The Westside Gazette

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Woodlawn Connection: The Dunlap Family PAGE 3

State's GOP Has Left Families In Need: My W or d Wor ord PAGE 5

This Is What They Think Of Y ou You PAGE 6

Broward County's Oldest and Largest African American Owned and Operated Newspaper A Pr oud PPaper aper ffor or a Pr oud PPeople...Sinc eople...Sinc Proud Proud eople...Sincee 1971 VOL. 43 NO. 12 50¢ THURSDA Y, MA Y 1 - WEDNESDA Y MA Y 7, 2014 THURSDAY MAY WEDNESDAY MAY

AIDS is a Civil Rights Issue

What does my soul look like? But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for [a]God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7 (NASB) By Bobby R. Henry, Sr.

Rev. Al Sharpton, Micheal Kahane, Southern Bureau Chief of AHF and Hydeia Broadbent, International HIV/AIDS activist & humanitarian. By Jimmie Davis, Jr. During the turbulent 60’s the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., along with a host of other dignitaries, fought for privileges – several decades later the Rev. Al Sharpton is in the trenches with Aids Healthcare Foundation [AHF] and The New Mount Olive Baptist Church (NMOBC) leading a crusade to obtain civil liberties for individuals who are infected and affected by HIV/AIDS.

The HIV/AIDS virus continues to dismantle the lives of people from all walks of life and it just hangs around, having acquired the status of a dreaded disease that disproportionately affects the lives of African Americans more than whites. “The battle that we face is states’ rights versus the national government,” said Sharpton from the pulpit of the NMOBC, located in Fort Lauderdale. “We must always pro-

tect the minority against the moral majority.” On April 23, a town hall forum was held at the church to explore poverty, lack of insurance/education/money/unemployment/housing and being incarcerated, which are the rudiments that keep driving this epidemic forward. Sharpton says that “AIDS is a Civil Rights Issue” and we must stand together. Moreover, it’s the new theme of this campaign to enlighten

the public about everything the public needs to know about HIV/AIDS. “We must stand up for everyone’s rights,” he said. “This isn’t about who suffers the most. It’s about us rising out together.” Rising above her circumstances of being HIV positive since birth, Hydeia Broadbent, 29, International HIV/AIDS activist & humanitarian, spoke briefly during the forum about not having any medical coverage. (Cont'd on Page 9)

New tobacco ‘apology’ ads plan still excludes most Black Media By George E. Curry NNPA Editor-in-Chief WASHINGTON, D.C. (NNPA) – A revised plan for major tobacco companies to purchase court-ordered ads to admit that they deliberately misled the public about the dangers of smoking would add nine whiteowned newspapers to the list of publications carrying tobacco ‘apology’ ads but shut out more than 90 percent of Black newspapers and all Black-owned radio and television stations, according to documents filed in federal court.


“If they had asked, we could have helped them develop a better plan than this,” said National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) Chairman Cloves Campbell. “They didn’t consult us and the end result is that we’re back to where this process started last year. What they have put on the table is totally unacceptable.” If the NNPA files a motion in opposition to the revised plan, as expected, the judge has a number of options from which to choose, including making a final decision on the merits of the case or ordering the defendants to come up with a more comprehensive plan. After being sued by the Justice Department and the To-

Taking it to the streets

Charles Rhodes (second from left) took it to the streets, protesting outside Hollywood City Hall. By Starla Vaughns Cherin Hollywood property owner Charles Rhodes took it to the

streets, protesting outside Hollywood City Hall against discriminatory treatment by city code enforcement. Earlier

Pleading Our Own Cause

this year Rhodes settled $10,000 on a $400,000 code enforcement lien. Battling the city four years

(Cont'd on Page 9)

Local family nominates Lynn Meister, MD for ‘Spirit of Healing’ honor

bacco-Free Kids Action Fund, the major tobacco manufacturers were found guilty in 2005 of violating the Racketeer Influenced and Corruption Organizations Act (RICO) when they deliberately misled the public about the dangers and addictiveness of smoking. U.S. Judge Gladys Kessler ordered them to halt the offending practices and place a series of full-page ads in newspapers and commercials on network TV during prime time for a year, reported by Target Market News to be valued between $30 million and $45 million, acknowledging their wrongdoing. (Cont'd on Page 3)

now, Rhodes believes he’s being unfairly targeted and retaliated against after writing letters to the city commission, mayor and media regarding failure to respond to calls for re-inspection of code compliance, harassment and false reporting of code violations by Hollywood’s code enforcement. This is the third time he’s picketed the city. “These fines are outrageous and it’s a pattern with some code enforcement officers. They are trying to take our property and foreclose on us. We comply with the citation and ask them to come for a reinspection, they don’t come and continue charging fines of $1,000 a day and falsely charge us with non-compliance. If we passed inspection there should be no fines at all,” says Rhodes. (Cont'd on Page 9)

WWW. Westside Gazette Newspaper

I have a friend that is constant in his belief that if he keeps love in the front of his actions, he will be alright in the eyes of God. My friend will readily tell you that he is not a saint and probably far from it. He will also tell you that, “we got to love everybody even when they do us wrong.” Mind you, my friend is not an avid church goer or one that professes to be all that religious, as-a-matterof-fact he says that he can’t get into that “religious stuff”. In more-times-than-not he startles me with some profound thoughts; as if I’m an astute student of the Word or a person of charter to judge someone else, to me it’s apparent that God is forever cleaning the grime from my hands and the stains of sin from soul. It’s a constant battle and I’ve not given up! My friend, in a recent session of uplift, spiritual insight and some humorous antidotes to daily letdowns, said to me, “You ever wonder what your soul looked like? I was looking in the mirror trying to see what mine looked like.” “What your soul looked like” I responded. “Yea if I were to pull all the skin, muscles, blood vessels and everything else off, what would I see” he said. After we both equated our looks to some new forms of zombies, we wrestled with the persona of a nonphysical appearance to that which causes us to act, react and interact with others. What does our soul look like? What appearance, if fitted into a shape or image, would reveal the outlining features of our dominant personalities?

THE MORRIS FAMILY By Valerie Morris The votes have been tallied and it is official. Dr. Lynn Meister, pediatric hematologist/ oncologist specializing in hospice and palliative care with the Memorial Healthcare System is one of five esteemed physicians being honored with 2014’s ‘Spirit of Healing’ award availing from a letter presented to the Memorial Foundation nominating committee by a local Broward County resident. The remaining four physicians being honored for the ‘Spirit of Healing’ award are: Nina Beauchesne, FACHE; Howard Berlin, MD; Stephanie Jofe, MD; Sri Sundararaman MD MS. Since 1999, the Memorial Foundation and Joe DiMaggio Hospital Foundation opened

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nominations for this award. A letter from Mitchell Eisenberg, MD, chairman to Memorial Foundation and Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Foundation, listing all past recipient honorees, deadline dated, Feb. 10, 2014 states this esteemed award is given to those individuals or organizations in the community who have shown excellence in their profession, outstanding community service and commitment to the mission of the Memorial Healthcare System. This year, the honorees will be acknowledged at the ‘Circle of Friends’ Luncheon, presented by PNC Bank held May 2 at the Westin Diplomat Resort and Spa on Ocean Drive in Hollywood, Fla. (Cont'd on Page 5) MEMBER: National Newspaper Publishers Association ( NNPA), and Southeastern African-American Publishers Association (SAAPA) Florida Association of Black Owned Media (FABOM),

Page 2 • • May 1 - May 7, 2014

Broward County's Oldest and Largest African American Owned and Operated Newspaper

Scruggs re-elected as Grand Master

The Illustrious Most Worshipful Joshua David Scruggs, 33º Submitted by RW Bobby R. Henry, Sr. Grand Publicist The MWPHGL AF&AM of FL Inc. There are many characterizations of leadership. Leadership has been illustrated as “a development of collective power

earned by a person that can procure the relief and support of others in the triumphing accomplishment of a not-so-ordinary assignment.” Yet honest leadership is much more than that. A leader can be the head of an organiztion, or a simple person who leads his or her group to victory while playing in the shadows. A leader might lead through administrative influence and power, and often great leaders lead through encouragement, influence and personal fortitude. What is leadership, you might ask. One great definition is: “Leadership is the art of leading others to deliberately create a result that wouldn’t have happened otherwise.” During the 105th Annual Grand Communication, held April 11-17, in Orlando, Fla., Fort Lauderdale native, Joshua David Scruggs, 33º, was reelected to serve for a fourth term as Grand Master for The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Florida, Inc.

Happy Birthday To Our Son, Brother, Uncle, Nephew and Cousin Levi Graham Henry, III(Little Levi) May 3, 2014

We miss and love you Your Family

Founded and established in 1909, The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, AF&AM of Florida, Inc. encompasses subordinate lodges, chapters, and other cognate branches of Freemasonry from Pensacola down to Key West. This Grand Lodge is affiliated with the General Grand Masonic Congress, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, of the United States of America. The Illustrious Most Worshipful Joshua David Scruggs, 33º has held numerous positions within the Masonic organization. On the statewide level he previously served as: RW Deputy Grand Master; RW Senior Grand Warden; and as RW Junior Grand Warden. Additionally, he served as State Grand Assistant Rabban and State Grand Recorder for the Arabic Grand Council, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Desert of Florida. Locally he served as the Worshipful Master of McDonald Lodge #70, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. and as the Potentate of Oasis Temple #18, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, of Miami, Fla. In addition to his Masonic involvements he is actively involved in the community. Grand Master Scruggs is a member of Mount Hermon A.M.E. Church; Life Member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc; Life Member of the Morehouse College National Alumni Association; and a member of the Pride of Fort Lauderdale Elks Lodge #652. Scruggs is a graduate of Morehouse College where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Manage-ment. He also earned a Masters in Business Administration degree from Nova Southeastern University. He is married and has one daughter and one granddaughter.

May 1 - May 7, 2014 • • Page 3

Broward County's Oldest and Largest African American Owned and Operated Newspaper

Woodlawn Connection: The Dunlap family

While conducting historic preservation work at Fort Lauderdale’s Woodlawn Cemetery, students from Boyd H. Anderson High School’s History Across Broward Initiative, came across a couple of grave markers belonging to members of the Dunlap family. After conducting some research students found out that the individuals buried at Woodlawn Cemetery are related to Boyd Anderson High School’s Band teacher, Mr. Nathaniel Dunlap, II. Wanting to learn more about his relatives that were buried in the Wood-lawn Cemetery, History Across Broward students asked Mr. Dunlap to sit for an oral history interview. Mr. Dunlap arranged for his father, Nathaniel Dunlap, Sr. to be interviewed in early February. The Dunlap family has resided in Broward County since

1957 but they were originally from Thomasville, Ga. “We got tired of picking the cotton. So we came here.” Like many people during that time, Nathaniel Dunlap, Sr. and his family moved to Broward to find better work. “I was about 18years-old when that happened, so I had to come with them,” he said. As his first job, Mr. Dunlap worked at Zenoll’s Mattress & Bedding, which was on Sixth Street. Sixth Street was the main shopping area for African Americans in Broward County. Like many Black children during that time, a great number of them would have to work during the day and then afterwards they would attend night school at Old Dillard. Nathaniel Dunlap, Sr. also spoke about segregation and his experience during the civil rights movement and how there were certain roads which they were not allowed to cross. During that time, African Americans were secluded into one area, which was between

Clovis Campbell, Jr. NNPA Chairman (Cont'd from FP) The defendants – Philip Morris USA, Inc., Altria Group, Inc., R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company (in its own capacity and as successor to Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation and American Tobacco Co.) and Lorillard Tobacco Company – went along with a plan proposed by the judge that excluded all Black-owned newspapers and broadcast companies. The tobacco companies submitted a revised plan last week after the NNPA and the National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters (NABOB), two trade associations whose member businesses reach more than 95 percent of all African Americans, filed an amicus or friend of the court brief challenging the original plan to run court-ordered ads only in White and Latino publications and on the three major television networks. In an amicus brief supporting the Black Press, the NNPA said, “To rectify the damage created by Defendant in their targeting of African American communities, this Court should require Defendants to use NABOB and NNPA member organizations to fulfill its remedial order. Black-owned print and visual media remain a primary method of receiving information for African Americans.” After accepting the filing by NNPA and NABOB, Judge Kessler ordered the defendants to address the issues raised by the two trade associations and cable networks that later filed similar briefs protesting the arrange-

HISTORY ACROSS BROWARD NEEDS YOUR HELP. If you have information about a family member or friend buried at Woodlawn Cemetery and would like to help please contact the students at or call the club advisor Roberto Fernandez at (754) 322-0200.

Students (l-r); Jose Torruellas, Kevon Wright, and Anice Altema, document Charles Dunlap , Jr.’s tomb at Woodlawn Cemetery. Sunrise and Broward Boulevard. African Americans were not allowed to go through downtown Fort Lauderdale. Nathaniel Dunlap, Sr. also spoke about a time when he was denied service at a diner called Egg N’ You, “Black people couldn’t go in there. I mean,

you could but they wouldn’t serve you.” When Nathaniel Dunlap, Sr. went to pick up his bosses lunch at Egg N’ You Diner they would not acknowledge his presence and serve him. Nathaniel Dunlap, Sr. said that “They would not serve me, so I went back, and

Number of innocent people is likely more than double number of those actually exonerated and freed from death row WASHINGTON, D.C. — At least 4.1 percent of defendants sentenced to death in the United States are innocent, according to new peer-reviewed research published recently in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, one of the world’s most respected and cited scientific journals.

New tobacco ‘apology’ ads plan still excludes most Black Media ment that favored the three major broadcast networks over them. Among those joining the action were Fox Network News, Viacom (the parent company of BET. MTV and VH1), Univision, TV One, Radio One, CW Network and A&E Television Networks. Under its latest plan, the tobacco firms propose advertising in only 14 of approximately 200 Black newspapers: The Arizona Informant, the Denver Weekly News, the Inner-City News (Conn.), the Gary Crusader (Indiana), the Louisville Defender, Insight News (Minnesota), the St. Louis American, the Omaha Star, the Ohio City News, Black Chronicle (Nebraska), the Portland Skanner, the Seattle Skanner, the Milwaukee Courier and the Charlotte Post. The tobacco companies proposed reducing what it called “major-circulation newspapers,” i.e. White dailies, from 29 to 27, eliminating the Boston Herald, the Florida TimesUnion, the Fort Worth StarTelegram, the Fresno Bee, the New York Post, the New York Sun [which has closed], the Orlando Sentinel, the Palm Beach Post, the Sacramento Bee, the San Diego Union-Tribune and the Tallahassee Democrat from the original list. Added were: the Baltimore Sun, the Birmingham News, the Charleston Post & Courier, the Clarion-Ledger in Jackson, Miss., the Memphis Commercial Appeal, the Detroit Free Press, the New Orleans Picayune, the Newark Star-Ledger and the News Journal in Delaware. Remaining on both ad buy lists were: the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the Boston Globe, the Charlotte Observer, the Chicago SunTimes, the Chicago Tribune, the Dallas Morning News, the Houston Chronicle, the Los Angeles Times, the Miami Herald, the New York Daily News, the New York Times, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Richmond TimesDispatch, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Tampa Bay Times (formerly the St. Petersburg Times), USA Today, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post.

he knew of Dr. Sistrunk and we were astonished when his son, Nathaniel Dunlap, II interjected and said, “He actually delivered me,” in which Nathaniel Dunlap, Sr. nodded in agreement.

Over four percent of people sentenced to death are likely innocent, new National Academy of Sciences study shows

The marker of Charlie Dunlap, Jr., World War II navy veteran, and Ft. Lauderdale resident, found at Woodlawn Cemetery. (Photos By Roberto Fernandez, III) By Anice Altema

my boss' called them and sent me right back.” When asked about his family that were buried at the Woodlawn Cemetery the Elder Dunlap spoke of his father, Charles Dunlap and uncle, Charlie Dunlap, Jr. who were buried there. Mr. Dunlap also mentioned that he had relatives from his mothers' side that were called the Ross’s that were also buried at the Woodlawn Cemetery, but they are not listed on the Memorial at Woodlawn. Nathaniel Dunlap, Sr. was also asked if

HIS SON STILL SHINES ON FOREVER -- Int’l Free & Accepted Modern Masons Inc. & Order Of The Eastern Stars-SE Session Church fellowship at New Mt. Olive Baptist Church. Standing Left to Right- Sis. Shiwana Williams-Peele, Sis. Tauja Wright, Sis. Tracey Irving, Sis. Drucilla Baptiste, Sis. Katrina Jackson, Friend Malik Murphy. Sitting-Left to Right-Sis. Ella Morgan, Sis. Joan McDonald, Sis. Rosemary Simms, Sis. Lucretia McClinton, Sis. Mildred Davis and Sis. Bonnie Thompson.

“[N]o process of removing potentially innocent defendants from the execution queue can be foolproof. With an error rate at trial over 4 percent, it is all but certain that several of the 1,320 defendants executed since 1977 were innocent,” the study concludes. The article, Rate of False Conviction of Criminal Defendants Who are Sentenced to Death, is available at: d o i / 1 0 . 1 0 7 3 / pnas.1306417111. “This study provides the first rigorous estimate of the rate of conviction of innocent criminal defendants in any context. It shows that the number of innocent people sentenced to death is more than twice the number of inmates actually exonerated and freed by legal action,” said Bruce Levin, Ph.D., an expert in statistics who did not participate in the research but is familiar with the study. Dr. Levin is Professor and Past Chair, Department of Biostatistics, Mailman School of Public Health Columbia University, and author of Statistics for Lawyers (2001, with Michael O. Finkelstein); Statistical Methods for Rates and Proportions, 3rd Edition (2003, with Joseph L. Fleiss and Myunghee Cho Paik); and The Biostatistics of Aging (2014, with Gilberto Levy). ( Read full story on

LEGAL NOTICE Pursuant to F.S.98.075 (7), notice is hereby given to the voters listed below that your eligibility to vote is in question. You are required to contact the Supervisor of Elections in Broward County, Florida, no later than thirty (30) days after the date of this publishing in order to receive information regarding the basis for the potential ineligibility and the procedure to resolve the matter. Failure to respond will result in a determination of ineligibility by the Supervisor and your name will be removed f rom the statewide voter registration system. If you have any questions pertaining to this matter, please contact the S upervisor of Elections at: 115 South Andrews Avenue, Room 102, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 or call: 954-357-7050. Notice is hereby given to: / At the Last known address: Amar A Ali st 4110 SW 31 Dr West Park, FL 33023 Scott A Becker th 1151 SW 128 Terr, Apt D101 Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 Darren J Bortner 2011 W Atlantic Blvd, Apt 202 Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Ivory C Calloway th 5501 SW 11 St, Apt D Margate, FL 33068 Andrew P De Cespedes nd 3091 SW 192 Ave Miramar, FL 33029 Thomas E Fogelman Jr. th 2246 NW 39 Ave Coconut Creek, FL 33066 Marlon A Hamilton 10231 Citrus Ct Pembroke Pines, FL 33026 Terran L Haynes th 2700 NW 56 Ave, Apt 219E Lauderhill, FL 33312 Cass W Jackson nd 448 SW 2 Ct, Apt C Pompano Beach, FL 33060 Donovon S Junor th 4390 NW 36 St, Apt D202 Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33319 Tenikya C Lumsdon th 830 NW 5 Ave Pompano Beach, FL 33060 Byron L Murray th 5627 SW 26 St West Park, FL 33023 Charles D Nobile 3015 N Ocean Dr, Apt 1 Hollywood, FL 33019 Shannon J Pump th 1341 NE 5 Terr, Apt 4 Ft Lauderdale, FL 33304 2¶1HLO 2 5RELQVRQ 7900 Granada Blvd Miramar, FL 33023 Saladine A Sherrod rd 2866 NW 63 Ave Sunrise, FL 33313 Marcus D Tanner th 2615 NE 49 St, Apt 209 Ft Lauderdale, FL 33308 Carlos A Zuniga th 916 NW 26 St Wilton Manors, FL 33311

Notice is hereby given to: / At the Last known address: Adrian A Arabitg th 1743 NE 48 Ct Pompano Beach, FL 33064 David L Bemis Jr. th 9150 NW 24 Ct Sunrise, FL 33322 Macy Braziel th 920 NW 7 Ave Ft Lauderdale, FL 33311 Monalisa M Cardoza th 2450 NW 65 Ave Margate, FL 33063 James J Diegel Jr. th 12282 NW 10 St Pembroke Pines, FL 33026 Michael L Gallander 3400 W Hillsboro Blvd, Apt 105 Coconut Creek, FL 33073 Sheriley J Harden rd 1020 NW 23 Terr Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Corey L Irvin Jr th 2917 NW 56 Ave, Apt 1D Lauderhill, FL 33313 Adam P Jeffrey 180 Cypress Club Dr, Apt 816 Pompano Beach, FL 33060 Kevin J Kearney th 1001 SE 14 Pl, Apt 2A Ft Lauderdale, FL 33316 Derek G Manzi th 8581 NW 11 St Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 Dorean A Nairn nd 2719 SW 82 Ave Miramar, FL 33025 Carlos J Pacheco th 4630 NW 100 Way Coral Springs, FL 33076 Carmello T Raffa Jr. th 4040 NW 4 St Coconut Creek, FL 33066 Heather Romano 3556 SW 61st Way Davie, FL 33314 Anthony C Sinovcic IV th 3321 NE 14 Ave Pompano Beach, FL 33064 Karlijo Teague th 12955 SW 16 Ct, Apt M208 Pembroke Pines, FL 33027

Notice is hereby given to: / At the Last known address: George R Baker II nd 2600 NE 22 St Pompano Beach, FL 33062 Kristopher J Bieger 5857 Hampton Hill Blvd Tamarac, FL 33321 Shalinda Y Brown th 1175 SW 16 Ave, Unit 1 Ft Lauderdale, FL 33312 Arnel D Clarke 2310 Tyler St, Apt 10 Hollywood, FL 33020 Daniel A Duenas 6608 Pines Blvd Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 Tyra L Griffin th 7506 SW 7 St North Lauderdale, FL 33068 Christopher T Harper th 4801 SW 29 Way, Apt 3 Dania Beach, FL 33312 Ruth Isaacs 3113 S Ocean Dr, Apt 502 Hallandale Bch, FL 33009 Andrew John th 645 SW 15 Ave, Apt 2 Ft Lauderdale, FL 33312 Calvin M Lee 3469 Auburn Blvd Ft Lauderdale, FL 33312 Jose D Martinez st 425 NW 1 Terr, Apt 202 Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 Ziska M Nation 15224 SW 54th St Miramar, FL 33027 Elizabeth R Parker rd 1433 NW 3 St Ft Lauderdale, FL 33311 Karol Richards 5524 Harrison St Hollywood, FL 33021 Latoya T Rozier th 237 NW 11 St Pompano Beach, FL 33060 Tyon J Smith 1270 Hampton Blvd, Apt 727 North Lauderdale, FL 33068 Michael Walker th 5852 NW 66 Ave Parkland, FL 33067

Notice is hereby given to: / At the Last known address: Matthew W Bartlett 400 N Riverside Dr, Apt 507 Pompano Beach, FL 33062 Latoya A Bodkin th 6437 SW 25 St Miramar, FL 33023 Gladys S Buckhanon th 802 NW 4 Ave Pompano Beach, FL 33060 Taquawn T Davis rd 816 NE 3 St, Apt 3 Hallandale Bch, FL 33009 Patricia A Ennis 6561 Sunset Strip Ste 1 Sunrise, FL 33313 Tony C Hall Jr. th 744 NW 6 St Hallandale Bch, FL 33009 Brian S Hatfield nd 5490 SW 32 Terr Dania Beach, FL 33312 Anthony B Jackson th 4440 NW 19 St, Apt L411 Lauderhill, FL 33313 Oneil T Johnson rd 1857 SW 103 Ave Miramar, FL 33025 Reginal Lett th 4297 SW 49 St Dania Beach, FL 33314 Roberto R Moreno th 12600 SW 5 Ct, Apt 302L Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 Steven D Nettleford th 428 SW 80 Ave North Lauderdale, FL 33068 Vonshawn Parker st 4160 NW 21 St, Apt D227 Lauderhill, FL 33313 Anthony J Roberts th 8893 NW 55 Pl Coral Springs, FL 33067 Marie P Scarbaci 2930 Forest Hills Blvd, Apt 202 Coral Springs, FL 33065 Jehovah St Hilaire th 210 NW 46 Ct Deerfield Beach, FL 33064 Charleston J Williams th 5963 NW 19 Ct Lauderhill, FL 33313

Dr. Brenda C. Snipes Supervisor of Elections Broward County

Broward County's Oldest and Largest African American Owned and Operated Newspaper

Page 4 • • May 1 - May 7, 2014

Community Digest

Publix is Proud to Support Community News WHERE SHOPPING IS A PLEASURE



OIC of South Florida, Celebrating 50 years of Helping People Help Themselves, Thursday, May 1, 2014 at 7 p.m., at Broward Center for the Performing Arts “Amaturo Theater”, 201 S.W. Fifth Ave., Fort Lauderdale, Fla. For more info call (954) 563-3535 ext. 209 or go to

Tracy Wilson-Mourning 12th annual “Hats Off” Luncheon, presented by the Carnival Foundation, Tuesday, May 6, 2014 from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Jungle Island, 1111 Parrot Jungle Trail, Miami, Fla. For cost and additional info call Jessica Geter at (305) 854-2444.

Party Fish Fry

Omega Psi Phi Eta Nu Chapter Scholarship Fundraiser Fish Fry, Friday, May 2, 2014 at 7:30 p.m., at 723 N.W. Sixth St., (Frat House), Pompano Beach, Fla. Donations are accepted, music and dancing. For more info call (954) 4447994.

Third Annual Friends’ “Pretty in Pink” Mother’s Day Tea Party, Wednesday, May 7, 2014 from 6 to 7:30 p.m., at Jan Moran Collier City Learning Library, 2800 N.W. Ninth Ct., Pompano Beach, Fla. For cost and additional info call (954) 357-7667.


Trade Show

Greater Miami Chapter of NIGP annual reverse Trade Show, Friday, May 2, 2014 at the City of North Miami Beach, McDonald Center, 17051 N.E.19 Ave., North Miami Beach, Fla.

Mother’s Day Brunch, Saturday, May 10, 2014 from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Maxwell Room, 10 S. New River Dr., E. Fort Lauderdale, Fla. For more info call Bernadette Jefferson, at (954) 881-8375, NO CHILDREN.



FOULKE Roland A. Foulke, Fort Lauderdale native-son, eighth generation, Florida, a medical anthropologist, social entrepreneur, community activist AND actionist discusses, “The Unfinished Agenda Gaining the Full Civil Rights of US Citizenship for All Black Americans”, Thursday, May 8, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., at the Tyrone Bryant Library, 2230 N.W. 21 Ave., Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

Caring for the Caregiver Workshop, May 17, 2014 from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., at New Mount Olive Baptist Church, 400 N.W. Ninth Ave., Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Sponsored by VITAS Innovative Hospice Care in partnership with Mount Olive Caregivers Ministry. The workshop is FREE and registration is required. Call (954) 463-5126 to register by May 8. For more info contact



Miramar Library presents the premier pre-Haitian Flag Day family celebration, Saturday, May 10, 2014 at 12 p.m., at 2050 Civic Center, Pl., Miramar, Fla. For more info call (954) 357-8090.

Open House

World Wide Community Based Coalition Annual Entrepreneurs Coalition Expo, Saturday, May 17, 2014 at 7 p.m., at Collins Community Center, 3900 N.E. Third Ave., Oakland Park, Fla. Bishop Dr. Ivory Wilson, founder of W.W.C.B.C., keynote speaker. This is event free. For more info call Prunette Bennett at (863) 612-6250 or Takesha Bynes at (754) 2445352.

Celebration The community is cordially invited to the Cora E. Braynon Family Health Center, Open House, Wednesday, May 14, 2014 at 3:30 p.m., at 200 N.W. Seventh Ave., Fort Lauderdale, Fla. RVSP by Tuesday, May 6, 2014. For more info to RSVP call (954) 759-7400.


The Jessie Trice Community Health Center (JTCHC) is holding a grand opening celebration for its new Miami Gardens facility, Saturday, May 17, 2014 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., at 4692 N.W. 183 St., Miami, Fla. This event is free. For more info call (305) 9488063.

Event Chi Psi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. will host its Seventh Annual Relay for Life event Friday Night 6 p.m. until Saturday Morning 10 a.m., May 16 and 17, 2014, at Joseph Carter Park, 1450 W. Sunrise Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. The event is in partnership with the American Cancer Society. Participants will celebrate survivorship, remember those lost and fight against cancer. The public is invited to attend. Learn more by visiting Chi Psi Omega webpage. http:// ?team_id=1584782&pg=team&fr_id=56862 or visit us at

SAVE THE DATE Friday, Friday, May 16 and Saturday, May 17, 2014 Relay For Life of Carter Park, Lauderhill, Lauderdale Lakes, North Lauderhill 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., at Joseph C. Carter Park 1450 W. Sunrise Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, Fla. This is an organized, over-night community fundraising event. For more info contact Ms. Pam Beasley-Pittman, Chair (954) 445-0244 or Ms. Audrey Campbell (954) 564-0880 ext. 7533 audrey,

REUNION Broward Mega Reunion Class of 73’ Thru 77’ Piper Alumni is hosting a Mega Reunion involving eight (8) Broward County High Schools, i.e., Boyd Anderson, Dillard, Fort Lauderdale, Nova, Piper, Plantation, South Plantation, and Stranahan. Please join us for this wonderful Mega Reunion. Other classes are welcome to participate. Please make copies and share with other classmates. (Adults ONLY - No Children Invited). The schedule of planned events is as follows: · Friday Night - October 17, 2014 – Meet & Greet - $25 per person (Includes Meal/Beverages/Music) from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., at Woodland Private Community Section # 5 Club House, 5725 White Hickory Circle Tamarac, Fla. Attire: Casual · Saturday Night - October 18, 2014 – Banquet - $60 per person (Includes Meal/Cash Bar/Music) from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m., Tropical Acres, 2500 Griffin Road Fort Lauderdale Fla. Attire: Formal · Sunday - October 19, 2014 – (CHURCH TO BE ANNOUNCED AT LATER DATE). NOTE: Payments can be made in two (2) installments. The FIRST PAYMENT of at least one-half for each event you will be attending is due by JUNE 30, 2014. THE DEADLINE for final payment is due NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 1, 2014. Payments are non – refundable (payments and responses determine our planning process). Please return all forms with payment in the form of MONEY ORDER OR CASHIERS CHECK ONLY made payable to: BROWARD MEGA REUNION CLASS 73 – 77; Mail to: c/o Cecelia A. Edwards P.O. BOX 120242 Lauderhill Fl., 33312 If you would like to receive Registration Forms about the Broward Mega Reunion, please contact me at: or send a selfaddressed stamped envelope to the above referenced address.


Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. South Broward Alumnae Chapter will host a “Literary Interlude”, Saturday, May 17, 2014 from 5 to 7 p.m., at Grand Café, 12389 Pembroke Rd., Pembroke Pines, Fla. For tickets and additional info call (954) 303-3585 or emailing


The Aging and Disability Resource Center of Broward County has calendared its 33rd Annual Aging Network Conference for Tuesday and Wednesday, May 20 and 21, 2014 at Southwest Focal Point Senior Center, 301 N.W. 103rd Ave., Pembroke Pines, Fla. The theme of the conference is “Safe Today Healthy Tomorrow.” Outstanding speakers will address a multitude of issues, such as legislative advocacy, and how to protect your assets, your health your documents and you. For more cost and additional info contact Karen at the Aging and Disability Resource Center, (954) 745-9567 or visit the website at

Meeting Lauderhill Women Club, meets the first Thursday of each month, at 7 p.m., at the Sadkin Center, 1176 N.W. 42 Way Lauderhill,Fla. For more info call (954) 739-6941.


Happenings at African-American Research Library and Cultural Center

African-American Research Library Cultural Center, 2650 Sistrunk Blvd., Fort Lauderale, Fla. ·Educator Joyce H. Clark will be holding six class sessions for families, adults and young people. The sessions cover the following topics: ·Friday, May, 9, 2014 from 2 to 3:30 p.m., VITAS Innovative Hospice Care presents… An afternoon with Jane Allen Petrick, Hidden in Plain Sight: The Other People in Norman Rockwell’s America, Friday, May 9, 2014 from 2 to 3:30 p.m., Fla. For more info call (561) 396-3867.

Open Mic

Open Mic is held every 1st Friday at First Baptist Church Piney Grove, 4699 W. Oakland Park Blvd., Lauderdale Lakes, Fla. Dr. Rev Derrick J. Hughes is the senior pastor. Hosted by the young adults, Open Mic features inspirational spoken word, singing and gospel rap. Open Mic is for ages 18-35 (kids are welcome.) This is a time to fellowship and enjoy God given talent. This is a free invite doors open at 7 p.m., show starts at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments are served.

May 1 - May 7, 2014 • • Page 5

Broward County's Oldest and Largest African American Owned and Operated Newspaper

Tractor trailer delivers over 30,000 pounds of food to Liberty City residents By Jimmie Davis, Jr. Not only has Mt. Tabor Baptist Church (MTBC) along with their Inner City Ministry been progressive when it comes to

providing free food to residents of Liberty City on a weekly basis – but they arranged to have Farm Share pull up a tractor trailer supplied with over 30,000 pounds of fresh pro-visi-

ons last week – that’s avantgarde. Times are hard in the Black community and some folks don’t know where their next meal is going to come from.

State’s GOP has left families in need: My word By Geraldine Thompson This year’s legislative session was another lost chance for the Florida Legislature to expand opportunity for families. Gov. Rick Scott and Tallahassee Republicans made it clear that reelecting the governor was more important than doing what’s right for the middle class. The most pressing issue facing us is how to expand opportunity to the millions of Floridians struggling to get into the middle class. Some of them were doing well before the recession hit, and now are stuck in jobs that don’t pay the bills. Others are trapped in a cycle of poverty that is generations in the making. Others have immigrated here recently to make a better life. We need to open the doors of opportunity. Instead, the Republicans kept them closed. The Legislature will end this week with a long list of unfinished business to help Florida’s families. The Republicans refused to vote on raising the minimum wage, which would have helped more than a million Floridians

STATE SEN. THOMPSON provide for their families. No one who works full-time should live in poverty, and no parents should struggle to provide food for their children. Republicans also refused to vote on guaranteeing women receive equal pay for equal work. In Florida, women still

The silent wars of African American girls

Monique Morris says, “Black girls are under the radar.” By Jazelle Hunt NNPA Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON, D.C. (NNPA) – March 1 was the last time eight-year-old Relisha Rudd was seen, leaving a local hotel here with Kahlil Tatum, a 51-year-old custodian who had been asked to babysit her. Exactly a month later, Tatum was found dead; Rudd remains missing and the trail has gone cold. The same week Tatum’s death was announced, the body of 30-year-old, first-year medical resident Teleka Patrick

was pulled from a lake in Indiana. In the days leading up to her December disappearance, she and others expressed concern over her mental health. The circumstances of her death remain unclear. One week after Patrick’s body was found, 22-year-old Karyn Washington, founder of For Brown Girls, a well-known blog dedicated to combatting colorism and promoting self-love for Black women, was found dead in an apparent suicide. The plight of Black boys garners well-deserved attention, even from the White House— but Black girls are fighting epic wars of their own, too. “Black girls are under the radar,” says Monique Morris, author and president of the National Black Women’s Justice Institute. “At this point, all of the conversations are geared toward men and boys, and now at least a billion dollars annually will be invested in ensuring that men and boys of color have services that are uniquely responsive to their condition. And we don’t see that similar investment in girls.” (Read full story on

earn only 83 cents for every dollar a man makes. Most Floridians support passing equal pay, but their wishes were disregarded. Again, Scott and the Legislature failed to expand access to health care to more than 1 million Floridians. Refusing billions in federal funds to score political points is a slap in the face to hard-working Floridians who are struggling to afford health care. Unfortunately, when the Republicans did take action, they moved Florida in the wrong direction. Rather than invest in public schools, they directed millions of taxpayer dollars to for-profit charter schools. Just as bad, the Republicans are cutting Bright Futures scholarships, limiting access to college for some. This is no way to move Florida forward. Floridians are doing their best in a tough economy, and they’re working tirelessly to climb the ladder to the middle class. But this legislative session, the Republicans refused to even consider common-sense ideas to expand opportunity and left the business of helping Florida families unfinished. State Sen. Geraldine Thompson is a Democrat from Orlando.

The Jan Moran Collier City Library will be holding a Mother’s Day Tea on Wednesday, May 7, 2014, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Representative Gwyndolen ClarkeReed will be the keynote speaker and will speak on the importance of family. The public is invited. The Jan Moran Collier City Library, 2800 NW Ninth Ct., Pompano Beach, Fla.

Commissioner Audrey Edmonson (l) and voluteers feeding the needy. (Photo credit: Marta Martinez-Aleman/Commissioner Edmonson’s Office) Feeding the less fortunate is the primary purpose why Inner City Ministry joined forces with Audrey M. Edmonson, MiamiDade County Commissioner, District 3, along with Farm Share to have a food distribution to let the less fortunate partake in a well balanced diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, rice, chicken, bread, coffee and tea. Liberty City has never witnessed a food giveaway of such a scale before. There were just pallets upon pallets of food, including canned goods, string beans, squash and plantains under each tent that was setup behind the church, located at 1701 N.W. 66 St., Miami, Fla. “I’ve been feeding this community for over 20 years and I have not seen the magnitude of food or people of this size since I’ve been here,” said Rev. George McRae, pastor MTBC, during the food distribution. “This gives the church a chance to reach out to the people. It’s a great turnout.” Mt. Tabor is known in the community for reaching out to

the impoverished – but over the years, according to Misty Brown, Chief of Staff for Commissioner Audrey Edmonson, they have lost a substantial amount of funding to feed the needy. Brown says the notion of collaborating to have a large scale food distribution came last year during a Turkey giveaway at Mt. Tabor. “We have a solid partnership with Mt. Tabor and Farm Share, because people really need food to eat,” Edmonson said. “It’s always important to give back.” The Commissioner says it’s important to give back because when you look and see the satisfaction on a person’s face that they have food to eat – it touches you. “It makes me feel good in life to know residents in the community have food to provide for their families,” she said. “This also makes a difference in the people’s lives in District 3.” Food Share is a large-scale food bank that’s practically everywhere these days and

their goal is to end hunger. “We’ve been here in South Florida because there’s a great need to feed hungry people,” said Elizabeth Nickerson, director of Communications for Farm Share. “We are trying to feed over 3,000 people a week across the state of Florida.” Sylvester James, executive director and Founder of Inner City Ministry, says the outreach programs such as the food distribution, and clothes giveaway brings the community closer together. “We came together today to give a gigantic feeding for the community,” he said. “I think it’s a marvelous thing to feed our community that’s in need.” Rosetta Brown has family members that attend Mt. Tabor and says there are a lot of senior citizens that live in the community and don’t have food to eat. “The food that I picked up today – I will take it back and share it with others,” Brown said. “We need a blessing such as this food giveaway.”

Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children. —William Makepeace Thackeray

Local family nominates Lynn Meister, MD for ‘Spirit of Healing’ honor (Cont'd from FP) Additionally, at this function, the South Florida President’s Council of Motorcycle Clubs and Organizations will be honored with the ‘Wasie Philanthropic Leadership Award’. When the call to open this year’s nominations were called by the Foundation’s chairman; local residents; the Morris Family; obliged to make known their gratitude by nominating Lynn Meister MD. A physician owning stellar attributes having sacrificed nearly two decades of unrelenting services, above and beyond her call of duty in being charged with the care of their daughter; Andrea Morris; born with Sickle Cell Disease. The fruition of these welldeserved accolades manifested a personalized invitation to the Morris’ family’s by the Foundation as honored guests to this festive occasion. Owing to how well it was articulated what the good doctor has meant to them by way of their heart-felt letter of nomination. Mrs. Morris states, “the letters were for thanks and recognition, oftentimes left unsaid by so many. Because on average most families are unable to make their thankfulness known having been thrown into circumstances so unforgiving and seemingly insurmountable.”

Morris further states, “I would be the first to admit, ‘the climate of need’; as experienced by so many in Broward County can appear unbearable. Especially in experiencing first-hand how so many Broward County families, adversely affected by varied 21st century diseases, which can yield paralyzing effects on our precious children and the critically needed support by their immediate lovedones. Valerie knows her family is not alone in its trials. Having a stillborn son and a daughter born with dreadful Sickle Cell Disease. Encompassing over 25 years of holy matrimony; her husband, Ronnie enduring multiple mental challenges, and hypertension and diabetes. At some point during a significant matrimonial separation, Valerie unknowingly became infected with HIV and she did not know until she elevated to stage 3 Full Blown AIDS. She admits her mistake in dropping the ball in maintaining her practice of regular testing for HIV during her marital separation from Ronnie. After over 17 years of not only treating their daughter for Sickle Cell Disease Dr. Meister has proven her undying altruistic commitment to her Hippocratic oath in comforting and imparting wisdom to the entire Morris family.

After gaining unexpected knowledge of this esteemed upcoming recognition by simply doing what God has charged her to do, Dr. Meister proclaimed to the Morris’ how all the more she is inspired to fulfill her charge. Valarie also confessed her beloved husband and children’s need to recognize with sheer and utter admiration their unequivocal fortitude to press on. Despite mommy’s indiscretions the family now reunited has profited hugely, owing so much to Dr. Lynn Meister. If no other message is manifested in the summary of the state-of-youth in Broward County, as viewed from the frame of reference of this family, it is, “we can no longer be embarrassed by being affected by varied 21st century diseasestates. But, forge on in spite of its cumulative demise intended to afflict our precious youth of today. We, no matter how minute our contribution(s), are far greater than the barriers we face. Give of your time, talents and/or money towards those efforts that hold meaning in your heart.” Mrs. Morris believes supporting the family unit in Broward County is super important. And higher education for our youth should be sought by any means necessary.

VITAS Pays Tribute to


My mother is always with me • She’s the whisper of the leaves as I walk down the street • She’s the smell of bleach in my freshly laundered socks • She’s the cool hand on my my brow when I’m not well • My mother lives inside my laughter • She’s crystallized in every tear drop • She’s the place I came from, my first home • She’s the map I follow with every step I take • She’s my first love and my first heartbreak • Nothing on earth can separate us … not time, not space … not even death!

For more information on VITAS services in Broward County, please contact Deborah Mizell, community liaison, at 954.829.5620.

Broward County's Oldest and Largest African American Owned and Operated Newspaper

Page 6 • • May 1 May 7, 2014


The Westside Gazette, under the Management of BI-ADs, Inc., reserves the right to publish Views and Opinions by Contributing Writers may not necessarily reflect those of the Staff and Management of The Westside Gazette Newspaper and are solely the product of the responsible individual(s) who submit comments published in this newspaper.

This is what they think of you Inspired by Ice Cube and Donald Sterling By Dedrick D. Henry, Sr. With the past comments from Los Angeles Clippers owner, Donald Sterling, the sports’ airwaves are in an uproar. Fans, sponsors and even other team owners are questioning their peers, and persons of interest for their content of character and what they truly represent or feel about people of color. This is just the average white man’s perspective of a Negro in White AmeriKKKa and nothing really to be shocked about if you asked me. Trust me, many team owners, whether NBA, MLB or the NFL, feel the exact same way. They just have not been publicly exposed. Black athletes make billions of dollars for team owners from ticket sales, jerseys and NBA memorabilia, but are not allowed near their homes or near their families. Nothing has changed; no white man wants to see his precious Jessica with Tyrone. Just as it was four hundred years ago when we were

forced to pick their cotton fields, but not allowed in the big house, the same applies today. Nothing has changed. To them we are only worthy of making money for them and entertainHENRY ing them, but not making money with them and openly sharing all that comes with each. Black athletes are making good money, but compared to the average team owner it is scraps just like the scraps we were once fed. Not all NBA players have multimillion dollar contracts. Some have had 10-day contracts and need the money to survive, so the silent protest by the Clipper players was considered acceptable to some. Had I been a NBA player on the Clipper roster, my full participation, if any to win anything for a racist owner, would be questioned, too. It is hard enough to work

Writer calls Black people cowards, is he right? By Yvette Carnell (Photo credit: Gawker) I tend to avoid statements like “all Black people are..” or “only Black people …” since I’m not into pathologizing Black behavior. People are people, and

Westside Gazette Florida Association of Black Owned Media (FABOM) Bobby R. Henry, Sr. - PUBLISHER Pamela D. Henry - SENIOR EDITOR Sonia M. Henry Robinson COMPTROLLER Elizabeth D. Henry CIRCULATION MANAGER Carma L. Henry - DATA ENTRY Charles Moseley MARKETING DIRECTOR Tarrence Crawford & Ron Lyons PHOTOGRAPHER Levi Henry Jr. - CHAIRMAN Yvonne F. Henry EDITOR (Emeritus)

Broward County's Oldest and Largest African American Owned and Operated Newspaper

A PROUD PAPER FOR A PROUD PEOPLE SERVING BROWARD, DADE & PALM BEACH COUNTIES 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 5304, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33310



HOW TO REACH US: (954) 525-1489 ● Fax: (954) 525-1861 The WESTSIDE GAZETTE is published WEEKLY by Bi-Ads, Inc./dba WESTSIDE GAZETTE at 545 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311. Subscription price: $40.00 annually or .50¢ per copy.

PRINTED BY SOUTHEAST OFFSET. CREDO -- The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from racial and national antagonism when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all are hurt as long as anyone is held back. E-MAIL ADDRESSES: MAIN PUBLISHER EDITOR WEBSITE:

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with racist people, but to work for a racist has to be that much harder. Donald Sterling is making billions of dollars on the backs and sweat of athletic Black men and for them not to be respected for their athletic abilities instead of the color of their skin is ludicrous. The days of Black people being jesters, uncle toms, jigga-boos, the entertainment or the help is long gone, but Sterling refuses to come from under his rock. Does he not realize that the Clipper organization will not be a success without Black athletes? An all white NBA team - how many games would they win? Seriously, how many? With all the money the NBA makes in revenue in this predominately Black sport, minority players should be uplifted and rewarded daily for their rigorous schedule and strenuous traveling. Rather than being bombarded or disregarded as simply “The Help” or the enemy, mind you the help has provided for you and your family since your purchasing of the Clipper organization. But in the end,” It is what it is,” a closet Klansman has been exposed. I mean I can honestly agree to a certain degree because ain’t no redneck coming in or near my house! But to be honest, I’m kind of glad it happened because you should always know who you invite to your dinner table or who you rub elbows with. For some of you sellout brothers/sisters, this is a prime example of why not to sell out because this is what they think of you. Sometimes the grass needs to mowed just a little bit lower to reveal the snakes in hiding…

Racism fuels capitalism in the politics of political profit although there are many influencers of human behavior–such as culture and policies–pigment is not one of them. Having said that, an article up at Gawker about the psuedo-protest by L.A. Clippers over racist comments made owner Don Sterling did make some points which deserve more attention. Much of the article focused on the decision of players to pretend that wearing their warm ups inside out was a significant protest, but then the writer goes further: It’s almost as if people have forgotten that struggle includes struggling. You might have to lose your job. You might have to lose your life. That’s what it takes for change to happen. There’s no easy way to do this. If you’re scared to stand up for yourself, for whatever reason, all I ask is that you stop pretending. Stop with the Facebook posts. Stop with the meaningless conversations. Just stop. Be honest. About how you behave. About your part in all this madness. About what you are. A coward. Just a coward. No need to put on an act for the rest of us. We can all see right through each other. And I don’t think the writer is essentializing Black behavior as much as he’s questioning what we can and cannot afford to allow at this juncture in history: I don’t really think Black people are cowards. I think humans are cowards. Most of us. I think that regardless of where one’s phenotype places them within the imaginary concept of race, that the majority of us are content to live on our knees rather than die on our feet. The problem is, we, us, Black people, can’t afford to be like everyone else anymore. Not if we want to survive. I don’t know how we got here, but everywhere you look we’re at the bottom of the global totem pole. Not to say that this essay isn’t without its flaws, but I agree with this. I was having this conversation last night. In David Remnick’s recent New Yorker essay about Pres. Obama, he questioned why investors and other Wall Street types had turned on Obama, considering their earnings were way up. I found it laugh out loud funny that Remnick couldn’t answer his own question. Wall Street big wig types ruthlessly wield power every day and know enough to know that Obama doesn’t have any. And it’s not just Obama. Nobody’s afraid of us … and it’s not because we’re marginalized. It’s because when it comes down to it, we’re unwilling to put it all on the line. We’ll allow you to abuse us, then we’ll pray for you, dust ourselves off, and move on. Cowards. Your thoughts?

By Derek Joy Easter has passed. Memorial Day looms in the not too distant future. Sandwiched in between is a most interesting story. Telling that story sent JOY me back to an early 1960’s rock ‘n roll hit tune titled Rockin’ Robin. All about a bird nestled amongst the branches and leaves at the top of a tree. Happy in doin’ his thing, singing and bopping. The story is best told in one refrain of the song. None of my old school contacts could name the artist who recorded Rockin’ Robin. No matter. That refrain goes, “Up popped the buzzard and the oriole.” Seems the National Basketball Association (NBA) and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) find themselves in a similar situation. The mud in your face courtesy of Los Angeles Clippers’ owner Donald Sterling. (Read full story on

Ask Alma Reverend needs heavenly advice By Alma Gill NNPA Columnist Dear Alma, My brother in-law is a minister, but he’s also an oblivious, self-cenGILL tered fool. At Christmas, he irritates people by doing things like sitting in my 94-year-old mother’s favorite chair and acts hurt when we tell him to get up. Or he goes shopping and is late for the big dinner. I said we shouldn’t wait for him, but that’s a hard one to enforce. I try to not let it get to me, but part of me says he needs to be told that he is not the center of our universe. My poor sister is constantly making excuses for him. How long should we suck it up, or is it time to finally dish some out? W.P., Springfield, Va. Family gatherings; they’re a blessing, aren’t they? Some relatives come from far away; others just drive across the bridge. But, oh, what a time it is… for the first good hour. (Read full story on

The Westside Gazette welcomes your letters. Letters must be signed with name clearly legible along with a phone number and complete address. No unsigned or anonymous letters will be considered for publication. The Westside Gazette reserves the right to edit letters. The letters should be 500 words or less.

By Pastor Rasheed Z. Baaith Part of the mis-guided thinking of Black celebrities is their belief that somehow because of what they have done or because of how well BAAITH they are known, they transcend race. That somehow they have become race neutral in the eyes of the world. This is particularly true of Black athletes. When they are hit with the reality that they are thought of in the same way as the average brother, they are hurt and disappointed. What they do not realize is they are million dollar slaves. But the second part of that tragedy is most of them are willing slaves. When LA Clippers owner said the racist, vitriolic things he did, every black person on his team, on his corporate staff or connected to him as an employee in any way should have resigned. Wearing your jersey inside out and throwing on the floor just doesn’t seem to do it. “Playing above it” is just another way to avoid a fight that needs to be fought with the weapon of confrontation. And while there is this loud clamor from Magic Johnson and others, the fact of the matter is that the deep and pervasive racism of Donald Sterling has long been known. Even defended by black players. NBA player Baron Davis says of Sterling, “He’s honest, the way it is.” It sure is the way he is and no doubt that same attitude of true of other owner who are too smart to say out loud what was said. The NBA is a multimillion dollar industry whose primary athletes are African American males who for the most part come from the economically deprived neighborhoods in America. They bring with them the socialization imprints from where they grew up. Tattooed, assured to the point of arrogance in their athletic abilities, exaggerated in their life style and refusing to be the servile employees the owners want them to be, are you really surprised at the contempt Sterling showed toward Black players, including Magic Johnson? I think Magic was really surprised to find out that he was considered just another nigger by Sterling. Like a number of us, I think Magic has bought into this false reality that America is post racial. Recent news tells us different. The Supreme Court’s recent decision on affirmative action and higher education (Schuette vs Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action) allows citizens in individual states to prohibit racial preference for college admissions cannot help but negatively impact the future of our children. We are now living in a world where to be successful means having the tool the best education one can acquire in your quiver is a must. This decision is an attempt to keep that essential from our children. Racists are so comfortable in the America of today that an obvious small mind like Cliven Bundy believes it’s alright to advocate for the return of slavery and the forced picking of cotton. Why is he so comfortable with spewing verbal racist diarrhea? Because of Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis, because a Black President was called a liar publically by an elected official, because what was thought to be the exception has become the norm. And because this present generation of Africa Americans are more concerned about the “me” that the “we.” Black professional athletes in particular. They need as many wake up moments like this one as they can get. NBA Television Analyst and former Coach Jeff Van Gundy said every Black player and coach on the LA Clippers should be given free agency by NBA Commissioner Adam Silver. Van Gundy is right but we might be very disappointed by just how many Black players and coaches would take the option to leave. They keep talking about this being a “distraction.” The words of Sterling, Bundy and those like them and there are many, are not distractions, they are a sickness.

Acting slave Master or Billionaire NBA Team Owner? Written by Phillip Wright Ph.D.


“Surprised? But why?

It is most disgraceful and unethical for the Clippers owner Donald Sterling to get away with his shameful behavior in America, so many times without reprimand from the NBA, or any source of Juris Prudence. African Americans and other sports players should ban together and refuse to play until Donald Sterling back away from his ownership of the Clippers, and permit someone else to take over ownership of the Clippers Basketball team. This should be a legal standard for all sports players Black or white in similar cases where a player or owner displays degrading and racist language.

However, this should be upheld by the NBA and any court in the country with clear Professional Standards to be enforced, and to hold all owners and players to those same high standards in their games, and WRIGHT for them to be accountable for displaying racial or unethical behavior, on or off the playing field or court, no matter how wealthy he may be. April 28, 2014

Racist NBA owner has fouled out By George E. Curry NNPA Columnist New NBA Commissioner Adam Silver wants to spend several days “investigating” the clearly racist remarks CURRY of LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling. There’s no need to waste a scintilla of another second on this foul-mouth bigot. Escort him to the closest exit and say good bye – for good. Record fines or a long suspension won’t do in this case if – and that’s a big if – the NBA is serious about addressing raw racism in a sport dominated by African Americans. Sterling, 81, has fouled out with his own words and the decision to permanently throw him out of the game doesn’t require a huddle around the scorer’s table to review his odious behavior. Unless you’ve been under a rock or just landed from Mars, you should know by now that Sterling, who has a long and acrimonious history with people of color, exposed his true feelings about African Americans in a conversation with his mistress, Vanessa Stiviano, who is almost 50 years his junior. The conversation was apparently taped surreptitiously in Sterling’s home by Stiviano, who describes herself as part Mexican and part Black. A 9mintute segment of the conversation was posted Saturday to celebrity website TMZ. A 15-minute excerpt was later posted by Deadspin. There was this exchange in one segment: V: I don’t understand, I don’t see your views. I wasn’t raised the way you were raised. DS: Well then, if you don’t feel— don’t come to my games. Don’t bring Black people, and don’t come. V: Do you know that you have a whole team that’s Black; that plays for you? DS: You just, do I know? I support them and give them food, and clothes, and cars, and houses. Who gives it to them? Does someone else give it to them? Do I know that I have—Who makes the game? Do I make the game, or do they make the game? Is there 30 owners, that created the league? At one point, Sterling said: “It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you’re associating with Black people. Do you have to?…” “You can sleep with [Black people]. You can bring them in, you can do whatever you want. The little I ask you is not to promote it on that … and not to bring them to my games…” “I’m just saying, in your lousy f******* Instagrams, you don’t have to have yourself with, walking with Black people.” “Don’t put him (Magic Johnson) on an Instagram for the world to have to see so they have to call me. And don’t bring him to my games.” Finally, there was the following exchange: DS: You think I’m a racist, and wouldn’t— V: I don’t think you’re a racist. DS: Yes you do. Yes you do. V: I think you, you— DS: Evil heart. DS: It’s the world! You go to Israel, the Blacks are just treated like dogs. V: So do you have to treat them like that, too? DS: The white Jews, there’s white Jews and Black Jews, do you understand? V: And are the Black Jews less than the white Jews? DS: A hundred percent, fifty, a hundred percent. V: And is that right? DS: It isn’t a question—we don’t evaluate what’s right and wrong, we live in a society. We live in a culture. We have to live within that culture. V: But shouldn’t we take a stand for what’s wrong? And be the change and the difference? 0DS: I don’t want to change the culture, because I can’t. It’s too big and too [unknown]. V: But you can change yourself. DS: I don’t want to change. If my girl can’t do what I want, I don’t want the girl. I’ll find a girl that will do what I want! Believe me. I thought you were that girl—because I tried to do what you want. But you’re not that girl. Sterling, 81, has a long history of antagonizing Blacks. In 2009, he paid $2.7 million to settle a suit accusing him of discriminating against Blacks, Latinos and families with children at an apartment building he owned in Los Angeles. In addition, NBA Hall of Famer Elgin Baylor, who spent 22 years with the Clippers, filed a suit against Sterling in 2009 for wrongful termination. According to the Los Angeles Times, “In his deposition, Baylor spoke about what he called Sterling’s ’plantation mentality,’ alleging the owner in the late 1990s rejected a coaching candidate, Jim Brewer, because of race. Baylor quoted Sterling as saying: ‘Personally, I would like to have a white Southern coach coaching poor Black players.’ Baylor said he was shocked. ‘And he [Sterling] looked at me and said, ‘Do you think that’s a racist statement?’ I said, ‘Absolutely. That’s plantation mentality.’ “ Donald Sterling is the Paula Deen of professional basketball. Accordingly, the NBA should stick a fork in him and tell him he’s done.

Broward County's Oldest and Largest African American Owned and Operated Newspaper

AF amily T hat Prays T ogether, Stays T ogether Family That Together, Together

Church Directory

May 1 - May 7, 2014 • • Page 7

St. Ruth Missionary Baptist Church 145 NW 5th Avenue Dania Beach, FL 33004 Office: (954) 922-2529

Bishop Victor T. Curry Senior Pastor/Teacher

Worship T his and Every Sunday at the Church of Your Choice This

Bethel Missionary Baptist Church 2211 N.W. 7th Street, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33061 Church: (954) 583-9368 Email:

Reverend Jimmy L. English PASTOR WORSHIP SERVICES Sunday Worship ............................................................. 8 a.m. & 11 a.m. Sunday School ........................................................................... 9:30 a.m. Wednesday (Prayer Service & Bible Study) ............................... 7:30 a.m. Saturday (Women Bible Study) ............................................................ 8 a.m. "Baptized Believers working together to do the will of God"

First Baptist Church Piney Grove, Inc. 4699 West Oakland Park Blvd. Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33313 Office: (954) 735-1500 Fax: (954) 735-1939

Rev. Dr. Derrick J. Hughes, Pastor SUNDAY SERVICES Worship Services .......................................................... 7:30 & 10:45 a.m. Children's Church ........................................................ 7:30 & 10:45 a.m. Communion (First Sunday) ......................................... 7:30 & 10:45 a.m. New Members' Class .................................................................... 9:30 a.m. Church School .............................................................................. 9:30 a.m. Baptist Training Union (BTU) .................................................... 1:00 p.m. Wednesday (Bible Study) ...................................... 11:15 a.m.. & 7:00 p.m.

Harris Chapel United Methodist Church Rev. Juana Jordan, M.Div 2351 N.W. 26th Street Oakland Park, Florida 33311 Church Telephone: (954) 731-0520 Church Fax: (954) 731-6290

WORSHIP SERVICES Bible Study (Wednesday Night) ...................................................... 6:45 p.m. Sunday School .............................................................................. 8:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Service ............................................................. 10:00 a.m.

Williams Memorial CME “PRAYER IS THE ANSWER” 644-646 NW 13th Terrace Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 (954) 462-5711(Ministry Office Line) (954) 462-8222(Pastor’s Direct Line) Email: (Church} (Pastor)

Rev. Cal Hopkins. M.Div) Senior Pastor/Teacher

The WITNESS of “The WILL” Sunday Worship Experiences ................................................................ 7:45 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday School ................................................................................................................. 9:30 a.m. Tuesday Night Triumph {Prayer, Praise and Power} Prayer Meeting ................................................................................................................ 7:00 p.m. Bible Study ........................................................................................................................ 7:30 p.m. We STRIVE to PROVIDE Ministries that matter TODAY to Whole Body of Christ, not only the Believers, but also for those stranded on the “Jericho Road”! “Celebrating over 85 Years of FAITH and FAVOR! Come to the WILL ... We’ll show You the WAY: Jesus the Christ!”

Obituaries Elijah Bell's Funeral Services ALLEN Funeral services for the late Ulysses Allen. CORBIE Funeral services for the late Elaine Corbie. SHERROD Funeral services for the late Reginald Sherrod.

SERVICES Sunday Worship ................................................. 7:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School .............................................................................. 9:00 a.m. Wednesday (Bible Study) ........................................... 11a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Mount Calvary Baptist Church

800 N.W. 8th Avenue Pompano Beach, Florida 33060 Church Telephone: (954) 943-2422 Church Fax: (954) 943-2186 E-mail Address:

Reverend Anthony Burrell, Pastor SCHEDULE OF SERVICES SUNDAY

New Member Orientation ........................... 9:30 a.m. Sunday School ................................................ 9:30 a.m. Worship Service ........................................ 11:00 a.m. WEDNESDAY Prayer Meeting ............................................... 6:00 p.m. Bible Study ..................................................... 7:00 p.m.

"Doing God's Business God's Way, With a Spirit of Excellence"

New Birth Baptist Church The Cathedral of Faith International Bishop Victor T. Curry, M.Min., D.Div. Senior Pastor/Teacher 2300 N.W. 135th Street Miami, Florida 33167

ORDER OF SERVICES Sunday Worship ........................................................ 7:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Sunday School ....................................................................................................... 9:30 a.m. Tuesday (Bible Study) ......................................................................................... 6:45 p.m. Wednesday (Bible Study) ............................................................................... 10:45 a.m.

1-800-254-NBBC * (305) 685-3700 (o) *(305) 685-0705 (f)

New Mount Olive Baptist Church 400 N.W. 9th Ave., Ft. Lauderdale 33311 (954) 463-5126 ● Fax: (954) 525-9454 CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 8:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Dr. Marcus D. Davidson, Senior Pastor WORSHIP SERVICES & BIBLE STUDY Sunday .................................................... 7:15 a.m. 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School ............................................................................ 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Noonday Service .................................. 12:00-12:30 p.m. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting ............................................ 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Night Bible Study ................................................... 7:00 p.m. Where the kingdom of God is increased through Fellowship. Leadership, Ownership and Worship F.L.O.W. To Greatness!

Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church 1161 NW 29th Terr., Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 33311 (954) 581-0455 ● Fax: (954) 581-4350

Rev. Dr. James B. Darling, Senior Pastor WORSHIP SERVICES Sunday Worship Service .............................................................................. 8:00 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School ............................................................................................................... 10:00 a.m. Communion Service (1st Sunday) ......................................................................... 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting ........................................................................... 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Night Bible Study ................................................................................... 7:00 p.m. Saturday (2nd & 4th) Growth & Orientation ........................................................... 9 a.m. But be doers of the Word - James 1:22 nkjv - “A Safe Haven, and you can get to Heaven from here”

THOMAS Funeral services for the late Luther M. Thomas WILLIAMS Funeral service for the late Johnny B. Williams. WRIGHT Funeral services for the late Fernando Wright. VIDAL Funeral services for the late Basil Vidal.

McWhite's Funeral Home ARNETTE Funeral services for the late David Rhulayne Arnette -52 were held April 26 at New Mount Olive Baptist Church with Dr. Marcus Davidson officiating. Interment: South Florida National Cemetery, Lake Worth, Fl. BILLIE Funeral services for the late Beverly Ann Billie - 57 were held April 26 at Mt. Nebo Missionary Baptist Church with Rev. Kito D. March, Sr. officiating. Interment: Sunset Memorial Gardens. BRANDFORD Funeral services for the late Henry Michael Brandford - 75 were held April 26 at McWhite’s Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Sonja Williams. HARVEY Funeral services for the late Dr. H.L. Harvey, Sr. -102 were held April 29 at New Mount Olive Baptist Church with Rev. Anthony Burrell officiating. Interment: Oak Hill Cemetery, Glendale, OH.

A Family That Prays Together Stays Together

ROAN Funeral services for the late Jasmin R. Roan - 56 were held April 22 at McWhite’s Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Ansel Aiken officiating. WILSON Funeral services for the late Inez Wilson92 were held April 26 at McWhite’s Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Oretha C. Young officiating. Interment: Sunset Memorial Gardens.

KIDS TALK ABOUT GOD What can we learn from Jesus inviting his first disciples to follow him? By Carey Kinsolving And Friends “We can learn from John the Baptist to tell people who Jesus really is,” says Danae, 10. “John had many followers himself, but he didn’t try to compete with Jesus.” Nothing is more challenging to successful ministers than to keep pointing people to Jesus Christ. Everyone has the tendency to take credit for a work that the Lord did through us. Don’t do it. Keep pointing people to Christ. “Jesus invited simple fishermen to follow him,” says Emily, 12. “I think he did that to show us that God’s love is for everyone, not just the people who are pretty, smart or popular.” Jesus didn’t set up a recruiting office at the Jerusalem school for rabbis. He began his ministry in a remote desert place where two disciples of John the Baptist followed him. “What do you seek?” Jesus asked them. By asking this question, Jesus forced his disciples to think about their motives. People follow Jesus for different reasons. Many Jews wanted the Messiah to overthrow the Romans. They saw Jesus as a splendid king (Isaiah 9 and 10). Jesus didn’t come the first time to crush his enemies, but to put himself into the hands of those who would crush him (Isaiah 53). Jesus had to explain to his disciples that the cross must come before the crown. When the disciples asked Jesus where he was staying, he said, “Come and see” (John 1:39). When we follow Jesus,

LEE Funeral services for the late Delores Lee 53 were held April 26 at Mt. Zion AME Church with Rev. George A. Hardy officiating. Interment: Sunset Memorial Gardens.


(Read full story on

Trinidad & Tobago former leader dies

Roy Mizell & Kurtz Funeral Home CONE Funeral services for the late Jamey Cone42 were held April 26 at Roy Mizell & Kurtz Worship Center with Rev. James B. Darling officiating.

he doesn’t show us everything at once. Every day, we must come and see what he has for us. “We can learn that once we learn about Jesus, we should tell others,” says Anna, 10. After only one day with Jesus, Andrew told his brother Simon, “We have found the Messiah” (John 1:41). When Jesus saw Simon, he immediately changed his name to Cephas, which means stone or rock. The name Cephas in the Aramaic language is the same as Peter in Greek. When we follow Jesus, we give up our own identity for one that God gives us. Jesus knew that Simon would change. His testimony that Jesus is the Christ would serve as the foundational rock upon which Jesus would build his church (Matthew 16:13-20). “Jesus wants everyone to come to him,” says Rebekah, 6. “Jesus has time for everyone and will not say ‘hurry up’ or tell them to go away because he is busy.” In an age where technology speeds up the way we communicate with each other, it’s hard to imagine a God who has time for us. If we don’t make time to “come and see” Jesus, we’ll never get to know him in a way that motivates us to tell our loved ones about him. Spending quality time with Jesus will result in telling others about him.

ROBINSON By Dedrick D. Henry, Sr. Arthur Napolean Raymond Robinson, 87, a former Trini-

dad and Tobago prime minister died on April 23 after a prolonged illness. Robinson had been hospitalized on previous occasions for several medical conditions related to diabetes. Robinson was the prime minister from 1986 to 19991 and served as president from 1997 to 2003. He is credited with introducing the idea of a single market. In 2011, a small Tobago airport was named in his honor, A.N.R. International Airport. Robinson leaves behind a son and a daughter.

Sounds of Caribbean host, Rich Davis, dies at 41 By Dedrick D. Henry, Sr. Radio host Rich Davis dies at age 41. Born in St. Elizabeth, Jamaica, Davis began his career on the island and volunteered on the station formerly known as Radio Waves. Davis was known as "the man inside the radio.” He died in Jamaica, April 23. The cause of death had not been confirmed on Thursday. Davis was the host of the Sounds of the Caribbean radio show on WLRN 91.3. Davis has hosted WLRN’s late night radio since 2007, Miami’s longest running Caribbean show. He loved his job and he had a passion for radio and music. Davis worked in many differ-

DAVIS ent fields including law enforcement, hospitality, and corporate security before migrating to the States. In South Florida, he worked at WAVSAM 1170 and later produced his own show on WLVJ- AM 1040. Davis also produc Caribbean Sundays on WKII 1070. Davis is survived by his partner Bisasor and their son.

Broward County's Oldest and Largest African American Owned and Operated Newspaper

Page 8 • • May 1 - May 7`, 2014



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FUNdraising Good Times Fundraising reports: clarity or obfuscation? Fundraising reports can clearly communicate progress towards agreed upon goals and milestones. They can also take a lot of time to produce. They can be confusing. They can have too much detail, or too little. They can engage and energize. They can also obfuscate. Through our work we have been exposed to the diversity of fundraising reports. We have seen staff focus all their attention on producing reports per board requests, only to have board members request different information in the meeting. We have watched board members’ heads nod trying to stay awake during fundraising presentations that include slide after slide of comparisons against prior years, goals, and other benchmarks. We have flipped through binders that



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Ron Busby approves of pick to Head Federal Min ority Busin ess A gency Minority Business Ag

Freeman - R.L. Macon Funeral Home

Alejandra Castillo ( By James Wright From The Washington Informer



Pearl and Mel Shaw include copies of proposals submitted, detailed gift reports that list each gift from $1 to $1 million, and lists of potential donors. We’ve heard board members complain, “with all that paper I still don’t know how much we need to raise.” And we’ve heard the exasperations of staff, “They want to know why we didn’t meet goal, but when we explain they aren’t interested.” (Read full story on


Ron Busby, the president of the U.S. Black Chambers, Inc., recently backed Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker’s selection of Alejandra Castillo as the new national director of the Minority Business Development Agency. “It is evident that throughout her professional career, she [Castillo] has been committed to the betterment of minority communities nationwide,” Busby said. The U.S. Black Chambers, Inc., is one of the nation’s leading advocates for increased con-

tracting opportunities and support for Back businesses in the public and private sectors. Castillo, who has served as deputy director, is the first Latina and second woman director to lead the agency. (Read full story on

May 1 - May 7, 2014 • • Page 9

Broward County's Oldest and Largest African American Owned and Operated Newspaper

Kappa League of The Fort Lauderdale Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity set to honor local women achievers By Staff Writer FORT LAUDERDALE, FL – The Kappa League will

honor some of Fort Lauderdale and Broward County’s finest ladies on Sunday, May 4 at 2:30 p.m. As Mother’s Day gets

closer, the Kappa League thought it only fitting to celebrate their mothers, along with a few dedicated ladies that

AIDS is a Civil Rights Issue

HIV is a Civil Rights Issue Forum panel: Dr. Rosalind Osgood, president/CEO Mount Olive Development Corporation; Scott Israel, Broward County Sheriff; Reverend Roger Grimes, Senior Pastor of Ft. Lauderdale Church of God in Christ; Deborah Holmes, MD, Medical Director, AHF Healthcare Center - Jackson North; Bobby R. Henry, Sr., parent of an HIV-positive child & publisher/owner of Westside Gazette; and Hydeia Broadbent, HIV/AIDS activist & humanitarian, HIV-positive since birth. (Cont'd from FP) “I lost my insurance and I’m not taking any medication because I don’t have the money to pay for them,” said Broadbent. “My medications cost $3,500 a month.” A poster child for HIV, Broadbent was abandoned at the University Medical Center of Southern Nevada in Las Vegas where Patricia and Loren Broadbent adopted her – she’ll be turning 30 in June. Dr. Marcus Davidson, senior pastor of NMOBC, along with Dr. Rosalind Osgood, CEO of Mount Olive Development Corporation [MODCO] (a strategic arm of the church) was instrumental in bringing the town hall discussion into a reality. Osgood says that MODCO has taken a very progressive approach to eradicating AIDS in

Taking it to the streets Cont'd from FP) The charge of non-compliance for violations of roof and window repair, house and fence painting led to Rhodes being sued by the Hollywood’s Special Magistrate Clerk who informed him, “This letter is to advise that the property failed to comply in time with an Order of the Special Magistrate dated Dec. 13, 2013. As a result, a fine in the amount of $1,000 per day plus processing costs will be imposed and a lien recorded in the public record. “It is important you realize the primary objective of the City of Hollywood Office of Code Enforcement is compliance. However, the status governing the Special Magistrate process enables the City to foreclose on real property to obtain the amount due on outstanding fines.” Work Completed Rhodes maintains, he was given only 14 days instead of the customary 60-90 days to comply with the violations. “We’ve done everything that was asked of us and are faced with a daily fine of $1,000. In another instance when most of the work was corrected Mr. Phil Sauer only imposed a daily fine of $500 if the repairs were not made. In that case a permit would be applied within the next 10 days for the 90-day stipulation. For some reason Mr. Roy Robinson would only give a 14 day stipulation,” says Rhodes. Upon receiving no response from code officer Roy Robinson, Rhodes began writing letters to Hollywood mayor Peter Bober and the media. He says within four hours of delivering the letter, code enforcement came back out in force, illegally entering his yard to take pictures. “It is illegal for them to come on my property without my permission to take pictures to use against me in the special magistrates hearing. Code Enforcement supervisor Alejandro Araya screamed and yelled at us saying we had open spaces in the fence we painted. He was very rude and it’s not right. ” Rhodes took pictures of the completed work to Hollywood’s Police Chief Frank Fernandez

her community. “We provide housing,” said Osgood. “We have been providing service for 18 years. We reach our people through love.” It was love that lifted the blinders off the eyes of Bobby R. Henry, Sr., publisher of the Westside Gazette, and allowed him to come to terms with himself and his daughter’s status. “In 1989 I found out that my daughter was infected and thats when I became affected, Henry said.” “I’ve always felt and stated that AIDS was not an alone decease and we opened the door to helping my daughter.” Additionally, Henry took the test and his results came up negative. The forum panelist also included Rev. Roger Grimes, senior pastor of Fort Lauderdale

COGIC and Dr. Deborah Holmes, AHF Medical Director. Many members of the South Florida community have been under lock and key, and therefore possibly exposed to the HIV/ AIDS virus. “Our inmates get tested while in jail,” said Broward Sheriff Scott Israel. “It’s strictly volunteer.” The funding for HIV/AIDS is constantly under the knife and Jason King, Legislative Affairs spokesman for AHF, says his agency is delighted to collaborate with Sharpton and Mount Olive. “We have to penetrate the Black community to get the word out,” King said. “The Rev. Al Sharpton believes in the work that we do and our mission. What better way to reach the people than having symposiums such as this?”

and called continually afterward with no response. Hollywood’s Code Enforcement is now under the police dept. Letter writing and calls to Hollywood officials resulted in Rhodes attorney receiving a letter from Hollywood’s Municipal Prosecutor Andrew Lanius stating “The correspondence made several libelous allegations against the City of Hollywood Code Enforcement Unit. In accordance with the letter I have looked into the matter and have found the allegations to be unsubstantiated, meritless, and I consider this matter closed moving forward.”

how the woman checks on bill disputes. (Woman on the phone) ‘We are in charge of recommending approval or denial of bill disputes. She’s not here will you call back Monday. Have a good weekend.” “The fourth day calling and I’m still getting the run around. Keep in mind this is a city. No answer and leave a message for person handling bill disputes. The city has no idea what is going on. Meanwhile I have trumped up liens and charges just building and building and building,” Jersey says. “The fifth day calling and for the record I will say they called me this morning. I left a message on Friday and they called me Monday morning about 8:30 a.m. I finally speak with someone. January 13 is the current date. The letter was sent December 19 and they are just now getting to it. One department doesn’t know what the other department is doing. They don’t want to get down to what happened. “If you take everything on the chin and pay these marmalukes you realize you buy your house pay your taxes and come to find out your house and property is not really yours because they can come up at anytime and charge you this, this, and that and interest.”

Code Enforcement Jerseys Rants a blogger on owns a home in Hollywood and in New Jersey and frequently travels between them. September 2013 he was charged by code enforcement $190 for trimming hedges. In addition he was charged a $40 lien fee. In November he was charged $25 for debris removal and an administration fee of $200. “You correct them within the five days they give you to correct them,” Jersey says, “then they come back a few weeks later when time has passed, assume you have not corrected them and take it upon themselves to come on your property and pay an outside contractor to do the work you did weeks ago. “They send you a bill in the mail, then, when you dispute the work they do not have any contact whatsoever within the proper channels to see what is going on. They add liens and additional interest like a bank to your bill and scare and intimidate you into paying a bill that you should have never gotten in the first place.” He filled out a bill dispute and registered with the special magistrate but was told he didn’t have to be there and code enforcement would contact him later. On his daily blog he recorded his attempts to speak with code enforcement regarding the fines. “I’ve called three days in a row. It says call within 10 days or it will be referred to the legal dept. They say call the bill dispute person. I’ve faxed and delivered the bill disputes. There is no way for me to tell whether they were received. I don’t know

Fines Accrue Attorneys on Florida’s land law blog assert resident’s due process is being violated. Owners think they fixed the problems and are shocked that fines were still accruing - this happens ALL THE TIME in these cases. The issue is that these orders end up creating “running fines” and unconstitutionally put the burden of proof on the owners to demonstrate that the violation no longer exists. Once an order imposing fines is issued, the local governments claim they are under no obligation to investigate or to determine whether a violation continues. When the violation is for work without a permit, the violation generally isn’t fixed until a permit is issued, any remedial work is done, and the work is inspected and signed off. This creates a situation where the local government can leave a person in violation by delaying permit decisions or imposing im-

make things happen. This year’s honorees include: Mayor Barbara Sharief, Dr. Rosalind Osgood, Attorney Cynthia Everett, Public Affairs Officer Petula Burks and the Silhouettes, Fort Lauderdale Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. Mayor Barbara Sharief was born in South Florida, raised in Broward County and is a long time resident of District 8. In her personal life, Barbara is an active and energetic mother of three, an involved member of the PTA with a passion to enhance the quality of care for the elderly and children of Broward County. Dr. Rosalind Osgood is a Broward County native. She is a graduate of Fort Lauderdale High School and single mother of three adult children who are college graduates. Dr. Osgood’s life is a prime example of what education, faith in God, and community support to provide opportunities that might otherwise have been unimaginable. Attorney Cynthia Everett is an accomplished attorney who brings with her an array of expertise, professionalism and a work ethic that is second to none. Attorney Everett is the first African-American and first female City Attorney for Fort Lauderdale. Public Affairs Officer Petula Burks, a results-driven public relations and communications executive with over 15 years of experience impacting organizations' presence and performance nationally, serves as the Public Affairs Officer for the City of Fort Lauderdale. Kappa League National History: Under the chairmanship of Mel Davis, the Los Angeles Alumni Chapter’s Social Action Program took the form of training activity for young proper conditions, by finding inconsequential problems in the inspection, or by not inspecting, and by not notifying the code enforcement people when the inspection is done. Great Neighborhood While protesting in front of City Hall, Rhodes received visits from commissioners and the police who spoke about safety measures and the right to peaceful assemblies. Commissioners Kevin Biederman and Peter Hernandez came and Hernandez called Commissioner Traci Callari who came immediately to the scene as Rhodes' property is within her district. She asked why she had not been informed and set up a noon meeting with Rhodes and the heads of departments to discuss his problem. “We made sure we had everyone come in,” Callari says. “If I was aware of the situation it wouldn’t have gotten to this. We wanted everyone involved to come and talk about the issue. Unfortunately due to the type of renters Mr. Rhodes had they created a blighted affect on the property and the police received numerous calls over the years. Now, he’s removed them from the home and he is in compliance with the violations listed by code enforcement. He’ll go to special magistrate and as long as he is doing his due diligence they will address the fines. We are not here to strip him of his money and run him out. We have to work together,” Callari adds. Commissioner Hernandez suggested a letter from code enforcement of a resident’s compliance would clear up the situation for both residents and code enforcement. “Everyone complains about code enforcement,” says Hernandez, “but the purpose of code enforcement is compliance to enhance property values and the standards we have for our neighborhoods.” “Commissioner Callari got everyone into the meeting. It was great. Police Chief Frank Fernandez, Chief Building Official Reginald Cox, Chief Building Inspector Phil Sauer and Albert Margerum Code Enforcement Director attended. They said the fines are formality and they would be adjusted once the work is complete. Now we’ve got people talking. I’m very thankful to her,” said Rhodes.

men of the Alain Leroy Locke High School. Called the Kappa Instructional Leadership League, it was designed to help young men grow, receive, and develop their leadership talents in every phase of human endeavor. It provided both challenging and rewarding experiences, which richly enhanced their lives. Membership was open to male students from the 10th through the 12th grades. The fraternity sought to help these young men to achieve worthy goals for themselves and make constructive contributions to their community when leadership roles become the

responsibility. Kappa League is a program for the educational, occupational and social guidance of male students in grades sixth12th. The nucleus and primary focus of the Kappa League revolves around the “Five Phases” which are: · Self-Identity Discipline, Assurance, Awareness, and Appearance · Training- Academic, Career-Choice, Preparation, and Organization · Competition- Politics, Career Advancement, and Sports · Social- Religion, The Arts, Entertainment, Conversation/Communication, and Etiquette/Manners · Health Education- Physical Fitness, Sex Education, Drug Education, and Health and Safety. The Kappa League will tip their hats to the women in their lives on May 4, at the Fort Lauderdale Women’s Club.

What does my soul look like? (Cont'd from FP) Would the face of our soul be so liquid and unattached that it would have the uncontrollable ability to morph into the most hideous forms of deceit? At our most lucid times in trying to fit the image of our soul into reality, both my friend and I drew strange stares from one another. I thought he was crazy and he told me that I was angry as hell! Even though we might house the image and hostilities of the ‘devil with a pitchfork’, we need not allow that to be the face of our soul-easier said than done when our souls are masked with the physical moveable flesh. We become the living victims of fright night to ourselves when we stand in the mirrors of life as each situation becomes a reflection of how our soul goes from Casper the friendly ghost to the Grude. What does our soul look like and should it be interchangeable, like our fashionable wardrobes including hair, eyes, teeth and any other parts of our anatomy? As I look into the mirror to see what my soul looks like, I do not want to see my soul as a scene from last year’s Halloween’s costumes going around scaring the living life out of friend and family. My friend and I agreed that if we studied, gained knowledge of and practiced the Word, we would have fewer booo moments that come from our own reflection and our visualization of what our soul looks like. By using the Word to mold and shape what we look like from the inside out, would certainly create a Master’s piece from His peace within His own work. If I should have just a glimpse at what my soul looks like, I would pray that it is an image of what a Master’s peace has rendered of His canvas of life.—Bobby R. Henry, Sr. WHEN OUR SOULS ARE REFLECTIONS OF THE MASTER’S PEACE THERE ARE NO IMPERFECTIONS.





, 3D AND 2D

Page 10 • • May 1 - May 7, 2014

Broward County's Oldest and Largest African American Owned and Operated Newspaper powers of attorney to presumably talk to banks on behalf of homeowners. “African-American and Latino homeowners, already victimized by targeted predatory lending, have been victimized by scams at disproportionate rates compared to their percentage of the population,” said Yolanda McGill, manager of the Loan Modification Scam Prevention Network for the Lawyers’ Committee. When a troubled homeowner’s race is taken into a-

ccount, stark racial differences emerge. White homeowners represent 78 percent of the nation’s homeowners and together account for less than half – 47 percent – of complaints filed. By contrast, Both Black and Latino homeowners combined represent 16 percent of the nation’s homeowners, their combined fraud complaints are nearly the same number as those filed by Whites: 44 percent. (Read full story on

GM’s top designer has always been career driven

that they would have persuaded him to alter his plans. “My parents knew there were no Blacks designing cars, that it would be a challenge to get into the field and I was on a mission,” Welburn recalled, chuckling. “They thought, ‘Well, maybe he should be a mechanic or something. No, he wants to be a car designer.’ So they did everything to help me realize that dream,” Welburn recalled several hours before speaking at the 50th anniversary summit of the 1964 Civil Rights Act at the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library, where GM served as the lead sponsor. His father, Edward, Sr., who owned his own auto mechanic shop, encouraged his son to work on his car designs; his mother, Evelyn, made sure young Ed never strayed academically. (Read full story on

$90 million-plus lost to foreclosure scams

By Charlene Crowell NNPA Columnist Earlier this month, Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette charged an organization known as Freedom by Faith Ministries with defrauding more than 100 consumers in Southeast Michigan. The alleged crime: foreclosure rescue scams. Unfortunately, the circumstances that led to the Michigan lawsuit represent a continuation of a disturbing trend of profiteers seeking to financially exploit the misfortunes of troubled homeowners. The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) in 2013 found more than 40,000 complaints of foreclosure fraud occurred nationwide and together totaled losses to homeowners of more than $90 million.

Each year from 2010 through 2012, more than 18,000 foreclosure fraud complaints were filed beyond the 9,000 complaints received in 2009. Foreclosure scammers typically demand large, upfront cash payments from troubled homeowners and advise homeowners to stop making mortgage payments. They also dupe their victims into sharing important personal information such as Social Security and bank account numbers. After payment is received, the scammers do little or no work to obtain a loan modification for the homeowners. In the process, homeowners fall deeper into delinquency and also lose valuable time that could have yielded better results. Free services of a HUD-certified housing counselor are available nationwide to help negotiate with mortgage servicers. Many times these housing counselors facilitate securing options to avoid foreclosure such as home modifications, refinance, forbearance, short sales and more. A new research report, Foreclosure Rescue, Inc., by the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law finds

Shattering the NCAA exploitive business model By Everett Glenn NNPA Guest Columnist The recent National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) decision granting Northwestern University football players the right to unionize, if upheld, will shatter the NCAA’s business model. When you add to the mix the frontal attack launched a few days before by noted anti-trust lawyer Jeffrey Kessler, accusing the NCAA of GLENN colluding to deprive athletes of the ability to earn more than the value of their scholarships and the pending lawsuit challenging the NCAA rule that bars players from earning money from the use of their images, it is safe to say that we are at the dawn of a new era in college sports. At some point, the athletes, who do the heavy lifting, will finally receive a slice of the $16 billion per year college basketball and football pie. The ruling that college athletes are employees and not merely “student-athletes” confirms what we have known all along: College sports is big business – for everyone except the athletes who make it possible. College basketball and football have long operated as quasifarm systems for professional teams by discovering talent, training players, and high-lighting performance. The NCAA and the college administrators who lead its member institutions would PUBLICATION have us believe that they place OF BID the best interest of the studentSOLICITATIONS athlete above all else. They have produced a TV commercial Broward County Board of that reminds us: “We have County Commissioners is so400,000 student-athletes and most of them will go pro in someliciting bids for a variety of thing other than sports.” Whegoods and services, constructher they go pro in sports or tion and architectural/engi“something other than sports,” neering services. Interested college sports is given higher bidders are requested to view priority than academics on camand download the notificapuses across the nation, even tions of bid documents via the at premiere academic instituBroward County Purchasing tions. website at: purchasing. (Read full story on May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 2014


that foreclosure scams are beginning to take new forms while still fraudulently taking money from distressed homeowners. Some scammers falsely claim government affiliation while others include improper involvement of legal and real estate professionals For example, in West Palm Beach, Fla., foreclosure rescue

General Motors Global Vice President of Design Ed Welburn in GM’s garage By George E. Curry NNPA Editor-in-Chief AUSTIN, TEX. (NNPA) – Though no one knew it at the time, the decision by Edward T. Welburn Jr.’s parents to take

“consultants” held seminars to teach people how to make money off of distressed homeowners. In Atlanta, attorneys were reported to have been randomly solicited to sign up as “partners” or “affiliates” of foreclosure rescue operations. And in Long Island, N.Y., legitimate housing counselors unknowingly gave fraud actors

him to a local auto show in Philadelphia around the time he was learning his multiplication tables would shape the rest of his life. “I’ve been drawing cars since I was two and a half ,” he told a small group of journalists over breakfast here. “At age 8, my parents took me to the Philadelphia Auto Show and I walked in and there was this concept car and I pointed at it and said, ‘When I grow up, I want to be a car designer for that company.’” At 63 years old, Welburn has had plenty of time to grow up. And not only is he the top designer for General Motors, the company that designed the Cadillac Cyclone, the car that he fell in love with at the ripe

age of 8, he is the company’s vice president for global design, responsible for the entire GM brand. Welburn is the sixth person to head GM’s design team in the company’s 106-year history and the first appointed to supervise all 10 design studios around the world instead of just North America. He is the highest-ranking African American in the automobile industry. At the time, he was first dreaming of designing cars, a period when his playmates were aspiring to become cops or fire fighters, no one told young Welburn that there were no African Americans working as designers for GM or any other car manufacturer at that time. Even if they had, it is doubtful

May 1 - May 7, 2014 • • Page 11

Broward County's Oldest and Largest African American Owned and Operated Newspaper

South Florida Business and Professional Women’s Clubs partner to host the groundbreaking L.E.T.S Do Biz Showcase By Nikki Baker


DAVIE, FL – Priscilla Dames, owner of Wingspan Seminars, a training and conflict resolution company and author of How to Survive When Your Ship is Sinking will be keynote speaker at the upcoming L.E.T.S Do Biz Showcase. The Showcase is the result of a partnership between four South Florida business women’s organizations who serve communities in West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Northwest Miami and South Miami. The partnership consists of the Broward County Business and Professional Women’s Network, Business and Professional Wo-

men’s South Florida Club, Miami Dade Club of Business and Professional Women and the Greater Palm Beaches Business and Professional Women’s Club. Dames will address this year’s theme “Moving Forward with a Purpose,” addressing the necessity for conflict resolution during challenges and transitions of business and professional development. The Showcase will present speakers and companies dedicated to furthering the efforts of small businesses and professionals, including Shakira Taylor, MBA, DTM of Toastmasters and, Henry Petithomme, financial consultant for Mass Mutual Financial

Eta Nu named Seventh District Chapter of the Year

By Sylvester “Nunnie” Robinson Armed with several valuable artifacts and more importantly with great expectations, over 30 brothers from the Eta Nu Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Pompano Beach, Fla., travelled by bus to Atlanta, Ga. to participate in the fraternity’s 77th Seventh District meeting held on April 10-13. Eta Nu was named Seventh District Chapter of the Year in the largest and most competitive district in Omega, representing

the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Mississippi. Additionally, Eta Nu also took first place in four of the major award categories: Chapter of the Year, Scholarship, Talent Hunt and History and Archives. Representing Eta Nu was Umoja McNeish, a gifted violinist and Dillard High magnet student who performed flawlessly in the face of tremendous competition and will represent Eta Nu nationally at the Minneapolis conclave. The Social Action committee, under the profound leadership of Brother Melvin Davis, and the brothers of Eta Nu collected memorabilia and artifacts dating back to the 40’s and 50’s and beyond, winning first place in this category for the first time on the district level. Kudos to the Brothers of Eta Nu for their sacrifice, dedication and persistence in leading Eta Nu to the highest echelons of Omega. It is also noteworthy that Brother Johnnie Smith of

HN Founder James L. Jones’ fraternity sweater, purchased in the mid 50’s. the Zeta Chi Chapter, Fort Lauderdale, was elected Seventh District Keeper of Finance. Moreover, Brother Leslie Gamble, who holds dual membership in both Eta Nu and Sigma Alpha, is the newly elected Seventh District Representative, the highest office in the district. Congratulations, Brother Smith and Brother Gamble.

Local Omega man elected to S.E. Regional By Charles Moseley Brother Johnnie B. Smith Jr. of Plantation, Fla., was elected Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Seventh District Keeper of Finance at the Fraternity’s 77th annual District meeting in Atlanta, Ga. on April 12. The Seventh District includes the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi. Brother Smith will be respon-sible for the financial oversite and reporting of the District finances. Brother Smith was initiated in the spring of 1985 at Omicron Epsilon Chapter, Bethune Cookman University (BC-U). He is currently an active member of the graduated chapter Zeta Chi Chapter in Fort Lauderdale. Brother Smith is also a Life Member of Omega Psi Phi. The Seventh District is the

SMITH largest district of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity and throughout the years has been one of the great standard bearers in the

fraternity. The Seventh District’s history of professionalism and due diligence has influenced the international headquarters of the fraternity in how they have implemented changes to improve efficiency and operations. Other examples of the Seventh Districts impact on the fraternity include the formation of the Lampados Club, the Leadership Conference, an inspector general; data based mechanization for membership, a modernized registration process with photos on identification badges, and the utilization of CD’s in lieu of paper reports. Brother Smith’s objective as the chief financial officer of the Seventh District is to continue to lead and develop innovative programs to enhance the fraternity’s operations.

COULD WE MARK THE END OF HUMAN EVOLUTION? NATIONAL PARKS’ ANSWER -- National Geographic called this a “Mother Ship” cloud after tracking the supercell that spawned it for 150 miles and seven hours across Texas. In the tranquil space between wakefulness and falling asleep last night, the question popped into my mind: Could our present day society mark an end point in human evolution? My eyes popped wide open in alarm, my heart palpitating. Before going to bed I’d been watching the news of the sustained tornado outbreak across the country and the resulting devastation. (Read more on

Group, Allaire Williams of The Mixx, a professional writing company, Martin Clark director of Advertising for Urban Pulse Magazine. Beachfront Realty of Aventura, Inc. SBA, NANA, SCORE, Bank America, PVAF and four local clubs of the NANBPWC, among others. The speakers and organization invited to attend will share their experience and expertise and offer resource on a range of topics including personal growth, career advancement, money management, community service, small business and entrepreneurship, social media branding and more. Registration is now open for the Showcase, which will be hosted at the Sheraton Fort Lauderdale Dania Beach on Saturday, May 10. Tickets to the public are $25 per person. Vendor and sponsor tables are available. Vendor tables $50 and Sponsors $300. For more information email, Coordinator Nikki Baker (786) 541-4808. The Broward County Business and Professional Women’s Network is a nonprofit 501(C)3 organization whose mission is help to promote the interests of business and professional women and invest in the willing service of others. The National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Club’s, Inc. is headquartered in Washington, D.C. and consists of 375 clubs in the United States, the Caribbean, Ghana and Nigeria. The National organization was founded in 1935 and this year celebrates 76 years of service to our communities, the nation and the world. For more information about the National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc. go to

Westside Gazette’s Generation Next Easter Extravaganza 2014 Cash Prize Winners Good Friday, April 18, 2014. Top photo ,l to r: Selema Taylor- Dougan, 12, Seminole Middle School; Sekani Barnes, 13, Parkway Middle School; Raniya Robertson, 7, Sunland Park Elementary School and Marcus Calloway, 13, Holy Temple Christian Academy. Congratulations!!!

Page 12 • • May 1 - May 7, 2014

Broward County's Oldest and Largest African American Owned and Operated Newspaper

Florida Classic Consortium begins prep for 2014 Contest Florida Blue Florida Classic will be played in new Citrus Bowl on Saturday, Nov. 22

L-r: Posing for photo which officially kicks off the 2014 campaign are: FAMU Athletics Director Kellen Winslow Sr.; FAMU President Elmira Mangum, Ph.D.; B-CU President Edison O. Jackson, Ph.D.; B-CU Athletics Director Lynn W. Thompson; and Florida Citrus Sports CEO Steve Hogan. By Kanya Stewart JACKSONVILLE, FL – The Florida Classic Consortium met Wednesday, April 16, kicking off plans for the 2014 Florida Blue Florida Classic game between Bethune-Cookman University (B-CU) and Florida A&M University (FAMU). This year’s game will

take place Nov. 22 at the reconstructed Citrus Bowl in Orlando. The consortium, consisting of several members from both institutions including the presidents and athletics directors, met with members from Florida Citrus Sports on a number of topics to begin planning for the 2014 Florida Blue Florida Clas-

sic weekend. Plans for the renovated Citrus Bowl indicate construction is on schedule and is expected to be fully functional by game day. Fans can get a live look-in on stadium development by visiting the Turner Construction page dedicated to the stadium (http:// "We’re so excited to open Orlando’s brand-new stadium with a game that has a deep history in this region,” said Florida Citrus Sports CEO Steve Hogan. “The Florida Blue Florida Classic has resulted in some of the best games – and biggest crowds – that the old Citrus Bowl hosted. There’s no better event to commemorate the opening of the new building.” During the meeting, Hogan presented each institution with a check for the proceeds from last year’s event. B-CU won the 2013 Florida Blue Florida Classic, 29-10. For more information on the Florida Blue Florida Classic, please log on

Eta Nu’s Social Action Program shares history of Highwaymen By Sylvester “Nunnie” Robinson In one of the most fortunate, rewarding experiences in the history of Eta Nu’s Social Action program, on March 22, at the Pompano Beach Historical Society, the brothers of Eta Nu came face to face with history. At the request of art admirer Novice Johnson, we were informed that the famed Highwaymen would be presenting, promoting and selling their artwork from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. You see, Novice’s father had purchased a portrait, which at that time, the late 60’s, sold for about $500, an exorbitant amount, especially for a Black family with limited resources. Today, that painting is valued at $10,000. You see, the Highwaymen were a group of struggling Black artists who, unfortunately because of segregation, couldn’t sell their portraits in the normal ways: art galleries, department stores or even private auctionsso creativity, ingenuity and self-reliance took precedent, something Blacks had become accustomed to as a means of survival. They placed themselves and their portraits in plain view on the Florida highways, hoping to attract buyers and attract buyers they

did; thus the name Highwaymen. We met several of them either as they were completing a sales transaction, creating an original peace or through formal introduction. They included President Carnell Smith, who had done a promotional segment on Hot 105 FM the previous day; Maryann Carroll, James Gibson, John Maynor, Roy McLendon, Sr., Willie Reagan, Doretha Hair Truesdell and Charles Walker. I soon discovered that times were difficult in many ways, not with-standing attempting to sell their art. Mr. Reagan, the first High-wayman we encountered as we neared the Pompano Beach Historical Society edifice, which was busy selling raffle tickets for a chance to win an original portrait, had struggled as a farm laborer in the Florida tomato fields to feed his family, hoping that his innate talent would augment and increase his earnings. Another Highwayman, James Gibson, had become involved in a romantic episode with a lady of a different persuasion, and because of that indiscretion during that period of life in the South for Blacks, was framed by his adversary, causing him to spend several years in prison.

Mary Ann Carroll’s engaging personality and infectious smile was matched only by her portraits. She could have easily been your mother or grandmother. However, as Blacks in the segregated South were prone to do, the Highwaymen persevered, overcame racial and other barriers and, through their God-given talent, succeeded with little fanfare and are finally receiving the monetary rewards and recognition they so richly deserve. Eta Nu brothers present included Social Action Chairman Melvin Davis, Aaron Whitfield, Gentlemen of Influence Chair Darrell Wilson and mentees, Richard Yeargin and Basileus Antonio Brihm, who as it turned out, enjoyed and was touched by the experience as much as anyone, including the artists themselves. His reticence to leave symbolized the impact the Highwaymen have made on art lovers throughout Florida and the entire United States. The event culminated with Basileus Brihm presenting a plaque on Eta Nu’s behalf to President Carnell Smith who accepted on behalf of the Highwaymen. I encourage anyone with a passion for art to learn more about these magnificent artists and their portraits.

FAMU victory over UF goes largely unreported ‘Stamp Out Hunger’ Letter Carriers food drive

By Vanessa Byers “You’re not playing the University of Florida, you’re playing baseball. If you play the game of baseball the way it’s supposed to be played, you never know what might happen.” - Florida A&M University

Baseball Coach Jamey Shouppe (Pregame speech) Since it seems as though mainstream media, excluding the Tallahassee and Gainesville areas, chose to ignore the historic win of Florida A&M University’s baseball team over #6 ranked University of Florida on recently, here is more coverage on the victory that still has Rattler fans talking. Thank God for Twitter and Facebook! As a Florida A&M University alum, I have to say that I’m proud but in some ways disappointed that the great FAMU Rattler confidence appears to have dissolved over the years until this win over the Gators.

In the video, FAMU Coach Shouppe mentioned an expectation of winning. Well, when I was a student at FAMU we always expected to win no matter our competition. Whether it was an athletic field or an academic competition, we came to win. Let’s pray this latest victory is another tipping point in the right direction for Florida A&M, Lord knows we can use it considering the challenges we have overcome and are still dealing with. Thank you, FAMU Baseball Team, Coach Shouppe and staff for demonstrating that ‘ole Rattler Spirit.

On Saturday, May 10, LifeNet4Families (aka Cooperative Feeding Program) will once again be participating in the annual ’Stamp Out Hunger’ Letter Carriers food drive at 12 designated post office branches in Broward County. Thanks to the help of over 400 volunteers, LifeNet4Families receives nearly 200,000 pounds of food which we will use to feed the thousands of needy individuals and families we call our friends. LifeNet4Families is looking for volunteers to work at the following post office branches: Davie, Everglades, Inverrary, Main Branch, Northridge, Oakland Park, Plantation, Tamarac, Weston, and Westside. Shifts vary in length, two-four hours.

Beginning about 4 p.m., volunteers at each branch will receive the donations from the letter carriers’ delivery trucks, will sort the food by category, place it in boxes, tape and mark the boxes, and finally stack them onto pallets. The palletized food is then delivered to LifeNet4Families on the following day. Individuals, families, and groups are invited to participate. When you express interest, Chris from LifeNet4Families will follow up with you to confirm you for a shift and a location. How You Can Help DONATE! Simply fill a grocery bag (or two) with healthy, non-perishable food and set it by your mailbox the morning of Saturday, May 10 to be picked up. Visit

LifeNet4Families/The Cooperative Feeding Prog r a m h t t p : / / MOST NEEDED ITEMS: Canned meat (tuna, chicken, beef stew, etc.), canned fruit, canned vegetables, juice & juice boxes and cereal. PLEASE DO NOT DONATE: Expired food, open packages, perishable food and glass jars.

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