Westside News WEST Edition – January 14, 2024

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January 14, 2024


Westside News Established 1953

Serving Suburban News West and Hamlin-Clarkson Herald edition areas

Jim Barnard Winter Sales Event! January 14, 2024

Issue No. 2


Unforeseen circumstances hinder construction of new building in Spencerport


Serving the communities of Hamlin, Clarkson, Kendall, Bergen, Clarendon, Holley-Murray, Brockport-Sweden

County. There were restrictions that needed to be complied with because the connection What is happening with the building for the water line is on the west side of Union ALL said.NEW project at the corner of West Avenue and Street,” Penders Howitt explained the steps the construcUnion Street in the village of Spencerport? 2024 It is clear to see that this property is in the tion workers took to install the water lines. CHEVY TRAX “We had to do subterranean boring across midst of development. The construction has AVAILABLE HAVE the water lines. We been a long, arduous process that has been the street to connect installed a diversion water line for the met with many roadblocks and delays. ARRIVED! It all began in 2019 when Robert Fallone, sprinkler system, one for another building DDS, met with Jack Howitt, CEO of Mid- on Union Street and the other for our buildlakes Development, about the possibility of ing. This was unexpected work as well as an developing this vacant lot in Spencerport. additional expense,” Howitt said. Because of the building design and the Dr. Fallone presented the idea of partnering to construct a multi-use building that length of the project, a number of variances would include retail/commercial as well as were applied for and approved. Jackie Sulresidential space. Howitt and Dr. Fallone livan, Clerk for the Village of Spencerport, formed a partnership and purchased this explained that additional variances were land. Dr. Fallone and Howitt met with Kris granted during the construction process. “The permit for the foundation was issued Schultz of Schultz Associates Engineers and Land Surveyors to begin the plans for in February 2021, and permits for the structhe project. Schultz presented the plans to ture were issued in November 2021.” Sullivan noted that building permits are the Spencerport Village Planning Board. Rendering of the completed project provided by Midlakes Development and Schultz Associates Just a few short months later, in March valid for one year. However, renewal appliAVAILABLE Most tire offers end 1/31/24. See Dealer for details. 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic caused the cations have been made and approved each Engineers and Land Surveyors. AVAILABLE world to come to a screeching halt. The year, including this year, which expires on Provide usofwith better eligible* at the time of December 26, 2024. The Village of SpencerPresident thea United Statesprice declared purchase and we’ll match it. States Find a better eligible* port Planning Board approved a total of three a nationwide emergency. began Up To within 30shutdowns days of the purchase,and (A property owner Leases starting at for 36 mos. to price implement to prevent the variances for the project. * #Payment with $2,000 cash or trade planned equity and $695 use acquisition fee due at signing, plus applicable taxes, DMV fees & 1st payment. Requires GMF credit approval. 10,000 miles/year allowance, 25¢/mi. overage. Lessee responsible for when their spread of REFUND COVID-19. AsDIFFERENCE. a result of New requests a variance WE’LL THE any excess wear & miles, & $395 disposition fee at lease end. Must provide a valid GM Supplier or GM employee code and have a Chevrolet lease currently registered in household. Prior sales excluded, in stock vehicles only. *Silverado from localprogram zoning York state emergency work on the of their property discountdeviates incudes factory rebate and loyalty that requires currently owned or leased 2009 or newer Chevrolet in household. See salesperson for details. # *Must take retail delivery by 1/31/24. *Includes factory rebate and requires ELIGIBLE BRANDS: BForders, Goodrich, Bridgestone, owned or leased 2009 or newer Chevrolet passenger car or truck in household. See salesperson for details. Must take retail delivery by 1/31/24. laws designedcurrently to protect property values.) building project paused until 2021. Continental, Dunlop, Firestone, General, Sullivan described each variance. Sadly, in the fall of 2021, Dr. Fallone Goodyear, Hankook, Kelly, Michelin, Pirelli and Uniroyal. “A special use permit for residential use in passed away in a tragic accident, and once Offer ends 1/31/24. See dealer for details. B-1 District to allow apartments (with retail) again, the project was disrupted. Howitt explained the steps that Midlakes as part of the proposed building. The second Development needed to keep the project variance was to allow parking to be on lots within 500 feet of the building, and the third viable. - EXPERT REPAIR - ALL MAKES - ALL INSURANCE “The first step was to dissolve the part- variance was to allow building height of 42 nership, allow the land to go to foreclosure, feet at the tallest point,” she said. Over the last few months of 2023, the and purchase the property under Midlakes Development,” Howitt said. While this may project has made some headway. Carpenters sound simple, it was a long and tedious continued work, and windows were installed process, especially when dealing with many on the second and third floors. But again, chevy crUZe Howitt expressed his(3) frustration with finding lT different entities, Howitt added. $ † project as it stood on January Photo by Maggie............ Fitzgibbon. 2015building chevy silverado 15008.stock# 23T212a $23,951 Receive up to in rebates on the purchase starting at $8,989 Once the New York state pandemic stay- qualified, competent, and reliable construc- The Spencerport and installation eligible and tion workers. at-home order was of lifted, and batteries, workers cabin (17) chevy eQUiNoX lT 2018 chevy silverado 1500 stock# 24T068a ............. $25,964 air filters, and wiper blades. Expires“I’ve 2/29/24 been searching for a masonry combeganengine to return to in-person, the project starting at $16,482 shaft is completed, the rest of the construc- “The Village changed the parking lot behind 2017 GMc sierra 1500 stock#the 4897a .............................. $25,992 faced more challenges. Building materials pany for months to complete the work for tion will resume,” Village Offices to a 24-hour municipal he said. Most ACDelco Silver (4) chevy TraX ls Penders understands that many Spencer- parking lot with added security lights. A were in scarce supply, and the number of the elevator shaft. I’ve had workers lined up 2018 chevy silverado 1500 stock# 23T263a ........... $28,863 starting at $15,720 through,” Howitt port residents have concerns about the build- new Village parking lot located on the north available trade workers was limited. But, to work, and then it falls 2017 GMc sierra 1500 stock#side 4894 $30,918 (7) chevy TraX lTing project said. slowly, the project began to take shape. of............................... the canal bridge will be completed and parking in the village. to 6 quarts of oil. Howitt is happy to report that Many unforeseen issues were dealt with *Includes upHowever, sometime in 2024.” “When the Tops Plaza was redesigned with starting at $16,934 Some V-6 and V-8 engines 2020 dodGe raM 1500 stock# 24T034a ............................ $34,946 of the during the construction. Gary Penders, andas Penders also added that Midlakes Develthe addition of the new extension of West other select vehicles end of 2023, masonry work will (2) chevy MaliBU rs require more than 6 quarts commence shortly. Mayor of Spencerport, shared how another opment has fully complied with the Village’s Avenue, to makechevy the new turning lane, the1500 2022 silverado stock# 4956 .................... $35,926 ®* of oil. See dealer for eligible ACDelco Dexos1 starting at $20,420 vehicles and details. “The building of the internal elevator shaft, state removed those village parking spots on zoning codes for the construction of and Expires 1/31/24 (opcode BFA) unexpected delay impacted the project. Expires 1/31/24. 2020The chevy silverado 1500 stock# 4925 ................. $40,931 (2)block, chevy eQUiNoX is the next step Union Street. “There were issues with the installation which is solid concrete Village continues to work parking needed for the new building. the elevator to make parking of the water lines that are owned by Monroe in the building process. Once continued on page 2 convenient,” Penders said.1500 stock# 4922 ................. PreMiers 2020 chevy silverado $41,448 by Maggie Fitzgibbon

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