1978-79 Lance

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Thank You to

Jay Dandy for sponsorship of the

1978-79 Lance

Support the Westside Foundation


Vol. 23, No. 1

Westside High School 8701 Pacific Street Omaha, NE 68124 September 6, 1976

onstruction confusion prevails Watch out for that ramp. Construction during the summer months has ht several changes in the architecture of the school location of classes and study areas. Completed and incompleted products of construeat Westside include relocated and / or renovated classrooms and offices. · he cafeteria annex, former location of the Social IMC, wi ll be a combination Sci ence IM C-general area, while the Social Studies IMC has been moved room 216 -the old library. The new library, along wi th Business, Industrial Education, and Foreign Language will be located in room 102. Media classes meet in _ 116, and the eventual_ location of Special Education asses, now in room 216 is room 102. Offkes of Mr. Dick Lane, Mr. Don johnson, and Ms. Carlock are now located in the business annex. Job Placement Office has been moved to the old dance offi ces next to the cafeteria. Other changes include air-conditioning in room 116, g, air-conditioning and new furniture in the SoStudies IMC, and carpeting covering the cafeteria Is. The latter is expected to improve acoustics in that Some areas of constru ction are in accordance wit h a allaw passed in September, 1973 requi rin g schools renovate to accommodate handicapped persons (Publaw 93-112; sec. 502). A key-operated elevator will be in the Special Education area, and another in the

west end of the building. A key-operated lift is under construction opposite the bookstore. There is a ramp outside the guidance center and one outside the Auto Shop. Dr. )ames Tangdall , principal, speculated that some time in the future a door may have to be installed on the lift. He also pointed out that the music rooms are as yet inaccessible to the handicapped persons, and that an elevator or lift will probably have to be insta lled .

' There were more change orders than any other construction we've had. ' - Dr. James Tangdall, Principal According to Tangdall, all construction except the new .girls' gym was sched ul ed to be completed by the beginning of this fall's semester, but that no one shou ld have expected it to be done in that amount of time. The gym is to be fin ished by january 1. " We were required, under the terms of the federal grant Westside received, to break ground within 90 days after receivi ng the grant," Tangdall explained. "This is terribly unrealistic. Ttie architects would usually require

about nine months for planning. " He added that, despite setbacks, no one factor can be blamed for the unfinished job. " There were more change orders than any other construction we've had, but that's natural and should have been expected con sidering the little time we had to plan ." Setbacks in con stru ction this summer included a drainage proble m in the west end of the buildin g and a pro blem wi th o ne of the ramps. A cement shortage provided a mi no r setback, Tangda ll indicated . · Because seve ral areas are not yet com pleted, a few adjustments ~a v e been made. All classes scheduled to meet in room 216 will be held in roo m 122, the forme r 'teachers' lounge, until certain 'parts of the school are completed . The cafeteria ann ex will be the temporary location of English 10 and 11 cla sses, Reading and Study Skills, the Science IMC and the Foreign Language IMC. The exit at the west end of the hall by the cafeteria is not to be used until the construction is completed. Also, something has been subtracted. The handles o n the outside of the northeast doors (at the end of the math wing) have been removed. From now on, the doors will be exits only. The partial reason fo r this measure is that students entering the building du ring the day are forced to enter through the ma in entrance. Students are asked to use either the doors near the auditori um or those near the guidance center.

Taxpayer revolt its Nebraska; uts possible Tax revolt. tid bill spending. Referendum petition Legislative Bill 33. Products of a society where peoare striking back against their government. The the same. The names and phrases have been •·n••n"' .." to confuse the taxpayer. All is not lonely on the western front, as smoke is ng in the wake of the Nebraska spending battle. Perps the most striking asped of the argument is in the tteveloo1ment of two major spending bills. In dollars and represent directly opposite theories. ng over multi millfon.- dollar figures, the final will be spoken in the November state election. The members of the ballot include a proposed million increase in state aid to education, Legislative 33; and a separate proposal to place a 5 percent lid on budgets. Local school administrators have been living in the of the possibility that Nebraska voters could nst LB 33, and for the sp~nding lid. Under that schools would not receive more state dollars, wou they have the alternative of raising property to offset rising operating costs. " I'm afraid of what could happen if a state amendwas passed with a 5 percent spending lid," comOr. james Tangdall, principal. re would be a drastic effect in the 1979-60 year· if the amendment passes. In any program, if ion continues, we could never live with just a 5 perincrease in the budget. We would definitely have to programs." Tangdall stressed his premise, " You can 't just cut nickle and dime stuff ... we would have to cut something substantial. " District 66 has been increasing its annual budget between six and seven percent in the last two years. " We've feen forced to increase our budget recently, due to skyl rnrlc••tin>o inflation. I don 't know how schools like Millard survive, beca use they're still growing." Another problem that school administrators have with t he spending lid is that it is an amendment to state co nsti tution . " It's very d ifficul t to delete from state constitution, w hereas a bill in the state legislacan be cha nged from yea r to year, depending on factors like the inflation rate," Tangdall said . Some outsiders say tax-revolt sentiment will carry the lid issue, others say it is unworkable, and will force the redu ction of school offerings. On the other hand, LB.33 faces opposition from those who fear its impact on state sales and income taxes, and gains the support of those who place schools high on their list of tax priorities. What will happen? Who knows? Only time (and Nebraska citizens) can tell.

Courage "Courage from hearts, and not from numbers grC!WS . .. "

-Dryden · Facing up to the reality of day to day life in a wheelchair, Laurie Bale begins a school year with the help of newlybuilt ramps, elevators, and lifts to make her day a little bit easier.

Disco fever strikes Omaha area

NCA report prompts study Attempting to repair weaknesses in the academic program, recommendations by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA) have led to the organization of a steering committee to deal with the problems the survey identified, according to Mr. )ames Findley, steering committee chairman . Design ed to study 11 specific areas of concern ; through faculty input, individual comm ittees have been working on the task areas in the past year. According to the Steering Committee report, there is evidence of "feeling among respondents that desirable academic and social growth is occuring and that we should continue to support and strengthen our over-all program." " Each task group is geared toward a specific problem at Westside," explained Dr. )ames Tangdall, principal. Tangdall continued, '·' One example of a longrange idea that one of the committees is working on is to enhance the intrinsic value of.education. They' re trying to help people to have a better understanding of education for education's sake."

Basically, intrinsic values of education stress taking courses, because one enjoys learning. A report has been completed by the committee, but it is in limbo pending overall steering committee approval. Another task force is studying methods to establish more efficient interdepartment communications. " The interdepartment committee has already taken several actions , including the recommendation of a faculty lunchroom, updating the student registration handbook, and the initiation of a faculty newsletter, to be continued this year," said Findley. Improving the overall level of student citizenship and increasing student participation in school activities is another goal. A questionnaire has been developed to find out people's involvement in extra-curricular activities, and the leyel of participation each function requires. Ethics of adult staff is being promoted by another committee. Findley commented , " We're trying to make teachers aware of proper adult modeling. You can't ask a student to be on time. to a class, if the teacher never is."

New teachers

RIF apparent Declining student enrollment is the controlling factor behind the continuation of the district Reduction-In-Force (RIF) policy. Two full-time positions and one part-time job have not been filled, as a result of the attendance drop.

Two new district teachers, Mr. Pat DiBiase and Ms. Susan Thein will join the faculty. DiBiase will coach the .swimming teams, ·and assist i'n physical education. Thein, an Iowa City, lA, newcomer, will instruct literature American Style and literature American Survey.

The third new teacher, Porter will share his responsibilities between Algebra I and Geometry.


High anxiety Anticipation of teaching at il high school with a 13-mod day was a constant thought for five new teachers. Additions to the English department included district newcomer Ms. Susan Thein, and seasoned veteran, Ms. linda Dunn.

adopts new look, printer

Progress. The constant re-vitalization and improvement processes give a newspaper its quality. Picking up the first issue of the "lance," one might not recognize it at first glance. Changes and alterations have given the "Lance" a new look. Major renovations have included making the paper longer and narrower, printing on newsprint instead of bookprint, and creating a different design. . "It's not good to continue the same format every . year. Each staff should make their own changes,"

Workshops polish ski/15

Developing and expanding the education of many stu dents, part of the summer was spent at camps, workshops an• seminars to improve skills in their respective areas. Shouting their way to success, varsity and junior varsit cheerleaders went to Boulder, CO during the second week o August. The girls concentrated on gaining a team spirit, an' learned currently fashionable disco cheers. Connie Murphy, J cheerleader, said , " The camp provided a chance for the )Van• varsity to get to know each other better. Now, we are a mor unified squad ." The camp also provided hard work for th cheerleaders. Carol Ball, JV cheerleader, commented, " W worked hard and had to get up before 6 a.m. and usually prac ticed until 9 p.m. every night." Awards were given to botl squads, including the sparkle and shine award, overall excel lence and super spirit. "lance" staff members attended workshops at the Univer sity of Oklahoma, in Norman, OK and the University of Iowa, i1 Iowa City, lA. Staff members in Oklahoma were presented t best staff award. Beth Kaiman and Tracey Katelman earned bel feature story awards. Monica Angle said, "We got exposure t different ideas and techniques that we wouldn't have learne otherwise." Jeanine Van Leeuwen said, "Before workshop, didn't know whether I knew enough to be editor-in-chief an it helped me build my confidence." Three members of the yearbook staff attended a worksho at Ball State University in Muncie, IN. Hunt lewis, photogra pher, participated. "The workshop reinforced things I wasn sure about," remarked lewis, as he decided that the worksho was both rewarding and worthwhile. The "Shield" was name one of the top six books at the workshop.

SAB plans active year

A steady pattern of . enrollment dips have plagued the district the past five years. Student attendance has declined by 270 pupils, down to this year's projected count of 2,193 ..The figures do not account for students enrolled at the Alternative School.

Coming to Westside from other parts of the district are three others~ Ms. linda Dunn, Ms_Gioria Becker, and Mr. Vic Porter. Both Dunn and Becker have taught at Valley View junior High. Dunn will coach debate, and teach American literature. Becker will spend her classroom time teaching . Geometry and Pre-Calculus.


explained Jeanine Van Leeuwen, editor-in-chief. "The design format will continue this year, stressing a modula,r design." Physically, the paper's major change is due to a relocation in printers. Priesman Graphics, 16th and Howard, will print the "lance" this year. Not all has been changed; however, as Beth Kaiman, managing editor, remarked, "We wanted to save part of the old "lance" ... so we kept the flag."

Don't be afraid to come out of the closet

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391 · 7483

If you like plants come see us. Through September, all plants will be 20% off their regular prices. Always a big selection to choose from - both green plants and blooming plants. No coupon necessary.

looking forward to a fresh start, the Student Advisor Board (SAB) is striving toward improving Westside during th course of the impending school year. Mary McKenzie, secre tary, is optimistic about the year. "I think it has a lot of potentia l I'm really excited to start working with the new board." Forming a foundation for the council, the new office were elected early this summer. leading the group is Ru s Conser, with Robert Greenberg, vice-president; Mary McKe zie, secretary; Suzy Kennedy, treasurer; and Dave Workma press secretary. Moving into action, a positive turnout was shown at th student government workshop this summer. Eight of the ne board members and Dan Samberg, attended the state wor~ shop, learning leadership techniques, and sharing ideas witl other student councils around the state. One of the key functions that the board has held is it annual sensitivity session. On the night before school began the members met in a special session, attempting to improv communication and cooperation on the board." After these sion, I honestly felt much closer to everyone else," com mente new member Tom Baker. He continued, "If the board can g along together as we did in the session, I can see that the grou1 is definitely on its way to success." The board has organized several night meetings to se priorities and goals, and will continue its meetings in scho twice a week. This year, SAB's majorgoal is to fight student apathy, get ting more people involved in school activities. President Ru Conser explained, "When everyone can work together, ther is basically no limit to our potential. The SAB can be an effectiv guiding tool at Westside, only if people work together to solv problems." SAB is also working on several activities and projects, i eluding the Homecoming parade and bonfire on Friday, Oct. E Comprehensive studies are being prepared on ineffective in tercoms, and the parking situation, to determine what futur actions should be taken.

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For all your art & drafting class supplies.

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Make your escape to Krugs for Fall _sweaters and cords



.. :. .•". •






Rivalry situation to change? Tonight will mark either the stiing, or rekindling of a rivalry that as been characterized as unealthy. Last year the rivalry between rke and Westside intensified at events, and incidents octhroughout the year. Hopefully, the past three onths have served as a time for nsideration for those involved n the hostile aspect of the rivalry. One situation should be con·dered. Westside has been inlved in a healthy rivalry with for many years. When these mes are played, attention is on he game, and fans go their separways afterwards. There is no feasible reason why his situation cannot be reished when one considers

the Burke-Westside rivalry. Spectators should be able to attend tonight's event - as well as other Westside-Burke events without fear. They should be able to concentrate their spirit on the game, and not have to worry about being able to leave safely. Westside and Burke administrators have begun plans to move the future basketball game from Westside's gym to a larger auditorium to facilitate easier separation of Westside and Burke students. This should not be necessary. If actions are controlle·d tonight, maybe these plans will be reconsidered. Westside would then retain tl]e advantage of home court and home spirit. Students' actions will be the indicator.

Modifications are mandatory construction and odifications in the form of ramps, levators, and new buildings have n obvious during t.he past two ks. And, undoubtedly, this has problems. Completion of the new west ng, which will house a new busiIMC, special education, forign language, and reading classes, been slowed due to minor nges in originial construction lans. A permanent inconvenience to st students and faculty will be mps - one located near the art s and one near' the guidance ice. The ramps may slow traffic those halls due to their size. But the inconveniences will have

to be reckoned with. Last year, when the district was given a $1.1 million federal grant, there were a lot of strings attached. The grant mandated spending in certain areas - one of the most prevalent being facilities for special education and the handicapped. Fur, thermore, a new law calls for modi-· fication within three years of all state and federal buildings to accommodate the handicapped. The causes for construction de- · lays should be realized and understood . Since the modifications to the building are government funded and will be a great help to the handicapped, the small inconveniences should be tolerated by all.



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Have you by any chance noticed the ramps, elevators, lifts, sloped sid ·e walks, and cut-out ceilings at school ~ this, fall? I gu~ss ~my Gendler, they re hard to mtss. d't • I d't You probably trip- e I Orla e I or ped over them, fell over them, or ran into these obstructions at least once since that fateful day when school began almost two weeks ago. At first though it seems incredible 'that these special contrivances have been installed, especially when it is estimated by Dr. James Tangdall, principal, that in the past 22 years there have been only ten wheelchair stuqents at Westside. last year Westside had no students in wheelchairs, and there were two such stuc;lents the year before. This year there will be one wheelchair student, Laurie Bale, who said that she's "really glad they put the ramps in." Before finding out about the changes, she was "scared stiff" to come to school. Bale said that what makes Westside so hard to get around in is that each level has "another whole series of steps going up and down." Though there has been such a small number of wheelchair students at Westside in the past, those ten or so students had to venture outside many times a day in inclement weather to get from one classroom to another. They couldn't walk with their friends to classes, because they had to make vast detours. Often they left classes early to beat the rush, but still arrived late at their next class.

The new facilities won't solve the problems - no, they won't do that. Nothing can help the catastropic physical design of the school which makes wheelchair mobility extremely difficult. But what has been done will help. And if laurie Bale were to be the last student at Westside to require such facilities, it would all be worth it, because perhaps now her three years here will be a bit more enjoyable.

Editorial Policy As the official bi-weekly publication of Westside High School (District 66 Scho.o s), the-"Lance" attempts to meet the needs of students, faculty, parents, administrators, and patrons. Each staff member cooperates completely to realize its three-fold purpose; to inform, to interpret, and to entertain . " Lance" staff members will at all times be governed by ethical canons including responsibility, freedom of the press, sincerity, truthfulness, accuracy, impartiality, fair play, decency, and equality. Editorials will reflect responsible views, backed by research and fact, and are the consensus of opinion of the editorial staff. Columns express the opinions of the specific writer and; therefore, do not constitute endorsement by the editorial staff of the 11

Lance. "

Letters to the editor will be encouraged and accepted from non-staff members. All letters must be turned in to the Journalism Office 302. The .editorial board reserves the right to edit all letters in regard to libel laws. Length of letters will be determined by space provisions. All letters submitted for publication must be signed pending editorial board action . Names must accompany all letters unless the board deems that circumstances necessitate anonymous letters.

Drinking age no deterrent· opinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopini•

· Now that sum mer has whisked by just as all previous summers have , a look back leads to those events that stood out as being more momentous. Meclionluumenist

Published bi-weekly by the Journalism Department of Westside High School, 87th St., Omaha, NE 68124, the " Lance" is a member of the Nebraska High School Press lso•ctatlon the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, and the National Scholastic Press Asso" Lance" office is located in room 302. Advertising rates available on request. Phone -1266 Ext. 20. The paper is distributed to all students and staff on Friday mornings. ption rates to others are $3.00 postpaid . Non-profit mailing rights claimed. Printed by esman Graphics, Aquila Court Building, 1615 Howard St., Omaha, NE 68102. Sports Editor . . . . . ........ . .. . ... . Tom Golden Asst. Sports Writer .. . ............. lisa Margolin Sports Writers .......... .'........... Scott Davis Terry Kroeger Lifestyle Editor .... . . . .... . ..... Bob Glissmann Asst. Lifestyle Editor ......•......... Jon Duitch Lifestyle Writers ..........•. . .... Marshall Pred Dave Scott Advertising M~n~ger ..... . .. . .. . .. Sally lindwall Asst. Advertising Man~ger .... . ....... jay Dandy Business Manager ........ ... . . . Tracy Katelman Artists .· . . ......... . ......... . .... Frank Gappa Sally McGlaun Head Photographer ... . . . . . . . ....... Hunt lewis Adviser . .. . . . ...... .. .. . ..... . ... John Hudnall




. ••

Caution! Area under construction .... still.




Among major area events fot teens is the change in the Iowa drinking age from 18 to 19-years-old. Generally, the Iowa legislators believed that one of the major benefits of the rise in age would be a decrease in teen alcoholism . . Realizing the new law, one would think that the number of people exposing themselves to alcohol .would greatly diminish with the increase in the minimum drinking age. Not so! Determined underage teenagers have not, nor will they in the future, let the law stand in their way of getting drunk on Friday and Saturday nights,

or any other night of the week for that matter. Nor will they stop frequenting bars or discos which are also now off limits to those teenagers under 19. This is evidenced in Omaha, where the minimum age has always been 19, it is not uncommon to spot underagers guzzling beer and other forms of alcohol acquired by using fake I.D.s or an "in-between" who is old enough to buy liquor and who purchases it for under-age drinkers. For the fun seekers, familar discos such as the Dep'o t and the Joker are night spots frequented by many teens. Not only has the higher minimum age not prevented teens from drinking, or visiting bars, but it has encouraged the use of fake I.D.s. In essence, it appears that the new Iowa drinking age will do little to combat the teen drinking problem it set out to do, and in fact, may only encourage the use of illegal means to acquire alcohol.

New I

Rivalry: a

~inority ·problem

Loudspeakers amplify one voice to sound like The. decision was made to move this upc~ming man y, and in such a way the Burke-Westside rivalry, season '~ basketball game out of Westside to a large, inte nse as it may seem, involves only a few students. neutral.gym, possibly having a doubleheader with two Trouble between Westside and Burke "started in other schools. Another possibility was to move all an un identifiable fash ion when Westside played Westside-Burke games to the afternoon , expla ined Burke in basketball here," said Dr. )ames Tangdall, - Tangdafl . " We don 't want to cancel, but if we can't control principal. That was two years ago, and the rivalry continued it, that series won 't be continued," warned Tangdall. last year when a fight broke out after the basketball This would be a last result if all else failed . So far the only major outbursts have occured at game. basketball games, for last year's football game came ~'We're not lily white, students haven't demonstrated proper behavior in two years," said Tangdall. off without incident. Westside plays Burke in football tonight at Burke. He added; however, that a very small percentage were Huston commented that a large crowd is expected at included in the conflict. · Russ Conser, Student Advisory Board (SAB) presi- the game. "We have an opportunity to provide greater sedent didn't have an explanation for the continued rivalry, but said, "When you think of the size of both curity at Burke," said Tangdall. He pointed out the fact schools and compare it to the number involved . .. · that Westside supporters can park and enter from the that's an awfully small minority." side opposite the Burke students. Westside students must park in the west lot toNot all rivals are of the 'Hatfields and.the McCoys' variety; said Tangdall, "Westside has always had an night, or in the residential areas, explained Huston. intense rivalry with Prep, but it's been a healthy rival- No Westside fans can park or enter from the east side. ry." • People sitting on opposite sides of the st'!Pium Both-student and administrative groups have met can not walk around to the other side, as a fence has to discuss ways to modify the situation. 1 been placed betweeh the two sets of stands. Huston During August, Conser and other SAB' members added that after the game Westside supporters would attended the Nebraska Association of Student Coun- exit through the north end of the parkiJlg lot onto cils meeting at Dana College in Blair, NE and there Dodge Street. they talked with members of Burke's student council. "Every year before the football season the safety "Our direction of thinking was getting the major- director is alerted as td when large crowds are expectity to talk down the minority," explained Conser. The ed at games," said Huston. Police will be on hand to meeting was mostly il planning session, and the board direct traffic before and after the game, to prevent tieups in the parking lots. intends to meet again during the school year. Tangdall saw the end of the problem coming from Tangdall met with Mr. Ron Huston, activities director, and the Burke Administration and the group student copperation. "We've gono get through the came up with several ideas concerning the interac- year without any incidents," he said, "then we've got it whipped." tion between Burke and Westside.

In the style of the Old West

Burke Student Council views Dear Westside : Since the earliest days of man, there has been an unwritten feud which has plagued each generation. The following is a case in point : The story you ' re· about to hear is true; the names have been changed to protect the innocent; any resemblance to any students having attended a metro high school in the past five years is purely coincidental. The date is March 5, 1874. It is 7 p.m. Mountain Standard Time (Daylight Savings). It is a dusty day in the old West. Today is the scene of the annual pony express races between the Remmington High Revolvers an~ the Hiawatha Hatchets. Both teams have always been the best riders in this stretch of the Plains. Yet, the sportsmanship of the spectators from both schools is so degrading it ruins the image of the event to the community. After three extra heats, the Hatchets proved victorious. Following the event, Wild Wesley Winslow, the Plains Regional Wrist Wrestling Champ, led his gang into trouble. They revved up their covered wagons and raided the Hatchets at The Buffalo King, . home of the Rattlesnake Burger. Both schools continued a display of poor sportsmanship ·by vandalizing each other's wagons and yelling obscenities. Eventually, a fight broke out resulting in serious injuries to students of both schools. The students involved not only hurt themselves and others at the Buffalo King, but also hurt the image of their school. The problem is obviously one of a violent rivalry.

Rivalries exist in any competitive event, but these rivalries need not be violent. In the case of Remmington vs. Hiawatha, the problem lies in school spirit. It is not necessarily that there is a lack of spirit, but that it is directed negatively. . Negative spirit is a result of students cutting down their opponents rather than supporting their own team. Positive attitudes must be stressed to support a healthy rivalry. The alternatives are discouraging - either to hold sporting events in the afternoon or to cancel them completely. There is also the possibility of not allowing spectators to attend . Incidents such as the one at The Buffalo King are damaging to the school as a whole. They give the school a bad reputation with other schools and the community. This reputation once sei is hard, but not impossible to change. The coming of each new school year offers a chance to start new and to improve the school's image. It is a chance to make a positive situation from one whictf was negative in t!le past. By sorhe divine providence, we at Burke were chosen as your rivals, so let's make the best of this year by striving together for positive, competitive attitudes. Best of luck this year, jack Petersen Pat Hazell Rob Baker BURKE HIGH STUDENT GOVERNMENT

Getting up, boogiei ng and swin newest styles are the partiers and Comin g directly into th e fashion disco tre nd. Bra nd names are usi disco jeans and disco train dresses a pies. Advertisements for clothing in the background . Fashion shows a have used disco themes. All this partying and dancing a fash Satin jeans, self-kino and (fancy name for polyester) wh of textures have hit the night life straight leg jeans, tweed pleated dressed up pants wear. Accessories season. Neck ties, bow ties and added variety to dressing. All of th have made dressing an individual The look on the dance floor is a it to be, because anything goes. rigid fo rms of d ress, where only o nes in sty le. Tweed, de nim, velvetee n, nubbiest wools are among the these textures were made to be manner. Making this movement clear are goers of today. Theaters across the noticed an increase in attendance . den boom the movies influence industry has inc reased . Movies ut related stories are the current rage. " Annie Hall" was a box office h Ann ie 's mode of dress. Ms. Nina Pawl coordinator for the Daisy, feels " the

Disco dancing pop

Would-be Sweeping the natjon onto its feet craze, as more and more people ready full dance floors. Made famous "Saturday Night Fever," disco has gai tum, even in Omaha. One Omaha dance studio, the 70th and Maple, which just opened deals exclusively in disco dancing. "Disco is so big, it's all we need," Zartner, who co-owns the studio partner Mr. Robert Mendenhall. "Disco was big in Omaha before Fever"," Zartner commented, " the creased the popularity." So the Omaha audience was ready call of the disco beat, and accordi Jones, a teacher at the Fancy been a big response. "I thought it'd be interesting," said son, senior, as to why she and her classes at Westroads Racquet Club. For most people disco offers the the entertainment, instead of being " It gives everyone a chance to be Zartner. " They look good, they' re noticed who has won several disco dance this was a prime motivation for those taking up disco. Zartner felt that the major appeal is, the studio especially, we just have fu The John Travolta image still minds of many who attend the di of people use the movies as a Jones, "that's the way they want " I saw "Saturday Night Fever;" it inspired me," said Dawson. All age groups are represented in

1 4

fall emphasizes ·individuality i$. will be a big hit th is year. It is a very versatile o ." The caricature of Annie was one who did us own thing. She combined everything possi ble c a look that became her own. Men's wear of all ies has been brought in by this movie. ease is the word and so are bobby socks, ed heels, leather pants and full skirts. Nostalgia hit the teen scene. Mom's old clothes are kly becoming cherished items; authenticity nts. Feminine is the word to describe Olivia on-John's contribution to fashion from the ent hit film "Grease." Plus there is nothing er to dance in than a full skirt that will flow with y movement. ocking has described the John Travolta and urday Night Fever's" version of evening wear. tight satin jeans, slinky blouses, and lots of' kle are the trend. This style is limited to specific e types. The soft, clingy clothes are better suitor a very slim figure. 1r ovies today have had an impact on the -male iie ·on. This cha nge is comparatively small to the ges in wo men's apparrel. Pawlusiak comted , "Men's fashions are not affected by bi g e ges." Stability of the ma le fas hion resu lts in a ti ific look. In th e· he ight of fas hion men are 1 t ring strai ght leg jeans, black sati n pa nts, and 1e ted trousers. ng ans in the past we re showing up e verywhere, ming a standard of dress widel y accepted.._The ild has worn thin and the manufactu rers are 1k,~y . Pawlusiak commented, " Th is tre nd is being nril clear across the country. For example, on the

East coast blue jeans are no longer a fashi on staple." Jeans lack versatility, for no matter what you add, de nim will remain casual. Bl ue jeans are not out of style, they are just not the only thing to wear. "Disco is becoming more sleek," stated Mr. Jeff Jones, a disco instructor for the Fancy Dancers. Men are dressing up right along with their partners. jones said , "Most guys dress up, it is becoming more popular." "I wear nice tight pants, disco belt, and a silk shirt," Jones said. Leather jeans, parachute pants and big gauze shirts are also a big hit . People are becoming more recreationally inclined. More time and money is being spent on leisure. People want more mileage from their clothes," explaine'd Pawlusiak. Teens have more time on their hands and they are finding a variety of things to do with their time. People are looking towards discos for a source of entertainment. The Fancy Dancers have noticed an increase in their disco class enrollment. This change in life styles requires clothing to have versatility. Pawlusiak included, "Skirts are extremely popu lar this yea r, because of all the differe nt 'looks' o ne ca n get out of a skirt. Co ns umers this season have the up pe r hand , because a little money ca n go a long way. Tall, short, chu bby or t hin, there is a style that will co mpliment anyo ne. For y~ars manufact ure rs have been trying to force all shapes of bod ies into one mode of fashi on. Pawlusia k agrees, "T he ave rage woman is not a perfect figure ." Wrap pants and full blouses no longe r cut and

bi nd the heavier figures. This casual look minimizes a pe rson's bulk. At one time it was the opinion of many that the more bound a person was by tight clothing the thinner they would appear. Clothing in the past two seasons has been designed tQ flow with· a person. This flowing look hides bulk otherwise visible. Plus it is definitely more comfortable. If it looks good wear it. Any texture can be combined this season. Corduroy and velveteen, tweed and suede, the possibilities are endless. Yet, this look is anythin~ but boring. Pawlusiak stated, " For example, I just wore denim and satin to work ." Depending on how an item of clothing is worn, all clothes can lead a double life. Night wear in turn is not only reserved for after work . This season individuality is really making its mark. The producers ·have also aided in this trend by providing a large selection for every whim.

ltas busy on dance floors Mendenhall, though the ave;:age age is 26 or 27. He feels there's going to be a big teens away from freestyle dancing to disco dancing. going to be a big demand for disco," Mendenhall. He and Zartner plan to start especially for teenagers as soon as school really helps your freestyle," said Zartner. that disco line dances would help teens most are too inhibited to dance the fast feel that the disco dancing is too confinaccording to Zartner, " Once you've disco structure, you can create your kids that you teach disco now will be better later," she added. the rising interest in disco ·came a new to dance to, and according to Mr. James , a manager at Homer's Record Store in the rket, the market for disco music has induring the past year. do sell disco records," said Morrow, a cult-following you could say." c._.n,rrn..., added that the reason the market for -•~•rnrn~ isn 't very large comes from the fact that people would rather go to a disco and dance to stay at home and listen to the records. music is becoming much better," said who feels the earlier disco sound has to something much more sophisticated. disco is still big on both coasts, Zartner and nn.P'nr1:~u feel that disco dancing will be around least another three years. think there will be certain disco standards, like r~a ~t'n•nm standards. Whatever the next craze is, it

won't destroy disco, it will incorporate it or complement it," Zartner said. Disco itself has taken the turns and dips from older dances, such as the Jitterbug and various Latin dances. " We've borrowed a lot of moves from ballroom dances, also jazz," ·commented Zartner. · "It's a sleeker kind of dancing," said jones, "changing old dances to fit the steps of the new disco sound:" Disco music may not have the permanence that disco dancing has, feels Morrow. "Music that comes from corporate decisions is fad music," he said. "Disco changes as fast as the clothing industry," he added, pointing out the fact that large companies have used disco as a way to sell their products. · Because the Midwest is slow to receive the latest styles from the coasts, disco is just peaking in this area, Morrow commented. "There are a lot of people tiring of it," he said. Right now the most popular dances on the Omaha dance floors seem to be the Italian Hustle and 'Tony's Dance,' from " Saturday Night Fever," sa id Zartner . . When people first start taking disco classes they learn line dances, explained Zartner, and after they feel confident there, progress to couples dances. But is d isco hard to learn? " Defin itely not," said Zartner, " we really break it down into small steps." Practice outside the classroom i's advised, so students become comfortable with different dance steps. After class is over at the studio, classes take ," field trips" to discos around town and try out what they've learned. Like their many students, and lots of other disco enthusiasts, Zartner said that she and Mendenhall dance " just about every night."

r--+- - r - - - - - - - - - T - - - - - - - - . Soul City Strut





r ;.....--L------------....J-------------1

(support your weight on the right) (l) out together (l) out together (l) out together (l) out (shift weight to left and bring together) (R) out toge.ther (twice) (R) front back (Twice) (R) Front (Now keep it front, pointed toward R) (1) turn body 90°R. (2) tap l out to l side (3) cross l over R (4) Tap R our to R side (5) cross R over l (6) lean back on l (7) lean back on R (8) Bring l foot over toR

Right in style Kurt Tilton exhibits his danci ng skill and the latest fall fashions during a style show sponsored by Brandeis on Friday, Aug. 18.


Disco look-alike In the true disco spirit, Brandeis sponsored a John Travolta-Oiivia Newton-john look-alike contest in conjuflction with the fashion show. . Robbie Stofferson, a Westside senior, won the title and was·heralded as the closest Travolta-twin. Stofferson entered the contest with Ruth Drake, also a Westside senior, as Newton-John, but did not come as close to her goal. When asked about the contest, Stofferson commented, "We didn't know what our competition would be. During the disco, we were the only ones· dressed up." Stofferson explained that they entered the contest for the fun of it. He said, "We were looking for something funny to highlight the summer. We wanted as many people as possible to be there so we could have a good time."

League powers to clash tonight

Go get 'em. Mr. Ro ge r He rring, assistant football co ac h, directs practice and pre pares th e team for toni ght's Burke game.

Past games prove the fact that Burke and Westside make up one of the toughest football rivalries in the state. last season , Westside pulled out a hardfought 20-18 victory over the Bulldogs. Mr. Tom Hall , defensive coach, said, " Burke and Westside have played some great football games the last five years. A lot of that is just because we' re in the same neighborhood, and have the same type of kids." The Warriors should be tough to beat this y'ear. Dan Sweetwood, All-Metro middle guard , said, " We' re p icked number one in the state. If we work hard, I think we have the capabilities to go to State." Westside will have to replace a quarterback and some other key positions. " But," said Mr. Dan Young, head coach , " We've got 13 starters coming back, and 241ettermen, so we should have a good nucleus of players." Three quarterbacks are vying for the starting job. They are Curt Erixon , senior, and juniors Don Mckee and Randy Naran . Erixon is the only prospect with varsity experience. Naran started for the junior varsity, while Mckee directed the reserves. The running game may improve from last year. Part-time starters Tom Dobson and Jim Wright return at fullback and halfback respectively. Greg Havelka returns at · flanker. The defense is almost all intact, with eight starters returning. Hall said, " We' re really strong. We average 210 across the front five, linebackers are 180 and 200, and the secondary is quick." Sweetwood and Mike Staff, tackle, anchor the defensive line. Sweetwood said, "We've got quite a

ockeY shorts-


Experience aids ., girls' golf squad

Regency Candy 120 Regency Court

few players so that we can keep fresh guys coming in. We've really got a lot of depth . That will really help. " Young added , " I think we' re going to be good. We've got good enthusiasm, and a lot of kids came out. They've all been working pretty hard. " Young continued , " We have a lot of veterans, so we could start on things early. We should be a tough team to play against." Burke should also be strong. They return 19lettermen, including 6-foot-5, 240pound Don Schmueck~r , and 6-foot-4, 230-pound Mike Keeler, both tackles. They bolster the already strong Bulldog running game. Hall added, " They are very talented. They have super people back. They are a really big team, and we have to play them on the road ." The American Division of the Metro Conference looks like a four-team race. Hall said, " Burke and Bryan will be tough . Ralston will be up there, but we don 't play them ." Not playing Ralston may only hold up until the state playoffs. Hall said , " If we have a good year, we may go undefeated , then have a chance to play them ." But the Warriors will have to worry about Burke before they can think about an undefeated season . last year's victory over Burke made up for the disappointing homecoming loss in 1976. Mike Staff commented, " It's a tough rivalry. Everyone always get excited, and there is always a full crowd." Sweetwood added, " It's a tough rivalry. I just hope that no fights break out, and that we beat them fair and square." These two teams will meet tonight, starting at 7:30 at the Burke High Stadium.



8712 Countryside Village 392-0927

Experience will be the mainstay of the girls' golf team this year, as they try for a perfect 9-0 season . The girls will meet Bryan Monday at Applewood . ~ "They're all really good (returning players Sara lockwood, Joann Mierendorf, Kim Crosby, Cathy Johnson, Kathy McCarthy, Robin Westin, and Shelly Carter), and. they have a lot of experience, but they'll have to be extremely competitive to stay on top," commented Ms. lois Jensen , coach. According to Jensen, the toughest competition will come from Millard. "They have a lot of depth, just as we do," she said.

Tennis team seeks third straight title "On election day, vote Westside," said Steve Barch us, a member of the varsity tennis team, concerning the state championship. " We're gonna take it. " Westside and Central are the preliminary favorites. · According to the team , depth will take them to state. This year, unlike other years, the Warriors don 't have two or three superior players, but instead , many good ones. " Although we lost a lot of good seniors, we' ll have a really good season if we play well," commented Steve Hagan , another team member. " We'll have to work very hard, but I believe we can do it," agreed Mr. Paul Nyholm, coach.

Golf squad ready to take state


Although only two lettermen are returning to the golf team from last year's fourth place finisb in the state last year, it looks as if the team may improve, reports Mr. Roger Hoffman, boys' golf coach. According to Hoffman, the team will have more overall talent than last year. He said, " I'm sure we' ll be better than last year. We're young, and we' re going to be good." Part of his optimism falls on two outstanding sophomores, Jeff Epstein and Mike Zoob, who had the best scores in the preliminary tryouts. Other standouts include senior Doug Kozeny, juniors )im Glazer and Scott Wilson, a transfer from Northwest. The team's next meet is Monday, Sept. 11 against Thomas Jefferson and Bellevue West at Miracle Hills Golf Course.

EQOESTRIAN CENTER . Hunt Seat riding and · jumping lessons

Football Schedule

13707 Calhoun Road 457-5557 •

Sept. 15 ..... . . . . .. . .... Bryan at WHS Sept. 21 . . ... . . . . . ·. .... North at Burke Sept. 29 ........ . .. : . . . . . Prep at WHS Oct. 6 .. . . .. T.j. (Homecoming) at WHS Oct. 13 .. . . . . ....... Tech at Bergquist Oct. 20 . . .. . . . .. . .. .. Roncalli at UNO Oct. 27 . . ... . ... ... . .... Ryan at WHS Oct. 31 . . .. . . .. .. . ... . . .. State Playoff Nov. 3 .. . ..... . .. .. .... Metro Playoff Nov. 4 ..... . .. . .. . . .... .. State Playoff Nov. 10 .. .. . ........ State Playoff Final

Fills big flippers

Warriors top list Tom Golden, sports editor pressboxpressboxpressboxpressboxpressboxpressboxpressboxpressbox

Preseason ratings do not make a conference champion . However, it sure is nice to be picked at the top of the heap. The Warriors have been chosen by the mafority of the statewide newspapers to capture the conference and state championships. Before the Warriors reach state playoffs; however, they must triumph in the American Division and win the Metro playoff. This season, Ralston will again challenge the Warriors for the American Division championship (Ralston and Westside tied for first place in the division with 6-1 records last year), while Burke, Tech and North should make the race interesting. In the National Division, it appears that Creighton Prep, Bellevue East and Papillion should lead the pack, but Central could pull off some upsets. Here's a look at my top ten teams in the Metro Conference : 1. Westside 2. Ralston 3. Creighton Prep 4. Bellevue East 5. Papillion 6. Burke 7. Tech 8. North 9. Central 10. Millard Utilizing its full potential, the team should take Metro and have a good shot at winning the state football championship for the first time.

DiBiase displays optimism Ten state titles in 12 years, and over 50 All-American swimmers is the act Mr. Cal Bentz was most noted for and which now must be followed by Mr. Pat DiBiase, new swimming coach, following the resignation of Bentz last April. " I know there's going to be people who will be comparing what happens this year with Cal's record, and I'm sure there will be some criticism of what I do," said DiBiase. " But frankly, I don 't feel the pressure like a person might who hadn't been around the program for a number of years as I have." DiBiase said that he intends to remain at Westside for quite a while. This is the exact job that I was looking for, coaching swimming and teaching swimming," DiBiase said. He said that approximately 15 people applied for the job, then the administration narrowed the field and held a series of interviews. While a student swimmer at Westside, DiBiase was a three year All-American before graduating in 1973. He then moved on to Kansas University for one year and finished out at Nebraska with a teaching degree. In each of his four years of college,

New mentor Coach Pat DiBiase takes over the reins as swim coach, replacing Coach Cal Bentz.

DiBiase swam in either the National Collegiate Athletic Association Championships or the Amateur Athletic Union Championships. - DiBiase was an assistant under

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Ready for spike


Volleyball .team practices intensely for upcoming season. Their next game is Thursday, Sept. 14, at Burke. Ms. leslie Ann Royle, coach feels that it shou)d not present too much trouble, as she has much confidence in the team.


Support needed

Royle shows optimism With two remaining starters from last year, the Warrior girls' volleyball team has great hopes for state competition this year. joan Learch and Mary Jo Palmesano will aid the team, along with four new starting players. " We have a heck 'of a team this year, and I am very confident about state," commented Ms. Leslie An-n Royle, head coach . Last year in the state tournament, Westside lost to the eventual state champion , Lincoln East. "They' ll be tough again this year," Royle said. The Warriors will meet Burke on Thursday, Sept. 14. According to Royle, this game shouldn't be d ifficult. " They lost three of their strongest players this year, and we beat their junior varsity team last year fairly easily, so I don't think we will have much trouble," Royle stated. She predicts

an excellent outcome for the entire season. " All of the girls who made varsity last year went to volleyball camp this summer except one." Forty-eight people went out for the team this year, 32 ofthem sophomores. " I had to cut about eight sophomores who probably could have made the team any other year : We had so many girls out; therefore, more had to be cut. I hope this doesn't discourage them from going out next year," Royle said. Last year, turnouts at volleyball games . weren't impressive, but because of the team's promise this year, Royle hopes for more support. "More support from the students would really help us out a lot ," explained Royle. " We would appreciate it if more people would come to cheer for us."

Bentz while he was still in high school. At that time he started helping with the AAU program for younger kids. Then last year, when he didn't have a full time job, he helped with both the , boys' and the girls' high school programs. DiBiase said that he is definitely in favor of using freshmen on the swimming teams. He said that six freshman girls went out for the team and he believes four will score in the state meet. He added that " it might hinder some people if they allowed freshmen to play football or basketball, because it might destroy the integrity of the junior high programs." " We!re going to be very competitive this year," said DiBiase, refusing to predict the girls' finish this year. He did, however point out Teresa Hazuka, Dea Fredrick, Linda Seman, and Joan Seman as standouts due to their already having attained AllAmerica status. According to DiBiase, one girl from Marian and another from Millard placed highly in the Junior Olympics last summer. He foresees that these two schools, plus Lincoln East, will challenge the Westside girls for the title.

seyerts, 6\\ffiijOads. \VE~RE


Students, you're looking great for Fall '78! You've discovered Seiferts ... Westroads' newest fashion store!! You're living a whole new fashion experience. Beautiful clothes at attractive prices presented in an incomparable manner. We welcome you. -


Suspended above ground, Scott Van Stratten and Robbie Robbinette glide down hills and straght-a-ways. A magic carpet? A broomstick? Something supernatural? Nothing of the sort. Just a Cal ifornia invention called the skateboard. Van Stratten and Robbinette have been skateboard ing for three years. It all started for them during the summer of 1975 when Van Stratten's uncle from California came to visit and brought a Duraflex brand skateboard. Along with the skateboard, the uncle brought two men to give demonstrations of the " miracle boa rd" in Omaha stores. The men stayed at Van Stratten's house, and when they we re not giving publ ic demonstrations, they gave Va n Stratten and Robbinette private lessons. As a result of these lessons the two became skateboard fanatics. " I received encouragement from my parents and enjoyed doing it," Robbinette said . Van Stratten said he also received encouragement from his parents until one day in the summer of 1976, when he fell off his board and suffered a concussion. Any hill or blacktop is prey for the skateboards of the two.

Because of the smooth surface of a blacktop, Van Stratten said , " with a blacktop to ride on , you've got everyth ing." Van Stratten and Robbinette have different views about safety precautions. Robbinette believes helmets are a must, because of the high risk involved with skateboards. Van Stratten, himself a one-time skateboard casualty, disagrees : " I don't feel comfortable in one, so I won't skate with one on. If, however, a person feels comfortable with it, then go ahead and wear it," he said. ' Until the two got their driver's lice nses last year they rode their skateboards an average of two to three hours a day. Now the ir skateboarding is secondary to the ir cars as a source of tra nsportation , but not as a source of pleasure: Their skill and determination have increased proportionately to their years of practice," they said . Van Stratten and Robbinette have a variety of tricks that they ca n perform including wheelies, hi gh jumps, 360's, handstands and jumping over people. Van Stratten said, "You must have a desire to do it. It's also nice to show off in front of the ladies! "

Skating down the slopes with ease

Scott Van Stratten de monstrates his skate board skill s o n the school grounds. Van Stratte n has been pe rfe cti ng his skateboard skills since the summe r of 1975 with

Changes, flushers, and dogs _

Bob Glissmann, lifestyle editor



Good morning. This is coming to you straight (mor e or less; m_!)ybe a curve here or there) from Geneva, Switzerland where I spent my summer. Dead lines are deadlines. So I sent this article airmail. Now I should explain why this page is called the lifestyle page instead of the Fine Arts page. One of the reasons ~s that " Fine Arts" is too specific. We would not be able to include movie reviews, record reviews, consumerism stories, or "Humor" columns. So the name has been changed. This doesn't mean we' ll include little cartoons of cut-out paper dolls, it just means we' ll do our best to present a somewhat "lighter'.' side to the newspaper. ' Well ... Switzerland . . . These are a couple of the more or less banal things I noticed, but in Switzerland everybody is so busy noticing all of the • beautiful, breathtaking things (mountains, lakes, etc.) that they might miss the commonplace items.

The first thing I noticed was the wide variety of flushers on the toilets (is that banal enough f~r you.?). In the States mo~t are on t_h ; left-hand s1de (facmg the bowl). In Switzerland 1t s almost a game trying to figure out where the flusher is. . They've been on top of the part where the T1dy Bowl man lives, they've been on the wall , on the floor . . . Th~y haven 't all been levers, _e ither. Buttons, chams, and once even an ele~tnc eye have been utilized to send the water flowmg down the pipes. Another thing I noticed was the abundance of dogs. The dogs weren't just on the sidewalks, however. They were everywhere. They were in supermarkets, department stores, hardware stores ("Could you hand me that sandpaper?" "RUFF." " No, the fine grain. " ), and even in the restaurants. I couldn't believe that at first . Sure, I ate dog food when I was little to keep our dog company, but I didn't ever expect that a dog would be breaking bread across the table from me. That thought was a bit too hard to digest.

Weekend tips

A ·FA IRIY good show Tired of the same old th ing ment complex. Tomorrow the · every w ~ ekend? looking for - Stattler Brothers will appear and Tennessee Ernie Ford will close something new and exciting? Well, the Nebraska State Fair is qut the weekend of stars. just the thing to cure your weekAlong with guest stars and end blues. commercial exhibits, there will According to Mr . Henry be activities for the entire public. Brandt, State Fair manager, "This Of course, a state fair is not will hopefully be one of the big- complete without a circus. Cirgest state fa irs in the 109-year his- cus times are 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. tory of the Nebraska State Fair. I Other types of entertainment feel we have excellent guest stars will include a carnival and free along with many other attrac- shows which will consist of tions. We have never had such Barber Shop and music from area exhibits as a complete commer- high school bands. These shows cial irrigation system and a dis- will show at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. play of one of the largest tractors daily. in the country." An admission fee of $2 will be This evening the guest star will charged at the gate with $1 for be country singer Kenny Rogers. parking. This does not include He, like all other guest stars, will carnival tickets or the $5 admisappear at 8 p.m. in the entertain- sion fee for special guest stars.



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You already know what it says .. . see pp. 4-5

Vol. 23, No. 3

Westside High School 8701-Pacific Street Omaha, NE 68124 · October 6, 1978

Test scores mark new precedent -


At Westside, nobody's asking why johnny can't read. At least, not this year. In a report released by the American College Testing (ACT) program, students tested during the 1977-78 school year ranked in the top 96th percentile of the nation. 25 percent of the Westside students scored betw~en 26 and 36, compared to 13 percent who scored in that range nationally.

Continuing a tradition of high scholarly ievement, Westside claims the greatest number National Merit Semi-Finalists in the state for the rd consecutive year, reports Mr. Lynn Hansen, National Merit program selects the top students in the nation to compete for schoips. These students represent the top one-half one percent of the students in the state. This year re are 122 semi-finalists in Nebraska, of which are from Westside, "which is very, very good," rding to Hansen. Semi-finalists include Barbara Chantry, Carol I, Victoria Deniston, Brent Elder, Kathleen , David Hayes, Tammy Kilgore, Camille PeKristine Petersen, Mark Schumm, john Smith. 35,000 commended scholars were also anThese students were within a close range semi-finalists. Westside's nine commended were Cheri Coates, Michaela Donovan, Farquar, janet Hathaway, jennifer Kahl, MiKapel, Douglas Packard, Koni Stone, Rolands

"The Westside composite increased again this year, to a 21.7 rating, compared to an 18.5 national average. "What the scores say is that students are doing a good job . . . the results are just fantastic," commented Mr. Dick Lundquist, guidance department chairman. "lt:s very unusual ' for a public school as large as Westside to have such an exceptionally high composite score." One surprising factor in the results stemmed from the number of students taking the test. 697 students out of a graduating class of 750 took the test, representing an increase of 196 students over the previous year.



The 11 semi-finalists were selected based on eir scores on the PSAT exam given in the fall of nior year. To reach the finalist stage, the SAT must be taken by the fall of the senior year, comparative scores must equal or surpass achieved on the PSAT. Hansen cites many factors as contributing to success of Westside students in this program. can, and are encouraged to take very ive courses, taught by a superb teaching also feels that Westside possesses exintelligent, well-motivated students, and ing of doing well is not put down.

"Generally, when you increase the number of students taking the test, you lower the average composite score. In our case, the oppostte happened," he said.

Paragon Gaining insight toward~ the opportunities th(\t being a National Merit Semifinalist provides, Barb Chantry discusses the possibility of receiving a scholarship with Mr. lynn Hansen, college counselor. Westside scholars led the state for the third consecutive year, with 11 'semifinalists. ·

Mr. james Findley, vice-principal, gave some ·of the credit for the increase in the average composite score to a change in public attitude towards the test. "In the past three or four years, there has b.een an intensity to emphasize basics like math and English. Where kids used to 'do their own thing/ and take elective types of courses, students are getting into the core courses. We're starting to see the results. of this renewed interest."

--- Students question royal tradition - Sometime after the sun comes up, on a bright, early fall day, a husky group of varsity football players, and a select, spirited group of cheerleaders, drill squad, and Squire members each elect 12 Homecoming King and Queen qmdidates. Understanding the ·routine customs of tradition, one can realize that this method of selection is a simple continuation of the way it "has always been done." Each year, the two groups select 12 candidates from within themselves, and from those candidates, an all-school election decides the winning king and queen. However, many students are beginning to, question the election process, claiming that it doesn't include the whole school, many of the voters don't know the candidates, and the office is chosen on popularity, rather than merit. Last year, the question was brought up before Forum. Sam Costanzo, then a junior, proposed a new election policy, changing the requirements for becoming eligible to all persons involved in fall sports, which would include participants of other boys' and girls' sports, presently not included in the process. Costanzo's proposal "never went through," according to Dan Somberg, former officer. Somberg continued, "Last year, we had a lot of other things we (Forum) were concentrating on. The homecoming proposal simply never got acted upon."· ~ "This spring, Forum will discuss the homecoming idea again. We're going to have to start working on it for next year, if we want to make a change," he concluded. Two years ago, when the pep club was dissolved, a change was made in the requirements for girls to

become eligible, according to Grace Willing, cheerleader captain, and homecoming candidate!... "It used to be whoever lettered in a ch,eering· squad (Pep club, cheerleading, drill squad, and · Squires) was eligible. After pep club was taken away, the requirements were changed to all seniors in cheering clubs," Willing commented. "I think the change is good, because it allows more girls to have a chance to become a candidate," she said. Even with the chan'ge, some still feel that the present system is not fair. "I think more people should be eligible for it. Limiting it to just those groups is not fair," remarked Cathy Crawford, varsity cheerleader, and homecoming candidate. Support for the process rests in the hands of those who view the Homecoming as a tribute to the football team, rather than the school in general. "H.omecoming is for the football team ... namtng a king is a good program. When you think about it, it's their homecoming," said Steve Hagan, varsity tennis player. Hagan continued, "I don't ·think it should be changed ... it's a tradition." ·A growing number of students believe that the restriction to football players is unfair. "Other sports should have the opportunity. Think about other varsity players, like on' the cross-country team. They work so hard," said Dena Mangiamele, another varsity cheerleader and homecoming candidate. Mary Parks, senior said, "Limiting it to just football players isn't fair to the basketball players." "I think it's a rip that only football players can get it," commented Steve Rarris. Harris continued, "The whole thing is just a popularity contest. Whoever you're friends with, you vote for." Crawford agreed, "The Homecoming King is

usually the most popular guy on the football team." Gwen the situation, some feel that a popularity contest is inevitable. "If it's going to be a popularity contest, the most popular person should be elected. That person isn't necessarily on the football team," said Tom Baker, junior. Another problem exists in the second phase of the election system, how the winners are elected. At present, all students are given a chance to decide through an all-school ballot, held in homeroom. · · Do students take their votes seriously? "lfthey know the candidates, they take it seriously. People who don't, jusr circle names," said Crawford. Solutions have been offered, from limiting voters to upperclassmen, to having the cheering' groups and football squad make the final decision themselves. One solution was offered by jim Glazer, who said, "I think only the couples who go to Homecoming should be allowed to vote. Last year, I voted for someone I didn't even know. Many times, sophomores don't know the candidates well enough to vote." Mangiameli offered some suggestions, "Seniors take Homecoming King and Queen elections seriously, but underclassmen don't feel that way as much. It's hard to when you're not as involved in t~e process. If they (underclassmen) were more in charge of activities, and were on the Homecoming committee, they wouldn't feel out of it, and treat it as a joke." "I don't think voting is good in homeroom. Older students say, 'Vote for him,n=n::::~"" vote for her .. .' and many times, underclassmen are swayed," she continued.




MOlehills Sophomores elect leaders Sophomores currently a~e facing an important social decision in their high school exr.1erience - the election of class officers. Political processes are bringing about the first step towards making the 1979-80 prom a reality . This morning, a sophomore convocation schedule will allow speeches, introduction of candidates, and a general explanation of the duty of the officers, to raise money for prom. Next Monday, Oct. 9, the election of officers will be held, sponsored by the Student Advisory Board (SAB) . In the ·past several years, there has been growing concern as to the future of prom. After some unsuccessful attempts to revive student cooperation,Mr. Don Kolterman, 1977-78 junior class sponsor called pmm, "Another tradition biting the dust." · However, prospects are good for the success of this year's prom, according to Toby Schropp, junior class president. As for next year's prom , the sophomore officers will be instrumental in the initial development of bringing about prom, according to Mr. James Findley, vice principal. "Whoever the sophomores elect should be willing to work on money raising ventures. Also; the officers should be able to get other class members involved," he suggested. Findley stressed the need for the officers to get a good start on next year's prom, "Hopefully, they will come off in their junior year with some mo_ney in the kitty."

Involvement in local governmen produces educational benefits .


up to me and really made me f Shakespeare once remarked attitude of the students, "Kids at like the campaign was someth' that a politician is a man who Westside are politically aware I really wanted to learn abou ... the atmosphere here is conwould "circumvent God ." got a good feeling from he That particular statement ducive to make students learn ." Students had a wide range of said Kim Shea. , could be a bit extreme, but if one While all of this was going were to ask a senior enrolled in opinions on the benefits of the American Government this se- activity. "It's a good idea for us to much of it appeared foreign te'rally) to two American Fi mester, their answer could possi- get to know the candidates, and bly be consistent with those see what ideas they stand for, Students (AFS) students enrol in the class, Marleen Vanhu said Jenny Karpen. words. from Belgium, and Giovan "You get more involved . .. Getting involved in the political system, about 100 seniors it 's a different type of large Cantatone, from Italy. "It's very interesting to be a have enlisted in the ranks of group," observed Scott Perry. campaign v·olunteers for local "I've already started working on to ·get to know about the Am politicians. Part of an assignment a campaign. We have been mak- can system of government," for their American Government ing signs, calling phone lists, and plained Vanhuyck. "In Belgium, we have wha class, the students are following - other odd jobs. I like it, you can called a Royal Democracy. Y and getting involved in the cam- really get into it," Perry said. paign or campaigns of their "I'd rather be doing this than don't see students in high sch choice, according to Mr. Bill Nel- something else," commented get involved with political ca paigns," she added . son, American Government in- Kathy Weaver .. Cantalone observed a lar structor. However, not all students have difference between the Am On Monday, Sept. 18, a "polit- dedicated themselves to a partic- can and Italian systems. "In It ical rally" was held iC' the Social ular campaign because of a per- much of the' campaigning Studies _lrv1_C, as representatives sonal "feel" for that candidate. done· with large 'signs, pushi from various congressional, sen- "I'm doing this activity com- for the candidate, and his pa ate, gubernatorial, city and pletely for the grade. I don't have Most people in Italy vote acco county candidates solicited yol- a preference ... building signs ing to party, rather than by c "I think it's important to have fun, but at the same time ~earn unteers from the government does not make political prefer- didates," he said. about other cultures." That is how Kim Crosby, president-elect of class. ences," observed Dan Fulkerthis year's International Club described the opportunities of the Representatives for the can Reaction to the activity was son . group. dates stressed the vital imp generally positive, according to Giving foreign language students a chance to socially gather, Fulkerson did admit that he tance of the volunteers to t Mr. Tom Cavanaugh, campaign liked the activity, "It's interest- campaigns. and gain insight into other languages and cultures, International chairman for brother Congress- ing, and at least is gets us out of Club represents an ' extra-curricular extension of the foreign lan"Volunteers are very im man john Cavanaugh. guage program. the little theater, and the regular tant to our campaign. Becaus Foreign language students are encouraged to join, and are "We got an encouraging, en- pattern of the class." the fact that our campaign is accepted into the club upon payment of $1.50 dues, says Crosby. thusiastic reaction. I think the Many students decided to financed very heavily, we rely Crosby anticipates an improvement over last year's club, seniors have a very high interest work for two opposing candi- volunteer callers and po which suffered from "somewhat infrequently scheduled events." in the American system. We dates, such as congressional can- workers rather than on televisi This year, Crosby plans to schedule an International Club activity haven't had a respohse in other didates, Cavanaugh and Daob. an,d billboards," said Cavanau at least once a month. schools near the involvement "We're working for both of the Cavanaugh workers have b Some of the activities ·will be geared towards just having a ·we've attained from Westside candidates, because we'd like to recruiting Westside stude good time, such as a hayrack ride, club dinners, and an ice skating students," the campaign manag- find out how they differ," re- since the primary election t event. The club will also concentrate on several fund-raising proer remarked. marked Bruce Goldberg and spring, according to the ca jects. On Friday, Sept. 29, they will sell balloons at the football Cavanaugh's Republican op- Andy Robinson. Goldberg con- paign manager. game, and candy sales later in the year will also raise money. . Heineman expressed a simi ponent, Mr. Hal Daub, also sent a tinued, "I just want to get a little The fund raisers will support the American Field Service (AFS) occurance, "We've- had representative to the political experience for later life." program, and will build a scholarship fund for an outstanding Solicitation for volunteers was number of Westside stude rally. Mr. Dave Heineman, foreign language students. Dabu's campaign manager com- handled from an educational working for us since the pri mented on his impression of the point of view. "Mrs. Daub came · ary." ~~ :..-. -

Culture leads to thought


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~-----------Lancesmnce~----~----. Is anyone really coming home? _Congratulations due Isn't it a wonder that someone long ago decided to deem; however today's and tomorrow's events as Homecoming? During the parade today, it will be truly amazing to notice the absence Westisde alumni returning to watch various floats and cars drive by? And concerning the dance tomorrow night - a majority of couples nding will probably not be past seniors returning to see how their high is getting along without them. After all, Homecoming originally meant having alumni "come .home" Westside to briefly reunite with their old friends and enjoy a parade, a I game and a dance. It is common knowledge that this is not what happens in reality. Homeing organiz~rs have never attempted to encourage alumni to return, ·ng to Ms. Alice Gillogly, community relations secretary. One has n able to occasionally catch a fleeting glimpse of returning seniors in years, but the. percentage has been small. Is there then any sense to ng tne event Homecomin·g when no one attempts to validate it? Homecoming has traditionally been one of the most exciting times of e school year, with clubs hurrying to complete floats and enthusiasm ubbling over at the football game. The excitement could be further ennc:;ed if homecoming organizers would make an attempt to invite alumni tq pirf~cip·a'~e in t,he festivities.


As Westside is represented once again with a large number of National Merit Semi-Finalists,- it should be noted that Westside is responsible. For the third straight year, at least ten seniors have been picked as semifinalists in compet:tion for the scholarships. This year, 11 out of122 Nebraska high school semi-fir:talists are from Westside. This achievement is magnified when one real-i zes that no other Omaha area high school was represented with more than six semifinalists. It becomes i1,1creasingly apparent when considering that Westside has contributed greatly to its students' achievements. Carol Qahl, semi-finalist, said, "I think Westside-had a lot to do with it," ,while another related, "Westside obviously has helped me. I've been to some other schools and they weren't nearly as good." It is difficult to pin-point exactly what it is Westside possesses. A wider curriculum including advanced courses, good guidance from counselors, and an exceptional math program were cited by the semi-finalists as beneficial. According to Barb Chantry, semi·:finalist, competition from classmates motivates students to do better. All these assets facilitate a better learning atmosphere ·at Westside which lends itself to comprehensive learning. The semi-finalists, as well as Westside; should be congratulated for another fine job.

·tudy areas evalUated '.



, saidrno talkihg will be al. student. e m-afn - · rs (IMC's) have their respective objective of the individual offices is for it's time to disteachers to meet " in a one-to-one situatheir individual tion " with students. The science department, though they nalities .and uses. ~ Business IMC, lo- ~ Amy have never had an IMC before, plans to· take over the entire area adjacent to the in the new west editorial editor will be primarily for students taking cafeteria. They plan a "stone quiet" area, courses. All reserve and check- said Dr. Charles lang, department head , siness materials will be obtainable with carrells and round tables. There will Brightly colored modular partitions be a room for audio-visual equipment as the room to form offices for each well. lang said the Science IMC will be for teacher. The offices allow eacl:l any student who wishes an atmosphere of r a private working area. total silence. wants to find a secluded, quiet Though the Social Studies IMC is in a to study, the English IMC is ideal. different location and appears more year the IMC had four round tables pleasant-looking, it is virtually the same the majority of its seating in carrells. place. The tMC has the policy that stu- ,opinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopiniononopinio the English IMC is strictly a quiet dents "look busy," but talking is allowed. Behavior . In high So, what can we do? Well, according to 1 the tables proved impractical be- The tables are further apart and teachers school that's a word Mr. Ron Huston , athletic director, not they encouraged talking. This year have desks among them. The noise level that we shouldn't have much. MC has only carrells. The popularity seems easier to control, because of the to come across. The junior high students are supposed IMC has not dimin ished; however, open areas, reports Mr. Bill Nelson, deBehavior at the footto sit in the south part of the bleachers, it is difficult to find a seat. partment head. ball games isn't at the but they don't. Huston says that they are n language students can now Teachers become perturbed when a high school level. I'm informed of where to sit, but since they around the corner from the student enters the English IMC, for exam- not preaching, telling don't want to sit there they say they don't IMC in the west wing. The For- ple, with socializing in mind. Students you that you're acting columnist know. language IMC has adopted a whole who wish to both talk and study should go like little kids. On the contrary, I'm every Though there are already 17 to 18 suimage. In the past the IMC has been to the Social Studies or Math IMC. If talk- bit in fi!VOr of football game rowdies. pervisors per game, adding more WOuld for much talking and little study. ing is the only objective, the cafeteria is not help. These supervisors try to keep the That's just it, because it's not the West- fans seated and away from the walk in Mary Davis, foreign language de- the best place to go. sider's- it's the junior high and elemen- front of the stands. Huston says it's just tary school students. At football games, like "sweeping up feathers. " The younger their behavior is simply obnoxious. Sure, fans are seated somewhere by supervisome of them are good, but some of them Published bi-weekly by the Journalism Department of Westside High School, 87th and sors, and in just a few minutes they're up are real pains too. Of course, some high St., Omaha, NE 68124, t~e "Lance" is a member of the Nebraska High School Press again. school students can be obnoxious too. the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, ctnd the National Scholastic Press AssoThere is always the possbility of just not The problem here though is the younger letting younger kids attend the games. But " Lance" office is located in room 302. Advertising rates available on request. Phone kids. · I don"1 think that it's really fair to those -1266 Ext. 20. The paper is distributed to all students and staff on Friday mornings. These students seem to think it's "real students who come to the games to cheer · )~c••intinn rates to others are $3.00 postpaid. Non-profit mailing rights claimed. Printed by n Graphics, Aquila Court Building, 1615 Howard St., Omaha, NE 68102. cute" to throw paper airplanes, paper on the team. I know that I personally don't like being wads, and things of that sort. They may not hit by paper wads, or airplanes for that ief ....... . . .. Jeanine Van Leeuwen Sports Editor .. ..· . . . . .. ... ..... . . . Tom Golden be aware of the danger in this. They also Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beth Kaiman Sports Writers . . . . ... . .... . • .... . . .. Scott Davis matter, but apparently there is nothing yell obscenities, and boo at the players. Terry Kroeger Editor . . ... >••• •• •••••• Cathy Johnson wrong with this behavior according to People tend to get sick of it. lifestyle Editor . .... . .. .. . . .. . .. Bob Glissmann I Editor . . ...... .... ....... Amy Gendler them. lifestyle write.r . . ... ... ..... . .. . . . .. Dave Scott Editorial Editor . . . . . . .. . .. . Melanie Sturm I'm not the only one who feels this way. Advertising Manager ....... . .. . .. . Sally lindwal[ Maybe at future games, these students Editor . .... . .... . ..... . Robert Greenberg Ass't. Advertising Manager .. . . . .. . . . . Jay Dandy News Editor ............... Kent Ponce low I've talked to quite a Jew people and who feel that they are in the right can be Business Manager ... .. . . ...... . Tracy Katelman Writers ... ........ . .... . .... Cindy Crane they've all said the same thing. Things like escorted to their own special seats, and Editor . ......... . .... . . . . Monica Angle Artists ... . ... .. ...... ... .. . ..... . Frank Gappa "there are too many little kids," "the little kept there until the game is over. This way Sally McGlaun FeattJre Editor ... . . . . . Mary Bloomingdale kids are everywhere," and even that they they can throw all the paper they want to re Writers .... . . . . . . .. . .... . .... Jay Dandy Head Photographer . .. . • .. .. ... ..... Hunt lewis Adviser .. .. . . . .... .. . ... . . .. •. . .. John Hudnall Tracy Katelman are ~queer and immature." It has been at each other and maybe everyone will be happy. noticed _quite a lot lately.

Behavior simply obnoxiOus

Holiday obser lately classrooms haven't been as full as they usually are. No, it's not the product of decreased enrollment, or the flu season, but of the jewish holidays in October of importance to an estimated five percent of the student body. Sundown last Sun..day marked the beginning of the Jewish New Year and the Ten Days of ·Penitence, explained Rabbi Sidney Brooks of the Tempi~ Israel Synagogue. . These are the High Holidays, which conclude on Wednesday, Oct. 11, Yom Kippur. Jewish students will miss schooJ Wednesday, as they did either Monday or Tuesday, Oct. 2 or 3. "There are quite a few (students) gone. Some of them leave for only one day, some for all three days," said Ms. Jeanne Gardner, attendance office head. "They are definitely excused," Gardner added, as it's school policy for religious holidays, makeup work is determined by individual teachers. Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, was last Monday and Tuesday. There are three branches of Judaism practiced in synagogues around Omaha:· Reform, Conservative and Orthodox. Depending on whidi hey observe, studepts celebrated Rosh Hashanah for one or two days. Cantor leo Fettman of Beth Israel Synagogue, explained, the differences between the branches. "All follow the Jewish law, the law given by God. The rabbi's law protects God's law (the Talmud)." The three synago·gues differ in their presentation of the Talmud. ~ Brooks described Reform as "liberal." " We are simply more liberal in our praying, not as rigidly bound, more open to change." Students who practice Reform customs observe Rosh Hashanah for only one day. Conservative and Orthodox generally attend services for two days. "They want to be with their family," said Brooks of the holiday, adding there was an "emotional pull." "Rosh Hashanah is Rosh Hi)shanah for all three groups, the theme is the same," said Rabbi Bromberg from Beth El Synagogue. "Broadly speaking, it (Conservative) occupies a posi-


pur. This is the year 5739 on the Jewish Calendar. l In like the January·1 celebration, Rosh Hashanah is a very religious holiday, and Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year.

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Stereotypes - a pre:.judgment? an ethnic community. Before any stereotype canl>e refuted, or even relatively recent ph en discussed, it is important ~hat the word "stereoThe term "Jewish" type" itself, be understood, said Mr. Michael both an ethnicity and Richmond, regional director of the Antiexplained that Jewish · Defamation league of B'nai B'rith. to " downplay'' their et "Stereotypes are ~eveloped by people so that selves as a religious gr they can more easily departmentalize the world rope it was illegal for) in which they live," Richmond explained. "~ in certain, specified a stereotype is a kind of s~ort-ha':ld ~xpre~sion grouped in certain ar that enables people to plac-e inclividuals-in slots_, .... _, were termed ·a s '{dann By having _in one's mind a whole list of stereoRichmond said, they fo types about any individual group or set of the United States. groups, one creates prejudgments and ; there" The reason that )e religious community is fore, doesn 't look at people as people doesn't look at an individual as an individual," system under which t ern communities, but ~ Richmond said. " For example, there are stereotypes that men communities had a ste . are aggressive and women are not, or that all nation . You see all the Mexicans are shiftless and lazy. There are stecribing Jews as a clann reo types that .PII Blacks are on welfare, and that . community decided s all Jews are pushy. These are all short-hand that they would have t methods by which people slot individuals into religious community i' groups. By doing this, a person abdicates his part of the western wo~ responsibility, because it is the responsibility of rights as everyone els the American citizen to judge people on their "The price ther paid own merit. " play that ethnicity cone Richmond indicated that the basic stereotpye the Jews had to twist th in the United States is that individuals are detion . Stereotypes hav communities to destr fined by religion . "American society is orga'nized so that indiEvery minority group ti viduals are defined as part of a religious group. lem," Richmond feels . It is not organized to define a person as part of Another stereotype

Holiday absences Robin Schn e id e rman and Barb Abra mson pi ck up their white slips for th e Jewish holiday , Rosh HashiJnah. Students missed school early this we ek and will be gone next Wednesday, for Yom Kip -

tion resp but


"The people here are really friendly. I like the small campus, the people, and the sororities are fun. In class, there's more of a one-toone teacher-student relationship. Every teacher I've had has made it clear that I can come to him for help. The school has a lot of-programs, so people have more of an opportunity to get a job after graduating."


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s increase absences

·thodox. Conservative Judaism the Halachah. We accept this, fferent situations arise." ~verybody," said Fettman, but II three synagogues to observe

~inning of) the ten day period !>rgiveness. (They are) set aside mtory'; we try and promise to . He explained the holiday was , Jift ourselves up, get closer to he "beginning of another year,

Ining peace (with oneself, others)." of a physical year, and so it

~~of the regular ~ew Year. It is ~

all three synagogues is the horn, symbolic of the Jewish ar calls for spiritual awakening. during the service to arouse i>liday, look at self and deeds," g, penetrating sound" of the , and fits the mood of the serv-


ashanah) every morning the that the holidays are coming," nge your ways for the better." r er service on Rosh Hashanah, es say a blessing over a cup of 1mily, he added, dips apples in happy years." iday, very much like Lent," said ded during the service on the ~ich ends about noon. ew in the Orthodox synagogue,


said Bro"mberg, while the Conservative mixes both Hebrew and English . The division between Hebrew and English is "up to 50-50". said Brooks of the Reform synagogue. He added that it was up to the individual rabbi and that either a passage was directly or poetically paraphrased into English from Hebrew. One special food of the holiday is chalah, a bread shaped in a different form, not twisted, said Fettman. "Chalah is round, like a life-cycle. Many people will put a bird made of d_ough, a sign of peace, on the chalah." Besides being the first day of the New Jear, Rosh Hashanah is the first day of the Ten Days of Penitence. Jewish students miss school for only the first one or two days and the last. The ten days are devoted to apologizing for sins, and thinking of one's spiritual self. Rosh Hashanah is the first day of the month of Tishre, and the last of the ten days, Yom Kippur, is the tenth day of the month of Tishre. Yom Kippur begins on the night ofTuesday,Oct. 10, and is a 25 hour, from sunset to sunset, fast day, explained Fettman.lt is the holiest day of the Jewish calendar, and its purpose is to "make a better human being," said Fettman, "every religion has their own customs." The tenth day of Tishre is the Day of Atonement, when God's forgiveness is received. Both the Con~ervative and Orthodox branches continue services all day long, while the Reformed has two, one in the morning and another in the late afternoon. . ' A confessional is held as part oft he service on Yom Kippur, Bromberg explained, but it is a public confessional in which everyone rises and participates, the philosophy being that you must be forgiven by your fellow man before you can receive atonement from God. "Through a process of prayer, fasting and confessing, we then end the day; receive atonement," said Bromberg. "Normally speaking, people observe the fast," said Bromberg. " Children and adult sick people" may break the fast added Fettman, but " they are not allowed to feast."

ication -of responsibility' immigrant history is that which describes the Richmond added that the related stereotype mother of a Jewish family as "domineering." that all Jews are successful, and are; therefore, "The reality is that it is not the Jewish mother, wealthy, is a fallacy. but the immigrant mother," Richmond ex"Omaha is a small town and the jewish complained. "All immigrant groups have had the munity here is, very small. What you don't see, same experience. You ' ll find, if you take a look' because it doesn't really exist here, is poverty in at the immigrant experience in this country, that the Jewish community. So the perception is that when particularly those immigrants from all Jews are wealthy. But there are significant . eastern-central and southern Europe came pockets of poverty iQ the Jewish community in here, the mot~~r. was one of th~. few persons the larger metropolitan areas, such as Chicago, rwho cou~dmar~tam-a: sense·of fa~tlyr, lf·yo~ ask •·' New York and Los Angeles." a~b~dy wh.o ·~ a ftr~t ge~erattOn, Ar_nencan Richmond added that the perception that all what _tt wa~ ltke tn th~lr fa'!'tly, you II fl~? that jews are wealthy is a stereotype that can be used w at IS deftned _as_ the dom~n~nt mother IS t~ue by people to 'explain why they themselves are th~oughout. Thrs IS~ very d1ff1cult world for 1mnot successful. m1grants, and that ktnd of person was necessary " It seems to me that it's the responsibility of to hold the family together. When the father went out and worked, it was the mother in the the citizen to try not to use stereotypes, and to immigrant family who who held the family to- be aware of it when they are. Everybody uses them. And we have to work very hard not to use gether," he stated. , Richmond indicated that one of the predomi- them- not to be prejudiced. Ask yourself who nant religious values within a Jewish family may are the 'they' in your life. Nobody knows who account for the existence of the stereotype that the 'they' are, so names are affixed: 'they' are all Jews become successful and attain roles of the Jews, 'they' are the Irish, 'they' are the--caleadership and power; a value which may have tholics, 'they' are the Blacks. 'They' have control, 'they' operate, 'they' are undermining our affected the Westside community. • , " If Jews excel -and they don 't excel, by the system," says Richmond. way, any more or less than other groups - in It's our responsibili-ty as American citizens to areas, it's because study and learning is a pre- make sure that we don't adhere to these, that dominant Jewish value," he explained, "It's not we work very hard to eradicate them from ourjust earning a living, which is a secular value, but selves, and from the general society, eradicate it is a religious value that one has to study and the prejudices, stereotypes, and the-discriminalearn," Richmond believes. · tion that result from them," Richmond believes.

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Bookie sheet~, point broke you are from the severe losses the week spreads, parleys. If none ofthese before. Deciding how to wager that bet is anoth~r terms are familiar to you, you're complexity, whethE:r you want .the team in a five probably deaf, dumb, and blind. team ·parley or a separate bet. M~re tension and "Unofficial" gambling has anger mounts when, after placing your sure bet for an undisclosed amount of money, you find out become such a commonplace activity within our school and its your team recently lost its quarterback, placesurroundings, we somehow kicker and head coach because of a rare tropical forget it's illegal. From the teasports editor disease. None of us will admit it, but we all lose once in chers's lounge to the locker rooms~ bookie sheets and point spreads are passed around like fire, and a great while. Bookies, crazy as they may appear, someday or another, we all commit the sin of plac- seem to sense an outcome that is totally absurd. For ing a bet. • instance, when Oklahoma beat Texas 72 to 3, two Back then, when you placed a bet, you had to weeks ago and had 720 yards on the ground, you have no doubt what they will do to Slippery Rock. research and analyze each team. Today the news OU is favored by a mere sixteen points and you media_has already done that for you, by way of . have them for $20. OU gets upset for the first time computer, expert predictor, or someone called the since World War I, after an 874 game winning "Greek." streak, and you sense some wrong-doings between Money is the key reason for betting, of course, · your bookie and OU's coach. Angry or not, pay and the amount of money you bet depends on your bookie as soon as possible or you might pay how well ·you like that particular bet and how for a broken leg.

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Practice makes perfect Sophomore Lori Diesing executes one of the many dives she performs during an after-school practice. Diesing also practices at Ralston High School, under coach Bruce Dart. Diving teammate Susie Barnes supple~ents her


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.a fter sclwol workouts at Millard High School under former Warrior diving.coach Dan Murphy. The divers will attempt to aid the swim team in a victory in the Metro Relays next Tuesday, Oct. 10.

for broke' in relays

Metro Relays should provide He also cited the necessity for they Will realize that our training some stiff competition for the team depth by pointing out the methods are geared to produce girls' swimming team next Tues- 1977 boys' team. "That team had faster times at the end of the seaday, Oct. 10. Scott Mactier and Chuck Sharpe, son," he said. Mr. Pat DiBiase, head coach, two of the greatest swimmers in Injuries are not usually consifeels that the relays, held at the history of Nebraska, but as dered a big part of swimming, Westside, will require little con- for depth, the team was just a but DiBiase said there have been centration. "The relays are a lot little shy." That year Westside . some. "We've been doing more intense than they used to . l·ost the state meet by 40 points to strength training, and that combe, but it's nothing that we will lincoln Southeast. bin'e d with the increased amount rest for," he said. :rhree outstanding freshmen of . yardage people have been "Everybody is on par~ and I'm have aided the team. These girls doing, we've had a lot of joint extremely happy with what eve- include: Susie jones, Christine problems, particularly early in rybody is doing. As a matter of Lohff, and Lori Blum. DiBiase the year," said DiBiase. He said to fact, I have times from last year said these three freshman have remedy these problems, the and we're making about the already qualifiea for the state swimmers are put on a stretching same progress," said DiBiase. meet. program, and then sent to Mr. DiBiase feels both relay teams Tony /91artinei, trainer, to make in Freshman are now eligible this year could go All-American, sure their rehabilitation goes as depending on who swims on the Metro Conference meet, be- quickly and s,moothly as possi"This developginning this year. them. "I'll see who is having the ble. ' best progress towards the end of ment will really m~ke Marian a According to DiBiase, the team," DiBiase said. stronger the year, and then I'll decide who will make up the relay DiBiase relayed that some of team draws incentive from other teams," he said. All-American the girls on the team feel that than just competition. College status is determined by the 30 their progress is not up to their recruiters, hearing of the girls' fastest times in the country. own expectations. "Some 9f the . times, call, write, or drop into the DiBiase commented that he , the girls are a little disapp9inted swimming office. be lives this year's team compares at this point in time, because "In this day and age, the well to last year's championship they haven't improved as much money has become a lot tighter squad . ."The only difference be- as they would have liked to, but and some kids can see getting a tween this team and last year's is I'm trying to get them to look at s~imming scholarship as a that this team is even deeper," fhe season as an entire, or as a chance to go to a major universihe said. whrne picture. Hopefully, then, ty," DiBiase commented.

.Victory~ is essential It's that time again. The homecoming game, against Thomas Jefferson, is more important than ever to Westside. A win is essential for the Warriors to stay in contention with the rest of the conference. This homecoming game will be played tonight, starting at 7:30 p.m. in the stadium. The Yellowjackets will be no pushover. The Warriors' narrowly defeated them, 7-0, in the rain and mud last year . . Mr. Dan Young, head coach, insists TJ is a very good team. Young said, "They should have one of the best teams in years. They have a better team this year than they had last year. And they had good personnel last year." TJ uses many different formations, to try and trick their opponents. Young said, "They're a hard team to pr~pare for. They have a lot of different players, and they use many different defenses." Mr. Tom' Hall, assistant coach said, "They run all kinds of offensive plays. They use multiple sets and trick plays. They try to beat you by tricking you . We just have to concentrate to stop them." Of their one common opponent, TJ defeated North, while the Warriors lost to North 19-7, - A plus for Westside-has been an improved offense. Young said, "The offense has improved a lot. Our offensive goals are to run 60 plays, and gain 200 on the ground, and 100 in the air. We've just about reached that goal a couple of times." The defensive secondary has been a big help also. Hall said, "The secondary has been a pleasant surprise. Dave Kalina, Curt Erixson, Chris Ingram, and Bill Stock have all been play. ing real well." TJ and Westside isn't as. big a rivalrly as when the Warriors play Burke and Prep. "But," said Young, "TJ always plays us tough. They have defeated us once in the last six years. And that was the highlight of their season." From watching films, the coaches say TJ looks good. Young said, "They look very good. They have a very good backfield. One of their backs returned a kick-off back to beat North." Hall added, "We can beat them if we don't make any mistakes. We would end up beating ourselves, with penalties and turnovers. Our defensive goal is to shut them out." Other players and coaches had this to say about the Westside-TJ game : Dave Dahl, linebacker: "I think our team has straightened itself out. And we should get back on the,winning track." Tom Dobson, defeosive end: "TJ has a small, but quick team. We have to win to stay in contention for the State playoffs." Steve Stock, running back: "TJ is a fine ballclub. I think we can_ win if we don't make mistakes." Doug Friedman, linebacker: "If our attitude is right, and our practices have gone all right, all week, we should be able to beat them." Phil Bitzes, linebacker: "If we play as tough as we really have potential to, we should win." Mr. Roger Herring, assistant coach: "TJ will always play its best game of the year against" us. They are always up to beat Westside." · John Palmer, unter:: "It wil' be a close game. If we keep down the penalties, we should beat them." John O'Hara, split end: "If we play errorless ball, the way we can, we should win." Randy Naran, quarterback: "If the defense can contain their offense, and our offense doesn't make mistakes, we will win." Bill Stock, defensive back: "TJ will be a tough game.lf everybody plays to their full potential, we can win." Chris Sader, running back: "We have to win in order to get to the playoffs. It will be a good game." Dan Sweetwood, middle guard: "They should be a respectable football team. It will be a challenge."

Twisting and turning Gymnast lee Simmons attempts a difficult trick on the rings· during practice. So far the tedious practice has payed off for the gymnasts, as they have progressed each meet and reached higher plateaus as the season heightens. Simmons commented, "I think our practices have paid off. Even though we haven't won a lot of meets, we've progressed a~ a team."

Royle 'nervous' _for tournament Along with 1S other teams, the know what to do. Although who competed in it last year girls' volleyball team will com- we're young, we're fairly experi- went on to state. "It's an extra pete in the second annual Corn- enced." . event, but there's a psychologihusker Classic Volleyball 1"ournMany of this year's squad at- cal effect that carries on to state." ament Friday and Saturday, tended volleyball qmps over the In order to get to state, the Oct. 6 and 7 at the University of summer and most have played Warriors must win the district, Nebraska at lincoln. . volleyball for a great number of which boasts four teams in the The teams were selected by years. Royle added, "We'll do top ten. A wildcard berth is also a overall performance during the better than last year, when we possibility. last five to six years. All classes were winless in the UNL InvitaSo far the team has performed will be represented, and will play tional. fairly consistent and Royle stated each other on an equal level. This year the tournam'e nt will that the team perfo·rms "aver""It's going to be tough," con- differ slightly from last year. age" under pressure. Royle; ceded Ms. Af!n Royle, coach. There will be no pools of four however, added, "So far we've "There's a SO-SO chance of win- teams each·, and once a team never lost a first game during a ning the tournament." Royle loses they are eliminated from meet. Our second game bothers maintained that the Warriors' the tournament completely. me though. We seem to have a performance in the invitational Royle prefers the round robin slight letdown and the other depends upon the teams' mood. system used a year ago, and feels team tries harder, knowing they "Our warmups tell me how the the importance placed on the in- must win." team ·will do that day." vitational is not as high. Tlie Warriors line up in three According to Royle, this year's The tournament will not de- different formations; the 4-2, the volleyball squad is the best she's termine who will go to the state 1-42 and the 6-2. In each of the coached at Westside. "Along championships, but according to formations, there are two setters with our height, we basically ~oyle 80 percent of the teams and four hitters.



Golfers drive for success at state toUrneys

Heavily favored lincoln Southeast will try to · th B 'St t Ch · h' fen d o ff We st s1·d em e oys a e amp1ons 1p Go If Tournamen t nex t Fn·d ay. Th e t ournamen t WI·11 . ·d e Go If Course. be he ld a t th e G ran d IsIan d R1vers1 . l'f' t' · f th · Dlsqua 1 1ca 1on IS one o e b'1ggest womes of Mr. Roger Hoffman, head golf coach. "An example of how easy it is to be disqualified is three years ago, when lincoln Southeast probably had the best team in the state. One of their players picked up a two-inch -putt. Because of this, their. r,t~am .was latc:;r disquaHfied," he said. . ·, r• .l;ioffl)1jlr;t's No. 1 golfer is Jeff Epstein, sophomore, sporting a 79 stroke tournament average. Close behind, with 80 stroke averages, are Mike Zoob, sophomore, and Doug Kozeny, senior. The final spot in the state tournament will be filled by one of the three players tied for the No.4 position. The three are: Jim Glazer, Todd Glasford, and Dan Solzman, all juniors with 82 storke averages. Hoffman brings his own 94-4 dual record into the meet hoping to come out with a title. However, he is leery of Lincoln Southeast. "I'm hoping to win it, but I'd say if we finish second we will hctve done very well . Hoffman said he thinks Kozeny is the most improved player from last year. "Doug is probably five strokes better per round," ~id Hoffman , " and had we had some scores like these last year, we would have won some of the invitationals that we're finishing second in-this year." Hoffman said that the decision of who plays in the respective tournaments and duals is decided purely on. the basis of scores during the week. Kozeny is the only member of the team who is a senior. Rounding out the rest of the nine member squad are: Jay Lynch, and Pat Kelliher, both juniors, and Tom Kozeny, sophomore.

, . . . As the boys golf team won 1ts f1fth Metro t1tle on Th urs d ay, sept. 28 , t h e g1r · 1s remame · d h opef u 1t h at h 1 k · h · b"d f h t h ey wou ld h ave · th.e same uc m t e1r 1 or t e Stated Champ1ons 1p Thursday, Oct. 12 at Applewoo · Millard gave the boys the stiffest competition. The same should be true in today's tournament according to Joann Mierj!Ddorf, team member . She said, "Millard, Marian and us will be the favorites. But, I don't think Marian will come out ahead, because it's a longer course, and they may not be as strong because of that. "


According to Ms . Lois Jensen , Kathy Harkert, Sara Lockwood and Mierendorf will be used in the contest, but at press time she remained uncertain 'as to who would be the fourth golfer. Jensen commented,' " These girls have played with the most consistency during the season . I . think they will do a good job for us; and put out a lot of effort. " /

The Warriors maintain a 7 and 1 record in their dual meets, and finished third in the Duchesne Invitational at the Cedar Hills Golf Course on Wednesday, Sept. 27. Duchesne· finished first after a play-off with Marian.

Stroke that ball Golfer Jim Glazer polishes up his stroke. The boys previously won the Metro conference championship and will now compete in the state meet Friday, Oct. 13 at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln.

In the State Championships, lack of experience may hurt the girls' chances of winning, Mierendorf said. " We will have' one sophomore playing in Metro for sure and probably at State. It will be new to her (Harkert), but I think she can handle it."


Food served knightly

Fruit foils junk food

by )on Duitch

and ceilings. Bar stools were made out of possibly authentic wooden beer kegs. Most of the female ~estaurant personnel including the barmaids, reminded me more of Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders than petite damsels in distress. Politely qur barmaid explained her position in King Arthur's court by reciting a 30 second speech unintelligibly. Then she kindly but disappointedly accepted our orders for Coca-Cola. Amidst the relaxed atmosphere I heard the call for ·the Royal Duitch party. Not accustomed to being called the Royal Duitch, I hesitated before leaving the bar and entering the main dining room. Semi-dimmed lights and comfortable roomy tables helped make our lunch setting pleasant. Ou! page gave us menus decorated with the story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. . Entrees on the lunch menu include lady of lake, (a fresh shrimp salad), Shining Kinght (a baked white fish) , lady Vivian's Stow (ci' mushroom cheddar ·cheese omelette), Gwaine's Boon (a ground sirloin with ~ melted cheese), Slender Knight ((a dieter's delight consisting of ground sirloin topped with cheddar cheese) and other assorted sandwiches and steaks. All the items on the luncheon menu were priced between $2.75 and $4.95. Included in many meals is a salad bar. The salad bar has a variety of extras including bean salad, jello, and the special house salad dressing. The salad bar alone costs $2.50, and with a meal, not including the salad bar, it costs $1. Pleasant, but distracting were the scantily clad waitresses who moved between the dining area and kitchen constantly. Also our' roving barmaid stopped at our table four or five times during .the course of our Change of pace meal. My better instincts compelled me to refrain from Royal treatment and elegant cuisine characterize the Draw ordering anything stronger than Coca-Cola, because I Bridge restaurant, located at 120th Street and Arbor. With felt that my participation in French class later in the architecture _resembling a castle, it provides a change of pac'"e afternoon might falter. for the average customer. Sure to satisfy anyone's palate is the filet of white fish , $2.95. Served on a large bun, the fried filet was the mosphere allowed me to escape from my mundane Friday school schedule to that of the mysterious court of special of the day. My fellow "lance" staffer enjoyed the Pin Dragon's Delight, $3.45. This order consisted of King Arthur and Merlin .the Magician. two muffins covered with crabmeat, cheese and .a slice The fair damsel that greeted us could be considered a messenger of evil, because she informed us we of tomato. The Pin Dragon's Delight does not include -· would have a half-hour's wait until we could be seated. the salad bar. -1 decree that anyone desiring a good atmosphere During this half-hour that turned out to be only 15 minutes, we inspected the waiting lounge and bar. The . with moderately priced meals should dine at the DrawCoats of Arms from many families adorned the walls bridge.

Elegant enough for the royalty of King Arthur's Court, yet priced for the pocketbook of today's layman, the new Drawbridge Restaurant at 13010 Arbor St. is delicious. After parking your modern-day coach and walking up to the entrance of this medieval castle, you open the door and enter the world of King Arthur, where a beautiful damsel dressed1n costume greets you. A fellow " lance" staffer and I entered the Drawbridge to test its cuisine. Immediately the medieval at-

This consumer report is not for those with good teeth, healthy minds and bodies, and size 28 belts. This story is for the real junkies, the people who eat the hard stuff. The use of junk food by an individual, or by a group (as in, " Pass the Hostess Twinkie") is not surprising, especially when those tasty treats have names like Zingers, Suzy-Qs, and happy Ho-Ho's. How can they be resisted, when right in the middle of your favorite show, pops Fruit Pie the magician, Captain Cupcake, and Twinkie the kid? The answer is fruit. Fruit is inexpensive when compared to junk food, and it is also much better for you. Oranges contain natural vitamin C. Try finding that on the side of a bag of potato chips. Fruit is great for weight watchers; it contains only natural sweetners, no sugar added . Natural sweetners are good for the body. This means less calories than junk food. An average banana contains about 80calories, and an apple is even less, about 60. Try to find a Hostess Cupcake for that many calories, they contain about 550. Fruit can ee bought anywhere junk food can, and at better prices. A comparison of four grocery stores; Food tity, Hinky Dinky, Baker's, and Shaver's show fairly varied prices for fruit. This ensures the consumer of good prices at at least one of these stores. The price of bananas ranges from 29 cents a pound at Food City and Shavers, to 33centsa pound at Bakers and Hinky Dinky. This compares to 31 cents for three to four ounces of Hostess products. 'Fhe prices for Old Home and Dolly Madison are also 25 to 31 cents. The prices for Jonathan apples range from 33 cents a pound at Food City, to 49 cents a pound at Bakers and Hinky Dinky. Peaches can be picked up for 39 cents a pound at Food City, or if you like, 59 cents a pound at Bakers and Hinky Dinky. The reverse is true for pears. Bakers offers 39 cents a pound, while Food City and Shavers have them for 59 cents a pound. Orange prices hold straight across the board with all four stores advertising 49 cents a pound. The most expensive fruits seem to be raisins and grapes, wbile watermelon is the cheapest. Raisins range from 98 cents a pound at Food City, to $1.38 at Hinky Dinky. Green seeded grapes are 89 cents a pound at Shavers, and 79 cents a pound at the other three stores. Watermelon is 15 cents a pound at Shavers, and 12 cents a pound at the other stores.

Excuse me, sir, could I borrow

yaur saddle? ·


I'm not really in the correct mood for writing something light or amusing. The on-off button on a light is a depressing thing. You have to depress it to make it work. But it's a light. Ho ho ho. I'm not really in the correct mood for writing something light or am4sing. Oops, I wrote that all ready. Oh well, it'S-too late now. Too late. That's depressing. Too late to eat . breakfast cereal. Too late to give the Indians back their land. Too late to turn back now. Too late to turn front later. Ho ho ho. I'm not in the correct mood for writing something light or amusing. Hey, I know. I'll throw a party for myself. That will put me in the right mood! But what if I invite a lot of people to the party and nobody comes. Oh well, I'll just eat all of the cake and drink all of the root beer. I'm really not in the right mood for writing something dark and depressing. Maybe I should eat an old banana. That would make me burp. That's sometimes despressing. It's also sometimes relieving. Boy, wouldn:t it be neat if you


could eat bananas without burping. I'm not really in the right mood for eating a banana. Bananas are light and amusing. This is supposed to be depressing. Hmm, maybe it's funny. That's depressing. That didn't make one bit of sense. _ Speaking of bits (no, I'm writing. Writing of bits . . .) my horse ran away today. That's depressing. I don't have a horse. That's not so depressing because I think horses smell. Well, I smell too, when my nose isn't plugged up. I got a receipt today. I didn't buy anything though. I just got a receipt. Oh, yeah, come to think of it, I did ... I bought some time for my essay from my English teacher. That's where I probably got the receipt. let's talk about zits now. Everyone has them but no one wants them. Sort of like children. Everybody has them, but . . . etc. Zits are a sign of youth. Everybody wants to act young, look young, feel young, / be young. But if they were really young, they would have zits. Nobody wants zits. So nobody wants.to be

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Campus Life Haunted House 132nd ljarrison 'lz miie south of Harrison

r-------, October 2Q-31

For Homecoming or anytime, It's Sparetime.


young. Most everybody is content to be what they are. They just hear stories about other people who happen to think they're discontent so they don't want to be left out, so they think they're discontent too. But they aren't. If they were something else they'd want to be what they were. Hmm. Zits and youth. Go together like a horse and carriage. " love and marriage. You can't have one without the other." I don't really agree with that. What if you love your dog? You can't marry your dog. What if you love dill pickles? You can't marry dill pickles because you swallow them and they become a part of you. That's a little like marriage, though . .. Do you ever get the feeling somebody is watching you? I do. Especially when I look in a mirror. I wonder if reflections hurt. Reflexes sometimes hurt but I' m not · sure whether or not reflections hurt. It must be the "tions." Chins. I think that's the last name of a ' Chinaman I never met. Too bad. I wonder if he had a horse. -By Bob Glissmann, lifestyle editor

7 PM-11 PM Weekends 7 PM-10 PM Weekdays






:L-------..1 off ~

Perseverance Enduring the effects of an early fall heat wave, construction workers continue to progress toward the final goal of completion. Authorities estimate that the new business/ foreign language wing will be ready for use by Monday, Sept. 25. On the other hand, the new girls' gym will not be don e until January 1.


omecoming '78

Vol. 23, No. 2

Ianning makes rfect; ideas roduce outcome Continuing the tradition of past years, planfor Homecoming 1978 activities is underway, rding to Mr. James Findley, vice-principal. icking off the series of events, the Student Board (SAB) will sponsor its annual re, promoting school spirit, and enhancing spirit of the weekend . · The blaze will be held Thursday, October 5, 7 p.m. until 8. p.m. The tradition of bonfires was discontinued imately six years ago, according to Mr. Ron , activities director. Two years ago, when expressed interest iri sponsoring the activity, school was granted a burning permit upon uest from the Omaha Department of Public B will continue the tradition again this year, same manner as past years, according to Workman , committee chairman. Workman done the preliminary planning for the board year, obtaining the fire permit, and organizing event. In the past, the bonfires have attracted over people, as was the case last year. " I think the fire is the second most important spirit event of football season, second to the Homecoming which will occur on the next day," said Conser, SAB president. On the following day, SAB will sponsor the ming parade. Students involved in the will be dismissed at 2:30 p.m., and others involved will be allowed to leave at 2:50 p.m., h.-•n"r"tinn ' for the 3 p.m. parade. evening, the Warriors will clash with Jefferson High at 7:30p.m. in the Westside urn. At halftime, Homecoming King and candidates will be honored. lighting the weekend will be the Homeng dance, held Saturday, Oct. 7, at 8 p.m. in girls' gym. The King and Queen will be at this function. The selection of King and Queen candidates continue as in the past, according to Marcie , drill squad captain.

Westside High School 8701 Pacific Street Omaha, NE 68124 September 22, 1978

It's a long journey ahead

Teachers without contracts Time passes slowly for District 66 faculty members as they await a possible pay raise, for which negotiations began last january. Until a new contract is agreed upon by the Westside Ed'ucation Association (WEA) and school board members, the instructors will be paid according to the provisions of the 1977-78 contract. Mr. Rod Karr, WEA president during the past school year, feels that any agreement between the two parties may be " a long way off," because of the current stalemate in negotiations. This deadlock is the result of the negotiators' June decision to go to impasse, because of unresolvable differences. According to Karr, this situation dictates that a neutral party be brought in to examine the issue and suggest a possible solution . . I"

' The court will make a binding d~­ cision, which we (the WEA and the school board) have to accept. , - Mr. Rod Karr, WEA past-president

In . this· case, the "Neutral party" is called the FactFinding Committee, which is comprised of three people. Mr. Verne Moore, school board attorney and chief · negotiator was chosen to represent the board, and Mr. Dick Halama, the Nebraska State Education Association negotiations consultant was selected as the teachers' representative. Mr. Henry Grether, a law professor at the University of Nebraska.at lincoln became the third committee member. Both sides presented their proposed salary increases to the committee in a hearing on Monday, Aug. 25. At press time, faculty and board members were awaiting the results· of the committee report. In hearing, the WEA proposed a minimum pay raise

for all faculty members of $1650 or 11 percent, " whichever is lower," according to Mr. Joe Higgins, WEA chief negotiator. The school board offered an increase of four percent of a teacher's current salary plus $400. Under the 1977-78 contract, the starting salary is $9200 per year. Teachers want to raise that figure to $10,000, while the board's offer stands at $9700. " We examined how exactly teachers fit in economically in the job market. Traditionally, teaching has not paid extremely well . With that and with all other prices going up, we decided it was time to catch up," said Karr. Moore feels that the board has made a " good offer" by examining pay raises across the state. He said, "The · board took into account the general increases in pay," in order to arrive at a specific figure . Of the 11 items on the WEA proposal, another major concern is increased Blue Cross-Blue Shield coverage. Presently, teachers receive full coverage after the fifth year of employment but the board wants to change this, so that the teachers will have to pay l en percent of the family coverage. Faculty members are asking for complete coverage aft~r three years of employment. If either the WEA or the school board rejects the FactFinding Committee's suggestion, the case will be transferred to the Court of Industrial Relations. The court will make "a binding decision, which we (the WEA and the school board) have 'o accept," said Karr. He added that this procedure could take up to six or seven months before a final decision is given. Karr feels that this process, although time consuming, is a good one, because it has proven a successful way of keeping negotiations going without the threat of a · teachers' strike. If the court eventually decides to raise faculty wages, each teacher will be rei mbursed the difference between his or her current salary and the increase of the new contract.

Alternative sChool: An easy way out? For students not able to function well because of ily problems, academic problems, pregnancy, or , the Alternative School offers an individualized am that encourages strong teacher-student relaships. The program, now a year old, is designed to help the needs of the students in a closer atmosphere no more than ten people in one class at a time. Mr. Dave Fitzekam, director of the school, states of the students attending Alternative School 't successful at Westside simply· because they shy, they didn't know anyone, and weren't in any extra-curricular activities. Most of these students enjoy the fact that there are 44 people in half-day shifts at the school. They have to compete for the instructor's attention or and there is no peer pressure. Steve Wiitala, social studies instructor, is new to tive School this year and says that he is quite with the student reaction to the school anq had heard that most of the students had , so I was expecting some discipline problems. had any problems at all with discipline," said at the Alternative School feel that the is highly beneficial. One student, who declined ive his name said, "If you are better at working at own pace it is a better alternative. You get to know e rs and students. You find ou t that you know a

lot more than you thought. I wouldn't go back to Westside." A student who did return to Westside, Keith Neth, was glad to come back and feels that the Alternative . School was a waste of effort, because Westside offers more independence and a better curriculum. "I don't feel that I learned anything there. The teachers tried, but when I came back to Westside I wasn't prepared for any of the classes I'm taking. I think

the best thing for me would have been suspension and then return to Westside second semester," said Neth. Of the four classes offered; however, Fitzekam feels that only history might hold a returned student back at Westside. Science, he says, does not even pretend to prepare a student for chemistry or physics, as it is just a general science class. .Another person who returned this year from the Alternative School, Karl Brown, came back to try just one more time, although he could have earned the needed credits at the Alternative School. " You went drree hours a day, you could smoke and drink pop du ring classes. The classes we re ~ma ll. In a

way it's just a way out. A lot of people don't try. l didn't. They don 't make it (the classes) hard enough," Brown said. Designed to keep students interested in education, the Alternative School does not deal in the traditional class situation where the teacher teaches over 20 people . a period, all at the same level even if someone is falling behind. " If anyone ever spent a day here, and observed, I think they would be surprised. Most people have this image of burn:outs that go here, and that isn't necessarily true," Wiitala said. Neth feels differently about the student-tea~her relationship at the Alternative School. "Teachers seem unaware of activities during b~eaks, such as smoking marijuana in and outside of the school. If they do know it, they seldom do anything. I know .of only one person who was expe lled last year," said Neth . "I've heard that last year som e people had been using it (marijuana)," says Wiitala , " If anyone is caught here, that's it. They' re out of school, and out of Westside. I imagine we do have a drug and alcohol problem here, but not in the school. If they do they're · pretty crafty." Fitzekam feels that there is absolutely no chance for a student to smoke marijuana on the school premises or even near it. All break time is very closely supervi sed, and most of the teachers have very s!Jict views of drug and alcohol abuse .

- Molehills-~

-Black minori finds school favorable ...

Enrollment·dips projected It's going to get better before it gets worse. Enrollment f Westside stands at 2,178 students, an increase of 13 students ov last year. However, central office projections predict a severe declin in enrollment, dipping down to an estimated 1600 students school year 1985-86. A census report was presented before the Board of Educati in the Monday, Sept. 11 meeting. Dr. Curtis Olson, busin manager, presented the new enrollment figures, and outlined t . projections for coming years. In his presentation, Olson stressed the flexibility of t estimates. He said that there are many variables which could aff the projections, including the number of students who transfe into parochial schools, and population shifts among homeowners Dr. H. Vaughn Phelps, superintendent, agreed with Olson' report that the projecte(i enrollment figures could change, b cautioned the members of the board to keep an eye on th figures, as they could be relative to future staffing and curriculu

No different Ge nerall y, black students are no t tre ated any d ifferently th an whit e st ude nis, accordin g to Spencer levels, senior. Administrators aod students stressed their belief that race

separation was not an issue. Westside has five Black stud e nts ou t of 2,178 students enrolled . ·

What's it like to be a black Sophomore Bob Levels said people," he explained, "I k,new student in a predominantly that in the short time he has been some students already here ." wh ite school? Of Westside' s at Westside, he has encountered The two brothers agree that 2,178 students, only five are some, but not much , prejudice the main view they have of Westside is not of a mostly white black. from a few other students. Robin Rumley, a transfer stu"I knew there would be a little. school , but of an academically · dent from Tech High, is spending It's kind of expected," he said . good school. her last year of high school at He also indicated that he isn't " I feel I can learn more at Westside. She explained that her new to the situation in which he Westside than at a lot of other reception here was better than finds hims.elf. " I've been to schools," the sophomore said, she had anticipted. ,predominantly white schools all " even if those other schools have " I knew that most of the my life." more black students." Levels said that he students are white," she said , "I talked to has not encountered any direct prejudice a former black Westin the form of disside student who crimination against told me there is nohim or preferential thing wrong with treatment, in the the system, but that "Black students have never been an issue at time he has been there is a lot of prejWestside," remarked Mr. James Firid ley, vicehere. udice." principal. " I think I'm being But she added that In a suburban high school of over 2000 treated basically the she hasn't found this students, Westside has o nly five black students same as other stuto be true. in attendance this year. Historically, the school dents," he. said, "eshas maintained a predominantly white majority. "I haven't run into pecially by .. the "You could almost list on both hands the anyone yet . who is teachers. " number of non-caucasian students that have prejudiced. People He added that he gone to Westside," said Mr. William Schleiffer, have been very doesn't expect director of curriculum. friendly. Kids have Westside to be.totalFindley stressed his belief that black students come up to me and ly devoid of discrimiare not treated differently than their white introduced themnatory attitudes. · counterparts, but observed a disadvantage that selves and asked me . " I accept the ' black students are up.against. "I'm sure that the if. I was new. I've met probability that , black student at Westside is limit~d in'"some of a lot of people." . there is a . . small the things he can do, because of the size of the Rumley said that a·m ount of , preju~ minority," he said. some of ' the first dice. That's ·to be Although he does not forsee an increase impressions she reexpected. But from through busing, forced integration, or other ceived that dispelled what I've seen, I'd means, Findley regrets the fact of the limited her fears were from guess that there is black student population. the faculty . probably less preju" I haven't gotten . dice at Westside than at a lot of Spencer Levels, senior, said othe ~=..schools ," Levels aid . th e impression that any of my Despite the lack of prejudice, teachers are prejudiced . I guess that knowing a lot of the stud e nts the first indication I got that the helped when he entered two Levels commented, the atmosschool isn 't really what I'd ex- years ago as one of five bl ack phere at Westside is not such that pected was from my counselor, students enrolled . he or others ever forget that he is Ms. Sharon Bjornsen . She's been " It was very _easy for me to a black student among a white really helpful. " become known and to meet majority.

Administration: point of view

You make the

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Some like it late. That's why we're open lor late night dinners and desserts.


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Webster's Collegiate dictionary defines the word forum as "medium of open discussion." \\fe~tside St!Jdents have incorp ·r-ated the word into a governmental body. ' Student representatives moved into action this week, as th new 1978-79 Forum body was ,reassembled. Members wer elected from each homeroom, representing a cross-section of th student body. The administration is attempting to improve.a problem tha the Forum had last year, in the area of attendance. Last year, lack of staff support created an atmosphere in whic class attendance seemed obligatory for a student in comparison t the attendance of Forum . meetings, according . to Mr. Jam Findley, vice-principal. Findley believes that the problem wit resolve itself this year , through increased staff cooperation wit the Forum. . Another concern was a lack of student interest by Foru111 Members. Findley is hopeful that student representatives wil strive to attend meetings, and contribute to the group. The Forum plans to continue goals set last year. Activitie spon sored by Forum in cl ud e, th e pumpkin conte.st, calenda proposals and a pyram id contest. Forum plans to continue thes events this year, according to Findley. Representatives chosen this week will become possibl prospects for officers. Elections will be held next week.

Westside High School headquarters for school flowers /

Bee's Flower Shop -

Forum starts neW year


We'll make the flowers


School goes better with CGke. The addition of Coke mach in to the cafeteria has been well received by students and faculty, t the tune of over 750 cans per day . This year, the administration decided to move the machin to the cafeteria, giving more students access to them, an correcting the mess that was caused when the machines were i the commons last year, according to Mr. James Findley, vic principal. Another change is the conversion to cans, versus the previou .cup dispenser, causing a price increase from 15 to the present cents. Most students agree that, despite the price increase, th cans are much better, giving larger portions, and a constant quali in taste. Popul~rity has its drawbacks, as student abuse of the privileg has upset several custodians and Mr. Dick Lane, buildin supervisor. "Pop cans are everywhere. Kids ought to be able to stay in th cafeteria and drop their can in a wastebasket when they leav Many students simply cannot abide by this simple rule," Lan commented .




New machines 'add life'

Wines • Cocktails Open from 11 a.m. 7 davs


Gold Football with each order over $2.00

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creperie Major cred it cards accepted


---Lance stance--Alternative school not easy way out As the Al te rnat ive School continues to e du cate those formerly " un successful" students , it is important that one exam ines its fun cti o n. Th e Alternative School' s purpose is to keep troubled studen ts educationally alive while they try to work out problems related to the " bigness" of Westside, or t heir personal lives. The student-teacher ratio is kept at ten to one, which facilitates highly individuali zed teaching of basic subjects. This individualized method helps a troubled student to work and learn . As one student currently at the school relates, " I' m learning more here. The atti t ude's a lot more positive. " And Dr. James Tangdall, principal, con;ments, " Since it's so small

and individu a l, th e students have no c hoi ce bu t to learn ." It is beca use of thi s necessity to learn, alon g . wit h eit her working or e nter ing a vocation a l prog ram , that students cannot cons ider t he Alternative School an easy way out. Accordin g to Tangdall, Alternative School candidates are suggested, then t horoughly screehed before th e y a re transferred . A student who asks to be transferred will most like ly be turned down if his only known problem is laziness. Th e Alternative School serves its purpose in educating those troubled stud e nts who want to learn. It is not inferior to Westside, and it cannot be used as an easy way out.

Pep rally planners need organization

e janitors ofte n meet in their room afte r a long workin g d ay. As well as eserving a break, they dese rve a lot of credit and thanks . Most of the janitors nt the entire summer working on th e school buildings and grounds, tryin g get them in top condition for the new sctiool year. Ho pe full y, irres po nsible ~ dents will not destroy their efforts.

Before the wheel


Rallies without pep? last year's pep rallies were inadequate in producing the desired reaction from the students. They did not fulfill the purpose for which they were designed. The purpose of a pep rally is. to generate enthusiasm and excitement in the crowd for the upcoming event. It should be a tool to gain support f<,>r the team. Unfortunatety, past pep rallies have involved a limited number of people and have been a rather unorganized means of raising spirit. Skits and stunts for raising spirit could have been more effective if more time had been spent in their plannfng by the teachers and students involved. Rallies

featuring pies thrown in the faces of athletes and rallies with · footb a ll players dressed in - women 's clothes have little meaning when they do not run smoothly. Proper thought needs to be given by the cheerleaders and their sponsors to the co l'ltent of the rallies. Focusing on brevity would keep the crowd from becoming restless. Including additional members of the audience would also raise the quality of the program and generate a higher level of excitement. If the student body were presented with a consistent show of spirit they would perhaps be more likely to stand behind the team.

mentality to cope with stress situations similar to those found glad I in parking lots. drive . I' m lucky. As of now I don't might have to drive home at 3:15 p.m. strange It's crazy time in the parking lot. you, too, Everybody wants to get home nee you (naturally), but they want to get obably columnist home before everyone else. I ought that every kid 16 or suppo~e they want to hurry and opinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopini Cler wanted to get or already start their homewor~. sl ipped on your finger? . d a driver's license, but, well, I · · · I hate class rings. There, how's Then it is the time to decide if the advertiseNobody lets you in the flow, that for a statement of predicam 't. ments hold true. Will that ring make you recall I'd better start out by telling kids-talk to each other from car tion? Really though, if they your high school days when you're old and gray u that the main reason I to car and block traffic, kids with aren't the dumbest things to (providing the ring is sti-ll in your possession and ven't gotten one yet is because jeeps go up onto the sidewalks, spend your money on during was not lost, or stolen, or chewed-up !!J the e insurance rate will be much others squeal their tires . . . high school, I don't know what garbage disposal)? ' gher when I start driving. So you'd think it was the parking lot is. If you are going to remember the times e've kind of put it off. For a year of a driving school. But then First of all -money. Mr. Stan good and bad - you had at high school, you will again, Crossroads' and Wes- Skaug, the ring salesman, said editori~l editor d a half. remember them regardless of whether you bought troads' lots are like that too, so But it has given me time to that Westside students who buy rings spend an a class ring or not. You won't be able to look into ink of all the responsibilities you have to get used to it. average of $55 on them. He said students of most the chip of crystal in 30 years and say, "I • Unfortunately, some drivers other schools don't spend so much, but re- remember the time when ... " Nope, that's not t go along with driving a car. ne of the big things is the cost never become accustomed to it member, this is "Hollywood High." the way it works. wolved. You have to buy gas all - neither in the parking lots nor A ring could run as high as $100. That's one Another thing about class rings that probably the time, oil some of the time, on the highways. That's when the with white gold and an expensive stone, said irks me more than anything else is that so many of a there always seems to be accidents occur. Even people Skaug. the ring purchasers, at Westside anyway, are mething else wrong; the wind- who have had a lot of driving But look on the bright side (bright?), the least underclassmen. According to Staug's figures, an 'eld wipers need to be re- experience, have accidents. But expensive rings are only $34 (what a deal). estimated 24 rings were sold for the class of 1981 ced, the timing is off, the tires the chances of having an acciWith these prices in mind, consider what (the sophomore class), compared to 50 'for the .ed to be rotated, the oil filter dent can be reduced (I'm starting you're gaining. Not a whole lot, if you ask me. class of 1980, and 25 for the class of 1979. to sound like Mr. Stribley) by You've got a yellow gold , white gold, or silver ring !eds to be changed . . . The sophomores have been here not even II of these little things add up staying alert, being courteous, with a stone in the center. Maybe it has your initials four weeks, and already they are buying expensive on it, maybe not. Maybe it has a design on the side mementoes. Maybe they'll move before they a lot of money. If you don't and abiding by the traffic laws. ve a source of income, or if I didn't really mean th~t I depicting something you have don'e, maybe not, It graduate. They might not even like the school. But u have a very limited one, didn't want a license I guess I might even fit, but then again , it might not. still they dish out their money for this keepsake. ving a car can be very difficult. meant that I didn 't want the I have no suggestions to give, and certainly And after you 've poured through all the Difficult is the right word for responsibility that goes along catalogues to choose the " ring for you ," and the none that the ring companies would be too fond e situation in the parking lots with it. But as soon as funds selection process if over, and you 've waited from of. But I still insist that $55 is a lot of money to er school. This may not seem become available, I'm going to September until December for its arrival, and spend, and there are better things to have wrapped be in line with the previous get a license. Maybe by that time you've got th~t bit of metal slipped on your finger around your finger d{an something that will ample, but It takes a -certain I'll be ready. - what do you really have, but a bit of metal probably be thrown in a drawer afte r graduation.

Why class rings on your fingers~

IBnce--------------------------------------~~~~-c~--~--~~--~~--~----~--~~--~ Published bi-weekl y by the Journalism Depa rtment of Westside Hi gh School, 87th and acific St., Omaha, NE 68124, the " l ance" is a member of th e Ne braska High School Pre ss ~sso ci a ti on , th e Columbia Scholastic Press Asso ciation , and the National Scholasti c Press Asso:iation . The " Lance" office is located in roo m 302. Adve rtisi ng rates ava ilable on req uest. Phone 402) 391-1266 Ext. 20. The pa pe r is di stribute d to all stude nts and staff on Friday morni ngs. !u bscription rates to ot he rs are $3.00 post pai d. No n-profi t maili ng rights clai med. Printed by 'riesman Grap hics; Aqu ila Court Buildi ng, 1615 Howard St. , Omaha, NE 68102. l:litor-in-Chief ..... . .. . .. jea ni ne Van Leeuwen Editor .... .. ....... . . . . . Beth Kaiman •sso ciate Editor ..... . .. . . ...... . Cathy Jo hnso n i:Jitorial Editor . ..... . ...• . . . ... . . Amy Gendler sst. Editorial Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . Me lanie Sturm 'olumnists ... . ..... . . • . . . ...... Bob Glissman n Karen Peck ews Editor ... . .. . ... . ...... Robert Greenberg .sst. News Editor . ... . . . . .. . Mary Bloomi ngdale Writers . . ............ . . . . ... Cindy Crane Ke nt Po nce low, Katie Lohff Feature Editor ......... Mary Bloomingdale Feature Editor . . . . ...... Ke nt Po ncelow Writers . . . . . . . .. . ...... Jay Da ndy Tracy Katelman Cyndi Lunde ~anaging

to·rial Opinion

Sports Editor .............. . . Tom Golden Asst. Sports Editor . . . ... . •..•. , ... Lisa Margolin Sports Writers . . . . . . ....... . ..... .. Scott Davis Te rry Kroeger Lifestyle Editor . .. . . ... . . . . . .. .. Bob Glissmann Asst. Lifestyle Editor . . . .. ... . . .. . ... Jon Duitch Lifestyle Writers . . ... . .. . .. . .. . . . Marshall Pred Dave Scott Advertising Manager ..... . ........ Sa ll y Lindwa ll Asst. Advertising Manage r . . .... . ... . . Jay Da ndy Business Manager . . ........ . ... . . Tracy Kate lman Artists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . Frank Gappa Sally McGlaun Head Photographe r . . . . . .... . .. Hunt Lewi s Adviser . . . . . . . John Hudna ll

hris Sedgley, senior: ''They spend too much time tal king . "' It's supp(;lsed to be fo r the students~... ii not fo r ~~he coach - the guys o n the · teams get lectureo e nough in the locker room. They should shorten t.!Je s.peeches and have the cheer;· ,, "leaders"theer more r;t · w,. ."


ctor: lf1t Wrth the morn ing convocation sched ule, the pep ratlies always run long, and that same class (four~h period) is atways cutshort. I thinkpep 'rallies should be held every friday at 3 p.m. Then they can last as long as they want because people can leave any time. Butpep rallies .do serve a purpose for those who want them."

September 22, 1978

Greg Hevelka, senior: 1 think the pep rallies are fine the .. way th~y'are. They. seem t9gather a lot of spirit." 11




Westside's . .Lance


MERRILL GOFF STUDIOS 10 proofs for your selection! by appointment only


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Traffic problem n Traffic is heavy at Westside; however, not all the activity is in the parking lot. The sale and use of drugs is a lifestyle for some, and a weekend kick for others.

m in

· " In school we don't see an awful lot (of drug use) . We know there is outside of the building," said Ms. Peg johnson, dean of girlS:

su kn

Drug use, especially marijuana, has become more socially acceptable. "I think the people we now consider athletes and high society are into drugs. Even the smart people get high. It's not limited to the burnouts," said Smith (not his real name), a studious-looking young man who travels in some intellectual circles.

b do of or en

" I have expe~imented with anything except something that goes with a needle. Once you do that you ' re walking a thin line. I was in eighth grade, (when I first started). I thought if was time I figured out what everyone else was doing," Smith reminisced . An athletic student, with all the appearance of a typical jock, said , "I've used grass (marijuana) since the summer after fourth grade." "I tried it because my older brother did," said the athlete. "I tried speed once in seventh grade, when I was a ' head'." "Grass is the easiest to get," he continued, citing marijuana as the most popular, because it had the "funnest effect." As the use of marijuana spreads to different groups, others turn to harder drugs. " There are some people who just like to do whatever they can to get a bigger high," said another athlete, who joined his teammate in the interview.

(in La~


"What we see is an ever increasing amount of marijuana," said Mr. Kim LaPier, a building supervisor, adding that some students may use other drugs (like cocaine), "but not at school."

thi selli the

"On an irregular basis I use marijuana," said Smith of his personal experiences. "They (my friends) all like to get high. They like to snort coke (cocaine), but it's too expensive. Some of my friends like mesc (mescaline) a lot, but not a regular basis.'.'

pre wh~

else La Pi her

· "I'd say a few people are on acid and mesc.

Young globetrotters tearing


Spending their vacation thousands of miles from home Glissmann continued his praise of proved to be an interesting and exciting learning adventure for is a great learning experience ·for an yo three students this past summer. • other cultures. I'm glad I got a chanc Ms. Davis also is involved in a fou~ Bob Glissmann, Cathy johnson and Shelly Masden were chosen to be American Field Service representatives from each summer sponsored .by the Nebraska-Spain Institute. Westside. American Field Service (AFS) is an organization formed at the conclusion of World War I to enable students from around the world to live and learn the culture of another country, according to Ms. Mary Davis, head of the International Club.

On this trip, students are required concentrated study at the University exchange for their study they rece according to Davis. She added that stu grades for their efforts.


The AFS program places specially selected students with a She was quick to point out that t family in a foreign country for an entire summer or occasionally trip. The ten girls on the trip went up the duration of a school year. Spain viewing many of the historic sites The only requirements of an applicant are that they must be such as "the fantastic Moorish archite 16-years-old and have studied two years of any foreign language, capital city of Seville." according to Davis. In addition, they flew Air-France to Interested students, continued Davis, attend a meeting in such sites as the louvre and the Cath October at which time they hear from former AFS students Cost of the four-week trip was $89 speaking of their experiences and learn further about the lodging, and transportation out of Chio program.

Hey you Westside "foxes." You'll want to look your best for that special guy at Homecoming. The DAISY has all the ne.w est party fashions like the disco dress above, cigarette leg pant sets, satin, sequins and all that glitter. All at prices that will dazzle you! Sizes 3-13

Kris Greenly considered the trip VI From there, students are asked to fill out an application which is evaluated by a group of concerned adults forming the said, "It was fantastic! We saw everythi local chapter" of AFS. Davis classified the trip as an ex peri Finally, the AFS office in New York decides on finalists, and remember for the rest of their life. It w trip, and she noted that she is still lean then tries to· match them with host families. " Reading about a country and actually I According to Davis, students have no choice of what country they visit. As Bob Glissmann said ; however, " It doesn't totally different things," Davis pointed really make any difference where you go. The opportunity to As Greenly put it, " Whenever somE participate in a program like this is more important." conversation always switches to the Sp<


Westside's Lance



fined to lot ver heard of any he athlete, not nces were used ose over 18 are ide, commonly ng laughing gas, safe. I wou ldn 't d Smith. feel numb, sort ly lasts about 25 e student of his " I'd try it again. " mong area high s, according to ug high school, ~ nts from other o get expensive

" My general experience is that somebody from Westside scores (gets) a pound (of marijuana) and then sells it. For other drugs it's really the same way," Smith explained, not mentioning the original source of the drugs. " I wouldn 't call it a ring, but there are certain groups of people who are all friends, who all use drugs, and these are the people you buy from," he added . Older siblings and friends have an influence in drug路 use, commented several students. " A lot of it is peer pressure. If one person tries it then everyone else is encouraged to try it, whether they know anything about it or not," said Smith . " You 'd be amazed how many people come t9 Westside very high," Smith continued . " There is a group of people who are always high and you can always find them ." " Maybe I' m awfully naive. I'm not aware of it," said Johnson, adding that she wouldn 't be

an ever increasing amount of marijuana,, but not at school. -Kim LaPier, building supervisor Westside." [nent, saying, " I ~ hear from the not worse than I has any more the others," said " is better" than ewhere, some. " People were 1. You could see ng hands." ly grass, and it's lenty of people about anything aid the athlete. ~eing sold," said

anyone- not hnson.

able to recognize someone on drugs by merely looking at them. So far this year neither Johnson nor LaPier have seen any incidents in which students were caught w'ith drugs. Instances of students with marijuana at school in the past " I can count on two hands," said Johnson. " It's not the everyday kind of thing." " Ultimately, and this is very hypocritical, drugs are. bad," said Smith, who thought that any problems lay with the individual. "As a whole, I don 't think it affects the student body." " It is illegal (drug use); we can't have it go on at school," commented LaPier, calling the drug situation at Westside " a problem like others (i .e. parking) " . "We don't see that much of it. We see a lot of skipping; drug use is occasional." " If I had to rate the problem, that would be way down on the list," said Johnson. ~ 'If it is (a problem), it's not to the magnitude that I hear about it."

Marijuana use increases I

Marijuana still tops the list as the most frequently tried drug, from 1970 till now. Jumping from under 20 percent to over 50 is the number of students who have tried marijuana. In 1970, the Westside High School Drug Use Evaluation Committee,, sponsored by Mr. William McCormick, social studies instructor, surveyed over 1700 students hoping to sound out the extent of the local drug situation. Seven years later, in March of 1977, Dr. Ronald Akers and his staff from Boys Town conducted a similar survey at Westside and other Omaha junior and senior high schools. There were sharp increases in both experimentation and use of marijuana, with regular usage rising from nine percent to 42 percent.

The number of students using stronger drugs did not increase as significantly. According to the Boys Town survey the percentages recorded are not much higher for such drugs as stimulants and depressants than in the 1970 study. The passing of seven years did break down the difference between male and female usage of drugs. " The gender differences reported in the 1970 preliminary report of the Westside drug program evaluation committee have now essentially disappeared," stated the Boys Town report. Comparing Westside to national percentages, it appears that Westside has an average drug use above most schools. Part of this is due to the fact that the studies were conducted in different ways, according to the report.





Once or Twice

Less Than Once a Month

Once or Twice a Month

Once or Twice a Week

Nearly Every Day

No Response N=























































Strong Psychedelics








Strong Narcotics




- .3





Very Difficult

Fairly Difficult

Fairly Easy

Very Easy

No N=












Depressants or Stimulants






Stronger Drugs






Americans rated as 'superficial'

Belgium smile A smile means the same to everyone," or so claim the lyrics of " It's a Small orld." Marleen VanHuyck is obviously enjoying her first taste of Westside. e doesn't think her classes are keeping her busy enough though, and plans ) take another subject. VanHuyck has already graduated from high school in r native country of Belgium. She said she likes the home she is staying at in maha, and enjoys riding in the family's Jeep.


How do Americans look to outsiders? "They are more superficial .- 路(a quick glance to the dictionary) - yes, superficial. They always have to smile to someone they don 't like. (She pauses a minute to gather her thoughts.) like when someone asks you ' How are you?' you always have to say, 'fine'." These are the words of Marleen VanHuyck, an Am~rican Field Service exchange student from Belgium. While in America, she will be staying with Louri Fellman, senior. After taking six years of English in her village high school of 300, Marleen 's knowledge of the English language makes one feel that she has lived here all of her life, except for her distinctly Dutch accent. " Belgium is both French-speaking and Dutchspeaking. The students who are Dutch, like me, have to take six years of French and the French students have to take Dutch. Along with that you must take English and German." America and Belgium are quite different, but they both reta in some of the same characteristics. Discos can be found in Belgium,-and for style, " the girl s don't dress up as much there as they do here," commented Marleen . " They don 't wear as much makeup or follow the fa sh ion either." O ne distinct d ifference in which most students have an inte rest is the dri nking age. In Belgium, the min imum age is 16. However, this hasn't been a real problem there until o nly rP('P.ntlv. "Latelv, there have been students going

to cafes after school and drinking," Marleen said . The drinking laws of Belgium are not very strict according to Marleen. Even a 14-year-old can order a drink without being asked his age. How about sports? " .In America, the sports are so competitive," Marleen said . " It seems like the players have to win ." Marleen's view of football is less than optimistic. " It's kind-of a dead game. The players are off the field more than they are on it." Marleen doesn't like football. " Maybe I'll start liking it if I understand it," she said . In Belgium the main sports are soccer and bicycling. ' Bicycling, the main mode of transportation , brought a light to Marleen's eyes. " I couldn't believe all of the people that drive to school. In Belgium, we have parking places at school for our bikes," she saig as she laughed. 路 Almost everyone in Belgium either rides a bike or takes a bus. " The buses go everywhere," Marleen said. The age to get a driver's license is 18, but is this a problem to the teens of Belgium ? According to Marleen, " we don 't need a car. ~' Marleen likes it here, aside from the " superficial " people. Westside is a big change from her school of 300 in her Belgium village. That's a problem thou gh. " At my school, in Belg ium, you know everyo ne, wh ich is good," said Marleen. " But at Westside you can ta ke more (different) classes." So, how do we loo k to outsiders? "I like it here so far."



It's the 'in' sport pressboxpressboxpressboxpressboxpressboxpressboxpressboxpressbox

look out tennis! Racquetball is catching on in America like fire. In the last three years racquetball has tripled its popularity to about seven million people, and the future looks even more spectacular, according to Mr. Terry Elgethun , professional at Racquetball of Omaha. Tom Golden, Racquetball was introduced in 1968 as an advancement of ·paddleball. Since then, sports editor hundreds of racquetball courts l'iave sprung up around the country, and its popularity rate has been constant. In Of\laha alone, there are five courts open to the public. They are Racquetball of Omaha, the ·Jewish Community Center, Sports Courts, Westroads Racquet Club, and the YMCA. Elgethun believes the popularity of racquetball is due to the appeal it has to .a wide range of people. People who weren't active before have found a sport in which they can get a considerable amount of exercise and have a good time too. Others can participate competitively with abundant tournaments being held around the nation. Size is of no advantage, and emphasis is placed on quickness along with hand eye coordination. Racquetball is far from inexpensive to play. Elgethun noted that a yearly membership to most racquetball clubs runs around $72 for men, $48 for women and students and $80 for a family · membership. This includes facilities such as a steam room, sauna and locker rooms, but does not include hourly fees for renting out a court. A racquet can cost anywhere from $12 to $50, and a private lesson can cost up to $10 an hour. Racquetball will be taught in physical education classes this year. Elgethun feels many high schools such as Westside will realistically consider building courts within five years and compete with other schools.

Special Discount on flowers for Homecoming



Netmen seek third straight in Papillion Invitational The only player on the team to have take Just one of. t hree Metro tennis team coaches predicts Westside to win tomorrow's Papill ion state twice before is Scott Perry. As a sophomore Invitational for the third time in a row. Mr. George he won #2 doubles with Steve Albert, and last yea he won #1 doubl es with Chris Olson. He has los Hill , boys' tennis coach for Burke, said, " Westside has the best team in town, so they will probably only one match for Westside. This is Steve Barchus' first yea r on the team come in first. " Mr. Martin Hornig, Creighton Prep's tennis and, thus far, he has not lost any matches. l;le hopes coach, has a different opinion. " I can't favor to keep his record clean until the end of th season. anyone. It will definitely be up for grabs." He feels that Westside and Bur)<e have strong teams, along with Papillion, lincoln East and lincoln Southeast. Mr. Paul Nyholm, Warrior coach, also said that the Warriors will be very strong, but that he couldn't predict who would come out on top. He does think , however, that they will definitely be . one of the top three teams. There are 13 teams invited to the Papillion Invitational tomorrow at 8:00a.m. , including such powerful teams as Burke, Prep, Papillion, lincoln East, and lincoln Southeast. There will be #1 and #2 singles, as well as #1 and #2 doubles. At press time, the · six players who Nyholm expects to play are Steve Hagan, Eric Olson , Scott Slaggie, Matt Tondl, Steve Barchus, and Scott Perry. This is subject to change. "They all played last year, and I'm sure they' ll do a fine job for us this year also," he added. Here is a rundown of the top six players on the team. last year, Steve Hagan lost only three matches in high school competition. He lost twice to Peter Conant, a graduate of Burke, and in state, to Bob Green , a graduate of Prep. Hagan was plagued by a shoulder injury this summer, so he missed the first month of tournament play. But then, he repeatedly reached the semi-final and final rounds of major tournaments in this area. He finished third in the state. j;:oncerning the invitational, Hagan said, " I'm very confident. I really feel that we will make an Playing it cool excellent showing. We've been working hard this year, and I think we can pull it off." Dete_!:lllination dominates Steve Hagan's face as he Matt Tondl, now ranked second on the team prepares for the Papillion Invitational tournamen ladder, had only lost twice during his high school tomorrow. Hagan, the team's leading netman practice career:- last year, he played doubles with Eric two or three times daily. Hagan, a junior, will also attemp Olson. He played in numerous tournaments this to lead the Warrior's to thei'r third straight state title. summer, and fared welL Eric Olson, · now third on the team ladder, Scott Slaggie played on the junior varsity team last year, so this is his first year as a varsity playe played #2 doubles last year, and didn't lose any matches for the team. This summer, during the also. He has lost just twice this season. There are also four other varsity team only tournament he played in, he upset seeded player Ron Goodman, then eventually lost to the members: jeff Schrager, Bruce Tully, Dan Som first seed, Pete Storch. berg, and Mike Budwig.

- -Jockey shorts-. Enthusiasm, talent are nalads' strengths Girls' swimming will take on Ryan and Ralston at Ralston Tuesday, Sept. 26, and so far the girls are performing well, according to Mr. Pat · DiBiase, coach.

"We've been working real hard in practice, and the girls have been very enthusiastic." DiBiase feels the team will do well at state, as usual, and

the team is already fired up to take it all. Their top competition locally is Millard and Marion, and lincoln East should challenge them at state.

Cross country sets state championship goal

FOR We are. And we're ready now to get you ready to ski. Come see us.

Taking advantage of the Kearney High hospitality, the local harriers won the Kearney Cross Country invitational. The Warriors outran seven other teams on their way to victory. Fourteen-year-old freshman Chris Perrone led the Warriors, finishing seventh. Perrone covered the two and

one-half mile course in just over 14 minutes. Mr. Tom Mallissee, coach, said, "Our goal is to win the state meet. We have the strongest team since 1974, when we finished fourth in the state." Mallissee has had his team running since the first of August. . He said, "We run about ten miles a day. We will keep that

up through the Metro meet on Friday, October 6." Westside will have three team meets on Tuesday, September 26, and Tu~sday, October 3. The State meet will be held on Friday, October 20. Perrone said, "I think we have a good shot at taking State. Coach Mallissee really teaches us a lot. And we have a great team."

Inexperienced gymnasts may surprise opponents North High and Millard will provide the opposition in atriangular meet Tuesday, Sept. 26 for the boys' gymnastics team. A general lack of experience on the gymnastics team will undoubtedly reflect on the Warriors' overall performance .

last year the team was anchored by all-around standout louis Kohli, but with his graduation the Warriors have no apparent stars. "We have a young, inexperienced team and our early meets will show it," explained Mr. Tim Willits, coach. However, Willits said "We will

improve and surprise opponents later in the season." Despite its inexperience, the team surprised everyone except themselves by edging Ralston by five points in its season opener. Willits expressed satisfaction in the meet, but admitted the team needs a lot of work .

Girls' golf team faces Burke iri next encounter WESTROADS 2nd level






WestsideJs Lance ,...J;z, =:=;w., "'


With two wins under their tournaments anyway," said belt, the girls' golf team has Ms. lois jensen, coach. hopes for being Metro chamIn their first outing of the pions this year. season , they defeated Ralston The Metro playoffs will be · by a score of 180-209. Then , held Friday, Oct. 6. "We play - on Thursday, Sept. 7, they better in Metro and State defeated Thomas jefferson

Septem~er J:..-,"


?2, 1,978



206-238. " We weren 't playing as well as I had expected. We played on a long course, so we weren 't used to it," jensen stated . " Our home course (Ced ar Hills) is a lot shorte r."


Warriors play Prep next week; North gamf! set tonight

Two tough Metro Conference opponents stand in the Warri ors' way on consecutive weekends. Tonight the Warriors will get their first look at the new Northwest High School Stadium when they meet North at 7:30p.m. North opened their season with an impressive win over Centra l and lost their second game to Thomas Jefferson putting their record at 1-1 . Last yea r the Warriors defeated North 20-12. Next week the Warriors take o n Creighton Prep. This game'will be played at home. , When the Warriors and Prep meet, it could mean more than just a win or loss. This game will prove to be a vital factor in deciding the district championship. Mr. Tom Hall, defensive coach, said, "It's more than a rivalry. The winner will have the edge to become district champion ." When Prep and Westside play, the outcome is' usually unpredictable.

Hall said, "Since I've been here, we've had fo u r, one point games with them . There has never been a rout. We beat them 21-7 two years ago, when they were picked to win. That is the closest we've ever been to a rout." For the Warriors, playing Prep is a major pa rt of the season. Mr. Dan Young, head coach, said, "It's always a big rival game, and the kids are really up to play." The team that makes the fewest mistakes usually comes out ahead. Mr. rom Jaworski, Prep head coach, saiCI. "It's a toss-up when we play Westside. If we make fewer mistakes, and have so me luck, we should win it." )aw.arski added, "It's always a good rivalry. Both teams want to win." An edge to Westside could be Prep's heavy grad uation loss. Hall said, "They lost a lot of seniors. Their w hol e defense is gone, except for a linebacker and a secondary player. They were very large last year, but they aren't as big this year."

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HOMECOMING.'78 .. s: . ' "', \.. \, ng exercises are tedious, but necessary fo r Dan defensive linema n. Sweetwood goes exercises at one of t he daily practices after in preparatio~ for tonight's game with North at

v~>~• tw .... nrl, .

7:30p.m. at the new Kinnick Stadium on the Northwest • High School camp us. Sweetwood has set his personal · goal for the season at making' All -State.

Corsages . Hairpi~ces

: ollege football possible

weetwood goal: All-State Being 6' 2" tall, and weighing 212 pounds, have been nothing more than being shaken up. arrior defensive lineman Dan Sweetwood is a Sweetwood began playing organized football ther awesome for:Ce on the high school football when he was in fifth grade. When that team was el. In college; however, he would not be discontinued, he began playing again in eighth nsidered as formidable. grade fbr Arbor Heights Junior High. " I guess I just like to knock heads," said " I'd be little in college," said Sweetwood. "So I Sweetwood, as to why he plays football. "But ill have to work on .r .. ~ize and hit tbe weights." football is also a way to take out your anguish on Sweetwood has been contacted by several the field ." vision I schools wondering if he wo uld want to Sweetwood said his greatest motivation as a y football for them. "If I 1-:ad my choice, I'd defender is " to get to the ball carrier, and make a obably go to Nebraska, but I probably wou ldn't goo1:1 hit, and throw him for a loss." He also added ~big enough to get a full ride, so I'll probably take ~hat the goals. that he and Mr. Dan Young, head ·e . best offer I receive," he commented . coach, have set for him keep him going during the • Sweetwood said his perso nal . goal for this middle of a game. son is to improve o n his All-Metro stat us last Getting mentally ready for games is different .ar and become All-State. His team goal, naturalas a senior, according to Sweetwood. "I get is to win the state champio nship. psyched up abo.ut the same for every game," he Last summer, Sweetwood went to the Universaid. "I just concentrate on doing my job. When I y of Nebraska at Linco ln (UNL) football camp . He was a junior last year, I'd get really nervous and id that Mr. Charlie McBride, UNL's line cc ach, sometimes get psyched o ut, but this year, as a ught him some different defensive moves that senior, some of the butterflies aren 't there. " · ve really helped him. Sweetwood also cited Mr. Last year Sweetwood played varsity baseball m Hall, defensive coordinator, as a big help to - and as a sophomore played reserve basketball. This . He added that he likes playing for Westside, year; however, he said he might just lift weights •cause "We have a fa ntastic coaching staff, and , toward his college football career. "I might throw r. Tony Martinez (Westside's trainer) is .a great the shot for the track team this year or I might go .lp to the whole team," he said. out for baseba ll, I'm not sure at all right now," he said. Sweetwood has been virtually inj ury free since Sweetwood said that Creighton Prep is the > sophomore year when he dislocated his wrist, Warriors' toughest upcoming opponent. ~ 'Prep tt continued playing. "As a senior, I started off and Burke will be tough, (as Burke already proved th a bunch of pulled muscles in my legs. After by beating the Warriors 7-0) but the Prep game is at, it took me about a week to get going," he said. here, and that is always an advantage." ide from those inj uries, Sweetwood 's injuries

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Hit movies are playing now

Favorite films contain fantasy, fun for all Smash, blam, ka-pow. Burt Reynolds and Sally Field have done it again in "Hooper." This stunt movie is exactly that, one big stunt. Reynolds plays the aging king of Hollywood stuntmen, who is about to be ' dethroned by a kid named Sl<i (Jan Michael-Vincent). , Brian Keith plays )ocko Doyle, Reynolds predecessor, and the fcither of Reynolds' · girlfriend, Gwen (Sally Field) . Both )ocko

moments as well as satirical, Goldie Hawn plays a gullible and Gwen try to get Hooper to light-hearted comedy. It can be librarian who innocently settle down , but he must prove he is still the best by performing taken lightly and enjoyed . stumbles onto an assassination " Hooper" is playing at Six West, plot to murder the Pope. But the world's greatest stunt, even Astra,· and the South Cinema 4. don 't despair, Chevy Chase is though it could leave him there, the smart, but klutzy paralyzed for the rest of-his life. Rated PG. police detective who breaks the Th~ film gets most' of its action • Who else do you know who case, and almost his neck in this from a movie-within-the-movie called " Ttle Spy Who Laughed at would be chased by an albino, a ' fast-paced farce . Turk, a car-faced man, and a His movie has a fine m ix of Danger"; which is a parody of last year's " The Spy WhQ·Loved dwarf other than Goldie Hawn . characters who add greatly to the ,. ~ Add Chevy Chase and it equals movie' s varied comedy . And of M e. " Foul Play." " Hooper" has it's dramatic course, what would this film be without an impressive high speed chase in, over, and through San Francisco. " Foul Play" is playing at the Six West Theater. Rated PG.

• • •

• • •

Robert Stigwood has outdone himself again . This time with

" Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Club Band." The movie gets its name, its songs, and its cha racters from Beatles' songs and lyrics. The film is, of course, a musica with names like Peter Fram as Billy Shears, as in the lyric, " so let me introduce to the band you 've known for a these years, the one and only Billy Shea rs and Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band." The Bee Gees are the Henderson brothers as in " the Hendersons will dance and sing," from the same song. George Burns, Steve Martin, Alice Cooper, and Aerosmith also star. " Sgt. Pepper" is playi at the Indian Hills Theater.

-Hey diddle diddl

Foul play Goldie Hawn a'nd Chevy Chase star in this year's comedy hit, 'Foul Play:' 'Foul Play' contains light-hearted comedy as well as suspense, action, and excitement for all audiences. Goldie Hawn is at her theatrical best il'l" this film, with scenes that will please the most critical viewer.

Chevy Chase makes his major film debut in this movie. The former " Saturday Night live" star does. an excellent job portraying a klutzy police detective. 'Foul Play' is r_ated PG, and is showing at the Six West Theaters.

1-went to my uncle's (arm one weekend last month. I arrive9 at the farm around noon. Jack and Janice (my uncle and aunt) met me at the gate, and Brian, Trisch and Tommy (our cousins), Grandpa and Grandma, Springy (their cat) and Cleveland (their four-month-old puppy) were back at the house. " Go on down , Bob" my uncle told me. lifestyle editor " Okay, Jack," I said, "How've you been?" " Oh, fine, fine . We've a couple of minor incidents lately, but nothing big." " What min incidents?" " Oh , Janice will tell you during dinner." " Wait' ll you hear this," janice said, as she passed me the potatoes. " Springy was up in Brian and Tommy's room when cello was out the case and somehow she got her head stuck behin the strings and when she tried to free herself she got her front tangled up too. It took me five minutes to get her out- she was in bad mood. She bit me twice." " Speaking of biting," Brian said, "Tommy was playing with Cleveland while Dad and I were out milking. Tommy had his moon ball and he would roll it toward Cleveland and Cleveland would try to bite it and it would roll back'. Dad told him to go and somewhere else but Tommy kept on . So once when he was rolling toward Cleveland, a cow we had just finished milking was going of the barn. It almost stepped on the ball, but somehow it over and landed on Cleveland's paw. Cleveland really started yelping." "It sounded like he was laughing," Tommy said. After that we finished the meal and were ready for dessert. "'Dish' (Trisch's nickname), will you dish up some ice cream "Sure, Mom." So she got up from the table and right when she was the middle of. scooping up the ice cream, the phone rang. "I' ll it!" she said as she bolted up the stairs. " Dish! Trischa! You took the ice cream spoon with you! Oh, girl.' ~ But Trisch didn 't hear her so janice finished up with an old scooper Grandma gave her a couple of years ago.

~---------------------------------· WeekendUps----------------------------------_,

Franki Valli spotlights local entertainment scene Theme to Grease. Walk Like a Man. Big Girls Don't Cry. Sound familai-? They should. These are just a few of the many hits that singer and composer Frankie Valli has had in his career. Valli will appear at the Civic Auditorium this Sunday at 8 p.m. All seats are reserved and the prices are $8, $7, and $6. They can be obtained at the auditorium or the Brandeis box office. So, you now ask yourself, what if I don't wanttosee

Frankie? Well, don't worry. "Thin Lizzy" is in town with special guest star" AC/DC and the Dictators." They are appearing Sunday evening at 8 p.m., in the Music Hall. Tickets for this show can also be obtained at the Civic Auditorium and the Brandeis box office. · How about-Saturday? Well, the Barbershop Quartet Parade is in town starring "The Most Happy Fellows" (1977 International Champions). They, along with many others will be at the Orph~um Theater

tomorrow night at 8 p.m. Seats are $8, $6, and $4. Finally, to round off your weekend, make an appearance at the Ak-Sar-Ben Rodeo. Tonight "Danny Davis and The Nashville Brass" will play. Appearing tomorrow will be Larry Mohan and Sunday Stella Parton will perform. All shows are 7:30 p.m. nightly with a 2 p.m. matinee on Sunday. All reserved tickets are $5.


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/lege prep alternative

.Boys Town··Progra~ aids ed_ ucation a serious tone of voice, Micky Sioffered some advice. "If someone to learn about a specific job, I recommend the Boys Town vocaprogram. It's a really good expe-

obvious that .some students don 't make it ' grams to the kids," according to lundtional number of students in each class. here. Our job is to offer· as many alternaHowever, no students participate in some quist. "I think if the prograp1 were to be sold of the classes, such as electronics, because tives for those people as we can . We have the Alternative School, OSACS programs, solely on ·a cost basis to the Boa rd of Edu\:Vestside already has a good department in school. cation, we are given the opportunity to and many other opportunities. Boys Tpwn " enlarge our vocational program at a slight is an important addition to our offeri·ngs." According to lundquist, the school has cost. r, Sipherd, along with 47 other - Posing his philosophy on the idea of reached a point where it is not economiudents attends two hours of sharing·programs between schools, lund"Vocational programs, generally as a cally sound lo contract for more students, classes each day at Boys Town, quist sees a secondary benefit to the prorule, are more eJSpensive than other because th~re w'ould be a significant ing to Mr. Dick lundquist, guigram. "Westside is a socio -economic is- · classes," he asserted . "For instance, to add waste of money coming from unused aldepartment chairman . la nd. What that means is th at we're not new curriculum for a fifth year mathematlotments. Town has contracted with Ralston, very integrated." . ics program wou ldn't require a whole lot Respond(ng to claims that Westside is Westside and several other area · "We've got.a' large school, with a lot of of money, outside of staff. On the other partial to college-bound students," lundto share their vocational facilities. different students, but we are·missing the hand, a vocational program , such as quist explained, "About 76 percent of all g nine class areas, including bakvalues and virtues of being exposed to less building trades, would require a large Westside graduates go to college. This barbering, culinary arts, agri-business advantaged people," he said . capital outlay to purchase expensive tools suggests that the school should be geared auto body repair, the program is de"The students'. who participate in the and m ach inery. to give students a chance to learn program have certainly gained from "Right now, the biggest problem with • in this area." nd practice a specific career. He countered, "However, we really do being exposed to a different type of stu- the Boys Town project is dE!tiding who we uist explained his thoughts, "It's dent. Also, those students who come to ·. allow to attend classes there. This year,103 have a good vocational program at Westalternative education program Westside from Tech and Boys Town add to students requested to take classes there, side.·ln all, we offer 23 vocational courses, can offer for-students who are not but only 40 were allowed to go." / including a complete architectu're proour program," lundquist continued. g what they want from school." He gram, on-the-job training; health areas, Since the p rograms are shared with Westside has contracted for 40 students nued, stressing the need, "We've got . other schools, the program is' an "inex- to participate in the prog'ram. As a result, metals, Woods and an exceptional elec2200 students in this high school. It's pensive way to provi~e vocational ·. protronics ·program." • the school is allmyed to h~v·e a propor-


Vol. 23. No.4

Westside High School 8701 Pacific Street Omaha, NE 68124 October 20. 1978


Blue Cross plan 1. The parties agree between the{Tlselves on one of the following two options: (a) The school district implement a health and accident Blue Cross Blue Shield program providing full family coverage ($83.40 per month) be-ginning the third year of employment and single coverage ($31.30 per month) beginning . with initial employment in the school district or (b)" Retain its present health and accident program (full family coverage not to co mmence until the sixth year of employment and full single cove rage b~inning with initial employment in the school district) and a·se the dollar equivalent of the cost for option (a) to increase the District 's minimum salary. increase guarantee to $500 pJus five percent ·of one's present salary.

orum: optimism yields success

neoretically, the Forum is the ~c h of government that collects researches problems and ideas in the school. Because of the large esentation of students, they are

" I' m not opt1m1sttc that the -teachers will agree," said chief negotiator for the · Westside Education Association ; Mr. Joe Higgins, to the school board 's offer to the teachers at the conclusion of their most recent negotiations, Wednesday, Oct. 11 .

fheir report recommended the following:

g down -the road

der the conpitions of last year, felt that not enough people took tudent government seriously. "By end of the year, there weren't that ty people showing up at the meet' and the officers, along with a se- · ed few, did all the work."


On Monda,y, September 25, at the ·board of education meeting , the WEA anil_<Jt,mced their accep,tance of the Fact Finding report , a three page statement • prepared by Mr. Henry Grether, UNllaw professor, Mr. Richard Halama,'NSEA staff representative, and Mr. Verne Moore, Jr. , chief negotiator for the school board .

Old wives tales and agesuperstitions have said that Halloween night is a time wheh "ghosts and goblins ride the evening sky," and witches have their annual meeting, ·ning together to cac~le praise of the devil. At traditions don't that far. Debbie y, Nora Goodwin and ]ody Addison are searching for the perfect pumpkin to enter in the annual school Pumpkin contest, sponsored by Forum. Participating individuals, groups, and homerooms will display pumpkins in the Loge area on Halloween, Tuesday, Oct. 31. The decorated pumpkins will be judged on originality, arti stic value and overall effect,

angiamele stressed the need for a g involvement from all · the repntatives. " There has to be a full rt from everyone, or it will be a te of time," she said.

Higgi_ ns pessimistic . about·offer The board proposeEI Alternativ~ (a) of the Fact Finding Committee report , while option (b) was · preferred by .an overwhelming 98'X, of the teachers according to Higgins.


olding student government, the Forum officers are starting to De its future, according to Dena ~g iamele, president.

able to expose a wide variety of varying opinions. "Forum is the student's chance to be heard," Mangiamele explained. "I think it's important that we ask people what they think. I don't want to make too many rules in my meetings concerning ideas. We need to let students get involved," she continued . Howeyer, rules are needed in some cases, such as enforcement of attend:ance. "There is absolutely no reason for a homeroom not to be represe nted at every meeting," she explained . "A good example of how attendance rules are important is cheerleading. If you don 't count tardies for meetings and practices, people are late. There should be the same kind of enforcement for Forum .

2. Except for agreeing upon either option (a) or (b), all other terms and conditions negotiated by .the parties should remain as stated iri the School District 's last off~r. · ·

Forum shouldn't be a joke i~ homeroom . Each teacher has to be behind Included in their offer is a $50,000 the program, and serious about it," she incentive plan available only to teachers emphasized. with five years of service. Todd lincoln, vice-president, .. added, . " A point should be m_ade of Once the teachers are notified of their making sure and knowing that the repproposed 1978-79 salaries, they will be resentative will be there ." asked to vote on the issue, probably the lincoln believes that it is important . first week of November according to for the representatives to share the Higgins. Ideas from the meetings with the homerooms. If accepted', the proposal goes to the During the year, lincoln would like board for final approval. If rejected by to see the Foru(Tl establish a better either sid~the case will go to the Court of . policy for homeroom structure. "Some Industrial Relations for a final r~ling. _ homerooms are very boring. I think Higgins, altho~:~gb pessimistic about the something should be done about acceptance of the board offer, added that that. " Mangiamele concluded, "Students the teachers should be encouraged by the complain about Westside's problems . board's willingness to ·refer to imd accept ... here's their chance to do somethe findings of the Fact l;,.i nding Comrn i tt ee ,..-----thing about them ."

·Employment adds dollars, sense to pocketbooks

With <>mrloyrnent rates continuing to rise.the io,su<' of students who work raises a question ·of priority i'n thf' minds of many . With so many pc•ople out of wprk. does a student have a right to possibly take a job from sorneonP who rweds the rnonPy to support a family? A< cording to Ms. Mary Schliesmann , supervi~or of employee relations with the Nebraska Job Servin•. the mP o(students to fill part-time positions (,tpproximately 20 hours a wePk) does not take• .tw.ty job oprortunities from bread-winning adults. ·.tnd many of these positions would go unfiiiPd if studPnts did not. work . M,my Pmployers. says SJhliesmann, will hire a o,tudent for a part-time position, becausP he will work for less. Some• Pl\lployers can even hire a studPnl for fpss than the governme~t standard for minimum w,tge. <.,uc h jobs .tlso, Schliesrnann statPs. MP not c.treN-oriented. as most students arf' just interestPel in ' c..•arning monPy for college. or a new car. or ju'>l c•xtra rash. Most of the jobs that students apply for ,md rPrPiv<> are ones that requirf' littiP or no lr.tining such dS food serviCPS, babysitting and eldNiy companion jobs. nurses aides and servirP '>l.ttion attPndants. / SchliPsmann also states that many. women put in aprlirations for day-timP work so that at night thPy niay bf.' horne with their families. Many of thesP job~ arf.' derical. sales, or career orien~d in n.tturP ,md : therefore. arP not competitive with <,lud<>nts who want part-time employment. Unemployment reaches its peak durin.g the o,ummN months. and according to Schliesmann. thi~ i'> du<> to the fact that during their summer vac,ttions many students put in applications. and lh<'S<' arP calculated into the unemployment rate. Houo,pwiv<>s returning to work also are figured in: · though 1., hey are not counted before filing applicatiom . '-,chliesmann says that she would like to see rnorP student involvment with the working dass. and more students hired by employers. Experience in thf' field. with budget planning. is very impor1,1111. she leeb.

Go{ng for broke

Student jobs a-feet sch.ool perfQrman Conflicts between schoolwork and employment can cause problems for many working students. Work schedules cari cut out a great deal of homework time, as well as eliminating extra-currciular activities. Mr. Bob Klein, physics instructor, supports this. He doesn't like to see a college preparatory student limiting his classes so that he can have a job. ·~ becomes an impediment for the total education," he said. Klein Pstirnates that 80 percent of the student's excuse for incomplete that, "these kids hurt themselves academically by working," although he admits that there are exceptions. Klein also finds that often a job is the 'Students excuse for incomplete homework. He feels that in order to

teach his best, he cannot be concerned with each and every job, "It's tough to teach as a second priority," he said. , He also estimates that one half of his students have jobs, and Klein can see a difference in grades. " That kid that chooses to work 20 or more hours a week lowers himself one to two grade points in physics," he said. Klein finds that the working s,tudent is tired, not as attentive iri class, and not as well prepared for tests. Ken Buehring , a senior who works around 35 hours a week, supports Klein's view, but feels that his job is necessary. He usually works from 4 until 11 p.m. on school nights, arid averages $5 an hour working on commission.

He finds that he gets his h done, although, "I don't get as m out of the class as I'd like to," he He also feels that he doesn't what he's learned as well as he and that his grad~s are probably point below what they could be. But he feels t l tat working is vi for his car, for college and an a ment in the future .. "I have to the job, " he said. On the other hand Camille also a senior, finds that her job not interfere with her school She feels ·that this is due to the that she works only 10-15 hou week . , Her work schedule also allows not to miss any activities that WO\Jid otherwise be involved wi

Molehills /

Officers .predict fh'cy've only just begun. Monday. Oct. 7. the sophomor<' da~s elected their das~ officers .. In the courw of thP next year.the results of that election will IH· SPPn. · Over 360 sophomores participated in the election.,, good sign in thf' eyes of Mary McKenzie. studpnt ,tdvi'>ory board (SAB) member. "It seemed lik e tlw c l.ts~ officer ·elections this year held more interest th,tn in the past. I was happy with the elections." shf.' '>.tiel. " l 'rn re,tdy to go." remarked newly-Pierted sophomore· president. Jeff Focht. after the winners werf' .tnnouncPd. Focht will be joined by three othf.'r officPr'>. Den.t Krupinsky. vice-president: Lesa KnoiiPnl>crg. sPcretary ; and Leslie l>rucka. treasurer.

rocht expressed his philosophy, " Right now, wh,tt wp have to do is think of ideas, carry them out, and raise money for prom ." Optimistic about the corning year. Focht has set a p·ersonal goal of $2500 to lw raised.

Mr. John Rogers. attended the workshop from Tuesday. Oct. 3, to Wednesday, Oct. 4. "Each year, the foundation selects a significant science-related topic, and holds a workshop to discuss it." Boe said . "Global resources have been one of the main focuses the science department has.tried to work on in the past few years. Resources are important to us ,md the rest of the world," he continued.

''I'm vpry pleased with my fellow officers, I think we have a lot of potential," he said.

Boe stressed t.he idea of "gaining a new perspective ." citing an,example, "We met a lady from Ghana , India. In India , tbe problem is not a lack of energy kbut of a shortage of pure water, and enough food to eat. Getting a different outlook helps us to look at the problem as a whole."

Travelers learn · " Oh whprf'. oh where, have our resources gorH'?" ,rskcd eight students and teachers after attending the 14th annual Nobel conference, "Perspective·~ on Global Resources." fr,tvPiing to St. Peter, MN, to Gustavus Adolphus C.:oiiPge. six Biochemistry and Advanced Physics studPnts . .tlong with science teachers Mr. Tom Boe. and

"Overall, the workshop was great. The ideas were just rampant ... bouncing around in our heads. There WPr<' so many people there with good ideas and valid points. it really made you think," Boe concluded.



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omeroom doldrums

ine room as ever being excituplifting. be I shouldn't be writing topic. It's as if I were knifmyself in the back . n though it is only Monday, that I am wrtting this, I tan what happened in homeihis morning (Oct . -20): into room 235 at about My homeroom teachers, Rod Karr ;md Mr. Tom Car-• , were either a short way of me or a short way beme. Karr had the attendcards, the announcements , a mug of coffee. Carman caronly an announcement and coffee. got into the room and invariably insisted that we rrange the desks (formerly in rows) to form a huge cirhe attendance cards were to the girl who has taken ce since "day one", and announcem-ents were read. bell rang, and everyone out 235- never toreuntil Monday. rr and Carman always try to reading the announceinto a Carson-McMahon of dialogue. They each h at one another's jokes, or not. Karr reads them for word, and typographiror for typographical error. joke around and make fun hing they can. ~ometimes pretty desperate, but their

intention is only to liven things up. They deserve a heap of credit fon trying. Success , however, would be impossible. A situation took place a couple of weeks ago that epitomizes homeroom apathy. One of the girls wanted our homeroom to enter a float in the homecoming . parade. She collected money and bought the materials. A majority of the students gave money, but said they wouldn'J work on it . (Is this a typical Westside attitude : "I'll give my money, but not my time"?) In the end it all fell through . Noone would spend time on the float and no one carea- save that , single girl. I really admired the girl's courage in heading up such a project , but it was doomed from the start, as is _almost anything in homeroom which represents involvement. It's obviously a problem, and finding J solution is a terrible puzzle. Homeroom could be ab-· olished .1nd announ cements read during a certain period of the day, but many · students would 'miss hearing them. If announcements were postPd .around the school, they would not be well-read. Westside students might lose any sense of unity they now possess if homeroom were abolished. For no matter how boring homeroom is. it still has members. and students still belong to it . No two home.rooms are alike. Some are worse than mine, some are better. But "Homeroom Apathy" has swept through them all. Maybe we'll out-grow it. On the other hand. it couid get worse. Does anyone have ar.v suggestions? Yawn .

·.~\nool· - -1-'~ -



"So, who wants to carve the

ewards found·in big family nionopiniono

Also, members of a big family seem to develop a deep. understanding of each other. For instance, in the mornings there is constant pounding on the bathroom. door, accompanied by cries of "Hey, what's takin' ya so long?!" In a big family, this is merely ritual. EveryQne knows what's taking the kid so long. He's relishMary Bloomingdale columnist ing the privacy. ic in America," john R. Powers There's no need to wo ~ry about the of a kid named Depki who is mental development of a child in a big outside in freezing, biistering or family. He learns much of what he needs weather, not because he wants to to learn to survive in the big, bad world. t because his house is not large He learns early to be self-supportive, for if gh to accommodate all the members he wants anything from pocket money to family at th~ same time, and it is his a car he must go out and get a job. He also learns to be assertive, because at home he to be outside. With all due respect, · , this is not always how it is in a has to scream to be heard. mily. His parents learn a great deal, too, inin a large family is not as trying as cluding how to be better mediators than believe. Oh, it's not like living with Dr. Kissinger through simultaneously tryady Bunch, but then neither, I'm ing to settle one argument over who gets is living in any size of family. Big famthe car, and another over who gets the do have their problems. super-power magic mini flying saucer that instance, being in a big family comes in the Cheerios box. The benefits one reaps in a crowded sharing a bedroom. Not only is an absence of privacy, there is also household are innumerable. Living in a of tasteful decor. Walk into big family means there's always a big bedroom in our house and 'you will brother or sister to give you advic~ poster of "The. Grateful Dead" hang- whether you want it or not. It means there's always a little brother or sister with t to one of "The Incredible Hulk." g in a big family also means having whom t.o share what you've learned whether they want you to or not. It means turns watching the football game , and "The Bionic Woman" the being able to say: "Do that once more and trying to find 12 empty seats togethI'm gonna KILL you!" without fear of arrest. It means a big Christmas tree with lots church, lugging home three buckets of presents under it. It means there's alicken instead of one, and, of course, ing hand-me-down clothes. ways someone to help you with vour t there are some common domestic homework, play basketball with, borrow iences that never plague a big money from, or drive you to a football . For example, large families never game. It means learning to share . about how to spend their money. It.means my parents have 10 chances to ngly endless demand for colturn out a decent kid. educations, school supplies, shoes, I'm .not putting down small families, toothpaste, etc., is helpful in reyou understand. I realize there can be a big family of its income. lot of happiness in a family of four. But I f>n,hoF>r~ of a big family never argue. think it's about time someone sang the her to go to Europe, or to Mexico for praises of big families, and put an end to summer vacation . Both are traded nonsensical theories. I have to close now. It 's my turn to take ege educations, school supplies , haircuts, toothpaste and etc.'s. the outside shift. ·




~--Lancesmnce~-­ Forum efficiency requires re-election Each of 130 homerooms put the democratic process to use three weeks ago 'to elect its Forum Representative. At Forum's first meeting on Wedn·es- ' day, Oct. 4, officers were elected. Thus Fo~t.im begins. Forum ends shortly thereafter. Or it slows down, anyway . Though attendance has not been kept by Forum in recent years·, we estimate that a larger number of represe~t~tives are gathered at that first meeting where officers are elected, than at any other Forum meeting throughout the year. Why? A simple question; a simple answer: apathy. You've heard it before, it gives you a guilty feeling. So many of us are guilty. And because the answer to-'why' was so simple, perhaps the answer to 'what can be done' is equally elementary. We propose that there be a re-election of homeroom representatives at the semester. , There usually is a re-election of officers at . the semester. This is fine, but it does not help the attendance problem whatsoever. •If repre-sentatives were elected at the semester's end, homerooms would have the option not ~ore-elect a student if he has attended _o nly one or two of tHe meetings. In this manner, students. conscien_tious enough to attend Forum's sessions would be elected as member.s, and attendance would improve. With a bi-annual election of representatives, Forum could become an effective student government. .

Lance--~--------------------------------~ Published bi-weekly by the journalism Department of Westside High School, 87th and Pacific St., Omaha, NE 68124, the "lance" is a member of the Nebraska High School Press Association, the Columbia Scholastic Press Assoc;:i~tion, and the National Scholastic Press Association. • The "lance" office is located in room 302. Advertising rates available on request. Phone (402) 391-1266 Ext. 20. The paper is distributed to all students and staff on Friday mornings. Subscription rates to others are $3.00 postpaid. Non-profit mailing rights claimed. Printed by Priesman Graphics. Aquila Court Building, 1615 Howard St., Omaha, NE 68102. I dilor·in-( hit'l M.m~Ki"K fdilor ""•CK idlt' I dilur ldihni.tl tclitor "'''· fdilcuidl ldilor Nc•w, ·1dilor 1\"'1. Nt'W\ ldilor ~-Nt'"'' Wrih·"


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a·tional Merit .

Westside leads - stat~

Want •a definition of academic success? Check wit h the 11 N~tional ~erit Semi-Finalists to get a true perspect.ive. Inter attribution of their academic· success came out this week in ...interviews with the · finalists. Once agarn, Westside leads the state in the number of National Merit Semi-

Barb Chantry


Barb Chantry -

"I see no way the .PSAT test will help me with my future-plans," stated· Barbara Chantry. Chantry is very active in the Girl Scouts. She is currently a senior in the Girl Scout program . "Girl Scouts is one of my major interests," Chantry commen-ted . Chantry is a chemistry aid this year and worked with the physics. department last year. Science is one of her major interests. '' I want to be a chemical engineer or a pharmacholigist." "Westside is a good schoo(" Chantry said. "What .really helped me the most with the PSAT test was all the reading I did when I was younger ."

Tam my -Kilgore

-Carol Dahl·" I ""ant to be a doctor. I'm applying for a six year medical program at No.r thwest€rn University, but the competit ion is really hard," stated Carol Dahl. "I hope the PSAT will help to influence Northwesterr , plus if nothing else, it looks good on the record ," commented Dahl. Dahl stressed the i\Tlpo rtance of the guidance office. " The Guidance Center really helped with all its review programs." The Guidance Center with the aid of the counse·- lors provides study materials and guides which allow students to review before taking the tests. • "The math program at Westside really helped a lot with the test, because it allows students to take courses according tO their abilities," stated Dahl.

Camille Peters

Vicki Deniston


Vicki Deniston -

"I read a lot, that really helped," said Vicki Deniston. Reading appeared to be a major key to Deniston's apparent success witl.l the PSA T test. She had a score of 205 . Deniston feels that many of the individual . ized programs here have helped her to get the background she felt she needed. "Westside has really good advanced courses. Good resources, especially in the Social Studies IMe:, and ~ally good teachers. A merit ,scholarship would surely aip her in the develop~nt of her future plans. After high school plans are still vague; however Deniston said, "I might try to get a law degree and go into law enforcement." ·

_Kris Peterson

Brent Elder


Mark Sd1umm

-: Kathy French - .

Kathy French

John Smith

David Hayes

Brent Elde r -

"I took the PSAT test, because of the challenge to see what kind of a score I could get on it. There is always the chance I might get a scholarship," stated Brent Elder. ' " The PSAT test should help me to get admitted to a good college, but it is not ·as important as the SA~ 't est.". he addtd. Elder has a vanety of drfferent pastimes. '-' I am interested in electronics, short wave radio, computer programming and camping," he said. Through all of these interests he feels a career in science is for him. "I hope to go on to be a physical scientist or an engineer.'"

Foreign ·languages appear to be Kathy French:S specia lty. She is current ly enrolled in Spanish IV, German Ill and IV, arid French II. " I enjoy languages and I do well at them ." ShP has lo'oked into using 'foreign language as a profession ; however, she explained " I just do not k now how I wou ld use languages as a p rofession." "I am l oo k ir.~g fo rwa rd to gett ing into·m edica l school and becom ing a psychiatrist wit h a double major in languages," commented French . " I did not do any)hing to prepare for the PSAT test ," ,stated Fre nch. "I do read a lot, but that is all I did on my own." She feels tha·t the EngliSh department has helped her, because that is the area in wh ich shp scored the h ighest. "The English depart~ mentis exceptiona lly good . ! moved a lot and

Westside has been a good school·! French says.


David Hayes -

"I used to do crossword puzzle time and I never thought they would me any good, but they really helpe< word puzzles are a greaj sours;:e of e1 ment, and use words not comm.onl said Hayes. Hayes scored high in English, yet f not his major interest. "After high plan to go into some field dealingwi possibly . dealing with engineering, Hayes. "I do the best in math and I er Hayes added.

-Tammy Kilgore -

Life at Westside has been busy for _K ilgore. She! i,s actively inv?lved \\ Squad , band, choir, and ch·a mber C of these have enabled her to becom rounded student. . "The thing I like best about Westsir you are able to take the courses th; th e highest interest to you," Kilgon Kilgore, l,ike all the other semi· had to achieve a Score of 191 or a qualify. As for right now Kilgrn-e said she idea what. she would like to do w1 finishes college, but feels there ar possibilities.

- Camille Peters - t Camille Peters plays an active rolr keeps busy in ,Z:-club and lnternatior and she also spends time iri the ore Peters is thinking of a career in soc or psychology, but is not yet sure oH sion. "The things at Westside that 'have me the most have been the modul duling, and the science program. ~ use of mods I'm able to get homewo at different times of the day. "Two teachers have really helped 1 Mr. Ron Crampton in science and I .Karr in history," said Peters. ......- Kris Pe terso n -

Kris Peterson is an active person. joys backpacking, camping, and horses. She also participates in horsr Peterson enjoys chemistry ar Chemistry . Peterson would like to u as a background for becoming a vE ian, ·or working in the Peace Corps. I will also take part in an executive inl program, in which she will be able to and work with a veterinarian. "Westside is a good school for the 1 sive student , but not so good for thE that misuse their time," said Peters<


Mark Schumm


Semi-Jinalist Mark Schumm is inter the music program. He is an active 1 of. the Concert Jazz Band, in which saxaphone and clarinet. Schumm is also interested in m science : "Mr: Ron Crampton is ave teacher and has really helped mE Schumm comme nted. "Other things that have helped m< deal have been the modular schedu tern, and the competition from ot~ pie," said-Schumm. As for rig ht now Schumm has been into the fie ld of chemical engineer he stressed that t hat could change at ment.

- -John Smith -

· M.arching Band, Concertiazz Ban strong interest in science hel ped Jo~ achieve a score of-over 200. Smith is co nsidering going into n u< gineering, with college prospects of I Harvard, b ut n9t hing is definite. Some of t he best times Smit h has~ were with the band. "It's my escaJ rea lity," Sm ith said.


-Finalists 99%

arly students attending a small east coa~t school take the American College Testing test and score near the the top of the nation; , in a midwestern city, students at a large school take th'e same test and score almost as This scenario is not as far-fetched as it may , for Westside scored in the 96th percentile g schools in the nation during the 1977-78 . This is not saying that the exclusive schools t .IJP to par, but that Westside continued its scoring trend on the ACT tests. · "It has been a consistent increase for the last years," said Mr. Dick lundquist, guidance rtment chairman, of the ACT scores. Westside a composite score of 21.7, above the Nebraska of 20.2 and the national mean of 18.5. ndquist felt the high score showed that the in the lowe r end are scoring well too; with nd 700 (students) taking the test, they can 't all pper quarter." 1 Its from Westsid e's ACT Profile Repo rt ha t 35 percent o f the students who took the th at thei r e d ucati o n at Westside was excelwhile 38 perce nt considered it good . In a 10 percen t sample of high schools in the n, only 18 percent· described thE!ir schools as nt, and 49 percent t ailed their education Nebraska figures were close to those for the n. Both the national and state profile!i reported 8 percent felt the education was inadequate, . to 14 percent of the students taking the lundquist offered an explanation for this er percentage, in that some- of the students took the test were not enrolled at Westside, rather had returned to take the ACT. " In that upper 10 percent national (sample), are a lot of private prep schools and we're g compared with them," commented lundis not taken into account when high are compared on a local or national basis, lundquist. lundquist flipped through a copy of the ACT

test, explaining the extensive questioning concerning high schools and the students' rating of them. Generally, Westside students ranked the pro21.7 Westside • grams f!tld various aspects of the school higher 95 than the Nebraska and national percentages. SeventY.-one percent of the students tested were satisfied with the classroom instruction at 90 Westside, compared to 62 percent in Nebraska, and 59 percent nationally . Only 9 percent of the students were dissatis80 20.2 Nebraska '·. fied at _Westside, while 17percent nation-wide felt that some changes were necessary in the classroom instruction. 70 , "I tnink it comes as really no surprise that . sttJdents rated Westside highly," said Mr. James . 60 - - - -- ---:-:-:::. -:-:--:----:'·- - - - - · Findley, Vice-Principal. Adding that it was "nice to 18.5 National know" that there was ~ch a good feel ing about Westside. · 50 There was a 35 percent difference between the Westside students and the state and national aver- · ages in the number cif students who considered 40 ·the courses. offered satisfactory. The 91 per.c ent at Westside was way above the 56 percent average of Ne braska aQd the nation. 30 One aspect that Lundquist was es pecially happy with was tha t 72 percent of the Westside stude nts were satisfied with fhe guidance depart20 me nt, compared to a 55 percent rate in Nebraska. ' " We were very pleased with tha t," said Lund· 10 quist . " We are defin itely one of the best (high · school s) in the state and we do extremely well nationally." -·5 ' ..; . laboratory facilities kept 75 percen_t of the students happy who took the test at Westside, way . above the 45 percent national average. ".W e hav~ enough indication to say it (West-----,------------~---- - side) ranks well nationally," said Findley. He cited the support of the staff and community in mak ing Westside one of the better' schools in the state. High Scoring Fo ll o win g th e tre nd of past years, Westside was rank ed in Even with the large number of students taking th e 96th pe rce nt ile am o ng school s in th e nation . Westthe ACT, (4.4 percent in the state }\'ere from Westside stud e nt s had a composite ave rage score of 21 .7 on . side), "the scores are still going up," stated lundth e ACT. This was hi gher than the Nebraska avera ge of quist. "I hope it continues. It does seem to be a 20.2, and th e nation al composite of 18.5. trend." I








schools, such as W ~sleyan and Kearney , have grown in size. They also have increased their scholarship availability . · Money seems to be one of · the main reasons for higher attendance at these . schools . According to Hansen , college costs are increasing greatly. · . " Thi s year's sophomore class should expect a 15 to 18 percent increase in tuition by tlie time they go_ to college," remarked Hansen . " Westside continues to have a · large interest in out-of - state schools," lundquist said . 35 percent of colleg'e-bound students attend school out of state. Iowa always has the largest p~r-

versity of Texas at Austin (UT) . " The remainder of the students are t o f approximately 800 seniors spread all over the nation ," Hansen yea r, 500 we nt to college, more said . Arizona , Colorado and Califor70 percent of the senior class. nia all nave high percentages of is may not seem astonishing, but freshmen from Westside. In Califora Public Schdols only avernia; however, there is no one particuwee n 18 to 50 percent lar school: The students are spread ound seniors each year per out along the coast. . Northwestern colleges don 't get is is e xtreiT!ely higfl ," stated Mr. much ohi percentage. Hansen comHansen , college counselor. ' mented that thi,; is due to the fact that is may be due to the highly they are "too far away," and "there al-oriented community. isn't much of a' difference between parents of Westside students are those sohools and the schools availall y professionally oriented , and · ble near Omaha~ " their children to be also," acEastern United States sees an averng to Hansen . age percentage of Westsiders. H'owe Westside curriculum also •is a ever, this is like California, where reason for such a high percentthere are no certain schools that get / college-bound students. Westmuch of a perceri.t age. · uThis year's sophomore <lass should expect a 15 basically a college preparatory , Factors in choosing college seem to 18 percent increase in tuition by the time they go to to be nearly the sam P every year. This 65 percent of the collegecollege." -Mr. Lynn Hansen, college counselor is accqrding. to the American College · students stay in state. These Testing Program (ACT) profile re po rt ent s go mainly to the University ·of ' Westside students. Accordi ng to centage of Westside students, acfrom the previous three years. braska at Omaha (UNO), the Hansen, Westside sends · 120 to 130 cording to .Hansen .. The st udents are Topping the list of important facty of Nebraska at lincoln students there every year, Creighton divided fairly equally among Iowa l ), Creighton -University and is the third largest student attractor State University, Iowa University and · tors is the field of study. More tha n so· percent of the 500 to 700 students of the medium size colleges with approximately 20 _s tudents each Drake University. who take the test each year feel that as Nebraska Wesleyan , Kearney year. Ranking second in popularity is this is the majo r ,consideratio n in , Wayne State and Peru . The-medium cqlleges such as Wes- Kansas. Approxi mately 20 students choosing a college. ' the-last four years Westside has · lyan and Kearney have had only te n atten<;l Kansas University every year. nearly 150 students to UNO. · to 15 students from Westside each However, Kansas State does not re- . Rankirig closely in second and and more students are ending year in the past. However, the Class cruit as many Westside graduates. third are tuition and location. Fifteen Texas also gets ne<)rly 20 students t UNO every year ," according to of '78 sent 35· students to these to 18 percent of the stu dents think Dick lundquist , guidance de- schools. every year. These students go to these are the most .important factors. nt head . The trend toward smaller schools Texas Christian Unive rsity (TCU), Student body composition, the ndquist feels that this is probably rather than big u niversi!ies is a no- Sout hern Methodist Univers ity • type of institution and size are the remaining factors . use of the financial factor. ticeable change. Th ese smaller (SMU) , Trinity Coll e!:ie and the Uni" UNO is one of the least expensive ways to get a good education ," he comme nted . • Another reason f.or the shift toward UNO is because the school has improved greatly. " It (UNO) offersjustaboutanything a state university in this -area offers. UNO used to be thought of as a se cond-rate school; this is no longer true . It is truly an outstanding school ," lundquist stated. One more possible reason according to lundquist is that it ((UNO) is right in " our (Westside's) own backyard . It 's only a two-and-a-half minute drive io UNO from Westside if the lights are green ." · UNl· also receives a great number




Juiliof va~ity . builds -future wi110er JV prepares to follow . . w1nn1ng tradition

While the va rsity football team gets all the publicity, the junior varisty has been building the future varsity squad . Mr . Rick'Collura, head coach , said , " We try to build our players for the varsity. Next year's varsity wilt be wide open. Our players should have plenty of opporturiti~s. "' lmprov~ment has been building in every game, said Collura. Mark Wagner, middle guard , said, "The coaches really polished up the offense, to almost perfection. We also cleaned up a路 lot of early season mistakes on both offense and defense. Our defense has held most teams scoreless." Steve Freche, defensive line.m an, added, " We have been having a really good season. We are improving. every game. The de. fense has been our strong point." 路 Collura agrees improvement has been noticeable. He said , . " Our objective is to impJove. The offense started out slow. But, we score more points every game. " The coaches have drawn high praise from the players. Freche said , " The coaches have really taught us. a lot. Practice

really takes up a lot of their time. They are exc~coaches ." Wagn e r added , " The co ach es, le ad e rship, has ma~e ou r excellent season possible." Collur~ also had prais~ for the players. He said , " This team has no one superstar. What we do have is a lot of very good players. We just work hard to become a better team ." The junior varsity will play its next home game, Tuesday, Oct. 24, again ~~ a tough Bellevue West squad. " They' re a fairl y large tea m," comme nt e d Co llura . They run th e wi shbo ne with an unbalanced lin e. " At press time bo th th e Be lle vu e West JV 's alo ng with the Warrio r )V 's- boast perfect record s. If bo th teJ ms go into the ga me unde fea te d , it will d eci de th e d ivi sio n and met ro JV champio nship. Co llura co ncl ud e d , '' Th e trJd e mar k of this tea m is th at we have improved like no o th e r tea m I've coac he d . If we co nt inu e lik e we have thro ugho ut the seaso n, we sho uld co me JWJ Y with J Met ro champ io n s hip ~" 路

Seniors, Join Now, Go Later.. With the Army's Delayed Entry Program, you can sign up now and leave after graduation. When you do report for active duty, you'll start getting all of the benefits the Army offers: 30 days paid vacation each year. The opportunities for job 1 training. The ch ance to travel. To Eu rope,. Alaska,_ Hawaii, Korea or ?!most anywhere in tne continental U, S. The opportunity to start or to further your education . You can earn college or vocational technical schoQI cred its with the Army paying _up to 75% of the tu ition and fees for approved courses. Find out about the many opportunities for young people in today's Army. Ahd find out how you can join now-and go later.

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Leading his JV Warriors~nto next Tuesday's game against Bellevue West, Mr. Rick Collura coach fills the team in on pre-game strategy. So far the team is undefeated in the Metro Conference and will be playing for the divisional and Metro Conference Championship against the Thunderbirds.

Layin' it down the line



fc:~~Best 0.,:: ~?_,:~~-- NEBRASKA WESLEYAN ' I

Todd Shainholtz, Freshman Pre-Dentistry Major Westside High

UNIVERSITY ''r came tb Wesleyan becaus.e it has a fantastic science department, and it's fairly easy to get a scholarship based on SAT test scores. The professors are really good, and always willing--to help. The small campus makes the difference of having 40 people or 400 people in a class, and I' m glad I can walk to a class in two minutes instead of fifteen. It's fun here ; I like it." For information about


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to a/lqualifil'd stud!'llls without rl'gard to race; re7igion. sex, creed . co/or, physical disabilit y. or natio nal o r ethnic o rigin.




ockeysho~rm-------~--~ Girls may go to state Chances of winning the d istrict title are slim for th e girls' voll e yball team with tough competitors as Marian and Central in their distri ct. But , according to Kim Kiefer, ·varsity volleyball player , this isn 't true. " Both of these teams are good, but if we reall y work hard, we can definitely win ." District, Monday, Oct. 30 through Friday, Nov . 4, will determine wh ich teams will go to the state championships. There are four teams in each district ; therefore , the teams must win two matches in order to compete in state. Another way to go to State is to come up · with the best record , becoming the wildcard. " We' re going to· go to distri ~t with a positive attitude and do our best," commented Lisa Mahowald , anothe. varsity player. " We've got the potential, but we have to work more as a team ." In the University of Nebraska at Lincoln Invitational , held on Friday, Oct. 6 and Saturday, Oct. 7, the girls lost to York in the first round , the team that eventually won the invitational.

Gymnasts eye Metro meet Northwest High School will probably surpass all others, including Westside, and succeed in capturing the gymnastics crown in the upcoming Metro meet . next Thursday , Oct. 26 at Northwest. "We want to beat at least a fourth of the teams there," stated Mr. Tim Willits, coach . Recently the team has reached th~ 100 point mark and scores have shown a constant improvement throughout the season . "Practices have been good , . but we can improve on our attitude. We' ll really have _ to work and stay busy," maintained Willits.

Netters finish season · As the boys' tennis team closes out its regular season with a perfect 9-0 record in dual meets, they look forward to a fine season n~xt year. Threeseniors will graduate : Steve Barch us, Scott Slaggie, and Scott Perry. But, thE'.[e will be seven varsity players remaining. · The Warriors finished fifth in the Papillion lnvitationa f. but bounced back and came in second

behind a strong Central team in Metro, Thursday, Oct. 5 and F;:iday, Oct. 6 at Dewey Park. 1.(1 Metro, Mike Budwig and Scott Slaggie reached the sem ifinals in the No. 2 doubles position , V(_here they lost to Creighton Prep's Mike Yeager and Paul Schultz. Matt Tondllost in the quarter-final round to Clark Pannier, a sophomore from Papillion. In the semifinals of the No. 1 singles, Steve Hagan lost a hard-fought match to Burke's Pete Conant, 6-1 , 4-6, and 6-2. Central then dinched the Metro title when Jim Backer and Chris Foster of Central defeated Eric Olson and Scott Perry in three sets: Mr. Paul Nyholm-, coach, stated, "There's not too much competition in our duals, that's one of the reasons that when Metro and State come along, we're not a~equately prepared." Nyholm scheduled three extra dual meets, with the.teams he thought were thebes~; Papillion , Central and Millard. "They all backed out. I guess they didn't want to play us," exdaimed Nyholm .



FaC.ing tomorrow's teSt Highly touted Marian will try to prove itself tomorrow in the Warrior Invitational swim me'et at the Westsiae pool, beginning at 2 p.m. ~r. Pat . DiBiase, ~wimmi~g co~ch , sa~d }he ~arno~~ ar~ m ~~nte~t1on to wm their own mvltat1on~l. I thmk 1t s gomg t? be a tos~-up between M~nan and ours~lv~s. Man an has qUI~e a few good SWimmers, but With t he extr~ events m_the meet~ I feel th~.t our d_epth or a team s depth, w1ll play a b1g factor, he sa1d. . All of the state events will be included in the · · d dI two extra sw1mmmg meet, pus an two extra 1v· t mg ~en_ s. , f t h d h M R r anan s 1rs year ea coac , s. osa 1eHrvol , agrees with DiBiase that Westside is a solid "Th t t t h d con ten d er. e s ronges earns a_ve a 1rea y th 1 " h 'd " d 1 f . t provte~d tembse ves, ts e s~,' ' an an ICipa e es s1 e o every s rong. One point DiBiase feels is in the Warriors' . favor is that the meet is being held here. "I think there"is_a little advantage to swimming I) ere, in that - it's our home pool. It is also a very fast pool, and a good facility at that," he said. " Also, our girls have worked out here all year long so they know the turns, they know the blocks, and they know the er~vironment in general ," added· DiBiase. DiBiase arso said that ·westside's water is at a good temperat-u re for competitive swimming. _" Our temperature is between 78' and 82, which is considered ideal for racing," 'h said, "some pools; however, are too hot to compete in , because when you are .working that hard, and in the warmer water your body can 't dissipate the heat that is created , and it makes the swimmer suffer. " DiBiase said he feels there is little need to psyche up his girls for this meet. " I think just the fact'that Marian will be in the swimmeetwill have a Theresa Hazuka, linda Seman, Ruth Drake, Dea Fredrick and other members of th e team listen to a pre-Invitational pep-talk . In the Warrior Invitational lot of our girls ready to swim fast at the Warrior tomorrow Westside's naiads will have to perform to the maximum in order to · Invitational , since Marian High has bee·n getting all beat M arian . the publicity in the city and has been telling every-


Two way-race?

body who will listen that they are going to be the next state champions," he said. DiBaise said · that · he considers Westside's strongest events to be the 50-yard freestyle , the 500-yard freestyle, and the 100-yard breaststroke. These three events are handled by Linda Seman, Dea Frederick, Ruth Drake, and Julie Butterfield. " Last year Fredrick won the 50 (freestyle) , Seman was third , and 1 expect Drake and Butterfield to place in it this year." D'B' 'd th a t th eng · ht t o sw1m · ·m th e mee t s 1 1ase sa1 . b ase d st nc . tl yon t.1me companson. · · "We 'd l'1ke t o IS swim everybody in every meet, but our team is so · .t ld b d'ff Itt · the enf e 1arge, 1 , wou . e very 1 u;:u 0 swim lr group, he sa1d . Most of the Metro meets, the . 1 . · d h h Warnor nv1tat1ona 1, an t e state meet ave a maximum number of individuals you can enter per h · h d 1 " ·d ~~:~t, so t at restncts w at we can o a ot, sal 1 lase. . , firvol _tabs ~aureen , Mc_Leay as one. of Mar1an s qual1ty sw1mmers. Th1s year Maureen has broken the state r~cord _fo~ the breaststrok~, and h~pes to be under 1t agam m the state meet, sh_e s~1d. She added that the broken record was unoffloal. DiBiase said that he feels his evaluative process of athletes is easier than it is in other sports. " The good thing about swimming is tbat you can really evaluate performance obje_ctively, because you have times· achieved, and you know how good a person is in that event simply by look in& at that time. A swimming coach doesn 't have to make subjective evaluations like, say a basketball coach would have to do. " " It's going to be•a tough meet," commented senior co-captain Terri Hazuka . " Marian thinks they can beat us, but we have a lot. more depth than they do. We'll have to perform 100 percent, at least." Hazuka added that the Warriors won the invitational last year, but only by a slim margin.

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Poet of By Jon Duitch " Once upon a time you dressed so fine , you threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn 't you?" These words were written by one of the world 's greatest poets, Bob Dylan , in the song " Like a Rolling Stone" in 1965. Born Robert' Zimmerman on May 24, 1941, in Duluth, MN, Dylan spent most of his youth' in the small mining town of Hibbing, MN . In 1961: he headed east to New York and played in a small Greenwich Village coffeehouse. Almost immediately he became a prominent figure in the folk music revival and protest song movement which arose shortly aferward. Dylan's early protest song_s have become anthems. From his second album ''-The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan," songs such as "Biowin' in the Wind," "Masters of War" and "A Hard Rain's 'A Gonna Fall" have found their way into the minds of millions of people. Clearly abandoning his role as a protest leader, Dylan' songs after 1964 were filled



with mystical imagery. In 1965, he combined music with the best of rockfolk-rock, unheard of album " Bringing It All B first "electric album." Tambourine Man ~. frd made famo~s .. -by' the song from that aloum .Homesick Blues." · its quick te listener's scheiyJe. In ·the

oung". \..:;,JflltllOd' on· the Tracks" 'was o.,.,,~ ,h~ album marked areong baJiadish type songs . up in Blue," a tale of a nonromance sets the tone of the

roin and vems. From "Stu the Memphis Blu Now the rainman . Then he said, "Jump The one was Texas

Video recorder provides-reruns .


album . Lyrics fmm many of the love songs are distinctly related giving the album a brilliant continuity. The next Dylan album " Desire" featured the modern protest song "Hurricane" Dylan pleas for action in the song "Hurricane" to help the famed boxer Rubin "Hurricane" Carter. In 197,'5, Dylan organized the- Rolling Thunder Revue. Included in this revue were Joan Baez', Joni Mitchell, Rodger McGuinn, Steve Stoles, Scarlet Rivera, Ram·'blin Jack Elliot and others. The R rk did shows mainly in small concert halls and eventually large ones in the Northeast. From this tour came the live album ·" Hard Rain". The album is basically a col: lection of old and new songs done differently.


Dylan's latest album, "Street Legal" is collectiOn of new material done in a new style. In this album, Dylan is backed by three gospel singers. Also new on the album is the use of saxaphone.

Nabisco, ..TV etc. backsidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksideb

However Mr. Frank Sada, from Nebraska • Have you ever wanted to see a program but Fur.niture Mart bas a little different outlook on the couldn't because you were at work, a football matter. "To be honest, th~ whole thing (yideo game or even school? Well, approximately two tape machines) is a rich man's toy. I feel people can years ago videotape systems were introduced to do without them. " Sada also believes one of the the consumer market by the Sony Company to biggest problems is lack of understanding by the help the home viewer view programs thaCwere owner. " People simply do not understand how to impossible to see at the time of programming. The two systems are the Betamax system and · work them ," adds Sada. the VHS (video home system). Betamax systems .. But never fear, there is always the consumer's are made by Sony, Zenith and Toshiba . point of view. One of those proud owners is Hunt Lewis. " It works like a regular tape recorder. It Mr. Gary Mangiamele, Sol Lewis video tape only took me five minutes to figure O!Jt how it seller is very optimistic on the Beta max systems. " I works. " feel it is real nice when you ' re not at home. There " Price cuts may be made in the future, but it is are bas.ically no real problems with tFlis system if it is hard when the total sales fail to reach the one properly tal<en care of. " The VHS unit is made by R.C.A., Sylvania and percent mark on the consumer market," adds · · Magnavox, and again there is no real difference. 'sada.


The difference, then, is between the systems. Mr. Steve Grandinetti , salesman for the Sol Lewis Company said that " Beta max has a smaller tape so you couldn 't' use it in the VHS. The VHS400-system has. a built in timer with a digital read-out which can be programmed seven days in advance (allowing the owner to leave for long pe·riods of time). The Betamax has a separate time which can be set on a 24 hour basis." Ye t another difference is the length of the tape for the Beta max unit. " The maximum for the · . Betama is the three-hour tape, and for the VHS, is four hours long, sa id Mr. John Gimple, Nebraska Furniture Mart salesman. He says that the prices of the tapes and systems vary. '[he tape can run anywhere from $15-25, depending on the length of the tap·e , says Gimple. Betamax tapes fo r $1'9.95 and two ,hour VHS tapes for $25. The price on the Beta max system runs from $738 for a VHS at' Paramount to $1295 for a Betamax at Nebraska · Furni'ture Mart.

Lewis said he uses his Betamax at least once a week . " I use it ~o record The Midnight Special and football games. I also record all of Steve Martin's stuff and put it in my Steve Martin library. Once in a while it won 't record 'right and we' ll get wavy lines across the screen._But all, in all , it works pretty good ." ' Doug Friedman, also an owner of a Sony Betamax~ "Uses it all the time.'' "l use it to record shows I miss on Friday night. My dad tapes Mission Impossible and watches it the next day (Mission Impossible is usually on at about 1:00 a.m.) .friedman also adds that they have never had any trouble with it and it is easy to figure out how it works. · .. Well, it seems like the " rich man 's toy" is on its way up and is becoming more popular as time goes on. Butonethingcomestomymind . Alltoysarea big hit when you first buy them . But, when you get tired of playing with them, they die out.

"Hello, tent in crackers made by the William." National Bis.c uit Company. "Hello, Then I will go in Probability Christoand Statistics, then Integrated pher." "At · Algebra and Trigonometry." " I will se e you later." what time " Hi: Bill, this is Chris. . will your What time's your Dad going father be by columnist to pick me up? " " He' ll be by ~o pick me up? " " My father around 7:30." " A.m. or 1.,.. will arrive at your hous ~ around 7:30, ante meridiem.'' p. m.? " " H.ey, Chris, did you ·hear E.L.O. on KGOR last · " That sounds fine . Say, Christopher, did you hear the night? They just came out with a new song." " Oh, Eleqric Light Orchestra's really, I haven't heard it yet. new single on the National Is it pret-ty good? " " Yeah, it's Broadcasting Company's all right. You ' ll hear it pretty · Frequency Modulation soon ." . station last night? " " No, " What's your schedule like Wil-liam. I did not." for today? " " Well , this morn" Christopher?" " Yes, ing I've got Driver's Ed, A.P. William? " " May I ask you to re,c ite your cl~ss schedule for with Meredith ... " " Meretoday? " " Yes, you may. I will dith, huh? Is he pretty good? " " Yeah, he's OK. Anyway, after -be attending Driver's Educathat I' ve got Pre- Calc with tion , Advanced Placement O ' Malley ... " " He's good ." United States History, Pre- · Calculus and Honor's Chem- " Yeah . Then I've got Chern Zo lab ..Then I've got an SAB istry before noon , and after -noon I will attend my Zoology meeting afte r school. " laboratory. After school has " How about your schedule, been dis missed, I will attend Bill? What's·it like? " " I've the Student Advisory Board 's got P.E. first mod .. ." meeting .'' Regular P.E.? " '~ No , the Golf " I will be busy also . My first mini -course. Then I've got Foods in the Home Ec mom ." class will be Golf, a physicar Today we ' r ~studying the nueducation course. My next class will be held in the home tritional content of Nabisco crackers." economics room , we will be " Sounds really good , ~ i ll. " studying the nutritional con-

The Nebraska Sinfonia HAPPY JOE'S Pizza & Ice Cream Parlor 8069 Biondo '- 96th & L Omaha, Nebraska

Nebraska's No.1 Chamber Orchestra presents

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Nelli Arche r Ro•n,, Guitar



Saturday, ·December 16, 1978

Stephen Shipps,

Beetho ven's Z08th Blrthd •y Celebr•tlon


· Omaha Symphonic Chorus, John D. Miller. Jr., Music Director




Westside~s La

.Violin Saturday, May 5, 1979

'lherese Dusuut, Plano

John D.- Miller. Jr., Music Director

All performances at 6:30 P.M. -


.Josef Gingold., Ont•h• SyMphonic Chorus

Saturday, February 10, 1979


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For tickets call 342~3829 Omaha Symphony, 478 Aquila .Court, ' Omaha, Nebraska 68102

Volatile 'lid' bill -sparks debate Conifi:Jerinfi -


the fJid' bill .,

Vol. 23, No. 5 Westside High· school 8701 Pacific Street Omaha, NE 6!1124

Breaking tradition? It looks like it. This editorial ~xhibits (he position of the "Lance" staff con«!rning Proposition 302. Beyond that, it marks a precedent of placing our opinion on the front page instead of on the traditional editorial page.

Propositioq 392, better known as the ''lid h;~s continuously gained , publicity of tate. A barrage of,.leaflets and newspaper rticles, coupled with television commerials advocating or disagreeing with tl)e bill in every way possible, are serving to confuse voters. BJ.Jt the " Lance" !]as chosen to oppose the bill. Why should the b ill, which provides for 5 rcent "lid" on government spending, be topped? One reason is that the bill is totally remature. Because ofProposition 13, reently passed in California, . all Americars ave turned against all levels , of governent, demanding cuts in ''frivolous" taxes. ut how can theFe be any concrete evidence hat tax cuts and spending 1\ds will be effecive in actually helping the situatLon so soon fter the proposition has been passed? Presdent Jimmy Carter, in his presidential adress on Tuesday, Oct. 24, asked Americans delay on these types of actions. Let' s t~ke he Presjdent's advice. But how wil"the bill affect the;students of' 1 istrict 66? This is an impottant aspect to xamine .. Many students believe that gov-' nnient actions are not their concern, beuse ''things like that never affect;. high chool kids." Quite on the'contr(\ry- if Prosition 302 is passed; thedis~rict will inevih ~y have t0 make certain cuts jn programs. hy? .Jhe aver.:~ge inflationary increase in District 66 SchooJ Board budget has been tween 7 and 8 percent. But the "lid bill::, rs the increa~e .to be no more than 5 cent. ·. . . /t,~ ,;; ,__ What wHI be cut? It is possible that the ffects wo~ld be feltfoby a,!_ t. Sal~ry Cq§:tS ~a~; ount for 83 percent of the budget. lf the lid passed, "staff cuts ~ill h.a ve ~o be made/ .' ccording to Dr: H. V-ciugh_n Phelps, superin~ en~Fit.•.~~rthermoi~, cu!s in f~nds. ~Jiottep 4 certa1tr sports programs, spec•al pro- ams, school ~pb.lic~tion~1 an~sch~l sup~ lies co.uld tak~ place. Why should ·~ pu~ p with these .P?ssible cu~s? " .•. . · •· ® There are ma'Hy arguments forand 3,8ainst e ·. ~lid Bill." The ' 1Lance" feels that the rguments agafnst it are stronger. The;tted$ e ulid biW' could have on th~ quality of & urriculum and edocatioh in., District ' 66 ould not have to be reckoned with. At

See pp. 4-5

November 4, 1978






Preparing for displays Cindy Johnson and Mike Cole finish work on a display for District 66 Education Week. The display will be exhibited at the Westroads through the week November 6-10. The theme of the-week will be "putting the American Drean;J to work."

Education week at the Westroads " Putting the American Dream to Work" is the theme' that District 66 schools will present to the public ne1<t week. From Monday, Nov. 6 until Friday, Nov. 10, the district will celebrate its annual Education Week at the Westroads shopping ·center. Explaining the functions of schools, and giving the public an idea of what is. going on in the district, the presentations will help to sho~ why education is impqrtant, according to Ms .. !ill Greisling, district publicity manager. Greisling feels that the education week should point out the benefits of the school system . "Education supports a democratic system, and free enterprise . Without education, the countrv couldn't function," ·she said . • The Westroads presentation will include a wide variety of displays, such as social studies pro-

grams, slide presentations, school newspapers, art displays, ·and musical programs. Each of those areas will .help to graphically show how the American dream is being put to work in the district schools, according to Greisling. Musical overtones will fill the mall ; as Westside's pep ·band and flag team will appear on Monday, Nov. 6. The concert baruf will supplement the perform. ance on the next day, Tuesday, Nov. 7. Following that performance, the concert· jazz band will play on Wednesday, Nov. 8. Wrapping up the Westside musical presentations, the glee club will make its showing on Thursday, Nov. 9. · Physkal education demonstrations and art displays will also help to show the public what education is all about. Westside.will contribute heavily to the art displays, according to Mr. Kenn.eth


art instructor. Heinbach has organized the displays, which will be on display in the center of the Westroads mall throughout the week. The art department presenta, tions will be. representative of what is· going on in the classes, according to Heinbach. "We put in things we have do11.e in class. In a public display, we are much more interested in quality than , with quantity ." : Overall, the projects and presentations to be,exhibited during the E~ucation Week should fj_ive the public a positive feeling towards education, according to Gr,eisling. She · concluded , "The· public should appreciate that, in an upwardly mobile society, students are continuing to get an education. Kids are learning the necessities, and those things wllich will help them in the future; overall, the picture for schools is good."


hvisible support hamPers charity dfive Despite donation~ of over $400 on the · ted Way this year, a 35 percent decline st day of the drive, students made total from the $1700 contributed three years ontriOtltions of only $1101.63 to the ~ni- ago.

$2000 1700-

1400 -



1000 - · - -

-United Way contributions: sliding into oblivion?

As the only school-sponsored. drive of the year, Mr. james Findley, viceprincipal, feels the United Way drive merits strong support from the students. He . pointed out that, "There needs to be a realization by the students of the pressure to give." In an effort to spur competition , the Student Advisory Board (SAB) , created a contest ·offering cash prizt!s to the three homerooms raising the m-ost money in contributions. The winner of this year's $50 first prize was Mr. Harold Welch 's homeroom which raise-d $58.89. Second , prize of $30 was captured by Mr. Don Johnson's homeroom which contributed $54.31 with.. the $20 third prize going to Ms . Donna Kendall's homeroom for contributions· totaling $48.50. Findley theorized, "The students need to know where their money is going and what it is used for before contributing. Many stud~nts don't know anything about the United Way." In an effort to increase students' knowl-

edge of the United Way program, a film was made available by the SAB for homerooms to view explaining the United Way. However, according io Findley, home- · room part'icipation was very limited. Findley cited many possible reasons· for the decline in contributions such as the newness of the drive wearing off, but he felt the main problem might have been bad timing. The drive came just when students were in the process of work ing on second semester schedules. Unfortunately however, the school mustTonduct .the drive within the very limited time period whi c;h it is given by the United Way. In an effort to overcome this problem, the SAB extended the drive from five to seven days, a move which according to Findley increased the contribution immensely. Findley expressed hope that next year's drive would be a tremendous success and thanked all that contributed this year, because, "Thanks to you, it's working."


.Ecirly. Graduation

Juniors prepare for prom

Leaving Westside at semester may seem like the path to Emerald city, ·but the yellow-bNck road is not as easy as it looks For students who want to graduate and go to work full time, or go to college, mid-term graduation offers a three month early start. For Catherine Paciotti, a midterm graduate last year, the opportunity to go to work full time was a significant advantage. She has now earned enough money to g9 into professional hairstyling. But Paciotti states that working and living on one's own is not always easy. " I was lucky to get a job right after I got out of high school," says Paciotti.

uating at niid-term was a significant advantage because she was able to get a three month head start on the job market, an<J is now able to start her career train. I mg. "I felt that I was wasting my time in high school. I was done with it and wanted to get on with my life. I received the same education as any senior who finished the whole year, and probably -more because I was able to work right away full time." Tami Wilmoth, a senior who has plans to graduate early this year, .. also wants to get a head start with her career.

Students who are using the opportunity just to get out of school because they hate it are making a mistake; Lundquist feels, and will soon get tired of ta~ing ft easy. Lundquist also feels that early graduation is a mistake for students who are taking full year courses in science or math. According to Lundquist most students who graduate after first semesters are usually aboveaverage students, who for one reason or another don't feel good about school; although some students who do graduate early do ~o only because they


In the past, junior classes have struggled to obtain necessary funds to support the junior-Senior Prom. Perhaps this year, raising the money will turn out to be more profitable for both the junior class treasury and the individual student salesman. If inflation has hit your pocketbook, selling candles (one of this year's money making projects for prom), will not only help the junior class, but might be able to supply you with some quick cash . Prizes will be awarded to those who get involved . This morning, a $25 cash prize was giv~n to a student selected at random who had sold 10 candles by 8:00a.m. "If you sell two candles, you are eligible to win either a $100 cash prize or a ski trip to Denver," said Toby Schropp, junior class president. "Those who sell20 or more candles stand a better chance of winning, because their names will be added a second time for the prizes." If you are interested in the project, contact a junior class officer for further details.

Latin group gets involved Walkathons, swimathons, danceathons, telethons, but a chariotathon? If that sounds Gr~ek to you, you're not that far off, as members of the junior Classical League ()CL) participated in a city-wide chariotathon on Saturday, Oct. 21, at Lewis and Clark Junior High. A chariotathon is a race in which contestants pull a chariot and rider around a track, raising money by completing 20 laps. The event was successful, according to Ms. Mary Ann Pederson, latin instructor, and state )CL sponsor. Eight schools participated in the race, raising money for the state )CL and for the individual school clubs. "The money we raise will go toward funding a disco dance at the )CL's state convention," Pederson said. Westside will host the state convention at Creighton Prep .on Friday, April 6, and Saturday, April7. )CL is a popular program at Westside, with over 30 latin stu~ dents in membership, according to Pederson . Robbie Stofferson and Kyle Bryans also represent the local club a step further, as they hold the state offices of President and Treasurer, respectively.

Publications receive honors

" A lot of people don't think "I just want tel get out of high about expenses such as rent, school. I've spent 12 years of my food (which is v-ery expensive), life in school, if I can give myself utilities, and even furniture. I four months, I will. I plan on lived in an apartment with only a , going into cosmetology next bed for a long time." fall, " says Wilmoth . For most students, Paciotti "My counselor was really feels, high school is a shelter and helpful," states . Wilmoth, "a lmost will suffer a terrific shock if ·though my mother was against they move out on their own. Pathe idea because I· will turn 17 ciotti says that she suffered a teronly a month before l graduate." rific depression after· she graduAs a policy, counselors try to ated because most of her friends remain neutral about mid-term were still in high school. graduation, according to Mr. Even so, Paciotti says that gradDick Lundquist, counselor.

dislike school. L'undquist states that out of the 25 people who have gone through summer school to fulfill the English requirement, about six of them will change their minds, but another six students will file letters from their parents giving them permission to graduate early. " I'm SDre it's been helpful fo r:, some," says Lundquist, '\but as we wave goodbye to others we feel that they m·ay be fl1aking a mistake."



Informing, interpreting and entertaining •are the g~als that every issue of the "Lance" strives to meet. Last year, the newspaper seems to have accomplished the~ objectives. , Approximately 15 bi-weekly newspapers from across 'the country which are members of the National Scholastic'Press Association are preseAted every year with the All-American award. The Lance's 1977-78 second semester issues are among those to be noted with this achievement, said Jeanine Van Lee-uwen, "Lance" editor-in-chief. Performance in five categories are the basis of the award: content and coverage; editorial leadership; writing and editing; display; photography; and graphics. The "Lance" received a Mark of Distinction for each of these areas. As for in-state competition, the "Shield" was honored with first place for its accomplishments by the Nebraska High School Press Association. This is the second consecutive year the "Shield" has won first place at the state convention in Lincoln. In the newspaper competition, tl:le " ·L ance" took second place, behind the Ralston "Ram Tales." · . ~ooking toward the future, Beth Kaiman, managing edftor says that th~ " Lance" will, "try and experiment with different things, because I think the readers would get bored seeing the same thing every issue." · The "Shield" will also take on an experimental approach, trying to gain a new image. "This year, we're trying a really different appr9ach in the yearbook. Because Westside is such a unique school, we're going to try to reflect this ' uniqueness' on the pages of the 'Shield'," commented Andy Hargitt, editor-in-chief.

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~----~------Lance Participation should bring light

Officers n..eed support

Unheralded for its accomplishments, the drama department has continued to produce solid performances while participation from Westside's student body has been virtually non-existent. It is necessary now to take note of this situation in iight of the fact that very few students have attended recent drama department productions. · " It's a shame kids don't take advantage of our drama department. We're probably as good as most small colleges and our productions are always well done," stated Mr. Jim Ogden, dram~ sponsor. It is contended by many of the performers that a larger audience would generate more excitement among the company. Cody Stewart, drama student, said, "When I'm on stage and there's a really responsive crowd, I give a · better performance because it's easier to play to the people." Geoff Jordan, , drama student, agreed. " When there is a big crowd out there, I get excited and I put everything I have into my performance." · Although there is no specific 'rea~on for the lack of student attendance, many performers feel it is due to the students' indifferent-attitude toward the drama department, as well as a lack of publicity within the school. Students need to become educated about the productions being put on by the drama department. Jordan suggested that the students be manditorily exposed to the plays. Getting the administration behind the drama department by requiring students to see the plays during convocations would be " like a pep-rally for the drama department," Jordan said . Credit is due the drama department for putting on award-winning productions in spite of overwhelming obstacles. With encouragement and support from the student body, it is likely that performances will improve. Money generated from such interest would facilitate better sets and costumes which, in turn , would create new excitement among performers. Westside stuaents have the opportunity to show support for the drama department by atte'nding their current production of the "Front Page," playing tonight and tomorrow night at 8 p.m . in the auditorium.

Seniors in debt? That seems to be the present situation. WhoseJ ault is it? In a senior class meeting ol'l Friday, Oct. 6, it was related by Camille Patterson, senior class president, that the senior class is in debt to the tune of $900-1000. This debt is due to the ever-increasing costs encountered last year by the offic~rs as they funded ·the junior-senior prom in honor of the now graduated seniors. Attempts were made last year by Patterson, then junior class president, and the other of_ficers, to raise ·money for prom. When, at the beginning of the y~ar, a pop bottle campaign was initiated, less than ~ne percent of the present senior class bothered to bring even one pop bottle to support their 1 offic~rs. · • • AT-shirt sale was attempted which yielded some success. Several cases of lightbulbs were purchased by the officers to be sold at a profit to raise funds. But orlce again, the present senior class blew it. Only 2to 3 percent of the entire class made any kind of an attempt to help the officers sell the products. In hindsight, more of the procrastinative members of the class could .at least have bought a box of the bulbs to help out. On the other hand, the blame can not be pla~ed ta.tally on the present senior class. In some cas":S, there could have ~een a greater effort on the part -of the offkers to publicize the need for help and advertise events · taking place. . The senior class is in debtup to their ears, and according to Dr. Jack Noodell, business manager, the senior class has probably never been in this much de9t at the beginning of a year. It would not be fairto shove that debt onto the next senior class. · The senior class officers have and will organize events this year to help alleviate the debt. And the sooner the events are successful, the sooner the senior class can -stop worrying. · It is imf:Jerative that the senior class support its officers- now. -

Royalty: majority representation? opinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopini

Recognizing students who have given outstanding service to th~ir school is the purpose of electing a Homecoming King and Queen. As most of you know, the nominees for these_positions at Westside are members of the cheerleading and marching squads (excludin-g flag squa d) and members of ' the football team . , I do not believe that these are the only students who deserve this honor . There are many not involved in these squads or the1ootball team, who participate in other activities at school and deserve a chance to be recognized for it. At Tech, for example, two representatives are picked from each club as nominees ¥or king and queen. This way, everyone who has been active at the school is given a chance to be acknowledged for their contributions. This method also provides a fairer representation of the school. Westside's election procedure gives a representation

of only fou r basic groups, which does not seem fair since the Homecoming King and Queen are supposed to be " representatives" of our sehool. . Other ways of electing Homecoming royalty can be fo und at other schools, such as Bellevue West and Burke. At these schools the candidates are chosen by open nomi nation . This makes the ca ndidates very representative of th e schoo l. The re is always the chance, however, th at someone not involve d in school activities would win the honor. It seems to me that Westside is one of the few , if not the o nl y Omaha school that ele cts its Homecoming royalty the way it does. -1 th ink we should begin to look more seriously into changing our procedure so that more students involved at school would have the chance to be recognized . -By Mary McKenzie-, Guest Columnist

Driving to school in four-wheel luxury opinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopini

Here I go again - complaining. This time it's about cars and driving . last time it was homerpom ; next time, geography. funny thing is ... once again I'm a criminal. I drive to school every day. I'm not the only ope, that's for sure. And to prove' it, I woke ·up early two mbrnings last week, arrived at school by 7:15 and counted cars until 8 a.m. Monday I s~t by the west senior lot, and Tuesday I . staked .out the south lot. · And what did I find, you asl<? (Thank you, Sherlock.) A total of 253 cars drove into these lots. Of these, 123 had passenger(s). Furthermore; I counted 182 cars parked in places other than the lots on Monday afternoon and 225 on Tuesday morning. . . Everyone knows that great numbers of Westsiders drive to school. The point has now been demonstrated. Now to determine WHY. First-of all, lots of Westside students have cars, because lots .o f Westside students' parents can afford them .'Cars are : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . , . a status symbol. A sports car or a four-wheel-drive vehicle ~;:an elevate a student's social stanaing at least five notches. Point number two. Many at Westside feel that having a_ itor: .,


Published bi-w~k!Y by the Jour!Jalism -~partmentot Westside Hi~h Schq9!;,8?th aQ<f PaCific St, Ofl'\ahaJ 1'\f£ 68124, 'the "Lance" is ifmember of theJ>U!braskit High Sihool Pri ss Association, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, and the National Scholastic Press Association. l'he " lance" offit:e is located in rot~m 302>,'\dverti~!rg rate~;rvaHabJe'fdn request. Photi'e " (402) 391 -1266 Ext. 20. The paper is disti'ibuted to all students and staff on Friday mornings. Subscription rates to others are $3.00 postpaid. Non-profit mailing rights claimed. Primed by Priesman Graphics, Aquila Court Building, 1615 Howard- St., Omaha, NE 68102, ~



fditor..jn-Chief ...... : . ... Jeanine Va-n Lee uwe n Managins Editor .... • ...•........ , Beth Kaiman Associate Editor .•.•••. · '· .•.• . .• Cathy Johnson Editorial Editor ..... .. •.. • .....• L Amy Ge ndle r Ass't. Editorial Editor .......• . . , . Me lanie ,.Sturm Ne'!"§ .Editor ... , ....... , , , .. • . Robert Gree nbe rg Ass't. NeW$ Editor , ... , •.. , ...• ?'. Kent Ponc;:elow News' Writer$ .......... , . , ....... , Cindy Cra ne t Katie l ohff feature Editor . , .. . .... , •..... , . Mo nieaAngle Ass'L Fe<~ture fdjtor • •... . .. • Mary Bloomingdah,; feature Writers ~ . ...... , ......... , ... Jay Dandy Tracy Katelmao Cyndy lunde


, &


Sports Editor ...•.. , ...... , . , . . ., ... Tom Golde n' Ass'L Sports Editor . , •.••... : •. Lisa M argoli n ~rts Wr,iter,s . . . . , , , .,.. . . . ,, Sc;:ot t 0 '\v.is · • · Terry Kroecger· Lile§tyle Editor •...... . .... , • , , . SQb Glissmann Ass't. IJiestyle Editor ... , . , • . )OMthan Duitc;:h Lifl~stlye Writers ..... , " Dave Scott · Mar$hall Pred Advertising Manag~r . . ... ·:t •.• •• •• . Sally lindwatl Ass' t. Advertising Manager .•......•. , Jay Dan dy 'Business Manager •... , ,. ; . , ..• , Tt-al;y Kate lman Artists .. • •. , . • . •• .. , , ...•.. , .. , .. f rank Gappa Sally McGlaun ......... Hunt lewis . .... John Hudnall


ngl}f( agr be niore

car is a necessity: Because of the modular scheduling, many students come and go during the day, often arriving io late morning and/ or Ieavins fn early afternoon. Carpooling is inconvenient (though not necessarily jmpossible) since students who don 't drive must remain at school all day. Obviously this is not desirable. In the event of a gas shortage, Westside could discontinue modular scheduling and thus encourage carpooling. Possibly that's idealistic, but it 's really not all that far off base. . Two foreign students at Westside this year are astounded by the amount of driving. In Europe "everyone bicycles," said Mirre Versteegh of Holland. Marleen Van Hyuck of Belgium said that people don 't even think about walking here. "They just don't think about not taking the car." • In ten years or so (if not already), Westside's. open campus will become impractical in terms of the amount of driving it encourages. In the meantime, cries for more parking con'tinue to sound off in the distance. -By Amy Gendler, Columnist

z h~mtf~Y,s cientious abOut

J1leeting • heat' ·their can<J.jdates'¥for c•a~•s1 o•n speeches were superb, catlot:oal~ were P9ised, and the entire, sopho- • fi)Pte cl<i$s •: audience WaS COI,ItteoOs<·.· and attentive. m·h .

sh · choosing their Foru!ll repre~entatiyes. Repr~~enta, ~11~. do, . Q()t attend meetings a eating the memberS: of their homerooms out of their voice in ."f''e wpuld likf!!f!O COf!Jplime!;\l anQ , <th school rnatt(ilfS.like~lSe, swoents ¥\QO cSn~ratulate the Sophomore dass at . .. do n'Ot mal<~ sure .that they have sponsible re,presentatives are cheating Westside High School. In the lastseverhave:attende:d maM"class them~~lves, :;~ sugge~¢ that .~()rum ~.';P­ al years • oi'eeting?'and>we~believe we h'ave exreseotative~who have not attendeo a minimum number of meetings should perience on which to base the follow,, not be eligible for re,: electioo,This ~?s­ in-g opinion : We~tside seems tq be in tem should encourage ' atteh:CJance at " good hands if tHls is an example of leaders,hip and class interest from the Forum meetings. Class of 1981: , .•. Vicki Oenlstbn _..._...,......,...__ ' &it:::W\,.., ._, -Y'· ~




Dear Editors: , T Fridf!Y>Qctober 6, the Sopho~ Aa't Westside hat! a crass "


Sincerely, wm~, McCotrnick


'Susa.n taylor




Nebraska tax . lid supporters it's 'now or

a hell qf a reduction," ed . Halloran's predictions with fact. If a lid would _effect during the last would have been a $168 tion in spending by divisions. But will there be a

Dispose of properly Opponents and backers agree that litter is a problem. Supporters believe that 30) will reduce the amount of litter found on the streets. Can manufact: urers argue that their busine ss' will suffer, and feel that the litter problem won 't be solved. Would a 5 cent deposit on cans and other beverage coro· tainers prevent a 'chronic litterbug' from throwing a can on the ground when it's empty? Supporters of proposition 301 , an act which would place at least a 5 cent deposit on cans and bottles which contain beer and soft drinks, feel that it would . " If they don 't, someone else will," said Mrs. Doris Lewis, a member of the Federated Garden Clubs of Nebraska, one of the 21 farmer and environmental groups which back the proposition . Opponents of the bottle bill , mostly members of the bottle manufacturing industry, believe that it wouldn't stop a person from littering. Mrs. Les Anderson , chairman of Keep Omaha Beautiful (KOB) , said of someone who had the habit of littering, "They couldn 't care less. Proponents say that someone will pick that (beverage container) up, a farmer might, but how long is he going to do it? " Reduction of the litter problem and conservation of both resources .and energy are major arguments of bottle bill supporters. Lewis explained the advantages of the proposal as, " Being able to save our resources and save energy. There is no reason not to re-use aluminum ." " Litter is a conglomerate of things, it isn't just cans and bottles," said Anderson . 'Oppone!lts of the issue, such as Nebraskans for Freedom of Choice, agree with this, and believe that 301 would be an inconvenience to consumers and storeowners and waste-energy. The bottle bill was first proposed six or seven years ago. " It's the same song, second verse," said Anderson, of the proposition started by the Nebraskans for Returnable Containers. . It was brought up by State Ser,~ator Donald Dworak of Columbus, but was. later defeated by the Nebraska Unicame~al. During this past year a petition was circulated, which 5,percent of the people in Nebraska had to sign : This petition enabled the s·u pporters to go "over the legislators heads," and put the issue on the ballot, explained Lewis. · -. Proposition 301 went to the Nebraska Legislature and actually the bottle industry fought against it, and killed it . As soon as it had a chance of passing, people lobbied against it. Lobbyists really got to the Nebraska Legislature," said Lewis.• " People are voting on something; they don 't know what it will be ;" said Anderson . This is her main reason for not support- · ing 301 , as it is merely a proposal, and the legislature would \v rite the law if it were vote<Lin . · A provisio.n in the act calls for at least a 5 cent deposit on the beverage containers. " What's to keep it from being 10, 15 or 25 cents,'' said Arderson. _ · ' " You're saying go ahead and litter, I'll help pay for it,"· Anderson continued . "That doesn 't clean up the litter,", she said , pointing out such things as paper, cardboard , fast food

cups and ·a luminum · as contributions to the litter problem. Lewis feels the litter problem centers on throwaway containers that are found along the roadside . " I want to get away ·from this throwaway society," she said . "There is not a word in here about recycling. That 's where the mass confusion is," Anderson said. Opponents feel that the deposit on all containers will cause the can fo disappear.off the shelves .. "If you take away the aluminum can , then you don't have _an item to pay for recycling," said Anderson. "People ~ho drink out of cans will still drink out ,of cans," said Lewis. She doesn 't feel that the bottle bill will restrict beverage buyers freedQm of choice. ' The actual text of the proposed act reads " to re-use or recycle beverage containers." " They (companies) will go to the bother of having to recycle, aAd in the long run they'll save money," said Lewis. · Anderson , although she opposes 301 , does not support the beverage industry's plan for a comprehensive-litter control law, as she feels there are already ·e nough written laws to control the problem, but they are not enforced. · . "The bottle bill does work, 80 percent to 90 percent (of pa(ticipants in state Bottle bill program) say they like it," said Lewis. She added that the prograf!1 for Nebraska is similar to one enforced in Oregon . Two arguments presented by the beverage industry are decreased employment an<!_ price increases. Despite this Anderson feels that there may Be more people hired ; but said that the "head of the household" would lose his joo, while his son · would be hired. "It costs mo.re money for returnables, when it goes into this kind of volume. It's just bound to cost more money, and · this ·is passed on down to the consumer," said Anderson . "They haven't had a loss of jobs, and rfo price increase," said Lewjs of states where similar propositions have passed. "My oatmeal went up the same 22 percent," she added, in reference to the price increases of beer in some states where the bottle bill has been passed. In the final week before the election, both supporters and opponents expect to be campaigning heavily around the city, as it is felt that Omaha is split 50/50, and will decide the issue that started in out-state Nebraska . , On Saturday) Nov. 4, Lewis and other environm~ntalists , • including Mr. Ron Crampton, chemistry instructor, will be staging a "Last Clean-Up" at Dodge Park, said Lewis. · · " I got to pick the spot," said Crampton, of the site just north of the Mormon Bridge. Starting at 10 a.m. , the participants will clean up along a one mil~ course, and are instructed to " bring your own trashcan." Anderson appeared at Westside on Wednesday, Nov. 1, as she met with Dworak in a debate over the bottle bill.

ernment to get out of limit easily. If there is a the limit, and voters can division really needs the lieve that they (voters) crease," Halloran said.


ln 'lic;l'-bill argument

other hand, getting the legisan increase will require a "he said. "We didn 't init easy for them. If the vote four-fifths, the legislahave its arm twisted by every t you could think of." is a legitimate need ; howevwill allow an increase. will allow for emergeninsisted. Candidate Hal Daub !Pr<op<>sed spending lid, and irtPnrliin" the lid concept to government. "A do good at all levels, at the federal level."

Business, schools, cities claim that 'Lids are for "",garbage, not people'_

Both Phelps and Rassmussen agree that Proposition 302 will cause a loss of local control. They foresee the state and · federal governments taking over separate services, such as special education program~.

The inflation crunch has certainly af- fected government in the past several There ain't no doubt about it, anti- years, but under 'the lid, the crunch 'lid'·sentiment is growing as the election would turn into a reduction in the qualinears. ty of education, according to Phelps. "If " Look in the newspaper. Every day, inflation continues at nine percent, and more opposition to the bill is voiced. one has a five percent limitation on local The momentum is definitely against the school budgets, it will be required to cut proposition," commented Ms. Barbara - programs·and staff so the rest of the sysBotsch, a government affairs consultant tem can be afforded." foF the Omah; Chamber of Commerce. "The first cuts and most important . "The more people look into it, the cuts would be in people. 83 percent of more opposition you see," observed our budget goes into salaries. We've all ready started a staff reduction policy, Botsch. What has caused this growing con- de<;reasing by 25 employees in the past year, but the lid would force us to cut cern? Business leaders, g0vernment offi. even further," Phelps predicted. cials, aod school administrators all have "We haven't reduced para-educator's different theories about how the propotime. If the lid is passed, we' ll look hard sition to limit spending budgets will hurt various sections. of the communit~ , but at that." State Senator Gerald Koch agrees with they agree Ofrone thing ... Proposition 302 is not the proper way to handle the belief that the lid measure will cause a loss of local control, and won't'necesspending limitations. sarily reduce taxes,. Koch remarked , One of the public's misconceptions "Many times, the state government is about the lid measure is that it will re- the cause of spending increases at the duce taxes. If anything, the measure local level. Through the lid, the people guarantees 'that there will be a five per- are saying that they dori 't trust local govcent local-budget increase every year, ernment. I don't think that's a.fair judgeaccording to 1\()·r. Ross Rassmussen, di- ment." rector of the Nebraska State School If the lid goes through, it could be a Boards Association (NSSBAI. · frustrating couple of years for Koch and " I believe that the bill removes local the State Legislature. " We may have cont rol from the operation of· local sub- more res.o lutions from subdivisions redivisions," said Dr. H. Vaught) Phelps, questing t6 exceed the limit than bills," District 66 superintendent.. " I am per- said Koch. Summing up, Botsch related one of sonally opposed to the bill for several reasons, one being this loss of local con- the reasons the Omaha Chamber of trol. Government is supposed to support Commerce has opposed the proposithe people,• but the people are saying tion, "The bill ·penalizes those subdivithat 'We insist you do this, but we're not sions who have been frugal in past.years, going to give you more than fiy{ percent and pays those who have wasted tax dolIa-rs. to do it.'"

Proposition 302 ••. the "lid -bill." Everybody talks about it, but nobOdy. he feels the lid should start actually knows what it will do. On Tuesday, Nov. 7, confused Nebraska voters level. Halloran said that, will decide whether or not a lid is needed. Under_the lid, counties, municipalito be a dreamer to believe -ties, school districts and other taxing subdivisions will not be allowed to raise their budgets more than five percent from one year to the next. Divided over the il;sue, strong and persistent arguments have been raised ent has to get its house in for both sides. Sqpport for the measure stems from what has been called the fmmediate need. for the American "tax revolt." In all, voters in 15 states will be considering tax and the President"s pro- spending limitation ' measures on the November ballot, according to the Na-· American people, asking tional Education Association (NEA). The proposed' lid itself seeks to add six new sections to Article VIII of the on tax limi ation actions. are not put in relatively state constitution, imposing the five percent limitation on all sub-divisions of past the point of no re- government that levy a tax or cause a tax to be le\lied. Although an amendment to the constitution me;tns that the resolution, if passed, would !emain law for a least four years, the five percent budget limitabill restrict governmental tion may be exceeded in three ways. First, any political subdivision which experiences a population growth in so they can't op~rate? "I a happy medium between excess of five percent, may increase its budget by the same percentage inand over-restricted taxes. c~ease experienced in the population growth up to 10 percent, and for each rate, our unrestricted tax percent of population growth in excess of 10 percent, may increase its budget to a point where gov- by one-half of one percent. Second, each year the legislature may, by resolution supported by a fouroperate . I don't think over-restricts govern- fifths vote, suspend the budget limitations. No resolution suspending the budget limitation shall be effective for more than one fiscal year. ed a point where the The third alternative would be a call for a special election to approve a ing, ' Look, we can af- bu~get increase, which could only be held on the third Tuesday in Jtily"of the Phelps asked, "What business could survive on a five percent limitation?" and no more.'" year in which the taxes will be levied to fund the budget.

Proposition 302 is going to cause more ·: roblems 1han are already there."

ouse seat race in homestretch he race for a seat in the House of tatives, ·Republican Hal Daub cumbant John Cavanaugh, Democandidat,e, have only a few days left their platforms to Nebraskans. ing to press releases, Daub feels nt federal support of education too many levels of bureauracracy d process, making it more-difficult I systems to respond to corny needs. He said he supports a tax for post-sec<mdary tuition because d represent "direct relief allowing ndividual choice ." ' rd to inflation, Daub was quoted ng that he believes a limit on spendthe federal level is "absolutely es" and that a reauction in federal spending is necessary in controllation. b said that he supports an acrossrd federal income tax reduction payers, and a2 percent reduction in income taxes. reductions," he added, "would buyer confidence, spur private nt and create jobs. Present tax excessive and destroy incentive, reducing government revenu,es. and wasteful government g must be eliminated at the same

" need for a He said that he realizes the comprehensive energy program, but not one that would present negative, penalty or surtax solutions. Cavanaugh points to his voting record in the House over the past two years as evidence of his concern for improvements in public education, the lives of the . unborn and the rights of women .

' ' In my mind Pro-Life and Equal Rights go together, because I feel everyone should have equal rights under the law, regardless Q.f_ sex, race, religion or ·stage of · development. ' ' -Congressman·John Cavanaugh Among those bills dealingwith education that have come to the floor of the Hou se during his first term , the Congressman supported a bill allocating $51 .5 billion to public education, a bill to provide $666 million to vocational edu·cation programs, and a bill providing $325 million for counselirtg and career education programs in elementary . and secondary schools.

As a co-sponsor of the Pro-life Amendment and an advocate of the Equal Rights Amendment, Cavanaugh said, "In my mind Pro-life and the Equal Rights Amendment go together, because I feel everyone should have equal rights under the law, regardless of sex, race, religion or stage of development." Cavanaugh indicated that he would not support the legalization of marijuana should such a proposal come to the floor of the House. Both candidates advocate wide expansion of foreign trade of farm products and a strong defense program. Daub was quoted as saying that "projects such as the B-1 bomber and improving conventional forces are essential to prevent Soviet military power from surpassing our own'." Cavan.augh's congressional voting record is indicative of his opposition to measures that would weaken our defense capabilities. He voted against any reduction in funds for the Airborn Warning and Control System (AWACS), against attempts to transfer $6.5 billion from de ~ fense .spending to domestic programs, and against a bill which would have transferred $7.95 billion fror'n military appropriations.






Athletics bolster program pressboxpressboxpressboxpressb6xpressboxpressboxpressboxpressboxpressboxpressboxpressboxpressboxpr

Are sports over-emphasized at Westside? Many community citiz~ns think so, even though they have a son-or daughter competing in a sport or are involved with some sport themselves . With some academic standards on the rise, one 1h_as to wonder what they base this assumption on. Ms. Ruth Simpson, whose son attended Westside a few years back, has a different concern in th_e situation . " No doubt about it, kids today are placing too much time and emphasis on athletics. This / leaves them with little-or no time at all to work on their homewo k. I'm a witness of this. My son played football for Westside recently and the coaches pressed him . He had no time to do his homework and' always placed it second on the list. I was worried he was going to school for the wrong reason, and I'm sure there are plenty of cases sim" ilar to ours." Simpson relayed a reason for her son's fail ure in academics. and success in athletics. " Academics are overshadowed by athletics. That's all there is to it. Think of all the organizations closely related to sporting activities. Cheerleaders, drill squad , squires, etc. These groups are devoti.ng too much time to sports also. The media plays up the sports world to an extent where the younger generation has a tendency to qesire fame and fortune in sports and leave out academics." Simpson, however, doesn't feel totally innocent herself. " I' m guilty just Hke a lot of parents. We just put too much pressure on kids to win. They get nervous and uptight before, during and after 'big games anq therefore fall apart academically." I have mixed emotions on the subject. However, ther!! are facts which prove athletes are doing as well or better academically than non participants.




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EXTRA, EXTRA read all about it! 1st Semester all school Play

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"The Front Page" Nov. 2, 3, 4 Westside AuditQrium




Whether they could do better if they weren't ticipating in a sport is hard to determine. The point should be made cleac Acade are the primary reason for attending school , athleti ics should be secondary, always. Howeyer, t~ does not mean one should classify athretics au non-educational activity with little or no value. Athletics provide opportunity for IPa1rler••hini and point out that winning is not the mai for competing. It disciplines youths and se.nse of pride and accomplishment to one worked hard in practices. I ~ brings students faculty closer together, with a feeling of unity team spirit. Athletics should also bring schools closer gether. This has been a major problem the last pie of years, particularly in the Burke-WF•<f(ilrlli duel . Recently, however, the,bitter rivalry come a healthy ohe, and each school is h<>•:.in•~i...,. to relate to one another in a closer and tria.n..tliiai sense. UnfortunatelY., the media has rubbed off the younger generation ~ in a negative tone. F and bitter rivalry has been amplified by te1ev1•11011 radio and newspapers. The true meaning has been destroyed, thus causing actions public unnecessarily. Put it all together and it violence, cheating and negative eHects on one. so-why should the public criticize high athletics, when in truth , it teaches the of sportsmanship and hard work. Athletics is a method of escaping schoolwork, it's a way better a student all around .




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Warrior co-captain Theresa Hazuka rests briefly during a begins tonight at 6:30 p.m. at the University of Iough morning workout. The swimming team has been at Lincoln Sports <;:omplex. preparing for their seasonal climax, the st_a te meet, which


Hazuka anticipates scholarshi


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Since the tender age of ten, Theresa Hazuka · has been swimming for one swim tearu or another. She started her swimming career with the Omaha Westside Swim Club, a team for local youngsters. "I always used to go to the neighborhood pool, and all of my friends swam. l guess that's how I started," said Hazuka . · Next year, she commented that.she would like to attend a medium-size college, an'd hopes to swim competitively. " I' m looking fqr a school that's good academically- that comes first : Then , · hopefully, they'll have a good team and I' ll swim there," said Hazuka. The contenders for swimming scliolarsh ips ar.e · selected in the spring, so Hazuka rhust wait to see if she receives one or not. " I sure hope I do," she commented .

In state competition as a sophomore, she the 100-yard breaststroke, and the 200-yard i vidual medley. last year, however, she second in both events. This year, she feels toughest ·competition will come from Mau Mcleay, a freshman from Marian . " It will be I' ll try my hardest and do the best I can ." The record in the 100-yard breaststroke was last year at State by Karen Branham, from lion. Her time was 1:10.6. Hazuka's fastest 1:09.8. In the Westside Invitational, on Satu Oct. 21 , Mcleay swam an excellent' race in 1: the fastest time thus far. -

Professional coach l

" I usually start the season with a fair ti me, t it gets faster and faste r until the state meet, know I'm re ady now," she said . Accordi ng to Hazuka, the swim tea m's phi ophy differs from o the r teams in its prepa ratio ma jor meets. She sa id , " We work really thro ugho ut · the seaso n, and the n o ur wo tape r o ff whe n Metro and State gei n~arer. 0 tea ms work hard for every big meet. I think the we do it is de finite ly an adva ntage . For State, we all rea ll y psyched up ."

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Has she ever thought of having a professional coach ? No, she probably never will. " I like the o nes I' m work ing with now. Cal (Bentz) was a great coach, and Pat (DiB iase ) is gre at, too," she stated . Concern ing coach ing, she feel s that a coach d e vel ~ ops a pupil, and the re is not much he ca n do if t he stude nt isn't motivated . " I set a goal for myself, to get a schol arship," she said .

.·November 3, 1978 /-

Speed increases

rnals today

arriors to ·repeat as tate swimming champs? Thorough recovery from seasonal injuries may help the girls' im team to capture their third straight State Cnampionship at the iversity of Nebraska Sports Compl{'!x in Lincoln . Mr. Pat DiBiase, head swimming coach , said that the Warriors' cisive 104 point victory in the Warrior IQvitational two weeks ago I help them psychologically. " I was glad we swam well against rian , and maybe now they will have the feeling that we are the m to beat in the state meet," said DiBiase. · DiBiase refers to the two-week period prior to the state meet as team's "ta per" period. " In this period, we reduce our workouts m two per day to Or:Je per day, we reduce the total number of ds, and we conce ntrate on more intricate things·of the races, like rts, turns, and finishes, and we do more speed swimming," he said. e added that the team will continue its mental training. " One of more important parts of ou r training will be the continuation of r cibernetic training," said DiBiase. He explained cibernetics as "a ntal training in which we make a good effort to work on thinking sitively about our races, and thinking highly of ourselves, and kind envisioning a perfect race. We try to do this now, so the kids will e those kind of images in their mind, and hopefully wil.l be able to tm that perfect rate, ,when it comes time for the state meeJ,'' exr ined DiBiase. DiBiase said that .he expects the entire team to be healthy for the e championship. "We've had some people sick during the season ~ t everyone is starting to get back into good health, and during the eet we should be 100 percent healthy, and 100 percent ready to ," he anticipated. He also added that at some point in the season, ry team member ha'd been sick. DiBiase cited senior leadership as playing a big role in the team's cess. "The seniors have a lot riding on this meet, in that this is their year. They've never lost the state meet, and they have b,een great mples for our underclassmen. They want to win in the worst way, they will do anything they have to to win, whether it be swimg fast, or psyching up the younger swimmers." DiBiase describes the Sports Center pool as "a fantastic facility. one of the best in the country, and it's being nominated as the site the senior national meet. :rhe reason is that it has a lot of deck ce, the water is consistently deep, which makes wave distribution ter, and it has ten lanes instead of six, which again aids in the ribution factor," commented DiBiase. , DiBiase .said he thinks a large crowd of Westside students could p the- Warriors repeat -on last year's 140 point margin of victory. s been a tradition that Westside has had a large following at the e meet and I'm assuming that it won't be any different this year. ey've always been the most vocal, and I'm sure they'll continue to the most vocal, and that will really fire our team up." DiBiase said that he believes the· Warriors are well prepared for s meet. "When we go to that state meet, Westside 'will be ' more dy than any other team in the state, and assuming _that is true, I 't believe there's any team in the state that can swim with West," he concluded .

Mr. Vic Porter goes over math curriculum with Mr. John Graff, fellow mathematics instructor. Porter will phase in as assistant varsity basketball coach this seasO'n while p_remiering in the math department as an algebra instructor.

Basketball season 8waits fresh, credited aSsistant .


After six years of junior high coaching, Mr. Vic Porter has moved up to the high school ranks. Porter will be the assistant varsity basketball coach, under Mr. Tom Hall. Porter had previously been head · coach at Westbrook for five years, and also one year at a junior high ii11owa City. Before that, he played at Michigan Tech, then transferred to Michigan State, where he finished his schooling. • Porter is looking forward to this season. He . said, "I am extremely optimistic about this year's team. I think we are going to have a great season." Porter says .basketball is enjoyable for him. He said, "My attitude about the game shows that I obviously like it very much. It is my favorite pastime." -As an assistant coach , Porter isn't quite sure what his job will be. He said, "I think my job will be to work with individual players. I'm not sure what e'lse I will be doing. Right now I am working a running program with the players."

Jockey shorts

LoOk for the state champ

tate hopeful for gymnasts Team performance. . It's a cliche which is inevitable in any sport, and depending on pw well the boys' gymnastic6 team performed in Districts Oct. 30, (after press time) you might resolve the question which you've ked all season - just how good are they? Mr. Tim Willits, coach, simply states, " Execution is the key . We ust have good form on our routines in districts." In order to get to state, the Warriors must have finished at st second in Districts, which is comprised of six teams- Westi:le, Bellevue West, North, Bryan, Lincoln Southeast and RoncaiAccording to Willits, all but Ronca IIi had a good shot at winning istricts. "Eve ry team, with the exception of Ronca IIi, scores withthe 106-110 poin t range. We' ll have to score 110 points plus." The team devoted most of its practice sessions to polishing up eir routines the week before Dist ricts, and some small altera~ ns in combination and difficulty of stunts were made, according Willits, The strongest events included vault and parallel bars, ile rings and floor exercise were two events which required re pra ctice. Willits stated that while the team might not make it to St.a_te, arriors Lee Simmons, John Doherty, Scott Farrell and Marc Viola td the best chance at ~a king State individually. These permers must have finished in the top six in their events in Districts. Team member Mike Stoll concluded, "We have a fairly good ot at making State. Whether we do or not, we 're looking forrd to next season. With only two people graduating (Marc Viola d Lee Simmons) the future lqoks bright."

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JV marks perfect season Losing was a word the Junior Varsity volleyball team did not 1 tbmit to. In fact, it wasn't even a rarity for the team this season, as the arriors breezed to a 14-0 season . The highlight of the season me when the team won the JV Invitational, ending Marian's ctorious streak in the event. Ms. Jackie Henningsen, coach, is pleased with her team's ~ rformance on the season. "The team did excellent; they had a inning spirit, and never gave up." This was evident, as the team )unced back from a 4-15 opener andwon the match. Henningsen mentioned that the -teams she has coached re-. mtly have been the best ever. "Girls athletic programs are getng better," she said .



Hall defined Porter's job. He said , " He will be. in charge of working with the guards. He will be an immediate advantage to our program . He · can work with one group while I am working with the other. Before, I would work with three or four players, while seven or eight players would just stand around, with nothing to do." Hall has drawn high praise from Port~r . Porter said, "He is very knowladgeable about the game. He has very good lines of communication, among his players and coaches." Hall had this to say about Porter. "He has very sound ability of how to get along with kids. He knows a lot ab_out the game also." Hall also likes the idea of Porter going to college out of state. He said, "Not being from the system should be a big help. He will bring in fresh, new ideas. That should be evident very soon." Porter believes it takes hard work to be effective. He said, "It takes 100 percent to be successful in basketball. You need that kind of commitment of your energy, whether your playing or coaching."

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Cantfindus umbilicu.s backsidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksid

You probably won't believe this, but a covple of days ago I woke up, went into the bathroom, stepped into the shower, and low and behold (well, middle and behold) my _belly ~utton was gone!_l looked all overfont- on_my body, m my bed, on the floor- nothmg. So during_breakfast I asked my mother, " Have you seen my belly-button?" "Sure I have," she answered . "I've seen it lots 'of times. Especially when you've had your shirt off." " No, no," I said. "I can't find it and I was wondering if you knew where it was." "Well, where did you see it last?" she asked. " On my belly, of course," I replied. " It's not there now?" "No. I told you I can't find it." "Well then, ask Nancy.' Maybe she has seen it."


I went into Nancy'noom and woke her up. " Nancy, wake up. Have you seen my belly button?" " Why, are you giving an exhibition?" she asked , rather groggily. " No, no . It 's not on my belly anymore . Where do you think it could be?" " I don 't know . Why do~ 't you ask Bill the Elf? " So I put on my jacket and went down to the creek. Then I followed the creek until I got to the Mobil Gnome park. I checked in at the desk. " Hi . Could I have Bill the Elf's house number please?" " Surely. It's 3302. It's near the tree." "1hank you , uh , isn 't your name Sandy?" " Shirley." " Surel y." Bill was up already, outside, raking leaves. " Hey, Bob, long time no see," said Bill in his deep elfish voice. " Hi Bill, how are you- wife, kids? " " I've still' got 'em." " Yeah ." " What do you want, Bob?" " Well , Bill , it's like this. I woke up this

. morning and my belly button was gone. I thought you might know something about it." "Yes, I do Bob. Just a second. I'll · get my keys." . ~ We got on his boat. "Where. are you taking me, Bill?" 1 asked . "To the Navel Academy, where else?" We arrived at the port of the Navel Academy at the junction of the creek and the Specific Ocean, the ocean that flows under all of the municipal swimming • pools. We inquired at the desk . " Could you tell us where to go to find a missing navel?" "You mean a tummy button?" asked the receptionist. "Wiiatever." "Second door on your right." "Thank you, uh , Miss . .. ""Mrs. Ten ley. Married to Sir Tenley." "Surely." "No, Sandy." " Right." _ We knocked on the door. " Hi , I' m Bill the Elf, this is Bob." " Pleased to meet you ," saii:J the Navel officer. " What can I do for you? " " Well," I said , " I can 't find my belly button and I was wondering .. ." " Oh , yes. You 're the one. Too clean ." " Pardon me? " " Too clean . Your navel was · too clean. The WACS picked it up last night {or a tune-up." "WACs-'Women 's Army Corps' ?" " No, 'Wipe-m1t All-Cotton Swabs.' It will be finished in a · couple of minutes.'' "Thank you very much .'' "Certainly." " Oh , are you Sandy's husband? " When I got back home I showed my mother my new brownish-colored belly button. " The color is quite nice," she said whe11 I showed it to her. "Sandy, isn 't it?:' " Yes, it is," I replied. - By B~b Glissmann, Columnist

Turn to 'Front Page' This might not be a front page story, but it certainly has the makings of one. The "Front Page" is the first <;lrama department production of the school year, and is directed by Mr. Jim Ogden, drama sponsor. The play, which premiered last night, continues tonight and tomorrow night at 8 p.m. in the auditorium. Tickets, which will .. be sold at the door are $1 for students with activity tickets, and $1 .25 without.

Other main characters indude Mrs. Grant (Julie Rochman) and Molly Molloy (Julie Minard). According to Ogden, the play is a farce in the truest sense, but rath "a comedy with strar;tge· coincidence upon coincidenc~ . "

Work pays off Richard Betts knows now that studying and rehl!arsing can pay.. off. The "Front Page" premiered in the Westside auditorium last night and will also be performed tonight. Admission is $1 with an activity ticket and $1.25 without.

· The original Broadway play was written in 1928 by Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur. More recently, Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau corred in the 1976 screen version.

Belts, buckles hold their own

,._ "-


Belts, and belt buckles could probably be the most non-thought of items of todays wearing apparel. But yet a large variety of belts and buckles can be found to fit just about anyone's pref~rence. . Belts, of course, have always been used.to help hold up your pants, but they have also become a very fashionable asset to modern wardrobes.' Belt buckles have also become· extravagant with many strange designs, slogans, and some even come with built-in glass eyes, or actual creatures, -such as scorpions under glass. The Wolf Brothers Western Wear store at the Westroads ha·s many different belts and belt buckles. These leather belts range in price from $15 to $19 depending onJength and style. For an additional $1 your name can be embossed on the belt. The most attractive aspect of the store, though, is belt buckles. Literally hundreds of buckles can be chosen from in the price range .of $10 to $80. The high price of these buckles reflects the quality and material used to make the buckle. The least expensive buckles have names and slogans made of steel. The higher-priced

buckles (around $70) are made with turquoise and other stones. Some buckles are even made with rare coins ahd sterling silver, and others have scorpions u'nder glass for $40. In the more moderate price range, stores' like). C. Penneys and Wards at the Westroad~ have a wide selection to chose from. ' ). C. Penneys has bel_ts from $5 to $25. These belts have gre·at range i.n material and design and are very versatile. A crocheted. belt for $15 can be us'e d to compliment a certain style, as can-the old reliable-leather belts in many styles and prices. Belt buckles ca~ be purchased at Penneys in a range of $4 to $10. These buckles are (lesigned for average use and are not as showy as others. Wards is another store w-ith a large variety of belts and buckles from $7 to $18. The belts and buckles found at Wards are about the same type and price as the ones at Penneys. · The Coach House at Westroads also has belts for $8.50, but there is little variety. The belt buckles sell for $5 to $7 with slogans. Buckles denoting Boston, ELO, Eagles, Foreigner or ot~er groups, can be found at Music and Things for $5.95.

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Ogden feels that this may be one the most difficult productions in which his students have participated. " This is a play that very few col do, let alone high schools," he Ogden feels that this is one of'the most difficult plays he has directed, because, " it demands a lot of timing. Also, because of the setting, several peb ple are t alkin g at o nce, whi ch is not normal for a play. Another is that it takes 17 guys to put on the play, and most colleges don 't have that many guys·who are good to put it on ." He added that the drama department generally has an unusually large number of boys try out for all-school productions.

'Piano Man'


Scuffling with his shadow and attacki_ng .his piano, Billy Joel entertained a sellout crowd of 9,466 people at his concert at the Civic Auditorium Sunday, Oct. 22. · Joel's stage· presense was . dynamic throughout the entire three hour concert. Pausing only to joke with the audience,·joel hammered out a generous 20 songs plus, and truly fulfilled his role.as "The Entertainer." His opening song, "The Stranger" was performed with joel sitting high atop the stage, whistling sweeter than Dixie the beginning of the song and playing piano.



"Ballad of Billy the Kid," "Just the Way You Are ,'' etc. To those sitting behind the 'stage Joel was more than fair. explained to them "you got ripped off" and faced them repeatedly throughout the concert. . Using a wireless microph Joel paced, raced, jumped, kicked and laid back on the during his most energetic "Big Shot.'' The song is from new album and is "dedicated anyone wh'o has ever had a hangover.'' Apparently a large part of the audience had, because they cheered the before it started.

Unlike many performers, Joel · Joel's ~tage antics were did not over-emphasise the fact effective without being bor that he has recently released a His simple props such as new album called "52nd Street." sunglasses to emphasize " Instead, Joel performed a . York State of Mind" (a song constant barrage of his old songs, his "Turnstyles" album) and a and of his not so old songs. Inleather jacket for '!Only The cluded were "Piano Man," "The Good Die Young" were Entertainer," "C~ptain Jack," received.

,, If you like plants come see us. Through September; all plants will be 20% off their regular prices. Always a big selection to choose from - both green plants and blooming plants. No coupon necessary.

, The story, which takes place in the 1930's, concerns a Chicago newspaper reporter, named Hildy Johnson (played by Kurt Sage). He tells his boss (Chris Beem) that he is going to quit his job to go to New York City to get married to Peggy Grant (Kelly Kratochvil). Before he has a chance t leave, he falls upon his biggest story ev~r_ - a convicted murderer escapes from jail. During all of this chaos, Johnson's fiance is waiting in a taxi, ready to go to New York.

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Spending lid meets with defeat

llistrict budget aVoids possible cutbacks Results of last week's election were pleasing to the District 66 staff and administration. The lid bill, which would have placed a 5 percent lid on spending, was defeated . Due to increasing inflation, District 66 would have had to make cutbacks in spending, had the bill passed. "We would have been forced to do a number of things," said Dr. Kenneth Hansen, associate superintendent of ' schools. There is not much room in the district's budget for economizing. ·The district has no control over such spendings as interest payments, heat and light bills, and other outside costs. Several expenses are required by law, uch as the special education program, and facilities for hose with handicaps or learning disabilities. Hansen commented that District 66 has added tremendously to hese areas. · Therefore, cutbacks would have had to have been ade in areas which would have a more direct affect on he students, the main cut being in personnel, which ccounts for approximately 85 percent of the budget. ansen feels that there is presently a highly favorable tudent-teacher ratio, but with a spending lid, teachers auld have had more, and larger classes. With Jeclining nrollment, many teachers have already been released in he past few years, but spending is still high.

Texts and supplies, accounting for·7-8 percent of the respectively, were cut during these two years. The inbudget, could be cut back, but not eliminated. crease in fixed costs makes a 5 percent spending limit Citing a record of cutbacks recommended by the even more difficult to obtain. Utility expenses increased state of Pennsylvania under a similar bill, Hansen com- 18 percent during the 1978-79 school year, while hospital mented on several situations which could have occurred insurance increased 21 percent. here. Proposition 300, which would give state aid to educaAdult education could be elir:ninated, as it is a secon- tion, was also defeated in the election. Hansen felt that dary function of the schoal, and requires heating and the defeat was largely due to concern over how alloted lighting the building three nights a week. Athletics could money would be distributed, thereby receiving a lot of have been examin_ed, as much has been added in past opposition in rural Nebraska . years, particularly in the area of girls' sports, but the disThe bill was to have more money alloted for equilizatrict is pressured to add to sports programs. tion, which would give a larger sum to schools having a Use of the buildings by outside groups, food service, low local valuation, and less money alloted for foundabusing, and guidance counseling could also have experi- tion, which is the amount based on the number of pupils. enced a cutback untler the lid bill. The number of new The District 66 community is above the average local programs added would also have been limited. valuation, and would not have received as substantial an Some states have closed elementary schools where amount as other districts. there was a substantial decline in enrollment. Although it The lid bill was also voted down by Westside students is a drastic measure, it could be an alternative to explore. .in a mock election held on Wednesday, Nov. 2. The 445 Hansen is "not in favor of this, as most people like the students who voted were able to vote on several election neighborhood schools. issues, after having the opportunity to hear from many The increase in the District 66 budget over past years candidates, and view debates. 252 student voters opranges from 14.8 percent in the 1974-75 school year, due posed the spending lid, while 167 were in favor. Proposi· to a cost of living increase, to a 7.9 percent increase last tion 300 passed at Westside, with 257 votes in favor, and year, and a 6.4 increase this year. 12Y2 and 24 teachers, 172 votes in opposition.

IJ<.eggers turn profits, rovide greater incentive . or fund•raising activities Just as homework and studying are to weekday evenings, eggers a re to weekend nights. For years, th is weekly ritual has oGurred on Frida y or Saturday night, or both , and has involved a large umber of students. This has resulted in sizeable profits for the hosts f these keggers. For ma ny, keggers provide a relaxed atmosphere in wh ich stuents can get together a nd soci alize while drink ing beer. " Keggers · re tee nagers' for m of a cocktail party," said Mr. Roger Herring, dean f boys. )oh nna Kirkland added , " they 're a way to meet people and ct stu pid with the excuse of being drunk." Kegge rs are not d iff icult to get together, "they' re easy," sa id endy Zwei back. All that is needed is a place to have it, either private o uses o r apa rtment clubhouses, and kegs of beer, which are obined by using fa ke J.D.'s or older brothers and sisters. Then , hopelly e nough people will be willing to pay the cost of a glass to make it ofitable.



Vol. 23, No. 6 Westside High School 8701 Pacific Street Omaha, NE 68124 No vember 17, 1978

Easy profit If the host of a kegger meets the necessary requirements, it is ssible to make a lot of money. "If you have low overhead, it is ssible to make as much as $500 to $600," stated Zweiback. It is apparent, that there is definitely sufficient incentive for peoe to organize keggers and host them. With the possibility of earning rge sums of money in just one kegger, many individuals as well as oups have tried their hand at coordinating and throwing them. One group that tried to get in on the profits was the Wrestling xiliary who spear-headed two keggers while trying to set up a parate fund for celebrating the successes of the wrestling season. arijohn Kirkland expressed why she and her sister hosted two eggers. "We just wanted to have a good way of making a lot of ney so we could have a final banquet for the wrestlers."


Broken glass Little vandalism has been seen this year, but broken and bullet-holed windows have marred the building's ap-

pea ranee. Night activity has lowered the vandalism rate, but has not alleviated it.

While most school keggers get off the ground successfully, they 111 must.overcome obstacles placed in their way by both the West~e

administration and the police. Herring explained"the administration's system of action after rd of a school kegger has reached them. "We try to discourage it in ery way we can, although there's not an awful lot we can do. We'll II the person's house and make the parents aware of it if they aren't ready, and if we find leaflets giving directions to a kegger, we'll put top to those too. We'll also call the police and inform them if ~cessary . "

In the event the police are informed of a kegger, they take the .cessary steps in disbanding it. " We'll arrest all individuals in posses~ n of alcoholic beverages and confiscate the evidence which is then eld for trial," said Mr. Paul Wade, officer. Many express that it is the responsibility of the police to take ion."Despite what a lot of kids think, the cops aren 't out looking r a bust. If they get a complaint, they're obligated to follow up on it . it's their job," stated Zweiback.

Cleaning service raises debate Scheduling nighttime activities in the building has both pros and cons, according to Dr. )ames Tangdall, principal, and an unfortunate incident has recently occurred to support the negative side.

Early Tuesday morning, Oct. 31 , Mr. Ken Baldwin, assistant building and grounds supervisor, received a phone call. The night custodians had seen a man connected with the cleaning Usually peaceful service place a t_a pe recorder in the trunk of a- car, and teleAlthough there is an effort to curb the number of keggers, many phoned Baldwin . Baldwin called them aren 't broken up. " Because keggers are just organized get-,- the police, who reported at >ethers, most of the cops realize that there's not really that much Westside soon after and placed nking," said )ohnna Kirkland . Besides loud stereos and a lot of the man under custody. s, few problems arise . " Usually keggers are fairly peaceful with y little trouble, especially if they' re on private property," stated e iback. The Floor-Brite cleaning servBecause of this, people can get by with keggers. " Most people ice was hired this year for the first ·ialize a lot more than they drink, so keggers don't usually turn into time, on an experimental basis, nken affairs," said Marijohn Kirkland. to see if a better job of cleaning )ohnna Kirkland expressed her sentiments about keggers. She could be done. The cleaning "Most people know that keggers are the popular thing to do on service was used successfully at ay·night so they do it; and the more people, the more money." Arbot Heights last year. ·

The workers are in the building from Sunday through Thursday, working from 10 p.in. until around 6 a.m. They are responsible for cleaning the majority of the school , the rest· being cleaned by the two night custodians. Although Tangdall has mixed emotion s on the cleaning job done by Floor-Brite, this has been the first identifiable problem of this sort. The tape recorder, of the reelto-reel variety, is valued at $500. It was identified by Ms. Joyce )ones, media specialist. The man has been charged witli a felony due to the recorder's value, and a court date has been set. There has been other evidence of minor thefts, according to Tangdall, but there is no evidence as to the guilty parties. Calculators, a radio, and other

items have been found missing from desks. )ones said that it happens during the evening hours. Tangdall feels that there are both positive and negative sides to having a cleaning service, or someone who is in the building 24 hours a day. Although it is not a good energy saver, having some one in the building at all times does cut down on vandalism. The re has been very little vandalism so far this year, but just recently there have been several broken windows, including two windows, with pellet gun holes in the new west end. Tangda.ll stated ·that this doesn 't appear to be a direct act against the school , as there has been similar vandalism at Countryside, and at other nearby schools.

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After three years of being out hope it comes back. It allows stuof circulation, the "Eclectic" may dents to express themselves, and again return. The "Eclectic" is a they like to see their names in publication of writings from stu- print." Bigham would like to see more dents, put out by the English destudents get involved. He said, partment. "Eclectic" supporters have "It used to be the only people been making several attempts at who would submit their writings, bringing it ba"ck. Mr. Howard were my creative writing stuBigham, "Eclectic" adviser, said, dents. I would like to see this "We made several announce- opened lip to the whole school. ments last year of possibly bring- Any student can submit their ing it back, but there was very poetry, short stories, and one act plays." little student response." Mr. Don Kolterman, English The "Eclectic," with some supinstructor, had an idea of why port, should return later this there has been little student re- year, Bigham feels. He said, "I sponse. He said, "There aren't need the help of other English very many people who care to teachers, to help promote the offer their original writings .. I "Eclectic." Also, I would li~e to

see talented students come and ask me about contests that they can submit their works to. There are numerous contests that I have information on." Bigham added that only a few people showed interest last year. 1-fe commented, "We had a com· mittee of students last year. They were . the selecting committee. But, we didn't get any submissions for them to select from." That committee has a hard job. They put the most work of any· body into the ' Eclectic'." Bigham added that if enough interest is shown, the "Eclectic" should return by the second se· mester of this year.


Cut Flower# SPECIAL

.., A

'Eclectic' return possible

A FS appeals to sweet tooth

Vacation cooks the goose

Candy sales have traditionally been International Club's way of supporting the American Field Service (AFS) program. The club plans to continue these sales this year, but has made changes in the fund-raising procedure, according to Kim Crosby, president. Kicking off the candy sales · on Saturday, Nov. 11, students sold at Westside, and went door-to-door, and to Valley View, Arbor and Westbrook junior highs. Selling the candy will no longer be a volunteer effort, but will become a requirement of all International Club members. The reason for this, said Crosby, "is to get the members active." Candy bars will be sold once again for 50 cents and the candy boxes will cost $1.50. The club dinner will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 21 , featuring food from different countries. Crosby hopes to add a different approach by having an international disco, in which members can learn the dances from other cour.&tries.

Thanksgiving holiday will allow students two days of vacation next week. School will be dismissed on Thursday, Nov. 23 and Friday, Nov. 24. Classes will resume Monday, Nov. 27.

Hastings clinic shows talent Talented music educators from Nebraska will sponsor the Nebraska Music Educators Association Clinic (NMEA) at Hastings High School, from Thursday, Nov. 16, until Saturday, Nov. 18. Twenty of Westside's band, orchestra and choir students became eligible to attend this clinic. These students include : Keith Keller, John Smith, Mike Mitas, Mark Schumm, Melissa Strevey, Bob Krueger, Kate Gardner. Camille Peters, Karen Veverka, Cindy Hartford , Heidi Rath , Kris Greenly, Don Slaughter, Sally Salisteen, Sheri Brady, Marc Simon, Jean Renander, Jeanine Van Leeuwen, Grace Will· ing, and Ken Buehring .



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--Lance stance-. Strolling through ·generations .

Keggers caus1ng reputation State law makes the possession and intake of alcoholic beverages illegal to minors under 19-years-old. Keggers, therefore, are illegal. We are not advocating or opposing keggers them;elves. It is to club initiated keggers that we object. School sponsored groups can conceivably plan keggers as "fund-raisers" for their treasuries. When clubs have fund-raising activities such as bake sales and selling candy, the members usually inform the purchasers what the money will go to. When students go to a kegger, the y probably never find out where the ra ised money will go. This is what must be overcom~. Members of clubs which sponsor keggers do not inform those attending them that the money will go into their treasuries. The participants are led to believe that the money will go to a private person . . The desire to raise money is legitimate. It is the means of raising money which is offensive. Keggers may be an easy way to raise money, but the point is- they are illegal. It is not right that school organizations be attached to these functions .

Revival of



Remember the former literary magazine, the "Eclectic"? Well, it will soon try to fight its way back into the array of student publications. The " Eclectic" has been out of existence for three years. This is due to several factors - the more prevalent being a lack of student interest. Now the " Eclectic," which is currently sponsored by Mr. Howard Bigham, English instructor, will try to resurface. It is important that this attempt be successful. The only outlet existing now is the " Lance," whic~ does not make a practice of publishing creative writing from t hose not on staff. The "Eclectic" would provide an "' opportunity for those who write creatively, not journalistically, to have their works published . Equally as important to the future success of the " Eclectic" will be continued publicity. It is important that announcements are used to inform students of every opportunity to submit their work. Also, the majority of students are enrolled in some type of English class. Therefore, if instructors · in the English department would continually remind their students of the opportunity for publishing their work, the publication would undoubtedly have more enthusiastic response. As the " Eclectic" attempts to resurface, students should make every effort to support it. We need an outlet such as the " Eclectic."

" Do you remember the Orphan Annie Ovaltine mug? " my mother asked my father at the dinner table the other Mary Bloomingdale night. " You recolumnist member - it had a picture on it of Orphan Annie holding an Ovaltine mug that had a picture .

" Occasionally it isn't d ifficult to guess the age of my parents by their conversation. It is at such times that the generation gap is most evident. Can you imagine kids today being thrilled by an Orphan Annie Ovaltine mug? But when you think about it, the line is not only drawn between those over and those under 30 - between parent and offspring, but also between older and younger siblings as well. For example, I' m too young to appreciate the memory of my older brother's fifth grade cafeteria anti-establishment sitdown strike. • But my brother and I discov-

along to the next generation, beered there were some th ings our sides those things that have been " generations" shared when we here since time began and refuse started our own reminiscing over to leave, such as Tootsie Rolls, dessert, and before long were Campbell 's soup , Vietnam , wondering what ever happened Greenwich Village, Mrs. bison , to the " Cowsils. " Mickey Mouse, Sonny and Cher, That's right, the " Cowsils." Barbie, braces, and fift ies' music. And " Strawberry Alarm Clock," We have no idea what to leave, the " Turtles," flower children, pix ie haircuts, reruns of " leave it because we can 't' find the KOil to Beaver" reruns 1 Buckskin Good Guy, Yokolennon, Simba, jackets, Chinese jumpropes, GP movies or multi-colored Perry Mason, Hula-hoops, con- headbands. It's been a while since we've vertibles, Kent State arid Brenda heard from " The Fantastic Four," Starr. Whatever became of Gidget, moon rocks, peace signs, the Neil Armstrong, nun's habits, King Family, the Untouchables, Woodstock, Indian moccasins, electric kool-aid, the Brooklyn Stokely Carmichael, and " The Dodgers, or Doris Day. My little sister was giving us a Amateur Hour" ? What did they do with dorks? weird look, so we steered the Mary Poppins? Black patten conversation toward things with leather shoes?1Groovy? The Bob- which she was more familiar, and sey Twins? Organdy? lambchop? began wondering aloud if we Truman Capote? The Temple of ' would also lose sight of disco. Or mellow rock. Or contact lenses. Gold? The lennon Sisters? We could both remember Or Mork and Mindy. Or Twiggy, Fizzies, "The Huntley Mopeds. Or remote control. Or and Brinkley Report," Chris- Julie Eisenhower. " Julie WHO?" from my sister. topher lee, Audrey Hepburn , I think it's time for me to retire and nickel Nestles. We looked for something that with my Beatles pin-ups and my we had then and sti II have to pass Simon and Garfunkel 45's.,

Bridging the gap

Oh that wisdom hath been lost to third molar extraction

RemembZr that five-day weekend · · .struggle for me to keep my needle-infested arm still, and weeks ago? I chose to spend to keep from leaping off the bed and out the door. precious vacation days having After this ordeal I went to talk to the patients in the wisdom teeth extracted at Methonext room- two little girls. One of them asked me why I ist Hospital. I don't know why. . was in the hospital. When I told her I was getting my teeth I arrived at th hospital with my pull-ed , her eyes became huge " All of them? " " No," I er at around 4:30 p.m., Tuesday. 'Ifill said, " just four." " Are they gonna put new ones in?" I had tumn is evidently a "busy season" at to explain to her that I really didn't want the teeth, behospital, for the only bed IE!ft was in Amy Gendler · ' cause they were "trouble-makers." with three other women. I was editorial editor Once again the redhead wanted to poke holes in me. ly upset at this, imagining groaning and snoring com- This time he punched holes in my earlobes, even after I g from the other beds during the night. informed him I already had pierced ears. He pricked my I was escorted to the "ward." A red-headed guy rj ght earlobe, but when it didn 't bleed enough , he atto take blood from my arm. After inserting the tacked my left. I never found out if he was kidding about he asked me where I went to school. When I told it being only his third day. I went to sleep, amid snores im I was a senior at Westside he said, " Oh , I'm a senior and groans. ""At college," I said confide(ltly. " No, I go to Prep. " Ri e and shine, it's only 5:45a.m. Take a shower. Put kidding aren't you? You ' re as old as I am, and on the gown . Take off your watch . Roll over. This will taking my blood? How long have you been doing help you. relax . It won't hurt a bit. There. is anyway? " " This is my third day on the job." It was a The hypodermic needle didn't hu~t nearly as much


as I had feared . And by the time 1got into operating room 14, I was so relaxed I didn't feel the intravenous needle (IV) being inserted in the back of my hand . My doctor came with his nurse (his wife), and that's alii remember. They didn't even make me count backwards from 100, I . was already gone. In the next minute (or so it seemed) a nurse asked me if I knew that I had already been operated on. " No," I said weakly. " Do you know where you are?" " .. . yes." " Where?"" . . . recovery room ." On the day following surgery, my oral surgeon , Dr. Karl Bruce came with Mrs. Bruce to see me. They are such a pair. Once they located me amid the ice bags and looked ll)e over, they told me I could go home. They told me that I should chew on Tea bags, gargle ten times a day with hot salt water and refrain from blowing my nose for a week . The day after I came home, I went to the football game. I can eat apples and Caramel and Bubble gum. I' m " as good as new," as they say.

!·w"~a~;~> Y~p think i$ " ' P,_.,t~~t~f ~-ser!£;~der§rfor gjrls', •portd

·Do you bebeve they have fulfilled the1r purpose¥ Published bi-weekly by the Jou rnalism Department of Westside High School, 87th and

Pacific St., Omaha, NE 68124, the "Lance" is a member of the Nebraska High School Press 1 ~tacy.~rady~"~ni~; ,,# g:' ·<:~\"' Association, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, and the National Scholastic Press Asso- ~; I thurk ther g1rls cheerleaders ar~. ciation. really good . I'm insports, and ~efor~ The " l ance" office is located in roo m 302. Advertising rates available on request. Phone we hag nobody th~re to~do af!!ything' (402) 391 -1266 Ext. 20. The paper is dist ributed to all students and staff on Friday mornings. for u.s. yve had to · make up our own Subscription rates to others are $3.00 postpaid. Non-profit mai ling rights claimed. Printed by , cheers if we wan !~d any supp~{t at, Priesman Graph ics, Aquila Court Bui lding, 1615 H owa r ~ St., Omaha, NE 68102. . all. This year they nave tne cheerlead~rs who are d?i_ng,a lot}hey're ~iv- ,, Editor-in-Chief .. . . Jea nine Van Leeuwen Ass't. Sports Editor ... . . . . . Lisa Margolin , mg a tot ·oftiP•nt ~Y puttmg !)P s1gns ' Managing Editor .. . . . .. . . . . Beth Kaima n Sports Writers . .. . . .. . . .. Terry Kroeger, and posters and I"know that all the Editorial Editor .. . ..... ... Amy Gendler Kent Poncelow girls jh . spQrts li~~ volleybaiL3~Rpre~, Ass't. Editorial Editor . Mary Bloomingdale Lifestyle Editor ...... . . . . Bob Glissmann '*·:cJate -1t:u ·==\:~ tff' _ _,·=e:\;~,,,/~ '"%=\}='j~" :.=· ,,?~% News Editor .. . . . . . .. .... Cathy Johnson · Ass't. Lifestyle Editor . . . . Jonathan Duitch Ass't. News Editor .... . . . Melanie Sturm Lifestyle Writer . . .. .. ... . .. ... Da-:e Scott Bob News Writers . . Cindy Crane, Scott Davis, Advertising Manager .... . . .. . Jay Dandy Katie Lohff, Marshall Pred Business Manager .. .. .. . . Cyndy Lunde Feature Co-editors ... .. .. Monica Angle, Artist ..... . . . ........... . . Frank Gappa Robert Greenberg Photographers .. . .... . .... . Hunt Lewis, feilture Writer ... . .. . . .. Tracy Katelman Sally Lindwall Sports Editor . . .. .. . . . ... . . Tom Golden Adviser .. .. .. .... . .. . .. . . John Hudnall ==<'=;:;=<=

Jtvtamf' Hil!~··•ophomot~-t

""I think


the . purpo~e of girl's cheer-

-leaders is .lo get m~re interest.• throiJghouty,the school ·.n.t he girl'sxt: sports. Because girls' spor~ are fairly new, n-ot mar1y peQple-a~e involved in t hem yet. The cheerleaders herp get more. people to the ev~Q,tS. J thin~ they've helped a lot... ' '- · ··. ;;. -

The 'IMC system'


Havens encourage study In quest of a textbook, a quiet place to study or meet friends , students inevitably wind up at one of the Instructional Materials Centers (IMC's) , during 'the course of the day. There are six major " satellite libraries," as the IMC's are called. The Math and English IMC's have remained in the same location as in previous years. The Social Studies and Science IMC's found new homes this fall and the Business/Foreign Language IMC is newly constructed. Most students have a favorite IMC, be it for the working or the social atmosphere . All of the IMC's serve their purpose in supplying materials and providing a place to study, which most students find -convenient. " I think it's really good (the IMC system). Each IMC has a different atmosphere, if you want to work, you know where to go. If you want to talk, you _know where to go," said Mary McKenzie. The IMC's role as a select library for certain subjects has many advantages. Both students and faculty feel that the accessibility of teachers is important. Also, students avoid rushing around to find a certain book or teacher. " I would say the availability of teachers for kids and the availability of materials independent of teachers, are the best features of the IMC system," said Ms. Harriet Nutty, who works at the check-out counter in the Social Studies IMC. "All the materials are collected in one spot," she continued, adding that this makes the

IMC's "more efficient." With a wide variety of IMC's, and the ease with which one may be "asked to leave," some students have become IMC travelers, moving from one IMC to the next. For those students who either cannot remain in an IMC, or who are looking for a place to talk, there is always the cafeteria. During the off-lunch mods, the cafeteria is transformed into a teacher supervised study/meeting spot. Like most of the IMC's, the "cafe," as the hub of social activities, is usually full during the morni_ng mods, and after lunch begins to quiet down. · · Before the two new IMC's were added , some students found it <lifficult to find a place to sit in the busier IMC's. "They needed to build -------1 and add the IMC's, because if you didn't get to an IMC right after the bell rang, there would be - - - - - - - I no place to sit," stated lisa Roth. After the North Central Evaluation last year, a Facilities Use Committee was formed to review "how we could better use the facilities we had," explained Mr. Bruce Skinner, science instructor. "Surveys indicated a need for an absolute quiet area, so far as students were concerned," which is ·a feature which most of the IMC's have," he said. As Burger King, and other Friday night gathering places are filled with students, the IMC's draw students in, to finish an assignment, or make plans to go out to lunch.

Work, study produce learning English -

the quiet environment

Foreign language - dialect studies

Spending a mod in the English IMC is like drinking milk with dinner. It isn 't very exciting. But it's not supposed to be. · Students who go to the IMC are given the opportunity to work in an enforced quiet environment. Why do students go there? " When I have to read , or study something hard, I go to the English IMC. I can get it done .in there," answered Mike Budwig, junior. After being exposed to an IMC program for a little over a quarter, Katie Recker, sophomore, agrees that, " The rules make a difference." Basically, there is a serious attitude among English IMC frequenters, according to John Smith, senior. He asserts that, " Since it's a quiet area, people who go there are there to study." In the west section of the IMC, Mrs. Barbara Taxman, aide, helps between 200 and 300 students per day, by checking out books, instructional - materials and study guides. Taxman classifies the majority of students who go to the _English IMC as " above-average students, usuaiJy pretty serious about what they' re doing."

It is sometimes called the "hidden IMC," because of its location. Mrs. Mary Davis, foreign language department head, feels that this is true, "because we are geographically separated, but that's just the building." Both Davis, and Mrs. Joan Anderson, business department head, feel that the popularity of the IMC is steadily increasing. "Students are now beginning to find this new IMC. I see more and more students every day. I am encouraged by the use," Anderson stated. The IMC offers a variety of materials to students. These materials range from what Davis considers to be the main resource for foreign language students - the teacher - to books, magazines, newspapers, games, filmstrips, and audio-visual materials, on a variety of business/foreign language subjects. Although the basic function of each is to provide the student with a place to go for individualized help, the usage is different.

Math -

keeping track of numbers

Students go to the Math IMC to do math. Th~¥ always have, and they always will. It $OUnds simple, and it is. Since math requires a significant level of individual instruction , having a specific IMC to help math students with their work is a big help, according to Mike Hughes, junior. '. Hughes, along with most students in the IMC, ' is pleased with the attitude that teachers take toward students in the area . . " If you ask for help, usually any of the teachers will try to help if they know how," he said. Many students spend time in the Math IMC on a regular basis. Dan Quinlan, senior, comes in almost every day. " I do my assignment in her~ every day." Because talking is allowed in the IMC, Jay Lynch, junior, thinks that the Math IMC is a "happy medium . I come in here to work, but also to mingle. I like the idea of being able to talk with my friends and work at the same time," he said.

Business - monetary preparations " Any student can study in the business IMC. Wedon 'tgoaroundandchecktoseelfthestudent is in a business class," stated Anderson . These IMC's offer a bright, well-lighted place for the students to study. The teachers have their desks in the areas, where they are available to help students. . Davis feels that "this year is a much better situation. Everyone knows that .this is what is designated . It is concentrated in a small area." Althou-gh Anderson is not quite sure if the remodeling has improved the popularity of the , business IMC, she feels that she finds " more peopie who study." Last year there was more socializing. Davis and Anderson agreed that remodeling these IMC's has helped to make a quiet place to study. "I'm so glad to have a place that is well lighted, comfortable, and new. We are trying to create a foreign language atmosphere, " Davis commented. "We do want people to come down here. We are making a quiet area here for the students," stated Anderson.

Relocated I Following the travels of the Social Studies ence IMC's GJn be confusing. The Science I housed in the old Social Studies IMC, and Studies IMC is located in what used to be - - - Language IMC. One of the busiest IMC's is the Social was recently redecor'!ted, and now contains th for the history classes in one large main room,a quiet room . · The quiet room is just as active as the rest oft though it is work-oriented. Mary McKenzie the IMC as " busy, both social and working. It's place where you can talk and work at the salliE The separate quiet room contributes to th popularity. "It's nice to have a quiet room, and peting, bright colors," said Ms. Diane Risolvat studies aide. In spite of the large amount of space, so during the morning mods it is difficult to find a pi; as the IMC has become a meeting ground for bo enrolled, and those not enrolled in social studie noted Ms. Harriet Nutty, aide. "It's full up mO! time," Nutty said. Promises to meet friends in the it is called, are frequently heard. like the Social Studies IMC, the Science I~

School hangouts, popular selection To some it's the last resort, to others it's a hangout. It is the cafeteria. The place where students go to talk to their friends and sometimes study. The place where they can go when they have nothing else to do. " The teachers have their lounges and the students have their cafeteria," concluded Mrs. Judy Stern, English instructor, after much cafeteria supervi- 路 sion. To Lynn Reynolds, a student who feels that she spends much of her time there, it is a good place to go, because "That's where my friends are. I like the atmosphere, and you can talk freely." 11-----__;__;___ In many high-schools the administration does not like to have a place f - - - . , . - - - - - " - - - - where students can go to just socialize. Here; however, this does not seem to be a problem. Teachers favor the ca., feteria as much as students. " It is being utilized reasonably well ~ight now," commented Mr. Bob Klein, physics instructor. Klein stresses his approval of an open student area . . He stated that, " my experience with it is a fairly good one. Most of the kids seem to路 be using it very well. " Alcmg with the purpose of it being a socializing area, Stern feels there is also an indirect purpose for the cafeteria. She believes that it is also, " so we can keep some areas quiet (like the IMC's) and have a place where they (the students) can visit and socialize." . However, it is not the perfed situation as some would like to believe it is. Many problems arise on the topic of

each IMC attracts its own groups of of its atmosphere or resources.

ct students quiet area. This came as a result of the Evaluation ast year, when a com r.p ittee need for one. different locations, during the past nine Primeau, science department aide, said has settled down in its present location ly weren't a functional IMC until now. space we've ever had," said Primeau. The together now, because we didn't have an gh to house them before." space is useful to the science department, room to show movies and store other i-media is the best for science," said Dr. science department head. " I thi,nk it will be as any other area in school." . to the activity the area had last year, as the IMC, the Science IMC is relatively quiet. owded in here as some of the other IMC's. l wn here to study," said Lisa Roth . owever, is how the science department ic kept. " It's supposed to be a quiet area. to come unless you're going to study quiet'路

Evening .IMC proposal gains moderate sup-porf Is there a need for Night IMC's? The answer is debatable. Although the IMC's are open over nine hours during the day, some feel that there is a definite need to expand the hours, allowing students and faculty to use the IMC facilities in the evening. Mr. Virgil Windels, English de: partll)ent chairman, doesn't think teachers should be required to supervise during the night hours, but believes that the idea'could be beneficial to students. Windels said that, " During the day, teachers and students are really involved with their assign: ments, and daily activities. At night, classes could concentrate - - - - - - - on one topic." He expanded his idea, including - - - - - - - the possibility of having special semin~r sessions in the evening. "In a seminar-type situation, a group of students and teachers could d iscuss an issue with deeper thoroughness," he predided. The idea of opening IMC's at night is not a new idea. Four years ago, the social studies department opened their IMC on Tuesday and Thursday nights each week; However, that program was not continued, due to a lack of student and teacher support, according to Mr. Joe Higgins, social studies instructor. " Keeping an IMC open at night is a good idea," Higgins said. "We have over 2000 students going to school here, students who could use our IMC resources at night."



the cafeteria. Some don 't like the cafeteria, because it is too crowded, too noisy, and students waste time there. Vicki Deniston feels that " it's too crowded and noisy." " It's bad, because it is a good place for people to waste time," stated Sharon Robino. These students who don't like to go to the cafeteria eithergoto an IMC, the Commons, the area between the gyms, or somewhere else. And they go to these respective places for essentially the same reasons other students go to the cafeteria. In the Commons, Shari Chambers said that she goes there " because--------. sometimes it's not as noisy as the lunchroom, and my friends are usually-----. there." " I sit here (the Commons), because I want to sit here, I don't see why all the people think its a burn-out place. It's stereotyped," commented Kathy Krupa. The same holds true with the area between the gyms, according to Connie Kozak. Kozak says she goes between the gyms, " because it's the only outside place you can go to sit in the sunshine, legally. People think you're a !:>urn-out though if you sit anywhere else besides the cafeteria." So, as the cafeteria may be the social hangout for most students, it is not the only place that students resort to . These respective places are where students can go to escape from their studies and turn to their friends.

" There are several problems with the idea. First, in order to make the program work, there must be a practical plan for supervision/ ' Higgins explained. "To do it right, it would cost about $2500 per year. This would allow for the IMC to be open four nights a week, and would pay for supervision, and student aides." When the program was attempted four years ago, orie of the problems was in the irregularity of the times the IMC was open. Under . Higgins' proposal, this problem would not exist. "If you establish a tradition of opening the !MC four nights a week, you should get amore consistent, better crowd," commented Mr. Doug Pierson, social stu- - - - - - - - - ' dies instructor. Students claim that the extended hours would be helpful. _ _ _ _ _.;...__ _.....,. "There are a lot of times when you don 't have enough ti'me to finish your work at school. Night IMC's would give you a chance to get your assignments done, without distractions, like television," said Jim Gage, junior. Despite the arguments for a night IMC, prospects for its opening are slim, according to Dr. James Tangdall, principal. " It probably won't happen, unless we find a financial solution," Tangdall said. " In coming years, we're going to have to prioritize programs," he said . "Opening a night IMC would receive a fairly low priority in my mind," Tangdall concluded.

Fourth a charm

Jockey shorts Swimmers overcome adversities . .


Hoffman 'satisfied with third'

Finishing first in the Metro meet and third in the State meet would probably lead people to believe that the boys' golf team had a successful year. Mr. Roger Hoffman, head coach, seems to think so. " I was happy with it," said t-foffman of the performance at state. " And I thought being realistic, we would finish somewhere between second and tenth, so I have to be pretty satisfied with third," he said. The team only loses one golfer to graduation this year. Senior Doug Kozeny leaves behind the bulk of this year's squad. Kozeny was ·one of the team's top three golfers, however the team 's No. 1 and No. 2 golfers, Jeff Epstein and Mike Zoob, respectively, are only sophomores and will be back for two more years. Hoffman said that some golfers may be seen in the weight room during their off-season. "Some of the kids have started on weights already, and I know Zoob and Epstein are going to hit the ·weights," he said. He added that the weight training is supposed to produce some long-ball hitters. Hoffman concluded that next year should be another successful year for the team. He said that two more golfers who average below 80 strokes per round are needed to emerge in order to complement Zoob and Epstein.

Harriers find trouble at state Despite an 8-3 record in dual meets, a fourth place finistl in Districts and a first place finish in Metro, the cross country team ended up 11th out of 12 teams at State, held Friday, Oct. 20, in Kearney. "The team did fairly poor," commented Mr. Tom Mallissee, coach. "We didn 't run up to our expectations. The week before, we won Districts. All of our athletes had a bad day. It was just one of those days."

Third place lucky for gol.fers Placing third in all of their big meets this year, Ms. Lois Jensen, girls' golf coach, was pleased. I'Third in state is the best we've ever done," she said. The Warriors also took the show position in Metro, and in the Duchesne Invitational. · " I was extremely happy with this year. The girls .worked very hard, and it paid off," Jensen commented. Looking ahead, Jensen predicts another fine year. Carla Glessman , Katie Lohff, and Kathy Harket will be back. The grad_uating seniors are Sara Lockwood and Joann Meirendorf.

Ho-hum. The girls' swim team won State for pick up the points that we will lose from them. Th what, the fourth year in a row? Probably had it girls went in with a very positive attitude, and wrapped up after the first day like usual , right? Not thin k because of that attitude, we did come out o · top," he said. this year. The Warrior women did win the State meet It is confusing to some non-swimmers as t this year, but not before first encountering some why the Warriors could only win one event yet wi problems - the two major ones being that All- by a decisive 44 points. DiBiase explains, " In th American Dea Fredrick was suddenly stricken with State meet, first through 12th places are awarde appendicitis on Thursday, Nov. 2 and a mix-up be- points for the swimmer's team. It goes like this tween Mr. Pat DiBiase, Warrior coach, and meet First place is 16 points, then it goes 13, 12, 11 , 10, an officals resulted in the disqualification of the· nine, for each of the respective finishes in the fina team 's divers, Lori Diesing and Susie Barnes. heat. Concerning the diving situation, DiBiase ex" In the consolation race it breaks down plained that it was an " unjustified action brought "seven points for seventh place, and then it go about by the Nebraska High School Activities Association (NHSAA): We did turn in the official diving five, four, three, two, one. Considering this, an sheet, wl-tich was due an hour before the meet, but considering all of the girls we had qualify in bot we failed to turn their names in on an official swim- finals and consolation, it is easier to see why we di win the meet," he said. ming entry card, and because of that, we were told DiBiase said that he thought the Warriors' vic that we could not enter our divers. DiBiase also said, "I spoke with the meet refe- ·tory would have been even more decisive htfcJ th ree, and with the official from the NHSAA. I point- had Fredrick and the two divers, Diesing an ed out that the way divers are entered is different Barnes. "Without these people, I felt we could win from the way swimmers are entered, and it is very and I felt any kind of win would have been good. confusing, and they agreed, and they agreed that didn't think we could win by 40 or 50, like we did the procedure is going to be changed, but they still . With these people, we probably would have wo wouldn't let our divers dive, which doesn't make by about 90 or 95 points," he said. · any sense." DiBiase said that somewhere in the neighbor DiBiase said the State meet was a good exam- hood of ten seniors will leave the team this year. ple of a team effort. "We felt that if we were to said the team will miss their leadership qualities." really believe that the seniors as a whole did a succeed as a team, we weren't going to be able to rely on one or even four people, because the outstanding job of keeping the team togeth whole idea behind a team effort is to have every- throughout the transition of me being the n one swim well and contribute to the win . We got head coach, and coming through the number . tog~ther before the meet and told ourselves that difficulties we had, like people being sick. lndivid we didn't have one of our biggest stars and our two ually I would have to point out Terri Hazuka a divers, all of whom would co11tribute points, so we Molly Strom who did a very outstanding job t will have to make a very decided team effort and ward the total team cause," DiBiase said.

Fall sports scoreboard Boys' Tennis


Gymnasts' season quickly ends

Gymna~tics Metro 15th District 5th

Girls' Golf

8-1 season marked by maturity

Metro 3rd State 3rd



/rom DUDE· "

Metro 1st Districts 4th' State 11th


Districts were not a particular success for the boys' gymnasti cs team, held Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 30, 31. The Warriors placed 15th out of 17 teams competing, despite a consistent improvement all season . · Sophomore John Dougherty did not participate in the meet, which was a slight factor in the teams' total point outcome. Marc Viola, senior, was the only Warrior to qualify for state.

Awards were presented to six outstanding players from this year's 8-1 American Division Metro champion junior varsity football team by Coach Rick Collura at the fall sports awards ceremony held last Monday night in the auditorium. Voting on the awards was done by the players, and chosen as most valuable player was junior split end Darin Rodney. Selected as the best defensive player was sophomore strong linebacker Jeff Hurley. Voting for best offensive player ended in a tie between Rodney and junior center Bo Bonn. The most improved player voting also ended in a tie, with sophomore quarterback Dan Wingard and junior linebacker Mike Berguin being chosen. Honorary team captains were also chosen with plaudits going to Bonn, Hurley, and junior tackle Steve Freche. Collura appraised the season saying, " It was really fun to coach this team." He continued, " The most unique aspe~ of th is team was the fact that they matured and improved without fail each and every game."

Cross Country

Metro 2nd State 3rd

Metro 3rd

Volleyball Metro 3rd

Girls' Swimming

Boys' Golf Metro 1st State 3rd

Metro 1st District 1st State 1st

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Warriors experience frustrating ·season I




Despite rebounding from a 2-3 start to finish at 6-3 for the year, disappointment was widespread as the pre-season favorite football team failed to make the state playoffs. What went wrong? ·According to Mr. Dan Young, head coach, several factors were responsible for the shorter than expected season. He cited turnovers as the number one cause of their early season woes, pointing to the 18-7loss to North as an example. Westside was plagued by two fumbles, one on the North five yard .line, and five interceptions, including one returned 90 yards for atouchdown. Youngalsopointedoutthattheonly Burke touchdown in the hard-fought 7-0 defeat was scored a"tter a Westside fumble on their own 15 yard line. Injuries to two key defensive players also hampered the team, according to Young. Senior linebacker Doug Friedman played in only three games while being bothered with leg injuries, and defensive end Joe Mancuso was lost for the season after separating his shoulder in the Prep game. Both players had seen action as juniors. Therefore, finding experienced players to fill these spots was difficult, according to Young. The loss of starting offensive tackle Bruce Ferell just one week before the season opener due to ineligibility also hurt the team tremendously . . When asked whether the team was possibly overrated at the outset of the season, Young responded, "No I don't think so. I believe we were as good as anyone this year. Under the complicatec;l

playoff system we were only five points away from· qualifying. A victory or possibly even a tie with Burke or Prep, two heart-breaking defeats, and we'd qualify for the state playoffs." He continued, "It's tough being rated number one, because everyone is pointing for you .. I'd much rather be picked eighth or ninth and work our way up." Young felt that the schedule wasn't favorable to his team either, pointing out that four of the first five games were against very powerful teams: Millard , Burke, North and Prep. Starting out with only two wins in thelrfirst five games, the players were obviously quite disappointed. However, they knew they were a better team than their 2-3 record indicated and they didn't give up, closing out the season with four successive victories ending with a very respectable 6-3 record. This determination and will to win drew the praise of Young. "After the slow start and the disappointments a lesser bunch of kids- could have given up on the season, but these young men continued to play their hearts out."

1978 Results Westside 14 . ........................ Millard 7 Westside 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Burke 7 Westside 20 . .. . . . . ... .. ... .. ... .. . .. . . Bryan 0 Westside 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . North 18 Westside 12 .. . .. ... . .. . . ....... . . . . .. . Prep 15 Westside 21 ..... ..... . . . . .. Thomas Jefferson 8 Westside 47 .. .. . . ... . . ................ Tech 0 Westside 35 . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roncalli 0 Westside 28 . ... .. . . . .... ... . . . . . ..... Ryan 16

Trapshooting expert aims for all-state and national titles His father, a trap shooting . started shooting in 1960, and champion for two years, Rick one day I went with him. That's Lacina, jun ior, follows in his fa- how I started," Lacina comther's footsteps. In his age mented. group, 15 to 18-year-olds, he Little does anyone know, has won first place trophies in there is a school-sponsored the last fi ve shoots (trap shoot- trap shooting team . Last year ing tournaments) . was the first year, as Lacina " Last year and this, I shot in helped to initiate the sport. The Ohio, Montana, Kansas, Iowa, team did go to state last year, and Nebraska. Ohio was a na- although they didn 't win . tional championship, and I " I shoot at Harry A. Koch broke 96 traps out of 100 to tie field . I just practice on week'for- first place." His average is ends, and during shoots. This is 92.36 out of 100. the best time to practice," he In scoring, the person who said. breaks the most targets out of The shoots are all year round 100, naturally, comes in first in all parts of the country. " I place. mostly stay in the Midwest Lacina has been shooting though . I go on weekends ususince the age of 10, and his fa- ally," Lacina said. ther started him out. " My dad Another event that Lacina

shoots is doubles. Doubles is where two traps come out of the machine, and the gun has two bullets in it, to be shot consecutively. Lacina hopes to be chosen one of the all state team members picked by the "World Herald ." " I might have a spot on the junior team (his age group) ," he said. Also there is a team chosen by the American Trapshooting Association, a1ong with "Trap and Field" magazine. It's called the All-American team . Shooters are chosen nationwide for this team . " I have a shot for an honorable ~ention , but I won't find out for a while," Lacina commented.

Poised for action Awaiting the target, state champion Rick Lacina prepares to shoot. Shooting since the age of ten, he practices nearly six hours a week to get ready for shoots, usually held on weekends, year round.

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Radical measure-ruler overthrown "Fill er up with six liters of unleaded." The metric system is simple to learn, everything is based on the number ten. I still don't understand it. Lincoln - 34 kilometers? Impossible. Well, teE:hnically possible I suppose. There are .6213 kilometers in one mile. (Lincoln 55 miles multiplied by .6213 kilometers equals 34 kilometers.) Something is wrong. I can't exactly 'pinpoint it, but I know something is wrong. I found my mistake. I can 't hardly conceive a kilometer, but I can picture a mile anytime. One mile is the distance from my house to SevenEleven and back. One mile is four laps around the track with Mr. Milani yelling, "come on Dootchit, you can do it, come on Dootch-it's only three and one-half laps left. Those miles I understand, I grew up with them, they are as comfortable to me as my old sneakers or my old g,uitar. The kilometer is silly. Who would name a race the Indy 310.65, or the Daytona 310.65? · Kilometers are not the only silly measurements. Take the liter for instance. To get 16 gallons of a substance you need 67.21iters. Can you imagine if the word was spr:ead today that the party tonight was having five, 67.2 liter kegs. Pretty

astronomical, that would be 67,200 milliliters. The new two liter bottles of Coca-Cola are nice, but I think that they look like red and white plastic zucchinis. I find grams are silly too. Grams. has been the name that I have called my mother's mother for the past 17 years. To use grams as the name of a measurement is all right, I suppose that is if you want to give your sweetheart a 448 gram box of chocolate's on Valentine's Day. Sillier yet is the girl who insists that she is 1.625 meters tall (or if you prefer 162.5 centimeters) and weighs 49.28 kilos (or if you prefer it 49280 grams). Mr. Ron Crampton, chemistry t~acl1er, has been using the metric wstem in his science classes since he started teaching in 1968. Crampton, like myself, has his own conception of a mile. "I think back and picture a mile on the farm." For better or worse the metric system has its place in the world. Whether or not it will ever replace inches, pounds and quarts is yet to be seen. Who knows, 36" -24" -36" might be replaced by 9.23 cm-6.1 cm-9.23 em . . by Jon Duitc~

McEveny services held Monday at Rockbrook United _Methodist Funeral services were held Monday, Nov. 13,· at Rockbrook. United Methodist Church for Robert McEveny, junior. McEveny died Thursday, Nov. ·9, of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound, reported - Lt. Foster Burchard, head of the homicide division of the Omaha Police Department. Hard work and a smile describe McEveny's personality. He was friendly in homeroom and " liked by people," said Mr. Tom Boe, homeroom teacher. He kept a lot to himself and was quiet, but " he was never depressed," Boe said, " he always smiled." · He was "a neat kid," according to his counselor, Mr. Gary Cunningham, "he tried as hard as anyone to do well, and had average to above average grades all the time. He worked hard for his grades," said Cunningham, · " but then, anything he got he worked hard for." Mr. Tom Hall was McEveny's basketball coach when McEveny was on the sophomore basketball team last year. Hall said McEveny had a very positive attitude. McEveny tried out for basketball again this year. Along with

about 15 other juniors, he played in front of the coaches Monday and Tuesday of last week . Wednesday, Hall said, McEveny was on the list to be placed on the '

Robert McEveny junior varsity squad . Only four of the juniors made the varsity team. · McEveny is survived by hisparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McEveny, and three sisters, Linda and Cathy McEveny, and Susan Noland. Friday, Nov. 10, the · day after his death, McEveny would have turned 17 -y~ars-old.


• •

Have you been wondering what those small white square objects are that everyone sems to be fingering lately? Well wonder no more, they're electronic football games, the latest craze in entertainment. The two most popular are the Mattei electronic football and the Caleca quarterback games. Both are available at department and toy stores . The games are played by pushing buttons to move the players. The Mattei game has only running plays, while the Caleca game has receivers and blockers. " These games are a very p0pular item," said Ms. Patty Stepanek, assistant toy store n:aanager at Brandeis. " When we received our first shipment in November of lasf year, it sold out in two weeks." The games run off nine-volt batteries and can be played for many hours off of one. "I thin~ it's a great competition for two people," said Mike Kromer, junior, who has played for more than a month. "I bought my game

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at Target for $25." The prices for the games vary at different stores, but there is usually about a $10 differ.ence in price. The Mattei game costs about $35, while the Caleca game costs $25 . . " By far the most popular game is the Mattei model. We sold out in two weeks and could not restock for six weeks," adds Stepanek. "The Mattei company did not think they would be as popular as they were, they were overloaded with orders and sold for five months, starting in May." The games do seem to be quite popular, especially in large groups and the cafeteria . Brad Walters, who has only played for two weeks , said, " The games are pretty small so you can take them into class. It really bugs the teachers though, with all the noise it makes." Some students have gotten good enough to play for money. Craig Schwenke is one of those students. "I've had a Mattei game for over a year. It's gotten too easy. It

.••••. .,.-0 .,


needs some more excitemE:nt. It's boring unless you play for money." Some people feel that the games are fun even though they have had them for a year or more. Scott Adanis said, " If you play them for more than a week they become to easy, but it'.s still fun. They are a challenge at first." Most people who own games feel the games are just perfect for use in school during free time.

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Vol. 23 . No. 7

Westsidt' High School 8701 Pacific Strt'E.'t

Omaha, NE 68124 December 1 , 1978

ommittee investigates materials Curriculum planning remains the major objective of language Arts committee, which examines the Engprogram employed in District 66. According to Mr. Virgil Windels, English department the group attempts to take a closer look at the program, and to correct any aspect which may modification. He said, "The committee continues to assess if inat each grade level is sequential in speaking, and writing skills. They also look at materials used 1f they are repetitious in subject matter." The committee consists of English teachers from grade level in District 66, in order that these people first-hand evaluations of the instruction in each Westside English teachers involved in the program r. Howard Bigham, Ms. Connie Goldenstein, Mr. Kilmer,and Ms. Kathy Little and Mr. Gary Sedlacek. Windels said the group became the most active in The kindergarten through sixth grade program rethe most emphasis. Presently, the group members

are trying to. disco.ver if the seventh through twelfth grade instruction includes a logical progression of skills, according to Windels. These teachers discussed present methods of instruction and methods used, with English instruct!Jrs throughout the district. The committee then examined its findings and submitted a report to the school board including recommendations for different materials. However, the committee does not decide which materials a teacher will use, according to Dr. John Goldner, chairman of curriculum for the school board. "It is up to the individual teacher as to what reference books they will use. The committee selects the materials, and the school board approves them. But, t~e teachers decide for themselves which of the selected materials they want to use," said Goldner. The schoo't·board will complete a report concerning the seventh through twelfth grade program this spring, Goldner estimated.

Windels feels one important role of the Language Arts committee is keeping parents "informed of the status of the curriculum in District 66." He said the group encourages parent participation in assessing the effectiveness of the present program. He added that according to board policy, once certain material has been included in a course, it is not too late for parents to voice their opinions. "We certainly can appreciate parents' concerns. If parents have serious objections, they can notify the teacher and alternative material will be found for the child. This option is open, and it is important that they (parents) know this." Parents used this opportunity in voicing their concern about the use of the Communicating Series in elementary school. This series discusses some situations which according to Windels, leads the child to make certain value judgments. Although he said that the intention was for emphasis on the positive elements of a situation, some parents felt the material may leave students with misconceptions concerning particular situations, and therefore lead to a "somewhat anti-establishment tone."

ew students welcome Roll out the red carpet. That's the attitude that the new "Weito Westside" committee for new students has expressed. According to Ms. Peg Johnson, dean of girls and one of the nders of the newly formed club, "Most new students are red to death of Westside when they first arrive. All we try to do make those first few days go as smooth as possible." "Welcome to Westside" was initiated because of the growing nrnonu•rn new students were having those first few days. Ms. SharBjornsen and Mr. Gary Cunningham, counselors, are the other sponsors of this committee. "Sharon, Gary, and myself beconcerned when a few of our new students were having lties adjusting to the new surroundings, so we decided that club like this would be the best solution," said Johnson. The goals of the club are to introduce some of the students to friends, and acquaint them with the program. Also, some of upperclassmen are getting involved in the program and are ng to make the students feel more accepted and welcomed.· Mark Walker, a new transfer student from Blair, NE, has only here for seven weeks and is truly impressed. "The schedulme a lot, because I didn't know what to do with all my eduled mods, or where to go. Also, the size of the building pretty scary, but once I met some friends and got involved in club everything seemed a lot easier." On Thursday, Dec. 7, all of the interested new students will with representatives from all the school organizations and what they do and what their functions are. Mary lipping, another new student, feels that the "Welcome Westside" club has been very beneficial to her. "It has given me nee to get in things I never had a chance to do at my old ool in Iowa. Also, the course selection is fantastic." johnson summed it saying that the club is "very successful."

Welcome committee member Beth Lee shows Laurie Riggs, a new student, some of 'the materials available in the Guidance Center. Committee members try to ease the discomfort of switching schools by showing new-

comers around the school, and introducing them to the various IMC's and resource areas. New students are also informed of the various clubs and activities, and how they may join.

Student litter r

Vandalism irritates officials

Vandalism, the intentional destruction of property, has occurred sparingly here, but has happened enough to disturb administrative officials and burdened taxpayers'. Although major vandalism doesn't occur often, it has occurred enough to irritate those who run the sehool. "We have more of it than we care to have," stated Mr. Dick lane, building supervisor. Serious vandalism has been minimal this year. "So far this year there has been only one incident of vandalism which I consider major and that is the windows which were broken out in the west end of the building," related Dr. James Tangdall, principal. lane estimated the cost ·o f replacing the windows at $2,000 which came partly from insurance and partly from taxpayers. Because of the fact that major vandalism has occurred less than minor vandalism, the latter has become the greater problem. "We have a lot of niinor, irritable kinds of vandatism that bother us, like students picking or writing on desks and lockers or putting their feet up against the walls and dirtying thetn ," stated Tangdall. Tangdall expressed feelings of disgust at the Learning Environment? way students maintain the school. "We keep a very mens area is just oRe of MaRY areas in the school which is badty lit- dirty building and'' that, more than anything, i5 the · Administrators are concerned with the attitude students are taking greatest irritant I have in this schoot." The task of maintaining the school has kept the condition of the school. Maintaining the school in a presentable . takes much of the janitors' time, and .a substantial amount of custodians busy. "The janitors are constantly having to take the writings off restroom walls and

lockers," said Lane. Thoughts of repairing parts of the school have briefly been entertained by school officials, but have been forgotten just as fast when considering the amount of time the improvements would last. "We've thought of refinishing all the locks in the building, but it is foolish to go through the expensive process just to have the kids deface them again," stated Lane. The poor attitude of most students toward the maintenance of their school not only disgusts building officials, but other well-intentioned students. Su~ Sharp expressed her distaste, "It's pretty gross when you go into a bathroom that just reeks of smoke ar~d you can barely see to find your way to· a stall." It has become"apparent that these minor irritations add up to sizeable sums of money. lane stated, "Throughout the school year the destructive things the kids do in this building alone add up to around $50,000." The administration is thankful for the relatively small amount of major vandalism it has and attributes it to the positive environment the school possesses. Tangdall explained, "We work pretty hard to create a climate in this school that doesn't build up a great deal of hostility . I don't think we. have an awful lot of student-teacher confrontations a.nd because of that we don't have a lot of student-building confrontations."

Wilderness survival

NOE encounters the outdoors Wilderness survival may sound threatening to some, but students in the Nebraska Outdoor Encounter (NOE) program have found it a meaningful and worthwhile experience, according to Mr. Bruce Skinner, sponsor. For the past three years, a group of up to 15 students, Skinner, and NOE staff have spent a week each fall at Fort Robinson State Park . The Outing Club will make a similar trip to Indian Cave State Park from Friday, Dec. 1, through Sunday, Dec. 3. The "minimum impact ethic" philosophy is the foundation of the outing. The group leaves the site in the same condition as it was when they came. Everything they bring is essential for survival, and is carried by backpack. No fires are built. Cooking is done on single burner ca~p

stoves. Wastes are buried, and all other items are carried out. Basic hiking skills are learned, as ·well as backpack wilderness survival, climatization, and other skills. Participants also have a chance to learn more about themselves, as many of the activities pertain to awareness and becoming acquainted with one's senses. Beth McLnnes, who went on the trip this year, feltthat the best part of the trip was an adventure called soloing. Each person is placed in a spot where they are then left alone for 36 hours, to survive on their own . "You can't explain to other people that it's not boring," she said . Steve Slavik, who has also been involved with Outdoor Encounter, felt that it affected his personality. Kris Petersen agreed. She felt that she learned how to depend more on herself. " It

gives you more confidence," she said. · Unity is also an important ele!_Tlent of the experience, as the gr_oup is often together. Search and rescue, as well as navigation exercises create situations in which group members must depend on one another. Skinner commented that they also learn about the history of the area. As well as b~autiful scenery, Fort Robinson offers a colorful historical background. Summing up his experience, Slavik said, " So many things happen that are so enjoyable that you can't write everything down ." Nebraska Outdoor Encounter operates out of Lincoln, and has existed for six years. It is available for any Nebraska high school student. A modest fee covers food, equipment, and instruction.

-Molehills----.. Bloodmobile seeks student donors

Students will have the opportunity to do nate blood, as the Bloodmobile will be visitin on Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 13-14, from p.m. to 5 p.m . Donors must be within the ages 17 and 65, and a minimum weight of110 poun is required. The Bloodmobile is sponsored the Future Medical Assistants.

Construction reaches completion Construction work on the new girls' gymi nearing completion. "I think it's making nor progress," said Dr. James Tangdall, principa " They say it will be done by second semester. The building is now totally enclosed. Maj steelwork and mechanics have been done, an work has begun on the inside, including lock rooms and a synthetic floor . There are still so loose ends on the west wing, but these shoul be finished soon, Tangdall said.

'Messiah' makes annual appearance Efforts by both orchestra and vocal studen will combine to present the ninth annual per formance of Handel's "Messiah." The " Messiah " is an emotional vocal an musical presentation of Christ's life. " Solo per. formances will be given by three former stu dents," said Mr . Don Schuler, vocal music i structor. Students performing will be Dwan Hughes, bass; Chrissa Jordon , soprano; an Kurt Sage, tenor. The musical will be present Monday, Dec. 4, in the auditorium.

Students wage battles ·in new club War is being waged in the Social Studi IMC, but there are no soldiers or guns, just st dents equipped with a game board and rules It 's a game . " War games" is a club th began at the end of last year. Students attem to recreate on a game surface the actual cond tions of a war situation. "The students lea quite a bit about the history situation they'r dealing with," said Mr. Bill Hayes, social studi instructor. Membership is informal, no dues are r qui red , and the club consists of about 10 to 1 students. Meetings are held each Wednesday 3:15 p.m . in the Social Studies IMC.

Sense of unity Becoming aware of their senses is just one of the many activities students participate in on the outdoor encounter trip. ·Students learn to know themselves beHer as individuals, as well as developing a sense of unity within the

group. Nebraska Outdoor Encounter staff aid in the instruction of these activities, and also with hiking, backpacking, and survival skills.

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• • • •



Colraborating with glee club, the sta band will present their holiday concert on Tu day, Dec. 12. " The main thrust of this concert will be f the non-marching band," said Mr. Bob Jenki band director. "White Christmas" and oth old-time favorites will appear on the progra The presentation will begin at 8 p.m. in t auditorium with no admittance fee .

SAB receives district honors ,

Twelve members of the Student Adviso Board (SAB) attended the state convention hel Friday and Saturday, Nov . 10-11 , according t Mr . jim Findley, sponsor. Diane Kloster an Robert Greenberg have been named distri officers. Also, Westside was picked as the repr sentative school for the district. Upcoming activities for SAB include il r view of modular scheduling, involving a surv to be sent to students and parents. Findley optimistic as to the productivity of the grou this year.

Yearbook sales surpass expectations

Advance yearbook sales reached reco proportions as over 1200 copies of the 19 "Shield" were sold during the November driv According to Mr. John Hudnall, Shield advise the sales drive usually results in 1,000 orders. using eight pages of full color and 16 pages ( spot color, "the Shield staff is trying to meet th needs of a broader reading audience. We thin the improved photography will alsothelp us t do this," said Andy Hargitt,editor-in-chief. added that the blue, yellow and white cov should help to make this yearbook complete. different from those of past years.

Spirit replaces ex-perience as key



Band presents concert for holidays

10730 Pacific Street 397-5000


Can enthusiasm c-arry the load for an enti team? Well , Ms. Linda Dunn , debate coac thinks so. She said, "I think we (the deba· team) have a lot of enthusiasm and spirit, ar that can make up for the exceptionally your team this year." Although the team is inexp rienced, "top-notch" debaters Kelly Bur ar Steve Moskovits should help the team becau~ of their previous experiences in varsity comp tition. Dunn commented, "Steve and Kelly a excellent debaters and wort well together. Pe• pie will be looking for them to carry the load f• the team."

Anything large or small

ionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopini I decided a w h ile back to n an in-de pth study of aca~cs at Westsi d ~ in an attempt [gu re ou t w hat I' m d o ing He re is some of the inforn I've compiled so fa r. here are two ma in categopf cl asses: sma ll gro ups and Mary Bloomingdale ·~ groups (i.e., a bunch of columnist I groups pu t together). here are two maii1 div isions of large groups : esting large groups and boring large groups. teresting large groups the instructors play Bob n record s, pass out doughnuts, and end class r Dinutes early. At boring large group.s, the intors teach a subject. There is an average of 80 nts in a ·large group. tudents spend- a lot o f time in large group ns watch ing films. If you are near an entrance large group when class lets out, you can tell away if a fi lm was shown . After sitting 80 m inin darkness, 80 students will emerge into the , 80 pairs of hands w ill fly to 80 pa irs ' of eyes, 80 s will scream in agony, and 80 bodies will d the rest of the day in shock . hree of the most populated large groups are ~nee Placement Uni~ed States History (AP), position , and World History. If you like Am erican history, AP large group e extremely interesting. However, durin~ the I spent in tha t class, the most enthusiastic peapresent were the teachers, who got so excited r~ lectures that they seemed to be bordering 1zures. " If you like composition , Comp l ~ rge group can



be ex tremely intere sti ng. You ca n always tell whi ch · Co mp teacher is go ing to give t he large group lecture, because he comes to school dressed like Eric Severeid . If you like world history, World History large gro u p can be extremely interesting. I personally don ' t believe that nasty rumor that t he only reason it is quiet in that class is because nobody snores. Wh ich brings us to small groups. There are fewer students in small groups than in large groups, so it's much harder to sleep unnoticed. It is also more d ifficult to do homework in other subjects or arrive late and escape detection . Small groups are usually spent translating the material presented in large group. Take Physiology, for instance. That place harbors a malicious goose and a paranoid turkey. When the goose isn ' t attacking the turkey, it's collecting a pound of flesh from everyone who comes through the door. From what I ur.derstand, Physiology students spend a great amount of their time studying animal guts. Drama students spend a great amount of their time writing Academy and Tony award acceptance . speeches, rehearsing the wrong Monty Python sketch, and reading a play or two. Artists at work In Debate, of course, students are required to fight. I understand that most of the serious studying in Debate takes place not in class, but in the Debate research room, wh ich is hidden in the Engopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopini lish wing. Part 1. · really like before she decides Do not go into the debate research room unMost people whether ttJey' re " beautiful" or less you are a debater. Debaters are very possessive " ugly." and will kill with a glance any outsider )Vho invades have had vision all of their It comes down to the concept their territory. lives. The secof judging a book by its cover. A ond they see fantastic novel may be enclosed something, ttlfl in an old decaying cover. · But they make a who can justly say the book is judgment on A~y ~end~er bad when beneath the cover lies a remarkable treasure? it. Rarely does ed•tonal ed•tor anyone think about why they' re And yet, society is so proOne need only visit Burke or Bellevue making such a judgment, or grammed towards making quick, West to realize just what a "pit" Westside upon what grounds. This is the and perhaps irrational, judgtopic of today's lecti:Jre. ments, that the advertising world is. One can walk down those halls and use a This whole concept was intro- is thriving - forever inventing magnifying glass to inspect lockers- it will duced to me through a close new packagings and gimmicks to be hard to find marks on them to even fr iend , Anne Gell. She went to make their product seem more compare with those at this school. These Valley View Junior High before desirable. Books are rarely students care abo yt the place in which they moving to Iowa in 1976. She's a judged by anything except their spend seven h0urs a day. covers. senior. This situation has often bothered Dr. Anne had cataracts in both On to Part II. . James Tangdall, principal. He commented, Look at food packaging. Adeyes at the age of four which "A lot of the problem is due to the fact that caused her to be labeled " legally vertisers are after any gimmick, we're on a 13 mod schedule. If we had a six blind ". Less than a year ago she bright coror , or supposedly period day , with everyone in class, the jani" catchy" slogan to " get" the had surgery which brought back tors would have a better chance of keeprng the vision she had been without consumer . The holiday season is here (there's no way you can for 13 years . Now she can see it clean." well enough to read the printing deny l hat) and there has been a surge of television and radio adon this page. vertising, including fast-t·alk ing All those years Anne was unposition are in theory open to all grade salesmen and nauseating little able to judge th ings by looking at levels, but in practice they are taken mostly jingles. them. She could not be introby seniors. Counselors encourage this What really bothers me is all duced to someone and immedithose crazy contraptions that rioately conceive the ide·a that the methodology.person was ni<::e looking, ugly, body needs, but everybody is Students take English throughout high made to believe that they want. athletic, rich or poor, like so school, but it is not until senior year, if many of us seem to think we can . Advertisements preaCh such then; that they concentrate on writing as a She had to get to know the persermons as the w isdom of winwhole. Consequently the cart is placed beson and " see" his personality be- terizing your car for Christmas. fore the horse. ' Who really cares if a car is ready fore she could make val id judgments. ' for the hol idays? We bel ieve expository writing should Now Anne has no conception The profiteers manipulate be taught in more depth to sophomores of " beautiful " or " ugly". Everypeople into buying their proand juniors. At this point, the standard one gets an equal chance - an . ducts . The buyer has no idea pattern essay is taught to underclassmen in wha t he is getting into. In fact, he idea wh ich is very .ha ~ d to fath their literature cla sses, but the theories are om . mi ght have a cl earer impress ion not adequately enforced .. The barrier is gone, and Anne o f the product w ithout the ad can · j udge people f rom · their vert isements. Like Anne without Thi s practice would not only benefit looks- but she doesn 't want to. her vision·, t.he buyer would be those who are college-bound, but all stuSomehow she st ill wants to 'get fo rced to rea lly look at the prodents seeking a well -rounded education . into them' and see what they' re d uct .

Inaccurate assumptions

School pride-- lacking: 'pit' prevails Pride. Taking care of things one is ·ven and caring about the environment ne is in.. Why is there no student pride at estside? One can walk down any hall at almost ny t ime and he can observe lockers with pld, and sometimes obscene language crawled on them. If one has a streak of k k, he can possibly walk by a student in is process of defacing public property. mk on the floor, pencils in the ceiling, ewing gum on chairs, and intentionally oken desks can also highlight a tour of e school.

evamps requested on writing instruction Student critics who have gone to colafter successful completion of the glish program have been known to comlain that they did not adequately learn the chniqu~~ of exposi_tory writing. Spee1f1c compla~~ts suggest tha_t enrce_ment of the wrrtrng of academ1c paers IS needed . The English department can act on tnis roblem by allowing more time for the inruction of writing techniques in sophonore Engli sh classes. Students are required to take six con ecutive semesters of English for graduaon . The scope of courses for each cla ss ~v e l has a wid e range in both difficulty and eadin g materia l. Non - literature courses such as Reh and Rh etori c, Humanities and Com-


Published bi -weekly by the Journalism Department of Westside High School, 87th and fie St., Omaha, NE 68124, the " Lance" is a member of the Nebraska High School Press rA<<or·'"'''on , the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, and the N!ltional Scholastic Press Assoe " Lance" office is located in room 302. Advertisi ng rates available on request. Phone 391-1266 Ext. 20. The paper is distri buted to al l students and staff on Friday morn ings. l5u iption rates to ot hers are $3.00 postpa id. Non-profit maili ng rights clai med . Pri nted by IPriesman Graphics, Aquila Court Building, 1615 Howard St., Oma ha, NE 68102. Editor-in-Chief . . . . Jeanine Van Leeuwen Ass't. Sports Editor .. . .. ... Lisa Ma rgol in Managing Editor ...... . . .. . Beth Kaiman Sports Writers . . . . . . ..... Terry Kroeger, Editorial Editor ........ . .. Amy Gend ler Ken t Poncelow Ass' t. Editorial Editor . Mary Bloomingdale Lifestyle Editor ... . .. . . .. Bob Glissma nn News Editor ...... . .. . ... Cathy Johnson · Ass't. Lifestyle Editor .... Jonatha n Duitch Ass't. News Editor ....... Melanie Stu rm Lifestyle Writer ... . . ... . . ... . . Dave Scott News Writers . . Cindy Crane, Scott. Davis, Advertising Manager . . .... . .. Jay Dandy Katie Lohff, Marshall Pred Business Manager .... . ... Cyndy Lunde Feature Co-editors . . ..... Monica Angle, Artist ........... Frank Gappa Robert Greenberg Photographers . . . . ......... Hun t Lewis, Sa ll y Li ndwa ll Writer .......... Tracy Katelman Editor .... . . . .. . .... Tom Golde n Adviser ......... . ... . .... John Hudnall

I O~inion ______~December '1~, 1978

Westside's Lance


Counselor becomes student; gains insight, perspective "Some kids don 't even know that I'm a staff member ." Aside from her daily counseling duties, Ms. jo Anita Anderson takes time to attend her Advanced A.!_gebra class. "It's important for me to know a lot of things about this building," Anderson stated. This is why she decided last summer to take a class. Why Advanced Algebra? "I looked through the kids in my homeroom schedules, and Advanced Algebra happened to appear on the most of them." Ten of Anderson's "kids" take Advanced Algebra. Out of these ten, four of them are taught by Mr. Rick Collura. "I asked him if he would mind (if I took his class), and he didn't. I didn't want to intimidate him." "Collura is a good teacher. He is a funny man. He makes class fun for me." Collura, she says, definitely considers her as a stu-dent and not as a staff member. "I don 't have an advantage. If I miss a class I'm in trouble just like anyone else. I have to work very hard ." This hard '/iOrk may be paying off. Anderson was only a few points away from her "long-range goal " of a "2" for the quarter. However, Collura gave her a "3". She said that "he even keeps my grade in the grade book" just like anyone else.

Cafeteria IJ1YStique: • serv1ce with a smile

First hand experience is why Anderson decided to take a class. This experience would help her to better identify with her students. Even though this was the reason she took the class, "it has produced some interesting results ." "I'm a resource for the kids and the teaching team, it's a beneficial position." The "kids" go to Anderson when they have certain complaints, and Anderson relays these comp1aints to the team. Furthermore, the teaching team asks Anderson how she as a student likes the class, since they teach Advanced Algebra differently this year than in previous years.


As the student shuffles ria, stomach growling, and he goes through the lunch li flipping an assortment of f tray. Walking past the cashier, cents into her hand, paying f meal. Very few students und much time, planning and eff what looks and tastes like a ¡ But Ms . Donna Parker knows wo.rk is involved. Parker is t Service director for District charge of all141unch progra trict, and does all the purch pervising on the program.

Working with stude.nts on homework has benefited her relationships with them very much, When she calls a fellow stude.nt to discuss an assignment, they usually just end up talking after they're finished. Although Anderson hasn't been the only staff member in Westside history to try and gain the "student's perspective," she has been the only one in recent years .

Although some students do participate in the lunch program, those who do feel t they are getting a "good de

"I've gained an interesting perspective with my own kid.s." She also feels that she has " gained insi &hts ... just by walking down the hall to class." "It really turned out to be an excellent experience. I look forward to going to class every day ."

Talent competition results in victory for .Junior Miss Many little girls have dreams of becoming actresses, but the dreams usually fade as the girls become older. Suzy Kennedy had such a dream, but it hasn't faded yet, and she's well on her way to making it a reality. Kennedy's brother always told her that if she wanted to become an actress, someone would first have to discover her. So at the age of seven, she would st~nd at the end of her driveway and "sing as loud as I could, hoping¡'to be discovered'." A little bit of practice never hurt anyone, as evidenced by Kennedy's latest accomplishment. Saturday, Nov. 11, Kennedy sang her way to the title of Omaha's 1979 junior Miss. The six judges considered five main areas When selecting the new junior Miss out of 15 contestants. The areas were, in

There she is Moments after accepting the crown for Omaha's 1979 junior Miss, Suzy Kennedy stands in front of her new throne, dis<;ussing her performance with her father. Louri Fellman, Terry Murphy and Cindy Whitfield also represented Westside at the contest. Westside, with four contestants, had more representatives than any other school.


order of importance: personal interview, talent presentation, academic record, poise and appeara{lce, and physical fitness. About the interview Kennedy said, "I never felt that I was putting on anything artificial in front of the judges." For five minutes she talked with the.judges. Their main question concerned what she liked about Omaha. She replied that people are iJ:iendly here. "If you smile and say hello to someone you pass, they'll say hello back." Kennedy's talent presentation, which was displayed in front of a crowd of approximately 300at the Omaha Community Playhouse on the night of the contest, was a song and jazz dance to "The Music and the Mirror" from "A Chorus line." Kennedy worked on the dance for over a month and a half, but "it came down to the line the week before the contest." "Singing means a lot to me," said Kennedy, "and I like acting, because I like to portray other people's feelings and the playwright's- ideas to an audience. I turn on when the audience is there . It gets in your blood, and you can't stop." Kennedy first appeared on stage in . 1973. Since then she has appeared in 18 shows. Among them are "Fiddler on the Roof" and "A Christmas Carol," along with "Cabaret," "Kismet," "Camelot" and "The Sound of Music." Musical theater is the area Kennedy would like to go into professionally. To make sure that acting is really what she wants as a career, Kennedy spent ten weeks this summer with a professional equity theater company at the Mule Barn Theater in Tarkio, MO. The next thing on the agenda tor the new junior Miss is the state competition in january. Preparation for this competition at Grand Island lasts five days. After that, if all goes well , comes the national competition, which will be held in Mobile, AL. With' all of this ahead of her , Kennedy is well on her way to fulfilling her dream . She hasn 't stood singing at the driveway's ed ge for quite a fe w years, and " be ing di scovered " is just aro und the corne r.

Westside's Lance



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Flieves that the most important ~ oollunch program is the qualod. Many of the quality confood are federally mandated. we sign an agreement with the es Department of Agriculture, receive federal reimbursehave set up established pore must serve two with every h." maintains its record of runcient lunch program, considtings it has merited. All 14 of kitchens have been .given an rating by the Douglas County artment, the highest rating


I ~

ing into the possibility of serving lasagne and rice krispie bars, two items that have never been served, but she feels would be popular with students. The largest problem facing administrators like Parker around the country is cost. Prices of food have been spiraling in the past few years, leaving directors like her with a serious problem. She feels this problem, and added , " There are new products coming on the market all the time . We can 't buy them to serve in the schools most of the time , because they're too expensive." Students are getting a good deal when

they buy a hot lunch , according to Parker. " Every lunch , including labor and other costs, costs about 97 cents to prepare." The federal government also helps to cover some of the cost. They give 15.25 cents for every Type A lunch, 58.25 cents for all reduced price meals, and 68.25 cents for free lunches. Ho~ever, there are a minimal number of reduced ,price and free lunches served at Westside, according to Parker. Also, the district receives 6.75 cents for every milk carton it serves. In their case, that's a lot of milk. Through the district, 108,000 milks are served each month , a

little over a mill ion cartons of milk served in a school year. Westside has about 650 students who eat a Type A lunch each day, accordin~ to Parker. Because of the deficit in costs to the school, some of the money must be made up somewhere. At Westside, that somewhere is the ice cream department. Every day, 150 shakes .are sold, 350 ice cream sundaes are sold, and between 110 and 170 ice cream cones are served. According to Parker, "The ice cream area is probably where we make the most money for the rest of the kitchen ."

n to this, Parker asserts that is serving even better quality ndated by the government. le, we are required by law to with less than 27 percent fat . ed and still use an 80/20 mixmeat. " reparation of that food is imording to Ms . Marie Zimmerook. She said that, " Not only an 80/20 mixture in our meat, all of the hamburgers served chool. Grilling is a much bethan pan frying them , because oked away from tlie meat in

" is in her first year in the job, ried several new approaches program. "This year, we've n pizzas for the first time. I ality of the product is good, otten a positive reaction to she said. new product is Italian ice ~ served free samples of it earliand kids seemed to like it. ing to serve that again ." re, Parker has also been look-

Lunch crunch ~tisfying her mid-afternoon hunger, Kristine Lawrence eats her schooi

lunch. The lunch program is popular among students, as over 450 hot

lunches are served every day. This year, several new items have been added, including frozen pizza, pictured above.

Consumers describe success, failure ters appear to fall into two For those who prefer not to eat the s, those who do, and those school prepared meal, there is the alterse the cafeteria. native of purchasing 'brand name' items. e students who eat in the caf- "I only eat yogurt," stated Schreiner. "The o regularly, be it for an ice food quality is very poor," she feels. e, or a full lunch. "All the food is greasy, even the good ker said he eats in the cafete- stuff is greasy," said Sladek. y", echoing the thoughts of "The food used is not poor, said Mr . lun.ch.table companions. "I Bruce Anderson, math teacher, but with e food) is good," he added . such large numbers to cook for, and the students don't go out of their two-hour路 lunch period, the appearance the food , most feel iris "ok." ' suffers. It's not because of the food," d," said Eric Olson of the emphasized Anderson. on said he eats in the ca{et'e"It's essentially good food, but they the time ." could make it better, it's all grease and hink it's that bad at all, I love carbohydrates," said Schreiner. ,"commented Sheri Barton. Despite complaints heard about the the a fa carte line more than food used in preparing lunches, it is genh. erally felt that these fears ar.e unfounded . y it's pretty even," said Alan " Probably, you can feel pretty safe e split between students buy- about what you're eating there," said lunch or just part. "I use the Sladek of the cafeteria. ore." '' i have no idea what goes into this full meal and a fa carte are fo"o d," said Olson; however, he added, "I y, feels Amy Schreiner. "The think it's safe." ey are watching their weight, ng a whole meal, and buying



"You never know for sure what you're eating," commented Schreiner. Others have no concern, or haven't given the question of quality any thought. "I don't even think about it," said Barton. Since it takes time to go out to lunch, most are content in using the cafeteria. There is also a certain amount of risk involved in leaving the building for lunch for sophomores and juniors. "If I had enough time, I'd go home, only because it saves money. It's quicker here," said Olson. Thacker commented he wouldn't eat at home, as he has to cook for himself, " I'd either eat here or go out, if I had the time.'.' Anderson eats in the cafeteria "maybe a couple of tiines a month. It's not necessarily that I don't like the food down there," . but it is more convenient to bring a lunch. 路 like other teachers, Anderson brings something from home and eats it at his desk . "There are some teachers that bring a lunch and take it down to the teache.rs' eating room," said Anderson: Anderson feels this makes him more accessible to' his students but adds, "If I were located closer (to the cafeteria), . ( would eat there more often." " I like to eat at home because it's cheaper," q>mmented Meri Felt.


Teachers and students generally feel that the lunch program offered is a good value, for the school cafeteria may be the only place to buy a 35 cent hambu[ger. "It's cheap," said Sladek of the cafeteria food . "You couldn't get a meal for that much ." Eating a school lunch is also less expensive than taking the time, money and gas to go out. "It's cheaper': in the cafeteria said Barton. Most students are at least in their tenth year of buying and eating school lunches. Sladek feels they have improved over the years, "it's better, more variety," he commented. "I've taught at two other schools, I think it's just as good, if not better." said Anderson of the program.



cut Flower# Showdown with Huskies

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Revenge-minded Northwest will host the Warrior basketball team tonight at 8 p.m., as the Warriors hope for another upset. The game promises to be hotly contested as was last year's game, a heart-stopping 66-65 overtime victory for Westside. According to Mr. Tom Hall, head coach, Northwest has a strong team again this year, returning their entire front line : Craig Holman, a 6'4", 210-pound center who wa~ an All-State selection at defensive end this year; leo Crawford, a 6'3" forward who has been a starter his previous two years; and Kenyon Sharpe, a 6'0" foward who, according to Hall, can dunk a basketball from a standing position. However, Hall thinks his team holds a decided advantage over Northwest in the backcourt, where the Huskies have no experienced returning players. Half feels the Warriors have a strong backcourt combination in junior Dean Thompson and senio·r Ray Poage; Shooting sensation Thompson tops the list of four retufning lettermen {rom the 14-7 Holiday Tournament champs of a year ago. A 52 percent shooter from the field ;ts a sophomore, Thompson averaged 9.9 points a game last year and led the team in steals with 32. With the graduation of Tim Ingram and John Pflug, the two leading scorers from last year's team, the scoring load will have to be carried by Thompson, a junior hailed by many as the best "pur.e shooter" at the high school level in quite 'some time. The 5'10" Poage shot 46 percent from the field and a team leading 87 percent from the free throw line last year. According to Hall, Poage has improved tremendously this year due to a rigorous weight training program several players went through in the off-season to improve quickness and coordination. While the backcourt is loaded with experience, up front the Warriors are very green. Starting at the forward positions tonight are two 6'3" seniors with no varsity experience, Tom Ziemba and Todd Swift. Although lacking experience, both players are physical on the boards and good shooters, according to Hall. At press time the starting center spot was still up for grabs, Hall said. Contesting for the position are two seniors, Mark Newstrom, and Bruce Muenster, who should ca_rry the rebounding load carried last year by center, Steve Conley, and forward , Steve Maun. After tonight's contest the Warrior cagers face another stern contest tomorrow night against lincoln High. Coach Hall has. deemed this an important game. "It's our first home game and with memories of last year's game (a 71-41 thrashing) in the back of several of our player's minds, I'm sure we'll be ready for the game. lincoln usually fields a strong team,and I'm sure they'll be tough again this year." Hall pointed out that lincoln High has beaten W~stside each of the last three years. The schedule. doesn't get any- easier for the

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Practice helps , During an after-school practice, Alan Sladek, senior, polishes his freethrows. The vanity team trnels to Northwest High tonight to take on the Huskies at 7:30p.m.

Warrior five as they take on possibly the best team in the Metro conference, Tech on Friday, Dec. 8. Seeded No.1 for 1the Holiday Tournament by the coaches, Tech is "r,eally loaded" according to Hall. With four returning starters, Tech's experience has Hall concerned. "They are returning many excellent players and they have great size. They have a kid named Willis who at 6'7" and 220 pounds is only a junior. Also returning for Tech is Victor Jordan, their 6'4", 210-pound forward who also quarterbacks their football team." With four tough games before the Holiday Tournament, Coach Hall's rather inexperienced club will be put to an immediate test. If their depth and shooting ability can help them get through the first month, they could develop into a strong club by the. close of the season.

Honor well deserved

Performances-commended When it comes time for football awards to be handed out at the end of the season, Westside usually receives their share. This season was no exception . Reaping the most awards was middle guard Dan Sweetwood, a senior who was second team in the All-State picks and, according to his coach, Mr. Dan Young, should have been a first team selection . " I thought Sweetwood should have been first team, because he is as good as any down defensive lineman in the state. last year, Dan was our second leading tackler, and this year he was our leading tackler and broke a school record in defensive points," Young said . Young said that. he believed the method of picking .the All-Metro team was fairer than the AllState squad. " The coaches vote for the All-Metro team, but for- All-State, each coach sends in information on hi s players to the 'Omaha World Herald ,' and then their sportswriters make the de cisions. I think the coaches would know which players are better,_" he said.

~ .s




and more ...

In addition to Sweetwood, who was also first team in the Metro, John Belford, a defensive end, and Jim lathrop, an offensive center, were both first team All-Metro.


Making the second All-Metro squad were split end Greg Havelka; halfback Chris Sader; defensive lineman Mike Staff; linebacker Doug Friedman, who only played in three games due to a knee injury; and Jeff Pate, who made the team as a punter,




Westside's Lance $.%.::::'@




- -




_ De(~mbe(1, '""'


1978 '-,

but saw a lot of defensive action during the season. Rating Honorable Mention in the Metro were: tight end Robert laffaldano; linebacker Dave Kalina; cornerback Curt Erixon ; linebacker Phil Bitzes; and offensive lineman Mark Smith. Young said Havelka was ~iven kind of a " bad deal " in the All-Metro selection~. " Tech had a guy named Tony Franks who was the leading pass receiver in the conference this year, and most of the season he played tight e.nd, but their coach no-minated him at split end , so naturally he won , because he was the leading receiver," e xplained Young. Young said that he thought some of the players on his team were passed over in the honors this year. " I thought Staff was kind of ignored this year, maybe because he sort of played behind Sweetwood, and most other years he probably would have led the team in tackles." Young said that he thought some of the seniors on th e team could play college football. " We have some kids with the ability to play next year, like Sweetwood, who has good size. Staff probably could (play college ball) . Havelka probably isn 't big enough for major colleges, but could probably play at a Division II school. Phil Bitzes has good size," Young added , " I think Ken Peterson is considering walking on, and maybe Andy Robinson and Tom Ziemba could play in college." Young said that with some hard work , several members of next year's team could be similarly honored.


State crown probable

ockey shorts Wrestlers anticipate success ·with 13 lettermen back from last year, Mr. Lou Miloni , wrestlin g coach, is optimistic about this season~ " Our first meet is the North Invitational (last night). I think if we can capture one of the top five spots in that, that's an indication that we'll have a good year," he sa id . " We have a lot of depth this year. There are five jun iors who started last year as sophomores. ! think that out of our 12 starters, at least ei ght have the ability to be one of the top four in our major tourne ys," Miloni commented . The team will have nine dual meets and attend six major tourname nts (including Metro, Di strict, and State) this year. Th irty sophomores are out for wrestling this year, which Miloni considers a lot. " I figure that about eight out of ten will quit a year, so next year, there will be about 20 juniors, then their senior year, abqut ten or 12 left. That's a lot of seniors." - Concernin g cuttin g, Miloni said , " We don 't cut people; they qui t for o ne reason or anothe r. The degree of competition on our team is pre tty difficult, so that makes it hard ."


district' has advantages

"Thi s should be our year !" exclaimed Mr. Lee Nordine, girls' basketball coach . Th is year, two sophomores made varsity, and according to Nordine, they' re the best sophomores they've ever had . " If we can develop consistency in our wins, and also some confidence, we should be able to beat almost anybody," Nordine .comme nte d . Their first game was yesterday, against Marian (score unavailable at press time) . There are eight return ing varsity players, including three experienced starters. Concerning State, Nordine predicts a good showing. " Were in a good dist~ict , probably the best one we've been in , in three years." Out of eight teams, the top team in each district goes to State. " It's-still early to predict, but I think that either us or Bellevue East will go to State from our district," he said.

Wilfits cites excellent season

It is not unrealistic to think that Biase. mini-gyms with us, and you'll unthe boys' swimming team will be Another plus for the swimmers derstand it fully ," he' said. among the top teams when it this year is their new isometric Creighton Prep and Millard comes time for the state meet. workout machine . "The new ap- pose the biggest threat to the Although the' Warriors face paratus is called a mini-gym swim Warriors' title defense in the Bryan and Burke on Friday, De- bench , and it allows our Metro, according to DiBiase. cember 1 at Westside, DiBiase swimmers to strengthen the spe- Prep sports an All-American in doesn't feel they will be tested cific swimming muscles, without Larry Raynor, and DiBiase deuntil they square off with Millard gaining any additional bulk. It's scribes Millard senior Kevin at Millard. " Millard will be our the most advanced machine for Wears as an outstanding swimming designed yet, and all swimmer. Outside Omaha, DiBifirst real challenge," he said. Mr. Pat DiBiase first year head of the national and international ase thinks Lincoln Southeast will coach, explained that, " We have teams that are of any caliber at all field a strong team . Heading a lot of scorers returning, and we use it," he said. Southeast's squad is a swimmer also have a large number of ·" Cibernetics" will once again DiBiase describes as " a real stud" freshman who I expect to score be a big part of the team 's mental named Billy Booth, who used to this year. Another point in our attitude . "You can bet that ciber- swim for the Westside Swim favor is that we have two pretty netics will be a part of our pro- Club. much undisputed leaders in Jim Korff, a double state champion , and justin Kohli , a very high scorer," he said . DiBiase said that in add ition to his two senior leaders, there are many other standouts. " Besides Korff and Kohli, we have several ' other standouts like Bill Heavey; Alan Kunkle, a transfer student who will be very good , Bruce Drake, Tom Herrington , and David Anderson," said DiBiase . DiBiase describes one of the Warriors' assets for this year as depth . " We have many quality swimmers. Stu Burdette, David Kohli , Kevin Miles, who scored last year as a freshman, and David Wilson all will be tough this year, · but aren 't considered standTaking a breather outs," he said. Varsity swimmers Robert Burton, Bruce Drake and Jim Korff take a breather Although the team lost three during an after-school workout. The team is eyeing a victory over Burke and '-:ery good swimmers to gradua- Bryan tonight at we_st_si_de_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Shying away from making pretion last year in Rick Rhodes, gram, because we want to have Steve Miller, and Mark ·Hase- some confidence going into the dictiOf!S about his team's finish, brook, some freshmen and a new state meet," he said. DiBiase is; however, confident. workout machine will help to Acc;:ording to Herrington, a "We'll be a very strong contendmake up for it. "Mike Cassling, senior swimmer, the Warrior's er, even though we did lose Jeff jackson, and Steve White are slogan for the year is "Westside some people. But with our new all freshmen who have all had swimming, it hurts so good." He kids coming in, we will be a typisome good · times, and I expect · explained the reason for the slo- cally strong Westside swimming them to do well for us," said Di- . gan : " Just come out and do some team," he said.

Visions of a state title for. the girls' gymnastics team aren't too far·out of sight. Nine lettermen are returning from last year's highly successful squad , including all-around standout Shelly Swift. Three sophomores will join five other returnees to brighten the teams' expectations. Mr. Tim Willits, head coach, shares a positive attitude toward · _ the season. " We have an awful good chance of taking state, providing we have no injuries and are consistent," revealed Willits. " My goal is to be within the top three teams in the state." According to Willits, Burke, Northwest and Millard should provide plenty of competition for the Warriors all season. Ms. jessie Winfrey, newly assigned assistant coach, is presently in the process of "fitting into the system." "Right now, I'm observing a lot," she said. "The girls have to develop confidence in me. I'm willing to help the girls as much as I can." The Warriors open their season Monday, Dec. 4, against North and Ralston . Willits took little time in evaluating the meet. " I think we' ll \Mfn it," he said.



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Sales successful

Fix your pockets Sweaters promote school -spirit backside bante rbackside banterbacksidebanterbackside banterbackside banter

I had to go out and buy clothes the other day. It's about time. I haven't real!,y bou ght much o f an yth ing si nce this sprin g. Bu t th at's probably beca use buying clothes isn't one of my most favorite thi ngs. I do n'-t know wh y. There's nothing wrong with wea rin g stuff that looks different from what you usually wear. I don 't mean that I like wearing Hallo- Bob Glissmann ween costumes or suit ~ of iron. It's just better to columnist wear clothes that fit your personal ity and look good on you . Bu t it 's not much fun to buy the clothes. The first place I wen t to was the jeans area in a department stqre. " May I help you? " " Yeah . I' m looking for some jeans." " Any particular style?'' " Well , I'm rather partial to the kind with two legs and zippers in the·front. " " No, I meant what kind of cut- western , European, ... you know." " Oh yeah. I' m sorry. I guess I'd like some blue jeans." " That narrows it down. " "Pardon me?" "Nothing. Well , what size are you?" " I was a 32 LONG in May." "Have you changed much since then? " "I've lost about three pounds and have grown thre~-quarters of an inch taller, if that's what you mean." " You should still be around the same size. Try these on ."

footbal l game day. Johnso n said, "I didn 't have a red sweater, but I had an order form fo r school sweate rs o n my desk. M rs. Johnson rece ived the o rd er form the day before in the mai l. As spo nsor o f cheerl eading, Mrs. Joh nso n receives many of these mailings. O ne thing led to another and Johnson brought the idea up to ord er sweaters at a faculty meet ing. The proposa l w as met with positive reactions. Mr. Jo hn Graff, math instru ctor, purchased a sweate r. He said , th ~ re wa s no pressure on· us (teachers) to buy them. " At $7.75 they are a pretty good buy." M r. Roger Herring, dean of boys , said , " A lot of students think it is beneath them to wear something that identifies them with Westside High ." Herring feels the success of the sale comes from the fact that it is not a fundraiser or profit maker. He said , " It's just something to promote school spirit, and I think that's great." At least one teacher was prepared to take flak from students about his school sweater. Mr. Kevin Biga said , " You know I' ll probably get a lot of comments when I walk into the chemistry room · wearing it, but I don 't care." Not all teachers shared the previous feelings of enthusiasm. Mr. Rob Johns, sociology teacher, said, "I don't seek for the identification that says Westside High." He was quick to add, "That's not to say I am ashamed, though. I just don't seek the identification. " Johns' feelings were echoed by several faculty members. Mrs. Sheryl Wiitala , French instructor, said , " My husband and I bought ours without the Westside emblem. It has more versatility without it." Wiitala said, "I don't like to wear labels. " The sweaters are in johnson 's office and can be picked up by those faculty members who have not done so already.

A ttempti ng to motivate school sp irit, 120 teache rs-pu rchased new red school sweaters, nearl y 90 perce nt of the entire fa culty. " We needed to o rd er 36 sweaters to get a decent pr ice. I was absc lutely surprised that they sold so well," said Ms. Peg johnson, dean of gi rls, and organizer of the sweater sale. The idea to ord er the $7 .75 sweaters was Jo hnson 's. It came to her by accident. She ex p1ained th at one day Ms. Pat Mitchell, ho me econo mi cs teacher, walked into her office and told her that she had on the team 's colo rs o n a

I took the jeans into th!;! fitting room and pulled the curtain. The stupid thing never seems to stretch all the way across. There's always about two inches on one side that won't reach. So you have to stand on the other side to take your clothes off. Then there's always the jerk who can't figure out which fitting room is occupied and which isn 't. " Oh, I'm sorry. Are you in here? " " Well, I was, but if you'd like me to go hop around the store in my underwear, I'll give you this room ." Up until now, no one has ever said okay. Anyway, I tried on the jeans and only one pair looked good. So I thought I should look for some shirts. Unless you go to a specialty store, there will be shirts that look exactly .the same, all the way down the rack. That's not so bad, but you feel kind of awkward when you bump into somebody in the halls who has the same exact shirt on as you do. ' A friend of mine at school has about three or four shirts that I have. We kind of joke about it, but if you're ever with a girl at a dance or a concert and she sees another girl with the same dress on, you wouldn 't want to joke about it. Clothes are much more important t o girls than boys (how about that, women's libbers? SNORT, SNORT) . Getting back to shirts, I finally found about three shirts that I liked and on my way back to the fitting room I saw a shirt at the top of a stack on the table, so I thought I'd try that one on too. When you try those on , the first thing you do is take the plastic bag off. The next five minutes is taken up with removing all the pins and cardboard that they stick in. I almost always forget to remove one pin and I usually get stuck in the Adam's apple. I hate that. · The final step in buying clothes is the " mother check." " How do they feel? Isn't the back end kind of tight? Why don't you sit down in them?" That one works every time. So I ended up taking the pants back because I couldn 't sit down in them (usually that test works when they're too tight, but this time they nearly slid off me when I sat in the chair) . The next trip, my mother and younger sister came along with me. Unfortunately, our tastes are somewhat d ifferent. " How about these, Mom? " " Bob, they' re lime green ... bib . . overalls .. ."" I know that. " " You ' re crazy." " I'd like a second opinion." " You ' re ugly too. " " No, no. " " Yes, yes. " " No. What I wanted was Nancy's opinion . Nancy? " " I think you're ugly too." " You two are a lot of help." " What do you want us to do, Bob? " " Help me! " " Okay. Here. Try these on. " " Mom, those are Bermuda shorts."" At least they have two legs and a zipper in the front. " " Thanks. Thanks a lot. "


Spirit sweaters Helping Sue Miller, Mr. Kevin Biga, chemistry instructor, wears his red and white school sweater. The sweaters were sold as a non-profit project to teachers to promote school spirit. .

Originality highlights music Bim-bambooie and flimflaming for you . No, it's not a lj>rimate mating call, nor the last _ words of one of the Pointer Sisters; it's a line from a love song. Dr. Buzzard's original " Savannah Band " is not one of the most prominent on the Top 40, but it is original and diversified. As first hint of the group's definite quality one hears in the introduction, a piano vamp with accompanying cymbals, and before the vocalists-;the trumpets. Then clear, strong and emotion packed, "I'll play the fool for you , oh -girl . .. Ain 't it funny what a little love can do : Better than poison, stronger than glue . . . and I' ll grow a tail or two boy for you, spend the re~t of my days in a zoo. " For French buffs "Cherchez La Femme" may have an added meaning, but the tale also holds interest for the rest of us. The story is of Tommy Mottola losing his lady, because he doesn 't have enough money; then when he gets two jobs, she _

If you are like many h igh school sen iors, y our aftergraduati on pl ans sti ll are pretty much up in the ai r. You've thought about try ;,g to f ind a job . You 've considered going on to school. Or. maybe you've explored the possibil ity of getting some - sort of job that w ill enable you to go to school part t ime.

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Both albums are entitled " Dr. Buzzard 's Original Savannah Band ". The newest one meets King Penett.

How do your after-graduation plans compare with those of other high school seniors?



complain s more and ends up with the man next door " playing the whore . .. Alii can say, of one thing I am certain, they're all the same- the _sluts and the sa ints. For misery, "Cherchez La Femme," is really engrossing and rings with some blantant truth, the mind of a woman . " Savannah Band " has prod'uced two albums, both with clear sweet vocalists and not overpowering instrumentals. And the band is as important to the music as the music is to the band. The newest album, though not as moving as' the first, still is a quality album with songs rang ing from " Transistor Madness" to the " Gigolo and 1." Th is album, produced this year, fea tures Cory Daye as vocalist, a clear and definitely promising singer.


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. ..,

~: .,


December 1, 1978 •





Vol. 23, No.8

Westside High School 8701 Pacific Street Omaha, NE 68124 December 15, 1978

ime-clock propo$ed. for students Though the modular scheduling system is an icient one, it is not void of problems as indicated by a management committee that is currently working proposals to improve the system.· It was discovered through a self-study conducted years ago that teachers felt there was a need for an mination of students' use of unscheduled time. Because it was felt that unscheduled time was a uable - resource for students, a committee was med to study the situation and make recornmendas with M s. jackie Henningsen, math instructor, irman. " We were just trying to discover what it was ut unscheduled time that needed changing and n make recommendations," said Henningsen. After examining the situation, the committee came with a philosophy that they would use to base their mmendations on . Henningsen explained the philphy, " We felt the main purpose of modular schedg was to provide another form of education to the ents in terms of learning to manage their time. We felt it was necessary to accept students who failed to rheir time wisely." The committee's goal was to furnish those students

who didn't use their time well with a' system that they could get the most out of. The committee felt that this would not only entail working with the students but also with the staff. "We felt that the teachers needed to learn to help those students who were failing to use their time effectively mo·re frequently than they were successfully using it and to, as teachers, be more consistent about our responses to students who fail to use their time wisely," stated Henningsen. With both their philosophy and goals in mind, the committee developed a set of recommendations that they hoped would help improve the situation. Among the proposals the committee made was one that would call for senior passes to be issued only to students who have worked consistently at completing their minimum com-p_etencies. This proposal was one of three that has thus far been considered for adoption. The second one would require the establishment of a supervised quiet study area for students who have been caught loitering three times while the third would allow for counselors to not have their own homerooms and thus be free to visit their respective homerooms and aid the homeroom advisor in any way possible.

Included in the set of proposals that are still being considered by department heads are two that would help students learn how to manage their time. One would allow for instructive group guidance sessions while the other would require students to fill out a schedule the first week of school on how they plan to spend their time. Two other proposals that are still being considered by department officials deal with the acquiring of .passes. The first would make it necessary for the homeroom advisor to be consulted before a student could obtain a pass and would require the review of progress in school subjects each quarter in order for a student to retain that pass. The s~cond would make it necessary for the student to prepare the pass request sheet with sufficient evidence that they could handle the responsibility . Henningsen commented, " I guess basically we felt that modular scheduling provided an opportunity for students to deal with time that other systems do not provide. I think we basically do a good job with it, but we could do a better job. That was-the general idea the committee had."

Administration gaf}g tackles ~orange Crush' /


Relaxing free mods spent sipping cans of Coke and strawberry Crush are now_a thing of the past. As of Monday, Dec. 4, both pop machines located in the cafeteria were made unavailable to students. Though they have never been in ~se during the lunch mods, students have apparently abused the privilege of using them during free mods. · This has been the case, accorc,iing to Mr. james Findley, vice principal. "The machines were removed because. of pop spilled over the tables, cans sitting around inside and outside the cafeteria - but mainly because of the constant mess," he commented. Findley cited a specific example. "The cleaning service doesn 't come on Fridays," he related. "On Saturday mornings when ACT, SAT, and minimum competency tests were given in the cafeteria, some tables were so dirty they couldn't test." Students were warned through announcements that the condition of the cafeteria was getting out of hind, but this did not seem to affect the situation. Now, according to Findley, the announcements will be used to try to indicate to students just what the situation is.

ign f the mes winter

ic ·gn. original, e for a ign I

Since the removal of the pop machines, conditions have been ·improving in· the cafeteria. Findley related, "Yesterday (December 6) was the best I had seen it in a long time. Kids seem to be more aware of the cleanliness problem, and I think the removal of the pop machines has helped to keep used trays and cups off the tables during lunch mods." - Some students who have expressed concern at the removal of the machines seem to blame the proQiem on lack of teacher supervision. Scott Van Stratten implied that students were not watched closely. "Supervision should be stricter," he said. "just take a look at where the trash cans are . All you have to do 'is walk out and you're by one." Students who did not abuse the privilege of having pop, tended to blame the problem on a minority. Kellene Sedlak commented, "I think it's just a few kids who are making the mess. Sometimes its really bad." Findley expressed concern for this lack of responsibility. He stressed, "The minority should start trying to handle the situation and take on responsibility if we are going to keep our present program. A lot of the problem stems from too much unscheduled time. We need all students' cooperation' to keep the school clean." Findley was pessimistic concerning reinstatement - of the machines. He said, "We may reconsider, but it will take a lot of discussion. There may be no second chance."

nment, tains tints shades single r; redt.

he 'Macho Man' is an increas"ngly prevalent image. What is a macho man'l How important is he image to the opposit~ sedp. 5


Administrators express concern over various complaints concerning the school curriculum. pp. 6-7

Westside will meet Millard in an opening round of the Metro Holiday Tournament. The Warriors are seeded sixth, while Millard is seeded eleventh in the tournament. p. 10


Prom night, good choice?

Sleepless Sunday; tired MOnday

-- Molehills·-

Marching band heads for the slopes

Skiing at Winter Park, will climax the Warrior Marching Band Waking up on Monday seems to be difficult for many people, and waking up on the Monday after Christmas Prom is usually even harder. Because it is especially easy to sleep in , many students ar~ absent from school the next day. Christmas Prom is scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 17. This year, however, a policy has been develoP.ed which states that all students will be considered absent without a legitimate excuse; this does not include "I was out late, because of Christmas · Prom and slept in."

night during the Christmas season that is available. The purpose of the prom in general, is "To bring the high schools together for a night," said Dalton. This will be the fifth year Brandeis and Peony Park Peony Park and Brandeis co- have , co-sponsored the event. sponsor the event and Tangdall For the first two years of Christsays, "I've tried to work with. mas Prom Brandeis was the sole Brandeis and get them to change sponsor oj the dance. This event the night, but nothing has been is not considered a school·changed. The sponsors feel it is sponsored activity. impossible to change the night, The price of the tickets this because the ballroom is rented year is $6.50 in advance and $7,at out for dinner parties on other the door. 'Travis" is the band nights and Sunday is the only scheduled to P-lay. This has always been the policy, explained Dr. James Tangdall, principal." But "we've been negligent in informing the students that they are not supposed to be excused."

tour, to be held Thursday, Jan. 4, through Monday, Jan. 8,

according to Mr. Bob jenkins, director. The band, flag squad, and Concert Jazz Band will be giving concerts the first two days, tentatively scheduled in St. Paul, Stromsberg, and Ogallala, NE. Music will include both marching and concert pieces. The tour will then continue to Idaho Springs, CO, for two days of skiing. Sponsors for the trip will be Mr. Harold Welch, and Mrs. Peggy Thomas and their spouses, and Jenkins. The trip financed by the band's fund raisers, including a march-a-thon, and several sales events.

Committee evaluates parking dilem Studying the comprehensive parking situation, a ~·u·~., ....-. teacher committee has been set up to "identify problem traffic and parking areas" and come up with some definite suggestions and recommendations. Ms. Susan Taylor, social studies instructor has been appointed as committee chairman. The committee includes faculty mPmh,PRJ Mr. Rod Karr, Ms. Joan Anderson, Mr. Dan Young, and members Dan Somberg, Melissa DeGroot, Robert r<><>nh"·"' and Jodi Feldman .

'Lance' merits_Pacema-ker honor Selected as the top bi-monthly high s~hool newspaper in the country, the "lance" received the Pacemaker Award from the National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA) and the American Newspaper Publishers Association (ANPA) . The honor was given for "overall excellence" in the 1977-78 issues, according to "lance" adviser, Mr. John Hudnall. Steve Maun served as editor-in-chief, and Beth lashinsky was managing editor. Because'the newspaper is a member of NSPA, iss'ues are submitted for judging by the asso<!!iation each semester. The " lance" received the Five-Star All-American Award, which is the 'highest honor given aside from the Pacemaker. Approximately15 newspapers in five categories were rated as FiveStar All-American winn_ers; These categories are weekly, bi-monthly, monthly, school print shop and newsmagazine.· In order to receive t)l~ "FiveStar" rating, a newspaper m ·1st display excellence in content and coverag_e; editorial leadership;

writing and editing; photography; and graphics. Papers receiving this ranking are then considered for the Pacemaker. This final portion of the judging is conducted by a professional newspaper. This year's judge was the "Cocoa Beach (Fl) Today." Hudnall feels this aspect of the judging process is advantageous to a high school newspaper. He said, "It gives us a c_hance to see how we're doing, not just according to the judges from other high schools, but from professionals in the field ." Although the majority of high school newspapers are published bi-monthly, some do manage to produce an issue each week. The winner in the weekly category was the "Tower," from Gro~se Point High School, , in Grosse Point, MI. Other winners were: monthly: "Tatler," Bethesda-CheVy Chase High School, Bethesda, MD; schoolprint shop: "Tiger," Central High School, little Rock, AR; and newsmagazine: "Excalibur," Sunny Hills High School, Fullerton, CA.

School dismisses for .holiday season School will dismiss on Friday, Dec. 22, at 3:10p.m. to allow a two-week winter vacation. Students will be free to celebrate holidays, vacation, or just rest up for the remaining half of school year. Classes will resume on Monday, Jan. 8 at 8 a.m.

Musical concert features top artist louis Bellson, who has been referred to as the world's est drummer, according to Mr. Bob jenkins, music i perform on campus. Bellson will be accompanied by the ern Illinois University jazz_Ensemble. A concert will be presented Tuesday, Jan. 9 at 8 p.m. in auditorium. A music clinic will be conducted earlier in the day Valley View Junior High, which is sponsoring the event.

Harry's abduction remains mystery International crime has finally hit years ago he has been married twice. vanced course). I feel whoever is District 66. A group calling themselves · His first wife was grossly disfigured involved may be in this class." the "Benzene Ring" abruptly broke when she was eaten by Mr. Harley One phone call has been made by into the ch~mistry· lab on Thursday Hardison's mice. However, no charges the kidnappers. One of the accompliOct. 12 and kidnapped " Harry the · were brought against the mice. His sec- ces phoned a " lance" staff member ond wife, Harriet, was inexplicably and reportedly said that Harry will be Mole " Now, you may ask, who or what is murdered earlier in the year. returned soon. They wanted to estabBack to the meat of the issue " Harry the Mole?" lish themselves as an international Well , first of all, in chemistry a mole"' Harry. The "Benzene Ring" sent many crime organization and not be written is a unit of measure (6.02x1023=1 mole ransom notes to Crampton, explain- off as a fictitious group of prangsters. of measure). Every year in chemistry ing that Harry will be returned as soon "We are for real and we want people to large group a film called the " Mole and as their demands are met. know it," said the alleged " Benzene The mystery thickens as these letters Ring" member. the lollypop" is show11. In 1975, a teacher from Oakdale made a mole had postmarks from Israel, MassachuCrampton is also asking anyone with Pinata for a chemistry party sponsored setts, and other places around the by Mr. Ron Cramptons, chemistry In- world. Due to request, the " lan~e" is any information to report it to him imstructor. Instead of breaki.ng it, Cramp- unable to disclose what their demands mediatel.y (a reward is offered). ton decided to keep the mole for a were. Crampton expressed his heart- Crampton continued, saying that all mascot. The mole was named Harry iest concern for the matter, "This is the ~ources of information will be kept and subsequently becamed known as longest Harry has evern been gone. · confidential. The " Benzene Ring" is something that "I plan to prosecute to the fullest " Harry the Mole. " Since Harry's first appearance three is studied only in Bio-Chem (an ad- extent possible," adds Crampton.


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Ease off o·n homework pinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopiniono Ho mework . It ' s an un necessary burden . Having ho me sually the work that work over a vacation does not do ie achers give yo u to wonders fo r my nervous system. I find ark o n o utside of myself first not having any desire whatass. Its purpose is to soever to do it, then worrying abou t ein force what has getting it done, and finally doing a notteen learned in class so-g ~eat job on it, because I have at day. neglected it until the last days of vacation . v a c at i 0 n T h i s Jeanine Van leeuwan sually consists of a columnist It comes to my mind that teachers who w days when school is not held and assign homework over vacation may use oth students and faculty are given an the philosophy that if students are still pportunity to relax from the pressures working on those projects over f high school. vacation, they themselves will have no correcting to do over vacation. I don't But every time a vacation rolls around, think this is the utmost concern, but contradiction arises. Even though a consider this - if teachers make assignacation is a time for relaxation, some ments due befo_re vacation so students eachers seem to insist on giving homecan relax, I do not think students will be ark to their students. Their reasoning is upset if their papers are not graded the sually that "you'll have more time over day they come back. acation to do it."



Over the past Thanksgiving break, I rsonally was lucky to have very' little omework. But I understand that many of my iends were not as lucky as I. One such 'ctim of the homework game found erself spending a good part of her cation working on a sociology project. d this semester's British literature udents are faced with quite a task ~ey have been assigned the reading of avid Copperfield" over the upcomg holiday vacation. " David Coppereld" is no short book.

I feel that homework over a vacation is

Students, faculty deserve break There is on ly one week left befo re Winter vacation. I ~ has been a long four months, and it's about time fo r a break from seemi ngly e ndless essays, math problems, lectures, deadlines, surprise quizzes, and late-night study sessions. For teachers and students alike, winter break means 16 glorious days in which to party, spend money, sleep, send greeting cards, fight Westroads' traffic, stay up late and do anything but homework, and, inevitably, wake up every morning at 7 am, unable to go back to sleep. There will be approximately 401 hours in which to forget locker combinations, forget teachers, forget students, and forget how to conjugate Latin verbs. Some will be in Colorado skiing or in Florida sunning, and others will be home shoveling snow. But to almost everyone the upcoming vacation will mean the same thing: a well-deserved, much-needed time to legally "spaceoff" school; a time to get one's head together and gather one's strength, and be ready to resume school Monday, jan. 8 and begin the countdown to spring break.

As the holiday vacation approaches, teachers could consider one option. In- 'stead of making homework required, they could make students aware of work that will be due in the future. They could then try to give extra time to students, especially those who travel over vacation, to finish it after vacation ends. I re~lly believe that everyone needs a break over the holiday vacation, and I hope that teachers will consider the aspect of homework from the student's point of view.

Russ Conser, Dave Rips, Mike Hard, Craig P11tterson, Jim Maragos Editor's Note : We suggest that you study the difference between public relations and journalism.

All right, class. We have one week left before vacation to get through this unit. After this we'll still have time for two more units.

we make causes conversation among readers, we Amid accusations of "negativism " aimed toward the have succeeded. And if an article we print brings " Lance," I would like to clarify about change in an institution or practice, three cheers! some of the fundamental conIt is our aim to show all sides of every issue we cepts of journalism. First of all, the three-fold cover - to inform readers accurately - to interpurpose of any journalistic pubpret issues sincerely. We refuse to turn a deaf ear to lication is to inform, interpret ....., ·- local school problems. They should . be exposed and entertain. H, in adherence to Amy Gendler and ultimately corrected. If, in doing so, we offend editorial editor our readers, we will not quit. t h ese guidelines, it is necessary to discuss controversial topics, then so be it. "Better the ru~est work that tells a story or Jn view of the reader's right to know the truth, to records a fact," said critic john Ruskin, "than the refrain from printing any given article because of richest without meaning." its content would be unjust. The printing of "negative" articles by the The "Lance" has an obligation to its readership " Lance" does not alter Westside's image whatsoto print the news. That is, we have an obligation to ever. The "Lance" should merely be indicative of print "the whole truth and nothing but the truth." what is going on, what some of the problems are The "Lance~' would violate the standards it has and how they can be solved. set for itself, were it not to expose a given a_s pect of The "Lance" is doing its job as a newspaper by the Westside community on account of anticipated portraying the many sides of Westside - good, 1 reaction . Mr. Walter Williams states it well in " The bad, or indifferent. journalist's Creed," "The journalism which I heard on the news of a grade school's " Positive succeeds best, and best deserves success ... is Week." The theory behind this special event was, stoutly independent, . . . always respectful of its ' in effect, to accentuate the positive and eliminate readers; but always unafraid." the negative." I totally disagree. Society without We print certain articles in the hope that readers both positive and negative aspects is no society at will gain something. If the readers gain knowlall . edge of which they were previously ignorant, we A newspaper which does not expose both the have succeeded. If the readers are shown another positive and negative components of its side of an issue, we have succeeaed. If a statement community is no newspaper.

ranee Publ ished bi-weekly by the Journalism Department of Westside High School, 87th and Pacific St., Omaha, NE 68124, the " lance" is a member of the Nebraska High School Press Association, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, and the National Scholastic Press Association. The " l ance" office is located in room 302. Advertising rates ava,i lable on request. Phone (402) 391-1266 Ext. 20. The paper is distributed to all students and staff on Friday mornings. Subscription rates to others are $3.00 postpaid. Non-profit mailing rights claimed. Printed by Priesman Graphics, Aquila Court Bu ilding, 1615 Howard St. , Omaha, NE 68102. Editor-in-Chief .... Jea nine Va n Leeuwen Managing Editor .. ......... Beth Kai man Editorial Editor . ; . .... . . . . Amy Gendler Ass't. Editorial Editor . Mary Bloomi ngdale . News Editor .. . .......... Cathy Johnson Ass't. News Editor . ...... Melanie Sturm News Writers .. Cindy Crane, Katie l ohff, Joel Severinghaus, Marshall Pred Feature Co-Editors .. . .... Monica Angle, Robert Greenberg Feature Writer .......... Tracy Katelman Sports Editor . . .. .. . ... . . . Tom Golden


on printing this kind of material which certainly does not help our image and quite probably hurts it. This type of material should never have been printed. As a result of your article on k~ggers, the Omaha " World Herald" printed a summary of your article on the Teen News page Nov. 28. In case you have not read it, it is entitled " Keggers Are Termed Good Fund Raisers." This kind of publicity is definitely unnecessary and we are sorry that it had to result from your actiOJlS. We realize that the " Lance" probably had no intention of condoning the practice and that you did oppose keggers as a school fund-raising activity ; nevertheless, the mere printi ng of such a feature is asking for trouble. We are ashamed that the " Lance" had taken in hand the publicity of a bad reputation for our school, a school we are proud of.

On this point, I feel I must commend the Composition teachers. On both Thanksgiving and Christmas vacations, they have made essays due just before vacation begins. Granted, this is probably considered by ·m ost composition students to be a pain, but it was and will probably be 'to the students' advantage, since they did not and will not have to slave away in a library to finish a paper ' duJing vacation .

My question is this- doesn't the givg of homework over a vacation defeat e basic purpose of a vacation? It is yond me to understand why some •achers require homework, when eryone shoulp be give11 a chance to end time with their friends and family d to get away from school.


Ass't. Sports Editor . . .. . ... lisa Margolin Spor~ Writers . .... . . .. .. Terry Kroeger, Scott Davis Lifestyle Editor ...... . . . . Bob Glissmann Ass't. Lifestyle Editor . ... Jonathan Duitch Lifestyle Writer . . . ... ..... . .. . Dave Scott Advertising Manager . . ....... Jay Dandy Business Manager ........ Cyndy Lunde Artist . ... . .......... ....... Frank Gappa Photographers .......... . .. Hunt l ewis, Sally lindwall Adviser ~ 1 .. •. • .. . . . . • •... John Hudnall







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Christmas Prom Nosegays Corsages ' Wristlets Boutonnieres

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The Thought~full- gift ·for Christmas Good Books from "A It to Zen"

An effectiVe .tOol?.. .·&...lift·~

~~,,~~~~,.~~~ Cliffs Notes. For some students, they serve as a helpful supplement to assigned reading. For others, they are little more than an excuse not to read the assigned book. ' Cliffs Notes are designed to give the student an abridged form of a book, along with a brief explanation of symbolism, main characters, and the respective author's background. Neatly packaged in a 40 to 50 page yellow and black striped , manual, they are a "quick way to find out what a book is really about." B~ed in Lincoln, Cliffs Notes Centennial Publications ships their products nationwide. But only 50 or so miles away, in Omaha, Cliffs Notes are also very· popular, according to local bookstores and school supplies stores. Cliffs Notes have a steady popularity throughout the school year, according to an employee at the Walden Book Store. "We sell over 3,000 Cliffs Notes a year," she remarked. What do people act like when they come to buy Cliffs Notes? "Usually they're kind of desperate," said Ms. Wendy Schneider.wind, an assistant manager at the Little Professor Book Center. She continued, "We sell a lot of Cliffs Notes right after school and in the evening hours." Getting closer to home, the Village Bookshop, across the street from Westside, agrees that there is a strong demand fbr the notes. "Once a book is assigned at Westside, we sell out right away,'" said Ms. judy Gacek. · At the Village Bookshop, they try to keep track of what students will be reading in the school year. "We try to get them (English teachers) to send us a syllabus of what they plan to assign, so we can get the books and Cliffs Notes on hand," she re· marked. 'Gacek notices that there is a "certain bunch" that ask for Cliffs Notes. Usually, they will go ahead and· try to sell the student what he wants, but she adds that, "If it's a thin book, like 'The Pearl', we

tease them a little, and tell them to .go- read the book." Many times, it's not the student who is looking for Cliffs Notes, but the parents of students. "Lots of times, the mothers come hunting for the notes. If it's for an especially difficult book, like 'Ivanhoe', sometimes the mother will come in looking for something to help her child in the course," Gacek said. · Cliffs Notes can serve a serious purpose for the students that want to use them as a supplement to their reading, according to Mr. lloyd Kilmer, Eng· Iish instructor. "Some teachers forbid students to use Cliffs Notes, but I disagree. Teachers should recognize that they exist, and shol!ld teach stu· dents how to use them," he said. Kilmer estimates that about 70 percent'of his students read their assigned reading, and said thai many of his "better students" use Cliffs Notes. Many students who use the notes are what could be termed "better students." Ms. Tra Nielsen, an employee at the Reading Rack agrees, "M,any of the students who come in here to b the notes seem pretty intelligent." · Nielsen also sees the other side, those who don't care about the book, just the Cliffs Notes. " People will come in here and ask for Cliffs Notes. I'll ask _them if they want the book too, and they; usually answer, 'No'. Ms. Hazel Patz, English instructor, thinks that Cliffs Notes are "available," so you "can't fight it" "I think they can be helpful if used in the rightw ... as a supplement to the book instead of readin just the notes," she said. However, Patz believes that many -times, t Cliffs Notes are not accurate. "Some of the not are well written, but others have out and out misi terpretations of books/ ' she said. "AII .Ciiffs Notes should do, is start the stu de thinking in other lines that he might be," Patz said.

Community performances feature Thespian troupes Interest in the theatre prompts student involvement in Thespians, an active club currently involved in performances throughout the community. The holiday season provides the theme for three separate performances to be given at the Children's Hospital on Monday, Dec. 18; Wednesday, Dec. 20, and Friday, Dec. 22. Thespians is an international organization which promotes theatre in the high school, ac-

cording to Mr. James Ogden, sponsor. The group has three different facets; Readers' Theatre, Mime Troupe, and Dance Troupe, each performing its specialty at the hospital. There are approximately 30 students participating in Thespians, according to Pam Kenney, president and coordinator of their activities. Students involved in Readers' Theatre are presently . involved with contest work, aided. by Ms.

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Readers'· Theatre members decide upon positioning for an _upcoming per· formarice at an after-school rehearsal. Readers' Theatre is one of the three groups within Thespians, headed by Mike Richman. Other members pictured are Karen Goldner, Leslie Marshall, Lori Moran and Stacy Maddux.

linda Dunn, speech instructor. The group participated in the University of Nebraska at Omaha speech Readers' Theatre divi· sion. Those students interested in. acting without words can joilt Mime Troupe. They will al_so be performing today at the Dr. Sher Philip jewish Home for the Aged. Dance Troupe, the smallest of the three, performs a broad assortment of dances, ranging from disco to ballet. Ms. Lynn Price heads this theatrical group. The Thespian groups perform upon request throughout th& Omaha area. Performances usually average one a month . Shows have also been given at Westside in past years, and Kenney hopes to schedule an anThespian performance .within the near future- possibly at the end of January. Anyone interested can join Thespians. They needn't be en· rolled in drama, or cast in a play. Kenny wishes that there were more members, but stated that the majority of the Thespians are actively involved. Members include both those who plan to continue in theatre, as well as those who enjoy it as a high school activity. Ogden feels that Thespians Is a worthwhile club, as memberS have another chance to express themselves, and also an oppor· tunity to perform outside the plays.

Most of the Thespian performances are organized, as well as performed, by the students, giving them an opportunity to assist in the planning of the performance.

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Nosegays Corsages. Boutonnieres HairPieces out in1he weight room, Andy Bailey and Curt "pump iron" to improve their physical images.

Tom McCartney displays his swimming letter - a valuable insignia for the "macho" image.

Open Sunday

'macho' image ,


ig bodies bore beauties "Bo~Jy, bo~y wan~a build my body . ... " may seem like a strange way to begin a but these lyrics from the song "Macho Man" or less set the tone of this article. The story about the song itself, but how the "macho" presented in th~ song comes out in some ~ students. • if he song, for those who haven't figured it out, ut lifting weights. Many students lift weights ne reason or another. Most lift to train for ts, but some lift just to "build their bodies." Woods, who has trained and still trains for ball, said "There are some guys who lift [hts just to get bigger. But they have to keep it (lifting weights) or they'll get fat." Woods if someone would quit after a year of lifthts, the muscle would turn to flab. other incentive, do the non-athletes to continue the regimen? "A good body imgirls," Dan Floen said. Two other male stuwho chose to remain anonymous, agreed; "l girls like that (a good body)," one said. The thought that "weight-lifting is important" to sidered " macho", but. he .also said that 'it on the girl. "Most of the popular girls go but the one,s who don't really care about it aren't popular, don't." . is "macho-ism" connected solely to weighNot really. A fellow staff member comfollowing quotes, but couldn't get any of names, possibly because the students nt to be associated with their comments: of a 'John Travolta type'- sitting on a barwith his shirt unbuttoned to his navel:- a real type . . ." ..."1 think of a great body with a (posterior) ... " ... "Macho men are jerks think they're God's gift." ... "Someone real muscular - with sharp features- usuhair on the chest."

108th and Center In RockbroOk VIllage

The students were probably thinking of older guys, ~ecause not that many high school kids have hairy chests. But a couple of the comments might apply. The next thing to do would be what these guys do, now that we have a picture of them. " Most of them are party-goers/' said one anonymous source. "They get drunk, but they never really get 'red' (as in redneck). They just try to scare people, mostly guys smaller than they are," he said. "There are guys that stand in front of the cafeteria," Dan Floen said, " but they're mostly the athletes. Other guys are probably down in the weight room." One of the anonymous sources said that he was "kind of jeafous, if I had more time I'd probably lift a lot." ' All of the males interviewe<! said that "good bodies" were important to most girls. But this isn't necessarily the c;~se. Marge Albert and Beth Mundy did their sociology class project on people's views on sex roles. Fifty boys and 50 girls were interviewed, both groups with separate forms. Almost all of the girls responding to the survey said that a good personality was at the top of the list . when they ·considered what they liked in guys. "Sensitivity" jlnd "good looks" were ranked "important" by most, while "macho" was down the_ list, in the "not very important" category. Grace Willing said just about the same thing. "I'd rather go out with a guy with a good personality and a not very good body." Willing, Floen, Woods and almost all of the rest of the interviewed sources said that they didn't care one way or the other if guys wanted to lift weights. '<If that's what they want to do, it's all right," Floen said. · Jim Korff agreed. "It's something to relate to," he ·said. But "if I wanted to look like 'Mr. Strongguy,' I wouldn't be a swimmer."

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passages or scenes.

Criticism sparks individual concern It is not often when someone appreciates more complaints, but such is the case with the curriculum in District 66. Curriculum complaints, according to Dr.· james Tangdall, principal, are "usually too few in numoer, and this may be too bad." These complaints, .mually coming frol"{l parents, are about certain courses, the way they are taught and the materials used . According to Dr. J.ohn Goldner, "director on the District 66 Board of Education, " People are more concerned with what their children are being taught. This is good." Parents who complain are the ones who show · that they are " interested in the schooL We ask pare nts to be," commented Mr. Dick Lundquist, guidance department head. " If a pare nt or parents are really upset in the school d istrict about .curriculum, and if they are willing to be involved, they can defin itely have their point of view listened to and acted upon," remarked Lundquist. " In se lecting most of the curriculum, a balanced point of view involves other people," Tangdall stated. District 66 has a formal adoption committee who chooses all of the class materials to be used in the District. The committee is formed by administrators, teachers and para-educators who work with parents and the community. Ad~pting class materials i~ done through a formal process. The committee must first decide what the needs of the course are and what materials are

available. After fil)ally settling on the chosen materials, these materials are submitted through the administration to the board for approvaL rf approved, ·these are the materials to be used. If not, the process is repeated. lf' a parent voices his opinion at a committee meeting, he "can affect change without running into the spectra of censorship. Groups that protest have an effect on evaluation," commented Goldner. Complaints don't come on a heavy basis. " It's not where the phone is ringing off the wall all the time," exclaimed Lundquist. On the average, Tangdall receives four or five complaints a week, but this number often varies. " We get complaints whenever we deal with any · controversial issues," remarked Tangdall. Most generally, parents complain about the emphasis put on writing in the District. Some parents feel that it is inadequate as compared to Cen trat High 's writing program. Accord ing to Lundquist, one parent got materials from Central and met with Westside's administration . Together they decided there was a need for more emphasis on writing skills throughout the curriculum. Lundquist feels that " our curriculum has changed because of this parent." With this change, " every teacher will become · a writing teacher also," stated Ta!lgdall. · This would put more emphasis on writing in all areas of the curriculum. Aside from the high-school level there have

been two major complaints in the District in the past few years. These were complaints relating to the Harry Stottlemeier program, and the Heath series of language arts books. In the 'case of the Heath series, parents are upset with certain stories. They feel there is an emphasis put on violence and aggression. The same basic idea is the complaint against the Harry Stottlemeier situation. Goldner feels that, "children's books are interpreted quite differently by parents, teachers and children. The principal concern is what the child gets out of it." In these two cases, " the parents thought te.rrible things, while the ch ildren were bored to death ," Goldner explained. · " It becomes a problem of censorship when complain ts are made in the sellse of cen soring or removing these materials, then , being subject to further groups who will want other materials. If we · start to give in to each group we will o nly be abl e to use materials so benign that they wil l be acceptable to anyone. I don 't think the students can learn from these," added Goldner. · However, Tangdall feels that these problems do not come up too often, because of the broad curriculum. Students are not required to take these " controversial classes." " Some people just need to believe that someone in the school will listen to their complaints. I listen very ·carefully and allow the parents to explain. My job is to understand them, not argue with. them," expressed Lundquist.

District attests that it gets uvery few corriplaints" I

Copyr-ight Date lm - - - - - -


On a whole, the taxpayers in the District 66 · bers from the administrative and instructional community are pleased with their educational sysareas directly concerned. Parents are also induded tem, according to Dr. Kenneth. Hansen, assodate ' when appropriate. · · · superintendent. Hansen stressed the importance of the policy system. "Some parents want to bypass this policy "On a district level, we receive a few comand go right to the board of education. But this asserted : plaints, but"';)"•not many," Hansen . . ·. .~on't _ solve.the problem. You've gotto set up some "Complaints ·usually fall into one of.two cate:. --·; kind of an-orderly way of dealing with complaints. gories. Either they're a conflict kind of thing, like a tiansen believes that the board of education problem between a teacher and a student, or should have the final decision. "The board of eduthey're a curriculum complaint," he said. . cation's job is to listen to all groups. That's what this whole process of democracy is all about. Hansen said that 'most "conflict complaints" "However, because the parents of our district are handled at their respective _level, by working are paying for the schools, they own I t collectively through the ~eacher, department head, and school . .. it belongs to all the students. As a result, their principal.."lf the problem is mor(! serio,L!s than that, · ·· opinions are important too," he said. we (distci'ct administrators) are called. However, this happens very rarely,"' Hansen said. -



not permit, use reverse



Where the real problem arises, (at least .from a district administrator's point of view) is when a par- ent or group of parents complains about the cur- · riculum that is being t~ught in the schools.

' We're not saying that parents

Bistrict 66 has an established policy (7190) concerning complaints on instructional materials. A regulation has been written to explain this policy, and tlfe prescribed form that complaints must follow. The regulation states that a signed statement must be "presented in writing to the building principal on the prescribed form." Upon the receipt of this form, the principal will acknowledge its receipt and answer any questions regarding procedure: The principal will then notify either the director of elementary education (Ms. Maria laas) or the associate superintendent . (Hansen) and the teachers involved. The director or the associate superintendent will determine whether the complaint should be considered an individual request or if a building or district level review committee should be activated to re-evaluate the materiaL If the complaint is an individual request, the involved stude nt may be excused from using the challenged materials after the parent or ~uardian has presented ·a written complaint. The mvolved student will then be assigned alternate materials of equal merit. However, if the complaint is deemed more serious than an individual complaint, there will be a re-evaluation of the matedal through a bui ld ing or district level review committee. The buildingJevel review committee would be under the direction of the director of elementary education or the associate superintendent for operations and composed of the building principal and four or more members selected by the principal from school or district personnel directly concerned. When appropriate, parents are included in the committee. A district level review committee would follow the same format,' involving five .or more mem-

the board of edutation has the final

should not have


input, but

decision., Dr. Kenneth Hansen, associate superintendent "We're not saying that parents should not have ~trong input, but the board of education has the final decision.- They decide what is important based on professional opinion and parental judgment." Hansen hopes that the district policy concerning complaints prov i de~ a fa ir means of handling criticism, but fears the possibility of viewing the criticisms as a " parent-school battle." Recentl,y, the district surveyed the members of the Pa rent Advisory Council, a group of District 66 pa rents who meet monthly with Dr. Vaughn Phelps, superintendent. , Measuring the attitudes of these paren(s towards the district, they compared the answers given to those given in a national George H. Gallup · poll. One of the main q uestions on the survey was an overall rating of the public schools. They asked parents to assign a grade to the schools (A,B,C,D, and Fail). Accord ing to the poll, District 66 compares favorably to a national average. Thirty-six percent of the nation gave the schools an " A" or " B" r11ting, while 95 pe rcent of the members of the council gave it one of those ratings. The response also marked some flagrant flaws in the system, according to parents Problems in the system include discipline, drugs and alcohol, declining enrollment, government interference and a general " relaxing of moral tone, respect of authority, othe(s rights, and property." .

Honors courses ·superior

Parent cites need for basics Quality of classes and types of courses are among major parental concerns wh~n it comes to a child's education. A concern of Ms. Marian Mackie, a parent with children attendi l)g Westside and other district schools is that " if a student is not enrolled in honors courses" his education is " being neglected." On all three grade levels, elementary, junior high and high school, Mackie feels that there · .has,,been a trend away from teach ing the. " bas-. res. Specifica lly, Mackie said, " I don't care for the So cio log y, An t hropology and Biolog y (courses)." She cited some of the English courses along with three socia l stud ies classes. " I don 't approve of them (teache rs) teaching evolution as a fact instead of theory," commented Mackie.

four. This class is one course in the curriculum that is questioned by a few parent~.

classics," said Mackie. She feels that a student could benefit from reading the books, no matter what level English they are taking. Mackie explained she had never.complained direc,tly to either principa ls or teachers, as she is new to Distrk t 66, for she said, " I've found over the years you don't get very far." " I think it's pretty serious," said Mackie, who used to be involved with public schools., of the curriculum problem, and that she knew of other pare nts who felt the sa me way. · She descr.ibed the school board as "ve ry sympathetic;" but that the re was no action ta ke n on concerns.raised by parents to the boa rd.

Moral value

Mackie bases her concerns o n her bel ief that, " I think it all started with Thomas Dewey tak ing Students ripped off the parent's job of teaching mor-al value." " The school should teach facts," she sard, - In taki ng such social studies courses, Mackie addi ng that she d id not dee m the syste m " q ualfee ls that a st udent is " getti ng ripped eff," be - ified to teach this sort of mo ral va lue." Mackie ca use the re is "so much more" to be learned in fee ls that it is the parents' job; not the teaching , staff, to teach mora ls to children . high sch0o l. " I don 't like the books they're reading in Passing off cou rses that attempt to do ~o is " <1 (so me of the) English classes," said Mackie. She waste of time. " Mackie stressed the importance advocated strongly the honors English· and of the basics in ed ucation. / " Classics" courses, but felt those who weren't Despite this, Mackie feels there are some extaking these were at a disadvantage. cellent courses offered. " I think chemistry is " Just because they're not highly gifted they great, and also the honors math courses," she (students) shouldn 't be deprived of reading the said . .


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Banc;t spirit Band "junkies" Bob Krueger and Laura Peter are responsible for raising spirit at athletic events. Both students are band members.

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Band 'junkies' keep joking

"What does that spell?',. comes the q~ery from an enthusiastic band member, who has just led the pep band in a "spelling" cheer, "ZUCCHINI!" screams a blonde girl wearing a yellow hard hat with a red, revolving light on top. "ZUCCHINI!" echoes her fellow bandsman, in a psychedelic golf HOURSa_11 a.m. 10 Weekdays hat. This routine is typical for marching band . 11 a;m. to,10a30 p.m. Fri., Sat •• Sun. members Laura Peter and Bob Krueger, as they attempt to raise spirit through their pep band antics. "It's really fun being insane with the band," I remarked Peter, which is the impression one may get after observing the band. They might appear Just for Special insane, but band members say they're just having a good time. People "We are adding spirit, and letting out a bit of rowdyism on Fridjly nights," said Krueger about Corsages- Wands marching band. • Boutonnieres Marching band and the pep band are noisy fixtures at football and basketball games. Both Kruege( and Peter have been. involved with the program for three years. Peter is in the marching band and Warrior Bahd, in which she plays the flute, the piccolo "and occasionally bass drum when they need me." "I had a friend who played the flute, and I always liked music," which made her deci~e. to take up ·the instrument in the fifth grade, Peter explained. She just started playing the piccolo last year in band. About eight years ago, Krueger started playing the trumpet and adds "I can play baritone." Westside's Krueger, besides the Warrior and marching band, F-avorite Florist is in the orchestra and Concert jazz Band (CJB). "I direct the stage band and I played in a jazz 8413 W. Center band, Resurrected Swing," he said. "I think it's a 393-9998 riot, there's so many different things," Krueger added about the band. "It's really fun being in the band. People hav,e , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,' the same interests," said Peter. Along with their interests in music, both have cultivated a sense of humor distinctly representative of the band. "Back when there was a pep club, we had to fight to be noticed," said Peter of the developing "band humor," which she feels "is a kind of stereotype," but in a good sense. "We've tried to keep that reputation alive too," said Krueger of the cut-up image, by wearing hats

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and "spelling out different words." Krueger described his favorite hat as "a psychedelic golf hat that dashes beautifully with anything." Peter recited one of the band's retaliations to cheers that use words such as "tuff;' chanting "5P-E-L, Warriors can't spell." She added that the band didn't use it very often. "Now that they've abolished pep club, the band is the pep club," said Krueger of the group, which makes its presence known like no other group is able to during Friday night games: "You can tell people that are [I the band, because they spend their free time in the band room," said Peter. "I stay down there pretty'much, probably more than I should." During the day the basement band room is usually busy with students practicing, doing homework or socializing. "I spend most of my time down there," said Krueger. . Krueger described himself and other musicians as "band jocks." "Music is almost a kind of athletics, you have to practice, maybe that's why I like it." Both Peter and Krueger spend many hours a week practicing their instruments. "I practice at least four hours a week," said Peter, averaging a minimum of one half-hour a day. "We really enjoy being in the band, we think we're pretty good," boasted Peter: "I'm hoping I'll get in the University of Nebraska at' Lincoln Marching Band," said Peter. She recently joined the National Guard Band. The National Guard Band practices once a month, but one drawback is that part of the program involves target practice. "It's not that I enjoy shooting things," but it is "unavoidable," she added. Krueger is looking into the possibitities of teaching music or "directing stage band." ·"It seems like this year we're going to be losing a lots of insane people," joked Peter, not forgetting to include herself. "If you want to be crazy with us, that's fine," she invited. "People who spend their time down in the band room are 'tried and true,'" said Krueger, and by his own standards, he is a band junkie. "(There . is) always something new to interest you, there's no way you can become bored," he added.

Speaking _techniques applied Most all of the other debaters ment at Marian. Their next meet Those who have learned the technique of 'thinking on their agree. Robert Heacock is anoth- after winter vacation will be Frifeet,' are members of the debate er who finds a definite academic day and Saturday, Jan. 12 and 13 advantage in debate. "I think it at Bellevue West. team. While most students ~II be , helps in graded discussions and The topic that the debaters taking a break over the upcom- research for term papers," said must research is energy in deing vacation, members of the de- Heacock. pendence, which, according to Ms. Linda Dunn, debate in- Burr, is something that everyone bate team will travel to Fremont for an invitational tournament structor also referred to as should know about. . on Friday Jan. 5 and Saturday, "coach" by team me'mbers, Jan. 6. • · states !hat logic, research skills • Economics and politics play an Seniors on the varsity squad and 'the ability to analyze bare important part in competitive feel that by learning how to or- facts are needed to debate com- debate, and; therefore, make ganize and outline material, one petitively and successfully. So far the competition more difficult, is also able to apply these skills to the debate team has exhibited because of the intangible arguments one must defend or deother class activities, such as those abilities. Thus far, Westside has placed feat. graded discussions. The debaters feel that because Kelly Burr, a varsity team mem- first at a Greater Omaha League ber, states. that this is one of the of · Debate tournament on the of the team's knowledge of the main reasons she takes competi- novice (first year) level, and third . subject and the necessary skills tive debate. "It's fun, it's educa- and 'fourth in the junior varsity needed to speak competitively, the debate squad . has a good tional, ahd it's a good extracur- division. Tomorrow, novice debaters chance of winning over tradiricular activity that has a definite will be participating in a tourna- tionally strong teams. purpose."


win i~vitational.; '. solid indication for state~

Chances of the Warriors winning their wrestling meet with North today are good, according to Mr. Nick Mod rein, North High School's coach, and Mr. lou Miloni, Westside coach. "They have an outstanding coach, and they always put on a good performance, but they are very young and inexperienced," Miloni said. Mod rein agrees that they are young, and feels that Westside may emerge the winner. " We have two starte_rs injured, Ross, at 167 pounds, and Shumaker, at ~85 pounds. That will definitely hold us back," he said.


At the North Invitational, there were 17 teams present, and the Warriors captured first place. Because of this finish, Miloni feels that the team will have a good season. "I always use the top five spots as a goal for the future. If we g~t one of those at the invitational,. that's usually an indication that we'll have a good year." Modrcin feels that Westside's victory was expected. " They're a good, well-rounded team·. I looked for them to win. 11

. . . , ' LIMOUSINE SERVICE • • • •

12 starters


There are 53 wrestlers on the team. The starters are: John Dougherty~ 98-pounds, sophomore; Rod Ruh, 105-pounds, sophomore; Keith Sortino, 112pounds, senior; Scott Meyers, 119-pounds, junior; Scott Menolascino, 126-pounds, junior; Cory Mellor, 132-pounds, sophomore; Jeff Kelley, .138pounds, junior; Bill Stock, 145-pounds, junior; Matt Prucka, 155-pounds, junior; Steve White, 167pounds, senior; Phil Bitzes, 185-pounds, senior; Mark McClellen, heavyweight. All were lettermen last year, (except the sophomores) and there are seven starters back from last year. On February 5-10, the district tournament will be held. The teams in Westside's district are Bryan, South, Central, Gross, Tech, Papillion, Ralston, and Westside.

1.1 923 Pac i f i c Stree t

LaPier said that it is generally much cheaper for people in a group than it is for a few people to go by themselves. " It is more expensive as a single unless you know somebody and can use their place or something. We get all the group rates, which are cheaper. To go up by yourself you're talking about gas for a car, lodging and lift tickets, so in the long run, it is cheaper with a group," he said. Miller added that signing up for a ski trip as a group is to a student's advantage, but that one must comply with the lodges' wishes. " Operating as a group we have opportunities to get rooms that students just do not have. They (the lodge companies) want you on their times, not at your convenience," he sa id . Miller said that they do not run into discipline problems with club members. " The only problems we have are people that are not on the trip thinking .they can come up and use our rooms to party in. We get all over them about that. After that, if they insist on coming back, we will simply call the locar police or one of the lodge guards to help us out," he said. LaPier said that he and Miller cannot assume responsibility for accidents that occur during ski club functions. " Before they go on the trip, the skiiers must have a permission slip signed by their parents. We cannot be responsible even though it is a school sponsored activity . Who is to say that somebody who gets injured isn't being reckless or just jacking around? " he said. Miller added that the ski lodges have signs all over saying "ski at your own risk," and this definitely holds true for those on the trip.

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iro Winter Park or bust Going on a ski trip with Ski Club may not seem uxurious, but by taking a closer look, people may e surprised . · This is not so, according to Mr. Dan Miller and r. Kim LaPier, co-ski club sponsors. " We stay in :ondominiums, fully equipped with a kitchen , ~ tensils , fireplace, sauna, an indoor swimming oool , and a game room," said LaPier. "Those feaures are really nice because when you come home rom ski ing and you' re tired, there's a pool and una to relax in , and there's a game room so the tids don 't have to go into town and spend their oney to have fun ," said Miller. LaPier describes this as a banner year) or Ski : lub. " This is the biggest it's ever been, as far as u rn out of people. When I was going here, they Jsed the school's mini-bus, and only went once a rear with only about 18 people, and went to Cresmt a lot," he said. The club's current trip includes 0 students traveling on a sleeper bus that leaves or Winter. Park, CO on Monday, Jan. 1. In Februry, they will be going to Steamboat Springs, CO, with the same type of accommodations, according o Miller. Miller sai d that it is not important for people toing on the trips to be able to ski. "The trips are 10t for the advanced skiier or the hard-core skiier. 1ast yea r, some of the kids didn 't know how to ski, nd wen t up to take lessons," he said. " We'd just as oon have the people who have never skiied , and tet the m interested in it, because a· good 99 per'e nt of the people who t ry it, want to continue," id LaPier.


Tilton~ Flo,itf

In order to go to state, a team must place in the top four in their district. Miloni feels that Westside is in an extremely tough one this year, as the top six teams that won district last year are all in Westside's district this year. Determining which teams are' in which districts is purely by chance, so it was by the luck of the draw that Westside got in the same meet with these teams. · Concerning state and district, Miloni said, " At this point, it's still a little early to evaluate, but if we continue to improve as we have the last few weeks, we should have a good showing. The state tournament will be held February 15-17. 1 Miloni feels that a very important facet of having a winning team is the attitude of the wrestlers . " I try to get the kids to believe that they' re winners. I want them to believe in themselves, the team as a whole, as well as in the coaches," he said. Also, whenever possible, he trys to use the young people on the varsity team . " It gives them experience for when they' re juniors and seniors. It's easy to do this in wrestling, because you can spare a loss here and there. But I think it would be difficult for other sports." In the near future, the Warriors will have seven duals, as well as two more invitationals. In the South-Bryan Invitational, held on Thursda y, Dec. 7, through Friday, Dec. 8 at Bryan, the Warriors did not appear to display as much team depth as in the North Invitational. The tfi!am finished in fourth place with 76 points, whi le Bellevue West won the contest with 143~ points.

Slopes attract Ski Club

342-0406 Phone:

State qualifications

raised in victory, MaH Prucka walks away with victory in the opening wrestling contest of the the North High School Invitational. The Warriors back in "state champs" form as they swept the North nvitational with a full day of competition remaining.



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Warriors seeded sixth in tourney Attempting to gain its first win of the ' season, the basketball team will face Thomas Jefferson on the Yellowjackets' home court, tonight, at 8 p.m. Both teams will try to rebound from disappointing defeats last weekend. The Warriors lost 68-64 to Tech, despite a second half offensive drive, which outscored the Trojans 42-35. TJ also lost its second match of the year, by three points to Roncalli. Accdrding to Mr. Tom Hall, head coach, TJ should not be as strong as the Tech squad. He said, ''TJ has no returning starters, and only two lettermen. They have about ten players of equal ability. If those players turn out to be really good, they could have a good team." Hall cited the team's apparent lack of height as an advantage for the Warriors. In the other game this weekend, the Warriors will play tomorrow night at home against lincoln High. The game was originally scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 2, but was postponed because of poor weather conditions. The Warriors' next competition will come against Millard on Wednesday, Dec. 27, at 6:45p.m. in the Metro HoHday Tournament at the Civic Auditorium. Tournament play will begin Tuesday, Dec. 26, and will continue through Saturday, Dec. 30. In this game, Westside will try to avenge a one point loss to the Indians last year. "Millard beat us last year by one point. They have one returning starter, a 5'10" guard, and three 6'4" and 6'5" players. We must win the first game, because the first round is sing(~ elimination. After that, it's double elimination," Hall said. The top five seeds for the tourney include: 1. Tech; Z. Creighton Prep; 3. Northwest; 4. Central; 5. Burke. Westside is ranked sixth. Although the Tro{ans occupy the top spot in the ratings, they are not infallible. On Saturday, Dec. 9, the team suffered a 95-91 overtime loss to North. Of the top five teams, only Creighton Prep remains Still looking undefeated. Ray Poage, varsity player, practices overtime as the Warriors are still in anticipati m of their first win Hall-thinks the Warriors have an advan-

in two tries. Tonight the Warriors travel to Iowa to face TJ.

tage that other teams in the competition may not have. " We already are familiar with Tech and Northwest," Hall commented. This could help Westside if they move past the first round game, and even· tually play these teams. Hall feels that one major factor in his squad's performance will be student support. He said, "I encourage people to come and support us. The other teams get very little support. The group that came last year was really great." Although the Warriors' record is not as good as that of last year, Hall believes that the chance of repeating as tournament champions is not completely out of the question, if the team learned from its early season mistakes. Last year, Westside won by defeating Tech in the final game . . After the tournament, the team takes on Bryan on Friday, jan. 5, at Bryan at 8 p.m. Mr. Mike Trader, Bryan head coach, believes his team's strong point is experience. He said, "We have five lettermen and four starters returning off of last year's team. Three · of those starters are Scott Culbertson, Steve Kephart and Mark Ziegenhorn. We have also got Eddie Con· yers, a senior transfer from Tech." Trader praised the Warrior team by commenting, "I think Westside has a good team. But, I don't think they have as much depth as they have had in the past." He felt one asset that the team has is Dean Thompson, who he termed as "one of the better players around the city." Although Trader thought the seedings for the Holiday Tournament closely represented his assessments of the teams, he didn't feel that his team should be irtl· mediately excluded from the top teams. He commented that "it (the ratings) really don't make that much difference." Trader said that in a tournament such as this, his squad, "or any other for that matter" is capable of an upset. · On Saturday, Jan. 6, the Warriors face lincoln Southeast. Westside will have the home court advantage in the 8 p.m. con· test.

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Rat Pack, a spirit group formed 11 years ago, has steadily received more disapproval among opponents and adult spectators. With more and more of these people blaming Rat Pack for the popular feuds with _purke, there have been indications tl-)at its existence is uncertain. With this negative element and uncertainty developing, a meeting was held recently in an Tom Godl~ten . D r. sports e 1 or attempt to .mterpret Rat pac k' s o b'Jectrves. James Tangdall, principal, and Mr. Ron Huston, athletic director, met with leaders of Rat Pack and gave everyone attending a purposeful view of the organization and the reason for its formation. Huston explained, "Rat Pack was organized positively by the boys to complement the girls~ Pep Club at Basketball games." Today, Rat Pack is still sponsored by Interact. However, it is more loosely organized and its participation guidelines are more lenient than ever. Huston believes the negative aspects of Rat Pack on the whole are not really justified. "The intent of positive spirit has been there. There is just a small number of people who do not appear positive. It's hard to pinpoint the negative leaders," he said. ' Huston said that he felt the behavior of the few individuals who do get out of line reflects on the school. He explained that the only way to prevent a negative image at basketball games is for fans to " not let their emotions get the best of them." Because emotions got the best of some members of the crowd during the Burke basketball game last year, administrators were forced to move the Friday, Feb. 9, game to the Civic Auditorium. This move will help officials to gain better control over the crowd. Another factor which was taken into consideration was that by moving the event to the auditorium, more people would be given the opportunity to see the game. The misfortunes with Burke were instantly blamed on Rat Pack by opponents and adult spectators. And why not? Someone had to be charged. These ridiculous and unjustified accusations on this spirit group have created unnecessary, lrivolous problems. To me, "Rat Pack" signifies the close-knit and spirited group of fans we have. If its main intention · is to encourage a negative image, it would have died out long before now. True, there are some negative aspects to " Rat Pack," like evertying else. But if we abandon it, we are depriving a good number of positive-minded fans the right to promote school spirit.

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Efforts are presently under way by Ken Schroeder, to gain student membership in a religious orga·nization known as Youth for Christ.

Conflict of interest problem for group

The last time that such an attempt was made was· approximately two years ago. At that time, some athletes at the school wanted to organize a chapter of the Fellowship for Christian Athletes (FCA). This nationally known club blends prayer, athletics, and social activities into its program. Youth for Christ, on the other hand, is not exclusively for those who participate in athletics-. According to Schroeder; "Anyone who believes that jesus Christ is the. lord and Savior'' is eligible to participate in the club. Schroeder commented that several other schools in the area have students that are actively involved with the group. He said, "I just feel that as a school of this size, I'm , sure we could find

enough interested kids. We've just got to get some publicity for it." Thus far, publicity has been fairly hard to come by, according to Sch.roeder. He discussed his idea with Dr. james Tangdall, principal, but Tangdall felt that Schroeder's ideas were too general to allow a morning announcement concerning an organizational meeting for the group. Tangdall felt that such an announcement was really unnecessary, because it involved alimited number of people. Schroeder said; however, that Tangdall would permit Schr<?eder to pt,Jt up posters around the school to publicize the group's organization. Schroeder feels that these posters may influence several people to join. He said, "I've talked to quite a few people about it, and they s_s.em pretty interested. I think if we can talk to people about some of the things 'V-Ie do, . we'll get some good response."

Schroeder feels this group was better than FCA because it did not . rely solely on athletes for . membership. Youth for Christ conducts various activities for its members. Schroeder commented that these functions are . either attended by students from one school, or held jointly between two or more schools. He said that Ralston and Papillion hold niany of their activitfes together because of relatively small memberships. Schroeder explained that many of the activities organized by . the group are riot always prayer-oriented; however, they do hold prayer meetings. Other activities include rap sessions and picnics. According to Schroeder, the Burke chapter of Youth for Clirist recently held a picnic-barbecue which turned out to be "really successful." One problem facing the organization is the law separating

church and state. Although Schroeder "would like to see other kids realize .that jesus can help us in our daily lives," he realizes that this issue may come up for debate. He said, "I know the problem. It comes up a lot, but I don't think it will stop us. The other schools' clubs run ' really well, so. I think ours can

too.:' Tangdall helped to alleviate part of this dilemma by not allowing an announcement to be printed. By posting signs around the school; however, some parents or students may believ.e that the group is directly associated with the school. Schroeder said, "It (Youth for Christ) is not a school supported club. We really don't need the facilities, because the meetings are generally small get-togethers. Really, the only reason we have to get some publicity from the school is so we can get our membership up. I just hope people don't get upset about it because it's really a good group."

Jockey shorts

Swift moves ·

Dedication nets results Three years of hard work and dedication to gymnastics has resulted in one of the team's strongest gymnasts. Shelly S~ift, junior, was the girls' gymnastics team's top performer last year as she helped the Warriors make it to State for the first time. Her second place finish at District was the highlight of the season. This year, her success could be even greater. Her absence in the team's first meet was an undeniable factor for the loss. Before Swift began to compete in gymnastics, she took several acrobatic classes. After that she decided to compete for the Omaha School of Gymnastics, where she developed many of her biisic gymnastic skills. . Presently, Swift practices two hours a day. She feels dedication and time are the two most impor-

tant factors influencing the degree of success one achieves. · Mr. Tim Willits, coach of the girls' gymnastics team, feels Swift is among the best gymnasts in the . area and has plenty of potential. Swift, on the other hand, feels Willits is a valuable coach. "He's dedicated to the sport," she said. Swift, who is also a cheerleader, feels gymnastics has been a valuable asset in this activity. "Gymnastics help a lot. The coordination part is probably the most important thing." Competing for a college team, according to Swift, depends on how well she does her senior season. A scholarship is also dependent on this. Swift will make her debut Tuesday, Dec. 19 here, as the team will take on lincoln High. She said, "lincoln schools are always really good. This year I think we have a better chance of beating them than we've ever had before."


Juniors lose football battle Powderpuff football remains a traditional junior-senior rivalry. This year, the senior girls held the juniors scoreless as they came away with a 10-0 victory, in the Sunday, Dec. j game. Although the annual match is termed "powderpuff," the girls actually participate in tackle football. On the first play of the game, the senior offensive unit scored a touchdown on a run around the end by Cathy Crawford. Then, louri Fellman got the two-point conversion, making the score 8-0. In the second quarter, the senior defense was hot, as they .scored a safety, increasing the margin to ten points. The girls-displayed tough defense in the second half as neither team could score . . I

Lincoln High next challenge Despite a recent loss to Marian, the girls' basketball team is still in good spirits. Concerning the game, Debbie Beier, varsity player, said, "We are not too disappointed. They're really good ." Two of Marian's girls stand over 6' tall. The final score of the game was 46-3.8. · At press time the starters were Dana Van Casselt, jean Pistillo, Beier, Marcie Andersen, and Sara lockwood. These are subject to change. . On Tuesday, Dec. 19, the girls will play lincoln High, at Westside. According to Pistillo, " They're always good . We lost to them last year by one point, but I think we can get them this time." '


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go for perfect.season

Most likely, the boys' swim team will continue its winning ways and stroke past Thomas Jefferson and Bellevue West, today at Westside's pool. • At press time, Mr. Pat DiBiase, head coach, was optimistic due to an early season time trial. " Our kids looked awfully good, I was pretty impressed, and they were very excited about the season after the time trial. We swam awfully fast for this early in the season ," he said. DiBiase said that he is hoping the new weight equipment acquired by. the team this year will make some times even faster . " We hope the most improvement is shown at .the end of the year, once we rest up. When you're doing that type of strength work, it tears you down, and you need to get off the mini-gyms, relax, and rest before we w!ll really be able to see the effect of it. We'll work straight through until a few weeks before the state meet, then we will cut down and begin tapering off," he said. · 'DiBiase added that some extra strength will stem from the team 's divers, Tom Golden, Mike Stoll, and Doug Partch, who are expected to score heavily. Another plus, is th'e team's tri-captains, justin Kohli , jim Korff, and Dave Anderson , because of their leadership roles on the team . -

Girl gymnasts challenge Lincoln l osi ng two mee ts in a row is a ra rity for the girls gymnastics team . The possi bility is not im pro ba ble, however, as the Warriors will ta k~ an 0-1 record a~ainst lincoln High , one of the states' stronger gymnastics teams, Tuesday, Dec. 19, here at Westside. Mr. Tim Will its, coach, fee ls the team will have an excellent chance in this meet, especially with the return of all-around stars Shelly Swift and Ka tie Recke r who were both sidelined with ill ness in the first meet. Although t~e team did lose to N9-fth by a sco re of 82-56, Willits felt the team did well without Swift and Recker. "There's no . question that we would have won with them healthy. The rest of the team performed very well. They had to throw qukk routines in pli,!ce of Shelly ~ nd Katie, ;~nd did well." .

Dog.toys,.cost included

for peanuts?


It's about time this newspaper came out with a good, informative consumerism story. Since the other stories were already assigned, and I was supposed to write a. column, it was only right that my space for a column be forfeited to a general interest story. Something with Bob Glissmann school-wide appeal that would columnist enrich anyone who read it. Dog toys have long been denied a place in the consumerism s;potlight.- Why, only the other day my sister, Grunhilda ('~Susan," for short) said, "Nobody ever writes anything about dog toys;'' She was right. Why should the dog toy buying public risk being ripped off by unscrupulous merchants or unfair prices? Should their dogs be stuck with inferior products? This reporter decided to look into the possibility of a scandal in puppy-pleasing production. The first thing to be done would be to find out how many different kinds of dog toys there are. The vet's secretary on the phone said that there are three basic kinds - the rawhide bones, the vinyl or latex "squeaky" toys, and variations on the rawhides, "nyla"bones. Fine. Now you have to know which one is the best for your dog. The secretary asked the veterinarian, and he preferred the "nyla" bone- a bone made out of nylon or rubber- because it lasts a long.time and it's hard, so it takes all the tartar off of the teeth.. · · Now that we know what the vet prefers, ..ye should know which toy the dog prefers. I've never been able · to figure out how the dog food commercial makers find out that dogs prefer the "rich, meaty taste and savory gravy" their foods offer. I asked my dog, Peanut, for his opinion. " It's hard to say, Bob," Peanut said. Could be that they just ask the dogs, but I doubt that they've ever

~Chicago!s' New sounds broke into rock music in 1968. They had more response than Electric Light Orchestra's recent orchestral rock sound. The new sounds were the brass-rock sounds of Chicago. The new sound was introduced in their first album"Chicago Transit Authority." , This album, thought to be one of their best, included no less than four hits. Tbey include: ~Does Anybody Know What Time It Is?" "Beginnings," "Question 67 and 68," and "I'm a Man." The group started out with • seven members: Peter Cetera,

actually be chewed." A pet store employee echoed that opinion. "Dogs seem to like it (rawhide) better and it's easier on their teeth." . The prices for these toys are pretty steep. The regular-sized nyla bone i·s priced at one pet store for $2.93. The medium or "wolf" size is $4.10 and the giant size is $6.25. A steak is cheaper than that. The rawhides are a little bit cheaper than the nylas, ranging from $1.79 to $5. . How about the "squeaky" toys? Our other dog, Muffy, is the expert on those. She has a pink rubber ball, a little rubber baby, and a yellow porcupine. "I like the squeaky toys,'' Muffy said. "They're fun to play with and they dry pretty fast after I slobber on them." 'The lady at the pet store said that They're safe too. "The squeak part usually comes out after a little while, but the body usually stays intact. If the dog does · happen to rip one apart, the pieces won't hurt the dog unless it eats a lot of them." The prices of th_ese go from the cheapies at 79 ·cents to $9.50 for the round balls with the squeaky thing inside. The average price, though, is around $1.39, $1.50. The salesclerk did recommend latex or rubber toys over vinyl toys. "The latex toys are tougher and softer, if you know what I mean." I suppose I could have given you the names of the vets and the locations of the pet stores, but there are only a couple of stores in town that carry dog stuff ... well, no, I take that back. Some grocery stores carry dog toys, so you'll be able to find them if you want them. " Just don't give your dogs tacos or pizza," Peanut said. "Besides ruining the breath, that spicy stuff upsets my stomach." "Keep our teeth clean, too," Muffy said. "That's why our breath stinks.' ~ Okay, dogs. We'll put flouride tablets in your Well-bred? water. Now how about some crunchewy dog food? :Bob Glissmann, columnist, finds the need to restrain his dogs, "Sick," Peanut replied. "I'd rather have a rawhide b9ne." "Give my my porcupine," Muffy said. Peanut and Muffy, so they can make their photographic debut. thought of that. I think that they probably just say how the dogs prefer theirs without really knowing." "Well, Peanut, which dog toy do you prefer?" "Bob, as you know, l'rn not really into dog toys. You gave me rawhide bones when I was little and they were all right, but I'd prefer a good steak over a bone any time." · This still doesn't help determine which toy is best. I called another veterinarian and his secretary said that he said that the nyla bone is too hard on the dog's teeth and that the rawhide is better because the "nyla bone flakes off particles while the rawhide bone can

brass rock. sound alive ·again

bass guitar and vocals; Rober~ · lamm, keyboard and vocals; lee loughnane, trumpet~nd background vocals; Terry Kath, guitar-and voca~s; James Pankow, trombone; Walt Parazaider, woodwinds and background vocals; and Danny Seraphine, drums. James William Guercio, was the producer and laudir De Oliveira, percussion, joined the group later. "Chicago II" came out later. This album had noted hits as "25 or 6 to 4," ."Colour My World," and "Make Me Smile." Terry Kath's voice, along with piano, drums, ~ass and fll!te,

Record • rev1ew produced one of Chicago's greatest hits, in "Colour My World." Chicago Ill didn't have outstanding hits, but surfaced as a conglomeration of good songs. The mo~t popular song of the album was "~owdown."

AliveconcertatCarnegieHall, · ·"Chicago X". The song was "If produced "Chicago IV." This You leave Me Now." That song was mainly a performance of was written and sung by Cetera. Chicago's greatest'hits from their A later albu·m, has a completely different look. First first three albums. "Saturday in the Park" and of all, the album has no number " Dialogue" are the two most identification. It is simply called "Hot Streets." Secondly, the popular songs on "Chicago V." accidental death of long time Albums six through eight contained hits such as "Wishing guitarist and 'vocalist Terry Kath You Were Here," "just You 'n' brought in a new writer, singer, Me," "Feelin' Stronger Every and guitarist Donnie Dacus. Day," "CaWon Me," and "Alive Again;'' the cu~rent hit "Searching So long." from this album, exhibits Chicagos' greatest hits are Chicago's continued success, as contained "Chicago IX." the hit is on its way to being one Chica~os' first number one of-the top ten singles in the song was in their next album, nation.


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Calendars propose ending semester before holidays Vol. 23, No. 路9

Abandonment of the regular calendar for one that would end the first semester before winter break became a possibility for next school year. At Monday, Jan . 8, Board of Education meeting, a calendar similar to this year's was proposed. The board was in favor of the calendar and was ready to approve it before Student Advisory Board (SAB) members Russ. Conser and Robert Greenberg asked for and received a one month extension that would delay the vote. "I feel that students should have input into the calendar that they have to live with. We asked for an extension to find out if there is support for a calendar that would end the semester before winter vacation," explained Greenberg. 路 After the- Board of Education granted the one-month .extention, a meeting, held Friday, Jan. 12 and attended by teachers, SAB members, and Forum officers, produced four calendar proposals. The proposals were then presented to Forum representatives who were to determine whether their homerooms favored any of them. The first calendar proposal, similar to this year's, would adopt the Board of Education calendar and would open school Monday, Aug. 27 and close it Wednesday, June 4. The second calendar proposal is the same as the first with the stipulation that teachers give semester tests before winter break with the remaining two weeks after vacation used to cover a unit not included in the semester test. The third and fourth proposals begin school Monday, Aug. 20 and end it Wednesday, May 28, allowing for the first sem~ster to end before the winter break. The third proposal has unbalanced semesters to accomplish this while the fourth contains no teacher convention, teacher's work day, or snow days. In the fourth proposal, in case snow days do occur, they would be made up at the end of the year as was done in the 1977-78 school year.

Getting the word Tangdall, principal, conferences with teachers nray be affected by the RIF (Reduction in forces) Declining enrollment calls for a cut in staff mem-

bers to maintain a constant student-teacher ratio, and to keep the ~udget under control. Tangdall predicts a possible loss of five instructors this year.

uctions maintain ratio

istrict to lose 40 teachers lly declining enrollment will necessia reduction of employees over the coming according to Dr. James A. Tangdall , princi a Board of Education meeting held Monday, board members accepted a proposal to rethe district staff by up to 40 positions during ext school year. angdall predicts a district-wide reduction of nts from 10,000 to 7,300 ih the next 10 years; a drop. If cuts were not made, the cost per would be extremely high. As personnel dethe largest share of the district budget, staff on is the major way to reduce costs. large number of reductions will be made by natural turnover, especially at the elelevel. Due to this, Tangdall feels that there be mandatory reductions at Westside this d definitely will not go beyond the teachers obationary status, of which there are approxiIYeight. These are teachers who have been in listrict two years or less. estside should lose 100 students-next year, corresponds to close to five teaching posi' which hopefully can be reduced by attrition . lut mandatory reductions will become even . necessary in the future; therefore, the dishas adopted a policy for reductions which Hms to the legal requirements set forth by the

state of Nebraska . Seniority will be the dominant factor. A teacher who has been with the district a greater number of years has less chance of leaving. But in certain cases, where no other teacher is qualified to teach in a certain area, that teacher will be kept on, despite a lack of seniority, in an effort to continue the program. Coaches of the various sports are included in these cases. Tangdall feels that there is a flaw in this policy, in that no provisions are made for the quality of the teacher, but that this cannot be helped, due to the problems of evaluation. Discrepancies exist on just how good a teacher is, and it would be difficult to judge between teachers at different schools. In the coming years, course requests will be looked at, and staff reductions made to maintain a constant teacher-student ratio. It is quite possible for a teacher not needed at one school to be moved to another school within the district. An attempt will be made ,t o f_ill all vacancies in this manner. Tangdall stated that the district would do everything possible to keep an_instructor or find him another position. He added that the rapid growth of other communities should allow for an ease in relocating staff.

Conser cited the favorable attributes of a calendar that ends the first semester before winter break. "The major advantage is that students will not be faced with upcoming tests right after break and can have that time as a period with no homework.lt also helps students get a head-start in the job race come spring by allowing them to get out earlier than other schools. Students would also avoid the distracting heat that occurs at the end of the year." Major arguments against the calendars that start school on Monday, Aug. 20 are that summer vacation would be shortened by . one week thi~ year, and the intense August heat that would have to be tol~rated by students an extra week would be detrimental to studies. Also, teac~ers attending summer school would be forced to pass up the second semester, because they would be required to report to school Monday, Aug. 13. Dr. James A. Tangdall , principal , is pessimistic about the idea. " Theoretically it sounds like a nice idea, but practically I don't think it's possible. The inconveniences the students, parents, teachers and administration would have to undergo are not worth the benefits we would get from such a drastic change." If Forum representatives find that the interest is high in their homerooms for the change in the calendar, SAB will organize a plan of action that will call for an organized effo'r t to gain support for the plan . SAB will then present the students' views atthe Monday, Feb. 5 meeting. Proposal three: one of the preferred Forum calendars Aug. 20 ....... School Opening Sept. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Labor Day Oct. 25-26 Teachers Convention Nov. 22-23 ....... Th.anksgiving Dec. 21 . . End of First Semester

Dec. 22-Jan. 6 . Winter Vacation Jan. 18 . . ....... Staff Work Day Mar. 29-Apr. 5 Spring Vacation May 26 ......... Memorial Day May 29 . .. . End of School Year May 30, June 2 _. . .. . ... Teacher Work Days

Total. Student Days . ........ . ... . .. ... . . .... . ........ : ... . ...... 181 2 Parent-Teacher Conference Days and 1 Service Day . . . . . . . . . . -3 178 Total Staff Days . . . ... . ........ . .. . ............ . . . .... . ......... 191

Iranian student still .informed ~f count_ ry's crisis 路an . Most people think of it as a far away country 1a major crisis. For many students, the concern ends as they are not personally involved in the matter. =or james Farajzader a native of Iran, the present ion has become~ personal and somewhat traumatic 1ience. u ajzader, a senior, left Iran one and one-half years 1nd moved to Denver, CO to live with his older er. His brother had come to the United States earlier graduating from an Iranian high school. He was :cepted to the University of Iran, but still wished to e a college education. For this reason he enrolled wer University. This year, he decided to change his to denti stry, and therefore transferred to Creighiversity. Farajzader attended Creighton Prep for st three weeks of the schoolyear . Although he feels e would have received an excellent education at

Prep, he found the tuition " much too expensive." He then tr ansferred to Westside as he lives in the district. Farajzader came to the United States because, " If I am going to attend a university here, I need to learn more .English . I think I'll have a better chance of getting into a university if I improve my English." He has studied the language since he was 13. While he lives with his brother in an apartment, his family , which includes a younger brother, a younger sister, and his mother and father, lives in Iran. His father works as a money exchanger, and sends part of his wages to help support his sons living in the United States. Although he left his troubled country before the downfall of the Shah, he remains well-informed of the issues in the country . He cites one reason for the Shah 's decline as a powerful leader, as his attempt to, "westernize Iran too fast . The people couldn't face so much

change in so short a time ." He also believes th at under the Shah 's regime , torture did exist as a means of dealing with governmental oppositio n. Farajzade r commented that the government was corrupt in that it was common knowledge that , " the authori ties were steali ng from the people." According to Farajzader, Jews will no longer have ' the same amount of freedom under the new prime minister, Shahpour Bakhtiar, as they did under the Shah . He does feel , however, that the new civilian government would be considerably better than one led by Moslem religious leader, Ayatullah Ruhollah Khomeini, who has become somewhat of a national hero because of his outspoken opposition to the Shah . Khomeini is scheduled to return to his native country today from Paris, where he has been living. in exile. According to Farajzader, his return may place the present goverQment in jeopardy, as the population will undoubtedly rally around his return .

Seniors still in debt; juniors looking good '

Heading back to tradition and basics is· what Junior Class president Toby Schropp is hoping for prom this year. In past years prom has been done by the efforts of a minimum of students. " This year we have 150 students working on various committees and we had about 150 students participate in the candle sale," adds Schropp.Under discussion this year is the possibility of a Prom King and Queen . " Prom King and Queen is done in various communities around the country, but has never been done at Westside. I think it might bring some tradition back into prom," said Schropp. Also being discussed is a " memory book" that wo~:.~ld be hanaed out at prom. It would consist of a number of pictures and articles done by the students. Mr. Terry Bah I, junior class sponsor, is ecstatic about the participation of the junior class. Bahl feels that the junior cla~s has really gotten involved

and that the prom has turned into a class prom instead of an officers prom, which is usually the case. Bah I comments, " I feel a lot of our success is due to organization. Also, we concentrated our efforts into the candle sale which was one major project, instead of working on various little projects which wouldn't have profitted as much money." The class of 1980 has $2,022 in its treasury, asof the beginning of January. This is in contrast to the funds of the senior class, which accumulated a debt of $1 ,122, after putting on the prom last year. Mr. Don Kolterman, senior class sponsor, feels that this is the fault of a combination of things, including organization and a lack of help from the class itself. A date has not yet been set for prom, but tentative plans have been made and are awaiting confirmation. · ,

Point system illegal?

Constitution not in use Although most school organizations have constitutions which outline certain guidelines for the groups, the largest club, International Club, operated without one during the first semester. According to Kim Crosby, president, the club cannot function under the present constitution, as it is· "invalid." She explained that the constitution provides regulations for the French, German, Latin and Spanish clubs, but not for the International Club, which was formed last year. Controversy arose concerning the point system and the constitution at a general meeting held on Thursday, Jan. 11 . This year, the ·board members and the club sponsors decided to implement a point system " to get more people involved ," said Kris Greenly, vice president. Each activity and meeting held during first semester was worth a specific number of points. Those members with zero or no points up to the winter vacation deadline, were excused

from the club. People with two to four points were placed on probation with the stipulation that they earn six more points by Wednesday, Feb. 28. Members with over five points remained in good standing, bu.t must earn four points by the February deadline. According to Crosby, approximately 70 people were dismissed from the group, while 120 were put on probation or were considered to be in good standing. Gayle Smith, club member, spoke at the meeting and objected to the use of the point sy~tem and the e'xpulsion of members because the constitu- tion does not provide for such measures. She said, "I have nothing against what they (the board) are doing, except I think they are doing it incorrectly. I'm in favor of the point system, but I think that without making an amendment for it in the constitution it 's like changing the rules in the middle of the ball game."


District contest held at Dana District drama competition was held Thursday, jan. 18, Dana College in Blair. Winners go on to state competition in ney. Students are judged in 30 minutes or less for their acting ty, performing short plays known as 'one-act' plays. " This is the first time we've been allowed to take cuttings a long play," said Mr. Jim Ogden , drama coach. Drama presented their one-act play " The Marriage of Barillon" in school performances, Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 15-16. Performers included: Bruce Balick, Mary Bloomi C. Carusi , Diane Murphy, Richard Betz, Chris Braude, Tim Latenser, Pamela). Kenney, Robert H<>·:art,rl< jones and Geoffrey Jordan . Technical Crew cons· Cassie Moore, Kevin Rice, Julie Rochman and Ken vt1rru'ltl!ll•

Kathy Hein memorial to be dedicated Tribute ·will be payed to Katliy Hein, who was killed in December, by the dedication of an evergreen tree in her according to Camille Patterson. Friends of Hein have over $100 for the tree, which will be planted near the sta<liUIIII• the spring. Patterson explained that Hein's friends simply to do something nice in memory of her.

Orchestra students assemble for Guest conductor Dr. Marvin J. Rabin, director of the sin string development program for the University of w;.,.....,. and founding conductor of the Wisconsin's Youth Symphony chestra, will direct a three day orchestra clinic for district dans. Participants include Valley View, Arbor Heights· and brook string students and Westside orchestra members. Clinic rehearsals begin Monday, jan. 29 and continue Wednesday, Jan: 31 . A final concert will be presented the ing evening at 7:30p.m. in the auditorium. The concert is the publi'c and admission is free.

Kennedy named Nebraska's Junior Not every school can . boast a celebrity, but Suzy came througl:l for Westsid~ two weeks ago at the Nebraska Miss Contest in Grand Island. ~ , _ Friday and Saturday, .Jan. 12. and 13, .Kennedy, ,along other gil-ls, competed in areas of physical fitness, talent, appearance, scholastic achievement and,a personal int•~rv,, _ five judges. 'In spite of a sprained knee, Kennedy . off an excellent performance, enabling her to become from Omaha _to win the state competition. . Kennedy heads for Mob!le, AL, on Monday, April2, national competition. The contest, to be held on Saturday, 4, will be nationally televised.


Tardiness declines under enforcement poli One of the most common problems facing schools across the country is attendance, according to Mr. Roger · Herring, de·a n of boys. Westside appears to be no different, with as much as 10 percent of the student population tardy on any given day in past years. To deal with the increasing number of tardies, a new School Tardiness Policy was put into use last year. , , " Before the new policy was written, there were almost 400 tardies per day," said Herring, "then the number reduced to less than 100." Ms. Peg Johnson, dean of girls, added, "Tardiness was a tremendous problem ~•ithout this policy. The attendance ladies were so busy dealing with tardies that they couldn't do anything else." In addition to the 20-day probation period mentionea in the policy, enforcement can include the loss of blue slip privileges or being placed on restriction, thereby making the policy applicable to sophomores and those juniors and sef)iors who don 't have passes. · Johnson said that of the roughly 800 to 900 students

who do have passes, about 200 are currently on probation for accumulated tardies. This large number of students involved was one of the difficutlties of enforcing the policy that the two deans identified. "The time and paperwork required, make _our jobs more difficult," Herring said. However, Johnson pointed out, " The enforcement

'Any student that accumulates three tardies a month will not be eligible for any type of pass. Immediately after the third tardy, a 20 school day probation period will be in effect with loss of pass privileges. If extensive tardies should continue to accumulate, further disciplinary action will be taken., -School Tardiness Policy is.effective in most cases, and it usually fails only when we don 't have support from home. If the parents don't care, it's hard to get the student to." Enforcement usually ends with the 20 day probation, but the policy does provide for " further disciplinary action " to be taken. Herring explained that this has, in the

past, been ·in the form of parent conferences with tion, and a student not being allowed to attend he or she is not in homeroom that day. Last year, Herring said, this procedure did some students to be dropped from classes or to pended. Johnson said, " These are very <>Ytr"'"''" sures, though, and they haven't been used Some students have tried to avoid reporting to the attendance office if they are ta counted absent from school instead . Herring said system could be beaten in this manner only until sive absences accumulate, when the respective would be notified . The best arrangement, he said, the student to deal with tardies with his or her adviser. Johnson said, " The advisers are very about tardiness and will make exceptions if need " We think the policy is fair, and it's the best been able to come -up with to deal with the tardiness," Johnson concluded, " and the improved greatly ."


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10730 Pacific Street 397-5000 '

2 Miles South of Southroads Galvin Road at Harvell Drive






'---'I Does the end justify the means?

stance- - Drop current calendar


Individual reevaluation needed In this time of valuation-devaluation of the dollar, reevaluation of modular h~du~~n.g, and the like- it is time to call for a reevaluation of the grading system.


But this reeva1uation need not be done by a committee, such as a parking ommittee or a homecoming committee. It needs to be done by every individual acuity member. Consider that a "1", according to the grading system, corresponds to 97-100 rcent achievement of the specific goals each instructor sets for his class. But is his the way teachers grade? In some classes, teachers start with "1" in the grade book for every student, and ' rade down as the student misses class or misbehaves. How can the instructor xpect to have top effort from a student if all the student has to do is show up? In ot~er c.lasses, a :'1" does not even appear on the roster of possible grades, nd in still others, a "1" can only be achieved by doing "extra credit" which many mes is a title used to disguise required work. There should not be such a discrepancy in how a student is evaluated. Mr. obert Simmons, Nebraska Regent, has accused District 66 of grade inflation 'ving progressively higher grades for the same amount of work. If students and culty believe that this does·not exist, then something should be done attempting standardize methods of grading. We are not condemning methods teachers use to evaluate their students. We e just asking that teachers keep in mind that a "1" is 97-100 percent achievement, d that students should be graded accordingly.

Fifties Day tradition outdated Though Spirit Week is still in the planning stages, at least something is ing done to end the age-old tradition of Fifties Day. Exactly when the tradition of Fifties Day began, no one can determine. II we know for sure is that it began sometime after 1959. Ms." Peg Johnson, dean of girls, said Fifties Day was first an activity just the high school. The junior highs picked up the idea, and now some of e elementary schools have Fifties Day, Johnson said. After a few years, it comes ridiculous to dress up as if you lived in the 1950's, when most miors at Westside weren't born until1%0 or 1961. The past few 'years, participation in Fifties Day activities has been inimal and limited to only a few s(udents. Aside from the cheerleaders d a ha.ndful of spirited teachers, few dressed in "fifties" attire. This year Fifties Day would be even more pointless. The current fashn for girls is dress lengths between ankle and knee, just as the fashion was ring the fifties. Pastel colors, feminine ribbons, high pony tails, and even odie skirts are coming back into vogue. Fifties Day would be like almost · y other day. Even if no replacement for Fifties Day materializes, the fact that stunts and faculty have realized the insuffiency of the Fifties Day tradition ~d stopped it is commendable.

fln t:e Published bi-weekly by the Journalism Department of Westside High School, 87th and rific St., Omaha: NE 68124, the "lance" is a member of the Nebraska High School Press dation, the Columbia Scholastic Press_t.ssociation, and the National Scholastic Press Assoion. The "lance" office is located in room 302. Advertising rates available on request. Phone ) 391-1266 Ext. 20. The paper is distributed to all students and staff on Friday mornings. scription rates to others are $3.00 postpaid. Non-profit mailing rights claimed. Printed by •sman Graphics, Aquila Court Building, 1615 Howard St., Omaha, NE 68102. or-in-Chief . .. . Jeanine Van Leeuwen naging Editor . . . . . . ..... Beth Kaiman orial Editor ..... . . .. .. Amy Gendler t. Editorial Editor . Mary Bloomingdale s Editor . . ...... . .. .. Cathy Johnson t. News Editor ....... Melanie Sturm s Writers . . Cindy Crane, Katie lohff, Joel Severinghaus, Marshall Pred ture Co-Editors .. . .... Monica Angle, Robert Greenberg lure Writer ...... . ... Tracy Katelman nts Editor . . ......... .. . Tom Golden

[litorial Opinion

Ass't. Spo~ts Editor . .. . . . .. lisa Margolin Sports Writers . . . . . . . . . . . Terry Kroeger, Scott Davis · Lifestyle Editor ..... . . . .. B-ob Glissmann Ass't. Lifestyle Editor : .. . Jonathan Duitch Lifestyle Writer .. . . : . .. . . . .... Dave Scott Advertising Manager . .. . ..... Jay Dandy Business Manager ........ Cyndy Lunde Artist , .. ........ . .. .... ... Frank Gappa Photographers . . . . . .. .. ... . Hunt lewis, Sally Lindwall Adviser .......... . .. . .... John Hudnall


Honor So~iety really honors · opinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopiniono Thoughts of the National Honor Socieraising activities." ty's upcoming induction ceremony- re"What for?" mind me that, once upon a time, I had but "To pay for the pins. We also planned a vague idea of what NHS was really all the next induction ceremony. It's a very big deal." about. But when I was in Minneapolis a few "Really? How do you become a member?" I asked, hopefully. months ago, I met a college student who was president of his high school's NHS "Well, you have to be in the top quarter chapter, and he was good enough to enof y_our class, be involved in school organlighten me. Our conversation, as I recall, izations, and - " went something like this: "Yes?" "Why is there a National Honor Socie- " be recommended by your ty?" I asked 'him. · teachers." "To recognize outstanding high school I winced . 1 students." 'But it's . worth the necessary pains. "You mean it awards scholarships, and Such an honor carries a lot of weight." the like?" "You mean for college scholarships, " Not exactly, but members do get a and the like," I ventured. pin." "No, few colleges consider it." " What did you and the other members " Then what good is the NHS?" " Hey! I don 't see anything wrong with of your chapter do? " "Well, I guess you could say that we having an organization for the sole purwere like any other high school club." pose of recognizing those who've worked "You mean you held meetings?" hard to become good students and im" We called meetings. We held one prove the school." " You know something? Neither do 1." once when enough people showed up. Then, the two of us planned money-By Mary Bloomingdale

26_,~ 19~9

Westside's Lance



The balloon theory: ·is it prevalent? Teachers, students and statistics agree that grades are not "blowing up" at Westside. Statistics reveal th?t a definite move has been .made in the past five years ·toward a "tougher" grading average. Grade inflation, most department heads agree, is relatively non-existent. From department to department though, the thought of grade inflation alarms some, while others do not see it as a problem. "The study (comparison of grades from ten years ago to now) shows that we haven't inflated our grades. I thought tjlere would be," said Mr. Bill Nelson, social studies department head. In the history department Nelson feels students are receiving higher grades. He sees this as a result of the fact that "teachers are giving students more ways to be a success than they used to." Nelson cited opportu,nities to retake tests, class discussions and tests not as oriented to factual recall a,s giving opportunity for students to receive higher grades. Nelson stressed that he was aware o( the possibility of grade inflation, but that he was "not worried." In his department he strives for grade consistency. This is a far bigger problem, "looking for grade consistency, especially within a team," said Nelson. "I'm not concerned enough about it (grade inflation) to do. any research. I don't see it as a problem," Nelson said. Dr. Charles Lang, science department head, shared Nelson's surprise with the study results. He feels the issue of grade inflation "isn't as serious as I thought it was." "I guess what bothers me the most is the fact that each teacher has their own system that the teacher understands, but it's not consistent from teacher to teacher," said Lang of grading. "I would guess of the parents-ltalked to (at the parent-t~acher conferences) I had to go through" explaining 1-8 in terms of A-F, "with one-quarter of the paren't s." "There's not overall grade inflation (in the science department), but great discrepancy in the way in which they (teachers) grade, no one knows what an average grade is. The average in our department differs b.etween a 2 and a 3, to a 4 and a 5." _ One significant factor concerning grade inflation, to Mr. AI Gloor, math department head, is a six percent increase in the number of '~1's" given . , over the last t'en years. This stems from the abolishment of the extracredit requiremeflt to receive a one: Students no longer have to do work outside of-what is required in order to set a "1".


. Westside's Lance

Over the years Gloor says that "this department has been fairly stable." "I guess I'm not alarmed," by what grade inflation occurs. "In ten years we have moved from an approximate average of 3.95 to about a 3.7," said Gloor, of the school grade average. He pointed out a high average grade a little less than a B during the ten year period. "As far as grade inflation is concerned," he notes only "the abnormally high number of ones." "Thisris something that we address ourselves to yearly (grading)," said Gloor. "You have to be consistent," he added. Being consistent from year to year is important to him and the department. Gloor feels that "the grade of a "1" has been changed in its interpretation," contributing to the increased number being given by teachers. If one department can be termed "less grade - inflationary" than another, the English department would certainly "take the cake," according to Mr. V.irgil Windels, English department chairman. Windels' premise that English teachers generly grade harder than the average golds up statistically, as the average English grade for first semester 1977-78 was a 3.94, versus a 3.67 general average. "The most obvious thing about the English department is that we give more grades of four and lower," he said. The department distributed over half of its grades (55.8 percent) in the four and under category, versus a 29.1 general .average. . "There's been discussion about gr~de inflation for a number of years," Windels observed. However, he maintains that his department has not been affected by grade inflation, and "there hasn't been that much change in grading." Why? "We just aren't convinced that many people have mastered t,heirlevel of English that well." Offering an alternate solution, Windels believes that a good grade should not be given "just because a student is amiable. Instead, the teacher should say, 'You are really a good person; but I'm going to give you the grade you earned.'" . If teachers are not able to-do this, "a teacherwill find himself somewhere io his career, giving higher and higher grades for the same work completed," he said.

Simmons, couns disagree on wha If Westside students are not as well equipped for college and later life as they have been in the past, no one's told them · about it. That, in essence, is what counselors, faculty members and administrators alike are saying about the District 66 system. Students are prepared for their futures, now more than ever; maintained Mr. Ron Huston, activities director. "I think students are as well equipped ~ow as 10 years ago," Huston asserted. He also treats the claims of grade inflation lightly, arguing that the "grade system reflects . Westside's positive approach." Mr. Dick Lundquist, guidance department chairman, feels that grades are important, but there is a human element that should be included in grading. "Teachers are supposed to turn out educated individtJals in terms of cognitive skills, but at the same time, they need to turn out people with good morals, values and ideas - this has all become part of our system," he said. He desf=ribes his philosophy of grading as "not very scientific," claiming that a teacher should take into consideration the effort put forth by each student. That, in my mind is a little more human but the human way is prone to grade inflation." 0


'when grading, I th' should take into co ' effort put forth by e student. That, in my more human ..• but way is prone to grade -Mr. Dick

That holds true for West · popular grade is a "3" (23.2 an eight-point grading syst as the average grade. Another facet of the gra · is hard to understand is the


The problem that has arisen as a result of some students coming out of high school with more of a practical education, rather than a strict academic education is the dilemma of a "grade conscious society." "People are more conscious of schools. Because more of their tax dollar is going there, they are understandably monetarily concerned," Huston said. University of Nebraska Regent Robert Simmons recently accused the Omaha area schools of grade-inflation, based on his private figures. Tangdall feels that Regent Simmons is unfounded in his claims. "Regent Simmons isimplyi~g that there has been a change in our (District 66) philosophy towards grading ~ I don't think there has been a change. The only difference is at both ends o.f the spectrum . We're giving more '1's', but at the same time, we're giving more '8's' and Incompletes. "I do believe there are some things about grading that he (Regent Simmons) read into that, that just aren't true. For example, he said that ACT (American College Tests) scores have gone down in the past few years, based on lowered University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) average entrance ACT scores. That' is simply not true in our case. Our ACT scores have been going up consistently every year." (The 1977-78 ACT results placed Westside in the top 96th percentile in the natior), an extremely high ranking for a public school.) Regent Simmons also serves as legal counsel for former state senator Mr. David Stahmer, who has filed a suit that would force District 66, Millard and Ralston school districts to merge. Going back to the grading system, Ta'ngdall feels that people have an incorrect picture-of what an average grade is. "T~e most commonly issued grade is. usually a· notch higher than what the administration says is the average grade," he said.

tice that the student is r below in a class), and then, the most common grade is Tangdall attribut~s some that people have made c inflation to changes in the considered. "When you compare the given today, versus that giv you're not really comparing pies." What he is referring to· grade distribution averages side red as solids only, exclu · such as band, physical ed chestra. Since then, the ad decided to include those the grade distributions, have higher grades. "So, grade average to stay about~ past ten years, the average grade has actually gone 00. said. On a college level< Wesl!i grade fits in pretty well inc~ average grades ihat college I entering Nebraska schools wl to Lundquist. " A 'C' used tob grade in college (abo~t a 2.0e Now, that average has risen closer to a 'B'," he said. The University of Nebri!!l (UNL), Creighton and UNO'sl man grade average has gortej few ye"ars, to the present lew and 2.44, respectively. Lundquist concluded, rei! portance of a competitive 81: and a "humanistic" grading think of the .position the teal He needs to have an excitint good relationship with the sl\ level of positive feedback, let an .impact on the moulding and assign grades to a gra bunch of students."


d teachers

s really signify

Robert Simmons, UniversiRegent, voiced his be66, Omaha, Millard inflate theif students' schools responded with inindicating that they did not. "ntendents are talking avtalking about individuals," ..-He commented that his was the individual enteriversity of Nebraska, not the I students themselves. contention is that area including Westside, are stuqents unqualified for level program. Indications d in the low American g (ACT) scores at the of Nebraska at Omaha as the University of Nebras-

that Westside students that were not college work.' • Robert Simmons Nebraska Regent


Hansen, guidance counseises college-bound stuthat Simmons is taking a k at the picture. graduating students, said successfully completed material, this does not netee that a student is on to college. l<rlhn,nl< are passing people 't be passed," said Simpointed out that Omaha s account for 25 percent of students in Nebraska, and

that low scores from Omaha, bring the state average down. Speaking of Westside in particular, Simmons said he, "assumed Westside wouldn't" be passing a large amount of unqualified students. He said, however: "I was disappointed Westside would have students that were not qualified for college work ." " Westside had more than their proportion ," said Simmons of insufficiently prepared students. " He's obviously going to have candidates not qualified for school," said Hansen, referring to Lincoln's open admission policy. jn order to get consistently qualified students, the school would have to set-up admission standards, added Hansen. Hansen pointed out that the one fact that must be recognized was that on the average, 75 to 76 percent of Westside graduates go on to college. Out of approximately 600 collegebound students last year, "just a little under 300 went out of state," said Hansen . From these figures it becomes apparent that approximately 25 percent are in the bottom half of their class, but still are going on to college, Hansen explained. In st:hools with a lower number attending college, the students would be 'higher in the class standings. This could account for Simmons' claim that Westside had a disproportionate amount of students "on the bottom row." Simmons stressed, however, that Westside "still has good teachers," and other facilities. Hansen commented that the number of Westside graduates continuing with college is " probably about twice as high" as other Omaha schools. He estimated Burke and Central would be the next highest, with ap. proximately 45 percent -going on to college. ' A representative of the Division of Research for the Omaha Public Schools stated that 45 to 47 percent of graduates further their education after high school. Mr. Ron Park, registrar for Millard, said that Millard averages about 58 percent of its graduates continuing on to college. At press time, Ralston was not releasing such information. Looking at these percentages, Hansen explained that a larger number of college-bound students to state schools will be from the lower half of the class. Consequently it would appear that Westside had a larger number of graduating students who were not well qualified . Although Simmons feels Westside is passing people that should not be passed, this, as he said , "can't be different from the rest of Omaha."

Interpreting the meaning of a grade is always a difficult task •.• some teachers grade on behavior, class participation and attendance, others base their marks on a strict percentage scale. District 66 has adopted a 1-8 grading scale, correlating to a percentage ranking. This scale is provided as a recommended level of grade ranking, not as a mandatory table. DIST~ICT


1 = 97-99% 2 = 92-96% 3 = 87-91% 4 = 82-86% 5 = 77-81% 6 = 72-76% 7 = 70-71% 8

= Failure

Poll: Inflation 'does not exist' What does Westside really think? According to a survey polling 10 percent of the students a.nd staff, 70 petcent feel students are graded fairly . However, the majority would like to change the grading scale from 1-8 to A-F. " I think the 1-8 grading scale is very unfair and demanding upon the students. Most students like to try for the top mark, but it's almost impossible to get a '1' (at least for me) . The best I hope for is a '2', and I do not think that's fair. Everybody is too competitive about grades at Westside," Erin McGuire stated. Having the 1-8 grading scale "gives the student the advantage of extra work " according to Mr. Lynn Hansen, college counselor. If two students have grade averages of 93 percent and 97 percent, the higher achiever gets more recognition with the 1-8 scale. Using the A-F scale these two students would receive the same grade. When switching grades from a 1-8 to an A-F scale for college applications, by having the 1-8 scale the student "doesn't get cheated either way. He gets the break," Hansen stated. Soph.

Does_a ~1' equal 97-99 percent?





1. Which grading scale would you prefer at WHSl 1-8 A-F

49% 29%

42% 58%

42% 58%

45% 47%

2. Do you think grade inflatio

Every course grades differently ... systems vary from teacher to teacher. However, a problem comes up when it's time to interpret just exactly what those grades mean, whether it's for a college transcript, or taking a report card home to mom and dad. On a eight point grading scale, the system is designed to provide a more detailed description of a student's achievement in that class. Under this definition, a "1" becomes a special mark of distinction, technically a very high "A :' Within District 66, the evolution of what a "1" signifies has changed since the system's implementation 13 years' ago. Originally, a "1" was given only when a student had done top work in a class, and performed a certain level of out of class independent research, according to Dr. James Tangdall, prinaipal. However, that system, in practice, was not consistent, because some teachers gave "1 's" without the recommended independent research. After more and more teachers began to give "1 's" without the independent research stipulation, a decision was made to formally change the system, allowing teachers to allocate "1 's" if students performed on a 97-99 percent accuracy level. Today, most students and teachers still regard a "1" to be a special mark. Mr. Virgil Windels, English department chairman, believes that a "1" should indicate that a student has "demonstrated his ability to perform, whatever the task, with a very small degree oLvariation and an outstanding product." Windels asserts that a "1" should only be given to those who unquestionably have a superior control of the material, but he does not feel independent research should be required to get that "1." He said that "courses should have built-in independent study projects, but the completion of assigned work should·be sufficient grounds to receive a '1 '."


sidel 15% 15% yes 84% . 85% no

32% 68%

57% 43%

45% 47%

occurs at West-

21% 79%

43% 57%

22% 78%

3. Do you feel that students are graded according

to the amount of work they dol better grade 8% 7% 19% 11% less grade 42% 41% 30% 38% equiJI grade 50% 51% 51% 51%







4. Do you think students' overall grades are fairl yes 85% 58% 72% 68% 100% 70% no 24% 42% 28% 32% 0% 30%

Boosting grades, according to Mr. Tom Carman, history instructor, is a primary cause of grade inflation. "The 'inflation' in grades comes from the lower end of the scale. The courts, parents, school board, administration and educational philosophy have developed a climate in schools which makes failure almost impossible," Carman stated. " Grade inflation is when a student needs to put out less rigor for the same grade from year to year," according to Dr. James Tangdall, principal. But are students graded according to "the amount of rigor" they put out? Chris Beem doesn't think so, "A lot of students are graded by expectations. If a student is considered a 'goori student,' it would be difficult for him to get a grade lower than a '3'." " Overall grades are fair, because anything graded objectively would have to be fair. However, because there is an emphasis on subjective grading, grades for discussion , etc., some classes are very unfair," commented Vicki Deniston, senior.

Westside's Lance

Warriors to face Ralston; JV boasts '-best ·team' ever Improving on their Metro standing will be the ,Warriors' goal tonight at the Ralston Gym . The JV game will begin at 6:45 p.m. and the Varsity at 8-p.m. Mr. Tom Hall, head varsity coach said, "Ralston's biggest asset is their size. They are really huge. They have one guy who is 6 feet 5 inches, 240 pounds and a couple of guys who are around 6 feet 4 inches tall, 200 pounds. All three of them play football. They are very physical and aggressive. Their defense has given up only 52 points a game. That is the lowest in the league. But their offense. has scored only 45 points per game." Hall commenfed on how Westside will stop Ralston's strength. He . said, "We ' Will try and use our strength and our quickness. We will try to be more physical and aggressive. We will use our scoring ability, and attack their zone." Hall said the Warriors have been getting better. "We im- · proved greatly in the Holiday Tournament. But we still have a long way to go in the regular season. We have to continue to improve." According to Hall, the Metro is very even. He said, "The Metro ·Conference teams are really balanced. Tech and Prep and South all have outstanding records. The rest of the teams have records of about .500 and below." Hall also said, "lincoln East is really good too. All the lincoln teams are good. Tech is probably

the best team, but, they have played a lot of close games." Each night' the varsity basketball team has a game, the junior varsity can be seen at 6:45 p.m., playing their game. And according to Mr. Rick Collura, head coach, this is one of their best teams ever. Collura said, "The strength in this team is our defense. This is the best defensive team that I have ever coached. Defensively, we hold the other team to 39.2 points per game. Our offensive average is 49.2 points per game. Our season goals is to hold all the teams we play, ~nder 46 points per game." _ · Collura agrees that the competition gets tougher. He said, "As the year goes on, JV teams get better. We will play progressively tougher, and tougher teams." Some of the top scorers from the team are, Rick Kofoed, with 11 .2 points per game, Randy Chalupa, with 8.7 points per game, and Dave Fletcher, with 8.2 points per game. Collura said, '~Chalupa- has pulled down 54 defensive rebounds. That is really good for ·a guard." Collura also added, "Several players will play for, and help th~ varsity next year, if they continue to improve." Junior guard Chalupa said, "We've been a good defensive team all year long, even though we're still looking for our first shutout. Our offense has been getting better each game too."

ockey shorts Tough season ahead of cagers Ralston High's girl 's basketball team will visit next Tuesday, Feb. 1, with intentions of smearing the Warriors perfect record in the American Division. At press time 'the Warriors carried a 7-4 mark, which could easily have been 10-1 or 11-0, according to Mr. Lee Nordine, coach. "Three or four of those losses we blew on free throws. Other than that, we'vt played pretty well all the way." In the Holiday Tournament the Warriors finished sixth out of 18 teams, and posted a thrilling victory over Papillion in three overtimes. Two sophomores, Beth Vivian and Dina Murphy, have earned starting positions. Vivian is scoring approximately 10 points per game, a point behind leading scorer Jean Pistillo. Nordine feels the team's balanced scoring, among other things, has led to its success.

Consistency, scores improve

Sink it Reuhins the rim of the basket becomes ;a_n e;asy t;ask for )Kk Jesson, JV user. The junior JV h;as enjoyed ;a highly successful se;ason, ;and couh Mr. Rick CoHur;a, co;ach, feels this is one of his best te;ams ever.

Ironing out a few rough spots will be the main objective of the girls' gymnastics team in a triangular meet against Bryan and Ryan on Tuesday, )an. 30 at Westside. Mr. Tim Willits, coach, feels inconsistency has plagued the 5-2 (at press time) squad this season. "If we're consistent, we're hard to beat. If we don't fall off the uneven bars or beam we'll score at least seven more points to put us around 110 points, which is close to anyone in the state." Along with Ryan, Bryan shouldn't pose much of a threat to the Warriors. Last year, however, Bryan won the meet with allaround sensation Renee Reisdorff, who graduated. "We should have .no problems in this meet. Of course, we can't slough off." Floor.and vault have been the strongest events for the Warriors so far, averaging 29 and 30 points respectively. Willits said the team's best performance was Thursday, Dec. 21, against Benson and Papillion, when they racked up nearly 103 points. Several performers scored well in this meet. According to Willits, this year, the state championship may be som~what of a toss up. "This is the most interesting year as far as closeness. Right now Lincoln Northeast is No. 1 in the state. Even though they're in our district, we can still go to State if we finish second. The closest team to this is Bellevue West, and they can't touch us." ·

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Westside's Lance

January 26, 1979


DiBiase seeks victory in Metro Relays

If things go as expected emphasis that really has no wheri Mike Stoll broke his for Mr. Pat DiBiase, head significance at all, at least toe in a meet at Ames, lA. swimming coach, his team to our team," DiBiase said. "Right now we've got will be victorious in The " It's not that we didn't Golden and Doug Partch Metro Relays tomorrow at want to win , I would have diving for us, and Partch Westside. · been happy to win , we just hasn't dived too much " We' ll swim a lot of indi- didn't rest for the meet. competitively before, but viduals in that meet, and We just werit and swam, he's shown a lot of promgive some people a chance and hoped we would do as ise. In both divers' cases, to swim who haven't yet well as we could, despite jobs have been factors that the fact we were swimming have cut into practice time. this year," he said. The swimmers suffered a tired," DiBiase explained. Whenever this happens, ·Mr. Ken Brown, DiBi- you hurt your performloss three weeks ago in the Ram Relays in which they ase's right-hand man, is ance," said Brown. finished third. Several meet organizer, diving DiBiase sa id that he feels team members were ab- coach, strength coach,.and the strength program is sent.· " We had one assistant coach. one of Brown's most imswimmer and one diver " I have to run all of the por.tant duties. who were ill and couldn 't swimming meets, which Brown explains the promake it and then we had means getting the person- gram : " Swimmers can bethree ·swimmers who were nel lined up, make sure the come better by just swimon trips with their parents, timers are there, and get ming, but if they' re going and two of our people are the coaches the informa~ to excel, or get better, ineligible for competition tion they need for the there are several other until the second semes- meet," said Brown. · ways to accomplish this. ·ter," he said. Brown added " I' m in Some of the ways have Absentees , however , charge , of the divers, and been 1hrough Universal were not the only reason there is a regular diving Gyms, weightlifting, and a the Warriors lost the meet. workout which I run, and lot of different types of exAccording to DiBiase, win- I'm also in charge of the ercises. In the past Pat and ning was not foremost in divers at the meets." myself have done some rethe swimmers' minds. Brown said that there search, and it has come out "It was no big deal to us, has been a combination of · in a lot of different magabecause it's a relay meet, problems with the divers zines that iso-kinetic type and it's just coming off of · this- season. "We started training with mini-gyms is Christmas break and out with three divers at the the best type of training, so there's really not much beginning .of the season, we adopted this program point in putting a lot of but that changed to two last year."


Soaring for points Diver Tom Golden performs .an inward pike dive In an .after school pr;actice. The swim team Is prepuing for the Metro Rel.ays tomorrow, .and Mr. Pat DiBI;ase, he.ad co;ach, anticipates a r.ather comfomble victory. Golden .and Doug Putch ue considered.the top divers .after Mike Stoft's foot injury earlier this se.ason.

TWo ·area coaches Warrior strength will be put to a challenging test as the Metro Wrestling Tournament commences at.Ralston to"night. According to Mr. Melvin Melcher; Papillion's coach, "Westside has the inside track to win . Then, I'd pick Allraham . · lincoln;vahd hopefully, us." . Mr. lou Miloni, the Warrior's coach, also picks A. l., Papillion, Bellevue West, and Westside as the main co ntenders. " I can't predict who -will come out on top, but I defin itely think we' ll do very, very well. " " Westside will be tough , they've been solid all the way through the season," commented Mr. jim Allen, A.l .'s coach. " Papillion's had trouble with injuries, so it depends on the shape they' re in, but if they' re healthy, they'll be up there also. Tech, Gross, and Central also have a good chance, depending if they get a good draw or not." He thinks; however, that his team has a good chance also. " We've got some kids that haven't lost in our duals. All in all , this meet will be a big scramble." As far as the ind ividuals go, Miloni sees Mark McClellan, heavyweight, Keith Sortino, 112 lbs. ,

Scott Menolascino, 126 lbs., Jeff Kelley, 138 lbs., Bil l.Stock, 1351bs., Matt Purcka, 15Sibs.; and Jack Schmit, 119lbs., as possible finalists. He also feels that most of the other wrestlers on the team have a chance for third of fourth place. Melcher- stated that other people to watch for tonight are Rick Heckendorn , 167 lbs. , and Dan Gable, heavyweight, both of Papillion.

Strength overcomes Varsity wrestler John Dougherty, riors have lost just one dual, and sophomore, tangles with a'! oppo- -they've placed in every invitational nent in preparing for the Metro this year. meet, today and tomorrow. The War-

last year, the Warriors placed third in this meet. There will be 20 teams participating tonight. The four years previous to this, Westside took first place. Coming into tonight's meet, the wrestlers have won all but one of their dual meets this year, making their record 6-1 at press time. The only loss came to Bryan in a 30-22.defeat on Tuesday, Jan . 16. Also, they came in second in the Millard Invitational, held on Saturday jan . 6, behind an extremely strong Columbus team . However, Col umbus won 't be participating in the Metro meet. The Warriors came in first in the Westside Sophomore Invitational held Thursday, Dec. 21 and ·Friday, Dec. 22.

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January 26, 1979

Westroads 397-0366

Westside's Lance


Weekend Tips

'Brass: 'Rin'gs' To those who are acquainted with the world of hobbits, dwarves, and elves, "The Lord of the Rings" may be a little disappointing. It might be disappointing, because the movie ends at the middle of the second book "The Two Towers." The trilogy "Lord of the Rings" was written by). R. Tolkien . Tolkien created a new language and a new continent- Middle Earth. The most fascinating aspect of the movie is not the excellent story it is based on. The animation done by Ralph Bakshi ("Wizards," "Fritz the Cat") may be described as painting in motion. The fight scenes look realistic enough to have taken place somewhere other than on paper. They look this way because the entire film was first shot with live actors and animals, painted with colors on a cellulose acetate and then filmed again to produce the final product. · Go to "The Lord of the Rings" and be prepared for more than two hours of thrilling scenery and action . Go with the knowledge, however, that one is seeing " The Lord of the Rings, Part One" and that a second movie "The Lord of the Rings, Part Two" will be essential viewing when released. The plot of the movie is drawn fr.em three separate events which occurred in Europe after World War II. First, $250 million in gold was stolen from an American guarded train on the way to Germany. The second event was General Geroge S. Patton's death from a broken neck received in a car accident. The third event was ths skiing accident death of Martin Webber, president of the War Refugee Organization. "Brass Target" proposes that these events were part of a conspiracy among American officers. As the pattern of this movie is predictable, one finds the good guy and the bad guy. john Cassavettes plays joe, an unconvincing war hero stuck in Europe after the war by his superiors. He is hot on the trail of Max Von Sydow who plays Martin Webber, the hired assassin of Patton. Between joe and Webber is Mara (Sophia Loren) . Her beauty is an incentive to see the movie. Mara saved her life by sleeping with men in uniform, including Joe and Webber, during the war. In the end, Mara's relationship with Webber proved to be fatal for him. Finally, the last character of importance is General GeorgeS. Patton (George Kennedy). Kennedy, a wonderful actor,does little to compare with George C. Scott, so he immediately begins the movie on a disappointing note. With little bite to back his bark, Kennedy.spits out bad language in the beginning of the movie and is hardly heard from again until the end. All things considered, "Brass Target" is an enjoyable movie to see. However, one must not take the plot too seriously. "Brass Target" is showing at the Q Cinema 4, South Cinema 4, and the Astro. -By Jon Duitch

' backsidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbackside I'd bet that I'm not the only one who gets sick of everything at one time or another. Sick of school, sick of work, sick of homework, sick of food, sick of TV, sick of snow, sick of my Bob Glissmann room, sick of being sick. Somecolumnist times I even make myself sick . Not by sticking my finger down my throat, but by just sitting around waiting for something to happen. "Oh, I'll think of a topic for my essay before the end of the week." "I'll study for the Chern test tomorrow night." "I'll clean up my room before the end of the semester." Everything comes back to school. School, whether we like it or not, is a big part of our lives. We're there for about eight hours a day, unless you have a late day or early dismissal. But what do you do if you have that? You either · sleep late or if you get out early you go eat somewhere or go to work. Sick. You may as well stay in · school. Sick. Hmm. A few years ago you probably wouldn't be able to read something like this in a high school newspaper. Everybody would be talking politics, pollution, starvation, drugs. Now we talk about less serious subjects. Like being sick of everything. That's pretty serious, though. I guess there's only one thing to do. Listen to classical music. Getting back ·to Mexican food, I was out in Denver recently (rather abrupt, huh. I was getting

depressed) at this really good Mexican restaurant. It had to be the neatest restaurant I'd ever seen. Really. " I'll have the number three, please." "Would you like anything to drink with that?" " Dr. Pepper." "Okay. Follow the line and you'll get your food ." " Thank you." They tried to make everything look like Mexico . The paint was peeling, the tables squeaked, and there was even what looked like a migrant worker sitting in the corner. He could have been the head waiter, but I didn't have my glasses on, sol couldn't tell. I ate the taco first. Tacos have to be the messiest food you can eat. They're not messy when you start out, but they are when you finish. That first bite is the kicker. You get that first bite and you're home free. But if you don't, the·shell cracks and the lettuce flies and the tomatoes fall out and it's bad news. Then if they're greasy you've got that orange stuff running down your hand. Then they've got those flat tacos at school. I don't know what they're called. I always have trouble eating them. The cheese and meat and junk always fall off. So now I just eat the meat, etc., with a fork and eat that bottom thing like a Frito. Lucky for ·me they only have those once a week. Meanwhile, back at the hacienda, I finished dinner and dessert and there was nothing to complain about. It's hard to believe. Hmm. The world's not so bad after all. Gosh. Don't you just think happy endings are peachy? Sick. Peaches after Mexican food .

Jerusalem-bound graduate prepares for Judaic study boys sat in on classes, which are When you hear of someone all taught in English, and were graduating early, you assume impressed. "In '48 Ways to Wisthat they' ll work somewhere or just take it easy. But you don't dom' they teach you how to understand and appreciate the necessarily think that they will be ·beauty of nature, how to control studying. pain- things that should benefit There's always the exception. me for the rest of my life." )on Duitch won't be earning money or taking it easy second It's not an 8 to 3 schedule, but semester. He'll be going to that's because it's not a formal school, but not at Westside. At "school." )on said that it is a the Yeshiva Aish Hatorah, a "learning center," one of approximately 100 (some Englishspeaking, some Hebrew) in jerusalem. A trip of this nature is not inexpensive. After jon finishes the introductory three- month course he might "stay on, go to a diffe.rent school, travel- it depends." Whatever he chooses to do, he will need money. jon worked for his father at Levenson's Pest Control over the summer to earn money for his trip. On Sunday, Dec. 17, )on received word that he ·would be given a $1,500 Riekesscholarship from his synagogue to help cover his ex'penses. This scholarship was awarded, not on the basis of Jon Duitch need, but on the basis that )on influenced his " peers to judasch ool o f jewish wisdom and ism." high er thought, in jerusalem, Israel. Jon says he is excited about reJon will leave for six months on turning for his third time (he Monday, Feb. 5 for the school, in went to Israel in 1976 on the the Jewish quarter of the Old Omaha Youth Pilgrimage) to City of jerusalem. He will study what he deems " the greatest such courses as " Understanding place in the world ." He has subPrayer," ~' 48 Ways to Wisdom," mitted college applications to and " Proofs from Sinai." Columbia University, University " In the summer of 1977, I of Pennsylvania and the Univertoured Israel with a friend of sity of California at Los Angeles, mine from Minneapolis. We and will be waiting word of acwere part-time students at Yeshi- ceptance while in Israel. He va Aish Hatorah ," )on said . The plans to major in Judaic studies.


Westside's Lance


I I I I I I I ..

10°/o Off regular merchandise




January 26, 1979



Parking proposal~

· proposals for a solution to the parking problems on school grounds were submitted to Dr. James A·. Tangdall , principal, on Thursday, Feb. 1. These proposals were the re-. suits o.f the efforts of a study committee composed offour instructors and four students sponsored by Student Advisory Boa.rd (SAB). "The proposal maintains that carpools will receive priority parking spaces, according to Ms. SJ,Jsan Taylor, chairperson. A carpool group .that consists of three of more students.or teachers will be a.s signed places first. A brightly colored floating

pre-empt · problems

card would be used to indicate these carpool cares. Taylor commented that the University of Nebraska at Omaha has used a similar system successfully.

encouraging more carpooling.

stated that it was not feasible to recommend the addition of new These ·proposals came aftt:r parking spaces. much hard work and research . · Sever_al alternative solutions SAB aided . the committee by were suggested, including a conducting.a study of trafficflow first-come, first-serve system, or . Second priority would ' be and parking spaces available on priority to those living over given to faculty members not in and around school grounds. one~half mile from school, with carpools. These spaces wilt also They reported 503 spaces avail- carpooling achieving the largest probably be assigned, although able in school lots, with 168 more· concensus. _ they may not ~e as near the available along streets and . The parking study was done neighboring lots. They also 'reschool as before, because carupon the request of Tangdall, ported 112 cars parked illegally, pools still have priority. and the committee is not retotaling 783 ·spaces available, or sponsible for the -implementa- .; in use. ting and supervision of the proThe remainder of the parking spaces would be open to seniors. · The committee also ·looked gram , should it be ac!=epted. The proposal also recommends into future enrollment and park- Taylor did comment; however, that the · price for ,a parking ing situations at other schools that they would recommend sticker woutd be $5-for a single bet!,_re reaching their decisions. · more frequent towing to enperson ; while no fee would be With a projected enrollment of courage success in the parking charged for a catpool ._hopefu11y 1500 students . in 1984, Taylor situation.


G~od morning It's Friday, Feb..9, 1978


Vol. 23 No. 10 Westside High School, 8701 Pacific, Omaha, NE 68124

'To serve dual_purp~se


New gym·qpen.s this month

nside the locker room of the new girls' gym, insulated for additional comfort during the ·e director of construction looks ~ver final cold wjnter months. Construction is expectJians. · the locker rooms, located on ·the ed to reach completion the end of February. 1pper level to prevent vandalism, are well-

Gir.ls' P.hysical ed!Jca{ion is heading in a new direction. The rrew gym'nasium,. located on the east side of the annex building, will serve two main purposes. It will provide a new girls' facility for gym classes and athletics. And it will also serve as .a community recreation center during the evening hours, reports Dr. )ames TaQ'gdall, principal. The gym was financed by a government bond totaling $1 .2 million . Out of that su.m, about $500,000 went towards the new girls' facility. The rest of the money w"as distributed to .the-other -<lepartments around the school for renovation and construction . . An <'ifficial opening date has not yet been set, but according to Mr. Ron .Huston, athletic director, the gym will hopef.ully be in partial use by the end of February. "Hopefully the gym will provide something we really need," said Huston . 'fhe surface of the gym will not be the traditional wooden floor. Instead ~ 'twill by synthellc. The maintenance for this type of floor should be minimal and the life expectancy greater, said l-luston. · The construction of the new girls' gym has not been without stipulations. "When the building was designed 'it was ·required that it be made accessible by the handicapped," sai9. Hus_ton. Instead of a stc.irway leadin·g into the gym, a long incline will be able to serve the handi-

capped. • . The gym was to be finished months ago. Tangdall said a combination of unforeseen problems caused the delay. Among these were "the weather, scarcity of materials and the nature of ...._ the construction ," said Ta11gdall. . · During the evening, the gym will be open for community use. Though the hours thai the gym will be open to the public have not been set, it is hoped the community will take advantage of this opportunity. Also, there are doors on the south side of the gym to-be- ttsed~eparate exit which do not go through the building. An exercise area will be furnished in the gym with e~ercise apparatus. ·In the past, girls' intramurals have been· limited as a result of inadequate facilities, Now, as the facility is nearing completion, hopefully some kind of program can be organized , according to Huston . There will be no bleachers set up· in . the gym except for the steps on the east ,side of the pool so no interscholastic competition will be held in the new gym. Along with the ·gym is a new girls' .loc;ker r.oom which will be located upstairs in the gym. • During unscheduled mods students will be allqwed to u~ the gym for various recreational purposes, Huston · said.

local boozer:S drink with 'mixed' - e motions:· It's· a contradiction of sorts. percent srated tha,f their mothers. and 20 percent of their legal age' for the purchase or consumption of alcohol, Although a recent poll by Mr. William McCormick's fathers drink alcohol frequently . · · · _one question dealt with how indiVidual's obtain their Perhaps ~he most surprising aspect of the poll, ~aid pcioTogy class indicates that approximately 91 percent liquor. Although 17 percent buy their own and claim, . ~f the students drink alcoholic beverages, only 45 perMcCormick, was the frequency with which much of the "they don't get carded," most people, 58 percent, get :ent of these students feel that too much drinking exists student population drinks-. The results show that 44.6 their liquor through friends. Approximately 15 percent percent drink about once a wee\, and 26 percent drink in 1t the school. . use false identification, while the r.emainder ask.s As a first semester project by t~ree sections of ~xcess of once a week. The figure then drops to 19.4 perstrangers to purchase it for th~m, or takes it from parents' stock. · ·c cormick's Sociology class, 572 students out of the cent·for those who drink about once a month, 10 percent . . .urrent enrollment of 2178 wer'e surveyed concerning for those who drink four or fives times a year, and 1.14 Beer remains Jhe favorite alcoholic beverage for 61 percent for people who drin-k every day. heir involvement-with and attitudes toward drinking. percent of the student population, while .15 percent .According to McCormick , this questionnaire is, "as In the portion of the survey in which students ex~ drink ha'li.liquer (mixed), 4.5 percent drink it straight, 1ccurate a·s ·any' survey can be,"... because he feels most plain~d why they drink , 1.14 also responded that they and _8.2 percent usua-lly consume wine. t uden.ts took it seriously. He also cited th.e fact that the drink out of habit. It is generally believed that peer presMcCormick feels that, .co upled with the fact that at esults were tallied by a computer, thereby eliminating sure plays a maJor role in teenage drinking; however, ... least 70 percent of the students drink at least one~ each . · only 17.5 percent of those interviewed cited that as the he possibility of human error. He explained that not all 1f the statistics add up to 100 percent, as people-did riot primary reasQJl for drinking. An overwhelming number, week, the amount that, " the kids drink is the most sur63 percent, explained that t~ey , " like to drink for the- ~ising to me." The results shq.w that 50 [Jercent drink •to espond _to all of the questions . . "get to feeling pretty good." The oth•e r figu.re·s break ·· . · He said, "'I think our contrbls were pretty good , pleasure of it.' ~ , down as 17 percent consume one or two drinks at the , McCormick said, :'This is contrary to natiOnal statis1ecause the students were faithful. It is definitely better most, 15 percent drink to "get a small buzz," and 12 an most done like this." · ~ tics. They show that most kids drink because of peer prespercent drink for the purpose of getting drunk . Of the 263 males surveyed, 92 percent claimed they sure. The rest of our survey is fairly consistent with McCormick said, " Although a lot of kids are drink!rink . This compares with the 89 percent figures of nation~ I stu"dies, but this isn't, and I' m. not sure why." The- remaining pepple claimed that they drink beemales who consume alcohoi. .These percentages were ing, many of them don't see themselves as being part of ' en broken down into classes. The statistics show that cause they like the tas~e or nave problems. the problem. I' m not saying'1h~t Westside_is any better or Another question on the poll asked when students ne number of students who drink increases with age, as worse than other schools, and I· don't think the survey shows that. I just think that it shows that many of these i2 percent of the sophomores, 91 percent of the juniors, began consuming alcohol without their parents' knowlnd 93 percent of the seniors admit to consuming ·a lco- edge. The majority, 56 percent, responded that they people may be problem drinkers in the future . i was surprised that so many people d~ink as often as rthey do olic beverages. started between the ages of 14 and 15. Another 24 perAccording to McCormick, many studies indicate cent began before 13 years of age, and 16 percent and as much as they do. I'm surprised, appalled , and at the drinking habits of parents are closely related to between 16 and 17 years .of age. · somewhat ashamed of this, but I think jt proves thaf · Because the vast _majority of the students is under the alcohol ·is t.he .most abused drug in our society." e use of liquor by their children. Of those polled ~ 7.8

----MolehillsAFS chapter interviews host families "The Marriage of. Barilldn," the one-act play entry, placed first in district drama competition at Dana College in Blair on Thursday Jan. 18. Five cast members, Chris Seem, Richard Betz, Gina Carusi, Geoff Jordan, and Diane Murphy, received Outstanding Actor nominations for the state competition. The play was performed in state competition on Thurs_day, Feb. 1, in Kearney.

Metrics move in

Stadium to be revamped

Big changes are in slore for the west side of the football field where the aged and dilapidated bleachers have become inadequate. Plans that would expand and improve the bleachers and adcl a press box are being drawn up so that the stadium can accommodate up to ;100 more visiting fans by next football season, reports Wiitala sponsors 28-day... Europe tour Dr. Kenneth Hansen, associate superintendent. It is the feeling of district officials that the pres ~ Ms. Sheryl Wiitala, French· instructor, will sponsor a student ent bleachers are not adequate in meeting the trip to Europe this summer. The trip will be conducted by the needs of the fans for the visiting tea'm and have, in American Council for International Studies. The approximate cost fact, become unsafE:. _ · of the 28-day trip is $1500. 1nterested_students snould contact Ms. Hansen explained, "the bleachers had deteriMitzi Delman at Arbor Heights junior High School or Wiitala. orated to the -point where they had actually beTournaments fill Math Club schedule - come a ·haz;ard to the fans and in order to improve them we would have had to move in and replace Math Club will be attending two contests in the near future. boards and do some major work. We felt it wasn't Six members will travel to Lincoln on Saturday, Feb. 17, for a conworth it." · _ . test at Lincoln East. .• · Presently, the 'district has a three-faceted plari · The following Saturday, the club will be sending three teams that includes replacing the bleachers with sturdier to compete in the Creighton Field Day. The club is also making aluminum ones, building a press-box on either the plans to host a tournament on Saturday, March 10. west or east side of the football fielq arid convertOne-:act takes first in district ing the track around the field to the metric system . . ·Families interested in hosting a foreign student on the AmeriThe change is a long-awaited one. "We've can\. Field Service lnternation~ l Scholarship program are encourstalled it off a long time and our visiting team fans aged to contact Ms. AI Kash , chapter presidenVor Ms. Mary Davis, · have not bee_n very happy with the situation," Hanforeign ' lang-u age department head. · . sen commented. Interviews are now being conducted. The student would stay According to Mr. jack jackson, architect, the · with the family for ten months while attending Westside. new bleachers will be similar to those in the new ' Northwest Hfgh School Stadium and wi11 expand

the visiting side from 1600 sectts to 2000 seats. Because the school must change its track to the metric system by 1980, the bleachers will have to be situated so that an extra lane can be added to the track, thus~allowing conversion of the track. In addition, a press-box of unknown dimensions will be built on ·one side of the stadium. "It might be easier and cheaper to do it on the east side but we don't know if the laws will allow

it. We'll just have to determine most feasable," said Hansen. • · After plans for the expansion have been solidified, it will be necessary for the district to seek bids from c_ontractors. "The school has to put any job that will cost over $10,000 up for bids," explained · Hansen. It is estimated that construction will begin some time this summer so as to be finished by the start of the football season next fall.

Society recognizes accide.mic achievers National Honor Society held its induction ce~emony last Friday. Approximately60 juniors and 50 seniors were inducted into the chapter in an hour-long program held in the auditorium . ThOSE\Students joined the 65 seniors who were already members of NHS. The purpose of NHS, acc:ording to Heidi Rath, chapter secretary, is "to provide recognition of outstanding students." Mr. Gary Sedlacek~ NHS sponsor, added, " NHS membership is like the academic equivalent of an athletic letter. Instead of being honored for contributions to~ a team, the student is honored for contributions to the entire scholt." • The qualities of character, leadership, scholarship, and service are considerations in the selection process for membership, Sedlacek said ,..A committee of teachers considers students, taking into account the students' extra-curricular activities, grades, and accomplishments. The four NHS officers spoke on the four qualities. Jeanine tYan president, spoke on the importance of service to the school and community. . l~euwen,

Vice president Camille Peters talked on character; Heidi Rath, secretary, spoke on scholarsh'p and Jane Kelsey, t~easurer presented a talk on leadership. Seniors in the top 15 percent of their class, with a 3.0 average, and juniors in the top 10 percent of their class are eligible for membership.

Students and facu ty stand on the outside steps between the gyms during a recent fire alarm. The alum, which sounded after a smoke bomb went off in the cafeteria, forced students outside in only -3° we-.ther. Students

· • NHS differs .from other school organizations, Rath said, in that the chapter has few activities for its members, other than the-annual induction ceremony ·and an exchange with Burke and Northwest High Sdhools in the spring. · ,.

w!Jh co-.ts were looked uj,on w:ith je-.lousy by the rnOijority of the students who hac\ left their coats in their lockers "The r:eason we don't do much is because NHS members are during the day. After about 10 minutes'in the sub-zero · ·usuall(busy in many other activities," Rath explained. "NHS is really we-.ther,_students r01n e-.gerly b..ck into the bulletins. mor~ like an award than a club," said Rath.

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February 9, 1979

News) /

It's coming no,w? opinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopini_ Science fic. . . before the one class of the tion author year that you'_re prepared for. James Blish . .. as soon as they legalize . predicts that whatever. · the world will end in the year _- Expect the world to end in the 4104. The Bible above situations and you won't be caught unaware. · ,.bry Bloomingd;lle tells us the'end columnist will . come Th!;!re are also times when it's a when it is least expected. \-Yhen- certainty l,ife will ' continue a ever it comes, you can be sure it while longer. You can rest easy will be at an inopportune mo... when you're in the dean's . ment; heading the list of life's office. inconveniences. Will that mo----.~-""""''""""""""'""" il:f~...• ......~""""""'"""""""""' . ·. . until after you get your se- · ment descend upon you when • mester grades: it'~ least expected? Not if you exped it .. . · ... before they bring back the opinionopinionopinionopinionopiniom~pinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopiniono·pinionopinionopinionopini .. . -when you're in· the bath- draft. tub. 1979. said, " In s9me wa s students now are more . . . during large group. . , . during the Superbowl. Time is drawing near when knowledgable and less mature." Patz emphasized . . . when you're sitting in the . .. the night. before your high we will be able ·to analyze. the that she teach~s only sophomores and -it's hard to waiting room of a dentist's office. school graduation . . 1970's as a whole - as a part of generalize. " It seems more students now are inter.• . . three minutes after you've history . If students of the 1960's ested in taking classes that wou·ld be more benefi.. . until after the physiology made your last car payment. . can be described as an opinion- ciai in terms of what they want to do as a job or for unit on rat dissection. ... the last day of your p.rison ated, determined and even revo- college, instead of for knowledge, or' learning for .. . before your car slides into term. ltJtionary, what then can be said. the sake of learning," she said. ... the day you make the bas- that police car ahead. · Columnist of the students of the 1970's? " When modular scheduling came in it made a . .. until after you 've paid your ketball team. · The 1970's have been a time whe·n students difference," Patz said. " Students with unscheduled . .. when you spot an empty overdue book fines . have held few strong opinions on anything and time tried to decide how to use it. There was a space in the senior parking lot. . . . when you 're "illegal" and want everything to stay JUST AS IT IS. We are living greater number of students who thought it was a ... immediately after you've see one of our ' charming . in a decade of uncertainty, disinterest and indeci- status symbol to be in honors c-lasses and to have won the $150,000-a-year-'till- bouncers approaching. siveness. higher grade averages. There was greater competi1 .the-end-of-the-world sweep• As far as tbe Westside student body is contion among students then for academic achieve. .. until after semester final~. stakes." . . . until the "good part" of a cerned , Mr. William McCormick, history instructor ment. Class rank was important. " ... during rush hour traffic. since 1960, said it has " taken the whole circuit." In A great number of students don 't seem to care movie. ... as soon as you get your the early 1960's, he said, " students were interested about much but themselves. Getting students in. . . before they plow the in scoring well ~ getting good grades and going to volved in activities is difficult, for just having their senior pass (driver's license, etc.) . . . when you finaii}L get to the streets. ·college. Then they decided they didn 't care what -name on the list of members seems to be enough . . . . until you've balanced your their grades were. They were 'super-cool.' Matefront of a line.Both Z-Ciuband International Club have instituted · . . . when you're in the operat- checkbook. rialism was 'bad to them, and grades were basic systems by which they can eliminate their non ~ . ... until you've finished your ' symbol ·o f materialism." ing room. active members. minimum competency tests . . . . the day you turn 19. " Now students -a·re concerned about grades Almost every "student-initiated" activity that .. . as s·o on as the phone's free . If my predictions prove wrong, again," McCormick continued, " and wha t college comes about is. in it.iated ·by a very small number. . . . right · before a "heavy" don't forg~t it's all in fun . If, how- they'r e going to.. The percentage of rea fly good, This is how the 70's will be rememl;>ered . And date. • ~ver, I prove correct, IJI accept interested students is not as big as it used to be, but somehow, APATHY seems to be a good descriptive ... in the "first quarter of - a congratulations and deny re- . the studerJts are much more realistic now." . word for this more or less silent and definitely nonBurke-Westside game. - Ms. Hazel Patz, long-tim~ English instructor, · chalant decade. sponsibility.

It's a silent, nQnchalant decade


--Lance StanCe--Absent for aay

safer than tardy

If a student has more than three tardies' over a period of a month, the attendan<>e policy requires that he be placed on probation for 20 days,'and . . · , . possibly lose his_open ~mpus privileges. · Ms. Jeanne Gardner, paraeducator in the attendance office,'said that tardies are not looked kindly upon, whereas absences, because of illness, cannot be helped. . Often tardies cannot be helped ·either. Cars don 't start, the weather is bad, roads are slippery, the alarm doesn't ring. If a student has an appointment early ·in the morning, he ca·n ·also get counted as tardy, even if he has,come to the atfendance office prior to the_ appointment to get a blue slip. . · So with one early morning appointment, one day of bad weather and one day when the alarm didn't ring, a student can lose his open campus privileges. Gardner said "exceptions can be made," and ·according to Mr. Roger Herring, dean of hoys, students tend to -m·ake their own allowances. Some stud~nts choose to be counted absent from school for a day instead of being counted tardy. If they are late, they simply don't check in and thus avoid probation. The deans think the policy is fair and dfi!als with the·tardiness problem, but it seems absurd for the disciplinary action to be so und~sirable .that students weuld rather be counted absent for an entire day, than five min· utes late to homeroom.



Published bi-weekly by the Journalism Department of Westside tfigh School, 87th and Pacific St., Omaha, NE 68124, the " Lance" is a member of the Nebraska High Sc~ool Press Association, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, and theNational ~holastic Press Association. The " Lance" office is located in room 302. Advertising rates available on requ'est. Phone (402) 391-1266 Ext. 20. The paper is distributed to all students and staff on friday mornings. Subscription rates to others are $3.00 postpaid. Non-profit mailing rights claimed. Printed by Priesman Graphics, Aquila Court .Building, 1615 Howard St., Omaha, NE 68102. Editor-in-Chief . .. . Jeanine Van Leeuwen ·- - -Sports Editor . . .. .... .. .... Tom Golden 'Managing Editor . .......... Beth Kaiman Ass't. Sports Editor ..... ... Lisa Margolin Editorial Editor . . ... ... . .. Amy Gendler Sports Writers .. .. ... .... Terry Kroeger, Ass't. Editorial Editor . Mary Bloomingdale Scott Davis News Editor ... . .. ·..... .. Cathy Johnson Lifestyle Editor ... ....... Bob Glissmann Ass't. News Editor ....... Melanie Sturm Lifestyle Writer .... . ......... Sue Bobek News Writers . ... ... .... . Marshalf Pred , Advertising Manager ......... Jay Dandy Joel Severinghaus Business Manager ......· . . Cyridy Lunde Feature Co-Editors ..... .. Monica Angle, Artist .. . .......... . .... . .. Frank Gappa Photographer ...... .. .... Sally Lindwall Robert Greenberg Feature ~iter ..... , ... . Tracy Katelman Adviser .. . . ....... .. .. ' .. · John Hudnall

(Editorial Opinion

February 9, 1979

The big race .to homeroom

Westside's Lance




the . child ' looks up, she gives a reassuring smile. "One, two , three .. ."she counts , with an inflection of hop~ in her voice . The child tri·es again, getting a little further, but eventuc ally giving in to the Holly Jones inevitable failure. · The child is 10-years-old, but cannot ·courit. She is mentally "retarded. On theoth~r hand, the instructor is learning at the same time. Her name is Holly Jones. for )one~, this is her first time working with handicapped children. As a part of the exec.-utive internship program, she has .chosen to spend the second. semester. of her senior year teaching children at the ),P. Lo-rd School. At the khool, she does the same things that a student teacher would do. She actively participates in all daily activities, and is an integral part of the program. )ones explained how she got involved. "This



bei.ng the classroom does not necessarily exempt one from learning, and according to Dave · Vana , who spends part ' of the time that others are in school working, "I learn eve!y day."

Dave Vana Vana participates in the On-the-Job Training (OJT) program of Office Occupations. He currently works in the accounting department of Harbor Gas Stations. "I thought the best way. to get.good experience was to have a·job in an accounting office," said Vana, who is investigating the possibilities of being a Certified Public ·Accountant (CPA) .. While most of the students involved in the program leave school at noon to go to work, Van a works in the morning twice a week, due to difficulties with his schedule. "I've been working since the end of November," said Vana. He started later than other students in the program , because" of the football season . "I'm going to start working 20 hours a week ,'! Vana aQded .

fall, I went in to see Mr. (Don) Johnson (executive internship program director) and asked him if I could work with handkapped children ori an internship. He contacted the school, and _sent me to be interviewed." ' So far, this has really been a good experience for me. I work in _a classroom of eight children . .. which keeps me busy all the time, whether I'm feeding a girl lunch, or helping another to learn how to count. My first hour was the ·hardest. I was really stared that I wouldn't be able (o do well. As you work with these kids, you realize that they have feelings too. Just because they are handicapped doesn't mean that they aren't human ·beings." )ones will be responsible for preparing an individuaf resear:ch project, something that will · -relate directly to her responsibilities. She hopes to speak to classes 9r parent-teacher groups, to "explain to people just exactly what mental and physical handicaps are." She also feels that the _experience · sh~ · will have had in the . internship program wiH be beneficial. "After .a week, I have already gained a lot of patjence, and more of an understanding of children in ,g eneral ... it's a very valu;ible experience·. "

·Interns A special kind of ·t eacher ·

"Experience" is "the mai_n attraction for Vana, who is taking advanced accounting to meet the requirement of Office-Occupations, that of•taki"g a course in a related area. . "Advanced accounting teaches the.basks; on the job I learn specifics," .said Yana. He also noted the va(iety of situations that he is exposed to that he norma-lly would not gain knowledge of by just being in the classroom. The work experience will enable him to ~· "have a jump on other people.," in college accounting courses. "It's a good learning experience," he remarked. .. Ms. Joan Anderson, co-ordinator for Office Occupations recommended the accounting job to him, so. Vana applied ai:ld got the-job. Vana supports a full school work load along with his job, and says that he would recommend the course in Office Occupations for those interested in continuing in the fjeld. "I'm sure people do," take advantage of the blocked schedule just to work, he added . . One important part of the program is the stip· ulation that the student must be enrolled in another class. For Vana; this J!leans applying what he learned in the classroom to the experience of . his job. ·



Educators of the late twentieth increasing responsibility "to teach dents can directly apply to their adult Mr. Dick Lundquist, guidance man . Dr. )ames Tangdall , principal, important to-give college-bound to receive practical experienc.e in choose to enter. • · Mr. Don· Johnson, executive gram director, fee.ls that he has a Executive Internship. A new that operates under the' principle is the best tool." In its third year, and "going strong," Johnson ex system works.

How it works "The ·program is designed to kind of career experience for decided pn a specific field that explained. Seniors who decide to program spend their second <.,,. . . ,.,.toll job situation, working with a busi ployee in their respective field. Students are responsible for approximately 32 hours per group seminars in school each individual is responsible for p project, which involves an unde company that they work for, and




Employers claim· benefits . Employers and sponsors pf On-the-Job Training (O)T) volved now for five years," Ms .. )une Welty, sponsor for and Executive Internship have P<?sitive feeli_ngs toward these . Alexander & Alexander, Insurance, stated. programs. ' "I can see and I can realize how muc they're benefit "I value it very highly, -it helps the student in their deci- ting from the program an<! I wish _that they would have had a -sion for. a career," said Mr. )ames Ingram, Executive .Intern progr.am of that type when I was in high school," said Gosponsor and vice-president of Leo A. Daly,. Co. racke. Getting involved witn the prograiT) was achieved through a _variety of ways. Many of the sponsors contacted Westside for student employees and were· direCted to the . programs.

Employers also benefit, Ingram comm~nted. "It (the program) gives the company exposure to students today. We take a little bit of liberty and try to give them multiple experience."

" We got involved by calling ' Westside for part-time help. We were not aware of the program. We've been in-

"We are very pleased with the progra'm and the control. We plan to continue," Welty commented.

'The experience the stud~nt will get working with us will help him in his education in the future ••• because th~y :(students) do have the· experien_!:e.' -M~: .. Ron Goracke, sponsor .




"I'm very much impres-sed with the program, if they Other employers were contacted by the school and asked if they would lik.e to· be involved. know they are interested, it is an excellent opportunity,'' . "Mr. Don Johnson gave me a call the first year they · stated Sublett. Goracke expressed the same feelin'g about experience. started the executive intern program, and asked me if I would be interested. We met and talked it over, and got our He commented, "The experience the student will get work.first executive intern three years ago,"· stated Mr. Ron Go- jng with us will help him in his education in the future, unracke, sponsor from Goracke, Vawter and Associates, CPA. derstanding some of. the practical aspects of the public acAccording to many sponsors, working as an executive counting profession, and · in finding a ·job in the future, · intern or th~ough O)T gives the student a good cp<mce at .a · because they do .have the experience." Overall, the employers have been impressed with the later job with the company. Ingram .c ommented, "I! does in the sense·if he works, but it can work both ways." He felt that students. Sublett commented,. "Students have been relithis was also a way to find out ihhe student is lazy. "If he puts . able. They are very enthusiastic and ~nergetic." · Benefits of the programs have been for both the student . forth a good effort" it gives him a good chance. So far, he-has and the em"ployer. However, according to Mr. Skip Katzhad good workers. A major reason stu~ents involved in t"he program have man, sponsor from Mica Mecca, "the benefits are mor~ to . a good chance, according to Ms. Susan Subletf, is because the students than to the employer." "We try to teach them all we can. They have a lot to do they have the experience. These students no longer need to be trained, and; therefore, would have higher qualifica- ... they get an all around education in the business field," commented Ms. Ruth Baxter, of Baxter Electronics. tions.


Westside's Lance

By taking part in the Executive lntt~rllll• gaining. valuab1e experience as a 32 hours a week worki~g with Or.

perience consider~d \(aluable to their particular job. . Friday morning seminars, Johnson and discuss the organizations, their budgets so "They know how 'tbe system works." · feels that this facet of the program is >ui. L<=:>> . ': It's important for students to more than their daily work. We tr1 to other things, such as how young workto move up the corporate ladder."

ive internship program is a fairly in education, according to Johnson. the pr<;>gram began seven years ago City. They found that it was a good way motivated students to get practical exand as a result, the program has exthere are 30 schools in the nation that some form of- this program. grown with this trend , as the number involved has increased from 12 to 18 in years," he said. attends a workshop each year, where rs from each of the 30 schools meet progiam, and potential ideas for im- .


has been highly su ccessful , Johnson, with one drawback , " We much student interest as we would When we started the program, we

Some teachers and educators argue that -the had . hoped for about 25 students per semester." · Tangdall agreed, "The program ~as. not semester, spent in school (classes) would be more expanded to the degree I would have wanted ... beneficial for the student's education. Johnson beI'd like to have at least 30 kids-involved , so we could lieves that for most career fields , this is not true. " A hire a. full Jime. coordinator for · it" · (presently., student who goes through' the pro·g ram gains other Johnson teaches business and .accounting in addi- skills as weir as their practical education, such as tion to directing the internship program) . learning how to cope in an adult world . Naturally, The program has all the symptoms of success, their level of maturity rises, as they gain a new _ · with the exception of a single, looming shadow- perspective." declining enrollment. As the .number of students · · However, Johnson adds a single exception . decrease in the building, it may become harder to " For a student who would like to pursue a Pre-Med justify staffing .a program that involves a limited program, we really ca11't help. Because of insurnumber of participants. Tangdall continued, " I ance rates and privacy legislation, doctors are very hope we don 't s·ee a curtailment on programming hesitant to allow an untrained student' to intern as a result of declining enrollment. I can't say how under them : I think a student could potentially high of a priority item the executive internship pro~ gain more in this situation by staying in school , and gram will be, but if enough students are) nterested , concentrating on the basics." we will staff it."

Student viewpoint

A closer look

Chris o"lson is working this semester in the Who is the program really for? " Basically, it county·attorney's office, learning how the legal sysserves 'talented and gifted ' students who have ful-. te...m operates. He feels that it is a good program, befilled most of their academic requirements in high cause he can "get connections" in the law field , school ," Tangdall said. and see how he likes the job. · Paul Whitmore, on the other hand , is working There are two major advantages to the program, ·a ccording to Tangdall. First, it can be for leo A. Daly, an architectural firm . He doesn't helpful if a studenti kr:10ws what he wants to do as miss homework or tests, but thinks that he's " doing · far as college choice, and further education. The a lot more work ." other advantage is that a student may find out that Whitmore commented, " I' m .always busy the field t hey have an internship in is not what they doing something .. . the job is very professional. want to do, and s.ave time and effort in the long_run . You get to see- what it's like in' the real world ."

Schedules .mislead; . long .hours demanding .



graduate. This year, the internship· program expanded to incluc;le 18 seniors.



Glancing at the schedule of a student in Health occupations " sends students out, the On-the-Job Training program , (OJT) , as seniors into the medical field ," said Ms. it would appear to be easier than that of Donna Kendall, supervisor, and president the average student's, but after the noon of the ' Nebraska Health Occupation As. · dismissal, the·se students must work a min- sociation. Students find jobs in veterj.tJarian clinimum of ten hours a_week. There are pr~seritly four OJT pro'grams .. ics, dental offiCes and .other medicallyFor each , participating· students must at- relatec!. positions. " When a student detend classes in the morning and go -to cides to go into the medical field , if these students get a first hand look, they can work in the afternoon . Sponsors of the ·work-study programs · decide yes, they want medicine, or no, • feel that students are able to receive'prac- they do not," said Kendall. tical experience and insight ,. into their " any of my students are working 20 to field of interest. 40 hours a week and still functioning well Office Occupations pla~es participants at school ," Kendall added . in positions such · as secretarial work, " Most of tfie students that I have had banking, data processing or accounting, . decide either I' m going to medical school explained Ms. Joan Anderson, who is in or nurses training," .said Kendall. So it is a charge of the program. combination ~f · those planning and not The field is so varied , Ande ~son des ~ planning on attending college. cribes it as " anything to do with . workWestsi~e began the program, the first in ing." " It wa ~ an idea that we had to get the city of Omaha five years ago~- " Fi rst of pra ctical experience," while still in high all we started teaching medical programs, • . school. then we brought in medical occupa" We did a survey of the business comtions /' said Tangdall. munity," said Anderson , to find if there " The Co-op T&l (Trade and Industry) was enough interest in this type of. proprogram is an extension of our shop program. " Enough of them said yes," she gram, students are placed in jobs that are continued , s01 the training was started. shop-oriented," explained Mr. Ron Fehr, Anderson has been supervising it for who is presently in charge of T&l. " about eight years." ' 'Gaining work experience" is one of .At the time the program was initiated, said Dr. James Tangdall , principal, it was r the most important aspects, along with " totally for girls," a~ the emphasis was on " allowing students that don 't necessarily secretaria l work . Due to expansion into want to be ion class succeed in something other areas though , Anderson says she they do well," said Fehr. " They're getting skills and knowledge now has fjve boys enrolled. During some of the mornings they are right from the job, up to date information, at school , ~tudents attend an Office Occu- __which gives them a head start on graduatpations class, along wjth one other class 1n ing seniors," he added. " The only way a kid is going to l~arn a related field to their job. . • Anderson said she found about 95 per- aut9 mechanics is to be in a garage," said cent of the jobs, but the student has to go Tangdall. " There are vocational instructo the interview and be qualified in order tors who will di ?agree with this, but you can 't learn the vocational skills in class, ~ . to get the position. Idea lly, Tangdall feels the OJT programs he added . The last of the four work-study proare " for those not' planning to go to col- · lege," adding, " of course there is som~ grams is the Distributive Education (DE) duplic.iltion ." Anderson reports that program. This is under the coordination "most of the students are going on to col- of Mr. Dick Rezak. · " Probably· one of the first things we lege;'' furthering their education in business administration. .ever had was DE," said TaogdaJI. The proMo'st of Anderson's students have gram combines "student academic protaken other business classes, and are well grams" with jobs in the area <;>f sales and .. prepared·for the business world . She feels marketing. " I think it's been a good program," said the main benefits of Office Occupation lies in ." the practical experience" and dis- Tangdilll. He added that he believed there · had been as many as 120 to 130 st1,1dents covering whether they enjoy the work. Similar to the other . OJT _programs, involved in the work st4dy program.

. '.Feature .



Girls' division championship ·on lin Coach lee Nordine, girls' basketball mentor, has his eyes set on Tuesday night. After the long haul of a rugged American Division conference race, it j1,1st might all come down to one big game. Bryan invades the Westside Gym Tuesday when the two undefeated American Division squads meet for the conference championship. At press time, the girls were leading ·the Metro ·American Division and needed ·wins over Ralston and Bellevue West to set ap the championship game with Bryan, also a division leader. "We should beat Ralston, and we should beat B.ellevue West, so the Bryan game should be for the American Division, because we will both be undefeated in ·our division ," Nordine said. Bryan is currently ranked fifth by the ' Omaha World-Herald .' Nordine's squad is aided this year by two sophomores, Deena Murphy and Beth Vivi~n , both of whom start. Vivian is the team's secd'nd leading scorer behind senior Jean Pistillo Nordine said that Murphy has surprised him this year. " I debated whether or not to keep Murphy on the va ~sity or not. I thouglit she could play,

but I didn't knqw how much. Fran Halstead is also play: ing more than .I thought she would," he said. Nordine expressed confidence in his bench . "Our bench has been really strong, I'd say ten or 11 deep, but last night (wlien the girls played North , on Thursday, . Jan. 19) they weren't. I think. Halstead, Sue Kirchofer, and Connie Murphy have played welL Not every night, but they've made some contributions," said Nordine Each year many players that make the varsity have previous experience on the junior varsity squad. led by sophomores Sue Meister and Kathy Harkert, averaging ten points per _game, this year's junior varsity is 7-2 (at press time) , including an impressive overtime win over previously undefeated Northwest. · ' Jensen said that, in addition to Meister and Harkert, she starts Mary O'Hara, Julie Burns, and Lisa Piper, a player Jensen termed a "leader, one of our best ballhandlers." Unlike Nordine, Jensen . described her team's be!:Jch as a problem. "The bench hasn't been real good .

Usually in our close games the starters and a couple the other girls play the whole game, because our has been cold. Cara Zinotti has probably played the off of the bench ," Jensen said. The JV team is also striving for the American sion Championship. " I would consider ourselves favorite, but they' re going to have to work hard cause Bryan is supposed to have a very good team , does Bellevue West, so we will have to work hard for it, said Jensen . Jensen cited the gu<~rd position as one of her biggest strengths. "We have three excellent gu·a Harkert, Meister, and Piper, and Harkert is perform better than I thought she would at the beginning of year," said Jensen. ' Aside from the three division games, Jensen sa the girls .have one game against Millard on T Feb. 6, a team the coach is concerned about. should be able to win the rest, but I thi~ we' ll trouble with Millard. She said that a rule passed by t Metro, allowing players to play JV and varsity games the same night, could possibly hurt the team .

.wrestlers ~ready .for state me~t'; · Milani optimistic about chances , T,remendous. wrestling and a little luck are the tw'o main ingredients which, according to Mr. lou Miloni , coach, the Warrio~ wrestlers must have in order to win the State meet, February 15, 16, and 17 at the Bob Devaney Sports center in lincoln. Miloni exclaimed, "All' of our people must come . through at state. We must have a good total team effort and and some good breaks too. We'll be ready." Miloni feels Columbus, Norfolk and Tech are his team's equals, and there are no stronger teams than these in the state. . , ~r . lanny Neese~ coach of Columbus, feels this is the most balanced wrestling potential in the state for a long time. " Off the top of my head I would say Westside, Central, Papillion, Tech, Scottsbluff, Norfolk and us have the best chance at state. A lot of people don't realize Scottsbluff'!t potential; they have five or six kids who can wrestle with anyone in the state." Neese pointed out that he doesn't get the chance to see Westside-wrestle, and vice versa. " We won the Millard Invitational, but it's a lot different at state. There are many factors . One boy could make the difference." Mr. Curlee Alexander, Tech' s coach, meanwhile, · narrowed the field down to Columbus, Westside, Papil lion , and, as he put it; "hopefully Tech" to take the state crown. Between the Warriors and Tech he feels Westside has a sligtlt edge. " They beat us in the dual meet and in every other meet except Metro, so I'd say they're a little better team." He added, " We' ll finish in the top five, Westside will be there too. Which school will be ahead of RarirJ' to go one another, I don't know." Swim team member Eric Olson gets set to start a race against Papillion's co4 h, Mr. Mel Melcher, also . puts opposing swimmers. Olsori, like the rest of the team, had an easy · Columbvs, Norfolk, Scottsbluff, Westside, Papillion, and time winning in the Tech-Roncalli triangular meei. Tomorrow Tech at the top. He said , " If we wrestle well we' ll win' it. the team will be challenged in Metro in the Westside Pool• We have two or three good kids coming back from

injuries, so we're looking good from that standpoi In Metro, which was held Friday, Jan . 26, Warriors finished third to Council Bluffs Abraham coin and TeCh. Goncerning his te.ams' pe Miloni explain.ed, " I was not overjoyed, but I disappointed . I thought we'd win . We didn't do as some classes as in others. Our overall progress good." Earlier in the season, the Warriors lost a dual Bryan, a tecfm ·Miloni feels is ill-matched agai Warriors: " We wrestled flat :tgainst B.ryan ; we wrestle ready." This is the only dual meet loss for Warriors all season .

The total dominance of high school wrestling from teams such as Westside ~s coming to an end. -Mr. Jim Kimsey, Central Coach Some ~f the strongest weight divisions ·for Warriors are Keith Sortino at 112-pounds; Scott M lascino, 126 pounds; Matt Prucka, 155 pounds; heavyweight Mark McClellan, according to Miloni. explained, "We have no weak are·as, just ones that as strong as others." _ . Mr; Jim Kimsey, ·Central's coach, anticipates exciting state tourn'ament this year . " The dominance of high school wrestling from teams s Westside is coming to an end. Teams all over the state getting better and this is making a more balanced tournament. There probably won't be a team scoring points or more and the point differences shm~ld be doter. I'm looking.forward to an interesting


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sclemen abound

oting thatbale{iron) weights is an important part of physical mg. The weight room provides a place ches and gyin teachers to utilize this. area.

Young said, "There are three reasons why we have this program, Number one, it helps increase strength; number two, the stronger a player is, the less injuries he will get; and number three, it's a good time for the players to get together and get to know each other."

r. Max Kitzelman, physical education de~ charimari, teaches a two-week weight in his.gym classes. He said, "We mainly want the Stl}dents how to lift the .weights. A lot "Right now we are trying to g~t weight train- . when they first start lifting do it the ing offered as a mini-course. It is inconvenient for So we show the proper way to lift, and some players to get in after school. We have 25 · We also want to get the students startlift weights.' 1 · players workin~ out after school .right now. If weight·training was a.mini-course, we could get all boys' ~varsity basketball team uses the the players involved," Young added. · room also. Mr. Tom Hall, head coach, said, have the team .use the weight room, for 12 Girls also use the weight room for training. Mr. after practice. They work on six stations, Don Glasgow, gjrls' track coach said, " Before the minutes each. We concentrate on the difbasketball players' muscles, such as arms, season we have a program for the sprinters, Benching with power and legs." Hall said, ."We emphasize jumpers, shot putters, and discus throwers. We not bulk. lifting the weights is really great work on developing strength before the season, Concentration and strength are the two main ingredients utiiized in Sco« tioning, because -the players are· really then work on technique during the season. We Graves' bench press. The bench press is the most widely used weight deyice after doing· the workout. During the off- concentrate on tightening the muscles." in the weight room. . . we hope they lift more." "The girls work on the universal machine," bt training programs, are not only held said Glasgow, " because that works on all the musthe season. Mr. Dan Young, head footl:>all cles. About 15 girls are working out now, and we organized on off-season workout. It is in expect more to start working out, as the season right now. starts."

Jtil:key Shorts Warriors host Bryan tonight

ynasty: ·cOming to an_end? .

" We're even better this year." '.'Winning makes it.'' "This team wins." A · new motto is' fouod each year to back our athletic teams with spirit and exc~l- . lence. But, are we, in fact, even .better this year? Does this team win? · • This year, many of our teams to produce state titles, Metro chamips, and spotless dual records-as in previous The football -team, which was picked to be one team in the state, finished with a of 6-3. The boys' swimming team came in in the Ram Invitational, which is not cusat this schooL Why have. our teams d~ng to Mr. Ron Huston, athletic direcproblem isn't our declining in ability, bul her teams in the league increasing in talent. is possible that every other team increases in and we remain stable? coaches of some of the teams that didn't pected disagree with Huston. Mr. Paul Nyboys' tennis coach, feels that this year the lost a lot of its talent, as fou·r varsity players . (Before this year, the team took state in a row. This year, they tied for third.) As e other teams go, he doesn't feel that they

were much better than in previous years. I Mr. Dan Young, varsity football coach, said that they lost a lot of players through injuries and inelligibility. "We were chosen as the numb~rone · team in the state by the 'World-Herald' before they knew that a lot of our players wouldn't be playing. Sam Geddie moved, and Doug Friedman and Joe Mancuso were· injured throughout most of the season. That hurt us a lot," Young said. Young also said that he does.n't necessarily feel that the other teams in the league have improved too much. Huston said that he wasn't concerned with sports records. "There is no place for athletics if a team's win-loss record is the only thing evaluated," Huston said. He feels that if the athletes are working hard, and the coaches are trying, therejs a s~ccessful athletic program, which is true. But, ,Westside has always been a school in which athletics were very important, -including a team's bid for a state championship, or any other titl~ • Huston doesn't see our declining records and losing seasons as a problem. Nyholm, however, explains that'our diminishing sea ons are because ·of a loss of talent. WUI this be evident in future football, swimming, tennis, and other teams? If so, it does become a problem. •

OMt;;R\5 R~CORD6 , • • •&..

Bryan High will take on 'the varsity cagers Tuesday,. Feb. 13, at · Westside. At press time, the Warriors carried a 6-6 overall record. They have five games remaining in the season, unless they get into the state playoffs. In order to accomplish this, they must place in the American Division. · · Dean Thompson, jurnor, has repeatedly led the scoring, averaging about 17 points a game, which is third best in the Metro.


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DiBiase: Metro three way race


As the boy~ swimming team' goes into the Metro meet, it looks like a three team race, according to Mr. Pat DiBiase, head coach. "The three top teams in Metro will be Creighton Prep, Millard, and ourselves," he said.

DiBiase added that as the season gets toward its finish, Jim 'his team's star, is being recruited heavily by Mr. Ray Buzzard, head· coach at the University of Tennessee, last year's na· · · tional champions. ~orff,

DiBiase ·added that the attention being given Korff could be good or bad. "If the publicity were given to tile wrong person, it might hurt them, but Jim is a pretty level-headed kid, and he is taking it all in stride," he said. .

DiBiase added that two more swimmers, David...Anderson and Justin Kohli, are being looked at by. some of the~ore local colleges.


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. At press time, DiBiase e~timated that the team had "ql,lite a . few, at least 20" qualifiers for the state meet, two weeks from tonight at the Bob .Devane~ Sports Center in lincoln.

Westside's Lance


. .-

Intense .focus·on··contact ·1ense Because of their rising popularity, contact lenses are being purchased more and more instead of eyeglasses. "More people are ~ving up their specs and turning to an easier, no-fuss form of eyewear," said Mr. jim Belton, a spokesman for International Contact lens Service. "Contacts are mostly used by females between the - ages of 15 through 25," Belton said. · -''As for males;" Belton_replied, "they, too, buy more contacts than bejore·, but they seem to be older than the girls .." ' Older people are changing their eyewear to this . more modern way. The development of different kinds ·of lenses has mad~ contact-wearing comfortable for almost all ages. For most people, especi;lly-over 30-years-old, soft lenses are the most comfortable: They take only three to four days to get used to: Patients can usually wear them all hours during the daytime. Soft lenses need no adjusting, whereas hard lenses do. " Both kinds of lenses have th-eir advantage~ and disadvantages,". Ms. Pam . ~ealy, a spokeswoman for ·o r. Richard Nolan, an optometrist, said. "Hard lenses do need adjusting. We level them and smooth the ' . edges." Hard contacts can only be worn eight hours

. during the day and are harder to get used to. Depending on how sensitive your eyes are, it could take up ~o two weeks to feel comfortable with these lenses. On the other hand, hard contacts are less ex'pensive. Accordfng to Belton, estimates run from $180 to $250 including the exam. Your eyes are photographed for their curvature and checked for injuries or disease. "Prices depend a lot un the person," Belton explains, "different people need different prescriptions." The estimates Kealy quoted weren't as high as · Belton's. The fee for- a full exam and hard contacts is $125 to $150. The patient also receives a full year of service for adjustments. : "With this, the patient doesn't have to pay $10 . ' every time he walks in the door," Kealy said. Costs from other optometri~ts for hard contacts are around $200, again, including exams. Since soft lenses are more comfortable and need no adjusting, they cost more. like the hard contacts, soft lenses remain basically in one price br!lcket. · Belton gave prices of $250 to $300 for th.e soft lens, the ·exam, and ~vena 30-day trial. He says a lot of the money you pay goes to the doctor and for technician fees.

Prices according to Kealy are .from $210 to$ "We only charge $300 in rar(;! cases," Kealy replied. · like her company's hard lenses, the price includes a one-year service. Soft lens prices from other optometrists are basically the same. They began at $275 and went up . as m.uch as $300. Also included in this fee is an el . sterilizer to use at night. Third and fourth kinds of contact lenses are the semi-soft contacts and the bi-focal contacts. Both becoming more popular imd are considered over glasses. Semi-soft lenses are the "in-betweens." They not soft, yet they are not hard.·This time there is a' larger price range. Belton's $195 charge excludes exams. Kealy's lo~est fig~re , $175, included exams one-year ser.vice. Bi-focal lenses are more expensive. Jhey are used much, even though, according to Belt,on, bifocals have been on the market for awhile. Contact lenses were first sold in the late 1930's. Then they-were considered a luxury item. In the 60' s they became more of a " modern convenience." Actually the idea of contacts has been dreamed about for many years. leonardo Da Vinci conside · this idea more than 400 years ago. ·

~lee· · Castles' will

mel even .hardest ·hearts ~


If _you were in a serious accidertt, in which you lost almost your sight, would you want to ice skate? Maybe. Especially if had the potential to b-ecome an Olympic-class skater before accident. This probably won 't happ(;!n to you, or anyone around y it happened in the movie, " Ice Gas ties." " Ice Castles" is the · a 16-year-old girl named Lexie who, in the midst of training f Olyrnpic trials, has a serious accident leaving her almost total! blind . Tlie movie StijrS lynn-Holly Johnson as the 'Olympic ho Robby Benson a! her on-off-on boyfriend ; Colleen Dewhurst home-town coach ; Tom Skerritt as her father; Jennifer Warr her new coach ; and David Huffman as a newscaster. Members of the " lance " staff w ~ re invited to a premiere · showing of " Ice Castles" Tuesday, Dec. 12.. Following the scr a press conference was held with lynn-Holly Johnson. She told group, made up of junior high and high school st udents that had been skating in the Ice Capades when the producers of" Castles" were looking for the female lead. They approached and she signed a contract for Columbia Pictures soon after. " only real acting experience before this was when I was 10-yea living outside Chicago. I played Helen Keller in 'Th e Miracle Worker'." She also said that the dormitory in which her character liv while taking part in an on-screen competition was the same o had stayed in as -a competitor when she was younger .. The movie itself is a love .story. Robby Benson isn 't on scr much until the last part of the movie, wl).en he comes back to Lexie learn how to skate again after becoming blind . So for Love story " who go to see the movie because of liim, they may be a little Happier moments prevail for Lynn-Holly Johnson and -was the citY selected for the Midwest prrmiere of the film disappointed. But if people go to see skating, they should be satisfied. Robby Benso who star in the film, "Ice Castles." Omaha . which is cu.rrently showing· at the Indian Hills Theater. . skating sequences make up much of the movie, displaying Johnson's considerable amount of talent. ·


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Calm reigns over weekend

Rivalry explodes; rumors prevail Rivalry. School administrators feared it, students expected it, but no one appeared ready for its consequences. The Burke-Westside rivalry has transformed from a mediocre interest stare to the number one topic of conversation at both schools. Dr. Edward j. Klima, Burke principal, said, "Retaliation has gone on so long I think no one can remember who made the first move." Although rumors were abundant during the first

Extra .publicity Rumor surrounds. the mistique of this shirt, designed and printed by a Burke student. Sold at the Westroads, the shirt has been "very popular," according to store employees. Dr. Edward ).'Klima, Burke principal, said he had never seen the shirt, but believed it to say simply "Beat Westside." A more pessimistic aHitude was taken by Westside students, who believed its message to be ' worse.

two weeks of February, calm returned to both campuses as no incidents were reported over the past week-end. . Accord ing to Dr. James Tangdall, principal, Westside will not play football against Burke in the fall of 1979. This is because schedules are made far in advance, and it is common to exclude certa in teams from the schedule each year. The Warriors are, however, scheduled to compete against Burke in boys' basketba ll next season. It is this game that makes the administrators uneasy . For the past two years, this game has, according to Tangdall, " provided the se~ ng," for intensifi cation of the rivalry between the two schools. Tangdall feels_ because of violent occurrences at both games, subsequent injuries to students and damage to property, the schools may be-forced to end basketball competition for a period of time .

He said , " My feelings are that at this time, we should not continue our relationship (with Burke) in basketball for the next two to three years." He commented that after the designated time had elapsed, which would serve as a "cooling period," the renewal of competition would be reviewed. . Dr. Edward). Klima, Burke principal, was less pessimistic. He said, "I hope that a handful of students will not determine whether two fine schools will compete athletically in the future. It would be tragic if they were to bring an end to athletic competition between these two schools." The "handful" of students Klima mentioned first became evident to the public at the boys' varsity basketball game, held Wednesday, Feb. 7, at the Civic Auditorium . During the first half, approximately 125 male Burke students arrived together, and during the game moved as a group to various seating sections of the auditorium. According to Tangdall, this was "unfortunate because they intimidated the crowd throughout the game, especially Westside students. I think the Westside students felt they had to retaliate in some way to keep from feeling put down ." Klima was also surprised by the size of the group. He commented, " We were as awe-struck as the Westside people at the large group. We knew the kids, but had never seen them en masse. They never arrived at a game in a large group that way." Klima claimed some Burke students had, according to the students, received phone calls (allegedly from Westside students) threatening Burke students .who might attend the game. According to Klima, those students receiving calls considered them to be true threats, and felt they would be safer attending the game as a group. Klima acknowledged the presence of this large ~roup intimiaated-the rest of the crowd anti that the students had made a mistake. During the game, one Westside student, Harold Kel)nedy was hit in the eye. The person who allegedly injured Kennedy was apprehended by two school officials and turned over to the police. He never at-

According to thP rPport. Mr. David Ashton . assis -tant manager of the restaurant, called police at 10:54 p.m. to report a disturbance. He claimed in the report several junior and senior high school students came into Burger King shouting " Burke High School is best - Westside sucks." Several fights then broke out in the eating area and in the parking lot. Two students, Tom Dobson and David Schenck were injured in the brawl. Dobson, who attends Westside, was treated and released from Bergan Mercy Hospital for lacerations on the left side of the head. Police reports indicate he was allegedly shuck with a wooden stick. Schenck, a Burke Student, was hospitalized until Tuesday, Feb. 13, at Immanuel Hospital for contusions, abrasions and a broken right hand . According to Mr. Ron Kosse, Burger King manager, the problem is more severe than most people realize. He said people have used " bats and chains," as weapons. Kosse added that on the following morning, " knives (used to prepare food in the restaurant) were found in the parking lot. A lot of kids think it's just a

' I sure hope that everyone kind of lets it (the rivalry) slip away. ' - Dr.. Edward J. Klima, Burke principal

few fist fights. Last Friday night there was blood all over the store." Kosse estimates the establishment incurred approximately $2000 in damage during the first two weekends in February: In order to prevent further violence, Lt. R. j. Goodman, who works the 4 p.m. to midnight shift, commented the rivalry had evolved into "an extremely dangerous situation." He added that because of this, the police will be "very present" in the weeks to come, and arrests may be made. The" action" moved from a popular eating estab"'My feelings are • : • we lishment to school parking lots on Monday, Feb. 12. According to Klima, cars parked along Burke Blvd. should not continue our • were damaged with baseball bats. When rumors of this incident spread, students "made assumptions" relationship in basketball.' . the damage was done by Westside students. Klima -Dr. James Tangdall, \ alerted Tangdall and the police department at about 11 :45 a.m. Fifteen Burke students who left the building Westside principal were suspended from school. The police came before the Burke students could tended !Jurke, according to Klima, but graduated arrive. Some damage was also done to Westside cars from Tech in June. parked in the Westside lot sometime during the day. According to Tangdall, the " real trouble" came According to Klima , Burke students identified certain ori Friday, Feb. 9, when Westside students allegedly Westside students as being involved in the act; howdamaged a van owned by a Burke student, on 114th St. ever, it was later determined the alleged vandals were near Davenport. Tangdall believes most reports state in class at that time. that approximately one hour later, Burke students In both cases, Tangdall said, " We don 't know who who heard about the incident went to the Burger King did the damage. We're investigating it, but we can 't. at 2620 S. 90th St., where several Westside students pinpoint students from either school. All we can do is were gathered. Police were called at 10:45 p.m. when pu rsue the rumors we hear ." according to a police report, " several Burke High As for future confrontations between the schools, School students came in say ing, 'this is Burke TerritoKlim a noted he was " wo rr iPd abou t eve ry ni ght ." He ry' and began 'pushing some of the Westside students added he h0pes "everyone kind of lets it (the rivalry) around ." slip away. "

. .

'Paradise A-venue' dances ·to Bourbon Street Straight out of a New Orleans Mardi Gras- like setting tion of the king, queen and attendants to all students ill come the music of Bourbon Street as the theme, "We want to make it totally fair -so we decided to give everybody in the school a chance. We'll send out ballots Paradise Avenue" brings the french Quarter and its usic to school in the form of a Spring Formal on Satur- to the homerooms, thilt are color-coded according to ay, March 10. The dance, sponsored by the Student grades, on which the students will place their nominadvisory Board (SAB), will celebrate the coming of tions for the particular class. The top eight to ten vote getters wilt be the candidates," explained Conser. ring, and will replace Sadie Hawkins. With the arrival of the Spring Formal that SAB hopes Russ Conser, SAB president, described the dance. It's going to be a big occasion dance, a lot like Home- will become an annual event, the Sadie Hawkins dance has been eliminated. Sadie Hawkins has traditionally pming with a nice band and formal decorations. We' ll lso have royalty with a king and queen for seniors and been the main fundraiser for the junior class as they prepared for Prom, but wasn't scheduled this year. Mr. Ron pphomore and junior attendants." The dance will be held in the girls' gym, and will Huston, activities director, stated, "Nobody has ap~ elude decorations depicting the New Orleans' French proached me this year about scheduling Sadie Hawkins and frankly it's ju·st as well. We haven't had enough stu- · ~uarter in other parts of the school. SAB has already iarted by naming different hallways alfter famous French dents attend the dance the past few years. to make it · tuarter streets. Profits will go to SAB to strengthen the · worth the while." Although the junior class officers hadn't made any 500 scholarship fund . Tickets will be $5 in advance, and 6 at the door. attempts to schedule Sadie Hawkins, they aren't particu· SAB plans to avoid the controversy that has sur- larly pleased with the elimination of Sadie Hawkins. " I unded Homecoming candidates by opening the selec- think if the students had the choice of which dance they

would have, they would choose Sadie Hawkins because it's a less formal dance that doesn't require spending a lot of money. We also figured we could make around $500 that we hoped to use for another activity for the juniors since we should have plenty of money for Prom but we won't have that extra money now," said Toby Schropp, junior class president. Huston doesn't agree with Schropp's estimate of the amount of money that could be made off of Sadie Hawkins. "The trend with Sadie Hawkins the past few years has been for the dance to do a little better than break even. Just to have the activitiy when the money making venture is no longer a money making venture is inappropriate," Huston commented. Conser maintains that the Spring Formal will be a successful dance. He said, "Spring Formal is being held about the time students begin to get spring fever and the days begin to get warmer so I think it will meet with the - students' satisfaction. He addPd . hopefully this dance will finally prove to be a money maker for SAB and we can plan to make it an annual event."



-Molehills~ Contest to color blank wall Blank walls do not a prison make. The vacant wall outside of the cafeteria has been designated as the site for the Student Advisory Board 's mural contest to add color to the building. Attempting to increase school spirit, students .h11ve been asked to design a mural for the wall between the two cafeteria doors. Mary McKenzie, SAB member, said that the student response has been good so far . " From six to ten students have participated so far," she said adding, " I am r~ally pleased with the response and surprised there has been so much." The designs are to be turned in prior to the week of March 26. There ate no restrictions on the theme, McKenzie comments, " We felt it would be easier if we ·did not restrict the theme." The designs will be displayed on the week of March 26. Students are then to vote on them. If the students' selection meets with approval of the SAB committee and board the plans will be made to paint it on the wall over spring vacation. Interested students will be doing the painting. McKenzie commented that someone from the-art department will probably be overseeing the job.

Calendar proposal adopted for next year A joint Forum-SAB school calendar proposal was adopted by the School Board at its Monday, Feb. 5 meeting. The proposal recommended that next year's calendar remain the same as this year's, with starting and completion dates unchanged . In addition to this proposal, Forum will suggest that first semester end at winter break, the remaining two weeks before second semester being used for mini-units or special interest courses. Russ Conser . SAB pres ide nt . sa id. "The decision whether or not to adopt a two week interium will be made by the administration . It won, .'t affect the calendar dates that the School Board has adopte d. A committee composed of Forum and SAB members initiated the proposal by suggesting four possible calendars. Forum then polled the homerooms before voting on one of the four proposals. SAB gave their support to the Forum decision.

Senior hornists featured in CJB concert The Concert Jazz Band presented an evening of jazz on Friday, Feb. 16, in conjunction with the Show Choir and Chamber Choir. The eight numbers played covered "all types of jazz, from basanova to swing," said Mr. Bob Jenkins, director. Featured were Mike Mitas on trombone and Bob Krueger on flugelhorn . The Warrior Wind Symphony will also b_e presenting a concert on/ Monday, Feb. 26, at 8 p.m. in the auditorium . \


Students filled the Guidance Center during the early weeks of the semester, waiting to see counselors concerning S(lhedule changes. To add or drop a course, parental signatures had to be obtained. Many students were

Harding is here for Deerfield 's winter term. During the winter and spring terms, Deerfield seniors " in good standing" can take part in alternate study projects. The students must formulate the ideas for these projects, write a preliminary proposal and ·eventually turn in a final proposal. Harding proposed to do a comparison study of pub/ lie schools and priv,ate prep schools. Since Harding lives in the district, he ' chose Westside as his comparison school. Though he lives only one block from Arbor Heights Junior High , he has never attended a District 66 school. Through eighth grade he went to Brownell Tal-


Change requests mount u With the advent of a new semester, new classes bring varied reactions by students. As a ~esult, many students find themselves waiting in the guidance center to change their schedules. But prior to this time, students are given many opportunities to change their schedules, according to Mr. Dick Lundquist, guidance department head. At the beginning of December, cards were given to students with their Eourses listed, allowing them to make course changes. After these cards are returned , changes can still be made up until two weeks before the beginning of a new semest~ . Despite these opportunites, students still attempt to change courses for a variety of reasons,

make~ comp~rison

No one would ever know from looking at him that Brinker Harding is a "foreigner." Until mid-December, Harding attended Deerfield Academy, a boys' preparatory school in Deerfield, MA . Now he blends right in as part of the scene.

turned away from the counselors, because cPrlt:aindures had not been followed correctly by those to change their schedules.

and it is the job of the counselor, to decide which changes should be granted. Lundquist stated that they (counselors) want to make changes that are "educationally appropriate," and weed out those that are made for "superficial or frivolous reasons." Lundquist also added that there are " dozens and dozens and dozens" of requests that are not honored . Among these are students who want to move classes up to earlier mods, or move into classes with friends. Most changes are legitimate although, " I'm sure we get conned sometimes," he said. He added that they generally give the student the benefit of the doubt, as they want to please the

students. Approximately 630 made schedule changes, third of which Lundquist utes to scheduling Lundquist feels that it's convenience to change but this is to discourage cessary changes. " It's a royal - that's on purpose." Many teachers don't with Lundquist. Mr. Rob social studies instructor that it's too easy to drop and that a significant students drop without class a chance, often they don't like the people in class. He added that it problems when coun a student from his class notifying him .

between public, priva

bot; in ninth grade he attended Creighton Prep; and since tenth grade he has gone to Deerfield. · Coming from a private prep school of 550 students to a public school with 2,100 has been quite a switch. Harding's first impression of Westside is that the "academic . load is not as difficult as at Deerfield ." Harding is taking what he calls a " medium load," including Business Law, Composition, Economics, Nutrituion for Athletes and Pre-Calculus. · Harding said Economics here is approached differently from the economics course offered at Deerfield. " At Deerfield, Economics is probably one of the hardest courses," he said. Harding was also surprised at Composition. English courses at Deerfield involve " mostly reading novels and writing papers. Here, it seems to be just writing." Since Harding is taking Nutrition for Athletes, one can assume that he is an athlete. True! Harding has been

swimming from the age of six. He was also a me the Westside Swim Club . . During his years at the Westside pool, Harding in contact with many students. This has been a his instant assimilation into Westside. Harding will even be swimming for Westside at state meet today i.n Lincoln. He has qualified in back and freestyle races . According to Mr. Pat DiBiase, Warrior coach , .Hardings' times are " good enough for him place" today. A fellow teammate of Hardings, Tim Quinn, team hopes " Brinke r will score 15 to 20 points State would be harder to win if we didn 't have Even though Harding has come to do a school , he is a full-time student. He's competing letics, and has become i'l true Westside Warrior. As ing said, " I'm a Westside student now."


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Westside's Lance


February 23, 1979



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Schedule changes: make it hurt Teachers always complain about the numerous class changes made by students during the first few weeks of the semester. Students, on the other hand, complain that the teachers complain. The student is at fault. He has plenty of chances prior to the semester to change his schedule. He doesn 't do it. Then , several weeks into the semester he decides he wants to add a class- or drop one. This usually is acceptable to the guidance counselors, as long as the student has been in the original class for two weeks. · Teachers are not happy witt) this two week span, because if they put the students' names in their grade book, chances are they will need·to cross some of them out. It seems impractical to leave the names out of. the grade book until two or three weeks have elapsed . The solution we propose is something that colleges and universities have been doing for years. Students should be fined for all adds and drops any time after two weeks before the start of the semester. As far as actual monetary value is concerned, we suggest $5 for any course change after the set deadline. Computer error will not be charged against the students. If students realize the consequences involved in making changes after the deadline, perhaps they will choose their schedule more carefully and make any necessary changes before they have to pay.

Priority granted to carpools

A Waste of time Karl Marx had a dream of an utopia . Sir Thomas More had his own idea. My idea probably would not agree with either .of theirs. My own conception of an utopia is so attractive I wonder nobody ever thought of it before. tn my utopia, there would be a total bsence of obligatory and timeming activities, such as airplane ips, dialing the telephone, shoveling , and stopping at one's locker. I' ll bet if teachers really thought about they'd realize how much time could saved if they altered their teaching ods. For example, think how much me would be saved if, instead of assignSO-m inute experiments, the science ructors would just tell us how an periment would turn out if we d id it. We could save a lot of time if those inted outlines we are handed at the nning of many large groups were completed, also. We wouldn 't to spend so much of the day at I, and could all go out and make ey. Or maybe not. It's such an annoyance [aving to fight rush-hour traffic and sactfice an evening for a job. It would be ore in the interest of time if everyone tad to make the trip on ly twice a month, d then stay just long enough to pick p his,check f~r the amount of money e would have made if he had worked. hat way· no one would have to quit his ~b. If we all quit our jobs, nothing ould ever get -done.

In my utopia, nobody would have to fight traffic in the supermarkets, either. It's exasperating having to interrupt our lives to run to the store, because we've , run out of food . By the way, it's also a nuisance to interrupt our lives to eat, unless, of course; it's done for pleasure. And who ·doesn't enjoy a night out? Okay. No Supermarkets allowed in my· utopia, but restaurants are permitted. Come-as-you-are restaurants, that is. That way we wouldn't have to get ready to go out. Too much time is wasted on "getting ready." "Getting ready" for school. " Getting ready" for college. " Getting ready"· for an exam. "Getting ready" to get ready . It's not only timeconsuming; it's tiring. So we spend a lot of time sleeping. My utopia would serve fatigue only to order. That means there would have to be no tiring activities, such as getting up in the morning, ninemonth pregnancies, most sports homework, and filling out government forms. In utopia, all of the government departments of all the government agencies would get together and print a total of one form for each living person that requires only one signature. And then they could put each form together with 1,582,074 carbons. This way everyone · will receive only one government form in the mail , and will have to think about the government only once. Even that seems a waste of time. Thinking .about something instead . of doing it is a waste of time: Talking about something instead of acting on it is a waste of time. Writing about something . instead of putting it in force is a waste of time. I guess that means this column is a waste of time.

Publis hed bi-weekly by the Journalism Department of Westside High School, 87th and Pacific St., Omaha, NE 68124, the " lance" is a member of the Nebraska High School Press Association, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, and the Na!ional Scholastic Press Association. The " lance" office is located in room 302. Advertising rates available on request. Phone (402) 391-1 266 Ext. 20. The paper is distributed to all students and staff on Friday morn ings. Subscription rates to others are $3.00 postpaid. Non-profit mailing rights claimed. Printed by Priesman Graphics, Aquila Court Building, 1615 Howard St., Omaha, NE 68102. Editor-in-Chief .... Jea nine Van l ee,u wen Managing Editor .. . . . . . . . . . Beth Kaiman Editorial Editor . . .... ... .. Amy Gendle r Ass' t. Editorial Editor . Mary Bloomingdale News Editor ...... .. .... . Cathy Joh nson Ass't. News Editor .... . .. Me lanie Sturm News Writers . . . . ... . .. . . Marshall Pred , Joel Seve rin ghaus Feature Co-Editors ....... Mo ni ca An gle, Ro be rt Greenbe rg Feature Writer ..... . .... Tracy Kate lman

Editorial Opinion

Sports Editor ... . .... . ... .. Tom Golde n Ass't. Sports Editor ..... . . . lisa Margolin Sports Writers . .. . ....... Te rry Kroeger, Scott Davis Lifestyle Editor .......... Bob Glissmann Lifestyle Writer . . .. .. . . ...... Sue Bobek Advertising Manager ........ . Jay Dand y Business Manager . . : . .. . . Cy nd y lunde Artist . . . ......... . . ...... . Frank Gappa Photographer . . ..... . . ... Sall y lindwa ll Adviser ... . . . . ... .. . .. . .. John Hudnall

Parking, parking, parking. The subject contim~ es to pop up in the " Lance." In the February 9 issue of the " Lance," a-story appeared concerning proposals made by a committee of students and faculty for improvement of the parking situation. Among these was the proposal of giving carpools top R_riority for parking spaces. . · The " Lance" supports this proposal - and there are several reasons why. If carpools are given assigned spaces, which. would be enforced by frequent towing, there is obviously going to be more of a tendency to form a carpool. Each carpool would have the same space very day, whereas a "lone driver" could spend as much as 15 minutes looking for an open space, considering that faculty cars will probably be given second priority. Equally as important, the promotion of carpools would comply with efforts being made to solve today's fuel shortage. As the possibility (almost probability) of gas rationing looms in the near future, promoting and using carpools would aid carpool participants in saving their "share" of the gas. Granted, there are drawbacks. Members of the carpool could forget to transfer the floating sticker from car to car, or the sticker could easily be lost. But we feel that the benefits of accepting the "carpool: priority one" proposal far outweigh the disadvantages.

Plots collide



Through, the grapevine, word has gotten out that Sadie Hawkins will not take place this year. At the same time , posters and other such promoAmy Gendler tions are appearing Columnist around school with sayings such as " Bourbon Street" and " Paradise Avenue," advertising for Spring Formal. Ther·e are two revolving plots in this saga. The first is that of Sadie Hawkins, the casual dance usually sponsored by the junior class. The secon d involves t h e ~~:a~~ Advisory Board's (SAB) Spring unior classes originally began to J sponsor Sadie out of necessity; they needed money for the Junior-Senior Prom, said Mr. Ron Huston, activities director. According to Toby Schropp, current junior class president, the juniors have raised over $2000; to be supple·mented by "probably $400 to $500" from the activity fund . ' Over a year ago SAB began to formulate ideas for a formal dance in the spring, said Russ Conser, SAB president. ' 'There's a long time between Christmas Prom and prom," he said. Mr. jim Findley, SAB sponsor, agreed with Conser concerning the need for a Spring Formal. • Findley said there is always a lull in student activities around March , and hopes Spring Formal will break the monotony somewhat. "There haven't been .any dances or attempts at school activities other than sports this year. We thought we'd try it," said Findley. He stressed that the board is " trying to provide something for the whole school," and mentioned that the royalty is to be selected from the entire student body: The quest ion at hand concerns

February 23, 1979

whether the advent of Spring Formal killed Sadie, or whether Sadie died a natural death . Huston said interest in Sadie has ded ined within the last few years as far as the numbers involved. Initially, Schropp said, the junior class officers didn 't know they were supposed to be responsible for Sadie. By the -time they realized it, Spring Formal was already on the school calendar, and " now we can't do anything about it," said Schropp. The junior class officers are not necessarily against Spring Formal, but regret that it was not coordinated with Sadie. Schropp thinks Spring Formal had some bearing on Huston 's decision not to put Sadie on the calendar. Conser claimed Spring Formal has "Nothing to do with Sadie Hawkins at all." Perhaps this is where the trouble lies. Another formal would have to have some effect on Sadie, whether anticipted or not. Spring Formal killed Sadie just for that rea~on . The junior class officers didn't know what effect Spring Formal would have on Sadie, and though they were willing to put it on for no profit, Huston said that would be impractical. It is almost definite Sadie would have lost money. The dance has just broken · even the last few years. With competition from Spring Formal, Sadie was bound to lose. It's not so terrible notto have Sadie for a year or two. In the past the interest has died out and Sadie was not held for a few years. It was then revived with renewed interest. Maybe Sadie needs a break. · In spite of the skepticism circling the Spring Formal, it may be a success. There is some concern that it will take the wind out of prom. But whether or not this is true, Spring Formal is something new and .different, and it's worth a try.

W·e stside's Lance


• •

Teen mother faceS reality The baby was a living doll in his mother's arms, his tiny pink nose glowing with an aura of fresh innocence. She held him gently, smiling with maternal pride. Annie (not her real name) had turned 18 just a month before giving birth to her first child. She kept trying to look ahead with love and hope, instead of the fear and despair many like her had experienced . Facing reality was a challenge, but one thing was for sure ... this baby doll was one she opted to keep. Looking up attentiv~ly, she told her story, "We moved here (Omaha) the summer before ninth grade. We've lived in a lot of places .. . but when we moved here it was different." Her jaw tightened from the tension of m£>mory. "I couldn't get into what I guess you would call the 'Westside crowd'- I had a few friends around me, but that was about it." Smiling at the irony of her words, she continued, "At the beginning of my sophomore year, I was a 'goodiegoodie.' I didn't smoke, didn't hang around the 'wrong people' and was just an average student. And then I started changing . . . dudng my sophomore year, I became a different person - my whole value system changed - from the way I dressed to the people I saw." "I really don't know what caused the change, I think it was just a lot-of things were going on at the same time," she remarked, consciously fidgeting from the boldness of her


Everyone else was 'doing it' and not getting pregnant, so I assumed I would have the same luck. I really didn't t-hink about it. '

words. She stopped for a moment, obviously torn in the recollection of who was to blame, then continued, "I had a lot of pressures from home. My parents didn't lil<e what I was doing, and were always comparing me to my older sister. There was a lot of jealousy between us ... she wasn't dating, and I already was - we lived in different worlds. Whenever anything went wrong, it was always my fault , not hers. My parents just didn't know how to cope with me. "I met Tom, my husband, in about November. We were pretty serious about each other .. . I really liked him . But then the pressures started to build. My parents told me to stop going out with him. The more my parents told me to · stop seeing him, the more I did. My school work dropped drastically, and I didn't care. It was me versus my parents. "My parents would check up on us all the time. They would follow us around, to make sure we were going to the place-1 told them I was going. I got caught a couple times . . . and would get these big long lectures that I didn't listen to. "People around me were noticing the change. My teachers knew something was wrong, and my friends from the beginning of the year could tell the change. But I didn't care ... I just wanted everyone to just leave me alone. "But they didn't. My sophomore year, I ran away twice. My parents didn't know what to do. They took me to see the minister, and he was basically on my side. He understood what I was saying, that I just wanted to be left alone and make my own decisions. My parents didn't like that, so we ended up changing churches. "Next, my parents took me to a psychiatrist. Both my parents and I had sessions with him, but l resented him. He tried to put words into my mouth.l can't explain him, except that I didn 't like him at all. The second time I went in there, he just sat back at his desk, propped his feet up on his desk, and stared at me, saying, 'I can't figure you out.' I never went to him again." Changing the subject, Annie started talking about Tom again, her fingers extended in a plaintive gesture, "In my junior year, a lot of my friends were 'messing around.' If you weren't doing anything, you felt kind of funny. We started making love about halfwaythrough my junior year. He was a senior and I was a junior -I had a pretty easy schedule. I haq a car, and drove to school, so I would usually go over to his house to pick him up for school. Anyway, we would usually make love at his house, either before we went to school, afterwards. We had sex almost every day," she revealed. , "I n~ver used any kind of contraception ... I didn't think it would happen to me. Everyone else was 'doing it' and not getting pregnant, so I assumed I would have the same luck. I really didn't think about it." But for Annie, rabbit tests and "not thinking about it" just didn't mix, as she became pregnant in the summer be-




fore her senior year. "I didn't know I was pregnant, but my period was late, so Tom and I went downtown to a pregnancy clinic. I made an appointment to get a menstrual extraction (where the lining of the uterus is removed- if a girl is pregnant, the egg is also removed). I made an appointment to get it done the next day at 3 p.m.l went to work at 11 a.m., and told my mother I was working until 5 p.m., intending to leave work around 2 p.m. Somehow, my mother found out. She showed up at work around 1 :30 p.m., and asked, 'Why are you going to a clinic?' I told her that I thought I was pregnant. She became upset, and told me that the procedure was the same as getting an abortion, and told me to cancel the appointment. We then made an appointment witl'l a doctor, and I found out a week later that I was two months pregnant. "Tom was upset that my mother interfered, but then accepted my decision when I wanted to have the baby. He was scared, and wasn't ready to accept the responsibility of becoming a husband and a father. He had a lot of growing up to do. My parents left all the decisions up to me. "I dropped out of school in the first part of my senior year. I went to my teachers and told them I was leaving, and was going to graduate through night school. The one thing that really stuck with me was something Mr. (Bill) McCormick, my Sociology teacher told me. He told me he was glad that I had a positive attitude and that I was going to keep the baby, and he told me not to 'worry about what other people

Westside's Lance


say about me, because people who talk about me behind my back aren't my friends anyway.'" t"Then, Tom lost his job, and my parents stopped me from marrying him until he would go back to work. They put me in Booth Memorial Hospital, a home for unwed mothers." ·"During this time, I was also close with my minister. He talked to Tom and I about getting married and put us in a marriage course. I had the baby in early March, and two weeks later, we were married. Our marriage was fine for about five months, and then it got bad. He went out quite a bit, leaving me without a car, and home alone to take care of the baby. I had all of the responsibility, because he didn 't take on any at all. He told me to get a job, and I did. I would get up at 8 a.m ., take care of the baby until 5 p.m., and go to work as a waitress until1 a.m. Meanwhile, Tom would come home from work, take the baby over to his parents' house, and go do whatever he wanted to do. "I was under' a lot of pressure. He hit me quite a bit . . . I had a blackey£>, bloody nose. a busted lip. and h£> blam£>d his temper on his 'job.' What it really was, was that he just didn't want to be married. He went out behind my back, and I just sat there and took it all. I was scared. I didn't want him to leave me because I didn't think I could handle raising a baby by myself. My parents and friends told me over and over that I deserved more than I was getting, but I kept trying to convince myself everything would be all right. I ended up in the hospital that Christmas from dehydration. I also found out I was pregnant with my second baby. I was happy about the baby, but it came a little sooner than I thought it would. I quit my job, and my husband decided to quit his too. He didn't want to work, and didn't care if I was pregnant ... it didn't matter to him . I was trying to get him back to work , and got a job myself,at Burger King . He finally got a job, working nights in a friend's store. I had my second child in November,and went back to the hospital two weeks later with pneumonia. Since, I have moved back in with my parents, and he has been evicted from our old apartment for not paying the rent." , "I'm in the process of divorcing him, and he's doing everything possible to get me back, but I won't go back. I woke up in the middle of the night a few weeks ago and could finally admit that I wanted out. I don't think I ever loved him because there was always something wrong. I can't take his hitting me or anything else," she forcefully asserted with a defiant air, concluding, "it's been the worst two years of my life." As for the future? "I want to move out of my house, take care of my kids and get a job. I've got to start my life over again, and be more careful who I marry next time." At age .20, she must begin again.


Statistics rising Planned Parenthood estimates of the 21 million young people in United States today between the 15 and 19, more than half have had al intercourse. According to recent evidence, agers from higher income and nority groups are now beginning intercourse at earlier ages, which led to higher rates of sexual a greater risk of undesired teenage nancy.


Abortion cases run rampant Questions concerning morality and legality are raised on the subject of abortion , but beyond the right or wrong aspect remains the fact that teenagers are seeking abortions. In 1976, there were 2346 procedures in Nebraska for women under age 20. Figures released by Planned Parenthood indicate that 42 percent of all abortions in Nebraska were teens 19 and younger, compared to a national total of 33 percent in 1975. " Because a woman makes that choice Ito have an abortion) doesn 't mean that she is making a choice she feels is necessarily right or wrong. She is making a choice that is important for her to make, regardless of one's moral or ethical point of view that says that this is the right or wrong thing to do," said Mr. David Bones, director of the education department at Planned Parenthood. An idea supported by Planned Parenthood is to avoid unexpected pregnancy. The importance lies in a girl making the choice she needs, despite one's attitude towards that decision . One of the agencies in the Omaha area concerned with counseling and aiding pregnant women is the Emergency Pregnancy Service (EPS). A counselor for the service, Ms. Marilyn Buresh reiterated the agency's goal which is, "to insure every woman the right to make a thoughtful, wellinformed decision about her own and her baby's future." Buresh explained EPS as " affiliated with Alternatives to Abortion International which has the same goals as we do. We are pro-life, but we explain abortion , and help a girl make choices." Counselors are prohibited from assisting in obtaining an abortion . The service began five years ago, when Right to Life members attempted to offer an alternative to abortion. last year, said Buresh, EPS received 1300'calls, a vast majority of which was in the 16 to 21 age group. " People have to make the assumption that what we're here for is to help people get abortions," said Bones about Planned Parenthood services. The attempt is to provide assistance in procuring services requested by women. In 1976, there were 225 abortions for girls under 15, 521 for the ages 15 to 17 and between the years of 18and 19, 1600. All of these figures had increased from 1974 and 1975.

There was a greater number of girls under 15, and 18 to 19-year-olds obtaining procedures in Nebraska than the national percentage. The number of girls between 15 and 17 was approximately the same in Nebraska as nation wide . Usually when a girl i'n high school m younger contacts EPS, " they don 't know if they're pregnant or not," so first a gregnancy test is arranged, said Buresh . EPS offers counseling and makes refer ~als to social service agencies. " Very few (girls) give up the baby for adoption, they'd rather have an abortion than give it (the child) up," said Buresh. " We don 't push it (adoption) ," she added . Buresh pointed out the fact that in many cases, if a girl decides to keep her baby, there was pressure to raise it within the family, rather than give it up for adoption . " There is a lot of argument going around about whether it bothers a woman a lot to have an abortion," said Bones. " Major studies done in the United States, have stated over and over again that the healthy woman who makes the choice for an abortion is not going to experience particularly heavy side effects, emotionally or physically." In Nebraska, Bones pointed out, no woman "expressed severe depression immediately after surgery." The decision to avoid early parenthood was desired by the woman . As a result of "the whole trauma (of pregnancy) the girls need counseling, (they are) not mentally ill," said Buresh. " There's a lot of making up their mind, any girl that is pregnant that decides to keep her baby has a tough road ~" A girl that Buresh would counsel is " under a lot of emotional stress," and has to make decisions. "There are so many things to be considered," and girls, Buresh feels, want to make these decisions quickly. Some of the fears a girl encounters are " 'do I value life more than abortion' and fears about parents," said Buresh. "Sometimes the parents put on the pressure," she added. "The truth of the matter is for the wom~n who had a strong feeling of their own worth as an individual once they made that decision they usually feel better. After the abortion is over they usually feel better. After the abortion is over they feel a certain sense of relief," said Bones. Making the decision puts the. individual more at ease, for up to that point there are pressures on them to make up their mind.

Negligence invites teen pregnancy

ac t ive

Teen pregnancy - it can happen to anyone but me. The subject of teen pregnancy is one that is usually ignored by both teenagers and parents today. However, the subject is not one to be ignored, according to Mr. David Bones, director of the education department at Planned Parenthood of Omaha. "The national number of teenage pregnancies is about one million. That was in 1975, and is the most recent statistic we have." This is 20 percent of all births. Half of all non marital births were to teenagers. One in four of these are to women 17 and younger. Nationally the out-ofwedlock birth rate increased 13.4 percent in 1978. Nebraska's statistics are a little lower than national, because "Nebraska is a little more conservative than the nation as a whole," Bones stated. State statistics show that 14.5 percent of all births were to mothers under 20. Teens accounted for 1,236 out-of-wedlock births. Omaha-Douglas county had 996 teen pregnancies in 1977. In 1975 Douglas county had 1046 teen mothers compare<:! to lancaster county with 305 and Sarpy county with 150. " In the Douglas county area there are three major sections in the community of Omaha with high out-ofwedlock pregnancy rates. Those that have the highest rates in the city these would be if you take Dodge Stree~ as the center territory, go from the Missouri River to fiftieth str-eet, and . north to Ames, approximately. Dodge south to " L" or " Q " St. is another high out-of-wedlock pregnancy area, but maybe a little further west. The third area is the territory of District 66. District 66 has the third highest out-ofwedlock pregnancy rate in the community,w stated Bones. This statement was cont'radicted; however, by Ms. Margery Reinmuth, of Greater Omaha Community Action (GOCA). Reinmuth, who did a study of out-of-wedlock rates in the area using census tracts, showed only one area in the District with "higher rates, but not extremely high." This was census tract

6801, going approximately from 72nd Street to 99th Street, and from Pacific to Center. The area had 21 percent of all births nonmarital. Reinmuth felt that this "doesn't lead to any conclusions." However, to Bones this is not the problem. " Out-of-wedlock is not the important issue. All that does is prove in terms of " society's expectations" whether the young woman delivers the child when she was married. The truth is, eve!) though she delivers the child when she is married, she probably got pregnant before she was married ." Unexpected and unpfanned pregnancies, which many times lead to outof-wedlock births or abortions, are what Planned Pa.centhood tries to pre-

persons are responsible enough with their lives to take into consideration the fact that the two of them are involved in that sexual relationship, and if they choose to have sex they are also responsible enough to say 'we' re not .ready for pregnancy yet.' That's really intelligent. We're not interested in punishing these people. We think that, given their choices about whether to have sex or not, they have every right to service. "Young people tend to act as if nothing serious can happen . It's almost as if there is a sort of 'Scotch Guard ' that you can put on yourself to keep from getting pregnant. Young people need to be informed about how possible pregnancy is and how it happens, clearly, and the rare though possible

' District 66 has the third highe~t out-of-wedlock pregnancy rate in the community. ' -Mr. David Bones, Planned Parenthood vent. In other words, Bones said, " We provide people with methods of birth control so they don 't get pregnant." Bones goes to schools to do presentations on contraception to teens. Everything that is available to adults is available to teens. However, only onethird of sexually active teenagers use the various methods of birth control. This is due to many factors. Mainly, when teens ask for contraception they are openly admitting to being sexually active, and are thus looked down upon by society. Other factors include not knowing where to go and money . If a person does not use any method of birth control the chances of pregnancy are 80 to 90 percent. Teens looking for contraception, Bones stated, can go to a privatE> physici an. Uni versity Hospital Family Planning, or Planned Parenthood. These places cannot refuse service because of age. Bones commented, " We provide contraceptives to people regardless of their age. If they are thoughtful enough to think about prevention of pregnancy before the fact, we think that they have a right to medical health care regardless of their age. If young

chances that can bring about things." " There are about 21 million young people in the United States between the ages of 15 and 19 years. Of theser more than half - some 11 million are estimated to have had sexual inter-路 course - almost seven million young men , arid four million young women . In addition , one-fifth of the eight million 13- and 14-year-old boys and girls are bel ieved to hav-e intercourse. Many of these "11 million " teens are here in Nebraska. However, studies attempted to find out the number of sexually active teens have been denied by the state. " Usually more males are sexually active than females but that's because in our society males are told it's 'cool' to be sexually active, and females are told it's terrible. So we would expect more men than women to be sexually active in a certain age group," Bones commented. No one can dispute the fact that the growing number of teen pregnancies leaves an unorthodox odor on the face of American society, yet over a million young mothers have failed to realize that it "can happen to them."




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State forecast indefinite



Don't expect the girls' gymnastics team to take State. On the other hand , don't anticipate a finish of worse than tenth by the gymnasts. This vague prediction seems to be the only fair way of forecasting the outcome of the girls' state gymnastics meet held today and tomorrow at Northwest. Mr. Tim Willits, coach, feels the state championship will be awarded to either Lincoln Northeast or Millard. He failed to put the Warriors on top. "It's Northeast versus Millard," he remarked confidently. " I hope we come out somewhere between fifth and seventh, at least. I guess it depends on what kind of night we have." In qualifying for State, the Warriors finished second to Lincoln Northeast at District, held Monday, Feb. 12. Before that, they placed fifth in Metro, Saturday, Feb. 10, with 103.75 points.

Willits commented, " considering the situation, I think we did really well at Metro." By that he was referring to injuries to allarounds Shelly Swift and Katie Recker. Swift, who suffered a foot injury earlier in the week, was unable to compete at full potential. Recker's injury also hampered her performance, and this led to a substantial loss of points. Going into the state meet, Willits feels his team has not progressed to its full potential. " I thought we'd be a little better at this point. Some girls didn't come around as fast, and some have been bothered by injuries. " They just haven't put it all together. They should be. better. The girls have the technique arid skills, but lack a little confidence." Willits attributes this slight " lack of improvement" to a psychological element. "As long as we win we feel we don't need to

improve. It's a ha d thing to overcome." He quickly acknowledged; however, that he is not grumbling over his team 's performance. " I' m not disappointed . We're going to State. That's tops, there's nothing wrong with that." Mr. Mike Hoscovec, Millard coach, feels Northeast is the team to beat. "Northeast has shown superiority. They've won everytbing they've walked into. If we have a good day, we're in the same ballpark. The trouble is having a good day." He feels these two teams, Northwest, Lincoln Southeast and Burke have the strongest bids for the state championship. "After that; he exclaimed, teams like Benson and Westside, who usually score anywhere from 100 to 110 points, should make up the next few places."

ot:key-shor Division title hopes spoiled Hopes of an outright American Division title for the varsity basketball team were dashed as the team was Bellevue West, 50-48, on Thursday, Feb. 8, at Bel The loss to West was the team's second straight loss as convincingly to highly rated Millard two days earlier. Duri games, leading scorers Beth Vivian and Jean Pistillo were held under their averages of 10 points per game. The JV girls, however, are still in c;ontention for the title press time) they needed only one more victory to clinch Currently leading the JV squad is sophomore guard Sue ter, mail'ltaining a 10 points per game average.

Wrestlers' terminate season With an overall record of 7-2 in dual meets, the Warrior wrestling team closed out an impressive season last came in second in the Millard Invitational, the Burke and the District Championships. They also came in third Eight wrestlers qualified for the state meet, which Thursday, Feb. 15 through Saturday, Feb. 17 at the Bob Sports Complex in Lincoln. They were John Dougherty, 98 Rod Ruh , 105 lbs. , Keith Sortino, 112 lbs., Cory Mellor, 119 Scott Menolascino, 126 lbs., Bill Stock, 145 lbs. , and Steve 167 lbs. Mr. Lou Miloni, head coach, said that because there are ally 10 to 12 qualifiers, it is unusual that there were only Miloni said that next year would be a good year for the however, because of the number of sophomores that

Swimm.ers fall to Prep

Gymnastics team captain, Heidi Rath, practices for the Metro gymnastics competition, which was held on Saturday, Feb. 10 at Northwest.-The Warrior squad fiJiished

fifth in the meet, which helped the girls prepare for the district meet on Monday, F~. 12, and for today's state competition.

KESY FM 104.5 presents

The Gentle Sound of Jazz with Alan Karl

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Westside's Lance


uary 23, 1979

Disqualification. This word leaves a bad taste in the mouth of Mr. Pat swimming coach, and his team . A ruling to disqualify 200 Yard Medley Relay team for jumping off of the blocks too cost them the Metro Championship. " We feel we won the meet," said DiBiase, "Our relay eventually won the race, but because of the ruling we gave points." The Warriors lost the title by an 11-point margin Creighton Prep. As for tonight and tomorrow night's state Jlleet in DiBiase feels the Warriors should win. "We feel that we good as anybody in the state right now, and having lost at such a peculiar way, I think that just adds a little extra inr,~>ntiv,.ii us to win," he said. "The fact is, Prep did n~t win by something that was doing, they won by one of our mistakes," added Each year, the meet officials name an outstanding cwimrr-i the meet. DiBiase predicted that it ~ill be one of three La Raynor of Prep, Bill Booth of Lincoln Southeast, or Jim Korff.

District tourney will Choose state contender The team with the easiest road to the district finals will be South, as they are seeded first in the boys' District Basketball Tournament, scheduled for Monday, March 5 through Saturday, March 10. Because the squad has the top seed, it doesn't have to play any preliminary round games, just the finals. The seedings are as follows : 1. South (12-3), 2. Benson (8-5), 3. Westside (9-8), 4. North (7-9), 5. Bellevue West (1-13). The Warriors will face Benson, a team which Mr. Tom Hall, Warrior head coach, sees as an extremely strong team . "They're a great team. They have a great big man, and a couple of really quick guards," he said. If Westside wins this contest, they will face the winner between North and Bellevue West. "If we end up playing North, it will be a tough game. They're pretty good, and their record is just about as good as ours," Hall commented. In order to go to the state tourname-nt, held on Thursday, March 15 through Saturday, March 17, a team can either win its district, or be picked as one of the tw·o wild card teams, the teams with the two best records in the state, other than the winners from the district. ' But, according to Hall, "Our record isn't good enough for us to go to State." So,

the Warriors will have to win their district, which will not be an easy task. Top seed eo South has only lost three games this season. If Westside gets to the finals, this is the team that they will play. Hall feels that the district that Westside is in is one of the most difficult districts in Omaha. "Whoever wins our district definitely deserves to go to State," Hall commented. On Wednesday, Feb. 7, Westside suffered a disappointing loss to Burke, picked as the favorites. They played an excellent first half, outscoring the Warriors by 11 points. Then , in the third quarter, the cagers made a gallant comeback to tie the score. In the fourth quarter, the score seesawed between the two teams. Then, in the final minutes of the game, numerous fouls were committed by both teams, and Burke came out ahead by two points. In the last 20 seconds of the game, the Warriors had three chances to tie the score, but failed to do so. A foul was called on Westside in the final two seconds. Burke scored both free throws, and went on to beat the Warriors 69-65. The game was held on a week day at the Cjvic Auditorium, in order to alleviate the problem of fighting between the two rivals. This strategy worked better than others have in the past years.

Words from tlle wise t

Attention was undivided as members of the fighting Warriors team listened to a rather intense breifing from Mr. Tom Hall, head coach, during a time out. The Warriors faced Roncalli on Friday, Feb. 16, and put out top effort in their last game of'the regular season.

laffaldano accepts reserve role-: 'I just do the best job I can' With two minutes left in the game and Westside holding a 14point lead, the crowd starts to chant for number 42. Mr. Tom Hall, head coach, gives the nod, Robert laffaldano comes off the bench. . For most players, getting into games only when the score has been decided, would be frustrating. But laffaldano accepts this role graciously. He said, "Jus( being a part of the team is really great. I really enjoy the games and going to practice. r've been in the same type-of situation for two years now, but I still really like it." Hall said, " He is in a position where he knows he probably Unsung hero won 't play very much. He has Varsity team member Robert laffaldano talks with team members about an known that since the first game, upcoming district opponent. laffaldano feels "just being a part of the team is and that his status probably really great," despite the fact the senior gets little playing time. won't chang!'!. It's not because

he is bad, but because he is good. "In practice he is making the It's just that there are other play- starters better. His parents are at ers that are better than he." every game, and I know they would like to se him play more. laffaldano said, "Some people in my situation would probably But they never complain," said quit. But I get a lot of encourage- Hall. laffaldano has played varsity ment from Mr. Hall and the playfootball also. "He was a starter in ers. Mr. Hall doesn't single out anyone for not playing or any- football for two years, so he knows what it's like to be in the thing like that." spotlight. But he accepts his role Hall agrees that other players graciously," Hall commented. would probably quit. "The averlaffaldano said that different age reaction would be to give up. players have different skills. He But Robert is one of the hardest said, "Some people are good working players we have. His at- shooters or rebounders or deftitude is great. He contributes ensive players. You have to play more to the team's success than the certain skills of players. I conan'yone. He is always positive, sider myself to be a defensive and constantly encouraging player. I just go out and do the other players. He is thoroughly best job I can." involved in the success of the Hall added, "Robert is the type team. If we lose he feels terrible. of kid you would like your kids to And if we win he feels great." be like. "

Been wondering where to go , for flowers? Try Flowers, Etc. Every Thursday thru Saturday, bouquet of cut flower~ only_$3°0 • Tangdall concluded , "We 'know that there is not any one program that is good _for all students. When you're dealing with 2200 students, you look for the best overall program and try to design alternative progra~m to fit individual student's needs."




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Artistic touch

February 23 . 197~

' ~~------------------------------------------------------~~----------

Art instructor Ms. Paula George aids a student in her Adult Education class. Art is _iust.one of the variou~ clas.ses o_ffered in the. program. Weekly instruct1on IS offered at Wests1de hve mghts a week. . ·

Warrior spirit hangs on the deck of the Mr. Clayton Campbell residence at 1311 S. 90th St., shows what some people do or have done to show school spirit. In 1973, Mr. Blaine Ward, the owner

at the time, decided to erect the sign, ·because his son, Steve, a senior, joined the swim team. His other son, Dan, also joined the

team.- Then, after the Wards moved out, the CampbeU moved in. The Campbells decid~ not to remove the sign their children will eventually attend Westside.

Neighbor's placard 'provides visUal suppo There are many different ways people show school · spirit. Some go to all the football games, some contribute to the activity fund, and some put billboards on their houses. Not many people put big signs on their homes showing they support their school, but the green house up the hill from the tennis courts has been displaying a "Warriors Win" sign since 1973. The house, at 1311 So. 90th Street, is currently owned by Mr.) . Clayton Campbell. However, Campbell did not make the sign. It was originally put up by the family before them. Mr. Blaine Ward, associate professor at the University of Nebraska at Omaha thought of the idea when his son Steve beca e involved in sports at Westside. " Steve joined the swim team his senior year," Ward

commented, "and our balcony faced the field, so we After the Ward .family moved out four years Campbell and his family moved in. decided to show our support by putting a sign on it." The Campbells have four daughters going to Ward built the deck right after Steve graduated. loveland and Arbor Heights schools this year. "Warriors Win" was added soon after. the oldest, will be attending Westside next year. Steve wasn't the only son on Westside's swim team. " Since Jennifer will be at Westside next year," Dan was a sophomore swimmer the same year his Campbell' said, "We just decided to leave the sign brother joined the team. Dan also participated on the team· his junior year. Jennifer might join the swimming and tennis next year. " I am also personal friends with Cal Bentz," Ward Because Steven and Dan were on the swimming added. Bentz, at that time, was the Westside swim team, and because of the location of their house, it coach. (Bentz left the coaching staff at the end of the very convenient for the Wards to show their sign. 1977-78 school year.) Now, with the Campbells moved in, .the sign Ward's deck did serve its purpose. "!liked to sit on my bal~ony and watch the matches _ remain· on the balcony to support their daughters, on the tennis court," Ward said. ' will soon be Warrior· Women.

It's fun to put erasers


your morning?

backsidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebaoterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbackside banterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbKI

I got up early the other day - must have been around 5:15a.m. I thought I'd take a shower, dry my hair, eat breakfast, get dressed and go to Bob Glissmann school. I was the onl~ columnist one up. Or so I thought. . I walked out to the kitchen, turned the light on, poured the orange juice, put the Rice Krispies in the bowl, sliced the banana and put the sugar and milk on. Then I heard this crackling or popping. "Wonder what that is?" I asked myself. "That's SNAPPING." "Oh, thanks." " Sure." "Hey, who said that?" "I did." The SNAP character on the cereal box was talking to me. Then he woke up CRACKLE and POP and they walked off of the box onto the breakfast

us. After we washed the spots off they table! that were on the floor ." "Yeah, I wondered who did that. Whenever you hired us as their new symbols! " " Hi!," they said in unison. "I'm SNAP!" "I'm CRACKLE!" 'I'm POP!" look on the floor for those things after "Why only three of you? You 'I'm Bob!" Somehow that last 011.e just you 've erased something they're never mentioned earlier that your co-workers didn't fit in. there." "Well, we took those." were promoted to 'assembly' also. Why "We're here to ask you about our "Anyway, after a few years the cereal. We'd also like to get to know computer industry started growing. The just you three?" "Well, there were only you!" SNAP said with a big smile and a transistor had been around for a while, five of us in the room at the time. The two other guys' names were COW and and all of the parts were smaller. So twinkle in his eyes. "But don't mind us," POP said. "You some us got moved up to assembly ... " SNORT. Originally, they did hire all of us, but I guess the stockholders decided can eat and·talk to at the same time!" "You mean guys like you put those 'SNAP, CRACKLE, POP, COW and that "Okay-, but could I ask you a couple of computer parts together?" "Oh, sure; things first?" "Go ahead!" the those parts are so small no regular-sized SNORT' was too long so they let the threesome said. "We're all ears! '' They human could assemble them. Folks like oth.e r two go. just remember," they said as they hopped out the door, "your had a point. us h·ave been doing that for years!" best days start with breakfast!" I guess "Whaddaya know." "First off, how did you get your jobs so. as spokesmen and symbols for good ol' "Around the same time the relocating was going on, representatives Rice Krispies?" "Well," CRACKLE said, "all of us were working at a major from a major cereal company were Hey, I wonder if they know Tony the computer firm a few years back, doing looking for symbols for their newest Tiger. Good thing his name wasn't odd jobs like vacuuming desk tops and cereal. A couple of them were visiting COW. Tony the COW would sound collecting all the loose_eraser shavi our com and they dumb. ~~~~--------~~~~----~~----------------------------~


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Westside's Lance

F February 23, 1979

Lifestyle ·]

I" t


• morn1ng It's Friday; .March 9, 1979

. Vol. 23 No. 12 Westside High School, 8701 Pacific, Omaha, NE 68124

Faculty views proposals: data suggests new. ideas "Are you open 9-10?" "Ya. I' ll me_et you in the gym - we can play some basketball or something.".· · ' Familiar conversation? Well, like · pop machines, like modular schedu_!ing. (n other'words, the ability to meet friends during free mods could_become obsolete in the com! ing years. Modular schepuling, which has been at Westside since September, 1967, provides an opportunity for each class to include small groups, large groups and laboratory. But with modular schedul. ing comes time-labeleq "independent study," which, by definition, includes all individual student work from the simplest 'homework assignment to the most complex research project. In a nut shell, independent study is a synonym for uns~heduled time. · Although this program works to the advantage of many students, unscheduled time has also become " the biggest bugaboo about modular-scheduling," according to Dr. James Tangdall, principal. . . . Last year, this was confirmed by the North Central Evaluation, as they pinpointed the use of unscheduled time as an area in need of improvment. Because of this, a committee consisting· of five faculty members- Mr. Ron Hatfield, science instructor; Mr. Dennis Mclntrye, social studies'instructbr; Ms. Hester Anderson, home economics \ instructor; Ms. Jackie Henningsen, mathematics instructor; and Mr. James Findley, vice principalwas formed to find a way to better stu{:1ents' use of unscheduled time. Tangdall related that this committee has been working to try to find a solution since the time of the evaluation. According to Ptenningsen, the committee recognized that there .was a "great deal oj ne'ed for improvement, but not a great deal of evidence as to how to go about it." Thus, the' committee submitted t~e proposals to t~e entire faculty during teacher in-service meetings on Monday, Feb.19, for evaluation. Henningsen commented, "One reason we brought it to the whole faculty was that each department is rather isorated - each department could find out what ~as happening to each other in the bl!ilding. Alsor because of another NCA report, we ~anted to try to involve the whole staff in helping to make a .decision which would affect everyone." The three proposals were as follows: retain the present program; virtually return to a traditional8,period day; and retain the present program with adjustments such as scheduling students into more minutes of class and counseling students concern'

ing their use of unscheduled time . Faculty groups of nine to 10 teachers spent two hours discussing these proposals on the basis of factors such as free time, study halls, student behavior, rewards for appropriate behavior, and previous data such as figures on declining enrollmeJJt. According to Henningsen, each group then gave a short oral report and handed in a written report. " The results were interesting," she related . " Three opinions were most evident in the oral reports: first, there was almost complete rejection of returning to a traditional schedule. The faculty seems to be happy with the system because they can work w!!h the students better. "Secondly, a clear majority of the faculty felt that there was room for improving the present sys-tem. · ."And finally, most rejected the idea of the homeroom advisor being responsibile for helping students with unscheduled time (as one of the proposals suggested). t-1any teachers feel ther.e are no teeth in the advisor system ·- most teachers -...:ou~d rather upgrade their work with each student in class instead of through homeroom advisors." · Henningsen felt that presentation of the proposals was a success. She commented, "I was pleased and almost proud to see how involved the faculty got - they were deeply concerned that their decisions would affect the students." . To supplement these results, the unscheduled time committee will also make use of data collected from a recent survey of graduates of the class of 1976. Mr. Don Meredith, social studies instructor, commented, "These follow-up studies have been done since 1959." Also instrumental in the committee's final recommendation will be a survey of 25 to 50 percent of students, 25 to 50 percent of parents, and 100 percent faculty, which will be conducted by the Student Advisory Board (SAB) . Russ Conser, SAB president, commented, "Everyone's always saying how bad modular scheduling is. We want to find out exactly what people think about it and why." Henningsen predicted optimistically that the committee would submit their final recommendation in late spring of this year, and that it could possibly be put into effect next year if approved . But Tangdall stressed, "Their recommendation won 't be the final decision. There are otherfactors which will hav~ to be considered." Tangda'll concluded, "We ' know that there is not any one program that is good for all students. When you're dealing with 2200 students, you look for the best overall program and try to design alternative progra~ns to fit individual student's needs."


ram meets with success



Adult Ed enrollment doubles over years r rying to avoid consumer ripSome of the non-credit' '? Want to learn how to belly courses are offered through ce? Or maybe your lifetime Metropolitan Community Colam is to be a gourmet cook. lege (Metro Tech) which is under se courses are just a fraction contract with District 66. Metro what is offered through the Tech pays for partial teacher salult education program. · aries and helps find teachers if <\dult Education has been in they are needed. However, Caristence for three years and the loc.k feels that maybe adult e?uollment has more than t_atron would be better off wrthubled along with the course out th~ hell? of MetrO-Tech- at erings. In 1977, when it was least frnancrally . rted the enrollment was 786 An ilVerage price for an adult dents. Presently, 111 classes education class is $20 and lasts an . offered and over 2,000 adult average of two hours. Each class dents participate. Ms. LaNe- meets once a week, but adult Carlcock, director, explains ' classes are scheduled Monday y adults have this sudden through Thursday. Each of the rge to learn." "By the year three sessons last about eight !)0, half of the United · States weeks and the registration for pulation will be over the age the session is Monday, March 26. 35. And because of this adults Westside has one of the largest ! looking for something extra adult education programs in the education." city. Surprisingly, adult educa: arlock said that some adults tion is very strong nationwide too. According to a Gallup Poll of e the courses to learn a techSeptember, 1978, almost one:al skill or just to get out and e a good time . . third of all adults have claimed to

havetaken,atsomepointintheir lives, .an adult education course. Ages in the adult education program vary tremendously. They range from 18 to over 65. Senior citizens get half-price for all courses offered. Though adult education has been a success, Carlock sees room for improvement. " The potential' is there to grow even ' more. There is so much of our facility that we can use and utilize that is not being utilized," says Carlock. Along with the non-credit 'courses offered through Metro Tech, the American Institute of Banking offers a program for credit. An open recreation program is also offered. . A very good response has come from the program. Carlock said the the main concern of the student is to get his or her mo~ ney's worth and to have everything well organized and planned out for them.


Artistic touch Art instructor Ms. Paula George aids a student in her Adult Education class. Art is just one of the various classes offered in the. program. Weekly instruction is offered at Westside live nights a week.



Deputy~. wi/l _ suppi¥JJe1M .. ~bounce'

to supervision

Deputy Mike Elman has replaced Mr. Kim LaPier as one of two building supervisors. Elman has been employed by District 66 for a month, dividing his work day between three or four hours at Westside in the morning and the afternoon shift of the Sarpy County Sheriff's Department. Etman's patrolman status gives him additional qualifications for his job at Westside, he said.

Juniors hope for large prom ,turnout

LaPier, who began working as a building supervisor four years ago, left last Friday for a job · with a vending machine company. His replacement by Elman was necessary, he said, adding, "Westside has at least two bouncers- even when I went to school seven years ago. At least that many are needed to keep things covered." Elman shares "bouncer" duties with .Mr. Lou Kresel, already known and recognized by students. Their function, as explained by Elman, is to "roam the hall, check passes to see if ·students are supposed to be off campus and dear congested halls." He added, "In a school this size, I think that supervisors are necessary. Without us, skipping and discipline problems would be greater." Most students have a common attitude toward the bouncers, Elman observed. "Students ~re usually pretty apprehensive when we're around, but they cooperate. And if they're caught, they're ~aught," he said. "That slight fear means that rt,ost of my job is to just stay visible. I get seen, and maybe that will prevent some student from leaving school without a pass or starting trouble. It's a lot like police work." · As a bouncer, Elman himself has little authority. If a student were apprehended, the incident would be referred to the respective dean, who would then decide what action to take. Elman added , "I'd ratber have the deans make any decisions, because they can look at a student's record, besides knowing the individual student better than I probably would ." Elman can, however, make arrests while working at Westside. He said, " Technically, a police officer is never off duty. I could arrest a student. But the usual procedure, and ·the one that has been used in the past if the student is in possession of drugs, for example, is to hold the student for the Omaha police. Whether or not to refer a case to the- police is again, up to the deans. "

Deputy bouncer

- .M olehills-___.

·J ! ..-

·Peony Park will be the traditonal setting for the Junior-Sen" Prom, to be held on Saturday, May12,accordingto Toby Schropp junior class president. The group "Saphire" has been hired provide the music. Schropp stated that "Saphire" is not a w known band, but has been popular with .many college functions; Schropp expects a large turnout for the dance, as it is later· the year and the weather should be nice. "Hopefully more will go to prom than usual," he said. The class treasury curren holds $2000, and another fund-raiser is being considered to insu the finances.

Math Club triumphs at Creighton, East First place trophies are becoming a common occurrence the Math Club. On Saturday, Feb. 17, six members of the t competed at the Lincoln East Math Contest, placing first a area teams. The following week, the club sen't three teams to the Crei on Math Field Day,.with one of the teams finishing first in a field over 100 schools. Individual winners were David Hayes, placed second in a short answer test, and Bt rb Chantry and Johnson, who _also placed second in a written team test.~ Tomorrow morning the club will host 16 schools at the West side Math Contest.

Conferences scheduled due to requests · Parent-teacher conferences will be held again next w according to Dr. James Tangdall, principal. The conferences, to held Monday evening, March 12 and Tuesday, March 13, will al parents to meet with their child's second semester teach School will be dismissed for students on Tuesday, March 13. Tan dall has found that many parents prefer the conferences to open house. Conferences will be held from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Monday and from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 to 6 p.m. on Tu day.

Debaters prepare for district contests. "Near miss" was ttie term Ms. Linda Trotter, debate coa used to describe the Ralston Debate Tournament held on Satur day, Feb. 24. The varsity team of Caroline Morfield a.n d Kelly Burr defeated before quarterfinals, while Geoff Jones and Dan Blo ingdale placed fifth in the novice division . Jones also placed fou in impromptu speaking. · Upcoming events include two novice tournaments and d" trict competiton; to be held Friday and Saturday, March 9-10. T varsity teams will represent Westside. Winners will qualify forsta competition.

"On t.De whole," -Elman concluded, " I'd have

Patrolling the halls, bouncer Mr. Mike Elwan pauses to to say that,.m impressed with Westside. The peocheck the pass of a returning student. Elwan, hired to ple I've met so far have been very friendly ... it ~eplace Mr. Kim La Pier, is a deputy _she'riff. · seems like a nice environment to go to school in ."

Police surveillance to continue

Rivalry dies down; administrators plan actio •

Stormy weather, in the form of violence and vandalism, has calmed in both the Westside and Burke kingdoms during the past two weeks. ~

According to Dr. James Tangdall, principal, little mention of the rival.ry-related incidents still exists among students. · School administrators; however, are still discussing the issue and specific measures that may be taken to curb further incidents. Tangdall's sentiments concerning future basketball contests between the schools remains the same.' He said, " I am still convinced that the basketball game is the only variable that created_the flare-up." For

this reason, he feels the administrators must seriously Tangdall agreed by saying the pubiicity, "beca consider the p~)SSible cancellation of next year's game . . constant reminder," but added that some cove helped to separate fact from fiction. The athletic dir!!ctors, principals and representatives Tangdall commented that during the. next f from the central offices will meet later this month to . begin making decisions on these plans. No definite date weeks, police will be patrqlling the area in unmarked for the meeting had been set at press time. in an effort to prevent incidents between students f Publicity surrounding the rivalry has, according to the two schools. Aside from police actions, Huston feels the task Mr. Ron Huston, director of activities, served as " somewhat of a distraction to solving the problem at hand ." He corHrolling the students belongs to the parents. He • feels some of the media coverage has-prolonged rumors "For many parents, the situation has become frighten· and student conversation about some of the more violent In the future f' l think they should, and maybe will, k closer watch on their kids. " incident.s. · •


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Westside's Lance

No~ ·t14th

- ' :'r




{2 Blocks So. Of W.. Dodge On 114th)

March 9, 1979


Responsibility key to schedule

Drinking age should remain

Responsibility. There is an obvious lack of it at Westside. Vandalism, constant dirtiness of school environment, tardiness, lack of interest in school spirit, lack of interest in doing well in classes .::. all these factors show strongly that irresponsibility runs rampant here. It is for this and other reasons that proposals for revamping or doing away with the present modular scheduling are under consideration. A committee consisting of five faculty members, which originated after last year's North Central E~aluation, submitted several proposals to the faculty on tyionday, Feb. 19, for evaluation. These included maintaining the pr.esent program, using the same program, but employing stricter use of out-ofclass time, and virtually returning to an 8-period day. Responsibility is the key. We propose that the current 13-mod day be kept. Instead of restricting unscheduled time at the beginning of the_yea·r, everyone would be given a chance to earn good grades by utilizing free time well. But here's the hitch. If, at the end of a specific period of time- either a quarter or a semester- a student's grade point average is 5.0 or below, the student would be reviewed by his homeroom adviser, counselor and necessary teachers. If warranted, the student's free time would be restricted to IMC's in which individual help could be given - a system similar to the current -restriction policy utilized as a reprimand for class cuts.. •

Suggestions are being made that Nebraska's drinking age be raised from 19 to 21-years-old. We contend the age should remain as it is. At 19,· a person is usually out of high school and should be mature enough to handle the intake of alcoholic. beverages. A 21-year-old is, of course, likewise out of high school ; howev.er, it see~s inconsistent that a citizen can vote at 18, yet is not allowed to drink alcoholic beverages until three years later. The minimum age of 19 is more compatible with the voting age of 18. , . It would be ideal if both the voting age and the drinking age could be the same. Such a switch would be almost impossible though. Since the voting age is a national law, the drinking age would almost invariably have to be lowered to ,m eet it, which ·would be impractical. Enforcement of the drinking age should be revised. If penalties for drunk driving and for a minor in possession were made stiffer, perhaps . fewer people would break the law. It is important for Iowa and Nebraska to have the same drinking age as far as the Omaha-Council Bluffs situation is concerned. If the drinking age · in tbe two states remains at l9, minors will not have to " cross th~ river" to be of legal age. The drinking age as it is now is a practical age. The age of 19 is a turning point in a person 's life. Personal choices need to be open to him.

Th is edition's op in io n p o ll asks if mod u lar sc h edu l i n g "works" at Westside. Since I've never gotten a chance to editorial editor . answer a poll , going to answer the questio n modul ar schedu_li ng. What bothe rs me the most t the wa y Westside students t modular scheduling is the they take it for granted . l.t's as if they don 't realize that other schools students must main in the building and in ed areas frof118 a.m. until ~

classes and as much free time as possible. Having class third mod , but not first and second is terror, beca use the stud e nt is the n ineli gibl e for a late arri val pass. But does modular scheduling " work " at Westside? The academ ic quality of the courses has not suffered from it, b.ut perhaps certain students have . Those students who are not the studious type - who are not collegebound find it difficult to concen trate on academics at Westside . Judging from the majority of Westside students (those who are college-bound) modular scheduling is a success. They gain maturity and independence as they learn to plan their free time wisely. But there is about 30 perc.ent of the student bOdy who suffer from having so much time free . They are tempted to leave the boilding, to go outto lunch, etc. and to procrast [nate in their studies.

btedly it's difficult to what Westside would be it operated under a tradisystein. I suppose it would its advantages - perhaps dent body would be more ·. - but Westside is physi- · ly adapted to a modular sysThe IMC's, study ar.eas,

Do you think modular scheduling works at ;·


Quinn, senior

ii\jt• jon Morton, junior @


Westsid~l f

"'''' . ::"'

Chuckholes abound This photograph, looking South on 90th Street from Woolworth, is not a pretty picture. The city "experimented" with a new type of asphalt and after the cold winter months, 90th Street's surfa.ce is rapidly crumbling away. On the worst section, several blocks north of where this picture was taken, cars move at only 10 miles an hour. During heavy traffic hours they move even slower. If 90th Street were only a side street, the problem would not be so severe, yet 90~s the only direct through street between 84th and 105th. And though 90th is ha~d to navigate, there is no real detour. Whether the street is made wider or not, it needs considerable repairing - and quickly.

Searching for the 'ideal'


nionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopini confused to find we· were outside. An Becoming desperate in my search for a colemaciated picture of agony ran past us. lege both reputable " This is our outdoor track," he exand affordable, I deplained. tided to check into " I see." what colleges the fedWalking along the track, I tripped over eral government deems something. butwfor t,h~'", 8~d1~}"deot , •t " What's that'?" I asked , looking down. Mary Bloomingdale most favorab.le. I was , very benef1ctal. columnist surprised to discover "That's our valedictorian." Beaming that it is a.small college, Charles Atlas Uni~.anne Nielsen,, lulsinesJ ihst with pride, he motioned to two men clad versity, in Pittsburgh, PA that heads the in white leaning against a low, gray build"¥eSt If •. . stud~~ts a ch~ft~ t government's list of "good" institutions ing. They came running; carrying what lot ,;?tirses tfiat the , of higher learning. I decided the place looked like an oxygen tank. The counselor pointed to the structure was worth looking over. When I arrived at the university, I was as we headed back inside. immediately assigned to a counselor who was only too eager to answer questions "Medical facility. Students usually need and show me around the campus. immediate medical help after a good "Why is this particular college so high in work-out. But we feel our running prothe. government's favor?" I asked as we gram is really doing some good. Statistics began the tour. show that one out of every four AmeriPublished bi-weekly by dfe journalism Department of Westside High School, s7th and cans gets cancer. Only ten percent of our "Because we've come the farthest in Pacific ~t . , Omaha, NE 68124, the "Lance" is a member of the Nebraska High School Press • meeting its educational standards.~'. student body have died from running." ~ss?ciation, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, and the National Scholastic Press Asso"You mean you've turned out the best We had entered another building and r1at1on. . . doctors, lawyers, etc?" . found ourselves in a long, stark-white corThe "Lance" office is located in room 302. Advertising rates available on request. Phone "No-o," he answered, puzzledly, '.'beridor lined on both·sides with doors. Sud[402) 391-1266 Ext. 20. The paper is distributed to all students and staff on Friday mornings. .d enly, a high-pitched scream came from Subscription rates to others are $3.00 postpaid. Non-profit mailing rights e,laimed. Printed by · cause we have the · most sophisticated riesman Graphics,, Aquila Court Building, 1615 Howard St .. Omaha, NE 68102. physicial education program in the coun- "behind one of the doors. try. Ever since the President's Council on "What's that!" I screamed. Tom Golden . Sports Editor ... . .... .... Editor-in-Chief .. . . Jeanine Van Leeuwen Physical Fitness and the Department of "The weight room. Enrollment in our Ass't. Sports Editor . . ... .. . Lisa Margolin M;m;aging Editor .... .. ..... Beth Kaiman Health, iducation and Welfare started weight-lifting course is required for all Sports Writers . . ....... . . Terry Kroeger, Editori;al Editor . . . . . . . . . . . Amy Gendler cracking down on schools to. develop home economics major. Don't worry. Scott Davis 1\ss't. Editori;al Editor . Mary Bloomingdale healthy young bodies as well as healthy Those girls undergo some very strenuous Lifestyle Editor . ·.... . . Bob Glissmann ~ews Editor .......... . .. Cathy Johnson exercising, but when they graduate there Ass'L News Editor .. .. .. . Melanie Sturm Lifestyle Writer . ..... : . .... . . Sue Bobek · young mrnds, we have been working on an all-out physical fitness program to Advertising M;anager . , .. . .... Jay Dandy won't be a frying pan or laundry basket News-Writers .. . . . . .. . .. . Marshall Pred, Business Man;ager . . . . . . . . Cyndy Lunde meet their standards. Eighty-five percent too heavy for them"to handle." . Joel Severinghaus . fe;ature Co-Editors .... . .. Monica Angle, Artist ..... . ........ ... .... Frank Gappa of our budget goes into the program, and It was all so terribly impressive. UnforPhotographer ... .. .. . . ... Sally Lindwall Robert Greenberg all students are required to mioor in phystunately, it turned put that tuition is way Adviser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Hudnall Feature Writer .......... Tracy Katelman ical education." over my· head . l guess I'll just have to settle for a major in medicine, law, or etc. He .led me through a door and I became

" ! 'think it does. Modular.. sc heduling for students who wallt to udl.ize time, but for people who like to school it 's really hard for them to r ornP .n:;u-IC to'class. They ha¥e so mych they don't know what to ~? c:>ver~O~ fort~ bad studenttt.s

"Yes, It does work . . At Burke when . they had· it, if the kids §ali free time all ~ tpey did was goof around. At Westside J students can get a majority of their · 1 d()rt~ d,pring the~r free mods.' ;icy;)P saUy Prescott, ~ornore ' <1 \ "Yes.~.H th~~,, had a (tr 's~hedul<. stvdenJ.swou,!d gpof Students



~ditorial Opinion


March 9, 1979

Westside's Lance


AlcOhol iSsUe deemed 'epi Raising the legal drinking age from 19 to.21 would create an "age group buffer" between junior and senior high school students and those people of legal age to drink, thus restricting the flow of alcohol. This is part of the basic reasoning behind State Senator Ralph D. Kelly's attempts to pass a bill. through ~ the Nebraska State legislature to raise the-drinking age to 21. Kelly, from Grand Island, is behind lB221, which "would change the definition for a minor as it relates to the liquor law," said Kelly. . Another bill presented to the legislature this winter is lB 350. This bill is an amendment to the constitution of Nebraska, "to provide a minimum of age for , consumption and possession of· alcohol," as the bill's description reads. Because it is an amendment, it must be-voted on by the electors in Nebraska in the November, 1980 election. Bills brought up i.n the last two years have never reached the floor of the Unicameral, because of the liquor lobby. Kelly feels that the bill has statewide support, menti"oning there were between "65 to 68 groups" backing this year's bill. I

Liquor, Kelly believes parties." The bill would liquor obtained by legal to the high school and In 1971 there was gallons of alcohol in 44 million gallons population are relatively According to Kelly, year of college "return games, or high school college they would added," as far as this the difference between . lB 221 states: "No dispense or -have in his control any alcoholic other place including . highways . . . "

Age hike supported In a memorandum to all members of the .legislature sent out by Kelly, he cited a recent "World HeJ raid" poll in which 69 percent of those polled apprQved the measure to raise the drinking age, and a majority of those under 30 also favored the o1ll. . Kelly points out that children are not being raised ' to see the harm in drinking. "I have children nine years apart. During that time I've seen a deterioratio11 of child raising that's alarming." Information of the amo·u.nt of drinking among l:eens presented to Kelly from friends, teachers and administrators convinced him as to how widespread the problem was, "it's all over," said Kelly. The extent 6f drinking "made me sick. I now have a complete compulsion for this bill," he emphasized.

State Senator Ralph D. Kelly

Included in the bill arresting officer to im son under 21 is caught Main -arguments "significant increases in involved in drinking and general violation of 'I memorandum. Kelly cited the fact almost 50 Nebraska dents. The Nebraska State is one of many o Gary Obermeyer, nrP~ii1PIII directors voted unani ding, "there seems to be amount of alcohol ior high students.

Lobbyists Oppose bill, srrive to defeat LB221 Although State Senator Kelly and his cot~orts would like to raise the l~gal age, are students .and ·businessmen - . ~'holding ·on .tight"' to their rights. I




Since the age of Prohibition, the nationwide trend concerning the legal drinking age was to lower it as 18 to 20-year-olds made their sentiments known . If they were old enough to vote and bear arms, they felt should also be old enough to drink alcohol. But now it appears this trend is beginning to reverse itself as concerned citizens express dismay over increased highway fatalities attributed to teenage drinking, complaints of rowdiness, vandalism, and litter caused by drunken youths, and a conviction that alcohol is trickling down from 19year-olds to their 14 to 18-year-old friends. With the introdction of two bills, lB 221 and 350, by State Senator Ralph Kelly to the Nebraska legislature, the 'trend reversal has not eluded Nebraska. The bills would raise the legal drinking age from 19 to 21. A resistance to these bills pas mounted in Nebraska with efforts to defeat the bills becoming organized. The concensus among those opposed to the bills is that they would not help the situation and that they would penalize the "Vrong individu-




Ken Marienau, student body president at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln explained the position of the -Association of Students at the University of Nebraska (ASUN). He stated, "It's obvious that there is a problem with alcohol and alcohol and driving combined, and that is the problem we feel must be add(essed. But the way to address it is not by denying a privilege to a certain group of citizens who are adults. We must address the cause and that means we have' to begin to look at alcohol education programs and intensive campaigrts to reduce the amount of drinking with driving in order to find a solution." ' ASUN is waging a major lobbying campaign to overcome the bills. By running surveys in cities across the state, talking to senators i[l the legislature, and researching states that have high drinking ages, they have tried to discover whether lowering • the drinking age is the cause of the teen alcohol problem or if it Is a variable at all. ·"so far we're finding that the legal age has little if any impact on -alcohol consumption and related accidents and deaths,'.!-- said Marienau .

Another lobbying effort, "The Committee-to Defeat lB 221 and 350," a coalition of students, liquor wholesalers and retailers and concerned citizens across the state, was specifically established to unite those who sared the desire to overcome the bills. The committee views the teen alcohol problem in mu<:h the same way as ASUN. "If the problem they're addressing is the qrinking· in high schools or the drinking by young adults who are still in high schools, these bills won't Towering above 480 is a familar sightto.J be the vehicles by which to remedy the problem,'' Iowa watering holes. With the possible passage of said Mr. James Gordon, attorney for the committee. He added, "I don't know of too many 19-yearofds who are still in high school which means that this will not resolve the high school drinking problem and will effect the college-age individual." Until last summer, neighboring Iowa coma Both groups agree that regardless of the drink- to be a bonanza for drinkers of marginal age. I ing age, those under-age people who want to drink allowed to remain open an hour longer thantl are going to drink anyway and that, if necessary, and Iowa's statutes granted legal majority to , they will drive to other states to do their drinking. over. Then in July it reverted to 19. For this reason, Mr. Ron Bonacci of the )G "Those who drink illegally now will do so later and the rise in the drinking age will just increase the Council Bluffs, would not like to see lB 221, (to ing age in Nebraska to 21) pass. When the ct numb~ of people who will be breaking the law. What is worse is that they will be forced to get into reverted to 19, "if you were 19, you got reje cars and drive to other states to drink and then get according to Bonacci wasn't fair. '' Everyone w back into their cars to drive home. This leads us to another year." believe that the number of alcohol-related accirlowever, other bar keepers in CounciiBh ent feelings than those of Bonacci. Mr. Hv dents wj1l increase," said Marienau~ Although both groups agree that raising the Peaches, a drinking establi~hment in Council I drinking age is not the solution, they do feel that ing the drinking age in Nebraska would bene! there are ways to control it and possibly remedy it. "Personally I'd like to see it raised to 21 "I think 'better enforcement of the present laws would promote sales in Iowa, by bringing some and an effort in the home and schools to instill in · kids over into .Iowa and that would help our sa teenagers an awareness that there are dangers in an advantage to an Iowa bar owner for Nebras anything .that is done wj.thout moderation," ex- Balagna stated. plained Gordon. . Profit f'!lay be reason to pass lB 221, but · He added, "The problem is how do you, by down the number of teen drinkers? "I think that drinking, as far as kids undt legislation, impose requirements that parents instruq thei r" offspring on the abuse of alcohol and cerned, they are still goi.ng to drink. It's no1 anything else. You can't control by legislation the . them . They're still going to get it from some bod moral attitudes and the moral climate of an entire drinking, just not in the bars, they will be drinki1 community. Prohi-bition is a prime example." , think," Balagna commented . For the opponents of the bills it is apparent Nebraska bars feel th~y will be hit harder that attitudes must change before a remedy to the false identification. Madsen felt there would c problem arises from the controversy. What re- increase in the use, but stated , " We' re one of mains clear, though, is that legislation is not the Omaha that does check ID and we do check means by which these attitudes will change. matter how old they are. A lot of smaller bar!



Gin mills f~


Westside's Lance ... C 4 ~------------------------------------~----------~--~~--------------------------------------~--~~

disaster "It (lB 221) would remove it (liquor) from 19-yearolds and would get it out of the hands" of younger people. "I don't think anyone said it (the liquor problem) would be alleviated, it would be a.help to move it further away (from minors)," said Obermeyer. · " We (the NSEA) support raisin'g the drinking age. Kids who spend an excessive amount of time drinking suffer in their school performance," said Obermeyer. Kelly agreed with Obermeyer that passage of the bill would not cure all the problems associated with the current 19-year-old <Jnd under status, which has been in effect in Nebraska since 1972. Any change is "not solving the problem . That's up to parents, church, school and peer pressure," said Kelly, who added that the bill would help, but not remove the problem. Statistics representing the situation Kelly hopes to see cleared up include the number of teenagers driving while intoxicated (DWI). In 1971 there were, among 17-year-olds 48 such cases, which rose to 179 in 1977. The number of 18-year-olds increased from 84 to 341, while 19-year-olds j1,1mped from 88 to 477 in the same seven years . . Increases in incidents such as this are what Kelly is trying to avoid by raising the legal age to purchase liquor. He added, "you know one-third of these kids were probably sent home. These statistics are conservative for this sort of disaster." Raising the legal age to 21 "in no way attacks their status" of people between 19 and 21 for voting. As for affecting the habits of these people, Kelly said, uif they ..._ wanted to drink they could, but 18-year-olds are going to have a tougher time." Under the current 19 status, he added, "now any 16-year-old can drink." "We need to get a handle on the problem. Raising the age won't solve it, but without this action, there will be no attack on teenage alcohol," said Kelly, who described the whole situation as an "epidemic disaster."

Are oil prices beyond




:Conservation· cited as major concern by school? government Oil. People talk about it, newspapers write about it, and the w.orld looks on with cautious interest at its production. Recently, several events have spurred interest toward the oil sttuation. A civil war in Iran shut down oil production, leaving a five million barrel gap in the market, acco·rding to "Newsweek." President Jimmy Carter's recel)t visit to Mexico, the world's newest oil power, has brought on talk of an American-Mexican oil alliance, but at present, prospeCts are dim, "Newsweek" said. While the international spotlight has stolen much of the. many American's attention, sources on 'a national and local level indicate that the Carter administration is preparing to take several gas-conserving measures that could have a significant national impact. · According to the February 19,1979 edition of . "Newsweek," Carter's energy advisers have come up with a wide range of contingency plans that point towards conservation . The report predicts that, "in the end, the administration may pave to resort to ... the allocation of crude oil supplies or even the last resort step of gasoline rationing." ;

Embargo Effects owners foresee an increase in the number of young people to Iowa on Frida,. nights. , 4

of .business of the Pogo's crowd is 19 or 20. Madsen feels hurt business too much. "I think we'll just get crowd, this place has a reputation for a younger e older people will ju"st start coming in." · Bluffs, Mr. Keith Bessey of Mr. B's feels that lB -.. 't bring a·younger crowd to Iowa bars: "The whole bar n Council Bluffs is about 50 percent older teens." teens really don't seem to care about raising it at the according to bar employees. ne from lincoln, (The Committee to Defeat lBs 350), was going to try to fight the bill and he sent us a for people to sign, and jt was tough getting signatures even though it-would affect them if the bill does would be the first ones to start crying, but at the time didn't care," Madsen stated. in many states, among them Iowa and Nebrasrs ago relaxed statutes to allow forJegal drinking in by customers in their late teens, now are heatroiled in second thoughts, thinking that perhaps aJ· current statutes were ill-considered and pre marts are actively underway in several jurisdictions a included - to reset 21 as the legal minimum age to spirits in any form. ld any of these effforts prove successful, owners and of lounges catering to young clients are certain to ges. ha, Pogos is frequented by teens. Mr. Rick Madsen is against raising the age like many other Omaha bar against raising it to 21 . The kids will just go to Council feel at 19 they are old enough to make their own decisen commented.

the point of no return?"


According to Mr. Ken Henkins, representative for Standard Oil in Omaha, the Unite"d States took several steps to keep the price of energy fuel down and protect against further shortages after the 1973 oil embargo. "Presently, all oil companies cannot raise the price of gasoline unless the price of crude oil goes up, certain finished r.r<:>duct costs go up, or in the case that a few definable' refinery operating costs increase." Henkins cited one restriction in particular: the wells in production before 1973 were frozen at $5.25 per barrel, in comparison to the over $14 per barrel that gasoline brings today. He remarked, "There's not a lot of incentive to pro-duce from those wells. They are being used, but not at a pace greater than they really have to." Henkins believes deregulation of this "old crude," would allow oil companies to produce this oil feasibly. Another reason Henkins believes the Uni ed States is seeing a shortage is because of overregulation of other domestic reserves through environmentalist pressure. "Shortage has been caused by a reluctance by the federal government to allow oil companies to produce off-shore oil. For instance, we think there are significant oil reserves in the Baltimore Canyon, but we can't explore the area. The government is pro~ibiting domestic research," Henkins said . Henkins foresees dollar gasoline as a "distinct possibility," but doesn 't feel it is within the oil companies' control. "What happens to the price of crude oil is dictated by OPEC nations, and federal and state excise taxes," ,he commented .

State Measures In Nebraska, several groups have indicated concern as to what the oil company's role in the consumer market should be. Mr. Bob Metz , a

representative.of the Nebra!>ka Gasoline Retailers Association , commented, "We're sponsoring a bill in the state legislature (lB 469),hat will take oil companies out· of the retail business. In essence, the bill says that the oil corporations can lease the stations, but cannot operate them ." Presently, about 50 percent of service stations in Nebraska are owner-operated, while the rest are company owned . The passage of the bill , Metz believes, would insure that all retailers are treated equally. Metz continued, " Basically the bill provides uniformity. The companies will have to charge the same amount to all of their stations."

Local conservation Although oil companies and gasoline retailers argue that there is enough crude oil for the taking, many conservation proponents argue that this is not true. Dr: Charles lang, science department head, is unhappy with the current situation. "America is using oil like the-re isn't any end to it. Oil is a limited resource, and there's going to be an end to it," he said . "What bothers me is that we '(the American public) didn't learn anything after the 1973 oil embargo. People aren 't conserving gasoline." lang feels there is a need for Westside to set an example in energy cohservation. "Westside, as an educational facility should encourage conservation, instead of waste," he commented . One future possibility for the encouragement of consumption which lang praised was the 1979-80 parking proppsal, which names carpooling as the major priority. " Carpool,i ng is a start. I think the sy$tem could also be improved if the price of each space was increased. I don't think the taxpayers of District 66 owe me -a right to park my car for ·a dollar per year. The school should take the total costs associated with parking (i .e. snow removal, repairs) i!nd d.i vide by the number of permits given out. That would encourage carpooling even more," he said . lang also feels there is a need for an expansion of energy-related curriculum. ~'Presently, students learn about energy a little bit in many of their classes, but there is no coordination. The problem is not in finding material to teach with . .. there's loads of material on the market. We just have to pull it together." Another possibility ·lang suggested would be a minimum competency test for energy. " Before students gradute, they should have some knowledge of energy- from insulation and natural gas - to how much gasoline is left in the world ." lang has also written a letter to State Senator larry Stoney advising him to vote against raising the interstate speed limit from 55 to 65 miles per hour, and has written city planning officials rela-· tive to his feelings that " urban sprawl in Omaha should be prohibited ." lang cqncluded , " What we've got to start . doing is discouraging people to drive."




Klein~ classifies

Cindermen seaso·n an


·Reserve cagerS record undefeated 12~0 season

have to continue to do so ·if we are fo make a good showing this year," he said. Klein is expe~ing a lot out of sophoCompiling a season record of 12 wins mores Ron Nebbia, Curt Huston, who and no losses, the sophomore basketball Klein referred to as "a real horse" in long team el)joyed its most successful season distance, and Dan Wingard, a hurdler. in recent history. ' With all of these question marks Klein Mr. Larry Morrissey, coach, feels this is said that it would be tough to predict how the glossiest young crop of competitors the team would do, but he commented, he has coached. "This is the most talent"We will probably be okay, if everyone ed bunch of kids I've worked with at gets· and ·stays healthy, and if Haile . Westside. They did an excellent job. Robinson could be at ·100 percent, that They worked very well together." . would really make the difference." The Warriors held their opponents to Overall, Klein said Burke is probably an average of 40.5 points 'per game this the favorite this year. "Burke looks ex- season, which, according to Morrissey, tremely strong on paper, and I think Lin- was the main reason for the team's succoln East could be very tough. Also, Nor- cess. "The defense did a super job. We folk and Beatrice should have good teams knew if we could hold our opponent to this year." anywhere from 40 to 45 points .on the Klein concluded with his team's situa- average, we cou.ld go undefeated." tion . " We could really be in the hunt Morrissey pointed out that not only when it comes time for state, but if we are was this the best group of athletes he's to be a serious contender, all of our " ifs" tutored, but the smartest also. "They're have .to ; urn out positively." intelligent young men. Many of them are on the honor roll. They' re just super, class people." . The summer basketball clinics were a tremendous factor in the team's accomplishments this season, ~aid Morrissey, along with the district's three excel'lent junior high basketball programs. Morrissey cited Kelly Mac as the most improved player on the team, and Tom Kozeny as the most determ ined. " Tom always puts out his best effort. With him hustling all the time, you had to tell him to relax. " · Two players, Todd Hirsch and Curt Huston, we' re sent to the sophomore team from the JV during the middle of the season. Morrissey explained this was not done to improve tne team, but to allow the two players more playing time . "We n~ver hold anybody back just to have a winning season ," he said. - Morrjssey felt that the Papillion game, the third game of the season, and the Ready for practice Tech game, the eighth game, were the most exciting. " Both were within five Track team members Matt Wallace, Brian been working out indoors since mid February points," he said. "The score constantly and will move outdoors when weather con- see-sawed back and forth in these two Winn, and Spencer Levels listen intently to Mr. Bob Moore, assistanftrack coach. The team has ditions improve. games."

Previewing the season for the boys' track team could be summed up in one word- if. · According to Mr. · Bob Klein, head coach, two of the biggest "ifs" are seniors Phil Haile and Andy Robinson. "The fact that .they were injured last year hurt us and we're very concerned as to whethe; or not they'll· be able to compete this yea~:· he said. He added that Haile and Robinson, both middle distance runners, could fill the gap left by last year's standout, Scott Beier. Klein said that he expects several athletes to do · well for him this season. Among those he named are: Dave Engdahl, Chris Sonderup, Jeff Thompson , Marc Viola, Haile, and Robinson, all seniors who, he said "Have proven them- . selves in competition already." Juniors Klein tabbed as point scorers are: Toni Dobson, Dan Floen, Brad Farrar, Steve Lahrs, Greg Schnackel, Matt Wallace, and Tom Carnazzo. "These junors have performed well in the past, but will

He also admitted the stress the team felt towards the end of the season when they realized they could go undefeated. "The pressure was building. We did not "pjay as well in the "la'st couple of games, because of it. It's something that affects you whether you like it or not."

Sophomore eager Todd Hirsch poises for a five foot ju~p shot against Tee Jay. The team w01t the game, and went on to a 12-0 record. Hirsch and Craig Huston were sent to the sophomore team from the J.V. during the middle of the season in order to get more playing · time, according to Mr. Larry Morrissey, coach.

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Westsi.d e' s Lance





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ot:key shorts:--.. - Activity dern,q.nds . . Girls -at_tain 'initial-trophy for district perfor"mance money, dedicatiOJ? .




Equestrianism is a sport which requires training, time, and money, according to Sally Lindwall. Lindwall · owns her own show horse; and is a member of the P.o nca Pony Club. As an equestrienne, lindwall puts a great deal of time into this hobby. She said, "I ride my horse everyday after school, and I . teach younger kids about two times a week." . lindwall explained the Ponca Pony Club, as an o"rganization for equestrians. She said "We do things like have horse shows, and Rated ninth in the state by the " World city, with 366 points this season. The hi.gh rehorse competitions. And also bounder of the season was Bruce Muenster averHerald," the boys' varsity basketball team finwhen the movie, "lntemational • ished "their se,a son strong, "It's the highest the aging seven rebounds in a game. Velvet" was showing, we hosted . The JV team did extremely well this year, as World Herald has ranked . u~ this year," comthe midwest premiere." they finished their season 15-1. There only loss men_ted Mr. Tom Hall, head coach. Personal interest in this sport Their dual record, ~t presstime, was 11-9. The was to a strong Creighton Prep team. developed when LindwaU was Their high scorers were Randy Chalupa and high scorer at the end of the season was Dean seven years old. She commentRick Kofoed. Thompson, averaging an unbelievable 18.4 points ed, "My mother used to ride, per game. He was the fourth hi"ghest scorer in the and I attended summer camps. That made me more interested. When I was·nine I started' leasing other people's horses. Then · about one to two years ago, I got my own horse." . the Ponca lindwall rides at pressboxpressboxpressboxpressbox~ Hills Equestrian Center. She said, at least seven games. Falstaff Inc., The Beer Guts " Intramural basketball is purely _for recrea- "They have a really huge indoor and -the Spurs. purposes," explain~d Kitzelman . " It pro- area _that I can ride in during the tional These names may sound like vides some form of competition." He also noted a rash of alcoholics, but in reality that any student is eligible to compete. " Girls or they are the nicknames of the boys at any level can play," he said. " So far we three teams which have reprehaven't had any girls out." sented their league in the finals The sport, he continued, has been consistent of the intramural basketball in the total number of players. " There are slightly league. . sports ed•tor Accord ing to Mr. Max Kitmore people out this year. It' shad about the same popularity from the past eight years I've been man , director of intramural basketball, the gue began with 21 teams which were pooled around." Referees .are area college students who have to three divisions of seven teams each. The three recently graduated from high school. Kitzelman leagues were pooled as follows : feels they do a " good job" considering the circumLeague II League I League Ill . stances, which he described as " rough, ragged The Triple T's Spo rt Tre ds The Hoote ~s play." We purposely try not to call all the fouls. We The 69ers The Spurs Black Shee p let them play. He added t hat at least one player has The B-ball team The Bears irhe Bone Grind e rs been ousted from competition frp m as he put it Falsta ff In c. The De ltas ifhe Beer Guts " honking his nose at the official .' c The Slam Dunks The Gumme rs ifhe Do lphins The degree of seriousness to which the teams The Sharks The Gumouts he Sophomo res play is varied, according to Kitzelman. " Some kids The Knights Th~ 6'ers The Bu s hwa k~ rs play for blood and guts and others just monkey Jumping · The teams began playing Monday, Dec. 11 , around." · Sally Lindwall performs a 3'6" jump and continued each Monday night at 7:30 p.m.; Team nicknames, which are creative to say the 8:10 p.m. , and 8:50 p.m. in the boys' gymnasium least, are furnished by the teams themselves, but !,m her horse, .Calypso, at the Skyline and the girls' gymnasium. Teams which did not under certain scrutiny from Kitzelman. •" If they Ranches Charity Horse Show held make the playoffs played a total of six games, while _.. •took the n·ames they wanted most, I couldn't last June. Lindwall, a junior, has been riding since the_age of nine, a'nd exthe playoff contenders extended their schedtJie to . . print them," he said. With an " absence of luck" the g_irls' varsity· basketball team closed out their season with an even 10-10 record. According to Ms. lois Jensen, junior varsity coach, ·" luck wasn't with them when they really needed it." One such instance was in the finals of the district tournament against Bellevue East,· on Thursday, Feb. 22. The Warriors suffered a disappointing loss, 55-37. But, this is the first time in Westside's history that a girls' basketball team won a trophy.

The leading scorers of the year were Jean Pistillo, averaging 10.4 points per game, Marcie Anderson, scoring approximately 8.9 points per game, and Beth Vivian, with a game average of 8.7 points. Anderson and Vivian were also the leading rebounders, with 215 and 81 respectively. · The JV team did extremely well this season, finishing with a record of 11-3. This should make for a good varsity team next year. The leading scorer for this squad was Kathy Harkert, averaging over 10 points per game. '

Varsity's ninth rating highest this year -

lntra111urals provid~ fun

winter. They have a cross country track that was designed by an Olympic coach." , During the summer, Lindwall ·partiCipates in competition. She said, "One thing we do is a Summer Pony Club rally. We have competition for four days with other teams from the midwest region. They give each person ratings from A through D. I am rated at a B, which means I am judged by national standards." Other competitfon includes horse shows. She commented, "This competition lasts for three days. Some of the events include the. 'hunter,' which means the h-qrse is being judged, the 'equietation', which is judged by the rider's performance, and the 'jumper' which i"s judged on how high the horse can jump. I have beeh to horse shows in Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, and Minnesota." Lindwall said there is a lot of responsibility involved in her hobby. She sa id, " Riding can be dangerous, and it costs a lot of money. I pay $17S ·per month on my horse - $135 is spent on boarding, and the other ·$40 is spent on shots and other thin

with ease ercises her horse every day. Because of her skill, she conducts classes fo; younger riders approximately twice each week. -


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March 9, 1979


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Flashing lights, pulsating music- get up beat of the music. " I like to dance there a lot," Ann Amberg, and dance ! Does this sound familiar? Travolta and the Bee Gees, Donna Summer, ~nd The · senior, said . "And the disco is also a great place to meet people." Village People. You should have guessed by "I do.n't get tired of it," Amberg said. " It now. It's disco, of course- the latest and usually turns out to be a fun, rowdy time." biggest dance craze that has swept America. Another senior, Wanda Belle, likes to go to Young Omahans are finally experrencing " Seven Light Years Away" on Friday nights. " I the effects of the disco beat with the opening love the atmosphere," Belle said. "Plus, you of " Seven Light Years Away," ,a teen disco at · don't have to worry about getting and using 76th and Main St. in Ralston . It is different from. the ordinary " disco bar" in that liquor is . fake identifi.c ation just to go i!nd dance." Belle feels the young disc jockey's person not served. ality could Improve a little. " He doesn't get " There are not too many teen discos around ," Mr. Don Belli no, owner of " Seven involved in it at all," Belle said. '~If th~ people can be rowdy, why can 't the deejay?" · Light Years Away," said . " In fact, we've got Both Ar.1berg and Belle wol)ld also like to one of the biggest and nicest in the United see a lighted dance floor similar to the one on States." Bellino has been in the 'music business for " Saturday Night FevE;r." five years. He works some weekends as a disc jockey for a local radio station. During this ' Smce . . there were so many. time he has sponsored sock hops and discos for different high schools.- Each dance draws apkids at the high school dances, proximately 300 to 400 students, according to I thought we could,combine Bellino. them in one place. •'since there were so many kids at the high school dances," Bellino said, " I thought we -Mr. Don Bellino, owner could combine them in one place so there would be a lot more." , It takes time, though, to get enough · Following the openiri'g of " Seven Light money foJ such a project. Plans are being Years Away," on Friday, Sept. 15 last year, made to improve the light system and put lights business was slow because it was not well in· the floor . known . However, business started picking up " So many people don 't realize how much through -advertising, a dance contest, and by the light systems cost," said Bellino. "Since word of mouth. they went on the market not too long ago, they " Currently, we have reached a peak of 500 are very expensive." . people coming in on Friday and Saturday Bellino said that the current light system nights," Bellino stated, " and more and more was priced at $5,000 to $6,000. He is using his people keep coming, so we are ordering an profit to pi;!y off the rest of this expense and to additional100 chairs." . reinvest to make the disco bigger and better. The dance floor in "Seven Light Years Laila Vilums, junior, thinks that going to Away" is fairly large. On one side, the disc jockey sits on an elevated platform. Tables and "Seven Light Years Away" is better than going to the movies. " It's fun to be there with a lot of chairs surround the dance floor on the · ·friends," Vilums said. "I like to go there on remaining sides. Saturday nights when it is the most crowded." Pinball and fussball are played in a portion A dance contest which _proved to be sucoff the dance floor. Soft drinks and sandcessful was held last December. The winner wiches are ·s erved at the refreshment bar. received $400. Bellino plans to schedule Above the dancers, multi-colored lights another dance contest this summer. and strobes flash on and off to the pounding

That's a dumb picture. My mouth 's open , I'm not looking at the camera and I have my glasses on. · Glasses sure make people look different. Glasses also make people look differently. Do you k.now what I mean? I wear my eyeglasses about one-half of the day. I need them for distance. So I'm nearsightlifestyle editor ed. That makes sense. A large number of people wear glasses. There's also a large number of people who need _glasses, but they either don 't have them or they don't want them. They are the people who use the natural method of visual correction. It's called squinting. All of us were given that aid at birth. It's a lot cheaper than gl~mes, that's for sure. I used to do that all of the time- well, when I wanted to see things that were far away. But then I got glasses. I think it was back in fourth grade. · They were the dumb kind. Black horn-rimmed frames. I wonder why they' re called horn-rimmed. Maybe the frame is made out of goats. Anyway, I didn't like them, because they made me look like a jerk. So I never wore them. I just missed the detail -I could see ~he general shape of an object - like if a truck was coming at me I'd usually move . But I missed out on the detail. Some time in the sixth or seventh grade I got a pair of wire rims. They were okay. At least I didn't look so jerky. I was always banging them up, though . So I got used to going in and getting them straightened. I always liked that, because they cleaned the lenses after they straightened them : I don't th ink anyb~dy ever , cleans their glasses. If you 've ever tried anybody else's glasses on you 'd agree. " Here, let me try those on. Geez, how do you see out of these things? It looks like a windshield after a mud storm." "Oh, really? I don 't have any trouble." They never do. No matter how dirty they get the person can always see out of them. Must be some customized mechanism that only the owner has. If my eyes ever get tired I take off my glasses and rub my eyes which usually makes them feel worse. Then I get up and forget where I put them . " Has anybody seen my glasses? I laid them down somewhere.'' "They're your glasses- you find them.'' I eventually do. But when I' m at school, I can't leave them laying around. So I put them in a glass case. But I can 't leave that laying around so I put it ,in my sock. I've had trouble with that. One school day last year I had a soft case and I ran into a chair and one of the lenses broke. I had broken glass in my sock, so I had to throw the sock away. I went into class with one sock off and one sock on . Deedle deedle dumpling. It was kind of embarrassing sitting in class with a naked foot . But this year I have a hard case. I lost my other soft one and my sister didn't need her hard case so I got to use it. The trouble is, it's white and blue and purple striped. I have to keep it in my sock , Then, · because it's a hard case, my glasses clank up against the sides so I ' sound like a horse with only one shoe. My son John .

Game room opens at 1 p.m.- no cover

- DISCO OPENS Weekdays-7:00-11 :30 Weekends-7:00-12:30




March 9, 1979


Spring Formal: -success despite lo$$ Despite a low attendance, the Spring Formal met with optimism by both Russ Conser, SAB president, and Mr. Jim Find- . . ley, sponsor. Findley stated that they knew that dances were a risk, with dances after games an impossibility, but Homecoming, Christmas Prom and the junior-Senior Prom were still quite popular. Since there WqS no scheduled activity for a long stretch of time, they decided to see if a fourth for·mal dance would work . T~e dance, held Saturday, March 10, was attended by approximately 60 couples. Overall finances resulted in a loss of around $75, which was " better than I thought," said Findley. ·

· Both Conser and Findley felt that there was a considerable amount of badmouthing concerning the dance. The Spring Formal was scheduled during a time traditionally reserved for the Sadie Hawkins dance. But the junior class officers had not yet made any attempts to schedule this dance . An open election process was used to select royalty from each class for the dance. Candidates were required to inform SAB if they were attending the Spring Formal, so their names could be replaced on the ballot if they would not be in attendance. Only one name was removed . findley considered cancelling the

dance when " Bourbon Street," originally scheduled to play, backed out of their contract. But SAB members did not wish to cancel , and a new band, "Back to Back," was hired . Findley reconsidered cancelling just one week before the dance due to low ticket sales and an apparent lac!< of interest, but SAB wanted to continue as planned. "I was not optimistic at all ," he said. He now expresses no disappointment that the dance was not cancelled. SAB contributed a lot of hard work to the dance, and Findley feels that it was as well organized and as good of a band as they've ever had . Conser added that it went well for the first year, and that the


people who went had a good time. Findley commented that there were a few dissenters in SAB who felt that the dance would not make money, but he feels that this is not the goal of SAB. The organization often is criticized for wanting only to make money, but Findley feels this is empty criticism. The goal of SAB is to sponsor activities that appeal to the students, while raising $500 for the SAB scholarship. Conser feels that Spring Formal has a strong possibility of becoming a tradition , and recommends that they try it again next year. Findley agrees. " I hope they try it again," he said. ·

Good morning It's Friday, March 23, 1979 ·

Vol. 23 No. 13 Westside High School, 8701 Pacific, Omaha, NE 68124

New concept -evolves into center for excellence Efforts to improve the quality of education within the state has prompted the forma tio n of the Nebraska Center for Ex- · cellence, to be located in the Westside Community Schools, according to Dr. H. Vaughn Phelp s, supe rintendent of schools. The decision was approved by the Board of Education at a meeting he ld on Monday, March 5.

Changing concept Phelps stressed that the center is presently a concept, and will develop more concrete objectives. over the years. " We want this to be a concept and idea that can evolve and change." Continuation will depend on creativity and ideas from various people. In order to start the program, initial first year objectives have been set. These include the organizatio_n of a_board for the center to hold eight to 18 members, and of community advisory groups. Also, the center will invite several nationally known people in education to comprise a panel of experts, who will make evaluations and speak within the communities,

lnfJuence to spread

Getting down to business Homecoming and pep rallies were the chief topics of discussion during this Forum meeting on Friday, March 9. School traditions ue being challenged by proposals submitted by individual committees comprised of

Forum members. Pri.or t~the actual vote, Dena Mangiamele reads one of the proposals to the group.

Forum proposals alter·trad•tion

Phelps also hopes to establish a series of speakers who could come in and work Tackling new ground may be consiwith the students. In the first year, Millard dered Forum's new motto as it discusses and Ralston schools , and possibly issues which may change school policy Creighton Prep will be asked to partici- · and, most certainly, its tradition. pate in the center. Phelps hopes that in Homecoming and pep rallies are not later year5 it will expand across the state. new topics, but changing the manner in First year objectives also include a fall which each is conducted is something difcelebration of activ ities in honor of the ferent for student government. During a Friday, March 9 meeting, Forum passed a International Year of the Child. proposal radically changing the election The Board of Education also approved process of Homecoming candidates. The the expenditure of $20,000 to employ a proposal provides that candidacy for person within District 66 to act as a coordi- Homecoming royalty will t'Je open to senator of activities. The center will also niors participating in all fall sports, boys' seek outside funding . "We're developing and girls' cheerleading, drill squad, a vehicle through which we can receive Squires and flag team. Traditionally, only grants and bequests," said Phelps. football players and members of the various cheering squads have been eligible. Betterment of education This proposal will be submitted to the adHe also stated that this was an idea ministration for its consideration. Only whose time had come. He feels that the those proposals which effect school polipresent quality of education is good, but cy are passed on-to the Student Advisory there always needs to be a way to see how Board (SAB) for_approval. much better it can be made. The quality of Mr. Jim Findley, sponsor, feels this education, " always can be better," said proposal is evidence that, "new voices are Phelps. · being heard from at the meetings. It's not The decision to create the Nebraska just the cheerleaders ar -:i athletes who are center for excellence came as a result of taking a stand." Another proposal passed by Forum ideas from various sources, including board members, administrators, teachers, concerns pep rallies. If enacted, students will see the formation of a club designed and people in the commupity. to organize pep rallies and decide on their Plans will begin to b!! made early this content. The club would consist of two spring, with a great deal of work to be sophomores, two juniors and three sedone over the summer. niors. One of the seniors would be select-

ed as the group's president. The club would plan each rally, and may audition skits composed by students. Both of these proposals came a·s a result of .committees which were organized during first semester. Four more proposals are expected "during the next few weeks," said Dena Mangiamele, Forum president. According to Mangiamele, Forum members were divided into groups during one of the meetings. She said, "They discussed problems that they thought ·were important and came up with some ideas. Then, I organized their results into categories." These categories included such topics as extra activities, late days, tardies, open mods and cleanliness throughout the school. Findley feels that Mangiamele has, "carried Forum this year. She's really a good organizer, arid puts things together really well. I don't believe she has received quite as much help as she should be getting from the other officers. Because of that, I think she deserves a lot of credit." Although Findley believes much of the credit should go to Mangiamele, she feels differently. She said, "I think the real credit should go to the people on the committees. They really did the work, nd I just sort of put it together. " This year, Findley feels he has, "takerf. a less directive role" as sponsor. He commented, "Ordinarily I would tell them

(Forum) to have. certain things done at a certain time. " However, he said he decided early in the school year to let, " Forum be just as effective as the people in it." Although Findley claims proposals have, " taken a relatively long time to materialize, I think the people who are really involved are doing a good job. I guess it's similar to a volunteer group. There is a small group of kids who do the work, and the results depend on their leadership." Attitude~ toward student government may change because of the proposals, according to Mangiamele. She said, " I think, at least I hope, the teachers will take us more seriously. I think the students are really starting to believe that Forum is not just a joke, because th ey can see just what has been done this year." "The main thing that I can see that has been done this year is a ~ange in the topics Forum is willing to discuss. This year, they are dealing with issues that maybe aren't as newsworthy, but they are just as important to students," he said. Findley cites the main reason for this change as different leadership. "Last year, Ken Somberg (former Forum president) was an effective leader, but not really an organizer. This year, Dena Mangiamele does all the organization. Because of that, I think the committees have put out more f ecommendations and proposals than in 'ttte past three years."


perfect way to 'enchant' your evening

Premiering last night was the second semester all -school play, "The Enchanted." In this play, a young French woman encounters strange happenings and has to make a crucial decision that could change the course of her life . leading parts are held by Gina Ca rusi, Chris Beem and Joel Severinghaus. The play will continue through ton ight and tomorrow, at 8 p.m. in the Westside auditori um . Admiss ion is $1 with an activity ticket and $1 .50 without.

Olympics draw interest in physics Building a bri dge out of toothpicks and dropping an egg for accuracy ? These fun and scienti fic projects are going to take place at Creighton Unive rsity's Physics Field Day on Saturday April 7. According to Mr. john Rogers, physics instructor, the main goal of the field day is to grow a greater interest in science and to have a good time . Selection of students for the events will take place on Saturday, March 31 by process of elim ination using the same events that are in the competition .

style Plans for Country Fair Day are being made by Kris-Green: ly, International Club representative, Sally Salistean, Fdub representative, and Ms. Peg Johnson, coordinator of the event. Country Fair Day will take plate on Friday,

March 30, and will feature booths set up by various dubs, square dancing, and performances by various musical groups.

Country Fair spirit-raiser features sChool activities

Heir appar~nt to Fifties' Day, the traditional raising event." spirit raiser that in recent years became more of a When the idea was first conceived, it was display of apathy than a display of enthusiasm, will thought that it could be worked into the basketball be Country Fai'r Day to be held Friday, March 30. season with a pep rally and evening dance,. but Although its modus operandi is different from scheduling difficulties made that impossible. The Fifties' Day, Country Fair Day's main objective is to idea was then modified into a theme-day/activities elevate spirit in the school and make students day with five chairman chosen to organize it. Kris aware of the different clubs. " Country Fair Day is Greenly, Sally Salistean, Jane Kelsey, Camille Patgoing to be a fun day for teachers and students to terson , and Dena Mangiamele along with Johnson dress up in Western attire and get involved in activ- have been planning the affair. It is their hope that ities throughout the school. It will be a release from · students will react positively to the day by dressing the normal routine." said Sally Salistean, publicity up according to the theme and becoming involved co-chairman of Country Fair Days. in the activities going on around the school. According to Ms. Peg Johnson, dean of girls Salistean explained the day's format. "We're as well as advisor and brainchild of the event, developing a schedule that will have a square Country Fair Day will be just what its name implies, dance in the gym during lunch mods, the drama a country-style fair with decorated booths and department performing a melodrama in the little sideshows occurring throughout the school. She theatre, the audio visua·l rooms showing old John stated, " we thought it would be nice to give all the Wayne movies, the music department performing organizations a chance to publicize themselves so various shows throughout the school and -maybe if people don 't know what a club is and how to get the cafeteria serving a special western-style menu in, they can find out. The country-western fair so that whenever students have a free mod, they theme gave us the opportunity to do that as well as can drop by any one of the events for as long as get the whole school involved for one day in a spirit they !ike."

Whether you like it sleek or.curly- long or shortthe combination of experienced stylists and the finest products available gives you the results you want. A

Debaters keep fingers crossed at state With a little luck and some hard work, the debate team can be very optimistic about state competition, according to Ms. lynda Trotter, debate coach . State competition, which will be held on Friday, March 30, and Saturday, March 31 at the University of Nebraska at lincoln campus will have two teams from Westside as representatives. Caroline Morefeld-Kelly Bur and Robert Heacock-Danna Sisson or Ed Sisson were the tentative teams at press time.

· Students to simulate state government Participants in Boys' and Girls'. State will be Toby Schropp, Matt Prucka, Monica Angle, Fran Halsted, Mary Valdrighi, and Jean Winslow. These six will participate in a simulation of the state government on the University of Nebraska at lincoln campus in early June. Selected as alternates were Joann Wetterberg, Jim Pflug, and Stoey Stout.

CJB places first, ·second in contests Musical talent has earned the Concert Jazz Band a duo of trophies. The group placed second at the Great Plains Jazz Festival at l.JNO, according to Bob Krueger, CJB member. Ten individuals were presented soloists awards, while the most won by any other school was three. __.. More recently, CJB placed first at the Mid-America Jazz Festival. This contest, usually held at Westside, was moved to Westbrook due to scheduling problems. Upcoming events include a contest at Midlands college in Fremont. Also, the Stageband, comprised of sophomores and juniors, will attend a contest on Thursday, April 5 at Peru State College.

Planned Parenthood of OmahaCouncil Bluffs presents 7 of the worst reasons to have sex: • Trying to cure loneliness or unhappiness. • Hoping to become more popular. • Using physical sex to void having a close, caring relationship. • Worrying that that is the only way not ,to appear homosexual. • Wanting to discover the "fireworks" that always go with sex on TV, records; movies, magazines and books. • Believing "the first time" is not important so just get it over with. • Proving their independence, especially to parents they're angry with. !


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& Gals. March 23, 1979 ·


Right reply kills query J


When asked the classic question : " How are you?" ninetynine people out of a hundred will say " Fine." They may be jobless, loveless, carless and flunking all their classes, but they will still say, and more often than not ~\::.~:~r:tale without thinking : "Fine." But cc then, if someone poured his heart out everytime he was asked how he was, he ~ould undoubtedly soon stop being asked. There are some questions, however, that I think we could defin.itely live without. For example; the following are unpopular parent questions: " Where did you go last night?" "What time did you get in?" " Have you any idea how that dent got in the right front fender of the car?" " What does his father do?" " You ' re not going out in public dressed like that, are you? " While the following responses may not serve entirely, they will help to evade them, and are, resectively: " Out." " I don't recall." \ " What dent?" " Beats me." " Huh?" Next time your lover asks you :


" What do you see in me? " II Are you only interested in my body?" "Am I your first?" Respond unhesitatingly and affectionately : " Your credit rating." "No, I'm also interested in your best friend's body." "Huh?" . When teachers confront you with: " Where were you yesterday? " "Does everybody understand?" "What's your phone number? " Simply answer: " I'd love to stay and chat, but I' m late for a class." (When that answer is impractical, tell him you spent the day at the library.) " No. Would you mind running through that unit again?" " Huh?" The most annoying questions fit into the miscellaneous category, because anyone can be most annoying. Especially with questions like: "Oh, did you get your hair cut?" " Isn 't he the cutest thing?" " Where do you stand on abortion?" " Do I look okay?" The matching annoying answers are, of course, " No,,l got it caught in the garbage disposal. " Yes, but then so is Winnie-the-Pooh." " Of what?" " Huh?"

Modernizin_ g tale of Camelot opinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopiniono

On ce upon a time in a place called Came-alot, a Student Council was elected by the student body and everybody was happy. The neil members held regular meetings and • ice-principol planned student sock hops and formal dances. These social events appealed to one and all! Everyone attended and life was simple and pleasant for council members. The student body liked dances and everyone who was anybody attended. In turn, the student body believed the student council was doing their job well. Burst the bubble! Student government can no longer measure success on dance attendance. Pressures on student gcvernment presently come from students who are concerned about parking, open campus, smok ing areas, scholarships, movies, passes to leave the building, athletic recognition, the school calendar and modular scheduling, to name just a few. Other pressures are added by the administration and faculty. Came-a-lot has turned from simplicity to complexity and student government is struggling with the change. Westside's student government is 111ade up of two houses, the Forum and the Student Advisory Board (SAB). Both groups work individually and together for the purpose of bettering the life of students at the high school. Each group serves a purpose that seems to compliment the other. Both houses have constitutionally designated powers that are equal. Proposals that affect school. policy can be initiated by either house, but must be pas~ed. by a simple majority in both houses. Resolutions can also be initiated by either house and need only be voteo on by the house in which they originate. Resolutions do not affect school policy. In addition to the constitutional powers granted to the houses are some powers that have developed through expansion of those initial powers or tradition. For example, it lras evolved tl_lat the SAB, which is composed of six representatives from each class, can propose and carry

out activities to raise money. Their-general approach .to th is has been to provide activities for the student body. Money made from activities such as doughnuts -and hot chocolate sales, valentine cards, movies, school stickers, bake sales, Homeco111ing balloon sales and dances are used to provide an ·annual five hundred dollar scholarship to a Westside student. Forum, on the other hand , i~ a larger group made up of representatives elected by each homeroom. legislati.on enacted by the Forum, ideally, indicates the will of the student body. Forum traditionally has not raised money, as it would split the efforts between the two houses. The SAB elects Student Advisory Board of Education members from its ranks to represent Westside High School at school board meetings. SABE members, as they are called, have the responsibility to represent the concerns of both houses. The Forum president is responsible for -keeping the SAB informed of Forum business so that SABE representatives can be a voice for the total government. The effectiveness of student government ~epends on the individuals in office and on the student body. Those in office have the responsibility to be active in their roles. The student body has the responsibility to be informed about representatives and issues. Various ·frustrations are felt by both council members and the student body -each year. The personalities of each student council have been different and total success can. only be judged at the end of each year. Council members, however, know that they will be praised or criticized on each decision they make and that the final decision on their overall success may be based on one or two actions out of several they make. Hence, the task is frustrating, but also rewarding. Came-a-lot has become more like the real world. Students aren't as sheltered as they used to be and are more critical of student government. Student Council members are better informed and more responsible than ever before.

Larice stance

New ideas don't hold water now Isn't it about time everyone wakes up? It's time to realize there are things that should have been accomplished long ago. · Take, for example, the financial goal of the Student Advisory Board (SAB) . SAB presently provides funds for a $500 scholarship this year. This was changed from a $1200 scholarship which SAB provided until1976-77. SAB has had difficulty this year raising $500. Why? Lack of student support. We've said it before, we' ll say it again. On Saturday, March 10, SAB tried something new. It sponsored a semi-formal spring dance with the hope of giving students a chance to go to a dance without spending as much money as is spent on junior-Senior Prom. From the first day, students demon-s trated a negative attitude toward this new idea. ·In reality, there was no interest in having Sadie Hawkins anyway. But the real problem was that there was no student support of a new idea. · What's the problem here? If new ideas- if any ideas, for that mattercontinue to fail due to lack of student support, then why should anyone bother to try anymore?

District acts as good ·s.amaritan With declining enrollment and ,diminishing funds, one might expect District 66 administrators to simply close their doors to the rest of the community and refu~e to become " involved" in community affairs. The exact opposite is the ~ase, as the district has plans to launch a missio,n called the Nebraska Center for Excellence, to "enhance the excellence of the community," according to Dr. H. Vaughn Phelps, superintendent. · Acting as a good samarita~ for the entire state, the district will hopefully be joined by Creighton Prep and both the Millard and Ralston school districts in the endeavor's first year. Though District 66 has initiated the concept, its success rests upon other schools' cooperation. If the Nebraska Center foJ Excellence is to be a provider for the entire state as its name implies, school districts from all over the state must become involved. Thus, interest and support from out-state schools will be essential for the concept to gain a victory. Success of the Nebraska Center for Excellence could mean a general strengthening of state-wide educational programs, as well as a strengthening of the ties between school districts. We are pleased to see the district involved in such a project, and, towards the betterment of state education, we hope the efforts of th~ district administrators are rewarded. ·

lance----------------~-----------------Published bi-weekly by the journalism Department of Westside High School, 87th and Pacific St., Omaha, NE 68124, the " Lance" is a member of the Nebraska High School Press Associati on , the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, and the National Scholastic Press Asso- · dat ion . . The " lance" office is located in room 302. Advertising rates available on request. Phone (402) 391 -1266 Ext. 20. The paper is distributed to all students and staff on Friday mornings. Subscription rates to others are $3.00 postpaid. Non-profit mailing rights claimed. Printed by · · Priesman Graph ics, Aqu ila Court Building, 1615 Howard St .. Omaha, NE 68102. Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tom Golden Ass't. Sports Editor .. ..... . Lisa Margolin

Editor-in-Chief . . .. Jea nine Van Leeuwen Managing Editor .. ... . . .... Beth Kaiman

( Ed.ito~ial Opinion •
























March -













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Westside's :Lance • c~


Honor roll recognizes achievers R e cognition has been awarded to students of high aca"demic standing by the publica. f h h II T · rf tron t e onor ro · 0 qua 1 Y for th1s honor, a student must be enrolled in a minimum of four classes, and maintain a 3.0 grade average, with no semester grade of "5" or below All classes left . I d · b d . mcomp ete must e m~. e up. Those students who quahf1ed for the first semester honor roll inelude:


Kelly Leach, Louis Lester, Terry

L~vering , Li~a . Lienemann , Stephen

Lmdsey, Knstme Lipelt, Maureen Loby, Steven Ludwig; Scott Lundgren, Janet Lynch ; Christy Lytle, Lucinda Maas, Robert Maki, ]ames Mammel, Debbie Martin, Susan Martin; . Katherine Marvin, _Melissa Marvm, Brad Matthaidess, Kelly McCarthy, Alan McLaughlin, Mark Menolascino, William Meyers, Kevin Miles; · ' Alex Miller, Jean Moffett, Mark Monical , Cheri Moore, Laura Morgan, Lori Mortenson, Mark Mowat, Brent Muir; Kim Muller , Patricia Mullon, Thomas Murphy, Laura Nabity, Ron Nebbia, Steven Neubaum, Karen NewC;omb, Mary Newland; Maribeth Nielsen, Kelly Nilsson, Diane Olsen, Patricia Olson , Kirk Orr, Russell Otto, Richard Oye, Jean Pascale; Brent Passer, Sally Payne, Grant Peters, Pamela Petersen, Deborah Pettid, Renee Pettis, Beth Pfeifler, David Poage; Tammy Pollard, Sally Prescott, Leslie Prucka, Mono Raha, Clair.e Ranieri , Katie Recker, Jean Renander, Martin Rips; Richars:l Rips, ]ody Rising, Tim Robson , Susan Roffman, Robert Roggen bach, Mary Lu Rood , Martin Rosen , Deborah Sarbin ; Michelle Sawicki , Timothy Schaff, David Schlichtemier , M . Todd ScHmitz, Thomas Scott, Shelley Scripter, Derry Seldin, Lisabeth Seldin; Sandra Selee, Siri Severa, Hassan Shekari , Marc Simon, Donna Sisson, Donald Slaughter, Abbott Smith, Sarah Smith ; John Soukup, Kevin Steimer, Warren Stiles, John Stremlau, Michael Stuneck, Donna Swanda, Nancy Thompson , Linda Truesdell; . John Valdrighi , Margaret Van Hosen, Teri Van Meter, Paige Vicker, Beth Vivian, Kerri Vohoska, Carol Wegner, Judith Welch; Kevin Wells, Jill Whiting, Melanie Whittamore, Michael Wilczewski, Adrienne Wilscam, Todd Winkler, Vicki Winters, Nancy Yates, Cara Zanotti, Teresa Zimmer.

Sophomores: Susan Aarvig, Terri Abraham, Mary Apostol, Rrchard Arnold , Richard Avard, Margaret Axiotes, Peter Benson, Alyson Berk; Amy Berman, Jeanne Bertch, Allen Bishop, M<1ry Bishop, Larry Bloch , Sandra Blodgett, Barbara Bolton, Scott Brady; Shari Brady, Michael Braude, Jeannie Brinkman, Scott Brokke, Teresa Broomhall, Cynthia Brune, Kevin Bur, julie Burns; Mary Pat Byam, Daniel Carl, Tenley Carp, Ruth Chantry, Gerald Cleaver, Paula Coburn , ·Scott Cohan , Maureen Comerford ; Suzi Cons~r. Lisa Cooper, Sherry Crouse, Corinne Cummings, Joseph Dann , Anne Davidson , Deanne Deaton, Melissa Degroot ; Lori Diesing, John Dougherty, Judy Ehrenberg, Frederick .Eisen·hart, Rod Elder, Christopher Elliott, Stacey Erman, Susan Farrell ; Jeffrey Focllt, Steve Frederickson, Robert Friedman, Lori Fuglsang, Elizabeth Gacek, Lisa Gass, Mark Geisler, Annette Giard; Stacy Givens, Carla Glesmann, David Goldberg, Karen Goldner, Jennifer Gordon, Debbie Gorlicki, Melin·da Greer, Lisa Groves; Cynthia Gur'non, Linda Haile, Douglas Haman, Kyu Han , Charles Hankins, Kathy Hanson, Laurie Hart, jenny Hauser; Paul Hazuka, Brian Hearty, Joseph Heater, Arthur Heesch , William Herriott, Mamie Hill, Todd Hirsch, Dale Horenshell; James Holland, Teri Hollenbach , ]ody Homles, Tammy Hopkins, Mark Hughes, Curt Huston, Hannah lzenJuniors: Barbara Abramson, Scott stat, Rose Jensen ; · Adkins, Jean Albe rt, Margie Amato, Donna Jessup, Mary Beth lipping, · Mark Anderson, Paula_ Anderson, David John son, Julie Johnson , Scott - Monica Angle, Tom Baker; Carol Ball, David Baltaxe, David Johnson , Phil Jone s, Ann Kampfe; Lisa Kal e lman , Susan Keast, Jackie Barmettler, Sheri Barton, Brad BenKeck, Mark Keffeler, Cheryl Kiederson, Lynne Bertch, janet Binder, ling, Kevin Ke lle r, Lisa Kleinschmit, Dawn Bishop; Kim Klin e; Bryan Block, Bo Bonn, Kevin Paul Kluge, Shelle y Knapp, Lesa Borcher, Kathleen Brady, Greg BrokKnollenbe rg , Glenn Kratky, John ke, Kyle Bryans, Michael Budwig, Kre ifels, Vi cki Kroupa , john Krueger, Debra Buhrman ; De na Krupinsky ; Elizabeth Campbell, Shari ChamKristi Kunk e l, Matt Kurtz, Crystal bers, james Cheng, Patricia Christie, Lacy, Rosemary Ladwig, Krishna LakMike Cole , William Conley, Madehani , Gary Lambert , Lynn Latta, Lisa line Crowley, james Czeranko; LeClaire; Debra Dahl , Douglas Dahl ,

Kimberley Davis, Julianne Dibaise, anie Sturm, Theresa Sudyka, Shelly Libby Diers, Bob Doering, Patricia Swift, Dale Talty, Lynette Taylor, Donovan, Kelly Dougherty; , Dean Thompson ; Sandra Drelicharz, Rita Dresp, Jack John Tilly, Eric Tolfefsrud, MatDross, Jeffrey Dross, Lesa Durkan , thew Tondl , Amy Tucker, Mary ValLa rae Durrant, Amy Essman, Kim drighi, Therese Vana, Marsha VickEvans; land, Laila Vilums; Patti Falcone, Kevin Faller, BradBeth Vondrasek, Cathy Vrana, ley Farrer, Marie Feeley, ]an!ce F~ld- John Wagn_er, William Wal~ers, T~rry man, Pollyanna Felt, Kevm Fmn, ·Ward, Judith Warth, David Wems, Kathleen Fitzsimmons; JoAnn Wetterberg, Cheryl Wid· Mary Sue Flanagan, Alice Flem- man ; ing, Dea Fredrick, Michele Fuller, Marie Williams, Sara Williams, James Gage, Katharine Gardner, Jim Todd Williams, Jean Winslow, Sally Glazer, Jennifer Goeser; . Young. Sarah Golden, Thomas Golden, . Beth Goldstein, Daniel Good hard, Seniors: Bradley Abbott, Marjorie Linda Goodman, Donald Graff, ]ill Albert, Paige Amick, Marcie AnderGriffith, Christopber Gurnett; . sen, Urmil Arora,- Andrew Bailey, Sheryl Hadley, Eric Hagenau, Fran- Terry Baird, Susan Barie; ces Halsted, Kurt Halvorson, Kim Kenneth Batchelder, James Bath, Hardy, Gary Harms , Margaret Chris Beem, Debra Beier, Paul Beller, Harner, Steve Harris; Ann Berman, Diane Betts, Richard Christopher Havenridge, Robert , Betz; • Heacock; Lynn Healey, Nancy Margaret Bishop, Shelly 'Bishop, Heesch, Scott Hestmark, Cynthia Jeff Bladt, Pamela Bloch,linda BlodHidy, Doug Hiems!ra, Lisa Hoffman; gett, Mary Bloomingdale, Susan James Holthaus, Judith House, Bobek, Catherine Bolen; Brian Howard, Michael Huches, Sheila Bourks, Michael Brady, Kathryn Jensen, Sandra Jensen, Amy Kathy Brewer, Jennifer Bridges, Lisa Johnson, Cynthia M. johnson; Buechler, Kelly Bur, Giovanni CantaCynthia R. Johnson, Donna Johntore, Stacy Carp; son, Cathryn Jordan, Patricia Kane, Claudette Carson, Karen ChandKathy Kassel , Tracy Katelman, Eva ler, Barbara Chantry, Robert .ChapKelly, Karen Kennedy; man , Geoffrey Chappell, Cheryl CoKimberly Kiefer, Vicki King, ]ona- ates , Deborah Coates, Carolyn thon Kinsey, Bre_tt Kobjerowski, Cohn· ' Terry Kroeger, Kathleen Krupa, · Rus'sell Conser, Cathy Crawford, Nancy Landen, Deborah Lashinsky; Kimberly Crosby, Carol Dahl, Dixie Craig Lewis, Mona Lighthart, RoseDawson, Douglas Deery, Vicki Denann Lindsay, Sally Lindwall, Terri Lipiston, Michaela Donovan; pold, Katherine Lohff, Carol Lowe, Ruth Drake, Jonathan Duitch, Anne Luebbers; Christine Eisenhart, Brent Elder, SuHarry Lynch, Jay Lynch, Lisa Mahozanne Elliott, Bonnie Elsasser, Kristin wald, Matthew Mahowald, Lisa MarEricson, Curt Erixon; golin, Dale Marros, Ann Martin, Elizabeth Estey, ]amshid FarajzadShannon McGuire.; eh, Allen Farquhar, Lisa Feeken, Jodi Mary McKinney, James McVay, Feldman, Louri Fellman, MeriBeth Meister, Andrew Mellen, Pamwether Felt, Mark Fesler; ela Mercier, Scott Meyers, Matthew Susan Fieber, Susan Fishbain, Lori Miller, Lori Mommsen ; · Flint, . jackie Freeling, Kathleen Christine Monson, ]on Morton, French, Doug Friedman, Dan FulkerConnie Murphy, Carole Hachman , son, Amy Gendler; · Robin Nagel, Craig Nelson, Kathy Bob Glissmann, Bruce Goldberg, Nelson, Laurje Newman; . Amy Gordon , Vikki Goss, Stacy Penny North, John O ' Hara, Eric Grady, Daniel Green, Kristin GreenOlson, Kit Patenode, ]ariet Pavlik, ly, Lynn Gruenig; Scott Pavlik, Karen Peck, Kurt PeThomas. Gruidel , ]ana Haffey, dersen ; David Haman, Megan Hamsa, BeverKim Peters, Bruce Petersen, Tami ly Hansen, Jane Hansen , June HanPfeffer, Debbie Polsky, Matthew son, Andrew Hargitt; Prucka, Charles Pugh , Debra Reimer, James Harrington, Cindy HartSharon Remer; . ford , Janet Hathaway, Christine Mike Richman, Annette Ridge, Hauser, Gregory Havelka, David Mary Robino, Beth Robson , Julie Hayes, Theresa Hazuka, Diana HelmRochman, Pamela Rolfs, John Rusberger; sell, Kathleen Ryan ; Eric Henrichse n, David Hermann, Susan Sallquist, Gregory SchnackPaula Hidy, Ronald Hoefer, Shelly el , Marsha Schone, Tobin Schropp, Hoeven , Renae Hopkins, Terry HopBe th A·nn Schumm, Edwin Sisson, kins, Michael Hord ; Sharon Slyter, Gayle Smith ; Polly How, Oralee Hughes, RobRonald Smith , Michael Sneckenert laffaldano, Jacquelyn Jackson, berg, Linda Sobeski, Danny SolzSylvia Jay, Catherine Johnson, Karen man, Daniel Somberg, Annette SpurJol:mson , Stacey Johnson ; Bradford Jones, jennifer Kahl , Beth lock, Sandra Stolz, Jill Stone; Stoey Stout, LouAnn Streight, MelKaiman, Ellen Kane, Kevin Kantor,

Michael Kapel , Keith Keller, Nancy Kelly; . Jane Kelsey, Kimberly Kelsey, Barry Kendall, Michelle Kennedy, Suzanne Kennedy , Kristi Kern, Tammy Kilgore, Catherine Kloster· man ; Steven Koukol, Douglas Kozeny, Robert Krueger, Lori Kuhl, Kari Kunkel , Lisa Kuzela, Karen Larsen, Barry Larson; James Lathrop, John Latta, Annetta LaVelle, Kristine Lawrence, Lawrenee Leader, Joan Learch, Beth Lee, John Lehr; . Bob Leighton, Robin Leisch, Jane Lemon, Mary Lempke, Spencer Lev· els, Todd Lincoln, Sar.a Lockwood, Laura Lonowski; . A!ine Ludwig, Susan Madison, Michaela Mahoney, Nichole Mallett, Terri Malone, Jim Maragos, Sus.Jn Marley, Leslie Marshall; Dana Mathisen, Kathy McCarthy, Sheila McGill, Beth Mcinnes, Mary McKenzie, Linda Miceli, JoAnn Mierendorf, Suzanne Miller; Catherine Moore, Lori Morisette, Maria Morrison, Steven Moskovits, Bruce Muenster, Teresa Murphy, Pamela Nabity, ]ill Nagel; Danice Nelson , Mark Newton, Sharon Newton, Laurie Nigro, Jose Novoa, Carl Olsen, Beth Olson, Chris Olson; · Kim Orr, Douglas Packard, Mary]o Palmesano, Laura Patterson, Philip Perrone, Scoft Perry, Laura Peter,Camille Peters; Kristine Petersen, Suzanne Peter• sen, Shelly Peterson·, Barbara Piatt, Pamela Piatt, Elizabeth Piccolo, Debbie ·Piper,. Raymond Poage; Annette Pruss, Heidi. Rath, Janet Reinhart, ' Will iam Repichowskyj, David Rips, Edward Ritthaler, Elizabeth Roarty, Dana Robicheau; Lisa Roth, Janice . Ruffino, Paul Rutherford , lracey Sader, Sally Salistean, Nancy Samson, joAnn Sandmann, Cindy Sawicki; Gary Schadde, Nancy Scheinost, Laurie Schmidt, Barbara Scholtins. Janet Schoolfield, Jeff Schrager, Amy Schreiner, Mark Schumm; Kellene Sedlak, Craig Shapiro, Diane Shapland, Susan Shearer, Michelle Sipherd, Alan Sladek, Scott Slaggie, John Smith ; Mark Smith, Ken Snowdon, Kris Sonderup , Carol Stevens, Koni Stone , Patricia 5tremlau , Molly Strom, Ma ry Sudyka; Sigrid Swanberg, Todd Swift, ]effrey Thompson, Cindy Thomsen, Kurt Tilton, David Vana, Dana Van Gasselt, Marleen Van Huyk; Jeanine Van Leeuwen , Reuben Vann , Julie Vanselow, Karen Veverka , Elisa Villella, David Vincent, Barbara Walters, Jill Walters; Andrew Wasserman, Candace Watkins, Julie Westphal , Cindy Whitfield , Scott Whitfield, Brenda Wingard, David Winje, La uri Witherbee, Mary Lisa Wyatt, Cynthia Zook.

Ceiling damage estima-ted in hundreds

Peeping tom plans fall through Speculation as to just what prompted two students to explore a little-known area of the campus has ranged from peeping-tomism to a search for a secure location for a quiet "study area." Unfqrtunately, their voyeuristic desire for a new perspective of the girls' locker room or anticipation of an unknown between-floors retreat was brought down to earth when they fell through the ceiling they were exploring. Other speculation includes a theory that a rival team was attempting to install bugging devices to eavesdrop on swimming practice, Several hundred dollars worth of damage was done to the hall outside of the swimming pool when these two

unidentified students fell through the ceiling. The incident occured after school on Tuesday, March 6, according to Mr. Pat DiBiase, swimming coach. DiBaise said, "They apparently got into one of the upstairs storage rooms and went down into the ceiling through a trap door. I heard a noise, and went up there with a flashlight to look around. I didn't figure out what that loud noise was until I saw a huge hole in the ceiling." Dr. James Tangdall , principal, added, "The two students must have tried to hide from Pat (DiBiase) and moved on to a part of the ceiling that wouldn't support

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DiBiase said that by the time he had come back down to the hallway, the two students had gone. "I figured that if those kids were on the swimming team, somebody would have· come forward and admitted it. But we still don.'t know who is responsible," he said. Acoustical tiles and the metal supporting framework were broken and had to be replaced . No firm estimate of the replacement cost was available, but Tangdall estimated two to three hundred dollars Qf damage was done. DiBiase said that he had heard a "ballpark figure of $400."


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Westside's Lance




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.Westside's Lance -

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;z •




It's good enough for me '

Give me that old time religion Walking through a crowded airport, a traveler is stopped by a young person offering words about a little knowo religion; this is the sort of image some conjure up when they hear the !)arne, 'born again' Christian. This is a misrepresentation, for born again Christians have been part of religion since the time of the Ne\Y Testament; however, many people have only recently heard of born again Christians. "It may be that we're seeing significant people in our society sharing the experience with other people," said Mr. Rob Johns, social studies instructor, citing such athletes as Tom Sorl.ey, Richard Berns, and singer, B. J. Thomas. The sudden outgrowth of influential figures in recent years admitting. publicly they were born-again has given it a· fad appearance. "I think more people are willing to admit they are born again believers," said Johns, cautioning that, "It isn't a bandwagon, it's a comitment, a way of life." Mr. John Reimer of Youth for Christ de. scribed becoming a born again Christian as a . "spiritual experience that happens to anyone who would like to have it." "The way I believe, it is pretty similar to Nicodemius in the testament, you must have Christ as the·paramount-influence in your life," said Johns. "Everyone has a v<:>idin their life, it's important that we fill this God shaped vacuum with God," said Reimer. The genuine experience is when "you come to the realization that you arejl sinner and · ask Christ for forgiveness." The impact of this decision on a person would be that, "he would have fulfillment in life, you are able to enjoy the fullness of l.ife her~ on earth," explained Reimer. "The only way to find satisfaction is to find God himself," he added. People spend their lives searching for satisfaction, and sometimes try temporary means to fill this void, but these are not sufficient: Reimer emphasized. "We come to the point where we just simply confess our sins and ask God to come into our lives." Kathy Jensen, a student; described a born ' again Christian as "just someone who is really . excited about being a Christian. I think they have more purpose to their life, they are just happy about being a Christian."

"It all goes back to the difference between a true Christian (one who has recognized God and commited his life), and one who is merely following," said Andreas of being a born again Christian. "The general term Christian is referred to as a person who is religious, does nice things, the church has become part of his life, but he's missing out on life without this experience (being born again)," said Reimer. "To be a Christian you have to believe in Jesus, then you are born again," said Sharon Roblno, who decided to become a born again Christian about a year and a half ago. "I hate that term 'born again,' that's not true, all you have to do is believe in Jesus," Ro-


I think teenagers now more

than ever are more in touch with what has been going on. They are at the crossroads in life and need to make decisions that will effect the rest ·of their lives.' · -Mr. John Reimer, Youth for Christ

The reasons for making this decision vary from person to person and '~depends so much on each individual," said Johns, as each person's rational is "unique." "With me it was probably not one thing, I had been reared in a Christian home, (which had an_ influence on him). Fifteen years ago Christ became more real to me than ever," he said, adding that he thought teenagers are ready to decide to commit their lives. "There ·are a lot of churchgoers who haven't been born again," said Andreas. "Some people will not admit it," if they are born again. It is a "completely new" life and the "crowd starts thinking they are a freak," when a student mentions that he is born again. "All of a sudden you go from being a devil to a Jesus freak," in the eyes of·peers, said An. dreas. "You stick out like a sore thumb, you support your convictions, the crowd doesn't like someone who is different," he added as to why students wish to keep quiet about their religion. · Reimer explained that until a person "realizes he is a sinner and asks God to come into his life," he is "constantly looking for fulfillment," and employs temporary means, such as drinking or smoking for satisfaction. . "There's more to life than that," said Reimer, and the individual"realizes the things he was looking for were not what he wanted. (He was) .looking in the wrong areas for what he thought was happiness." Ihis realization can come at any age, and Reimer feels it adds "a new dimension in life, your spiritual is activiated." The individual is no longer interested in old pasttimes, like drinking, his interests may vary from his peers. "Some people may not want other people · to know," said Jensen, in the fear that "they would be treated differently. It's really no problem at Westside because there are a lot of us." "I've come across more and more students willing to admit they are Christians," said Johns, ''I'm glad to see more of them, (although) I couldn't give you one single element" for the increase number. "I tell friends, one girl I told now believes the way I do. Other friends don't even want to talk about it, if you mention God, they say 'Oh, let's change the subject.' It doesn't bother me, we all have to make our decisions with our own lives," said Robino.


bino added. "When I say I believe in Jesus, I do, he's the Messiah. I have committed my life to him now." Becoming a born again Christian is "not a matter of religion," said Reimer. "Anyone can be ·born again, (although), there are some religions that will by-pass this (particular part of the church~."

"I think teenagers. now more than ever are more in touch with what has been going on. They are at the crossroads in life and need to make decisions that will effect the rest of their lives," said Reimer. He believes that high school students are qualified to make the decision and realize the need to become a born again Christian.

Robino-claimS 'closen

Devoted to religton Since the age of fifteen, Mary Robino has been a born again Christian. She originally attended a Charismatic group meeting in an attempt to regain some hearing loss. Since then .she has become intensely interested in.religion, and is willing to spread the gospel.

Westside's Lance

"I would rather be a Christian than anything, because I love God ' think you should do it justasa so much." go by more what you do. Arrrn'"""' do for someone else, like an · These are the words of Mary Robino, a born again Christian. more that)'ou're a Ch Robino became a born again Christian when she was fifteen, them . " seeking help for her hearing. "My mother took me to a Charismatic When one wants to become group, a spirit filled group of Catholics, because I wanted to try and try to get with a group of obtain a healing on my left ear, the nerve was dead, 'and it was all Christians. They would give you gone, so I went to this meeting. I did, I feel, actually receive partial about it (witnessing). "When you healing." believe in it, it looks like ·it makes While most born again Christians attend Assembly of God church, it might be at home, churches, Robino attends the living Word Tabernacle, a small con- very personal thing. You can't gregation. These are two divisions of born agairi Christians, the ones congregation get together a that believe in spiritual gifts, which include healing, and the non- one individual on his own. You denominationals, who do not follow any certain sect, and don't be- make that commitment to God. lieve in any supernatural gifts. These two divisions are basically the died for you and you just want to same, except for the outward showing of gifts. The living Word Tab- you that etern'al life once you do ernacle is a non-denominational church. This means that any ChrisWitnessing is very important, tian can go to the church. the duty of all Christians to "We feel that our only sense of salvation is not by what we can do push type. "I won't come up ourselves, is by us believing fully what Christ can and did do for us on heard that Jesus loves you.' lrtnrn•• the cross." get in a conversation with a friend ' However, Robino feels that "born again" is misleading . "Born come around. I'll say 'hey, did again, you can think of it as a sect, like Mennonites, or Baptists, but it get this love that you need, re.ally isn't. Every true Christian is born again. All that it is, is accepting and really get a good life.' It's so in your heart, that Jesus Christ is your savior, and died for you, be- enough. Christians have got to cause that's when the Holy Spirit literally makes you born again. house to house or in school." However, not all true Christians call themselves born again, because a She feels that "it is really a joy lot of Christians feel that born again means a lot more than it really pleasing the lord. However,·.,·,m••lilli• does. They feel it means not until, literally, the resurrection." will call you a Jesus freak, but we A born again Christian is not much different than any other bible; if Christ suffers, and if we Christian. She feels that there aren't a lot of changes at first, this -i-s with Him." because you have to change your whole pattern of thinking, which Although Robino devotes a takes a lot of time. doesn't want to pursue a career "My dress didn't change any, some Christians feel that they have she does want to use it. She plans to really live austere, and get totally away from the world to prove psychology. their Christian testimony. They think they have to be different, but I "I want to use my biblical don't feel that that is the way to really draw people to you, I think it draws them away. I think you have to set a moderation. It's all in your become a Christian counselor and mind, it's in your heart how you feel. You've got to want to do some- want to use whatever I have, like to thing to please the lord first of all, not just 'hey everybody, look here can with it, tell them how they can I'm a Christian, I'm different than you' that's not where it's at. If you ogy, but tell them how ultimately do dress differently that's fine, I'm not condemning you, but I don't they accept Jesus as their Savior."


SON renews interest; --focus on religi.o n

Brent Wagaman, SON member, discuss an upcomi~g meeting and future activities. These plans include the adoption of children overseas and involvement in the community. Although the group plans to branch out into areas such as these, the primary-focus is on religion.

National trends indicate that reli- or three- new people every week, who gious interest is declining; however, just want to see what we' re doing." through a new organization , students Schroeder commented that a diare becoming better acquainted with verse group of students attends the organized religon . meetings, and " not any particular deReligious dedication and the desire nomination is represented. We like to for a "Christian identity" contributed have everybody come and find out to the formation of Spiritual Outreach what we' re about. We even had two Now (SON) , according to Ken Jewish kids come, who had been Schroeder, the group's organizer. taught Jesus Christ was just a nice man, The focus of the club is on religion , and not the Lord and Savior. I think Schroeder said , " because people need they got a lot out of it. " to know that Jesus Christ is more than Thfs response is encouraging to just a far off, distant person - he's a Schroeder, as he admitted being unfriend . We mainly just want people to sure of the reaction because of a minbecome aware of this. I guess that's imum amount of publicity. kind of what we do at our meetings." This lack of publicity came as a direct SON 's first meeting was held Thurs- re~ult of the law mandating the separaday, Feb. 1, and meetings are presently tion of Church and State. For this reabeing held each Thursday at members' son , Dr. james Tangdall, principal, alhomes. Alth6ugh Schroeder ·co'!l- lowed no publicity for the group in the mented the club is religiously orient- form of morning announcements. He ed, he maintains that members are not did, however; permit Schroecfertodislimited to serious activities such as play posters informing students of the Bible study and prayer. He said , " We club's formation. go bowling, or have pizza parties, or " I think its important to keep that just do some sort of fun activity." line very distinctive between Church Schroeder feels; however, that the and State. Because of this, · they' or group's most important aspect is its re- anyone else cannot use school faci lities ligious study. for any sort of religious function," said Schroeder hopes to expand the Tangdall. clubs activities with the adoption of According to Tangdall , no children overseas, which he believes Jeligiously-based organization has re- · will be possible in the near future . He ceived permission to use school facilisaid, "We' re just starting to get organ- ties for, " as long as I remember." He ized, but we would" really like to get adaed ti:lat there was one exception to involved in the community in some this in 1975, when the Glad Tidings way. We don't know exactly how right Church, 7415 Hickory St., received now.·we are also thinking of entering major damage as a result of the tornaan intramural team in some sport." . do. Tangdall said , " That was an emerAccording to Mr. Orval Jensen , gui- gency situation , and only because of dance counselor, and SON adviser, the unusual circumstances did we " The group is really going to do some allow them to use the auditorium on good things. I think it was important Sundays." that something like this be organized, Despite any obstacles SON may be because there is a great number of encountering from the administration , Christian kids who want to get togeth- the group is going strong, according to er." Schroeder. He said that the club may The format of the newly-foqned or- hold morning meetings at Countryside ganization appears successful, as the Bri~rdale United Church of Christ, number of those affiliated with the 8787 Pacific St., because "The Bible says group continues to rise. Schroeder you should have a fellowship with commented, "We usually get about 25 jesus Christ everyday. It starts the day to 30 kids per meeting, and about two out right. "

Speaking in languages never learned. Healing the sick. Prophecying. All this is part of the charismatic movement, and it's not as exotic or far-fetched as it seems.

someone. One must have a personal desire to be used by God and to be in a spiritual situation; reading the bible, praying, being faithful to the house of worship, 'growing in God'."

Charism is a branch of Chrisitianity. Its concepts are not new or even very different from basic Christian beliefs, according to Pastor John G. Walker of Glad Tidings Church at 7415 Hickory Street.

Ludwig feels she has grown spiritually since she "became a Christian in 1971." She said herfamily grew interested in Christianity through evangelist Billy Graham on television . .Before that time, the Ludwig family had no religion and did not attend any church.

" What we have taught and believed for over a half century, now is being taught by many other-churches and church leaders all over the world. The charismatic renewal is bringing churches-together like never before," said Walker. Glad Tidings is a transdenominational church and an Assembly of God, one of six in the Omaha-Council Bluffs vicinity; one of 77 in Nebraska. "Members of the church do not have to believe in the charismatic movement, only in Jesus Christ," said Walker. He went on to explain that the term Charismatic is " a blanket coveting for people who believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit." According to the writings of the apostle Paul , these gifts include wisdom, knowledge, discerning of the spirits, faith , gifts of healing, miracles, tongues, interpretation of tor.gues and prophecy. · Though speaking in tongues is just one of the nine gifts, since is a vocal gift it is more obvious . Walker said, " Speaking in tongues is a gift that is given to the church . It is not complete in itself, but has an accompanying gift - interpretation of tongues." Aline Ludwig, a member of Glad Tidings, described speaking · in tongues as " emotion . When you can 't express in your own words what you want to say, it comes out in a tongue you 've never leaned." Ludwig said both she an_d her mother had experienced speaking in tongues. " Charismatic renewal teaches that the speaking in tongues is for every believer in Christ," said Walker. don 't know if there's any one thing that qualifies

l "l

"I felt sorry for the things I had done- my way of life was wrong. There was no other way for me," said Ludwig. "I personally think that other religions more_ or less put up an idol. They have rules and regulations. In Christianity, the basic decision is of yourself," she added. Four other Westside students besides ludwig attend Glad Tidings church. Mike Hord, senior, said his family joined three years ago after being invited by another family who was already a member. Hord believes in the gift of to"ngues, but is uncertain about the gift of healing. ' " My interpretation is that the fact that you might have the gifts of the Holy Spirit or might not just means you ' re not along that stage yet. You can be a Christian without the gifts of the Holy Spirit," he said . "I don't think it's better, it's just a matter of what you believe."

Charism·atic beliefs fulfill lives of students

Walker praised the youth of Glad Tidings church . Of some 850 families at the church , he ~stimated 100 are individuals· of junior or senior high school age. " We have youth activities, youth rallies and youth choirs. We have very active young people here. " Walker said the Westside students are "all very active" in church functions. In conclusion , Walker said, "One must believe that these gifts are for today. None of the gifts are given to a person because of intelligence or because he is rich . It has everything to do with a person's relationship with God. And the most fulfilling part is Christ." '



Bus driver exhibits unus-ual dedication toward profession Burke ha·d overpowered a tiring Westside basketball team, 65-60, as the disco.uraged Warrior fans filed out of .t he stands. But the competition was not about to end just yet. When they arrived in the south parking lot, the Westside group was met by a Burke crowd of somewhere around 200 students, ready for conflict. And then, all hell broke loose. War had been declared, and everything was game. But the Warriors were doomed , as they we~e outnumbered about four to one. Fights were breaking out all over the parking lot, as the police stood arid watched from inside. They had decided it would be "crazy" to get involved. Terry Mikalicz; however, could not merely, watch , As the Westside bus driver, he had " worked with these kids." ' . Terry Mikalicz stormed out of the building, his hulking frame solidly determined to break up the battle. " Kids were really getting pounded, and I . knew Westside was outnumbered," he said later, adding, "I liv~ by the rule that if you cari help somebody, you should." And help he did. Mikalicz broke up "a bunch of fights. " At 6'1", and 225 pounds, he could easily defend himself. " Nobody swings at me," he asserted. Mikalicz has been employed by the district for 11 years, and has been the head bus driver for the past six. He .drives the varsity football, basketball, and soccer teams to their games, and enjoys what he does. '


the bronze leaves of autumn brought on the realities of long winter nights, AI Kraeger W(!sn't feeling guite up to his "old self." For Kraeger, now in his ninth year of teaching auto mechanics, the new season brought on an unpleasant set of physical symptoms. He grew more tired as the days wore on, losing both hair and weight. But one symptom was unexplainable ... his chest and abdominal cavities filled with fluid, 'giving him a "beer belly without drinking beer." Exploratory surgery produced the fateful news: he had been stricken with Mislethema Peoma, a rare type of cancer that formed "a splattering of small tumors from the upper chest to lower stomach." During those painful days in December, 1976, a lot of things were going through Kraeger's mind. He had a good marriage, a son jason, and a daughter Alison, 8 and 4 years old respectively. Angry at first, he asked , "Why me?" and "What did I do to cause this?" Certainly, the news was a shock to his emotions, but he made a firm commitment that "This (cancer) would not conquer me. " "The doctors kept telling me how important it was for me not to give up hope. They . explained that many times, cancer patients

" Kids are real good to me. The football team always asks for me, and calls me their 'lucky charm'," he proudly revealed . A devout Warrior fan, Mikalicz stands on the sidelines with the team at " almost every game, even when I don't take them."

Special education Most of Mikalicz' time during the day is spent driving special education students to and from school. This is where the real Mikalicz comes out. "They (special education students) are special people. You have to have an inside love for them to work with them ," he said . "They don't know what it is to drive a nice car, or to go to a big prom, but that doesn't affect them. If they're mad at you, they'll tell you . If they like you, they'll do anything in the world for you . "It's a good job with kids. On Mondays and Fridays, I go swimming with the kids. I'll take the.m out in the deep and help them swim. I don't have to swim, I just enjoy helping kids," he remarked. Mikalicz' dedication goes beyond his working hours. "When the special education students have a parent dinner, or a dance, I usually come too." "I'm happy ... there's a lot of nice people in this district. Whenever I see kids on the street, they ·always say 'hi,' and smile. That makes me feel good . If you can see kids smile, then you 've achieved a main thing out of life."

Terry Mikalicz believes that, "if you can help somebody, you Mikalicz has been employed by the district for 11 years, and has been the bus driver for the past six. He drives special education students daily, takes Westside athl.etic teams to their competition.

died simply from the prognosis. They could_ problem area. He lost most of his hair, excure the cancer, or control it, but the pa- cept for" a little around the edges," and lost tient had already given up," he said. a lot of weight. Then chemotherapy began. He was treatSo are you ed with pills and shots, trying to ward off "The doctors who were handling my case the disease. This method was painful, also. In January of 1978, a little over a year knew that I would not give up, but the fact still remained that my case was serious. One since the first cancer had been detected, day, a GP (General Practicioner) who was Kraeger was admitted to Methodist hospipartially involved in my case walked into tal to find out what was causing a huge my room, sat down on my bed, and said to weight loss. "They found that the chemotherapy had me ' You're going to die.' I looked back at caused a bowel obstruction, and they operhim, and said, 'So are you, sometime.' _"That was an important point in my re- ated to remove it," he said. covery, because it made me reinforce my feelings," he said. The healing During this time, Kraeger was going through radiation treatment. Every day, for Along with the surgery, doctors had arthree weeks, the radiation beam went to rived at a momentous discovery .. . there work on the entire cancerous area. Kraeger were no more signs of cancer. "I believe the miracles of the Bible did would go to school, then to Methodist hospital for the treatment, and finally, tired and happen, and I believe that they are happennauseous, lie would return home to go to ing for me today," Kraeger said. sleep. This was a hard time for Kraeger ... "I do believe there is a healing," he prowhen his son, Jason, asked him to come · claimed. Things' had turned out pretty well for outside.and play catch during baseball season, he was too exhausted to move. Kraeger. His hair grew back, all the same The radiation treatment was repeated color and texture. He began to feel much again, for another three weeks- this time better, "better than I have in years," and his on a specific area that doctors felt was a belief in God had been confirmed.


for Kraeg

Babysitting·for credits yields experienc Gaining experience working with pre- They see how kids>Vork in action, school children in an educational envi- . of in the classroom." Bianchi also stressed that the ronment, about 30 students are ulearning ' how to work with kids," according to Ms. gain a positive self-concept through Mary Ann Bianchi, head teacher at the program. "Young children say a lot of things, which is really good for District 66 Early Childhood Center. Interested students complete Child De- up their confidence." Students also participate in an i velopment, a course that is taught "like a . .. parenting class ... they learn the differ- , large group once a week, where ent stages of a child," remarked Ms. Hes- centrate on questions the ter Anderson, home economics instruc- and discuss the stages of child agreed co-teachers Bianchi and tor. After completing the primary course, son. "I think parenting is a really im studen.ts· are allowed to take Explori'ng ' - Childhood, where the direct work with ·concept that students need to an chi said. "A majority of people the chjldren at the center takes place: The · ~;:enter .se'rves 35 pre-schoolers, get proper'training. The Exploring ages 3 to 5, according to Bianchi, and high hood program is intended school •students play an important role . dents make a decision about hp•·nn,in• mother or father befpre. entering Trey spend two 80-minute labs per week • -, . at. th~ center, playing games, reading stor- · hood .'' 1 Anderson feels the program is " 'ies, or just "providing an extra lap to sit on.'' well. "Most feedback I have gotten .·The center, located at 1305 So. 90th, Is·· been fantastic. Students become just "up the hill" from the high school, fond of the children and many iliaking it easy for students to participate come back to see them."" ih the ·program. · ' ' Bianchi concluded, "Basically, they Bianchi commented, "I feel really good learning how different kids react Learning how ~to ·work. with children and St!t- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kjorstad. Belle about~ the program. 'S tudents gain a real each other, and how to be more ting credit for it at the,same time, Wanda Bene, spends 80 ininute5 per week at the DiStrict 66 lab e'x perience with the younger, kids. with ·them." , a Westside seniOr;i.;ils a story to AmyKjOrstad, Early Childhood Center, a local pre-school. •



Stock brokers are paid to predict how long market trends will continue. lothes buyers are paid to determine how long an item will be popular. The estimates of the two are very important to those whom they serve, but a Iajor fashion trend seems to effect the consumer more than a point or two on the g board. The major trend in young men's fashion is a move toward a dressier look, said lree managers of ·local clothing stores. "It's a dressier look with a casual accent to "said Mr. Dennis Kidder, manager of "Where it's at" at Magee's-Westroads. This reflected in all of the basic wearing apparel - shirts, jeans and slacks. One of the biggest changes is in shirts. The shirt collars have been banded, 1ortened, rounded or retained, from what the managers say. "The collar treatent has to be the biggest change," Mr. Terry Farmer, manager at Ben Simon's id . "This is the first time in a long time that the shirt-makers have come up with 1y major change." Kidder said that the "old reliable" is still more popular ong-sleeved button down-the-front, regular-collared shirts e still in , but now they're dressier so you can wear a tie with em if you want." Farmer thinks the collarless shirt trend will be "staying in for 1ite a while - probably two or three years. Any variation in le won't make the current styles ob~olete either." Kidder, 1wever, disagrees. "The collarless shirt is like the miniskirt was r the girl," he said. "They're dying now and should die out in lout six months." Who is right? Well, if one looks at the clothes in the respece stores, both are. Ben Simon's has a lot of collarless shirts, agee's has a few and emphasizes "old reliable." Both say their erchandise is selling fast, so it's safe to assume the customer 10· frequents one store has different tastes than the customer 10 buys clothes at the other. Opinions differed as to the cut of th~ shirt also. Ms. Kim nsen, manager of Brandeis' State 5-Westroads, says that the .a I loose, full look" is in . Farmer agreed. "The shirts are a little ~ser, but no extremes. It's a full cut. Kidder said the trim, body >k was in . Again, it depends on the clientele. All three do agree {for the most part) on pants. Slacks are eated, they said, and most of the colors are earth tones: khaki, ~wn and off-white. The legs ! mostly boot cut or have a :ht flare . The boot cut has the ne width at the bottom as the

Bright, flashy colors and sexy slit skirts will be dominating this spring's top fashion for ladies. These new styles reflect a fresh , new and exciting mood of spring. This mood is felt in the different fashion stores in . Omaha. . One such store is Hovland Swanson, which just started displaying its spring attire. "The big thing this spring is the huge color explosion- raspberry, jade, red, and orange are just a few," Heidi Tensek, fashion coordinator of Hovland Swanson said. "There will be color on color, with accessories being bright green, red, purple, and more." · Tensek also commented on the slim-down look this spring. "Skirts will not be as full as last season's. There will be lots of vertical lines like slits which means a lot of leg action," Tensek said. Tensek thinks this slim fashion will replace the big, bulky Annie Hall look of last year. · Girls now will want the more feminine,.sophisticated look. Diane Thies, manager of The Tree at Crossroads, says that high school girls are b~coming more mature and their fashions show it. "You (high school girls) are just as much a part of fashion as we are," Thies commented. Even jeans will be more feminine this spring. "Faded, oldlooking blue jeans are out. jeans now can be worn with dressy, sexy silk tops and high heels," Thies said. Now, tt"lere will · be different colored jeans, like red, yellow, and light pink. They will not be made out of denim, but rather a lighter material. "The sheerness of fabric is a lot sexier," Thies said. This is especially true for the dresses this spring. "long, silky dresses will be strong and more for the evening," Thies said. Along with the evening d~esses, there will be more casual dresses. '{Active is becoming important- especially in dre.sses • now with a big emphasis on the waist," Nancy Abboud, junior sportswear buyer for Goldstein Chapmans, said. The waist is becoming more important this spring. Wide two-inch leather cinch belts will replace narrow ones . .Belting and emphasizing the waist makes the body look slimmer. All these current styles go back to the late '40s, early '50s. !'We are going more into the sophisticated look of the '40s, with shorter skirts and padded shoulders. At Hovland Swanson, we even have the small straw hats that go on the side ·of your head," Tensek said . You might think that these fashion items might be "a bit too much" for Nebraskans. Actually, more and more ladies in the midwest are becoming more fashion-conscious, according to Tensek. " Women see what the fashions on the east and west ·coast-are through magazines and television," Tensek said. " Ladies want up-to-date fashion like that in New York ." " Actually, we are six months to a year behind the fashions in Europe," Abboud said . Abboud goes to New York every year to get ideas of fashions she will buy for Goldstein Chapman 's. Who determines the fashion? " Mostly the custome r," Abboud said. " Really, it's our fault we' re so behind in current fashion ," Thies stated . "We must train our customers not to worry about ' what everyone thinks of her clothes. We are making her more confident." If you are interested in the top fashion , sales personnel throughout stores in Omaha will be glad to help you . " We like to Feminine look in help !he custome'r. After all, Although she is a foreign exchange student, Mira Vers- when we think of the customer's leegh keeps up with the current fashion. Softly pleated needs, she' ll come back to us," skirts that accentuate the waist, are in abundance at Thies added.

Dressier, slim look now 1n style


This holds true for jeans o. Most of the jeans are boot ·. · The denim tends to be I ·ker and there's "not as much :he washed-out look," Farmer ~-

Pockets are the last thing on ich the two commented. der said "pockets are fancier h a lot more design; the :ket makes the pants." Farmer ced the opposite. " Corned to two years ago the :kets aren't as fl ashy; one Euean 'trend is the label-labei " •IWIII+ront, label in back." suits, Farmer said that the ggest trend is the narrower el. " He said this trend should owball within the next couof _years." The suits are still oered and slender through waist," and the pants are ed slightly or boot cut. In adon, Hansen said the pocket s are getting narrower, as are ties . idder also said that designers taking some of the padding of the shoulders, losing the In vogue ptball player" loo.k. Basically, e trim, con·servative look is Fashion conscious Kurt Halvorson displays the latest in men's fashions. He is wearing a collarless shirt and a pair Kidder said. of matching corduroy pants.

most fashion stores, while a tie of similar shade is used to coordinate the outfit•

ohn A. Gentlelllan Westside




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Support for unknown~ remains inadequate; soluti9n up in air pressboxpressboxpressboxpressboxpressboxpressboxpressboxpressboxpre

How many of you are aware of the fact that the girls' tennis team has taken state and Metro for three consecutive years, or that the boys' golf team has won the Metro title five times? The majority of the students and faculty don 't know, arid • probably don't care. Even cheerleaders have little support for such lesser known , but winnin~ teams. Football and basketball players aren't the only ones that appreciate a large audience. Speaking from experience , support is greatly valued, and helps to boost one's confidence tremendously in a clutch situation. Attendance. This is a problem that has plagued Westside in years passed, and will probably continue to do so in years to come. Does it e xist beca use the student body is unaware of the times and dates that the teams play? Probably not. Every athletic contest is posted in the mornin g announcements with the same degree of space allotted , Is it because the teams are losing ones, and no one wants to watch a losing team? Maybe in a few cases, but definitely not in most. Wrestling, boys' and girls' tennis, the golf teams, and the cross country team (most people probably don't even· know we have

one) are all very respect~ ble. Mr. Ron Huston, athletic director, cited student employment and other athletic activities as the two main reasons why attendance is so low at some events. " Approximately 60 percent of the student body works, he said. Also, he stated that "Cross country meets and golftournaments are hard to watch because you have to follow it. You can't just sit back and watch." It seems like the girls' sports have been hit hardest by this stroke of low attendance, which is why the girls' cheerleaders originated this year. Now there are cheerleaders, but. what about crowd support? At the Girls' State Tennis Tournament last year, there were a few administrators, a few faculty members, and many parents, amidst very few students. Since the birth of · girls' tennis back in 1966 it's always been this way. There must be some way to get stu dents to come and support a team that is as good or better than any basketball or football team in Westside's history. But what is the answer? Westside has supposedly been a school with a tremendous amount of school spirit and patriotism. But it's not · evident at one of the team's. dual, Metro; District or state meets. . I guess this column could be called a plea for more support. Call it what you will, but give our other teams confidence and support, too.

Talent strengthens netters Three consecutive state championships will be weighed on this year's girls' tennis team. Can they make it four in a row? " Yes," claims Mr. Doug Pierson, coach , "given the right circunistances." Pierson believes . the team's newcomers will play a major role in the team's bid for the state title. "The key is if two or three o,r four of our new peopie come through as tough competitiors. Some people do well in practice and fall under pressure in matches. Others who don't show much in practice do well in matches. The key is how they handle the pressure." Pierson feels depth will be the team's mainstay while the lack of one really outstanding singles player will be a weakness to the team . " We have better depth this season but we don't have outstanding individual talent like we have in the last four years. " By "outsta-nding individual talent" he is referring to last years State singles champ.Diana Meyers and before that Tari Feinberg. Pierson credits Sara Lockwood, lisa Roth and Lisa Margolin as the team's strongest players, all of whom are returning from last year. He notes that this could change, depending on how the new players blossom. Approximately 40 girls tried out for the team but only 12 to 15 made the varsity and JV squads. They began the season conditioning for three weeRs, which entailed distance running, wind sprints and agility drills. The majority of the team members played indoors in the winter which should carry over to the season well , according to Pierson. He credits the continuing success in girls' tennis to factors such as playing in the winter, which is the end result of the ""domination by pe0ple in upper socio-economic<: classes." " Nebraska has a lot to do with it. You can only P,lay six months

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out of the year, and a lot of players from other schools can 't afford to play in the winter," he added . Pierson considers that the tradition of winning puts some added pressure on his team. "However," he commented, "it's a new year and a new team, so the fact that we have taken state for three straight years shouldn't have much effect." He doesn't plan to abandon the philosophy which has been used in the past, either. Pierson exclaimed, "We try to win and have fun at it. Our girls will represent Westside in a way we can all -be proud of. They're good sportspeople." • Grand Island and Marian should be the two top seeded teams in the state right now, according to Pierson, "and then comes Burke and Westside. Grand Island and Marian have

some outstanding people bad so they' ll be the teams to beat. Burke is our traditional rival they'll be tough also. " The Warriors will kick off the se;1son Tuesday, April 3 against Ralston, Pierson rates the as a "fairly decent team" the fact that the Warriors them ouf 13-0 last year. He eluded the weather rnrulitinnc may have an effect on the " You never know, it might snowing," he said. Last year's team, along state championship, won and the Ralston Invitational. turning lettermen, and Roth will attempt their Metro and state ships in doubles, while number one doubles Margolin will be the most candidate for the number singles position.

. Sophomores Kathy Harkert and Paula Kluge shovel the snow off the tennis courts, as inclement weather

team hopes for another state this year.

0 YO.UR-




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Westside's Lance

March 23, ·1979

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ittle interest in field events ay hamper girls' chances lizing their potential in the and overcoming a lack of in the field events, could in a very good season for rls track team according to n Glasgow, head coach. said, " We have really good and two mile relay teams. may be the best in the state. r big weakness is in the There is very little in that area . Karen johnthrown the shot put, but, than that, there is very little Only a couple of people tried throwing the discus. definitely our weak added that there are strongpoints, other than

the relays. He said , "We have quite a few people doing the high jump. We have a lot of potential in that area . Also, our middle distances (440 and 880) are good. We have a lot of individual sta nd-outs in that area." Glasgow said that 26 girls came out for the team . "We have eight letter winners returning . Joann Wetterberg in the hurdles, and joan Lerch in the 440, are the leaders in their events. Other letter winners include, Sandy Enslow, Johnson, Joann Mierendorf, Dawn Onisk, Marsha Vickland, and Laila Vilums." Glasgow added that Vilums has run some really good mile times. Glasgow


quite a few

surprises this year. One reason is because of the number of sophomores that came put, he said. He added , "16 of our 26 members are sophomores. I think they will do well this year. Camille Patterson did real well in track as a sophomore. She didn 't go out last year as a junior. But she came out this year. She should really help. That is the fir~ t time in my five years of coaching that something like that has happened. " Enslow said, " I think we have a lot of potential this year. They're working hard. I think the competition will be tougher, beca·use girls' track is becoming more popular, and more competitive."

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Speed remains strong point nrt>no.rong for the upcoming baseball seaThursday, AprilS, Mr. Bob Moshead coach , hopes for one thing: That this is better than last. Last season was the worst season we've had in time here at Westside, but the team ima lot during the summer legion play, so I am ng a better season," said Moscrey. V~ncrroc"' describes the team's major strength ng "overall team speed. We will be one of the

fastest teams in the Metro," he said. On the other side of the coin, he said that consistent hitting, and fielding are the team's major faults right now. As for the team's hopes in the Metro Conference, Moscrey declined predicting, but said "Burke, Prep, and Northwest are looking very good this year. And I think that if our pitching comes around, and our infield is not so porous, we might be okay," said Moscrey. Senior Bruce Muenster, a returning starter at first base, is optimistic about the team's future. "We should be very good this year, because we only lost the three seniors and we have a very good group back," he said. The three seniors he was referring to are Craig Ladwig, Dan Arnold, and Robin Fulton, all starters. Power hitting Is not one of the squad's big assets, however Moscrey did ~ay that "Dave Kalina , Chris Adams, and Muenster all have good power and are capable of hitting thf' ball a long way." Moscrey said that he doesn't expect any sophomores to make the varsity this year, unlike last year when four made it for spring ball. He did say t~ilt the best players ~s. far as .sophomore~ go are _Jon Kreifel~, Jim Tefft and Scott Gray, all of whom, he said, had a fair shot at making the varsity. According to Moscrey, "The strength of a team goes right up the middle. In other words, the catcher, pitcher, second base, shortstop, and centerfielder all must be strong. "Right now that is not us because we do not have a shortstop that is a clear cut' starter," he said. Vying for the shortstop position are four players; Randy Chalupa, Randy Naran, Scott Meyers, and Sam Pattavina, all juniors. The person on the team with the best chance for personal recognition is, according to Moscrey, senior Dave Kalina. "I think Kalina probably has the best chance for All-Metro or All-State, but he has to improve on his fielding and throwing before that happens. He is already a strong hitter. Moscrey had this to say about his team's upcoming season: "If we use our strengths to our Takin' a rest advantages, like our speed, then we will have a ys' baseball team pauses for a few moments in pretty good season. But before our speed can help to get ready for the next drill. As their first day us at all, we· have to start hitting because we need people on base," he said . e, they enjoy the warm sunshine.

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quad strives for· perfection; rational championship ·possible . ~ roving ,

or even matching a ecord, and a city chamhi p last year should be hard ). But according to Mr. : Skinner, varsity soccer 1, his team can do it. He " Last year we were one of )p 16 teams in the country. goal this year is to repeat we did last year. We ? ave lent to do it." lner said that new team ~ers should add to the overall strength. He said, ave seven players return·om last year's team. We four new students in the :t, that moved here. All of should add team depth ." mer said, "We had 45-50 ·s come out at the begin-· of the year. The players


. were either put on the varsity, or the junior varsity. Seniors that didn't make the varsity were cut, because seniors cannot play for the JV. I picked the varsity. It was a really tough decision , because there are a lot of good players. Two sophomores made the team."

Skinner said that the team has three exceptional players. He said , "Mark Newton, Mike Dinwoodie and lan McCloy from Ireland are really good. The whole team is well balanced offensively and defensively. But those three are our top players." Skinner picks four teams that should be the top ones. He said, "Creighton Prep, Westside, Bellevue, and Roncalli, should be the powerhouses. The talent

of players is pretty well divided around the city. I think we can handle all the teams around the city." Last year's team almost won · the National Championship said Skinner. He added, "We competed for the McGuire Cup. We lost to the team that eventually won the Cup. That loss was to St. Louis." Skinner said that the team practices wherever it can. He commented, " We practice in any one of three gyms at the school. Hopefully we can start practicing outside more." Skinner looks forward to a highly successful season. He said, " The players have really been working hard to attain their goals. I have seen the team do some things that would put us ahead of last year's team."

March 23, 1979 ·

PORT OF CALL, PACIFIC You've heard about it. You've seen pictures. But now it's happening all around you, with more life and color than in a thousand magazines. The island sunsets, the tropical palms, the deserted beaches. The Navy is more than just a job; it's the South Pacific, Hong Kong, and all the foreign ports where Navy ships stop. It's training in one of sixty skill fields. It's working on the most advanced technical equipment. For the complete story, speak to your local Navy recruiter. Tim Hayes 269 BOSTON ·MALL

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Westside's Lance



Palm readers read between lines Do you ever get tired o( teachers telling you to plan for your future? Try something different next time. Have a palm reader tell your future.

According to both ; just as your nose has a certain place on your face, so do the lines on your palm. "I can tell about marriages by looking at a persop 's marriage l(ne and using my powers," Marko said . There is also a life. line, a heart line, a religion line, and sometimes even a line to tell you if you will be going abroad. "No two palms are exactly alike, just like no two people are exactly alike," Roberts said .

Different people believe in different things. A lot of people might be skeptical as to whether their palm will tell them coming events in their life. However, according to two palm readers, Ms. Julia Roberts and Ms. Mary Marko, your fate was printed on your palms at birth . .. "God has one's destination in life already planned . · More lines? out at birth," Roberts said . " Customers come to me to " Palms change every six months," Marko find out in advance what will take place in their commented. "The older you get, the more lines you future ." And , according to many of their customers, the get on your palms." This is natural, of course. But does tliat mean that readings have become a reality.

more things will happen to you as you get older? "It depends on what God has planned for you," RobertS said. "I believe that you can't really do anything about · because your fate is fixed." " Above all, I believe in God," Marko comm<>,nt..t -1 " I think everybody should , but some people have different ideas." Roberts thinks that most of her customers come her because they want to see and prepare for their future. " People want to know more about themselves. That is why they come to me," Marko said. As for predictions, they range from your dog running away to becoming rich and famous. It depenas on the person and their future.

" I had one case where a customer came back to me," Marko commented , " and everything I predicted came true except for· one thing ." Palm reading started in India, " the land of miracl es." Roberts claims that these people had psychic powers and could foretell a person 's future. " My ancestors came from Egypt, India, and Greece, to name a few," Roberts said .

Runs in the family " It's a generation thing with my family," Marko said. " A long line of my family ~as been reading palms for years and years." Both Roberts and Marko claim they were born and gifted with psychic powers. Roberts started palm reading along with her parents in Kan sas City. " Since I was ten or 11 , I have been reading palms," Roberts stated, " and I ke·ep developing my powers more and more. They (the powers) are still getting stronger and stronger." Wi th Marko, this side of her childhood is completely different. " I hated my powers when I was a kid," ·Marko said , " because I didn 't like to see my future. I wanted it to be a surprise." Instead of developing her powers more fully, M arko learned to set them aside. There is still a question that appears in one's mind. What are psychic powers and how do these two ladies use them? " I can feel vibrations when I concentrate," Roberts said. " I can sense things for a pe rson . Sometimes I can even sense something about that person when they walk into the room ." " I could be able to sense who were my friends and . who were my enemies," Marko said . Roberts believes that everybody has psychic powers. " Mine. are a lot more developed, because I like to help people," Roberts said . How does Roberts help people? She helps people find lost articles, and helps people to get better when they are ill. " People have also come to me when they need to find a child that has run away from home," Roberts replied .

Handy Ms. Julia Roberts, profession"al palm reader, practices her craft at 33rd and Leavenworth. Roberts believes that one's

Nimoy gives 'Impression' of-famous· artist, brother Artists seem to stick togethe.r. This could be because their creativity alienates them and forces them to find refuge in the company of others in their situation. Or it could be that they are just more comfortable while surrounded by their peers. At -any rate, one artist, leonard Nimoy, came to Omaha Thursday, March 8, to tell the story of another artist, Vincent Van Gogh. Nimoy played Vincent's borther, Theo, in the new " multi-image" production of " Vincent" in seven performances in Omaha and lincoln. Nimoy held a press conference before Thursday's performance. He said that Van Gogh led a frustrating life as a painter. " Vincent was the leader of the Impressionists when Impressionism was not considered popular," Nimoy said. This made it impossible for him to sell any of his works, so he had to borrow money from his brother, Theo, an art dealer. In return for the money, Vincent sent his paintings to his brother and told him they were his. Theo tried to sell some

paintings, but Vincent hindered or to family members. his efforts. Nimoy said that Nimoy said that he was once a Vincent was very sensitive about " frustrated artist." "In 1963 I had his work and didn't warit people been acting for about 12 years coming into a gallery and saying . and hadn' t been very successful. "yes". or " no" to his paintings. I was about to give it up; I was But Theo finally sold one for thinking about going to drinking." But he stuck it out what would be $80 before his brother died. and eventually had a couple of big breaks. Nimoy was one of four men He is recognized by most who wrote the show. Mr. Philip people as Mr. Spock, the Stevens, a native of Council offspring of a human and a Bluffs, who conceived the idea, Vulcan, in the " Star Trek" televiwrote part, and the remaining sion series. material was contributed by He was asked if he felt if this Theo and Vincent Van Gogh in role stereotyped him. "The year letters sent either to each other after 'Star Trek ~ left the air I was offered the role of Paris in ' Mission Impossible' . .. I stayed with that for three .years until it ,became tedious. I was Tevye in 'Fiddler on the Roof' and a race car driver in a TV movie. That was the first year ... " Since then Nimoy has had other roles including Dr. Dysart in 'Equus.' He also said that he was happy to be reunited with the cast of "Star Trek" in the filming of "Star Trek-The Motion Picture," which is due to be released this year. " It was Leonard Nimoy · great," he said .

Westside's lance


March 23, 1979

fate is determined at birth. Roberts has been reading since the age of ten or eleven.

Mountain groa backsidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbackside Somebody told me the other day that all getting older. He was right. With that _advancing age, we might start doing things that older people do- like drinkin_g coffee. Coffee-drinking usually starts in college the student needs help staying awake. "I've got this test to study for and I keep falling asleep." B~-~ Gl:ss~~nn "Here, have some coffee." Uh oh. He's hooked. 1 . esty e e •tor He's joined the people with stinky breath. From then on he won't be civil until after he's glugged down a couple cups of black junk. Everybody's seen the commercial. The guy out of bed and growls at his wife, snarls at his kids, scares the The make-up men have made him look like a werewolf. Then he leaves and goes to some coffee place and drinks coffee. His face changes back to a human's, but his breath turns to a werewolf's. bad. When he leaves the shop, some backroom flunkie has to up the coffee grounds. Poor guy. If you've ever grabbed that you'd pity him too. I dropped a garbage bag last week and all of coffee grounds fell on the floor. I had to clean it up with my because I was rushed. Yuck. How'd you like to bathe in that. We've also got the lady on TV who is entertaining Dr. Welby. " #$&#%$#! I spilled the vat of hot grease on the cat! " " Oh honey, you know caffeine bothers you."" Aww, shut up, pigface." " Here, janie, try Stanka brand. One hundred percent decaffeinated." can stow it too, you clown. Why don't you eat at somebody else's house." But then she tries it and she'-s as sweet as apple pie. All of this over coffee. "let's talk about it over coffee." " Time for a coffee break." Coffee cake. Coffee cups. Mocha. Cream and sugar. One lump or two? Finally, we've got the new drip co.ffeemakers. The ads show women at a koffeklatsch , drooling over an ex- baseball great who has taken coffee's name. I bet if his wife knew, she'd fix his pe tor in no time.

ecline warrants long range plans ith a projected drop in enro llm ent o f 100 stud ents ch of th e next two years, and a drop of 200 students ext year , plans are bein g made to keep the budget in with seve ral means being consid ered . s the staff acco unts for the majority of the budget , it ecessary for cut's to be made. Two in structors were hat they would lose their positions due to the Reon in Force (RIF) policy. These are M s. Susan Thein , h instructor, and M s. Marcia Pitlor, foreign lan e instructor. Overall , 13 members of District 66 staff to be riffed . t now appears that this large a number may not be , according to Dr. james A . Tangdall , due to a large er of resignations. But problems exist in that some ers in one department may not be qualified to teach rent course in the same department, thereby maknecessary to hire new teachers while others are riffed. resently Tangdall is aware of two retirements- Ms. lark, home .economics instructor, and Ms. Hazel

Patz, English instru cto r. There have also been si.x resignation s. These are M s. Jo Anita And erson , counselor , Ms. jan David , so cial stu dies instructor , M s. Linda Dunn , debate in stru ctor, Mr. Lou Miller, German instructor, Mr. Howard Bigham and Ms. judy Stern , En glish instructors. Al so , M s. Sharon Bjornson , counse lor, will be taking a on e-yea r leave of absence. The declining enrollment is being looked at year by year, but long range plans are also being considered . One possibility is a change from the present thirteen mod schedule to a six period day, allowing only four courses, which would cut back finances. Presently the average number of courses taken is 6.2, which Tangdall feels is very high, but that it should be that way. " I don 't think there are many schools in the country where courses are about 6.2 per student," he said. Extracurricular and athletic activities could be cut back , said Tangdall, but these add up to only two percent of the budget, as all the coaches carry a full-time load . Reorganization could also be done in the future,

with grades 5-8 bein g hou sed in the junior highs, and 9-12 in the se nior high . Economi cally , this would be more efficient , and the size of the high school could be maintain ed . The situati o n involving declining enrollment prompted a special Board of Edu cation meeting, held Saturday, March 10. Dr. H. Vaughn Phelps, superintendent of schools, discussed some of the reasons for the decline. Suburban growth h-as decreased , as the population has gotten older, and marriages, a's well as childbearing, has been 路postponed. Personally, Phelps is not upset by the decline in enrollment . " I like 5,000 to 6,000 students. It would not be out of line in terms of a good school district, " he said. Presently , there are 6,700 students in the district. "All of our schools have been overcrowded ," said Phelps. Classes at Loveland have held around 35 students, while class size should be around 20, or smaller if there are hyper-active children.

coho/, .drug ucation plemented ucating young people about the effects and le hazards of drug and alcohol use, is the f the Health Education Program , to be impled in District 66 elementary schools next fall. ccordin g to Ms. Monica Breitinger, a parent pproached district administrators about the 路on of such a program , said Paddock Road ai rie Lane are those schools tentatively set to ipate. eitinger sa id she first beca m e in terested in ecause she feels younger people do not a great deal about drugs or alcohol. " I knew ' ncident of alcohol use at the elementary levd I thought possibly students didn ' t have h information to make a decision. I hope this m will help that," she said. Breitinger added e, as well as other parents felt something had changed in the educational process, as there formal d rug and alcohol education program ' curriculum .

Different perspective Common attire for County Fair Day was blue jeans, western shirts, cowboy boots and hats. But Mr. Kevin Riga, chemistry instructor; has never admitted to being common. He attempted to prove this Friday, March 30, by dressing up like a primitive tribesman, his version of "country." Despite chilly temperatures, Riga insisted on wearing this "get up" the entire day.

ccording to Dr. Kenneth Hansen , associate ntendent, the Health Education Program will ed as part of the learning process for students rth, fifth , and sixth grade. He added that if the m is evaluated as " being of value" then the m could expand to the junior high level. national program , the Berkely Program, will d; however, certain changes may be made to e students' needs, by Ms. Maria Laas, elery coordinator, who according to Hansen, is, eeing the development of the project." A ittee comprised of teachers and principals he two schools will also help to develop the

m. e program will not only inform student "hard " drugs, but will teach them about al health information , said Breitinger, includommon medicines" which are frequently in the home. ccording to Hansen, if the program expands rt-wide, " and involves a significant expendithe Board will have to accept it. " At present, en said the expense for the program is not r10ugh to necessitate a Board vote. eitinger said , " A program like this is necesecause use among young people is on the tot just nationally, but right here."

ogas, chariots ~highlight

CL convention

Togas are in vogue for parties , but for members of the Junior Classical League (JCL) they are required attire for a Roman banquet to be held during the state convention today and tomorrow at Creighton University. Rob Stofferson, state president of JCL described the convention as a time to get "all the schools that are involved in JCL

all over the state together and participate in contests." Written tests in mythology and grammar, oratory events and olympics will be sponsored by the Westside JCL, which is the host school for the convention, said Judy Warth. local JCL president. About 150 students from Nebraska schools are expected , and in addition to other events,

will part1c1pate in a chariot race. in which four girls pull one rider , said Stofferson. A slave auction will be held during the banquet to raise money for the state treasury to send JCL members to the national convention at Michigan State .University in August, "T[lis i ~ the first time we' ve ever tried it," said Stofferson. Vicki Sorbet at )CL booth.

A 'sticky' situation

Glued locks demand expense What may have started out to be a prank became something much more significant. Monday night, March 19, a quick-drying glue was inseFted into most of the classroom doorknobs throughout the halls. "It turned into quite a serious thing," said Dr. James Tangdall, principal. Six custodians spent most of the night attempting to open the doors. In some of the locks the glue had not yet hardened, but in others it was necessary to remove the bottom partitipn of the door and remove the doorknob. In two or three rooms the glass had to be broken in order to open the door. The next day, the doorknobs were soaked in a

solution to dissolve the glue. Also, one or two had to be replaced. Tangdall estimated the labor cost for the removal and replacement of the knobs to be between $500 and $600, this figure does not include the cost of replacing doorknobs and glass windows. The administration does not know who is responsible, but will prosecute if the culprits are found. "It's hard to believe it happened when it did," said Tangdall. He added that there were many people in the building at the time, and that the vandalism was obviously the work of more than one person.

Hayes, Chantry recognized for superior math ability For most people, the mere contemplation of manipulating mathematical formulas, theorums and postulates is a strenuous task. But there are people who can accomplish such tasks with ease and who have proved their expertise in math by scoring highly on the National Math Test. Two such math "wizzes" are David Hayes and Barb Chantry, both seniors, who scored above 100 on the test and are on the national math honor roll. The test, given Tuesday, Marcb 6 to any interested student, measures the student's math capabilities with 30 questions of varying degrees of difficulty. According to Mr. AI Gloor, mathematics de-

partment chairm an, the test is given, " to help identify students with special abilities in math and to serve as an incentive for others to study more mathematics." Hayes' score of 115 and Chantry's score of 101 give them two of the top seven scores in the state. Not only is getting a high score on the test an honor, but it also gives the student national recognition that places them in the scholarship spotlight. "Getting a real top score means that the individual could become a candi~ date for the United States Olympiad team which is an inernational team of high school-age students that compete internationally. They also become candidates for scholar-

ships," explained Gloor. Both Hayes and Chantry enjoy math and are presently enrolled in Calculus and Advanced Senior Math . Native ability is important to scoring well on the test, but Hayes feels the math department was instrumental in helping him to score well. He said, "There were seven people in Nebraska with scores over 100 and two of those seven ~ere from Westside and I don't think that's a coincidence. I think it has something to do with the teaching at Westside." Regardless of what results from their exceptional scores, t hey both feel honored and plan to continue their study of mathematics.

Medicine. yields new challenge Changing from being a teacher to becoming a -ck.ct......_dc.Ac._h"'-u<>-iic._:u:lu:u:>.bgoc.... Llno_ of- t 1.~ ~i r:>t-

things that comes to mind it money. However, according to Ms. Judy Stern, English instructor, that is not the reason she decided to work for her medical degree. Stern will be attending The University of Nebraska College of Medicine this fall. "I will study there for four years and then decide on what field I will specialize in," Stern said. "After that, I have three years of residency, where I work in my area of specialty under supervision."



Stern has been teaching for five years. Right after high school graduation, she didn't plan on teaching right away. "Sometimes we can't deter-

mine the direction of our lives," Stern said, "howfor a more ch~llenging experience in my life." Studying to become a doctor does entail more mental work. Nevertheless; Stern is the kind of person who likes challenges. "I enjoy having my mind challenged. The more you can learn, the more interesting life becomes," Stern commented. Contributing her best to society is Stern's most important goal. "I tnink that being in medicine will give me' the opportunity to do my best," Stern said. As for other teachers' responses to her leaving, Stern says they wish her the best. She also thinks she might have helped them out. "I think I have provided other teachers with some inspiration," Stern said. ev~r, now I om looking

---- Molehills


Musicians compete for high ratings Musical groups will be competing with the hope of an rating at the District Music Contest, to be held Friday, April20 Saturday, April 21, in Blair, according to Mr. Harold Welch, department chairman. The large groups to be competing Warrior Voices, Band, Orchestra, Boys' Glee and Girls' Seven small groups and 17 soloists will also be competing. Touring through Minnesota and Wisconsin, the Voices will be performing at several high schools on Sunday, 22, through Tuesday, April 24, under the direction of Mr. Schuler.

DECA students achieve top honors Thirty-five Westside students attended the State Leader~nm Conference of the Distributive Education Clubs of America. conference was held on Thursday, March 22 through Satu March 24 at the Hilton. Students from across the state observed exhibits, heard speakers, and attended banquets. The conference also i tests in seven business fields, with winners becoming eligible national competition : Renae Hopkins and Todd Reifschneider will be among 5000 high school students who will attend the national rnontoron..... in Houston, TX on Tuesday, May 8 through Saturday, May Other students who placed in competition were Beth Sue Shearer, Lori Turner, john Nocita, Lori Larsen , and Rich son. Helen Bosse and Duane Rowe ran for state offices. Overall, there were 16 awards merited by Westsiders. Dick Rezac, sponsor, was pres'e nted with a plaque in honor of service.

Credit before college; AP tests scheduled for M AP tests. Those three-hour formidable challenges that can consummate a year of Advanced Placement U.S. History. They beckon with the promise of something for. almost nothing, and offer college credit bef.ore college. During the week of May 15 to May 18, Westside students will have the opportunity to take the College Board's Advanced Placement tests in any of 13 subject areas. The tests make it possible for a student to receive class credit or placement in a higher level couFse at many colleges. Mr. Dick Lundquist~ counseling department head, said that a score of from three to five on the tests will qualify a student for college credit. He added, "Almost all colleges and universities will accept some of the tests. But I'd recommend that the student first check that the schools they are considering will give them some sort of credit for the A.P. tests." Lundquist stressed the point that "the A.P. tests are not for the average student, but for the above-average student." Mr.

Tom Carman, A.P. U.S. instructor, agreed saying, think the (history) test is while for the student who is not really ested in social studies, would like to avoid taking in college so they could trate on the subjects they are terested in." Besides American History, vance Placement tests are ble in art, biology, rho>mi~tlill• classics, English, European ry, French, German, music, physics, and the approximately 40 side students who take the each year, Lundquist said, majority take the American tory test. This year, students also registered for the chemistry, and English Although the formal ae<Jom. . for registration was April Lundquist said that inte students could still contacting him. He cont would encourage qualifi dents to take the A.P. tests. can save themselves a lot oft and money."



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Contrary to some versions of this story: - You --:-The -The -You -Y?u


we ren't born in a cabbage patch. poli ceman didn't leave you on the doorstep in a basket. Stork had nothing to do with it ... n~ither did the Easter Bunny. weren't P!JrChased at a garage sale or left by traveling circus. weren't brought in the doctor's little black bag.



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. . ,pr1ng s1gns vary ~


It is, finally and for all official purposes, spring. Spring, when the school year is three quarters over , and a young man's tly turns to thoughts of When a senior's fancy cally turns to thoughts of minimum competenn a teacher's fancy y turns to thoughts of a k. If anyone is uncertain meaning of spring fever, eed only come to We~tside enlightened. spring fever takes on forms . One' s symptoms nd on his situation. show signs of being on ·nk of nervous collapse: nds shake, their eyes are their voices are shrill r only savior is the that there is only one left. One has to be very around teachers at this se they are obsessed e idea t~t th·e re are some udents and there is a ce that the administraldn 't notice if a few of were to suddenly disapile teachers seem to be ng to keep from flying the seniors seem to be aldeep in the realm of nerinsanity. They are haunted nightmare that maybe aybe - they won 't get to •ate after all . Or they ha ve . nly been hit hard with the tion that they have no idea t hey are going to do after graduate . Many are ted by the notion that they t just have to start studying y want to pass senior Enging fever in sophomores is evere. F~r one thing, they ally becoming bored with

high school. In a way this is good , for it is an indication that they will be normal upperclassmen . For another thing, they are ecstatic at the thought that they will soon be upperclassmen , and there will finally be someone around for them to pick on. By the way, sophomores are very cautious around the seniors during spring, for they know that the seniors have become unusually obsessed with the idea that there ar ~ some 700 sophomores, and there· is a good chance that the administration wouldn 't notice if a few of them were to suddenly disappear. Spring generally makes the juniors silent. There is an air of camaraderie and conspiracy about them. They are biding their time. They observe the seniors as a president-elect might observe a lame duck incumbent. But the seniors are too worried that they might end up sharing their present office next year to notice. These symptoms are accompanied by the symptoms of this curious malady that affect one and all . Cursing the chuckholes and the mud and the time one must spend inside, he is consoled by the blessings of spring . The odds are finally in one's favor that his car is going to start in the morning. He can be fairly sure that he will be able to make the trip to the mailbox without falling and breaking his neck, or losing a few toes to frostbite. He can wake up in the morning and it will really seem like morning, becau se the sun decide d to starr rising a few minutes earlier. In the middle of july, however, everyone will be literally sick with happiness, and will be dreaming of a winter wonderland and chestnuts roasting over an open fire and vinyl car tops that don 't melt. But that sickness calls for a different diagnosis.

"Reinforcements, we'll need 500 rounds of shells, 15 mortars and a can of Breck Hair Spray."

Underwater basketweaving? No joke opinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionotJinionopinionopinionopinionopini Most of the seniors I know It seems to me there should be more in-class

are taking anywhere from four to six classes this semester, the last of their high school career. The seniors accept less responsibility as students now than they did as sophomores or junio!s. This isn't Amy Gendler the way it should be. editorial editor When I say "classes," you must understand that I don 't mean only courses in the English, foreign language, mathematics, science or social studies departments. " Classes" implies anything from Ping-pong to a spelling minicourse to Current Events. The courses above are popular -yes, popular -among seniors at Westside. Many seniors take as few classes as possible- just enough to meet the requirements. There's always been a joke about a fictional class called Underwater Basketweavin g. When you hear about classes like Ping-pon g, Underwater Basketweaving seems almo~t a reality. Almost. Perhaps the problem lies with the requirements. A sophomore is required to take a minimum of 1300 minutes of in-class time per week . juniors must take at least 22 credit hours or have 38 registration points and seniors need only 20 credit hours or 36 registration points.

--Lance stance~­ HeyJ Where are the doorknobs?

"" Some opinions on the Ciraff. anStra.tten, sophomore: o't like the draft. I think that if some-

Donna Johnson, junior: ':No~ wort;J.en,becau~~:;l ~ouh;i,n't want.to

goingtddo something as important ··· ~&.It's not h~cessaiy·fo r'einsdnejt unl , army or navy or marines, they the countr,y!s at war.:' '·c · ' ha\le the freedom to make their hoice about it. They could lo~~. their ~rs. jan~j . Kuehl, plan on going iqtpthe Arriiy,my- ".Structor: vv "'' ,, IUt I feel better about it going in by "The way t' see it, they shoukl ave some , then having to 1>e drafted." kind of system ready to go ifnecessary. But I do not feel t~at mili servke. e Patei'S(tn, senioF: ;p, e. · ,should be£mandatdi y at t eve in :draft. A:~ far as go, army seems to be functioning quite welL. that's neat. If they are physically now. But if there were a majorwar, there go, I think. they should be able to. I probably ~ouldn't be eno1.1gh peopl~ think pe.ople should be fo~ced to ready. I do' riot suppbrt the ~~Jtf!/' :mvw hink they should''!Nant to figtu for




aki, sophomore: country was at war, or war was imthen we should reinstitute it, As far men go, it should be more voluntary andatory. I think there should be a eca1.1~~39f,the increasing ptg,~!fera· f arms, espedalty nuclear o'nes."



Andrew HargiH, senior: '' " "I don't think they J>hould reipstate the , .draft. I mig~t get d[~f,!5:d ~nd I)!Jj'!ve ~fh~;f\ plans. t personally would do· anythmg':'!~ could to keep from ing, because I have'~ no desire to, I thi if men '


Uince--~--------------------------------~ Published bi·weekly ·by the Journalism Department of Westside High School, 87th and fie St., Omaha, NE 68124, the "Lance" is a member of the Nebraska High School Press lciation, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, and the National Scholastic Press Asso-

pn. The "Lance" office is located in room 302. Advertising rates available on request. Phone ) 391-1266. Ext. 20. The paper is distributed to all students and staff on Friday mornings. ;cription rates to others are $3.00 postpaid. Non-profit mailing rights claimed. Printed by ;man Graphics, Aquila Court Building, 1615. Howard St .. Omaha, NE 68102. or-in-Chief. .. .. Jeanine Van Leeuwen •aging Editor . .. . . ... ... Beth Kaiman orial Editor ... .. . .... . Amy Gendler • Editorial Editor . Mary Bloomingdale vs Editor . . . . .... . . . .. Cathy Johnson t. News Editor .. ..... Melanie Sturm vs Writers ...... . ..... Marshall Pred. Joel Severinghaus lure Co-Editors . . .. ... Monica Angle, Robert Greenberg iure Writer . ..... .. .. Tracy Katelman

litorial Opinion

time required for seniors than sophomores since seniors are, for the most part, more mature and should be able to handle more classes and more homework. Instead , it is assumed they can handle · more free time, and consequently, fewer classes. Senior year should be hard, not a year to slack off. As it is now, sophomores work relatively hard, juniors are worked practically to death and seniors just sort of dwindle away. Senior " dying out" is expected· by parents an9 anticipated by students. Of course, an alteration of the requirements would ca ll for an alteration in the attitudes of students, teachers and parents. High school at Westside could become a three year period which gains momentum instead of loses it. The problem of seniors " dying out " is not a city-wide problem - it's a Westside problem. It arose perhaps be cause of open campus or modular schedulin g - or perhaps because Westside has alwa ys encouraged its students to reach out and become involved in community activities and to have part-time jobs. · Nevertheless, school is quickly moving to second place on students' list of priorities, and that's a dangerous direction in which to move.

Sports Editor ...... . ... , , . :-Tom Golden Ass't. Sports Editor . . . . . . . . Lisa Mar~; Sports Writers ... .. ...... Terry Kroe~; .• , Scott Davis Lifestyle Editor . .. .... ... Bob Glissmann Lifestyle Wr~r ... . . . .. . .. ... Sue Bobek AdYertising Manager . . . . . . . . . Jay Ddndy Business Manager . . . . . . . . Cyndy Lunde Artist .... .. ... ... ..... ... . Frank Gappa Photographer . . . . . . . . . . . . Sally Lindwall AdYiser ... . .... . . : . . . . . . . John Hudnall

Why don't those keys work? On the morning of Tuesday, March 20, many teachers were saying just that, while others found that their rooms were no longer locked- due to the lack of doorknobs. Who took them? Not burglars- janitors. The fact is that someone- or someones - thought it would probably be cute to pour Krazy Glue into many doorknobs th-roughout the building, causing the locks to resist turning-upon the keys' command. Now, while this may have seemed funny at the time, it certainly was not. According to Dr. james Tangdall, principal , a staff of six janitors' worked through the night on Monday, March 19, to remove the doorknobs and soak them in a solution to dissolve the glue. This amounted to paying janitors' wages to the tune of $500-600. Is this funny? This was an expensive, unwarranted act that some people obviously thought would be funny. Well, it was not.

REinstating draft, lNstating women Reinstating the draft? Reinstating the draft? Some think it will never happen, some think it will happen very soon. Congressman John ]. Cavanaugh wants it to happen - and now. Cavanaugh's proposal, which lowers intellectual and physical requirements and eliminates education, occupation and sexual "deterrents," would mean a big switch for America's society. · Really, two questions are at hand: should we reinstate the draft, and should citizens be eligible for active duty regardless of educational and occupational standing or sex? In view of the chaotic .state of the world today, it would definitely be in the country's best interests to have a largegroup of able and trained persons to help in the defense of our country. It seems practical and right to be prepared for war; idiotic to remain vulnerable. In order that the forces be efficient and useful, standards which are too low must be avoided. Although an extensive education may not be required of a person for him to be a "good soldier," no education whatsoever would certainly be a detriment. And women? Yes. "We need a few good men and women," the poster will read. The womens' libbers wanted it all, and they shall have it. Women belong in the service as much as men. The draft is a question which is important to high school students, for if it does not affect them now, it will shortly - draft, or no draft.

April: 6, 1979

Westside's Lance


Cavanaugh proposal reinstates draft Congressman john) . Cavanaugh has some pretty definite bel iefs as to how the United States can " meet the manpower needs" of the military system . He wants to reinstate the draft. In his recent testimony before thP Milit;1rv Personnel Subcommittee, he revealed his proposed Universal Service Act of 1979, which call s for the initiation of a " system of universal registration for publi c service for all young American s between the ages of 18 and 26 years, from which our country's manpower needs, both military and civilian , could be met." Cavanaugh 's proposal outlines a program where each citizen , male and female, must either volunteer for service, or elect any si x month period between his 18th and 26th birthdays during whi ch to expose himself to a r~ndom selection process fo r indu ction into the active duty armed forces or the civilian branch of the Universal Service System. Th e pro posed draftin g system is similar to the method used before 1973, except it " lowers th e intell ectual and physical requirements, and elimin ates edu ca tional, occupational and sex ual deterrents." · Cavanaugh bel·ieves that the present All Volunteer Force (AVF) has " fail ed to adequately meet our country's essential needs for military preparedness while imposin g an unbearable and endlessly escalating cost on our people." In a March 25 speech before the South Omaha Eagles Club, Cavanaugh cited a specif ic case of racial inequity. " Thirty-five perce nt of the ex istin g army is black, and anoth er five percent are from o ther m inori ty groups. It's not fair to ask a group to provi de 40 percent o f the pro tection force wh en


they only represent nine percent of our society ." He contends that, " The army is populated by peo~le who can 't get jobs on an external side. " Cavanaugh backs this claim in his report, testifying that "35.5 percent of all black Americans between the ages of 16 and 19 were unemployed and in all of 1978 an estimated 445,000 blacks between the ages of 16 and 24 who said they wanted work could not find it. " On the other side of the road, Cavanaugh feels " we have relieved all those members of society who are enjoying its maximum benefits from any obligation to contribute to the protection , preservation , and improvement of the system." Calling the present system a "grievious social wrong," he

'We need you ... government cannot solve the problems of society by itself, in recent years we have only added problems.' -Congressman John J. Cavanaugh asserts " the volunteer progra ~ is a formula not only for injusti ce, but for catastrophy ." Another fa ctor that Cavanau gh has deemed cru cial is the financial state of the milita ry service. " The cost o f our armed forces has risen dramatically sin ce the abolishment of the draft in 1973, as much as three billion dollars per year."

Presently, starting salary for military w where around $'500 per month," while the ence wage would bring personnel salaries" than that," according to Cavanaugh. The proposal assumes civilian and mili sential and necessary, which calls for 700,000 year, out of an approximate pool of 2.4 mill' turn 18 each year. Each agency of the fed would be required to designate positions to voluntarily or through the monthly conscri From a more philosophical perspe spoke, " It's been a long, long time since the 'We need you ... Government cannot solve ·sociE:,ty by itself, in recent years we have o lems.' Unless we rekindle this spirit of partici goin g to be able to preserve the society that -have buil t." Closer to home, Cavanaugh offered an the proposed system could help improve year, the Omaha Veteran s hospital asked for and were redu ced by 50 instead4 " Our needs aren ' t bein g redu ced, but spond is being reduced . We can meet these · if we ask people:; to serve at a subsistence w

resort' image deplored· by services

Operating for the pa st five years on a voluntee r basis, the army has a problem . Enlisted personnel are ex pected to work with compli ca ted, ex pen sive equipment, but there is a la ck of qualif ied recru its.Fo rty yea rs ago the army had a sim ila r d iffi· culty wh en large-scale use of airplanes W il!> introd uced. Enlisted ·people were not capa bl e to operate ex pen sive ai rcraft, as a result o nl y li eutenants or h ig her rankin g office rs .were perm itted to pi lot t he plan es. As th e army bec;omes mo re techno logica l~~oc.U:..c...;~c· oc h


t bi< ' ''0 ' ol d.b

d ifficult. To b ring mo re competent peo pl e into the service, United States .Cong ress man John Cavanaugh has proposed reinstatement of the draft. " We have people joining (the army), but not enough of the qual ity we need for placement in the different jobs we have, " said Sergeant Richa r,d Williams, station commander of an army recruiti ng off ice . " The ar my is moving towards technology, you have to have some so rt of math and reason ing to use the equipment," he added. This is t he d iff icu lty faced by recruiters, th ere is a need to ma in tai n a st ron g army, b ut high ly-sk ill ed persons are more likely to enter in to a ca ree r than enlist in the se rvi ces. Therefore, peop le not as ca pabl e as others; in enginee rin g o r oth er related field s, are

placed in position s in which this background · Some women join , said Williams, because they feel a need "to se rve the country. " would be useful. Rei nstatement o{ the draft would " keep us Standard s for entran ce into the army " are at the necessa ry strength " said Williams, and the hi ghest they have been ," said William s. M ales enli stin g mu st have had at least ten ' woul d be a requirement for males and feyears of ed uca ti o n , whil e wo men mu st be a males to se rve. There is presentl y a qualifying high schoo l grad uate alon g wit h scorin g age for any indi vidual between 17 and 34. higher on apt itu de tests. William s called th e midwest a " good reThe reason for th e stricter qualification s c ru i ~in g area," yi eldin g t he type o f ind ividual fo r fe males ex p la ined Williams, is th at, "sta - the army is looki ng fo r to enli st. t istica lly w o men are acad emi ca ll y in cl ined," Sergea nt Bo nni e Shoe maker is in charge of so the measu re is a "co ntroll ing fa ctor" to recruiting at Wests ide and Creighton Prep. keep<henumber of women fro m rfs ing dis"We k now t hat (Westside) is basically gea red p roportionately. Sco re acceptance levels on for college," she sai d . Not as many stude nts aptit ude tests change "according to needs of from a school which sends a large percentt he services," said W illi ams. age on to college en list, than f ro m a schoo l Women we re fi rst officially integrated into which has a relatively small n u m ber co nti nuthe army in 1974. Williams sa id, "The army's ing on to college. pushing for 100,000 (women) by 1987 and we "This year's seniors don ' t seem as oriented have over 56,000 now" nationwide. WiJ iiams towards the service, most have made the deadded t hat from 1977 to now he has en listed cision to go to college. They don't· t hink around 50 women in the O maha area . about themselves going in (the army)," said Major reaso ns for an individual to en list Shoemaker, w ho has been responsible for said Wi ll ia ms are "ed ucatio n, job experience recruiti ng at Westside si nce September. and t rave l. They ca n enlist for t hree, fo ur or "The arm y is diffe~e n t for eve rybody, real six yea rs, a majority of our jobs require three~ ~ we' re not given a chance," said Shoemakyear enli stment. " er. By the time an ind ivid ual gets to high Th ere are approximately 350 jobs open to. school they have d ecided to go on to co llege, those in the army, and women are able to go enterin g the army is not emphasized as a posinto an y they quali fy for except combat . sibility to them.

Entering the service does have its benefits, and for this reason , Dale Van Stratten is seriously thinking about joining the service. Army life is Van Stratten 's first choice, as long as there isn't a war. This is because he enjoys all the action involved .

Benefits encourage military entrance

However, if there was a war happening at the time of his arrival into the services, Van Stratten would rather join the forces of the U.S. Navy. - " If there was a world war going on, or some type of war, I'll probably go into the navy, because there's not as much action in the navy as there would be in the Army then. " Van Stratten 's interest in the services started when he started thinking about future plans.•Services came into his mind " because I didn 't have anything better to do when I get out of high school. Money was the reason , then I would have money saved when I get out of the service. " After these ideas were already in mind, his uncle and a friend's father who is a


Under his proposal , Cavanaugh estimates States would save three billion dollars ann services, and two billion dollars for civilian

Westside's Lance ..

" The services have been I resort . The modern army is though ts," William s said, ad • the altered public attitude · " qu ali fy ing factors have cha Peopl e in high school or con sider t he army as an opti o t her op portun ities fail. They Shoemaker t hat, '" I can a arm y'." "The services only seem wh en t here is a wa r," said peacetime the se rvices have public as to its needs and re Will iams advised young place the possibil ity of joinin somethi ng they wo uld never compare it "up with college Putting it in t h is perspecti them a wide ra nge to make added Williams. The attitude that t he army · oppo rt un ity as co llege or a w h ich Wi lliams and others i crui ti ng fo r the army would I' sti lled in o rd er to bring in recruit s. People have to reme con ti nued , t hat " it is a new a

captain , further encouraged him. From these two he got the idea of going in after college. Service life, it is planned , will begin for Van Stratten, after college. This is one of the benefits he feels he will enjoy if he enlists. "I've always wanted to go into the service, but I want to go to college more, and I can ' t afford to go to a really good.college. -This way they' ll pay for it. " I plan on going to college. They'll pay for me to go to college as long as I go into the service four years after I graduate. " If I go through college, when I come out I'll be an officer. This means I' ll go to a special boot camp. It is harder stress-wise. If you 're going to be in command and if you ' re going to crack on the field, they would rather have you crack in boot camp." · Life in the service may be permanent for Van Stratten . He plans on staying in for at least four years, and maybe longer. " I might decide I like it and make a living out of it." "I could use a hair cut anyway! "

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Sign ' em up rellliste ns intently to the words of this West Point ter viewing a film on the acade my. The drive to school seniors has grown significantly since the

mandatory draft was lifted in 1973. Recent proposals, including one by United States Congressman John J, Cavanaugh, have called for the reinstatement of a draft system.

. --.. - - - - - - - -I 1- - - - - - - - Being i n the service broadened t hlj scope of his life. Having a rural upbringing, Karr had a chance to meet people from many different areas. Having gone through the draft, and [. pointed by the arrival of making it throu &h the war, makes it hard er. " I had hoped that I for Karr to take a stand on the draft. As an id being called into the immediate response he feels " I made it ught fo r a year and a half. and it wasn't that bad . It would be a good ybe I was go ing to make thing for everyone to have that experience. " ~ rafted . I wa sn't bitter, or However, Karr feels he must be a little pointed. " nt rary to popular opin- more pensive in his stand . Uncle Sam wants you ' or " I believe that it would be very good for t, it said you ha,ve been our country, ver}j good for the young people in our country, and for the nation itary services and should d such a date." in the lon g run , to instill in people the idea lieves the date was Satur- of service to the country and the spirit of 971. He wa s to report for giving service to the country. I think a uni•tnam War. However, he versal draft could do that, and might just basic trai ni og in Loui- be a pretty-good experience in citizenship and sense of community, and sense of sounate, I had a desk job, a ciety. " I don 't think we should draft just for ....__ ked from 7:30a.m . until !re off weekends. I was war. And that's why I think military draft siana, and I got all over gets a bad rap in this country . ! think if we y enjoyed it, because I go to any kind of service, it 's just impera~ re were a lot of histori- ' tive that that service be universal, everyone goes. "


ory for one and one-half ped, would insure him f the draft. However, thi s for Mr. Rod Karr, social

Services broaden horizon for Karr


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only way to reach gOals Competing in sports yearround and working nard for good grades might be a little tough for most people. But , for Sara Lockwood , she wouldn ' t have it any other way. After competing in girls' golf and basketball, Lockwood is. currently going out for the tennis team. She has had a very impressive career in school sports as she was a member of the )V basketball team as a sophomore, and competed at the varsity level the past two seasons . She was also on the golf team all three years, and won the state number two doubles title with Lisa Roth in 1977 and 1978. " I like to be occupied

and to try new things," Lockwood said . Lockwood grew up learnin g sports with the assistance of her older broth er, Harry, who became the number one golfer for the Warriors in 1975. "If I wouldn't have nad an older brother, I don 't think I would have gotten into sports so much," Lockwood commented, " He gave me a lot of support." . Lockwood likes enthusiastic support when competing. She feels that, especially at girls' games, there aren ' t enough students to cheer the players on. " It helps you a lot if you know that people are rooting for you ," Lockwood said . " The crowds influence my scoring." When there is a big crowd; Lockwood at times becomes nervous, naturally. "When there's so many people watching you, you have to do well ," Lockwood said. To attain the goals she has set for herself, Lockwood maintains an aggressive attitude. "I think that in most sports, you have to be aggressive to be good. I'm pretty ser-

ious about sports," she commented. just how serious is she? Well , l ockwood hopes to receive a softball or maybe a tennis scholarship to the University of Nebraska at Lincoln (UNL) next fall. She said she will definitely try out for competitive sports at the university next year. "Participating in sports at Westside is important to my future because I will be involved in sports during my leisure time and also serious competitive sports," Lockwood said. Despite this desire for greater involvement in sports, Lockwood does not want a sports-related career. She is planning to go into business. "I thought· about being a physical education teacher," Lockwood commented , "but then I realized that by going into a business career, I'd have a better opportunity for a job, which means more money. " Overall, Lockwood feels, "I am ambitious because I like to do my best at what I do, and I think my grades and involvement reflects that." .

. '


Sara Lockwood, senior carves a sculpture during class. Her biggest inter is in sports where she competes competitively in golf, basketball and tennis.

ockey shorts Lineup remains indefinite Sporting an experience outfield , and a fairly inexperienced infi eld, the boys' varsity baseball team began their season yesterday, and continues it this afternoon against Tech , at Adams Park at 4:30p.m. Startin g in the outfield are Dave Kalina, a senior, in rightfield , Brad )ones, a senior, in centerfield , and )im Wright, a junior, in leftfield . The infield starting positions, according to Mr. Bob Moscrey, coach , are not cut and dried . " It all depends on who is doing the pitching," explained Moscrey. He said the infield will include either Bruce Muenster, senior, or Chris Adams, junior, at first base . Randy Chalupa and Sam Pattavina will share time at second base, with Chalupa moving over to shortstop in some situations, wliere he will alternate with Scott Meyers, junior. Third ba?e, said Moscrey, belongs to Randy Naran, junior, as does catcher to Dan Fulkerson, senior. According to Moscrey, the pitching staff includes the following five prospects: Jeff Pate, junior, Chalupa , Adams, Pattavina and Phil Schack, junior. ·

Track team hosts invitational Today, the boys' track team will play host to a'party and hopes its.guests go home unhappy. No, it's not a formal, it is the West. side Invitational track meet. Mr. Bob Klein, head coach, stated that senior leadership, with help from some outstanding underclassmen is the key to this team success. Several teams throughout the city will compete in the meet, with events beginning in the early afternoon. The field may be narrowed because of a conflicting meet, the Millard Invitational. Although the Warriors may not be considered the favorites, some outstanding individual performances may help them to claim their own invitational. Hampered by i'njuries in the past, . Klein is hoping Andy Robinson will be able to compete, along with fellow senior standout Phil Haile. ·


EVENINGS! The date's set. It's one of the biggest nights of the year. And, it calls for something really sensational ... like a prom dr~ss from Hov's Hi-Styler. Dazzle them in this draped front halter with back slit from Roberta of California, sizes 5 to 13 in white or pink·Nyesta®*, $42. Just one from a fabulous collection ranging from $40 to $60. Hi-Styler, all stores . *Nyesta® is a fabric by "Roseland Industries Inc.".


New format termed

Stacking is a term which Mr. Doug Pierson, girls' tennis coach, · does not adhere to. This year, an entirely new format has been devised for tennis competition. Instead of the traditional three singles, and two doubles matches, the teams will have six singles, and three doubles matches. This is an advantage to a team with a lot of depth, because it enables them to play anywhere from s~x to 12 players, according to Pierson . "The problem with stacking is that it is unethical, said Pierson. He added some teams use their weaker players against better opponents and .use their best players in the lower bracket games, thus equalizing the match. Pierson admits this illegal system is "sometimes obvious" when used. "If this happens," he said, "then a coach can go to the coaches association and appeal the match. In my estimation, 95 percent of the coaches wouldn 't stack."

ttnv- . hovland



The Warriors will take on Bryan Tuesday, April10, at Westside, with hopes of extending their perfect season. Last season, according to Pierson , the Bryan squad was one of the top teams in the Metro Conference, and nearly defeated the Warriors. "They have a lot of kids back so it should be a tough match," he said.


Westside's Lance

April 6, 1979


Girls play at UNO Invitational

Noted coach takes over.women's ·soccer squad Preuss was extremely optimistic. There were approximately ten or 11 teams present.

A relatively new team is not necessarily at the bottom of the ratings. This team is the Westside girls' soccer team , and as far as Mr. Klaus Preuss, coach , is conce rned, they will have a good season this year. " It looks like we have a good team," he said.

The girls' regular season games are usually held on Wednesdays and Sundays at Dodge Park , but a few are held at Bellevue West.


The program started a few years ago, when some girl s wanted to play soccer in the _? pring, as well as in the fall , when they played for the Olympia Soccer Club. So, they found a coach , and got into the league. They are now in their second year, nd going strong .

Su sie Sallq'ui st, junior so ccer playe r, ci tes Du shesne and Papilli o n as th e team s to be at this yea r. "Afte r los in g to Pap illi o n, we rea lly know what to wor k o n. We kn ow o ur stro ng· poi nts and weak o nes. There is def inite ly ta le nt in ou r tea m," Sallquist commented .

Althou gh girl s' socc~ r is not a schoolpon sored sport, the y addopted Westside's name eca use, " Most of the girl s are from Westside, andJ hey all wanted it that way anyway," comme nted re uss.

She added, "We can be just as good as any other team. Not all of our people have played together before this season·. It think it takes a little time to rea lly know how we al l play to be able to b lend together like good teams do ."

Originally, there were 53 gi rls out for ·the earn; however, that number dwindled down to pproximately 25 . "We don't really make any cuts, orne of th~ girls just drop out," said Preuss. The girls' fi rst game, an invitat ional, was the niversity of Nebraska at Omaha (U NO ) lnvitaional, he ld o n Saturd ay, March 31, and Sunday, pril 1, at the UNO Fie ld Hou se .. The outcome of he Invita tio nal was unknown at press time, but


This is the soccer team 's second season , but Preuss' first year as coach. Preuss has been coaching many years previous to this one, and is noted for his outstanding abilities. He is also coach of the Olympia Soccer Club , an organization of soccer players and coaches.

Pete' - not quite Laura Peter, senior, gets set to score a goal in a practice at the Handy Dan Field, located near_72nd and Dodge.

Rigorous training may aid track team

One Stop Prom Shoppe Springtime blossoms at the Old Mill Bridal and Formal Shoppe.

Ralston and Millard will head a strong 16 team field in tomorrow's Ralston Invitational rrack meet. The meet may determine who will be among the top contenders in the Metro Conference this season, according to Mr. Don Glasgow, coach . "This will be the first test to see who's really strong in the

New spring formals of Qiana, chiffon, silesta, and dotted swiss in colors of flower blossoms.

'Condition wise, we're really improved. -we've had very few injuries. The running warmups before practice have been helpful.' -Mr. Don Glasgow, head coach

Your date will be happy to choose formal wear to coordinate your own springtime look ...· Handsome styles by "After Six", "Lord West", and "Palm Beach". Treasure those special prom moments by visiting our photographer, also at the

Metro area," he said . " We' ll s.e e how strong our middle distal}ce runners really are." In the University of Nebraska at Omaha Invitational , the team's first outing of the season, the Warriors placed fourth in the 880-yard relay, fourth in the two-mile relay and third in the 440-relay, which · Glasgo:.V tabbed as the team's " strong point." He also noted weaknesses in field events, although the high jump has been the team 's

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Weekly Specials Always A vailable and ·R egular L:ow Pr,ces

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The girl s pl ay othe r hi gh schoo l teams, such ;~s Burke, Ma ria n, Be llevu e West, and Papillion . The ir first regular sea so n game was Tuesd ay, Ap ril 3, when the y played Burke.

346-0264 334-8844

April 6, 1979

Grabbing for toes Two girls' track team members begin conditioning· i111111n after~chool practice. According to Mr. Don Glasgow, coach, conditioning has been the most important aspect of their season so far.

greatest improvement in that area. "Inexperience has hurt us in field events," he said. "We've only got one person in the shot put and discus, but we've got some more potential in that area. Long jump and high jump have improved since the beginning of the season / also." • · Glasgow feels the Warriors have improved on the whole since the start of the season . " Condition wise, we(re really improved . We've had very few injuries. The running warmt~ps before practice have been helpful." Mr. Doug Mclaughlin , Ralston 's coach , feels the invitational will play host to a well-balanced field , including favorites Ralston , Northwest, Millard , Lincoln Northeast an-d Bellevue East. ·" It' ll be a close meet," he exclaimed . "The team with the most depth will be the winner. " · · Mclaughlin commente d th at the ,mee t is important, because it gives more gi rl s a n o p portunit y t6 compete. "Since it's a relay meet, opposed to a reg ular me et, it will in volve mo re girl s," he said. Fina ll y,' he pred icts the tea m to finis h anyw here from fifth to eighth tomorrow. "We'll most likely be in the middle of the pack, -hopefully fift h," he remarked . Both Bellevue schools (East , West) will be up there along with Ralston; Millard, and tfaditional favorite Lincoln Northeast." Ralston is the defending champion .

Westside's Lan.ce


Ads mass of con'fusion'

" What's China got to do with it? " This and similar statements have been heard in regard to the new hit movie, " The China Syndrome," which is now showing at the Indian Hills theater at 86th and West Dodge Road . Yet this inquisitiveness is what is the expected reaction . " The China Syndrome" has been advertised through riddles. Newspaper and television advertisements have all challenged the average person to find out just what the China Syndrome is. · But what comes as a small disappointment to the viewer is that this term is used very little throughout the course of the film. Yet the disappointment is very slight, because the film comes complete with excellent drama mixed with some humor. Beyond t hat, it provides knowledge and urges one to think about the futu re. Starrin_g in the movie is Jane Fonda , who portrays a fiery,-ambitious, red-headed reporter and broadcaster for te levision station KXLA in Los Angeles. Actor and producer Michael Douglas plays an impulsive, also ambitious, and sometimes underhanded cameraman . On Fonda's request, Douglas goes with her to the Ventenna nuclear power plant to film a special on nuclear power.

Whil e at the plant a "minor problem " occurs, which ca uses alarm systems to activate in the control room . Douglas illegally continues filming as the plant supervisor, portrayed by jack Lemmon, tries to remedy the situation. Lemmon departs from his usual humorous roles to play a nervous, concerned man who knows that this small incident is much more than just a small incident. Eventually, but slowly, the movie boils to a climax. Douglas takes the film of the incident to experts who agree that in reality, the incident could have led to a massacre of the entire California coast. Lemmon, Fonda, and Douglas now form a "team" of sorts, which attempts to tell the public about the dangers of a nuclear power plant. However, bigshots at t he plant attempt to thwart t heir efforts by going so fa r as to use Mafia-type .tactics to stifle the facts. The film ends with a death and a triumph. It is not purely fictitous. As stated by Fonda at its Hollywood premiere, "Through 'The China Syndrome,' we're just trying to bring out the potential dangers of nuclear power." So what is the Chi.na Syndrome? I guess I'll be unfair- that's for me to know and you to find out. "The China Syndrome" is exciting and informative. - By Jeanine Van Leeuwen

'Code ·a t Ethics' lenient in modern student handbook Rules. Are they made to be broken? Some people think so. However, some rules do undergo change. This is true concerning the student handbook. A 1958 student handbook was discovered about seven years ago in what used to be the main office. " That was when we were rebuilding the office into a Guidance Center," Ms. Sharon Bjornsen , counselor, said . "I've kept it ~ ver since," School policies and rules are more lenient today than those of 20 years ago . In those days, students could be suspended or expelled from school, because of some external factor. For example, if a student was arrested outside of the school, school authorities had control over whether the student would remain at school or not. " School authorities had ultimate control over the students," Dr. James Tangdall , principal , said. " Students were even told what to and what not to wear." Then the courts stepped in. Tangdall said, "There were

monumental court decisions. Students could not be removed from school unless you could prove it was disruptive to the educational process. " . A rule in the old handbook states, "Slacks or jeans must be worn with a belt .. . No extreme haircuts will be permitted ." The new rule says," .. . where a student is guilty of .. . undesirable dress or appearance, he may be asked to leave the school until it is corrected. " Believe it or not, there was even one line for the girls to get their lunch and one for the boys: Ridiculous as it seems, it was true in 1958. " Girls will be served from the north serving line ... boys will be served from the south line," the handbook states. Of course, back then, there were study halls. A certain period was set aside each day for doing schoolwork. The old handbook says. "Everyone is expected to be quiet. Permission must be received from the , study hall teacher if students

wish to speak with .one another." There were also rules for classroom, hall, qfeteria, and convocation conduct. These were under the title of "Code of Ethics." In the classroom, gum chewing was not permitted , and "students should be quiet and in their seats when the bell (tardy) rings." If you happened to be in the hall during class periods, students were required to have a pass in case the hall monitors questioned them. Students had to enter the cafeteria from a certain door during lunch periods " to reduce congestion." Students could not even save places for others. " There will be a definite seating arrangement at all convocations," states the 1958 handbook. So, if you're ever tired of school and just can 't abide the rules, remember how strict the rules used to be and be thankful they're not as strict these days.

Learn the Latest

Syndrome? No, " The C hin~ Syndrome" is not a new illness given to America as a result of di plomatic relations. But the actual meaning has been a well-kept secret. The fi lm, rated PG (parental guidance suggested), is now showing at the Indian Hills Theater.

Dusty dingy dirty dungeon backsidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebantel

"What a pit!" Mom said as she stuck her head in my room . " Your bed 's not made, your desk is f.ull of papers and you still haven ' t put your pictures from last summer in your album!" " I know that," I answered. "I'm waiting for the right day to start my spring cleaning." "You still need to Bob Glissmann do your summer cleaning, Bob." lifestyle editor Okay, okay. It's the same old story, right? " Oh boy, my room 's so dirty." Everybody's is. But you should see mine. No, I take that back. Nobody should see my room. " Bob, this room looks like a tornado hit it." It did . One night when everybody was in bed this tornado came in through a crack in the insulation around my bedroom window an~ just tore the place apart. I think it was one of those "white tornadoes" gone astray. When I woke up in the morning the place was a mess. It hasn 't been the same since. Maybe it's because I eat in my room . I guess that's one of my bad habits. " Nancy, wher.e's the leftover lasagna? " ·" I don ' t know, Mom. I think it's in Bpb's room. " "Oh, no. " About once every two months Mom changes the box of baking soda. " You foods keep your odors to yourselves / ' One time Mom put a couple of Odor-Eaters in my closet. She looked back and they were throwing up. Last week I told the rats, "This room isn 't big enough for all of us." They agreed. They kicked me out. There are benefits to a dirty room , too . Without the mold on my ceiling I'd have no place to hang up my sweat socks. If the cockroaches weren 't there I'd have nobody to keep me company . I think the reason it's messy is because I save everything. Let's see, I'Ve got my second grade workbook , my first bowl of cottage cheese, my laboratory specimen from Physiology class, an old can half full of maraschino cherries (don't ask me why, I don 't know). Right now we call the place where we keep all of our junk the bedroom . When we get older, we' ll have another place . It'll be called the garage.







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Westside's Lance

April 6, 1979



estside's -

Good morning It's .Friday, April 27, 1979 , ...


Vol. 23 No. 15 Westside High School, 8701 Pacific, Omaha, NE· 68124

Flexible P.olicies have. effect orl SAB proQress

High-level conference I

Democratic process continues as the StuAdvisory Board (SAB) will be elected by the Student body. The manner in which board members were chosen was changed from the selection method near the conclusion of the 1977-78 school year.

Jeff Schrager, board member and election committee chairman, discusses a petition with Mr. Jim Findley, sponsor. Each prospective candidate must complete this form in order to be placed on the Tuesday, May 8 ballot.

A's take dominance over electives

Supply and demand . It is often th6ught to be just an economic theory, but it also may describe the ·school administration 's way of responding to student needs. On the surface, this may seem admirable, but when disc1,1ssing the progress of the stu· dent government during the past year, · this somewhat liberal attitude may be seen as a road block to more effective Student Advisory Board (SAB) action . According to Robert Greenberg, SAB vice president, many of the school's present policies leave little to be accomplished in the way_of ~'si gnificant change." He said , "Our administration is one of tqe most understanding as far as responding to students' needs. Be<:ause of this , much of the student -government's job is do.ne for them. It's hard to push for radical · change with all the flexibility that exists. We've already got modular schedu ling , open campus , and so on. let's face it, they (the administration) supply a lot .of ' what the students want ." Elections for SAB and class officers will be held Tuesday, May 8. This will be the second consecutive year in which the student body will vote for its representatives to the board. For the 1977-78 schoolyear, the members were selected to serve on the board by a committ~e comprised of students and faculty. In order to run for SAB, a student must pick up a petition from Ms. Doris Sladek, in the mai·n office. According to Mr. Jim Findley, sponsor, this must be signed by60 of the prospective candidate's classmates. Each person must also submit a paragraph indicating why he wishes to~ ~e on the board ,Near the conclusion of the 1977-78 schoolyear, the. selection process came · under debate. Russ Conser, president, and Greenberg, circulated a petition which advocated a return to .the election process. According to Conser, " We kind of spearheaded that whole drive for election, because it's the demqcratic process." Although Conser and Greenberg support the election system, neither considers the change to have had a significant impact on the effectiveness of SAB. Conser said, "Effectiveness really has nothing to do with selection or election. It

depends who is on the board ." Greenberg echoes Conser's view. He said, " It doesn 't really ·matter either way. There's not much difference in the people we have than the people· we would have had with selection." Findley has a different opinion. "I think with selection you get kids who are really interested in the political process, not just people who -think it· will ' look good' on their record . like it or not, elections tend to pick the popular people, not just those who are committed. This year though, they did what they said they would do." "In my opinion, the board picked by selection had r:nore people that were dedicated. There are some people this year who work just as hard as most people did last year, but the overall effort is less," commented Mary McKenzie, treasurer, who has been a member under both systems: A random sampling of the minutes from 31 meetings this year indicates that at no time were all 18 members present at a meeting. louri Fellman and Jodi Feldman are unable to attend either of the two weekly meetings this semester, as they have class during those mods. An average of nearly 11 people was present at each meeting. Not only are there different views on the question of election or selection, but according to Greenberg, the role of student government is also being questioned .. He said that his ideas differ from those of most members, in that "I think a student government is not a service orga nization. It's not SAB's responsibility to only show school spirit. The council has spent too much time on fundraising and worrying about money." For this reason, he said he doesn't think the board has been" real effective." He feels one way to alleviate this would be to remove the responsibility of raising money for a $500 scholarship from SAB. He added that SAB needs to change things in the school but should, "not change for the sake of c~ange. The administration controls a lot of things student government can and cannot do. But, at the same time, it's our responsibility to work with the administration."


lass enrollment mandates alterations The student boom is down and that means a few nor alterations, at least for the time being. According to Dr. James Tangdall, pri.ncipal , some and course cancellations will be put into effect for 1979-80 school year. Some of the room changes will be in typing. Since typing enrollment is down, the combining of a couof typing rooms will be an alternative. The two rooms directly adjacent to the commons will also be changed for the upcoming school year. t used to be a storage room and is very small. It is also a d place for a classroom, because of the heavy traffic t goes near that area ." Another room change that might take place is the o sm.all group rooms across from the green house on west side of the building. A possible future renovan would be to remove the dividing wall b_ttween the rooms and make one room which would be considably larger. Although the classrooms might be getting smaller,

the actual enrollment of the students in certain classes is up. In the math department, 83 percent of the students are taking some kind of math course this year. Next year, even though the erirollment is down by 100 students , the percentage of students taking math is up to 9o·percentmath is not even a required course. Social studies enrollment is also on the rise . This year approximately 63 percent of the sophomore class is enrolled in World History. Next y~ar a projected 75 percent of the sophomore class will be taking the same courses. Although most of the departments fluctuate with their enrollment, the basic courses such as math , English and social studies are getting more attention than the elective courses such as Auto Mechanics, Woods and Foods. Tangdall explains, " I think the climate for a better education is there. Westside is known for being a preparatory high school for college and students realize that they need that good education to get there."

· Advertising record Notice a differencel The "Lance" you are holding is the largest newspaper in three years - 16 pages. The reason for the double-sized issue was to help cover the load of advertising sold by Jay Dandy, advertising manager. Dandy sold $1,035.40 w«:»rth of advertising for this issue, a school record.

Some courses ·have been temporarily cancelled. Timgdall did say that they have not been cut from the school curriculum. One of these courses is Meal Service in the home economics department. A course that has not been cance lled, but simply made into a semester course is Water Safety. A senior class, Third World, in the social studies department will also have to be postponed, because only five students registered for that course for next year. Tangdall said that a lot of decisions are going to have to be made in the near future concer ning building changes. As for the future , so me plans of action have been discussed about the declining enrollment problem in District 66. One is to go back to the middle school system. That is to have one school to go from kindergarten to the eighth grade. And then from ninth grade to twelfth grade would be high school. That would eliminate the present junior high system , 'but Tangdall said it would not be foreseen within the next five years.

Nuclear ·reactions Three Mile Island events helped awaken citizens to the dangers of nuclear disaster. "Lance" reporters found local sentiment to be quite strong. Just how ready is Westsid~ for a nuclear attackl See the spread pp. 8-9 to find out.

--Molehills---'-. -----The lights dim . There is a quiet murm ur of excited 'voices as the early arrivals witness the elaborate decorations , t he · park benches, the trees. ' The ba nd suddenly breaks the mood ~ith the firs~ chords of a po pular " top 40's" number. And . .. live fro m O maha , Nebraska , . . . . it's " SATU RDAY IN THE ., PAR K" !!! Yes, this is the junio r-Sen ior Prom, to be held Saturday, Ma y 12, at Peony Park. The theme is " Saturday in the Park", which relates pe rfectly to the tim ing and location . Toby Schropp, junior class presiden t, said, " We started off with the idea to be diffe rent. It helped to have a lot of money." The junior class has raised $2600,

every penny of which will go to prom. A large piece of that money, $1000 to exact, will be used to rent the ballroom. This fee is $300 mo re than in the past since the dance is o n Saturday, but Schropp feels it's worth the extra money. More money is also bein g spent on the band this yea r, to the tun e of $700. "Sa ph ire" has pl ayed at-Cre ig hto n, the Un ive rsity of Nebraska , local night spo ts and " all over the Midwest," said Schrop p. • So with the band and ballroom taken care of, $900 remains for decorations and some special additions which " break away from the traditions" an<! possibly help create new ones.

One special attraction is mem ory books. No_t only are these pamphlets a new addition to prom, they a re .an old .tradition being revived. Printing the memory books will cost the junior class $250. Each book will include several stories, acknowledgeme nts and a cover picture relating to the the me. O n the back of each memory boo k is space for students to wri te whe re the y ate on prom night, who they danced with, and with whom and where they sat at the dance, sa id Schropp. Invitations will be sent to all juniors and seniors through homer0om. Schropp said that prom usually attracts around 700 people. This year, through an intense publicity campaign, the goal is 1000.

Actors present dramatic teaching method Drama department is preparing an improvisational show to be presented at several elementary schools throughout May. Mr. Jim Ogden, director, said, "The purpose of this show is to promote the use of creative dramatics in te~hing fourth and fifth graders. Teachers could have students act out a lesson as another means of instruction ." To demo.nstrate this technique, the cast of' 20 will dramatize childrens stories, mo ments in history, and science les· sons.

'Medalist' awarded to 'Lance' staff ." The ",la nce" has for the th ird con secutive year bee n awarded the ra ting of " Medal ist" from the Columbia Scholastic Press Associatio n. Areas of judgin g incl uded conte nt and coverage, writing and editing, design and display, and forma t. The :' Lance " rece ived 947 points out of a possible 1000, and the judge re marked, " The staff anCI ad viser of the ' l ance' have produced a truly except ional high school pape r, meeting every standard of responsi ble journa lism. It most certai nly reflects a progressive, excellent school system. Congratulations on a great job!"

Foreign Language Fair held at UNL

Don't spill your drink

French, Spanish, and German students attended the third annual Foreign language Fair Tuesday, April17, at the University of Nebraska at lincoln Union . Competitive areas of the day included hono ~ testing, poetry reciting, drama, skits, and group and solo music. Various movies depicting foreign cultures were shown for entertainment, and numerous programs concerning travel opportunities were also presented.

Tuxes, limos inflate pro/1) fees . It is that time of the year agian- when spirits are lighter, students look forward to prom, and wallets become empty. A lot of money is being spent for prom these days, although most students seem to think that this special night is worth it. Tuxedo rental, a·lmost a necessity, could take half a week's paycheck alone. The more recent a tux is, the more it will cost to rent for one night. According to Ms. Melodie McAvin, employee of The Old Mill Bridal Shoppe, their least expensive tux is $32. "The most you can pay for a tux is $37.50. This outfit includes the vest, jacket, pants, shirt and tie. " Shoes are $4 to $5 more, depending on what color you choose.

Top hats, canes And for those who wish to get even more dressed up, top hats are $24 and canes, an extra $5. " Also, we will give the guys a 10 percent discount on tuxes now," McAvin said. Mr. Mike Earl , manager of Sir Knigh t Formal Wear feels that his prices are reasonable for the style of his tuxedos. He does not have any coat over two-years-old. His least expensive ren tal is $24.95. The cost could go all the way to $38.95, e xcluding shoes. Here, a top hat is only $18.95. . The prom style for ladies is still bare shoulders and spaghett i straps. "The d iffe rence this year is that girl s well be wea ring more tul ip-edged d resses," Ms. Lorrie Newma n, salesperson for The Daisy ,' said. Thi s mea ns that the dress is sho rter in the front and tapers to the floor in the back . " Here , the costs fo r a pro m dress run fro m $35-$65," New-

man said. Goldstein Chapman 's includes a wider price range for dresses, which is $30 to $70.

· Students fare well in language tests Mar~h marked the time for administration of state foreign language tests, and students followed the tradition by making an excellent showing. Eight French students placed in the French tesy-They are: level1: fifth place - Shelley Peters; level 2: ·first place - Kathy French, second place - Gayle Smith; level 4: second placelinda Blodgett, third place -linda Miceli; levelS : second place - Camille Peters, fourth place - Karen Chandler, fifth placeDebbie Baltaxe. · Fourteen students did well in the national Span ish test. They are : level 3 : third place- Kim Muller, fifth place- Bob Maki; level4 (without outside experience): first place- Kathy French, se,cond place - liz Campbell, fourth place (tie) -Greg Brokke and Kyle ·Bryans; (with outside experience) : first place- Gayle Smith. · level 5 (without outside experience) : first place - linda Miceli, second place- Jeanine Van Leeuwen, third place- Stacy Carp, fourth place (tie) - Kenneth Buerhing and Urmil Arora; (with outside experience): first place - Brenda Wingard, second place - Kris Greenly, third place- Kim Crosby. Many students also competed in the National German Test. They are: l e vel 3: e ighth place - Kath y Fre nch, 23 rd place Vicki Winters, 27th place - Mam i Hill; level 4: second placeMirre Veersteegh , third place - Mary McKenzie, fifth placeMike Baumer, sixth pla ce- Barb Chantry, seventh place- Joel Seve ringhaus, eighth place - Diane Shapland, 10th place- Fran Halsted, 12th place -Steve Ko ukol , 13th pl ace- Kathy French, 15th place- De bbie Beier.

Flowers Flowers, of course, must not be forgotten. Vikki Goss, senior, and an employee of Brandeis Flower Shop says that, " Carnations for the girls start at $2.50 on up-. It depends on the kind and number of flowers ." Nosegays start at $12.50, wrist corsages go from $6. For the guys, boutonnieres start at $1.75. . Nosegays from Flowers, Etc. at Countryside Village are significantly less expensive. They only cost $7.50 and then go up depending on the number of flowers. Wrist corsages start at only $3.50. A single rose is only $3.50. The basic corsage is $1 .50. Girls will be paying $1.15 for a basic boutonniere.

Go in style To really go to prom in style, rent a limousine. Accord ing to Mr. Bill Boeptcher of King's limousine Service, " We have Cadillacs that run from $50 a night on up : Ou r lincoln 's start at $60." This price is pa id for the hours between six and 12 p.m . " We charge $1 2 an hour fo r add itional hours after 12," Boeptche r said . K i n g' ~ newe r cars are available at $75 to $80 a night. But be careful - if you spill a drink, you will be charged $50 to clean it.

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Westside's Lance


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10730 Pacific

April 27, 1979



Ali§ News )


Election preference

Nuke ed in high school Everyone's talking about nuclear power, nuclear war and nuclear weaBumper stickers proclaim "NO NU,KES". The world is literally explodwith nuclear technology.


With such a great amount of time and effort being spent on nuclear it is only right that 1 school students should be schooled in its academics. ~arch and technology by the scientists of our country,

Students should be made to understand nuclear physics and nuclear :tions. Tb,ey should be alerted to the possible dangers of nucl~ar plants.

They should also learn of the advantages of nuclear power as an energy rce. The energy question is a big one and one which sooner or later will d to be solved by today's youth.

If the question is to be accurately and justly tackled, those who will help :e the decisions need to have a good, solid background in the basics of kes".

Since the future of "nukes" lies with high school students, it is up to the schools to see that every thing possible is don-e to help these people :e decisions backed with fact, instead of mere stabs in the dark.


In regard to the Student Advisory Board (SAB), a heavy decision is on their shoulders - whether to elect or select their new members. _ The "lance" supports election of new members. The first reason is obvious- the root of all American government is election of government officials. The basic American voter would feel cheated in some way if persons who run our country were selected by a few "influential" people. Yet there are other, more "down home" reasons. Many observers would conclude that being able to select "top people" to be on SAB would guarantee that the group would be 100 percent effective. Yet this does not directly follow. Just because a member of a group seems to be active and caring does not mean the job will get done. Furthermore, though an election is often thought of as a popularity contest, if does succeed in giving interested students a chance to present their ideas ,to the entire student body in the form of speeches. It also gives that part of the-student body which cares about its government a chance to vote for those candidates whom they believe will do a good job. Because of the fairness provided, the "lance" chooses to suggest that SAB implement an election process once again to secure new members for the 1979::-80 school year.

ountry Fair Day's triumph

Westside has had a victory. It wasn't in football this time, or basketball, or any sport for that Gendler matter. Westial editor side beat one iggest rivals, apathy, to the I, and the win was well'· 11try Fair Day, the replaceor Fifties Day, marked the . It was a fun, take-it-easy Jf school day about a ago, during which the ; clubs and organizations I shcool displayed some of their group. timing of Country Fair Day ~rfect. It was on a Friday, ek before spring vacation. e vacation was only one way, the feeling of exciteva~ more prevelent. response to' the idea of '


dressing up was,, I thought, surprising. I was afraid I would be the only one wearing overalls and a cowboy hat, but I had a lOt of company. More students and faculty dressed up for Country Fair Day than for ~ny other event I can remember. There are probably several reasons that so many got "up" for Country Fair Day. The first and most logical is that it was something new and different. Students hadn't heard of anything like _it beJore and decided to t~y it. ' Another reason is that it is lots easier to tum "western", than to turn "fifties". Most people already have blue jeans or overalls. "Western" is closer to. home that "fifties" for the students, who weren't born until 1960 at the earliest. And it ~s also cheaper to dress up 'western-style; few, if ·any purchases wer~ required.

The fact that Country Fair Day was student-initiated and student-run was in its favor. Students had friends or friends of friends who were involved in the organization, and the word spread that Country Fair Day was something to participate in. Something which should be considered for next year is more publicity. More posters and announcements could have . ·helped to inform students of the course of events. Country Fair Day itself as well as the individual Glub's booths could have been better promoted. Country Fair Day was a success in almost every way.' I hope it' is held again next year with the same results. Though there were a few problems involved in its planning, such as location of the booths and publicity, Country Fair Day has the potential to become an annual event.

What t-his wor_ ld's coming to opinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinion<


sure you turned the valve to COOL?"


ublished bi-weekly by the Journalism Department of Westside High. School, 87th and : St., Omaha, NE 68124, the "Lance" is a member of the Nebraska High School Press iation, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, and the National Scholastic Press Asson. he " Lance" office is located in room 302. Advertising rates a~ailable on request. Phone 391-1266 Ext. 20. The paper is distributed to all students and staff on Friday mornings. ription rates to others are $3.00 postpaid. Non - profit mailing rights claimed . Printed oynan Graphics, Aquila Court Building, 1615 Howa rd St.; Omaha, NE 68102.

1r-in-Chief .... jea nine Van Leeuwen aging Editor .. . .. . . . ... Beth Kaima n •rial Editor . . ... .. . . :. Am y Ge nd le r . Editorial Editor . Ma ry Bloo min gdale s Editor .... , ...... . . Cat hy jo hnso n . News Editor . . ... . . Me la ni e Sturm s Writers .. . . ...... .. Marshall Pred, Joel Seve ringhau s ue Co-Editors . ...... Mo nica Ang le, Robert Gree nbe rg ue Writer .. . ... . .. . Tracy Kate lman

itorial Opinion

Sports Editor ....... . . . .... Tom Golden Ass't. Sports Editor . . ..... . Lisa Margolin Sports Writers . .. . . .. . .. . Te rry Kroeger, S<;ott Davis Lifestyle Editor ..... .. . .. Bob Gli ~s m a nn Lifestyle Writer ... .... . ... . .. Sue Bo be k Advertising Manager ... . ..... Jay Da ndy Business Manag__er .. ... . . . Cy-n d y Lunde Artist ... ·- .. ... . . . . . ...... Frank Ga ppa Photographer . .. . ... .. .. . Sa ll y Li ndwall Adviser .. . ....... .. . . ... . Jo hn Hudnall

"Stop complaining about how restricted you are. Do you think that if you were 18 five years ago we would · allow you to do things that you do now?" Bloomiinszo:lale Recognize that? It is another entry in the log of perennial parental speeches to recalcitrant offSpring. This offspring felt only frustration upon first hearing these words. But later, while resentfully mulling over them in an effort to discover the hypocrisy_and nonsense that I was sure must be there, I found more truth than I cared to admit. No, I couldn't imagine the parents of five years ago letting their teen-aged daughter stay out past midnight, get an evening job or travel alone. This insight leads to greater imaginings of what limits there will be to parental . permissiveness five years from now. I am suddenly overwhelmed with a sense of · hgrrendous personal injustice when _I think of what my younger brothers and sisters will be allowed to do that their older sister was· forbidden to do. For example, I'll bet that they will be allowed - perhaps even encouraged to spend their parent's money foolishly. Or to waste time. Or maybe even to skip school. i suspect that they'll never have trouble borrowing the car, mofley, or their older siblings ID, unquestioned . I can just s~e my little sister going out on Friday night, breezing in the front door in time for breakfast Monday morning, and may parents asking her if she had a good time. She will ponder for a moment, confess that she doesn ' t rememqer, an.d announce that she seems to have misplaced their car. Whereupoh my parents will smile aod mumble : " That's nice, dear. " Teen-aged boys will also enjoy present, ly unheard-of allowances. I imagine my little brother matter-of-factly informing

April 27, 1979

my father one afternoon that he just charged $220 worth of sports equipment. I'm not saying that my father would ever allow him to take such liberties with his father's credit cards. He'll probably just give my brother a set of his own. I console myself with the thought that such new domestic attitudes will be accompanied by new problems for the teenager. Girls won't become familiar with the word "discipline" until their first date. Boys won't become familiar with the word "no" until their first date. Neither will become familiar with uncomfortable confrontations with authority until they get their first traffic ticket. There will be a lot of confus~d teenagers running around. But then there will be no restric. tior-is on how confused they are allowed to be. If parents are becoming more lax with their children, it is only fair that children become more lenient toward their parents. Perhaps, in five years, excessive talerance will go both ways, and parents will be allowed to do such things as call their children at parties, drive t-Aem places, and address them by their full first names in front of others. Teenagers may even occasionally let their parents use the phone, offer advice, defend themselves, and write vindictive columns •satirizing their children for high school newspapers. There are definitely limits to my sense of fairplay. I certainly wouldn't mind having my own apartment, my own car, and my father's credit cards. I'm also willing to be a little more lenient toward my parents. They have my permission to address me by my full first name in front of other people (everyo-ne I know addresses me by my full first name, unless he is feeling particul arly and unreasonably hostile), call me anytime (except after five). Upon consideration of a period of mutual permissiveness, I realize that I had better sharpen my offenses as well as my defenses.

Westside's ·Lance


Competencies not taken seriously Tuesday, May 15 is approaching rapidly for 74 senior students, as this is the deadline for completing the seven minimum competencies necessary for graduation . These students have yet to complete a total of 129 tests, according to Ms . Virginia Davis, coordinator of the tests . The numbers include both students from the high school and the alternative school. Problem solving appears to be the most difficult to complete, as 36 students have failed to pass this competency. Thirty four students have yet to complete the consumerism test, and 29 the math test. Others needed to take the tests are written communication, 11; oral communication and democratic process, both nine ; and reading, one. Of these 129 students, several will fail to graduate because of a lack of ·credits, but others may fail .simply becau~e they have not pased the competencies. According to Mr. Jim Findley, vice principal, seniors

Negotiations for ·salaries stalemated·


After months of bargaining over salaries and fringe benefits, negotiatin~ teams representing the Westside Teachers Association (WTA) and the Board of Education have failed to come up with an agreement. The two teams have met periodically throughout the past .months in an effort to resolve their difference .~f opinions. _ Mr. AI· Zimbleman, math instructor and head ' of the WT A negotiating 'team explained the reason for the negotiations. He said, "the laws of the state of Nebraska say that the teacher organization must petition the Board o.f Education to negotiate on the most important aspects of salaries and fringe benefits." According to Zimbleman, the list of improvements they have been seeking contains benefits in the form of monetary gains and personal leave days. " We would like to bring about changes in both the pay and fringe benefits, but at this point we can't give out any details," said Zimbleman .


After an optimistic outlook earlier in the negotiat~ons, it is apparent that they have stalemated with an impasse now in effect.

Zimbleman explained the next step. "The next , agreement finding step is the impasse process that involves the selection of a neutral person who decides between tbe two side's offers through the fa1:t-finding method ." Apparently the fact-finding method is what must now go into effect as the negotiations seem to be stalled. This year, the representatives of the board , administrators Dr. Ken Hansen and Dr. William Hoyt and .board of education lawyer Mr. Vern Moore, have been negotiating with WT A representatives Zimbleman, Tom Mornelli , and Tom East lack . If no agreements can be reached through the fact-finding process, the case will ultimately go to the Court of Industrial Affairs where the final decision will be made. This final step has never been needed in the Westside school district.

have been told many times that they need to complete the tests, and the locations and times given. Three letters have been sent to parents throughout the year, including a certified letter sent last week.

'There's no reason why everyone shouldn't be able to graduate~ M • • • D • - · S. V1rg1n1a aVIS / Findley feels that students are not taking the competencies as seriously this year as they have in the past two years. There have been a higher number of incomplete tests at each checkpoint along the way. He added that there are always several students who·wait,untif'the

It's time for homeroom poems, but

· ·. write a reply addressed to jenkins: He receiv~d around ten personal' poems. . "The worst poet has to be (Mr.) AI Gloor., and you may quote me on that," he added. Jenkins aJso "gave a dig" to Mr. Howard Bigham, former English instructor; concerning his leaving Westside. Sigham, already well-known for poetry after the publication of his poem describing the ·Nebraska-Oklahoma football game, chose to print his reply in the morning announcements. • . The poetry fad has died down, although Jenkins admits he may write another. " Easter recess has given it a natural death," he said. When asked if the poetry had aided candy sales, he replied, "I don't think it's hurt it any." ~ Ba11d members are selling the turtles and candy bars in order to raise money for their yearly tour. They engage ir] severa I fundraising activities throughout the year. The poetry may not ave helped sales more than an ordinary announcement, but has provided an unusual form of homeroom entertainment and has allowed several staff members the opportunity to converse with rhymes.

I don't know what to say To try to wet your appetites . For chocolate bars today. lines like these should sound familiar, as Mr. Bob Jenkins, band director, has provided alrhost daily poetry'· in homeroom anouncements. Why the commercial prose? Jenkins cited the comic strip, "Funky Winkerbean" as his influence, paralleling the attempts of an overzealous band director to sell his already · well-publicized band candy. When the sophomore band started to sell their ow riband candy, Jenkins wrote his first poem,' 'Ode to the Turtle.' Jenkins attributes his talents to previous poem-writing within his family. On certain occasions such as Christmas and birthdays, they would writ~ funny, , often obnoxious poems to accompany presents. He finds that it's easy for him to come up with poems wirtten in tetra meter, a four beat meter used in most of his band candy poetry. When Jenkins found out that teachers were not reading the poems, he started putting things about these teachers into his poetry. This prompted several other teachers to try their hand at poetry, and


1AII"nkerbean .V V . 1nsp1res 1


I 1




Final banquets provide hori~~; · ~njoyrile As the long nine month road of school heads into the home stretch, so do other activities which traditionally culminate the end of the year. Among. these activities, picnics and final banquets have become increasingly popular. According to Kim Crosby, International Club president, the club will sponsor a picnic which is tentatively set for Tuesday, May 8, in Elmwood Park. Crosby said this picnic will be held, "as a kind of reward for the members of the club who have worked hard and been active in the club all year. I hope we get a,good turnout, because we' re putting it on for our members so they ca n have a good time." During the picnic, the 1979-80 International Club officers will be announced . Any student wishing to run for an International


Club office must pick up a teacher rereason, the Quill and Scroll initia commendation sheet by Wednesday, the Outstanding Newspaper Journ April 30. This must include comments and the Outstanding Yearbook J from the student's past or present for- nalist will be named. In order to eign language instructor. Crosby come a member of Quill and Scro added that this form as well as a para- student must be a member of on graph indicating why the student · the staffs, rank in the upper 25 perc wishes to hold an office should be of his class, and achieve excellenc completed by Friday, May 4. journalism. The other two awards voted on by staff members. The annual Quill and Scroll Banquet will be held, Tuesday, May 8 at Club 89 According Ms. Joan Anderson, b on 4315 South 89th St. At the banquet, ness instructor, Office Occupat which is attended by present and fu- will' hold its Employer Apprecia ture staff members, the 1979-80 Luncheon, May 17, to honor the "Lance" and " Shield " staffs will be an- dents' bosses. Home economics cia nounced . The banquet also serves to, will prepare the meal. Dr. James T " honor those people wbo have done dall will speak at the function to good work during the year for both plain, " the philosophy of Westsi publications," commented Andy Har- said Anderson . Students will also gitt, Quill and Scroll president. For this their employers a tour of the sch


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last minute to take t heir tests. Records from last year indicate that on Tuesdi April 25, 46 students needed to complete 70 tests. T Tuesday, April17, 1979 checkpoint indicated the 74 st dents needing 129 tests. Findley added that six students failed to graduate I year due to the minumum competencies, and he'sgue ing that the number w_ill be higher this year. Davis could not estimate how many students wa. fail _to complete the tests, but noted, "There's no rea why everyone shouldn't be able to graduate." She add that there are some students with learning disabilif who will receive waivers on certain minimum compet cies, and that this would be noted on their diploma. Those students who fail to graduate due to in plete competencies must return either in the summer fall to complete them. They will not participate in g tion ceremonies. ·

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Westside's Lance

April 27, 1979


Dean's job 'never dull' Disciplining children cim be a difficult job for parents, and Ms. Peg johnson has approximately 1,000 extra charges, beyond her own family in her position as dean of girls. Johnson approaches her work with a posit ive attitude, and finds it so varied that it is " never dull . I haven 't once dreaded coming to work in the morning, (the job is) never just totally negative." , Until this year johnson declined from sponsoring any clubs as she spent a lot of time outside school with her family . This year; however, Johnson became sponsor for the cheerleaders, an involvement that she " could attend as a family outing." · Since she made the decision to become involved with the cheerleaders, Johnson has helped form the Welcome to Westside Club, and has organized Country Fair Days. " My job contains negative aspects," said Johnson , which makes it more important to get involved with positive activities in which students see her in a different light, rather than as a dean . As dean of girls, johnson is " in· charge of all all her news is not good news, Ms. Peg johnson, dean of girls, discipline for girls," she explained. She added this much of her time. calling parents and others involved with keeping includes " a lot of counseling" as she is a " mother students. Relaying bad news to parents is her most difficult job, john- figure" to some of the girls. " I think both Mr. (Roger) Herring and I work

at such an angle that they (stude.nts) don't see us as unbending disciplinarians," said Johnson . Being recognized as the sponsor for the cheerleaders has helped .to-dispel! some of the negative attitude that accompanies her position , and she said students feel '!'Ore comfortable about coming to see her. Johnson has paused to close -the door to her office, but commented, " I like an open door, I' m glad they (students) feel free to come in. " She believes that she is seeing more girls this year since her office has been moved , giving students eas ier access to it. " I' m just sure I couldn 't tolerate this job at any other school," she said , describing it as a " tough job." What -makes ber position here so much easier than ·at another school is " the way the building is run , the whole feeling in this building is kids. In most other schools it is so cut and dried, there is no flexibility ." · .· Johnson commen"t~d, " I think a lot of people would have a real rough time with this job. You have to have an even temper, you couldn't survive otherwise."

eping busy comes natLJrally for Patterson ven her dress indicated that she was busy, for when she in; half an hour before practice, she had already :ed into her track warm-up . eeping herself busy seems to come naturally for CaPatterson, 'though she said she doesn 't involve herself to be busy." . I like responsibility and I love to be part of things," she · · atterson has been class president for all three years, n the track team in her sophomore and senior years. atterson couldn-'t partic-ipate on the track team lasr !because of her involvement with the Junior-Senior a debt she and her class is Still shouldered with . don 't feel exactly guilty, but my name will be associath it (the debt) for years to come and it reflects the job one. It reflects on my leadership. I hate walking around hat on my shoulders," she said. . t's so hard your senior year to get people involved, I hinking I've missed something on the way to getting e organized," Patterson continued. As the leader of ss, Patterson still feels the responsibility for getting e together to compensate for the debt. espit t~ ,erpblems- aisin!Y money" _sli~ ~ feels tha~~ · j#













Involvement 'too much' Though her mother complains that she is into "too mudi,'' Camille Patterson loves to be busy and get involved. Having been chairman of numerous committees, class president for three years and a participant in.track, ~a~n·iso.n ~~d that ~h~! ''!o~.e~ to be ra part~! thi '!.g~~· :


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"·there is something special about our class," describing the seniors as "really unified : We are willing to try new stuff, but we follow along the traditional lines of high school seniors." Patterson could cite no prime motivation for her own efforts or those of her classmates, except that they were all "fun oriented." This year Patterson was a chairman for Homecoming and :Country Fair Days. " I like doing stuff for the school, and ~ wor~ing with the administration," she explained. - , Working on committees suc,h as these. gives Patterson no formal recognition, "just having the staff and administrators" thank her, and place more trust in her by giving her more responsibility, "keeps me going." "They do start putting a ~ertain amount of trust on you, I really like that," she said of the administration. She continued, " I guess I just get satisfaction from seeing what I have done." Along with the satisfaction Patterson gets out of her involvement, she finds she has met a lot of people, "it's just neat to talk to people, you get a lot of input from them," she commented. _ Perhaps much as Patterson said her "mother complains ~~ m !nto too much, she wouldn't have it any' other way,"


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Westside's Lance




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Striving to reach the top, Cathy Crawford attempts to climb up the side of a human pyramid formed by Ms. Clarann Winslow's homeroom. Winslow's homeroom


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(6 ·

finished fourth place in the contest, which wu Friday morning, April 6. 43 homerooms particijNted the Forum:sponsored activity.



-Westside's Lan·c e



By Adrienne Wilscam Human pyramids, pumpkins with togas, and amateur volleyball teams. No, it's not the Gong Show, but these were among the major homeroom activities this year. Homerooms have not always been this way. ln 197.-3, they each had nearly 200 students. Attendance wa s taken and announcements were read ; there was no close advisor-student relationship. " Although homerooms are much smaller now, I' m afraid there still may be a communication problem," said Mr. James Fi!!dley, vice principal. " The advisor's chief role is to be concerned about each student's. progress in this school," added Findley. · -Findley did note that the advisor's role has changed considerably since they are no longer involved in parent-teacher conferences. " Now it is even more important for the advisor to stay aware," he said. . · · One way to bring apvisors closer to their stu- dents is to involve them in activities which they do together. These are primarily held in the 15 minutes a day reserved for homeroom. "I'm not against homeroom activities, but we must concentrate on what needs to be done," Findley stressed . The most recent activity has been the pyramid contest, in which ten students raced to build a pyramid in the fewest number of seconds. All a homeroom needed to enter was ten durable bodies and a $3 entry fee. This entry fee paid for the prizes. First place received 25 percent of the total fees, second received 15 percent, and the remaining 10 percent went to the homeroom in third place.

This idea was introduced four years ago, and its popula~ty has increased annually. " The first year, only 21 homer.ooms participated," said hndley, "but this year 43 entered." Although this particular activity was not, R'lOSt .are generated through Forum. . · From the preliminaries held on Monday, April 2 through Friday, April 4, the eight quickest teams were chosen to compete in the finals on Friday, April 6. The win.ners were the members of Ms. Ann ·Royle's homeroom. ·Mr. John Hudnall's homeroom came In ·second place, followed by Mr. Roger Herring's. The winning time was 7.1 seconds. There were few injuries due to the· contest, and " nothing which on~ would consider major," said Mr. Roger Herring, dean of boys and coordinator of the pyramid contest. These agonies in-

A_pril 271 1979 -- -


- ....




eluded a broken finger, a sprained ankle, and bruised nose. " I do have some concern for the safety of especiall y since most people pass it off as a issue," said Findley. " But in the future, parents should be notified in some way of potential injuries resulting from a collapsing pyramid ," he recommended . . · In spite of any chance for injury, most advison agree on the success of these activities. " I love homeroom, and just wouldn 't give it up for any· thing; we really enjoy ourselves," said Royle, contest winner. " Activities my homeroom gets involved in such as volleyball make homeroom closer much more fun - I wouldn 't replace that with anything," said Herring. Earlier this year a volleyball contest was held in which 65 out of 135 homerooms entered. This began about three years ago under the suggestion of Ms. Peg johnson, dean of girls, and Ms. lois Jensen, physical education instructor. As the activities, the tournament has risen considerably in popularity since the first year. Last October, a pumpkin contest was held in which homerooms submitted pumpkins with an original design carved in it. There are usually only 30 to 35 entries, probably due to the fact that homerooms wait until ten minutes before the entry deadline to begin carving their pumpkin. Forum was supposed to vote on a proposed extended homeroom for this spring, but not enough representatives attended to make it worth· while to vote. ' Students, faculty, and parents will have the opportunity to evaluate homerooms via a questionnaire after spring vacati~n·. This, along with a homeroom advisory board, will help tbe administrators decide if any significant change should be made in the homeroom format. "There have been indications that students want more activities, but we don't want them to spend all of their time practicing volleyball and ignore the administrative purpose of homeroom," said Findley. Student opinions of homeroom vary. "I think we could get the same done in three times a week as in five," said Susan Aarvig. · Contradicting that was ·julie Burns, who explained !'Homeroom is a place in which I can talk to people other than those in my own grade level. It's a worthwhile experience."


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· w~.s ·tside's· Lance

Nuclear insufficiency With a plaintive look, Dr. James A. T~n • dall revealed the fact. "As far as a nucl ar attack or accident goes, we' re not read for it at all." . In the late 1960's, "Westside used t<)) have supplies provided by tile Civil oMense people. Rations, such as pure wa~r and bask food were provided." The problem is that the school as not been equipped to handle a nuclear isaster for several years. Why? Tangdall feels hat, "With the advent of the hydrogen the neutron bomb, and other devices, can only take so many precautions. No one seems to know what they are." He concludes that, "we're not prep,ared for a security attack." Tangdall admits that the school is responsible for its students during school time, and ados tftat, ul thin that given ~me instruction of direction .. ,, it's certainly our responsibility to protect against a nudear attack." But he feels the nation as a whole is not "psychologically ready" to pre~re. "In order to get people to prepare~ you haVe to provide a psychological ne,ed. It's Uke the tornado of 1975. People take that seriously


He fe~rs starting a resiStance movemen~ · towards not preparing, "I have that if we started at Westside too·,reoare:IC an a,ttack without prior notice, a lot would not support tt."



Westside's Lance

Ap =•

PROM '79 ·oup combines resOurces 'dangerous situatiOn' Hathaway was responsible for two signs that were displayed at Westside, advertising the demonstration . Both signs were written on, torn down , and trampled on by vanat theme dals. Hathaway put the signs up be,eople are cause she wanted " people at Westl decision side to know there was going to be a ccept nu- rally. " The demonstration was spong to Janet ti-nuclear sored by a local group called Mobilization for Survival, a ,"group of Westside concen'led people" that support tted seven the abolishment of nuclear weagroup was pons, an end to the arms race, a ban Ients who on nuclear power, and a funding of bout the. human needs, according to Mr. . Accord- Roger Carroll, a member of the nember of group. see "what So far, Mobilization has been an e students " ad hoc" group, but, as Carroll puts ower real- it, "we're starting to reach out." The group, put together after several Mr. Steve Omahans attended a national Mobilization for Survival conference in Chicago, ll in the fall of 1977. "We've been together ever since," Carroll boasts.

he bomb. shalt not hrases and , but with

"Students today are the people who are going to have to live with nu~ clear power in the future. They should have the choice whether they want to take the risks associated with it or not," Carroll commented . Carroll feels the Nebraska probler:n is acute. "The nuclear thing is not going to go away by itself. The plutonium that is in Fort Calhoun is enough to contaminate the entire state of Nebraska. " Carroll said, "They've had problems up there (Fort Calhoun), no matter what -they say. We've heard that there are problems with the plant fro111 people who work with the 'operation, but the public is not being told about them." The Westside group has several motives for action. "I don 't feel like getting melted down. This issue is certainly worth bothering with," Goldner said. Another member, Sally Prescott feels that the school group should write letters to pressure to stop nu-

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support clearaccidpower !lurg, PA, ~ kageoc­ anger of a d to deosionthat ear core is re. , e dimenthat Harommented, "'[he are comscientists of radial say that worse for :!cause it damages tutations, !rOUS.. hation is of ' Nothing opinions opinions :! educatly imporcountry, opogannewspaurg incisounded nd brok(1 not re[llOst stushe feels ~ what's ill reflect va other

approxi;aturday, a Public protest fternoon ed to the ,J blocks .._ ; a really 't some1sed, but d to be

The group organized a " stop nu- clear development. Goldner has further plans for the clear power" demonstration last August 6 at Fort Calhoun, a "Karen organization. "We'd like to get stuff Silkwood demonstration" on No- going, mostly educational provember 13, in front of OPPD, and grams, such as video tape showings, organizes " a lot of other informa- getting people from Mobilization tion , ranging from showing movies, for Survival to come out, and to giving talks, showing slide shows, bring in speakers." arranging meetings, to dealing with The result of all this? "The more petitions . and demonstrations. " you earn about nuclear dangers, Mobilization for Survival hopes to the more you would want to stop bring in several national speakers in nuclear power," Goldner said, conthe near future, according to Car- tinuing, " You can 't believe the roll. . press and industry reports because Carroll feels that they have a re- they are biased." sponsibility to " bring to the attenWhen you're in something for a "tion of the people of Omaha that profit, you 're not going to reveal they can get involved in the fight to how dangerous your ·product "is. stop nuclear power." That's the position nuclear advo- • The group has also been prepar- cates are in now," Goldner coning for a nation.al demonstration cluded. She remarked, '" The problem is that is scheduled to take place in many American cities on July 6-7 that they're dealing with something potentially long-term this summer, as they attended the that has Blackhills Alliance conference in damage, and they don't have the Rapid City, SD, to plan for the right to endanger so many people." summer rally. Hathaway is bothered by the The organization is supported by problem of what to do with still raits members, as "we pay for costs dioactive nuclear waste, produced with our own money," according to by power plants. ttlt doesn't disapCarroll. pear. We just try to seal it off, and Mobilization is "hoping to in- hope it will go away. There's nothvolve more high school people," ing you can do-to make it go away, and increase its base of support. ~xcept stop producing it."


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"Mainstream" members Matt Wallace, Scott Norman, John Butera and Kurt Tilton discuss one of their charts before making a recording in a studio at Sound Recorders, 206 South 44th St. The group made the recording to be used as a promotional tape which could be sent to prospective customers. Most of

the music the group plays isn't written down, because "for most of the music we play there's no sheet music," Norman said. So the bulk of the music has to come from records. "We listen to the records a few times and start trying to play what we hear," Norman said. The recording itself "was a unique experi-

ence," according to Norman. "None of us had ever been Ill studio before - all of the equipment, the engineer; it interesting." The group has played at parties, The Scupper, 444 Regency Parkway, and might play at the How Street Tavern this summer, Norman said.


Trash Bags musically inclined

Student 'Qroups' disPlaY t~lent


Everybody is interested in music in one way or The members have been offered from $35-.$50 for 1 another. You might listen to records all of the time. You perfor.ming at parties. " Actually, we earned half a milmight go to concerts whenever they're here. You might - lio11 at Carnegie Hall," Davis added jokingly, " and we plan on giving all of our earnings to The Home of sing in a choir. You might listen to the radio. \'ou might Unwed Mothers in Hucksville, AR. " Who knows? play in a band. , Maybe some day th is will come tru.e- at least the half a Play in a band. That might be interesting. At least a few people at school think so. They make up the six or million . so (there may be groups that have been overlookedMainstream we' re only human) groups at Westside. Another group made up of CJB members, "Mainstream" is probably one of the. busier groups at West. Matryx side. " We started in November," Scott Norman, junior, " We play ' ridin ' the storm out' rock, middle of the said. "First we were just getting together to play- we road; not hard rock. Not disco . .. " senior Bob Toscano were going to play for a large group - then we got sa id about the kind of music his group plays. The group, pretty goocland thought we might as well try to see if we which s.tarted in the middle of the summer, is made up co~ld get any money off it. " The " we" is Norman on . of Toscano and four other players. " We stick to doing electric piano and synthesizer, Matt Wallace on reeds, other people's songs - Cheap Trick, ZZ Topp, some drummer Kurt Tilton, senior, a guitar player who Nugent, R.E.O . Speedwagon." doesn 't go to Westside and John Butera, junior, on bass. Tosca no, who plays drums, said that " we have im" We play jazz, fusion ('ethnic' or straight jazz) and funkproved quite a bit. We didn't know how anybody disco is watered-down funk," Norman said. pl ayed at first." He sa id that they're hoping for more jobs toward the end of the year but in the mean time , they're " having a lot of fun ."

lguan'! Stampede " Brett Kobjerowski and I were trying to think of a name for our r:.o ck group when we decided on lgua11a Stampede" Frank Gappa, junior, said . You've got to admit, the name does catch your attention. Gappa plays bass guitar along with Scott Davis, junior, who plays rhythm andJead guitar. Two other juniors are Brett, lead vocalist, Mike McGuire, the group's drummer. Iguana Stampede plays music from such groups as Foghat, Led Zeppel in, and ChiCago.



Urban Renewal, a band becoming more and more popular with night clubs and school dances, includes a Westside member. Bob Krueger, senior, joined tne two-year old group last January. Joe Putjenter, who is the drummer and a former student, recommended Krueger after the group had lost its trumpet player. " I really like performing with Urban Renewal," Krueger said, " It is a lot of hard work and sometimes interferes with school , but it is very rewarding." The group plays disco and jazz music, and earns $30-$50 a person playing at one-night stands out of town. " For .in-town performances, I earn $30 a night,"

Krueger said. · · Urban Renewal has played in Geneva, Norfolk, and Lincoln, NE as well as Peony Park and high schools in Kansas and Nebraska.

Resurrected Swing Formed by Westside graduate Bob Start five or si years ago~ this group plays music from " the big bandera to the present," Kurt Halvorson, junior, said. The group plays during the summer after school's out and runs through the first two weeks in August. Some members of the group who attend W ~stside (and who are members of Westside's Concert Jazz Band-CJB) are seniors Mike Mitas and Keith Keller, trombones, Bob Krueger, trumpet, and juniors Matt Wallace and Halvorson, sa xes. " We performed at Club 89 last summer, dido ' freebie' played downtown once," Halvorson said. But " this summer we' re supposed to be playing a lot mor -we weren't widely known , that's the only reason didn't play much last summer."

Trash Bags 'These are the undegradable kind. " That's only tentative nanie ('Trash Bags') for our group," junior Jay Rosen, who plays guitar, said. Along with his brotl\er Marty (guitar) Brad Finn (guitar and vocals), and Tom Hunter (sax), all jun iors, and others from different schools, they make up a group that has been together " for about six or seven years." They play Southern rock, blues, a few original songs and " whatever we think sounds good. " They have about one-and-a-half hours worth of songs, but they haven 't performed very often. " We wouldn't mind working more this summer- not at all," Rosen said. -





OMAHA, NE 68137



WEEKEND, MAY 4, 5, 6



Name Address P h o n e - - - - - - - - - - Sex

Age _ _;;_



- w estside's Lan~e


Favorite Songs: 1.


·( 1.0


Apri~ 27; ~19!9

3. 4.


.~ f-eature:


Recognition publications attempt to find out By Alex Miller

Meyers 'had a different interpretation of her com"Who's Who" book. "The criteria for inclusion in the book is strict, and pany's profit motivations. "Our corporation is · not only top students who are nominated by either their immensely profitable, and the money charged for the principal, counselor, or a youth program director can book covers publishing and auditing costs," she said. be in the book," she said. "Furthermore, a very, very "The 'Who's Who' has all prospective inductees auditsmall percentage of people in the book actually buy it. ed by an independent firm to check credentials which Also, our publisher, Mr. Paul Krouse, neither sells the have been sent in by the students." Meyers said student attitude regarding the book names of the students in the book, nor lists their addepended upon whether or not students think it is dresses." Many people, including Mr. lynn Hansen, guid- . worth their time to be in a "Who's Who." "Our aim is ance counselor, feel the motives of these publishing simply to recognize deserving students/' she said. One deserving student who was nominated, filled companies are questionable at best. "They're just companies looking to put students' names in a book out the necessary biographical information, and for a price," he said." As a school_, we don't particular- · bought the book was Jodi Feldman, senior. Feldman ly endorse them." had negative feelings concerning her decision to be Tangdall agreed with Hansen's comments, saying involved with "Who's Who," but the reasons for her . that although the NASSP could not actua~ly endorse or opinion of the program were different than those of reject, but only advise, "The 'Who'~ Who' pr_o grams many others. "I got the book because it seemed like a good idea. It was suggested to me by a friend," she are strictly profit-making." Students' feelings concerning these publications said. "However, it ended up being a waste of time and are mixed. Some individuals who have been no.minat- money for me, because I got a huge book with thoued to be in these books; have just thrown away the sands of names in it, and mine was hardly recognizainformation sent them. "I didn't think it was worth my ble." time," said John lehr, senior. Another senior,- Jim Korff added, "They ask a lot of information to put your name in the book, and then charge a lot for it." . -, L got the book be~ause it seemed

Exactly who is helping whom is a frequent question asked by faculty, students,.and involved professionals when aiscussing the "Who's Who" recognition pyblications which feature high school students. In these books, certain students who have been nominated by school or youth program officials are represented with brief. academic biographies which the students provide. The book is made available for a price of around $20 to students and their families. Dr. james Tangdall, principal, cited most of these recognition programs as "a rip-off." Basing his opinion on a review conducted by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), of these and other activities, Tangdall said it was a mistake for both students and faculty to participate in any of these kinds of programs, and that the NASSP listed some of the following reasons why it does not advise students to involve themselves in "Who's Who."

' The criteria for inclusion in the book is strict, and only top students.who are nominated by either their principal, counselor, or a youth program director can be in the book. ' --Ms. Laura Meyers, Educational ,t:ommunications lncorporatec:1

like a good idea ... it ended up being a waste ·of time aod-money for me, · because I_got a huge book with · thousands of names in it, and mine was hardly .recognizable. ' ....:.Jodi Feldman

The recognition itself is inherently of questionable value and is unlikely to serve any ultimate educational benefit. . The methods used for gathering names for recognition have questionable validity in termS" of whether students selected actually deserve recognition. There · ' is amp_le evidence that students are usually listed or _r_eco~nize<i,only if they furnish bic;>graphical material inlormation to the sponsor. _ Mo~t of the organizations known to the NASSP Committee on National Contest and Activities are profit-motivated and have no association with educatronal, philanthropic or professional associations. The program often solicits students and their families to purchase. the publication, certificate or pin . . The publ ications produced provide convenient lists of student n·a mes and addresses that can be used for non-educational purposes. Arguing aga inst these accusations. is Ms, Laura Meyers, spokesperson for Educational Communications Incorporated, a company which publishes a

If one attempts to find a "Who's Who" at school, he will not be successful, for the books, though free to school libraries, are thought not to be worthwhile. Ms. june McDonough, media specialist, feels that, "Because these companies randomly select students, and use questionable criteria in choosing these indi-viduals. It's not even an honor to be in the 'Who's Who.' " At the University of Nebraska at Omaha library · where only one " Who's Who'! is available, Ms. Doralee Stover, paraprofessional,· commented, "It isn 't very hard to get in these (books). If your parents want to buy you a $20 book - that's the come on." Disagreeing with insinuations that the " Who's Who" is simply a money-making project, Meyers said , "The original intent of Mr. Krouse, the publisher, was to recognize the good things that high school students do." •



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April 27, 1979 I



.. . _ ·- ·:


· '-·S!Jn. 12-s

.Westside's Lanc·e 'i

~ 'It





. •



By John Krueger

mahans rarely see Mr. Harley Hardison outside of Room 200, where he teaches physiology. This phenomenon is a result of his spending almost all of his leisure time out of town. .Hardison said he doesn't like Omaha. " Omaha's a nice place to be from, but I wouldn't want to visit here. About the only thing Omaha's really good for is sitting around swatting mosquitoes and having gnats come around and poop on you ."

about 25 (mpb) ." " (Then) there was the time we got some brave people to try barefoot skiing. The problem was nobody really knew how, so we took a huge boat out and went about 55 mph. It was fun watching those people kick off a ski and then go tumbling over the, water for half a block," he said, laughing sadistically. Although Hardison has an 11-

and " it's worth it just to get out of town." ' June 27, about two weeks after school is out, Hardison and about 40 to 50 students begin their two-day drive to Miami, FL. From there, They will board the SI S Emerald Seas for a cruise to Nassau, the capital of the Bahamas. After two days of tours and various other activities , the group will return to Miami and

ties for these ten people to practice their skills. They will be gone for 20 days, from July 6 to July 26, and costs $395 per participant. Hardison saves his favorite trip, Newport Beach, CA., for last. " There's a nice variety of things to do down there, and no mosquitoes to bother you . But the best thing about it is the beautiful climate. You know, when the Indians first came here

In order to get away from the " pit," the science instructor sponsors an average of 35 students 0 four annual fun-filled trips. His escapes include trips to Galveston Island , Tx , .the Bahamas, Newport Beach , CA ,'and a combined vacation of.<:;alveston " ·. lslaf1d , Table Rock Lake , MO . and the Florida Keys.

• rave Jng T I tea. cher enI oys •ng vI Iea the ''p'/•t .







• "''

~ 4.

,: '·

Hardison has until fourth quarter to prepare for hi~ .first trip over spring break, to Galveston Island. They leave the day school gets out fot nine days of skiing, skin diving, fishing, and 1 various _educational . activities such as t1de study and photography. '. The trip from Omaha to Gal. veston is supposed to only take 18 to,20 hours by car. But Grace Willing, senior, remember;s last year when things did not go quite as planned. "We had to stop a lot for gas for Hardison's hearse, and the bus broke down once on the way (to Galveston), but we had 'a lot of fun."

Sinn• one van has a "tendency" to break down,Mr. Harll'y Hardison, trip sponsor, advises Brad Benson and Randy Lehn to give the van one final check. Hardison

sponsors four annual trips for students - excursions to Galvl'Ston Island, the Bahamas, the Florida Keys, and Nl'wport Bl'ach.

month teaching contract instead spend a day at Disney World. The of the usual nine month, costs of trip takes a total of 12 days and the trips catch up to him. "I lose costs $485 compared to the $155 about $3,000 a year out of my cost of the Galveston trip. own pocket," he said. With a lit- Three days after he's back tie simple multiplication, one from the Bahamas, Hardison is Hardison says · he loves to can come up with the figure <>f off again. This time he will take watch people bounce around on $45,000 lost since he started only ten experienced_.. divers, skithe inn'ertube t in back of the sponsoring the trips about 15 ers, and sailors. All three toeaboat.' "Ther e are nice (boat) years ago. But Hardison says he tions to which the group will be speeds and rotten speeds. For considers the $3,000 a year about traveling, Table Rock Lake, MO. the nice ·people it's :about 50 · the same as anybody else would Galveston Island, and the Florida (mpn), for the rotten people"ft's spend on a summer vacation, Keys, offer excellent opportuni-

(to Omaha), they saw how cold it was and moved west to let the white men settle here. Well, here we are, stuck in g~od old Omaha," he said. It is a 22-day venture at $395 per person. In spite of the incredible amount of time and money Hardison puts into the trips, he says he enjoys leaving Omaha four times a year. "I probably won't stop sponsoring (the trips) until I die," he said.




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Westside's Lance

' April 27, 1979


American Division contest

Warrior nine invade Ryan Sporting an early season win over highly re- had such a terrible team, which had a captain, we garded Gross, the varsity baseball team travels to jUst decided to forget about having one," said Moscrey. Ryan ton ight for an American Division contest. Another optimistic point that Moscrey welThe early win , according to Mr. Bob Moscrey, coach, carried some significance. "I think it gave comed seeing was the good start that senior Dave Kalina got off to. "He has done very well early, a lot the boys some confidence, and after we beat better than he did last year," said Moscrey. Gross, they turned right around and beat Prep and Moscrey still tabs Northwest as- a conference TJ, who are two very good teams," he said. " I'm power, but said that the threat to Westside was not sure we will be competitive. No one will blow us as great with the schools being in opposite diviout." sions. / Moscrey cited the pitching efforts of Chris As for Westside's chances in Metro and State, Adams, junior, against the Gross squad. "Original- it's "too early to tell, but I think our team will be ly, I had planned to throw him for three or four okay. Our district, being the way it is, will help." innings, but he was working so smoothly, I decided The district that he was speaking of includes to leave him in, and he completed the entire Benson, Bellevue East, North, South, and Westside. game," said Moscrey. _ . "Right now,-1 would consider ourselves the favorIn addition to Adams, Moscrey said jeff Pate, ites. Benson hasn't won a game yet, I think theVre · also a junior has thrown well so far. Also in the 0-7. North, South, and Bellevue East have all been starting ro~ation is junior Randy Chalupa, who,_at beaten a few times, so we 11;1ay be the favorites. press time, had only t~rown in ~ery cold weather in Whoever wins it will have to p1ay .some goQd ball," 1 a victory over Tech. concluded Moscrey. The Warriors are out after Relief pitching, according to Moscrey, lies their first state title since 1972, and their first Metro with basically three players: juniors Phil Schack, . title ever. . . , • , .. and Sam Pattavina, and Bruce Muenster, senior. . In addition to the varsity, tHe jVteam1sexpe'ri~. Unlike most squads in any sport, this year's encing some success. led by sophomores jon Krieteam has no capitain. "Usually it helps to have fels and.Brad Matthaidess, Jeff linden, the team has some kind of leader, but I guess since last year we posted five Metro conference vict'ories.


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Concentrated effort Perfecting forehand shots requires a great deal of prac- match should be the toughest this season for the undetice. Adrienne Wilscam concentrates on her forehand . feated Warriors. shot while preparing for the meet against Burke. The

Bulldogs, Warriors to collide tonight on Burke home co.urts Traditionally speaking, the girls' tennis match We're still searching for the right combination." between Burke and Westside is usually the biggest "The big question mark right now is who is the dual match of the yearfor both teams. This year will no. 1 singles player. The possibilities are Lis<! Roth , be no exception. · lisa Margolin, and maybe Chris lohff. lohff, a freshman , is presently fifth on the Mr. Doug Pierson, coach, admits the Warriors will have their hands full when the two rivals clash team's singles roster. Pierson feels she has " done tonight at 4 p.m. at Burke. " Burke's always been well and kept her head." He also noted linda our toughest match and it should be no different Truesdell and the other sophomores for doing a this year. They have a psychological advantage good job. " None of our sophomores ·have been playing on their courts, which are smooth con- beaten. They' re doing very well in competition." At press time, the Warriors carried a 3-0 mark, crete. (Westside's are asphalt.) It's a different kind which includes wins over Bryan 7-2, Ralston 8-1, of game." He feels the bitterness the two schools have and Ronca IIi 9-o.·The Tj and Ryan matches were shared in the past will not play a factor in the called due to poor weather. Burke meanwhile, was match. " I like the coach and their kids. A lot of the , 2-0 with wins ove_r Ryan 8-1, and Bellevue West 5-4. kids from both schools know one another. It's a Ms. jill Garlach, Burke coach, feels the Bulldogs have progressed a great deal since the beginning of good, healthy rivalry." · Pierson commented that the ·match will not the season . "We have a lot of strong players and carry a great amount of significance on the team's our underclassmen have come along well ." Garlach mentioned that the match will be goals for the rest of the season. " It's nice to beat quite intense. "There's a lot of rivalry there. Burke, but it won't make or break our season." "The dual meets now are nothing but practice They've beaten us the last two years, so we're out to change things around. " matches," he exclaimed. " They used to crown like Pierson, Garlach maintains that the match teams on their won-loss record, but now the team will remain a "friendly rivalry." "I'm hoping that championship is decided at Metro and State. The there will be some good points and good play from significance of dual meets, of course, is not as great both schools." now." She feels playing at home is not a particular Pierson explained that the team will try to gear advantage. " Most of our girls, in fact, would rather up for Metro and State. "Those are the two we play at Westside because of the court material. It point for. The philosophy was used by Mr. Cal may be more convenient for our girls, but both Bentz (former swimming coach) and now Mr. Pat schools will have a good crowd behind them." DiBiase." Gerlach believes this match Will be an imporPierson feels the team's progression is what tant stepping-stone towards her team's goals. " It he'd forese e n in the beginning of the season . will be important for the Metro championship. The · " We' re moving along about the way I expected. cl imax will be State ."


April 27,-1979

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Westside's L'ance


Strength lies in 440

Glasgow -tabs Bellevue E~st as favorite for District Meet After completing the Metro meet, the~girls' track team will set their sights on district competition. · The Warriors will be competing against seven other teams. These teams include, Bellevue East, Bryan, Marian, Papillion , Roncalli, South, and Tech. According to Mr. Don Glasgow, head coach, the Warriors should do well in the meet. Glasgow said, "We have a good chance of winning district. We're not in a very tough district. Bellevue East is probably the best team in the district. So our best chance is being runner-up to them. A lot of girls should do well for us in this, and go to State." Glasgow said that the key winning is not to score a lot points in one area, but score all areas. He said, "The secret

to of in to

winning is to score in as many might not be in good enough events as possible. The long condition . But she should be jump and high jump are showing ready for district." improvement. But we need "Karen johnson has been bomore help in those areas. The thered by a muscle pull in her shot and discus are still our weak back. She has returned to pracpoints. If we could pick up points tice. At this time of the year we in the field events, w~ should always expect problems like have a good chance of winning." these. We are trying to control Glasgow talked about the pos- some of the injuries, hQ.wever. If sibility of sending many girls to people stay healthy, and everyState. He said, "We could send one must be healthy, we can . both the mile and two mile relay win," repor~s Glasgow. teams to State. Also possibly two Glasgow has had good results hurdlers could qualify for state. from his sophomore members. joann Wetterberg should qualify ~ He ~aid , "Amy Ahlquist and Lori >in the hurdles and the long jump. Fuglsang have run some really joan Learch has the best 440 time good 440's and 880's. Judy Ehrenin the state. That's_yvhere our real berg, .Christy Newcombe, and strength is." Sara Severa, have also done very According to Glasgow, the well." ~ team has been bothered by some Glasgow encourages people j njuries. He said. "Laila Vilums, to come to this meet, saying, who has run some good mile "The team would appreciate the times, is out with an injury. She support."

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Prep tonight

Soccer team 'exceptional' Once upon a time (about eight or nine years ago) approximately 15 grade school aged kids started to kick around a black and white checked ball. Lo and behold, the game of soccer was beir;"~g played for the first time by future varsity soccer team members. Over the years, the boys have played. This, according to Mr. Bruce Skinner, varsity soccer coach, is the reason why Westside's soccer program has had such success in the ·past few years. "They all came fro'T' little league pro-

In hot pursuit During a recent game with Thomas Jefferson, Westside's Giovanni Cantatore ste~ls the ball from his oppo.nent. The Warriors went on to win the game 14-0.

grams, and, now that they're in high school, they have a lot of experience. The average years of experience for each te(!m Tember is about eight or nine years," Skinner ·exclaimed. . Tonight, Westside will face the team that Skinner thinks will be the toughest in the league, Creighton Prep, at Westside. "They lost quite a few good seniors," commented Skinner. "I don't really know what their team is like, but it's probably . good." · Last year, the Warriors defeated the Bluejays in a 3-2 victory, in overtime, in the regular season. Then, Westside went on to capture the state crown beating Prep 4-3. However, previous games against ' Prep did not always come up roses. For three consecutive years, the_Warriors either tied or lost to them, never snatching a game. At press time, the sure starters for Westside's team were Mike Dinwoodie, center halfback, · Mark Newton, forward, Eric Schroeder, fullback, and Toby Schropp, at halfback. The other six positions can vary. Assuming that the Warriors win the league championship, they would go on to state competition. If they take state, they would go to regional competition in Kansas City, Missouri, scheduled for Sunday, May 13. The next step up is St. Louis, Missouri, where they would play for the divisional title. If they win tl:lere, they qualify for the national tournament, which will be held in Omaha this year on Saturday and Sunday, June 23 and 24, for the four top teams in the country to. battle it out. There are many "if's" involved here, but Skinner feels that "St. Louis is a powerhouse in high school soccer. If we can get by them, we have a good chance of doing better than last year" (Last year, the Warriors made it to the quarter-finals of the national tournament, thus making them one of the top 16 teams in the nation. They lost to St. Louis, the eventual winner of the nationals). "We've got an exceptional team," Skinner proudly exclaimed.

DiBiase leads Junior Olympians Westside is in for a splash this summer when area swimmers vie ,· for a spot in the National Amateur Athletic Union Junior -Olympic swimming fin! ls. This program is sponsored each summer for kids ranging in age from four-year-olds to high school seniors. "We like to start kids that young just to teach them the competitive strokes while at the same time helping our advanced swimmers go to nationals," said Mr. Pat DiBiase, swimming instructor. The team, which consists of about 125 members will begin practice in june and will work ·out six days a week for four and one-half hours through the end of August. ' "Summer swimming is basically for our more advanced


swimmers," said DiBiase. "We have a few guys who are really dedicated swimmers, who want to work year-round," said DiBiase. Some of the summer buffs include: jim Korff, Alan Kunkel, and Paul Hazuka. However, Westside, isn't the only school involved in the program according to DiBiase. Although, all of the " expert" swimmers have a short-range goal of the nationals at the end of the summer, many havET a longrange goal of the 1980 Olympics. This is a goal that even DiBiase thinks might be a little farfetched . '~ Just getting to the trials is hard enough, but actually going to the games· is 1000 to 1 odds. It's one day. You have to be the best on one day. There are no

Westside's Lance

second chances," said DiBiase. Only one Omahan has ever qualified . for the Olympics. Renee McGee · qualified for the 1976 team. Swimming like most sports is one in which you have to be willing to pay the price to excel. Sophomore swimmer Hazuka knows what it means to pay the price. " I've been in the summer program fof five years. It has really helped me in competition. Also it has made me physically stronger," said Hazuka. All of Hazu.ka 's hard work has paid off ~ he went to nat ionals last summer. Swimming, said DiBiase, is not only a·competitive sport, it is also a great sport just-to stay in shape. Along with jogging, swimming is the top physical fitness sport.

April 27, 1979

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·Renovatio,ns upco'm ing: new press box; track press boxpressboxpressboxpress boxpressboxpressboxpressboxpressbcix press

With a little lucl< and a lot of hard work, in vo lvin g scrupul o u s measureme nts a nd · care ful p la nnin g, a ll westside fo otball col fan s will be seated on steel bleachers by the first kickoff of Jlext year, instead of the old wooden ones. But, new seating is not the only renovation planned for the upcoming football season. Accompanying this will be a press box, and also a badly needed storage building for football and other sporting equipment. The press box will house the scorekeeper, some cameramen, and the com-mentator, Mr. -paul An~reas, history instructor. · Andreas, who has been giving the play by play commentary for Warrior football games for a number of years, feels that having 'a press box will be advantageous to him because, " it gets so cold toward the end of the season." He also said that because the bleachers are not very high, it is difficult to see the yard markers, thus, making if difficult to call the plays directly. "With a

press box, I wi ll be able to see a lot better since it will be situated so much higher," Andreas commented. Mr. Ron Huston , athletic director, is uncertain now of -the cost of these improve ments. However, " Bids will be soon ," he _ commented. As for the date fin ished, he said, " We hope to have all of these things by the upcoming football season." " The idea of renovating the football field is not a new one. It's been around for a nurn.ber of years now," Huston said . The approval of the actions came from H. Vaughn Phelps, Superintendant of Schools, and also the Board Of Education. Also, there is discussion whether to widen the track around the field , from five lanes to eight lanes, r hich would be quite an advantage to the boys' and girls' track teams. Mr. Bob Klein, boys' track coach, feels that the extra three lanes are badly needed. "We have a big track program, and we' re a little' crowded. This would enable us to have big meets like district or metro. Also, the press box would be good because the timers and such would be in there."

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Perfect season still possible Sporting a 2-0 seasonal record (at press_time), the girls' soccer · team hopes to maintain their perfect record and more importantly, win the Metro division . Wins so far have been against Roncalli 2-0, and Burke 7-2. Since then their progress has remained about "average" according to Mr. Klaus Preuss, head coach . Preuss said he wasn't sure when their next game would be played, but did mention that the coaches of the soccer teams in Metro are planning to hold a tournament in the near future . There will be no·state championship. Preuss claimed that Marian, Westside and both Bellevue schools would be considered the top teams to win . "Then," he added,\ " there's no telling who.'' He dubbed Ten ley Carp , La ura Springborg and Laurie Peter as a few of ·his leading players.

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Klein pegs runners 'solid'


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Aided by surprising performances, the track team, has had relatively good success thus far. " Dan Wingard has really been a surprise in the hurd1es, and Mark Newstrom and Tom Carnazzo have really been pleasant surprises in the high jump. We are also very pleased with the performances of Dave Engdahl in the 100, the 220 and the 440," said Mr. Bob Klein , head track coach. Klein indicated that he thought the team was solid enough to handle most teams in the state, with the exceptions of Grand Island, Lincoln East, and Norfolk . "We will be very competitive with most of the other teams in the state," he said. Klein said that one of the team's biggest problems this year was, as always, maintaining concentration over the spring recess. "The spring break is always a pain to me. The kids just can 't maintain a high level of concentration during that period. However, our progress has been just about right," said Klein.

Shooters strive to improve

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April 27, 1979

Improving on a weak team of last year seems to be the goal of the trap-shooting team. According to Rick Ladna, junior, the team uses Westside's name, but is not school-sponsored. Other than Lacina, there are five more members. The other members are : Mike Green , Mark Hogan, Steve Teeter, all seniors. John Hanson, sophomore, and Bill Lux a freshman from Arbor, are the other two merpbers. The team is coached by Mr. Harley Hardison. Lacina said, " We should be bettenhan last year, because we have, three -returning lettermen. Some of the kids last year had never shot before." Lacina said that there are six members on the first team, and 15 more practice with the team, and could move up to the first team. He said, "We practice twice a week at the Papillion Gun Club. But -..?n weeks tha_t there are tournaments , we practice every day. We try and make it required for everybody to practice. On weeks that there are meets, only the first team practices. That way we can shoot more." According to Lacina the team will compe ~e against teams aro.und the state. He sa id , " Om aha has o nly on e other hig h school that has a tea m. That schoo l is Gross. Creighton Pre p has ind ivid ual sh oote rs, not a team . Oth e r teams a re both Bellevue sch oo ls, Bennington, No rt h Platte. Li nco ln has many schools that compete also."

Westside's' Lance

Director Lang- gives .'gFeen me~' identity By Shari Brady · ports were of some cattle mutilations and two boys who had Little green men and flying taken some pictures-of some unsaucers may seem a little farusual cloud activity. I found what fetched , but the possibility of beI tho1,1ght were logical explanaings far more advanced tha ~ our tions for those too." own is very real indeed . Such is the opinion of Dr. Charles Lang, Lang is the first to admit he . science department head and doesn 't have all the answers. "I resident expert on the subject of look at the evidence and submit Unidentified Flying Objects what I feel is the best guess as to (UFO's) . what it was, but I still don't know Lang is State Section Director for certain," he said . of Douglas and Sarpy Countie~ Though he does his best to for the Mutual UFO Network find logical answers to strange (MUFON) . The network is a na- occu f rences, Lang still believes tional organization that investiin the existence of more intelligates and monitors the UFO - gent life. " I'd say there is a very sightings around the country. good probability of there being The MUFON is made up of an inhabited planets other than our elite membership. " Eve ry memown," said Lang. ber has to have been involved in Lang not only expects that scientific research .at one time UFO's exist ; he hopes so. "We and most of them have doctor- don't need to worry about there ates," said Lang. being UFO's out there, I am far Specifically his function is to more worried that there aren't," investigate- alleged sightings of said Lang. "Commo.n sense tells UFO's and rep~ rt to the national us that there is something out center. " If someone sees some- there. If we find nothing then the thing and then calls either the question arises of what hapauthorities or the media, they pened to them." refer them to me," Lang 'said. Lang said that if these beings . Lang averages one call a were destroyed, it was because month . In the four years that he they were unable to survive their has been doing this he has had to own technology. They became go out and. investigate three very advanced technically but times. " The last time I had a rethe race could not cope. port of some physical evidence was a year ago," said Lang . According to Lang the ques" There was a report of some tion of how long we will exist strange burn-holes in the may be answ~red by something ground . It was my conclusion from far away. " I see UFO's not that they were caused by lightas a threat, but as a hope for ·the ning. The other two strange re- . future," he said.

Bean stock down·1/4 backsidebanlerbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanter.

From my bedroom window, which overlooks the driveway, I can see the trees, the street and the stats. My mom had to go out of town for a coupleof days during spring vacation sos~asked my aunt to come stay 'With Nancy and ·me. Aunt ~d. She's different- ki!Jd of pushy, if y0 u ask me. The morning Mom left, Aunt Goad woke me lifestyle editor up at 7:15. "Get up, kid," she said is she poked me with her thick forefinger. "1 want you to ao to the store and get me a 50-pound bag of p()tat~." "But, Aunt,dttar, I have no car. How will I get to the market? I don't even have my driver's fteense, and it is 11 miles to the General Store...' "That's too bad isn't it. Get out of bed and do what :1 say. Oh; and While yotl .. at it, set me some Magic brand seeds. Here,.s $5• .Be back by supper.,. "Yes !N'am." So l P'lt on my jacket arid left the~. As I w~ed down the stt:eet I glari.¢84 bad a.t her l.TO. "Ob w.,U,she WJtprobably too:ttr.d to drive Me'." It \Yastl' a ba9 cay thoujh; lt ~ as if JPrins had finally come, the srass was peett, the bird& were Chirpms, aU that. When I sot to the store I looked arouftafor ~while. looked at the cereals and the Cookies, walked~ the froztm food: se(tion, scraplns the ice off ibe sides with my fJnlernall as I wept, until .J thought I'd better set Solns. So I went ~to the Rt.c:e ~re they kept the potatoes and carried the bas over t()' the countet. "I bet you're slad you don't have to c;arry ·~fir: -the ~~clerk said. "If only that were true,"l thOught to myself. '"Ob.Could ~ teU me where the Malic Seeds are?" •>-ve$, they're-dc>wn t~, by that dl$play." I walked over to the dis~ and noticed that~ were having• sale OtT pork 'rt beans. "limm/ t thouaht to rriyJelf, ~ 1 should set a couple of cans of these-instead. I could surprise Attnt Gqad with them- we roulcthave them for d~~~t." Sot sot two cans Of pork 'n beanS and~ my 10rig ttett hoMe. It was lbout-8:30-wtten I Sot back. f saw ttW the~ were on lrislde the hOUSf!, theft I draSsed the.Jade ~ tM steP;' and-went 111. ''Good. fOtr inaCfe ft bade," Atiht ~said' as I walftt!d in. "Did you get the~· "Yes,l'na'am." "Did yoU' Jet the ~l~ "Well, 1though t"d you.""~ rne,l\umm. Wftfi Wf\atl*' "It's a sufJ:)f'ise... " I don't like su~Y.-~ said as sl\e scrattbec;f tier whiskers. " What did you getl" She started cc>rMna towara me With her dark eyes and her thick clenched fistS. I decided ft time to go to my room. Unfortunately, she followed me. "let me-see what you bought instead of the seeds. Beans!" she said as she grabbed the sack. "Pork 'n beans! Youidioti"Shewasn'tpleased. Thenshethrewthecanseut the window. "You can j_ust stay In here, you're not getting any dinner." Oh well, I wasn't hungry anyway. The next morning, the air seemed rather weird. It was as if somethins had happehed. I looked out the window and you11 never guess what I saw. The windshield in Aunt Goad's LTD was shattered and there were pork n' beans aU over the hood. The repairman said it would cost $850 to repair the damagr That'll teach her not to throw cans out the window.






Westside's Lance

6070 Maple in Benson

8730 Countryside Village 108th & Cente r in Rockbrook Village 132nd & L Millard Shopping Center

April 27, 1979



Graduation warrants common sense ' For most who attend school and work steadily toward the one day that is the culmination of 13 years of perseverance, graduation is the gold at the end of the rainbow or the almost unattainable prize for that persistence. But .what has been an illusion for the class of 1979will oon become reality as the day of graduation, Wednesaay, May 30, approaches, and plans for commencement gin to take shape. Traditionally held in the Civic Auditorium, comencement exercises will begin at 8 p.m. and v.,:ill feature tudents and administrative officials as speakers and a lide show of the graduates' three years. "The first ten to 5 minutes will be speeches with Brent Elder, valedictoran, Kathy French and Heidi Rath salutatorians and Caille Patterson, clas~ president speaking. The rest of the ime will be spent handipg out diplomas," explained Mr. on Huston , activities director. It is during this lengthy segment of the ceremony hat the graduates usually become unruly in front of the spectators. This too h~s become somewhat of a tradition s the ceremony, the past two years, has become marked y flying frisbees , beach balls, and balloons as well as an

assortment of scurrying rodents and slithering reptiles. Needless to say, calmness has not always prevailed. · Dr. James Tangdall, principal, described the situation which has prevailed the last two years. "It appears the students have viewed commencement as an exhibition time to gain identity for their class by doing something bigger and better than the preceding class. Although there hasn't been anything drastic occurring that has destroyed the ceremony totally, there is a kind of frivolity or carnival atmosphere that exists and tends to detract from a rather nice ceremony." Camille Patterson, senior class president, also hopes for better behavior this year. "In the past, the ceremony · was interrupted by beachballs and more with .everybody getting rowdy. I think it's o.k. to get rowdy on graduation night but only after "the ceremony is over. Commencement is a serious and solemn event , not a joke, and I'm hoping the students this year will show a little class," she said. This year, graduates will be lined up alphabetically rather than by height, . facilitating a more harmonious ceremony. It is the hope that the students will take it upon themselves this year to correct the situation themselves altnougli "we won 't be reluctant to pull someone


out of line if they're out of line," saiq Tangdall. Tangdall reflected on the foolish behavior of the students. He said , "I would hope that students this day and age would be more mature. I find myself going all over and speaking about how young people today are really more mature, sophisticated and learned than kids have ever been and then we go to a serious public event like commencement and find them throwing frisbees and the like around . It just doesn't make sense." He added, "I would just like to appeal to the kids to use common sense." C~>n'imon sense is something the class of 1979 is certainly capable of as it has received just as many or more awards and recognitions as any other class and has been accepted to more prestigious institutions than any class before, according to TangdaJI. These achievements will be rewarded at Honor's Convocation, Friday, May 25, after which the senior'class will begin practice for the c-ommencement exercises. Baccalaureate for the senior class will be held Tuesday , May 29, in the auditorium at 8 p.m. where Pastor Dennis Denning of West Hills Presbyterian Church will address the graduates.

Good morning It's Friday, May 11, 1979 /

Vol. 23 No. 16 Westside High School, 8701 Pacific, Omaha, NE 68124

Salaries, monoton¥ park reSignatiohs · Teaching has apparently lost its attracton for some instructors, as eight teachers · ho have recently resigned plan to leave e teaching field, at least temporarily. Mr. Howard Bigham, English instructor, ft Friday, April6, to accept a managerial osition at North~estern Bell. His decion to leave was basically due to money. Bigham explained that two years ago his ife became ill, and he discovered that he uld not support his family on his salary one. But he was aware that there was not nough money in teaching previously. "I ught because I had a moral commitment r> myself," he said. He has devoted ten years to teaching, nd now feels that he would like to pursue mething individual. Bigham added that e can go as far in his new job as his mind d ability will take him, while at Westde, he had nothing to pursue, as he uld not hope to be a department head even a team leader for many years, due a lack of seniority. Also, at Northwestern Bell he is comnsated for what he, himself does, rather an the standard raise given teachers. Mr. Lou Miller, German instructor, mmented that, "Teachers don't make ~ ry much money," and cited this as one f the reasons he has decided to leave aching and go into sales. "I'm 34 -I want to try something else," said. He has no idea yet what he will do, he has not had time to look , but he is that he will find something in

Ms. jan David, social studies instructor, · explained her reason for leaving. ''I just got tired of teaching," she said. She plans to return to school , and go through some career counseling to decide which fields she should go into. She explained that she'd -just like to see' what she could go in~o after ten years of teaching. Being eligible for a year's leave of absence, Ms. Sharon Bjornsen, counselor, has also decided to return to school. Bjornsen has made plans to attend the University of Arizona at Flagstaff, where she is interested in their counseling·psychology program. She eventually hopes to work in a counseling center or a behavioral clinic at a 'University. She explained her move as a "personal growth thing," adding that she feels teachers should be forced to take a year off every five years, as often, she feels they are not energized, or enthusiastic about their position. She commented that she will probably return to Westside, as she can acquire a specialist degree in one year and can work toward a doctorate while working. ,. The instructors have mixed emotions about leaving. "I'm going to miss it," said Miller. Bigham also admits he was "a little sad to leave." He compliments the professionalism at Westside, and credits Dr. James Tangdall as one of the smartest administrators he's known. "Westside is without a doubt the best' place to teach in Omaha," he said.

On the job Mr. Howard Bigham leaves the Northwestern BPII Building at 19th ;~~nd Douglas Streets, whl"rl" hl" is presently employed after leaving a tl"ilching position in the English department.

Bigham was sild to leave teaching, but anxious to Pntpr a more individu;~~lized field, which would offpr opportunity for personaladvanceml"nt.

ecision nears on proposals

arpooling possible solution to parking As school draws to a close, the out of the senior lot. ntroversial subject of parking Julie Rochman, junior, is disains an unanswered and un- turbed about the possibility of etermined question - at least eliminating the senior parking ~til July 1 when the ultimate delot. "I think seniors have a right ion will have to be made. to their own parking lot. For two However, the possible solu- years you have to get to school at ns have been narrowed down 7:30a.m. in the morning to get a nsiderably. One of the final re- space. By the time you are a selutions is the first come-first nior you should have your own ve basis. This would eliminate lot to park in." senior parking and all availaThe potential solution of ade parking would become open . ding additional parking spaces anyone . has been totally eliminated. The r. james Tangdall , principal, declining enrollment would plained that it would he lp th e make additional parking an imwing problem, beca use th e practical project. dent would be made aware o f Ca rpooling seems to top the ere they ca n and ca nn o t pa rk. list o f J ll o th e r parking alte rna is would get rid o f any to win g tivf'~. The subject of carpooling

has been researched by the parking committee and they suggest the following for parking stickers: First priority would go to carpoolers; that includes any person , faculty member, or student who drives to school. A carpool consists of three members, faculty members who drive to school alone. seniors who drive to school alone. juniors and sophomores who drive alone. Limit stickers to those who live within one-half mile of school , except carpoolers. Tangdall has "mixed " emotions .Jbout carpooling. " The proble m bo ils down to enforcemPnt. When you attempt to

solve one problem it is easy to create another one. It's a very open and controversial subject." Another plan of action against single drivers is to raise the price of parking stickers. For a single driver to drive alone it would cost them approximately $50. For a carpool with two people, $40, three people $20 and four riders $4. If the carpooling resolution shol11d be passed, Westside would also be helping the country's gas shortage too. Forum secretary Dan Samberg thinks differently. " I think our society is too apathetic. Students at Westside are not e nergy-conscious enough. They just think that

someone else will take care of the energy crisis and we don't have to worry about it. However, the $50 parking sticker is adding somewhat of an incentive. Parking committee member Ms. Susan Taylor thought along with the advant ages there are some d'isadvantages that should be looked at. O ne , she said would be afte r-school 'activities. " Some students get out early and want to leave. Others have things after school and might have woblems getting rides home. " Taylor possibly summed up the parking problem at Westside best when she concluded by saying, " Parking is not a right, it is a privilege."


--Molehills- 'Natural grouping' forms; fine arts gets approval

Future business leaders receive top awards

Courses now in departments " where they never quite fit in ," according to Mr. jim Findley , vice principal , will be transferred into the newly formed fine arts department. The courses to undergo the change will include all music-related classes, art and drama. Ac~ cording to Findley, "There WCJS a definite need to put these classes somew here other than where they have beeh. The fine arts department is being formed, because for a long time, some of the faculty has felt that there was a natural grouping there, and a department should be formed to accommodate for that."

Future Bu sin ess Lead ers of Am eri ca (FBLA) participated in an FBLA w ee kend o n Thursday, Friday, and Saturd ;:~y April5,6,and 7. at the Omah a Hilton Hotel to close out the school year. One thousand seven h undred students took part in the competition. The local awa rd w inners were judy Welch in General Business and Proof Readin g. Dave Vana won fifth place for Male Business Stu-. dent of th e Year , and Michelle Kennedy won an award for Accounting . M s. Gay le ne McCreery, one of the sponsors, commented that she wa s very proud of the members. "We had a great time and I was very proud of them representing Westside."

Musical groups complete schedule Seniors will be featured in the music department this month , as the musi cal groups complete their performance schedule. On Thursday, May 17, the Warrior Band will present an Honors Concert. The following Thursday, May 24,.the orchestra will perform its Honors Concert. The orchestra will also perform in state competition, to be held tomorrow afternoon in Lincoln. The Warrior Voi ces will present its final concert on Monday, May 14. All performances will begin at 8 p.m . in the auditorium. Theory students will present their original compositions in a performance on Tuesday, May 22.

Two named in presidential program , Honored for academic excellence and accomplishments, David Hayes and Kristine Petersen have been named finalists in the 1979 Presidential Scholars Program, according to a District 66 news release . They are two of 1000 finalists selected from three million candidates. Finalists will compete to be one of the 121 se niors se lected to become Presidential Scholars , who are then invited to come to Washington, D.C. , where they will be h~nored by representatives, and meet with various officials. Initial identification of candidates was done through national examinations. Selection was based on several areas of accomplishment, including leadership, contribution to their school and community , and achievement in performing arts and other fields.

Idea 'tossed around' The idea for the department, came up for discussion at a department head meeting earlier in the year. Findley said; however, that the idea " has been tossed around " before, but no real action was taken. He added that sug.gestions for new departments come up "fairly often." An example of this was the com munications department, which would have included such areas as journa li sm, photography, and T.V. production. He said that although certain faculty members worked on the development of this department, "not hing really came of it." Dr . James Tangdall, principal made the final decision to form the new department. According to Findley, Tangdall worked with the faculty members thilt would be involved in the change. Findley said that the decision to combine the courses in a "more appropriate setting" would not necessarily bring about chan ges in the cu rriculum of those courses; however, he added "that may , come eventually. For now, though, it is just a physical change." Ms. Diane Hansen ~ art instructor, hope,s that some curricuhun changes will take place in the courses in the fine arts department.

"I would like to see some team teaching, especially in the humanities areas . I think th!'! students could really benefit from some coordination in the courses ," she said . She added that despite the physical separation of the classrooms in the department, she feels unity can be achieved "through good cooperation. " Hansen commented that the department is still "rather uncertain" about its objectives, as the faculty members had not yet had a meeting. She added that at press time a meeting was planned, at whi ch " different possibilities" would be examined.

Curriculum changes Other departments, such as home. economics and industrial arts will still operate on their own , as they do not belong in a specific department. Findley said that the administration considered placing home economics in a department , but that idea "has been put aside for at least a year. " Headin g the newly formed department will be Mr. Harold Welch, former music department head. Welch was chosen by Tangdall to take on the added responsibility. . Welch believes there will be many advantages to having drama, music and art together in the same department. He commented, " Before, the art department was included with industrial arts. Now it will be easier to, for example, have art displaysthey can be held during concerts." Another important advantage will be in obtaining use of the stage for rehearsals. " With drama and music together, it will be easier to use the stage and stage equipment on days before concerts," Welch said. Welch has no specific plans for the new department. " We' re just going to let things happen. It will be nice to say that now Westside has a fine arts department."

May Days allows for out-of-school activity Ath letic competition will take on a new twist, as teams of ten people will be competing in May Days, a fun-type activity to be held Saturday, May 19 at 10 a.m . in the stadium, according to Bill Conley, co-chairman of the event along with Kent Trofholz. May Days, sponsored by Interact , was originated last year, to provid~ an opportunity for stude nts \O get together outside of school for an entertaining activity. Several events will be kept similar to last year. These include the chug contest, obstacle course, egg toss, grape throw, frisbee toss, and the tug of war. Also, there will be four or five events that will not be announced ahead of time, so that teams would not be able to practice for them, Conley said . Mr. AI Vap, 'Interact sponsor, felt that there was a good turnout last year, with approximately 100 students

people, with a large number of staff members involved. Patterson expects a large staff turnout again this year, as they had a good time, and one faculty team claimed The events are not just athletic, so that more people second place. Interact members will be setting up and running the can become involved and enjoy themselves. "Everybody competition , with faculty members acting as judges. The had a good time," he said, " winners and losers alike." first place finisher will be presented a plaque at the conCraig Patterson, Interact president, found last year's clusion of the activities. May Days to be a big success. He commented that people Students wanting to participate are urged to get towere really pleased with the activity, and many said that gether a team of ten people, a.{ld sign up in the front they had a good time. Although competitive, it was all in ' office by Monday, May 14. An entrance fee of $5 per team fun. wi ll be charged. Conley commented that Interact is conPatterson feels that May Days promotes a sense of sidering donating the profits to a charity. unity, as there's not much going on now, and everyConley is optimistic about May Days, and is anticibody's anxious to get outside. pating another large turnout. " I think a lot of people will Last year's participants included a wide variety of be doing it," he said .

and teachers participating, and that reactions prompted a return this year. He added that he'd like to see it made an annual tradition.



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Westside's Lance

May 11, 1979



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1-\o\lE MICe!


~{1\.jll opinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopini

As I type these words, I mark a milestone my last column for the " Lance ." So, what should I say? Goodbye, so long, Auf Wiedersehn, adieu? I think not. I'll try to "sum up ." I say try because it's hard to put so much down on paper. It's very difficult for me to sum Amy Gendler up anything first of all because I have a editorial editor terrible memory and second of all because I don't know everything, though some people seem to think I think I do. But nevertheless, I'll try. The Class of 1979 has not been one of the most unified. It started way, . way back before junior high. I can remember a Valley View teacher telling me, "The teachers have been hearing about this group for years. We've all dreaded the time when these kids got to junior high ." Now all those problem children have grown up (or most of them) and become part of the generation that just doesn ' t give a damn. Which is worse.: rowdy little kids or phlegmatic adults? In spite of the graduating class's lethargy, the past school year has been somewhat unique. Although the

Student Advisory Bored seemed to stay in hiding most of the year, they carne through the last couple months with the mural contest and Spring Formal , both Westside "firsts. " Other "firsts" included Country Fair Day, the termination of Sadie Hawkins, and prom. Prom, of course, has not yet taken place, but many things about it will be "firsts," mainly because of all the money which was raised. It's hard for me to fathom that over 700 people here are going through the same thing I am- the doubts, the hopes, the confusion. There are thousands in the same state all over the country. It happens every.year, yet it still seems so unbelievable. High school graduation is the biggest event thus far in the lives of most students. For some, it will always be the biggest whereas others will continue to surpass more milestones. After all the names have been recited, after everyone has gotten their diplomas and after everyone has sufficiently celebrated, where will they go? To jobs, marriage, more school? And where will the Class of '79 be in 25 years? How many will still be in Omaha? r''ve got to laugh when I remember how many hands

-......__Lance stance--

ood o.ld Westside spirit opinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinioriopinionopinionopiniono

As this school year draws to a close and the time approaches when my class of '79 will soon be going away along different roads; I look back at my three years a t Westside and realize what a great school this Russ Conser is. . SAB President First there is the point of academics. It is a seemingly universal truth that we will earn the largest number of Regent's Scholarships; and then very recently Westside students achieved an outstanding average of 22.2 on the ACT . We have what I consider the best science department in the state. We are very fortunate to have those great teams n physics and chemistry, and we have all t hose great one man tea ms in physiology, oology , botany, etc. We have a business department that has a very well respected DECA organization. We have a foreign language depa rtment which always turns out state testing winners and a math department to match . We have a complete and proficient social tudies department and an English de-

partment that meets the standards of one of the finest. Then , to complement the academics we have an excellent extracurricular activities program . First we owe a thanks to the band for the spirit they had during the football and basketball seasons, yet we know that they do more than this. Then we have a drama department that seems to be putting e ndless time into plays. And of course we should give a special hand to all the men and women athletes who give their time to what many regard to be the best all around sports program in the state. We excel in basketball, football , swimmin g, tennis, baseball , and of course soccer among all of the others. Last but not least, a special thanks must be given to the administration for they are the ones who put everything in this school together. We are lucky to have a group of men and women who are understanding and considerate. They are not here to rule or enforce, but they are here to make this school the best for every member of its body and I believe they have succeecled. I believe we are all very fortunate to be a part of this school. Keep up the spirit because we are the best.

':· :,·: ~· ? :xi>'' ~-~ "}~ women · deem ·"dfic1sl





Dear Editor: lsn' l one's senior year supposed to be the best yei!T of one 1s life? Isn't JuniorSenior Prom supposed to be the "big event? " · ·~ The Nebraska State Cirts 1lrack Meet aly.',ays falls on t~¢?econd week en?.in May in North Plg~tte. Po you hp~estly think it jsfa'ir to have tq1~ecide betwee~t;~W.q such ~ important ev~nts in our lives? Also, how c:;qme this kind of decision lies wit!ithe girls? ' What about the guys, whose state meet is in Omaha and not eight hours away in North Platte? · · Save a dance for us! a .. Senior Track Women ' ' - " " ' - - -.......~~~..-~~~~.:1ftt!'@:l,.~%~ J


lance----------------------------~--------l'ubli.,,wd bi -w eekly b y the j o urnali sm Departm ent o f W estsid e fli!lh !:>< hool . ll7th ,1nd I',H ifi< ~t .. Om.Jh.J. NE 681 24. th e '' Ldnce " is a member o f the Nebras ka High School Press A w>< i.1 ti o n . th e Co lumbia S<·hol as ti <: Press A ssociation . and th e Natio nal Scholasti c Press Asso-

c i,Jtion . llw " Lm cc " office i~ locdt ed in ro om 302. Adverti sin g rates availabl e on request. Phone (4021 191·1266 Ex t. 20. flie paper is di stribut ed to all stud ents and staff o n Frid ay mornings. ~uiJ ., niption r,ltes to o tht>rs .~re $3.00 postpaid . Non-pro fit mailing right s claimed. Print ed by l'ril''> llldn G r,1phics. Aquild Court Building. 1615 HowMd St .. Omah a. N E 611102.

(Editorial Opinion

ferociously zoomed into the .air when Mr. Karr asked a class how many of them planned to leave Omaha and settle elsewhere. This brings me towards the conclusion of my final column and towards my ultimate crime: abuse of privilege. Since the " Lance" abolished senior wills, I'm going to take advantage of my highly esteemed editorial position and add one or two personal notes. Primarily, I want to say I'm really thankful to Westside for giving me the " courage of my convictions," as they say. In particular to Rod Karr and jan Kuehl: a profound " thank you ." In fulfillment of a promise I made at the beginning of the year: ** Mr. Ron Hatfield ** He let me out of class so often so I could do interviews and make mad (and desperate) rushes to the printer, I had to repay him . To everyone on staff: thanks, sincerely and svell-ly?? To miss junior miss: it's unexpressable, but good. To Joel : I hope this column isn't too "RINKY-DINK" for your tastes, but it goes with my image , huh? And to anyone who is still straining their eyes on all this trivia: " Look to this day for it is life. The very life of life. " From the Sanskrit

RIF effective- bvt why bother?. Students look for summer work about this time of year. But many teachers , perhaps more than usual , are looking for new jobs too. Why? Originally, 13 instructors were to be let go due to the Reduction In Force (RIF) policy. However, as it stands now, only one will actually be ·"RI-Fed." This is because many instructors are voluntarily resi gning. Some resignations are common - such as those of Ms. Sharon Bjornsen and Ms. Jan David , both of whom are planning to return to school. Yet, for at least half of those teachers resigning, the major reason is that world-wide ruler of all - money. Negotiations between the Westside Teachers Association (WT A) and the Board of Education have been impassabl y stalemated. This could very well be a basic reason why many of th o se resigning teachers are "looking around." The 'Lance' doesn't blame resigning teachers- with both RIF and negotiation stalemate staring one in the face, what would one do in their place? But it's really sad that things are the way they are. Just think -wh ere would we be if the "lid bill" had been passed?

Save graduation games for later Frisbees, beach balls and balloons- it sounds like a party, huh? Well., it's not, or it shouldn't be. These frivolities, along with an occasional mouse, are typical of commencement. It's too bad the pomp and circumstance are annually interrupted by acts of immaturity. Graduation is a milestone and something students will remember for years. Why does the memory have to be clouded by beach balls and other such nonsense? The four graduates who were asked to speak at commencement will work hard on their speeches. It will be distracting for th em to be giving their oration while objects fly across the auditorium and peo pl e stand on chairs, screaming because there are mice on the floor. Perhaps if more faculty mem"bers attended , the grad uates w ould be more likely to maintain control. The students think th at since th ey are seniors and they are out of high school forever, that they ca n do wh atever they want to on graduation. They think they should celebrate. Graduation is a perfectly legitimate cause for celebration, bu t the festivities need not occur at commencement . There is a whol e n ight afterwards during which to celebrate. Graduation is a symbol of an accomplishment. It si gn the st udents have reached a certain level of maturit y. The effect is spo 1 by ch ildren 's toys and squealing mice. Let's grow up th is year and act Ii i L w e should be gradu ating from high school.

May 11, 1979


Westside's Lance


Aw Ver concNting . ex miles from an exchangp st



Do motonoss racing and Grand Slalom skiing mix? For Mr. Don Mt>redith, they do. Mt>redith trawels to motocross tournaments in .Texas, Oklahoma, and throughout the midwest, and his skiing experiences range from enjoying the slopes with friends to being nationally ranked as a Grand Slalom ski racer. His goal in ski racing is to go to the United States National finals.

"It's just li doing it," said been living in in July. She sta to the Unit

·'Speed is-the essence' for Meredith Living in the fast lane. For some, those words racing." are part of a simple melody. For others, like Mr. Motocross is a "closed cours'e, all-terrain race, Don Meredith, they represent a constant drive to wh ere you go around a mile or mile and a quarter " stay ah ~ ad of the pack ." track." At speeds sometimes equaling 55 or 60 Between motocross racing and Grand Slalom miles per hour, the rider ha s to negotiate " jumps, ski competition, Meredith describes himself as an off camber and on camber turns , and rugged ter"escapi st. " But escapism is only one way of exrain ." Meredith claims the average speed is around plaining hi s seasonal pastimes . 35 miles per hour, which he feels is fery fast . " On a Meredith has been a social studies instructor bike, speed is a warped factor. A good example and research consultant for 13 years , and also would be if you have your friend drive you down teaches at the University of Nebraska at Omaha the street at 35 miles per hour, and jump out of the , (UNO) once a week . He feels that , once the weekcar." end rolls around, " it's timet o do something differMeredith asserts that the sport is "surprisingly ent. " safe , as he has only suffered one major accident. He "doesn't believe in going for a walk on a " Last year, in Kansas City, MO, I woke up looking at day off." Instead , he " likes to do things that seem a the emergency room ceiling. I had a brain concuslittle strange. " sion , and blew my eardrums out." However, he Admittedly so, " It's a little strange for a man of decided to race the next week. "I just stuck earmy age (37). education and background to be inplugs in my ears and raced again." volved in sports that are generally considered For a 37 -year-old teacher who is scheduled to ' young sports.' " receive his PhD in Statistical Research this August , But he wouldn't have it any other way. The - motocross racing has brought about surprising reenjoyment he gets from racing outweighs its djsad sults. He travels all over the midwest, to tournavantages. such as the fact that he "can't get life ments in Texas, Oklahoma and other states, and insurance any more." qualified for the Grand National Championship of As far as motocross goes. he "started out with' a motocross racing in the Houston Astrodome last little woods bike , riding around . . . stopping here year. and there to listen to the birds and smell the He had to miss out on that action because he leaves." One day, as Meredith pu_ts it, "some guy had another commitment to a ski race, his winter saw me racing, and took an interest in me . .. probavocation . ably because I'm old.". " Ski racing was something I backed into. It One thing has led to another , and now, he started out as a docile sport .. . I would go to the " rides big bikes. I'm sponsored by Ramer Motors, slopes to have fun with a group of my friends ," he and they help me with the expenses involved with said. But . in accordance with his desire to escape,


PA INS, ..-'


he turned against " sipping around sipping hot chocolate in th~ ski lodge. " On his fifth time on skis, he got started on a race program . After some work , he was selected to work over one winter vacation with the Vail, CO " A" team , a group of ski instructors. The Vail experience was when he "really got started in Grand Slalom racing. " He spent two weeks with the group, "getting up at 6 a.m. every day, and running through an 18 hour day schedule. It was really, really hard, but I came out flying. " And flying he was. Meredith has since ad- vanced to become a nationally ranked Grand Slalom ski racer. Last year, he was ranked fifteenth in the Rocky Mountain Ski Association, a professional group, and eighth in the national NAST AR races, an amateur competition. His wife, Karen, shares his obsession for skiing . She is ranked number three in the female age 25-35 division in the Rocky Mountain Division. Together, they go skiing as much as 35 days per year, although both of them have full time jobs. The major problem with skiing for the Mere9Jths is cost. "I don 't know how much my wife and I are going to be able to improve. It costs us almost $100 per day a piece. It's getting very expensive." Meredith's goal for next year in ski racing is to go to the United States National finals. This year, he had race times faster than he needed to qualify, but not until two weeks after the qualifying date. A parallel goal, he would like to qualify again for the GNC in motocross racing, and this year, "work out my schedule so I can go." And with a little luck, he'll do both .

an " open r:ni America . Besi Michigan, Sout me and I " I really find here) ," really crowded , and Omaha a preferred the One asp stressed to her i al. The notion , than it is real. Discoveri ing was "ki expected ad bars, so no any problem " We can more close to . you either wal need a car," In compa here, it is the " I ' of these is the people, which her age. " I spect for older The town much smaller there on other town . She

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Westside's Lance


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be disthan 6,000 {ersteegh, Youth For ~w you are steegh has nnshome

of coming lproclaim-

~ nce ."

en. I really ed to go," hings and l besomeation)." In ragement, he oppore United program. amily, she keep askra t's why I er parents li ving with ~ visit this come with ' lly like in icago, IL, comes to ences. fpected to Chicago as ~wa towns that she

the "people don't know you. " Though she calls herself timid, Versteegh enjoys mec>ting people. "Here, because I am a stranger, I have to make friends, and here I have to talk t6 people ." Versteegh feels she will continue to be willing "to go to people :· and meet them when she returns home>- something she was hesitant to do before her visit. · Despite her willingness to talk to people, Versteegh says she does not like to talk in class, even when she knows the answer, as she is afraid of saying something wrong. "The school education m Europe is so much higher than here," said Versteegh , and parents take the attitude that "school has td be the first thing you think of." After her return home, Versteegh has one year of high school to finish . At the conclusion of each school year, students either advance or retake the same year, depending on their test scores." A lot of people have to retake it (the school year)," Versteegh explained. Languages are an important part of Eurpoean education as "different countries are so much closer." Versteegh took French , English and German, along with her own language , Dutch . . Versteegh has no regrets of spending this year away from home, and is "going to try to go to college here (California)," and definitely wishes to return for a visit with her parents. "Fo r me, it 's fun to get to know what they think about Holland," she said of those who approach her with questions concerning " tulips and windmills."

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- -Jocke}' shorts- Girls could tally more points in meet At last year's girls' state track meet, the Warriors scored their first points ever at that meet, according to Mr. Don Glasgow, head coach. He said , " We have about twelve girls that have a chance of goin g to State. We definitely have a chance to score the most points, for a Westside girl s' track team at state ." The state meet will be held today from 2 p.m-6 p.m. , and Saturday, May 12, from 9 p.m.3:30p.m. It will be held at the North Platte High School track . Glasgow said , " joann Wetterberg and Joan Learch should be repeats from last year . Joann in the lo ng jump and hurdles, and Joan in the

220 and 440. We should send the mile relay team and in the high jump, one of three girls should make it. Sandy Enslow, Christy Newcombe, and Sara Severa all have a chance of going to state. Also the 880 with Judy Ehrenberg, and possibly Camille Patterson , and the two-mile relay team , should go to State. We might also sneak the 440 and 880 relays in ." Glasgow added , " Central is the easy favorite for the grand championship. They have two girls that are potential O lympians. Really, we can sit back, and watch how many points they will score. I think that most coaches would agree with that."

Kansas City getting closer for soccer team Sportin g an 8-0 record , the boys' soccer team needed to win against Papillion on Tuesda y, May 4. Th e outcome and score were unobtain able at press time. If victorious the team goes to Kansas City, MO for the opening round of the national tournament. So far , the Warriors have scored 95 goals against their opponents, with only 2 goals scored against them . Mark Newton, Westside's leading scorer, is also the leading scorer in the Metro Conference. He has haq 23 goals, and 15

assists, givin g him 61 points. There are also three other Westside players in the top ten in Metro scoring. · Mr. Bruce Skinner, soccer coach , feels the Warriors didn 't play as well as they should have on Friday, April 27. "It was good for us to play a team that really would make us hustle, and we did, " he said. Although they only beat Prep 2-1 , Skinner feels that, "We still have the best team in the area." '

'Shaky spots' evident; chances still good Preparations for a fourth consecutive girls' state tennis title are in their final stage this season , and while most people are confident about the ir chances, one person must still be convinced . ' Mr. Doug Pierson , coach feels the team is not ready for State yet . " We've progressed pretty well since the middle of the season , but we still have some shaky spots. There 's a lot of work to be done ." Their season record at press time was 9-0, including a victory in the Ralston Invitational.

Burke, a close second in th is meet, also gave the Warriors a run fo r their money in a dual , which Westside won 5-4. Pierson describes Burke as an " excellent team ." " They' re doing really well this year," he said. "They'll be our toughest competition at State, along with Grand Island and Fremont." The number one singles position , a spot which has been up for grabs all season , will be played by Lisa Margolin , a junior. Sara Lockwood and lisa Roth will team up to compete in the numbe r one doubles match.

Baseball, hot dogs, apple.pie a~ d socce Those guys who bust their guts in order to gain personal satisfacTom Golden tion along with the fame and sports editor recognition from fellow students, faculty , parents a nd friends. The soccer player is now fitting into that role . For seve n years Westside has had a winning so cce r team, and people are starting to accept it in the same fashion as baseball , hot dogs and apple pie. No longer is the term soccer being phrased as "that European sport no one understands." According to Mr . Bruce Skinner, soccer coach , the sport has particular advantages which aid its flourishing growth . " Soccer has been accepted here because it's inexpensive, and it's a tremendous conditioning sport. You don't have to be 6'4" or ~5 " to play."

Sk inner feel s tea ms such Burke , Cr e ig h ton Pr e p a Westside have been su because of a yo uth call e d the West Om aha Club, which he labe ls " the er program ." " Registration the youth program has tripl Right now th ere are about kids playing in the area . kids that have seve n or years of ex p erienc e behi them ," Skinne r sa id. Socce r still has a few wri ye t to be iro ne d out. " The problem ," said Skinne r, " is t people don 't unde rstand game . A lot of our fans a re ki . who used to pla y soccer. As and more people get into it, watch professional games T.V . they become more aware Will soccer's popularity match that of the namely football and bas " It will become a good spri spectator sport on Friday Saturday nights as more hi schools "get into it," repli Skinner.

Wa rrior trackmen hope for success at State Grand Island , and lincoln East, last year's _ state champions, are e xpected to be the heavy favorites in the boys' state track m.j:!et, held Thursday, May 17, and Friday, May 18. Mr. Bob Klein , boys) track coach , said these teams have shown tremendous strength all year. . This year the Warriors' dual record is 6-2, as

they have lost to Burke and Bellevue West. People who will probably do well , according to Kl e in, are Kris Sonderup and Matt Wai lace, long jump; Dave Engdahl and Marc Viola , s~rin~s; T~~ Carnazzo_an? Mark Newstrom , high JUmp , ]lm Lathrop m discuss, and Jo~n K_athnen, Steve Lahrs, and Greg Schnake! m distan ce running.


____ _____________ _ .,.,..





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Westside's Lance

May 11 , 1979

Sports )


istrict tourney win possible; efense has room for improvement Facing the varsity baseb ~ ll team tonight is what r. Bo b Moscrey, head coach , calls " a district tourmen! th at we can win ." Include d in the squad 's district are five Metro ms: Benson, Bellevue East, North , South, and e stside. The tea m has only played one of these o ols thi s season , North . The Warri.ors lost the me afte r leading 6-1 in the sixth inning . The cherat that point was Phil Schack. A reliever was lied in wh e n Schack tired , and North came up 'th six run s to win 7-6. "We beat ourselves," said oscrey. One liability that the team must deal with toght is the probability of playing without junior mdout Chris Adams, who separated hi, left oulder diving for a pall in the ten-inning loss to pillion . " Adams was one of our best hitters, and he rewa two-hitter against Gross, so he is also one of ur best pitchers. Now he is gone both ways," said oscrey . Leading the team in hitting at press time was nior Randy Naran , hitting 6 for 15, a .400 average. ght behind was senior Dave Kalina, hitting .333. other senior, Dan Fulkerson, was on a hot reak, collecting five hits over~ two-game stret~h . According to Moscrey, there are four powers the Metro. These are Prep, Papillion , Northwest,

and Burke. The team has played only one of these te ams, losing a close extra-inning game to Papillion . " We should have won th e Papio game ," said Moscrey. " What this team really needs to do is to learn how to catch and throw a baseball. We had 23 errors in our first five ball games. That's just too many," he said. Solid hitting has counteracted the poor fielding thus far in the season . " We're getting plenty of runs - more than enough to win the games. It's just the defensive aspect that keeps hurting us," said Moscrey. Positive points in fielding so far have been several double plays by the infield , and one triple play against Papillion . Moscrey said that if he wants to, he can bring the roster to as many as 20 players for the District. However, he said he would hesitate to bring up.any JV players, and if he did , they would only be used as pinch runners. Moscrey commented about his team's season. "We have been in every game, and I don't think there is anybody who can really blow us out," he said. Moscrey said attendance at the games has "been about normal. Mostly it's parents, and some girlfriends," he added.

Throwing in stride Warrior Jim Tefft warms up in an after school practice. The team will start play in the District Tournament tonight, which Mr. Bob Moscrey, coach, feels they can win.

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May 11, 1979


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Westside's Lance



Jobs hind路e r

school activities


a~d go~ng t~

a job high school at the same time has its good points. On the other hand, the disadvantages are becoming more apparent. Students not only at Westside, but in most high schools in the United States are beginning to think that earning money now is more important than education for the future. According to Mr. Richard ~ezac, business instructor, "The student's priority is having a job now. Some kids would rather skip school and go to work." Involvement in school activities has declined also. No one can be absolutely sure of the -reasons for this. 路 According to Mr. James Findley, vice

principal, student employment might not be blamed. "I think kids now are getting more interested in parties and ski trips instead of school activities." However, Rezac thinks that maybe activities show less interest because of the fact that most students have jobs. "A job_is more important to a student because he has to buy more things now. He thinks of the present, and not so much the future," Rezac said. The latest figure Westside has of students employed is that of a survey taken in 1975. Of the 1,330 contacted, 44 percent had a regular job. One lady who helps many students get jobs is Ms. Kay Rozmajzl, who works in the Job Placement office. "Since

expecting," Rozmajzl commented . This might pose a question in your mind. Is it really "good" for a student if someone practically gives him or her a job? Yes, according to students who don't have enough time or courage to go knocking on unfamiliar doors. And no, according to Chris Sedgley, senior. "I think that the Job Placement is a way out," Sedgley said. "A lot of students aren't aggressive enough to get their own jobs." Getting a job through job Placement, or through their own efforts- either way, more and more students are working because students need more money.

Skunk's squirt

Music for Mom


This year. give your mom something different for Mother's Day. Something that's both extraordinary and inexpensive. Give her an afternoon with the Omaha Area Youth Orchestra (OAYO) at the Orpheum Theater. Their concert, which will be held Sunday, M ay 13, at 3 p.m., will be entitled " A Salute to Mom on Mother's Day." The group con sists of 70 of Omaha 's top high school musicians, and is und er th e leadership of David Hagy. ,

When you run into somebody- in the halls, at the store- th~ first thing you use is your sight. The next thing you use is your hearing or voice, depending on who speaks first. If you shake hands, you ' re using your sense of tou ch. But do you ever noti ce how the other person smell s, unless it 's rea lly bad or really pleasant? Bob Glissmann The other senses aren 't so selective. Sight lifestyle editor sees no matter how you look. Wh y does our sense of smell have to depend on the amount of odor emitted? I'll tell you . Because we don 't use our smellers. We' re concerned with how we smell and what stinks around us, but we don 't notice subtle smells. In case you ' re wondering why I know so much about it, look at my column picture. I think you can tell that I've got big nostrils. I 路 keep all of my loose chang~ in them . They' re big because I have big hands and fingers. If I had small nostrils and big fingers ... well, you can figure it out. Check once. See if you fingers fit (but don 't . do it now- nobody likes to see people picking their nose) . Now about those smells. Yike , if you look in the paper or in magazines you'll see how many things are on the market that have to do with smells. Anti-perspirants, deodorants, breath sprays, breath mints, gum, mouthwashes, toothpaste, shampoo, soap ... If we don 't notice smells, why do we have and use so many things? Somebody has made us self-conscious. Nobody wants to smell bad anywhere- body or clothes. Advertisers know that, so they show people on commercials with animated clouds coming out of their mouths that say " BREATH ODOR " and people think, "Gee, could I have breath odor too?" The advertisers have won . While we're on breath , have you ever tried to smell your own? When I want to I cup my hand in front of my mouth and exhale. It never works. It's probably the stupidest thing anybody could do. Smells don't bounce. They should make a breath "mirror"- I bet millions of people would buy them. A little compact job, with a dial that reads "good" or "bad" when you breathe into the receiver. Then you'd know how well your breath deodorant works (it costs a little more but it's worth it - ha ha). Oops. No more room. That stinks.


Guest artist And that's not all: Daniel Phillips, violinist, will be the guest artist for this event. Phillips, who is 23, is the winner of the Michaels Award of Young Concert Artists for 1978, and the Bronze Medal at th.e eipzig Bach Competi~ion in 1976. 路 Phillips 'llas performed with several sym'Phonies , appearing in Pittsburgh, Albany and St. louis. His remarkable talent was recognized by professionals in the music field, and now he has engagements with major orchestras during this season. Phillip's performance should benefit the young musicians. The group will have a chance to play in a professional hall, which means a larger audience which, in turn, will earn more money for their projects.

Westside members Five students from Westside belong to OAYO. They are John Smith, tuba, Mike Mitas and Keith Keller, trombone, Missy Strevey, French Horn, and Geoff Jones, string bass. Tickets can be purchased from the orchestra members, at Omaha music stores, and at the Civic Auditorium. Prices are $5, $3, and $1 for adults, and $4, $2, and $1 for students.

last August I have found 250 jobs for students." Rozmajzl also says that, since minimum wage has gone up and will go up again next year, employers are becoming a lot choosier. "Employers want to be sure a student is dependable, responsible, and knows basic math," Rozmajzl said, "Employers don't like it when kids work just to get enough money for a car and then quit." Rozmajzl feels that jobs received through her services are a lot easier on students, rather than finding one on their own . This way, a little more is known about the company. "The ice is broken for the student because he knows what the employer is

Concentration Violinist Daniel Phillips will be the guest artist at OA YO's concert in honor of Mother's Day, whkh will be held Sunday, May 13, at the Orpheum Theatre. Phillips began to study the violin at the age of five and received his Bachelor of Music degree from the )uilliard School in the spring of 1976.

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Westside's Lance




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May 11, 1979


estside's Final ~ edition '

It's Friday, May 25, 1979

Vol. 23 No. 17 Westside High School, 8701 Pacific, Omaha, NE 68124

Class rank effects end results

Survey indicates· few ·surprises

"Not surprising, but overall really positive" results concerning modular scheduling were presented to members of the school board at a meeting held Wednesday, May 23, according to Dr. James Tangdall, principal. According to Tangdall, a question'naire was-developecl by Student Advisory Board members (SAB) with help from the administration. During March and April, randomly selected parents and students from each quartile in each class completed the survey. "This survey served primarily as an opinionnaire, so we could see just what people involved in modular scheduling really thought of it," commented Mr. James Findley, vice principal. Of the people surveyed in the top quar-

ter of their class, 7o percent responded that they "strongly agree" with the statement, "I like modular scheduling." Also, 24 percent said they "agree" with that. In the fourth quartile, however, the results are very different, as only 44 percent "strongly agree," and 37 percent "agree." Tangdall said the overall findings indicate that, "most of ·the students support the (modular scheduling) program very strongly." He added, "I'm not really surprised with any of the results. I do think, though, , that we need to look at the statistics from the bottom two quartiles; are they generally the most <tsssatisfied with any program at any school, or just with modular scheduling itself. There's no question of the effect class ra·nk has on this survey." The survey, which was conducted at the

request of Dr. John Goldner, head of the spend most of their unscheduled. mods in school board's instructional committee, is the IMC's. The percentage of students valuable according to Tangdall, in that, spending most of their unscheduled time "We need some sort of ongoing evaluaoff-campus is 6 percent for students in the tion process." top quarter of their t:lass, and 37 percent In the questionnaire filled out by parfor students in the fourth quarter. ents of students in the top quartile, 33 According to Tangdall, the most posipercent "strongly agreed" that their son tive aspect of the poll was that over 70 or daughter used his or her unscheduled time well. This compares with 5 percent of percent of the stuaents in the top three the parents in fourth quartile indicating quartiles "strongly agreed" with the state·ment "I like modular scheduling." He said that response. Also examined in the survey was how that having 44 percent of the fourth quarstudents spend their free time at school. tile answer the question with that reFbr students ln the first and second quar- sponse, "was not too bad either." tiles, 66 percent and 59 percent (respecA. survey was also given to teachers contively) spend the largest percentage of cerning the benefits of modular schedultheir time in an IMC. In the other two -ing. The statistics show that 57 percent of quartiles, 39 percent of the third quartile the teachers polled would prefer to send and 26 percent of the fourth quartile . their children to Westside.

Patz, Cl~rk seek·re_tirem.ent Speakers cho·ose following teaching careers theme of 'I am' By Melanie Sturm

Like the loss of a cherished object whose absence is conspicuous because it's presence added something meaningful, the retirement of two teachers will likewise b~ conspicuous. For Ms. Hazel Patz, sophomore English instructor and 21year veteran of teaching, and Ms. Iris Clark , home economics department head and instructor for 16 years, this year marks their finale as they have chosen to embark on a new and different life. It has been said that the only thing that is constant in life is change and it is inevitable that retirement will modify their lives. Clark 's anticipation of her retirement led her to make this obs~.rvation of the change. "It

in the home economics department but one class and has been chairman of it all16 years. During her years as chairman , the home economics department has increased from two to five teachers and the initiation of many classes have taken place. No less diligent in her effort to make a mark on the world, Patz is distinguished by being the only local-teacher who holds a law degree. Before beginning her career as a teacher, Patz practiced law with her husband ar;~d, upon his death , went for her masters degree in education. Once at Westside, Patz put her forensic skills to use as coach of the debate team that became eligible to go to nationals four out of the five years

and make room for the struggling younger teachers who are trying to maintain their jobs. "I don't have to teach for financial reasons anymore and I think it behooves me to release my position to let other people come in," said Clark. _ After teaching at West~ide ·for·most of its· history, Clark and Patz have watched the students and school evolve into their present state. Clark, who has a basis for compari s on, described what impressed her most about Westside. "I like the philosophy of the administration in that they allow us to use our own initiative and ideas in creating new subject areas and innovations in teaching our curriculum." Patz's 21 years here have

for graduation . Affirming their assuredness of responsibility and capability, the four speakers for graduation ceremonies have chosen the theme •q am " on which to base their speeches. Speaking at commencement, to be held Wednesday, May 30, at Civic Auditorium, will be Brent Elder, valedictorian; Kathy French and Heidi Rath, co-salutatorians; and Camille Patterson , class president. This year, the tradition of having the number one student on each class rank scale bas been broken, as Elder ranked first on both scales. Therefore the salutatorian on each scale will speak at Commencement. Elder was "rather amazed" to find himself ranked number one in his class, but also " very pleased. " Elder has obtained this position by always working to his full potential, and never settling for second best. He sets challenges, and works to meet them. Although he has not been able to join many clubs or hold a job, he feels his time spent is Worthwhile. Elder plans to continue his studies at Cornell University in lthica, NY, in the fields of physical science or electrical engineering. "I am able to cope" will be the theme of Elder's speech . Speaking in front of an audience will be a new experience for · him, as. he's a little apprehensive about speaking before so large a crowd. I

Speaking in public is also new to French , who will be speaking on " I can contribute." French was also surprised to find herself so high in class rankings. "I think it's a great honor," she said. She's kept herself busy in order to obtain the number two spot, with nine classes each year. She's found that she's had to sacrifice a great deal of time, as during the week she does nothing but homeowrk . Future plans include Trinity University in San Antonio, TX, where she hopes to major in both a science and a language. . Sharing the number two position with French, Rath 's speech is entitled "I can understand." She was also surprised to find herself as co-salutatorian because "there are so many smart kids at Westside," she said . She credits her success to teachers who make their classes interesting, so she'll want to find out about the subject, and to the competition felt between students. Next fall, Rath will be attending Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA, where she will be studying premedicine.

Ms. Iris Clark will be nice to go to bed Sunday evening and know I won 't have to get up early Monday morning to start the week." She added, " I can safely say that, except during vacations, I haven't slept well on a Sunday night in 16 years." It is apparent that diligence and hard work are surely trademarks of Clark's. Prior to coming here, Clark taught home economics at other schools, managed private resorts or hotels with her hu sband , was a physical e ducati o n tea che r arid even sat still long enou gh to be _a home make r. While at Westsid e , she ha s ta ught e ve rythin g

Ms. Hazel Patz_ she was coach. She proceeded to teach psychology, geography, business law, senior English and, her first love, so-· phomore English, the course she is presently teaching . Patz explained her preference for Sophomore English , She said, "I think it's fun to see the sophomores come into Westside at the beginning of the year completely . confused little kids and gradually mature. " Bo th te ac h e rs give a re so undin g answe r of age to th e qu est io n o f why they 're re tir ing and th ey think that it's in cumba nt upo n th e m to ste p asid e

given her a special insight into the students . She observed, "Today, as I walk down the hall, it appears to me that the students are better dressed and groomed." Clark observed a reduction in student discipline and she feels it is important. that they regain that discipline and become more responsible . Patz noted the same thing saying, " There was a time when if a boy came to school without a belt he would be sent home to get o ne and there certainly was no gum chewing in the school let alone in class. It was rather n1.ce. "

" Being myself" will be the theme of Patterson 's speech . Having been class president for three consecutive years, she feels that the experience has been good for her, and that she's had fun and learned a lot. Patterson will be attending the University of Iowa in Iowa City next fall, and plans to go into . advertising. Baccalaureate exercises, to be held Tuesday, May 29, will feature speakers from nearby churches. Attendence at Baccalaureate is optional, with exercises taking place in the Westside Auditorium. Music will be provided by the Warrior Voices, and a brass ensemble. Music will also be provided at graduation by the Warrior Band.

Testing schedule 8:00- 8:15 8:20- 9:15 9:20-10:15 10:20-11:15 11 : 15- 1:00 1:00- 1:55

JUNE 5 Period

JUNE 6 Period



1 2 3

5 6 7






Application season

Seniors stay close to home

The time for co llege applications is here once again, and seniors are examining their parents' bank acco!Jnts, scanning college catalogs and hopefully mailing transcripts to various iostitutions, making this year like any other, with the exception of one noticeable difference. Mr. Lynn Hansen, college counselor, said that he expects a dramatic change in the usual pattern of seniors' college choices this year. Referring to this expected change, Hansen said, "This year should be a pivotal year, because of money." Due to inflation and rising tuition costs, Hansen projects that a greater number of seniors will remain in Nebraska for their college education. In past years, approximately 55 percent of the college-bound seniors went to in-state colleges. Hansen said that he expects the figure to be closer to 60 percent this year. In addition, out-of-state students are planning to stay closer to home many of them at Iowa State and the University of Kansas, where tuition costs are only about $900 higher than at the University of Nebraska at Omaha or Lincoln. Those students who are better off financially comprise the approximately 45 percent who go to out-of state colleges. Of their choices, Hansen ob-

served, "Once they get out of Nebraska, Westside students spread out all over the country. With seniors applying to a total of 97, different colleges so far this year, we have the most diverse selections of any of .the area high schools." He explained Westside's edge on out-state' admissions with the fact that its . curriculum emphasizes collegepreparatbry work, its students score consistantly high on the ACT and SAT tests, and because "there may be a little more money available to the District 66 student." To aid students in the in-state/out-,;;tate decision and the agonies of final college selections and application writing, Hansen and the counseling staff have held prep sessions and worked with seniors individually. Hansen, in his "specialty" of college admissions, works closely with seniors applying to out-of-state colleges, soliciting teacher recommendations, gathering transcripts, and putting the finishing touches on applications. Of the roughly 720 members of the senior class, about 560 to 600 will be going to college somewhere. The remainder are sparing themselves the anxieties of the application and selection processes. They, according to Hansen, will either "go directly to work, join the military, or get married."

Publication staffs revealed The $20,000 Pyramid and the Great Carnac in Omaha? Well, sort of. Variations of these wellknown television spots were seen at Club 89 on Tuesday, May 8, as the "Lance" and "Shield" staffs conducted their annual banquet. Dr. james Tangdall, principal, presented the Westside Journalism Scholarship, a $250 cash award, to " Lance" lifestyle editor, Bob Glissmann. Glissmann commented, "It will really <;orne in handy next year."

Also ~amed at the banquet were the new "Lance" and " Shield" staffs. Editorial positions on the "Shield" include: Editor-in-chief - Sue Kenedy; managing editor - Lisa Gass; copy editor - Debbie Polsky; design editor - Stacey Erman; student life editor - Shiuvaun Egan; sports editor - Melissa DeGroot; academics editor janet Binder; organizations editor - Paige Vicker; album editors - Madeline Crowley and

Petersen named Presidential Scholar

Recogintion has been given to Kris Petersen, as she was selected as a Presidential Scholar, and will be one of the two seniors to represent ~ebraska in Washington D.C. in June. The 121 students selected are representative of tpe finest achievement of the country's educational system, according to a news release from the United States Office of Education.

Students elect class representatives Posters, catchy slogans and banners covered the walls to help gain support for candidates in the elections for class officers and the Student Advisory Board (SAB), which were held Tuesday, May 8. Candidates gave speeches to their respective classes on Monday, May 7. The senior class officers for next year ilre Toby Schropp, president; Matt Prucka, vice president; Kit Patenode, secretary; and jody Becker, treasurer. Junior officers are Beth Vivian, president; Leslie Prucka, vice president; Lesa Knollenberg, secretary; and Ann Kampfe, treasurer. Seniors who will serve on SAB are Lynn Bertch, Robert Greenberg, Diane Murphy, Nancy Srb, Susie Sallquist, and Dave Workman . junior SAB members will be Cyndy Brune, Diana Kloster, Melissa Marvin, Alex Miller, ~nn Rothfuss, and Katie Sawtell.

'Lance' eliminates senior wills ,

A long standing "Lance" tradition , senior wills, !:las been eliminated from the final edition of the newspaper. The wills gave seniors the opportunity to will something to an underclassman. According to Mr. john Hudnall, adviser, "The wills were abolished due to the legal ramifications. They got to the point where individuals were personally hurt and in some isolated situations, libeled." Hudnall explained that "the 'Lance' is held legally responsible for th>..totality of its contents and with the wills, we were never sure of the implications. It's always better to play it safe now than be sorry later," Hudnall said.

Sharon Robino; head photographer - Chris Munson. Editorial positions on the "Lance" will be : Editor-in-chief -Monica Angle; managing editor - Robert Greenberg; news editor- Alex Miller; feature editor - Adrienne Wilscam; cosports editors - Tom Golden and Lisa Margolin; editorial editor - Karen Goldner; lifestyle editor- Scott Davis; head photographer - Sally Lindwall.

'Lance' receives national recognition The "Lance" staff has once again been honored by the National Scholastic Press Association. For i~ first semester editions, the "Lance" has been awarded five Marks of Distinction - the highest possible. Areas of outstanding achievement include Coverage and Content, Writing and Editing, Editorial Leadership and Opinion features, Physical Appearance and Visual Communication, and Photography, Art and Use of Graphics. The judge commented, "The combination of a talented, hardworking staff, dedicated adviser, supportive school administration, and involved school and community have combined to make the 'Lance' one of the nation's premiere high school newspapers."





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Westside's Lance :dl j,,

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David Lee

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May 25, 1979

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Enough of good byes; save strength for hellos opinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopiriionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionopinionoprmonoprmonoprnionopinionopinionopinionopini

, their chins and onto the keys of their typewriters. Goodbyes disgust me. Hence, my farewell column now lines a parakeet I would very much like to say cage in the lobby of Jamaica 's Riviera Hotel. All I'll swill thanks for that learned, •certainly to here is a cup of caffeine ; and only then in an optimisticteachers, and especially to students but realistic - toast to what is yet to come. (particularly those in room 232, room This is my " HELLO-AND-HERE-GOES" column . 302, and at table one across the street), Hello, college (you paper-weilding guru of higher but I have heard and will hear enough education , higher drama, higher wires and higher highs), good byes. and hello, new careers ; the incipience of one final socieDisciples of Revered Insight- an tal incalculation. Hello fraternities, sororities, dormitocu It- have long recognized the true translation ries, off-campus apartments, on-and-off campus parties, Shakespeare's laments on the " sweet sorrow" of partkeggers, marathon backgammon, fast-food, laundroln point of fact, we mourn not so much for those -be they love or paradise -lost, as for the losing mats, and bold trips into the deep space of college library stacks. Hello, want ads, buxom secretaries, hot-breathed bosses, time clocks and rush-hour traffic. ' And I do not mourn these dying days- increasingly Hello to new places, to Lincoln or Ann Arbor, to lous moments, rapidly receding into the murky . E:olumbia or New Haven, CT., home to high-rise or lowze of yesterday and -the far and darkened corners of the iverse inside each of us- so much as I am annoyed at, rent terraces, and the suburbs of barbeque'd summers. Hello to new friends, from the sand hills and the disgusted by, the unwritten and inane rule that high journalists must make a mess of themselves and Sierra's, from Norfolk and New York, from Gretna and columns at the close of each year, slo bbering the Greece. Hello to the tassel hanging from my rearview mirror. Is of melancholy farewells, sentiment dribbling down

oafs attained; job challen Jng They say that all good things must come to an end. And even though being editor of Westside's Van Leeuwen "Lance" has columnist be e n c haIging, time-consuming, and mes frustrating job, it has so been a fun, rewarding, and valuable experience. At the end of last year, we took survey concerning strengths d weaknesses of the " Lance". we evaluated those surveys, found two major weaknesses that of the projection of a negive image, and not enough · of " things going o n in

lem, negativeness, we have a few bru shes wit h the te rm is yea r. Our cove rage of drug buse, the kegge r situation , the urke-Westside riva lry, and the neffective ness of the Student

Hello to excitement, to boredom, to a myriad of loves and immense loneliness. Hello to things untried, needs undone, dream·s still ripe, promises unbroken . Hello - and a hearty welcome - to what we make our lives, for surely it is we who make them, whether out of sugar and spice or sticks and stones. The urgence and exhortation to "go forth" (go forth where, and how blindly?) are reserved to commencements. Saunter forth as warily as you like. Fight your way up any mountain you wish - skip down your yellow brick roads. But I shall - .i n this manner or that- proceed, for high school is not a hide-away. It is society's boot camp. The good days of memories made are not gone. They lie ahead, some as wide and as open as wheat on a Kansas plain, others as rare and elusive as horsemen in Harlem. But what is past is as full of tears as it is of triumph, and while it breaks more than it makes, it is, as we made it, a trial. And with it behind, we face a multitude of beginnings. As C.S. Lewis wrote, " The term is over ... the morning has begun." Why mourn this morning, for now we can make the sun rise.

An editor's epitaph

Advisory Board, have all served then that glory needs to be to bring a few comments to the shared - especially with one effect of, "Why does the ' Lance' person in particular. give Westside such a negative - I am of the strong conviction image? " that if Beth Kaiman, this year's I feel it is my duty to reiterate m.maging editor (second in that the purpose of a newspaper command), had not been is to inform, not to project a neg- around, well - I hate to think ative or positive image. This year about it. She's the one who set we have covered the news up picture assignments at all good and bad ~ hours, went to the printer more It is also my pleased observa_- often than anyone at 7 a.m., tion that our readers have en- made sure everything ·came in on joyed stories we have covered time, and other small but vitally with regard to activities at West- important jobs. She stuck with it side. At a recent Parent Advisory and continued to pull things toBoard meeting, parents related gether every issue. For this I am to me that they enjoyed this very grateful and forever indebtyear's coverage of in-school ac- ed. Thanks, Beth. tivities, and more and more stuThanks also goes to the rest of dents have been heard to say, " I my dedicated staff. I've said it beread the paper this time from fore, banquet-goers- we cornfront - to back." When this is batted inexperience with hard heard, it makes me rea li ze tha t work , and I bel ieve we made it we, as a staff, have attained our throu gh in hi gh style. I wish yo u goa ls admi ra bl y. all lu ck next yea r. Now - to use another cl iche' j ust two more thin gs - th anks - they say that it's always the top to you all for reading and en joyma n w ho either takes the blame ing th e " La nce," and than~ s to o r gets the glory. Well; if there is " Hud " for giving us al) a chance any blame anywh ere, then I' ll to make it work . Oh -just one gladly take it. But if there's glory more word- Frraaaaaaaannn ~!!


-------Lanee sfance-,....-------

'Bored' isn't the right word Dear Editor; In response to a recen t article which appeared in this paper, I would like to · express my opinion. This refers to the use of the word " bored" in describing the SAB. If one were to attend one of the meeti ngs, I am sure that this opinion could change. For example, in addition to the dances, the board made

an intensive study of mod ular scheduling through students, parents, and staff. The SAB- also tried to eliminate the parking problem. If o ur achieve~ ments could be looked at optimistically, it would be appreciated. The coverage we have had this year has been better. Keep up the good work! ~ Jerome Drouillard honorary member, SAB

Tests exert too much pressure · D~ar Editor: I don't like the way teachers wait until the last week of school to give all of their major tests and finals. Within a period of four days, I have five major exams in four different subjects. I think

teachers should give numerous small ~ests every one or two weeks instead of waiting until aU of the homework piles up. If they were in our shoes, they would see how much pressure there really is. Johrt Krueger

Publishe d bi-week ly b y the Journali sm De partme nt of Westsid e Hi gh School , 87th and Pacifi c St. , Oma ha, NE 681 24, the " La nce" is a me mbe r of th e Nebraska Hi gh School Press Association , th e Columbia Scholastic Press Associatio n, and th e Nati o na l Scholasti c Press Associa tion. · Th e " Lance" office is located in ro om 302. Adve rti sin g rates ava il able on request. Pho ne (402) 391-1266 Ext. 20. The pa per is di stribute d to a ll stude nts and staff on Friday mornin gs. Subscription rates to ot he rs are $3.00 postpa id. Non-profit mailing rights claime d . Printed by Priesma n Graphics, Aquila Court Building, 1615 Howard St., Omaha, NE 68102.

Editor-in-Chief .... Jea nine Van Lee u wen Managing Editor ... . ....... Beth Kaima n Editorial Editor ..... . . .. . . Amy Gendl e r Ass't. Editorial Editor . Mary Bloomingdale News Editor .......... ·... Cathy John son Ass't. News Editor .... . .. Melanie Sturm · News Writers . .. . . .. .... . Marshall Pred , Joel Severingha'us Feature Co-Editors ....... Monica Angle, Robert Greenberg Feature Writer .......... Tracy Katelman

(Editorial Opinion

Sports Editor . .. . . . . ...... . Tom Golde n Ass't. Sports Editor . .... . . .· Lisa Margolin Sports Writers . . . . . . . . ... Terry Kroeger , Scott Davis Lifestyle Editor .. . .. . .... Bob Glissmann Lifestyle Writer . ........ . . . . . Sue Bobe Advertising Manager ... . . .. . . Jay Dandy Business Manager . . .. . . . . Cyndy Lunde Artist .. . ... . . ...... . ...... Frank Gappa Photographer . ..... . . . ... Sally Lindwall Adviser . . . . .... . ........ . John Hudnall

Something missing from survey The modular sc heduling survey. It says wHat we thought it would, and wh at the adlflinistration wanted it to say. But that 's not much. There is no reason to suspect that the results of the survey are not accurate -genera lly, students and staff took it seriously, and the parent mailings were followed up by a SAB committee. But the problem doesn 't lie in how the survey was administered ; but how it was written. General questions rating Westside acadefT}ically, and modular scheduling serve the simple purpose of a " feel for the issue," but the " Lance" feels that these results didn 't tell the administration anything different-than it already knew. The most basic study of the program reveal s its key wea kness : it doesn 't serve the " average" and " below-average" student as well as it caters to the " above-average" student. Within the survey, there 's something mi ssing. It serves the purpose of simply accounting for public opinion, but fails to achieve the " in-depth" characteristics that its writers wanted. For ~xample , the survey asks students what percentage of their homework they do at home, but fails to ask about that student'~ particular course load, or his amount of unscheduled time. The survey gathers sufficient data to ascertain what' the visible weaknesses and strengths of modular scheduling are, but doesn 't have enough information to answer the more important questions- why problems or strengths exist. The "Lance" does realize; however, that severe time and length limitations were imposed on the survey to obtain the most accurate possible responses. Perhaps, then, the next step should be to actually conduct interviews with randomly selected students, brainstorming for reasons why modula.r scheduling is or is not effective. If the administration and SAB are truly sincere in their efforts to critically analyze the current program, further steps should be taken to research other high schools, and compare outcomes. By doing that, several of the questions will become· more meaningful, because they will be relative to something else. The final point rests in the significance of these actions. As we near the end of the school year, the coming months may well d~cide the future of modular scheduling. The "Lance" only hopes that more "facts" are gathered before a decision is made.

May 25, 1979

Westside's Lance


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If your summer sched ule is not alrea~y full, way as they are taug you have two hours free every' morning, and school year. If a would like to get ahead of your classmates, class in summer then summ.er school could be just what school year, the you're looking for. same. The only real Summer school has the credits without all of meeting for one of the hassles. There are plenty of places to the class would meet park, plenty of room in the building, and air hours. conditioning. The only problem "Summer school can be almost a mellow feels, is that "it is such a learning experience. It is fast-paced learning It is a question if the in a slow-paced atmosphere," commented much - if he has t Mr. Dick Lundquist, counselor. much." He also feels Twenty-one different academic courses, some students not However, the seven sports clinics, a music and drama workdisadvantages. shop (which puts on the summer musical), swimmi.ng lessons, frips, and other courses The biggest adva tain from summer are offered to any student in or out of the district. his purpose for taking a Along with the basic academic courses, mented. If a student h new ones are being tried this summer. In the needs to make it up it foreign language department there will be a do it. If he wants to Spanish review course. There will also be a only legitimate way new small engines class taught by Mr. Ken painful," Lundquist Brown . This course will be like a preStudents can also ta beginning autos class, hopefully to attract enrichment purposes freshmen . Another new course will be cashsmall number of stu iering and sales. procedures. This course is and would like to accel to give students " hands-on " experience for the class to help them employment. All of these • newly offered and not have to worry courses will be on trial basis. If the enrolling. " It's pressure ment is good, they will be continued . These students would Staffing all of the classes will be 20 to 25 on their report card sta current or past teachers. They will be from in only taken for enric and out of the district. Finding the staff has Those students who caused a few problems. to graduate early can get " It has become more difficult to hire the way without havi teachers than in the past. That'sbecause they course-load. There has may make more money with a full-time number of those stude summer job, like painting houses, than between 30 and 40. working a couple of hours during the morn-· there ·are fewer early ing. We always find them, but it might be they haven 't been signin becoming a trend," stat.ed Mr. Jim Findley, school to meet their vice-principal. " Summer school is a The most difficult to staff is the math defor anyone who has th partment. Findley feels this is due to the genpeople would take eral lack of math teachers and staff commit- · competition with fami ments. dent work schedules," The classes are taught basically the same ed .


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Westside's Lance

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Talk of the town Getting a start on filling their file boxes are members of the debate team, as they make plans to attend workshops this summer. Most of the squad will stay in Omaha and enroll in the Creighton University workshop, according to Ms. Linda Trotter, debate coach. She ad,ded that one member would be going to Northwestern University, in Evanston, IL and another to Baylor University in Waco, TX . Workshops are generally like a. summer school course, lasting two to three weeks, and contain, "classes on debate theory, different aspects of persuasion and speaking ability," said Trotter. In addition, a certain amount of time must be spent researching next year's debate topic, which concerns foreign trade policy.


Showing spirit Beyond the early morning practices, .both the cheerleaders and flag squads will be attending camps this summer. Kerri Smith, varsity cheerleader, said the juniors and seniors would be traveling to Tulsa, OK' in July for a cheerleading camp. Smith said that, "trying to learn new cheers and getti!"'g different ideas for raising school spirit" would be stressed during the week-long camp. Sally McGlaun said that the squad wou!d be given " a chance to perform in front of a lot of people," in addition to seeing different styles, and meeting cheerleaders from other states. Members of next year's flag sq ~,Lad plan to attend a camp in Hastings. The aim of the trip is "_to improve our marching. We learn new flag squad techniques and new routines," said Jean Winslow. Marchers going to the camp are trained in precision drills and learn the rudiments of marching.

Government practice Responsibility. It's part of government on a national scale, and it also is relevant on a st1,1dent level. Just as politicians meet periodically during the year to discuss strategy and policy, the same happens for Nebraska student councils. As in the past, several representatives from Student Advisory Board (SAB) will attend the Nebraska Association of Student Councils (NASC) workshop in August in Scottsbluff, NE. Along with the council members, two graduating students will be performing a different function : they will serve as " staff" for the workshop. Russ Conser and Mary McKenzie were chosen along with several other qualified leaders, to " organize activities, help with what's going on, and put together what happensduring the week ,'' commented Conser. Conser continued, stressing that he feels the staffing experience will be the " peak of my summer. Workshop is a rearty neat 1 experience. You have to see it to believe it. "

Journalist training

Quick grab

' the weather warms, the number of frisbees being rown increases along with it. Dan Swanberg attempts to 1ck up John Paustian as he makes a catch. Open areas ~ome frisbee fields for those who chose to "take it

easy." As in the past, students will be participating in a variety of activities this summer, ranging from holding down an 8 to 5 job to traveling to other cities to continue academic studies.


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Some student s feel that nine months of school is more than enough in a single year. Others don 't agree. This summer, some of these dissidents will include the editorial staffs of the " Lance" and the " Shield ." The " Lance" editorial board will be attending Oklahoma University, participating in their summer workshop program for future journalists; while the " Shield" staff will take part in a workshop at Ball State University. The Oklahoma workshop will take place June 4-9, concentrating on editorial technique, writing and design. A little later in the summer, yearbook students will study " various degrees of editing and production" during the first week of August. Hopefully, the workshops should provide valuable experience, and should "keep our publications current," according to Mr. john Hudnall, advis~r. 路

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Trabert strives to improve potential talent Among one of the most elite and internationally known camps is the Tony TrabertTennis Camp (TTTC) , which is located in Ojai, CA. For three, three-week sessions during the summer, a camper learns tennis, Trabert style. This can't be all bad, since Tony Trabert won the National Inter-Collegiate Singles Championship in 1951 , upset Vic Seixas at Forest Hills in 1953, won again at Forest Hills in 1955, and in 1954 and 1955 won the most coveted of British events, Wimbleon. He was also a leading member of the United States Davis Cup Team (our national tennis team) from 1951 to 1955. Since 1975, Trabert h~s been the coach of the United States Davis Cup team. Trabert feels that the success of his camp lies in the fact that, "We do what we say we will do, and I am on "the cour~s everyday with the campers - at camp the entire summer. Some 'name' people run camps but aren't present very much." Trabert is referring to other big name camps that advertise the pro's name; but the pro is just there to meet the campers the first day, not to stay the duration of the session.

Well equipped The camp is located at the famous Thacher School, a private secondary school. It is equipped with '10 tennis courts, dormitories for lodging, 450 acres of land to explore, numerous athletic fielas, an auditorium for movies, meeting, and dances, an olympic-sized swimming pool, and a gymnasium. Many people from around the world have attended Trabert's camp since the year it was founded in 1971 . Trabert feels that foreign, as well as local kids hear about his camp through the grapevine. "Word of mouth about camp is

how many people around the world have heard about it. " As for Omahans in attendance, 52 have been to TTTC, including past and present Westsiders Cathy Davis, Roxanne Walker, Steve Davis, Beth Somberg, and lisa Margolin. 1973 topped the list as the year of the most Omaham in attendance with 13. That may be considered a large number, as there are only about 90 campers per session. · Trabert personally selects experienced male and female instructors. In this way, he said, all instruction will remain consistent with his long proven success in teaching tennis.

Main objective "My main objective is to make camp fun for the kids, and have them learn more about tennis i.n general. Of course, we work on each camper's individual stroke problems, and how to correct them." Not only tennis is enjoyed at TTTC. There is also swimming, volleyball, basketball, soccer, dances, movies, and numerous other activities offered to the campers. Monday through Saturday, the students play about four or five hours of tennis a day, which includes exercises, drills, demonstrations, and lectures. Sunday is a free day in which the campers may play tennis, swim or just do anything they want. In addition to running a tennis camp and · coaching the United States Davis Cup team, Trabert commentates · television matches, among other things. Trabert said that he's really not away from home that much, so he can find time for himself. "I really enjoy what I do, so it doesn't really seem like work to me."


Taking a break Tennis great, Tony Trabert sits on the sidelines as he watches a few of his prize . pupils. Trabert has coached past Westside students, along with kids from countries such as France, Mexico, and the Phillipines.


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Westside's Lance

May 25, 1979


Brightness, bareness accented

Boxer-like Justin KohH models white polycoHon swim trucks, priced at $15, ' and a blue terry coHon pullover, priced at $35. Both are from the men's shop at Hovland Swanson.

Bright colors, sexy styles, and , most of all, bareness are accented in this year's swim wear. This is especially noticeable in ladies' fashions. Take the one-piece suit called the maillot. Ms. Carol Cameron, department supervisor of sportswear for Hovland Swanson, 120 Regency Parkway and Westside graduate said, "We have suits that are cut high on the thigh and some slit low to the navel. Strapless suits are becoming more popular," Along with these fashion suits are the halters and cross backs, both from last year. Probably the most popular swimwear for girls is- you g1-1essed it- the bikini. " Most bikinis don't even have lining in them anymore," Ms. Maxine Nichols, saleslady for Swimwear


Unlimited, 8505 K St., commented. Bikinis are becoming even more revealing, if that's at all possible. " Except, we don't have string bikinis avail able," Cameron said , " because hardly anyone in Omaha would wear one." Now for the bare facts on the guys's side. The colors this year are brighter. Mr. Mike Van Hosen; salesman for Sports Corner, Westroads commented, " Also, the patterns are more complicated." "Men's suits are more classic,:.' Cameron said "We like to sell men's accessories, like terry cloth cover-ups." Fashion suits are mainly worn for relaxing and catching some sun. But if you are the type who does a lot of swimming and diving, the sports tank is just for

you . " Racer backs and cross backs are really comfortable for the active person ," Van Hosen said, " because the material fits close to the body." " For the guys, we have a brand called Arena," Van Hosen said . " This particular suit is endorsed by Mark Spitz." Usually, two types of materials are used in making swim wear. They are lycra, the more expensive, and nylon. At Sports Corner, girls' suits made out of lycra cost $30. Nylon suits are $10 less. Boys' suits go for $10. Girls' tank.s and bikinis run from $15 to $25 at Swimwear Unlimited. Their lycra suits are only $27. You should expect to spend a little more at Hovland Swanson. Ladies's suits are from $30 to $56. Mens' are a bit less.

One-piece Joan Seman uses a hat and necklace to accentuate her one-piece swimsuit, by Jantzen. Priced at $20, it can be found in the Hi-Styler department at Hovland Swanson.

Hey, Moby, what's that guy's name again? backsidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksidebanterbacksideba

I sure hope this story is on the back page because at the time I wrote it they were going to put it inside , somewhere and put an ad on the back. With a name like this (Backside . .. ) how could it be anywhere else? Well, whatever. . . Boy. This is the last day of school lifestyle ed•tor for seniors. I wonder why we get out and nobody else does? Probably, because .. . well I can't even guess. Maybe it's a little treat they give the older kids. Come to think of it; we've been getting those for a while. Back at Underwear . .. oops ... Underwood Hills we got to go to Outdoor Ed . That was pretty good. We got to live in a cabin with a bunch of other kids and have spit fights (I had no choice - fight back or drown) and throw the goony kid out the window with his mattress (the cabin next to us did that) . -

Another thing we got was Field Day. We'd had that since-kindergarten, but when you were in sixth grade you had incentive to win. We did win the tug-'o-war that year, but personally I didn 't do too well. I was in this gunny sack (gunnies are like potatoes but you can't mash them) race and I accidentally didn't win , probably because I accidentally didn't finish. I kept falling down . Lucky for me they stopped it in elementary. Junior high held other joys- like P.E. My best class was Javelin Catching - they did it kind of backwards at Westbrook (notice how I conveniently slipped in the name of the school). They didn't do anything special for the ninth graders - if I remember correctly all I got was the chicken pox and missed the last week. But then I gave them to my sisters so I didn't feel so bad (didn't mean to, girls, it just happened). So I guess they always reward you at the END (somehow). At the END of college they give you a

diploma. When you finish working they give you a watch - why don't they give you the watch when you need it? Why do retired people need to know the time? (This used to apply, but most people who retire become more active after they stop working. It figures .) It's not the END, of course, it's just a little step. Like after a g~>Od movie on TV. The music is playing because the couple has been reunited , or the puppy has saved the skyscraper, and all of a sudden this commercial comes on with loud music advertising toilet paper. What I'm trying to say is that after you get over one plateau there's another. And another. No rest. Pant, pant, pant. Well, I guess I'll just say it's been a privilege to have had this column for the past two years and to have written -on one of the na~ion 's leading high school newspapers. Oh, one last thing. Have you ever cleaned out your toes and found different colored sock lint than you had had on? I haven't, I was just wondering.



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----~ -~

- 7)

Balancing priorities As the economic crunch squeezes teachers' pocketbooks, the question of future relief remains unanswered It's kind of a paradox . District and school administrators claim they're doing everything within their power to meet teachers' needs, but at the same time, a record number of staff are being ~ashed away in a flood of problems, ranging from financial hardships, to Reduction-in-Force (RIF). In the face of 11 faculty resignations, two leaves of absence, and one victim of the new-borne RIF policy, Dr. James TangClall feels that, in the course of the next few ye(lrs, "there's no doubt about it, we're going to lose some good teachers." However, this "loss of good teachers" is not a decision of choice. Recent inflation, and a call for pubtic tax reform.has caused a tightelling of school budgets. Another cause for concern is District 66's recent RIF policy, which has made many instructors lacking in seniority reevaluate their teaching future. As Mr. Tom Carman, seven year social studies instructor, puts it, "I look at this job as temporary.ln the next two to four years, I probably won't have it." On the other hand, some teachers are more optimistic. Ms. Susan Taylor, another social studies instructor, recently turned down a job opportuntty, preferring instead to stay at Westside. Citing favorable class sizes and a progressive teaching approach, Taylor feels that she can potentially "do a better job in this kind of enviro nment." Like Taylor, other teachers have recently bee·n considering their future. "Previously, it was ' unacceptable to look for a job in other schools and fields. Now, with the problems of RIF and salaries, it has become acceptable to look for jobs," commented Ms. Jackie Henningson, math instructor. Administrators also sense the growing problem. ' "obviously, some of the younger staff is really in a quandary as to what to do. If they move now, they can start to build seniority in another s-chool system, but so far, nobody has done that," Tangdall remarked . Somewhat of a. veteran , Mr. Bill Nelson, social studies departmerh head, confirms T-angdall's fears. "Right now, nothing would surprise me. More and more teachers who are low on the totem pole

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are thinking about 'jumping ~he gun', and picking their time when they want to leave." Nelson feels ·that it is very difficult for a young teacher to make a committment to teaching in today's job market, equating an instructor's role with that of a missionary. "When a teacher decides to go into this profession, he knows he's going to take an economic beating," he said . In addition to financial worries, young teachers are particularly vulnerable to Westside's seniority-based RIF policy, as the measure is a direct attack on their career. Tangdall feels the current RIF policy should be revised. "We've got to change the RIF policy, and get off this seniority kick ." Tangdall feels that "you .can't totally ignore the quality of performance, " but also sees a need to take seniority, experience, and educational background into account. Tangdall insists that there isstrong resistance against any RIF policy that is not based on seniority by both the National Education Association (NEA) and the state association. Despite this resistance, Tangdall still maintains that " within a. year or two, I'd like to get to some kind of performance criterion." Although hesitant administrators have criticized the RIF policy, several teachers defend the prese'nt method of reduction. "Identifying one teacher as better than another is a farce. Until a fair nonarbitrary system can be made, it would be nothing more than picking out favorites," asserted Carman, continuing, '' I don't think we need to build that kind of clan around here." • Mr. Patrick O ' Malley, outgoing Westside Education Association (WEA) president feels the need to compensate for financial inequities is acute . " It is insulting that a man can get more for picking up garbage than for training a child," he said. Current economic trends make O'Malley pessimistic. "Inflation hits a teacher often times more than the rest of the public." For teachers who decide to stay in the profession , O 'Malley predicts , " moonlighting will excalate, as will two-party working families."


Westside's Lance_

, May 25, 1979


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