Serving the communities of Hamlin, Clarkson, Kendall, Bergen, Clarendon, Holley-Murray, Brockport-Sweden

Serving the communities of Hamlin, Clarkson, Kendall, Bergen, Clarendon, Holley-Murray, Brockport-Sweden
by Margay Blackman, Brockport Village Mayor
In 1897 the Village of Brockport formalized the police department, appointing Giles Hoyt the first Chief. Hoyt served in the position for 43 years, retiring in 1940.
Recently, I sat down with Chief Paul Wheat to interview him about his journey into policing and his new position as Brockport’s tenth police Chief.
The appeal of policing came to Paul early in life. As a student at Brockport’s Nativity BVM school, he daydreamed about being on call for police jobs. The allure of policing followed him into his teen years. Directly across from the Wheat family home on Holley Street was a student rental, where the police were regularly summoned for noise and other village ordinance violations. Paul’s bedroom window offered an unobstructed view of the rental house and a front-row seat to late-night Brockport police activity, which he took full advantage of.
High School for an MCC program called “New Visions,” a precursor to the popular SUNY Brockport 3-1-3 program that offers college credit to high school students. The New Visions program offered two tracks at MCC: law enforcement and medicine. Not surprisingly, Paul chose law enforcement. His coursework included an internship with the Rochester Police Department (RPD), followed by an internship with the Brockport Police Department (BPD). At the BPD, he mapped auto accidents and did a lot of ride-alongs. Working with Chief Gary Zimmer, Paul said he found the BPD command staff more hands-on than the RPD.
His biggest takeaway from the New Visions program was not to major in criminal justice in college; you’ll learn policing through the police academy. Nonetheless, at SUNY Oswego, he ended up majoring in Public Justice (aka Criminal Justice).
His police interest stoked by his late-night observations, Paul signed up at Brockport
continued on page 5
The Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments (GO Health) are offering their final 2024 free drive-thru rabies vaccination clinics in October. Funding for the rabies clinics are provided by the New York State Department of Health.
•The Genesee County Rabies Vaccination Clinic will be held on Thursday, October 10, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Genesee County Fairgrounds, 5056 East Main Street, Batavia.
•The Orleans County Rabies Vaccination Clinic will be held on Saturday, October 19, from 9 to 11:30 a.m. at the Orleans County Fairgrounds, 12690 State Route 31, Albion.
Vaccinations are free for dogs, cats and ferrets. Animals must be at least three months old. Each animal must be leashed or crated and accompanied by an adult who can control the animal. Limit of four pets per car maximum.
“We encourage all Genesee and Orleans County residents to take advantage of our last rabies immunization clinics of 2024 and ensure their pets are protected against rabies,” stated Paul Pettit, Public Health Director for GO Health. “Rabies continues to be a serious public health concern in both counties and is a preventable viral disease.”
For more information about GO Health Programs and services, visit GOHealthNY.org. Provided information
The Parma Hilton Historical Society (PHHS) has several interesting events coming in October.
On Saturday, October 12, at 10:30 a.m., members of the PHHS Museum will host a tour of the Parma Hoosic Hill Cemetery at the corner Manitou and Ridge Roads. Attendees will hear stories of prominent residents buried there. This event is organized in association with the Parma Public Library. Register at https://calendar.libraryweb. org/event/12859213. Note: the cemetery is on a hill, so is not handicapped accessible. Park in the vacant lot to the right of Bob Johnson’s Budget lot.
On Monday, October 14, at 7 p.m., Dan Cody will talk about “The Devastating Rochester Pandemic of 1918.” This event was much worse than the recent 2020-2022 Covid outbreak due to the lack of medicine and hospital care. Many millions died around the world. In fact, one whole section of Mt. Hope Cemetery is the burial place of many victims. The presentation will be held at the Hilton Community Center, 59 Henry Street.
On Tuesday, October 22, at 10 a.m., a historic marker will be dedicated at the corner of Parma Center and Hilton-Parma Corners Road (Rt. 259) to remember the Knox-Odell General Store that went through many owners and businesses, and was even a stop on the Underground Railroad.
For more information on the Parma Hilton Historical Society and its programs, visit https://www. parmahiltonhistoricalsociety.com. Provided information
There is a vacancy on the Town of Sweden Planning Board. The seven-member board reviews subdivision and site plan applications. The Board also makes or reviews recommendations concerning Land Use and Subdivision Regulations and pertinent sections of the Sweden Town Code.
Members serve seven-year terms and generally meet the second and fourth Monday of the month. The current vacancy has a term that expires December 31, 2027. there is a small stipend attached to the appointment.
Planning Board members must be residents of the Town of Sweden. Interested residents should send a letter and resume to Sweden Supervisor Patricia Hayles, 18 State St., Brockport, NY 14420 or to supervisor@townofsweden.org by October 18, 2024.
Position Available - Part Time
Secretary/Treasurer for the Kendall Fire District
Job Duties Include:
Attending monthly meetings and taking minutes
- 2nd Tuesday of the month
Pay bills, Prepare budget, Prepare financial reports, Good with figures
Please submit resume to:
Job Posting
P.O. Box 317, Kendall, NY 14476
Any questions regarding the positionplease call Melissa Schultz at 738-1388.
Highway Department ~ 3623 Lake Road ~ 585-637-1132
Brush & Leaves
Monday, October 21st regular brush pick-up starts
Highwaywilldo onesweepthroughtown.Leavebrushin6’lengths,parallelw/road.
• Mondays, October 21st, 28th and November 4th leaf pick-up starts
• Available year-round bringbrush/leavestotheTransferStation,3078RedmanRd. (1-mileNofRidge)onWed.2-7,Sat.8-4.Nopermitrequired.
• Available year-round callHighwaytoreservethe6’x12’brushtrailer(NC)fordrop offatyourhome,basedonavailability.
Junk Days @ Highway Dept.
• Friday, October 25th 9:00am–4:00pm
•Saturday, October 26th 8:00am–4:00pm •Max.of5pick-uptruckloadsperhousehold.
•Accepting FREE collectionofelectronicequipment.
• Additional charge: Car/PickupTires$2.00ea.LargeTruckTires $10.00ea. LargeTractorTires$20.00ea.PropaneTanks-new$2.00ea. Refrigerators/Freezers $25.00 ea. A/C units & Dehumidifiers $10.00 ea. NO household garbage, hazardous waste materials, boats, or motor vehicles of any size.
OUR Town of Sweden Residents (Outside Village)
October 21, 2024 thru October 25, 2024 BRUSH ONLY! NO OTHER ITEMS TO BE PICKED UP!
Starting Monday, October 21st and continuing thru October 25th, the Town will pick up brush only. Only one pass will be made.
All residents must have the brush at roadside by Monday, October 21st at 7:00 AM.No brush to be placed prior to October 14th. Brush must be no longer than eight (8) feet and piled parallel to the roadside. If there are any questions, please call the Highway Department at 637-3369 or the Town Clerk at 637-2144
Reminder to Residents: For those residents wishing to dispose of brush throughout the year, the Town of Sweden will deliver a truck for overnight use to your residence for homeowners to load for disposal. There is no charge for this service. Because of time constraints, multiple drop-offs are discouraged. This service is not available for private contractors or residents utilizing private contractors for tree and landscaping services. Residents may also drop brush off at the highway garage during normal business hours. Please call 637-3369 for truck delivery or more information. Brian Ingraham, Superintendent of Highways
We always, all ways give you more www.westsidenewsny.com (585) 352-3411 • FAX (585) 352-4811 P.O. Box 106 1776 Hilton-Parma Corners Road (Route 259) Spencerport, NY 14559
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Published each Sunday by Westside News Inc., Westside News circulates by private carrier and the U.S. Postal Service to free distribution recipients and paid subscribers in Bergen, Brockport-Sweden, Chili, Churchville-Riga, Clarendon, Clarkson, Hamlin, Hilton-Parma, Kendall, North Greece, and Spencerport-Ogden. Business offices are located at 1776 Hilton-Parma Corners Road (Route 259), Spencerport, NY 14559. (585) 352-3411. Entered for mailing at Spencerport, NY 14559. Subscription rate is $90 per year.
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Blood Drives
•Upcoming blood donation opportunities: October 7, 1 to 6 p.m., Brockport Fireman’s Exempt Club, 248 West Avenue, Brockport; October 11, 10 to 2 p.m., Gates Town Hall, 1605 Buffalo Road, Rochester; October 11, 1 to 6 p.m., Ogden Community Center, 269 Ogden Center Road, Spencerport; October 23, 1 to 6 p.m., Ferris Goodridge American Legion Post, 691 Trimmer Road, Spencerport. Make an appointment by visiting RedCrossBlood. org, calling 1-800-RED CROSS, or by using the Red Cross Blood Donor App. For details about the October incentive, visit RedCrossBlood.org/Treat.
Donations Needed
•The Spencerport Kiwanis Club’s fourth annual Winter Coat and Clothing Drive is October 5 through 12. All gently used and new coats, gloves, mittens, scarves, caps, snow pants, and snow boots are greatly appreciated. On Saturday, October 5, and Saturday, October 12, items may be dropped off at the parking lot of Spencerport Bowl between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. From Monday, October 7, through Friday, October 11, items may be delivered to the State Farm Office, 409 South Union Street, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
•Churchville Lions are supporting R-Community Bikes by having a bicycle recycling collection on Saturday, October 19, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Riga Town Highway Garage, 6475 Buffalo Road, Churchville. Drop off used bicycles in any condition. They will be repaired and distributed free of charge to Rochester area children and adults. Donors unable to transport bikes may call 548-2342008 to arrange a pickup.
•The Friends of the Ogden Farmers’ Library are collecting donations for their upcoming Used Book Sale. Accepted donations include good condition hardcover and paperback books for children and adults, DVDs, CDs, games, and jigsaw puzzles. Unaccepted items are text books, encyclopedias, magazines, VHS and cassette tapes. Drop off donations at the library, 269 Ogden Center Road, Spencerport, through Saturday, October 12.
Events & Entertainment
•A weekly foliage report with a detailed map charting fall color progress, vantage points for viewing spectacular foliage, suggested autumn getaways and weekly event listings are available by visiting www.iloveny.com/foliage or calling 800-CALL-NYS (800-225-5697).
•Homesteads for Hope Community Farm, 2185 Manitou Road, Spencerport, hosts Thursdays at the Farm from 5 to 8 p.m. Enjoy live music and grab a bite at the Pizza Grill or Farm Store and Café. There will also be vendors and pony rides. Justin Williams performs October 10. For information, visit homesteadsforhope.org.
•The Gathering Table, free meal, at Brockport First Baptist Church, 124 Main Street, from noon to 1 p.m. on Sunday, October 20. The meal will be chicken/cheddar cheese rice casserole, broccoli, salad, bread, and dessert. All are welcome.
•Brockport Artists’ Guild is holding its Fall Show through November 30 at The Hart Gallery 27, 27 Market Street, Brockport. For information, go to brockportartistsguild.org or hartgallery27.com.
•Jazz at the Beach free concert series will be held at Tropix Nightclub, 4775 Lake Avenue in Charlotte. The concerts begin at 7 p.m. Jimmie Highsmith, Jr. performs October 8. Free parking available, including close handicap access. For information, go to www.ontariobeachentertainment.org.
•Renowned child development expert Dr. Ruth Holland Scott will lead a discussion about her new book, Raising Confident Children, on Friday, October 11, noon to 2 p.m. at the Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County, Kate Gleason Auditorium, 115 South Avenue, Rochester. Her book is designed for any parent seeking to foster their child’s self-esteem and to set them up for lifelong success. Free and open to the public.
•The Great Batavia Train Show is Sunday, October 13, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., at the Richard C. Call Arena on the campus of Genesee Community College in Batavia. Admission is $6 adults, $3 under age 18, and free for children under 13. Over 100 vendors will be offering all scales of model trains and historic railroad items. Parking is free. For information, visit http://www.gsme.org or email bataviatrainshow@gmail.com.
In the event of non-payment when due, an advertiser’s account may be turned over to an attorney for collection and will be liable for all charges paid by Westside News Inc. for collection. If judgments are received against the advertiser, the name of the person and the business will appear in this publication until the judgment is satisfied.
•Soup-to-Go Sale with car-side service on Wednesday, October 9, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., at Adams Basin United Methodist Church, corner of Canal Road and Washington Street. Varieties are: Taco Twist, Loaded Baked Potato, Lasagna Soup, and Quinoa Lentil. Cost is $7 per pint, $12 per quart, and includes Italian bread. Pre-orders requested by Monday, October 7; call Debbi at 469-2197.
•The Kiwanis Club of Greece is holding a DriveThru Chicken BBQ to benefit Honor Flight – Rochester on Saturday, October 12. Pick up between 4 and 6 p.m. at Orchard View Senior Apartments, 1 Orchard View Drive (under the portico). Cost is $20 per dinner and includes chicken, macaroni salad, baked beans, roll, butter, and cookie. $10 of each ticket goes directly to Honor Flight. All tickets will be pre-sold. Visit k02439.site.kiwanis.org and click on Events – Chicken BBQ. For more information or to buy tickets, contact Chris at 585-615-0634 or csortino59@gmail.com.
•The American Legion Auxiliary #379 will serve a Lasagna Dinner on the second Wednesday of the month and a Chicken & Biscuit Dinner on the fourth Wednesday of the month to help support the Brockport Area Veterans Club, 222 West Avenue, Brockport. Both dinners are from 4 to 6 p.m. and are available for dine in or take out. Cost is $12 per person, $6 for veterans. For reservations, call 585-637-5012. (Dinners may vary.)
•2024 Fall Book Sale sponsored by the Friends of the Greece Public Library in Buckman’s Plaza (lower level). Members only preview sale on Friday, October 11, from 4 to 7 p.m. Membership can be purchased at the door: $5 single/$10 family. The sale is open to the public on Saturday, October 12, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Sunday, October 13, from noon to 3 p.m. ($5/bag sale on Sunday). Bring your own bag.
•Sunday Breakfast on October 13, 8 a.m. to noon, at Ferris Goodridge American Legion Post #330, 691 Trimmer Road, Spencerport. All you can eat; $10 per person, $5 for children 10 and under.
•SUNY Brockport’s Friends of Drake Memorial Library is hosting Trivia Night on Tuesday, October 15, 6 to 9 p.m., at Pinewood Country Club, Ogden Parma Town Line Road, Spencerport. Space is limited. Register individually but come as a team of four. Pre-registration is $20. Admission at the door is $25. Dinner is available from 4 to 6 p.m. (not included in registration fee). To register, visit Engage.brockport.edu/events. For information, contact Mary Jo Orzech, morzech@brockport.edu.
•Harvey C. Noone American Legion Auxiliary #954 will be hosting a craft and vendor fair on Saturday, October 12, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Post Home. The Sons will be supplying food and there will be an ice cream truck. Country Junktion will be sponsoring a scarecrow festival. For information, contact Tish Juergens at 293-1364 or email at levans14428@yahoo.com.
•Harvest Dinner on Saturday, October 26, from 4 to 6 p.m. at Morton Baptist Church, 1152 County Line Road, Morton. Menu includes ham w/raisin sauce, Harvard beets, scalloped potatoes, roll, and pie. Dine in or take out. Pre-sale orders needed by October 18. Tickets are $15; call 356-5323 to reserve. There will also be a 50/50 Raffle at the door.
•Brockport: Board Meeting – October 7, 7 p.m.
•Chili: Conservation Board – October 7, 7 p.m.; Architectural Advisory Committee – October 8, 6 p.m.; Planning Board – October 8, 7 p.m. All meeting at the Town Hall – Main Meeting Room.
•Clarkson: Town Board – October 8, 6 p.m., at Town Hall.
•Hamlin: Planning Board – October 7, 7 p.m.
•Kendall: Zoning Board – October 8, 7 p.m., at 1873 Kendall Road.
•Parma: Planning Board – October 7, 7 p.m. at 1300 Hilton Parma Corners Road.
•Riga: Town Board – October 9, 7 p.m.; Planning Board - October 7, 7 p.m.
•Sweden: Town Board – October 8, 6 p.m.
• The Food Cupboard at First Presbyterian Church of Chili, 3600 Chili Avenue is open from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, October 19, and the third Saturday of each month. Grocery Bags of food donated to those in need – currently serving over 90 families. Anyone interested in being a Food Cupboard Helper (packing bags, handing out food, etc.), making monetary donations, and/or donating peanut butter, cereal, crackers or paper grocery bags to this cause, should contact the church at 585-889-9896.
•Free Covid-19 tests are once again available by mail. Order tests at https://covidtests.gov.
•Veterans with Cancer Support Group meets the second and fourth Tuesday of the month from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Cancer Support Community at Gilda’s Club, 255 Alexander Street, Rochester. Call 585423-9700 x304 or visit www.cscrochester.org for information.
•Members of the Parma Hilton Historical Society Museum will host a tour of the Parma Hoosic Hill Cemetery at the corner Manitou and Ridge Roads on Saturday, October 12, at 10:30 a.m. Hear stories of prominent residents buried there. Register at https://calendar.libraryweb.org/event/12859213.
•Parma Hilton Historical Society hosts Dan Cody on Monday, October 14, at 7 p.m., for a presentation on “The Devastating Rochester Pandemic of 1918.” This event was much worse than the recent 20202022 Covid outbreak due to the lack of medicine and hospital care. Many millions died around the world. The presentation will be held at the Hilton Community Center, 59 Henry Street.
•The Triangle Tract Historical Society will hold its inaugural public meeting at 7 p.m., Thursday, October 17, at the Whitehall Mansion in Clarkson. The TTHS succeeds the Western Monroe Historical Society whose charter was transferred to the Morgan-Manning House Museum on May 7.
•The Hamlin Public Library is open Mondays/ Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Tuesdays/Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Fridays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Closed Saturday, October 12, for Hamlin Scream Fest. Digi-
tal Literacy of Rochester is at the library Mondays from noon to 3 p.m. providing technology assistance. Preschool Storytime with Mrs. Carlson on Mondays at 10:30 a.m. Join to read, talk, sing and play your way through the alphabet. Kids are out of school on Monday, October 14, so stop in for Family Game Day at 2 p.m. There will be lots of fun, new games for all ages. The monthly Homeschool program is Wednesday, October 16, at 1 p.m. The Hamlin Fire Department will present a Fire Safety and Arson Prevention program. Adult Craft program is Saturday, October 19, at 11 a.m. Make your own mini craft books. Register for programs online through the library calendar at https://calendar.libraryweb. org/calendar/Hamlin. For information, call 964-2320 or visit the library’s Facebook page.
•The Ogden Farmers’ Library, 269 Ogden Center Road, Spencerport, is open Monday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Tuesday through Thursday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday and Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (every third Friday opening at 10 a.m.). The library will be closed October 14. Adult events: Book Group: Half Broke Horses – October 8 at 2 p.m.; Annual Book Sale – October 16 through 19 (early access for registered OFL Friends only on October 15); Urban Legends of Rochester – October 21 at 6:30 p.m.; Author Gravesites in Upstate NY – October 28 at 6 p.m. Call 617-6181 to register. Find Kids and Teen events at ogdenfarmerslibrary.org.
•Parma Public Library, 7 West Avenue, Hilton is holding the following events (no registration unless indicated): Growing Garlic with Cornell Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners (on Zoom) – Monday, October 7, 10:30 to 11 a.m. Register to receive link. Cemetery Reflections – Monday, October 7, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., please register. Author and photographer Jane Hopkins will present a video of the range of cemetery art and landscapes in the eastern US, including Rochester cemeteries. Lilac City Strummers Mountain Dulcimer Concert – Thursday, October 10, 2 to 3 p.m., please register. Includes a special performance, sing-along, and information session. Teen/Tween Craft Club: Spooky Trees – Thursday, October 10, 6 to 7 p.m., for grades 6 and up. Make eerie trees with blow art. Kids Pumpkin Painting – Friday, October 11, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. or 4 to 5 p.m., for ages 5 to 12. Use paint markers to decorate your own mini pumpkin. Register each child that will be decorating a pumpkin. Crafternoon: Paint Your Own Pumpkin – Friday, October 11, 2 to 3 p.m., registration required. Supplies provided. Historic Parma Cemetery Tour: Hoosic Hill Cemetery – Saturday, October 12, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., please register. Tour led by the Parma Hilton Historical Society. For information, call 392-8350 or visit www. parmapubliclibrary.org.
•This is a sample of programs held at the Seymour Library, 161 East Avenue, Brockport, 637-1050. For complete information, visit seymourlibraryweb. org. Programs marked with an * require advance registration. Growing Garlic, Presented by Cornell Cooperative Extension Online* – Monday, October 7, 1 to 2 p.m. Seymour Chess Club – Tuesday, October 8, 6 to 7 p.m. Story Time Safari with Seneca Park ZooMobile – Thursday, October 10, 11 to 11:30 a.m., open to all ages. This program combines a fun animal storybook and an ambassador animal meet-and-greet. To Knit or to Crochet? That is the Question – Thursday, October 10, noon to 2 p.m. and 6 to 7 p.m. Bring your knitting or crocheting projects for a relaxing time with others of the same interests. Fun with Paper* – Friday, October 11, noon to 1:30 p.m. Join Deb Cody for Mixed Media Mermaid Paper Dolls. Costume Swap – Friday October 11, 3 to 5:30 p.m., and Saturday, October 12, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bring in your costumes and then exchange them for new costumes.
•Brockport Fire District meets Monday, October 7, 6:30 p.m., at Station #3, 191 West Avenue. •Orleans County SCOPE meets Tuesday, October 8, 7 p.m., at the Hoag Library, 134 South Main Street, Albion. For information, visit https://scopeny2a.org/Orleans.
•The Chili Lions Club meets Tuesday, October 8, at 6:30 p.m. at the Moose Club, 5709 Chili Riga Center Road (at the corner of Betteridge Road). Text President Joe Korn at 469-1426 to find out how to get involved.
•Country Neighbors Quilt Guild meets the second Wednesday of the month, 6:30 p.m., at St. John Lutheran Church, 1107 Lake Road North, Hamlin. For information, call 585-964-2081.
•Jewish High Holiday Services: Yom Kippur – Friday, October 11, at 7 p.m. and Saturday, October 12, at 10 a.m. Free and open to the public. For location, email BkptJewishComm@aol.com. Security will be present.
•Churchville-Chili Board of Education meets Tuesday, October 8, at 139 Fairbanks Road, Churchville. Audit Committee meets at 5 p.m. in Administrative Board Room #3808. Capital Project Work Session at 6 p.m. in Professional Development Room A #3802. Regular Business Meeting at 7 p.m. in Administrative Board Room #3808.
•The Spencerport Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, October 8, at 6 p.m. for a Business Meeting. Check the district website for details.
continued from front page
He started as a business major but lamented, “I did a lot just to get B’s,” so after taking a couple of public justice courses, he switched his major. He graduated from Oswego in 2000, where, for four years, he also pursued his second love, playing on the baseball team.
In 2001, Paul was hired by Brockport Police Chief Gary Zimmer as a part-time police officer. He was 23 and joined several other part-timers working 8 to 4. “It was fun,” he remembered. “I was excited to come to work.” In June of 2003, Paul joined the department full-time, working afternoons. But at the first opportunity, he switched to nights, which he enjoyed so much that he spent 17 years as a night cop. “I never thought I’d be a day officer,” he said. Nor did he ever think he would be Chief of the department. “I thought I’d be an officer, work for 20 years, retire, and do something else.” Nonetheless, he seems to have slipped seamlessly into a position that quite agrees with him.
Paul became a Sergeant in 2013, and Chief Cuzzupoli appointed him Lieutenant upon the retirement of Lt. Steve Mesiti in 2021. On June 14 of this year, as Cuzzupoli retired, Paul became chief.
There are advantages to being a police chief as a local. Paul reflected, “The village, the town, and the people here are my home. As a 23-year-old police officer, I was dealing with my friends, and it was sometimes awkward. But, if need be, I could go to those same people for information. Going to a domestic call of someone you know is difficult,” he added. “And I have written tickets to the parents of my friends.” Paul was raised in Brockport and his parents were prominent in the community. His father was a vice principal at the high school, a Village Board trustee, and later a Town of Sweden councilman; his mother was a nurse and community volunteer.
Today, Paul, his wife, and three children live on acreage outside the village but often come as a family with their bikes to ride the canal path and stop and visit Brockport’s parks. A certified bicycle policeman, Paul extolls Brockport’s bike-ability and its parks. He agrees with Cuzzupoli’s approach to leadership—be both teacher and coach – and that community policing, with police feet on the street, is the department’s direction. Paul has ideas for expanding community policing: more activity in the parks with the police – pickleball, for example, a community bike ride or kayaking on the canal; casual events that foster an authentic connection between the police and Brockport community members.
Coffee with the Chief, started by Chief Cuzzupoli, continues on the first Wednesday morning of every month. September’s gathering included Village Board members, clergy, village employees, Wegmans representatives, and the Chief’s mother, Sharon Wheat, who was there to talk about putting services
for community members in need under one roof. At one point, she turned to Paul to get his attention. “Son,” she began. He turned to her with a wicked grin, “That’s Chief.” Later, he remarked, “People used to ask me, ‘Are you Sharon Wheat’s son?’ Now they ask, ‘Are you the Chief?’”
As Chief, Paul is on the road only occasionally, filling in at the last minute for an officer who is out sick, injured, or on vacation. Lt. Korn, newly appointed by Paul to his position, commented, “Few Chiefs do what Chief Wheat does, working a shift to allow an officer time off and avoiding paying someone overtime.” Thus, we sat in the Chief’s office, not his car, for our interviews. The long pale blue wall behind his desk is still blank, but Paul has a plan to fill it. He approached the Brockport Museum of Local History about getting some historic photos of the BPD and its personnel which could be enlarged and framed. The one framed police-themed piece, a medal of merit award from the New York State Assembly, hangs on a side wall. Paul and two other Brockport police received it in 2006 for apprehending a suspect in an attempted bank robbery at Chase Bank.
The Chief’s job itself is primarily managerial/administrative. Paul oversees and supervises a department of 13 Police Officers and a clerk. He is in charge of the department’s General Orders, its policies and procedures, the budget, and the very organization of the BPD. Some of it is mundane, but ultimately, the Chief sets the tone for the BPD. He speaks to the public and the press and regularly meets with the Monroe County Association of Police Chiefs and the Law Enforcement Council. His name, at the top of the departmental letterhead, underscores his responsibility. As mayor, I can empathize.
In closing, I asked Chief Wheat two questions: What’s the biggest challenge for the BPD? He responded, “I’m blessed to have a group of wonderful officers and a top-notch command staff. My predecessors have set me and this department up for continued success. Currently, our biggest challenge is the same as that of departments across the state and the country – staffing. Twenty-four years ago, thousands of people were applying for police jobs. If you were offered a job, even part-time, you took it. Today, we struggle to find qualified candidates, and those candidates can choose which department they work for. “
And, the most rewarding part of the job? “Since we are a small department, I am still very involved with my officers and the community. We have a chain of command, but I still get to interact with my officers and be involved daily in actual police work. I still go on calls for service and can hopefully make a positive difference in the lives of people I interact with. Being able to help our citizens and my department members is the most rewarding part of being Chief.”
After three months, Paul says he’s still learning. “If you think you know it all, it’s time to retire.”
The Morgan Manning House Museum welcomes Michael Lasser for an evening of music and history in their historic building at 151 Main Street, Brockport, on October 10 at 7 p.m. The presentation is free and open to the public with light refreshments and a book signing to follow. Books will be for sale by Lift Bridge Book Shop.
Michael Lasser is well known in Brockport from his multiple visits as a guest artist with Brockport Winter Serenades at St. Luke’s Church on Main Street. Many will also recognize him from his over 40-year career hosting the WXXI radio program Fascinatin’ Rhythm
Lasser will present his latest book Say it with a Beautiful Song: The Art and Craft of the Great American Songbook. The book takes a look at the qualities that define the Songbook and give its songs life, a century after they were written. These songs persist!
The Great American Songbook is the loosely defined canon of significant 20th-century American jazz standards, popular songs, and show tunes. Often referred to as “American Standards,” the
songs published during the Golden Age of this genre include those popular and enduring tunes from the 1920s to the 1950s that were created for Broadway theater, musical theater, and Hollywood musical film.
All gently used and new coats, gloves, mittens, scarves, caps, snowpants and snow boots are greatly appreciated! As you sort for fall and winter, please save.
Drop Them off at:
State Farm Insurance
409 South Union St., Spencerport Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm by Friday, October 11th or Spencerport Bowl parking lot Saturday, October 5th and October 12th • 10am-3pm
book about American
Michael Lasser is a writer, speaker, and critic. In addition to his newest book, Say It with a Beautiful Song: The Art and Craft of the Great American Songbook (written with Harmon Greenblatt), he is the author of three other books: America’s Songs: The Stories Behind the Songs of Broadway, Hollywood, and Tin Pan Alley (co-written with Philip Furia), America’s Songs II: From the 1890s to the Post-War Years, and City Songs and American Life, 1900-1950. From 1980 to 2021, he was the host of the nationally syndicated public radio show, Fascinatin’ Rhythm, winner of a 1994 Peabody Award. A graduate of Dartmouth College, he is the former theater critic for the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle and CITY, and for 35 years has spoken and performed at museums, universities, and performing arts centers around the country. In 2010, he was named a Thomas P. Johnson Distinguished Visiting Scholar at Rollins College, and was also a visiting scholar at Waterford School in Salt Lake City and Trevor Day School in New York City. He is currently
•Glogowsi, Adam D., of Rochester, died September 26, 2024. He was predeceased by his grandparents, Stephen and Mary Paris. He is survived by his children, Aidan and Isabella Glogowski; the mother of his children, Stephanie Vindigni; his stepdaughter Nevaeh Kretchmer; his parents, David and Gail; his brother Matthew; and his pet Lily. He is also survived by many loving aunts, uncles, cousins. His Funeral Mass was held October 4 at St. Pius Tenth Church, Chili. Contributions can be made to Camp Good Days and Special Times in his memory. Arrangements entrusted to the Leo M. Bean and Sons Funeral Home, Chili.
ROCHESTER – James (Jim) Brian Julian passed away on Tuesday, September 24 at the age of seventy-three after a brief illness. Jim left this earth peacefully with his loving family by his side.
Jim was born in Olean, NY on November 26, 1950, to father William Raymond and mother Margaret (McFall). A graduate of Olean High School in 1968, Jim moved to Rochester where he met his wife of forty-seven years, Mary Foley, and began his career with Rochester Products. He is survived by wife Mary; daughters Kelly O’Brien (James O’Brien) and Lisa Strong (Tim Strong); and grandsons Landon Strong, Declan O’Brien, and Paul O’Brien. Also surviving Jim are his mother-in-law, Bernadine Foley of Brockport, NY; sisters, Joyce Reed (Michael Reed) of Rochester, NY, Carol Bucher (William Bucher) of Murfreesboro, TN, and Billie Taylor (Oliver Taylor) of Rush, NY; as well as many nieces and nephews. Jim is predeceased by his fatherin-law, Paul Foley, formerly of Brockport, NY; brother, William David Julian, of Olean, NY; and his sisters: Lorraine Faircloth (Frederick Faircloth) of Buffalo, NY, Diane Skeide (Melvin Skeide) of Kenmore, NY, and Patricia Gardner (Edward Gardner) of Olean, NY.
•Farrelly, Paul A. Jr., died September 25, 2024. Paul was born in Auburn on May 11, 1943. He served his country in the USMC during the Vietnam War era from April 1961 through April 1965. He was preceded in death by his father and mother, Paul A. Farrelly, Sr. and Marion (Vernier) Farrelly-Whiteside, his loving wife Delores Farrelly, daughter Loriann D’Agostino, brother Michael Farrelly, sister Anne Wingender and granddaughter Mariah Lynn Farrelly. He is survived by his daughters Debra (Hal) Alton, Rhonda (Steve) Townsend and sons Leonard, Shane (Rachel), and Daniel (Michell) Farrelly; 11 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren; his loving sister Mary (Terry) Wingender; brothers Frank (Leianne) Farrelly and Sean O’Farrelly; many cousins, nieces and nephews.
Services were held October 5 at Fowler Funeral Home, Brockport. Burial at Lakeview Cemetery, Brockport. •Mower, Stella M., died September 30, 2024. Born May 29, 1935, in Murray, Stella’s life was a testament to her dedication to both family and community. Stella is survived by her loving family, including her children, Penny Koss, Kenneth D. Mower Jr., Ann Fahmner, and Cam Wing; three grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; her sister, Ruby Skellen; several nieces and nephews. She is preceded in death by her husband, Kenneth D. Mower Sr., and her sister, Louise Harvey. Stella’s career as a custodian allowed her to contribute meaningfully to the region she loved. She took pride in cleaning the Victorian-era Morgan Manning House, a cherished landmark in the Village of Brockport that serves as a window into the area’s rich history. Her hard work ensured that the house remained a welcoming place for the public, allowing many to appreciate its architectural beauty and historical significance. Stella had a variety of hobbies that brought her joy. She was an avid fan of Star Wars movies, particularly captivated by the character of Darth Vader. She loved gardening, bird watching, and was fond of cats.
Stella will be remembered for her gentle soul, hard work, and the love she brought to many. Arrangements entrusted to the Fowler Funeral Home, Inc., Brockport.
•McCormack, Kerry M., age 62, died unexpectedly at his home September 23, 2024. He was born in Rockland County, New York on November 5, 1961, a son of the late James and Dolores (Hubbell) McCormack. Kerry is survived by his sister, Kathy Croll (James); nieces Devon Croll and Rachel Hubbell (Rob); nephew Brandon Croll; brother, Keith McCormack. Kerry was active in the local community as a volunteer fireman with the Clarendon Fire Company, and over 20 years as an EMT with Monroe Ambulance. Kerry was known for his unwavering dedication, caring tremendously for people, and was always willing to help in any way possible. Kerry had a passion for games, gathering with family for long nights filled with strategy, laughter, and fierce competition. He believed that the holidays weren’t complete without an intense board game to close out the night.
Kerry’s family will receive friends at the Clarendon Recreation Hall, 16169 East Lee Road, Holley, October 5 from 1 to 4 p.m. Contributions in Kerry’s memory can be made to the Clarendon Fire Co., PO Box 136, Clarendon, NY 14429 or PAWS Animal Shelter, 3371 Gaines Basin Road, Albion, NY 14411. To share a special memory of Kerry, please visit www.mitchellfamilyfuneralhomes.com.
•Boyer, Malvan P., age 78, died September 24, 2024. following a long illness. He was born November 8, 1945 to Melvin and Anna (Mignano) Boyer. Mal was a US Army Veteran of the Vietnam War and a retired machinist having worked at Eastman Kodak Company. He attended and was well-known at both the Hamlin and Albion Kingdom Hall of Jehovah Witnesses and was also a member of the Holley Rod and Gun Club. Mal had a great love for his Labrador Retrievers. Mr. Boyer is survived by many friends as well as his brothers and sisters at both of the Kingdom Halls.
After retiring from Delphi Technologies in 2010 Jim was able to put his time and energy into his love for his grandchildren and his dogs.
Calling hours were held Tuesday, October 1 at Fowler Funeral Home, 340 West Ave., Brockport NY, from 46pm, with a brief service following. A private interment will take place later.
In lieu of flowers, those wishing to honor Jim’s memory may make a gift to Lollypop Farm, the Humane Society of Greater Rochester at https://lollypop.org/ways-to-give.
Dolores J. Perrine passed away September 29, 2024, at age 95.
Predeceased by her husband Edward, grandson Neil and sonin-law Robert Bond.
Survived by children Nancy (David) Hyde, Susan (Robert) Bayer, Joyce (Michael) Ridley, Frederick (Deborah) Perrine, and Kenneth (Sharon) Perrine. Grandchildren Jennifer (Fred) Harrison, Sarah Kennedy, Mary (Jeffrey) Grego, Jason (Amanda) Wilson, Brian (Andrea) Wilson, Leigh (David) Weaver, Timothy (Rose) Ridley, Brian (Sheila) Ridley, Lauren (Michael) Hoffman, Erick, Kelsey Perrine, and Laura Perrine, several great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren. Also survived by sisters-in-law Margaret (Bob) Geiger and Patricia Perrine and many nieces and nephews. In lieu of flowers, please make donations to the Alzheimer’s Association of Rochester and Finger Lakes Region.
Calling hours are Sunday, October 6th from 2 - 5 at Fowler Funeral Home, 340 West Avenue, Brockport, N.Y. Funeral will be held on Monday, October 7th at 10 a.m. at the funeral home. Burial at Lakeview Cemetery immediately afterward.
Matthew E. Rederer, 41 years old of Anchorage Alaska, formerly of Spencerport, New York, passed away suddenly on Tuesday, September 10, 2024. He is preceded in death by his father, Mark “Arnie” Rederer, and survived by his mother, Joyce Ann Pray, of Rochester, NY along with his aunts Marilyn Pray SSJ, Cynthia Pray, Carol Turner and uncle Kyle Rederer and many cousins and friends. A Memorial Mass October 10 at 11:00am will be at the Sisters of St. Joseph Motherhouse. A reception follows at the Spencerport American Legion on Trimmer Rd. in Spencerport, NY from 1:00-4:00. The family wishes that donations be made to the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Rochester, 150 French Rd. Rochester, NY 14618.
•Schalk, Betsy A. (nee Wood), age 75 of Brockport, formerly of Cape Coral, Florida, died September 20, 2024. She was predeceased by her husband, Terrence K. Schalk, parents, Norman and Betty Wood, and cousin, Robin Gomez. She is survived by her sister, Donna Knapp; her niece, Rachel Brennan (Thomas); great niece, Maeve; and great nephew, Vaughn. She graduated from the College of St. Rose in Albany, NY, and began teaching art. She retired from teaching in 2004, after which she enjoyed several long years of travel and companionship with her husband, Terrence Shalk, enjoying cooking, tennis, and travel. After Terry died Betsy moved to Cape Coral, FL, and enjoyed many good years in the Sunshine State, honoring her and Terry’s joint dream to settle there. In 2021, Betsy moved to Brockport, to be close to family.
A Celebration of Life Service was held October 3 at Fowler Funeral Home, Brockport. Donations can be made to the Alzheimers Association or the Heart Association in her memory.
•Yantz, William (Bill) A., died September 26, 2024, at age 72. Bill was born October 22, 1951, to Bernard and Lucille (Mooney) Yantz in Rochester. He grew up in the greater Brockport area, graduating from Brockport High School. After high school he served in the US Marine Corps and later graduated from Genesee Community College with degrees in Engineering. Bill was predeceased by his father Bernard, mother Lucille, sister Christine, and brother Douglas. Bill is survived by his son Corey (Sarah); grandsons Caden and Asher Yantz and son Sean Yantz; His wife Grace (Crain); her son Chuck Gregory; his siblings Barbara, Aggie (Chuck), Robin (Mike), Donna (Greg), Ellen, and Joanne.
A Celebration of Life gathering was held October 4, at the Brockport Area Veteran’s Club, Brockport. Donations can be made to the American Cancer Society or the Wounded Warrior Project in his memory. Arrangements entrusted to the Fowler Funeral Home, Brockport.
•Dyer, Michael F. “Mike,” died September 7, 2024 at age 70. He is predeceased by his parents, James A. and Ann G. Dyer; brothers, John and William “Bill” Dyer; sisters, Cathy Jurs and Mary Burchfield; sister-in-law, Diane Dyer; nephew, John Dyer. Mike is survived by his wife, Eileen G. (Healy) Dyer; daughter, Jennifer L. Dyer; son, Michael J. Dyer; stepchildren, Lacey M. Arbia, Daniel L. (Brandi N.) Arbia II, Reece A. Arbia; grandchildren, Sydney, Peter, Dean Gonzales, Jaide, Raiden Arbia, Tyler Goetze; brothers, Patrick “Jim” Dyer, Thomas (Cindy) Dyer, Joseph (Judy) Dyer; many nieces, nephews, cousins, and close friends also known as “brothers from different mothers” Mike (Meize) Meisenzahl and Bruce Litolff. Mike was a talented stainless steel welder/fabricator and enjoyed a successful career in the field. He had a passion for repairing and maintaining Harley Davidson motorcycles for himself, his family and his friends. After retirement, Mike lived a simple life at home with his wife and the couple’s pet cats. He was an avid game show enthusiast and loved to play casino slot games on his phone.
Calling hours will be held at Walker Brothers Funeral Home, 15 West Avenue, Spencerport, on October 12, from 12 to 2 p.m. Mike’s Celebration of Life will continue after calling hours at the Churchville Moose Lodge, 5709 Chili Riga Center Road, Churchville. Interment will be held privately at a later date. In lieu of flowers reach out to someone you know who might need a friend and a welcoming smile or consider a monetary donation to a local animal rescue of your choice in Mike’s memory.
There will be no calling hours. Family and friends are invited to attend his Memorial Service Saturday, October 12 at 1:30 p.m. in the Hamlin Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, 2929 Sweden-Walker Road, Brockport. Private burial in Mt. Albion Cemetery. Contributions can be made to a charity or organization of one’s choice in his memory. Arrangements entrusted to the Christopher Mitchell Funeral Home of Albion. To share a special memory of Mal, please visit: www.mitchellfamilyfuneralhomes.com
•Tamoutselis, Kleopatra, died September 25, 2024 at age 86. Predeceased by her parents, Georgios and Efrosini Sidou; siblings, Demetrios (Anastasia), Spiros (Haroula), Nikolaos (Hrysoula) Sidou, Theodora (Stavros) Tsoulis, Evangelia (Evangelos) Zaravelis. In-laws; Petros, Polixeni, Angeliki Tamoutselis, Stergios Marou. Survived by her husband of 64 years, Demetrios; daughter Recca (Petros) Karras; son, Kostantinos (Natalie); grandchildren, Elizabeth (Darren) Pilato, Nicholas (Caryn) Karras, Gregory (Maria) Karras, Olivia and Dimitrios Tamoutselis; six great-grandchildren; brothers and sisters-in-law, Stavros, Damianos, Panagiotis (Fani) Tamoutselis, Agora Marou; and several nieces, nephews and dear friends.
Her Funeral Service was held September 30 at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, Rochester. Interment, Grove Place Cemetery. Contributions can be made to the Alzheimer’s Association in her memory. Arrangements entrusted to the Leo M. Bean and Sons Funeral Home, Chili.
•Marnon, Marlene J. (Ansel), age 87, died September 22, 2024. Marlene is predeceased by her husband, John E. Marnon Jr.; son, John M. Marnon; father, Richard Ansel; mother, Jennie Ansel; sister, Judy Hyde; nephew, Donnie Hyde. She is survived by her daughter-in-law, Carmelina Marnon; children, Michelle (Douglas) Lippa, Jeffrey (Amy) Marnon; grandchildren, Tiffany Davenport, Krystin Marnon, Samantha Marnon, Kelsey Marnon, Jennifer Lippa, Sean Lippa; five great-grandchildren; sibling, Charles (Madalene) Ansel. Marlene enjoyed volunteering at the hospital and school. She later became a homemaker for her family. One of Marlene’s favorite memories was her trip to Scotland and Ireland with Jack, her brother, Chuck and sister-in-law, Madalene. Marlene treasured her sister, Judy, with whom she shared the love of Elvis Presley, as well as her brother, Chuck, who she loved to take to the movies and write letters to when he served in the military.
Her Memorial Service was held October 5 at Walker Brothers Funeral Home, Spencerport, followed by a Graveside Service at Garland Cemetery, West Ridge Road, Brockport. Donations can be made to the Alzheimer’s Association, 200 Meridian Centre Blvd, Suite 110, Rochester, NY 14618 in her memory.
lection is historically significant, and the scope of this body of work makes
Over the decades, the collection has suffered varying degrees of damage. Some pieces will require in-depth cleaning and restoration. The Village of Brockport has recently appointed Sarah Hart as Art Historian. Sarah will begin a formal study of the collection and spearhead a restoration project of the collection.
An original painting by Helen Mary Hastings (1871-1953), Spring Garden, has been adopted by Sarah and Benton Hart for professional restoration. They have contracted with Great Lakes Conservation in Grand Island, NY. The cost of restoration is approximately $3,200.
In addition, Sarah Hart is offering an art history class through the Memorial Art Gallery, about women learning portraiture in America in the late 1800s and early 1900s. This is a four-part series, with each session lasting 90 minutes. The class will focus on the time capsule of paintings and notebooks of Helen Hastings. Other classes will cover the history of portrait education, Helen’s famous teachers, and other American female painters who have also been discovered and the status of how they have been remembered. Visit https://mag. rochester.edu/creativeworkshop/ classes for more details or to sign up.
The research that has been completed to date indicates that Helen was a landscape painter for a time, and she may have supported herself by working as an illustrator. Indeed, there is much to be learned about Helen and many mysteries to be unraveled. The portrait accompanying this article is believed to be a self-portrait of Helen, completed while she was enrolled at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art. Helen, the granddaughter of Brockport’s James Seymour, insisted that the former Seymour residence be used as a museum and library. Thanks to Helen, the building houses the Brockport Museum and Library of Local History today. Schedule a visit to learn more about Helen or to become involved in the restoration project. For hours of operation, visit https:// brockporthistorymuseum.org. Provided information and photos
7pm -
Thursday, October 10 ~ Michael Lasser presents his latest book Say it with a Beautiful Song: The Art and Craft of the Great American Songbook. Michael is well known to Rochesterians as host of the award winning public radio show, Fascinatin’ Rhythm. He was also the theater critic for the Democrat & Chronicle and CITY Paper, and is a popular presenter at Brockport Serenades.
Tuesday, October 15 ~ Organic Gardening, Sustainability, and More - presented by poet, farmer and author Scott Chaskey. He and his wife Megan farm in Sag Harbor, NY. He is a pioneer of the Community Supported Agriculture movement, past president of the Northeast Organic Farming Assoc. of NY and was Farmer of the Year in 2013. In his “spare time” he has written three books.
December 6 - 8
Come shop on Friday and Saturday for unique hand-crafted gifts for the holiday season in the elegant surroundings of the Morgan Manning House. $5 at the door.
Sale: Friday:12 noon – 8pm & Saturday:10am-4pm
Photos with Santa: Sunday, 1-3pm. Your camera, our Santa Interested vendors are invited to contact the office: 585-637-3645
Free tours of the house featuring the history of the Morgan family and their times are offered by our trained docents. Donations welcome. Email or call to schedule.
Membership includes a quarterly newsletter, the ability to rent the House for private events, first knowledge of programs at the House and invitations to members only special events.
• Fresh Picked Pumpkins, Apples/Cider, Winter Squash & Homemade Pumpkin Pies
• Decorate your home with Cornstalks, gourds, Pumpkins and Hay Bales!
• Hunt Country Wine available for purchase!
Churchville-Chili’s boys varsity cross country team ran well at the 59th annual McQuaid Invitational on September 28. They placed first out of 23 schools in the AAA race. Photo from @CCCSDxc on X. 525 Drake Road, Hamlin • 585-636-4337 http://brightlysfarmmarket.com/ • Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm; Sunday 10am-4pm
Come to Life BiBLe ChurCh
Our Services are on Saturday evenings at 6:30pm at Cornerstone Bible Chapel, 3231 Buffalo Road, Rochester, NY 14624. Website: https://cometolifebible.church/ Phone Number: (Call or Text) 315-690-8708
Come to Life Bible Church is to be...
A place where you are invited to...
Come as you are, and see the Bible come to life. Get to know Jesus, and experience the Holy Spirit eLmGroVeuNiteDmethoDiSt ChurCh
We are located at 1500 Spencerport Road, Rochester 14606 in Gates. Phone: 585-247-4973. Building is handicapped accessible. Time of Worship: 10:45AM - led by Rev. Ann Brown. Website: ElmgroveUMC.org. You can join us remotely by clicking on the link to the Pastor’s page (you do not need a Facebook account to view posts). Email: ElmgroveUMC@yahoo. com. Community Outreach and Ministry Opportunities include: Little Free Library, SWEM, Aurora House, RAIHN, Prayer ministries, etc. We have a long history in the Gates community and we are looking forward to a bright future that includes you! Please come and join us on Sunday! firSt PreSBYteriAN ChurChof ChiLi
Our little white church on the hill, 3600 Chili Avenue, continues to spread God’s love, as Pastor Brandi and our Church Family extend a warm welcome to all. We’d love to have you join us for worship, Sundays, 10 am, a family friendly service, either in person or virtually via live-stream or recording (URL) https://www.facebook.com/firstpreschili/live/. We offer a wide variety of music genres: bells, choir, classical and praise team; Youth group (grades 5-12); Sunday Bible Study at 9 am; Food Cupboard distribution on the third Saturday each month; yearly mission trip opportunities for youth and adults; Labyrinth Trail located at 3551 Chili Avenue; and various small group studies through the year. In need of prayer or counsel, call or email the church office: 585-889-9896 or fpc3600@gmail.com. Handicapped accessible. Website: chili-presbyterian.org.
hiLtoN BAPtiSt ChurCh
50 Lake Avenue, Hilton, (585) 392-7990, Email hbchurch50@gmail.com, Pastor Dan Brown. Join us on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. We offer In-person services and Live-Streaming on YouTube under “Hilton Baptist Church Live.” Visit our Website at hiltonbaptist.org for more information. We are a Congregation of the American Baptist Churches. Our Building is Handicap Accessible and we offer Hearing Assistance during the Worship service. Everyone is Welcome to join our Church family!
hiLtoNuNiteDmethoDiSt ChurCh
Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by Following Christ; Connecting Generations; Transforming Communities. 21 West Avenue, Hilton, NY 14468, (585) 392-8761. Rev. Jennifer Green, pastor. Website: www.humcny.org, E-mail: office@humcny.org. Worship Service is open in the HUMC Sanctuary. Service: 10am. Fellowship: 11am. Sunday Services are live-streamed at HUMCny.org. All are welcome. Please visit us in person. Handicap Accessible.
hoPe BroCKPort
Are you seeking hope and wondering about faith or spiritual things? Then look no further than Hope Brockport! We warmly welcome you to our friendly community. Here, you will find love, support, and guidance as we navigate life together. You are invited to join us as we gather together every Sunday at 9:30 am, Hope Kids on Sundays at 9:30 am for children up to 5th grade, and Hope Youth on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm for 6th - 12th grade students. To connect, send questions to connect@sharethehope.org, call (585) 723-4673, or visit sharethehope.org to learn more. We are conveniently located at 6601 Fourth Section Road, Brockport, NY (Rt 31 - right across from Wegmans). We can’t wait to meet you!
JuBiLee ChriStiAN ChurCh
Sunday services at 10 AM (English) and 1 PM (Spansih) at 3565 Lake Road North, Brockport, NY 14420. Nursery care available during service for ages 0-4. Children’s Church: 10 AM Sundays. Bible Study: 9 AM Sundays & 7 PM Wednesdays. Trailblazers Youth Group: 7 to 8:15 PM Wednesdays (Grades 6-12). Website: jubileechristianchurch.org. Phone: 585-637-8530. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Jubilee is a beacon of hope in our community; where we show compassion and make a difference (Jude 1:22). Jubilee is not just a place to BE, it’s a place to BEcome; a place where YOU matter.
mortoN BAPtiSt ChurCh 1152 County Line Road, Hamlin, NY 14464. Church phone 585-659-8459, email mortonbaptistchurch@yahoo.com. Pastor: Steven M Worrall, email pastorsteve712@gmail.com, cell 585-354-9779. Sunday Worship 10:30am (can also be viewed on Facebook or YouTube). Sunday school is held during church service. Adult Bible Study is held on Wednesdays at noon, Choir practice at 4:30pm Wednesdays. Youth Group meets on Friday nights from 7 to 9pm. Our building is handicap accessible and visitors are welcome.
NAtiVitY of the BLeSSeD VirGiNmArYand St. eLizABeth ANN SetoN CAthoLiC PAriSheS Nativity – 152 Main Street, Brockport (585-637-4500)
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (SEAS) –3747 Brick Schoolhouse Road, Hamlin (585-964-8627)
Rev. Joseph Marcoux, pastor of both Parishes. Weekend Masses: Saturday 5PM at Nativity; Sunday 9AM at SEAS and 11AM at Nativity, 1:30PM Spanish Mass at Nativity. Daily Masses: 8AM at Nativity on Monday and Friday; 9AM at SEAS on Tuesday and Wednesday.
oGDeN PreSBYteriAN ChurCh
Our purpose is: “To equip ourselves and others to be disciples of Christ as we seek God’s will for our church and beyond.” Sunday worship is at 10AM live in our sanctuary led by Pastor Whitney Scoville, as well as livestreamed on Zoom and Facebook Live. Bible Studies, Youth Group, Sunday School and outreach are available to all. Contact the church for more information and for links: ogdenpresbyterian@gmail.com; www.ogdenpresbyterian.org; 585-352-6802; 2400 South Union Street, Spencerport.
SPeNCerPort ASSemBLY of GoD
We are located at 3940 Canal Road in Spencerport. We offer a warm welcome to all. Come join us as we seek the LORD through worship, prayer and Bible study. Sunday School is 9:30 AM, Sunday Worship is at 1030 AM. Enjoy a cup of coffee before service! Wednesday prayer meeting is 6:30 PM. Contact us at 585-352-5900. We are on Facebook; Email is SpencerportAG@gmail.com.
SPeNCerPort BiBLe ChurCh
1948 North Union Street, Spencerport. We desire to know God, to make the gospel known to all, and to give God the glory. Our lead pastor, Domenic Danesi, and all of us who make SBC our home church warmly invite you to come for Sunday Bible Study at 9:30 am, Sunday Worship Service at 10:45 am, and Wednesday Bible Study at 7:00 pm. Our worship service is family integrated for all ages and our building is accessible for all abilities. We partner with Rescue & Revive Ministries for local and global mission work. Follow our Facebook page, YouTube channel, or website for live streaming our services or to watch previous services. Visit our websites for more info at spencerportbiblechurch.org and rescueandrevive.org. Call or text us at 585-352-1241.
SPeNCerPortfirSt CoNGreGAtioNAL
uNiteD ChurChof ChriSt
Promoting the Christian way of life through service and stewardship to the community and the world. Look for the white steeple at 65 Church Street in downtown, Spencerport NY 14559. 585-352-3448. Rev. Michael Sloan. We provide worship, educational and mission opportunities. Worship services are Sundays at 10am live on Facebook and on site in our sanctuary. Worship is followed by Coffee hour in Fellowship hall. Handicap accessible. Live music from our Praise Band playing contemporary Christian music. See website/Facebook for dates and details. Introducing our Pray-Ground, a welcoming area of play, in the Sanctuary, for our youngest worshipers designed so families can experience worship together while understanding that young children need to move. Don’t worry, our congregation welcomes the sounds of young people. Email: info@spencerportucc.org. Website: www.spencerportucc.org. Facebook: Spencerport UCC.
SPeNCerPortuNiteDmethoDiSt ChurCh
At SUMC our doors are open to all! We support and encourage everyone in their faith journeys, guided by the desire to spread justice, mercy, and love in the world. If you are in need of prayer or just a listening ear, please call the church at 585-351-3114 or Pastor Jack directly at 585-815-5433. Prayer requests may also be submitted via email: sumc@rochester.rr.com or through our website: spencerportumc.org. Located at 30 Amity Street, we gather for worship on Sunday mornings at 10 AM. Children are welcome and Sunday School is provided during the service. Small group discussions of The Chosen - season 4, take place on Tuesday evenings and Wednesdays at lunchtime. Many outreach and fellowship opportunities are offered throughout the year. Check out our website (spencerportumc.org) for more information. We hope to see you soon!
St. ChriStoPher’S ChurCh
3350 Union Street, North Chili, Parish Office: 594-1400. We are a welcoming Catholic community with a focus on Faith in God and Service to His people. Join us for Mass any Saturday at 4:30PM, Sunday at 10:00AM or weekdays on Monday at 12:10 PM or Tuesday and Wednesday at 9:00AM. All are welcome in this place! We have a gifted Music Ministry including a Choir, Folk Group and Contemporary Group as well as a committed Faith Formation program for our youth. We offer many events throughout the year for our congregation and the surrounding community designed to deepen our faith and serve our brothers and sisters in the Rochester area. Check out our website at https://www.stchristophersnchili.org and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for all the latest updates.
Churches, to have your services listed or updated, call 352-3411.
St. GeorGe’SePiSCoPAL ChurCh
Follow Jesus, Build Community, Serve Others in Love. We welcome all to worship with us in warm fellowship in the Episcopal tradition of openness and caring. We are an ALL inclusive community with an open communion table. Please join us for Sunday worship at 10am. All services are both in-person and live-streamed online. We also offer a variety of Lenten and Advent programs, a Bible Study on Tuesdays, live music, Sunday School, semi-monthly Youth Group meetings and numerous other community building events. We are handicapped accessible. Follow us on Facebook, look for us on the web at www.stgeorgehilton.org, and join us for worship and fellowship at 635 Old Wilder Road, Hilton, NY (across from Kelly’s Apple Farm).
St. JohNLutherAN ChurCh
Pastor Chris Bode. 1107 Lake Road West Fork, Hamlin, NY 14464, 585964-2550. Sunday Services: 8:30 AM & 11 AM; 5th Sunday one service at 9:30 AM. Adult Bible Class & Sunday School at 9:45 AM (September – June). To view our services or devotions, go to stjohnhamlin.org. “To KNOW Christ and to make Him KNOWN.”
St. JohNtheeVANGeLiSt ChurCh
St. John’s is a place to encounter Christ in the sacraments, in community and in the Scriptures through prayer, service, and fellowship. Join us for Holy Mass at 5pm Saturdays, or Sundays at 7:45am, 9:30am, and 11:15am. Daily Mass, Tuesdays, & Thursdays at 8am and Wednesdays & Fridays at 6:30pm. Mass 9am on 1st Saturdays with Adoration until 10:30am. Confession: Monday & Wednesdays 5:30-6pm and Saturdays 3:45-4:30pm. Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays 8am-6pm (Benediction at 5:45pm). Many great opportunities to learn about the Scriptures, Sacraments and Service for families and children of all ages. We are located at 55 Martha St., Spencerport, NY 14559. Visit our website at https://stjohnschurchspencerport. org/. E-mail sstjohnc@dor.org. Facebook at facebook.com/StJohnThe EvangelistSpencerport/. Our Pastor is Fr. Sriram Sadhanala.
St. Leo’S CAthoLiC ChurCh
110 Old Hojack Lane, Hilton, 392-2710, www.stleohilton.org. Fr. Joseph Catanise. Daily Mass is celebrated: Monday 5:30 PM; Tuesday-Thursday 8:30 AM; Friday Communion Service 8:30 AM. Every Wednesday: Eucharistic Adoration 9 AM to 8 PM. Weekend Schedule: Saturday Confession 3:30-4:30 PM; Rosary 4:30 PM; Mass 5 PM (live-streamed). Sunday: Mass 8 AM, 10:30 AM, 6 PM; Adult Bible Study 11:45 AM. First Saturday Mass at 8:30 AM. All are welcome. Handicapped accessible.
St.mArY’S ChurChSt.mArK’S ChurCh 13 South Main Street, Holley16789 Kenmore Road, Kendall Parish Center – Holley 638-6718, www.stmarystmark.org. Daily Mass: Tueday-Friday 8 AM at St. Mary’s (no Mass on Monday); St. Mary Vigil Mass 4 PM on Saturday; St. Mark Vigil Mass 5:30 PM on Saturday; Sunday Mass 10 AM at St. Mary’s.
St. PAuL LutherAN ChurCh & SChooL 158 East Avenue, Hilton, NY 14468, 585-392-4000, www.stpaulhilton.org. Senior Pastor: Rev. Mark Ball – pastorball@stpaulhilton.org, office 585-3924000. Worship Services: Saturday at 5pm; Sunday at 8:30am and 11am. Bible Studies: Champions for Christ – Sunday at 9:45am; Adult Classes – Sunday at 9:45am; Ladies and Mens Bible Study – Thursdays at 10:30am. School: Meeting your child’s learning needs from age 2 through 8th grade. Call for a tour!
triNitY LutherAN ChurCh & Pre-SChooL 191 Nichols Street (Rte. 31), Spencerport, NY 14559. Phone: 352-3143. Pastor Steve Shrum. Trinity’s Updated Worship Schedules starting Sunday, October 1st – Traditional service at 9:00AM; Adult Bible Study, Sunday School, & Confirmation at 10:00AM; Contemporary service at 11:00AM with Children’s Church. Both worship services will be live streamed on YouTube. Visit our new website at www.TrinitySpencerport.org. Email: trinitylutheran191@gmail.com. ‘We are a Christ-centered church here to assist and rejuvenate the community through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We are a people that will equip families to draw closer to the Lord.’ uNioN CoNGreGAtioNAL
uNiteD ChurChof ChriSt
14 North Main Street, Churchville. A warm welcome awaits you at Union Church.Join us on Sunday mornings at 10 am, watch us live stream on Facebook, or find us on soundcloud.com/ucc-churchville. No matter where you are on your journey, you are welcome here. We are an open and affirming church and invite all. Food distribution for local families in need on the fourth Wednesday of each month from 4-5 pm. Look for our special events advertised throughout the year, or on our signboard at the front of the church. Call 293-1665 or stop by to talk with Pastor Bradley Klug any Wednesday from noon to 2 pm; e-mail us at unionucc@frontier.com or check our website at Churchvilleucc.com. Also like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram. We would love to hear from you and/or have you worship together with us.
InsideallpapersinBergen, Holley,Clarendon,Murray,Ogden, SpencerportandNorthChili. •
• Teachers
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The following students have graduated from the University at Albany:
•Kyla Alexander of Rochester (14624), bachelor of science in business economics
•Jessica Billitier of Spencerport, master of science in curriculum development & instructional technology
•Aylannie Campbell of Rochester (14606), bachelor of science magna cum laude in social welfare
•Mairin Connorton of Hilton, bachelor of science in biology
•Vanessa Fulmore of Rochester (14624), master of science in curriculum development & instructional technology
•Elizabeth Hathaway of Rochester (14626), bachelor of science summa cum laude in biology
•Ryan Hoak of Rochester (14626), bachelor of arts summa cum laude in history
•Cassandra Jones of Rochester (14624), bachelor of arts cum laude in political science
•RoseAnn Kamagate of Hilton, bachelor of science in human biology
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•Giovanna Maloney of Spencerport, master of science in curriculum development & instructional technology
•David Meisenzahl of Rochester (14624), master of business administration in business administration
•Kynesha Milwood of Rochester (14624), bachelor of arts in sociology
•John Perevich of Rochester (14626), certificate of graduate study in information security
•Karly Suhr of Hilton, bachelor of science summa cum laude in chemistry
•Nicole Valente of Rochester (14624), bachelor of science cum laude in biology.
Shea Schleicher of Spencerport, completed the requirements for a bachelor’s degree. Schleicher received a bachelor’s degree in early child/childhood education (B-6) at SUNY Oneonta.
Andrew Gatti of Rochester, was named to the 2024 spring dean’s list at the University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware.
The following students were named to the spring 2024 dean’s list at The University of Tampa, Tampa Florida:
•Zachery Geist of Rochester (14626), a senior majoring in allied health BS
•Paige Temperato of Rochester (14624), a senior majoring in advertising and public relations BA
•Kevin Nagel of Rochester (14626), a freshman majoring in allied health BS
•Hailey McNamara of Rochester (14624), a senior majoring in allied health BS
•Kylie Emrich of Hilton, a freshman majoring in psychology BA.
The following students graduated from Cedarville University in spring 2024:
•Molly Ball of Hilton, bachelor of science in management
•Nicholas Snyder of Brockport, bachelor of science in civil engineering
•Thomas Farmer of North Chili, master of arts in biblical leadership.
Westside News East & West Editions can be picked up at the following locations, also on our website westsidenewsny.com
The Village of Spencerport Mayor, Trustees and guests officially opened the Merz Park Parking Lot, located on the corner of Union and Canal Streets, on Monday, September 30.
The Village of Spencerport received funding in 2022 from Round 12 of the New York State Regional Economic Development Councils - Canalway Grant Program in the amount of $148,475.
Much of the project was completed by Village of Spencerport employees with help from the Town of Ogden Highway Department and minor outside contractor involvement.
This parking lot will allow easier access to the Erie Canal path and additional parking to the vibrant downtown business area.
Provided information and photo
– 5019 Ridge Rd. W.
Byrne Dairy – 2295 Spencerport Rd.
DJ’s Pizza – 2139 North Union St.
Joe’s Mart Gas Station – 5028 Ridge Rd. W. NAPA – 380 South Union St.
Ogden Gardens, 20 Kingsford Lane
Ogden Senior Center – 200 South Union St.
Ogden Town Hall – 269 Ogden Center Rd.
Slayton Place – 26 Slayton Ave.
Spencerport Family Apothecary – 42 Nichols St.
Tops Market – 27 Slayton Ave.
Trowbridge Apartments – 67 Lyell Ave.
Valero Gas Station – 2371 Spencerport Rd.
Walgreens – 2841 Nichols St.
Yellow Goose Gas Station – 3512 Brockport-Spencerport Rd. WEST EDITION
Bergen Area
7 Eleven – 8400 Buffalo Rd.
Bergen Meadows – 6619 N. Lake Rd.
C Store – 8073 Clinton St. Rd. (Route 33)
Hidden Meadows – Hidden Meadows Dr.
Ralph & Rosie’s Deli – 19 N. Lake Rd.
Rose Garden Bowl – 21 Buffalo Rd.
Brockport-Clarkson Area
Crosby’s – 8389 West Ridge Rd.
Seymour Library – 161 East Ave.
Wellington Woods – 702 Wellington Woods Dr. S. Brockport-Sweden Area
Byrne Dairy – 5550 Brockport-Spencerport Rd.
Brockport Diner – 11 Erie St.
Crosby’s – 4614 Lake Rd.
Kwik Fill – 82 Main St.
Lift Bridge Book Shop – 45 Main St.
Mobil On the Run Gas Station – 4118 Lake Rd.
Royal Gardens Apartments – 100 Royal Gardens Way
The Landing – 90 West Ave. Hamlin Area
Bradford Manor Apartments – 161 Victor Lane
Brightly’s Farm Market – 525 Drake Rd.
Crosby’s – 1449 Lake Rd.
Hamlin Library – 1680 Lake Rd.
Hamlin Terrace Apartments – 150 Hamlin Terrace
Hamlin Town Hall – 1658 Lake Rd.
Krony’s Pizza – 500 Hamlin Clarkson TL Rd.
Nina’s Golden Scissors – 1765 Lake Rd.
Pettinari’s – 918 Roosevelt Hwy.
Tops Market – 1800 Lake Rd.
Holley-Clarendon Area
Akley Apartments – 17179 4th Section Rd.
Crosby’s – 4541 Holley-Byron Rd.
Holley-Murray Area
Crosby’s – 35 State St.
Hickory Ridge Campground – 15853 Lynch Rd.
Holley Grove Apartments – 121 W. Albion St.
Holley Pharmacy – 3 Geddes St.
Crosby’s – 16672 State Route 31
Juxtapose Depot – 3570 Fancher Rd.
Murray Superette – 16573 Ridge Rd.
Woodside Court Apartments – 121 W. Albion St.
Kendall-Kent Area
Crosby’s – 16825 Roosevelt Hwy.
Schwenk’s Winery – 1456 Bills Rd.
WHEREAS, on the 30th day of September, 2024, pursuant to Section 105 of the Town Law and Section 181 of the Town Law, the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Kendall Fire District confirmed that the Annual Fire District Budget hearing will be conducted with reference to the Annual Fire District Budget for the fiscal year 2025 on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 commencing at 7:00pm at the Kendall Fire Department building located at 1879 Kendall Rd, Kendall, NY and
WHEREAS, the Board of Fire Commissioners is required to adopt a proposed budget at least 21 days before October 15, 2024 so that it is available for public inspection prior to the budget hearing.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Kendall Fire District has adopted a proposed Annual Fire District Budget for 2023 as of this date for purposes of discussion and review at the Budget Hearing to be held on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 and a copy of the proposed budget is available at the office of the Town Clerk of Town of Kendall and at the office of the Kendall Fire District Secretary at 1879 Kendall Rd, Kendall, NY where it may be inspected by any interested person during office hours. In addition, copies of the proposed budget will be available on the night of the said hearing.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Kendall Fire District will hold the Annual Fire District Budget hearing to be conducted with reference to the Annual Fire District Budget for the fiscal year 2025 on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 commencing at 7:00 pm at the Kendall Fire Department building located at 1879 Kendall Rd, Kendall, NY.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the aforesaid budget will be presented to the residents and taxpayers of the Kendall Fire District and to the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Kendall Fire District, for their respective consideration at this public hearing and for the purpose of considering the said budget and hearing all persons interested in the subject concerning same on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 commencing at 7:00 pm at the Kendall Fire Department building located at 1879 Kendall Rd, Kendall, NY. This notice is being publicized and posted in accordance with the provisions of Public Officers Law and the Town Law of the State of New York by order of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Kendall Fire District.
Dated: September 28, 2022
Melissa Schultz, Secretary Kendall Fire District
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Town Board of the Town of Clarkson, New York, on the 24th day of September 2024, adopted Local Law No. 6 of the year 2024 entitled Keeping of Chickens. Said local law amends the existing code within the Town of Clarkson. By way of example, these regulations for all residential lots require the following: an annual permit for chicken owners, a three-acre lot minimum, establishing the number of chickens, prohibiting roosters, specific housing requirements, and that they be kept in a fenced enclosure or coop, etc., all as more particularly described in said Local Law.
The complete text of this Local Law may be found at www.clarksonny.org, under “Legal Notices” and is on file in the Office of the Town Clerk and may be inspected during normal business hours.
By Order of the Town Board of the Town of Clarkson.
Dated: September 24, 2024
Susan Henshaw Clarkson Town Clerk
Legal Notice
Town of Clarkson
Notice of Public Hearing
Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Clarkson will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, at 7:00 pm at the Clarkson Town Hall, 3710 Lake Road, Clarkson, New York to consider the following application:
Applicant: Donna Donnelly
Property Owner: Donna Donnelly Address: 125 St. Katherine Way Zoning: RS-10
Applicant requesting an area variance for a shed not in accordance with Local Law 34-2023 Accessory Structures 140-7(b)(1) one accessory structure shall be permitted on any residential lot in the Town of Clarkson
All interested parties will be given the opportunity to be heard. Application is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.
Maps and information are available at the Town Hall’s Building Department for viewing.
By Order of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Clarkson.
Dated: 10/3/2024
Building Department
Kevin Moore, Building inspector
Keep up with projects in your neighborhood. Read WN Legal Notices.
The 2024 Pineway Ponds 5k Run/Walk, presented by Ogden Parks and Recreation and the Kiwanis Club of Spencerport, celebrated its 10th anniversary this year. It was a beautiful fall morning on September 28 as runners and walkers completed a 3.1-mile course over two bridges and through the streets of Ogden and Spencerport before being welcomed across the finish line with cheers from fans and supporters. The top 100 finishers were treated to unique wooden medallions as they crossed the finish line.
The Top 3 male and female finishers were: Male: 1st – Greg Selke, 2nd – Jordan Hill, 3rd – Joshua Harter; Female: 1st – Rosa Mykyta-Chomsky, 2nd – Erin Dragon, 3rd – Maggie Serapilio. The Top 2 Male and Female Finishers in several age brackets were also recognized. The event featured participants from 8 to 90 years old.
Many volunteers contributed to the success of this event, including the Ogden Police and Special Police Departments, Spencerport Fire Department, and Gates Ambulance. Paul Pakusch from TallPhotos. com captured the smiling faces of participants crossing the finish line. The race was timed by Robinhood Racing. Partial proceeds from this year’s event benefitted the Willie Bee Foundation.
Organizers are grateful for the support of the 2024 sponsors for this event. Platinum sponsors included: Brown & Brown Insurance of NY, DJ’s Pizzeria, and the Dominic Agostini State Farm Agency. Gold sponsors included: AireServ Heating & Air Conditioning and MVP Healthcare. Water Sponsor was Cellura Dental and Media Sponsor was Westside News. Silver sponsors included: Spencerport Federal Credit Union, Spencerport Insurance Agency, and Wegmans. Bronze sponsors included: Cardinal Lawn & Landscape, Rochester Running Company, Spencerport Neighbors, Town & Country Eyecare Associates, and Village Square Management.
Organizers look forward to this annual Fall event in 2025.
Provided information and photo
Please note:
• Keep limbs under 10 ft. in length.
• Do not place between poles or signs.
• Do not place brush in road. For items other than brush you should contact your refuse hauler. Any questions may be directed to the DPW Office at 637-1060 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday-Friday or the Village Office at 637-5300 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday.
Dan Verace, Superintendent of Public Works Village of Brockport
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that WATER MAIN FLUShING in the Village of Brockport will take place October 8th-10th.
As part of our routine maintenance of the water distribution system in the Village, Department of Public Works crews will be flushing water mains on October 8-10, 2024. We do this periodically to clean the mains and flush out sediment accumulations that may settle out in the mains. the flushing will ensure that you have a safe and healthy supply of drinking water.
Flushing operations will be conducted between 9:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. in the following locations on the date indicated:
North of the canal. All hydrants EASt of North Main Street (NYS rt. 19)
• TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2024: North of the canal. All hydrants WESt of North Main Street.
•WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2024: SoUth of the canal. All hydrants EASt of Main Street
• ThURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2024: SoUth of the canal. All hydrants WESt of Main Street.
During flushing you may see some cloudiness or color in the water. Please do not use any unnecessary water during this period. the flushing may cause the water to become “cloudy” or “discolored.” While the water will be safe to drink, we suggest that you do not wash clothes if you notice the water is discolored.
If you have any questions, please call the Department of Public Works at (585) 637-1060 between 7:00 A.M. and 3:30 P.M.
SUNY Brockport’s Friends of Drake Memorial Library are hosting a Trivia Night, Tuesday, October 15, from 6 to 9 p.m. at Pinewood Country Club, 1189 Ogden Parma Town Line Road, Spencerport. Space is limited. Register as an individual or with a team of four. Pre-registration is $20 per person. Admission at the door is $25.
Come tease your brain and participate in a friendly competition with friends and family. Win prizes, including basket raffles with donations from local businesses, raffle, and prizes for the winning teams. The kitchen opens at 4 p.m. for those interested in dinner (not included in trivia registration).
To register, go to tinyurl.com/DrakeTrivia. For information, contact M. J. Orzech at morzech@ brockport.edu.
Provided information
Scholarship Competition. Photo from @pinceny on X.
A big shakeup in the United Methodist Church has been in the news and is affecting many Christian believers. Four area churches: Brockport UMC, Adams Basin UMC, Spencerport UMC and Elmgrove UMC stand together in accepting, affirming, and encouraging full participation in the life of their congregations by all people, regardless of political beliefs or sexuality.
Throughout history, the people called Methodists have celebrated an open door theology. Pastor Jack Laskowski shared his thoughts. “We haven’t always gotten it right, but our structures have in the end al-
ways guided us toward justice, mercy and love. Our founder John Wesley declared: ‘Though we cannot think alike, may we not love alike? May we not be of one heart, though we are not of one opinion?’”
With so much divisiveness in our nation, these four churches are determined to let every individual know their sacred worth and the love of God. All are welcome to join them in worship on Sunday mornings: Brockport and Adams Basin’s services are at 9 a.m., Spencerport meets at 10 a.m., and Elmgrove at 10:45 a.m.
Provided information
Digital copies of the Westside News print editions are now available for viewing Friday mornings. No need to wait for our carriers to deliver our publications to you. Plus, you can take a screenshot of anything in the paper for personal use. So, clip that coupon, save that article, send that photo to an out-of-town relative.