1 Suburban News and Hamlin-Clarkson Herald Wrap - AUGUST 14, 2016
JIM BARNARD CHEVROLET “It’s Not ‘Business As Usual’, It’s Personal!� Andy Barnard, Tim Barnard & Allyn Barnard
• Guaranteed best price Every day! • Large inventory of new Chevrolet Cars, Trucks, and Certified Pre-owned Vehicles. • If we don’t have what you’re looking for we will get it for you, no extra charge! • All just minutes away on Buffalo Road in Churchville! • No Ridge Road hassles, no Henrietta Road hassles, no hassles at all!
Jim Barnard - Founder
! ! ! ! !
Real Experts. Real Value. Everyday. * $ TIREup REBATES to 100 up $ * to TIRE80 REBATE*
! ! ! ! !
831278 , 8( , & !8 8 -2', '1' 8 85 58,:??
Tire Rotations FOR LIFE
- -3(+#01+
5-Quart Oil Change, Tire Rotation & Multi-Point Vehicle Inspection EXPERT REPAIR - ALL MAKES
*Balancing tires, tax, and more than 5 quarts of oil extra. Most V-6 and V-8 engines and other select vehicles require more than 5 quarts of oil. See dealer for eligible vehicles and details. Offer valid through 8/31/2016.
Brake Pads Installed Every Day Low Price
Includes Rotor Inspection & pad replacement with AC Delco Professional Durastop Ceramic Brake Pads with Limited Lifetime warranty. *Per Axle. Turning or replacing rotors, all other services, and tax extra. Excludes Corvette and other select vehicles. Retail customers only. See dealer for details. Offer valid through 8/31/2016
Includes: Evacuate, Pressure Test for Leaks & Recharge System with up to 1 pound of R134a Refrigerant Expires 8/31/2016
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Prior service loaner (2-3k miles). *All lease payments include a current Chevrolet lease in household, plus bank fee and taxes, registration and 1st payment, 10k miles per year. â&#x20AC; All new buy prices are plus bank fee & taxes. All preowned buy prices are plus tax, title, license & reg. Prior sales excluded. 2 Includes all rebates.
Sales Dept. Hours: Mon., Tues. & Thurs. 8am-9pm Wed. & Fri. 8am-5:30pm; Sat. 9am-5pm Parts & Service Hours: Mon. Wed. Thur. & Fri. 7:30-5:30; Tues. 7:30am-8pm, Sat. 9am-1pm
8311;8 ' 8 8! '- 8
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â&#x20AC;&#x153;KEEP COOL THIS SUMMERâ&#x20AC;?
- $-4- - $-2', '(1
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*While yours is under repair for collision. Min. repair $2500, licensed drivers 25 & over. See dealer for details.
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*Buy select tires and if you find a better price within 30 days of the purchase, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll refund the difference.* On most popular brands.Bridgestone, Rebate offer expires 5/31/14. Lifetime rotations Eligible Tire Brands: BFGoodrich, Continental, Dunlop, Firestone, General, Goodyear, w/purchase of 4 and tires installed. See service advisor for details. Hankook, Kelly, Michelin, Pirelli, Uniroyal. Expires 8/31/16
Add $30 for Mobil-1 Full Synthetic Oil
8 8"
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Everyday Low Price*
- -3**#*1+
30 DAy Price Match GUARANTEE when you buy select tires & if you find a better price within 30 days,
! ! ! ! "
7101 Buffalo Rd. (Rt. 33) Churchville â&#x20AC;˘ 293-2120 Offers valid til 8/20/16
for our entire inventory
To make entering our Directory Contest easier we now have the questions on our website
Click on “Features” and select the Directory Contest from the choices. That week’s questions will be on that web page. All answers can only be found in the current edition of the
Hometown Community Directory simply email your answers to the four questions to directoryfunpackage@westsidenewsny.com
AGAIN THIS YEAR... WIN $600 FUN PACKAGE! Use it any way you wish
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Package courtesy of
BODINE UNLIMITED TOURS, INC www.bodineunlimitedtours.com
5605 Brockport-Spencerport Rd. (corner of Sweden Walker & Rt. 31)
(585) 391-3571
13936 Route 31
(585) 589-9610 BentleyBrosInc.com
Also we’ll draw 3 winners for additional prizes each month.
1. Watch your Suburban News or Hamlin Clarkson Herald each week for your entry blank Simply answer the questions & send it in. 2. PLUS make a copy of every receipt over $25 for purchases made at any of the listed advertisers from the Hometown Community Directory and you’ll receive credit for one entry for each receipt submitted. 3. PLUS make a copy of every estimate for services made by any listed advertiser from the Hometown Community Directory and you’ll receive credit for one entry for each estimate submitted.
1. Limit one entry per week per household for answers to questions printed below. No limit on entries submitted with a receipt for purchase or estimate for services as described above. 2. All entries must be submitted in individual envelopes. All envelopes must have a return address on the front of the envelope including name of entrant. Entries submitted with a receipt must say “RECEIPT” on the envelope. Entries submitted with an estimate for service must say “ESTIMATE” on envelope. Numerous entries submitted in one envelope will count as only one entry.
Your choice of businesses to select from will be limited. Commencing with the May 2005 contest winners, we are limiting the certificate total for the next year from any particular business to the total spent on advertising by that business in the Hometown Community Directory for that year.
Find The Answers To The Questions Below Inside Your Hometown Community Directory Copies of the Hometown Community Directory may be picked up at our office at 1776 Hilton-Parma Corners Road, Spencerport. THIS WEEK’S QUESTIONS - Questions also listed on our website. 1. What realtor can be reached at 410-3497? _________________________________________found on page___________. 2. What consignment shop is located on Ridge Road? _________________________________________found on page___________. 3. What is the tourism phone number for Orleans County? _________________________________________found on page___________. 4. What optician carries fashion eyewear? _________________________________________found on page___________.
Name______________________________________ Phone__________________ Address______________________________________ Zip__________________ Mail this ad with your answers to
DIRECTORY ESCAPE c/o WESTSIDE NEWS INC. P.O. Box 106, Spencerport, New York 14559 Questions and entry form also available on our website.
Suburban News and Hamlin-Clarkson Herald Wrap - AUGUST 14, 2016
Suburban News and Hamlin-Clarkson Herald Wrap - AUGUST 14, 2016
Diversions Salmon Creek Country Club
Let Us Cater YoUr
Catering Menu (20 person minimum)
Complete Menu of Dinner Choices
*Buffet includes plates, napkins, silverware and serving spoons.
Regular Buffet - $8.50 per person (Includes 2 meats and 3 sides) Deluxe Buffet - $10.00 per person (Includes 3 meats and 4 sides) ChoiCe of MeatS: Roast Beef in Au Jus Chicken Pieces Chicken Parmesan Marinated Chicken Breast Pulled Pork
The dining room and bar are open and serving... FRIDAY
Barbeque Beef Barbeque Chicken Breast Chicken French Virginia Baked Ham Italian Sausage
ChoiCe of SideS:
Early Bird Special
Special of the Week Meat Loaf
BEFoRE 5:30 pm
Macaroni Salad tossed Salad Caesar Salad Cole Slaw Salt Potatoes oven Roasted Potatoes Corn
with soup & salad bar
AFTER 5:30 pm
soup & 10.75 with salad bar
RollS wItH ButteR And MARgARIne InCluded
Serving 4:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Pro Shop 352-4300 • Club House 352-3664 • Tennis 352-1840
Plus tax, and $35 delivery within 15 miles is available
8/12/16 THRU 8/18/16
peTe’s dRagon pg (digiTal) fRi-THUR 1:00, 3:30, 7:00, 9:15
sUiCide sQUad pg-13 (digiTal)
fRi-THUR 1:15, 4:00, 7:00, 9:30
fRi-THUR 1:15, 3:45, 7:00, 9:10
Adults $8.00 MAtINEE $6.00 ChIldrEN AgEs 2-11 $6.00 sENIor CItIzENs $6.00 CollEgE studENts $6.00
CONCERtS @ 1St NIaGaRa CENtER w/tgate & ride ...$80+ Dep. 4:30pm Nashvilles in Henrietta 9/17 Dixie Chicks Club Package........$310+ 300 level ......$170+ 9/26 Maroon 5 Club Package.......$340+, 300 level $290+ 9/12-13 Pittsburgh Steelers @ Redskins/DC ............ $490+ 11/20-21 Green Bay Packers @ Redskins/DC Free time, tgate, hotel, ride, Wegmans stop. Note: this is a flex game. Dep. 8am Honeoye ................................................ $520+ 11/5-6 Dallas Cowboys @ Clev. Browns & Rock n’ Roll HOf Includes: hotel/mini tgate/tix-for both venues/ride ....$390+ 12/4-5 NY Giants @ Steelers tix, hotel, tgate, Dep. 9am..$430+ NY YaNKEE HOME GaMES Stay in NYC till 10pm ............$200+ Dep. 12am most dates, tix in Grandstand, upgrade options 8/27 Orioles 8/28 Orioles 9/5 Blue Jays 9/13 Dodgers~5am 8/27-28 Balt. O’s @ Yankees, 2 games! NYC Tour, hotel, bfast, Dep. 12AM Pittsford, back 11pm Sun.......................$440+ tORONtO BLuE JaYS Home Games S114 & Duty Free.......$150+ 9/24 Yankees Depart 7AM Leroy Exit #1
THe seCReT life of peTs pg (digiTal)
MaRCH aNNuaL auStRIaN SKI aDVENtuRE Air, 4 day lift, 7 bfasts, guide, hotel, ski powder, eat real-local foods, experience the Alps....$2,750+
unlimited Since tours, inc. 1982
NYC SHOPPING - EXPLORING Dep. 2am - stay til 10pm
8/27 (8/28, 9/5, 11/19, 12/3, 12/10) ...............................$130+ 8/17 Saratoga Day at the Races (8/24 too) Dep. 7am Farmington Exit 44 ......................................$110+ 2016 BuffaLO fOOtBaLL @ the Ralph All include Bodine Monster Tailgate Buffet, Bus Dep. 7:40AM. Family Oriented Fun For All Ages! Sect. 307 or 200 level Rockpile $200+ Preseason Special @ the Ralph Ride/tix/mini tgate ..$120+ 8/20 NY Giants dep. 12 noon, Leroy 490 Exit #1 9/15 Jets 9/25 Cards 10/16 49ers 10/30 Pats 11/27 Jags 12/11 Steelers 12/18 Browns 12/24 Fish 50 yard line S333-334..$210+ Prime 20 yard line S114..$290+ 9/10-11 Buffalo @ Ravens/DC......................................$460+ 10/1-2 Buffalo @ Patriots & Boston ...........................$490+ 12/31-1/1 Buffalo @ NY Jets/ New Years in NYC............$470+ Free time to explore, tgate, hotel PPDO, ride, Dep. 8am BuffaLO SaBRES HOME GaMES Dep. 4PM LeRoy...$140+ 10/13 Habs 10/25 Wild 10/27 Florida 11/3 Leafs 11/9 Sens 11/17 Tampa 11/19 Penguins 11/23 Wings 12/1 Rangers 12/6 Oilers 12/9 Caps 12/13 Kings 12/16 Islanders 12/22 Canes 12/29 Bruins 1/10 Flyers 1/16 Stars 1/20 Detroit 2/2 Rangers 2/7 Sharks 2/16 Aves 2/18 Blues 2/19 Chicago 3/2 Coyotes 3/4 Tampa 3/7 Flyers 3/11 Blue Jackets 3/21 Penguins 3/25 Leafs 3/27 Panthers 4/2 Islanders 4/3 Leafs
5480 County Rd. 36, Honeoye, ny 14471 (585)
saturday, august 27th • Live Bands • Blueberry Wine • Blueberry Salsa • Kentucky Hot Brown Sandwiches and more
355 Washington St., Spencerport, NY 14559
355 Washington St., Spencerport, New York
garlic Mashed Potatoes Mashed Potatoes Cajun Corn wild Rice Mixed Vegetables Scalloped Potatoes Ziti
served with soup & salad
Rice Pilaf French Style green Beans Baked Beans tuna Macaroni Salad Potato Salad Pasta Salad Macaroni & Cheese
367-2904 • bodineunlimitedtours.com
Departs Pittsford. Itineraries mailed 7 days prior to departure. Please read and sign company policies prior to booking.
See our ad in the Westside News Hometown Community Directory
The Apple Store
at Lake Ontario Winery and Vineyard
Opening august 27th • Homemade Fudge • Old Fashioned Wheel Cheese • Baked Goods • Seasonal Vegetables New this year ICE CREAM
Watch for the opening of our new venue!
the Brew House Cidery • Hard Cider • Beers • Mead
1593 Hamlin Parma TL Rd., Hilton, NY
392-5296 • 671-1979
Kids’ Fun Run
Saturday, September 24th 8:30am Pineway Ponds Park 2139 North Union Street, Spencerport enTRy Fee: $25 (cash/check). No refunds or transfers. Registration ends September 21, 2016 at 11:59am. Kids’ Run is FREE! Day of race registration (cash or check) begins at 7:30am race day at Pineway Ponds Park, Owens Lodge. Awards Ceremony after the race. Prizes for top 3 overall male and female runners. T-shirts guaranteed for all pre-registered participants. COuRSe: eARLy PACKeT PICK uP:
Our course is Certified to be accurate by USATF #NY15107KL. 5K Race is primarily roads, beginning and ending at Pineway Ponds Park. Kids’ Fun Run will be at Pineway Ponds Park, soccer field #2 immediately following the 5K. Thursday, September 22 and Friday, September 23 from 9:00am-3:00pm at Ogden Parks & Recreation Administrative Office, 269 Ogden Center Road, Spencerport, NY 14559. Phone (585) 617-6174. CHECK US OUT ON FACEBOOK!
Inserts this week: • gates big m Inside all papers in Ogden and Spencerport.
• ogden recreation Inside all papers in Ogden and Spencerport.
• TOPS Inside all papers in Bergen, Holley, Kendall, Clarendon and Murray.
• Walmart Inside all papers in Brockport and Sweden.
• kids special section Inside all papers.
• Country Max Inside all papers in Brockport and Sweden.
• sweden recreation Inside all papers in Brockport, Sweden, Hamlin, Clarkson and Ogden (S).
• dick’s sporting goods Inside all papers in Brockport and Sweden.
newsmakers Rochester Institute of Technology celebrated its 131st Academic Convocation in May. Local residents who graduated include: •Michael Thomsen of Rochester, who received an MS in computer science from RIT’s B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences. •Stephanie Tozer of Brockport, who received a BS in ASL-English interpretation from RIT’s National Technical Institute for the Deaf. •Rachel Triassi of Rochester, who received a BS in physician assistant from RIT’s College of Health Sciences and Technology. •Roopan Verma of Rochester, who received an MS in applied statistics from RIT’s College of Science. •Thuyen Vo of Rochester, who received a BS in computer science from RIT’s B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences. •Grace Walker of Brockport, who received a BS in diagnostic medical sonography from RIT’s College of Health Sciences and Technology. •Steven Wardwell of Rochester, who received an MS in computer science from RIT’s B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences. •Brittany Wegman of Rochester, who received a BFA in graphic design from RIT’s College of Imaging Arts and Sciences. •Brandon Weis of Hilton, who received a BFA in new media design from RIT’s College of Imaging Arts and Sciences. •Martha Young of Rochester, who received a BS in nutrition management from RIT’s College of Health Sciences and Technology. •David Zielinski of Hilton, who received a BS in economics from RIT’s College of Liberal Arts. Steven Schworm of Spencerport, graduated summa cum laude from Buffalo State College during the spring commencement in May, earning a bachelor of science degree in Business Administration.
Sabrina Leigh Sharpe, daughter of Gary and Pam Sharpe of Hilton, achieved the president’s list with a GPA of 4.0 at The College at Brockport for spring of 2016. She is a 2009 graduate of Hilton High School.
Sabrina Leigh Sharpe The College of Saint Rose in Albany congratulates Lauren Alley of Spencerport, who earned a master of science in education as a member of the Class of 2016. The following area students graduated from Le Moyne College on May 22, on the college’s campus: •Kristen Hall of Hilton, BS in Business Admininstration Management & Leadership •Karl Kodweis of Hilton, BS in Chemistry •Nicole White of Brockport, BS in Nursing. The following local residents have been named to the spring 2016 dean’s list at Florida Institute of Technology. •Stewart Negron of Rochester •Vaaseen Richards of Rochester •Andre Leone of Spencerport To be included on the dean’s list, a student must complete 12 or more graded credits in a semester with a semester GPA of at least 3.4. Hank Bryne Wedow, son of Lucy Wedow and Ed Wedow, has been named to the dean’s list for academic achievement for the spring 2016 semester at the University of Rochester. Hank is a senior majoring in financial economics and is a graduate of Spencerport High School.
The following local students were named to the dean’s list at Wells College for the spring 2016 semester. •Joshua Hatfield of Holley, class of 2016, majored in biochemistry and molecular biology with a minor in cognitive and brain sciences. He is a graduate of Holley Jr/Sr High School. •Colton Robbins of Mumford, class of 2019, is a graduate of CaledoniaMumford Central High School. •Michael Flaherty of Rochester, class of 2016, majored in history with a minor in adolescent education and was a member of the men’s lacrosse team. He is a graduate of Bishop Kearney High School. •Alexander Milliken of Rochester, class of 2017, is majoring in biochemistry and molecular biology with a minor in mathematics and is a member of the men’s lacrosse team. He is a graduate of Hilton Central High School. •Natalie Jay of Spencerport, class of 2017, is majoring in biochemistry and molecular biology with a minor in mathematics and is a graduate of Hilton Central High School. The dean’s list consists of students who earn at least a 3.5 GPA for at least 12 hours of coursework in a given semester. About 35 percent of Wells students earned the honor during the spring semester. Lescia K. Miller, daughter of David and Kathy Miller of Spencerport, has been named by Utica College to The National Society of Leadership and Success, Sigma Alpha Pi for fall semester, 2016. She earned dean’s list fall 2015 and president’s honor list spring 2016. She holds a bachelor of psychology and graduated from Utica College with a bachelor of psychology/ child life specialist degree in spring 2016. Lescia will begin a Child Life Specialist Internship this fall at K. Hovnanian Children’s Hospital at Jersey Shore Medical University, New Jersey.
Suburban News and Hamlin-Clarkson Herald Wrap - AUGUST 14, 2016
5K Run/Walk
Town of Ogden Parks & Recreation/ Kiwanis Club of Spencerport Pineway Ponds Park