Veteran’s Day...
Joanne Bocach Licensed Associate
is the day that is set aside to pay tribute to all those who have served past and present, for our country and freedom. May your day be filled with grace and peace. God Bless America.
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November 12, 2023
Westside News Established 1953
Serving Suburban News West and Hamlin-Clarkson Herald edition areas
VETERAN’S DAY SAVINGS EVENT! Honoring a war hero’s life of service November 12, 2023
Issue No. 46
Serving the communities of Hamlin, Clarkson, Kendall, Bergen, Clarendon, Holley-Murray, Brockport-Sweden
substitute teacher, and got his degree in Occupational Therapy. In his late 20s Doug was happily working as Douglas Herrmann grew up in ALL NEW an Occupational Therapist in the Greece and graduated from Cardinal healthcare rehabilitation field at St. Mooney High School in 1987. Un2024 Mary’s Hospital. This is where he met knowingly, the trajectory of his life CHEVY his TRAX wife, Debi. would be shaped by meeting a VietAVAILABLE nam Veteran named Gary Beikirch. HAVEDebi brought Doug to her church, Westside Baptist Church, where Upon graduation from high school, ARRIVED! he was introduced to the legendary Doug began an enlistment process in Vietnam veteran and Medal of Honor the National Guard as an opportunity recipient Gary Beikirch. Little did to help with his college expenses while Doug realize that his entire life was attending Buffalo State College. Due going to change after meeting Gary. to a medical crisis at the age of 19 “I was invited to attend Gary’s small that affected Doug’s lungs, he was Lt. Col. Douglas Herrmann group and I got to know him. Hearing unable to enlist. Doug finished his college degree to be a teacher, Gary’s Medal of Honor story, and thinking about the but his passion moved him towards the medical rejection I faced from the military, I felt I needed to field. He went back to college, while working as a go back and try again,” Doug said. Gary’s words echoed in Doug’s soul, “To truly live, one must be willing to die for others.” Gary was a Vietnam veteran and Medal of Honor recipient Sgt. Gary Beikirch (left) inspired Doug Christian man, and his faith and story about selfless Herrmann to enlist in the service and was as a mentor to him. Here, Beikirch is shown serving in the Vietnam war to save lives imprinted on promoting Herrmann to Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army Medical Service Corps. AVAILABLE Doug, deepening his own faith, and fueling his desire that.’” Herrmann recalls giving Gary’s the Greece Town Hall. “It is an honor to to serve something greater than himself. with his. I am “When Gary shared things with you it was parts eulogy in his dress uniform as being have my name associated AVAILABLE of his soul, he gave you a piece of it and you were the most profound moment of his mili- just a local guy who was inspired by a BF Goodrich, Bridgestone, Continental, Dunlop, Firestone, selfless hero to serve my country,” Doug blessed and among the fortunate. His testimony hit tary career. “I will never forget it.” Costco members After Gary’s death, Doug was even humbly replied. General, Goodyear, Hankook, Kelly, Michelin and Pirelli me square in the heart and I needed to try again to save even more* Up To Herrmann’s retirement did not last enlist,” Doug said. This time Doug was cleared of more driven to share what Gary’s life Most combined tire offers end 11/30/23. See Dealer for details. starting for 36 mos. more than a day. Upon his return to do all I can to con- at the previous medical issues,Costco andmembers began train- represented. “I willLeases savebasic even more* taxes, DMV fees & 1st payment. Requires GMF credit 10,000 miles/year Lessee responsible for any extheallowance, area,25¢/mi. hisoverage. wife introduced him to tinue sharing the blessing of approval. who that ing in#Payment 2000.with $2,000 cash or trade equity and $695 acquisition fee due at signing, plus applicable cess wear & miles, & $395 disposition fee at lease end. Must provide a valid GM Supplier or GM employee code and have a Chevrolet lease currently registered in household. Prior sales excluded, in stock vehicles only. *Silverado discount Reverend Jim factory Harden, President of man was. He wore a Medal Honor Doug was selected for program Medical Services Corps. “My incudes factory rebate and loyalty that requires currently owned or leased 2009 or newer Chevrolet in household. See salesperson for details.of # *Must take retail delivery by 12/4/23. *Includes rebate andthe requires currently Provide us with a better eligible* price at the time owned orpre-hospital leased 2009 or newer Chevrolet passenger car or truck in household. See salesperson for details. Must take retail that delivery bywas 12/4/23.*Costco member $1,000 Rebate must have beenCare, a Costco member on or before 10/31/23. Compass a nonprofit crisis pregwith humility so profound, niche was medical support for combat,” of purchase and we’ll match it. Find a better Doug said. He was in the 10th Mountain Division and we can all learn from it. He was nancy center. “I wanted to get off the eligible* price within 30 days of the purchase, based at Fort Drum. After a commission and several selfless. His message is part of my bench and get in the game, so I met him * and WE’LL REFUND THE DIFFERENCE. to consider being a volunteer.” Three promotions, he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel DNA now,” Doug said. Ends 11/30/23. See dealer for details. Lt. Colonel Doug Herrmann retired hours later he was offered the position in the U.S. Army Medical Service Corps. Lt. Colonel Herrmann spent 23 years, and five from the U.S. Army after 23 years as Chief Operational Officer at Compass deployments, embedded in the field medical compa- of active service dedicated to saving Care. “My mission in saving lives has nies in the infantry division in Iraq, Saudi Arabia as lives. He is a Bronze Star recipient, not changed. All lives matter,” he said. - EXPERT REPAIR - ALL MAKES - ALL INSURANCE When reflecting on the path of his caMedical Advisor, and in Afghanistan for humanitar- retired with a Legion of Merit for his ian relief. Herrmann’s team consisted of a surgical exceptional meritorious conduct in his reer saving lives, Doug remembers what team, medical team, and an operation center for performance of outstanding service he learned from his mentor, Gary. “If coordinating with other medical evacuation assists achievements. He, his wife Debi, and you want to live a significant life, seek their three children, Emma, Matthew selfless service to others. Seek to serve for wounded personnel. “Gary was a mentor to me. My military service and Hannah, returned to the Hilton rather than be served. Success says look could not be separated from what Gary taught me area this summer upon retirement. at what I did, significance says look (17) chevy eQUiNoX lT’s 2015 chevy 23T212a ............ $25,951 at what we did. For as long as I have “We decided tosilverado move back home 1500 to sup- stock# about selflessly serving others.” Beikirch was even starting at $12,456 port our aging parents. 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