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February 11, 2024
Westside News Established 1953
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Jim Barnard Winter Sales Event! February 11, 2024
Issue No. 6
Empowering young women through pageants ‘24 Trax
Serving the communities of Spencerport-Ogden, Churchville-Riga, North Chili, Hilton-Parma
NEW IndividualsALL may have their own preconceived notions of pageantry, and Arena ad2024 Fancy Frock Thrift Boutique recently mits that she did at first, too. “My youngest begged me to do a pageant. I said, TRAX opened its doors at 48 South Main Street daughter CHEVY in Churchville, selling discounted pageant ‘absolutely not’ but finally agreed to it and AVAILABLE HAVE and prom gowns, special occasion dresses, was opened up to a whole new world people positive pageantry,” said Areshoes and accessories. The small boutique don’t know of: ARRIVED! helps fund Worth More Nation, a 501c3 na. “I saw how pageantry offered community organization that works to uplift and service, confidence and the ability to develop transferable skills for young empower girls and young ladies. It was a template for women who have experihelping girls achieve their enced foster care or other dreams.” types of trauma and life This opportunity was also challenges. wrapped around the fun “We do that by encourstuff – the sparkles, fashion, aging girls to ‘rise up and being on stage. sparkle,’” explained Sandy During one particular pagArena, Founding Direceant, Arena’s foster daughter tor of Worth More Nation (who had been experiencing and Fancy Frock Thrift homelessness at the time) Boutique. “Our initiatives stayed with them at a hotel. and programs involve pag“We dressed her up and took eantry, fashion and AVAILABLE Most tire offers end 2/29/24. See Dealeralso for details. her to all of the events. And AVAILABLE service.” I saw something change “Sandy means helper us with aexplained better eligible* price at the time of in her that week. She was ofProvide mankind,” purchase andlives we’ll in match it. Find a better eligible* holding her head higher and Arena, who PittsUp To more confident,” becoming price with within her 30 days of the purchase,and ford husband. Leases starting at for 36 mos. * said Arena. She believes in giving back WE’LL REFUND THE DIFFERENCE. #Payment with $2,000 cash or trade equity and $695 acquisition Worth fee due at signing, plus applicableAmbassadors taxes, DMV fees & 1st payment. Requires GMFSummer credit approval. 10,000 miles/year allowance, 25¢/mi. overage. Lessee responsible More Nation at the 2023 Pageant held at the Cobblestone Arts Center in Nation for anyWorth excess wear &More miles, & $395 disposition feewas at lease end. Must provide a valid GM Supplier or GM employee code and have a Chevrolet lease currently registered in household. Prior sales excluded, in stock vehicles only. to the community and has *Silverado discount incudes factory rebate and loyalty program Farmington, that requires currentlyNY. ownedProvided or leased 2009 or newer Chevrolet in household. See salesperson for details. # *Must take retail delivery by 3/4/24. *Includes factory ELIGIBLE BRANDS: BF Goodrich, Bridgestone, photo. born in 2018 that2009surinstilled the same views in rebate and requires currently from owned or leased or newer Chevrolet passenger car or truck in household. See salesperson for details. Must take retail delivery by 3/4/24. Continental, Dunlop, Firestone, prising experience. her three biological chil- General, “I believe that what you see in yourself is dren: a daughter pageants, a Uniroyal. What makes Worth More Nation pageants In addition to participating in the pageant, Goodyear, Hankook, who Kelly, did Michelin, Pirelli and Offer ends 2/29/24. Seedanced, dealer for details. daughter who and a son who played what you become,” said Arena. “We decided different from others, is that there are no ambassadors and titleholders commit to one football. In addition, Arena and her family that we’d do a pageant. Those experiences winners or judging. Every pageant partici- community service activity per month and are very expensive and not very accessible to have fostered 13 children over the years. pant receives a gorgeous crown and banner, follow a code of conduct. The fees from these “Our first experience with fostering was many families. But I wanted all girls to have programs help keep the community pageant getting named Miss Worth More Nation. - EXPERT REPAIRsaid - ALL MAKES - ALL INSURANCE that chance to be on stage, to be seen, to build really eye opening,” Arena. “I couldn’t “Pageant professionals, our version of free for first-time participants. believe some of the underserved communi- those confidence-building skills.” Wo r t h M o r e judges, are there as Girls ages five and older who have exties that were within 15 minutes from our Nation also raises encouragers. Rathhouse. It was heart breaking to me. Once perienced foster care, trauma or other life funds by hosting er than scoring the you see it, you want to change it to make challenges are welcome to participate in the an annual fashion participants, they free Miss Worth More Nation Community the world a better place.” show – this year, write down words Pageant. taking place on of encouragement, “We tend to have (1) 10 to 25 girls CRUZE in each September 28 – so every girl goes CHEVY $ pageant. Most of them come to through and sales through home with a packet Receive up to in rebates† on the purchase starting at us $13,460 2017 GMC SIERRA 1500 Stock# 4897A ................................the $22,872 a referral Fancy Frock and installation of eligible batteries, cabin and from a counselor or mental health of compliments,” professional,” said Arena. Having lived in Thrift Boutique, said Arena. (3) CHEVY TRAX LS’S engine air filters, and wiper blades. Expires 2/29/24 2018 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 Stock# 24T068A ............. $24,964 multiple homes during her childhood and which is open to Girls are made to starting at $13,920 experiencing lots of instability, it is important SILVERADO 1500 Stock# 23T263A ...........the $26,963 public Thursfeel like2018 queensCHEVY durMost ACDelco Silver for Sandy and her (5) husband to give back to CHEVY TRAX LT’Sing the experience day through Sat2017 GMC $29,618 children, like how other peopleatgave to her. and by apand be reminded of SIERRA 1500 Stock# 4894 ...............................urday starting $15,934 “If there is a girl who thinks they can benefit pointment. their worth. 2021 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 Stock# 4936 .................... $31,922 The *Includesfrom up to 6 quarts of oil.program, (13) CHEVY the we aren’t goingEQUINOX to turn organization hap“We’re trying to Some V-6 and V-8 engines them away.” 2022 CHEVY SILVERADO Stock# 4956.................................pily $34,226 and other select vehicles accepts new instill that a crown, starting at $16,961 require more than 6 quarts Ahead of time, participants receive inor gently loved a banner and a ®* of oil. See dealer for eligible ACDelco Dexos1 2021doGMC $36,240 vehicles and details. (4)toCHEVY TRAILBLAZERS structional videos practice their personal occasion fancy dress not SIERRA 1500 Stock# 4948 ...................................special Expires 2/29/24 (opcode BFA) Expires 2/29/24. introductions. They also visit theatFancy Frock dresses for Fancy provide2021 worth to starting $19,433 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 Stock# 4980 ................. $37,949 Thrift Boutique to pick out and get fitted in Frock, items for a young lady or to (3) CHEVY a complimentary cocktail dress forMALIBUS personal SILVERADO 1500 Stock# 4925 .................pageant $39,933goodieanyone.2020 TheseCHEVY are introductions and a gown for the wear bags, like makeup, special moments starting atformal $20,216 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 Stock# 4940 $40,736 portion of the pageant. scrunchies, for you2022 to remem*Length of contract limited and varies by model. Must finance with GM Financial. Some customers may not qualify. Not available with some (2) CHEVY BLAZERS On the day of the pageant, every girl jewelry and socks, ber and reflect upon other offers. Must take delivery by 2/17/24. Prior sales excluded. All prices are plus tax, title, lic. & reg. Advertised vehicles may be starting at $20,446 participates in hands-on workshops where or ormonetary They’re also always and see what you can subject be,” toexplained Arena. open safety recalls. Go to contact dealer fordonations. more details. mentors help them work on their walk, per“Anything that has happened to you in your looking for more volunteers. Salesintroductions Dept. Hours: and staging. Afterwards, sonal For more information, visit https://worthlife, is not who you are. You are worth more, 7101 Rd. (Rt. 33) Mon., participants Tues. & Thurs.go8:30am-7pm through a professional pag- Buffalo or https://www.facebook. no matter what you’ve been through.” Fancy Frock Thrift Boutique recently opened itsFri.eant Wed. & 8:30am-5:00pm; Sat. 9am-3pm experience, complete with a professional After participating in the pageant, girls com/WorthMoreNation. Churchville • 293-2120 doors at 48 South Main Street in Churchville. Parts photographer, in front of friends and familyvehicles are toopen represent Worth More Na& Service Hours: Advertised maywelcome be subject to safety recalls. members. 8:00-5:00 Provided photo tionorascontact a national or titleholder. Pageant photos by Bob Schultz Photography Go to dealer forambassador more info. Monday-Friday by Colleen Onuffer
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