1988-89 Lance

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1988-89 Lance

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Administration sets tough restrictions;

changes hits school policies Underclassmen leashes, according to faculty, are to be shortened this year. The additions of new restrictions regarding parking and leaving the building during the school day will become stricter for the underclassmen this year. The cause for these new restrictions came about at a teacher workshop last year. At this workshop, faculty and admi~istrators realized that excused passes, known as blue slips, weren't a privilege for students anymore. Students with tardies and/or poor grades were able to leave the school building just as easily as the other students. From this, an Action Team was set up to study and solve the problem and made proposals to another team of faculty for approval. Most of the proposals passed for approval. Some of the new restrictions include not being able to obtain blue slips by parents phoning the attendance office, and having to obtain a blue slip at least one day in advance for an appointment. To enforce the new restrictions, new bouncers were hired in place of the one's from previous years. "In agreement with faculty to beome stricter about students leaving we decided to hire all new bouncers." James Findley, principal, said, "We decided to make a fresh start and recommit with everybody." Faculty will also be aiding the bouncers by patrolling doors and watching the hallways. Faculty and administrators bt>lieve the harsher system will -

New policies

.!PARKING: If needed. towing will occur two to three times a week, unannotmced .


Seniors who haven't passed all ompetencies won't receive senior passes and must take a spe~ial class mods 11. 12, or 13 .

.IBLUE SLIPS: Students can't obtain a blue slip by having !their parents phone the attendence office and slips must be !obtained one day in advance for an appointment.

Red, white, and blue Campaigners laid in wait for Jeff Zanarini, (12), and Alison Kutler, (12). on Candidate's Day, Monday. Sept . . 12. Candidates for

offices ranging from County Board to U.S. Congresman came to Westside to campaign and to help students learn about politics.

Learning, fun start at summer workshops Summer time means sun, swimming, and relaxation. But for many students, summer is a time to sharpen minds and tone-up skills. Westside students will travel around Nebraska and to other states in search of new ideas and fresh methods to better themselves and their organizations. But are these camps really worth the time and money? The Student Advisory Board,(SAB), took a camp record 30 members to the Nebraska Association of Student Councils workshop at Wayne State College. The camp lasted a period of three and one-half days. "You learn how to be a better SAB member, as well as a better person," Jodi Slusky, (11), SAB member, said. "Everything we did amazed me. Everything had a purpose. It changed my attitude and thoughts about life. The activities were really deep." "Iloved it. It was the best week of my life. It's definitely improved me. I see myself as a totally different person, because I learned so much about myself," Anne Mayfield, (12), SAB vice president, said. "Everything you do is a type of game, but everything has a meaning." The workshop is open to everyone, not just

SAB members, Slusky said. The cost, however, is $40 less for members. "Everyone should have the chance to go. If the camp had cost $1000, everybody who went would still have gone," Mayfield said. Another option for students interested in leadership is the Nebraska Scholar's Institute on the campus of the University of NebraskaLincoln. The camp lasts for a period of two weeks, involving skills in social studies, integrated arts, science, and journalism. "It was more fun than enriching, but going into my senior year it gave me a better feel for college and how to manage myself," Kris DiMartino, (12), said. "It taught me self-discipline, because there weren't teachers looking over my shoulder and telling me what to do." The two-week time period was too long, with an abundance of free time, DiMartino said. "It got to a point where it was boring and totally useless," DiMartino said. Some camps require more than just a submitted application and cash. A nomination by teachers is required to attend either Boy's State or Girl's State, both on UNL's campus. Continued on page 8.

greatly aid in decreasing the number of students trying to leave the building without blue slips. "I know this system will decrease students leaving because the chances of being caught are greater," Findley said, "We're not trying to prohibit kids from leaving, they just need to have the blue slip to do it." Students both agree and disagree with this idea. "I don't leave unless I have a blue slip now because there's always a teacher, or a bouncer at every door," Amy Marshall. (11), said. Other students fnd it just as easy to leave the building as before. "Leaving is easier with the new bouncers because they don't know what grade you're in," Colby Nelson, (11), said. "It's easy to figure out where teachers are so you can get out. I've left every day so far.路 "I leave just as much as I did last year. All you have to do is walk out the door," Sandy Richards, (10), said. Leaving isn't the only problem which has been addressed this year. Administrators have also tried to solve the problem of student parking. The administrators have decided that towing will be the only answer to the parking problem. "Because the seniors and staffhave complained of juniors stealing their parking slots in the past, we (administrators) decided that towing, if needed, will take place two to three times a week unannounced," Findley said. Towing will be done mostly on the school premises. "We really don't need to tow cars on the streets unless neighbors complain. The only problem we've had with parking on the streets is the blocking of mailboxes," Findley said. Underclassmen aren't the only students to have more restrictions this year. Seniors with incomplete minimum competencies will have restrictions of their own. One hundred and thirty-five seniors did not complete their minimum competencies and, therefore, are not able to receive senior passes. To solve this problem, a committee thought of the idea of having a competency class for these seniors. This class meets once a week either mods 11. 12, or 13. The students must attend this class until all of their minimum competencies are completed. The faculty hopes the threat of this class will motivate students to complete their competencies before their senior year. "I believe once the word gets out about the competency class, students will realize they need to get them done. I don't know any senior who'd want to spend mod 13 in a class like this," Richard Lundquist, guidance department chair, said.

ANCE 'Lance' states policy Policy and purpose are strongly related. The "Lance" is more than just a setting t o learn the canons and ethics of journalism. We attempt t o be an open forum and, a s the voice of the students, this year we will again try to enhance the professional skills necessary in the production of "The Lance." We will attempt to cover issues relevant to the students and the school in an objective_and dir~ct manner. ·because the purpose of the paper is to inform the students and the district about important events that affect school life. In order to become more aware of students' opinions, we strongly encourage letters to the editor. If students have a concern about the school, about "The Lance," or if students simply want to state their point ofview. we would like to know. Letters should be 300 words or less, signed by the author, and given to the editor or the adviser in Room 122. The editorial board resetves the right to edit letters without changing the content for libel or obscene statements.

Welcome back It has been a short summer for students and it hardly seems right to be back in school when the sun is shining outside and the swimming pool beckons. But, we would like to welcome back all the returning students from last year and also the freshmen who ar.e just starting their carreers at Westside. We hope that this year will be filled with good experiences, excitement, and fun for all. We also hope that this year, a sense of humor and tolerance will emerge. Things may be tough and classes hard, but a sense o humor Ughtens the burden and makes everyone feel good. Tolerance and an open mind create the best environment · for education.

Crosswalk appreciated Crossing the street between Westside and Countryside Village is now even easier than looking both ways. The new location of the crosswalk should reduce if not banish any risk of injury to students providing they spend the extra seconds to wait for a green signal. Now, carelessness will be the only cause if accidents occur. All those involved in its replacement are commended for realizing its uselessness at the former location and for providing a safe route for students to cross Pacific Street.



Congratulations to those seniors who have completed all competencies required for graduation, and to the administration who have finally done something to assure that all seniors complete the competencies in time for graduation. Unfortunately, it shouldn't take a weekly scheduled class to get seniors to finish what should have been done last year.

Smoking in school is prohibited - bathrooms included. The haze found in many bathrooms around school is again an annoyance to those who use the restrooms for the intended purpose. Ashes and cigarette butts make the crowded spaces unsanitary. This is ~true health hazard. Supervisors should take action to correct this disgusting situation.

The "Lance" is the offical publication of Westside High School. 8701 Pacific St., Omaha, NE, 68114. The "Lance" office is located in Room 122. Advertising rates are available upon request. Phone (402) 3903339 . Th e "Lance" is an in-h ouse pu blication. The paper is distributed to all students 16 times a year. Subscription rates to others are $5 postpaid. Non-profit mailing rates claimed. The "Lance" is printed by the "Fremont Tribune," 135 N. Main, Fremont, NE 68025. Letters to the editor are wel· corned. Letters should be less than 300 words in length, signed by the author, and sent to the editor or the adviser in Room 122. The "Lance" is a member of the Nebraska High School Press Association, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, and the National Scholastic Press Association.

Editor-in-chief, Laura Struve. Managing Editor/ Production, Gwen McGill. Managing EditorI Copy, Mason Myers. Business Manager, Kim Os tergaard. Copy Editor, Mary Overholt. News Editor, Karen Nyh'.>m . Assistant News Editor, J ay Nilsson. Feature Editor, J im Duff. Sports Editor, D.J. Rezac. Weeke nder E ditor, Nancy Olson. Design Editor, Kent Bonham. Photo Editor, Evan Howe. Circulation Manager, Michelle Jaeger. Staff Artist, Troy Muller. Staff Critic, Mark Carroll. Columnists, Erin Conboy, Jessica Sullivan. News Staff, Todd Parker, Amy Radii, Laurie Spiel, Anne Wax. Feature Staff; Debra Dohmen, Allison Kohli, Melissa Pariset. Sports Staff, Andy Chapin, Bert Cohen, Randy Hallett. Weekender Staf( Nick Hansen, Susie Kiscoan, Cathy Pettid, Becky Richardson. Design Staff, Jenny Frank. Photographer, Matt Fischer.




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Septemberfest vandals reveal educational shortcomings Returning to school has always created a creatMty and new ideas than most schools, but special feeling. Part of that special feeling began Westside could also improve in making sure evecy in grade school when I would up from one student feels like they could think of a crazy idea. grade to the next, and do something with it, with each step it felt and experience the like I was ten years success, or failure Mason Myers older without being told beI've always enjoyed fore hand they can't Managing Editor even attempt it. The the excitement of school shopping and biggest value of learnanticipating the chaling is attempting somelenges of the upcomthing yourself and sucing year, but many ceeding or failing, students don't even get that much out of school. rather than learning from someone else. Society as a whole also plays a large part in the This school year started with Septemberfest having to close early over the Labor Day weekend problem because the importance of the teaching because of 17 and 18-year-old kids vandalizing profession and education is not being reinforced. and causing disturbances, I realized some stu- Education has suffered a tremendous setback dents are lacking the direction an education because society's attitude toward education has provides. The closing ofSeptemberfest is a great become less positive_ An example of a big, negative blunder hapexample of the teen-agers who are frustrated and angry because they aren't getting the leadership pened while I was at the Westroads Younkers. As I was moaning over the price and paying the bill, and guidance they need from home or school. Incidents like these are results of the many the clerk excitedly asked me if I wanted a free Tstudents attending school across the country shirt. Of course I said yes, but when she brought who either can't, or won't involve themselves with out the T-shirt the message wan't anything like I the school and the education it's ttying to pro- expected. The shirt had a huge pair of sunglasses vide. This is caused by schools focusing too much on it with the expression under the sunglasses of their attention on the students who really reading, -roo cool for school." The message, I later heard it on radio commersucceed in the current system. Other students cials also, reflects the negative a ttitude our sociare left to fend for themselves. The schools may be expanding their options, ety holds toward education. Ma ny people may but not as fast as the diversity of the student think it no big big deal, but that in itself shows population grows. That is where the problem lies. tha t in the minds of many people the value of Education is tailored for the narrow mindset of education is not important. Younkers is probably people who learn in the certain way school is correct in thinking the message will sell, but that taught. These unlucky students are forced t.o sets an extremely negative example for students. Westside gives many kids a complete educaadapt to the educational system, instead of allowing them to develop the way of learning that tion, but many times we don't remember how works best for them. A school that accepts and lucky we are without a comparison. Westside serves the needs of the diverse student popula- . should never become so comfortable with itself that it stops striving for excellence it's reputation tion merits stardom as an educational system. Students are often required to do things in the holds. The problems of education can seem distant classroom exactly as the students of last year, and the legions of students before them. Then and unimportant, but the incident at Septemberthese students will even be penalized for ventur- fest and the T-shirt message are two very local ing off the rutted path, and trying something examples that the problems are everywhere and waiting to be corrected. new. The Westside faculty is better at encouraging

Survival of the fittest ·...•':-'_. •...•.. -·.·.· · ·-· 't · .· - · =--·- .. . . . h ... app 1es o unc room


I admit it. I am one of MtheM last people on Earth to willingly miss a meal. I mean even when I am deathly sick I force myself to eat. But I have the feeling the only thing I'm going to be swallowing this year is my anger. Charlie Darwin obviously had Westside in mind when he wrote about Natural Selection and Survival of the Fittest. And it is true, only those students who can run faster than the lunch bell before it finishes ringing are the ones who are going to be comfortably fed. Of course, leave it to the freshman class to scramble beneath your feet and ffil up every seat in sight whUe the rest of the students scan the room and looking for anything resembling a chair. We all know that the leopards of Darwin's island that couldn't run fast enough to catch their food only gotwhatwasleftover. Sophomores and juniors seem to fit that mold. They don't seem to make it to the cafeteria fast enough and thus they only get leftovers. The stronger sophomores and juniors try to battle the elements (the bouncers) and go outto lunch but thatis an almost ridiculous idea since the administration has cracked down on the number of students leaviing the school. Those who are nearlyoblMous to

this chaos in the lunchroom are the seniors. They can just waltz on cloud nine right past the bouncers with their diamond studded passes into their cars parked in a lot named

are only open 20 minutes for lunch and are forced to eat in the cafeteria. Not that cafeteria food is anything but delicious, I just think that any upperclassman who is burdened with extreme amounts of homework shouldn't have to deal with Erin Conboy the greedy seat snatchers. This makes me realize Columnist that the underclassmen are only going to get quicker and sneakier. Believe me when I say I'm not after themselves. Yet they do de- trying to put the underclassmen serve it, they are superior. down, but•when I'm a senior I'm But what about the junior class? going to bring Ex-Lax pills in Don't worry about them because Chiclet gum boxs (since they look so they have what every class wants simUar) and give them generously but can not have ... "the disco pink" to the seat stealling mongers of the J.D. cards. Unfortunately. even lunchroom.(Don't attempt this at those don't satisfy hunger pangs. home.) To tell the truth, everytlme I get one There are of course other soluof those pangs I daydream and one tions. The school board being so time I could have sworn I saw Jim down right generous, could allow Findley passing out open campus the student body to eat in the great passes to juniors during open mods metropolis( the weight room) they're but I knew it was too good to be true building now. They could spend a because the next thing I knew the small fortune and build a new cashier asked me for my mUk hmch room ... na, I'd rather have air money... But it is daydreams like conditioning. those that make me drool with Maybe I'm being hoggish in my anticipation that maybe, just old age. Maybe it would be better to maybe, open campus for juniors let the lunchroom evolution to conduring the. lunch mods would be tinue. Yeah, sure, and maybe the even conceivable. moon Mis" made out of cottage It is, however, not the juniors I cheese. feel sorry for. It's the seniors who


Priorities Locating life's necessities Open mods are wonderful things. You can meet yet another uniquely bizarre concept. Something tells friends in the IMC's. You can meet friends in the me, though, that the administration wouldn't like that cafeteria. You can meet them outside. You can even idea-at all. meet them in the bathrooms. Yes, you heard me right, Now, if we could smoke in there, we'd have to have even the bathrooms. something to drink. That's it- pop machines! We could That's what I found out the other install pop machines in the - - - - - - - - - - - - - , b a t hr ooms, too. Or maybe morning, before school. I even a candy vending mawalked into the bathroom up by the Guidance Center. About Jessica Sullivan chine. Of course if we have food, drink, and smokes, seven girls, curling irons in Columnist we'll need a place to sit. hand, were running around .¥ a be we could g«'<t some frantically in a desperate race to Jl benches from the c!afetefia beat the bell. Ahh. Another t .·rl _ typical day at Westside had pu m. (J' Then again, noise would begun. ~~ ~~ ..... JtiJJ ~ definitely t~m i.nt0 .a problem. Even when only a: few I overheard the girls talking. One was saying, •"Okay, people are in there, it gets awfully noisy. The bathrooms so we're all open third mod, right? Well, let's all meet in the downstairs bathroom, okay? "One of her friends ex- would definitely have to be carpeted. That would cut claimed in an awed tone, • You mean there's one down on noise. But. if we did that, we'd have to get downstairs, too?" The other girl replied, "Yeah! Okay,. actual chairs instead of. the benches. The benches everyone, downstairs bathroom, third mod. Got it?" would rip the new carpeting to shreds. The last thing we might possibly need is a television The rest of the girls chorused, "Okay!" She finished by set. As long as we have food, drink, smoking, carpets, saying, "Don't forget! Downstairs bathroom, third mod. and chairs, we might as well have television sets, too. Okay!" My first thought was, "Must be frosh." But since Deciding who gets to watch what might be difficult, but freshmen go to the Student Study Center, then I must I'm sure we could handle it. In any case, the size of the bathrooms has to be be mistaken. Whatever they were, they had a pretty expanded. Our restroorns now are far too small. It original idea. Spending entire open mods in the bathroom is a pretty unique concept, I must admit. It's a would be too cramped to fit many people in with all the little bizarre, but still, it's original. Of course, there are machines that would be put in. pro's and con's. So there we have it. Bigger smoking and nonsmoking bathrooms, with carpet. pop and candy rnaIt would be pretty easy to clean if pop got spilled. All you'd have to do is wipe it up and throw it away. Of chines, chairs, television, and, the ultimate touch, radios. Maybe this could be next year's remodeling course, that could also be done in the cafeteria, even project. though no one does. My thanks to the girls who inspired this. It was a Meeting in the bathrooms would be easier on smokbrilliant idea. I doubt it'll ever happen, but it was a lot ers. They wouldn't have to walk so far to find a place to light up. And there could be smoking and non-smoking of fun to think about. So, I guess I'll be seeing you in the bathroom. Okay? Okay! bathrooms. Just think, ashtrays by every sink. and red And no. I don't have a bathroom fe tish. Basically, all books of matches with "Westside" emblazoned on them. this is, is a passing thought. A natural drawback would be the absence of the opposite sex. Unless we had co-ed restroorns, which is f.


N BRIEF Schedules hurt SAB Student Advisory Board [SAB) members may have difficulty representing the student body this year due to an error in ~cheduling. SAB meetings are normally integrated into members' class schedules, but due to an administrative mistake adaptations will have to be made. "Last spring [the administration) said that they would schedule [our meetings) and then about two weeks before school this year I found out that we weren't scheduled," Mason Myers, president of SAB, said. The problem is considered the result of a misunderstanding. "Probably the reason they didn't get scheduled is a lack of communication between parties. That's about all I'm going to tell you," Bill Schleifer, vice principal in charge of scheduling, said. SAB has planned alternate meeting times to compensate. "We're having Tuesday morning meetings again and a Thursday [mods] 7-8 meeting. We 're having the Tuesday meetings because that is the only time everyone can actually get together," Myers said.

Candidates visit Focusing on politics, the Social Studies Instructional Materials Center [IMC) played host to representatives from 15 campaigns on Candidates' Day, Monday, Sept. 12. The event, sponsored by American Government classes, gave students a chance to informally talk with members of campaigns from the presidential race and state and county office contests. "The American Government students have a class responsibility to become involved with a political campaign or a political issue during this election and [Candidates' Day) is an attempt to let the government students visit with as many campaigns as we can as they're making a decision as to whose campaign they want to work on," Joe Higgins, government instructor, said. Candidates and/or their representatives were present from 11a.m. to 1 p.m.

Faculty altered Retirements, resignations, moves to the middle school and the Reduction-in-Force policy have caused personnel changes for the 1988-89 school year. New to the Alternative School are Mike Kmiecik, Vince Moragues and Rozanne Warder [p.m.). At Westside changes are, Sharon Salzman, business; Elaine O'Brien, English; Doug Pierson English department head; C~y.,Vat;ldecfir,_ ~Q.glish; Ken B_en~ nett, gui$mce; .1\.!qrty ~uiTman, physical education-; Christipe ~~rS911. frr~t semes~ ter social studies; Tom Carman, second semestet\ s ial tudi~. Don Patton, social studies; and Cindy Vandecar, social studies.

Enrollment down

In keeping with the downward trend over the past several years, enrollment is down 137 students from last year. According to Rose Derr, registrar, the student body numbered 1,693in the 1987-88schoolyear. The total for 1988-89 is 1,556.

Macs take over

Fall is the season for the best apples, especially at Westside. There are 21 new Apple Macintosh computers on campus this year including one Macintosh II, which will be used for scheduling. The machines are distributed among the Guidance Center, the journalism room, the main office, and administration officials. The new Macintoshes were brought to Westside as part of a larger project to merge computer flles and information throughout the district into one system. The computers added to the high school cost $50,000. The cost of the entire project is estimated at $200,000.


Building up Westside's new strength complex begins to take shape. Work on the new facility is tentatively scheduled to be completed by the end of October. The

complex is being built as part of a larger renovation project that included work in the industrial technology area.

Strength complex Weightlifters await completion Walking through the former handball court has become Eppley is the strength coach for the Nebraska Cornhusker a hazardous chore lately as construction of a new weight football team. room has thrown a mild obstacle in . the way of its loyal In the shop area, according to Hqston, electrical changes have been made as well as the repainting of the walls, and travelers. According to Ron Huston, assistant principal and athletic , JJ:le, upgra~in~of ~e floor. The configuration of space also director, construction on that area and in the industrial J ~s" chang~d so that.the Applied Physics classroom would . .t < ':• technology area began late · have more space. last spring. : r~ ton said that the Huston said, "The indus-. . shop lost some trtaltechnologyareaisonit's We need to secure extra money to space, but not tional space. lastlegsofcompleti~n. There get the extra equipment but we'r:e are just a few small1tems left ' added that the to be taken care of." working on it tional part of the Huston estimated the shop was "dressed up completion time of the condibit." The board of Ron Huston, athletic director tion, according to tioning facility to be around the end of October to t h e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - beginning of November, depending on "how they can pull the ton, decides on what will be done for renovation, and piec~s together, and the various work the sub-contractors prioritizes their decisions. "In the order of prioritization, have left to do." is what was on the docket for Westside this past summer. Huston described the new conditioning facility as being happens in the order of priority, and the board ofedlllC<JLt10•Ill an L-shaped facility, with the inclusion of the old weight and superintendent's office decide when that will uavv•ou., room. "The existing weight facility that we had will become The prioritization includes all schools in the the western part of the new facility. The lowerlevel will then some schools receive more while other schools receive become an extension of the existing facility. The upper level one year, but it works in reverse the next year to ua~=•'-"'l of the conditioning facility will be a multi-purpose room that things out. can be used for a variety of things- some athletic oriented, Huston added that there were no current plans for some physical education oriented, a testing facility. It will be renovation next summer. a fairly open area that will allow us to do a variety of things." Huston said that the money allocated for the As far as equipment for the strength complex is conof the strength complex and shop area was $500,000. That figure does not include the equipment cerned, Huston was not sure of what will be there when it opens. "I'm working with Boyd Eppley from the University will have to be purchased once the renovation is ... uJLuv•c ofNebraska at Lincoln and Dave Ellis, his representative on Huston said that the board of education allocated $20 a configuration of equipment, and we need to su:ure extra for equipment, and that figure is a little less than half money to get the extra equipment, but we're working on it." will be needed.

Student target set at 25 cent increase

as Forum replaces SAB as coordinator of drive for funds Mer years of being in the shadow of the StudentAdvisoty Board, (SAB), Forum steps into the spotlight by undertaking the United Way Drive on its own. Min years before, SAB and Forum have shared responsibllity of setting up and raising money for the United Way," Jay Bonham, (12), Forum president, said, Mbut this year we plan on managing the whole drive." The share of responsibllity has made it easier on both organizations. This time the responsibllity is on the shoulders of the Forum. MSAB has always handled the extra activities such as the dunking booth," Mason Myers, (12), SAB president, said. MForum has always done the daily collection of homeroom money." Due to such activities as Club Fair Day, the Welcome Back to School Dance, and Homecoming, SAB has had a full schedule. ~e help is always nice, but our schedule is pretty full as it is," Myers

said. link to the students through their Since Forum has representatives all homeroom representatives," Roger over the school, collection of money Herring, Forum sponsor, said. Although leadership has changed, and informing the student body is an the drive itself will remain the same, as easier job for Forum. M I think it's good Forum has some- · far as activities are concerned. MSo far we have been ttying to get the thing to make us a viable organization and make other people notice us," dunking booth," Bonham said. MBut we Randy Hallett, (12), Forum vice-presi- have also been thinking about a penny dent. said. · war." . The organization of the events will be In a penny war each grade has a conhandled by Forum, but SAB will pelp tainer in which pennies can be dropped with the pick-up of the money. to add points to that team's score. Any MI like working with SAB, it makes silver coins found in the containers the job easier for both of us," Hallett subtracts from their score. MI always look at Forum as an organisaid. Starting Monday, Sept. 19, the zation used to motivate school spirit annual United Way fund raising drive with things like the "Warrior Wave," will commence once again, but under Hallett said. MBut now we get to do the leadership of the Forum. SAB has something for others." always been known to have sponsored This year Forum is hoping to get the drive with special money raisers $1.25 from each student in order to such as the dunking booth, hugging reach its goal set at $2,100. booth, and the ~all". But that has all MAll we are asking for is 25 cents a changed. day from each student." Bonham said. MWe feel that Forum is a more direct ~at isn't too much to ask for."

N BRIEF Crosswalk installed

Even chickens can cross the road safely d easily now due to the installation of a rosswalk across Pacific Street from Counside Village to Westside. Prior to this year nly one crosswalk connected the shopping enter to the high school. It received minial use because it wasn't centrally located: Lany Myers, owner of Countryside Vilage, Mike Gorman, city traffic engineer orps member, and Jim Findley, principal, orked jointly on the effort to promote safe ross in g. MWe've had a couple of near misses out ere. [We realized) not to get that in and get ·t in as quickly as we could would be a real is take. I think it was recognizing a need as uch as anything," Findley said. Will the crosswalk be used? Findley inks so. MKids don't have an argument anymore or not using it," he said.

Clubs display wares The loge and lower auditorium took on a festive atmosphere Monday, Sept. 13, as the sites of the fourth annual Club Fair Day. The Forum-sponsored event was held last Tuesday from 8:20 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. . Twenty-one different clubs were represented with a sign-up sheet at each booth. ~e purpose of Club Fair Day is to provide an opportunity for all clubs to show their wares and be able to have students exposed to the different activities that we have available here at Westside," Roger Herring, Forum sponsor, said. Interests represented included bicycling, business, cheerleading, chess, community service, dancing and precision marching. drama, drug prevention, flags, foreign cultures and languages, singing, skiing, and student government.

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Candidates to debate House of Representatives candidates Peter Hoagland and Jerty Schenken will face each other and the issues in a debate at Westside, Monday. Sept. 26. The American Government-sponsored event will follow the format of a reporterguided debate with four student questioners and a student moderator who will control the time. The purpose of the debate is to give, Mthe students a chance to meet. see, and hear the candidates for the office of House of Representatives, but in a sense that has not been done before. Westside has been given the chance to see these two men in a debate format rather than individual appearances before the large group." Joe Higgins, American Government instructor, said.

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Magic begins at 190 this year and eight. estside seniors met or bettered it. The index number [two times the verbal core plus the math score) on the PSAT etermines which students gain National erit Semifinalist status. A s core ofl90 or more on the test adminitered Saturday, Oct. 20, 1987, ens ures not nly semifinalist s tanding, but also the opportunity to advance to finalist standing and am scholarsh ips. Semifinalists at Westside are Greg Giger, roud Kuhn. Matt Larsen, Adam Marx, en Nyholm. Catherine Partsch, Chris atil. and Laura Struve. Roughly 90 percent of all semifinalists nationwide go on to become finalists. "Now they have to go through a formal pplication process to the Merit Corporation. For those who are picked, scholarships "ll range from a one-time $2,000 award, up to literally full tuition for the four years. I am confident that 100 percent of our semifmalists will become finalists," Lynn Hansen, college counselor, said.



Movin' on up Tangdall draws on 32 years of experience rv.,oogmmN¥r*u*i ! Dedication Uiat inspired two children to pursue careers in education and experience in every aspect of his field leaves Jim Tangdall relaxed and content behind a desk piled high with commitments. As a veteran of the educational system Tangdall feels prepared to fill the district's highest office. His knowledge is based on 32 years of working in District 66. During that time he filled many roles such as a math teacher, coach, guidance counselor, vice principal and principal at Westside. Tangdall's short time in the office of superintendent has held few surprises for him. He took office on September 1, after being named by the schoolboard to succeed Ken Hansen on September 8, 1987. Tangdall served as associate superintendent during the four years thatHansen held office. ·I had a very good awareness of what the job should be," Tangdall said. The change over between the two men was regarded by many to have been easy and comfortable. ·1 don't think you · could find a transition more smooth," Jim Findley, principal of Westside, said. -we never really considered anybody else," Jack Lewis, school board secretary, said. ·In the last year we just assumed Dr. Tangdall would take over." -we had talked very carefully about whether to do a nationwide search or to look in our own district. Dr. Tangdall had as many qualifications as anyone we could find nationally," Shari Hofschire, school board director, said. Tangdall does not foresee any dramatic changes being made in the district. He intends to continue the process he started under Ken Hansen called Strategic Planning, which aims to resolve matters such as declining enrollment, aging staff, changing demographics and demands of the community toward education, staff reduction, administrative evaluation, and other is-

communities," Tangdall said. He cited ideas such as early childhood centers, extended day-care, and onthe-job training as possibilities in providing assistance to students with different needs. 1o think that everybody is going to fit in the same mold is ridiculous," Tangdall said. Because of the shrinking teenage population, Tangdall feels it is more vital than ever that schools provide the framework to make each student a productive citizen. ~e bottom line is whether or not this country is able to keep its leadership position in the world is going to depend on the work force in the next ten to 20 years," Tangdall said. Tangdall feels that one difficulty all schools face is

making young people realize how important education is in preparing them to support themselves. In his mind a school should have an academic, but personalized environment with high expectations and a good climate for learning. Tangdall does, however, realize the danger of making an education too comfortable. "You don't want a bunch of happy idiots running around," 'he said. Others feel confident ofTangdall's ability to cope and see his many years in the district as an advantage. ·u would be a disadvantage if someone stuck their head in the ground and thought that everything here is perfect," Hofschire said, stressing that Tangdall does not fit that image. -we told him not to let us be stagnated- - to keep new ideas coming into the system," Lewis said. ·He looks to the future." Findley felt that Tangdall's experience as a high school principal will be helpful to him. ·u would be difficult to serve as superintendent without knowing how schools ·operate," Findley said. He felt that Tangdali brings great ability to a job that can be public and political. · •Jim Tangdall may be one of the most astute administrators I've ever met; I think the staff knows that,· Findley said. ·He's a tireless worker and will keep the students interests a primary focus." This praise seems justified in Tangdall's goals for the year, one of which is to know his students. ·rm going to make a conscientious effort; I really hope to spend 40 to 50 percent of my time out in the schools," Tangdall said. Tangdall is a dynamic, people-oriented leader. Under his easy-going reign students will remain his numberone concern. ·Learning is a lifelong thing; it doesn't cease at commencement. We try to make it more enjoyable," Tangdall said.

Former superintendents


However, Tangdall will want the support of his co-workers in modernizing the district. When he served as Westside's principal from 1970 to 1984 Tangdall acquired a feel for student problems. The main problem he expects to encounter as superintendent is how to make the district meet the needs of all its students despite the changes occurring in society and at home. -we have so many students who need support they're not getting; we have to change and become more flexible," Tangdall said. ·1 think we need to get strategies to work with social agencies and business

O Mr. Allan Lichtenberger

0 0 Hard at work

Putting in yet another hour to his 32 years of District 66 administrative experience, Jim Tangdall, recently appointed superintend~n~. looks over some unfinished paperwork.

. 'Dr. Tangdall had as many qualifications as anyone we could find nationally," ShariHofschire, school board director, said. ·




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New country, language, customs Eight foreign exchange students make adjustments E:l¥li-:I~!:{Ul!iiD!Elli-

Travel abroad has become a popular vacation idea, but for eight students new to Westside, traveling is more than a vacation. This year there are seven foreign exchange students studying at Westside. Many different organizations have sponsored these trips, including: Youth For Understanding, Outi Jakovirta, Peter Hindsen, and Florence Deage; American Federal Service, Angela Gutierrez; American Intercultural Student Exchange, Gunnar LeGrand; and Academic Year in the USA. Yoshiko Murakami and Tomoko Isoyama. "I'm not very good at language, especially English, so my parents want me to learn it better so I can do well in school back home," Peter Hindsen, (12), foreign exchange student from Sweden, said. "I want to learn and know about different cultures, and improve my English," Angela Gutierez, (12), foreign exchange student from Colombia, said. While working on their English skills, they admit to having difficulty in understanding written and spoken language. They felt that Westside students speak

too quickly for them to understand and English words are different. "I told one of my friends here to talk slowly for me so I can understand." Tomoko Isoyama, (11), foreign exchange student from Japan, said. "It's a different experience. At first

( /

Gu nnar LeGrand, Sweden It's a different experience. At first English was hard, but it gets easier to understand. especially when you meet more friends because they can help you.


Yoshiko Murakami, Japan I get nervous at times, but it's O.K. There are so many people here , it's so much larger than my school back . . home. ~

gives It to us. We can have only one thing, we do not get to choose like you people here do," Outi Jakovirta, (12), foreign exchange student from Finland, said. "The classes here are so much bigger. In my school, they are smaller," Isoyama said. School Is not the only difference the exchange students have experienced. The people themselves appear different. "Everyone is so friendly. Everyone talks to me like we are good friends. I like It here very much," Gutierrez said. "I like the people here very much," Florence Deage, (12), foreign exchange student from Switzerland, said. While each student has admitted to liking the country, they each have personal things they miss. Most of all, they have missed their families and friends . "It's nice to be here, but I miss my family and they miss me. I will go home after first semester because It's too long to be away from them," Isoyama said. Isoyamahasopted toonlystayforhalf of the year. but the others will finish out the school year and go back home next summer.

English was hard, but It gets easier to understand, especially when you meet more friends because they can help you," Gunnar LeGrand, (12), foreign exchange student from Sweden, said . At times, these students have felt somewhat lost in the crowd. The size of the school and the number of students here have surprised the exchange students. Peter Hindsen, Sweden "I get nervous at times, but It's O.K. There are so many people here, it's so J:::..s::. muchlargerthanmyschoolbackhome," . . Yoshik.o Murakami, (12), foreign exI'm not very good at change student from Japan, said. language, especially One reason for the nervousness is all English, so my parthe differences they are experiencing: ents want me to learn the language, culture, and school it better so I can do classes. well in school back . . "Eve~J~g is piffer~~ 'l 0We do!l'trr· _,,. home. , , ~ have open campus, and W!f cap.pot picK ------..,... , --------our classes, andevenoureatirH(tsdiffer-v''' "I'm here to learn all year. And then I ent. We don't buy our food. My school go ' ack to school at home and study. I

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Outi Jakovirta, Finland The pep rally was very strange.We do not have them back home. You have cheerleaders and football teams, and everyone cheers them on. We do not even have teams. I liked it very much and shall tell my friends. ~ have three more years to study because this year does not count. It's a year off I guess," Hindsen said. For Jakovirta, this year off changes things for her back home. ''This year doesn't count. My friend s will graduate in one year, but I have two years left. I will miss a year and they will graduate before me, but I will have visited the U.S . and they will not have done so," she said. Each of these students will take back certain memories with them. Jakovirta will always remember the pep rally. "The pep rally was very strange. We do not have them back home. You have cheerleaders and football teams, and everyone cheers them on. We do not even have teams. I liked it very much and I shall tell all my friends," J akovirta said. The idea of travel has definitely intrigued these eight foreign exchange students. They have the opportunity to learn about different cultures and to meet new people, but they .also have the opportunity to teach Westside students about the East meeting the West.

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Summer camps provide enr1< Continued from page 1.

"I had never heard of it before, but it was a big honor," Susan Garver, (12), said. "The purpose was to learn about the government. I'm a lot more worldly and knowledgable than I was before. I know what's going on in Nebraska." Govemor Kay Orr was among the guest speakers at the workshop. Students from every town in Nebraska attended, making it an eye-opening experience, Garver said. "I'll be more open-minded from now on. We need to learn to look at both sides of every problem," Garver said. "We're naive about small town problems, and small towns are naive about the big cities. It was a good learning experience." The junior varsity and varsity boys' cheerleaders attended a four . day camp at Iowa State

University. The camp is for the top spot in the state this sponsored by the National year, and Chris PatH, (12), and Cheerleaders Association. John Silver, (12), got a head "We worked very hard. We start by attending the Dartmouth cheered non-stop from 8 a.m. to Debate Institute. 8 p.m. every day," Chandelle "The camp was constant Peacock, (12), said. work. Eighteen hour days were normal," PaUl said. "By the last day we were frustrated, tired, and worn out. The month-long camp helped to improve skill, speaking style, In the long run it was worth it. Without the camp, we wouldn't and analysis of arguments. The be able to perform as close as we extensive research caused mental weariness, Patti said. do now," Peacock said. Drill squad and Squires each "If you are extremely attended four-day camps. The commited to debate and want to drill squad attend the National win a lot of toumaments, it was Cheerleading Association Drill worth it. But if you're not, it was Team Camp at Iowa State and a waste of time," Silver said. Athletic camps are some of the Squires attended a camp at the most popular for Westside Nebraska Wesleyen University. The "The camp was so strict, we students to attend. Westside girls volleyball team even had to sit a certain way," Laurie Dolleck, (12), drill squad attended a team camp at UNO. :aptain, said. ·- · "It kept everybody playing The debate b~am will contend during the summer, which is the

Sacrifice necessary for camp decision The Athletic Training Summer workshops have been described as being workshop at the University of Omaha, was one workshop that exciting, worthwhile, and entertaining. Some students was free for Westside students. didn't realize that they would Tony Martinez, head sports have to work to cam the money trainer, said that the workshop necessary to go. is an excellent one, and that the There were various types of student trainers are lucky to get workshops conducted this past the help in funds. summer. Debate had three "An anonymous donor different workshops in Iowa, donates money to allow student Michigan, and New Hampshire. trainers to go to the workshop," These ranged in cost from $850 Martinez said. "It is always to $1,400. There was a small greatly appreciated." number of Westside students The summer workshops for attending each of these Squires was in Lincoln, at workshops. Nebraska Wesleyan University. Dave Richardson, sponsor of It lasted four days, and cost the debate team, and teacher at $110. the Iowa workshop, said that Amy Radii, (11), member of summer workshops are the Squires, said that the extremely helpful, and he workshop was fun and the encourages his students to go. money was not much of a But, because of the immense problem for most members. cost. and the fact that the school "Considering how much we doesn't help with the students' learned at the workshop in new expenses, Richardson dosen't moves, dances, arid ideas, I don't force it. think the cost was bad; on the Darren Hartman, (11), other hand, I don't think any of attended the Iowa workshop. He us paid our own way. Our said that it was well worth the parents took care of the expense, even though it was expenses. That can make a partially his hard work and difference," RadU said. money being contributed. "I The Nebraska Association of worked at different insurance Student Councils, was probably companies for the money," one of the least expensive Hartman said. "It was a lot of workshops last summer. It hard work. but it tumed out to be lasted four days in Wayne, and very rewarding." cost $75 for elected members, Sports could also be placed and $115 for honorary members. in an expensive category of Fund raisers during the past workshops. Ty Stewart, (11), year paid for the registration attended a regional soccer . fees of elected members. workshop in Bolling Green, OH. Roger Herring, sponsor of It lasted five days. and cost him the Student Advisory Board, said about $300. The money that the kids who went all felt basically paid for everything, very positive about ·. the including food, room and board, workshop, and w o u 1d and transportation. recommend it to others. "I think "I worked hard for the money all of the students would say that to pay for this camp, " Stewart it was well worth it, " Herring said. said. "I did construction work, "The workshop was probably basically laying floor and one of the best experiences they painting. At the end, the work will have in their educational careers." paid off."

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Relationships formed, strengthened for life Romance, friendship part of summer camp discovery li"ffli!ffii ~n! Willii!tttM路路lUfi W'fi\-1 dOOR

noticed about them," Friedman said. These workshops gave the students a chance to experience a different social structure than they were used to. Jeff Larsen, {12), who also went to NSI, said,'We were all thrown together. We had no choice but to meet new people." Jay Bonham, 02r. who went to NSI. said, "The social groups were down to earth. You weren't trying to impress anyone. You just were yourself." "It is a more relaxed environment," Friedman said. "Everybody has cliques at school. it was an entirely different story there." Larsen,{l2), had a dllTerent opinion. "I liked it because if you met new people, you didn't have to talk to them later. You could just blow them off." For some people, the social groups allowed them to learn about the other cities around Omaha and the state. Ann Larson, (12), who went to Girls' State at the University of NebraskaLincoln, said, ''You meet people from all over Nebraska that have grown up in a different background, so unlike your own." Susan Garver, (12), who went to Girls State, said, "I never realized how naive I was about small towns." At Boy's and Girl's State, students from small towns were overwhelmed by the Most of these programs involved at NSI social environment. had social groups that met every day for "Most of the people had never been an hour. Some of the time they would just around so many other people at the same talk, but many times it went deeper. time," Larson said. 'They grew up with "Everyone took the discussions only 20 to 25 people in their class." seriously," Friedman said. 'We were all "Everyone was totally boy crazy. like open with our emotions and talked about they had never seen a boy in their lives," things you would never express to your Garver said. school friends." Larson said, "Most guys thought it was cool to pick up a girl from a big city." Some of the things they would The boys even went to the extent of participate in were evaluating the showing their appreciation for the activities of the day and positive females there. reinforcement. "The boys would stand in a line and "We would all go around and tell clap when all the girls walked by." Garver everyone something positive we had said.

"Make new friends, learn more about yourself, enhance. your mind. Attend a summer workshop." This was the "catch-all" phrase students at Westside were approached with last spring. Most students not only improved their mental capabilities, but ' they also learned a lot more about the term "relationship." These workshops each had different programs, but most of them had a theme of "meeting new people." Most camps setup the social atmosphere. Joe Frost, (11), who went to the National Association of Student Council workshop at Wayne State College said, 'They put us into 26 co-ops, and they didn't put you with anyone you knew." Jeff Zanarini, (12), who went to Boy's State at the University of NebraskaLincoln campus, said,"They had a dance with good 'ole country music." However, some workshops had different ways of getting students to interact. "You stay with the same group of 16 people for the entire two weeks. They become your family while you are there," Debbie Friedman, (12), said, who went to the Nebraska Scholar's Institue at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

In fact the camp became a "romantic" game. "Guys would call our dorm numbers, and we would talk to them forever," Garver said. "They would get as many phone numbers as they could and then sell them to other guys for a quarter." The romanticizing got so strong that it had to be held back by the camp authorities. 'They refused to let us walk together," Garver said. "They were afraid to let us interact with each other at all. They even had hand checks at the dance." Despite all these internal conflicts students established more than just short-term relationships. "I made about five life-long friendships. In some ways I knew more about them in two weeks than I have ever known my school friends," Bonham said. Larsen met a girl at NSI and went out with her for two months afterwards. Zanarini said, "I really just strengthened the relationships I already had with the people I knew there." Friedman is already planning a party for 50 of her closest friends at NSI and there will be a reunion in November for all of the participants. They were going tor the academic gain, but the after effects gave them each special benefits. "It made me look at life in a new way," Bonham said. "I will always look back on those two weeks." Frost said, "I feel much more c~mfortable about meeting other people." 路 "It made me more open to other peoples' ideas," Friedman said, "I know so much more about other peoples' problems, and that you are not the only one with difficulties." These workshops took some time out of these students' summer, but most agreed it was not a wasted one. Garver said, "Even though it was rough at times, it would be worth doing again because of all the people you meet."

Warriors seek first win at home tonight Following two opening season losses, the Warrior football team is gearing up for their home opener tonight against Mtllard North at 7:30 p.m. The first two games were tough for Westside because of the young and inexperienced playerS "We only have three retur ning starters on the team," Larry Morrissey , head football coach, said. "Most of the players have played a lot of football, yet they do not have any varsity experience." One of the returning starters, D.J. Rezac, (12), all state linebacker, was injured in the first game of the season, and is doubtful to return the entire season. "Losing D.J. will hurt our defense, and our offense also," Morrissey said. "We will also miss his leadership on the field." Rezac played linebacker and tight end, moving from running back last season. The Warriors lost their entire backfield to graduation and other positions. Adam Beckman, (11), will quarterback the

team, and the running backs will be Matt McKinney, (11), Kurt DeGroot, (11), and Jeny Chandler, (12). "Beckman will have to come through with the leadership role and run the field," Morrissey said. "The defense will be tough even without Rezac. With a defensive line of 225 pounds, 225 pounds, and 210 pounds we are bigger than we were last year," Tom Hall, assistant coach, said "This year out defense is also very quick." The d efense has Tom Cornish, (10), a t linebacker, and Tony Randoni, (l 0), at nosetackle. "Some of the players are at new positions," Morrissey said, "but the defense seems solid if everyone plays to their potential." A possibly shaky area on the team could be the offense, with young players at key positions. Rezac was moved to tight end , which gave a plus to the offensive line. "With Rezac at tight end it ga"e the offensive line an extra plus, but with him injured

it takes that away," Dan Fishburn, (12), varsity football captatn,said. "Thebackfteldwillbe goodwithMcKinneythefastest player on the team, and Beck-

man." The rest of the Warriors' schedulewillnotbe easy. They willfacefiverankedteamsinthe pre-season polls including

Creighton Prep, state champ the past three years. "Five fromthetoptenpre-season ings are on our schedule,"

Another loss

Taking it all in, Paul Fishburn, (11). Pete Burke last Friday night. TheWarriors will Swartzbaugh, (12), Andy Lungren, (12), and for a victory tonight against Millard North Todd Parker (11). watch the Warriors fall to 7:30 p.in.

For now, nice guys finish last D.J. Rezac Sports editor

We've Seen The Competition.


Viewpoint It's not wheatheryou win or lose, it's how you play the game. One of the oldest cliches, but one that is incorrect. In society today everything is based on winning or losing. People are brought up with the idea that winning is everything and losing, or los ers are nothing. Some people in society have become so out of touch with reality that they measure success with winning and losing. Maybe that's not wrong. Some people in the business world measure their success with money. So I guess it's a possibility to measure success in athletics by winning. Winning should be the goal every time, because we all strive for greatness, and greatness is obtained by winning. But people need to keep winning and losing in perspective, and winning shouldn't be the only goal. Every week there are ten bozos who write letters to the "World Hearld" demanding a replacement for Tom Osborne. If you notice, Tom Osborne isn't one who measures success on just winning and losing. Every week on his television program he neve ~ predicts a win or a loss, but encourages each player to perform to his own capabilities. Tom is a very smart person. One, he doesn't put his neck"on the line by predicting a win, and two, he knows there are so many uncontro1lable factors in a game that determine the outcome. But maybe the coaches aren't the ones to blame. In the world of athletics, the pressure of winning is so great, it is unbelievable. Not only at the professional, and college level. but even the high school level too. There have been gunshots at high school football games in Texas. That is ridiculous. People almost getting killed , over a game. Pre s ure to win is so great, tha t some colleges cheat. Every d ay you read about the National Collegiate Athletic Association slapping someone's hands for ch eating. Southern Methodist Univer sity received the "dea th penalty" for their illiegal a ctions and all they were doing were trying to maintain a winner. Fans are also so hungry for winners that t here are millions of people jumping on the winners' ba ndwagon. Take for example the Cubs in '84, or the Bears in '85 to name a few. Fans should become b etter students of the game. Learn to appreiciate the dedication and hard work that goes into a team . So many people have their sights on a national championship. They fail to see what the University of Nebraska football team has actually accomplished. I guess it's natu ral to want what you don't have. but let's keep it in perspective. In Nebraska's game against Utah State the Husker players complimented the Aggies for their effort and for not giving up. But I guess today everyone forgets sportsma nship. Now we all look up to the classless Miami Hurricane types and look past sportsmanship to the final score. I guess for now, and for awile, it looks like nice guys will continue to fmish last.

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Spike It Reaching for new heights, Carol Nicholson, (12), goes for a spike during a game against the Marian Crusaders at the Bellevue Invitational Friday, Sept 2 , and Satur-

day Sept. 3 . Westside won their firstmatchoftheseason 15-8. 1511. This is the third straight year the varsity volleyball team has been in the pre-season top ten.

ETC One game at a time Another drive to Lincoln is what the varsity volleyball team is looking for in the second week of November. But coaches say It isn't that simple. "We want and think we can go back to state for the eighth straight year," Ann Royle, varsity volleyball coach, said. "But we need to take one game at a time.· Experiece Is a key for this year. The Warriors return four varsity players from last year. "We have vecy good players. But the experience is the key to the upcoming year,· Royle said. The Warriors next game will be at Omaha South against South next Thursday at 6: 15 p.m. ' We have a vecy good nucleus this year," Royle said, "and we might go to Lincoln for the ninth straight time.

Competition molds team

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Head over heels, the girl's gymnastics team rolls in for another good season. "We're inexperienced, but com petitive," h ead coach Mr. Tim Willits sa id . "We will do 0 . K. beca use there's too much enthusiasm to do anything else." The team's next meet is Thursday, 4:30 p .m .• against South at Westside. "We need to get experience fast so we can be successful this year," Willits said. "We have people with good backgrounds, but they need competition to mold them for down the road."

Varsity returns four

Back for another swing, the girls' golf team will tcy to move toward the top of the Metro area. "We'll be tough against Omaha area schools," Bill McCormick, girls' golf coach. said. "but those out-state teams will be tough."

"We have returning four out of five varsity players, including our No. 1 player," McCormick said. "But the interesting thing is that we only have one senior•. one junior and the rest are sophomores and freshmen.· Stacie F\mk, (12), returns for her fourth year on varsity and her second as the No. 1 player for Westside. McCormick said, "Stacie Is consistent. Usually she's in the top ten in the tournaments." "This year's success just depends on the day," McCormick said. "We could be up one day and catch some teams. It just depends on too many factors which can't be seen.·

Salerno, ninth grade volleyball coach, said. "We re-evaluate the teams each week. It ·makes the girls on top work really hard; for those on the second team, it gives them a chance to move up.· Their next game is Thursday at Abe Lincoln at 4: 15 p.m.

Bovs finish sixth

In t'fte first cross countcy event this year the boys' squad finished sixth out of 12 teams at the Ralston Invitational. In a meet with Millard North, Creighton Prep, Marian, and Bellevue West, both the boys and girls teams did well. "Both of the teams are good," Don Patton, head coach, said, "but they will have to work vecy hard to go to state.· The team will compete in the Bellevue Invitational tonight and will follow with a With great anticipation, the boys' ten- divisional meet at Walnut Grove Tuesday, nis team is gearing up for another season Sept. 20. with a stronger team and more enthusiasm th a n last year. "We h ave a much Progress, before the season, Is what stronger team than la s t year,· Paul Ny- makes this year's Junior Varsity (JV) volholm, boys ' tennis coach , said. "We are leyball team so good. "We were further returning five of six varsity players a nd along before the season ever started than h ave an excellent freshman, David Clark." most teams are five or six games into it," The team is lead by Dan Simon, (11), Howie Halperin, JV volleyball coach. said. who last year won the Metro Tennis ChamAlong with great skills, Halperin feels pionship. "I feel that we will be able to the team has other special qualities. "We compete with other tennis teams across have a great time together. That's really the state," Simon said, "with players like important," Halperin said. "We seem to be Tarun Baunerjee, (12), and Brandon close knit. That will help down the road." Madson, (12), and the other guys on the Halperin also sees leadership stepping team." Their next match is Wednesday forward. "Our juniors are stepping into against Gross at Westside. leadership roles remarkablly well. They are really good leaders," Halperin said. "The ninth grade program is superb. Changes in philosophy have trans- That's a great start. The second thing is formed the ninth grade volleyball swing of that it makes no difference who I place on things. "ThisyearthereisnotanA-teamor the (volleyball) court, because they all do B-team type grouping of the players," Gary well," Halperin said.

Gross here Wednesday

Progress aids JV team

Philosophical change

Rookie quarterback faces new pressures Football League days. He said," Ever since then, I always wanted to be on the varsity football team, but I never really wanted to be, or could see myself at quarterback." Even during the '87 season Mr. Ed Howe, JV football coach said he had talent. 'We started to win after we put him at quarterback at midseason," Howe said. Starting center Evan Howe, (11), who snapped for Beckman in eigth grade, said," I didn't think Adam would start for the varsity, but as time passed by, he improved." Howe added," Adam's an asset to our team because ofhis good arm and his learning to read the defenses. His only problem is that he's inexperienced,

~~~~!I ~~~! ~ ~! m! 11111111 m "Big responsibility and a lot of pressure," is how starting quarterback Adam Beckman, (11), feels about leading the varsity football team. • Despite the pressure of playing quarterback. I like the leadership, getting the ball every play, and making important decisions." In Beckman's first start, in the season opener at Bryan, Westside lost a close 9-7 game. Despite this, varsity coach Larry Morrissey said, "Adam played quite well. He passed well and handled really well under pressure." Morrissey added that if it hadn't been for a couple of dropped passes and a couple of mis-snaps Beckman would


Despite the pressure of playing quarterback, I like the leadership, getting the ball every play, and making important decisions.

Fall sports schedule !! !!

Sept. 22 at Abe Lincoln Sept. 27 at Fremont Oct. 4 Millard North Oct. 6 Thomas Jefferson Oct. 11 at Ralston Oct. 13 Papillion Oct. 15 Conferance Tournament at Thomas Jefferson

~~~iil!lilt#lB•l•Bi~-~ Sept. 22 Abe Lincoln Sept. 29 Prep Oct. 6 at Thomas Jefferson Oct. 13 at Papillion Oct. 20 Ralston Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct.

22 Northwest 29 at Prep 6 South 13 Central 18 Ralston 25 at Papillion

have fared even better. One point that Beckman and Morrissey don't agree on is Beckman's ability to throw the ball. Beckman said that he felt he needed to improve his passing, while Morrissey said, "His ability to pass is one of the strong points of his game. It's also one of the best I've seen since Kirk Meyer (Westside's starting quarterback in 1986) was our quarterback." Morrissey and Beckman agreed that he can run with the ball as well. Morrissey said," He can run as well as throw, which is something that our quarterbacks haven't been able to do as well in the past. Morrissey added," Although Adam isn't as fast as Mark Eversden (Westside's starting quarterback last year), he's still pretty fast like Meyer was. The thing to remember about Adam is'that he's only a junior and can only improve and mature as time goes on. Beckman said, "I know that I have the ability to run with the ball pretty well." Beckman's experience goes all the way back to his sixth grade Suburban


but that will change as the season goes along and as he gets used to playing for the varsity." Although Adam loves playing varsity football, it takes up a lot of his time. He said," I spend three hours after school a day at practice and then when I get home, I'm tired and I have a lot of homework to do." Making it back to the state playoffs is also one ofBeckman's season goals. He said," It would be great if we could make it back to the state playoffs, like last year. If we can improve our offense a little, then I think we'll have a good chance of making the playoffs." Before last Friday's game at Bryan. Beckman said that he thought he'd do pretty good if he did his job. He said," Of course I'm nervous to be starting in my first varsity game, after all I'll see how good I am." After the game, Beckman and Morrissey said that if he can be calm, concentrate, be patient, and read the defenses better, Westside's future is assured of success.

Need a job?


Sept. 22 at South Sept. 27 Millard South Oct. 11 Benson Oct. 15-17 JV Tourney at Westside Oct. 18 at Belleuve West Oct. 20 Bryan Oct. 24 Lincoln High Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. ment Nov.

Sept. Sept. Oct. tlonal Oct. Oct. Oct . North Oct. Nov.

27 at Thomas Jefferson 1 Millard South Invita11 at Benson 13 at Millard South 15 Metro at Millard 24-28 District 3-4State


i&D@ittlffil.it§ii•&+it]WijWiifj.iMiU Adam Beckman, starting quarterback

Sept. 23 at Lincoln Northeast Sept. .~Q Crei_gh_!:~n Prep 7 South (Homecoming) Oct. 14 Central at Bergquist Oct. 21 Ralston Oct. 26 Papillion Oct. 2 Playoff Quarter-finals Nov. Nov. 7 Playoff Semi-finals Nov. 12 Playoff Finals

22 at Northwest 29 Westside 6 at South 13 at Central 18 at Thomas Jefferson 25 Papillion 22 at South 27 Millard South 3-7 Metro at Bellevue East 11 Benson 18 at Bellevue West 20 Bryan 24 Lincoln High 31-Nov. 4 District Tourna-

Sept. 23 Lincoln East Invitational Sept. 28 Westside/Ralston Invitational Sept. 29 Metro Oct. 5-7 District Oct. 13 State Sept. 30 Millard North Invitational Oct. 7 Metro Oct. 13-15 District Oct. 15 Boys Reserve Meet at Northwest Oct. 21 State I~M"&..'1®i!J®IS

Sept. 17 Papillion Invitational Sept. 19 Benson Sept. 21 Gross Sept. 23 Ralston Sept. 27 Bellevue West at Bellevue East Sept. 28 Northwest at Fontenelle 29 at Burke Sept. 5,6,7 Metro Oct. 13-14 State Oct.

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Business thrives with competition

the new game in town

pening Dillard's and renoCrossroads had 25 stores, now vatlng the Crossroads has we have 87 and expect four or flooded the shopping mall five more by the end of the with people, Cory Skinner, assismonth," Skinner said. " Smaller tant manager of the Crossroads, stores such as Brauns and the said. "Within the frrst five days Brass Buckle located in the of the grand opening which began new wing can survive by August 24, 250,000to 300,000 producing quality clothing for a better price than those bigger people had come to see the new department stores. "We always Crossroads," Sinner said. The renovation cost $40 million have sales going on and as the and was designed by Simon middle-aged business woman Developments, a corporation that shops, her daughter can shop has done many similar malls to in our junior area," Maureen all over the country. Barner, Braun's assistant Though Dillard's has created manager said. some competition for Younker's, usan Faulk, assistant Younker's employees don't mind manager of Ups - n because for Younker's, "CornpetiDowns is pleased at their tlon is always healthy," Ruth location. "Though there is a Kiley, department manager, said. parking problem, the location of According to Kiley, Younker's has the Crossroads is very convenhad no notice on the impact of lent for our cllientele" Faulk Dillard's arrival to town. "People said. are funny, They love to see new The new parking garage cost things and the curiosity was Crossroads $10 million besides there," Kiley said. the $30 milllion qlready inoth stores are conscious of the vested in the mall. "We are needs of their customers. "Here happy we built the parking at Younker's you will get satis- garage with the parking count faction always," Kiley said. "Shopso high," Skinner said. The ping at Dillard's you will receive parking count is approximately quality, selection, and a personal 50,000 a day. bunch of employees," Sonya Berg, After hours of shopping the a Dillard's department manager, Food Court is a draw for cussaid. torners. The variety extends Dillard's isn't the only thing from the American favorite, hot that has attracted the thousands dogs to Italian to Chinese. of people to the Crossroads. The Crossroads brings a new Along with the renovation many meaning to the old saying, new stores have been added to "Shop till you drop.· the Crossroads. "A year ago the




This view of the new North mall addi.tion at the Crossroads includes the glass elevator and Dillard's Depart-

• rev1ew critics Lance e Young Guns

With summer, carne a gigantic potpourri of movies. One of the foremost was "Young Guns." "Young Guns" is the story of six young ranch hands, none older than 20, who serve as protectors for the ranch on which they live and work. When the bad guy, a rival rancher, kills the boy's mentor they go on the warpath with the help of the law. They are 19et1~utl~s anf11~eiJ1 out after the members o1the posse that gunned down their boss and father figure. The simple job of arresting the posse members turns into gun fight after gun fight and the bodies pile up. Emilio Estevez who plays the young William Bonney, better known as Billy the Kid, is trying to be a crusader in the film. He is trying to bust up the political corruption that holds the town of Lincoln in it's grasp. Estevez's character is in a constant battle for control of the band with his real life brother, Charlie Sheen's character. Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez are both veteran fllrn stars and bring a touch of class to the screen. Kiefer Sutherland, son of actor Donald Sutherland, is great in his role as the poet/ gunfighter Doc., sort of a Don Juan type character. Lou Diamond PWllips, star of "La Barnba" and "Stand and Deliever," does an excellent job as Chavez, the half Mexican, half Navajo Indian. Casey Siesrnanko and David Mulroney are good in their supporting roles and

ment Store. With all the new additions to the mall, the number of stores has gone from 25 to almost


• mOVI~S,

Foster does a great job of portraying a girl who outwardly looks like a confident and happy person but many times just covers the troubles inside. Harmon is satisfactory in his role, and rarely seen throughout the film. "Stealing Horne" isn't a suspenseful action movie but if it means anytthing, it passed my test. I left the theater in a better mood than when I went in and not once did I ever look at my watch.


1950's decor. The walls are decorated with pictures of clowns, which are meant to be amusing. There also is a soda counter that is reminiscent of the 1950's. Helpful service is one of B & G's ·Stealing Home · strong points. Shirley Gainsforth, manager, is constantly chatting with ID:,:Y%~!f!:W:ilfi~it~l1crilli{~·dZi~!f,SW.I customers while serving a Bee-Gee and Mis es can be made--so on't autofries. "I really enjoy the people," she said. matically give a Siskel and Ebert "I think of it as our country diner in the "thumb's down" rating for failing the ~t city. We ~ ? i keep that home-style -.pn ~ review of the fllin~ ".5 aun me~" atmosphere.· J ~ • · orre ~t review , s on fh ufd The Bee-Gee sandwich, at $1.15, is B ~onc1rlde that this rnovi s enu nel)C eB&G Tasty foods good and entertaining. The conflict is ~ ~1mE~~~f·iii;eBJ.TJ.HWA= & G's speciality. ·A Bee-dee, frenc fries B & G Tasty Foods is more than an or- and a rootbeer float or shake is $2.77. one that is easy to associate with, and Chili and a large Bee-Gee is $2.84. the tone is sincere. It's the perfecxt dinary fast-food restaurant. "I really like their food and it sure Its more of a tradition that celebrates movie to see when spirits are down and beats the cat food some other restauit's 35th birthday this year. the mind needs a rest. B & G, which stands for Bliss and rants use in their food," Danielle Benak, Mark Harmon plays the older version of the character Billie Wyatt, now a Gainsforth, two of the original owners, is (11), said, Gainsforth describes a Bee-Gee as, middle-aged man who grew up in a located at 7900 West Dodge Road in the stable and close family. Probably se- Beverly Hills Plaza. B & G is known to "a Sloppy Joe without the tomatoes", lected "Most likely to succeed," by high students as "the horne of the loose-meat which is an accurate description of this school classmates for Ws outgoing per- sandwich", which consists of ground tasty sandwich. French fries are also a "must" here. sonality and incredible talent in base- beef, steamed with onions and seasonThe hamburgers, cheeseburgers, and ings and served on a bun. Along with the ball, the audience is introduced to an apathetic man who is now lost and loose meat sandwich (known as a "Bee- hot dogs are also good but tend to be on Gee"), the resturant serves chili, horne- the greasy side. For dessert, an ice alone. This changes after he is informed that made soup, chili dogs and hot dogs, fish cream sundae or shake is served at the Ws old babysitter, Katie (played by Jodi sandwiches, and the usual ·hamburger soda fountain. B & G is an attractive alternative to an Foster) has committed suicide and left a or cheesburger and French fries. B & G message that Billie is responsible for her also serves ice cream, shakes, floats, ever-crowded cafeteria. The food is good, as well as resonably priced and freezes, sundaes and cones. ashes. worth the money. The service is fast and When B & G opened it's doors 35 It's a combination of the shock from the loss of his close friend and at one years ago, it was a drive-in restaurant. efficent. B & G is open Monday through Saturpoint girlfriend, and the responsibility of Later, when the Beverly Hills Plaza was dayfrorn 11AMto8:30PM. WithB&G's built, it built itself around the B & G. The disposing of her ashes in the appropriate place that cause Billie to evaluate his outside of the restaurant may have service and food, it may well be around changed, but the inside still contains a for another 35 years. past with Katie and his Family. add character to the entire group. "Young Guns" can be seen at the AMC Westroads 8 and several other area theaters.



Students relax, enjoy dance I t may not be for everyone, but dancing might be the activity needed for relaxtion and exercise. Several dance studios in Omaha offer dance lessons of various types. Soviet ballet, tap, and modern dance are a few of the classes available. Most classes take place five times a week. Weekday classes take place Monday through Thursday, and weekend classes take place on Saturdays. Classes are after school during the week and early mornings on Saturdays to work around students busy scheadules. Colleen Quick of Colleen Quick Dance Academy said, ·I have classes early Saturday morning so that girls involved in school sports can still attend· Dance is not orily a way to exercise. Quick said, "Dance should be used as a type of therapy and should make you feel wonderful.· Quick's Dance Academy offers classical ballet, pointe, modern, tap, and jazz dance. In addition, Quick offers choreography classes. Quick said, "Combination classes are used so we don't limit the student to one type of dance.· Heather Thomas, (11), a student of Quick's said, ~e class relaxes me, it's good exercise, and it's fun.·


What's • go1ng


Quick's one and one and onehalf hour classes for teen-agers always start out with ballet workouts. Quick said, "A ballet workout is the most thorough and safest way of warming up the entire body. • Quick believes if more males realized this there would be more males taking dance. Quick said, "I think it has something to do with dance not being the • macho" thing to do." Christopher Marlowe, (10), said, "I wouldn't be afraid of my image being ruined, but I don't know if I'd ever take dance lessons.• Jason Menning, (11), said, "If the lessons would 'help in anyway with football I would do it. But, otherwise I don't think I'd be in a dance class." Quick has no males in her classes at the moment, but wou!d love to have an all-male class.


Pat Carlson Dance Studio,

ballet, the tumbling part of gymnastics, jazz and tap dance are availlable. Tawnee Nowak, (10), and student of Carlson's, enjoys the classes and said, "It's kind of a time when you forget about everything and relax. • Combination classes are also used at Carlson's studio. Angie McVey,(lO), said, "I take tap, ballet, and jazz to keep in shape. I like taking the classes

THEATRE "They're Playing Our Song" is playing at Center Stage through Sunday, Sept. 25. Performances start at 3 p.m. Sundays, and at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays. For tickets call444-6199. The EmmyGifford Children's Theater is presenting "Winnie the Pooh" through Friday, Sept. 30. Performances are at 7 p.m. Fridays and 2 p.m. Saturdays. !he Music Man" is running through Sunday. Sept. 18 at the Firehouse Dinner theater. Performances start at 2p.m. and 7 p.m. Sundays , meals at noon

because they're fun and good exercise.· Students don't always take dance by choice. Some are pressured into it. A student of Pat Carlson, Michelle Gaver,(11), said, "My mom makes me take the lessons, but I like them anyway."

F o r those who are interested in dance for more than relaxation and fun, and looking for a serious workout, Eda Krasova's Moscow Bolshoi Theatre System is available. Her dance classes are strictly Soviet ballet classes. Krasova said, "The Soviet's form of ballet is completely different from European ballet. We are different in the hold of the body and our movements are much more precise.· Krasova also added, "Girls who want to be my students should consider that they must give 150 percent at all times, otherwise they will not be successful.· Krasova not only believes in students giving it their all in ballet class, she also believes her students need to excel in school. "If my students aren't doing well in school,· Krasova said, "they cannot continue in my class.·

and 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday performances are at 8 p.m., meals at 6 p.m. Call 3468833 for information and reservations. "Love, Sex, and the I.RS. • is playing at the Upstarts Dinner Theater through Saturday. Oct. 8. For tickets call 344-7777. The Omaha Community Playhouse is presenting ·or Thee I Sing" through Sunday, Oct. 9. Performances are at 8:30 Fridays and Satrudays. Call 553-0800 for tickets. "Sweet Charity" is playing at the Orpheum Theater Friday,

Sept 16and Saturday. Sept. 17. Performances are at 7:30 p.m. both nights. Tickets are available at TIX or call (402)3427107. ART

The Henri Cartier-Bresson Exhibition is at the Joslyn Art Museum through Sunday, Sept. 18. Call 342-3300 for The museum information. hours are 10-5 Tuesday to Saturday and 1-5Sundays. Admission is $2 for adults, $1 for children, and free 10-noon on Saturday.

F o r students into the usual, ballroom dancing is option. Although not as vv••o..u•:u with teenagers, ballroom ucuLn.. Lu~, is full of variety. Places such the Fred Astaire and Murray dance studios teach many forms of dance. Most dents at Fred Astaire dance studio are in their late teens or older, but they do take younger. At Arthur Murray Dance Studio, ballrooom, l..a.tin, disco, and country dancing classes are available. The ballroom u ........ ,,..~ class consists of the more popular version of the foxtrot, the waltz, the mambo, the marengay, and the cha-cha. One advantage of ballroom dancing is cost. Ballet is less expensive than ballet, tap. jazz, and others. Twelve ballroom dancing lessons at Arthur Murrray cost $12. Arthur Murray also has many teenage students enrolled in classes. Many female ~tudents at Westside take various types of dance lessons from ballet to ,ballroom dancing. Dancing is not only a way to release pressure and relax. it's also a good way to have a good time.

MUSIC Opers/Omaha is their fall series at Concert Hall at the Joslyn Museum. "Partenope"- Sept. and 25. "A Celebration of Canto"- Sept. 16, 18, 20, 22. -white Rose/Diary of One Who Vanished"(doulbe feature)- Sept. 24. Festival tickets are $42 and $25. Single tickets are $17.50. Tickets are available at Younkers, TIX. or at 346-0357.

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uuuu;:.u on popcorn red licorice at this movie anytime "'lb.e Last Temptation ofChrist"is controversial film that is currently renationwide, however, not in A local theater manager said that theaters have not had the whether or not to show the film. theaters are ow'ned by companies. companies make the decision as what movies will be released in cercltles." "'lb.e Last Temptation of Christ" has in a few selected cities across the An area manager said that au"auutau• the movie may still be released a larger audience, the chances of it to Omaha are very slim. Ar.r-n.....tt ... d to this manager, who not to be identlfted, "The movie Jesus as being a real man with temptations. The Midwest will .___'---'-'-- be avoided because there is

such a great number of people who are against it," he said. Father Stephen Gutgsell, assistant pastor at Christ the King Catholic Church, said that the movie portrays Jesus Christ as immoral--something that he is not. Although local protesters have not viewed the movie, they have heard and read from regional and national correspondents how false the story line is. Gutgsell said that after reading an actual script from the movie, Archbishop Daniel Sheehan believes that the content has departed from the actual narrative as contained in the Scriptures. Gutgsellisn't afraid that after viewing the movie, people might have a negative attitude toward Christ. Rather. he said, "''he rum would tend to desensitize people and they would, therefore, be less aware of the true nature and dignity of Jesus Christ." Harvette Becerra, (11), has seen the film. During a recent trip to Colorado,

she viewed the movie in Denver, because she wanted to see -what the controversy was about. "''here were several protesters outside the theater who were picketing. After the movie the audience was very loud. Everyone was involved in a conversation about what they had just seen, • she said. Now that Becerra has seen the movie she understands why many Christians are against it. "''he movie depicts Jesus as a man with faults--having human qualities. There are many people who refuse to accept that."


Becarra said that although she doesn't necessarily agree with the mo'llie's portrayal and some of the scenes, she still believes thatlt should be the individual's own decision whether or not to view a film. "It was a good movie and I would enjoy seeing it again if it ever comes to Omaha." ·According to Gutgsell, Catholics have been urged not to view the movie. "It is

officially condemned," he said. Since the film is not being shown in Omaha, local theaters have for the most part escaped from much protesting. They have, however, received many personal letters and petitions from citizens openly against the film. "We have had people threaten to boycott our theater for a one year period if we release it," a theater manager said. For now, unless a trip to a distant city can be made, interested viewers will have to use stories, like this one, a& their only source of information on the movie. It's hard to determine whether protests have helped or hindered attempts at trying to ban this movie. They have obviously had some influence since cities like Omaha are not showing the film. However, in cities where it is showing, the controversy seems to have sparked interest which has resulted in an increase of box office sales. Perhaps the popcorn and red licorice can be eaten at home in a few months if the movie comes to video stores.

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Obtaining a head start on the upcoming Lots of sweat

Training starts early in the year for some

devoted athletes. Grueling practice means aches and exhaustion for those who want to improve. Andy Chapin, (11) ~ spends his afternoon practicing his serve. The opposition follows close on Ryan Kruse's, (10),







Does minority deficiency'affect Westside socially or educationally? Public schools reflect the culture ofsurrouding communities. Westside has a 3.49 percent minority population out of 1553 students. "I really don't think the low percentag~ of minorities has a negative impact on the ability of one to learn mathematics or writing skills. · It is not so much a detriment to students' education as it is a detriment to their social growth," Joe Higgins. American government instructor, said. Westside students may be impaired in intrapersonnal relations as well as awareness of other cultural backgrounds, Higgins said. "Ifyou're in a classroom with blacks you understand so much more about culture," Dave Richardson, debate coach, said. Richardson spent 21 years teaching at Bryan High School in the Omaha Public School system. "You learn little things about how people from different cultures react to certain things. I was surprised

in talking to Westside stw;lents last year that they didn't realize that the term 'boy' was a racial epithet." "Westside students, as a whole don't, have a real awareness of how discouraging it can be for someone to go through school and feel prejudice," Sharon Bjorns_e n, counselor, said. "I don't think it's that they don't choose to be aware ofhow minorities feel. it's just when you're not around it you don't think about it." The minimal interaction· with minority students could make it difficult for students to adjust to life after leaving the shelter Westside provides. "In college, I will be put in a situation where I will have to make an adjustment to people from different races," Stephanie Krieger, (12), said. "I would much rather have made that adjustment in high school." "It will probably be a real adjustment when it comes time to go out into the real world," Maureen Griffith, · (12). said. "Obviously there are a lot of different cul-

tures and backgrounds that you have to get used to when you get a job." Guest speakers representing minorities have been brought in to the classrooms in an effort to give students an insight int.o other cultures. "We make an extra attempt to work with kids in the tolerance and understanding of minorities, and I feel we do,an excellent job with that," Jim Findley. principal, said. "We have class session~ and speakers that deal with minorities and keep us aware of different cultures and the problems they face." A basic understanding of cultures can be acquired through these sessions, but certain things can't be taught, Richardson said: "You have to have an ongoing experience where blacks and whites trade ideas.· It can be really enlightening teaching things like Huckleberry Finn 'with ·black students in class. They can explain why racial (Continued on page 8.) _

Just a phone call away; PRIDE hotline att.empts to curb teen drlnking f?flt.J,f!?fM@'fi<.tL'JilihWfW!Hjt>14Jii>$@

Large increases in the abuse of alcoIllegal teen "drinking has prompted hol by teens has become a concern. the start of a minor-in-possession (MIP) "There has been a 3,000 percent inhotline. The hotline, 393-4444, was crease in the use of alcohol by teens in startedbyParentResourcesforlnforma- the last 20 years," Dugan said. tion on Drug Equcation (PRiDE) and the Wes~side may have a bigger teen Parent Action Committee to provide a drinking problem than other high means to report unlawful drinking by schools. "According to the studies I've teens as well as retailers selling alcohol looked at, teen drinking at Westside to teens. High School is higher than the national "I hope that the hotline will tell kids average," Bill McCormick, sociology inthat somebody is watching and that structor, said. planning a party isn't Some of the blame worth it because for the drinkingprobthey'll get caught." Year Number lem falls on parents Susie Dugan, vice and adults for their 564 attitude 1986 president of PRJDE toward and ,coordinator of 500 drinking. "What we 1987 the Parent Action do speaks so much Committee, said. 580 louder than what we 1988* The hotline works say and until we have *thtough August in coordination with . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. the courage to face the Omaha ar~a law enforcement agen- the problem we aren't going to make cies. Volunteers from PRIDE receive and much headway," Jim Tangdall. superscreen the phone calls before turning the intendent, said. information over to the police. "I look at Dugan said tfie police have steppedit in the area of prevention and informaUP' their efforts this year with increased tion because it will act as a deterrent to arrests for minor-in-possession and the lenient parents who allow parties, or judges have· increased the fine for MIP parties being advertised With flyers," from $25 to $75. The city of Omaha h a d Jack Swanson,. assistant chief of police, arrested 580 minors for MIP from Janusaid. ary through August of this year as opThe hotline was experimented with posed to 500 arrests for all of 1987. last April during the prom season to see The effectiveness of the hotline rna) how it would work. Dugan saiq the two or only be minimal. "Ahotline would be fim three legitimate calls a week they rec for those people who feel they need it ceived in April was sufficient to pursue but I personally think most successfu the hotline full time. With financial parenting occurs at a very young age support from local law enforcement when kids form their values and rela unionstohelppaythe$1700ayearcost, tionships with their parents," Tangdal the hotline was started Thursday, Sept. said. 15. Dugan said the whole communi~ ' The hotline has been receiving 25 effort and awareness of the problem i calls a day. "It's ~en ringing off the here to stay. The hotline is not expecteo hook, of course only half of the ~alls are to solve the teen drinking problem alom legitimate with the other half being kids "This hotlinewon't completely cure any trying to tie up the line. That is why I thing, it is just one small part of th hesitate to publish the number to kids," community effort by parents, school Dugan said. and the police," Dugan said.

MIP . arrests --.. .


were dominant at Westside Monday, Sept. 26, when congressional A reporter error in the Friday, Sept. +«-'··"'·u.uaL"'"' Dr. Jeny Schenken, and Sen. Peter Hoagland held one of their 16 edition of the "Lance," "Atlministradebates. The debate was hosted by the American govenunent tion sets tough requirements; change " ........,.u,_.., and faculty. Parts of the debate were shown on local news hits school policies" stated that students had to obtain blue slips one day in ad-

vance for an appointment. Jim Findle~ principal, said that students could brtn a note from home on the day of the aJ: pointmentand still receive the necessar blue slip.

LA-N·C" E t

-~ ····.



· .-'---



Reach out and bust someone Introduceing the MIP hotline is a commendable attempt ,to curb teen drinking. However, the hotline is failing to directly face the issue head on. The··hotline is concentrating on an effect drinking has had on our society instead ofthe cause of the problem. · . Parents are skirting their responsibility by asking the police to prevent or break-up parties: The relationship between parent and minor shlould be strong enough that other,people shouldn't-be expected to handle the parent's responsibilities. With the hotline, parents are expecting others to report the problems that should be solved at home. The hotline itself will actually serve to break the relationships involving kids already comfortable with th~ir parents. Those minors who have trust in their parents to let them know where they are going may start to wony that their parents will call the hotline, thus damaging another valuable relationship that should be deve1oped. Teen drinking is a part of a much larger problem in society. Until the adults and parents serve as positive nondrinkng role models, teen drinking will continue.to grow. Students mirror their role models, and as long as the adults in our society continue to abuse alcohol, students will also. In stead of pretending to face the issue head on with a program that won't h ave a maj or impact, PRIDE should concentrate ·on the heart of the problem. by first setting positive role models. Students need those p ositive role m odels giving examples of what to DO instead of the message of what NOT to become . . ·

Po p



needs purpose

The implementation of the pop machine in the cafeteria was intended .t o provide pop for the students, but the $100 a day revenue generated by the machine is becom-: ing a "slush fund" an unidentified purpose. When considering whether to provide a pop machine, there was a fai~ure to specify a use for the money. As a result, the uses for the fund were decided without the consent of the stu dents who initially provide the money for the pop m achine fu nd. With confusion and inconsistencies am ong the administration, the use of the pop m achine money needs to be openly decided and written down.- The decision for the use ofthe fund should lie with the students instead of in the opinion of one person. A department head meeting that involves input from students, teachers, and parents should decide how the $5000 pop machine revenue should be used ~o best improve Westside High School.



The graflltti painted by Forum needs deserves congratulations for the success of vandals on the wall around the United - Way Drive. The the south senior parking lot $2,408.20 donated by students . shows extreme 'd isrespect for to United Way is unmatched school property. We hope arourid the state and should be that in the future all students recognized as an outstanding will act above this behavior effort by Fomm and the student within their own schools and in dealing with other schools. body.

The "Lance" is the offical publication of Westside High School, 8701 Pacific St., Omaha , NE, 68114. The "Lance" office is located in Room 122. Advertising rates are available upon request. Phone (402) 3903339. The "Lance" is an in-house publication. The paper is distributed to all students 16 times a year. Subscrip· tion rates to others are $5 postpaid. Non-profit mailing rates claimed. The-"Lance" is printed by the "Fre· mont Tribune," 135 N, Main, Fremont, NE 68025. Letters to the editor are welcomed. Letters should be less than 300 words in length. signed by the author, and sent to the editor or the adviser in Room 122. . ' The ;;Lance" is a memb r of the Nebraska High School Press Association, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, and the National Scholastic Press Association.

Editor-in-chief, Laura Struve. Managing Editor/ Production, Gwen McGill. Managing Editor/ Copy, Mason Myers. Business Manager, ·Kim Ostergaard. Copy Editor, Mary Overholt. News Editor, Karen Nyhom. Associate News Editor, Jay Nilsson. Feature Editor, J im Duff. Sports Editor, D.J. Rezac. Weekender Editor, Nancy Olson., Design Editor, Kent Bonham. Photo Editor, Evan Howe. Circulation Manager, Mich· elle Jaeger. ' Staff Artist, Troy Muller. Staff Critic, Mark CarrOll. Columnists, Ertn Conboy, Jessica Sullivan. News ~taff, Todd Parker, Amy Radii, Laurie Spiel, Anne Wax. Feature Staff; Debra Dohmen, Allison Kohli, Melfssa Partset. Sports Staff; Andy Chapin, Bert Cohen, Randy Hallett. Weekender StaB; Nick Hansen, Susie Kiscoan, Cathy Pettid, Becky Richardson. Design Staff; Jenny Frank. Photographer, Matt Fischer.

Le.t ters Teen drinking solution doesn't lie In hotline Dear Editor, . The battle against teen drin king h as taken a new direction this year. The n umber of youths. cited for s u ch violations a s minor-in-posses sion· and driving- while-intoxicated a ctually decreased last year. However, there are those wpo . were not satisfied with last year's results. so this year PRIDE-Qmaha has gone one step further in starting the PRIDE minor-in-possession-of-alcohol hotline: Anyone at any time suspecting any teen drinking anything illegaly may now call PRIDE at 393-4444 to report the problem. Unfortunately, this hot line- w~Ich is designed to save lives-;- may have just the opposite result. Let's examine the direct effects of this hotline on a typical teen drinking party. John, an AllAmerican boy, and his girlfriend Sally, are at a friend's house for a small get-together. John has had a few beers and is aware that although )le feels fine, his motor skills have definitely been affected by the alcohol. Because John knows that he must drive Sally llbme safely at 12;30, he stops drinking at 10:00 to allow enough time for the alcohol to leave his system before drivtllg. However, what John does not realize is that a neighbor who saw several youths entering 'the . party has dialed 393-"4444 to report the suspected drinking. The police arrive around 10:30, and the guests of our hypothetical party all flee. As John instinctively runs from the party. he laughs when he tells Sally, "We can't get busted. That would ruin our whole evening." John momenUuily forgets.about the alcohol in his system as he starts his car. The unexpected police raid took the time away from John that he needed to sober up. Instead of saving John's life by stopping him from drinking. the police indirectly forced John to drive Sally home drunK. John and Sally have a head-on collision on the way home. In attempting to "save" their evening. John and Sally lost their lives. More than 90 percent of stu dents experiment with alcohol before they graduate from high school. Statistics such as these make it clear that the problem ofteen drinking does need to be addressed. However, the new PRIDE hot line is NOT the solution . .Organizations such as PRIDEOmaha and PUSH should spend less time "bustteens. and concentrate more of their efforts

toward urging young adults to drink •bly. ' . Respectfully. Jeff Zanartni 4

'Last Temptation' bett~r ·off left alone Dear Editor, . Congratulations on a spectacular first editio ofihe 1988-89 "Lance." Your layout is more cle and a sight for sore "ultra-conservative" eye Even in the first issue, the articles are even mo "moderate" than I expected. For these you are be commended! I would like to address one shortcomln th~ugh. IUs in response to your articles, Ph•otoPt inions, and cartoons regarding !he Last tation of Christ." Basically, I feel you placed much of the bJalne on the Roman Catholics. did play a big part, yet we can't forget our mentalist and evangelical friends as well. also are to blame for hot havirtg this film in Omaha. flbat's if you could call trash a film.) I don't know how many t:tnies I sat in listening to Pastors and members alike over the contents of this film. Often, I 8at shaking my head in disgust. Why don't understand that if they had said nothing, the would have been gone in a week from theatre in America. Why? It had two against it. One, it was a religious film. Two, it just plain boring (according to critics.) If they practiced a little "seventy times seven," thing would have panned-out. Even Jesus gave and prayed for his enemies. Yet my tian brothers olthe Roman Catholic Church Fundamentalist/Evangelical had to open their big mouths. Thanks to we've got a hit on our hands. If these people believe in the Divinity of they should believe that Jesus will be ..~~.t~ •.-~,.,., over his t enemies with or without their Though theologians (get the right word, Muller) gripe and whine to ban the film. credibility of Jesus will ·still be good and the day after. Take a hint, my friends. What's good for Jesus is good for you Sincerely. Jeff D. Voorhees

.. I

• the (1'3) ·clowns Bring 1n It seems to be pretty obvious to Now, I'm not a big fan of the would too, if the result of it was not me, but am I the only one in the circus, but Westside has 13 clowns , being allowed to go to the games. whole school who seems to notice? who make me iaugh. In the past, I think the main reason for my I sure hope I'm not the only one the senior class has been known to spirit-di-iven plight is due to the fact because· then I'd feel like a self- dress up for basketball games in that many students' rights are dressed pattern-blind person at a which they trted to promote spirit. being taken away and it doesn't polka dot convention. Last year, the senior class didn't help either if our sole purpose .i s to ----------------------~ keep a perlect Hollywood Every s~hool in Omaha has their own . way of displaying High image. This means Erin Conboy school spirit. It plea ses me that other schools take adbeyond words to see students vantage of our delica te situ Columnist from opposing schools coming a tion.· to Westside and d isplaying True, it does look better their beautiful artwork and to the public for Westside to grammar skills on our walls. promote spirit within its It must have caused amutal dress up so a group own school walls. We don't need a tear to be shed between the admini- it upon themselves to do so. The thousand little gimmicks to prostration and school board for being crowd response was good, but that mote school spirit. It feels better chosen out of every school in the . was not necessarily the opinion of too. But it's going to be hard to find city to play host to this year's dis- the administration. They were wit- something to lift student morale play of modem art. You could call tingly dubbed the "13 clowns". without some student participait grafitti, but I myself chalk it up to Some of this group's crazy antics tion. I just hoj)e people realized that school spirit. included dressing up in Santa hats, maybe , it's a compliment to have Forgive me if I draw the conclu- togas and surgeon uniforms. They other schools like M.N. put us down sion that M.N. on the back of the did a great job of making everyone .because obviously they reg~d us as visitor stadium, facing the senior high-spirited, but because they tougn competition. We need those lot stood for Millard North. For all didn't know how to express them- clowns to backourteamagainstour I know, it could have , stood for selves like Millard North's students, opponents. It's like life without "mutant nerd." It is rather harsh of these followers of spirit were not Bozo, and the grand prize game. me to even consider thinking that, allowed to wear hula skirts into a At least as I enter the football even though we did play Millard basketball game. · I'm sorry, you'll stadium some Friday night, I'll feel North's football team that very just have to forgive me again for superior. Westside doesn't have to night But wouldn't they want to comparing horrible spirit evokers to, promote spirit by putting down take the credit for it. The art work innocent spray painters. others. We're just a step above the superb. This year the circus runaways rest. So everybody wear red and It's this team's natural talent for were politely asked to refrain from black for tonight's Prep game. art and their lmagtnatlve--expres- costumes at,-the games,, whiuh Maybe, I'll go to the game ...maybe, of school spirit that shows me means no more Santa hats or Jlula I'll just go with the clowns, back to IWf~ts;ide is lacking something. skirts. Of course they'd refrain. I the circus.

It's the end of a-n other era The end ofan era has come about. Yes; we've seen the of the other shops. We'd have to stop at the Pharmacy departure of the last decent coffee shop. Brady's has to get chips and pop, but that's no big deal. We could moved to Biondo Street. It wasn't replaced by another just pick a shop, and ·sit around on the floor and talk, coffee shop, either. It was replaced by a women's clothing or eat, or something. Maybe ifweweren't~oo noisy, we shop. wouldn't get kicked out. Gee, wouldn't that be That's too bad once you start to think about it. Good wonderlu? Seeing as how I've been off day:lrearning again, I coffee shops are hard to come by. Brady's didn't get too upset about the noise, they didn't care if students think it's time to take a look at reality. If we did go into Lsn1ok:ed, and they let students use the phone. What any of the other shops and sat around and ate, talked, could we ask? This leaves me one ques- or smoked, we would be kicked out-quickly. Where do we go now? I'm also sure the adminiThere are still places to go in stratton would receive h .. ,..,1"' .. but if you decide many calls from irate shop Jessica Sullivan owners. We~d probably all sit down, eat, , or have a get put on restriction, and inanyofthem, chances Columnist getkickedout. !don't our passes would be taken Jm~1gir1e that the Village Bookaway. That would be just the or Natelson's would apbeginning. I get the incred'-----•-•- a . horde of noisy stucongregating in their aisles. To be fair, there is one ible urge to yawn just thinking about all the lectures coffee shop, the Market Basket, but the owners are we'd have to sit through. In the ·long run, finding a good substitute for about under-age smokers and noise levels. There is a bench. You know, the one across the street Brady's just wouldn't be worth the effort. we!might as a tree. It loo~ sort of like a bus bench. It's an okay 'well-just start going to the IMC's (or maybe even the to go ifyo_u c;l9n't have any place els~ better to be. bathrooms). I guess that, unless you have a car, either you'll be weather is still nice, so that's not a problem- yet. , when winter comes, I sure don't want to freeze my doing a lot of studying, a lot of bathroom hopping, or a lot of shiverirlg. With af}y luck, I won't be doing any side. Brady's moving wouldn't be so bad, though, if say, of the above with you. So, goodbye to the last of the decent coffee shops. ilnc>tht~r coffee shop had moved in. But nooo. It had to Though we miss you now, I'm sure we'll miss yqu a a clothing shop. • Well, then again, mciybe we should hang out in some thousand times more this winter. /

BRIEF Squires denied sponsorship Westside's Squires were invited to attend the 1989. National Cheerleader Association's Superstar Porn Pon National Championship 1n Dallas, TX. Thursday and Friday, Dec. 29 and 30. They were also invited to dance in the Cotton Bowl Parade Monday, Jan. 2. · The squires asked the administration for their sponsorship to the parade but the administration refused them on the grounds that they would not sponsor them for an outs tate activity. Dr. John Crook. dean of boys. said the administration would like to be able to sponsor them, but they cannqt.

DECA plans civic conscious.n ess DECA. (Distributive Education Clubs of America). has a lot planned this year in the area of community involvement. ?bey plan to start a cMc-consciousness project. "Here at school we are starting an anti-vandalism campaign," Don GUpin, DECA sponsor, said. According to GUpin, other clubs such as Z-Club and Interact must also get involved in the project to make it effective. "This year's focus of DECA will be community service," Gilpin said. · ·

Z-Ciub, Interact hold same goal Z-Club and Interact have an important thing in common: a concernJor the community. · Lois Lefebvre, Z-Club sponsor, said, "Z-Club provides a service for the school and community." Being a part oflnteract is described by _Bob Klein, sponsor, as. ''The giving of one's self to the community." . Z-Club members consist of junior and senior girls only. The enrollment has decreased some since Interact now accepts both girls as well as boys to their club. Involvement in school service includes homecoming, Parent's Night for the varsity football players, and working with the special education department for Z-Club. Interact is a service of professional people who serve the community in which they live.

New magazine to surface


This year there wUl be a different type of newspaper. and it will originate from the Creative Writing classes. The paper wUl be called the "Literary Lance." Peg Newkirk, Creative Writing instructor, is the head of the new paper and the staff, which consists of 52 members of the Creative Writing Club. Essays. poetry. short stories and other items will be featured in a magazine-type format coming out once each semester. Anyone with an interest in creative writing may submit an article or story to the paper.

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Studying the teacher Taking notes on the instructor instead of the material, BetsAnn Smith, research assistant. sits in on AI Gloor's Advanced Senior Math class. Smith studied


do all the

Westside the week of MondaY. Sept. 19, to Friday. Sept. 23, as part of a larger project comaparing school environment to teacher job satisfaction.



.Pop machine fund explored also used to pay for the spring or Freshman Honors Banquet needing a caffeine boost, stu· The money made by the pop dents are pouring a hefty por- machine, which is about $100 tion of their pocket change into . per day;. is deposited in a ~M­ the school pop machine. . · ·sion of the Activity Fund clieckWith close to $5,000 in · a ing account by Jack NOodell, still-expanding account, ques- business manager at Westside. . tions are being raised as to the Once there, .it is the job ofJim purpose of the income. "It's Findley, principal, to review and actually just accumulating,' accept or decline applications Roger Herring. assistant princi- asking for use of money from pal, said. "'The money is going to _ the fun~. Findley stated that be returned to the students in the money will be used within one form or another." Westside, but the students may ':'We haven't spent much not see it directly. "I don't know . money out of (the fund)." Lee if it's so much 'to the students' Perkins, vice principal, said. as for the betterment of "I'd imagine it will be used for Westside," Findley said. · flexible kinds of thiiigs to imHe stressed that the money prove Westside High." So far wUl not be given out to supplethe fund has provided. for two ment the budgets of schoolscholarships, valued at $200 sponsored clubs. "This fund is each, to the 1987-88 Westside not for clubs who have fallen winners of the Century Three behind on their fund raising - and Principal Leadership award efforts," Findley said. scholarships. The administra-. When the pop machine was tion has decided to malte use of first installed by the Student the fund annually in awarding Advisory Board (SAB) ·the adthese scholarships. ministration suggested that the A total $320 of the fund was profits not be put into the SAB us~d to make up for a 'negative fund. "We considered (keeping balance in the chorus budget at the money)," Mason Myers.(12), the beginning of the school SAB president, said. "We were year. ~oney from the fund ~as . under the impression that it

wouldn't be that much money.· Lack of direction in the money generated by the pop machine is a source of confusion and disappointment to some club sponsors, who have noticed a dent in their own concession sales that is possibly related. "Mr. (Don) Gilpin (Distributive Education Clubs of America sponsor) and I noticed last year that concession sales were down. I think it's affecting all of us," Clarann Winslow, co-sponsor of Future Business Leaders of America (FBIA), said . "I think it caught the administration by surprise that (the money) would be so much,· Gilpin, said. "I would like to see a general statement on how that money Will be used. • "The Westside Foundation is designed to fund projects that the regular tax dollar cannot fund," Herring said. The main difference is the area the funds serve. "The Westside Foundation money is going to be administered by someone outside this building," Findley said. The pop machine money, Findley feels, is for the exclusive benefit of Westside.


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. S~hool obse-rved, analyzed


Researchers look -for key to better education .

Innovation above vacations, freedom before merit pay, the key to Increasing teachers' job satisfaction may lie within these approaches to running a school. Theorizing that th~ quality ofteachers' work life determines the quality of instructors in public high schools, an extensive study is being undertaken to test this hypothesis. Working on a grant from the National Center on Effective Secondary Schools for the proposal developed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, researchers are studying eight traditional and eight . non-traditional high schools across the nation. From Monday, Sept. 19, to Friday, Sept. 23, project researchers Richard Rossmiller and BetsAnn Smith collected data from Westside, acting as one of the non-traditional subjects In the study.. Last spring Smith made initial contact with Jim Findley, principal, after receivIng the school's name from the _National As5ociation of Teachers of Mathematics. After a two--d ay visit, the school was selected to participate in the study. "Westside had features such as its modular schedule. We saw a lot ofteachers working in teams, and departments with interesting teacher participation In decision making, so we wanted to come down and spend a , week learning as much about it as we could," Smith satd. Min the last five years, there's been a lot of national attention about education and much of it has been negative. There have been many studies ofteachlng and threats that were felt to be piling up on


the teaching profession. Teachers were .of faculty and staff including the ethnic burnt-out, not _competent, leaving the composition, gender composition, perprofession, getting older," Smith said. cent with advanced degrees, average The study will consider different pos- length of service in the building, average sible causes for present education con- class size, number iof faculty and staff cerns beyond the extrinsic factors tradi- calling in sick." Findley said. tionally considered, such as low teaching Through observing classes, Intersalaries. viewing teachers and students, and According to Sfnith the focus is in- mass data collection, Smith and stead on elements within the school itself Rossmiller began to fonilulate a generMsuch as being treated professionally, ally positive opinion of the school. "We rarely having a satisfysee anyone who ing work life, . . By and large, people respect appears to · be p.aving meaneach other here. Students angry or fed up Ingful relationrespect teachers, and teachwith life. Most ships with peers, and being ers respect students. ~ students and teachers seem able to particito be happy, pate in deciRichard Rossmiller, researcher sions that are - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - v e r y purposeful, being made." very polite," Rossmiller said. During the course of the week, a variThe workability of modular schedulety of Information was collected. · Ing was cited as one of the unique as'They did a survey as part of their data pects of ijle school. collection efforts. They collected InforMit's more than the modular schedulmation on the master time schedule, Ing. It's the ability to take adva~tage of staff roster, any central office reports or the opportunicythat a modular schedul~ self-studies we've done, staff newslet- creates, both for students and for teachters, daily announcements for the week. ers. There are many secondary schools brochures, handouts describing specific in the country that adopted modular programs, course descriptions, a list of scheduling in the late 1960's and early last year's and year to date staff develop- 1970's and most of them abandonded it ment activities, the size of the student after two, three or four years. In this body, the ethnic mix, the percent receiv- school. they decided to make it work and Ing free or reduced price lunch, to iron out the bugs as they went," "Achievement reports, CTBS scores, Rossmiller said. SAT, ACT scores, dropout data, percent Modular scheduling demonstrates going to four-year college, two-year col- the staJTs dedication to teaching and is lege, vocational or trade schools, number also partially responsible for it. : 7

·N BRIEF Radon becomes new threat Just as the asbestos problem seems to have been taken care of, in comes a riew problem for the district to consider: harmful radon gases. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, being exposed to too much radon gas (which is present to some extent everywhere) has the same effect as smoking a half pack of cigarettes a day or receiving 200 to 300 chest X-rays a year. It was found that one in ev_ery three homes in eight different states, not including Nebraska, contained high radon levels. Testing for radon gases in schools is not required by the federal government yet.. More information is due out soon. Dr. Jim Findley, principal, said, "To my knowledge Westside has not been tested for the radon gases. I'd like ·to know more

Positive reinforcement begins Mailboxes are held under SUIVeillance at mid-quarter by studen_!.s waiting to grab a downslip before it reaches the eyes MomandDad. However, students need take heed that an em•elope from the school at this time does not necessarily contain bad news. Positive Progress Reports [PPR] will be used to recognize students who perform admirably in the classroom. The PPR targets a different group of students than do other awards. Rather than being presented upon any display of excelL·-----· PPR's will serve as positive reinforcement for those who demonstrate noteworthy improvement. "It's an attempt to recognize young people when they've truly progressed at something," Jim Findley, principal, said. PPR's will be presented throughout the year. Recipients will be determined by individual teachers. There is no limit to the number that can be distributed. /

FBLA changes for new year The 1988-89 organization of FBIA (Future Business Leaders of America) is excited about the upcoming ye.ar. They are planning to change from an officer system to a committee system, "that will mean a big change," Randy Hallett, president, said. This year's officers are: Randy Hallett, president; Pete Hazelvice president; Donna Scheidt, corresoponding secretary; Amy Duff, recording secretary; Susan GaiVer, treasurer; Jason Brune, reporter/public relations; Case Goodman and ~Qpp Howphotographers. FBIA anticipates 100 to 150 members this year. "We would anyone that is interested in business to join," Clarann , FBIA sponsor, said. The cost is $5.

"Teachers work very hard here. In many traditionally organized schools, teachers would have one or two periods during the day that are identified as preparation periods, where they are generally not in contact with students. At this school teachers seem to be in contact with students from the time they come to school in the morning until they · leave at night," Rossmiller said. Rossmiller and Smith see the school in terms of a unified whole rather than teachers on one hand, students on the other. "By and large, people respect each other here. St4dents respect teachers, and teachers respect studen.ts. It's not much fun teaching ifyou're working with a group of adversaries," Rossmiller said. Smith added, "There's no 'we-they' here. It's one community without ·any sharply drawn divisions." Although like many other puplic schools, the district is aging. Smith sees no negative effect. "That's not the story of Westside," Smith said. 'The age is the same, but the attitude is much different. A woman said to me yesterday, 'I've been here 20 years. I come here every day excited and leave every day impressed'." The e_!ght traditional schools have already been obseiVed. Westside was the first ofthe other eight schools to IJe studied and will be followed by schools in Detroit, Los Angeles and Tucson in addition to four scltools whi~h have yet to be determined. The study is estimated to be completed by the spring of 1990.

If I Only ·Had Brain. · (Pickles' prices are lower.)


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Teachers here feel part of decision-making process Shaping s t udents' minds, but often not say,"Bill Nelson , soclal studies instructor, said. school policy is the reality of teaching today. - Status may also determine administrative reWestside teachers generally feel more influ- sponse to complaints. T\venty percent ofteachentialinschool-relateddecisionmakingthando ers in the bullcling think the administration teachers nationally, but they still feel left out of reacts poorly to grievances. According to oneredetermining the budget and selecting new spondent, ·complaints are not taken_seriously at teachers and administrators. all. "They pretend to listen, but seldom take Saturday, Sept. 10, the results of a survey of ··action." T\venty percent rate.the administration 21,698.p~bllcschoolteachersnationwidebythe as responding adequately. Forty-eight percent Carnegie Foundation for 't he Advancement of feel the reaction is very- good, and one persori Teaching were released. In an effort to see how went 5o far as to say that Maction is always the authority of Westside teachers compared to tiitken." national results, 50 teachers responded toques·The primacy goal of the administration retions similiar to those of the Carnegie survey. garding complaints is to allow free expression. The largest dis_crepancy lied in the area of ~ether anything is changed or not," Finteacher evaluation. Locally over one-half of the dley said, "I just hope people 'think they're teachers, 58 percent; feel influential in that heard." area. Nationally only ten percent feel involved. Findley went on to describe the school as Planning homecomiilg takes imagination, time and team Attempting to involve teachers in this deci- ~ecy responsive," citing the stricter enfor.ceeffort. Brtgid Dugan, (12): homecoming supeiViSor, organizes sion is a district standard. "This summer we mentofopencampusregulationsasanexample. homecoming activities with the help of Jenny Lunde·. (12), hired a new person 1ri business. Joan Anderson, MWhen a plan comes up, this district responds and Anne Carr, (12). [business department chair), wa5 in Europe at v~cy well. The concerns of the staff a year ago the time. I felt that one thingl needed to do was about the attendance policy were responded to contact her. i made a phone call and we talked quite well," Findley said. Thelengthoftlmeittakestorecwyaproblemfor 35 nliimtes one night over long distance. We've always done those kinds of things," Jim atic .situation is the subject of some debate. Findley, principal, said. Lydia Burgos, . Spanish instructor, has been Better than nationally, but still low, is the complaining and waiting for four years for the . Bright lights and loud colors are what can be expected at this degree to which teachers feel they affect the thermostat in her classroom to be fixed . year's homecoming dance. school budget (22 percent at Westside as comMI'm looking forward to this winter because With such events as the bonfire, the homecoming parade, the pared to a national20 percent) and the selection I've been told that my room is finally decent. For football game, and the dance itself, the "Take a Walk on the Wild of new teachers (24 percent in the building the lastfour years it hasn't been, prompting me Side" theme fits this year's homecoming week. opposed to 10 percent nationwide.) last year to write a letter to the editor [of the _ The week starts off with the election· of homecoming king and , The only area where Westside teachers feel "Lance") out of exasperation at being frozen," queen candidates on Wednesday, Oct. 5, by all grade levels, and is more left out than do teachers nationally is the Burgos said. opened to almost any senior. selection of new adniinistrators. Only 2 percent Regardless of the situation in other areas, the "Anyone who is either in a school club, spirit group, or on a varsity of surveyed teachers qere feel that they have actualinstructionofstudentsisleftin the hands athletic teain is nominated," Brigid Dugan, (12); homecoming input in this decision. In the Camegle survey 10 of the teachers. Only 4 percent of Westside supeiVisor, said. "A lot of candidates are on the ballot, but will be percent responded affirmatively. teachers feel they have "very- little" freedom while narrowed down to 12 boys and 12 girls. • Four percent ofteachers here feel involved in 88 percent think of themselves as haVing almost ' Thursday, Oct. 6, the almost annual bonfire will be held. It is none of the decisions. complete liberty in the·clas$room. open to anyone. _, ,, . The level of.input teachers are given may "i have great confidence in the people we "This year's bonfire is going· to &e spe~ beca~ we . have correspond to their ·position in the district. "I have, • Findley said. "To think that I can make Broderick Thomas as a guest speaker," Dugan ~d: ·. _ - . wish that all teachers who want as much say as ·. outstanding decisions as to how to teach French Thomas is the defensive end for the Untvei'Sity of Nebraska Com~ Igetasadepartmentheadcouldhavethatmuch Vwhen I can't speak French is crazy.• huskers. The bonfire will be held on the baSeball diamond. · Then, baCk by pop~ar demand, the boMecomtng parade Will Carnegie Foundation results _march down the streets of the school diStrict from campus to 84th , . ·_ Stn!iet.-dowil to Center S~t. west to 90th.Street. and finally back •ti.ric:e" ln-school results ·· to the sChool grounds. · · ... . . . . ·carnegie Foundation for the · Gar entries, at •1 a car, and tloats.:at •10 a Ooat. w1ll be the matn . <. ·.A.dvancelnerit·o£ teaclrlng · ·".,. .. -· attraction of the parade. ._ •. .•Last F W~tstde dtdn\ have a paiade," Mason Myml. (12), l. Student.AdvisoJY Board I sABJ PJeSident. satd. ·aut since we didn't . (Pcttentogis dcnot. mpOndmts have one. the students mtsaed it and wanted·another ooe..." - - . .who fdt IIWOiwd lifdidslobs) . Follow1ng the parade 18 the varsity football game.againSt South ;High School here. \ · . _ _ The highlight of the homecoming week arrives Satwday, Oct. 8. when the dance will begin at 9 p.m. and go to midnight. Perfo~ at the dance Is the local·Omaha band, the "Confldentials." ; ...-be theme for the dance came from an idea that wasn't used last year for prom,• Jenny Lunde, (12). homecoming supervisor said. "'11le whole idea is to have bright colors-and abstract ideas.""


Abstract~_ week

Students.walk on the wild side




Good.Luck ~ Westside Warrior~ in your Homecoming game. From,






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- -




Freshman's newspaper offers alternative ~~~t~m~a town paper in a big city,• ex, drugs, and rock 'n roll. In July, the paper's name That's all teen-agers today was changed to the ·omaha think about. Right? Globe" simply because the Wrong. readers encouraged it. "They Kent Steinke, (9), has fol- told us it was redundant and lowed his dreams and made toowordybeforewechangedit; business a new part of his life. Steinke said. Steinke owns a newspaper, Steinke started out with nine called the ·omaha Globe. • It all or ten f:ubscriptions and now started last December when has 45 or 50. He charges $9 for Con Agra was in the public three months, and $25 for a limelight. year. "That includes postage, •rt really upset me that only handling, and delivering,' one view of the riverfront devel- Steinke said. opment was being shown by the e delivers the pape,rs World Herald'; Steinke said;I during his free time, usdecided that Omaha needed ing the city bus for transportaanother voice, • tion. The papers are also disThis was no foolish tributed free in store windows pipedream. Steinke meant in the Old Market and in Rockbusiness. He got together a few brook Village. of his friends and gave them Steinke has not proflt ted their frrst assignments. from ·h is business yet. He pays teinke's staff consists of; for everything out of his own Patsy Egc:tn, (9), and Ra- pocket. "It is very tough to get chel Davis, (9), the staffwriters, ads. As soon as I get enough of 1)m Peterson, (9), and Adam them I will txy and make the Hartman, (9), the sports staff, paper free." Paul Voc, (8), advisor, Cathy The ·omaha Globe's" headVoc, (Paul's mother), the .enter- quarters have changed many tainment writer, and Mike timesduringitsexistence. After Hogan, (9), the editorial writer. a couple editions being proc"I mostly picked them be- essed in Steinke's basement, cause they were my friends and they moved to an office at the they were the most reliable District Community Education people for the job." Center for $100 a month. CurSteinke gives his staff the rently they are located again in freedom of picking their own Steinke's basement, but plan to stories that they want to write move downtown sometime about. Hartman said, "We get to soon.· choose whatever we want, as ' pparently, Steinke has a lot of support from fam_long as it is local.· ·- ·, .,Their headquarters became· ily ·and friends. "Everyone is Steinke's basement. The "Ffe- supporfive, • Steinke said.- · my mol'it ·Tribune· published it, - parents think it's great:" and •' the frrst"editi,on came eut A:is mom, Carole Steinke, May· 28. It wa~~ named the feels it is a valuable educational ~:, -~ -~~ . euy" Be;l.con .·"·Post." ~perience. MI figure that this · tlamEraaftertheCinAgradevel- activity is a substitute for les~ ....,.,.,"'..._.,,~r. ~ jOP~~t going oni;' sons. He never really took piano ~-h..e first cover story fo ~ , .J or anyth!ng. • , , sed on ~e ·riverfroht: ~.;~~ ~s.. y~~~~!te~_is:not-af~ive~y "new middle school." ·' ' mvotvea• · in·,- -her· • sons D te his in~erience, business, "Occasionally I wi~ ~tei~~t did_n()t h_av,;- problems .~-,q~ve to_Fce}Ub.tJ.t -tp,p'ubJfsb th~ ··selling' his first ·subscriptions, papet: or give hi~ a .f~w id~as .. ~> ·we called Channel6 and asked According to Mrs. Steinke.them to interview us. Their ever since grade sch,ool her sori publicity gave us enough re- has been interested in journal~ sponse to be able . ;to keep it ism. ·When he was in secono goirig.: grade he started a little newspa~ :/l'l1ey have put out this four per that he distributed every to; e).gbt page 'paper, almost two weeks, • she said. w~k<I~ since M'ay-'28. "I think of the paper a suc_Tnfit>.ape_p;on$i;;~.ts baslcally . .C~!?§itJJ tn.J.siness,_alld second as of local interest stories. As a principle of a freer market in Steinke puts it, "It is a home: Omaha, • Stei_nke sa~~l..



We help our girls get ready .for college. They don't have many choices ...·.T!-J.en 1t comes to chooc;!~:-~g class.es. We feel they only need the classes that will help them get into a good .~ :·.. school in later years. Meg Huerter, admissions director' at Duchesne ffigh School.






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• Integration problem not solved by busing Continued from page 1. blacks and whites and quite hanepithets are repulsive to them and estly among teachers, but after this how strong a problem prejudice was period of adjustment there were a lot of benefits." with their past generations," "Richardson said. "OPS ha& a voluntruy desegregaThe faculty's ratio of minorities is tion plan, and my perception is that similar to the student ratio. Minori- it has worked very well. Students ties represent 3. 1 percent of the found that it expanded their vision total number of teachers, couns'elof the community in Omaha," Stan ors, and administrators. Maliszewski, OPS supervisor of "I think it would be neat to have counselors, said. "I went to more minorities on the faculty. It is Westside's graduation last year and important modeling for young asked a friend, What's Wrong, don't people growing up to have a variety they allow minorities at Westside?' of adults that they work with from It's hard for me to imagine not different educational and ethnic having a variety of students anybackgrounds," Bjomsen said. "Stu- more. It doesn't seem possible." dents should be exposed to lots of District boundary lines and the positions from teachers regarding high costs of transportation make racial and social issues. Education · the chances of busing being initishould be as balanced as we can get ated in District 66 slim. it." "If we bused students in, where "I feel strongly about the need for would the financial responsiblity minorttr teachers. I think it would go? It costs very close to $5000 per strengthen our staff if we had a student per year to be educated in more diverse staff," Bill Nelson, · District 66. If we sought minority social studies department head, volunteers in the greater commusaid. "I wish our school district nity of Omaha and provided transwould make - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - portation, this becomes very expena__I?ore . . I wish our school dissuccessful efsive forthe comtrict would make a fort to hire munity," Higgins 1 more successful efsaid. minority teachers and fort to hire minority "OPS's busing administrateachers and adminpolicy is designed tors. It for a large sc;:hool istrators. It would be system. I don't would be good for stu~ good for students to know if it would · dents to see see minorities in role worK at a smaller minorities in district like role modeJs models as teachers, ~ westside's. The as teachers." type of structure The sparce Mr. Bill Nelson, social studies is probably not number of department head said. appropriate," Mal' iszewski said. minority teachers can be attributed to de- Integration from busing could clining enrollment and staff reduccause racial tension in District 66. tionswhich started in 1975. "There's a lot of people who feel we !he school board makes every need to integrate by busing, but I attempt to find minority teachers feel it would bring more racial when they have the opportunity to tension if integration is forced," hire," Higgins said. "But we've had Schulz said. very little opportunity to hire in the "I· think some families move into last ten years, so the opportunity to District 66 because of the fact that have increased minorities is less it's not integrated. Students could than it would be in other schools." handle integration really well, but I An emphasis will be put on hirdon't think some parents could. There is some prejudice among ing minority teachers in the future, but quality won't be sacrificed, Hoyt parents, but it iS not a problem saig. with kids," Griffith said. · !here shouldn't be any forced . Indications from the past ten hiring of minority teachers. It's reyears have shown that more minorities are attending Westside verse discrimination hiring someone because they are black," Matt t4an ever before. Minority populaSchulz, (11), said. tion has grown from less than one "I don't think it matters what the percent from a decade ago. But · color of skin is of someone who is because of low housing turnover, teaching me. I don't think if I had the percentage of minority students five black teachers I would learn living in District 66 wjll not make' anything differently," Krieger said. a substantial increase in the near Busing students was used to in-· future. "The best solution for District 66 tegrate schools in the Omaha Public Schools system,(OPS), that is that we as a community remain had. previously had low percentages open to integration in housing, and of minorities. that sales are legitimately open to "Integration has worked very well minorities," Higgins said. "We, as a at Bryan, which was predominantly community, should do everything we can to encourage and support white the first ten years I taught there," Richardson said. "There families who wish to relocate in our were periods of difficult transition district. ·u we do that, integration in terms of attitude on the parts of of schools will follow."


-....~ ·








••""'r ~ ... r ... , Fnlllr



,.-- .....

- --=--···~

Prejudice everyWh acial intermixing isn't all that easy in the halls of Westside High where minority groups make up only 3.49 percent of the student body. But it's not just because of the small number of minorities that racial intermixing can be difficult. It's part of society's ancient, but everlasting attitude about racial separation. "Prejudice and bigotry is alive and . well at Westside," Mr. Bill McCormick, sociology instructor, said. "I can't believe how narrow and prejudiced many students are." Students agree that It's hard being a minority at Westside rather than being in a school with a large mixture of students of different race and color. The wealth in District 66 schools makes it a different education for those . who have transferred schools. f f ~'IT hen we (Cherice and sister WV Melinda) first carne to Arbor Heights, we hated lt. It was so different from our other schools. 11te school was so clean and I could not believe


the carpet on the floors. In our in Chicago it was like graffiti walls and no carpet anywhere. thought, 'these people are rich, added. harronna Chambers, ( · up in a primarily black North Omaha and moved into 66 during grade school where tended Loveland Elementary. ·rm from North Omaha and always been around my kind people." Chambers said. •For was the ot:tly black girl at LU,,..,,._ had never been around so people in my life. It was hard adjust to Loveland and the education." . Opinions differ whether the ,minorities at Westside affects educationally or socially. "I haven't seen many pr4obllen!l Westside with minorities. the fact of noticing your owrr ences, people here at Westside integrate themselves and are accept other races," Rajlv


-, -





?W .hclusing_turnover keeps 1str1tt's percentage low


Imitation common form of reverse discrimination R

everse discrimination is a form but some people do. I know someof action where a person imione who'll ~ totally nice to me when tates or takes on the characteristics . we're alone, but in front of her of another individual in a manner friends she acts different. like she which goes beyond joking. doesn't want her friends to know The imitation is more common in she likes me." Cherise Butler said. language than in actual physical Making friends came harder for action according to the Ill\nority some of the minority students than students. others. -People come up and try to talk -When I frrst came to Westside I like us. They'll say 'Yo baby. What's thought people would laugh•at me up baby? What be happenin?' and say I didn't belong. but when I got to know them better, I realized I Sometimes it's okay, but when they get carried away or keep on doing it, could be·friends with them," Chamit bothers me: Mona Thomas, (12), bers said. black student, said. A t times they question why -Some people will try to act black. £1 people choose to imitate miIt's mostly by talking. People say, norities. -Sometimes I don't understand 'What be jivin'?' but sometimes they try to rap or jive about a black group why they imitate us. It's probably because they think they can't Run DMC. ' Sometimes it makes me angry. They try to be like people communicate with us. They feel they don't really know," Charronna they can talk with us. if they're Chambers, (10}, black student, said. using 'black lingo' or 'slang·." Cherise Butler said. Physical imitation does occur, alFaculty members.also question though not as often as verbal imitathe imitation of these groups. tion .. Don Meredith. social studies -other kids will be walking down instructor, believes that -there's no the hall and they see you coming and justification for racial discriminatry to slap your hand saying 'Put it tion." The same arguement could be there, baby,'" Cherise Butler, (11) , made for reverse discrimination. black student, said. - -u doesn't seem fair. Some t sometimes appears to these mistudents imitate us. but we don't nority students, that the other imitate them. Sure. we start talking students change around them. more like the white students but -A{ first, they thought we would . that's only because we're surfollow all the stereotypes of being rounded by a different language. black, so other students tried actin_g We're not making fun of them: like us. It gets hard to tell if they do Melinda Butler said. mean any harm, or if they're trying ven with negative criticism that to make us more comfortable. these minority students someMaybe the way they act is a sly way times receive. there are positive asof reminding us that we are the pects to being at Westside. minority," Melinda Butler, (11), "I've learned about different · black student, said. cultures of race," Cherise Butler Not only do the people appear to said. -Even if we are discriminated change around the minority groups, against or imitated, I think by only a but according to Cherise Butler.they few blacks being here, we add a little change around their other friends. -Not everyone changes around us, ' flavor to Westside."



n at Westside extent it would be better if bigger minority group. At Pn.rnr•P'"'- white and almost I think if there .ininoritl.es, people would see of life and not be afraid bOI1tie:sJ: Brian Choi, (12),

Minorities are not outward prejudice and kids take some they are tired and a portion of the white " Mc~rmick said. everywhere. but unless you are a definitely Is prejudice It's inevitable," Choi minority students at agree upon difficul~es they feel making

friends is easy if people treat each other equally. · !o me people are people. It doesn't matter what color they are: Mona Thomas, (12), said. -I thought before I came to Westside that a lot of people were really rich and I wouldn't fit in, but it turned out it's not. If you're nice to people, they're nice to you," Chambers said. orming a. romantic relationship or . · even casually dating someone of a -dUTerent ·race takes guts and courage ~~,;~:;:. to face criticism from any disapproving ~·W>r""*'~·· ideas. -I think the hardest thing is to get a date," Chambers said. !hey think that if they take out a black girl people will stare at you. If a black girl and a white guy go out, so what?" -coing out with guys and sttiff is hard. We're talking prom and kissing a black girl and guys here just won't do that: Butler said. This year Westside has the largest percentage of minorities in it's history although it isn't up a sizeable number.


'5tiiae1t(s qt we5tsid.e

" 7"'Y" 1

yeqr ·.....

Columnist seeksequal coverage D.J.


Sports Editor

As I flipped through the channels on my television I stopped on NBC to watch at least one out of the 270 hours of the Olympics being televised. I guess the reason I don't watch more is because I don't really care about a 4' 11" weightlifting champion from Turkey pumped full of steroids, or a British Equestrian medalist ei!}ler for that matter. Swimming was on though and it was the 400 meter individual medley relay where the United States' own Janet Evans had the best qualiJ)ring time. During the 'race my mind wandered and I thought about Westside's own swimming team and everything they have accomplished. We have a dynasty at Westside High School. This summer we even sent a swimmer to the Ol)rmpic trials. That's great, I said to myself as the 17-year-old Evans won the gold medal. But I wasn't talking about Evans' feat. I couldn't wait to get to school on Monday and talk to a swimmer, any swimmer. I just wanted to congragulate them- any of them heck, al) of them. I didn't have to travel very far. Down in Mr. Stegman's homeroom I found a swimmer. After a pleasant conversation, this swimmer filled nie in on something I didn't realize. Every day Westside has about 234 girls running around in short skirts and new uniforms and the duties of these chicks include cheering our athletes on to victory and giving them bags of candy on game days. Whoever thought of this second option was defmitely thinking of me. ' Every week the varsity football te~ receives either flowers or bagsofcandyfromoneofthevariousspirtgroups. Wellthesame is true down the line for volleyball, basketball, wrestling, baseball, and track. But what about the swimmers?

Diggin' deep Jennifer J e>hnson, ( 11), practices bumping Monday, Oct. 3. Westside will.enter the the ball as the W arridr volleyballl team pre- team Metro Tourmament ranked fourth pares for the Metro Volleyball Tournament ·the 'Omaha World Herald'.

warr1or sp1 k ers

Ra t e d











'~l;:·~' ~J.I!.- u ~tin 9~-- ~5.~~~~! ~ or;;:::~i~se:e~~;;~~~~~s~:::~~~~~~:~e~:S?~~~~~;-· ~ r:i:J·L ;ur.g~r.(()Yt!J6f $~Oi.Q:ri team lea.d. 19 of the last 22 state championships, and the girls' have'won four

. consecutive state championships in a row. Maybe we should qu~'t giving the football team candy'. " Well cheerleaders, ..drill ~quad, Squires, flag CC?~·:lqot;l'.t get '• mad and thin)t this is .a :slam on you, think of it more: ·as a , challenge. Yeah-;a>cha'l.lenge to cover every sport equally, t After all, we shoulq probably let 'the swimmers 'stay off to ' themselves and make toweis for each other since halft;hl!.yea,r the \ chicks have hairy legs and the guys' have no hair at an: • .I '


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Nosegays Boutonnieres Corsages H~rpi~ces

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seek· 14t,h st ·a"~te;·tour.ney:;appearan. . .~, ?-.-~ r





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i :g~ct:?:pfour game." Royle said. '· ;; · Ro;¥l.e.doesn 't stress the :early • much 't:bough. the. ':_ollc:ypall team 'Y}ll:~~ trying "'m~e~~a'i ~ :~H1Y. .i'¥>t to put a lC?t C?f eiiJph¥lson \\_rinltW;Jtgl record foyrteenth app~fiJPACe to the state tourear')¥i.-.:)Ve qon't want to peak early. We are n.c·"" ... '·nament in Lincoln Friday and Sattirday, NI:SvvLli·~-<• to;pe-ak ffllbut th~ltlrne of the sta~e totrrnanl~nt!,




a~~e~· t~t\l'tl1in·gi~~4.r1~~:

wj,~~~~t~~iosseshelpthe team{~arn, ~oyle ·

and a fourth game e:Xperlence greeted·head coaeh :Ann Royle this summer at' the lJniversity of'!Nebraska a't Omaha team camp. ·· :_:: ~-· .~ · '' .Julie Novak, (12), Kristin• Lin~wall, (12), and Carol Nickelson, (12), all 'Started last year. Cori' Weinfurtner. tl2), also c":;aw plenty. of ctciuon as q ~~-f!:i re-

..and that. the old cliche that losing can be -,ulA.I.... holm; h-\1el:· · ... · "Jt,d~¢1'jp(ido any good tobeatalotofbadteams• , early, but playinggoodteamsandlosingw,.~..• :" '· • · what it takes to win." Royle


10% Discount

D AVID'S FLORIST Rockbrook Village 108 & Center 391-3191

The team's next big ""':un:;u!;• will come during the Metro Tourney which starts Monday, Oct. 3. 'We'll definitely be one of the four teams in the tournament," Royle said. Lincoln East, Bellevue West, and Grand I are currently rated ahead of Westside.

ET Runners place fourth . Cruising along, the boys' cross count:Iyteam plaGed fourth out of 11 teams in the BelleVue Invitational. Jeff Hall, (11) , won the individual competition also. Don Patton, coacq, said·," Along with Jeff, there has been host of guys that have been really running well, including Andy Johnson, (12)." As far as th~ girls' squad goes, they placed fifth out of seven _teams in the Bellevue Invitational. "Christina Netsch, (10), has been doing really well and placing in the top five in every meet." Patton said. One thing the girls' team could use is some more dedicated girls, Patton added. ·

Player ruled ineligible· Losing a good player in any sport can hurt ~ team. TarunBaneJ.jee, (12), wasakeyplayeron the varsity tennis team and was declared ineligible because of a high school rule saying that a person cannot participate in an athletic program if he is 19- years- old before September 1. "Losing Tarun will hurt the team because of his experience and talent ," Paul Nyholm, head coach, said. · · In the first invitational of the season, the Papillion Invitational, the best appearance was by David Clark, (9), by reaching the semifinals. The Warriors' next challenge will be the Metro meet, Wednesday through Friday, Oct. 57, and then State, Thursday and Friday, Oct.. 13 .and 14.

JV coach optimistic 1\vo I's will control the junior varsity (JV) football season. "Injury and improvement," Ed Howe, JVfootball coach, said, "those two things will eontrol the.season for us."


lf£.·8nldle¥ 34,.. .... (ldck good) IW•Holr-lll 7 yd nm (Stewart Klckl Bndley 9 yd ..,... (Kick gaod)

Spikers face Millard North Consistency ~s the main concern for Gary Salerno, ninth grade volleyball coach. "We are inconsistent with the little things," Salerno said. "We play great at times, but then.we ~et down just a little." Salerno is impressed with the improvment of the team. "We have ·gotten better through tournaments," Salerno said. "When we placed second at the CouncU Bluff~Tournament, I saw lots of improvement." Theft next contest is Tuesday, Oct. 2 against Millard North at Westside:

TJ up next.for gridders Having a tough schedule is not a comfort at the beginning of a season, but the sophomore footbal team didn't let that bother them opening with a victory over Burke. "Everyone on our schedule will be tough," Jim Fey., head coach, said. "And not being very deep on our bench will not help us out much." DaveFehl', (10), and Jerry Imhoff, (10), are two players who will play important roles on the team. "Dave and Jerry are both good athletes," Fey said, "and they will help out the team." The sophomore team will go for another win at Thomas Jefferson Thursday, Oct. 6, at 4: 15 p.m.

G· 3 yd nm ( ldck good) Westaide 27 Nodhwest 7 wc:8t.lde.............o 13 1 1-rr Northwe.t.. ••••• - •. 0 0 0 7-7 W-BID Kutilek 30 yd..,... Cnml Greg Armi~ (ldck 6dJecO w- David Fehr 5 )'d nm (Newman Jdcke W· Fehr 5 yd ~(Newman ldckl .! W·Armit.e: 25 yd nm (Newman

Vutdt)' PoodleD lllmucl Rodla12, Watslde S Millard Nonh•..•••....•... 7 5. - 0 0.12 at weatskle•.•..• _ ••.••...• .s ·o o o- a W..stewart 28 yd 8cld goal M-onc yard nm Qdck good) M-s.ftcy ~punt out of end M-30yd8cld1CJ81 : • IWellblllile 17 Unc:oln ~14 ' 10 0 7·17 atl.lnc:oloNE.. •••••• 0 0 7 7·14 W-s.-ut 25 yd 8e1ci goal LW;Baiknum8 yd. nm ( sa-t

"We have really improved, but if we don"t continue to do so, we will not be as good as we could be." The team's neXt contest will be at South, against South, Thursday, Oct. 6, at 4:30 p.m. The team's offense is what has impressesd Howe the most. "Our offense has really moved the ball," Howe said. "Greg Armitage, (1 0), ha~ done a great job leading the offense thus far." "We couloend upwithagreatrecordfortheend of the 5eason. We haven't played Prep or Central yet," Howe said, "butl think we will do well against them."



oro. Wellblllile

Northwat ·westside

Wellblllile••-····-·· 6 . at Burla:............. 0 Wc:atsklc:. •••• _.-·-·· 0 at Mlllud Ncll'th•••• 0





6 8

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Vuslt)' • ..,.... Wc:atsld 15/15 South 9/7 Wcatslde



at South



o- 8


Westside LaVIsta · Wc:atatde





15 3

Bert Cohen !oat Andy Cbapm,loat Jeff Zllnartnlloolt . Doubles

17 15-lt.





Stmon-<:larlt - -·- . .. ..-..-chapin~ Coben·f'lewbur&laet

Blyan muau.rw Jr. d - . Jeti'HaD lilt

4 -5 15 15-A team 4 5 15 15-B team

Wellblllile ........ Wellblllile

JAW~. Ceatlal ....... l.c:tM Ccneral 18 16 Wl:lltJdde . . 14 14 lhomaaJefl"enon 15 13 Wataldc: 0 15 Abrahun IJncoln 13 15 Wc:atslde 15 . 6 Lewta Central 13 9 Wc:at81dc: 15 15 Wc:atatde 11 15 Marian 15 9 Wc:atslde 15 8 Marian 9 15

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• 0


15 ~ 15

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.., _....... ....... I._ ......



NW· 1 yd nm (ldck ..,.,.t)


15 7 15 . 9 15 7 15 15


Slightly winded Concluding a workout, Jeff Hall (11), anxiously heads for the showers. Hall recently won the Junior Division of the Bryan Invitational. The cross country team will compete in the Millard North Invitational today.

8opb. dlvlllcln Tina~ 5th rr-b. dlvlllcln libncla G!D;Iert 7th

....... w..

t.ade 6.Mtll...t &auth 3


Din Slman !oat

Brandan w..-.. _..

15 5 15 9

9·/t. 15 15-8 5

·Dawel.rk- Bert Cohen .laet Andy ChapinJelfz.nartntDeubles ... Slman-dartlloat MacJ.cn-Chapln Cohen·ZIInartnl -

West.stdc: 2. Prep 7 Stnglea Daw Clark !oat Dan Simon !oat Brandon M""'-n !oat

r ....

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Funk seeks state tournament position Pressure. "I feel as though I have to meet ~etybody's expectations," Stacie Funk. (12), No. 1, varsity golf player, said, "and their expectations are harder to meet than mine."

That's one of the pressures Funk faces out on the golf course evety time she plays in a tournament or in a dual meet. "There is so much to think about when I'm out there playing." Funk said. "I've never lostit out there, but sometimes I think I might." Funk has had this press.u re since she made the golf team as a freshman. "I played No. 5, as a freshman. But then I felt a different kind of pressure," Funk said. "I was always worried about playing on the varsity, plus just being a freshman, I didn't have a feel of what was going on all the time. But when I became a

In the rough? · Overshadowed by a cottonwood, Stacie Funk, (12), swings to try · to put her third shot into position on the par 5 second hole at Tara Hills



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sOphomore, I felt more secure and I knew. what to area," McCormick said, "and she competes with expect. Then I became the No. 1, player." out-stare players almost evety tournament." ' "Ever since Stacie became the No. 1, player, she has Funk agrees with McCormick. "I think I can really become a leader and she has done a remarkable pete with anybody in the city (Omaha), but the J.Jll''"v'·"• adjustment to the pressure of being the orie that is schools are really tough, especially Uncoln looked at the most," Bill McCormick, girls' golf coach, east," Funk said.· "They are really good. Even some ·said. "She has shown an excellent example to the the schools further out-state have great players." younger players on the team." , "Stacie is one of the better golfers in the "I remember when I was a freshman that I really Regina ·Coumick. Burke's No. 1 golfer and sec:ondll· looked up to the older players for what to do or when ranked in the state, said. "She loves to talk on to do it," Funk said. "I tJY not to make myself out of course, though." reach to the younger players." · "That's one of Stacie's problems. She loves to "Stacie is a great leader to the whole team," Kelley about anything but golf while on the Wilbeck, (11), No. 2 golf~r. said. "She was a leader to McCormick said. "11iat isn't a real problem but other good golfers in the state won;t and don't me when I was a freshman and leads the entire team." According to McCormick, Funk is one of the better when they play. That bothers her a little bit." "I guess I'm a talker," Funk said. "It really hnt·h,.,..golfers in the state. "She is really tough in the Metro me when there's no one to talk to on the course. I walk alone I think too much." Funk has played varsity for four consecitlve sons (top five players). "When I was a freshman, I always in jeopardy of not playing on the varsity. as a sophomore I played as the No. 2 man," Funk As a junior, she took over the duties of the No. player. "When I became the No 1 player, I changed way of thinking. I no longer could take golf so '""'"''"''" Funk ~d. "I had to tighten down the screws a bit." Funk got started playing in seventh grade when Dad took her out on the course just to watch. at first, just wanted.me to watch and then he put clubs in my hands,;, Funk said. "He began to expectations on me to play in certain tournaments to practice so often. I hated it then, but I'm glad he did." Funk also took lessons from Omaha Countcy Head Professional\ Bob Popp. "Stacie came to me eighth grade to take lessons," Popp said, "she has worked to. get better. She has worked esr>ecJ,aJ..l1• hard on her short game." " . All the work tha~ Funk put in paid off last "When I won the district title, I was happy for work that I had put in over the last five years, ~ said, "but I was just as happy when I learned that won as a team. I never knew that the team meant much to me until that point." Funk now aims for a medal at state (top ten 1.m:t•L.:<=o,141 "I want to make it to state again this year and place in the top ten," Funk said, "But there are Golf Course. Funkparred the hole on her way to three more weeks left. We'll just have to wait and a 6-over par 40, while Westside won the dual what happens." against Bellevue West.


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Dates determine after-dance plans what most people do,· Debbie Kreie,(l2) said. ~t:JIV1ttes seem to be somewhat standard Tracy Pollard, (12), commented on on homecoming night. It's the party- the hotel room situation. "You could ·s ay that often attracts the most attention getting a hotel room is part of the evestudents and adults alike. ning; she said. Not only do students pay attention to Tradition· is not the only reason stugoing on after the homecoming dents rent hotel rooms. Lack of other but Westside faculty members, things to do and places to go is also a and local law enforce- problem. "Ijustgotaskedsoidon'tknow agencies also pay attention to party what we're doing yet, but we'll probably Hotel and house parties are what go to a hotel for a party since it's the only students and adults are interested place go,· Trish Cieslik. (11), said. Students are lookirig for a good time; Many students agreed that the reaare watching for illegal activities son for renting hotel rooms is for the as drinking by minors and renting opportunity to drink. "Drinking has gotrooms while under the legal age of ten worse,· Johnson said. But to many students' surprise, hotels are not always Peg Johnson, dean of girls, said, "All a safe place for drinking. Administrators us, faculty and administrators, are send information on teen parties to varito what students plan to do after ous hotels in the city. bmtec<>min~.· Counselor Maryanne Hotel management is aware of minors !Jd"etl:s agreed with Johnson. "We are a renting and using the hotel rooms. 'We more aware of what's going on party- do have a big problem with minors trying .. she said. to rent the rooms,"Tina Persinger, AssisTeachers can, .and do, intervene in tant General Manager at Embas5y Suites party plans. "If we hear a certain .in Omaha, said. 'The proble.n definitely name being mentioned, we


increases whenever high schools have down on this problem. At Howard dances such as homecoming." she said. Johnsons of Omaha, the problem is cut When hotel management is told of down by a s~ple process. The hotel disturbances coming from a party, the simply does not rent out to people under · complaint is always checked out. "In the the age of21. It is a requirement by state case of a normal party," Persinger said, . law, and the hotel sticks to it. "we have security go to the room to check 'We simply do not have a problem the situation out, and tell the people they with minors trying to rent because of this must calm down. But, if security goes to law," the Assistant Manager for the htel the room and minors are present, we said. take action right away." Area law enforcement agencies also If they are not careful. the hotels may t.Iy to cut down on this problem. Chief find themselves in trouble with more Deputy Chris Saklar of the Douglas than the law if they rent to minors. County Sheriffs Department said, _"we Damage often occurs to the hotel rooms do look into a situation if we are called when minors have parties. The hotel with information about minors renting itself then has to take control of the hotel rooms and minors in possesion problem. Most hotels t.Iy to be com pen- (MIP). Saklar added, "otherwise, we do sated for the damages by the person that rnot do extra patrolling around hotels rents the room. · unless we are called.· "In the case of minors .doing damage New to Omaha and surrounding arto the rooms, we t.Iy to collect for dam- eas is the MIP hotline. The hotline came ages done, and we always call the par- just in time for the dance season, and is ents of th~ kids," Persinger said. designed to help cut down on the drinkThe mosL important thing for hotel ing problems ofteen-agers. "The hotline management to get across to the minors, was formed through PRIDE Omaha; and is how serious they are about cutting allows people .to call in if they have information on people selling alcohol to mi-

~~~~~~~r~=~==~~~==~~~~-----~7-0-~~=~r=~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~to do have an obligation to call their n I:A purchase alcohol, and house and hotel

and the police,· Johnson said. When students aren't alerted by facmembers, adniinistrators are. "We ~.-v 1An::;c 11...1 :> alert administrators if we something needs to be done,. Ricksaid. In this situation the administake charge and make the necesphone calls homes or hotels. "Dr. Findley, (principal), often takes care unless he's terribly busy; Johnson

parties,· Saklar said. · In the case of a hotel party with minors renting the room, Saklar said, "we contact .the hotel or motel on what trouble they can get into if the knowingly rent out to minors. It is a serious litiga~fJ~~~mi~~ii;;~~~!~iiim~~iiiJ tion and can result in a lawsuit.· ) Still other students are taking the safe route to post-homecoming partying, and plan on leaving out hotel rooms. "We definitely plan on going.out and partying. but we're going to go to a safe house where we're supposed to be and where we won't get busted," Shelley Lewis, (11), said.


Hotel parties seem to be the popular · with students, and is often an aeon the agenda for homecoming "We will probably get a hotel room in a way it's a tradition and it's

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No more complaining- Omaha is full of places to go and things to do. Break out of that monotonous mold _and do something different. Try giving the ears a break by going to a play, or the symphony. As the Opera season draws to a close, the Orpheu m h a s m ad e room for the Om aha Symphony. But before the trans ition, the Broadway h it, "Cats" will be coming back to Omaha Tuesday a nd Wednesday, Oct. 4 and 5 . Tickets are available a t TIXorby calling 342-7107. Needless to say, this is the perfect time to purchase tickets for the upcoming symphony season. The first concert, Saturday, Oct. 1, features Carter Brey, playing the cello, performing Brahm's Symphony. Thursday and Saturday, Oct. 20 and 22, · "Carmina Burana" by Carl Orff with the Omaha Ballet and Nebraska Choral Arts Society will perform. To order tickets, call 342-3560. Maybe a "Scorpions" concert is more to your liking. This group will be in Omaha, Tuesday, Oct. 4 at 7:30 p.m.in the Civic Auditorium Arena. Genera} admission is $17 in advance and $18 on show day. Pick up tickets at the auditorium box office, Younker's, Pickles, TIX or Homer's. The Omaha Ballet is also preparing for its season. Don't miss "Carmina Burana" in October and the "Nutcracker" in December. Tickets can be purchased by calling 346-7332. "Beauty andThe Beast," a full-length ballet will be performed by the London Ballet Theatre on Sunday, Oct. 30, at 2 and 7:30 p.m. at the Joslyn. Tickets cost $10 and are half price for students. For reservations, phone 392-1042. Another solution for boredom can be found by going to the play, "Love, Sex and the I.R.S." 1be Upstairs Dinner Theatre is playing host and reservations may incl~de an all-you-car~- toeat buffet. Call 344-7777. A final suggestion is to attend a concert featuring Jackson Berkey and Chip Davis, from Manheim Steamroller on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 7 and 8. This is a special concert celebrating the 75th anniversary of Fontenelle Forest. It promises to be a good one.

Limousines await riders i}~t:i(f$it*Ji4~l~MvtiAA:\4ot,ffl%§·tlt¢4#*~ Expenses are easily overlooked when it comes time to planning Homecoming. Guys feel pressured to p rovide the best for their dates. There a re s o m any1:hings to plan: dinner , what to wear; where to go, and of course the big question, who to go with.· These are all importan t elements to con -· sider, however, nothing can proceed without a mode oftransportation. Who will drive and what will the vehicle be? Limousine services are happy to accommodate anyone searching for an answer. Sheryl Holmes, employee of the Old Market Limousine Service, said that .because their service only has ten limousines, reservations should be made as early as possible. "Weekends tend to be very busy, especially when many schopls are having dances on the same night," Holmes said. · Generally, the cost is about the same between the Omaha metro limousine services. The Old Market Limousine, charges $35 per hour for the standard stretch. "It comes in blue, silver or grey," Holmes said. The deluxe stretch which costs $40 an hour comes in white. The super stretch runs $45 an hour and is available in charcoal, white, and black. The difference ~tween the types is minimal. Most have a color 1V, a bar, VHS recorder, a moon roof along with other accessories. . -r}:le main differenc.e between the limousines is that the size increases by a few feet. Also, a cellular phone is optional in the deluxe stretch," Holmes said. For those who wish to have the luxucy of a Un:iousine but don't want to spend an exorbitant price, Accent Limousine Service charges $19.50 an hour for what they call the "formal". Of course, since the price is relatively low, it doesn't have a lot of the features that are available in the other vehicles. This is a plain . white Uncoln with fold out seats and a radio. Usually, the services require that reservations be made for at leaat a two hour ride and that payment is made before the service.

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One Pacific Place is home to one of Omaha's newest sensations. L & N Seafood Grill, an East coast franchise, has opened a restaurant in the new shopping complex. The motif of the x;_estaurant is a cut above casual. It is, of course, in an ocean type atmosphere. Pictures of ships and fish adorn the walls. . The menu is almost strictly -seafood. They have normal seafoods such as shrimp, but their fish selection is beyond belief. They fly fresh fish in daily and this can be tasted. I( you are not in a seafood mood don't go to L & N Seafood Grill. The Cajun dishes have a special flair that is excellent. The desserts are very

good and the selection is good. The fish selection is one of the best in Omaha. There is no reason to expect poor quality food. Each month they have a special that highlights a certain area of the country. It is an excellent idea that appeals to many. The prices are n ot chea p. Each dish ranges from $7 to $1 2, though it is well worth it. The portions of each of the dinners is more than ample and you t ruly get what you pay for in both quality and quantity. Even the appetizers are huge. One of the most pleasant things about L & N Seafood Grill is the quality of the service. It is beyond any ever found in Omaha. They are polite and serve with a friendly attitude. The service leaves you feeling like you have been pampered. It'is personalized service. and appeals to even the gruffest of patrons. Each server has also tasted every dish and they give advice as to what is good and what is great. Taking everything into consideration, L & N Seafood Grill is good if you are interested in a better meal for a little higher price. It would be _excellent for a casual date. Reservations are not taken, but if you ca).l ahead of time and leave your name, when you arrive your name will be moved to the top of the waiting list. It is suggested that you do this if you plan to eat after 6:30p.m.

Glimpse of down under "1be Church": It's not a religious institution. It's a band, and -they don't play gospel music. Hailing from Australia, "1be Church" will rock the Peony Park ballroom at 7:30 p.m., Monday, Oct. 3. "1be Church" consists of singer-bassist Steve Kubey, drummer Richard Ploog, and guitarists Peter Koppes and Marty Wilson-Piper. Formed in Sydney in 1980, "1be Church" has six albums to date. Theil- latest album "Starfish," receives regular airplay on radio station KEZO (Z-92). The concert is being co-promoted by Z-92 and Jam Productions. · Mike Turner, Z-92 disc jockey, describes "1be Church's" music as "smooth and melodic with biting modernized lyrics." "We're expecting a crowd of around 1500 people- almost the capacity of the ballroom. We anticipate mostlyyoung people in their late teens to mid-20's," Tom Burgan, owner of Concert Security Services, said. Burgan is also in charge of the distribution of tickets and promotional items. Tom Verlaine· will be opening for "1be Church." "Tom Verlaine is from the '70s band "Television." He plays alternative music with a kind ofweird sound to it," Nick Armijo, manager of Pickle's Records and Tapes said. Tickets are $12.50 in advance and $13.50 at the door. Tickets are available at Pickles, Homers, TIX, and Younker's Ticket Outlets.


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ow open ne Pacific Place center 'different from the rest' It's not a Mtypical~ shopping center. One Pacific Place, located at 103rd and Pacific Street is Mdifferent from all the rest , ~ according to Gina Slechta, production coordinator for the retail division of BetaWest. BetaWest owns and manages One Pacific Place. There are currently tw<;> parts to One Pacific Place, a retail side and a business side. The retail side consists of shops and restaurants, while the business side houses an office building. The retail portion is currently 85 percent leased and will be Mmostly finished~ by Sunday, Nov. 2, according to Slechta. Stores will open gradually until this date. The official opening date was Tuesday, Aug. 23 with four shops opening on this date. One Pacific Place opened on the some day that the new north addition to Crossroads Mall and Dillard's department store opened. L & N Seafood Grill and Ruby Tuesday, both One Pacific Place restaur~ts have been open since early August. M[One Pacific Place is] complet~ly unique to all other shopping malls in the Omaha area,~ Sletcha said. One Pacific Place features specialty shops such as the. Bombay Company (home furnishings): Laura Ashley and Ann Taylor (ladies' clothing), Brookstone (hi-tech equipment), and Bags and Baggage (luggage). All ofthese stores are currently open. MI really think that Omahans will enjoy coming here to these more upscale stores. All of them emphisaze quality, unique and totally different products.~ Sletcha said. MPeople from Omaha used to go to mark~ts such as Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and Dallas to do their shopping. With · One Pacific Place, they can do it right in town,~ Sletcha said. MEven the folks who live in Regency are supportive of the project.~ Some neighborhood residents had voiced concerns that One Pacific Place would be a shopping center that would draw high traffic areas to their part of town. According to Steve Cary, production coordinator ofbusiness division, there is an office building currently 40 percent occupied and 51 percent leased with three companies constructing offices at this time. Min the future, look for a 200 unit multifamily hi-rise appartment building to be built also.~ Cary said. He added that One Pacific ylace would · have a Mpaz:k-like .• atmosphere.~ · MLook for One Pacific Place to have a broad mix of local, national and international retailers," Slechta said. "When companies such as Brookstone and Ann Taylor sent out invitafor credit cards, many people already had them from their order experience and dealirfgs with locations in other cities. is a market for Omaha and we want to get that market to 103rd and Pa cific," Slechta said.

Lunch a t One PaCific Place Looking for a new location to eat. Todd Parker, (11). KevinAtkinson, (11), and Rick Kelley, (11). choose One Pacific Place's L & N Seafood Grill. One Pacific Place's retail division has been open

since Tuesday, Aug. 23. This shopping center was the cause of concern by neighb orhood residents due to the possible increase in traffic along Pacific street.



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Bring in this ad when ordering your homecoming flowers and receive a free rose {valued at 3.50) for your date

!XX.~'IO:Xx:-..-o::o:x:--=-=xS pI ash on the Technology .department g The technology department joined the rest of Westside when remodeling reached the wood, auto, and welding shops this summer. "All of the three shops were completely redone," Ken Brown, techonolgy department chairman, said. New walls were built to create a new classroom area. Until this year, there had never been a cla5sroom In the three areas; students liad classes In the shops. Space was taken from the three shop ·areas,(woods, welding, and auto), .to make the new classroom. The new room makes it easier for the teachers to teach classes that don't need to use the shops, such





·as Principles of Technology, and Co-op of Trades and Industry. The room will be used for classes in the other three sections, also. The new room also helps the students. "It's good to have a clear area to work at. The students feel really good about it," Brown said. In addition to the new room, new paint and graphics were added to the other sections. The graphics are related to .!!ach shop area and the colors are the school olors. New doors an~ cabinet work was done. While the areas were remodeled, no new equipment was added. "But. the ventilating and heating system was updated,

ew look allowing the climate to be better controlled," Brown said. • More than new storage space was added. "One of the most important things is that now all of the shops are wheelchair accessible. Before it just . wasn't possible to get a wheelchair Into the woods shop," Brown said. · The new remodeling has done more than just improve the technology shops. · 'With the school colors and all the remodeling, it's really made our department fit in with the rest of the school." Brown said.

Brightly painted hallways create a positive armosphere in the newly remodeled technology wing of the school.

Careful Students observe a demonstration by Mr . Larry Lewandowski in his newly-refurbished woods area.

Spruced up New heating in the auto s ho p should m a k e classroom instruction and work more appealing this winter.



Mr. Ken Brown a nd Mr. Ron Rollins, Principles of Technology instructor s , have stu<fents working in small groups. .

Westside Wgh School 8701 Pacific Omaha, Ne 68114 ~~

Plan alt ers

strate: ies ~

foF district mtgnM+i· i,lW-4·!W!rfr?J!fr~;:J-~~r1~

liis smashed car window, Pat Nelson, (11), JIVIestJga.tes the damage to his car. Nelson was the of two thieves who had been breaking into cars ~tru~ked along Williani Street. The thieves were looking

for stereos and fuzzbusters. On one day. three cars were broken into, but one of the thieves has been ~ested and the administration. isn't concemed that more thefts will occur.

reak-ins come an end; • the act andals caught 1n St«::rec>S and fuzzbusters are in htgh ~""'cu.'·" as several students have found going to their cars after school. For several weeks, students' cars have broken into during the school day the possessions in them have been The most common items taken radios and radar detectors. The of these break-ins occurred in parked along William Street, constudents who park there. "After hearing about all the vandalism to cars parked on that street (WUStreet) I was nervous to park there the day," Debbie Barta, (ll), said. Administrators were not concerned at when t!1e first car was reported, but concern grew as the break-ins bemore frequent. "Things like this happened a few times in the past so concern for the problem wasn't that but as the frequency of the breakincreased we knew there was a prob" Jim Findley, principal, said. was to the point where it wasn't ""''u.._....,.u.., but breaking and entering,"

Roger Herring, dean of boys, said. After a report of three cars which were broken into in one day, administrators took more action to prevent the occurrence of this incident. ~we alerted the building supervisors to the situation and had them watch more carefully for strangers or students who looked suspicious," Findley said. Prevention was also being taken by students; especially the victims of these crimes. "After seeing the broken glass of my window, and my stet:eo and tapes gone I decided not to drive to school for a while," Lucky Truesdell, (11), said, "When I do drive again I won't keep anything valuable in my car." "I decided not to replace my stereo and make sure my doors are always locked," Mike Becker, (11), said. . Both students agreed a change in parking would also prevent this from happening. Monday, Oct. 3, · ~ student reported two suspicious strangers wanderfug in the west senior lot, to the administrators.

Administrtors took inlmediate action on the situation and sent two members of the staffby foot and two in cars to search the school grounds. The two suspects were sighted walking opposite directions on William Street. One of the alleged thieves was seen getting out of a car. When asked to stop the culprits ran from the administrators. One escaped on foot, the other in a car which was later stopped by police on Pacific Street. Although little information could be obtained about the two suspects, it is known they were not students of Westside. The thief who was apprehended was in a borrowed car with stolen license plates and had four warrants out for his arrest. The other man has not yet been found. The arrest of one thief has put administrators and students at ease over the situation. "I hope students will still try to prevent this situation from happening again, but hopefully this arrest has put an end to the problem and will cause less concern among the students, administrators, and faculty," Findley said. ·

Learning to play the game Colleges look for mo re t han just good g rades; course load, a-ctivities can deter mine acceptance the college game represents the frrst trial for high school students. Getting admitted to school of choice can be a difficult process. "The first thing you have to look at is your academic recYou have to look at the big picture; Lynn Hansen. ................ , said. "No matter where you go, you have to look the quality of your courses and if you are a high achiever a modest one." Taking a challenging course load is required for admitto selective colleges, schools that take fewer than 50 ,....,,....,•nt of their applicants. "Taking the most difficult courses is critical. The tranis the most inlportant part of the because

it shows us what courses you take," Missy Rose, associate director of admissions at Duke University, said. "Grades are inlP.Ortant, but we don't necessarily look for straight A's." "We only want to know what your grades are in the more demanding courses. We don't even look at your other grades. We take a yellow pen and cTC>Ss out all the courses that sound shaky. Unfortunately, some people don't have many courses left after we do that," Richard Moll, former dean of admissions of the University ofCalifornia at Santa Cruz, said. Moll has written two books on the college admissions process and gave a onehour presentation to the public at the University of Nebraska at Omaha Sunday, Oct. 2, on how to play the college admissions game. Continued on 8.

Str~tegic Plan 1988 was set into motion Monday. Oct. 3, after being adopted by the board of education at their bi-weekly meeting. . James Tangdall, superintendent, said the Strategic Plan is a design about what the school district would like to do in the future. "The Strategic Plan is trying to design what you want to have occur. whatever the institutionalization is, and trying to control the future, ra¢er than letting it control you." Tangdall said. Tangdall also added that it was a good way to strategize and design the way you want to accomplish the goals of the district. "The most immediate thing to come out of our initial Strategic Plan. was the reorganization of the school district. and it was a direct result of that planning effort." Tangdall said. Tangdall said that there were a number of other significant things to come out of the strategic plans. He said the district wanted to put a greater emphasis on writing. global education and technology. "We have also indicated that we were going to focus on a strong staff development program. provide more training opportunities for the staff, and help them feel renewed because we do have an aging staff." Tangdall said. Tangdall also pointed out the major di1Terence between this year's plan and last year's. "The major difference i5 in the objectives. I think I have identified three or four extremely crucial objectives that are going to have a dramatic effect on what we do in this school system in the next few years if we're· really committed to it." The objectives Tangdall wa~ referring to inciuded; · .f 100 percent of the students will complete a prescribed course of study and receive the appropriate diploma, .I 100 percent of the students in the special ed. program will be employed, enrolled in postsecondary education. or placed in community-based settings within six months of high school graduation, 1OQ. percent of the elementaJy and middle school students will meet or exceed anticipated level of achievement in reading. math, and language, 1()0 per cent of 9:-12 students will meet or exceed anticipated performaJ\Ce levels in their course of study each year. .f J3y 1993, the enrollment in educational prpgrams, pre-kindergarten through adult education) will be at least 12.000. ··'' ,, : T~gdall said ;~~~1 , :f,helll!U~Jhrust was to have all kidS.achieVirig least . their own grade level or higher. . "Consequently; that :is one of the problems·· we've got in ·thi~ ',.counn,y ,toctay': Too many kids going thrOugh schoOl who are not achieving ~t . the level they ·heed• .~ .become






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ANCE. ~~ ~=

Car vandals apprehended

o•• Nt:EO MY TVNE S ,MAN • JV6\ 6011'A HAVE'EMl

In the last weeek, thefts have created problems for studentswho parkalong87thSt. Someofthecarson87th St. were broken into, and many car stereos were stolen. Windshields, windows, and doors were broken to remove stereos and radios from the cars. The thefts had intimidated some students and stopped them from parking along the street. Damage to the cars was extensive and costly. In addition to the thefts, vandals spray painted the wall of the football stadium and the b leachers. The administration did an admirable job in apprehending the people responsible for the thefts and in removing the graffitti from the wall. By quickly halting the string of thefts. the administration protected st~dent property and showed their responsibility toward the students. The administration should be commended for their clean-up efforts.

Pl_a n · creates positive force Planning for the future is essential to the success of Westside and District 66. We are fortunate to live in a school district that controls its own destiny instead of wandering aimlessly along an undefined path as many school districts do. District 66 has again succeeded in planning what specific path it will follow for the upcoming year with the introduction of the Strategic Plan 1988. Concentrating this year's efforts on global education. writing, and technology, the district has provided for the modem demands on educated students. By annually setting goals as the Strategic Plan. District 66 has been able to keep up the high standard of education for which the district has been known . This future planning has caused many positive results in the past and is an excellent program to be kept for the future .



The Media department at The failure of Broderick Westside is often overlooked in Thomas to fulftll his committhe importance it plays in the ment to the Westside student c::ducation students receive at body at the bonfrre WednesWestside. By providing micro- day, October 5 showed a lack of lim machines and other elec- responsibility. Thomas should tromic media for the student realize as a respected public body, the media department personality that his actions has given Westside students have a definite impact on other an extraordinaty addition to people. By skirting his respontheir practical skills. The expe- sibility Thomas has set a negarience students receive in tive example for many stuworking with the micro-ftlm dents who respect and admire machines is invaluable in fu- him. The student body ture applications during col~ shouldn't accept this lack of relege ·and other research-ori- sponsibility because Thomas ented tasks. The department's . is a public figure, but should acquistion of the new micro- instead demand he be more aclim machine is a positive addi- countable and responsible for the example he sets. tion.


liMWitfii®~~i!~~·E~tdtlim The ''Lance" is the offical publication of Westside High School, 8701 Pacific St., Omaha, NE, 68114. The "Lance"officeis located In Room 122. Advertising rates are availa ble upon request Phone (402) 390-3339. The "Lance" is an in-house publication. The paper is distributed biweekly to all students 16 times a year except durtn_g vacation periods. Subscription rates to others are $5 postpaid. Non-profit mailing rates claimed. The "Lance" is printed by the "Fremont Tribune," 135 N. Main, Fremont, NE 68025. Letters to the editor are welcomed. Letters should be less than 300 words in length, signed by the author, and sent to the editor or the adviser in Room 122. The "Lance" is a member of the Nebraska High School Press Association, the· Columbia Scholastic Press Association, and the National Scholastic Press Association.

Editor-in-chief, Laura Struve. Managing Editor/ Production, Gwen McGill. Managing Editor/ Copy, Mason Myers. Business Manager, Kim Ostergaard. Copy Editor, Mary Overholt. News Editor, Karen Nyhom. AssOciate NewsEditor,Jay Nilsson. Feature Editor, Jim Duff. Sports Editor, D.J. Rezac. Weekender Editor, Nancy Olson. Design Editor, Kent Bonham. Photo Editor, Evan Howe. Circulation Manager, Michelle Jaeger. Staff Artist, Troy Muller. Staff Critic, Mark Carroll. Columnists, Erin Conboy, Jessica Sullivan. News Staff, Todd Parker, Amy Radil, Laurie Spid, Anne Wax. Feature Staff, Debra Dohmen, Allison Kohli, Melissa Pariset. Sports Staff, Andy Chapin, Bert Cohen, Randy Hallett. Weekender Staff, Nick Hansen, Susie Kiscoan, Cathy Pettid, Becky Richardson. Design Staff, Jenny Frank. Photographer, Matt Fischer.



Armpit of the ·world

Omaha wears ·wrong lab Poor Omaha. with some sand and water on one side and We are deprived. Mountains, beaches, excel- and mountains on the other. There are lent entertainment possibilities, and exciting obvious advantages to living in such PlC:tCe!lll shopping are nonexistent-you name it, we don't Howev~r. maybe it's best that Omaha does:n'l have it. Some may estimate that we are living have these things. HaVing these pleasures without the essentials for leading a normal life. away most likely causes us to appreciate "'!be armpit of the world," was what a friend of more. And besides. what would be the purpose mine from Oklahoma City referred to Omaha as. vacations if there was no where to go? For those who delight in consistently making Omaha has the qualities that really matter. unmerited remarks about Omaha, I must ask if may take a more lmagintion to keep variety they have ever learned the song, ·omaha, Omaha but itis deftnitelyworth it. It the finest place you ever saw''? · much better than this. When I told my dad Instead of acknowledging what Omaha does thecomment,herespondedbysaying, "You'll have and making the - - - - - - - - - - - - - , thatmostofthe most of it, the sentiment who dislike of today seems to be. Nancy Olson •the grass is greener on the over side;-basically meaning that there are many other cities that would be much more exciting to live in. It's easy for us to talk about how wonderful I will write about the other opinion later. interesting it would be to live in hopping Often times I hear friends (and I can unfortu- like Boston or Phoenix. but when it comes nately be sometimes included in this group) down to it, I think it would take a lot ot J:>er:sU<lSi<:t complaining that there is absolutely nothing to to get us to give it all up. do in this city. I realize that a lot of times, such Who cares if the best bands don't come a comment is merely spoken because of a lack of Buy the tape-the quality's better anyway. anything better to say. we do have are safe neighborhoods w,here True, it would be nice ifwe could perhaps steal are more than two inches apart, relatively the green mountain decor from the Colorado rush hours compared with big cltles and rrlf•nnt• plates or the word "California" to represent warm people. weather and beaches, among other positive asLast spring when my mom and I were COJnill: pects. However, don't forget that we do have a back from a trip from Florida, a lady at the license plate of our own. asked us when the flight departing for Omaha When I have said that there is nothing to do expected to leave. My mom preceded to tell here, I have usually said it in such a 'w ay that I and then asked how she knew we were imply that it would be completely different if I Omaha. The lady responded, "Because you lived in a big city that always has things going on. look like the most normal and friendly But after traveling to these places and meeting here." friends who live there, I know that living in big My point is that we need to treat our city cities doesn't change much. Don't think for a the respect that it deserves. Perhaps if we minute that they don't share the same feeling as little more pride in what we have here, then . us. They too get bored. who don't live here would stop labeling us as I'm not denying that Omaha would look great ann pit of the world."

3 olumnist l_earns lesson; fii-st jobs ot what they're cracked up to be First _Jobs aren't always what they're cracked up to

Although getting a first job is unpleasant, getting the first pay check certainly isn't. But, then, money is What starts out as a financial dream often turns into money, and I don't think anyone minds getting that. nightmare. When I thought about getting a job, all I Unfortunately, having a job also has an affect on your torlSic:ler·ed was how much money I'd be making. social life. It's a bad one, too. I can't even remember the from all the people - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . last time I went somewhere for more than two talked to, I'm not the only who thought like this. Jessica Sullivan hours with more than two friends. Of course, when I I'll be the first to admit that Columnist do go out. I'm never short money is great. But acon money . While all my working for it is an enfriends are counting their different story. When nickels and dimes, I'm new on the job, you have pulling out ten dollar bills. do a lot of disgusting things, Being polite to rude people is tough. Being courteous involving clean up work. After my first week at work, I thought I'd toss my to people I know and don't like is difficult. but manage,oo•Kte:s if I even saw another messy table to bus. I'm able. What's worse though. is when my friends come in. , but clearing off other people's half eaten salad All the razzing I get really makes me wonder if $3.45 is pizza is not how I enjoy spending my weekend. I even nearly enough. _ So all in all, getting your first job is one of the most admit, though, answering the phone, in the time takes to find a pen, the person had already given their disillusioning experiences in life. If it was fun, you address, phone number, and order, and are de- wouldn't get paid for it. I guess that's why it's called work. And I've g,ot the blisters. bumps. bruises. and tlandJlnt! the total price. But then the magical moment arrives ... Payday! paycheck stubs to prove it.

resident thanks students Editor. I would again like to express my sincere thanks to entire student body for their generosity during the Way drive. Our final total came to $2548.20. was over $800 past our original goal. I would also to thank SAB for their guidance and.their contriof$116. United Way was definitely an exciting beginning to school year, but it will only get better. With the behind us. you can expect bigger and better from your Student Forum in the future. Thanks

that adults care more for young people than that. And I wish Jeff would also.

Sincerely. Dick Lundquist. Guidance Director

Install restroom smoke alarms

Dear Editor, Where there's smoke there's fire. Westside's bathrooms are filled with smoke and my temper is full of frre. Don't misunderstand me; if people want to·smoke, by all means, go ahead. Kill yourself, but at least have the courtesy not to do it in our public restroom. I don't appreciate any aspect of your smoking. (Examples: the smell of one's clothes when they walk out of the restroom, not being able to find an empty stall, and the possibility of diseases from second-hand ults care for young people smoke.) The only comical point ofyour disgusting habit Editor, Is the sight of two students in one stall together. As an honoracy SAB member, a top student, and as I suggest the installation of smoke alarms by the of the two young men chosen by the faculty to faculty in order to preseiVe the cleanliness of our ~p1rescent Westside High School at Boy's State. Jeff bathrooms and the health of our students. is in the position to be a positive leader with Signed impact on Westside High School. With that in Adatn Marx. (12)_" , I was extremely disappointed to read Jeffs plea adults to "concentrate more of their efforts toward Writer unveils misconceptions young adults to drink responsibly" in the Sept. Dear Editor. "Lance." I was. shall we say, disgusted byJeffZanarlnl's lack If Jeff is as bright and well-informed ·as his backsuggests, he should be aware that responsible of knowledge in the Westside "Lance." I should say that by teens is simply not possible. if for no other Jeff of all. people. really did surprise me. I would wish to that it is illegal. Jeff seems to feel that since so point out a few of your misconceptions. The first teens drink, adults are wrong in eying to stop foremost of these is your attitude towards the MIP I have seen studies that show lots of teens steal Hotline. The Hotline is not for tattletales or for pranks. their classmates and lots of teens shoplift. By The MIP Hotline is to keep the neighborhoods respectlogic, adults ought to be urging young people to able and quiet. We've all been to parties where you have and shoplift responsibly. Jeff might argue that cars lined up on both sides of the street. kids running and shoplifting are more serious than drink- - In and out of the house, music as loud as it can get and but I would askJeffhow many deaths and Injuries constant shouts by evecyone at the party. This situknows that stealing and shoplifting have caused. ation ~?rings up many different safety hazards. You Jeff should be aware of the pain and agony many of have drunks throwing up all over, going to the bathclassmates have suffered with alcohol problems. room, and attempting to drive. I'm not saying parties should know about the incredible disruption a are terrible, to an extent. we need to learn some respect. !leJ:nic;aily dependent teen faces in life. and the great That is the purpose of the MIP Hotline to keep some control over the size of parties. ~·~ u•'L_Y and expense involved in getting treatment. As for your views on the PUSH organization, it's ss Jeff is totally uninformed or terribly insensihe simply cannot Ignore the great tragedy alcohol unfortunateJeffhas forgotten what PUSH stands for in three short years since Arbor. PUSH stands for Prevenhas wrought upon his generation. · Jeff should also be aware of the deaths, injuries and tion Using Student Helpers; pr~venting drug and alcottered lives that his peers continue to suffer hol use by young· kids using high school students to show them you can have fun without illegal subn•TnUllrlP ••• and he should have some empathy for parent of a teen who sits at home evecy night stances; not push quarters into a phone at evecy beer we see being drank. youngster is out in fear of '!HAT phone call. Finally. I would like to congratulate Jeff for his Yes, I am disappointed that a young man as bright Jeff. and with the leadership potential of Jeff, has superb fantasy about John and Sally. By this he indi-nn<>r••ntly chosen as his senior year rallying ccy a rectly showed what ~::ould happen to kids that drink and for adults · to engage in the ultimate drive. I ask you, what would be the blame of those j'e!>pcms.ibi!Uy ...which is what urging young adults deaths. the cops doing their job, or John driving under would be. Surely there are issues in this the influence of alcohol? Jeff gave the MIP Hotline some more consequential and less self-indulgent needed support in showing drinking can kill. Thank the whining plea that adults should simply you. Respectfully. ~nc1or1e drinking since many kids are doing it. I am glad that adults are smarter than that. And Jeff Beier, President of PUSH

Kim Houle, (12)

· . ;'[ thi.n k it's unfair. It's like : any other crime. Your car is your own personal property. they .have no right to take . anything from it. r think •·whoever's caught should be · punished severely."

Strike up the band This month the marching bimd is gearing up for some competitions that are local and statewide. nm1nrrnw the band will travel to Plattsmouth for a competition festival in which 15 other bands are competing. Saturday, Oct. 22. the band will be in Lincoln for the Nebraska State Band Master INlSO·ClC3LUCin state marching contest at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln's Memorial Stadium. Fifty bands will be competing

PSATI ACT to be administered


College ·entrance exams are in season once again. The PSAT will be administered ar Westside on Saturday, October 15. The ACT will be administered on Saturday. nr'tnhP·r •1 22. The PSAT serves as a practice run through of the SAT and acts as the National Merit Scholarship qualifying test. Juniors.scortng within the top one percent in their state on the PSAT wlll earn semi-finalist status in the competition and be eligible to vie for ' finalist standihg. ACT scores are a factor considered by colleges in admission decisions.

Prejudice to be eliminated Students from all over Omaha will t~e a break from school Wednesday. Nov. 16, to explore issues such as prejudice and stereotypes at the Jewish Community Center from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Student representatives will take part in student panel and small group discussions. ·res one of the most important things happening In Omaha with high school kids." Dick Lundquist, a member of the planning committee, said. Westside will be sending ten representatives; Interested juniors should see Lundquist.

Student death mourned

Up in flames In anticipation of a homecoming victory Westside students get together for a long awaited bonfire. This year was the first yea.r

since 1983 to include the bonfire as part of the homecoming festivities because of the five consecutive rainouts.

Repre·s entation Forum to emphasize attendance In recent years, Westside student goven;tment representative from each homeroom. So h ow do has come under fire· from the student body for the students know if their representatives are what they deem a lack of representation. actually attending the Forum meetings? Westside has two forms of student gorvern·we have an attendance sheet that we pass ment, Student Advisory Board (SAB) and Forum. around during the meeting. Starting with the last Both represent the students, but one more di- meeting we are going to send notices to the homerectly than the other. rooms <that did not have representatives at that Jay Bonham, Forum president, describes meeting. We don't know if people are just not Forum as a student government that is more coming, or if they have a conflict in scheduling. representative of the student population. After this last meeting we're going to start check·I see it in two aspects. SAB represents the ing up on homerooms that haven't sent any school in general, but - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - members at all, beForum represents the J:::1::. cause we don't think directly," . . I see it in two aspects. SAB ~~sh~:: :~c~!:':!~ Bonham added, •If a represents the school in gen- representing their student has a problem, eral, but Forum represents the homeroom. Even if it then [the representative) students more directly. If someone is not the designated can take it to their homereally wants to get something done representative, or the room representative, and alternate, we want they can pass it along to quickly, thj;y can take it to their someone from every Forum. You don't have a Forum representative. . . homeroom," Bonham specific SAB member to ~ said. · · pass it (the problem) ·The past few along to. So, if someone Jay Bonham said. meetingswehavehad really wants to get some_ only about 60 people thing done quickly, they can take it to their there. Now that might seem like a lot, but whel} Forum representative." there are 98 homerooms, we should have about How well Forum runs depends on how active 100 people there," Bonham said. the representatives are. Bonham hope$ that Forum will be better this ·a (Forum) has had trouble in the past when yearthanin the past. ·wehavealotofpeoplewith students haven't gotten involved, but we haven't good ideas, and we need those especially because had that problem yet this year because everybody the United Way Drive ended and Club Fair Day is has pitched in. It doesn't take a lot for each over. Nowwehavetotakeinnewideas,"Bonham student to give just a little bit of their time and said. energy. With everybody pitching in, it makes our Bonham also feels that SAB has done and will job easie'r, as officers, and it helps Forum run · continue to do a lot of good for the student body more efficien!ly. Forum is a great organization for and the school. students to get involved with, because you get to ·Whatever they do, they do well, and it helps work with so many people," Bonham said. the school a lot, but I feel Forum is more represenForum, according to Bonham, has atleast one tative of the student body." he said.

Thursday, Sept. 29, Donyelle Kukla, (12), died at Clarkson after battling cancer for over a year. Services were held the following evening at West Center Chapel. learned that she had cancer the summer between her tenth and ,.....,..... ,r ... grade year," Norm Worley, Kukla's counselor said. Kukla attended school half the days this year. Reaction to the of her death Thursday morning was swift. "I had three get in touch with me who had pad her one or two years lor·evJiou.slv and were touched by her honesty, sincerity, and love life," Worley said.


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Little Theater provides 'Fantastick' new setting move around the audience and seem much com- closer. ing to Westside Wednesday, Thursday, and SatWithin the play will be a small show during urday, Oct. , 19, 20, and 22 at 7:30 p.m. in the intermission. Christine Cota, (11), and Jeff Chin. Little Theater. The student performance of -rhe (10}, will perform vocal selections from ·I Dol I Fantasticks" starts this year's drama season and Dol," which was written by the same people who promises to be different and innovative. wrote "The Fantasticks," Tom Jones and Harvey The play itself is ·a musical fable" according to Schmidt. L.D. Fortney, director and head of the drama •At this point the show is looking positive; I department. Allene Eakins, (10}, plays Luisa, think it should be a big success. Kids will enjoy of the central characters. ·she's a 16-year- it because it's so different," Cota said. innocent girl. who a lot of the time, is in her The purpose of the intennission is to feast on world," Eakins said. Todd Davis, (10), is the cheesecake, brownies, and other delights lop,polsite Eakins in the role of Matt, a ·naive which will be served in Westside's first dessert man who wants to fmd out what the world theater. ·I didn't want to do a dinner theater really like," Davis said. again, but I wanted to do something we hadn't •At the end of the play evexyone is much wiser done before," Fortney said. ....,._ ........ ~ they've been dreamers and then they've Musicals are normally produced with elaborate .sets and costumes. The "Fantasticks" de11'-"' ...."'u at life realistically," Fortney said. ·Evexyone's working really hard and I think if parts from this with a minimal set arid simple keep it up it will be a really good show," Tracy costumes that match the contemporary mood of , (11}, a cast member, said. the play. One of the things that is different about this Feelings of the cast are running high as is its location. -we've never done a Westside drama heads into its fall premiere. in the Little Theater before; it's a much more ·People should really enjoy it; it's the kind of play Jllt1m;ate setting." Fortney said. The play will the audience really gets into," Davis said.

Honorary members

SAD auxiliary students add depth, ideas to government '".,.'""''"""' Board,.. (SAB), members were added list of the regular 28 Jn.e:mt>ers. But what is it that students actually do? •Honorary members have been a big help," Tony (12), SAB member, said. matter if it was for working some activity, or just for their



•In order not to stifle the enof the non-elected Roger Herring, SAB spon:sor, said, ·the honorary of SAB was formuAlthough honorary memare not allowed to vote on brought before the com-

mittee, all contributions in the form of newer and better ideas for raising money for the school. are brought into focus. These ideas are regarded just as much as an elected member's idea. ·Many of the honoraries bring up better ideas than the elected members have," David Fehr, (10), honoraxy member, said. ·up until last year, the Outstanding SAB Member of the Yeai award was awarded to an honoraxy," Herring said. Elected members of the SAB feel that they have an obligation to the student body, but honorary students come to meetings out of their own free will. ·Honoraries come because th_e y want to," Troy Meyerson, (1 0}, SAB member, said. "That really shows the effort being put into the student government." ·Many students like myself start as an honoraxy, gain recognition, and then come back as

an elec.t ed member," Matt Gerard, (11), SAB member, said. •I got to know people better through broader relationships within the SAB," Gerard said. ·I was then able to display my points of view much better." Many people wishing to fulfill a future in politics find it necessaxy to become involved with SAB but don't think they have a chance to win an election. The honorary portion of SAB gives students a chance to voice their opinions without having to launch a campaign. ·Anyone can join SAB at anytime," Militti said. ·All they have to do is write a letter to Mr. Herring explaining why they want to be on SAB." The honorary list started out with 22 original members, but keeps growing evexy week. •It doesn't matter how many we have because we can always use a helping hand," Gernrd said.

IEF Thompson to discuss drugs Hindsight is 20-20. In an effort to pass his clarity ofvision on to the next generation, JeLon Thompson, ex-professional drummer, presents his stoxy of drug abuse to groups across the nation. Thompson has appeared on television shows such as ·All My Children," ·world News Tonight," and ·oprah Winfrey," as well as speaking at schools nationwide. Tuesday, Oct. 25, he will speak at two mandatoxy drug education convocations in the auditorium. · Thompson used drugs ranging from marijuana to heroin for 13 years. His mother died of alcoholism, and his brother died from a heroin overdose. Thompson will make his presentation to juniors and seniors mods two and three with voluntary continuation mod four and to freshman and sophomores mods 11 and 12 with voluntary continuation mod 13.

Parent conferences slated Parents are encouraged to attend the parent-teacher conferences Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 25 and 26. By attending these conferences, parents will be able to speak with their child's teachers and hear a progress report. The times parents will be able to visit with teachers are Tuesday, 6:30p.m. to 9 p.m. and Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 5 p.m..

Complex behind schedule Strength Complex construction has slowed causing the job to fall five to six weeks behind schedule. A contractor who was previously working on this ·project has caused the decrease in the building rate by his leaving the project, but the rate is soon to resume to normal. Furniture which is to be replaced in the Student Study Center (SSC) is also running on a late schedule. ·we (the school) didn't expect the furniture to arrive before the school year," Ron Huston, assistant principal, said. ·we expect it to arrive any day now, though." New equipment for the Strength Complex will also be delivered in the near future. "The new equipmentfor the weight room should be ready for installation at the time the project is expected for completion. That should be anywhere from the beginning to midNovember," Huston. said.

Responsibility key for frosh . Responsibility, not grades, will determine which freshmen are given the reign of the school this year when they're not in class. Currently freshmen must report to the Student Study Center [SSC) during all unscheduled mods. At the end of the first quarter a responsibility check will be run on each student. Teachers, guidance counselors, and deans will determine whether the student meets the following criteria: makes wise use of free time, is receiving no failing grades, regularly attends and is punctual to class, hands work in on time, and demonstrates appropriate behavior. Unless two or more evaluators disappr'ove, freshmen will be free to manage· modular scheduling with parental approval. Otherwise, they will gain the opportunity on an individual basis some time after first quarter ends. ·a seems to me the key to being successful in modular scheduling is handling responsibility. So we thought a responsibility checklist might be betterthanjustgrades, even though there'sstill a high correlation between the two," John Crook, assistant princip~l in charge of the project, said.



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Student power SAT.scores show different

question illustrates slant than national norm • • conflicting op1n1ons ~~tl!ltltt'Ui;;UiQ,

~:!!Z~~~H!ilfm\BmJilll power ending with the pop Democracy in action. The machine, however. "I don't people spoke and Student Advi- think the students really have sory Board [SAB]listened. that much -power. I know we ItisnowoverayearsinceSAB had power enough to get a pop was able to work with the ad- machine, but that's about all ministration to respond to the the power I think we have," demand for the pop machine. Cindy Borchman, (12), said. Now the question moves beyond That perceived weakness i~ quenching thirst to a more basic intensified in areas such as concern. How much pow~r does school rules and other policy the student body have? That's decisions. -"AU-in-all the stuwhere the confusion starts. Two dent body doesn't have much distinct, contradictory positions power, especiallywhen [dealing on the issue exist. The admini- with] people other than stustration sees the student body dents," Brad Meurrens, (10), as a powerful vehicle for change, said. Last year's action teams atwhile many students perceive themselves as weak, at the bot- tempted to resolve various contom of an intraschool hierarchy. cerns of the school by utilizing "I don 't the input of facthink that the iistudents don't know ulty and stustudent body .. dents alike. has as much just how much 1nflu"There were power as it ence they have. ~'kids seiVing on appears beevery action cause the ad- Jim Findley principal team, and I ministration ! know they were has an over-riding veto power. vocal because meetings All the students can do is conie were held right next door [to my up with ideas only to have the office]," Findley said. administration shoot them These committees seem to indown," Debbie Friedman, (12), dicate that finding a path for said. · students to voice their opinions Jim Findley, principal, feels is the answer to the problem. that that is a misperceptlon. Susan GaiVer, (12), seiVed "Sometimes I think students on the committee addressing don'tknowjusthowmuchinflu- the open campus, blue slip and · ence they have, could have," he tardy policy. "I really didn't talk said. all that much. It seemed kind of Findley thinks more prob- hard to get your word in, but lems within the school need to when I did talk, people really lisbe resolved by students. "Right tened," she said. · now we have a horrible problem The organization de!?igned to with smoking in the restrooms. give students substantial 1mAs adults we're not going to be. .pact in policy decisions is SAB. able to resolve that problem to- "SAB has a lot of influence as tally. I'm not asking for kids to long as they go through the right squeal on kids, but when stu- channels," Tom Mausbach, dents come in and say 'why (12), SAB member, said. don't you do something about The organization indirectly it,' I think that there should be increases every student's some student-generated ideas power. "Every student to some from student government as to extent has some influence when what students can do about they decide on who to vote for smoking in the restrooms," Fin- SAB," Trent Steele, (11), said. dley said. While some see the pop ma"Student government pulls chine as the limit to what stutogether to get a pop machine, dents can accomplish, others but l'd like to see student gov- see it as the beginning. "I think ernment address issues such as it was a kind of test.to see what [smoking]," Findley said. the students can handle," Some students see their Mausbach said.


extra emphasis the district has placed on Test takers at Westside last year were unaf- skills in the last 4 or 5 years. "We don't teach fected by the dip taken in national Scholastic the test," Pierson said. Aptitude Test (sAn scores by the 1987-88 class. The College Board, the organization The SAT test is divided into two sections, administers the test, is happy about the :>t<lLouuw math and verbal. A slight trend downward is of test scores in recent years. "We're Lm::i:10><::\.UI "'v'"'"''... in the verbal section in both the nation frankly, that there is as much . and Nebraska. Out of a possible 800 points in scores as the data suggest," Donald M. each area, the national average in verbal scores board president, said. went from 430 in 1987 to 428 in 1988, marking In the Midwest. Nebraska's composite the first time that scores have gone down in eight score ranks fourth out of seven states; years. (which ranked first), South Dakota, In Nebraska the average went from 488 to Nebraska, Wyomong, Missouri, and 487. Westside's scores actually rose a dramatic (ranking last). Dick Lundquist, guidance director, feels 11 points from 1987 to 1988. Ironically, national and statewide math about Westside's results. "It says to me scores stayed exactly the same while Westside's · Westside's doing fine," Lundquist said. 1'\la,uun... scores dropped from 561 to 555, still ten points ally, scores have fluctuated a whole bunch." Scores hit a record low in 1980 at we.:suna1ea above the state average. Instructors at Westside do not consider flue- and across the country. "Most people feel tuations in the test scores as indicative of their decline is a product of many things, " teaching methods or of the overall performance said. He feels it is partly explained by the of students. AI Gloor, math department chair- of television into homes, two-income fc-u·<J,lJ,;;;·.;i' man, was not worried about the slight drop with parents having less time to spen d taken in Westside's average math score. "The children, and the proliferation of drugs and math score has been considerably higher than ccihol among teen-agers. the verbal score for years, and I think it will Since 1980 scores have risen, but it can reamain that way," Gloor said. "The best prepa- dangerous to judge a school's performance ration for taking any kind of test like that is a by their scores. "One of the things that makes good broad background in mathematics." very hard to compare is if 75 percent Gloor explained that the test determines the and 49 percent of another school take the test, taker's ability to do quantitative thinking, a proc- Lundquist said. ess that is the product of math and science Counselors discourage students from •c:u:uu~; •1 training. _ the SAT unless students are sure they need it Doug Pierson, English department chairman, apply to colleges. "For some reason the did not note any major changes in English cur- age of kids (at Westside) taking the SAT has rtculum that could account for the raised verbal up," Lundquist said. "Happily, so have scores but felt they could be a product of the scores."

Average SAT Scores ,060



,040 1-'




,020 ,0,0












~ ~

9-40 930 9.20 9,0 900 890



liiiil -

Year ~

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Westside Average Scores


Nationwide SAT Scores

--~~~· . ----.



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Cab riel defies hardships to ·come up .a 'winner'. There are two sides to evecy coin; heads, (positive), and tails, (negative). For Jon Gabriel, (11), a victim of arthro-· thriposis, (a disease that affects all the muscles) the coin turns up positive more often than not. Gabriel's disease is a rare form of muscular dystrophy causing his muscles to become practically useless. His handicap has cost him the use of his four limbs, making him a quadriplegic works with a wand held in his teeth. !IU ..........~,.. Ju,., disease has confined him to wheelchair, Gabriel has made accompH:shlneJnts for himself. "The best thing that has happened to was making Student Advisory Board (SAB). My main goal is just to be as big a help to SAB as I can,· Gabriel said. While some may have thought Jon elected to SAB last spring because of handicap, others strongly disagree. Mit was an accomplishnlent for Jon, jcoJIIlii1t,!! in and being accepted by his being elected to SAB. He was ~·.:;-.u;;.u not on a sympathy vote, but people like and respect Jon. knew he would work well for them,· ~~""''"""'""' .. Ricketts, counselor, said. Another accomplishment for Jon was blending in with the other students. •Jon has adapted vety well. He came before school started to tour the .., ..,....-.......6 and on the first day of school, it like he had been here forever, • Ricksaid. Not only has Jon adapted to Westside, Westside has adapted to Jon. •Most of the students haven't been ~~Uvuuu someone like me before, so I've lt"''"dl•t them how to react around somea wheelchair. At first some stuwere surprised at what I was caof doing, but now after some time, easier to make friends,· Gabriel said. People cannot always accomplish they set out to do. At times they across disappointments, but Gab-

his next challenge. "Sometimes things get hard. That's why my mom and my friend Peaches have been my greatest support. If I ever get down, Peaches pushes me or says, 'You're not a quitter Jon, you can do it'.· Gabrtel said. For Gabriel. his handicap is not a way ofgetting out of things easily; if anything, it's an incentive to tty harder in what he does. · MEvetything is perfectly normal. Jon asks for no personal or special favors other than help getting out a book or his notebook." Hoffman said. ·under his extreme handicap, Jon doesn't make excuses why he doesn't do his classwork. He works at it and tries vety hard, • Lorraine Rogers, English instructor, said. According to Ricketts, Gabriel h as more to qfferWestside. "Jon Gabriel is an outstanding example of someone who has overcome a handicap. I should think we'll be hearing lots about him in the next couple ofyears,· she said. Receiving awards is not a new accomplishment for Gabriel. This past August Gabriel was honored as Nebraska's Outstanding Special Populations Vocational Student. This award was sppnsored by the Nebraska Council on Vocational Education. Gabriel will be Nebraska's nominee at the national level competition to be held in Washington D.C. in December. Even with all his accomplishments, Gabriel remains like other students. According to Bill Nelson, social studTake a break ies department chairman, •Jon Gabriel Peaches Multon, (11), and Jon Gabrtel, (11), take time out to joke around acts like any other typical American rather than completing their assignments in homeroom. Gabriel, a victim boy.· of arthrothrtposis, uses a wand held in his teeth to work his computer. Whether the odds are for. or against riel takes them in stride. he approaches life, and evetything. Jon Gabriel, he has a simple motto that car•Disappointments hurt him. They Gabriel should be an inspiration to us ries him into his next try at success. As Gabriel says, ·I just tell myself that upset him, but he has such a good out- . all, • Roger Holiman. math instructor, I can do it. I can do anything I set out to look on life, that soon he feels good said. again, • Peaches Multon, (II), said. Even if the coin flips up tails for Gab- do.· Flip the coin. .1 admire him vety much for the way riel. his positive attitude sets him up for ~--------~-----------,

- ~ ··-






Admission to choice, selective- colleges difficult Continued from page 1. We are looking for a class of well-rounded A recent forecast revealed that from 1985 people who are of distinctly different types,· to 1995, there will be a 24 percent reduction Moll said. "A person who is great at one of high school graduates in the nation, mak- actMty usually Will do better in admissions ing it prime time to apply to a selective school, than someone who is average, but is in everything. Being great at one activity shows us Moll said. lbere will be a lot of colleges hurting. In that the person is extremely motivated. • mostselectlveschoolsitwillbeeasiertogetin "You have to learn to brag to apply to than it was ten to 20 years ago. Some schools college, but there is a fine line in coming will pose as still being selective so you will across as being arrogant,· Rose said. "Evewant them, but they won't be,· Moll said. lbe rybodywho applies points out what they are top schools. however. were never more selec- outstanding in, so you have to learn to do it live than they are today. but there are only too. • . maybe a dozen of those.· Those students who are not outstanding ,~~~~~~~,~ Students should still apply to at least two in one particular area fall into a category ~ schools that are safe, Hansen said. Moll calls the "All-American kid. • "I like to -come up with a list of ten to 15 .lbe student in this category takes fairly schools tentatively. Within that grouping two decent courses and is in a lot of decent acor three should be very safe, there should lie tlvitles, but none of them outstanding. Most two or ·t hree that are more selective, and two high school students find themselves in this or three that are the dream schools,· Hansen category, and it is so densely populated that ,-,.---..-~ said. it makes it very hard to get into a selective All moderately selective schools and selec- school. Students in this category must write live schools require students to submit a well-thought-out essay. . It will make or teacher recommendations or counselor rec- break them,· Moll said. ommendations along with their applications. -westside kids don't realize that they look "Recommendations are very important be- just like most of the other applicants applycause teachers have spent over 180 hours of ing to selective schools. and that makes it contact time with · difficult to be adyou . as a student. . . You have to learn to brag to mitted, • Hansen It's a unique opporapply to college but there is said. tunity to really ' Getting an intershare a lot of perua fine line in coming across as view with college nent information,. being arrogant, ~ admissions offices Hansen said. "I or alums is another Buzz! Joe's alarm clock sounds at 9 a.m. Joe really think that way students can gets up and realizes he is already 30 minutes late students need to Missy Rose, associate dire·c tor distinguish themto the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SA'ij he was realize that teachof admissions at Duke Universelves. schecduled to attend. ers can offer some sity said. "Ifyoucangetan He jumps in terror. His whole life depends on great support for interview with an this test. It could decide his college. carectr. and their applications." alum in Omaha I would recommend it." Rose lifestyle. Standardized tests can decide a Students should not send more recom- said. "The main thing we look for is that the student's academic future. mendatlons than the colleges ask for. An student shows a real passion for learning." There are four dillerent kinds oftests that can abundance of recommendations can harm a -we look for appearance, personality. and be required of a student. student's chances for acceptance. Moll said. evidence that the student has intellectual The first is the SAT. The SATis designed to test -weareturnedotrbyathickfolderwithlots curiosity," Albert Olson, president of the a students' ability on college level exams. It has of recol,Ilillendatlons from prominent mem- local alumni group for Dartmouth Univertwo parts to it, verbal and math. But not everyone . hers of the community. That shows that the sity. said. lbey should try and bring out needs to take this test applicant's parents are not confident that something that is not written on the applica"Most of the time only East coast schools their kid can compete with the other students lion. It is an opportunity for students to require the SAT. It is usually optional for the rest applying," Moll said. transmit materials not on a written sheet" of the schools,· Dick Lundquist, guidance counExtra-curricular activities can range from "Go for an interviewif it is available. Kids selor, said. Approximately 150 students at totally unimportant to extrem~ly important. these days seem to speak better than they Westside take this test annually. It depends on whether the school is public or write. We may find you more stimulating Next on the list is the American College Testing private, Hansen said. and interesting, when we didn't before your (AC'I). This test has the same purpose as the SAT, "As a general rule, at state institutions essay. You will enhance your ch~ces for buttestsin adillerentway. Itgives astudentone extra-curricular activities are of no relevance admission almost every time,· Moll said. composite score based on four individual test whatsoever. Most times for state schools Getting ready for college life should start scores: English. mathematics, social studies, and there isn't even a space on the application for while still in high school. "You should read, natural sciences. The ACT is the most common activitles,"Hansensaid. "Forprtvateschools, read, and keep reading. No student at required test in local colleges. it is 100 percent the opposite. They are Westside understands the volume of readHighly-selective colleges usually ask for the looking for unique, personal characteristics ing that you'll l_lave to do in college." Hansen students' best test score to be submitted on beyond the academics. It is an extraordinar- said. applieatlol). Most students at Westside don't liy important component of developing per"Reading is really important Reading need to go through the trouble of taking both sonality for their freshman class.· makes you an interesting person.· Rose tests. The number of activities isn't as important said. ·"You should stay well informed in what lbe majority of Westside students go to .Linas the quality. "People who sign up for every is going on around the world, and you can do organization and club are missing the point that by reading. • ·

College tests


Acceptance decides future; students should learn college admissions game /

Essays extend students' personalities· ersonality. Character. Nature. The person behind the grade averages, achievement tests, and class ranks; this is what college essays are all about. "Selective schools usually ask students to write a personal essay about themselves," Bob Domacker, English instructor said. "Students need to let the college admissions get an insight on their personality, and into the indMdual behind all the numbers. • Domacker said that one of the first papers his senior -class writes, is a personal essay. Domacker said this is helpful to the students because it can help them develop an essay that is acceptable to college admissions. · "Most students have trouble writing ·f!~~~~~~~!E about themselves," Domacker said. "I by to persuade the students into writing an essay that says something important about themselves, and then demonstrate it by explaining a project they completed with their own motivation.· Domacker said that the students need to learn how important the essays are, and why they are writing them. ;o lhe students need to learn who they are writing for," Domacker said. !bey tend to write more for themselves, and not ~ ~ for a particular audience." ~ In past years, students whose test scores and grades were average, were

admitted to Ivy League schools, and told The essays become an extremely importhat their essays were an important factor. tant factor on the college application when lheessaysdomakeadifference," Dor- it comes down to deciding which students nacker said. "Students don't seem to un- will be allowed in the school. When there derstand how important they are.;. .are a number of acceptable applicants, the Lynn Hansen, college counselor, said college uses the essay as a final test, and the limited schools that ask students to who completes it best is then admitted to write essays most often ask that they write the school. about one of the following three questions: lhe grades are too similar with students Why the student wants applying to selective to attend the school, " The essay is an influschools," Domacker certain actMties the ential factor. When a said. !he student esstuden.t is involved in. student gets as close says have the greatest or the student may influence in whether choose their own topic. as even being considstudentsgetadmittedto This leaves the student ered, they still have to the school." with a number of overcome the other "When it comes to Ivy choices, all to be done League schools, the stuwith imagination and students ·with their dents are so academicreativity. ' own capability, ~ cally equal that schools "The article needs use a personal essay to personality," Hansen determine which stusaid. -rhe essay needs Lynn Hansen, college Qents are best qualito say who is this counselor said. fied," Hansen said. writer, what makes lheessayisanintluthem tick." entia! factor. When a student gets as close Hansen doesn't help the students as even being considered, they still have to grammatically write their essays, but he overcome the other students with their own gives them ideas, and helps the students capability. It is hard then for the schools to improve the contentoftheiressay. "I help choose who to accept." the students with brainstorming content Hansen said that the essays are usually for their essay." Hansen said. read by three diiTerent readers. This is the "I encourage students to get help from fairest way to determine who will be actheir English teachers also. We need to cepted to the school, because one reader make the students write an essay that will cannot kill the student. It is seldom one make the reader interested in them." reader who causes a student to be rejected.

stress as students fret over scores close by," Lundquist view Assessment Test. It is a combination of SAT require one ACT." and ACT. "It doesn't count for anything, it"only are another kind of predicts which test is strongest for you," Lundquist said. · The importance of these tests is often questioned. Richard Moll, former dean of admissions at the University of California at Santa Cruz, said that these tests are not stressed as much as they used to be. "The SAT and ACT have moved from the front burner to the back burner. Today they proves that a stu- are only used as a point of confirmation and . is comparable to grades are used as a better prediction." test should be taken John Flemming. UNO admissions counselor, advanced placement said, lhe two best predictions on acceptance is test would permit a a combination between your high school record level course, if he or and your test scores. You can't rely on one more than the other." starts. of highly-selective Students have many options in order·to preon their transcripts," pare for these tests. Westside otTers a course for PSATandACTin summer school. Westside counselors, Gary Cunningham, and Lundquist teach this course based on the "Princeton Review" book. The Jewish Community Center otTers a course regularly on the PSAT, SAT, and ACT also on the "Princeton Review." Also, Adam Zweiback. former Westside student, otTers an extensive course in you the summer exclusively for the SAT. In an attempt to find the right purpose. It is a Jenny Waldman, (11), took both the Westside college, Mike DeGroot, (12), talks kid, because it gives class and the Zweiback course. lhe Westside to a representative from the an opportunity to get a course gave me a lot of help on my technique, and University of Iowa to see what " Lundquist said. the Zweiback course gave me a lot of experience they have to offer. ·Representais the Princeton Re- on taking the test."

We want

tives from various colleges and universities are at Westside throughout the year for students to talk to and ask any questions they may have about the school.


start since

7 1-----=-------=

Undefeated Central plays host to 2-4 Warriors tonight Despite a 2-4 start for the varsity football team, Mt. Latty Morrissey, head coach, said that the _team's attitude is still good. Despite some tough losses, the attitude of the kids has been good so far, I would just hate to see that deteriorate, though." Morrissey said, The last time the Warriors. have started the season slowly was In 1971 when they opened

with six straight losses. One question that has already been answered is that the team will not make it to the play-offs this year. Morrissey said, ·Needless to say, it's obvious to the kids that we won't be going to the playoffs and that hurts them. We were in a position where we virtually had to win all of our remaining games to go to the play-

In your face With a last second lunge, J.C. Wickstrom, (11), tight end, deflects an intencfed Creighton Prep pass. · The Warriors fell to their fourth defeat of the season against the sixth-ranked Junior .Jays, 7-35. This is the fourth

offs and we didn't. • 1hls is the sec~n~ time in three years that Westside hasn't made it to the play-offs. Many people want to know why the team has gotten off to such a slow start. Mr. To.m Hall, defensive coach, said,· We've Improved a lot since the beginning of the year, except for a few mental mistakes. We can't use inexperience as

a reason anymore because we've already played five games. • Hall added that the defense still needs to work on one thing. Thewholeseason, there'sbeenonethlng that's really disappointed me and that is that we haven't learned from our past mistakes. We've had the reverse run against us two times already this year for touchdowns and If the kids don't learn to recognize It, everyone we play will run against us,· Hall said. Despite the bad start, Morrissey the offense has Improved. Morrissey said, ·our offense has Improved mainly because of.our Improved passing. Our protection of the quarterback has Improved, too. Adam Beckman (varsity quartertback) has also come along. • Evan· Howe, (11), starting center, said, •Lately Beckman's been playing with a lot of determination." ' Tonight's game against undefeated and second ranked Central at Berquist field Is being touted as no contest by many people. Despite this, Morrissey thinks that Westside is capable of beating them. ·we can beat them, but one of the things we need to do is to stop their four main running plays and get them out of their game plan," Morrissey said. He added that Central's offense is similar to that of Nebraska's. Hall isn't quite as confident as Morrissey about Central, though. Hall said, . "It will be hard to stop them If they try deception and trick plays, but I don't think they will. The key is that we have to stop them quick and noUet them into our secondary." Westside will be trying to do better than last year's game when Central won year in a row that Westside has lost t9 Creighton Prep 21-7. Beckman, said he wouldn't make Tonight~eWarrtorsfacetheundefeatedCentralEagles anypredictlonsontonight'sgame. ·Any at 7:30 p.m., at Berquist field. (Photo courtesy of the team can beat any other on any day. "Omaha World Herald.") Come.watch the game tonight to see who

Broderick loses key to our house; no show Ot bpnfire

After five years it finally came. This year Westside students got their taste of a real bonfire. For five years students at Westside were beginning to wonder If there were really such things as bonfires and they wondered If the Student Advisory Board wasn't just pulling their legs. SAB has been planning a bonfire during the week of homecoming and Mother Nature has not cooperated for five straight long dreary wet years. At first the rainouts were kind of funny. but then people started getting seriously mad. I thought it was funny. I kind of looked forward to waking up on bonfire day and greeting the cloudy skies. It was like a ritual- the sun rises In the East, sets in the West, Santa Claus

' iI

comes December 25, and the All-American outside line- acamdemlc counselour at 7:15 House." He probably just went Westside bonfire is rained out. bac.k er, was sentenced to do ·_p.m., mlnuates before the -joy riding with Steve Taylor I think something has been community service when he scheduled' starting time of the squeezing off a few rounds as missing those last five years. pleaded no contest to riding bonfire explained that Broder- they toured Omaha. SAB plans the big outing but · around Lindon with Steve Tay- ick had been pulled into a1V Broderick was cruising nothing they do will hold back lor shooting a bee-bee gun. . taping, and Mr. Thomas would Dodge while he left SAB and MotherNature. · The Sandman (his self-pro- be over soon. everyone else hanging In mid Until now. There was air. SAB Is not to be blamed. SAB could not another They can not help it If the irrenot beat Mother phone call and sponsible Sandman (his selfNature for five D.J. Rezac Broderick was proclaimed nickname) just blew years. They nowhere to be us off. thought with found. It's too bad for Broderick. Sports Editor Broderick ThoThe colorful What credibility he had left Is mas they could linebacker has leaving him. His trouble with conqur her. often been In the police, and promising to Special guest trouble during speak and then blowing it off Broderick 1110his tenure at doesn't make him a very popumas didn't quite make it. Too claimed nickname) was plan- Nebraska, and maybe he was bad he could have knocked ning on taking time off his busy arguing with a police officer lar man at our house. some time off his comminlty schedule of preparing for the about a parking ticket and that At least the evening was'nt a service hours. Anyway SAB did mighty Karisas Jayhawks to do Is why he · didn't come. Or complete wash. 'Words of wisIt without the loudmouth. some community service. maybe he didn't come because dom" from the coaches helped Thomas, the University of A phone call from he didn't have a key to our the Warriors to a 30-0 homeNebraska Comhuskers own Broderick's own personal house. "Whose House? Our coming victory over South.



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1 Prep stops Warriors Losing is something that the freshman football team was not accostomed to. That is until the team came up against rival Creighton Prep. Now the freshmen are 4-1. Mark Kidder, (9), Kelley Jones, 9), and Earl Thornton, (9), have produced good play for the Warriors. ·u is hard to single out individuals," Fred Hutchinson, head coach, said. •but Kidder, Jones, and Thornton have done well this year." The freshman Warriors will end the season next Thursday, Oct 20, against Ralston at Westside at 4: 15 p.m.

Working for state Another try at state. The girls' gymnastics team is looking for a possible berth in the state meet. ·we are really working hard to try to get a berth in the state meet as a team," Sharon Thomsen, (11), said. ·we didn't go last year and we want to take a trip to Lincoln on Thursday, Nov. 3. But first we think about Metro and district." The girl will be in action tomorrow at Millard South for the Metro' and then again next Monday, Oct. 24, for districts.

Golfers finish 6-1 As the girls' golfteam ends the season with a 6-1 dual record, Coach Bill McCormick says he's satisfied with their season. McCormick said, "The girls are doing a great job this season." The team also fared well in the Metro Tournament, where they placed second out of 17 teams. Another of McCormick's goals is to have the team finish high in the state tournament, Thursday, · Oct. 13 McCormick said, "I assume we'll tillish in the top four or five in State."

Good future ahead Invitational tournaments have not been profitable for the cross country team this year. Having fourth, and seventh place finishes for the boys squad at the Millard North and Bellevue lnvitationals were not what they had hoped for this year. "Dustin Guzman, (12), ,and Dan Carpenter. (11), are injured so we aren't at full strength," Don Patton, head coach, said. "Jeff Hall, (11), has run well finishing from fourth to first in most of the meets though." The only meet left for the cross country team will be the state meet Friday, Oct. 21. ·

TJ up next for JV Playing with only 20 players on a

football team can be difficult, but this year's junior varsity has done well even with that handicap. "I am pleased with the team," Ed Howe, head coach, said, "and they have shown improvement throughout the season." Some players who have shown leadership for the team are Greg Armitage, (10), Scott Hansen, (11), Kevin Mach, (11), and Kirk Henningsen, (11). ·Greg, Scott, Kevin, and Kirk, have all played well," Howe said. The w3rrtors will play at Thomas Jefferson Tuesday, Oct. 18, and will conclude their season at Westside against Papillion; Tuesday, Oct. 25.

JV hosts tourney Getting ready to host their own tournament, Saturday through Monday, Oct. 15-17, the girls' junior varsity (JV) volleyball team is practicing hard to keep improving. ·with only three games left and 'our tournament, we don't want to leave a sour taste in our mouth," Kolleen Sparks, (11), said. "We don!t-want any kind oflet-down before that last day." The team will have to keep improving to keep with their winning ways. ·we want to be better in that last game than we are right now." Sparks said. "If we stop improving, I know that we will not be satisfied and we won't Win." "I think that we've had a great year, but if we stop working," Sparks said, ·that success won't mean as much."

Shooting for nine Trying for a ninth straight berth to the state tournament, the girls' varsity volleyball team is working hard to obtain this goal and even a bigger one. "We want to go to state not just to get there for some kind of record of nine straight, but so that we can win the state title," Julie Novak,(l2), said. "We want to win it awfully bad." But before gazing at the state championship trophy, the girls must get through a month ofqualifiers. "We must take one game at a time before we start looking at a state title," Jennie Johnson, (10), said. ·we have to go through three matches and district before we·even look at state. We still have a lot to do." ·we must continue to improve and keep the intensity up;" Novak said, "ifwe want that state title."

Element of surprise As the boys'·tennis season ends today with the state tournament, the team can look back and be proud, Paul Nyholm, head coach, said. "The team impressed me with their improvement over the season," Nyholm said. The team ended

OVer the top

Balance t~lents are sharpened by Sharon Thompsen, (11}, during gymnastic s practice. The gymnastics team will compete in the Omaha Metro meet at Millard North tomorrow. (Photo by Evan Howe.) theyearwitha 7-2 record capped by an upset 5-4 victoty over three-time Metro champion Burke. Nyholm said, "Our best performance of the season was against Burke which was the biggestupset I've seen in many years." The team just recently finished third in this year's MetroTournament. This year was also a good one for Jeff Zanarini,(l2), who was elected team captain. Zanarini said, ·Frankly, I was a liitle surprised about. being named team captain because I realize I wasn't one of the better players." Zanarini added that it was an excellent opportunity to win and have fun." "Surprise" could be a keyword for the team in the state tournament. Nyholm said, "Ifeveryone plays to their potential,

we could surprise some people. The State Tournament will be held Thursday th~ugh Friday, Oct. 13-14 at · Dewey Park

Teamwork the key This year's sophomore football team is working hard to obtain team unity. "We are working like a team," John Hertzler, (10), said, "which helps us win." "Our only loss was to Millard North, ·· 10-6." Jim Fey, head coach, said, •and they were .also the only team to score on our defense." The tea.ril's next game will be Thursday, Oct. 13 against Central at Westside; The team's current record is 3-1, with three remaining games.

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •

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To the top Mountain climbers find challenge, new perspective in reaching pinnacle 1Bf1!g~!!tlff~~ "Climbing to the top" is not just a cliche for some juniors who have learned to climb mountains as a hobby. "We learned to climb about two years ago. At first we weren't too serious, but now we actually use safety equipment and do some pretty difficult climbs," Evan Howe, (11}, said. "I think we got started because we thought it was different than anything anybody else did around here," Adam Beckman, (11}, said. "Of course ,there aren't many mountains in the Omaha area."

Almost there With one last pull, Todd Parker, (11), anxiously awaits the end of a difficult climb at Long's Peak, Co. Many stu-

That creates a problem for the mountain climbers. "We have to travel almost 600 miles to find a good mountain to climb," Todd Parker, (11}, said, "and that isn't too easy to do with our different schedules. Then there is the money issue to deal with." The climbers learned to climb from a special mountain climbing school. "We took classes at the Colorado School of Climbing," Ted Friedland, (11), said. "We couldn't really learn the correct dents are finding climbing an excit- way here in Omaha, so we had to take ing alternative to common recrea- lessons out there where the mountains

Vanity Football Westalde23 8outh21 Westlide 7 Prep 35 Westside........... 6 7 7 3·23 Prep............. 20 0 7 8-35 at South ............. 7 0 6 8·21 at Westslde .... O 7 0 0· 7 W·Scott Hansen 1 yd. run (Klck fatl) P· Robinson 4 yd. run (kick good) S-5 yd run (kick good) P· Dervin 22 yd. run (kick good) W·Hanson 30 yd. run (Newman ldck) P· Williams 45yd. pass from Ludkte (kick fat I) W-Annltage 12 yd. run (Newman kick) W· Wickstrom 8yd. pass from Beckman S· 20 yd. run (kick fatled) (Stewart kick) W-Newman 28 yd. field goal P- I yd. run ( kick good) S· 45 yd. run (run good) P- 5 yd. run (Dervin run) Westside 30 South 0 Sophomore Football South ........... 7 3 10 IQ-30 Westside 27 Prep 2 at Westslde ... 7 3 10 10-30 Westside! 3 7 7 0·27 W- Rezac 7 yd. pass from Deckman at Prep 0 0 2 o-2 (Stewart kick) W..JeiTEngcl 19 yd. run (Mischo kick) W- Stewart 26 yd. field goal W·Davld f'ehr 6 yd. run (Mischo kick) W· Hellman 27 yd pass from Deckman W·Jeny lmhoiT 2 yd. run (kick failed) (Stewart kick) W..JeiT Mlscho 2 yd. run (kick failed) W· Stewart 32 yd. field goal P·safety W· Beckman 5 yd. run (Stewart kick) Westslde-275 total yards W· Stewart 46 yd. field goal ' Creighton Prep-60 total yards Westside 18 South 0 JV football South 0 0 0 0-0 Westside 0 Prep 13 atWestslde 6 6 6 7·18 Prep. ...... ...... 7 0 6 0·13 W-Davld Fehr 20 yd. run (kick fatled) at Westslde ...O 0 o o-o W·Ertc Hofsehlre 6 yd. run (kick failed) P- 4 yd. run (kick good) W-Fehr 12 yd. pass from Engel (kick failed) P- 35 yd. pass (kick failed) Westslde-242 total yards



With the mountains 600 miles away and snow covering the mountains seven months of the year, making the mountains too dangerous to climb, the climberS have to plan their trips well ahead time. "I plan to go out to the Rockies this next summer for a week," Friedland said. "I've got to plan months in advance in order to get ready." Beckman agrees. "I wish it were the good mountains that were closer to here," Beckman said, "but since they aren't, we need to plan ahead in order to find the time and the place to go.· The feeling of accomplishment obtained from completing a successful climb is something that is hard for climbers to explain. "No matter whether the climb was short and easy, or long and tiring, getting to the top is a feeling you would have to experience to be able to explain to someone who has never climbed," Howe said.

tional activities.



are.· The climbers realize that there is quite a bit of danger involved with climbing. "TTlere is a lot of danger but I enjoy doing it," Howe said. "Everything has danger, but if you are careful, it's not that bad."

South-40 total yards Freshman Footbllll Westside 6 Abraham Uncoln 0 Westside 0 Creighton Prep 40 Westside 36 Thpmas Jefferson 0 Cross Country Central-Millard North-Marian-Bell. West JeiT Hall, 2nd T1na Netseh, 1st Boys, 3rd; Girls, 5th Millard Bouth-MWard North-Ralston-Bell West JeiT Hall, 3rd T1na Netseh, 1st Boys, 4th; Girls, 4th Bellevue West Invitatlonlll JeiT Hall, 1st T1na Netseh, 4th Boys, 5th; Girls, 7th Bryan Invitatlonlll JeiT Hall, 5th Boys, 14th; Girls, 13th Metro Conference JeiT Hall, 6th T1na Netseh, 17th Boys, 11tH; Girls, 18th Tennis


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Westside S Bellevue West 1 Dan Simon won Dave Clark won Brandon Madson won Bert Cohen lost JeiT Zanartnl won Andy Chapin won Simon-Clark won MadSon·Chapln won Cohen-Zanartnl won Westside 6 Abe Lincoln 3 Simon won Madson lost Jelensperger won Flansberg won Vettzer lost

Monson won Chapln·Ciark won Cohen·Zanartnl lost Simon· Madson won W-estside 5 Burke 4 Stmonwon Clark lost Madson lost Zanartnl won Cohen won Chapin won Clark-Chapin lost Simon· Madson won Zanartni·Cohen lost

Vanity Volleyball Metro Tournament Ralston 4 6 Westside 15 15 Highlights- Carol Nickelson served s!K straight aces for no. 3 Westside. Millard South 8 15 Westside 15 17 Highlights-Westside defeated district rival Indians' jx the seoond lime thts year. Gross 11 14 Westside 15 16 Highlights-Julie Noook led the 20-4 Warriors wUh 20 dig-saves and 12 IctU-spikes. Millard North 9 15 8 Westside 15 6 15 1-llghltghts-Rachel Bowely seroed 6 slralght In the flnalgarne as Westside became only the second team In htstory to win back to back Metro Titles. Westside has de.feal<!d Millard North twice thts season. and Improved to 21-4.

' '





0 "The Fantasticks," a Westside drama proocution will be presented Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday,' Oct. )9, 20, and 22 at 7:30 p.m. in the Little Theater. Tickets are $5. This admission includes a dessert and beverage.

0 ·Halloween Pops" are three performances by the Omaha Symphony. Plan on attending either Friday or Saturday Oct. 28,29 at 8 p.m.. There will also be a Sunday matinee, Sunday Oct. 30, at 2 p.m. Single tickets range from $7.25-$21.25, but students receive a 50 percent discount.

OThe Omaha Community Play-

house is looking for a few good actors who would like to participate in their annual production, ·A Christmas Carol." Come with a song and be ready to dance at 7:30p.m. on Monday,Oct. 17, in the new rehearse! hall. 0 Center Stage Thater's production of "Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?" by Edward Albee, will be presented at LaFern Williams Center, 3009 R Street every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, nights at 8 p.m. until Sunday, Oct. 30. Call 733-5777 for ticket lilformation. 0 "The King and I," an extravagant musical is featured

ideos provide _ alternative o popcorn, pop, theatres escapes only to be recaptured and made a contestant on The Running Man, a television show tliat pits man against man in life and situations. Overall it is entertaining despite Arnold's dialogue. 'The Thing'' is a horror classic remade by director John Carpenter. It is set at the North Pole when a group of American scientists uncover an alien spacecraft and its frozen occupant. assume the being to be dead and bring it back for study. It is quite alive, of course, and proceeds to start killing the scientists and assuming the forms. It is quite exciting because you never which scientist is the Thing until it's too late. forewarned however, some ofthe scenes are and will tend to over power a weak stomach. "Stakeout" is a comedy-action film Richard Dreyfuss. and Emilio Estevez as detectives who are placed on a stakeout of a prison escapee's former girlfriend. Dreyfuss falls for girl and several comedic episodes occur. He has to fend off the convict when he comes reclaim his money and his girlfriend. Again, it's an entertaining moVie that will please anyone likes comedy or action. "E.T." has recently hit the video stores and is just waiting to burst to the top of the rental and sales charts. The story about the loveable allen who was left behind on earth and only wants to go home is a heart tugger that has been long from the movie scene. It is a sure winner. All these videos are sure to please and can a weekend night relaxing and fun. It's chc~aperl - than a movie and can be as fun.

times a ~e~"endproblem has arisen only to be solved by answer. Go lo a movie. After a while it is to see why kids get sick of going to movies . spending five bucks. They also get sick of dumb movie reviews in the school newsis a solution, however. It is a solution admittedly many people have thought of, few explore to its fullest extent. It is a virtually untouched by the teen majora movie is cheap when compared to a The prices range from $4 at Applause to $1 at places like Kwik Shop·. The price depends on the selection the store has to

anyone who watches. Running Man" is an Arnold "'...-'~ ...., .. ,.,...r film set in a dimly humorous Schwartzenegger plays an ex-policeman disobeyed government orders and was for murder and sent to He e

a season ticket to ·omaha's Tuesday Musical Concert Series." All concerts are at 8 p.m. at the Joslyn Art Museum. The first in the series is the concert on Tuesday, Oct. 18. Pianist Peter Serkin and Violinist Young Vck Kim will perform together. Tickets can be purchased at TIX:

Arts Expo," will make an ap-

pearance at the Omaha Civic Auditortum Thursday-Sunday, Oct. 20-23. Admission is $3. 0 The Omaha Ballet comes together with the Omaha Symphony and the Nebraska Choral Arts Society to put on their fall production "Carmina Burana." It will be held at the Orpheum Theater on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, Oct. 20, 21 and 22


0 UB40's concert tour will

perform at the Civic Auditorium on Thursday, Nov. 10. Tickets are available at TIX for $16.75.

Baseba 11 Ce.rds--Coins--Ste.mps--Jewelry Bring in This Ad For a Free Fleer Baseball Leaders Set

he 'King' lives in 'Hotel' The movie is set in Cleveland, OH, in 1972. fictitious storyline centers around the Wolfe and the relatio~ships members of this develop with the "King of Rock and Roll," Presley. Elvis Presley's character is played David Keith. Maria Wolfe fTuesday Weld) has been getting in increasingly destructive relationever since she and her husband split up. her current boyfriend beats her up, her Johnny (Charley Schlatter) vows to do .............. ·thlru1 about it. Johnny has come to be keenly aware of his ~Jtothc~r·s infatuation with Elvis from listening to rhapsodize incessantly about him over the So, when Johnny hears Elvis is coming to to perform, he comes up with a peculiar Johnny and his friends devise a clever plari kidnap EMs to get Maria a date with him.

0 For $35, students can own

0 "The Great Plains Indian

EVIEWS What follows is an exciting succession events which cast a humanizing light on the "King." Some Elvis fans might be offended or disillusioned by the ordinariness given to his character, but the idea is probably to help the viewer ' better identify with his personality. This concept seems to work too, because it builds a sense intimacy between Keith and his audience. The story is cute as heck--maybe even a little too cute sometimes. The acting is good, but not brilliant. Also, the plot Is: at times, too farfetched to be believable. However, despite these deficiencies, the movie is enjoyable. •Heartbreak Hotel" does accomplish the intended purpose of entertaining its audience quite successfully. It also includes some classic Elvis tunes. In an age where sex and violence seem to dictate the popularity of most movies, •Heartbreak Hotel" brings a welcomed balance. The entire family can enjoy this movie. It is rated PG13 and is now showing at Orchard 4, Cinema Cent.e r, Westroads 8, Q Cinema 6, Southroads 4, and Mall of the.Bluffs.

at 8 p.m. Call 346-7332 for more information. Student discounts are available

at the Upstairs Dinner Theater this evening Oct. 14 and Satlrdau, Oct. 15. Make reservations by calling 3447777.




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In the mood for a scare? Haunted Houses are the big hit in October. They are found all over town. Some of the many haunted house include Haunted Hotel California, Scream in the Dark, and The Stone Castle ofTerror Part IV. Haunted Hotel California's theme evolved from the Eagle's song MHo tel California," Mark Miller, president of Genesis 5, (the company made solely for the purpose of the haunted house) said. The peopJe involved in keeping this company alive are Mark Miller, Cheri Miller, Jack Jones, Dawn Haussman, and Frank Schneider. 'Ticket sales last year reached a total of 16,000, and we expect about the same or even a little bit more this year," Miller said. Except for one case, Haunted Hotel California has been accident free. "One year a young girl got scared and hit her head and had to get stiches," Miller said. Haunted Hotel California is located at 15th and California. KOIL Radio station is sponsoring The Stone .Castle of Terror, Part IV which is locatedat814South 14th Street. According to Patrick Stibbs, Account Executive at Koil Radio, Stone Castle plans to follow the traditional horror movie themes such as "Nightmare on Elm Street", and "Friday the 13th". "KOILhas sponsored this haunted house for the past 20 years," Stibbs said. Ever since Stone Castle has been open to the public, they have had no complaints .or injuries in the haunted house, and with the use of safety precautions they don't expect any in the future. Scream in the Dark was started by Youth

Guidance, a non-profit organi7.ation whose main goal is to earn money for Youth Guidance in the greater Omaha area. "Scream in the Dark is the only haunted house that is handicapped accessible," Bill Maudllin, youth guidance director, said. Scream in the Dark also offers a children's · ::: .: funhouse for kids 12 and under. The funhouse .::.:.'.: will include such items as a costume contest, a magician, and several clowns. "It gives the kids a chance t~ trick or treat in a safe environment," Maudllin said. According to Maydllin it takes around 12 to 15 minutes for the average person to go through the haunted house. Their main customers are high school and college-aged students. Some of the different themes fqr these haunted houses include mad doctor's rooms, swamps, graveyards, and a guilloteen room, all of them swarming with ghosts and goblins. "I was chased by Jason because he knew I was scared," Alicia Andreasen, (12), said. · Shea Bourke, (12) , said he likes haunted houses that are really bloody and gocy. "I like going to haunted houses just for the thrill . involved in it," Katie Krueger, (11) , said. 'We went back three times because it was so fun," Connie Richards, (12), said. Many of the haunted houses donate their profits to charity organizations such as the ·.:;, Leukemia .Foundation, Abused Women and ,·,), Children of Omaha, and the Tangier Shrines. :)': 1be haunted houses cost $3.50 and the ::/: money invested goes to several local charities . ...:::_. A big outcome is expected at all of the · haunted houses this year. If you are in the mood for a genuine scare a haunted house is the place to go. Who knows even you could get spooked .

Going for ten Paul Fishburn, (11), sends his ball down the lane hoping to get a strike. Bowling has recently become a popular activity with students because

of its low cost. The average cost to bowl is usually . activities. Also, with colder weather upon us and around two or three dollars and therefore it be- many warm weather activities become imposcomes a viable alternative to other more espensive sible, bowling begins to appeal to many students.

Bowling: Financially attractive for students


overused weekend plans, a trip to the bowling alley may be what's needed. Wearing worn-out, multi-colored shoes isn't the only thing bowling has to offer. "Occasionally some friends and I will go out and bowl because going out for movies and pizza gets old," Michelle Dotzler, (11), said. "We go bowling for a change.· "'lbe movies aren't good anymore, • Brtdget Weide, (1 0), said, "so, my friends and I usually go bowling about once a month since school started.· Students are also starting to realize bowling isn't a sport just for pros. Although leagues are available, many students bowl for fun. "My frtends and I don't bowl very good, so to make it interesting we have people who are right-handed bowl with their left hands arid vice-versa, • Dotzler said. "Either way, most of mine end up in the gutter.• Lack of skill may not,be the only problem with using bowling for entertainment. "I can never find a bowling ball that fits my finger; Paul Fishburn, (11), said, "I have really big knuckles.· Despite this, Fishburn says he still enjoys going bowling. "Last weekend Evan Howe and I went bowling and made bets as to who would win,· Kevin Atkinson, (11), said. Atkinson, who used to bowl on a league, prefers bowling for fun now. "You just get bored with the league,· Atkinson said. Other students prefer the serious side of bowling and are members of a league. "I bowled on a league for about eight years; Mark Wolf, (ll), said. Wolf was on

leaguesatRanchBowl,1600So. 72nd, andBrunswickMockingbird Lanes at 4870 _So. 96th Street. Wolf even took a few trips to state. "I went to state the last three years, but I didn'tdoverywell;Wolfsaid. Wolf also.added, "You have to bowl well into the 200's to have a chance at a top spot.· Wolf also admits going to state was a big change. "All of the years before state I kind oftook bowling as a joke, but when I went to state I had to be serious. • "I've bowled for about a month on a leat,r.ue now; Scott Bums, (11), said. "One of my friends asked me to join the league and I did because I didn't have anything else to do.· Burns, who bowls at West Lanes at 151 So. 72nd Street, admits the league bowling can be fun. "I don't take it too sertously, • Burns said. There are dlfferent ways students get involved in bowling. Parents can be an infiuence. "My parents bowled on a league and I got interested in it,· Lisa Dolejs, (10), said. Even though Dolejsdoesn't bowl on a league, her interest in the sport has been put to use. "I used to go bowling almost every first Saturday of the month. I wouldn't go bowling with my frtends from school, but with fam1lies my fam1ly is friends with, • Dolejs said. The increasing populartty of the sport is evident at area alleys. ~e've noticed a definite increase in teenagers bowling in general, but especially on the weekends,· Matt Markel, owner of the Ranch Bowl, said. · Linda She~od. manager of Cougar Lanes located at 351'0 So. 144th Street, has also noticed a change in the number ofteen-age bowlers. "Right now ~here are more teen-agers bowling, not necessarlly on leagues, but in

general," Sherod said . Weather might also be a reason for this increase. "Once it starts getting cold out, there is a really big increase in the number ofteen-agers we have coming in,· Sherod said. "Once the weather changes from being so nice, teen-agers seem to like being indoors. • "Last year we went bowling a couple times during the winter because there was nothing else to do,· Dannielle Benak, (11), said. Bowling may be the cheap alternative to weekend plans. A trip to the bowling alley is one of the cheapest · forms of entertainment. Depending on which alley is chosen, students can usually find their cost anywhere between 50 cents and $2. At many places this fee includes shoe rental which is required unless the bowler owns his own. Students in leagues, however, may not find this true. Bowling equipment and attire can be quite expensive. The expense is determined by the quality of the products. "Shoes can cost anywhere from $30 to $50 for males, and $25 to $45 for females; Tom Kelley of Kelley's Bowling and Billiard in Westgate, said. Kelley also said that a pair of shoes that will last for several years can cost up to $80. Bowling balls can also be expensive. "'lbe least expensive types we have are plastic and rubber and cost in between $48 and $55,· Kelley said. A durable eurythane ball can cost anywhere from $60 to more than $100. Even though the fashiona~le shoes might not fit, and the alley might be loud and chaotic; bowling can be a new, inexpensive weekend activity.


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Cooler autumn temperatures kick off variety Of activities

Stalking prey Hunting for dove, Jay Bearinger, (11), spends his autumn early morning hours in the woods.

Swlngin' You're never too old to visit a park. Andrea Murante, (10), 路 and Meg Hoffmaster, (10), enjoy swinging on a coolfall aftemoon. Ryan Myers, (10), spends his free time at Rockbrook Elementary School slamming a mini-basketball.



Election sparks political in_volvement 5S•mh1W$$i!(i;t.UN Political elections require intense campaigning, expensive advertiseJl!ents, and numerous debates. But with only 7.5 percent ofWestside's student population eligible to vote, are students really interested? !be Kerrey/Karnes race has generated more interest than a lot of other campaigns in the past," Joe Higgins, American Government instructor, said. "'There is a great deal of apathy in campaigns like Hoagland/Sclienken and anything lower down -the ladder. But if there is excitement, it's definitely in the

Kerrey/Kames campaign." "Considering the lack of charisma of both presidential candidates, there is a remarkable amount of interest among students," Bill Nelson, social studies department head, said. "I think one reason for that is the two fine men (Ken:_ey and Kames) we have running for Senate. They tum people on." Both Senator Dave Kames and former Governor Bob Kerrey spoke to students Monday, Oct. 10. Each candidate presented his views on issues, and students were able to ask questions. The discussions were open

to all students who wished to attend. "A lot of people who didn't know anything about either candidate got to know them better," Jennifer Rasmussen, (12), said. "Both Kerrey and Karnes are appealing in different ways, and it gave students a chance to see both sides" "Kerrey seemed to be a little nervous because of all the television cameras, and he didn't specifically answer any of the questions," Robin Caudle, {12), said. "Karnes was too negative about Kerrey." (Continued on page 8 7) - / I

:Political perspective: w hat do-kids know?

Boss lady Governor Kay Orr speaks tq an American Government large group open to the public Monday, Oct. 24, in the Social Studies IMC. An elec-

tronic slide show explainmg the state of the economy and achievements Governor Orr feels she's made were presente<~_:

Student aWait s sent e nce teen-agers" in Towl Park. The paper also said that the two John Taulborg was convicted Monday groups of students exchanged obsceniOct. 17, of manslaughter and use of a ties, but nothing else, as the Hasweapon to commit a felony. The convic- mussen group then left the area. The tions followed the May 14 stabbing death .Rasmussen - group tpen returned to of Ralston High School student Victor whereTaulborg'sgroupwas. Twoofthe Rasmussen last spring. girls began fighting, and when RasRoger Herring, assistant principal, mussen arid Taulborg tried to break up said that Taulborg now faces sentencing the fight, they began to fight also. In the on the two charges. Herring added that course of their fight Taulborg stabbed the manslaughter conviction carries a Rasmussen six times. sentence from either probation or one to According to the 'World Herald," 20 years in prison. Herring said he Taulborg was scheduled to meet with a believed the weapon conviction carried probation officer and_then a sentencing the sentence. date would be set. Herring would not comment on the In regard to Westside-Ralston relaevents that took place the evening of May tions Herring said, "I' think our student 14, saying that he did not know exactly body, including the Alternative School what went on. kids, have done a tremendous job in According to the "Omaha World - dealing with this situation, and I know Herald's" morning edition Monday, Oct. the Ralston administrators feel that 17, the stabbing occurred "during a their kids have also dealt with it quite 'c hance encounter between two groups of well."

~~-ll!m~~~=~~!:~~rmm Television, radio, and newspapers inundate the public with politics. They seem almost impossible to escape, especially in early November of an election year. Yet some students manage to avoid the topic altogether. Attempting to discover how Westside fits this description, 92 students responded to some basic questions regarding the current election. Highlighted responses include: 0 Twelve percent of those surveyed did not know where the vice presidential debate was held. [Omaha) 0 Twenty-four percen t didn't know who George Bush's running mate was. [Dan Quayle) 0 Seventy-four percent didn't know when Election Day is this year. [November 8) While the results indicate that some students are J>olitically unaware, they aren't necessarily unsatisfactory. "I don't have any good reason to believe that those are very bad statistics for young people," Joe Higgins, American government instructor, said. Sherry Griffin, reporter for KE1V channel7, covers newsworthy events at area high schools. She was at Westside when Senate candidates Ernie Chambers, David Kames, and Bob Kerrey spoke to students and said that she was impressed with the caliber of questions that were asked at the presentations.

!be questions that I heard coming from Westside were really good. I also got the chance to interview some kids and they were really perceptive._ They were . obviously paying attention." When I deal with high school kids I get one of two reactions. I either go back to the station and I say, 'Oh, God, this is the future of America, we're in real trouble,' or I go back to the station and say, We have nothing to worry about. These kids are great.' The kids that I was talking to at Omaha Nortpwest High School before the vice presidential debate like the kids here were really good. They're the kind that make me go back to the station and say that we have nothing to worry about," Griffin said. Although the school' has no formal policy to incorporate politics into the curriculum, it does attempt to raise political consciousness in a few ways. "We have the_ democratic process competency; we have the ninth grade civics course, World History, and U.S. History courses. Collectively, it's my belief that our goal is to have relatively well-informed ·young people who understand and appreciate what democracy is as it works in the United States. I think tl).at most of the faculty share a common goal that we would like to have piqued our students' interest just a little bit in current events, so if you wander through the halls ofWestside for three or (Continued on page 6.)

How politically aware are students? (Percentages denote respondents who answered correctly) 1


3 4 5


7 8 9 10~~~~~~~~~~~==~==~====~~

,,~~~~~~~~,)~~'~"~~~----~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Who is Peter Hoagland running against? Oerry Shcnken) :67% Who is Geotge Bush's running mate? (Don Quayle) · 76% Wh.lt is the third party candiaate for the U.S. Senate? (Emie Chambers) · 55% What party does he belong to? (New Alliance Party)· 40% Wh.lt PreSidential candidate has endorcements from major conservation groups? (Michael Dukakis) • 36% When is Election Day? (Nov. 8) • 26% WhP.re was the Vtce Presidential debate held? (Omaha) • 88% · (The following qul'Stii:ms w~rt multiplt choict) 8 What Is Lynn Baber running for? (County Commissioner) • 53% 9 What is Jack frost running for? (County Clerk)- 54% 10 What is Lloyd Bentsen running for? CVice President) • 86% 11 What is Peter Hoagland running for? (House of Representatives) • 76%


A -N CE· STAN-C E Student merit noticed Some students are unable to vote, but they still have an influence on the elections. By working for the candidate of their choice, ·they help determine who will win or lose. Participation in the election process can be exciting and rewarding. Students are lucky that they have the opportunity to work for many candidates, from the presidential candidate to the candidates for county board. Working for a political campaign is a chance to experience politics firsthand. This week students also had a chance to participate in their own election. Westside took part in a national mock election. All students in high school were eligible to vote. the mock election was ·an excellent idea. It allowed students to feel that they were a part of the electoral process. Many students work for campaigns, and whether out of personal reasons or a class requirement, they leam about our country's electoral process. and Tuesday Nov. 8, the amount of their influence will be shown. Students who take the time to be involved in any political campaign desexve recognition and appreciation for their efforts.


o ••


AND ANllfHER THIN&,Mtssss PEABoox·



Cooper-ation pays off Teaching special education students skills to function as an employee in a paying job situation is essential knowledge for the rest of their lives. Westside's special education program helps the students get the experience necessary to hold a job after graduation from high school by includ.l,ng curriculum that goes beyond the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic. · . The job-search program tries to cover the aspects oflife the students haven't- encountered at Westside such as arranging transportation to and from the job and learning a work schedule. This type of program helps not only the student, but also the parept feel secure that the student will be able to cope with most problems or unusual situations that may arise. Employers are also doing a seiVice to the community by giving these students jobs. They are willing to spend the extra time training special education students and being partent while they leam the tasks they are to petform. The cooperation of all parties involved insures the student a better future.·

· Dischord:

Chord: Cooperation and communication are the goals of the education consortium that District 66 jo~ed this simmer. The District made a wise decision in joining the cqnsortium. Teaching skills and research on teaching methods will be emphasized. The money spent for the consortlum will be a good investment in better relations, better teaching, and better communication.

Ou~tanding achievements merit recognition by reputable organizations. The Who's Who organizations which entice students with promises of scholarships and other recognition falsely convince them that it's a key to the door of many colleges. Students should beware ofthese organizations and avoid spending money on such propositions without investigating the legitimacy of the companies.


..f.:ii;.},_I~:t:K:p;:: r: t: :r: :JI: : : : : : :i;: : m: mr: : : r!rJ!~~~::i•l:: Omaha, NE 6S114

:m ;rn;) :m :"! im::TI ,. ) The ''Lance" is the offical publication of Westside High School, 870 1 Pacific St., Omaha, NE, 68114. The "Lance" office is located in Room 122. Advertising rates are available upon request. Phone (402) 390-3339. The "Lance" is an in-house publication. The paper is distributed biweekly to all studeots 16 times a year except during vacation periods. Subscription rates to others are $5 postpaid. Non-profit mailing rates claimed. The "Lance" is printed by the "Fremont Tribune," 135 N. Main, Fremont, NE 68025. Letters to the editor are welcomed. Letters should be less than 300 words 1n length, signed by the author, and sent to the editor or the adviser 1n Room 122. The "Lance• is a member of the Nebraska High School Press Association, the Columbia Scholastic Press Asllodation, and the National Scholastic Press Asllodation.

Editor-in-chief, Laura Struve. Managing EditorI Pro4uction, Gwen McGill. Managing Editor I Copy, Mason Myers. Business Manager, Kim Ostergaard. Copy Editor, Maxy Overholt. News Editor, Karen Nyhom. Associate NewsEditor,Jay Nilsson. Feature Editor, Jim Duff. Sports Editor, D.J. Rezac. Weekender Editor, Nancy Olson. Design Editor, Kent · Bonham. Photo Editor, Evan Howe. Circulation Manager, Michelle Jaeger. Staff Artist, Troy Muller. Staff Critic, Mark Carroll. Columnists, Erin Conboy, Jessica Sullivan. News Staff, Todd Parker, Amy Radil, Laurie Spiel, Anne Wax. Feature Staff, Debra Dohmen, Allison Kohli, Melissa Pariset. Sport• Staff, Andy Chapin, Bert Cohen: Randy Hallett. Weekender S~ Nick Hansen, Susie Kiscoan, Cathy Pettid, Becky Richardson. Dai&n Staff, Jenny Frank. Phototrapher, Matt Fischer. .

Students face elements; fire dri-lls· are alarming Fire alarms are kind of useless. Thet serve no Or, what's even better•.is when you're in the real purpose, except maybe to get you out of math middle ofa test and there's a fire drtll. You end up class (ifyou're lucky). But I suppose that it makes wasting most of the mod standing around outside trying desperately not for a nice break, anyto forget all the things way. I do like them every now and then. , Jessica Sullivan you crammed for the night before. Obviously, somebody By the time you get else does, too, judging Columnist back to class, you disfrom all the fire alarms cover that you have all we've had lately. Too of a whopping 12 minbadthey'vebeencoming utes to bubble in 60 at the most inopportune times. answers. There have been a few times when I've enjoyed Picture this: It's sixth mod, and you just got out of class. It's your only lunch mod. You the drllls. Uke when I have to give a speech in haven't eaten since breakfast the day before. English. I don't mind ha~g them during math, · ' Just as you reach out to pick up a package of either. Twinkles ... the fire alarm goes off. Excluding when the tar set the alarms off, I'm So, you push your tray aside, and toddle on getting really sick of hearing the alarm go off. I'm outside. When you're finally allowed back inside, _ sure I'm not the only one. Nevertheless, if, and when the next alarm goes you discover that while you were freezing your backside off outside, sixth mod turned into sev- off, the school does not blow up within five enth, and it's time to go to Advanced Algebra. Is minutes, I'm going to be royally peeved. In fact, I that depressing, or what? might just do it myself.


Students _have right to free expression Dear Editor, I know Jeff Zanarini and respect and admire him as an outstanding member of the WestsideCommunity. I do not agree with his position on the MIP Hotline, butJeffhas the right to express his opinions without having his motives and morals attacked or questioned. Dick Lundquist and Jeff Beier need to realize that theirs is not the only legitimate view on controlling teenage drinking. Lunc.quist knows stealing and drinking are not analogous. He knows that one can be aware of the tragedies cause by alcohol abuse and stlll oppose the Hotline. Lundquist should know that ~urging young people to drink responsibly" could be mistaken, but it is not •the t,lltlniate Itresponsi-

blllty.• He also knows better than to use a polemic like -whining plea· in discussing legitimate differences. PUSHisapparentlyafinegroupwithexcellent goals. No one, young or old, should abuse alcohol. Like Jeff, I want no teenagers ever to have the urge to do things which ultimately harm either themselves or others. Mr. Lundquist, Jeff Beier, and others are to be praised for their efforts. Is it not asking too much for them to disagree with Jeff Zanarini without being disagreeable in the process. Without impugning Jeff himself? · Charity is a much more valuable commodity than meanness. Sincerely, Bill Nelson, Soc1al Studies Chaimlail

Sharks, Jets encounter ...... ore truth than fiction They rolled their eyes at each other a little nervous. Those who didn't know me weren't. I heard several and even divided up the sleeping artimes,"That's the girl from Westside." rangement according to schools. Our cabin nad four bunkbeds in one room Lik~, "watch out for the cooties." I would have been laughing at the situ- and one double bed in another and the ation if it were it not such a serious Westga,te kids ju.st assumed that one of subject. They disliked me before they the- Loveland kids would sleep in the double bed alone. This caused World even met me. - - - - - - - - - - - - , War III. I was totally shocked. Finally, when I had taken just about enough of the bickering Erin Conboy I asked the girls in my cabin,"Why do you guys hate -Columnist each other so much?" The crnical girl in 'my group said,"We're from Westgate, they're from LoveNo one ever talks much about it at 1 can understand to a point that land." I must have looked blank beexceptforafewmumbled words . they're frustrated about their friends cause the next thing I knew a girl from and there, but it seems like it's just death, but I wasn't there and basically Loveland volunteered for me, "We of those things not mentioned. Not know very little about the fight. But don't mix, we'll never be friends anytrue about Ralston High School. because I go to WHS it seems to be OK way and that's that." Coming from the mouths of babes. Being the good Catholic girl I am, I to ruffle my feathers. Speaking of feather,s I played The elementary kids could grow out to a church youth mass every month. I just happen to go to church in Mother Hen at Outdoor Education this of this childish feud (When they grow October. For three fun-filled days I was out of wetting the bed) but the feud P"'~'"'""· Before the death of the Ralston a counselor. It was extremely difficult between the high schools could end up .,..~u~au, the kids at my church woultt up to me because I went to at times because_ the kidwhOat went likethecold war. People brought up to n u .. _._,,~ It was the ideal school, but with me hated eaclt otber. The kids hate for something done years before. like the cold war, there's a bitter- fro-m Loveland and We sfgatE:.. were Ain't that a shame? that makes me pray that my life is great apart, but when they were t7rlxect-- ~ The signs placed on every wall in Good thing I'm at church. together it was pure hell. Being the the sChool saying,"Westside Story-a Since it was the trendy thing to do, naive person everyone has grown to story of change" seem to almost foreyouth group went on a hayrack love by now I never thought that little shadow that some changes are due al . This was our first group outing kids would hate each other because of Westside, for better or for worse. But the spring. People who have where they lived. I was rudely awak- hey, we aren't called Hollywood High for nothing. me for years were friendly, but ened.

I've always hated the "Westside "Inevercouldfigureoutwhythe of just one person could tum the • Jt.•vut.r.:tOf people against each other and so much hatred. Besides, they only kids. I've grown up since I last watched movie. A lot of things have hap~ and there's also a lot of hate · has grown. "Westside Story" definitely to mind when I think of the ltr.ilge!dy·thiiltresulted in a death last ..,"''""·"" no matter what the cause. is a tragedy. The sad is it involved a Westside stu-


FootbOII, elections pose game. of chance for voter Betting on football games and have often seemed similar me. During election years I would predictions and then follow root for my candidates the campaign. Then, like after a weekend ofbetting football games, I would count up wins and losses and realize that never really did any better than 50


The election this fall began take on a different perspeclast spring when I discovI would be voting for the time this election. started thinking about ., •.,,~r~n.n day and I began to a little responsibility for choices I would make. I to realize that this election be a little more meaningful betting on a football. game. Feeling that responsibility, I have the newspa pers and gone to candidates speak whenever I . I was feeling prepared and ~omtor1~a with the choices I was to make in the upcoming elec..., .....~ ......,.... I knew a lot about the I thought were important. was confident because I thought I more than enough to make ntelligent and well-informed


wheQ I picked up a sample in the Social Studies IMC. I over the first couple of naand statewide races that had attention from the press I knew who I would vote for. But I got further and further into' the I reaiized I knew nothing the numerous other races proposals on the ballot. I had

lives more directly. National leaders can only talk in the abstract saying they will find jobs for single mothers on welfare, but it is the local leaders who will actually ilnd a job for a single mother because they can handle each case with its indiVidual needs. ' National leaders really don't have much effect on our lives because the United States has grown so diverse that it has become nearly impossible for national politicians to overcome many of Mason Myers the problems that face AmerManaging Editor ica. Large problems such as the homeless and drug abuse seem to be big national problems that require national solutions, but the problems blame must also fall upon the news of the homeless, and drug abuse media·w ho place so much emphasis need to be fought in little battles all on national news and leave little across the n atioa instead of in one space or time to air the local issues. big national war. Frequent ly the professional The only way to win the "war press follows the presidential candi- against drugs" is to win the little dates , or the Nebraska candidates battles in the d ifferent cities where for U.S. Senate and House a round , the b attles are more man ageable reporting their every word, when and n ot so overwhelming. It is the there are more important local is-· local leadership who has the knowlsues and elections about which the edge and ability to win those battles, public must be informed. bull only if the public is more sup, One of these local issues is .a portive and informed of their reproblem Douglas County is having sponsibilities. To inform the public of the worth locating a place to put. the county landfill. I have heard of the problem, of local government we must place butlhaven'tseenorreadalotabout more recognition and media attenit in the "World-Herald" or on local tion on local candidates and issues television stations. which will directly affect our lives. It I don't think what George Bush is this lo~alleadership that will be said in Boston about Mike Dukakis solving the diverse problems facing is going to affect me as diredly as ... America today. and it is this leaderthe garbage piling up in. my front ship we should become more inyard because we can't find a place formed about so the election ballot for our landfill. These local prob- . won't seem so much like betting on lems and elections will affect our a football game.

only heard about five of the 42 races and proposals for which I was going to have to make a choice on election day. I have to place some ofthe blame on myself for not seeking out information on the candidates for the Register of Deeds office or whether the Honorable Walter H. Cropper should be a county court judge for another six years. But some of the



Districts unite

N 4!!TBRIE.F·' - ~



Troupe gains experience Acting experience is an essential part of theater. Drama Club provides that experience with the performing troupe. a new group organized this year. The troupe, which is divided into two groups of about 20 members each, will be looking for opportunities_to perform in the Omaha area and at local schools. "I hope it's a good source o(advertising for Westside Drama," Tracy Muller. (11) , a member in the Drama Club triumvirate, said. The first group is under the leadership 9fMuller and Jennifer Ahl. (12) . The second group is lead by Christine Cota (11). The groups will take turns accepting job offers throughout the year~

Band strike$ winning note Westside's marching band has struck up it's new competition season with competitions in Lincoln and Fremont. The marching band is classified as a classM.school. Class M. encompasses all of the:; biggest high schools in Nebraska. The band had a competition in Fremont on Oct. 15 and received a one rating which is considered to be the highest rating a band can get in this competition. The band also received a one rating in it's competition in Lincoln on Oct. 22.

College fair to be held The sixth annual greater Omaha College Fair will be held Sunday. Nov. 6 from 12:30 to 4 p.m. at the Aksarben Coliseum. locatc:P at 65th and Center. Representatives from over ZOO colleges, universities, and technical schools all over the counby will be in attendance. It is open to all high school students, but it is especially helpful to juniors and seniors.

Publications gain honors Westiside's "Lance" received 493 out of a possible 500 points. in it's evaluation from the Nebraska High School Press-Association: _• · ,o0 • · According __!p-!aura Stiuve, "Lance" editor, the "Lance" received ~ "All-Cornhusker" rating from the press association. Struve added that there were only three .other high school newspapers in the state to achieve that status. The ratings are based on a point system given to each section of the newspaper. Out of 12 categories, the "Lance" received perfect scores in all but three. Westside's Shield .also received an "All-Cornhusker" rating from the NHSPA . They received 435 out of 500 points.

'Education consortium attracts. five cooperative members, UNO ,

Along with the University of Nebraska at The participating districts feel that the m<>ne• Omaha's (UNO) College of Education, five is well 's pent and enables easier coJmiJnu:nic:a Omaha area scho,ol districts have formed a and relay of ideas throughout the city. They cooperative education consortium. hoping other districts see the work being done With much anticipation for better communi- hope that they will join also. cation between local districts, consisting of The consortium will rapidly exchange Omaha, Bellevue, Millard, Ralston, District 66, tion between those involved in the education and UNO, the six school organizations organ- ess and with those t.Iylng to learn. It allows lzed the Metropolitan Omaha EducatioQal Con- fessional teachers to share their talents in tenns sortium. educationalissues. After several months of planning, the effort to Future teachers of the districts and college begin the project started earlier this summer gain information shared throughout the n r.... rr.·,.ftj· and got its-start this year. and will possibly influence them in sharing Lc"'"'ll1•r The objective of the consortium is to improve ing methods. the communication, efficiency and effectlvneSs The consortium offices will be at UNO's Co1lle.• • among the participating districts and UNO's of Education. College of Education. One area that has already noticed the effects The superintendents of the five districts, the consortiUm is the special educational Richard Flynn, dean of UNO, and Ken Hansen, gram. former superintendent of District 66, director of Ken Byrd, dJrector of spec!_~Leducation, the consotium, will head up the project in order that the program will )lave a positive effect on to improve relations throughout the Omaha areas as_wel!"as special education. area. __.,- Improved eommunication between Flynn thinks the consortium will help buna improvement in the quality of services ,,,.;,,U\J,...: teaching skills throughout the participating provide for the students and faculty, adlrance411 districts. . and more up-to-date resources for students UNO can also use the practicing teachers in use, and better teaching quality throughout classrooms as associate faculty members or the districts has been noticeable due to the effilrtl• of the consortium. . clinical professors. The group will work on resear~h ofteaching The special educational program has methods and effectiveness. program develop- brought closer due to teachers being able to ment, (how well the program is working), in- in contact with other teachers throughout the service training of new teachers in the district, tricts and teac~g method~ that might 1"''"'....... curriculum development, (improving classes student grades. and the ways they are held), program evaluIn the past, the school districts and the nntve1"-• ation, grants for needed suplies and services, sity have been separate in teaching de1cisllons.• and other projects. Now, due to closer connections with both levels Each district is contributing .$5,000 and the schooling. the university is able tovoit:e an opllni<)D• university is contributing an estimated in decisions usually made by the high schools $30,000. vice versa.

Thompson ·speaks at drug Drug education has become an important part of student curriculum in recent years. District 66 has furthered this education this year by holding a mandatory drug education assembly on Monday, Tuesday. and Wednesday, Oct. 24-26. Javon ·'J1lompson was_ the speaker invited to the district for three days to speak to students in the elementary. middle and high schools with an additional meeting for parents. Thompson lead 75 minute seminars in which students and adults were free to ask questions . concerning drugs and alcohol. .Thompson ·has become known and traveled internationally speaking to_adults and adolescents about the dangers of drug and alcohol use. Having

alcoholism taking his mother's life, a heroin overdose killing his brother, and being a former 13 year drug addict ·himself. faculty seemed to believe Thompson was well qualified to speak. "Thompson's been connected with drugs all ofhis life." Richard Lundquist. head of the guidance department, - said. MHe can speak from first hand experience." In the past, Prevention Using Student Helpers (PUSH) has held "come if you want assemblies", but this year the district decided to make the assemblies mandatory for the students. "It's (the assemblies) an experiment to see how the students, as a whole, will respond to the subject," Lundquist said. "We {the district) hope it will motivate them to realize ·t hey . ~on't need to use drugs and/ or

alcohol in order to have a good .time." MAlthough I think students wanted to go to the previous assemblies, I don't think they felt they could an:._ord to miss the time of an open mod to listen to the speakers," Maryanne Ricketts, guidance counselor., said, "By having a mandatory assembly they will have the opportunity to hear the speaker without missing our on any school time." · The assemblies had much support form the community as well as from the schools. "Drug and alcohol abuse has become such a big issue among parents and students in the community that much support was received from booster clubs." Ricketts said. "It's more like a community project." The district hoped the

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assembly would arouse a posi- heart." tive repsonse from the stuContrary to this response dents. "We really had our fin- students don't feel Thompson's gers crossed," Ricketts. "He's presentation will cause kids to ('Thompson) so down to earth change their use of drugs and that I thought the students alcohol. "I don't think he perwould be able to relate to him suaded anyone," Matt Glasrud, will. I thought the response was (1 0), said. "Most people already good." know the harmful effects or Students also felt their peers drugs. he just probid~d a differresponded well. "I thl.nlt the ent and entertaining approach &tudents' response was really to the lecture." good becauSe it wasn~t like any "If he did effect students it other drug lecture. People who will probably only last for a wouldn't normally listen to a couple of days. They need to drug lecture actually partici- start in the elementary schools pated ·in this assembly," Pat because most high school have Walsh, (11), said. already developed their drug . "I - thought students . re- · habits if they have them and it sponded positively and enjoyed will take more than a lecture to the whole presentation," Jenny stop them now," Walsh said . Lunde, (12), said. "'!be speaker Faculty and administratol"8 was funny, entertaining, and still have hope for some th<;mght understands how kids feel. I to be given by students conthink some will take his views to cerning drug and ·alcohol use.




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What's \Mhat?

Organizations give students recog~ition-- for a price · Being able to complete the perfect college application and achieving academic honors are major worries ·ror high school students. Playing on those worries Is a_source of profit to certain corporations. In a recent Issue of the newsletter put out by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), schools are told to beware of· organizations which recognize students for a price. Through smooth advertising and prestigious-sounding titles, organizations such as the National Honor Roll, OutstandIng Students of America, and the United States Achievement Academy convince &tud~nts that it is a privilege to be recognized by them. Then they offer to sell the students directories bearing their names as well as wall plaques, pins, and other products. The fallacy In such recogni-' tlon is that it is received by a great many students and may, or may not be academic based. The organizations receive students' names from various sources. . On college entrance exams, if students allow their scores to be given to colleges

they may be unknowingly giving permission for information about them to be released to these organizations as well . . In some cases corporations are given pames by the high schools themselves. In their advertising, the main idea the_s e organizations sell is that apperu:tng In their publication is an honor and that scholarships are available for selected students who do so. "TTle possibility of getting one of those scholarships is very, very slight," Dick Lundquist, guidance department chairman, said. Lynn Hansen, college counselor, affirmed that no one at Westside has ever received one. Appearing In "Who's Who Among American High School Students" is seen as a plus on college applications by students. In truth th\s credential means very little. "We look very carefully at student achievements. We're not so concerned where they've had their name published," Sandra J. Ware, associate director of admissions at Texas Christian University, said. Organizations such as "Who's Who~ . primarily make

money by selling students copies of directories with their names (along with those of 575,000 other students) and products bearing the logo ofthat company. "TTley really do play on selling produ~ts. I am positive there are families In this country who cannot afford these things and believe It's a great honor and a ticket into good schools." Lundquist said. Students who feel confused about which organizations are legitimate may wish to look at a copy of NASSP National Advisory List of Contests and Activities. In it are listed all the programs and activities which the NASSP feels are beneficial to students. The book "College Admissions: Cracking the System," published by the "Prlncetpn Review," states: "Being listed in the high school "Who's Who" is like being invited to join the National Geographic Society. It doesn't mean anything. Don't try to beef up your applications with phony accomplishments. If admissions officers cared about "Who's Who Among American High School Students; they'd order copies of it. They don't.

Just soy no Woody Thelin, founder of Smoke Enders. :L":: c!"gantzation that helps people quit smoking and promotes preventive drug education, speaks to District 66 sixth graders. The Prevention Using Student ~elpers sponsored presentation, part of a "Just Say No" Day, was held Monday, Oct. 24 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the loge.

Exams offered to students

The Preliminary ACT will be given at Westside Saturday. Nov. 12, at 8 a.m. Registration began Tuesday, Nov. 1 and continues unttl the day of the test. The cost is $6.50. Only sophomores are eligible. Dick Lundquist, guidance counselor, &aid. "TTle real value may be that the ACT is going to be greatly changed. Students who are sophomores now have a chance to find out what the real one is like." The purposes of the test are to prepare students for the "real" test, to determine areas of strength and weaknesses on the test, and to approximately predict "real" test scores. The test will begin at 8 a.m: ·and !)hould end around 10:45 a.m. . The SAT wUl be given at Westside tomorrow. This is the last time many seniors can take the &AT in order to send their scores to schools for which they are applying. Participants should arrive by8a.m.

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(237 S 70th)



Bob Weiland will be at Westside Wednesday. Nov. 9 to speak at a voluntary convocation during mod 1. Wetland, a Vietnam veteran, lost both of his legs In a mine explosion. He also walked on his knuckles from California to Washington, D.C.- a trip that lasted nearly three and one half ~ars. . According to Lee Perkins, vice principal, Wetland, who is also an inspirational speaker, will give a short talk, followed by a weight-lifting demonstration. The voluntary convocation will be held in the boys' gym during large group Physical Education mod one.

Ashford forms new ·-advisory State senator Brad Ashford has developed a student advisory committee to counSel him on legislation in the state legislature. His advisory committee-consists of several Westside students and other students throughout district 4. , Jay Bonham. committee member, said that the purpose of the committee is to help Ashford get the whole picture on how stur .dents feel about legislative action In the state legislature that affects them. The students, according to Bonham. get together as a group and informally discuss issues that face the state legislature. Bonham added that each student will follow a bill through the state legislature, in ,order to get the feel of how the legislative process works In Nebraska. Bonham said the group will begin meeting on a regular basis when the state legislature convenes ~January.

Round-the-clock education .,.: .·;:.·............... ·............. ·...:.;..-:.· "Our doors are open for you!" is the slogan for the Westside Community Education Center, located at 3534 South 108th Street. The Community Education Center opened ~ its doors in August, 1987 in the former Valley View Junior High, (closed in June, 1987 due to declining enrollment.) The purpose of the center is to provide a comprehensive range of learning experiences and educa;ional setvices for people of all ages, and "to provide life-long learning for everybody," LaNeta Carlock, director of the center, said. The programs that the center offers are · endless. Health and fitness, arts and crafts,_ languages, business and computer programs and activites for seriior citizens and preschoolers alike are just a few of the choices available. The center is able to offer such a wide range of choices because they rent space to Omahaarea businesses and groups. Groups like the American Gun Club, the Douglas County Republican Convention Committee, and the Nebraska Society of Architects and Engineer&. rent space in the center. Other companies such as ENCOR and Standard Blue rent space for on-the-job training skills for people who want to go further in their careers. One of the main goals of the center for the upcoming year is to have a full capacity during the day, (because there is always full capacity at night), and basically turn it into a 24-hour, around-the-clock operation, because they Wa.nt Sign up to "offer opportunities for all people at all The Community Education Center got a new look this year times," Carlock said. · with.the addition of a customized sign. It is unlike any sign Expectations for the center in the next year in the district, "and that make·s it special," La Neta Carlock. are high, if the first year success is any indication. The center brought in over $40,000 in its '•

first year of business, wh!ch was what had hoped for. School board members are extremely pleased by what's been taking place and are optimistic for the future. "The Center is right on key for what we anticipated at this point," Shari Hofschire, board director, said. "Our main goal right now is to expand the daytime activities of the center so that they will. equal the amount of nighttime activities," Jin:l Tangdall, -superintendent, said. Changes in the job market and the fact that three-fourths of the peoplt! who live in District 66 no longer have children in school were the reasons for starting the center. In 1983, District 66 was one of the pioneer public school systems to embark upon an extensive strategic planning process. One of these strategies was to develop a center for community education and setvices. In 1986, a proposal for a Community Education Center was presented to the board of education and six months later, it was designated by the board as the new Westside Schools Community Education Center. "Everybody was looking for something to do, to take up free tim~," Tangdall said, "so when we were presented with the idea, we jumped at it." Generally, the feedback for the center has been pretty good, according to Tangdall. "The center isn't a burden to the taxpayer, yet it · provides many ·s ervices to the community, • Tangdall said. Class prices for the center range in cost from $5 to $85, but it really depends on how many hours are being taken. Senior citizens get halfprice on everything the center offers. If the first year has been any indication, the Westside Community Education Center will be open for many years to come," Tangdall said.

Non-restrictive policy oil guest speakers.allows variety of public officials to appear on campus (Continued from page 1) four years once or twice you will have been confronted with an interesting speaker," Dick Lundquist, ·guidance department chairman, said. / Higgins credits the administrati.on as the body which makes possible the number and variety of guest speakers government classes are able to sponsor. "TheonlythingeveraskedofMr. [Rob) Johns or I regarding the bringing out of guest speakers is to be fair. Make sure the other sides have an opportunity to be represented. We do better at guest speakers than practically any other school because we're encouraged by the


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administration to involve students and about movies and clothes, not politics," to have different points of view pre- Renee Hoffman, (9), said. sented," Higgins said. Chambers. and Higgins don't think Despite the .... age detefmines diverse opinions . . . [t's pretty sad It's too bad political involveguest speakers _ • ment. present, some that people don't care "I agree with students remaii;l enough to keep up with what [state) uninterested, ~ . . Senator [Ernie) 1 placing other what s going on. ~ Chambers said, concerns above that the people Patsy Egan, (9) (who came to politics.

as knowledgeable about political affain as they're ever going to be," Higgins said. If the level of political knowledge that teens possess is exemplary of the nation, Affiertca does not compare favorably with the rest of the world. "They know more about politics in Sweden. The voting age is 18 there also, but close to everyone votes. You have the lowest [voter turnout) here in the United States," Gunnar LeGrand, (12), Swedish foreign exchange student, said.

"I just don't get involved," Tracy Remmereid, (12), said. "I worry about school and other stuff." "A person my age should be worrying

Some are discouraged by this. "It's pretty sad. It's too bad that people don't care enough to keep up with y;hat's going on.," Patsy Egan, (9), said.

hear him speak) are as knowledgeable about political affairs as any group of citizens in the United States. The scary thing about it is a lot of those people are

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Find them at:

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Mary Jo Perry. former Westside student,

cleans · windows at Taco Bell. Special education students ~ain employment

(without pay) after greaauation, fnsfead Qf doing nothing. Some students choose to live in supervised apartments with other

handicapped students. At Westside, there are handicapped students ranging from 15 to 21-years-old.

Handicapped graduOtes I



Training, experience educate students about society in a supervised apartment. but the wait employed. is so long, it would be impossible to tell Perry said tha~ the work, training and how long it would be until there Is a free experience her daughter, Mary Jo, retfe after high school. It's different for everyone. Especially space. The Eastern Community 011 Re- ceived at Westside was helpful and enspecial education students. tardation is the sponsor of these apart- couraging. "TTle high school worked out arrangewho are accustomed to the comfort of ments, and they too have no idea how long the wait will be." ments so our kids would be able to work. their past school days. It is required by law that all handi- and ·gave them hands-on experience," ' "TTle year before graduation, special Perry said. "I education students attend a transition capped stu dents attend think the training meeting," ~ Pat Hutchings, head of the We want the students was great. I and I special education department said. "We school until the to have as many ophave the students, their parents, teach- age of 21. At ~ am pleased that tions as they ·can get . Westside, the they helped Mary . ers, and social service agency attend." students range get a job after Hutchings said the meeting decides graduation. At the future of the student. They try to in age from 15 Pat Hutchings, special times I wish my plan where the student will work. live, to 21 years. The education department students spend daughter would and spend their leisure time. chairperson have received "We set goals for the students with some of the more of an acatheir participation and encouragement weekdays involved," Hutchings said. "We work working, instead of coming to school: demic education her last year, because out all the problems, and solve all the This begins their training. so when it she was working throughout her entire unanswered questions." comes time for them to work full time, junior and senior years. There were . Living arrangements vary for all stu- they're ready for it. some days that she wasn't even at "Our main goal is to make sure all the school." dents. Some choose to live with their parents, while some choose to share a students are working after graduation," Students work their last year in high supervised appartment with another Hutchings said. "Four years ago, only school because the training is helpful. handicapped student. The problem one or two students had the opportunity The experience is important, and it with this arrangement, though, Is that to work, but today, all that has changed. helps them ptepare for their life after I the waiting list to get into the super- Most, or all of our students are employed graduation. The training invloves workvised apartments gets longer and longer after graduation." ing without pay. anywhere they can get each year. Out of the 15 graduates last year, 13 experience. The management is grateful "Our daughter Is living at home for are currently working. one student was for the help, and the students can begin the present time, but both her father employed. but lost their job, and one their training. and learn how to work and I would like her to get out on her student's parents elected not to have the with others. own," Mary Lou Perry. mother of a child work. The one student who had The j<?bS· that are offered to the spcial recently graduated handicapped stu! lost their job, has been picked up in the education students usually deal with dent. said. "We would like to see her live job search program, and will soon be working society. They don't have trouble



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working with others, which is a big accomplishment because the students are used to having other handicapped students around to relate too. · "TTle management realizes that when they hire a handicapped person. they will have a reliable worker," Hutchings said. "TTley will rarely take sick days otT, or need vad:tions, and they will s tick with the job' for a long time. It may take longer for them to learn their position. but they will do well when they get the hang ofit." Ri~a Vasson; transition teacher, is an important member of the program at the high school. Vasson teaches the studen~ about the community and what is going to haJ?pen after high school. "I get students in the job-search program, and teach them how to get to and from work. Most students will use the bus for transportation," Vasson said. "Once their work schedule is done, I help the students plan their leisure time." Leisure time is spent outside the house, doing something the student likes to do. The activities range from the YMCA. sports, crafts, to adult education classes at Metro. "TTle one thing we don't want," Hutchings said. "is to have the students sit at home all day." "I miss Westside. I- liked the teachers, students, and football games. Westside taught me a lot, and I am happy that I was able to go there," Perry said.


I interest in political process I !1!1!~ Continued from Page 1. ~1lll~ He didn't talk enough about himself."

past years, Boe said. ~:1:1:1 "I really feel it's important for students to ~llllll ;:;:;: Negative campaigning is a deterrent to most be interested and knowledgeable about poli- :;:;:;: ~llll~ students, Higgins said. tics. In the last election, only 20 percent of lllllll :;:;:; "'The single strongest thing that students re- the population under the age of 25 voted. ;:;:;:; !;!;!; · spond to is negative campaigning. Students This happens because students just aren't ;!;!;!; l!~!l! are turned off and frustrated by candidat!'!s knowledgeable enough, and when you're 18, :1:l:~ !l!l!~ putting down one another rather than stating you're often attending a college in another l!l!l!l lllll~ what they would do iftheywere elected. There state, making it difficult to vote," Higgins lll~ll :::::: is more negative campaigning thai} there has said. ::::::: jlj1j~ been in past years," Higgins said. f f think it's important for students to ~jlj1jl :;:;:; tudents · also had the opportunity to understand politics," Dan Simon, ::;:;:; l!l!ll hear Senatorial candidate Ernie Cham(11), said. "There are certain things ll!1!l! ;!;!;: bers of the New Alliance Party speak on people should learn about their country and !;!;!;! !l!l!l ay, Oct. 17. Candidates for the County society. There are a lot of people who don't l!l!l!l !;!;!; Board spoke on Monday, Oct. 3, and CityCoun- even know who their congressmen and sena- ;!;!;!; ::::::: . t or B rad ::::::: :::;:;: c il membe r J oh n Cleary an d Se na tors are. " :;:::;: :;::::: Ashford spoke on Monday, Sept. 19. "It's important to know about politics :::!::: l!l!l!~ . "It really helps having the candidates come because some day you'll have to vote. I know l!l!l!l !l!l!l! speak. Ididn'treallyknowwheretheystoodon of a lot of people who are 18 and vote fod !l!1! !;!;!;! issues before, because in the newspapers poli- whoever is most appealing or for who their !;!;!;! lllllll ticians.always have a way of squeezing around parents are for, but ·they really don't know 1111111 ;:;~:; questions. It helped me learn a lot more about anything about it, " Rasmussen said . !:';:;:; . !l!l!1! them," John Sokolik, (12), said. tudent political activity could de- :1:1:1: !;!;!;! crease in the future. A letter was !;!;!; l!l!lll Two students from Westside, Kristin Lynch, recently sent to all the superinten- ~!l!l! ;!;!;:; (12), and Matt Schulz, (11), were chosen to dents of Nebraska schools, cautioning them ;!;!;! $lll~ attend the Vice Presidential Debate at the about letting students participate in political llllll It never ends Political work is demanding and time consuming, ::;:;* Omaha Civic Auditorium on Wednesday, Oct. campaigns. The letter was a warning to try :::::! Schultz, (11), knows. Schultz callsand works for ;lllllll 5. an~ ~revent stude~ts. from being subjected to ljjjjj from ·his home when he isn't working at the crunp~• ;!l!l!l! "On Wednesday, the Civic Auditorium called pohtical biases, H1ggms said. \. :;:;:; :::::::: our American Government teacher and wanted ::::::. Other students spend time working for candidates ~ll~1ll two students from Westside to go to the debate. "I believe Westside has made a real big ~1lllll Americangovermnent students must spend a ........u ......... .... ;!;!;!;! I guess I was just in the right place at the right effect against teaching political biases by !;!;!;! hours campaigning. :1:1:1:1 time," Lynch said. "It was a neat experience. always having both candidates f~r office l!l!l!; :;!;!;!; Just being there and seeing all those influen- speak instead of just one," Sokolik said. ;!;!;!; :;!;!;!; tial people was great." "Letting Ernie Chambers speak let us have an·;:;!;!; ~lllllll estslde's Cable Television class three views in the Senate race. It would be lllllll :;:;:;:; was also able to send staff members shutting the students out not to let us be ;:;:;;: :;:;:;:; to the debate, but no cameras were informed about politics." ;!;!;:; ;:;:;:;: allowea. · "I don't think it's a ·good idea to try and ;!;!;!; :! :l!l!l!l "I, called the Mayor's office to try and obtain shield students from political views," Lynch ;!;!;!: Campaign trails and volunteer hours ~!l!1!l! press credentials. They gave me the number to said. "You need to be exposed to politics in ~11111; are preferred methods of learning abOut :l!l!l!l the Commission on Presidential Debates in high school and formulate your own ideas. !l!l!l! politics as opposed to books. :;:;!;!; Washington, D.C., and we got the passes," Too many people are influenced by their ;:;;:;: "I t!J.ink the candidate campaigns and ~!l!l!l! Willo Boe, cable instructor, said. "It was a parents." :;:;:;: elections being right here in our backyard "It was a · ~lllllll wonderful experience. How often d<><:s a person f here should be an emphasis on tl1\ have been really good for us. It's easy to , I thought about :1:1:1:~ have the chance to experience a political debate political education rather than hav- ;!;!;!; access the quarters of candidates," Joe it," Matt Larsen, :;:;:;:; of that magnitude, and be able to have students ing teachers being worried about ;!;!;!; Higgins, social studies instructor, said. One of the requirements of the American ~!l!l!l! experience it also?" being brought up on.charges for improper teach- :1:1:1· Government class is to work on a political :1:1:1:~ ing methods," Higgins said. "We oughtto encour- ~!l!l! :;:;:;:; Having the Vice Presidential Debate in age schools to be more open-minded about poli- ;!;!;! . campalgn. On September 12, American ;:;:;:;: Omaha and the extensive media coverage may tics rather than scaring them. Warning the schools :;:;:; Government students in and out of the :l!l!l!l have heightened students' awareness towards about student political involvement is disgraceful ~lllll class were able to sign up to join cam:;:;:::: politics and made them more interested than in and ridiculous • :;:;:: paigns. ·"We had 15 dillerent campaign repre- care about my sentatives for the students to choose from. munity and ·········=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=·=···-·.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.·.·.·.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.·.··········'········ The main ones were Kerrey, Karnes, Sch- country. I like enken, Hoagland, and county board candi- aware of wh ' date campaigns," Higgins said. going on around Students under the legal voting age of 18 got a 'There will be a modified ballot with five camThere are different reasons for joining and to be able chance to take place in the democratic process. A paigns and three issues," Joe Higgins, American campaigns. These reasons range from help out. I've mock election, run by freshmen civic students was · government instructor, said. "Students will vote interest in politics to family reasons, but tics and the is held on Wednesday, Nov. 2 . on the candidates running for President, the Sen- the most popular reqson is to receive class Schulz, (11), Signs and posters were made and put through- ate, Congress, the County Board, and County credits. The restilt out the school in an effort to get students to vote. . Clerk. Only students with an I.D. can vote." "Themajorltyofstudentvolunteershave change the Booths were set up outside the Little Theatre, and A national mock election was held on Thursday, come in to do credit hours. Once some about politics. "Campaign students voted using modified ballots. Nov. 3 , with approximately two to three million students have fmished their hours, we These efforts paid off. Student participation was students participating. Westside's results will be never see them again, but there are definite ment of the ... TTl, ..n••' high. Three new voting booths had to be set up part of the national totals that will be aired in a exceptions to the rule," Tracy Wernsman, Students must during the day becauSe the lines to vote were too news story on the Cable News Network, Higgins Hoagland campaign scheduler, said. to earn a grade "I g<;>t involved with the Schellken cam.:- once they're long. said.





VOlunteers fi MW

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Students hold mock election







- ----


udents test positve political awareness he animals in the zoo are at it again The donkey, the symbol for the Democratic party and the elephant, the symbol for the llt>llcan party have created a political exploas election day rolls around. what sense do Westside students make of opinion is that students aren't interested. students are apathetic, or don't care the election," Mordy Schwartz, (11), said. friends don't even know who the candiThey don't care," Adam Marx, (12), feeling is that students are interested

students from the age 16 to 18 are aware on issues such as drugs and crimes the older population," Bemerd Kalasa, poscience department chairman at the Uniof Omaha at Nebraska, said. Meredith, Advanced Placement United Histo:ry instructor, thinks students do what's going on. "1be average Westside knows more about political issues then parents." may stern from the number of students in political campaigns. Students in Government taught by Joe Higgins, are to work 12 hours for a political cam-

KI am doing menial labor for Kerrey, • Matt Larsen, (12), said. KI always wanted to do it, but I needed the catalyst to keep me going." KI know Senator Kames personally so I decided to help his campaign." Kristen Letter, (9), said. Doug Krenzer, (12), who works as captain of his own precinct for the Kerrey campaign. claims his views were changed by his work. "You lose idealism quickly when you get involved and get exposed to the not-so-pleasant side of politics." t has made my views stronger," Kristen Lynch, (12), worker for Peter Hoagland, said. Kit generally made me more politically aware." Though students may have strong views, the source of their knowledge may be questionable. KStudents impressions are stemmed from their parents, peers, or other adults they respect," Higgins said. KI'm Democrat, because my family is," Lee Peterson, (12), said.


Both of the candidates for the senate carne to Westside to speak to the students. Bob Kerrey and Dave Karnes were scheduled to have a debate on Monday, Oct. 10, but the debate fell through. Instead, the candidates came at separate times to discuss the issues in the race. Kerrey spoke during mod 3 and Karnes spoke during mod '12. The American government class and faculty sponsored the candidates. ·


Kit's true that most people are favorable to what their parents like," Steve Woodbury, (9), said. KMost people are Republican like their parents," Schwartz said. ise thinks differently, Kit is very surprising to me how divided my civics class is _on party affiliation, when I know this community is dominantly Republican." On the whole Westside turns up positive on their awareness test. As Meredith said, KWestside is an excellent example of why the voting age should-be changed to 16-years-old."


mpaigns,rewarding hours. We also have a lot who like it and volunteer more of their time," Higgins said. Family campaigning is what interested Jennifer Rasmussen, (12). Kit's really a family thing. Bob Kerrey's my unt:le. My morn's one of the main people runniiig the campaign,_ So usually, my whole family's down there helping out," Rasmussen said. Being Involved an obligation as a in politics is con- · volunteer. We have a sidered an obligawhich we can vote tion .according to some students. take. advantage of KI feel an obligado as .much as we tion as a citizen to . . volunteer. We have ":7'7 a country in which Lynch, (12), said. we can vote so we should-take advantage of that and do as much as we can. When I started I knew I wanted to do more than the average student volunteer. I had aspirations to bec:orne a big part of a campaign," Kristin Lyn~h. Hoagland volunteer, (12), said. Obligation or not, Lynch's active involvement and aspirations have paid off for her. KKristin Lynch is what I'd call a political junkie. She's· gotten so involved in

Democrat Campaigning is a different thing every day. On Monday, Oct. 10, candidate for senate, Bob Kerrey addressed students at Westside. Kerrey answered questions from the students and spoke for 25 minutes. The even was covered by television and newspaper reporters.

her. campaign. She was promoted to Student Volunteer Coordinator for the Hoagland campaign," Higgins said. · ~e've had so much luck with Kristin. Her enthusiasm and hard work have brought in other Westside students. She's a real asset to have on our campaign," Wemsrnan said. _ The majority of students won'tbe promoted to a position on a campaign, but vol- · unteerlng .will have advantages for them. KI was just working a couple of hours on the Kerrey campaign. It's for class credits ·and also we don't have this in Finland. It's a chance to do something most people back horne never will do," Outi J akovirta, foreign exchange student from Finland, (12), said. For some students, the experience they get will be enjoyable, but they won't be back for the next elections. On the other hand, some students plan on having some future aspect of politics and political sciences. KI plan to major in international relations and minor in political sciences. I'm really comfortable with what I'm doing with politics. I'm the kind of person who likes this," Lynch said. Whether or not these students remain on the political trails year after year, their experiences were something that couldn't be taken from a book.

Candidate for senate Dave Kames visited Westside on Monday, Oct. 10. Karnes spoke for 25 minutes and then answered questions from the audience. Many people attended the open forum to hear Karnes' positions on the issues.


A. Vol shot at sixJn a row alt team up for district closer the girls' volleyball team works harder to reach the ultimate goal; a birth in the state tournament. · "The girls are working extremely hard to get there and hold up the tradi!)on of Westside volleyball. But every team is an individual one," Ann Royle, varsity volleyball coach, said. "That's :wl:ty I'm so proud of the team._ But we still have a long way to go to get to Lincoln.· The last time the volleyball team didn't go to state was 1982. Ever since the state tournament started in 1972, the Warriors have been there 12 of 16 years. But that doesn't seem to impress Royle as a dynasty. "Sure we've been here five times running, but that· doesn't mean that teams are going to lay down and let us walk right over them," Royle said. "It means just the opposite. Teams are up to beat the teams that are well known for talent, Just look at North Platte in t11e last two years (North Platte upset the Warriors in the first round of the state tournament for the past two years)." Some players, agree with Royle. "It seems that teams get up to play the Warriors. It just isn't in volleyball either,"JennieJohnson, (10), said. "But it seems like in volleyball that everybody knows that the Warriors are one of the teams to beai."

Kristin Lindwall, (12), ce.nter blocker, agrees. ~I've noticed how up otper schools are when they play us,~ Lindwall said. "It seems that t:lley have pointed at us for th'e entire season. But the Warriors have been· shooting for this chance ever since summer." ,. ~Even at University of NebraskaOmaha volleyball camp, we wanted and felt as though we had to do well this year. Now that we are here, we can prove ourselves to everybody,· Julie Novak, (12) Said. . Momentum plays a big part in a short spurt of games. "The big Mo (momentum) is the most important thing about a short term situation, Cori Weinfurtner, (12), said. ~we've just got to keep playing well.· One problem that the team has is that their minds seem to drift at certain points in the match. "I know that we are not keeping our minds on the game when we play," Novak said. "It seems that we play well for the first game and then we slack off, • Novak said. "When we play teams that aren't supposed to beat us, we go out thinking that the uniforms with the Warrior nam'e on it will beat them without us, inside, even trying. Well, we found out that isn't true." ~we want to play as well as we can," Royle said. "And from there, carry that to as far as we can. But we must play the way that we know we can play."



Put it down Leaping to spike the ball, Jenny Johnson, (11), sets up to score a point against Bellevue West. Cory, Weinfurtner, (12), anticipates a block by

the other team. Westside lost thiS confrontation 15-7, 15-9. The Warrior volleyball team entered ·district play last night at Bellevue East.

Columnist ,expresses thanks for thankless job · This past week I was accused of always writing negative columns. Since I am an active member of. Distributive Education Clubs of America (the positve, attitude club), I decided I needed a "check up from the neck up." So t~s week I won't slam cheerleaders, or even All-American linebackers for that matter. No, this week I think I'll express thanks. This thanks is a sincere thanks and I hope it is taken that way, even if it pokes fun at the "admired" during this column. Every athletic day of the year this man is hard at work after 3:10, and his day usually lasts until 6 and even untill0:30onFridayandSaturdaynights of the football and basketball seasons. This man is not all alone though. He has his little h elpers too. It's like Snow White and the dwarfs of the training room. Featuring Tony Martinez as Snow White, Wes Stephenson as Doc, and Mike Miller, George Ermeling, Corey Pettit, Don Young, Chris Ward, Mark J~nsen, Joy Eckhoff, Kira Finney, and Robyn Bearinger as the other dwarfs. Snow White, or Mr. Martine:~;, doesn't spend thet e hours here because he's raking in the dough. He does it fur the kids. That's special, and sometimes the kids don't realize this and sometimes they take him for

granted. Not only does he mend and administer treatment to kids, but he works with them as well. Those dwarfs I talked about are his student trainers, volunteering their time. He is to be applauded for his student-trainer program. Martinez's sense of humor makes t.he training room an enjoyable atmosphere where there usually is not too much to laugh about. Martinez is also experienced. He has worked the

them Craig Johnson, a Westside All-Stater in 1976, who went on to play I-back at the University of Nebraska. Jeff Taylor, the 'World-Herald" athlete of the year was also associated with Martinez. Taylor went on to play baseball at Nebraska, garnering All-Big Eight honors his senior year. Nebraska's All-American centerftelder Paul Meyers, who is now playing Class AA pro baseball in Pheonix, AZ. also spent a few hours in Martinez's training room. Martinez's job .is self gratifying. There ·are no :--------------::---..;_--::---:---:-----.. headlines, glamor, or glory for the work he does. His happiness comes' from a kid coming back after an injury and maybe a column thanking him for all of D.J. Rezac his duties. Martinez has treated me since I was in seventh Sports Editor grade, so I think I know him. He loves kids. That's why he spends the time he does with kids, not to mention his own family. He has two great kids and an understanding wife. Well Mr. Martinez, for the five years I've know you Shrine Bowl, Nebraska's all-star football game for out- and for everything you've done for me and for other star ·dingh:~h sch'1'11 senio:-::-. the J:.:niorC·ynipic-: and athletes, I want to say thanks. From an athlete to a he.ruso recently worked th:.; CABA 12-and-under Base- trainer, but even more so from a friend to a friend I want ball World Series held in Omaha last August. ' to say thanks. To all the unselfish trainers, a heartfelt He's taped a few fine athletes in his time too, among thanks.

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ETC Golfers win district Winning their district, and finishing second in Metro, did not help the Westside girls' golf team prepare for a disappointing ninth place finish at the state tournament. "TTle state meet was very disappointing," Bill McCormick, head coach, said. "One of the reasons is that a lot of the teams that had finished behind us in all of the invitationals ended up ahead (of us) at state." The team finished with a dual record of 7-1. and finished in the top ten at most of the invitationals. This year, the inexperienced players had an important role in the success of the team. "The season ended how I had expected it to, but not in the way I had expected," McCormick said. "TTle inexperienced players came through, and the experienced players did not play w; well."

JV's finish 4-5 With the season over for the junior vars1ty football team, Coach Ed Howe said he's pleased with the team's improvement. " The team- progressed over the course of the season and met my expectations," Howe said. The team ended the season with a 4-5 record. Howe said the reasons for winning and losing games were obvious this year. Howe said, 'When we won gamesJt was because we executed well and held on to the ball and when we lost it was because of turnovers and penalties." ~ There will also be a lot of ~~~···-·-~

moving up to varsity next year according to Howe. He said, "There's a lot of potential for varsity next year with some of the team's players."

Netmen finish at 7-2 Working for a state championship is a goal for every team. This year's tennis team went to the state tournament with a 7-2 meet record, and a good showing at Metro with a third place finish. "''bis year's team was good, but we didn't-do as well as I had hoped," Paul Nyholm, head coach, said. At the state meet, an unfortunate draw Dan Simon, (11), No. 1, al!<lin:~t

Building for success Rebuilding is necessary to insure having successful seasons in the fubrre of gymnastics. "We are having a rebuilding year," Tim Willits, head coach, said. "All of our underclassmen are gaining experience this year." The team finished with a 1-5 record and had an eleventh place finish a' Metro. Improvement by the younger members of the team has been evident ~roughout the season. "The freshmen came into the season without a lot of competitive experience," Willits said, "and they have improved much over the year." "Carol Woods, -.{9), and Tammy Combs, (9), have done well this year for us in the all-around competitions," WUUts said.

the No.1 seededplayerDavidSkid, (10) , from Millard North. "It hurt us because we didn't get any points from our No. 1 player," Nyholm said. Brandon Madson, (12), playing No. 2 singles, had the best showing at state by finishing second in the No. 2 singles division. The team finished tenth at state, but will have five out of the six players at state returning next year.

'Amazing' defense "Incredible defense and an improving offense" are two ways to describe thjs year's reserve football team. "Defensively we've been a mazing as only three touchdowns have been scored on us all season. Offensively, our Une is improv- ,. ing and our backfield has been good," Jim Fey, head coach, said. Fey added that the team has Uved up to his expectations with their record. Fey also said that David Fehr, (10), has excelled in the backfield and that Jeff Engel,-starting quarterback, (11), has averaged ten yards per rush.

Coming up short -

Keep away


Dodging the opponent, Dave Eikenbaxy, (10), sprints to the end zone in the game against Central Thursday,


Oct. 13. Sophomore reserve football finished the season with a 4-3 record.

Despite some major injuries that have occurred during the season for the boys' cross country team, Don Patton, 'c oach, said the team performed as expected. "Despite two injuries before the district meet, we bad some sophomores take their place and almost enabled us to qualify for state," Patton said. For the girls' cross country team, the year had its difficulties. Patton said, "At the beginning of the season we started with 19 runners and we're no:v left with eight." "TTle boys' team already has a good nucleus with about 15 returning runners and the girls should be improved, also."

11~~- ·41:·;:;-;-;Mii------



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• •


Varsity football


Wa_rriors. suffer first .losing seasOn since '84 Seventeen years ago today's seniors were just newborns. Richard Nixon was president ofthe United States. Tom Hall was in his frrst year as basketball coach at Westside. It took 17 years, 1971 to find a WestSide football team that got off to a worse start than the current Warrior team. . That year Westside started 0-6, and finished 2-7. Mr. Don Johnson, business instructor, was head coach at the time. This year Westside started off2-4 and 2-7. Mr. Lany Morrissey is head coach now and in his fourth year as head coach. \ Morrissey said he knew the team would need rebuilding. Westside lost ten starters off the Class A state leading defense due to graduation. The Warriors also lost nine starters on offense. AllState place kicker Ty Stewart returned

and also took over the punting duties to week," To~ Hall said Mit's been a very frustrating year.· handle the kicking chores. "We had to replace almost olir whole Rezac said. "It would have been easy to Dan Fishburn, (12), said the shock of team. • Morrissey said, " but we felt we give up when we were 0-3, or 1-4. but we not having a winning season hit the Warriors hard. never gave up." had some younger ~ MRezac and I have been here for three kids who could . . The coaches years, and we've never had a losing seakept plugging step in and do a It's been a veri frustratson. No one ever thinks about one goodjob." away too. After being uping year. It would have "I told the kids around here. It is not very fun. My senior set 9 -7 in the been easy to give up ...but that w.e as coaches year isn't supposed to be this way,· weren't going to Fishburn said. opener at Bryan. we never did. .. Westside finished 6-3 and missed out the Warriors lost --::T:7 give up no matter their only returnif we were 0-9. on the play-offs by one game in 1986. D. J. Rezac, (12) Westside ended its season last week. ing starter on de- These kids didn't fense from l a s t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - give up on us ei- They lost to unbeaten and No. 3, ranked Papillion in their season finale to compile year's 8-3 state semifinalist team. This ther: Morrissey said. was the f'rrst time that the Bryan Bears Not learning from past mistakes .Q.as a 2-7 overall record. Hall noted that two weeks ago the have defeated the Warriors football. been major problem of this year's D. J. Rezac. (12). linebacker. tore team. Warriors played their best game of the cartilage and stretched ligaments on a "We didn't improve on the things we year against then 7-0 second ranked kickoff return with 50 seconds left in the needed to, to be good. It took two to Central. Westside lost 19-34. "We played with a lot of emotion. and game. Rezac missed one month of the three weeks to improve on some things I season. thought we'd pick up on in less than a played a good game." Hall said.



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Light my fire Dave Fehr, (10), Dan Simon, (11), and ride at Shady Lanes Ranch in Council Mason Myers, (12), roast marshmallows Bluffs. The evening includt:~tthe -hay­ a.ft:erthe StudentAdvisoryBoarahayrack rack ride as well as.a-botifire.

Hayrack rides p~Q_Yide go.o d times; stud'el!tS... don'f ··m ind temperature --



was a lot of fun." For many students, the upcoming, Wars among nearby hayracks also occur. chilly fall weather means taking shelter MI was on a church youth grqup hayrack ride, indoors. But, as long as the weather and we'd throw hay at the wagons that were remains somewhat tolerable, there is an passing by," Carolyne Anne Jordan,-(11), outdoor activity that will provide variety said. and a good time. Allergies may ~t in the way of such good Hayrack rides provide a unique type of times. Students who at first find themselves having ·a great time in the hay may regret ·it fall entertainment. Several farms and parks in Nebraska and Western Iowa are later. MI went to some hors'e farm in Iowa to I. r available for hayrack rides. Hayrack rides • go on a hayrack ride," J.J. Carroll, (11), said. are not the only activities these places "It was fun, but it got pretty bad because I provide. There are pumpkins, squash, went on an allergic binge and I couldn't stop and gourds to be picked; ciders, jams, sneezing." and honey to be bought; and haunted Group rat~s- are available at several of the forests, barns, and bonfires awaiting farms. ~nie places actually require groups visitors. ·for thende. Shady lanes in Council Bluffs "We're open for hayrides until Novem- / requires a 20 person minimum for their ber, with October being our busiest_tlme," hayrack rides. Groups might be a plus in Dorothy Campagna of the Bellevlie Berry ·' this situation. Shady lanes allows guests to Farm said. The farm, which is located at bring their own refreshments for a bonfire. Shady lanes has flexible hours: the farm 48th and Cornhusker Road, is in swing opens at 9 a.m. and guests can stay on the for the Halloween ·season. MOur hayrides about 30 minutes long arid cost $1.50 property until midnight. Another location with group rates availper person: We take each ride out to the able is Vala's Easy Pickens Farm located in pumpkin patch where evetyone can pick Gretna. The regular $2.50 per person ride is as many pumpkins as they'd like, ·and after they visit the pumpkin patch, there , ·available for $2 per person if 15 or more people attend. Even though Vala's is open is a ride to the Haunted Forest," Camseven days a week, space is a problem. "If at pagna said. all possible, people should and make resAlthough the ride to the pumpkin exvations ahead of.time," Brenda Wright, patch and Haunted Forest are free, the cashier, said. pumpkins are not. ~e pumpkins aie Vala's isn't a typical hayrack ride. During . priced by their size," Campagna said. the Halloween season paths are taken to a The rides themselves may be enough haurited house and through a haunted bam fun for some students, but others prefer yard. We defmitely increase in popularity to add some excitement to the ride. Hay during the Halloween season," Wright said. fights are common, and it is a sure bet Although winter is approaching, and that the neatly packaged hay will not stay hayrack ride season is most likely coming to that way for long. "I'd never been on a a close, there is still time to get one last ride hayrack ride before, so I went with about 15 people," Robin Caudle, (12), said. MWe before the snow falls. Students should contact individual company sponsors. got hay stuck in our pants and shirts; it

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the door. 0 "Pack of Ues," a play about a best friend who is a spy, will be performed through Sunday. Nov. 13, at the Omaha Playhouse. Call 553-0800.

What's I

OThe Upstairs Dinner Theater presents, "The King and I." Enjoy the musical along with a complete dinner. For reservations call344-7777.


and Bailey Circus" will perform for only three days at the Omaha Civic Auditorium, Friday, Nov. 18, at 7:30p.m., and on Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 19 and 20, there will be several shows throughout the day. For more information call 342-7107. · 0 The Midwest Ukranian Millennium


0 "The RingUng Brothers and Barnum

0 "Kenny Rogers" will be in concert on · Thursday, Nov. 10, at 8 p.m. at the Civic Auditorium. Reserved seats are $16.75. To obtain tickets, call or-visit Younker's ticket centers, the Civic Auditorium, or TIX. 0 "UB40" comes to town on Thursday,

Nov. 10, to perform at the Civic Auditorium. Tickets are available at 11X for $16.75. 0 "The Bottom Line," will be playing, al9_~g with other area bands, at Peony Parkon Friday, Nov. 23.. Tickets are on sale for $3. Profits made will be donated to charity. Tickets can be p~rchased at

8 p.m. in celebrating the 1OOth anniversary of St. Cecilia's Catherdal. Theworld premiere of Barkey's "Anna Lucis." The even tis free of charge and will be hald in St. Cecilia's Cathedral, 701 -N. 40th St. 0 'The Mystery of Edwin Drood," a Broadway smash hit by Rubert Holmes will have three performances: Friday, Nov. 18 at 7:30p.m. and Satuday, Nov. 19 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. The musical will be presented at the Orpheum Theater. Make reservations by calling 342-7107.

Committee presents "A Celebration of Dance and Song," feattni.ng the Ukrain- 0 'The Rocky Horror Show'' will be pre- : ian Dance Ensemble from Chicago. The . sented on stage at the Omaha Playevent is on Saturday, Nov. 5 at 7 p.m, in house. There will be special midnight the Witherspoon Hall at the Joselyn Art performances on Saturday, Nov. 5, FriMuseum.- .T ickets are available from day, Nov. 12, Saturday, Nov. 19, Friday, Nov. 25, and Saturday, Dec. 3. Call Younkers Ticket Offi<;es. 553-0800 for reservations. 0 Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol/ ' will be presented Friday, Nov. 25, · 0 Lincoln offers spectacular laser through Tuesday, Dec. 22 at the Omaha shows at. the Mueller Planetarium on 14th and U St. See a variety of musical Playhouse. For more information, call performances from "Led Zeppelin" 553-0800. which is featured tomorrow, Nov. 5 at 8, 9 and 11:00 p.m. to "Jazz Under the 0 Jackson and Almeda Berkey of Stars" .on Sunday, Nov.27 at 3:30 p.m. Manheim -Steamroller will join the Ca- Admission ts $3:50. For more informathedral Arts Project tomorrow, Nov. 5, at tion, call472,-2641. ,

Vegetarian foods: healthful eating tW't'\Um!JM.tM111kll!4Hmf• ml~flH~!!!!pW!!i An increased desire among Americans for . better health and fitness is the big trend in the '80s. People, in general, are becoming more aware of what they are p u tting into their bodies and h ow their diets affect them. This is one reason lactovarton (no red meat), vegetarian (no meat incuding fish or poultry) , and vegan (no meat or dairy products) diets are gro~ing in popularity. "I don't believe in killing for my nutrition, because I don't think it's necessary. You can get the nutrients found in meat from other sources. It's cruel to kill animals for food, testing, or any other reasons," Liz Martin, (11), said. Restaurants especially are noticing the rise in the number of people who are· ordering food that does not contain meat. Although many larger cities have res taurants that serve only vegetarian food, Omaha's size limits the choices ofrestaurant-goers seeking fine fOod that does not contain meat. Restaurants that do offer vegetarian items on their menus seem to be focusing on . the quality of those dishes. / Valentino's, Godfather's, and Pefferoni's all offer vegetarian pizzas on their menu!> as well as salad bars. Valentino's also offers a meatless sauce for their spaghetti as well as the pasta primovera which consists of

' 'Alien Nation' called old : science fiction

broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots in beer cheese sauce with mozarella cheese on top. PeflTeroni's also has an egg salad sandwich on their menu. Spaghet ti Works has spaghetti with a beer cheese sauce. The hot and naked is another appetizing dish served here. It consists of spaghetti with olive oil, butter, garlic, and basil. There is a salad bar here also. Grisanti's has the eggplant parmesian. and the linguini primovera as well as salads. The Garden Cafe, the Terrace Cafe, and Clark's Cafe all have a tasty potato casserole as well as their delec. table vegie melt with steamed vegetables on sourdough break. The farmer's market vegetables (mixed vegetables) and the chefs select vegetables (peas, green peppers, and mushrooms) are two dishes that will wet the appetite from The Great Wall. Also, for really fast food, Burger King has salads as well as a new vegetarian whopper which is a whopper with everything but the meat. "some people just don't like meat and you have to try to cater to that clientele. They may not want a salad bar," Richard Smith, Burger King manager, said. Casual attire is acceptable at all of these restaurants and none require reservations for smalt partes: ... 1 '



them-spending money just on it. Mandy Pantin kin , who played the Spaniard in "Th e . Princess Bride," is the alien pa rtner of J a mes Caan. I. One thing the fllm does is b ring in the element of bigotry aga inst the newcomers. They are referred to as When first looking at this m m it might be thought "slags" and are looked down upon. It is a taboo for that it's just another science fiction movie. Well, that h u mans to be seen with th em , so the newcomers keep · is just about right on the money. The storyline is to themselves. Caan's character is bigoted in the pretty basic. beginning, but, soon sees the light. ,~_ lj~ns land on earth. It is a single .ship that is lost Overall, the mm deserves at least a little consideraand stumbles upop the earth. It contains ~bout tion if you're going to a movie, but be prepared to accept 300,000 aliens and after a number of years in quaran- what the fllm has to offer. It is playing·at the Indian Hills tine they are allowed into society. They are quick theater. learners and soon have jobs and try }o fit in. James Caan plays a police detective whose partner is killed when they try' and aJ9prehend several aliens in a supposed robbery attempt. His new partner is an alien, the first newcomer as they are called, to be promoted to detective. They start digging and find that several murders around the cityare connected and this leads them to an understanding that an alien genius is manufacturNeed a good laugh or something to 'lift your spirits? ing a drug tha,t will addict all the aliens and soon have Well if you. d o, "Punchline" is the movie to see.

Hanks, ~ields star in hit 'Punchline'




"Punchline" is about two s tand-up com edians both with a lot of potential, but Lilah Krystick, played by Sally Field, doesn't have time to rea ch her full potential beca use of the d ema nds of h er family. S teven Gold, played by Tom Hanks, is kicked out of medical school where he never belonged in the first place. The one thing that Gold and Krystick have a knack for is making people laugh. The Gas Station, a local nightclub, is the perfect place to do this. During the course ofthe movie Gold teaches Krystick how to get the best out of her talent. He gives her the confidence that she desperately lacks. Krystick feels trapped because sHe loves het family, but she loves comedy as well, and her family won't let her have both. They' believe she must have her priorities and she belongs at home and not The Gas Station. At the Gas Station, a contest is held to see who is the best stand-up comedian and the winner will receive a spot on the "Tonight" show. "Punchline" is a down -to- earth movie with a lot of potential. Hanks gives his most dramatic role yet, and Fields gives a surprisingly fu~ny performance. "Punchline" can be seen at Cinema Center and the I Westroads 8 Theater.




Cru1sers searc omething different comes to mind when tiying to define the word entertainment. Some • that being home alone and reading a book is best source of entertainment. Some may prefer conpnon rituals such as going to a party or, ttaLtcllinLJ! a movie with friends._ Still others, believe either crurSing or parking along Dodge Street is great way to meet ,new friends and to have a good

This practice is not a new sight on Dodge. There been a heavy amount of traffic on the street for years. Along with easy access to movie .Jh ..... t.~..... and restaurants, the street has long had the ... ...,, ...~,.. of being a meeting sight- not only for 'leen-~t(Je·rs, but adults alike. Several aspects draw from even different counties to the street. Kris Shupe, a frequent Visitor to the street, said the reason people keep coming back to Dodge 4~ it is a well~known spot. !be people who go are like a close-knit fanlliy," she said, "My grew ·u p on Dodge." Lisa Carlson added, "I met so many nice people there." Carlson also that anyone who is in trouble can go to Dodge to help. "I have taken girls home with me at night have had personal problems," she said. nother probable cause of the convergence is that, as Kocsis said, "Dodge Street is the 111eapesr thing for teen-agers to do." Kocs.g> said although people think that t~en- agers have a lot do, they really don't, at least nothing that isn't exAs a result of being an economical source entertainment, "it's respectable practice to take on Dodge now, " he said. Unfortunately, because of a fraction of the nightvisitors who have demonstrated unacceptable others have had to share the blame. '" ' ' ". . .

r new alternatives

Recent events have raised questions as' to how much that have taken place. In fact, Kris Shupe said that longer Dodge will go on serving as a holding place for · she estimates about 30 percent of the people are J all walks of life. Because of complaints from business "bad apples." owners who have reported both vandalism and 'We have tried to weed those people out," Susman violence, the city has been asked to send the group said, "and when I see someone suspicious, I always elsewhere. · check it out." nderstanding both sides of the issue, City he members of this group agree that by inCouncil member Jinl Cleruy is attempting to creasing the number of pollee officers patrolsatisfY the needs of both parties. "I am optimistic ling the street. some of the recent events may have that some sort of an agreement can be made to make betm avoided. Another suggestion was to offer business owners both the.. business owners and the youngsters free advertising. "Perhaps we could wear T-shirts or happy." "I consider it to be a two--prong approach, • Cle~ caps when we park on Dodge to advertise for the companies," Kocsis proposed. said. "I wanted to pass an ordinance to protect the Carlson believes that some of the best customers business owners and at the same time work with of restaurants and businesses alike are, in fact, the the young people to try and work on some alternafrequent Dodge visitors who the business owners , tives so they wouldn't be cut out.· would like to see go away. In order to carry his plan through, Cleary went to "I can understand how the business owner's feel, Dodge Street and invited anyone who was interested but I can also see our side," Susman said. "My to join what is now called the Teen Task Force. group on Dodge consistently makes an effort to try Members of this group who attended the first meetand clean up after everyone." ing on Tuesday. Oct. II. were Lisa Carlson, Patrick Realizing that a compromise may not be possible Kocsis, Heather Fowler, Monica Sallach, Kris Shupe to presetve Dodge, members of the task force will try and Gran.t Susman. · to come up with other alternatives such as using a This group. most of them teen-agers, or in·their early twenties, represent a group of concerned people large, vacant lot, or building a new drive-in movie theater. who realize a problem, but believe a solution can hat they are seeking, as Shupe says, is a come out of the current situation. 'We realize it is place where many people can meet friends going to be an uphill battle, but we have to at least from different areas of the city. She said that as far try," Susman said. In order to accomplish their goal, the group as alcohol is concerned, her group of friends don't drink. "We just want a place to meet friends, listen realizes t hat they need to accommodate the business and dance to music and maybe drink some pop," she owners. said. The purpose of this first meeting was to brainThe task force plans to continue holding meetings storm ideas and to suggest possible solutions or until a viable solution that will satisfy all those alternatives. involved can be made. The task force is aware of the inappropriate actions




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For 1st-time-visit with this ad. ·

Construction ofWestside's n(!w Strength Complex is ing its completion date, which is tentatively scheduled

the middle of November. _ Building on the complex between the boys' gym and reation gym began near the begilll1ing of summer. It has come a long way since the beginning of school all that was obvious was a bunch of scaffolding and lots debris. It has experienced the loss of a contractor to 路 which caused the project to be delayed approximately weeks. Finally, as the Strength Complex begins to take shape; "Lance" provides a before and after look at the strides it made in the last six months.

Class dismissed Students

rally behind team at' state tournament


school was made after consulting with Dismissing school for the state volley- Tangdall and Ron Huston, athletic direcball tournament on Friday. Nov. 11 at 11 tor. Findley also said the decision was a.m. marked a change in policy in dis- not affected by student petitions because missing school for athletic events. Never he never saw the results. before had school dismissed students to MI was aware that some petitions were enable them to attend a girls' athletic goingaroundaboutgettingoutofschool, function. Until now. school had qnlybeen but I never saw the petitions," Findley dismissed for boys' basketball and foot- said. MI know the volleyball team was up ball games. in my office a couple of times to see me, MWe just haven't had the same kind of but I was never able to meet with them." interest in volleyball as we've had in boys' Findley said his only direct contact basketball," _Jim Fiildley, principal, said. with parents concerning the dismissal

Spiking the ball-in front of the Westside crowd, Cori Weinfurtner, (12), attempts to break the powerful block of the Lincoln Northeast Rockets. School was dismissed at 11 a.m., Friday, Nov. 2, for the varsity volleyball's quarterfinal round at Pershing Auditorium, __in Lincoln. The varsity volleyball team was eliminated in their first round against Lincoln Northeast.

~e haven't ever had ~ was at the Parent Advithe same numbers of . . Westside had by far sory Meeting held kids attend volleyball the 18rgest turnout of•Thursday. Nov. 3, when games and because any school lncl .tl ..·d parents asked why we've had so few kids ' · U~ school wouldn't be disattend before tt really the Lincoln ~chools,~ missed. didn't make sense to let Buses were provided out school. • to students for a ride to Decisions to dismiss Ann Royle, head vol- the ga:me and the pep school are solely influleyball coach, said. band had their bus fare enced by the number of paid by the pop machine people expected to attend. "The decision fund, Findley said. had nothing to do with what their record Attendance seemed to improve as a was or what the gender ofthe team is," Jim result of the dismissal. ~estside had by Tangdall, superintendent, said. Mit only far the largest turnout of any school, independed upon whether we would have a eluding the Lincoln schools." Ann Royle, largenumberofstudentsandstaffattend~ head volleyball coach, said. ~e have ing. The only way to predict that is never gotten that many people to the through past experience." state tournament, not even when we were in the finals against Lincoln East The administration hoped to improve three years ago." support for the volleyball team as well as Having school dismissed for a girls to improve entire school support. MWe · athletic event for the first time in history thought we'd give it a try just as a way of marks a milestone for Royle. ~en Mr. seeing if we can promote school spirit and (Ron) Huston told me school was to be get people to attend games," Findley said. dismissed, my jaw dropped and I told him . MWe also had to see whether we had kllled he was paying our program the biggest interest by not allowing kids to attend, but compliment it could receive," Royle said. "Then I became extremely excited for our I doubt that has happened." Findley said his decision to dismiss kids and for our program in 1988."



Slam It!

ay N~n~ associate new stration proposed a policy that would ! ! n~: ~- trastlng views .o n whether or not the stueditor· ·· ·; · ·; · · · · · · ·'.' give principals more disciplinary auDinner;$' Qil the table, relatives are in dents themselves are grateful or take Concern sparked by an incident involving four high school thority in cases when a student en- .thtir- _c~ for~,a qtl1ck prayer ofthanJtS things for granted. •1 believe. that at least materialistically, students In the Omaha Public gag~s in •certain forms of misconduct ~d lt's ~'ver. . For most. Tb,anksgtving has ende<! for the day, .:buffor ·some,. being Westside students are so much better off School District has brought a away from school." ·' . • ' · that they take nearly all their good situ'similar concern to the District 66 • Krueger· polnte'CI out that the· thankful pas only begun. district's suspension and expulsion "In tfie ~ial stUdies department, we atlons for granted .. They believe th~t their administration. In October, the four students policy currently includes provisions try to show the. students how lucky U).ey good fortune Is sOmething t:llat they have are to be here," CQrt!"~e Anderson. soc~- accomplished when most ba~en't r,eally were caught at · a local motel in ' for off-campus events. James Findley, Westside princi- ology instructor, said~ accomplished it. These students have possession of cocaine. In sociology classes. in the unit stu~ been born into it,• BillMcConnick. sociSharon Krueger, assistant pal, said that most schools are going superintendent, said that District on past court decisions when they dents. are 'studying. they are taking a look ology Instructor. said. The facts on Ute issues.are provided for 66 was currently looking at their make their .decisions on what disci- at their society. Students find themselves policy to see if stricter regulations .pline is appropriate for the .crime thankfulthattheyarenottnthesituations the students. but what they take in and they are studying. learn is up to the students themselves. are needed for cases such as this. committed. Findley said that people recently · MSociology provides a local perspective The students find themselves comparing Krueger said that newspaper have wanted a specific written policy of our society to the students. Some of the their situations to that which they are editorials have been advocating. a stricter code in relation to discipli- regarding discipline and punish- students' projects have made them more studying. Most fmd th~ comparisons in nary action by school administra- ment. Now those same people are aware of society. Homelessness is on.e their favor. ·Not all people take things for granted. tors for conduct off school saying th~t there are some unwritten topic that has shown the biggest shock things that students 'should just not among students. The extent of homelessSome people do take things for granted grounds. be allowed to do, including drugs. ness and poverty is surprising to them," and then again some people don't. In Mlf the same thing happened here. Anderson said. sociology class, you learn more about the MWe're studying this whole isthe students would get a five-day The class projects and assignments facts. You also learn about the people that sue, because you're now seeing in' the newspapers support for a suspension, and they would probably allow the students to compare their own are poverty stricken and it makes you · think and compare what you have to what stJicter code that is applicable to be back in school until their trial," society with that of others. Findley said. MSociology has opened xp.y eyes to some they ~}ave, " Chandelle Peacock, (12), sociall students, which migh~ mean Findley said the decisions on acof the diversity of other cultures and to ology student, said. trying to change the state law," tlvities would be dealt with individu- people in bur own society," Doug Hoffman, There is also an attitude that is some~eger satd. (12), sociology student, said. times learned along with the facts. The articles that Krueger re- ally. The:; unit on poverty often cayse~ con- (Con~lnued o~ page ~·)


STANCE Administrators complain The American Association of School Administrators (AASA) who publically supported the Hazelwood decision of prior restraint of school publications is now. ironically,

complaining of an increase in censorship. Th~ AASA and the American Library Association reported in a joint report that challel)ges to library books and school materials have increased by 168 percent in the last five years. By publicly supporting the Hazelwood decision and then complaining of censorship in education, the AASA is applying a double standard. The AASA is reporting that censorship is justifiable when it will benefit their interests, but then unjustifiable when it limits their ability to provide a well-rounded education. It is ridiculous for the AASA to support prior restraint, a form of censorship, and then to compain about that same censorship when it starts controlling their interests. · · According to the joint report, the ~ensorship pressure comes from people who want to impose their views on the educational system by removing or restricting the use of school materials. The AASA supported that type of pressure in the Hazelwood decision of prior restraint because prior restraint imposes ·administrative views on students by removing or restric.t lng materials. Censorship may become a serious threat to the freedoms given every citizen ofthe United States, and theAASA has finally realized education is the worst place to support any type of censorship. The AASA should stop applying p double standard to censorship and support the abolishment of censorship of any form in education.

Right and responsibilities Underground papers are protected by the First Amendment just like any other type of newspaper and are valuable because they can provide an alternative point of view · on many issues. But underground papers also have an obligation to be responsible about the material which they cover. The First Amendment cannot be used to protect distortions and factual errors. The "Illuminator" disregarded this responsibility when it printed a story on the library content of Westside. The "Illuminator" has the responsibility to provide truth in its coverage, and shouldn't let ideology cloud the facts. Dismissing sch<><;>l at 11 a.m. Friday, Oct. 11, to allow students to attend the state volleyball touranament was a decision that benefitted Westside athletics and student body spirit. The 'Westside volleyball-team has consistently beenapartofthe state tournament with little student body support. The administrative decision to dismiss school enabled the student body to give the volleyball team the support it deserves.

The lack of student support in Forum's canned food drive is a trend that needs to be reversed. Student support for other community charities such as the United Way Drive has traditionally been · excellent and there is no reason the canned food drive and the Omaha Food Bank should be left out. We · encourage students to support the food bank and bring their canned foods in the remaining hours of the drive.

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cation of Westside High School, 8701 Pactftc St., Omaha, NE, 68114. The "Lance" office is located in Room 122. Advertising rates are available upon request. . Phone (402) 390-3339. The "Lance" is an in-house publication. The paper is an open forum distributed ~!weekly to all students 16 times a year except during vacation periods. Subscription rates toothers are $5 postpaid. Non-profit mailing rates claimed. The "Lance" is printed by the "Fremont Tribune," 135 N. Main, Fremont, NE 68025. Letters to the editor are welcomed. Letters should be less than 300 words in length, signed by the author, and sent to the editor or the adviser in Room 122. The "Lance" is a member of the Nebraska High School Press Association, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, and the National Scholastic Press Association.





Managing Editor I Production, Gwen McGill. Managing Editor I Copy, Mason Myers. Businetls Manager, Kim Ostergaard. Copy Editor, Mary Overholt. News Editor, Karen Nyhom. Aasoclate NewsEditor,Jay Nilsson. Feature Editor, Jim Duff. Sports Editor, D.J. Rezac. Weekender Editor, Nancy Olson. Design Editor, Kent Bonham. Photo Editor, Evan Howe. Circulation Manager, Michelle Jaeger. Stall Artist, Troy Muller. Staff Critic, Mark Carroll. Columnlsta, Ertn Conboy, Jessica Sullivan. News Staff, Todd Parker, Amy Raqil, Laurte Spiel, Anne Wax. Feature Staff. Debra Dohmen, Allison Kohli, Melissa Partset. Sports Staff, Andy Chapin, Bert Cohen, Randy Hallett. Weekender Staff, Nick Hansen, Susie Kiscoan. Cathy Pet tid. Becky Richardson. Design Staff, Jenny Frank. Photographer, Matt Fischer , Adviser, John Hudnall.

Thanksg'i ving is only a pOintless tradition Thanksgiving is a really stupid holiday. In see only twice a year. Even if they do have to spend a weekend with fact, it's the most pointless holiday there is, next to Saint Patrick's Day and Columbus Day. In out-of-state relatives, it can't be all that bad. Why today's world, it has virtually no meaning. complain about one weekend out of the entire And it's because of the fact that nobody really year? cares. Nobody bothers to be thankful for anyNow, Th~givtng is just a tradition. It has thing anymore. They simply expect that their basically no meaning. An entire family gets parents will always be there to give them money, dressed up and sits around the dining room table, that a roof will always be over thier heads, and drinking wine and spilling cranbeny sauce on the that a pair of Guess - - - - - - - - - - - - . 45-year-old lace table jeans will always keep cloth. They gather their behinds warm. Jessica Sullivan together to eat turkey Why be thankful for and yams, and to gasthat? After all, isn't that Columnist sip about w4ether or what life is all about? not great uncle Ed has Thanksgiving started been hitting the bottle out as a religious holiagain. Gee, aren't day, when family and holidays spent with friends would get together and be thankful for all family fun? the blessings they had received during the year. I don't mean to sound like I think that everyone Now, whenever Thanksgiving comes up in a is ungrateful, because that isn't true. I know conversation, someome invariably says, MI have several people who are thankful, and who enjoy to go to my grandma's house for the WHOLE seeing thier relatives (evety now and then). It's afternoon. It's going to be sooo boring." Quite just that there are so many people I know who tragic. Don't you agree? don't care, as long as they get evetything they And, once upon a time, people were actually want. thankful. Our grandparents were. After all, most I'ni not saying that getting evetythingyou want of them lived through the Great Depression, and is bad, either. All I am saying is that. for one were thankful if they had anything left at weekend out of the year, it wouldn't hurt to think It kind of makes me wonder what kind of · about just how lucky you (we) all are. Is that too people are so materialistic that they throw tern- much to ask? per tantrums if they don't get a $60 pair of There's one more thing I have to add. I'm not designer jeans, and complain about spending saying that I don't like Thanksgiving. I do. I'm four and one half or five hours with relatives they just saying that it's pointless. Not enough people are thankful anymore.


e 'Illuminator' misrepresented English IMC

Dear Editor, Congratulations! Having just read the first issue of the Mllluminator," I was impressed with the names of the contemporary authors you cited. Therefore, I was really disappointed when I read the entire article·, because all of the names mentioned in your paper are represented in the English IMC, and most are in the card catalog. Not knowing why you feel it necessary to attack the administration, I propose that you do more research before you make blatant accusa-

lions that cannot be verified! Since you are not well acquainted with the available literacy works, in the English IMC, I assume that you are not well acquainted with the literacy works of other libraries in Omaha either. Therefore, you are probably not aware of the fact that the WHS, English IMC is one of the best in the city. Barbara Taxman Library Aide, English IMC

odge soiUti_o n doesn't lie with bumper stickers I thought that turning 16 would there. This is a great idea for people thing about the entire proposition is change me totally. For some reason who get off on having -children's that it's easier for the police officers · I thought I'd be given the keys to the Palace" stuck to their car rearend. to look at the stickers than to ask car and I'd be as free as a flea; but This plan is supposed to cut each individual person for some I should have realized that life isn't down on the numbers of cruisers on identification. like the Brady Bunch and that all Dodge, but for some reason I just Ignoringthisideawouldbepointparents aren't understanding. don't seem to jive with this· idea. It less for the ·people who sfo spend I woke up that wonderful day seems the only ones really benefit- some good hours on Dodge. The and looked exactly the same as ' " - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - , plan does suggest that the I had the day before. My 111om companies are interested and dad did, however, give me Erin Conboy in youth. If only there was the keys to the car, but they a way for restless teens to -Columnist had strings attached to them so spend their weekends. long that they stretched across L______:;,.."""""..,....;~ I know that the Nethe city of Omaha. braska Council of Youth Even when I dreamed of is planning on building a driving across our great metropolis ting from the whole thing are store community center for teens to exerof a city, I never really gave much owners. cise, study, play, and socialize. The thought to cruising Dodge Street. The thought that they're generat- place would be run by teens and the But the subject seems to be in the ing seems to say that young adults parking would not be restricted. papers almost as much as -Elvis would do anything to park in their But the probability of it being built Lives" appears in cheesy, gossip lot and not get ticketed. So while in the near future isn't somethngl'd newspapers. That's saying a lot. people drive around Omaha sport- bet my Barbie's life on. An ordinance was passed not too ing the little stickers on their bumpSome people will cruise no matter long ago by the city to protect the ers, they're selling cheap advertis- what happens. I think that the city business owners on Dodge from ing for the stores. The cute thing should keep in mind that there isn't loitering. This hit some people hard about it all is that the driver is anything too exciting for the chilbecause they've spent a lot of time paYtng for it. dren of the Rambo generation to do. there. ' Whatever the fascination is Maybe, they'll build some center Some s tore owners on Dodge about Dodge Street, people themselves. Maybe people will start street are proposing to sell small shouldn't let the owner's of these exploring other streets to party on bumper stickers that allow people stores take advantage of them. It's instead of Dodge. to park in their lots during the ridiculous to do them such a bit _B esides. what's in a name anyweekends. These stickers will be favor for allowing someone to park way? You won't see me on Dodge, sold for $5 and each car is allowed in their lot for four hours a week- because until my parent's cut the up to four stickers. Having a sticker end. Parking meters could even do strings attached to my keys. the on a car's bumper is the store's way the job. only place I'll be cruising is my of giving consent for people to park About the only advantageous driveway.

Journey to France marked with strange ·toilets, food Passport, travelers checks and ticket in hand I was ready to board for my first trip overseas. I had made it through security checks, the ticket counter and my mom's inquisitions of whether I packed my toothbrush and my underwear, and was now embarking on a one month ourney to France. Traveling with over 500 students all wearing red, yellow or green NACEL (North tlantic Cultural Exchange League) nametags. I was numb and exhausted from being dragged from terminal to terminal waiting for the plane that would eventually get me to Parts, France away from theredundancy of an Omaha summer. I had been preparing for this experience for about six months. attending meetings, studying the language and awaiting a letter from my new French famUy. Finally. about one month before my departure I received a letter from my famUy of two brothers and a mother and father welcoming me into their lives and home for a month. After over 24 hours of travel, I arrived in Paris only to be shuffled to a train upon which I would spend another three hours until I got to my fmal destination. · But first we were to stop and get lunch near the station in Paris. So, I'm in Paris. the most romantic city in the world and we go to eat at a I French fast-food restaurant called I Freetime. I had left the Burger , Kings and McDonalds at home and was awaiting croissants and good French wl,nes so I ended -up only


ordering a Coke. I arrived hungry and tired. But with a smile on my face I tried to communicate to my family that I was happy to see them in about the only way I could at the moment. The first night at dinner I sat dumbfounded hearing nothing but

but I stUl couldn't make it flush . Honestly. it took me at least a day and a half to finally try pulling it up (the correct action to make a French toilet flush) . Later on, I sat down to my first meal with the family. I was observing how they ate and used their utensils trying to look like a genuine Frenchman. but I couldn't master the tricks Gwen McGill they do with their knives to get every last bean off the '!II Managing Editor plate. Instead. I dropped my knife off the table three times in one meal. The month passed a foreign language that sounded· quickly and each day I learned more nothing like the French my teachers and more from relatives and friends of the family I had met. French was had taught me. I think I said two words the entire evening, both of becoming easier to grasp and I no longer woke up at 8 a.m. to listen t o which were probably oui or non. Dan Rather just to hear him speak The next morning I was determined to speak more French conEnglish. I could flush the toilet, take a shower without drenching the vincing myself that it would be much easier after a good nigh t's bathroom, send a letter a t the post rest. However, I hadn't anticipated office a nd say that no, we don't eat beef brains in America all with ease all the problems besides the lanand even a bit of a French accent. guage that I would encounter. August was over soon and the Later in the morning as I reached first day of schooi was here. I to one side to flush the toilet I becouldn't wait to get home to see my came confused as my hand touched friends and family, but I would miss only the ceramic side of the toilet. my new family and everyone who There was a round knob in the center on the top of the toilet, but had made my stay in France such a nothing that res embled the familiar wonderful experience. Now my mom b uys French food flusher I was used to. trying to remind me of my experiI looked at it and ca refully ence and my admiration for the touched it in fear of overflowing it or having it spray up in my face and country and it's people. But when I began to fiddle with the knob moveat the French breatl it never tastes the same ·as it dtd with the special ing it in all directions. I turned it to people wh.o taught me to love it so the right. and then to the left, pushed it down and back and forth much. i~~--

··.e-·· >--···


N•BRtEF Pumpkins carved for coritest Halloween this year didn't bring children begging for candy the loge. Instead, it brought vegetables cruved In a vartetynf..,,..,,..~.­ The 1988 Forum Pumpkin contest drew 24 entries. The kins were entered by homerooms. The winning homerooms were selected by a panel of five and were: Dick Lundquist, first place; Roger Hoffman, sec:o~• place; Dean Klein, third place; Joan Mactier, fourth place; Hutchings, fifth place.

Band, orchestra plan events

Don't step on a In an afternoon rehearsal, Chris Whittamore, (11), Laurel Fortney, (1.1), and Lisa Andrews, (12), studytheirlinesforthe play "Graceland." "Graceland" is Westside

Drama's entry in a one-act play competition at Burke High Scilool Thursday, Dec. -1. The play will be presented to Westside students during the week of November 21.

Youth show concern Conference brings new awareness to city Gangs and juvenile violence are \Opics people would rather not think about, especially in their own city, but they are topics the Youth 2000 group feels need to be addressed. Youth 2000 is a national campaign begun by the Department of Health and Human Services. Its goal is to provide funding to states to be u5ed in raising awareness about youth-related issues such as illiteracy, drugs, high school dropouts, unemployment and teen-age pregnancy. Nebraska was one of 13 states receiving grants for this project. In Nebraska the funds were used tt> provide for a leadership conference for ~non-traditional · youth leaders,'" youth who may not be at the top of their class academically, but who possess qualities of leadership. "For non-traditional youth leaders there is no ongoing training program in the state," Mary Irwin, coordinator from the Nebraska Department of Social Services, said. After attending the training sessions, conferences were planned around Nebraska to be managed and hosted by the youth. A conference took place in Omaha Saturday. Nov. 12. at the Peter Kiewit Center. The theme of the conference was "Omaha Listens to Its Youth," with teen gangs and juvenile violence as the focus. -rhis was not a conference to lecture youth," Irwin said. "We want youth to come up with suggestions and solutions." The conference was attended by approximately 50 teens and adults from around the Omaha area.

Mayor Walt Calingerwas a speaker at the conference. "I feel we have a problem in Omaha, but not like many cities of our size," Calinger said. Calinger feels the problem can be solved by the city's churches, schools and community organizations. "(Gang members) want to belong; we have to give them something to belong to, like the Drama Club or Spanish Club," Calinger said. "You have to realize that there's not more than about 25 to 30 people involved in this." The infiltration of national gangs such as the Crips and the Bloods, who deal in the distribution of illegal drugs and firearms was a cause for concern in the conference. .:1 live in the (government-sponsored housing) projects and down there there's nothing but Bloods," one gang member, who asked to remain anonymous, said. Incentive was strong to join. "At McDonald's you make $200 in about two weeks; in a gang you can make that in an hour. A lot of my friends and family were in it 'a nd when I started selling the stuff people just assumed I was in," she said. The conference included a one-act play on alcoholism written and produced by Dominique San· chez (12), of Lincoln Southeast High School. Some of the performers in the play were drug addicts and alcoholics. The leaders of the conference enjoyed their experience with Youth 2000. The federal grant has been exhausted, but the leaders hope to continue the program through local sponsorship. "I enjoy getting involved in the community. I think people have learned a lot," Brenda Crowe (ll) of Bryan. High School. said.

' During the month of November and December, there will many events for the band and orchestra. Thursday, Dec. 8, will be a District Jazz Band Contest, at which 12 band l ·orrhf•l'lh":ll members will be participating. It will be held Northwest High School. and the students had to audition to able to participate. The contest will begin at 7:30p.m ...... :.:un:u to Roger Groth, band director. Matt Larsen, (12), and Scott Kreifels, (12), have been ..u.rrn·• nated to participate in the McDonald's All American ....... "••w•~~:.• Band in which students from all over the United States are in to compete. "It was a big honor," Groth said. There will be a Holiday Band and Orchestra Concert Tuesday, Dec. 20, which will be held at Westside.

Forum holds food drive Forum helped spread the feast of Thanksgiving Omaha by holding a canned food drive the week of November 18. Students brought canned goods to their homerooms nrh ... - ., they could be picked up by a Forum member. A contest was run among the classes to see who could the most canned goods. "We (Forum) hoped that by having contest more students would bring food and get involved," Bonham, (12). Forum president, said. No prizes were given to Winning class. All the food brought was to be given to the Omaha Food Bank. No goal was set by Forum for the amount of food to be brought. although hopes were high. ~we (Forum) really didn't set a this year, but we would like to see us (Westside) collecting the most canned food out of all the other high schools. in Omaha, • Bonham said.

SAT puts students to test Forth~ past two Saturdays and tomorrow, Saturday, Nov. 1 Westside seniors will be put to the test, the Scholastic Test, (SAT). The bi-annual test, distributed by the College Boards, distinguish students as possible college prospects after school graduation. "Many colleges look at the test results when figuring who should rightfully receive scholarships," Lynn Hansen, college counselor, said. As Westside students fare, Hansen feels that they are above the rest of the country. The test, which lasts for six hours, starts at 8 a.m. with six minute sections at Westside. -one third of the students take the test,· Hansen said. the ones with post-graduation plans attend the tesl" Attendance by students is not required, but Hansen thinks It is a vital part of college planning.




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5 Vacation


ThanksgMng vacation takes place at the end of next week. No classes will be held on Thursday, Nov. 24 and Friday, Nov. 25. They will resume on Monday, Nov. 28. The next edition of the "Lance· will be published Friday, Dec. 9.

Censorship claimed Censorship? The premiere edition of the underground newspaper the "Illuminator· (Tuesday, Nov. 1) accused the administration of banning authors Jack Kerouac, Ken Kesey, Allen Ginsberg, Gaty Snyder. Leo ·Tolstoy. Alexander Puskin and Maxim Gorky from the intraschool library system. In their cover story they wrote, "We as students are being deprived of opportunity to study and experience many great writers because of the administration's narrow-minded view of philosophies that are expressed in their works. • However. according to Betty Hallas and Kathy Lake. media specialists. and Barb Taxman. English IMC [Instructional Materials Center) library aide, the English IMC contains works by all of those authors. "I feel very strongly that students have certain rights as far as the first amendment is concerned; however, I don't feel that they have a right to be untruthful, and basically, the article was untruthful. • Hallas said. In addition to the authors in question being represented in the library, the article wrongly blamed the administration for selecting which books to purchase for the library. "We also have a board policy that says the media staff ultimately is responsible for purchases, not the administration nor anybody else,· Maty Anderson. media coordinator for the district, said. Hallas and Lake say the media specialists will not attempt to reprimand the people who wrote the paper. ·we just hope that if the indMduals are having problems finding the materials that they're interested in, they'll come to one of us," Lake said.

Students hold election

If practice truly does make perfect, then the democratic process has taken a step toward flawlessness. Wednesday. Nov. 2, 592 studen~s. many of whom cannot really vote, participated in a mock election sponsored by the ninth grade CMcs classes. Students voiced their opinions on Initiative 402, a proposal for Nebraska to withdraw from the nuclear waste compact it belongs to. Initiative 403, a proposal to put the right to bear arms _in the Constitution of Nebraska, and Proposed Amendment 3B, which would give 17year-olds who will be_18 by the general election the right to vote in the primaries. Also, they had

the opportunity to support candidates for President. Senate. Congressional Representative, County Commissioner, and County Clerk. The elections were initiated to give freshmen a chance to participate in the real election. ·u onginally started l~st summer. We wanted ninth grade Civics students to have some sort of political involvement during this election year,· AI Wise, Civics instructor, said. Along with the election a survey on issues, such as the drug problem, was conducted as part of a nationwide student survey sponsored by Time Magazine and Cable News Network. The results ofthe mock election are as follows: Presidenttal: George Bush/Dan Quayle won with 66 percent of the vote; Mike Dukakis/Lloyd Bentsen had 30 percent of the vote; Ron Paul/ Andre Marrou had three percent of the vote. and Lenora Fulani/Joyce Dattner had two percent of the vote. Senate: Bob Kerreywon with 55 percent of the votes; David Karnes had 36 percent of the votes, and Ernie Chambers had eight percent. Congressional Representative: Jerry Schenken won with 60 percent of the votes. Peter Hoagland had 34 percent of the votes. County Commissioner: Howard Buffett and Lynn Baber won with 47 _a nd 40 percent of the vote, respectively. Steve Exon had 37 percent of the votes; Ray Simon had 27 percent of the votes. County Clerk: Jack Frost won with 55 percent of the votes, and Tom Cavanaugh had 42 percent of the votes. · Initiative 402 was a tie with 44 percent for and 44 percent against. Initiative 403 passed with 54 percent for and 35 percent against. Proposed Amendment 3B passed with 69 percent for and 14 percent against.

Comedy contested "Graceland," a comedy. will be Westsiae Drama's entry in the one-act play competition at Burke High School on Thursday, Dec. 1. from 4 to 6 p.m. The contest is open to high schools around the Omaha area. The story is "about two looney ladies camped outside Elvis Presley's mansion the day before it opens to the public,· L. D. Fortney. drama instructor, said. The cast consists of Laurel Fortney, (11), Lisa Andrew~ (12), and Chris Whittamore, (11). The women are portrayed by Andrews and Laurel Fortney, and Whittam ore plays the role of a qisc jockey. The plot consists of the women being camped out in front of the mansion fighting to see who gets to go inside first. "It's really touching; they get to be really close,· Andrews said. The show will also be performed at Westside for the student body before it goes to the competition. "We'll probably perform it the week of ThanksgMng. • Fortney said.

Criticized in the past for not doing anything, National Honor Society (NHS) has decided to change their ways. Mason Myers, NHS president, said, "The way I've understood it in the past is that it has been mostly an honorary organization. • "At the end of the year, evexyone would get a pin and a certificate, but as far as I know, it has always been an honorary society, and never done any service activities or anything like that,· Myers said. Myers said that this year it has become more of a require' ment that they do one or two service activities. Myers added- that the first service project NHS did was the


Technology fOund in -a ll


comparisons school technology departments lately. and in many people's minds, Westside is one of the leaders in the field of technQ}ogy. "We have one of the most saturated secondary buildings tn the area," Dennis Mcintyre, head of the computer department at Westside, said. ·we have computers all over the building, not just in one area,· Mcintyre said, ·so that makes it a lot easier for the students and !?taff to get to a computer if they need one.· 'We would rather spend the money on more computers, to spread out, rather than just have the newest ideas, because if could raise a lot of money if we did that, there wouldn't be enough computers to go around,· people would really put a good Mcintyre said. effort into it to make it successEven though the program may not be that advanced, it is one ful. So we had everybody vote, of the most comprehensive, Mcintyre said. and they decided to try tt: SoIn terms of programs, Westside is more advanced in terms of cha said. programs and software for the computers. "I think we have Socha said that Westside more, from what I've seen," Jim Tangdall, superintendent, said. should raise around $1,000. "In terms of programs. and many of the things for students "It was a serious setvice proj- to do, there is no question that Westside has a vety comprehenect, not just some kind of thing sive computer and technology department," Tangdall said. where you say you'll be there for In comparison to other high schools in the metropolitan an hour, and show up for just area, Westside fares among the very top in the department of that time. People had to go out technology, ·but there isn't any real substantial data, and no and collect the signatures for one has really bothered to obtain any, • Tangdall said. Mit is pledges, bowl, then go back and difficult to say exactly where we are in the technology picture, collect the money from the throughout the city of Omaha." pledges,· Socha said. There are computers in every department of the school, Socha said he is happy NHS including the journalism department with one of the most develis doing more seJVice projects, oped work areas in the country for high school journalism because it is something NHS students. has failed to do in the past, The most established programs in the building have been although it is considered one of developed in the English department through the Writing lab. the more important parts of the There are 15 computers available for all students to use, but th1 society. lab is used mostly by ninth graders.

National Honor Society includes service work spina-bifida bowl-a-thon. He also said that there were other community-related projects currently under consideration by NHS members. In addition. StacyTrout, (12), NHSmember, is organizing group to do volunteer work at Children's Square, a shelter for youth who are having problems at home. Kevin Socha, (12), NHS member, chaired the bowl-athon committee. Socha said that his mother came in and spoke to NHS members about what spina-bifida was all about. "I had my mom come in and explain what spina-bifida was, and asked them if they wanted to participate in a bowl-a-thon that would raise money for u: Socha said. "She said an activity like this

Stand up and be counted A total of 592 students voted on Wednesday, Nov. 2 in a Civics sponsored mock election. Agreeing with the general public, students elected George Bush and running mate Dan Quayle in the executive branch; Bob Kerrey to the Senate; Howard Buffett to County Board; and passed Amendment 3B and Initiative 403. Unlike the results of the Tuesday, Nov. 8 election, at Westside Jeny Schenken was elected to Congress. Lynn Baber to the County Board, and Jack Frost as County Clerk. Initiative 402 was a tie.

Censorship . charge false Charges of censorship in the English branch of Westside's library made by the Tuesday. Nov. l edition of the underground newspaper the "Illuminator" (see related article, page 5) demanded an examination of the system. Censorship is not part of the system. Rather than having the traditional central library, there are eight satellite libraries located in the Business lMC [Instructional Materials Center]. English IMC, Foreign Language IMC, Guidance Center, Math IMC, Media Center, Science IMC, and Social Studies IMC. Together, the collection includes approximately 25,000 volumes. According to district media coordinator Mary Anderson, the satellite library system began in 1967, when the school switched to modular scheduling, and like modular scheduling, the system is uncommon for local high schools. MWe're fairly unique. I don't know of any other school in the area that has this kind of system." Betty Hallas, media specialist, said. It may be more difficult to use a satellite system than a central library because it requires moving from room to room to find materials, but Mary Primeau,

Science IMC aide, doesn't see a problem with that. MWith the modular scheduling, · the satellite libraries work well. Students know where to go for the materials they're looking for," she said. Resources located in the librat}r are diverse. MWe have the text on microform, which is the magazine index, the Newsbank, which is an index to newspapers and the microfiche that goes along with that, the Readers' Guide, which can get them into the magazines, and Dialog for search~ng the databases," Hallas said. The goal of the media department, according to Hallas, is to improve students' research .skills to the point where they can function well after they graduate. Lake feels that the goal is being reached. ~hey're (research skills) improving all the time. It's like modular s cheduling: if they really want it to work, it works beautifully," Lake said. The quality of research done rests with the individual, however. MSome kids use it really well, and some just use what they haveto. There'salotmorethat's available to them if they just ask," Dorothy Campisi, Social Studies IMC library aide, said.

ect. The Social Studies IMC is the branch of an eight satellite library, includes approximately 25,000 volumes.

Gary Fey, (10), stands by the card catalogue in the Social Studies IMC [Instructional materials Center) and begins a research proj-

Answer: They 1eopardize '; take chance

How do students spe n d free ti m e? ~!i:u!»Wm;~~~E:mRIIJHBIIlim§l!~m

Intellects were quizzed as two students from Westside leamed the interrogative language in preparation for the tryouts of the television game show, M Jeopardy." Erin Conboy, (ll), and Will Becker, (10) , were both offered the opportunity to audition for the game show. The two were selected by sending in postcards with their names and addresses to the MJeopardy" studio. The postcards were then drawn randomly and letters were sent to students chosen. Both the students felt lliey were lucky to have this opportunity. MI was psyched when I opened my letter from Merv Griffin Enterprises and saw I was selected, but I knew it was all luck," Becker said. MI was shocked because I had forgotten all about

sending the postcard in," Conboy said. A test was given to the students two weeks later. The test was like an entrance exam and if the students passed this they would then have to go through an interview. This interview would be u sed to test the appearance and behavior of the students on television. The s tudents were'allowed to prepare' for this test in a number of ways. ~he letter they (Merv Griffin Enterprises) sent told us that the best way to study would be to play trivial pursuit every night of the week of the test." Conboy said. MI'm really· not going to prepare that much." MI'm really not going to study," Becker said. MI figure what I don't know now, I won't know then."

The two students both felt unsure of how they performed on the test. MI didn't think I'd do too considering the champion last year was a senior a full scholarship to Harvard," Becker said. MI knew was all luck before the test and it was up to me now. M I expected the test to be impossible," Conboy said MI think I failed miserably, but at least it was a fun portunity." The results have not yet returned, but both students are hopeful of furthering their odds of appearing on the show. The students will be able to be seen on teen week the first week of January if they pass all the tests. Locally, the show airs on KM1V, channel three weekdays at four p.m.

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Homerooms volley for prestige wa.nnmgtu.!MW&·UMWMii It's not whether you win or lose, it'showyouplaythegame.

It's one of the oldest cliches in sports, but many athletes lose this perspective when they strive to win championships and personal recognition. There is still a place in high school athletic competition where participation is the ultimate goal, and fun is placed ahead of winning. It takes place every morning during homeroom from November until February. The sport is homeroom volleyball, and the participants are any Westside students who wish to get their hearts pumping before class. · "We have 88. homerooms competing in the tournament, which has a pool format," Ann Royle, business instructor and sponsorofthetournamentthe last four years, said. "We assign the pools in the order the teams sign up to play." Each pool contains four teams, and the homerooms compete within their pool. The winners of the pools advance to a playoff, which is singJe elimination. Due to the pool format, every homeroom is guaranteed at least three games, with the addition of one practice game. The games are played in the boys' gym, with three nets spanning its width. A variety of students compete, not just athletes. When the whistle blows and the ball is put into play, students who otherwise have nothing in common are bonded together as a team. "Once they blow that whistle, something inside me goes berserk," Dan Fishburn, (12). said. Fishburn is standing on the sideline, rooting his team on. Beads of sweat have formed on his brow, and he is short of breath. "It's not really that serious, but two or three players on each team play hard. Our homeroom gets to be close. There's a lot of s:upport out here." A loud cheer goes up on the far court, as a student launches himself to save a wayward ball. Shaun Shirley. (12), picks himself up off the floor, and has an intense look in his eye. "It's not just a homeroom game anymore. It's intense action," Shirley said. "We

-get out a beach ball and hit it wild after the final point.~ · Ieifer, assistant principal, has around our homeroom the day Cunningham's enthusiasm won two championships and before a game just to get seems to rub off on his team. coached two runners-up in the pumped up." The players huddle together last four years. "I'm an old high The cost to enter the tourna- before the game, and taunt the school coach, and I like to win. ment was $8 per homeroom. opposing team with a cheer. I don't know of any coach who The top eight finishers receive "You have to generate enthusi- likes to get beat," Schleifer said. cash prizes, with the champion asm to win. I also encourage During a game, Schleifer receiving the largest share. everybody to have a bowl of gives instructions to his playUnlike other competitions Wheaties the morning before a ers, and has been spotted in the where cash is awarded, money game," Cunningham said. gym scouting other teams when has not soured the sweet taste The quest for victory some- his homeroom.doesn't play. "In of victory. "I felt exhilaration times drives homeroom advi- all fairness to the team that beat after we won the tournament sors to lodge complaints with a us last year, I think we had a last year," Gary Cunningham, grievance committee. "My better team. ·One of our key counselor, said. homeroom is the grievance players was missing. But they Cunningham boisterously - committee. When there is a beat us fair, and I'm not crying supports his homeroom with complaint, they decide what about it." constant shouts of eoncourage- should be done," Royle said. "Mr. Schleifer is very serious. ment. "The quest to win was "There shouldn't be any com- He gives us a lineup every finally achieved after many plaints. To win or los~ is not the week," Brigett Vivian, (1 0), said. years of frustration. We were purpose. Some advisors get too Vivian is a member of.the varvery excited, because we beat serious. Some even come down sity volleyball team, and has the best. Bill Schleifer's home- here (Business IMC) to check just had a hafid in defeating room had lost only one game in the schedule." another opponent. adding to four years, and we defeated "There have been some hard the list of Schleifer's victims,. them for the championship." feelings, and I'm as guilty as Of the top eight finishers in "It was an incredible mo- anyone for taking it too seri- last year's tournament. fivt: ment," Scott Hoffman, (II). ously. There aren't major prob- were counselor's homerooms, said. Hoffman is a veteran of lems, but like any competition, bringing up the possiblitity of a Cunningham's homeroom, and there is a lot of good-natured recruitment policy. Counselors is an avid fan of volleyball. "It ribbing." Cunningham said. are responsible for placing stufelt great. There was a lot of Being serious can be synony- dents in the homerooms. pressure, and the crowd went mous with winning. Bill Sch"Everybody teases about


Cood morning


Competition tnst~ad of homeroom is on the agenda for these two volleyball teams. These are only two of 88 homerooms competing for a final champio;nship seeding in Febuary.

Until then, a form of pool play will determine which teams will compete in the playoffs. Cash prizes will be used· as an incentive to win

recruiting players. Counselors and administrators are both in a position to pull people. But it's all luck of the draw," Royle said. "I don't believe any counselor would try to recruit a player into their homeroom just for volleyball," Schleifer said. "Some families have requested.me for a homeroom teacher, but not for the purpose of volleyball. Some people thought I had requested them, but I haven't been in a position to do that for 12 or 13 years." "There is absolutely no recruiting by any counselors. The only time we consider it is if there's a $500 bribe involved. If that's considered recruiting, then I guess we are all guilty," . Cunningham said. The core of Westside's state varsity volleyball team are all in the homeroom of Sharon Bjornsen, counselor. "I'm sure I'll get a lot of smoke if the five varsity players all play. It was a stroke ofluck, butlwould prefernotto have it this way," Bjornsen said . "I wouldn't put my money on us, because last year they didn't even show up for the games." Bjornsen's attitude is not reflected by the volleyball players in the homeroom. "We're out to win the tournament this year. We plan to wear our uniforms to the games, and we'll use our plays." Cori Weinfurtner, (12), said. Weinfurtner is standing in the doorway of the gym, scouUng other homerooms. A ball from one of the games whizzes by and strikes an unsuspecting member of one of the two homerooms that are based in the gym. Laughs arise from the other s tudents, for this is a common hazard ofthe tournament. The cash reward and the prestige that goes hand-inhand with winning the tournament is a worthwhile goal, but not as important as the experience that each student will receive from participating. "There is a lot of sharing back and forth going on," Royle said. "The kids who don't play are good about rooting for those who do. It's a tournament to promote homeroom interaction. It breaks the monotony of normal homeroom activity."

'Lance' merits -h all of· fame recog·n ition f

;.A 1!

Fame Award. It's an honor that only ten high school newspapers in the nation have received, and the "Lance" was selected. "The Hall of Fame is an award that requires ten years of outstanding journalism achievement," Tom Rolnick!, director of the National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA) program, said. "It's an honor, and as a charter member, Westside should be proud." This is the first year the Hall of Fame award has been given to high school publications. All the newspapers receiving the award, as cha~er members. will have their names engraved on a plaque, and will have it presented at the national NSPA convention in Washington, D.C. Sunday, Nov. 20. "At the convention in Washington," Rolnick! said, "we will present our first charter members into NSPA It is a two and one half day convention, and the • Lance," along with ntfle other school papers; will be recognized for their fine preformance in jour-

"Lance,"said. "It stands for a tribute to the students nalism." who have worked on the "Lance" in the past years. Along with the plaque in Washington the newspaThis type of recognition d6esn't come along much in pers will be given individual plaques, to symbolize journalism, so that makes it extra nice." that they are members of the Hall of Fame. The "I feel really good about the award, but I think it is newspapers were also recogniZed in an article up to us to keep up the standards of quality," Laura printed in "1.Tends," the NSPA newspaper. · Struve, editor-in-chief of the "Lance," said. "It's hard In order to be selected for the award, a newspaper to thirik that so many people read our paper out of must hav~ already received ten consecutive All the state, and it makes it worthwhile to know that we American awards. The All-American is one which the are nationally known." NSPA awards to high school newspapers who are in "I think it shows the tradition of the Lance," the top ten percent of the nation. Mason Myers, managing editor of the "Lance," said. NSPA evaluates the publications each year for the "The award shows just how good of a paper the All -American, and makes their decisions based on "Lance" really is." five areas: editorial leadership, photography and artwork; writing. design, and coverage. The "Lance" staff feels positive about the award. In the Friday Nov. 4 edition of the "Lance" there It recognizes and pays tribute to the oldstaffmembers. and it gives this year's staff more incentive to was an error in the "Handicapped Graduates" story on keep up the outstanding work accqmplished in past page 7. Handicapped graduates are placed in paid employment, not unemployed as the story stated. They years. · "I think it's an honor to be selected to be a part of also receive the same vacation benefits as do nonthe Hall of Fame," John Hudnall. adviser of the handicapped workers.


hen mom sets the turkey and stuffing on the table this Thanksgiving is there really any reason to feel thankful? People don't usually value their good fortune until something happens to threaten it. 路 Westside students have been in a number of car accidents recently. "Car accidents have always been a problem with young people," Paul Fine, an adolescent psyciatrist at Creigton University. said. ~e reason is that everything is new for them and they want to experience new things.!'


Jeff Beier, (12), and Scott Matulka, (11), were in a car accident a few weeks ago in Memorial Park which resulted in hitting a tree. "If I wouldn't have ducked under the branch of the tree, I would have been dead right now," Beier said. Beier suffered from a minor concussion, however Matulka was not injured. Kris Bermel. (12), and Lisa McGeary, (12), were driving east at 72nd and Dodge when they were hit by a Blazer. . "I blacked out when it happened," Bermel said. "It was awful. There were all these people standing around, and I wa.s alone." Bermel has made some changes in her habits since this occurrence. "Ever since the accident, I'm petrified of making left hand turns. and I always wear my seatbelt," she S?Jd.

"Anytl. where ous,yo have, . Pete H

"It shocked me for five to ten minutes afterwards but then I was OK," FishbUrn. said. "I could have easily gotten runover." Fishburn got out of it witJ!. a bruised back and learned a new lesson. "It taught me that some people shouldn't an accident on be driving, and that there are a lot of pe<?ple and I got out there to be careful of," he said. ·she said. Pete Hazelrigg. (11), was involved in a from whipbike accident while riding on CenterStreet by Towl-Park. ' "A car hit me, and I hit the front of the windshield," Hazelrigg saic1. Hazelrigg received 12 stitches in his head, ten in his shoulder. He also had one night some bruises and a sore knee. The doctors told Hazelrigg that 1f he hadn't been wearing a helmet his injuries could have been more serious "They (the doctors)' were surprised I didn't .have any broken bones." he said. It makes you realD.J. Rezac, (12), was injured in a football ize how quickly Friday, Sept. 2. you can die. ~ Bryan. As a he stretched his ""'ou1;:u ligaments in his Tim Veitzer, (12) . and had tom ::artilage. "It was better than I " Rezac said, doctors were go . percent sure I would have to get arthroscopic surgery.'' . it happened," can be Afier taking magnetic image pictures of involved. the knee the doctors found out it wasn't as afterwards bad and that with therapy and exercise he could have would be able to compete. . "After my accident I thought I would never be able to compete again," he said. "I • (11). who was crying when I got off the field because I few weeks didn't think I in t 0 be bl t0 1 "It only again.'' was go g a e p ay (11)), would Jenny Krajicek12), experienced a near IIDtJsruteiu I could hold-up wnue working Jate at <night at Camelot cleaners. "I was working by myself.. when a guy came in and asked me under a fake name to look for his clothes," she said. "He left for awhile, came back and walked behind the ~~~t~.~~henj luckily . a n_ew customer Apparently the man left, but Krajicek was still shaken by the occurrence. "I didn't

Continued from page 1.

·In my experience, it comes out blatantly in the poverty unit that students think 'By god, I'Ve done it Anyone can do it,' but really they haven't Most of us when we're doing well take what we ha\re for granted, unless before it was different. Most students haven'thad to work to get wh~rtdhey are now, so they haven't had to think how it all came about." McCormick s.aid. Psychology students also benefit from... studying poverty in society. ,. ·Being tri' psyohology makes me realize how lucky we are. lt ruso has made me see·what a good education we get as compared to others ·who don't have the chances we do," Andrea Johnaton •.(in.: psychology student. said. . Taking things for granted extends beyond material goods. ~ Fam1lles often find them-• selves taken for granted. " "I think that we tend tq take our families .; for granted for a variety of reasons. Healthy families tend to take time to be thankful and respect other people in their family. Less healthy families find themselves taking familY members arid their emotions for granted as well," Judy {..undqulst, faintly ttterapist at • Operation Bridge; said. , Families often replace t4ne \Vith material · · · ··

ful for everything they've done for me," Megan Kenedy. (11}, said. For some students after studying about poverty- stricken people, n has changed how they look at things. "If anything. sociology has given me more respect for the hardships that others have to go through. lt's also made me more respectful of my family." Hoffman said . By teaching the facts to students, they can more accurately access their situations and other people~ problems. "There are a majority of students that take what they have for granted, but I am also aware of a minority that are grateful for what they do have. Those. students that ?on't take the time to be grateful, would be if people took more time to :point out the fac.t s. It's hard for adolescents to be grateful when they are not aware of the Issues that are involved. That's why It's our job, as teachers. to make them more aware,· Anderson said. Television can often make a family unhealthy during the holiday season. ·When a family ts hurting. the holidays tend to bring out that pain even more. For example, at ThanlQ;;gMng. the television shows portray families.as respectful. loVing. goods. .• ·.·. _ . and grateful. Families 'find themselves ques·I think m~terial things become-a substi~ ttoning why can't their f~illes be more like tute for conversation, tlme.spent with the .: those that are on television. It's those shows Japilly, and a feeling of being cared about in: ., that make people lo6k for ·the weaknesses of unhealthier families. Families need tCI reaiize :their fiunily member8, • LundqUist said. that ~terial things are never as important as Dinner's llnished. relatives have cleared ,the time that c;m be spent together." Lundthe table, but ThankSgiving does not have to quist Said.. : ·• \ & ,_ end wtth the meal. .· There ·b·'nO,t: ~waY$ ttme to spen4 w)lJi . , Lundquist saMi.:··FatnUles should not tue family} , ~'f·,:.):· ;: · \< ·. ": . . ·, : ..• ' .•• ;~tl:J Tharik.sgMng'as the.,oiily time to be gratef~. . . "With Sehot),!.~d :~tr;g·e~e W~~mo~t~ . tJianJciuJ {Or~ach ~othet/1\ll year, people . like 1 don'tS¢e';my famtly. tknow thaH don't need to tak.e time.:W be thankful for what they always take.·thne to let them ltnow how '\ ':.. do have. I just don't thtiilc<that ThanksgiVing

,' :\•.

wanttoworkbymyseUanym~;o~re~,~~~L-~~~~~~ ~run~~t~o~'·~ ::~ ::·:b:u:t::~:I:run ::·:t:ha:n:k:-:~:~:· :o:n:e:::::I:t:cid:·:e:nds ::~::::::::o:ne::d:aY:·=·~ especially when its dark ou!_ and no is

"he said. leg, me up." missed when he was

around.'' These incidents help a person reflect on the reality of life. "It makes you realize how quickly you can die," Veitzer said. Hazelrigg said, "Anytime your in an accident where the outcome could be serious you look at what you have.'' So when the pumpkin pie is seiVed and everyone is full. bets are that these students will be more appreciative this Thanksgiving. Rezac said, 'You should always keep in mind that you're always one play away from your last."

Helping hand Recovery is always the hardest part of any accident. Mike Rowen, (9). grins and bears it while nurturing his broken left leg. Many Westside students have fallen victim to accidents over the past few months.

re in an accident coiDe could be serito look at what you ~

(11), said.


Thanks Warrior athletic· teams have reasons for cheer D.J. Rezac .

Sports Editor -

Viewpoint I was driving to school today with the full knowledge that my deadline was yesterday, and that I didn't have a column idea. Then it hit me. The first day of winter sports started Monday, Nov. 7. And with Thanksgiving nearing I considered how Westside has a lot to be thankful for athletically. For starters, the Warriors' girl's swim team is returning state champions, while the ~en finished third in the state meet last year. One of the top returning swmimmers will be splashing in the Warriors' pool this year in- Mamee Dietrich, (12). Dietrich was voted the top female swimmer at the state meet last year as a junior. Varsity wrestling comes off a 5-1 regular season dual record and a second place finish in district. Tony Randone, (10), is returning at heavyweight and Tony Buccheri, (12), and Scott Lapsley, (12), made state tournament appearances as juniors. Last year the Warriors' girls' basketball team finished 11-5 losing a dramatic district final to Millard South. This year they return point guard Julie Novak, (12), forwards Cori Weinfurtner, (12), and Wendy Potthof; (12), Carol Nicholson, (12), andUnda Schabloske, (1 0), off of last year's squad. Meanwhile the boys' roundball team, which started two sophomores (6'2" J. C. Wickstrom and 6'4" Jason Hellman) one junior (6'3" Matt Sinn), last · year, are looking to improve on their 10-10 record. Height and experience should help the Warriors' in early-season games against Creighton Prep, Lincoln High, and Gross, which return no starters. That background justifies

why we should be thankful. I've hearq many people complaining about things such as Prep is always great, and Westside never wins. Westside did struggle through a losing football season, but that was only the second losing season in 19 years. Only two in 19 folks, that is a lot of winning football. I'm sure the Warriors will bounce back next year. Back on the winning side oaf things, the Warrior soccer teams, in their first year of state recognition advanced to semifinal play. The girl's squad fmished second . to Millard North (falling in the fmals) and the boys finished their season in the semifinals losing to Mlllard North as well. • The varsity volleyball te competed in their 13th consecutive -state tournament last weekend, a Class A record not to mention head coach Ann Royle won her 200th game as a head coach last year. The boys' swimming team won 19 of the last 22 . state championships, and when their streak of nine in a row was broken two years ago people started wondering what was wrong with · the swim team. Questions arose last year about the wrestling team and their 23rd place finish at state. Westside fans have been spoiled with success that when the Warriors don't win, or adversity arises Westside followers ·are complaining and asking MWhy?"

So, with Thanksgiving right around the comer, instead of moaning about the Warrior's 27 football season this year, be thankful that those kinds of years only come around a couple of times in a few decades.

Avoiding' the cut J.C. Wickstrom, (11). attempts a threepoint shot while Tom Hall, varsity basketball coach, looks on. Winter sports practices started Monday, Nov. 7. Boys

Improvement emphasized Point guard vital to boys' basketball I

As winter rolls around, the basketball courts

at Westside are filling up. The boys' basketball team will be trying to improve on last year's 10-10 record, while the girls' team wlll be trying to average last year's loss to Millard South in the district finals. Tom Hall. varsity coach, thinks that the team can and probably will improve. 'We have some young players, but if we can play our best, we'll improve ori last year's record." According to Hall, for that to happen, the team will have to find a point guard and also some good consistent play in the point area. "In order for us to be a successful team we need to find a consistent point guard. The contenders for that


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basketball will open their season Thursday, Dec. 1 against Prep at Boys Town.

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position are: (Ken) Perkins, (12), (Randy) Hallett, (12), (Kirk) Henningsen, (11), and Kevin Atkinson, (11). Out Qfthese four, I think we can get what we're looking for," Hall said. The girls' basketball team is talking not only about improvement. but also about taking state. Linda Adamski. girls' varsity coach said, 'With six returning seniors, I really think that this is a team that should make it to state and maybe even take it all." .The six returning starters are Linda Scabloski, Laura Cody, Cori Weinfurtner, Kristin Lindwall, Wendy Pothoff, and Julie Novak. The boys open play Thursday, Dec. 1 against Prep at Boys Town and the girls play Marian Friday, Dec. 2 at home.

oyle: .,1 don't believe ... there is a jinx' evecy volleyball team. This year's girls' varsity made this dream come true,. but failed to capitalize on thi& achievement and lost to Lincoln Northeast in the first round. This is the third consecutive year that the Warrior women have lost in the first round. ~I do not believe that there is such a thing as a jinx or choking," Ann Royle, head coach, said. "The level of play is much greater up there (at the state tournament in Lincoln) and the teams rise higher, so anyone can win."

Northeast defeated Westside in straight games 15- was really helpful," Royle said. "There were many more 4, 15-8. ~Northeast didn't make amistake., Royle said. 'people from Westside than from any other school." "They played great and beat us." With the crowd and the intensity of the state tournaLincoln Northeast was defeated by the eventual ment the players felt well prepared. ~we_were ready to champion Lincoln East in the senufinal round of the play," Jenny Johnson, (11), said, ~but we started off state tournament. ~If you could have watched them slow and never really reached our full potential." (Northeast) on Saturday against Lincoln East, they "The girls were ready to play," Royle concurred, "and made mistakes like serving into the net and out ' of Lincoln Northeast just came out and beat us." bound," Royle said. ~unlike in our game they played Lincoln Northeast had beaten the Warriors once flawlessly." before early in the season season, also in straight For the state volleyball tournament, the administra- games: 17-15, 15- 13. The varsity volleyball team tion decided to call off school for Friday ~ernoon and finished the season with a record of 22-7 and a sixth allow the student body to attend the game. "The crowd place Omaha "World-Herald" ranking.

Athenian Restaurant fliimL

How's the water? Workouts for boys' and girls' swimming have begun and Marlin Jiranek, (12), does a few laps ofbutterfly to prepare for upcoming meets. Lastyear, thegirls'teamwonthe

state title and the boys' team finished third. Boys' and girls' swimming will have their first meets Tuesday, Dec. 6, against Benson at Westside.


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Trying to repeat on top Winning records are iriJ.portant to athletic teams, and this year's boys' and girls' freshman basketball teams will be no different, although last year's girls team won their conference with a 12-1 record and the boys finished the season at 10-5, after winning their conference tournament. ~a will be a goal of ours to repeat as conference champions,;. Carl Henningsen, boys' basketball head coach said, "and that will be a good goal." . Some goals of the freshmen basketball program are to have evecyone participate and to have fun. "One of my goals of coaching the freshmen is to teach the players," Richard Link. head girls' coach, said, ·and also to allow evecyone to play and have fun." The freshman schedule has changed slightly by adding non-conference games with Millard North, Millard South, and two games with Creighton Prep. The freshman season will kick off with a home game against Prep Thursday, Dec. 1 at 4:15p.m.

. JV blending important Finishing last season with an 8-7 record, junior varsity boys basketball coach Ed Howe will be looking for good sophomore-junior teamwork to improve that output. .~I was happy with our season last year," How~ said, "and this year, the sophomores and juniors will blend together better because they have been in the same buUding for a year." The JV schedule has not changed since last year, and will consist of some Junior varsity


teams that are traditionally good. "Prep, our opening game, always has a good team," Howe said, ~and Central, Millard North, South, Burke, Bcyan, and Benson will be tough as well." Playing on the team will be some juniors and some sophomores. "The freshmen team won their conference tournament last year," Howe said, "so we are expecting some good players to come from that team, as well as some good juniors." The junior varsity will have · its first game against Creighton Prep at Boys Town on Thursday, Dec. 1 at 6: 15 p.m.

Togetherness the key Trying to better their record of last year, the boys' reserve basketball team is working toward their first game Saturday. Dec. 3, at 9:30a.m. at North High School. "The team has worked really hard up to this point," John Graff, sophomore basketball head coach, said. "The team seems to be playing well together." One reason that Graff thinks the team is familar with one another is because of the fact that they oplayed together last year. "The players seem to know each other pretty well. I think that the reason is because they played as a team last year," Graff said. ~In years past, the teams came from three different schools. Now they play together before they play on the reserve team." The players seem to be optimistic about the upcoming season. "The team looks good so far," Andy Buresh, (10), said. ·we are playing well together, but there is a lot of work left to do. • ~I think that the team has a good chance to be very good," Graff said. ·aut we'll have to work hard to reach any goals."


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Rezac demonstrates realistic attitude 1 1 toward athletic ability, . education

Breaking the dumb jock stereotype is common for D.J. Rezac, (12). "D.J. is not only a great athlete but a fine student," Gary Cunningham, ~ounselor, said. "He.has balanced his time and efforts extremely well." Rezac, ari all-state football player last season, is being recrui~ed by some of the biggest names in college football. "Nebraska-Uncoln, USC, UCLA. Notre Dame, Stanford, South Carolina, and Alabama have shown interest in me," Rezac said. "But I haven't made a:ny decisions yet." Rezac has learned that football is a tough game and he has learned to deal with it through some interesting methods. "Football is, to most good football players, a game of utter seriousness . . I don't like to play that way," Rezac said. "High school fOotball should be a game of fun as much as seriousness. The way I look at it is that if itisn't fun, then I shouldn't be playing." His methods of coping with the stress includes talking to the other team. "When we played Central this year, I tackled Calvin Jones five or six times during the game," Rezac- said. "When we were on the ground, I just asked him what he was doing after the game, or how his girlfriend was, or that I loved their jerseys. He just looked at me and told me to get off. Then he said that I shouldn't talk to him because we were playing football." "I remember one time during the Papio game, D.J. went to the Papio defensive huddle. No one could figure out what he was doing over there," Scott Parker, (12), teammate, said. "He later told me that they thought he was crazy. They weren't the only ones." "I can't imagine playing football without being different. I want to be recognized for anything possible," Rezac said. Football seems to be the best thing that has happened to Reza,c. "I've learned so much from football. I've learned how to persevere as well as how to compete," Rezac said. "But the main thing that I've learned to do is to have fun. There is nbthing like walking out onto the field on an autumn night with all the people watching me do something that I love. There is no way to explain the feeling I get when I'm on the field." Rezac has earned various honors including AllState, as a junior, All Metro, as a junior, and All Division, his Junior and sophomore years. "All the individual awards that have been given to me are great and I'm grateful," Rezac said, "but that doesn't mean as much as the fact that I never won a state championship." "When we ended the season with a 2-7 record, there was no person in the lockerroom for that last time that was more disappointed than D.J. Rezac," John Shaughnessy, (12), said. "All he

"We thought D.J. was' good enough to play varsity football when the season started," Larry Morrissey, head football coach, said. "He really played well as a sophomore... "It was a big Jump from ninth grade to varsity football. but I think I handled it OK." Rezac said. As a junior, Rezac finished in the top ten in tackles in the state. But that wasn't the biggest thrill of his junior year. "When w~ made the state semifinals, I thought that we could have won the whole thing. But we got beat," Rezac said. "I still think that we were one of the two bestteams in the state. Being named All-state was great, but that was just a consolation because of state." Rezac entered this year with high hopes for the team and himself. He said that he looked forward to a successful season. It all seemed to endJn the last minute ofthe first game of the season against Bryan. _ "I've seen the play a million times in my head. The guy just cut me at the legs," Rezac said. "I still can see it and it happened ~while ago." His career in football went into jeopardy at that point. The doctors told him that there was a chance that he might not ever play again. But that didn't stop Rezac. D.J. returned after sitting out for three games to play in the Prep game. He said that even though the knee bothered him, he didn't really think about it once the game started. He continued the season without any further injuries to his knee. "The most difficult thing about my senior year was the combination between the injury and the change in teams from my junior year to my senior year," Rezac said. "It was not a completely disappointing season, butitwas not what we expected." Best around Along with being a great player, Rezac seems to On the sidelines, D.J. Rezac, (12), takes a breather have a special understanding of the game. "D.J. during a varsity football game. Rezac is being recruited understands the game more than any other player by many colleges for his football talents. we had this year. You only have to explain it once to him," Tom Hall, defensive coordinator. said, "and he understands it completely. He's like havreally wanted was for the team to play well and win." ing another coach on the field." "All those individual awards don't mean as much as if Whether Rezac decides on major college or small we had won the state champinship," Rezac said. college, he will be attending not for athletics, but Rezac began his football experience even before they for the education. "It would be great to play sports played football on the school grounds. "Every kid in college, but I need to be realistic. I don't think dreams about being a professional football player, that I'll be able to support myself in life through along Wttn being a fireman, and I wanted to play 1 sports,!' Rezac said. "Education is going to take football." me the farthest in life. The door is being opened by Rezac played his first year of school-organized football athletics, but the door will close in time." in eighth grade for Valley View Junior High. He led the Rezac ranks in the top 20 percent of the senior team in rushing as well as tackles. From there he lead class. He said that he is proud <?f that considerthe ninth grade at Valley to the conference championing all the activites that he is involved with. ship. "The feeling of winning that conference champi·"I am very happy with my high school career," onship was the greatest," Rezac said. "It meant a lot to Rezac said. "I've done everything that I wanted to all of us." For the second straight year, he lead the team do, and I've had a great time." in rushing and tackles. Then he began his "reign of terror" on the high school varsity footbc¥1 teams.


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Winter sports scfJedules Prep at Boys Town Lindon High at Westside Gross at Gross 10 North at McMillan 16 Thomas Jefferson at Westside 26-31 Metro Holiday Tournament Jan. 6 Bellevue East at Westside Jan. 7 , Lincoln Southeast at Lincoln Jan. 13 Ralston at Westside Jan. 14 Benson at Westside Jan. 20 Burke at Burke Jan. 21 Bryan at Bryan Jan. 26 Central at Westside Feb. 2 · Millard South at Millard South Feb. 3 Northeast at Westside Feb. 10 Millard North at Westside Feb. 17 South at Norris "all boys varsity games are at 8 p.m. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec.

1 3 9

Dec. 1

Dec. 3 Dec. 8

Dec. 10 Dec. 15

Jan. 5 Jan. 7 Jan. 12 Jan. 14 Jan. 19 Ja%}.21 Jan. 28 Feb. 2 Feb. 4 Feb. 11 Feb. 18

Prep at Boys Town Lincoln High at Westside North at North Gross at Gross Thomas Jefferson at Westside Bellevue East at Westside Lincoln Southeast at Lincoln Benson at Benson Ralston at Westside Bryan at Bryan Burke at Westside Central at Westside Millard South at Millard South Northwest at Westside Millard North at Westside South at South

Dec.10 Dec.17 Jan.5 Jan.7 Jan.14 Jan.17 Jan.28 Feb.4 Feb.11 Feb.18

Gross at Gross Millard South at Millard South Lincoln High at Westside Bellevue East at Westside Ralston at Westside Burke at Burke Central at Westside Northwest at Westside Millard North at Westside South at South

Dec. 1 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Jan. 11 Jan. 12 Jan. 17 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Jan. 27 Feb. 1 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 TBA

Prep at Westside Abraham Lincoln at Westside Ralston at Ralston Gross at Gross Mission at Westside Millard South at Westside LaVista at LaVista Thomas Jefferson away Prep away MUlard North at Millard North Papillion at Westside Logan at Westside Conference Tournament

Dec.2 Dec.9 Dec.10 Dec.16 Dec.17 Dec.26-31 Jan.6 Jan.l3 Jan.l4 Jan.20 Jan.21 Jan.24 Jan.26 Feb.2 Feb.3

Marian at Westside Gross at Gross North at McMillian Thomas Jefferson at Westside Lincoln High at Westside Metro Holiday Tourney Bellevue East at Westside Ralston at Westside Benson at Westside Burke at Burke Bryan at Bryan Lincoln East at Lincoln East Central at Westside Millard South at Millard South Northwest at Westside




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Feb.10 Feb.17

Millard North at Westside South at Norris

Dec.2 Dec.8 Dec.lO Dec. 15 Dec.17 Jan.S Jan.7 Jan.14 .1an.19 Jan.21 Jan.24 Jan.28 Feb.2 Feb.4 Feb.11 Feb.18

Marian at Westside North at Westside Gross at Westside Thomas Jefferson at TJ Lincoln High at Westside Bellevue East at Bellevue East Benson at Westside ·Ralston at Ralston Bryan at Westside Burke at Westside Lincoln East at Lincoln East Cenra1 at CentralMillard South at Westside Northwest at Northwest Millard North at Millard North sOuth at Westside

Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan.

Abraham Lincoln at AL Ralston at Westside Gross at Westside Mission at Mission Millard South at Millard South LaVista at LaVista Thomas Jefferson at Westside Millard North at Westside Papillion at Papillion Marian at Westside Logan at Logan Conference Tournament

8 15 11 12 17 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Feb. i Feb. 2 Feb. 7 Feb. 9 TBA


Dec.16,17 Jan.3 Jan. 7 Jan.14 Jan.17 Jan.24 Jan.27,28 Jan.31 Feb.4 Feb.9,11 Feb.23-25


D ec.1,2 Dec.6 Dec.8,9 Dec.13 Dec.17 Jan.3 Jan.7 Jan.10 Jan.13,14 Jan.17 Jan.21 Jan.28 Jan.28 Jan.28 Jan.31 Feb.lO,ll Feb.16-18

Dec.6 Dec. 13 Jan. 5 Jan 7. lillliilii'E"i , Jan.lO Jan. 17 : mtJP•-~1@11 Jan. 21 'dZ~y~~·fi!l Jan. 24 Benson at Westside Boys Burke Invitational Bellevue West at Westside

Lincoln Southeast Invitational Burke at Burke Boys Ralston Invitational Lincoln Southeast at LSE Millard South at Millard Gross at Westside Girls Burke Invitational Northwest at Morton Westside Invitational Metro State Meet

North Invite at McMillian South at Millard South Invitational at Norris Northwest at Westside Westside Invitational Gross at Gross Millard South Invitational Ralston at Ralston Metro at Abraham Lincoln Benson at Westside Burke Invitational Bellevue West at Westside Bellevue West JV Invitational Papillion Varsity Invitational Papillion at Papillion District Toumament State Tournament ~illard

Abraham Lincoln at Westside Ralston at Ralston Logan at Westside Logan Invitational Mission at Westside LaVIsta at LaVIsta · Ralston Invitational Thomas Jefferson at TJ Milliird North Invitational Papillion at Westside Fremont at Fremont Conference Tournament

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What's • go1ng


CJ"The Nutcracker," a ballet celebrating Chiistmas that can never be seen too many times, is back again and performances will be Friday, Dec. 9 at 8 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 10 at 2 and 8 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 11, at 2 and 6 p.m. Tickets are on sale now for $7.25 to $18.25. Student discounts are available. Order by calling 346-7332. CJ"Elvis" is here. Uve on the Orpheum stage, the musical gives its presentation Frtday, Nov. 25 at 5 and 9 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 26 at 2 and 8 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 27 at 2 p.m. For tickets call342-7107. CJAs part of their comedy series, Z-92 presents Sam Kinison, Friday, Nov. 25 at 7:30p.m. at the Music Hall. Tickets are on sale now for $18 at Pickle's Records and Tapes stores. Call 3427107 for more information.

EVIE: S U2 fails follow~up attempt Following in the footsteps of so many other big-name bands, U2 has failed to surpass the chart;-topping success of their last multiplatlnum record "'The Joshua Tree. N MRattle and HumN is indeed a fine double album. However, anyone familiar with their previous work knows that they are capable of far better than Mflne. N MRattle and HumN does offer a lot of variety, including cover versions, collaborations, and several live tracks, among other things. The band's ambitious energy is evident throughout the album. The recurrtng theme of the album is the '60s. Lead vocalist, a songwriter, Bono, introduces the first track by declaring, "'This song Charles Manson stole from the Beatles; we're stealin' it back. NWhat follows next is a powerful, rip-roarin'live take ofthe Beatles' song MHelter Skelter. N Bob Dylan sings on MLove Rescue Me, Na sweet, dreamy song which he also co-wrote. Dylan also plays organ on the track MHawkmoon 269. N Jimi Hendrix's blistering version of !he Star-Spangled Banner," which he performed at Woodstock, is the introduction to a rousing live version of MBullet the Blue Sky. N Also B.B King sings and plays a mean guitar on the bluesy "W9-en Love Comes to Town. N There is not one bad song on this album. There are also no songs that really stand out above the rest. The band spreads mediocrity pretty evenly throughout the album. Although, this makes for a pretty even-sounding album, it definitely takes a lot of potential excitement out of the record. Devoted fans of U2 probably won't be disappointed with MRattle and Hum. NThe guest contributions definitely add diversity and character to the album. However, it is unfortunate that this bunch of Irishmen failed to express the electric energy and rebellious individuality that got them where they are today. U2 fans have undoubtedly heard the band at its best and know that the band is capable of far better sounds than the majority of material on MRattle and Hum. N

'Bat 21' emotional thriller It all started when Lt. Colonel Iceral Hambleton bailed out of

his.plane over enemy terrttoty in Viet Nam. Hambleton was a missle and electronics expert for the Air Force and was privy to many top secret documents. MBa~ 21 Nis the stocy of his rescue. It is based on a true stocy. Gene Hackman plays the part of Hambleton. After being shot down and his rescue is delayed, he sets out on his own to reach a river. He uses.golf terminology and the golfholes on several Air Force bases to tell the rescuers where he is going. He is tracked all the way and is finally rescued by Danny Glover who plays Captain MBird DogN Clark. MBat 21 Nis an emotional rollercoaster. In one scene, several Americans are brutally killed by the Vietnamese. Anger quickly sets in and when the American jets bomb a village full of civilians "' as well as soldiers; a feeling of gratification comes forth. But, just a few scenes later a young Vietnamese boy saves Hackman from a booby trap and there is regret that the whole village, including kids, was bombed. MBat 21 NIs currently playing at the main theater in the Indian Hills 4. ~ Jllm is exciting and emotionally powerful. It well deserves the $4 to get in. It will satisfy almost anyone who enjoys action movies. OJ;: a suspe~se type film. ~·

O'Ihe Mice CapadesN show is back featuring Kitty and Peter Carruthers, Olympic silver medalists, at AKSARBEN. There will be only nine performances beginning with Tuesday, Nov. 22, at 7:30p.m. Tickets are $4 and $7. To order tickets call 5548800. CJNow through Sunday, Dec. 4, "'The Rocky Horror ShowN will be presented Thursday through Tuesday at the Omaha Community Playhouse. For reservations call 553-0800. CJTonight is the first of three performances given by the MRingling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus. NJoin in the excitement. For times and ticket information call444-4750. CJWitness the "'The Mystety of Edwin DroodN on stage at the Orpheum thea-


ter. Showtlmes include tonighrs 7:30 performance along with tomorrow, Nov. 19, at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Order today by phone: 34.2 -7107. CJCenter Stage presents MI Dol I Do!N from now until Sunday, Dec. 11. Tickets are available for $7. Call733-5777 for reser.vations . CJThe Scrooge is back. Charles Dickens' MA Christmas Carol, Nwill be presented Nov. 25 through Dec. 22, at the Omaha Community Playhouse. Call 553-0800 for more information.

CJThe Ranch Bowl will be hosting the "ScruffY the Cat" concert, Tuesday,Nov. 29. Usten to one of the upcoming national acts perform. For times and admission prices <:all 393-0900.

Students gain opportunities for life saving instruction

Imagine walking out of the Walden Bookstore with the latest MHow to Score Well on the SAT' to notice that several people seem to be forming a huddle around some hidden attraction. Anxious to find out what all the excitement is about, you join the crowd and peer through the arms of those in front to catch a glimpse of a middle-aged man laying cold on the cement floor and a ~ terrtfled young boy at his father's side screaming for help. This scene is unusual, but definitely not rare. Those who · are certified in CPR, are capable of saving a life. The Cardia! Pulmonaty Respiration course, better known as CPR, is available for interested students. After eight hours of instruction and practice, a certification is awarded. This certifica-

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tion t the student has taken the course and is qualified to attempt CPR when and if it is necessary Ector Thyfault, director of safety services, said that within the last two months, the American Red Cross has decided to offer a course which includes instruction in CPR along with First Aid. "'This class is no longer than the course that instructs only CPR and after the course, the student will know how to perform both CPR and basic First Aid, NThyfault said. Although times may not be as flexible, nearby churches and community centers will many times offer the course at specific times throughout the year. The Westside Community Center is presently considertng whether to offer it next semester. At Westside, the course is incorporated into the personal safety class.

Mr. Doug Krecklow, physical education instructor, would like to see more required courses that would include units such as CPR. "These are 5ome of the most valuable courses," Kreklow said. The majority of students who enroll in the class do so for one of three reasons: they may have witnessed an accident where CPR was either performed or could have been performed; those who have a family member or personal friend who may be at risk of a heart attack or other health problem; and those who are attracted by the favorable publicity. A certification is awarded after successful completion of the course. Because the retention rate is relatively low, the American Red Cross and Heart Association recommends that the course be repeated once evety year.

2553 Leavenworth 342-3821


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In the wintertime, the storks at the zoo live in the womens' restrooms. Even though most of" the Henry Doorly Zoo, including all of the outside animal exibits, closed to the public Monday, Oct. 31, some activity is still happening there. "We're not trying to get 120,000 people per month like we do during JuneorJulybutwecangetupto7,000 people during the winter to come see what we do have to offer," Randy Wisthoff, associate director of the Henry Doorly Zoo, said. "We would .like to have the zoo open all winter but if you've been to the zoo, you know how hilly it is there. With all the ice and snow we just don't have the manpower to clear the roads. It would just be too expensive," Wisthoff said. So what happens to the animals during the winter? "It's just too cold to let most of the animals out so we keep them inside Oike the storks that live in the womens' restooms during the winter,)" Wisthoff said. "Occasionally when it gets up to about 35 or 40 degrees outside we might let the animals out for a couple of hours. You have to keep in mind that elephants are not used to snow and ice. They do all right inside, but they simply cannot be seen during the winter." "'llle womens' restoom is fine for the storks because it is heated and is close to where they live," Lee Simmons, zoo director, said. The zoo is looking to the future to attract more visitors. Improvement projects include renovation and remodeling of the bear area. "We're sprucing up the whole zoo and the bear area needs work. We're remodeling the bear buildings and building a new house for black ferrets,· Wisthoff said. This project will be completed by the time the zoo opens in the !;ipring, according to Wisthoff. The most important addition to the zoo will be the jungle, scheduled for completion in 1991. "'llle jungle area will be one and one-half acres set aside for viewing animals .and plants from South America, Africa. Asia and possibly Australia. We want it to be a recreation of a tropical rain forest with typical plants and animals found there,· Wisthoff said. "Obviously, it is our most pressing and important addi- . tion. This may be the largest jungle

exhibit in North America.· All of these additions will be completed in the future, but there are some attractions to hold zoo fans over until spring. The aquarium and the education center are the only zoo attractions open to the public for the winter. "'llle aquarium contains many different types . of sharks, freshwater and.. saltwater fish and various sea animals. We're very proud of it,· Simmons said. "In the education building we have small animals and some presentations. I'll admit it's kind of limited for a zoo but at the same time there are interesting attractions here," Wisthoff said. During the summer, the zoo costs $4.75 per person for adults and $2.50 for .children ages 5 to 11. In the winter, entrance fees are two-thirds of the normal; adults cost $3. 15 and children $1.65. Children under five years of age are admitted free year-round. "Everyone is welcome at the zoo. I have noticed groups of teenage guys as well as young couples and families with their kids strolling around the zoo," Wisthoff said. Jenny Waldman, (11), said she enjoys the zoo. "It's a great place to walk around with friends on nice days and look at the animals, • she said. Wisthoff emphasizes the importance of having a nice zoo in a city the size of Omaha. "We have done a really good job in the metropolitan area. We're one of the top zoos in the world and Omaha should, and I think does, recognize what it does for the city.• "'llle zoo has enjoyed success in Omaha due to support and as we continue to grow and expand we look forward to seeing people of the city here at the Wisthoff said. "We think doing a nice job now , and in the future i~ can only get better,· he said. Simmons agrees. "With the jungle addition and our other attractions, we're confident we can secure our position as one of the top zoos in the nation.·






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or just afraid that you might be? An unplanned pregnancy can be a frightening thing. . Fears and questions race around in your mind and it's all you can think about. One of the first things most girls wonder is, ''Who can I talk to (about this)?" You want someone who will listen without judging; someone who can answer your questions - Someone who will care. That's why the AM Crisis Pregnancy Center is here. The AM CPC is dedicated to helping young women and couples face

the prospect of an unplanned pregnancy. It's not a time for hassles its a time for help. We offer: • Free Pregnancy Tests • Referral Services • Counseling • cOmplete Confidentiality If you, or a friend or loved one is facing an unplanned pregnancy, remember the AM Crisis Pregnancy Center.. .so you won't have to face it alone.

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According to the New York Times, where in Colorado will you find . the best buy in higher education? At Colorado State. This is one cjthe universities the Times rated as giving students "the biggest ret11rn for their money" The Times also noted that Colorado State has "a relaxed, fiiendly atmosphere" and has strong internship programs that enable students to 'Jind a smooth path to full-time positions }n their fields cifter graduation."

At what public university in Colorado, can you get an "Ivy League" education? Colorado State. In a recent book, "How To Get An Ivy League Education at a State University;' II 5 cf the nation's 575 public colleges are prifiled. Colorado State, included in the book, is described as a state universi9' that cjfors an Ivy League education. Author Martin Nemko praises Colorado State's solid academic programs 1vith their emphasis on the preprtfossional and hands-on experience rather than the abstract. He describes the students asfiiendly and social, yet leaving timefor their studies. And, he describes the prtfossors __---.-..: as involved with research, yet spending ample time with their students. Support services, including minoritysupport programs, are also noted as being "equally caring." As one student said, student has any sort cf a problem, quality help is available." Nemko concludes with one student's remark, "It's hard not to be happy here."


Where will you find one of the top ten student unions in the country? . A~cording to the New York Times, in Fort Collins. The Times said this about Colorado State's popular Charles A. Lory Student Center: "It has contemporary decor, bright, bright colors and 300,000 squarefeet cf space ... the 'in ' place on campus, with popular restaurants, well-attended dances, and other activities contributing to student well-being:'

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ChanninB minds everywhere. Every day. /

Lending a helping hand Amant Elkins, (12). helps some 'Westside 1. The 'Westside Wallys" were members of Wallys"· find their way around the gymna- the drill squad dressed in pillow cases and sium at the pep rally held on Thursday, Dec. athletic attire representing different sports.

Does physical · health relate to mental health? Sound bodies make sound minds. Reaserchat the University of Nebraska at Uncoln have found that after testing 1600 students across Nebraska, students'level of fitness falls off dras-t U'-'d.l'.Y after the age of 16. Teen-agers are fatter the national average, affecting students mentally and physically. "1be reasons kids are overweight are because lack of physical activity and that there is a lot social pressure on them to eat. A lot of social lac:nvtnE~s revolve around food. Even high school include a It's

a lot easier to become overweight now than it used to be, • Melissa Rau, manager of the Better Body Shop at the Children's Hospital, said. The Better Body Shop is a ten week weight loss program for kids. Approximately 170 adolescents and children enter the program a year, and the average weight loss is eight pounds. · Doug Krecklow, physical education department head, said one reason students get overweight is the lure to make extra spending money. ·I think the dollar sign has created a situation where kids are more apt to work as opposed to Continued on 9.

Higher averag~s sign of. success, -achievement? ment. said, ~aditionally at verage sn ust average Westside, a B 1s about an averanymore. _ age grade." The average grade of a stuThis high average appears dent at Westside is a B or B+. in other places. The quarter The statistics from second grades from the English departsemester, - 1988, show that 26 ment reflect the school's curve. percent of students had an A/ Out of all the students taking A+ average, 34 percenthadaB/ English classes, 17 percent had B+ average. and 27 percent had an A/A+ average, 34' percent a C/C+ average. Over half of had a B/B+ average and _28 the school had a grade average percent had a C/C+ average. of B or higher. · Other schools, however. do High averages like these are not reflect this type of curve. At not unusual: Doug Pierson, Millard South Senior High chairman of the English depart- School. last year's graduating

class, 30.5 percent had a B average or higher, 41 percent had a C/C+ average and 28 percent had aD /D+ average. At Millard North Senior High School. 35 percent of students received an average of B or higher, 40 percent had a C/C+ average, and 25 percent had an average below a C. The large amount of Westside students receiving a B or higher average, especially compared to other schools, makes it appear that Westside teachers _ ar~ inflating their

grades. But there are many other reasons why the average is higher. Upper-level and advanced placement courses can alter grade averages. "Grades are gomg to be skewed by things like upper-level courses. They would pull the grade average / up: Pierson said. New teaching methods may account for the rise in the grade average. With new methods, there are more ways to grade students and grades don't rely solely on test scores. ·More ·

likely, ever since the 1960's, the pressure has been on to find more ways to get students to be successful. Of course, grades will go up,· Bill Nelson, social studies department chairman, said. The high average might also be due to having high-achieving students. Pierson said, • Maybe the good news is we have better than average students. I would like to think we do. All of our test scores are above average. So why shouldn't our grades be above average?"

LANCE STANCE Combatting stagnation Standstills in education need to be avoided at all costs in order to provide the quality education America's youth deserve. District. 66 is resisting the comfort of standing still by recently identifying as a district goal, the essential I need to examine experimental and innovative ideas. Although no specific ideas have been suggested, the first step to battling the unavoidable problems in education has been taken. The simple fact that the administration is aware of the harms of educational stagnation is an important step inrealizing how education can be improved. Improvement in education is Impossible without first realizing the shortcomings of current policies. More importantly. the administration is now publicly· attempting to encourage -" an environment where experimentation is OK." It is often easy to become too comfortable with any policy that is working reasonably well, and a policy of acceptable experimentation will ensure District 66 will continue to move ahead instead of falling behind. In attempting to avoid the perils of educational stagnation. the administration is practicing what every student should know - one never actually s tands still. but either pushes forward or slips backward.

I'\>~ DONE ~il\l

. cOODLY •••

SE£'5 FO~



Westside's average not average Teachers need to take a careful look at their grading policies to be sure they are not infla ting grades. They need to evaluate if West s ide s tudents are actually above average or if there are other factors putting Westside's average grade in the B/B+ ran ge. Westsid(!'s average is not average compared to other schools such as Millar.d South High School whose average grade is a C/C+. Our higher,·average shouldn't be attributed to the fact t hat upper-level and advanced placement courses would alter grade averages b ecause-Westside is not unique in offering classes like· t hese. or weighting them higher to give students a h igher average. This suoject should be studied and answers to why Westside has a higher average. other than because the students. faculty and , courses are superior. should be found .

The spirit squads and the organizers of the pep rally held on Thursday, Dec. 1, need to be complimented for the successful pep rally. The use of the creative ideas such as the Squires dance to 'Grease Lightning' and the Westside Wallys' done by the drill squad were new ideas that kept the pep rally from failing due to boredom. The use of these new ideas made the pep rally much more than the dance recital it had become on previous occasions.

The lengthy construction of the Westside Strength Complex has become a nuisance t.o with its constant noise and paint fumes. The construction that should have been completed in October has been drawn out longer than any reasonable delay. Not only has the construction been a nuisance, but Westside athletes have been unable to use any sort of school weight facility for seven months. Its completion would be a friendly sight to many Westside students.

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GHmaa~trmWM~JJNaanamm~~-~a~c:,a The ''Lance" is the official publication of Westside High School, 8701 Pacific St., Omaha, NE, 68114. The "Lance" office is located in Room 122. Advertising rates are available upon request. Phone (402) 390-3339. The "Lance" is an in-house publication. The paper is an open forum distributed biweekly to all students 16 times a year except during vacation periods. Subscription rates toothers are $5 postpaid.- Non-profit mailing rates claimed. The "Lance" is printed by the "Fremont Tribune," 135 N. Main, Fremont, NE 68025. Letters to the editor are welcomed. Letters should be less than 300 words in length, signed by the author, and sent to the editor or the adviser in Room 122. The "Lance" Is a member of the Nebraska High School Press Association, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, and the National Scholastic Press Association.

Editor-in-chief, Laura Struve. Managing Editor/ Production, Gwen McG1ll. Managing Editor/ Copy, Mason Myers. . Business Manager, Kim Ostergaard. Copy Editor, Mary Overholt. News Editor, Karen Nyhom. Associate NewsEditor,Jay Nilsson. Feature Editor, Jim Duff. Sports Editor, D.J. -Rezac. Weekender Editor, Nancy Olson. Design Editor. Kent Bonham. Photo Editor, Evan Howe. Circulation Manager, MichStaff Artist, Troy elle Jaeger. Muller. Staff Critic, Mark Carroll. Columnists, Erin Conboy, Jessica Sullivan. News Staff, Todd Parker, Amy Radii, Laurie Spiel, Anne Wax. Feature Staff, Debra Dohmen, Allison Kohli, Melissa Partset. Sports Staff, Andy Chapin, Bert Cohen, Randy Hallett. Weekender Staff, Nick Hansen, Susie Kiscoan, Cathy Pettid, Becky Richardson. Design Staff, Jenny Frank. Photographer, Matt Fischer, Adviser, John Hu-



Don't tell Rockwell .,

'Killer. tots' go for

• WinS

~Damn it, Jimmy that's the third time in a row once have I seen the parents of a bench-warmer you've missed that shot. What's wrong with brag to anyone about their son's or daughter's you?" the coach screamed from the bench at the ability. 9'year-old. The kid's sweat nearly hid the logo "Oh, Mary Sue. which one of the players out printed on his YMCA basketball shirt. there is your son?" . ,"Leave me alone Dad, "Oh. he's not out there now. He used to be. a starter though. that is my foot hurts. I can't help it," Jimmy was until he hurt his toe. Kent Bonham nearly crying: his team And another thing. I was losing- his Dad just think the coach Design Editor hates to lose. doesn't like him." Jimmy's dad took him Sure. out of the game and sat But, sit next to the father of a starter, and him down. Jimmy could no longer hold back the tears. He sat there bawl- you'll never hear the end of it. ing as his father stood over him lecturing about "Hot damn. Did you see that? That's my son. winning, success, and pride- never fun, not once He almost tore that guy's head off with that did that word come out of his mouth. . tackle. Taught him everything he knows. right in I sat in the bleachers liste-ning to the man's our back yard. You bet I did. Hey. Frank. did you torrents and found myself feeling sony for see that? That was Bobby, number 78 out there, Jimmy. and for every other kid who decided to why he almost killed him." play sports just to have a good time. . Neat. Until this incident, I viewed the YMCA as a No longer are there 65-pound sissies running l~ague coached by balding. pot-bellied men, around playing Pop Warner footbalL There are a where the main concern of the kids is whether bunch of 150-pound. steroid-popping killer tots Bobby's parents brought the Li'l Debbie Snack out there trying to severely dismember one anCakes for after-game treats. other. But times are changing. But maybe I'm overreacting. WiVt this sort of In an age of drugs, violence, and insider trad- kid running around. maybe we'll be able to beat Jng I should have known the 'Y' would go some the Russians in an Olympic sport in the near day. It was one of the last American Institutions future. But I long for the days of old and hope the that actually stood for truth, justice, and the trend ends soon. I would hate to see the future American way. It was almost too perfect. The leaders ,of our country spending their spare time Village People even wrote a song about them. The figudng new and exciting ways to cheat their sight of little boys running around having good. ways toward a winning season in a YMCA clean fun was like something Norman Rockwell basketball league just to make their parents ~uld have painted. · happy. But now all the rosy-cheeked kids have been So to all the kids out there who are contemreplaced by crying. spoiled brats with egos that plating participation in athletics as a way of fun, would give Donald Trump a run for his money. relaxation . and making friends, I suggest thinkHowever, I can't help but think that this ing again. Because there's more to life out there corruption of our young ones stems from those than wins and losses. who say they oppose it most- the parents. Besides. if Norman Rockwell ever found out, In all the sporting events I've attended not he'd roll over In his grave.

Combat boots ne~ded for _raid on shopping malls Fifteen more days until Christmas. That's right. It's time to dust off the old combat boots and head out to the mall. There's a lot of violence in today's culture, especially in movies, like "Nightmare on Elm Street," and "Halloween." But I have never seen anything more violent or frightening than a housewife out Christmas. shopping. It's said that KHell hath no fury like a woman scorned." I disagree. A woman out Christmas shopping blows them both away. When I go_ out Christmas shopplng-1 like to be comfortable. I wear old tennis shoes, patched-up jeans, and old sweatshirts. I see no·point in getting dressed up when I'm just going to get hot and tired. have never before understood women who wear silk blouses, skirts. and spike heeled shoes when shopping. But now I know. They are dressed to kill-literally. Those spike heels come in handy when trying to get to the front 6f the line. Sometimes I wonder why the · entire world waits until late November to start their holiday shopping. I can't say many nasty things about that though. I too, have a tendency to wait until the last minute. It's not

that I'm too lazy to go out earlier; I'm fully down on all dolls). just fQrgetful. I don't think of Another thing that is a classic Christmas in the middle of the when holiday shopping is the shopsummer when it's 102 degrees in _ ping mall Santa. This could very the shade. I think about snow, well be the reason that many mildmaybe. But not: Christmas. mannered women become aggresNext time though, I'm not going sive when at the departmenJ store. to forget. I'm going to make a New After all, who would want to spend Year's resolution to begin my holi- the day dragging'" a small child day shopping· ill: late,July. So next around while trying to buy ten December when everyone else is presents when all the child keeps risking life and limb, I'll be home screaming about is Santa Claus? wraooinl! oresents. Di? you ever notice how hasseled most mothers look while Jessica Sullivan standiqg in line to see Santa? And when' their kid finally gets to the head of the line, Columnist they either scream in fear of the big fat bearded man. or they wet their pants on his lap. Yeah. I guess if I had to Speaking of risking ltfe and limb, s}Jop with a kid, I'd be kind of viothere's another thing about holiday lent, too. shopping that scares me- fads. I still have a few more gifts to buy. Remember when , Cabbage - Patch and I'm afraid to go to any of the Kids became popular? Shopping malls. I guess It's time for combat that winter has got to have been the boots and brass knuckles after all. most horrible experience I've ever Nah. I value my ltfe more than that. had to endure. It makes me wonder I'll just give out McDonald's gift what could inspire one normally certificates instead. sane woman to literally beat the In case I don't make it back from living daylights out of some inno- my final shopping spree, Merry cent sales clerk, just to get a doll for Christmas to you all, and don't forher 11- year- old daughter (who, in get, start your shopping in July six months time will look disdain- (unles~ you like to live dangerously).


Officers, 'Dukes of Hazard' • den 't reside tn Omaha area Every city in the U.S. has at least one complete idiot make_police officers look slow and stupid. This Is really who locks their keys in the car, crashes into a bus of upsetting because people should respect the nren in blind cats, or someone who chews sushi and chokes on uniform instead of comparing them to characters like it. Omaha is no exception. In fact.' more than likely a Boss Hog and Rosco P. Coltrain. few of these people may even be at Westside, just My favorite examples are the high speed chases like waiting to run out of gas in the middle of the entrance in KSmokey and the Bandit" where the cop drives his ramp to the interstate. cruiser into a fence and runs over 50 cows. It's almost It seems someone has to take care of these people like the directors had some sort of a phobia of police ofand hold them by the hand. Usually it's the underpaid, ficers. Yet there happen to be a few direc.tors in the understaffed police officer; people who make their world of prime who try to make cops into stereotypical money in this Kdog eat dog" world by helping others. god. Recently. while on a driv-----------~ The guilt I felt when the tng fiasco in the middle of officer tried to fix my car was nowhere my car had a heart Erin Conboy tremendous. He broke a attack and died. So there I Columnist stereotype that needed to be sat, hazzard lights,..on -in the broken. When he came back middle of the Intersection to my door I felt so stupid -I feeling lik(! a fool when I saw couldn't even look at his face, twirling red lights In my rearI just stared at his boots. view mirror. It was a police car. Thecarwasneverressurected. butl'mgratefulforall I freaked out. For the short time it took him to get the help I received that day. I'm sure being a police out of his car and walk to mine, I tried to think of a officer Isn't always rewarding having to spend hours a thousand different reasons why I might be getting day helping some complete idiot. ticketed and what sob story I should tell him. But to Whether they're being compared to Don Johnson on my suprise the police officer was not chewing tobacco "Miami Vice" or even the average televvision.cop with a and giving me an erie grin like-the ones onlv do. In fact, three day stubble, a cop's job isn't quite that glamorall he asked me to do was pop the hood of the car so he ous. Maybe it's just me, but I haven't Se(!n too many could see what was wrong with it. police officers running around in pretty pastels. While I sat4n the car watching him fiddle with the Instead oflooking out for number one they're looking muffler, it occurred to me that this was a person who out for everyone else. especially when everyone else was supposed to be cold and uncaring: I couldn't happens to be young adults fated to be M.I.P.ed. But believe that society went as far as to stereotype the that's refreshing in today's society when so many police officer. It seems the people who help out the most people don't really seem to care. I have a confession toare always being dumped on the most. Movies like make. I never missed an episode of the "Dukes of "Police Academy XXII" and ~e Dukes of Hazzard" Hazard." It was the best.

.-------L·e t t e r s In order to become more aware of students' opinions, the "Lance" staff strongly encourages letters to the · editor. Letters should be 300 words or less. signed by the author, and given t6 the editor or the adviser In Room 122. The editorial board reserves the right to edit letters without changing the content for libel or abscene statements.

Dear Editor On behalf of the Westside Student Forum, I would like to thank you for your generosity during the Forum Food Drive ..With your help, we were able to donate over 600 Items. Thanks to you, Omaha's less fortunate were able to enjoy a real Thanksgiving. Thanks again, Jay Bonham Forum president


lmprov Students of Westside's Drama Club Performing Troupe collaborated with the Omaha Police Department to perform McGruff the Crime Dog skits to district el-

mentary school students. The skits are intended to inform the elementary students about the safe homes program in the Omaha community.

Spreading the message of safe homes

Actors work with 'Police mentary students) something to look up to,· Sergeant Ed O'Shaughnessy of OPD. said. "We're starting to get requests from other districts to have the Performing Troupe come and do it.· Christine Cota, (11), a member of the Drama Club triumvirate which organized the troupe, felt that the McGruff program benefitted troupe members as well. "I think it's given them a chance to get out and have an idea of what it's like to perform," Cota said. "You just have to go out and wing it." The organizers of the troupe do their best tQ mix students who have performed before and students with little or no experience. Students who have taken part in any of the nine skit performances have been enthusiastic. "It was great ad-libbibg to that McGrufftape and wearing the costume," CoJ..Irtney Madson, ·(11), said. "I started shaking hands with the kids and pretty soon I had mpbs of people grabbing my arms," she said. "The McGruff skit was a lot of fun,· Pete Weber, (11), said. "It was great to see all their bright and shining faces.·

Theater and police officers appear to have little in common, but the Drama Club Performing Troupe and the Omaha Police Department have merged for what has been a successful partnership. The McGruJT program, featuring the wellknown McGruff the Crime ·no . s a national effort to provide safe homes for children to go to if they feel threatened by a stranger or get hurt and are not close to home. These homes take the place of what were previously known as block homes. When Omaha decided to become part of the program, the Omaha Police Department (OPD) needed a format to get the message out to schoolchildren that there is a safe place for them to go. · They did this by performing skits; in Qistrict 66, Westside students in the Performing Troupe played the parts. "District 66 decided to go to the McGruff program. Prior to this time officers went out to the schools. Using high school kl.ds gives (ele-







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tht: prospet1 of an unplanned pregnancr It's not a time for hassles us a time for help We offer: • Free Pregnancy Tests • Referral Senices • Counseling • Complete Confidentiality If you, or a friend or loved one is facing an,unplanned pregnancy, remember the MA Cris1s Pregnant!' Center.,, so you won't have to face it alone. · 402-397~

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R.IEF Rally encourages athletes Enthusiasm was strong as students displayed their support for the winter sports' athletic teams at the pep rally Thursday, Dec. 1. Athletes involved in boys'/girls' basketball, swimming, and wrestling were introduced to the student body. Spirit groups performed in order to encourage school spirit and to gather support for the various teams. _ The pep rally was held not only to raise school spirit within the school. but to persuade students.. to attend the upcoming games, matches, and tournaments.

ACT to be adm.nlstered Admission officers at competitive colleges examine a variety of factors when considering candidates' applications. Among these are course load, grades, extracurricular activities, and college board exams. Students have an opportunity to better their test scores tomorrOw when the ACT is admi~tstered. MA good variety of students are taking it. Some are trying one more time for a Regent's scholarship. There are ROTC candidates looking to improve their scores. Numerous students are looking at out-of-state institutions who want a fairly high ACt score and are retaking the test. Some are taking it for the fl~st time. It's a pretty motivated group of students who take the December ACT," Lynn Hansen, college counselor, said. The test will be administered on Dec. 10 at Westside starting at8:30 a.m.

Forum continues success Forum seems to be gifted with the Midas touch this year. Everything it touches seems to tum out well. Following the success of the United Way Drive, questions arose as to how well a food drive would be received by the students. The answer seems t9 be that stt··.;P.nts were quite receptive. Jay Bonham, (12), Forum president, said, MOverall, I was pleased with the outcome of the food drive. It could have been better, but we still donated over 600 items to the Omaha area Food Bank. This total is definitely much gre:lter than what we've had in past years, so the overall outome was definitely positive."


Ready for Santa Sherrie Bateman, educational aide, runs ofT ings, a miniature tree and garland in a group photocopies in festive holiday surroundings. effort by the media department on WednesThe media center was decorated with stock- day, Nov. 30.

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Cable Production ·merits notoriety for class efforts -

Monday through Wednesday twice a day and once on Thursday and Friday. Once again the Cable Production staff has merited a "1.be difficult part is choosing news for two weeks at a national award-winning video but thlstime they have time," Heather Biga, (12) , anchor, said. "Anchors usual\y taken it to international competition. choose their own stories, but will takesuggestions from the Under the leadership ofWillo Boe, production spon- others also." ' sor, who has won an award every year she's been "We are basically a public relations program," Boe said. teaching at Westside, but one, tile 1987-88 Cable "Wehavenoeditorials. Wecoverpositiv ~ issuessurroundProduction class released a film entitled "Heather flock: ing the school." . A Different Comer," which has recently been entered The basic areas covered by the Westside Wire .are news, into international competition. feature and sports. "I would have to say I put in about six In early November, Boe received a letter from the to six and one-half hours extra time on one production,· International Council of Educational Media's, (ICEM), Jeff Larsen, (12), director/editor, said. "And the thing I international relations committee informing her of the basically get out of it is responsibility." competition. The International Student Media Festival. Many of the students enter the class with ambitions of (ISMF), is held this year in West Berlin. Germany and /some day entertng the field of television jpurnalism. "I will take place during the end of March. might want to go toto advertising for television but never 1be tnternational festival is being sponsored by the production," Suzanne Lipsey, (12), anchor, said. "It would Association of Educational , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , be mofe fun than writCom~unication . and Techno!tng." ogy, (AECT), which is based out Then there are others of Lawrence, KS, and the Ency;,..,ho just are along for the clopedia Brittanica Educational fun of the class. "I just Corporation, (EBEC) . wanted a class to. take Whlle at the convention the Monday- 9:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. that sounded like fun." production will be judged under Tuesday- 11 a.m. and 5:45 p.m. John Slack, (12), camerathree main categories; content Wednesday_ 9:15a.m. and 5:45p.m. man. said. and organization, which can reThursday _ 9:15 a.m. ceive a maximum of 40 points; ~ A _good deal of work .F riday - 6 p.m . teeh nic al qua lity. w h ic h scores goes into just one produca maximum of 30 points; gention of the Westside Wire. eral effectiveness, giving it up to For the writers one of the 30 points also. hardest parts of writing a story is so that the tense fits with After completing the judging process, "Heather when the story happens. If deadltnes aren't met by the Flock: A Different Corner" received a grand total of 96 writers then the editors cannot meet their deadlines and points from the ISMF's nationwide competition. the whole process is set off balance. ' This sort of policy in the cable production room and a philosophy that Boe holds, are two things that bring Once the student has reached the cable class, he/she is out the best in the students at Westside. basically on their own as far as production responsibility "I have this philosophy that if one can say anything is concerned. "1.be. students really get involved in the is possible, then wonderful things can hap_pen. And I . class," Boe said. "I'm just here as a sponsor." truly believe in that," Boe said. The anchors for the 1988-89 cable production team are As for deciding positions of each student on the team, Suzanne Lipsey, Heather Biga and Kristin Lindwall, who three favorite choices are written down and Boe, along does sports. The feature writers are Matt Wikzel and Becky with the other students. choose deserving positions. At Richardson. John Slack and Joe Rezac are the camerathe semester students receive the option to change. men, and Robin Caudle and Jeff Larsen are the director/ The programs can be viewed on Cox channell7 every editors who switch jobs every new production.

•d w•Ire chan n eI 17

Wests I e

c0 X




·Take one In 'the control booth, Jeff Larsen, (12). director I editor, makes the final touches on an upcoming cable production. The cable production staff has won national recognition for last year's presentation of "Heather Flock: A different corner."



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rallies Metro schools diffe in 路attitUde toWard ass.e mb 1es 2300 students into the gym," Don Craft, athletic dishould be recognized," Guinotte said. High school tradition consists of many things not rector at Millard South, said. ~Even if you don't know Another question commonly asked is why the least of which are pep rallies. Pep rallies. along anybody, it is a neat feeling to lookat the huge crowd Westside has so few skits. "I would love to have skits with prom and homecoming, are events of the school and see how big of a school we are, and that may be and I know that would be really fun if we could get a year that are asswned will happen, but all students the best reason to even have pep rallies." bunch of senior guys willing_ to pursue an idea and aren't so fortunate. Pep rallies ten<! to follow the same fonnat time work on it," Gulnotte said. ~e don't have any pep rallies," Mr.' Dick Jones, after time so the Implementation of creative ideas Several schools throughout Omaha also have stuathletic director for Central High School, said. ~e becomes important. "Creative ideas such as the two dents serve as masters of ceremonies instead of a don't feel like we canjustU}r taking time aWfY from we had at our last pep ra1ly are Important in making faculty member. "We usually have two student school to have entertainment such as a pep rally." any pep rally really good,路 Findley said. ~Lots of council members do the pep rallles, and year after Central has short cheers and skits perfonned 路 year they have done a great job with no major by their cheerleaders before school in their j i I think pep rallies are important because hang-ups." Craft said. courtyard that take the place of fonnal pep they are a spirit booster and they create a ~rm not opposed to having students be the rallies. masters of ceremonies, but the real key there is Westside has at least three pep rallies a year, positive type of climate. The last pep rally that there is a script and people don't vary from one each for the fall. winter, and spring sports. we had was excellent and probably one of it, or it may backfire," Findley said. "Also. one and maybe extra pep rallies,for state toumathe better pep rallies we've ever had. ~ year :You may have students who are really ments. interested and who do a great job, but ~en the Intenupting classes is a concern at Westside next year there is no one, so we have to keep also. ~Because it is always a concern, I.e really Jim Findley, principal - calling on faculty anyway." work hard at not intenuptlng classes for other Concerns have also been raised about things," Findley said. ~aut we still have the ability to involvement with lots of klds is also Important so student attendance and enjoyment of pep rallies. have all our classes even if they are shortened, and many people in the audience can identify with "'There is evidence that our students really enjoy most schools can't adjust that easily." someone who is perfonning." our pep rallies because our students have a cfioice Pep rallies also have become a positive tradition. Spirit squads are respcnsible for most of the plan- of whether they want to attend or not. and out of a "I think the pep rallies are路lmportant because they ning of the pep rallies. but the meetings are open to student body of 2300 students we have never had a~ a splctt booster and they create a positive type of anyone who would like to attend. "I *bought our last less than 2100 attend," Craft said. climate," Jim Findley, principal, said. "The last pep pep rally went really well :~.nd'onc o( the reasons is all Westside has been similarly successful. ~I think rally we had was excellent and probably one of the the w.ork the spirit groups put in," Linda Guinotte, there are always a very few students who opt not to better pep rallies we've ever had." cheerleading sponsor, said. go to the pep rallies, but the rest of the crowd . Pep rallies are one of the few times the entire ~one question that always comes up is whether all appears to enjoy them." Findley said. ~Although our school is together and they are Important to Some for the spirit squads get to ptrform. I know there are faculty is good about at~ending pep rallies, I would that reasOn. ~one of the best parts of our pep rallies quite a few, but it is very difficult to discriminate and like to see as many faculty as possible attend the is that we are able to get our entire student body of because spend so much time I think pep rallies."

-=-- ,_. .

Smooth moves Innovative ideas are what the spirit groups brainstorm for when planning a pep_ rally. All of the spirit groups showed some new move~ at the pep rally to cheer on members of the winter sports teams Thursday. Dec. 1. The Squires involved members of the student body in their routine.

Nutrition is key to investment • 1n health future so the old saying goes. It's debatable whether or not good health Is a million dollar commodity, but it does have arr important affect on a person's life. "It's like a million dollar investment.· Maxine Burch, chief clinical dietician at Creighton Medical School, said, "once you've lost your health you've lost it all." Teen-agers abusl! their nutrition more than any age group. "Teen-agers need it (nutrition) the most. and pay the feast attention to it." Joan Mactier, :nutrition instructor at Westside, said. The problem seems to be founded on eating _ impulsively. "Most teens just eat when food is close at hand, or what is the most convenient ·to obtain," Doug Krecklow, physical education instructor, said. Krecklow said that today nutrition is even a bigger problem among teens than in earlier generations. "Our society promotes a different nvironment for homemakers." he said. "the impact is that there are fewer home -cooked meals available for teens. because of the bigger roll of both parents." Mactier identified the problem as a lack of physical activity. "Today teens on the whole exercising less, and how physically active person is has a lot to do with what a person Burch said that the problem stems from the increase of money in the average family. "I think more young people have more money to spend on fast food, and sometimes don't make '"'"'JI'-'o" from the food at the dinner table." The fact is that fast food is dominated by the school population. "About 55 to 60 perof all our customers are teens between the of '16 and 18." Don Lovvel, assistant ,,uGu'"''~\0· at Burger King at !20th and Center. . "I usually have fast food twlce ·a week." Favara, (9), said. "The two main problems in fast food are the nutritional choice a person is given, and the fact that a person really has no idea as to the contents of the food they are given." said. According to Krecklow fast food is OK if eaten in moderation. "Fast food is nutritionally sound. The problem arises when people abuse it, and eat it for most of their meals." Fast-food chains are starting to change their ways in order to make their fOod more healthy. "Our food is basically nutritional," Lovvel said, "We flame-broil instead of other kinds of frying, and we have started using low·. cal vegetable oil to cut down on fat and calo··, >: ries." · Fast-food chains have also added Sa.lad bars to their restaurants. But sometimes even the healthiest alternative can turn into a deadly mistake. "Usually people put lots of cheese and salad dressing on salads. Ulese contain large amounts of fat which are the main cause of cancer and heart problems." Burch said. (

Krecklow stated the lack of vitamins and imilne:r..a.ls in student diets is a problem. "Fifty 60 percent of the student body that eats in the cafeteria has french fries, doughnuts, and . .a fruit drink as their lunch. Those are proba: '. : ·.·bly the most damaging foods to be taken into · · one's system."

"The biggest problelll- I see," MacUer said. "is the replacement of milk with pop. Calcium is an ' important part of a balanced diet." "Many times we can over-extend ourselves by asking the body· to extend in things it can't take care of," Burch sai9. The physcial education department teaches a nutrition unit to ninth and tenth graders. Their focus is to teach the basic food groups. eating properly. and eating disorders . Connie Garland, physical education instructor. said, "Our prirnaxy goal is to teach the kids to eat more soundly and look at the fa:t content in the food they're eating." Students should be particularly aware of nutrition because it really does affect their performance in school. "When students do not maintain good health," Burch said, "studies have shown that their learning retention and recall are poor and they physically do not feel exhilarated, and awake. Thus it makes students less motivated in the classroom." Students seem to be aware Qf this nutritional factor. "I notice when I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, I have more energy and I'm not as tired as when I eat fast food/ Suzanne Dempsey. (12). said. "If I eat too much junk food, it affects the way I think." Holly Smith, (11), said. Keith Halsey. (10), thinks differently. "It doesn't give me more or less energy no matter how I eat." Over the holidays eating can get to be emphasized too much. "There is always so much food that people can't help but to eat too much fat and,sugar," Garland said. "There are always all kinds of candies and cakes that are sitting around that I wouldn't usually eat." Kelly Smitney. (9), said. So what is the solution to this nutrition game? Mactier says balance is the key. "Balance is the name of the game." Mactier said, "I recommend. a diet with the four basic food groups. It doesn't matter how a person obtains it, just so they get it in one way or another." Krecklow recommends a diet high in complex-carbohydrates. "It is important to have high amounts of food such as pastas, wheat bread, and low-fat yogurt." · "The most important advice I can give is to eat your vegetables," Burch said, "the two reasons are because of the fiber it gives a person and the presence of potassium and beta carotene (vitamin A)." Good nutrition is indeed something we all take for granted and need to protect in order to secure our' future. , As Burch said, "Life is a gift, but just like a million dollars, we can often throw it aside by making bad investments."

Holidciy eating is there guilt fJ because of society. receive gifts offood always offered hors parties and attme:1'811 many people," Methodist Hospital. Emotions can of food we eat. "The type of my eating habits. really upset I can't said. Guilt is another

"There nro">h<>hi\T'Ia the holiday season Clinic, People want Christmas and for Meyer, service coc:>nt• Weight Loss Clinic, There are other intake and to lese harsh diet.

Students' mental and physical he<;~lth - is important for leading a happy life


body, ·mind , y reducing stress

and achieving goals. The holidays may emphasize depression in some students who never seem to talk I

To insure

eed to be offered 'to people t(lat appear '

lonely or depressed~

s change; vereating? age behavior modification and beher nutritional values. There's so much more food available that ~t's hard to resist the temptation of over-eating," Meyer said. Depression during the holiday season is not uncommon. "People's eating habits change around Thanksgiving and Christmas. ' They usually seem to have less of an appetite. That's why we try to encourage our residents to spend the holidays with thetr families outside ofthe nursing home, for those residents that cannot, we try to have the family spend as much time here with them. Our staff also tries to spend some extra time with them when it's l"t's possible," J .udy Merkel, manager ' - of the Ambassador Nursing Home, said. There's also another side to habits of holiday eating. There are some who do not eat and diet 1 - - - - constantly. "I think that there is a compulsion to be thin for teen-agers especially. It's a real problem in some cases. Some high school girls will tty to use diets not medically supervised. It's a psychological game with these girls. A cycle occurs. They begin to binge or overeat and then they begin to purge after hinging," Debbie Mazgaj, physical education instructor, said. There are still exceptions to the rule of overeating during the holidays. There are people who don't eat as much during the holiday seasons. . "Normally I eat less. Seeing all that food makes me sick. What I do eat is not .bealthy, it's junkfood," Robyn Beaririger, (11), said. Whether there's a case of overeating or not eating enough, the holidays will soon be over and eating habits back to normal.

xercise helps


Heave-ho With perfect form,· Mark Christensen, (11). works out in his basement. Being in sound physical health, can contribute greatly to one's ability to combat the stress of the school week. /

Continued from page 1. ' playing sports or doing physical activities. Approximately '75 percent of our student body is not involved In an active fitness program. and probably a high percentage of those are working to pay off things like cars," Krecklow said. Westside physical education students compared favorably to the national fitness average when tested in the areas of strength, speed, and size, Krecklow said, but were below average in flexibility and endurance tests. Krecklow said that the reason behind the sub-standard endurance levels can be found when examining Western culture. "Strength and speed have always been a strong part of our western culture's philosophy, and we continue to excel in those areas particularly when they are related to athletic ability," Krecklow said. "Our society is designed around doing a multitude ofthings instead of concentrating on one area." Endurance fitness can help students deal with stress and other mental disorders according to Tim Evans, school psychologist. "I think anyone who is in really good physical shape has the best possible coping device for stress. They deal with stress much better. than someone who is not in shape because their body is able to cope with it," Evans said. "When you are physically fit the number of capillaries in brain increases. Increased i iWe all have the recapillaries means a sponsibility to help out larger amount of oxygen flows to the the kid in the hallway brain and therefore who seems depressed, ~ ~ there is a greater ability to think for Doug Krecklow, longer periods of time," Krecklow physical educat:ion said. "Innate intelliinstructor said. gence is one thing, ' out the only way you can perform in a job situation is to learn' how to deal with stress. You need tQ have physical stamina to perform in a stressful situation, or your body won't know how to deal with it." Sometimes trying to cope with stress can lead to mental depressiqn and suicidal tendencles. Both the St. Joseph Center for Mental Health and Immanuel Medical Center Mental Health Center have hoUines for adolescents to call in times of need. "Adolescents are struggling to become mature adults. It's a hard path for kids. There's a lot of pressure. and sometimes- it can be too difficult," Mary Jane Kasher, director of the education and resource department at St. Joseph Center of Mental Health, said. "They become depressed, and it can affect their relationship with the law, . and lead them into alcohol and drugs. We try and help the ·· · to understand the correlation between their behavior and how it is affecting other aresa of their lives, like their relationships and grades." Kasher said that the main cause of mental health problems in kids is loneliness. "TTle problems kids are facing are same. They are searching for an identity of their own. Kids who are depressed truly don't have a strong support system in their friends or parents. If everybody had at least person to talk to there would be far less of a problem," Kasher said. "We encourage students to share things about themselves," Karen Lankton, program coordinator for the Immanuel Medical Center Mental Health Center, said. "I it's important to share things with another person. should always be someone in your life to communiwith." "One of the most important _coping devices is having soxnecme to talk to. Kids can deal with stress better if they a family or someone to talk about the problems and nr•·.,_.,. ,...,•.,_ they are going through," Evans said. The holiday season magnifies a student's loneliness, esP'-'-><'-'•.Y if they have suffered the loss of a loved one. "There usually more depression around the holidays in people, now we are seeing more of it in children and teen-agers. can be a really lonely time for kids that have ,_....... ~;.-u school, or have had a loss or separation in thetr . Kasher said. "We all have the to help


Roundball season opens _ Six back

Young Warrior cagers seek improvement; wins

Motivation, ambition key factors for girls Having fun is one· of the keys this year for the girls' varsity basketbau team. "We think that if we have fun, we'll play well,~ Unda Adamski, girls' varsity basketball coach, said. "We are capable of being vecy good. But we must find the right means to get to that point." The team returns six people who started at some time last year Unda Schabloske, (10), Laura Cody, (12), Cori Weinfurtner, (12), Kristin Undwall, (12), Wendy Potthoff, (12), and Julie Novak, (12). With last year's record of 11-5, the girls feel like they have a good starting point. ·we have the experience and the motivation," Cody said. "Now we have to find a way to do it." Last year's loss to Millard South in the district finals seems to add a little to the motivation already present. "'The loss in the district final still hurts," Weinfur1ner said. "We are all kind of thinking about it and it especially bugs me to think that we out-played them and they went to state." Even though the team lost the final, the team has a special mission to keep this year as fun as possible, "We seem to play the best when there is an even mix of seriousness and fun," Lindwall said. "If we want to be good, we have to find that even mix." The goals of some of the girls are more set toward step by step rather than looking four months down the road. "W.e want to improve as the season goes along," Nov~k said. "Sure we want to win the whole thing, but the only way to do that is by taking one game at a time." The girls' next four games ate tonight against Gross at Gross at 6: 15 p.m., North at North at 6: 15 p.m., to~ -::-•. ow night, Thomas Jefferson at Westside, at 6: 15 p.m., next Friday night, and Lincoln High, 8 p.m., at Westside, next Saturday night at 6:15p.m. Schabloske echoed Novak's thoughts. "We must get better on a week-to-week and a day-to-day basis," she said. "We can be really good, but we need to work the little thin~s every day.· The team is practicing hard this year. "Our practicesaregoingreallywell," RobynBearinger, (11), said. "We really want to play well and win. We also seem to want to work to achieve our goals." / "I think that we are really working hard to be good," Pothoff said. "But we still have to work hard to keep improving until the season is over.· "If we want to be really good," Adamski said, "we need to practice well, keep improving. and have a good time when we "

""- . .;._..,_ ~


Improvement over last year is the key for this boys' varsity basketball team. "We want to play this year," Tom Hall, bOys' varsity basketball co.:tcbJ• said. "We want to play harder and be more al1,11re•ssllwJ• If we want to be good, we must play harder than year." This year's team is different in its make-up due to lack of seniors. "We only have four seniors that went for the team and they all made it," Hall said. "But Sampson, (12), is ineligible first semester." Last year's team went 10- 10. Their season ended a loss in the first round of the district tournament Bryan High School. Hall said that the team as well himself was disappointed at the season record as as the effort that was put forth at times during the son. Returning this year for the Warriors are five men: Matt Sinn, (12), Randy Hallett, (12). J.C. stom, (11), Jason Hellman, (11), and Scott Hoffmtanl• (11), to give experience to the team. Three (Sinn, strom, and Hellman) return as starters. But acc~ordin• to Hall, the point guard position seems to be the spot that could make or break L'le ·.-.-aii10rs. ' ·w._ are looking for someone to step forward and the team at the point guard position. ' We've ~t,.rt• . Kevin Atkinson in the first two games and he has a good job. Randy Hallett and Ken Perkins have ola.ved• some," Hall said, "but we need to keep developing position as much as possible." This year's team has set a goal of hard work. goal this year is to work hard every game, every every day, trying to get better and to be the team we can be," Sinn said. "We have the chance to be a good team. but we have to work for the goals 'that we for ourselves." Practices are going well according to a couple players. "We are really practicing hard. Our int:en:sit level is extremely high: Kirk Henningson, (11), "'The whole team really-wants to play well. We striving to meet our goals." "I think that we want to win awfully bad. intensity we prnctice with says so," Ken Perkins, said. "We need to work on the little things and working hard ifwe want to keep improving." "'This year's players are really good at listening trying to understand what we tell them," Hall said. must work hard and keep improving to be as good as can. A

Straight up Practice makes perfect. As the new varsity basketball seasons open, marly Westside students use spare time to sharpen their athletic skills. Kristin Lindwall, (12), practices her jump shot during a pick-up game after school. Many students spent hours over the summer in the Westside gyms in order to get a head·start on the upcoming seasons.

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6owlmg Today-AMF

luds !he Wa'l'

SPORTS JV fields young team Working hard to have a successful and winning season is not unusual for athletic teams. This year's girls' junior varsity basketball team is no exception. "We should have a good team, "...Rick Vranicar, head coach; said, "and the girls are very hard working. so it should be fun. • · Last year's team ended the season with 10 wins and 6 losses, and this year they will be looking to improve on that record. "I think that we could do better than last year,· Vranicar said. But it could be difficult with nine sophomores and only three juniors on the team. Traditional powers in girls basketball . that the Warriors have on their remaining schedule will be Gross, and both the Millard schools. ·usually Marian. Gross, and both Millard North and South are good," Vranicar said. lbey are all on our schedule this year.· The junior varsity will go for their next win at home against Gross. Saturday, Dec. 10, at 9:30a.m.

Deep bench aids cagers . Having five good players is one thing, but having a bench of quality performers to relieve the starters is a great asset for a team. This year's sophomore basketball team will have the luxury-of having good players on the bench. ·we are deep in all positions; John Graff, head coach, said, "which is always good fot a

team.· Coming off last year's 8 -5 record, the sophomores



will have a good chance to improve that record because of the stze and talent of the team. -:rhis year we have good size and good shooters,· Graff said, "and the team knows how to play the game.· The sophomore basketball teams' next game will oe at Gross Saturday. Dec. 10 at 9:30 a.m.

their team. "We ran our plays well, and played goood defense,· Carl Henningsen. head coach. said, ·but our shots did not go in.• . The Prep game was not a conference game so the loss will not affect their conference record. ·u was non-conference game,· Henningsen said, "and we will play them again later in the season.· The Warriors next game will be at Ralston, Thursday, Dec. 15 at 4:15p.m.


JV. savors first victory Winning opening games canoe a big lift for a team. This year the boys' junior varsity won a big game against rival Creighton Prep to open the season at 1-0. . ·we played a good game," Ed Howe, head coach, said, "and I wa~ pleased with the effort that the team gave the entire game." The first game always has a chance to have some-

Pre-se•son Top 10 - intramural rankings

~~gs::~~~: ~:~~~sa;~s':.t~~~1~p~~~~~ about the game." Howe said, "and wasn't surprised that we played like we did." The juniorvarsitywill be at Gross Saturday. Dec. 10 at 11 a.m.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Mucous Membranes Cunning Runts Spaztic Apes Hippy Chanchos Exotic Explosions. 6. Fat Albert & the Gang 7. What's up with Chew


Freshmen fall to Prep

8. SID

9. McHale's Navy 10. St. Quimby

Starting a season with an opening game 49-28 loss is not what a team is looking to do, but it can be a good learning experience. In a loss to rival Creighton Prep in the opening game the freshman boys basketball team has learned about


Winter sports ·s eason tips off Intramural· basketball crown up for grabs As the basketball season tips off there is a special kind of athlete who will be coming out of the woodwork. The intramural basketball player is a special athlete. They range from highly competitive players, to guys who haven't even dribbled a ball since they were in pre-school. Intramural competition is supposed to be fun, and less competitive. than say, the varsity level. I retied intramurals last year and I'd say they were as fun as sandpapering a bobcat's rear in a telephone booth, and less competitive. {Well, I wouldn't know if it's les!icompetitlve than a varsity basketball game, becau~ frankly I have only played 23 seconds of actual varsity basketball.) Varsity basketball players referee the intramural basketball games. Last year I was on the varsity-basketball team, but this year I decided to go the intramural route . I had a dream that I went in and told Coach Hall of my decision and all he

did was shake my hand and say, "Be careful, I hear it's a rough world in the intramural league.· ' Last year was the first ever that the "Lance• came out with their intramural top ten .----they at the end of the J y e a r and announced an allleague team. The intramuraJs championship team has the bragging·rights over friends and enemies. Intramurals have caused a few friends to become enemies. In varsity basketball, the Metro championship gives bragging rights for the city. A state title means the reign over the state. Bragging rights in intramurals extend to friends , and maybe to the ten or 20-year

Not to be denied, the j'-!nlor class has reunion. . This year seems to be just as competi- once again put together a team wtth the tive. The top team entering this year will potential to compete when tournament be Quimby with the big man in the time rolls around. This year's premiere middle Jim. ·Double Stuff Duff; followed junior team is the "Spaztic Apes." They by "Mu- will hope to improve on last year's c 0 u s fourth-place ranking in the "Lance." Mem - They boast a starting line-up of former D.J. Rezac brane,· junior high stars: Rick "Dunkin' Dickie" an over- Kelley, Yuri 'Whisker" Shwidelson, Kurt ~ports editor rated "Shaka Zulu" DeGroot and, Adam "Love senior 'em and leave 'em" Beckman. If Beckman can recover from his squad, that re- five-week layover from football and t u r n s · throw basketballs through a hoop like he nothing but juvenile delinquents (Rob threw footballs through Hellman's "30 hours of community- service" Foral, hands, the "Apes" maybe in the champiJeff "promote teen drinking"- Zanarini, onship picture come '\runch time. Sorry and Tom "DWI" Mausbach.) Helms. I couldn't resist. Another squad who ~ooks to overtake So to all the fans, if the winter blues Mucous for the runner-up slot is, or was and homework have got you down ; stop at least last year, lbe Red Hot Chilli in the Westside Gym on Monday nights Peppers" featuring Jim Wright and after winter break and see basketball straight shooting James Pistillo. played the way it was meant to be played.




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lind in the \'0 .

Swimmers eye ·state t itles .as season opens It's time to jump back into tJ;le water for the Westside boys' and girls' swimming teams. The girls' squad will be attempting to repeat as state champions for the . sixth year in a row, while the boys will be trying to end their two-year drought of a state title. Doug Krecklow, swimming coach, thinks both teams will be successful this year. Krecklow said, "The boys will be much improved depth wise than last year and the girls will have an equal ~unt of frontline strength as they have had in past years." Winning state , is also a good possibility for both teams, according to Krecklow. He said, "We always go down to state to win and this year won't be any ditTerent." Reclaiming the state title seems to be well in reach, according to the boys' swimming team. J.R. Pilling, three-year member of the boys: team. said, "I think we have a good chance to win state this year. but we need to get all the guys to qualify for state. We can't just have only a couple of our guys qualify. or else that will hurt us. But we really have a better chance than we've had in the past two years." · In order for a swimmer to qualify for state he or she must break a certain time set by the state tournament officials. Pilling added that the competition will be pretty tough this year. Pilling said, "This year will be notlifferent than others in the fact that Lincoln Southeast will be our toughest competition and they're really good this year." Despite the fact .that the boys' team had won state nine years in a row, until their two-year drought, Krecklow sees the swimming program losing some of ____._..,..,. Kreklow said, "As long as our district's enrollment decreases, the numbers of people in the water for us will decline and I can't see our enrollment increasing in the near future. On the other hand, with swimming it only takes eight or nine kids with strong ability to win you a title. " He added that future teams will need people with strong abilities and qualities in order to maintain Westside's winning tradition. The number of swimmers do not look to be a problem this year as there are 63 students going out for swimrving and about 50, according to ~ecklow, who will make final cuts. He added that many ofthe 50 will be returning from last year's team. Winning state for the seventh year in a row _will be tough and challenging according to members of the girls' squad. Heather Thomas, three-year member of the girls' team; said, "I think we have a lot of new potential from the freshmen, but we'll have to work harder than in years past to win state." Thomas added that she has personal goals as well as goals for the team. Thomas said, "Our team goal is definhely to win state, but individually, I would like to place in the top '

Hard at work Liz Brejnik , (12). strives for perfection in swimming· p ractice The boys' swimmin g team will b e in action today and t omorrow at six in my event in state. To accomplish either of these goals would make all the hard work and practices worth it." . Having fun and swimming go hand in hand accol' ing to some of the team members. Pilling said, "Despite all the hard wprd, we really have a lot of fun, like when we stole Mr. Krecklow's practice schedule. We've also throWn him in the pool two times this year and regardless of whether we lose or win state, he's gonna be thrown in again." Thomas also added that there are some fun activities. Thomas said, "Playing games like water polo keep us loose." Thomas also mentioned that some of the guys are pretty wild. She said, "Some of the guys are so strange, yo.u never know what they might do." Both the teams seem to agre7 that there is a certain togetherness on this year's squads. Pilling said, "Swimming is really a team sport and when you are together


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the Burke Irl.vitatlonal. Both girls' and boy,s ' teams host Bellevue West on Monday, Dec. 12. Photo by Evan Howe. this much, you really start to develop a special closeness. I've really noticed it this year." Thomas said, "So far this year. I can really see the 'togetherness' of the team this year just like in past years." Over the years, the Warriors have hap great success in both boys' and girls' swimming. Until the 1987 season, the boys' team had won nine state titles in a row, while coming into this season, they had won 19 out of 22 state titles. Tfie girls' team has also dominated as they have won_ten out of the last 12 state titles. 1 Both teams also have one common goal for the season. Krecklow said, "Our season goal is to prepare and perform better than anyone else." The boys' squad will be swimming in its flTSt invitational of the season on Friqpy and Saturday, Dec. 9 and 10 at the Burke Invitational while both teams will have a meet TUesday, Dec. 13, at Westside against Bellevue West.


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0 Mannheim Steamroller presents a MFreshAire" Christmas concert Monday, Dec. 26 through Saturday at the Orpheum Theater Tickets are $17.50, $15.50 and $13.50. Call 342-7107 for more information.

What's •

0 "'The Nutcracker" is being presented by


o ·ne


the Omaha Ballet tonight at 8 'p.m., Saturday, Dec. 10, at 2 and 8 p.m.. and Sunday, Dec. 11 at 2 and 6 p.m. at the Orpheum Theater. Tickets are on sale for $7.25 to $18.25 with student discounts available. Call 342-733,2 for more information. 0 Dickens' MA Christmas Carol" is playing at the Omaha Playhouse from now until Thursday, Dec. 22. Tickets are available by calling 553-0800.

0 ~e Magic of Christmas: a presentation of bells, choirs, and Christmas carols, is scheduled forFrlday and Saturday, Dec. 16 and 17. Ticket prices range from $7.25 to $17.25. For information, call 342-3560.




through Sunday, Dec. 18. Weekend performances are Fridays at 8 p.m. and Saturdays at 2 p.m. Tickettnformation is available by calllng 551-7360. 0 The Omaha Symphony String Quar-

tet presents "Bagels & Bach" in the Stortz Fountain Court at the Joslyn Art Upstairs Dinner Theater. There is a spe- Musuem~ Brunch will be served at 10 cial Thursday Night student discount of a.m. Sunday, Dec. 11, and the concert $17.50 for dinner and the show, or $13 will follow at 11: 15 p.m. Tickets are for the show only. The discount price is $7.50;JoslynMuseummemberswillbe · available every Thursday night unfil the admitted for $6. play closes in Janurary. Reservations are necessary. Call344-7777. ' 0 "Oliver" is playing tonight, · at the EmmyGifford Children's Theater. Tick0 Center Stage presents MI Dol I Dq!M from ets are $8. now until Sunday, Dec. 111. Tickets are available for $7. Reservations can be 0 David Lanz, a new age musician, will made by calling 733-5777. perform tonight only at the Witherspoon Concert Hall at 8 p.m. Ticket 0 The Norton Theater presents it's an- prices range from $10-$18 and nual production of MBabes in Toyland" araavailable by calling 333-0129.

0 "'The King and I" is playing at the

Back to ·entertain how difficult the training will be and how, after receiving the Alas, a cure is here. degree, the stress and work load Retire MBabbitt" and MA Tale won't become al}Y easier. of Two Cities" to the attic for After h~ attends Columbia awhile. There's no need to undergraduate school and she stress over having to memorize studies at Radcliffe, the two the traits of all 26 characters meet again when they are both and to be able to recite every accepted to the most prestigious medical school in the country. quote; word for word. There they meet up with the The cure for reading sickness can be found by reading Erich other medical students. Hailing from different geographic locaSegal's latest novel, MDodors." Although not as good as his tions and family backgrounds, first work, MLove Story," MDoc- the students are brought totors"is still a fantastic novel. Its gether to all strive for one goal: . purpose is to reveal the not-so- medical school survival. The story isn't about what glamorous side of becomillg a the students learn in terms of doctor. Even the most hard to please medical statistics. Rather, Sereader can find enjoyment in , gal focuses on how the rigors of "Doctors." Medical terms and the less than pleasant w6rk afstatistics are ubiquitous, but fect the students. As Segal follows the paths of Segal makes appropriate use of them so the book is never slow. the doctors of the Harvard class, The novel traces the lives of some are victims of depression and only a few find happiness the Harvard class of 1962. The story commences when and gratitude for the work neighbors Barney Livingston which they have done. What people generally regard apd Laura Castallano begin · experimenting with the stetho- as a profession with stoic docscope. Since that time, they tors who only care about how aspire to become the greatest much money the day will bring contributors to the medical is really one that Segal describes as being less than ideal. professi~n. It is a profession which forces What the two do not know is



the heafers to be exposed to winter near; victims of diseases in which a of seascirial entertainment begins. cure is yet to be found. Ice skatirig is a popular ,.sport that's been around fofcentuFeeling guilty about 1 not ries. ~;when there's snow on the ground, people g6 ice skating.· being able to he3:I the sick Joe Olson, Benson Ice Arena employee, satd. proves devastating to doctors Interest iri the sport also seems to increase every four ye~rs. who once were optimistic that MPeople go ice skatingwheri they see the Olympics,· Olsori said. their expertise would be a great · Like all sports, ice skating has its advantages and disadvanasset to the medical profession. tages. "Ice skating is a really good way to build balance and There are a few side effects to coordination as well as self-confidence," Olson said. taking this medicine however. ~u·s important to recognize the limitations of your own ice One is that the book is rather skating skill. ~Don't tiy imitating other people who are better long- 679 pages to be exact. than you. Only do what you know how to do,· Jeff Motte, Because it is so interesting, the Hitchcock Ice Arena employee, said. · book seems much shor.t er, but Safety is-something all skaters should take into consideration for those who don't have a lot of . ·. ·.·· hitting the ice. The boots should fit snug, but not too tight . time, an alternative might be · · should be laced correctly- tighter around the ankle the best selection. Jhe top. . · · .· .· Reading any of Segal's books ';!•~-"""'··.··..,,,11), and RickJoos,(l2), skate for recreatiowar is a treat. Besides, his latest .When it freezes over. MRick and I like to go skating work, Segal has wfitten several because.we enjoy the·thrlll of assaulting the ice at h igh velocities.; other novel~ of which the most whtle the cool wind rushes past our ears,· Gibsan said. · · popular are MLove Story," and Andrea Kunz,(lO), has been sk9ting competitively for about ~e Class." seve·n years. , She practices at Hitchcock betwe.e n three'! and five "'The Love Story,· accommohours a .day, five days a week. Last year, Kunz was tl).e first dates those readers with - a person from Nebraska to make it to the se-ctional championships shortage of time. It's.very short in TulSa, O.K. As for future plans, Kunz said, .Ml'd really like to and goes by quickly, much to coach somewhere, or be a choreographer.. . the dismay of the reader who It's really good exercise,· Motte said. I~e skating as a sport or. never wants the book to end. a form recreation is healthful as well as entertaining. Skating After the book is read, ttle requires the use of most of the mu~lesof the body and also illness should dissipate. ·At that strengthens the heart. . . . ._. . . ..••••.• •• .. •. . time, those dusty English books •. The ·adinlssion price is ·rairlylnexpensive-. about $2:' M:ost can come back down from the rinkS atso offer skate rentals that usually cost aqout $1. •Skai:lng attic and can once again be r~!lkS9Bc:!ric~rrently in Omaha art! Aksarl:len Ice :f\rena, ~ens.on perused by wide-eyed students. Ice Are ria, a:Jid Hitchcock Park lee Arena> · · · ··




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'Cla-ra's - Heart'

A typical film defies categorization "Clara's Heart" is not typical film fareI and refuses to fall into any particular catego~. It .i s the story of the grieving Hart family; at the center of the conflict is the young son David, played by Neil Patrick Harris in a promising debut. When Mrs. Hart goes to vacation in Jamaica following the death of her infant daughter, she meets Clara, portrayed by Whoopi Goldberg, a mysterious woman whose mysterious healing powers and wisdom provoke her admiration. Clara returns with Mrs. Hart to care for David and ~ the household. David is hostile at frrst, but eventually Clara's strong personality wins out. Goldberg is perfect as the all-knowing Clara. The film has many aspects, such as a view, almost satirlcal, of the effects of divorce on the American family, and provides hilarious insight into Jamaican

good, Oriental food, Imperial Palace is worth checking out. Imperial Palace, located at 11200 Davenport Street. is the home of one of Omaha's best Chinese restaurants. Its wide array of main dishes and appetizers make Imperial Palace a change of pace from other Chinese restaurants. Prices make the Imperial Palace an attractive alternative to other

culture on an excursion into downtown Baltimore. The and joy that is part of growing up. The v)ewer can setting in the Hart's home is picturesque and pleasant. sympathize with David as he comes to accept the The country setting on the lake is the perfect contrast painful changes wrought in his life by his self-interto the wilder urban scenes, which provide hilarious ested, self-absorbed parents. Clara is also a powerinsight into Jamaican life. ful character, inspirlng pity and admiration as the Something rather obvious in this movie that usually secrets of her past are revealed. In Goldberg's frrst goes- unnoticed is the fashion. Ralph Lauren labels dramatic performance since "The Color Purple" in appear to the point of being obnoxious, but Goldberg's 1985, she E_roves herself equal to the part; this is a clothing is fun and provocative. Although costuming is change from her recent slew of action and adventure often kept in the background, bringing it to the foremovies. The supporting characters are strong and front is not an unpleasant change. lend color to what could otherwise be a dull story. The plot is thin in the fmal stretch as the fension is One element that was unpleasant was the photogprolonged, but it's not hard to keep attentive. raphy; the abundance of pans gave the viewer . the Basically, "Clara's Heart• is a warm, down-toillusion of being seasick. It was painful to look at the screen at times. A flaw like this can wreck a movie - . .earth drama that is worth investigating for the many psychological issues it deals with including gentleluckily th~s problem shows up only in select scenes. ness and complexity. Mostly "Clara's Heart" is about the pain, confusion,

restaurants. Most main dishes range from $6 to $7. The prices are reasonably inexpensive, but this reflected by the quantity, or the quality of the food they serve. Main dishes that are a little more expensive than the beef, chicken, or pork entrees, are the seafood dishes. Their prices range from $8 to $11. One item that is quite expensive is the Peking duck at $22. But, this is the only item of that range on the menu. For those who are willing to pay <1!

sometimes exorbitant price, the alternative might be chosen. Portions of food are large, and patrons are assured of not going away hungry. The Imperial Palace may also be an option for vegetarians. There are several vegetarian dishes which are strictly stirfried vegetables served with rice. • -q'he newly-decorated Imperial Palace has a great atmosphere. In addition to the numerous art pieces, a pond stocked with fish makes its path through the bar area. The only complaint is the constant

bustling around of-employees. The Imperial Palace is ri.ot the place for a quiet dinner. 'Tile hurrying around by employees iS' not just for show. It is reflected by the quick service, and customers are always served with a friendly smile. The lptperial Palace is open seven days a week for lunch and dinner. Even if Chinese isn't a favorite, Imperial Palace is worth a try; the customer may find themselves enjoying Chinese a bit more.

'Oliver and Company'; Drive worth the time entertainment for everyorle for Neon Goose food f!ft!!IU9[fll•rm§fmli


Cats and dogs provide the cast for the new Disney movie,"Oliver and Company." The movie is loosely based on Charles Dickens' novel, 'Oliver Twist.' Oliver, the main character, is a scruflY, orange kitten who is alone and abandoned in New York City. Oliver is first conned and then helped by Dodger, a hip, con- · artist dog. Dodger gets Oliver into a misfit g<l.ng of dogs led by Fagen, an un-kempt bum Fagen is deep in debt to a lo~-shark named Sykes. Oliver and the , gang have three days to pay back the money to save Fagen. Along the way, Oliver meets a little girl. Jenny, and her dog, Georgette. Everything turns out fine in the end of course. Oliver finds a home and Fagen keeps his life.

The dogs all live happily -everafterinthehustleofNewYork City. The movie is amusing and enjoyable mainly due to the characters of Tito and Genette. Tito is a Chihuahua who falls in love with Georgette, a snobby French poodle. Cheech Marin steals the show as the voice of Tito. Bette Midler also did a wonderful job as the voice of the poodle Georgette. The animation was a cut above the Saturday morning cartoons, but it was far below the Disney !?tandard of movies like "Snow White.'' The most distracting part of the movie was the volume. The music was so loud that it became hard to distinguish what the characters wete saying.

During Goergette's song, probably the funniest part of the movie, the music was so loud it dround out most pf the lyrics. Not only was the music too loud, most of it was bad as. well. The sections by Huey Lewis and the l'!ews were ultra-light pop its lightest. "Oliver and Company" is very fast paced. Dialogue and action happen so fast that sometimes jokes are lost. The movie is rather. short, about an hour and 15 minutes. Overall, "Oliver and Company" is typical Disney fare. A light-hearted romp through the streets of New York City. Little sisters and brothers will love it, and so will every other member of the family. "Oliver and Company" is showing at Cinema Center, Westroads, Mall of the Bluffs. and Southroads.

Spend moneY elsewhere '

Money can be better spent elsewhere. Don't waste $4 to go see a illm as dry and unoriginal as the recent release, "Fresh Horses.· Basically, the film has no strengths. Andrew McCarthy and Molly Ringwald star in this sure-to-be failure teenage flick. For comparison, "Fresh Horses· makes "Pretty In Pink" almost worthy of some sort of theatrical award. McCarthy is an intelligent college senior coming from a relatively affluent family. Just like "Pretty In Prnk, • McCarthy becomes infatuated with a girl (played by Ringwald) from a much less desirable background. At first, everything is just wonderful for the

two of them. But all good things must come to an end. And truthfully. the end didn't come soon enough. Their differences in interests, goals and ideas end up breaking apart. He finds out she is married Oust a minor inconvienience to the advancement of any relationship) and she realizes that she is an embarrassment to his friends. To make things more miserable, the ending is an abomination. No one particularily cares for predictable endings, but even that would be better than the ending in "Fresh Horses.· There isn't a conclusion. The movie just ends, terminates, stops-just like this review. Spend the money elsewhere.

Neon,Goose, located at lOth and Pacific streets, in downtown Omaha,. has long been known for its salads, hamburgers, and fresh fish. All fish are flown in daily from the coasts, insuring freshness. Unlike many Omaha restaurants, where fish js battered and fried, the Neon Goose serves broiled fish and many varities can be blackened with Cajun spices. Seafood is not their only specialty. The Neon Goose also offers the more traditional hamburgers and the somewhat untraditional omelettes filed with, for example, bananna and peanut butter. (It may sound interesting to try this, but don't. It's just not good.) Some of the best appetizers are the goose bumps (fried cheese balls) and fried zucchini. ' The atmosphere features polished brass and wood fiXtures and old, decorative signs The prices range from expensive (about $14 for fish) to moderate ($5 for a hamburger.) The Neon Goose's downtown location can make it an inconvenience for per56ns living in West Omaha, when there are restaurants of the same type (including the L&N Seafood Grill, which also flies fresh fish in daily), but the Neon Goose is the perfect place for a special meal The drive is definitely worth it. For fresh fish, it's as close to the ocean as Omaha gets.

Twist on a classic tale In keeping with the newly arrived holiday season, it seems obvious that I should review the movie "ScTQOged." This is_E. new telling of the old Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol". This time around though, the Scroogetype character is played by Bill Murray. He is a top television president who is ruthle$S and mean, a typical Scrooge. Murray is visted by his old boss and then by the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present. and Future. In this tale, set in the modern age, / the Ghosts are a grungy cab driver, an abusive fairy, and

gigantic skeleton with a 1V for a face. Even though the gags usually involve violence and cruelty, they hit the funny bone. BUI Murray plays the part of Scrooge to utmost perfection. Bobcat Golthwait plays a Bob Cratchet type character. He is fired by Murray just before Christmas, but he is also the first to benefit from Murray's newfound nature in a funny scene near the end of the picture. Though it is predictable, The producers and the director have thrown in a few delightful twists that always keep the viewers on their toes.













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easant aroma lures shoppers to Mr. Bulky'·s bluebeny, butterscotch, bubblegum. or any child dreams of being by an other type ofjellybellies for those who are particusupply of candy. - The dream has finally lar about their favorite flavor. Having a large variety of candy to satisfy the ·into reality in the form of the ultimate unique tastes of individuals is the goal of Mr. store, Mr. Bulky's, located on the upper Crossroads shopping center. Mr. Bulky's, Bulky's. "We pay attention to what candy is by Bulky International, is the only store of popular and what people buy. If we don't cany in Omaha and has been open for seven something that customers are asking for. then we look into getting it," Cram said. There is even a section for the health-conwalking-by the inviting entrance of Mr. the sweet aroma of a huge mix of candy scious person at Mr. Bulky's. Containers are the affect of a magnet and can suck an filled with mixed fruit medleys. pineapple rings·. and pears. Popcorn lovers will be satisfied with shopper through the doors. see people waJk by the front of the store the1arge variety of popping corn and popcorn stand back in awe before they come in," balls. For those who are inclined to snack beCram. assistant manager of Mr. Bulky's, tween meals, a selection of potato chips and "This store is for all ages. There's something cookies available. Mr. Bulky's makes sure every member of the for everyone." family is taken care of - - even canines. In the the front of the store i~ Mr. Bulky's holiday display. Christmas stockings that are - ba_c k of the store are assorted treats for dogs. wit}). varities of candy are hanging imme- "People don't expect to-see dog snacks back there, . to the left. Candy canes, which are placed but they still buy it," Cram said. "People come so-eustomers haveto step around back just for the snacks because their dogs really to proceed further into the store. come in all like them." Seasonings and candy sprinkles can be pur,..,~ •• t sizes. Deluxe Christmas mixes of red, chased in varying quantities for those who wish to and white candies are right behind the canes, tempting even the strongest-willed bake their own treats. "One thing people like . Quaint Christmas bags and containers about this store is that they don't have to buy to the right of the mixes, and are perfect for th'i ngs in large q1,1ant1t1es. They can buy a little bit ofthis and a little bit of that and take it home and a fresh supply of Mr. Bulky's candy. Christmas-like atmoshpere is a---gimmick try it," Cram said. "People usually buy just what lure additional customers, for the holiday , they are going to use on that day." Mr. Bulky's is taking the business away from is the busiest time of year for a candy "The gift items we make are very important the restaurants located next to it in the Crossbusiness. People see our store and think roads. "Some of the restaurants up here think as just a Christmas store, because of all the we've taken their business because people come in here for a cheap snack. They have a cheap and Christmas candy," Cram said. the holiday season is over, Mr. Bulky's snack here instead of going to the restaurants take on a new look. It's a seasonal store, and and getting something that they don't really have n w decorations and candy that corre- need," Cram said. If Mr. Bulky's continues to be a success to the appropriate season, Cram said. the Christmas glitter i1;> the core of Mr. through the holiday season, there may be more four aisles of every size, shape, and color - springing up around Omaha. But for now, it will imaginable. A section of one oft he ai~les continue to tempt and tease the customers of llldevoted to chocolate-covered candies ranging Crossroads with it's pleasant aroma and appealpretzels to almonds. Another section has ing looks.

DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY•.. The Lord West Spencer is designed for dancing. Fine tuned. Upbeat. Racy. A brand new idea in Formal fashion. "Right On" styling for a young man's fantasy Prom.



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.16 .. According to the New York Times, where in Colora<Jo will you find t he best buy in higher 1 education? At Colorado State.


Lastxear, · 177 ofNebraska's • n1ost prorrrising school=-g raduates apulied to ~olor~do ~tate Universi!)r.

This is one cfthe universities the Times rated as giving students "the biggest return for their money." The Times also noted that Colorado State has "a relaxed, jrien~ armosphere" and has strong internship programs that enable students to "find a smooth path to full-time positions in their fields cifter graduation."

At what public university in Colorado, can you get an "Ivy League" education? Colorado State. ' In a recent book, "How To Get

An Ivy League Education at a State University," 115 cf the nation's 575 public colleges are prcfiled. Colorado State, included in the book, is , described as a state university that cjfers an Ivy League education. Author Martin Nemko praises Colorado State's 1 solid academic programs with their emphasis on the preprcfessional and hands-on experience \. l rather than the abstract. He describes the students as friendly and social, yet leaving time for their studies. And, he describes the prcfessors __. . . . . .._ as involved with · research, yet spend- ina ample time with their students. Support services, including minority support programs, are also noted as being "equally '' caring." As one student said, "!J a student has any sort cf a problem, quality help is availabl~." Nemko concludes with one student 's remark, "It 's hard not to be happy here."


Where will you find one of the top ten student unions in the country? According to the New York Times, in Fort Collins.


The Times said this about Colorado State's popular Charles A. Lory Stu:Jent Center: "It has contemporary decor, bright, bright colors and 300,000 squarefeet cf space . .. the 'in' place on campus, with popular restaurants, well-at~ended dances, and other activities contributing to student well-being:'



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8701 PacUlo Omaha, NE 68114

Departments -plan to define

Alcohol concerns prevalent in homes


- Growing up requires decisions that can have life-long consequences. When a person reaches adolescence, the decision of whether to drink alcohol or to "say no" must be made. Alcohol consumption by minors is stlll on the rise. "Studies show that adolescent drinking has not decreaSed in the last five years, while the use of other drugs have peaked out and are declining.· Jack Lewis, chairman of the board of directors of Equilibria, said. Equilibria is a medical center dealing with drugs and alcohol. The implementation of drug education in schools may have turned students off from drugs, but on to alcohol. ~1 think with the emphasis on drug education, more kids have turned to alcohol because it's legal, • Millie Flansburg, child psychologist, said. "People have become frightened about drugs because of what happened in the '60s and '70s, and it's the lesser of the two perceived evils to drink alcohol.· In an effort to fight alcohol consumption by minors, a program was started by the National Federation of Parents for Drug-Free Youth in Maryland called "Safe Homes." The program has swept across the country, and affiliation has been set up in Nebraska. "Safe Homes" is ·a prevention program that encourages the communication between 'parents of school-age children Within a community. The names of"Safe Homes" parentsJrre on a list along with their home phone numbers. "It's basically a parent support group. There's a lot of parents who have trouble saying no to their kids about drinking," Sherri Hofschire, cochairperson of "Safe Homes" Westside chapter, said. Continued on page 6.

courses Westside curriculum was a topic of discussion at the department head meeting held Wednesday, Dec. 7. In a report presented by the guidance department titled "Truth and Labeling," the department heads were asked to_examine their course names to ensure they are correctly identifying their courses. "The report asked for something I think schools should do every couple of years. We need to ask ourselves which course names do we need to change to better reflect what is being taught," Dick Lundquist, guidance department chairman, said. "More specifically we talked about making the word 'advanced' a little more sacred so that it means an upper level, honors t y p e course. We " It is more ad- s h o u 1 d probably to change Adv a ' n c e d vantageous Typing to Typing II settle into the because it is the sec- program . instead ond year of ~~~~g. not of testing out of honors typ-

Go for the gold

The dis- the first class and c t ' - s i o n also in- getting in way eluded . exami n in g over your head. ~ whether the Westside;: curriculum should inelude more Advanced Bob Klein, physics Placement courses as instructor. they are dictated by the Ad van c-e d Placement , program ofThe College Board. Labeling a courseAP implies that the course follows a specific curriculum determined by The College 'Board. Students of those courses are then able to bypass introductory courses in college if they score well enough on a test in the spring. ·the administration. "The purpose of the group is to Westside currently has AP CO!Jrses In Amencan HisBridging the gap between student concerns and serve as an advisory group to me. Listening is my tory, European History, and <;_omputer Science. Much of the debate about whether to include more administrative duties is the goal of the newly-founded primary objective," Findley said. ' Student Advisory Committee, which held its first meet"I felt the main goal was to get student leaders to AP courses is centered around the College Board ing Wedm;sday, Dec. 7. come together and share ideas with the administra- determining the curriculum. "The question is whether The committee was recruited by Jim Findley, princi- tion," Jay Bonham, (12), president of Forum and Inter- you trash the program that our teachers have already pal, the sole administrator who will be attending the national Club, said. "We're trying to better the school; developed to start a program called AP that someone meetings. Leaders of the student spirit groups and it's like another SAB. (Student Advisory Board), but else has developed," Lundquist Sflld. "I think ttlat if a organizations were asked 'to come; one goal of the you're not elected, you're chosen," Allyne Solotorovsky, teacher has a program they have developed and are excited about, they will do much better than if a curcommittee is to eventually add students who will make Squire captain, said. the group more reflective of the entire student body. One major difference between the Student Advisory riculum book is handed to them." Argume,nts are also presented that there are better "If there's a student not represented by those clubs Committee and SAB will be the fact that the committee but who represents a faction of the student body, we will is purely a discussion-oriented group. "They are not a · ways to bypass the introductory tes~. "It's not necesadd them," Findley said. "Hopefully we'll be able to decision-Jllaking group. ,Student government should sary to name our course AP because it has been our identify people to be a good sounding board for people stlll make decisions; I just wan~ to hear what these kids experience that kids can take t!te KLEPP test at college and pass out of those sutuect areas, which is the exact . who aren't being heard." have to say," Findley said. "The first meeting was more or less introducing the The establishment of this committee has been a same thing as if they would have taken the AP course n'laln purpose-- to get people who are not involve~ in personal goal of Findley's for a couple of years, and ties and test." Bob Klein, physics intructor, said. "I don't student activities represented," Doug Hoffman, presi- in with a recommendation made by an action team from • want to change even our Advanced Physics to AP dent oflnteract, said: "Hopefully there will be a better the workshops last February that the administration because I think we meet the needs of the kids who leave Westside for engineering programs better than what I representation of the student body sometime in Janu- should receive more student input. ary." . "Dr. Findley is very open to our ideas, .. Hoffman said .• have seen that the AP course does." Westside usually has 50 to 70 stude11ts take the Once formed , the goal of the committee will be to "Considering he's the one who initiated -this, I think he American History AP examinatien and only a han~ful · bring in student concerns and solutions to share with has high hopes for it." take the others provided, LNndquist said. MWe don't jump up and down to get people to take the AP test because of the expense of the tests and the tremendous amount of preparation that is necessary,". Lundquist said. 'We will help people know the opportunity is there A new policy may ease the stress of students Other requjrements are still the same. Finals. will and those people who will seek out the information will busily cramming for semester finais. At a recent begin Friday, Jan. 6 and be completed byThursday, Jan be the students who do well on the tests." department head meeting it was decided that first 12. Students In grades 10-12 are required to have a AP American History teachers are the only teachers semester finals can be to 40 minutes in length; comprehensive final over the entire semester in every who actively encourage students to take the tests. previoulsy they were 60 minutes. This change class; this includes at least one essay or question that "We have had only two seniors that I can remember came about because some students face many requires an answer of a paragraph in length. that have taken the AP European test. You know as well exams in a row. "We get a lot of underclassmen Finals must count towards ten to 20 percent of the as Ido that when spring rolls around senior~ don't feel with four or five tests per day," Jim Findley, final grade; the actual percentage is left up to the like doing much, so we haven't encouraged them to Instructor of each course. principal, said. take the test because they probably won't," BUl Nelson, social studies department chairman, said.

Terry Mayfield, (10). assists a youngster during olympic competition at the Holiday Fun Festival held 011 Saturday. Dec. 10. The festival, sponsored by the Stuent Advisory Board, consisted of skits, cartoons, the Olympics, and a visit from Santa.

Findley forms committee to serve in advisory role

NeW pt;)licy itnpletnented for finals




AP ·examination necessary Continuous examination of the programs· offered at' Westside is necessary to ensure quality programs and quality education. The question raised recently at a department head meeting about the possibility of including more Advanced Placement courses as part of the curriculum is a question that should be asked and frequently examined. Westside has traditionally been strong in the honors programs they offer, but including more AP course_§ may prove to be beneficial to some departments and is a question that definitely shoul~ be considered '!?Y each department . . The departments must examine their individual courses to decide if titling their honors courses as Advanced Placement will be labeling their courses more truthfully. Courses such as Classics and British Literature 'in the English department should be especially examined closely because their curriculum may match well with the curriculum suggested by the College Board and, therefore, would not be hurt by titling them AP. But also, courses such as physics that have eV.idence or success in providing most kidS with the background they need for college should not change to a curriculum designed by someone else. Individual courses will all have different conclusions and. therefore, be examined separately, but the simple question of "can we improve ourselves?!" should be constantly asked.


SAC benefit s Westside Student leadership takes a new twist with the Student Advisory Council. The counil is .an excellant idea on the part of the administration. The council is made u p of club leaders and is an effective way to fill in the gaps left by the existing student government. The council should provide more insight into some student problems. This new idea should give many members of the school more.direct representation and it will allow clubs an active voice in the school. The council will also relieve some of the pressure on Student Advisory Board and Forum by redirecting problems toward the council. The council is organized to deal with most student problems.



The Westside clubs and organizations that are contributing to the spirit of Christmas by helping with charities . and some of the more unfortunate citizens of Omaha need to be commended. The attention given to the charities at Christmas Is wonderful, but Wesp;tde students should also concentrate on the other seasons when the charities aren't so crowded and the speclal.efforts by these clubs may mean more to those reclevtng.

The reoccurring fire alarms that have disrupted classes during the last couple of weeks have become a nuisance to the school. The unnecessary disruptions caused by the fire alarms need to be put to a stop as soon as possible by the administration. The villain~ responsible for pulling the fire alarms should be apprehended and the system of supeiVlsing the halls needs to be improved to prevent the unnecessary fire alarms. _~

BR L -r IS~ LIT. C~£'M lSTRY

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ADV. Pl-lYSICS Soct OLo & y

Y£AR Boor< lit

--PrisOner advises clowns nOt tQ follow in footsteps

Several edltlons ago I wrote a column about Westside's 13 clowns and how they should be able to dress up for "their" basketball games. And until recently I felt they were doing it for a good cause. That's before I met Studs Findley. · Studs Findley, (no relation to the Westside principal) has been receiving the Lance for the last several years in his cell at the federal penitentiary in Leavenworth, KS. It seems he read my column about the 13 · clowns and was deeply disturbed. After many hours of counseling, Studs' advisor felt that he should write me a letter. Twq weeks ago I received a lengthy letter from Studs urging me to The ''Lance" is the officb;ll P.UbliEditor-in-chief, Lau ra Struve. him so he'could tell me his story and others visit cation of Westside High School, Mauatint Editor/ Production, wouldn't follow a fate Uke his. 8 701 Pacific St., Omaha, NE, Gwen McGill. Maoa,mg Editor/ On a, whim I took a week off of school a nd 6 8114. The "Lance" office Is located Copy, Mason Myers. • Buaine.. In Room 122. Advertising rates are Manager, Kim Ostergaard. Copy drove to Leavenworth to meet Studs. His story available upon request. Phone Editor, Mary Overholt. News was worse than any I've ever heard. (402) 390-3339. The "Lance" is an Editor, Karen Nyhom. Aallociate "It all started, "Studs told me, "when I was in In-house publication. New1Editor ,Jay Nilsson: Feature high school. A group of friends and I would go to The paper is an open forum dis- Editor, Jim Duff. 'Sport• Editor, basketball games. Sure, it stated off innocently tributed biweekly to all students 16 D.J. Rezac. Weekender Editor, times a year except during vacation Nancy Olson. Design Editor, Kent enough, wearing' hula skirts and making up periods. Subscription rates tooth- Bonham. . Photo Editor, Evan goofY cheers." ers are $5 postpaid. Non-profit Howe. Circulation Manager, MichStuds, what's wroRg with that? mailing rates. claimed. The ..Lance.. elle Jaeger. Staff Artist, Troy He smiled through the bars and said, "Well, is printed by the .. Fremont Trib- Muller. Staff Critic, Mark Carroll. after a few games we started wearing hats and une, .. 135 N. Main, Fremont, NE Columnistl, Erin Conboy, Jessica yelling things at the other team's players and 68025. Sullivan. News Staff, Todd Parker, from there it just got worse." Letters to the editor are wel- Amy Radii, Lauric Spiel, Anne Wax. "In the beginningwe'djingleourkeyswhen the corned. Letters should be less than Featdre Staff, Debra Dohmen, Alll300 words in length, signed by the son Kohli, Melissa Parlset. Sports opponent would be attempting a free throw, but author, and sent to the editor or the Staff, Andy Chapin, Bert Cohen, then It just got worse and eventually we would adviser in RoOm 122. Randy Hallett. Weekender Staff, bring pots and pans to bang on." The .. Lance" is a member of the Nick Hansen, Susie Kiscoan, Cathy ~After a while my priorities changed. Instead Nebraska High School Press Asso- Pettid, Becky Richardson. Deslgn elation, the Columbia Scholastic . Staff, Jenny Frank. Photographer, ' of school, grades, girls, eating, sleeping or even partying, we'd go to basketball games." Press Association, and the National Matt Fischer, Advise r, John HuScholastic Press Associatio n. dnall. When did you first realize you had _a problem?

"When I started going to basketball games at s c;!Jools I didn't know. I'd drive around other counties searching for basketball games." "And when I found a game, I'd dress.up, paint my face, and sit among the fans. For half of the game I'd sit on one side and bang my pots and pans and then at halftime I'd switch sides. I'd make up names for the players running up and down the court and eventually I'd be asked Erin Conboy to leave by the referee himself." Columnist When you first started talking about your problem you said "we" and now you just refer to yourself. What ha ppened to your friends? . "Well, they were just a s caught u p in it as I was in the beginning, but after a while I was obsessed with it and they deserted me. You see, after I'd blow my horns and yell things, the referee would stop the game and yell at me. I couldn't handle it !?O I killed them, 14 referees in all." Stuas, do you really think that telling 'your story to a bunch of high school kids will affect them? . ·or course I do. They have the saine symptom as Darts Howard and Lulu the Slasher did before they killed ,thetr first referees." Then with sudden excitement Studs stood up and announced his departure. "I really have to go now. I'm meeting my 12 friends and we're going to dress up for the prison basketball game tonight." I left Studs thinking of our 13 clowns, wondering if they could be as ill fated as he was. I did, however, talk to the prison warden before I left and he said even t~ this day they have to place Studs under maxium security when they have prison basketball games. But if he's really good, they sometimes let him dress up.

·:Y i e . w _:p o i n t

Traditional activities add meaning to season Since Christmas is just around the corner (four day~ More specifically. the shopping mall Santa. I must say more), I thought I'd talk about the different traditions that I have a lot of respect for these men. It must take a involved, like Christmas trees. outdoor Christmas gigantic amount of patience to put up with all the things lights, and yes, even Santa Claus. . they have to. • Christmas trees are ,but kind of a pain to set up. Imagine having to sit in an oversized stiff-backed Every year when I take the tree down. I put it in a box chair from 10 a.m. until about 4:30 or 5 p.m. That (we have a fake one), and place it fn the The means that for about six hours. small children wUl be lights are neatly wound. and wetting their pants on your put in a box in the basement. Jessica Sullivan lap: screaming in your ear. or along with other miscellaneasking totally rude and obous ornaments. noxious questions. Columnist And so, if everything is put, · It's almost funny that a kid away so neatly. why is it that would want to stand·in a line the tree is never where I left it, for half an hour just to see the lights are all knotted, the Santa. Most of them don't tinsel is missing. and I never find all the ornaments even make it that far. untU Christmas Eve? · They get to the-front of the line, and they freak out. I've asked my family if they do any of these things, Suddenly the thought of sitting on the lap of an obese but they always say that they don't even know where I man in red becomes the most frightening thing in the put it. I've come to the conclusion that there is a fairy world. No problem, you think. Just take the ktd home that visits my house the day before I want to get the tree and calm him down, right? out and messes everything up. Wrong. The average housewife doesn't like to waste But what's more fun than gettlng -the tree out is her time. There's no way on earth that she'll stand in line watching my next door neighbor put up his outdoor for nothing. sO she'll drag the ~d kicking and screaming lights. He only does it once a year, and it's a good thing, on to Santa's lap (where he promptly wets his pants). too. If he had to do it any more than that, he'd probably What can Santa say, except, "Whoops. That's okay, everybody has accidents." I suppose that most of the have a heart attack. My neighbor's ladder is the type that leans against "veteran" Santas have a lot·of experience in this area, things, and can't stand up by itself. I do wonder at time~ but it still must not be too pleasant. if he's suicidal, because after he finishes lighting the Some traditions are kind of nice, but I wonder why house, he leans the ladder against pine trees and lights most people bother with these. those.I have to admit, though. that his lights do look , Maybe it's because Chiistmas just wouldn't be nice (when he finally replaces all the burned out bulbs). Christmas without them. And personally. I wouldn't My third Christmas tradition topic is Santa Claus. want it any other way. Merry Christmas.


'Rat-pack' group returns with added fans, volume It may seem a little early in the clowns," and although we have not picked out a choice few words. It season to be handing out awatds, completely parted ourselves from. was at that time that one of the but through the first seven games their ways. (we've cut out the cuss- Prep coaches saw his antics and of the season, there is no doubt in ing, except for th~ Creighton Prep chewed him out. Westside lost the game, 56-47, my mind. Nobody else comes close. game, whereanythinggoes), we have It seems like only yesterday that developed a unique style which is but No. (1 was benched for the rest of the game. cheering for an athletic team was truly better seen than described. about as unfashionable as bellbotIt was at the inaugural game of~ The night was a partial success. toms at Westside. But now it seems "''""'""''·'• against the Creighton Prep I'm sure there are·critlcs who bethat a number of students - - - - - - - - - - - -·, lieve that such action!;) by students during a schoolhave gone beyond the barrisponsored activity could do ers of old school spirit and Kent Bonham have taken chanting. insultnothing but harm the repu- . Design Editor tation of our school, butl beg ing, and general hell-raising to differ. In fact, I see nothto new heights. We've gone ing but positive conse-. back to the glory days, a time quences for all parties. when the""Rat Pack" and the "Cuties" were a force to be All r can hope now ~~ that we do Junior Jays. where we threw off the not rest on our laurels for .the rest reckoned With by each opposing gloves and were at our best. team. Throughout the game we had ofthe season; instead,! say we take We may seem rude, crude, and bombarded No. 11. with such a rash up one ofthe district's goals as one unacceptable to some, but coming of insults that I ·guess finally got of our own: to be innovative and from both a student and an ex-jock: under his skin. During a third- creative. So everyone stand up and give a I love it. quarter time-out he walked over to It seems that we've evolved from . his bench. looked up into the crowd. cheer, because the "Rat Pack" is the times of our forefathers , "the 13 stuck up his middle finger, and back and the best is yet to come.


. ~e t~~t e F s Worley to students: wake up, shake up, clean up A letter of concern · to some Westside students. from Nonnan K. Worley, guidance department. Before ;you get too far into this first paragraph let me explain who should and · should not continue readingthisletter.Ifyouareastudent who does not tear up large pieces of paper into 345 smaller sections and the11 toss them on the floor of the SS J.MC, does not deposit Burger King sacks and half empty pop containers on the hallway floors; and chooses not to chew and spit Red Man tobacco on floors. wall, and restroom mirriors. stop reading' now, there ·is no neeq to go on. However, for the rest

of you, the 3.5 percent, please contiue reading now that I have your attention. Let me explain at the onSet how important.I consider thiS letter to be. During my 48 years of having a beating heart I have never written my congressman and while in the service of my county for three years I believe I wrote my folks eleven letters. Now that you ha've a feei for the import of these words, may I continue? For those of you who are the MMessers" and MSpitters" read on. I spend approximately nine hours a day in this building. Why must I on numerous occasions walk into the building and step into and around ·

various artifacts of what in Amerlea is called breakfast? Why do .I feel like I am in a mine field in Vietnam lightly stepping when in fact I'm just walking into the boys' restroom. dodging moist brownish lumpsofchewlngtobacco.Whydo I have no answer w}:len a Ralston senior taking the SAT on a Saturday morning· in the SS IMC asks me MWhere in the world did all the paper and trash come from?" Come on students, young adults. leaders ofthe next generation for us old folks, wake up, , shape up. and clean up. · Nonn K. Worley The beard has spoken.

Scholarships Seniors battle to gain .essential financial aid aren Nyholm, news editor When the tests have been taken and the applications are on file, college preparation still -i sn't over for many seniors. Financing higher education can run up bills as high as $20,000 a year, and the amount of financial assistance a family thinks it needs for college expenses is sometimes more than the amount the people in Princeton, NJ evaluating the Financial Ald Form determine that family's need to be. The answer for many students could be non-need based scholarships; however, arid for one reason or another, this avenue is not always well-pursued. "1be main thing I have frustration with in scholarships is students who are qualified don't see themselves as candidates," Lynn Hansen, guidance counselor, said. "For exai!Jple, we will have 80 kids at a minimum go to UNO (University of Nebraska at Omaha) this year. A significant number of them have high financial need; a significant number of them are really bright. yet we've only had eight to nine kids fill out the Regent's scholarship form." According to Jacque Fogle, assistant scholarship coordinator UNO, the Regents scholarship is valued at full tuition and - awarded to 50 freshmen a year. The criteria for receiving the award are having a high Ac:r score and a high class rank. In addition to 'the' Regents, UNO also awards a Distinguished Schola~ship, valued at full tuition plus a $4,000 yeatly stipend. "1be Distinguished Scholarship requires an essay. A U!'l0 faculty committee looks at all the applications and chooses from them," Fogle said. . · • -. The school also awards athletic scholarships. Creighton University also offers aid ~sed on academic.merit. "1be four scholarships we give out the most are the Presidential Scholarship, the Carl M. Reinert-Nora Condon Academic Scholarship, the Honors, and Campaig~ Creighton," Jackie Harris, admissions counselor, said: · The Presidential is a half-tuition award. Twenty are given out every year. The other three scholarships are all valued at $1,000 a year. The number awarded varies. · Nebraska Wesleyan University automatically will award merit-based aid to.qualified applicants to the school. The five scholarships they offer are valued anywhere from $200 a year with requirements including a 19-21 composite Ac:r (850-950 SA1J or graduation in the top half of the class, up to a $1.500 awardwith requirements including a 31 or above Ac:r · composite {1340 or above SAT). "There's no application process specifically for these regardless of how many we give out,~ Scott Kasl, associate director of admissions, said. Scholarships of varying amounts are also offered for demonstrated talent in music, speech, or theatre. There are also national scholarship opportunities which operate on what Hansen refers to as a ·tottery" basis. -'lbese scholarships are often offered by private foundations related to a business, such as Coca-Cola or Josten's, and reward leadership skills and academic excellence. Due to the large number of applications the foundations receive, some qualified applicants must be turned down. · "This is the first year we've offered this scholarship, and we had 50,000 applicants. Next year we expect 200,000. We're narrowing down to 1,500 's emifinalists. From that 150 finalists Will be selected. Fifty will receive $5,000 a year for four years applicable to the college of their choice. The remaining 100 Will receive $1,000 for one year; Gaylynn Lueke, secretary at the Coca-Cola Foundation, said.


Hey mate Near the end of her one year stay at Westside. Mrs: Christine Anderson, social studies instructor. prepares t() say goodbye and return to Australia. Students Lisa

Heimbuch, (12), Scott McCollister, (12).and Liz Brejnik, (12), interviewed Anderson to send a tape that tells what kinds of things she did throughout the year home with her. ,

Andersons leave country • • -with positive 1mpress1ons

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the United States. ertythatwasapparentin"'"''nvt• "1bere also seems to be more of the cities we visited," ADderJanuary. 15 marks the day · of an emphasis on writing in son said. that Westside's foreign ex- Aqstralia. ·Anderson said, •stuMr. Anderson added, ·Seechange teachers switch jobs. det:tts there seeni to write a lot ing people push supcJauacl!..::l Christine Anderson and more compositions and things carts around husband Michael will be leav- like that. • worldly possessions was ing Omaha after spending one Mr. Anderson added that disturbing to us, because year: here, to return to. the high 'school sports seem to have tralla has heen pretty free ·Land Down Under," whUe a lower profile in Australia. He poverty and a lot of.the Tom Carman will resume saidthattherearenocheerlead- lems that go alongwlth that.• teachinghere after a a year in ers (or team sports. He also said There were some favorable AustraUa. An- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - impressions though. derson has mixed *Some of the highfeelings about lights included travelleaving. ·we We want to go back home ing. we have been 1n want to go -back . and see 01U' friends. but at ·30 of the 50 states. I home to see our the same time we don't want particularly friends, but at New Orleans, to leave the friends we've the same time, we ington. D . c .• don't want to made here. Everyone has • • York.Chicago,and leave the friends been really nice to us. -::7 -::7 New England states: we've made Anderson Said. here.· Christine Anderson, social Anderson added, ·one of the studies instructor ·one of the special things that I like events for me was the about Westside, • sociology field trip· to Anderson said, ~. .the zoo with the spe·~s the friendllcial education stuness of the students and &tafT. that Australlans do not have dents. The integration Everyone has ~en really nice nearly as many social activities handicapped students into the to us.· Uke Westside has With both school system is far ahead Since the Andersons have proms and homecoming. Australia in that respect." been here, they have been able This being their first trip to Both Andersons agreed to draw some sizable rom part- · the U.S., America has left some another highlight was the elecsons between the Australian favorable and unfavorable first tion year. ~ey said that and American·school systems. impressions on them in the last they came in an election year, ·The facilities here at year. has helped them really underWestside are really first class "You read and hear about the stand what the whole electoral compared ·to what we're used hostilities that occur going on system is all about, since it is to in Australia,· Mr. Anderson Within schools because of so ·different. • · said, •for example, inAustralia crime, . drugs, and racial ten·one of the things I haw: it would be very hard to find a sions, but there doesn't seem to enjoyed about the year is talkswimming pool. The facUlties be much of that at Westside, ing to kids at all school levels, in America are far ahead of and that's good because it helps because most of them don't those that we have in Austra- students concentrate on their know much about Australia. Ua." Mr. Anderson said that a studies, • Mr. Anderson said. and it is easier to talk with swimming poOl seems to be a •Anotherthingthatstruckus _them when they are intercommon addition to schools in was the homelessnes8 and pov- ested." · ay NUsaon, ll$60clate new

ditor ·

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BR EF Students- gain needed break Students can begin to relax as the winter break for District 66 begins today after students' final classes. The break will last for 12 days and school wUl resume Tuesday, Jan. 3. The "Lance" staff would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday break and wUllook forward to reporting to you again in our next edition on Friday, Jan. 20.

Debate earns fine showings The debate team has had success with their showings in the first half of the season's tournaments. These successes include performances in tournaments at Lincoln Southeast and Augustana College, both held the weekend of December 2 and 3, and at last weekend's Bryan Invitational. "The whole team did very well," Dave Richardson, debate coach, said, "We're blessed with five \rery good pairs in the championship cJMslon this year who have placed iJ:l. the 'top five places almost every time. • . The debate team closed out the first half of their season with a tournament in Iowa City. Richardson felt the team-performed very well and will continue to do better in their season's second half which begins after winter break.

Curtain call Westside Drama reviews the script for their next play ''Tile Tea House Of the August Moon," which wtll be presented Thursday through Saturday, Feb. 2-4tn the Westside


Audttogum. This will be the second dramatic performance this year. Last fall the drama department presented the "Fantastlcks."

PUSH faces chOnge

Hazelrigg runs for presidency '

Differences between right and wrong can tear morale Climbing the ladder of success is a future challenge for all apart. Over the past month the students, but the ascent up the first rungs has already begun for Prevention Using Student Help.. Pete Hazelrigg, (11). ers Club, (PUSH}, has been at Hazelrigg is campaigning for the presidential office of odds over the content of their Nebraska's Future Business Leaders .of America. (FBLA) chapclub philosophy. ter. To run for this office, Hazelrigg ts'required to perform well "Over the past month we on four different tests. These tests include an officer screening have been making our tphiwhich is an interview with state FBLA boar'd members about the losphy for PUSH," Kolleen c;andidate's quallflcations, a test covering FBLA trlvla and basic · Sparks, secretaiy of PUSH, business knowledge, the raising offwfds for a campaign, and the (11), said. "It's been a large campaign itself. problem doing this. Our executive board is formed of a variety of different people, with differWestside Drama is currently holding rehersals for "The Tea ent Views and beliefs." House of the August Moon." The philosphy is now comThe story, a tale of the American Marines coming to Okinawa pleted despite all the problems during World War II, features Spencer Robert, (1 0), and Chris that had developed. Patil, (12). Robert plays Saklni, an Interpreter for U.S. Marines "The philosophy of PUSH are in Okinawa. "The play basically shows how people deal 'with statements of what we believe war, • Robert said. in, they are not judgments of The play will be performed Thursday through Saturday. Feb. people. We do not condone the 2-4, at the Westside Auditorium. Performances wUl be at 7:30 usage of drugs or alcohol in any p.m. substance or form. Our main goal is to educate elementary and high school students," Jeff Beier. president of PUSH•. (12), The date for the anual Christmas Prom Is set for the dance to said. ~ be held in the Peony Park Ball Room tonight. PUSH's executive · board Is The dance Is sponsored by Peony Park. In the past, Brandeis responsible for making the phiDepartment Store had helped with the dance, but after the takelosophy of their group. ' over by Younkers, they have decided not to help. "In our philosophy, 'we disThe music will begin at 9 p.m . and continue 1,1Iltil,mldnight agree with drugs or· alcoh?l in to the sounds of"Hlgh Heel and the Sneakers," a local rock band.

Drama holds play rehearsals

'High Heel' sets scene for. prom

• '


any form, • Sp~ks said. "We will let the members decide for themselves what the phUosphy means to them. • It took the entlte executive board to produce a philosophy that would stand for everyone In the group. To do this, a number I of Friday morning meetings ~ere cancelled, and the progress of PUSH was temporarly detained. "We \vere having a problem," Beier said. "We were dMded between smoking and whether or not we should Include that in our philosophy.· There were a, number of different opinions on whether the PUSH phUosophy should contain the use of cigarettes. "I feel smoking is something we cannot putlines on. It's seen so readily by kids through their pare.nts, and it is legal at the age of 18. 89me of us thought that maybe it .'\Vould be better off to allow others to decide for themselves," Beier said. <-T he question arose as to whether or not smoking would ~ considered a drug. "Smoking is a drug, but we have decided that it won't be in

the philosophy._ one way or another," Laurel Fortney, (11), member of executiv,e board, said. There was afearofthe consequences of putting smoking into ~e philosophy. "We didn't want to take the chance of losing people in the group due to the fact that they smoke, • Sparks said. "This is the largest PU~H group we've ever had, and it's hard to adapt to that." Due to the fact that the Friday morning meetings were temporarlly detained, the group has not been as active as it had been in the past. They were not Involved In the na' tienal ·Drug Awareness Week, that took place during the week of December 9-16. "We had planned to do something. but we were wrapped up in the philospphy. Last year, It turned-out that we had our own Drug Awamess Week in the spring: ~cketts said. • " The : wnit~ flag of peace appears. ta hflY-e been wave.d . "The phllosophy is resolved, and we .. are back to being a grou,p,-"· Beier said .





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Parents' dilemma Safety or, the law?

.· .. :: ...

·.. : .. :;:;.::.:


Continued from page 1. "It helps them realize that they are not only ones out there fighting the problem. they know that, their kid is going to a the list, they can call and know that there not be any drinking." Hofschire said. A three-part pledge must be signed by ents before they can become an official.uo:;uuJ<O•I• ~safe Homes." "1be parents must pledge that will not let their kids have parti~s when they are of town. They will not allow minors to have or serve them alcohol In their home, and they will allow the presence of illegal substances in their Nadyne MUlar, regional coordinator of~Safe Homes" in braska, satd. Hofschire said that in the months since last spring the program was instituted in the Westside community, list of names has grown in excess of 400. But while the keeps growing, others see "Safe Homes" as a blinder shielding parents' eyes from the real world. "1be philosophy that no one under 21 should drink wonderful, but you can't go through life with your closed," Chert Ocander, parent. said. "You can either your eyes to the situation, or you can make it as safe.as can. Strictly forbidding it will only cause kids to drive in their cars and go to parks to drink." Making the situation safe can mean breaking the Last spring, Ocander held a graduation party where ~--~··•' was served. Ocander said that transportation was n~'""'~..., by buses to al\,d from the party to insure safety for graduates, and the majority of the parents were before the party. Word of the party leaked, and the were notifieO. Ocander and her husband were arrested indicted on criminal charges of serving alcohol to "''"'""" • "I went through a lot as far as notoriety and coJ:tdt~mnat:t<a by other parents towaros what we did. But even the department said that they had never seen such organized situatiol}. to keep kids safe," Ocander said. ~I exactly where the kids were and that they weren't in cars. don't regret doing it. Ifyou don't do something to try and kids safe, how do you feel if a kid goes out and gets ,_,,., __.... Lewis said that if parents were more aware of the ua1u1W• involved in serving minors with alcohol or providing with a place to drink, many would change their minds letting their kids have parties. "If an under-aged kid leaves a house and gets in accident, whoever supplied the kid with the alcohol is They have to bear the brunt of the accident," Lewis said.

Be$ides the liability involved, there is a moral -side to issue. "It's one thing letting your Jd,d drink alcohol in house, but you are over-stepping parental boundaries let other kids drink and you don't know their oarer1ta1• expectations toward alcohol," Linda Wax. parent, "Eventually. the kids will have to leave your house, and evety parents' nightmare to have a kid injured in ·a accident." The problem of drinking and drtvtng leaves parents double jeopardy. "I think parents should try it both wa't'll.allowtng parties and not allowing parties," Joe Mc:NamaLI'IJI parent, said. "You're better off ttytng it at someone's ho1118C1•. under supervision. But alcohol is alcohol.- and fuat stillUlnn'U•.


I.D., please Being a ~or doesn't stop one Westside student from attempting to purchase a sixpack of beer. Teen-age drinking has generated controversy over "safe" houses and parents' attitudes about their children and alcohol. Many parents feel tTiey must' choose between safety and legality.


of alcohol in your system when you step /


·will try and reach kids at an early age so they before alcohol becomes available,

is to get as many parents involved as we can by kld reaches the fourth grade. As places to go it will be easier for kids to say 'no' to alcohol. problem," Hofschire said. could prevent "Safe Homes" and other organi, being successful, Ocander said. Homes" list is hypocritical. I know for a fact . pcfrents' names on the list have kids that have ·put my name on the list for a reason. I will more parties at my house, but I don't think the anything," Ocander said. Safe Homes is a cute little list for parents who they are involved; JeffZanarini. (12). said. parents on the list actually adhere to the .. .."'..'""""'· A lot of people sign up not knowing or the guiq.Iines of the program are." hypocritical because when the parents go out what's going on at their house." Kim Doyle, would have to stay home every FridaY, night for it to work. There are at least several list that are places where parties have been is taking steps to dissuade minors from A course called Skills for Adolescents has for seventh grade students at the School. -nte course helps to increase a ran~.nrnrth and their ability to enjoy life without Ql' alcohol," Lewis said. "In other towns in course has turned out some excellent stattskids decide not to drink." the problem may be the laws themselves. "If the drinking age, the temptation to drink is is not a big deal in countries that have no Ocander said. "If the kids know that they can they won't care about it. •

rinking abroad creates doubts on drinking ag~ Is IeiJa# age necessary Or objectionable? ~M!M~tMmffril!l!f·iMSNl

to buy. The students need to have developed the social Underaged drinking. It's a problem based on the maturity to decide what's right or wrong." moral decisions by teens who feel they are responsible Another controversy concerning alcohol is that the enough to handle alcobol. With this decided, is a legal drinking age varies in different countries, and even in · drinking age of21 a necessary. or objectionable law? certain parts of the United States. Some countries don't "The drinking problem is related to a social and peer . even have a law concerning teen-agers drinking. problem teens have," Maryanne Ricketts, guidance "We have our problems, and they have theirs," Royer counselor, said. "I'm happy that the law is at 21. Before said. "They don't have the abusive problem with alcohol a stud.e nt begins to drink alcohol. they need to have self that we have, although because the kids are allowed to esteem, and feel good about themselves and their decidrink at such an early age, they have more harmful, sions. When they reach 21. these skills have developed, physical problems. like cirrhosis of the liver." and the students are able to handle the situation." "In Bogota. Colombia, we can buy alcohol at 18, and There are various opiryons from adults and students I think thatis better than at 21: Angela Gutierrea, (12), about whether Nebraska's drinking law is justifiable. foreign exchange student. said. "If you are caught "Since kids are considered adults at 18, and can vote drinking before you're 18, the punishment is not as bad or fight in a war: Joy Morton, (11). said, "they should be as it is in the United States. The police are involved, but able to drink if they want to." there is no probation or jail term." "I think that it should stay at 21, ·Mary Ann McNeal, "In Japan we are allowed to buy alcohol at 20, (9), said. 'The kids aren't responsible enough at 18 to because we are regarded as responsible members of drink. After graduation from college, they should be society; Tomoko Isoyama, (11), foreign exchange sturesponsible enough. because they have to start their dent, said. "The students don't drink as much in Japan. - If they are caught drinking illegally, and are put in own lives anyway." "I think that 21is a good age," Jerri Roye~. drug counprotective custody by the police or teachers. they are selor, said. "Nineteen would even be acceptable, beforced to leave school.· · "In Switzerland, we can drink at 18," Florence Deage, cause the stud~t is out of high school. (12), foreign exchange student, said. "I think itls better Drinking underage, when a body is not fully developed, can be a major fact in growth and development at 18. We are mature enough to know how much we can drink. There are people who drink before 18in Switzerproblems. "WheO: a student drinkSwhile they are still considland, but they are dealt with by the police.~ ered adolescent, • Royer said, "it can hurt their developWhere the questions are undecided is when it comes to the fact that students are still drinking, illegally and ment emotionally and physically. Their development is delayed." underaged. -nte age needs to be consistent all across the United "We realize that alcohol is a real .concern, • Peg States, so students can"t go far distances to be able to Johnson, dean of girls, said. "We hear about what consume alcohol," Royer said. "We all need to stick students do on the weekends and even on some weeknights, and we a1"e aware that things happen that together, that's most .important." "I don't know what will be an effective solution," are out of their control, due to the alcohol." "I absolutely feel that the drinking age should stay at Johnson said. "It may take peer presure in the opposite direction. Tile PUSH group is a good start, and maybe 21." J~hnson said. "It's a lot easier for a 15 or 16 -yearold to look 18 than 21, and it makes the alcohol harder it w11:l be a good chance to help solve the problem."

Christmas · celebrated through prQduction Music, ance, an acting ave been thrown together under one roof, or actually roofs. This past month, numerous holiday plays have come to life on stage. The Nutcracker, Babes In Toyland, and A Christmas Carol have returned again this year to spread the holiday spirit through their actors, dancers, and the plays themselves. Auditions for these plays were open to professionals and non-.p rofessionals. Some Westside students were among those who auditioned for the plays. Although not all of the actors and dancers are · professionals, there are some who have past experience in the~ plays. "I went and auditioned. Last year I was Miss Muffet in Babes In Toyland. Now I'm playing an elf and a toy soldier," Stephanie Anderson, (II), said. For some of the people in the plays, being involved just doesn't mean acting. "''bis is niy tenth year being involved with A • Christmas Carol. I've either been on stage or worked behind the stage. This year I'm playing a chestnut vendor and I'm in the Adult Ensemble, which means that I get to dance," Cindy Borchman, (12), said. Past experience is not the only thing that prepares dancers and actors lor plays. Dance ability is · also an important part of many performances. "I take lessons form the Omaha Ballet evety day and am an Omaha Ballet trainee. I've danced for

nine years and have performed in the Nutcracker 'in Texas and California," Kristen Schats, (1 0), said. Not all plays or ballets have as much dancing involved as the Nutcracker, but those. that do have similar requ'irements. "''be Nutcracker is a ballet that has roles for evetyone of all ages. Taking dance lessons and having taken dance lessons is a requtt:ement for being in our play," Robert Vickrey, artistic director for the Nutcracker, said. Taking voice lessons is also valuable to these plays. "I've taken three years of dance· and I am also taking voice lessons now. I've taken four years of private voice lessons. During the voice lessons, we audition songs for plays and musicals,.. Anderson ' said. · Drama Club seems to be an underlying interest for these three students. "I do encourage my Drama Club to audttlon. It's good experience for them. In fact, just going to the auditions is great and it's a good experience for anyone who's interested trr theatre," Lany Fortney, Drama Club sponsor, said. For some families, being involved in these plays has become a holiday tradition. "I think by Cindy's being involved in A Christmas Carol, it has made Christmas more important to her. The experience of working with theater people . teaches her a side to life that most people don't get the opportunity of experiencing. My famUy's been

involved in it for several years now. I just don't know what we would do without it," Joy Borchman said. Being involved in these holiday plays takes lots of time. The actors and dancers find the:m~;eiva having ,to make s~'crlfices. "By being in A Christmas Carol I find myself less time to do things. I have Monday nights off, I perform during the rest of the week C!9d over the weekend. It's worth missing some things because I have good friends in the play. I only see them once year usually and I see my friends at school all the time so I like to be with the actors," Borchman said. "A lot of the older actors, the high school students in particular, study when they are not busy rehearsals. When we are on the road touring The Nutcracker we tty to give them ~me to study, but they don't always get the time," Vickrey said. Whether or not these students will find a future in acting or dancing, they have these plays to fall back on as a springboard or they can keep it as a good and memorable experience. "I like to act and to sing. I think that it's just a hobby though. It's a way to get involved in the community and with the holidays," Anderson said. Some of the dancers and actors are involved in these plays as hobbies or holiday activities, but "Maybe one day I'll pursue an acting career or tty to become a professional dancer, or maybe not; whatever I do, I .plan to continue being in these for my next three years in high school," Schatz said.

Board · -member lays roots with district Allison Kohll, feature wxiter Like two magnets attracting each other, Elizabeth Karnes has been committed to the Westside coriununity her entire life. Kames has not only stuck with it, but she has continued to make contributions, especially to District 66. She has served as treasurer of the school board and this year is serving as a member. ·1 figured that the best way to get involved.in the schoolis .id get in a position to enact policies," she said. Kames has previous experience in education. She received master of arts, and Ph.D degrees in school ' • administration at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. Cater,she served as a school adminiStrator at Boy's TovirL She also helps her husband in his current United States Senate seat. ·i help him on' ~ducattonal issues on legislation. When Dave decided to run for the Senate, I quit my job at Boy's Town to help him with his campaign," she said. The Karnes couple worked on the campaign for 22 consecutive months. "We did-not have a day off at all during that period of time, ... she said. Now that the election is over and her husband has been defeated by former

governor Bob l{errey, Kames said that there were a couple of things ~at they would have done differently, if ~ they had to do it over. "We would have tried some way to get people to know Dave better. Kerrey was already established in the community, but Dave was appointed for the senate seat and he didn't have time to make himself well-known." "It was hard for Dave. He had to spend 90 weekends .getting adjusted to the Senate. Next time he will tty to do a better job through the media to get well-known." · She also stated that the lack of debates in the election hurt their campaign. "Dave wanted a chance to debate Kerrey so the real issues would come out, but because of Chambers entering the race, Kerrey would not agree." The Karnes' future in politics is unknown at this point. Dave has been offered a job from President-elect George Bush that he cannot disclose to the public, but isn't sure he will , accept it. "If Dave takes the job I will probably get a job at the department of. education in Washington D.C. In r the long term, Dave probably wants to return for the U.S . Senate, and will run again in future elections." The balance between family and

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work is difficult in politics. "During the campaign we didn't have any time to spend with our kids. We had a full-time girl from Creighton stay with them. If Dave decides to take the job in Washington, we will rent a house there and still live in Omaha." There are many advantages with politics in the family. "It's kind of exciting because next weekend we are taking the girls to the White house for a dinner for all the Senators an<t their famUies." Even the Karnes kids are involved in politics. Corey and Kalen, their oldest daughters, are currently president and vice president of Swanson Elementary School. Kames is not a newcomer to the community. She is a former Westside student. She graduated in 1967 with' many honors attached. She was homecoming queen, a cheerleader, a member of Z-Club, student council, debate, the Spanish Club, International 'Club, Math Club and math team. In addition she was president of Esquires (now called Welcome to Westside Club), involved in Girl's State, Girl's Nation, and ,.ranked in the top ten of her class in academics. ' Karnes had to work for her success. "I was a real student. I studied


all the time, took advanced classes, and developed good study skills." She said the merits ofWestside rest on the staff. "''bere were great teachers at )'Vestside. The English .depart-' ment was wonderful and was the best preparation I could ever receive. It is the one of the reasons I had a Spanish-English major in college." She also praised· the _a dministration. "Sladek, Hansen, and Tangdall were great role models." Kames was formerlv on the president's commission to give awards excellence to schools. "I have been all over the U.S., and I know for a fact that District 66 is one of the best in the nation." _ Even though there are many more exciting job opportunities outside of Nebraska, Karnes's Jllagnet still attracts District 66. "My husband and I lived in Washington at the start of our careers, but when our children got older we moved back to the district so they could experience the benefits of.tt," she said. Whether or not this field of 5J,ttractlon -holds true, Kames' support comes from the heart. "District 66 was the best education I could have received and I am convinced It is the best for my. children." Kames said.

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• Solid competitiOn upcom1ng for young W-e stside wrestl-e rs Andy Cfulpiri. sport$ Writer . . .. Resting in the middle of a sea~n can be tough. Although the Westside wrestling team is going to practice over break the team will not have any meets or tournaments over the 12-day Christmas vacation. The next event~ for the wrestling team will be at Gross Tuesday, Jan. 3 at 7 p.m. and will be followed by the Millard South Invitational saturday, Jan. 7. · The wrestling program has a solid squad this year with seven experienced wrestlers. "We have seven people returning who started for us last year: Lou Miloni, head coach, said, "and we have a good team." · With seven returning starters, the Warriors are stlll a young team. "We have a lot ofyoung wrestlers this year," Jim Wilson, (12) ~ said. "Our team this year is very young, with three starting seniors: Doug Jcltxen, (11), said, "but we also have a lot of potential." ljavtng a young team isn't necessarily bad because of anticipation for future seasons. "Our team this year is good," Mack Taulbourg, (11),. said, _" but next year we will be better."· In the North Invitational, the first for the year, the Warriors had an impressive showing, finishing second out of 15 teams at the-tournament. "We performed well," Miloni said, "and had some good individual performances." ' Tony Buccheri, (12), finished first in the I25pound weight class, Jim Wilson, (12), finished second in the I71-pound class, Matt Fisch~r. (11), finished third, Jerry Imhoff, (10), Dan Grant, (11), and DougJatxen, (II), all finished fourth in their wei ht classes, which were the

best ~howings for Westside at the tournament. This year the Metro appears to be evenly balanced. "There are no dominating teams in the area," Miloni said, "but there are six or seven teams that have good individuals." The teams that Miloni mentioned are Omaha North, Abraham Lincoln, Northwest, Bellevue East, and Papillion. "This year in the state th~re are a lot of good teams," Jatxen said, "and there are also a lot of really good wrestlers." Even with the quality teams that the Metro area and state have this year, the Warriors have a good chance to do well. "We can compete with anyone in the state: Jim Wilson, (12), said. "We have a good team that can do well." Injw:ies have not affected the wrestling team that .badly. Scott Lapsley, (12). with an ankle injury, and Damon Billingsley, (11), with an injury to his arm, sat out the South High Invitational last week. "We have a couple of people injured now," Wilson said, "but they should be well after Christmas, which is when the season really starts." "The few injuries that we have had have affected us alot." Jatxen said •. "At.the So~th Inyttattonal , we had two open weights because the two injured people didn't have anyone to back.them up." In the South High Invatational Westside finished eight out of fifteen teams. Tony Buccheri took first to remain undefeated this season. · Doug Jatxen took second and Matt Fischer and Jim : Wilson both got third in their weight classes. Take down . The wrestling team will have some goals as the Struggling on the mat, Danny Grant. (11): is hip-tossed by season progressess. "Through the season, we his opponent at the South Invitational Thursday, Dec. 8. hope to make progress, to mature. and to improve Their next meet will be against Gross Tuesday, Jan. 3. , our team," Miloni said.

s Fresbman Boys' Ba•ketbaU December 1 Westside 9 5 11 3-28 Crteghton Prep 10 12 · 11 16-49 Highllghts..Jeff Morford lead the Warriors with 12 points in their first game of the year. DecemberS Westside 14 20 15 21-70 Abraham Uncoln 12 20 8 24-64 Htghl:lghts- Jeff Morford led the team with 26 points, while Chad Ehresman and Dave Clark had 11 and 10 points respectively. ' Sophomore Boys' Ba.ketbaD DecemberS Westside 15 18 12 9-54 North 19 15 7 18-59 Htghl:lghts- Guy Haney had l5, and JeffMtscho scored 12, while Westside ran out of gas in the fourth quarter. December 10 ---? Westside 8 17 20 15-60 Gross 4 11 8 14-37 Htghl:lghts- Andy liuresh poured in 27 points, and Matt Glasrud ~ded 13 to lead a balanced attack. Jaa.lor Vanlty Bop' Ba.ketbaD December 1 Westside 12 14 10 12·48 Prep 15 9 12 9-45 Htghl:lghts- Andy Peck led 1-0 Westside with 20 points as Westside hung on for their first victory. December 3 Westllide 10 13 14 8-45 Uncoln High 13 11 11 11·46 Htghl:lghts- Andy Peck and Scott Taylor scored in double digits, as Westside dropped to 1-1. DecemberS / Westside -' 11 12 20 23·€?6 North 12 10 15 17-54 Highlights- Andy Peck led Westside with 17, while Dave Kluthe and Mike Mtscho followed with 15, and 13 points respectively. December 10 Westside 11 13 10 10-44 Gross 10 10 10 11-41 Highlights- Mike Mischo led all scorers with 16, as Westside's record tmpro_v ed to 4-1.

Uncoln High 11 15 12 13-51 Htghltghts- J.C. Wickstrom lead the Warriors for the second straight g~ as the team won its first game. DecemberS Westside 21 14 17 12-64 Gross 12 14 17 · 12-55 Highlights- Matt Sinn had a career htgh 24 points to lead the Warriors to their second straight win. December 10 · .Westside 4 21 15 15-55 North 14 8 15 26-63 Htghl:lghts- Matt Sinn lead the Warriors with 20 ponts as they fell to 2-2. Vanity Girls' Ba.tetball

Decembei:9 Westside 2 8 • 11 14-35 Gross 17 15 18 10-60 Htghl:lghts..Julte Novak scored 10 points for 1-1. December 10 Westside 16 12 15 24-67 North 10 · 11 7 8-36 Highlights- Kristin Undwall scored 13 and Unda Schbloske put in 10 points.

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J"f Girls' Ba.tetbaD December 2 Westside 50 ' Martan 48 Highlights- Ntoole Brabec was the htgh scorer with 16 points to lead the Warriot:a to their first victory. DecemberS Westside 45 North ' 42 Htghl:lghts-Warrotrs tlil1sed the game with a 15-4 surge · to erase a nine point North lead. December 10 Westside 37 Gross 58 Htghltghts- Trtsh Cieslik scored 11 points to lead the Warrotrs. Their record dropped to 2-1. JV-Vanlty GbU' Swtmmln• Westside 142 ' BensOn 21 Highlights· 9 girls qual.ifled for state. JV-Vanlty BoJS'


Westside 144 Benson 28 Highlights- lO boys quallfted for state. Burke Inritatlonal Swlmminl 309 9 10-47. Burke Westside 285 14 21-56 237 HighlightS- J.C. Wickstrom lead the Warriors with 23 Papillion Prep · 124 points as they were defeated in their opener. Millard South 103 DeCember 3 Northwest 61 Westside 17 17 / 11 10-55

Vanity Bop' B ..tetbaD December 1 Westside 10 18.Crieghton Prep 10 11

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Boys ~raw Mustangs_; Central up ·next for girls e:rt Cohen. $_PO:tts. writer

What's the plan? The boys' varsity basketball team plans strategy for a win against Gross with instrUction from Coach Tom Hall. Westside will play next in the Metm Holiday Tourna-

Despite some discouraging losses, both the boys' and gtrls' basketball teams are confident about thetr chances going into the Metro Holiday Tournament. The boys' enter the tournament with a 3-2 record while the gtrls' enter with a 4-1 record. Both the boys and girls open tournament play Tuesday, Dec. 27. The boys play Millard North, while the gtrls play Central. The boys will play at the CMc Auditorium through Saturday Dec. 31 and the girls will play their games at Central High School. Inexperience is still a problem for the boys while the gtrls can't explain their problems. Tom Hall, boys' head coach, said that despite some concerns, the team is progressing. Hall said, "We've been playing pretty well, but we're young and still inexperienced at the guard position." · After losing thetr opener to Prep 56-47, the boys won two straight (Lincoln High and Gross), before losing thetr second game of the season to Omaha North. In all four g~es, the team has been leading going into the fourth quarter. Hall atributes the team's fourth quarter trouble to poor shooting down the stretch. "We.peed to trnprove on our free-throw shooting, especially late in the game. We've only shot 55percent from the free-throw line and it's a lot worse thari that fn the fourth quarter of our gamf;s." According to Hall, trnprovement in ball handling, free throw shooting, and offensive rebounding are the keys to a sucessful tournament. The team h~ but one goal for the tournament. Hall , said, "Our main goal for the tournament is to find a consistent starting line-up." Rebounding from a 25 point loss to Omaha Gross seems to be the key to a sucessful \ournament for the gtrls. Linda Adamski, gtrls' head coach, said she was confused after the Gross game. Adamski said, "I just can't explain it, we just played bad." Adamski said that ment a~ the Omaha CiVic Auditorium Mon- her 4-1 team will try to take it one game at a time in the holiday day, Dec. 26, tlirough Saturday, Dec. 31. tournament, but was confident about the team's chances . .~I think Th.e team is entering the tournament with a this team has a good chance to do better than any ofmy other teams 3-2 record. · in this tournament in recent years," Adamski said. I

Columnist · plays swami •

Hayes replaces Hall 1n rfl1d-seasoi1 shuffle •



Before we leave for Christmas break we will all know a little more about Westside basketball: I'm a swami and I make prepictions. Over three-Jourths of them have come true, so grab your Warrior Spirit 1;'-shirt, or your Findley's Warriors_ shirt and take a ride with me through the varsity basketball season. In my crystal ball I see point guard Ken Perkins dribbling through opposing defenses as he dazzles Omaha Gross With his skills. He leads his team to a 65-53 victory. After the game Mr. Larry Fortney, who was watching in the stands with the 13 clowns, offers Perkins the lead role in Westside's next play (E. T.) Fortney says ~He's a shoo-in for the lead in E. T." Perkins sturis everyone and accepts the lead part, quitting . _-,... · the team. In the next game, Matt Sinn lights up Omaha North for 34

points. After the game Sinn is seen talking to Jtrn J?uff, captain of the intramural team St. Quimby. As the Warriors head into the . Holiday Tournament they are on a roll. They've won two straight. Assistant coach .---Larry Morrissey misses the opening game of the tournament. Apparently, he was moonlighting over the holidays as ~Jolly 'ol St. Nick" and got caught in the Christmas traffic at the Westroads. Hall is so furious he fires Morrissey. Morrissey is found at the next game seated among the 13 clowns. Matt Sinn holds a press conference and tells everyone he is quitting the basketball team. He signs a contract to play with St. Quimby in the intramural league. People close to the team



Clowns 104-31. Jo Hall, and Mr. Bill Hayes. Findley is seen in the parkil:lg Bili'Hayes gets the job, to the lot with Huston, and Mr. Roger shock of most ·everyone. He proclaims that everyone .Herring saying, ~I know those left on the team will wear clowns are going to show up sandles like his, and ~get rid of somettrne." Morrissey wasn't with the those goofy, expensive clowns because he thought the hightops." -----=---:.__-'--'--------, He hires Dr. Don pre-game party was at Show/I Meredith as his assis- Biz, and not at Tom Mausbachs. The team breezes- through to tant coach. After the first practice J. C. the state finals where they lose D.J. Rezac Wickstrom quits, in the fmal due to forfeit. The Sports editor saying Meredith had team cited tl\at thetr Composischeduled a graded tion final paper was due the next discussion over the day and they needed the time to 3-point line. and he ·finish their bibliographies. Coach Hall is last seen helphated social studies. ates by resigning after the team _ Coach Hayes' first task is a ing the ninth grade ~.c· team bows out ofthe Holiday Tourna- tough one, defeating the state working out in the Activity Gym. Maybe this is a little far ment in two games. He is seen champion Millard South . storming off the court yelling Meanwhile, during warm- fetched but I can't argue with that the team's effort "just ups, the 13 clowns kidnap the my crystal ball. So, ifyou' come wasn't good enough." Millard South Indi~s and show back from Christmas break and Athletic Director Ron Huston up for the game in their ·uni- a bearded man with wigwam sandles is coaching the boys' distributes a press release say- forms. ing the top candidates for the Westside breezes to victory basketball team, I won't tell you job are: Mt:. Ed Howe, Mrs. Mary over the Indians, or I mean the I told you so. ·

say he quit because of a conflict with Coach Hall. ~I think he was upset Hall fired Santa Claus, ah, I mean Coach Morrissey," Jason Hellman said. Coach Tom Hall then retail-


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Thursday night until mid-Janurary, .when the play will close. LJ "On the Fritz" will play

through Friday, Dec. 23, at the Ranch Bowl Entertainment Center. Ticket informa'uon is available by telephoning 3930900.

senting a *Fresh Alre" Christmas . concert Monday through -saturdcw. Dec. 26-31 at the Orpheum Theater. Ticket infor- LJ Four bands, "Finest Hour," mation is available by calling "ETC," *The Jailbiz:ds," and 342-7107. Ticket prtces range "Tipsy Alligator," will play at from $7.25 to $18.25. The con- the Ranch Bowl Entertaincert is co-sponsored with KEZO ment Center on New Year's Eve. Ticket information is radio. available by calling 383-0900. LJ *The King and I" is playing at the Upstairs Dinner Theater. LJ The Creighton University There is a special Thursday men's basketball team will Night discount of $17.50 for play Montana State tomorrow dinner and the show. The .show night at the Civic Auditorium. without dinner costs $13. This Ticket prices, range from $6.50 special prtce is available every to $7.50.

EVE 'Cocoon': avoid the return I didn't see "Cocoon," but from what I've seen in "Cocoon: The Return," I really didn't miss much. Evidently in "Cocoon," three elderly couples went to a planet where they never got old and never died. Why, is never explained to those of us unfortunate enough to pay $4 to see the sequel. The couples returned to earth because someone from their planet came to earth to brtng back eight or nine c'ocoons that were burted ;tt the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. The .cocoons were dislodged from their hiding place by an earthquake, and would surely be discovered by scientists. What a surprtse. The scientists get one of the cocoons and one group of Martians (I really don't know what else to call them) trtes to rescue the cocoon before it dies. Go play video games instead, but if you must see this movie to add to your *Cocoon" collection, it's rated "PG" and is playing at Cinema Center, Orchard Hills, and Westroads.

'Sunrise' proves prob1em --solver "Tequila Sunrtse," the new mption picture from Warner Brothers, is perfect for the problem-solving moviegoer. The film starrtng Mel Gibson, Kurt Russell, and Michelle Ptleffer is an action-packed film full of irony.· Gibson portrays a cocaine dealer and his high school buddy (Ru;ssell) is the lieutenant in charge of busting him. Although the plot line is quite unrealistic due to twists like this, the actors do an excellent job of playing their parts. Durtng the entire film, characters play dual positions. Figuring out who is supposed to be a good guy and who is supposed to be a bad guy is difficult. but it adds to the mystery of the movie. "Tequila Sunrise" which is rated "R." is playing at Cinema Cen ter, Q Cinema 6, Westroads, South Cinema 7, and Midlands 4 Theatres.

'Naked Gun' sure to please Susie

Kis~an ,

Weekender WTiter

"Police Squad," the old television series, and the ·Airplane" evoked an oflbeat sort of raw humor that has almost disappeared. Perhaps this type of comedy will enjoy a resurgence due to the movie *The Naked Gun.• In the movie, Leslie Nielson plays his character from *Pollee Squad," the dimwitted Frank Drebin. Drebin is determined to bust the leader of a large drug rtng, Vincent Ludwig (Ricardo Montalbahn}, who Is also a prominent, well-liked pillar of the community. ' This movie is definitely not for everyone. Obviously, moviegoers in search of sertous drama should avoid this film. However, for those interested in a fast-paced comedy coupled with a wonderfully zany, twisted plot, *The Naked Gun• is currently showing at the Park 4 and Indian Hills Theaters. , I (402) 391 ·8881

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'Tis the season to.· be shopliftin_g · ~yolso:n~ _ wce~ndet

&tlUit , ·\·.:+<:;i:,,.... :..,_:-... · Ricfufrd$6ri ~ Weekender Wdt:el' · "·'>?'~;: ,... ., ., · There is a price to pay for everything. What may seem like a real ~steal" to shoplifters can often tum out to be a costly error in judgment.. With the holiday shopping season ~ ·full swing, people find that the temptation is great to ignore this fact. On an average day, some stores estimate a loss of$1 00 or more due to shopliftlng. This amount inevitably rises during the busy holiday seasons. "It always gets worse at Christmas time because people will often steal presents or merchandise and then by to return the goods in exchange for money; Marshal Stalheim, manager ofWalgreen's Drug, said. Contrary to <;ommon belief, the crime is not commttted exclusively by the poor or drug addicts. It is impossible to describe the typical shoplifter. All walks of life have engaged in the act: adults, chUdreO, poor people, wealthy people and the like. The reasons given for having commltted the crime are as varied as the kinds of shoplifters. Some may steal because they believe it is the only way to obtain items that they could otherwise not have. - Bill McConnick, social studies instructor, believes that many of the students who shoplift do it for the thrUI. "Most likely, the kids have enough money in their poc~ets to purchase the item, but they do it for kicks," he said. "According to Lt. Cousin of the Omaha Pollee Department, there are three different types of shoplifters. The first type can be classified under mental Ulness. "These people are commonly known as cleptomaniacs- people who take things that they don't need for no apparent reason except for the need to steal," Cousin said. Another type of shoplifter is the criminal type. "These people steal expensive merchandise for the profit involved," he said. The thJrd kind Js the poor shoplifter. "They are hungry, so they steal in order to survive," Cousin said. "They can't afford the basic necessities in life." Cousin said that most often, those placed in this category are the very young and. the eld-

erly. "The stores make their items too expensive," he said. Although there is no accurate count of how many "Kids can't afford a lot of these things and so they are Westside students have shoplifted, listening in on con- sometimes forced to shoplift." versations gives evidence that there are students who Molly Koozer (10), believes that there is no good exhave shoplifted before. In most cases, the stolen items cuse,for stealing items. "Those who shoplift are irrehave been of minimal value. "I tried to sponsible," she said. "No one has to resort to stealsteal a pack of cigarettes," Jeff ing if they really want a certain item. There Sellers, (11), said. i~~~~~~~ always other more acceptable ways to attain Having been caught money." for attempting to steal The price of shopliftlng differs, de]pertdlng-onll that pack . of cigathe value of the stolen item. Stealing rettes two years chandise under $300 is considereda misdeago, Sellers unmeanor. derstands why Any stolen item valued above $300 is constudents feel sidered a felony. "Being convicted of a misthat they demeanor can sometimes require the shopneed to linfter to spend six months in the county jail, steal. Cousin said. "Ifyou are convicted of a felony, you could headed to the state penitentiary for a year longer,· he said. Because Sellers was only 14-years-old wqen was caught shoplifting, his parents had to accompany him to court where he was told that he would be on probation for three months. "I was required to attend classes about shoplifting during the probation period," Sellers said. Since that time, ·Sellers has never shoplifted. "They catch everyone sooner or later. It's worth it." "Our security system at Target is very sophisticated. We have security """,.,..,.,.., and other equipment to help keep a watchful eye on suspicious customers," Dwayne Callahan, store manager, said. The large number students who meet outside the Countryside Pharmacy after school , caused the store to have two clerks on duty during these hours to keep an eye on things. Krlstl Hansen, a co-manager at the Limifed vJ<.ILJUUJ<:.I Store said they use the control system instead of electronic systems. "If there are more hangers than there are gannets we know that something has just been taken."


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Administration creates




. ....

Crime doesn't pay. Students who are charged with a criminal offense now face a double-edeged sword of being punished by the administration as well as the law. With the start of second semester, all students who participate in co-curricular activiti!!S will have to abide by a new set of rules and regulati<;ms. A clairification of the code of conduct for co-curricular activities was presented to the faculty Friday, Jan. 13. The code enforces the punishment students would receive for prohibitive conduct at any time outside of school grounds. "The -situation with the Benson students was certainly an attention getter for all s chools across the state," Roger Herring, dean of boys, said. ~we felt it was important that we should have a policy if a similar situation arose." This fall tw o Benson High School varsity basketball players were convicted of possession of an illelgal substan ce. The code says a student is subject to removal from co-curricular acitivites if that student is charged or convicted of a criminal offense, which includes possessing or selling an illegal substance, va,ndalism, sexual ass a ult, robbery. or illegal ~ssession of a weapon. "If a student is convicted, or even charged, it may apply. It pertains to summer, it pertains to any season w~en a studen t isn't in an activity. That's how we interpret it, " Jim Findley, principal, said. If a student is s uspended from co-curricu la r activities, th at studen t may appeal the decision to the superintendent. but that appeal must be in _writing Prohibitive condu ct a n d mu s t be received by ·:> the su perin tendent's office Possession, intent to sell. or '" within seven days of sus- sale ·o f illegal substances or ;; · '$.:·· pension. alcoholic beverages; ~ The code of condu ct is a ~"{­ ::: .. Sexual assault on any perWestside school policy, not a District 66 school board son; policy, Herring said. The " of a Illegal possession cOde was developed by a w eapon; committee of administraStea ling or willfully d a m agtors, activity leaders a nd ing prope rty; school dis trict attorneys.

i :[

Christensen, (11). and Tony Ran(10). were busy testing out t he new ipment Monday, Jan. 20. when the

District 66 School Board and Superintende~t Jim Tangdall visited the new Strength Com-



Declining enrOllment impairs new courses for the school, Pierson said. 'The department heads give their informal approval on whether to add a new course or not. They don't make the actualdecision on whether to add new courses, but they can influence the decision not ,to add a new course." Bill Nelson, social studies department head, said. The final decision on implementing a ,new course is made by Jim Findley, principal. ~Ultimately. the decision is mine," Findley said. ~But it's important to hear what each individual department is feeling rfeststae students. w · After getting approval from about a new course, and how it within the depart- can affect enrollment in their the next step is to take pftrticular area." Pierson said that the probidea to a meeting with all department head::; and the lem District 66 is facing of dewhich makes clining enrollment and the RIF the decision-making body (reduction in force) policy are

important factors that are considered when it .comes to implementing a new course. -rhere are only so many students with so much time. If a student decides to take another new course, it probably will not be an additional course, it will be a replacement. A popular course added . in the art department could hurt the home economics department, for example," Nelson said. ~Generally speaking, if you add a course that is very good, the students who sign up have to come from some other department because there's only so much time in a student's day." Ken Brown, industrial technology department head, said. Continued on page 6.

Punishment depends Using violence or threats to upon the crime and the in- any person; :Itdividual, flerring said. "We will do what we think is fair Causing or attempting to andreasonable;.. Ourwhole cause physical injury to any ·:? philOsophy of discipline is person. to do what is in the best interests of the individual." The administration will also consider the problems caused by a student's actions ~ ·one of the things we always have to consider how it can affect the student body," Findley said. ' Punishment for prohibitive conduct will vary. Each offense will be handled difTerently. ~MiP will be dealt with differently. We'll deal with MIP's in a manner that we could get a debate on how lenient we are with MIP." Findley said. The students who are directly affected by the code are students in clubs, sports, spirit groups. and student government. Herring said that-students who are not involved in co-curricular activities may still be subjected to disciplinary actions, depending on the severity of the crime. John Crook, dean of boys, said that the code is not intended to punish those involved in co-curricular activities. But Crook said that these actMUes are privileges, and students should be aware that they can be taken away. ~Whenever you get involved in an activity, or in a leadership position, you take responsibility. If a kid is president of National Honor Society and is picked up MIP the night before the ceremony, we're not going to let him be in that ceremony," Findley said. Coaches or activity leaders can create different restrictions -on conduct that is not out}ined in the code. -rhat basically is saying if a coach has other riiles that they want to implement that aren't listed, those rules will be in writing. the parents need to sign that. the student needs to sign that, and they need to keep it on file so it is a 'w ritten understood rule by the athlete," Linda Adamski, head girls' basketball coach, said. . · "I don't think it's going to be very different, I think all of the coaches in this building already have rules that they cicpect their athletes to follow. This is just a reinforcement by the administration." Adamski said.



New code oversteps bounds Overstepping their responsibility, the administration has implemented a new code of conduct that was presented to the faculty Friday, Jan. 13, that may prohibit students from .participating in co-curricular activities when merely charged of a crime. The administration should concern themselves with activities that take place on school property or at school activiities and leave the disciplinary action to parents and police for illegal activities· that happen elsewhere. / · By implementing this policy the administration is also taking on a burden they will never be able to enforce consistently because it will be difficult for them to know who is and who is not committing thesecrimes. Information regarding crimes committed by juveniles is difficult to acquire and, therefore, the administration can never be sure they are disciplining every student that has taken part in prohibitivJ cohduct. ' The administration is stating that the new code of conduct policy is a reaction to the recent situation at Benson where two basketball players were charged with dealing drugs. If it is necessary to take discipliruuy action in situations similar to the Benson incident. they could be handled much better through individual disciplinary action and not through a policy that blindly lays down the law for the entire student body. Discipline is not as simple as black or white and should not be treated that way. The policy states that any student who is "charged criminally with the prohibited conduct. or on whom a petition has been ftled in juvenile court" may be subject to disciplinary" action. That statement is contrary to ,the United States Constitution which states that all citizens should be innocent until proven quilty. Disciplinary action that is taken against students who are merely charged with a crime is assuming that that student is guilty and, therefore, a student could be punished who is completely innocent. e administration is unnecessarily increasing their import!}nce in the lives of Westside students through an unwanted policy that will be impossible to enforce and that will drastically overstep the bounds of a productive administration. The letter recently sent to The school board has planned to spend $50,000 next parents of Westside students year to improve the appearance by Dr. Jack Lewis, school of the computer lab and pro- board member, asking for vide a wall to separate the donations to pay for the addicomputer lab· from the elec- tional $26,000 ne'eded for the tronics department. This in- Westside Strength Complex is vestment is needed ~d will be a request a school should beneficial to both the computer never ask of its tax-paying lab and the electronics depart- parents. If District 66 decides ment because those areas are they will provide a facility they lacking a sufficient separation. should provid~ the facllity The computer lab is an area without asking for handouts. If that has been forgotten in the fundraisers are neede'd, there recent renovations and the are many options that are betplan to spend $50,000will be a ter than asking for parental donations. good .investment.

The ''Lance" is the official publication of Westside High School, 8701 Pacific St., Omaha, NE, 68114. The "Lance" office is located in Room 122. Advertising rates are available upon request. Phone (402) 390-3339. The "Lance";s an in-house pUblication. The paper is an open forum distributed biweekly to all students 16 times a year except during vacation periods. Subscription rates to othe~ are $5 postpaid. Non-profit nzaillng rates claimed. The "Lance" is · printed _by the "Fremont Tribune," 135 N. Main, Fremont, NE 68025. Letters to the editor are welcomed. Letters should be less than 300 words in length, signed by the author, and sent to the editor or the adviser in Room 122. The "Lance" is a member of the Nebraska High School Press Association, the Collllllbia Scholastic Press Association, and the National Scholastic Press Association.

Editor-in-chief, Laura Struve. Managing Editor, Gwen McGill. Managlnf Editor, Mason Myers. Business Manager, Kim Ostergaard. Copy Editor, Mary Over· holt. News Editor, Jim Duff. Ani. News Editor, Kent Bonham. Fea· ture ·Editor, Karen Nyholm. Ant. Feature Editor, Debbie Dohmen Sports Editor, D.J. Rezac. Ant. Sports Editor; Andy Chapin Weekender Editor, Nancy Olson. Asst. Weekender Editor, Melissa Pariset, Design Editora, Jenny Frank, Jay Nilsson. Photo Editor, Evan Ho~. Circulation Manager, Michelle Jaeger. .Staff Artist, Troy Muller. Pagination Coordinator, Nick Hansen. Columnists, Jessica Sullivan, Amy Radii. News Staff, Todd Parker, Feature Staff, Allison Kohli, Cathy Pettld, Anne Wax. Sports Staff, Randall J. Hallett, Matt Fischer, Burt Cohen. Week· ender Staff, Becky Richardson. Susie Kiscoan Adviser, John Hudnall.

BACK _ TO~~-----~~



'Hollywood High' -ra needs some cleaning u I can already predict the look; eyebrows raised, '"All Night at Hollywood High," showed; but a kind of coolness coming into their eyes, sort of joke is for insiders only. The reason it's funny a bored smirk. Like they have me all figured out. us is we know we aren't a 's chool ofae:stl!:ner-dlrellltl Have I said something wrong? I hope not; all I've wearing, sportscar~driving, Yuppie jerks. But done is admit to being from Westside-- a fact that ever thought that other schools got those has never occurred to me to be ashamed of. But from us, I'd J:>e upset, and I am. lately, when meeting other Omaha high school Let it be known that Westside is not the aotnall• students at youth conferences and events that of the Stepford children. Students come from bring lots of kids together, I've noticed that the ofdifferent background~; therear'e as many Westside reputation has acquired a - certain ent interests and lifestyles here as anywhere enigma, (or should I say stigma?). Either way. it's ten percent of the kids in the district are not something I'm totally comfortable with. government-funded free lunch program, The first time I experienced ''The Loo_k" was in isn't either bad or good, it simply sh.o ws that is no generic w~...t..,LrW junior high. At that time this big orange student, especially building seemed rethe one seemingly AmyRadll mote and far away from ceived by the rest Columnist me. I was vis~tlng with Omaha. a girl from Central High I realize that this School who encouraged ~ . ception ofWestside, e ···· 'Q7 ··.:·' n .• ().::/'( . . . :.. ···:· ·. ~,., --r.::.. ..;/·=~·.. . .. ·. · :' playground for the me to go' there. "You'd .. love Central," she predicted. Then. with a trace of and privileged, is not new. How it even ortgtntate• ''The Look," she' said," besides, you just don't is beyond me to figure out. The least the admllrdll seem like the Westside type.· My little junior high stratton could do is to make Westside a nrlv..t• heart pounded fearfully. What was a West'3ide school to fit its exclusive image. The only nn'\hL,_,. type? How could I avoid becoming one? As if we is that the image is wrong. If we suddenly had don't have enough insulting stereotypes running wear navy slacks and a plaid jumper, m~st around these halls. Of course, I went on to school students I know wouldn't want to go here ~n-VWl• here and have never looked back.Now the impor- This reference to private schools isn't made tant thing is for the rest of Omaha to find out Prep's reaction after our loss to them in the about all the neat people who really put Westside basketball season opener is any indication. on the map. The biggest problem I can see is that our Some-friends and I went to another area high to clean up our name could l:>e spoiled by a school to attend a play a couple ofmonths ago. As souls who like to be thought of as superior we went over to a table to buy our tickets the . whatever way they can. My sixth grade teachers ·selling them asked ·us where we were greeted me gleefully a few months agq saying from. "Westside," we said, never realizing what the sixth graders were having T-shirts made that means to some people. One of them shot the said 'Westside Country Club." other one a look-- I assume we were supposedly The only way I can think ~ffor us to improve too interested in ourselves to notice. "In that case reputation is for Westsiders to be really outgo'inll there's no student discount," he joked. and friendly. but I know a lot of people who do Why would ,it occur to anyone that I Oust the already so what's the problem? average Eternally Broke Teen-ager) would have All I can say is that I hope I'm not becoming any more money to spe6d' than anyone else just espresso-sipping, pop .music junkie who because of the school I go to? There hasn't been Lizw~ for breakfast. The next time you a deposit in my bank account since I lost my last someone new, tell them we have limos instead tooth. Sure, we all like to revel in our so-called school buses and see if they believe you. "image• as last year's title for the post-prom party" trouble is, they might.




Nap brings-stress r~lief Stress- defined by Webster's Dictlona:ry as strain, pressJ,lre, or tension. For some, stress is a minor occurrence that is easily dealt with. For others, it's a way of life. I'd say there's about three types of stress. That's academic, job related, and personal. I don't know of anyone who doesn't feel academic stress of some sort. Just walking down the halls in between mods can prove my point. Just listen to how many people talk about how _they bombed a really important te~t. and that it's going to kill their grade. Of course, some of this stress is uncalled for. For example a good friend of mine throws a temper tantrum if he gets anytliing less than a 97 J)ercent. The most common grade he gets seems to·be 96 percent. Personally, I'd be thrllled to get 96 percent on my homework and reports. Homework grades don't really upset me too much. I don't go into hysterics ifl get a bad grade, and I'm thankful if I pass. No, homework doesn't get to me. However, certain classes (or aspects about them) do. Math is a good example. Numbers confuse me. I'm the type of person who could add two and two and get five ... and wouldn't think twice about it. I must admit that I do feel an extraordina:ry amount of

s ame time. Work schedules also are a good source of stress. Having to close shop for three nights in a row is one of the most tiring things. There's no time for homework, frie'n ds, or even j ust relaxing. But really, job stress isn't quite as bad as academic stress. After all, if you really hate your job you can always quit and get another. It may be better, or it may be worse, _ _ _ _:....__ _...__ _ _ _-..;., but at least it's a change . .

stress when ~g math tests, not that that helps my grade any. English class also stresses me out. It's difficult for me to accept the fact that many teachers seem to believe that eve:ry word in a book has some hidden, significant meaning. I've always wondered why no one believes that maybe, just maybe, a famous author wrote something just for fun.

Jessica Sullivan



The last kind of stress seems to be personal stress. This catego:ry includes basically eve:rything-that was notincluded in the first two. Getting al.o ng with parents: that's a definite no -win situation. Sometimes it seems like they don't understand you, but you'll never be good enough, so why bother. There isn't anything else I can say about this catego:ry. I'm sure you've all got your own examples. Eve:rybody does. That's probably why there's summer vacation, Christmas break, spring break, and various other in setvice days. The teachers probably need the breaks from stress as much as we do. So, if you're really stressed out, don't wor:ry. There's got to be a day off coming up some time. And if there isn't, call yourseif in sick, go back to bed, and relax.


The only other thing about school that upsets me is this column. I never get any halfway decent ideas until the day it's due, thus making me late. I don't think I've made a deadline yet. Jobs are also stressful situations. It's not easy being polite to rude people, as I'm sure anybody who works can tell you. Handling l>Q_th work and school is also hard. Sometimes the most stressful thing about working is not the job itself, but the people you have to work with, like sadistic managers. It takes a lot of patience to put up witq a perfectionist manager (who has an inferiority complex) as well as having to be nice to customers at the

Olympics, politics· mark 7988 Now that first semester is histo:ry and 1988 has it. However, in a shocking display of administrative drawn to a close. come along with me as we take a look glasnost, Principal Jim Findley and his boys let school at 1988- the year that was .. .. out at noon so students could go to Lincoln to watch the -T he year itself began on Janua:ry 1, but to Westsid- state tournament game. ers, our year began August 24. It was on that day that Once the memories offootball season were )o~ked up we traded in our suntan lotion and water-skis for for another year, all eyes turned to Election '88. This pencils and paper only to enter the hallowed doors of was the year that more Westside students than ever WHS, to discover that things really hadn't changed all strutted around with campaign pms looking as if they that much. really knew what all this political stuff really meant. Westside still had more cheerleaders than athletes, Westside also gathered some valuable local televiand there were still only four persons to a table in the sion air-time when ex-senator Dave "We need fewer Social Studies IMC. Sure, there was construction farmers" Karnes and Bob "Help me find a wife, I want to where the "handball courts" use to be, but its regular run for president in a couple years" Kerrey stopped by occupants soon found the cafeteria to be a more than for a mod and effectively dodged students' questions. sufficient substitute and the • I can only think oftwo good - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , t h i n g s that came out of last administration assured eve:ryone that the construction year's election for Westside Kent Bonham would soon become more students: Dan Quayle; he assistant news / thananeye-sore,andthenew sprang hope into the hearts of Strength Complex would be the many Westside students editor finished in a month. wh_o were cruising along at a On television. in between steady 1.5 grade point aver1 1 commercials, the Summer age, that maybe they. too, Olympic Games in Seoul, South Korea were in the could become the second most powerful man in ~er­ national limelight. I do~ 't know, but the only thing that ica. kept me glued in front of the 1V was the hope of seeing And ~though consetvative Republicans kept control a horde of crazed Korean college students start a riot of the White House, the Democratic tag-team of Bob and h~rl tear gas in B:ryant Gumbel's lap. Sure, the Kerrey and Peter Hoagland took Nebraska, and should medals and pageant:ry of the Games. are all fine and be enough to keep Westside'sAPHisto:ryteachers happy · dandy. but as far as excitement goes, I'll take a few car for' another couple of years. I bombs over synchronized swiquning any day. Soon after the political hoopla died down, basketball It was about this time that Westside's football team J and its millions •of teams took center stage. With so began its 1988 Hell-Raisin' Tour. Among•Us lesser ac- many squads participating, it made practice schedufes complishments were compiling a less-than-spectacu- awfully goofy and had all three -of Westside's lar 2 -7 record, (the worst since God-knows-when). and gymnasium's jumplt:lg at all hours of the day. bringing out the worst in some ofWestside's less-thanWestside's girls' varsity seems to be off to a respectpatient fans. ' able start. and although the boy's aren't exactly firing A prime example was shown in Westside's game out of the blocks, it seems hard f01 me to think that Tom against Lincoln Northeast. Whenever our offense Hall would ever let his players be content with being would get the ball inside the opponent's 20~yardline, a only average. So now it's Janua:ry, 1989 and the excitement upon group of discontented parents would yell, "Kick the field-goal now, Morrissey!", or "Bu:ry the 'bone." ' the completion of ,s emester finals is a week old. But Hopefully this year's "diaper-dandies" can return perhaps the biggest excitement of the new year is thaf next year and bring Westside and its fans a well- the W~stside Strength Complex has finally opened. desetved trip to the playoffs. Its budget and extremely late arrival can best be exFor Coach Ann Royle and the Westside volleyball plained by saying it was built during the Reagan Era. 1 team, going to state has almost become old hat. Unfor- But now that it's done, will eve:ryone start the new year tl.lnately. losing in the early rounds has become as by helping the administration feel that the whole thing much of a tradition for the Warrior Women as making ~as worthwhile and use the damn thing?


e w. p o

n t

Writers -' granted' ,a ssistance



Experience is not an element missing in the curriculum at Westside. Students are getting a first-hand opportunity at professionals in the field. The creative writing class, Oust started this year), is ·~arrying on this ideal the district promotes. ; 1be Nebraska Arts Council gave the class an opportunity to ~elect a guest-lecturer to spend two weeks with them. The guest's expenses will be taken care of by the council. "This humanities group looks for people in the state who are artists, that is, experts in their field who are lr om the Midwest," Peg Newkirk, creative writing coordinator, said. This project is partially funded by the district. There has been some conflict in the selection qf the candidate. "We made a first choice already. We picked a woman by the name of Nancy McCleery. She is a <' liege-level te~cher who is famous for writing r i•ildren 's poetry. For some reason or another we can't get her," David Moore, coordinator of the artists-inresidence program, said. ' "We will be making another selection in a couple days. It is between two people," he said. ·one is a professional author from Davenport. lA, and the other is a local playwright who is responsible for plays at the Omaha Circle Theatre.· Newkirk has the option of choosing a published author any two Weeks of the second semester to carry out this project. ·. I will probably have the speaker come around the monthofMarch . That way he/she can help with the literary magazine we are starting," Newkirk said. ~e guest will work with Mrs. Newkirk and her s tlJdents in creative writing class and give them expert insight into their work," Moore said. '· ·a will give the students an opl>?rtunity to see someone who is successful." Newkirk said. ~eywill be able to talk with them and find out what it takes to be


suc::essful and what to avoid when doing it." to several places for guest lecturers. We usually get . Moore was responsible for getting this grant. He least a couple approved," he said. applied in mid-October and got the positive feedback Last year Westside. received four major grants. right before winter break. dancer from the Qniversity of California at •I was very happy and excited when I found out we came for two weeks. A folk musicail came to an "''""'"'"• got it,· Newkirk said. "I didn't think we would." tary and the middle school on a week grant to teach The~tudents who will be able to gain the advantages relationship between folk music and American of this program will initially be the , Creative Writing An architect worked in one elementary school Club, and the students taking creative writing next year, and will return this year to the middle school semester. -The students ;pJ[i'PS[iEJt;1E%\EE\ll!'!TiE\S'mSJ:W well. They also had a in the Creative Writing ' tume maker who runs Club are looking forward • • company come to a to the speaker. However, grade English large group the students in creative give a presentation writing this semester will L the costuming of a not be able to receive the ? sional play. benefits of this program." :· These students are This grant was not :,:,i ting valuable experience easily obtained. "Almost (i'i' the real world. ·Irs every school in Nebraska :, ..·· · interesting talking to has an artist-in-resi- ,.... · architect 'than dence program, and each has a chance to get)the about what they do in a book," Moore said. grant-). Private art insitutions such as the Omaha students get exposure to professionals in their Ballet. and the Emmy Gifford Theatre also apply for The district promotes U1ese programs for good these grants," Moore said. sons. "They know how important it is for stude "The competition is really stiff," Newkirk said. -"It is interested in arts to see people .m aking a living fairly exclusive. I imagine every teacher with a creative these things," Moore said. writing program applied to it." "The district has always been good at getting Moore expressed _the risk a person must make in dents this opportunity," Newkirk said. ·we have an filling out the application. "It's difficult knowing what cellent faculty at Westsld!'!. but it increases its q would capture interest. It's kind of a gamble to guess when a person from the outside comes. It expands wha,t a panel of judges will think," Moore said. vistas of students, that is, their area of visage." The newness of the program was sufficient enough 1bis is the second grant Newkirk has received to capture the interest of the council. "I wrote on the year. The Westside Foundation granted $1000 to application that this was a new class at our school and fund their literary magaZine they are doing this setne!;t that we are trying to develop a different style of writing," ter. ·we will use the money to pay for people who Moore said. for it, such as the typist, and the cost of publishing.· Moore has worked as a coordinator to get other · 'The district has been very supportive of the .:..:... L•v• artists to Westside. "About two Urnes a year we apply writing program," she said.

District finances make · merger .

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Prestige added to tournament; debate earns reputat!on Planning Is essential for debaters this week. as they prepare for the Westside Warrior Invitational Debate Tournament. The tournament will be Friday, Jan. 27, and Saturday, Jan. 28.

An important change in the tournament will be that this year it will be a Tourn;1ment of Champions [TOC] qualifying tournament. This will be the first year that the Westside tournament, or any other high school tournament in Nebraska, has achieved such status. -roc is a prestigious high-school tournament ·that only accepts entries from teams that meet extremely rigid criteria," ...... Dave Richardson, debate coach, said. There are many qualifications for becoming a TOC qualUYing tournament. There must be at least 50 teams in the championship division of policy debate and five states must be represented. Westside has received entries from schools in , Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, and Texas. Becoming a TOC qualifying tournament makes the I W'es1:sicle tournament more prestigious. The competition is more intense. Once a tournament gets a good reputation, it is easier to keep that reputation. "A reason· why we're a TOC tournament is because Mr. I J<Jichar<tson has an excellent reputation outside of Nebraska and Omaha. The debate program has become a national il ccmt~encler over the past year and has made a name for itself. people know we exist; the tournament builds on itself," Patil, Forensics president, said. _ Jhis year there is a large number of schools entered in·the "About 35 to 40 different schools are expected. about 200 individual entries," Richardson said. To accommodate the high number of entries, championdebate rounds will be held at the Community Education ,_.··~•·~- The other divisions, novice, Junior-varsity, Lincoln..,......,.,,a.,., and speech will be held at Westside. for the tournament usually starts about two I I!Wee}~s before hand. The entire debate team is needed to help the tournament. Housing must be provided for debaters don't live in the Omaha area. The schedules must be out, and the first debate rounds have to be set. Teams to be registered, and team entries double-checked. have to be hired and paid. Running the tournament a great deal of stress on the debate team. "Se much time is spent working before, during, and after tournament, it's really hard because it is so many hours," .,_, __,_ Davis, Forensics secretary, said. Unfortunately. the debaters who are competing don't make easier. -rb.e debate tournament is an administrative that no one wants. It is a lot of people who care vexy about tqe sacredness of the building and our time. They evexything to be made vexy easy for them," Patll said.

sch,Pitt . mUSIC

centers 7355 Dodge St. Omaha. NE 68114 · 40~/391-5588

Under the spotlights Spencer Robert, (10), and Kevin Schicker, (12), rehearse for 'The Teahouse of the A>.'.-

gust Moon."

Schicker stars



Purdy. and Robe rt portrays his Okinawan interpreter. The play will be performed Thursday, Feb. 2 through Saturday, Feb 4.

'Teahouse' to be performed Novice actors step into spotlights


he stage is set for another Westside drama production. The next production, -rb.e Teahouse of the August Moon," will run from Thursday, Feb. 2 through Saturday, Feb. 4. The play is a comedy about the United States' occupational forces in Okinawa, Japan after World War II. The leads for "Teahouse of the August Moon" are to be Kevin Schicker, (12), as Captain FishY: Spencer Robert, (1 0}, as

Sakini, an Okinawan interWestside has two productions preter; Mark Carroll, (12}, as left for the 1988-89 season. Colonel Purdy; and Doug These are the summer musical HolTman, (12}, as psychiatrist. "Grease" and another producCaptain McLean. ·t ion slated for April. That April This is the fu;st time Westside production is "The Women." It is has put on -rb.e Teahouse ofthe an all fe.male cast and auditions August Moon." Forty-five stu- are beginning,today after school. dents auditioned for 20 male Auditions for "Grease" will be roles and ten female roles. It is held the week ofMay 15 and the being student directed by Tracy production will be In July. Mueller (11}. · Tickets for "Teahouse of the Most of the leads in ''Tea- August Moon" are $3 for adults house" are performing in their and $2 for students and senior first school play. citizens.

Weight room. complete;

Lewis seeks donations With the completion of the Strength Complex falling behind," Lewis s~lid. "We need to compete and its grand opening this week, students are on the same level,, and in order to do that; I feel that we need a first class set of weights." anxious to use the facility. Lewis has sent letters to the parents of After the opening. however, the complex will · eJCP-erience further additions to bring it totally up- West~ide athlete'S asking for donations. Westside-paid $25,201 for the equipment that to-date. More funds are needed for some final has already been delievered and is in place. Lewis weights and equipment to be added. -rb.ere are always limitations on funds. We hopes to raise an extra $10,000 for final installknew we would be all but short on putting weights ments through help from parents and friends: Lewis initiated the project without a request in," Jim Tangdall, superintendent, said. "To have a complete, full, state-of-the-art Strength Com- from the administration. "This is his [Dr. Lewis's] project,· Ron Huston, plex. more weights are needed." In order to see that the weight room reaches athletic director, said. "He volunteered to raise that stage, Jack Lewis, parent and board of edu- 'the money of his own accord." The facility, which Lewis estimates as costing cation member, has started a fund-raising drive to purchase the rest of the equipment necessary · the district half a million dollars, is open to students. alumni, and starr. It will be accessible to complete the facility. "I feel that with Burke, Central and Prep getting during the summer as part of the fitness program ahead in the weight-training areas, Westside Is the school offers.

IN-BRIEF Peers to go bowling


Part-time dishwasher after school and Saturdays. >




Peer Advocates will be sponsoring a bowling party Saturday, Jan. 21. The party will be held from 12:30 p.m. to approximately 2:30 p.m. at West Lanes Bowling Alley, according to Heather Biga, (12}, vice 'president. The cost will be $1.35 per line. All members are invited to attend. "It's a good group activity tha~ gets the wh ole club involved," Biga sa id. -

DECA challenged The Westside Distributive Education Club of America, (DECA}. will compete in the annu al DECA-Metro competition at Bellevue West High School from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.. Saturday, Jan. 28. This year Westside, who sent five students to national competition last year, will try and

produce more champions out of the 40 entered in this year's Metro competition. "The competition gives first timers an idea of what DECA is all about," D.J. Rezac, (12) , said. LastyearTheresia Urich, (12}, placed second in state a nd In the top ten at nationals. Urich will be a repeating hopeful for this year's meet also. ...-

Principal concerned Concern over litter in the cafeteria from the two s tu dent pop mach ines and one j uice machine h as prom pted Jim Findley. principal, to propose a challenge to students: stu den t involvement in the day-to-day operation of the pop machine. "It's a real mess down there in the cafeteria. I have had supervisors being forced to clean u p pop cans and spilled pop and I want this to · · stop," Findley said .

Competition for student-s makes .f or departments to 路implement .... -~

Continued from page 1. Anew The department head's concern inmer.faculty or courses, both for enrollment in elective courses has education. "The fewer made introducing a new course a courses we teachers to more ~elective process. academically really hard to "Prior to declining enroll-._ make three or Nelson said. ment, enrollment in electives was not nearly as much of a concern because we weren't vying for the same students all of the time. Since we've, ~reedona

had declining enrollment, we've had to do that," Findley said. "There is no doubt that the adding of new courses in this school is much less favorable than when we were growing as a district. and it's primarily because of declining enrollment," Nelson said. The limited number of teachers makes the possiblities of adding new courses even slim-






difficult coUrses


value anymore and take it out." Offering the best courses in order to lure more students into their respective departments has caused competition among teachers, Brown said. MAlmost every teacher here feels so strong about their subject that they believe evecyone in the school should take it," Brown said. "There is competition with one another for courses, and who can offer the best course that students want to sign up for." MWhat we have to be careful of is that we're not just protecting our oWn turf. We have to be open-minded enough when new courses are presented to us to really weigh the benefits and not just look: at our own department," Anderson said. Mit's hard to do, but I think it can be done." The competition for quality courses is positive for ed.u cation, Findley said. MEducation has be_en criticized nationally for simply adding courses and never t;aking a look at what should be done away with," he said. M I think we are going through a much better critique of courses than we have in the past. I'm not sure that we've done that as well as we are now." Findley said that the curriculum of some departments will undergo a re-evaluation by members of the working world. The updating of objectives and materials will be partofthe evaluation.

in," Joan said. Min that if you you have is not of

· "The English, business, and home economics departments will. begin a process of taking a total look at what they do," he said. "The wheels are turning from various areas to really take a good solid review of everything."

• dvanced · life sc1ence cours,e still a dream "There's nothing wrong with the program going Cof ee grounds aren't t e only things thrown ahead on a less formal basis." This could include out at the end of department head meetings. having students register for independent study Recently an effort was made by a group of through the science department on their own. students, and endorsed by the science departFindley feels that district constraints are not ment, to start a new science course to be part of putting dampers on innovative education. but next yea(s elective course offerings. Why and that the Project Science course could not be how it was refused illustrates many of the ongo- passed. "That sort offlies in the face ofindepending changes in the district. · ent study," Findley said. MMy experience is tqat "It started with a group of juniors and ended the department heads will consider merits of the with a ·petition of 40 students who wanted an course above anything else. I disagree with the advanced class in life science," Don Wisch, sci- message that we won't add an elective." ence instructor, said. "They came to me and I Findley said that with existing courses in referred them to Dr. (Jim) Findley (principal)." biology, zoology and physiology, he feels kids Eventually the idea for the course came in compete well in · the life sciences beyond front of the science department, who supported it. ''The department w-as vexy in favor of the proposal and deThe drawback is if science· cided it would be a lab-oriented class called Project Science and involve all the teachers in the department whose expertise was needed," Wisch said. A formal proposal was drawn up and presented to the department heads at a meeting; they rejected it. According to :. Bill Krueger, sCience department head, <., · · ·. , this h<tppened for two reasons. First, .,_ · · ' ·the department heads saw the proposed course as scheduled .independent 'i-~LdJL~l£2.:~~~~~~~~~2~\::..i~C...:::& study, since a main facet of the course was having Westside. However, some students and faculty. students work on individual projects. "The draw- see the course as necessary. Mit seems like (the, back is if the science department has scheduled life sciences program) could go further," Rod independent study, all the departments want it. Miles, (11), said, mentioning opportunities such The result of that would be an addition of staff," as research and experiments. M(Project Science) is such a beneficial program Krueger said. The second reason was that it was previously decided that no new curriculum to the higher biology students," Stephen Chadwould be added without something being wick, (11), said. MI would definitely sign up lfthe dropped. MWe wanted this to Q_e an added course _course was available." MStudents asked for a program of this type and to the curriculum, not a substitute course," teachers were willing to work with students. I Krueger said. MI think that kind of program is tremendous. wonder what direction we're taking. My feeling The big problem is the number of personnel," AI was it was time for Westside's science departGloor, math department chairman, said. ment to move into that area," Wisch said.



as There l$ ail equality eXJilre:s.c;E~ aiJicm~:-the hea<:is and the staff'memt)e:rs. . ·. "I'm always open to. new ~deas, I 11~· to see the ·department ex~sed.- We can learn a lot of things ·from each: other. . l don't think that would change If I weren't ilie departmenlt head," Norm. Choat. foreign hinguage department head, said_. . .· There are some of the department heads-that only have this year or last ·yeat as experience for being a department hc:;ad. .. , , aePartnQetltllea~ssee

As a department head, I need to contribute to keeping morale up, and alway$ being a voice. Everywhere I go I should be a voice. Bill Nelson, social studies department head


amlly, · tradition, time Togetherness, quality time, enriches importance of family relationships ~yer holiday break . Psychologists use the term "quality time" to describe the amount . of significant, meaningful time families spend together. Finding more time over the holiday season provides students the opportunity to spend "quality time" with their families. "I spent a lot oftime with my dad over the vacation," Tamera Misner, (11), said. "During the school year, I <;ton't spend much time with my family because of my school commitments. During the vacation, however, we would rent movies, go out to dinner, and spend more time together." "My family spent a lot of quality time together over the holiday," Susanne Dempsey, (12), said. "We did a lot of things with my relatives, and I had a really good time. In the afternoons we would basically do our own things, but . at night we spent some time together." As a result of the holiday vacation, students find that they have more free time, which makes their , """ ~ schedules more""'-%~~'~"~ flexible. traditions over the holidays can also cause the family to spend more time together. · "1lle holiday season is generally a time for parent-youth togetherness," Betty Nyholm, director of admissions for mental health at Operation Bridge, said. "The holidays ore a special time, and families can find time to Christmas shop, have famlly dinners, and spend tiJ:Q.e together. "I spent a lot more time with my family over the holiday," Josie Dougherty, (1 0). said. "My Pa.rents get angry because I don't spend enough time with

l - U. """' .

them on weekends during the school year. During vacation we went to see relatives and we went Shopping together." "I spent quality time with my family. even though I was under the weather," Lorraine Rogers, English instructor, said. "My grand daughter visited and we

"I would definitely say that my famil~ spent quality time together over the holidays," Sharon Davis, motherofTodd Davis, said. "I had the same time off that my kids did, so we took a brief trip to see relatives, and we saw a Christmas concert together. We spend a good amount of quality time together anyway, but I

we'nt out to lunch and dinner, had con- wouldn't have minded having more time versation, and did some things she over ·the holidays to· spend with my wanted to do. I also spent time with my family." The holidays are not a happy time for husband, so I would call that quality everyone. There are a number.of factors time." A strong student-parent relationship that COUld result in families not Spend- I is important for any family. It helps the ing more time together during the holistudents develop physically as well as days. "Spending quality time with parents mentally, and it gives them the capabilhas to be defined," Tim Evens, child psyity of becoming a part of society. "The parents' job is to act like a role · J:hologist, said. "If you mean just being model to their children," Nyhlom said. in tQ.e same household, that's true, but if "They encourage them, by getting the'ir you mean interacting in a meaningful _ . · ... · · -- child to discuss way, that -depends on a lot of factors: ~ any areas they're whether there is pressure within the Wzzt«<tECUJC~ having problems family, trauwith. Italsogives matic events the· parents a around the chance to dis- holidays, the cuss their prob- development lems." factor in the "I would hope family, and that my family holiday despent time to- pression." All of these gether over the holidays." Dave factors can Moore, music in- lead to faminot structor, said. "I lies have five kids, spending time and it's impor- together over for us to the holidays. spend time to- Although gether, espe- events likes cially ~cause we these could haven't all been also -bring a together for six family closer together. months." "My mother "I think that I spent quality was in the hospital over the holidays,· time with ·my Robyn Berringer, (11), said.. "I think it parents over the helped us spend more time together. We holidays," Todd - would always visit in the hospital and Davis, (10), said. bring her cookies that we had all made "I haven't had a cliance to talk with my for her." parents for a long time, so I was happy to Conflicts can revolve around teens get a chance to have conversations with who put their parents in second place, and their friends or peers in first. them about school and my friends."

"Teens tend to put their friends in a higher position than their parents," Nyholm said. "Ninty-nine percent ofall parents a,re interested in their child first, and their job or career actually comes next, though it may seem the other way around." A corporation called Opperation Bridge, deals with families whose schedule is so tight that they can't take time out to be with their families. "We have family meetings designed to create quality time," Nyholm said. "We discuss and plan when the family will have time to go somewhere or eat dinner together. We also sometimes include one of the students friends; it makes it more interesting, and it al~ may help the child feel more comfort·a ble." "Our --family spent a lot of quality time together over the holidays," Judy Cota, mother of Christine, (11), and David Cota, (9), said. "We did a lot of projects,like wrapping presents, shopping, and going to, or renting movies. · We would have family dinners, and we · all went to see the Christmas lights t~gether. I even wish they would have had a longer vacation. It was ~ectic at tiiiY!S, but it · was an enjoya b 1e

a n d f u n time1" "


had a really pleas-

a n t Christmas vacationw 1t h m y family. W e spent alot of time together and it was really fun. My mother and I had ·the chance to sit down and talk and spend some time together. We did alot of projects like cleaning my room and going shopping. It was a very relaxing time without school and I wish it could have lasted longer." Christine Cota, (11), said.

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Completion of 'Barbell Barn' nears To pay the price for victory, an athJete must not only work on the practice field, but alSo in the weight room. Westside's administration has helped our athletes to sweat out their bloodandgutsinanewlybuiltStrength Complex. Westside's administration paid a little price for this luxury too. This one"' though, came out of the pocket. The newIy compIeted "Power Pal ace· ~ost about $500,000 and covers 4000 square feet. Westside's Strength Complex, designed by Mr. Dave Ellis, National Sales Manager of Epply Enterprises and assistant strength coach at the University of Nebraska, is comparable to_.. Millard South's High School weight room, also designed by Epply Enterprises. Epply Enterprises is owned by head strength coach at Nebraska Mr. Boyd ,

ready to begin when the administration gives Epply. Epply is considered to be the similar to ours. best in his business. Many major uniBut, Westside went one step further the word. Millard South opted to go with free versities have consulted Epply in build- than Millard South according to Ellis. weights which are less expensive. Phase two is supposed to take place in ing their own "Muscle Headquarters.· Westside's equipment is more expenTexas A&M, which now has the larg- sive than Millard South's. Westside March or April, but it probably won't happen e s t bought until we get more cash. The pop machine money, along with funweight s e Ie c room torize draisers by the football team was used for fa c ilm a - construction and phase one. Westside expected about $20,000 in doi t y D •J • R ezac chines, nations according to Mr. Marty Kauffman among s u ch major Sports editor as the and when only about $3500 came in, the c o 1c a b 1 e plans were tripped up a bit. But nevertheless, our "Barbell Bam" is leges cross c am e o v e r here, and it's time for our athletes to become in last m a - bigger, stronger, and faster. Westside wiU gain an advantage over other spring chine, schools in athletics due to our new "Strength tomoreorlesscopythatofNebraska's. - and the hip abductic;m machine. ' If we want to be the best, it reasons Westside OP,ted to buy its machines Shack.. How much of an advantage? Time that we should learn from the best. in two phases:- Phase one included the w111 tell. We may not have the best athletic Millard South's weight room, which most functional machines, the priori- teams in the state, but we do have one ofthe ' is· nearly 4000 square feet also, is very ties of strength training. PhaseJwo is best Strength Complexes.


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10 -~ P·p ·R TS, Swim team optimistic at midway · Midway through t.he season, Westside swim coach Doug Krecklow is optimistic about winning another state title. "I'm relatively pleased about our performance in meets and tournaments. We're on schedule as far as where we need to be at this time of the season," Krecklow said. Although it might appear that the swim teams are losing their dominance of the water, Krecklow feels that the boys' team is stronger this year and has more depth. He's not sure where the girls' team· stands at this point. "I don't think we have as many top swimmers this year as in previous years," Krecklow said, "This could be attributed to declining enrollment and the amount of time a dedicated swimmer must put in." With the exception of the 'anticipated sickness and minor injuries there have been no major health problems for the swimmers, and Krecklow feels they are all in good shape, despite losing conditioning time due to the many meets. "I'm positive about our chances dut:ing the next few weeks, which is a critical period in the s~ason," Krecklow said.

Freshman squad races ·for title With two wins behind them, the freshman boys' basketball into the meat of conference play. "I've given this year's team the nickname 'the runnin' red Warriors' because were averaging nearly 70 points a game," Carl Henningsen, freshman boys' basketball coach, said. "We aren't real tall, but we are really quick." Jeff Morford, (9), has had 26 points in the last two games to lead the Warriors. "Jeff has been shooting the ball very well of late," Henningsen said. "But a lot of the credit goes to the whole team for his scoring so high." "I think that there is a good chance th~t we could win the conference championship," Henningsen said," and win the tounament. if we continue to improve." t~am literally "races"

Tough competition for cag··e rs Competing in a sport is good for a team, and the sophomore .boys' basketball team has competed well this season. · "We have a tough schedule with Northwest, and Millard North slillleft, " John Graff, head coach, said, "but I think that we will comtinue to compete throughout the season. · The sophomore team has talent this year, and a good group of players. "The team has good skills, like rebounding, and shooting," Graff said, ",and they are a good group to work with." The sophomore boys will go for another victory against Central at home Saturday, Jan. 28 at 9:30a.m.

Frosh rebound from first loss Starting off the season with a loss is not what a team is looking for, but the freshman girls' basketball team did not let' that effect them and rebounded to win their second game. The freshmen have a balanced attack this year, and have a competitive spirit. "We have a balanced team." Rick Link, head coach, said, "I am pleased with the way we are playing, and I expect us to be competitve the rest of the season." The freshman girls will have another chance for a victory against Thomas Jefferson at home, Thursday, Jan. 26:at 4:15 p.m.


GIRLS' JV BASKETBALL Dec. 14 8-39 14 8 9 WHS 15-28 5 6 TJ 2 Highlights- Kara Oestreich lead the Warriors with a career high 18 points, eight game high rebounds, and three steals. Dec. 17, 11-29 WHS 5 6 7 5-27 6 8 Lincoln 8 Jan. 5 · 5 -39 11 · 12 11 WHS 11-36 Bellevue E. 5 16 4 Highlights- The Warriors were paced by Kim Mougor, who had 10 points, as the Warriors improved their record to 3-0. Jan. 7 10-47 21 6 10 WHS 16-28 4 6 2 Benson _.., Highlights- All 12 players played extensively and 10 girls scored. Jan. 14 10-34 8 6 WI-IS 10 5-24 Ralston 8 5 6 Highlights- Robyn Dearinger led 4-0 Westside with 10 points. SOPHOMORE BOYS' BASKETBALL Dec.)7 11-60 17 17 15 WHS Millard So. 17 10 15 16-58 Highlights- Jeff Mischo led three players in

Short jumper Before the beginning of practice, Travis boys' basketball team looks forward to a Oetter. (9), takes time to perfect his shot. chance at the conference championship troAfter two convincing victories, the freshman phy.

Quimby vaults to top of standings m*:m;~!!!~;m;HM•

St. Quimby vaulted to the top of the intramural rankings with impressive victories over the pre-season numbers one and two. Quimby trounced the Mucous Membranes (former # 1) 16-26 on opening night. They then struggled tb a 42-37 victory over a talented Running Runts ball club. Running Runts kept their No.2 spot after falling to the new leader by only 5. Spaztlc Apes continued their rise to the top, while beating an unranked team by 30, despite bei11g as~esed eight

technical fouls during the contest. Pre-season leader Mucous fell to 4th after going 1-1. They are led by Rob Foral and his 16 point per game scoring average. STD. What's up With Chew, and a team that's been tearing up the girls' league Heffers fill . out the 5th, 6th, and 7th spots. All three teams own 2-0 records, but their victories are not over quality teams. Damn Georgians and Party Police make the top 10 simply on their names alone. Fat Albert and the Gang brings up the rear at 0-2, but both losses are to rated

Intramural basketball ran kings I

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0.

St. Quimby (2·0) Running Runts (1-1) Spaztic Apes (2-0) Mucous Membranes (1-1) STD (2-0) What's Up With Chew (2-0) Heffers (2-0) Damn Georgians ( 1-0) Party Police (1-1) Fat Albert and the Gang

'S ·TATISTlcs· double figures with 22 points. Dec. 29 11 . 6 15-55 WIIS 23 10-56 18 Benson 15 13 Highlights- Guy Haney led Westside with 15 points, while Benson won on a last second shot. Dec. 30 11-71 WI-IS 25 18 17 11-36 Ralston 8 9 8 Highlights- Jeff Mischo scored 13, and Doug Stave added 10 points as Westside blew out Ralston. Jan. 5 19-46 12 7 WI IS 8 12-49 10 15 Lincoln Hi 12 Highlights-. Andy Buresh led the way _with 31 points and 12 rebounds. Jan. 7 21-76 15 12 WI-IS 28 16-47 10 Bellevue E 10 11 Highlights- Jon Sindt scored 11. Chad Schroeder 10, -and Ryan Bums also added 10. Jan. 14 12-73 19 WI-IS 17 25 4-23 4 8 Ralston 7 Highlights- Andy Buresh scored a game high 20 points as every player contributed. BOYS' VARSI'IY BASKETBALL 19 21 11 WI-IS 11 11 12 TJ

21-72 18-52

WHS Millard N

12 10

WHS South

15 6

7 7 - 25 22

9 10

9-37 11 -38

18 18

13-71 18-64


WI IS 16 Bellevue E 18

7 16

15 11

12-50 17-62

WIIS Ralston

13 11

22 . 13

15 17

17-67 14-60

WHS Benson

23 11

23 15

6 7

10-62 10-43

BOYS' JUNIOR VARSI'IY BASKETBALL WHS 14 8 13 17-52 TJ 14 9 14-42 5 Highlights- Andy Peck scored 25 and Brent Newman had 10. WIIS 12 5 7 11-35 Bellevue E 5 8-26 5 8 Ilighlights- Andy Peck led all Westside scorers with 9. WIIS 11 14 13 19-57 Benson 14 17 10 11 .52 Highlights- Andy Peck scored ;24 points and Todd Parker dished off 8 assists. WI-IS 12 11 16 9-48 Ralston 6 11 4 13-34 Highlights- Andy Peck led all scorers with \6.

FRESHMAN GIRLS' BASKETBALL -' WHS 10 7 5 ' 11-33 Mission 8 6 8-29 7 Highllghts- Tanya Swisher was the high scorer with 8 points. VARSITY WRESTLING Duals WHS 32 Millard South WHS 26 Gross WHS 51 Northwest WHS 26 Ralston

31 33 24 33

Indiv!dual finishes in lnv!tatlonals North- Buccheri, 1st; Wilson, 2nd; Fischer, 3rd; Ja!xen, 4th; Grant, 4th; Imhoff, 4th. South- Buccheri, 1st; Jaixen, 2nd; Fischer, 3rd; Wilson, 3rd. · Millard South- Buccheri, 1st; Wilson, 3rd; Fischer, 5th; Ja!xen, 6th; Grant, 6th. Metro- Wilson, 1st; Buccheri, 2nd; Fischer, 3rd; Grant, 5th. FRESHMAN BOY~' B-TEAM BASKETBALL WHS 13 10-64 22 19 . Mission 09 14 02 ' 08-33 Highlights - Josh Stubbe was the high scorer with 17 points. WHS 14 10 16 09 -49 Ralston 08 11 09-36 08 Highlights- Terry Hanna was the high scorer with 17 points.'

11 /

0 The Omaha Playhouse presents "The Fantastick.s," amusical.that was recently performed by Westside Drama. The play will be presented at 8 p.m. on Thursday nights and at ' 8:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday nights through Sunday, Feb. 19. Ticket information is availible by calling 553-0800.

What's •

J A trip to Colorado is not nec!ssary for good skiing. Both frailridge and Crescent ski areas, near the Omaha area, are :>pen daily. Trailridge offers sking daily from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Crescent is open to skiers from, 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.· on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, and from noon to 9:30 p.m. on we~kdays. Both areas will be open until April.



0 The Upstairs Dinner ·Theater presents ·same Time Next Yea(' at 6 p.m. every night except Wednesday and Sunday. Ticket prices are available by calling 344-7777 and reservations are necessary.


0 Butch Thompson, a jazz pian. ist, ~ill perform at the Orpheum I



Theater tonight~and tomorrow, Jan. 20 and 21, at 8 ·p.m. Ticket price and reservation information is available by calling 342-3560. 0 ·our Town· opens tonight at

the bmaha Community Playhouse, 6fH 5 Cass. For ticket information and show Urnes, call 553~0800. 0 What's going on? Call the Omaha Events Hotline at 4446800 for events in and around the Omaha metro area.

Center stage will present "Master Herald of the Birds" starting Friday, Feb. 3. Ticket information is available by calling 733-5777.

With Crips, , Bloods, do we really .need local skinheads? Erin Conboy Weekender Columnist


0 Westside Drama will present 'The Teahouse of the August Moon" Feb. 2, 3, 4. Ticket prices are $2 and will be available at the door or at the book~tore. ·

The · Omaha Symphony's "Bagels and Bach" series continues Sunday, Jan. 22, at the Josyln Art Musuem. The doors open at 10:30 a.m. and music begins at 11: 15 a.m. 0



piece of filmmaking that .has come out in years. Clive Barker, the so-called new master of horm.i.tJrmm,;:m;~~Dm~·.ttt:iii!i:::tB"Rm ror, has a serious misfire here. This film will Two thumbs up by Siskel and Ebert and _appeal only to those people who live to see the numerous positive, raving reviews later, the film human body mutilated. . ·working Girl" will definitely hold its own in the The story revolves around the daughter of running for·-the top 10 films of the year. the man who went crazy in the first rum. She is The story is an update of the traditional seelting psychiatric help and the head psychiawomen's-lib, little girl wants all and wow, strikes tris.t is a nut himself. He does horrid experiit big story. Melanie Griffith plays Tess McGill, a ments on a number of unfortunate souls who he headstrong, yet somewhat shy and confidence keeps locked away in the basement of his hoslacking, Wall Street secretary. Tess does not pital. One example is a man who is trapped in want to serve or wait for her break and decides to a strait jacket and the doctor has put maggots in take on the big boys (and big girls) of business. it. Pleasant stuff. Tess' ideas put her in conflict with her fastFrom the first film we know that there are paced, smooth boss Catherine Parker (Sigourney several boxes that open the gates of hell. Of Weaver), ~nd in love with mergers and acquisi-· course, the doctor collects these with the help of tion's specialist, John Trainer (Harrison Ford). the last movie's villianess, whom he brings back Coincidentally, Trainer is Catherine's lover from to life by killing about 20 or so people. " If this sounds confusing, don't be annoyed, whom she is anxiously awaiting a marrtage proposal. Catherine does not have a huge role in the and don't go to this movie. What is explained rum, thou~h. due to a skiing injury- an injury aboye is only the first half of the film and after which gives Tess the chance to shine, . that the main characters go into hell. Tess is required to take on many of Catherine's This movie was extremely pointless and the responsibilities and in doing so discovers Cather- biggest waste of $4 I have ever seen. Wait until ine to be taking credit for Tess' own idea. Tess it comes out on video ca;;sette if you need to see uses her anger, brightness, and wits, along with it. I won't even tell you where it's playing. l(you a bit of femininity, to impersonate her boss and want to waste your money, you can find the put together a multi-million dollar deal with theaters yourself. Trainer and a separate corporation, Trask Industries. Of course an intimate bond is formed between Tess and Trainer along the way. However, the battle is not over- Catherine recovers and . may joins the race once again, using her power posi- ·Ram Man," too much ·good" has been said tion in an attempt to put Tess back into the about the film, In actuality this is not true. Too may compliments about this spectacular movie secretarial pool. · Griffith's performance is pure pleasure to ar~ not enough. watch. The movie is packed with style, wit, ·Rain Man," starring Dustin Hoffman and romance, at:ld high spirits. One cannot help but Tom Cruise, is a film about an autistic savant be happy for Tess' well deserved business and and his not-too-understanding brother as they romantic success. A film for the business execu·- make their trip across the United States on thetr tive or the true romantic, ·working Girl," rated way to California. The story begins with Charlie Babbit, (Cruise), hearing the news· that his ~R." is currently showing at Q Cinema 6, Indian father has died and has left his $3 million 'Hills 4, and Southroads 4 th\aters. fo:ctune to an unknown heir. The heir tum~ out to be Raymond Babbit, (Hoffman), Charlie's 'brother he never knew he had. The story is moving, and enlightens the lR.m•:SM ! * **l~E~fJt~i audience about autistic behavior. Cruise and And the Oscar for the absolute grossest and pointless movie goes to,.... Hellhound: Hellraiser . Hoffman both play fantastic roles. They are two of America's best actors appearing in a great II." ' . Yes, folks, this movie is the most pointless movie. ·Rain Man" is playing at Cinema Center, and Westroads 8. It is rated "R."

'Working Girl' pleases

'Rain Man:' s

I thoug~t my dad was the greatest thing on earth until his hair started thinning out. Maybe that's why I don't like the skinheads. I obviously have some sort of fixation with hair. Actually when I hear the name, I don't think of neo-Nazis who broke Geraldo Rivera's nose. I picture Curly from the "Three Stooges." But there is a big differeoce between the two. Curly is just a fat guy who gets beat up a lot. A skinhead is one who beats up others when provoked. He's not fat. he's .bald. I read in the ·world-Herald" that there are two different groups of Skin Heads. The anti-racist, and the racist. The racists are prowhite, and anti-everything else. They're kind of a hairless Nazi youth, or klansman. · The anti-racist, like the racist, are white supremists, but they .tolerate other races. Both are patriotic. I'm not a civil rights activist, but when I read that the Omaha Police Department has taKen pictures ofinost of the skinheads and is keeping the pictures on file, I was disturbed. The police are even having them watched for potential violence. My constitutional conscience was screaming at me. This presents a situation that probably has Thomas Jefferson doing flips in his grave. I feel that the police department is enfringing' upon their rights .. True, skinheads in Los Angeles and in Missouri have been causing trouble and racial violence. And in Portland, .OR., a man was killed by two skinheads. But supposedly they've been here for several years and there hasn~ been are complaints before. In fact, they originated in fhe '60s. I beginning to believe they'll being having the Girl Scouts watched next. ' I really don't feel comfortable with these guys. In fact they down right scare me. But I'm scared of mice too. They've been around for years, but I'm not living in fear of them; I wonder if I shaved my head and happened to listen to punk music, would the pollee have me on file too? · People should just ride this out. or accept the fact that for some reason these people have strong beliefs. That can't be changed. Right now they're basking in the limelight, but who says it'll last? · Groups like the Ku Klux Klan are still around today and it's good because people should be able to see through their warped philosophies. Without the KKK and the neo-Nazi's people would tend to forget about things lik~ the Holocaoust during World War II. This,seems like a phase groups and gangs are going through. I think this could prove to be an embarrassing experience for the police department too. I think there are other groups who have more potential violence. We still have the Crips and the Bloods ' around, I 'd worry at>out them a little more.


'He·llraiser II:' 'pointless'

2553 Leavenworth 342-3821


Health co.ncerns send students to Sport~ clubs /

Clarkson Hospital More and more students are becoming provides a free concerned about their health not to Health and Wellness mention their appearance. Health and program for anybody fitness centers are the place to go. ' who wants to get in Following the new year's resolutions stushape and stay in dents are starting to look at fitness centers shape. "The Health and for help. Wellness program According to Monique Henry, manager of believes that prevention the Mademoiselle on 140 St., the main is just as important as reason most people come to these centers is cure," Peg Breen, to- feel good about themselves and to tone coordinator of the their body up," MGoing to a fitness center Clarkson Health and Wellness such as the Westroads Club is to most program, said. The Health people a social outing or a way to meet and Wellness program brings people." Jeanie Smith, employee, said. in physicians to Fitness centers have nautilus equipment. educate their free weights, tread mills and a jogging track. members on the MWe provide certified instructors to help our different ways to clients reach their goal, MHenry said. Mit is keep in shape and important to know the proper use of the stay healthy. equipment tbat you use because otherwise They suggest you run the risk of injury." Lisa Black, that people do a self physical therapist at Active Lifestyles, said. check on me:m~>e111es~ Active Lifestyles is located at The Old Mill before they go to Shopping Center on 109th and Court. those fitness cenAlpha Fitness Center really concentrates ters. ''Those on training their members. MWe want to types of promake sure our members are trained propgrams are very erly so they don't over do it," Tim Jenson, rigorous and the manager at the Alpha Fitness center on cost can be very 90th St. expensive, so you Mademoiselle and Alpha Fitnesss really need to give it Center both have diffeJent classes for those some thought before interested. MWe you obli~ . have an aer obics gate yourself class, a slimnasto a program like tics class, and an that," Breen aquasize class," said. Henry said. The average The average price of a memage of our cus- · bership at tomers is about Mademoiselle and 25, though you Alpha Fitn.ess could see one as Center are about young as 13 or as $400 i\ year. On old as 71," Henry the more expensaid. sive side are AcAt Active Lifetive Lifestyles and styles, besides The Westroads the normal fitClub. M A memberness training they ship at Active Lifealso believe in styles will cost teaching their about $600 a clients about nuyear," Black said. trition and a The Westroads proper diet for Club has an initial their lifestyle. fee of $700 and a MWe have regismonthly fee of tered dieticians $49. available. They Though these teach classes that fitness centers peprovide informariodically have• tion on nutrition specials, they tend and' even classes to be kind of expenthat help you sive for the average learn how to deal student. Mlf I with stress." wanted to belong "The Westroads Club is a private club · -to a fitness center it would be that has a complete fitness and recreational something I would have sports complex," Smith said. MOur motto is to pay for out of my that the Westroads Club is 'In a class by own pocket." itself.' We have a basketball court, a tennis Suzanne Dempsey, court, and a volleyball court which most fit(12,) said. Mlf you ness centers don't have.· Smith said. have the money At Trim and Tone they use a toning go for it, but if table to get customers in shape. ~e you don't customer lays on a moving table and resists simple exercise the movement of the table. There is-no ~ at home would sweat or stress involved," Don Hughes be enough," manager of Trim and Tone located on I 20th Lisa Andrews and said.

pen forum to answer concerns .on code to the presentation of the code of conduct for activities, the student body asked for an forum with the administrators who dr~w up the to address questions and concerns about the code. Forum w1ll hold the open fo{UIIl on Thursday, Feb. mods 1 and 2. •students need to be careful of walking in and •ttacKmg the policy because nobody is on trial. I think going to be really healthy for the whole school," .ltV-rrirtd said. Confusion, about the policy arose when it was said the code of conduct is not a new policy, but is now clartfled written version of the discipline code the ll<Jmil:lls1ration has followed in the past. ~lctJlon

The "Warrior Bulletin• is distributed to students at tpe beginrting of each school year and includes regulations about conduct that the students must follow. It does not include the regulations applied to the students in the new code of conduct for co-curricUlar activities. The bulletin references situations included in the code of conduct, but limits it to situations that occur on school grounds, or during an educational function or event off school grounds. In .the code of conduct, it clearly states that the proper behavior and conduct is expected of all students, at all times, whether off or on school grounds. · "Wheri it says it's not a new policy, I think what we said was we've put down in words really what we've done in the past," Jim Findley, principal, said. ·aecause of the change in the attitude ofth~ public, we felt

we've got to let the people know we do have a code. We need to let the people know it's there even though it's invisible at times.· Findley said students w1ll receive a copy of the code of conduct in his next newsletter. The code spells t5ut prohibitive ~onduct for students in co-curricular activities and what the disciplinary action taken may be. Findley said the discipline will vary depending on the charge and the student. "We try to do what's best for the student and the fam1ly. We try to do what's best for kids in this budding," Findley said. He emphasized that the administration w1ll have to be fair and consistent when dealing with the students and although there is confusion about what the discipline may be in different cases, Findley said it will be more fair to the students. Continued on pAle 4.

Jim. tfuff:. news &dftol' "" .· . · ~., · •· . .. ....·.·. /): Urisatlsfied\\?th : fP.e · M~tation I:)Is chtldren.were ~cetving : 'frOm the lothl sch.bol dtsir.ict, state Senator Denius Baack. hto:v.ed his family froiDDti: to ·nearbyJ{imball forth~ $Chool year... ,. · :· · BaackwasWming to move to a l~ger and more diverse school · · . _district, butbeintroduce4 Leglslauream 183 in the legislature , ·in an attempttagtve parents the option ofSendingtheit children · ,·to any public sehool district. regardless of where they live. A student -would only _b e permitted one district change in their .;.nfetlme, but would be allowed to go back to their home district. The bill was heard in the legislature Monday, Jan. 23. Ken Bird, director of special education for District 66, said that several groups, including the Nebraska Schools Educational Association which represents over 19,000 teachers, testified in . favOr of the bill•. He said that the bill was introduced only for discussion; and that modifications Will be made. The bill passed it's first test ma later meeting, Monday, Jan. 31, when ,: the education committee voted 6-0 to send it to the floor ofthe . Legislature where it will be debated. Jim Tangdall, superintendent of District 66. is concerned : that an open e:nroUment policy would be unfair to taxpayers. He ', said that school districts that have per pupil cost above and below the county averages would be hurt financially. However, an amendment was adopted regarding the financial compenaa.tlon for a ,distrtct that receives a studentfrom another district 0 The new amendm.en.,twouJd set up a state fund into which the . <Ustrict that the student is leaving would. pay its average per pupU cost, and the district receiving a student would be given money equal to its per-pupil cost; If there was a shortage in :the· fund, the difference would be made up by the state. ···~ Shart HofsChlre. District 66 school board member. said that , an open enrollment policy ,_could lead to} he recruitment of •• athletes by the high' schools. She said ' that it could cause • undue , pressure on, stud~nts deciding where they want to a.ttend/' But Sen. ROn Withem of Papillion oll'er.ed an amend-.. •ment that wO:uld outiaw reci-ulUng of stupents eiiher ~thlett: cally or aeadenlically. •.• ~ack al$0 .6ffered amendments that '/ wOUld tequli~ a student who is transferring to a09ther district . to stay therefor aye:#. and would require a transfer student to ,; befinellgible.(or ath~tics ~or 9() days. . )\. 'Ihe' earli~tthe bi.n coUld be.lritplemented would be for the miniature cars shown in the auto show class. Mark Ermellng, U2). studies t11e S. C. . · ·• 199()1. 1991 ~hool year. The bUl would require all distrlcts in Monday, Jan. 29, weren't just regular 94, one of the many cars displayed in the loge. d;be s~te to Participate in .the prdgram. · 'lhe Omaha Public They were aerodynamically designed . There were contests f.Qr most original, best de- SCboo(Dtsttict woid.d be able to.eontrol transfer-students both members of the Principles of Technology signed, most realistic, and best over,all car. : ~ and' riu~. due to tt'S':cotirt-prdered desegregati()n plan. . . ..




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Balancing love life, school, job~ takes time and effort adole.s cent psychiatrist, said. These relationships are often conside~d time consuming to teen-agers. ·Relationships are always time consuming, but I can't think of a better way to spend time. Learning from a friend is something to keep with you in life. That's an extremely important part of growing up." LUly Stoller, psychiatrist and director of the out-patient department at Emmanuel Hospital, said. The time that couples spend together

affects their relationships. •Ifyoudon'tspend time together, then you really don't have that close of a relationship. We've been going out for a year, and we still spend a lot of Urite together," Julie Novak. (12), said. Relationships are not the only thing affected by time spent together. , •Just dating is time consuming without a relat!onship. You take a girl out on a date, and.to get along you have to spend time " Mark Wolfe, (11). said.

Students who date ·someone out of school spend as much time, if not more time, keeping a relationship working. ·1ve been dating someone from MUlard North for about five months now. It~ somewhat time consuming. You have to study, but you al§o have to talk on the phone," J0hn Fudge, (10), said. Dating is considered an important part of high school. Along with dating comes the presSure to be dating. Continued on 8.


ANCE STA.N CE Nebraska needs Baack's bill The attempt by State Senator Dennis Baack to provide more flexibility in Nebraska's educational system by allowing students to attend the public school district of their choice is a proposal that will prove beneficial to the state's educational system. The proposal is needed because it would provide a larger incentive for school districts to supply quality education to its students as well as make school districts more accountable to the public they serve. As the system is now. the only incentive to provide a quality education lies internally with the teachers' and administrators' pride in their programs. In some instances that is sufficient, but education in Nebraska could be improved with these greater incentives. Many practical problems that had to be solved before the plan could be implemented were solved in a legislative committee meeting on Monday, Jan. 30. The committee added an amendment that would solve the problems of the difference in per-pupil costs between school districts by setting up a state fund into which th~ school district the student is leaving pays its average per-pupil cost and from which the receiving district would be given an amount equal to its per-pupil cost. An amendment that outlaws both academic and athletic recruiting was also passed. With the addition of these amendments the proposal would improve Nebraska's educational system by making school districts more accountable to the public as well as providing a larger incentive for educational excellence.

Questions remain with 'Code' After several weeks of reflection upon the "Code of Conduct" policy, many questions have risen. Questions regarding how practical it is for the administration to enforce the policy. and their right to withdraw a student from a cocurrtclar activity when the student is merely charged of a crime still need to be answered. These questions have gone unanswered because the policy was a hasty reaction to the incident at Benson with two basketball players who were charged with possession ofan illegal substance. The policy could have been handled much better if the administration had examined the questions that remain unanswered. It is not too late to find those answers. The administration needs to listen to student concerns voiced at yesterday's SAB meeting and the upcoming open forum. Improvements can be made on the 'Code of Conduct' to better answer the map.y questions that remain.

Chotd: ·,·. · The Principles ofTechnology Auto Show held Monday, Jan. 30, in the loge provided an opportunity for industrial technology students to place their work on exhibit. Industrial technology is an excellent department that many Westside students are unfamiliar with and, therefore, any opportunity to display the work done by that department is beneficial. ·

· The ''Lance" is the official publication of Westside High School, ' 8701 Pacific St., Omaha, NE, 68114. The "Lance" office is located in Room 122. Advertising rates are avatlable upon request. Phone {402) 390-3339. The "Lance" is an in-house publication. The paper is an open forum distributed biweekly to all students 16 Urnes a·year except during vacation periods. Subscription rates to others are $5 postpaid. Non-profit mailing rates claim<;<!. The "Lance" is printed by the "Fremont Tribune," 135 N. Main, Fremont, NE 68025.

Letters to the editor are welcomed. Letters should be less than 300 ·words in length, signed by the author, and sent to the editor or the adviser in Room 122. The "Lance" is a member of the Nebraska High School Press Association, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, and the National Scholastic Press AssociatioJ;t.

Parking has become a concern again to Westside facu1ty because of the numerous students parking in the teacher lot. The school has failed to strongly enforce or tow students parking in the lot arid that has been a major contributor to the problem. Stronger enforcement of the policy that prevents students from parking in the _lot wou1d hel to solve the r'oblem.

Eclitor-ln.:chief, Laura Struve. llaaagint Editor, Gwen McGill. llaaagine Eclltor, Mason Myers. Bualnea• Maaater, Kim Ostergaard. Copy Eclltor, Mary Overholt. News Editor, Jim Duff. Aaat. News Eclltor, Kent Bonham. Fea· ture Editor, Karen Nyholm. Aaat. Feature Editor, Debara Dohmen Sports Editor, D.J. ~- Aaat. Sports Editor, Andy Chapin Weekender Editor, Nancy Olson. Aaat.- Weekender Editor, Melissa Parlset, Design Editors, Jenny Frank, Jay Nilsson. Photo Editor, Evan Howe. Circulation Manager, Michelle Jaeger. Staff Artista, Troy Muller, J.J. Carroll. Pagination Coord., Nick Hansen. Columnists, Jessica Sullivan, Amy Radil. News Staff, Todd Parker, Feature Staff, Allison Kohli, Cathy Pettid, Anne . Wax. Sports Staff, RandallJ. Hallett, Matt Fischer, Burt Cohen. Weekender Staff, · Becky Richardson. Mark Carroll, Susie Kiscoan. Adviser, John HudfU\}1.

Code called unconstitutional

move this policy before the abuses the student's rights. You don't know rights you have before you lose them. Let know, before we lose our rights for good! Jeff D. V09rhees

Dear Editor: The same folks that denied students the right of peacefu1 assembly and worship are now introducihg a new policy, Double Jeopardy! Yes, the Coach dislikes column same folks that brought you the destruction of _ First Amendment rights now brings you an Dear Editor: UNCONSTITUTIONAL ~code of Conduct" that is I am enclosing a copy of an editorial as illegal under the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. appe~din the Jan. 17, ~omaha Constitution! Even our presumption of inno· As a father of one child who played for cence is eliminated! years in "¥'" programs and another who is in I remember well what our principal said, ~u a third year of"Y'" sports, I felt the need to coJnnt~l· student is convicted, OR EVEN CHARGED, it on your article. may apply. It pertains to SUMMER, it pertains to As a parent who has attended every nr<ar-H..-1 ANY SEASON when a student ISN'T IN AN AC- and game these children participated in and TIVI1Y. That's how we interpret il" (LANCE, Jan. has known many "¥'" coaches and has as1;;1s~~ 20) the words speak for themselves. It is obvi- these coaches, I feel a need to comment on ously over extending its boundaries. article. Let's use myself for an example. Let's pretend, Lastly, as a parent who is co-coaching a if yo'u will, that I go to a friend's house on the · through fourth grade boys' basketball team, weekend and, for a change, ther~·s booze there. have an obligation to comment on your I pass on the booze, but before I know it; the party As I read the article through the first is ~busted" and I'm taken down to Police Head- paragraphs, I remembered an example or two quarters, and charged with ~Minor In Posses- a demanding parent and an embarrassed sion. • The school receives notification and I am I also remembered many more examples of removed from my membership in Junior Classl- tlence and care and smiles from kids ~ho cal League. In losing my membership in just been congratulated for a "good try• or a Westside JCL, I lose my position as Vice-Presi- pass. • dent of Nebraska Junior Classical League. As I read the rest of your article however, This is wrong! First of all, being charged, but found an attitude I could not agree )Vlth. I not convicted, allows the administration to re- to wonder if the writer had been to more than move you from extra-currtcu1ar activities. What game or maybe had a bad experience hirnse• happened to the presumption of innocence that The best argument I have against your "'-'1''-"'·Jalil• we enjoy in America? Secondly, the crime was is an open invitation to the writer or an not committed against the SCQOOl, it was com- minded reporter to attend one of our"¥'" baske~t• mitted against the state. So the school has no ball games. We are the Neihardt Bu1ldogs and authority in the matter. If you consider the am enClosing a copy of our schedule. school to be the ~state" then it's double jeopardy Bob Dunn and unconstitutional under the Fifth Amend- Co-Coach Neihardt Bulldogs ment. Editors Note: This letter is in reference to Th~ policy needs to be removed. Either· the column that appeared in the Friday Dec. school board must remove it, or the courts will do edition of the "Lance,· and reprinted in the it for them. I strongly urge the District 66 school - d~y. Jan. 17 edition of the Omaha "W'orJicH-!er-• board to take action now! ald.· Kent Bonham, columnist, wrote on the To the student body, I say, call or write the of YMCA coaches and their relationship members of the school board! them to re-

Politics affect spirit squads 'Iiyouts are the worst. They are smiling until you best: dancing and kicklines. At any rate, something think your face will break and doing kicks until you are should be done to clear up the catftghts. sure your legs have broken. They are learning that life I was also sorry to see that drill squad and Squires begins at 5:30a.m., ready or not. They are looking at }Vere not as closely linked as they have been in other a. panel ofjudges and begging to be noticed. But in the years. We were supposed to do a .Homecomtng float end it's all worth it, isn't it? Maybe not. together, but never got around to it. We do a lot of the 'Iiyouts for cheerleading, drlll squad, Squires, and same things and, as I see It. should stick together a little flag corps are coming up soon. Every spring millions of bit. high school girls all over the country put themselves The flag corps and girls' cheerleaders both desetve a through the agony of tryouts (Were you good enough? big "thank-you" from the st11dents here. Tlle harassHow did you look nexfto everyone else? Oh no. the ment that sometimes accompanies flag corps performphone's ringing...) for the ultimate reward--belonging ances is rude, unforgivable, and a sign of some students to a spirit group that looks really neat to them. When in our student body who could do with etiquette classes. you learn that you've made it, you assume that your The flag corps members work hard and certainly uptroubles are all over and that - - - - - - - - - - -·-., staged drill squadand Squirf?S you can look forward to a year in marching in the pre-game filled with great experiences. Am R dU show during footbctll season. Mostly you can. But what y a The girls' cheerleaders ,.are has bothered me this past Columnist sometimes the only support year is that attitude differ- · girls in.._athletics have to keep ences between and within the them going besides their own various spirit groups have .strength. The bleachers are gotten in the way of their trUe purpose: to promote bare at girls' basketball games; there are no Thirteen school spirit and to get other students involved and Clowns or anyone else to keep pep at a brealdng point. interested in events at Westside. In addition to the rou- The cheerleaders are on their own to generate energy, tines, the cheers, the signs and the flowers, isn't that and they do it well. the main idea? If anyone who is thinldhg of trying out is reading this, Planning the winter pep rally is a good example. the most impoJtant advice I can offer about being in one After a co.u ple of planning meetings had been held. of these groups is this: go in ready to give and take as a rumors started to get out that some drill squad mem- member of a group. You will see these people at their hers were up-in-arms·about the fact that the cqeerlead- very worst, first thing in the morning with Noxzema·on ers were (God forbid!) dancing at the pep rally. They their faces and the last thing at night with tired circles even thought about doing a, cheer as a sarcastic retort. under their eyes. Fighting the urge to bicker about But the issue raised some questions about the pur- meaningless things is hard sometimes, but it will pay off poses of each squad. Should a 'squad do whatever it in closeness in the groitp. feels like to get school spirit going? I don't see wha~ is Any more advice to people thinking of trying out? wrong with every squad deciding its own limits, but Sure, do it. Any one of these groups is a great part ofhigh there's a point when you're out of your territory. As a school. I just wanted to remind the members that member of _the Squires, I can truthfully say that the without silly competition and quarreling we can sure reason we've never done a flame-throwing, tightrope- have a lot more fun, and remind the rest ofWestside that walking, cannonball routine is that we don't think we'd we do work hard. And·whoever can get Warren Westside be very good at it. We tend to stick to what we know on his feet and cheering takes home the door prize.

lntramurals: Mecca for all Intramural Handball League. place we could scrounge up would Everybody wants to be a star. The only problem is that not That's rig"h.t kids, break out the be the envy of the varSity after leather, because under the guidance having to play on the wilderness of everyone can. Sunset Hillslffementary. • Each year, hundreds of of our IHL sponsor; publications Intramural Golf League. I can't WestSide students try out for a guru John Hudnall, we could prove think of a better way for Westside to sport only to get the door slammed to the administration that although keep up its "Hollywood High" image in their faces. For the refugees of ·you can take ~way tpe courts, you the basketball cut, the Intramural can never take away the magic. than to have a bunch of our stuIntramural Football League. I dents being seen walking the links Basketball League is the Mecca to in argyle sweaters and plaid pants. which they turn. Through the know that the football teams don't -years, it has become widely re- cut, but the people who clog up the Although this dream is still a, spected and has even gained the benches game after game waiting for w~ll. dream, I'm already starting to think big. With the help of busiprivilege of being featured in the a chance to play five seconds and Westside ·"Lance" each edition in weasel their way to a varsity letter ness instructor Don Johnson I'm already planning a leveraged the form of the prestigious Intramural Top Ten. ------------~ buyout of the Intramural But to the rejects of the Basketball League in 1992. Kent Bonham many other Westside sports, But that's not where it there is no alternative. They assistant news stops.There is 'huge potential for expansion teams in the are destlt!ed to a season of editor going home at 3: 10 and either other high schools in the Metro, and if I charged a $5 sleeping or watching "Love Connection"; one which entry fee for each team, I would be to the Intramural Athletic doesn't sound too awful to me, but could form their own teams and League what Donald Trump was to to someone whose dreams of being come play with us. Of course we the now defunct United States the next Michael Jordan or Don don't have the funds to buy pads yet, Football League. Mattingly have just been shattered, but I always thought pads were for Maybe the greatest thing about nine hours of Classics large group wimps anyway. my proposed plan is that unlike would seem like a day at I have ~et to think of a worthy Disneyland. those athletes who participate in sponsor for this league, but I have to school-sponsored sports, those But, I have a dream. admit, I'm leaning toward social who would play in my league would In my dream I see a whole bunch studies instructor Dick Wilson. But of intramural leagues going on if anyone's interested In the posi- - not be under the reign of Big Brother's, I mean the administrayear-round. It would be called the tion, send applications to room 122. tion's, new 'guilty until proven Intramural Athletic Leag~e. It Intramural Hockey League. With innocent' Code of Conduct for cowould be like -the "First Amend- the rising popularity of the Omaha curricular activities. ment" of Westside athletics, and I Lancers semi-pro hockey team, I can The only problem I can see nominate myself as the, well, non- feel a trend setting in. All we'll need standing in the w~y of our reachathletic director. to do is clear out the tables and ing greatness is finding 300 more With the help of the Intramural chairs in the Social Studies IMC, ice Basketball League god, Bob it over, and we'll be set. cheerleaders to cheer our teams Moscrey, who would give courses on. Intramural Soccer League. With on Intramural League Administra- the direction of the ISL sponsor; · In fact, I don't see how the tion and Management to my pro- guidance counselor and socceradministration could object to one posed sponsors, nothing could stop lover Lynn Hansen, the Intramural student's dream for an alternate sot.irce of recreation, even if I would my proposed slate ofleagues for the Soccer League should be on the ball use it as a huge ego-trip. fall, win~er, and spring. Among in no time. Sorry about ·the cliche.) It's notlike I would ask them for those already in the planning Although finding a field to play on a new $750,000 Strength Complex. stages .... , may be a problem, Tm sure any ~


EF Pre-registraion for 1989. starts Registration for the 1989-1990 school year has started with a pre-registration session with students homeroom teachers held last Monday, Jan. 30, and 1\lesday, Jan. 31. "Each homeroom advisor schecduled a time with their homeroom students on Monday and 1\lesday to pre-register for next year,• Sharon Bjomsen, guidance counselor, said. "''bis pre-registration hopefully will get students serious for next year ' in planning their course selections. Parentswere also invited and we wanted them to get involved in the process, also.· Official registration for the 1989-1990 school year will begin the third week in February, Bjomsen said.

SAB searches for"' new talent 1iyouts for Westside's Talent Show are scheduled for 1\lesday. Feb. 7 and Thursday Feb. 9 in the choir room after school. Auditions are on a first-come-first serve basis. / 'The talent show is tentatively scheduled for 1\lesday, March 7 at 7:30 p.m. Mason Myers, SAB president, said, -we are looking for anybOdy who has the guts to get up in front of the student body. We plan on having about 20 acts, but right now we need more fine arts acts to make the talent show'more well-rounded and interesting." . 'The talent show will not be a competition, it is only an exhibition. Ticket prices are $2 and concessions will be provided by Interact.


Autorama held in loge 'The stylish sports car, the jacked-up 4x4, and the camouflaged car. 'These and many more were on display Monday, Jan. 30, in the loge. The models were not in full scale, but as plaster models constructed by Westsipe's Principles of Technology class: 'The students spent anywhere from ten to 60 hours on these small replicas oftoday's vehicles. After production, the cars were put to three different tests to receive their grade. "''here is a tot,al of 300 pOints possible that can be separated into three categories, • Dave 1\lrman, (11), said. -we race them, place them in a show, and put them in the wind tunnel.· The wind tunnel Js used to measure the aerodynamics of the vehicle. 'The car with the least drag receives the most points. :

Carnations on sale


Westside's Future Business Leaders of America Club, (FBLA), will be selling sweetheart carnations Wednesday, 'Thursday, and Friday, Feb. 8 through 10 and Monday, Feb. 13. 'The carnations will be sold during school outside the concession stand. 'The flowers-will be distributed to the recipient's homeroom on Valentitle's Day,'l\lesday, Feb. 14. "It's a wonderful opportunity for everyone involved. For the buyers, it's a good way to show affection for others at a reasonable cost. For FBLA, it gives us the chance to provide a school service and to make some money for our chapter: Randy Hallett, (12), FBLA president, said. Hallett says he Js looking for another successful year of carnation sales. "It's something we do every Valentine's Day. Last year we sold over 200 at $1.25 and we're lowering th,!! Pt!ce this year.· 'The carnations will be on sale for $1 the first three days of sales, and $1.25 on Monday, Feb. 13. ·

.Students. write to TV produc;ers \

Recent television productions have attracted the interest of three Westside classes. Basic 1V Production classes wrote letters to the producers of "'IV 101," critiquing the program which depicts students producing their own 1V news show. 'The class received replies from the shoWs producers on 1\lesday, Jan. 31. Russian I and II students watched an episode of"Head of the Class" where students went to the Soviet Union for an academic competition. 'The students then wrote letters to the show's producers commenting on what they thought about the show," Mitzi Delman, Russian instr.uctor, said. . 'The students received a package from Warner Brothers studios including a reply from the show's producer and a copy of the script.

·Follow the footprints


Tracks are left behind in the snow that put full snowdays due to the mild temperatures a light blanket over the faculty parking lot Omaha has had this winter. Wednesday, Jan. 25. There have been no Photo by Evan Howe.

Students r~sponsible . to school at all times .

Continued from page 1. We want to cut it down some way and.obviously "''he real key is that people adminJster it fairly because people concerned about the MIP and that really bothers some people that schools (minor in possession) it (the policy) must be on , have that leeway. rd rather have them hazy with target, • Findley said. -ro me, the MIP is almost interpretation than hardened facts because I insignificant in that policy. We're going to have think the hardened facts are sometimes more more flexibtllty with an MIP, but I think MIP is unfair,· Findley said. _ what's hanging most kids up when they look ~t In the past, the policy has been to deal with the _ it. • students behind closed doors in meetings with 'The administration· wt11 find out about any counselors and parents to protect the student's charges brought upon a student through the privacy. Findley said they w1ll continue to deal newspaper and by word of mouth. Findley said with it in this way. that they wt11 miss some ]9.ds, but when they "''here are lots of things in this building that come across and are aware that there is an MIP kids don't know about other kids that we take care or other such charge, they will deal with it. . ofwith meetings. Nobody knows about it, but they 'The main gtst of the code is that the students are disciplined,· Findley said. have a responsibtllty to the school on or offschool Clarifying the new code was not only to make grounds at all times. If a student in a leadership the public'and the.students aware that there is a . position, or in another club or sports activity in disciplinary code, but also to address the problem ' the school does get charged with anything that is ofteen-agedrugandalcoholabuse. Theinclusion considered prohibited conduct, they shouldn't of possible disciplinary action for possession ·of be in that activity if they can't properly represent alcohol is p;u:t of the effort to stop it. it. "Efforts at curtailing student drinking, and the -what the public is saying is that there's a change in a~titude of the public right now in my responsibtllty to the school any time. We're opinion is fairly clear. 'There's more and more of responsible to the .student and the student is an effor~ to say we_don't want students drinking. responsible to the school,· Herring said.


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_Keeping in step

Winter band conceit to be h~ld

Business department· seeks advice . from local coinpanies· on curric,u lum tor. ·.:. -.......· (advisory committee's) job is strictly to give us Keeping In step with the business world is ideas which we can accept or reject." one objective the Westside business depart"An advisory committee is s6melbing that all ment has emphasized. schools are encouraged to do. This Is the Help is coming In the form of the Business second time in five years we've had one at Advisory Committee. ~e Business Advlsoxy Westside, • Anderson said. Committee is a group of businessmen from the The business department's concerns go beOmaha area who work with faculty members yond just making sure that their curriculum Is to evaluate the curriculum In each of our keeping up with what's needed past high courses,· Joan Anderson, business departrilent school. "What we'll be asking them is whether head, said. we're really helping; from the high-achiever to The advisoxy councU met with teachers and someone who may be c3Iled an "at-risk" stuadministrators Tuesday, Jan. 24 to discuss dent. their objectives. "It was really more of an Anderson said she Is pleased with the memorientation than anything else. We just all bers of this year's advisory committee and feels Intr-oduced ourselves and spoke a little about · they will do a good job. "They are a very imwhat we would like to do, • Anderson said. pressive group of people, from the businesses The main objective of the Business Advithey represent, to their personal achievements. · I'm looking forward sory Committee, Anderson said, is to what the~ have to say." to keep the busiThe use of the ness department's Business Advlsoxy curriculum Committee goes current to what is beyond just keeping happening In the the curriculum up . world of business. to date. It also "What we're 0 N.P. Dodge Management serves another looking for them to purpose. "It's good Company do is to look at public relations for what we're bying the school and the to do and say, business depart'Hey, the students .0 Dain Bosworth ment because we're need to know this, actually getting or 'they don't need first-hand views of . to know this,'" AnWoodmen the World · what to do. I think derson said. they'll be very Anderson said pleased and surshe doesn't expect 0 Union Pacific prised at what we're the advisory comdoing," mittee to suggest Both business too many changes. 0 Connecticut Mutual Instructors agree "Basically, I expect ..___ _ that the Business them to say we're Advisory Committee right on target will be good for the department and .the stuwith what we're teaching. I'll be surprised If dents taking business courses. they suggest major changes. I suspect that Johnson would encourage other departments they'll find our teachers to be up to date." to participate In similar projects, although he The Business Advisory Committee's suggesunderstands that In many cases, it may not tions are not taken lightly. "We had them apply. come two or three years ago and they helped "Business is an area that changes conus get some of the things we wanted down stantly. Therefore, schools must keep In close here, • Don Johnson, business Instructor, said. touch with the business community In order to Past suggestions by the committee have be current," Ann Royle, business InstructOr, spurred the business department to add two said._ , new courses; Computer Software Applications, The business advisory committee will come and Business Communications, and the advi- · next week for the second of it'!!! three meetings with councU made numerous suggestions for the business department and school administrathe.department's computer labs. tors to discuss their Initial observations. Johnson said that the committee is not Anderson said she hopes the use- of the advl~ used to lobby the administration for things that the business department wants. ~elr sory committee can become an annual affair.

Firms represented by the Business Advl$ory Committee




s The 1989 Winter .Band Concert, being held In Westside's Auditorium, will add the Westside Middle School's eighth grade band along with the Westside Symphonic Band and the Warrior Band. · "This is not the first concert that we have performed with the eighth grade band," Roger Groth, Westside band Instructor, said. "But this Is the first time we have performed her~ (at Westside) with them." The concert which will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 7, at 7:30 p.m., will feature the music of John Williams as part of the performance. The performance is scheduled to last about one hour.

Cable production merits· award Westside's cable production class took third place In the International Student Media Festival for their production of"The Making of Westside Wire," a news program that showed how a typical edition of Westside Wire is produced. "Last year we had an exceptional Westside Wire crew. One day they said, 'Why don't we just do a show on how we produce the show' and I really encouraged them," Willo Boe, cable television sponsor, said. ~is was almost like producing a documentary. Normally we sit down and decide what news stories we want to run, but this time it was more difficult to pick out what we wanted to show: Boe said.

Z-Ciub holds fund-raiser In salute to the upcoming Valentine's Day celebration, Westside's Z-Club will be holding a .fund raiser for the benefit of the Children's Museum. On Tuesday, Feb. 14, (Valentine'$ Day), from 7 p.m.-10 p.m ., the Westside Z-Club will help check coats, serve chocolate deserts, and help with other odd jobs at the "Chocolate Decadence" at the OPPD building on 16th and Harney. Chefs from across Omaha will help make chocolate desserts for everyone. A few of Omaha's more prominent citizens are going to be Invited to attend as well as to help in the cooking of the~ts. •

Committee evaluates ·Alternative Westside's Alternative school is currently under review by a . committee that will decide the {uture of the school and any changers that may need to be made iii its operation. Ken, Bennett, counselor and committee member, sald, 'We have had a committee that, since September, has been meeting twice a month to discuss the future of the Alternative School. whether we need to make any changes In It, its location, and its

goalS. 'We are at a. point now where we're ready to make recommendations (to Jim Tangdall, superintendent,)" Bennett said. The committee iS made up of: John Crook, dean of boys; Tim Evans, district psychologist; Joan Anderson, business department head; Joan Mactier; home economics department head; Peg Johnson, dean of girls; Dick Lundquist. guidance department head; Rozy Warder, Alternative School director, and Bennett. The committee also is discussing what curriculum should be taught to studentS who are at the Alternative School. "Y/e've spent a lot of time talking about curriculum that should be taught to st.udents ~~o ~ at risk. Should it be the same as Ute nroma1 high sch?Ol cUrriculum? That's what we ~ant to ~d out," Bennett said. The recommendations of the cpmmittee will be given to Tangdallin approximately one month. ·










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<Friendships 1n jeopardy; :.:break-ups ultimate test .·.

····.:- · ~ammm~nn~!M· ~~.us We can still be friends' may be the most dreaded phrase at the end of any high -school relationsl;lip. However, memories of the past may linger and make this peace-offering difficult, or impossible to achieve; even if it is said with good intent. · After the romance has dwindled, students fmd themselves trying to salvage any feelings t):lat could remain. Friendship is the one most sought out. After having a relationship that was more than •friends only," it may be an awkward and difficult task. •At first it was just full offighting, but now we're still friends ," Darci Johnson, (9), said. ·Sometimes it depends on who the person you were going out with was," Troy Myerson, (10), said about re-establishing a friendship. •Right away you might not be friends with that person, but after a whUe everything's OK," Myerson said. Some students feel that after experiencing a =:·: ·. long-term relationship, it is necessary to be friends ·. ··with them. ·rd have to be friends with the person ·.,_:,,: :::rm going out_with now," Rob Farris, (11), said, ·I ::==::. ,: couldn't stand not to. I'd always have feelings for · · her." ·I guess 1t would kind of depend on the situation: how we broke-up," Michelle Patterson, (11), said. ·sut, my boyfriend right now is like my best friend, and I can tell him anything. so I think because we're so close now we could become friends again," Patterson said. Feelings can get in the way during this process, and not everyone can forget the past and be ready for friendship. ·Even though I still felt something

for them, I'd seem to have to act like I didn't them and want to be friends with them," ......, ... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,:,::~ Robino, (11), said. Starting up a friendship after a serious ....."u'Juship might not be on everybody's minds at first. wouldn't totally hate her, but I wouldn't really able to talk to her," Kevin Culver, (11), sale+ dis cussing the possibility o( a friendship. ·a'ut, guess after a while I'd be able to talk to her and friends with her," Culver said Friendships are not the only things r~ ..."trnn••rl ':· when a relationship is over. Self-esteem can .. ruined, and is often harder to regain than a friend ::·= :=._-:. iiidll¢ ship. ~~~-~~PJ' ·Irs the theozy of the looking-glass self," Johns, psychology/ sociology teacher, said. getideas about ourself from feedback from particu4rrly a significant person in your life, as a boyfriend or girlfriend," Johns said. The feelings of rejection after a break-up caJnf'!'?::K lead to a lowering of self-esteem in some people This factor can be determined by the exact of the situation. ·one feeling after a would be rejection," Johns said, •this in tum lead to low self-esteem in some people." After a break-up, a person may feel unloved, this with the factor of rejection, has a great ence with self-esteem. ·u determines how we are, Johns said.


Self-esteem is not completely ruined. help of experience from other relationships, it can be regained. As they say... time heals all wounds.

Society 1ncreases sexual pressures .for adolescents sur~ felt by students; but some people knowledgable on the subject believe the media adds to this pressure immensely. ·commer- . cials, movies, television, and music all seem to add to the pressure by inaccurately portraying :....: For some adolescents, lines like these may a sexual incidence without consequences ofdis- .:·'·' : . :,'·,:,; sound familiar, but to others they are just a few ease or pregnancy," Ballinger Said. :· · ..· :, of the many heard at a time when adolescents A fact sheet provided by Planned Parenthood : >,: are faced with the pressures of having sex. supports this theory by stating that American .. ·.· "1be pressures on teen-agers today to have viewers are exposed to 20,000 sexually sugges''/(i:: sex has absolutely increased," Jean Ann Ballin- tive comments or scenes of suggestive sexual }/=:::=:: ger of Planned Parenthood's education depart- intercourse in the course of one year. The ment, said. "Although they've always been · majority of these scenes often present ·an exag..,:::=::::: pressured, today's society is more open when gerated picture of sex or avoid showing the : ·:·:) addressing the subject of sex which causes consequences that sexual activity can bring. · .:·. ' more teens to be curious aboutit and therefore, Although teen-agers feel the pressures to :.,:, :,:.-:·.: puts more pressure on them to experience it." have sex, many tend to agree that knowing \):(': Peer pressure has been reported as having a (/?::' great influence on the choices of today's teen to :''::)?,:- engage in sexual activity. "1be pressure peers : :~::/=\ have on one another is significant. If friends ,'-::::::7 aren't having sex, peers often develop an atti..:;:::.,:· tude of 'what's wrong with you,'" Ballinger said. :':'·:; The results of a sutvey given by Louis Harris and Associates tend to agree with this reporting that teens feel social pressure as one ofthe chief reasons many of their peers don't wait to have sexual intercourse. The results stated girls (28 consequences does cause them to be more percent) often feel more pressure than boys (21 responsible when making the decision to have a percent) togofurtherwithsexthan theywtshed. sexual relationship or not. 'They (teens) know Students feel the pressure peers put on a that it's not cool to have a baby at this period person has a lot of input when making their their life, and, therefore, are more careful in':·. '· decision to be sexually active or not. ·Friends making their decision to give in to the pressure." have a lot of influence when someone is choos- Judy Lundquist, counselor at Operation ing to have sex or not," John Seaman, (12), said. Bridge, said. The pressures on teen-agers may be ·Soc.i ety has given young people the message that you're cool if you have sex." intense than in the past. but many feel with the '· . · Students also seem to feel that more pres- education and knowledge about sex and it's· .... ::\:,::. :·: sure is put on boys than girls to have sex. "More consequences students won't give in quite .. .:':.... boys feel pressure than girls because guys like readily. "Kids are now more respons;ble be,...:.-.::==t: to sit around and talk about their latest concause they have been taught the consequences / · of sex. More teens today have started :·."::··: quest." Seaman said. birth control and that proves they are cuu<...::ucu "Guys definitely have more pressure on about the subject," Ballinger said. ·Because the students use this education, themselves," Jamie Brown, (11) , ·said. ·cirls don't feel they have to prove themselves to any- the occurance of sexual encounters should one like guys do." · crease. Sex will still happen, but hopefully Peer pressure may be the chief type of pres- as much, Lundquist, said.

' "Oh. come on. it's no big deal. Euerybody's dotng it." , "I love you, and if you loved me, you'd be willing to prove it." -

: <:':


Long road ah~cid


Three ganles separate Warriors from d_istrict play


With three games left on their u le , t he boys' varsity basketball team is now s tarting to think about district and their chances for a state berth. Tom Hall, head coach, said, ·winning our district won't be easy, especially since we would be the fifth seed right now." If the team ends up being the·fifth seed in the district, the team would have to wiri three games to win the title. With three ranked teams in their district, it will be even harder to .win it. Kevin Atkinson, (11), team member. said, ·we're in a really tough district with Bellevue WJ!st (ranked No. 5 by the 'World Herald"), Benson (No. 9), Papillion (No. 10), and Central." · Despite the competition, the team is confident. Atkinson said, ·~f we put things together, we'll do OK." Hall . agreed, •If we shoot well and play hard, can play with anybody." Although the team has a 6-7 record, Hall says he's pleased with the season. He said, ·So far the kids have been playing really hard and hopefully will continue to improve." The team's 6 -7 record is misleading. Hall said, ·we have lost a c~>Uple of close games where we have had a couple of little mistakes at the end." Atkinson agreed. He said, "Against Bryan we played really well, but a few turnovers at the end of the game lost it for us." In addition, the team lost 57-56 to Central in overtime. One ofthe keys to the success of the team ha..c; been strong leadership. Hall said, ·we've had some strong leadership from Kenny Perkins, (12), and Randy

Hallett_ (l 2). Our team captains Matt S inn, (12), and J .C. Wickstrom, (11), have also given us good leadership." According to Hallett, this year's team d iffers from last year's in the area oflead ership. Hallett said, •Last year the team was made up of a lot"of seniors of which three started and six played quite a bit. This year we have only four seniors on the entire team, and only one starts. As one of the four seniors, my leadership job has become making sure the team is in good spirit, that there is no conflict, and seeing that the team comes first in everyone's hearts and minds." A better attitude has come about after beating Benson 72-53 team members say. Atkinson said, ·we were disappointed that we lost our first few games, because we should· have won, but we were really excited to beat Benson and that seems to have carried on with us." One thing on Hall's want list before district is stronger fan support. He said, ·we could really use a true rat pack. That's a group offans that come to every game regardless of who we play, where we play. or if we win or lose." ·- Last night the Warriors played undefeated and No. 1 ranked Millard South. Prior to the game Atkinson said, ·we have nothing to lose. If we beat them it will be a major upset, but if we lose nobody will be suprised. We're just taking it like it's just another game." The Warriors finish their season with a game tonight ·at 7:30 p.m.at home against Northwest, Friday, Feb. 10 at 7:30p.m. at home against Millard North, and Friday, Feb. 17 at Norris Junior High against Omaha South.

It's goln' In Scoring two of his game high 15 Westside lost 57-56 in overtime to points. Bill Kutilek, (11). is sur- Central after overcoming an 11 point rounded .by four Central players. defecit in the fourth quarter.

Just play the game; let the refs refere«!

Another deadline quickly approaching, sent would want to put themselves in a no-win situme roaming the IMC's pestering people for a ation when they lace up their shoes and put on column idea. I've decided since you're my audi- their shirts. The fastest way for a devoted fan to ence that yon should have a hand in what I write. overcome a devastating loss is to blame the offiMost everyone was suffering from their Post- cial. Bud Bowl I buzz, and didn't comprehend IIJY Sure, we have all had our favorite team hombadgering. Even sharp-witted Mark. Stegman: ered by a blind, obnoxious, ~ld, erroneous jerk, my head column advisor, was still c~ught up in but we have to keep things in perspective. Budweiser's 27-24. victory over Bud Light, and These officials have a split second to make couldn't come up with anything. these calls, -and don't have the luxury to lay I thought of writing a positive column maybe around, eat pot~to chips,.and watch the replay on about football, possibly basketball, girls' basket- lheir $2500 Bid" Screen 1V at 1f 1OOOth super ball forget it. But thoSe columns come every two slomo reverse angle. We need a change. weeks and I need to · Adults are the write on something I most guilty of this. haven't written about It's no wonder kids yet. My evil thoughts D.J. Rezac are snot -nosed · quickly turned to who brats complaining I could slam. The Sports editor at the officials' calls drinking squad, oh, I ..in the YMCA league. mean the drill squad, People have to no I promised not to realize that an offitalk about that. Then cia! is trying to do I thought who is the scum ofthe sports world?- Is the best job that he or she can do. They are not it Mike Tyson? The Los Angeles Raiders? Lex Lu- out to homer anyone, especially in the intramural ther? league. Jeez, relax it's just a game. The answer is none of the above. But _!he The only one allowed to question an official, answer lies in an animal. should be a coach. A coach's ability to work an Much to the discrepancy ofthe administration official m~es the official more on his toes and less at the middle school, it is not Spud's McKenzie. apt to miss a call. A coach also can look to fire up Rather it is a zebra. His black and white stripes his team by receMng a technical. But, a coach distinguish him from an old movie on Ted should be the only one to get on a ref, not players. Turner's WfBS SuperStation. - This animal is Players should be concerned with what they exactly that in the sports.world, an animal. He is _are trying to do, and let the official do his own job. the judge of athletics, and the arbitrator .o f rules. Just play the game. He is the subject of ~ore controversy than any I guess officiating can be summed up: it's like topic Oprah Winfrey Can tliink up, or Mort Down- wetting y(>ur pants in a dark suit; you get a warm ing, Jr.. for that matter. feeling all over when it's done, but not t~ many Athletic officials receive way too much crtti- people notice. cism for theirjob. I can't un<Jeistand why anyone .



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top e Voodoo - VIxe~ d.e buts at No. 10 spot McChesney, and fmward Beth Parker. St. Quimby continues its intramural basketThe Green Giants enter the ratings for the first league stronghold ofthe top spot by defeating time after waxing two unrated teanis by the scores at's UpWithChe~49-20, and The Facuity37- of74-23, and 58-30. They, like SID, have yet to · 3. Quimby got needed help from their triplets play formidable opponents. Mason Myers, R. J. Scarborough and Shaun FatAlbert and the Gang raises a notch to ninth hirley after they returned from a ski trip. after posting their first victmy of the year. Their Running Runts and Spaztic r=:-n--::--------.r----, two losses ·have come at the s continue to pressure hands of the No.2 Runts, and No. 5 Mucous Membranes. utmby. Running Runts beat ucous 25-20, while the Spaztlc Rounding out the elite top ten is the Voodoo Verde Vixs s pankedajuniorteam 480 and won by a forfeit. Brandon ens. This team has dropped adson led the Running Runts 1. St. Quimby (4-0) to 0-3 , but could easily be 3th 13 points as he picked up 2. Running Runts (3- 1) 0 if a few breaks could have escortngslackleftbyaniliJim 3. Spaztic Apes (5-0) . gone their way. They get the stillo. 4. Faclllty (2- 1) nod for the tenth spot over The Spaztic Apes rely on the 5. Mucous Membranes (1-3) the Party Police because the tent scoring of liitle man Joe 6. SID (2- 1) Heifers defeated the Party Carrot Top". Frost, who dumped 7. Heifers (4-0) Police handily, while the Hef15 in their latest vi-ctory. 8. Green Giants (4-0) fers only beat Voodoo Verde ucous Membrane remains in 9. Fat Albert and the Gang Vixens 24-21. Voodoo is led e top 5 despite their losing (l-3) by Julie "Garbage Mouth" ord. Look for Mucous to rise 10. VerdeVoodooVixen (l-3) Adamson, and center Mary ain during tourney time. Overholt. Three undefeated teams hold down the No. 6, What's Up With Chew, Georgians, and the , and 8 spots. Party Police are three teams that dropped out of SID, lead by John Slack, is 2-1, but SID the ratings. ' asn't-played a team rated in the top ten yet. What's Up With Chew, tumbled out of the eir easy schedule • may hurt them when it ratings after sitting at No. 6 when they were mes down to the 'tournament. embarrassed by St. Quimby. Georgians Heifers remain at No. 7 despite post:\ng two promptly went out and lost to an unranked team ctortes. The team, named after a bunch of cows after being rewarded with the eighth spot in the western Nebraska, are led by guards Lisa top 10.

basketball rankings





' "


Jan. 14 Benson 13 11 8 19-51 WHS 11 14 22 19-66 JDabllghta- The Warriors upset the number ' seven team in the state. They were lead by Kri•tinLlndW.U who had 19 points. Wendy Potthoff, Cori Welnfur~­ aer, and Unu Schablo•ke also scored in double figures. Jan. 20 Burke 4 12 13 15-44 WHS 8 6 13 14-41 JDahtJi&hta- The Warriors dropped their first game of the new year. The team was lead by Schablo•ke with 13 and Novak with 10 points. Jan 21 Bryan 10 10 11 12 2-45 WHS 11 10 10 12 4-47 JDabllghta- TheWarriors beat the buzzer to beat Bryan in overtime. They were lead by Schablo•ke, '13 points, and Welnfurtner with 12 points.

Jan. 17 Burke 4 10 6 WHS 12 5 12 13-42 Bigbllghta-Guy Baney and Ryan Burn• scored 14 and 13 points respectively. Jan. 28 Central 17 20 11 WHS 17 8 16 Wghllghta-Westside outscored Central erase a 12'-point deficit. BOYS' 'FRESHMAN BASKETBALL Jan. 17 Millard South 14 15 14 Westside 7 11 4 - 12-34 mghllghta-Jeff mn was h_tgh scorer with 8 points. Jan. 19 LaVista 2 7 6 WHS 18 8 11 1p-53 Wgbllghta-Terry Hanna led Westside with 9 points.

Jan. 24 BOYS' VARSITY SWIMMING Uncoln East 21 ' 12 21 18-72 l WHS 94 Burke _ 78 WHS 17 21 12 20-70 WHS 81 Lincolri Southeast90 Blgbllghta-JuDe Novak set the school scoring rec- WHS 113 Millard South 60 ord with 30 points. She made 8 of 18 field goals and WHS 123 Gross 37 14 of 17 free t.hft>ws. Wgbllghta- Doug Humphrey ~t a pool record of 4:46.63 at the Lincoln Southeast In the 500 Free. GIRLS' JUNIOR VARSITY BASKETBALL GIRLS' VARSITY SWIMMING Jan. 19 WHS 80 Burke 91 Bryan 3 6 12 4-25 WHS 104 Millard South 61 WHS 20 4 11 9-44 WHS 137 Gross r 26 Blghllghta-Nicole Brabee led Westside with 17 WHS 98 Lincoln Southeast 67 points and 7 steals. BOYS' VARSI'IT WRESTLING Jan. 21 WHS 58 Benson , 18 Burke 7 3 8 1 3 - WHS 31 Bellevue West 26 31 WHS 4th in Burke Invitational WHS 13 15 7 8-43 Blgbllghta-Kara Oe.trelch paced Westside with 17 BOYS' JUNIOR VARSITY WRESTLING points, and 7 rebounds. . WHS 30 Benson 6 WHS 36 Bellevue West 52 Jan. 24 Uncoln East 12 3 11 3-29 BOYS' JUNIOR VARSITY BASKETBALL WHS 17 16 5 .1 5 Jan. 21 53 Blgbllghta-Westside won their eighth con!lecutive Burke 20 14 12 10-56 game, improving its record to 10-1. WHS 12 19 19 16-66 Wgbllghta-D&Ye Kluthe scored 17, whiJ.e Andy Peck tossed in 16, and Scott Taylor and Brent Newman added 10 apiece. . . .,_ BOYS' SOPHOMORE BASKETBALL



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Captain provides m~tivation

' state in the 125-pound weight class. Buccheri is captain of the wrestling team and provides motivation for the squad.

knowledge came from MUoni. "He has really taught me a lot about how to be a better ~estler. If it were not for him, I probably would not be where I am today," Buccheri said. "He is more ' tharl a coach, he is a good friend." Along ~h being Westside's most noted wrestler, ' Buccheri has addtional responsiblities on the team. "When I was elected captain of the team, I felt an additional pull to be · the motivational leader as well as being part of the team," Buccheri said. "It's just an additional weight that I have to deal with. I enjoy theresponsilblity and I think that I can help the team in a leadership type of way." "Tony does a really good job keeping the fire in the guys. He has really helped a lot of wrestlers this year," MUoni said. "He has really done well as an individual, but he has lead the team to team success first." So far this year, the wrestling team has won two duals while dropping the same number. In invitationals, they have placed in the top ten at all four they have attended (second at North, eigitth at South, sixth at Millard South, and nin.t h at Metro). This success is the most important thing about the wrestling to Buccheri. "We are doing well as a team. but we need to keep doing better. I feel better when the team does well, no matter how I do individually," Buccheri Said. "I would rl:ither be an average·wrestler and have the team, evecyone included, be the best in the state." Buccheri participates in no other activities. He has designated himself as a student-athlete." "My grades · mean a lot to me. If I do poorly til school, I don't have as much fun with friends and wrestling as I would if I knew I worked as hard as I could," Buccheri said. "I really think that there is room for both school and wrestling. I think that I will just concentrate on studying in college unless I can get some kind of scholarship."

His Metro loss is the only one this year. · "I think so far this year I have wrestled well, but I need to keep irilproving," Buccheri said. Accordi~g to Buccheri, most of his

"Tony is a great inspiration to the team because of his hard work and his dedication," Miloni said. "But more important than that is that he is a great all-around person.

Ran all Hallett. ~xt$ writer


With his will to. win, Tony Buccheri, (12), has found himself rated No. 2in the state in the 125-po~d weight division. "After a not-too-successful sophomore and junior season (6-19 and 9-14 respectively). I seem to be wrestling better," Buccheri said. "I guess tpat I'm finally wrestling like the coaches taught me to." Buccheri, even at the the end of last year after a state title bid, didn't expect to find himself rated No. 2 in · the state. "I was really surprised when I saw my name near the top of the rating in my weight class," Buccheri said. "It is really a compliment to me, but more important it creates a challenge for me to do well each meet." Buccheri began his wrestling career in eighth grade when he went out for the team. He then continued his freshmen year and ended with a fourth place finish at the conference tournament. Buccheri said that other than the · fourth place finish at the conference meet, his junior high wrestling days were not all that successful. He then moved to Westside and immediately wrestled for Lou Miloni, varsity wrestling coach, as a sophomore. According to Buccheri, his first year on tpe varsity was a learning experience. "I didn't have a sparkling record. But I did learn a lot about wrestling from Miloni and from my competition," Buccheri said. HIS junior year his record improved along with his competitive edge. \ "Myjunioryearwas a lot better record-wise and skill-wise," Buccheri sal_d. · "I felt as though I was learning from my mistakes and improving with evecy match." Miloni agrees. "Tony's first two years were vecy tough on him. He Applying the hurt to his Bellevue made mistakes that were ones that West opponent, Tony Buccheri, would cost him the match," Miloni (12). improves his record to 21-2. said. "He still makes mistakes, but he Buccheri is rated second in the doesn't make the big one that could cost him a match." ranked No. 2 in his weight class. His junior season was capped off From there he has been victorious in with an appearance at state. He lost evecy dual ' meet, placed first at the in the first round. · North, South: and Millard South InviHe began the winter sports season tationals and placed third at Metro.

Holt! 'em tight

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Emotion on the beach Y<?U will need to bring a box of kleenex to this one. a real tecujerker. Beaches is a heartwarniitlg story a couple of girls who meet at the beach one C.C. Bloom played by Bette Midler is a talented, girl who dreams of making it to Broadway some Even though she doesn't have a lot of money sh~ r• '"'Cll"'"'"' .t he best with what she has and she succeeds in 1~ •u~.a.n.u .•6 her dream come true. Hilary Whitney played by Barbara Hershey, is the total opposite of C.C. She is a quiet, rather lonely girl who desperately wants a frien<j. Hilary gets Ip.arried seems to be happy, until one day when she firids out her husband ish't the kind, faithful man he seemed to be. But by the tllhe she finds out, she is months pregnant. The two of them raise her girl Victoria and C. C. is forced to show her true friendship by making a choice that will affect the rest of her life. 1 Bette Midler's voice wasn't the only thing she had goingforherin this film. I didn'tthinkBetteMidlerhad it in her to do those emotional scenes, but she sure surprised me. · ·Beaches· is rated P.G. 13 and can be seen at Cinema Center and the Westroads 8 theater.

Film rocks the screen

LUttiEJU:t!!blilimil£ Emotion . Thatjusta utsumsupthecontrover-

sial film ·Mississippi Burning.· This film spends its whole two hours building to a powerful climax that rocks the screen. This film stars Gene Hackman and William Dafoe as FBI agents who are sent to Mississippi to find three missing civil rights workers. Of CO\,lrse, everyone knows they're dead including the FBI, but they stay and try to find the killers. This film deals heavily with the racial prejudice and

EVIEWS hatred in the South in the 1960's. It really shows you the horror ofbeing black and living in the South during this time when the Ku Klux Klan iuled the countryside with their ·White Knights.· It does it's best to give you an emotional jaiTtng and it suceeds beyond expectations. The film starts with the violent murder of the young civil rights workers and takes you through a rise in emotion that has you crying out for the blood of the Ku Klux Klansmen and feeling a little guilty for the way the blacks were treated by white supremists. It provokes a vengeful streak in anyone. It is playing at most area theaters including Cinema Center and the Westroads 8. Check local listings for correct show times.



go1ng ·

·e >nt -

d The shortage of snow won't stop Trailrtdge and Crescent Hill Ski areas from keeping their slopes open. Trailridge offers skiing from 9 am to 11 p.m. daily. Crescent is open from noon until 9:30p.m. on weekdays and 9 am. until 9:30 p.m. on weekends. Both ski spots guarantee snow, whether natural or artificially made until April.

a The new play, •Same Time NextYear•ts



It's not called fantastic for nothing; as the•OIIl'c$a Community Playhouse presents the produ~tion of ~e Fantasticks, • audiences experience the funny, and at times, touching performances by a cast oftalented and amusing actors. The story, also performed last fall by students at Westside, is about two families and their struggle for friendship, love, and forgiveness. The characters include young, innocent and naive Louisa and Matt. They have lived in a dream world their entire lives, protected by a wall that their fathers, Hucklebee and Bellomy, have built between their houses. As the story progresses, with an enjoyable addition of two humorous characters which tend to bring the audience to immediate laughter every time they approach-the stage, the families begin to lookat life more realistically. They grow to understand and appreciate the true meaning of life in the real world. The musical talent in the cast is one of the more enjoyable sections of the play. The voice of Matt, portrayed by Brendan Kelly, is wonderful and will bring

, The Omaha Playhouse is following in the steps of Westside Drama and presenting the musical ~e Fantasticks. • This play will be presented at 8 p."m. on Thursday nights and at 8:30 p.m. on Friday· and Saturday nights, through Sunday, Feb. 19. For information call 553-0800.

What's •

now showing at the Upstairs Dinner Theater. Performances are at 6 p.m. every night except Wednesdays and Sundays. Call 344-7777 for information.


a ·our Town•


the audience to the edge of their seats. The musiccilis played in the Fonda-McGuire Theater,_so the seating for the play is excellent. Much like the Westside performance in the little theater, the cast uses the entire stage, which ha,Ppens to be in the middle of the theater. -This gets the audience more involved in the show, and it gives the play itself more excitement and realism. ~e Fantasticks• will be playing at the Omaha Community Playhouse through Sunday, Feb. 19, at 8:30 p.m. on weekends and 8 p.m. on weeknights. Student tickets are $8'and well worth it.

rings true iii the fast-paced, forever-changing world of musiC. The vocal prowess of such ambitious women as Janis Joplin, Grace Slick, and Patti Smith belongs to another generation. However, the music scene is currently experiencing a resurgence of such rich and diverse female talent with/ virtuosos like Tracy Chapman, Edie Brickell (Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians), Sinead 0' Conner, Toni Childs, and Natalie Merchant (10,000 Maniacs.) Riding this wave into the limelight is folk/rock singer/songwriter Michelle Shocked. The distinguishing factor, between the music of Shocked and that of her ·peers· (Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, and others) is her focus on social and political issues. Sh~ expresses her idealistic desires for change and reform quite articulately on her album ·short, Sharp, Shocked.· However, she does not overwhelm listeners with her views and opinions. ·short, Sharp, Shocked• is actually a realistic and sobering look at the world through Shocked's eyes. Possibly the best SC?ng on this album is ·Anchorage· on which she sln~s of an old friend who has moved to Anchorage, Alaska.

--·- ·

is playing at the Omaha

Community Playhouse. For information callI 553-0800.

a Center Stage will present •Master Herald of the Birds· beginning Friday, Feb. 3. For information call 733-5777.

a Direct from . Broadway, the Tony award-winning must~. ·Dreamgirls, • will be on stage at the Orpheum Theater, Monday, Feb. 6, and 1\leSday, Feb. 7, at 7:30p.m. Tickets are on ~e now rang. ing in price from $17 to $25. Call 3427107 for ~ore information.

- ~-------------,

~c~.f~dg~_ .-.... ~tthe "Food Fair '89." Along with an infinite number of selections to taste, there will be cooking demonstrations, entertainment, strolling musicians, singingwatt· ersandcomedians. Thefairwillbeopen today from 4-10 p.m. at the Civic Auditorium. It will also be open tomorrow, Feb. 4, and S4-nday, Feb.5. Tickets will cost $3.25 in advance and $4 at the door.

a The Warrior Band and Middle School will be giving a concert at Westside on Feb. 7 at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium

a The final two performances of ~ea- a To find out more information about house of the August Moon· are tonight and Saturday, Feb. 4 at 8 p.m. in the main audltoritim. Tickets are $2 for students and $3 for adults.

these and other events in the metro Omaha area, call the Events Hotline at 444-6800,

ditorium Friday, March 10. Tickets are $17.50 each.

rium Wednesday, Feb. 15. For more iiiformation call the Events Hotline.

~ a The Harlem Globetrotters basketball a R.E.M. will be comirrg to the Civic Au- team will perform at the CiVic Auditow·



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arts popular after 2,000 years Karate, judo, taekwondo provide exercise, discipli.n e Kicking, hitttn:g and throwing sounds like a three-year-old having a tantrum, Actually it could be classified under martial

arts. Martial arts originated 2000 years ago in-Japan. According to Sukki Shin. grand master at Shin's Complete Martial Arts 'Ii"aining,located on South !20th St.,"Martial arts is a way oflife which enables you to realize your full mental and • _ physical potential." Even though karate, judo and taekwondo are all methods of self defense, they are different in nature. "Karate and 'taekwondo i;Dvolve kicking while judo involves throwing," Shin said. Karate, taekwondo and Judo all Help build stamina. discipline, concentration, inner calm, speed. power, strength. balance, and coordination. There are many different reasons people learn these different methods of defense. Some people do it for exercise and to keep fit. Some people learn for protection so they can defend themselves, and some get involved just for fun. "Women who have been attacked or raped come here so that if it ever happened again . . they W<?uld be able to defend have There themselVes," Rich Borgeson, cases been manager at Kim's Karate School located at 48th and Dodge, said. when our cus- ·


Karate gtves you a sense of self confidence," Vivian Grantham,manageroftheAmerican School of Karate and Judo located on North !20th St., said. "There have been cases when our customers have rep6rted that their grades went up· while being invol\red in karate. This is probably because of the disci-' pll.ne. and respect we teach -- them," Grantham said.

Brucee Lee, look out Several forms of martial arts are practiced Korea. Scott Crawford, (12). looks on as in society today. This particular form is Denny Rookstool, (12), dodgesak,ickfrom called taekwondo, and is or:iginally from . Ken Brown, (12).

tomers have reported that their grades went up while being involved in Karate. This is probablY._ because of the discipline and respect we teach them. ~

Ken Brown, (12), is an active member of a taekwondo club atGrantham, Gold's Gym. "taekwondo is a Vivian manager of the good way to workout and it's really competitive," Brown said. American School of Before getting Jnvolved in swimming, Marnee Dietrich, Karate and Judo (12), used to take private taekwondo lessons from Rick Staac:iik~arttcGfc:oilildi''ssGymA:ft.eiijriCCiUr--1 agement from Brown, she decided to enroll in a class. "Taekwondo taught me how to kick properly and showed how to give respect for my teacher and fellow classmates," Dl4~trllchl• said. '

Going on recOrd ·.isn't always .easy tas I

Writing a column isn't the easiest thing to do. · Every time I write I'm putting my neck on the line, and for the record, I happen to like my neck. It more than surpljsed me when I realized how many people responded to my last column on Omaha skinheads. I decided to do a sequel since the American public seems to respond to them so well. So just consider this like a Rambo movie. But keep in mind this a skinhead reaction to typical stereotypes. Within the next month, Westside is going to have at least 20 guys donning a skinhead. But I'm postitive people in this school will realize that they aren't part of Mthe skinheads" who are getting unwanted publicity lately. In fact, these bald to semi-bald guys will be preparing for the state swim meet. (Good luck!) Yet this poses two important questions, "What is a skinhead?" That's exactly whafl asked Lany, .a local skinhead, who told me that there are different affiliations of skinheads. There's the racist and the anti-racist. The racist's for their own reasons are white supremists, very "pro-American" and base most of their beliefs individually. In bigger cities, the Nazi's and the anti-racists are at war. But in a smaller city like Omaha, their numbers are so few that little trouble exists. "(fhe anti's and the racists) get along with each other because we don't force our Views on each other," Lany, who is an anti-racist. said. The main problem of a skinhead is the difficulty of distinguishing a racist from an.anti-racist since both


have shaved heads. And there is a big difference between the two. An anti-racist is "pro-American" · yet be believes patriotism stands for all the cultures. _Anti-racists, who are the greater majority in . Omaha, are a "loosely organized" and feel that it's a wron'g assumtion if people feel they are a gang. But they have the goals of becoming known ~sa positive organization.

Erin Conboy Weekender columnist

guilty party was not a skinhead, but the skinheads would have taken the blame for it so they took up a collection during a concert and had it cleaned up. The main thing that seems to be troubling the local skinheads are the stereotypes and the unwanted publicity that is bending things out of shape. But the thing Lany stressed the most was, "We are individuals. I don't know how long this will last, but I myself am here to stay." I was ~ally impressed that Lany would take time off of school to come and give me his views. The only problem I have with this whole skinhead situation is I'd have trouble identifying one in a crowd. I had never seen one before I met Lany and in all honesty I .thought he looked just like any other student in this school.

I'm sure that if I went up to a skinhead and asked him to share his beliefs with me he would. But in Lany felt the only way to find out if a skinhead is . this ISQCiety today I don't think anyone is actually racist or an anti-racist (s to come up ana talk to going to take the time to care what their beliefs are. them. MAll a person has to do is come up and talk to They have been around a long time so they should be me and I will let them know who I am and what I used to it. · believe in." My only advice in touchy situations like the skinI admit myself that I was a bit apperehensive to head one where you can't tell if they are an antimeet an actual skinhead because of the bad publicracist or a racist is to either ask them what they ity they have been receiving lately, but after meeting believe in or, to only talk about the weather. with Lany I found they aren't a group of degenerates . Never mock them because that's somethin" no but a group of individuals with their own beliefs. one likes. Actually,. the. only people I do know who Lany also told me that at a "Blind Approach· take mocking in stride are the boys' swim team and concert someone had spray painted a wall. The come to think of it, they will have skinheads soon.


_ In the limelight Practice m~es perfect as the cast of 'Teahouse of the August Moon'' goes far east to discover the comical story of Captain Fisby, played by Kevin 'Schicker, (12), and Lotus Blossum, played by

Geri Greeno, (10). Auditions for the play were held before winter break and rehersals for 'Teahouse" began in the.middle of December. and will concl~de as the comedy is perform~d at the

Westside auditorium tonight and tomorrow, Saturday, Feb. 4, at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $2 for students and $3 for adults and can be purchased at the door.

Dedication ·pays off. I .

-'Teahouse' ·involVes more than meets eye hile audien ces attend the comedy "Tea- house of the August MooJ!" this weekend, they will obsetve only the "performance," the final product. What preceded that, were directors and a cast who devoted themselves to months of hard work and long rehearsals so audiences would enj oy their production. "Teahouse of the August Moon," written by John Pa trick, is a war comedy that takes place on a small village in Okinawa, called Tobiki. It's about Captain Fishy, a netvous, unsure man, played by Kevin · Schicker, (12), who takes on the responsibility of recovering this small village at the end of World War



"''he theme of the play is about self confidence," L.D. Fortney, director of the play, said. ~When Fishy comes on the island of Tobiki he has little self confidence because of all the errors he has made in the past. He gains his <;onfidence by teaching the villagers of Tobiki that they can make their own living to make their lives better." he play consists of a cast of 35 students. The characters in the comedy consist of Colonel Purdy, played by Mark Carroll, (12), who is a typical army officer who is not too bright, but extremely stern and commanding. Gerri Greeno, (1 0), plays Lotus Bl9ssom, a beautiful · Gaicha girl, who at times can be a bit of a troublemaker. Captain McClain, played by Dovg Hoffman, (12), is a psychiatrist who has natural instincts, and would rather be farming than working. Spencer Roberts, (1 0), plays Sakini, an Okinawan by birth, and a mischievous, perhaps a ngelic, character. The remaining cast members play the villagers of Tobiki. Auditions for the production were held before , winter break. The rehearsals were held on weekday afternoons for about an hour and one half, depend-


ing on the work that needed to be completed. When more secure. But, when I'm by myself, I wonder if it came to the final rehearsals, with costumes and I'm doing Ok, or if I will remember my lines." full run-throughs, the rehearsals began to last until As student director, Muller worked directly with •. around 6 p.m. Fortney in getting the play ready to perform and ~-Rehearsals , for the most pa.rt. have been going giving her time and knowledge to the cast, due to the smoothly," Tracy Muller, (11), student director, said. fact that she has been in a number of plays before. "1bere have been a few disruptions now and then, ~As student director, it's my job to conduct but on the whole, they have been going quite well." rehearsals when Fortney is not there," Muller said. ~I think rehearsals h ave been going very well," ~en he is there, I prompt lines and obsetve the Greeno said. ~Most students haven't played leading play and give my comments to Mr. Fortney, who roles before, and the other students who have relates them to the cast, along with his own." smaller roles are very supportive to us, because they ostumes and props for the play will be of an have been there before." Okinawan fashion . Students will be expected When rehearsals first began, they consisted of to have black hair, almond-shaped eyes, and a combination of Okinawan and military clothing. blocking the cast into the play, or telling them where 1 to be oJ1 stage and what their character i~ expected 1b.e majority of the students wear old raggedy to be doing. When that was completed, the remainclothes and officers wear military clothing," Greeno ing rehearesals were spent working on scenes and said. ~I wear a kimono, which is a robe that wraps acts until they reached perfection. , around the waste and is tight fitting around the legs. t t;ehearsals we usually run a couple of The other ladies wear these towards the end." scenes or an act,..and then the cast reA major contribution to the production are the ceives notes on what they need to improve committees set by the Drama Club. They work on on from Mr. Fortney. Then we continue by running publicity, props, and ushering, an important part of another scene," Muller said. the organization for final prep·a rations ofthe play. ~Rehearsals are frustrating at times, but I know it , ~In the committee for props, we get together and will be worth it at the end," Emily Kean, (10), said. decide who will bring or find the certain props the "The firs t day when I met all the people in the cast play needs in order to be completed," Muller, head of ' that I didn't know, It-seemed we would never get to the props committee, said. "For this play, we n eed a know each other, b ut in the end, we've all become a jeep and a goat, but usually it's average items like big family and everybody gives each other a lot of tables a nd chairs ." support during the performances which helps a lot." f f n publicity we sign u p people to put up With this·b eing the first time on stage for a posters and hand out llyets," Greeno, head number of the students, extra work a nd time is of the committee, said. "My job is to assign needed to prepare the students for the production. people where they will put the flyers, so-people will "It's more frightening h aving a bigger part," know when the play is." . Greeno said. "There are more lines to learn and it's The play will continue to run this weekend, where a lot different being on stage by yourself. When I'm final performances will be tonight and tommorrow in a crowd with a bunch of people on stage, I feel night at 7:30 p.m.





Spring .fever in February Alrbom




Heads up for heavy traffic Hallways at Westside have become a danger zone after school as some athletes have been running the halls to get in shape for the spring sports season. MaureenGriJllths, (12),Chrts Kennedy, (12), Juliana Kaltsounis (ll), and. Mike Claussen, (ll), tak~ advantage of the unpopulated hallways. The lqng-awaited opening of the weight room has given these athletes a welcome ~ptlon to ge~ back into shape, and has also given the fall and winter athletes a chance to stay in shape for next year.

Chris Kennedy, (12), dives to block a shot as he brushes up on his soccer sk111s. Unseasonably wann temperatures in January and February have given spring sports participants a chance to get a jump on their upcoming seasons.

Court allo\Vs

_access to building

Bible group plans study, fellowship lmgi!lllilll!npia:t~~1ms• ter our years o courtroom at e. a

Ask away Gaiiung the opportunity to ask questions about the Code of Conduct, students participated in the open forum Thursday, Feb. 9. Forum sponsored the open forum and Sharon Krueger, assistant superintendent, Roger Herring, dean ofboys. and Jim Findley. principal, were present to address the problems and concerns students had about the policy.

Students gain alternative education in the miCJst of rumors, stereotypes


Perhaps it iS the most misrepresented branch of Westside High School. _ There ts"a stigma that Is attached to the Alternative School. considered by many to be the place where Mproblem students are sent." This reputation, however, is untrue to a large extent. MGenerally, there's this perception that the Alternative School is just for kids who are in trouble. In reality, the large majority of the kids who come to the Alternative School are there because their personal circumstances make It really difficult for them to concentrate in school," Ken Bennett, codirector of the Alternative School, said. Mark Spizman, (11), attended the Alternative School for of the first semester of this academic year. He agrees the school is often Inaccurately viewed. ~A lot of..people think that people only go to the Alternative

School because they're drug addicts, alcoholics, pregnant, or some reason like that. A lot of that really isn't true. During the afternoon about 40 students were there. Five or six were there making up work they'd missed as a result of sickness. A lot were there because they just didn't like Westside," Spizman said. The process for deciding which students will attend the Alternative School is done through committee and based principally on a student's academic perfomiance. ~ere's a student assistance team that meets everyTuesday. -The team's composed of counselors at the high school, the directors of the Alternative School, the deans , and' the school psychologist. We mont tor the progress of students here at the high school. As they begin to falter, for whatever reason, we start discussing their individual situations. At some pointin time we may reach agreement that the situation (Continued on page 6.)

Wednesday, Feb. 8 decision handed down by the Eighth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, stated Westside· and other public secondary schools cannot deny students the right to voluntarily meet as an after-school Bible Club for fellowship and Bible study. The suit was first flled to the District Court of Nebraska on Aprtll8, 1985 by u(e National Legal, Foundation (NLF), a Virginia Beach, VA, legal advisory group, who acted on behalf of Westside graduate Bridget Mergens Mayhew and five other students after being denied by the administration the right to organize a Christian Bible Club to meet on school grounds. The district court case, (Mergens v. Westside Community Schools), was decided in favor of District 66 on the grounds that all other student clubs were curriculum related. An appeal was immediately filed by the NLF to the Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis, MO. The NLF argued to a panel of three judges that: 0 Westside High School maintains an open forum under the Federal Equal Access Act. O The Equal Access Act, (EAA), (which requires that public secondary schools grant equal access to student groups who wish to meet for religious, political, or philosophical purposes, if the school has a limited open forum) is constitutional and should be applied to this case. 0 The actions of the Westside High School Administration violated the first and fourteenth amendment rights of the students. The court ruled unanimously, 3-0, in favor of the students. Circuit Judge Theodore McMUllan explained, MA public secondary school cannot simply declare it maintains a closed forum and then discriminate against a particular student on the basis of the content of the speech of that group." In the court's decision, it stated that, -in fact, Westside has a limited openforum since dubs are offered that are Mnon-curriculum related." Westside previouslY thought . it maintained a closed forum which occurs when all clubs are curriculum related. MAt trial, WHS attempted to show that each of these clubs is curriculum related. For example, (Jim) Findley, (principal), testified that the Chess Club related to the curriculum because it fosters critical thinking and logic. Findley explained that such skills are extensions of the goals for several different classes, even though Westside doesn't offer a logic class. Findley explained that Interact is related to the goals of sociology and psychology and that Subsurfers relates to the goals of physical education. The district court found these arguments persuasive and held that WHS maintains a closed forum and that, therefore, the (Continued on page 5.)

2 ANCE ( STA.N C.E Mergens decision beneficial The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled ip favor of Bridget Mergens Mayhew on Wednesday, Feb. 8 allowing a Bible Club to meet at Westside. The decision is not important because it deals with a Bible Club, but is important because it is a decision that upholds the constitutional freedoms of students. At a time when student freedoms have suffered several·setbacks, including the Hazelwood decision last winter, the Mergens decision gives students some hope they will not become secondary citizens with minimal freedoms. Concerns have been voiced that Westside will have to allow any inquii"tn'g group to use the building as a meeting place. The United States is a countcy that is proud of its freedoms, and it is necessary to allow all points of view an ·opportunity to meet and discuss. By allowing a group to meet in its building, the administration wlll not be endorsing that particlar group but merely recognizing that the group has the right to exist. Regardless of their views regarding the Bible Club, students should welcome the decision because it restores student freedoms.

Alternative School valuable Educational systems shoulq be judged not only on how well it educates its students, but also on how we!} it ensures that every student has an opportunity to receive an education. To ensure that every student has an opportunity for an education it is necessary to bend the system to the needs of each individual student instead of making the student conform to the educational system. The Westside Alternative School is an alternative educational system that, for the most part. has succeeded in making sure that every student has an opportunity to · earn a high school diploma. The Alternative Scnool has succeeded in bending the system to the needs of students instead of forcing every student to use modular scheduling. Modular scheduling can be an impossible obstacle for students who are not able to take advantage of the opportunities the system offers. If any educational·system needs an al.t ernative to prevent kids from dropping out, · modular scheduling is that system. And the Westside Alternative School has done a commendable job of providing alternative education for those who need it.

Chord: .


The open forum held Thursday, Feb. 9 dealing with therecently introduced "Code of Conduct" policy was an important attempt by both the student Forum and the administratton to. have student concems with the policy brought to light. We hope that · the improved relations developed through the open forum will be continued throughout all future issues at Westside.

Although the student Forum and the administration held the open forum on Thursday, Feb. 9 to improve student understanding of the "Code of Conduct" policy, the minimal attendance at the open forum signifies that many students lost their opportunity to voice concerns. Poor attendance at these events will . encourage the administration to act without consultin students.

~m'f!.~~ti~H~l.Mf.il Omaha, ICE 88114 Volume 33, Numb<'t 10 OUklaJ S'"b<Wt?\lhlkarum

The "Lance" is th!! ofllcial publication of Westside High SChool, 8701 Pacific St., Omaha, NE, 68114. The "Lance" oflk:e is located in Room 122. Advertising rates are available upon request Phone (402) 390-3339. The "Lance" is an in-house publication. The paper is an open forum distributed biweekly to all students 16 times a year except during vacation periods. Subscription rates to others are $5 postpaid. Non·profit malling rates claimed. The "Lance" is printed by the "Fremont Tribune," 135 N. Main, Fremont, NE 68025. Letters to the editor are welcomed. Letters should be less than 300 words in length, signed by the author, and sent to the editor or the adviser In Room 122. The "Lance" is a member of the Nebraska High School Press Association, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, and the National Scholastic Press Association.

Frldlly, Fcll. 17, 1989

Ultoi'-ID-cble£ Laura Struve. Uitol', Owen McCitll. V.naatn• Uitol', Mason Myers. B•lneu llanalel', Kim Os~r­ gaard. Copy Eclltol', Mary OVerboll News Edltol', Jim Duff. Aut. News Eclltol', Kent Bonham. Featul'e Edltol', Karen Nyholm. Aut. Featun Edltol', Debara Dohmen Sports Edltol', D.J. Rezac. Aut. Spol'ts Edltol', Andy Chapin Weekendel' Edltol', Nancy Olson. Aut. Weekendel' 'Editol', Melissa Partset, Detlign Editon, Jenny Frank, Jay Nilsson. Photo Editor, Evan Howe. Circulation Manager, MichelleJaeger. Staff Artist., Troy Muller, J.J. Carroll. Pagination Cool'd., Nick Hansen. Columnists, Jessica Sullivan, Amy Radtl. News Staff, Todd Parker, Featun Staff, Allison Kohli, Cathy Pettid, Anne Wax. Sports Staff, RandallJ. Hallett, Matt Fischer, Burt Cohen. W~ekende.. Staff, Becky Richardson. Mark Carroll, Susie Kiscoan. Adrisel', John Hudnall.

••alae .

' Justice

Bible Club, school should not mix Religion in school has always been a touchy think that religion of any sort belongs in schooL I don't come to school to hear about the Bible. subject. It is impossible to come to any conclusions or decisions without walking all over That's why there is church on Sundays. I came to learn about things that I don't already know peoples' toes. I am referring to the court decision made by about. the Eighth Circuit One of the arguCourt of Appeals in ments used in defense Missouri about the case Jessica Sullivan of the Bible Club was of Mergens vs. that the school has Westside. columnist other clubs that don't In 1985 Bridget Merhave much to do with gens Mayhew, then a the curriculum (Che!JI senior, wanted to estabClub, Subsurfers). lish a Bible Club. Her , That's true. However, request was denied by the administrstlon. She there is one major difference between Chess Club took it to court and she won. and a Bible Club. Chess Club deals with intellectual skills and This means that Westside just may be having strategies. A Bible Club deals ·with beliefsa religious booth at the next Club Fair Day. Andl'mtotallyagainstit. Ithinkitwasarotten personal beliefs. The Chess Club doesn't try to decision and that the judge should be sent out for tell you what to believe., a Bible Club might. I reconsideration. It's not that I'm an atheist or a School and church do not mtx. and, in my devil worshipper or anything like that. I just don't mind, that's the way it should be.

Voorhees w~lcome.s truce regarding Bible Club decision Dear Editor: For the past four years~ a bitter court battle .has caused dMslons at Weststd~ between student and administration, student and 't~cher, and stucterttandstu,deni. Finally, the U.S. Etgth Circuit Court of Appeals has sided with the rights of students to have a Bible Club at Westside High School. The case was juclged on · its merits by three experienced judges. In a sOciety where students are more and more becoming second-class citizens, a new breeze of freedom is blowing. Where there was an abuse of students rights of free speech, assembly, and worship, now their rights have returned. but it doesn't seem that the WHS Administration wants to give up their fight. Why? In a 3-0 decision, Judge McMillian wrote, "...WHS maintains a limited open forum, and the EAA forbids discrtmination against... proposed club on the basis of its religious content...The language of the EAA closely tracks the holding of the (supreme) court in (the) Widmar decision). The only difference is ... secondary school students ... even if congress had never passed the EAA. our decision would be 'the same under Widmar alone." It is obvious, by reading the decision, that

WHS would 1~ an appeal to the U.S. Su1oreme1 Court. but they don~t understand, and they want to listen. On the day of the decision, it seemed like school was going to bow-otit gracefully and class. But now, they are making the ..... tJ.uo;;;u . . interested in the Bible Club wait for the maltlaat.e to come down from the court. Talk about faced people! One day they were' smiling at cameras only to tighten the vice harder the next day. Why? I think I speak for the students in the Bible Club when I say that we want peace, with the school. This battle has gone far enough. Today, I call on all administrators to lay down their anns in a gesture of g<?O<lwill. In return, the Bible Club will not discriminate against anyone wishing to join, providing they understand we will be studying the Christian Bible and the basics behind it. The group will be non-denominational and based strictly on the word of God. Dr. Findley, Dr. Tangdall, et al.,let's move on together, not fighting each other. Let's put this behind us and celebrate the new birth of freedom at Westside. We're ready. Are you? Sincerely, · Jeffrey D. Voorhees

3 I

'Autos' intimidate$ c.olumnis·t; discovers practical side· of life Intlmidation is a word I thought was only used to . to be simple. When class started, I drove my 1967 red Mike Tyson and gigantic footba).l players, and Volkswagon bug into the auto shop right along side all never thought it would be used to describe _a course I the Mustangs and Cameros. From the beginning of my 11';110uJld take at Westside High School. I then discovered oil change I had to ask the other students for help on ·-,,...,.,.Auto Repair and a new application for ·intlmida- everything including where to place the blocks under my car so the hydraulic lift could lift it. Going into my last semester of high school I still had I had taken off.the sweater I was wearing, but I still complete a semester of Creative/Practical Arts in had a nice yellow oxford shirt on under my lab jacket to graduate. I had always been interested in ~hen I began to unscrew the oil drain plug. As I was utlFikirltg something like Autos: · screwing the plug it unexcourse that is completely pectedly popped out letting a Mason Myers llll.lfer•entfrom anything I'had thick black stream of oil run experienced, but I was all over my right arm, soaking managing editor into the lab jacket and my stuck in the rut of college courses to do so. yellow oxford. I was embarAs I was looking through rassed, but I didn't think that course book for Creative I . anyone had seen me so after ArtS courses. Basic Auto Repair seemed like the oil was finished draining I ran outside and threw off fun challenge because I knew absolutely nothing my lab jacket to reveal a beautiful black spot on my right cars. I immediately signed up and the adventure sleeve . on. . It was then that I realized my semester in the auto My first experience with the intimidation of the class shop was going to be a lot more difficult than the majorwhen Mr. Ken Brown. the auto instructor, was ity of Westside students would think. I felt uncomfortthe way the auto lab works and asking the , able and intimidated in a way much different than A.P. ••uu''""~ what they were planning to work on during American History•or British Literature discussions or neJ!lab. The other students began rattling off pro- any other typical college prep- course offered_ at ltedmresahd repairs on parts that I had never heard of Westside. I was in a position where I knew absolutely even knew existed, and I began tp feel like a 12-year- nothing and felt like a bumbling idiot. in a house of ill repute as I sat ther-e in awe. While Both the college prep courses and industrial technolother students were deciding whether they were ogy courses are good in their separate ways but I think to do a •power balance test, replace the exhaust that Westside students may be involved too much in one ~Wmtlolds, or repack wheel bearings at 15-pounds of type or too much in the other. Westside students cqul<;l •ess1u11e, • I 'Yas wondering how I was going to hide my all benefit from taking more of a variety in their classes and not oecoming too concerned with college prep or any When it was my turn to explain what I was going to other discipline of courses. I had to shrug and tell Mr. Brown that I didn't know In a practical sense, I think I will be glad I took Basic to do anything at all. Another student blurted out. Auto Repair; Not because I want to be an automobile don't even know how to change your oil?· I told mechanic, but because I know that carJ> will be a large that I didn't, and my role as the ·auto shop idioe part of life, and I would rather be embarrassed now than' Mr. Brown was helpful. and handed me a ffim pay a high-priced mechanic in the future. and an instruction sheet on how to do an oil My respect for the industrial technology departrJ.!ent _......f!>"'• but I felt like he was wondering whyI was even ' has grown simply because I now understand how good of a department it is at teaching what it needs to teach. the class. • I woke up nervous on the day I was to do my first oil More Westside students need to attempt to avoid the deep rut of college preparatory courses and take part in _......1; .... probably because I knew I was going to screw everything even though an oil change is supposed a wider variety of courses while they are free.


nlarged biceps: ultimate asset? When our wonderful high-tech Strenght Complex

The drama department puts on three shows a year pl'u s the summer musical. Through ~rama, students cartwheels. - can gain experience in singing. dancing. set building. you imagine someone having the nerve not to be make-up. and, of course. acting. ___. .. _.... that our budget planners just spent half a Again, the rehearsals are logg. but it's all worth it in ...,,.....,,.. dollars to make Westside competitive with other the performance; these shows are a lot of fun to go to. A .,u,uu...... areahighschools? Someonewhoquestionsthe fairly good-sized crowd braved the cold for the most •timate school asset of bigger biceps? It's a lonely recent production, ieahouse of .the August Moon.· but I must confess to being that person. They kw a superb comedy; what they didn't see were ·On the petty side o{ things. the weight room stands the actors huddled in blankets backstage to avoid the an area that used to be a sunny court where I liked freezing drafts coming down from a leak in the roof. eat lunch with my friends ~is is nothing; one _perwarm spring days. In the A ...,.Y Radfi former . commented. •Last picture, the Strength ~u. night we could see our IIOmplex is the last straw on colurrinisf breath .• I have trouble believnrr•hl ... m that I feel has exing it would cost half a million around here for .quite dollars to fix that roof. . The repertoire of the choral department contains a great The problem? Westsiders being brainwashed into thinking sports are the only variety. Warrior Voices and Show Choir have been that counts. The triumphs and problems of other invited to sing in private homes and at numerous rtn11er1ts seem to go unnoticed and unappreciated functions around the district. No one questions their talent. but it took a quiet battle the majority of the student body. namely in the arts. Please let me get one thing straight: just because I with the administration before they were !lnally given not catch a baseball with a 30-foot wide glove money for new choir robes out of the' infamous pop not mean I'm dowh on sports or athletes. I know machine fund. A preview of coming attractions: be sure to check: out work hard and if I had to spend freezing cold Frinights cheering for our football team all over again. the sidewalk sale held by the art department this spring. I am in awe of what kids my own age are doing in that ---.. ''-' (and will, next year). / There's no'question that it's rightforWestside to give area. Whether you go to browse, or to buy what you see . both fmancial and moral. to its athletes. But will impress you. The people involved in the areas I've been talking t•!IOn:teUme:& wonder if both the administration and have blinders on in regard to everything else about have learned to get alon~ without banners on the walls and corsages pinned to th~·ir collars. They do these l•«:sis;tae offers. .. For instance, did you know that our orchestra gives things because it adds something to their lives that they concerts a year? AS a member. it's a little enjoy; like sports. the arts provide a kind of ·high·. But amidst the prolonged hoopla of the sports pro""'1-'P""'."'f; to see fewer people Iri the audience than on stage. There are some incredibly talented gram. I justwanted to thank these people for perseverperforming; they put in long hours of ing because what they do is worth it and they know it. ,.......''-'"· Recognition isn't important to Vtem, but it Heading off to the weight room to work out? Sorry, I'd love to join yoti, but rrit' going to a concert. . be nice.

·~JCu.cu recently, I may have been the only person not


V 1 e w p. o 1 n


BF Band invited to invitational The W~or Band will be on the road again to go to the National Adjudicators-Invitionalin Saint Louis, MOon Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, May 4 ,5, and 6. The crttera to attend this invitational was to be nominated by college band dtrectt>rs and then to receive an Invitation from the directors of the orgaruzation. Those who were Invited had to have a consistent program ofsuperior ratings. ·u·s a~trtbuted to both . past and present performances,· Roger Groth, band director, . said; It's a lot of work to go but I'm excited. • The invitational also has a critiquing period where some national and International ,conductors and composars will listen and then privately critique each band. Westside Is one of 250 bands attending. ~

Spirit squads hold tryouts Tryouts for the 1989-1990 spirit squads will be held through March and April. Both Squires and drill squad will hold preliminary ttyouts on Monday, March 6, with final cuts being announced on · Wednesday, March 15, according to Janel WUbern, Squires and drill squad sponsor. ·we generally have 12 or 13 girls after the final cuts on Squires., who must be at least 5 feet,: 7 Inches. Drill squad has 32 to 34 members, • Junior .varsity and varslty •cheerleader ttyouts will take place on Monday, April1 0. -we will have an Intensive two weeks of 7 a.m. practices, which makes It hard on the girls,· Unda Guinotte, cheerleadtng sponsor, said. ·u·s a lot of fun, and there's a certain symbolism that the girls enjoy,· she said. Tryouts for freshman and sophomore cheerleaders wilY begin on Tuesday, March 14.

lllll1,11l~llll!l iiwe want to take weaknesses, them to become strengths, and improve on our :-:·:·:·:·:·:•'''''"'"'''"'''''''''

~~~i;~.ii ili strengths

Schuler suffers heart attack · Don Schuler, choral director at Westside Middle School, was shoveling snow Saturday, Feb. 4, when he experienced a cardiac arrest and was rushed to Bergan Mercy Hospital. Schuler, who-Is pr~ntly in stable conctitlon, will undergo several heart examinations throughout the week to keep close ' watch on his condition. · ' Schuler has been with the middle school for the past two years and pr~eded that by _teaching vocal music at Westside.

Doug tfiauneretir=:=: lish .


Math test broadens talents Tuesday, Feb. 28, marks the date for .the fortieth annual American Mathematics Competition's American High School Mathematics Examination, (AHSME.) The test, to be taken at Westside, will include all levels of mathematics between basic math to algebra ,with some precalculus. ' · -TII1s test is designed to identify sJ)ecial talents In the math field,· Al Gloor, head of the math department, said. · Westside students have placed in the top ten percent in the Nebraska competition for the past 30 years.

Westside officials forced to ·.provide for Bible Club 0 Moving 'em on out

0 Another- conduct code

Concerns ofloltertng and vandalism are reasons stuRespect from .students for each other and the commudents have been told to clear the hallways after school nity is the main rule a proposed honor code at Univerat Glenbard East High School. By · a new policy, sity High School consists of. The writers of the code students are encouraged to leaVe the building after developed the idea because they felt their school had school is dismissed. To stay late, students must obtain little sense of community and needed a untfylngdevice. authortzedpasses to ride the 4 and 6 p.m. buses. The code describes students policing each other when Students who regularly stay after school, such as violations of the code occur. Violations include thefts, athletes and club members, are eligible for a permanent violence, drug and alcohol posesslon within school late bus pass. Students are afraid they will be dented boundaries. The purpose of the code is to give students help in classes after school because of. the new po!Jcy. a new attitude about their school and about each other. Administrators have credited the quicker clearing of U-High Midway; University High School hallways after sctJ.ool to the new policy. Chicago, m

~!:~~7~ East ~igh School

procedures D. Debatable ~ Illegal debate procedures recently led to an lnvestigation at Kirkwood High School. .At a debate toirrnament. a senior in charge of the event gave advance copies of topics to three members of a debate team for evidence. The three debaters' punishment was left-to Greater St. Louis Speech League's president. Mike Cowan. The senior was removed from his debate team and barred from debate In high school and possibly college by the National Forensic League. Kirkwood CaU, Kirkwood High School Kirkwood, MO


Pushing the positive

·on-the-job career .tratntng· could help young students dlscover their interest for a future career. The Positive. Image program offered at Burke High School lets students match their personality type with an area of Interest. Students are Involved in panel . discussions from professionals in the communJty. Professionals setve as role models and allow students to visit them at their jobs. Omaha Public Schools, along with the Gifted and Talented Education program, offers ·the program to all Omaha Public High Schools. Burke Beat, Burke High School Omaha, NE

Continued from page 1. EAA does not apply to WHS. We disagree,· the said. , \ The decision has already spurred a group Westside students to organize a Bible Club. Schulz, (11), approached Findley earlier this about tht; possibility, but said the ad.Jnir:tistratill would have to watt 30 days until the district the_mandate from the court. "We will comply with court's mandate, but we don't have to anticipate Verne Moore Jr., District 66 attorney, said. The court's decision has already sparked among Westside students and members of the munity. ·u·s a victoty for ev<:cybocW. It basically down to freedom of religion, peaceable assembly, freedom of speech,· Schulz said. However, not everyone agrees. ·rm opposed cally because the idea of separation of church state applies to public schools. I don't want the Club to be In any position to impose their beliefs ideals on me or anyone else; Dan Simon, (l1}, KI am glad that after such a long legal battle Westside High School students who just want to the Bible can do so ~d be treated no differently any of the other studen~ who wanrto meet tol!eth.dl Bridget Mergens Mayhew, one of the tiffs, said. Since 1985, court costs and legal fees cost the district approximately $70,000 Tangdall, superintendent, said. Moore said, at time, attorneys and District 66 officials were studying the decision to determine whether to


Advanced courses. Department heads evaluate curriculum; five courses gain 'honors, ·d esignation inlDuft news editor · Challenging courses deserve challenging titles. Advanced Accounting, French V, German V, Spanish V, and Advanced Senior Math have been designated as honors courses for the 19891990 school year. Gruy Cunningham, counselor, said that the department h eads were going to make all grou p five courses honors courses, but on ly five were actually changed. -.rbere's an •H" tacked on at the end ofthose CQurses to designate them as honors courses, but it won't change the weight they cany when determining class rank. It's more or less tritth in advertising n ow," Cunningham said. Jim Findley, principal, said that the -reason for designating the classes as h onors courses was to let the students and paren ts know which courses are more ch allenging. ·I asked th e department h eads to look at the courses they offer and put an 'H' behind the ones that are challenging so-that when people read our handbook they are aware of that ," h e said: The addition of honors courses will help students when applying for college, Findley said. ·An honors designation means that it's a challenging course, and college admissions will recognize that," he said. "We want to give our students every advantage, because applying to any college now is highly competitive." ' The number of advanced placement courses in the curriculum will remain the same. Advanced Placement U.S. History and Advanced Placement European History, offered. to juniprs and seniors, are the only two advanced placement courses that students have to choose from. •If ·you look at other school's registration books, they will have advanced placement courses listed in every subject area," Findley

said. ·u you look at our cou rse descriptions, we have courses that are equally challenging and probably more so in many instances than what other schools offer. We just don't erhphasize that they are college preparatory COUrseS, and they don't have that·b ig b laring title that says 'AP. '" Findley s aid that the lack of advanced placement cou rses is due to the fact that teachers want to be m ore flexible in what they offer s tudents. ·we've argued that we'd rather not be controlled by advanced placement's prescriptions of what must be taught in a course,.. he said. "We're not going to be dictated as far as curriculum is concerned." The purpose of advanced placement courses is to prepare students for tests that occur at the end of the school year. The tests are scored on a scale of one through five, five being the top score. If a student scores at least a three, they will be eligible to obtain college credit at most colleges a nd u niversities. which would reduce tu ition costs. Many students at Westside are not taking advantage of the tests because they are unaware that they are offered in all subject ares, Findley said. "When you offer advanced placement courses you are in effect preparing kids to take the advanced placement tests. We have to let kids know that we're preparing kids to take advanced placement tests even though the courses they take are not called advanced placement courses. There's research going on right now to get more kids to take tests in all areas." An emphasis on labeling a course as an honors course or an advanced placement course can scare students off. Findley said. ·When Yf>U put advanced placement or honors on a course you start channeling certain kids into those courses," he said. "You can_get caught in a trap and overemphasize it and make it sound so hard that some kids won't do it."

Flu bug strikes Student absences increase; Westside below national norm o

r er, news w ter left due to some illness comThe flu has hit arid hit hard. pared to the 240 who left last National statistics have r year at this same time. proven the flu to be a rising According to school records. disease in the number of people increases in five areas of illit has affected. But in the mist nesses as compared to 1988 of all the viruses llngeiing records. These areas and the around the school, Westside number in that category include has not been affected to as great head colds (28), stomach aches as extent an has other schools (54), temperature and chilling (11), respiratory (18), and sore in the Metro area. -ren percent of the student throats (30). The spreading of the virus, body missing due to Ulnesses is considered a lot," Cathy Old- having been claimed an eplfield, health aide, said. delntc by national standards So far the average number of lastThursday, Feb. 9, hasn't afstudents absent f?ince Januruy fected Westside population as much as other schools. is 100 to 110 students a day. According to national percen"Around January 23 was when the absences started to add up," tiles, Westside is under the average for absences, but OldfeUd said. Westside Middle School has had So far this year a total of 306 a large number of absences due students. have called in sick or to the Ulness.

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"In the last two weeks we (Westside Middle School) have had anywhere from 85 to 100 Unesses," Vicki Wells, Middle School attendance aide, said. ~ich is two times more than we usually have." Many hospitals have also received a number of cases due to flu symptoms and like diseases. The University of Nebraska at Omaha Medical Center has received almost twice the number of calls about what to do for children who 'are coming down · with flu-related symptoms.

, Many health related services are open to the public In case of such signs appearing in family members. One such service is the Health Touch One at 3971717 and Tel-Med at 331-1111.

p -. Myers named state finalist The National Association ofSecondruy School Principals has chosen Masan Myers, (12), as a state finalist for the Century III scholarship. Myers was among the ten student fmalists chosen from high schools throughaut Nebraska. To apply for the award, applicants were required to take a current events test and fill out an application that included an essay in which the student would address a world problem and s olve it. Myers said he will receive $ 100 from the n ational associa tion and an additional amount from Westside "I'm thankful to receive the rponey because anything to help pay for college is extremely h elpful." Myers said.

Club to celebrate Mardi Gra s International Club will hold a Mardi Gras celebration Thurs. day. Feb. 23. The club's celebration will be held in honor of the Fren ch carnival season. Activities scheduled for the International Club's party will ~elude games, food , and costumes . "We thought it would be exciting to have an evening of which we would change Westside's cafeteria into the s treets of New Orleans or the south of France.at carnival time." J ay Bonham, (12) , International Club president, said. Prices for the carnival have not been set at press time. Bonham said that he hopes for a large turnout. All funds from the celebration will go to the Interna tional Club treasury.

Pregnancy prevention week set Love is great, sex can wait. This strikes the theme for this year's campaign a gainst teen pregnancy for the members of the Teen Pregnancy Consortiu m . Th~ campaign was highlighted by a teen pregn ancy prevention week from this weekwhich coincides with Valentine's Day to urge students to take a responsible look a t teen pregnancy and the complications of it.

Excellence in teaching awarded Westside is home base for two of the winning candidates for an award based upon excellence in teaching. Peg Newkirk, English instructor, and Ron C"rampton, science instrl.lctor, won the 1989-1990 Cooper Foundation Award for Excellence in Teaching. The Cooper Foundation Award selects its winners in seven categories. These categories are: English composition, fine arts. history. physical science, economics, math. and foreign language. . In order to qualiJ)r for the award, an application and project · in an instructor's curriculum area must be submitted. Both Newkirk and Crampton will receive this honor and a $1000 prize. "Along with the award, besides being recognized, I will receive a check for $1000 to be used for personal spending. It's (the award) not for my classes that I teach. It's a personal reward," Newkirk said. Newkirk received her award in the category of English composition far her-ninth grade literary magazine. Crampton received his award ~ the science category for his teaching unit on chemistry recycling.

No classes scheduled Feb. 20 Another staff in-service meeeting allows students to take a break from the hassles of school by excluding one of those Mondays that every student dreads. The high school staff will meet by department Monday, .F eb 20, to discuss staff development within Westside's curriculum. Classes will resume Tuesday, Feb. 21. ·


merit gold key aw~rds

Winners in the annual sCholastic·Art Awards Contest will be ,honored at a reception and awards ceremony Saturday. Feb. ~ike Eversden, (9), Clay Holden, (10), Alissa Jacobsen, 18. (i 1), Trish Kantor, (11), Melissa Mann, (9),1Toy Muller, (11) , Claire Noller, (9), Doug Perron, (11), and Kathy Sattem, (9), are the students selected to receive gold key awards. Other· artists excelled, also. Westside had 12 students selected for honorable mentions: Tanya Beckerman, (9), Christln Curry, (12), Kate Heller, (9), Corrine 'Gwyther, (12), Taki Hicken. (11 ), Clay Holden, (1 0), Elaine Homgren, (12), Eric Miller, (12); Sherry Parsons, (12), Nicole Rupe, (10), Kathy Sattem, (9), and Jen Stastney. (9). The College of St. Mruy Award was given to Clay Holden, (10).


If ~REO~




A little help from a friend The Alternative school prides itself on the lasting student-teacher relationships developed throughout the school year. Linda Leapley, (12f. gets some helpful advice about an assignment

from Tom Brown, science j.,.,,,t..,.. l'lll. Sehi, (12). Stephanie Davis, ( penter, (12), work together assignment.

Students battle negati strong, lasting studen /

Shannon glances at her wrist and notices the time. She walks into the warm building from the cold February morning. A normal morning scene for any high school student, even a Westside Alternative School student. The Westside Alternative School. located at 1414 Robertson Prive, provides a school day similar to one at Westside, but with a few different twists. One of the major differences is the three-hour school day for both morning (8 a .m. - 11 a.m.) and afternoon (12:15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.) sessions. A short day may seem a luxury to many, but some students feel this is an inadequate amount of time to be educated. Shannon Erickson, (11). and Alternative School student. disagrees. "L don't think I'm being cheated of an education at all," Erickson said . . "It's nearly all a self-paced kind of thing, and we don't really need to be pere all day. In fact. I feel I've learned more here this year than I have in a long time." The three-hour school day also allows students who have had trouble with modular schaduling in the past, to perform better academically since the temptation of open campus is no longer present. Having half of a regular school day free, enables students to get a job. "The homeroom teachers here encourage all of us to get jobs. " Erickson said,"They don 't make us, but they remind us that we get credits for having one." Five credits are received by s tudents who hold a job during the school year. . The class load of Alternative School students is also less than most Westside students. Alternative students only take

four classes per day; most of which are self-paced. These four classes are split up by a 20 minute group time similar to homeroom a t Westside. The arrangement of group_ time allows for a sense of closeness among students and teachers. "It's more of a one-on-one basis with everyone here," Erickson said, "even though there are cliques, there are no big conflicts with gossip and things like that, like there are at Westside." The personal relationship is prevalent among teachers and students. also. 'With the teachers here, you don't have to worry about just being a number in the grade book; they're a lot friendlier here," Erickson said. As the day wears on, Shannon opens up and discusses how she ended up at the Alternative School and what her plans for gradutatlon. "I ran away. and missed so much school there was 'not much else I could do. I left about two weeks int<> my sophomore year, and didn't start up at alternative until April." Erickson said. "I talked to my counselor, Mr. (Gary) Cunningham. at Westside and he felt it would give me an opportunity to catch up, and it has." Erickson said. 路 This holds true for many students. Alternative's plan for helping students catch-up and have an opportunity to graduate on time, includes a different distribution process of credits: Credits may be earned at the end of each grading unit, which is equivalent to 18 d ays . At the end of these 18 days the s t udents receive a report card showing their p rogress and t h e a m ount of credits they've e a rned during that particular grading pe~iod.

provides chance· A mind is a terrible thing to waste. District 66 makes sure its stu. n!§ are given every opportunity to ,_,,?': receive a proper education. ·. · The Westside Alternative School provides an excellent service to students who need individualized at· .. ::' tention. ...::;, ~It lets you work at your own pace ::·' ' and the teachers center on the kids more than anything;" Ryan Krueger, (11), Alternative School student, said. ~Everything is explained better and you work as much as you want," Jim Conrad, (12}, Alternative School ·.)· student, said. ::r Chris McGinness graduated from :::·\: the Alternative. School at semester. : : ;·:·, "'The great thing about the program :,. is that they cater to your intelligence. For instance I was bad in math, but I didn't need to go over Westside's classes, I just needed to go back to the basics," he said. The school provides a more comfortable· surrounding to learn in. ~u·s more relaxed than normal school," a junior from the Alternative School said, ~it's easier for me, and I'm getting better grades." Students with complications in their lives can still receive a quality education only at a slower pace. "'The courses are not lower level, it is just a nice, friendly atmosphere to learn in," Mark Spizman, (11}, said. "In my case it, academically wise, got me into studying and homework again." The three hour days give students time to work out their personal problems. "Alotofpeopleneedonlyahalf

a day of school in order to get their Bennett is concerned with stulife straightened out," Conrad said. dent employment problems For others, graduation would not graduation. "Many of them are be possible without the Alternative at home. Many of them are School. ~u·s the only way I'm going holding down part-time entry to graduate and I"m a lot happier positions in various employme here then I ever was at Westside," a settings. Many of them are junior said. gling to find a satisfactory fullA quality education is available employment that is meaningful." there to those who seek it. "It's a Bennett seeks more success blow-off for people who don't work ries. "I wish we heard more "u""'o"" for themselves," McGinnis said. "I stories in terms of what they cheated myself of a great education doing now that they have_ at Westside, but at the alternative I through high school but we ended up enhancing it a great deal hear often the type of positive and catching up with a lot of things high school stories that we'd like · I missed out on. For me it was hear." This problem is partially due almost as good as Westside." · McGinness suggested a need for unresolved personal problems more funding. "The problem is that "Many of the personal the Alternative School · gets all of · stances that made high school Westside's hand-me-downs. The cult for them to begin with books are out of date, and there follow them after high school." Bennett is involved with a aren't good science facilities like at Westside. Basically the district does mittee that has been charged not put enough money into the pro- reviewing the Alternative The purpose of the committee is gram." After graduation, most former enhance vocational education students immediately enter the "We're (committee) going to work world. "Typically, students probably through curriculum who are no longer at the Alternative vations and curriculum additions School either through graduation or _better equip our graduates to through the termination of their pete for more meaningful "'u''u"'v high school program, go right into ment when they're out of the world of work," Ken Bennett, co- school," Bennett said. · If a high school education is director of the Alternative School. The problem is that most of these paying off immediately, students are not hired on jobs that sees it as having tremendous are truly fulfilling. "Very few go on to in the future. ·At least they're additional training, either a techni- gling with a diploma in their .cal trade or college, but a few do ets. So at some time that --.-------every year. So we're a little con- may help them get over some of hurdles," he said. cerned about that," Bennett said.

Stumped Laboring over an unfinished assignment. Paul Patrick, (12). works out a problem.

reotypes; build er relationships more

of tardies and may also be the ''They're pretty absences here," •llldc~nl:s are usually tardies during

to a regular high school for my senior year." . Erickson, as most other students, does have plans for college. "I hope to go to UNO (Univetsity of Nebraska c.t Omaha), but it'll be scary going from the Alternative .School right to college." No bell has rung, but the students know the day is over. Shannon brings

u p one last .iss ue about the Alternative School. Stereotypes from members of the co mm u n ity and students at Westside. ' Shannon feels most students at Westside have a bad image nf the types of people who ·attend the Alternative School. "I know there are stereotypes about us at Westside. Most people think the students here at alternative are just all the burnouts and delinquents. People there have nothing to base that on," Erickson said, "we're not just a bunch of losers here."

·Concentration It takes a steady hand fo~ David Bailey, (10), to make the finishing touches on his latest pottery project. The Westside Alternative

School provides an excellent ice to students who need alized attention at a slower than the high school.

S~ mmers,

n sh n toe_ three; key pract1ces toward State meet Saving eir strength for State, the boys' and girls' swim teams finished third and second at the Metro meet lsat weekend. Doug Krecklow. coach, said he was happy with the results of ¥etro considering all of the disadvantages the team faced. Krecklow said, ·we swam pretty typically of a Westside team on Friday. as we were rather tired. But on Saturdaywe came back to swim much better." One of the many disadvantages that the team.s faced during Metro is the fact that most members haven't shaved yet. Erin Conboy, (11). team member. said the team is waiting until State to shave. Conboy said, ·Most people aren't shaving until state because it will make them somewhat faster physically. Mentally. it makes them think that they're gliding faster than when they haven't shaved." ·Another problem that has plagued the team all season long has been illness. Krecklow said, ·we've definitely had our share of sickness this season. Melissa Eberhart. (11). missed Metro. but she should be back in time for State." Sticking with tradition, both teail)s ended with almost flawless dual records and won the Westside Invitational. J.R. Pilling, (12), team member, said, ·we had a great season and won all our duals except against Lincoln Southeast where we lost by only 11 points. The highlight of the season was when we beat Burke for the first time in four years." Megan Kenedy, (11), added, ·we (girls' team) had a good season. We only lost to Burke and by only 11 Points." Both teams are confident of their chances for another state title. Krecklow said, ·our chances for a state title are as good as ever, but this is a meet where you can swim well and get beat." Pilling agreed. He said, "We've got to get a couple more guys qualified . and stay intense to win State." Taking home a title would make the season for both teams, but especially for the boys who haven't won a state i:itle in two years. Pilling said, ·u would be great for us seniors if we could go out with a title and restart a string of titles,"


sports in that you need to rest for couple of days in order to be fresh for a meet. So in order to be fresh for state we're going to •taper" practices. or in other words, make practices easier and not so long." Pilling also said tapering will)lelp." He said, "Our practices will-become easier which will in tum rest us up for State." In addition. to preparing physically for state, the team Is also preparing mentally for the meet. According to Krecklow, he has taught the team a new relaxation method called cybernetics. He said, •Cybernetics . is not mind games, like people seem to think, it's a thr«re-fold process where one learns how to relax. The first fold Is breathing exercises, which includes slow deep breating and something called 'positive breathing' where you · inhale and exhale quickly. The second fold is called 'Progressive Muscle Relaxation' where you learn how to relax certain muscles in the body. The final step is called Visualization' where you first learn how to vizualize simple images, such as an ice cube. You then learn how to place yourself in your competitive situation doing well.~ Cybernetics has seemed to help a lot over the years according to the team. Pilling said, •In a big meet you sometimes get so intense that you can't compete as well, but these mental preparations help me stay calm and relax me." Krecklow said, ·aver the years, cybernetics have worked exceptionally."

Flying fish Leg extended, Marnee Dietrich, (12). kicks off, competing in the Metro Swim Meet last weekend. Dietrich won three gold medals at Metro and will go on to compete at state. The boys' and girls' swim teams finished third and second at Metro. The State meet is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 23 at the Bob Devaney Sports Center in Lincoln. ' Krecklow said the teams set a goal at the beggining of the season, which they would love to accomplish. He said, •At the beginning of the season, we decided that we would set a goal of winning State and not worry so much about how we did in Metro." As always, Burke and Lincoln Southeast, will challenge the boys for the title, while Burke will be the only real chal-

enge for the girls. Krecklow said, •For the boys it wiltbe a four-team race, but the only team that can mount a challenge (for the girls) would be Burke and maybe Lincoln East if they swim really well.~

In order to prepare and rest for Sta~. the team will make practices easier according to Krecklow. He said, ·swimming is unlike basketball and other

Lancer hockey; the As the winter blahs settle in, and our new superinterdent is starting to warm up to the students. mainly by cancelling school because it is cold, many Warrior sports fans can't find a thing to do for entertainment on the weekends If you're tired of watching ABC' s coverage of Pro Bowling. and the Motor Cross Weekly on ESPN. and you need something a little closer to home. · then ·sit · back and listen to this for excitemerlt. It's kind of like the hoola hoop, maybe skateboarding. and definitely disco. We have already been through these eras and now a new one has begun. Lancer Hockey is here. The team that just a few years ago. defied the law of averages, and finished 0-48-2, is now the hottest thing in Omaha, since the Omaha-Kansas City Kings brought professional basketball to the big "0". They have won 14 games this year and powered their way out of the cellar of the United States' ~o~key League and into sixth place. They have given away Lancer hockey pucks, with the Lancer emblem on one side, and the King of Beers on the other. They also have been the center of controversy in the sports pages. Head Coach Shaun Jones was fined for criticizing the officials. The Lancers racked up 41 minutes in penalties in the game he criticizied the zebra.


But, let's view the game from a fans' point of view, preferably a first timer. Upon entering the Ak-Sar-Berr Coliseum the excitemen_t of Lancer Hockey dominates. Maybe it's the smell of stale beer from the game the night before, or maybe it's the feeling of the souvenir puck in hand, but it's definitely alive and kickin'. After settling into a seat, with' popcorn in hand and

D.J. Rezac Sports editor

mug of beer. or soda, you realize that a bunch of drunk hockey fanatics have stumbled. into the family section. Once the action starts. these guys show their true form yelling obscenities left and right at the refs, players, and fellow fans. That. though is not the most surprising. It might be the same obscenities coming from an 8-year-old behind you.. Ifs fun to watch first time Lancer-goers sitting at

Pilling said the team puts .a side tln)e during each practice to work on their mental preparations. He said, "We take half an hour each practice to relax. We go up in the bleachers and tum off the_lights. We start with the feet and work our way up our bodies." Krecldow added that one major reason that Burke swepfMetrowas because they had three days rest before it. He said, ·Although the three days rest really helped them the first day, It hurt them the second day as they started to show signs of poor endurance. The State meet will take place Thursday, Feb. 23 at the Bob Devaney Sports Center in Lincoln and will run through Saturday, Feo. 25.

is on

rinkside. They set their beer, pop, and popcorn -on a thin railing surrounding'the stands. This lasts until the first meathead gets checked up against the boards sending the treats into the laps ofthe victims. Although there are some smart fans who see the check coming. and they grab their beer in the nick of time only to send it flying into the second row. Another great spectacle to see are the fights. Not only are there fights among the hockey players, but a1so fights break out in the stands. Two guys were hauled away three weeks ago after an argument arose over a beer. One appeared to think the beer tasted great. while the other thought it was less filling. Maybe the highlight of the whole show is in between the 5«;cond and third periods where they rafile off ticket stub numbers for audience participation. You can shoot for anything from a frozen Tony's Pizza to a brand spanking new car. They have instigated a new double or nothing policy where participants can shoot from the blue line for $50, or slap one in from the red line for ~ 100. Seldom does a fan. who makes the first one, get off the ice without a beer shower, if he/she doesn't go for the double or nothing bargain. Like I said, if the winter blahs have set in, and if you're looking to find somewhere to take a date, if she doesn't mind having a beer or two thrown on her, then try Lancer Action. It's fantastic.


.- '

Freshman take championship

"Amajorityoftheteam'sunityisaresultofFletch. He . has been a great addition this year." Puting forth a win,ning effort for an entire season lbis season has seen pretty good success this deserves a r~ward. The freshman boys' basketball · year,:' Howe said. "Anytime you start four sopho- . team was rewarded with the regular season confer- mores and have 1owins you are having a successful ence championship, and won the· conference tourna- seaso~.· , ' · ment, 1\lesday. Feb. 14. The team was led by Eric Beherens andJeffMorford to defeat La Vista in the final game, 68-59. . Success for the freshman girls' basketball team "We played hard all year," Carl Henningsen, head could be attributed to aggressiveness and good decoach, said, "and we took our games one ~t a time." fense. The freshman team defeated their opponents with Starting qut cold the girls have come on strong to quickness and speed, because they were not blessed finish the season with a 5 and 2 record, and a third with height. "Our .f ast-break. and press . are two place conference finish: factors that helped us Win." Henningsen said, "We "Our team started out slow, but we got stronger ended up pressing the entire game for the second part and stronger as the season went on," ·coach Richard of the season." Link said. The fmale of the season came in the Basketball games aren't the only things that the boys' junior varsity, JV, are Winning these days. Steak dinners seem to be as plentiful as the 10 wins this year. "I have a policy that if a player takes three charges in a game, I'll buy him a steak dinner~ · Ed Howe, boys JV coach said. !odd Parker took three charges about three weeks ago. I owe him." · lben Dave Fletcher, my assisant, made . the proposition that if anyone dunked the ball, he would buy them a steak dinner also. Dave Kluthe jammed it a game after Parker." On a more serious note, the boys' team has gotten better, but still has a long way to go. "We are playing well, but at times we get lazy and then we don't play to our potential," Howe said. "We need to work hard inevezygame, andnotjustmostofthem.· The team's last game will be tomorrow at 9:30am. at South High school. Howe said that Brent Newman was as hard a worker as anyone who plays for him. "Newman is the Bill Kutilek of the JV. • He also said the Todd Parker isgx.eatly improved from the beginning of the season. The teams' inside play is really coming along, according to Howe, and that credit has to go to Fletcher. "He is a big reason our big men are playing so well. He really works with them during practice,· Howe said . .

No. 1 ranking


Boys struggle for berth

.J. Rezac. sports editor Intramural rankings are again dominated by St. Quimby, a team that has made an incredible move to the top of the bracket from their p;re-season rating of No. 10. · St. Quimby struggled last week. beating the unrated Squids by only five points, but their record is still the only unblemished record in the boys' league. /The Running Runts remain at No. 2 due to the forfeit they won last week from the Hippy Chanchos, an unranked senior team. The faculty remains No. 3 with a 3-1 record, with their ollly loss to Quimby. · Mucous jumped one spot after sneaking by tlie Spaztic Apes in a close game, Spaztic Apes only lost by two points. Mucous seems to be making their bid fG'i. the top spot as they start to live up to their pre-season ranking of No. 1. Spaztlc Apes, previously ranked third, dropped to fifth, but still reinain the top junior team. FatAlbert and the Gang continues its rise to tlie top by beating STD and raisin_g thet.r: rec- , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

Frghting for a play-off berth, the boys' varsity basketball team is going into district hoping for an all around good team effort. The Warriors, with a 7-10 record, had lost five in a row, until defeating Millard North in overtime, Ftjday, Feb. 10. The team hopes to better it's record in the final regular season game against Southtonight at Norris Junior High. "We are struggling with a losing record·, and that's hard for people around ·the school to understand. I don't think the reason is.that we are any worse than before, but the league, and competition has gotten better," Tom Hall, boys' varsity head coach, said. Playing in a tough district, the Warriors might face three teams who defeated them previously in the regular season. However, Hall feels confident the . Warriors have the talent to challenge anyone. 1\lesday night the Warriors dropped a 59-53 overtime contest to Lincoln Southeast in Uncoln. The boys' first district game is Saturday, Feb. 25, at 7:30 p.m., against Papillion.

Chew re-enters . the ratings after a week's absence. Their only . loss came at the I ' hands of top ranked 1. St. Quimby (6-o) St. Quimby. 2. Running Runts (4-1) 3. Faculty (3-1) The Heffers are the 4. Mucous Membranes only girls' team in the (2-3) ratings this week. They struggled in 5. Spaztic Apes (5-1) beating the Party 6. Fat Albert and the .Police in overtime, Gang (2-3) and -retain their un7. SID (3-1) defeated record. 8. Green Giants (4-1) Verde Voodoo Vix9. What's Up with Chew ens (1-3) fell from the (4-1) elite ten, after a two10. Iieffers (5-0) week absence from playing. --.• •

Defense key for girls

Steak dinners key for tear11

St. Quimby.holds

conference tournament. "I 'think the second half of the season we finally played up to our potential. I enjoyed coaching this fine bunch ofyoung ladies," Link-said.

or~~~:- Up ~th

Intramural basketball rankl·ngs

r----------~------, :7(Jtt'4,_DRUG .STORES :

I /

:arre.hmaa Wrestlla& Dec.6 WHS' "ABRAHAM LINCOLN

JIJihllghts- Jeff llorfordlead the Warriors with 19 points while Eric Belue1ui added 13as the team improved Its record to Sand 3.

39 S2

Dec 13


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42 23

14 11 22 13-60 PAPilLION 8 10 13 · 9-40 BJthllghu- Da-rid Cota sc{orcd a cateer-high 22 points to )ead the Warriors to their sixth straight confere:ncc win this year.

Jan5 1 (forfeit) 0


Jan 10 WHS


14 · 12 . 25 21-72 14 15 8 10-47 Highlights- Jeff Morford scored 21 points as the Warriors won the confere:ncc championship.


30 36

Jan 17 22


J-lor Vanity Boy•' ~ketbit.U Feb.2 WHS 11 12 11 16-50 MilLARD SOtTIH 7 14 15 • 9-45 Hlghllghu-ADcly Peck scored 17 points and Brent Newman scored 10 to pace the Warriors.


Jan24 WHS







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Jan31 WHS

PAPilLION Dual record 5-2

45 15


Feb.4 14 10 16-46 6 8 5 4-19 NORTHWEST 2 Hlghllghu-Dave Kluthe scored 8 points to lead Westside over the Huskies.


Jan 21 Ralston I~tatlonal- 3rd place

'1625 SOUTH 10"/lh STREET OMAHA. NEBRASKA 68124 (40Z) 392-1232


Millard North Invitational- 2nd place Feb4 ConferenCe Tournament- 2nd place

Feb. 11

Freshman Glrla' Basketball Feb2 WHS 16 12 15 7-60 PAPilLION 6 8 7 3-24 Hlghllghu- Laura Layton lead the Warriors with 13 points while Helcli Potthoff and Tanya Swlshner added 11 each.





Vanity Boy•' Feb. 10

14 17



17-45 24-63

a..ketbaU 15 17





18 16

13 6-60 7 3-57

Feb 7 13 16 10 5-44 ' 6 12 10 14-42 Highlight•- Tanya Swlshner and Heidi Potthoff lead the Wariiors with 12 points and Laura Layton added 11 .



Sophomore Boy•' Feb. 7 WHS

NORTIIWEST Fre•hman Boy•• ·a ..ketban Feb 1 WHS 12 17 MILLARD NOR1H 9 · 11


a..ketball 17 10


17 16

12-63 18-51

16 20

25 14

17 7

18-76 16-89


Feb. 11 12 20

18-59 17-57



2553 Leavenworth 342-3821

0 R.E.M. will be coming to the Civic Auditorium FTid'ay, March 10. Tickets are $17.50 each.

one night 'only on Sunday, March 5 at the Orpheum Theater. Tickets are available at T1x and range from $14 to $22.

0 The Omaha Community Play-

house is following the steps of Westside Drama and presenting the inusical "The Fantasticks. • This play will be presented at 8:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday nights, Feb. 18 and 19, for their final performances. For information call 553-0800.

What's going·

0 Trallridge and Crescent Hill


Ski areas provide skiing throughout the winter season. Crescent is open from noon to 9:30 ,p.m. on weekdays and 9 a.m. until 9;30 p.m. on weekends. Trailridge offers skiilng from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily. Both ski spots guarantee snow whether natural or artificially made untU AprU. • 0 The 42nd annual

Omaha Boat, Sports and Travel Show is coming to the Civic Auditorium Tuesday Feb. 21 through Sunday, Fep. 26. Admission prices are $5 for adults and $2.50 for children under 12.


0 Marcel Marceau will be com-

ing to the Orpheum Theater on Monday, March 6 at 7:30 p.m. For tickets call 402-342-7107. Tickets range from $13 to $19. 0 "Nunsence," featuring Dody

Goodman, will be performed

0 The Omaha aallet presents The Omaha Quadrille which is based on .historical Nebraska. Tickets are on sale for the presentation at 1\:he Orpheum box office for $7.25, $13.25, and $18.25. The show will run Thursday and Friday, 24,25. CJ •Same Time Next Year is playing at the Upstairs OinnerThe·atre. For reservations call3447777. ' . 0 Bad Company wUl be in con-

cert on Tuesday March 21 at the ~usic Hall . TicketS are on sale at the Civic Auditorium. The Omaha Community Playhouse wUl be presenting 'The Fest ofTheatre" scheduled to run from'Thursday, Feb. 16 through Sunday, March 5. For brochures and information call 553-0800. /


0 "Hank Williams Died on the Back Seat of a Cadillac Last New Year's Eve, Lorraine" will be playing tonight through Sunday, March 26 at the Circle Theater. 0 To find out more information

about these and other events call the Events Hotline at 4446800.

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Skaters seek big thrills skateboarders are faced with is where to skate when weather is bad. Now, a solution to this problem can be found in two local indoor skateparks: Eat Concrete on 90th and Irvington St. and Shredder Skate on Ill th and Q St. Many Westside students frequent these establishments. Helmets, wristguards, elbowpads, and kneepads are requirements at both parks. The parks rent them out by the pair for 75 cents per hour or $2 for the whole day. Skaters can also bring their own equipment. According to Karen Gorly, owner, the crowd attracted to Eat Concrete consists of mainly "intermediate skaters of average age." Eat Concrete has a variety of ramps. One of the more popular ramps is called the "Spine Ramp." It's a large half-pipe that hooks up to the backs of two other ramps. It also has a ramp called "The Vert" which is completely vertical as well as some 5-foot mini ramps. The range of ramp sizes at -Shredder Sl_mte varies from a

ramp that is 10-feet high and 28-feet long to a ramp that is four feet high and 20 feet long. C.J. Byrink, skateboard technician superintendent at Shredder Skate, said this skate park usually attracts people in their twenties with average skill. The prices are a reason for discontentment among many_ students. "I don't go there because I went there once, and it was really expensive. · Then, if you don't skate a certain way, they'll reject you. It's not a friendly environment •.• Fred Erskin, (11) .. said. ~ey're a fot of fun, but I don't go there because they're too s~ct and they take the fun out oft~: RlckJoos, (12), said. Jqos also agreed that the parks are too expensive. Ryan Spangler, (10), disliked the parks for different reasons. ~ere are too many competitive little kids. I think people should remeytber what skating is all about: the street. That's where it all started." Other students have more positive opinions about the skateparks. "It's something Omaha really needed, because the cops keep taking away our spets, " Chris Palmquist, (10),


said. "They could be cheaper, but I'm glad · they're here." Palmquist usually goes to Eat Concrete about ·once a month. Adam Osika, (11), skates af Eat Concrete which seems to be more popular with Westside students than Shredder Skate. Osika said, "I like it because it's some place to go when it's cold. You also never1 skate by yourself: you're always with friends.· Osika said he goes to Eat Concrete because at Shredder Skate the wood on the ramps is warping. "It's already starting to fall apart, • he said. His favorite skate tricks to do on the tamps are "allies" and "stale fish grabs.· PeteJedruski, (11), also likes the indoor parks. Jedrusky said that he has been skating for "around four or five years." Girls don't skate at these parks often. Byrink said that the reason Shredder Skate doesn't get many female skateboarders is that "Most of them are afraid to try. They don't want to fall." Jedruski denies the idea that these skateparks are just ~ passing fad. "I think they'll be around for a while because they're making a lot of money." '


Don't look a gift horse-in the mouth I feel like one of the people in Sparta who knew something strange was up when the Trojans gave them a horse yet didn't do anything. I guess they were taught never to look a gift horse in the mouth. Their mistake was deadly but I don't think the scores of American students in an international test were. The recent test results showed that the U.S. scored terribly low in science, math and language and according to officials it was "embarrassing." , This makes me a tad more than furtollS. I reallywant to know what students took the test. Were they the Mike and Carol Brady's kids or an Appalacian? Actually, I don't think it really matters who took the test, it's peer's reactions that do. It's not our generation that's at fault. It don't know whose it is truthfully. Living in an era where things are easy to achieve kind of takes the difficult edge out of life. It's obvious that you ain't going to work for food if you ain't hW'lgry. . . Sure some students today are lazy and will have larger beer bellies than their fathers do before they're 20 but there are people who work hard for their grades. Comparing the U.S. .to other nations is a little unfair.





'1~ Washincron lntffnarional Srudics Ccnrer 214 M-...hu:wu:s AIIC .• N .E. Su1tC' lJO W..ninctun . D.C. ~2 (lOll )4 7- )27)

Erin Conboy Weekender columnist

Ifwe aren'tso hot in the math or science department does that make us an artist who paints the way that people should live. Maybe we are like the poet who writes what he sees so others will act upon it. Actually we are probably ·looked upon by other countries ·as power hungry for spending a lot of mo11ey for things like battle ships on Pluto.

I believe today most people are either bosses or machine operators whether it be a plow or a Xerox machine. Things happen for us so easily for people today that you can't blame the kids for not wanting to excel in math more than they have to. Maybe this trend of laziness that is supposedly corrupting the U.S. is the reason that being couch_,potato soap opera heads is becoming a definite trend. I'm sick of hearing about the Japanese advancement in evetything. Sure I'm as patriotic as my neighbor. ( yet I abhor apple pie) I even work up a sweat when I hear that they're laying off workers because the Japanese have cornered another Qlarket, but I think we have something they'll never have. If their schooling is so strenuous as they say then they obviously have no time for their personalities to be brought out in school. I've met several exchange students here at Westside and they think that our educational system is different. We learn a lot more through communication than strenous drills. Maybe I'm too critical to jump the gun when I hear my age group being cut down for bad test scores. I feel . like it's a dream and there's nothing I can do. Maybe there isn't






European countries would obviously have a leg up on the U.S. in languages. Because their countries are small and ashort drive can put tliem in another country they have to learn other languages to survive. It's like driving to Iowa or Missouri and having to speak in another language.

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Maureen Ambrose, Gregory Andersen, Corey Anderson, Tiff~y Bartlett, Eric HPhroF"n:,. Michael Behrens; Maria Belfiore, Justin Bigsby, Elizabeth Birckhead, '"""'~ "''"'''"'"':! Black, Kristl Blake, Brian Bonacci, James Boyce, Keri Brawner; Laura Buresh, Dawnelle Carrig, Mara Chadwick, David Clark, Tanuny Combs, Jean Corcoran, David Cota, Bart Cox; ~ Angela Coyle, Rachel Davis, Adam DiPrima, Tracee Dorwart, Erick Dragsten, Karen Eager, Patricia Egan, Jennifer Elliott; Emily Ethington, Michael- Eversden, Paul Farquhar, Scott Fonda, Kimberly Frederick, Jonathan Fries, Brandy Gabriel, Michael Cady; Amanda Gilbert, Rebecca Goldstein, Terry Hanna, Angeal Hanhan, Ryari Harrington, Adam Hartman, James Harvey, Collette Heavey;

"'"'"'"''".u Anderson, Steven Atkinson,

Julie Henderson, Nicholas Herfordt, Donnette Herzog, Jeffrey Hill, Matthew Hinsley, Michael Howard, Kimberly Iburg; . Julie Jackson, Barrett Jiranek, Brett Johns, Carrie JohnSon, Christie Junkin, Eric Kellstrom, Daniel Kerns, Samuel King; Nikki Klabunde, Kate Kolbeck, Sarah Krieger, Dena Kruse, Daniel Kully, Kristen Letter, Wendy Lodes, Dava Looman; Melissa Lubash, Jennifer Lundgren, Molly Mahoney, Joy Mann, Melissa Mann, Steve Manna, Peter Marr, Todd McCollister; Michael Mcintosh, Mary McNeal, Cliffor4 Miles, Jeffrey Morford, Corey Munger~ Melinda Noller, Scott Norlen, Jennifer Paasch; Michael Pariset, Sarah Partsch, Joseph Fe~hio, Steven Peters, Milton Petersen, William Podrazik, Sandra Priest, Eric Pruehs;

Steven Racine, Benjarpin Rea, Todd Richardson, Rives, Keri Ruecker, Kiml:Serly Ruecker, Scott Sacks, mas Saklar; Kathy Sattem, Heidi Schmid, John Schmid, Schneider, John Shannon, Jason Shea, Heather ~...~ ... -.,.x,,.,. herd, Aaron Shwidelson; David Siebler, Diana Slack, George Smith, Smith, Meeghan Smith, Kelley Sparks, Jeffery Spllelilnart,M!I Jennifer Stastny; Ellen Struve, Joshua Stubbe, Tanya Swisher, Taylor, Katherine Taylox:, Lisa Taylor, Zachary Earl Thornton; K1rn1 Ueda, Wend! Unruh, Steven Walenz, Weaver, Loretta Wegener, Dan Weis, Kathryn Weitz, drea White, Anders Wick; Andrew Wigodsky, Catherine Williams, Chad Willlirums: Kerri Wilmot, Steven Woodbury, Carol Woods, KltmhoPrllv Yerkes, Joanna Young, Linda Zoucha;

Margaret Hoffmaster, Eric Hofschire, Lisa Honeyman, Doug Humphrey, Anne Huurman~ JasonJenkins, Jennifer Jessen, Jennie Johnson; Dina Kesting, Celeste Knudson, Molly Koozer, Christine Kozal, Dana Kramer, Kara Kramer, Bryan Kratk¥. Brian Krum; . Ryan Kruse, Travis LaVine, Tudor Lewis, Terry Lodes, Kristin Longacre, David Lundquist, Chris:opher Lynch, Manuel Macapinlac; Connie Mack, James Mackiewicz, Robya Maline, Jeffrey Manna, Craig Marshall, Mat!}lew Warx, Deborah Masters, Heather Masterson; Kevin McMahon, Christopher McM<.nus, Angela McVey, Jennifer Meusey, Troy Meyerson, Kim Mongar, Richard Myers, Ryan Myers; Carrie Neppl, Christina Netsch, Casey Niemann,

Melissa Nihsen, Jacob North, Tahnee Nowak, Kara stretch, Kendra Olson; Pamela Olson, Stacey Palmer, Julie Papineau, <:><~IH<.l<=t Passer, Jason Patil, Alexander Pederson, Crystal Todd Remmereid; Spencer Robert, Michelle Roberts, David Rosenberg, chad Rysavy, Linda Schabloske, Kirsten Schatz, Scheidt, Mindy Schmitz;. Erik Schulte, Cheryl Sehi, Eric Smith, Doug Michelle Sullivan, Dana Sweetwood, Dawn Taylor, .....'-""'"''<':'l:>.'<l Taylor; Scott Taylor, Matthew Tomich, Christine 1\rrdik, Villotta, Brigette· Vivian, Kristin VonDollen, Alec Bridget Weide, Shawn Wheeler; Shanna Whitsitt, Jennifer Wills, Brent Wilson, Wrehe, Jennifer Wright, Craig Wylie, Brian Young;

Tenth Mark Aita, Will Becker, Alyssa Bee, Jeff Betsch, Allison Sherry I3oot, David Boyer, Nicole Brabec; Brader, Kimberly Brandt, Heather BranhaJl!, Jon Jason I3rune, Andrew Buresh, Jodi Carta, Alicia I

Christensen, James Collura, Thomas Cornish, Covert, Andra Davidson, Todd Davis, Laurie DeLisa Dolcjs; · '""''"''""' Donaldson, Jami Dostal, Jocelyn Dougherty, Doxon, Allene Eakins, Joy Eckhoff, Tracey munds, Jeffrey Engel; Christopher Fasbender, David Fehr, Gerry Fey, Kira Fin' Daniel-Frederick, Christopher Fruehwald; Clare Gallaghcr, •Robert Goodman, . William Griffiths, Grubb, Keith Halsey, Guy ·Haney, Chad Hansen, Heimbuch, Jeffrey Hellbusch, John Hertzler;

Eleventh Graham, James Gurnon, Adam Haber; Nick Hansen, Scott Stephanie Anderson, Jeffrey Atkinson, Kevin Atkin5on, Bearinger, Michael Becker, Jay Behringer; Corbin Hansen; Debbie Harmsen, Darren Hartman, Jason Hellman, Chad Bitterman; Kent Bonham, Rachel Bowley, Jamie Brown, Scott Kirk Henningsen, Scott Hoffman, Susan Hoke, Jennifer Stephen Chadwick, Hudson Cheng, Patricia Cieslik. · Homer, Andrew Hrasky; rlon<:Hn .. Cota; Tomoko Isoya~na, Alissa Jacobson, Robert Jameson, Christine Crouse, Brenda Davis, Amy Dewsnap, Debra Jennifer Johnson, Juliana Kaltsounis, Richard KeUey. InDohmen, Anders Donaldson, Michelle Dotzler, Brian Dreli- grid Kimmons, Melissa Knecht; Allison Kohli, Kevin Kraska, Kathleen Krueger, William Duff; Egan, Shannon Erickson, Ted Fellman, · Kim- Kutilek, Sean Lough, Kristina Lundquist, Courtney Mad· Fonda, Jennifer Frank, Jennifer Freye, Edward Fried- son, Karen Manuel; Frank Marquez, Elizabeth Martin, Lisa McChesney, land, Joseph Frost; Jennifer Gammon, David Goldner, Abby Gordon, Jeffrey Greg McGowan, Jason Menning, Rodney Miles, Debra


Mixer, Joy Morton, Tracy Muller; Seth Myers, Scott O'Neill, Timothy Olsen, Wendy Orr Adam Osika, 1)rler Owen, Melissa Parlset, Todd Parker; Michelle Patterson, Bradley Perry, Ronald Petersotn. Michael Pfeffer, Brendon Polt, Angie Priefert, Amy Simon Reyes, Kevin Ruby, James Ryan, Matt John Schumacher, Daniel Simon, Jodi Slusky, Stoller; Adam Studenberg, Christopher Thomas, Heather mas, Sharon Thomsen, Traci Thoreen, Me~anie Lucky Truesdell, Robyn Tuttle; . Eric Voecks, Jennifer Waldman, Anne Wax, Weber, Amy Wegener, Timothy Wood;

,..............Twelfth Julie Adamson, Rodney Al-Rashid, Ginger Anderson, Lisa Andrews, Kari Bargstadt, Buffy Berinett, Kristen Bermel, Heather Biga; Brenda Bingaman, Cynthia Borchman, Heidi Bostic, Tobin Bryans, Edward Buglewicz, Dawn Burns, Billy Jo Carlentine, John Carta; Robin Caudle, Kip Chin, Brian Choi, Laura Cody, Joseph Conroy, Mary Cooper, Valerie Davis, Brooke DeGoler; Michael DeGroot, Susanne Dempsey, Mamee Dietrich, Krls DiMartino, Carl Distefano, Jacquel~ne Drabenstot, James Duff, I3rigid Dugan; Patrick Edwards, Cynthia Faulhaber, Robert Foral, Shane ~azier, Deborah Friedman, Susan Garver, David Geisler, Kara Giddings; _.... Bruce Godfrey, Lies! Goering, Corinne Gwyther, Kenzie Hansen, Ann Hawk, Lisa Heimbuch, Kari Hein, Lisa Helle!; Peter Hindsen, Douglas Hoffman, Craig Holley, Elaino:

. Hol!ngren, KimberJey Houle, Jena Houlihan, Heather Humason, Marlin Jiranek; LiSa. Jobeun, Suzanne Joffe, Andrew Johnson, Michael Johnson, Richard Joos, Dennis Kana_go, Danielle Kellstrom, Tadd Kelly; Katherine Konen, Scott Kreifels, Stephanie Krieger, Brouden Kuhn, Alison Kutler, Debra Larsen, Matthew Larsen, Anneke Larson; Kristin Lindwall, Suzanne Lipsey, Charyl Looper, Jen1 nifer Lunde, Kristin Lynch, Brandon Madson, Adam Marx, Ann Mayfield; Scott McCollister, Gwendolyn McGill, Michelle Mcintosh, Sarah McNamara, Kim McQuillen, Laurel Mieras, Renae Monie, Michael Morfoi;I; · Molly Morrow, Rajiv Mote, Yoshiko Murakami, Mason Myers, Jason Nachtigal!, Carol Nickelson, John Nilsson, Julie Novak;

Karen Nyholm, Kelly O'Donnell, Kendra Olson, Olson, Todd Oltman, Kari Orr, Kimberly Ostergaard, Oswalt; Maiy Overholt, Scott Parker, Sherry Parsons, pher PaUl, Steffany Peltz, Cynthia Peters, James Brian Polt; Wendy Potthoff, Brian Priest, Susan Quist, Rak, Joseph Rezac, Todd Rynaski, Quentin Sachse, c:::.t.~'"'" !<:''''''~ Salzman, Laura Schroeder; Christina Sehi, Tiffany Shafer, Jason Shriner, uu.u"'''""u' Silver, Matthew Sinn, Kevin Socha, Kimberly Laura Struve, Nancy Swanda, Eric Swenson, "''j'"'""'u•u Tompsett, Stacy Trout, Laura Ulrich, Theresia Urich Victor, Jeffrey Voorhees; Nicole Wagner, Brian Walenz, Brenda Walker, Wehling, Sarah Welty, Matthew Wiksell, Susan Wilmo James Wilson, Jeffrey zanarini;

schl'}1itt >-·

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Omaha, NE 68114 402/391-5588


Westside High School 8701 Pacific Omaha, NE 68114

District 66 plans


of Bible Club case It's the beginning of the end. Wednesday. Feb. 15, the Distrlct 66 Board of Education voted unanimously to appeal a U.S. Circuit Court ruling on the Mergens Bible case to the United States Supreme Court. Four.years of courtroom battle began in 1985 when a suit was ffied by Westside graduate Brldget Mergens-Mayhew and five other Westside students after the administration denied their request to hold Bible Club meetii)gs at Westside. The case was sent to the Distrlct Court of Nebraska. The court ruled in favor of the administration, claiming tl'lat Westside maintafned a closed forum, which prohibits non-currlculum related groups from using school facilities, under the Federal Equal Access Act. Ail appeal was immediately filed by the National Legal Foundation, a Virg!!lla Beach, VA. legal advisory group, who acted on behalf ofMergens-Mayhew and the five other students. The case was then sent to the eighth U.S. Circuit Courfof Appeals In St. Louis, MO. The circuit court ruled in favor of the students that Westside, in fact, had a limited-open 'forum since clubs are offered that are •non-curticulum related.· •I was pleased with the board's de~islon because right now. we have a distrlct court that has stated that we do have a closed forum, and we have an appellate court that has Jitated we do not,· Jim Tangdall, superintendent, said. Since the Wednesday, Feb. 8, circuit court decision that ruled in favor of the students, Matt Schulz, (11}, has been Instrumental in a recent effort by a group ofWestside students to organize a Bible Club at Westside. ·u (the school board:s dectslon to appeal the court's ruling) really didn't surprise me. The school board has made decisions that haven't been in the best interests of the com' munity, • Schulz said. The decision to appeal the ruling came after an hour-long meeting. . Shati Hofschire, school board member, said that It is standard procedure to hold executive sessions on legal matters. ·a has been my understanding that when we speak of legal matters, that you do it in private Session, • she said. -Tite thing that irrltated me \}le most was that they (the school board) decided to meet behind closed doors before making their decision. It was arrogant of the school board to not listen to what the community had to say and spend taxpayer's money without their voices being heard, • Schulz said. , So far, legal fees -h ave cost the district approximately $70,000, Tangdall said, and an appeal to the Supreme Court will cost an additional $30,000. Hofschire explained that if the district did not appeal, having lost, they would be responsible for paying the students' legal fees as well as their own. If the Supreme Court should decide to hear the case and rule in favor of the students, a clause in a distrlct insurance policy would pay for the students' legal fees as well as a majority of the'distrlct's, Hofschire said. Hofschire said that one of the reportedly many reasons the school board decided to appeal was due to the fact that an identical case was heard in the ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington where the court ruled in favor of the district. Chances are good that the Supreme Court will accept the case since tw() district courts ruled in favor of two opposing sides, Hofschtre said.

Conflict aris.~s; teens face law An old cliche has lost It's meaning. "You can't judge a book by Its cover" no longer holds true when the topic of students and the law arises. . When an officer sees a teen-ager and a teen-ager sees an officer, a conflict is already present. -Titey always think the kids are doing something wrong." Pete WUson. (11}, said. "They never really suspect adults. They look at kids more than adults.· A police officer's opinion on this maiter would differ. ·I don't think it makes any difference to a police officer if the person ts a teen-ager or an adult. By his oath, he has to, take action against either. .He would be remiss if he did not take action. A p<;>lice officer needs to Interpret the law as it is written. We cannot overlook anyone or any part of the law,. Officer Harley Godberson, of the community service department, said.

Jam session The Jibbs polish their moves in preparation for the talent show, Tuesday. March 14. Band member Ben Maxwell, ( 10), keeps the rhythm and Chad Ward, (11), belts out the

lyrics. The talent show was originally scheduled forT1.1esday, March 7, but was rescheduled for the next week due to a schedule conflict. ,

SAB agrees to March 14 date for third annual talent sh.o w Stars will shine Tuesday, March 14, when Si\ij (Student Advisory Board) will hold their thtrd . annual talent show. Tryouts were held Tuesday, Feb. 7 and Thursday, Feb. 9. Twenty-eight acts participated in the auditions with 15 acts selected to perform. This year's selection process, however, has been subject to questions of fairness, and whether SAB was looking for talent, or . for an act that will attract an audience. MMy feeling is that they, (SAB), were running it more as a business than a talent show. I think that if it was a real talent show that the people with real talent would be in it, and I don"t think .t his was the case, • Pete Hazelrlgg, (1 H. said. The Student Advisory Board, however, testifies complete objectivity in the selection process. Ml think we chose fairly because we even cut people who were on SAB. If that's not fair, I don't know what is." Matt Gerard, (11). SAB member, said. Ml think that you have to have a mixture of everything to make the show a success.· Mason Myers, (12). SAB president, said. Myers feels that it would not be advantageous for SAB to have a wrltten set of crlteria to refer to durtng the selection process. •If you have a crlteria for selecting acts, you limit yourself too much. Hopefully there will be a vatiety of acts and we don't want to eliminate someone because they don't meet limited, pre-determined standards,·

Myers said. The fact that 11 ofthe 54 participants for this year's show are SAB members has also raised q.u esttons as to the SAB's role as sponsor. ·1 think that if SAB is sponsoring the Talent Show they should act solely as sponsor and not as participants also,· Hazelrigg said. · Myers disagrees, MI think that in any activity at Westside you wUl find at least 11 SAB'members participating. I don't think that SAB members shou1d not be allowed to participate in the Talent Show. That's unfairly excluding them. They have a tight to tryout just like anyone else.· Scheduling this year's show has been difficult. Due to a mix-up in the school master calendar and conflicts with other organization's activities, SAB has had to change the date three times before settling on the present date of Tuesday, March 14. MWe've had a lot of problems getting the thing scheduled. We either need a new system of scheduling, or a new person doing the scheduling." Myt;rs said. Due to complaints about the sound at last year's show, SAB will be renting a sound sytem from Midwest Sound Systems for $200. Mit will give us much better sound than what we had the past couple of year~;~, • Ryan :Myers, (1 0), SAB member, said. · SAB plans to take In approximately $1,000 in profit, Myers said. Tickets for the show will cost $2. The show will begin at 8 P:m.

STANC.E Step ahead for student rights Inconsistencies in dealing Willi tbe rights of teenage high school students have arisen as a result of a bill passed in the Nebraska legislature last fall. The bill states that any person who will be 18 years of age by the first Tuesday in November will be allowed to vote in any election held during that calendar year, thereby allowing some 17-year-old students to vote in elections. · At a time when some student rights and responsibilities are being taken away, the Nebraska Legislature is finally giving teen-agers their due responsibility by stating that teenage students are mature enough to elect the leaders of our government. Ironical_ly, at the same time, the courts have ruled that school authorities can control what students say in school speeches, what students write in school newspapers, what sh,tdents place in their lockers. and possibly where students may congregate. If students are mJiture enough to elect the leaders of our government, then how can we not be mature enough to have other rights and responsibilities? Voting is the most serious responsibility a citizen of the United States holds, and if students are mature enough to bandle that responsibility, they are mature enough to handle the others that are being taken away. . / . The Nebraska Legislature has taken the first step to ensuring that teenage students will not become secondary ciUiens ·1n a society that promises to guarantee certain unalienable rights to every citizen. The recent court decisions taking away these rights and responsibilities that students should be entitled to are a blow to stu den~ rights. Hopefully the new Nebraska law will help reverse this trend.

Additional respect ne,e ded Respect between teen-agers and police officers"is an area that needs improvement in today's society. Much suspicion is apparent in the way that teen-agers treat police officers and police officers treat teen-agers. Encounters between police and teens can often be touchy situations and the more respect each party gives the other. the easier these events can be handled. Hopefully, an awareness of the humaneness ofboth police officers and teen-agers will enable these encounters to not be so trying.

;· ··

<hord: '·


The third annual talent show sponsored by the Westside Student Advisory Board has again provided an opportunity for the students of Westside to display their talents. It is encouraging to notice the number of outgotng people who tried out for the show. The talent show is one example of students' school spirit.


The annual senior slide show has been recruiting pictures to be tncluded in this year's show with only minimal success. After each year's show at the end of the year, students complain about not betng included. However, this is an inevitable result of the failure to "tum in pictures they would like to have included.

~;t*ftP-i~~: :~: : lm: :ili: :;:;:l: : : :m:~m:;:;:;:: : rf!i~~!!~~~~~: N~ ·




The "Lance" is the offictal publiEdltor-ln-chlef, Laura Struve. cation of Westside High School, Managing Editor, Gwen McGill. 8701 Pacific St., Omaha. NE, ~ging Editor, Mason Myers. 68114. The "Lance" office is located Business Manager, Kim Ostertn Room 122. Advertising rates are gaard. Copy Editor, Mruy Overavailable upon request. Phone holt. News Editor, Jim Duff. Aaat. (402) 390-3339. The "Lance" is an News Editor, Kent Bonham. Fea· in-house publication. ture Editor, Karen Nyholm. Aast; The paper is an open forum dis· Feature Editor, Debara Dohmen tributed biweekly to all students 16 · Sports Editor, D.J. Rezac. Aast. timesayearex<;eptduringvacatlon Sports Editor, Andy Chapin periods. Subscription rates tooth- Weekender Editor, Nancy Olson. ers are $5 postpaid. Non-profit Aaat. Weekender Editor, Melissa mailing rates are claimed. The Pariset, Design Editors, Jenny "Lance" is printed by the "Fremont Frank, Jay Nilsson. Photo Editor, Tribune," 135 N. Main, Fremont, Evan Howe. Circulation Mana&er, NE 68025. MichelleJaeger. StaffArtista, Troy Letters to the editor are wel- Muller, J .J . Carroll. Pagination corned. Letters should be less than Coord., Nick Hansen. Colunioists, 300 word s in length , s igned by the Jessica Sullivan, Amy Radii. News author, and sent to the editor or the Staff, ',fodd Parker, Feature Staff, a~viser 1n Room 122. Unsigned let- Allison Kohli.' Cathy Pcttid, ·Anne ters are printed upon request. Wax. Sports Staff, RandallJ. HalThe "Lance" is a member of the lett, Matt Fischer, Burt Cohen. Nebraska High School Press Asso- Weekender . Staff, Becky ti the Columbia Scholastic Richardson. Mark Carroll. Susie Association, and the National Kiscoan. Week. columnist, Erin tic PresS' Association. '" ~ · • • 'Conby. ·Advher; <John Hudnall.


Schulz defines views on Mergens ....... .

Dear editor, Over the past few' weeks I've had a lot of support as well as attack on my position. of freedom concerning the Mergens Case. It appears that quite a few people do no understand my position and have many nitsconceptions. I hope that his letter will help clarify them. First of all, I am completely tn favor of the ,separation of church and state. Many people do not realize that the separation's origtnal purpose was to protect the frtjedoms of the churches from state control. not to suppress the freedoms of the churches on state property. Look at it this way: do I have the right to walk down a state operated, publicly owned street and discuss the Bible with some of my friends? Only an absolute b\go~wouldsaynotothat.Whythenshouldlnot

have the rightto meet with some of my friends in a state operated, publicly owned school that taxpayer money paid for, and discuss the Bible? I in no way advocate the tnitiation of forced reading of the Bible or praying. Nor do I advocate forcing anyone to attend this, or any other club. I don't ;even want the club to be during school hours in anyway._We, bymeetinginaBibleclub (which is totally curriculum related being that it is historical and is the best selling book of all 'time) are not imposing our beliefs or our will on anyone else. Rather, by not allowing us to meet, the omnipotent state is imposing its will on us. A Bibl.e~ club is a ~iolation of no one's indlviduallibeny~ bMt rather an enhancement,ofll~erty1


for all. Should anyone desire to start a club for Buddists Of atheists they should have the right to do so. The same goes for ,political clubs as well. Whether you be a Republican, Democrat, Libertartan, or Communist you should have the right to meet as long as you don't violation of the law. Despite all this, the School Board of District 66 has unanimously voted to use taxpayer money to further suppress the freedoms of the students. They had the conceited, arrogant gall to meet (as they usually do) behind closed doors for about an hour and then tell the taxPayers, voters, teachers, and students how their money will be spent, without even listening to whal the people had to ~ay about it! This holier-than-thou bigotry of the school board must stop. The taxpayer's money can be used for much better purposes than denytng feedom. Teachers could be paid, books bought, or taxes lowered. It's a shame the school board doesnl see it that way. , Whether you support a Bible club or not, I urge you to support our, and eveyone's, right to exist. I also urge you to voice your opposition against the School Board's enormously arrogant closed door policy. · · I wholeheartedly thankthe "Lance" and especially the non-profit National Legal Foundation for all their support and help. , In liberty, •·1 • 1 1 , • 1 1 . Matt Schl!lz \ 1) 1 • ; 1 • t • t i · ' • 1 .:


Enforcement isn't ,_ecessary without (!mple follow-Up "

There are rules at Westside that are pointless. For parallel parking (thanks, whoever you are, they helped). example, no ~king in the Social Studies IMC Quiet Actually,itwasapretty good thingthathedidn'twant Room; no smoking on school grounds; and no wander- to see my ID, because I don't have one. I was issued one ing around the halls for the last 20 minutes of thir- at the beginning of the year, and I hung onto it for about teenth mod. two weeks before I figured out that no one was ever going There's no doubt that these rules are pointless. But to ask to see it. , -, the most pointless rule is that you're supposed to have - If someone does ask to see it, I really don't know what a pass, or a <blue slip to leave school grounds. I'll do. But since the chances of that happening are slim At the beginning of the year, there wa s a lot of talk to none,' I won't wony. abou t how, thougli we were - - - - - - - -- ------. I ·don't exactly think tha t cutting down on bouncers, passes 9r blue slips are stuwe were going to Mtoughen Jessica Sullivan pid, but I mean, why bother up" on people leaving withcolumnist canytng them around if no out passes. one is going to care if you This wonderful new plan leave? · called for more teachers to I'm not complaining that no have hall duty, , bathroom one a~ to see passes. I have checks, and door guarding. They would have basically absolutely no problems with that. I have only a questbe same job ~s the bou ncers, only the teachers didn't lion a s to why bother having passes at all? Just walk have toa o it all the time. out. No one's going to notice. . . Somehow though, it just doesn't seem to have I think I'll get another ID card though, just to be safe. worked (at least in my humble opinion). Well, the And I might even decide to get a pas~ (providing I can get bouncers are doing all right, but the teach ers j ust don't my mother to sign the permiss ion form). cut it. Chances are, they'll be collecting a lot of dust in my It's not that the teachers aren't there.- They are. It's wallet, but in the off chance that I get carded, at least not that they aren't watching. They're doing that, too. they'll be there. It's the fact that they don't do anything. There is one point I would like to clarifY. I am not I see kids leaving all the time. All the teachers ever complaining about the lack ofhall monitors. I think the do is look at them, as they stroll through the door. hall monitors (or lack of) is wonderful, and I wouldn't All this year I have only seen about two kids ever get change a thing. , carded (so to speak). They were both in the loge, and I'm only asking why we bother getting passes if all we they were both asked by a bouncer. do with them is stuff them in the back of our wallets, I left one time with a friend to go to lunch. Our spot where they collect dust for the better part of a year. in the junior lot was taken, so we had to go find another There isn't much else that can be said on the topic of spot. We found one around the flagpole area, and we passes. We get them. We misplace them. No one had to parallel park. notices. We get a new one next year. As we were going back into the building, a teacher in If this is what Kgetting tough" means, I'd hate to think his car stopped us. I thought he'd probably ask for a aboutwhatitwouldbelikeiftheyreallydecided to crack pass. He didn't. In fact, all ht? did was give us tips on down on leaving without a pass.

Running the admissions -gamut: .


eccentric to unexplairiable For as long as I can remember, don't watch these videos (can you wony about. Admissions offices have asked my parents have been tucking away blame them) but what about when applicants not to send extra items nickels and dimes in a giant piggy. they do? Money plays a large enough part and claim that these items do not bank known as Kcollege savings." · in college already without affording affect the final decision one way or Whenever I was gullible enough to tum my own -hard-earned money some kids better applications than the other, but one representative over to them, I could say good-bye to others; now that high-tech gim- admitted that it did -help them micks have entered the competition, remember the kid's name. it forever. f4e"wealthy have one more advanOf course you remember some"You'll be glad you saved it one who sends you presents; that's when it's time for college," they'd tage to press if they want. Other strategies range from ec- the whole point. Students should say. More recently, I've seen a few . college catalogs and the costs did centric to unexplainable. Ideas in- be discouraged from doing things make my pulse quicken a little bit. elude sending admissions depart- like that and made to understand But the real shocker isn't the cost of ments chocolate chip cookies and that they can get into the college college itself, but what some kids camping outside the admissions of- they want more easily by - doing - - - - - - - - - - - - . , good work than by sending are willing to spend just to get the admissions· director in. Amy ~adU roses. The pressure for some kids This 1 phenomenon could to go to the -right school" is columnist also point to a darker probintense, whether it's because lem: that applicants are so their parents expect it of status-conscious and insethem, or they want it for cure, they will do anything to themselves. Sometimes it seems like get into the colleg~ that Kcounts." there are· just ten schools in the flee. Ifyou ask me, college admission Acceptance can be refused on the nation that everyone who is anyone and tickets to a rock concert just slightest of things: being from the -wrong geographic area, or having Is going to; it's as trendy as the label aren't quite the same thing. on your jeans, and about as smart. One girl applying at- Penn State one grade slightly lower than someAll of this shows up in the admis- was told that her grades and one else. Lots of universities have an alsions procedures, which lately seem achievements looked good. "All you ternate list of. students they'd love to be setting new records in how far need to do now Is paint your room people will go to impress adnlls- Penn State blue,· the intervlewe'r to a€cept if the~ only had room. This just goes to show, ifyou pin all aions people. The ingenuity to these joked. Ideas is absolutely amazing. And Sure enough, a photo arrived your hopes on one school, it's just hey, if we can't impress them, let's soon after of this gitl smiling hugely not worth the disappointment at least see if we can't get their and mutilating her rooin with a paint you're setting yourself up for. If it weren't sort of funny, the attention. brush. ("Sure, all you need to do now One of the biggest trends is for Is buy your admissions director a idea of students sending all these applicants to send .videos that "little blue Mercedes, heh heh, little · thinly disguised bribes would be _ sort of sad. Let's see now, where did they've either created or starred in joke there.") These are just American kids; not I leave my list of desirable things to to prospective colleges. Sure, why not send them all of your home Nazi youth. I can't imagine what Is have on.a college application? Oh. movies? "11Us is Jenny at age six. ·making them go to ·such lengths just here it ls:good test scores. good Observe how quickly she learned to to feel that they have an edge. As if grades. a good recipe for chocolate ride a bicycle... • COlleges usually the SAT didn't give us enough to -chip cookies.•.

VIewpoint .>

Student art shown-at-)aslyn From across the city and Council Bluffs, student art from the junior and senior high levels has been oollected for display at the Joslyn Art Museum throughout the month ofMarch. Judges from across the city have selected what they feel as the best pieces of art from students all across the metro. "'The display will help the students show their talents to the public, -.Diane Hansen, design instructor, said. The ·student Art Exhibition" will be on-display In the education department of the museum to help promote the National Youth Art Month sponsored by the National Art Teachers Association, throughout the-month.

Debate prepares for national It's time for debaters to prepare for the Natlotial Forensic League district competition. Winners in the tournament will qualify for national competition Friday, March 10, and Saturday, March 11. at Millard North High School. ~Las t year we· had three kids who made It (to national competition). We're certainly counting on being ~on tenders In both policy and Lincoln -Douglas debate,· Dave Richardson, debate Instructor. said. About 40 teams will compete in policy debate and another 40 will compete In Lincoln-Douglas. All debate teams are competIng (or spots in the national tournament, to be held In Golden,. CO, the week of June 12-16.

DECA members make pizzas Marketing students will get some actual hands-on experience as Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) members sell pizzas to raise money for their club. "It's a good fundraiser for us because actually we're running our own business. It's also good experience because we're a marketing club," D.~. Rezac, (12), DECA treasurer, said. One-topping pizzas will cost $6 and combo pizzas will be $7, Rezac said. ·we have a goal to sell 300 pizzas. We would like to see each club member sell at least siX." Don Gilpin, DECA sponsor, said. · Students ordering pizzas will pick them up tomorrow at Westside. DECA members will be making them In the cafeteria.

lillnce Upon A Time ·· LYII . PROM .'

Student applies artistic talent Many students possess a talent far above the reaches of • others yet don't try and further that talent. One such student who Is trylng!_o enhance his abllltles Is J.J. Carroll, (11). This summer Carroll is taking a trip to New York City to attend the Parson's School ofDestgn, a sub-divJslon of the New School of Social Research, and enlist in illustration courses. In tum Carroll will receive four college credits for his participation. This five-week cours~ will last from June 25 to July 28 and will consist of classes which last from 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. daily except for weekends. Illustration is not the only thing that the school offers. Classes such as fashion 1llustration and ceramic design to drawing and painting will also be available.

Urich displays leadership Today's youth gained first-hand experience about what it takes to be tomorrow's leaders at the ~989 National Young Leader's Conference. Theresla Urich, (12), was selected by the Congressional Youth Leadership Council to Join 350 high school juniors and - seniors from across the country in Washintgton D.C. for six days of meetings with key leaders and newsmakers from the government, media and diplomatic corps. The students also assumed the roles of political leaders in a Mock Congress where they debated, lobbied and voted on proposed drug testing legislation. ·1 feel that I learned more In the se~en days I spent with the National Youth Leadership Conference than I've learned in many of my classes," Urich said:- "'The trip was so remarkable because iLwas a pands-on experience, • she said.

Vote granted to 17-year-olds Democratic process haS spread further into high schools. A state constitutional amendment was passed last fall that makes anyone who·will tum 18-years-old on or before the first 1\Jesday in November eligible to vote in any election for that calendar year. The bill allows 17-year-olds the right to vote In general elections. The bill stated that generai elections take place only in even numbered years, raising the question if 17-year-olds could vote In 1989. The Attorney General approved the bill for oddnumbered ye,ars, In addition to even numbered years, Monday. Feb. 13, allowing 17-year-olds the vote..fn this spring's election. Vickie Floume, election commissioner, said she hoped that students would take advantage of the new b1ll. 'We went to a lot of work lo•allow them to be able to vote," she said. "I hope they will use it."

C~mrnitinent, . aCcomplish~ent Custodian gains supp·o rt, satisfaction,-from stu.d erits

·. ·

Commitment. Support. Accomplishment. It's what a job is all about. To Teny Mikuitcz, his job as custodian is more than a satisfaction. It's a commitment to the students who consider him a trustworthy and supportive friend. 1 ~I enjoy working with kid s ,~ Mikulicz said. Mif you· treat them right, they will treat you right. You can leam a Jot from them if you tty. They're honest. and I appreciate that. If the students borrow money from me. they pay me back. I can really trust them.~ Mukulicz has worked in District 66 for 21 years. He has workeg_at Arbor Heights, Valley View, Prairie Lane, and Westside. Along with janitorial work. he bussed kids in the district for about six ~ars. , ~I already know a lot of the kids." Mikulicz said. ~I used to bus- them to school-when they were little, and I've been with them ever since . ~ .· ieny probably knows mot:_e kids than many of the teachers,~ Dick Wilson, social studies instructor, said. MNot only does he know them by riame, he knows them by their activities outside school. He gets along with evetybody. and is a great friend.~ Mikulicz loved sports in high school and college. He played football, basketball and track. He unfortunately had a short career due to a _knee injuty while playing football. ·I went to college because of sports,~ Mikulicz said. ~u was all that was important to me. I didn't like school and I figured that I made more working than getting my education. There was a time that I thought about becoming a police officer or joining the army, but I never got around to it.~ Mikulicz doesn't regret the decision he made, but he wants to be able to work more closely with the s tudents, especially the special education and handicapped s tudents-:- He enjoys working with students who need the help; 'because he feels they could use the help more than others. ~e special education students appreciate eve-

Mop it up Being a c u s t odian in Dis tric t 66 for over 21 years has been more t han a j ob for Teny Mikulicz, cus tod ian. Mikulicz a lso tries to be a helping friend for students in the building . rything you do for them, ~ Mikulicz sa icJ. ~ I like · people who are honest. and they always are friendly and open about themselves. They don't hide anything . ~ · Mikulicz was once a member of Peer Advocates. He went to all the activities, from roller skating to

swimming. He pften buys the students ice cream or pop, and he hopes they consider him a helpful and supportive friend. ieny is one of my ~st friends, · Kevin Elmore, special education student, said. ·He always talks to me, and he Is always there to help me.~ "Evetygody wants to be treated the same as they are;•MJkulicz said. "I treat the kids the same as they treat me, but.basically all the students and teachers are good to me.~ · When Mikulicz has spare time, he enjoys fishing, watching 1V, or going to the horse tracks. ~I once won $8,000 at the track,~ Mikulicz said. ~aut I've lost a bit too.· Spare time doesn't come-often though. Between holding two jobs. and going to the students' vart;i.ts .extra activities, he. keeps a full schedule. ~e school and tJle kids are my life.· Mikulicz said. "I tty to go to the students' basketball and football games. I also have to keep two jobs. here at the school and wherever else there is worlt. ~ Mikulicz .feels that the best way to learn, is by experience. That's the way he got through his life, and even though it's hard, he feels it's the only way . ·I used to drink a lot.~ Mikulicz said. ~I would get into fights , and have trouble getting along with people. I haven't had a drink for six years. and I am a lot more humorous now." ~Ifl hear about kids going to parties and drinking, I usually just tell them not to drive, and to use common sense.· Mikulicz said. ~u upsets me, but "'r ve leamed from experience, and they will too. I never squeal on a kid. I tty to straighten them out, but I don't tty to get them mad .~ . Mikulicz has worked hard for the dis trict during the past 21 years. He feels . that the d istrict does not give him enough credit, and this u psets him. "The district once told me that I didn't get along with the students. ~ Mikulicz said. "They didn't want me to work at Westside, because they felt I didn't belong there. I told th..!m that they were wrong.·


Steve's Pharm·acy


Program functions to assist sophomore students iso,n Kobll, feature writer Style. Everyone has a different one, and sometime~ adjustments are needed iii order to sustain th~m.

A program at Westside has been set-up in order to meet the needs of individual education styles. As John Crook, dean of boys, said, ~u is a coordinated school-wide effort for students at risk.· It is specifically for approximately 26 sophomores who are failing two or more courses and are at the risk of not being able to graduate. They have been scheduled for the Student Study Center until their work improves. Crook is working with the SSC,staff to have more of a directed studies approach with these students. This program began the beginning of February The program pn:Mdes more individual counseling for students having trouble adopting to Westside's curriculum. ~e all learn ,in a different way; Jim Fey~ academic counselor, said, -we all have different leaming strategies and it's important to learn how each of us leams best.· The purpose of the program is to help students with their study needs before graduation rolls around. !his program is for students that have gotten so far behind that they have given up hope.~ Jim Findley, principal, said, ·we need to make sure we're doing everything we can to · make their education possible.· In oFder to cater to individual needs these students will be provided with one-on-one academic counseling up to three times a week. ~we are providing an advisor and counselor to monitor their grades an~ homework." Findley said. ~ese academic counselors will assign time for study and help them to organize

study, • a sophomore in the program, said. ~ese counselors show you the process of what to do.· Fey is focusing in on the personal side of students. •I want to get to know them as individuals and tty to help them by finding how they can function better at Westside.· Students in the program can accept the situation. ·u·s not like we're failing evety class, we ' just need a little more help,~ a sophomore in the program, said. ~ese students have just fallen behind the nonnal target of credits, • Fey said. ~eywant to get a start. It's just a little frustrating for them.· This academic counseling If .only an extra . advantage to the regular • eouhlseling Jroutlne. ~e·re not taking over the counselor's job by any means. We're just someone they can talk to and check-up with; Fey s~id. This method will require a give-and-take relationship between students and staff. ~e·re asking evety staff member'to bend over and help-. We need to look at the content of the courses that is appropriate for these students and a re-lookat our standards for all students,~ Findley said, "It is basically an effort on staff and kids to work harder. ~

The process of teaching needs to be catered to each individual's style. ~Some kids have trouble with traditional styles of teaching, such as the lecture. We need to re-think our approach to different leaming techniques and modify the structure without losing anybody In the process of teaching; Crook said. Basically the goals of this program are to teach responsibility and confidence. "If we can help them be successful then they will be more apt to feel they can,· Findley said, Mhowever, t}ley need to leam to be more <lisclplined. They are going to have to make it happen.~ "The counselors really changed my attitude tothemselves.~ ' wards school,~ another sophomore in the proMSome teachers don't really show you how to gram, said~

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MaY the fo~c~ ~e ~ith you. --~resu \ts ·,n -positive lnteractl · Courtesy -----·-

In every city and in every town across America, there's a force lurking. Stealthily, it hides itself and waits, waits until you're unsuspecting and ready to be snatched. These words ·could have been taken directly from the trailer of the latest gory horrorfest Hollywood has concocted. They ·could have been, but they're not. Instead, they rep-

with people. Who calls law enforcement people to come over to their house to visit? Generally, when law enforcement people are called, something's going to happen that someone is not going to.like,· Cress said. · . However, not every contact with the police has to be negative, even in · situations where a law has been _ M A lot of young people are leery of ·violated. According to Pat ~uhl, youth - law enforcement people. They feel like services officer, the judgment of an individual officer is the determining they're going to be arrested, or they're factor in deciding whether a citation is being watched. That's not what we're issued or not, and that judgment can after. We're not a kind of boogeyman be influenced. to come out and harass them,· John Mifyou're polite, it might influence Cress, crime prevention officer, said. the officer's decision. If you're giving In the eyes of many, a pollee officer is a threat, playing the role of disciplithe officer a bad time, he's going to narian. · write you a ticket,· Kuhl said. It seems that the Mgolden rule· is MMost teens probably don't see also applicable to interaction with police as an advantage. They resent them more because of MIP's and ' police officers. OWl's. Whenever they associate with "If you treat people like you'd like to them, it's on a bad nQte. They're being be treated, you'll get along. It sounds a little weird, but that's the best policy I reprimanded or something,· Anne Larson, (12), said. can give to anybody, • Cress said. Cress agrees that police officers It also helps to be straightforward and truthful with officers. principally interact negatively with the public. . -nte main thing is to be honest. If MWe mainly have negative contact an officer catches you in a lie, it gives

resent an exaggeration ofan attitude that many youths share: suspic.ion and paranoia . of the police force.

thal officer a feeling that to get away with something probably will get a ticket. • If all else fails, and a issued, it is ~dvisable to sign ·Regardless of whether you you're guilty or not, the best do is sign the citation that There is a separate charge of to sign a citation that results physical arrest. That means to go down and be physically central station and be charged additional offense of refusing citation,· Cress said. Although he feels all ciuttio... should be signed, Cress .rt ............ _ support pleading guilty to a when an individual believes he innocent. In such cases, he contesting a ticket in the ...v ..... , . . ., process he doesn't feel u;;cu-·a&q·· advantage of fully. Mifyou feel you're not guilty, go to court and plead not plead guilty to something you're not guilty of. That's have a lot of problems with people. They say, 'oh, well, I'm going to fight it because you in court'," Cress said.

TraffiC , school offe •



opportun1ty to •



' .

- f'o"r

w hc!e.l IM! vehicle.

With the rise in the number Sirens scream louder as the flashing minors being charged with red lights seem to get brighter in the the law, Omaha has taken rear-view mirror. The joy ride comes to of these plans of attack was an end as the brakes are applied and up of the Omaha School for the car is pulled over to the side of the . Driving. road. An eight hour class has A door slams in the background and for the last 13 years when the sound of footsteps gets louder as receives a ticket for a moving the officer in blue approaches the car with his pad 9f paper in hat!d. This could be just one Qf the Yo~ don't really scenes known by anyone who has received a ticket for, or been anything new, but charged with, a violation of the law. cause you to be Minors receiving-traffic violations so far this year have been on the more cauti0118. rise from year's past. From the tickets that have been given so far Jenny this year, an estimated 20 to 21 percent of the total tickets have been given to people under tlie age of It is not a requirement. but If 21. This figure is higher than last violator sho~ld choose this year's 19 percent total. ticket will be dismissed from In 1988, a total of 86,501 tickets record and a fine of only $2511 were issued to people in the Omaha the fee of the class. . area; 19,440 were given to those under The class includes films and 21. To break it down even further, in the hope that drivers will 6,130 of the 'total number of tickets more aware of defensive given to females and 13,310 were given make them better drivers. A to males (which is over double the only allowed to attend the class female amount). _ every three years. The effect of the class on Traffic violations are not the orlly is unknown by the department. illegal violations that have been most students tend to have a increasing in recent years. Out of a response. -nte defensive total number of 3,385 persons arrested was a waste of time,· Jim for driving while intoxicated (DWI), 313 said. -ntey basically taught persons under the age of 21 received same thing you already them (which is nine percent of the total "You really don't learn "'""rthhO• figure). new,·. :Jenny Homer, (11), said, Minors in possesion (MIP) of alcohol does cause you to be a little have also risen. Last year 820 miriors cautious and scared when you were arrested Cot their illegal drinking; Allhough a negative res:poJt\se according to Omaha Police records. brought about by the class,

th ponce court may not always be th.e go. After being cited for illegally left on a red arrow, Dave, (12), that his last name not be to court, protesting that on a yellow arrow. He.was ticked off because the at me [during the _....uf'i,"l• and the judge had no for what I was trying to do The judge said, 'you're guilty, before I'd even made my arguments, • he said. feels, however, that youth are respected as well as those of' In most situations. •IVerlile has just as many rights I think that they're basi-~te:d the same," he said. are cases where minors are to certain legal actions that not subject to. ,.- ... u•o• for the state to incarcerate that persori would have to a crime, but if a juvenile to do things we call status like running away, rrlisslng or just being generally unconthe state can step in and can of that person,· Kuhl said.


dents ista·kes believe the opportunity to ~hool is a good idea. "'The to go to the class gives you remove the ticket from and make a rrlistake:·

\ .

Negative attitudes increase conflict. Conflicts between teercagers and officers do not stop with first impresNegative attitudes between police and DWI's are handled sions. Conflicts cany over into the officers and teen-agers increase the different means. When way officers confront and deal with conflict. receive ~ ticket for MIP teen-agers. "'Y-es, there is a conflict between they must follow the path "'The first time I was pulled over for , teen-agers and officers. I think a lot of the court system: · speeding, the officer made me feel like " it has to do with the attitudes of teen~:~:IJt-aJ~ei-s must first attend the I had just collllllitted the ultimate agers when they come into contact court where the case is crime in history when all.I had done with police officers. • Godberson said. and a decision is made to . was exceed the speed limit. • Rachel Teen-agers are not the only ones sentence the accused. or to Kunze, (11), said. With negative attitudes. Police officers the case to the juverlile , Some police officers are strtcter have negative ~ttitudes towards teenagers. case does get dropped to ·. than others in the way they deal with court, any sentence students and the law. "Police officers are out to get us, • will not go on the youth's "When my friends and I were in Trish Kantor, (11), said. record. The purlishment Pipal Park one night just fi'Ve minutes A fear of police officers is developed the juvenile courts usually after it closed, a police officer ~ up . in the eariy stages of life. tA.ua aadwante<Uo lmow why we were probation. commurlity service, · "1m pollee ofilcers, we sure don't tty stilt there after hoUFS.-·There's no sign itreauneJlt plus fines, if the to instill fear. iS not'&ne of the posted, so how were we. supposed.to DWI. things we deal in. We are just like know it closed at 11 p.m.. We were two charges with their other people," Godberson said. Chilticketed,· Kristy Kincaid, (11), said. consequences cause more of a dren can aevelop a fear of police The police offi,cers sometlm~ aren't teen-agers when they receive o~ers and being in jail early in life. totally cooperative with ·the students. I received my MIP. I was This fear is usually developed in the "We asked the police officer' how we death because it could have a formative years." on my future if I didn't · could be ticketed if there was no sign The way a teen-ager looks, or is moved to juvenile,• a With the hours, and he didn't answer dressed, ean alter how a police officer us. He was such a jerk to us,· Sharon wished to remain anonytreats that teen-ager. Thomsen, (11), said. "In our department about runeof the consequences, tenths of the police officers look at how · Godberson said in most cases, the tend to be more cautious teen-agers are dressed. If there's a officer trtes to Understand and treat activities. "From now on greasy-haired, bearded guy. there is a the teen-ager as fairly as possible. · careful when making my chance that he may not get as good of "A lot of times when police officers · and try to stay out of break as if an officer is dealing with a come into contact with teen-agers, the junior said. "It was scary nicely dressed. clean-cut teen-ager," they'll get little snipes directed at first time." Godberson said. , (Continued from page 1.)



them. The kids Will yell innuendos. As police officers, we just sit there and

take it from them. That's when we tend to· develop a bad attitude towards teen-agers,• GodbeFSOn said. ~ Some teen-agers agree that the attitudes .ofteen-agers help to initiate police officers' negative attitudes toward them. "At times, police officers act like they don't understand teen-agers at all. In ~me cases the way ~ey treat teen-agers is justified. I think that police offic.e rs need to take each case into consideration pepending upon each person and their attitude, • Kunze said.. There's _a lso the question of a police officer overstepping his bounds. "When I was pulled over one night. four cops stopped us and searched my car. They just assumed that something was wrong because my lights were off. They had no reason for going through my car. They didn't give us a reason either, • Wilson said. According to Godberson, police officers do have the rtghtto search a car ~er pulling it over for a reasonable cause. Police offices may search the car anywhere a driver can reach, b1,1t not the trunk. Whether teen-agers or officers have negative attitudes towards the other; it remains the duty of police officers to enforce the written law. ·



St. Quimby continues itS roll' as top :seed I•QimR£Xl1j¥J,%lU!i!W

Skying above the opponent in a recent Intramural game, Yurt Shwidelson, (11) , shoots for two for the Spaztlc Apes. The intramural tournament begins Monday.

March ).3, for eight t eams. St. Quimbywill be the top-rated team going into the tournament. St. Quimby is 6-0 and has b een atop the ratings for eight consecutive weeks.

St. Quimby continues to :laminate the intramural basketball scene. Quimby, 6-0, rolled to a 52-30 victory over previously undefeated Green Giants. They were led by Jim Dufl's 26 points, while Kevin Schicker cleaned up on the boards. The senior team has been the front runner for eight consecutive weeks. Faculty, 5-1, is the only team to pose a real challenge to the top-ranked team. In their headto-head battle with Quimby. the Faculty fell 33-37. But the Faculty dumped the previous No. 2 Running Runts 57-48, and disposed of What's Up With Chew 55-30 . .Running Runts dropped one spottothird, aftertheirloss, but they rebounded by defeating the Spaztic Apes 47-40. Mucous Membranes continued their effort toTegain the top spot, by dropping the Apes by four. and beating an unranked underclassman team by 20. Fa tAlbert and the Gang, 4-3, is blossoming at the right time. They have won three in a row. including handing No. 6 STD their only loss, 46-35. STD. 6-1. is led byt John Slack, and should be a contender come tournament tiine. The SpazUc Apes sUd four spots to No. 7 after posting an 02 record against the teams in

the top 5. Rectal Thermometers enter the ratings for the first time at No. 8. This sophomore team is the only unbeaten boys' team besides St. Quimby. Th~ edged the Green Giants 51-49 in overtime. The Heffers continue to dominate the girls' league. They have defeated every girls' team in the league. Green Giants get the -edge for the last spot over Damn Geor,gians because of their overtime loss to the Thermometers. Although the Georgians have only lost one game (5-l), the strength of their schedule has been in question.

Intramural basketball· ra n king s 1. St. Quimby (6-0) 2. Faculty (q,-1) 3. Running Runts (5-2) 4. Mucous Membranes (3-3) 5. Fat Albert and the Gang (4-3) 6. STD (6-1) 7. Spaztlc Apes (5-2) 8. Rectal Thermometers (6-0) 9. Heffers· (6-0) 10. Green Giants (4-2)

Buy me some peariUts, cracker jacks Instead of going right into the heart of my column this week, I'd like to just graze the surface of another topic. After the last home boys' varsity basketball game, It marked an end to the performances given by the seniors on the cheerleading squads, Squires, and the drill squad. These girls work hard practicing routines and prepartng for their upcoming seasons. I know the Drtll Squad is not too fond of me right now, but I admire them · for what they do and am amazed that the code of conduct didn't seem to scare any of the new girls-out of trying out. Anyway, enough of that, now down to the nitty gritty. Spring time Is rolling 'round slowly, but it will be here before you know It. All the snow will melt, the blrd's will ' come home and start singing again, and America's favorite pastime will also star! up. The boys In the Big League have already begun their spring training. They have all journeyed to Arizona. and Florida to begin working on accomplishing their · dreams. There Is nothing more American than the game of


baseball. It goes side-by-side with mom, apple pie, and Chevroiet. It 'is by far the greatest game on this earth. The smell of a fresh, spring day and the sound of newly-shaven lumber swatting baseballs' around the


Sports editor



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paJ:k make baseball a sport comparable to no other, especially soccer. That communist sport, which has become ever-sopopular, is miles behind the game of baseball. Crazy people stampede to get out of the stadiums beoause they can't stand watching it, and they end up killing a couple dozen people and injuring more in the

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riot to get out of the place. Baseball diamonds, on the other hand, are wonderful places to go. What confines co~d be more friendly than Wrigley Field and singing "Take Me Out to the Ball Game, • with Harry Carey. Baseball players are unique lndlviduals. They have a language that's all their own. Here's an example of what you'd hear on the field. "Hum babe, come boy, fire it in there. Rockn1 fire, tossln' beebees, atta boy.· And here's what might come In return: "Poke the joke, little bingo, here we go, spin his cap. Knock him off the hill hun? What do ya say?" Extremely exhilarating. Well, maybe not that magnificent. but you understand. Ball players call the park, the yard: the pitcher, the hurler: a hitter, a slugger: the balls, eggs: a fly ball, a can of com: a bloop single, a Texas Leaguer. As you can see, it's a different language. It's more exciting than soccer, and a tad bit more American, than Lancer hockey. It's "America's Game. • Baseball fever: catch It.


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s tea'm Buketban

Bo7S' Jaalor Vanity Bubtball

rre.Junaa bo:J's' "8"

J'eb. 18 WHS


. 13





23 21 13 18-75 15 6 8 7·36 mpHIJbb- Dave lOu the and Jetr Hall lead the Wan1ora with 14 points apiece aa the J.V. team flnlshea the year at 11·5.

12 8 8 ·41 6 8 21·46 mp111Jbb- Teny Hanna led all scorers with 12 points while JetT lDll chipped tn 10 potnts tn a losing cause.

atatea..alu 2ncl place- Tony Buccheri 4th place- Jim Wilson

... 1 WHS

Bo7S' VanltJ' Buketball . . . 17 WHS South

2nd Place· Doug Jatxen, Matt Fisher 4th pisco- Jeny Imhoff, Tony Randone


17 15 13 18·63 13 16 10 18·57 mplliJbb- The Wardora ended thetr8C8110Jl at 8·10 with the wtn aver the Packers. J.C. Wickstrom led the Warriors with 19 points. Dlatrlet J'eb. 2S WHS 21 8 11 16-56 Paplllton 17 13 8 23-61 BIPH&bh- MattStnn lead the Warriors with 18 points aa the team ended the aeaaon with an 8·11 reconJ.

Boy.', Girls' 8willualq lletro lleet Girls' 2nd· place Boys' 3nl place

6 10 5 11·32 MtU North 12 16 9 16·52 BIPll&bh- Teriy Hanna scored 10 while Zach ThomM added 7 points. ... 2 WHS 26 7 13 12·58 Papio 3 5 5 13·26 mpJJihu- With a 26 point explosion in the flr1lt quarter, the Wan1ors move to 6-0 tn conference play. J'eb. 8 WHS Logan

Girls' VanltJ' Buketball

13 8 · 10 1()..44 7 8 10 10-37 BIPH&bh- This game won the JV boys' the conf~ champion· ship Teny Hanna led the team to the wtn with 14 points.

J'eb. 21 WHS


12 15 9 12·48 Marian 19 14 8 16-57 BIPH&bh-Julie Novak was the h_tgh acorerwith 15 points.

DWtrlct R•alta bt Plaeo- Dan Grant, Tony Buccheri, Jim Wilson


State lleet Girls' 2nd place Liz Brejnlk· 6th place 100-yard backstroke: 100-yard butterfly Mamee Dietrich· 1st place 50-yard freestyle: 1()0-yard breaststroke Melissa Eberhart· 1st place 200-yard tndtvtdual medley: 2nd place 100-yard freestyle Georgia Hatzldakis· 5th place 200-yard tndlvtdual medley Brlgette VIvian- 5th place dtvtng Boys' Snl place Doug Humphrey· 1st place 100-yard freestyle: 3rd place 50-yard freestyle Marlin Jlranlk· 3rd plllce lOO·yard breaststroke Denny Wychulis· 3rd place 1OO·yard butterfly

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ScOrebooks ·close on Warriors' long, cold winter sports season It hasdn't happened in 20 years.

For the first time since 1969 the Warriors completed the winter sports season without a single state championship. OGirls' Varsity ~asketball . AlthQugh the girls' varsity basketball · team didn't get to state, C~ch Linda Adamski called this year a goOd one. "We had a good year even though we didn't meet all .o f our goals." Adamski said. The team ended with a • 13-8 record. me of their accomplishments included a fourth place finish a~ the Metro Holiday tournament and at one point held a fifth place ranking in the state. "We played well at times during the season," Wendy Potthoff, (12). said. "We just couldn't get the basketball to fall against Marian." "We had a lot of fun this year," Adamski said "and we worked hard st of the year." OGirls' Junior Varsity Basketball A fast start and a strong finish is the way the sea5on could be summed up for the junior varsity girls' basketball team. "We had a vecy successful season finishing the year with a 14 and 2 record," Coach Rick Vranicar said. · "Our success came from excellent defense, good balanced teamwork. and our unique ability to win close games." Vranicar said. The Wj.Ilior's won five games by three pqints o~ less, and their · only losses coame from teams who also · posted 14-2 records. In their last game of the season, Westside beat Omaha South by _the __ score of 57 to 25. OBoy•' Ju.nlor Va rsity Baaketball Finishing with a victocy is a good way to end a season. The boys' junior var-Sity ended their season with a three-point basket by co-captain Scott Standish. (11), to ice a win over Omaha South. The team finished with an 11-5 record. "I am pleased with our season." Coach Ed Howe said. "We improved a lot, and played hard." The strength · of the team was the inside game led by Andy Peck, (10), and

David Kluthe, (11). "We had a half-court offense with our strength inside," Howe said, "and Kluthe and Peck were good scorers for us." TOdd Par'ker, (11), and Brent Newman,J10}, also played imprtant roles on

nature of the team." The team was balanced, but there were standouts. "Andy Buresh. (10), helped us with rebounding and scoring. and Guy Haney, (l 0), helped with shooting," Graff said, "John Sindt, (10), also



0 Freshman Boys' Basketball

:;-;: : :. 0 Freshman Girls'


,.' OSophmore Boys' Basketball

11-3 conferehce champs, 7-5 3rd in conference

. 10-3

OJV Boys' Basketball

11 ~5

OJV Girls' Basketball


OVarslty Boys' BasketbaU

8-11 4th in district


13-8 3rd in district

OVarsity Girls'

OFreshman ''B" Boys' Basketball

7-0 conference champs

OGirls' Swimming

2nd in Metro. 2nd in state



·3rd in Metro, 4th in state I

the team. "Parker stepped in and ran the offense for us," Howe said. "Newman was our best overall player, and Jeff Mischio also played vecywell the last few weeks of the season." OSophomore Boys' Basketball . Making progress throughout the season is a sign ofa hard-working team. The boys' sophomore basketball team showed this quality this year. . "We progressed during the season," John Graff, head coach, said, "and I enjoyed the

helped with his leadership." "The sophomore team finished with a 10-3 record OFreshman Boy•' Basketball Putting forth a winning effort for an entire season deserves a reward. The freshman boys' basketball team was rewarded with the regular season conference championship. "We played hard all year," Carl Henningsen, head coach, said, ':'and we took our games one at a time."

Come to the 3rd .Annual

The freshman team defeated their opponents with quickness . and speed, because they were not blessed with ' height. "Our fast-break, and press are two factors that helped us win." Henningsen said. Another reward the freshman team received was the No.1 ranking in the conference tournament. OFreshman Girls' Basketball Success for the freshman girls' basketball team could be attributed to aggressiveness and good defense. Starting out cold the girls came on strong to finish the season with a 5-2 rec~rd, and a third place conference finif'!h. "Our team ~tarted out slow, but we got stronger and stronger as the season went on," Coach Richard Link said. "I think the second half of the season we finally' played up to our potential. I enjoyed coaching this fine bunch of young latlies," Link said. OVarsity Wrestling Qualifying seven wrestlers for ·the state tournament, a young varsity wrestling team came away with a 15th place finish. With three individual champions at district, the wrestlers placed fourth out of eight .teams. Dan Grant,(l1), Tony Buccheri,(l2), and Jim }VUson,(l2), all were first place winners in their weight class. . Buccheri and WUson were the only wrestlers to place at the state meet Hopes for next year are already rising, with 11 of 13 starters returning. 0 Boys' VarsityfBasketball Finishing the regular season with a record of 8-10, the boys' varsity basketball team entered A-2 District tournament at Papillion. The season ended in the first round of the district tournament when Westside fell to host Papillion 61-56. Westside lost despite owning a 40-38 advantage going into the fourth quarter. "Evecyone always had a pretty good attitude," Tom Hall, head coach, said. "As far as effort, we had a good group."

Thursday, March, 14, 1989 8:00 p.m. In the Westside Auditorium 12.00 Admission








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a R.E.M. will be coming to th~ Civic Auditortum Frtday, March 10. Tickets are $17.50 each. a TraUrtdge and Crescent Hill Ski areas

What's • go1ng

one I

provide skiing throughout the winter season. Crescent Is open from noon to 9:30 p.m. on weekdays and 9 a.m. until 9:30p.m. on weekepds. TraUridge offers skiing from 9 a .m. to 11 p.m. dally. Both ski spots guarantee snow whether natural or artificially made until April.

a Marcel Marceau will be coming to the Orpheum Theater on Monday, March 6 at 7:30p.m. For tickets call 342-71 07. Tickets range from $13 to $19.

a "Nunsence," featurtng Dody Goodman, will be performed one night only on Sunday, March 5 at the Orpheum Theater. Tickets are available at Tix and range from $14 to $22.

a Bad Company will be in concert on Tuesday, March 21 .at the Music Hall. Tickets are on sale at the Civic Auditorium or by calling 402-34-2 -7107.


Chicago will be in concert Frtday, March 24, at the Civic Auditorium. Reserved tickets are $17.75. Tickets can be purchased at the Civic Audltortum box office or by calling 342-7107.

a Bon Jovl will be coming to the Civic Auditortum Wednesday, Aprtl5. Call Tix for more information.


The Western Heritage Museum ha5 opened a permanent exhibit called "The Modem Years: Omaha 1930-1954. Museum hours are 10 am. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and 1-5 ~.m. on Sunday. Admission Is $2 for adults and $1 for children under 12.


Julius Caesar will be presented as a

part of the "Fest Of Theatre" at the

a "Hank Williams died un the Back seat Omaha Community Playhouse. Julius of a Cadillac last New Year's .Eve Lorraine· will be playing through Sunday, March 26 at the Vidlak's Family Cafe. The cost for dinner and show is $12. The doors open at 6:45 p.m. and the show begins at 8 p.m. For information call the Events Hotline.


Opera 0Jtlaha presents the French classic "The Irresistible Manon Massenet." This opera which stars Richard Drews and Stephanie Frtede will be performed Wednesday, Marcl} 15 at 7:30 p.m. and Friday, March 17 at 8 p.m. at the Orpheum Theatre. Tickets ~e available at Younkers, Tix or by calling Opera Omaha at 346-0357.

Caesar will run Tuesday through Sunday March 3 through March 25. For reservations call Omaha Playhouse a t 5530800.

a The Upstairs Dinner Theater is performing "Same Time, Next Year" through Saturday. March ·18.

a The "Quadrtlle" ballet, wrttten especially for the Omaha Ballet Company will begin in March at the Orpheum nteater.


To find out more Information about these and other events call the Events Hotline at 444-6800.



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Wildlife painter 'sells' conservation thin~ of him as a brtlliant and insplring artist. On Wednesday, March 8, students will have the chance to meet David Shepherd, whose greatest accomplishment comes from beyond his art and success; it's the worthy ·c ontribution he makes through his art to the conseiVation of the world's wildlife and environment. . •Man is, I believe, on a suicide course,· Shepherd said. "TTme is running out for this count~ less species. It's their world too. We all form a part of this intricate and priceless web of life. If . we continue to destroy the trees, wildlife and the habitat, man will ultimately destroy itself." · Shepherd's art portrays the wildlife he is so· concerned with. He became a success through painting these helpless animals, and now he feels that through his art and support, he can save .these animals that gave him a name in the art world. "1brough my painting I can do something about the problems, and repay the enorn1ous dept of gratitude to the wildlife that has given me my success: Shepherd said. Shepherd has raised over $2.700,000 for charities that are concerned with his objective to help the world's wildlife and environment. He has also created the.David Shepherd ConseiVatlon Foundation to help his purpose. Its main beneficiaries will be the World Wildlife Fund and the Young People's Trust for EndanSpecies. . Shepherd's foundation re-ceives its funds by organizing fundraisers and exhibits of

Shepherd's art, where the organization sells or auctions off his work. Shepherd al59 appears at numerous engagements where he speaks of his art and foundation. . Shepherd will be at Westside, from 8:30 am. · to noon. He will talk at an open convocation first mod, and will then work in the art room with any students whc;> are interested with his art style.and talent. He will be bringing some of his urtfinished art, and students will have the opportunity to see Shepherd at work. Lee Perkins, vice principal, said that it was the result of a fortunate act, that led to Shepherd's decision to come to Westsideto talk to the students, and not another school. "A man named Walter Scott and the KieWit foundation knew that Shepherd was coming to ' Omaha to work on fundraisers atJoslyns and the Henry Doorly Zoo, " Perkins said. "Because of the person he is, being interested in students, he agreed to come to Westside. It was fate that we were at: the right place at the right time." Shepherd has numerous goals to accomplish inthefuture. Helovesthecauseheworkssohard for, and he is determined to make a difference in this world that needs so much help. Shepherd is regarded as being ·cui artist who seems to stride across the continents,· and he is looked upon by people as being the world's leading wildlife painter. ·r want to live to be 150-years-old... Shepherd Wildlife artist David Shepherd will be at Westside Wednessaid. "It will takethatlongtodoeverythinglwant , day, March 8, to speak with students about his artlsic to do. Unlike some ~ople who perhaps lead a accomlishments, and art tngeneral. Shepherd will speak in humdrum existence, IiunalmostevetJWherelgo an open convocation first mod, then will w9rk in the art because I am so anxious to get on with the joy of room with any students who are interested with his style of what I am doing." · art. '

Quiet, artist at work


From · cOrnfields to discos

AlloW foreign exchange students to join in on all the 'fun' Weekends. They are at the end of every' school week. The end of every . work week. They never fail to collie around, but fun on the weekends often does. Living in Omaha where things don't actually happen is part of the problem. ln. California teens have beaches and nightclubs to go to. In Europe, 1there are always discos. Nebraska has cornfields. I was talking to a girl from Hastings and she said for fun her friends would get drunk and drive around their town square which is a three minute drive. If they're lucky they get to go to Omaha for a weekend and have lots of real fun. I must have been missing something because I live here and I don't recall seeing too many people actually having a good· time-legally. Every Monday on my journey to WHS l drive by Rocket Park. I take in the fresh air,

miniature swings, and the sweet ume-lire'ffticks down the slope of the park. Some stud with a truck obviously wasn't too lucky that weekend because there can't be that much fun driving up and down a hill. Sledding down them vias fun, but now little kids can't do that because someone ·ripped up their. choice' slopes. But the fun doesn't stop there. Most American's love· baseball. They play in their backyards, streets and if they're really cool they'll play with mailboxes. Around my neighborhood l see more broken mailboxes than overturned trash cans. Of course there are irrdtviduals who are creative and create some inter,esting things to do on the weekends. The most creative people I've seen this year are the foreign exchange students

at Westside. These people are just every. day students. They have a lot of school friends, but when it comes to the weekends the number of their •friends" who actually ask them to do things is so small that it's not worth mentioning. I asked several exchange students why they don't go out with Westside kids on the week-

change student from Sweden, said,· because I'm new I have to ask them and it's hard t~ be accepted." I feel it's sad that people who spend the extra money for a year ,s tudying in the United States .can't even experience what an American teen-ager does on the weekend. Not that all of the things teen-agers do on the weekends are great, but I think they deserve the chance to find out. "1bere is nothing to do here,"Outl Jakovlrta, foreign exchange student from CQltlillniSf Findland, said," Since your drinking age is so old ali American kids are obsessed with getting drunk on the ends and why they go out in weekend." groups Fith other exchange She's not far off base at all. If students. people are coming here and "I want to go out with them, noticing teen-agers'. obsession but it's hard to ask people," with drinking as their main priGunner Le Grande, foreign ex- ority then perhaps there is a

problem. Exchange students are .They bring culture and spice our school. They even · disco's to dance in. I think . ecyone should ~e the time know thein instead of nhltviradl •Drive the car · over neighbor's lawn.· I'm sure if an American to another country they ....51... 1 be a little out of place and not fit into their night life. -we ~ just like you. experiment with drinking at 1 and 16 and by the time we 18 (our drinking ageHt's that big of a deal," Le r.r<•n~~<• . said. Drinking has been a .,...,,hJ.,..,. of this generation but 1 think changing the age make a difference. The next time the urge have batting practice with couple of mailboxes comes ignore it, try talking to an change student. It's definitely lot more fun. /

2553 Leavenworth 342-3821 For lst-time-uisit with this ad.


'Jour:nal' ranks district among top 21 Quality education and top-notch learning facilities are what make attending school desirable and profitable. Westside was named as one of the Wall Street Journal's 21 top school districts to live and learn in'in the nation. The list o(schools is based on two expert's,sta- . tlstics, and will be published lri the 'Wall Street Journal" Friday, March 31. Karen Devenuta, graphic coordinator of the 'Wall Street Journal," said that she used information from Charles Harrison's book, ~Public Schools USA" and statistics from computer expert Bill Baimbridge to see which school districts were the most favorable for students to

attend across the' country. Acr, subjects in which Advanced PlaceHarrison rates school districts by ment courses are offered, teacher-stuusing his trademark Effective Schools dent ratio in elementary- grades, Index (ESI) system. Each district can teacher-student ratio in secondary earn up to ten points for each often key grade$, and number of students per categories. Points were based on how music specialist in elementary grades well a district compared to national or are the categories used in ESI. state standards for the end ofthe school Harrison rated additional learning year of June, 1986. The median ESI opportunities for gifted students and score for the coi.iiitrywas 58. Westside's additional instruction for low-~chieving ~core was 89, compared to 56 for Millard students a-, ex<;ellent. He also rated and- 48 for Papillion-LaVista. A perfect college preparatory courses as being excellent. ESI score is 100. Average daily attendance, current Baimbridge runs a computer data expense per pupil, drop-out rate, com- base service which evaluates the probined score on SAT or Ac:r, percentage of ductivity of businesses. Information eligible students who took the SAT or obtained from school districts across

Greg Armitage. ( 10). gets some exercise as he works for charity. The Jump Rope for Heart campaign was used last week. March

9-14, by the National Heart Foundation to raise money. Physical education classes helped in the campaign. (photo by Evan Howe),

Student-centered classes bring back 'old philoso'p hy Dewey. This philosophy of educational experience .has been brought up again in teaching, and 66 follows this doctrine. ~About 15 to 20 years ago many of us decided that we needed 'to have more studentcentered classrooms. We aCtually learned it from our elementary schools," Bill Nelson. social studies department head, said. Memorization used to be the main technique of teaching. "When I started

the audio-lingual method was used," Norm Choat, Spanish instructor, said. MWe would teach students to memorize dialogue and then tlley had to get up in front of class and recite it.: New studies came out to show that studentcentered classrooms were more effective. MA man by the name of Fenton came out with statistics on how much information we retain,: Don Meredith, Advanced Placement-American History instructor. said. ~He found that we remember 5 percent of what we read, 10 percent of what we're tQld and 85 percent of what we do." (continued on pace 8)

the country w~ plugged into th~ computer program. Teacher salaries, expenditures per student, library and media facilities, student/faculty ratio, school building size and facility, per capita income ofthe families of students, and test scores of school districts were among the categories evaluated to determine which were the most desirable. SoJ.U"ces close to the ~Lance" said that Westside was notified Thursday, Feb. 9 , of the possiblities of making a list of 25 top school districts. They were notified shortly after that they had made the list, and thatlt had been reduced to 21 school districts.

2 ANCE STANCE District 66 n.a med to -top 21 The ''Wall Street Jourpars:· recently compiled list of the top 21 school districts in ~e nation, that includes District 66, is a list that District 66 should be proud to be a member of. Westside High School and District 66 n ed-to be commended for continuing tol)rovide a public education that is extremely successful at a time when many public schools are struggling to mainta!D. an acceptable level of education. District 66 has been able to avoid the many problems that have begun to plague public education enabling the district to uphold the high standard of education that the nation should be able to provide in every schooi district. · ·•, • ·A key t()the·success of District 66 has been it~ flb~ity to remain open-minded to new ideas and its wil~ne~ to attempt those new ideas. With the success District 66 has been recognized for, it would be easy for the district to sit back and get too comfortable with the way things are going. District 66 musf continue to recognize and engage new ideas that will benefit education, and not allow themselves to fall into complacency. The success of District 6o is an example of how public education can succeed in providing quality education that will benefU its· stud~nts in the job market and as responsible citizens of the United, States.

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Talent.._ Show excites crowd In Nst three years time, the We,stside Htgh School Talent Show sponsored by the Student Advispry Board has .grown into an event of special importance to the Westside student body. The show has expanded each of the last three years into an event that was attended by approximately 800 people an Tuesday. March 14. It is refreshing to see an audience of 800 Westside students attending and enjoying a show featuring their peers. Besides allowing several Westside students to display their talent to the Westside student body, the talent show has helped provide a fun evening that serves as a welcom~ break to the growing monotony of late wirtter and early spring. The Student Advisory Board needs to be commended for sponsoring the Talent Show that willhopefully continue to be a special event.


Patll quotes off ~base

Dear editor: When I graduated from Westside last year, I figured I was safe from reading the comments of my brainless un<lerclassmates in ·the newspaper. But I was wrong. I paged through a day-old copy 9fthe "Chicago I found in a dormitory bathroom last The scheduling for the annew toilet paper disweek and found a quote from one Cristopher pensers that were placed in nual Intramural Tournament Patil. In retrospect, I felt the setting was quite the bathrooms are a beneficial encountered some difficulties appropriate. in finding a date for the tourchange from the old toilet In this restroom litter, Pattl stated that he paper dispensers that seemed nament before spring break. would establish an ~anti-Christian Church,!like to always be covered with ciga- Since there was not an eve-_ the Satanic Club ofWestside, ·as a protest to the rette ashes, seemed to never ning that all the teams could most recent Mergens Bible Club Appeal· that have enough paper, and never a,ttend the tournament at full wouldallowBibleorreligiously-orientedclubsto seemed to unroll easily. New force due to various conflicts, meet on school grounds. And because I do not toilet paper dispensers are the tournament should have. want to miss out on the vast amount of personal been rescheduled for after much more sanitary and easabuse that will undoubtedly be heaped upon ier to use. These changes are spring break when the tourChristopher's speciou& ideas, I will give my comsubtle but will have an impact nament could have a legitiment now and not wait the fbligatory three mate champion. in student satisfaction. months to receive my next ~Lance· in the mall. No one has ever, in the loqg march of history, more completely missed the point of any concept more than Christopher has here. It seems plain to me that the fact that a Bible Club can meet in the school building is by no means an endorseThe ''I:ance" is the offictal pub_liEditor-in-chief, Laura Struve. ment, or voice of support. Until the adminlstracation of Westside ·High School, · Manat~ne Editor, Owen McGill. tion begins to monitor or ·even require · atten8701 Pacific St., Omaha, NE, Managtne Editor, Mason Myer8. dance, that religious group is just there. They 68114. The"l.ance"officeislocatecJ Buainesa Manager, Kim Oster- · have no extra: assistance. in Room 122. Advertising rates are gaard. CoPJ' Editor, Maxy OverThe whole idea of separation ofch~h and available upon request. Phone holt. News Editor, .J im Duff.' Aut. state is to prevent a political entity selectl~ (402) 3~0-333.9. The "Lance" is an News- Editor, Kent BonhmD. Feain-house publication. .. tore Editor, ·Karen Nyholm. Aut. one ~Ugtous . idea over another. It ts ari "idea · The paper is an open forum ·dia-·:. Feature Editor; Debara Dohmen based on the freedom ofreUgton.fouil4In what Is · trtbuted biweekly to. all students 1$ spc)rta Editor, D.J. Rezac. Aut. probably Christophef>s: favorite P.art of the times a year except during vaeaUon · &porta Editor, Andy ' Chapin Constitution, the Ftrst Amendment. What he is periods. Subscription rates tOoth- ·· Weekender EditOr-, Nancy Olson. suggesting iS· a bac~ar,ds tnt~~tation ~fthat · ers are. $5 postpaid. Non·prPfit AUt. Weekender Editor, Melissa concept; Patll is, in reality, fu11ll.Uilg .the role of mailing rates are claimed. The · Partset, Design Editors, J~llity Oppressing Cen5orwe are so quick to ascribe "Lance" is printed by the "Fremont Frank, Jay Nilsson.. Photo Editor, Ti1bune." i35 N. MaJ.rt. Fremont; Evan Howe. Clrculation Ma:naeer, to those political entitles. NE 6s02S. . · · MicpelleJaeger. Stafi'Artista, Troy ~c;l whatever happened to the roncept of Letters to the editor are wei- ' Muller, J.J. Carroll. Pagination academic feedom? What will become of a society eomed. Lelters should be less than Coord., Nick Hansen. Columnista, that limits its students to a set of generic, non300 "Words in length,• signed py the Jessica Sullivan, Amy Radii. News threatening ideas? · . ' author, and sent to the editor or the Staff, Todd Parker, Feature Staff, To me, there seems to be nothing more in line adviser in Room 122. Unsigned let- Allison Kohli, Cathy Pettid, Anile ters are printed upon request. Wax. Spoita Staff, RandallJ. Halwith the idea of a high school or institution of The "Lance" is a member of the lett, Matt Fischer, Burt -Cohen. learning than· the exploration of different view-' Nebraska High School Press Asso- Weekender Staff, Becky points and beliefs. Who are you to decide what is elation, the Columbia Scholastic Richardson. Mark Carroll, Susie acceptable and what 'is. not? Press Association, and the National Kiscoan. Week. columnist, Erin Next time, think you fall off your soap_ Scholastic Press Association. Conby._Adviser, John Hudnall.


box. John Woods, WHS '88 Drake University, Des Moines P.S. Please reconsider any written retrtbution _ directed at me, Christopher, I'm 122 miles away and likely won't hear about it until May. Editor's note: The letter is referring to an article in the "Chicago Tribune" where Patil is quoted as saying, ''I see the school as government, and allowing this club as government establishment of religion, because it will be meeting in a building that all taxpayers pay for." Pattl also said he would establish "an anti-Christian club, like the Satanic Church of Westside," in protest of decision. •

Need non-biased club

Dear editor: I would like to take this time to address a issues that have seemed important the past weeks. In ail the hype that has arisen over the mandated Bible study club, those people that even cared about the issue delivered "'J.J'""'"·.."""• which labelled them as hysterical. I see that key ferrr is the lack of separation of .c hurch and state. Many people fear the consequences mingling the two. From all that the-media brought us to think of Iran, we feel that arguments agatnsttheir operation of an open union church and state are directly justified .by terrorist acts abroad; and more blatantly . condemnation ofother religions. Having"""''",.,,,_._ church in the state is what we have to fear, for strictly Chris~ Bible study club won'tbe an Intellectual forum, but simply an extension Sunday services attende(j by' Ufear and he:sib!ltell to .say) fundamentally . devout;; . self-Centered. ·:chrtsttan-praiSing, flre-and-bdinstone, type goons." · · · ·.,. · · · · · I bring to you a plan which will eliminate the fears. that a monotheological club will be established and be either neglected orloathed by ntt••••• students. I propose a tiue theological '· which will span religions across the globe. It be limited not by·Judeo-Chris4an ideas, but include studies of Islam, Buddah, native American spirits, Hinduism, various 'cults', and renowned philosophers in history. With no bias toward any religion, it will curb many fears people have expressed. Chris Thomas






En.orcement·· 1sn·t ··· necessary without , ample follow-Up "Twas the night before spring break and all through them something to grab onto and care about, or at least the school, the students were wishing to lay by the pool. make them feel worthwhile. · Instead they were horne at night, studying lots, thinking Sometimes when I walk into the restroom and hear of SW1Shine and other spring thoughts." cigarettes being daintily flushed under a. cold cloud of So ends my career as a poet, but it does seem to sum smoke (go ahead and smoke- I'm not condemning it; I'm up the atmosphere around here lately. Students have just worried about you) or pass the cafeteria and see been walking the halls with bleak, burned-out expres- people leaning silently against its walls, staring at sions on their faces (except the seniors, who practically something I cannot see, I :wonder if they are looking snarl at you;' they really want out of here) and I keep forward to graduation for the same reasons I am; are expecting the teachers who assign the most homework they anxious to experience new opportunities or simply to appear on "America's Most Wanted" any week now. grateful never to have to see Westside again?The timing just isn't right ------------, Do they --feel like anyone j>r the administration to be here worries about them or blowing their own hom (or Amy Radfl watches out for them.._or has a being allowed a decent .... "right to?- There #are· siX~· amount of leisure time, for coliunnist . . counselors in the guidance 1 that matter). But they've department for 1500 gone and done it-won students; they can't do it all. themselves an award. It may Which brings up the seem hypocritical that I'm smirking about this, since problem of keeping your staff alive and well. It inearlier this year I wrote a column defending Westside to services are really helpful to instructors, and not just a the rest of Omaha. welcome relief for the studen~. the administration Maybe I have a masochistic urge to be the fly in deserves congratulations for planning so many this everybody's ointment, or maybe I just want to year. But not being a teacher, I guess I'll never know -_congratulate our administration for being named one what takes place behind closed doors after} trip happily of the topschool districts in the country (according to out of the school at 1: 10 p.m. the "Wall Street Journal") while at the same time It's no easy job keeping your starr enthusiastic, reminding them to put virtually no weight on this particularly when the state's employment policy award. (namely reduction-in -force) says, when in doubt, to just Meaningless? Of course not. An award is an award fire the youngest teachers in spite of what they may and obviously someone felt Westside was worthy of it. bring in the way of new ideas and energy. But ju~t remember this: the United States ~s one of the Even the existing_ teachers- may not feel like writing most powerful countries in the world with one of the up innovative lesson plans after having their brains highest standards of living. numbed by cafeteria, hall and IMC duty- - is that what Yet the problems of the homeless, illiteracy, drugs, they went to college for? disease, and violence go bump in the night like angry When you see someone with a master's degree being skeletons that won't stay in the closet. The United coerced into· /sponsoring the hula hoop team, or States is admired throughout the world, yet checking blue slips in the loge. you start to wonder how endangered by self-destructive issues. the system works. · I would - hardly call Westside in danger of I'm, not belittling this award; it has let our destruction, but the same is true. While the "Journal" administration know that they are definitely headed in declared us a source of national pride, some problems the right direction. But after every event there is another go unsolved. bend in the road. If they can use the award to lead to a Like the problem of reaching all the students, giving better future ,..."'1 tlown the road, more power to them.

Homeroom atmosphere ne-e ds more participation Every morning I face the lovely love for their homeroom, but I am be good for homerooms. I don't like ' being pessimistic, but I'm afraid it's auditorium stage and perform my sure such a person exists. The purpose of homeroom isn't ~ot going to do what it's intended to job as a member of my homeroom by doing and saying next to just for students to get messages do. hear the morning nothing. I longingly crane my neck and Let's look at some of the options announcements. It's a time for they've given us. Watching movies, and look outside the door at the homerooms who joyously play golf students to interact with different driving go-carts, eating breakfast types of people from different grade · together, and going to Fam-ily Fun and laugh and talk. I then think, levels. It's important for us to learn Center, all sound like they might be .why can't we be like them? how to interact with people outside a little bit of fun, but they don't do Maybe there's hope though. Forum's great idea to have an their regular groups of friends and what extended homeroom is accept different types of supposed to do. extended homeroom at the end of learn the year (when the seniors They don't help the are about to leave and the homeroom get to know one freshman have alre<!.dy conanother or help form a Gwen McGill cluded that it's a useless 15 friendly relationship among managing editor its members. Watching a minutues) will surely turn us into a close-knit little family. movie or driving a go-cart Yeah, right. don't really give much I am in search of the secret opportunity for person-tothat will give me and my homeroom people and that's what homeroom is person interaction. Remember, the homeroom that plays together, a brand new attitude and change supposed to do. I do have some theories about stays together. my opinion about the homeroom My suggestion to advisors and what can help contribute to positive ritual at Westside. studen-t s is to at least try to make · Somebody tell me what makes a homeroom morale. If a hom~room is forced to sit in a something out of your homeroom homeroom good? Is it the teacher, or the students, or how they work circle and face each other there is and use the extended homeroom as together? Are there happy nothing else they can do besides an opportunity to come together as homerooms? make conversation, even if they have a unit. To Forum I say. nice try. After doing some non-scientific to sit in desks right next to each but maybe next year you could do it ' ! at the beginning of the year when it polling of students in the building, other there is hope. The homeroom volleyball and free would be more beneficial to everyI've found that the general attitude Is no more positive than my own. throw contests are also a good try. If one. I can't wait for extended Responses range from "I hate my somehow a teacher can pull the homeroom because I might finally homeroom," to "It's a waste of time," homeroom together and make it a to "I don't really care. I don't pay team effort the homeroom will realize I have a homeroom that has something in common besides a attention to them and I couldn't call develop a sense of unity. Extended homeroom is also mutual despise for the first 15 half ofthem by name." I have yet to find someone who proclaims a great something that h a s the potential to minutues of the school day. -


Westside seletted for visitation by Department of Education

IEP Students take a week off Students' stress over school can be put on hold for a week. Spring break will be from Monday, March 20, through Friday. March 24. School will resume on Monday. March 27. Conferences for third quarter will be held all day Friday. March 31. Due to spring break, teachers will not turn in grades for third quarter ' until Monday, March 27. The MLance" staff will also take a break from their publication chores. The next edition of the MLance" will be published Friday, April14.

Drug conference plans. ahead Action Is the plan for the seventh annual Midwest Drug Education Conference being held Wednesday and Thursday, Aprll12 and 13 at the Red Lion Inn. This years conference will stress formulating plans and sharing ideas to help combat the drug problem in schools and communities. Some of the highlights of the conference include, Dan Clark, author, musician, and noted speaker, from the National Drug Free Youth Bureau.

Conferences evaluate progess Parent/teacher conferences will be held Thursday,JVtarch 30, and Friday. March 31, to evaulate the progress of students during third quarter. MWe think parent/teacher conferences are the best way to become Informed about students' progress. and we would like to see all parents'attend," Jim Findley, principal, said. Conferences will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday, March 30, and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday. March 31. No conferences will be held between 3 and 5 p.m. on Friday, March 31. Grade cards will be distributed to students on Thursday, March 30.

Current events awareness teste Current events were the focus of "Global Challenge." a test given Wednesday, March l. The test, according to Bill Nelson, social studies department head, is a national curren events competition. Mit's an opportunity for people who like to compete in these sorts of things to be able to do so," Nelson said. Forty students were asked to take the test, twenty-five ended up participating. "I feel that these types of tests are of very little Importance," Nelson said. MWe did no preparation for this test, but I think our students will fall about the same place they do in other competitions of this sort." Nelson was unsure of when results from the test would be available.

More than just a place to crash Homeroom to most students is just a place to rest before the burden of school sets in. But Forum has changed all that for one day this year. Thursday, April13, marks the date for extended homeroom in which the class does something of their own choosing instead of watching the clock tick. Each homeroom was given the option to do one event In 'place of homeroom. Choices homerooms were given included recreational activities like going to Family Fun Center, or going out to breakfast. Most of the student body chose to go to one of the students homes for an early morning meal or eat out at any selected restaurant. 'This gets the students in each homeroom more involved with the others," Jay Bonham, (12). Forum president. said. Times will be set by each homeroom and class will begin at 9 a.m. '

Westside's educationa system, previously honored by the National Department of Education School Recognition Program in 1984, is eligible for recognition again In 1989. ~e process to be recognized Is a long and complicated one," Lee Perkins, vice principal. said. MEach state may nominate as many schools (to be honored) as the number of congressmen and senators they have, and we were one of Nebraska's five," he said. Perkins said the process for recognition by the Department of Education was a complex one. MWe submitted a 28-page application to the board that stated \fhat we think we do best, • Perkins said. Nationwide, of the 639 schools selected in the first round of elimination, 264 of

those schools, Including Westside, will be visited by a two-person team In the next two months. A team will visit Westside on Tuesday, April 4, and Wednesday, AprilS. MAfter the team that will visit Westside visits with groups of teachers, administrators, parent groups. school board members, and students, they will file a report verifying what we have submitted on our application," Perk.IIts said. ~ey will not be the ones to say 'yes' or 'no'. Their job Is to report If we have understated, overstated, or reported correctly about our school." After evaluation by the team. their report will be filed with the Depanxnent of Education in Washington. A committee of educators will then evaluate Westside's leadership, teaching environment. learning environ-

Code goes nationwide Students wlto are under the influence while attending after-school activities on school grounds could get double punishment at Churchill High School. If students are intoxicated, possess, or distribute alcohol or other controlled substances, they are at risk of suspension as well as being turned over to the police. Under a new policy, even if a student is not drinking on school grounds, being under the influence of alcohol still qualifies them for punish ment. An increase in drinking at after-school activities, such as night football games, has been a factor in the making of the policy. Th2 Churchill Observer, Winston Churchill High School Potomac, MD

Student privileges at risk Senior privileges are at risk of being discontinued at North Plainfield High School. Due to disturbances In the halls and litter In the neighborhood from fast-food restaurants, the tradition of keeping Senior Privilege is In question. Seniors feel that they, as a class, should not all be. punished for the problems of a few. The

ment, uniqueness, parental community support, and factors, including Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and American College Test (ACT) scores. A new category for evalu· ation, geography. will be added this year. Bill Nelson, socJal studies department head, said that although Westside does not offer any geography courses. students are knowledgeable about the subject. "We try to integrate cultural geogra6hy into courses such as foreign language, and we also try to work It into all history courses," he said. Perkins Is optimistic about Westside's chances for receMng the Department of Education Recognition award again this year. !here's a lot riding on the vlslt, but I'm hoping we'll do well," Perkins said.

continuation·of Senior Privileges depends on behavior of seniors during their free periods. the seniors do not stop causing problems, Privilege will be terminated for the present class and for all future senior classes. Tunlaw, North Plainfield High School North Plainfield, NJ

Sportsmanship enforc "Air ball" will no longer be an acceptable at Shawnee Mission Northwest High basketball games. Under the new .,,.,,.,ri~.,"~"'••-1 ship rules proposed by the Kansas State School Activities Association, the policy ~-'"·'""J'"'I booing, reading newspapers or hand during free throws, to name a few. Cheerleaders are expected to perform luck and welcome cheers and join the oo•oosinll!l school with cheers for the entire crowd. The purpose of the rules Is to promote school through positive cheering. Students fear Mho me court advantage• will become •u<'""''"'~;·c~., 1 and fans will not become as involved In the Passage, Shawanee Mission School Shawnee, KS



State shows ·off business skills

Are you Pregnant? ... or just afraid that you might be?

This year's state competition wi).l bring out the best for 1800 students from 105 chapters throughout the state In the 1989 FBIA (Future Business Leaders of America) State Competition. The event, which Is to be held at the Holiday Inn Central on 72nd and Grover St., will host 38 students from Westside as well as competitors from across the state. The students will compete in 30 events ranging from accounting to spelling. Only the top two places in each event will receive the opportunity to try for a state title, which is to be held In Orlando, FL, this summer. This year one student will come out on top with a state title. Pete Hazelrigg (11), due to lack of opposition, will. return with a state honor and be the chairman representative for Nebraska at the national delegation.

.'\n unplanned pregnancy Glll be a frightening thing. Fears and questions race around in vour mind and it's all vou can think _ about. One of the first. things most girls wonder is, "Who can I talk to (about this)?" You W:ltlt someone v.11o v-i !I listen without judging; someone who can answer your questions - Someone who will care. Titat 's 1\iJy the AM Crisis Pregnancy Center is here. The AAA CP.C is dedicated to helping ym111g women and couples face

the prospect of an unplanned pregnancy. It's nor a time for hassles its a time for help. We offer: • Free Pregnancy Tests • Referral Services • Counseling • Complete Confidentiality If you, or a friend or loved one is facing an unplanned pregnanl)', remember the AAA Crisis Pregnancy Center... so you won't have to flee it alooe. 402-397-06oo AAA Crisis Pregnancy Center 7764 Dodge #lOS Omaha, NE 68114 Lower level of the New Tower TrJvel Bldg.

Shephard speaks on need for wildlife conservation ticians and senators that we elect are the ones that control our lives, so the easiest way would aroundtheworldbroughtreahsticconseiVationbe to write them and make sure that they ist painter David Shephard, to Westside on become interested in conseiVation. w Wednesday. March 8. Shephard talked during Shephard asked students to contact the an open convocation mods 1 and 2 in the Little Henry Doorly Zoo as a first step as well as Theater and attended art classes to demonstrate boycotting fish products from Iceland, not buyhis aristic talent to intering ivoryorfurcoatsasafew ested students. examples of how educated The main theme of people can have an ecoShephard's talk was the nomic effect on the people necessity of increasing responsible for wildlife awareness of the fragile naatrocities. -People power is ture 1 of planet Earth. something that cannot be Shephard cited a talk with underestimated," Shephard Neil Annstrong where Annsaid. Mit is because of young s trong told oflooking at the people putting pressure on golf-ball size of the Earth as your senators and politihe was flying back from the ciaRs that we can have a moon as being Shephard's definite effect." realization of how fragile the Shephard said that he Is Earth is. n ot a vegetarian and occaMI often ask you ng k ids sionally wears leather belts what they imagine the most and shoes as he was wearing dangerous a n imal in the at the convocation, but he world to be, a nd they redoes not believe t hat is spond with lions. tigers, wahypocritical. MEvery animal terbuffalos , rhinoceros , . has to kill to eat and I am not and t he killer whale,.. totally against the u se of Shephard said. -But I tell leather. It is the killing to them they are all wrong. extinction that I am atpoint to myself and say, tempting to stop." man is the most dangerous Shephard said that game animal in the world. Tigers utilization will be Important have more sense than to in preserving wildlife. By uscause the destruction that Words of wisdom ing the animals to earn tourwe have been r-esponsible David Shephard, conservationist 1st money that will stay in artist, shared his artistic insight the African countries, for over our existence. Only man could have the lack of W d d Shephard says they can sensetocausethatdestructo art students on e nes ay, thenfeedthecitizensofthat tion .., March 8. Shephard is a supporter country an'd keep them from of wildlife conservation and works working "or Shephard said th at man f h •• wildlife-poachis now responsible for the to .make people more aware 0 t e ers to support t:hefr families. extinction of one species of wildlife every day of "An area that is the natural habitat with the the year. natural animals growing on it can earn 10 times •people ask me what difference would it make the amount of foreign exchange money than if the rhinoceros were to become extinct, and I letting the people grow their cows that eat the tell them that it probablywon'tmake a difference land into a desolute desert," Shephard said. to them at all because they can still watch ·Education is two-thirds of the answer." 'Dallas' and can still go to the store and buy their Shephard said. -we have to keep increasing the' com-flakes in the morning," Shephard said. awareness among all people and educate the AfMBut man depends upon every species of wildlife rican people of the harm that will happen as a and -<very species ofwildlife depends upon man result of losing these species." so eventually man will kill itself." Shephard is from south of London, England The majority of questions from students atand has traveled all over the world to raise tending the open convocation asked Shephard money. The United States is his favorite country how they could become involved in thepreseiVato rats~ money ln. "I enjoy working in the United tion of wildlife and Earth. States because it is unbelievable how motivated ~at is a question that I am a5ked most people can get. The people seem to get really often, but I am frustrated because I cannot excited about my cause, and I'm not just flatterasnwer it specifically," Shephard said. ~e poli- ing you," Shephard said.

ational invite: · 'Band r.m:~m~!.t1mtt,~lElimtliB8iil


One of any band's major goals to accomplish is to receive na tional acclaim for their superior performances and get a chance to prove their stuffbefore selected judges from across the country. Westside's Warrior Band has received that opportunity and are packing up their skills to take them Down river to St. Louis, MO.

Due to national invitation from the National Adjudicators of America, the Westside Warrior Concert Band will receive the opportunity to travel to the "Gateway of the West", St. Louis. The invitation was given to Roger Groth, Warrior Band dirtector, by Dr. Jim Saker, Director of Banrls at the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO). ·only bands that are consistent acheivers in the area of superior performance can be eligible for the invitation to perform," Groth said.

Out of a ll the bands in the United States, only 200 receive tht: invitation to perform before the select committee. After receiving the opportunity, Groth polled his 77 students to get the final decision. Seventy-eight percentofthestudents voted in favor of the trip which gave Groth enough of a margin to allow for the trip. The trip will be funded completely by students through fund-raising activities up until the departure of the two coach buses scheduled to leave May 4 through the 6. Such fund-raisers will include the sale of popcorn, candy and a garage sale in which band parents will donate items to be sold in return for payment of their tickets. The members are-aiming to raise $180 per student in order to take the financial burden orr the band members and their parents. MAll members ofthe band are required to attend the perfoqnance, wGroth said. Mit's just like the football team. They need eleven

Debaters argue to national Colorado here they come. The 1989 h igh sch ool national debate tournament will be h eld in J une in Golden, CO. In order to be eligible to compete, studen ts must finish in one of the top three places a t a local district debate tournament. For Nebraska, that competition was held Friday and Saturday. March 10 and 11 at Millard North High School. Rajiv Mote, (12). received second place and a bid to the national tournament in Lincoln Dou glas debate. In policy /team debate the team of Braud Kuhn, {-12), and Jon Silver, (12), placed third. Jay Bopham. (12), and Chris Patil, (12), placed second. Policy debate discusses whether the federal government should implement a program to guarantee retirement security for United States citizens over the age of 65. Lincoln Douglas debate argues the topic of whether the public's right to know ought to be valued above United States national securities interests.

Regents scholarships awarded Leading the state this year In University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) Regent's scholarships received, Westside students were awarded 11 of 100 offered. Eight Westside students also received UNL David scholarships, worth $1,000 for four years. "We're righ t -on 'target with the n u mber of students who received these s cholarships, w Lynn Ha nsen, college cou nselor, said. Prior to last year, recipients were chosen s trictly by ACT test scores. Under the new format. recipients are chosen by class rank, test scores, and grade point average. This year's seniors who received Regent's and David scholarships include Valerie Davis, Mike deGroot, Susan Gazver, Bruce Godfrey, Braud Kuhn, Alison KuUer, Jeff Larsen, Matt Larsen, A.r\ne Larson, Suzanne Lipsey, Adam Marx, Scott McCollister, Mason Myers, Chris PatH, Kevin Socha, Laura Struve, Nicole Wagner, Brenda Walker, and Jeff Zanarini.



Rogers to return soon after break Surgery put a detour in Lorraine Roger's, English instructor, normal habits. Rogers was diagnosed with cancer of the intestine and had an operation to surgically remove a tumor on Friday, Feb. 10. 1be surgery was successful and doCtors are hopeful that there is no furhrer treatment needed. ·Mrs. Rogers is tough. Mrs. Rogers is telling her doctors when , she's comin_g back. She hopes to be back after spring break but her doctors may not agree with her," Doug Pierson, English department head, said.. Rogers is presently recovering at home. "She's doing well, her spirits-a£€ up, and she's looking forward to coming back," Pierson said

Writing Club sponsors contest Writing a short story or poem could win students a savings bond worth $100 in a contest sponsored by the Creative W,riting Club. The purpose of the creative writing contest was to get entries for the creative writing magazine to be published by the Creativ~ Writing Club in May. Any Westside student was eligible to enter the contest, which ran during the month of February. ·we had many creative entries and the naming of the winners will be very difficult. We are now assessing the manuscripts and will announce a wtq ner when the creative writing magazine comes out in May.w Peg Newkirk, English instructor, said. Savings bonds will be given to the first three award-winners in ~he competition.

to St. louis players on the field in order to have a team. We need all the players to fill our team." Everyone is important to Groth and the rest of the band. The competition will be judged by top university directors throughout the nation and every section counts. "Most everyone' seemed real excited that the band was taking the trip," Bruce Godfrey. drum major, (12), said. The Warrior Band program has received other invitations to more glamorous trips but have either lacked the time to raise the funds needed or the cost was so steep that the amount of money raised would have been a fraction of the cost required. ·once we received an invitation to perform in Vienna, Ausria in 1988," Groth said. ·And we also got the chance to play in France for their bicentenial celebration but the cost was $2,000 per student." 'We were also invited to go to Philadelphia to perform at the constitutional celebration," · Godfrey said.


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Conroy remembers past as • • prom1s1ng future approache I

It's a story courage, ..........~ .... hope. A story filled With painful memo-. ries and unanswered questions.. It's about a s tuden t who never lived the "good" American life. It's the story ofJoe Conroy. (12) , except to him it's reality, not a story. It began on December 7 , in 1969, when Joseph Ky Conroy was born in Sout h Vietna m . The Vietnam war was a tit's peak a t the time, and for newborn children without parents, it was more than a war against nations, it was a war for self stature. "It was always very hot at the orphanage," Conroy said. "The flies were numerous and .horrible. Every baby ther~ had flies crawling over their body." The conditions in Vietnam were horrible. Conroy describes it as being in a "hell hole," and he feels that he is extremely lucky to have even survived. ·r was $}1e first one to get the measles at J;he orphanage. I was very lucky, for most of the babies that had got the measles lJSUally died," Conroy said. Conroy arrived in the U.S. when he was 23-months-old, and he is thankful for it. Although he was too young to remember, and can only recollect what his parents tell him. "I was in the orphanage for 17 months," Conroy said. "When I came to the U.S., I weighed 17 pounds and could barely sit alone. I could not stand, and my legs buckled in weakness." "I would have originally been in the orphanage for 19 months but my adoption process was speeded up. The great thing is that I am out and I survived. The longer I would have stayed there, the less chance I would have had to live," Conroy said: Conroy came to the United States with his adopted sister Ruth. They were the first Vietnamese adopted orphans to enter Nebraska and reside here. "I call myself the miracle baby. I was the one who opened the gates, or the doors, of that orphanage," Conroy said. "When I oi>ened those doors they stayed opeQ so other babies could be adopted and live a new and a better life." Conroy feels strongly for his parents,


Yankee Doodle Standing under the American fl~. for. Conroy obtained full U.S. citiJoe Conroy, (12), finally enjoys the zenship Thursday, Feb. 16, of this freedom and opportunity .it stands · year. ; because they are the ones who )lelped him escape from Vietnam. He Is greatful and has much respect for his parents. "I think my parents are great," Conroy said. •If it wasn't for them I'd be dead. I am very grateful to them." The hard times were not over for Conroy when he arrived in the United States. He was not a healthy baby, and he had a number of tests and operations





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him in his future. One of the most important things in his life is his church and God. It is what helped him survive in this world t \J.at has not been easy, and it is what gives him the s trength to continue day after day. "This war made me stop and think about what I was doing. It m ade me think twice . I had to ask myself if I was going to accept, or reject Jesus Christ. This spiritual war lea d me to a ytctory that was eternal life. I now read the Bible every night. That's where I get my wisdom and strength day by day." · As a student, Conroy feels that Westside is a wonderful school. For the first time, he has received an education that he feels wilrhelp him in the future. ·I personally don't think there is a high school that could beat Westside's educational program, nor their variety of courses offered. Westside is a good school and I think it's the best because it gave me a better chance to learn more than any other school I've gone to." One of the best experiences in Conroy's life, was on February 16 of this year, when he became an American citizen. It was a day he will never forget, for it gave him freedom and new opportunities that he had never experienced. ·since I wasn't automatically a U.S. citizen. when I was adopted I had to go through all the paper work to become one and I also had to take an oral test over the government," Conroy said. •1 lead everyone to the pledge of allegiance, which was quite a surprise." Since he graduates in June, Conroy plans to join the navy reserves to help pay for his college tuition. He feels that the navy will help him and give him the opportunity to meet all kinds of different people. "The navy will put me through school so I can be trained as a hospital corpsman," Conroy said. "They said that It will later tie In with the ministry because It's caring for people and helping the sick and the Injured." • Conroy has strong feelings against Vietnam, and he plans to never return there. ·I wouldn't feel safe to return there, and I really have no reason to even look back. My real parents are dead, and I have nothing left there, but sad memories." Conroy said.


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to look foward to in his future. "One of the first things I was tested for was tuberculosis. During the same period I also had my mouth operated on because my teeth and my mouth as a whole were so decayed that I couldn't close my mouth," Conroy said. As he grew older, Conroy began to come to an understanding with what he feels and what he hopes is waiting for

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Langu.age barriors broken

eckerman acts as interpreter ne Wax. feature wdter

· my sister and I learned to speak Steps to further international relaEnglish we still had to speak Russian tions with the Soviet Union were · in order to communicate with our ' enhanced when Tanya Beckerman, parents while they were still in the (l 0), was asked to volunteer as an process of learning English. Since my interpreter for the Southwest Studio parents have l~ed the English Theater of Moscow theater troupe language the only person I speak Ruswhich toured the United States ending sian with now is my grandmother," with performances at the Omaha Beckerman said. Community Playhouse. . ' Being able to speak a different lanThe troupe toured the U.S. for three guage has offered more opportunities weeks performing at various universifor Beckerman, such as working for ties in the cities of Chicago, Memphis, the Playhouse. While the Soviet and Washington D.C. and ended their troupe was in Omaha,' Beckerman had tour with an eight-day stay in Omaha. the chance to speak her native lanThe troupe's visit was part of an guage once again. "It was really a lot ·exchange program with the Omaha of fun to be able to speak my home Community Playhouse who will be language once again," Beckerman said, touring the Soviet Union for three "The people are so interesting and weeks as well as the month of April. polite and it was really refreshing and While the troupe visited Omaha, 12 fun to spend time with them." interpreters were asked to translate for The interpreters were utilized for a the Soviet troupe in order to better number of events sponsored by the communication between them and the Playhouse. Workshops were held playhouse troupe. where the more advanced interpreters "I found out about Tanya through · were used to translate lectures. Other the Chancellor of UNO (University of activities were usually social gatherNebraska at Omaha)," Jane Ellsworth, ings put on by the Playhouse after organizer of the interpreters, said, performances by the Soviets. All the "After I was told about Tanya, I called interpreters were asked to help at and spoke to her about volunteering to these. The volunteers were also asked help the Playhouse and was very imto spend free time with the troupe pressed with her abilities." members by taking them shopping, out · Beckerman's gift for speaking to eat, or just talking with them to fluent Russian comes with her history. make them feel at home. "All the Beckerman was born in an average size interpreters did a wonderful job keepcity of Minsk in the Soviet Union and ing the Soviets company," Ellsworth lived there until the age of six, when said, "They were very nice about giving she moved with her family to the U.S. up their time for all the events we (the When she arrived in the U.S., BeckerPlayhouse) had scheduled, especially man didn't speak any English, but she since they were mostly at night, and learned quickly. "When my family first spending extra time with them (the arrived in the United States none of us Soviets)." knew a word of Englsh," Beckerman As for the interpreters the time said, "but because my sister and I were spent with the troupe was seen as well so young, we learned tp.e English spent. "I had so much fun meeting all language very quickly and easily. My the different members of the troupe parents eventually learned the lanand spending time with them," Beckerguage also even though it did take man said, ·n was a great experience to them a little longer." speak the Russian language once Learning the English language obvi- again. It was really worth my while ously didn't cause Beckerman to and I'm glad I was chosen to be a part forget her native language. "Even after of it."


People-to-PeoPle helps bring EUrope closer to ,U.S. shor.e s in student ambassador program .

I .


making preparations for the summer trip. An opportunity has been given to high school stu"We've already had our first orientation meeting," dents from across the nation to live the life of the jet-set. Alex Pederson, (1 O), said. "And we've already sent in our For nearly 38 days, students selected by the People- · visas and have gotten our passports, so we're already to-People High School Student Ambassador Program, ahead." will embark upon an overseas project that will consist Informational meetings are to inform students on of visiting the countries of Spain, France, Austria, what behavior is expected, and what type of image they Portugal, Switzerland, and Czechoslovakia. are to cany. Students are also being informed about The program originated in 1956, when former Prest- certain areas of the countries they are visiting. dent Dwight D. Eisenhower founded the People-to"We're divided up into countries, and then there are People organization. Eisenhower believed that citizens about five areas that we research; history, culture, reaching out in friendship to people of other nations cities, daily life, and economics and politics," Ted could make a great contribution Fellman, (11), lf said. "We've alto world peace. Until 1961, the People-toready had one 1\ People program was led by the 1\ · 11 !· J,l meeting which State Department; now it is a non- ' i I lasted about two hours, and I profit organization. Since 1963, the People-to-People High School think there will Student Ambassador Program be one every has been a major factor in overother Sunday," seas exchange between young Fellman said. Americans and other foreign In former youngs ters. p r e s i d en t ~ "' Eisenhower's Westside studcntswere a mong those who submitted a pplicamind, a program tions, letters of recommendation, a n participate in s uch a s People-to-People could contribute to world screening questionnaires. Several Westside students peace, b ut some students participating perceive the trip were selected to make the summer trip overseas. in a different way. Westside Juniors Jennifer Homer, Ted Fellman, Kit's probably not so much for world peace as it is for Mike Murphy, and Jay Behringer, and Sophomore Alex the kids' benefit," Jay Behringer, (11), said. Pederson are among students who have already begun "I question it helps with peace, "Alex Pederson, (1 O) ,

qi., /jl)!




said, "but it can't hurt." "Peace goes a little too far," Jen Horner, (11), said, ·L think it's mostly to show that we're interested. Hopefully, by us going there as more than just tourists, the other countries will see the United States for more than just a spend-thrift nation." . Not many students would consider spending nearly one-half of their summer on vacation, even if it were in Europe. These students, however, have few, ·if any qualms. "It doesn't bother me that I'm spending so much of my summer doing this, except for the fact that I'll have to work to pay it off after I get back," Behringer said. ·rn get more out of spending my summer doing this than I would spending it at home," Pederson said. Ifthete are no qualms with the length of summer time being used up, other worries c~m arise. "I'm afraid I'll say or do somethipg that would be acceptable here, but not there," Horner said. Students on their way overseas will be departing June 11, for a two-day briefmg in Washington, D.C., with representatives from the State Department and other national agencies. From Washington, D.C., it's off to Europe to the designated countries. The project will include homestays in Spain, France; and Austrta. "The homestays will be good because you don't have to stay for an entire semester," Fellman said ,"they'll only be abou t five days or so." In the end, stu dents hope to come back with experience and a ppreciation more than anything. "I'll learn a lot more from this than I would in a class," Pederson said .

Taking the bull by the homs Ron Rollins, chemistry instructOJ;-, andTrevorFraebel. (12), use a red ox . to demonstrate oxidation and reduction reactions to the chemistry without physics large group, Fiiday

March 3 . Ron Crampton, chemistry instructor, co-teaches the large groups with Rolfiins. The teachers use innovative techniques to amuse and educate the students.

Competition and motivation are the two driving forces behind honors students and some average students. Flip the coin and competition and motivation become possible downfalls to some average and less-thanaverage students. A desire to succeed and to be at the top is shared among high school students. "I would say that there's a desire to want to be at the top. You can be h a ppy as long as you're doing your best and you don't have to be at the top, but there -.still is a desire to be," Stephen Chadwick, (11}, said. The desire to s u cceed is often a result of pressure to be successful. "There's a definite pressure. You can't really identify it, but you know that there is pressure. I find that the pressure to achieve a nd to succeed ensures me of doing my homework. If I fall behind, I fall below my peers," Chadwick said. The academic and educational competition exists in both the school and in the s tudents. "Westside is not overly competitive across the board. I believe that there are certain students and certain classes that are overly or at least highly competitive," Bill McCormick, sociolc;>gy instructor, said. · Being competitive as a school has posifive effects for the students as well as the school. "I see Westside being competitive as ultrapositive. Each student acts as a peer support role model for friends and peers. If we have high goals and aspirations, or if our parents do for us, It's OK to possess a drive to do well. It's powerful to our school and to our students,· Lynn Hansen, college counselor, said. 1be pressure to be competitive can be damaging, however, to the teaching environment. "If a school is_overly competitive (If overly means doing anything to be tops) then this can be damc:rpng: If it's causing negative things like cheatii)g, dtstrust for others, and dislike for classmates , it is hard to teach," • 1 McCormick satd. r Wanting to succeed is a desire shared. among area high scllools as well as students. "As a high school, Westside is as competitive as private preparatory schools and other surrounding·, high schools like Creighton

Prep, Marian, Central, an.d ing that students desire to go Hansen said. Creighton Prep, a college school, is a leader in ""'"""'"1111• "We're a competitive schooL offer are competitive and terms of percentages, our est number of students among the area high rector of cu rriculum at r- ~.D,,.._ Even with schools "" '.,n..t~w•. not all students feel the pre·~... jhe top 100 schools .... -.v,.....,,~ . tiona! level of aca demics Westside's, I believe I can school and k now where I said. Ther<; are students who competition exis ts between and between s tudents in "We have a stereotype are, but If OPS (Omaha dents want to attend Wf•su• thin!.t we are a good school competing with us .. If we do ment, the competition will Connie Richards, (12), said Whether competition schools or not, counselors the opportunity for success opportuntly Is not just vw=n:o.lstudents. There are ODIDottw.for everyone. "I would hope that every no matter which future plans (college bound or j iS an educational nn11V1T"ft discriminate against "'"'""r' .. Students who are nv.P"rl<'lnlr,_ the effects of not being coiJnpd• of lower self-esteem. ·When a student doesn't smart as others in a gains an attitiude of 'I can't attitude lowers Self-esteem," Self-esteem must be for students to remain in ranking.

Teaching ~ecffnii:{lles affect :stucl_'ent . elfOriilOhC clasSroom participatien key for ~nj9yment, edu (continued from page 1.) Teacher-centered classroom!!~ cut short the responsibility of students. "Too much lecture, and too much telling is not getting youngsters involved enough," Helen How.ell, professor In the College of Education at the Unive.rsity of Nebraska at Omaha, (UNO}, said. "When we don't let students plan for themselves we don't give - them enough responsibility for their own learning.· / Some students prefer the lecture over discussion in class. "You learn more if someone tells you information. In a discuss ion you just discuss things you know, and you don't get any input from the teacher," Brad Martin, (11}, said. Other students abhor the lecture idea. "Lecturing bores you out of your mind. You learn more in a discussion becuase you get irito it," Steve Salzman, (12), said. Don Koltex:man, English instructor, uses a lecture-conversation format for some of his classes. ·1n my lower-level classes the students need more guidance. I give them a lecture for the purpose of them being ,_.~,·y,•,•,•,•,.,•,•,

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informed, understanding and appreciative. I don't just talk at them, I speak to them. There's a difference.~ ' Critical thinking is Widely used at Westside. AI Gloor, math department head, incorporates it into his math classes. ~I try to involve students in class with a problem that hopefully is designed so they can share in what the problem means and the solution to the problem." "Other teachers just tell you, a'nd he (Gloor) makes you figwe it out on your own," Matt Sinn, (12) , said. The district recently assigned mandatory classes for all teachers in the district to take by 1990. It is called Essential Elements oflnstruction (EEl). The classes are a 30 hour course that can be taken during the summer or the school year. The class uses Madeline Hunter's book "Mastery Teaching· as its basis. Hunter claims to have discovered the truth in education. The book has theories on all aspects of teaching. A singular theory could cause more P.roblem~ than praise. "The Hunter ap-

proach ,has possibilities, but I'd hate to see Jt being used completely," Howell said. "It

may put everyone in indlvJdual brackets instead of looking at what is wrong in each situation. It can also be interpreted into looking for the bad aspects of a student instead of the good things." The district could be leaning towards this single-theory approach. "I'm opposed to any school district that believes there is one way to teach. I'm not sure that District 66 fulfills that definition, but we are closer tothatth~we'veeverbeen,"Meredithsaid. Bill Kesling, a district instructor of the EEl program, contends that the foundation to the philosophy is that EEl is a decisionmaking model. "The teacher, and only the teacher decides what goes into a lesson. Hunter has merely put all the research on education together and organized it." Kolterman feels some teachers need these classes. "People who are lackadaisical need to be reminded of the effective teaChing skills. For others it maybe a waste oftime." One ofthe biggest problems in education

is teaching students biggest challenge is class," Jeff Covle, Kearney State College, don't really give you a teach someone with a with a 100 IQ in the just have to PV1rvoori ....... nt Meredith tries many levels. "All people if you evaluate as possible it gives them be successful. They corner when they know there are different opportunities for them to succeed." There is no way to get around the idea that caring is an 1mportant element in teaching as well. "We need to make sure the student knows we care_ aqout him," Gloor said.





Am Lit Survey Arn Lit Classics


Composition Creative Writi ng Grammar/ Composition

-------------------·:·:···:·.•••,,•'••,•:•:·.···•.• ............. ·.;... :·. ..... .•

. ..···:· ··:···:·:·.•.-=««

•u·~ ~

Humanities Literature/Com position Lit erary Masterpieces 20th Century Am Lit Debate Newspaper Y<>'lrbook


•I •

French Ill · Spanish Ill Spanish IV Advanced Algebra Advanced Senior Math Algeb~a(Trigonometry

History repeats itself

Geometry Pre-Calc Aviation



The 1\P U.S. histocy classes stage a reproduction of the . Senate hearing on theTreaty of Versailles. Don Meredith and Bill Nelson, AP U.S. histocy instructors, use therecreation of- historic events to help students understand histocy.

Chern with Physics Chern without Physics Physiology Physics Zoology


:::::s . I



AP European History AP US History

American Government· Psychology




US History



World History Advanced Accounting Beginning Accounting Business law Business Principles Marketing I Leasure Living Pottery

to make_sure t knows we ~ t him. oor, math de..........". . . . t head.

.survey shows classes preferred by students There's a difference between what st udents like and what students need. 1be same is true of classes, the ones that are the most well liked aren't necessarily the most valuab!e and the ones that are the most valuable aren't always well liked. A survey was randomly distributed to 100 homeroom students in grades 9;: 12 that asked them to rate all the classes they have taken so far with a score from one to ten on how well they liked it versus how valuable they thought it was. The scores showed diJTering relations as to how well they liked-it and how valuable it was to them. "Everything ~s valuable. To some students, being in Advanced Drawing and Painting is valuable because it applies to them and their ~oals. To another, Probability and Statistics is valuable because it gave them a concept of math they realize they can apply to more things in life than just this class," Lynn Hansen, college counselor, said. Each student finds certain classes more important to them because of what they want to pursue in life. When selecting classes1 most students try to orient their schedules towards classes they know will benefit them in the future, not only classes they thirik will be fun. "We as counselors say here's what they, meaning colleges, want; good English, math, science, social studies, language, and by the time we explain this to them, they choose by default," Hansen said. , The pOpularity of a co~rse is detemlined by several things. The teacher, subject matter and structure all have an effect on how well students like a class, as well as how much they learn. "I think there are two things that make a class valuable. First is if the teacher can recognize Utat these 25 students somehow · have different needs than they planned. If they can adjust to the students, the outcome is better. Second ,'is if the student gained information to transfer to other classes or that makes them want to further explore more information," Hansen said . .Hansen said classes like Sociology. Business Law, Humanities and Psychology are the most pOpular. "They're great because they have dynamic teachers who make it fun. Classes are more popular if they're a real learning experience and kind of fun at the same time." · Students at Westside now also had different theories about what was the best class and why. KHumanities (was the best class I've taken) because I enjoyed listening to Mr. Hall taik to us. He related to us well. I also got to learn a little bit about what I'm interested in, which is architecture," Brian Polt, (12), said. Choosing classes in high school is difficult if no career decisions have been made and it's hard to know what will be valuable later in life. "You consider what you want to do and you just have to hope that you make the right decisions," Lori Kooper, (12), said.



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Runts, rounds out the frontcourt. Pistillo is another one who can ffil it up. He averaged 13 points In the day and age of high flying slam dunks a game as a junior playing for the Dead Heads, and and 7 -foot giants roaming in the middle, it seems 15 points this year while leading the Running strange for an all-star basketball team not to- Runts to a 5-3 record. have a big man. "Pistillo usually had to ice his elbow after But for the second annual Mark Stegman All- games, because he shot so much," said a partlalJy Intramural team, it is a reality. Without the joking Jay Nilsson, coach of the Running Runts. dominance of a big center, a point guard, two off "Really, though, he was an integral part of our guards, and two · offense." Pistlllo's power forwards efforts fell short In were selected. only three contests The "Lance" sethis year. The Runts lects its All-Intrafell to St. Quimby, IJ1Ural teams based Fat Albert and the on staff observaGang, and the Factions of players. ulty. He shined in a Mason Myers, 33-30 victory over (12), is the point Fat Albert when he guard of the Allscored 20 points. "' star. Myers averAt one power forRick McKeever John Seaman aged only ten ward is the sharp points a game and shooting stud from five assists while Fat Albert and the playing for league Gang, 6'3" Jim champion St. Wright. The senior Quimby. averaged 12 points "He was our while leading his play-make," Coach team on a late seaJim Duff, (12), said. son surge. "He keeps us right Fat Albert lost in the ' middle of three in a row at the James Pistillo things. That's Mason Myers beginning of the where we like to beyear, but won four in - right in the middle a row to end the of things." year. The highlight Myers was also was a 36-35 victoty named honorary over the Running captain ofthe team. Runts. His quick hands on 'We started the defense, and his season pretty rough, ability to control but we started getting hot towards.the the pace of games Jim Wright Jim Duff enabled him to play ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' end of the year," a level above the Wright said. competition. "He was always a thorn in our side, whenever we "He was their leader. When Quimby needed a played them," Nilsson said. 'We tried to recruit bucket, ~ey'd l~ok to Myers," Faculty adVisor him, because we knew that he was for real," Bob Moscrey said. Five teams are represented on Nilsson said. the team. Not one team placed more thari one Rounding out the elite five is John Seaman, a player on the first squad.' . senior forward from the pre-season favorite MuSt. Quimby, though, landed Myers and Coach cous Membranes. of the Year Jim Duff on the team. Duff coached Although Mucous didn't live up to their preQuimby to a 7-0 regular season championship. season accolades, Seamen did. 'We never blew anybody out, but in tum, we He averaged 12 points a game while playing were never in serious danger of losing a game, " guard for Mucous. He made the team as a forward Duff said. showing his versatility. 'While Myers is the leader on court, the true 'We picked him up after our sophomore year, leader off is and he's Duff. Those been like a guys really lisGodsend ten to him," to us," Pat Moscrey said. Kortus, R i c k coach of McKeever led Mucous, · the faculty to a said. sec_o nd place Seafinish. He avman's seeraged 17 lection points a game, rounds. while the facoutthetop ulty finished 5five. No 2. Their only under losses came at class men the hands of St. were on Quimby. the first McKeever is team. the leading scorer among the all-stars and one of Members receiVing second team honors include the three-point specialists on the club. Shawn Shirley and R.J. Scarborough of St. "He was our most feared opponent. He always Quimby, Jay Nilsson of the Running Runts (all shot lights out," Duff said. seniors), Jeff Hurley of the Faculty, and Shane McKeever hit a 3-pointer in every contest. His O<;ander, (10), of the Rectal Thermometers. highlight was a 40-point performance against "I think this year's All-star team could compete What's Up with Chew. with last year's team. I know our championship "He's legit. He couldn't miss from the three- team is one of the best ,ever," Duff said. point line," Chad Mulligan, member ofWhat's Up Moscreywasn"t as quick to tout Quimby as one with Chew. said. of the best ever. McKeever edged out teammate Jeff Hurley for "In a league with past year's champs, I'd say St. the nod at shooting guard. Quimby would probably finish around the middle James Pistill9. (12), member of the Running of eve1ything," Moscrey said.

ETc Track team looks for leaders MYoung" is the keyword on Coach Don Patton's mind this year as the boys' track season begins. MWe graduated quite a few good athletes last year," Patton said. "They were not only good athletes, b_ut they were the leaders of our team." Patton named Todd Oltman, and Paul Morrison, as two seniors who could pick up the slack. MMorrison and Oltman both h ave the experience (both qualified for state last year) and the ability to lead the team. Someone must lead the younger kids this year." MWe are hoping for a successful season," Patton said, Mbut it is too early to tell how good we can be."

Tennis returns nine lettermen Having a strong returning team gives a good outlook on any season. The girls' tennis team has nine retlirningvarsity lettermen, three of those nine went to the state tournamentlastyear. MI have high expectations for this season," Jean Jensen, head coach, said, M with all the people returning." Finshing last season with a 5-5 dual record, the girls will be trying to improve against the tougher teams in the state. MMillard South, Burke, and Gross are tough in the Metro," Jensen said, Mand Lincoln Southeast. Lincoln East, Grand Island, and .Fremont are usually tough around the state." With 35 people trying out for the team, there is a good possibility that the Warrior women will contend this year. "We keep 13 outofthe35 tryingout,"Jensen said. "We should have a good team picking out of tha~ many."

New district increases chances Starting from the blocks, the varsity girls' track team stcirts its long haul to the eventual goal of state competition. The team this year returns five girls who competed in the state meet last year. "We return the State qualifing 1600 and 400 meter relay teams," Linda Adamski, head girls' track coach said. "We also have other returnees who competed in state last year." The girls' team is starting with fewer girls this year. Adamski credits soccer for some of the losses. She said that team sports like soccer always seem to be more popular, and with the growth of the sport, not only at Westside, but across the city, more kids are trying out for team-related sports. She did say that the ninth .graders coming from the middle school are talented. "From what I have heard, the ninth graders have a lot of potential. There is a good chance that a few may end up on the varsity." Adamski looks fotward to a better chance to take more girls to Lincoln since Central is not in the Warrior's district this year. "This may be the first time in my eight years as coach that we are not in the same district as Central," Adamski said. "They are always so good that they dominate district. This year we can maybe take more girls to Lincoln." The girls' first meet is Tuesday, March 28, at Millard North at 4 p.m.

Whip it Mike Becker, (11), and Kirk Henningsen, (11). work on their arm strength and warm up for the season during baseball practice. Practice started Feb. 29. and until the

weather warms up, practice is being held inside, in the boys' gym. The first varsity baseball game is against Burke at Burke on Tuesday. March 28.

Warriors return full golf team Working for a good season is important for evety team, and this year's boys' golf team is no exception. The Wahiors have an advantage by having almost evety player back from last year. MWe have virtually evetyone back." Roger Hoffman, head coach, said, "and if evetyone improves two to three strokes on 18 holes we should have a great team." The Warriors finished 7-1 in dual meets, second in Metro, first in district, and fifth in the state tournament last season. The competition in the state should include Creighton Prep and Lincoln Southeast. "In the Metro this year it should be between Westside and Prep," Hoffman said, "and Lincoln Southeast will be the favorite at State as usual."

(Pickles' prices are lower.)


First game to set season's tone Practices for the boys' varsity soccer team have been anything but routine, due to the unseasonable weather. "Under the circumstances we've been doing pretty good, although we've had no choice to do a lot of things. It's hard to tell where we are at right now withou t putting our team together outside," llead coach Bruce' Skin n er s aid. The Warriors have 12 returning varsity lettermen to give the team experience. "I think our first game will set a ton e for the rest of the season. We will be very competitve due to our returning starters," John Seaman, (12). said. The boys' first game will be March 21 against Gross. \

Jumping for Heart Foundation Making money for the National Heart Foundation is the reason for the Jump Rope for Heart campaign. Last week, March 9-14, the Westside physical education classes participated in this campa ign to raise funds for research. "Evety year the Heart Foundation asks schools to help raise money by jump-roping," Linda Adamski, coordinator, said. "We ask students to get pledges on the time that they spend jumping." Although it is not required to get pledges, the physical education. classes are used to fulfill the pledge requirements. "We encouraged the students to get pledges. but it is not required," Adamski said. "Evetyone did have to jump during their· class times. though."

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Spring sports schedule March 20 March 23 March 27 April3 April6 April 10 April 13 April 17 April 20 April 21,22 April24 April27 May2 May 8-13 May 15-17

Gross at Westside Benson at Benson Burke at Burke Bellevue West at Westside Lincoln High at Westside Mercy at Mercy Central at Central Millard South at Millard South Northwest at Westside Millard South Invitational Millard North'at Millard North Mrufun at Westside Bryan at Bryan District Tournament State Tournament

March 21 March 24 March 28 April 4 April 7 April 11 April 14 April 18 April 20,22 April 21 April 25 April 28 May 2 May 8-13 May 15-17

Gross at Sunset Benson at Benson Burke at Burke ~ Bellevue West at Sunset Lincoln High at Sunset Lincoln Southeast at Lincoln Central at Central Millard South at Millard South Millard South Invitational Northwest at Sunset Millard North at Mlllard North Prep at Sunset Bryan at Bryan District Tournament State Tournament

tUrn;cy;W:itl~ fBWP@Jo/$UMt.Uii'BE$.llM April 4 April 6

Lincoln Southeast at Lincoln Millard South at Millard South

Marian at Westside Abraham Lincoln· at Westside Ralston Invitational Benson at Benson Gross at Gross Ralston at Ralston Bellevue West at Westside Northwest at Westside Burke at Westside Metro Tournament at Dewey Duchesne at Duchesne State Tournament at Dewey

April 11 April 13 April 15 April 18 April 20 April25 April27 May 12 May3 May 10-12 May 15 May 18,19

~K~-!Wr.i ~ ~,M..<t-i:h::,1@tiiiili£&£ili

~28 ~,_,$;$X;.:m::<fNo7i'ft1ft-LMffiirJN~ April 1 April 4 April 7 April 11 April 13 April 15 April 22 April 25 April 27 May 2,3 May 8-12 May 19,20

Ralston Relays Ralston at Westside Millard South Invitational Millard South at Millard South Girls' Bellevue Invitational Boys' Westside Invitational Lincoln High Invitational Burke at Westside Boys' Bellevue Invitational Metro Meet at Burke District Meet State Meet

~Zlitmtrr•m1Dlw®..tlliw.J.Hrt&w:m-.wm March 30 Grand Island Invitational April April April April April April April

4 6 7 11 13 14' 18

Bellevue West at Benson Millard South at Benson Ralston/Westside Invitational Benson at Fontenelle Northwest at Benson Bellevue Invitational at Capehart Gross at Benson

April21 - April27 May 1 May4 May 8-12 May 18


Fremont Invitational Metro Tournament at Benson Lincoln Southeast at Lincoln Burke Invitational at Knolls District Tournament State Tournament



March 27 March 29 April 3 AprilS April10 Aprili2 Aprill7 April19 April24 April28 May 1 May6

Prep at Westside Burke at Burke Bellevue East at Towl Roncalli at Towl Benson at Westside Gross at Gross North at North Millard South at Millard South Central at Towl Millard North at Westside Northwest at Westside Lincoln High at Lincoln High

March 28 March 30 April4 April6 April 7 April 11 April 12 April 13 April 18 April 20 April 25 _April 27,28 May 2 May 6 May 8 -12 May 17, 18, 20

Burke at Burke Prep at Westside Bellevue East at Towl RoncalliatRoncalli Benson at Westside Gross at Gross Millard South at Millard South North at North Bellevue West at Bellevue West Central at Towl Northwest at Towl Millard North Invitational Millard North at Towl Lincoln High at Lincoln High District Tournament State Tournament

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Ll Trailridge and Crescent Hill Ski areas provide skiing throughout the winter season. Crescent is open from noon to 9:30 p.m. on weekdays and 9 a.m. until 9:30 p.m. on weekends. Trallrtdge offers skiing from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily. Both ski spots guarantee snow whether natural or artificially made until April.


Ll Bad Company will be in concert on Tuesday, March 21, at the Music Hall. Tickets can be purchased at the Civic Auditorium, or by callingT 342-7107.

What's • gotng


day. r:~·on The Verge· at the Omaha Community Playhouse. The play will be performed Thursday, March9, through Sunday, April2.

Ll sandi Patti will be in concert at the Civic Aud'tortum on Tuesday, May 16 at 7:30 p.m. Tickef's are $12.75, $11.75, and $10.75 and can be purchased at the auditorium box office.

Ll The Western Heritage Museum has opened a new perLl Chicago will be in concert on manent exhibit called !be Friday, March 24, at the Civic Modem ]Years: Omaha 1930Auditorium. Reserved tickets 1954. Museum hours ·are 10 _ are $17.75. Tickets can be a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday purchased at the Civic Audito- . through Saturday, and 1-5 rium box office, or by calling p.m. on Sunday. Admission is 402-342-7107. $2 for adults and $1 for children 12 and under. Ll Bon Jovi will be coming to the Civic Auditorium on Wednes- Ll Julius Caesar will be preday, April 5. 11ckets in advance sented as a part of the Fest Of are $17.25 and can be pur- Theatre at the Omaha Comchased at the Civic Auditorium munity Playhouse. The play box office. will be running tonigh t through Sunday, March 25. Ll Little Feat will be coming to For reservations call Omaha the Music Hall on Saturday. Playhou~e at 553-0800. March 25 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $16.25 in advance and $17.25 Ll The Upstairs Dinner Theater the day of the show. Tickets can is performing "Same Time, be purchased at the Civic Audi- Next Year" through Saturday, torium, or by calling 342-7107. March 18. ~Hank Williams died on the Back seat of a Cadillac last New Year's Eve Lorraine" will be playing through Sunday, March 26 at the Vidlak's Family . Cafe. The cost for dinner and show is $12. The doors open at 6:45 p.m. and the show begins at 8 p.m. For reservations call 553-4715.


Ll A Little Princess is being presented at The, Emmy Gifford Children's Theater through Sunday, April 9. For reservations call345-4849. Tickets are $6. Ll The Norton Theater will be presenting ~A Man for All Seasons" through Sunday, March 26. Performances will be at 8 p.m. Thursday through Satur-

Cl La Cage AlLx Folies will open Thursday. March 30 at the Upstairs Dinner Theater. For reservations call the Upstai;-s Dinner Theater at 344-7777.

Ll The United States Air Force Band will present the Serenade in Blue, Tuesday, April4 at the Civic Auditorium Music Hall. Admission is free. 0 The Shrine Circus will be at

the Civic Auditorium Tuesday, April 18, through Sunday, April 23. Tickets are available at the Auditorium box office, or by calling 342-7107. Ll To find out more information about these and other events in the metro Omaha area call the Events Hotline at 444-6800.


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Jos_lyn .film. ser1es displays new art form at. museum When most people hear the word art they vision ~tings hung on a waij, or sketches"on a piece of paper. Hardly ever does film fit into that categozy. "Film is a form of art that should be appreciated," Linda Rajcevtch, head of Marketing and Public Relaliens at Joslyn Art Museum, said. Joslyn Art Museum (22nd and Dodge), University of Nebraska-Omaha (60th and Dodge) and the Omaha Public· Libraries all have different film series throughout the year. They provide a variety of films to suit a variety of different tastes. Joslyn Art Museum has been showing films now for about eight years with varied amount of success. We consider these films that we show a form of art. That is why we decided to add films to our museum. Film is an expansion of art," Rajcevich said. "The success of the film depends heavily on how well known the film is and the reviews it has gotten," Rajcevich · said.

MOur target audience is our loyal months ahead of time and decide what Twenty-five or 30 people might Joslyn members and the many film goers films they will be showing for the follow- a travel film but only five to ten ne(mle• out there," Rajcevich said. ing semester," Peterson said. will generally attend a natural ev1~nu11 • Our next film at Joslyn will be 'The · "Our next film will be 'The Life of film. -Man facing Southeast." Brian" which will run today through MPeople would rather watch a film Films :were brought to UNO by the Sunday, March 19. the Bahamas rather than a film cu.... u. 1• , Student Programming Organization Friday, April 7, through Sunday, April tornadoes," Daw said. who wanted some cultural enrichnient. . 9, UNO will be showing 'The Decline of Wednesdar,_March 22 the next WedThey decided that different films would Western Civtlization, Part II." nesday matinee will shown. It will be a source of entertainment as well as a The Omaha Public Libraries present William Randolph Hearst's "San Simsource of cultural enrichment to the films covering a wide array of topics. eon". Saturday, March·18 the next Satcommunity. ~e show children's films, travel films, urday afternoon film will be shown. It MWe have a film consultant that meets how-to films, natural events films and will be 'The Classic Creatures in the with us and provides several possible many, manym()re," Robert Daw, head of · Making of Return of the Jedl". films that we could show," Rajcevtch the UNO art and music department, MOur films are free to anyone who said. said. would like to view them," Daw said. "He searches for jt.tst the right films There are half-hour films evety The cost of viewing a film at Joslyn Is and presents them-to us so we can make Wednesday. and two hour films evety $2.50 for members and students and $3 · the decision on what films to show that other Saturday. for the general public. "'he cost to see will please all audiences," Rajcevtch 'The majority of people attending the films at UNO is $1.50 for the students said. Wednesday matinee films are adults and staff at UNO and $2 for the general "The success of or films depends on who work downtown. During our Sat- public. how popular the film is. Usually the urday afternoon films we get a variety of With such a film variety in the Omaha foreign films don't do so well," Kevin people ranging from chlldren ro senior area, viewers have a wide choice. 'These Peterson, chairman of the Films and citizens," Daw said. films are inexpensive and a great sourse Video Commity at UNO said. _ The crowd varies depending on the of entertainment well worth ~Iflg to," "The different committees meet two rum being shown. Rajcevich said.

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Once again the time has come when students friends . Because this is the last major break 1t can take a short sigh of relief. Next week, might be the last opportunity seniors have to be students will have the chance to relax, travel with friends. before they leave to summer vacaand forget about all the troubles they leave tlon and college. behind at school, while they enjoy their longMI might make a road trip either tc;> Chicago or awaited spring break. Kansas City with some friends," Jonathan The free time students find themselves with Silver, (12), said. "My plans are still not definite Is usually spent traveling or just spending a yet, but I hope to be going somewhere." relaxing week at home. While most students find it acceptable to MI'm definitely looking foward to spring break. shop here, some find it necessary to go to It will be a time to relax and catch up on lost Kansas City, to enjoy the c~ty and its opportunisleep," Danielle Doxon, (10), said. MI'm also - ties. Because of the anticipated "spring'' going to be babysitting a lot, because my family weather, the driving is short and easy, and most has decided not to go anywhere this year." students feel it's a place far enough away that Because spring break Is the first and last they can get away from the evezy-day life at ·major break between Christmas and summer Omaha. vacations, the time off is always necessary so MKansas City Is close enough that It's not too students can take one last rest before the start expensive to drive there with friends," Michelle of a final-quarter at school. Mcintosh, (12). sa'id. Mit's far enough from MSpring.break is a ,time to relax from the daily Omaha that we can get away to have some fun pressures of school," Jennifer Horner, (11), and relax." said. "I think it's a necessary breather from the In order to gain a cultural education, some time spent at school ....----------------------.students will be going so between Christmas far as to spend their and spring break." breakoutofthe countty. Travel, whetherwith "This year I will be family or friends, Is one spending break differthe most popular acently than I usually do," tivities over the break. Horner said. MMy dad Shopping in Kansas will be going to Grenada City, or going to visit because ofbusiness, and old friends who have I get to go with him. I have no idea what it will moved away, are two examples of the P.laces be like there, but I'm vety students will be going. excited to find out.• "I'm vety excited for The students who the break," Robyn have no choice but to stick close to home this Bearinger, (11). said. "I can't wait to see !llY break may find themfriend who moved away selves searching for en;ptd now lives In Illitertainment that will nois. I even think it will make their break as exbe more fun to spend citing as those who are time with her, instead lucky enough to leave of going to F~orida to get town. a tan." MI'm going to sleep-in "I usually don't late, and do nothing but travel over the break, relax," Katie Krueger, but this year I might be (11), said. "I'll probably going to the ' Bahamas go shopping for a prom with a friend," Taki Hikin, (11), said. , "It's dress at some point, but I hope to have the unusual for me to go somewhere with just my chance to go out with my friends at qlght. I am friends, but I got the opportunity this year, It excited to not have to worry about school work should be an adverture." and classes for an entire week." Spring break is a popular time to travel with

Top· 'o·the morn in' to you Years from now, after our generation is long forgotten, Americans are forced to live on a tropical island ih Antartica due to the green house effect. Who is the person they remember as a representative of their parents' heritage? Oliver North, Thomas Edison, ..._--..,.,...--------' o..r perhaps, Pee-Wee Her-

not a celebration of being Irish. Several other •true• Irishmen' felt that it's the traditional way to celebrate and that evecyone does it ·differently. This is how I feel St. Patrick's Day compairs with the futuristic celebration. People won't really care what the entire holiday means within i~elf, but it wUl sym-bolize a day of celebration. Of course it's JllOre than wonderful for people to be proud of their heritage. It's even kind of neatfor people man? of other backgrounds to join in the fun. Yet there are Although I wouldn't myself ever say Pee-Wee was a some people who don't reaJ.J.Iy_ know how St. Patrick's national hero, in the future they might think he's the Day came about. I was one of those people until I made eat's meow. , my pilgrimage to my version of the promised landSt. Patrick's Day isn't much different. There are Ireland. millions of pseudo-Irishman who run aro=u:.n:.d::._w:..:.earln=:::!g~·--~Th~ere~a~re~~~~tw~o stories, the fact and the legkelly green shamend. The legend was rocks in honor of that Patrick, an Irish St. Patrick, who to Erin Conboy priest, drove the most Americans is snakes out of synonymous with Weekender columnist Ire 1 and. Ireland. They w h a t y.rould never know snakes, if he was an obnoxI don't ious man who sang know. fallsetto, or a total I geek. Yet he gets more salutes from drunken men than thought all they ever had was any other s$t. bad potato crops. The neatest thing about St. Paddy's Day is that it is The fact is, Patrick the American spirit at its best. In fact, !.,.truly believe brought the Catholic religion that St. Patrick's Day is an American. holiday and not to Ireland and taught the an Irish one. · people the sign of the cross It starts in the U.S. with little kids being taught of through a three-leaf clover. leprechauns and pots of gold behind evecy rainbow in So the shamrock isn't just Ireland. MIDarby O'Gill and the Little Peoplew is on more a pick of the lot plant they ~'--:' than any other movie on cable. randomly choose to repSt. Patrick's Day is like clash day in elementaryresent St. Paddy's Day. -~~ school. , Either wear your clothes that way because Most American's ~ evecyone else does or... get pinched. probably don't give two Not many people know why they get pinched on cents tr:> the holiday for March 17 when they don't wear green. They are either its religious message. so irresistible that no one can help but pinch them, or In reality. it's a day for it's because years ago the English would kill a man who Americans to kick wore green on Saint Patrick's Day. Now it's a standing back'their heels and symbol of the country- of Ireland. celebrate life and their heratige. In Ireland, it's considered a religious holiday which The obvious in the past has been the day of many Catholic and Prothere is not • estant bombings. MWhen in IreIn Omaha, many Irishmen drink Batley's Irish land. do what Creme, and green beer in bars such as the Dubllner in the Irislr'do. w downtown offiaha. , It ·'s Last year I went there with my parents to meet some relatives and I saw a glimpse of how the celebration really goes. The bar was filled with men and women of different races and religions, sitting together saying silly things yet totally praising Ireland, which I doubt they praised the next morning. Several Mtruew Irishmen whol chatted with said that it upset them that the average American thinks of St. Patrick's Day as a day of alcoholic merriment and

more like, when in the U.S., party like the Irish rilight have done if theywere given a chance to come to America. Years from now, Pee-wee Herman just might have a holiday for himself. He'd be representlngAmerica, and in America you can do anything. Which in some cases is sometimes scaty. It's the same thing all over, whatever you do you wUl be a representative of your organization; in this case America. Or Ireland. I hope everyone has a safe St. Patrtcks's Day but_ I will not pity those who get pinched for not wearing green. Needless to say, you have been warned. "Top 'o the morning to you. •

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What's cookin'? Batter in (Left) Hayley Kidder, (12), prepares for the final stage of baking by placing her cookie dough in the oven. (Below) Taking care to make them uniform size, Desarie Hemy, (11), drops dough on a cookie sheet.


Just desserts (Left) When the smell of baked goods comes wafting out of the home economics room, some students can do more than just salivate. Walt . Taylor, (10) , reaches for the spoils of his labor-- a fast , fudgy cookie-while Joe Tholen, (10). contemptates the food's flavor. (Below) foods students Joe Tholen, (10). Desarie Herny. (11). and Hayley Kidder, (12). follow the recipe carefully and start with the freshest ingredients to ensure a fine finished project.





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to lift school spirit for prom Springtime brings thoughts of suntans, laying by the pool, and the end of another school year; Senioritis is ~tits peak, and school splrlt starts to wane. The Student Advisory Board will sponsor the third annual Warrior Mania week to raise the level of spirit among students going to the Junior-Senior Prom. Warrior Mania will run from Monday. April24 through Friday, April 28. The Junior-Senior Prom is Saturday, April 29. "TTle Intent of the week Is to raise splrlt for the prom, and it will be cost free for students,· Roger Herring, dean of boys, said. flerring said that Warrior Mania will be kicked off with a Hawaiian day and a luau on Monday. Students will be encouraged to dress in Hawaiian attire durlrig the school day. The luau will take place at Westside in the South parking lot from 8 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. ·u should be a lot of fun, • Herrirtg said. •tast year's luau was flUended by 450-500 kids, and was one of the best dances we've ever had here.· Herring said that a band made up of three Westside students and one Millard North student, "A Touch of Bedlam," will play at the luau. Admission is free, and if weather is not permitting the luau will be moved to the Activity Gym. Learning from the master Anne Mayfield, _SAB vice president, said that Tuesday will be used to decorate the school, and Warrior Mania stickers and Artist in residence Dou~ Marr, talks about Writing classes three days a week and will be necklaces will be handed out to promote splrlt She also said that writing to foreign exchange student Elin Van at Westside for three weeks. Marr writes both Monday and Tuesday will be used as a sign-up day for Heusen, (12). Marr advises the Creative fiction, poetry. and drama. students who wish to participate In Warrior Games, a competition between the classes that will be held Friday. The sign-up booth will in front of the boys' gym. A dunking bOoth will be opened during lunch mods on Wednesday. Mason Myers, SAB president, said that students will be charged 50 cents for three throws, a~d w)ll get to dunk members of the faculty and possibly some students. Herring said that the nominal charge is just to add a little spirit to the competition of the dunking booth, not to make money. •At a lot of events during the year, we get money from the students,· Myers said. ·warrior Mania is a time where we give the money we make back to the students.· A Western-style cafeteria will be the theme for Thursday, _ nominated, A primary sys:lem . pastsuceess. ~_ 1'he,eaucus .sys 7.. _ . B«>sedlo _thefu~~mgof_the_open Mayfield said. The cafeteria will be decorated with checkered . would replace the eXtstip~tcatt- ..., tem. has allowed .t he candidates ·..- enr:oUment proposaFbecause tt tablecloths and cowboy hats. Hot dogs and McRibs will be served c·u s system. : · '• ; •·. :•'' . t~: sh~w what· platform they are ~ould be unfalf to thci dtstrlt'rs for lunch. Mayfield said that even though the cafeteria will be District 66 holds a meeting fox- and get pubU.c exposure ,,, taxpayers.: · ":.._:- .• ,. . ·,,_ .. · . :\:, .,..•• ldecc>rated, students will not be encouraged to dress In Western for v.oters once eve.l.'Y two. y~rs :~. ·rathef · than· just putting u"B ::: :'\ Dfst.tlct ()6:wol.ild~cetv~dess : to nominate f<iur candidates for . .. signs ;or handing out stickers, • money from . each tratisfe.r:f1ng Warrior Games will close out the week on Friday. There will be nyo oi_six t:>oar? positioris~ ,{Ibe ·. /t~ng4fill ~i~.; ,/ ,,. , , •'•· .. . . . •••• ~~u_<i~l19; d~t:g~~• ~ffi};lt,s, Rf,A~ convocation schedule, with the Games beginning at 10 a.m. and '114~ ~ elettion.:'ts 'on tht: same ··:i\':· ~possible8oluUon · wouldbe : on its_., cur;r.~nF · stu .e·n ts, · •~o;•L>u••ucu<.:Ju•,.; at 10:50 a.m. The Games is a competition between da~e ~the .p rimarydectlon for ··{<:; allowalldistrictsin:Neb.raska ' .Tangd<JU sa.td. ·•· .... ··• ···:/ four grade levels, with a fifth team made up offaculty members. other.political t:aces. <· . . · .t 0 choost: I>etweeri · a ~aucus . , Tapgf{aU ~~q .lhaQie•iS.::;?P~ . . Myers said that there will be six different events for the students Withem said ··:··DisttiCt. 66 is '•·-•. and a pbmaey system, dmisUc c9ri1Promis~ ~ovei'the "" faculty to compete ln. The Games will begin with a yell-off the only school d1$trlcUf):. J'Ile~ ' 'fangqall Sa.~d. .. : .\ bill .Willl:>e JI¥l<!e. '::• . .. ..,.~..,..~~·~ the classes. There will then be a soda chug, a coffee cup bra,~1dl ifl :~:wNc~ .fflard : . fueJt1:,: :;: ;;::::;::;:,,A¢£p~lng ;:,>to : the .. "<?WP~· i ;At~of#ing j:;~o,·,:,th¢ •: . tOm~a race, an obstacle course, a three-man. four-legged race, hers afe tjo.minat.edat a c;aucua '''?'Worldfteralcl'/'WJ:them satd the :: . world-Herald, ~ ' Withem sat.d the tug-of-war. The winner of each event1wlll get five points, instead of a plimaiy ~lectiop. /::. caucU.s syste:rn is (.ln.e ·or""a1otof . · p:.a~ about 30.: stud.ents f.~:prn, ;; four points given to the second-pla~e finisher, three to third, W.iQ1~tll; ~ld . J~~ . .f~}t~ys ·~S: ,,,, : Qi,tngs -a bot1('Jh.e .West:sld~· dls- ' :• 9the~; df;stric~ a,;~tend Plf,i:~ric;~,p6 · · to fourth, and one for last. The points will be totaled at the end ~n ··:·rietu~1onary' · sys"ten:i;'f he- '\(trict that are t£oubling. • He s~d .. for tuition of about $3.~0.0 each fhe competition to determine the winner of the Games. Warrior Mania, which is in its third year of existence, has been !: i•IUCCef>SilW in promoting spirit among students, Herring said. ·u·s · Prima..ri~s a.repi¢fe.rab!€ be- ·:,:,,. · Withem ·sald Uiat his ·pro-:; . . accepts. .• stUdents fipm ot9~r motivator for kids. It's kind of a springboard into carrying us on the end of the year on a real positive note,· Herring said.





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Clubs allow studerits to get involved .... ,......... come go, one remains the same. Joining clubs is an opportunity for every student to become Involved In their school's activilies. Area high schools have many of_lhe same clubs available to their students, but the amount of clubs can vary from school to school. At present, Westside has 33 nonathletic clubs for students to choose from. They range from nearly A to Z, starling with the Warrior Band, and

continuing through the Zonta ( Z-Club) Club . Most, but not all clubs at Westside meet before and after school to plan and paruclpate in activities. Clubs such as debate, newpaper, yearbook, and band, which are also considered classes, meet mainly during the school day. This holds true for other area high schools as well. ·we have 35 clubs, but this includes clubs that are considered classes,· Ron Park, activlUes director at Millard North, said. At Millard North debate, speech, drama, music, newspaper, and yearbook

count 5lS classes. but are also considered ·nECA. FBLA (Future Business '· clubs. Leaders of America), and Interact have · ·we have some clubs which count as to be the three most popular clubs at classses, such as yearbook, the "Regis- Westside,· John Crook, activities diter," and debate: Jim Wilson, assistant rector, said. principal at Central, said. According to Park, DECA rates high There is some correlation between the in popularity at Millard North as well. popularity of clubs among area high ·u is one of the five or six clubs that schools. DECA (Distributive Education have the most members,· Park said. Clubs of America) has one of the largest Problems arise in schools not benumber of membt!rs. ·oECA is probably , cause of a large number of clubs, but one of our most popular clubs," Wilson because of inactiveness of club memsaid, •there are about 80 members Jn- bers. volved.· (Continued on 7.)


STANCE Westside impresses visitors


Vis itors from the Department of Education's annual awards for "Excellence in E ducation" vis ited Wes ts id e last week a s p art of the selection p roceSs for this year's honored schools. Westside received the award in 1983, the first year it was awarded, and was nominated aga in this year in the second year it was ,possible for Westside to receive t he award. To be considered for the award, each school writes a report on themselves and from the reports, the selection committee judges several schools to be visited. The winners are selected from the visitations. The visitors seemed to be impressed with the atmosphere, the quality pf education, and the sense of respons ibility present at Westside. It is outstanding administrative leadership, community support. faculty, and student involvement that make this possible. Too often we take these strong qualities for granted. Westside High School needs to be commended for continuing to provide the high quality of education for its students. This award is just another indicator· that Westside is an outstanding school and efforts should be made to keep it tha t way.


Bill .to alter caucus flawed The bill spons ored by State Senator Ron Withem would require Dist:i:ict 66 to change from a caucus system to a primary system when nominating school board members. Withem sponsored the bill because he thought the caucus system was elitist and exclusionary. Withem's attempt to use this bill as political retaliation for District 66's withdrawal from the open-enrollment bill is degrading. The caucus system has worked fine in the past and allows the public to meet the nominees. Withem implied that the only reason District 66 pulled out of the open-enrollment bill was because the district wanted to accept wealthy students only. This perpetuates the stereotype of Westside as "Hollywood High." Withem ignores the reason that the district could lose a large amount of money because of the bill. Withem should accept ·a compromise on the bill, which would benefit all parties, instead of using it for his oWn political gain.

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a disease that is affecting us· in growing nu.m bers and the recent interest the freshman Life Science class took in AIDS by producing a pamphlet that will help inform people of the truths of AIDS will help_fight the disease. Fear of AIDs is becoming an increasing problem and the the pamphlet will also help limit some unfounded fears.

The "L&Dce" is tlie official publication of Westside High School, 8701 Pacific St., Omaha, NE, 68114. The "Lance" office is loeated in Room 122. Advertising rates are available upon request. Phone (402) 390-.3339. The "Lance" is an in-house publication. The paper is an open forum distributed biweekly to all students 16 times a year except during vacation periods. Subscription rates to others are $5 postpaid. Non-profit mailing rates are claimed. The "Lance" is printed by the "Fremont Tribune,.. 135 N. Main, Fremont, NE 68025.

Letters to the editor are welcomed. Letters should be less than 300 words in length, signed by the author, and sent to the editor or the adviser in Room 122. Unsigned letters are printed upon request. The "Lance" is a member of the Nebraska High School Press Association, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, and the National Scholastic Press Association.

The r!'!cent enforcement of parking rules is a step in the right direction, but much more eJTective measures need to be taken to ensure that students do not park in the facully lot and juniors . or sophomores do not park !n the senior lots. Parking has continually been a problem during the year and it is time that the administration takes steps to improve th.e situation and limit the violators.

ltditor-ln-ehlef. Laura Struve. Manaefn' Editor, Gwen McGill. Ma~ ltditor, Mason Myers. Bulna• ~er, Kim Ostergaard. Copy ltditor, Mary Overholt. Ne... Eclitor, Jim Duff. Aut. N.nn EcUtor, Kent Bonham. Feature Editor, Karen Nyholm. Aut. Feature Editor, Debara Dohmen Sport• Editor, D.J. Rezac. Aut. Sport• Editor, Andy Chapin Weekender ltditor, Nancy Olson. Aut. Weekender ltditor, Melissa Partset, Dat,D Ecliton, Jenny Frank, jay Nilsson. Photo ltditor,Evan Howe. Cln:ulatlon Manager, Michelle Jaeger. Staff.Arti•u, Troy Muller, J.J. Carroll. Pagination Coord., Nick Hansen. Columnl•t•, Jessica Sullivan, Amy Radii. New. Staff, Todd Parker, Feature Staff, Alltson Kohli, Cathy Pettid, Anne Wax. Sport•·Staff, RandallJ. Hallett, Matt Fischer, Burt Cohen. Weekender Staff, Becky Richardson. Mark Carroll, Susie Klscoan . ...,W eek. columnbt, Erin Conby. Advber. John Hudnall.

Column criticized

Dear editor, Well, I knew it wouldn't last forever. The Lance finally found a subject to criticize Forum, but it hasn't even happened yet. This is none other than our extended homeroom which is scheduled for April 13. If anything, I was veiy disappointed in Gwen McGill's article .because she should be encouraging the event instead of discouraging it. Just like most columnists, she told ' us what we were doing wrong and how it would fail, but she didn't oJTer any solutions. We feel the extended homeroom is part of the solution. It will get people to interact, if they choose to do so. But if they don't, it's their loss, but we as a Forum have no control over that. One other disappointing aspect ofthe column was that she did bring up some good points, but it does us no good as a Forum if we have to learn about them from our school newspaper. i know that Gwen is an active memberofForum, which she should be commended for, so she had ample time to discuss some of her reservations about the idea. If she felt this way. she should have brought them up in a meeting instead ot printing them on page three. She was also disgruntled about some of the options. Well, that is all they were, options. Most people are going out for breakfast, bowling, or some other morning activity. But we as a Forum had to oJTer a wide range of activities, and unfo~tunately, the columnist only picked some of our less popular ones. Overall, I was very disappointed in the story and'hope that you as a student body won't be disco~ed by it. We are really excited about the extended homeroom and have put in a lot of hard work, so whatever you do, take that hour and make it an especially enjoyable .one. Respectfully, Jay B. Bonham Forum President

STD gets no respect Dear .editor, SID gets no respect in D.J. Rezac's last article. STD and its players are not even mentioned once. The Running Runts are said to have lost to St. Quimby, Fat Albert and the Gang, and the Faculty. Where is SID? They pulled out a stunning upset over the Runts and it

isn't even mentioned! SID didn't get any respect this entire Is it S1D's fault that their schedule never them up against St. Quimby or the FacUlty? think not. They played the teams that they assigned to play and ended up with an 7-2 record. Lighten up! Sincerely yours, Rodney Dangerfield, .Asher Stoller, Spokesperson for SID P.S. Is it good journalism to make up quotes your articles?

STD underrated Dear editor, In the day of underrated teams and players, such as Seton Hall, Hank Gathers, New Mexico, and Elliot Perry. it seems strange that D.J. (Rezac, $ports editor) didn't look past the top teams to find his Mall-stars.· If he would have, only then would he find the true winners which make intramurals fun and worthwhile. Ta!te . instance Brian Polt and Jon Macapinlac, candidates for coaches of the year. They took the 0-8 Loosiers oflast year and turned them into the 7-2 second best record in the league) SID's this year, through hardwork and some front office maneuvers. They brilliantly c~u:bed us to the upset win over the third rated .n.u.1uw• Runts. They brought such big men as Dan bum and Adam Marx to the team, but at same time als6 acquired a much needed guard in Asher Stoller. · Unfortunately, I feel a little hesitant writing this letter because · I feel there shouldn't be an ·an-star• team since I"V"'"'"IW! that plays goes out every week and gives it all. But if there must~ an all-star team, at show some objectivity. The article said that choices were made by staff observations, but didn't see any staff when we played or the that usually followed us. Besides, happened to the underdog? Oh, by the way, would like to compliment the editor on-the in the article. It showed that a lot of research done in writing the story. It also sh9wed ethical journalism is alive and well at Westside. They almost sounded too good to be true! Respectfully, Jay B. Bonham Proud Member of SID


Prom trouble, expense dOesn't merit the effort I

Women's clothing stores from coast to coast are Wanna make a bet? overflowing with silk, lace, satin, and ridiculously high Anyone who isn't dancing i~ always looking at those prices. The front windows of men's clothing stores all who are. And, generally, they're saying thins like, "What display formals available in any color-rentals! too. a geekl Look at the way he dances!" Yeah. Sure they Fashion magazines all have an extra 25 pages (of silk, don't watch. I lace, satin, and more of those ridiculous prices). Quite a few people I know don't stay very long I'll give you three guesses as to what time of year it anyway. They duck In, look around for a few minutes, is. No, everyone over the age of 19 is not getting decide that it's boring, and go to a !J.otel party. Or some married. No, they aren't going to be bridesmaids/ ofthemjustbumaroundforawhile,thencomebackfor groomsmen for those who are. 路 the post prom-party at school. ,.... It's prom time! I'd like to be able to say that prom is I'm not quite sure what to think about the post-prom just a dance, and that the - - - - - - - - - - - - - . party. I mean, it's hard importance placed on it is enough to stand being here ridiculous (much like the Jessica Sullivan when I have to. The concept price ta"gs), but I can't. When , of being here for an addiI get to thinking about it I COlumnist tional five or six hours is realize that there are just too mind boggling. The purpose many details that no one for having it, though, is a thinks about for any other good one, so I guess it can't be dance (except maybe Christmas Prom). all that bad. For girls; there's a few trips to the tanning salon, and In fact, the only thing that doesn't sound real good appointments to get the hair done, and French mani- about it is the theme, MWild Wild Westside." I vaguely cures. The boutonniere can't be forgotten, either. But remember filling out a questionnaire about what the the most important part is the dress. theme would be. I don't remember what theme I did A friend tellls me that dresses can run anywhere chose, but I'm positive that it wasn't MWild Wild from $150 to $250, or even more. Westside." Oh well. These things can't be helped. I've heard that staying home on prom night is really This is the part I find silly. Why would anyone bother to spend that much money on a dress that depressing. I don't know why. Although you may be they'll only wear once for a couple of hours (if even alone (for just one night), you'll certainly be a lot richer that)? than all those who go. I think I'll go to the mall tonight-not to shop for a But when I start to think about what the 'guy has to do, it makes me realize that the girls get the better part dress (I'm not going), but to watch everyone else who is of the deal. Guys have to rent the tuxedoes, pay for out shopping. That's always good for a laugh or two. dinner, find access to a halfway car (or-rent a limo with You'd be amazed to know that about 65 percent of all the a friend), and get a corsage. girls who go dress shopping are still capable of having Before I sat down to write this column, I hadn't given temper tantrums in public. Prom, to me, is kind of a big waste of time, energy, much thought to all of these details. I simply took it for granted that all these little things took care of them- and money. Of course, it does have its advantages. You'll have a lovely dress (that you won't be able to fitin selves. I don't think I'll be going this year. Why go to a dance into five years), and of course, there'll be all those wonifyou can't (can't dance, that is)? Whenever my friends derful memories. find me hiding in the bathroom at dances, they drag me So while the rest of you are watching weird people out and shove me onto the floor, ~ying, MOb, come on. who dance funny, I'll be home counting my money. ~ Have a nice time. No one's going to watch you, or anything!" '

Open enrollment expected to cause_distress, p'roblems I finally saw my analyst about it. whole thing has me really confused," I told him. "What has you confused?" ~is open enrollment issue. When I first heard about it, it sounqed great-everyone can choose where they want to go to school, everyone is entitled to the best in education, that sort of thing. I'm big on individual freedom so I really expected to like this bill." MSo what happened?" ~ell, these little details started leaking out until open enrollment started to sound like more trouble than it was worth. When I learned that the administration doesn't support the bill, I was all readytosharpenmyclawsandblow them out of the water for not being 1 progressive and open-minded on educatfon issues when I suddenly realized that I agree路wtth thent" ~ou what?" ~ou heard me." ~ou're going to be in therapy for quite awhile, aren't you?" The education department in Washington D.C. hasprobablybeen feeling kind of glum lately, being faced with our low test scores and all. They have been looking for some radical new plan to keep U.S. students at the top intema4onally, and in so doing, may have created a monster. The original conception of open ~is

enrollment was really quite nice: if funding, and quality. The role each Jane hears that a school across town parent is willing to take in their has a really outstanding 'rt child's education cannot b_e department, she should be able to go predicted and makes this program there instead of to the school in the risky. How the various districts will district where she lives. When this principle is applied to all the kids in handle the difficulties in money an entire state the picture changes associated with this defies the dramatically and gets a lot more imagination. As the bill in the complicated. These complications legislature stands now (although it have caused educators to distrust is being weighed down . ., with the open enrollment idea while amendments daily) if an Omaha - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Public Schools student wanted to come to Westside, the state would give Westside AmyRadU a basic minimum aid payment columnist for that student and the property owners of District 66 would get to pay the rest. And, if a bunch of students wish to politicians are hyping it up as the leave Westside, the school would latest thing. President George Bus}l receive less financial help, supports it because it stresses gradually being sucked into a competition without involving major whirlpool of declining quality. ' ' Pushing the schools to compete federal funding, but w ere will this for federal funding isn't right and it competition lead us? The concept will only work if every isn't fair, especially at the students' parent takes an active role in their expense. Creating chaos won't child's education. It will no longer be solve the nation's educationenough to check on h0mework and problems and nobody knows what attend parent-teacher conferences. will happen in the long run. . Finding the best education will be Whether the state legislature left up to the parents, who must belives us or not, it seems to me investigate every school and option. that changing the schools from the This could cause an elitist inside out is the best chance for division in enrollment-some kids will improvement. My analyst has informed me that Mnnd" the best schools while others will stay at a school that gradually open enrollment just won't solve decreases in enrollment, federal the problems we're facing.




Illegally parked stucJents cause _variety of problems .


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ently vacant stalls in the teacher's lot. "Every stall is assigned to a school employee Getting there is half the during the day. Although there battl~. . may be some openings in the That's how the cliche goes. morning, we have kitchen help But for many Westside stu- and teachers who come in halfdents, it's not getting to school day to take those spaces later in thatis inconvenient, it's finding the afternoon," Herring said. a parking spot thatcausesprobSome students disagree with lems. "For underclassmen, the; this: "Many teachers will confact that there are a minimal finn that there are multiple . number of spots Within reason- spots in the teacher's lot that go able walking distance is the unused. If you don't believe primary inconveniece," Greg that, just look outside during . McGowan, (11), said. the day. But when a student No underclassmen are al- attempts to park there they run lowed to park on campus during the risk of being towed," the school day. Seniors are al- McGowan said. lowed access to both the west Herring said that the proband the south "senior lots." No lems of students parking in the students are allowed to park in teacher's lot and in fire lanes the teacher's lot. was minimal at the beginning of Despite the fact that students the year, but steadily grew aren't allowed to park in the worse as the year progressed. teacher's lot, many students Partofthis, he feels, is due to the continue to use it. "I've parked foss of one building supervisor there (the teacher's lot) since the (bouncer). 'With the loss of one first day of school and nothing bouncer, we can usually only has happened to me yet," a check the lots once or twice a junior said. week," he said. RogerHerring, assistantprinIf students arefound parked cipal, said many problems arise in a fire lane (located around the when students park in appar- auditorium) they run the risk of

receiving a $10 citation from the Herring said on Friday, April 7, 12 citations were Issued to students illegally parked in a fire zone. The police department will usually check for students illegally parked in the fire lane 'two or three times a week, Herring.said. - If it is evident there large numbers of students parked in the fire lanes, the front office will call for a pollee car to come and issue tickets, but most of the time "they just come on their own," Herring said. city.


Towing is another punishment for students who park in the teacher's lot. However, Herring said there were fewer towings this year than in the · past. 'We tty to avoid towing as much as possible, unless we feel it is a continuous, flagrant violation of the rules on the part of the student," he said. · Towing fees start at $30. Students can pick up their towed vehicles at the company's lot on 90th and "F street. The location of the company's lot was changed from its previous location in Carter Lake, lA.




Bill gets furthei revision before becoming law Com.rilittee to send a proposed open-enrollment plan to the floor of the legislature, it has become highly publicized and has changed considerably. The bill was first introduced by State Sena!or Dennis Baack of Kimball in an attempt to give parents _the option of sending their ch.iidren to any public school district in the state, regardless of where they live. The original bill brought questions from the District 66 Board of Education. Under the original plan, school districts having perpupil costs above or below the county averages would rtiQ the risk of being hurt financially. Jim Tangdall, superintendent, said that under the original policy, It would be unfair to taxpayers who would have to make up the difference lost by the district. However, an amendment was later added to the bill

which would guarantee that the district receiving a student would be given money equal to Its own perpupil cost. Objections were also by Shari Hofschlre. school board member, as towhetheranopen-enrollment policy could lead to the recruitment of athletes who would be liable to the pressure-of different schools' athletic programs. These objections were quieted when Senator Baack proposed an amendment that would make a transfer ineligible for one year of athletic competition.. Bud Robinson, legislative advisor to District 66, said that the 1990-91schoolyearwould be the first year the law would go Into effect. That year, it will be strictly voluntary for school districts to participate. The f9llowingyear(91-92)adistricthastheoptionofnotaccepting any transfer students but 5 percent of their own students could transfer to another district. During the 1992-93 schO()l year, each district would have the same

Aids pamphlet educates others say one of the best ways not to catch the fatal disease is simply to be aware of it and take preventive measures against It. Freshman students in Ufe Science have followed that idea by publishing a brochure describing what AIDS is, how It is transmitted, how It Is not transmitted, and how it can be avoided. "I wrote the AIDS unit for Life Science last summer and when I wrote It, the Intent was that there would be some sort of AIDS pamphlet. It was one ofour goals in this program," BillKrueger, Ufe Science instructor, said. The pamphlet was prepared during the beginning of second quarter and came out in the early part of third qu::uter. "This was a very good time to publish the pamphlet because at the time we were studying things like bacterta. immune systems, and disease and AIDS certainly falls in line with that," Krueger said. "It was sort of a research project. All·matertals were gathered by the students 'Cllld we had materials collected from all sorts of sources such as magazines and newspapers. The things in Jhe pamphlet were the things learned in the class," Krueger said: Krueger wants to expand the AIDS currJ.culum for Life Science students in the coming years. "In another year, I'd like to see this become a joint project between the science department and the English department," he said. "At one point, the pamphlet will be used in combination with physical education instruction." Students said they learned a lot from publishing the brochure. ~~think most of the·important things concerning AIDS are in there," Dawn Grover, (9), said. "We found that we needed to learn much more about AIDS after we took a pre-test and pretty much everyone Called. Many of us felt that people needed to know more about AIDS because it's such a growing problem." Krueger said although AIDS has not received as much attention this past year, it is still a problem. 'The more that we can just talk about it, the more we can recognize that it's easy to avoid," he said. Krueger said publishing the pamphlet was a good experience for ~:~LutucJuu; because it gave them a chance to do in-depth research and that they received tangible results for their effort. Copies of the AIDS pamphlet are available in the Science IMC.

West wood Limousine Svc. For Proms and All Occasions 76 I 5 Briggs Street Omaha. NE 68124 (402) 393-7569

option, however, 10 percent of their student population · wo\)ld be allowed to transfer to a different district. It would not be until the 1993-94 school year that all school districts would have to accept transfer students. "In effect, if Westside decides not to volunteer the first three years, there's a posiblllty we won't be affected by this until 1993," Robinson said. At one time during the debates, an amendment was proposed which would give the option district the choice of rejecting a student based on previous disciplinary records. Senator Baack and his colleagues, however, said that was one of the bill's prmtary goals; to give students another chance to succeed in a new environment, and the amendment was defeated. At present, the option district cannot look at the individual whe!l deciding whether or not to accept them as a transfer. The district can only look at the size of a class, the size of a grade, and the size of a building.


DECA strong at state

counselO'r, said.

Groth merits award

Victory once again reigns for Westside DisExcellence achieved through hard work and tributive Education Club of America (DECA) dedication merits recognition. Roger Groth was members. Out of the 26 events entered by Westsiders, named Outstanding Jazz Educator of 1989 by duringtheweekofMarch 16-18, 17totalawards the Nebraska board of the National Association of Jazz Educators (NAJE). were given and two national inductees. 1 The award, presented every two years by the The individual competition winners were Chad Marshall. (11), Craig Holley, (12), Michelle NAJE, is voted on by teachers and other memGaver,(11), Theresia Urich, (12), Mark Graeve, bers of the organization. The names of the (12), and Rob Foral, (12), both won two events. nominees for the award appeared on a ballot in In the combined competition Stacy Trout, the NAJE newsletter. "I'm flattered that my colleagues feel -I'm (12), Kim Bowden, (12), and RodAl-Rashid,(l2), placed In the Top 20. Urich and Gaver placed In doing a good job," Groth said. "There's not a the Top 8. Foral, won the Vehicle and Petroleum finer compliment. It's nice to get a pat on the Marketing compet.jtion, and Graeve, won the back." Food Marketing competition. Both will enter the national competition In Orlando, FL April 25Along with the high kicks come bright new 30. faces to the Westside Squire squad. Under the supervision of Janel Wllbern, the following 12 girls will support Warrior spirit. Brenda Davis, After weeks of tryouts, Wednesday, March (11), Jenny Frank, .(11), Alissa Jacobson, (11), 15, candidates for drill squad found out who Rachel Kunze, (11), Tracy Muller, (11), Michelle had made this spirit group. "We had 40 girls try Patterson. (11), Amy Radii, ( 11); out, and we had to cut eight," Janel Wilbem, Jaml Dostal, (10), Molly Koozer, (10), Karrle drill squad sponsor, said. "It looks as t.l}ough Knutson, (10), Robyn Maline, (10), and Kirsten we have a fantastic group of girls and I've been Schatz, (10). Tracy Muller was named captain Impressed with the leadership qualities shown and Molly Kuzer Is co-captain. on the 1989-90 squad," she said. Students who made next year's drill squad are Sherry Boot, (1 0), Rachel Bowley, (11), Trinity Butcher, (11), Melinda Butler, (11), Judges tallied the scores and chose the 1989Debbie Carpenter, (11), squad leader, Jennifer 90 cheerleading squads after tryouts held on Carter, (10), Alicia Childress, (10), Shawnda Conley. (11), Jeanie Cutler, (10), Christine Monday, April 10. Tryouts were held for boys' Crouse, (11), Laurie DeGraaf, (10), Josl Dough- junior varsity_and varsity squads as well as girls' erty, (10), co-captain, Danielle Doxon, (10), jun1or varsity and varsity squads. Next year's Allene Eakins, (10), Claire Gallagher, (10), boys' junior varsity squad includes sophomores, · Sutton Giese, (11), Deanna Groepper, (10), Lisa Sheila Evans, Dawn Taylor, Jennifer Wright. AnHagedorn, (10), Michaela Haney, (10), Taki drea Murante, Jenny Mussey. and Tracey Hicken, (11), Meg Hpffmaster, (10), Jenny Edmunds. Boys· Varsity cheerleaders will be Jessen, (l 0), Debbie Massey. (11), Susie Matul- juniors, Abby Gordon, Karla Grennan. Suzanne evicz, (11), squad leader, Joy Morton, (11), Horwich, Jen Howard, Courtney Madson, squad leader, Regan Packett. (10), Libbie Peter- Sharon Thomsen, Ann Wax and Amy Zoob. Girls' Junior Varsity Cheerleaders for the son, (11), Reena Raniakrishnan, (10), Kolleen Sparks, (11), captain, Melanie Tolen, (11), Ther- 1989-90 school year are sophomores. Heidi esa Tramp, (1 0), and Jenny Waldman, (11), Foumelle, Bridget KeJ}ey, Celeste Knudson, Pam Olson, Jill Stlllmock, and Christine Tvrdik. squad leader. Girls' Varsity Cheerleaders are 'juniors Erin I Conboy. Shannon Edwards, Allison Kohli, Angle Priefert, and Jill Seaman. Three letters that strike fear into the hearts of college-bound juniors are returning to student vocabularies again. 1be American College Test (ACT) will l:te administered at Westside After long struggles with heart ailments received at birth, Jennifer L. Conway, (11), died tomorrow from 8 a .m. to noon. The test, which is used primarily by Mid- after complications due to surgery Friday, March western schools to help In deciding if college 31. The 18-year-old Wes~slder had seen more than applicants will be accepted or rejected, will one major surgery before but ·nothing the suragain be offered Saturday, June 10. Tumoutfor the April ACT will not be as large geons did could help Conway. She had been attending a school closer to the as the June ACT. "1be main reason students take the April ACT is because they'll be out of hospital, but still found time to visit her friends . town when the test is offered again in June. It at Westside. Services were held Wednesday, April 5, at 11 also gives students more time to prepare to take the test." Sharon Bjornsen, guidance a.m. where many students and f~culty attended.

Fresh faces, high kicks

Drill squad selects 32 ·

New cheerleaders chosen

ACT administered again

Conway dies March 31

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affect club choices

" It seems

more students sign up for a club just so it will look good on their college transcript, not because it interests them or because they want to be active in it,~ Dean ~ein, Interact sponsor, said.

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nsors give clubs strength I

lth1en1se1ve:s, or are volua1othelrs, the desire to be a be present. an interest and wanta specific dub or or· is one of the most imporsponsors must have. not a set criteria written

a resource and as a link to the community. When the girls go to volunteer somewhere t don't necessarily go with them, but when they're working in the school I need to be present, • Lois LeFebvre, Z-Club sponsor, said. A sponsor's responsibilities go beyond being present at meetings and club events. MI see my responsibilities as acting as a guide, as a support, and as an advisor to the students involved in Interact,· Richard Link, co-sponsor of Interact. said. The amount of time spent sponsoring a club is part of the territory of being a sponsor. Being present at events or meetings. aiding in these, and putting in outside time goes hand-in-hand with the responsibilities of a sponsor. "I spend at least as much time as the club officers and members. lbave to do things for the club other times than at the meetings. Along with the club's other sponsor, I have to make sure our club accomplishes their four service activities. • Link said. MMotivatlng the girls in Z-Club

and the time I spend, are the hardest things to being a sponsor; LeFebvre said. MI've tried to get the officers to take over many of the club's responsib)lities and so far they have done very nicely.· Being a sponsor isn't just hard work. The sponsors can also get as much out of the club as the students themselves. . "Being a sponsor. I think gives me an opportunity to work with students and to watch their enthusiasm. It's great that students want to be involved. I've always felt that being in education isn't in. the door at 8 a.m. and out by 3 p.m. I think extra time needs to be put in to make clubs more success(ul, • Maryanne Ricketts, cosponsor of Prevention Using Student Helpers (PUSH) and sponsor of the senior class, said. Even with motiyation, interested sponsors. and enthusiastic club members and officers, the continuing club's and organization's successes remain a joint responsibility of the sponsors as well as the students involved. ·

Student interest > forms new clubs (Continued from page 1.) ~e clubs vary a lot in size.· Crook said, Mbut I don't think there is a problem with certain clubs not having enough members. I would rather have a small club with all active members rather than a club that has 25 to 30 inactive members." There is not a set number of students required to start a club at Westside, but other schools require a certain amount of student interest. "We have a guideline that states there must be at least ten students interested in a club before organizing. Once the club is actNated we don't disco tinue it unless we get below that amount, • Park said. If the open enrollment bill goes through, there is not a real concern for clubs that are also considered classes to increase too much in size. Westside is one school that will deal with that issue once it arises. "Actually, I haven't given it a whole lot of thought, yet, • Crook said . . MAs far as we're concerned, at Central we're just about at the limit of students we can have in the building,• Wilson said. For this reason, Central is not worried about over-crowding in clubs such as yearbook, 'Register,' and debate. /


Wide awake at an early morning meeting, National Honor Society members give their undivided attention to their president, Mason Myers. (12). Frequent meetings keep club members aware of upcoming events and duties the club will perform.

miriration Q:;J -dge,



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Initiation or hazing? ,

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Eggs can be rubbed in hair to enhance the shine, or this could 7355 Dodge St. be done as a rite of passage. On Omaha. NE 68114 · March l5'is many as 40 sopho402/391-5588 moreandjuniorgirlsunderwent . this eXperience as part of their '----:' - - - --=--- - - - ' - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - . . . J initiation into drill squad or Squiies. "(The seniors) took us to 80th and Center and tied us to poles. Then this car came, and guys came out with masks on and threw bats and eggs at us. It wenttoofarbecausewecouldn't TUXEDO RENTAL-SALES find half of the girls who· were with us because they had run 20%-34% OFF when they saw the car coming," Libby Peterson .. junior drill REGULAR RENTAL squad inductee, said. PRICE FOR It is traditional for tht; senior WESTSIDE squad members who plan the STUDENTS ceremony to invite senior boys to participate. This year that USED TUXEDOS created some problems. FOR SALE "I heard that the girls would do sit-ups [blindfolded], and the guys would sit on their knees [with). their pants down. The girl's face would hit [the guy's) rear, and they wouldn't know what it was, so they would take off their blindfolds and they'd 82nd~ MAPLE ST. see .. .I couldn't believe they OMAHA,N£88104 would do that," Peterson said. (402,.553-2712 Reportedly, the incident occurred in Rockbrook School and involved approximately ten boys. Incidents such as the~ have been rumored to be a part ofdrill squad and Squire initiations for years, This year these rumo~

indi.c ates concern over inductions girls), Mr. [Roger) Herring, [dean of boys], and Dr. [John) Crook, [assistant principal], are looking into this further. They're talking to girls who were there and trying to gather information," Jim Findley, principal, · said. Comparing the circumstances' of this year's initiation to those of past years, Findley sees a difference he feels will let the administration to learn the facts of the ceremonies. "We've heard rumors about things, but we've never been able to verifY Jt. This year we may be able to verifY a couple of situations. I think we've got some kids willing to talk about it," Findley said. Janel Wilbem, drill squad and Squire sponsor, thinks recent initiations have been tamer than their predecessors. "I think things have toned down," Wllbem said. The sentiment was not unanimous. "This year's initiation was totally different. Lastyear'swas so much fun. This year it was scarier," Peterson said. In addition to fright, another new dimension was added. "This year as an added precaution, we [Findley and WUbern) decided we would send a letter to all the parents of girls who were· candidates for finals_ and let them know that we were . aware that in the past some things did go on that were

The letter generated a substantial response. "I had a lot of phone calla from parents; they were all very posititve. One girl didn't go to the initiation because her parents had said she could nol The reason she gave me was her sister had tried out a few years ago for cheerleading and had been hurt in a car accident, • Wllbern said. Initiation is seen as a way_ to get acquainted with a new squa.d , and some initiation night activities are safe. "Initiation is a chance for the old squad to pass on traditions to the new squad and for the new squad o get to know each other," Debra Larsen, senior Squire, said. One of those traditions is a candle ceremony, where a lighted candle is passed from squad member to squad member and each has a chance to expresS her feelings. "We all met at Lisa [Murante)'s house to have a candle ceremony. It gets really emotional," Jennifer Ahl, senior Squire, said. Those elements of initiation which are unsafe may change the structure of the two squads. · "I have a feeling that the rules for drill squad and Squires next year are going to change. Somehow we have to get kids' attention that if you're going to do something that is potentially harmful to ·your classmates or


· statement on plagiarism

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To recieve an A on a report card or even just a passing grade seems worth the effort to a student who cheats. . cheating has been going on forever in school and to many It is considered ethical, at least some of the time. •Jfyou don't know what you're doing and you really didn't have time to do it, it (cheating) is OK, but if you do it all the rtime, then it is bad," Damon DiPrima, (ll), said. Teachers usually feel differently. ·a doesn't matter if you [only) cheat a little, it shows what kind of person you are," Tom Hall, Humanities instructor, said. Teachers expect honesty from their students. ·Integrity is the first quality I expect from my students. If they violate it they will have to meet the consequences," Sheryl Wiitala, French instructor, said. 1 ' The punishment for cheating is USI.fallY a failing grade for the specific assignment. test. or paper. Students may not be deterred by the consequence. "I think a lot of students don't think that copying off a paper is cheating. Students need to learn that it fs. There's so much pressur e in getting good grades that they think it's worth the risk," Rita Henry, assistant to the vice-cnancelor of educational and student services at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, (UNO) , sa id. Students are finding cheating more acceptable. "There was a study at the University of Arkansas that showed that the numbers in creased on students who don't think cheating is as bad as students who went through school 15 to 20 years ago," Henry said. In ~omposition cheating has decreased. ·cheating_has decrecrsed because we check it more then we did eight to ten years ago," Bob Dornacker, Composition instructor, said. ' Currently the English department is debating the adoption of a policy statement on cheating.

Doug Pierson, English department head, said it has yet to be developed. Peg Newkirk, Creative Writing ins.t ructor, feels that there needs to be a school-wide policy on plagiaism. "Teachers treat cheating differently and a kid needs to )mow the circumstances of an act before he does it. If not, he can't choose whether it's moral to do." Others think that a school-wide policy would be harmful. ·A school-wide policy allows for no personal exceptions and it disregards other circumstances that may arise," Jean Jensen, math instructor, said. Composition class keeps all papers as a preventive measure. ·we have a policy that the student who provides the paper for the cheater will be failed in addition to the person caught cheating. This makes it easier for a kid to say no to a friend, • Domacker said. Cheaters can be easy to spot. "Stuqents have different writing styles. It is just like a style of ·clothing. You get to know what a student's style is. Even a very good writer in high school doesn't have the same sentence structure and the same involved plot as professional writer." :Newkirk said. The fear of getting caught is enough for moststudents tp remain honest. "I don't consider it (cheating) bad, butl would prefernottodo it. What if I got caught? I'd rather study without It." Reena Ramakrishna, (10), said. ·1 don't think I'd ever consider it. It's not worth it, and it doesn't help you, You won't learn anything," Kris Brader, (10), said. Wiitala said that there is no real reason for people to cheat in life. ·Either there's too much pressure in class or the student has problems. There have to be reasons why they do it," she said. Dishonesty in general is considered immoral. •Jt shows what kind of person you are. The kind of people that do anything they want. and it doesn't matter if ~e~ get caught. You can't trust them," Hall said.


ETc .. Girls open with Lincoln teams

Starting off a season playing two of the best in the state is not necessarily what a team like to do. This year the girls' varsity tennis {earn had to their season with a three-way meet with ....u ... v u• East and Lincoln Southeast. "Both have squads," Jean Jensen, head coach, said, "and Lincoln East won the state tournament last It is difficult to play in the first match of the

"I think that we had first match jitters." said. "Our doubles teams had not played together much in practice, so we were not very prepared." • The Warrior tennis team will have the Ralston •111vi1tation;:USaturday, April15 and then will have dual meet at Benson Tuesday, April18.


Pitchin' ·in Scott Standish, (11), did his part to improve the varsity baseball team's record leading them to a 104 victory over Bellevue East Tuesday, April 4.

Olson g~ins valuable exper!ience from active, tennis participation

Track team hosts invitational


A young nucleus isn't that great setback for the boys' track team, which is composed mainly underclassmen. Standouts in the field include.GregArmitage, (1 0), who holds the school record in the discus, Todd Oltman, (1 0), whQ won the high jump the Ralston Relays in a bizarre jump•off in the



In track. returning from last year, Jeff Hall. (11), and Andy Johnson, {12), qualified for the state tournament ln cross country and finished ·we will score points in every meet we're in, to an overall good team;" head coach Don Patton said. The track team's next meet is Saturday, April 15 in the Westside Invitational.

Baseball off to sluggish start. Poor pitching and a tough schedule have the Westside baseball team to get off to a sluggish 1-2 start. Bob Moscrey, head coach, "Our pitchers haven't been a}?le to throw .. ., ... ...,,..,.,, and we ha..ven't really gotten into 9'1e of things. Our offense; has been decent, but haven't gotten as many hits as we would like." In their first game of the season against Burke, ----'-- No.6 by the "World Herald," the Warriors .,.,,l'n,.,.n 11 runs, but ended up }()Sing 18-11. In second game against No. 2 Prep. pitching again a major problem as Westside lost 11Moscrey said, "I know (Scott) Standish, (ll), (Scott) Matulka, (11), cart throw strikes, so pitching will improve." · Against No. 8 Bellevue East. pitching improve•rneJlts were obvious as Standish struck out 11 ........ -..• ., and had a no-hitter going through 6 •""".."~"' to lead the Warriors .to a 10-4 upset ~ "' .. u~;cu

Having been near tennis since birth h::1s made it a part of Nancy Olson's, (12), life. "I got interested in tennis ' because my sister played," Olson said, "and watching her made nie want to play." It all started at a very young age for the players who tum out the best. "When I was 5~years-old my sister would throw tennis balls to me," Olson said, "and soon ~after that I started lessons." There were several reasons for her to start playing tennis, and to keep playing. "When my parents started me in tennis they had in mind that I would have something to do, so I could meet friends, and keep in shape for my whole life," Olson said. " Playing in tennis tournaments and having lessons year-round can get tiring. "Occasionally I get really sick of it, but there are always things, llke tournaments, that keep you going," Olson said. "Sometimes I just have to take a few days off, or just switch playing partners or

The Warriors will take to the diamond again u<O•=>u c•v ,

April.l8 at 4:30p.m. at Bellevue West.

"The tuxedo is returnable . . . · the evening is not."

Pitching was a problem in the first three games ofthe season. but it improvedin the Bellevue East game with Standish striking out 11 batters.




Tennis has allowed her to travel extensively. and also meet many different people. "I play in local tournaments in the spring, regtonals in the early summer, and then nationals come in the late summ,er. I have played in many places because of the different tournaments, and the sights change every year. Tennis has allowed me to meet a lot of people including two of my best friends, one from California, and one from Oklahoma," Olson said. Through her dedication and hard work she has achieved a ranking among the top 150 in the nation, and is currently ranked No. 1 in the state. Tennis has led her to many victories, but none are better than the others. "Every time I get close to winning I get the same feeling," Olson said, "and I don't think that any one win has been the best." . . One victory tha t has eluded her has been the state single's title. "I would really like to win state. I have come so clo~e, but haven't done it," Qlson said.

It has been an advantage for the.Westside tennis team having her on it, not just because of her playing ability. "Nancy is- a very accomplished tennis player," Jean Jensen, Westside tennis coach, said. "She helps out during practice by helping other members of the team. It is almost like having an assistant coach." Although, all her competitive needs are not fulfilled through school practice. "About once a week we tell her to hit with someone she wants to, outside the team," . Jensen said, "so she is challenged, to improve her game." · · Even though tennis has been time consuming. there is nothing more important than her studies. "I enjoy tennis, but if I have a lot ofwork to do for schoql. I would do my work before I played, my academics are much more Important than tennis."_Olson said: - The policy of school before tennis is what she plans to follow through college and after. "Tennis is a lifetime sport, and I would want to play in college, "Olson said, "but neither my parents nor I ever intended for me to play tennis as the main thing in my life." "That is one of the reasons that I have npt looked into many scholarships, because I want to be able to study J.r.lstead of being forced by the scholarship to play," Olson said . Sometimes for the caliber of player that she is, it can be hard to find a suitable playing partner. "Junior tennis is not as competitive as it used to be, and it is hard to find a goo4 playing partner that is my own age. Sometimes I have to play with men or older women," Olson said. By playing tennis for so long there are ways that it can be related to real life. "One of the things about tennis that _ is interesting is that it is your own responsibility to call the other person·~ shots in or out. Every once in a whtle you run across someone who makes some bad calls, when you rely on them to be fair. 1bis can relate to life, in that it is . necessary to be honest because people who cheat never win in the end. in tennis or iii life," Olson said.

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Togetherness and work ethic are the values which will make or break t the girls' varsity soccer team this year. "We've got to come together as a team for us to be good," Don Gilpin, girls' varsity head coach, said. "The work ethic seems to be there though, but it needs to continue throughout the season." The Warriors have been state runners-up for the past four years. This years' team returns only four starters with even fewer non-starting lettermen from the 16-3 state runner-u p team of last year. "We really don't have a lot of experience anywhere," Gilpin said, "but the girls have a lot of individual skill. If we could j l..!_st tum the 'lfldividualness' into team work. we could compete with a lot of teams." Tryouts this year were hampered by the weather. "Our progress early on was really held-back by the snow on the ground and the cold," Gilpin said. "We had to hold tryouts and the first few days of practice in the gym.' That really didn't help us much bewe could run and play at the same time. But things really improved once we got outside." The 'teams' most player, .according to Gilpin, is Lisa McChesney, (11). She returns for her third seasofi on the varsity at the leadership position of center halfback. She sees the newer players filling in very well. "We lost some great players from last year's team, but some of the girls are beginning to adapt to their positions," McChesney said. "It is just a matter of putting it to-

"All of our captains (Sarah Maureen Griffith, and 1M<:c11es•nevJ are doing a great job Jill Seaman, (11), member, said. Gilpin also sees lots ofcoJnpetition the Metro this year. ' "Burke, Millard North and Marian this year,.-Gilpin said. "I can compete with them if we throughout the season." ~e have the potential to be but I don't think we realize tale~t we have or what is take to get there," Seaman said. IPu••rtr•""" would give 100 percent time , I think we can make it as

gether." The girls' soccer team has become a standard in the state finals. The one problem with that is that ·they have never won it. "No one on the team wants to lose another championship game," Gilpin said, "but we need to there

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first before we start worrying about it." McChesney agrees. "What happened in the past is of no .importants to us pow. We have to concentrate on each game in front-of us, not the ones behind

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Students seek employment,· extra money The help wanted signs are up, and job applications are ready to be filled out. The summer job hunt has begun and students will soon know where their summer vacation is to be spent. MI have begun looking for my summer job," Andrea Johnston, (11), said. MI have basically started looking at clothing stores and restaurants. It's a tiring process, but I hope to find one soon. I want a job because I need to gain the experience a job offers, while I earn some extra money." As summer quickly approaches, students have a number of decisions to make regarding their vacations. Among the long list of activities and opportunities, a job is always a worthwhile consideration. It gives the student something constructive to do over the long break, while it teaches them about the·experience a job can offer. ~ MI work at Bergan-Mercy Hospital in the medical records department," Kolleen Sparks, (11). said. ~rough my job, I get the experience I need in the future, because I'd like to work in the medical field. My job also gives me money to put toward college and some of my own expenses." Ml want to look for a job in some type of clothing store so I can 1 earn extra money and get a discount on clothes," Susan Matulevicz, (11), said. Ml also hope to gain experience working with other people, while it gives me a way to fill up some of the extra time I have during the summer." Beyond the helpful experience gained from_a j ob, students also tend to consider the money they can earn while working. A job is a perfect opportunity that gives students a way to earn money for college, personal expenses, and entertptnment. ' MMy job at Things Remembered is important to me because it gives me the money I need for college and my

extra spending money," Heidi Bostic, (12), said. Ml also like my job because I enjoy all the people I work wtui~ · MI want to work over the summer because I figure the extra monev will be helpful to me when I go to college,"

· ;~-, ... . /

. :.

I ,

Chris Cota, (11), said. Mlfl didn't have a job, during my free time I'd probably end up watching 1V all day, and I'd prefer to use my time more productively." For students who don't know where to begin looking for a summer job, the job board in the counselor's office is an excellent place to start. It gives the students a few different ideas of where they can begin looking, and in some cases, · it offers names of businesses and job

opportunities which students can contact. , MPeople who are interested in students' help call me, and I take the ad for the job and post it so students see it," Marilyn Hohenstein, secretexy in the counselor's office, said. MLots of students show interest and end · up reading the board. It gives them a good idea of current openings." One of the most common and enjoyable jobs students fmd during the summer is to worlt at a swimming pool. Teaching swimming lessons or lifeguarding are two types of employment that a student can have throughout the entire summer. It's also one of the only jobs that doesn't interfere with vacations and other activities, and for most students, training and experience can be gained through a class offered during the school year. ~is summer I am working at the Westside Pool teaching swimming lessons," Susan GaiVer, (12), said. Mit's easy to get time off, so I can be involved in other activities, and It gives me money to put towards college." "I want to be a lifeguard because I want an outside job, and I would like to have the opportunity to teach kids swimming lessons," Andrea Rroll, (U), said. "I have already applied at Westgate and Prairie Lane pools."




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Midnight Masquerade

'89 PROMto feature Phenatics


Springtime inspires fun and festivity. _ The junior-~enior prom, which is the last dance of the year and a farewell to the senior class, takes place tomorrow. The dance will be held at the <;arter Lake Warehouse from 9 p.m. to 12 p.m. Money for the prom was raised by the junior class officers through fund raisers. The dance is free for students. Abby Gordon, junior class secretary, said that a variety of activities involving participation by members of the junior class were sponsored by the officers to raise money. "We had five weeks of candy sales in the concession stand, and a candy sale for the public right before Christmas.· Gordon said. MWe had a car wash, but it wasn't very successful. Nobody helped but the other officers, and we made only $100.Gordon said that another fund raiser included selling raffle tickets at home basketball games. Each ticket cost $1. and two of the tickets were drawn from a box at halftime. The owners of th~ tickets got to shoot for prizes. The owner of the first ticket drawn would shoot from half-court for the opportunity to win a boom box, and the other would shoot from the free throw line to try and win a $5 coupon to Valentino's, Gordon said. "It ended up being a good money maker. The boom box was donated to us, and we ended up getting the money for it because nobody won it,· Gordon said. Donna Kendall, junior class sponsor, said that between $3500 and $4000 was raised for prom. "The officers this year have really gone out on their own and gotten kids to help out,· Kendall said. Midnight Masquerade will be the theme for the dance, Gordon said. The theme colors will be black, silver, and white, Gordon said, and masks will be handed out to everyone who walks through the door. ·we wanted to do something different

this year, and this theme just fell right into place,· Mike Murphy, junior class president, said. ·we wanted it to be a masquerade-type ball.· Gordon said that the decorations will be kept simple. "The centerpieces will ' include balloons arranged with masks. The guys will get black masks and the girls will get masks on a stick. At 11 p.m., balloons will be dropped from the ceiling onto the dance floor. It should look really good,· Gordon said. A band made up of four Westside students and one former Creighton Prep student, the Phenatics, will play for the dance. Dan Fishburn, (12), band member, said that the dance will mark the frrst time that a Westside band has ever played for prom. "Our manager, who is a former Westside graduate, contacted the officers to see if they were interested,· Fishburn said. MHe's been trying to get us this gig for the past two years.· Murphy said that students have been negative about the idea of having members of their own high school play the dance. MI think that their attitude will change once they get there, A lot ofpeople think that we didn't have enough money to get a 'real' band, but that's not the case at all. I think everybody will be satisfied and have a good· time> Murphy said. Kendall said that the Phenatlcs will have their work cut out for them if they are to compete with last year's band, High Heel and the Sneakers. MLast year's band was unbelievable. The crowd was very large and stayed late. It was just a tremendous prom. and will be hard to Paint the town· red repeat,• Kendall said. Top hats complete the elegant attire Zariarini, (12), and John Monson, Fishburn said that the negative image that makes prom so special. Jeff (12).shop for the perfect hat. . could be because of a lack of exposure. '"People think that we're not that big of , a band because they have never seen us. thing. Lots of slow songs, old standards, him, or the other band members. MNone We usually -play at private parties and and new material. Anything from Bon of us feel like we're missing it. I will still be there and have a good tlrrie. It's an proms in other ares that aren't open to Jovi to Guadalcanal Diary to U2.· the public, so nobody gets to see us; Fishburn said that missing his senior honor to play for our senior prom, and it Fishburn said. "We play a little of every- prom to play in the band doesn't bother will be a good memory; Fishburn said.

STA_N-CE Initiation rituals--necessary?

Sire. the people of the kingdom have questioned Her Majesty's ethics. values. beliefs. initiation procedures ....

Traditions aren't always worth upholding . Spirit squads have always held a traditional initiation ceremony to induct new members. Initiation is, however, no longer only a candle lighting ceremony, but has evolved into a series of hazing activities that put inductees and present members in potenti~lly harmful situ: ations. The "Lance~ reported what took place at a recent initiation and found a great unwillingness on the part of participants to explain what happened. Squad members who were present declined comment in order to keep questionable parts of the ceremony from being published. However. if the initiations were safe and within guidelines explained by administrators and sponsors, there should have been no hesitancy to explain the evening's activities. Hazing-type rituals are destructive to all members and should have no part In initiations. Members should look at the risk they take with activities that could possibly injure an i.riitiate. Initiation ceremonies are a positive experience if they are handled in a way to promote self-esteem and build team spirit. ,Prill squad questioJ:led the article, but if there was nothing that wasn't in line with the district's Code of Conduct there should be no concern about what was disclosed.

Image· causes mlsperceptlons 'Hollywood High' and the many associations that are part ofthe nickname have long been sacred to Westside students. but it seems that we. as Westside students, care more about the image and the nickname than the students from other metro high schools. The truth behind the nickname is that Westside students are showing a degree ofconceit in continuing to associate the 'Hollywood High' image with Westside High School. School pride is beneficial te any school or school distri~t, but when the pride grows into conceit it can do nothing but harm the school. Westside and District 66 are good educational systems and its students have much to be proud of, but we need to prevent looking at ourselves as an elitist school. The 'Holllywood High' image and the idea of an elitist school can only hurt in how other schools perceive us. · Last ' week's Drug Awareness Week, sponsored by Prevention Using Student Helpers (P.U.S.H.) was effective in educating students about the risks of alcohol and drug abuse. The signs and posters displayed in the !railways as well as the various other activities sponsored by P.U.S.H. were effective in getting the message to students ~md parents of the danger involved in dru and alcohol ahuse.

The "Lance" Is the o!Ticlal publication of Westside High School, 8701 Pacific St. , Omaha, NE, 68114. The "Lance" o!Tice is located In Room 122. AdverUslng rates are available upon request. Phone (402) 390-3339. The "Lance" Is an In-house publicallon. · The paper is an open forum distributed biwe~ly to all students 16 times a year except during vacation periods. Subscriplion rates to others are $5 postpaid. Non- profit mailing rates are claimed . The "Lance" Is printed by the "Fremont Tribune, " 135 N. Main, Fremont, NE 68025. • Letters to the editor a re wel~mcd. Lcllcrs should be less tha n 300-words In length, signed by the au thor, and sent to the editor or the adviser In Room 122. Unsigned letters arc printed upon reques t. The "Lance" Is a member of the Nebraska High School Press Association, the Columbia .Scholastic Press Association, and the Nalional Scholastic Press Association.

Due to the unseasonably high temperatures over the last several days the inadequacy of Westside's cooling system has been displayed. It becomes increasingly nnore difficult for students and staff to have a productive school day while they are suffertllg in extreme heat. Improvements need to be nnade on the cooling system to allow all students and staff to concentrate on schoolwork/ ear-round.

Editor-in-chi.e f, Laura Struve. Managing Editor, Gwen Ml:Gill. Managing Editor, Mason Myers. Business Manager, Kim Ostergaard. Copy Editor, Mary Overholt. News Editor, Jim Du!T. Asst. News Editor, Kent I3onham. Fea· ture Editor, Karen Nyholm. Asst. Feature Editor, Dcbara Dohmen Sports Editor, D.J . Rc-.roc. Asst. Sports Editor, Andy Chapin Weekender Editor, Nancy Olson. Asst. Weekender Editor, Melissa Parisct, ~esign. Editors, Jenny Frank, Jay Nilsson. Photo Editor, Eva n Howe. Circulation Manager, Michelle Jaeger. Staff Artists, Troy Muller, J.J. Carroll. Pagination Coord., Nick Hanse n . Columnists, J essica Sullivan, Amy Radii. News Staff, Todd Parker, Feature Staff, Allison Kohli, Cathy Pcttid, Anne Wax. Sports Staff, Randall J. Hallett, Malt Fischer, Burt Cohen. Weekender Staff, I3ccky Richardson. Mark Carroll, Susie Kiscoan. Week. columnist, Erin Conby. Adviser. John Hudnall.

New alternatives needed for teenage hangOuts /

With ruby red slippers, Dorothy stood licking teenage market under its belt. You've heard it her heels three Urnes saying. !here's no place before and I know I've said it before, "Let's just go like horne. There's no place like horne. There's no to Burger King and see who's there. Maybe we'll find something to do." place like horne." Well, guess what? l'nn not Dorothy. I believe I ask you, what could possibly be nnore exciting that somewhere out there in Omaha there is a than a restaurant full of teen-agers so bored that place for teen-agers to be on Friday and Saturday they flock together and pretend to be having fun. ·nights besides _being. Although I do admit to All our nights aren't spent wandering aimfailure at almost every turn in nny search for this lessly. We have had fun and nnet sonne very place. interesting people. We've also discovered that I've added on to the search party. and alnnost students fronn other schools experience this sanne weekly nny friends' and I go out. We've conne up thing-lack of excitement. with several weekend -------------..., I know that this is entertainment options only Omaha, but there Pe.ople could go see a Debra Dohmen has to be something J:!10Vie at the Cinema nnore exciting than feature staff Center, or the movies, cruising Dodge, W~stroads orwh~ever, and playing video • bJ.!t rtot eyery teen-ager ga~es. r can afford this on a Our city puts up weekly basis:. However, you are restaurants, and busigetting a two-for-one deal. You.__can either watch nesses. The malls close at 9 p.nn. and there.._is only the movie or that couple in front of you as they so nnuch food a person can eat. nnake out. 1be city claims to be worried about its younger There's also the option of going to the Family generation, 9ut they don't provide alternative opFun Center. 1bere's nothing wrong with that if tions for teen-agers to spend their evenings. you like flashing lights, beeping noises, and a Instead it's easier to try to initiate a curfew upon mixed crowd of unusual people. the city for teen-agers. Two· teen night clubs for dancing exist in 1be businesses want kids out of their parking Omaha. A person could either hit the Swing or lots, so instead of buying chains to pat in the the Flfp Side. parking lot (that don't work and eventually get To .all the freshman out there, go to the Flip torn down), or having a police officer getting kids Side and leave the Swing to the older people. out of their lots; why doesn't the city, these Besides, who ever heard of getting a fake I.D. to businesses, and the concerned parents save their get into a dance club. Just wait a couple ofyears money to help build a center for teen-agers. until you're 16. I do admit that there can be a danger for tee~­ One ofthe best things about the Swing is that agers to be on the streets all night, or to be going it's open to all ages (above 16). I know I saw sonne inte bars- even after serving hours. 1be city parents there, and I know that I saw some girls could provide a teen "hang-out" with area busihiding. There's also no specific way to dance for nesses as sponsors. And it doesn't have to cost anyone who's there. Just get on ttte floor and thousands of dollars: Maybe Dorothy was right. Maybe there's no dance with your friends, people you don't know, and even the wall. (Yes- I did see somione place quite as exciting or as safe as your own dancing with the wall.) horne. I'nn inspire(l now to just sit horne one Just a warning though, if you don't like to Friday or Saturday night curled up in nny plaid snnelllike a pack of cigarettes burning. don't visit flannel pajamas and argyle socks watching rethe Swing. The cloud of smoke greets you at the runs of Cheers and Night Court. door. Well, conne on Toto. Let's go see if I can find As I think about it, Burger King has got U1e nny ruby red slippers.

• Television 1gnores


Light board 1n po~r lo(;:att~ Some of you may have noticed that there was care what it said in the.Jlrst place only come int~e -~ something new in the cafeteria a few weeks back. It was cafe,teria du~ the lunch m~. Most of the peep e one of those little computerized billboards. You know, who usually aJnto the cafeteria found it to be kind the kind that you see on the side of the First Federal annoying. T~ leads me to bepeye that placing-it in a~ different loca would have been better. I Ull~ Savings and Loan buildings. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __..._ ___, would have been mor-ee.ITecThe sign (I don't know what it's actucPiy called, so I'll tive in the Social Studies-IMC. call it a sign) was only there Jessica Sullivan u·s true that eve!Y~ '· almost) goes into the caf~ria for a week. It was a trial columnist atleastonceaday. butpeQitfe' period, or so they said. I can't. seem to spend more time in · recall where we borrowed it the · SS IMC. Not everyone from, but it was just to see if spends all their open mods in having one would work. The sign was used primarily to announce activities the SS. It just seems that the SS is always more crowded for clubs, give results for various sports events, and a than the cafeteria. When it first appeared in the cafeteria, I thought that few morning announcements. It also displayed a nice little Mthought for the day." The idea of having one of we had actually bought it. A few days later, a message these things is not so bad. However, where they appeared that we only had it for a trial period. I was kind initially placed it is another. The cafeteria just didn't of glad about that. I'm not oppposed to the sign itself. It seem to be a good choice. Most of the people who would isn't that bad of an idea. I just don't want to have to look actually be inclined to read the sign, or would actually at it while I eat. ....~


'Lance' unfairly depicts drill Dear Editor, We understand it is the job' of the newpaper to bring out the truth of the events that occur at Westside. However, if you do not feel it is your duty to bring out the whole trr·th, then don't do it at all! First of all, initiation for spirit squads has always been a very special part to begin their experience on the squad. It is something to look forward to because the new members don't know what's coming and they want to share the traditions that have been sacred to the squad alone, and thanks to you, the entire school has a misconception of what initiation is about. We do not feel that the views of one member reflect the views of 32 new members and 30 old members. Since the beginning ofthe year, we've been the center ofthe newspaper's ridicule. The same things that have happened to us have happened to some other squads as well this year, yet we're the only group that you· have felt the need to rip on. What about the positive




points? We never read much about the success of the I pep rallies. We were there, showingoursupportatevery game through the wins. and all the losses. Maybe the views would be perceived differently if the articles were written by an unbiased writer rather than King Football himself. We've had our ups and downs, but it seems that only our downs were published. Throughout the whole year, we've done the best job we could, and W!'! deserve the newpaper's support rather than criticism. In most of our eyes, this year's initiatiou has topped all other years. We apologize that the only way we 'can express our views is through a letter to the editor. :. 1banks for your support. Concerned member of drill squad: Melinda Butler; Debbie Carpenter, Laurie Dolleck, Joy Morton, Kolleen Sparks, Nancy Swanda, and Jenny Waldman.

._We want to know if some kids learn enough with our current curriculum to score high on the AP tests. ~ Dick Lundquist, guidan~~ . d e p a·r t m e n t head.

Jam session Shedding some light on various music styles, the Gulizia Brothers, a long estab-

lished local group, perform for a Humanities large group Monday, April 24.

District awaits further EPA -guidelines t~·~lfi%i'li'ljjrf:rfWj"fj'J'i£f'C Ill I These days even a harmless drink from a school drinking fountain may not be as harmless as it seems. 1' .._ , The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced Monday, April 12, that every school should be tested for hannfullevels oflead in the water. , . - Maureen McCann Waldron; public information officer for the Metropolitan Utllities District (MUD}, said the EPA has not made it exactly clear what this will mean for Omaha schools. -rught now we are holding tight and not giving any instructions because the EPA hasn't specified what tests they will require/ Waldron said. -At this point we · can't do anything. We're. · waiting for the EPA to issue guidelines of what they want us to do. There's not a lot we could do that would be effective until they notify us," Ken Baldwin: director of buildings and grounds for District 66, said. The EPA has identified six models of drtnking fountains that present a rtsk of lead contamination from old and new cooled fountains and that are lead-lined. There are also more than 100 models with lead components in question. Because schools have on and off patterns of water use, lead may tend to accumulate in plumbing · overnight. during weekends. and on holidays. Federal studies showed that at least one in ten

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faucets in each school produce water with high lead levels. It is a concern because kids are more susceptible to lead and overexposure can dull intellect and slow physical and neiVous system developme_nt. , ''A joint press conference with the Metropolitan Utilities Distrtct (MUD) ' and Omaha Public Scliools (OPS) was held Wednesday, April 12 to explain the EPA's announcement and answer the public's questions. OPS has announced that they do not have any lead lined models in answer to media's inquirtes, Waldron said. -what we're saying is we don't have a problem with lead in our water and our water is the nonaggressive type. Leadjustdoesn'toccurnaturally ifl Nebraska's water," Waldron said. Non-aggressive water leaves calcium and other mineral deposits in pipes so the water wouldn't touch any lead-lined plumbing because ofthelayerofcalcium. Aggressivewaterleavesno deposits and would allow lead to leak into the water supply. -a·s up to lhe individual school distrtct on how they'll handle it. We'll cooperate in any way we can, but we don't know what tests will be required," Waldron said. District 66 says it will take action to recall anJ fountainsthatarelead-lined. -WhentheinformaUon is sent out we'll take action to ax any problems if we have them," Baldwin said.

New· light board draws reactions ~I!!!~~

It's an idea that's come and gone. A new light board, which would display messages such as sports scores, that Jim Findley, principal, and Roger Herring, vice principal, saw demonstrated at th,e National Principal's Conference, was returned to its manufacturer the week of Monday, April 17. ' Findley and Herring first saw the light board at a display set up at the conference. The company that manufactures the light board allows sc:hools to use their product in 'the school for a one week period for free. At the end of the week, the school decides if they want to keep it or send it, back free of charge. Findley said tha t the decision to try the light board came up as -a result of an action plan tha t em phasized gettl.I1g inform ation to students. The light board was placed in the cafeteria during late March arid was taken dow n the first week in April. "TTle main idea in getting this light board was to convey messages to st\,ldents, but I don't think that it really served its purpose," Findley said. "Students would look at it a couple of times and then just ignore it." "I really rec~ived no response to the light board," Findley said. He said because he had not received .any opinion about the light board, he sent it back at the end of it's one-week trial period. But one teacher who did have an opinion was Sheryl Wiitala, foreign language instructor. "I really likeq the light board idea. It was in a very visible spot, the cafeteria, and I thought the idea of recognizing students and faculty members for outstanding achievements or report the previous day's sports scores was a good one," she said. · If the light board was determined to be a good idea by Findley, Westside would purchase it. "TTle only problem with that is that it is an expensive item. It retails for about $3500, but through discounts and specials, we could have had it for about $2500. In addition, I have no idea where the money would come from," Findley said. "If location was the only problem, the company has a version of the light board that can operate outside that we could use to advertise plays or other events like that," he added. Another problem with the light board would be that someone would have to program it every morning. "As it was, during that week, I had to go down every morning and program it. If we kept it, we'd have to add 'programming the light board' to someone's job description," he said. · Findley' said the two television &creens located near the book:store and the guidance center also do a good job of relaying messages to students. · Wiitala said that the 'IV scree~ 8erve a dUTerent purpose than the light board did. "In the cafeteria, you can sit down a little longer and relax. The'messages arc;: much bolder and more visible (on the light board) than on the 'IV screens," she said. ' Some students, thought the light board was simply a distraction. . "I asked one student in the cafeteria ~hat she tho~ght of the f light board, and that student said that she didn't like it because tnstead of having her friend looking at her while she was talking, her friend was reading the messages Qn the light board," Findley said. "I'm glad that it did not take much thtle to realize that the light board would not work. It was not a very big thing ," Findley said.

Pin-~:~ps~ raise.:.money . .;

Lion Roar Cherry Hill High School , Cherry Hill, NJ Models have ·been discovered at Cherry Hill High S chool West. The 1989 West calendar, sold at the school, features 12 senior boys in v rious outfits. The idea came . from the senior" government who wanted an activity to raise morrey and incorporate fun. 1 The 12 were selected in a voting process that ~an with the senior h omerooms' nominations and ~nded with a school vote. The boys then had a chance to p~ck their favorite m on th a nd strike a pos e.

Locking the doors

-The issue of hotels asking for valid ID, neglecting ' .teen-agers rights and the need for a rrests to be made are in question. I


e p roll me n ~


Zeph,y rus Edina High School Edina, MN Open enrollment is a possibility for schools across the coun try. The Edina School Board at Edina High School is hesitatnt toward the idea involving other d istricts. Last fall, the board chose • to close their district and not be involved in open enrollment. The boa rd took part in reviewini the possible flaws associated with the issue. There is the fear ~f student's· tra nsferring to different districts for reason s such as, to be with friends, athletic exposure. and promoting too m uch competition.

G~ard East Echo

Glen bard 'East High S chool Lombard, Ill ~ Locks and hall monitors have been added to Glenbard -East High School for security purposes. Recent shootings in schools across the country led the school to lock all but three . outside doors; Students must have a picture ID with them and visitors must wear a card so those who do not belong in the school can be easily spotted. The doors are to remain locked indefinitely, or until the school feels it is no longer needed.

Mural causes uproar· TheAxe ' South Eugene High School Eugene, OR To paint or not to paint? That is the question at South Eugene High School. Anew mural was in the process ofbeing painted on a wall when it was discovered that the mural was not an ortginal. It has ~en argued that the mural should not be completed since it Is- a picture from a record album's cover. Designs for murals are open to discussion through the art department, council and the administration.

Hotel · parties · busted

Gym class not required " Tunlaw

Nbrth Plainfield High School North Painfield, NJ Physical educatian may no longer be required by the State Department of Education. lbis could mean more open periods for relaxation and study halls or a chance to take an~ther academic related course. Currently, students are required to take 150 to 200 minutes of physical activity weekly. This is the only course that is firmly guarded by state laws and regulations. In early January 1989, Governor Thomas Kean recommended that the state law be changed so students in grade 9-12 would not have to take gym; it would be an elective. The proposal would leave the decision up to the local Board of Education as to whether or not to mandate physical educ~tion. This plan could be put into eJTect as early as the fall of 1989. New Jersey State Education Commisioner Saul Cooperman spoke in defense of the governor's plan. "Schools must have an academic focus, and fitness can be achieved before and-after school," he said. ' /

Technology links schools

Echo The Tower St. Louis Pari High School Grosse Pointe South High School · St. Louis Park, MN Grosse Pointe, MI Advances in video technology will be apparent Post-dance hotel parties have proven to be on within the next few years at Park with the inthe rise among students at 'Grosse Pointe South stallation of an interactive video system. .; · High School. "As our enrollment declines, fewer students Stud~hts have been arrested at hotels and are taking courses such as fifi.h-year language, ' taken to jail. At a nearby hotel. 15 students were 1 and we can't aJTord to oJTer new languages," arrested. The school states they have ne respon- Joyce Abramson, school board member, said. sibility to police the student's when they are oJT . Interactive video involves taking courses with school grounds. ,. ,:t \ students from oJ;!ler schools by way of video.


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6 Muller wins 'Time' award Troy Muller won Time magazine's annual national award for young cartoonists. Muller won with a cartoon that depicted two people calmly sitting tn airplane seats falling from the sky. One man was readtng a newspaper story saytng that ·Accordtng to the FAA. flying is still the safest way to go.· There was a tag on one seat that read. ·Last inspected in 1967." Along with the award. Muller won a $1,000 scholarship to the college of his choice, a $200 scholarship for Westside, and a three-year subscription to Time. ·I was surprised that I won, because I only spent one· hour working on the cartoon the night before the contest deadltne. I guess it was an hour well spent," Muller said. According to Muller. the contest was established tn order to promote student tnvolvement In <:urrent affairs.

Niemann, (1 0). Muller, who also occupied a position on the triumvtrate this year, hopes to keep members active next year. ·ewe hope) to plan more activities and keep our membership and attendance at meetings up," Muller said. Laurel Fortney listed many goals for next year, which tnclude getting members more tnvolved in the club and the performing troupe. ·1 thtnk we need to get tn contact with other drama clubs and go to dtfferent high school performances to compare," Fortney said.

discount with the plan, but are mainly "hoping for good weather." Mwe think It will be a really good activity to round out the year. It gives us and our buddies a chance to spend a day outdoors. w Ostergaard said.

Physics competition held

Science whizzes at Westside scored high at , Physics Field Day Saturday. April15. 1he Field Day. held at Creighton University. brought physics departments from around the city together to compete In six different events testing Frank May. English instructor, was hospitalized each teams' physics problem-solving ability. Friday, March 31. "He's very ill, but we're expecting a Westside entered two teams, which tncluded ten full recovery from him," Doug Pierson, English tnstruc- students, and placed fourth overall. MWe went tor, said. Pierson wquld no~ reveal th~ cause of May's dowh th"ere and did a really good job. We're pleased hospitalization. with how It went," Bob Klein, physics instructor, Nancy Cady, English tnstructor, will be taking May's said. place for the remainder of the year, "I am looking . Chemistry students will get their chance to show forward to flnishtng out the year. It should be a positive their skills at the Chemistry Field Day, Saturday. learning experience for me," she said. ' April 22. also at Creighton University. Westside Cady taught previously at Westside and Arbor will have three teams entered tn five events. Two of Heights Junior High. the teams are 'from the regular chemistry classes and one includes students from an advanced bioSixty-nine juniors and 24 seniors were selected chemistry class. for membership in National Honor Society (NHS) At last year's competition Westside placed first Tuesday. April18. The new NHS inductees will take over.all in the advanced and regular competitions. part in the traditional lighting of the candles, signiAcademic achievement and outstandtng leadership fying tnduction into NHS. ~e Induction ceremony merit recognition. Representatives for Boy's and Girl's ·we've always done well, but I can't hope to do better than last year." Ron Crampton, chemistry is a nice way to recognize the new inductees and we State have been selected by members of the faculty. hope the candle ceremony will keep the candle Boy's State, sponsored by the American Auxiliary instructor, said. burning." Mason Myers, NHS president, said. Legion. and Girl's State, sponsored by Ladles' Auxiliary, Juniors selected for NHS membership are: are for students going into their senior year. The Stephanie Anderson. Jay Behringer. Kent seminar begins Sunday. June 4, ~d continues Swirling colors of red and black were present at Bonham. Tara Briese. Jamie Brown. Stephen through Saturday. June 10, at the University of Ne- the recent flag corp tryouts held, Wenesday, March Chadwick. Andrew Chapin, Trish Cieslik; braska at Lincoln. 29. Christine Cota. Brenda Davis, Debra Dohmen, David Goldner. and Bill Kutilek, both juniors, were This year's squad consists of 15 members: Michelle Dotzler, Amy Duff. Ted Fellman, Jennifer selected for Boy's State. Debra Dohmen, Jenny Michelle Bendorf. Tract Pedersen, and Helen WilFrank, Joseph Frost. Roseanne Gnarra. David Johnson, Karen Manuel, and ~y Radii, all juniors, liams. (eighth g~der8); Dawn Grover. (9), Donnette Goldner, Abby Gordon; were selected far Girl's State. · Herzog, (9), Jalmi Maxwell, (9), Melissa Robinson. James Gurnon, Adam Haber, Jeffrey Hall. Deb(9), Nicole Spellman, (9), Andrea White, (9). Denise bie Harmsen, Darren Hartman. Jason Hellman, Lewis, (10). Julie Smith, (10), Gwendolyn Thamm, mai'~rs s~lected Kirk Henningsen, Taki Hicken, Scott Hoffman; Tryouts for Warrior Band drum majors were Mon- (10). Jeanette Clarke, (11), Kathy Kolls, (11), and Jennifer Homer, Evan Howe. Andrew Hrasky, day, April 17. Seven band members tried out for the Tracl Thoreen, (11). Alissa Jacobson, Jennifer Johnson, Richard Kelley. Qualifications for this year's squad were that the positions. and two, Brian Krum. (10), and Pete Weber, Ingrid Kimmons, Melissa Kneckt, Allison Kohli; girls gave evidence of betng school and ability · William Kutilek. Sean Lough, Kristina Lund- (11). were selected as drum majors. oriented. "The students have to have at least three Drum Il)ajors conduct Warrior band during marchquist, Courtney Madson, Karen Manuel. Usa ing season. Krum and Weber will be going to Band positive teacher recommendations then their abilMcChesney, Greg McGowan. Tamara Misner_;_ Ity. skill. routine knowledge and appearance are Joy Morton. Tracy Muller. Troy Muller, Timothy Camp in Syracuse, lN during July to prepare for their considered," Roger Groth, director of bands, said. Olsen. Scott O'Neill, Wendy Orr. Melissa Pariset, positions tn next year's Warrior band. Todd Parker. Michelle Patterson, Ronald Peterson; Amy Radii, Kevin Ruby, Jodi Slusky, Trent ·computer whiz kids" are becoming even more Steele, Asher Stoller, Adam Studenberg. ChristoCompetition between classes promotes camaraderie popular as computers become the wave of the pher Thomas,. Melanie Tolen. Lue-ky Truesdell; Eric Voecks, Jennifer Waldman, Anne Wax. among students. Warrior Games . will be h.eld today future. Computer contests have also become more from 10 a.m. to,10:50 a.m. There will be a convocation popular. Peter Weber, Amy Wegener. MWe don't have a Computer Club here at Seniors selected for NHS membership are as schedule to allow time for the Games. All four classes compete. in the Games, and the Westside. The team members had previously taken follows: Julie Adamson, Kimberly Bowden. Edward Bur- faculty is also represented. A yell-off. obstacle course, computer classes he~. They had all advanced to a glewicz, Sheri Cavalieri, Kris DiMartino, Jacqueline soda chug. coffee cup carry. a three-man, four legged . higher level o(computer abUlty past the classes we Drabenstot. Randall Hallett, Brenda Halsey. Kath- race, and a tug-of-war will be the six events tn which offer In computers, w Fred Hutchinson. computer erine Konen, Alison Kutler, Johnathan Macapinlac; students will compete. An overall winner will be deter- science team leader. said. 1bursday, April 6, a four member team, from mined at the end of the Games based on potnts. ~urel Mieras. Lisa Murante. Jay Nilsson, Mary submitted a computer project to the Westside, Overholt, Nancy Olson, James Pistillo, Brian Polt, McMillan Junior High Computer Expo. Susan Amanda Rak. D.J. Re2:ac, Joseph Rezac, Todd Garver. Ron Petersqn. Kevtn Socha, and Eric Smith Ryai)ski, Steven Salzman, Brenda Walker. Knowledge in Geography and Current Events entered a level3 competition and took first place for helped severill Westside students receive scores in the their designed program and their revisions to the top 20 in the National Mathematics League, "Global program they had created. Success was the key word used by the sponser Challenge." ' In the level 3 competition, four schools entered of the Future Business Leader of America (FBLA) The contest held in mid-March was to challenge ge- projects. The other three school contestants were; when she described the State Leadership Confer, ography skills and current events. Each student parPaplllion/La Vista, second; North, third; -and ence (SLC). ·we had an excellent year at SLC. We ticipating was nominated by a teacher.' Plattsmouth, fourth. did better than I thought we would," Clarann The tenth grade finished fourth overall in their age Winslow, FBlA sponsor, said. ·we have a young group with four piacing in the top 20. Dave Boyer, (10), erew this year and they performed admiralably rep- placed ninth and Jeff Engle, (10), Jason Patil, (10), and resenting Westside well." Part of the staff of the 1987-88 "Lance" has gone James Collura, (10), were in the top 20. FBLA will be sending four competitors to the Darci Rives, (9), placed sixteenth out of 1301 fresh- on to college and other opportunities, but they can National Leadership Conference (NLC) in Orlando, man and Jay Bonham, (12). placed eighth out of 931 be proud of their work at Westside. Last year's FL in July. Simon Reyes, (11), Jason Brune, (10), seniors competing. "Lance" staff were recently presented with the Gold and Randy Hallett, (12), will be competing in EnMI don't know if we will do it again," Bill Nelson,- Crown award from the Columbia Scholastic Press trepreneurship, Business Math and Public Speak- Westside co-sponsor, said, ·we will continue it next Association. A total of 2,937 newspapers, magaing respectively. Also Peter Hazelrigg, (11), will be year if there is enough interest." zines, and yearbooks worldwide entered the comrunning for naUonal treasurer after being elected petition last summer. state president. Accompanying the four competiThis year, 13 high school newspapers were recogtors will be as many as ten other members ofFBLA nized with the award, which the "Lance" has won to add support and help tn the campaign. Animals, sunshine, and fun are what Peer Advo- twice before. The award did not surprise John cates are looking forward to when they go to the Henry Hudnall, publications edviser, who cited good writDoorly Zoo Saturday. May 6. ing and the change to desktop publishing as qualiTentative time for the field trip Is from 11 a.m. to 2 ties that gave the 1987-88 "Lance" an edge. Elections for officers in the 1989-90 Drama Club p.m. Kim Ostergaard. Peer Advocates president. ex"I think they look for a paper that has a certain triumvirate took place Thursday, April 13, at a Drama Club meeting. Next year's leaders will be pects approximately 50 people to participate. Oster- spark that makes it stand out, and probably our Laurel Fortney. (-11). Tracy Muller, (11), and Casey gaard said they are in the stages ofworking out a group coverage did It for us." Hudnall said.

Gady fUis in for May

NHS inducts 93 members

'State' students selected

Flag corps chosen


Warrior Games held today

Computer team takes first

Ge_ ography challeng,e met

FBLA sends four to Florida

'lance' merits Gold Crown

Peer Advocates go to zoo

Drama holds elections


NeW American shares unique background; appreciates available opportunities · ,

So kiss a little longer, make it last a little longer. Give your breath long-tasting freshness with Big Red/ ·

"You know how the people are kissing for five hours. We were like 7years-old and going 'Oh, my god!' and my parents were like, is this a rated 'R' movie? Because they don't do that in Russia," Tanya Beckerman, (10), Russian immigrant, said. Tanya's mother saw the differences, but saw that life goes on. ' "If I would live in Russia, from year to year, my kids would get older and grow up. I would live. Not bad," Maya Beckerman, and Russian immigrant, said. Coming out-of Russia in 1980, from the town of Minsk, near Moscow, on an invitation from relatives, Beckerman and nine other family ~embers came by "many planes and trains" with a positive attitude. "I don't think we believed it, but some people would say



there was gold on the sidewalks of America. But I just think it's a better place to live, with more opportunities," Beckerman said. . There 'are opportunities to express herself, especially in art. She wants to be a fashion designer and her room is covered with posters of the Thompson 1\vfns and River Phoenix. Recently she got the opportunity to be an ~terpreter for members of the Russian Theater Company. They reG'ently 'c~e to the Omaha Community Playhouse. Some of the members had never driven, while_ she has her own white 1968 Volkswagen Bug with tinted windows named Bailey (after Tom Bailey of the Thompson 1\vins). Coming to America, one major task was learning the language. Being 7years-old, and in first grade, Beckerman had begun to learn English inschool. 'The school (in Russia) was much more advanced. I remember in the first grade we were already begin-

ning to learn multiplication tables and division," she said, "I remember the hardest (English) word I learned was 'porcupine'." Once in the United States, Beckerman and her youger sister, Paula, went to Montessori school and summer school to learn to speak English. Beckerman's sister picked up English in one week. "Sqe was 5-years-old and she was playing dolls with a boy, four or five years, and they 4idn't have a problem communic<}ting," Mrs. Beckerman said. Schools created some prejudice problems, though. "Some kids would just tease us so.badly; they hated us. One girl literally spat on us," Beckerman said. Beckerman plays the keyboard and took ballet from Eda"'Krasova from the Bolshoi theater in Russia. She got into ballet because she was originally put in a gymnastics school in Russia (she r~cently saw a fromer classmate on

television competing with the US). This offered structure and security commonplace to life in Russia. "Ifyou work in Russia, you·don't have to wony 'Ah, where am I going to find a job?'," Mrs. Beckerman said. Security is also found in Russian manners. "My God, these people, they eat with their hands," she 'said. 'With the Russians (actors), I was so impressed, they have to open the door for you and they kiss your hand, I felt like Queen Victoria." Beckerman has no perceptible accent and is obviously into American culture. "She's American. She has American favorites. I'll tell you why, because she came young," Mrs. Beckerman said. · She is an American with a unique histoty. "It's something that sets me apart from other people," Beckerman said. "I don't want to be the same. 1bat's pretty mundane."

FBLA, DE~A, deb~te prepare for natiOnal· competition School's closing does not bring relaxation for all. For many students, preparation for national competition will be taking up part of their summer vacation. The preparation for the national competitions for clubs such as Future Business Leaders of America (FBIA), (Orlando, FL, July 1-8), Distributive Education Clubs of America . (DECA), (Orlando, FL, April25-28), and the debate team (Golden, CO, June 12-16), began-long before this summ r. The com_peting members of these clubs had to prepare for the state competition first. The format of the state competitions ran basically the same for all the clubs with a few exceptions. In the FBLAand DECAcompetitions, students compete in their categories against other students from across the state. 1\vo winners were then selected in each categoty to represent the state at the national level of competition. Westside claimed many of these winning spots at the state level and will tty to succeed at the national competition. FBIA will be represented at the national competition in four different categories: Randall Hallett, (12), public speaking; Simon Reyes, (11), entrepren·e urship; Jason Brune, (1 0), business math; and Pete Hazelrlgg, (11), national treasurer candidate. The business math and entrepreneurship categories required the participants to take a 100 question test. The top scorers were then to be sent to compete against the top students from the rest of the United States, Guam, Puerto Rico, and Germany. The public speaking categoty required a speech to be given by the competitor. The competitor had to go through the preliminaty, semifinal, and final rounds of competition. In order to be able to advance to national competition the speaker had to win the final round. -1be DECA competition was held in a similar fashion. Each ~tudent participating had to per-· form in two scored activities. 1be first was a written exam concerning concepts of marketing and economics. 1be second was a judged event in which the student was put in a situation with a marketing problem, and after a ten minute preparation. had to solve it by role playing. Both clubs feel they have a good chance at the national level if they prepare to the best of their abilities. "I think both students have a vety good chance at national." Don Gilpin, DECA sponsor;

said. "They're both vety good students and can think on their feet well." · "I think all the members going to national have a really-good chance at winning," Hallett said. "Mrs. (Clarann) Winslow is a great coach and she has a vety good track record considering we've won for the last four years." Most of the preparation includes practicing speeches, reviewingold tests, and studying hard individually for the tests. "To prepare myself for nationals I've been practicing my speech in front of mirrors and working on it with Mrs. Winslow in order to improve the areas I scored low in," Hallett said. The debate team also has future competition. "Basically, all we need to do is to update our old research, find out what arguments the other teams across the countty are developing, and work together when practicing," Chris PatH, (12), debate team member, said. The debate tournament's format wasn't much different thai. the tournaments they had been attending during the season. Forty-two teams attended the double elimination competition and the top three teams will proceed on to the national competition. Westside . claimed two out of three of these winnlng teams in the categoty of team debate being the teams of Chris Patil/Jay Bonham and Brouden Kuhn/Jon Silver. Rajiv Mote also placed first in the LincolnDouglas debate categoty. 1be national debate competition is to be held a little different than usual tournaments. "The national competition's format is a little different than what we're used to, but all the teams going work vetywell together and are vety ada~tive. We hope to do well," Patil satd. Mike DeGroot, (12), was also selected to attend the debate national competition competing in legislative debate. He was selected after participating in a mock senate meeting in which the top eight speakers were chosen to participate in a National Congress at the national competition. All the clubs feel that they have vety good chances at the national competition and hope to become successful after all their preparation. ''I'm confident of how we can do at national," Hallett said. "I think the members who qualified will do vety well at the national," Winslow said, "they've all worked vety hard to prepare and should find it paid off."

p ~ Planned Parenth,ood® of Omaha-Council Bluffs

• Birth Control

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• Free Pregnancy Testing

In Omaha 4610 Dodge 6415 Ames



2553 Leavenworth 342-3821

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Teenage motherhood difficult decision for u·neducated,· unpreparecl youth . he scene is set. The parents are out oqown, the party has come to an end and it's just the two · of you left in the house. All alone in a dark room with soft music playing in the background the inevitable romance begins. · You realize that neither one of you have any form of birth control, but are at the point where there's no turning back. What difference can one night of· unsafe sex make? A few weeks later you might be faced with the answer to this question. Teen 5ex has l),ecome an open subject In today's society along with teen pregnancy. However, some teenage girls decide that motherhood is not for them and choose to have an abortion. An abortion Is the expulsion (forcing out) of a fetus before it is mature 1 enough to live on its own. In Omaha, Women's Services and Women's Medical Center are two places which offer legal abortions by qualified physicians. The prices vary at each clinic and cost more according to how far along the pregnancy Is and whether a loca l anesthetic or an intravenous sedation is used. Once the decision has been made to have an abortion, the patient will have an individual discussion with one of the counselors a t the clinic. wwe have three counselors that all have a bachelor or master's degree, at

our clinic," Jenny Berry, .nursing supervisor at Women's Hedical Center, said. Ifthe counselor is assured that the patient wants to go through with the abortion an appointment will then be set up. Group counselinl! is also offered which

consists of three to six other patients. Ifless than 13 weeks have passed since her last menstrual period the woman is considered to be in the first trimester. The actual size of the fetus at this time is about two inches and weil!hs around ' half an



Saying No (abstinence) Tubal ligation Birth control pills Progestin only pills

100% 99.9% 99.70% 97.50% 95.00% 90.00% 80-90% 87.00%


Condoms Sponge (with spermicide) Cervical cap* Foams, creams, jellies & supposttartes Diaphragm (with spermicide) Coitus interruptis (withdrawel) Fertility awareness Douche Chance(no method)


'82.00% 81.00% 77.00% 76.00% 60.00% 10.00%

*The cervical cap is awaiting Food and Drug Administration approvaL

Source: Planned Parenthood of Omaha-Council Blu!Ts



ounce. The method which they use is vacuum aspiration, or suction curettage. This is- safely performed on an out-patient'~is in a doctor's office or clinic. The procedure is short and only lasts a few minutes'depending upon how far along the pregnancy is. Some women experience pain, especially menstrualtype cramping, during and for up to an hour after the procedure. In additlon, the procedure is usually followed by vaginal bleeding. During the recovery time, which lasts a · few hours, , vital signs are checked by the nurses at the clinic. The patients are also taught about dUTerent forms of contraception that are available. Altogether, five to eight hours will be spent at the clinic. Three weeks following the abortion a check up is needed to make sure the uterus has healed and that no problems have developed. Post coupseling is also offered at WomerU; Medical Center. r W During this time the patient will find herself going through highs and lows and sometimes feel guilty e r angry." Berry said. Wondering if the right decision was made goes through !1 woman's mind after an abortion. WWhen I think about the abortion I s ometimes regret that I had it. At the time I found out I was pregnant it was the best choice for me to make," one senior girl said. I

Te_en-agers more careless with ,sex· I

Planned Parenthood Offers alternative f4VI!~l~~~]~ftjtm'!ff£m~fRd[1Wjf- Railsbach s aid. both the semen released from the man's penis and Condoms, birth control pills, intrauterine devices Most of Planned Parenthood's customers are from the it prevents the woman from contracting the Ac(IUD), sponges, and diaphragms: These words bring ages of 18 through 22-years -old. quired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). this one word to teen-ager's minds: sex. Intrauterine devices which are illserted in the method of birth control proves 90 percent effective. Teen-agers today are becbming more and more woman',s uterus by a physician are 98.5 percent efTec- Using contraceptive foam cream or jelly can procareless when engaging in sexual intercourse. In the Uve against pregnancy. Planned Parenthood does not vide greater protection. I state oflowa, 185 babies were born t~girls1 age 15 and sell these because of the high cost. "We are basically Although there are several other methods ofbirth under. Eighty percent of these teen-agers drop out of here for people who can't afford to go to a private control. these are among the most frequently used high school before graduating. physician. There are,too many people that just cannot methods. Other methods such as withdraw!, the An Omaha agency that helps teens with pregnan- afford to pay astronomical prices for IUD's so we . rhythm method, and douching after intercourse cies is Planned Parenthood. 'We here at Planned Par- · removed them from our market," Rallsbach said. are not highly recommended beca.use they aren't enthood are here for whoever wants to use us. That The diaphragm is 81 percent effective. It is a soft effective. The only 100 percent effective method is our main goal. We are not here for the sole purpose rubber cup with a flexible rim around the edge. It is birth control is abstinence. of abortions," Pa4la Railsbach, nurse practitioner at used with contraceptive cream or jelly. This is inserted The name Planned Parenthood can be confusing. 1 Planned Parenthood, said. into the woman's vagina before intercourse. It covers Nurses and doctors there support all alternatives: Planned Parenthood's most highly distributed the entrance to the uterus and the cream or jelly halts adoption, abortion, and keepting the child. 'We method of birth control is the birth control pill. It is sperm movement. will give anyone information about any three taken daily by the female at the same lime of day for The contraceptive sponge is exactly what it sounds these choices. We are not for one option more than maximum protection. Forgetting to take the pill just like; a sponge. It is moistened and placed in the vagina the other," Allen said. one day can result in pregnancy. where it gives ofT spermacide that stops the sperm 'We are basically here for good female reproduc"Five dollars is the price which we require both high activity. Studies show that out of 100 users of the tion information for those' that choose us. Our school and college students to pay for the birth sponge, 9 to 11 percent will become pregnant. contraceptives are available and at a lower cost control pill. We do offer them a half-price discount as , The condom is a way for a man to ensure that he is than prescribed by a physician to a pharmacy." opposed to adults who must pay the full price," protected. The advantage with a c&ndom is that it holds Railsbach said.

Complications of pregnancy faced by Westside student


'"'""''""·•'-'J i~a problem facing teen-agers today. Making a decision between having the baby or aborting it will affect the parent's entire lives. They ask theselves, "What will my friends and family think of nie? How am I going to cope with life?" Shauna Ehresman, (12). had to face these questions when she recently found that she was pregnant. The thought of having an abortion made Ehresman uneasy. "I'm not against abortion, but I could never have one,· Ehresman said. She couldn't face her family or friends if she had had an abortion. · Ehresman feels that each person should make up their own mind whether or noHo have a baby, but that they must realize the responsibility before ·keeping the child. "Each person should make up their own mind. Don't base it on what your friends say or how they're able to handle it. Ifyou think you should keep the baby then do, but first weigh tile good from the bad." Ehresml:m said. "Few boys are the first to take action when they think that their girlfriend is pregnant. At Westside though, some 1 boys do go talk to their counselor in order to get their opinion of what to do if their girlfriend is pregnant,· Sharon I Bjornsen, counselor, sa~d. · Bjornsen feels that the most important issue is whether or not birth control is being used, or ifthey (the couple) know about it. After discussing birth control, Bjornsen feels that family support is the most important part of dealing with pregnancy. "I never considered birth control because I didn't want to: Ehresman said. Adoption is another alternative that Ehresman considered, but it just didn't suit her style. "I think after you cany something inside of you for nine months it is like giving a part of you away. I have alwa{'s loved kids and loved to play with them. now I can play with my own.· Ehresman said. Seeking to find the right decision only comes with time, thought. and family support. As a qounselor's role, they cannot drrect a student where to go specifically in accordance with the law. "All we can do is talk about the alternatives," Bjornsen said. Ehresman found it easy to come to a decision. "I kept it because the baby is mine and I didn't want anybody else to raise her, and I wouldn't change the way I did anything.· "About 95 percent of students who come into our offices decide to have the baby,· Bjornsen said. Girls who have decided to abort the child USl.Jally do so without consultiJ?g their counselor or family frrst. Having pregnant girls at · Westside should not affect the other students who are not pregnant, or the faculty. "They (pregnant girls) should not feel that they need the 'OK" by.the students and faculty to go to Westside," Bjornsen said. Teenage pregnancy provides a variety of problems and concerns. both psychological and financial, but Ehresman feels differently. "The baby will have more than. it needs. My parents have been bu)ing clothes and toys U~e there. won't be any left. There are no financial problems between the child's father and myself. He -signed paternity papers so we botjl are sharing the responsibility," Ehresman said. Telling the parents about pregnancy could be the hardest part for ·.:· teens today. "My parents were-disappointed and mad at first, but now they act like normal grandparents of a 35-year-old who is having a ' baby. They are very excited,· Ehresman said. She plans to go on with her life as normal since the baby was born w, ln<' sclay. April 5. The baby's name Is Brianna Jo Ehresman. I. Ltcsrnan is going to attend the University ofNe!Jraska :1t Omah a as 1 part time student. She plans on m:1jorin!! in business. and m inor

. ~~ -=-= ~~

Music interests ·varie -

New Wave which received 22 percent and Heavy Metal MHeydude, you wannajam to some tunes? Well then which received 21 percent aren't often played on the hit the switch and pump up the volume." radio. MI like New Wave music. I first heard it from a kid Students spend much of their free time listening to in homeroom. I liked it because it was a different type music, whether it comes from the car st~reo, home of music and I don't get to hear it very often," Corey stereo,aboombox,orevenatelevision Milistentomusic Munger, (9), said. · when I'm in my car. I usually listen to my tapes. I oc- 1 Disc jockeys wor~ for popularity, too. Otis Twelve casionally listen to the radio, usually when I have from Z-92 and Hot Scott from Sweet-98 are favorites nothfu.g else to listen to," Amy Ulrich, (10), said. among Westsiders. Westside's own Mike Ffeffer, (11), There is a wide range of differences of taste, in music fromKRCK is another popular OJ. throughout the school: different radio stations. diferent Popularity among rock groups is something that disc jockeys, different types of music, and different everybandsetsasagoal. Mostofthepoulargroupsare types ·of music who people enjoy. A poll taken by staff on the top 40 list in the nation. In the school, U2 is the menmers March 14, gives the figures from 150 stu- mos_t popular topping the ,list at 35 percent, Guns-ndents: ::Roses is in second place at 21 percent, R.E.M. and Much oftoday's music is brought in by radio stations Metallicaare tied for Lhird place at 18 percent, and INXS across the city. Among the favorite radio stations, two rounded out the bottom at 8 percent. Other favorites · stood out as the most popular: Z-92 with 47 percent of included The Steve Miller Band, Pink Floyd, Bob Marthe votes and KQKQ/Sweet-98 with 33 percent. ley, and JarieS"'Addiction. MI listen to Swe~t-98 in the morning. Actually I think The 1970's.: a decade of real rock and roll, ranges thediscjockeysarewierd, butldon'tlikethemusicthat from the fieavy metal ofKISS to the disco of the Bee Z-92 plays in the morning," Matt Norlen, (11), said. Gee·~. Forthemajority,'70srockisenjoyed. Aerosmith KRCK received 10 percent, KGOR received 7 percent, is the favorite with 26 percent, Jimi Hendrix is in a close and KFRX from Lincoln had 3 percent. second at 20 percent, KISS is in third at 16 percent, and Although the radio stations play a lot of music and 40 others such as Led Zeppelin, Cat Stevens, and The percent of the people listen to it, they don't play it all. Greatful Dead_are also favorites.

People listen to many types of music. There is a mixed reaction with music from the 1960's. "I don't like music from the '60s because it doesn't fit in any more,· Rob Lee, (1 0), said. Others appreciate '60s music and can relate to it. "I like music from the '60s. The Beatles rock. It;s much better than the music played these days. It sends out a better message than the new stuff," Gunner Chris· tensen, (12), said. There are many different types of equipment a person can use to listen to music: compact disc player, record player, cassette player, or radio. "I listen to my compact disc player. Although the discs cost more money, itis worth it because it gives offa crisper cleaner production of the music. I like tapes, too, but they get ruined easily and don't have as great a sound,· Bill 1 Kutilek, (11), said. There are many types of music that students enjoy dancing to, such as top 40, Reggae, Rap, Heavy Metal, Disco, and '60s rock. "I usually danse to top 40, but I can dance to anything," Jenny Krajicek, (12), said. 61 percent of the students like dancing to top 40. In a blast from the past, Disco came in a strong second with 14 percent. Heavy Metal received a few headbangingvotes with 11 percent. Reggae slipped into fourth with 9 percent, and Rap finshed with 5 percent.

Radio· DJ's perform unique task ' with charismatic personalities LmliE::J:l~WiO.!Illm

Although they took different routes, two bmaha-area disc jockeys · ended up in the same place. _ Scott O'H~lqn, ~tte\ known as "Hot Scott· on sw~_~W8_, anq . s Twelve on Z-92 tra~led differ ~ ~o~. ~u are both working ~ loc~airwaVl ~~ ~ly 17 when I won the Super-mout -~f_Sweet 98. I had just fmished high' eli_ and I was taking acting . classes and t)lanne · ri-'belng a commercial Keep 'em coming . aC:tor and, well,<m · , ~.cpanged, • O'Hanlon "Hot Scott," as he is known to listeners of Sweet 98, takes to the, said. ...;";~31"'..,.:-·~ . aliWaves amidst the equipment of the studio. , . e of the Z-92 "Morning 1 1 Zoo," he starte • ,.Ju . veling across the country doing a come show when he was discoved by a prlfgramer and began working for Z92 at the age of 30. The two OJ's are as different from each other as their stations. MZ-92 is the station you'd listen to if you were going to listen all day. but if there's a top 40 song you want to hear chances are good it will be on Sweet 98 in the next hour," O'Hanlon said . . "We play music we don't like and sometimes we even pic~ them because we don't like them. It wouldn't be fair if we didn't,· Otis Twelve said. As far as getting sick of the music O'Hanlon said, "have you ever listened to Sweet 98 for more than two hours at a time? It can get pretty old:, _ ..; If the public responds well to the programUnderground stations have found a large audience that is tired o,.f ming, that means that ratings go up, which Top 40 fare. Joe raps with listeners at KRCK. the alternative radio means prices of ads\c;> '-W• which means more money and job secunt.Yf The ratings, printed station. '

Market - for alternativ-:f-"'

by Arbitron in thewinterofl989, placed Sweet 98 as No. 1 and-z-92 as No. 2 in the F.M. category. . The DJ's from Sweet 98 do many onlocation promotions. They can be found at malls, dances, and schools,. they also have call::_in contests going all the time. "I believe the proJilOS help. They're fun for people because we put the winners on the air,· O'Hanlonsaid. "We try to keep our contests simple here at Z92 because we don't want to confuse anyone around here, especially me,· Otis Twelve said. It seems like a dreanrjob. Music, relaxation, publicity, and having the whole day f!'ee until it's time to go on the air and leaving it therewhenit'sover. That'snottrue. BothDJ's agree there are slumps and disadvantages. For O'Hanlon one disadvantage is never having an entire weekend free because of onlocation promotions, such as the Saturday Midnight Madness at Crescent Ski Resort. The main advantage to O'Hanlon is the opprotunity to get involved with such programs as the literacy program and drug and alcqhol abuse programs. On the other hand Otis Twelve decided the best advantage is all the free l'rfega Death tee shirts and free Samantha Fox post• ers. Two different paths , two different radio stations, and two totally different personalities performing the same job. "The most important thing is to make sure you be yourself and do something you enjoy," Otis Twelve said. "I don't think people do well at things they don't like to do,· O'Hanlon, said.


Most of the popular mu clans who of music icomes from What's the Alternative? have easily made it big out there st make it because of Alternative music is the music that's mainly for the money. Mos ·s tart out er bands like Poison not well known because of its style. with the major record com~ nies who and Cinderell · ust want the publicity Whether it's new wave, reggae, or heavy will change m~st oftheir mus ; o what's and !!!}~ Once a band like that metal, this music is distinctively differ- popular. That show they makjthe kind are p"'&" 0 ; . i abel, then that's when ent. There is no real defmition for alter- of money they do. they real _ e7'jus~ow much money they native except that it has a definite wide ~e major record companies somecan mak~_·Ri Keil, (11), said. range of different styles. The musicians times go as far as changing the band's ~-. Alternative c'ap't be found easily. have new and original ideas for their name. I know a band who use to call ·~ There are._moiPY.. great bands out there music. They're not out there for that themselves Steve, Bob, and Rich. A that haven't, be n recognized by their same sound that we usually hear on the couple of years ago they got famous and audience. To help spread Alternative radio everyday. . went to a big record label. Now they're o througliout Omaha is KRCK, a local "When,our band practices we get so known as The Rainmakers," Mickey . station on Cable FM. motivated because we'll come up with Ceasar, KRCK OJ, said. KRCK was put on the air until the different sounds and ideas for a new Alternative is . just the opposite. If Federal Communications Commision song," Bob Boyce, (12), said. The musr- they record their music, it's mostly with caught them without a license. So they cians seem to have the ability to draw , the minor record labels. This lets them went over to Cox Cable FM service. They themselves away from the sam simplis- have more artistic freedom to :xrress still don't get the number of listeners tic music. the kind of music they play. they want because it's through the Cox


expands Cable company and they have been working to get on the air. "We're very confident that we'll get on the air. About a year ago we applied for the FCC license. Two other companies applied also, but one withdrew its bi.:. So there are now two people running and if we're awarded the license, then we should be on the air by the end of summer, • Ceasar of KRCK, said. KRCK has it's advantages though because of the freedom they have compared to other stations on FM. ~e play the kind of music that most listerters can't find on the other stations. We are virtually unlimited in ou'r format because we feel that all of the alternative music should be played. "The KRCK library consists of about 200 LP's and 300 CD's of alternative artists.


How do Westside students see themselves?

, , , , ,,•'•'

, ',•,•



So~iology. survey -shOws Westsiders



"Everyone who goes to Westside is stuckup." "All Westside students are rich." Do these and ·other negative stereotypes about Westside students truly exist, or are they merely figments of a Westsider's imagination? A group of sociology students working on a project concerning Westside's reputation, distributed a survey at Burke, Millard South, Northwest, and Creighton Prep in an effort to find out how students at other Omaha high schools feel about Westside students. The survey was distributed tpird quarter. Students who took the survey were able to strongly agree, agree, have no opinion, disagree, or strongly disagree with statements such as, "Most Westside students come from wealthy families" and !here are many drug dealers at Westside." Roughly 100 surveys were distributed at each school and filled out by a variety of students in grades 9-12. 111e surveys were given to students walking into school, in study halls, and in homerooms; all chosen at random to insure a cross section of the entire student body of each school. "It is difficult to say just how accurate any survey is. It is impossible to know whether or not any survey is filled out seriously, but I feel that this particular survey is reliable judging from the controls that were used and the fashion in which it was distributed," Bill McCormick, sociology instructor, said. MWhen we presented the results of the survey .,. to our sociology class the question was raised ::':'· as to whether we thought the students who ·(:'\:·:. .

were surveyed responded the way they felt, or if they took the survey as a joke and just fllled it out in a way that would make Westside look bad,M Nikki Huber, (12), member of the sttJdy, said. "I'm sure that there were students who took it as a joke, but I believe that many responded to the survey with their ·true feelings," Huber said. The results of the survey did not come as much of a surprise to most. "I wasn't really surprised by the results of the questionnaire, but I would have to say that I do not agree with them," Jena Houlihan, (12), said. In a similar survey given to 200 Westside students during homeroom, the resulting percentages were much the same as the resulting percentages from the students at other Metro-area high schools. "People at other schools view us as being rich, stuck-up and snobby. I don't have a problem with the guys, but I think that the girls who go to school here are very stuck up and pay too much attention to their clothes and who they talk to," Eric Hoover, (11), said. The survey gives insight beyond how students at other Omaha high schools feel about Westside students. By giving them the option of choosing no opinion as a response to the statements it shows how much those students know or even care about Westside. "I think the most interesting result of the survey is in the high percentage of people who marked no Rating games opinion to the statements. Here at Westside we Westside students fill out a smvey in homeroom, giving seem to think that people are much more their opinions as to how Westside compares to ol~er than the~ really are,"


schools in the Omaha area·.


tudents ,' reputati ,Positive, nega t controversy talk about Westside that that they don't know the ega Westside have caused controversy our school anyway," (11), said. "There will inside and outside the school. The ful of snooty rich people : opinions range from sports to clubs to go," Benecke said personal relationships. Rumors and reimtati4Jnsi• "I have noticed in sports and just institution are as constant knowing people from other schools tive comments. "I hear a that people seem to think of Westside fme learning center," n.uW""!• as a snobbish, rich, arrogant, school," hear it as much as I do Bill Kutilek, (11), said. that are negative." "The combination of a new high "We are known school and wealthy students invaribeing a good school ablyiswhatstarted tl~esestereotypes," Graff, math instructor, Marilyn Woodbury, district resident, talk to teachers from : said. they consistently point out For many Westside students, this reputation is bothersome. "When I tell Westside is a good school about it .9uite often," Graff kids from other schools that I attend Westside, ( o'llen get strange looks. The administration also They automatically think that I am a Westside has a strong rich snob," Chad Ehresman, (9), said. "But once they get to know me; they · dernically. ~<other schools definitely feel differently about general public recognize Westside has an excellent Westside." program," Jim Findley. Others just ignore the reputation ... and comments from others. "The We consistently tum out competitive students." .,. ,,,,. .. :. . ·stereotype about Westside don't Westsirle athletes also ... ·...=/i:-:··.,.·. · bother me at all because when people =::·.;::':.:··.=(t=:\:.:··.::=:··..-


: =:-:(: ::·

about reputation a_ffect students ich and conceited is the conception most outsiders have of Westside students, however, most Westside students don't agree with this. The ,students who attend see themselves as being like anyone else, although they do admit there are a few exceptions. "People who go to Westside are not stuck-up as a general population, but there are a few who feel like just because they have more money they are better," Jennifer Waggoner, (11), said. Money and material wealth are two of the things Westside students find controversial. "It really bothers me when people say everyone at Westside is rich. Not everyone who goes here is loaded; I'm not," Brian Polt, (12), said. On the other hand, some students feel ... Westside is fullofpeoplewhoflaunt

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Students feel they have more their money. "I do feel that some people here flaunt their money. Just opportunities because they attend . '·.,(. · ' look at the cars and clothes people Westside. "At Westside the classes '·':' : :.·,: have. People here are very material- offered are taught better than at :·:·, ·. istic," Andrea Murante, (10), said. other schools. Due to this .we be- . Money and material possessions come better educated and, therefore, and other schools. don't necessarily create a bad per- have more opportunities in life," the survey was son of what other son. "Just because someone has Chad Marshall, (11), said. more money than someone else D~gs and alcohol are prevelant Westside, how doesn't make them a snob. There are in alffiost any school, but are they they're viewed, and a lot of good, nice people here who more so at Westside? Sixty percent thinks of itself. have lots of money," Dave Cota, (9), of the students interviewed thought said. ·not. "Westside students don't do Although the people at Westside drugs more ~an any other school. It maybe nice, some students can't get doesn't matter where you go to over the stereotypes and rumors. school, how much money you have, "L<>9k around you at the cars people or anything else; people are still drive and the clothes they wear; we going to party," Kim Fonda, (11), are Hollywood High. There is a lot of said. Overall students seemed to truth to what people say about agree that doing drugs and what Westside," Paul Fishburn, ( 11), said. school you go to have no connection Other students feel the stereotypes whatsoever. "Everybody does it; you ofWestside are unfair. "People from can't generalize it by schools," Scott · other schools generalize about Hutchinson, (11), said. The competition seems to be Westside too much. · Not everyone "People at here is rich. I think it's really unfair higher at Westside. how people group us all together," Westside are pushed to be the best at everything they do; therefore, there Donna Scheidt, (10), said. Despite the money issue, is a lot of competition to be the best," Westside students feel we do better Meredith Donlan, (10), said. People Westside work hard for what they on Scholastic Aptitude Test's and at accomplish. ".,., , , ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,., other such tests. In an in-school When all the controversy of rich survey 60.3 percent of the people questioned thought students scored and poor is.overlooked, Westside is a higher on the SAT than other area popular school. "I don't think all the schools. "More prestigious colleges stereotypes make Westside any see Westside as standing out more worse than other schoois. In my than other schools because of our opinion Westside is the best school test scores," Sean Lough, (11), said. in the city," Mike Murphy, (11), said.


rce1ve differently attitudes reflect • students' 1mage other schools. "When we were at state swimming meet in Lincoln, we signs that put down not only the team, but the whole school," Garver, (I 2), said. "It's not just school that seems to be picking on it looks as though there are many that resent us." every game I played for Westside, that the opposing team always that little extra effort so they can they beat Westside," Jason Hell' (11), said. "It is as though we have most class. along with everything It doesn't seem to matter what or how good or bad we are, other seem to shoot at us." of athletics, some clubs who in activities and competikids from other schools have negative comments directed at -•tskle and its students. we go to conferences, I have how people think Westside Business Leaders of America is up with lOOOA> snobs," Jason (10), said. "Although we know this is· not true, for some reason

"It is human nature to knock off the top dogs. Westside is considered tops in many areas," Clara Winslow, FBIA advisor, said. Even when students take part in fun lip-sync contests in conventions such as the state Distributive Education Clubs of America convention, these feelings are defmitely present.-· "When D.J. Rezac stepped onto the stage, I could barely stop laughing. He was dressed up like ·Elvis and he was singing Tooty Fruity.' There was no question in my mind that he had the : best skit," Rob Foral, DECA president, said. "When he was done, some people even booed him. I asked other people why they were booing, and they said it was because he goes to Westside." Westside students as a rule, don't see the stereotype problem to be so great that drastic measures need to be. taken to correct it. "Unfortunately, there is probably nothing that we can do to immediately change it," Desiree Henry, (I 1), said. "I guess I will just have to live with it for a while," Henry •_ said.

ws insiders, outsiders rception 0f students ing through the red tape is what I want," Bill McCormick, sociology instructor, said. ; While some Westside students are wome<\_ about what 'people think of them 37 percent of the students interviewed at the four schools don't know where Jt !s. Westside students' percentages were higher on certain issues thru1 those of the other schools. Forty six percent of Westside students think the students at their are stuck up, whereas only percent of other schools think twe:s~;tae students are stuck up. The location of Westside and the of housing developments the school give Westside the of being a rich school. Other scntoo.ts think 42 percent of the stuat Westiside come from ..,..,,,,. "'v families. Fifty six percent of Westside students think their classcome from wealthy families. Sb<ty four percent ofWestside stu-

dents often hear negative comments .:·:·· about their school. Forty nine percent of students from the """'"""''"...n schools often hear negative comments about Westside. -. Westside students think drink more than students at schools with 34 percent. Only 25 :-=- : : percent of students from the four · schools agree that Westside students drink more tl1an any other school. The selection of courses Westside has to offer is one of its advantages. Eighty two percent of the students · from Westside believe that Westside offers more classes than •other Omaha high schools. Where only 23 per{:ent of the students from other schools think Westside offers more classes than other Omaha high schools.

"' people think "We think other about us more than -they really do, .·· .. . So in some ways we are stuck up ..". ,-:··'=·=·· · ·· and egotistical," McCormick S<\ld.


OPINION What is your opinion of Westside students? Jason Lloyd, (12), Northwest "I don't really know anyone from Westside so I can't give you a personal opinion of Westside students, but I've heard that iUs a very wealthy school," '

Christine Swanson, (12), Burke "I went to Germany with a couple of people from Westside, so I got to know them pretty well, and they were really great. I don't take into consideration the negative things I hear about Westside students," Justin McWhorter, (11), Central"! know many :Westside students and I have no problems with them. I always hear that Westside students are stuckup,"

Stephanie Hughs, (10), Marian "I have friends who go to Westside and I really like them. I do hear negative comments about Westside students, but I don't judge people by the school they go to," Ray Longo, (11), Creighton Prep "All the guys froni'Westside that I have come into contact with I really like. I hear that people who go to Westside are usually wealthy, upperclass, and spoiled,"


Southwest," Bill Nelson, social studies department head, said. itself. There is much controversy over the "I don't think that Westside lives up to the origin of the saying. and if in fact, there is any "Hollywood High" image today. There is some t~uth to it. However, the saying seems to have wealth, but I think our kids have picked up on stuck. the saying and they use it just as a fun thing; Nobody knows exactly when Westside first Johnson said. gained the reputation of, "Hollywood High," Nelson seems to agree. "''he saying is less how it started, or why, but there are theories. - true today, if it was ever true." "I think it started at a basketball ganie against Westside students are divided on the topic. Prep, about 15 to 20 years ago, when some of "Students from other schools think that Prep's players all came in sunglasses: Peg Westside kids are stuck up, but I don't believe Johnson, a teacher at Westside for 17 years, it is true. There are stuck up people everysaid. Miuy Kay Gordon, a former Westside where. It's just a stereotype that was started a student, also agrees. "It all started with the long time ago and it stuck with us," Erin Conbasketball teams. But there were other reaboy. (11), said. sons. Mainly the wealth in the Westside com"Lots of kids from Westside are really munity back then." stuckup. Their parents give the~ too much Another reason some think Westside was mQiley. they're hung up on the kind of clothes dubbed "Hollywood High" was because of the they wear, and drive expensive cars. But that Lunch1 anyone? . wealth.in and around the school. "When I came dosen't necessarily apply to all Westside students, just some: Marlin Jiranek, (12), said. hi fri d lr d rin . to Westside 25 years ago, ·t he neighborhoods TobyBryans,(12),leads ~ en so campus u gan surroundingWe,s tsideconsistedofthenewest If there's one thing teachers and students open mod. Part ofWestside s image comes from the open- housing and'manywealthy families. However, .can agree on it's Westslde just" can't seem to campus policy. which allows seniors more freedom, and that is no longer true today. The newer and lose its "Hollywood" image. Good or bad, like the opportunity to go out for lunch. larger housing is located further West and it or not, "Hollywood High" is here to stay.


students compare dacemic environements

[~~~g~f!!~~l~E~!f!!l!f!!1~!!!~ ch!~~~~~~~~en~e!;:~i~:~~e::~!~

reputatio with time

. that tends to be important to fora good education. It's the students' tum to aging their time wisely. Students transfer to .,: highschool students. Of course decide which high school will provide them Westside because they want more responsi- :;; ·:,;::, students are concerned about with the best educational opportunities that bility. Some students adapt well to modular :..: .·:. their personal reputatio.n. but will guarantee them a successful future. sched,_uling while others don't know what to about the reputation of Which school will be the most challenging? do with their time. their school? ., < How will I relate and fit in with the other "I like modular scheduling better than the What kinds of stereotypes do students? Which school will best prepare me regular schedule at my old school. I have students at other schools have . :. for college? more free time to get things done~ · Damon about the students at !/i These are questions commonly asked by DIPrima, (11). said. Westside? This question is easy .·:·: studentsdecidingonwher~theywanttospend ~ Transfer students who come to Westside enough to answer, but what their next four high school years, Pt:~paring for from other schools in Omaha often make the about when our parents were in college. The choice, however, is not always in change for personal reasons. high school? ·How does "I wanted to go to a public school Westside's reputation now because I didn't like the teachers at compare with it's reputation in Duchesne: Katie O'Connor, (11). .: : / the 1950's and '60s? My parents had heard that Westside said. \?':' Jim Kasher, who graduated was one of the best high schools in "I've always wanted to go to from Creighton Prep in 1959, the Midwest. That's the main reason Westside rather than Prep because I doesn't recall having any stere~ have a lot of friends here. Transferotypes of Westside students. why I decided to come here. ring to Westside is great because "My senior year was the first ' Trevor Fraebel, (12) there's no dress code,· DiPrima said. year we even played Westside in Each time a student transfers to a baseball or basketball. so it was the student's hands. Parents receive job new school he must make new friends and a fairly new school at the time," !'.'···: transfers and often move their families to new cope with new pressures. Making friends and Kasher said. "There wasn't really any rivalry between Prep destinations. Most stude_nts attend the high becoming a part of a peer group can be difficult. and Westside. They were· the school within their new district. Parental advice can infl~nce students' "When I first transferred toWestslde from new kids on the block." decisions. District 66 attracts transfer stu- Conneeticut everyone seemed to have their . Kasher has two sons at Prep dents and their families because 'of its aca- own cliques, but after awhile I fit in well with )/!:: currently, Steve, (12), and Tim, demic record and college planning system. ·everyone else," Julie Henderson, (9), said. }(\ (9). He still doesn't feel there's "My parents had heard that Westside was Discipline is a factor when it comes to : :!!': :': any negative feelings between one of the best high schools in the Midwest. choosing a high school. Students have diller- ~:(:'::: the schools. "There's no real That's the main reason why I decided to come ent views whep it comes to deciding which !!):) rivalry ther~ that I can see exhere," Trevor Fraebel .( 12). said. schools are the most strict. Each individual !!!(' cept athletically, but in my Studentstransferinandoutofhighschools requires differentlevels of discipline than his ?:;:,: opinion, that's just good because each individual has different study classmates. , , , ... healthy competition," Kasher habits and goals. The environments at each "I left Westside and went to Duchesne be- ::::::::. said. "I don't think either of my high school vary according to the students' cause I needed to buckle down and get my ;: : : boys would mind transferring to needs. study habits straightened out. I felt like I · Westside." The study environment at a school can needed more discipline," Shonda Shirley, Bif Olson graduated from determine thesuccessandfailureofastudeot. (11). said. Central High School in 1957. .·) Quiet atmospheres give some students the Students create an attitude towards what He recalled finding the newly )) ability to get more schoolwork accomplished 1is right for them and what isn't. T!,!e imporestablished Westside to be of no !!?: while a loud, busy environment might allow tance of a good education is immeasurable. big concern. "Westside wasn't )(: the same opportunies for other students. It's lhe students' choice to reach success·. to be any compeU-


,:~: :.:

,.,.,. .


tlon academically and they were still small athletically," Olson said. "It was just another suburban high school. Dianne Nelson graduated from Duchesne Academy in 1953. She remembered some definite stereotypes about Westside. "Westside was always called 'Hollywood High.· There weren't really any bad stereotypes, but everyone thought that Westsiders were just a bunch of rich kids," Nelson said. "Actually most people at Duchesne thought it was a neat school and it was hard to think ofWestside kids as stuck up when that's what everyone thought of Duchesne girls.· Her daughter. Christine Gleason, is a senior at Duchesne, and Nelson doesn't think the reputation has changed much. "I don't know precisely what my daughter thinks, but! still hear the 'Hollywood High' thing a lot," Nelson said. "She has friends at Westside, so I'm not sure if she thinks Westside students are stuck up or not." Sandy Svendsen graduated from North High Schoolin 1962 as did her husband, Walter. At the time she felt that Westside was too new to have much of a reputation. "Westside was still pretty small so they weren't really an athletic rivalry yet like there are now," Svendsen said. Svendsen had :wo daughters graduate from Burke High School and a niece and nephew graduate from Westside. "Today I hear Westside being called 'Hollywood High,· but I dorrt think that shows a stuck up image as much as a 'rich kids' one." M

wimsuit season 'cre.a tes stimulus pring is here; can summer be far behind? It isn't only robins and rabbits that are hopping around, getting their exercise. Teens are working out to look their best in summer shorts and swimsuits. Some work out at home. school, or may even join a fitness club. Aerobics along with sports and weightllfting are activities that girls seem to enjoy most to stay Jn shape. "I like aerobics because it's a fun way to exercise with the fast pace and the music. I feel this is helping me out a lot because it really makes me feel better," Lisa Heimbuch, (12). said. Although some find it a fun activity to do once in a a while. others must do aerobic exercise for health reasons. "My doctor told me to take it because of my asthma; I need to build up my lungs so I can breathe better," Kara Kramer, (1 0), said.

bu~~r~~~~~~~~d~o~e~~~~st~~!~~~~!b ~~~:!e;!~~~!!~d build upper back muscles for women, as well as lower blood pressure. According to Rockbrook Spa instructor, Shauna Roling. women are three times as likely to die of heart problems if they are not fit. "Our spa has on-going aerobics each hour all day for groups. But we have one-on-one attention to fit an individual program for each person," said Roling. Certified instructors recomment 20-minute workouts, four times a week. for floor or pool aerobics in order to reap the benefits of aerobic exercise. Weightlifting and bit of running what the guys at Westside do to stay physically fit. Most enjoy exercising after school in the new Westside Strength Complex to get in shape for the sports they are participating in this year, or even to prepare for a sport for next fall. "I'm training for baskjetball next year becasuse it helps my endurance," Brian Drum, (1 0), said. Others work out just because of the way lt makes them feel and look. "I've been working out for two years now at Gold's Gym just to stay in sha~1 and because it makes me feel good." Chris Yerkes, (12), said. Shaping up To some people working out is {l waste of time and a bother. but to Working out for a better body anP, to be in clubs. Clubs offer various kinds of fitness most it's a great satisfaction to themselves. More and more people are better physical shape are reasons Westside programs, including: weight training pro- working out each year and the riumbers increase because of health students have turned to joining health grams, aerobic classes, and handball. reasons.







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Old Market demonstrates drawing powe

:£fttiUlh!fft!iil;i)if!~WNew stores in the Old Market have brought new opportunities and drawbacks to the community. More stores give the shopper more variety. With ·change comes drawbacks. Loitering and crime have been on the increase in the downtown area for years. Old Market stores are fun to go into and look around because they have a variety of unique items not found in the metropolitan area. "Stores downtown have more, things that appeal to my taste. There are people downtown that you don't see uphereveryoften."ShellyLewi-s , (11), said. Stores such as Drastic Plastic, Souq, Homer's, and Dirt Cheap are favorite stores among students. One problem that the downtown area has re-

cently experienced is people going downtown .with no distance away. intention of shopping. The problem got so bad that bar"It's a fun place to go, but I can't get down there ricades were needed for crowd control. that often. I like going down there to kill a nice va'"""""' "1be barricades actually helped. Before the barri- and get some lunch at Spaghetti Works," Josh cades I don't think I was ever able to cross the street (9) , said. without almost getting hit by a car. There was a Talking to students, there was a mixed opinion noticeable difference in the traffic." Scott McAleer, (11) whether or not gangs have taken over the rtn·nrntn...said. That didn't stop people from going down there . ,area. There is a better scene going on all the time. In the "I don't think that there is a gang problem in the Westside area there is stuff to do, but not very oft:n. Market or even the general downtown area. There Downtown people are concentrated so you can always been rumors of giant gang fights taking place in fmd them,. up here people are all spread out and if you downtown area, but they always seem to blow have nothing to do you end up at Burger King, • Trtsh before anything happens," Je!T Heater, (11), said. Kantor, (11). said. "ParkFair has a bigger gang problem than the Another problem is that downtown is a bit of a Market, if the Old Market even has any," McAleer


.Face lift

Groups congregate in metro olitan are

Renovation project builds confidence er s1nce e rm eo e s , own own Omaha has been getting a slow, but constant face lift. This spring, downtown Omaha will continue to see the largest increase in development since 1981. A $229 million total has been allocated for new construction and renovation projects this year. "One result of the projected construction is a noticeable improvment in confiden,ce about Omaha's future." Vicki Krecek, Greater Omaha Chamber of colnmerce spokeswoman. said. The fiiJlt major renovation project to occur Downtown was the construction of Central Park Mall, which is still currently being expanded. Construction on the east side of of the park is cu rrently being done to expand it from four blocks to five blocks long. , According to the Omaha Chamber of Commerce, another major goal f()r downtown Omaha is the completion of the riverfront project, with Con Agra being the head force. The entire 60 to 70 acre redevelopment plan consists of a 25 acre - park. Central Park East. and a campus s tyle Con Agra headquarters and laboratories complex. The lake in Central Park East will seem to be connected to the lake in the original Central Park Mall, but it actually will be a separate lake. "The Riverfront Project, which inCludes Con Agra and Union . Pacific, Is a real boost a nd advantage to the continuing redevelopment of downtown Omaha," said J ohn Yochum, manager of Downtown Omaha, Inc. (DOl). DOl functions as a merchants association on the behalf of downtown retailers.

Support fl .§J {j(j ~ f1


are gangs Omaha area. But what Omaha area d~s pertain to? Westside students generally that the well-known gang members hang out the downtown part of Omaha. "I won't go into North Omaha by myseJQ• because it Is a scary atmosphere and it see•ll181• like a lot of the violence ties in with the ga~ng~~._ and that is a very scary thought ," Jamie Nrr~urr• ­ (11), said. According to Officer Robert Polk, sergeant the Youth Violence Center, the gang problem spreading into other areas of Omaha. "We to be seeing more ga ng members spreading the Millard North and Millard South areas," said. There are five different types if gangs in Omaha- area that are considered a These five gangs are the Bloods, Crips, Hessians, East Omaha Rats and the Skinheads. The Hessians come from West Omaha a round Morton Junior High . The East Omaha Rats and the Skinheads are white neo-nazi followers. There are anywhere from 50 to 125 hard core gang members currently in the Omaha area. "It might seem like more because of a lot of the _ "gang-lnembers are just associates or wannabe's," Polk said. Compared to the 70 to 80,000 Constructive art? \ members in Los Angeles, the Omaha area is not Graifitti ruins the clean paint of this downtown wall. The raging with gang members. "The gang problems Omaha City Council. along with the Omaha Chamber of in Omaha are not as bad as it seems because th~ Commerce, allocated $229 million dollars to clean up and media focuses on gangs and gang violence, so that is what the viewers believe." Polk said. renovate depressed sections of Omaha.


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Divorce increase harms families

Alchohol ·breaks . : ..:·::;:. ·. ··

"Most people who have had an alcoholic in the family would say that you even imagine the problems unless one of us. It's almost like a CraterThere are so many irrational things happen in the family," Bill McCormick, so,ctolOt!V instructor, said. 1be alcoholic family has its own rules. "The three commandments of an alcofamily are don't talk, don't trust, and feel. You feel as if you're breaking loyalty ifyou talk about what's going so you don't trust anyone, and you have these feelings inside that you can't talk so you shut them off and don't feel," Royer, ch emical dependency consultant, s aid. Oftentimes it is difficult

an to cope with his feelings toward the alcoholic parent. "My dad was an alcoholic. That's all there is to it. The thing that was the toughest and bothered me the most is I was angcy at my dad all the time, like if he really loved us, he wouldn't be dolr)g this," McCormick said. "My father is an alcoholic, and no one in the family knows how to relate with 'him. · We're all scared of him," a senior said. A hallmark of an alcoholic family is hiding the problem. This is one of the reasons why it is difficult to determine the extent of the problem. "I think there are probably more students in school who are affected by alcoholism than we even realize. There are a lot of children of alcoholics who cover up very well," Ricketts said. Royer said talking over the problem is the key to learning how to live with it. "Find somebody who you' trust and start talking. Breaking the..secret seems tp break the shame of it," Royer said. Help for children of alcoholics can be obtained within the building by contacting "any adult you trust" according to Ricketts. Outside of the building, services such as Children of Alcoholics and Alateen are available. Information on these and s imilar organizations can be obtained by contacting the Omaha Council on Alcohol-


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To love, onor, and obey has become a rok.en pro!Jlise. Marriage vows and marriages themselves aren't as sacred as they used to be. During the sociology marriage simulated project, the topic of divorce has become a part of the unit. On Thursday, April 13, a divorce panelled the sociology large group. "Generally, we take the topic of divorce and deal with it in a large group setting,· Rob Johns, sociology instructor, said. The divorce panel consisted of volunteer seniors, teachers, 1 and divorced parents. The sociology classes asked the panel questions concerning their personal situations of divorce and its affects on themselves and their families. The pat~.el provides life situations and experiences and also brings realism into the marriage projects. "Taking part in the panel. as I see it was basically to inform kids about divorce as a marital option and to make divorce seem more real. Before my parents were divorced, divorce just seemed like a thing on tape, something that could never happen to me," Rankin Johnson, (12), said. informing kids of divorce makes the possibility of an actual divorce more realistic. "I feel that it's impOrtant for the students to hear ev:ery aspect of marriage- or the failure of marriage. So it is good to have people come in who are on all sides of the subject," Betty Hallas, media specialist, said. , Marriages "!'ithout children can be an easier process to end. When children are involved, as they most often are, parents, the courts, or the chlldren must dedde which parent gains custody. "My parents made the decision. I guess I don't have a choice which parent to live with though, because my-mom has custody," Meredith Donlan, (10), said. Custo?y battles sometimes seem the only way to place the children from a divorce. "1bere haye been two court-related cases. The first one my mom won and the se<!ond custody battle my dad won. They never really asked my opinion,· Melanie Tolen, ·(ll), said. It often appears that society has these custody battles predetet:mined. "I think it's socially accepted that the woman gains custody and I think the court thinks so too. Although there are differences when the father receives custody. for the most part we have the belief that perhaps the best in terms of nurturing comes from the woman," Johns said. G,hildren can feel obligated to spend time with their other parent. "I guess -I feel obligated to spend time with both parents because both of them care about me. Ifl said to one parent that I didn't want to spend time with him or her, that would be cruel," Johnson said. · Not all marriages end up in divorce. "My parents separated and got back together two years later. It's a posir.tve influence for families. The situation with my family was such a rarity, but it proves that it does happen. Parents can be reunited," Kevin Schicker, (12), said. Positive things for families can come out of a divorce. "The divorce demonstrated to me that my parents are, after all. human beings and not the "perfect" parents that every child is supposed to have. It's also helped me adrriR that they (my parents) d id in fact make mistakes on various occasions ," Johnson said . Whether or not parents stay married or become divorced, the main concerns are the children's well-being and oppotunities.

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oyS' golf ·tees up · for · ·M et.r o offman: 'The best team I've ever had .

• •


has won one of the tournaments. second In the Grand Island Invitational. This year's Hoffman said, "It's sort oHronlc that the four teams . team has also had good averages, as Hoffman is place tournament finishes, the boys' golf team favored to win state have each won one tournament. averaging 75, Veltzer, 80, Scarborough, 81, and a chance to be the school's best ever, according to Itjust shows how balan~eq_those four teams are." f::::'' ''' ' ' "' ' ' ' ' ' 'lli Roger Hoffman. One of the only problems the team has had so Hoffman said. "As a team, they're capable of being far has been trying .to figure out the starting linebest I've ever had, but the season's long from over." up. Besides having the best team Westside has evet Hoffman said, "It's been really hard trying to · Hoffman said that the team p[ossesses the best figure out who to play, because we have ten really . in Westside's history. good golfers and can only play five. · Needless to • He said, "Scott Hoffman, (11),ls the best player we've say our qualHying rounds were very competitive." . had at Westside and many consider him the best 1be -team's line-up for the Metro Tournament ! the state. I..ast year he won four of the last five on Thursday, Aprll27 at Benson, is also up for · lttJtrn<nnents, which is just unheard of. He's already off grabs. Hoffman said. "I know that Hoffman, Tim Chapin, 81. a good start." Hoffman has placed fourth in the Veltzer,(l2), and RJ. Scarborough, (12), will play for The potential of the team will be key for a good Metro Invitational, second In the Beatrice us. Contenders for the other two spots are Andy Tournament. "I think we'll win the Metro Tournament, Chapin, (11), Kevin Atkinson, (11), Mike Gacek. (12), and If we all play to our potential, no other team will •vu4<L1UI1i:U, and won the Grand Island Invitational. At the beginning of the season, most of the coaches, and Mike Zadalls, (12). have a chance," Veltzer, said. In addition to Hoffman's performances, After the Metro Tournament, the team will play on . Hoffman, figured that .Lincoln Southeast, lln.coln East, Creighton Prep, and Westside, were the Scarborough Won the Bellevue Invitational and placed Thursday, May 4 in the Burke Invitational at the Knoll's contenders for the state title and so far each team eighth in the Ralston Invitational, whUe Veitzer placed Golf Course.

ambling~ • • I'm back. After about a month layoff. It seems the drinking (I mean drills

is after me again. I want to just them that I only wrote one line them and their actions probably -:PnrPn more than a line. Hut enough let's get Into some real business. This week I decided to touch base with topic of betting. Since Pete Rose the headlines every day I decided write about It too. But Pete, I am on your side. Recently at a party a bunch of guys around talking about the Seaton Pirates and how they were going to Michigan. When I came over waving blue and gold banner, a war with · began. ' · ~nintd

Well, one thing led to another and I knew It, a wager was made on the This wasn't your regular high buddy betof$5,ltdidn't have too zeroes following lt,(only one to be but It was more than just a little

.it's the American way.

flash money.· I've also strayed to Aksarban a few I woke up in the morning wondering Urnes. I enjoy the races, but I think it is the chance of' winning that brings me why I had bet $50 on the game. Betting is a national pastime. Many back. people have a little wager on the game. Even now you see state governors of the I dido 't fair too well last year. That is respective athletic teams betting with why I enrolled in the probabilities and each other. For examp!e, the governor statistics course taught by Mark qf Florida will f----- -- - - - - - - - - - . Stegman, I bet a cr ate of thought I'd oranges to the D.J. Rezac sh<~upen my Nebraska paramutual governor's side Sports editor wagering skills. of beef. So far, I at least So what's know what my wrong If Pete best odds are, Rose puts a on my big payoff · the ponies? I agree that it would be when Stegman and I can blow this stand wrong for him to bet in the sport in which and move down south. he participates. But to bet at the horses, What probably happened to Pete was come on, it's his prerogative. . that he lost a lot of maney and whenit I jo1,1rney across the river every once; came time to pay up he said, "Forget it, in a while to bet on the puppies. How can I'm Pete Rose, I don't have to pay." 1ben I not? With a slogan of 'You Play, We the bookie probably turned him in. Pay.' how can I stay away? I don't . fault Rose for gambling

anymore than I do the guys who play the stock market game. It is the same thing as betting on the horses, just picking a stock Instead of a horse. I saw Rumeal Robinson hit two free throws to- seal the victoiy for Michigan and I thought I saw him cluthcing my $50 in his other hand. But through the excrutlating final minutes I decided that betting that much money is ridiculous for me, but If you have that much money to risk losing, I don't find a problem with it.

I promised I would never bet again If Michigan could just somehow pull it out. Michigan won 80-79 and I started to think of all the things to do with my money. I sarted getting the fever of who I liked In the NBA finals, and maybe I'll go "to I..as Vegas for summer vacation. But novi we're in between basketball and baseball seasons and I promise I'll quit betting. What did you say? You don't believe me? Wanna bet? ·


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RTS Youth corps dominates track Having a young team can make it tough to have a wlnnlllll : season. 1be varsity track team is dominated by youth, and been defeated in its first two meets. As the season progresses things are picking up as "'YT1""""...is gained. ·we do not have a lot of <lepth this year," Don heaci coach, said, ·we are improving, and our younger maturing." The track team will have the Metro meet at Burke High Tuesday and Wednesday, May 2,3, the District meet through Friday, May 8-12, and State will be Thursday and May 19-20.

Experience wards off tension Starting ofT the season poorly leaves room for The Westside girls' varsity tennis team came back after ~w•Jl...,,. to open the season with three wins. The girls' have had more time to play and get acquainted the competitive atmosphere. ·our doubles teams have had time to play together, and are playing better." Jean Jensen, coach, said, ·we are also not as tense, or nervous because have played a couple of matches." The Warrior tennis team will have meets at home Northwest and Burke, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 2 and will have the Metro Tournament at Dewey Park w~~ctni'JilM through Friday, May 10-12. /

Pitching problems abound Good pitching is a key to winning at baseb~. The boys' varsity baseball team has had some problems in this ·our pitching has been a disappointment thi~ year,· ,Moscrey, head coach, said, "but Scott Standish has been ing better lately." · . Scoring has not been a problem for the Warriors. -we score runs:" Moscrey said, ·our problem is sto ping teams." The varsity baseball team will go for andther win a~•m.• Millard North at Towl Park, Tuesday, May 2, and then will be Lincoln High Saturday, May 6 at 10 a.m.

Against the wind· Track practice continues despite the untimely heat. Jenny Johnson, (11}, and Kara

Oestrich, (10}, take relief from the breeze while running.


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Prep next for JV soccer squad Starting a season off with a winning streak can set the for the rest of the season. Even with the junloryarsity boys' of their third game, the team continues to improve steadily. "''his year's team is exceptional not be'c ause of it's wtr:l-JOI...,J record, but for it's overall attitude," head coach BUln.e:sw1g ~-r With team members from three difTerent grades, manages to mature with group effort. "''here is a lot leadet'Sbll~ shown on the junior level. Goals are being scored evf~nl1'1-wbld~ proves we have balance," Kesling said. The JV boys' next game is Monday, May 1, against Cn~igbtl*lfll· Prep at Sunset. !

Herrera injury

Vote for Asher·

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The Warrior win against Lincoln Southeast Tuesday, April was tainted by the injwy of Tony Herrera, (12), varsity SOOI:ailm]l player. Bruce Skinner, varsity soccer coach, sai<! that the mJliDJIIt happened when a fellow teammate ran into Herrera while he trying to head a ball. The teammate's knee hit Herrera In lower abdomen, rupturing his spleen. But according to•kinner, Herrera didn't show any signs 'or such a serious injury. ·After Tony was hit, he tried to get back ·up. He appeared to be hurt so we (coaches) signaled for him to stay down," Skinner said. Skinner also said that once the game was stopped, they attended to Herrera and escorted him ofT. -TIIere are so many Indications of an injury of this seriousness. He showed none of them. He was sore, just like a person with a bruise would be,· Skinner said. Herrera rode home in some discomfort, but was able to driYe himself home. It wasn't until later .that evening that Herrera Celt severe pain. He was rushed to Methodist Hospital and had his spleen removed. "It was unfortunate-for anybody. especially someone in this stage ofhlgh school," Skinner said, •but these things happen. We are all just glad that he'll be all right."

Defense key for girls' JV soccer '

Paid for by the Asher Stoller for Treasurer committee.

A strong defense may be the key to victory for the girls' junior varsity soccer team. A good back four has been a factor which helped produce a 4-1 record head coach · Larry Lewandowski said. ·we have good leadership from our captains Jenny Johnson. (10), Mecalah Haney. (10}, and Brldgette Vivian, (10). Jenny Johnson always does a good job of turning the ball around for us," Lewandowski said. The girls have won every game by four points or more, except in their only loss which came against Marian. Their next game is Monday. May 3, against Bryan.


Kortus, (12), surges ahead with teamBrent Newman, (10), in the Northwest

game played Friday, April21. The Warriors won 1-0.

teroid usage poses problems to students who want to take them. Through his He gave students the and made them practice, he has surprisingly found that more non-athletes desire to take steroids, than the athAs a guest speaker during Drug Educaletes who are in training. Week. 1\J.esday, April 18 in the Student ·r have a lot to do with students in town. ProbaCenter. Dr. Jack Lewis used his profesexpertence to teach students about the bly in west Omaha, there are more non-athletes steroids that could one day severely taking steroids than there are athletes," Lewis said. -nte most common are the kids who aren't their systems. ·r..et me tell you from a doctor's standpoint involved in sports, and just want to to gain weight · steroids can do· to you," Lewis said. -ntey and size." make you stronger and they will give you . _,.. The problem with steroids, like all drugs, is the weight , but you will have to pay the price fact that they are easy to buy. Students who ~buse them, like a number of adults Lewis works it." _, ~ ~ f • I I In his presentation, Lewis told students abo'i.tt closely with, will one day hurt themselves so effects steroids can have on athletes, or · badly. that they will have no chance of survival. ·r take care of power lifters in Omaha. I was who chooses to take them. a person gets started on steroids, it's going to bring one as an example, but he was too to reverse," Lewis said. ·u can cause high embarrassed to be seen," Lewis said. "One look pressure, emotional problems, aggressive at him, and you wouldneverwant to begin taking steroids. Although he is strong enough to lift ••h::.vl•~r, and several different forms of cancer." Although he never prescribes steroids unless three or four of you in the air, he will be dead special medical treatments, Lewis often talks before he's 50."

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What's • go1ng


The Omaha Community Playhouse is presenting ·.Gigi• through SaturdayMay 14. Shows are at 8 p.m . Tuesday through Thursday and 8:30 Friday and Saturday. For reservations call the playhouse at553-0800.

ing ·coppelia• today and morrow at 8 p.m. at the pheum Theater. Tickets $9.25, $15.25, and $20.25. For times and reservations the Omaha Ballet at 7332.

0 The Upstairs DinQer Theater

Bohemians are coming to Music Hall Sunday, May 7 at p.m. General admission ets are $16.25 and Tickets advance are $17.25

is presenting the Broadway musical comedy ·1...a Cage aux Folies" through Saturday, Jun1e 10. The doors open at 6 p.m. and the show begins at 8 p.m. The show is performed Thursday through •Saturday. - Call344-7777 for reservations.

- o The Royals are back. Call - Rosenblatt Staclium at 7342550 for ticket information.


0 The Vidlak's Family Cafe is

presenting ·wyley's Stinker Palace· through Saturday, May 27. Performances are at 8 p .m. Friday and Saturday. Dinner is at6:45 p.m. OThe Emmy GilTord Children's Theater is presenting •Jack and the Beanstalk· through Sunday, May 28. For reservations call the box office at 3454849. 0 Take a parachute ride. There are, morning and afternoon appointments. Contact the Sky Diver's of Omaha by calli!lg 592-4742.

OThe Omaha Ballet is present-

0 ·catch Jungle Fever• join Henry Doody Zoo. A Uy membership is $35 wn,Icn• entitles the member to admission to the zoo through. out the 1989 season for adults and their children. It also to free year-round a<lJrilli;stcln• to Mutual of Omaha's Kingdom Pavillion.

0 Sandi Patti wUl be coming to the Civic Auditorium Tuesday, May 16 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at the auditorium box office. Reserved tickets are $12.75, $11.75, and $10.75. 0 l'he Firehouse Dinner Theatre is presenting •Doubles, • For more information call3468833. 0 To find out more information about these and other events in the Omaha area, call the Events Hotline at 444-6800.

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rincipals djscourage :hotel parties ' ,-

parties during prom and graduation festivities be harder to obtain according to a letter printed in "q_maha World-Herald" recently by Metro prtncithe Sunday, April 9 editi~n of the 'World-Herald," principals signed a letter to parents, restaurant hotel owners and managers, package liquor and all other citizens in the city encouraging not to sell or distribute alcohol or illegal subby prtnting the state law. Statute 53-180 Nebraska Liquor Control Act states, "A parent or other adult who furnishes to amixfor is subject to afme of up to $1,000or year in jail, or both. want the businesses. and community to-work in a cooperative etrort to cutdown the amount ,..,..v••v• that reaches young people's hands, Jim Finprtncipal, said. letter has been published four times this year the first one published at the beginning of first se. Mit's a message from school administrators sayM


ing alcohol use is at an epidemic porportlon," Findley srud. , The plan was ·proposed at a meeting which all the metro principals attended and was headed by Burke principal, Ed Klima. Findley denied that Westside had joined the group because it would make our school look bad if we did not support it. MI would not support anything if it did not ber,tefit the school and I did not believe in it, Findley srud. ~ While adminstrators hope the plan will work. several students disagree. MEven though the principals havesent out letters, students will be able to get hotels and_ whatever they want." Jason Menning (11). srud, "because their money still talks." ' Mit won't (work) because the parents are more likely to let their kids stay at their house drinking than have them out on the streets," Laurte Honeyman, (12), srud. MFor any parent to provi<Je alcohol to anyone else's kid is a mistake," Findley said, "If they getcaught they / should accept the approprtate consequences. M

PUSH (Prevention Using Student Helpers) is spon~ so red a drug education week from Aprill 7 to the 21. "If we could have a drug-free prom it would be great, but it's a great expectation," Kolleen Sparks, (11), PUSH secretary, said. Mit's possible, yet improbable because of the alcohol problem at Westside." Findley agreed, "Any one group cannot turn it all around. Many people are still going to drink." MI think we're a start. In order to start something big you have to start small," Sparks said. Prom is tomorrow night, and some students are planning on having a safe one. MGroups of people don't need alcohol to have fun," Adam Beckman, (11}, srud, 'They just need to be with the right groups of people and places." Westside's post-prom party is held from midnight to 5 a.m. prom night. It is organized by parents to give students a place to go after prom. MI think it will make our city safer on prom night and students will think twice before partying heavily," Joe Frost, (11), said.


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It -Wasn't Tom's Breath That Attracted Me•••

It Was His Record CoUedion. Erin Conboy Weekender Columnist Summer. As a kid it's the greatest thing on Earth. Going to the ,...,, ...... ,~ pool and playing worthless games like Marco Polo and the leader. Those Urnes are the best. changes in high school. Jobs are a main priority and so are And jobs in some areas are plentiful. "This year we're looking for a huge increase in the demand of t!l(a.ssc~Iet·s throughout most of the stare, Richard Nelson, emseiVices co-cordinatorwith the Nebraska Job Service, said. sort of job can otTer money needed for college and enter1........... ~ and also the tan that is desired by any big city kid. job is the job of the century. MBetween 500 and SOO..youths be needed to de tassel- remove by hand the male flower clusters com plants," Nelson srud. tF•'-~'"cu...;y,l'm prtvUeged enough to have a job in the summer, but who aren'tlucky enough to waste their last days ofyouth for something matertalistic, there is hope. "'"''""'''-'"' has a list of jobs at all times posted in the guidance

ll't ~. When people are asked whAr It Is lhat aftrttelt lhem to lhe opposite •••· "'e an ewer is: "'• feclOfd collection. A collection lull of Blahma and Tchail(ov.aky itluatratea fle Thinking Man. Of Talking Heada and the Smifla, lhe floughlfuf hepc:al Of Van Hafen·~ Ratt, lhe tllinking man's third COil lin, twloe removed. Advanced calculua lt'a not,c.but here'a "'• aqua lion: Need .a date7 Buy a record.



For example, Big Fred's Pizza is looking for bus boys and cooks the Westroads theater needs people to work their concession For those who aren't willing to sweat for money, but are for credits there is also a list of colleges who sponsor summer posted in the hallway by the Guidance Genter. Schools such as Barnard's pre-college program in New York, Yale Summer School and Special Programs course· in New n, CT. are there for students to get ahead in college while still school. Summer schools and indoor jobs aren't the only thing Omaha to otTer. ~ouths make up about 65 percent of the employees work as lifeguards at city pools, at city golf courses, or on ,.. ~'"'""" crews in city parks," Ola Anderson, Omaha personel • srud.



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·R·e novation could be district's quickes as school faces western transformation It will be the quickest renovation ever.

In just a few short hours, a portion ofWestside that until now, could never be mistaken as anything else but a school building, will be mistaken. Westside will shed its usual make-up to take on a new look. West~ide will become the ~wild Wild Westside"~estination for those who seek a good time tomorrow evening. Besides adding two words to its nameplate, the changes will be numerous, in preparation for the post-prom party. 1here will be :.;o many decorations and activities going on that no one will ever believe that the Wild Wild West was once Westside," Nancy Behringer, chairman of the post-prom party committee, said. ''The official purpose of the party, ".Behringer said: ~is to o1Ter an alternative activity for students after prom that is more fun than going to a hotel party or to someone's home." To attract these students, almost every imaginable device and incentive is being o1Tered. Just a few of the past activities and attractions that will again be available·are the casino and arcade, videos ofboth teachers and students·, a caricature artist and a disc jockey. New attractions will include a roving magician, a comedian, a computer chorale and a photographer on hand to take pictures of those who wish to change into the on-the-set western attire to attain evidence that they visited the MWild Wild West." An aspect of the party sure to attract party-goers will be the abundance of prizes. Those who attend have the chance of winning a microwave, an answering machine, a CD player, cash, a 1979 Chevrolet Caprice, and many more items. Behringer said

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~:/~;~:~:~ty~s~~::\:~~l:;d~~~~~a~~ :~~~s~~~~~~~ •. · ·0_. ·:=:r decide to come," she said.



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n.ori'7'atte_ ri~U_.· in.·.· .g . . · stu .·d_,.:e. ·· .·.

student opinion of f. ri;esses b~ve been purafter .the &nee~· a . numb.er of ·thebestoufofthee\t:~~g~~Js the party is generally chased, t uxes have been stug~ntS find .It a fun way to an l:mpottanp .g:~al. The " The official purpose of favorable. MI'm plan- tented. an.,d reservations for .·. spend the evening. · •· ·.. ,. thought(l.fstayJn.gathome:all ning on going with my ·' dinner ha..Je been' ' m ade. •·J3rom · . · · · "l'nl not going to prom,• ~l.ght while friends ~ danethe (post-prom) party is date. With all the . night is approaclliQg and stuDebbie Harmsen. (11), said. :fl:lg: the: night awa-Y iS nqf a to offer an alternative games and activities dents have been busllypr.epar- . ;.Instead sbme friends and l are happy one/ lt!S..alSo ' ~of an activity for students that I've heard about. I ing for what could. be called tbe going to the post:prom party .. e:x.citng or memarable way to figure that we should ., bl~st ~oclal nlghtofthe year. which ;:We think will be a lot spend <m ev~lng• .•.• after prom. ~ at least try it to see if · Butforthe stuQentswho aren't more Jun... . "·' "'Th:e guy l"m oseel.fig .l s a Nancy Behringer. There are also those stufreshman In college and I we really like it," Trin- .gomg to prom, eying to;_:find )20St-prom committee chairman ity Butcher (11), said. theil': o.wn..S()urce:or entettaJ.n.... dents who accept go:fn,g out .didn't want 't p ~ hhn to a Even those who will merit rouid 'be a dillleultt~k. with :frte:nds•. and ignore :any "high .school .. p.rom}· 'l'racey not be going have a positive opinion of the party. Mark Chris~rmnotgoingtoprom.soi'U . . actMtythat.hastodowt.th.the •. Lealty, (12). sald •. -we will tensen, (11), said, "I have no plans yet, but that doesn't mean that probably just do something•: .:. J>:J:O~~ •·•· . •••••.• . } • •.•. . probal;>JYjg~t.go oHt:instead, the post-prom party is bad.· With a group of friends, I might con- ~' . with my friends early :in th~· "rm -nofgo.Ing to prorii. be- which.will a:Jso:be fUn." sider going." evening, aQd then a bunch of ca~tt¢osts 1()()m~ch t6j~st ... The.onet:ljingstmlentsfear "We have other plans for the evening, but it does sound like : : us are go~g to the post~prom .,. go V{f-th anyone." .Andy Logan. ·:· mostoabout#otgo.lrig:fo pfO"tn, fun: Brandon Madson, (12), said. ~Maybe if there were less :: party latef that night-," Amy U2J~"_.sald, "I will probably be ·1$ thethoug"ljtthatthey.willbe chaperones, we would go." · •' \Yegener,{ll), said, ·.·. •·• . •':• . . · golng to a pacy or just going stuck:athori.l.e ..wlth"theirparBesides having alternative plans, another reason why students Whatevef' the .reason, 'it\s ·a •• :\. oufWtth friends instead." · •· ents ~- nt.gtit ' ' ':' ·:· •'•·' " · · · · decide not to attend the party is the absence of a date. But as fact. that a. large number •' •., •J:wlll be doing :• something "I .·don't I'm


•·kn~ -what

~:~~~~~ ~~!s~t~~ ra:~;~:r~:~~;; ~~~~~~;~~e::;~=~ :~:;/ ~~~~ti~~!i·:~. :~~~~~~~:· i:':· 1rwirt~eg~:~;u~:~:!~~;~· ~~1~1:~~~:!~d#·= j~:n:vc:

· dates and the rest eame with a group of friends,· she said. ' alw~ys ather options: to the. something," Jennifer ~ller. . promyet:r: ·~ R~by~ (.11}, To witness the quick renovation and to participate in the even ts , ev~~ng. 'llle post-prom party.·. (l~h· ~d.! . ~ere's really nof.: ·. s~<l.:{ jaut :;t£ l)n ·~t- goJ.llg I of the evening, tickets may be purchased for $ 3 until1 p.m. today, is 9~n to any jumor or . ~ntor much you can.do except make ·•• don•t.:.t>lan '(o:. stt at home and or for $4 at the door · _ \.~th' ·or Wit:hout . ~ datr:· . . ,A:l-,,. the best O':!t ofJhe evening." ptope~ouq~.- . · ' ...., thq~gh tl1~d<?.¥.~ t __st~!t w.tm::r:: ....:t9.:::.m9~t.~t1Jd~ts.... .~mak.lng .........•:,:, .......r:. . . ;,"'' ;:;:.,:::;:..,., .r.K:,. .,..__



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Staff numbers continue

as enrollment projections ,. . anticipate fewer students ~Hilimm~;m;:

Physics maniacs Physics teachers are mocked as Paul Fishbum, (11), and Pat Walsh, (11), preform 'an original composition at the annual ·: ···)..-::·=."·":''


.. :·

Mania talent show, Wednesday, May 3. Physics Mania is held in order to give teachers and students a break between units.

:;:;ft··. . .




Declining enrollment has caused two Westside teachers to be released due to the Reduction-in-Force (RIF) policy. 111e reduction comes at a time when enrollment at Westside-is expected to bottom out either this year or next year before beginning to grow again. Westside is the only school in District 66 still experiencing declining enrollment. ' Meeting the state law deadline, of May 15, for informing teachers of potential RIF, Westside announced Monday, May 1 that they will release two staff members due to a reduction in the number of students enrolled . . "The only school (in the district) that has shown declining enrollment in the district is Westside," Dr. Bill Hoyt, assistant superintendent in charge of personnel. said. "The need for teachers is not as great (at the high school) as at th'e middle school which will be receiving some teachers," Hoyt said. Hoyt said that it is not because the middle school's enrollment is on the rise but that Westside's is the only school that could spare aJoss of teachers. This will be the case for another couple of years unless att.Hition of personnel naturally takes place. RIF is common practice to schools such as Westside who experience a loss of-enrollment. As for deciding who will be released, the central staff, consisting of seven members at the ABC Building, along with James Findley, Westside pricipal, and Les Sladek. middle school principal, or any other school principal within the district to whom changes could effect, meet to chose what would be best for both schools . . Mit. (the decision to release certain staff members) , is not based on seniority." Findley said. "We find what is most appropriate to this school as well as to the junior high and then base our decision." / Changes, this year. will come to the social studies department and the science department. Don Patton, social studies instructor, and Ron Rollins, science instructor, will be the two reductions from Westside. "Patton knew that he would probably be riffed at the end of this year," Jim Tangdall, superintendent, said, "and Mr. Rollins was leaving anyway to live in Oregon." Both teachers sre planning to teach next fall and have· many .applications to different sGhools, but have nothing set as of yet. There might come a change in the special educational departments here at Westside by a new addition, but that is still uncertain with the central staff at the ABC Building. Along with the two reductions at Westside there will be a teacher RIFfed from the middle school. Those three are the only permanent staff members to leave the district, but there will be nine part-time. or hourly workers who were hired due to an increase in enrollment, or a permanent substitute basis.

PUSH for awareness through drug education week Mem

appears Using Student Help). Recently, members have been active in numerous awareness activities throughout the community. The PRIDE (Parent Resources and Drug Education) walk, held Sunday, May 7, at Central Park Mall, provided a chance for Westside's PUSH members to link up with the community. "It's an awareness walk. We're willing to say we're straight," Maryanne Ricketts. PUSH co-sponsor, said. According to Pat Christopherson, office manager of the PRIDE parent resource center. the walk was "a visible display to make people aware of drug and alcohol use and make a statement for the kids that it does not need to be a way of life.· The walk itself was only part ofthe afternoon. Other events included speeches by Governor Kay Orr and area

political figures, as well as performances by drill teams, skateboarders, and BMX bikers. "It's just a show of support for those who have made a commitment to a drug-free life," ' Carl Henningsen, PUSH co -sponsor, said. Henningsen has been invited to seiV• on the PRIDE advisory board next year and expect· this to benefit Westside's PUSH chapter. "I will be in on . information that will be new and current," he said. A major event for PUSH members to plan and organize was Drug Awareness Week, April17-21. The theme was "Life is Bright," which was contributed by Erin Conboy, (11). "This is just a cute slogan to say life is better without drugs," Conboy said. Events included a Parent Night forum, which had twice as many parents attend this year as compared to last year, and speakers scheduled during school throughout the week. On the average, 100 students came !o each session. The week ended with PUSH members accepting pledges from

students not to use alcohol or drugs. amidst a wall decorated with gravestones. In return they received a pair of sunglasses, to keep up the week's theme. During the two hours- the booth was open, 250 students pledged. Members of PUSH received a positive reaction from their week's efforts. MI felt it was ac.cepted very well, " Jeff Beier, PUSH president, said. "(Students) were open to our speakers. I think the wall really hit some of them.• "We had to get all the speakers and OK everything with the administration,· Robyn Bearinger, PUSH vice president. said. "It was really hectic.- I think it went pretty well. • · PUSH originally started at the middle school; its Westside membership increased dramatically as these students became incoming freshmen. There are about 300 members this year, as opposed to 90 laSt year.

STANCE. Booklet stresses. social


I did my homework, · but I left it at home and my parakeet probably ate it bynow. · .

I watched a Star Trek re-run instead of aOJI.D21 mine.

By adding social consciousness to the 1989-93 issue of the Westside Community Schools booklet of strategies, beliefs, and objectives, District 66 has made an important new realization in education. While the primary location for teaching values and social and moral consciousness lies in the home it has become a fact in today's society that the valuable home life is being broken apart in many cases. Therefore, while most education of values must still take place in the home there are many cases where that value education has become inadequate and the dillerence must be made up in the schools. · This inadequate value education coupled with the extreme pressures of being an adolescent has sadly brought a need for additional value and . social consciousness to be taught in schools. l'Jso. in today's society there has developed such a wide variety of what is acceptable and what is not acceptable that it may be difficult for adolescents to distinguish between right and wrong. Any constant social and moral values will help adolescents form a line of judgment within_the wide variety and hopefully this will be the firSt step to a social conscious nation. District 66 and the Westside Community Schools should be congratulated for recognizing the need for social consciousness and making it a priority in their latest booklet of strategies, beliefs, and objectives.

RIF clctlms two more teachers Continued declining enrollment has _.again caused Reduction-in-Force (RIF) to release two quality teachers from the Westside faculty. This year's loss of Don Patton, social studies instructor. and Ron Rollins, science instructo.r. will again hurt the overall educational quality of Westside despite the necessity of the reduction. As Westside nears the end of the Reduction-in-Force policy it has become apparent that the RIF's are begin.ning to be felt more and more as the teachers with a large number of teaching years are released. Although ' the declining enrollment is projected to continue into next year. the end of declining enrollment is in sight and the release of additional ·faculty would be an unwelcome sight to all people affected.


"Literary Legacies," the first Westside literary magazine in several years featuring the work of Westside students, was an impressive and attractive booklet that contained many interesting and extremely well-written. stories and poems. · The Creative Writing Club did an outstanding job of gathering and publshing the work of students that would have ordinarily gone unnoticed.

Minimum competencie have once again proven to be - a difficult task for juniors to complete. At press time, 119 juniors had yet to complete the consumerism competency. The problems students . have traditionally had are due to lack of sincere effort rather than overly difficult tests. All juniors and seniors who haven't completed their minimum competecies need to be encouraged to do so.

America's larger , problem traced to national pastime I'm a Communist, and I'm proud of it. scrounge up . a mini-Dwight Gooden and I find myself proclaiming my ties to the Com- awaywithamiracle, butthegeneralrule munist Party dtJ,e to the fact that I play soccer: is that each year they hit home runs on us You've heard of soccer of course; the game so they're going out of style. many baseball players so creatively refer to as How can we expect to compete with ~that ,Communist sport." people in the workplace, when as children Baseball players also lovingly refer to their grow accustomed to getting blown away by own sport as the Great American Pastime. I must Tests show that American children are out admit, this is a well-desen•ed label, because if it's shape. correct that baseball is the true reflection of the Of course we are, because most of us are American people, perhaps playing baseball where the only exercise one problems can be traced · is to occasion back to our National scratch themselves, run around a couple Pastime. Tests prove that taff bases. United States' stuneWS S However, ina dents are some of the game, a player runs dumbest on earth: average of three miles .Of course we are game while ~u'·'"'""''u• when half of our country's youth are out on a stopping and changing directions. baseball diamond saying, ·Hum babe, come boy, In Russia, ' 80 percent of the women fire it in there. Rockin' fire, t9ssin' beebees; atta shotput farth_!!r than Jose Canseco or Don boy." . tingly, and don't think there isn't a good rPOICit\1. . How do they expect us to excel on ·a test You see, evecy Russian child at the age of9 is measuring our scholastic aptitude when we have to the Johan Skinnerbauer School ofRe:girner1t4 kids using such a demented vocabulary? . Soccer Training where they are put ~owever, during a soccer game, players talk hundreds of conditioning drtlls and exercises among themselves not for the sake of sounding obtain that competitive edge. ' like an auctioneer, but rather for use in strategic So the next time your parents punish you planning during the game; a skill which is intrt- taking you to a baseball game, grow your cate in today's business world. Which brings me wear indoor socter shoes, and keep in mind to our next problem. the game you're about to witness could be Baseballmaybetheleadingfactorinourother mining the vecy structure we all love so much. national pastime: getting ourre~s kicked all over And during the seventh-inning stretch, thebusinessworldbytheJapaneseandKoreans. you're feasting on your German (as in East Each year there's a Little League World Series man) beer and Polish (as in Communist) he!d in Pennsylvania, and each year ABC is dumb when that dreadful organ starts to crank enough to broadcast our puny teams from Minot, "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" and a. ND getting beaten 31 -3 by teams from Seoul and Harry Caray tries to sing along, tcy belting out Tokyo. , few verses of the Russian National Anthem. Now, sure once in a blue moon the U.S. will could be doing evecyone a favor.

Kent Bonham

The "Lance" is the official p~bli­ cation of Westside High School, 8701 Pacific St., Omaha, NE, 68114. The "Lance" office is located in Room 122. Advertising rates are available ' upon request Phone (402) 390-3339. The "Lance" is an in-house publication. , The paper is an open forum dis- ' trtbuted biweekly to all students 16 times a year except during vacation periods. Subscription rates to others are $5 postpaid. Non-profit mailing r:ates are . claimed. The "Lance" is printed 'uy the "Fremont Tribune." 135 N. ·Main, Fremont, NE 68025. . Letters to the editor are welcomed. Letters should be less than 300 words in length, signed by the author, and sent to the editor or the ,adviser in Room 122. Unsigned letters are printed upon request The "Lance" is a member of the Nebraska High School Press Asso- ' elation, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, and the National Scholastic Press Association.

Editor-in-chief, Laura Struve. Manaalng Editor, Gwen McGill. Managing Editor, Mason--Myers. Business Managt;r, Kim Ostergaard. Copy Editor, Mary Overholt News Editor, JlmDufi. Asst. News Editor, Kent Bonham. Feature Editor, Karen Nyholm. Asst. F~ature Editor, Debara Dohmen Sports Editor, D.J. Rezac. Asst. Sports Editor, Aridy Chapin Weekender Editor, Nancy Olson. Asst. Weekender Editor, Melissa Partset, Design Editors, Jenny Frank, Jay Nilsson: Photo Editor, Evan Howe. Circulation Manager, MichelleJaeger. Staff Artists, Troy Muller, J.J. Carroll. Pagination Coord., Nick Hansen. Columnists, Jessica Sullivan, Amy Radii. News Staff, Todd Parker, Feature Staff, Allison Kohli, Cathy Pettid, . Anne Wax. Sports Staff, RandallJ. Hallett, Matt Fischer, Burt Cohen. Weekender Staff, Becky Richardson. Mark Carroll, Susie Kiscoan. Week. columnist, Erin Conby. Adviser, Jbhn Hudnall.

Voter registration proves major ~ep for columnist It seemed like it would never end, but at last the Then came the tough question, the one I had been mayoral election is over. The campaigns were marked thinking about for a long time. "Which party will you be by little clashes over issues and a lot•of spending on registered under?" advertising. Thankfully, I'll never have to hear about I joined a party that doesn'tget uptight about affilihow Omaha is a Mfamily ~ town" again. ations. No one will ever tty to :onvince me to vote the I'll miss it a little though. I liked getting free balloons party line. I think that my party is fairly laid-backabout and stickers, not to mention all those nifty signs and the whole party issue. thrilling debates. This election was important to me. I'm an Independent. Not because the candidates were anything special, It was hard for me to make this decision and I think but because I had a part in it. This election was the first it is the right one for me. There are things I like about time I could vote. the Democratic and Republican parties, but when it I wasn 't able to vote in the primary because I forgot came right down to it, I just couldn'tforce myself to join to register. When I turned 18 in February, registering either. to vote was not the first thing on my mind. I thoughr The Vfay some people act about party afl1liations I had plenty oftime. I did- two months, but I nrr,rr::u :.- really bothers me. I remember when a friend had said tinated and missed the dead- - - - - - - - - - - - - - , she registered Republican. Evexy Democrat in the ro6m line. I barely made the deadline for the general election. Laura Struve said she had made the wrong One of the problems I had d f decision. in registering was the fact e itor-in-Chie I don't think that there is a that I didn't know where to right or wrong decision and I go. I missed the registration hate the stereotypes that each · at school and I felt stupid party has about the other. because it seemed like it should be so simple. Some Republicans are alw<!ys complaining about Mthose Thankfully, I heard that anyone could register at a goshdarned liberals, wasting all that money." Some public libraxy. Later I found out there is a number in Democrats are just as bad. They, talk about "those the phon~ book to call for information about voter reg- Republican reactionaries, all they want to do is take istration. away our rights." The major parties also send out a loc of mailings and I went to the libr¥Y, the last day before the deadline, and asked to register. propaganda telling voters how great they are and why The libarian seemed a little miffed that I wasn't peopleshould"votethepartyline." Thepartyofthecanchecking out books, but she registered me anyway. I didate shouldn't be the only reasori why people vote for raised my right hand and swore to tell the truth. She a candidate. asked me for my name and address. _ It's 0~ to be Independent. I don't think it's a cop-out. Ibrought mydriver'slicenseandsocialsecuritycard There just isn't enough choice in a _strong two-party becuase I thought they would need proof of age. system. I'm disappointed that I won't be able to vote in Imagine being carded at registration. The librarian most of the primaries, but there are advantages to being didn't ask to see anyiD, she just took my word for who Independent. I won't receive as much mindless propaI was and where I lived. ganda from my party.

Morgan's keg law will help combat -under-age drinking


On a recent weekend night, a didn't respond or say anything. The time keeping track ofthe local kids friend and I were driving out to a group just kind of stared at me for running through the corhnelds party at Woodcliffe Lake which is awhile as if to say "Who the hell are and was beginning to get mad at west ofValley and south of Fremont you and what are you doing here?" the situation even though they had when we ran into a strange situSo I started again. this time telling left all the4' cars sitting right in ation. them that I was from Omaha and front of him. But because he was We both kind of knew the way to - really didn't know my way around getting so frustrated he let us go the party, but we were going to find these dirt roads and did they happen without even looking at any I. D. the lake more by guessing and.. by to know the way to Woodcliffe Lake? When we got to the car we began trial and error than by any strong They stared at me a little more, but laughing about how .all these local memoxy. We made it to the dirt road then another kid answered and told kids went out to a lonely dirt road that we knew led to WoodclUie, but directions in an upset tone. and drank only to abandon their we then spent a lot of time - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . cats and go running through driving around up and down M M the cornfields in attempt to the road not able to find the ason yers escape the policemen. It made lake or any clue as to how to · d ·t me think Of similar times in get to it. managmg e l Or Omaha where the police will break ' up a party and all the While we were driving up and down this road we had kids freak out and go streakseen a large group of cars ing through neighborhoods. ·parked along a small dirt road with We said thank you and began walkI guess that kids will be pretty people standing around that I ~ing away listening to their remarks much the same"wherever they are. guessed was a bunch of local high with one kid even yelling out "Nice but the situation also made me school students out for a couple of white shorts, pretty boy." think about P.J. Morgan's idea of beers. When we were about half-way numbering all the keg~"" sold in At first we just laughed at the back to our car. a police car drove up Otp.aha so it is possible to trace the gathering and the situation and with his flashing lights on and began kegs the police confiscate at parcontinued to find our way, but soon to move his spotlight around txylng ties . .we got frustrated. We weren't hav- to spot the kids panicking and runAs it is now, when the police bust ing any luck in finding the lake, so ning away from their cars. I just a party of minors. the kids will just we finally decided to find the group stood in front of the cop car for a run otT and abandQn the keg and oflocal teens and askfordirections. second and started to think of how the cops have nowayoftracingthe When we found them, we parked stupid it would be for us to get keg to a store to find out who pretty far away from the group and busted with all these local high bought it. But if all the kegs were began walking toward them. As I got s<;hoolers when all we did was just numbered, when the police confiscloser I started to see the people stop to ask for directions. The cop cated a keg they could find out wearing their cowboy boots and yelled at us. "Come here boys and which store sold the keg with that blue jeans, with Coors Light beer let's see some I. D." number and then bust the store or cans scattered across the road. 1bat's when I beg~ explaining the person who bought the keg. Some of them were even sitting at a that we were minors, but we were It seems to me to be such a table in the J?ackofapick-uptalking from Omaha and had nothing to do logical idea that I am surprised and drinking. with this party except that we noone had thought of it before. I walked over to a group of four stopped to ask for directions and Although I think most high school guys to ask for directions from a big that he could look at my license plate beer parties don't have kegs, this kid who was leaning against his or my driver's licence if he so desired. idea would definitely help police pick-up with his legs crossed but he The policeman was having a hard combat the huge keg parties.


Minimal renOvation planned for ·summer Last summer's renovation projects included QJ.e need for renovation in the past and'will in the future," There will be some renovation this summer through- construction of a new Strength Complex, and renova- he said. Oth(!r improvements and renovations to take place out the district, but not to the extent of the major tion of the shop area. "Ilhink the money that we spent renovation Westside has seen in the past five years, Jim for the weight room made sense at the time," Findley are replacement of windows in the math and English Findley, principal, said. said. "What we've ended up with is a first-class facility departments. "Those windows are not heat-efficient at all. We lose "I don't think that there wiUbe any major renovation to b~ proud of." · ~t Westside this summer," Findley said. · Findley said Recent 90 degree heat has caused complaint about too much heat so they wUl need to be replaced," he said the district has had a schedule for renovations since some classrooms in the math, English, social studies, Findley said the windows will be replaced sometln;le in the future. 1982, and 1988 was the last year for renovation of the _and business departments not being a,ir-condftioned. Other renovations that have taken place recently are: Westside school building. "I think that generally excess heat wUl not cause any "In the past five or so years, a lot of renovation has problems," Findley said. "However, it's one thing that 0 1982: Concession stand area and cafeteria. taken place here and I think we've done enough, at least we need to look into for the future. There will be more 0 1983: Pool locker room area. for now," Findley said. _ renovation of Westside in the future, and when that 0 1985: Foreign language IMC and hallway. P 1986: English and Math wings. , However, renovation will be taking place elsewhere in happens, air conditioning will become necessary." the district. "Westside Middle School is currently Findley said that as programs change, the building 0 1987: ConstructionOfStudentStudyCenter, renoconstructing a new gym, and that obviously will take a will need to chang~ with the~. "I see renovations and vation of Business IMC, lockers in Foreign ~'""'U'""f;" lot of money that can't be used here," Findley said. additions as a sign of progress. This school has had a and Busine~s wings .

Music groups plan shows

Sophomores lead world

May is the time when many groups stage their grand finale, as a way of closing down the year and bidding a fond farewell to seniors. The music department is no exception; there are several upcoming concerts. Tuesday. May 16, at 7:30 p.m., the Warrior Band concert will take place, featuring senior soloists. Mo d<.~~..; May 22 at 7:30p.m. will be the final choral concert, with all chorus groups participating. Wednesday, May 24, at 7:30 will be the Honors Concert for the orchestra, with many senior soloists performing. All of these perfomances will take place in the auditorium and are free of charge.

Sophomores become the leaders of the world du'rtng United Nations Day, Wednesday, May 17. The social studies department holds an annual mock U.N. assembly in which all sophqmore World History students participate. The meetings will convene after homeroom and adjourn at 1: 10 p.m. after students have a sack lunch in the stadium. Students will try to amend, reject or accept resolutipns proposed in the genc!ral assembly that deal with world problems such as terrorism, the environment, human rights, and chemical/biological warfare.

FBLA names new officers

Arter spertdil!g .weeks on a project that basically constitutes the gratle for that quarter most students feel thayd~erve some credit. One Westside senior received that credit Tuesday, May 2, at 7 p.m. Brian Polt, (12), after entering the Metropolitan Omaha Builders' Association (MOBA) 35th annual architectural awards program at Millard South, re' ceived an honorable mention on his house rendering and a $300 scholarship or $250 CD for his first place Children's Museum layout. '

Polt merits contest prize

Officers for next year's Future Business Leaders 'of/ America w~re determined in elections Friday, April22. Next year's officers will be Jason Brune; 1 (10),1 president; Case Goodman, (l 0), vice-president; Kipp Howard, (10), vice-president; Bonna Scheidt, (10), ·recording secretary; Sara Bestenlehner, (10), redording secretary; David Boyer, (l 0), treasureer; Sherry Boot. 10), historian; Dave Clark, (10), historian; Bridget Weide, (10), public relations.

Foral ·places In top ten

SAB e.l ects offlce...rs


Class officers-and. Student Advisory Board (SAB) representatives for the 1989-1990 school year were elected Wednesday, May 3. "I think the election process went well and I alSo feel sorry for those who put in all that time and effort and did not get elected," Mason Myers, SAB president, said. Next year's senior class officers are: Matt Schultz, president; Darren Hartman, vice-president; Robyn Bearinger', secretary; Asher Stoller, treasurer. Senior SAB members are: Melinda Butler, Ted Fellman, Matt Gerard, Dave Goldner, Kolleen Sparks, and Jodi Slusky. Junior class officers are: Matt Glasrud, president, Brigette Vivian, vice-president, Jeff Engel, secretary. and Dave Fehr, treasurer. SAB members !ll'e: John Fudge, Bill Griffiths, Eric Hofschire, Terry Mayfield, Troy Meyerson, and Ryan' Mye'rs. · Next year's sophomore SAB members are: Dave Clark, Adam Findley, Todd McCollister, Mary Ann McNeal, Jon Schannon, .and Angie Weaver..

NHS selects . new lea·d ers National Honor Society members e'lected officers for the 1989-90 school year. The winners were announced Tuesday, May 2. The officers, all juniors, are: Amy Radii. president; Da-v:id Goldner, vice-president; Alissa Jacobsen, secretary; Tim Olsen, treasurer.

I '


Democracy-in action Mark Christensen: (11 ), participates in the d~mo­ cratic. process as he votes for class officers and Student Advisory Board, (SAB), representatitves. Candidates gave speeches Tuesday, May 2 and the election was held Wednesday, May 3. SAB members"ran the election booth.

Journalists receive awards

Westside's "4tnce", won first place at the annual University . of Nebraska-Omaha Competition as best \ newspaper in the metro area. "I'm very proud of the "Lance" because its highly unusual to get this award The Westside Warrior Band placed third at the two yearS in a rov.~," Laura Struve, (12), editor-in-chief National Adjudicators' Invitational Competition in of the "Lance", said. St. Louis, Mo last weekend. The band was entered in Struve and Ke11t Bonham, (11), tied for first place for . the toughest divislon, divisions being decided by the best front page layout. Runners-up at the competition relative diffi.culty of the music being performed. includedD.J. Rezac, (12), best sports story; Bonham for There ~ere four locations throughout the United best news event story and best column; Amy rutdil, States where selected bands could perform, and (11), best column; Kim Ostergaard, (12), best advertise- those recieving a rating of superior were eligible to ment; and Troy Muller, (11), l*st cartoons. perform in the natinal competition to be held next In the Nebraska High School Press Association year in St. Louis. The Warrior band received a rating competition, Jeff Zanarini, (12), won ·first place for ofexcellent. In order to cover expenses of the four yearbook theme developoment and second place for day trip, band members participated in many fund yearbook copywriting. Mason Myers, (12), won third raising activities: car washes, popcorn sales, candy place for sports news writing. sales, ai_ld a band garage sale.

Band rated excellent


HPlV A1fM£ Ill ...f1% lql(fR f6t!MtP Pie-





• ..I

Rob Fora!, (12), and Mark Graeve, (12), were the two members of Westside Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) who went to national in Orlando, FL. Tuesday, April 2~ through Friday, April 28. Fora! placed in the top te~ in the automotive and petroleum marketing division. Graeve failed to make finals in th~ food marketing division, but ·just getting to national is an honor and anything above that is extra good," Don Gilpin, DECA sponsor, said, "DECA did very well this year." :

I '






1 ronment and their friends," Joe Each individual has his own idea Weber, (11), said. of what is right and wrong. Morals Change in morals can also deciding these factors come from change with the decade. The various places in a teen-agers life. bestseller MClosing the American Often the decision making is part of Mind" focttses ()ll change in moral a trend, and numerous people· • , elimate. MWhat the book says is ( follow suit. that our society has basically ~ - -- · Teen-agers are taught morals become more relativistic," Kirwan ·· from several different things, or said. Min the 1980's there has situtations they come in contact been more emphasis on doing your with through their lives. ~e oldown thing. In the 1960's there was fashioned answer of where teena great outburst of radical idealism, agers learn their morals from would and everyone was trying to reform be the family. the church, and the society," Kirwan said. neighborhood," Kent A Kirwan, ''The 198dts is a time when professor of political socialism at people are much more concerned the University of Nebraska at about taking care of themselves Omaha: said. MBut now, the answer and not reaching out to help would also be television and music." others," Johns said. "It's the 'if it "Teen-agers do a lot of searching feels good do it, don't care about and experimenting and are still in a others' attitude." stage where they're developing "I think the 1980's are basically morality," Rob Linde, director the 'I' generation. People are more concerned how they're going to be Teen-agers do ·a of youth at Countryside Community Church, said. . and how much money they're going lot of experiment- ~ey are taught morals from to make," Chris Porterfield, (11), said. 1hey're not wondering ing and are still in television, media, parents, peer groups, and teachers. 'should I join the Peace Corps and a ,... stage where Basically (they come from) help all those people2'" anybody or anything ·they The 1960's was more of an they're developing come into contact with." amoral-oriented time. The late '60s morally, MFor all people in general, and early '70s may have been a their morals come from a time with more of a concern, foundation laid by parents. especially co:qcern with the VietLinde, youth Throughout adolescence namese, and political concern," morals are shaped by parents, Johns said. director, Country..: and after adolescence they are "Even more so than the 1980's, I think the 1970's was the 'me' side Community constantly tested by peers," Rob Johns, sociology !nstrucdecade," Linde said. The trend of Chuch. tor, said. morality in the 1990's remains "I think teen-agers get uncertain. "I think the 1990's will their morals from home, develop the me, you, everyone working together to_ make it a better television, teachers with good character, and basically a lot from world attitude," she said. other students," Asher Stoller, (11), "I think the 1990's will have a said. Mlf it's a good individual, they trend with a healthy and unhealthy can get their morals from themside. Morals will turn to religion selves. They don't need to rely on especially for teen-agers. Morals other people. They know what's will return to an idealism that will good for themselves." be somewhat like the 1960's,· "I think people get the'r morals Kirwan said: from parents when they're growing "I don't anticipate a change in up. Once they are teen-agers, they peoples' morals," Johns said," I see then get the!ll more from their envithe same type of pattern."



Valu·es change: Society, parents 11ave large· effect on value systems

Pressures put on teen-agers today have caused differences to surface between the generation of their parents and the generation of today. Pressure under causes students to make hasty decisions with several different influencing groups. Dealing with these • pressures will many times cause adolescents to go back and rely on their value system to help them make their final decision. "Adolescents today have more pressures on them than any other group of people," Bill McConnick, sociology instructor, said. "They have to make moreserious decisions concerning most social problems such as alcohol, drugs, and sex in which they have to believe more and more in their own value system." · The forming of a value system is a process that builds over time. People have come to believe that many of the 'values learned by today's youth come from what their parents think is right or wrong. 'Teen-agers today don't really make their own system of rights and wrongs,"

McCormick said. "Evecyone zero and pick up their values environment they live in." Psychiatrists have found most young adults set up parents. Most of their moraJII and their environment. their children have the --·--.._ teen-agers' values parallel Mike Holland, child and In:unanuel Medical Center Other factors as well the building of a value svsrem• seem to have influence in an adolescent's life," someone's value system is impact. They influence more and clothes." Religion is another

Youth get involved in causes, organizations to-,benefit society '


~!lf!fliJ~:ru:mm::~n~~-m it was a fashionable, in-thing to do. Teabags thrown in the-ocean may And because it was popular and was seem pointless to the obseiVer, but part of an Min" group, alotofstudents the Boston Tea Party was certainly who didn't even understand what not without a cause. they were doing became involved. The colonists may have had obKids today know more and those who scure ideas in order to prove their become involved are more sincere point, but at least they were making and notOoJnt it just because it's fashan effort to improve society. ionable. They are not doing it just for In the same sense, people today ~ "'" a grade," he said. should continue to fight for their 'it' f J The question is _often posed on beliefs. But should students get l \"K. 't.lf I whether one student really can make involved in societal matters? lll'ioa difference in society. "I don't think One student feels that it is almost an individual can make a truly great mandatory that the younger generadifference, but I think the efforts of a tlon get involved. "It's imperative number of individuals can," Wise that young people in the country said. start getting involved because w~.-'re Krenzer thinks students can make going to be the leaders in the future a dllierence if they have faith . "You and that's kind of scary," Matt have to believe you can do something Schulz, (11), said, before you can do it." ''The political realm in society is Local politics provides this opporsuch an incredible force. The govtunlty for change. Min local politcal ernment has so much power, that if campaigns there is a smaller pool of you don't voice your opinions you're voters. Every volunteer helps at that gonna lose your rights," he said. _ level," Larsen said. "Students should Schulz is active in politics. MAll my follow the motto to think global, but life I've wanted to help society and act local." help individual liberties. I knew I Young people in general abuse couldn't live with myself if I didn't do their right to vote. M18 to 2 5-year-olds something." have the worst voting record of any Most students don't feel this way. age group in our nation. One way to "A lot of students don't care," Al reallymakeadifferenceistogotothe Wise, social studies instructor, said. polls and vote. If all 18-years-olds "They see their life in relationship to would vote in the mayoral election their home, their school and their they could maybe make a difference," pick of friends. What goes on In the Wise said. rest of the world really has no effect Through local politics the youth upon their life, although it does." could change the way government Doug Krenzer, (12), is involved in a.___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___. thinks. "If youhg people would ornumber of different environmental organizapeople that I meet who are really having a ganize themselves as well as the elderly they tions such as "Green peace" and "Amnesty hard time. I'll come with a smile, I'll leave with might get some programs that would change International." "I started when I was young. a smile, and hopefully they'll leave with a working hours or raise wages. Young people smile too," she said. are discriminated against in. this society by I saw "Green peace" on the news and I decided to get involved. From then on it snowballed. In the 1960's movements for society were busin.e ssmenand by institutions. They could If you ask about one group you hear about ten popular among young people. Today there get politicians to listen to them if they would more." isn't as much interest. "I don't necessarily get more involved," Wise said. Krenzer feels that more people should be agree with the things people did in the '60s, Possibly more importantly is the personal active in these organizations. "Environ- but I wish more people acted like it," Schulz gain received when getting involved in this mental problems I think pose one of the said. "I see so much apathy today. People way. "It's a real growth experience and it can biggestthreatstohumanityicanthinkof. It's reallydon'tcare,theyjustwanttohaveagood enhance a person's outlook toward life in a slow, gradual decay of the earth that a lot of time." general. It's a life-long learning experience in people don't realize could happen," he said. - Professor David larsen, professor oflaw at working in the public sector that will help Although some of the clubs Krenzer is in Creighton University thinks this inactivity is them to become leaders and understand the will go to as much of an extreme as tying because of tl1e wide variety of causes. "In the system. Experience is a great teacher," Wise themselves to bridges to prove a point, he is '60s there seemed to be national issues where said. not as active. MI'm not on a crusade or: ; there was broad agreement. Today I'm not MPeople will put me down because I'm a anything. I just write letters to free prisoners sure there are the significant numbers of libertarian. They're (libertarians) probably of conscience and people who had their people who would gravitate on them. Of those never gonna get anywhere, but I know it's human rights taken away. I'm not as active as people 'who are involved, there are a lot more right," Schulz said. I could be," he said. · directions to go, then it becomes difficult," he Success in life isn't always the color green. Other students get involved in more persaid. ' "It's really rewarding to candystripe," Sparks sonal ways. Kolieen Sparks, (11), helps indiWise thinks that although the number of . said. lt doesn't pay in money, but knowing viduals by candystriping at Bergan-Mercy students involed is not high, the sincerity is. thatyouhelpedsomeoneis better then getting Hospital. ~ere's always been a couple "Ithink in the '60s and even into the early 70s paid."


a. Very Imr ·




How facto a. Very lmJ:

of a value system by making an individuiil feel that he/she should stick to his/her values. "Religion doesn't really add to the system, but it helps form it (value system) by engendering the guilt one feels when going against or breaking their value system." Holland said. Today's value systems are harder to live by. Teenagers have a harder time living by what they believe in. "They (teen-agers) do fine when facing most situations, but when it comes to the more ethical situations, teens show some differences in their systems than their parents. Teens are more promiscuous in today's society than the one their parents grew up in," Holland said. "It is hard for teen-agers today because the normals of the right and wrong thing to do is so difersified in today's society," McCormick said. "If society would live up to its expectations and gave our teens all the honest answers they need, then it wouldn't be so hard for them (teen-agers) to live up to their beliefs and fully follow their value system."



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Aprtl 20 Westside 6, Northwest 0 Aprtl21 Westside 0, Papillion 3 Aprtl 24 Westside 1. Millard North 0 Highlights- Jennifer Wills scqred the winning and only goal as Westside upset No. 2 Millard North. Aprtl 27 Westside o. Marian 3 May 2 Westside 8, Bryan 0

Aprtl 22 Aprtl26 Aprtl29 May 3

Westside 4. Westside 7. Westside 1. Westside 2.

Northwest 0 Millard North 0 Papillion 1 Bryan 0 ·

Aprtl 25 Westside 1, Millard North 2 Highlights- Millard North defeated Westside on a penalty kick in an overtime shoot-out. Mew 1 Westside o. Prep 2 M;ay, 2 Westside 3, Bryan 2

Aprtl 25 Westside 4. Ra~~ton 5 Aprtl 27 Westside 5. Bellevue West 4 May 1 Westside 7, Benson 2 Westside 3, Northwest 6 May 2 May 3 Westside 2. Burke 7 Highlights- Nancy Olson fiqtshes regular season with 13-1 record in No. 1 singles .


. Aprtl 21 Westside finished second out of 16 te<JIUS at the Norfolk Invitational. Highlights- R.J. Scarborough fmished flfth as he shot a 75. Aprtl24 Wes~ide160. Millard North 160 . Westside 160, Burke 161 Highlights- Westside won the double dual in sudden death. IAprtl 27 Westside won the Metro Tournament' Highlights- Scott Hoffman won his second straight Metro championship. Andy Chapin and Ti,m Veitzer finished third and sixth respectively.

Aprtl22 No team results Highlights- Jenny Johnson broke her own personal record in the 400 meter with a time <>f 58. 5.


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/. '



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Oltman · seeks •Improvement High -jumper ·sets personal goals · With the second highest jump In the state, Todd Oltman, (12), leaps toward the state meet. "Ijustwant to continue to improve," Oltman said. "So far this year I have jumped higher at almost every meet. I think that's my best quality as a jumper. If I can continue this trend, I think I'll do real well for the· rest of the year." Oltman began his high jumping in the fourth grade at Westgate. He said that it was at track and field day that he had his first experience with jumping. He continued to jump through elementary school and then graduated to Arbor Heights where he had to teach himself. "I was pretty much on my own at Arbor," Oltman said. ~ere wasn't any specialized coaching -at that level which meant that I had to work by · myself a lot of the time." When Oltman came to the high school, he found the competition was much harder. "I learned quickly that I had to work even hard to improve at the same rate some of the other jumpers. It was a complete change from Arbor." It wasn't until this year that Oltman began to .r ealize what all that hard work had done. In the frrstmeetoftheyear,hejumped 6 feet, 6 inches and won in a jump off. He continued to take

first place in the Westside Invitational, Bellevue East Invitational, and the Lincoln High Invitational. He also claimed 1 second in the Millard South Invitational. After all this success, Oltman said that there is still a lot to be done. "I stlll have a few goals to meet. The first one is to win state. I would also like jump 7 feet, 2 inches by years' end," Oltman said. Oltman gives credit to Don Patton,.. boys' head track coach, for his success. "Ever since I was a sophomore, he was help_ing me to improve my form or to keep my mind In the game. Also, in the last year, Coach (Rick) Vranicar has helped me too." , Oltman's main competition will come from a jumper from Grand Island. "Chris Murrells has the highest jump this year (7 feet, 1 1 I 4 inches), but I think that I can get that high," Oltman said. !he most important thing that I have to remember is that it only takes one jump to win. But on the other hand it may be that same jump that could make me lose." Oltman plans to continue his jumping next year at either Iowa State -or at the University of Nebrasla-Lincoln. He said that he someday wants to win a big eight conference meet .


Up and over Practicing for the state track meet is high jumper Todd Oltman, (12), who has posted the second highest jump in the state this

year. · Oltman also placed second 'i n the Metro track meet with a jump of 6 feet, 9 inches at Burke Tuesday, May 2.

Boys'· golf squad c·o u-l d champions·hip d'r ought .


~nd '

R.J. Scarborough won the Be!levue Invite During the 1988-89 athletic season Westside sports teams have vied for a state ch~plonshlp and Scott Hoffman won the Metro Tourney for the second consecutive year. 1h many sports. . Westside golfers have been extremely con·u looked like for the first time since 1971 we weren't going to win a state championship. Don't sistent this year. Coach Roger Hoffman said confuse that with the idea that none of the this may be . the best team in years that Warrior teams were successful, because winning . Westside has produced. Scott Hoffman leads the way with a '75 a state champlon~hlp Is not the sole determiner of average he has won the Grand Island Invitaa successful season. " But despite the lack of hardware Westside has tionai, Metro, and finished second at Beatrice. Tim Veitzer averages 79 and has been conraked iiJ. there still is hope ofa state championship for us. · sistently in the top 10 in tournaments includThe girls' tennis teain Is trying to regain their ing second at Grand Island, fifth at Metro, and · top form and get back on top from the first time ninth at Norfolk. since '87. Scarborough averages an 80 an~ along with 1be boys' golf team his victory at Bellevue probably represents our he placed fifth at NorD.J. Rezac best s4ot at winning a folk. state title. After a runSpor:ts Editor Andy Chapin is ner-up finish in 1987, fourth with an average and then a fouth place of 81, and tied for secfinish In 1988, the boys a He lost In a golf team Is ready to make run Granted, I think golf Is for the birds. I mean, p@~off and ended up with a third place medal. The last golfer has been Kevin Atkinson who · you hit a white ball w~th a crooked stick and then walk after it, and hit it again. I think If you find has been averaging an 82. He's been rotating the thing you're lucky. Pick it up and go home. with Mike Gacek and Mike Zadallis. But the So far, in the 1989 season the Warriors have fact that the- Warriors' fouth golfer tied for finished first in two tournaments, second ln.two second at the Metro Tournament shows the tournaments, one third, and a fouth place finish quality of play the Warriors have through their top five golfers. in the Beatrice Invitational. The·two tournaments that the Warriors have With three juniors in the top five this year won are the Bellevile Inviatlonal and the Metro. Westside will be near the top again next year. If In both the Bellevue and the Meto meets Westside they don't win it all this year, they will re-load and shO(),t for it all again. had individual winners.












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Picking up the pieces of failed marriage MSee You in the Morning" is a drama about picking up the pieces and starting over after a marriage fails. Jeff Bridges plays Lany Livingstone, a New York psychologist who leaves his wife and children for another woman. His marriage is on pretty shaky grounds to begin with because he is so insecure a.bout his relationship with his wife Jo, played by Farrah Fawcett. Jo is a beautiful model who could have any man she wanted. During their separation he meets Beth Goodwin, played by Alice Krige,

who is a photographer who just recently became a widow. After a bit of persuasion Lany convinces Beth to many him, which means adjusting to her children and his new surroundings. It takes a while, but Beth's children, played by Drew Banymore and Lucas Haas, finally warm up to him. Lany doesn't feel comfortable living in the house where their late father lived, but he decides he will for awhile because it represents a sense of secu.rity for the children. MSee You in the Morning" is rated PG-13 and can be seen at the Indian Hills Theaters and the Orchard 4 / Theaters.

'.C ontrol' good choice for family viewing from it to his daughter's situation. The comedy that ensues is cute and MShe's Out of Control" is a movie refreshing. about the relationship between Doug The plot of the movie is interesting Simpson (Tony Danza) and his matur- and the'humor is original enough. The ing daughter Katie (Ami Dolenz). After mevie's downfall lies in its mediocre her 15th birthday, Katie gets a total acting. Danza's and Dolenz's characbeauty makeover. When homely Katie ters are believable, but some of the suddenly becomes gorgeous naturally minor characters are about as real as all of the boys flock towards her new cardboard cutouts. found beauty. The tame subject matter makes Simpson is confused about this this PG movie a good choice for family drastic change and her sudden inter- viewing. It's definitely not the kind of est in boys. He isn't quite sure how to movie to be seen six times in a row, and deal with this n~w situation so he . is the type of movie that leaves little if seeks the counsel of Dr. Herman any impression on the viewer. MShe's Fishbinder. Fishbinder happens to be Out of Control" is a movie thatcould be the author of book about raising seen once and then never thought teen-age daughters. On Fishbinder's about again. It's playing at Q-Cinema advice, Simpson reads the book and 6, South Cinema 7, Cinema Center, applies the knowledge he has gained and AMC Westroads.

What's . gorng '



King's film: simple, scary, good ai«l~flf~:t~Uf- baddie~ or egg-laying mo~er aliens t~ ·make It scary. His action doesn t Stephen King is definitely the undis- involve a muscle-bound hero canying puJed heavyweight champion of the a combination M-16- shotgun-mah'Orror literature. But, up to this time, chette killing Communist terrorists. all of his movie efforts have failed to Stephen King takes a man who has capture that litera:p' genius. Only two lost his child and puts him into a real of his previous movies were horror life place here on earth. It':;; simple. greats. Those were ~e Shining" and - .It's scary. It's good. All that is needed MSalem's Lot." Now, another of is a supernatural twist to the story Stephen King's novels has come to and a few special effects to help your life. MPet Sematary" is a great horror own imagination complete the effect. tale that will scare you and take you Stephen King can take you into a on a psychological' trip through the place that would make Stallone nm mind of a genius. away screaming for his mommy. It is currently playing at Cinema King is a mastermind at manipulating real life, so the movie is scary. He Center and Q-Cinema 6. It's well doesn't need underwater mutated worth the money for this trip.


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'Headlights' shine bright

• ::f'

itself learning along with this student-learning how to combine words of the alphabet to compose Reading this or any other article in this news- an eloquent thought. paper may seem like an easy task. but for one out This student finds that it is difficult to learn, of every eight people in this country, reading a hut the rewards make up for the effort. Amajor simple street sign or medicine bottle proves to be theme of the production is that there should be no difficult, let alone reading newspaper text. shame at not being able to read. Rather. the Illiteracy was the selected topic for the Magic shcme should come from not trying to learn to Theater's recent production of ~Headlights." read .. Motivated by the joy and importance of reading, With so many bizarre props and a fantastic the theater made a ·b old attempt to both enter- music selection, the show was never boring. tain and educate audiences. After all performances, the audience is invited to Well-known for tackling controversial sup- - visit with some of the production crew members. jects in a different and unique way. ~Headlights" Limited seating enables a small audience to was no exception. Preceding the actual events become fully emersed in the action of the play at of the play, members of the cast and audience the theater. The actors are sometimes just two were invited to come -up onto the stage to share feet away. their favorite quotes. Hearing these quotes As for future plays, on Frtday, June 9 and underlined the importance and power of words. Saturday. June 10, ~Lucy Loves Me" will be preThe situations in the play re-acquainted the sented by Migdalia Cruz. audience with the applications of reading. WithIf nothing else, viewing a performance at the out this valuable skill, a manual to put together Magic Theater causes audiences to think about a bike or gun would be useless, and filling out an what they have just-seen. It was interesting to ob-application form for employment would be im- serve that those who might have benefitted most possible. The cast did a fine job of displaying the by watching ~Headlights," didn't come. frustration of not being able to read. Those who did attend may not have needed to Tum on those 'Headlights' The audience witnesses an apathetic student have gone, but did so to be entertained ami to who at first believes that he can do without this learn more about illiteracy. In an indirect way, Cast members of "Headlights" accompany a creative script skill and then realizes his misconception. When however, a production such as ~Headlights," with a numerous amount of bizarre props to encourage avid reading. _, he commits himself to learn, the audience finds benefits everyone.

Disco dead? Not quite yet Disco is not dead, but after-hours could be. attendance of primarily teeny hoppers. Even now as I write this I can hear moans of \There are some drawbacks to the ~after hours" protest from the anti-disco heads around the dancing. There could be some problems with the school, but it is true disco is in jeopardy and its younger crowd hanging out with an older crowd fate is soon to be_decided by the city council. and they could have some influence on the ~After hours" dancing has been the subject of minors. Plus the fact that it opens its doors at complaints by the Omaha Police Department 1 a.m. The rumors of alcohol being present there because of the noise after hours isn't from night clubs such as feasible because I the Safari Bar, the Erin Conboy don't think any bar Metro, and the Run. · would take the risk These clubs offe'r Weekender columnist or bein~ shut down dancing for young because they adults when they close served minors. their bars usually about What suprises 1 a.m .. The case is hard to try because the liquor me the most is when we had a tornado wartning business is regulated. In order to gain entry to the in the area and Hot Scott's voice told my family bar, participants must be 21-years-old. But while were camping in our basement that the since they quit serving liquor at about 1 a.m. they Metro was still having it's Sweet 98listeners party then can let t:10se under 21 in. at 8:30 p.m. that evening Realistically the city council is cutting their That is unreal. People would brave earth, wind own throats if they pass laws against the ~arter and rain to dance. hours" dancing. They still haven't come to terms I think the candidates for our mayoral election with the Dodge Street situation. By not letting are refraining from speaking for or against the those young adults go to a supervised place like issue. Since the issue is the result of the police the Safari bar they are basically leaving them out department's complaints, I don't think Boyle of options for things to do and they could very well would like to upset them again. end up in the woods or back on Dodge Street. What is life coming to? One of the Bee Gee's Those who do find other places to hang out and is dead. John Travolta is!l't parading around the dance might never be satisfied with where they screen anymore. What if disco is dying? Someend up. The good old family basement might body better tell those Europeans, because they night not do the trick and the Flip Side has an have thousands of discos.

Drama department to premiere 'Evening of Andrew Lloyd Weber' It will be a true night for the arts, one which includes song, dance and drama all combined into a musical extravaganza on Monday, May 15. It's ~An Evening ofAndrew Uoyd Webber," and for the music and drama departments, it's the premiere of what may tum into a yearly occurrence. ~u·s going to be something ·that's totally different from what we've ever done,~ Larry Fortney, drama instructor, said. ~u will include all elements of the arts, and will be an event that everyone should see." The musical will include all aspects of Andrew Uoyd Webber's famous works. "Cats," ~Phantom of the Opera," "Starlight Express," and ~Song and Dance" are just a few of the musicals that will be presented in the show. "I think that the Andrew Uoyd Webber musical will be very exciting," Amy Tomasek, (12), said. "This will be the first time Westside has ever honored a single composer. It should be quite an evening." . . . ._ With all the time spent on this production, the Warrior Voices feel that their performance will be a big success. It's a formal, classy evening, that along with the wide variety of music, will have a few surprises in store for the audience. ~I think the show will be one of the most exciting things the . Warrior Voices has ever done," Robyn Bearinger, (11), said. "Although it takes much more time to prepare, I know that the rewards will be greater than any other show we've performed." ~rm really excited to be a part of this production," Christine Co~. (11), said. "It:s a very classy show, and I have a feeling it will be very successful." . "An Evening ofAndrew Uoyd Webber." will be performed in the auditorium at 7:30p.m. Tickets cost $2 for students and $3 for adults.


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lnzerello selected to replace Schleifer;

administrative numbers reduced at semester

will have a new assistant principal next year to replace two vacated positions. Jim Tangdall, superintendent, said that Bill Schleifer will retire at the end of the school year, and Lee Perkins will move to the ABC Building at the end of the first semester for the 1989-90 school year. Perkins will work with Bill Hoyt, personnel director and assistant superintendent, who is retiring at the end of next year. Perkins will work closely with Hoyt for one semester, Tangdall said, so he will be ready to fill Hoyt's position. Tangdall said that AI Inzerello, principal of Prairie Lane Elemen~ tary and ReckCurrent admlnlsttative statistics brook Elementary, will be School Enrollment Administrators moved to .,Abraham Lincoln 1,150 4 Westside to fill .A3ellevue West 852 3 the positions left open by -.Burke 1,800 4 Perkins and ..Central 1,850 5 Schleifer. .Millard North 1,953 6 Inzerello has ~orthwest 1,300 4 been in the dis""a pillion 1,480 5 trict for 19 ~!~Ralston 970 4 years, and was .,~Westside . 1,510 6 principal at Rockbrook Elementary for the last ten years and atPratrie Lane Elementary for the last five ears. ·rm'rehlly excited about the position; Inzerello said. "It will be a new job and a new challenge. I am ready for the chalfge." Inzerello said that his job title has not yet been determined. He said that there will probably be soine reassignments for next year, and he will meet With Jim Findley, principal, in the summer to determine where he will fit in to the administration. Tangdall said that while only one ofthe two vacated positions will be filled, he feels it is necessary to have at least five administrators in Westside's building. · "Ifwe·had a traditional school with a seven or eight period day. I wouldn't think we'd need as many administrators. But modular scheduling and the extensive program we offer are big workloads, and that impacts the work of administrators," Tangdall said. Tangdall said that having five administrative salaries will not hurt the taxpayers. "It would hurt them only in a very miniscule way. If you factor that out into a 23-plus million dollar budget, any taxpayer wouldn't notice it," Tangdall said. · The positives of having five administrators far outweigh the negatives, Tangdall said. ·r think that having those administrators is one of the reasons that the school district is recognized as one of the outstanding school systems," Tangdall said. "It allows the high school to offer a broader. more extensive program."

United we stand

Sophomores posed as diplomats · of the represent the country of Guyana during the United Nations at U.N. Day, Wednesday, assembly. All sophomore World Histol)· May 17. Corey Pettit, andMarkJenson, (10). students partifcipate in U.N. Day.

last of the decade Commencement slated for May 31 !:lti.MTI~f{fjffi}lli1f~IDft! Pomp and Circumstance will bid a final farewell to Westside's 36th graduating senior class at the commencement ceremony Wednesday. May 31. The traditional ceremony will be held at the Omaha Civic Auditorium at 8 p.m. to formally call an end to the high school education of the class of 1989. District 66 School Board members will be present to pass out diplomas to approximately 450 graduating seniors. There will be four students speaking on the theme of reminisence, and the senior class officers will present the introduction, invocation, and benediction procedures or· the cere-

moriy. Commencement speakers will include: Kris DiMartino, invocation, benediction; Christopher Patil, valedictory address; Karen Nyholm, salutatory address; Anne Mayfield, selected,. speaker; Scott McCollister, selected speaker. Baccalaureate is another traditional ceremony addressed to the graduating class. Fewer than half of the graduates usually attend the ceremony. 'We usually hav~ about 40 percent of the students attend, but with family we fill the auditorium fairly well," Jim Findley, princi· pal. said. Dr. Jerry Hazelrigg will perform the farewell sermon in the

Auditorium Tuesday, May30, at 8p.m. Speakers at the baccalaureate ceremony will include: Debra Larsen, invocation; Mazy Overholt, benediction; Jeff Vorhees. scripture reading. As the seniors prepare to leave. Findley reflected positively on their accomplishments and contributions. "I think every class has its own personality. You always have some really outstanding people who make a class go and this class is no different,· Findley said. "The school year generally goes as the leadership of the senior class goes. I would say this year has gone rather smoothly."

• worr1es educators outbreak Measles !~tmtM~l!l!!~Rtff~R!¥Ei!:!i&lW~f!:i1Willrt:=f:lMl~llliHnNli An unwelcome disease, measles, ha s made its presence known again. No cases of measles have been reported at Westside or in Douglas county, but several potential measles cases in Douglas County have been investigated recently, John Weston, a Douglas County health official, said. "And the problem is much more serious in some of the rural areas," Weston added. As many as 75 confirmed cases of measles have been reported statewide. Measles are spread by droplets of the virus in the air being breathed into the lungs. "Obviously. the virus can infect the respiratory tract quickly." Weston said. Measles vaccinations have been required ever since their discovery. Darlene Clark, Westside head nurse, said. "However, some vaccines that were administered to students that are .n ow high school and college age may not have been very effective," Clark said. Clark said recent studies have shown that immunizations for measles before 15 months of age may not be as effective because those vaccinated are too young for the antibodies to protect against the disease. "Students should find out if they were vaccinated before the age of 15 months. If so. they may not be fully

immunized. The only sure way is to get a blood test and to check the number of antibodies in the system." Clark said. "There has · been new information that says old vaccine& and vaccinations before 15 months are not as good," D·1nna Kendall. Future Medical Assistants (FMA) sponsor. said. "Measles may be thought of as a common childhood disease, but it's not. It can be a very devastating disease that affects the brain. eyes, and ears. It's best to play it safe." she said. Clark said the outbreak of measles in Nebraska may have started at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) or another college. The measles virus may then be passed on to people who come in contact with infected university students. "What we're concerned with is university students getting infected with measles and then coming home to visit friends and family," Clark said. "If a student is infected and returns home to a small community, the entire population of that society could become infected ·also." High school students may then, in tum, become infected. "There were Westside students at a party on Friday, May 5 with some college students (from UNL.) On Monday, May 8, the Department of Health called the

students who attended that party and told them that someone who was : at the party broke out with measles," Clark said. "They then checked on the immunization records of everyone at the party and recommended that some get a re-vaccination." Clark said. After the measles virus infects the respiratory system. a fever, sore throat and rash will develop. Finally. red koplik spots will develop frotn the face and move down to the lower body as the fever intensifies. "Once someone is infected with measles, it could be 15 days until they break out with the koplik spots," Kendall said. "During that time, anyone the infected person comes in contact with could also become infected," she said. "When the koplik spots reach the bottom of the body, the patient feels terrible. If the virus does not leave his or her system, the patient may develop inflammation of the brain," Kendall said. Weston, Kendall, and Clark all emphasized the importance of making sure of being immunized with an effective vaccine. Due to the demand for immunizations, many hospitals in the Omaha Metro area have run out. A supply of the vaccine was shipped from Iowa last week.


"Fortunately, there have been no exceedingly hannful senior pranks so far!" ·

'89 graduates face challenge As the 1988-89 school year draws to close and the Westside graduating seniors prepare to face life after high school, the graduates of 1989 should appreciate the outstanding education they have received at Westside High School. Graduating seniors will leave high school with an advantage over many other high school graduates because of the opportunities and the outstanding education that has been presented them during their years at Westside. A Westside education can be an invaluable asset in the future for the 1989 graduates. At a time when only 80 percent ofthe population ofthe United States holds a high school diploma, the 450 Westside graduates should be proud of their accomplishments, yet not be satisfied. The Westside graduates of 1989 should be encouraged to pursue their interests a~d desires beyond high school. Although it constitutes a beneficial first step to receive a high school diploma, achievement beyond high school needs to be encouraged. After every tassel has been shifted to the graduate side, the Westside Class of 1989 will face a challenge and an opportunity to continue their excellence. Best ofluck to the 1989 graduat-es.

'Lance' switches to weekly Weekly editions of the Westside "Lance"-- a formidable task projected by the journalism department -- will be beneficial to next year's student body because the format will allow for more timely news coverage of school events. Along with timeliness of news stories the format will allow for further strides in the overall quality of the weekly publications. _ The rising number ofjournalism students has allowed the "Lance" to take this step forward and that number is a result of the quality program that has been developed through years of effort at Westside. An important part of the strong development of the Westside journalism department has been the positive support of the Westside administration and t11e District 66 community. For the Westside "Lance" and "Shield" to continue to make strides forward support for the journalism department is essential. · Naming AI Inzerello as an As the end of the school administrator at Westside for year and summer approach it the next school year will be a has become apparent that an beneficial move primarily air conditioning system is because it will provide a dif- necessary in the classroom ferent 'took. New faces, opin- portions of the b41ldlng. Effilons, and ideas are usually cient education Is made Important to an administra- much more dlflicult with the tion maintaining .a fresh out- extreme heat that is felt at the look. Along with the change of beginning and toward the faces there should be a reas- end of the school year. Imsignment of responsibilities to provement of the cooling sys·examine lfWestslde needs six ' tern should immediately beadministrators. come a priority of Westside.

Tbe •'1.4nce" is the official publiEdltor-ln-cble!, Laura Struve. cation of Westside High School, · MaDa,U., Editor, Gwen McGill. 870 1 Pacific St., Oinaha, NE, 'llallll,U., Editor, Mason Myers. 68114. The "Lance" office is lqcated ·Bualne._a Mallllger, Kim Osterin Room 122. Advertising rates are gaard. Copy Editor, Mary Overavailable upon request. Phone holt. News Editor, Jim Duff. Aut. (402} 390-3339. The "Lance" is an Newa Editor, Kent Bonham. Feain-house publication. ture Editor, Karen Nyholm. Aaat. The paper is an open forum dis- Feature Editor, Debara Dohmen tributed biweekly to all students 16 Sporta Editor, D.J. Rezac. Aut. times a year except during vacation Sporta Editor, Andy 'Chapin periods. Subscription rates tooth- Weekender Editor, Nancy Olson. ers are $5 postpaid. Non-profit Aut. Weekender Editor, Melissa mailing rates are claimed. The Pariset, Deaien Editora, Jenny "Lance" is printed by the "Fremont Frank, Jay Nilsson. Photo Editor, Tribune." 135 N. Main, Fremont, Evan Howe. Circulation Manager, NE 68025. MichelleJ<teger. StaffArtlata, Troy Letters to the editor are wel- Muller, J.J. Carroll. Paglllll!fon comed. Letters should be less than Coord., Nick Hansen. Columniata, 300 words in length, signed by the Jessica Sullivan, Amy Radii. Newa author, and sent to the editor or the Staff, Todd Parker, Feature Staff, adviser in Room 122. Unsigned let- Alltson Kohli, Cathy Pettld, Anne Wax. Sporta Staff, Randall J. Halters are printed upon request. The "4Dce" is a member of the lett, Matt Fischer, Burt Cohen. Becky Nebraska High School Press Asso- Weekender Staff, ciation, the Columbia Scholastic Richardson. Mark Carroll, Susie Press Association, and the National Kiscoan. Week. columnist, Erin Conboy. Adriaer, John Hudnall. Scholastic Press Association.

Editor reflects on smooth year; places deadlines in background we have been. There were only two papers In the It's like the -e nd of an era. · Sure, I'm excited about graduation and finally area that are not censored, and we are one of leaving high school, but there are many things them. The principals at the other schools approve about Westside High Schol I will miss. Journal- story ideas and read stories before they are ism is one of them. This year seems to have gone printed. One editor said that his newspaper was by In a flash as I see the last deadline approach- only a public relations tool for the school; it wasn't allowed to report the news. I want to thank Jim ing. It seems as though we were just trying to meet Findley, principal, for never subjecting the the first deadune of the year, In September. and ·r.ance· to that. Journalism and the ·r.ance· have taught me I was going crazy. But there have been 15 other many things. I learned that it Is Impossible to put editions since then. offa deadline, no matter Next year it will all be different. The •tance" how much I might have Laura Struve wanted to put it off. will . come • out every week and· there will be I learned more in i two staffs for the editor journalism than In any other class. Sure, there to direct. There will be twice as many dead- · ~ : iewp . o,i _ nt were bad times. LOTS o( bad times, times · lines, and it wili seem that there are twice as many problems. when we stayed at school untlll 0 p.m. at night to · · One problem that the •tance• has ne\rer faced meet a deadline, or when t,he computers broke Is ,censorship. ·With the HazelwoOd --decision qf ~own right before the deadline. - Md maybe one January, 1988, it · haS t>ecome a lot easier for thing 1. never quite leaned was.how to control my school admli,l1strator8 to censor high school temper. - J apologize to my stair for that. newspapers. But, journalism was lots of fun and even Not too. long ago, I was at an open forum of though it drove me crazy some of the time, and I'm editors in the Metro area, and I realized how lucky sure It took years off my life. I know I'll miss it.

e Double standard Is applied to activities Dear editor: Olympics, putoneveryyear. WhUeattendingthis I see a double standard at this school. The ad- meet will not make a runner faster, the experlmlnistrat:fon permits activities' that require time ence gained from the attendance of an extravaaway from school for some groups, but not for gant event like this can only be positive. · others. Point in case: The band was allowed to In the future I would appreciate the adminitake time to go on a ski trip. but the track team stration examiningw}lat they allow for some. and was not allowed to have a single day off to go to dlssallow for othe~;s a little more closely. the Drake RelayS. The track meet at Drake Is - Thank you, possibly the best meet, with exception to the .Jim Ryan, track member


Senior election results Would warm Bush's heart Several jaws dropped when junior class members revision of the student Constitution, a document many heard the results ofthis year's class officers' election- students did not even realize exists. Few have ever laid including the candidates. These two characters (presi- eyes on it, and Matt plans to change that. (On an aside, dent and vice president) could easily be called eccentric he and Darren both admitted they h~ven't read the by Westside standards and have already made names whole thing, but Matt felt that "the first line is a blatant for themselves preaching the political causes so dear to insult to students.") their hearts. Liberals may be looking for a cave in Darren also has plans for improvements. "Last year which to hibernate next year as the dynamic right-wing there were too few people doing all the work," he said. duo of Matt Schulz (president) and Darren Hartman His goal? MFlrst and foremost, I think, is to get people (vice president) take control of the senior class. involved in student. activities." Both of them hope to get Matt is already known to those juniors who took real student feedback on their actions, as well as to keep World History last year for his large-group lecture on in touch with people for reunions in the future. I assume the practicality of Star Wars, and in spite of a soft- these will be classy affairs, since Darren threatened his spoken appearance, for his slightly acid campaign classmates with being seiVed Bronco burgers at our speeches. But now he's excited,about hi::: and reunion tfwe didn't elect him. Either those burgers are looks forward to taking an pretty lousy, or these two had active, vocal role as the stusomething going for themAmy Radii dents' advocate next year. MI habit, for one thing. They was really excited," Matt said. have run together unsuccesscolumnist MI was surprised I won by that fully in the past. Darren said big a margin; this year I was defeats never got htiD down; really pessimistic." he would just keep txying. "I He assured me that his . kind of thought of it as a rite of involvement with the establishment of a Bible Club will spring," he said. not affect him in his role as president of the senior "I think the students just wanted to give us a chance," class, nor will any of his other political views. was Matt's explanation. Darren attributed this victory Darren, his running mate, made no such promises. to non-stop campaigning, as well as a turnaround in MI'm not going to lie- (politics) will have a real slant on student opinion. MI think it"shows a lot of maturity," he how we do things." Nothing too radical I hope? MAll said. Why, thank you. "" women will be forced to wear veils and sit at the back With their political views in mind, I'm inclined to take of the room," he said. Another reform is Mkeeping a jaunt to Cariada next year, but I'm just too curious liJ:>erals out of the orators' box." (Sony, Darren, you about what they're going t9 try around here to leave. I said it; I didn't.) It's possible that the goal of most girls tried to pick a nice, upbeat topic for my last column of will be to keep Matt alive and well, next year, to reduce the year, since it will be awhile before anyone can write the risk of Darren taking his place. a letter to the editor. Seriously, these guys do have some action-minded I'd like to thank everyone for putting up with my ideas for next year. "I think (Westsiders) would like to wacky "viewpoints" this yerr . Don't wony; we'll all be see more done on student rights," Matt said. In back next year to comment on all the news that's fit to particular, he wants to get started on the writing or print ... and then some.

Educational emphasis misfcikenly placed on·material awards, honors 51,510,000 seconds. For those who somehow manage to consistently merit the widely coveted Perfect Attendance Award, 51,510,000 seconds is a fairly accurate approximation of the amount of time spent in school from kindergarten to graduation. For the rest of us, it's close enough to the ballpark to be able to squint at the game. At this stage, 51.510,000 seconds is a substantial portion of our lives, a substantial amount of time that hasn't always been very pleasant. It's been 51,510,000 seconds ffiled with homework, graded dis-cussions, tests, lectures, essays, notes, research and countless other duties. We're told that it's the payoff that counts. As testimony to this intangible payoff, the district is ever ready to heavily publicize, tf not flaunt, the indicators of its educational excellence, such as standardized test scores, national awards, and scholarship money earned. Yes, it is nice to be recognized, but sometimes it seems as tf Westside is involved in one giant, continuous pep rally. Rah. rah. rah We have nine National Merit Semifinalists. Sis boom bah We earned more University ofNebraska-Lincoln Regents Scholarships than any other schooL Yeaaaa, us.

The problem is not so much the publicizing of these honors, but the educational emphasis with which we are earning them. The majority of the student body doesn't seem to be interested in the process of!earning, but rather, th~ material rewards of schooling. Let's not play any games. We all

know that tests are often ap- rather tall ladder to graduation. proached merely as exercises in rote We left elementary school with memorization, as tasks performed to skinned knees and bruises. We left earn an impressive grade. Why? junior high (or "middle school") still Grades and class rank are consid- in an awkward, transitional stage ered extremely important because and maybewitll braces. In a matter they are heavily relied upon by col- of days, 451 of us will leave high lege admission officers who are school, in all appearances as young important because they decide adults. whether to grant a person access•to The physiological changes were that all-Important prestigious col- inevitable. Mental maturation, on that it Is essential to be admitted the . other hand, is obtained only - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . , through conscious effort. Karen Nyholm The incentive behind the determination to grow up menhas to be mature in it" feature edit,or1 1 tally self. --.. . 1 J , • jPJ . I · It- i~ a -childish attitude to labor in school for the sole purpose of snatching the to so a high salaried position can be smiley-faced treat that awaits 'in the promised land of Good Stuobtain~d. so that...Before this beThree-year-olds behave coip.es more of a run-on sentence dents. than it already Is, I'll stop. Realize themselves so Sant{l will bring that it could be lengthened ad them a Big Wheel. Five-year-olds suppress their tears when given a nauseum. shot because they know the nurse In their song, "Blister in the Sun," the Violent Femmes growl out the will send them on their way with a lollipop. Adults can face challyrics "I hope you know that this will lenges without expecting a goodie go down on your permanent record." in return. We may find we're better The threat of a 'permanent record' people to face the challenges of keeps many people from breaking learning for the sake of learning, rules. Unfortunately, it also drives rather than reaching for the high others to seek recognition at every school door prize. tum. Until stress is taken off tangible, Guess what? It's all a hoax. For show-offable awards or honGrs and most things in life, THERE IS NO PERMANENT RECORD. At age 30, if placed on learning, there is nothing to cheer about. It is not very diffianyone remembers who received the cult to pass through an education Outstanding Senior Award, or the Omaha "World Herald" Distincollecting good grades and congratulations, but unless a person guished Scholarships, It is only gathers far more valuable abstract going to be the recipients themnoun types of rewards inside himselves. No one else will know, or even self, then 5 I. 510,000 seconds Have care, for that matter. been wa'sted. We're all nearing the top of the


Be~ringe~ ·wins_Dis~ey


award; feels drug-free mess·a ge is vital

IN'- BRIEF C()P,petencies needed for pass

One requirement for graduation is completion of all compeBearinger moved to District extracurricular activities. She tency tests. Currently, 103 juniors and seniors have not com- . 66 the summer before her fresh- was junior class vice president pleted their consumerism competency. · Early in her sophomore year, man year, where she attended and was just elected senior Juniors who had not completed their consumerism compeRobyn Bearinger, (11), decided Westbrook Junior High school class secretary. She is a memtency.were put on ·restriction one mod a week starting in late to take a stand. , thefollowtngyear. ~efirstday ber of the varsity basketball . Feburaty, ."J'he consumerism test is one that students have the . MOnenightlwentoutandone at Westbrook I was scared to team, and an athletic trainer. hardesfUme ·tn passing," Donna Kendall, coordinator, said. <·. o( the people I was with got ·death because I was the . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . •Plitting st~dents on restriction was simply an incentive tri' drunk. I literally had to take the new kid on · the block." get the consumerisnr test completed," Roger Herring. assistant keys out of her hands so she Bearinger later told the principal. said. · - wouldn't drive drunk.· Bearin- story of the first time she . . If a junior has not passed all competencies bythe end of this ger said. MBefore then, I knew felt she was accepted. year. or has three tardies to homeroom in a 30-day periop. they drugs and alcohol were bad for ·u was after our first junior will not be eligible to get a senior pass.. .. ·. - . . you . but I never used to preach volleyball game that Students who have passed all seven competencies received 'Don't drink and drive, don't people recognized me as a note saying so during homeroom Tuesday. May 16. · drink and drive,· now I know the more than the new'girl at consequences are much more school. Someone came serious.· up to me after the game · Since that time, Beaiinger and asked me and a This summer's.Westside .drama J?roduction Will _ feat~;e ~h; has been an active member of friend for our autographs. Broadway and movie smash. "Grease." . . : : •• · · Westside's PUSH (Prevention Since then I have felt acThe play Will air Wednesday, july. 6, and continue throtigh Using Student Help) Club and cepted: she said. Saturday, July 8, showing at 7:30p.m. each night. The production will be held in the Westside Auditorium and should last has recently been rewarded for Bea$ger cites her her efforts in spreading the mother as a major infiumore than two hours. • . . / .· Ticket prices will be $4 for aduits and three for students. ~d cirug-free message. ence in her life. MShe was The award is called Dreamers always telling me, after I young~r. ·· . and Doers presented annually would take runner-up in a con- She said she would like to be a Fortney - t~kes by the Nebraska School .1\Ctivi- test or after not playing in a physical therapist in the future. ~ Along Witl:t LanyFortney and Lorraine Rogers, English in~ • ties Association in affiliation basketballgame, thatsomeday, "I really love spOrts. I've grown , structors, 30 WestSide .students and five relatives, . · ·. ·· with the Walt Disney Founda- something will come up and I up in a sports-oriented family. I tion. To receive the award, won't be second-best anymore," don't know what it is about Rogers' granddaughter. Willtour Euro[>e. · •..· ··.··•·:·<·· ····:·..···•· candidates had to be a junior. be she said. thein. They keep me busy, and The group will leave early afternoon on Monday;'Juiy 1 . actively involved in school and Another contributor to · they keep me from eating all will tour six countries, including England, Scotland; . •·,..,·,··~·u, community activities, and ex- Beartnger's views is profes- winter," she said. · Gern1any. Belgium aQ.d Franc~: · :July ·· ··· · · · emplUy what the late Walt sional basketball player MiAsforkidswhosoonwillhave Disney called the "Four C's": ~ chael Jordan. ·He's my idol. I to deal with the pressures of curiosity, confidence, courage, don't watch a lot of basketball . _drugs · and alcohol, Beartnger and constancy. on television, but I love it. I offers some simple advice. ·I was really excited when I know what his ideas are on "Don't start. Self-esteem is found out I won. I didn't believe drugs and alcohol and I just what makes you strong enough it at first, and I really still can't want to be like him. • to say no. So learn to like yourbelieve it," she said. Bearinger is active in many self.· ·

"self-esteem is· what makes you strong enough to say no. So learn to like your$elf. ~

'Grease' performed in summer .'


Robyri Bearinger


30 to Europe

Summer school students . seek to improve education ~


Every year schools across the nation are filled during the summer with students wanting to accel~rate their education, or to add credits to meet the school requirements. The Omaha area is no exception. Some schools may offer more than others, but some sort of sumlner education is offered. Westside's swnmer curriculum has ·a full program of classes available. So students from the District 66 area and other school districts can fulfill their summer academic needs. . Westside, along with other schools in Omaha, offers classes to students who, (or some reason·o.r another, did not make curriculum requirements


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -

For information, contact Joe Frost ~-------390-0425--------~






classes consistofEnglish, math, ~cialand natural siences, and physical education. and need to have add credits make up astudents class. These "We also a goodor numQf!rof who decide to take a summer school course to try and accelerate themselves," Roger Herring, dean of boys, said. Along with these classes, Westside students have the. option to enroll in as many athletic courses as they Wish. Some of these include volleyball. football, tennis, soccer, swimming, and even a weight training course open to both boys and girls. For students who are in need of credits or making up a class, they have one of three possible options. One option is to wait to take the same course during the same semester of the following year along w,ith their other courses. Many students find this a bigger hassle due to the fact that not only do they have to make room for the class, but they must take it on top of other classes. Another option is to take a summer school class during the times allowed for that class, and then not have to wony about it the following year. This option seems to be more productive for students when they are taking a summer course,because it is the onJy thing to worry about.


The third option is to enroll in a correspondence course from the University of NebraskaLincoln, (UNL), which will charge a tuition fee, but some stUl prefer the self-motivated procedures used. The pass/fail rate for this method is lower than the summer school rate since the student has to force himselves to ~tudy. Without someone over their shoulder to make sure the work is done, some students find it easy to procrastinate untU it is almost too late. These and other courses can be found in the Westside Community Summer School Ouide in the main office. But there are still some courses that Westside does not offer that the student may · opt to take. One such course is the Nebraska Schola:r Institute, (NSI), summer workshop held at UNL. The university sponsors the ·honorary program opened to seniors from students across the state. "NSI ~give the eleventh grade student the eXperience of a complete college life," John Thomsen, middle school counselor, said. The camp specializes in getting the student more familiarized with college life and the differences from high school. The areas that the camp offers are Integrated art; (fine arts, music drama), world affairs and social sciences; Science and technology; mall group seminars that focus oil job resumes, left brain/right brain dominance, and counceling. Westside is presently. sending 38 students to NSI, which is down from last year's total of 44. Creighton University is offering a program also which is opened to 10-12 grade students. The student can chose two fields from four to participate in at the camp. The .four offered areas are sculpture; memory cultivation; writing for radio; math and science. A good way for students to find out what courses are available is to see their counselor or pick up a booklet from the main office.



'Lance' plans ~witch to weekly; Bonham, Waldman to lead .staffs Jenny Waldman, "Shield" editor




Debra Dohmen, managing editor

Abby Gordon, associate editor


Howe, editor


Weekly editions of the ~Lance " will be implemented next year to take advantage of the large number of j ournalism , s tud ents and increase the timeliness of news. The new format for the ~ Lance" as well as next year's staff for the ~Lance" and ~shield" were annolinced at the annual Quill and Scroll Banquet held Wednesday. May 10 at Erin Court Convention Center. · The d ew format calls for the "Lance" to consist of k s taff Aand a ~taff B that will . alternate weekly in publishing an eight page paper. This year the "Lance" was published every two weeks with a single s taff producing each paper. There were 33 s tudents on the "Lance" staff in 198889 while there will be 45 students on the entire "Lance" staffin 1989-90. Also announced at the Quill and Scroll Banquet was the Outstanding Journalist for both the "Shield" and "Lance." Jim Duff, (12), news editor was named the Outstanding ~Lance" Journalist, while Julie Woodbury, (12), editor-in-chief was named Outstanding "Shield" Journalist.

The editor-in-chieffor both s taffA and Ryan Miller , entertainment staff, David staff B of t he "Lance" will be Kent . Lun dquist, Matt Glasrud, columnists; Troy Bonham. "Lance" staff A includes: Evan Mulle r. art editor. Kent Bonham, editor-in-chief for the Howe, managing editor; J enny Frank, busi"Lance," said , "I think the hardest thing ness manager; Njck Hansen, graphics editor; next year will be getting everything coorDebbie Masters, design editor; Kate Morse, copy editor; Amy Radil, news editor; Melissa dinated during the first couple ofweeks.· Pariset, feature editor; Matt Gerard, sports "I think we will becom e more of a news editor; Erin Conboy, entertainment editor; newspaper because our coverage will be Alec Walker, circulation manager; John more timely." Bonham said. Fudge, assistant news editor; Terry Lodes, T.J. Seward, Michelle Sullivan, news staff; Kristina Lundquist, assis tant feature editor; Kevin Grubb, feature staff; Bert Cohen, assis~t sports editor; Matt Fischer, sports staff; Lisa Hagedorn, Tracy Vonasek, entertainme nt staff; Jeff Engel, columnis t ; J .J . Carroll, art editor. "Lance" staff B includes: Debra Dohmen , managing editor; Allison Kohli, bu siness manager; Nick Hansen, graphics editor; Ryan Myers, design editor; David Boyer, copy editor; Will Becker, news editor; Anne Wax, feature editor; Andy Chapin, spo rts editor; Todd Parker, entertainment editor; Cathy Pettid, circulation manager; Eric Hofschire, assistant news editor; Bridget Weide, news staff; Jessica Sullivan, assistant feature editor; Debbie Campbell, feature staff: Brendan Engstrom, Gerry Fey, sports staff; Susie Kiscoan, assistant entertainment editor;

The "Shield" staff in cludes: _J enny Waldman, editor-in-chief; ,Rick Kelley, managing editor; Abby Gordon, associate editor; J eff Hellbusch, copy editor; Joe Frost, photo editor; Meg Hoffmaster, Pam Olson, design co-editors; J en nifer Wills, stud ent life editor; Anne Hu urman, assistant student life editor; Heather Thomas, Kim Gifford, people coeditors; Angie McVey, Tina Netsch, assistant people co-editors; Christine Kozal, organizations editor; Jeanie Cutler, assistant organizations editor; Heather Masterson, sports editor; Sheila Evans, assistant sports editor; Paris Heckman, academics editor; Meredith Donlan, assistant academics editor: Amy Zoob, advertising editor; Dana Sweetwood , assistant advertising editor; Pete Hazelrigg, head photographer; Chris Fasbender, Bil) Griffiths, Brian Hauptman, Jeanine Rasmussen, Kate Scott, photo staff.

Valedictorian realizes long-term goal ij{.ft$%k~ifu

ffii?#d'ffff>f. fii.fri#M

One can equal two. With the logical mind of a student of science, Chris Patll, (12). may fmd that statement contrary to all scholarJy principles. Paradoxically. even as he doubts it, he validates it. 1\vo scales, total mark points and mark point average, are used to determine class rank. As a ~:~;eneral rule, this results in two valedictorians. But conformity is not Patll's style, and this is one rule he had no qulams about breaking. In a circumstance that has not occurred for a decade, since Brent Elder was the sole valedictorian ofthe class of 1979, Patil will finish his high school career at the top of both ranking scales. "(First on both scales] means that not only has the student taken a lot c>f courses, but he has also maintained an unbelievably high average in those , courses," Lynn Hansen, counselor, said. To Patil, it will always mean something more. _"I think being valedictorian of the class showed me that I could be best

a t something if I tried hard en ough," Patil said. That feeling intensified when Patil discovered his rank was one on· both scales. "I felt elated. I felt elated that I was the only one. I felt elated that nobody was -tied with me. Whenever you have a long-term goal that's been realized, you feel really good. It's one of those right brain things that you can·t put lnto words,~ Patll said.' Becoming valedictorian was an aspiratlon of PaUl's since the end of his sophomore year when he learned one scale ranked him first. ~en I found out I thought that it was something that was worth maintaining. Of all the honors that people get, this is the one that's probably most concretely based on work rather than anything else," Patil said. Patil attributes self-m9tivatlon as the driving force behind his efforts, but along the way, he did hnd other inspiration. "I had a lot ofoutstanding teachers while I was at Westside. 1\vo of them who perhaps stand out most clearly as influences are Don Meredith and Al Gloor," he said.




...--- -.--..wot'~Uiiilll- ..~..,_.,.w' rw.n..-.--~.u...-r...r-.u

Patil designated AP U. S . His tory, Advanced Senior Math, Calculus, and debate as the best courses he has taken. Patil encountered his share of valleys on his path to the top, but he said that they didn't di§ courage him. "People who work really hard, while they may be respected, a:re not especially admired, and they get a lot of flak for working hard. I .don't care what other people think about [my class rank) whether I'm valedictorian or last in the class, because it was a personal goal and a personal value that led to the amount of work tha~ I did for it," he said. That level of work was significant. "I had to think about working on school and not take very many breaks ever for three years straight, which was not very much fun," he said. Patil eyes the future with visions of breaking other rules and standards. "I'm going to Stanford. I'm probably going to major in one of the technical sciences or engineering. I want to make a mark everywhere I go, and I want to change something," Patll said.



Thinking it over Taking a break from studying, Chris Patil, (12), looks up from his book In the Business IMC. Patil is the valedictorian of a class of 451. He is ranked first on both the total mark point and mark point average scales.

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Scholarships granted to college-bound Graduating seniors who received scholarships arc: Donalcl Allison: Kearney State College President's Scholarship; Krlaten Bermel: Metropolttan Community College Scholarship, Mtd· Ctty Bank Achievement Scholarship; . Heather Blga: Cornell College Scholarship Recognition Award, W.R. llotchklns Foundation Scholarship; Jay Bonham: Westside lllgh School International Club College Schol· arshtp; Peggy Boot: Northeast Missouri State University President's Com· bined Abiltty Scholarship; Belcll Bostic: National Merit Scholarship Competition Semi·Ftnaltst: Thomaa Bouc: University of Nebraska at Uncoln Holling Fund; Engineering Scholar~~htp, University ofNebraska·Uncoln Rhoden Scholarship, Kansas State University Dean of Engineering Scholarship; Anne Carr: Northwest Missouri State University Regents Scholarship; Sheri Cavalieri: Creighton University Campaign Scholarship, St. Joseph Hospital Employee's and Dependenfs Scholarship; Brian Cbol: The 1\:ter Kiewit Foundation Scholarship: Joseph Conroy: Omaha Uons Club Scholarship; Valerie Davis: Nat1onal Merit Commended Student, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Four Year Davtd Scholarship, University of NebraskaUncoln Honors Program, Trinity University President's Scholarship, Macalester College DeWitt Wallace Distinguished Scholarship, Society of Women Engtneers-For High Honor, National Presbyterian College Scholar· ship Michael DeGroot: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Four Year Davtd Scholarship, University of Chicago Scholarship, United States Navy 3-Year ROTC Scholarship, Northwestern University Academic Scholarship, The Mary King Conner Scholarship; Suaannc Dempsey: Creighton University <;ampat~ Scholarship, Creighton University Centonntal Scholarship; Marnee Dietrleh: University of Nebraska· Uncoln Athletic Scholar· ship, University of Kansas Athletic Scholarship Jacqueline Drabenstot: Southern Nazarene University President's Honor Scholarship Daniel FiahburD: Nebraska Wesleyan University Plainsman Sch0 lar· ship, · Doane College Trustee Achievement Award Scholarship, Doane College Athlet1c Scholarship; TreYor Frscbel: Transylvania University Athletic Scholarship; Lori Freclcdclr.: Central Missouri State University Regents Scholar· ship, Northwest Mtssourl State University Regents Scholarship; Denise Frisch: The Kenneth K. Hansen Scholarship funded by Robert C. Maddox ·Aiumn~ Susan Garnr: University of Nehraska·Uncoln Four Year Regents Scholarship, Drake University Trustee Scholarship, Robert C. Dyrd Schol· arshtp, Society of Women Engtneers·t'or Honor; Ka,. Giclcllllga: St. Olaf College Music Scholarship; Gregory Giger: Natlona!Merlt ScholarshtpCompetltion Semi·Ftnaltst, Iowa State University Admission with Academic Recognition, University of Nebraska·Uncoln Esther-Freshman Scholarship; Bruce Godfrey: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Four Year Regents Scholarship, Iowa State University AdmiSBton with Academic Recognttlon, Union Pacific Dependents Scholarship; Lleal Goering: Southern Nazarene University Academic Scholarship, Seattle Pacific Honors Scholarship; Marlr. G,.cve: Kearney State College President's Scholarship: Ranclall J. Hallett: Nebraska Wesleyan University Recognition &hoi· arship, Hastings Co~ege Academic Scholarship, Hasting.. College Athletic Scholarship; Brenda Balacy: Bergan Mercy Hospital Auxiliary Teen Volunteer Scholarship; Lisa Heimbuch: Kearney State College Cooperatlng School Honor Scholarship, Northwest Mtssourl State University Regents Scholarship, Alpha Delta Kappa Educatlon Scholarship; Kart Beln: Metropolitan Community College Scholarship; Ell%abcth Beller: Northwest Mtssourl State University Regents Schol· arsblp; Douglas Hoffman: Colorado State University Academic Scholarship, United States Anny 3-Year ROTC Scholarship; Kimberley Houle: Nebraska Wesleyan University Reco~ttlon Schoi ·

arshtp, Creighton University ~mpal~ Scholarship; Jena Houlihan: Nebraska State Chapter P.E.O. Scholarship; LeADna Hutchlllson: Doane College Trustee Achievement Award Scholarship, Doane College Athletic Scholarship, Evergreen College Foun· dalton Scholarship: Marlin Jiranck: University of Missouri-Rolla Nevtns Scholarship, University-of Missouri· Rolla Chancellor's Out -of-State Tul t1on Scholarship, University of Mtssouri·Rolla Aaron J . Miles Scholarship, University of Missouri-Rolla Athletic Scbolarshtp, United States Navy 3-Year ROTC Scholarship; Taclcl Kelly: Nebraska Wesleyan University Presidents Scholarship: Katherine Konen: University of Nebraska-Uncoln Hartman Mustc Scholarship, University of Northern Colorado Music Scholarship, Unlver· stty of Northern Colorado Marching Band Scholarship, University of North· em Colorado Natlonal Award Scholarship, University of Colorado-Boulder Music Scholarship; Scott Krelfcla: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Htlls Music Scholarship, University of Nebraska·Uncoln Rusty White Music Scholarship; Douglas KreD.Zer: Nebraska Wesleyan University Trustees Scholar· ship, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Sue Wilson Scholarshtp,The Richard Winchel Scholarship funded by Robert C. Maddox-Alumni, Colorado Col· lege Academic Scholarship; Jamca KuhD: National Merit Scholarship Competition Semt-Ftnaltst, National Merit Scholarship Competition Ftnaltst, Carleton College Merit Scholarship, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Four Year RegentS Scholarship, University ofNebraska·Uncoln Honors Program; Alison Kutler: University of Nebraska·Uncoln Four Year David Scholarship; Janice Lamb: Creighton University Campa!~ Scholarship; Debra Larsen: Concordia College Faculty Scholarship, Concordia College Music Performance Scholarship, Augustana .College Regents Scholarship, Luther College Regents Scholarship, Luther College Olson Presidential Scholarship, Luther College Jenson Music Scbolarsh!p, The H. Vaughn Phelps Education Scholarship, Westside High School Vocal Music Parents Scholarship; Jeffery Larsen: University of Nebraska·Uncoln Four Year Davtd Scholarship; Matthew Laraen: National Merit Scholarship Competition Semi· Finalist, National Merit Scholarship Compet1t1on Ftnaltat, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Four Year Regenta Scholarship, University of Nebraska· Lincoln Honors Program, Tulane University Dean's Honor Scholarship; ADDelr.e Larson: National Merit Commended Student. University of Nebraska· Uncoln FourYearDavtd Scholarship, Texas Christian University Chancellor Commended Scholar, Texas Christian University Honors Program, University of Houston Alumni Fund Scholarship, University of Houston Honors Program, Trinity University President's Scholar, Calvin College Faculty Honors Scholarship: . Suzanne Llpacy: Nat1onal Merit Commended Student, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Four Year Regents Scholarshlp,Robert C. Byrd Scholar· ship, Loyola University Presldenttal Scholarship, Southern Methodist Univel'!llty Achievement Scholarship: . ADclrew Lunclgrea.: Nebraska Wesleyan University Plainsman Schol· arship; Kristlll Lynch: Drake University Presidential Scholarship, Texas Christian University Academic Achievement Awarcl Scholarship, Bergan Mercy Hospital Auxiliary Teen Volunteer Scholarship; Krlatllle Malllsce: Westside Educatlon Association Scholarship; Adam Man: National Merit Scholarship Competltion Semt·Ftnaltat. National Merit Scholarship Competition Finalist, Carleton College Merit Scholarship, University of Nebraska·Uncoln Four Year Regents Scholar· shtp: Scott McCollister: University of Nebraska· Lincoln Four Year Oavtd Scholarship; Kana McDermott: Capitol School of Hairstyling Scholarship; Stacie McGauchcy: Northeast Missouri State University Athletic Scholarship; L11a McGeary: Josepha College of Beauty Scholarship Laurel Mieraa: Nebraska Wesleyan University Presidents Scholarship; Renac MoDic: Rockhurst College Leadership Scholarship; Michael Morford: Texas Christian University Achievement Award

Scholarship, Texas Christian University Academic Scholarship; RajiY Mot6: National Merit Commended Student, Creighton University Carl M. Retnert/Nora Condon Academic Scholarship, Creighton University Frost Scholarship; Chacl MulliCan: Northwest Missouri State University Regents Scholar· ship; Kimberly Myers: University ofNebraska· Uncoln Music Scholarship: Mason Myen: University of Nebraska· Uncoln Four Year Regents Scholarship, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Honors Program. Westside High School National Honor Society Scholarship, Greater Omaha Council for Youth Scholarship, Century IU Scholarshtp·Weststde High School/ Nebraska; Tonya Neppl: Creighton University Campa!~ Scholarship, Creighton University Centennial Scholarship; Julie Nonk: Mtd·Cily llank Education Scholarship, C<>ll· ... Mary Athletic Scholarship, University ofNebraska·Uncol• · • arshtp, University of Nebraska-omaha Athletic Scholar51 " . Karen Nyholm: National Merit Scholarship Compel" ... . tat, Natlonal Merit Scholarship Competition Ftnaltst, u, .. · · "'Y of Ne· braska·Omaha Regents Scholarship, University of Iowa Me n • ' 11olarsh!p, Unlversttyoflowa Presidential Scholarship, Unlversttyoflow•• Li ndergradu· ate Scholar Asststantshtp, University of Iowa Freshman Honors Scholar· ship, University of Iowa Freshman Honors Program. Gustavus Adolphus College Partners tn Scholarship, The Omaha World-Herald Outstandtng Student College Scholarship Award; oily Toclcl Oltman: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Sue Wtlson Scholar- rtal ship; Kart Orr: Nebraska Wesleyan University Trustees Scholarsh!p, Hast1ngs College Academic Scholarship; Kimberly Oateqraarcl: Creighton University Carl M. Retneit/Nora Condon Academic Scholarship, Cornell College Scholarship Recognttlon Award; ' Mary O...erholt: The Jeanna Carkoald Joumaltsm Scholarship: Scott Parlr.er: Kearney State College Cooperattng School Honor Scholarship, Northwest Missouri State University Regenta Scholarship, Benedictine College Athlet1c Scholarship, Benedictine College Academic Scholarship, Westside High School Student Advtaory Board Scholarship; Catherine Partach: National Merit Scholarship Competltion Semt· Ftnaltst, National Merit Scholarship Competition Ftnaltat, St. Olaf College Merit Scholarship, Weatstde Htgh Schoollntetnational Club College Schol· arshlp: Chdatopher PatD: Natlonal Merit Scholarship Competltion Semi· Ftnaltst, National Merit Scholarship Compettiton Ftnaltat. National Merit $2000 Scholarship, University of Nebraska· Lincoln Four Year Regents Scholarship, Robert C. Byrd Scholarship, The Omaha World-Herald Outstanding Student College Scholarship Award, University of California· Berkeley Regenta Scholarship, Rice University Roy Scholarship, Washing· ton University Dean's Scholarshtp;>SteiTany Peltz: Suburban Rotary Club of Omaha Achievement Scholarship: Cynthia Peters: University of Nebraska·Uncoln May Mtller Brownell Scholarship, Society ofWomen Engineers·For Htgheat Honor, Kansaa State University Dean ofEngtneertng Scholarship, University ofTulsa Petroleum . En~eertng Scholarship,.University ofTulsa Honors Program Scholarsh!p; John Plilln~ University of South Dakota Athletic Scholarship: Shane Piper: Northwest Mtssourl State University Regents Scholarship; James PlatWo: University ofN10braska·Omaha Regents Scholarship, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Charles/Emma Novotny Scholarship: Maqraret Polcclna: Benedictine College Academic Scholarsh!p and Achievement Award: • . BrlaD Polt: Metropolitan Omaha Home Builders Asaoctation Scholar· shtp; ConDie Rlcharcla: Sioux Falls College Academic SchnJ..r,hlp. Sioux Falls College Music Scholarship, Sioux Falls College Athl• ·•" ..,. hnlarshlp: Todcl Rynaslr.l: Western State College of Colorado Non l<o ·; uh:nt Trus. tee Scholarship; Stacy Sacco: Northwest Missouri State University Regents Scholar· ship; SteYen Salzman: Texas Chrlsttan, University Academic Achievement Award Scholarship, Bradley University Dean's Scholarship; KerillSchlclr.cr: Northwest Missouri State Unlw.rstty Regents Schol·

Class of '89 graduates make post-high s University of Nebraska-Lincoln-Julie Adamson, ,Jennifer Ahl. Jill Beals, Shane Bonacci, Cindy Borcham, Shea Bourke, Toby Bryans, Tony Buccher; Ed Buglewicz, Jerry Chandler, Larry Coyle, Christin Curry, Kim Doyle, Harry Flansburg, Rob Foral, Trevor Fraebel; Lori Frederick, Eric Fredrickson, Debbie Frledman, Mary Gaines, Susan Garver, Jill Haeg, David Haines, Brenda Halsey; Audrey Heering, Lisa Heimbuch, Doug Ho1Tman, Laurie Honeyman, Mark Kerns, Jenny Krajicek, <ScOtt Kreifels, Michelle Lamb; Suzanne Lipsey, Mike Lynch, Scott McCoillister, Michelle Mcintosh, Tony Militti, John Monson, Paul Morrison; Chad Mulligan, Lisa Murante, Kim Myers, Carol Nickelson, Jay Nilsson, Julie Novak, Jolene Olson, Mary OVerholt, Chandelle Peacock; Ste1Tany Peltz. James Pistlllo, Mandy Rak. Joe Rezac, R.J. Scarborough, Gary Scott, Shawn Shirley, Libby Snyder; John Sokolik, Kim Strauss, Amy Tomasek, Stacy Trout, John Tyrcha. Denny Wychulis, Tracey Zeahy. University of Nebraska-Omaha-Don Allison, Rod Al-Rashad, Andrea Barton, Traci Brabec, Joe Conroy, Patty D'Agosta, Eric Ebers, Pat Edwards; Shauna Ehresman, Lance Eickho1T, Cindy Faulhaber, Pete Fischer, Mike Fortune, Denise Frisch, Patty Gay, Vikki Gomez; Mark Graeve, Maureen Griffith, Angie Grundler, Allen.Hager, Bill Harden. Ann Hawk, Shannon Hoch, Heather Humason; Paul Jedruski, Kristl A. Jones, Rick Joos, Dennis Kanago·, Nancy Kemp, Laura Kling, Pat Kortus, Laura Kugler; Beth McMahon, Connie Merwald, Eric Miller, Kelly

O'Donnell, Jerry Peters, Amy Rasgorshc;!k, Joanna Rasgorshek, Becky Richardson; Adam Roberts, Dennis Rookstool. Francie Rothfuss, Matt Schaefer, Mike Schmitz, Tiffany Shafer, Stephanie Smith. Kelly Socha; Laurie Spiel, Nancy Swanda, Eric Swenson, Matt Sykora, Cheryl Talor, Laura Ulrich, David Westenburg, Dawn



Mark Carroll, Kip Marnee Dietrich, Laurie Dolleck, Kellie Morgan, Megan Noller. Northwest Missouri State, Maryville-Liz Brejnik, Anne Carr, Kristy Mallisee, Scott Parker, Tracy Pollard, Kevin Schicker, Maribeth Spidle, Shannon Tompsett. Univ.e rsity of Arisona, Tucson-Kris McCormick.

Kristin Lindwall. University of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff-Mark Crouse, Ben Kessler. UTI of ArizonaMert Cota. Augustana College, Sioux Falls, SD.Jeff Beier. Bisliop Clarkson College of Nursing, OmahaDeanna Chambers. Bradley University, Peoria, ILDanielle KcHistrom. Brandeis University, Waltham, MA-Michelle Jaeger, Stephanie Krieger. Brown Univeru~~~~~~~~Mauty

Joseph's College of Beauty, Omaha-Lisa McGeary. Kansas State, Manhattan-Michael •Gacek, Laurie Owen, Brian Polt. Lincoln Technical Institute-Matt Torskey. Luther College-Laura Schroeder. Macalester College-Niki Wagner. Metro Tech Community College, Omaha-'Kris Bermel. Scott Hannon, Ty Kleinschmit, Tisha Secret. Milford Trade School-Mike

University Presidents Scholar· Sclaolarshlp, Simpson College Presidential College Academic Scholarship, Luther Central Park ConqegaUonal Church Community College Scholarship Alter·

Scholarship Competition Semt-f'tnaltat, Jornpettttc>n Finalist, Trinity University Mertt Four Year Regents Dean's Scholarship, Trtnlty University

ofMine8 Medal of Achievement In Math

I plans Middlebury College, VTof Missouri-Columbia-Matt Missouri State, Kirksville-Stacie Boot. New Mexico Tech-Joseph ..,,.,.,.l'..,r·n University, Evanston, IL-MiRajiv Mote. St. Olaf College, NorthBostic, Kara Sue Giddings, Catherine State University-John Lewis. UniEugene-D. Andrew Johnson. Philidelphia-Matthew D. College-Lor! Kooper. Redland ·J&IInu:~t, CA-Stacie Funk. Regis College, Kozal. Rensselaer Polytechnic NY-Kevin Socha. Ricks College, Holmgren. Seattle Pacific Uni,.. -,~,,.,,,. Goering. Sioux Falls College, It-Connie Richards. University of South R. Pilling. Syracuse University, Johnson. Stanford Unviersity, Patil. Stephens College.fUJucu.u Elkins, Nikki Huber, nicole Long, School of Hairstyling, OmahaTexas Christian University, Ft. • Susan Wilmot. North Texas Mayfield. College of Saint ThoDay, Brigid Dugan, Tadd Jnilve:r~;~itv, San Antonio, TX-Valerie Laura Struve. Tufts, Medford, Tulane, New Orleans, LA-Tim University, Topeka, K5-Debbie University, St. Louis, MO-BrimState, Wayne, NE-Harold Scott, Zadalis. Western State Colorado, Perkins. University of Wyoming, Swartzbaugh, Jenny Lunde. Xenon, Jni•v.. N:.litv



Schleifer retires from second r•JlmnPi:Y:mvnmrmp•m;cwrwuw.;wrn•JP Ending one success u l career and b eginning a nother does not often occur. For Bill Schleifer, assistant principal, finding success In two careers was the way his cards were dealt. "I wa s In the Air Force In World War II as a pilot. I was In there for three years. After World War II, I went back to college arid completed my degree. I taught social s tudies and physical education in a high school In Indiana, where I was the only coach in that small town," Sch leifer said . After beginning his career In education, -"Schleifer's career was once again disrupted by war. "During the Korean War I was recalled to active duty. Since my life h a~ b een 'interrupted' twice, I decided then to make a career out of the Air Force. Even after the Korean War was over, I elected to s tay In u ntil I had completed 20 years of a ctive duty," Schleifer s aid. Before retirement In the Air Force, Schleifer transferred to O.!Iu t Air Force Base. "In 1964 I was still in the Air Force and transferred to O.!Iut, at which time while looking for a place to live, my wife and I had heard that the best place to live was District 66 because 9f Its schools," he said. By the time Schleifer's 20 years of active duty had been completed, he had been living In District 66 with his family for four years. "When I retired from the Air Force In 1968, I only . d t o one sc h oo1. wes tsid e H.1gh s c h oo1. I app 11e d app I1e here because I was more than impressed with the quality of education that the kids got and I knew that I wanted to be a part of it- that was all," he said. Schleifer started his career in District 66 as a cou nselor, b u t moved ahead in his career. "I was a counselor for the sophomores. There were only three grades at that time. Another new counselor and myself split the sophomores. After I was a counselor for two years, Ithen became the head of the guidance department. I was dean of boys. and then I became assistant principal in 1979," Schleifer said. Through 20 years of working in District 66, Schleifer has accompl~hed some personal successes.

administrative caree

reflects success. For example, the Parent/ Handbook was totally revamped and I think it's a ttra ctive and functional now," Schleifer said. Schleifer again faces. retirement after a 20-year reer. This spring. Schleifer will complete his plans retire. "When I started to work here In 1969, I knew at time I only wanted to work a total of20 years. So I that has been my long-range goal. I've never had desire to continue working here longer than that nal 20 years," Schleifer said. With retirement, Schleifer fmds no regrets t n-<l1<>1rrt I career at Westside, he only finds things that he miss. "I don't think I know of anything that I would done particularly di.!Ierent. I don't think I could asked for a better type ofjob that would have desires better tha n the one that I have now u.:;,;au""q certainly the type of thin g tha t I enjoy doing a nd I fortunate to be able to do it," Schleifer said . "One of the reasons that I wanted to become a of Westside was because of the quallty education gram that we have and the type of people that District 66. I have thoroughly enjoyed working students, their parents, the staff, and the a.uuu.•u··~ Relaxing and waiting for the last week of school to tors. Not being able to see these people and end Bill Schleifer finishes his last duties on the them on a daily basis, that's what I'm going to most." ' .. computer. Schleifer is retrrmg after 20 years in the Even though Schleifer will miss Westside, he district. ahead to post-retirement with his wife. "My wife "One of the best events in my career was In working school teacher for District 66 and she's also retiring with the sched uling program that my son had devised year. We have no real grandiose plans as such. to put the total s cheduling, grade reporting. -.;tudent children a re scattered from coast to coast, literally, registration, s tu dent demographics, and even a tten- I suppose we'll travel to see them. We like to go to dance on our own computers here at Westside," he sa id. tournaments throughout the United States. We Through Schleifer's personal successes he has made take a trip to foreign lands such as Australia, Zealand, the Orient, England, and Europe. contributions to Westside. · "I would like to think that because of the scheduling just some things we've talked about, but we program, it has helped the school tremendously In firm plans at all," Schleifer said. As the year draws to a close, Schleifer getting students better schedules, teachers better schedules, and by far a better balance in all classes. second 20-year career, and will soon begin r ..t i .-..d Also, some of the paperwork that has been generated . leaving his successes behind.

Unscheduled time

Rollins plans return home said, "It's not going to be very stimulating, but it will be kind of nice to go back. After all, it's home." Although not very excited for the return back to Portland, Rollins feels it will be a nice change of pace for him. "It'll be nice to be up there," Rollins said, "I've missed the environment and the diJTerent types of activities you can participate in up there. I've missed going white water

·A fond farewell has become mandatory as Westside bids adieu to anothermemberofits faculty. After two years of teachin_g at Westside High School, Ron Rollins, chemistry instructor, will be moving back to his hometown of Portland, OR.. at the end of the 1988-89 school year. Rollins and his. wife have many plans upon their reRollins still has his hopes turn home. "My wife is a for the future. "It's medical student currently to take awhile to get studying at Creighton Unito living back In Portversity, but because the tuiagain, but I think it'll a good.mov~ 'll.be hard tion is somewhat less expen•tiiJIIililito get used to teaching at a sive at the University of · • Oregon because of our resi- AdiOS di.!Ierent school if I'm able to The dency there, she decided to Ron Rollins, chemistry instructor, get a teaching job. transfer to finish her stud- aids Valerie Davis, (12), in one of his modular sheduling at ies." ~ollins said. last classes at Westside before moving Westside works really well Rollms has plans for him- to Portland: OR. · so that students and teachself as well. "I'm going to go ers may get together for back to school to study chemistry," Rollins .said, help. It'll be hard to adaptto a new kind of schedI will most likely be going back full time, but I uling. " Modular scheduling isn't the only thing at would also like to find a teaching job. I would really like to be able to do both." Westside to be missed by Rollins. "It's (Westside) With all the activity the couple has planned for going to be a tough school to follow,". Rollins said, 'Their level of science classes is one of the highest the move, Rollins' enthusiasm could use a boost "I'm really not very excited for the move," Rollins I've ever seen at a school. I'll really miss it."


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roud to be an American I'm seeing red. Don't let them brainwash you. You know they are famous for Famous for what? Famous for their wonderful packages of propaganda, of course. Yes, the co.rpmunists of Westside are trying to bring back the 'ol days of full bore, fast-paced propaganda, with their cry \ anti-American, blame all our problems on baseball, columns. of the points brought up in Kent Bonham's column are Here are my responses to some of his hairbrain ideas. To say the Japanese and Koreans are better than Ameri~ans at own national pasttime is absurd. Maybe Kent thinks because h .~ .. -·.-~ so dumb you might beli~ve this, but then why does it reason every year a washed up ex-big leaguer signs with a team from and ends up tearing up the foreign league-leading in home Fling it average, and so on. Some notable examples are: -Randy Bush never made it in the ·big leagues; came one At his last meet, Don Patton, head track Track Meet at Burke High School, Friday, shy of the season record in Tokyo. · coach, watches Paul Morrison, ( 12), throw May 19. Patton is being RIFfed at the end of -Bob Horner cut by the Atlanta Braves signed with a team in the discus for aJirst place finish at the State this year . ................ for over three million dollars. Communication is ever so evident in the game ofbaseball. Even o..vu•~o:.u•"• than soccer, they communicate without words. which is harder than doing it verbally. In baseball the pitcher and

Patton .leaves; no regrets

' (11), cross country and track Patton came to Westside. runner, said. - When he arrived here, he some Patton started coaching . in found that the numbers were D.J. Rezac love is never easy. 1961 in the small town of Va- lew and no junior high proThat's w:bat Oon Patton, nango, NE. "I was out of college · gram that could be counted on Sports editor social studies instructor, a few years when I arrived at in the future existed. In four _cross country heaa coach, Vanango.· The way that I judged years, he has never won a and head track coach, is fac- how good the kids were by track meet or a dual. But that ing. Patton is being riffed seeing if they could beat rile. If doesn't get him down. "You've catcher join wits in tcying to out-duel the hitter. Meanwhile, the (reduction-in-force) after the they could, then they were got to learn to walk before you third base coach communicates a steal to the runner, a ·bunt to the · end of this year. He has pretty good," Patton said. can run. _The kids here are itter, or possibly a hit and run to both. Outfielders also commu~ taught and coached · at In 1967, Patton left for the starting to have the mentality nicate together on cut-offs and chasing long fly balls. Have that; Westside since the beginning largest high school in the state; that it takes to be the best," soccer heads. · of 1985. His leadership and Bellevue High. In ten years as Patton said. "The place to And as for 50 fat Russian ladies shot putting cars or whatever coaching is respected by the head track coach, his rec- . build a program is at the lower they o:-sowhat? Is that all life is suppossed to be? A contest? many here at We-s tside. ord at the varsity level was 98- levels. Westside Middle Is ~is our sole reason for existence, to be more competitive than Patton is one of the 14 which included four Metro School just won the confer"Mr. a Russian female shot putter? I hope not. . main reasons that I was comchampionships and five State ence championship. I'm glad I'm not sent away to the Johan whoever school of peting at the state meet," Todd titles. The junior varsity's rec"That is encouraglil.g to arheads and soccer freaks, or wherever they go. I like hanging out Oltman, (12), high jumper, ord in the same time was 146-1. know that those !_d.ds coming th my friends, going to the pool, playing video games, and sipping said. "I don't know of another Patton said the kids were the up to the high school next year lemonade while watching Andy Griffith. coach who works with and winners though. "When they . are good. Those kids can do Another note is that the U. S. Navy baseball team (not known as cares so very much for his went out on the track, they '!o"hat seniors four or five years collegiate powerhouse) beat the Russians 21-1 while the only way athletes. He is more con- , knew that they could wtn: If ago could do. That's the way e United States can qualify for the World Cup is by hosting it. cemed with effort than win- they didn't they were crushed. to build a program.~" Naw, now after thinking about it, I shouldn't even have worried . Patton has also coached ning. But winning is just That's the type of mentality that at Americans would believe such a propaganda story like that. around the corner and that's I am tcying to create here." eross country for many years. e may not score as well on a scholastic aptitude test, but we are due to Patton." Patton left the dynasty at He . coached ·at. Vanango, ot so dumb as to believe something as ridiculous as that column. "He is an incredible coach. Bellevue ·and went to coach at Bellevue and here at The Communists, who will fprever be famous for their outlandThat's evident by looking at the college .level at the Univer- Westside. h propaganda, have once again attempted to tarnish one of the Like the track team, Patton the success he has had over . sity of Nebraska at Omaha. In acred parts of American society, baseball. Kent Bonham is likely his career," Paul Morrison, his seven years there, he ttlfiled ·. sees improvement. "Last year tudying to be a loyal member of the KGB and therefore working on (12), state champion discus out 13All-Americans, never fin- we improved greatly. Next is propaganda writing skills. Please disregard this attempt by Kent ished less than third in confer- year, the team Will be lead by thrower, said. . onham to undermine American institutions and go see a refreshence meets, and competed at Jeff Hall, .(10)," Pco.ttcn said. Patton is a . great "Mr. g baseball game this summer. coach. He works very hard numerous Division I meets ''When I leave," Patton said So instead of singing the Russian national anthem, get your hair MI leave the program in good and gets the kids to work as against Division I schools. ut, and stand up for your country. hard as he expects." Jeff Hall, shape." After seven years at uNO, GOD BLESS AMERICA.




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Golf team claims first· State trophy ""~m"" · -g"";m ....'itWJD!>,iB!E't'H~·l~

Steve's P ·harma~y Orchard Plaza 13072 Arbor St 334-2345



After a sub-par performa~ce in district, the Westside golf team managed to win the elusive State Title. The team, led by Andy Chapin's,' (11). and Kevin Atkinson's, (11), 76's, won its first title since 1974, and the school's first state title this year. Although the team placed second in its district, it was disappointed with the results. Chapin said, MFremont Golf Course (the site ofthe district) is really tight and thewindjustmade the scores really high." Despite this, Scott HolTman, (11), managed to put together a 77 to win the individu~ title, his third win of the' year. According to Roger Hoffman, coach, inconsistency was the key · to a poor district. HolTman said, MScoring in golf is never consistent, and this was evident in our district. But we finished in the top three at district, so we qualified for state. M . Despite the team's' 7-0 season record, tournament wins, and Metro title, the team didn't think they were going to win State. HolTman said, "There's always a possiblity'o f a state title, but we

didn't expect it. Going into the tournament, figured we had a one in six shot ofwinning it, there were some really good teams in it Lincoln Southeast, Lincoln East, and HolTman alsQ added that he felt Lincoln east and Lincoln East were the better MEast and Southeast we felt were better than but we just competed better that day and won title." One other good thing that occurred at the meet was the equality in the scores of the five members. HolTman said, MEveryone played State. We could've thrown out anyone's score still won." In addition to Chapin and .n .....~ ••.,.,.. scores, Tim Vietzer, (12), shot a 78, which was the top 10, HolTman shot a 79, and R. J. sc::uhor-1 ough, (12), shot an 80. Thinking ahead to next year, Hoffman said although they're returnin~ three of five another State championship isn't a dt"::or<>•nt ..... He said, MWe're going to be very strong next but that doesn't mean we can win any tournament."

SPoRTst ETC NSAA forces football schedule changes A new schedule change could mean a. tougher season for the varsity football team. The Nebraska School Activities Association, (NSAA), has made the change due to an odd ;:;et of cir~ cumstances. "The NSAA was trying to put together a playoff system in Class A where each team would play all the schools in the regular sc::ason they would have to face in the playo1Ts," Coach Lany Morrissey said. · . MHowever, the NSAA ran a check on the number of atheletes each school said they had, and found that some schools recorded inaccurate records. This meant a new schedule had to be made to let schools of the same size play each-other," he said. The, new schedule, according to Morrissey, will be one of the toughest in the Metro.

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Balance important

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Having a balanced team is a good sign of a quality team. This year's girls' junior varsity soccer team used an evenly distributed scoring attack to lead them to a 7-1-1 record. MWe were well balanced this year," Larry Lewandowski, head coach, said, MA lot of different people scored for us." Defense is another important part of a winning season. MWe had a super defense, as we usually.do," Lewandowski said, ~his was one of our best seasons, and we have only lest two games in two years."

Big enough 1 to handle any Insurance risk; / Small enough to care

School. Josh Stubbe placed first in the pole vault, while Tim Peterson finished as the best in the 1600 meter run. . Chad Ehresman tied a school record with a 5foot, 10 inch jump. However his jump merited a third at the meet besides tying the record. Mike Eversdon finished third in the . 165-intermediate hurdles, and Tony Mason took third in the 400.

Morrison, Johnson win Jenny Johnson and Paul Morrison both won their individual events at the State Track Meet at Omaha Burke High School last weekend.

Clinic dates set

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Morrison won first place in the discus. His throw was not a personal best, but good 1 •·~~ Continuing a tradition, We ' t~ide Wilf be- e'm)~gh to win. Johnson, on the other hand, offering sports clinics for students in grades 4- produduced a personal best in the 400-meter 12. One of the most popular clinics over the run as she finished strong. years has been boys' basketball, which has ·Todd Oltman also had a strong sho\(rfng at been held for 18 years. the track meet. Oltman finished third with ·a 1bis clinic will be staffed by Toni Hall, jump of 6 feet, 10 inches. The girls 4x400(varsity coach), Ed Howe, ijunior varsity meter relay team finished second wiht a team · coach), John Graff, (sophomore coach). amd five members of the boys' varsity team. The best. members include Kevin Atkinson, (11), Jason Hellman, (11), Scott HolTman, (11), Bill Kutilek, (11), <\nd J. C. Wickstrom, (11). Improvement during the season is impor1be other clinics include girls' basketball, tant for a team. The girls' varsity tennis team football. gymnastics, soccer, tennis, girls' and showed improvement throughout the season boys' volleyball, weight-training, and aquatic although they had a disappointing 5-7 dual instruction. Applications and registration for record. the clinics are avaialable at the main office or ·1 saw steady improvement this season; Jean Jensen, head coach, said, Mal though our dual record did not show it." With small numbers on the squad, the 1be season had its high points with Nancy freshman boys' track teain didn't expect to light the world on fire. MWe weren't sure what Olso.n, (12), placing second in both the Metro to expect with only 13 guys, but we finished and State tournaments in No.1 singles. Even though the team did not have a very with a 6 and 2 dual record," Coach Carl Hengood season they were young. MWe had a very ningson said. The Warriors finished second in the con- young team this year," Jensen said," .and we only had three seniors." ferenc~ track meet held at Ralston High •

Olson places second

.Frosh finish second

0 The Upstairs Dinner Theater is presenting the Broadway musical comedy MLa Cage aux Folies" through Saturday, June 10. The doors open at 6 p.m. and the show begins at 8 p.m. The show is performed Thursday through Saturday. Call 344-7777 for reservations.

Love and Rockets tightens up §IfiDJ1!j.!.!:fE!!$rllf:ftmBJW!f?W?~ Love and Rockets has tightened up their sound on their new eponymous release. This sound is difficult to categorize because _ it blends types of music together. This conmbination creates an original, alternative sound. The band still pumps out border-line psychedelic music at the same intensity as they did in the days of their much -talked-about album MExpress." The pop-sounding song MNo New Tale to Tell" on that album enjoyed widespread popularity among alternative music fans a few years back. While the band has not really changed their sound that much, the songs are considerably less radio-oriented. On some songs, the band incorporates unusual instruments such as the cello, violin, viola, and saxophone. These beautifully compliment the basic instrumental set-up of the band. The lyrics, composed by either David J. or Daniel Ash are one of the band's -s.trongest points. The words add .meaning and depth and are used to convey some interesting and sometimes thought-provoking messages. At times, they do fall short of the intended sound on tracks like MBound for Hell" and Rock and Roll Babylon." Usually, however, they play consistently well throughout the album

0 The Royals are back. Call Rosenblatt Stadium at 7342550 for ticket information. 0 The Vidlak Family Cafe is

What's • go1ng .

on e

'Listen to Me' below average

0 The· Emmy GiJiord Children's Theater is presenting MJack and the Beanstalk" through Sunday, May 28. For reservations call the box office at 345-4849. 0 The Firehouse Dinner Theater is presenting Neil Simon's MBroadway Bound." For reservations call 346-8833.

0 Cheap Trtck is giving a benefit concert for the Cerebral Palsy of Nebraska Sunday, June 4 at 2 p.m. at the Pinewood Bowl Amphitheater In Pioneer Park located in Lincoln. Tickets are $9.29 plus tax and can be purchased at Pickles or Homers.

MListen to Me" certainly isn't a mediocre movie since the plot, acting, and dialogue are all below average. MListen to Me" centers around three debaters at a California college. Kirk Cameron, would-be teen idol. plays the part of Tucker Muldowney, a dirt-poor debater from Oklahoma Unfortunately, the only emotion that Cameron is able to portray realistically during the movie is unbearable arrogance. Jami Gertz puts in an equally bad performance as Tucker's partnerI girlfriend. Roy Scheider gives the worst performance of his career as the die-hard, dedicated coach. However, even good actors couldn't rescue the plot of this movie, which is pathetically predictable. The debate coach needs to win a national title to keep his job and he pins his hopes on Cameron and Gertz, the two freshman. Of course, in the final round, they come from behind to beat Harvard's best team. Gertz's hidden problem is painfully obvious after the first ten minutes of the movie. MListen to Me.; wants to show that debate is just as tough and demanding as football. It doesn't. The movie doesn't portray debate or debaters accurately. From a debater's point of view, the Harvard team definitely won the final round. -Gertz and Cameron don't debate either convincingly, or well. For anyone who wants to see MListen to· Me," it is playing at Cinema Center and AMC Westroads.

0 MCatch Jungle Fever and join the Henxy Doorly Zoo. A family

0 Opera Omaha is presenting Opera in the Park, a special presentation at Elmwood Park today at 8 p.m. and Monday, May 29, at 2 p.m. Operettas and classic show tunes of the '20s and '30s will be featured. It's free and open to the public. They encourage picnics while enjoying the performance. 0 Peony Park located on8lst and Cass Is now open to the public. For more information on the events happening there, call Peony Park at 3916253.

0 The Omaha Community Plahouse is presenting "Musical Comedy of Murders of the 1940's" today through Sunday, June 18. 0 To find out more information about these and other events in the Omaha area, call the Events Hotline at 4446800.

If I Only Had


Hot, fresh, ready to go menu "Your order will be hot, fresh, and ready to go in minutes." That's what Omaha's newest fast-food restaurant Don and Millie's promises. Don and Millie's is the perfect place to go for lunch. They have such a variety of menu items that it is sure to please all. They have hamburgers, cheese frenchees, footlongs, tacos, salads, and to satisfy that sweet tooth they have homemade double chocolate chip cookies and Columbo's frozen yogurt. "Don and Millie's was named after a favorite restaurant of U.S. Senator Bob KeiTey's, • Kris White, Manager of Don and Millie's said. _ Thelf hours are 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sunflay through ThursdaY: and 11 a.m. to ~2p.m. on Friday and Saturday. Takeoutorders are available at 393-7240. Don and Millie's is located on 72nd and Jones, one~half in.Ue south of Dfxige.

presenting MWyley's Stinker Palace" through Saturday, May 27. Performances are at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Dinner is at 6:45p.m .

membership is $35 which entitles you to free admission to the zoo throughout the 1989 season for two adults _and their dependent children. It also entitles them to free year-round admission to the Mutual of Omaha Wild Kingdom Pavillion. The Henxy Doorly Zoo is open to the general public 9:30a.m. to 5 p.m. daily.

(Pickles' prices are lower.)

Cificktes ,.


'Freddy' dials up evil fro·m booth Mark carroll, $tldl tttftic - What do you get when you have Freddy Kruger directing a movie? You get the F-grade horror film 976-Evil. This-film has to be the biggest waste of money of all time. It's not even worth sneaking into. Robert Englund, the man who plays Freddy Kruger, made his directorial debut in this money pit and he should stick to playing Freddy. The film is a sub-intelligent plot about a telephone booth that gets possessed and starts calling people. It is simply dumb. You can miss this film quite easily and if you really want to see it just wait for it to come out on video ~assette. You'll thank me later for saving you from this waste ofyour money. I don't usually dislike movies so It should be obvious that this fllm simply is not worth the celluloid. If you truly need to waste your money and see this film, head over to lrtdian Hills or the Orchard 4 and waste money to your heart's content. But, please don't say that I didn't warn you. If you like this film , I pity you and your wallet because you'lllike anything that comes into the theater.



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Park ·provides chance for relaxation sun tion. It's an escape from civilization, that will bring a person closer to nature and to the great outdoors. It's a place everyone will enjoy, and because of its location close to Omaha, the Platte River State Park is an easy way to avoid the long, summer days ahead. "The Platte River State Park is a great escape from Omaha," Jenny Houck, (11), said. "I went there for the Outdoor Education program, and it certainly taught me about the outdoors. I had a really good time, and I hope to get back there next year." "The Platte River State Park is a great break from civilization," Juliana

Kaltsounis, (11). said. "I like all the paths you can take, the sense of being in the outdoors, and the horseback riding they offer." The numerous activities offered at the Platte River State Park will fulfill everyone's interes~. Whether a person enjoys horseback riding, or boating, there is always something to do. "We have a lot of activities here that will be enjoyable to almost anyone," Lois Camp, an employee of the Platte River State Park, said. "The nature trails, swimming pool, boats, observation tower, and horseback trails are all very popular. It's a very relaxing place, and I have seen a lot of happy people visit here." "The Platte River State Park is a really

good chance to get outside without roughing it," 'l.racy Muller, (11). said. "There are always activities to do, and it basically depends on what time of year you go. You can go horseback riding, boating, hiking, or just play a good game of softball. It always offers a really good time." Because the park is well-known, reservations for weekend cabins are usually filled by early Janurary. However, if people are prepared to truly "rough it" for a weekend, tepees are offered at any time during the summer. "There are cabins and tepees for guests to stay in," Camp said. ."The cabins go first and they are usually full on weekends, but the tepees are always open for those interested in staying over-

night." "I go to the Platte River State Park with my family and friends once or twice year," Kristina Lundquist. (11), said. "I have a good time because we stay in cabins and there is a lot to do throughout the park. The cabins are nice, and even though you have to reserve them ahead of time, it's definitely worth it." 'We went to the Platte River State Park for outdoor ed., and it was a lot of fun," Brenda Davis, (11), said. "It was relaxing and it gave me the opportunity to learn more about the outdoors. It's really an interesting place," Davis said. "The park is a wonderful place," Camp said. "If you like the outdoors, then this is the place to go. I guarantee you'lllove it."


Columnist victimized_ by camp attendance Again I'd like to direct people to the wonderful faciliCamp. Everyone is shipped ofT to one at one time in their life. In elementary school it .was Camp Foster. · ties of our guidance office. Just because its graduation Junior high kids either hung out at the pool or stayed time doesn't mean we want to give them a break. If the urge to go to camp appears, ask Mrs. Marilyn Hohenas leftovers at Camp Have-No-Fun. · I seriously have never gone to a camp. I never . stein, the guidance secretary, where the materials are thought I'd have to go to one. I'm in high school now and located, or ask your respective counselor. To change the subject completely I would like to I don't want to go, but just as the going gets tough the respond to a letter that was written to the editor several tough, go to camps. There are more camps available for high school editions ago. One student wrote that the columnists students than any other grade level. Cheerleadfng and didn't offer solutions to the problems they wrote about. spirit-leaders, drum majors, and journalists all have one common bond. At some time during their "restful" vacation these students will be attending camps. Erin Conboy These camps are special. By allowing students to Weekender columnist stay in coflege dorms they make those kids feel like they're rebels and like they're free for almost a year before they really 'e xperience dorm life. Staying on a college campus has to be ten times Whether they do or not isn't my main concern. The better than making arts and crafts with collected leaves at camp. And they even hav~ indoor bathrooms without columnist is supposed to bring up subjects they feel that they want people to respond to and think about, spiders. Myyounger brothers all went to camps. but I escaped then, maybe a solution can be found . I do, however. provide one solution to everyones the eXperience, I was allowed to stay home and watch Gilligan's Island re-runs. I suppose staying at camps · problems . .Summer. I think it's about time everyone should take a break when you're younger gives you a sense of freedom also.

and relax. The seniors can't even sit through homeroom they want to leave so badly. The precious time of summer can be used effectively. For those who complain about the smoke in the restrooms, there is no better time. They can line up their clothes on a clothesline and air out all the smoke and then the school can open the windows and allow the smoke to go off into the sunset. The bugs that are all over the lockers in the lockerooms will be destroyed. Summer is always time when the exterminators strike., Fake and bake won't be a necessity. People can get their get cancer the old fashion way in the summer. The Code of Conduct can't be taken away in the summer, but the students could get away with things a little bit easier. Roger Hoffman won't have to carry his golf team's state title everywhere he goes because no one will be around to care. (Congrats anyway.) Students won't have to go into the weight room and dream about having air-conditioning. Hopefully. they" have it at home. Actually I don't have the answer to all the problems that happen around the school. but after camp I'll have all summer to think of potential answers.

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