ClARkSon GooDneIGhboR DAY
eveningof Fun At Clarkson’s hafner Park 3645lake Road
• Classic Car Cruisin’ (5:30PM-7:30PM)
•band “Ruby Shooz” (7:30PM-9:30PM)
• Fireworks (9:30PM)

eveningof Fun At Clarkson’s hafner Park 3645lake Road
• Classic Car Cruisin’ (5:30PM-7:30PM)
•band “Ruby Shooz” (7:30PM-9:30PM)
• Fireworks (9:30PM)
The Small Business Council, a Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce affiliate, announced Pauly Guglielmo, CEO, Craft Cannery, and Alex Whitaker, CEO, Tri Tower Telecom Corporation as the winners of the 41st annual Business Person of the Year Awards. The awards were presented at a ceremony at the Hyatt Regency Rochester on Wednesday, July 31.
This prestigious Business Person of the Year Award, first awarded in 1983, recognizes for-profit business leaders in Greater Rochester who have demonstrated outstanding success, growth, leadership, and service in both civic and professional areas.
•bouncehouse,obstacle Course (5:30PM-7:30PM)
• Food Trucks and Ice Cream
• Face Painting (5:30PM-7:30PM)
•kids Activities - lawn games, pony rides Churchville Walk About AND MORE!
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Downtown & Village Office
10AM - 3PM CraftShow,ArtShow, BusinessOpenHousesandmore!Visit businessestogetticketsforasilentauction. Musicby“DustinStonesBand 12PM - 2PM LionsClubChickenBBQ (VillagePavilion).Watchforpresaleticket information!
1PM - 4PM UnionCongregationalChurch StrawberrySocial
are the lifeblood of our local economy, driving job creation, innovation, and the distinctive character of our region. At Greater Rochester Chamber, we are committed to supporting these vital enterprises, with over 90% of our members being small businesses. The Business Person of the Year Awards honor those who have made significant impacts on our business community, serving as an inspiration to many. We are grateful to our Small Business Council for organizing this 41st annual celebration, showcasing the strength and dynamism of our local small business leaders.”
Guglielmo received the award in the “Under 25 Employees” category. From local gems to beloved national brands, Craft Cannery has become a go-to for businesses seeking top-quality bottling services dedicated to helping aspiring entrepreneurs realize their dreams. By providing an affordable entry point and minimizing startup challenges, Pauly is empowering others to bring their visions to life. Beyond his business ventures, Pauly actively contributes to his community, working with non-profits including Rochester Rotary, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Rochester, Rochester Broadway Theater League, and St. Ann’s Whitaker was presented the award in the “25 or More Employees” category. Whitaker is the co-founder and CEO of Tri Tower Telecom, a nationally recognized network hardware provider specializing in Supply Chain Continuity and Customized Asset Recovery Services. Since co-founding the company in 2009, Tri
Tower Telecom has achieved multiple recognitions from the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce Top 100, as well as America’s Inc 5000. His commitment to community service is reflected in his volunteer work with the Al Sigl Community of Agencies, RIT, and the City of Rochester’s Talented
Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Bob Duffy said, “Small businesses
Through its SBC Cares initiative, the SBC also presented Community Partnership Award grants to KIVA Rochester, RIT Center for Urban Entrepreneurship, and the Urban League of Rochester. Each organization received an $8,000 donation to support its mission and help empower additional entrepreneurs and business leaders in Greater Rochester. Also at the award ceremony on Wednesday, the Small Business Council presented its first Rookie of the Year Award to Susan Reuter, Owner, Flight Wine Bar, in recognition of her rapid growth in the business community in her first two years as owner.
The finalists for the Business Person of the Year Awards are listed below:
Under 25 Employees
•Nita Brown, Owner/Founder, Mansawear
•Jeremiah Gryczka, Founder & CEO, Mountain House Media
•Pauly Guglielmo, CEO, Craft Cannery
•Michele Nichols, President, Launch Team, Inc.
•Chris Sekula, Owner, Sekula’s Precision Painting
•Mark Siwiec, CEO, Elysian Homes by Mark Siwiec and Associates
•Dr. Mary Vadas, Owner, Towne & Country Eyecare
25 or More Employees
•John Baker, Owner, Cheesy Eddie’s
•Mike Baker, CEO and Co-Founder, RocNet Supply, Inc.
•Jonathan Prince, Chief Executive Officer, Coast Professional, Inc.
•DeVante Reed, CEO, Patrick Spotless Cleaning, LLC
•Alex Whitaker, CEO and Co-Founder, Tri Tower Telecom Corporation
To learn more about the 2024 finalists, see the Business Person of Year Award Event Publication (https://tinyurl.com/4h3nzff9). Provided information and photos
Each year Monroe County holds the annual Legislative Youth Awards to recognize and honor the exceptional youth and adult advocates throughout Monroe County; those serving as role models for their peers and working diligently to better the community. We are incredibly lucky to have so many talented, generous, and innovative young people in our Community. We are proud to announce that many of them have been recognized by the Monroe County Legislature for their contributions to their community. This year’s nominees were:
•Austin DeLorme of Parma, Model UN President and Student Rights advocate
•Daniel Lucas of Brockport, Sweden Clarkson Recreation Center volunteer
•Bronwyn Lucyszyn of Chili, Girl Scout and volunteer with the Genesee Country Village, Relay for Life, and more
•Javier Benzan of Ogden, Youth Ambassador Council at the Levine Center to End Hate
Youth Advocate Nominees were:
•Kathleen Graupman, Greece Central School District Superintendent
•Christopher Mros, firefighter and teacher at Greece Odyssey Academy
•Steven Zimmerman, music teacher and Band Director at Wheatland-Chili.
Westshore Trail Head and Caboose (W. Buffalo Rd.)
Chalk the Westshore Trail to the Caboose all day!
5PM - 9PM “CakeWalk”,Games,Magician, FoodTrucks
7PM - 9PM LiveMusic“8DaysaWeek” Fireworks at Dusk (Sponsored by the Town of Riga) FAMily Fun EvEntAll DAy SuPPort yourlocAl BuSinESSES! For more informaton visit: https://churchvillechamber.org/
•Jonathan Bonczyk of Brockport, volunteer with the Community Hygiene Bank at Jubilee Christian Church
•Lucille Humby of Brockport, dedicated community volunteer with the Towns of Sweden and Clarkson
•Theadora Humby of Brockport, dedicated community volunteer with the Towns of Sweden and Clarkson
•Noelle Natale of Brockport, volunteer at Good Neighbor Days, Brockport Lions Club, and the Salvation Army
•Aiden Schleyer of Chili, committed 2nd Lieutenant of the Chili Fire Department Explorer’s Post
•Ava Skivington of Chili, Girl Scout and volunteer with the Pluta Cancer Center
Steven Zimmerman was awarded the 2024 Willie W. Lightfoot Youth Advocate of the Year Award for his hard work and dedication enriching the cultural landscape of our community through his students.
Each of them is a role model for our entire community and truly deserving of this high honor and recognition. Monroe County is grateful and will continue to benefit from each of them through their leadership, selflessness and positive example for all.
Monroe County Legislators, G. Blake Keller, District 1
Jackie Smith, District 2
Tracy DiFlorio, District 3
Steve Brew, District 12
Robert J. Colby, District 20
Digital copies of the Westside News print editions are now available for viewing Friday mornings. No need to wait for our carriers to deliver our publications to you. Plus, you can take a screenshot of anything in the paper for personal use. So, clip that coupon, save that article, send that photo to an out-of-town relative.
mission as a showcase and repository for items from Brockport’s rich past.
The building itself has a story, which is worthy of being told, from its earliest days to the present for residents new and old who enjoy reading and learning of Brockport’s history.
Built in 1824 for Pelatiah Rogers, the home became the property of William H. Seymour, an industrialist and one of Brockport’s early inventors. When Pelatiah decided to move west, he traded the house with William in exchange for money Pelatiah owed him. The stately house was later featured in a novel called Roger’s Folly. For unknown reasons, Mr. Seymour and his wife rented out the house for ten years before making it their home.
Upon William’s death in 1903, his home passed to his children, and was eventually inherited by his youngest son, James Horatio Seymour. James lived in California
much of the year but visited Brockport frequently and stayed in the house, which was maintained by loyal servants. James left his family home to the village of Brockport, along with $25,000 in trust to establish and maintain Brockport’s first public library. The new library opened its doors to the public in 1934.
While he still owned the home, his cousin, Helen M. Hastings, convinced him to allow her to create a local museum in five rooms on the second floor. She asked local residents and friends to donate furniture, documents, artifacts, and items of historic significance to fill the rooms.
The museum opened to the public in 1945. Over the years, it has expanded to encompass many rooms on two floors filled with unique and important artifacts and file cabinets containing documents from Brockport’s history.
Many local residents still speak fondly of spending time at the original warm and friendly Seymour Library and recall stepping up to the counter to check out their books with the help of the first librarian, Florence Collier, who was paid $65 per month.
After Helen Hastings’ death in 1953, the museum sat idle until Emily L. Knapp brought together a committee of local residents who kept it open to visitors. Emily was knowledgeable about Brockport’s past and wrote books and stories about it. She could often be seen on any given day pulling along her cart filled with a slide projector and screen on her way to a presentation. Upon her death in July of 1997, the museum again deteriorated, in spite of the efforts by dedicated volunteers who kept it open.
By 2012, new interest in Brockport’s history and its museum brought together a large team of volunteers who spent 11 years cleaning, painting, organizing, filing, and fashioning new displays. Every room has been revamped to create a museum Brockport’s residents can be proud to show off.
Volunteers continue to keep the museum open to the public. With greater outreach, interesting events, and newspaper articles, word of Brockport’s beautiful, organized and welcoming museum has spread. It’s now visited by people from across the United States and beyond. Almost monthly, museum staff receives online requests for information from descendants of people who once lived in and walked the streets of early
The museum has open hours on Sunday from noon to 2 p.m. and Tuesday from 6 to 8 p.m. Those who would like a private tour should reach out to the Village of Brockport, 637-5300, to be connected with a volunteer tour guide. Provided information and photos
by Tami Raco
While the septic system was being removed from a Hamlin residence in June, the family’s dog, Lakota, grew curious. That curiosity led to the German Shepherd accidentally falling into the open septic tank and getting trapped inside. When Lakota’s owners were unable to get him out, they called 911 for help saving their dog and the Hamlin Morton Walker Fire District was dispatched.
Chief Adam Barker was working
just down the road when he heard the call and he responded to the scene. First they tried to use a ladder to see if Lakota could climb out of the tank, but he was not cooperative. Then they tried using a rope to lasso him at the shoulders, but it was not successful either. “I ended up scruffing him and pulling him out by hand,” said Chief Barker.
Other than being stinky and needing a bath, Lakota was okay after being rescued from his adventure in the septic tank.
August 15, 16 & 17 • 7pm Featuring Curry Blake of John G. Lake Healing Ministry
All are welcome to join us under the tent for Live Music, Prayer & Healing. Free with plenty of parking including convenient handicapped accessibility Saturday, August 17 • 9am-3pm Day of equipping and training in healing available to anyone interested in learning more about the healing ministry. Register at the website below.
On July 1, Spencerport Rotarian Dave DeMers became District Governor in charge of Rotary District 7120. The district encompasses an area stretching from Hilton south to Wellsville, east to Elmira and north to Red Creek. District Governor DeMers will be in charge of 63 Rotary clubs and almost 2,000 Rotarians. DeMers is excited to take on the challenge of leading Rotary clubs in the Finger Lakes.
District Governor DeMers states that one of his goals is to let the public know the benefits of belonging to a local Rotary club and the tremendous service that Rotarians perform locally and internationally. DeMers said, “Many people in the community are not aware of all the good that Rotary performs. Rotary is not an exclusive organization and all persons are welcome to join no matter what their background is.”
District Governor DeMers is a retired Rochester Police Department officer and also worked for the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department. Peace is an-
other area of focus for DeMers, hoping to improve peace in the local communities. His career as a law enforcement officer has given DeMers a strong insight into getting to the root of a problem and being able to resolve the situation in a peaceful non combative way.
To learn more about Rotary in your local community, visit www.rotary7120.org.
Provided information and photo
The New York State Public High School Athletic Association Inc. (NYSPHSAA) announced the 2023-2024 Schools of Distinction and Excellence. Byron-Bergen has earned the title of School of Excellence.
The purpose of the School of Distinction and School of Excellence Awards are to unite athletic departments in challenging their teams to achieve a statewide academic honor. This year, 114 schools earned the School of Distinction Award and 226 schools earned the School of Excellence Award. Both of these numbers have increased since the 2022-2023 school year, which were 84 schools and 219 schools, respectively.
“I’m thrilled that our student-athletes again achieved the NYSPHSAA School of Excellence award,” said Byron-Bergen Athletic Director Rich Hannan. “These students are as dedicated in the
classroom as they are on the field. It’s a tough balance. I’m incredibly proud.”
Schools can apply for School of Distinction status if 100% of their varsity teams qualify for and receive the Scholar-Athlete team award during their respective sports seasons. To apply for the School of Excellence Award, 75% of a school’s varsity teams must qualify and receive the Scholar-Athlete Team Award.
“The efforts made by student-athletes in the classroom are paramount to their success in the athletic arena, and beyond their high school days,” said Dr. Robert Zayas, NYSPHSAA Executive Director. “We are proud of those who put in the work as ‘student’ and ‘athlete,’ as well as the growth in both School of Excellence and Distinction recognition.”
The American Red Cross is experiencing an emergency blood shortage as the nation faces dangerous levels of heat and people head out for final summer travel plans. Since July 1, the Red Cross national blood supply has fallen by more than 25%, and blood donors of all types, especially those with type O blood, are urged to give as soon as possible to help patients receive lifesaving medical care.
Heat impacted more than 100 blood drives in July in nearly every state where the Red Cross collects blood – compounding other seasonal obstacles to blood donation, such as travel and summer activities. Together these factors contributed to a shortfall of more than 19,000 blood donations in July. At the same time, hospital demand for blood products remains strong. Blood products are being sent to hospitals faster than donations are coming in. Right now, type O inventory is so low, distributions of this vital blood type are reduced below what hospitals count on.
“It’s critical hospitals have both type O positive and O negative blood ready to go for patients in the most life-threatening situations,” said Dr. Eric Gehrie, executive physician director for the Red Cross. “Type O is especially important for victims of accidents and other trauma who are receiving emergency treatment. Now is the time for donors of all blood types to give and ensure hospital shelves can be restocked before any impact to patient care.”
The Red Cross is working with hospitals aroundthe-clock to meet the blood needs of patients – but can’t do it alone. To make an appointment, download the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit RedCrossBlood.org or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1800-733-2767).
As a thank-you, those who come give blood, platelets or plasma in August will get a $20 Amazon.com gift card by email. For details, visit RedCrossBlood. org/Help.
Upcoming blood donation opportunities:
•August 16, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., St Pius Church, 3000 Chili Avenue, Rochester
•August 16, 1 to 6 p.m., Ogden Community Center, 269 Ogden Center Road, Spencerport
•August 20, 1 to 6 p.m., Gates Public Library, 902 Elmgrove Road, Rochester
•August 21, 1 to 6 p.m., Riga Town Hall, 6460 Buffalo Road, Churchville
•August 22, 1 to 6 p.m., Brockport Fireman’s Exempt Club, 248 West Avenue, Brockport
•August 24, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Northwest YMCA, 730 Long Pond Road, Rochester
•August 28, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Amazon, 2600 Manitou Road, Rochester
•August 28, 1 to 6 p.m., Chili Community Center, 3237 Chili Avenue, Rochester
•August 29, noon to 5 p.m., SUNY Brockport Seymour College Union, 350 New Campus Drive, Brockport.
Provided information
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Published each Sunday by Westside News Inc., Westside News circulates by private carrier and the U.S. Postal Service to free distribution recipients and paid subscribers in Bergen, Brockport-Sweden, Chili, Churchville-Riga, Clarendon, Clarkson, Hamlin, Hilton-Parma, Kendall, North Greece, and Spencerport-Ogden. Business offices are located at 1776 Hilton-Parma Corners Road (Route 259), Spencerport, NY 14559. (585) 352-3411. Entered for mailing at Spencerport, NY 14559. Subscription rate is $90 per year.
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•Upcoming blood donation opportunities: August 16, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., St Pius Church, 3000 Chili Avenue, Rochester; August 16, 1 to 6 p.m., Ogden Community Center, 269 Ogden Center Road, Spencerport; August 20, 1 to 6 p.m., Gates Public Library, 902 Elmgrove Road, Rochester; August 21, 1 to 6 p.m., Riga Town Hall, 6460 Buffalo Road, Churchville; August 22, 1 to 6 p.m., Brockport Fireman’s Exempt Club, 248 West Avenue, Brockport; August 24, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Northwest YMCA, 730 Long Pond Road, Rochester; August 28, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Amazon, 2600 Manitou Road, Rochester; August 28, 1 to 6 p.m., Chili Community Center, 3237 Chili Avenue, Rochester; August 29, noon to 5 p.m., SUNY Brockport Seymour College Union, 350 New Campus Drive, Brockport. To make an appointment, download the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit RedCrossBlood.org or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). Those who donate in August will get a $20 Amazon.com gift card by email. For details, visit RedCrossBlood.org/Help.
Donations Needed
•The RMSC Council is collecting donations for its Fantastic Findings Sale (September 18 through 21 at the RMSC Campus). Accepting antiques, art, collectibles, decorations, gardening tools, housewares, jewelry, linens, furniture, seasonal decorations, small working appliances, sporting goods, and tools/hardware. Drop off donations at the Eisenhart Auditorium, 657 East Avenue, Rochester, on Saturday, August 17, between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.
•The Village of Brockport Summer Serenades concert series is held on Thursdays at the Brockport Welcome Center (rain location St. Luke’s Episcopal Church). Hannah PK (Blues, Swing, Boogies and original music) performs on August 15 at 6:30 p.m. For information, visit brockportny.org.
•Homesteads for Hope Community Farm, 2185 Manitou Road, Spencerport, hosts Thursdays at the Farm from 5 to 8 p.m. Enjoy live music and grab a bite at the Pizza Grill or Farm Store and Café. There will also be vendors and pony rides. Another Vice performs August 15. For information, visit homesteadsforhope.org.
•Euchre at Harvey C. Noone Post #954 American Legion, 6444 Buffalo Road, Churchville, every third Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Arrive by 6 p.m. Contact Tish Juergens at levans14428@ yahoo.com with any questions.
•Spencerport’s Music on the Canal concerts are held Sundays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., rain or shine. Admission is free. Bring a lawn chair. Mambo Kings (Latin Jazz) performs on August 18.
•Wegmans Concert by the Shore series takes place at 7 p.m. every Wednesday at Ontario Beach Park, 50 Beach Avenue. Free and open to the public. The Dukes perform on August 14. For the complete schedule, call 585-865-3320 or visit www. ontariobeachentertainment.org.
•Summer Food Truck Wednesdays at the Parma Town Park, near the playground area, on Wednesdays from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Some nights will include live music entertainment as well. August 14 – Sonny’s Landing. For updates, follow the 2024 Food Truck Wednesdays on Facebook or contact Hilton-Parma Recreation at 392-9030.
•Summer Concert and Food Truck Rodeo on Thursday, August 15, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Greece Town Hall Campus. Featuring the Skycoasters. There is no admission or parking fee.
•Strawberry Social on Saturday, August 17, from 1 to 4 p.m. at Union Church, 14 North Main Street, Churchville. Serving hot dogs, strawberry desserts and ice cream.
•The Gathering Table on Sunday, August 18, noon to 1 p.m. at Brockport First Baptist Church, 124 Main Street. Serving brunch. Everyone is welcome. The Teen Closet will be open 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., offering free clothing for everyone.
•Kayaking, biking, and creative events are posted on the Village of Brockport’s Eventbrite page (https://www.eventbrite.com/o/village-of-brockport-34362333283) approximately two weeks before each event. Excursions fill up fast so sign up early and, if you can’t make it, cancel your reservation to allow someone else the opportunity. Events and dates will be continually updated.
•Jazz at the Beach free concert series at Tropix Nightclub, 4775 Lake Avenue in Charlotte. Paradigm Shift performs August 13 at 7 p.m. Free parking available. For information, go to www. ontariobeachentertainment.org.
•Community Outdoor Movie Night is Friday, August 16, 7:30 p.m., at St. Paul Lutheran Church & School, 158 East Avenue, Hilton. Featuring Camp Cool Kids, a fun film for the whole family. Free movie and popcorn. Bring lawn chairs or blankets. In the event of rain, the movie will be held indoors. Questions: 392-4000 or stpaulhilton.org
•Churchville Walk About is Saturday, August 17, with activities throughout the village from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Visit businesses to earn tickets for a silent auction. Lions Club Chicken BBQ from noon to 2 p.m. at the Village Pavilion (presale tickets available). Strawberry Social from 1 to 4 p.m. at Union Congregational Church. Activities at the Westshore Trail Head and Caboose on West Buffalo Road include: Chalk the Trail all day; Cake
Walk, games, magician, and food trucks from 5 to 8 p.m.; live music by 8 Days a Week from 7 to 9 p.m.; and fireworks at dusk (sponsored by the Town of Riga). For information, visit https:// churchvillechamber.org.
•The Brockport Dress a Girl Around the World Program will be putting together pajama kits at the Sweden-Clarkson Recreation Center, 4927 Lake Road South, Brockport, on August 17 at 10 a.m. Volunteers are welcome to assist; no sewing skills required. Contact Andrea Perry, 585-6375648, for more information.
•Rochester Rhapsody a cappella women’s chorus is seeking singers to enrich their sound and become part of their welcoming musical family. Chorus Audition Information Night is Monday, August 19, from 7 to 8:30 p.m., at Temple Beth El, 139 South Winton Road, Rochester. For information, email Rochesterrhapsody@yahoo.com or call Sue Melvin at 585-259-3094.
•Purple Pony’ss biennial Treasure Sale is Saturday and Sunday, August 10 and 11, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 8321 Lake Street Road (Route 19), Leroy. Large indoor sale with all proceeds benefiting Purple Pony Therapeutic Horsemanship.
•All-you-can-eat Breakfast on Sunday, August 11, from 8 a.m. to noon at Ferris-Goodridge Post #330, 691 Trimmer Road, Spencerport. Cost is $10 per person, $5 for children 10 and under.
•The American Legion Auxiliary #379 will serve a Lasagna Dinner on the second Wednesday of the month and a Chicken & Biscuit Dinner on the fourth Wednesday of the month to help support the Brockport Area Veterans Club, 222 West Avenue, Brockport. Both dinners are from 4 to 6 p.m. and are available for dine in or take out. Cost is $12 per person, $6 for veterans. For reservations, call 585-637-5012. (Dinners may vary.)
•Daniel’s Race, a 5K run/walk in memory of Daniel Myslivecek that is being held at Churchville-Chili Middle School on Saturday, August 17. Register or donate by clicking the Register link on www. daniels5k.com. The registration fee is $25.
•Baskets and Brunch, a fundraiser for Aurora House Comfort Care Home, is September 21 at Chef’s Event Center & Party House. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. Features a full brunch buffet (including mimosas) and laughs provided by local comedian Dan Viola. Tickets are $50. Purchase before September 1 and get one sheet of raffle tickets ($15 value). Go to https://aurorahousewmc.com/ baskets-brunch-2024/ for information and tickets.
•End of Summer Book Sale on Saturday, August 24, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Buckman’s Plaza Lower Level, 2590 West Ridge Road. Various genres available. Bring your own bag; masking optional. Sponsored by Friends of the Greece Public Library.
•Crafters and vendors wanted for a show at the Harvey C. Noone American Legion in Churchville on Saturday, October 12. Space available inside ($30) and outside ($20). If you are interested in being a vendor, contact Tish Juergens at levans14428@yahoo.com.
•Assemblyman Steve Hawley is holding mobile office hours on Wednesday, August 21, from noon to 2 p.m. at the Seymour Library, 161 East Avenue, Brockport.
•Chili: Architectural Advisory Committee – August 13, 6 p.m.; Planning Board – August 13, 7 p.m.; Town Board – August 14, 7 p.m. (live stream available). All meetings held at the Town HallMain Meeting Room.
•Churchville: Board of Trustees – August 12, 7 p.m., at 23 East Buffalo Street.
•Clarkson: Town Board – August 13, 7 p.m.
•Hamlin: Town Board – August 12, 7 p.m., at 1658 Lake Road.
•Kendall: Planning Board – Special date, August 13, 7 p.m.; Zoning Board – August 13, 7 p.m.; Town Board Workshop – Saturday, August 17, 9 a.m.
•Riga: Town Board – August 14, 7 p.m.
•Sweden: Planning Board – August 12, 7 p.m.
•Veterans with Cancer Support Group meets the second and fourth Tuesday of the month from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Cancer Support Community at Gilda’s Club, 255 Alexander Street, Rochester. Call 585-423-9700 x304 or visit www. cscrochester.org for information.
• The Food Cupboard at First Presbyterian Church of Chili, 3600 Chili Avenue, is open from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, August 17, and the third Saturday of each month. Grocery bags of food donated to those in need – currently serving over 90 families. Anyone interested in being a Food Cupboard Helper (packing bags, handing out food, etc.), making monetary donations, and/or donating peanut butter, cereal or crackers to this cause may call 585-889-9896.
•The Gates Historical Society meets Monday, August 19, 7 p.m., in the Gates Town Hall Annex. Don Stevens, Amerks Hall of Fame Broadcaster, will present a program on the history of the Amerks (Rochester Americans Hockey Team). The program is free and the facilities are handicapped accessible.
•The Hamlin Public Library is open Mondays/ Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Tuesdays/ Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Fridays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; closed Saturdays in August. Digital Literacy of Rochester provides tech help Mondays from noon to 3 p.m. Summer Storytime with Mrs. Carlson is every Monday at 10:30 a.m. with fun books, active songs, early literacy activities and playtime with friends. Call 964-2320 to register for programs. Visit the library’s Facebook page or www. hamlinlibraryny.org for more information.
•The Ogden Farmers’ Library, 269 Ogden Center Road, Spencerport, is open Monday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Tuesday through Thursday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (every third Friday opening at 10 a.m.). Adult events: Book Group: Hang the Moon – August 13 at 2 p.m.; Author Talk: Robin Flanigan – August 12 at 6 p.m.; Genealogy Group: Using Vital Records – August 23 at 2 p.m. Call 617-6181 to register. Find kids and teen events at facebook.com/ogdenfarmerslibrary.
•Parma Public Library, 7 West Avenue, Hilton is holding the following events (no registration unless indicated): Kid’s Adventure Craft: Summer Camp Necklaces – Monday, August 12, 1 to 2 p.m., for ages 5-12. Tiny Art Show Reception – Monday, August 12, 6 to 7 p.m. Baby Storytime and Sensory Play – Tuesday, August 13, 10:30 to 11 a.m., recommended for ages 0-3. Virtual Tour Tuesday: Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park – August 13, 1 to 2 p.m. Learn about the active volcanoes, geology, history, and culture of the island from outdoor professionals including rangers from the National Park Service. Gazebo Storytime – Wednesday, August 14, 10:30 to 11 a.m., for ages 2-6, at the Hilton-Parma Rec Center Gazebo. Bring blankets or chairs. Teen Summer Reading Party with Henna – Thursday, August 15, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., for grades 7 and up. Celebrate the end of summer reading with henna, snacks, and crafts. Summer Reading Party with Wildlife Rockstars – Friday, August 16, 1 to 2:30 p.m., for all ages. Celebrate the end of summer reading with a live animal visit followed by a craft. The library will be closed on Saturday, August 17, for the Classic Wheels on Main Street. For information, call 3928350 or visit www.parmapubliclibrary.org. •This is a sample of programs held at the Seymour Library, 161 East Avenue, Brockport, 637-1050. For complete information, visit seymourlibraryweb.org. Programs marked with an * require advance registration. T(w)een Candy Sushi* – Monday, August 12, 2 to 3 p.m., for grades 6-12. Become a chef and combine two favorite foods (no fish involved). Mochi Tea Party* – Tuesday, August 13, 11 to 11:45 a.m., for ages 0-8. Sample different flavors of mochi and enjoy some tea for a kid-friendly traditional tea ceremony. Seymour Chess Club – Tuesday, August 13, 6 to 7 p.m. Summer Reading Program Finale – Thursday, August 15, 5 to 7 p.m. Crayon Mosaic* – Friday, August 16, noon to 2 p.m. Rochester Korean Percussion Ensemble* – Saturday, August 17, 10 a.m. to noon, for children in grades K-5. Join this exploration of the Janggu.
•Orleans County SCOPE meets Tuesday, August 13, 7 p.m., at the Hoag Library, 134 South Main Street, Albion. Topics include New York State Department of Environmental Conservation presentation and the annual Gun Raffle drawing. For information, visit https://scopeny2a.org/Orleans. •Spencerport Rotary Networking Lunch is Tuesday, August 13, noon, at Slayton Place Restaurant in the Spencerport Village Plaza.
•Country Neighbors Quilt Guild meets the second Wednesday of the month (August 14), 6:30 p.m., at St. John Lutheran Church, 1107 Lake Road North, Hamlin. For information, call 585-964-2081.
•Churchville-Chili Board of Education meets Tuesday, August 13, at 139 Fairbanks Road, Churchville. Work Session at 5 p.m. in Professional Development Room A #3802. District-wide Safety Plan Public Hearing at 7 p.m. followed by a regular board meeting in Administrative Board Room #3808.
•Free education session to learn about: eligibility requirements of Medicare; Medicare Parts A, B, C and D; original Medicare costs and benefits; prescription drug programs, Medigap and Medicare Advantage. Held on Tuesday, August 13, 6:30 p.m., at the Sweden Clarkson Community Center, 4927 Lake Road, Brockport. RSVP to theresas@ maustandleone.com or call/text 585-507-6316. For accommodations of persons with special needs, call 585-507-6316 or TTY 711. Attendees are under no obligation to enroll in a plan. Not affiliated with or endorsed by any government agency. Theresa Seil is a Licensed Insurance Agent affiliated with Maust & Leone.
Volunteer Opportunities
•Give A Lift Northwest, a program of Lifespan of Greater Rochester, is seeking volunteer drivers. The role is to provide transportation to people aged 60+ to medical appointments and the grocery store in the Brockport, Clarkson, Sweden, Hamlin and Hilton areas. Call 585-244-8400 ext. 211 for information. Flexible hours. Training and excess insurance provided.
Trinity Lutheran Church is holding a food drive this August to benefit the Spencerport Ecumenical Food Shelf (SEFS). The drive has a “Canned-y Land” theme.
During the church’s Vacation Bible School in July, one of the stations was all about helping the community and learning about giving back. Campers played a giant game of “Canned-y Land” that ended at a box of nonperishable food items.
Trinity Lutheran Church always accepts non-perishable food items which are given to SEFS. But the “Canned-y Land” drive will be going on throughout the rest of the month of August to bring awareness to the need in the area as school is out and children are without school lunches.
Donated items can be dropped off at Trinity Lutheran Church in the mornings before noon, or left at the front door after hours. The church is located at 191 Nichols Street, Spencerport. Provided information and photo
The Churchville-Chili Board of Education has approved Mariana Barry as the new principal of Chestnut Ridge. Mrs. Barry will be stepping into the role following Mrs. Hale’s retirement after 11 years of service to Chestnut Ridge Elementary School.
Mrs. Barry brings a wealth of experience and dedication to the district. She served as Assistant Principal at Cobbles Elementary in Penfield CSD during the 2023-24 school year. Prior to her role at Cobbles Elementary, Mrs. Barry worked for the Rochester City School District for 17 years, where she held positions as an Assistant Principal, Project Implementation Specialist, and English teacher. Her extensive experience includes serving as a district mentor, curriculum writer, professional development facilitator, and instructional coach. In recognition of her outstanding contributions, Mrs. Barry received the Rochester Education Foundation “Advantage Inspire Award” in 2014.
As a resident of the ChurchvilleChili Central School District, Mrs. Barry is deeply connected to the community, with three children attending schools within the district. Mrs. Barry will officially begin her role at Chestnut Ridge on August 27.
Provided information and photo
SUNY Brockport is one of only 192 colleges and universities across the country to be honored for its Nonpartisan Democratic Engagement Plan. Brockport has been recognized by the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge, an effort designed to “foster civic culture and institutionalize democratic engagement activities and programs at colleges and universities, making them a defining feature of campus life.” The organization seeks to close voting gaps based on age and race.
Brockport received a special seal
that identifies higher education institutions with strong action plans to increase nonpartisan democratic engagement.
SUNY Brockport’s action plan needed to receive at least 31.5 of 36 possible points based on the Strengthening American Democracy Action Planning Guide (SADG) Rubric. ALL IN evaluated institutions based on the three pillars they believe define democratic engagement – civic learning, political engagement, and student voter participation.
Provided information
Elmira College recently announced this year’s recipients of its annual Key Award. This year’s award was given to 831 students in 17 states. A tradition that goes back to 1935, the Key Award is presented to outstanding students in their junior year of high school or preparatory school.
Sponsored by the EC Alumni Association, the Key Award recognizes students for high scholastic achievement, leadership, citizenship, and participation in extracurricular activities. Recipients receive an $88,000 scholarship over a four-year period, $22,000 per year, upon enrolling at Elmira College.
Area Key Award recipients are:
•Leann Clay of Kendall
•Meah Palumbo of Rochester
•Isabella Emery of Holley
•Rachael Romesser of Churchville
•Ava Hall of Rochester
•Justin Nettnin of Rochester
•Aron Benjamin of Spencerport
•Savannah Holzschuh of Hamlin
•Jessy Simmons of Rochester
•Grant Wood of Hilton
•Alexa Maschke of Rochester
•Riley West of Spencerport
•Leah Carrier of Rochester
•Elena Dembeyiotis of Rochester
•Madalyn McNally of Rochester
•Riese Mendoza of Rochester
•Ryan Wallace of Rochester.
“This award is given to students with the potential to excel academically, serve as leaders, and go on to enjoy success in life,” said Charles Lindsay, president of Elmira College.
“We hope they will choose to make Elmira College their place.”
Provided information
Summer may be winding down, but the Hilton-Parma Senior Center still has some great programs coming up.
A monthly program gaining popularity is Presenting with Pizza, where a local presenter speaks about an interesting topic followed by a full pizza lunch. All presentations start at 10:30 a.m. with pizza lunch to follow for $5. Upcoming presentations are:
•Monday, August 12 – Town of Sweden Judge Tony Perry
•Monday, September 16 – Unraveling the Mystery of Sleep.
Seniors in Parma, Hilton, and the surrounding communities are welcome to attend evening meals with entertainment at the Senior Center. The cost is $11 per person and the deadline to register is the Monday before the meal. Upcoming evening meals are:
•Thursday, August 28 – Crispy Chicken Sandwich Night and play Bingo for prizes
•Thursday, September 25 – Chicken Cordon Bleu and music by the Pearlz Band.
The Senior Center also serves lunch on Tuesdays and has the following meals coming up: August 20 – Mexican Chicken; August 27 – Salisbury
Steak; September 3 – Cod; September 10 – Pulled Pork; September 17
– Turkey Tettrazini; and September 24 – Fajita Chicken Salad. Other planned programs include:
•Wednesday, August 14 – Feature film Arthur the King
•Monday, August 26 – Nutrition Class with Cornell Cooperative Extension. Play a fun game of nutrition jeopardy and sample a summer seasonal recipe.
•Senior Police Academy – The eightweek program with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office starts on September 5 (call for more details)
•Monday, September 9 – Dish with a Deputy discussion at 10:30 a.m.
•Thursday, September 12 – Computer Class with Daniel at 9 a.m.
•Wednesday, September 18 – Feature film Anyone But You
•Thursday, September 26 – Nutrition Class with Cornell Cooperative Extension. Learn about the nutritional highlights of tomatoes and sample a seasonal tomato recipe. To register for programs or for more information, please contact the staff at the Hilton-Parma Recreation & Senior Center at 392-9030. Provided information
Rector, Reverend Mitchell Bojarski was officially welcomed to St. George’s Episcopal Church in Hilton with a meet and greet picnic on August 4, following his first service to this congregation.
Mitchell Bojarski grew up in Buffalo and went to college at Roberts Wesleyan and then seminary at Virginia Theology Seminary, graduating in 2008. He moved back to New York after spending time in ministry in California, Kentucky, and Ohio.
“There are such lovely people in this community and it was attractive to be
part of it,” said Reverend Mitch when explaining why he chose to come to St. George’s Episcopal Church. “My first goal is to learn more from the church. I have more to learn about this church from them than they have to learn from me. Then we will see how we can do ministry even better,” Reverend Mitch said humbly. St. George’s Episcopal Church is located at 635 Old Wilder Road, Hilton. To learn more, visit http://www. stgeorgehilton.org/.
Provided information
The applicant is requesting an Area Variance to grant relief from Town Zoning Article V, subsection 165-31 (E) (1) (schedule I) for the construction of a pole barn located on the north side of the property in the rear yard with a 10-foot side set back. Town Code requires a 25foot side setback. This property is zoned Agricultural Residential (AC).
2. KRIS & CRYSTAL HELFER 594 Parma Center Road.
The applicant is requesting an Area Variance to grant relief from Town Zoning Article V, subsection 165-31 (E) (1) (schedule I), Article XVI, Subsection 165-128 (B) (1), Article XVI Subsection 165-29 (B) (1), for the construction of an inground swimming pool on the west side of the lot with a 10-foot side set back and a 55-foot front set back. A 6-foot privacy fence on the west side of the house with a 5-foot side setback from the west lot line. The house is preexisting non-conforming with a 49-foot front set back and should be brought into compliance with the other
variance requests. Town Code requires a 25-foot side setback and a 75-foot front set back. This property is zoned Agricultural Residential (AC).
All persons will be heard at this time. Interested parties may obtain further information by calling 392-9449 or by inspecting the project file in the Parma Town Hall during normal business hours.
Parma Zoning Board of Appeals
Notice of Formation of Back Country Baits LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 5/20/24. Office Location: Monroe County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served.
SSNY shall mail copy of process to 19 Chateau Place, Mendon, NY 14506. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.
“Notice of Formation of a Limited Liability Company (LLC). The name of the LLC is : LUNA MOON WATER
LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) office on: 7/10/2024. The county in which the office is to be located: Monroe. The SSNY is designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The address to which the SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC is : 50 Bennett Road Hilton NY 14468. Purpose : any lawful activity.”
Vehicles 1982 and Older Sat., Aug. 17, 2024 8:00AM
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Ambulance is looking for independent Contractors for Emergency Technicians and Drivers. They get paid once a month to do what you love, and help your neighbors. Email scambellbvac.com or medic2397@yahoo.com for more information: Visit us on our website at www.brockportambulance.org. Non-Emergent call - 585-431-3337. Please leave a detailed message with your name and phone number. We will get back to you as soon as we can. Neighbors Helping Neighbors since 1962.[TFN).
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While many fairgoers are captivated by the bright lights, loud sounds, and live music at The Great New York State Fair, others can find the environment to be a potential cause of stress and anxiety. In an effort to make The Fair more inclusive of all New Yorkers, The Great New York State Fair has added a dedicated sensory room and sensory friendly hours as part of its mission to improve programming and infrastructure with the goal of making one of summer’s most beloved traditions more accessible.
Located inside The Wegmans Art and Home Center, the sensory room will be available to all fairgoers who need a quiet space during The Fair’s 13-day run. The room, which will be open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., was created after consulting with local non-profit organizations that specialize in providing a variety of emotional, behavioral, and developmental limitations programming. The room will provide fairgoers with a peaceful environment that includes gentle music, soft lighting, projectors, weighted lap pads, stuffed animals, bean bag chairs, and more.
“We’re always striving to make The Fair more inclusive and accessible for everyone,” said Fair Director Julie LaFave.
“With so much going on throughout the Fairgrounds, it can become overwhelming, especially to those who have anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, autism, dementia, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and other neurodivergent challenges. Our goal continues to be able to provide fun, safe, and enjoyable entertainment for everyone. As part of our commitment to making The Fair more accessible, we’ve worked with KultureCity and are proud to have been certified as a Sensory Friendly Fair. We’re thrilled to offer a dedicated space and sensory friendly hours.”
In addition, The Fair will offer a sensory friendly day on Tuesday, August 27, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. During that time, many rides on the Midway will operate without lights while sounds, music, and public address announcements throughout The Fair will be reduced or limited to accommodate those with sensitivities.
The Fair starts Wednesday, August 21, and runs through Labor Day, Monday, September 2, in Syracuse. Admission to The Great New York State Fair includes access to 39 national recording acts. There will be a daily 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. concert at Chevy Court (located near Gate 1), and a daily 8
p.m. concert at Suburban Park (located on the western end of the Fairgrounds, beyond the Midway).
Admission tickets, parking, and passes for The Fair’s famous Midway are now on sale and can be purchased by visiting https://nysfair.ny.gov. Admission tickets are $8 (plus fees) for adults while admission is free for children under 12 and senior citizens aged 65 and older. Fairgoers can also purchase a Frequent Fairgoer pass for $25 (plus fees), which provides admission to all 13 days of The Fair’s run. Parking is $12 per vehicle, plus fees.
Updated concert schedules are available on The Fair’s website at pages dedicated to Chevy Court and Suburban Park.
Founded in 1841, The Great New York State Fair showcases the best of New York agriculture, provides top-quality entertainment, and is a key piece of the state’s CNY Rising strategy of growing the Central New York economy through tourism. It is the oldest fair in the United States and is consistently recognized as being among the top five state fairs in the nation. Provided information
AUGUST 18 12 – 3
Military Service begins promptly at 1 p.m. Desserts and refreshments to follow.
•Rabjohn, James Richard “Jim,” born August 3, 1936, died August 4, 2024, just after his 88th birthday. Jim’s life was marked by hard work, dedication, and love for his family, nation, and community. He is survived by his wife of 66 years, Elaine; three children: Heidi Mech (Tim), Richard Rabjohn (Caren), and William Rabjohn (Linda); six grandchildren: Stephanie Baker (Quinten), Andrew Rabjohn, Nathaniel Mech (Victoria), Monika Karna (Bishal), Samuel Rabjohn, and Claire Rabjohn; and his great grandson Henry Baker. He served in the US Army for eight years, initially as a military policeman and later in the Army reserves. Professionally, Jim was a Supervisor at Eastman Kodak Company, but his true passion lay in the Hamlin Gun Repair Shop, which he ran with his wife for 40 years. He had an essential role as a founder and volunteer of the North Star Sportsman’s Club. In his leisure time, he reveled in activities involving nature and enjoyed flying his plane.
Claire, age 81 passed away peacefully surrounded by loved ones on August 4th, 2024 after battling an extended illness. She is pre-deceased by her mother and father, Clarence and Bernadine Metzger. She is survived by her companion of 47 years, John (Zeke) Zastrocky; children, Scott (Michele) Flagler, Jeff (Amy) Flagler; grandchildren, Danielle (Kyle) Denton, Courtney (Colin) Flagler, Jacob and Jarrett Flagler; great-grandchildren, Evan and Cade Denton, Barrett Flagler-Willis; sister, Charlene Basil (Skip) Whitney; niece, Dr. Christa Whitney-Miller (Dr. Matthew Miller); nephew, Brian (Aimee) Whitney; Kim Fodge; Zeke’s children and grandchildren; and good friends, Don and Roz Krenzer and Jim and Sheila Fodge. The family would like to thank the doctors, nurses and staff at Strong Memorial Hospital for their exceptional care.
Claire is a retiree of the United States Postal Service. She was a member of the Churchville Volunteer Fire Department’s Ladies Auxiliary and a member of the Sackett Merrill White Post #575 Bergen. For more information, visit www.walkerbrothersfh.com
Calling hours were held on Thursday August 8, 2024 at Walker Brothers Funeral Home (21 Main Street, Churchville, NY). A funeral service was held on August 9th, 2024 at the Churchville Volunteer Fire Department (24 Washington St., Churchville, NY).
In lieu of flowers, please consider donating to Churchville Volunteer Fire Department (24 Washington Street, Churchville, NY 14428)
Marilyn passed away on July 15, 2024 at the age of 92 in Rochester, NY. She is survived by her sons, Alan (Christal) Vasbinder, David (Rachel) Vasbinder; her daughters, Julie Nelson and Peggy Vasbinder; grandchildren, Sherri (Nick) DiPaola, Steven Vasbinder, John Nelson, Catherine (Colin) Baker, Jacob (Meredith) Vasbinder, Kenneth Vasbinder and Daniel Vasbinder; greatgrandchildren, Nicholas (Colby) DiPaola, Brandon DiPaola, and Jocelynn Vasbinder; and a great-great grandchild, Luca DiPaola. She was preceded in death by her loving husband, Roswell Vasbinder; parents, Lewie and H. Claire Stady; and her sister, Joyce (Robert) Woodruff.
Marilyn was born in West Valley, NY. She earned her bachelor of science degree in elementary education from Buffalo State Teachers College and began working in the Rochester City School District from 1954-1957. She then worked in the Spencerport School District from 19681994. She loved teaching children to read in grades 1-2. Marilyn and Ross traveled to over 50 countries around the world. She was an excellent gardener, cook and seamstress. She loved taking her sweet dog, Molly, for walks. She was a 67 year member of the First Congregational Church of Spencerport, singing in the choir and helping out cleaning and with the women’s group there. She cared deeply for humanity, frequently volunteering at the Salem Soup Kitchen in Rochester. A memorial service will be held at First Congregational Church (65 Church St, Spencerport, NY) on August 24th at 11:00am. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the World Wildlife Fund. For people unable to attend, the service will be streamed on the facebook site for SpencerportUCC.
•Uren, Terrence L. “Terry,” (December 10, 1936 – July 31, 2024). Terry died July 31, 2024 at age 87. He is predeceased by his parents Lenore and William Uren, his first wife and mother of his children Trudy Uren and his brother David Uren. He is survived by his loving wife of 34 years Marie Dickson-Uren; his children Laura (Kevin) Drozynski, Lisa (Chris) VanDeMark and Greg Uren; his sister Marcia (Doug) DeGroote; sisters-in-law Carol Hill and Jeanette Salem; brothers-in-law Albert Dickson and John (Kandia) Dickson. He is also survived by his grandchildren Alyssa (Adam) LoVerde, Matthew Drozynski, Cameron VanDeMark, Joshua VanDeMark, Jacob Uren and Emily Uren. There is also a loving, extended family of in-laws in Sydney Australia who were very special to him. After college he joined US Gypsum company where he had a successful career spanning 30 years. Upon retirement, he and his wife Marie would spend half the year in Naperville, IL and half the year in Sydney Australia, and as a result, Terry, an avid golfer, was able to golf every day of the year. Terry was a devoted Buffalo Bills fan for over 60 years and a voracious reader whose favorite subject was history.
There will be a private Burial Service for Terry at a future date. Contributions can be made to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research in his memory. Arrangements entrusted to the Fowler Funeral Home, Brockport.
Brockport – Dr. Ena Lunette Farley (née Morris) died August 4, 2024 at age 85. She was born in Race Course, Jamaica, September 15, 1938. After graduating from The University College of the West Indies, she married economist Dr. Rawle Farley. She completed her doctorate in American History at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, writing the book The Underside of Reconstruction New York: The Struggle over the Issue of Black Equality. She was chairman of the State University of New York, College at Brockport’s Department of African and Afro-American Studies, a member of the Brockport school board, and a Regent for the State of New York. She is survived by her four sons with her late husband Rawle: Anthony, Felipe, Christopher, and Jonathan, with the last of whom she spent 2-1/2 years isolated at home during the pandemic. Videos about or related to her have gotten over two million views on YouTube. A film entitled Free Ena Farley! won a Silver Prize at the Telly Awards and can be seen at www.film.enafarley.com.
•Barber, Terrence P. “Terry,” age 68, died suddenly August 6, 2024. He was born March 15, 1956, in Scranton, PA, a son of the late Francis and Catherine (Power) Barber. In addition to his parents, he was predeceased by his sister Bridget. Terry is survived by his loving wife of 27 years, Patti; his siblings Patricia Barber, Chris (Carol) Barber, Mary (Tom) Connely, Anne (Steve) Macaluso, Fran Barber; sister-in-law Carla (Paul) Hennekey as well as several nieces and nephews. Terry enjoyed hunting and music and was a car enthusiast. He was a self-taught drummer, playing in several bands in the area. He worked at Eastman Kodak Company, retiring after 32 years.
The family will receive friends at the Christopher Mitchell Funeral Homes, 16650 State Rte. 31, Holley, Wednesday August 14 from 6 to 8 p.m. Contributions can be made to the charity of one’s choice in his memory. To share a memory of Terry visit: www.mitchellfamilyfuneralhomes.com.
•Noble-Johnson, Denise Lorraine, age 68, died suddenly August 6, 2024. She was born August 22, 1955, in Warsaw NY, a daughter of the late Alexander and Mabel (Brown) Noble and had lived in this area most of her life. In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by her husband Burton Johnson, Sr., sisters Arlene, Kathy, Lolita and her brother Allen. She is survived by her children Shanna (Mike) Johnston, Benjamin Johnson, Shelby (Corey) Buzard; grandchildren Ava, Ashton, Bennett; step-children Susan (Troy) Combs, Burton (Tammy) Johnson, Jr., Brian (Tabitha) Johnson, Brenda (Mark) Davis; brothers Ronald (Barbara) Noble, Leighton Noble; several step-grandchildren, nieces, nephews and cousins. Denise loved taking care of people and worked as an RN for Rochester General Hospital, Lakeside Memorial Hospital and United Memorial Medical Center in Batavia. She enjoyed sewing, quilting, painting rocks, camping at the State Fair and crafting with her grandchildren. The family will receive friends at the Christopher Mitchell Funeral Homes, 16650 State Route 31, Holley, Tuesday, August 13, 4 to 7 p.m. where her Funeral Service will be held Wednesday, August 14 at 11 a.m. Her burial will be in Hillside Cemetery. Contributions can be made to the American Heart Association in her memory. To share a memory of Denise, visit www.mitchellfamilyfuneralhomes.com.
A Memorial Service was held August 10 at Fowler Funeral Home, Brockport. In memory of Jim, donations can be made to either the Hamlin Fire Department Ambulance Fund, 1503 Lake Road, Hamlin, NY 14464, or the Friendly Home Employee Hardship Fund, 3156 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14618.
•Hare, James E., died August 3, 2024 at age 67. He was predeceased by his parents, Nelson and Kathleen (Ellis) Hare. He is survived by his wife, Barbara (Smalley) Hare; his children, Valerie (Michael) Lonville, Michael (Rachel) Hare, and Thomas (Jacqueline) Hare; his grandchildren, Philip Lonville, Michael Hare, Kathryn Hare, Timothy Hare, Evelyn Hare, Ryan Sak, Carly Hare, and Alyssa Hare; his sister, Janice (Dave) Lloyd; and many friends and relatives.James was a retiree from Eastman Kodak Company. He was a member of the Hilton Fire Department, Monroe County Fire Chiefs Association, Finger Lakes Regional Burn Association, NYS Association of Fire Chiefs, North Greece Fire Department, and the Lakeshore Fire Department. He enjoyed fishing, boating, and deer hunting.
His Memorial Service will be held Friday, August 16 at 2 p.m. at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 158 East Avenue, Hilton. Private Interment in Parma Union Cemetery. Those wishing can make contributions in memory of James to the Hilton Fire Department Explorer Post, 120 Old Hojack Lane, Hilton, NY 14468 or Golisano Children’s Hospital, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Rochester, NY.
•Stockwell, David H., died August 1, 2024 at age 85. He was predeceased by his parents, Lewis and Sally Stockwell. He is survived by his wife, Donelda; his children, David Douglas Stockwell, Jill Stockwell, Brian Stockwell, and Joy Stockwell; his sisters, Sally (Richard) Conley, Beverly Cooley, and Judy (Bob) Hensal; and his nieces and nephews, Dee, Greg, Chris, Pam, Kim, Leigh Ann, and Beth. David was a Missionary for Christian and Missionary Alliance Churches in Colorado Springs, CO. He ministered in the Philippines for 34 years. He found a new home at Albion Faith Fellowship who welcomed him and his wife with open arms. David’s Memorial Service will be held some time after January 2025 at Albion Faith Fellowship. Information will be updated with service details when arrangements have been finalized. Interment will be held in Mt. Albion Cemetery, Albion. Donations can be made to Albion Faith Fellowship, 3305 Oak Orchard Road, Albion, NY 14411 in David’s memory. Arrangements entrusted to the Thomas E. Burger Funeral Home, Hilton.
•Boynton, Pamelia A., age 77, died August 2, 2024. She was born December 8, 1946 in Blasdell to Thomas and Beulah (Compton) Partridge and had lived in this area for over 50 years. She is survived by her husband of 53 years Roger; her daughter, Sarah (Kenneth) Trowbridge of Clarendon; two brothers, Reginald Partridge of Holley, Carl (Marie) Partridge of FL; sisters-in-law, Judy Partridge of Eden and Elaine (Anthony) Muscolino of Manchester, NY; two grandchildren, Allison and Brenden Trowbridge; several nieces, nephews and cousins. Predeceased by two brothers, Thomas and Donald Partridge. Pam was a member of the Holley First Presbyterian Church, a former member of the Clarendon Lions Club and the Holley Order of the Eastern Star. She worked for over 20 years at Hurd Orchards and also for many years at the Holley Community Free Library. Pam enjoyed square dancing, cross stitching and was also a former Girl Scout Leader.
Her Funeral Service was held August 8 at the Holley First Presbyterian Church. Interment in Hillside Cemetery. Contributions in her memory can be made to the Holley First Presbyterian Church, 34 East Albion Street, Holley, NY 14470, the Alzheimer’s Association, 2805 Wehrle Drive, Buffalo, NY 14221 or Hospice of Orleans, 14080 NY-31, Albion, NY 14411. To share a special memory of Pam, please visit: www.mitchellfamilyfuneralhomes.com.
continued on page 11
•Reis, Richard Paul, age 71, died August 6, 2024. He was born September 16, 1952 in Albion, to Frank and Esther Mae (Dusett) Reis and was a life-long resident of this area. He is survived by his children: James (Rachel) Harmer of Bergen, Stephanie (Calvin) Hargrave of Lyndonville, Jennifer (Michael) Kurzawski of Holley; the mother of his children: Vivian Reis; his brothers: William “Bill” (Sheryl) Reis of Kent, Frank “Tony” Reis III of Kent; his sisters: Nora Reis and Mary Reis both of Kent, Jeanette Reis of Madrid; nine grandchildren, five great grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. Predeceased by a brother, John Reis and a sister, Cora Reis. Richard worked for and loved his job at Admar Supply Company, and also enjoyed woodworking, puttering around and tending to his garden. He loved to watch John Wayne movies, Sci-Fi shows and listen to Country Music.
The family will receive friends at the Christopher Mitchell Funeral Home, 21 West Avenue, Albion, Friday, August 16 from 4 to 7 p.m. A private Graveside Service will be held in Sandy Creek Cemetery at the convenience of the family. Contributions can be made to the Alzheimer’s Association, 225 N. Michigan Avenue Floor 17, Chicago, IL 60601. To share a special memory of Richard, please visit: www.mitchellfamilyfuneralhomes.com
•Weese, Gerald L. “Jerry,” age 75, died August 3, 2024. He was born April 14, 1949 in Medina to the late Marvin and Shirley (Beyer) Weese. In addition to his parents, he was predeceased by his wife Linda in 2019, brothers Dennis and Larry and niece, Amanda Weese, Jerry is survived by his children, Kristi Toscano, Corey (Jessica) Weese; grandchildren, Max and Luke Toscano; sister Anne Marie (Kevin) Bowman; brother Paul Weese; many nieces, nephews and cousins. Jerry served in the Marine Corps from 1968-1972 in Vietnam. He worked as a supervisor at GM in Rochester and owned and operated Weese Electric for many years. He enjoyed fly fishing, camping, hunting, collecting guns and woodworking. His Memorial Service was held August 9 at the Christopher Mitchell Funeral Home, Holley, with interment and military honors at Hillside Cemetery, Holley. Contributions can be made to the Huntingtons Disease Society of America in his memory. To share a special memory of Jerry, please visit: www. mitchellfamilyfuneralhomes.com.
•Merle, Sara G., (Pastor Sara) died August 1, 2024, at age 71. Born July 21, 1953, in Pittsburgh, PA, she was the daughter of the late Chalmers and Jesse Gilbert. She is survived by her husband of 45 years, Douglas C. Merle; her children, Nathan (Kristin) Merle, Kristen (Dwight) Hess, and Katie (Nolan) Flores; her grandchildren, Allison and Mason Merle, Rebekah, Raymond, and Ruth Hess, and Levi and Claire Flores; and her brother, Jim (Sandy) Gilbert. After graduating from The United Theological Seminary, she became ordained in the United Methodist Church. She served the congregations at the United Methodist Churches in North Gainesville, Covington, Knowlesville, Millville, and retiring from Kendall. In retirement, she also spread the Word of God at Carlton and Holley UMC’s. She was well known for leading the congregations in singing while enthusiastically playing the guitar. Sara enjoyed many hobbies over the years including kayaking, fishing, camping, pottery, woodworking, and many different athletic activities.
A Celebration of her Life will be held Sunday, August 18 from 1 to 3 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. at the Hilton United Methodist Church, 21 West Avenue, Hilton, where her Memorial Service will be held Monday, August 19 at 11 a.m. Donations in her memory can be made to: Tyrand Cooperative Ministries, Inc., P.O. Box 365, Mill Creek, WV 26280 (304) 335-2788. Arrangements entrusted to the Thomas E. Burger Funeral Home, Hilton
•Doran, Kelly Jayne, died July 27, 2024, at age 57. Kelly will be remembered for her beauty and style, infectious smile, lust for fun and adventure, but most of all for her big heart. Kelly was predeceased by her father, Robert Doran. She is survived by her mother, Patricia Doran; her son, Joe (Mary) Doran; her grandson, Joe “Joe-Bear” Doran; her brothers, Scott and Patrick (Donna) Doran; her sister, Kim (Tom) Boedicker; her life partner, Brett Williams; her bonus girls, Anna, Jane and Lily Williams; her nieces, Scarlett, Aryanna and Daisy; and her nephews, Dominic and Anthony. Kelly was always so grateful for the love and support she received from the Progno family, particularly “Grandma” Marie and “Grandpa” Mike, for their help raising Kelly’s son Joe. Kelly had two careers, 18 years as a flight attendant for Delta Airlines where she traveled the world and later in life in robotic automated assembly equipment sales. At Capital Industries, her success led her to be one of the top salespeople. She continued her work right up until the end.
There will be NO prior calling hours. A private Graveside Service will be held for Kelly followed by a Celebration of her Life that will be held at the Roger Robach Community Center, Ontario Beach Park on Sunday, August 25 at 2 pm. Donations can be made to the New York Bulldog Rescue at https://bulldog. rescueme.org/NewYork in Kelly’s memory. Kelly asks that in remembering her, you kiss your kids often, you try to put your feet in the ocean at least once a year, and you enjoy life as it is all too short. Arrangements entrusted to the Thomas E. Burger Funeral Home, Hilton.
•Gardner, Gail M., died August 4 2024. She is predeceased by her parents Robert and Dolores Mercer, and cherished pet Kiki Gardner. She is survived by her loving spouse Bob Manard; sons, Mark Gardner, Michael (Jacquelyn) Gardner; daughter, Michele Griswold; grandchildren, Frank Griswold III, James (Chelsea) Steiner, Mickey Gardner, Casey Gardner, Samantha (Jordan) Steiner, Miranda (Amy) Holmes, Harley Landon; greatgrandchildren, Frank Griswold IV, Teagan Steiner, Bailey Burkhart; cousins, Diane (Russ) Clark, Tommy (Jan) Johnson, Jeffrey (Kathy) Clark; dear friends, Cheryl Gardner, Frank Griswold II; and cherished pets, Percy and Patchy Gardner. An avid Elvis Presley fan, Gail enjoyed traveling, including a trip to Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee. She loved listening to good music while enjoying an occasional cocktail made with top-shelf alcohol. Whenever there was a special occasion, there had to be cake from Wegmans and eclairs from Jackson’s Bakery. Gail had a smile that would light up a room and a laugh that was incredibly contagious. She was always kind and generous to everyone she held close. She will be greatly missed but not forgotten.
Calling Hours will be Sunday, August 11 from 1 to 4 p.m. at Walker Brothers Funeral Home, 15 West
Get ready for a weekend of non-stop entertainment at Genesee Country Village & Museum’s Fiddlers’ Fair, happening on Saturday, August 17, and Sunday, August 18, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This event transforms the museum’s 19th-century village into the backdrop for a music festival celebrating styles old and new. The event is sponsored by National Grid.
a music festival celebrating styles old and new.
Visitors can explore the influence of Irish musical stylings brought to New York State by laborers on the Erie Canal, meet a luthier crafting stringed instruments on-site, and enjoy a wide range of musical acts on stages set throughout the museum grounds. Highlights include performances by Joe Beard, Vienna Carroll, Alyssa Rodriguez, Fiddlers of the Genesee, and many more. A full lineup of performances can be viewed at https://www.gcv.org/event/fiddlers-fair-makingmusic-weekend/. In addition to live performances, guests can participate in workshops such as “Fiddle for Dancing,” “Making Tunes Your Own: Irish-style Ornamentation & Variation,” “Communicating Effectively with Your Audience,” and “Improvisation Made Simple & Learning by Ear.” Enjoy making music with 19th-century noisemakers, creating a jingle stick or shaker, and joining a sing-along with GCV&M naturalist Adam Henne. Catch instrument spotlights with Fred Brown of Lowly Mountain Banjos, Dylan Race with Race Orchestral Strings, and Alyssa Rodriguez with the Swedish nyckelharpa.
Visiting musicians are welcome to join in the music festival fun as troubadours, buskers, performing groups, or student musicians, and will receive free admission when they preregister with rward@gcv.org or sign up at the Main Stage on the Great Meadow day-of.
Tickets for Fiddlers’ Fair & Making Music Weekend are free for museum members, $23 for adults, $20 for seniors (62+),
music, food, and festival fun awaits at the
Fair, coming up August 17 and 18 at
$20 for students (age 13 to 18), $17 for youth (age three to 17), and children under three are free. Tickets can be purchased online in advance to save $2. Go to https://www.gcv. org/event/fiddlers-fair-making-music-weekend/. Provided information and photos
Come to Life BiBLe ChurCh
Our Services are on Saturday evenings at 6:30pm at Cornerstone Bible Chapel, 3231 Buffalo Road, Rochester, NY 14624. Website: https://cometolifebible.church/ Phone Number: (Call or Text) 315-690-8708
Come to Life Bible Church is to be...
A place where you are invited to...
Come as you are, and see the Bible come to life. Get to know Jesus, and experience the Holy Spirit eLmGroVeuNiteDmethoDiSt ChurCh
We are located at 1500 Spencerport Road, Rochester 14606 in Gates. Phone: 585-247-4973. Building is handicapped accessible. Time of Worship: 10:45AM - led by Rev. Ann Brown. Website: ElmgroveUMC.org. You can join us remotely by clicking on the link to the Pastor’s page (you do not need a Facebook account to view posts). Email: ElmgroveUMC@yahoo. com. Community Outreach and Ministry Opportunities include: Little Free Library, SWEM, Aurora House, RAIHN, Prayer ministries, etc. We have a long history in the Gates community and we are looking forward to a bright future that includes you! Please come and join us on Sunday! firSt PreSBYteriAN ChurChof ChiLi
Our little white church on the hill, 3600 Chili Avenue, continues to spread God’s love, as Pastor Brandi and our Church Family extend a warm welcome to all. We’d love to have you join us for worship, Sundays, 10 am, a family friendly service, either in person or virtually via live-stream or recording (URL) https://www.facebook.com/firstpreschili/live/. We offer a wide variety of music genres: bells, choir, classical and praise team; Youth group (grades 5-12); Sunday Bible Study at 9 am; Food Cupboard distribution on the third Saturday each month; yearly mission trip opportunities for youth and adults; prayer group each Tuesday at 2 pm; Labyrinth Trail located at 3551 Chili Avenue; and various small group studies through the year. In need of prayer or counsel, call or email the church office: 585-889-9896 or fpc3600@gmail. com. Handicapped accessible. Website: chili-presbyterian.org.
hiLtoN BAPtiSt ChurCh
50 Lake Avenue, Hilton, (585) 392-7990, Email hbchurch50@gmail.com, Pastor Dan Brown. Join us on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. We offer In-person services and Live-Streaming on YouTube under “Hilton Baptist Church Live.” Visit our Website at hiltonbaptist.org for more information. We are a Congregation of the American Baptist Churches. Our Building is Handicap Accessible and we offer Hearing Assistance during the Worship service. Everyone is Welcome to join our Church family!
hiLtoNuNiteDmethoDiSt ChurCh
Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by Following Christ; Connecting Generations; Transforming Communities. 21 West Avenue, Hilton, NY 14468, (585) 392-8761. Rev. Jennifer Green, pastor. Website: www.humcny.org, E-mail: office@humcny.org. Worship Service is open in the HUMC Sanctuary. Service: 10am. Fellowship: 11am. Sunday Services are live-streamed at HUMCny.org. All are welcome. Please visit us in person. Handicap Accessible.
hoPe BroCKPort
Are you seeking hope and wondering about faith or spiritual things? Then look no further than Hope Brockport! We warmly welcome you to our friendly community. Here, you will find love, support, and guidance as we navigate life together. You are invited to join us as we gather together every Sunday at 9:30 am, Hope Kids on Sundays at 9:30 am for children up to 5th grade, and Hope Youth on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm for 6th - 12th grade students. To connect, send questions to connect@sharethehope.org, call (585) 7234673, or visit sharethehope.org to learn more. We are conveniently located at 6601 Fourth Section Road, Brockport, NY (Rt 31 - right across from Wegmans). We can’t wait to meet you!
mortoN BAPtiSt ChurCh 1152 County Line Road, Hamlin, NY 14464. Church phone 585-659-8459, email mortonbaptistchurch@yahoo.com. Pastor: Steven M Worrall, email pastorsteve712@gmail.com, cell 585-354-9779. Sunday Worship 10:30am (can also be viewed on Facebook or YouTube). Sunday school is held during church service. Adult Bible Study is held on Wednesdays at noon, Choir practice at 4:30pm Wednesdays. Youth Group meets on Friday nights from 7 to 9pm. Our building is handicap accessible and visitors are welcome.
NAtiVitY of the BLeSSeD VirGiNmArYand
St. eLizABeth ANN SetoN CAthoLiC PAriSheS Nativity – 152 Main Street, Brockport (585-637-4500)
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (SEAS) –3747 Brick Schoolhouse Road, Hamlin (585-964-8627)
Rev. Joseph Marcoux, pastor of both Parishes. Weekend Masses: Saturday 5PM at Nativity; Sunday 9AM at SEAS and 11AM at Nativity, 1:30PM Spanish Mass at Nativity. Daily Masses: 8AM at Nativity on Monday and Friday; 9AM at SEAS on Tuesday and Wednesday. oGDeN PreSBYteriAN ChurCh
Our purpose is: “To equip ourselves and others to be disciples of Christ as we seek God’s will for our church and beyond.” Sunday worship is at 10AM live in our sanctuary led by Pastor Whitney Scoville, as well as livestreamed on Zoom and Facebook Live. Bible Studies, Youth Group, Sunday School and outreach are available to all. Contact the church for more information and for links: ogdenpresbyterian@gmail.com; www.ogdenpresbyterian.org; 585-352-6802; 2400 South Union Street, Spencerport.
SPeNCerPort ASSemBLY of GoD
We are located at 3940 Canal Road in Spencerport. We offer a warm welcome to all. Come join us as we seek the LORD through worship, prayer and Bible study. Sunday School is 9:30 AM, Sunday Worship is at 1030 AM. Enjoy a cup of coffee before service! Wednesday prayer meeting is 6:30 PM. Contact us at 585-352-5900. We are on Facebook; Email is SpencerportAG@gmail.com.
SPeNCerPort BiBLe ChurCh
1948 North Union Street, Spencerport. We desire to know God, to make the gospel known to all, and to give God the glory. Our lead pastor, Domenic Danesi, and all of us who make SBC our home church warmly invite you to come for Sunday Bible Study at 9:30 am, Sunday Worship Service at 10:45 am, and Wednesday Bible Study at 7:00 pm. Our worship service is family integrated for all ages and our building is accessible for all abilities. We partner with Rescue & Revive Ministries for local and global mission work. Follow our Facebook page, YouTube channel, or website for live streaming our services or to watch previous services. Visit our websites for more info at spencerportbiblechurch.org and rescueandrevive.org. Call or text us at 585-352-1241.
SPeNCerPortfirSt CoNGreGAtioNAL
uNiteD ChurChof ChriSt
Promoting the Christian way of life through service and stewardship to the community and the world. Look for the white steeple at 65 Church Street in downtown, Spencerport NY 14559. 585-352-3448. Rev. Michael Sloan. We provide worship, educational and mission opportunities. Worship services are Sundays at 10am live on Facebook and on site in our sanctuary. Worship is followed by Coffee hour in Fellowship hall. Handicap accessible. Live music from our Praise Band playing contemporary Christian music. See website/Facebook for dates and details. Introducing our Pray-Ground, a welcoming area of play, in the Sanctuary, for our youngest worshipers designed so families can experience worship together while understanding that young children need to move. Don’t worry, our congregation welcomes the sounds of young people. Email: info@spencerportucc.org. Website: www.spencerportucc.org. Facebook: Spencerport UCC.
St. ChriStoPher’S ChurCh
3350 Union Street, North Chili, Parish Office: 594-1400. We are a welcoming Catholic community with a focus on Faith in God and Service to His people. Join us for Mass any Saturday at 4:30PM, Sunday at 10:00AM or weekdays on Monday at 12:10 PM or Tuesday and Wednesday at 9:00AM. All are welcome in this place! We have a gifted Music Ministry including a Choir, Folk Group and Contemporary Group as well as a committed Faith Formation program for our youth. We offer many events throughout the year for our congregation and the surrounding community designed to deepen our faith and serve our brothers and sisters in the Rochester area. Check out our website at https://www.stchristophersnchili.org and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for all the latest updates.
St. GeorGe’SePiSCoPAL ChurCh
Follow Jesus, Build Community, Serve Others in Love. We welcome all to worship with us in warm fellowship in the Episcopal tradition of openness and caring. We are an ALL inclusive community with an open communion table. Please join us for Sunday worship at 10am. All services are both in-person and live-streamed online. We also offer a variety of Lenten and Advent programs, a Bible Study on Tuesdays, live music, Sunday School, semi-monthly Youth Group meetings and numerous other community building events. We are handicapped accessible. Follow us on Facebook, look for us on the web at www.stgeorgehilton.org, and join us for worship and fellowship at 635 Old Wilder Road, Hilton, NY (across from Kelly’s Apple Farm).
Churches, to have your services listed or updated, call 352-3411.
St. JohN LutherAN ChurCh
Pastor Chris Bode. 1107 Lake Road West Fork, Hamlin, NY 14464, 585-964-2550. Sunday Services: 8:30 AM & 11 AM; 5th Sunday one service at 9:30 AM. Adult Bible Class & Sunday School at 9:45 AM (September – June). To view our services or devotions, go to stjohnhamlin.org.
“To KNOW Christ and to make Him KNOWN.”
St. JohNtheeVANGeLiSt ChurCh
St. John’s is a place to encounter Christ in the sacraments, in community and in the Scriptures through prayer, service, and fellowship. Join us for Holy Mass at 5pm Saturdays, or Sundays at 7:45am, 9:30am, and 11:15am. Daily Mass, Tuesdays, & Thursdays at 8am and Wednesdays & Fridays at 6:30pm. Mass 9am on 1st Saturdays with Adoration until 10:30am. Confession: Monday & Wednesdays 5:30-6pm and Saturdays 3:45-4:30pm. Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays 8am-6pm (Benediction at 5:45pm). Many great opportunities to learn about the Scriptures, Sacraments and Service for families and children of all ages. We are located at 55 Martha St., Spencerport, NY 14559. Visit our website at https://stjohnschurchspencerport. org/. E-mail sstjohnc@dor.org. Facebook at facebook.com/StJohnThe EvangelistSpencerport/. Our Pastor is Fr. Sriram Sadhanala.
St. Leo’S CAthoLiC ChurCh
110 Old Hojack Lane, Hilton, 392-2710, www.stleohilton.org. Fr. Joseph Catanise. Daily Mass is celebrated: Monday 5:30 PM; Tuesday-Thursday 8:30 AM; Friday Communion Service 8:30 AM. Every Wednesday: Eucharistic Adoration 9 AM to 8 PM. Weekend Schedule: Saturday Confession 3:30-4:30 PM; Rosary 4:30 PM; Mass 5 PM (live-streamed). Sunday: Mass 8 AM, 10:30 AM, 6 PM; Adult Bible Study 11:45 AM. First Saturday Mass at 8:30 AM. All are welcome. Handicapped accessible. St.mArY’S ChurChSt.mArK’S ChurCh 13 South Main Street, Holley16789 Kenmore Road, Kendall Parish Center – Holley 638-6718, www.stmarystmark.org. Daily Mass: Tueday-Friday 8 AM at St. Mary’s (no Mass on Monday); St. Mary Vigil Mass 4 PM on Saturday; St. Mark Vigil Mass 5:30 PM on Saturday; Sunday Mass 10 AM at St. Mary’s.
St. PAuL LutherAN ChurCh & SChooL 158 East Avenue, Hilton, NY 14468, 585-392-4000, www.stpaulhilton.org. Senior Pastor: Rev. Mark Ball – pastorball@stpaulhilton.org, office 585-3924000. Worship Services: Saturday at 5pm; Sunday at 8:30am and 11am. Bible Studies: Champions for Christ – Sunday at 9:45am; Adult Classes – Sunday at 9:45am; Ladies and Mens Bible Study – Thursdays at 10:30am. School: Meeting your child’s learning needs from age 2 through 8th grade. Call for a tour!
triNitY LutherAN ChurCh & Pre-SChooL 191 Nichols Street (Rte. 31), Spencerport, NY 14559. Phone: 352-3143. Pastor Steve Shrum. Trinity’s Updated Worship Schedules starting Sunday, October 1st – Traditional service at 9:00AM; Adult Bible Study, Sunday School, & Confirmation at 10:00AM; Contemporary service at 11:00AM with Children’s Church. Both worship services will be live streamed on YouTube. Visit our new website at www.TrinitySpencerport.org. Email: trinitylutheran191@ gmail.com. ‘We are a Christ-centered church here to assist and rejuvenate the community through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We are a people that will equip families to draw closer to the Lord.’
uNioN CoNGreGAtioNAL
uNiteD ChurChof ChriSt
14 North Main Street, Churchville. A warm welcome awaits you at Union Church.Join us on Sunday mornings at 10 am, watch us live stream on Facebook, or find us on soundcloud.com/ucc-churchville. No matter where you are on your journey, you are welcome here. We are an open and affirming church and invite all. Food distribution for local families in need on the fourth Wednesday of each month from 4-5 pm. Look for our special events advertised throughout the year, or on our signboard at the front of the church. Call 293-1665 or stop by to talk with Pastor Bradley Klug any Wednesday from noon to 2 pm; e-mail us at unionucc@frontier.com or check our website at Churchvilleucc.com. Also like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram. We would love to hear from you and/or have you worship together with us.
Morgan Gallagher of Rochester, earned SUNY Cortland’s Part-time Student Award for Academic Achievement for the spring 2024 semester. The honor recognizes academic excellence among parttime undergraduate students. Gallagher is majoring in inclusive childhood education.
Maya Johnson of Hilton, was named to the SUNY Oneonta provost’s list for the spring 2024 semester. Johnson is studying early child/childhood education (B-6).
The following students were named to the spring 2024 dean’s list at Commonwealth University, Pennsylvania:
•Kiefer Brien of Rochester, from the CU-Mansfield campus
•Jonathan Consadine of Hilton, from the CUMansfield campus
•Samantha Hauck of Hilton, from the CU-Lock Haven campus
•Patrick Uebelacker of Spencerport, from the CU-Bloomsburg campus.
Colin Bonnewell of Churchville, was named to the spring 2024 dean’s list at SUNY Oneonta. Bonnewell is studying geography.
The following students were named to the spring 2024 president’s list at SUNY Genesee Community College:
•Grace McKeon of Brockport
•Kathia Garcia Bracero of Brockport
•Owen Cummings of Brockport
•Mason Singer of Churchville
•Hadeel Amireh of Hamlin
•Danen Danielak of Hamlin
•Fayth Norway of Hamlin
•Tatum Gagne of Holley
•Jacklyn Botello of Holley
•Amanda Jones of Holley
•Erin Harding of Holley
•Jonathan Russo of Holley
•Sara Kingdollar of Holley
•Isabella Thom of Holley
•Thomas Vannest of North Chili
•Greta Hall of Spencerport
•Larhonda Thomas of Rochester (14606)
•Thomas Stone of Rochester (14624)
•Elena Ford of Rochester (14624)
•Rachel Beldue of Rochester (14624)
•Caitlin McGee of Rochester (14624)
•Paul Pata of Rochester (14626).
The following students were named to the spring 2024 provost’s list at SUNY Genesee Community College:
•Rebecca Cummings of Bergen
•Michael Malecki of Bergen
•Jennifer Hoehn of Bergen
•Rylee Russin of Brockport
•Simon Burrell of Brockport
•Kathryn Plummer of Brockport
•Lauren Hughes of Churchville
•James Reichert of Hamlin
•Riley Parkhurst of Hilton
•Zachary Schultz of Holley
•Ashton Drought of Holley
•Brendi Nunnenkamp of Holley
•John Butler of Kendall
•Jack Zyra of Spencerport
•Juliana Cianciotto of Spencerport
•Christine Smith of Rochester (14606)
•Kathryn Harrington of Churchville
•Milanni Beabout of Hilton
•Lauren Walker of Hilton
•Crushunda Johnson of Holley
•Jazmine Young of Spencerport
•Elric Viau of Rochester (14606)
•Jack Sternberg of Rochester (14624)
•Isabell Ecija of Rochester (14624)
•Haley Marx of Rochester (14626).
The following students were named to the spring 2024 dean’s list at SUNY Genesee Community College:
•Ruby Hoyt of Brockport
•Katlynn Sobolewski of Brockport
•Julia Tahara of Hilton
•Heather Gnage of Holley
•Amanda Schunk of Holley
•Jacqueline O’Grady of Holley
•Erica Sampson of North Chili
•Madalyn Lippold of Spencerport
•Megan Gentile of Holley
•Haley Mineti of Brockport
•Joshua Pellegrino of Brockport
•Kimberly Uzialko of Churchville
•Melody Wallace of Rochester (14624).
Michael DeBona of North Chili, was named to the spring 2024 deans’ list at Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS.
The following students were named to the spring 2024 dean’s list at Siena College, Loudonville, NY:
•Jayson Chichelli of Spencerport
•Claire Donohue of Hilton.
Brittany Mross of Rochester was named to the 2023-2024 spring president’s list at Oregon Institute of Technology, Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Cecelia Gardner of Rochester, was named to the spring 2024 deans list at St. Lawrence University. where she is a member of the Class of 2027. Gardner attended Gates Chili High School.
LaMont Haywood of Rochester, was named to the spring 2024 president’s list at Vermont State University, Randolph Center, Vermont.
Keegan Metcalfe of Spencerport, received a bachelor of science degree in health science/DPT during a commencement ceremony held in May 2024 at Quinnipiac University, Hamden, Connecticut.
Christina Showers of Hilton, was named to the spring 2024 dean’s list at Purchase College.
Major General Ray Shields, the adjutant general for the state of New York, announced the recent promotion of members of the New York Army National Guard in recognition of their capability for additional responsibility and leadership.
•Alexander Holmes of Rochester and assigned to the Company D, 152nd Brigade Engineer Battalion, received a promotion April 29, 2024 to the rank of specialist.
•Marlon Collins from Rochester (14624) and assigned to the Company A, 642nd Aviation Support Battalion, received a promotion May 15, 2024 to the rank of staff sergeant.
•Nicholas Gennuso from Rochester (14626), and assigned to the Company A, 642nd Aviation Support Battalion, received a promotion May 2, 2024 to the rank of staff sergeant.
•Jamaria Labord from Rochester (14606), and assigned to the Headquarters and Support Company, 642nd Aviation Support Battalion, received a promotion May 2, 2024 to the rank of sergeant.
• Nicholas Opida from Rochester (14626), and assigned to the Company C (Air Ambulance), 1st Battalion, 171st Aviation Regiment, received a promotion May 2, 2024 to the rank of sergeant.
•Semaj Webb from Rochester (14624), and assigned to the 222nd Military Police Company, received a promotion May 4, 2024 to the rank of private 1st class.
is accepting applications for the following positions: NON-TeaChiNg
Automotive Mechanic, Bus Attendant & Driver, Cleaner, Clerical, Cafeteria Monitor, Food Service Helper, Teacher Aide, District Wide Piano Accompanist, and Subs in all areas.
Health Teacher, Secondary Special Education Teacher, Contracted Building Substitute Teacher
For all positions, apply on-line at: https://www.applitrack.com/brockport/onlineapp/
The Brockport Central School District will continue district-provided supplies for all students for the 2024-25 school year. The initiative is once again included in the school budget creating equity for all families. Eliminating school supply lists allows
for students, parents, and teachers to be sufficient in their readiness for the school year. BCSD is dedicated to its students’ learning, preparedness, and creating valuable class time that contributes to their success. Brockport students also will have access to free breakfast and lunch again this school year through the federal Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program. During the 2023-2024 school year, there was a significant increase in students receiving school breakfast and lunch thanks to this program. Providing students with a nutritious breakfast and lunch is the district’s priority as well as creating an environment where all students have the opportunity to thrive. Provided information
On July 14, the members of the Brockport United Methodist Church welcomed Reverend Ann Brown to their church family. Rev. Brown comes to Brockport UMC from Red Creek UMC. In addition to her appointment at Brockport UMC, she will also be sharing her time with Elmgrove UMC.
Rev. Brown was born and raised on the island of Jamaica, West Indies, and she later migrated to the U.S. where she was able to continue her education. Rev. Brown is a Provisional Elder in the UMC. She is a graduate of the Drew University Theological School in New Jersey, and completed her BA in Psychology at The College of New Rochelle, NY in 2016. She is continuing her education, and is working towards her certification in Spiritual Direction.
Rev. Brown is passionate about her beliefs, and feels that she has been called to share her love of the Lord with all those she connects with. She is looking forward to supporting the many programs already taking place at the Brockport UMC, and also sharing new ideas and options for more outreach and missions.
Rev. Brown has two adult children and a fouryear old granddaughter. She has many varied interests, which include traveling with her family, participating in a variety of outdoor activities, and connecting with new people who quickly become friends.
All are welcome to meet Rev. Ann Brown. Services are every Sunday morning at 9 a.m. Brockport UMC is located at 92 Main Street, Brockport. Provided information and photo Reverend