Westside News EAST Edition – February 19, 2023

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the Westside News print editions are now available for viewing Friday mornings. No need to wait for our carriers to deliver our publications to you. Plus, you can take a screenshot of anything in the paper for personal use. So, clip that coupon, save that article, send that photo to an out-of-town relative.

Westside News

Unit returns to Ogden Town Hall

on Building Cadet Success.

“One of the district’s goals is to continue to be a destination district,” said Superintendent Dr. Casey Kosiorek. “We know one of the ways to maintain this is by providing first-class facilities for our students, staff, and community. We are excited to present this project to the community for their vote.”

Proposition #1 is a $37.2 million project that addresses maintenance and infrastructure improvements at all five schools identified in the five-year Building Condition Survey required by New York State and prioritized by the district’s Long Range Planning Committee. These projects focus on

cafeterias; replacing the emergency generator at QUEST; and renovating the kitchen and JU cafeteria at Village.

Over the summer, the district asked the community to weigh in using two ThoughtExchange questions regarding a field house and performing arts center. Based on input from over 1,200 participants, over 800 thoughts shared, and nearly 39,000 ratings of those thoughts, the District and Board of Education decided to put forth Proposition #2, a $90 million project that would use existing space to create a Performing Arts Center and move spaces related to physical education and athletics to a new space that would be connected to Hilton

“These additional spaces created from this project will be a tremendous resource, not only to our High School students, but to all our students K-12,” said Board of Education President Mark Hilburger. “We will have a state-of-the-art facility that all residents will be able to utilize right in

To learn more about the proposed Building Cadet Success Capital Project, residents are encouraged to attend a Public Information Meeting on Wednesday, March 1, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the Hilton High School auditorium, 400 East Avenue, Hilton. More information is also available on the Capital Project webpage, https://www.hilton.k12. ny.us/departments.cfm?subpage=5252. In addiwill be mailed

The Capital Project Vote will be held Wednesday, March 7, from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Parma Town Hall, 1300 Hilton Parma Corners Road, Hilton. All district residents will vote at this location.

be available to process most requests and answer questions. However, Real IDs, Enhanced Licenses, and Permit testing will not be available at the Mobile Unit. Signs will be posted at the town hall to help residents and visitors find the unit in the town board room. Appointments are not required at this site.

“I’m grateful to Monroe County Clerk Jamie Romeo for her collaboration through this process. With Ogden as its host, we delivered this new and improved DMV site for the community and took extra steps to provide a safe and efficient alternative for residents,” concluded Zale. Provided information and photos

1953 Serving the communities of Spencerport-Ogden, Churchville-Riga, North Chili, Hilton-Parma Serving Suburban News North and South edition areas EAST EDITION February 19, 2023
Aaron Baker, and Monroe County Clerk to announce the return of the Mobile DMV Unit at Ogden Town Hall.
and that this invaluable service will once again be available
Provided information and photos See additional renderings in the online version of this article at westsidenewsny.com.
westsidenewsny.com/digital-edition Digital
Rendering of the proposed indoor track. 1 WESTSIDE NEWS EAST AND WEST EDITIONS WrAp FEBuAry 19, 2023 10 Canning St., Hilton (585) 392-6440 www.hiltonfamilydentistry.com Accepting New Patients All Ages Welcome IILTON FAMILY D E N T I S T R Y • Same Day CEREC Dentistry • Dental Implants • Sleep Apnea Devices Participating Providers: Wegmans EmployeesGive us a call, we have you covered. This Quintessential Gentleman’s Farm features 24.5 acres with fenced pastures, some woods, barn and outdoor riding ring. 3 bedroom/3 bath home features 2,800 sq. ft., updated kitchen with commercial appliances and granite countertops. Text: HO77216 To: VIDEOS 85 S. Union St., Spencerport 585-739-8065 Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker Don’t take a gamble, Call Janet Campbell LOOKING TO INQUIRE ON YOUR HOME VALUE! Call me for a Comparative Market Analysis Before The SPRING RUSH!
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IJC Committee begins second phase of the expedited review of Plan 2014

The International Joint Commission (IJC)’s Great Lakes-St. Lawrence r iver Adaptive Management (GLAM) Committee, made up of government scientists and engineers and knowledgeable specialists from outside organizations, has begun work on the second phase of an expedited review of the binational regulation plan for Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence river, known formally as plan 2014 (plan). This is the plan that regulates Lake Ontario outflows into the St. Lawrence river and went into effect in January 2017.

This second phase of the plan’s review will strive to find improvements for managing Lake Ontario outflows, especially during extremely wet or dry periods to reduce impacts on the various uses and interests throughout the Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence river system. It should be noted that


The following students were named to the fall 2022 dean’s list at Nazareth College:

•Alessandra Agnello of rochester

•Kylie Baker of Brockport

•Ava Basset of Spencerport

•Madden Bates of Hilton

•Sierra Belardino of rochester

•Christopher Benedict of Brockport

•Ally Benson of Holley

•Andrew Bodensteiner of rochester

•Kristin Butts of Churchville

•Olivia Caldwell of Kendall

•Abigail Case of Spencerport

•Willow Clark of Hamlin

•Julia DeLucia of Spencerport

•Madeline Dembowski of rochester

•Madison Dobbertin of Brockport

•Jessica Donath of rochester

•Meadow Golden of Spencerport

•Jamie Hogancamp of rochester

•Grace Hunt of North Chili

•Amanda Inges of North Chili

•Dominika Jamberdino of rochester

•Devon Johnson of Brockport

•Morgan LaDue of Hamlin

•Audrey Lamendola of rochester

•Abigail Lee of Spencerport

•Mya Mahon of Churchville

•Jason Marchincin of Spencerport

•Julia Napolitano of rochester

•Joseph Nettles of Holley

•Morgan Noce of Churchville

•Isabella Orologio of rochester

•Katherine Paulus of rochester

•Bailey Pino of rochester

•Dalton Rapp of rochester

•Jenica Renke of Brockport

•Ethan Rivers of rochester

•Karlee Robb of Kendall

•Maria Rosato of rochester

•Daniel Shaw of rochester

•Isabella Sherron of rochester

•Christopher Sidoti of Hilton

•Olivia Skrotzki of rochester

•Kennedy Skuse of Churchville

•Austin Stroup of Brockport

•Shiana Susa of rochester

•Jessalyn Taylor of rochester

•Jose Trejo of rochester

•Jaelyn Turner of rochester

•Taylor Tydings of Hilton

•Camille Wright of rochester.

no regulation plan will be able to prevent extremely high or low water levels and flows or eliminate their impacts.

To do this, the GLAM Committee will be gathering and analyzing data that reflects the impacts of extreme high and low water across individuals, communities and organizations that live, work and enjoy the lake and river, as well as ecosystem impacts in the basin. Indigenous engagement, perspectives and traditional knowledge are also being considered as an important part of this review. The GLAM Committee’s efforts will include the re-establishment of a public Advisory Group initiated during the phase 1 effort to continue robust engagement with the public over the course of the review.

The expedited review is part of the IJC’s integrated adaptive management approach, which seeks to help address future uncer-

tainties due to climate change. In the case of plan 2014, the GLAM Committee follows this approach to continually review the outcomes and management of this regulation plan by assessing its performance and the challenges regulators face using a broad range of environmental and socio-economic indicators. The GLAM Committee will advise the International Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence river Board, who will evaluate whether adjustments to the plan may be warranted and should be recommended to the IJC.

The final results from the phase 2 effort are expected to be submitted to the IJC in the spring of 2025.

The phase 1 report is available online at: ijc.org/en/glam. The focus of phase 1 was to provide the International Lake Ontario – St. Lawrence river Board with better in-

formation to help them explore alternative deviation decisions should extremely high water as seen in 2017 and 2019 be repeated in the coming years. provided information and photo

The following students were named to the fall 2022 dean’s list at Mansfield univeristy, Mansfield, pennsylvania:

•Jonathan Consadine of Hilton

•Alexander Dean of Bergen.

The following students were named to the fall 2022 president’s list at Siena College, Loudonville, New york:

•Claire Donohue of Hilton

•Jon LeFrois of rochester (14624)

•Elizabeth Maloney of Spencerport.

Ariana Marseglia of Churchville, was named to the fall 2022 dean’s list at The university of Scranton, Scranton, pennsylvania.

The following students were named to the fall 2022 dean’s list at SuNy Cortland:

•Giavanna Bivone of Spencerport

•Alyssa Cusimano of Hilton

•Elisabeth Daley of rochester

•Travis Firkins of Hilton

•Meghan Hughes of North Chili

•Riley Letta of Hilton

•Emily Marino of Hilton

•Logan Martin of rochester

•Alayna Miller of Hilton

•Layla Myers of Hamlin

•Logan Ralyea of Hilton

•Hannah Ricotta of Hilton

•Madison Tortora of rochester

•Zachary Turlington of Hamlin

•Rianna Viavattene of rochester

•Alyssa Vukosic of rochester

•Cleo Wadkins of rochester.

Maeghan M. Kennard of Hamlin, was named to the fall 2022 dean’s list at Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, Vermont. She is a senior chemistry major and a graduate of Aquinas Institute.

Mitchell Buckert of Hilton was named to the fall 2022 dean’s list at The university of rhode Island, Kingston, rhode Island.

Kyle Kline of Churchville has been named to the fall 2022 dean’s list at Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida.

The following students were named to the fall 2022 dean’s list at The College at Saint rose, Albany:

•Amanda Stevens of rochester, majoring in music (BS)

•Abigail Menz of rochester, majoring in management (BS)

•Hekela O’Connor of Hilton, majoring in forensic psychology.

The following students were named to the 2022 fall president’s list at S uNy Cortland:

•Alyssa Cusimano of Hilton

•Elisabeth Daley of rochester (14624)

•Travis Firkins of Hilton

•Riley Letta of Hilton

•Emily Marino of Hilton

•Layla Myers of Hamlin

•Madison Tortora of rochester (14624)

• Rianna Viavattene of r ochester (14624).

The following students were named to the fall 2022 dean’s list at SuNy Morrisville:

•Hannah Martin of Brockport

•Nina Danno of Brockport

•Ryan George of Hilton

•Nadia Endulovski of rochester.

Madison Nunamaker of Hilton, was named to the fall 2022 dean’s list with honors at SuNy Brockport. She is a 2020 Hilton Central High School graduate.

Madison is the daughter of Patricia Maher and Steve Nunamaker of Hilton.

Angelica Reina of rochester, was named to the 2022 fall dean’s list at The university of Tampa, Tampa, Florida. reina is majoring in sport management BS.

Nicholas Frey of Churchville, was named to the 2022 fall dean’s list for academic excellence at Springfield College, Springfield, Massachusetts. Frey has a primary major of exer sci / applied ES.

Luke Dobles of Spencerport, was named to the 2022 fall dean’s list at Wilkes university, Wilkes-Barre, pennsylvania.

The following students were named to the 2022 fall dean’s list at Ithaca College:

•Jack DiBitetto of Hilton

•Anna Miller of Spencerport

•Ella Padilla of Spencerport

•Hannah Schultz of Spencerport

•Laney Sodoma of Brockport

•Riley Spurr of Brockport

•Mikayla Tolliver of rochester (14624)

•Gavin Tremblay of Brockport

•Julia Viavattene of rochester (14624).

The following students were awarded degrees on December 17, 2022 from Clarkson university:

•Brandon E. Baker of Brockport, received a master of science degree in applied data science

•Jennifer O’Brien of Churchville, received a bachelor of science degree with great distinction in chemical engineering, honors program, chemistry minor

•Owen Michael Mears of Spencerport, received a bachelor of science degree with distinction in electrical engineering, mathematics minor

•Evan Nathaniel Napper of Spencerport, received a bachelor of science degree in biology.

Rex Woodfield of North Chili, was named to the fall 2022 dean’s list at Susquehanna university, Selinsgrove, pennsylvania.

Carolyn Baker of North Chili, received the following degree from The university of Alabama: Doctor of Social Work.

Lake Ontario, New York.

Get A Sneak Peek Friday Mornings!

Digital copies of the Westside News print editions are now available for viewing Friday mornings. No need to wait for our carriers to deliver our publications to you. Plus, you can take a screenshot of anything in the paper for personal use. So, clip that coupon, save that article, send that photo to an out-of-town relative.


Westside News

Established 1953

Monroe County’s Mobile DMV Unit returns to Ogden Town Hall

encompasses two separate propositions focusing on Building Cadet Success.

“One of the district’s goals is to continue to be a destination district,” said Superintendent Dr. Casey Kosiorek. “We know one of the ways to maintain this is by providing first-class facilities for our students, staff, and community. We are excited to present this project to the community for their vote.”

Proposition #1 is a $37.2 million project that addresses maintenance and infrastructure improvements at all five schools identified in the five-year Building Condition Survey required by New York State and prioritized by the district’s Long Range Planning Committee. These projects focus on safety, energy efficiency, technology infrastructure and building maintenance.

Some of the projects include replacing fire alarm systems at all school buildings, including Transportation; air conditioning in the Merton Williams Middle School west classrooms and gymnasium; improving the acoustics in the Northwood

cafeterias; replacing the emergency generator at QUEST; and renovating the kitchen and JU cafeteria at Village.

Over the summer, the district asked the community to weigh in using two ThoughtExchange questions regarding a field house and performing arts center. Based on input from over 1,200 participants, over 800 thoughts shared, and nearly 39,000 ratings of those thoughts, the District and Board of Education decided to put forth Proposition #2, a $90 million project that would use existing space to create a Performing Arts Center and move spaces related to physical education and athletics to a new space that would be connected to Hilton High School.

“These additional spaces created from this project will be a tremendous resource, not only to our High School students, but to all our students K-12,” said Board of Education President Mark Hilburger. “We will have a state-of-the-art facility that all residents will be able to utilize right in our community.”

To learn more about the proposed Building Cadet Success Capital Project, residents are encouraged to attend a Public Information Meeting on Wednesday, March 1, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the Hilton High School auditorium, 400 East Avenue, Hilton. More information is also available on the Capital Project webpage, https://www.hilton.k12. ny.us/departments.cfm?subpage=5252. In addition, a special issue of the Insight will be mailed to district residents this month.

The Capital Project Vote will be held Wednesday, March 7, from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Parma Town Hall, 1300 Hilton Parma Corners Road, Hilton. All district residents will vote at this location. Provided information and photos

See additional renderings in the online version of this article at westsidenewsny.com.


public from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on the third Wednesday of every month at the Ogden Town Hall, 269 Ogden Center Road, Spencerport.

“Residents of Ogden and surrounding communities loved and appreciated the convenience of a DMV location here in town prior to the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Ogden Town Supervisor Mike Zale. “Since then, we have received an onslaught of calls and inquiries regarding its status, and I have vehemently advocated for its return. I urged county officials to expedite this process, worked diligently to ensure Town Hall was ready and equipped for DMV personnel, and have been in talks with the County Clerk’s Office every step of the way.

“I am thrilled that our calls were heard and that this invaluable service will once again be available to residents on the west side of Rochester. Now, they can once again enjoy the convenience of avoiding heavy traffic and longer drives to reach a DMV site.”

The Mobile DMV Unit will utilize updated equipment and technology, limiting connectivity issues and delays. During mobile hours, staff will

be available to process most requests and answer questions. However, Real IDs, Enhanced Licenses, and Permit testing will not be available at the Mobile Unit. Signs will be posted at the town hall to help residents and visitors find the unit in the town board room. Appointments are not required at this site.

“I’m grateful to Monroe County Clerk Jamie Romeo for her collaboration through this process. With Ogden as its host, we delivered this new and improved DMV site for the community and took extra steps to provide a safe and efficient alternative for residents,” concluded Zale. Provided information and photos

the communities of Spencerport-Ogden, Churchville-Riga, North Chili, Hilton-Parma February 19, 2023 Issue No. 8 westsidenewsny.com Serving Suburban News North and South edition areas EAST EDITION February 19, 2023
Ogden Town Supervisor Mike Zale (front) joins (left to right) Councilman Aaron Baker, Town Clerk Noelle Burley, Highway Superintendent Dan Wolf and Monroe County Clerk Jamie Romeo to announce the return of the Mobile DMV Unit at Ogden Town Hall.
The site will
Monroe County’s Mobile DMV Unit made its
return to
Ogden on Wednesday, February 15.
now be
to the
Rendering of the proposed Field House. Provided photo Rendering of the proposed auditorium (above) and chorus room (below). Plans also include a black box theater, green room, and scene shop. Rendering of the proposed indoor track.
2 Westside News East and West Editions - February 19, 2023 BBQ Catering bbqrochester.com 122 S Union St Spencerport 352-4227 Hours: M-Th 11-8; F 11-9; Sa 12-9; Su 1-8 3160 West Ridge Road 227-6474 In the Lowe’s Plaza • Hours: Open Daily 11-7 Don’t wait... Call Moose at 585-415-6069 to book your catering!! • Frito Pie•Chili Outlaw Potato • New Fried Items - French Fries, Chicken Wings, Chicken Tenders, Fried Pickles, Fried Okra, Hush Puppies, Crispy Chicken Sandwich, Beer Battered Haddock Sandwich, 1/3 Rack of Baby Back Ribs ($4 upcharge)

Spencerport teen charged with assaulting Cosgrove student

A 15-year-old Spencerport High School student was arrested on February 15 and charged with assault following a violent incident during afternoon dismissal on Monday, February 13, at Cosgrove Middle School. A video of the alleged assault circulated widely on social media, sparking concern and outrage in the community.

According to the Spencerport Central School District, the ninth-grade student allegedly sought out a student from Cosgrove Middle School during dismissal. In the video, the older student approaches the younger student and slams him to the ground. The district reported the incident to the law enforcement officials and is conducting its own investigation in accordance with the school’s code of conduct. The older student is currently suspended from school.

In a letter to district families, Superintendent Kristin Swann said, “This kind of behavior is reprehensible. It simply cannot and will not be tolerated.”

Ogden Police Chief Travis Gray said, “A prompt and thorough investigation into the assault was conducted by members of the Ogden Police Department while working in collaboration with the Spencerport Central School District.” As a result of their investigation and after speaking with the District Attorney’s Office, the ninth-grade student was arrested and charged with one count of Assault in the Third Degree.

“The individual who was arrested is 15 years old and is thereby considered a Juvenile Delinquent per the New York State Family Court Act. As such, the juvenile was issued an appearance ticket, directing him to appear in Family Court at a later date,” Chief Gray said.

Spencerport Board of Education Vice President Michael Miceli made the following statement at the school board meeting on February 14: “We are all parents. We are all concerned board and community members. We take this act of violence very seriously, and without question, we will

support any strict disciplinary consequences once the investigation concludes.

“We further understand it is our ongoing responsibility to make sure our students have a safe environment to learn. We are committed to building upon our security efforts in our schools and campus, and focusing on our programs and services to prevent behaviors such as what happened at Cosgrove from ever happening again.

“Finally, with this devastating video going viral, our primary concern is to support the well-being of our Cosgrove student. We respect the reactions being shared within our community, yet we must ask that we protect the privacy of our Cosgrove student as much as possible.”

The victim was evaluated by a medical practitioner and, according to police, has minor injuries but was not hospitalized. The school district says a plan is in place to ensure any additional services or support is provided upon request.

Provided information

Be a creative part of the Hilton Apple Fest tradition

The Hilton Apple Fest is looking for a special logo to commemorate the 2023 apple harvest celebration and this is your chance to design it.

Festival organizer Matt Ulakovic suggests using this opportunity as a fun way to connect with the history of the Hilton community – apples, orchards, harvests, and lake life are all meaningful concepts to get you thinking about a great design.

This year’s chosen logo will embellish hoodies, sweatshirts, t-shirts and other fun merchandise that will be available at this year’s festival on Saturday, September 30, and Sunday, October 1. The win-


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Sharing Himself so willingly

Who is faithful to defend

When on Him we depend

Always gentle and kind that loves

At all times

As a companion with comprehension

He’ll stick closer than a brother

A friend like no other.


Previous legal or court experience preferred. Duties include answering phones, processing payments, scheduling cases for hearings and trials, preparing dockets, correspondence with agencies, managing case files, interacting with public. Requires knowledge of basic legal terminology, excellent written and verbal communications, excellent organizational skills, confidentiality. Must be available on court days. Able to multi-task, work both independently and well with others. Competitive pay. NYS Retirement eligible. Resumes with cover letter to tcaporale@nycourts.gov or mail to Court, 18 State Street, Brockport, NY 14420. Deadline for submission, February 28, 2023. EOE

ner will also receive a $100 reward and complimentary sweatshirt featuring their winning design.

“If you’ve been to the Apple Fest, I encourage you to tap into your own Apple Fest memories, check out our past logos online, and think up something fun and original that shows your hometown pride,” Ulakovic says. “The theme is up to you – there’s no need to be excessively detailed. Just send in something fun and you might just win!”

A panel of community members will be joined by last year’s logo contest winner, Ben Rockafellow, in judging this year’s

entries, and the selected logo design will be announced this summer.

Submit new logo designs to Hilton Apple Fest Logo Contest; PO Box 1; Hilton, NY 14468, or e-mail to info@hiltonapplefest. org no later than Friday, March 17, 2023. Multiple entries are encouraged, but must be original creations and cannot be protected by any previous copyright. Please avoid using clip art. Visit HiltonAppleFest.org for the most reliable 2023 Hilton Apple Fest news and updates. Provided information

Career Development Ambassador Program established

to help educators promote career exploration for students

The New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL) has partnered with the New York State Education Department (NYSED) to launch the Career Development Ambassador Program. Schools play a crucial role in developing the state’s workforce. This four-week paid summer intensive training program will prepare teachers, certified work-based learning (WBL) coordinators, and school counselors to develop, implement, and deliver careerreadiness strategies for students across New York State. This program will assist educators of grades six to nine with helping their students understand and explore career options before they graduate high school, better preparing the workforce of the future.

“Students are the workforce of tomorrow, so we must lay the groundwork now to guide them into well-paying and fulfilling careers,” said New York State Department of Labor Commissioner Roberta Reardon. “This new program will support educators as they integrate career exploration into their lesson plans so our students will be better prepared to decide their career paths and participate in New York’s diverse economy.”

During the program, educators will develop career-readiness lesson plans that can be implemented at their respective schools with prior approval of school administration. This curriculum will include professional development, industry-specific career exploration, and career-related skill development, all of which will be shown in a final presentation and lesson demonstration at the end of the program. After completing the program, participants will receive a certificate of completion from NYSDOL, along with Continuing Teacher and Leadership Education (CTLE) credit.

Board of Regents Chancellor Lester W. Young, Jr. said, “The Board of Regents and Education Department are intent on building a 21st-century education system that supports all students. To do so requires that we apply everything we know about the science of learning and the art of teaching. This program will help teachers and counselors put students on a pathway to success – and provide the support they need to get there.”

State Education Commissioner Betty A. Rosa said, “Through this partnership with the Department of Labor we can expand

students’ opportunities to prepare for their futures, support the needs of New York State’s businesses, and provide improved economic security for the next generation. We must ensure students graduate prepared for the high-skill, high-wage, and high-demand occupations of our global economy, opening doors to career achievement.”

All New York State educators and qualifying staff with more than five years of experience who teach grades six to nine are eligible to apply (https://statejobs.ny.gov/public/vacancyDetailsView. cfm?id=123830). The program will focus on serving historically underserved communities, and those representing underserved communities are encouraged to apply. All regions of the state will be included in the program. This will be a joint effort between NYSDOL Career Centers, school districts, and local workforce partners and businesses.

Questions about the Teacher Ambassador Program can be sent to labor. sm.personnel.jva@labor.ny.gov. To see other training opportunities, visit dol. ny.gov/training-opportunities.

Provided information

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(585) 352-3411 • FAX (585) 352-4811 P.O. Box 106

1776 Hilton-Parma Corners Road (Route 259) Spencerport, NY 14559

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Office hours: Monday-Thursday.........................................9a.m.-4p.m. Friday..........................................................................Closed

ClosedSaturdayandSunday,MemorialDay,FourthofJuly, LaborDay,Thanksgiving,ChristmasandNewYear’sDay. Also,theofficeisclosedonFridayswhichprecedeMemorial.... Day,LaborDayaswellastheFridayfollowingThanksgiving.

Blood Drives

•Make an appointment to give blood or platelets by using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting RedCrossBlood.org or calling 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767). Upcoming blood donation opportunities: February 21, 1 to 6 p.m., Brockport Fireman’s Exempt Club, 248 West Avenue, Brockport; February 21, 1 to 6 p.m., Riga Town Hall, 6460 Buffalo Road, Churchville.

•Ferris-Goodridge American Legion Post #330 is hosting a blood drive on Wednesday, March 1, from 1 to 6 p.m. at the Post Home, 691 Trimmer Road, Spencerport. Appointments are encouraged; walk-ins will be taken if there is a spot available. For appointment information, visit https://www. redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-733-2767 (sponsor is Spencerport American Legion Post #330).

•American Red Cross Blood Drive on March 2, 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., in the Kendall Junior Senior High School Gym. To make an appointment or obtain a permission slip (16 years old), contact the Counseling Office at 585-659-8649 or schedule online at http://ow.ly/Y4Bp50MTxbF.

Canceled/Postponed Events

•The Pirate Toy Fund’s World’s Largest Snowball Fight and Winter Festival that were planned for February 18 in Chili have been postponed due to the weather conditions. Lack of snow and muddy grounds made it impossible to proceed at this time. For updated information, go to www. worldslargestsnowballfight.com.

Donations Needed

•Can and bottle donations to support the Pappert and Hertzlin families are being accepted at the following locations: 32 Burritt Road, Hilton (bin at the end of the driveway); St. George’s Church, 635 Wilder Road, Hilton (drop off bin); Five Cents Fast Bottle and Can Redemption Center, 650 Lake Avenue, Hilton (tell them “It’s for Luke” and they will take care of it for you). If you prefer to have someone to pick up your cans and bottles, email bottlesforluke@gmail.com to make arrangements. For an updated status on the families, visit https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/lukerickjimpappert2.

•Brockport First Baptist Church Teen Closet is collecting gently used prom dresses for students who are unable to purchase one. Prom dresses, formal gowns, or fancy party dresses, short or long, in current styles accepted. They should be clean and free of damage with no rips, stains, holes or tears. Collections date is Sunday, February 19, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Brockport First Baptist Church, 124 Main Street, Brockport. Also accepting donations of jewelry, gently used heels, and new unused makeup.


•The Harvey C. Noone American Legion in Churchville will be hosting NY’s premier Beatles band “Eight Days a Week” on Friday, March 3, at 7 p.m. There is a $5 cover, free for veterans. Call 293-1364 or email levans14428@yahoo.com to reserve a spot.

•The Village of Brockport presents a Winter Serenades concert featuring Chris Wilson on Sunday, February 19, 3 to 4:30 p.m., at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 14 State Street, Brockport. Chris Wilson is an internationally renowned singer and guitarist who plays a repertoire of old favorites and original compositions. YouTube live streaming available at stlukesbrockport.org. For information, call 637-5300 ext. 110 or visit www.brockportny.org.

•The Gathering Table, free community dinner, will be held on Sunday, February 19, at Brockport First Baptist Church, 124 Main Street, from noon to 1 p.m. The menu will be pasta with meatballs, salad, applesauce, rolls, and dessert. The Teen Closet will be open 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. with free clothing and accessories available.

•Pancake Dinner on Tuesday, February 21, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Parma Greece United Church of Christ, 1211 Manitou Road at the Latta Road intersection. The event is open to the public at no charge, however a free will offering will be gratefully accepted. The menu will include three pancakes, two pieces of breakfast meat, applesauce and beverages. Gluten free pancakes and plant based ‘meats’ will also be available in addition to dairy free condiments. For information, call 585392-6120.

•Euchre every Tuesday from September to June, 7 p.m., at the Hamlin Exempts, 1382 Lake Road North, Hamlin. Partners Tournament, $5 per person. Play 8 hands - 8 games, 10 cent bumps. For information, call Tim Markle at 978-1598 or Alice Slate at 478-4721.


•Next to New Sale at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 158 East Avenue, Hilton, on February 24 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and February 25 from 9 a.m. to noon (half price all morning).

•The Harvey C. Noone American Legion in Churchville is looking for crafters and vendors for their spring craft show on Saturday, May 13, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be indoor and outdoor spaces, plenty of parking, and the show will be advertised. Contact Tish Juergens at levans14428@ yahoo.com for more information.

•Soup to Go Sale at Hilton United Methodist Church, 21 West Avenue, Hilton. Choose from Chicken & Rice or Chili for $12 per quart. Cookies also available, four for $2. Pick up on Saturday, February 25, between 10 and 11 a.m. Limited number available. Order now through February 22 by calling HUMC at 585-392-8761 between 9:30 a.m. and noon.

•Go all in for Aurora House at their Casino Night fundraiser on April 21 at the Italian American Community Center. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. The night features hors d’oeuvres, live music, gaming chips, raffles and prizes. Early bird special offer and package pricing available. Find more information and purchase tickets at aurorahousewmc. com.

•RMSC Uncorked & On Tap fundraiser is March 4, 6 to 10 p.m., at the RMSC Museum & Science Center. This tasting event pairs fermentation, food, and fun in a fundraising event bringing dozens of local food, craft beer, wine, and spirit vendors to the RMSC. Enjoy an evening of sampling, entertainment, and unique insights into the science of wine, beer, and spirits. Purchase tickets in advance at https://rmsc.org/events/uncorked-on-tap/.

Government Meetings

•Assemblyman Steve Hawley will be holding outreach office hours Tuesday, February 21, 1 to 3 p.m., in the Conable Technology Building, Room T124, at Genesee Community College’s Batavia Campus. Residents will have the opportunity to meet with members of his staff to discuss their concerns regarding state government and local issues.

•Chili: Town Offices closed for President’s Day on February 20. Parks and Recreation Committee meets February 21, 6 p.m. at 3237 Chili Avenue, New Community Center.

•Hamlin: Zoning Board of Appeals meets Tuesday, February 21, 7 p.m., at the Town Hall, 1658 Lake Road, Hamlin.

•Parma: Town Board meets February 21, 6:30 p.m., at 1300 Hilton Parma Corners Road, Hilton.


•Lifestyle as Medicine Lecture Series welcomes Akil Taher, MD, presenting “Prevention, Treatment, and Reversal of Heart Disease” on Thursday, February 23, from 7 to 8 p.m. on Zoom. Dr. Taher is a resurgent physician, a septuagenarian athlete, and an open-heart surgery survivor. The program is free with an optional donation. Register at https://rochesterlifestylemedicine.org/calendar/.

•The Parkinson’s Foundation is holding a free online program, Expert Briefing: Parkinson’s & Medications – What’s New, on Wednesday, March 8, from 1 to 2 p.m. Register at https://bit. ly/3Ka5SVe.

•Residents in the Riga area are welcome to come to Union Church, 14 North Main Street, Churchville, to pick up a box of nutritious food for their families. Distribution is made every third Tuesday of each month between 4 and 5 p.m. Drive into the church parking lot and follow the signs. For information, call 293-1665.

•The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline offers 24/7 call, text, and chat access to trained crisis counselors who can help those experiencing suicidal, substance use, and/or mental health crises, or any other kind of emotional distress.

•New Yorkers struggling with an addiction, or whose loved ones are struggling, can find help and hope by calling the state’s toll-free, 24-hour, 7-day-a-week HOPEline at 1-877-8-HOPENY (1877-846-7369) or by texting HOPENY (Short Code 467369). Available addiction treatment including crisis/detox, inpatient, residential, or outpatient care can be found using the NYS OASAS Treatment Availability Dashboard at FindAddictionTreatment.ny.gov.


•Robert Westbrook presents “Sara Morgan, American Girl” on March 1, 7 p.m., at the Morgan-Manning House, 151 Main Street, Brockport. Free and open to the public. Refreshments of German beer and pretzels to follow.

Library Programs

•The Hamlin Public Library is open Mondays/ Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Tuesdays/ Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Fridays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Storytime is Monday, February 20, at 10:30 a.m. On Monday, February 20, at 2 p.m. the library will conclude its contribution to a Guinness Book of World Records Plastic Pull tab program by counting and connecting all the donated pull tabs. Lego Club is Wednesday, February 22, from 1 to 3 p.m. March Lego Club is Thursday, March 2, at 6 p.m. The March Homeschool program featuring Grace Browning, RPO Harpist, is Wednesday, March 8, at 1 p.m. in the Hamlin Town Hall Gym. Rainbow Windchime/Room Decor craft program for kids and teens is Saturday, March 11, at 11 a.m. Registration is required for all programs except Preschool Storytime. For more information, call 964-2320, go to hamlinlibraryny.org, or visit the library’s Facebook page.

•Hoag Library in Albion is open Monday-Thursday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Meeting rooms are available to the public (reservation form on website). OneOn-One Tech Help, Wednesdays by appointment. Free books for ages 0 to 5: register your child for the Books from Birth program. TGIF Craft Day, Fridays, 1 p.m., please register.

•Newman Riga Library, 1 South Main Street, Churchville, is open Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays from 11 a.m. to 5 p. m.; Tuesdays/Thursdays 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Saturdays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Join Ms. Jenna for Preschool Storytime Thursday mornings at 10:30 a.m. now through March 30 (no storytime February 23). Stories, fingerplays, songs and fun for children ages 3-5. No registration is required. For information, call 293-2009, go to newmanrigalibrary.org, or visit the library’s Facebook page.

•Ogden Farmers’ Library, 269 Ogden Center Road, is open Monday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Tuesday through Thursday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday and Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (opening at 10 a.m. every third Friday). Story time every Tuesday and Friday at 10:15 a.m. Rotating registration-required kids events every Thursday 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.: Drawing Club (first Thursday), LEGO Club (second Thursday), ROCDOG Therapy Dog Visit (third Thursday), Pokémon Trainers Club (fourth Thursday). Walking Club for all ages every Thursday from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., meeting at the library. Adult Book Club meets every fourth Thursday. More information at OgdenLibrary.com or on facebook. com/ogdenfarmerslibrary.

•Parma Public Library, 7 West Avenue, Hilton is holding the following events (no registration unless indicated): Baby Storytime & Sensory Play – Tuesday, February 21, 10:30 a.m., recommended for ages 0 to 3. Teen Tuesday – February 21, 3 to 4 p.m., for youth in grades 7 to 12 to enjoy snacks, games, crafts, and Netflix. Wednesday Storytime – February 22, 10:30 a.m., recommended for ages 2 to 5, but all ages are welcome. African Drumming with Mayukwa – Wednesday, February 22, 1 p.m., for all ages. Singing, dancing, and African drumming presented by Mayukwa from Building Families First, Inc. This will be an energetic and interactive program, so bring water and comfortable clothes. Free Vision Screening for Children – Wednesday, February 22, 2 to 4 p.m., for children 6 months to age 12. Hilton Lions Club volunteers will use a spot camera to screen for six risk factors for vision problems. The information can then be passed on and shared with eye care specialists and doctors to receive appropriate care for the patient. Family BINGO – Thursday, February 23, 6 to 6:45 p.m., all ages. Puzzle Frame Craft – Friday, February 24, 1 to 3 p.m., for all ages. Drop in to make a puzzle piece frame; all supplies are provided (besides the photo). For information, call 392-8350 or visit www.parmapubliclibrary.org.

•This is a sample of programs held at the Seymour Library, 161 East Avenue, Brockport, 637-1050. For complete information, visit seymourlibraryweb. org. Programs marked with an * require advance registration. Tail Waggin’ Tutors Joey & Cissy – Mondays, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., for ages 4 to 12 to practice their reading skills with a supportive canine listener. “As the Pages Turn” Book Club – Wednesday, February 22, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. This month’s choice is Demon Copperhead, by Barbra Kingsolver. Find a copy of the book on the “As The Pages Turn” display shelf. Cultural Differences and Hosting Exchange Students – Thursday, February 23, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Ever thought about hosting an exchange student? Find out about all the fun and culture you can learn about during the experience. In Stitches* – Friday, February 24, noon to 2 p.m., Lorraine D’Angelo and Leslie Boedicker will be teaching basic sewing machine use to make a pillowcase. Sewing machines will be provided, but if you have one at home you may wish to bring it.


•The Hubbard Springs Garden Club of Chili meets the third Monday of each month (September through June), 6:30 p.m., at the Chili Recreation Center, Room 212, 3237 Chili Avenue. New members welcome. Contact Maryann Wagner (President) at 585-766-1077, for information.

•The Clarkson Democratic Committee meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month (February 22), 6 p.m., at the Clarkson Court House. All are welcome.

•Brockport Fire District meets the first and third Monday of the month (February 20), 6:30 p.m., at Station #3, 191 West Avenue, Brockport.

•Hamlin Morton Walker Board of Fire Commissioners holds a regular business meeting on the third Monday of the month (February 20) at 7 p.m. and a workshop meeting the fourth Thursday of the month (February 23) at 7 p.m. All meetings are held at the Hamlin Morton Walker Fire District Building, 1521 Lake Road, Hamlin.


•Bingo every Tuesday, 1 p.m. at the Hilton Community Center Ingham Room for anyone 55+. Loose change is preferred.

4 Westside News East and West Editions - February 19, 2023
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Submit Calendar listings by email

Village of Brockport Winter Serenades

Brockport’s own Chris Wilson, internationally recognized musician/singer/songwriter, performs at 3 p.m. on Sunday, February 19. The performance is the second of four Winter Serenades presented by the Village of Brockport at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, corner of Main and State Streets. No tickets are required for this free event.

Following the performance, there will be a public reception in the upstairs gathering room. Information is available at www.brockportny.org and at 585-637-5300. The performance will be available via YouTube on the stlukesbrockport.org site.

Provided information

Award-winning author, cultural historian to deliver SUNY Brockport’s MLK Lecture February 23

Dr. Imani Perry, the Hughes-Rogers Professor of African American Studies at Princeton University, will deliver the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Lecture Series at SUNY Brockport on February 23. The presentation will take place at 7 p.m. in the Fannie Barrier Williams Building’s McCue Auditorium.

Perry’s work reflects the history of Black thought, art, and imagination. It is also informed by her background as a legal historian. She is the author of South to America: A Journey Below the Mason Dixon to Understand the Soul of a Nation, which won the National Book Award. It is a narrative journey through the American South, positioning it as the heart of the American experiment. It was named a best book of 2022 by The New Yorker, Time, Kirkus, and Oprah Daily

Her writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Atlantic, New York Magazine , and Harper’s among other publications.

Provided information

Presenting with Pizza – Blue Barn tells all

The Hilton-Parma Senior Center holds a monthly program, Presenting with Pizza, where a local presenter speaks about history or another interesting topic. Presentations begin at 10:30 a.m., last approximately 60 to 75 minutes and are followed by lunch consisting of a slice of pizza, salad, fruit, and drink.

On Monday, February 27, the owners from Blue Barn Cidery, Jeremy and Jill, will explain about the origins of the cidery, the process of hard cider development, and what Blue Barn has to offer the community in 2023. Topics of discussion will also cover changes in agriculture, Pomona and the wedding industry, and

what to expect from Blue Barn in the future. Cider tastings will be sampled by those wishing to do so. A question-and-answer session will be available for everyone attending.

Pre-registration is required. The speaker fee is $5 per participant with any lunch contributions accepted on the day of the lunch. The deadline to register is Wednesday, February 22. To register and for more information, contact the Hilton-Parma Senior Center at 392-9030 or register online at www. hprecreation.org.

Provided information

Hilton Alumni Association to host Casino Night

The community is invited to join the Hilton Alumni Association on Saturday, April 15, for a night of Las Vegas style games, raffles, auctions, some good food and a cash bar. Auction items include NFL and MLB signed items, tickets to the PGA Championship at Oak Hill Country Club in May, and more. There will be door prizes, raffle prizes, 50-50 raffles and a prize wheel.

This event will be held from 7 to 11 p.m. at the Hilton Exempts Club, 135 South Avenue, Hilton. Reservations are $50 for a single entry and $90 for a double entry and can be made on

the Hilton Alumni Association’s website at www. hiltonalumniassociation.org. A limited number of reservations are available, so making reservations early is recommended.

Those who cannot attend this year’s Casino Night but wish to support the Hilton Alumni Association’s fundraising efforts can still help by making a donation or offering an auction item or gift basket for the raffles. Call 585-330-3755 for more information on how to participate.

All net proceeds will benefit the Hilton Alumni Association’s Grants and Scholarships Program. Provided information

Tamara Wilcox celebrates “Women and Keyboards” at February 27 concert

SUNY Brockport Department of Theatre and Music Studies faculty member Tamara Wilcox is giving a recital, “Women and Keyboards,” on Monday, February 27, at 7:30 p.m. The concert will take place at the Tower Fine Arts Center, 180 Holley Street, Brockport. Tickets are $5 at the door. Wilcox will be playing five different types of keyboards, a few of which have been donated to the department by key benefactors of the University. The keyboards include piano, pianoforte, harpsichord, spinet, and even a toy piano. The fortepiano and harpsichord were made by John O’Connor and his father, longtime piano technicians who serviced the many keyboard instruments located throughout the Brockport campus. Both were in the collection of Dr. Ian Henderson, professor emeritus. The English bentside spinet was made by a student in one of the keyboard construction classes that used to be offered

as part of the curriculum. During her contemporary fortepiano piece, Wilcox will be joined by former Brockport faculty member, Dr. Nancy Washer, who will accompany her on the Tenor Viol.

Several centuries of music written by female composers will be covered by Wilcox, including many works rarely heard. In addition, she has developed relationships with an international array of contemporary women composers from whom she has solicited music, some of which are world or North American premieres. There are also a few familiar names on the program including Florence Price, the first Black woman to have her music played by a major American orchestra, and Meredith Monk, a multi-hyphenate artist who has been awarded the National Medal of Arts, the highest honor in the United States specifically given for achievement in the arts. Each instrument will be heard in both historic and contemporary pieces, except for the toy piano, which will feature two living composers.

Now, what do pieces of music specifically composed for the toy piano sound like? Maybe a little bit like a calliope organ. But also a little bit like the ice cream truck coming down the street. All are invited to come hear them for themselves and then decide.

Wilcox has been a full-time Music Studies faculty member in the Department of Theatre and Music Studies since 2016. Her current research interests include collaborative piano performance, piano pedagogy, therapeutic applications of music, the Jaques-Dalcroze approach to music education, and Jin Shin Jyutsu for the performing artist.

This is your last chance to have a free listing for your local club, non-profit organization or museum included in the 27th Edition of the Hometown Community Directory. This year we will include all such listings that appeared in the last directory. To change any of that listing information we must hear from you by Monday, March 20th. If you are part of any such organization and wish to have information for it included we must also hear from you by that deadline. Simply fill out the form below and send it to the address indicated. Or you may forward the information to us by copying this form and faxing it to us at 352-4811 (DO NOT fax the newspaper copy) or e-mail us at info@ westsidenewsny.com.

NOTE: Churches will only be listed if a contract has been signed for advertising or the church purchases an ad in the Directory.

Tamara Wilcox will play five different types of keyboards during her concert on February 27. Provided photo

Wilcox maintains a private piano studio, teaching students both locally and remotely. She is also a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner and offers Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help classes for students and the greater Brockport community. Provided information

Westside News East and West Editions - February 19, 2023 5 Payable to Westside News Inc. Westside News Inc. P.O. Box 106 Spencerport, NY 14559 ___$43.15___$70.15 ___$43.15___$70.15 ___$43.15___$70.15 ___$43.15___$70.15
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NOTICE Deadline to Respond: MONDay, MaRCh 20 WESTSIDE NEWS INC. Publishers of • Westside News East & West • Greece News • Hometown Community Directory Send Form To: Free Listing, Hometown Community Directory c/o Westside News Inc. P.O. Box 106, Spencerport, NY 14559 Name of Organization Address Phone Contact Person___________________________________________ Phone (If different from above)______________________________
Dr. Imani Perry. Photo by Sameer Khan.

applications open for new York’s new $250 million climate Friendly homes Fund

Applications for New York’s new $250 million Climate Friendly Homes Fund (CFHF) are now open. The program is administered by the Community Preservation Corporation and will make awards to owners of multifamily rental properties to increase energy efficiency and decrease a building’s greenhouse gas emissions. The program is expected to assist 10,000 units of multifamily housing in economically disadvantaged communities by 2027.

As part of the State’s strategy to curb building emissions and establish two million climate-friendly, electrified or electrification-ready homes by 2030, the Climate Friendly Homes Fund will provide financial assistance to small build-

death notices

Brockport, Rochester, Ontario: Pre-deceased by his father George Reynolds, survived by his wife Gloria D., sons Matthew J. (Tina) and Brian; grandchildren Chance (Azucena), Mason, Aidan, Aiden, Avery, Ava, Rylee and Asher; mother Lucille Reynolds, St. Ann’s home; siblings Marilyn Reynolds, Naples, FL., Paul (Betty) Reynolds, Syracuse, Carol (Bill) Roberts, Rochester, Bill (Tracey) Reynolds, Ontario, Robert, Williamson, Tim (Deanna) Reynolds, Williamson, John, Minneapolis, Sue (Chris) Steinruck, Williamson. Many nieces and nephews and grandnieces and nephews; aunts and numerous cousins; as well as many in-laws.

ing, playing with his grandchildren, enjoyed watching

A Funeral Service will be held on Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 6:00 PM at Fowler Funeral Home, Inc. in

Paul T. Knechtges

Churchville – Paul T. Knechtges, 83 of Churchville passed away on Monday, (February 13, 2023) at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester.

Mr. Knechtges was born December 3, 1939 in Detroit, Michigan a son of the late John P. and Mary Lorraine (MacKay) Knechtges.

Paul discovered his passion for baseball at a young age in the Motor City. He pursued it passionately and relentlessly throughout his playing days and eventually became a professional left-handed relief pitcher in the best, deepest organization of the 60s, the Baltimore Orioles, where he made a name for himself and contributed to several championship clubs.

After his baseball career, PK, as he often went by, dedicated his life to serving others in various roles. He worked at Highland Hospital, Hill Heating, The Episcopal Church Home, and Gates-Chili Central School District. However, he found himself drawn back to his first love. This time coaching kids. He was the first nonteacher at Gates-Chili to crossover from District Administration to be Pitching Coach for the Varsity Baseball team.

Additionally, Paul was also an active member of the community, devoting much of his time to the Churchville Lions, Churchville Youth Association, and St. Christopher’s Golf League. He was known for his kind heart, unwavering dedication, sense of humor and smile. He was a parishioner of St. Vincent de Paul Church.

Those who knew him remember Paul as a kind and caring person who made a lasting impact on them and others. He was always willing to lend a helping hand, provide great advice and a shoulder to lean on.

Surviving are his wife, M. Diane (Dodge) Knechtges of Churchville; son, John P. Knechtges, II of Chili; and a brother, John C. Knechtges of Clawson, Michigan. Several nieces and nephews also survive.

Family and friends called on Friday, February 17, from 4:00 to 8:00 pm at H.E. Turner & Co. Funeral Home, 51 South Lake Avenue in Bergen. Paul’s Mass of Christian Burial was held at 10:00 am on Saturday, February 18, 2023 from St. Pius X Church, 3010 Chili Avenue, in Rochester. Burial will be in St. Vincent de Paul Cemetery in Churchville. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the family for distribution to various charities. Please leave a condolence, share a story, or light a candle at www.bataviafuneralhomes.com.

ing owners to offset the costs of an energy audit and physical needs assessment to identify opportunities for reducing carbon emissions. Eligible improvements include electrifying the building’s heating and cooling, and domestic hot water systems, as well as basic upgrades to improve the efficiency of the building envelope and ventilation systems.

To qualify, buildings must have between five and 50 units and must also meet at least one of the following criteria:

•The building must be subject to an existing regulatory agreement, or under the supervision of New York State Homes and Community Renewal.

•The building must be in a low- to moderate-income census


•Brongo, Laurie (Knight), of Rochester, died suddenly February 13, 2023 at age 54. She was predeceased by her father, Robert Knight; and her husband, Kenneth Brongo. She is survived by her two sons, Michael Scanlon and TJ Scanlon; her mother, Beverly Ashley; her siblings, Michelle (Alex) Corredor, Kristen (Jeff) Nuccitelli, Brian (Michele) Beenhouwer, and Phil Beenhouwer; her step-sons, Jeremy (Graziela) Brongo and Michael (Tina) Brongo; many grandchildren, nieces and nephews; numerous loved ones and dear friends. She was a teacher and Vice Principal at St. Joseph’s Villa, Rochester, where she devoted herself to educating and working with underprivileged children in the Rochester community. Laurie took pride in being there for others and helping those in need; whether it was during her time teaching or for those she loved dearly, Laurie always placed the needs of others above her own.

Laurie’s life will be celebrated with a Service on Saturday, February 18, at 12 noon at Glendoveers, 2328 Old Browncroft Blvd., Rochester 14625. Burial will be held at the convenience of the family at St. John’s Cemetery, Spencerport. In loving memory of Laurie, please do something special for someone you meet. Arrangements entrusted to the Thomas E. Burger Funeral Home, Hilton.

•Pappa, Beverly J., died February 13, 2023 at age 88. Predeceased by her husband, Edward; and daughter, Lori Ann. Survived by her children, Edward (Roberta Farrell), Darlene (Anthony) Molinelli and Donald (Lisa); siblings, Phyllis Hartwigh, Gloria (Frank) Boccia and William (Linda) Andrews; brother-in-law, Richard (Lois); sisters-in-law, Dorothy Ellis and Janet Scheuerman; son-in-law, Tony Hurd; many grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews and dear friends.

Her Funeral Service was held February 17 at the Leo M. Bean and Sons Funeral Home, Chili. Interment, Grove Place Cemetery. Contributions can be made to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society in her memory.


•Cuthbert, Donald Louis, died February 3, 2023 at age 94. He is predeceased by his loving wife of 65 years, Barbara Ann Cuthbert, brother, Talbot Cuthbert, brother-in-law, Ed Anderson, sister-in-law Helen Miller. Survived by daughter, Patricia Jean Habets (John); son, Steven Ernest Cuthbert (Patrice); Judi Greenberg, mother of grandsons Joshua (Molly), Jeffrey and Ted Cuthbert; granddaughter Jessica Kelleher (Patrick); grandson, Matthew Habets (Lauren); four great grandchildren; brother in-law, James Anderson (Rose); sister-in-law Judy Anderson, several nieces and nephews. He was a veteran of the US Air Force and served from 1946-1949 in Arabia and Iraq in the Air Rescue Unit as an aircraft mechanic following 16 years in the reserves. He was a machinist at Mixing Equipment Company for 50 years and had several part time jobs. He enjoyed the outdoors, photography, searching & documenting family genealogy, volunteering at his church and local hospital and belonged to the Masonic organization.

There will be a Celebration of Life in May at the Brockport United Methodist Church TBA. The family welcomes contributions to the Veterans or the Memorial Tree Program in his honor. Arrangements entrusted to Fowler Funeral Home, Brockport.

•Koss, Herbert B., died February 9, 2023 at age 92. Predeceased by his loving wife of 69 years, Dorothy (Brower) Koss, son, Ronald Koss, parents, John and Lillian Koss, several brothers, sisters and in-laws. Survived by his loving and dedicated children, John Koss, Michele Koss, Cheryl (Thomas) Laney, Douglas (Theresa) Koss; brother, Richard Koss; granddaughters, Katherine Mcgee, Sarah Laney, Jamie (Matthew) Reynolds, Jessica Koss and Amanda Hart; five great grandchildren; many nieces, nephews, in-laws, friends and neighbors; his constant dog companion, Abby. Herb was a Korean War veteran serving in the US Army. He was a dedicated volunteer of the Brockport Fire Department and Brockport Exempts.

A Graveside Service will be held Friday, May 26, 2023 at Mt. Olivet Catholic Cemetery, Brockport. Contributions can be made to The Brockport Firemen’s Exempt, 248 West Avenue, Brockport, NY 14420 in his memory. Arrangements entrusted to the Fowler Funeral Home, Brockport. chili

•Alves, Gloria C. (Balliet), died February 7, 2023 at age 88. Predeceased by her husband, Joseph P. Alves and son, Joseph M. Alves. Survived by her children, Mardell (Bob) Brabant, Alice (Frank) Cutaiar, David (Karolyn) Alves, Paul Alves, Janice (Jeff) Beane, Daniel (Bonnie) Alves; grandchildren, Erin (Matthew) Wermuth, Joshua (Jessica) Brabant, Ryan Brabant, Frank (Chessa) Cutaiar, Trevor (Stephanie) Cutaiar, Justin and Jordan Alves, Kristen Marrese, Jon (Katie) Marrese, Megan (Randall) Cason; five great grandchildren; sisters-in-law, Diane Smith and Jean Alves; many nieces,

block as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Community Development Block Grant program or located in a Disadvantaged Community as defined in the New York State Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.

Applications for the Climate Friendly Homes Fund, as well as eligibility criteria and more information on the program is available on the Climate Friendly Homes Fund Program landing page, https://communityp.com/climate-friendlyhomes-fund/. Program information is also available on HCR’s website, https://hcr.ny.gov/climate-friendly-homes-fund. Provided information

nephews and friends. Glo thoroughly enjoyed being involved in the daily activities of her family. She will be remembered and dearly missed in every part of every day. Her Funeral Mass was said February 15 at St. Pius Tenth Church, Chili. Private interment, Grove Place Cemetery. Contributions can be made to Lollypop Farm, 99 Victor Road, Fairport, NY 14450 in her memory. Arrangements entrusted to the Leo M. Bean and Sons Funeral Home, Chili.

•Smith, Hetta L., born September 11, 1942 in St. Louis, MO to the late Loarn and Mary Spiller. Died February 12, 2023 at age 80. Predeceased by her loving husband, Albert Smith; and brother, Raymond Spiller. Survived by her children, John (Renee) Spiller, Nichola Kier, Bradley (Heather) White, Brian (Ivette) White, and Brenda (Brian) Buck-Smith; Gramma and B-ma to 11 grandchildren, Colt Spiller, Chelsie (Scott) Nielsen, Chauntelle (Jaren) Gates, Christopher (Janna) Spiller, Jennifer (Tim) Durfee, Michelle (Buddy) Baur, Tyler, Joshua, Jared, Jack and Julia White; and 11 great-grandchildren. Hetta spent most of her working years at One Step Tree & Lawn Care as one of the key office personnel from mid-1980s until her retirement in 2016. Hetta was a very wonderful and unique woman. She had her own way for just about everything. Something she fondly referred to as “Hetta-logic.”

Her Celebration of Life Service was held February 17, in the chapel at Riverside Cemetery. Contributions can be made to Webster Comfort Care Home, 700 Holt Road, Webster, NY 14580 in her memory. Arrangements entrusted to the Leo M. Bean and Sons Funeral Home, Chili.

•Staglin, Rita R. “Ruth,” died February 12, 2023 at age 95. She was a long-time employee of Sears and Roebucks, where she worked in Advertising. She was predeceased by her husband, Frank Staglin; mother, Helen Catherine (Oberlies); father, Louis George Klee; brother, David Jean Klee, his wife Joan (Martin); and her very dear cousin, Sister Mary Agnes Tierney SSJ. She is survived by her niece, Susan Guarracino (John); nephews, Paul Martin Klee (Laura), Peter Michael Klee, and several other nephews. Rita had a large circle of friends throughout her lifetime, whom she valued and treasured deeply. Rita was one of the most caring and generous women around. She was a very devout Catholic woman, and her faith kept her going.

Her Celebration Mass was held February 16 at St. Pius Tenth Church, Chili. Interment, St. Pius Cemetery. Contributions can be made to Lollypop Farm, 99 Victor Road, Fairport, NY 14450 in her memory. Arrangements entrusted to the Leo M. Bean and Sons Funeral Home, Chili.


•Fedigan, Doris G. “Busha” (Macey), died January 30, 2023, at age 88. Predeceased by her loving husband, George R. “Bud” Fedigan II; grandson, Terry Fedigan; brother and sister-in-law, Leonard and Fran Macey. Survived by her son, George C. (Karen) Fedigan; grandson, George C. (Shannon) Fedigan II; great-grandchildren, Benjamin and Sophia Fedigan.

A Memorial Service was held February 18 at St. Martin de Porres Parish at St. Vincent de Paul Church, Churchville. Burial in St. Vincent de Paul Cemetery. Arrangements entrusted to Walker Brothers Funeral Home, Spencerport.


•Lancaster, Nancy J., died February 11, 2023, at age 87. Predeceased by her parents, Clifford and Jessie Johnson. Survived by her children, Steven Lancaster, Scott (Laura) Lancaster, Stewart Lancaster, Stacey (Nataliya Myahkota) Lancaster; grandchildren, Brian (Amanda) Lancaster, Mark Lancaster, Matthew (Samantha Hutt) Lancaster; greatgrandchildren, Romeo, Troy, and Axle.

Private interment in Riga Cemetery. Donations in Nancy’s memory can be made to the Churchville Fire Department, 24 Washington Street, Churchville, NY 14428. Arrangements entrusted to Walker Brothers Funeral Home, Spencerport.


•Pulitano, Virginia (Zavaglia), died February 13, 2023, at age 84. She is predeceased by her husband, John A. Pulitano; father and mother, Anthony and Angelina Zavaglia; brothers, Frank and Dick Zavaglia; sister, Carol Sciortino; loving sisters-in-law, Rose Pulitano, Maria Repice, Victoria Pulitano and Agatha LaRosa; granddaughter-in-law, Ashley LoBrutto. She is survived by her daughters, Julie (Tom) Ross, Jeanette Pulitano LoBrutto; grandchildren, Crystal (Walter) MacDonald, Gia (Timothy) Paddock, Michael (Heather) LoBrutto, Anthony LoBrutto (Maren Aldrich), Brianna Ross; seven great grandchildren; sister, Catherine Bartolone; many nieces, nephews and cousins. Her Funeral Mass was celebrated February 17 at St. John the Evangelist Church, Spencerport. Entombment, Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Donations can be directed to Aurora House, 2495 South Union Street, Spencerport, NY 14559 in her memory,

6 Westside News East and West Editions - February 19, 2023
James W. Reynolds

A ceremony was held February 7 to confer diplomas on mid-year graduates Jerome Brown Jr., Johnathan Hofstra, Sky Makowiecki (not pictured), and Maddox J. Tonner. The graduates are pictured here with members of Brockport Administration and the Board of Education. Provided photo.

Four BHS seniors graduate in winter ceremony

On February 7, 2023, Brockport High School held a ceremony to confer the diplomas of mid-year graduates Jerome Brown Jr., Johnathan Hofstra, Sky Makowiecki, and Maddox J. Tonner. Students were joined by their families as well as members of Brockport Administration and the Board of Education as they moved their tassels and accepted their diplomas.

The keynote address was delivered by Mr. Michael Pincelli, Principal at Brockport High School. Pincelli spoke about the importance moments of change will have on their lives and even the best laid plans will have moments where they will go awry. The prin-

cipal commended the soon-to-be graduates on their adaptability but also their hard work and dedication to their education, all important skills to have as they set forth on the path of life.

As the students’ names were called, Assistant Principals Michael Bourne and David Iacchetta alternated introducing the graduates and speaking on their achievements in the district and in life.

Once the ceremony had finished, guests were welcomed to stay and enjoy light refreshments in celebration of their graduates’ accomplishments. Provided information

Get out & grow!

Leaf and flower buds in winter

Many plants, especially trees and shrubs, begin developing leaf and flower buds for spring growth during the end of the previous growing season. You may have noticed that after leaves fall in the autumn, new buds are already in place. A flower or leaf bud is simply compressed or undeveloped tissue that typically sticks out from plant stems.

In our region, where we experience all four seasons, most plants go dormant in the winter. The cold, harsh conditions make it impossible for plants to actively grow. This time of plant rest is known as dormancy. At the end of the growing season, shortening day length triggers plants to “harden-off.” They go through the process of acclimation, slowing and then finally stopping their growth. Plants with leaves withdraw nourishment from them and the leaves die back and fall to the ground.

The buds help protect young leaves and flowers during the winter. Additionally, plants have ways of preventing breaking dormancy too early. Each plant – especially fruit trees – have a chilling requirement or chill hours. This is the number of hours the plant needs temperatures between 32° F and 45° F before dormancy is broken and flower buds begin to grow. Times when the temperature drops below 32° F or rises above 45° F do not count toward the chilling requirement. Somehow, plants are able to track these hours. Apples, for example, need 800 to 1,000 chill hours; plums need 400 to 700.

Even though plants have ways to protect their buds from winter damage, cold injury can occur. If ice forms within plant cells, plant tissue dies and leaves or stems become brownish-black and mushy. Cold acclimated plants can withstand some of this ice injury, but those not acclimated can be damaged. Damage to plant roots can lead to plant death.

Run, Rip & Recover!

If your plants and trees sustain flower and leaf bud damage due to fluctuating temperatures, there can be a reduction or total loss of blooms and damage to the foliage in spring. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension says you can appraise damage by removing several buds and cutting them open to determine their condition. If the buds are green throughout, they are healthy. If you see brown or darkened areas, there has been injury.

Gardeners can also help shrub and tree buds to survive the roller-coaster temperatures and harsh conditions of winter by carefully selecting planting sites. Learn which spots are cold spots in your yard and assess microclimates around your property. A warm microclimate near your house or other building with a southern exposure, or even near larger plants, can help protect plants that are more coldsensitive.

Canopies can also help. Radiational cooling on clear, calm nights lead to temperature drops because surfaces of objects lose heat. Canopies can help reduce radiant heat loss from both plants and soil by stopping heat loss into the atmosphere. Mulching can also help reduce heat loss from the soil and minimize temperature fluctuations. If you have shrubs that may be susceptible to cold damage, you can surround them with wire-fencing and fill the area with leaves to help insulate them.

Remember not to prune or fertilize plants late in the growing season. Both of these activities can spur new and tender growth which is more susceptible to cold injury. Late winter and early spring are good times to prune shrubs that bloom later in the season, as well as fruit trees and roses. Don’t prune spring-flowering shrubs like lilacs and forsythia until after bloom.

Westside News East and West Editions - February 19, 2023 7 45 Main Street, Brockport, NY 14420 585-637-2260 • liftbridgebooks.com 20% off* Storewide that day *in store only, some exclusions. Let’s celebrate another year in the books! Join Our Celebration!! Saturday, March 4th 10am-6pm
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Fuzzy buds on a magnolia open early in spring. Photo by Kristina Gabalski. Buds on the branch of a cherry tree. Fruit trees are among plants that require chill days during their winter dormancy. Photo by Kristina Gabalski

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The Kitchen Countertop Challenge

If you're contemplating a way to heighten the elegance, functionality and resale value of your home, it's wise to take a look at the latest trends in kitchen surfaces. A major kitchen remodel can increase the real value of your home more significantly than any other alteration. It's important to know what styles and materials are most popular with consumers when you select your new kitchen surfaces.

Home design experts say homeowners are most interested in natural, highly durable materials this year. Upscale kitchens often include stone countertops, the most popular being granite, marble, quartz and limestone.

Granite countertops are a current homeowner favorite because they're the most durable. You can carve a roast, roll pizza dough, or set a hot frying pan directly on granite without damaging it. Although stone is porous, requiring special sealants to keep out mositure, granite is the least absorbent and only requires resealing about once a year. Other popular countertops are stainless steel, tile and plastic laminate. The choice will be determined by the style, color scheme and price of your kitchen.

Fodge, and Ian Lewert for making this move possible. The new location will make it easier to access the building and create a more stable foundation

same property at no cost to the club.

The Lions Club is grateful to the Town of Riga Highway staff, Jim

With a motto of “We Serve,” the Lions Club of Churchville has served the local community for over 50 years, loaning out medical equipment at no cost to the borrower. Those with a need for medical equipment can call 594-2103.

Provided information and photo

Sweden to auction old skatepark equipment and fencing

The Sweden Town Board has authorized the sale of the old skatepark equipment and fencing through Auctions International (auctionsinternational.com). The equipment, currently located at the Town Park, 4761 Redman Road, is being sold in 10 lots so that bidders can bid on some or all of the equipment. The Town

Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids if it feels the bids are not sufficient.

The Town plans to convert the pavement under the old skatepark into additional parking with a new stone driveway. For more information about the equipment auction, call the Town at 637-7588. Provided information

LegaL Notice

Legal Notice

Town of Ogden

Ogden Zoning Board of Appeals

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law of the State of New York, that a public hearing will be held by the Ogden Zoning Board of Appeals at the Town Hall, 269 Ogden Center Road, Spencerport, New York, on: March 2, 2023 at 7:00 pm to consider the following applications:


Appeal of Barbara Mapes of 300 Colby Street, Spencerport, NY 14559 for two (2) area variances for horses in a residential district whereas pursuant to Chapter 30045 (A) that in any residential district, no lot may be used or occupied for the raising or harboring of horses (among others), unless the lot is five (5) acres in size. This lot is 3.67 acres. A second area variance for the existing barn which is 76.1 feet from the side lot line, whereas pursuant to Chapter 300-28 B (5) a; no building in which farm animals are kept shall be closer than 150 feet to any adjoining lot line in an R-1 Residential District. Tax Acct 101.01-1-7.32

Appeal of Della DuSett of 4290 Canal Road, Spencerport, NY 14559 for one (1) area variance, on property located at same, to construct an 8’ x 8’ front porch addition which will have a 10’ front setback, whereas, for residential use, the minimum front yard setback is 60 feet, pursuant to Chapter 300-28 F (1) (d) in an R-1 Residential District. Tax Acct # 085.02-2-22

Appeal of Daniel Basch of 172 Colby Street, Spencerport, NY 14559 for an area variance to raise chickens on this 1.1 acre parcel whereas in any residential

district, no lot may be used or occupied and no structure may be erected, maintained or used for the raising or harboring of (among others) chickens unless the lot is five or more acres in size pursuant to Chapter 300-45 A in an R-1 Residential District. Tax Acct #101.02-1-3

An additional appeal of Daniel Basch of 172 Colby Street, Spencerport, NY 14559 for (2) two area variances to construct a 30’ x 32’ pole barn which will replace an existing 20’ x 16.3’ shed for a new total square footage of 960 sq ft and a height of 17.3 ‘ whereas accessory structures may not exceed 600 sq. ft, and whereas, maximum height for accessory structures is 15’, respectively pursuant to Chapter 300-28 F (3) (b) and Chapter 300-28 F (4) (b) in an R-1 Residential District. Tax Acct #101.02-1-3

Appeal of Kevin Hollfelder of 385 Gillett Road, Spencerport, NY 14559 for (2) area variances, on property located at same, to construct a 60’ x 120’ (7,200 sq ft) pole barn to replace (2) existing structures of 1,352 sq ft and 308 sq ft respectively with a height of 18’, and additionally keep an existing 20’ x 30’ pool house for a new total of 7,800 sq ft whereas accessory structures may not exceed 600 sq. ft, and whereas, maximum height for accessory structures is 15’, respectively pursuant to Chapter 300-28 F (3) (b) and Chapter 300-28 F (4) (b) in an R-1 Residential District. Tax Acct #102.02-1-39.11

Respectfully Submitted, Sue Duggan, Zoning Board of Appeals Secretary

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Special events coming to Hamlin

The Hamlin Public Library will be sponsoring two special programs in the coming months.

On Wednesday, March 8, at 1 p.m., married duo Grace Browning and Benjamin Krug of the Rochester Philharmonic will perform an interactive, family-friendly program of harp and cello duets. All are welcome to attend.

On Wednesday, April 12, at 1 p.m., Perry Ground will present “Life in a Longhouse Village.” Perry is a Turtle Clan member of the Onondaga Nation of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Confederacy and has been a storyteller and educator for over 25 years. He enjoys working with people of all ages to teach about the history and culture of Native Peoples. His presentations are lively, engaging, inclusive and filled with cultural and historical information that audiences young and old will enjoy.


Perry Ground

Both programs will be held in the Hamlin Town Hall gym. Stop in at the Hamlin Library or call 964-2320 for more information or to register.

Provided information and photos

Cornell Climate Stewards program is accepting applicants

The Cornell Climate Stewards Training is a volunteer training program created to help local citizens become climate science, adaptation and mitigation leaders for their community. It provides training on these subjects and more through Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE). The 2023 training will be led by Cornell, CCE and Sea Grant staff from across New York State. The program equips local volunteers with the knowledge, effective communication techniques and strategies to work with the public and local governments around climate issues. Trained volunteers will complete the program by assisting in developing projects for their community that will help it to be more climate resilient.

The Cornell Climate Stewards program is modeled after other CCE programs like the Master Gardener and Master Composter volunteer programs. Volunteers will learn about what is already taking place in Monroe County to combat climate change and how to further help our communities implement effective changes.

Cornell Climate Stewards in Monroe County commit to a 12-week training (24 hours of training that spans 15 weeks). The program in Monroe County will be offered for $75 with financial assistance available. Upon completion of the training, Cornell

Climate Stewards are expected to independently implement climate actions or projects in their community, volunteering at least 40 hours to become a certified “Cornell Climate Steward.” They will become official Monroe County CCE volunteers and may work with CCE staff on climatebased events and programs.

Space in this program is limited. Cornell Climate Stewards trainee selection is based on an applicant’s ability to attend the training sessions as well as their demonstrated interest in working with their municipality on climate related projects.

The 12-session Cornell Climate Stewards Training will be held on Saturday afternoons, noon to 2 p.m., from March 25 through June 24. Off weeks will be April 15 and May 27, with Flipped Learning weeks on April 8 and April 29. The training location is to be determined.

The application deadline is Friday, March 10, 2023. Fill out the application form at https://bit.ly/3WHpFOt. After applications are received, candidates will be contacted for a short interview.

Contact Antonius Chess Jr. at arc279@Cornell.edu or 585-753-2564 with any questions. Provided information

politically speaking

Bill to bolster fire department recruitment passes Education Committee with bipartisan support

Legislation sponsored by Senator Pam Helming to help fire departments recruit new junior members has advanced out of the Senate Education Committee with bipartisan support. The proposed legislation (S.3057-A) allows volunteer fire departments to make recruitment presentations at local high schools.

Senator Helming’s bill addresses a barrier to recruitment by allowing local fire departments to make presentations to interested students at high schools across New York state. The Senator’s bill received unanimous support from both Republicans and Democrats on the committee.

Senator Helming said, “The future of our volunteer fire departments and the safety of our communities depends on recruiting new members. My bill

Churchville Lions WinterFest Barbecue

The Churchville Lions WinterFest Barbecue in partnership with Riga Recreation was held at Churchville Elementary School on January 29. Six hundred and fifty chicken dinners were packed and bagged in near record time with two assembly lines and LEO Club runners hustled meals out the door and into waiting cars. The Lions are grateful to the volunteers and for the generous support from the community in making the event a huge success. Provided information and photos. The first batch of chicken is almost ready.

will allow fire departments to introduce interested high school students to these volunteer opportunities. It is not mandatory but simply allows them to give presentations and distribute literature to students. Establishing an early connection with young adults increases the likelihood they will join their local department and enjoy a long and successful career as a volunteer firefighter. I will work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to move this bill forward.”

Senator Helming represents the 54th District in the New York State Senate, which includes all of Ontario, Wayne, and Livingston counties and the Monroe County towns of Chili, Mendon, Riga, Rush, and Wheatland. Provided information

Westside News - East Edition - February 19, 2023 9 1205 Spencerport Rd. (formerly Hooks) 413-0757 Every Friday Small Steak Bomber served with your choice of toppings and one side order of macaroni salad or french fries COUPON 2 Cheeseburgers, 2 French Fries, 2 Medium Drinks $17.95 COUPON Steak Bomber Limit 1 coupon per visit. Expires 3/5/23 Limit 1 coupon per visit. Expires 3/5/23 Special $10.95 HAPPY HOUR 1/2 OFF APPETIZERS and $1 OFF Bar Beverages Daily between 2pm - 5pm • In-House Only Give us a call today to discuss your event, big or small. For Catering call Chelsea at 585-590-9793 $10 OFF of $40 or more spent on TO GO ORDERS Must present coupon at purchase, not available with other offers or discounts. Expires 3/4/23 COUPON COUPON 50 Lake Ave., Hilton 14468 • 585-392-7990 www.hiltonbaptist.org Drive-Thru Ham & Scalloped Potato Dinner Wednesday, March 8 4:30-6:00pm $1200 per person Advanced Reservation Requested Call 392-7990 to place your order! Hilt n Baptist Church
Fifty pounds of potatoes cooked and ready for distribution. Lions members assembling the meals in a line for bagging.The completed meals are staged for the next hungry customer. Lion Barry keeps a handle on the line of cars pouring in. LEO Club member Owen hustles two dinners to a happy consumer. Browning and Benjamin Krug

SportS & recreation

Alpine skier Mikaela Shiffrin is January 2023 Hickok Belt® Award winner

Professional alpine skier Mikaela Shiffrin has been named the Hickok Belt® Award winner for the month of January 2023 by a select panel of members of the National Sports Media Association (NSMA). Shiffrin was selected for the honor based on her securing the first place, the ultimate prize, in the giant slalom at the Kronplatz resort in Italy. On January 24, Shiffrin won her 83rd World Cup race, breaking Lindsey Vonn’s record for the most World Cup victories. It was

her ninth win of the season. The 27-year-old became the youngest, most successful woman in Alpine skiing history and has earned the admiration of fans worldwide. Mikaela Shiffrin is the most accomplished female skier of all time and ranks among the most dominant athletes of the 21st century.

Other finalists for January in order of how the NSMA ranked them included: Novak Djokovic (tennis), Joel Embiid (basketball), Patrick Mahomes

Hilton hosts alumni for NCAA wrestling meet

(football), Aryna Sabalenka (tennis), Jeremy Swayman (hockey), David Pastrnak (hockey), Helio Castroneves (auto racing), Jon Rahm (golf), and Brooke Henderson (golf).

Shiffrin’s selection as the Hickok Belt ® winner for January not only recognizes her as “the best of the best” in professional sports for the month,

it also makes her the first candidate eligible to receive the 2023 overall award as she will be joined by other finalists throughout the year based on NSMA voting.

To learn more about the Hickok Belt® Award and its history, visit www. hickokbelt.com. Provided information

Hilton High School hosted an NCAA Division 1 wrestling dual meet between Cornell and Binghamton on February 10. The two universities feature a total of five Hilton alumni – Collin Burns (’20), Sam DePrez (’19), Greg Diakomihalis (’20), Lou DePrez (‘17) and Yianni Diakomihalis (’17). The wrestlers earned a combined 13 NYSPHSAA State Championships and various other accolades during their time as Cadets. Displays were set up to showcase their hardware and photos. The sold-out crowd cheered as Yianni, a three-time NCAA champion, earned a first period win by fall in the 149 lb. match. Cornell went on to win the meet 28-15. Photos from @ HiltonCadets on Twitter.

The wrestlers signed autographs for fans following the meet. Yianni drew a big crowd and said on Twitter, “The support from the Hilton and Rochester community was unbelievable! Thank you all for coming out and thank you to @HiltonCSD for putting on a tremendous event!” Photo courtesy of Tyler Kish/Binghamton Athletics.

On February 8, Hilton High School seniors (l-r) Karl Khuns, Nick Fede, Brendon Stephenson, and Jacob Runyon signed letters of intent to play collegiate sports next year. Karl is heading to Central Connecticut State University to play D1 Football; Nick to Edinboro University to play D2 Football; Brendon will join the Robert Morris University D1 Bowling Team; and Jacob the Delta State University D2 Swimming and Diving Team. Coaches, family members and friends gathered in the Hilton High School gym to congratulate the athletes and take photos. Provided information and photo.

with a




10 Westside News East and West Editions - February 19, 2023
Three Churchville-Chili seniors recently signed Letters of Intent to play their chosen sports at the college level. From left, Sydney Postell is going to LeMoyne College, Division 2, for basketball; Joshua Romesser to Robert Morris University, Division 1, for cross-country; and Taylor Curyto to Houghton University, Division 3, for soccer. With a win on January 31, Churchville-Chili’s varsity hockey team clinched the division title for the first time in 10 years. The Saints finished the regular season record 16-3-1 as the #1 seed Class B. The team has a bye into the semifinals on February 21 at Scottsville. Photo from @cccsdhockey on Twitter.

Genesee Community College holding model tryouts for ‘Ageless’ fashion show

Genesee Community College is holding model tryouts for its 42nd annual fashion show, “Ageless.” The tryouts will take place on February 21 from 12:30 to 2 p.m., February 22 from 4 to 7 p.m., and February 23 from 4 to 7 p.m. at the College’s Forum.

The “Ageless” fashion show celebrates fashion in all its forms and highlights the diversity of style across generations. As such, the tryouts are open to all ages, genders, ethnicities and sizes. Anyone who has a passion for fashion and wants to be a part of this event is encouraged to attend the tryouts.

This year’s show will pay tribute to fashion trends throughout the decades from the 1920s to today and beyond, showcasing the talent and creativity and interpretation of GCC’s fashion students. The show will be held in the Richard C. Call Arena’s 24,000 square foot indoor field house, which will accommodate up to 2,000 guests.

“I am incredibly excited for our students to showcase their talents and creativity through this year’s fashion show,” said GCC’s fashion instructor, Laura Taylor. “Ageless is a truly immersive production, featuring pre-show

interviews, photo-ops with coordinators, and a post-show party and vendor market. Our students have put in a tremendous amount of work and effort to make this year’s show a truly unforgettable experience.”

To register for the model tryouts, interested individuals should email fashionshow@genesee.edu or Laura Taylor, assistant professor of Fashion Business, at ljtaylor@genesee.edu.

The Fashion Show will also include a vendor fair giving local businesses a chance to showcase their products and services. There are still a few tables available for additional

vendors. Interested businesses should email Izzie Lanasa at ilanasa@my.genesee.edu. Tables are $25.

Exclusive sponsorship opportunities are available for businesses, organizations, and individuals interested in supporting the GCC fashion program. For more information, contact Laura Taylor at ljtaylor@genesee.edu.

Ticket information will be released soon. To stay updated on the latest developments, follow @gccfashionprogram on Instagram and @trendygcc on Twitter. Provided information

Westside News East and West Editions - February 19, 2023 11 Improve your Home Call one of these reliable, local professionals RUBBISH REMOVAL Serving Monroe County For Over 30 Years • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • ROLL-OFF A COMPLETE RANGE OF WASTE COLLECTION AND RECYCLING SERVICES • Locally Owned • Prompt, Dependable Service • Free Estimates 22 TURNER DR. • SPENCERPORT 352-3900 SUBURBAN DISPOSAL septic systems 364 Peck Road • Hilton, nY 14468 (585) 392-2155 R Y oBeRt J. cRoWle EXCAVATION & SEPTIC SERVICE Shovel • Bobcat • Dozer Septic Cleaning Septic Installation SEPTIC SYSTEMS 17251 Kenmor Road • Kendall, NY Septic Tank Cleaning & Repair Holding Tanks Driveway Stone & Topsoil Delivery Driveways Installed 585-732-3407 • 585-659-8683 DON’S TRUCKING Owner: Don Robinson SNOW PLOWING SNOW PLOWING Locally Owned & Operated Up To Date Equipment Experienced & Reliable JS Snow Plowing LLC 585-329-4412 Member of Plowzandmowz.com tree service E-Z Tree Services •TreeRemoval •TreeTrimming •StumpGrinding 880-5697 eztree585.com $100 OFF AnyTree Service over$500 One per customer. Expires 2/28/23. FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED AIR CONDITIONING Mike DiSanto HEATING & COOLING AC & Furnace INSTALLATIONS SERVICE - All Makes & Models Boilers • Hot Water Tanks • Dryer Vent Cleaning Fully Insured Call Today 585-727-4610 DuMPSTER RENTAL Heating & Cooling Family Business Since 1969 FREE ESTIMATES EMERGENCY SERVICE • INSTALLATIONS • CLEANINGS www.huetherheatingandcooling.com 3041 Buffalo Rd. • 426-2034 Home Improvement CUSTOM DECKS Wood & Composite Power Washing/Staining Fencing Wood/Vinyl Call Tony Today! Estimates • Quality Work 585-755-0086 cell 585-265-2865 FRANCHIZE CONSTRUCTION home improvement WARREN CONSTRUCTION Full Service remodeling - From ArchitecturAl PlAnS to FiniShingtoucheS 585-746-5716 • Additions • 4 Season Sunrooms • Kitchens/Baths •roofraisings • Free Standing & Attached garages •garageconversions Since 1984 estimates are always FREE LANDSCAPING evergreenlandscapingny.com (585) 392-9700 In Business Since 1984. Let Us Make Your Property Great Again! MASONRY • Foundation Wall Repairs • Concrete Driveways • Garage Floors & Sidewalks • Porches & Patios 585-474-9058 Lee Ziegler • Cultured Stone • Light Demo • New Construction & Additions NO JOB TOO SMALL! • FULLY INSURED Tree Service 24 Hour EmErgEncy SErvicE “The family owned company ThaT cares abouT you!” • Tree Trimming • Owner Operated • I.S.A. Certified Arborists • Tree Removal • Stump Grinding • Fully Insured specializing in crane assisTedTree removals. NY State Licensed & CIC Certified Crane Operator #JR22887 (585) 766-5674 WE ACCEPT J.M. Tree Service www.jmtree.com Joshua Miesch NY-5654AM Nikki Miesch NY-5762A David Verdi NY-0875A TREE SERVICE Fully Insured FREE Estimates Tree Service • 24 Hr. Emergency Service • Tree Removal • Bucket Truck Service • Tree & Brush Trimming • Stump Grinding • Correcting Pruning • Owner On Every Job • 20 Years Combined on Every Job • Professional Tree Climbers 585-637-TREE (8733) OakesTreeService.com YOuR TREE ClImbIng ExpERTS! Any Tree Service over $1,000 Expires 2/28/23 $100 OFF TREE SERVICE TREE SERVICE YOUR AD COULD BE HERE Minimum 13 week contract. Special Discounts with 52 week contract. CALL 352-3411 Ask about home improvement advertising opportunities in our monthly publication Greece News PAINTING & STAINING • Snow Plowing • Lawn Rolling • Aeration • Fall Clean-up • Dirt/Mulch Delivery • Interior/Exterior • Decks & Fences • Bush Trimming • Over Seeding • Powerwashing 585-738-6695 Free Estimates • Fully Insured D.RAS PAVING R & W Paving & SOn COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL Driveways • Parking Lots Site Work • Excavating ~ Quality Builds Business ~ Free Estimates • Fully Insured MC & Visa Accepted Hilton www.rwpaving.com • 225-8733 PLUMBING Smalley Plumbing Residential & Commercial Plumbing •Service Work •Remodeling •Water Heaters •Sump Pumps •Gas Lines •Drain Cleaning •Water Lines 24 Hour Service • Free Estimates Senior Citizen Discounts 392-5520 Roofing ROOFING by Lucien Brisson & Lucien Brisson Jr. •Residential Specialists• Lucien Brisson 637-3348 • 943-3497(cell) Lucien Brisson Jr. 967-3626 3497 Sweden Walker Rd. • Brockport Complete Installation & Repair StormDamage Insurance Claims Tear Off, Reroof ROOFING

Murray, Clarendon. 33,300 circulation column


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Top Notch ApplianceService - Servicing all major brands, fully insured, all work GUARANTEED. Call Karl 585-820-9964. Topnotchapplianceservice.net.

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12 Westside News East and West Editions - February 19, 2023 594-8420 Locally Owned & Operated • Fully Insured • Reliable • Quality Workmanship Residential • Commercial ~ Over 25 Years Experience ~ WalkWays & Patios • landscaPing Mowing • Trimming • Bed Maintenance Mulching • Seasonal Clean-Ups Snowplowing ( Commercial Only) LANDSCAPING/ GARDENING Reynolds Plumbing - Kitchen & Bath Remodeling, new homes, sewer & drain cleaning, gas lines, water heaters. Plumbing Repair Service. Call Joe 585-637-6879, cell 737-6016. [TFN] PLUMBING • APARTMENTS FOR RENT • MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE Over 33,000 Homes Every Week! For information call (585) 352-3411 WESTSIDE NEWS INC. CLASSIFIEDS rr s All ClAssifiEds Must BE PrEPAid We Accept... ★★★★★★ $5.00/week additional. Your ad will have stars above and below to make it stand out from the crowd. ★★★★★★ Your Ad online by Next Business Day. $6.00 additional to place your ad on our website by the end of the next business day. No credits will be given for a canceled ad run the week the ad was to first appear. Your ad boxed with a thin black border $5.00/week additional. drOP OfflOCAtiON MAil Westside NeWsiNc. Att: Classifieds P.O. Box 106 Spencerport, NY 14559 EMAil production@westsidenewsny.com (585)-352-4811 WOrd Ad ENHANCErs •sPeNceRPORt Westside News Office 1776 Hilton-Parma Corners Rd. (Night Drop Available) rAtEs - disPlAY Ads Westside News Area Covers Parma, Hilton, Spencerport, North Chili, Churchville, Hamlin, Holley, Kendall, Ogden, Bergen, Brockport, Clarkson,
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almost 5,500,000 in the New York state classified Network available through this newspaper. Only $490 for 15 words. $15 each additional word. Call 585-352-3411 and place your ad today![TFN]
GENERAL REMODELING Complete Home Improvement including interior and exterior work. 35 years experience. Free
Removal - Gutter cleaning - Leaf Raking We Take Down: - Decks - Pools - Garages - Sheds And More! We Clean Out: - Homes - Attics - Basements - Garages - Buildings - Barns And More Handyman Services Since 1995 Rates starting at $4900 WE ARE OPEN! Following Safety Guidelines 585-719-8004 Winter Cleanouts 24 Hours Small Moves! FREE CASH CARD WITH ANY SERVICE! CUSTOM DECKS Wood & Composite Power Washing/Staining Fencing Wood/Vinyl Call Tony Today! Estimates • Quality Work 585-755-0086 cell 585-265-2865 FRANCHIZE CONSTRUCTION
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ITEMSFORSALE/FORRENT REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BUY FIREWOOD/FUEL FIREWOOD/FUEL GIFT IDEAS GOODNIGHT SPENCERPORT - rhyming story, local history, gorgeous photographs - $15. The Unique Shop. www.goodnightspencerport.com.[TFN] AUTOS WANTED Say you saw it in Westside News! TREE SERVICE TREE SERVICE gENERALSERVICE PEST ELIMINATION AUTOMOTIVE Joshua Miesch NY-5654AM Nikki Miesch NY-5762A • Tree Removal WE ACCEPT 24 Hour EmErgEncy SErvicE J.M. Tree Service “The family owned company ThaT cares abouT you!” (585) 766-5674 specializing in crane assisTedTree removals. NY State Licensed & CIC Certified Crane Operator #JR22887 • I.S.A. Certified Arborists • Tree Removal • Stump Grinding • Fully Insured • Tree Trimming • Owner Operated www.jmtree.com David Verdi NY-0875A Wanted Old Toy Trains. (American Flyer, Lionel) and Aurora Slot Cars. Call 585-455-5317.[5-7] Wanted Lawn Tractors, Generators, that need some work or are in working condition. 585-4155141.[2-19] CLASSIFIEDS GRAVESITE MAINTENANCE Gravesite Care When You Can’t Get There! Headstone Cleaning • Edging • Mulching • Flower Planting and More! Call Laura or Jeremy at Personal Grave Site Maintenance, 585-448-2498 or email us at 2020PGSM@gmail.com. Visit us on facebook.[TFN] MOVING & HAULING $59.00 Local Delivery of couch, mattresses, dressers or excercize equipment. Moving entire household or disposal services also available with 18 foot box truck. $35 per hour per mover. Call Scott Bauman at 716-4320354.[TFN] TAX PREPARATION Tax Preparation - Individual, Sales, Estates. Authorized E-file provider. Bookkeeping services available. Over 40 years experience. Accepting new clients. Call Thomas Michielsen, 585-455-1559, for appointment. Office located at 409 South Union Street, Spencerport (rear entrance).[4-16] WhileSupplies Last • Additonal Fees for Out-of-Town Delivery BCEXCAVATING, INC. FIREWOOD $85 FC Picked up • $100 FC Local Delivery $95 FC 5 or More Local Delivery Seasoned & Unseasoned Log Loads Available 585-370-7986 cell 585-352-0368 NOTICE Inserts this week: • TOPS Insideallpapersin Holley,Clarendon andMurray. • brOckPOrT cenTral SchOOl diSTricT - fOcuS Insideallpapersin Brockport,Sweden, ClarksonandHamlin. Cash for Cars, Vans, Trucks, SUV’s - $200 to $5,000 for newer models. No key, no title, no problem. Free towing.
2140.[TFN] T & C Goose Wranglers Nuisance goose removal. Simple, safe, humane. No geese harmed iN process •Fully Insured • 585-754-3078 rochestergooseremoval.com HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Heating and Air Conditioning - Don Hill 585-766-4101 gas and electric furnaces. All brands including Amana and Goodman. Insured, Senior Discount.[2-19] The Right Blend... Westside News Inc. News Consumer Information Community Events Coverage CLASSIFIEDS

Brockport Volunteer Ambulance dependent Contractors for Emergency Technicians and Drivers. They get paid once a month to do what you love, and help your neighbors. Email chuckbradybvac@gmail.com or medic2397@yahoo.com for more information: Visit us on our website at www.brockportambulance.org. Non-Emergent call - 585-431-3337. Please leave a detailed message with your name and phone number. We will get back to you as soon as we can. Neighbors Helping Neighbors since 1962.[3-5]

Town of Sweden - Part-time (15-20 hours/week)

cuSTodial PoSiTion

at the Sweden/Clarkson Community Center. Hours are flexible (evenings/weekends). Must be able to lift 50 pounds and work independently. Commercial cleaning experience preferred. Competitive wages for qualified candidate. NYS Retirement available. Applications are available at the Community Center, 4927 Lake Rd.; at the Sweden Town Hall, 18 State St. or at www.townofsweden.org/departments/employees/ application. Return application to Community Center or Town Hall, attention Supervisor. deadline for application is February 24, 2023. EOE.

Westside News East and West Editions - February 19, 2023 13 JOBS/FULL TIME american jobs! ProDUce LocaL... shoPLocaL... hire LocaL... contact Tami for help with your employment needs • 352-3411 ext. 129 • or Tami.raco@westsidenewsny.com every emPLoymenT aD rUns onLine for free! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ The deadline for next week’s edition is Thurs. at Noon! JOBS/PART TIME Electricians & Helpers New construction. Great pay. Immediate openings. Call 585-9642218 or email your resume/info to: frank.mastrodonato@gmail.com.[TFN] ★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★ Part-time Dishwashers. Must be hard working, reliable and available nights and weekends. If a minor, must have green working papers. $15/hour and free shift meal. Print application at www.mccolleys.com and drop off in person at 89 South Union St., Spencerport.[2-26] IMMEDIATE OPENINGS To be eligible for the walking routes, you must be at least 11 years old. If you are still in school, you must provide working papers. IS lOOkING fOr wESTSIDE NEwS wAlkING CArrIErS SPENCErPOrT VIllAGE (150 Papers) 2 - CHUrCHVIllE (180-200 Papers) MOTOr/wAlkING CArrIErS SPENCErPOrT-1 (170 Papers) Please call 352-3411 x 123 for further information. HELP WANTED Delivery Positions Available Packing, Unpacking and Delivery Full-Time & Part-Time Available $20.00 + tips Please Call 637-3710 115 Main Street, Brockport
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Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada. Dental insurance - Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Covers 350 procedures. Real insur-ance - not a discount plan. Get your free dental info kit! 1-855526-1060 www.dental50plus.com/ads #6258 Attention oxygen therapy users! Inogen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. Free info kit. Call 877-929-9587 VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! 50 Generic Pills SPECIAL $99.00. 100% guaranteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-445-5928 Hablamos Español Evergreen Place OPEN INTERVIEWS on Tues., Feb. 21 & Thurs., Feb 23, 10am-3pm for the following positions: • Dining Server • Cook • Home Health Aide • Housekeeper • LPN • Care Aides Enhanced Assisted Living and Memory Care 90 West Ave. Brockport, NY 14420 Apply online at www.cccsd.org or contact Ms. Renee Hensel, Director of Transportation at (585) 293-4544 or apply in person at 3461 Westside Drive, Churchville, NY 14428 Central School District Openings: Substitute Bus Drivers $24.00 Free training. Flexible schedules & hours. Full Time Bus Drivers $19.35-$20.25 Higher starting pay for experienced bus drivers! • Work min. 20 hours/week and receive excellent health & dental insurance plus paid time off • Paid training per hour per hour YOU ARE READING A WESTSIDE NEWS PUBLICATION



1. A special meeting of the qualified voters of the Hilton Central School District shall be held at the Parma Town Hall, 1300 Hilton Parma Road, Hilton, New York in said District, on Tuesday, March 7, 2023, between the hours of 6:00 A.M. and 9:00 P.M., for the purpose of voting on the propositions described in the notice of special meeting hereinafter set forth.

2. Said special meeting shall be called by giving the following notice thereof:


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the qualified voters of the Hilton Central School District shall be held at the Parma Town Hall, 1300 Hilton Parma Road, Hilton, New York in said District, on Tuesday, March 7, 2023, between the hours of 6:00 A.M. and 9:00 P.M. The following propositions will be submitted for voter approval at said meeting:


Shall the following resolution be adopted to wit:




NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that the text of the aforesaid propositions may appear on the ballot labels in the following abbreviated form:


Shall the proposition set forth in the legal notice of this special voter meeting, authorizing construction, reconstruction and equipping of existing school buildings and facilities, various site and incidental improvements, all at an estimated maximum aggregate cost of $37,200,000; with the expenditure of $4,000,000 from the existing capital reserve fund for such costs, the issuance of not to exceed $33,200,000 of debt obligations of the School District therefor, and the levy of a tax in annual installments therefor, with such tax to be offset by state aid available therefor, all as more fully described in said notice, be approved?


Shall the proposition set forth in the legal notice of this special voter meeting, authorizing new construction of a fieldhouse addition at the Hilton High School campus, additional construction, reconstruction and equipping of existing school buildings and facilities, including auditorium reconstruction, and various site, infrastructure and incidental improvements, all at an estimated maximum aggregate cost of $90,058,000; the issuance of debt obligations of the School District therefor, and the levy of a tax in annual installments therefor, with such tax to be offset by state aid available therefor, all as more fully described in said notice, be approved?

The School District, acting as lead agency under the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the applicable regulations promulgated thereunder (“SEQRA”), has completed its environmental review and, on October 25, 2022, has duly issued a negative declaration and has determined that the implementation of the type I action as proposed will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts.

AND NOTICE IS GIVEN that qualified military voters may apply for a military ballot by requesting an application from the District

Clerk at (585) 392-1000 Ext. 7099 or TCzebatol@hilton.k12.ny.us. For a military voter to be issued a military ballot, the District Clerk must have received a valid ballot application no later than 5:00 PM on February 9, 2023. In a request for a military ballot application or ballot, the military voter may indicate their preference for receiving the application or ballot by mail, facsimile transmission or email.

AND NOTICE IS GIVEN, that applications for absentee ballots shall be obtainable during school business hours from the District Clerk; completed applications must be received by the District Clerk at least seven (7) days before the vote and election if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or the day before the vote and election if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter. Absentee ballots must be received by the District Clerk not later than 5:00 PM on March 7, 2023.

A list of persons to whom absentee and military ballots are issued will be available for inspection to qualified voters of the District in the office of the District Clerk on and after February 21, 2023, between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM on weekdays prior to the Election; and on March 7, 2023, the day set for the Election, said list will be posted at the polling place.

AND NOTICE IS GIVEN, that the qualified voters of the School District shall be entitled to vote at said special meeting. A qualified voter is one who is: (1) a citizen of the United States of America, (2) eighteen years of age or older, and (3) a resident within the School District for a period of thirty (30) days next preceding the annual vote and election, and who is not otherwise prohibited from voting under Election Law Section 5-106. The School District may require all persons offering to vote at the special meeting to provide one form of proof of residency pursuant to Education Law Section 2018-c. Such form may include a driver’s license, a non-driver identification card, a utility bill, or a voter registration card. Upon offer of proof of residency, the School District will also require all persons offering to vote to provide their signature, printed name and address.

DATED: October 25, 2022

Hilton, New York

Tracie Czebatol District Clerk

Hilton Central School District New York

3. At such meeting taxes to be levied by installments will be proposed providing for payment of such capital costs and providing for the financing costs therefor. Such taxes shall be levied upon all the taxable property of the District, shall be levied in annual installments and shall be of such amounts and levied in such years as may be determined by the Board of Education.

4. The District Clerk or the Clerk’s designee is hereby directed to publish a copy of said notice of special meeting in two newspapers having general circulation within the School District in the manner prescribed by law for publication of notice of the annual meeting of the School District.

5. All actions by the School District prior to the final environmental determination by the Board of Education, if any, are hereby found and determined to have been preliminary planning activities under SEQRA necessary to the formulation of a proposal for action which did not commit the School District to commence, engage in, fund or approve any portion of the proposed capital improvement project and financing therefor.

6. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.

Legal Notice Town of Riga Notice of Hearing

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Riga will hold a Public Hearing on March 8, 2023 at 7:03pm, Riga Town Hall, 6460 Buffalo Road, Churchville, New York, to consider a Re-Zoning application by TJA-NY-Mumford Solar Farm, LLC, 150 John Vertente Blvd, New Bedford, MA. The parcel is currently zoned Rural Agricultural, and the applicant is requesting a change to a Solar Overlay District, tax account number 170.01-1-42.11, the parcel is located at 63 Riga Mumford Road, 1,600+/- feet south of Chili Riga Center Road.

All interested citizens will be given an opportunity to be heard.

By Order of the Town Board

DATED: February 14, 2023

Kimberly Pape

Town Clerk Town of Riga

Legal Notice

Village of Hilton Hilton Village Board

Please take notice that the Village of Hilton Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, March 7 at 6:00 p.m. in the Hilton Community Center, 59 Henry Street to consider the following Local Law #3, 2023:

To delete Chapter 95 of the Hilton Village Code in its entirety and replace with updated language per New York State Uniform Code. This chapter provides for the administration and enforcement of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (the Uniform Code) and the State Energy Conservation Construction Code (the Energy Code) in this Village. This chapter is adopted pursuant to § 10 of the Municipal Home Rule Law. Except as otherwise provided in the Uniform Code, other state law, or other section of this chapter, all buildings, structures, and premises, regardless of use or occupancy, are subject to the provisions in this chapter.

The entire chapter is available for review in person or electronically, by visiting or calling the Village Office at 585-392-4144 and on our website www.hiltonny.org

Shari Pearce, Village Manager/Clerk

Dated: February 19, 2023

Legal Notice Town of Ogden REQUEST FOR BIDS

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Town of Ogden is requesting sealed bids for the furnishing of LED light fixtures in accordance with the bid specifications now on file at the Ogden Community Center, 269 Ogden Center Road, Spencerport, NY.

All bids so received shall be publicly opened and read aloud on February 27, 2023 at 10:00am. The Town of Ogden reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids so received and to award the bid to the lowest responsible bidder meeting all bid specifications.




Legal Notice of Bid Opening Village of Spencerport

Please take notice that pursuant to Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Spencerport will receive sealed bids until 1:00 p.m. on February 27, 2023, at the Village Office for the sale of the following: Items will be awarded to the highest bid. Items will be sold as is and must be received no more than seven (7) days after award. Items can be inspected by calling 585-303-2943

45’ Steel light poles, minimum bid of $100.00 each. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

Legal Notice Village of Churchville

Village taxes for the 2023-2024 fiscal year will be collected at the Village Office, 23 East Buffalo St., Churchville, NY 14428 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday from March 1, 2023 to April 3, 2023.

After 4:00 p.m. on April 3, 2023, a five percent (5%) penalty will be charged through and including April 30, 2023. Taxes received after April 30, 2023, penalty to be computed pursuant to Section 924-A and Section 1456 of the Real Property Tax Law.

Legal Notice

Spencerport Fire District

Notice of Meeting Dates

Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners of the Spencerport Fire District, Monroe County, New York will be conducting the following meetings to be located at Spencerport Fire District, Station #1, 175 Lyell Avenue Spencerport, NY. All meetings will begin at 7:00 p.m.

Proposed Training Center Public Informational Meeting –Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Board of Commissioners Monthly Meeting –Thursday, March 9, 2023

Long Range Planning Committee Meeting –Thursday, March 16, 2023

By order of the Spencerport Fire District, Monroe County, New York.

Jacqueline Sullivan, Secretary Spencerport Fire District

Legal Notice

Spencerport Fire District Notice to Bidders REVISED DATES

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids are sought and requested by the Spencerport Fire District for one (1) 2018 Chevrolet Tahoe SSV with 39,000 miles. Minimum bid is $33,000.00.

Sealed bids can be mailed to the Spencerport Fire District, P.O. Box 359, 175 Lyell Avenue, Spencerport, NY, 14559, Attn: Administrator. Sealed bids can also be hand delivered to Station #1, 175 Lyell Avenue, Spencerport. All Bids must be received by February 24, 2023.

Bids will be opened at 7:00 PM on Thursday, March 9, 2023 at the Monthly Meeting of the Board of Commissioners at Station #1 located at 175 Lyell Avenue, Spencerport.

REJECTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS: The Spencerport Fire District hereby reserves the right to waive any informality and reject any or all bids or to accept the one that, in its judgment, will be in the best interest of the District.

If successful bidder is not a first responder agency, all emergency lighting will be removed prior to the sale. Pictures and further information may be found at www.spencerportfire.org.

By order of the Spencerport Fire District, Monroe County, New York.

Jackie Sullivan, Secretary Spencerport Fire District

14 Westside News East and West Editions - February 19, 2023
LegaL NoticeS

experiencing postpartum depression and anxiety. The WIC program offers eligible families breastfeeding support, nutrition counseling, health education, health care referrals, referrals to other services, and nutritious foods.

“The Kiwanis Club of Brockport is dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time. The local club began in 1926 and has always focused on fundraising and service projects to help children. The Mommy and Me and Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) programs fit perfectly with our mission,” said George Sokolsky, president, Kiwanis Club of Brockport.

The initial idea for Mommy and Me came from Oak Orchard’s Medi-

New York Farm Bureau offering scholarships to high school seniors

New York high school seniors who are graduating and interested in pursuing a career in agriculture can apply for New York Farm Bureau’s Agricultural Youth Scholarship. Eligible students can use the financial award for college or advanced training in the skilled trades. Statewide winners can earn up to $3,000 towards their future education.

The applicant or their family must be a New York Farm Bureau member, and the student must live and/or work on a farm or be involved with agriculture in the state. The student must also complete the application which includes writing an essay addressing what they value and stand for in agriculture and life and how these values have impacted their decision to pursue an agricultural career.

cal Director and Pediatrician, Dr. Danielle Renodin-Mead. She brought to OOH’s attention that the U.S. has some of the poorest health outcomes for children and their birth mothers. Just one large contributing factor to partum mental health, as well as the stigma that often surrounds this. That stigma is a barrier to mothers seeking the necessary care they need.

“Did you know that one in seven women experience postpartum depression or anxiety? The goal of Oak Orchard’s new program is to achieve optimal maternal and child health and to make it easier to have conversations about postpartum depression and anxiety. This program integrates behavioral health care managers into the pediatric care team,” said Karen Kinter, interim CEO, Oak Orchard Health.

Learn more about Oak Orchard Health at www.oakorchardhealth. org.

Provided information

SUNY Brockport President named to RBJ’s Power 100 List

The RBJ announced its annual Power 100 on February 10.

Macpherson shared her priorities for 2023 with the Power 100 List:

“Professionally, my priorities remain ensuring that SUNY Brockport, now a university, will attract and retain the best talent possible, both in terms of colleagues who work here and the students who benefit from my colleagues’ wisdom and expertise. We also continue to emphasize the crucial work around equity, diversity, and inclusion. Our vision is centered on building meaningful lives and vibrant communities, so this is at the heart of what we do each day.”

Provided information

CCE-Monroe offering Landscape Technician Training Program

Cornell Cooperative Extension Monroe County is offering a Landscape Technician Training Program. Spend six weeks learning about the field of horticulture – focusing on the many jobs and career paths available. Participants will have the opportunity to earn OSHA 10 Certification, interact with employers from the industry on a daily basis and gain hands-on experience.

Classes are held Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., from March 6 through April 14 at Monroe County Parks Department, 171 Reservoir

Scoring will determine the district winners and may include a personal interview. Each district winner will receive $250 and then compete for one of two state scholarships worth $3,000 and $2,000, based on their submitted applications. Applications must be submitted by March 17, 2023. Judging for the district winner will take place prior to April 28, 2023. State winners will be announced by the end of May.

For more information, including the online application, go to https://www.nyfb.org/programs/promotion-education/scholarship.

Provided information

Avenue (lower level), Rochester.

Each day of the program will consist of four classes covering varying topics. The full program is $1,000, and individual classes are $15 per class. All sessions are in-person. Scholarships are available.

For more information, go to https://monroe.cce.cornell.edu/ events/2023/03/06/landscape-technician-training-program-2023. Contact Marci Muller at mem545@cornell.edu or 585-753-2557 for an application and class schedule if interested. Provided information

Westside News East and West Editions - February 19, 2023
Pictured are Karen Kinter, Interim CEO, Oak Orchard Health; George Sokolsky, president, Kiwanis Club of Brockport; and Robin Govanlu, OOH Director of Behavioral Health. Provided photo SUNY Brockport President Heidi Macpherson. Provided photo. SUNY Brockport President Heidi Macpherson was named to the Rochester Business Journal (RBJ) Power 100 List for the third year in a row.

“These guys are amazing! They are thorough,explain all services and details about their products, and are respectful of your home. They were friendly and took time to clean everything when they were done. I highly recommend this team!”

Hilton Community Indoor Flea Market returns

Save the date for the 15th Hilton Community Indoor Flea Market, which will be held Saturday, April 22, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Hilton Community Center, 59 Henry Street, Hilton.

Vendor applications are available at the Parma Town Hall, Parma Public Library, Friends of the Parma Library, Hilton Family Restaurant, Hilton

Tops, Liberty Hollow, and Parma Commons, or call Pat at 752-0515 to receive an application by mail. Spots will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.

Anyone interested in volunteering is asked to contact Pat at 752-0515.

Provided information

Byron-Bergen Instructional Coach is panelist for national webinar

Debbie Slocum was an elementary classroom teacher for over two decades before she learned about instructional coaching. Her interest began in 2013 when she was teaching third grade and the district introduced an instructional coaching program. “I fell in love with the process immediately,” said Slocum. “I had been teaching for 24 years at that point and had never seen myself teach.”

Slocum has now been an Instructional Coach at Byron-Bergen for seven years. That first interaction led her down a path that included participating as a panelist in a national webinar hosted by Swivl, a company which produces technology for reflective teaching practices. The webinar entitled “Building Trust Through Reflection: A Discussion with Swivl” featured Slocum and two other panelists, Mandi Olsen and Brenda Tonanek, both K-12 Instructional Coaches.

The Instructional Coaching program is a 1-on-1, confidential process where teachers video record classroom lessons. The lessons are then analyzed by an Instructional Coach for certain data. Data could include the number of times students are given an opportunity to respond, the amount of time given to students to respond, and time the teacher is talking compared with the time students are responding. The analysis will include positive aspects of the lessons as well as areas for improvement.

In the Swivl webinar, Slocum compares instructional coaching to looking in the mirror. “You look in the mirror every single day. You see your reflection and you fix what you don’t like immediately. And sometimes you will go and get a second opinion. So, when you reflect, you’re looking not at your appearance but your teaching.”

Slocum implements the Elementary School Instructional Coaching program where she has a 95% voluntary participation rate. Diana Walther, the Jr./Sr. High School’s Instructional Coach, also boasts an almost 90% participation rate.

“Obviously we want to improve student learning,” said Walther. “Instructional coaching helps replace ‘one and done’ professional development. It provides consistency. That reflective practice is so powerful and it’s all about what the teachers want to get out of it. The data can point to areas for improvement and then I can present strategies to strengthen those

areas and then we can reflect again and again. It’s pretty cool.”

“Teachers are life-long learners,” said Slocum. “This program gives them the opportunity to reflect and grow year after year. It’s a continuous priority because everything’s changing. Our expectations for the kids keep changing. Technologies keep changing and the culture is changing. There’s a need for continuous reflection to keep up with the changes.”

In addition to implementing the Instructional Coaching program at Byron-Bergen, Slocum and Walther run the trainings at Genesee Valley Education Partnership (GVBOCES) for the GLOW region instructional coaches cohort. They were asked to take on this role in 2019. This cohort has about 20 instructional coaches who gather three or four times per year.

“Byron-Bergen made an early commitment to instructional coaching,” said Superintendent Pat McGee. “As such, our team is on the forefront of not only the regional movement but the national movement. I am very proud of Mrs. Slocum and Mrs. Walther and the impressive contributions they make to our district and to the practice of instructional coaching.”

Provided information

New York Outcomes Fund incentivizes farmers to implement regenerative agriculture practices

A new pilot program, the New York Outcomes Fund, was launched at the 2023 Corn & Soybean Winter Expo in January. It is a partnership of the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability, the NY Corn and Soybean Growers Association, the Soil and Water Outcomes Fund, and Cornell Extension.

The New York Outcomes Fund will provide financial incentives directly to farmers who transition to conservation practices such as no till and cover crops that yield positive environmental outcomes like carbon sequestration and better water quality. The resulting verified outcomes are sold to a diverse group of public and private beneficiaries, including corporations, municipalities, state departments of agriculture, and the federal government.

The pilot was received enthusiastically by over 250 farmers in the audience, the majority of whom filled out a survey indicating their interest. This will be the first of its kind in New York State.

Over the past two years, Alan Martinez, senior manager for strategic partnerships at Cornell Atkinson, and his team, with support from Cornell Cooperative Extension, have talked with more than 300 farmers and their partners, as part of the Transition Finance for Regenerative Agriculture Systems project, which was developed in partnership with the Great Lakes Protection Fund.

“Alan and his team, along with members of our board, have worked hard to produce a pilot program that is the right fit for New York growers. We’re committed to setting an example when it comes to sustainability and this program will help us do just that,” said Colleen Klein, executive director, New York Corn and Soybean Growers Association.

“The partnership we are proposing today is the beginning of a journey and I’m excited to get to work and make sure we’re doing our part in making New York a leader in the production of not just corn and soybeans but environmental outcomes too,” said Alan Martinez, senior manager of strategic partnerships, the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability.

A key partner in the project, Soil and Water Outcomes Fund, has enrolled over 240,000 acres of cropland across a dozen states since 2020. Contracted farmers adding new conservation practices such as cover crops, extended rotations, and reduced tillage received an average payment of $31 per acre last year for implementing new conservation practices.

“The Soil and Water Outcomes Fund is excited to partner with Cornell, NY Corn and Soy, and New York producers to scale adoption of new regenerative practices that benefit the environment, soil health, and long-term farm income,” said Dan Yeoman, managing director, Soil and Water Outcomes Fund.

Following the enthusiasm from farmers in participating in the pilot, the team is currently seeking funding from corporate partners and government stakeholders to support the project’s expansion. In addition, they are also exploring how the project might uniquely pay farmers for the biodiversity benefits of implementing these practices. This innovative approach highlights the leading role that the pilot is playing.

For information about NY Outcome Fund, contact Jarmila Haseler, Agriculture Program, CCE-Monroe at 585-573-2565 or email jh954@cornell.edu. Provided information

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Byron-Bergen Instructional Coaches Debbie Slocum (left) and Diana Walther. Photo by Gretchen Spittler.

Area Worship Services


We are located at 1500 Spencerport Road, Rochester 14606 in Gates. Phone: 585-247-4973. Building is handicapped accessible. Time of Worship: 10AM - led by Rev. Jeff Aiosa. Website: ElmgroveUMC.org. You can join us remotely by clicking on the link to the Pastor’s page (you do not need a Facebook account to view posts). Email: ElmgroveUMC@yahoo.com. Community Outreach and Ministry Opportunities include: Little Free Library, SWEM, Aurora House, RAIHN, Prayer ministries, etc. We have a long history in the Gates community and we are looking forward to a bright future that includes you! Please come and join us on Sunday!


A congregation that Loves God, loves others and serves the world! Join us on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. Coffee and fellowship following worship. 35 State Street, Brockport, NY 14420, (585) 637-3780. Email: fpcbrockportoffice@gmail.com. Website: www.fpcbrockport.org. Handicap accessible. Hearing loop available. Everyone is welcome to join our church family!


Rev. Brandi Wooten and our Congregation extend a warm welcome to all who come to our little white church on the hill, 3600 Chili Avenue. Our Mission: Recognizing that Jesus is the true vine and we are the branches, we are called to be rooted in faith, grow together and care for the community. Please join us for worship, Sundays, 10 AM, a family friendly service, including Children’s Church, either in person or virtually via live-stream or recording (URL) https:// www.facebook.com/firstpreschili/live/. Youth Groups, music opportunities, Season Teams, and Community Outreach, including our Food Cupboard (third Saturday each month, 10 to 11:30 AM), are a few programs we offer to enrich our faith. In need of prayer or counsel, call the church office 585-889-9896 or email Brandi at revbrandi@gmail.com. Handicapped accessible. Website: chili-presbyterian.org.


50 Lake Avenue, Hilton, (585) 392-7990, Email hbchurch50@gmail.com, Pastor Dan Brown. Join us on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. We offer In-person services and Live-Streaming on YouTube under “Hilton Baptist Church Live.” Visit our Website at hiltonbaptist.org for more information. We are a Congregation of the American Baptist Churches. Our Building is Handicap Accessible and we offer Hearing Assistance during the Worship service. Everyone is Welcome to join our Church family!


Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by Following Christ; Connecting Generations; Transforming Communities. 21 West Avenue, Hilton, NY 14468, (585) 392-8761. Rev. Jennifer Green, pastor. Website: www.humcny.org, E-mail: office@humcny.org. Worship Service is open in the HUMC Sanctuary. Service: 10am. Fellowship: 11am. Sunday Services are live-streamed at HUMCny.org. All are welcome. Please visit us in person. Handicap Accessible.


One church in two locations - Join us for worship that is creative, relevant and truth-telling at our Brockport Campus, 6601 4th Section Rd (Rt 31 across from Wegmans) at 9:30 am Sunday mornings, or at our Greece Campus, 1301 Vintage Lane (1/2 mile west off Rt 390 N) on Saturdays at 5 pm (a Traditional Service), or Sundays at 9:30 or 11:15 am. Sunday Services are also streamed live on our website, ShareTheHope Youtube channel, and Facebook. Hope Kids meets at 9:30 am on Sundays at both campuses. For all opportunities for any age, check out our website www.sharethehope.org “Sharing the hope of Jesus with a world in need of hope”


59 Henry St, Hilton, Hilton Community Center, www.lifequest.cc, email: info@lifequest.cc, Facebook: LifeQuestCC, twitter: @lifequestcc

Lead Pastor: Rob Dickerson. Worship 10am. Midweek programs: Tuesday 7pm Royal Rangers – a scouting program for boys. Saturday 7pm YouthQuest High School & Middle School student ministry.

“Journeying together as we discover God’s love and purpose for our lives.” Faith, Family, Friends, Fun, Freedom.


1152 County Line Road, Hamlin, NY 14464. Church phone 585-659-8459, email mortonbaptistchurch@yahoo.com. Pastor: Steven M Worrall, email pastorsteve712@gmail.com, cell 585-354-9779. Sunday Worship 10:30am. Sunday school is held during church service. Adult Bible Study is held on Wednesdays at noon, Choir practice at 4:30pm Wednesdays. Youth Group meets on Friday nights from 7 to 9pm. Our building is handicap accessible and visitors are welcome.


Our purpose is: “To equip ourselves and others to be disciples of Christ as we seek God’s will for our church and beyond.” Sunday worship is at 10AM live in our sanctuary, as well as livestreamed on Zoom and Facebook Live. Bible Studies, Youth Group, Sunday School and outreach are available to all. Contact the church for more information and for links: ogdenpresbyterian@gmail.com; www.ogdenpresbyterian.org; 585-352-6802; 2400 South Union Street, Spencerport.


39 Hovey Street, Hilton, (585) 615-6383, www.PCFMinistries.com, Facebook: Parma Christian Fellowship Church. Rev. Dr. Myke Merrill. Worship Services: Saturday 5:00PM, Sunday 10AM. Family Midweek: Wednesday 6:30PM – Kids Club, TurningPoint Teens, Adult Bible Discussion Group. Nursery School: Parma Kids Preschool and Child Care Center, 39 Hovey Street, Hilton. School Phone: (585) 392-5792.


pearcechurch.org. 4322 Buffalo Road, North Chili, NY 14514. 585-594-9488. Join us for worship! Saturday: 5pm. Sunday: 9:30am. Pearce 4 Kids Child Care Center, Pearce4kids.org, 585-594-1833. Handicapped Accessible.



We are located at 3940 Canal Road in Spencerport. We offer a warm welcome to all. Come join us as we seek the LORD through worship, prayer and Bible study. Sunday School is 9:30 AM, Sunday Worship is at 1030 AM. Enjoy a cup of coffee before service! Wednesday prayer meeting is 6:30 PM. Contact us at 585-352-5900. We are on Facebook; Email is SpencerportAG@gmail.com.



1948 North Union Street, Spencerport. Phone: 585-352-1241 We have a new interim pastor! Pastor Domenic Danesi, of Rescue and Revive Ministries. We invite you to visit us Sunday mornings as we worship through music, studying the Bible, and fellowship with coffee and cookies. Our main worship service at 10:45am is family integrated - All are welcome to join. Adult Bible Studies starts at 9:30am. Wednesday: Bible Study over Zoom - 7pm. Visit our website or check out our Facebook page for more information. spencerportbiblechurch. org


Promoting the Christian way of life through service and stewardship to the community and the world. Look for the white steeple at 65 Church Street in downtown, Spencerport NY 14559. (585) 352-3448. Rev. Michael Sloan. We provide worship, educational and mission opportunities for children, youth, and adults. Worship services are Sundays at 10am live on Facebook and on site in our sanctuary. Worship is followed by Coffee Hour in Fellowship Hall. Sunday School for ages 4 and up is also available during service. Handicap accessible. Email: info@spencerportucc.org. Website: www.spencerportucc.org. Facebook: Spencerport UCC.


Follow Jesus, Build Community, Serve Others in Love. We welcome all to worship with us in warm fellowship in the Episcopal tradition of openness and caring. We are an ALL inclusive community with an open communion table. Please join us for Sunday worship at 10am September through June, and 9am in July and August. All services are both in-person and live-streamed online. We also offer a variety of Lenten and Advent programs, a Bible Study on Tuesdays, live music, Sunday School, semi-monthly Youth Group meetings and numerous other community building events. We are handicapped accessible. Follow us on Facebook, look for us on the web at www.stgeorgehilton.org, and join us for worship and fellowship at 635 Old Wilder Road, Hilton, NY (across from Kelly’s Apple Farm). Our pastor is the Rev. Greg Kremer, 585-392-4099.


Pastor Chris Bode. 1107 Lake Road West Fork, Hamlin, NY 14464, 585-964-2550. Sunday Services: 8:30 AM & 11 AM; Adult Bible Class, Sunday School at 9:45 AM. Lenten Services: 1 PM & 7 PM on Wednesdays starting February 22, Ash Wednesday. To view Sunday Services or Devotions, go to our website: stjohnhamlin.org. “To KNOW Christ and to make Him KNOWN.”


Welcomes you to encounter our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in His one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church at 55 Martha Street, Spencerport, NY 14559. Join us for Holy Mass at 5 pm Saturdays or Sundays at 7:45 am, 9:30 am, and 11:15 am. Many great opportunities to learn about the Holy Bible, and groups for families and children of all ages, including Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (play-centered, hands-on Christ-experiences). Daily Mass in the morning on Tuesday and Thursday at 8 am, and in evening on Wednesday and Friday at 6:30 pm. Confessions Wednesday and Friday 5:30 to 6 pm and Saturday 3:45 to 4:30 pm. Adoration Thursdays 1 to 6 pm and Sundays 1:30 to 4 pm. Sung Evening Prayer Sundays at 4 pm. On first Saturdays, morning Mass is at 9 am. More details, videos, and sample preaching at www.StJohnsChurchSpencerport.org. Email: sstjohnc@dor.org. Parochial

Administrator: Fr. Justin Miller


110 Old Hojack Lane, Hilton, 392-2710, www.stleohilton.org. Fr. Joseph Catanise. Daily Mass is celebrated: Monday 5:30 PM; Tuesday-Thursday 8:30 AM; Friday Communion Service 8:30 AM. Every Wednesday: Eucharistic Adoration 9 AM to 8 PM. Weekend Schedule: Saturday Confession 2:30-3:30 PM; Rosary 3:30 PM; Mass 4 PM (live-streamed). Sunday: Mass 8 AM, 10:30 AM, 6 PM; Adult Bible Study 11:45 AM. First Friday and First Saturday Mass at 8:30 AM. Ash Wednesday Masses: February 22 at 6:30 AM, 8:30 AM, and 7 PM. All are welcome. Handicapped accessible.


14 State Street, Brockport, 585-637-6650, www.stlukesbrockport.org. Visit us on Facebook. Whoever you are, wherever you are, you are welcome at St. Luke’s. Our Mission is to Worship God Joyfully, Love One Another, Serve in the Name of Christ. Join us either in person or via live stream for Sunday worship with Holy Eucharist at 10 am led by The Rev. Elizabeth Brooks Harden. Handicapped accessible and hearing assistance available. Harvest Kitchen, our outreach to the greater community, offers a free meal the second Sunday of each month from 2 to 3 pm. Recognized as a National Jubilee Church for outreach and service to our community. Please check website or call the Parish Office for current COVID precautions.


13 South Main Street, Holley16789 Kenmore Road, Kendall Parish Center – Holley 638-6718, www.stmarystmark.org.

Mass Times: Monday-Friday 8:00 AM at St. Mary’s; Saturday Vigil 4:00 PM at St. Mary’s; Sunday 8:30 AM at St. Mark’s and 10:30 AM at St. Mary’s.


158 East Avenue, Hilton, NY 14468, 585-392-4000, www.stpaulhilton.org. Senior Pastor: Rev. Mark Ball – pastorball@stpaulhilton.org, office 585-3924000. Worship Services: Saturday at 5pm; Sunday at 8:30am and 11am. Bible Studies: Kingdom Kids – Sunday at 9:45am; Adult Classes – Sunday at 9:45am; Ladies and Mens Bible Study – Thursdays at 10:30am. School: Meeting your child’s learning needs from age 2 through 8th grade. Call for a tour!


191 Nichols Street (Rte. 31), Spencerport, NY 14559. Phone: 352-3143. Pastor Steve Shrum. Worship Services Sunday at 9:30AM ‘In Person’ in our handicap accessible Sanctuary. Worship Service is also Live Streamed on YouTube. Sunday School is at 10:45AM. Visit our Website at www.tlcspencerport.com. Email: trinitylutheran191@gmail.com. “The Mission of Trinity is to joyfully share the Gospel through Christ-centered worship, teaching and reaching out to the community by acts of caring.”



14 North Main Street, Churchville. A warm welcome awaits you at Union Church.Join us on Sunday mornings at 10 am, watch us live stream on Facebook, or find us on soundcloud.com/ucc-churchville. No matter where you are on your journey, you are welcome here. We are an open and affirming church and invite all. Food distribution for local families in need on the third Tuesday of each month from 4-5 pm. Look for our special events advertised throughout the year, or on our signboard at the front of the church. Call 293-1665 or stop by to talk with Pastor Bradley Klug any Wednesday 1-3 pm; e-mail us at unionucc@frontier.com or check our website at Churchvilleucc.com. Also like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram. We would love to hear from you and/or have you worship together with us.

Churches, to have your services listed or updated, please call 352-3411.
WESTSIDE NEWS EAST AND WEST EDITION S Wr A pFEB r u A ry 19, 2023 4 Apply online at www.cccsd.org or contact Ms. Renee Hensel, Director of Transportation at (585) 293-4544 or apply in person at 3461 Westside Drive, Churchville, NY 14428 Churchville-Chili Central School District Immediate Openings: $24.00 per hour Free training. Flexible schedules & hours. Full Time Bus Drivers $19.35-$20.25 per hour Higher starting pay for experienced bus drivers! • Work min. 20 hours/week and receive excellent health & dental insurance plus paid time off • Paid training If you wish you may email this information to us at editor@westsidenewsny.com If emailing, please indicate Hometown Hero in the subject line. Or you may fax it to 585-352-4811 Westside NeWsiNc. In recognition of the local men and women currently serving our country... A list of local service men and women who are currently serving in the United States Armed Forces, will be featured inside the 27th Edition of the to be delivered in April 2023. Information to be included: name, branch of service, hometown and high school from which they graduated. Hometown Community Directory 585-352-3411 • westsidenewsny.com Please fill out the form below and mail it to Westside News, PO Box 106, Spencerport, NY 14559 Your phone number is requested in case Westside News has any questions. It will not be listed in The Directory. A telephone number must be supplied to be listed in The Directory. Name _______________________________________________________________ Branch of Service_____________________________________________________ Hometown___________________________________________________________ High School__________________________________________________________ Telephone Number____________________________________________________ Deadline: March 10, 2023

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