eginning to s how their true ca pa bilities. If Westside continues to show this kind of improvement the rest of the season , they could be one oftheteams to contend with when Metro and State roll aro und.

As the 1976-77 school year ends, it is a n opportune moment to recall those athletic performers who have outdone a nd outclassed their opposition. If there was to be an "Athlete of the Year" contest, my vote would go, unhesitantly, to swimmer Chuck Sharpe. Sharpe electrified the swimming circuit this year, his climax being at the State meet. Sharpe had two outstanding performances at State, swimming the 100 freestyle in a State record time of :45.508. His 200 yard freestyle time, 1:39:242, was a lso a State record. Nationally, Sharpe's strength is phenomenal. His 100 freestyle time, for example, is ranked second in the nation . And to top all his glory, Sharpe received a prestigious phone call earlier this year from Mark Spitz of Olympic fame. The discussion centered mainly around Sharpe's college swimming plans. Certainly following close behind Sharpe in athletic superiority is Warrior running-back Craig J ohnson . Johnson ran over each of Westside's opponents, finishing the season with an outstanding 1300 yards. This mark placed Johnson in the top spot in Metro. What's more, Johnson's excellent performance made him a much so ught after football player, landing him finally at Nebraska. Theresa Hazuka deserves the title of Best Female Athlete, while at the same time holding her own against the boys. Hazuka played a major role in Westside's second consecutive State swimming title. Her individual state titles include: the 200 individual

m e dl ey (2: 14 .7), and the 100 backstroke (1:11). She was also one leg of the winning 200 medley relay squad, combining with teammates Deb Hartford, Leslie Berkshire, and Ruth Drake. Rounding out the top five Warrior athletes ofthe year are wrestlers Tom Boyer and Bob Danenhauer, both capturing the State title. Danenhauer put away a less talented Jim West of McCook , 7-3. Boyer's match was, in my book, the greatest Warrior triumph both in ab ility and emotion. After the grueling regulation match, Boyer was tied with Steve Cooley of Papillion, 11. Boyer exploded 10-1, however, in the overtime period amidst the screams of thousands of fans in Lincoln's Sports Complex. But perhaps even greater than the excitement of the activity on the mat, was the activity on the sidelines. The sight of Boyer's brother jumping, shouting, straining, and altogether fighting just as hard as the actual wrestlers was impressive. Truly inspiring. FORMAL WEAR BY


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Page 8 - May 13, 1977 - LANCE

Bellevue takes Metro, Warriors fifth It really was no surprise that Bellevue captured the Metro title in track. And, to most, Prep's second place finish , aided by three event winn er Randy Brooks, was no surprise. Altogether it appeared to be a ra ther predictable meet. Westside, however, gave one of its best performances of the year . While only placing fifth they were just a point out of fourth and three from third . We stside relays showed the greatest strength as both the one and two mile relays placed in the top three. Westside's two mile relay team, a State ra nked squad, had the most impressive showing, clocking in at 8:05. They did, however, lose to a strong Prep squad who posted an 8:02.

Prep's time had an added crunch to th e Warrior moral as it set a new record, replacing the Warriors' old ti me of 8:02.7. Westside placed third in the mile relay posting a 3:24.6. First place Tech posted a record 3:03.21 time.

Outstanding individuals Up and coming Craig Johnson took third in the 220 with :22.4 . This mark was just a tenth of a second off of second. Prep's Randy Brooks sped by the field finishing with a :22.1 mark. Gary Niver, the powerful discus thrower (ranked third in State) proved his versatility at the meet. Niver obtained a fifth place finish in the shot put with a heave of 51'6 3-4". Bill

Conley of Bellevue set the pace, establishing a new record of 58'8". Conley bettered his previous record of 56'. A fourth place finish was achieved by Scott Beier in the 180 lows. This finish is particularly significant in the Warriors' future outlook since earlier in the year the hurdling events were a major point of concern for the team . Tech 's Randy Gunter won that event. And, finally, Mike Elsasser cleared 12' in the vault, good for a fifth place finish . He was a good deal short of Randy Duhrkopf of Bellevue who cleared 15''A'', the third best mark this year. The Warriors, who are showing definite signs of improvement, will face their greatest challenge May 20 as the State meet begins.

Heaving the discus. Warrior Gary Niver, a top State athle practices his throwing technique prior to the District meet.

Girls' hopes high for State tennis clash

Catching up. Warrior Stacy Grady comes on strong in a dual against T.J. and Ryan held at Westside last week.

Playing for individual titles in the Metro Championships, May 10 and 11, was Westside's girls' tennis team. After playing an inter-team tournament, the team sent the winning top two singles players, and the top two doubles teams to compete at Dewey Park. Winning in the Divisional Playoffs May 13, was also Westside, playing other Omaha teams, and teams throughout the surrounding area. Qualification for this tournament required the best record in either the American or National division. Westside easily qualified with their undefeated record. By sweeping this meet, the girls' team is now the Regional Champions.

May 19 and 20, Westside will participate in state, which has initiated a change offormat this year. Instead ofthe number one singles and top doubles team only participating in the tournament, the number one and two singles, and top two doubles teams also will participate. The overall tournament winner will be determined by the most points one team accumulated . Scoring is determined by giving two points for each number one singles and doubles match won, and one point for each number two singles and doubles

When you're busy, let your fingers do the walking ...

Growing sport gains following in Omaha There is a nice football field for the footba ll team. There is a baesball field for the baseball team. There is an a dequa te gym for the basketball team. There is a pool for the swim teams. There are tennis courts for the tennis team. There is a track for the track team. What is there for the soccer team? There are no facilities at Westside designated for the soccer team. Westside's soccer team is forced to practice at Sunset Hills School. Not only is transportation a problem, but Bruce Skinner, boys' varsity coach has had a couple of run-ins with little league coaches over who has the right to the field for practice. One reason soccer does not have the facilities may be that soccer is not yet a Metro sport. It just started gaining interest a couple of years ago. New tea ms have been added every year. Again this season a new team has joined, Northwest. The Huskies are

winless, but this is Westside's first real good start since they joined the program. The Warriors stand at 4-0 so far this season .

Increased coverage Recent polls h ave shown soccer as one of the fastest growing sports in the nation. With the World-Herald giving soccer more coverage and the University of Nebraska a t Omaha scheduling games on the astro-turf, the sport is gaining prominence.

match won. Last year Westside E took state, and Tari Feinberg, number two ranked singles pla~ views some of the Lincoln school! possible tough opponents, althm she and the rest of the team rem fairly confident of again taking title. Another team meml commented on the entire season of team, "It was a great season, loosing a single meet. We really ha lot of talent this year, and 1 probably continue on this gr winning streak for a couple ofyea1

contender. If more teams join and Westside gets the facilities they need, then maybe one of the qualifications for making the soccer team will not be to have a car in which to drive to practice.

ATTENTION JUNIORS When you think about your senior portrait this summer think of -

Attendance up Student attendance at games so far this year is up a bit as theW arriors are 4-0 and noted as one of the top teams right now. If more teams join the soccer program in the future and form a division like Metro, Westside High School should provide the team with the facilities they need to become a

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Recognition was given today to those members of the student body who have been awarded scholarships or have shown talent in special areas. Especially commended were the 114 Seniors who have been offered 289 scho l arships . Only 53 of the scholarships were athletic.

Quality test scores Lynn Hansen , vocational co unselor, attributes the success of the class to the quality of the test scores and the ability of the students to take the tests. He states that there were more scholarships awarded this

Better scholarship information year and hopes that even more will be awarded next year. Hansen also states that this year's class was better informed of possible scholarships than those of past years and that the guidance department went all out to encourage students to apply for scholarships and take the application tests.

Hansen stated that this was an "exceptional class" in their test taking abilities and that they "put forth a lot of effort and should be recognized ." The purpose of Honors Convocation is for students, faculty, and parents to be able to acknowledge the achievements of students and the contributions such students make to Westside.

Honor and recognition Hansen stresses individuality and states that the purpose of the convocation is not to compare the amount of awards or scholarships. The purpose is to honor and recognize the student for his talent and contributions to Westside.

Scholarship awareness Hansen feels that underclassmen can use such an opportunity to see what is available to them and make future goals.

He stated that next year the guidance department will strive to be even more proficient. He wants the students to be more aware of scholarships and the availability of them.

Touch of superiority The scholarships awarded to the students were as varied as the seniors themselves, but Westside seniors still showed a touch of superiority. Out of 109 Regent scholarships to UNL, offered in the whole state of N ebraska, Westside received 12. Students also received three out of four state-wide offered Professional Engineers scholarships and a scholarship offered by Omaha Restaurants. Also in the list are 40 instate scholarships, 39 out-of-state, six ROTC , and four academy appointments or alternates. Each department gave an h on orable mention to the student(s) who showed special talents and interest in certain areas.

estside's May 27. 1977 Vol. 21, No. 17 Westside High School, Omaha, NE 68124

Conner retirement, loss of talent After a lifetime of teaching Mary Conner .ces prospective retirement. "I've known for n years that I would have to retire," she said. The board of education has a mandatory tirement age of 65, according to Dr. James 'lngdall, Westside High School principal. rh ey may stay on recommendation, but I m't recall that ever happening," said Dr. 'lngdall. Westside means more to Mrs. Conner than st a place to teach, although she has taught ~re since its beginning. "I didn't just teach at "estside, I helped create it. Itdidn'tjust pop up. had to be planned and created," she said. Mrs. Conner started her career right out of igh school, after passing a teacher's wmination. "If you could pass you could 路ac h for three years." She later went on to earn her bachelor's ~ gree in social studies. She switched her major ' English while working toward her master's ~ gree. " I decided I liked it better," she said. Mrs. Conner never had the opportunity to ltend four years of college, but earned her 3grees in summers and at night school. Mrs. Conner never regretted her profession, nd never considered anything else. "My tother was a teacher and I grew up wanting to e a teacher." During World War II, Mrs. Conner worked for time in a factory in New York that made irplanes. " I found out I'd rather teach. I'd rather work 路ith my head than my hands. "

community. The auditorium , pool, and classrooms are frequently used by other . groups. "This is a community thing," said Mrs. Conner. "You don't see it in the Omaha Public Schools." When Westside opened in 1952, she began teaching English and social studies to seventh

through ninth graders as well as assuming the rol e of assistant principal for ten years. "All the administrators taught except the principal," she said. There were 278 students enrolled at Westside its first year, with 15 teachers. Students have changed much over the years according to Mrs. Conner, except that they

Retirement will be a loss And now, after many years, Mrs. Conner is retiring. ''I'm going to miss young people. I've enjoyed teaching here," she said. And Westside will certainly feel her absence. " I think she's an excellent teacher," said Dr. James Tangdall. "I've not had a single complaint from a parent or student in the 20 years I've been an administrator." Tangdall stated that she had given a lot to English curriculum, not only at Westside, but statewide. He is sad to see her go. "I think she relates to students well," he said. "I hope when I reach retirement age that I have the patience that she does." It's not hard to have patiencewhen you feel the way Mrs . Conner does toward her students. "I like my students," she said. "If not I wouldn't be a teacher. No good teacher allows herself to dislike any of her students. You can't give in to dislikes." With her impending retirement, Mrs. Conner will have much more time to herself. " I'm going to do the things I've always wanted to do, but never had the time to.

路eaching before district formed Her teaching career began in the district at Jnderwood school in 1936. At that time there Jere three county schools in the area, Jnderwood, Loveland and Oakdale. District66 .. as formed in 1947 when these three schools nerged. "The parents didn't want to be part of the )maha district so they formed District 66," said /Irs . Conner. They felt that there would be more upport for a separate district. As Omaha grew md became more populated, Westside was ouilt to accommodate it. It began as a school for seventh through welfth grades. The building was meant to erve not only the路 students, but the entire

don't show as much individualism as they did in the 40's. "Kids today expect much more to be done for them," she said. She can't recall liking any one time of her teaching more than another. "I've always enjoyed teaching."

Mary Connors ... 41 years of service.

There are also a number of teachers leaving for reasons other than retirement. Mr. Phil Kaiser, who lives in Wahoo, will be taking a job in his home town. He will teach a regular class after teaching individualized math for three years. Mrs. Sue Bird has resigned to teach in Blair, where she lives . Mr. Warren Gitt will be returning to school in Arizona. Mr. Mike Crabbs and Mr. Steve Wiitala will both be taking a one year leave of absence to return to school. Mr. Crabbs is working towards a doctorate degree and Mr. Wiitala, his masters. Mr. Jerry Kluza has resigned and Mrs. Beth Jan sen and Mrs. Jo Anderson are taking a one semester leave of absence.

Page 2- May 27, 1977 - LANCE

., I



Physics Olympics offers odd competition Student competition in physics-related areas was held Saturday, May 21, at Westside's first Physics Olympics. All students were eligible to enter the contests, and could participate in any number of the seven events . Most of the competition required teams of two students, however, individuals also entered. The half-day competition included such events as the water-balloon la unch , slow bicycle race, egg drop, fermi question , paper airplane, quiz show, and bottle music. The competition was judged by members of the science department.

Spotlight on








Another Westside first took place Thursday, May 19. It was promoted as " A Night of Excellence," and the evening program spotlighted th e ta lents and achievements of hundreds of Westside students according to Dr. James A. Tangdall, Westside principal. "This program is my idea and I am respon sible for it. So many times I see and hear things around the school th at I think should get exposure. Now there will be an outlet," Tangdall said. The musical portion of t he program featured performances by the Concert Jazz Band, the Orchestra, the Chamber Choir, the Warrior Band, the Madrigals, and th e Warrior Voices. In addition th e drama department had a presentation. Tangdall said that both before and after the musical performances, the public was able to view the displays of studen t work in the hom e economics, business, art, industrial arts, and the E n glish departments.

National Merit Scholarship

winners Mary Zimmerman, Bev Brokke, Sam Friedm an, Pat Weigel and Greg Leuder were chosen th is spring. The selection was

based primarily on PSAT and SAT scores. These winno were awarded sch olarships ran ging from $1,000 to $6,01

Selection of many representatives Just Plain 01' Thanks! WE HOPE WE HELPED

Elections, tryouts - as the school year comes to a close these words are predominant in many minds as new representatives are chosen for next year's activities. Among these are class officers, SAB, ch eerleaders, and newspaper and yearbook staffs. Class officer election s were held on May 18. Next year's senior class officers will be Chris Olson President, Martha Rigby - Vice President, Pam Murphy -Secretary, a nd Jacque Miller- Treasurer. Newly

elected junior class officers are Camille Patterson - President, Marci Hagerty - Vice Presiden t, Lysa Feeken - secretary, Kathy Mason Treasurer. This year a method of selection was us ed to choose SAB members. Sophomore SAB mem bers will be Bill Conley and Robert Green berg, Arbor H eights; Jon Morton and Joy Thomas, Westbrook; Nancy Srb and David Workman, Valleyview. Next year's junior members include Cheri

Students enrolled in Co-op

Mangelsen's 3400 So. 84th Omaha, Nebraska

If you think the co-op program at Westside is a griculture-oriented, some investigation into the topic would immediately prove you wrong. Ron Fehr, advisor for the program, said this is probab ly the biggest problem in trying to get students involved in this project. "Students misinterpret 'Co-op' as an agriculture-related class, when in reality, it isn't that at all." 'Co-op' is the term used to describe two courses in the Industrial Arts Department; Co-operative on the job training, and Co-operative Trade and Industry. These two courses combined give students an opportunity to study the field in which they are interested while in class (co-operative trade and industry), and take this new-found information and apply it while on th e job (co-op on the job training). Interested students first speak with Fehr about that kind of job th ey are looking for while learnin g the proper procedures for finding a job. Then, after their application for work is accepted, they start work and


receive a beginning salary which increases as time on the job increases. "They are paid and treated like anyone else who is just beginning work in the trade," explained Fehr. But some extra evaluation on the employ er 's part concerning the student h elp Fehr determine the student's grade. The em ployer is given a check list to keep tabs on the student's attitude, behavior, etc., and this along with Fehr's observation in the classroom and what he sees while visiting the student's place of employment determines the student's grade. So if you are a junior interested in a trade-related job after you get out of high school and would like to pick up eight credit hours per semester n ext year, (five for on the job training, three for classroom work) and make money while doing it, (Fehr said students add approximately $75,000 to Omaha's economy during the year, averaging $240.00 per month for about 25-30 hours a week for 38 students), Co-op is for you. See Fehr for details.



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We are taking applications for our Daisy "Back to School" Board . Come in soon to the Daisy, 72nd and Cass, and pick up your application. Hurry - must be in by June 1Oth!

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Coates, Russ Conser, Lauri Fellm; Erin McGuire, and Suzy Kenne• Seniors on SAB will be Cyn Ancona , Kim Berguin, Kirst Ekholm, Steve Gessert, K Schupack, and Georgie Bender. Cheerleading tryouts were o~ this year, due to the abolish ment pep club. According to Jan Ku sponsor, the girls who had been in~ club had a slight edge in the selecti1 The varsity squad includes Pa1 Dickhute , Patty Peetz , Lin Ehrenberg, Patty Hermansky, Lon Harless, Kolleen Archibald, Ch Chauche, Cyndy Ancona, Sta Carlson , and Leslie Berkshire. On the junior varsity squad 1 Lisa Lundgren, Laurie Fellm1 Cathy Crawford, Amy Gordan, Gn Willing , Jodi Feldman , De Ma ngia meli, and Kari Kunkle. Sophomore cheerleaders will Donna Johnson, Shelly Swift, Ca: Ball and Karry Smith.

New Lance and Shield staffs WE a nnounced at the annual Journali! Banquet held on May 17. On t Lance staff are Steve Maun- editor-: chief, Beth Lashinsky - managi editor, Dan Goldman- editorial edit Todd Lincoln - ass't editorial edit. Bob Glissmann and Amy Gendle editorial writers, Brent Bierman news editor, Kim Nilsson- ass't n e· editor, Beth Kaiman and Jen: Welch - news writers, Lisa Kapla1 feature editor, Jeanine Van Leeuw a nd Cathy Johnson - ass't featt ed itors , Bill Saint and Jol Staenberg - sports editors, Da\ Hayes - ass't sports editor, J, Thompson - sports writer, Kirst Karnett and Cindi Crane advertising managers , Rob: Nichols - business manager, Kat] Sherlock- fine a rts editor, Jon Duitc fine arts writer, and Eric Carlber1 photographer. The Shield staff will consist of R Larson -editor-in-chief, Erin Sa vag m a naging editor, Mike Baum- h e: photographer, Andy Hargitt, Kat] Finn, and Jen ny Zoucha- student 1: editors, Cathy Olson and Mary Dillo academics editors, Jo A1 Sandmann , Dixie Dawson, a1 Suzanna Odie - sports edito: Michelle Kennedy - album edit< Cindy Mettlen -senior section, Cin• Sawicki - junior section , Jan Reinhart - sophomore section, A1 Scott and Sue Barie - advertisi1 managers. It was also announced at t: banquet that the Lance had receiv a n All-American rating from t: National Scholastic Pre Association.

LANCE- May 27. 1977- Page 3

Editorials · Trivial Harm GoldMaun

onday morning h. I W. (ways) Early sat in homeroom 5 on Monday morning. He was a w student at Westside and he cupied himself with contemplatin g e new environment . Without uning, his homeroom advisor gan to read the announcements. myone who compiles three tardies II have their pass taken away and .II be ineligible for a pass next year."

" No problem with that," thought AI ; he reflected upon his perfect .tendance record, straight A average s five outside activities, which .eluded class president and captain · the football team and his double lO's on his SATs at his former ; hool. AI obvio u sly had an npeccable character. After homeroom as AI groped to nd his first class, one of the more 1a dy looking chracters from his Jmeroom with long hair, a t-shirt :1d sunglasses approach ed him. 'ley man, I hope yo u're going to get 1 on being late three times. verybody's doing it. It's a real trip. "A ... A . .. ," stuttered AI as he ond e red this new and foreign ia lect. "I was ... Man . . . almost late 1is morning. " Hey , a lright," exclaimed the hady one " you're catching on . I'll see o u tomorrow when we're both late. ~uesday


Ignoring the shady ch aracter , AI meekly stumbled into h omeroom, ash a med of his first tardy. "That's one AI," said his homeroom teacher.

Wednesday morning It was a bright clear Spring Wednesday as AI vigorously jumped out of bed, ate breakfast, and started off to school right on schedule. Halfway to school, AI slammed on his brakes, pulled aU-turn and screech ed off towards-home; he had forgotten to get his mother's signature on his registration form. Again, AI arrived at school at 8:02 only to be met by the s h ady character. Without even hearing what h e h ad to say, AI numbly walked into his homeroom. "That's two!!!" warned his homeroom teacher as she checked the time on her stop-watch.

Thursday morning It was furiously raining with loud punishing claps of thunder as AI dra gged himself out of bed. It h ad been a sleepless night, full of worry and a nxiety over the possibility of getting a third tardy. He was so nervous that he spilled his cornflakes, missed his toothbrush with the toothpaste, cut himself sh avin g and put on his s hirt backwards.

Blinded with the thought of a third ta rd y AI s ta rted off for school. His a rms were shaking so much he could ha rdly opera te the car. He started to s werv e back and forth across the la nes. The oncoming cars appeared to be float ing, the whole world seemed to be flo a ting. AI blacked out a nd s ma shed into the guard rail and flipp ed over into the Papio creek.

The chirping of birds, the soothing pring fragrants and a burst of uns hine floated through the window s AI awoke on Tuesday morning. He azed over at his dog who sat with an dd look of contentment upon his ountenance. Al 's muscles tensed as .e realized with horror that his dog .a d devoured all the no. 2 pencils that .e h a d bought especially for his .chievement placement test.

Friday morning

Suddenly, AI leaped from his bed .nd fra ntically searched for a no. 2 •en cil ; the time was 7:55. Dejectedly, AI arrived at school at -:02, only to be met by the shady h a r a cter. " Hey man, good job. You ~o t your first tardy!"

"The late AI Early died in a tragic tra ffic accident yesterday ," read Al's homeroom advisor fro m the Friday a nn ouncement. Hmmm, rules are rul es . His pass is going to have to be voided anyway. That was his last ta rdy.

I think it is time for a tardy policy.

Tardy policy only possible route to take Tardiness to homeroom can be a trivial matter to students, but the administration is justified in its new tardy policy. According to James Findley, vice-principal , the homeroom is the main channel of communication for students to receive the announcements . "Without this homeroom channel we can't get the word to the students," said Findley. He adds that too many students will miss the announcements if posted . Limiting a student to three tardies is the most effective policy Westside has enforced in recent years. The number of tardies starts out below 100, climbs to 200 by January and reaches 400 by mid-April. With the new policy , tardies have dipped to around 200.

Wanna get punched out? by Brent Bie rman Since I first came to Westside, it has been drilled into my head that neither I nor anyo ne else around here has any school spirit. I was informed at pep rallies by athletic directors and coaches that it was my sacred duty and obligation as a loyal Warrior to a ttend every Westside sportin g event. Football and basketball seasons were (and are) the worst. During my sophomore year, at the peak of naivete, upperclassmen convinced me that if I were to miss a single home ga me, I would be doomed to Hell (and punched out by the first strings of the r espective teams). Thus, having

fnadequate tornado procedures dangerous "Westside would not be safe in the event of a tornado," said the Omaha Civil Defense Agency . -iowever, Dr. H. Vaughn Phelps , superintendent :::>f schools, said , "I feel that the Westside facilities would be adequate in a tornado situati on ." But what is adequate? Adequate is not enough . When a tornado strikes, lives are in danger. Phelps said that all Westside's students and staff could fit into the band and vocal music rooms alone . If it were possible that over 2400 people could fit into these rooms, they could not do as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration suggests. The NOAA suggests that students should crouch on the floor facing the wall with their hands on the back of their heads . When Westside has a tornado drill (there is one a year) , the procedures should be practiced exactly as if it were a real tornado warning. Students should go to the places in which they

Attendance is only taken once during the day, in the homeroom . The school has a responsibility to the parents of taking attendance. It is, therefore, reasonable to limit a student to three tardies for the remainder of school or have him lose his privilege of a pass. Westside allows its students more freedom than the majority of high schools in the country. Taking attendance in the morning leaves the rest of the day open-ended. Students can take advantage of this program by being prompt to homeroom or be faced with this tardy policy for years to come. Since Westside is not a university it must serve a responsibility to the parents as well as the students . Although strict policies aren't favorable for the students, they must be used .

would actually be safe during a tornado . They should get on the floor and know exactly what to do . Dr. William Hoyt, director of personnel, was at Westside along with several others during the 1975 tornado. Someone found a portable radio , but they didn't have a flashlight. "We weren 't very prepared for that," said Hoyt. The school is better prepared now . A communications system has been purchased on which all the schools and school buses in the district can contact each other. Staff members should be made aware of the location of emergency equipment. For example, Mr. Len Vlanowski, a Westside janitor, said he does not actually know where a portable radio could be found in an emergency situation . Before 1975 there were no tornado drills at all. It took a disaster to move District 66 this far in tornado safety. What will it take to motivate more action?

instilled in me this mortal fear of Hell (and an early death), I proceeded to carry out my moral commitments to Holl ywood High . Somewhere along the line I slipped up. I have missed (gulp!) one footba ll a nd two basketball home games during the last two years. I thought n o one wo uld notice, that I wouldn't be missed. Wrong! I can still remember Band Director Bob Jenkins screaming for a n extra to fill my marching band spa ce when I told him I would have to miss a game due to a minor back operation . The largest mistake of my high school career was electing to play in a triangular tennis club meet rather th a n attend this year 's Hastings ba sketball game. Hastings won and upon my return to school, I was notified by vario us pep band members that it was all my fault. Someone had leaked my secret to the student body ; my father had been raised in Hastings! I was immediately branded a traitor and a Communist. Yet, somehow the "supreme court," Rat Pack, had not learned of my " skips" and massive betrayal. Thus, I decided to inform them before a n yone

could tell them a distorted version . A Rat Pack representative agreed to hear my confession. As I stepped into the booth and drew closed the curta ins, I began , "For give me, for I have committed the eternal sin .. ." I inquired as to whether I might be a llowed to substitute the numerous away games I h ad attended in place of the three home games . No, I was told, sins ·just like pep club points · are not negotiable. This feeling I h ad of "Westside · love it or leave it" reached its peak when at the end of my sophomore year, I applied and received th e position of assistant soorts editor for the "Lan ce." Because of the home game I had missed, when the following fall came I was extremely paranoid and shoved off the football coverage on my co· workers. At the end of the first quarter I was a nervous wreck, h aving dodged numerous attempts on my life by first· string hit men. It was then that I decided to switch to the editorial staff. It would be much safer, I thought, and I would be less likely to get punched out by the administration or Guidance Department. There too, it seems, I was wrong.

~---Lance------------------------~ Westside 's Lance is published bi-weekly by the L•nce staff for the students and faculty of Westsi de High School, 87th and Pacific St. , Omaha , Nebraska , 68124 . Wests ide's L8n~ is a member of the Columbia Scholasti c Press Assoc iation , the Nebraska High School Press Association and the Nat ional Scholastic Press Assoc iation . The paper is given free of charge every other Friday after 1 p .m . Subscription rates are $3.00 post-pa id . Non-profit mailing rates claimed . Printed by Wr ight Printing Co .. 13426 B St ., Omaha . Editor-In-Chief . . . . . ........ Steve Maun Managing editor .. Beth Lash insky Editorial editor .. . ... . Dan Goldman An't. editorial editor ... Todd Lincoln Editorial writers . Am y Gendler. Bob Glissmann News editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brent Bierman Asa't. news editor ...... . ... . .. . Kim Nilsson News writers .. ... Beth Kaiman, Jenny Welch Aas't. feature editor ... Jeanine Van Leeuwen Feature writer ............... Cathy Johnson

Fine arlo editor . . Kathy Sherlock Fine arts writer . . . . Jonathan Duitch Co-aporia editor ............ Bill Saint Co-aporia editor . . .. . . . .... . John Staenberg Au't. sports editor ............ . David Hayes Sports writer . . . . Jeff Thompson Advertising manager .. Kirsten Karnett Advertising aulotant ... . .. .. ... Cindi Crane Bualnesa manager . .. . Robyn N ichols Adviser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Hudnall

Page 4- May 27, 1977- LANCE

Tulips in Netherlands European highligh Exciting tours through famous tourist attractions and historic monuments are what students and sponsors can anticipate as "Westside Goes to Europe" June 13 - July 5. Although the full group goes and comes back from Europe together, there will be four different trips- Art History, German Adventure, Europe in Bloom, a nd French Lan,guage. The trips will be concentrated on those aspects of Europe which pertain to the students' interests.

June departure

German attraciton. This castle in Germany is just one of the many attractions students touring on the "Westside Goes to Europe" trip may visit.

Everyone will depart from Omaha on Monday, June 13 by a specially chartered plane. All trips will s pend three to five days in London, and will th en split up. The Art History trip will go to Paris, where the major attraction will be the Louvre; Rome, where the Vatican City a nd the Sistine Ch apel will be seen ; and then to Florence, Italy. This trip is designed for serio us art students who

are interested in touring famous art museums of Europe. Students of the German language will take the German Adventure. After London, this trip will tour Amsterdam and other major German cities, with guided tours of East a nd West Berlin behind the Iron Curtain. The local Kiwanis clubs will house the students thro ugh out the tour. Augsburg, the home of tour spon sor Warren Gitt for two years, will a lso be visited . Sophomore Heidi Rath, who will be going on the trip, looks forward to seeing the Alps in Southern Germ any. She said, "The trip will be exciting for me, because it will be so different from the United States."

Lincoln group to join Europe in Bloom is for Botany students. They will tour public and private gardens a nd fields of Europe, with the Netherlands' tulips being one of the highlights. Senior Kevin T atreau was given his trip for a graduation present. He said, "I want

to go to Europe because I like to tra· I would also like to see how ot people live." The French language trip will joined by another group from Lince They will tour France primarily, w a short time spent in Italy.

Students stay with families At some time during their trips, students will stay in homes. H< said, "This may be a little scary, bt will be fun ." The German advent will also spend some time in yo hostels - renovated castles with I expensive rates than hotesl. The average cost for these trip1 about $1100 per person. This inclu all transportation and some meal German teacher Warren Gitt, v is in charge of the trips, feels the tt will be a success. He said, "Althot the programs designed for "WestE Goes to Europe" were not filled, we satisfied and excited about t program. We intend to offer sim: programs in the future either ev other year or every three years."

Mac and Mac head the 'Big Apple Tour' "This trip is a good , educational, fun trip, and the kids always seem to enjoy it," said William McCormick, social studies instructor and cosponsor of Westside's annual New York-Washington trip. The tour, which begins Thursday, June 2, and ends Thursday June 9, includes visits to Philadelphia,




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Williamsburg, and Colonial Virginia. As of May 13, 36 people, including three sponsors, were signed up for the trip. Originally, Dennis Mcintyre and McCormick were named as the sponsors, but the two teachers later decided that a third sponsor was needed to provide better s upervision. Doug Pierson, another social studies teacher, took this spot on the tour. Friends of students who attend Westside are also able to take the tour, providing that he or she has a not of recommendation from the principal of their school. Total cost of the tour includes airfare, tours, hotels, and approximately one-half of the meals. Students will be required to pay for a ny extra activities such as Broadway shows or baseball games. ''I'm looking forward to seeing all the places in New York that I've h eard about such as Fifth Avenue and Wall

Street," said Junior Janet Wood. While on the trip, students will visit famo us historical sites s uch as Mount Vernon, George Washington's home; Independence Hall; the White House; and the Washington Monument. Various museums including the Smith sonian Institution, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art will also be toured. Students also have the option of seeing such places as Greenwich Village, Central Park, a nd th e Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts. Another highlight of the trip is a co ntinental breakfast in the Capitol Building with Nebraska Senator Edward Zorinsky, and Representative John Cavan augh. Academic credit ha s been considered for the students who take the tour. However , McCormick commented, "We don't want an actual classroom situation, but it is certainly a learning experience."

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Staff members will travel Summertime will be a learning time for Westside students on the " Lance" and "Shield " staffs, who will attend summer workshops held in various parts of the country. Juniors Rod Larson , and Erin Savage, editor-in-chief and managing ed itor r espectively of the 1978 "Shield," plan to attend a yearbook workshop to be held at Ball State University in Indiana, July 24- July 30. Two students on the newspaper staff will be attending a summer

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workshop held on the University Oklahoma campus in Norman, M 31- June 4. Both Juniors Steve Mat edi tor-in-chief, and Dan Goldm1 editorial editor, are looking forward th e event. Said Steve, "I think it"" be an interesting experience and good place to gather ideas ." He add that hopefully the "Lance" staff"" be able to put some of the new ideas work next year. Another member of the "Lane staff, Junior Beth Lashins~ m a naging editor, is tentativ< planning to attend a newspaJ workshop on the University of Io• campus, in Iowa City, July 17- J1 22. Possibly, a few sophom01 joining the "Lance" staff next ye will also attend the Iowa G workshop.

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LANCE - May 27, 1977 - Page 5

Boys track team future looking bright A sunny but windy day was the perfect condition for the 1977 Boys State Track Meet held last Friday and Saturday at the Burke High School track. The winning team Lincoln East with a total of60 points, barely edged

out last year 's champs Bellevue with 55 112 points, completely outs h adowed Westside with a total of seven poin ts. The points for Westside were divided up among Gary Niver who received sixth place in both the shot

Inconsistent season ends .EAT F ORM as Tari Feinberg practices her backhan d in ;>aration for the state championships.

tate title hopes look good 1ccess pretty well sums up the : for the Westside girls' tennis n. They went through the year ning every dual meet and the ro Championship two weeks ago ; Marian High School 10 to 3. ari Feinberg and Diana Meyers e the key to the Warrior women's :ess according to Head Coach tg Pierson. He also said though y couldn't have done it "without excellent support the team

contributed." Some of this support included Laurie Gould who Pierson termed as the most-improved, and Lisa Roth a nd Sara Lockwood "really came on toward the end of the year." Diana Meyers summed up the year by saying, "It was a really good year. The team had a lot of depth and even more spirit. I am really proud to be part of such a great team ."

"Great and Terrible" was how Head Baseball Coach Bob Moscrey described Westside's baseball team this year. They finished the year at eight wins, six losses, and one tie. Still they were able to play well enough to beat both highly-rated Creighton Prep and Thomas Jefferson High School. The Warriors' main problem throughout the season was a lack of consistency according to Moscrey. "We were very inconsistent - up and down all year. When we play well we're just as good as any other team, but we didn't always play well. I guess

tate eludes team, Wheeler only individual ~ualifying for individual 1petition at the state golf meet held y 20 and 21, at Hastings, was rk Wheeler, varsity team member. .eeler qualified in the district meet d at Benson Park by scoring 75. e five top scoring individuals ·ned the right to compete; Wheeler .ced fourth. Vestside, as a team, did not qualify

for state. The top three teams from our district that did qualify were Millard with 302, Burke, 309, and Northwest, 322. Westside followed with 326. Individual scores for this meet include Wheeler, 75, Joe Meyers, 80, Steve Buel, 82, and Kevin Kelliher, 89. Participating in the state meet will be four districts from all over Nebraska, a total of twelve teams.

xperience gained at State :nexperience was a key factor in ~ sts ide's performance at the 'braska Girls State Track Meet held ;~y 13-14 at North Platte. The team fort unately did not score one point. fnlike the District meet, the girls ;t weren't mentally prepared for ate," said Mr. Don Glasgow and 3 . Mary Jo Steinauer, coaches of the :Is track team. <\!though a very young team , the ·Is do show a lot of potential. This 3.SOn breaking eight out of thirteen :ords and sending twelve girls, half which are sophomores, prove that xt year 's track team has a bright tlook. "I think the trip was a good perience for the girls to be able to mpete against the best athletes and 1d out they're no different from tyone else," said Coach Glasgow. A large turnout from this year's phomores and juniors is expected ~xt year and should help strengthen .e unity and spirit that is already the am's biggest asset. The largest problem still facing the am is getting the school to accept tern as the serious and highly •mpetitive team they are. Head •ach Don Glasgow will try to enforce tis idea next year by having harder orkouts and intense practice with .I of the events. Hopefully by the time the 1978 Girls tate Track Meet rolls around

West gate Home Beaut ifu l

Westside's girls track team will be more experienced and have the proper school support to send them to the top.

According to Joe Meyers, varsity team member, "Burke has the best chance of taking state because they have a balanced team." Meyers also commented on the entire season of the team, "We were up at districts and did well, it looks like the team will be good next year." Another team member commented, "This year we didn't have too much experience on varsity, but in my opinion we still came out a lright. I'm really looking forward to next year because we will all be pretty much seasoned."

you could say they were "a yo-yo team," said Moscrey. Many of the players agreed with Moscrey, and right fielder Rick Kalina said, "We were able to get up for the big ones, but just couldn't keep a steady pace." There were two players that did play consistently though. They were Dick Dawson and Steve Crouse according to Moscrey. "Dawson hit consistently all year and maintain ed an average of over .400. Crouse also hit well and maintained an average of around .350," said Moscrey. Both were selected to th e Senior All-Star American Legion Game. Second -baseman Marc Berner summed up the year by saying, "It was a very disappointing year, because we did have a lot of poten tial but we didn't really get it togeth er ."


put and discus, Craig Joh nson wh o got sixth place in t he 220 yard dash after being disqualified from the 440 yard dash and the two mile relay team who received fo urth place. Overall Westside ended up seventeenth out of twenty-six teams. This is not bad for the fact that Westside did not have many athletes on the track team even qualify for state. Head coach Bob Klein said, "I was disappointed that not as many a thletes from our team qualified as I had hoped but those that did showed some pretty respectable performances ." This year's t r ack team was composed of mostly sophomores and juniors making the future look very bright for Westside's boys' track team. In the Bryan Sophomore Invitational Westside came in third place missing second place by on e point to North west. This meet had nineteen teams there and it usually shows who the powers will be in a few years according to coach Klein. Westside will definitely be a power next and the year after that and I'm sure that we will grab State sometime in the near future," said head coach Klein.


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