Jack Brennan and his family stopped by Brockport Fire District Headquarters on September 3 to thank the first respond-
who helped
his life when he suffered a cardiac arrest in June.
Jack Brennan and his family stopped by Brockport Fire District Headquarters on September 3 to thank the first respond-
who helped
his life when he suffered a cardiac arrest in June.
Do you remember the story about a gentleman who crashed his vehicle into the pole at Brockport Subway in June?
Brockport Firefighters, EMS personnel from Monroe Ambulance and officers from the Brockport Police Department all met at Fire Headquarters on Market Street the evening of Tuesday, September 3, to greet their patient, Jack Brennan, and his family. They all came to hear Jack share a heartfelt thank you to those responsible for helping to save his life.
It was Sunday, June 9, at 9:46 a.m. when bystanders called 911 to report a man with a medical emergency had crashed into the pole in front of the Subway store on Brockport-Spencerport Road. Within ten minutes, responders were dispatched,
had responded to the scene, and had administered the first shock with an AED, while an 18-year-old employee from Subway was administering CPR. It was a perfect response storm for Mr. Brennan, and he is very appreciative of the efforts put forth by many to ensure a successful outcome for him.
He came to visit headquarters with his family who all expressed their appreciation to the first responders that came to the aid of their spouse, brother, father, and grandfather. Jack was joined by his wife, Caroline Rodriguez; his children, Mark, Scott and Kristen; his sisters, Maureen and Kathy; and several grandchildren when he came to say, “Thanks.”
Jack and Caroline were both interviewed by local television and radio staff during their visit. Jack retold his story and had nothing but high praise for the community first responders and his citizen rescuer, Leigha Walker.
Please join us, pay your respects, visit with your community volunteers, and remember the fallen
Jack was greeted by many members of the Brockport Fire District, including the crew from that day: first on scene Deputy Chief Tim Smith, who responded with Fire Chief Jose Medina; Past Chiefs Scott Smith, Michael Henry and Michael Menear; Firefighters Brandon Bostian, Patrick Doerrer, Harris Reed; and Association President Ron Sabernick, who all assisted in achieving the preferred outcome.
The first responders as a group are thankful Jack and his family took the time to visit with them, and share their appreciation.
The Operation Patriot Foundation is set to honor the heroes of September 11, 2001, with its 24th Annual Tribute on Sunday, September 8 (rescheduled from Saturday because of weather) at Ontario Beach Park. This event, which began as the nation’s firstknown 9/11 tribute ride – just 19 days after the attacks – features one of New York’s largest and longest-running motorcycle rides.
The ride, known as the “Let’s Roll!” tribute is named in memory of the courageous rallying cry of U of R alum Todd M. Beamer, who, along with other passengers, attempted to regain control of United Flight 93 from hijackers.
The tribute ride will be led by local, county, state, and federal law enforcement, the U.S. Army, local fire departments, and the Patriot Guard Riders. The route will take participants through Greece, Hilton, and Hamlin, and will include a pass by the 9/11 Memorial in Brockport before returning to Ontario Beach Park.
Following the ride, a memorial ceremony, hosted by The BEE Morning Coffee Club’s Bo Jaxon, will honor the fallen and pay tribute to those who serve.
The program will feature the LBS Highlanders Pipes & Drums, the MCSO Color Guard, and the Monroe County American Legion Honor Guard. Local musicians Monica Hall and Brian Venton will also perform. Additionally, K9 Officers and their handlers will be present to be recognized for their service.
The post-ceremony concert will feature Forever Seger, North America’s premier Bob Seger tribute, performing iconic hits like “Night Moves” and “Turn the Page.” The Bonnie Raitt Tribute Band will open with soulful renditions of tracks such as “I Can’t Make You Love Me,” while Begging Angels will bring an Americana mix of country and classic rock.
Attendees can enjoy a Food Truck Rodeo, explore a Vendor Fair with over 40 local artisans, and enter a raffle with more than 12 auction items, including a 6250-Watt Dual Fuel Portable Generator and an autographed cleat from Josh Allen of the Buffalo Bills.
Proceeds from this year’s event will benefit the Crime Stoppers K9 Initiative, which supports veterinary expenses for ill and injured K9s and provides new equipment for RPD and MCSO K9 obstacle courses. For information, go to www.OperationPatriot. org.
Sunday, September 8, Event Schedule: 9 a.m. – Ride registration 11 a.m. – Ride begins 12:45 p.m. – Ride returns 1:15 p.m. – Heroes Tribute Ceremony 1:45 p.m. – The Bonnie Raitt Tribute Band 2:30 p.m. – Begging Angels
3 p.m. – Forever Seger 4:30 p.m. – Event Close
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, is awaiting a double lung and liver transplant as a result of cystic fibrosis. A benefit concert is being held in her honor on September 14 in Brockport. Provided photo.
by Joanne Michielsen
A Musicals & Mischief Show by Gary Simboli is being held Saturday, September 14, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at Brockport First Baptist Church, 124 Main Street, Brockport. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. This concert is a Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA) benefit in honor of Christy Fessler.
Christy Fessler is a graduate of Kendall High School (Class of 2003) who lives in Greece with her husband, David. Christy was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at age two, and is now awaiting a double lung and liver transplant as a result of the disease.
Christy was a psychology professor at Nazareth University before a medical crisis in October 2023 put her in the ICU for 22 days, during which time her family was told she may not survive. She has endured several hospitalizations and treatments in the time since and is unable to work. “I’ve been walking up a very slow, but constant, downwardmoving escalator for a year now, and it shows. I have almost no energy most days,” Christy wrote in a recent update.
One hundred percent of the proceeds raised at the benefit will go to the COTA in honor of Christy to assist with transplant-related expenses. COTA is the nation’s only fundraising organization solely dedicated to raising life-saving dollars in honor of transplant-needy families. COTA’s services are free of charge and gifts to COTA are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
The concert will feature songs from beloved musicals, including Grease, The Sound of Music, Fiddler on the Roof, Annie, and more, along with Gary Simboli’s stories of directing over 70 high school theatrical productions during his teaching career. “My stories are funny, sincere, poignant and full of the love I have for my students and musical theatre,” Simboli said.
Tickets for the benefit concert are $25 at the door. Handmade items will also be for sale. Each purchase earns an entry into a Holiday Quilt Giveaway, with the winner to be announced at the end of the show.
To learn more about Christy’s story or to donate directly, go to cotaforfesslerstrong.com.
Spencerport Schools held a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on August 29 to celebrate the completion of a new secured vestibule at Bernabi Elementary School. Part of the 2022 capital project, the vestibule includes an enhanced visitor screening system, electronic door controls, exterior and interior door glazing, and breech/ballistic resistance.
“Our community will notice visible changes across our district, as we reach the midway point of the 2022 capital improvement project. We have a new playground at Munn, along with campus parking lots, road paving, and roof repairs,” said Superintendent Ty Zinkiewich. “More importantly, two out of a total seven secured vestibules have been completed at Taylor and Bernabi Elementary Schools. The progress to date has been significant, and I hope our community takes pride in making this 2022 capital project happen. Every improvement project is centered on our students’ safety and education, and our intent is to build on this momentum to enhance our structures and inspire learning for generations to come.”
If you are looking for a Faith Community... We are looking for YOU! All Are Welcome! Join Us For Mass! Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 152 Main St., Brockport 585-637-4500
Mass Times: Mon. & Fri. 8AM; Sat. 5PM; Sun. 11AM English & 1:30PM Spanish St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
The Sweden Community Foundation and the Jack Milner Family invite the community to attend the dedication of the Jack Milner Accessible Fishing Deck at Sweden Town Park on Friday, September 13, at 4 p.m.
Jack Milner was a lifelong resident and a dedicated advocate for recreational activities and children with special needs in the Town of Sweden. Throughout his life, Jack made a significant impact as a teacher, administrator, coach, and community leader. He also served as Town of Sweden Supervisor and was founding president of the Sweden Community Foundation. In case of bad weather, the dedication will be held in the Sweden Lodge. There will also be a reception in the Sweden Lodge following the dedication. Provided information
The New York Museum of Transportation will host a fleet of antique fire trucks on Sunday, September 15, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Trolley rides, the full museum, and the fire truck show are all included with admission of $10 for adults; $9 for seniors (65+); $6 youth (ages 3-12). No reservations are needed.
The Genesee Chapter of the Society for the Preservation and Appreciation of Antique Motorized Fire Apparatus in America (SPAAMFAA) will have their restored firefighting equipment on display for visitors to enjoy. Resplendent in bright red paint and polished metal work, these vintage vehicles will delight visitors and bring back memories of times past. Discover the difference between a “fire truck” and a “fire engine,” and find out why firefighters wear red suspenders.
The New York Museum of Transportation is home to an extensive collection of trolleys, a steam locomotive, horse-drawn buggies, and highway vehicles. A video about the Rochester Subway runs continuously in the gallery. A popular feature is the Midtown Plaza Monorail, and visitors of all ages will
thrill to several miniature trains in operation on a super-size model railroad.
The New York Museum of Transportation is located at 6393 East River Road, West Henrietta, and is easily reached from Exit 11 off I-390. For information, go to www.nymtmuseum.org or call 585-533-1113.
Provided information and photo
As the new school year kicks off, the Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor and the New York State Canal Corporation are inviting educators to take advantage of new lesson plans, virtual tours, and field trips focused on the Erie Canal in 2024/25. The free learning resources are geared for fourth through eighth grades and are part of the online Erie Canal Learning Hub.
“We are excited to bring the canal to the classroom. Students and teachers in New York State and beyond can tap virtual tours, videos, and lesson plans to learn about the history of the Erie Canal and see how it operates today,” said Bob Radliff, Executive Director of the Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor.
Teachers are invited to take advantage of new lesson plans, virtual tours, and field trips focused on the Erie Canal in 2024/25. Virtual and in person field trips to the Erie Canal Museum in Syracuse, and other canal museums and historic sites, are part of the offerings through the Erie Canal Learning Hub.
The new lesson plans include activities for students to explore the significance and impacts of the Erie Canal on the state and nation. Curriculum for seventh and eighth graders includes virtual field trips to the Erie Canal Museum in Syracuse and the Schoharie Crossing State Historic Site near In addition, schools in New York State can register now for free field trips to designated museums and historic sites during the 2024-25 school year through the Ticket-to-Ride and Open Outdoors for Kids programs. More than 60,000 students, 75-percent from economically disadvantaged schools, have participated in field trips through these programs.
New York State Canal Corporation Director Brian U. Stratton said, “As we commemorate the Bicentennial of the Erie Canal in 2025, we are thrilled to partner with the Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor to engage students through the Erie Canal Learning Hub. These innovative educational resources can help the next generation of canal enthusiasts and stewards learn about the transformational impact of our nation’s most iconic waterway.”
Field trip signup and curriculum resources are available at www.eriecanalway.org/learning-hub. Provided information and photo
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is expanding statewide the multi-year cooperative study of how increased use of non-lead ammunition for deer hunting can improve the survival of bald and golden eagles. Hunters statewide are now eligible for a rebate up to $60 for the purchase of non-lead ammunition for use during the 2024-25 deer hunting seasons.
“Hunters are critical partners in promoting sustainable wildlife management practices across North America, including ongoing efforts to improve golden and bald eagle populations in New York State,” DEC Interim Commissioner Sean Mahar said. “By using non-lead ammo, hunters can help ensure scavenging animals like eagles are not unintentionally exposed to toxic lead fragments from bullets. DEC appreciates deer hunters who have volunteered to be part of this study and encourages others to participate during the upcoming hunting season.”
DEC highly prioritizes minimizing risks to wildlife and people from lead hunting ammunition. Eagles can incidentally ingest lead bullet fragments when scavenging the remains left behind after a hunter field dresses a deer. The golden eagle population is relatively stable in the eastern United States,
although a multitude of human-caused threats still exist. While the bald eagle population continues to recover in New York, research has shown that lead-related mortality slows population growth. The newly expanded study aims to determine whether this source of mortality can be reduced by increasing the proportion of hunters using non-lead ammunition.
Initially available for hunting in specific Wildlife Management Units (WMUs), the study is expanding statewide to include all WMUs where a firearm can be used to hunt deer. Participation in the rebate program is voluntary and will be available to all firearm deer hunters statewide. DEC’s research partners will be offering rebates up to $60 for the purchase of certified non-lead ammunition and participation in both pre- and post-hunt surveys.
DEC expects to continue the study and rebate program for the 2025 and 2026 hunting seasons. For more information about the program, assistance with finding ammunition, and a program application, visit htps://huntersforeagleconservation. org/new-york/.
Provided information
Westside Challenger Tennis will provide a Fall program for students with special needs. Although this program is designed to ensure that students with special needs receive excellent instruction, tailored to their individual skill level, the program is integrated and all players are welcome. Westside Challenger Tennis is based on the United States Tennis Association motto that “people of all ages and abilities should have an opportunity to participate in the game of tennis.”
The program will be held September 14, 21, and 28, from 10:15 to 11:30 a.m. at the Brockport Central School tennis courts or SUNY Brockport (if it rains). Participants should plan
on attending each of the three dates. Specially trained tennis teachers will work with all participants, providing instruction tailored to a given participant’s ability. Equipment and refreshments will be provided at no cost.
This program has a limited enrollment of 20 participants, accepted on a first come, first served (pardon the pun) basis. Students with special needs will be given enrollment priority. Those interested are encouraged to get registration forms as soon as possible. These forms are available by request at westsidechallengertennis@ gmail.com.
Applications are due by September 10, 2024.
Provided information and photo
The 2024 Hilton Apple Fest Pie Baking Contest will be held on Saturday, October 5. Judges and volunteers are lined up and ready to accept pie entries. The application is online at www.hiltonapplefest.org or can be picked up at any one of these locations: Parma Town Hall, Shear Emotion, Tops Markets in Hilton, Hilton Family Restaurant, M & T Bank Hilton Branch, Summit Bank Hilton Branch, Mainly Books, Parma Public Library, the Village of Hilton, and Hilton Parma Recreation. It is also on the back page of this publication.
Pies need to be delivered to the Ingham Room of the Hilton Community Center between 8 and 9 a.m. on the day of the contest, October 5, as
judging begins at 9:30 a.m. Pies will be judged on appearance, taste, and texture. There is a Youth Division (up to and including 16 year olds) and an Adult Division.
Those with questions should call 585-392-7773 and leave a message for the “Apple Pie Contest.” Event organizers look forward to all the delicious entries.
Provided information
The American Heart Association has some tips to help parents plan school lunches, since they play an essential role in a student’s wellbeing and success in the year ahead.
Cardiovascular disease is a major cause of illness and premature death in men and women around the world, and mounting evidence reveals the importance of primary prevention of heart disease beginning in childhood. The American Heart Association recommends that children eat a wide variety of foods while consuming enough calories to support their growth and development.
Kids and their families should eat foods low in saturated fat, cholesterol and total fat, choose a wide range of foods to get enough carbohydrates, protein and other nutrients, and consume enough calories to maintain a healthy weight for their height, build and activity level.
A disturbing trend observed around the country is the increase of overweight and obese children. The trend is particularly alarming because obesity increases risk for other major cardiovascular disease risk factors like hypertension, cholesterol disorders and type-2 diabetes, which are rising in children and adolescents.
Introduction to Square Dancing. No experience necessary. Sunday, September 15th • 5-7pm Held at First Baptist Church 3182 Chili Ave., Rochester, NY Singles, Couples, Families all are welcome. Refreshments provided. For more info visit www.cloverleafsquares.org or call our info line at 987-5972
Teaching children healthy eating habits now may increase their chances of living a healthy life helping to reduce their chances of developing cardiovascular disease later in life.
Here are some tips to think about when preparing your children’s food:
•Choose foods naturally low in saturated fat and cholesterol, like fruits and vegetables. Most are naturally low in fat, calories and sodium and high in fiber, vitamins and minerals.
•Swap peanut butter with added sugars and oils to one made with just peanuts.
•Use lean meats. Choose fish, chicken, turkey and lean cuts of beef and pork.
•Switch to fat-free milk. Gradually reduce the fat content of the milk your family drinks. Start with 2%...then try 1%...and finally fat-free milk.
•Switch white bread to wheat bread.
•Change juice boxes or chocolate milk for water (infuse it with fruit if they need a flavor boost).
A nutritious, heart-healthy lunch, combined with daily exercise, will help set up every child for a year of optimal learning and development. For additional heart-healthy tips, visit www.heart.org/healthyliving.
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•Jazz at the Beach free concert series will be held at Tropix Nightclub, 4775 Lake Avenue in Charlotte. The concerts begin at 7 p.m. The Daryl Parker Quarter performs September 10. Free parking available, including close handicap access. For information, go to www.ontariobeachentertainment. org.
•Homesteads for Hope Community Farm, 2185 Manitou Road, Spencerport, hosts Thursdays at the Farm from 5 to 8 p.m. Enjoy live music and grab a bite at the Pizza Grill or Farm Store and Café. There will also be vendors and pony rides. Joey Allen performs September 12. For information, visit homesteadsforhope.org.
•Crocheters and knitters are invited to help create hats for the homeless (and other projects). The group meets every second and fourth Thursday from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at Spencerport Assembly of God, 3940 Canal Road, Spencerport. All are welcome.
•Square Dance Open House: Introduction to Square Dancing. No experience necessary. Held Sunday, September 15, from 5 to 7 p.m. at First Baptist Church in Chili, 3182 Chili Avenue, Rochester 14624. Singles, couples, families (parents and teenage children – minimum age 13), all are welcome. Free refreshments provided. For information, visit www.cloverleafsquares.org or call the information line at 987-5972.
•The RMSC Council presents Fantastic Findings 2024, September 18 through 21 at the RMSC Eisenhart Auditorium, 657 East Avenue, Rochester. The upscale “next-to-new” sale has a preview day on Wednesday from 5 to 7 p.m. ($10 entry). The sale is open to the public with no entry fee on Thursday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Friday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
All funds go towards supporting the mission and operations of all three locations of the RMSC.
•Pharmaceutical waste collection event on Thursday, September 19, from 3 to 6 p.m. at the Clarkson Highway Garage, 3623 Lake Road North. No appointment is necessary. Acceptable items for the drop off include pills and liquid prescription and over the counter medication, ointments and creams, sprays and inhalers, empty prescription bottles and vials (you can leave labels on), pet medications, epipens, and sharps. For information, contact Legislator Jackie Smith’s office at 585-7531922 or legislatorsmith@gmail.com.
•Family Fun Day and the Community Resource Partnership will be held on Saturday, September 28, from noon to 3 p.m. at Jubilee Church, 3565 Lake Road, Clarkson. There will be food, raffles, a pie-eating contest, games, and prizes. A vast array of Monroe County services and other resources will also be on site with information. The event is free and open to all in the community. For information, call Jubilee Church at 637-8530 or visit jubileechristianchurch.org.
•The American Legion Auxiliary #379 will serve a Lasagna Dinner on the second Wednesday of the month and a Chicken & Biscuit Dinner on the fourth Wednesday of the month to help support the Brockport Area Veterans Club, 222 West Avenue, Brockport. Both dinners are from 4 to 6 p.m. and are available for dine in or take out. Cost is $12 per person, $6 for veterans. For reservations, call 585-637-5012. (Dinners may vary.)
•Musicals & Mischief Show by Gary Simboli is being held Saturday, September 14, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. (doors open at 4:30 p.m.) at Brockport First Baptist Church, 124 Main Street, Brockport. This is a benefit concert in honor of Christy Fessler who is awaiting a double lung and liver transplant as a result of cystic fibrosis. All proceeds raised will go to the Children’s Organ Transplant Association in honor of Christy to assist with transplant-related expenses. Tickets are $25 at the door. Handmade items will be for sale and each purchase earns an entry into a Holiday Quilt Giveaway (winner announced at the end of the show). To learn more about Christy’s story or to donate directly, go to cotaforfesslerstrong.com.
•Spencerport United Methodist Church, 32 Amity Street, will be holding their annual fall Chicken Barbecue on Saturday, September 21, from 3 to 6 p.m. or sold out. Dinners will be take-out only and may be picked up from your car by way of the Firemen’s Field. Dinners are $14 and include a half-chicken, potato, coleslaw or applesauce, roll, and dessert.
•Baskets and Brunch, a fundraiser for Aurora House Comfort Care Home, is September 21 at Chef’s Event Center & Party House. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. Features a full brunch buffet (including mimosas) and laughs provided by local comedian Dan Viola. Tickets are $50. Go to https://aurorahousewmc.com/baskets-brunch-2024/ for information and tickets.
•Vendors and crafters needed: Harvey C. Noone American Legion Auxiliary #954 will be hosting a craft and vendor fair on Saturday, October 12, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Outdoor spaces still available for $20 a spot. Supply your own table, chair and tent, if needed. The Sons will be supplying food and there will be an ice cream truck. Country Junktion will be sponsoring a scarecrow festival. For information, contact Tish Juergens at 293-1364 or email at levans14428@yahoo.com.
•Chili: Conservation Board – September 9, 7 p.m.; Architectural Advisory Committee – September 10, 6 p.m.; Planning Board – September 10, 7 p.m. All meetings will be at the Town Hall Main Meeting Room.
•Churchville: Board of Trustees – September 9, 7 p.m., at 23 E. Buffalo Street.
•Clarkson: Town Board – September 10, 6 p.m.
•Hamlin: Town Board – September 9, 7 p.m. at 1658 Lake Road.
•Kendall: Town Board Workshop – Saturday, September 14, 9 a.m.; Zoning Board – September 10, 7 p.m.
•Riga: Planning Board – September 9, 7 p.m.; Town Board – September 11, 7 p.m.
•Sweden: Planning Board – September 9, 7 p.m.; Town Board – September 10, 6 p.m.
•Veterans with Cancer Support Group meets the second and fourth Tuesday of the month from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Cancer Support Community at Gilda’s Club, 255 Alexander Street, Rochester. Call 585-423-9700 x304 or visit www.cscrochester.org for information.
• The Food Cupboard at First Presbyterian Church of Chili, 3600 Chili Avenue, is open 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, September 21, and the third Saturday of the each month. Grocery Bags of food donated to those in need – currently serving over 90 families. Anyone interested in being a Food Cupboard Helper (packing bags, handing out food, etc.), making monetary donations, and/or donating peanut butter, cereal, crackers or paper grocery bags to this cause, can contact the church at 585-889-9896.
•The Parkinson’s Foundation offers a variety of free virtual programs – including Mindfulness Mondays, Wellness Wednesdays, Fitness Fridays, and more – for those with Parkinson’s Disease. Visit https://www.parkinson.org/resources-support/events for information and to register.
•Parma Hilton Historical Society will kick off its Monday Night Speaker Series on September 9. Bill Golden, a Hilton alumni and former resident, will talk about his experience of working in Tower 7 on September 11, 2001, when the planes hit the World Trade Center. His talk will take place in the Quest Auditorium (West Avenue School) from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
•The Gates Historical Society program will be held on Monday, September 16, at 7 p.m. in the Gates Town Hall Annex. Aisha Pierre, Curator at the Susan B. Anthony House and Museum, will present a program about the history of the House and Museum. There is no charge for this program and the facilities are handicapped accessible.
•The Hamlin Public Library is open Mondays/ Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Tuesdays/Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Fridays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Digital Literacy of Rochester is at the library every Monday from noon to 3 p.m. providing technology assistance. The Fiber Friends program on Monday, September 9, from 3 to 5 p.m. is open to anyone with an interest in knitting, crocheting, spinning, weaving or felting. Bring your own projects or help others. ABC Storytime with Mrs. Carlson starts Monday, September 16, at 10:30 a.m. Join to read, talk, sing and play your way through the alphabet. Silent Book Club is Tuesday, September 17, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. The monthly Homeschool program kicks off Wednesday, September 18, at 1 p.m. with Library Skills. Adult Craft program is Saturday, September 21, at 11 a.m. Make your own mini craft books. Register for programs online through the library calendar at https://calendar.libraryweb.org/calendar/Hamlin. For information, call 964-2320 or visit the library’s Facebook page.
•Newman Riga Library, 1 South Main Street, Churchville, is open Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Tuesdays/Thursdays 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.; and Saturdays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Upcoming events: Altered Books Workshop for Adults – Thursday, September 12, at 2 p.m. Students will learn the basics of pop up and kaleidoscope books and create their own. Registration required. Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Communication Strategies – September 24 at 6 p.m. Alzheimer’s Association volunteer and local resident Deb Grasso is returning with a new program. Registration required. For more information and registration, call 293-2009, go to newmanrigalibrary.org, or visit the library’s Facebook page.
•The Ogden Farmers’ Library, 269 Ogden Center Road, Spencerport, is open Monday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Tuesday through Thursday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday and Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (every third Friday opening at 10 a.m.). Adult events: Book Group: Glass Castle – September 10 at 2 p.m.; History of NY State Vets Cemetery – September 13 at 2 p.m.; Learn Bookbinding – September 16 at 6 p.m.; Suicide Prevention – September 21 at 10 a.m.; Civil War Lecture – September 23 at 6 p.m. Call 617-6181 to register. Find Kids & Teen events at facebook.com/ogdenfarmerslibrary.
•Parma Public Library, 7 West Avenue, Hilton is holding the following events (no registration unless
indicated): Eat Healthy for Your Heart – Wednesday, September 11, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Join Cornell Cooperative Extension’s Nutrition Educator on Zoom to learn more about heart healthy eating habits and practical movement tips. Register to receive a Zoom link. Teen/Tween Craft Club: Shrinky Dinks & Buttons – Thursday, September 12, 6 to 7 p.m., for grades 6 and up. No registration. Alzheimer’s Association Empowered Caregiver Series – Friday, September 13, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., registration recommended. Learn how dementia affects communication. The Parma Library Building will be closed to the public for renovations from Monday, September 16, through Friday, October 4. They will offer curbside service and special hours during this time. Please contact the library for more information or visit parmapubliclibrary.org. The library will also be closed on Saturday, October 5, for the Hilton Apple Fest. For information, call 392-8350 or visit www.parmapubliclibrary.org.
•This is a sample of programs held at the Seymour Library, 161 East Avenue, Brockport, 637-1050. For complete information, visit seymourlibraryweb. org. Programs marked with an * require advance registration. Seymour Chess Club – Tuesday, September 10, 6 to 7 p.m. Fun with Paper* – Friday, September 13, noon to 1:30 p.m. Paper Luminary with Deb Cody.
•Country Neighbors Quilt Guild meets the second Wednesday of the month, 6:30 p.m., at St. John Lutheran Church, 1107 Lake Road North, Hamlin. For information, call 585-964-2081. •Orleans County SCOPE meets Tuesday, September 10, 7 p.m., at the Hoag Library, 134 South Main Street, Albion. For information, visit https:// scopeny2a.org/Orleans.
•The Friends of Hamlin Beach State Park are holding an Open House on Wednesday, September 18, from 5 to 6 p.m. in Area 4 Shelter 5. Meet the FOHBSP and see how they make a difference in the park. Snacks provided.
•Brockport High School Class of 1974 celebrates its 50th class reunion on Saturday, October 12, 2024 starting at 4 p.m. at Salmon Creek Country Club, 355 Washington Street, Spencerport. $40 per person in advance (cash bar). Casual, informal. Pre-reunion gathering on Friday, October 11, at 6 p.m. at Bill Gray’s Tap Room, 4647 Lake Road South, Brockport. For information, email Lois (Ginder) Cariola at Loiscariola2@gmail.com. Payments (checks) can be sent to Kathy (Swalbach) Roberts, 64 Fayette Street, Brockport, NY 14420 or VENMO@Kathy-Roberts-4. Payment must be received no later than September 28, 2024. School Boards
•Churchville-Chili Board of Education meets Tuesday, September 10, at 139 Fairbanks Road, Churchville. Work Session at 6 p.m. in Professional Development Room A #3802. Regular board meeting at 7 p.m. in Administrative Board Room #3808.
•The Sweden Senior Association, Inc. meets Monday, September 9, 1 p.m., at the Sweden Clarkson Community Center, 4927 Lake Road South, Brockport. Meet in the conference room to share ideas, learn about programs and volunteer opportunities, and meet new friends.
•Free Medicare education session. Learn about eligibility requirements of Medicare; Medicare Parts A, B, C and D; original Medicare costs and benefits; prescription drug programs, Medigap and Medicare Advantage. Two sessions available: Tuesday, September 17, 6:30 p.m., at the Sweden Clarkson Community Center, 4927 Lake Road, Brockport; or Wednesday, September 18, 6:30 p.m., at the Ogden Farmers’ Library, 269 Ogden Center Road, Spencerport. RSVP to theresas@ maustandleone.com or call/text 585-507-6316. For accommodations of persons with special needs, call 585-507-6316 or TTY 711. Attendees are under no obligation to enroll in a plan. Not affiliated with or endorsed by any government agency. Theresa Seil is a Licensed Insurance Agent affiliated with Maust & Leone.
•Hilton Area Swim Team Free Trial - September 9 through 11, 5:15 to 6 p.m. Open to kids ages 6 to 18. For more information, email hastboard@gmail. com
•Give A Lift Northwest, a program of Lifespan of Greater Rochester, is seeking volunteer drivers to provide transportation to people aged 60+ to medical appointments and the grocery store in the Brockport, Clarkson, Sweden, Hamlin and Hilton areas. Call 585-244-8400 ext. 211 for info. Flexible hours. Training and excess insurance provided. •Join the Friends of Hamlin Beach State Park for the first ever PTNY Fish and Wildlife Day on Saturday, September 28, from 10 a.m. to noon. Volunteer to do trail work and enjoy a guided educational walk. Sign up at https://www.ptny.org/events/loveour-new-york-lands.
Submit Calendar
Starting the Fall 2024 semester, majors in actuarial and data science, climate studies, forensic science, and sustainability, as well as a master’s in chemistry, will be offered to incoming and current students at SUNY Brockport.
Actuarial & Data Science Major
The actuarial and data science major utilizes mathematics, statistics, and technology to understand, process, and visualize data. From insurance companies to tech giants, every industry relies on actuaries and data scientists to make informed data-based decisions that ultimately decide their trajectory.
Evolving from a track in the mathematics major, the program fully embraces a curriculum that teaches students to analyze data that affect businesses and transform communities. The program is tailored for students interested in a career as an actuary or in data science, a field that is expected to grow by 30% over the next 10 years.
Chemistry (MS)
Students can now continue studying chemistry at SUNY Brockport after earning their undergraduate degree. The program focuses on the chemical sciences – analytical, biochemistry, inorganic, organic, and physical studies. Students will gain hands-on learning with the instrumentation required for modern research in chemical applications.
Whether students are currently working or studying full-time, the master’s program offers two plans of study:
1. A thesis-based program that incorporates original experimental research. This program is best suited for students interested in working for the government or private laboratories.
2. A non-thesis-based program with a more flexible course of study. The program is ideal for full-time employed students and professionals who teach adolescence education. It requires independent literature-based research experience.
climate studies major combines the natural sciences and social sciences, focusing not only on understanding our planet’s climate, but how that information affects policy making.
The forensic science major was created in response to Brockport’s student population and societies’ continued interest in forensic science and investigations. This interdisciplinary major consists of courses from six different departments: anthropology, biology, chemistry, criminal justice, math, and physics.
As emphasis on scientific data and evidence in investigations continues to grow, evidence processing “backlogs” are increasing throughout the country, and the need for graduates with a background in forensic science is growing. The program prepares students to join the field immediately after graduation or pursue a master’s degree through a rigorous curriculum that emphasizes laboratory experience and knowledge in our justice system.
Students earning a bachelor’s degree in climate studies will be at the forefront of a field trying to understand the intricacies of global climate change and what we can do to make a difference. With a recent study from Cambridge revealing that 39% of 13 to 19 year olds believe that climate change is the “single biggest issue facing the world today,” incoming prospective students are interested in solving the problems caused by climate change so we can have a brighter future. Understanding the issues caused by climate change is only the first step. Knowing how to implement global fixes for those issues is another. The
The sustainability major examines the multitude of systems that impact sustainability, including the environment, economics, and politics. Higher-level courses focus on how to take those concepts and apply them to designing and planning solutions to systemic issues that plague our planet.
This interdisciplinary program consists of courses from six different departments: anthropology, business administration, earth sciences, environmental science, history, and sociology. From government policy makers to corporations seeking sustainable alternatives, the importance of making changes now to create a better future is at the forefront of decision making.
Accelerated programs are designed for current undergraduate majors with intent to matriculate into a master’s program. Students can earn graduate credits during their last two undergraduate semesters.
The new accelerated education programs ease the transition for students majoring in a field of science and plan to pursue a career in teaching. Four new accelerated programs are now available for current SUNY Brockport students:
•BS in Biology - MSEd in Biology Education Inclusive Generalist (5-12)
•BS in Chemistry - MSEd in Chemistry Education Inclusive Generalist (5-12)
•BS in Earth Science - MSEd in Earth Science Education Inclusive Generalist (5-12)
•BS in Physics - MSEd in Physics Education Inclusive Generalist Provided information
Legal Notice
Town of Clarkson
Notice of Public Hearing
Notice is hereby given that the Planning Board will hold their meeting at the Clarkson Town Hall at 3710 Lake Road, Clarkson, New York 14430, on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, at 7:00pm to consider the following Application.
Applicant: Donna Donnelly
Property Owner: Donna Donnelly
Address: 125 St Katherine Way
Acres: 0.27
Applicant requesting to combine lots.
All interested parties will be given the opportunity to be heard. Application is on file in the Town Clerks Office.
Maps and information are available at the Town Hall’s Building Department for viewing.
By order of the Planning Board of the Town of Clarkson.
Dated 9/4/2024
Andrea Rookey Building Department
Legal Notice
Town of Hamlin
Please be advised that the Hamlin Zoning Board of Appeals will hold Public Hearings at the Hamlin Town Hall located at 1658 Lake Road, Hamlin on Monday, September 16, 2024 after 7:00 p.m. with on-site inspections by the board beginning after 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, September 14, 2024 for the following:
Application of Greg Dennie, owner, Greg Dennie, seeking relief from Town Code§520-29 D, f, G, to add different fencing options to his existing yard and to add a wire structure in the rear yard for a child and cat containment area. This is in the R-M Zoning District. Tax account# 021-03-2-11
Application of Shawn Walsh, owner, Shawn Walsh, seeking relief from Town Code§520-31B to add 2 accessory structures to his property without a dwelling. All accessory structures shall be placed behind the main front foundation line of the dwelling on the property. This is in the R-VL Zoning District. Tax account# 028.010-01-004.1
All interested parties will be given the opportunity to be heard at this time. Further information may be obtained by calling 964-8181.
September 16, 2024
Norman Baase - Chairperson Zoning Board of Appeals
The Town of Hamlin is seeking to fill the position of JusTicecourTclerk This is presently a part time position/possible full time with a pay range of $16.00-$21.40 per hour depending on experience. All applications must be received at the Town Clerk’s office located at 1658 Lake Rd., Hamlin, N.Y. 14464 by September 13, 2024. A description of job duties can be obtained at the Town Clerk’s office.
Town of Clarkson
Keeping of Chickens within the Town of Clarkson
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Town Board of the Town of Clarkson shall hold a Public Hearing at the Town Hall, 3710 Lake Road, Clarkson, NY 14430, on the 24th day of September, 2024 at 6:00 pm to consider adoption of the following local law:
The proposed Local Law would amend the existing regulations relating to the Keeping of Chickens within the Town of Clarkson. By way of example, these regulations include: Establishing the number of chickens which may be kept, how they are housed, permitting them in residential zoning districts, requiring that all chickens be kept in a fenced enclosure or coop and prohibiting roosters, all as more particularly described in such Local Law.
A full and complete text of such proposed Local Law may be found at www.clarksonny.org, under “Legal Notices”, and is presently on file at the Office of the Town Clerk where it may be examined by all interested persons during normal business hours.
All interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard.
Dated: August 13, 2024 By Order of the Clarkson Town Board Susan Henshaw Town Clerk
Monroe County
Notice of Dissolution of Hamlin United Methodist Church
NOTICE is hereby given by the Hamlin United Methodist Church, also known as the First Methodist Episcopal Society in Hamlin, also known as First Methodist Episcopal Society of Hamlin, N.Y. also known as The First Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the Town of Hamlin, and also known as Methodist Episcopal Church & Parsonage, (collectively, the “Church”) that the Church intends to dissolve, and the Church intends to petition the Supreme Court of Monroe County at 545 Hall of Justice, Rochester, New York 14614, on or about October 8th, 2024 or as soon thereafter as such petition may be heard, upon the petition of the majority of the Trustees of the Church, for an Order directing the dissolution of the Church pursuant to New York Religious Corporations Law Section 18. Any questions or comments regarding this petition may be sent to: Hamlin United Methodist Church, c/o Nat Lester, Esq., 5500 West Ridge Road, Spencerport, NY 14559. Any such communications must be received by October 8, 2024. Dated at Hamlin, New York, on the 23rd day of August, 2024.
Sponsored by St. John Mission Outreach
Wednesday, September 18 • 5-6:30PM
$12.00 per person
Spaghetti, salad, bread, dessert Takeout/Dining Room Seating Reservation Only - 964-2550 by 9/8
St. John Lutheran Church 1107 Lake Road West Fork, Hamlin, NY
Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C-Batavia) recently drafted a letter to Gov. Hochul requesting that the Advanced Clean Truck (ACT) regulation delay its enforcement start date from January 1, 2025.
Following conversations with constituents and local business owners who rely on trucks for their operations, Hawley has learned that the implementation of the program – which resulted from an effort to curb excess emissions from shipping trucks – is already producing problems businesses are struggling to accommodate in this short time frame. Hawley is asking for the delay until the NYS Energy Research and Development Authority conducts and concludes the highway and depot charging needs evaluation.
“The New York State Automobile Dealers Association (NYSADA) and the Trucking Association of New York (TANY) have already expressed concerns with the regulation’s implementation next year, and their claims need to be heeded” Hawley said.
“As a government we need to start listening to all stakeholders who will be affected by decisions New York State makes. In this case, it would appear that truck dealers and trucking businesses have never been consulted. Unfortunately, this happens over and over again with the State of New York” Hawley said.
Provided information
It was planned to be a relatively brief Meet and Greet, but the questions and conversations kept coming, so for more than an hour Judge Michael Ansaldi engaged with voters on August 24 at the Seymour Library. Due to the promotion of Monroe County Court Judge Meridith Vacca to the federal bench in August, local Democrats assembled on short notice to select a candidate to be on the ballot in November. This unusual situation was explored, and participants had lots of questions about the limits of what judicial candidates can and cannot say as part of their campaign. The bottom line – does a candidate have experience in doing the specialized work of a judge? Provided information and photo.
On August 28, Gov. Kathy Hochul signed four agriculture-related bills into law, for which New York Farm Bureau (NYFB) has been actively advocating.
“Today is another win for farmers across New York State, as the playing field continues to level among farming industries. We particularly commend Gov. Hochul for granting the same crop loss protections to wineries that breweries and cideries have,” said New York Farm Bureau President David Fisher.
The bills are:
•S9232: Allows the state to provide a crop loss determination for apples used in the production of New York-labeled cider for farm wineries that are producing New York-labeled cider. Without this legislation, only farm breweries and farm cideries can benefit from a crop loss determination. The bill grants the same protection to farm wineries that are also licensed to produce New York-labeled cider, which allows them to purchase out-of-state goods to
make New York–labeled products if they receive a crop loss determination.
•A6821: Allows for the leasing of state land, for up to 10 years, for the purpose of tapping trees and sap production. Without this bill, maple producers can only lease state land for five years.
•A7020: Renames the Young Farmer Advisory Board to the Beginning Farmer Advisory Board, along with expanding the membership of the board and changing the requirement for an annual report to a biennial report.
•A10110: Defines “rescue” and clarifies that the entities participating in rescuing domestic animals, including cattle, swine, horses, cervids, camelids, sheep or goats, would be required to have a Domestic Animal Health Permit. Entities that have this permit are responsible for keeping records of transactions from adoptions to sales, leases and gifts of animals that enter their facilities.
Provided information
is seeking candidates for the following substitute positions:
• School Bus Drivers (we provide training)
• School Bus Attendants
• Custodial Workers (cleaners)
• Teachers
• Teacher Aides
Please print and complete the Civil Service application found at www.holleycsd.org and return to: Holley CSD, 3800 N. Main St. Rd., Holley, NY 14470 Call 585-638-6316 X: 2003 for more information.
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The Spencerport Central School District is dedicated to providing safe, reliable, and friendly transportation for our students. Join our team and make a positive impact on our community. Paid training is provided!
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• OLLIE’S InsideallpapersinChurchville,Hilton,NorthChili, SpencerportandOgden(14624). Visit our website at www.spencerportschools.org under Job Openings to fill out an application. Questions? Call (585) 349-5124. EOE
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In loving memory of Salvatore A. Pacelli Jr. who passed away peacefully on August 30, 2024 at the age of 90. He is predeceased by his first wife, Patricia; parents, Salvatore and Rose; and brothers, Adolph and Joseph. He is survived by his wife, Donna; children, Gregg (Cheryl) Pacelli, Colleen (Bill) Rogers, Kathryn (Roger) Dishong, Leda (Christian) PacelliSzabo, and Paul Viele; mother of Leda and Paul, Sheila Ferrett; sister, Angela Valentine; many nephews, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren who will carry his memory with them always.
Salvatore was a Veteran of the United States Army and served during the Korean War. He retired from Xerox where he worked for 34 years. He was an avid outdoorsman who loved hunting, fishing, boating, skiing, and scuba diving. His charismatic personality allowed him make friends wherever he went.
All are invited to a Celebration of Salvatore’s life at the Braddock’s Bay Park, Donald Schlieter Lodge on Friday, September 13, 2024 from 3:00 - 10:00 pm. www. burgerfuneralhome.com
The following local students received degrees from Rochester Institute of Technology in May 2024:
• David Olney of Hilton received an MS in materials science and engineering
• Benjamin Meyers of Churchville received a Ph.D. in computing and information sciences
• Rachel Maass of North Chili received an MBA in business administrationexecutive
• Gina Marshall of Holley received a BS in environmental sustainability, health and safety
• Ryan Wills of Rochester (14624) received an MS in astrophysical sciences and technology
•Erric Russo of Rochester (14624) received an MS in physics
•Keaton Freitag of Kendall received a BS in game design and development
• Katherine Dye of North Chili received a BS in computing and information technologies
•Jonathan Sutton of Rochester (14624) received an M.Arch in architecture
•Erkan Uretener of Rochester (14626) received a BS in computer science
•Amanda Brongo of Spencerport received a BFA in illustration
•Zayneb Ghazle of Spencerport received a BS and MS in physician assistant
• Greg Sapio of Rochester (14624) received a BS in the individualized program
• Michael Laber of Hilton received a BS and ME in mechanical engineering
•Ilker Bilgen of Rochester (14626) received a BS in mechanical engineering
•Levinstein, Paul G., age 73, died unexpectedly August 28, 2024. He was predeceased by his parents, Donald and Celestine Levinstein. Paul is survived by his brothers, Edward (Deborah) Levinstein, David Levinstein, and Mark (Shelly) Levinstein; several cousins, nieces, nephews, great nieces, great nephews and many cherished friends. A devoted sports enthusiast, Paul enjoyed both golf and bowling. His passion for music and playing guitar brought joy to his life and those around him. For many years, he served as a postal carrier in Holley, known for his friendly demeanor and sociable nature.
A Service to honor and celebrate his life was held September 4 at Fowler Funeral Home, Inc., Brockport.
•Costanza, Charles (“Charlie”), age 93, died August 27, 2024. Charlie is predeceased by Theresia, his loving wife of 58 years, and his sister, Jane Sanfilippo. He is survived by his children Charles, Jr. (Patty) Costanza, Jeff (Cathy) Costanza, Peggy (Jim) Donovan, Debbie (Bill Galasso), Mark (Pam Wickson); grandchildren Dawn, Cheryl, Nikki, Peter and Erik; many great grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins and his companion of 10 years, Ellen Hill. In the 1950’s and 1960’s, Charlie worked in the family’s barbershop on Genesee Street and later worked for Fred R. Steele Construction in the 1970’s. He also served as a volunteer fireman with the Chili Fire Department. Following retirement, he became full-time owner/operator of Pete’s Tree Farm in Chili. Growing and harvesting evergreens was a lifelong passion and made him well known in the Chili community.
Visitation was held August 30 at Leo M. Bean and Sons Funeral Home, Chili. A Celebration of Life will be determined at a later date. Donations can be made to the Alzheimer’s Association or the charity of one’s choice in his memory.
•Gaenzler, Robert E., died September 3, 2024 at age 69. Predeceased by his parents Robert and Doris Gaenzler. Survived by his loving children, Vanessa Gaenzler (Alex Tsemperidis) and Robert Gaenzler Jr.; granddaughters, Ava and Sofia Tsemperidis; siblings, Danny Dimino, Roberta DiminoHinkley and Grace Stowell; longtime wife and best friend, Debbie Snaith; lifelong best friends, Ellen Bihrle and Tony Dellelo; and several nieces, nephews and dear friends. Family and friends may call Saturday, September 7 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Calvary Assembly, 3429 Chili Avenue, Rochester. Funeral Service to follow at 12 p.m. at the church. Interment, Westside Cemetery. Donations to the family would be greatly appreciated. Arrangements entrusted to the Leo M. Bean and Sons Funeral Home, Chili.
•Efing, Barbara (Kozlowski), died August 28, 2024 at age 69. Barbara was predeceased by her husband, Kevin Efing (2011); her parents, Eugene Kozlowski and Stella (Leo) Stiener; and her brother, James Kozlowski. She is survived by her children, Steven (Jasmin) Efing, Shaun Efing, and Lisa (Jeff) Guida; her grandchildren, Taylor, Chloe, Aiden, Jaydon, Zachary, Justin, Bradley, Marisa, and Adam; her siblings, Robert (Judy) Collins, Richard Kozlowski, Patricia (Richard) VanBortle, Debora (Michael) Otto, Kathleen Sansocie, Marcia (Bruce) Barnhart, John Kozlowski, and Linda (David) Bobzin; her sisters-in law, Donna Klink and Barbara (Joseph) Parker; her brother-in-law, Michael (RoxAnne) Efing; her boyfriend, Gary Mears; and many nieces, nephews, cousins, friends, and her K-9 companion, Bella. She was a dedicated and long-time employee of Mercury Print, retiring in 2020.
Her Funeral Service was held September 7 at the Thomas E. Burger Funeral Home, Inc., Hilton. Interment in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Donations can be made to the American Cancer Society, Lakes Region, 1120 South Goodman Street, Rochester, NY 14620 or to the American Diabetes Association, 160 Allens Creek Road, Rochester, NY 14618 in Barbara’s memory.
•Orman, Marilyn J., died August 28, 2024 at age 94. She was predeceased by her parents, Francis and Gertrude Hampshire; and her sister, Carolyn Breeze. She is survived by her son, Richard (Debbie) Lang; her daughter, Debbie (Daryl) Prince; her four grandchildren; and several great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren. Marilyn had been employed by General Electric, Black and Decker in Brockport, and then spent over 40 years in the West Palm Beach area of Florida. She enjoyed taking cruises and playing bridge.
Services will be held at the convenience of the family. Her interment will take place privately at Lakeview Cemetery, Brockport. Contributions in memory of Marilyn can be made to Strong Memorial Hospital Palliative Care Unit, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 687, Rochester, NY 14642. Arrangements entrusted to the Thomas E. Burger Funeral Home, Hiilton.
• Larsay Wah of Rochester (14606) received a BS in international and global studies
•KhaVy Sangasy of Brockport received a BS in mechanical engineering
•Seth Denmark of Rochester (14606) received a BS in civil engineering technology ing.
•Riley Muessig of Churchville received a BS in computer science.
•Ceili Lipp of Spencerport received a BS in microelectronic engineering and MS in materials science and engineering
• Kavitha Rajkumar of Rochester (14606) received an MBA in business administration
•Juliana Sanchez of North Chili received a BS in environmental sustainability, health and safety
• Jacqui Thompson of Spencerport received a BS in industrial engineering and ME in engineering management
•Emily Lawton of Rochester (14624) received a BS in mechanical engineering
•Calvin Moulton of Spencerport received a BS and MS in electrical engineering
•Johnny Caputo of Rochester (14626) received a BS and MS in electrical engineering.
•Alexis Wetzel of Churchville received an MBA in business administration
•Lily Mercovich of Bergen received a BFA in film and animation.
•Zachary Granby of Rochester (14624) received an ME in mechanical engineering
•Giuliana Lincoln of Brockport received a BS in chemical engineering
•Seth Champoux of Rochester (14624) received a BS and ME in mechanical engineering
•Nick Iuppa of Hilton received a BS in chemical engineering
• Shawna Gross of Spencerport received a BFA in illustration
•Ashley Miller of Rochester (14624) received a BS in packaging science
•Hannah Sheets of Rochester (14606) received an MS in applied statistics
•David Andolina of Rochester (14624) received an MBA in business administration
• Emma Kane of Spencerport received a BS and MS in physician assistant
•Hugh Gallo of North Chili received a BS in computer engineering
•Vanna Reid of Rochester (14606) received a BS in applied modern language and culture
• Fred Planz of Rochester (14624) received a BS in electrical engineering technology
•Hai-Yen Nguyen of Rochester (14606) received a BS in computer science
•Bianca Cilento of Rochester (14624) received an MS in environmental science
•Nick Leary of Spencerport received a BS and ME in mechanical engineering.
•Emma Mahoney of Rochester (14624) received a BS in electrical engineering
•ONe O’Neill of Churchville received a BS in ASL-English interpretation
•Nathanael Strong of Albion received a BS in packaging science
•David Hrynyk of Rochester (14626) received a BS in computer engineering
• Patrick Philippy of Churchville received a BS in computer science
•Ciara Bailey of Rochester (14624) received a BS in biomedical sciences
•Andrew Doan of Rochester (14626) received a BS in accounting
•Kristen Walker of Hilton received a BS in museum studies
• Owen Manley of Hilton received a BS in software engineering
•Sedrick Thomas of Rochester (14624) received a BS in management information systems
•Martina Videva of North Chili received a BS in biochemistry
• Francesca Delaney of Spencerport received a BFA in graphic design
•Emily Laber of Hilton received a BS in biotechnology and molecular bioscience
•Taylor Greider of Rochester (14626) received a BS in applied mathematics
•Jenna DuBois of Rochester (14624) received a BFA in new media design
• Lexie Mancuso of Spencerport received a BFA in graphic design
•Nisa Gulbay of Rochester (14624) received a BS in political science
• Joe Mauer of Rochester (14626) received a BS in electrical engineering
•Seth Russo of Spencerport received a BS in global business management
•Trevor Radomski of Rochester (14626) received a BS in cybersecurity
• Daniel Talbott of Rochester (14624) received a BS in mechanical engineering technology
• John Kudela of Hamlin received a BS in computer science
•Daniel Tregea of Rochester (14624) received a BS in computer science
•Jeremy Gable of Rochester (14606) rceived a BFA in photographic and imaging arts
•Torie DiCesare of Rochester (14626) received a BS in electrical engineering
•Jared Sherwood of Rochester (14626) received a BS in exercise science
• Reina To of Rochester (14624) received a BS in computer science.
•Danielle Wegman of Hilton received a BS in diagnostic medical sonography
•Maliek Salah of Rochester (14626) received a BS in civil engineering technology
• Brandon Vanorden of Rochester (14624) received a BS in mechanical engineering technology
•Vicki Beach of Churchville received a BS in mechanical engineering
•Aagman Relan of Rochester (14624) received a BS in computer science
•Michael Moore of Churchville received a BS in packaging science
•Shumei Liu of Rochester (14626) received a BS in applied statistics and data analytics
•Navraj Singh of Churchville received a BS in biochemistry
•Ashley Stafford of Rochester (14624) received a BFA in 3D digital design
• Leila Pena of Rochester (14626) received a BS in the individualized program
•Adamaryz Vargas of Hilton received a BS in mechanical engineering technology
•Mike Tomashoff of Rochester (14626) received an MS in manufacturing leadership
•Flavio Medina of Rochester (14626) received an AS in applied computer technology
• Cayden Mangiameli of North Chili received a BS in finance
•Olivia Cifarelli of Spencerport received a certificate in echocardiography
•Hunter Ross of Brockport received a BS in computing and information technologies
• Christine Hamilton of Rochester (14624) received an MS in secondary education of students who are deaf or hard of hearing
•Daniel Thurston of Rochester (14626) received a BS in biochemistry
• Elham Ullah Babur of Rochester (14626) received an MS in data science
•Nikita Gupta of Brockport received an MS in health systems management
• Tri Nguyen of Rochester (14606) received a BS in electrical engineering
•Derek Emrich of Bergen received a BS in biochemistry
•Chris Kurdziel of Rochester (14624) received a BS in criminal justice
•Cody March of Rochester (14606) received a BS in electrical engineering
•William Strong of Rochester (14624) received an MBA in business administrationonline executive.
• Casey Stephenson of Churchville received a BS in global business management
•Ariana Aponte of Rochester (14624) received an MST in visual arts - all grades.
As your County Legislator, I would like to inform you of a drive thru pharmaceutical collection event I will be running this September. The event will take place at the Clarkson Highway Garage at 3623 Lake Road North on Thursday, September 19, from 3 to 6 p.m. No appointment is necessary. I am proud to partner with Monroe County Eco Park and grateful to be able to help keep our residents safe with proper disposal of pharmaceutical waste.
Acceptable items for the drop off include pills and liquid medica-
tion, prescription and over the counter medication, ointments and creams, sprays and inhalers, empty prescription bottles, vials (you can leave labels on the bottles and vials), pet medications, epipens, and sharps.
For more information, please do not hesitate to contact my office via telephone at 585-753-1922 or via email legislatorsmith@gmail.com.
Jackie Smith Monroe County Legislator District 2
The Sweden Senior Association, Inc. (SSAI) is a group of caring seniors who help seniors by providing opportunities for others. We meet on the second Monday of every month at 1 pm at the Sweden Clarkson Recreation Center.
The Sweden Senior Association, Inc. invites you to join us on Monday, September 9, at 1 p.m. at the Sweden Clarkson Community Center, 4927 Lake Road South, Brockport. We will meet in the conference room to share ideas, learn about great volunteer
opportunities, programs and meet new friends.
We would love to see you there to learn more about senior programs and share suggestions of what you would like to see included.
All are welcome to attend and share input and ideas. We are looking forward to working with the community this coming year for the betterment of senior living.
Fri., Oct. 11 Sat., Oct. 12
Tour times starting at 6:45 p.m. each night. Enjoy an eerie stroll through the Village of Spencerport being visited by ghosts of the past. Hear stories true and not so true. Event takes place regardless of weather. Not appropriate for young children or pets. Some hills and uneven surfaces are included on the route. Walk is approximately one hour. Price $5 per person and reservations and advance payments are required. Meet at the Canal Depot and Museum at 16 East Ave., Spencerport. Tickets will be available to purchase on the Ogden Historical Society’s website ogdenhistoricalsociety.org on Sept. 11 or at https://bisesqui2017.yapsody.com/event/ index/821999/spirits-of-spencerport-2024
Sandy Kramer, President, SSAI Sue Seidle,
Vice President, SSAI
This letter is in reply to comments submitted by Monroe County Republican Legislators from the Westside of Rochester (Westside News, August 25). In their submission they are notifying their constituents and appear to be taking credit for the funds that our community is receiving from the American Rescue Plan Act, which President Joe Biden and the Democrats in Congress passed with no support from Republicans (all voted against it). It’s ironic, but not surprising, that at the same time they take credit for a bill passed by only Democrats, their party hypocritically labels President Joe Biden and most Democrats as liberal. I’m sure they were very supportive when President Trump borrowed $2 trillion on the backs of taxpayers to pay for billionaire and major corporation tax cuts with nothing to show in return (except to make them even wealthier). Is that contribution to them and to the national debt really conservatism? Is it better to borrow in order to give the super-wealthy tax relief they don’t need, or to re-invest in our communities? I know this taxpayer would rather have my money go towards
tangible things that will improve the lives of people within our communities and our country overall. My analogy – can’t CEOs live with 10 bathrooms instead of 12 in their mansions in order to help out the workers that contribute to their wealth every work day while sharing only one bathroom for their whole family?
The borrowed money used for the tax cut made the super-wealthy even wealthier while widening the gap between them and the majority of Americans in the middle class. I’d call that a liberal waste of taxpayer money. Anyway, since these Republican Legislators (G. Blake Keller, Jackie Smith, Tracy DeFlorio, Steve Brew, and Robert J. Colby) seem to be so supportive of an idea and bill passed by Democrats, so much so that they are riding its coattails, my suggestion for them would be to change parties or stay true to their Republican convictions and keep criticizing the much-needed funding to help everyday hard working people (the majority of their constituents).
Sheldon Meyers Clarkson
The Business Council of New York State, Inc. has announced that Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce will be awarded the annual Chuck Steiner Memorial Chamber of the Year Award. The award will be given by The Business Council on Thursday, September 18, at The Business Council’s Annual Meeting at The Sagamore Resort in Bolton Landing.
The Chamber of the Year is awarded annually to an outstanding organization and leadership team that makes doing business in New York State a better experience for its members. The award is named in honor of Chuck Steiner, who had a 37-year career leading chambers in Niagara County and two in the Capital Region.
Greater Rochester Chamber received this award based on its work in fostering a thriving business community through innovative programming, effective advocacy, and a strong dedication to inclusivity and economic growth. Over the past year, Greater Rochester Chamber has achieved many successes which led to this award, including: •Strengthening the local economy through a focus on Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs) and other community initiatives;
•Created a favorable business climate, with significant wins in state and local business legislation and
•Offered a range of talent development programs, including Campus ROC, Greater ROC Careers, and Veterans Connect, all aimed at attracting and retaining top talent in the region.
“This recognition reflects the hard work and dedication of our team, our members, and our partners who have all contributed to making the Greater Rochester region a vibrant and thriving place to do business, and we are deeply grateful to
The Business Council of New York State for this wonderful honor. We remain committed to driving economic growth, supporting our diverse business community, and fostering an environment where every individual and business can succeed.”
Provided information and photo
Come to Life BiBLe ChurCh
Our Services are on Saturday evenings at 6:30pm at Cornerstone Bible Chapel, 3231 Buffalo Road, Rochester, NY 14624. Website: https://cometolifebible.church/ Phone Number: (Call or Text) 315-690-8708
Come to Life Bible Church is to be...
A place where you are invited to...
Come as you are, and see the Bible come to life. Get to know Jesus, and experience the Holy Spirit eLmGroVeuNiteDmethoDiSt ChurCh
We are located at 1500 Spencerport Road, Rochester 14606 in Gates. Phone: 585-247-4973. Building is handicapped accessible. Time of Worship: 10:45AM - led by Rev. Ann Brown. Website: ElmgroveUMC.org. You can join us remotely by clicking on the link to the Pastor’s page (you do not need a Facebook account to view posts). Email: ElmgroveUMC@yahoo. com. Community Outreach and Ministry Opportunities include: Little Free Library, SWEM, Aurora House, RAIHN, Prayer ministries, etc. We have a long history in the Gates community and we are looking forward to a bright future that includes you! Please come and join us on Sunday! firSt PreSBYteriAN ChurChof ChiLi
Our little white church on the hill, 3600 Chili Avenue, continues to spread God’s love, as Pastor Brandi and our Church Family extend a warm welcome to all. We’d love to have you join us for worship, Sundays, 10 am, a family friendly service, either in person or virtually via live-stream or recording (URL) https://www.facebook.com/firstpreschili/live/. We offer a wide variety of music genres: bells, choir, classical and praise team; Youth group (grades 5-12); Sunday Bible Study at 9 am; Food Cupboard distribution on the third Saturday each month; yearly mission trip opportunities for youth and adults; prayer group each Tuesday at 2 pm; Labyrinth Trail located at 3551 Chili Avenue; and various small group studies through the year. In need of prayer or counsel, call or email the church office: 585-889-9896 or fpc3600@gmail. com. Handicapped accessible. Website: chili-presbyterian.org.
hiLtoN BAPtiSt ChurCh
50 Lake Avenue, Hilton, (585) 392-7990, Email hbchurch50@gmail.com, Pastor Dan Brown. Join us on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. We offer In-person services and Live-Streaming on YouTube under “Hilton Baptist Church Live.” Visit our Website at hiltonbaptist.org for more information. We are a Congregation of the American Baptist Churches. Our Building is Handicap Accessible and we offer Hearing Assistance during the Worship service. Everyone is Welcome to join our Church family!
hiLtoNuNiteDmethoDiSt ChurCh
Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by Following Christ; Connecting Generations; Transforming Communities. 21 West Avenue, Hilton, NY 14468, (585) 392-8761. Rev. Jennifer Green, pastor. Website: www.humcny.org, E-mail: office@humcny.org. Worship Service is open in the HUMC Sanctuary. Service: 10am. Fellowship: 11am. Sunday Services are live-streamed at HUMCny.org. All are welcome. Please visit us in person. Handicap Accessible.
hoPe BroCKPort
Are you seeking hope and wondering about faith or spiritual things? Then look no further than Hope Brockport! We warmly welcome you to our friendly community. Here, you will find love, support, and guidance as we navigate life together. You are invited to join us as we gather together every Sunday at 9:30 am, Hope Kids on Sundays at 9:30 am for children up to 5th grade, and Hope Youth on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm for 6th - 12th grade students. To connect, send questions to connect@sharethehope.org, call (585) 7234673, or visit sharethehope.org to learn more. We are conveniently located at 6601 Fourth Section Road, Brockport, NY (Rt 31 - right across from Wegmans). We can’t wait to meet you!
mortoN BAPtiSt ChurCh 1152 County Line Road, Hamlin, NY 14464. Church phone 585-659-8459, email mortonbaptistchurch@yahoo.com. Pastor: Steven M Worrall, email pastorsteve712@gmail.com, cell 585-354-9779. Sunday Worship 10:30am (can also be viewed on Facebook or YouTube). Sunday school is held during church service. Adult Bible Study is held on Wednesdays at noon, Choir practice at 4:30pm Wednesdays. Youth Group meets on Friday nights from 7 to 9pm. Our building is handicap accessible and visitors are welcome.
NAtiVitY of the BLeSSeD VirGiNmArYand St. eLizABeth ANN SetoN CAthoLiC PAriSheS
Nativity – 152 Main Street, Brockport (585-637-4500)
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (SEAS) –3747 Brick Schoolhouse Road, Hamlin (585-964-8627)
Rev. Joseph Marcoux, pastor of both Parishes. Weekend Masses: Saturday 5PM at Nativity; Sunday 9AM at SEAS and 11AM at Nativity, 1:30PM Spanish Mass at Nativity. Daily Masses: 8AM at Nativity on Monday and Friday; 9AM at SEAS on Tuesday and Wednesday.
oGDeN PreSBYteriAN ChurCh
Our purpose is: “To equip ourselves and others to be disciples of Christ as we seek God’s will for our church and beyond.” Sunday worship is at 10AM live in our sanctuary led by Pastor Whitney Scoville, as well as livestreamed on Zoom and Facebook Live. Bible Studies, Youth Group, Sunday School and outreach are available to all. Contact the church for more information and for links: ogdenpresbyterian@gmail.com; www.ogdenpresbyterian.org; 585-352-6802; 2400 South Union Street, Spencerport.
SPeNCerPort ASSemBLY of GoD
We are located at 3940 Canal Road in Spencerport. We offer a warm welcome to all. Come join us as we seek the LORD through worship, prayer and Bible study. Sunday School is 9:30 AM, Sunday Worship is at 1030 AM. Enjoy a cup of coffee before service! Wednesday prayer meeting is 6:30 PM. Contact us at 585-352-5900. We are on Facebook; Email is SpencerportAG@gmail.com.
SPeNCerPort BiBLe ChurCh
1948 North Union Street, Spencerport. We desire to know God, to make the gospel known to all, and to give God the glory. Our lead pastor, Domenic Danesi, and all of us who make SBC our home church warmly invite you to come for Sunday Bible Study at 9:30 am, Sunday Worship Service at 10:45 am, and Wednesday Bible Study at 7:00 pm. Our worship service is family integrated for all ages and our building is accessible for all abilities. We partner with Rescue & Revive Ministries for local and global mission work. Follow our Facebook page, YouTube channel, or website for live streaming our services or to watch previous services. Visit our websites for more info at spencerportbiblechurch.org and rescueandrevive.org. Call or text us at 585-352-1241.
SPeNCerPortfirSt CoNGreGAtioNAL
uNiteD ChurChof ChriSt
Promoting the Christian way of life through service and stewardship to the community and the world. Look for the white steeple at 65 Church Street in downtown, Spencerport NY 14559. 585-352-3448. Rev. Michael Sloan. We provide worship, educational and mission opportunities. Worship services are Sundays at 10am live on Facebook and on site in our sanctuary. Worship is followed by Coffee hour in Fellowship hall. Handicap accessible. Live music from our Praise Band playing contemporary Christian music. See website/Facebook for dates and details. Introducing our Pray-Ground, a welcoming area of play, in the Sanctuary, for our youngest worshipers designed so families can experience worship together while understanding that young children need to move. Don’t worry, our congregation welcomes the sounds of young people. Email: info@spencerportucc.org. Website: www.spencerportucc.org. Facebook: Spencerport UCC.
St. ChriStoPher’S ChurCh
3350 Union Street, North Chili, Parish Office: 594-1400. We are a welcoming Catholic community with a focus on Faith in God and Service to His people. Join us for Mass any Saturday at 4:30PM, Sunday at 10:00AM or weekdays on Monday at 12:10 PM or Tuesday and Wednesday at 9:00AM. All are welcome in this place! We have a gifted Music Ministry including a Choir, Folk Group and Contemporary Group as well as a committed Faith Formation program for our youth. We offer many events throughout the year for our congregation and the surrounding community designed to deepen our faith and serve our brothers and sisters in the Rochester area. Check out our website at https://www.stchristophersnchili.org and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for all the latest updates.
St. GeorGe’SePiSCoPAL ChurCh
Follow Jesus, Build Community, Serve Others in Love. We welcome all to worship with us in warm fellowship in the Episcopal tradition of openness and caring. We are an ALL inclusive community with an open communion table. Please join us for Sunday worship at 10am. All services are both in-person and live-streamed online. We also offer a variety of Lenten and Advent programs, a Bible Study on Tuesdays, live music, Sunday School, semi-monthly Youth Group meetings and numerous other community building events. We are handicapped accessible. Follow us on Facebook, look for us on the web at www.stgeorgehilton.org, and join us for worship and fellowship at 635 Old Wilder Road, Hilton, NY (across from Kelly’s Apple Farm).
St. JohN LutherAN ChurCh
Pastor Chris Bode. 1107 Lake Road West Fork, Hamlin, NY 14464, 585-964-2550. Sunday Services: 8:30 AM & 11 AM; 5th Sunday one service at 9:30 AM.
Adult Bible Class & Sunday School at 9:45 AM (September – June). To view our services or devotions, go to stjohnhamlin.org.
“To KNOW Christ and to make Him KNOWN.”
St. JohNtheeVANGeLiSt ChurCh
St. John’s is a place to encounter Christ in the sacraments, in community and in the Scriptures through prayer, service, and fellowship. Join us for Holy Mass at 5pm Saturdays, or Sundays at 7:45am, 9:30am, and 11:15am. Daily Mass, Tuesdays, & Thursdays at 8am and Wednesdays & Fridays at 6:30pm. Mass 9am on 1st Saturdays with Adoration until 10:30am. Confession: Monday & Wednesdays 5:30-6pm and Saturdays 3:45-4:30pm. Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays 8am-6pm (Benediction at 5:45pm). Many great opportunities to learn about the Scriptures, Sacraments and Service for families and children of all ages. We are located at 55 Martha St., Spencerport, NY 14559. Visit our website at https://stjohnschurchspencerport. org/. E-mail sstjohnc@dor.org. Facebook at facebook.com/StJohnThe EvangelistSpencerport/. Our Pastor is Fr. Sriram Sadhanala.
St. Leo’S CAthoLiC ChurCh 110 Old Hojack Lane, Hilton, 392-2710, www.stleohilton.org. Fr. Joseph Catanise. Daily Mass is celebrated: Monday 5:30 PM; Tuesday-Thursday 8:30 AM; Friday Communion Service 8:30 AM. Every Wednesday: Eucharistic Adoration 9 AM to 8 PM. Weekend Schedule: Saturday Confession 3:30-4:30 PM; Rosary 4:30 PM; Mass 5 PM (live-streamed). Sunday: Mass 8 AM, 10:30 AM, 6 PM; Adult Bible Study 11:45 AM. First Saturday Mass at 8:30 AM. All are welcome. Handicapped accessible.
St.mArY’S ChurChSt.mArK’S ChurCh 13 South Main Street, Holley16789 Kenmore Road, Kendall Parish Center – Holley 638-6718, www.stmarystmark.org. Daily Mass: Tueday-Friday 8 AM at St. Mary’s (no Mass on Monday); St. Mary Vigil Mass 4 PM on Saturday; St. Mark Vigil Mass 5:30 PM on Saturday; Sunday Mass 10 AM at St. Mary’s.
St. PAuL LutherAN ChurCh & SChooL 158 East Avenue, Hilton, NY 14468, 585-392-4000, www.stpaulhilton.org.
Senior Pastor: Rev. Mark Ball – pastorball@stpaulhilton.org, office 585-3924000. Worship Services: Saturday at 5pm; Sunday at 8:30am and 11am. Bible Studies: Champions for Christ – Sunday at 9:45am; Adult Classes – Sunday at 9:45am; Ladies and Mens Bible Study – Thursdays at 10:30am. School: Meeting your child’s learning needs from age 2 through 8th grade. Call for a tour!
triNitY LutherAN ChurCh & Pre-SChooL
191 Nichols Street (Rte. 31), Spencerport, NY 14559. Phone: 352-3143. Pastor Steve Shrum. Trinity’s Updated Worship Schedules starting Sunday, October 1st – Traditional service at 9:00AM; Adult Bible Study, Sunday School, & Confirmation at 10:00AM; Contemporary service at 11:00AM with Children’s Church. Both worship services will be live streamed on YouTube. Visit our new website at www.TrinitySpencerport.org. Email: trinitylutheran191@ gmail.com. ‘We are a Christ-centered church here to assist and rejuvenate the community through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We are a people that will equip families to draw closer to the Lord.’
uNioN CoNGreGAtioNAL
uNiteD ChurChof ChriSt
14 North Main Street, Churchville. A warm welcome awaits you at Union Church.Join us on Sunday mornings at 10 am, watch us live stream on Facebook, or find us on soundcloud.com/ucc-churchville. No matter where you are on your journey, you are welcome here. We are an open and affirming church and invite all. Food distribution for local families in need on the fourth Wednesday of each month from 4-5 pm. Look for our special events advertised throughout the year, or on our signboard at the front of the church. Call 293-1665 or stop by to talk with Pastor Bradley Klug any Wednesday from noon to 2 pm; e-mail us at unionucc@frontier.com or check our website at Churchvilleucc.com. Also like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram. We would love to hear from you and/or have you worship together with us.
by Tami raco
Andre Fontenette, a Churchville-Chili graduate (Class of 2000), is Gates Chili’s new head football coach. Fontenette’s leadership comes after the retirement of longtime teacher and high school football coach Jason Benham.
Fontenette began his love for football as a young boy. He played for the Chili Lions when he was seven years old, and this is where he really began to learn the game. At Churchville-Chili, Andre played JV football in his freshman year as a wide receiver. He moved up to varsity in his sophomore year.
His coach, Paul Dick, had a profound influence on Andre. “Coach Dick is a great man of faith; he built into me, helped me prepare for the future, and went out of his way to promote me to colleges to continue playing.” Thanks to Coach Dick’s efforts and Andre’s talent, Fontenette received nearly twenty college offers to play football. “I chose to play for Syracuse University because it was close to my family and I
Upon graduation from Syracuse University, Fontenette coached football at the collegiate level, including at SUNY Brockport, Wagner College, and the University of Maine, and advanced to full-time coaching at Campbell University. In 2013, when the coaching contracts were not renewed at Campbell, Fontenette returned to his hometown of Chili. He began looking for coaching opportunities locally. “I don’t love anything else,” Andre said. He interviewed for an opening as the head coach at his alma mater, Churchville-Chili, but was not chosen. “It was a blessing in disguise,” said Fontenette. “I was not ready for a head coach position back then.” Fontenette then accepted a position as assistant coach at McQuaid, where he spent nine seasons working alongside head coach Bobby Bates. McQuaid went on to win five sectional seasons in a row. “I learned so much during my time at McQuaid,” he said.
In 2018, Fontenette married his wife, Carrie. He also completed his master’s degree that same year. The couple welcomed daughter Annie in 2022. “I love being a husband and father. It really motivates me to do what I need to do each day to be the best I can be for them,” he said.
In addition to coaching football at McQuaid, Andre worked as a case worker at the Industry Juvenile Residential Center. Two years ago, Andre left Industry to work for the Monroe County Public Defender’s Office as a Client Advocacy Supervisor, where he now helps adults mitigate challenging legal circumstances.
This summer, Fontenette was inducted into the Section V Football Hall of Fame as one of the best receivers and kick returners in school history. He set many school records in football and was First Team AllCounty (1998) and First Team AllGreater Rochester (1999). In his senior year, he was selected for the 2000 Governor’s Bowl.
Earlier this year, Andre decided to throw his hat back in the ring of head coaching when the Gates Chili head football coach, Jason Benham, retired. He applied for the head coaching position and was offered the position the following week.
Fontenette began pre-season training at the end of August. “I am most excited to build relationships with these kids, invest in them as players, and hope they will invest in me as their coach,” said Fontenette. “I want to use football as a platform to help these players better themselves. I feel that kids can relate to me because I come from a background that is like them,” he said.
Fontenette’s own football experiences - playing and coaching at the high school and collegiate level - in combination with the extra dimension
of experiences he got working with teens at the juvenile facility, refined his skills to be ready for this role, enabling him to not only be a good football coach but to also have the discernment and ability to help kids who might be struggling.
As Andre Fontenette kicks off his first season as head coach, he reflects on all the people along the way who contributed to who he is today. “First, I am grateful for my parents, George and Precious, who always supported me and never missed a game. Having my parents, my brother Adrian and my sister Alicia support me along the way meant everything,” he said. Key coaching influences in Andre’s past were Coach Sam Messina, his first football coach, Coach Paul Dick from Churchville-Chili, and Bobby Bates, the McQuaid head coach who taught him so much about coaching over the past eight years.
In addition to loving his role as the head coach, Andre gets so much joy from seeing his daughter and wife at team practices. He looks forward to having them and his parents at the Spartans first game, supporting Andre and the entire team.
Fontenette looks forward to their game schedule as school resumes and football season is underway. “Week five will be interesting because I will be coaching against my alma mater,” he said. “I want to make football fun again!” he exclaimed.
For more information on the Gates Chili football schedule, visit https:// tinyurl.com/2j8dx8a9.
The Rochester Croquet Club hosted its 11th annual American Six-Wicket Croquet Tournament August 9 through 11 at the Grace & Truth Sports Park in Hilton. Fifteen players from six states competed in both doubles and singles matches amidst a rain-threatened weekend.
The singles tournament players were placed according to skill levels in three flights, or blocks, and the doubles players played in a high-low format, where a low-handicap player was paired with a high-handicap player throughout the weekend.
There were some very close and well-contested games. In the end, Spencerport resident James Peasley and his partner Richard Curtis of Rochester took home first place in the Doubles tournament.
In the Singles competition, the Championship block winner was Brian Hovis of Kentucky, with Macey White from Virginia taking second. First block first and second-place winners were Ron Millican of Missouri and Fred Beck of Maine, respectively.
Besides place ribbons, the winners were also awarded unique, handcrafted gifts.
Provided information and photos
The Hilton-Parma Senior Center will be hosting a voter registration event on Tuesday, September 17, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in room 114. The event will take place at the Village Community Center located at 59 Henry Street, Hilton.
Stop by and register to vote, or have voting-related questions answered.
Attendees will also be able to find out their polling location and possibly secure a ride to polls. This is a onetime event and walk-ins encouraged and appreciated.
Call Hilton-Parma Senior Center at 585-392-9030 with any questions. Provided information
Churchville-Chili Central School District is celebrating 75 years of educational excellence as a district during the 2024-25 school year. To help kick off the year and begin the year-long celebration, the district will host the 15th annual Celebrate!
Churchville-Chili event on Friday, September 20, from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Fairbanks Road School parking lot, 175 Fairbanks Road.
Attendees will be able to enjoy a variety of free family activities. Organizers say there will be something for everyone. Various district and community organizations will also be
*Goodie Bags and Dash Plaques for the first 500 entries
*Vehicle being registered must be present to receive credentials
*$100 Bills will not be accepted
*All vehicles will be assigned to a class by a tech at registration
*Decision of Tech is Final
*Judging from 12 Noon to 2pm
*1st, 2nd and 3rd place plaques awarded for each class
*Registration from 8 am to 12 Noon. Awards at 4 pm.
*No vehicles admitted after 12 Noon. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
*All display vehicles must be removed from trailers
*Ample trailer parking will be available nearby.
*Any misconduct will not be tolerated or you will be asked to leave
*We are not liable for damage to vehicles or missing or stolen items
*Vendor Spaces available $25 Fee or equal amount door prize
*Shuttle Bus to and from Apple Fest.
**As you near Hilton, follow Auto Show signs
**Show results will be posted on website!!
**Pre-Register online at http://www.hiltonapplefestautoshow.org/pre-register
For Information, to volunteer, or for a Vendor Space: Email: info@hiltonapplefestautoshow.org Website: www.hiltonapplefestautoshow.org hiltonautoshow MAIL LOWER
hosting information tables. Families are encouraged to visit the tables to find out what the groups have to share. A variety of dining options will be available thanks to participating food trucks.
Celebrate! is the district’s way of saying “thank-you” to the community for their year-round support. The district hopes to see many community members, parents, families and students at the event on September 20. For more information on Celebrate! Churchville-Chili, contact Parent Involvement Coordinator Wendy Reese at 585-293-1800 ext. 3075. Provided information
Penn State Extension is seeking input from those involved with horses to help guide the development of educational programs and materials that address identified needs.
Extension’s Equine Team is launching a new survey for equine owners, enthusiasts and landowners to determine audience preferences for educational topics, program delivery methods and more. The results will be used to fine-tune educational offerings based on the industry’s preferences.
“This is your chance to give feedback and tell us what you want from our team,” said Laura Kenney, equine extension educator.
The survey is open to anyone over the age of 18, and all answers are completely anonymous. The survey should take 10 to 15 minutes to complete.
The link to take the survey is https://pennstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/ form/SV_9QtgILGr8Lrv206. Provided information
We are looking for the Best Homemade Apple Pie in New York State! We will be judging the pies on Saturday, October 5th, 2024, at the Apple Fest site, 59 Henry Street, Hilton, NY. Please read the rules and complete the application if you would like to participate. In the Adult Division, the first place winner will receive $75 and the second place winner will receive $50. The Youth Division is for ages 16 and under. The first place prize for youth will be $50, and the second place prize will be $25.
1.This contest is open to all New York State residents except Apple Fest Board Members and residents of their household.
2.Only one pie per contestant will be accepted.
3.The completed application, with a non-refundable entry fee of $3.00, must be mailed to Hilton Apple Fest Apple Pie Contest, P.O. Box 1, Hilton, NY 14468 by Wednesday, September 25, 2024.
4.Your homemade pie will need to be delivered to the Ingham Room of the Hilton Community Center, 59 Henry Street, between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM on Saturday, October 5, 2024. All cars need to be removed from Henry Street by 9:00 AM or will be towed at owner’s expense.
5.Each participant will submit one freshly baked homemade apple pie in an 8-inch (approximately) non-returnable pie pan. The pie becomes the property of the Hilton Apple Fest.
6.Each entry will be recorded and a number assigned to the contestant. The number will be placed on the bottom of the pan. No other identifying marks may be made on the pie or the pan. Only the Apple Pie Contest Committee will know the identity of the baker.
7.All pies must be made of New York State grown apples and the name of the apples needs to be recorded at the time the pie is submitted.
8.The pies will be judged according to 1) appearance, 2) taste, and 3) texture.
9. Winners will be announced and prizes awarded on the Main Stage at 4:00 PM on Saturday, October 5, 2024 If you have any questions, please call 392-7773