Westside News WEST Edition – December 17, 2023

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December 17, 2023


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IILTON FAMILY James Goetz, D MD E Npresented T I S T Rwith Y James C. Fallon Distinguished Service Award December 17, 2023

Issue No. 51

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Pictured are (l-r) James C. Fallon, James Goetz, MD, and Superintendent Sean C. Bruno.Employees

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James Goetz, MD, a board-certified pediatrician, and Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatricians, was presented with the James C. Fallon Distinguished Service Award during the December 5 Brockport Board of Education (BOE) meeting. Dr. Goetz, a Brockport resident, has served the Brockport community since 1978. He currently practices as a Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Rochester Medical Center and Golisano Children’s Hospital and is the School Physician for the Brockport and Holley Central School Districts. “The Board of Education and I are honored to extend our heartfelt appreciation to Dr. Goetz for his continued unwavering commitment and remarkable service throughout the years,” said Superintendent Sean C. Bruno. “Dr. Goetz has been a beacon of compassion, providing not just medical expertise but also a comforting presence that has touched the lives of countless students, staff, and families. His tireless efforts, professionalism, and genuine



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care continues to leave an indelible mark on our District.” The James C. Fallon Distinguished Service Award was established in honor of former Superintendent Fallon for his many years of faithful service to the District. Brockport’s BOE presents this award annually to a district student, employee or community member who demonstrates the following characteristics: confident, expert-level knowledge in a given field; wisdom, leading to effective judgment based in transparency and empathy; a commitment to the principles of servant leadership and individual empowerment; rigorous accountability to themselves and to the community, and humbleness. Dr. Goetz’s name has been added to the James C. Fallon Distinguished Service Award perpetual plaque displayed in Brockport’s Board of Education Room in the District Office. For more information on the James C. Fallon Distinguished Service Award, visit www.bcs1.org/page/503. Provided information and photo

Community gathers to celebrate “Sergeant Gary Beikirch Memorial Highway” Gary’s honor and I am proud to have sponOn Tuesday, December 12, Assemblyman sored that legislation. Through this small Josh Jensen (R,C-Greece) held a ceremony gesture of gratitude, Gary’s memory will be to celebrate the completed road sign instalwww.hiltonfamilydentistry.com kept alive and he will continue to inspire lation in honor of Medal of Honor recipient the next generation,” said Senator Jeremy Sgt. Gary Beikirch, of Greece, with his Cooney. family, friends, church members and com“On behalf of my mother and the entire munity residents. Jensen introduced a officelike is atodrop off State Beikirch family,Our I would thank bill, along with Senator Jeremy Cooney, for Toys Tots, please Josh Sen. Jeremy Cooney andfor Assemblyman to recognize State Route 18 (Latta Road) unwrapped gifts into Jensen for alldrop theiroffwork that went between Long Pond Road and State Route sponsoring this and Gov. Kathy 390 as the “Sergeant Gary Beikirch Memofor the kids. Hochul for signing it into legislation. From the moment rial Highway” (A.10110/S.9028). Josh told us about this highway being named The ceremony was held to celebrate for my father I knew it would be both special the installation of the road signs in Sgt. and personal because of the close proximity to Beikirch’s honor and recognize the lasting our family home and the Greece school where impact he had on his community. he touched students’ lives as a counselor. My “Sgt. Gary Beikirch is a true American father’s entire life was one of integrity, sacrihero whose valor and bravery in battle 30 Redfern Dr., Churchville fice and honor, not to himself but to the Glory earned him the Medal of Honor, yet his Taylor Farms Subdivision - Many of God and of His love and faithfulness. service to others continued as he dedicated New Listing say, when you met my father you felt God his life to giving back to the community he and because of that there is no remembrance loved. Memorializing a portion of Latta 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, family room of him or seeing his name that don’t Road, in the heart of the Town of Greece with vaulted ceiling, walkpeople out feel that inside. Now, down Latta where he called home, is a testament to basement. Lowdriving Village electric. Road and Open seeing the 12-2. name$274,900. Sergeant Gary the lifelong impact he made on countless Saturday Beikirch will continue to be a source of peace members of our community,” said Jensen. Best Christmas and comfort for Present all that knew him. My prayer “Thank you to everyone who joined us in Ever!! for future generations and those that didn’t celebration of Sgt. Beikirch and the positive have the privilege of knowing him is that legacy he left behind.” seeing these signs raises a curiosity to find “It was an honor to be a part of dedicatout who this man was and what he lived for, ing the Sergeant Gary Beikirch Memorial and in that my father’s legacy of living a life Highway. Given his years of service, and of significance will live on,” said Stephanie countless lives touched, it is only fitting Beikirch, daughter. that a portion of Route 18 be named in

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Assemblyman Josh Jensen (R,C-Greece) Celebrating “Sergeant Gary Beikirch Memorial Highway” on December 12. Pictured are (l-r) Stephanie Beikirch (daughter), Senator Jeremy Cooney, Pastor Kevin Pestke, Sheriff Todd Baxter, Nick Stefanovic (Director of Monroe County Veterans Service Agency), Assemblyman Josh Jensen, Loreen “Lolly” Beikirch (wife of 46 years), and Sarah Hinds (daughter). This commemorates Jensen’s third initiative in honoring the local heroes who sacrificed their lives. The first initiative involved dedicating a stretch of State Route 259 in the town of Parma, extending from Lake Ontario State Parkway to Dunbar Road, as the Specialist Jason Hasenauer Memorial High-

way (A8535A). The second initiative was the Firefighter Robert Fowler Memorial Highway bill (A8534), which designated a section of South Union Street in the village of Spencerport between Lyell Avenue and Nichols Street. Provided information and photo

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