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August 16, 2015
Issue No. 33
West Edition
Distributed to Bergen, Clarendon, Holley-Murray and Brockport-Sweden
Entries for Erie Canalway Photo Contest due by Aug. 28
Sailing on the Erie in Brockport -- a feat possible in word only. Photograph by Rick Nicholson.
Entries are being accepted through August 28 for the 10th annual Erie Canalway Photo Contest. Winning photos will be featured in the 2016 Erie Canalway calendar, which is available free of charge in December. Amateur and professional photographers are invited to submit images in four contest categories: On the Water, Along the Trail, Canal Communities, and Classic Canal. Images must be taken within the Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor, which spans 524 miles across the full expanse of upstate New York. It encompasses the Erie, Cayuga-Seneca, Oswego and Champlain canals and their historic alignments, as well as more than 230 canal communities. Download official contest rules and an entry form at Provided information
St. Pius X parish rebuilding -- literally and spiritually -- following fire by Kristina Gabalski The motto of Pope St. Pius X was Instaurare omnia in Christo -- to restore all things in Christ,” and parishioners at St. Pius X parish in Chili are living up to the motto of their patron. Late on the evening of January 1, 2015, fire broke out in the narthex area of the church and though the response of local volunteer firefighters was immediate, the fire intensified very quickly, destroying the entire sanctuary. “It was not so much the fire, but the heat and smoke damage,” explains Brian Porter, who chairs a committee of parishioners working to plan the rebuilding of a new church. Temperatures during the blaze reached near 2000 degrees Fahrenheit. The roof inside caught fire, pews were charred and burned, adhesive on laminated beams melted and dripped out, he describes. “The firemen got there quickly, but the fire spread quickly,” Porter notes. Additionally, there appeared to be an explosion in the narthex (entrance) area which intensified the blaze. The cause of the fire will probably never be known, he adds. Investigators believe it was likely electrical in nature. Since that cold and snowy New Year’s night, Mass has been held in the school gym - which ironically formerly served as the parish church. In fact, the morning after the blaze, Mass was held in the gym at 8 a.m. “Many people had no idea what had happened,” says Tom Bowers, a member of the rebuild committee who is in charge of communications. “I commend the Gates- Chili Fire Department. They
were here instantaneously and saved what could be saved. It was January 1 and there was 100 percent turnout. They did a remarkable job.” The parish has spent the last seven months assessing the damage, cleaning the Parish Center (an addition to the sanctuary which was saved from being destroyed in the fire), settling insurance claims, and obtaining demolition permits. Demolition work began at the end of July and Porter and Bowers say the parish will now work to transform the Parish Center into a sanctuary to see the parish through until a new church building rises on the spot. The devastation and loss which resulted from the blaze has done nothing to damper the spirit of parishioners. St.
After the January 1 fire that heavily damaged St. Pius X Catholic Church in Chili, parishioners began a campaign to rebuild. Removal of the debris was underway in early August. Provided photo.
A charred statue after the January 1 fire. Provided photo.
Pius X includes 1,980 families (4,300 individuals) and Porter observes that the fire actually marks a new beginning for the parish. “I have been energized by the process,” he says, regarding the work of the rebuild committee. “It’s like a forest burning down. You can look at it negatively, but then you see the new, plush green growth. I’ve seen the parish come together quickly and it is now more strong than I’ve seen it before. “There was never any question the diocese would not rebuild,” Porter says. “This parish is strong and vibrant, I’m as optimistic as I can be about anything.”
Tom Bowers ties the rebuild effort to the restoration motto of St. Pius X, saying that in addition to a restoration of the physical building, there is a restoration of spirit, allowing parishioners to appreciate, “ blessed we all are.” He notes that individuals who built the original church with their own hands and who are now elderly, are passing on the torch to the current generation. “Now is our turn,” he says of the construction of a new church. “It’s just a building,” he adds, regarding the sanctuary that was lost, “we are still a parish.”
2 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - August 16, 2015
Gateswingers entertain at Lakeside Beikirch by Kristina Gabalski An enjoyable evening was had by all Friday, July 24, during the annual big band concert at Lakeside Beikirch Care Center (LBCC) in Brockport. Music was provided by the Gateswingers, a local 15-piece band which features swing band sounds of the 40s, 50s, 60s and today. The band specializes in playing Big Band standards in the tradition of Count Basie, Duke Ellington,
Harry James, Glenn Miller and others and has been a favorite of local audiences for more than ten years. Lakeside Beikirch Care Center Recreation Director Nancy Duff says the annual event is sponsored by LBCC, “Mainly for the residents and families, but is always open and free to the public.” Duff has a special connection to the Gateswingers, her dad, Buddy Colaneri, plays lead trumpet for the group.
Big Band standards filled the air at a recent concert at Lakeside Beikirch. Provided photo.
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Kathy Goetz and Jackie Morris honored in Brockport Village Board proclamations by Doug Hickerson photos by Dianne Hickerson On July 20, 2015, the Brockport Village Board signed two proclamations. Each document separately extols the volunteer careers of Kathy Goetz and Jackie Morris upon their retirement from official roles in preserving Brockport’s history. The proclamations are summed up within Kathy’s and Jackie’s stories from recent interviews. Kathy Goetz – Historic Preservation Board Chair emeritus Kathy Goetz and her family moved to their present home on Park Avenue in Brockport in 1978. Her interest in Brockport history started with that home which was built in 1840. “I always loved history and was a social worker,” she said about studying people and their past. “Buying a home with the historic roots it had, I wanted Kathy Goetz to learn more about it.” She soon was introduced to the MorganManning House and pursued Brockport history primarily through the Western Monroe Historical Society (WMHS) which maintains the home as its headquarters. It was Kathy’s role as chair of the Historic Preservation Committee of the WMHS which led to her greatest accomplishment for Brockport’s history. In that capacity, the Village Board proclamation states she “provided the leadership in drafting a proposed Historic Preservation local law for the Village of Brockport that was adopted and implemented by the Village Board and has served as the basis for all historic preservation efforts in the Village since then….” The local law was implemented in 1990 and the Village’s Historic Preservation Board was established. Kathy was one of the first members, and the proclamation states she “has remained an active member continuously in the 25 years since then…” The document further acknowledges her service as chair of that Board for the past three years. Kathy says developing the preservation law took five years of gradually educating the Village Board and the public about the nature of the law and its impact on homeowners. It was engaging the public and officials that avoided controversy and brought about well-informed approval of the law, Kathy says. The proclamation notes that Kathy’s participation in all the work of the board “included successful applications for numerous outside grants to support historic preservation efforts in the Village.” And, her work resulted in 100 structures in the Village receiving local landmark designations and some 125 Village structures being listed on the State and National Registers, including two historic districts. The document also states, “She served loyally and actively as a member of the Landmarks Advisory Committee of the Town of Sweden.”
Citing Kathy’s “well-earned retirement from the Historic Preservation Board as of June 30, 2015,” the concluding resolution states: “That this Village Board does hereby commend and thank her for her long, loyal, and creative service to the historic preservation of this community and bestows upon her the honorable title of Historic Preservation Board Chair emeritus.” Jackie Morris – Brockport Village Historian emeritus Jackie Morris arrived in Brockport as a 19-year old bride in 1945. Her husband purchased their home on Maxon Street, Jackie says, “And gave it to me, saying, ‘This is so you’ll always have a home.’” Raymond died three years ago. She still lives there after 70 years. She first became interested in Brockport’s history around 1950 when the first Village Historian, Emily Knapp, asked her to contribute some volunteer time to the Village Museum on State Street. Her involvement with the museum increased over the years. In 1970 she became a member of the Museum Board governing the museum, now named the Emily L. Knapp Library and Museum of Local History. The proclamation honors her for “some 45 years of good Jackie Morris and faithful service” to the Museum, including chairing the Museum Board since 2006 and continuing now as a Museum volunteer. In 2001, she became the official Village Historian and “has served well and faithfully” for 14 years in that role, and as a member of Brockport’s Historic Preservation Board since 2010, and of Brockport’s Tree Board since 2005, still continuing those board memberships. The proclamation also states that “for several years, she provided the leadership with very little support to tend the museum and ensure its survival.” Jackie said the work on the museum was her greatest challenge. “The museum was a complete mess,” she said, and referred to her work with several people to “sort things out.” Asked about her greatest reward, she said, “I guess it was making the museum visible. For so long people forgot it was there.” Asked why she was retiring now as Village Historian and Museum Board member, Jackie said, “I have done it for a lot of years. I’m tired. Some people have improved things at the museum, like putting things on file. They have a lot more expertise than I do. They see and do things in different ways. I think that’s good. It’s time for a change.” At the age of 90, her retirement comes after decades of preserving Brockport’s history. Citing her retirement as Village Historian and Museum Board member, and her continuing service in other capacities, the proclamation states the Village Board “does hereby commend and thank Jackie for such an outstanding record of long, faithful, and creative service to this community” (and) “bestows on her the honorable title of Village Historian emeritus.”
Brockport Central School District registering students for kindergarten Registration for the 2015-2016 school year’s kindergarten classes is going on now for Brockport Central School District. Resident children who will turn five years old by December 1, 2015 are eligible for kindergarten in September. Residents who have not received paperwork from the Office of Registration are asked to contact the office at 585-637-1857/1891. A registration packet for an incoming kindergarten student will be prepared and can be picked up at the office, or can be emailed or faxed. Parents and guardians need these sup-
porting documents: Birth certificate (copy is sufficient); Proof of residency (current utility bill, bank statement, paystub, etc.); Parent or guardian photo ID (driver’s license); Most recent immunizations/physical; custody/guardianship papers (if applicable). The BCSD Registration Office is located in the Administration Building (behind the tennis courts) on the Brockport School campus. It is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Contact the district with any questions at 585-637-1857 or 585-637-1891. Provided information.
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Suburban News - West Edition - August 16, 2015 3
Card of Thanks To Jim Fallon, Since my stroke several years ago, my good neighbor Jim has taken care of my lawn asking nothing in return. Thank you is not enough. What would we do without you? Gary Eichas & Family
Board/Committee vacancies open to Village residents: • Tree Board • complete a term to 6/30/17 • 4-year term to 6/30/19 • 4-year term to 6/30/19 Meets 3rd Tuesday 7pm September-May • Parks Committee • 4-year term to 6/30/19 Meets 3rd Monday 4:30pm April, July, August, September & as needed • Emily L. Knapp Museum & Library of Local History Board • complete a term to 6/30/16 • complete a term to 6/30/16 • 3-year term to 6/30/18 Meets 4th Wednesday 6pm • Code Review Committee • 5-year term to 6/30/20 • 5-year term to 6/30/20 Meets 4th Monday 6pm • Ethics Board • complete a term to 6/30/17 Meets only as needed Application deadline: Noon, Thursday, August 20, 2015 A position interest form can be submitted from the Village website: or obtained at Village Hall, completed and turned in to: Leslie Ann Morelli, Village Clerk Village of Brockport 49 State Street Brockport, NY 14420 Monday thru Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm or
4 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - August 16, 2015
We always, all ways give you more (585) 352-3411 • FAX (585) 352-4811 P.O. Box 106 1776 Hilton-Parma Corners Road (Route 259) Spencerport, NY 14559
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Micromanagement affects volunteers working at POW/CCC site in Hamlin There’s a crisis going on at Hamlin State Beach Park. The culprits are a small group of dedicated and knowledgeable volunteers who are restoring the former site of the CCC and later POW site on Moscow Road. They are led by Ed Evans who may be the top expert in the state on these subjects. Despite receiving past approval from the state archeologist and engineer, we are being kicked out. No, excuse me; we are not getting kicked out. We are just getting restricted and regulated to the point where it’s almost impossible to function. After seven years of doing the same kind of work that we do now, we were suddenly told that the insurance coverage is inadequate. According to the draft copy of “Grant of License” we can’t give ad hoc tours to “individuals or groups” without first notifying the Park Office, like when visitors see us while we are working at the site. A separate dictum from the Park Manager tells us that we are required to be “directly supervised on site.” According to this regulation, I need a paid Park employee (tax money) to supervise me when I am pushing my lawn mower or raking debris. Or no, I mean the Park’s lawn mower because I am no longer allowed to use my own push mower. The giant smoke screen of insurance is upon us.
There’s more! We we told in writing to remove all our personal possessions (tools and lawn mowers) from the site (they are stored in sheds), until further notice. Go get the Security Guards, hidden cameras, and maybe the Border Patrol. Stop those nasty volunteers from sneaking in and doing some tax free work. Micro management is alive and well at Hamlin State Park but not the morale of the volunteers. It’s a core group of four people. One person has already quit because of all the details above. This person is an excellent carpenter and his resignation puts several projects in jeopardy, including 29 picture signs and completion of the gates. It’s hard to beat high quality work combined with free labor. The other three main volunteers are also speaking of resigning. Who is responsible for this quagmire? The Park Manager who might blame the Regional Director in Letchworth who might blame the Councel’s Office in Albany who, being lawyers, might blame the black hole in Albany where the biggest decisions are made. If you care about history and/or your tax dollars write to the NYS Commissioner of Parks. Nick Kramer, Volunteer (seven years) Hamlin
of each month at 7 p.m. Conservation Board meets the second Wednesday of every month as needed. Architectural Review Board meets on the first Tuesday of the month as needed. All meetings are held in the Town Hall, 3710 Lake Road, Clarkson. The Library Board meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at the Seymour Library, 161 East Avenue. Historical Society meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Clarkson Academy, 8343 Ridge Road. The Town Clerk’s Tuesday office hours have been extended to 6 p.m. •Hamlin: Planning Board meets the first Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m.; Town Board meets the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m.; Conservation Board meets fourth Monday of each month at 7 p.m.; Zoning Board of Appeals meets the third Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m.; Recreation Commission meets the second Tuesday of each month at 8 p.m. All meetings held at the Hamlin Town Hall, 1658 Lake Road, Hamlin. For information, call 964-7222. •Holley: Planning Board meets the first Tuesday of the month (No meeting in August) at 7 p.m. Board of Trustees meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. Board of Trustees working meeting will be Saturday, August 22 at 9:30 a.m. Regular monthly Supervisors Meetings are held prior to the Board of Trustees meetings, beginning at 6 p.m. •Kendall: Town Board meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. for regular meetings. The conference sessions (workshop) meets the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. Meetings are held at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall. The Town Board has also scheduled additional work sessions to occur on each Monday evening from 6 to 9 p.m. excluding holidays, and on Saturdays prior to the third Tuesday of each month from 9 to 11:30 a.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall. Planning Board meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m., with optional work sessions held the second Tuesday at 7 p.m..
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Writers & contributors Mark Ball, John Dunn, Maggie Fitzgibbon, Kristina Gabalski, Doug Hickerson, Walter Horylev, Warren Kozireski, Rick Nicholson, Terra Osterling, Joe Reinschmidt, Leisa Strabel. Editorial Assistant -- Kiri Patella Ryan ext. 126 email: Circulation & distribution -Don Griffin, Debbie Rath. ext. 123 email: Published each Sunday by Westside News Inc., Suburban News circulates by private carrier and the U.S. Postal Service to free distribution recipients and paid subscribers in Bergen, Brockport-Sweden, Chili, Churchville-Riga, Clarendon, Clarkson, Hamlin, Hilton-Parma, North Greece, and Spencerport-Ogden. Business offices are located at 1776 Hilton-Parma Corners Road (Route 259),..Spencerport, NY 14559. (585) 352-3411. Entered for mailing at Spencerport, NY 14559. Subscription rates are $40 per year; $25 for six months or less. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS All advertising in this publication is subject to approval before publication. We reserve the right to edit, refuse, reject or cancel any ad at any time. We shall not be liable for any loss or expense that results from the publication (whether published correctly or not) or omission of an advertisement. COLLECTION NOTICE In the event of non-payment when due, an advertiser’s account may be turned over to an attorney for collection and will be liable for all charges paid by Westside News Inc. for collection. If judgments are received against the advertiser, the name of the person and the business will appear in this publication until the judgment is satisfied. Office hours:
Mon.-Thurs................................................... 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday............................................................... 8 a.m. - noon Closed Saturday and Sunday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. Also, the office is closed on Fridays which precede Memorial... Day, Labor Day as well as the Friday following Thanksgiving.
•Learn about the life cycle and over-wintering of the Monarch butterfly through Elaine Berner’s slide presentation Sunday, August 23 at the Colby-Pulver House, 568 Colby Street, Ogden. Find out why the Monarch butterfly has been added to the endangered species list. Meet some real Monarchs. Program begins at 2 p.m. Tours of Ogden’s Museum available at 3 p.m. •Cookout and concert featuring soulful acoustic musician Jim Drew Saturday, August 22 at Hamlin New Testament Church, 2179 Lake Road, Hamlin. Bouncy house for the kids, free dinner at 5 p.m. and free concert at 6 p.m. All welcome. •Job Fair Thursday, August 27 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Community Learning Center at the Mall at Greece Ridge (near Regal Cinema). Open to the public. Approximately 30 employers from the Greater Rochester area will be attending and share information about prospective employment. For a list of employers call 585-966-7299. The Community Learning Center is operated by the Greece Central School District’s Office of Community Education. •Hartley Family Band concert on the lawn of the MorganManning House, 151 Main Street, Brockport. Monday, August 24 at 7 p.m. Bring lawn chairs. Refreshments available. Free. Sponsored by Western Monroe Historical Society. For information 637-3645. •Open audition call for The Nutcracker “All Jazzed Up.” Boys and girls ages 5 through adult, dance experience a plus but not mandatory. Performances to be held December 4 and 5 at the Curtis Performance Center, Allendale Columbia Campus. If selected, a performance fee will be required. All rehearsals are closed to public. Audition location: Allendale Columbia School, 519 Allens Creek Road, Rochester, Wednesday, August 19. Ages 5-6; registration 5 p.m., auditions 5:30 p.m. Ages 7-8; registration 6 p.m., auditions 6:30 p.m. Ages 9-12; registration 7 p.m., auditions 7:30 p.m. Thursday, August 20. Ages 13 - 19; registration 5 p.m., auditions 5:30 p.m. Ages 20 and up, registration 6:30 p.m., auditions 7 p.m. Call backs ages 7 and up, arrive 7:30 p.m. Final auditions 7:45 p.m. For information contact: •Summer Serenades performs at the Welcome Center, downtown Brockport, Thursday, August 20 - 8 Days a Week at 6:30 p.m. Sponsored by Greater Brockport Development Corporation.
•Spencerport Rotary Pancake Breakfast Sunday, August 23, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Ledgedale Airpark, Eisenhauer Drive, Brockport. Come see aircraft, Mercy Flight Helicopter, Brockport Fire Trucks, Monroe County Sheriff ’s Department Mounted Unit and Civil Air Patrol. Adults $8.50; ages 5-12 $3.50; 4 and under, free. •Fundraiser to benefit the Aurora House - Save bottles, cans and pull tabs (aluminum only). The collection is on-going. Call John, 352-7866.
Government Meetings
•Brockport: Village Board meets the first and third Monday of each month (August 17) at 7 p.m. Village Board work session meets the fourth Monday of the month (August 24) at 7 p.m. Planning Board meets the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. Historic Preservation Board meets the third Thursday of the month (August 20) at 7:15 p.m. All meetings are held at the Village Hall unless otherwise noted. •Clarendon: Town Board meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall, 16385 Church Street, Clarendon. Planning Board meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall. Zoning Board of Appeals meets upon necessity, on the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. •Clarkson: Town Board meets each second and fourth Tuesday (Special meeting on August 25 - Topic: proposed development known as Brook Field at Clarkson) at 6 p.m. at the Clarkson Town Hall, 3710 Lake Road, Clarkson. Planning Board meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. Zoning Board of Appeals meets the first and third Wednesday
•The History of the Bergen Swamp, a talk by Bill DesJardin, presented August 19 at 7 p.m. at the Clarendon Historical Society, located at the intersection of Route 31A and Church Street in Clarendon. Free, open to the public. Light refreshments will be served. For information, call (585) 638-6371 extension 104. •Emily L. Knapp Museum & Library of Local History, 49 State Street, Brockport (second and third floors of Village Hall). Open through November 1, Wednesdays, 2 to 4 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m.; Thursdays, 6 to 8 p.m. Also available by appointment. Call Doug at 585-314-9299 or Dan at 585-391-3505.
•The Kendall Fire District Commissioners meets on the third Wednesday of the month (August 19) at 7 p.m. at the Kendall Fire Hall, 1879 Kendall Road, Kendall.
School Boards
•The Brockport Board of Education meets Tuesday, August 18 at 5 p.m. in the District Board Room, 40 Allen Street, Building 100. Please note that the location is subject to change. Visit or call 585-637-1810 for updates. •The Kendall School District Board of Education meets August 19 at 6 p.m. at the Bus Garage at 16735 Brehse Day Drive, Kendall.
Volunteer Opportunities
•Purple Pony Therapeutic Horsemanship, Inc., is seeking volunteers to be leaders and sidewalkers for Therapeutic Horsemanship Fall lesson session, beginning Friday, September 11 and running through Tuesday, November 3. Lessons are from 4 to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays. A training session on Tuesday, August 25 at 6:30 p.m. Purple Pony, located at the Double G Ranch in Bergen, is a volunteer-based non profit organization that provides equine opportunities to people with disabilities or diverse needs. For information, contact Gail Ehmann, volunteer coordinator, at gail.ehmann@gmail. com or 585-721-9080.
Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - August 16, 2015 5
Westside Food truck rodeo Live Music, Games, Food and More!
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This Sweden-Clarkson baseball team won the 2015 Westside League U10 Championship. The boys had quite a season and defeated Elba in an exciting come-from-behind victory in the championship game by the score of 8-6. Shown: (front) Charlie Baldo, Zach Richards; (second row) Jack Sheflin, Ethan Oleskyn, Alex Foreman; (third row) Brad Kleehammer, Nick Rugari, Jason Kleehammer, Sean Barrett, Brian Hartman, Dylan Kleehammer; Coaches Joe Richards, Larry Kleehammer. Not pictured: Joey Riddell and coach Bill Riddell. Provided photo.
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6 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - August 16, 2015 Master toy builder -- It took Ed Goldblatt an entire winter’s work to craft a wooden 1937 tanker which is intricate in detail and construction. The beautifully finished model displayed a two-toned color, owing to the use of maple and walnut, and it was simply covered in shellac as a protective coating. That’s the way Parma resident Ed Goldblatt prefers to build his “Toys and Joys,” mostly small, wheeled vehicles entirely constructed from wood. Nearing his 80th birthday, Ed retired from Kodak in 1991 and, for the past five years, has been delivering the Suburban News to a large area of customers in western Ogden. In his spare time, he constructs detailed wooden models and works part time on making his dune buggy a road-legal driving machine. The craftsman is committed to whatever he does. He is especially proud of the fact that in his five years of delivering the Suburban News he has missed serving his customers only one part of a day, owing to extreme winter weather. How did he get involved in this new hobby? “I ran across the “Toys and Joys” catalogue while online, about two years ago,” he said, “and got very interested in making models.” He’s built a number so far and has given four away. “I love doing it; I really enjoy it,” he said. Ed likes to use a natural wood finish with an overcoat of shellac on his models, a very uncomplicated way to complete his projects. His wife of 55 years, Judie, doesn’t appear to mind the 10 to 12 hours a week he spends in his workroom. His current project, a handsome fire truck for his great-grandson, Lucas Russell, 8, who lives in Parma, has taken about 25 hours of his time already. He estimates that it will take another 40-50 hours before he is done. Ed recently injured his left hand in a table saw accident but he is rapidly recuperating and, fortunately, he can still build all the small and intricate parts he needs to complete the firetruck. When asked what his next project is, he replied: “I am going to build something for my wife, Judie.” Text and photos by Walter Horylev.
Parma resident Ed Goldblatt says the ”Toys and Joys” catalogue is the source of the detailed drawings of all the parts that go into the construction of his wooden models. He’s only been at it for two years but the wooden models he has built display the remarkable talent of a real craftsman. The top photo shows the first model he built, a tanker made from maple and walnut wood, a material combination
he uses in all his model construction. It took him a whole winter to finish it. Above left, a close up of a drilling rig that Ed built that illustrates the detail he incorporates into his models. He is in the process of building a fire truck (shown above right) for his eight-year-old great-grandson, Lucas Russell, who lives in Parma. The plans in the background outline the size of every piece that goes into the model.
This is Suburban News & The Herald. Thank you for reading! Visit online:
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Truck Accessories speciAl All Makes And Models
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Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - August 16, 2015 7
Registration open for Westside Challenger Tennis program Westside Challenger Tennis, a program designed for school-age youngsters to meet their individual abilities, will be held September 12, 19, 26 and October 3 at the Brockport Central School tennis court or gym facilities. The sessions will run from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. each Saturday. Participants should plan on attending each of the four dates. Specially trained tennis instructors will be working with all participants providing skills tailored for the
participant’s ability. Equipment and refreshments will be provided at no cost to the participant. This program has a limited enrollment of twenty (20) participants accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis, Registration forms are available by request at Applications are due August 31. Provided information
Avon - 226-2476
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Calendar It!
When sending items for inclusion in the Westside News Community Calendar, please use a letter size (8-1/2 x 11) sheet of paper and the following format: Category heading _________________________________ Activity ________________________________________ Organization ____________________________________
Thank you to Spencerport Canal Days Volunteers Spencerport Canal Days would not be possible without our dedicated Board of Directors, committee members and the many volunteers that make this event happen. They are the shining stars in our community and give us reason to show the wider community that Spencerport is truly “Someplace Special.” Our Board of Directors would like to thank our Spencerport Firemen’s Association, the NYS Canal Corporation, the Village of Spencerport, and the Ferris Goodridge American Legion Post 330 for the use of their properties during our 34th Canal Days Event. We have tried to include all the volunteers, in the following list, that were involved this year. Please accept our apologies if we have missed anyone.
MajOR SPOnSORS: M & T Bank Spencerport Area Chamber of Commerce Tops Friendly Markets
Alba Alonci – Canaligator Race Co-Chairperson Lori Antonelli – Advertising Chairperson Wendy Dandrea – Arts & Crafts, Entertainment, Commercial Vendors Chairperson Becky Daniels – Canaligator Race Co-Chairperson Bill Everett – Wine Tasting Co-Chairperson Pat Everett – Wine Tasting Co-Chairperson Rich Francis – Treasurer John Krywy – Car Show Chairperson
Time __________________________________________ Place __________________________________________ Cost ___________________________________________
Gail McQuilkin – Hospitality Hostess, Info Booth Scheduler David Moore – Bookkeeper, Insurance Coordinator Cheryl Rommes – New Board Member Denise Schweers – Wine Tasting Co-Chairperson Greg Schweers – Wine Tasting Co-Chairperson Alice Sidoti – Garbiology Co-Chairperson Ginny Swarthout – Board of Directors Chairperson
Day of Week ____________________________________ Date ___________________________________________
PROPERTy USE: Ferris Goodridge American Legion Post 330 NYS Canal Corporation Spencerport Firemen’s Association Village of Spencerport
Town of Ogden Village of Spencerport Wegmans Westside News Inc.
Craig Byham – Set Up/Tear Down Co-Chairperson Tim Carr – Food Vendor Set Up John Krywy – Car Show Chairperson Ray Kuntz – Photography Kathy Magin – Garbiology Co-Chairperson Alicia Saladyga – Solicitations, Info Booth Set Up/Tear Down Co-Chairperson Ted Saladyga – Photography Alice Sidoti – Garbiology Co-Chairperson Char Schurkamp – Info Booth Set Up/Tear Down Co-Chairperson Roger Schurkamp – Set Up/Tear Down Co-Chairperson, Boat Captain
VOlUnTEER CaR SHOW COMMITTEE: Bill Faul Lori Faul Kenneth Geil Patrick Hotchkiss John Krywy
Butch Magin Kathy Magin Jim Rinaldi Linda Rinaldi Sean Ryan
VOlUnTEERS: Canaligator Race:
585-798-1800 READY MIX CONCRETE • Service 7 days a week • After-hours delivery available • Front & rear mixers • NYS DOT Approved Materials
Alba Alonci Anthony Alonci Vince Alonci Craig Byham Mary Jo Conti Mike Crumb Adrian Daniels Becky Daniels Craig LaFave Bob Lonsberry Roger Schurkamp Boy Scout Troop # 165 Girl Scout Troop # 60727
Spencerport Vol. Firefighters:
Captain Bill Hallinan Jim Brough Kyle Brough Chief Doug Case Christian Cordts Christian Geer Phil Sperandio Zac Merica Cole Tresohlavy
Car Show:
Serving Orleans & Western Monroe Counties
Amy Bianchi David Connor Bob Davenport Larry Elliott
Car Show cont.: Bill Faul Lori Faul Anne Forberg Rich Francis Kenneth Geil Patrick Hotchkiss Brian Krywy Jeff Krywy John Krywy Pat Krywy Ray Kuntz Butch Magin Kathy Magin Joe Marasco Harry Pittman Jim Rinaldi Linda Rinaldi Audri Rotoli Brian Rotoli Gabby Rotoli Stacy Rotoli Sean Ryan Ted Saladyga Howard Walker Ted Walker Zander Walker Cindy Weits John Weits Carol Weston Russ Young Marissa Young Riley Young
Photographer: Ray Kuntz Ted Saladyga
Information Booth:
Donna Austin Mary Jo Conti Becky Daniels Jane Dry Lillian Griswald Benjamin Krywy Emma Krywy John Krywy Pat Krywy Kathy Magin Gail McQuilkin Judy Mercel Debbie Rogola Jackie Rypma Alicia Saladyga Kayla Saladyga Ted Saladyga Sandy Saylor Alice Sidoti McCombs Mary Stroh Lynn Zarpentine
Thank ! You
Wine Tasting: Jane Ahrens Rex Ahrens Bill Everett Pat Everett Denise Schweers Greg Schweers Linda Siracusa Darlene Soper
Post 533 Explorers Spencerport Fire Dept. Chris Damon Steven West Spencerport Rotarians: Jim Infantino Kos Mihalitsis Michelle Mihalitsis Marlene Parshall Roger Ressman Doug Spencer Jon Spencer Randy Spurr Alice Sidoti
Shuttle Bus Tour Guides:
Cindy Anderson Wendy Britton Carol Clarke Pat Everett Pam Gonnaud David Haines Donna Metherell DuWayne Paulick Kayla Saladyga Marian Smith
Traffic Safety:
Ogden Special Police: Ofc. John Bopp Ofc. Kathy Campbell Ofc. John Giovannini Ofc. Mark Marcello Sgt. Jim Schrader Ofc. Brian Ugorek Chief Peter Zambuto
Set Up/Tear Down: Craig Byham Tim Carr John Krywy Mary Lobene Toya Ryhal Roger Schurkamp Gary Swarthout
8 Suburban News - West Edition - August 16, 2015
Examples of Penny Rug concept on display at the Parma Public Library The Penny Rug appeared around the time of the Civil War as thrifty homemakers started using every scrap of wool from old clothing, blankets and hats that they could find to create layered mats or rugs on which they would clean their boots. The ‘Penny’ part of the name came from the penny coin (larger in the 1800s) that was used as a template for the top layer and replaced by another when it became worn. Pennies were also sewn into the rug to keep it flat. In today’s world, Penny Rugs are not floor rugs at all, but can be found as decorative coverings for beds, tables, dressers, mantels and hanging on walls as beautiful folk art pieces. Many of Carole Welch’s original designs have kept the penny circle as a design element to which she has added detailed scenes and seasonal motifs. Welch’s modern day Penny Rug creations are on display at the Parma Public Library’s Gallery for the month of August.
Carole’s life has always been filled with artistic endeavors from doing the artwork for her high school yearbook, making all the clothes for her three daughters, sewing teddy bears, creating watercolor and oil paintings, tending her art garden, quilting, Penny Rug making, and what she says is her favorite now as well as folk art painting on furniture. She also finds time to participate with a group of people who get together to knit and crochet hats and mittens for school children and cancer patients. The Penny Rug show is number 50 in a series of exhibits hosted by the Parma Public Library, 7 West Avenue, Hilton which feature area artists and photographers. For information or to inquire about a show call Rosalind Lipomi, Adult Services Librarian, at the Parma Public Library at 392-8350 or visit www. Provided informatio
Brockport district welcomes new board clerk Stephanie Williams has been appointed clerk for the Brockport Board of Education. Williams has a background in public relations, working for several years in the New York State Senate managing correspondence and coordinating special events for several area senators. She also conducted research, managed community relations efforts and performed various administrative duties within the legislative offices. In her new role, Williams will assume all of the clerical duties related to the Board of Education, including preparing
documents, maintaining official records and policy books, managing communication with various constituents. In addition, Williams will establish and maintain relationships with community members and key political constituents on behalf of the board, according to a press release from the district. Williams, who earned a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Criminal Justice from Canisius College, is pursuing a Master of Public Administration degree at The College at Brockport. Provided information
Legal Notice Holley Joint Fire District Notice After Approval by Vote of Voters PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: The resolution published herewith adopted on the 8th day of July, 2015 by the fire district board of fire commissioners, and approved by the voters of the Holley Joint Fire District on the 11th day of August, 2015, may be hereafter contested only if such obligations were authorized for an object or purpose for which the Holley Joint Fire District is not authorized to expend money or if the provisions of law which should have been complied with as of the date of publication of this notice were not substantially
complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty (20) days after the date of publication of this notice, or such obligations were authorized in violation of the provisions of the constitution. The purpose of the resolution was to approve the bonding of a new vehicle, in the maximum amount of $225,000.00 reduced by the use of up to $50,000.00 from reserve funds, to finance the purchase.
Teachers from several districts took part in this Geometry and Construction curriculum writing class, including (l-r) Churchville-Chili High School math teacher Nathan Holdridge and career and technical education teacher Kevin Doty, seen here with Chris Cummings from the 9/10 WEMOCO Exploration Program and Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES STEM Coach Leslie Tanner. Provided photo.
Teachers use summer school to learn new topics, revise curriculum While students are enjoying the summer off, teachers from Churchville-Chili and other districts are learning and working to provide challenging educational experiences to all students in the upcoming 2015-16 school year. Many teachers have participated in the professional development classes offered through the district this summer. Topics included Chromebook instruction, math and literacy intervention, understanding poverty in the classroom, dealing with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), introduction to Project Based Learning (PBL) and others. Most classes
were held on site and lasted for a full day, several were also offered online. Teacher-leaders helped develop the curriculum for their courses. Curriculum writing, which gives teachers direction on the learning goals students should achieve in their classes, along with procedures for assessments to evaluate success, is an ongoing process in school districts. The task of rewriting curriculum for 54 classes was taken on by 116 teachers, who spent over 279 teacher hours on the projects. Provided information
Byron-Bergen and Pavilion public libraries getting a facelift thanks to grant funds Grant money has been distributed to two public library systems in Genesee County for infrastructure and cosmetic upgrades. The Byron-Bergen Public Library will receive $65,355 for parking lot upgrades and to replace emergency exit doors and add energy-efficient windows. The Pavilion Public Library will receive $283,877 to build a 1790 square foot children’s addition to its existing library. “I am pleased to announce this grant money is being distributed di-
rectly to libraries in my district,” Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I - Batavia) said in a press release. “Libraries are an integral part of thousands of communities across the state. They offer free access to a wide-variety of resources for students, families and teachers and bring people together in a way other public entities cannot. I look forward to these library systems flourishing in the future and offer my continued support for library funding.” Provided information
6601 Fourth Section Road, Brockport 14420 (Route 31 across from Wegmans) 637-5930 Sunday Worship 10:00 am Fellowship and Coffee following worship service Handicapped accessible
1021 Hilton Parma Corners Road Hilton, NY 14468 (585) 392-4178 Loving God, Loving People Growing Together. Pastor Darlene Mieney Sunday Service at 10:00am Every Wednesday Spark Youth Group, 6:45-8:15pm @ Crosspoint Every Thursday Prayer Group, 11am @ Crosspoint Fireside Chat starts at 7pm @ Crosspoint (Series will be: Book of Joshua) Every Second & Fourth Tuesday of the Month Ladies Heart to Heart meet at 7pm @ Crosspoint Mountain Top - a time of prayer and praise Every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month 6pm-7:30pm Music Fest - August 29th, 11am-5pm Free Food, Games & Music
CORNERSTONE CHURCH 3426 Hulberton Road (Old St. Rocco’s Church) Holley, NY 14470 (585) 967-6985 Rev. Alex M. True, Pastor Sundays 9:00AM Adult Bible Connection Group Sundays 10:00AM Weekly Worship Gathering & Children’s Sunday School
Making desciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by Following Christ; Connecting Generations; Transforming Communities. 21 West Avenue, Hilton, NY 14468 (585) 392-8761 Rev. Jennifer Green, pastor E-mail: Service: 10am Fellowship: 11am Sunday School: 11:30am Child care available 9:30am to 12:30pm Adult Bible Study: Monday 7pm & Thursday 1pm Handicap Accessible
To Have Your Services Listed Please Call 352-3411
ST. GEORGE’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 635 Old Wilder Road (across from Kelly’s Apple Farm) Hilton, NY 14468 (585) 392-4099 Please join us for Summer Worship at 9am
1107 Lake Road West Fork, Hamlin, NY 14464 (585) 964-2550 Pastor Christian Bode Sunday Worship 8:30 & 11AM Sunday School & Bible Class 9:45AM NYS Licensed Child Care Mon.-Fri., 6AM-6PM, 964-5859 UPK & Preschool
13 South Main Street, Holley
16789 Kenmore Road, Kendall Parish Center - Holley 638-6718 Father Mark Noonan Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:00AM St. Mary’s Thursday - 7:00PM St. Mary’s Friday - 11:30AM St. Mark’s Saturday Vigil - 5:00PM St. Mary’s Sunday 8:30AM St. Mark’s, 10:30AM St. Mary’s
167 Lake Avenue, Hilton (585) 392-2710 Father Catanise Worship Saturday 5pm • Sunday 9:30am Lifeteen Mass 7pm (July 5-August 30) What is Lifeteen Mass? Our teens are important to us and we at St. Leo’s are proud to offer a Mass that engages a drum set, electric guitars, and a host of teen musicians to celebrate the Mass. Afterwards on Sunday nights there is Religious Education for grades 7-12 that involves a lesson, fun and food. Everyone is welcome! Please share the experience with us and bring a friend! Handicap accessible. Second Time Treasures Resale Ministry at St. Leo’s It’s getting warmer! Spring clothing and warm weather clothes and accessories at reasonable prices. Open Tues. & Sat. 10am-4pm, Thurs. Noon-6pm
Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - August 16, 2015 9
New era begins this season for C-C Saints football by Warren Kozireski Churchville-Chili has been playing varsity football for 22 years and, about to enter their 23rd season, will compete with just the second head coach in their history. Troy Jeffers is preparing to open his first training camp as a head coach replacing the only head coach the program has had in Paul Dick, who resigned along with several assistant coaches last fall. He previously earned All-League honors as a receiver and as a defensive back in high school at Portville before playing four years and starting two seasons in the defensive backfield at The College at Brockport. He was the starting free safety on Brockport State’s first playoff team in 1993 when they won the ECAC Northeast Championship. “I look at it as a great opportunity to coach varsity football at C-C,” Jeffers said via email. “I am very excited to coach in the community I live and the school district my three boys (Tyler 11, Jonathan 11, Andrew 7) attend. “I had the privilege to work under two of the best head coaches around (at Gates Chili) in Jim Briggs and Jason Benham. I will take everything I have learned from those two men to assist me in running this program.” Despite a winless season in 2014, the cupboard is hardly bare for the Saints with key players such as Myles McKin-
ney (RB/DB), Jayson Wallace (QB/DB), wide receivers Will Gipson, Malek Williams and Vinny Cringoli plus tight end Andrew Kerwin and halfback Ryan Brock. Kyle Domkowski will anchor the offensive line and be a key on defense at linebacker. Tommy Carr will handle the kicking duties. When the Saints had winning seasons in the past, they relied on a dominant offensive line and a strong running attack. Three Churchville-Chili players stand among the top-12 in Section V history in career rushing yards with Kevin Collier (second with 5402 in 2003-15), Tremayne Bendras (4075 in 1993-96) and Averin Collier (4068 in 2005-07). Former placekicker Matt Szczupakowski still holds Sectional records for most field goals in a career (20) and points (141). “Taking over for Coach Dick is not an easy task. He started this program and has developed it to a very solid and competitive program. I have the upmost respect for him as do his former players. We are doing some things a little different but I think the kids have adapted quite
well. It just takes a lot of teaching and repetition. Our offense will be a ‘multiple no huddle pistol’ and our defense will be a 4-3.” The Saints 2015 regular season will kick off at Pittsford with their home opener one week later versus Penfield. Jeffers makes his return to Gates Chili October 10. “October 10 at GC will be very emotional for me. Being on the visitor’s sidelines after 21 seasons there will be an odd feeling. I have great relationships will those kids and the coaches are some of my best friends. “We have decided to make it a Troy Jeffers rivalry game. We have a trophy that the winning team will keep for the year. We are calling it the ‘Battle of Chili’. It should be a lot of fun for the kids, fans and the coaches!”
“Back to School Fun Day” coming August 22 “Back to School Fun Day” takes place on Saturday, August 22 as a “thank you” to the community from the Brockport Free Methodist Church. Free activities and food will be offered at the church, 6787 Fourth Section Road in Sweden from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free games will include: laser toss, Rat Race, basketball, Cow Pie and “It’s in The Can”. There will be a bounce house, a 22-foot slide and similar attractions. Free concessions include: sno cones, pop corn, cotton candy, hot dogs, and drinks. New this year will be a dunk tank with the church pastors ready to get wet.
Also at the event will be a table with information about the church’s chapter of “MOPS” (Mothers of Preschoolers). Mothers with children up to five years of age will be meeting twice each month during the school year starting in the fall. Meetings include brunch, activities, speakers, crafts, adult conversation. MOPS aims to provide moms with young children opportunities to build friendships and gain support, wisdom and encouragement in the journey of motherhood. For information phone 585-637-9785. Provided information
8/14/15 THRU 8/20/15
The Hartley Family Band performs bluegrass and gospel music at the Morgan-Manning House in Brockport on August 24. The concert is free. Provided photo.
The Hartley Family Band brings Bluegrass to Brockport Bring lawn chairs and join the community Monday, August 24 when the sounds of Bluegrass music fill the air over the shady lawn of the Morgan-Manning House in Brockport. The music starts at 7 p.m. at the Victorian home at 151 Main Street in Brockport. The Hartley Family Band, touring the area from Arkansas, will make the music with father Tom (banjo/guitar/vocals) and mother Deb (bass/vocals), joined by Abby, 15 (vocals/guitar/mandolin/fiddle), and Micah, 13 (banjo/fiddle/mandolin/vocals). The Western Monroe Historical Society board is hosting the free event. Refreshments will be available. For information phone 637-3645. The Hartley Family started learning to play bluegrass and gospel music in 2003, just wanting to do something together as a family. A year later, they started getting invitations to play at churches, festivals, and other events. By 2007 they were traveling to places as far away as upstate New York, sharing their songs and meeting many kind people. Wherever they went, their goals were to honor God, bring joy to people, and encourage others. In 2012, Anna, Josiah, and Daniel moved away from home and were too busy to make it to shows, leaving their dad, mom and the two youngest children -- Abby and Micah. It was a change that was hard to get used to. After deciding that the band was done, they kept getting calls to come play. So, the remaining four started practicing again and invitations continued. Although the band has changed a lot from what it was for eight years, their goals remain the same. Provided information
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fanTaSTic foUR PG-13 (DiGiTal)
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miSSion imPoSSibleRoGUe naTion PG-13 (DiGiTal)
Adults $8.00 MAtINEE $6.00 ChIldrEN AgEs 2-11 $6.00 sENIor CItIzENs $6.00 CollEgE studENts $6.00
(8/23, 9/5, 9/6, 9/26, 11/12, 12/5, 6/4).................$125+ one Direction @ the ralph, dep. 3PM....... $90+ w/Tgate Picnic & Ride - (you provide the concert tix) nY YanKee hoMe GaMes Stay in nyC till 10pm ............$190+ dep. 2am most dates, tix in grandstand, upgrade options 8/22 Indians~Jorge Retires 8/23 Indians~andy Retires 9/5 Tampa 9/6 Tampa 9/7 orioles 9/10 blue Jays 9/26 ChiSox 8/22-23 indians @ Yankees Pettitte & Posada Retirement, “bodine Signature Tour” 2 games, nyC hotel, bfast, bus dep. 12aM ................1 bed $410+ 2 beds $460+ 9/5-6 rays @ Yankees hotel, bfast, 2 games gdstd, dep. 12aM. “bodine Signature Tour”....1 bed $410+ 2 beds $470+ toronto Blue JaYs hoMe GaMes S128-9 & duty Free..$145+ depart 6 hrs. prior to 1st pitch leroy Exit #1 9/19 boston 9/23 yankees 9/25 Tampa Buffalo saBres hoMe GaMes dep. 4pm leRoy $140+ 10/8 ottawa 10/12 C-bus 10/23 Habs 10/24 devils 10/30 Flyers 11/7 Canucks 11/14 Sharks 11/23 blues 11/25 Preds 11/27 H-Canes 12/4 Coyotes 12/12 kings 12/15 devils 12/17 ducks 12/19 blackhawks 1/15 bruins 1/16 Capitals 1/22 Red wings 2/4 bruins 2/12 Habs 3/8 Rangers 3/18 Sens 3/26 Jets 3/31 Toronto 4/8 Columbus 1/26-27 Road Trip to ottawa Tba
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AFTER 6:00 pm
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8/27 ERIC CHURCH Tix, tgate, ride, dep. 3pm...........$180+ 8/31 ColE SwIndEll w/tgate, ride, dep. 4pm.............. $60+ 9/1 oak RIdgE boyS tgate, ride, dep. 10am.............. $60+ 9/5-6 NYC Tennis Weekend Transp., hotel, bfast, arthur ashe 1 session, tickets, lots of tennis! dep. 5am Roc. & 6am Syr., lv 5 pm Sun. ..................................$480+ 2015 Buffalo footBall @ the ralph all include bodine Monster Tailgate buffet, bus dep. 7:40aM. Family oriented Fun For all ages! Sect. 307 or 200 level Rockpile $190+ 50 yard line S333-334..$200+ Prime 20 yard line S114..$290+
upDate: Most seating is gone for 1st 4 games, limited for last 4 games. Small groups are still possible - hurrY!
9/13 Colts 9/20 Pats 10/4 giants 10/18 bengals 11/8 Miami 12/6 Texans 12/27 Cowboys 1/3 ny Jets preseason GaMes @ the ralph 8/29 Pittsburgh Steelers w/tgate, dep. 12PM leroy ..$110-180+ 8/20-21 Buffalo @ cleveland Browns Preseason, ride, tgate, tix, hotel, dep. leroy 12pm. .......................$270+ 10/1-2 ravens @ steelers TnF dep. 10aM leroy, 11am Exit 49, bodine tgate & tix!.........................$390+ 11/12-13 Buffalo @ nY Jets nyC Free time, party, hotel, ride, “bodine Signature Tour” dep. 5am ......................$440+ 12/12-13 Buffalo @ eagles & ac casino ocean Free time, tgate,hotel, ride, dep. 8am ..................................$430+ 12/19-20 Buffalo @ redskins/Dc Free time to explore museums, tgate, hotel, ride, wegmans Pa stop dep. 7am .........$390+
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Pro Shop 352-4300 • Club House 352-3664 • Tennis 352-1840
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10 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - August 16, 2015
glowinsky & Harding Dentistry for children, L.L.c.
3171 Chili Ave., Suite 400 Rochester, NY 14624 Tel: (585) 889-1290
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New leaders appointed by Board of Ed for Brockport’s Hill Elementary School The Brockport Board of Education approved the appointments of Assistant Principal Brandon Broughton to serve as Acting Principal and Teacher Don Voorheis will serve as a “Teacher on Special Assignment” as Acting Assistant Principal at the Hill School. Broughton succeeds Principal Sean Bruno who has accepted a position as superintendent of the Mexico Central School District. Broughton has taught at the Hill School since 2001 and served as assistant principal since 2012. During his tenure, he has been actively involved in several leadership roles at the Hill School and throughout the district, including serving as the teacher liaison to the PTSA, co-chair for STLE 3 Professional DevelBrandon Broughton opment Committee, and coordinator for the New Teacher Induction and Mentor Program. He has coached baseball at the Modified A and Junior Varsity levels for 11 years and served as the Monroe County Modified Baseball Chairperson, according to a district press release. Broughton is an elementary certified teacher who holds a bachelor’s degree with dual certification in elementary and special education from SUNY Geneseo and a master’s degree from The College at Brockport. He received his certificate of Advanced Study in Educational Administration at The College at Brockport.
Broughton resides in Brockport with his wife, Donna, and two children. Voorheis is returning to the Hill School where he taught fourth and fifth grades for 18 years. He began his Brockport teaching career in 1985, as a fourth grade teacher at the Barclay Elementary School before moving to the Hill School in 1990. Most recently, Voorheis has been at Oliver Middle School (OMS) as a reading teacher in the sixth, seventh Don Voorheis and eighth grades and is currently CoPrincipal of the Literacy Summer School. While at OMS, he has served as Student Council Co-Advisor, the American History Trip Coordinator for the annual eighth grade trip to Washington, D.C. and the High School Ski Club Advisor. He is also a coach in the District, leading Girls Varsity Swimming since 1986 and Boys Modified Swimming for the past ten years. Voorheis is an elementary certified teacher who holds a bachelor’s degree from The College at Brockport, certification in nursery school through sixth grade elementary education and a master’s degree from The College at Brockport. He received his certificate of Advanced Study in Educational Administration at The College at Brockport. Voorheis lives in Brockport with his wife, Donna, and two children who attend SUNY Geneseo. Provided information
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Newspaper/Special Sections • Direct Mail Website Development and Maintenance • Social Media preferred requiremenTs • College degree in business, marketing or communications • Must be able to make consistent outbound calls by phone or in person in order to establish new relationships. • Experience, attention to detail, professionalism, excellent customer service and computer skills. We offer You • A base salary plus commission and bonus. • Advancement possibilities with unlimited income potential • Structured training • Flexible Hours To ApplY For consideration, please send your resume and cover letter to:
Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - August 16, 2015 11
Guest speakers featured at Soil Health Field Days The Western NY Soil Health Field Day will be held Wednesday, September 2, from 12:30 to 6 p.m. at the Duppengiesser Dairy, 7835 Butler Road, Perry. Nationally recognized soil health experts including Ray Archuleta, “Ray the Soils Guy,” NRCS, Greensboro, NC, and Frank Gibbs, known for his “tile line smoke machine,” Professional Soil Scientist, farmer, and formerly NRCS, Rawson, OH, will be speaking on the importance of good soil health, and demonstrating how to evaluate the health of your soil. Planting equipment will be displayed and discussed. There will be a Cover Crop Walk through plots established on the farm. WNY Crop Management, NRCS and Cornell staff will be presenters. DEC pesticide credits are pending, and CCA credits will be available, accord-
H Take H H H
Pride In North Chili! H H
ing to a press release. An Advanced Soil Health Morning Session will be held from 10 a.m. to noon, limited to 50 preregistered people. Participants can bring a root ball, soil health test results, and questions for discussion with the experts. Cost for the afternoon session and dinner is $10 for those preregistered by August 19; $15 at the door. Cost for the Advanced Morning Session, lunch, afternoon session and dinner is $50 and participants must be preregistered. To preregister or for other information, contact Wyoming Co. SWCD at: or 585-786-5070. The workshop is sponsored by WNY Crop Management Association, USDA, and American Farmland Trust. Provided information
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12 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - August 16, 2015
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Suburban News - West Edition - August 16, 2015 13
First shipment of dresses shipped to Nicaragua Open Audition Call for
The Nutcracker “All Jazzed Up” Performances will be held on December 4 and 5 at the Curtis Performance Center on the Allendale Columbia Campus. The company is interested in enthusiastic boys and girls ages 5 thru adult.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015 Audition Location: Allendale Columbia School 519 Allens Creek Road, Rochester, NY 14618 Ages 5-6 | Registration 5pm Auditions 5:30pm Ages 7-8 | Registration 6pm Auditions 6:30pm Ages 9-12 | Registration 7pm Auditions 7:30pm
Volunteers for Brockport’s Dresses Around the World Program display the pillowcase dresses before packing them for shipment to Managua, Nicaragua. Provided photo.
Thursday, August 20, 2015 Ages 13-19 | Registration 5pm Auditions 5:30pm Ages 20 & up | Registration 6:30pm Auditions 7pm Call Backs for Ages 7 and up | Arrive at 7:30pm Final auditions 7:45 pm
Rehearsals begin Sept. 13 for Spencerport Community Chorus The Spencerport Community Chorus begins rehearsals for the fall season on Sunday, September 13, at the Spencerport Wesleyan Church, 2653 Nichols Street, Spencerport. Rehearsals are held each Sunday afternoon from 2
For more information contact:
Advertise your business, service, or event in the Suburban News and Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and reach thousands of potential customers each week.
Volunteers with the Dress A Girl Around the World Program recently sent their first package of items to Managua, Nicaragua. Included in the package were homemade pillowcase dresses, dolls and panties for girls, and shorts and Beanie Babies for boys. The program consists of volunteers who meet on the fourth Tuesay of every month at 133 State Street (The Center), Brockport. The volunteers can choose to work inside the center or pick up kits to work on at home.
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to 4:15 p.m. until the concert weekend in December. Concerts will be held at Ogden Presbyterian Church on Saturday, December 5 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, December 6 at 3 p.m. This year the chorus is under the baton of Darla Bair, who also directs the Amadeus Chorale Youth Singers. All interested singers are welcome to join the group which is comprised of singers from Spencerport and surrounding communities. No auditions are required, but singers are expected to be committed to rehearsals and the concerts. For information contact Darla Bair at 585-494-1795 or Provided information
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14 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - August 16, 2015
death notices BROCKPORT
•Johantgen, Anne Hammond (Sweeney), died August 8, 2015 at age 96. Anne is predeceased by her husband Dr. Henry F. and her three sisters, Helen Sweeney rscj, Betty Sweeney rscj, and Jean Sweeney. She was a devoted mother to six children: Henry M. Johantgen and wife, Doris (Virginia Beach, Virginia); Amy LaPietra and husband, Franco (Brockton, Massachusetts); Beth Verde and husband, Giulio (Kent); Meg Johantgen (Annapolis, Maryland); Peter Johantgen and wife, Clara (Garrison, New York); Michael Johantgen (Greece). Anne was grandmother to Analisa LaPietra, Christopher LaPietra and Anna Christina Johantgen. Anne was a school nurse in the Brockport school system. Her Funeral Mass was celebrated August 11 at Nativity BVM Brockport. Donations can be made to Lakeside Beikirch Care Center Recreation Department, Brockport in her memory. •Sehm, Helen O. (Bird), age 89, died August 7, 2015 at Medina Memorial Hospital. Helen loved to travel and made it a point to visit each of the 50 states. She worked as a bookkeeper for Worster Motor Lines in Bergen. She was predeceased by her second husband, William; brother, William Ohlinger. She is survived by her children, Terry A. (Eileen) Bird of Arizona, Kathryn R. (Rodney) Burger of California, Janet B. (Arthur) Webber of Medina; stepchildren, David (Carol) Sehm of Bath, Susan (John) Gay of Hamlin, Julie (Rex) Lardner of California; 10 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren with one on the way; brother Edwin “Bud” (Betty) Ohlinger; special cousin Rowena Stallings; several nieces, nephews and cousins. The family will receive friends at the Christopher Mitchell Funeral Homes, Inc. 16650 Route 31 (West Albion Road) Holley Monday, August 17, 11 a.m. to noon where her Memorial Service will follow at noon. Interment in Lakeview Cemetery. Contributions can be made to Concordia Lutheran Church, 6601 Fourth Section Road, Brockport NY 14420 or St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, PO Box 472, Angelica NY 14709 in her memory. •Sheffield, Donald P., died August 12, 2015, at age 75. He was predeceased by his wife, Carol (Morgante) Sheffield, 2011. Survived by his children, Amy Sheffield (Chuck Whalen), Jennifer Tricamo (Jason Martusciello) and Holly Sheffield (Gary Frye); grandchildren, Michael Sheffield and Elizabeth Whalen; great-grandson, Landon; six brothers; two sisters; many nieces and nephews. His Funeral Service was held August 15 at the Thomas E. Burger Funeral Home, Inc., Hilton. Interment Lake View Cemetery, Brockport.
Byrd, Harry L. Hilton. August 9, 2015, at age 73. Survived by his loving wife of 49 years, Martha (Lauterborn) Byrd. Mother, Dora Byrd. Five sisters. Brother-in-law, Tom Lauterborn, Sister-in law, Nancy (Joe) Foreman. Children, Christina Byrd, Robert (Jeanna) Byrd. Granddaughters, Samantha, Monica, Alexei, and Natalie. Many nieces and nephews. Predeceased by father, Raymond Byrd. Harry was a Master Tool and Die at Kodak for 29 years. Proud member of the Huggers Ski Club, and Masters NYS Ski Racing Association. A Celebration of Life will be held Sunday, August 16 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Peace Chapel at Southwoods RV Resort, 6749 Town Line Road, Byron 14422. Contributions in his memory can be made to the Hildebrandt Hospice Center, or Cancer Research of one’s choice.
Lee H. Paul Kendall - Lee H. Paul, age 67, died August 2, 2015. He is survived by one brother, James; seven sisters, Betty, Fran, Ollie, Barbara, Shirley, Edith and Joyce; many nieces and nephews; special great great grandniece, Athena. Predeceased by his parents, three brothers and one sister. Lee served in the U.S. Marine Corps during the Vietnam era. He loved to fish and enjoyed spending time on the farm. A Gathering in Remembrance of his life will be held Friday, August 28 at his residence, 2256 Kendall Road, from 3 to 7 p.m. Tree planting will take place at 5 p.m., followed by dinner.
•Bianchi, Michael J., born December 27, 1974, died August 9, 2015. Survived by Kathleen Bianchi, Minnie Urschel, Benjamin Bianchi, Amber Golding, Thomas Urschel, Dale Urschel and Pat Bianchi. A Memorial Service was held Saturday, August 15 at Faith to Faith Fellowship, Browncroft Blvd., Rochester. •Boguminski, Ruth L. August 4, 2015. Predeceased by her husband Casimir. Survived by her children Linda (Thomas) McMullen of Port Orange, Florida, Sandra Boguminski and Robert Boguminski, both of Chili. A Memorial Service will be held at Holy Ghost Church at a later date. Burial in Holy Ghost Cemetery. •Brixner, Jerome F. “Jerry” on August 6, 2015, at age 83, while at Monroe Community Hospital. Predeceased by his beloved wife, Irene and his parents, Frederick and Lydia Brixner. Survived by sister, Laverne Rash; nephew, Ronald Rash; and numerous extended family members. Jerry was a Korean War Era U.S. Army veteran. He was a Chili Town Councilman from 1982-1985 and Chili Town Supervisor from 1992-1993. He was also a member of Chili American Legion Post 1830 and Chili Memorial VFW Post 412. A Funeral Service was held August 11 at The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Dewey Avenue, Rochester. Interment in White Haven Memorial Park. Donations can be made to the Alzheimer’s Association, 435 East Henrietta Road, Rochester, NY 14620 in his memory. •Hamm, Herbert C., August 6, 2015 at age 65. Predeceased by his parents Raymond and Loretta, brothers Richard and David, and sister Carol Donah. He is survived by his wife of 40 years Christine, and children Angela, Traci, and Daniel; brothers Raymond Jr. (Yvonne) and Robert (Cheri); many beloved nieces and nephews, especially the youngest Halley, Allison, and Andrew. Herbert was a retired Monroe County Probation Officer. He was a member of the I.O.O.F. Humboldt Lodge 138 and the Rochester Police Emerald Society. His Funeral Mass was held August 11 at St Monica’s Church, Rochester. Interment St. Pius X Cemetery. Contributions can be made to the Rochester Police Emerald Society or to the School of the Holy Childhood in his memory. •Oliver, Frances L. (Mingo), August 10, 2015 at age 86. Predeceased by her father, Alphonse Mingo, mother, Mary (Frank) Marussich. Survived by her loving husband of 62 years, William; children, Deborah (Jonathan) Salber, William (Kathleen), Joseph (Christine), Stephen (Laura); 10 grandchildren; three great-grandchildren. Fran was a life long member of St. Pius Tenth Church. Her Funeral Mass was celebrated August 14 at St. Christopher Church, North Chili. Interment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Donations can be made to the Unity Hospital Cancer Center in her memory. •Urschel, Chauncey M., born January 21, 1927, died August 7, 2015. Survived by wife Minnie, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. A Memorial Service was held August 15, 2015 at Faith to Faith Fellowship, Browncroft Blvd., Rochester.
•Haag, Terry K., died February 15, 2015. Predeceased by his mother, Lois Haag; brothers, Robert and John Haag. Survived by father, Norman Haag; sisters, Darline (Doug) Foelsch, Diane (Walter) Dixon; brother, Gary (Donna) Haag; several nieces and nephews. A Celebration of Terry’s Life was held August 15 at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Hilton. Interment, Parma Union Cemetery.
•Gioia, Alfonso Jr., Palm Beach Gardens, Florida died July 27, 2015 at age 91. Survived by his wife of 65 years, Mary Gioia; three children, Edward Gioia (Kathryn), Betsy Hitchins (Richard), Paul Gioia; six grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; sister, Josephine Ambrette. He was predeceased by daughter, Ninetta McDonald and grandsons, Edward and Eric Gioia. Alfonso was born May 13, 1924 in Rochester to Ninetta and Alfonso Gioia, married Mary Jane Day in 1949 and resided in Hilton as an apple grower. A Mass will be said in his honor, July 27, 2016, 5:30 PM at St. Paul of the Cross Catholic Church, North Palm Beach, Florida.
•Schultz, Rosemarie T. (Mirabella), Predeceased by her grandson, Brennan Schultz, brother, Roger Stiner and sister, Martha Mitchell. She is survived by her children, Michelle (Chris) Marr, Theand resa (Dave) Latragna and Michael (Beth) Schultz; grandchildren, Misty Marr, Your “1” Stop Shop! We Do It All. Joshua (Erin Hurlbut) Marr, Stone, Engraving, Settings & Foundations at the lowest price around! Desirae Gingo, Cierra Maimone, Jordin Schultz, Gavin Come in now for Free in-home consultation available. 18 East Avenue, Hilton Schultz, Michaelyn Schultz, your loved ones stone 392-9909 • 208-7088 Aidan Schultz; great-grandfor the holidays! daughter, Skylar Smith; Veterans receive a FREE installation sisters, Nancy Cole, Linda We accept all major credit and debit cards. of a vet plaque w/purchase of a stone.
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(Barry) Miller and Jennie (Joseph) Chinappi; brother, Samuel (Diane) Mirabella; sister-in-law, Doreen Stiner; several nieces, nephews and cousins. Rosemarie was employed by Upstate Niagara where she worked for 31 years. Her Funeral Service was celebrated August 13 at Crosspoint Free Methodist Church, Hilton. Interment Riverside Cemetery. Donations can be made to the Wilmot Cancer Center, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 704, Rochester, NY 14642 in her memory. •Voelkl, Jane T., on August 2, 2015. She is survived by her children, Don (Roberta) Voelkl, Lawrence Voelkl and Lynne (Don) Clauss; four grandchildren, Jennifer, Matt, Stephen and Jessica; sister, Lillian Wojtalek. Jane was a Licensed Practical Nurse and retired from Rochester General Hospital. Service and interment will be scheduled at the convenience of the family. Donations can be made to the Strong Memorial Hospital, Palliative Care Unit, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Rochester, NY 14642 in her memory.
•Scobell, Eugene Gordon, age 89, died July 29, 2015 in Unity Hospital following a long illness. Mr. Scobell was a U.S. Army Veteran of WWII, having served as an MP during the Nuremberg Trials. Predeceased by a brother: Daniel, and sisters: Grace, Bertha, Carol and Doris. He is survived by his wife of over 60 years Betty Jane Scobell; his son, Daniel (Kathy) Scobell of California; his daughter, Debii Otto of California; sisters, Shirley Bartholomew of Florida; grandchildren: Ryan Scobell, Deigh Horak; one great granddaughter Kyrielle; several nieces and nephews. Family and friends are invited to attend Gene’s Celebration of Life at the Christopher Mitchell Funeral Homes, Inc. 16650 State Rt. 31 (West Albion Road)-Holley, Saturday, August 22 beginning at 3 p.m. Private interment in Old Pittsford Cemetery will be held at a later date. Donations can be made to the Edna Tina Wilson Living Center Patient Activity Fund, 700 Island Cottage Road, Rochester, NY, 14612 in his memory. •Wright, Karen L. (Dunbar), August 5, 2015, age 62. Survived by husband, Bill Wright; children, David, Jamie (Kelli) Unger, Chris (Dan), Bob (Ann Marie) and Mark (Lisa); brother-in-law, Jack Nichols; nine grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. Her Funeral Service was held August 11 at the Thomas E. Burger Funeral Home, Hilton. Interment, Parma Union Cemetery. Donations can be made to Pluta Cancer Center, 125 Red Creek Drive, Rochester 14623 in her memory.
•Goodwin, Arline J., August 7, 2015. Predeceased by her husband of 51 years, Raymond. Survived by her five children: Kathryn, Nancy, and William, all of Rochester, Daniel of Fredonia, New York, Peter (Lois) of Troutman, North Carolina; a sister, Edythe Peck; her sister-in-law, Fro Tuschong of Florida; several nieces and nephews; family friends, The Fenemore Family of Ontario, Canada, and Chris Wagner of Rochester. Arline was a longtime volunteer of St. John’s Home. Her Funeral Service was held August 12 at the Leo M. Bean and Sons Funeral Home, Chili. Interment, Grove Place Cemetery. Donations can be made to a charity of one’s choice in her memory.
•Guarnere, James Edward, age 76, died August 1, 2015, at Journey Home Hospice Care, surrounded by his loving family and friends. He was predeceased by his wife, Deanna Mae Guarnere and his parents, Edward and Mary (Mele) Guarnere. Survived by his son, Chris (Teena) Guarnere; grandchildren, Nathan and Julian Guarnere; brother, Samuel (Barbara) Guarnere; sister Susan (Doug) Pratt and many nieces and nephews. Jim was a graduate of John Marshall High School and an Army veteran. His Funeral Service was held August 5 at Thomas E. Burger Funeral Home, Hilton. Interment, Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Donations can be made to Journey Home, 994 Long Pond Road, Rochester 14626 in his memory. •Johnson, Mary Louise, August 2, 2015 at age 87. Predeceased by her husband, Walter L. Johnson. Survived by her sons, Darrell L. (Ivy) Johnson of North Carolina, Craig L., C.J. (Noemi) Johnson; sister, Christine (Perry) Congdon; grandchildren, Jenny (John) Cavallaro, Joshua L. Johnson, Nicholas (Aylin) Rivera, Jacelyn (Steve) Droegmoeller and Jacob L. Johnson; seven great-grandchildren; many nieces and nephews. Her Funeral Service was held August 6 at Walker Brothers Funeral Home, Spencerport. Interment is private. •Sirianni, Ann Marie Kaseman (Riggs), died suddenly on August 3, 2015. Ann Marie is predeceased by her father, John E. Kaseman, as well as her brothers, John Kaseman and Paul Kaseman. She is survived by her loving boyfriend, Steven Hurlbut; mother, Lorraine Kaseman; children, Michael Sirianni (Robin Rolfe), Joseph Sirianni (Jessica Fitch), and Nicholas Sirianni (Sara Brongo); siblings, David (Rita) Kaseman, Daniel (Terry) Kaseman, Peter (Sue) Kaseman, Mary Beth (David) Stein, Kathy Santangelo, and Christine Panyard; sister-in-law, Janis Kaseman; numerous loving nieces and nephews. A Funeral Mass was celebrated August 8 at St. John the Evangelist Church, Spencerport. Interment, Grove Place Cemetery.
Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - August 16, 2015 15
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Basement Restoration & Waterproofing. Walls spray painted. Seals make walls look new! Cracks, bowed walls repaired. Drain tile for wet yards. Since 1950, Don York, Inc. 716-688-6111.[TFN]
CUSTOM DECKS Wood & Composite
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linoleum, ceramic, hardwood, laminate and VCT tile. Sales and service
CHIMNEY Chimney Cleaning - Repairs, Liners & Caps. Over 25 Years Experience • Fully Insured, 21 Point Safety Inspection. Big Ash Fireplace & Stove. Call 585638-0300. Check us out on facebook, Prevent Fires![TFN]
CLEANOUTS/ JUNK REMOVAL Clean-Outs, CleanUps, Junk Removal, Demolitions, Garage and Basement Organization. Chinappi Enterprises. Call Mike, 585-469-6334.[TFN]
DECKS & FENCING AK Fencing - We install all types of fence. From privacy and kennels to railing. We also repair and remove. Give us a call for a free estimate. 585590-1169.[9-13]
ELECTRICIANS Electrical Work - all phases. In business for 30 years. Master’s license, insured. Quality Job at Reasonable Prices! 585-637-8321.[9-6]
GENERAL REMODELING Complete Home Improvement including interior and exterior work. 35 years experience. Free estimates. Locally owned and operated by S&G Remodeling. Call Cory, 585-352-0747.
Come Visit our
KitChen & Bath remodeling showroom
GUTTERS Seamless Gutters Soffits & Overhangs. No job too small! Fully insured. 50 years experience. Call A.J. Fritz 585-392-9013.[8-16]
HANDY MEN/ WOMEN Most phases of repair or installations. Also, home clean out and disposal. 585-4152598.[8-30] __________________ D&K Handyman Service - Deck, Remodeling, Painting, Flooring, Electrical, Plumbing, Power Washing & more! Fully insured. Call Dave Inclema, 585-4552593.[8-30]
★★★★★★ Trade In Your Good Oil or Gas Furnace towards a super 90+ high efficiency. Universal Heating Co. 585-328-1423.[TFN] Reconditioned Furnaces. $480 can install with warrantee. Universal Heating Co. 585328-1423.[TFN] Gas Furnace Clean or Service Special. $20 Off! Universal Heating Co. 585328-1423.[TFN] Furnace Safety Check, 1/2 off! Reg. $80 now $40 includes adjustments as needed. Universal Heating Co. 585328-1423.[TFN]
★★★★★★ You Can Bank on the Classifieds
LANDSCAPING/ GARDENING J.A.D. Landscaping - Delivery of Topsoil, Stone, Mulch, Sand, Gravel and Dirt. Call 585-349-0255.
Locally Owned & Operated • Fully Insured Reliable • Quality Workmanship Residential • Commercial ~ 19 Years Experience ~ WalkWays & Patios • landscaPing Mowing • Trimming • Gutter Cleaning Seasonal Clean-Ups • Snowplowing
SCREENED TOPSOIL Landscaping Color Enhanced
DRIVEWAY STONE AGED COMPOST •Pool Fill-Ins •Pool Sand •Stone
WE HAUL 585 352-9218
Complete Garden Care
• Scheduled maintenance • Clean Ups • Weeding • mulching • trimming • edging
Heather the Garden Girl 585-773-8468
Certified Master Gardener
★★★★★★ Bella Lawns and Landscape - Not enough time to complete your landscape projects? We can help. Services include: Mowing weekly/one time weeding, pruning, mulch, gutters, bed prep/maintenance, plus more. www. 585-730-2365.[8-23]
★★★★★★ LANDSCAPING Cleanups, Hedge/Shrub Trimming, Gutter Cleaning, Fence Installations, Repairs and Removals. Fully Insured. Call Chinappi Enterprises, 585469-6334.[TFN] __________________ Stone, Sand, mulch, fill dirt, mini excavation. Cady Trucking since 1982. 585-7043773.[TFN]
Topsoil, screened and delivered locally - 2 yds. $88; 3 yds. $100; 4 yds. $118; 5 yds. $130; 6 yds. $140; 7 yds. $168; 8 yds. $192. Also, screened garden compost mulch, decorative stone, driveway stone; stone dust, pool sand and fill dirt. Pick-up and save. Visa, Discover and Mastercard welcome. Buttonwood Farms, 585-3925340.[TFN]
A+ Whelehan Painting - 37 years experience. Father/son business. Interior/exterior. Painting/ staining, powerwashing, deck refinishing, wallpaper removal. EPA Lead Certified. Fully-insured. - Credit Cards Accepted. Pat (585) 317-6654 [TFN] __________________
Reynolds Plumbing - Kitchen & Bath Remodeling, new homes, sewer & drain cleaning, gas lines, water heaters. Plumbing Repair Service. Call Joe 585-637-6879, cell 737-6016. [TFN]
PAINTING & PAPERING PAINTING, Interior/Exterior, Staining. Residential and Commercial, 22 years experience. Free estimates. References. Fully insured. Comp. and liability. $100 Room Specials. Rob, 585738-9239.[TFN] JIM CERVINI Painting and Paperhanging, remodeling, drywall hanging, textured ceilings, gutter cleaning and replacement, and power washing. 585392-4138.[TFN]
PAINTING: Interior/Exterior, Powerwashing, Deck Restore, neat, dependable and highly skilled. Reasonable rates, 30 yrs. Experience. Call Phil 585-6598366.[TFN] __________________ Dan’s Painting, 30 years experience. Reliable, clean, neat, reasonable rates. 585-7384049.[9-20]
The deadline for next week’s edition is Thursday at 4 p.m.
TREE SERVICE CHIP’S TREE AND LANDSCAPE (585) 392-5508 Bucket Truck Service
Tree & Stump Removal, Trimming Free Estimates Over 30 Years Experience
CHARLES E. DeVAY Jr. Owner-Operator
Stephen C. DeVay Tree and Landscape
Over 38 Years servICe & TrUsT • Complete InsuranCe Coverage • Free estImates • reasonable rates • aerIal buCket
820-TREE (8733)
J.M. Tree Service Specializing 24 Hour in crane EmErgEncy aSSiSted SErvicE removalS “The Family Owned Company That Cares About You!” • Tree Removal • Tree Trimming • Stump Grinding • Owner Operated • Fully • Certified Arborists Insured Joshua Miesch NY-5654AM
Nikki Miesch NY-5762A
Matt Rea NY-0909A
Stump Grinding and Bush Removal, small and large stumps. Call Brian at 585-3926175.[TFN]
766-JOSH (5674)
Check it out in the Classifieds
MOTOR VEHICLES AUTOMOBILES/ TRUCKS For Sale: 2013 Chevy Impala. 10,800 mi., one owner. $16,000. 585638-7259.[8-16] __________________ 2002 Chevrolet Impala LS, 3.8 V-6, heated leather seats, sunroof, loaded with options. 67,000 miles. $4,500. 585-415-5141. [8-16] __________________ 2007 Buick Lucern CXL - Leather interior, heated seats and steering wheel, new tires and brakes, loaded with every power option, V-6, 85,000 miles. Beautiful car $7,400. 585-4155141.[8-16]
AUTOS WANTED CA$H FOR CAR$: $70 - $1,000 for your junk car. More for 1999 and newer. 585-4829988.[TFN]
RECREATIONAL VEHICLES/CAMPERS 2011 Jay Feather X23J hybrid, only used for 6 nights. Double slide, tons of storage. A must see! $16,500. Weighs: 4,739.Call Pat, 7031427.[TFN]
always better, cash paid, for most, any condition, running or not!! Always FREE pick up. Usually same day service. Please call the rest first, then call me last! I am I usually pay the highest and the fairest. NOT affiliated with • also • any other company!
Free removal of any unwanted model, any condition, with or without wheels.
MOTORCYCLE/ ALL TERRAIN Harley Davidson Dyna Super Glide, 2005 FXD, red, mileage is 23,900. Clear title, engine size is 1450 cc. Includes spoked wheels, saddle bags with keys to lock bags to the bike. Small bag in front on forks. Screaming Eagle kit installed and oil changed every 3,000 miles. New tires. Excellent condition. $8,000. Photos available on craigslist. 585-3921919.[TFN]
Suburban News & The Herald
$70-$1000 CA$H TODAY! For Cars, Trucks, Vans No Key No TiTle NO PROBLEM
gENERaL SERVICE APPLIANCE REPAIR APPLIANCE REPAIR Appliance Repair: Call Lou Borrelli. Washers, dryers, refrigerators, ranges-ovens, microwaves. 585-352-3440. __________________
Top Notch Appliance Ser vice - “A notch above the rest!” Insured. Reasonable rates. Professional Service. 585820-9964.[11-22]
Bauer Appliance Service - All makes & models Refrigerators, Freezers, Washers, Dryers, Dishwashers, Ranges. Committed to Quality. 585-3149115.[TFN]
16 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - August 16, 2015
gENERAL SERvIcE ATTORNEYS/LEGAL DHEALTH/BEAUTY/ FITNESS Attorney: Real Estate Closings, Divorce, Family Court, Bankruptcy and Wills. Free initial consultation. Jennie M. Cooper, 2255 Lyell Avenue, 585-325-7792. A Debt Relief Agency.[816-15] __________________ DWI, DWAI, TRAFFIC, CRIMINAL, uncontested divorce. Call Lawrence Mort, 1-800-7100918.[8-30]
COMPUTER salEs, sERviCE & TRaining 203 Main St., Brockport
Mon.-Sat. 11am-7pm, Closed Sun.
EDUCATION Now Accepting Registration for Fall Nursery School Wrap-Around Programs Available please call for info
Parma Free Center Nursery School 167 lake ave.,Hilton
GRAVESITE MAINTENANCE Gravesite care when you can’t get there! Headstone Cleaning, Detailed and Personalized Plot Maintenance. Flower Bouquet and Wreath placement for holidays or special occasions. Call 585352-7476 or visit www. Locally owned and operated.[TFN]
Permanent Hair Removal Freedom Hair Electrolysis LLC located in Shear Emotion Salon. Hilton, NY call for appointment 585-8519223.[10-18]
S LAWN MOWER REPAIR Lawn Mower, ATV and Motorcycle Repair, 35 years certified. Tuneups, overhaul, welding, sharpening, pick-ups. 585-820-8733.[TFN]
MUSICAL INSTRUCTION Private Piano/Voice Instructions in a wellestablished studio. Children, adults, flexible scheduling. Affordable. 585-225-7027.[124-16]
WATER HAULING Pool Water Delivery - Chlorinated water for pools, wells, cisterns, hot tubs & more. Call 585-690-5371 www. Nelson Water Hauling. com[9-13]
WEDDINGS/ SPECIAL OCCASIONS Professionally trained soloist, available to add a touch of elegance to your wedding, meeting or social event. Call 585-352-8730.[TFN]
The Carriage Place Antiques & Collectibles
6000 Sweden Walker Rd. Brockport
ANTIQUES .com 65 Main Street
Downtown Brockport (585) 637-5560
This is Suburban News & The Herald. Thank you for reading! APPLIANCES
ESTATE/ HOUSEHOLD SALE Estate Barn Sale, Brockport - 7089 Ridge Rd. W. between Gallup and Clarkson Parma TL Road. Sat., Aug. 22, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Sun., Aug 23, Noon - 4 p.m. Tools, furniture, antiques and collectibles, books, quilts, hand-braided rugs, radios and binoculars.[8-16]
FIREWOOD/FUEL Alternative Fuels Dry Creek Wood Pellets, Bagged Coals and Envi-Blocks. Hendel Farms, Holley. 585-6386042.[TFN]
FURNACE - STOVES Fireplace insert - gas, 37” x 34” with glass door & logs, used rarely. $450. 585-469-8939.[9-6]
GE front loader dryer - gas, seven years old. Solid cherry dining Good condition. $75 table & 4 chairs (2 capfirm. 585-967-7559. tains), 2 leaves. $100. __________________ 585-293-1174.[8-23] Whirlpool duet sport ___________________ front loader with bot- For Sale: Bunk Bed with tom drawer. 4-1/2 years fold-out Futon with matold. $350. Pat, 585-703- tresses - $100. Mark, 1427.[TFN] 585-734-9787.[TFN]
ART WORK Original acrylic paintings ... seasonal, landscapes, portraits, modern folk images, various sizes. Affordable & very interesting. For more information contact Nils R. Caspersson, 585924-7868.[TFN]
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Kids Stuff Sale: Aug. 22, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. 18 Prospect Street, Spencerport. Boys 4 and 5, Toys, Girls 10. Bed rail. Action figures, craft kits, dolls.[8-16] __________________
Garage Sale - August 20, 21 & 22; 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. 346 Hamlin Center Rd. Craftsman, Radial arm saw, craft tent, toys, tools, treasures.[8-16] __________________
Brockport: Multi-family Annual Sale, Bev Circle - Aug. 21 & 22, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Featuring Turtlemania, lamps, books, jewelry, household items, Christmas and more![8-16] __________________
Logo Golf Balls - LP records and albums, old books, some furniture, dishes & glassware, 121 Brook St., Hilton. Aug. 21 & 22, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.[8-16] __________________
114 Maida Drive, Spencerport. August 20 - 23, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Something for everyone - games, air purifiers, dog clothes, crafts, housewares and more![8-16]
Hilton: 124 Rolling Meadow Drive. Aug. 20-22, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Many dollar items including girls clothing, 2 to 12, children’s books, school supplies plus a ton of stuff.[8-16]
WANTED TO BUY Wanted Snowblowers, riding lawn mowers, tractors, 3 wheelers. Call 585-415-5141 to discuss.[8-16] P u t yo u r s u p e r value ad here for only $14.50 for 15 words and 50 cents for each additional. Buy 1 week and we give you two more Free! Call 585-3523411 for details on the Super Value Ad. Single items only on this special and not available to businesses. $500 maximum price. [TFN]
starting @
Beacher Rail System - 1,000 ft., 4,000 lb. w/ baldor industrial wench. Make offer. Call John 585-964-3316.[9-20] __________________ Ain’t it sweet to beat the high cost of heat? Coal, wood pellets, Enviblocks. Pick-up, delivery. Gloves, boots, critter control, hay, straw, pet/farm food and bird seed. 585-5948300.[8-30]
CLASSIFIEDS 2014 Gulfstream Trailer, Ultra-Lite, 19’, never used, slide-out, AC, micro. $12,900. 585-6375431.[TFN] __________________
Whirlpool tub, 5’ x 3’ white, like new, all plumbing complete. $300. 585-4698939.[10-11] __________________
Large office desk & cabinets, 11’ 8” long with T in center. 5-31/2” long, custom built inlaid Formica top, gorgeous. $390. 585-4698939.[TFN] __________________ Woodmode Kitchen, Corian counters, 20 cabinets, island, app l i a n c e s l i k e n e w. Cost $65,000 new sell for $4,900. 585-4698939.[TFN] __________________ Put your super value ad here for only $14.50 for 15 words and 50 cents for each additional. Buy 1 week and we give you two more Free! Call 585-3523411 for details on the Super Value Ad. Single items only on this special and not available to businesses. $500 maximum.[TFN]
Country Settting - Half a house, two bedroom, one bath rental. Brockport/Holley. Available Sept. 1st. $ plus utilities. First month’s rent plus security deposit due upfront. One year lease. 585-202-2869. No pets. No smoking.[823] __________________
Brockport area - Large private 2 bedroom apartment. Parklike setting. Available August 20. $750+ heat and electric. Call or leave message at 585-944-0806.[8-16] __________________
For rent - Two bedroom, one bath, apartment in a house. Separate utilities. Country setting $650 plus utilities. 585278-8858.[8-23] __________________
For Sale: Table saw, Delta 10”, with base, $100 or B.O. Tel. No. 585-617-5123.[9-6] __________________ For Sale: Pool filter, ladder, net, hose, skimmer. Household items. Books, toys, clothes. Call 585-426-0749.[823] __________________
Brockport Condo; 2 bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths, living room, family room, laundry hookups, A/C, pool. $875 first and last month + security. Available 9/1. 585-9444139.[8-16] __________________
For rent - Studio apartment, $500/mo. utilities included. 585-2788858.[8-23] __________________
Medical lift chairs $
NOTICE The following inserts should be found inside your edition of the Suburban News or Hamlin Clarkson Herald this week. • GATES BIG M Inside all papers in Ogden and Spencerport.
• TOPS Inside all papers in Bergen, Holley, Kendall, Clarendon and Murray. • OGDEN RECREATION Inside all papers Ogden and Spencerport. • DICk’S SPORTING GOODS Inside all papers in Brockport, Sweden, Holley, Bergen, Clarendon and Murray. • SwEDEN/CLARkSON RECREATION Inside all papers in Brockport, Sweden, Hmlin and Clarkson. • SHEAR EMOTION Inside all papers in Parma (partial). IF YOU FAIL TO RECEIVE A COPY OF THESE FLYERS AS YOU SHOULD, PLEASE CALL OUR OFFICE AT 352-3411.
Party Tents Tables • Chairs ReseRve Today!
Advertise in the Westside’s only publications with saturation coverage... AND
a professional editorial staff. That spells readership and response. To advertise in Suburban News and The Hamlin-Clarkson Herald call 585-352-3411 for details.[TFN]
PERSONALS Brian Clark - Contact EATA Peach Films, Charleston, S. Carolina. 843-934-0647.[8-16]
The deadline for next week’s edition is Thursday at 4 p.m.!
Near Churchville, 2 bedroom Duplex w/garage. Churchville-Chili Schools, $675/monthly + utilities, security deposit. Call after 5 p.m. 585-594-1414.[8-16] __________________ Spencerport/Greece. Studio/1 BR apartments, 2 BR House and Mobile homes. Great location on W. Ridge near Manitou. Commercial Building 2,000 sq. ft. Subdividable. 585-3813672.[TFN] __________________ Hilton: Cedar Hill Townhouses - The Space your family needs to grow ... away from the crowded city. Affordable two and three bedroom town-houses with 1.5 baths, finished basement family rooms, storage/laundry rooms with w/d hookups, central air, 24-hour emergency service, and playground for the kids. Cats are welco me. Rates from $850-$875 + security. Call for details 585-3926015. Professionally managed by Landsman. Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Equal Housing Opportunity. We do not participate in Section 8 or DSS programs. [TFN] __________________ B ro ck p o r t - W i l l ow brooke Manor. Spacious two bedroom apts. Appliances, carpeting, 24 hr. emergency service, free cable TV, recreation and laundry facilities. 585-6373400.[TFN]
Reach almost 5,500,000 homes in the New York state classified Network available through this newspaper. Only $490 for 15 words. $15 each additional word. Call 585-352-3411 and place your ad today![TFN]
FOR SALE OR RENT: NEW, 3 bed./2 bath home available now at Locust Grove M.H.C. in Hamlin. Kendall Schools. Rent for $745/ month. Purchase option available. $40,915 with up to $8,800 lot rent incentive! Call AGL Homes for details today! 585-953-1296 or 585-226-2727.[8-23] __________________
HOMES FOR RENT Ogden - Union St. three bedroom ranch, full basement, Churchville-Chili Schools $1,100 plus. No dogs. Credit check. 585-3016515.[8-16] __________________
Harper Park Hamlin: New and pre-owned manufactured homes for sale in lovely community. Yard with 2 car asphalt driveway. Short drive to Hamlin Beach State Park. Moderately priced, single floor living. Take a tour today. 4000 Brick Schoolhouse Rd., Hamlin, NY. Call 585-964-2434 or visit us at www.harperhomes. net. [TFN]
Three Bedroom, two full baths, master bedroom - private bath. Newly remodeled. New wallto-wall carpet. Freshly painted. Laundry room on same level. Ample closet space. Storage room same level. Churchville, ChurchvilleChili Schools, utilities included. References checked. Available Nov. 1. 585-298-2518.[9-6]
RESORT PROPERTIES FOR RENT Three bedroom, 2 bath home in North Cape May, N.J. (10 minutes to the ocean, beaches). Call Keith at 585-352-
HOMES FOR SALE Hilton - $137,000. 4 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath, fenced yard, oversized patio & deck. Call Early Sunrise Realty, 585638-0020.[8-16] __________________ Four bedroom Colonial - $59,000. Bank owned house. Must sell - make offer. Call Early Sunrise Realty, 585638-0020.[8-16]
Starting at
"Ask about matching letterheads" *500 Premium Bright White Cards with Black Ink "Your Complete Promotion Headquarters"
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BUILDERS/ NEW HOMES 9 HOMES OPEN 7 days a week at AGL Homes! Ranch, Cape Cod, Chalet, Colonial, Single & Double-wide homes on display! Your plans or ours - Your lot or ours! Plans starting from $39,900. Financing assistance available. AGL Homes - 4305 Route 5 in Caledonia. 585-2262727 www.aglhomes. com[8-23]
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User Support Instructor (Library Services Tech) F-T position, 12 months/yr., eff. 9/1/15 Must possess or meet req’s for Civil Service title of User Support Instructor. 2 or more yrs. post sec. ed. Exp. in similar position preferred. For more information and to apply for available positions, please refer to our website:
Shelby Transportation, LLC TRUCK DRIVER WANTED CDL A License
Shelby Transportation, LLC, a subsidiary of Western New York Energy, LLC, located near Medina, NY is now hiring drivers for round trip, mostly regional runs in the Western New York area to support grain procurement, feed and liquid sales from our ethanol plant. On farm/agricultural tractor trailer driving experience strongly preferred. Tank endorsements a plus. Must have a minimum of 3+ yrs. exp., Good MVR, No DUI/DWI Excellent Benefits Package available.
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an experienced
heavy equipment mechanic Ideal applicants must possess the following: • Basic knowledge of routine maintenance and repair for the following: - Tractor Trailers & Trailers - Cranes - Lifts - Utility Trucks
EmployEr offErs CompEtitivE WagEs, mEdiCal and dEntal bEnEfits and 401K.
• Valid NYS Driver License • Good Communication Skills • Reliable Transportation • Ability to work extended hours if necessary • Ability to prioritize responsibilities Hours are 7:00am - 3:30pm, Monday - Friday
To apply: Please forward your resume to or fax to 585-263-2734 Auto Body Repairman needed for busy collision shop. Must be able to rub out fresh paint, detail cars and light assembly. Apply at 5408 W. Ridge Road, Spencerport, NY. Ask for Pete. Pay based on experience.[9-20]
Experienced cooks needed: Full and part time, Spencerport area. Call Dave 585-7335553.[8-16] __________________ House Cleaner - Days, M-F. Can earn over $500/wk. with performance & attendance rewards. Must be at least 21 years old & have own car. 585-2474650.[TFN]
Must be 18 years old
Full Time/ ParT Time
• Supervisors • Day Positions BROCKPORT (585) 637-3150
NORTH CHILI (585) 594-5065
SPENCERPORT (585) 349-7838
OPeN reCrUIT AT AssOCIATeD BrANDs!!! Medina NY
We will hold an Open Recruit at Associated Brands on August 19, 2015, from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM at 4001 Salt Works Road, Medina. We will be recruiting for the following:
• Opening on all three shifts • TEMP TO HIRE!!! • Opportunity for growth! • Clean and safe environment • $10.00 – 10.65 per hour Please bring your employment history (start & end dates) with you or your resume. These are great opportunities for anyone looking to find a company to grow with!
Or you can go to our website to fill out our application. We offer an easy to fill out mobile application also. Walk-ins welcome at
534 Main St., Medina, NY
Feel free to call 585-318-4218 for more information
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JOBS/PART TIME Local teen wanted for odd jobs: Yardwork, Woodsplitting. Must have knowledge of lawn equipment. Selfmotivating, honest, ABLE TO FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. 585-3521015.[8-16] __________________
The Hamlin Recreation Department is seeking a Program Assistant for the Before & After School Program. Must have good customer service skills and enjoy working with children. Applicant must be available for hours including evenings, weekends, and early daytime hours including days when school is not in session. Hours are dependent on program scheduling. This is a part time position. Lifting 25 lbs. and over is sometimes required, as is standing for longer periods of time, bending, reaching, and playing with the children. Interested individuals may apply at the Hamlin Recreation Office at 1658 Lake Road, Hamlin, NY 14464 or by email to hamlinrecreation@[8-16] __________________ Substitute Security Workers - Brockport Central School District is accepting applications for immediate openings for substitute security work (Day/evening/overnight/weekend/holiday shifts.) Must have the ability to adapt to emergency situations. High School Diploma/GED; NYS Security License and Fingerprinting will be required; experience preferred. Starting wage $10/hr. Interested persons must express their interest and apply on-line at: brockportcsd[8-23] __________________
Galley Restaurant is seeking sandwich prep cooks & servers. PT/FT employment including evenings & weekends. Apply in person, 94 South Union Street, Spencerport.[8-16] __________________ The Hamlin Recreation Department is seeking a part-time gymnastics assistant for approximately 5 hours a week during after school hours. Prior gymnastics experience preferred. Interested individuals should apply at the Hamlin Recreation Dept., 1658 Lake Road, Hamlin, NY 14464 or by email:[8-16] __________________
Golf Course Help, 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please apply in person to fill out an application Salmon Creek C.C., 355 Washington St., Spencerport, NY.[TFN] __________________
Receptionist - PT/FT for busy Chiropractic office. Personable, fast learner with good computer skills a must. Insurance billing knowledge preferred. Salary based on experience. Send resume to: humanresource2139@hotmail. com [8-23]
Part-Time Help Wanted Now Accepting Applications for a PART-TIME POSITION
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18 Suburban News - West Edition - August 16, 2015
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Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - August 16, 2015 19
Hundreds of American flags to honor service providers “Field of Honor” to pay tribute to veterans, military, police, firefighters and emergency responders Hundreds of American flags will fly in precise formation on the front lawn of the Mercy Center on Blossom Road September 11 - 13 as part of the first Rochester-area “Field of Honor” that pays tribute to veterans, military personnel, police officers, fire fighters and emergency responders. Each 3-foot by 5-foot flag in the Field of Honor will bear the name of an honored group or individual and contain additional information, such as the individual’s rank, branch of service, war/campaign served or organization. “The Field of Honor is an opportunity for people to express appreciation and remember all those who have defended, protected, rescued, and responded to someone’s call for help,” said Terry Parks, executive board member for Mercy Bridges, the nonprofit organization hosting the event. “These individuals continuously place the wellbeing of others before their own and put themselves in harm’s way for others. Sadly, some have paid the ultimate price in the line of service. The Field of Honor is a patriotic tribute to those who have served and continue to serve their country and community.” Flags to be displayed in the Field of Honor can be purchased for $40 by visiting or calling 585-288-2710 ext. 121. A limited number of flags are available for purchase, and the deadline for purchasing a flag is August 20. The proceeds from the sale of flags will support Mercy Bridges, a Rochester-based nonprofit organization that teaches people how to read and write English. The Field of Honor will officially open at 10 a.m. Friday, September 11 with the Perinton Post Color Guard’s display of the colors. Veterans Outreach Center CEO Todd Baxter and Paramedic and Vice President of the North East Quadrant Advanced Life Support and Captain of West Webster Fire Department Syed Ahmed Mustafa will deliver opening remarks. On Sunday, September 13 at 2 p.m., a closing ceremony will feature remarks by U.S. Army Major General Norbert Rappl, who served two years active duty in Korea and 33 years in the Army Reserves. General Rappl commanded the 98th Infantry Division in the Army Reserves. Also speaking will be John Merklinger, director of the Rochester Emergency Communications Department, which responds to more than 1 million emergency and 9-1-1 calls each year. The ceremonies will also include performances by the Gates Keystone Club Police Pipes & Drum and Our Lady of Mercy School for Young Women choir. “We are excited to host this type of event for our com-
munity,” said Parks. “In 2011, a similar event was held at Ontario Beach in Rochester on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attack to recognize the 343 fire fighters who lost their lives in the attack on the Twin Towers. We wanted to build on that event and expand our event to recognize all those who have given and continue to give so selflessly. This is the first event in the Rochester area that does that, and we are proud that Mercy Bridges could host it.” Located at the Mercy Center at 1437 Blossom Road in Rochester, the Field of Honor will be open to the public from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. September 11 - 13. Admission is free and all are welcome to tour the field and take a moment to appreciate the sacrifices made by the individuals honored on the flags. While closed for tours after 5 p.m., the flags in the Field of Honor will be illuminated and guarded from dusk to dawn as part of a solemn vigil. Provided information
Auctioneers, Realtors, & Appraisers
Legal Notices
Legal Notice Town of Clarkson CHANGE OF TIME OF MEETINGS Please take notice that the regular meeting of the Clarkson Planning Board has been changed to 7:00 p.m. effective September 1, 2015. The Clarkson Planning Board meetings take place at the Clarkson Town Hall, 3710 Lake Road, Clarkson, New York. Dated: August 11, 2015 Kristen DiFilippo Building Department Coordinator
Legal Notice 106 Munson St Ext, LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with SSNY on 7/7/2015. Office Location: Genesee County. Terri B. Starowitz CPA has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to Terri B. Starowitz CPA, 6632 Thwing Road, LeRoy, NY 14482. Purpose: any lawful purpose. Location: 6632 Thwing Road
Auction to be held at 2738 Sweden Walker Road. Selling will be an expansive 5 bedroom family home with studio apartment and outbuildings situated on 2.5 acre partially fenced country lot. Home has numerous updates including 1 year old roof, replacement windows, rear unfinished addition. Separate utilities. Great potential. Assessed for $121,000, sells at $50,000 or above. Financing available for qualified parties. $7,000 deposit required to bid. OPEN HOUSES: SAT. Aug. 15 from 10am-Noon and TUES. Aug. 18 from 3-5pm. For details call Penne Vincent at 303-2325.
Legal Notice Town of Clarkson PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Clarkson will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, August 25th, 2015 at 6:00 PM at the Clarkson Town Hall, 3710 Lake Road, Clarkson, New York. Agenda items for the meeting will include a discussion regarding the proposed development known as Brook Field at Clarkson. By Order of the Clarkson Town Board Sharon S. Mattison Clarkson Town Clerk
CLASS REGISTRATION WILL BE HELD: August 19th 6-7:30pm August 26th 6-7:30pm Sept. 3rd 4-6pm Classes available for all ages: $10 Enrollment Commitment
Monthly Discounts For Families With More Than 3 Classes Director: Rachael Blair 116 North Main Street, Albion • 585-589-1648
AUCTION AT BonTrAger’s AucTion cenTer
Phone (585) 494-1880 59 South Lake Avenue Bergen, New York 14416
4 miles west of Batavia, 1/2 mile south of Rt. 33
8975 Wortendyke rd., Batavia
WeD., AugusT 19, 4:30PM
This week our auction will incl.: 2007 Dodge Magnum; mission style doors; new 36” oak entry door; kitchen items; kitchen set; loveseat; mission chair; brown leather recliner; dressers; 2 full size beds; china cabinet; dining room set; new Victorian style chandelier; bedroom sets; 9 drawer dresser; Rockford sewing machine; WII system w/games; rolling tool box; various shop items; Ryobi miter saw; Dewalt miter saw; garage items; metal shelving units; garden items; Fiesta grill; coins. See our website @ for photos & complete list. Preview after 3:00 PM. Refreshments are available. Since 1935
8975 Wortendyke Rd., Batavia, NY 14020 Auction Center Office • (585)343-4529
TERMS: Cash, Approved check w/ID, MC/VISA, 13% B/P.
Due to the Labor Day holiday, there will be an early deadline for ALL news and advertising for the September 6th editions of Suburban News and The Herald. All news and ads MUST be in our office by
4:00 PM on Wednesday, Sept. 2nd. There can be no exceptions.
The Westside News
Please note that if you are leaving materials at one of our drop-off locations, the deadline for that drop-off will be 24 hours earlier than usual.
William Holding Builders CLARKSON: Liberty Cove $ Starting at 259,900! Sub-Division 1742 sq. ft. Ranch on 1.2 acres w/pond, creek and trees. Now accepting Let us
build your dream home
William Holding Builders 50 Mission Hill, Clarkson
(585) 781-0171
Lot Deposits for the last section!
OUR OFFICES WILL CLOSE at noon on Thursday, Sept. 3rd and will reopen at 8 am Tuesday, Sept. 8th
Publishers of Suburban News & Hamlin-Clarkson Herald
20 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - August 16, 2015