Westside News WEST Edition – May 5, 2024

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Westside News Established 1953 MAy 5, 2024 Issue No. 18 westsidenewsny.com WEST EDITION at Deerfield Golf & Country Club Ironwood Tavern at Deerfield 100 Craig Hill Dr. • Brockport, NY 14420 Ironwood Tavern ROC | Brockport, NY Come Visit The Westside’s Newest Restaurant & Bar Open to the public... Call to make your reservation today 585-392-3443 Discover the welcoming charm of the Ironwood Tavern, an inviting neighborhood addition to the west side of town located at Deerfield Country Club. From Steaks, Seafood and Chicken to Burgers and Wings. We’ve got something for everyone and every occasion. Winter Hours: Wednesday thru Saturday 4pm til close. Summer Hours: Begin April 29: Monday thru Saturday 3pm to close. Call Today To Schedule Your Free Estimate
2 Westside News East and West Editions - May 5, 2024 Spencerport, Someplace Special! Look WHO was spotted peeping in the windows along Coleman Avenue in Spencerport. Ray Kuntz Jr. captured this shot from a friend’s second floor window. He says there were a total of five owls in the tree. Don’t wait... Call Moose at 585-415-6069 to book your catering!! bbqrochester.com 122 S Union St Spencerport Hours: M-Th 11-8; F 11-9; Sa 12-9; Su 1-8 3160 West Ridge Road In the Lowe’s Plaza • Hours: Open Daily 11-7 BBQ Catering Now Serving Draft Beer and Local Beers at our spencerport location! 17 West Avenue, Spencerport www.celluradental.com 352-4324 Providers of BCBS of Rochester. We process insurance claims for most insurance companies. NEW PATIENTS WELCOME! Dental Implants Dental Care for the Whole Family Preventive Dental Care Crowns and Bridges Digital X-Rays Oral Surgery Periodontal Therapy Dentures and Partials Nitrous Oxide Sedation Root Canals Tooth Whitening TMJ and Occlusion Cosmetic Dentistry OUR SERVICES ~ Iron Art Glass & Hummingbird Feeders ~ Hand Creams, Lotions and Perfume Oils ~ Crystal Jewelry, Suncatchers and Accessories ~ Bath Salts, Teas and Shower Bursts ~ Air Plants, Planting Pops And MUCH MORE! Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9am-6pm; Sat. 9am-1pm 42 Nichols St., Spencerport • 349-3562 One Stop Shopping! We also have greeting cards and gift wrapping available! 5232 Ridge Rd. W., Spencerport 352-9420 With coupon. Not to be combined with other discounts. Valid thru 5/31/24 10% OFF Entire Order • Great Burgers • Fish Fry • Soups, Salads AbesRestaurant.info Specials Mon. - Meatloaf w/mashed & gravy, soupor salad Tues. - Egg Salad Sandwich Wed. & Fri - Fish Fry Thurs. - Chicken Salad Wrap Sat. - 8oz. Ribeye w/mashed & gravy, soup or salad Sun. - Hot Beef or Turkey w/mashed & gravy While Supplies Last OPEN DAILY Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Custard Is Back!

Calling all Spencerport CSD alumni

All Spencerport CSD alumni are invited to attend the annual Spencerport Alumni Association banquet. Connect with former classmates, enjoy a great meal and learn more about the Spencerport Alumni Association. The classes of 1964, 1974, and 1999 are being honored at this year’s event, which is being held Friday, June 7, 6 p.m., at Sweet Briar Lodge, 2888 Ridgeway Avenue, Rochester.

The cost is $35 per person and a cash bar is available. RSVP by May 20 to SpencerportAlumni@gmail. com and pay via PayPal (Spencerport Alumni Association). Those wishing to pay by check may indicate the number of attendees and send the check to: Spencerport Alumni Association, PO Box 218, Spencerport, NY 14559. Those with questions may contact SpencerportAlumni@gmail.com. Provided information

Spencerport CROP Hunger Walk May 5

The CROP (Christian Rural Overseas Program) Hunger Walk is a fundraising event sponsored by Church World Service (CWS). This is the 53rd anniversary of the Spencerport CROP walk. Spencerport area churches will hold the walk on Sunday, May 5, beginning at 1 p.m. Participants will be walking in support of the CWS mission to help stop hunger around the world, as well as supporting the local Spencerport ecumenical food shelf (SEFS). This walk is the one and only fundraiser for the SEFS, which is seeing an increase in need in the community.

The Crop Walk slogan states: “We Walk Because They Walk.” This phrase was coined because of places where people still need to walk for miles to get food and clean drinking water. Here is one such story: “Lesly Miguel lives in rural Honduras. She and her parents participate in a CWS program where they learn how to diversify and grow

their crops. Prior to the program, their crops were limited to rice, beans and some coffee beans. Now, they grow a variety of vegetables, fruit trees and other grains. They have also learned how to raise chickens and rabbits, and start a tilapia pond to incorporate protein into their family’

The walk begins at the Spencerport United Methodist Church, 32 Amity Street. Participants will cross the Union Street canal bridge and walk along the canal to Adams Basin, and back, a six-mile walk. There is also a Golden Mile option, which is a onemile walk. Those not able to walk can support this fundraiser with a donation.

Join a team or make a donation at www.crophungerwalk.org/ spencerportny. Donations can be made through the month of May. For information about the walk, email L112734@hotmail.com. Provided information

Please contact Lori Antonelli 352-3411 ext. 133 Lori.antonelli@westsidenewsny.com Lori has 18 years experience in Advertising and Marketing. She will help you develop an effective plan that targets your customers and is within your budget.
Med. Pizza w/cheese 12 Wings $25.99+ tax Mention coupon when ordering. Exp. 5/31/24. May be combined with other offers. Additional toppings extra. Sheet Pizza w/cheese 24 Wings $53.99+ tax Small Pizza w/cheese 6 Wings $16.99+ tax Mention coupon when ordering. Exp. 5/31/24. May be combined with other offers. Additional toppings extra. Large Pizzaw/cheese 12 Wings $28.99+ tax Mention coupon when ordering. Exp. 5/31/24. May be combined with other offers. Additional toppings extra. Large Pizza w/cheese 24 Wings $42.00+ tax Mention coupon when ordering. Exp. 5/31/24. May be combined with other offers. Additional toppings extra. Large Pizza w/cheese Mon. & Tues Only $13.99+ tax Mention coupon when ordering. Exp. 4/30/24. May be combined with other offers. Additional toppings $2.75 ea. 2 Medium Pizzas w/cheese $23.99+ tax Mention coupon when ordering. Exp. 5/31/24. May be combined with other offers. Additional toppings extra. Sheet Pizzaw/Cheese (No Limit) $26.99+ tax With this special, additional toppings $2.90 ea. Sheet Pizza w/cheese Bucket of 50 Wings $69.99+ tax Mention coupon when ordering. Exp. 5/31/24. May be combined with other offers. Additional toppings extra. Med. Pizza w/cheese 24 Wings $37.99+ tax Mention coupon when ordering. Exp. 5/31/24. May be combined with other offers. Additional toppings extra. 2 Jumbo Fish Frys $24.99+ tax Mention coupon when ordering. Exp. 5/31/24. May be combined with other offers. Fridays Only 5008 Ridge Road West • Spencerport Sun. 10:30am-9pm; Mon.-Thurs. 10:30am-10pm; Fri. & Sat. 10:30am-10:30pm Mention coupon when ordering. Exp. 5/31/24. May be combined with other offers. Additional toppings extra. @PizzaShackRoc Gift Certificates Available We DeLIVeR to Hilton, Spencerport & West Greece! (No Limit)$63.99+ tax Mention coupon when ordering. Exp. 5/31/24. May be combined with other offers. Additional toppings extra. Must hAvE 2 hour noticE Must hAvE 2 hour noticE Must hAvE 2 hour noticE PARTY SPECIAL Mention coupon when ordering. Exp. 5/31/24. May be combined with other offers. SPENCERPORT OPTICAL 24 West Avenue • Spencerport 352-1960 www.spencerportoptical.com Dr. Cary A. Kazdan, Optometrist, Dr. Peter Micca, Optometrist Keith Oetinger, Optician • ComprehenSiveeyeexAminAtionS • ContACt LenSeS • FAShioneyeWeAr • mediCAL/SurgiCAL ConSuLtAtionS •moStinSurAnCepLAnS ACCepted For All Your Eye Care Needs! EvErything On OnE FlOOr! (585) 349-4500 4975 Ridge Road West, Spencerport www.libertyhollow.com Hours: Sunday thru Saturday 10-5 COUntryhOME CO-OP Over 60 shops with new items daily! SAvE! 15% OFF Storewide The 15th Day of Every Month 164 LyeLL AveNUe, SpeNcerport 352-4700 HartfielsGarage.com Hightechrepair with Hometown care! ~ Computerized Auto Diagnostics ~ NYS Inspections ~ certified A/c Service Fulltire Service (All Sizes) ~ Alignments ~ Welding ~ Lift Kits Installed Full Auto Care We would be happy to take your Used Oil! Spencerport, Someplace Special!

Westside News

We always, all ways give you more www.westsidenewsny.com (585) 352-3411 • FAX (585) 352-4811 P.O. Box 106 1776 Hilton-Parma Corners Road (Route 259) Spencerport, NY 14559

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Published each Sunday by Westside News Inc., Westside News circulates by private carrier and the U.S. Postal Service to free distribution recipients and paid subscribers in Bergen, Brockport-Sweden, Chili, Churchville-Riga, Clarendon, Clarkson, Hamlin, Hilton-Parma, Kendall, North Greece, and Spencerport-Ogden. Business offices are located at 1776 Hilton-Parma Corners Road (Route 259), Spencerport, NY 14559. (585) 352-3411. Entered for mailing at Spencerport, NY 14559. Subscription rates are $50 per year; $30 for six months or less.


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•The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office is offering free Safe Boating Courses from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays, May 11 and May 18. This eight hour course is an introduction to the basic principles of safe and responsible boating. Students successfully completing this course earn a safe boating certificate. Must be at least 10 years old to participate. Go to https://tinyurl.com/5x2ssy8z for details and to register.


•Free planetarium show on May 10 at the SUNY Brockport Planetarium (Lennon 134). Doors open at 5:45 p.m., show starts at 6 p.m. Learn about the night sky, the Sun, and how much we depend on this big and bright plasma ball.

•Mother’s Day Breakfast on Sunday, May 12, 8 a.m. to noon, at Ferris-Goodridge Legion Post #330, 691 Trimmer Road, Spencerport. Cost is $10 per adult and $5 for children age 10 and under. No reservations are being taken.

•Senior Recital on May 15, 7 p.m., at the Spencerport High School Performing Arts Center.

•The North Chili Farmers Market will have a Preliminary Farmers Market and Plant Sale on Saturday, May 18, from 8 a.m. to noon. Flowers and vegetable plants for your garden and other products from local vendors. Located at the United Methodist Church of North Chili, 2200 Westside Drive (at Buffalo Road).

•Night at the Museums will be held Saturday, May 18, from 4 to 8 p.m. Seven Brockport-area local history museums will be open for visitors: Capen Hose Co. No. 4 and Fire Museum, Clarkson Academy, Emily L. Knapp Museum of Local History, Morgan-Manning House, Seymour Library and Local History Room, Sweden Farmers Museum, and Park Avenue Bed & Breakfast.

•Ogden Presbyterian Church is hosting a free

“Stewards of Children” training on May 30, from 6 to 8:30 p.m., at 2400 South Union Street, Spencerport. “Stewards of Children” is a training that teaches adults to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. This training teaches adults practical actions that they can take to reduce instances of child sexual abuse in their organizations, families, and communities. All are welcome. Please register at http://forms.gle/ sZ5o1xzFD3My7v8HA.


•Soup-to-Go Sale with car-side service on Wednesday, May 8, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., at Adams Basin United Methodist Church, corner of Canal Road and Washington Street. Varieties are Taco Twist, Minestrone, Spring Split Pea (v, gf), Canadian Cheese. Cost is $7 per pint, $12 per quart, and includes Italian bread. Pre-orders requested by Monday, May 6; call Debbi at 469-2197.

•Mainly Books Annual Spring Book Sale at the Parma Public Library, 7 West Avenue, Hilton, is Thursday, May 9, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Friday, May 10, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Saturday, May 11, Bag Sale from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thousands of hardcover and paperback fiction, biography, history, cookbooks, large print, children’s books, vintage books, puzzles, DVDs and other media.

•Garage Sale at St. John the Evangelist School, 55 Martha Street, Spencerport. May 16, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; May 17, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; May 18, 9 a.m. to noon. Household items, furniture, clothing, treasures, jewelry, books and more. Saturday 50 percent off selected items.

•Spencerport United Methodist Church will hold their annual Spring Chicken Barbecue on Saturday, May 18, from 3 to 6 p.m. or sold out. Dinners will be take-out only and may be picked up from your car by way of the Fireman’s Field. Dinner $14 - includes a half-chicken, potato, coleslaw or applesauce, roll and dessert.

•Open Door Mission 24th annual Golf Classic is Monday, May 20, at Midvale Country Club, 2387 Baird Road, Penfield. Registration fee includes: 18 holes of golf with golf cart; light breakfast; grilled lunch during play; a tee bag gift with a golf shirt, golf balls, golf towel and other goodies. Player and sponsorship registration fees are due by May 13. Go to https://birdease.com/ODM2024GolfClassic for details and to register.

•Wakem-Up Ministry is holding its first annual Golf Tournament the afternoon of Saturday, May 11, at Salmon Creek Country Club. Visit linktr.ee/ wakemupministry for information and to register.

•Spencerport Rotary Club is sponsoring the Spencerport Stars and Stripes program. On four holidays – Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, and Veterans Day – a club member will place a 3’ x 5’ U.S. flag on an 8’ wooden pole in your yard or at your business. It will be removed a few days later. Placement location must be within the Spencerport School District. Subscriptions are $75 and can be purchased online at www.SpencerportStarsandStripes.org. Any questions, contact Colleen Farley, 489-0333 or colleen1031@yahoo.com.

•Holley Music Boosters are holding a Chicken Barbecue on Tuesday, May 21 (District Budget Vote Day), from 3 to 6:30 p.m. Pickup only at the Holley MS/HS Cafeteria. Tickets are $16 pre-sale and can be purchased in the Holley MS/HS or ES offices. The fundraiser is hosted by the Holley Fire Department and HCSD Food Services. For information, go to facebook.com/HolleyMusicBoosters or email HolleyMusicBoosters@gmail.com.

Government Meetings

•Assemblyman Steve Hawley will hold mobile office hours on Tuesday, May 7, 1:15 to 3:15 p.m., at GCC’s Conable Technology Building, Room T124, One College Road, Batavia; and Wednesday, May 8, noon to 2 p.m., at the Hamlin Library, 1680 Lake Road North, Hamlin. Hawley’s staff members will be ready to help with constituent needs.

•Chili: Conservation Board – May 6, 7 p.m., at the Town Hall Main Meeting Room.

•Clarkson: Planning Board – May 7, 7 p.m., at the Town Hall.

•Hamlin: Planning Board – May 6, 7 p.m.

•Kendall: Town Board Workshop – Tuesday, May 7, at 7 p.m.

•Parma: Planning Board – May 6, 7 p.m.; Town Board – May 7, 6:30 p.m., at Town Hall, 1300 Hilton Parma Corners Road.

•Riga: Planning Board – May 6, 7 p.m.; Town Board – May 8, 7 p.m.


•Naomi’s Circle, a support group dedicated to providing a safe place for widows and widowers to express themselves, freely, about how widowhood has impacted their lives, will meet at noon on May 9 at the First Congregational Church, 65 Church Street, Spencerport. Meet in the Fellowship Hall for a light luncheon and a conversation on widowhood. Bring a small dish to share. Those with questions may call 585-352-3448 or email admin@ spencerportucc.org

•Parkinson’s Foundation Expert Briefing webinar

“Trouble with Zzz’s: Sleep Challenges with Parkinson’s” is May 8 at 1 p.m. on Zoom. Register at https://www.parkinson.org/events/2024/May8WW.

•The Food Cupboard at First Presbyterian Church of Chili, 3600 Chili Ave. is open 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 18 (and the third Saturday of each month). Grocery Bags of food donated to those in need – currently serving around 80 families. Anyone interested in being a Food Cupboard Helper (packing bags, handing out food, etc.), making monetary donations, and/or donating peanut butter, cereal or crackers to this cause, may contact the church at 585-889-9896.


•The Clarkson Historical Society will host Christine Hunt on Tuesday, May 7, at 7 p.m., for a talk titled “Garden of Forgotten Plants.” Take a new look at some old favorite plants, culinary and medical uses, and their stories. Held at the Clarkson Academy, 8343 West Ridge Road, the talk is free and open to the public.

Library Programs

•The Hamlin Public Library is open Mondays/ Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Tuesdays/ Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Fridays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Preschool Storytime with Mrs. Carlson is every Monday at 10:30 a.m. Digital Literacy of Rochester is at the library Mondays from noon to 3 p.m. providing tech help. Adult Cookbook Club is Thursday, May 9, at 6:30 p.m. Stop by the library and check out a Rachael Ray cookbook. Fiber Friends program on Monday, May 13, from 3 to 5 p.m. is open to anyone with an interest in knitting, crocheting, spinning, weaving or felting. Bring your own projects or help others. Homeschool program, “Creative Collage,” inspired by author and illustrator Lois Ehlert, is Wednesday, May 15, at 1 p.m. Sensory Play for toddlers and preschoolers is Thursday, May 16, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. and 6 to 7 p.m. Call 964-2320 to register for programs. Visit the library’s Facebook page or www.hamlinlibraryny.org for more information.

•Newman Riga Library, 1 South Main Street, Churchville, is open Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays from 11 a.m. to 5 p. m.; Tuesdays/Thursdays 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Saturdays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Boxmaking Workshops with Laura Jackett. Make a box from book board and Japanese paper. Use for decoration or to hold precious treasures. Adult session is Tuesday, May 7, at 6 p.m. Youth session (ages 8+) is Saturday, May 18, at 11 a.m. Registration is required. Please use the library’s online calendar or call to register. For information, call 293-2009, go to newmanrigalibrary.org, or visit the library’s Facebook page.

•The Ogden Farmers’ Library, 269 Ogden Center Road, Spencerport, is open Monday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Tuesday through Thursday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday and Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (every third Friday opening at 10 a.m.). All Ages: Free Comic Book Day – May 4, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Adult events: Book Group – May 14 at 2 p.m.; Genealogy Group – May 17 at 6 p.m.; Book Page Rose Wreaths – May 18 at 10:30 a.m.; Disney’s Lorcana Card Game – May 25 at 1 p.m. Call 617-6181 to register. Find kids and teen events at facebook.com/ogdenfarmerslibrary.

•Parma Public Library, 7 West Avenue, Hilton is holding the following events (no registration unless indicated): Teen Books & Snacks – Monday, May 6, 6 to 7 p.m., open to grades 7 and up. Hang out with other teens for a book chat with snacks. Raised Bed Gardening Online – Thursday, May 9, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., register to receive a Zoom link. Learn the key steps to ensure a successful vegetable garden as well as cover planting and harvesting techniques, the advantages of raised bed gardening, and the top 10 vegetables for home gardening. Presented

by Cornell Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Jurij Kushner. Teen/Tween Craft Club: Rock Photo Holder – Thursday, May 9, 6 to 7 p.m., for grades 6 and up. Paint a rock and twist a metal wire to hold photos, cards, papers, and more. Crafternoon: Pressed Flower Taper Candles – Friday, May 10, 2 to 3:30 p.m., please register. White candles and dried florals will be provided. If you have different florals or colored tapers at home, feel free to bring them in. For information, call 392-8350 or visit www.parmapubliclibrary.org.

•This is a sample of programs held at the Seymour Library, 161 East Avenue, Brockport, 637-1050. For complete information, visit seymourlibraryweb. org. Programs marked with an * require advance registration. Tech Tutor* – Tuesdays, May 7 and 21, 2 to 4 p.m., for adults 18+. Come in and have a one-on-one 30-minute tech session with a librarian to have your device questions answered. Registration/appointments required, call 637-1050. Tower Building Competition – Wednesday, May 8, 6 to 7 p.m., for ages 5 to 12. Bring your skills to the table and design the tallest and sturdiest tower. See what you can make with a random assortment of materials. To Knit or to Crochet? That is the question – Thursday, May 9, noon to 2 p.m. and 6 to 7 p.m. Bring your knitting or crocheting projects for a relaxing time with others of the same interests. Leslie Boedicker will be on hand to help with pattern reading and techniques. Raised Bed Gardening* – Thursday, May 9, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., presented by Master Gardener Jurij Kushner in the Seymour Library and on Zoom. Ensure a successful garden by learning planting and harvesting techniques, the advantages of raised bed gardening, and the top 10 vegetables for home gardening. Garden Club – Thursday, May 9, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., for ages 3 to 18. Following the Master Gardener visit, take the newfound knowledge outside to construct garden beds and more. Fun with Paper* – Friday, May 10, noon to 1:30 p.m. Learn how to make paper art dolls.


•Brockport Fire District meets Monday, May 6, 6:30 p.m., at Station #3, 191 West Avenue.

•The Hamlin Lions Club will meet May 7 at 6 p.m., at the Farmers Table, 1700 Lake Road, Hamlin. Call President Lion Randy Paap at 585-370-4420 to find out how you can get involved.

•Country Neighbors Quilt Guild meets the second Wednesday of the month (May 8), 6:30 p.m., at St. John Lutheran Church, 1107 Lake Road North, Hamlin. For information, call 585-964-2081.

•Orleans County SCOPE meets Tuesday, May 14, 7 p.m., at the Hoag Library, 134 South Main Street, Albion. Topic is Orleans County District Attorney Candidates Review. For information, visit https://scopeny2a.org/Orleans.

•Spencerport Rotary Networking Lunch is Tuesday, May 14, noon, at Slayton Place Restaurant in the Spencerport Village Plaza.


•Brockport Class of 1962 Reunion — Celebrating 62 Years – Monday and Tuesday, July 15 and 16. Reservation(s) can be sent with your payment. Please include your name(s) and event(s) you will be attending. Welcome and Ice Breaker on Monday, 5 to 7 p.m., at Bill Gray’s Tap Room, 4647 South Lake Road, Brockport, with cash bar and food available for purchase. Reunion Celebration on Tuesday at noon at Sweden Town Park Lodge, 4745 Redman Road, Brockport. Cost is $25 per person (for Tuesday only) with checks payable to BHS Class of 62. Mail payment (due June 1) with your reservation(s) to: BHS Class of 62, 35 Allen Street, Brockport, NY 14420. For information, email brockportclassof62@gmail.com.

School Boards

•Brockport CSD Budget Hearing is Tuesday, May 7, 5:30 p.m., at the Hill School Cafetorium.

•The Brockport PTSA is holding a Meet the Candidates Night on May 6 at 6 p.m. in the Hill School Cafetorium. The community will have an opportunity to meet those who are running for a seat on Brockport’s Board of Education.

•Churchville-Chili Board of Education meets Tuesday, May 7, at 139 Fairbanks Road, Churchville. Work Session at 6 p.m. in Professional Development Room A. 2024-2025 Preliminary Budget Public Hearing at 7 p.m. in the Middle School Auditorium. Presentation of Board of Education Candidates at 7:20 p.m. in the Middle School Auditorium. Regular board meeting at 8 p.m. in the Administrative Board Room.

•Holley CSD Budget Hearing is Tuesday, May 7, 6 p.m., in the Elementary School Cafeteria. Find out more at holleycsd.org/Budget2024-25.aspx.

•Kendall CSD Budget Hearing is Tuesday, May 7, 6:30 p.m., in the JSHS Library. Find out more at kendallschools.org/budget.

•The Spencerport Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, May 7 at 7 p.m. for a study session. Check the district’s website for details.


•The Sweden Senior Association, Inc. meets Monday, May 13, 12:45 p.m., at the Sweden Clarkson Community Center, 4927 Lake Road South, Brockport. Meet in the conference room to share ideas, learn about great volunteer opportunities and programs, and meet new friends.

4 Westside News East and West Editions - May 5, 2024
Office hours: Monday – Thursday......................................9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Friday – Sunday.........................................................Closed
closed on Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. See published early deadline notices for additional closures around holidays.

Work began Monday, April 29, on a $3.9 million project to replace the James E. Widener Memorial Bridge, which carries State Route 386 over Black Creek in the town of Chili. Private First Class Widener resided in Chili and served in the United States Marine Corps during the Vietnam War, where he went Missing in Action fighting for his country. The bridge was dedicated in his honor in 2007.

“Memorializing and honoring our nation’s veterans for their service and sacrifice in defense of our freedoms is a core value of our Governor and our agency,” said New York State Department of Transportation Commissioner Marie Therese Dominguez. “Thanks to Governor Hochul’s leadership, we are able to provide the Chili community with a new structure that will provide continued connectivity for residents while ensuring we remember and honor James E. Widener’s commitment to our country, and the entire Widener family’s contributions to the Town of Chili.”

On June 11, 1967, PFC Widener was declared Missing In Action when his helicopter was shot down and crashed within the Quang Tri Province in South Vietnam. He was 18 years old. Nearly forty years later, the United States Department of Defense positively identified PFC Widener’s remains and he was returned home to the United States. He received a proper military burial and was laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery.

Widener and his family’s legacy began before the Town of Chili was even established in the early 19th century and continues on today through this bridge as well as through the nearby Widener Park, which can be found one mile south of James’ namesake bridge. James has two surviving siblings: his brother Peter who lives in the town and serves as the Town Historian; his sister Julie, who also resides in the town. James’ two other siblings have since passed: Jay Widener Jr., who served in the United States Air Force; and Mark B. Widener, who served in the United States Army within the 101st Airborne Division.

The existing truss bridge was built in 1931. It will be replaced with an integral abutment bridge that will eliminate the need for bridge joints, which will reduce future maintenance costs over the bridge’s 75-year service life, all the while maintaining connectivity for nearby residents and providing multi-modal enhancements along State Route 386. Once complete, this project will also deliver five-footwide shoulders to accommodate multimodal traffic. Additionally, a wildlife bench will be installed beneath the structure to ensure animals can safely pass without needing to cross State Route 386.

State Route 386 is a north-south highway beginning in the village of Scottsville in the south and ending at State Route 104 in the town of Greece. The roadway services rural and suburban communities within Monroe County, primarily to residential traffic.

The project is slated for completion by this fall. Once completed, new signage will be installed and the bridge will continue to be known as the James E. Widener Memorial Bridge.

Peter Widener said, “Brother Jim’s youth and life were sacrificed for hundreds of community friends and Americans. His influence and inspiration to others have now been rewarded back to Jim. Dedications and memorials help us and our citizens remember who we are as Americans. My sister Julie and I thank all for their patriotic love and I say to my community, SEMPER FI, as I did when we buried Jim at Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors.”

Senator Pam Helming said, “Infrastructure investments such as this are essential to our community’s economic success and the safety of the traveling public. I’m pleased that this bridge will continue to stand in honor of PFC Widener who so honorably served his country.”

Assemblymember Harry Bronson said, “Chili residents have been asking for this renovation for a long time and now we have the funding to make it happen. I’m glad to be a part of the effort to restore this bridge, befitting its namesake James E. Widener, and the positive attribute it will be to the Chili community.”

The bridge will remain close for the duration of the project. Motorists are encouraged to utilize the posted detour. All construction activities are weather dependent. Motorists are reminded that fines are doubled for speeding in a work zone. In accordance with the Work Zone Safety Act of 2005, convictions of two or more speeding violations in a work zone could result in the suspension of an individual’s driver’s license.

For real-time travel information, motorists should call 511 or visit www.511NY.org or the mobile site at m.511ny.org, New York State’s official traffic and travel information source. Provided information and photo

Westside News East and West Editions - May 5, 2024 Salmon Creek Country Club Let Us Cater YoUr PartY Catering Menu (30 person minimum) Regular Buffet - $17.00 per person (Includes 2 meats and 2 sides) Deluxe Buffet - $19.00 per person (Includes 3 meats and 3 sides) ChoiCe of SideS: Rolls with butteR and maRgaRine included oven Roasted Potatoes Frenchstylegreenbeans tunamacaronisalad garlicmashed Potatoes mashed Potatoes cajuncorn wild Rice mixed Vegetables scalloped Potatoes Ziti www.salmoncreekcountryclub.com 355 Washington St., Spencerport, NY 14559 585-352-3664 ChoiCe of MeatS: *Buffet includes plates, napkins, silverware and serving spoons. • Roast beef in au Jus •chicken Pieces •chicken Parmesan •marinatedchicken breast • Pulled Pork •macaroni & cheese • barbequebeef •barbequechickenbreast •chicken French • Virginia bakedham •italiansausage Plus tax, a delivery fee will apply AFTER 5:30 pm $17.25 with soup & salad bar with soup & salad bar FRIDAY Early Bird Special BEFoRE 5:30 pm $16.25 Pro Shop 352-4300 • Club House 352-3664 • Tennis 352-1840 www.salmoncreekcountryclub.com 355 Washington St., Spencerport, New York The dining room and bar are open and serving... Serving 4:30 - 8:30 p.m. Full Menu Available! Special of the Week Stuffed Salmon $19.75 served with soup & salad “Moth” “Mom” “Ma” “NYS Blue Ribbon” D.P. Rolloff 585-746-6547 NEED A DUMPSTER? •Spring Cleanouts •Roofing Jobs & More! 13 & 20 Yard Lowest Prices Around! Westside NeWs service Mart Call 352-3411 to Advertise in the Service Mart. SALES • SERVICE PARTS • ACCESSORIES 247-5218 www.brodner.com TAKE YOUR WEEKENDS BACK & GET A PERFECT LAWN 24/7. 0% APR for 24 months 3918 Lyell Rd. Just West of Elmgrove Project underway to replace James E. Widener Memorial Bridge in Chili


Noon, Wednesday, May 15th at Johnny D’s 2139 N. Union Street, Spencerport

Presentation by Travis Gray Police Chief Town of Ogden

You Must Register To Attend

Go to the Spencerport Area Chamber of Commerce website and click on the May general membership meeting. Cost: $20 includes lunch

Sponsored by Spencerport Area Chamber of Commerce

April showers bring May flowers… and a familiar face to Rochester’s favorite events

“Good Morning! Uncle Phil loves you!” answers Phil Salamone, when I called him for this interview.

The North Chili resident lovingly nicknamed “Uncle Phil” is easily recognized by his signature tagline and smiling face. Rochester residents see him at events all year long working security, but the number of events that fill Salamone’s schedule increases with the Rochester Red Wings baseball season and annual Lilac Festival.

After graduating from Edison Career and Technology High School (Edison Tech) and serving in the U.S. Marine Corps, Salamone went to work for commercial printing company, Case-Hoyt. In 1989, the recently divorced Salamone was looking for economical ways to entertain his four young boys.

“I took them anywhere I could go,” explained Salamone. “Rochester has lots of free or cheap options for activities and events.” One of those family-friendly activities was attending Rochester Red Wings baseball games together.

That April, some of the ushers approached Salamone and asked if he wanted a part-time job. For $3.35 an hour, Salamone worked out in the black top parking lot.

“Lots of foul balls would come out there, and I would collect them for my kids,” said Salamone. “If there was damage to any of the cars in the parking lot, I’d report it to the Red Wings, which they appreciated.”

Once Salamone started working sporting events, he never looked back.

“Then I started working at Blue Cross Arena and never applied for another job again. People would come over to me and say, ‘I like the way you work. Would you work for me?’” explained Salamone. “Next, the Lilac Festival asked if I’d work for them. ‘We’ll invent a job for you,’ they said. Since then, I’ve been working VIP parking at the Lilac Festival for over 30 years.”

While Salamone is hired for security, “Uncle Phil” says he spends his time greeting people and “making sure they’re kind and happy.”

Most people are kind and happy when they spot Salamone at one of the 250 festivals, conventions or sporting events that he works at around the region, where he’s quick to give a hug, start up a conversation, offer his seat or share advice.

“When I first got divorced at 40 years old, I stood in the corner and cried. But then I met more and more people who were getting divorced, and I gave them a hug and gave them respect. I told them it was going to be okay. I wanted to build them up. I made so many new friends that way,” said Salamone.

Getting to meet a variety of people – and receiving their love, respect and kindness – is Salamone’s favorite part of working Rochester’s events scene.

“I like my friends, but I love strangers,” said Salamone. “A stranger gets their first impression of you in the first 60 seconds. Then when they leave, they take that memory of you with them.”

asked if they could call me their Uncle Phil. I said yes and from that day on, everyone started calling me their uncle!”

But what’s a character without a catchphrase?

“My phrase ‘Uncle Phil loves you!’ started because I was lonely. I had no one in my life. I realized if I tell people I love them, they’ll say they love me back,” explained Salamone. “It brought tears to my eyes. It means they love me, and that warms my heart.”

In July 2019, the Rochester Red Wings celebrated Salamone’s 34th season with the team by turning him and his popular phrase into a talking bobblehead that was handed out to the first 1,000 attendees.

“I was very delighted and excited for the opportunity!” exclaimed Salamone. With the photo shoot and video and audio recordings, Salamone felt like a Rochester celebrity. That evening, Salamone was joined in a suite with his sons, grandchildren, brother and sister-in-law. “I think it was one of the biggest Wednesday crowds they had that year. Everyone was chanting, ‘Uncle Phil.’”

Thinking about that night, he added, “There are so many good people in the world. You have to let the bad people go. There’s too much good.”

As I pictured the sweet Salamone handling security, I asked if he has ever dealt with difficult people or scary situations.

“There’s been a couple of times where I’ve called on the radio, ‘It’s Uncle Phil… I need help!’” he said. “But even the bad people out there need love too. I tell them to come over and talk to me, and they usually break down. A lot of people don’t know who I am, but I’m here to help anyone. The little bit of love I can give them goes a long way.”

A special promotional bobblehead figurine of Phil was handed out to fans at a Rochester Red Wings game. Provided photo.

He went on to share a story from working at the Puerto Rican Festival.

“I was saying hi to everyone who passed me. One guy walked past, then walked back, turned around and asked, ‘Do I know you?’ I said, ‘No, I’m just saying hi!’” said Salamone.

It’s his easy-going nature and ability to talk to anyone that led to Salamone’s nickname. “It was about 20 years ago when someone at an event

For another spring, Salamone will be working in the VIP parking lot of the Rochester Lilac Festival, this year running from May 10 through 19.

“I will keep doing this until I can’t do it anymore, until my body stops me,” said Salamone, referencing the 10 to 12-hour workdays ahead of him. “I’m 76 years old and I can still get up and get out of bed. There’s a reason why I’m doing this. He’s looking down on me saying, ‘Keep going, Uncle Phil!’” Salamone is especially looking forward to the Lilac Festival’s Hugging Day. “Anyone at the event is welcome to hug Uncle Phil,” said Salamone. “My arms are open!”

Although I started the interview not personally knowing Phil Salamone, his kindness and affection is contagious. As we were hanging up, I heard, “Uncle Phil loves you!” and I couldn’t help myself but respond, “I love you too, Uncle Phil!”

6 Westside News East and West Editions - May 5, 2024
5480 County Rd. 36, Honeoye, ny 14471 585.329.5440 •https://bodine-unlimited-tours-inc.business.site Departs Henrietta. Itineraries emailed 7 days prior to departure. Please read and sign company policies prior to booking. See our ad in the Westside News Hometown Community Directory BUFFALO FOOTBALL @ HIGHMARK STADIUM All include Bodine Monster Tailgate Buffet, Ride Dep. 7:40am 49ers, Cardinals, Jax, Titans, Fish, Jets, Pats, KC Family Oriented Fun For All Ages! 50 yard line S333-334 $410+ Prime 20 yard line S114 $540+ ** See Facebook site or email us as late season games are cheaper ** BUFFALO FOOTBALL POSSIBLe 2024 ROAD TRIPS @ Detroit Lions @ Balt Ravens @ NY Jets @ Indy Colts NY YANKee HOMe GAMeS $260+ Trips depart from Naples, Bath or Exit 44. Grandstand tix, pregame Stadium tour, upgrade options 6/8 Dodgers 6/22 Braves 7/6 Red Sox 7/23 Mets8/31 Cardinals9/1 Cards 8/24-25 ROCKIeS & OLDTIMeRS weeKeND In the Bronx! 2 games/hotel/ride, Dep. Naples 7am................. $440+ GReAT GIFT IDeAS 6/25-26 YANKeeS @ NY MeTS Citi Field $380+ppdo Overnight,Tgate/ride/tix/bfast/hotel/sightseeing. Dep 10am Naples 7/13-14 YANKeeS @ BALTIMORe 2 games/hotel/ride, Dep. Naples 9:30am $440+ 6/21 ATaste of Country Sahlen Field Bflo Old Dominion, Jon Pardy & more. Tix/ride & fun, Dep. 5pm LeRoy..................................................... $170+ 7/27 wATKINS
FeSTIvAL Adm. & ride, Dep. 10am Canandaigua $140+pp 6/15 STONeS CONCeRT Cleveland w/tgate, Dep. 12pm $190+ 7/30-31 YANKeeS @ PHILLIeS Ride/Hotel PPDO/tix 2 games Dep. 8am Naples................................... $420+ 10/28 NOTRe DAMevs. NAvY @ Giants Stadium $330+
“Uncle Phil” Salamone greets everyone with open arms. Photo by Joe Territo

North Chili Farmers Market and Plant Sale on May 18

The North Chili Farmers Market will have a Preliminary Farmers Market and Plant Sale on Saturday, May 18, from 8 a.m. to noon. Flowers and vegetable plants for the garden, and other products, will be available from local vendors.

This Plant Sale is a preview to the annual North Chili Farmers Market which will be open on Saturdays, June 15 through October 26, from 8 a.m. to noon.

Established in 1976, the Farmers Market is in its 49th season and continues to be a benefit to the local community, offering fresh produce and other products from local farms and vendors.

The North Chili Farmers Market is located at the United Methodist Church of North Chili, 2200 Westside Drive (corner of Westside Drive and Buffalo Road). Provided information and photo

Spencerport Bible Church welcomes the Pine Ridge Boys in concert

Spencerport Bible Church welcomes the Pine Ridge Boys Quartet, from Inman, South Carolina, for a concert performance on May 18 at 4 p.m.

Owner Larry Stewart, who sings bass, was only two when his father started the Pine Ridge Boys. Later in his life he started as a bus driver and then became owner of the Pine Ridge Boys and loves singing.

Baritone Jackson Smith is from Forest City, North Carolina, and is a 2023 high school graduate.

Mathew Benton is their lead singer. He is a pastor’s son and loves what he is doing. Justin Owen sings tenor for the group. He has always been surrounded by a musical family and loves singing for the Lord.

All are invited to come out and welcome the Pine Ridge Boys to Spencerport. There are no tickets needed, but a love offering will be received at the door to help support their ministry. Spencerport Bible Church is located at 1948 North Union Street, Spencerport. Provided information and photo

Hilton CSD Board of Education adopts $101.5 M budget proposal for 2024-25

At its regular meeting on April 9, the Hilton Central School District Board of Education adopted a $101,509,535 budget proposal for the 2024-25 school year. This is a 2.14 percent increase from last year’s budget, which, if approved by voters, will result in an estimated 6.72 percent tax rate decrease in Clarkson; a 1.20 percent decrease in Greece; a 40 percent decrease in Hamlin; and a 36.41 percent decrease in Parma. The reason for the estimated decrease is that home values are increasing at a greater percentage than the tax levy.

The tax bill for a home valued at $100,000 in all four towns is anticipated to decrease by $170 due to projected equalization rates. Clarkson’s equalization rate is projected to decrease from 100 percent to 96 percent. In Greece, the equalization rate is projected to decrease from 75.12 percent to 68 percent. In Hamlin, the equalization rate is projected to increase from 67 percent to 100 percent. And in Parma, the equalization rate is projected to increase from 71 percent to 100 percent. Equalization rates ensure that homes with the same assessed value pay the same taxes no matter what town within the school district they are located.

The proposed property tax levy increase is 2.43 percent which complies with the New York State property tax cap.

“Despite facing economic challenges and receiving less foundation aid than warranted, we have strived to uphold our standards of excellence without compromising staff positions or student opportunities,” said Superintendent Dr. Casey Kosiorek. “This achievement is a testament to the collaborative efforts of our current Board of Education, past board members, and administration.”

The ballot also will include a Bus Purchase Proposition in the amount of $1,425,000 for seven 65-passenger gasoline school buses and two 30-passenger gasoline school buses. Hilton

Thomas A. Rohr

The Town of Clarkson Water Improvement Benefit Area No. 1 May 1, 2024

The status provided to the Town of Clarkson by its engineers, MRB Group, is as follows:

•All easements have been obtained and filed by Attorney Olson.

•All permits and approvals have been obtained.

•All paperwork to bid the project was provided to USDA RD as of 4/23/24. Once USDA RD reviews the documents and finds them satisfactory, they will give permission to bid the project.

Assuming USDA RD has no problems with the documents submitted and gives permission to bid in the next couple weeks, the anticipated schedule will be as follows:

•Advertise for bids mid-May

•Open bids mid-June

•Start of construction end of July

•Construction completed and cleaned up summer 2025

Please feel free to contact Scott Mattison, Engineer @MRB Group, 585.340.3661 or Clarkson Town Hall, 585.637.1130 with your questions.

CSD’s cost of bus purchases, including interest, is reimbursed by the state at 84.8 percent.

In addition, the ballot will include a Capital Reserve Fund Proposition in the amount of $10,000,000 plus earnings to finance site work, construction, or reconstruction, and equipping of school buildings and facilities. The funds would be obtained from budgetary appropriations, unappropriated fund balance, and state aid, and will have no impact on property taxes.

Voters will select two board members to serve three-year terms. The terms of Ed Mascadri and Stephanie Sloan will expire on June 30. The candidates are (in ballot order): Stephanie Sloan, Austin DeLorme, Ed Mascadri, and Mike Zillioux. A Meet the Candidates Night will be held Tuesday, May 7, at 6 p.m. in the QUEST Elementary School auditorium. A livestream will be available on the Hilton CSD YouTube channel and instructions on how to join will be posted at Hilton.k12.ny.us.

Budget details are available at Hilton.k12.ny.us/budget. A budget newsletter will be mailed to residents in May. The budget hearing will be held Tuesday, May 14 at 7 p.m. in the QUEST Elementary School auditorium.

The Budget Vote and Board of Education Election will be held Tuesday, May 21 from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. All district residents may vote at Parma Town Hall, 1300 Hilton Parma Corners Road, Hilton. Polls are handicap accessible. To vote, one must be a U.S. citizen, at least 18 years of age, a Hilton Central School District resident for at least 30 days before the vote, and not otherwise prohibited from voting under Election Law Section 5-106. Voters registered with the County Board of Elections are registered with the district. Qualified voters not registered with the County must present one form of proof of residency (i.e., driver’s license, nondriver ID, utility bill). Provided information

Abe’s Restaurant

AireServ Heating & AC

Arrowhead Golf Course

Backbone Disc Golf

Bad Apples Bistro

Barton’s Parkside Hots

Buttonwood Golf Course

Simon Devenish, LPL, Financial Advisor

Fowler’s Wine & Spirits

Galaxie Auto Parts

Grandpa Sam’s Italian Kitchen

Higbie Farm Supplies

Hometown Barber Shop

Huether Heating & Cooling

J. William Jewelers

J.T. Auto

JoJo’s Bake Shop

Joe D’s Barber Shop

Johnny D’s Restaurant

Kiwanis Club Members

Liberty Hollow

Lift Bridge Book Shop

Mangia Mangia Marine Oasis

McColley’s Pub

NAPA Auto Parts

Ogden Police Chief Travis Gray

Ogden Town Clerk (Noelle Burley)

Ogden Town Supervisor (Mike Zale)

Pizza Shack

Robb Farms

Rohrbach Brewing Co.

Salmon Creek Country Club

Sammies -N- Sweets

Spencerport Bowl

Spencerport Hots

Spencerport Subway

Splitz Ice Cream

Texas BBQ Joint

Towne & Country Eyecare

Union Street Coffee House

X-Treme Discounts

Westside News East and West Editions - May 5, 2024 7 16787 Ridge Rd., Holley Ebb Tide Kennels & stables 638-5042 www.ebbtidekennels.com • Doggie Day Care • Foods • Gift Certificates • Grooming Ask about our Pet BoaRding You’ll love the care... Dog Classes • Level 1 agility • Level 1 obedience •trickdog • Competition obedience •nosework & Farm dog Details on Website
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death notices


•Stevens, Mark D., died April 23, 2024 at age 66. Predeceased by his parents, William and Virginia; brother, Scott; and father-in-law, James Richardson. Survived by his loving wife of 44 years, Linda; children, Stephanie (Adam) and Wes; siblings, Craig (Sharyn), Sue (Bill) Penn and Kevin (Jennifer); sisters-in-law, Nancy (Dennis) Corlew and Gail Craig; and several nieces, nephews and dear friends.

Family and friends may call Saturday, May 11 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Leo M .Bean and Sons Funeral Home, Chili. Contributions can be made to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital in his memory.


•Francis, Catherine S., died April 24, 2024 at age 69. She is survived by her loving husband of 40 years, Don; her children, Craig and Ryan; brother, Robert (Shirley) Sidebotham; sister, Mary (John) Gilliette; and nieces and nephews. Catherine was a homemaker. She was a member of St. Leo the Great Catholic Church and a very talented cook who enjoyed making things for her family.

Her Funeral Mass was celebrated May 2 at St. Leo the Great Catholic Church, Hilton. Interment at the convenience of the family. Donations can be made to Hildebrandt Hospice Care Center, Rochester Regional Health Foundation, 330 Monroe Avenue, Suite 400, Rochester, New York 14607 or to the James P. Wilmot Cancer Center, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Rochester, NY 14642 in Catherine’s memory. Arrangements entrusted to the Thomas E. Burger Funeral Home, Hilton.


•Hanes, Yong Cha “Kim,” age 77, died April 26, 2024. She was born April 15, 1947 in South Korea. Kim was predeceased by her son, Floyd in 2019. Kim is survived by her husband of 53 years, Carl; son Richard; granddaughter Nadia Hullfish; sisters in law, Doreen Hanes, Chris Tucker, and Bambi Garner.

Kim’s family will receive friends at the Christopher Mitchell Funeral Home, 16650 State Rt. 31 Holley, Saturday, May 4 from 1 to 3 p.m. Private Interment at Hillside Cemetery, Holley. Contributions in her memory can be made to the Wounded Warrior Project, P.O. Box 758516, Topeka, Kansas 66675. To share a special memory of Kim, please visit www.mitchellfamilyfuneralhomes.com.

•Verblaauw, Beverly T., age 92, died May 2, 2024 in the Orchard Rehab and Nursing Center. She was born August 13, 1931 and had lived in this area most of her life. She is survived by her husband of over 10 years Kenneth; her children: Sherry Gonzalez of AZ, Jim Shampine of IL, Jeff (Mary) Shampine of Holley, Mark Shampine of Holley, Tom (Candy) Thayer of Brockport, Anne (Rod) Finnefrock of Holley; several grandchildren, great grandchildren and a few great-great grandchildren. She was predeceased by her sister, Gail. Beverly was a member of the First Baptist Church of Holley, and enjoyed boating and cooking. She was very family oriented person.

The family will receive friends at the Christopher Mitchell Funeral Home, 16650 State Route 31, Holley, Monday, May 6 from 12 to 1:30 p.m. where her Funeral Service will be held immediately following visitation at 1:30 p.m. Interment will follow in Hillside Cemetery. To share a special memory of Beverly, please visit: www. mitchellfamilyfuneralhomes.com


• Poprawski, Deborah “Debbie,” age 72, died April 25, 2024. She was born September 11, 1951 in Medina to the late Ernest and Marion (Williams) West. In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by her sister, Jackie Kaminski. Debbie is survived by her husband of over 53 years, John Sr.; children Melinda (Brian) Bilohlavek, John Poprawski Jr.; grandchildren, Kaitlyn and Taylor Poprawski, Noah and Jakob Bilohlavek; three greatgrandchildren; siblings Daniel (Ellen) West, Ernest (Sue) West III, Larry (Gene) West; many nieces, nephews, and cousins. Debbie loved spending time outdoors, especially camping with her husband John. She worked for many years for Lifetime Assistance and helped care for her husband. Debbie loved more than anything in the world, being a grandmother and great-grandmother.

A Celebration of Debbie’s life will be held at a later date. Contributions in her memory can be made to Lifetime Assistance, 425 Paul Road, Rochester, NY 14624. Arrangements entrusted to the Christopher Mitchell Funeral Home of Holley. To share a special memory of Debbie, please visit www. mitchellfamilyfuneralhomes.com.


•Leiske, Lillian “Jean” (Sutphen), died April 30, 2024 at age 90. Predeceased by her husband, Donald; father, Fred; mother, Florence; sister, Shirley Rogerson; sister-in-law, Emily Sutphen; and nephew, Tom Rogerson. Survived by her children, Donna (Thomas) Snyder and Daniel (Lucy) Leiske; grandchildren, Lynsey, Brian (Kourtney), Jeffrey (Melissa) and Adrianna; eight great-grandchildren; brothers, Frederick, James (Dorothy) and Roger Sutphen; and several nieces, nephews, cousins and dear friends. Jean was a retiree of Churchville-Chili High School. Her Funeral Service was held May 4 at the Leo M. Bean and Sons Funeral Home, Chili. Interment, Grove Place Cemetery. Contributions can be made to the Spencerport VFW or the Gates YMCA in her memory.


•Habbersett, Suella C., died April 24, 2024. Sue was predeceased by her devoted husband and soulmate, John I. Habbersett. Sue had many friends who became family and will miss her dearly. She worked at RIT for many years and helped hundreds of students and alumni with career choices. She was an active volunteer at St. John’s Senior Living, Aurora House, Elmgrove United Methodist Church, RPO and the Landmark Society. Sue shared her love and knowledge of wine with many as a member of the American Wine Society and Women for Wine Sense. A private Graveside Service will be held at Rush Pine Hill Cemetery. A Celebration of Life will be announced in the future. Donations can be made in her memory to the Aurora House, 2495 South Union Street, Spencerport, NY 14559 or the Elmgrove United Methodist Church, 1500 Spencerport Road, Rochester, NY 14606. Arrangements entrusted to the Leo M. Bean and Sons Funeral Home, Chili.

•Simpson, Leslie J., died April 24, 2024. Predeceased by his beloved wife of 43 years, Diane and daughter-inlaw Robin Simpson. Survived by his children Gary Simpson, Laurie (Patrick) Feeley and Mary Ellen (Vincent) Koetz; grandchildren Terry (Katie) Mosher, Seth Mosher, Nathan (Krissy) Koetz, Marybeth Koetz, Troy (Kaitlyn) Bond, Shauna (Tyrone) Spann; eight great grandchildren; many nieces and nephews. Les was an avid musician. He was a former member of Kelly’s Old Timers, The Fox Den and Park Avenue Playboys. As a retiree he enjoyed refurbishing instruments to donate to anyone in need who loved music. Les liked antique cars. He was a retiree of Xerox Corporation and a member of Grace and Peace Fellowship.

His Funeral Service was held April 29 at the Fowler Funeral Home Inc., Brockport. Interment April 30 in Parma Corners Cemetery.

LegaL NoticeS

Legal Notice

Spencerport Central School District Notice of Public Hearing Code of Conduct/S.A.V.E. Plan

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Spencerport Central School District will hold and conduct a Public Hearing to review the Code of Conduct and S.A.V.E. Plan. The hearing will be held at the Spencerport Administration Building, Room 15, 71 Lyell Avenue, Spencerport, NY and via livestream at 6:00 p.m. EDST on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. Information regarding virtual attendance will be posted on the District’s website at www.spencerportschools.org.

Marcela Clapper School District Clerk

Dated at Spencerport, New York April 23, 2024

Legal Notice


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of PARMA will hold a Public Hearing on WEDNESDAY the 22nd day of May 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at Parma Town Hall, located at 1300 Hilton Parma Corners Road, Hilton, New York regarding granting a cable television franchise agreement by and between the Town of Parma and Spectrum Northeast, LLC an indirect subsidiary of Charter Communications.

A copy of the agreement is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the Town Clerk’s Office, 1300 Hilton Parma Corners Road, Hilton, NY. At such public hearing, all persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. Written and oral statements will be taken at that time.

Dated: April 23, 2024

By Order of the Town Board Carrie Fracassi, Town Clerk

Legal Notice

Town of Clarkson Notice of Public Hearing

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Clarkson will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, May 15th, 2024, at 7:00 pm at the Clarkson Town Hall, 3710 Lake Road, Clarkson, New York to consider the following application:

Applicant: Gary & Mary Mantegna

Property Owner: Gary & Mary Mantegna

Address: 3380 Sweden Walker Rd

Acres: 0.49

Zoning: RS-20

Applicant requesting an area variance for a generator installation not in accordance with setback requirements, Town Code 140-21D(1)(C)[2] Side setback: 10 feet.

All interested parties will be given the opportunity to be heard. Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Maps and information are available at the Town Hall’s Building Department for viewing.

By Order of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Clarkson.

Dated: 5/1/2024

Andrea Rookey Building Department

Legal Notice

Town of Clarkson Notice of Public


Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Clarkson will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, May 15th, 2024, at 7:00 pm at the Clarkson Town Hall, 3710 Lake Road, Clarkson, New York to consider the following application:

Applicant: Jennifer Gee

Property Owner: Jennifer Gee

Address: 3931 Lake Rd

Acres: 0.88

Zoning: RS-10

Applicant requesting approval of a home occupation for indoor plant sales.

All interested parties will be given the opportunity to be heard. Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Maps and information are available at the Town Hall’s Building Department for viewing.

By Order of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Clarkson.

Dated: 5/1/2024

Andrea Rookey

Building Department


Legal Notice

Cemetery Association

The Riga Cemetery Association Annual Meeting is to be held on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 7 pm in the Multipurpose Room at the Riga Town Hall. All are welcome to attend.

John Loser President/Secretary

Legal Notice Notice of Public Hearing Town of Hamlin

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Hamlin will hold a public hearing on May 13, 2024 at 6:30pm, at the Town of Hamlin Town Hall, 1658 Lake Road, Hamlin, New York, to consider the following:

The application by Blue Sky Towers III, LLC and Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems LLC d/b/a Verizon Wireless to construct and operate a 170’ wireless telecommunications tower (plus 4’ lightning rod) to be erected on property owned by Ronald and Vicki Breslawski located near 901 North Hamlin Road (S.B.L. # 14.02-1-7.2).

The application requests a special use permit from the Hamlin Town Board pursuant to Town of Hamlin Zoning Code § 506-5.

The application is available for inspection at the Town of Hamlin Town Hall during normal business hours.

Dated: April 25, 2024

Steve Baase Town of Hamlin Supervisor

Legal Notice

Town of Clarkson Notice of Public Hearing

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Clarkson will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, May 15th, 2024, at 7:00 pm at the Clarkson Town Hall, 3710 Lake Road, Clarkson, New York to consider the following application:

Applicant: Joseph & Brittni Arena

Property Owner: Joesph Arena

Address: 126 Delaina Rose Cir

Acres: 0.41

Zoning: RS-10

Applicant requesting an area variance for a fence not in accordance with Town Code 140-19M. Corner lots and through lots. For the purposes of regulating the locations of buildings on corner lots and on lots extending through or between two nonintersecting streets, all buildings on a corner lot or a through lot shall be subject to the front yard requirements of the zoning district in which said corner lot or through lot is located on those sides which face the streets.

All interested parties will be given the opportunity to be heard. Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Maps and information are available at the Town Hall’s Building Department for viewing.

By Order of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Clarkson.

Dated: 5/1/2024

Andrea Rookey Building Department

Legal Notice

Town of Clarkson Notice of Public Hearing

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Clarkson will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, May 15th, 2024, at 7:00 pm at the Clarkson Town Hall, 3710 Lake Road, Clarkson, New York to consider the following application:

Applicant: Mathew Greczyn

Property Owner: Mathew Greczyn

Address: 2236 Ireland Rd

Acres: 6.04

Zoning: RS-20

Applicant requesting an area variance for front entrance deck and stairs not in accordance with setback requirements, Town Code 140-21D(1)(C)[1] Front setback: 40 feet; 75 feet on a major road.

All interested parties will be given the opportunity to be heard. Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Maps and information are available at the Town Hall’s Building Department for viewing.

By Order of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Clarkson.

Dated: 5/1/2024

Andrea Rookey Building Department

Keep up with projects in your neighborhood.

Read WN Legal Notices.

8 Westside News East and West Editions - May 5, 2024
Home & Garden Westside News East and West Editions - May 5, 2024 9 Pages 9-13 Welcome ACE Customers. We are here to help! 585-392-7711 pettispools.com 1186 Manitou Rd., Hilton, NY 14468 FREE EXPERT Water Analysis! Making Friends Since 1962 Plus, Join Our Pettis Perks Program 5% Cash Back!

A guide to various types of home awnings

Homeowners recognize that upgrades can improve the functionality and comfort of their homes. Improving outdoor spaces has proven particularly popular of late. The National Association of Home Builders reports that outdoor living has been propelled to the top of homeowner wish lists. Plus, a recent survey conducted by the New Home Trends Institute found connection to the outdoors/ nature and outdoor entertaining ranked high among desired home designs.

One way to make outdoor spaces more accommodating is through the installation of awnings. Many homeowners would like to enhance their homes with awnings but do not know where to begin. Learning about the various types of awnings can help homeowners determine which option best suits their needs.

Fixed awnings

Fixed awnings are stationary on a building’s exterior. While the awnings are generally stable, they can be damaged by snow or wind. It’s key to find an installation expert to make sure the awning is installed correctly so that it can withstand weather and other issues. It’s also important to know that fixed awnings remain in the same position and orientation, so its best to know exactly where to place it beforehand.

Retractable awning

or protected, then rolled or folded up when not in use. These awnings are advantageous because they can be retracted when bad weather hits to prevent damage.

Motorized retractable awning

Motorized retractable awnings offer the utmost convenience. Standard retractable offerings require a handle or hand crank to manually extend or fold up the awning. Motorized awnings can be operated with a sensor, remote or even motion trigger. Even though they cost more, they’re a favorite among homeowners.

Areas of use

Awnings can be installed in various locations. Patio awnings are much preferred because of their large coverage area, which typically spans entire patios. Door awnings are installed above the exterior door of an entryway to protect visitors and occupants from precipitation and to improve the home’s look. Window awnings can add additional shade and privacy. There also are side awnings, which are essentially wall-like structures that run across a patio, garden or balcony for wind or sun protection. They’re also utilized to improve privacy.

Retractable awnings are the most popular type of awnings because they can be extended when necessary to keep a space cool

Homeowners can choose from various types of awning materials, including fabric, metal, glass, and others. Working with a reputable awning company is the best way for homeowners to peruse possible products and find awnings that will suit their needs.

Tips when hiring a contractor

Contractors perform important work for millions of homeowners every day. Home improvement projects are complicated undertakings, and the experience of skilled contractors can ensure jobs are completed on time and within homeowners’ budgets. Homeowners have undoubtedly heard horror stories from neighbors about projects that have gone awry. Projects can go sideways for a number of reasons, but a skilled contractor can help homeowners navigate such situations successfully. That underscores how important it can be to find the right professional for the job. The following are some tips homeowners can consider as they look to hire a contractor.

•Identify which professional you need. Some contractors are of the jack-of-all-trades variety, but many specialize in a particular line of work. It’s important that homeowners identify which type of contractor they should work with prior to starting a project. This requires homeowners to define the goal of the project (i.e., new wood floor installation), which can serve as a springboard into finding the right type of contractor.

•Prioritize building safety. Safety should be the utmost priority for homeowners and contractors alike. Prior to hiring a contractor, homeowners should identify any safety restrictions that might be enforced by local

governments and take note of all the permits necessary to get a job done. Homeowners can then discuss those restrictions and permits as they interview contractors. Projects that do not adhere to code are illegal and can compromise homeowners’ ability to sell their homes in the future. So it’s vital to work with contractors who are familiar with local codes and aware of which permits are necessary to ensure a project can go forward.

•Insist on written estimates. Handshake agreements offer no protection to homeowners or contractors, so estimates indicating what will be done and how much the project will cost should be provided. Homeowners should insist on receiving written estimates and interpret an unwillingness to provide one as a significant red flag.

•Know your rights. Laws vary by region, but in general homeowners have a right to a written contract and contractors are obligated to provide a copy of that contract signed by both parties. That contract must be provided prior to the start of the project. The contract should provide a detailed account of the work that will be done, as well as a timeline indicating important dates that components of the project will begin and be completed. The contract also should detail materials and who is providing them. Details regarding payments, guarantees and warranties also should be cited.

•Do not pay in cash. Some contractors may suggest that the project will cost less if they’re paid in cash. However, home improvements should never be cash transactions. Cash does not indicate proof of payment, which can be problematic if a dispute arises.

Contractors help homeowners turn dream projects into reality. Homeowners can employ various strategies to ensure they find the right professional for their home

ment project.

10 Westside News East and West Editions - May 5, 2024 Home & Garden
(Metro) 2425 S. Union St., Spencerport, NY 14559 spencerportstorage.com We Have 15 Buildings With Almost 600 Units! In Sizes To Meet All Your Storage Needs! 5’x10’10’x10’ 10’x15’10’x20’ 10’x25’10’x30’ 12’x30’20’x40’ Ask about our “NeW” 8’x20’ PORTABLe STORAGe UNITS! Call Today For More Info! 349-3954

Tips for revitalizing your garden this spring

Gardening is a rewarding hobby that pays a host of significant dividends. Many people love gardening because it allows them to spend time outdoors, and that simple pleasure is indeed a notable benefit of working in a garden. But the National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture notes that gardening provides a host of additional benefits, including helping people get sufficient levels of exercise, reduce stress and improve mood. With so much to gain from gardening, it’s no wonder people look forward to getting their hands dirty in the garden each spring. As the weather warms up, consider these tips to help bring a garden back to life.

•Discard the dead weight. Winter can take its toll on a garden, even in regions where the weather between December and early spring is not especially harsh. Discard dead plants that have lingered into spring and prune any perennials that need it. Branches that fell during winter storms also

should be removed at this point if they have not previously been discarded.

•Test the soil. Soil testing kits can be purchased at local garden centers and home improvement retailers. Such tests are inexpensive and can reveal if the soil needs to be amended to help plants thrive in the months to come.

•Mulch garden beds. Mulching benefits a garden by helping soil retain moisture and preventing the growth of weeds. Various garden experts note that mulching in spring can prevent weed seeds from germinating over the course of spring and summer. That means plants won’t have to fight with weeds for water when the temperature warms up. It also means gardeners won’t have to spend time pulling weeds this summer.

•Inspect your irrigation system. Homeowners with in-ground irrigation systems or above-ground systems that utilize a drip

Maintaining a lawn routinely roamed by pets

Vibrant, green lawns can draw attention to any landscape. Many homeowners toil for hours each week to ensure their lawns are pristine, or invest in lawn care services to help maintain a yard if they do not have the time to do so themselves.

While many treatments can be applied to lawns to help them thrive, animal waste is not among them. Pet owners who aspire to have beautiful lawns will have to take a few extra steps to ensure lawns can persevere despite the presence of furry companions.

Reseed with a damage-resistant grass

There are many different types of grass, and some are more resilient than others. Tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and Bermuda grass are just some of the grass varieties that can capably handle pet traffic. If replacing the entire lawn is not possible, consider reseeding or addressing the areas that pets frequent.


Strengthen the root system

It may be tempting to cut the lawn short, particularly if dogs or cats like to nibble on longer blades of grass. But that approach could be doing the lawn a disservice. According to The Home Depot, letting the lawn grow to at least three inches will help keep moisture in the soil and prevent evaporation. That moisture will strengthen the roots, creating a healthier lawn for pets and people.

Create pet paths

Various materials can be used in these hightraffic areas to minimize the sights and signs of pet traffic. Mulch or crushed stone can establish these pet highways and look like intended features.

Set boundaries

Pet urine contains high levels of nitrogen, which can burn grass and turn it brown. It’s not possible to water down urine or pick up



Poblano Red













solid waste immediately every time a pet goes outdoors, so designate a pet-friendly spot for potty time. Use fencing or a dog run to separate this area and help mitigate “land mines” all over the lawn. Fencing also can keep pets out of vegetable gardens and away from potentially toxic plants.

Avoid chemical lawn treatments

When pets use the yard and rest on the lawn, you’ll need to eliminate products that can be harmful to them. Choose all-natural fertilizers and weed and pest preventatives.

Look for alternatives

If maintaining a lawn with pets seems like an uphill battle, consider swapping out your landscape with a variety of materials. Scale back on grass, and incorporate groundcover, hardscape materials like pea gravel, or extend the patio. Artificial turf also is an option, as it won’t brown and wither. Some turf

or soaker function can inspect the systems before plants begin to bloom. Damaged sprinkler heads or torn lines can deprive plants of water they will need to bloom and ultimately thrive once the weather warms up.

•Tune up your tools. Gardening tools have likely been sitting around gathering dust since fall. Serious gardeners know that tools can be expensive, so it pays to protect that investment by maintaining the tools. Sharpened pruners help make plants less vulnerable to infestation and infection. Wellmaintained tools like shovels and hoes also make more demanding gardening jobs a little bit easier, so don’t forget to tune up your tools before the weather warms up.

It’s almost gardening season, which means gardeners can start on the necessary prep work to ensure their gardens grow in strong and beautiful this spring.

products can even be quickly and thoroughly cleaned with water.

It can take some trial and error for pet parents to protect their lawns from the effects of having furry friends playing in the





Home & Garden Westside News East and West Editions - May 5, 2024 11
yard. (Metro)
Sara’s Favs 389 East avE., Brockport 585-637-4745 “Thanks so very much for shopping locally these past 40+ years” Sara’S Garden COUPON $3.00 OFF Any Hanging Basket Valued at over $24.99 No Limit • Exp. 5/12/24 COUPON FREE 1 qt. Perennial valued up to $6.99 with any $30.00 purchase Limit One Per Family Exp. 5/12/24 visit our website sarasgardencenter.com Peppers
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Signs it’s time to repair or replace your deck

Spring is a season of rejuvenation that compels millions across the globe to quit hibernating and get back to enjoying the great outdoors. Spring also marks a great time to assess a home’s exterior, namely those areas like a deck where people will spend a lot of time in the warmer months to come.

Assessing a deck after winter can be eyeopening. Harsh winter weather can take its toll on a deck, and the following are some telltale signs that a deck could be in need of

Wobbly underfoot and in hand

Wobbly planks and railings are one sign of a deteriorating deck homeowners won’t recognize as they hide from winter weather indoors. But these tend to reveal themselves rather quickly when examining a deck after winter. Wobbly planks in the middle of the deck can be inconvenient, but wobbly steps

Holes in the wood

Many a homeowner has encountered curiouslooking holes in their deck. This could be a sign of insect infestation. Termites, carpenter ants and carpenter bees are among the

various types of insects that can bore holes through wood. Homeowners who notice holes throughout their deck are urged to call a deck professional and/or pest control firm to assess the holes and offer a solution. Though small issues may be addressed with repairs, a deck littered with holes caused by insects may need a full replacement.

Wood decks may be made of wood, but they can still exhibit signs of rust, namely in the nails and metal connectors that hold the deck together. If screws have rusted to the point where they are no longer holding the deck together, a full-scale replacement could be in the cards, as the deck could have substantial structural damage. Like other issues that can reveal themselves during a springtime inspection of the deck, rust necessitates a thorough examination by an experienced decking professional.

Many people do not use their decks during winter, which only underscores the significance of a full deck inspection in spring. (Metro)

Air conditioning maintenance tips

There is no denying the relief cool air provides when the temperatures outdoors are particularly steamy. In fact, having a place to cool off is a necessity for those who have succumbed to heat exhaustion or have difficulty regulating their body temperatures.

Even though air conditioning can provide relief, some people are reluctant to turn it on because of the drain on electricity and the subsequent high energy bills that come with it. Certainly running the air conditioning can be costly, but regular maintenance helps a system to work more efficiently. It also enables homeowners to recognize issues that can lead to expensive repairs if left unchecked.

Here are some air conditioning maintenance tips to keep a system in top condition.

•Change the filters. Dirty, clogged filters can cause a system to work harder to cool down rooms, compromising efficiency. Check the HVAC system’s manufacturer recommendation for how frequently to change the filters. Some may benefit from monthly replacement if the air is running constantly.

•Consider the MERV rating. The filter will have a minimum efficiency reporting

value, or MERV, according to This Old House. The higher the number, the better the filtration. But a higher MERV rating requires more energy to pull air through the filter. Therefore, choose a balance of filtration and energy cost requirements.

•Maintain the outdoor unit. Clean the AC unit with a soft-bristle brush and vacuum the fins at the start of the season and if the unit becomes dirty from weather, pollen and other elements. Bent condenser or evaporator fins can restrict air flow that would normally pass through the air conditioning system. Gently straighten them to improve air flow.

•Check and repair leaks. Airflow leaks through ductwork and with window AC units can reduce efficiency. Hold an incense stick or another smoldering item to check for leaks. If the smoke blows around, there is leakage. Use foil tape to seal small gaps and duct mastic for large ones. Stuff foam around a window unit and use taping as necessary.

•Supplement with a whole-house fan. The Family Handyman says an attic-mounted fan pushes hot air out through the attic vents and draws cooler, outside air through open windows and doors. The whole-house fan can be used to draw out most of the hot air before turning on the AC, or as a substitute on cooler days when having the AC on may not be crucial.

•Schedule annual maintenance. Homeowners may be able to handle various maintenance tasks, or they may want to have an HVAC technician come out and do the following: clean and inspect coils; adjust and replace fan belts; lubricate motors and bearings; inspect controls and safeties, check refrigerant; and determine if the unit is large enough for the home.

Air conditioning systems need routine maintenance to operate efficiently and

lowest cost possible.

Home & Garden
at the
(Metro) SOLAR COVERS Model S200 Confer Curve Above Ground Entry System $36999+ taxMADE IN USA CCX-AG requires 1 bag sand not included Aqua Silk Peroxide Based Shock, Sanitizer & Algaecide CRyStAL AquA POOL OPEninG Kit Treats up to 25,000 gallons of water FREE WAtER tEStinG & AnALySiS CRyStAL AquA BOX CHLORinE 12.5% Sodium Hypochloride Includes all hoses, clamps and adaptors. Sand not included Compare to Baquacil BOB’S Pool & Garden Center 2600 Nichols St., Spencerport 352-5088 Call Mother Nature We Need Spring! Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-8; Sat. 9-5; Sun. 10-5 3 Year 5 Year SiZEPRiCEPRiCE 18’ Rnd$69.99$109.99 21’ Rnd$89.99$139.99 24’ Rnd$115.99$149.99 27’/ 28’ Rnd$149.99$199.99 15’x30’ Oval$109.99$159.99 18’x33’ Oval$159.99$229.99 16’x32’ Rect$119.99$149.99 18’x36’ Rect$139.99$174.99 20’x40’ Rect$174.99$224.99 Other Sizes Available 1hp Hayward Super Pump Self Priming inground Pump $72999+ tax 1 hp Pentair Optiflo Pump for Aboveground Pools $41999+ tax Plus $10.00 for twistloc Maytronics Dolphin S200 in Ground Robotic Pool Cleaner $87999 $100 ONLINE REBATE $3499ea. $2799ea. EZ-Clor $149.99 25 lb. 3” Stabilize Chlorine tablets Shock $2999 gal. Sanitizer $4799 1/2 gal. Algaecide $3299 1 qt. HAyWARD 166t COMBO 100 lb. Sand Filter with 1 hp Pump $65999+ tax www.WatersBasementServices.com • Licensed & Insured The Only Water That Should Be In Your Basement Is Bob Waters! Waters Basement Services Inc. 585-765-3369 • 716-474-3898 • Rim Joist Spray Insulation • Waterproofing • Drain Tile • Wall Crack Repair • Crawlspaces Encapsulation • Sump & Backup Pumps • Stone Foundation & Foundation Repairs • Outside Entrance (Bilco, Gordon Doors) BEFORE AFTER Commercial & Residential Asphalt Maintenance

Eight steps to a more functional kitchen

A kitchen is often the most utilized room in a house. Meals may be prepared, cooked and often eaten in kitchens, and the room is often utilized as a homework spot or a makeshift place to pay bills and stay on top of household needs. By enhancing the organization and functionality of the kitchen, homeowners can enjoy these popular spaces even more.

Homeowners have increased their spending on home improvements in recent years. According to the Joint Center for Housing Centers for Harvard University, project spending rose to $472 billion in 2022 from $328 billion in 2019. It’s estimated consumers will have spent $485 billion by the end of 2023. Kitchen renovations were the most popular upgrade and accounted for the highest budgets in 2021, according to Houzz. When the time comes to renovate a kitchen, homeowners can take steps to make these spaces more organized and therefore functional. Here are eight tips to creating a more functional kitchen.

1. Increase storage, and then invest in more. Make the most of corner cabinets and other potential dead spots in a kitchen. Various products can be used to organize awkwardly angled or shaped areas. Kitchen designers also can work with you to reconfigure cabinets and kitchen layouts.

2. Organize utensils and dishes around the sink/dishwasher. Rather than traversing the kitchen to put clean dishes away, make loading and unloading the dishwasher that much easier by locating commonly used items next to and above it. Similarly, place frequently used saucepans, baking dishes and other items near the oven or food preparation area.

3. Utilize drawer and cabinet organizers. Make a place for everything in the kitchen. Take out all items and see what you need and use all the time. Then coordinate storage around those items so everything fits perfectly. Pull-out shelves and Lazy Susans also can facilitate access.

4. Add shelves to cabinets. If you can afford to have a custom-built kitchen, by all means design cabinets according to preference. If you’re using standard cabinets, you may have to reconfigure shelves and spacing to fit the items you have. This also will help you maximize cabinet space.

5. Organize the garbage. Have a pull-out drawer or cabinet to store trash bins. Separate compost, trash and recycling needs.

6. Create continuity in the room. Many open concept homes will have kitchens open up to another room in the home. Mirror the design scheme from elsewhere in the house, and make sure that the flow between spaces is not obstructed.

7. Create a beverage station. A beverage station can minimize the time needed to make a cup of tea or coffee or for the kids to grab juice or chocolate milk.

8. Have a workspace in the kitchen. Whether paying bills, making a grocery list or leaving notes for the family, a dedicated workspace can add more function to the room. Be sure there is task lighting nearby and ample overhead lighting to ensure that all kitchen needs are illuminated properly.

A more functional kitchen can make this already popular space even more so.


Know before you mow

AAA shares tips for staying safe while sprucing up the yard

Warmer weather is finally arriving. It’s almost time for backyard barbecues, pool parties, and picnic playdates, but first comes spring-cleaning in the house and the yard. Even the most experienced gardener should follow these safety tips from AAA Insurance:

Mowing your lawn

•Know how to quickly shut off your mower in case of an emergency.

•Never leave a lawn mower running unattended.

•Make sure all lawn mower safety equipment is intact, and check for frayed or cut wires before mowing.

•Never remove safety features such as blade guards or spark arrestors, which prevent fires.

•Remove rocks, sticks, and other debris from the yard before mowing. If they’re picked up and ejected from the lawn mower, these objects can cause serious injury. Metal blades striking rocks can create sparks that start fires.

•Never attempt to unclog or work on a lawn mower while the engine is on.

•Keep young children away from the mower.

•Only add fuel to your mower when the engine is cool, and always use the recommended grade of fuel.

Trimming trees

Prune tree limbs regularly to keep them from damaging your home, decks, and outbuildings. Even after the winter weather has passed, tree branches can break due to age or disease. If a tree is too close to your home, consider having it removed.

Cleaning roof gutters

Now that winter is over, remove leaves, sticks, and other debris from roof gutters so water can flow freely when it rains. Make sure gutters are secure, and downspouts drain away from your foundation. If possible, extend the bottom of the downspout away from your home by at least six feet.

Removing yard waste

Consider composting leaves, sticks, grass cuttings, and other yard waste instead of burning them or putting them in a landfill. Burning yard waste is illegal in some areas and puts homes at risk of fire. You can also

Home & Garden Westside News East and West Editions - May 5, 2024 13
contact your local sanitation department for the best way to get rid of yard debris. Provided information (585) 315-2734 Cell brendagswanger@howardhanna.com 9 Main Street • Brockport, NY 14420 www.howardhanna.com
SWANGER Licensed R.E. Salesperson Time to Move? Let me assist you... I provide excellent service; the time & effort you deserve for the best possible real estate transaction. 10” & 12” Hanging Baskets Full Bloom - Largest Selection In The Area Grown with Care By Us! www.kirbysfm.com 9739 Ridge Rd. West, Brockport (3 miles W. Rt. 19 on 104) 637-2600 Open Mon.-Sat. 10-6; Sunday 10-5 “Kirbygrown” apples,asparagus soon, Rhubarb soon • AnnUALS • PErEnniALS • ConTAinEr gArDEnS HighestQuality! Mother’s Day Weekend May 11tH & 12tH Only $3.00 gift Certificate w/every hanging basket purchase • ProVEn winnErS  forcontinuousbloom • VEgETAbLE & HErb PLAnTS Call us or visit us online 352-4740 www.dangelosrochester.com 1835 N. Union St., Spencerport • 352-4740 Family Owned and Operated $20.00 OFF any service over $99 D’Angelo’s • Prior sales excluded. Expires 5/31/24 24 Hour Emergency Service HEATING & COOLING PLUMBING • AO Smith Water Heaters • Tankless Water Heaters • Sewer & Drain Cleaning • Video Pipe Inspection • Heat Pumps • Sump Pumps & Back-Up Pumps • Faucets, Toilets & Vanities • Garbage Disposals • Dryer Vent Cleaning • Furnace & AC Installation • Clean & Check Maintenance • Air Cleaners • Boiler Service • Humidifiers • Filters KITCHEN & BATH REMODELING

Brockport holds Arbor Day tree planting, receives DEC grant award

The Village of Brockport celebrated Arbor Day 2024 by planting 14 trees on the tree lawn on South Avenue with the assistance of over 20 volunteers, including Village of Brockport Tree Board members, BCSD students, SUNY Brockport staff, and other community members at large. The Village is grateful for its Brockport DPW crew members and continued partnership with SUNY Brockport Facilities staff for demonstrating tree planting best practices, and assistance with planting site preparation. On Arbor Day, Brockport also learned it had received a $10,632 DEC Urban Forestry grant award, the only municipality in the Finger Lakes Region to receive an award this round. The grant is specifically for tree planting and maintenance projects that provide critical support for urban forest managers to sustain and expand green infrastructure. The forestry grants complement DEC’s ongoing initiatives to address invasive species, climate change, environmental degradation, environmental justice, and urban sprawl. As a proud Tree City USA community with a dedicated Tree Board, Brockport remains committed to urban forestry and a healthy future for all its residents. (See article below, Hawthorns: Trees of Lore). Provided photos.

Hawthorns: Trees of Lore

At long last, spring is here! With so many flowers in bloom, you may find yourself tempted to pluck a few while on a walk through your neighborhood. Imagine you reach for the blooms from lower branches and grab pear, crabapple, and serviceberry flowers without any issue.

But as you reach for another fistful of petals from a small tree, you are met with a sharp prick instead. That’s what happens when you get greedy with a Hawthorn.

Hawthorns are small trees with flowers that resemble cherry blossoms, fruits that look like small crabapples, and thorns that will make you go “OUCH!” A long line of them grace South Avenue extension, including 14 freshly planted during the Village of Brockport’s Arbor Day.

Clumsy creatures like humans might not be fond of the spiky branches, but birds looking to make their nests enjoy the protection they provide. With spring, hawthorn trees bloom and unfurl their leaves, drawing in many different insects for the birds to eat. As the seasons change from summer to fall, the hawthorn’s fruits begin to ripen. They cling to these fruits all throughout fall and winter, providing both food for animals and color for admirers.

There are several hundreds of hawthorn species native to temperate regions of Asia, North America, Europe, and North Africa. Within these native ranges is a long history of usage and lore. First Nations people made use of many parts of the tree. They used the leaves, fruit, and flowers for food and medicine, and modified the thorns into fishhooks and needles. In Irish folklore, hawthorn trees were said to be inhabited and protected by fairies, and some even believe they were used as an entrance to the fairy realm. Between the sharp thorns and folklore, it is seen as bad luck to harm hawthorn trees. Be respectful when admiring their blooms this spring, or you may find yourself at the mercy of some angry fairies.

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Westside News East and West Editions - May 5, 2024 15 Forest Hill Restaurant Serving 1-6pm Forest Hill Regular Menu & Specials! Reservations 225-0639 41 E. Manitou Rd, Rochester 14612 Plan Your Summer Events Now! Graduation Parties! Reunions! Weddings! Visit www.foresthillcatering.com or call 865-7711
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Sports & Recreation

Churchville-Chili’s Coy Raines received the Winter 2023-24 Student Athlete $500 Scholarship for Section V Wrestling. Coy has been participating in wrestling since the age of three. When asked what he will miss the most about competing in high school interscholastic athletics, Coy shared that he will miss wrestling for his coach – his dad. After high school, Coy plans to wrestle while attending the University at Buffalo. Coy says the one word that best describes him is “determined.” Photo by Bob Blair.

Area Worship Services

Come to Life BiBLe ChurCh

Our Services are on Saturday evenings at 6:30pm at Cornerstone Bible Chapel, 3231 Buffalo Road, Rochester, NY 14624. Website: https://cometolifebible.church/ Phone Number: (Call or Text) 315-690-8708

Come to Life Bible Church is to be...

A place where you are invited to...

Come as you are, and see the Bible come to life. Get to know Jesus, and experience the Holy Spirit eLmGroVeuNiteDmethoDiSt ChurCh

We are located at 1500 Spencerport Road, Rochester 14606 in Gates. Phone: 585-247-4973. Building is handicapped accessible. Time of Worship: 10AM - led by Rev. Jeff Aiosa. Website: ElmgroveUMC.org. You can join us remotely by clicking on the link to the Pastor’s page (you do not need a Facebook account to view posts). Email: ElmgroveUMC@yahoo.com. Community Outreach and Ministry Opportunities include: Little Free Library, SWEM, Aurora House, RAIHN, Prayer ministries, etc. We have a long history in the Gates community and we are looking forward to a bright future that includes you! Please come and join us on Sunday!

firSt PreSBYteriAN ChurChof ChiLi

Our little white church on the hill, 3600 Chili Avenue, continues to spread God’s love, as Pastor Brandi and our Church Family extend a warm welcome to all. We’d love to have you join us for worship, Sundays, 10 am, a family friendly service, either in person or virtually via live-stream or recording (URL) https://www.facebook.com/firstpreschili/live/. We offer a wide variety of music genres: bells, choir, classical and praise team; Youth group (grades 5-12); Sunday Bible Study at 9 am; Food Cupboard distribution on the third Saturday each month; yearly mission trip opportunities for youth and adults; prayer group each Tuesday at 2 pm; Labyrinth Trail located at 3551 Chili Avenue; and various small group studies through the year. In need of prayer or counsel, call or email the church office: 585-889-9896 or fpc3600@gmail. com. Handicapped accessible. Website: chili-presbyterian.org.

hiLtoN BAPtiSt ChurCh

50 Lake Avenue, Hilton, (585) 392-7990, Email hbchurch50@gmail.com, Pastor Dan Brown. Join us on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. We offer In-person services and Live-Streaming on YouTube under “Hilton Baptist Church Live.” Visit our Website at hiltonbaptist.org for more information. We are a Congregation of the American Baptist Churches. Our Building is Handicap Accessible and we offer Hearing Assistance during the Worship service. Everyone is Welcome to join our Church family!

hiLtoNuNiteDmethoDiSt ChurCh

Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by Following Christ; Connecting Generations; Transforming Communities. 21 West Avenue, Hilton, NY 14468, (585) 392-8761. Rev. Jennifer Green, pastor. Website: www.humcny.org, E-mail: office@humcny.org. Worship Service is open in the HUMC Sanctuary. Service: 10am. Fellowship: 11am. Sunday Services are live-streamed at HUMCny.org. All are welcome. Please visit us in person. Handicap Accessible.

hoPe BroCKPort

Are you seeking hope and wondering about faith or spiritual things? Then look no further than Hope Brockport! We warmly welcome you to our friendly community. Here, you will find love, support, and guidance as we navigate life together. You are invited to join us as we gather together every Sunday at 9:30 am, Hope Kids on Sundays at 9:30 am for children up to 5th grade, and Hope Youth on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm for 6th - 12th grade students. To connect, send questions to connect@sharethehope.org, call (585) 7234673, or visit sharethehope.org to learn more. We are conveniently located at 6601 Fourth Section Road, Brockport, NY (Rt 31 - right across from Wegmans). We can’t wait to meet you!

mortoN BAPtiSt ChurCh 1152 County Line Road, Hamlin, NY 14464. Church phone 585-659-8459, email mortonbaptistchurch@yahoo.com. Pastor: Steven M Worrall, email pastorsteve712@gmail.com, cell 585-354-9779. Sunday Worship 10:30am (can also be viewed on Facebook or YouTube).

Sunday school is held during church service. Adult Bible Study is held on Wednesdays at noon, Choir practice at 4:30pm Wednesdays. Youth Group meets on Friday nights from 7 to 9pm. Our building is handicap accessible and visitors are welcome.

NAtiVitY of the BLeSSeD VirGiNmArYand St. eLizABeth ANN SetoN CAthoLiC PAriSheS

Nativity – 152 Main Street, Brockport (585-637-4500)

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (SEAS) –3747 Brick Schoolhouse Road, Hamlin (585-964-8627)

Rev. Joseph Marcoux, pastor of both Parishes. Weekend Masses: Saturday 5PM at Nativity; Sunday 9AM at SEAS and 11AM at Nativity, 1:30PM Spanish Mass at Nativity. Daily Masses: 8AM at Nativity on Monday and Friday; 9AM at SEAS on Tuesday and Wednesday.

oGDeN PreSBYteriAN ChurCh

Our purpose is: “To equip ourselves and others to be disciples of Christ as we seek God’s will for our church and beyond.” Sunday worship is at 10AM live in our sanctuary led by Pastor Whitney Scoville, as well as livestreamed on Zoom and Facebook Live. Bible Studies, Youth Group, Sunday School and outreach are available to all. Contact the church for more information and for links: ogdenpresbyterian@gmail.com; www.ogdenpresbyterian.org; 585-352-6802; 2400 South Union Street, Spencerport. the Potter’ShouSe

ChriStiANfeLLoWShiP ChurCh

4756 Lake Road South, Suite 7, Brockport, NY 14420 Website: Brockportphchurch.com Phone: 585-943-1719 Services: Sunday at 10:30 am and 6 pm; Thursday at 7 pm.

SPeNCerPort ASSemBLY of GoD

We are located at 3940 Canal Road in Spencerport. We offer a warm welcome to all. Come join us as we seek the LORD through worship, prayer and Bible study. Sunday School is 9:30 AM, Sunday Worship is at 1030 AM. Enjoy a cup of coffee before service! Wednesday prayer meeting is 6:30 PM. Contact us at 585-352-5900. We are on Facebook; Email is SpencerportAG@gmail.com.

SPeNCerPort BiBLe ChurCh

1948 North Union Street, Spencerport. We desire to know God, to make the gospel known to all, and to give God the glory. Our lead pastor, Domenic Danesi, and all of us who make SBC our home church warmly invite you to come for Sunday Bible Study at 9:30 am, Sunday Worship Service at 10:45 am, and Wednesday Bible Study at 7:00 pm. Our worship service is family integrated for all ages and our building is accessible for all abilities. We partner with Rescue & Revive Ministries for local and global mission work. Follow our Facebook page, YouTube channel, or website for live streaming our services or to watch previous services. Visit our websites for more info at spencerportbiblechurch.org and rescueandrevive.org. Call or text us at 585-352-1241.

SPeNCerPortfirSt CoNGreGAtioNAL

uNiteD ChurChof ChriSt

Promoting the Christian way of life through service and stewardship to the community and the world. Look for the white steeple at 65 Church Street in downtown Spencerport, NY 14559. (585) 352-3448. Rev. Michael Sloan. We provide worship, educational and mission opportunities. Worship services are Sundays at 10am live on Facebook and on site in our sanctuary. Worship is followed by Coffee hour in Fellowship hall. Handicap accessible. Email: info@spencerportucc.org. Website: www.spencerportucc.org. Facebook: Spencerport UCC.

St. ChriStoPher’S ChurCh

3350 Union Street, North Chili, Parish Office: 594-1400. We are a welcoming Catholic community with a focus on Faith in God and Service to His people. Join us for Mass any Saturday at 4:30PM, Sunday at 10:00AM or weekdays on Monday at 12:10 PM or Tuesday and Wednesday at 9:00AM. All are welcome in this place! We have a gifted Music Ministry including a Choir, Folk Group and Contemporary Group as well as a committed Faith Formation program for our youth. We offer many events throughout the year for our congregation and the surrounding community designed to deepen our faith and serve our brothers and sisters in the Rochester area. Check out our website at https://www.stchristophersnchili.org and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for all the latest updates.

St. JohNLutherAN ChurCh

Pastor Chris Bode. 1107 Lake Road West Fork, Hamlin, NY 14464, 585964-2550. Sunday Services: 8:30 AM & 11 AM; 5th Sunday one service at 9:30 AM. Adult Bible Class & Sunday School at 9:45 AM (September – June). To view our services or devotions, go to stjohnhamlin.org. “To KNOW Christ and to make Him KNOWN.”

Churches, to have your services listed or updated, please call 352-3411.

St. GeorGe’SePiSCoPAL ChurCh

St. JohNtheeVANGeLiSt ChurCh

St. Leo’S CAthoLiC ChurCh

Follow Jesus, Build Community, Serve Others in Love. We welcome all to worship with us in warm fellowship in the Episcopal tradition of openness and caring. We are an ALL inclusive community with an open communion table. Please join us for Sunday worship at 10am. All services are both in-person and live-streamed online. We also offer a variety of Lenten and Advent programs, a Bible Study on Tuesdays, live music, Sunday School, semi-monthly Youth Group meetings and numerous other community building events. We are handicapped accessible. Follow us on Facebook, look for us on the web at www.stgeorgehilton.org, and join us for worship and fellowship at 635 Old Wilder Road, Hilton, NY (across from Kelly’s Apple Farm).

St. John’s is a place to encounter Christ in the sacraments, in community and in the Scriptures through prayer, service, and fellowship. Join us for Holy Mass at 5pm Saturdays, or Sundays at 7:45am, 9:30am, and 11:15am. Daily Mass, Tuesdays, & Thursdays at 8am and Wednesdays & Fridays at 6:30pm. Mass 9am on 1st Saturdays. Confession Mondays & Wednesdays 5:30-6:00pm and Saturdays 3:45-4:30pm. Eucharistic Adoration Thursdays 1:00pm-6:00pm (Benediction at 5:50pm) & Sunday 1:30-4:30pm (Evening Prayer at 4:00pm, Benediction at 4:15pm). Many great opportunities to learn about the Holy Bible, and groups for families and children of all ages. We are located at 55 Martha Street, Spencerport, NY 14559. Visit our website at www. StJohnsChurchSpencerport.org. Email: sstjohnc@dor.org. Our Parochial Administrator is Fr. Sriram Sadhanala.

110 Old Hojack Lane, Hilton, 392-2710, www.stleohilton.org. Fr. Joseph Catanise. Daily Mass is celebrated: Monday 5:30 PM; Tuesday-Thursday 8:30 AM; Friday Communion Service 8:30 AM. Every Wednesday: Eucharistic Adoration 9 AM to 8 PM. Weekend Schedule: Saturday Confession 3:30-4:30 PM; Rosary 4:30 PM; Mass 5 PM (live-streamed). Sunday: Mass 8 AM, 10:30 AM, 6 PM; Adult Bible Study 11:45 AM. First Saturday Mass at 8:30 AM. All are welcome. Handicapped accessible.

St.mArY’S ChurChSt.mArK’S ChurCh 13 South Main Street, Holley16789 Kenmore Road, Kendall Parish Center – Holley 638-6718, www.stmarystmark.org. Daily Mass: Tueday-Friday 8 AM at St. Mary’s (no Mass on Monday); St. Mary Vigil Mass 4 PM on Saturday; St. Mark Vigil Mass 5:30 PM on Saturday; Sunday Mass 10 AM at St. Mary’s.

St. PAuL LutherAN ChurCh & SChooL 158 East Avenue, Hilton, NY 14468, 585-392-4000, www.stpaulhilton.org.

Senior Pastor: Rev. Mark Ball – pastorball@stpaulhilton.org, office 585-3924000. Worship Services: Saturday at 5pm; Sunday at 8:30am and 11am. Bible Studies: Champions for Christ – Sunday at 9:45am; Adult Classes – Sunday at 9:45am; Ladies and Mens Bible Study – Thursdays at 10:30am. School: Meeting your child’s learning needs from age 2 through 8th grade. Call for a tour!

triNitY LutherAN ChurCh & Pre-SChooL 191 Nichols Street (Rte. 31), Spencerport, NY 14559. Phone: 352-3143. Pastor Steve Shrum. Trinity’s Updated Worship Schedules starting Sunday, October 1st – Traditional service at 9:00AM; Adult Bible Study, Sunday School, & Confirmation at 10:00AM; Contemporary service at 11:00AM with Children’s Church. Both worship services will be live streamed on YouTube. Visit our new website at www.TrinitySpencerport.org. Email: trinitylutheran191@ gmail.com. ‘We are a Christ-centered church here to assist and rejuvenate the community through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We are a people that will equip families to draw closer to the Lord.’

uNioN CoNGreGAtioNAL

uNiteD ChurChof ChriSt

14 North Main Street, Churchville. A warm welcome awaits you at Union Church.Join us on Sunday mornings at 10 am, watch us live stream on Facebook, or find us on soundcloud.com/ucc-churchville. No matter where you are on your journey, you are welcome here. We are an open and affirming church and invite all. Food distribution for local families in need on the fourth Wednesday of each month from 4-5 pm. Look for our special events advertised throughout the year, or on our signboard at the front of the church. Call 293-1665 or stop by to talk with Pastor Bradley Klug any Wednesday from noon to 2 pm; e-mail us at unionucc@frontier.com or check our website at Churchvilleucc.com. Also like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram. We would love to hear from you and/or have you worship together with us.

16 Westside News East and West Editions - May 5, 2024
Louie Conte had a career day in the Kendall Eagles victory over Holley on April 26. Louie threw a no hitter with 10 strikeouts only walking one batter, and also hit two homeruns at the plate. Photo from @DrieselMark on X. Luke Sykora, age 14, from North Chili, placed first at Eastern Nationals, in Cleveland, Ohio, for USA Men’s Gymnastics, Level 9. Luke is on the Bright Raven Team, from Gates. Provided information and photos.
Westside News East and West Editions - May 5, 2024 17 Improve your Home Call one of these reliable, local professionals PAVING R & W Paving & SOn COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL Driveways • Parking Lots Site Work • Excavating ~ Quality Builds Business ~ Free Estimates • Fully Insured MC & Visa Accepted Hilton www.rwpaving.com • 225-8733 PLUMBING Smalley Plumbing Residential & Commercial Plumbing •Service Work •Remodeling •Water Heaters •Sump Pumps •Gas Lines •Drain Cleaning •Water Lines 24 Hour Service • Free Estimates Senior Citizen Discounts 392-5520 POWERWASHING D & B PowerWashing Fully Insured Since 2000 RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL HOUSES • DECKS • PATIOS SIDEWALKS FREE Estimates Dan Fox triggerboy322@aol.com 585-208-8144 Roofing ROOFING by Lucien Brisson & Lucien Brisson Jr. •Residential Specialists• Lucien Brisson 637-3348 • 943-3497(cell) Lucien Brisson Jr. 967-3626 3497 Sweden Walker Rd. • Brockport Complete Installation & Repair StormDamage Insurance Claims Tear Off, Reroof ROOfing • Roofing • Metal Roofing • Siding • Remodeling • Gutters • Additions • All Roof Repairs Put Your Tax Return To Good Use! Fully Insured. Call Today! 585-305-3113 ROOFING AIR CONDITIONING Mike DiSanto HEATING & COOLING AC & Furnace INSTALLATIONS SERVICE - All Makes & Models Boilers • Hot Water Tanks • Dryer Vent Cleaning Fully Insured Call Today 585-727-4610 CLEANING SERVICE Soft Washing Roof Washing / Gutter Cleaning Concrete Cleaning / Deck Cleaning Residential/Commercial/FreeEstimates Ecoblast-Powerwashing.com 585-732-7066 or Text Power Washing Service DECKS CUSTOM DECKS Wood & Composite Power Washing/Staining Fencing Wood/Vinyl Call Tony Today! Estimates • Quality Work 585-755-0086 cell 585-265-2865 FRANCHIZE CONSTRUCTION DOORS & WINDOWS BURNS CONTRACTING DOORS & WINDOWS SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION Fully Insured Family Owned/Operated CALL/TEXT RACHAEL 585.703.3202 for free estimate DuMPSTER RENTAL FIREPLACE/CHIMNEYS $250 off any new Regency stove or fireplace purchase Some restrictions apply. dhw202@yahoo.com regencyfireplaceco.com Nothing warms a home like a beautiful fireplace • Fireplace Sales & Service• Masonry Repair • Parts & Accessories• Chimney Cleaning • Wood, Gas & Pellet Stoves• Chimney Repair Call/Text:585-356-5567 5236 West Ridge Rd. Spencerport, NY 14559 Hours: Mon-Fri 10-5; Sat 11-4 gutter SerVICeS Hi-Lo Gutter Cleaning • Seamless Gutters Installed • Gutter & Downspout Repairs • Fascia & Soffit Repairs • Downspouts Unclogged • Roof & Shingle Repair 585-729-6066 Off Duty FirefighterCall Now to Schedule Senior Citizens Discount Heating & Cooling Family Business Since 1969 FREE ESTIMATES EMERGENCY SERVICE • INSTALLATIONS • CLEANINGS www.huetherheatingandcooling.com 3041 Buffalo Rd. • 426-2034 septic systems 364 Peck Road • Hilton, nY 14468 (585) 392-2155 R Y oBeRt J. cRoWle EXCAVATION & SEPTIC SERVICE Shovel • Bobcat • Dozer Septic Cleaning Septic Installation SEPTIC SYSTEMS 17251 Kenmor Road • Kendall, NY Septic Tank Cleaning & Repair Holding Tanks Driveway Stone & Topsoil Delivery DON’S TRUCKING Owner: Don Robinson 585-613-2068 arborscapertree.com Tree Service inc. Call for early SPrING dISCouNtS! 65 Foot Bucket Service Best stump grinding prices in town. 27+ Years Experience Tree Service 24 Hour EmErgEncy SErvicE “The family owned company ThaT cares abouT you!” • Tree Trimming • Owner Operated • I.S.A. Certified Arborists • Tree Removal • Stump Grinding • Fully Insured specializing in crane assisTedTree removals. NY State Licensed & CIC Certified Crane Operator #JR22887 (585) 766-5674 WE ACCEPT J.M. Tree Service www.jmtree.com Joshua Miesch NY-5654AM Nikki Miesch NY-5762A TREE SERVICE Fully Insured FREE Estimates Tree Service • 24 Hr. Emergency Service • Tree Removal • Bucket Truck Service • Tree & Brush Trimming • Stump Grinding • Correcting Pruning • Owner On Every Job • 20 Years Combined on Every Job • Professional Tree Climbers 585-637-TREE (8733) OakesTreeService.com YOuR TREE ClImbIng ExpERTS! Any Tree Service over $1,000 Expires 5/31/24 $100 OFF TREE SERVICE HOME IMPROVEMENT MONARCH SAND & GRAVEL 68 Pine Hill Rd., Spencerport SAND Cushion, Pool & Other Types FILL Loam or Aggregate STONE Decor or Crushed DISpOSAL pICK Up OR DELIVERY HOME IMPROVEMENT Foundation Wall Repairs & Replacements Masonry Repair Services: New Concrete Floors, Porches, Patios and Sidewalks NO JOB TOO SMALL! Year Round Availability 585-474-9058 Lee Ziegler FULLY INSURED home improvement WARREN CONSTRUCTION Full Service remodeling - From ArchitecturAl PlAnS to FiniShingtoucheS 585-746-5716 • Additions • 4 Season Sunrooms • Kitchens/Baths •roofraisings • Free Standing & Attached garages •garageconversions Since 1984 estimates are always FREE HOME IMPROVEMENT YOUR AD COULD BE HERE CALL 352-3411 MASONRY COVONE MASONRY INC. SpecializinginallPhasesof MasonryRepairs. • Stamp Concrete • Driveways • Patios • Culture Stone • Brick • Additions • Garage Floors • Sidewalks • Block Foundations • Retaining Walls Free Estimates • Fully Insured 585-202-0784 RochesteR MasonRy &staMp Your Full Service Masonry Contractor 585-770-4625 rochestermasonryandstamp.com Specializing in all phases of Masonry & Hardscapes from block to brick Book for Spring and Receive 10% OFF entire job (min. $3k +) MASONRY Fully Insured • stamped concrete • patios • driveways • cultured stone • brick pavers • new builds • garage floors • retaining walls • all phases of landscaping, etc. paving & landscaping ACE PAVING & LANDSCAPING SERVICES • Driveway paving • Patch work • Spring & Fall Cleanup • Lawn cutting • Landscaping • Lawn rolling • Bush trimming • Landscaping design • Privacy fencing installed 585-752-4442 We accept all major credit cards

2014 Lincoln MXZ Hybrid. Gets great mileage. Excellent condition. Loaded. $4,000 or best offer. Call 585­2937410.[TFN]

2011 Subaru Forester AWD, 152,000 mi., new tires, radiator and hoses, shocks, brakes, sunroof, heated seats, Florida Car, kept in garage, power driver’s seat, located in Hilton, body and interior excellent condition. $5,750. 941­676­0491.[TFN]

Junk Cars, Trucks & Vans Wanted. Higher cash paid for most. Always free pick up! WE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANY OTHER COMPANY! 585­305­5865.[TFN]

Cash for Cars, Vans, Trucks, SUV’s ­ $200 to $5,000 for newer models. No key, no title, no problem. Free towing. 585­4822140.[TFN]

Wanted Lawn Tractors, ATV and 4 Wheelers, Generators, that need some work or are in working condition. 585­415­5141.[5­5]

Wanted Old Toy Trains. (American Flyer, Lionel) and Aurora Slot Cars. Call 585­455­5317.[5­5]

18 Westside News East and West Editions - May 5, 2024 Over 33,000 Homes Every Week! For information call (585) 352-3411 WESTSIDE NEWS INC. CLASSIFIEDS rr s All ClAssifiEds Must BE PrEPAid We Accept... ★★★★★★ $5.00/week additional. Your ad will have stars above and below to make it stand out from the crowd. ★★★★★★ Your Ad online by Next Business Day. $6.00 additional to place your ad on our website by the end of the next business day. No credits will be given for a canceled ad run the week the ad was to first appear. Your ad boxed with a thin black border $5.00/week additional. drOP OfflOCAtiON MAil Westside NeWsiNc. Att: Classifieds P.O. Box 106 Spencerport, NY 14559 EMAil production@westsidenewsny.com (585)-352-4811 WOrd Ad ENHANCErs •sPeNceRPORt Westside News Office 1776 Hilton-Parma Corners Rd. (Night Drop Available) rAtEs - disPlAY Ads Westside News Area Covers Parma, Hilton, Spencerport, North Chili, Churchville, Hamlin, Holley, Kendall, Ogden, Bergen, Brockport, Clarkson, Murray, Clarendon. 33,300 circulation column inch$2900 Thursday, Noon, All Monday Holiday Editions - 24 Hours Earlier; Thanksgiving - Tuesday Noon For Deadlines at our Dropoff Locations, call us at 352-3411. DEADLINES: Westside News Area $1600 for 15 words and 50¢ for each additional word rAtEs - WOrd Ads fAX HOME IMPROVEMENT GENERAL REMODELING Complete Home Improvement including interior and exterior work. 35 years experience. Free estimates. Locally owned and operated by S&G Remodeling. Call Cory, 585­637­9444. [TFN] CLEANOUTS AND JUNK REMOVAL CLEANOUTS AND JUNK REMOVAL HANDY MEN/ WOMEN D&K Handyman ServiceDeck, Remodeling, Painting, Flooring, Electrical, Plumbing, Power Washing & more! Fully insured. Call Dave Inclema, 585­455­2593.[5­19] Reynolds PlumbingKitchen & Bath Remodeling, new homes, sewer & drain cleaning, gas lines, water heaters. Plumbing Repair Service. Call Joe 585­637­6879, cell 7376016. [TFN] PLUMBING JD’s Tree & Brush Removal Service Clean-Up A+ - Same Day Service • Take Down AND REMOVE Trees • Brush & Hedge Removal • Land Clearing • Yard Cleanups & MORE! $$MONEySAViNg lOw pRicES $$ FREE bags of Mulch with any service! GOT JUNK? We Do: - Yard Cleanups - Brush & Tree Removal - Gutter cleaning - Leaf Raking We Take Down: - Decks - Pools - Garages - Sheds And More! We Clean Out: - Homes - Attics - Basements - Garages - Buildings - Barns And More Handyman Services Since 1995 Rates starting at $4900 WE ARE OPEN! Following Safety Guidelines 585-719-8004 Winter Cleanouts 24 Hours Small Moves! FREE CASH CARD WITH ANY SERVICE! ITEMS FOR SALE/FOR RENT DECKS HOME IMPROVEMENT FIREWOOD/FUEL WhileSupplies Last • Additonal Fees for Out-of-Town Delivery BCEXCAVATING, INC. FIREWOOD $85 FC Picked up • $100 FC Local Delivery $95 FC 5 or More Local Delivery Seasoned & Unseasoned Log Loads Available 585-370-7986 cell 585-352-0368 FIREWOOD/FUEL TREE SERVICE TREE SERVICE gENERALSERVICE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Reach almost 5,500,000homes in the New York state classified Network available through this newspaper. Only $490 for 15 words. $15 each additional word. Call 585­352­3411 and place your ad today![TFN] APPLIANCE REPAIR Top Notch Appliance Servicerepairing most major brands. Call Karl at 585­820­9964.[TFN] Joshua Miesch NY-5654AM Nikki Miesch NY-5762A • Tree Removal WE ACCEPT 24 Hour EmErgEncy SErvicE J.M. Tree Service “The family owned company ThaT cares abouT you!” (585) 766-5674 specializing in crane assisTedTree removals. NY State Licensed & CIC Certified Crane Operator #JR22887 • I.S.A. Certified Arborists • Tree Removal • Stump Grinding • Fully Insured • Tree Trimming • Owner Operated www.jmtree.com PAINTING Call Dale 585-576-5042 TWO VeTeRaNS • Gutter Cleaning • House Painting • Deck Staining • Power Washing APARTMENTS/ UNFURNISHED Spencerport/Greece. Studio/1 BR apartments, 2 BR House and Mobile homes. Great location on W. Ridge near Manitou. Commercial Building 2,000 sq. ft. Subdividable. 585­381­3672.[TFN] REAL ESTATE Brockport­WillowbrookeManor Spacious two bedroom apts. Appliances, carpeting, 24 hr. emergency service, free cable TV, recreation and laundry facilities. 585­6373400.[TFN] Three bedroom, 2 bath home in North Cape May, N.J. (10 minutes to the ocean, beaches). Call Keith at 585­455­4361.[TFN] RESORT PROPERTIES FOR RENT WEDDINGS/ SPECIAL OCCASIONS Professionally trained soloist, available to add a touch of elegance to your wedding, meeting or social event. Call 585­455­4362. LANDSCAPING/ GARDENING 594-8420 Locally Owned & Operated • Fully Insured • Reliable • Quality Workmanship Residential • Commercial ~ Over 25 Years Experience ~ WalkWays & Patios • landscaPing Mowing • Trimming • Bed Maintenance Mulching • Seasonal Clean-Ups Snowplowing ( Commercial Only) •Pool Fill-Ins •Pool Sand •Stone WE HAUL 585 352-9218 COMPOST drivEWAy STOnE TOPSOiL MULCH A LAWN SERVICE ­ Mowing, Spring & Fall clean­ups, dethatching, bush trimming. Call Gary 585­391­3785. [5­12]
snow tires. 205/65R16. 13,500 miles.
AUTO FOR SALE CUSTOM DECKS Wood & Composite Power Washing/Staining Fencing Wood/Vinyl Call Tony Today! Estimates • Quality Work 585-755-0086 cell 585-265-2865 FRANCHIZE CONSTRUCTION Over 38 Years servICe & TrUsT • Complete InsuranCe Coverage • Free estImates • reasonablerates • aerIal buCket 820-TREE (8733) Stephen C. DeVay Treeand Landscape Stump Grinding - and bush removal, small and large stumps. gENERALSERVICE GRAVESITE MAINTENANCE Gravesite Care When You Can’t Get There! Headstone Cleaning • Edging • Mulching • Flower Planting and More! Call Laura or Jeremy at Personal Grave Site Maintenance, 585­448­2498 or email us at 2020PGSM@gmail.com. Visit us on facebook.[TFN] CLASSIFIEDS TREE SERVICE Nuisance goose removal. Simple, safe, humane. No geese harmed iN process • Fully Insured • 585-754-3078 rochestergooseremoval.com T & C Goose Wranglers MOVING & HAULING Move with 18 foot box truck. $90 for local delivery of couch, mattress, dresser, etc. Move household or storage unit ­ $50 per hour per mover. Call Scott Bauman at 716432­0354.[TFN] PEST CONTROL REALESTATE APPRAISALS 50+ years experience, FHA, MRA, SRES, GRI, NYS appraisal instructor­ $300. Residential. Jim Gaze 585­330­0150.[5­26] BOATS & ACCESSORIES Soar Pro Inflatable Canoe. Pioneer, 16’ long, 85 lbs., Self­Bailer, Class 2­3 rapids rated. Soar Inflatable Canoe/ Raft. Like new­ used one time. $1,500. or best offer. 585­500­1877.[TFN] Diamond Pest Elimination. Bee and wasp proof your home now so you can enjoy outdoor activities all summer long. Call by June 30th for a special rate. 585­723­6589.[6­23] ADULT CARE AVAILABLE Mary’s Helping Hands & Adult Care-Errands/appointments, medicine reminders, light housekeeping and laundry.585­752­7435.[5­12] • TOPS InsideallpapersinBergen, Holley,Clarendon,Murray,Ogden, Spencerport&NorthChili. • RUNNINGS InsideallpapersinOgden,Parma, Spencerport&Hilton. • BROCKPORTCENTRAL SCHOOLDISTRICT-FOCUS InsideallpapersinBrockport,Sweden,Clarkson& Hamlin. • COUNTRYMAX InsideallpapersinSpencerport,Ogden,Parma,Hilton,Hamlin,Kendall,Brockport,Sweden,Clarkson, Holley,Murray&Clarendon. • MYHOMETOWN InsidesomepapersinNorthChili&Ogden(partial). NOTICE Inserts this week: GARAGE SALE 33 Dunbar Road, Hilton. May
Multi­family. Vintage, collectibles, printer, games, clothing, purses, much more.[5­5] St. John the Evangelist School, 55 Martha St., Spencerport. May 16,
May 17,
May 18,
Household items, furniture, clothing, treasures, jewelry, books and more! Saturday 50% off selected items.[5­12] 585-967-4448 Garden Care & Maintenance Weed • Trim • Mulch Clean Up Yards & Gardens Gardeners of Weed’en
of four Bridgestone
On a
Forester .
rims. $500. Call 585­392­8708.[TFN]
9-11, 9 am­5pm.

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2024 NYS Canal System Tourism Infrastructure and Event Grant recipients announced

The NYS Canal Corporation and the Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor recently announced that 43 nonprofit organizations and municipalities will receive 2024 NYS Canal System Tourism Infrastructure and Event Grants totaling $196,349. The grants will support eight tourism infrastructure and amenity improvements and 36 events along canal waterways and the Canalway Trail.

Recipients are spread across the Erie, Oswego, CayugaSeneca, and Champlain canals. Grants will fund upgrades to visitor centers, new outdoor park pavilions and benches, and more to enhance the visitor experience.

The Village of Brockport will receive a $9,500 tourism infrastructure grant to launch a new kayak rental program to provide convenient, accessible, and safe recreational experiences for waterway users.

Events receiving grants range from large canal festivals to paddling and cycling tours to celebrations of canal heri-

tage and will contribute to a lively season of activities along the canals. Local awardees include Homesteads for Hope in Ogden for their Jam on the Canal Food Truck Rodeo being held July 19 and August 16 (http://www.homesteadsforhope. org/events), and the Rotary Club of Rochester - Southwest for the Roc River Ride on September 14 (https://www.facebook. com/events/500504268901223/).

New York State Canal Corporation Director Brian U. Stratton said, “As we prepare for this year’s navigation season on New York’s canals and the Erie Canal’s Bicentennial in 2025, I am pleased we are able to support so many events and new infrastructure projects along the canal corridor through this program. New York’s canalside communities will use these capital improvements and activities to enhance visitor experiences while simultaneously bolstering their local economies.”

The grants program represents a significant investment in canal recreation and tourism, growing excitement for the canal’s bicentennial year in 2025. Grants range from $500 to $24,000 and will leverage an estimated $601,141 in additional support. Now in its third year, the grants program has invested a total of $645,650 to date in amenity improvements and events.

“It’s our privilege to support this incredible group of community partners who are dedicated to improving the NYS Canal System for visitors and locals alike. Tourism infrastructure, amenities, and events contribute to a more vibrant Canalway Corridor and maximize the economic impact of this worldclass waterway.” said Bob Radliff, Executive Director of the Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor.

For a complete list of grant recipients, go to https://tinyurl. com/mr4db7yu.

Provided information

american jobs! ProDUce LocaL... shoPLocaL... hire LocaL... contact Tami for help with your employment needs • 352-3411 ext. 129 • or Tami.raco@westsidenewsny.com every emPLoymenT aD rUns onLine for free! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ News Consumer information Community events coverage Westside News The Right Blend... emPLoymenT tami.raco@westsidenewsny.com EvEry EmploymEnt ad runs onlinE for frEE! Reach over 70,000 Potential Applicants with your Westside News Employment Ad. 352-3411 ext. 129 - orContact Tami for help with your Employment Needs... JOBS/PART TIME JOBS/PART TIME Brockport Volunteer Ambulance is looking for independent Contractors for Emergency Technicians and Drivers. They get paid once a month to do what you love, and help your neighbors. Email chuckbradybvac@ gmail.com or medic2397@ yahoo.com for more information: Visit us on our website at www.brockportambulance. org. Non-Emergent call585-431-3337. Please leave a detailed message with your name and phone number. We will get back to you as soon as we can. Neighbors Helping Neighbors since 1962.[TFN). HOLLEY - WALKING ROUTE PUBLIC SQUARE (200 Papers) BROCKPORT - WALKING ROUTE SW AREA (250 Papers) IMMEDIATE OPENINGS ISLOOKING fOR A WESTSIDE NEWS Please call 352-3411 x 123 for further information. To be eligible for the walking routes, you must be at least 11 years old. If you are still in school, you must provide working papers. JOBS/PART TIME JOBS/PART TIME The Spencerport School District is hiring CENTRAL REGISTRAR
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READING A WESTSIDE NEWS PUBLICATION Westside News East and West Editions - May 5, 2024 19

Legal Notice


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Annual Meeting of the residents of ChurchvilleChili Central School District, Monroe County, New York, qualified to vote, will be held at the Middle School North Cafeteria, Door #31, at 139 Fairbanks Road in said district on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, between the hours of 12:00 noon and 9:00 p.m. for the transaction of such business as is authorized by the Board of Education.

AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, That on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, the said district will conduct elections by voting machines between the hours of 12:00 noon and 9:00 p.m. in the Middle School North Cafeteria, Door #31, to fill the below mentioned vacancies on the Board of Education.

AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That a copy of the statement of the amount of money which will be required for the ensuing year for school purposes, exclusive of public moneys, may be obtained by any taxpayer in the district during the fourteen (14) days immediately preceding the annual meeting, except Saturday, Sunday, or holidays, at each school building in the district between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, That petitions nominating candidates for the office of member of the Board of Education must be filed with the Clerk of the District not later than April 22, 2024, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the Churchville-Chili Administration Office, 139 Fairbanks Rd., Churchville, New York.

The following vacancies (commencing July 1, 2024) are to be filled on the Board of Education:

Term of 3 years – last incumbent CHERYL REPASS

Term of 3 years – last incumbent ALYCIA NAGLE

Term of 3 years – last incumbent JONATHAN PAYNE

Each petition shall be directed to the Clerk of the School District, shall be signed by at least 25 qualified voters of the district, or two percent of the voters who voted in the previous elections, whichever is greater, shall state the residence of each signer, and shall state the residence of each candidate. The number of signers required for the 2024 election is 25 voters. Voting shall be on a candidates-at-large basis in accordance with the resolution duly adopted at the Annual Meeting of the school district held on June 9, 1971.

AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Budget Hearing and Information Meeting of the Churchville-Chili Central School District, Monroe County, New York, will be held in the Middle School Auditorium at 139 Fairbanks Road in said district on May 7, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. for the transaction of such business as is authorized by the Board of Education.

AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, That the same time and place as said elections on May 21, 2024, the following propositions will be submitted and voted upon by voting machines:


Shall the Budget for the 2024-2025 School Year be adopted?


Shall the following resolution be adopted to wit:

RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Churchville-Chili Central School District is hereby authorized to undertake the acquisition of eight (8) 66-passenger school buses, at an estimated maximum aggregate cost of $1,456,255, less trade-in value, if any, and that such costs, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be raised by the levy of a tax to be collected in annual installments; and, in anticipation of such tax, debt obligations of the school district as may be necessary not to exceed $1,456,255 shall be issued, or the School District may enter into an installment purchase contract if the Board of Education determines that it is in the best interest of the School District to finance the purchase in that method.


Shall the following resolution be adopted, to-wit:

RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Churchville-Chili Central School District is hereby authorized to undertake the purchase of one (1) zero-emission electric school bus, at an estimated maximum acquisition cost of $445,534.50, less grants, reimbursements and diesel bus tradein value, if any, and that such costs, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be raised by the levy of a tax to be collected in annual installments; and, in anticipation of such tax, debt obligations of the school district as may be necessary not to exceed $445,534.50 shall be issued, or

LegaL NoticeS

the School District may enter into an installment purchase contract if the Board of Education determines that it is in the best interest of the School District to finance the purchase in that method.


Shall the following resolution be adopted, to-wit:

RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Churchville-Chili Central School District is hereby authorized to establish a Capital Reserve Fund pursuant to Section 3651 of the Education Law (to be known as the “2024 School Bus and Infrastructure Capital Reserve Fund”), with the purpose of such fund being to finance the purchase of diesel and zero emission/electric school buses and vehicles and construction, reconstruction and other capital improvements in connection therewith, such capital costs being of a type that would be eligible for bond financing under the local finance law, and costs incidental thereto, the ultimate amount of such fund to be $15,000,000, plus earnings thereon, the probable term of such fund to be ten (10) years, but such fund shall continue in existence until liquidated in accordance with the Education Law or until the funds are exhausted, and the sources from which the funds shall be obtained for such Reserve are (i) amounts from budgetary appropriations from time to time, and (ii) unappropriated fund balance made available by the Board of Education from time to time, and (iii) New York State Aid received and made available by the Board of Education from time to time, all as permitted by law.

AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, To place upon the ballot such other further legal propositions as may be properly authorized by the Board of Education.

AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, Residents unable to vote because of disabilities, illness, travel or other reasons listed as valid under election law, may request applications for absentee ballots thirty days (April 22, 2024) before the annual meeting on May 21, 2024. Applications may be requested from the District Clerk, Michelle Penner at 293-1800, ext. 2300 or in person at the District Office, 139 Fairbanks Rd. Applications must be received by the district at least seven (7) days before the vote if the resident wishes to receive the ballot by mail. Residents who wish to pick up their absentee ballot in person may apply through May 20, 2024. In all cases, the ballot must be returned to the district office no later than 5 p.m. on May 21, 2024. A list of those receiving absentee ballots will be available at the District Clerk’s office at 139 Fairbanks Road between the hours of 8-4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday and available at the polling site on May 21, 2024.

AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, Residents unable to vote because of military service as defined under the Commissioner’s Emergency Regulation Part 122, and by reason of such military service, is absent from the school district in which he or she is qualified to vote on the day of registration or election; or a spouse, parent, child or dependent of a voter as described above, accompanying or being with such voter, if a qualified voter of the State of New York and a resident of the District; may request applications for military ballots. Applications may be requested from the District Clerk, Michelle Penner at (585) 2931800, ext. 2300 or by email to mpenner@cccsd. org. Applications must be received by the district clerk no later than 25 days (April 26, 2024) prior to the vote on (May 21, 2024). In all cases, the ballots must be returned to the district office no later than 5 p.m. on May 21, 2024. In a request for a military ballot application or ballot, the military voter may indicate his/her preference for receiving the application or ballot by mail, facsimile transmission or electronic mail.

AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, Residents unable to appear in person at the polls on election day may request applications for early voter ballots thirty days (April 22, 2024) before the annual meeting on May 21, 2024. Applications may be requested from the District Clerk, Michelle Penner at 293-1800, ext. 2300 or in person at the District Office, 139 Fairbanks Rd. Applications must be received by the district at least seven (7) days before the vote if the resident wishes to receive the ballot by mail. Residents who wish to pick up their absentee ballot in person may apply through May 20, 2024. In all cases, the ballot must be returned to the district office no later than 5 p.m. on May 21, 2024. A list of those receiving early voter ballots will be available at the District Clerk’s office at 139 Fairbanks Road between the hours of 8-4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday and available at the polling site on May 21, 2024.

AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, All prospective voters must provide one proof of residency. Proof may include, but is not limited to, a driver’s license, a non-driver identification card, a utility bill, or a voter registration card. Each voter will also be required to sign his or her name.

Dated: March 27, 2024/ Churchville, New York

By the order of the Board of Education of Churchville-Chili Central School District, Monroe County, New York


Legal Notice


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing and Information Meeting (Presentation of Proposed Budget and Energy Performance Contract) will be held in person at the Spencerport Administration Building, Room 15 and via livestream at 6:00 p.m. EDST on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. Information regarding virtual attendance will be posted on the District’s website at www. spencerportschools.org

AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, that the annual meeting of the qualified voters of the Spencerport Central School District, budget vote and election will be held on Tuesday May 21, 2024 from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. EDST at the Spencerport Administration Building, 71 Lyell Avenue, Spencerport, NY to vote upon the following items:

1. To adopt the annual budget of the School District for the fiscal year 2024-25 and to authorize the requisite portion thereof to be raised by taxation of property of the District.

2. To adopt the resolution to establish the 2024 Building Capital Reserve.

3. To adopt the resolution to request additional State aid for Energy Savings Contract Improvements.

4. To elect two (2) members of the Board of Education for two 3-year terms (commencing July 1, 2024) to succeed Ms. Leah Brown and Mr. Michael Miceli.

AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that applications for absentee and early mail ballots may be applied for at the office of the Clerk of the School District.

A list of persons to whom absentee and early mail ballots are issued will be available for inspection upon request at the office of the Clerk on each of the 5 days prior to the election except Sundays, and that such list will also be posted at the polling place. Any qualified voter may object to the voting of the ballot upon appropriate grounds for making his/her challenge and the reasons therefore known to the Inspector of Election before the close of the polls.

AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, that the qualified voters of the School District shall be entitled to vote at said annual vote and election. A qualified voter is one who is: (1) a citizen of the United States of America, (2) eighteen years of age or older, and (3) a resident within the School District for a period of thirty (30) days preceding the annual vote and election.

AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that copies of the proposed budget for the 2024-2025 school year may be obtained by any resident in the district during the fourteen (14) days immediately preceding the School Budget Vote at each school building, the public library and on the district website www.spencerportschools.org. If you are unable to access the statement from the District website, please contact the District Clerk.

AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that nominating petitions for candidates for the office of member of the Board of Education must be filed with the Clerk of the School District not later than Monday, April 22, 2024 by 5:00 p.m. (EDST). Each petition for nomination must be directed to the District Clerk; alternatively, candidates can complete and submit forms via email to the District Clerk, mclapper@spencerportschools.org. The petition must state the name and address of the candidate and must be signed by at least twenty-five (25) voters or 2% of the number of voters from the previous annual election, whichever is greater. The number of petitions necessary for 2024-2025 is twenty-seven (27).

AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that military voters or a spouse, parent, child or dependent of a voter as described above, accompanying or being with such voter who are qualified voters of the School District may apply for a military ballot by requesting an application from the District Clerk at 585-349-5101 or mclapper@spencerportschools org as soon as possible, as military ballots must be transmitted by the District by April 26, 2024. The District Clerk must then receive the military voter’s military ballot by mail or in person no later than 5:00 p.m. on May 21, 2024. In a request for a military ballot application or ballot, the military voter may indicate his/her preference for receiving the application or ballot by mail, facsimile transmission or electronic mail.












Marcela Clapper School District Clerk

Dated at Spencerport, New York April 9, 2024

Notice of Formation

Annie Hanley, LCSW Therapy Services, PLLC, filed articles of organization with the NY Secretary of State on 2/20/2024. Office location: Genesee County. SSNY is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of any process to Annie Hanley, 8679 Keeney Rd, Le Roy, NY 14482. Purpose: Licensed Clinical Social Work

Notice of Formation

Notice of Formation of Elite Sports Group LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the New York Department of State on 9/28/2023. Its office is located in Genesee County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: 32 Farnsworth Ave., Oakfield, NY 14125. The purpose of the Company is any lawful activity.

Notice of Formation

Notice of Formation of Freedom Home Renovations LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the New York Department of State on 5/18/2022. Its office is located in Monroe County. The Secretary of State has been designated as agent upon whom process against the Company may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: 206 Nantucket Road, Rochester, NY 14626. The purpose of the Company is any lawful activity.

20 Westside News East and West Editions - May 5, 2024

Legal Notice



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual budget hearing for the qualified voters of the Holley Central School District (the “District”) on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the District Office BOE Room at the Elementary School building on North Main Street in the Village of Holley to present the proposed 2024-2025 budget.

AND NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual School District Meeting and Vote of the District (the “Annual Meeting and Vote”) will be held on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the main entrance foyer of the District’s Middle/High School Building on Lynch Road for the following purposes: (1) electing four members of the Board of Education (the “Board”); (2) voting on the District’s proposed budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year; (3) voting on the purchase of replacement school buses; and (4) raising funds for the Community Free Library; and transacting such other business as authorized by law or rules of the Board.

AND NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that the Board will have prepared and completed a detailed statement in writing of the amount of money which will be required for the 2024-2025 fiscal year for school purposes, specifying the several purposes and the amount for each. Such statement will be prepared and made available upon request to residents of the District from May 7, 2024 through May 21, 2024, during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., prevailing time (exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays) at the main offices in the Elementary School and the Middle/High School or at the District Office in the Elementary School.

AND NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that an election for members of the Board shall be held to fill four (4) positions on the Board consisting of the following: 3 three-year terms (resulting from the expiration of the terms of Anne Smith, Brian McKeon, and Salvatore De Luca, Jr.) and a two-year term (resulting from the resignation of Robin Silvis, which seat is currently held by Board appointee Jennifer Reisman). The three candidates with the highest vote totals will be elected to three (3) year terms commencing July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2027. The candidate with the fourth highest vote total will be elected to a two-year term of office commencing May 22, 2024 and ending June 30, 2026.

AND NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that candidates for the office of member of the Board shall be nominated by petition, and that such petitions must be filed in the office of the Clerk of the District between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., not later than April 22, 2024. Each petition shall be filed in the office of the Clerk of the District, shall be signed by at least 25 qualified voters of the District, or two percent of the number of voters who voted in the previous Annual Meeting and Vote, whichever is greater, shall state the residence of each signer and shall state the name and residence of the candidate. Petitions may be obtained from the District Clerk in the Elementary School building during regular business hours Monday through Friday (except holidays).

AND NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that voting at the Annual Meeting and Vote shall consist of voting on the election of four members of the Board, and voting on the following propositions, and voting on such other propositions as may be authorized by law and the rules of the Board:

NO. 1


2024-2025 BUDGET

Shall the following resolution be adopted, to wit:

“RESOLVED, that the budget for the Holley Central School District (the “District”) for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025, as presented by the Board of Education of the District, is hereby approved and adopted and the required funds therefor are hereby appropriated, and the necessary real property taxes required shall be raised by a tax on the taxable real property in the District to be levied and collected as required by law.”


Shall the following resolution be adopted, to wit:

“RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of Holley Central School District be authorized to purchase replacement school buses at an aggregate estimated maximum cost of $363,000, with the cost thereof to be raised by the levy of a tax upon the taxable real property of the School District, to be collected in annual installments and partially offset by state aid, and in anticipation of such tax, such debt obligations of the School District as may be necessary (including obligations in the form of lease/purchase or installment purchase contracts having a term of not more than five years), not to exceed such estimated maximum cost, shall be issued.”



Shall the following resolution be adopted, to wit:

“RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of Holley Central School District, pursuant to Section 259 of the Education Law of the State of New York, be authorized and empowered to levy and collect an annual tax, year after year, separate and apart from the annual District budget, in the amount of $206,840 which shall be paid to the Community Free Library, Holley, New York for the support and maintenance of that library; with this appropriated amount to be the annual appropriation until thereafter modified by a future vote of the qualified voters of the District.”

AND NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that qualified voters may obtain applications for absentee and early mail ballots from the office of the Clerk of the District in the Elementary School building between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., prevailing time. Completed applications for absentee and early mail ballots must be received by the District Clerk no later than Tuesday, May 14, 2024, if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, and no later than Monday, May 20, 2024, if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter. No absentee or early mail ballot will be counted unless it has been received at the office of the Clerk of the District not later than 5:00 p.m. on May 21, 2024, the day of the election. A listing of all persons to whom absentee and early mail ballots have been issued will be available for inspection by any qualified voter of the District at the District Clerk’s office on each of the five days prior to the election, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.

AND NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that a District resident unable to vote because of military service, as defined by Regulations of the Commissioner (Part 122), who is absent from the District on the day of the election, or the spouse, parent, child or dependent of a voter as described above, accompanying or being with such voter, if a qualified voter of the State of New York and a resident of the District, may request an application for a military ballot. Applications may be obtained from Connie Nenni, District Clerk, by mail at 3800 North Main Street, Holley, NY 14470, by telephone at (585) 638-6316, Ext. 2003 or by email at cnenni@holleycsd.org. In a request for a military ballot application or ballot, the military voter may indicate his/her preference for receiving the application or ballot by mail, facsimile transmission or electronic mail. Ballot applications must be received by the District Clerk not later than 5:00 p.m. on April 25, 2024, and military ballots must be received at the District Clerk’s office not later than 5:00 p.m. on May 21, 2024, the day of the election.

AND NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that District residents are encouraged to closely monitor the District’s website at www.holleycsd.org for the most up-to-date information concerning the District’s Annual Meeting and Vote.

Connie Nenni, District Clerk

Dated: March 29, 2024 Holley Central School District

Legal Notice

Town of Kendall

Please take notice that due to the school election being held at the Kendall Town Hall on Tuesday, May 21st, 2024, the monthly meeting of the Kendall Town Board will be rescheduled to May 23rd, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.

By Order of the Kendall Town Board

Legal Notice

Town of Clarkson

Introductory Local Law #4-2024

Amending the existing regulations relating to Clarkson’s dog control.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Town Board of the Town of Clarkson shall hold a Public Hearing at the Town Hall, 3710 Lake Road, Clarkson, NY 14430, on the 14th day of May, 2024 at 6:00 pm to consider adoption of the following local law: INTRODUCTORY LOCAL LAW #4-2024

The proposed Local Law would amend the existing regulations relating to dog control within the Town of Clarkson. By way of example, these regulations include: dog barking, dog leashing, nuisance behavior and humane treatment of dogs, all as more particularly described in such Local Law.

A full and complete text of such proposed Local Law may be found at www.clarksonny.org, under “Legal Notices”, and is presently on file at the Office of the Town Clerk where it may be examined by all interested persons during normal business hours.

All interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard.

Dated: April 24, 2024

By Order of the Clarkson Town Board

Susan Henshaw Town Clerk

Legal Notice


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing/presentation of the Kendall Central School District, Orleans and Monroe Counties, Kendall, NY 14476 will be held at the Kendall JSHS Library. The public hearing will begin at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 for the presentation of the budget document and introduction of Board of Education candidate(s).

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS GIVEN, that the 2024 vote and board member election will be held on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 between the hours of 6 AM and 9 PM in the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall, NY 14476, at which time the polls will be opened to vote by voting machine upon the following items:

1. To adopt the annual budget of the Kendall Central School District for the fiscal year 20242025 and to authorize the requisite portion thereof to be raised by taxable property of the District.

2. Transportation Shall the following resolution be adopted by the Board of Education?

RESOLVED, to authorize the purchase of motor vehicles for use in the transportation program of the District, including passenger buses, and expend therefore an aggregate sum not to exceed $350,000 and be it further RESOLVED, that the sum of $350,000 being the aggregate of the aforesaid maximum estimated amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be raised by the appropriation of the amount of $350,000 from the School Bus Reserve Fund with the remainder to be raised by the levy of a tax upon the taxable property in the District and collected in annual installments as provided in Section 416 of the Education Law, and in anticipation of such tax, obligations of the District shall be issued: and be it further RESOLVED that the District shall be authorized to enter into one or more purchase contracts, installment purchase contracts or leases with a term of up to five years, and otherwise on terms satisfactory to the Board of Education, with respect to one or more of the vehicles hereby authorized to be acquired.

3. To elect one (1) member to the Board of Education for a term of five years commencing July 1, 2024 and expiring June 30, 2029.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS GIVEN that a copy of the statement of the amount of money which will be required to fund the School District’s budget for 2024-2025, exclusive of public monies, and the tax exemption report may be obtained by any resident of the District during the fourteen (14) days immediately preceding the school vote and election except Saturday, Sunday or holidays, and on the date of the election, at the offices of each of the following schoolhouses in which school is maintained during 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM: Kendall Elementary School, 1932 Kendall Road, Kendall, NY 14476; Kendall Junior-Senior High School, 16887 Roosevelt Highway, Kendall, NY 14476; and Kendall Central School District Office, 1932 Kendall Road, Kendall, NY 14476.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS GIVEN that petitions nominating candidates for the office of member of the Board of Education shall be filed with the District Clerk at the Clerk’s Office in the Kendall Elementary School Building, 1932 Kendall Road, Kendall, NY 14476, not later than April 22, 2024, between 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Each petition shall be directed to the District Clerk of said District. Complete candidate qualifications can be obtained from the District Clerk at 585-659-2741. The petition must state the name and residence in the Kendall School District of the candidate.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS GIVEN that absentee ballot applications may be obtained between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, except holidays, from the District Clerk in the District Office at 1932 Kendall Road, Kendall, NY 14476. The District Clerk must receive completed applications at least seven (7) days before the election if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or the day before the election, if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter. Absentee ballots must be received by the District Clerk not later than 5:00 P.M. on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at the District Office. A list of persons to whom absentee ballots are issued will be available for inspection to qualified voters of the District in the Office of the District Clerk at 1932 Kendall Road, Kendall, NY, on and after May 15, 2024 between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM except for Saturday and Sunday and on the day of the election, and said list will be posted at the polling place at the election.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS GIVEN that early voter applications may be obtained between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, except holidays, from the District Clerk in the District Office at 1932 Kendall Road, Kendall, NY 14476. The District Clerk must receive completed applications at least seven (7) days before the election if the ballot is to be mailed to the vot-

er, or the day before the election, if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter. Early voter ballots must be received by the District Clerk not later than 5:00 P.M. on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at the District Office. A list of persons to whom early voter ballots are issued will be available for inspection to qualified voters of the District in the Office of the District Clerk at 1932 Kendall Road, Kendall, NY, on and after May 15, 2024 between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM except for Saturday and Sunday and on the day of the election, and said list will be posted at the polling place at the election.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS GIVEN that military voters as defined by Commissioner’s regulation Part 122 who are qualified voters of the District may apply for a military ballot during school business hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM at the District Clerk’s Office, 1932 Kendall Road, Kendall, NY 14476. A military voter may designate a preference to receive a military ballot application/military ballot by mail, facsimile transmission or electronic mail in their request for such application/ballot. Completed applications for military ballots must be received by the District Clerk no later than 4:00 PM. on April 26, 2024. Ballots for military voters shall be mailed, or otherwise distributed, no later than twenty-five (25) days prior to the election. Completed military ballots must be received by the District Clerk no later than 5 PM on the day of the election in order to be canvassed.

A list of persons to whom military ballots are issued will be available for inspection to qualified voters of the District in the District Clerk’s Office at 1932 Kendall Road, Kendall, NY 14476, on and after May 15, 2024 between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, except for Saturday and Sunday and on the day of the election, and said list will be posted at the polling place at the election.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS GIVEN, that the qualified voters of the School District shall be entitled to vote at said annual vote and member election. A qualified voter is one who is (1) a citizen of the United States of America, (2) eighteen years of age or older, and (3) resident within the School District for a period of thirty (30) days next preceding the annual vote and election. The School District may require all persons offering to vote at the budget vote and election to provide one form of proof of residency pursuant to Education Law 2018-c. Such forms may include picture identification, a driver’s license, a nondriver identification card, a utility bill, or a voter registration card. Upon offer of proof of residency, the School District may also require all persons offering to vote to provide their signature, printed name and address.

AND FURTHER NOTICE IS GIVEN, that pursuant to a rule adopted by the Board of Education in accordance with Sections 2035 and 2008 of the Education Law, any referenda or propositions to amend the budget, or otherwise, to be submitted for voting at said election, must be filed with the Board of Education at the District Office on or before April 22, 2024 at 4:00 P.M.; must be typed or printed in English; must be directed to the District Clerk in the District Office, and must comply with District policy on the topic.

Audra Keirn, School District Clerk Kendall Central School District

Legal Notice

Town of Kendall

Notice of completion of Tentative Assessment Roll (Pursuant to section 506 & 526 of the Real Property Tax Law)

Notice is hereby given that the Tentative Assessment Roll for 2024 has been completed by the Assessor for the Town of Kendall, County of Orleans. The Tentative Roll will be filed on May 1st and is available for inspection at the Assessor’s Office (1873 Kendall Road Kendall, NY 14476) until the fourth Tuesday in May, 2024 or online at www.orleansny.com under the Department of Real Property.

The Assessor will be in attendance with the Tentative Assessment Roll on May 9th, 16th, & 23rd 2024 9:00a.m.-2:30 p.m.

To schedule an appointment please Call (585-659-8721 ext. 4)

The BOARD OF ASSESSMENT REVIEW will meet on May 28th, 2024 between the hours of 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road Kendall, NY 14476 to hear and examine all complaints in relation to Assessments on the application of any person believing himself to be aggrieved. Please call 585-659-8721 ext. 4 to schedule an appointment time.

A publication containing procedures for contesting an Assessment is available at the Assessor’s Office or online at http://www.tax.ny.gov/pit/ property/contest/contestasmt.htm

Lisa Hewitt

Assessor Town of Kendall

Westside News East and West Editions - May 5, 2024 21

Brockport University-Community Chorus’ ends season with Here Comes the Sun!

Now that the Total Solar Eclipse is behind us, and springtime is nudging its way into our lives again, it is time to celebrate that big yellow orb in the sky. Here Comes the Sun! is the sunshine (and moonbeam)-themed concert being performed by the Brockport University-Community Chorus on Saturday, May 11, at 7:30 p.m., in the Tower Fine Arts Center, 180 Holley Street, on the SUNY Brockport campus. Ticket prices are $17/general, $12/seniors, SUNY Brockport alumni, faculty, and staff, and

$9/students and are available online at fineartstix. brockport.edu, by phone at 585-395-2787 or at the Tower Box Office.

The chorus’ music director, Lisa Lancia, has programmed an evening of music that will take the audience on a celestial tour, including stars, the moon, the sun, and everything else in the skies above us. From a kyrie based on Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata” to the moon in the seventh house in

a medley of Hair’s “Aquarius” and “Let the Sunshine In;” from the (sea of) tranquility of “Moon River” to the marvelous night for a “Moondance;” from the moon hitting your eye in “That’s Amore” to George Harrison’s Beatles classic “Here Comes the Sun,” the evening will be a night for celebration.

Provided information and photo

Brockport Volunteer Firefighter’s Association holds 192nd Anniversary Banquet

Story and photos by

Brockport Firefighters gathered with family and friends, elected officials, and members of the Brockport American Legion Post 379 on April 27 to celebrate the 192nd Anniversary of the department. Association officers also presented their annual Service Awards for years of service, and their newly instituted awards for lifesaving and heroism. Over 130 people were in attendance to share in the presentations. Bo Jaxon of WBEE 92.5 served as the Master of Ceremonies and provided music during the entire event.

The following were recognized for their many, many years of service to the community and to the department:

•75 YEARS – Mabel Koss

•60 YEARS – A. Gary Zimmer

•55 YEARS – Richard Gillespie, Charles Sanford, Judith Pratt, Charlene Whipple and James Sauberan

•50 YEARS – Michael Koss

•45 YEARS – Howard Henick, Deborah Hoy, Douglas Bopp, John Alexander, Larry Bidwell, and Peter Hare

the mission of the Brockport Volunteer Firefighter’s Association and specifically the President. The 2023 awards were presented to Scott Smith and

The heroism awards spanned the two full years

Chief José Medina was recognized by then Chief Scott Wainwright for the harrowing rescue in 2022 assisting the man from the burning vehicle on Salmon Creek Road. Chief Medina was also pre-

•40 YEARS – Scott Smith, Linda McMillion, and Christian McCullough

•35 YEARS – Raymond Kutterhoff, Rebecca Conrow, Lawrence Siegfried and Rosemary Smith

•30 YEARS – Michael Henry and Scott Elliott

•25 YEARS – Lucas VanDervort, James Toole and Deborah McFarland.

The President’s Award was presented to two individuals who stood out among others in supporting

microphone to present the heroism awards for 2023. Calling up Mary Smith, Tim Smith and Zach Alexander, the Chief retold the story of how they responded to assist in forced entry to an apartment on Owens Road. On arrival they found the victim was continuing to bleed uncontrollably despite law enforcement efforts to stop it, as they awaited the arrival of the ambulance. This crew was able to provide emergency medical services efforts reducing the bleed and also contributing to saving the life of another.

The response and Chief’s awards were given to the personnel who topped the charts in their category of participation. Zach Alexander was presented with the Top Responder in two categories: Calls Taken and Training Hours. Brian Smith was recognized as the Top Responding Officer and Cheryl Weist was named Top Responding Fire Police Officer. The Chief’s Award was presented to the Recruitment & Retention Team.

Officers from the American Legion Post 379 in Brockport were in attendance to present their Firefighter of the Year Award to Past Assistant Chief Allan Hoy for his many years of service to the community, the department, and to his family, the building blocks they choose to recognize in their organization. Post Commander Jack Tangen and Post Adjutant Bill Fine thanked Hoy for his service while they presented the award and also presented a donation to the Association.

American Legion Post 379 names Allan Hoy Firefighter of the Year

Members of the American Legion Harsch Crisp Seaman Post 379 in Brockport selected Allan Hoy as Firefighter of the Year for 2023. Hoy was nominated by the Law & Order Committee. Post Commander Jack Tangen and Post Adjutant Bill Fine attended the Brockport Volunteer Firefighter’s Association Annual Banquet and Awards Ceremony on April 27 to make the presentation among Hoy’s peers.

Commander Tangen expressed the American Legion’s appreciation and gratitude for Hoy citing excerpts from the nomination.

Past Chief Hoy has been an above active volunteer firefighter since joining the department in 1976. He has served in a variety of leadership roles to include Lieutenant, Captain, Assistant Chief, as well as Vice President and President of his fire company. He is a Life Member of the Western New York Volunteer Firemen’s Association and has received many accolades during his tenure with the department. Hoy was recognized for his participation in several large-scale incidents and for his overall high level of activity. He was named Top Responder in 2023,

attesting to his continued activity as a firefighter.

In addition to his life of service as a volunteer firefighter, Allan became active in town government (in between fire calls, it seems). He first served the Town of Clarkson on the Planning Board from 1993 to mid-1994. He then became a Town Council Member in September 1994 and served on the Town Board for over 27 years. As a Board Member, he had a variety of assignments and duties. He was on the Sweden-Clarkson Recreation and Parks Advisory Board for six years, the Community Activity Center Committee, and the Joint Municipal Committee on Fire Protection for three years. He also served as one of the Commissioners for the Brockport-Clarkson-Sweden Joint Recreation Commission from 1996 to 2002.

Firefighter Hoy strives to provide a better quality of life for his family, his community, and his fire department. It is because of his extensive service as a firefighter and his dedication to the community over his many years on the Board and his committee assignments that he was selected to receive this award.

22 Westside News East and West Editions - May 5, 2024
President’s Award recipients Mabel Koss 2023 Heroism Award recipients with local officials. 2022 Heroism Award recipients with local officials. Zach Alexander (second from left) received Top Responder awards in Calls Taken and Training Hours. Cheryl Weist Brian Smith The Chief’s Award was presented to the Recruitment & Retention Team. Pictured are (l-r) Post Adjutant Bill Fine, Allan Hoy, and Post Commander Jack Tangen. Photo by Christopher R. Martin.

Art workshops at area libraries

Free art workshops for youth and adults are coming to four Monroe County libraries over the coming months. Contact the libraries for more information.

Ogden Farmers’ Library

269 Ogden Center Road, Spencerport 585-617-6181

•Monoprint Workshop – June 17, 6 to 7:30 p.m., adult

•Altered Books Workshop – August 5, 6 to 7:30 p.m., adult

•Hand Bookbinding – September 16, 6 to 7:30 p.m., adult

•Plaster Casting – October 22, 6 to 7:30 p.m., adult

Scottsville Free Library 28 Main Street, Scottsville 889-2023

•Altered Books Workshop – July 11, 5:30 to 7 p.m., adult

•Paper Making Workshop – September 14, 10:30 a.m. to noon, adult

Newman Riga Library 1 South Main Street, Churchville 293-2009

•Box Making Workshop – May 7, 6 to 7:30 p.m., adult

•Box Making Workshop – May 18, 11

a.m. to 12:30 p.m., youth

•Altered Book – September 12, 2 to 3:30 p.m., adult

•Altered Book – October 19, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., youth

East Rochester Public Library 317 Main Street, East Rochester 585-586-8302 ext. 129

•Van Dyke Photography Workshop – June 22, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., youth

•Cyanotype Photography Workshop – June 29, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., youth

•Boxmaking Workshop – July 13, 11

a.m. to 12:30 p.m., youth

•Monoprint Workshop – July 20, 11

a.m. to 12:30 p.m., adult


This project is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrants Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of The Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by the Genesee Valley Council on the Arts. Provided information


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Westside News East and West Editions - May 5, 2024 23
EAST EDITION Chili Area Arrow Mart – 4179 Buffalo Rd. Arrow Mart – 3774 Chili Ave. College Green Apartments – 45 College Greene Dr. Food Towne – 4390 Buffalo Rd. Kwik Fill – 4385 Buffalo Rd. Meadowbrook Apartments – 1 Meadow Farm S. Roberts Wesleyan University – 2301 Westside Dr. Union Meadows Apartments – Union Square Blvd. Churchville-Riga Area ANG Market – 7127 Buffalo Rd. Babe’s Salon – 7 Fitch St. Churchville Greene – Greenway Blvd. Crosby’s – 2 East Buffalo St. Ehr-Dale Heights – 1 William James Dr. Town & Country Trailer Park – 5839 Chili Ave. Hilton-Parma Area 7 Eleven – 15 Lake Ave. Ace Swim & Leisure – 610 North Greece Rd. Arlington Restaurant – 4 Main St. Crosby’s – 1228 Hilton-Parma Corners Rd. CVS – 84 South Ave. Hilton East – 231 East Ave. Hilton Pharmacy – 32 Main St. North Greece Deli – 502 Long Pond Rd. Pleasure Lanes – 144 South Ave. Tops Market – 98 South Ave. Spencerport-Ogden Area 7 Eleven – 161 South Union St. Abe’s Restaurant – 5232 Ridge Rd. W. Big M Market – 1520 Spencerport Rd. Brewski’s – 5019 Ridge Rd. W. Byrne Dairy – 2295 Spencerport Rd. DJ’s Pizza – 2139 North Union St. Joe’s Mart Gas Station – 5028 Ridge Rd. W. NAPA – 380 South Union St. Ogden Gardens, 20 Kingsford Lane Ogden Senior Center – 200 South Union St. Ogden Town Hall – 269 Ogden Center Rd. Slayton Place – 26 Slayton Ave. Spencerport Family Apothecary – 42 Nichols St. Sullivan’s Charbroil – 4712 Ridge Rd. W. Tops Market – 27 Slayton Ave. Trowbridge Apartments – 67 Lyell Ave. Valero Gas Station – 2371 Spencerport Rd. Walgreens – 2841 Nichols St. Yellow Goose Gas Station – 3512 Brockport-Spencerport Rd. WEST EDITION Bergen Area 7 Eleven – 8400 Buffalo Rd. Bergen Meadows – 6619 N. Lake Rd. C Store – 8073 Clinton St. Rd. (Route 33) Hidden Meadows – Hidden Meadows Dr. Ralph & Rosie’s Deli – 19 N. Lake Rd. Rose Garden Bowl – 21 Buffalo Rd. Brockport-Clarkson Area Crosby’s – 8389 West Ridge Rd. Seymour Library – 161 East Ave. Wellington Woods – 702 Wellington Woods Dr. S. Brockport-Sweden Area Byrne Dairy – 5550 Brockport-Spencerport Rd. Brockport Diner – 11 Erie St. Crosby’s – 4614 Lake Rd. Kwik Fill – 82 Main St. Lift Bridge Book Shop – 45 Main St. Mobil On the Run Gas Station – 4118 Lake Rd. Royal Gardens Apartments – 100 Royal Gardens Way The Landing – 90 West Ave. Hamlin Area Bradford Manor Apartments – 161 Victor Lane Brightly’s Farm Market – 525 Drake Rd. Crosby’s – 1449 Lake Rd. Hamlin Library – 1680 Lake Rd. Hamlin Terrace Apartments – 150 Hamlin Terrace Hamlin Town Hall – 1658 Lake Rd. Krony’s Pizza – 500 Hamlin Clarkson TL Rd. Nina’s Golden Scissors – 1765 Lake Rd. Pettinari’s – 918 Roosevelt Hwy. Tops Market – 1800 Lake Rd. Holley-Clarendon Area Akley Apartments – 17179 4th Section Rd. Crosby’s – 4541 Holley-Byron Rd. Holley-Murray Area Crosby’s – 35 State St. Hickory Ridge Campground – 15853 Lynch Rd. Holley Grove Apartments – 121 W. Albion St. Holley Pharmacy – 3 Geddes St. Crosby’s – 16672 State Route 31 Juxtapose Depot – 3570 Fancher Rd. Murray Superette – 16573 Ridge Rd. Woodside Court Apartments – 121 W. Albion St. Kendall-Kent Area Crosby’s – 16825 Roosevelt Hwy. Schwenk’s Winery – 1456 Bills Rd. Westside News East & West Editions can be picked up at the following locations, also on our website westsidenewsny.com LANDSCAPING evergreenlandscapingny.net (585) 392-9700 We Dig The Westside!!
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The Town of Kendall has recently taken ownership of Curtis Park, at 1223 Countyline Road, in Morton, through a generous donation by Morton Fire Company. This offers the public a variety of possible uses for this property.

The Town Board wants to hear ideas and suggestions from the community - all parts of the community - as to how this land should be utilized. Please send any ideas or comments to the attention of Amy Richardson, Town Clerk, phone 585-6598721, ext. 1, or email clerk@townofkendall.com, or come in person during office hours.

Councilwoman Flow is seeking representatives of various demographics to participate on a small committee whose mission will be to guide the utilization of this new public asset. Please contact her at bflow@townofkendall.com if you are interested in serving.


The Kendall Highway Department will carry out a SPRING CLEAN-UP OF TREES AND BRUSH

Please cut trees and brush to no longer than six ft. lengths, and place parallel to the road. Please have brush at your curbside before MAy 6th, 2024 TREES & BRUSH ONLy (No garbage or junk)

For more information, contact Highway Superintendent Eric Maxon at 659-8721 ext.

Senior Nutrition Program moves to Community Center

The Monroe County Senior Nutrition Program operated by Lifetime Assistance at the former Sweden Senior Center, 133 State Street, will move to the Sweden/Clarkson Community Center, 4927 Lake Road starting Tuesday, May 14. Lifetime Assistance has operated the nutrition program at the Sweden State Street site since 2009. The move to the Community Center is in anticipation of the sale of the building later this summer. Lifetime Assistance, the Monroe County Office of the Aging, and the

Sweden/Clarkson Recreation Department have expressed enthusiasm for the move as a way to reach more seniors and encourage long-time nutrition program attendees to participate in more and different recreational and educational activities. Nutrition program hours, related programs, and staffing will remain the same. For more information about the nutrition program, call Lifetime Assistance at 426-4120 ext. 3215.

Provided information

school districts team up to “Stick It” to T1 Diabetes

The Byron-Bergen, Elba, and Oakfield-Alabama learning communities are teaming up to “stick it to type one diabetes.” All three districts have students and staff affected by Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) and are working together to make a big impact at the largest T1D event in the world.

On Sunday, May 19, the three communities will come together at Sea Breeze Park for the annual JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) One Walk. The global initiative raises millions of dollars for T1D treatments and cures but, for this team, it’s personal.

“Oakfield-Alabama is proud to partner with our neighboring school districts and community members to support this cause,” said Oakfield-Alabama Superintendent John Fisgus. “So many people are affected by Type 1 Diabetes, and it is so important to raise awareness and join forces in these events.”

“I have two daughters, Sophia and Mckenna, with Type 1 Diabetes and I’m so grateful for the support from their Oakfield-Alabama school community,” said ‘Stick It’ team captain Mary Hughes, herself a staff member at Byron-Bergen. “I’m also amazed by how the Byron-Bergen community rallied to support me and my family when my second daughter was diagnosed last December.”

The same month that Hughes’ second daughter received her T1D diagnosis, Michael, a kindergarten student at Elba was also diagnosed.

“The Elba community has been amazing during Michael’s new diagnosis and has allowed his friends in school to learn about Type 1 Diabetes,” said Michael’s mother, Ashley Diehl. “Mary and I have been friends for years and now our children are in this together. We’ve joined forces to bring awareness to Type 1 Diabetes so others can look out for signs of diabetes in people who are undiagnosed and so our friends and family can help us work toward a cure.”

“Elba Central School is pleased to participate in the walk to raise funds for JDRF,” said Elba Central School District’s Gretchen Rosales. “One of the cornerstones of Elba Central is to come together for our school family; when one of our Lancers is in need, we are all ready to help. Similarly, the Byron-Bergen and Oakfield-Alabama school districts operate with a shared mission - our school families support each other. I am pleased to join with Mr. McGee and Mr. Fisgus and the three-school community to fight for the collective future of all families in need. We are proud to be united in this effort.”

Each year the JDRF One Walk brings over 900,000 participants together worldwide, but team “Stick It” isn’t stopping there. Members of Team “Stick It” are heading to the Buffalo Marathon on May 26. Michael’s father, Jimmy Diehl, and Byron-Bergen Director of Instructional Services Betsy Brown will both run the half marathon. Oakfield-Alabama SRO Jordan Alejandro, Byron-Bergen SRO Josh Brabon, Byron-Bergen Athletics Secretary Mary Hughes, Byron-Bergen High School Counselor Kristie Holler, and Oakfield-Alabama Teacher Jen Prichett will run the full marathon to raise awareness for T1D.

“Byron-Bergen is all about taking action to support our community,” said Byron-Bergen Superintendent Pat McGee. “I’m proud to see the Bees hit the pavement with our friends and neighbors to raise awareness and support for our community members living with Type 1 Diabetes.”

“Our team’s goal is to educate our friends and family about Type 1 Diabetes and the research that is needed to find a cure for our kiddos and people everywhere,” said Hughes.

For more information about these events or Team “Stick It,” visit the JDRF “Stick It” team page at https:// tinyurl.com/5fk9cm4j. Provided information and photo

24 Westside News - West Edition - May 5, 2024
Travel with Cathy... “Where the fun Begins” Call 585-250-8103 or visit www.Travelwithcathy.com 2024 Group Tour offers: NYCity via Amtrak July 18-21 • $675 pp/dbl Explore the city on your own. Add on NY Yankee ticket and more. Great family trip with children rates $95-185 Explore Maine Aug 4-10 • $2350 pp/dbl 14 meals including Lobsterbake… so much more Mackinac Island Sep 14-18 • $1495 pp/dbl 2 nights on Island Elk Tour, Frankenmuth… more Macy’s Day Parade Nov 20-23 • $950 pp/dbl Hotel 3 blocks from parade route. Great Family trip. Children rates $95-185 PUBLIC NOTICE
6 Upton St. Hilton, NY 14468 585-254-1545 WE ARE OPEN FOR SERVICE! GREAT LAKES CLASSIC CARS is Upstate New York’s premiere pre-owned, specialty, and classic car dealer. We have expanded and built an all new service building to better serve the automotive needs of our community and fellow car enthusiasts. Bring us your modern or vintage vehicle for regular maintenance, conventional service or specialized custom requests. Call us and schedule your next service visit. No charge vehicle check over, tire rotation or oil/fiilter change with any service over $300. f NEW CUSTOMERS Christopher MitChell Funeralhomes www.MitchellFamilyFuneralhomes.com info@mitchellfamilyfhs.com Mitchell Family Cremations & Funerals, inc. 67 years as a family owned, 3 generation business. David Mitchell • Joshua Mitchell • Paula Fuller • Scott Schmidt 16650statert. 31 holley 585-638-6397 21 West Ave. Albion 585-589-4471 Three
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Team “Stick It” pictured from left: front – Oakfield-Alabama Teacher Jen Prichett, ByronBergen Athletics Secretary and Oakfield-Alabama parent Mary Hughes, Byron-Bergen Director of Instructional Services Betsy Brown; back – Byron-Bergen High School Counselor Kristie Holler, Oakfield-Alabama SRO Jordan Alejandro, Elba parent Jimmy Diehl, and Byron-Bergen SRO Josh Brabo

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