The Westside Gazette

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VOL. 45 NO. 39 50¢

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Nearly 90 percent of Black Voters favor Clinton over The need verse the want Trump in new HU/NNPA National Black Voter Poll

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Recently (Oct. 31, 2016) the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) and Howard University announced the results of the 2016 Howard University/ NNPA National Black Voter Poll. Nearly 90 percent of Black voters plan to cast ballots for Hillary Clinton and two percent plan to vote for Donald Trump, according to the poll. The HU/NNPA national polling center, located on the campus of Howard University, made over 21,200 telephone calls across the United States from October 23, 2016 to October 30, 2016. The HU/NNPA National Black Voter Poll revealed that the top issues influencing Black voters included the economy and jobs, income

inequality, race and race relations, college affordability and high quality education in pre-kindergarten. Howard University faculty and students from multiple departments and disciplines including economics, political science, sociology, communications and media studies, were represented in the coordinated effort. “This multi-disciplinary team has drawn on its expertise to develop a comprehensive polling instrument designed to assess the opinions of Black Americans on the presidential candidates and other important issues facing the Black community and the nation,” said Terri Adams-Fuller, the associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Howard University.

Highlights from the HU/ NNPA National Black Voter Poll: * 94% of those polled plan to vote in the upcoming election of those who plan to vote: * 89.8% for Clinton * 2% for Trump * 0% for Johnson * 0% for Stein * 7.2% for another candidate The respondents also identified their party affiliations: * 82 % Identify as Democrat * 2% Identify as Republican * 9% Identify as Independent (67% normally vote for Democrats, 5% normally vote Republican,

28% normally don’t vote for either major party) * 7% Identify as Other “As a result of this poll, candidates and those who will be successful in occupying the White House and controlling Congress will know the prioritized issues and nuanced concerns of the Black comunity,” said Rubin Patterson, the chairman of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. “We hope that these findings will shape their policy and legislative agendas starting next year.” Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr., the president and CEO of the NNPA, said that the NNPA-HU National Black Voter Poll is timely and very significant for Black America. “The fact that 94 percent of Black Americans polled indicated that they intend to vote on November 8, or have already voted during the early voting period is indicative of the importance of the right to vote in Black America at a time when there has been inaccurate speculation about how Blacks in United States view the 2016 national elections,” said Chavis. Chavis added: “This poll provides clarity on the national issues and the candidates for President of the United States. The poll verifies that Hillary Clinton is the overwhelming favorite of Black American voters over Donald Trump.”

8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.. Ephesians 2:8-9 NASB By Bobby R. Henry, Sr.

As this election season draws to a close, let us be mindful that we have no control really of the outcome of these elections, and not because “they are rigged”. This was evident when we officially elected our first Black president. No one, not even the Pope himself or anyone else of importance under God’s green earth, ever thought that we would have a Black president in this the United States of America. Nevertheless, by the infinite wisdom of God Almighty- He made it happen. Now we find ourselves in similar troubled waters with storms of more hatred on the horizon as we are being tossed and tumbled like a small ship on the great seas in a mighty storm. We have weathered many storms before and have been able to endure and overcome insurmountable odds only because we placed our trust and hope in God. (Cont'd on Page 6)

Fighting HIV in Miami, one dirty needle at a time

Some are expecting us to stay home on Election Day... Let’s prove them wrong

CARR By Glynda C. Carr and Kimberly Peeler-Allen ( With a few days left until Election Day some are speculating what the overall turnout will be among Black women.

Black women were among the most active voters in the 2008 and 2012 elections. In fact, Black women make up 6.3 percent of the total U.S. voting age population, but represented 9 percent of the 2012 and 2014 electorate due to their higher voter turnout. Over the past several election cycles, Black women have demonstrated that their robust involvement is an absolutely essential foundation of any winning coalition. Black women’s participation in the last two Presidential elections transcended just showing up at the polls and voting. A closer look at our involvement reveals that voting was just the beginning. The Obama for America strategy provided meaningful tools of engagement -from hosting house parties to organizing virtual phone banks and door-knocking opportunities. The effectiveness of the campaign’s engagement, investment and tailored messaging resulted in a surge in Black women’s overall engagement. That participation has not only

Pleading Our Own Cause

expanded the electorate of firsttime voters, but it has also mobilized a record number of firsttime political donors and bundlers. This crucial post-Obama bridge election presents a movement-building opportunity designed for and by Black women, independent of any particular candidate. The 2016 election provides an opportunity to harness Black women’s power by turning out the vote. Furthermore, it gives us the opportunity to leverage that voting strength into the power to shape and inform political debates from equal pay and affordable health care to reproductive rights and community safety. This November’s election results will be determined in large part by the turnout rates among Black women. There are several factors to consider this cycle: Will Black women voters, many who voted for the first time in 2008 and 2012, return to the polls? Is there an enthusiasm gap among Black women voters? What strategies and


Jose De Lemos, 53, and Hansel Tookes, M.D., a University of Miami medical resident, outside of Jackson Memorial Hospital after a recent visit. De Lemos, who has HIV, is being treated by Tookes. (Part II of a III Part Series) By Amy Driscoll, Miami Herald

PEELER-ALLEN messages will motivate Black women’s engagement? Can we activate this critical 2008 and 2012 voting bloc, turn them out to the polls and motivate them to organize their communities? The answer is yes! The late Shirley Chisholm, once said, “You don’t make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas.” (Cont'd on Page 13)

Advanced HIV Cases Tookes, a 35-year-old internist, took on the against-the-odds fight for a Needle Exchange Program because he felt he had to. Too many people were coming through the doors of MiamiDade’s public health system with advanced cases of HIV in an era when the virus that causes AIDS is generally treated as a disease you live with, not one that kills you. Injection drug overdoses were rising, too. The doctor knew getting people into treatment earlier could make a huge difference in their lives and reduce infections of others. (“I’m trained to look for public health solutions,” he said.) A needle exchange was a step toward that goal. Florida had never allowed a needle exchange program before. But why couldn’t that change? His grandmother, Gracie Wyche, had set the bar high in his family. She was a pioneering black nurse in Miami who started out in the then-segregated wards of Jackson Memorial and eventually became a head nurse, concentrating on a mysterious illness in the 1980s that later became known as AIDS. Tookes became even more interested in public service during his undergraduate work at Yale University and a stint as an investigator for Project Aware, an HIV testing/counseling clinical trial at UM. He got a public health degree at UM, and then his medical degree. (Cont'd on Page 3)

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Westside Gazette Fighting HIV in Miami, one dirty needle at a time (Cont'd from FP) Now a third-year resident who does his research through UM’s division of infectious diseases at the Miller School of Medicine, Tookes said his grandmother’s work set him on this path. “She inspired me,” he said. “There’s just a long history of service on both sides of the family.” The HIV numbers drove him, too. In 2014, the Miami-Fort Lauderdale region ranked No. 1 in the nation by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the rate of new HIV infections in areas with more than 1 million people. That year, Miami-Dade County had 1,324 new HIV cases, the CDC said, while Broward had

836 cases. Statewide, in 2014, the Florida Department of Health said 110,000 people were diagnosed and living with HIV. People are still dying of the virus. In the United States, 6,955 people died from HIV and AIDS in 2013, according to the CDC. Tookes saw the toll up close, in the examining room. A man in his 40s who had sex with men, no body fat and pneumocystis pneumonia, a disease often associated with AIDS — who didn’t know he’d probably had HIV for years. An impoverished woman from Liberty City with a debilitating bacterial infection from a severely compromised immune system, who had never before been tested for HIV. Or a young man dia-

CONGRATS SISTER NYLA LENNON — Sister Nyla Lennon, is the first African American Lacrosse Player for the University of Norwich in over 200 years. She has completed her first semester at the Military based University, where she is a full-time on campus resident in Harmon, Vermont. Sister Lennon, is studying to be a Jag Attorney (A Lawyer that is dedicated to the study of Military Justice). She is pictured with her loving grandparents LaRhonda Ware and Grandpa Solomon McPhaul they couldn’t be prouder. Great job on letting your light shine brightly.

gnosed with HIV a few months ago who revealed to Tookes during a clinic visit that he uses intravenous methamphetamine. “Everything with this issue — all of the advocacy that we did for this policy — was to fix an issue that we were seeing in everyday clinical practice. ... I think as physicians, we had a duty to intervene,” Tookes said. “We knew there was something we could do for these people to help them from getting so sick, and so we decided to fight for it.” He faced deep suspicion about the idea going back to the just-say-no 1980s. Although needle exchange programs have become increasingly common even in GOP-controlled states — Indiana’s governor and now Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence changed his position last year after an outbreak of HIV and hepatitis C — Florida remained a holdout. Some lawmakers continued to believe that giving addicts clean needles amounted to government-endorsed drug use. Starting in 2012, Tookes — backed by a coalition including the Florida Medical Association, the Florida Hospital Association and the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office — tried to make headway with lawmakers. When he hit the wall of opposition, he didn’t give up. He didn’t get disillusioned or cynical. He tried again. And again. In the legislative sessions of 2013, ’14, ’15. Then 2016 came along. The heroin epidemic created a whole new conversation around the issue of injection-drug use. This copyrighted story comes from the Miami Herald, produced in partnership with KHN. All rights reserved. This article was reprinted from Kaiser Health News with permission from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Kaiser Health News, an editorially independent news service, is a program of the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonpartisan health care policy research organization unaffiliated with Kaiser Permanente.



Opinion “Choices” By Pastor Rasheed Z. Baaith “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore choose life; that both thou and thy seed may live.” (Deuteronomy 30:19) It has been a Presidential election season unlike any seen in modern times. In a country already deeply divided along so many fault lines, this campaign season has divided this country even more. The partisanship is on the right and left, with those who are Black, white, red, yellow and brown. It is male and female, it includes the old and young, it has pitted the inner city against the outer city, the rich against the poor; and those born in this country and those who have relocated here. There are political and religious schisms because of homosexual, heterosexual and transgender issues. The choices we have are two deeply flawed candidates. One who is bombastic, inexperienced, deliberately divisive and unashamed of being so; he a person who appeals to the worst in human nature. The other is perhaps the most experienced, qualified individual

Westside Gazette The Westside Gazette, under the Management of BI-ADs, Inc., reserves the right to publish Views and Opinions by Contributing Writers may not necessarily reflect those of the Staff and Management of The Westside Gazette Newspaper and are solely the product of the responsible individual(s) who submit comments published in this newspaper.

ever to seek the office of President. But she is also someone who believes her identity allows her to do what she wants, when she wants and deny ever having done so if the outcome of decisions proves bad. Her ego manifests differently than her opponents, but it seems just as big. And while Trump espouses a nationalistic, America first political theme, it seems a pretense. He talks of “making America great again” and of “taking America back.” What does that mean? Taking America back from whom? Who stole it? How can one explain his admiration of the world’s most villainous dictator who he endorsed because the man said “nice things” about him. Or the continuous disdain of the American government and military he promotes.Even worse, the ongoing attempts to undermine people’s trust in the electoral system. He is a man whose ego is so over blown, he believes he could not lose this election unless it was stolen from him or “rigged” in some way. And his supporters believe the same nonsense. He knows his audience well. He knows while they may know better, they want to believe the lies he tells them, they seem to want to believe Trump more than any real truth. I think it’s because many of them have

a greater need for anger than anything else. They don’t just want America to change as they define change; they want an armed revolution. And some of them are already expressing the thought of violence taking place if Trump loses. Trump strokes that fire with his talk of being a victim of a conspiracy between the media and the Clinton campaign. Trump’s problems do not stem from any conspiracy; they originate from his mouth and his loutish behavior, from an uninformed world view, and from his “me and only me” life philosophy, which prohibits him from being an empathic, compassionate person. I will say this about the medi, however, especially CNN. They created Trump and now they just have to deal with what they twisted into reality. I hope Trump keeps slapping them upside the head. But there is no conspiracy between them and the Clinton campaign, but I think the link between Fox News and the Trump campaign needs to be scrutinized. Finally this: our Election Day is a great day of importance to this country, perhaps even to the world. It is when we will find out what choice the country has made, what kind of leadership it wants. Yet, because of all that has been said, and the most divided electorate since the Civil War, and the because of the hatred being embraced on both sides, what happens the day after the election is going to be more important that Election Day itself. Think about it.

The First U.S.woman presidential candidate derailed by Instead of Director Comey waiting FBI director By Roger Caldwell With just 11 days left in the 2016 presidential campaign, the FBI Director, James Comey, has announced there is new information on Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, and the investigation has been reopened. This is unprecedented in the history of American politics, and the question is, why now? Hillary Clinton called it “strange” and “deeply troubling” that FBI Director Comey released a letter to Congress regarding new emails under review by his agency. “It’s pretty strange to put something like that out with such little information right before an election because voters deserve to get full and complete facts,” Clinton said at a campaign rally in Daytona Beach, Florida. From the director’s point of view, he is doing his job, but many think this is nasty politics and what he’s doing makes no sense. Director Comely sent a letter to the chairman of several congressional committees, and said in the course of a separate investigation, officials uncovered more emails that “appear to be pertinent but may or may not be significant.” Timing is everything in an election, and this announcement could not have come at a more critical point in the campaign. The letter is extremely vague and Democrats are urging, on behalf of a fair and impartial election, the FBI director to release any and all relevant facts. But facts in the 2016 presidential election have been few and far between, and very difficult to ascertain. At times, both candidates have stretched the truth and Americans are extremely confused. In July, Secretary Clinton was cleared by the FBI of any intentional wrongdoing. But on last Friday, it appears that Hillary is being charged with another scandal, indirectly related to her, and she cannot be trusted.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR GUIDELINES The Westside Gazette welcomes your letters. Letters must be signed with name clearly legible along with a phone number and complete address. No unsigned or anonymous letters will be considered for publication. The Westside Gazette reserves the right to edit letters. The letters should be 500 words or less.

to be sure of the facts, it appears he left far too much to self-interpretation. “There is a longstanding policy of not doing anything that could influence an election,” says George Tewilliger, deputy attorney general in the George Bush administration. “Justice traditionally bends over backward to avoid taking any action that might be seen by the public as influencing an election, often declining to even take private steps that might become public in the 60 days leading up to an election” says Mathew Miller, a former Justice Department official. Comey appears to be riding solo when he broke longstanding practice and Justice Department guidelines by writing Friday’s letter to congress, and making a public comment on an ongoing investigation. This information has definitely changed the trajectory of the election, and the FBI Director is influencing the vote of millions of Americans. It is not understood what was going through Comey’s mind when he decided to write the letter on Friday. Without a doubt, the director is questioning his own actions and what he planned to achieve. The investigation will not be complete in ten days, and it appears to have a devastating impact on Hillary and her supporters. No one thought that an unsubstantiated allegation from the Director of the FBI could derail, and change the momentum of Hillary’s campaign. But in the 2016 election cycle with 11 days before the election, James Comey has made history by starting a new email scandal with a letter to Congress. This letter can discourage Americans from voting for Hillary Clinton, and change the outcome of the election. Donald Trump is making it appear that Clinton has broken the law, and that finally, the FBI director has seen the light, and is ready to put her in jail. The FBI director has not followed protocol, and has broken the longstanding policy of not taking any action that can influence an election within 60 days before the election is over. Hopefully, the FBI direction will release, in detail, all relevant facts concerning this new investigation.

Make sure your voice is heard—VOTE! By Byler E. Henry This year’s election has started to heat up and the votes in Florida may determine which way the race goes. The candidates are spending a lot of time campaigning in Florida, making back to back trips and trying their hardest to get the votes. The latest upshot poll has shown that Donald Trump has taken a fourpoint lead in Florida. Last month, the poll had Hilary ahead of Trump by one percentage point. It looks as if Trump still has a chance to keep it a close race if he can win Florida’s 29 electoral votes. As Floridians, we must do our part to make sure that we get out and vote. There are also other issues on the ballot that we need to think about when we vote. We must carefully consider our United States Senator, Representative in Congress, and our county court judges, and county commissioners. Every position in office affects us daily, not just the president. So, when you get out to vote, encourage your friends and family to vote as well. The voting of the constitutional amendments is also important to pay attention to. The wording on them is tricky, and you can be easily deceived to vote on something that you don’t fully understand. Amendment 1 is one that is especially tricky and sounds good at first glance. Under Florida’s constitution you have the right to own or lease solar equipment on your property. Sounds good, right? Many solar companies do not support this amendment. Many may read this sentence and automatically vote yes, but what comes after that is confusing and deceiving. After seeing all the vote yes on No. 1 commercials,and hearing what the solar companies have to say about the utility companies wanting to keep their monopolies, I know what I will be voting for NO on 1. Please research carefully and don’t let the wording on the ballots fool you. I understand it can be hard to understand, and you may receive a headache or two trying to understand it, but that is where google can help you out and be the Advil for your headache. Research carefully and pay close attention to the other constitutional amendments as well. So, whether you decide to vote on election day or early vote, your vote counts and there is nothing wrong with encouraging friends and family to make sure their voice is heard as well; the more the merrier. “There is strength in numbers.” – Mark Shields

The Gantt Report Preachers in Politics By Lucius Gantt It’s early November and if you haven’t absentee voted or early voted, you need to take a deep breath and open your eyes before you walk into the voting booth on Election day and cast your ballots! With open eyes and a clear mind you will see that African Americans are being played in the 2016 election like pawns are played on a chess board! Blacks, in 2016, will no doubt be the deciding factor in who goes to the White House and who ends up in the outhouse! So, the tricky political devils are working overtime to confuse you, mislead you, distract you and fool you. Your so-called Black leaders are selling you down the Potomac, the Chattahoochee, the Rio Grande, the Mississippi, the St. Johns, the Apalachicola and down every other river and stream in America! Well, why are so many Black politicians and Black religious leaders on different political pages? Could it be that Black voters might be played like a violin if a violinist told him how to best utilize their right to vote or not vote? Yes, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is knee deep in today’s political mud baths. No problem with that but his involvement seems strange to me since the Honorable Elijah Muhammad made it a point to stay out of devilish politics. Minister Elijah was quoted as hating it when Malcolm X made the “chickens coming home to roost” when a Presidential politician was assassinated. Anyway, there are more religious leaders involved in the 2016 Elections than in any other election in recent times. Their involvement is more than letting a political devil stand up and speak at Black churches. It is more than carrying a bus load of congregation members to early voting sites. (Read full story on

Early voting is critical to our democracy Rosetta Perry, the publisher of The Tennessee Tribune, says that if early voting is available in your community, you should take advantage of it. By Rosetta Perry (Publisher, The Tennessee Tribune)

This coming election is very important to each of us, even imprisoned. Men and women, it is highly important we take time to write, call or e-mail our family and friends of yours to make sure they are registered to vote this coming November 8th. I’ve been in Federal prison on a non-violent drug conspiracy charge 28 years and counting, and never got caught being in possession of a single grain of drugs of any type. We all must continue to support President Obama’s legacy which he is dedicated to and that is “Prison reform”, and disparities within the sentencing for federal crimes. Donald Trump has yet to make a statement on either, nor has he addressed disparities or long sentences given to African Americans, mainly for non-violent drug charges or crimes that consist of no violence, in comparison to whites that are charged with the same crime or more serious crimes. Our punishments are always more severe then our counterparts. I am a Black man who awakes every morning to greet my fellow men , prisoners like myself who have been imprisoned for at least two decades. The sad part is many of thoseI speak to will never get a second chance; they have life sentences for the very same charges that I mentioned in this article. I think its fair to say my entire jury reached a guilty verdict against me and others there in the Northern District of Florida Federal Court (Gainesville Division). The jury was all white. Furthermore, we must not forget the prime industry of that area is no doubt none other then the University of Florida.

Early voting has already begun in some 37 states and Washington D.C. Yet, many Blacks remain unaware of this option, or of the benefits it offers. But the folks who want to suppress the Black vote sure know about it. One of the first things done in North Carolina was to cut back on options for early voting, as well as hours polling places would be open, and spots where people could go. Fortunately a federal court not only struck down the state’s discriminatory voter ID provision, it erased those barriers to early voting as well. In Alabama, driver’s license centers in Black neighborhoods had their hours shortened or in some cases closed. In Texas, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, Republican legislators took measures to limit or restrict early voting. In several instances, courts have stepped in to temporarily block these changes, but most are under appeal. Indeed, the Trump campaign may mount a challenge to the results because of supposed fraud. Despite repeated findings by multiple non- partisan surveys and pollsters that fraud is almost non-existent, the folks who want to suppress voting like to link early voting to supposed fraud. There are two main reasons for the repeated attacks on early voting. One is that surveys show most of the biggest proponents of early voting tend to support Democrats: people of color, millennials and young people in general, women and seniors. These are all groups anxious to avoid crowds or whose lives are such that it is easier for them to vote early or even via absentee ballot rather than stand in lengthy lines on Election Day. The second reason that the Republicans tend to want limits on early voting is the fear that if one of their candidates falls behind in the early results it will hinder their attempts at a late rally of their supporters. The Tribune urges all its readers who are in a position to do so to please take advantage now of early voting.

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“Even behind bars we can make a difference”

Westside Gazette


‘Oh Se Haiti Ou Ye La Wi which translates to ‘Oh, you ‘re in Haiti now’ By Shirley Thimothee-Paul RN, MSN, CCRN “Oh Se Haiti Ou Ye La Wi” which translates to “Oh, you ‘re in Haiti Now”

This is a common phrase used in Haiti in conversation when someone from abroad questions some of the less than tactful behaviors which are part of daily life in the country, one

of which is the poor practice of reselling donated products by the victims of natural disaster. A large bag of rice donated to the victims of hurricane Mathew is photographed in a street

market. Having never experienced hunger or poverty, I can’t say for sure that I wouldn’t sell a bag of rice to make enough money to pay for car fair for my children to get to

African Americans with diabetes can prevent vision loss You can’t feel it. You can’t see it—until it’s too late. Diabetic retinopathy, the most common form of diabetic eye disease, is the leading cause of blindness in adults age 20– 74. It occurs when diabetes damages blood vessels in the retina. Diabetic retinopathy affects 7.7 million Americans, and that number is projected to increase to more than 14.6 million people by 2030. Many African Americans are included in these statistics. According to the National Eye Institute (NEI), more than 800,000 African Americans have diabetic retinopathy, and this number is projected to increase to approximately 1.2 million people by 2030. The longer a person has diabetes, the greater the risk for diabetic eye disease. Once vision is lost, it often cannot be restored. People with diabetes should have a comprehensive dilated eye exam at least once a year to help protect their sight. Keeping diabetes in control is key to slowing the progression of vision complications like diabetic retinopathy. There are important steps people with diabetes can take to keep their health on TRACK: • Take your medications as prescribed by your doctor. • Reach and maintain a healthy weight. • Add physical activity to your daily routine. • Control your ABC’s—A1C, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. • Kick the smoking habit. Early detection, timely treatment, and appropriate follow-up care can reduce a person’s risk for severe vision loss from diabetic eye disease by 95 percent. Dr. Paul Sieving, director of NEI, says, “Only about half of all people with diabetes get an annual comprehensive dilated eye exam, which is essential for detecting diabetic eye disease early, when it is most treatable. Newer and better treatments are available for the first time in decades, making early detection even more important.” With no early symptoms, diabetic eye disease—a group of conditions including cataract, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy—can affect anyone with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. African Americans are at higher risk for losing vision or going blind from diabetes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 13 percent of African Americans have diagnosed diabetes. “More than ever, it’s important for people with diabetes to have a comprehensive dilated eye exam at least once a year. New treatments are being developed all the time, and we are learning that different treatments may work best for different patients. What hasn’t changed is that early treatment is always better,” says Dr. Suber Huang, chair of the Diabetic Eye Disease Subcommittee for NEI’s National Eye Health Education Program (NEHEP) and member of the NEI-funded Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research Network ( “There has never been a more hopeful time in the treatment of diabetic retino-pathy,” he adds.

Remember, if you have diabetes, make annual comprehensive dilated eye exams part of your self-management routine. Living with diabetes can be challenging, but you don’t have to lose your vision or go blind because of it. To help friends and loved ones reduce their risk, please share this article. For more information on diabetic eye disease, tips on finding an eye care professional, or information on financial assistance, visit https:// diabetes or call NEI at (301) 496–5248. NEI leads the federal government’s research on the visual system and eye diseases. NEI supports basic and clinical science programs to develop sight-saving treatments and address special needs of people with vision loss. For more information, visit https:// NIH, the Nation’s medical research agency, includes 27 Institutes and Centers and is a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NIH is the primary federal agency conducting and supporting basic, clinical, and translational medical research, and investigating the causes, treat-ments, and cures for both com-mon and rare diseases. For more information about NIH and its programs, visit https://

Young girl on the streets of Haiti. school. Who am I to judge? You see those of us who are of Haitian decent may be able to sympathize but not necessarily empathize with the people of the general population of Haiti. Things that are unheard of in America are part of normal life in Haiti. A beautiful young girl barely nine years old is up by 6 a.m. preparing meals, boiling water for baths and sweeping the walk way in front of the home she currently labors in. The eldest female of family of seven children from Bord-deMar, a small area on the ocean in the Northern Part of Haiti, works from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. daily for less than pennies on a dollar of what one might make here in the U.S. An adolescent girl, barley fully developed, has moved in with an elderly retired male over 70 to be his makeshift wife, not because she wants to be, but because he has offered to supply basic necessities for her family who practically go days without food. “Malere pa peshe’ “, which translates to, “being poor is not a sin”, but watching such suffering and

doing nothing should be. Being in that young girl's position, would I do the same? I’ll let you when I’ve gone days without food along with my small siblings. Yes, flying in from Florida with my well-nourished body and my college degrees, it is easy to question such practices and ask about law and order. The better question to ask is “what would you do”? Most Haitian Ameicans can’t really say, as they too have never experienced hunger nor watched their children’s stomachs swollen from hunger. Yes, these are all examples of daily life experiences of the general population of Haiti, and it is up to the Haitian Americans such as me to create hope for Haiti and the children like this young girl to know a better life. A life where a visiting Haitian American can be reminded that they’re in Haiti because they have come over with practices that are beneath the class and integrity of our people, not the other way around. So let’s challenge ourselves to make the last statement a reality. “Haiti ou ye la, wi.



Westside Gazette

Anger Anger,, disbelief in Clinton camp

The need verse the want

Amie Parnes and Jonathan Easley The Hill Hillary Clinton’s allies were cast into a state of anger and disbelief over the FBI’s stunning announcement that it is reviewing new emails “pertinent” to Clinton’s use of a private email server. That shocking development - revealed in a letter to Congress by FBI Director James Comey - pushed some of Clinton’s allies past the boiling point. They said they were “dumbfounded” by the revelation that the new FBI review may have been spurred by a separate investigation into Anthony Weiner sending lewd texts to a minor. Weiner is separated from wife Huma Abedin, one of Clinton’s closest aides. And they worried that Clinton’s unconventional email arrangement had finally caught up to her and might imperil her presidential bid less than two weeks before Election Day. “I’m livid, actually,” one Clinton surrogate told The Hill. “This has turned into malpractice. It’s an unforced error at this point. I have no idea what Comey is up to but the idea this email issue is popping back up again is outrageous. It never should have occurred in the first place. Someone somewhere should have told her no. And they didn’t and now we’re all paying the price.” Another ally called the campaign’s mood something akin to “paralysis,” and blamed Weiner’s behavior for railroading the campaign. One strategist said the developments would further cement the notion that Clinton has something to hide. “It’s made people think there’s always going to be something around the Clintons, some investigation, some inquiry,” the strategist said. “It never goes away.” Campaign chairman John Podesta and other Democrats lashed out at the FBI over the timing of its announcement and for the lack of details in Comey’s letter. They demanded clarity, fearing that the open nature of the investigation would lead speculation to run wild. “FBI Director Comey should immediately provide the American public more information than is contained in the letter he sent to eight Republican committee chairmen,” Podesta said in a statement. “Already, we have seen characterizations that the FBI is ‘reopening’ an investigation but Comey’s words do not match that characterization. Director Comey’s letter refers to emails that have come to light in an unrelated case, but we have no idea what those emails are and the Director himself notes they may not even be significant. “It is extraordinary that we would see something like this just 11 days out from a presidential election,” Podesta added. Clinton world was already on edge over Podesta’s hacked emails, which are being published by Wikileaks on a near-daily basis. Those revelations have given new ammunition to Republican Donald Trump, who has seized on the leaked emails to accuse the Clintons of running a corrupt network of influence for personal gain. After the FBI news broke on Friday, the campaign seemed resigned to Trump and other Republicans campaigning on the email issue in the final days of the race.

(Cont'd from FP)

Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton “In the short term at least, this does provide Republicans with something they can all hang their hat on, at a time when they’ve been fighting with each other so much - so that can have a salutary effect by shoring up the GOP base and distract from the daily drama around Trump himself,” one longtime Clinton adviser said. The surrogate predicted the news would also hurt Democrats in down ballot elections. “I assume Senate Democrats are peeing in their pants right now,” the surrogate said. “The [Republican] ads are being cut as we speak.” At the same time, other Democrats interviewed by The Hill were taking the FBI letter in stride. They believe that the presidential race is set and will not be meaningfully impacted by Comey’s announcement. Millions of people voted early, when Clinton held about a 6-point lead nationally. And Democrats believe scandal fatigue has set in over the emails, essentially rendering new developments meaningless. Voters have been hearing about Clinton’s email troubles for more than a year, Democrats say, yet she’s favored to win the White House. “This is just a distraction,” said Democratic pollster Mark Mellmann. “People had already reached their conclusions about the emails. Certainly everyone on my side of the aisle would rather be talking about something else, but I don’t think it’s sufficient to change the outcome.” Rather than panic over Clinton’s new troubles, Democrats expressed outrage at FBI director Comey for dropping what they view as a politically motivated bombshell close to the election. “It is extraordinary for the FBI director to do this 11 days before the election,” said Democratic strategist Steve McMahon. “It violates the Justice Department’s rules about engaging in investigations in a way that might impact our democracy. It is extraordinary and very, very surprising.”

There were those who vehemently opposed the election of the country’s first Black President, Barack Husain Obama. Some went as far as to say that he was not even born in this country. They would rather die and go to the grave believing in their own selfish reasons that only white men could run this country, but for the betterment of all he was elected. Let us come together as people from all across this wonderful country with varying degrees of differences and remove any selfishness that we have towards each other so we can work together for the betterment of all. Let us look at the greater need for all as opposed to the single needs of our selfish selves. “ if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV) Let’s ask our Heavenly Father for what we need and not what we want. I believe that the needs of all is better served when I allow my wants to become secondary. If we need a person who can respect the difference in all people; if we need someone who’s willing to open our borders to those who have been abused; if we need someone who has knowledge of nuclear power and the temperament to control the use there of; if we need someone who has the experience of being in a leadership role of governing a country; if we need someone who’s willing to change when they knew they have made a mistake; if we need someone who would not use their power to force themselves on unwilling participants, let us ask God for what we need and not what we want. Perhaps some of us may want our leaders to be bullies. Some of us may want an inexperience person in control of our nuclear weapons. Some of us may want a leader who puts others down to make themselves look big. Some may even want our leaders to make fun of people with disabilities and have a narcissist disposition about themselves. It is when we allow our wants to override our needs for selfish reasons that we find ourselves lost and stranded on an island just like Gillian with a Mr. Potato Head directed by Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. If we were to be brutally honest and truthfully fourth right, we would all believe that we should get what we need and not what we want. So I’m asking all of us as Americans to pray and to ask God to give us the leadership that we need and not the leadership that we want. “Dear God it is by your wisdom, knowledge and creation of understanding that we submit our will to Your directions for our greater good which is meant to serve You.” GOD MAKES NO MISTAKES IN HIS APPOINTMENTS

VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! On Tuesday,Nov. 8,2016

#JustSayNoIsStillGoodForUS From the Westside Gazette Editorial Board (WEB) The phrase “Just say No,” was popularized by First Lady Nancy Reagan when the U.S. declared a “War on Drugs”, during the 1980s and early 1990s, to discourage children from using drugs. Just a couple decades later, saying yes to drugs seems like a benign, humanitarian act. What has caused this extreme paradigm shift is almost too complex to dissect in one article. In a few short days, Florida voters will decide if medical marijuana should be legal and added to our Constitution. Once again Florida voters are challenged with deciphering the pros and cons of the proposed Amendment 2 to allow the medical use of marijuana. If amendment 2 passes it would change our state constitution and become almost impossible to repeal later. In other words, it would be a done deal or a deal done. Yes, there are deals in the making and money to be made, but who really benefits from legalizing medical marijuana? In this brief article, let’s examine the facts so our readers can make a clear choice without the intoxicating ads and sentiments of those who support this amendment. The most common argument to support Amendment 2 is that people who are suffering with chronic pain and debilitating illnesses will find relief. Hello, patients already have that option in Florida. It’s called Charlotte’s Web or the Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act of 2014. Charlotte’s web marijuana has a lower THC content(the drug that gets you high) than traditional marijuana. This law specifies the number of distribution centers, which types of nurseries can grow the plants, and requires various other controls. So why push for a constitutional amendment when we already have Charlotte’s web? Well, the marijuana being “pushed” in Amendment 2 could have potency 15 times stronger and more addictive than the pot of the 1970s. Yet, it will be marketed in packaging that looks like candy and sold in pot shops in our neighborhoods. The second most common argument to support Amendment 2 is that legalizing marijuana will keep people from getting arrested for possessing, cultivating or distributing marijuana. This is a great fallacy because possession of marijuana is still illegal and so is driving while intoxicated. Potential employers still have the right to test job applicants for drug use and the list of ramifications goes on and on. There is no evidence that legalizing marijuana will reduce arrest in minority communities. As a matter of fact, it is been shown in other states that the ratio of minorities being arrested since the legalization of marijuana has not decreased. The third most common argument is that marijuana is a harmless drug. This is the most ridiculous and easiest to refute of all. According to National Institute of Health and many others in the scientific community, Marijuana also affects brain development. When marijuana users begin using as teenagers, the drug may reduce thinking, memory, and learning functions and affect how the brain builds connections between the areas necessary for these functions. Just say No still resonates as sound judgment. It should be trending in social media platforms as the #JustSayNoIsStillGoodForUS.

Westside Gazette


FORT LAUDERDALE, FL — Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton surprised the congregants at New Mount Olive Baptist Church, Dr. Marcus D. Davidson, Senior Pastor with a message of faith and love amongst her campaign stops to rally voters in South Florida this past weekend. “We are not asked to love one another. We are not encouraged, we are not even urged. We are commanded to do that (love). This church (New Mt. Olive) has answered the call by serving our youth, providing affordable housing for families, ministering to the sick and investing in neighborhoods neglected too long,” Clinton remarked, while recognizing Congressman Alcee Hastings high recommendations to visit this church. (Photos & cutline by Westside Gazette’s GenerationNext)

Page 8 • NOVEMBER 3 - NOVEMBER 9, 2016

AF amily T hat Prays T ogether, Stays T ogether Family That Together, Together

Church Directory

Worship T his and Every Sunday at the Church of Your Choice This

Bethel Missionary Baptist Church 2211 N.W. 7th Street, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33061 Church: (954) 583-9368 Email:

Reverend Jimmy L. English PASTOR WORSHIP SERVICES Sunday Worship ............................................................. 8 a.m. & 11 a.m. Sunday School ........................................................................... 9:30 a.m. Wednesday (Prayer Service & Bible Study) ............................... 7:30 a.m. Saturday (Women Bible Study) ............................................................ 8 a.m. "Baptized Believers working together to do the will of God"

New Mount Olive Baptist Church 400 N.W. 9th Ave., Ft. Lauderdale 33311 (954) 463-5126 ● Fax: (954) 525-9454 CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 8:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Dr. Marcus D. Davidson, Senior Pastor WORSHIP SERVICES & BIBLE STUDY Sunday .................................................... 7:15 a.m. 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School ............................................................................ 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Noonday Service .................................. 12:00-12:30 p.m. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting ............................................ 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Night Bible Study ................................................... 7:00 p.m. Where the kingdom of God is increased through Fellowship. Leadership, Ownership and Worship F.L.O.W. To Greatness!

Williams Memorial CME

St Paul United Methodist Church 244 S.E. Second Avenue Deerfield Beach, Florida 33341 (954) 427-9407 EMAIL EMAIL:: WEBSITE WEBSITE::

Rev. Dr. Jimmie L. Brown Senior Pastor


Sunday School .................................................................................... 10 a.m. Sunday Worship ................................................................................ 11 a.m. Bible Study (Tuesday) ....................................................... 11 a.m. & 7.p.m.

Obituaries James C. Boyd Funeral Home Harris Chapel United Methodist Church Rev. Stanley Melek, M.Div 2351 N.W. 26th Street Oakland Park, Florida 33311 Church Telephone: (954) 731-0520

SERVICES Sunday Worship ................................................. 7:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School .............................................................................. 9:00 a.m. Wednesday (Bible Study) ........................................... 11a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

BURNS Funeral services for the late Bernice Rebecca Burns – 64 were held Oct. 29 at James C. Boyd’s Memorial Chapel with Pastor James Woods officiating. JOHNSON Funeral services for the late Judy Fay Johnson – 63. MADISON Funeral services for the late Londale Terrell Madison 21 were held Oct. 29 at Word of the Living God Ministry with Pastor Ernest Gonder, Jr. officiating. Interment: Interment: Sunset Memorial Gardens.

Mount Calvary Baptist Church

800 N.W. 8th Avenue Pompano Beach, Florida 33060 Church Telephone: (954) 943-2422 Church Fax: (954) 943-2186 E-mail Address:

Reverend Anthony Burrell, Pastor SCHEDULE OF SERVICES New Member Orientation ........................... 9:30 a.m. Sunday School ................................................ 9:30 a.m. Worship Service ........................................ 11:00 a.m. WEDNESDAY Prayer Meeting ............................................... 6:00 p.m. Bible Study ..................................................... 7:00 p.m.

PRINGLE Funeral services for the late Sister Bessie Lee Pringle - 78 were held Oct. 29 at Mount Bethel Baptist Church with Rev. Kwame D. Alston ThM, officiating Interment: Sunset Memorial Gardens.


"Doing God's Business God's Way, With a Spirit of Excellence"

Mount Hermon A.M.E. Church Reverend Henry E. Green, Jr., Pastor 401 N.W. 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 Phone: (954) 463-6309 FAX 954 522-4113 Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Email

SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES Worship Service ..................................................................... 7:30 & 10:30 a.m. Fifth Sunday ONLY .................................................................................... 10 a.m. Church School ........................................................................................ 9:15 a.m. BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday ....................................................................... 10 a.m. Gems & Jewels Ministry Senior Wednesday Wednesday (Bible Study) .................................................... 12 Noon & 7 - 8 p.m. Daily Prayer Line ...................................................................................... 6 a.m. (712)432-1500 Access Code296233#

Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church

McWhite's Funeral Home HYATT Funeral services for the late Ida Lee Miller – Hyatt - 70 were held Oct. 29 at Mission Revival Worship Center with Pastor Dennis Walker officiating. Interment: Sunset Memorial Gardens. A Family That Prays Together Stays Together

Dr. James B. Darling, Jr., Pastor/Teacher WORSHIP SERVICES

But be doers of the Word - James 1:22 nkjv - “A Safe Haven, and you can get to Heaven from here”

New Birth Baptist Church The Cathedral of Faith International Bishop Victor T. Curry, M.Min., D.Div. Senior Pastor/Teacher 2300 N.W. 135th Street Miami, Florida 33167

ORDER OF SERVICES Sunday Worship ........................................................ 7:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Sunday School ....................................................................................................... 9:30 a.m. Tuesday (Bible Study) ......................................................................................... 6:45 p.m. Wednesday (Bible Study) ............................................................................... 10:45 a.m.

1-800-254-NBBC * (305) 685-3700 (o) *(305) 685-0705 (f)

OWENS Funeral services for the late Krystal Denise Owens - 34 were held Oct. 26 at McWhite’s Funeral Home Chapel. STRONG Funeral services for the late Jamari D. Strong – 17 were held Oct. 29 at Golden Heights Church of Christ with Dr. W.F. Washington officiating. Interment: Sunset Memorial Gardens.

Roy Mizell & Kurtz Funeral Home CARR Funeral services for the late Elizabeth Ann Carter - 81 were held Oct. 29 at Roy Mizell and Kurtz with Dr. James B. Darling, Jr. officiating. Interment: Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens – Central. CARTER Funeral services for the late Jurline Carol Carter - 77 were held Oct. 28 at New Mount Olive Baptist Church with Dr. Marcus D. Davidson officiating. Interment: Sunset Memorial Gardens. WALKER Funeral services for the late Mother Thelma Louise Walker - 91 were held Oct. 29 at Banner of Love Apostolic with Bishop Roystan A. Racey officiating. Interment: Sunset Memorial Gardens.

Happy Birthday

1161 NW 29th Terr., Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 33311 (954) 581-0455 ● Fax: (954) 581-4350

Sunday Worship Service .............................................................................. 8:00 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School ............................................................................................................... 10:00 a.m. Communion Service (1st Sunday) ......................................................................... 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting ........................................................................... 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Night Bible Study ................................................................................... 7:00 p.m. Saturday (2nd & 4th) Christian Growth & Orientation .................................. 8:30 a.m.

Westside Gazette

Douglas Evans, Jr. Sunrise: November 2, 1934 Sunset: January 23, 2011 We love you and miss you! Your sisters, Merlene and Cassie Mae, your family Emily, Doug III and Cassandra.

“PRAYER IS THE ANSWER” 644-646 NW 13th Terrace Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 (954) 462-5711(Ministry Office Line) (954) 462-8222(Pastor’s Direct Line) Email: (Church} (Pastor)

Rev. Cal Hopkins. M.Div) Senior Pastor/Teacher

The WITNESS of “The WILL” Sunday Worship Experiences ................................................................ 7:45 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday School ................................................................................................................. 9:30 a.m. Tuesday Night Triumph {Prayer, Praise and Power} Prayer Meeting ................................................................................................................ 7:00 p.m. Bible Study ........................................................................................................................ 7:30 p.m. We STRIVE to PROVIDE Ministries that matter TODAY to Whole Body of Christ, not only the Believers, but also for those stranded on the “Jericho Road”! “Celebrating over 85 Years of FAITH and FAVOR! Come to the WILL ... We’ll show You the WAY: Jesus the Christ!”

Q&A: What does Reverend Deal say this week?

“The spirit of the antichrist is alive and kicking” Question: What is the Antichrist according to the scriptures? Answer: Eschatology is the Doctrine of Last Things. In the scriptures the “antichrist” is critical with the last events of this present age. The word “antichrist” comes from two Greek words christos meaning ‘Christ’ and anti which means against. The name “antichrist” is found only in the epistles of John (1 John 2:18, 22; 4:3; 2 John 7). According to John the antichrist is one coming in the last days or the last times, and one whose spirit is already present in world. Although the antichrist will not be revealed until after the Rapture the spirit of antichrist is “alive and kicking” and will continue to possess any human parallel to Satan. In Isaiah 14:4-17, speaks about ‘the kings of Babylon’ a type of Satan. The ‘great harlot’ in Revelation 17:5 is an anti-God religion. Through-out biblical and modern history powerful rulers have been motivated by the spirit of the ‘antichrist’. Some titles of ‘antichrist’ are (1) beast – Revelation 13:1-4, 12-18 (2) The little horn – Daniel 7:8; 8:9 (3) The wicked one – 2 Thessalonians 2:8 (4) The Foolish Shepherd – Zechariah 11:15-17. With the proper spiritual guidance (pastor, evangelist, minister, church school instructor, bible study) the Books of Daniel and Revelation will reveal prophetic overtones concerning the ‘Antichrist” and his works that will enhance your spiritual intellect. Reverend David Deal is the senior pastor at Every Christian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Please write to Reverend Deal in care of the Westside Gazette, 545 NW 7th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, Fla 33311 or email at David.

Kids Talk About God

Why does jealousy drive some people crazy? By Carey Kinsolving and friends (Part two of Two) “Jealousy just keeps building and building,” says James, 10. “When it builds, it gets worse. One time, I was jealous of my sister because she had more candy. I asked her if I could have some, and she said `No.’ I was so mad, I took some anyway.” Whether you’re 10, 20, 30 or 60, the pressure exerted by har-boring jealousy can explode into the most bizarre behavior. Mo-tivating someone to steal is not the only way jealousy robs, says Marcus, 8: “Jealousy is like a robber, and it steals all your joy. It made me feel mad and scared of God.” God wants us to be content and joyful in his presence. Jealousy’s focus fails to account for God’s sovereignty, longsuffering and justice. Centuries ago, the prophet Jeremiah asked, “Why does the way of the wicked prosper?” The prosperity of the wicked seems to goad us to jealousy. If God is in control, why doesn’t he zap the wicked into oblivion? OK, maybe oblivion is a little harsh. I’ll settle for poverty. Make the wicked poor, God. If some crooks weren’t so rich, I’m sure I could be more content. If God judged everyone’s sins immediately, the Apostle Paul would have died before his conversion. As an unbeliever, he became a Christian bounty hunter. (Read full story on

Westside Gazette


PUBLIC KICK-OFF MEETING I-95 AT BROWARD BOULEVARD INTERCHANGE SR-9/I-95@SR 842/Broward Boulevard from West of SW 24 Avenue to East of NW/SW 18 Avenue Project Development & Environment (PD&E) Study Broward County, Florida Financial Project ID Number: 435513-1-22-02 Efficient Transportation Decision Making (ETDM) No.: 14226 The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), District Four, will hold a Public Kick-Off Meeting for the I-95 at Broward Boulevard Interchange Project Development & Environment (PD&E) Study in Broward County, Florida. The Public Kick-Off Meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 9, 2016, starting at 5:30 p.m., at the Reverend Samuel Delevoe Memorial Park, located at 2520 NW 6 Street, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311. The Public Kick-Off Meeting will be conducted as an informal open house, with a formal presentation starting at 6:00 p.m. In the event that the Public Kick-Off Meeting cannot be held on November 9, 2016, due to severe weather or other unforeseen conditions, it will be held on the alternate date of Wednesday, November 16, 2016, at the same time and location. A PD&E Study is FDOT’s process to evaluate the social, economic, and environmental impacts associated with a planned transportation improvement project. The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate design concepts to improve connectivity for all modes of transportation within the study limits. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability or family status. Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or require translation services (free of charge) should contact Scott Thurman, P.E., Project Manager, at least seven (7) days prior to the Public Information Workshop. Contact information: Scott Thurman, P.E., FDOT Project Manager 3400 West Commercial Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 Telephone: (954) 777-4135 or toll free at (866) 336-8435, ext. 4135 E-mail:


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 5:30 p.m. Open House, 6:00 p.m. Presentation Reverend Samuel Delevoe Memorial Park 2520 NW 6 Street Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311


BROWARD CHAPTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS ASSOCIATION HOSTED ANNUAL UN-DAY SCHOLARSHIP AND AWARDS CELEBRATION — The Broward County Chapter of the United Nations Association hosted a luncheon in honor of the International 71st Anniversary of the UN Charter. The celebration was to raise funds for refugees and honor local heroes who support global goals. The Scholarship and Awards Luncheon Celebration was held Oct. 23, 2016, Inverrary Country Club, Lauderhill, Fla. and its theme was inspired by the motto “One Humanity, Shared Responsibility.” Top photo; l to r: Dr. Eileen Davis-Jerome, chapter president, UNA-USA Broward County chapter; Albert Tucker, vice president, Multicultural Business Development Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau — Inclusive Cities Advocate Award; Attorney, Burnadette Norris-Weeks, business woman and community leader, Women of Color Empowerment Institute, Inc. — Gender Equality Advocate Award; Mayor, Frank C. Ortis, City of Pembroke Pines, president Emeritus, Florida League of Mayors — Sustainable Cities Leadership Award; Christopher Dorsey, director of bands, Dillard High School — Cultural Educator Award; Robert Velez, vice president Emeritus, Broward County Chapter UNA-USA — Distinguished Service Award; Cassandra E. Joseph, president, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., South Broward Alumnae Chapter — International Family Services Award; Troy G. Wolfe, keynote speaker, director, UNA Education Programs United Nations Association of the United States of America UN Foundation; Nirmala D. Claude, student Broward College — Dr. Blanca W. Moore-Velez Book Scholarship Award. Honored, but not pictured, Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson Congressional District 24, Florida — Humanitarian Award; Dr. Cyril Blavo president, International Health Initiatives — Professor of Pediatrics and Public Health. Health Provider Award and Captain Barrington Irving, pilot — STEM Educator Pioneer Award; Mrs. Paulette Saint-Lot Frank Folk, opera singer and Dancer Witness to UN Charter — International Ambassador Award. Bottom photo: Chapter Board of Directors, chapter officers and honorees.


Westside Gazette

Community Digest

Publix is Proud to Support Community News WHERE SHOPPING IS A PLEASURE

Health Fair

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Sponsors Diabetes Health Fair on Saturday, Nov. 5, 2016 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Dolly Hand Cultural Arts Center, 1977 S.W. College Dr., on the campus of Palm Beach State College in Belle Glade.


The Galleon Foundation “Making a difference, one child at a time”, Investing In Our Youth Education”, Seventh Annual Scholarship Gala, Friday, Nov. 4, 2016 from 7 p.m., to midnight, Renaissance 1230 S. Pines Island Rd., Plantation, Fla. For more info (754) 209-9928.




Entourage Auditions, Saturday, Nov. 5, 2016 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and Saturday, Nov. 12 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., & dancers from 1 to 3 p.m., at The African Heritage Cultural Arts Center, 6161 N.W. 22 Ave., Miami, Fla. Audition pieces must be: 1 song only 30 seconds for Vocalists (acapella) 1 min for dancer. For more info call (305) 638-6771 or (305) 761-9864 email:

People Helping People Outreach Center, Inc., need your help to bless needy families with Thanksgiving Dinner. P.H.P. are asking you to please buy a store gift card and or a turkey from the store of your choice. P.H.P. would like to thank you in advance for sharing and being a blessing. P.H.P. also invites you to join us in feeding the Homeless on Saturday the day after Thanksgiving Dinner from 12-2 p.m. Volunteers and donations are needed.



Soulful Sunday Cafe, Sunday, Nov. 6, 2016 from 2 ro 5 p.m., at Bethel Apostolic Temple (Fellowship Hall), 1855 N.W. 119 St., Miami, Fla. Featuring outstanding Soulfood, music, comedy and more. Admission is FREE. To RSVP and/or for more info call (305) 454-6139 or email

Correction International Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, request for a donation for our Veterans Day event, Friday, Nov. 11, 2016 at Elks Lodge, 712 N.W. Second St., Fort Lauderdale, Fla. For additional info call Marjester Thomas at (954) 735-5717.

There was an error in the October 27, 2016 Edition the article entitled "The World Comes to Fort Lauderdale", in the caption it should have been Democratic Republic of Congo instead of American Republic of Congo.

“Invisual: The works of Goldstein and Nicola” Art Exhibit, Wednesday, Nov. 2 thru Monday, Dec. 12, 2016. November at the Bailey Contemporary Arts showcases powerful work from two very different artists tackling the same phenomenon: invisibility. Join us for the complimentary artists’ reception on Friday, Nov. 4, 2016 at 6 p.m., at Bailey Contemporary Arts (BaCA), 41 NE First St., Pompano Beach, Fla. in conjunction with Old Town Untapped Free. Dates and hours of admission avai-lable online. For additional info call (954) 284-0141.

EDUCATION MATTERS Every Child Deserves a Chance

Happenings at African-American Research Library and Cultural Center

African-American Research Library and Cultural Center, 2650 Sistrunk Blvd., Fort Lauderale, Fla. For more info call (954) 357-6210. · Dollars & Sense for Teens, how to teach your child some of life’s important lessons? There are five sessions, each on a different financial topic. At Ellyn Waters Conference Room, First at the African-American Research Library and Cultural Center, 2650 Sistrunk Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, Fla. ·Saturday, Nov. 5, at 2 p.m. ·Saturday, Nov. 12, at 2 p.m. Pre-registration preferred. Call (954) 357-6209


Miami Gardens Beautiful presents Trashion/Fashion Show, Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2016 at 5:30 p.m., at Betty T. Ferguson Recreational Complex 3000 N.W. 199 St., Miami Gardens, Fla.

Event Central County Community Advisory Board (CCCAB) on Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2016 at 6 p.m., at LaFayette Hart Park Community Center, 2851 N.W. Eight Rd. Fort Lauderdale, Fla. All residents and business of BMSD are welcome and encouraged to attend. For more info call Aretha Wimberly at (954) 357-7794. Draft * Sunset Review Recommendations * Healthy Community Zone Update * A Penny at Work Update * Project Update




Elks Lodge Thanksgiving Food Drive, requesting donations of non-perishable food items, canned goods including turkey and ham to give to families in need during the holiday season, you can bring items to Elks Lodge now or by Friday, Nov. 18 to be distributed to families Saturday, Nov. 19, 2016 at 712 N.W. Second St., Fort Lauderdale, Fla. For more info contact Harry Hippie at (786) 597-6865.

Save the Date


Sunday, Dec. 4, 2016 The Second Annual Pretty Walk Fashion Show 2016. If interested in being a Vender p l e a s e e m a i l u s Venders -Models -Vendors Stylist -Vocalist -Upcoming Artist -Sponsors @tynikidscouture @prettyclassygirls



School Board Members, Superintendent Robert W. Runcie, District Staff, parents, students, elected officials, business leaders and community members, Fifth Annual Ed Talk 2016/17 Community Forum on Saturday, Nov. 5, 2016 from 9 a.m. to noon (check in networking and refreshment at 8 a.m.), at the Greater Fort Lauderdale/ Broward County Convention Center, 1950 Eisenhower Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, Fla. For more info about Ed Talk, visit or call (754) 321-2300.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Broward County is pleased to announce the Fourth Annual NAMIWalks, “Walking for Mental Health Event on Saturday, Nov. 12, 2016 at Tradewinds Park-South in Coconut Creek, Fla. Registration begins at 8 a.m. and the Walk kick off at 9:30 a.m. Admission to Tradewids Park is fee to all NAMI Walkers who arrive before 9:30 a.m. Walkers can register as teams of as individuals at BrowardCounty or (954) 2329097.


Bible Study

Pride of Fort Lauderdale Elks Annual Veteran’s Day Ceremony, Friday, Nov. 11, 2016 at 11 a.m., at 712 N.W. Second St., Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Chief Floyd Jordan, Former Fire Chief of Miami Beach and Former Fire Chief of Boynton Beach, Fla. Free of charge. For more info call (954) 463-7474.

For the Love of Torah – Bible Study a new Torah/Bible study is forming in the Fort Lauderdale area. Starting Monday, Nov. 11, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. For more info call (945) 401-5750 or email


Westside Gazette


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Books, Brochures, Business Cards, Funeral Programs, Wedding Invitation & Programs, Flyers, Newsletters,Newspapers, Church Bulletins, Souvenir Books, and lots more!!!! Prices are always negotiable

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"FORD" HELP IS ON THE WAY "FRUITS" " FRUITS" & "FRUITS" CALL -- (954) 557-1203 Dear Broward County Community Leaders

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The Black Child Development Fort Lauderdale Affiliate partners with Magnorbrain Games to increase the literacy rate in elementary school students Fort Lauderdale, Fla, on Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2016 – The Black Child Development Institute (BDCI) Fort Lauderdale Affiliate is pleased to announce its community partnership with Magnorbrain Games to increase the literacy rate in elementary school students in Broward County, Florida. BDCI and Magnorbrain Games will be distributing over 500 literacy games to students at 5 selected elementary schools between October and December of this school year. The events will be free of charge and open to all students and parents who attend the selected schools. Magnorbrain’s mission is to change the way students and teachers play and learn through fun and educational board games. The first event was held on Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016 at Park Lakes Elementary School in Lauderdale Lakes, Fla.

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About The Black Child Development Institute: For more than 40 years, the National Black Child DevelopmentInstitute (NBCDI) has been at the forefront of engaging leaders, policymakers, professionals, and parents around critical and timely issues that

Teresa Kelley directly impact Black children and their families. NBCDI, through its affiliates, focuses on delivering culturally relevant resources that respond to the unique strengths and needs of Black children around issues including early childhood education, health, child welfare, literacy, and family engagement. The Fort Lauderdale Affiliate was chartered in 2010 and has been recognized on a national level for its outstanding programming in furtherance of the organization’s mission through partnerships with local organizations and national sponsors: Wal-Mart, State Farm and United Postal Services. Most recently, the Affiliate received the Mobility Award at BDCI’s national conference held in Orlando, Florida. Fort Lauderdale Affiliate Chapter President ,Teresa Kelley, is available for interviews about BDCI-Fort Lauderdale programs and this community partnership.

FUNdraising Good Times

Who gets credit for the gift?


By Pearl and Mel Shaw


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November and December are times of increased giving. So many of us are relationship and philanthropy focused. We open our homes to friends and family, and we open our wallets to nonprofits. Knowing that many choose to make financial gifts during this time, nonprofits focus on reaching out to donors through direct mail, on-line campaigns, and in-person requests for support. Altruism is in the air. But so is the business of nonprofit fundraising. With this column we explore the balance between internal nonprofit fundraising pressures, and the external realities of donor focused fundraising. Internally, organizations put attention on reaching their fund-raising goal. This manifests in different ways. Board members may want to ensure they get “credit” for their efforts and are recognized as fulfilling their board-related fundraising responsibilities. (Read full story on


Jennifer Lopez hosts concert for Hillary Clinton in Miami

Jennifer Lopez, Marc Anthony 'get loud' for Hillary Clinton.

Westside Gazette

Other notables in the democratic party showed up to support their candidate as well. “I think it good to have new people like Jennifer Lopez come and generate some excitement for people who might not be paying attention to politics,� said Congressman Patrick Murphy. This star studded night all designed with the hopes that the Latin beat will make the crowd move in more ways than one, not only on the dance floor but in the voting booth as well.

your VOTE is your VOICE Vote Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016

Murphy U.S. Senate campaign

Democratic U.S. Senate candidate and U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy, (l), participated in an early voting march on Tuesday morning in Daytona with actress Aja Naomi King and civil rights leader and Georgia U.S. Rep. John Lewis, center. King and Lewis are in Florida this week as surrogates for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.


Hillary Clinton embraces singer Jennifer Lopez during a Get Out The Vote concert on Oct. 29, 2016 in Miami, Fla. Hillary Clinton attended a concert with Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) MIAMI, FL — Part pop concert part political rally, a megastar known as Jennifer Lopez packed the Bayfront Park Amphitheater Saturday night, making it the place to dance, sing and urge fans to get out and vote. “I’m getting excited because we’ve got to have our first

LEGAL NOTICES PUBLICATION OF BID SOLICITATIONS Broward County Board of County Commissioners is soliciting bids for a variety of goods and services, construction and architectural/engineering services. Interested bidders are requested to view and download the notifications of bid documents via the Broward County Purchasing website at: November 3, 10, 17, 24, 2016

HELP WANTED Josh King President Of Broadcast 65 is looking for an Executive Producer for the making of a original Gospel Comedy Movie that will be film in West Palm Beach Florida. Broadcast 65 is a new Cable & Movie Production Company. Please call if interested (412) 420-4360 Nov. 3, 10, 17, 24, 2016

woman president!� yelled out Jennifer Lopez Lopez was joined by her exhusband Mark Anthony to literally sing Hillary Clinton’s praises to this predominantly Latino crowd both in song and in message. The democratic presidential nominee was front and center on stage, working the battleground state of Florida, talking to this audience she wants to win over which is Hispanic voters. “I think J-Lo is the cherry on top but Hillary Clinton is going to transform this nation and going to build on what Barack Obama has done and I’m so excited to be a part of this movement that is going to elect the first female president of The U.S.,� said Gregory Gayle, a Clinton supporter.

Make Your Vote Count Vote on Tuesday, Nov. 8,2016

VOL. 39 NO. 10

38 29 15

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ARIES-Trials and tribulations are damaging this week only if you let them be. You are a master at living above day-to-day concerns. Enjoy looking at the big picture. Watch bright skies gathering above a distant horizon. Bring the future into the present and enjoy. I enjoy the fruits of past labor. 17, 19, 21

LIBRA-Energy is higher than it has been for a while. You might feel like the sunshine inside yourself provides blinding light. Walk into it. There are no dangers. Put dark glasses on your soul and be cool. Smile and keep stepping. My mental powers are my greatest assets this week. 17, 29, 35

TAURUS-This week is a good week for remembering that without the help of your colleagues it would be impossible for you to expedite the tasks that need to be done. Cultivate relationships with those who can help you get important stuff done. Thank them graciously and celebrate with them. I am everybody’s sweetheart. 12, 41, 55

SCORPIO-High physical energy means you may roar through the week. Others will have trouble keeping up so exercise your compassion muscles and be as patient as possible. Keep your best interests in mind because they serve the best for everyone around you right now. I savor the flavor of the happiness I find in others. 5, 51, 53

GEMINI-You can be very efficient this week if you set your will to the task. New ideas will occur to you as you are working steadily, so keep pencil and paper nearby to jot down your latest brilliance! I will ask joy to marry me. 1, 8, 14

SAGITTARIUS-Charm is an extremely effective tool for you this week. Charisma works better than at any recent time especially at home. Shine brightly and let your glow work for you. Your self-image is your most effective tool. Time is the greatest peacemaker of them all. 3, 24, 43

CANCER-The forces that disrupt your life this week are not as big as they seem while you are standing close to them. Move back. See what surrounds the problem area and you’ll notice how small it is on the landscape of your life. Enjoy looking at the goodness that is all around your problems. I keep my attention on the highest and the best. 22, 46, 52

CAPRICORN-This week make your special interest pay off in cash. Enough of goodness for goodness sake. You’ve got bills to pay. People expect generosity from a big hearted person like you. Ask them for something in return or they’ll drain you. Intelligent information does not have to come from intelligent LEO-This is a week when you can be a singular sources. 6, 8, 14 beacon. Shine for those around you. Go inside yourself and find those rays of sunshine that others need. AQUARIUS-During the next few weeks be ready Sure you’re a bit touchy yourself but that’s just the for surprises that await you. Don’t make any solid situation in which you can make yourself happy by plans with anyone except you lover. This week will creating happiness for others. I avoid negative feel- bring forth a new dimension in a special relationship. ings, especially this week. 7, 8, 21 You will come upon a sensational poem that illustrates the love the two you share. The search for fun VIRGO-Business as usual is good business. Energy is occupies my time this week. 34, 46, 55 high. Others give back to you what you gave to them the past few weeks. We hope you were generous PISCES-Stay steady in your pursuits. Temptations because what you get this week will be a multiple of are all around you. Attractive pursuits abound but what you bestowed. I give happiness wherever I go. 6, stay on course with what you planned to do with all 13, 48 the good energy that has arisen in your life. I do not allow demands to be placed on me this week. 17, 28, 31


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Westside Gazette


All that ‘Rigged’ talk overshadows the very real and active suppression of Black votes Forget imaginary voter fraud - the real issue of election integrity is about voter suppression against Black and brown people. !By Charles D. Ellison Frantically saving himself from the rat-a-tat of queries from skeptical Black journalists at a rushed “off record” session at the GOP headquarters months ago, Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus dropped the only mic he could think of to shut up the crowd: “I used to work for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund.” Many in the room reacted with initial surprise at that, a

few offering, “It’d help if you talked more about that.” But missed in the pity-me trick was an even larger question: If the head of the Republican Party was so eager to let the Black press know about his brief stint as an NAACP LDF intern, how come he’s never said (or done) anything about his party’s allout systematic bid to suppress Black voters at the polls? And while the RNC’s urban media director, Telly Lovelace, might tell The Root that

Republicans “remain focused on getting out the vote,” it’s become a bit obvious in recent years (and in the weeks running up to Nov. 8) that he probably doesn’t mean the Black vote. A string of federal court rulings explicitly struck down voter-ID laws in states like Kansas, North Carolina, North Dakota, Wisconsin and Texas. Yet, some of the most flagrant violators called out by those same rulings are moving ahead with that anyway … and much

Coach Robert Green’s Panther 100 Club need and deserves community support Voters wait in line to cast their ballots during early voting for the 2016 general election in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, on Oct. 28. (Getty Image)

Front row, l to r: Cleo Dixon, Lero Change, Curtis Hodge, Eddie Roberts, Robert Green (president) Johnny Alexander, Jr., Major Love, Henry Graham, Rosetta Change and Herman Pittman; middle row, l to r: Tommy Roundtree, Edison W heeler, Roy Brown, Kenneth Howard, John Dowels, Johnny Alexander, Harold Simmons and Frederick Dixon and middle row, l to r: Marcia Pinder, Latasha Bellamy, Janice Alexander (secretary), Lt. Col. Kenneth Green, Artie Kennedy, Bruce McGraw, Art Kennedy, Gregory Brewton, Joseph Drisdom, Robert Gray, Warren Pinder, Norman McGraw, Karen Twitty Robinson Warren and Henry Sapp. (Photo credit JORO Productions) By Charles Moseley (Part II) portation for the school to supThe Panther 100 Club is a port all the teams. Coach Green non-profit organization foundArthur Kennedy, former is a die heart Panther. He’s at ed by Robert Green former Dillard Varsity Head football every activity and every game. Dillard High School track and coach, Chief of Staff U.S. Con- He’s always around campus.” football coach and longtime Dillgressman Alcee Hasting Office. Coach Darryl Burrows, ard Athletic Director. Accord“Coach Green has done an Dillard Boys’ Varsity Basketball ing to Green his initial goal was admirable job ever since he’s Coach, Broward County Ath- to have 15 original members been at Dillard. He stressed the letic Association Coach of the raise $50,000 dollars. fact as Athletic Director that Year, heads one of the nation’s “My plan was to have our athletes had to be students leading high school basketball enough funds that if there was as well as good athletes, had to programs with multiple state a program at the school where be well respected around the championships. a kid had a chance to travel or campus He was just a very “The Panther 100 Club has get an experience, that money energetic leader. He made sure been a tremendous asset for us should not be the stopping point. the minor sports of tennis, golf, and Dillard High School as a It was my intent if the school and swimming had the best of whole not just the athletic de- had a field trip that needed fieverything not only for football partment. You’re basically talk- nancing to go on an educaand basketball. Being the great ing about an athletic program tional trip or anything like that athlete himself he knew what it that was set up to assist Dillard we wanted to be in a position to took to bring out the best in our High School with whatever just write a check. We have not athletes and he provided us needs that it may need. reached that point yet we’re with the resources to do that.” Whether it is athletics, acade- still moving towards that goal.” Coach Marcia Pinder, Dill- mics or whatever the case may Some of the projects, events, ard High School Girls Varsity be and I think that they have programs, and field trips that Coach, Broward County Ath- done a tremendous job over the have been made possible by the letic Association Coach of the years since it was founded by efforts of Panther 100 members Year, heads one of the most Coach Green. Schools can’t just include; basketball trip to Ansuccessful high school basket- do it by themselves and this chorage, Alaska, football trip to ball programs in the nation with organization is all Dillard. They St. Louis, Missouri, chorus trip multiple state championships. are really concerned about the to Washington, D. C., Jazz “The Panther 100 Club has kids and their welfare; so the Band trip to New York City, eye been here since I’ve been here. things that they do just benefit glasses for needy students, They have been like a sup- Dillard High School. championship jackets for Girls plement for the athletic departOf course this was not a real Basketball team, etc. ment. They help out wherever political campaign issue, howPanther 100 financial supit’s needed and they con-tribute ever the Panther 100 Club has porters: Congressman Alcee financially. They come out and been and continues to be a viable Hastings, Florida State Trooper talk to the girls and give great organization whose initiatives Tommie Robinson, Rudolph support. When we go out of are worthy of community sup- Maxwell, UPS and Al Henderickson Toyota. town they organize the trans- port.

Some are expecting us to stay home on Election Day... Let’s prove them wrong (Cont'd fron FP) This statement rings true today and Black women have a pivotal role to play in helping to move the country forward. But, we must activate our networks. History has demonstrated that when you fire up a Black woman she does not go to the polls alone. She brings her house, her block, her church, her sorority and her water cooler. According to Nielson, Black women are one of the largest users of social media. The #BlackWomenVote campaign is tapping into the organizing power of Black women, encouraging them to raise their voices, cast their votes and show their power. The campaign is engaging Black women vote this election and to mobilize their networks to the polls. The campaign has tools and resources to help everyday Black women organize their networks from shareable graphics and videos, FaceBook Live events and ‘Share Your Vote Story’ opportunities.

We need you to flex your power and help us move hundreds of thousands of voters to the polls by November 8th. Join the campaign and help to register your folks to vote, take them to the polls, and discuss the issues and candidates that matter. Go to, where you will find all of the tools, information and planning guides you need to educate yourself and mobilize your network. Some are expecting us to

stay home, let’s prove them wrong Glynda C. Carr and Kimberly Peeler-Allen are cofounders of Higher Heights for America, a national organization focused on harnessing Black women’s political power and leadership potential. They have organized #BlackWomenVote, a nonpartisan voter-activism campaign which is the leading, independent and trusted voice for Black women leading up to and beyond Election Day 2016,

more. Polling precincts in Texas— where the presidential race appears to tighten—are still asking for IDs, questioning minority voters or altogether turning them away. Voters are calling in to hotlines, like the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law’s 866-VOTEHOTLINE, complaining of either closed polling locations or several-hours-long earlyvoting lines as states refuse to commit the resources needed to ensure a smooth, fair and accurate democratic election. In North Carolina, a toss-up battleground state, widespread cancellation of voter registrations in Black-heavy counties, forced the state’s NAACP to sue the state. “The Tar Heel state is Ground Zero in the intentional, surgical efforts by Republicans to suppress the voice of voters,” said the Rev. William Barber II, president of the North Carolina NAACP. “We’re taking this emergency step to make sure not a single voter’s voice is unlawfully taken away.” In open-carry Virginia, election officials prepare for armed Donald Trump “poll watchers” in what seems like a Jim Crow throwback. Polling precincts are being set up at local law-enforcement stations with armed police present in Georgia. Gun-carrying, largely white “patriot” groups such as Oath Keepers have announced they will conduct operations to prevent “voter fraud” in mostly minority communities. In Florida, major cities like Fort Myers lack early-voting locations, while Ohio won’t let anyone register and vote on the same early-voting day as the secretary of state dumped absentee ballots and purged 1 million voters; there are also claims from Black voters in Cleveland of unidentified individuals walking through cities with fake illegal ballots and encouraging unsuspecting residents to vote on the spot. In Indiana, land of Trump running mate Gov. Mike Pence, leaving nothing to chance, state police raided the Indiana Voter Registration

Project offices and threatened the electoral participation of 45,000 Black voters. Meanwhile, ancient, unreliable voting machines in Georgia and Texas have been discovered flipping votes, including cases where (thankfully) double-checking voters discovered their vote was miscounted if an aging machine was on the wrong angle. The Georgia NAACP is urging state officials to post notices on machines, warning voters of the glitch. In most, if not all, forecasts claiming to meticulously track the outcome of Election 2016— whether it’s metadata rock star Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight or neuroscientist Sam Wang’s Princeton Election Consortium—none are paying any close attention to the impact the very real and presently active elimination of Black and Brown votes will have once the ballots are counted. These are happening in states where Republican-controlled legislatures are thwarting voters of color—who vote overwhelmingly Democrat— instead of simply doing it the old-fashioned way: competing for them. The mainstream conversation on that seems almost nonexistent despite all the antics described above, with little home page copy devoted to real concerns voting-rights advocates are having about sabotage at the polls. “We are on the precipice of the most chaotic election for people of color in 50 years,” Wade Henderson, president of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, warned during a recent conference call with reporters. “In fact, this is the first election in 50 years without the full protection of the Voting Rights Act.” Still, let a narcissistic, loud billionaire white dude claim the American election system is “rigged” against him and you’ll find quite a bit of mainstream speculation and misguided white voters giving him the benefit of the doubt. PolitiFact might rightfully call him “pants

on fire” for going there. Yet, it’s not enough as volunteers line up to “poll watch.” The RNC tacitly endorses it, and experts like Cambridge’s Josh Weitz argue that it will very well “throw a huge wrench into the process of anointing and accepting a new president.” But what about the “huge wrench” of GOP-driven voter suppression in key states? How will the actual electoral “rigging” that the nation isn’t talking about influence the race? It’s hard to say when state election officials from both parties and pluralities of voters themselves (as many as 72 percent, according to a YouGov poll) became more pressed by Donald Trump’s fraudulent “rigged” claim than with the actual Republican rigging tactics that are in their faces. Voter suppression—a combination of voterID,earlyvoting elimination, votingmachine malfunctions and polling-place closures—has been a real issue for much of a decade, especially as dozens of states passed slickly designed voterID laws. But there wasn’t this much open concern about it, even as the Supreme Court’s 2013 Shelby v. Holder decision turned 50 years of voting-rights law on its head. “He is actively delegitimizing a legitimate issue,” Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) tells The Root. “It actually acts as a heavy smoke screen to mask legitimate concerns about aggressive efforts to [keep] Black folks from voting.” Even Johnson says he felt forced to hold back on heavy promotion of his recently introduced and needed Election Integrity Act, a law that would mandate the Department of Homeland Security to designate and protect voting systems as essential infrastructure, fearing that it would be misconstrued as validating Trump’s claims. It’s one example showing just how much the GOP nominee’s dangerous verbal gymnastics have led to the erosion of one too many votes. But when black voters complain about it, the nation won’t listen. Charles D. Ellison is a veteran political strategist and a contributing editor at The Root.

PAGE 14 • NOVEMBER 3, - NOVEMBER 9, 2016

Westside Gazette

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