Westside News WEST Edition – November 19, 2023

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November 19, 2023


Westside News Established 1953

Serving Suburban News West and Hamlin-Clarkson Herald edition areas


November 19, 2023

Issue No. 47



Serving the communities of Hamlin, Clarkson, Kendall, Bergen, Clarendon, Holley-Murray, Brockport-Sweden

Spencerport wins third girls soccer state title in perfect season by Warren Kozireski

Even with the pressure of being ranked first in New York State in Class AA girls soccer going into the postseason, Spencerport came through, defeating Niagara-Wheatfield 10-0 in the state quarterfinals, second-ranked Somers 3-1 in the semi-final, and Smithtown West 2-0 to win the state championship for the third time in school history and finish the season 23-0. Their previous state titles came in Pictured are Brigitte Duschen, Club Treasurer, the 2016 and 2017. “It’s surreal and truly an outstandKiwanis Club of Brockport, and Robin Govanlu, Director ing moment,” Spencerport senior of Behavioral Health at Oak Orchard Health. goalkeeper Cate Burns said. “This is All Ages Welcome a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity; the last couple of years we kind of fell short and this year we got it done. Every person on this team is a testaParticipating Providers: Wegmans ment to the grit that we have, Employees - and we The Rangers’ third state championship win came in the same year as the 50 year celebration of the persevered, got those two goals…and • Same Day girls soccer program in Spencerport. Photo by Warren Kozireski. Give us a call, that moment is everything to me and CEREC Dentistry The Kiwanis Club of Brockport donated $1,500 we have you everything we’ve worked towards.” covered. to •Oak Orchard Health’s Mommy and Me program. Dental Implants “I just got a head on it, and it felt “Getting those two goals; the second one really In the title game, the Rangers This program supports new moms and caregivers • Sleep Apnea Devices really good,” Watson said. “I didn’t solidified it for me because I knew there was no took a 1-0 lead with a little over one Room grow! Currently 1 bath, this experiencing postpartum depression and anxiety. think it wastogoing to go in2 bed, to be honway I was letting our team down by letting in two minute remaining in the first half as well-maintained Cape features a full unfinished 2nd This donation will help support vital resources for est, but we were all ready to just goals. It was a great year for us, and the state sophomore Emily Peacock headed in story (rough plumbed). Great village location with the families involved in this program, including crash the box. We have great outside championship shows that. an indirect cross by junior Lindsay village electric, easy and close access to 490 and 90. items in a newborn welcome kit, home safety items www.hiltonfamilydentistry.com wingers and they’re always ready to “Kind of a crazy moment for me; this was my Lenhard. (cabinet locks, Carbon Monoxide and smoke deteccross it in.” last time playing with this team and now we get to They made it 2-0 in the 56th mintors), and supplies for the caregiver support group “This team has performed so well enjoy the goal of winning a state championship.” ute. This time it was senior Kayla that is facilitated by OOH care managers. from the start,” Spencerport head Baca with cross The U.S. has some of the poorest health outOurthe office is athat dropwas off headed coach Jamie Schneider said. “This is in by senior Emma Watson. comes for children and their birth mothers. “The a really special group of athletes and for Toys for Tots, please Mommy and Me program is an extremely innovakids. They are really good soccer playdrop off unwrapped gifts tive approach to improving those statistics in our ers and athletes, but their leadership for the kids. region with special attention to mental health in was terrific. They were all invested in the postpartum period. Our patients will now be putting it all together. met by a care manager in several of their child’s “I’m so happy for them because well visits, from birth to age 4 ½. Through some they’ve wanted it for a few years now. questions and interviewing, we can identify and The two years losing in a shootout help address any needs the family may have. was definitely difficult for them, so Care managers will be evaluating for postpartum for them it has to feel great; they depression and anxiety, and then refer patients to definitely deserve it.” one of our behavioral health counselors specializThe shutout in the final came ing in perinatal mental health,” said Dr. Danielle against a team that had scored five Renodin-Mead, Pediatrician and Chief Medical Ofgoals over their previous two state ficer at Oak Orchard Health. Dr. Mead and Robin playoff contests and comes after the Govanlu, OOH Director of Behavioral Health, are team set a new Section V record for co-founders of this program. shutouts in one season. 21 TUdor road in Sweden 237 Collamer road in Parma Oak Orchard appreciates theVillaGe support it has “It really just starts with all the Custom built by Reger Construction going into 4-5 bedroom Colonial 3.5 baths, 2 fireplaces, received from the with Kiwanis Club of Brockport. players on our team,” Burns said. formalKiwanis living roomClub and ais family room. Enjoy the re- the “The a global organization ofcompletion stage. 2543 sq. ft. 4 bedroom, 2.5 baths, open floor plan. Offers Hilton Schools and “Kendall Mesh, Anastasia Barczys, laxing 3 season room andtolarge deck. Fullthe partially volunteers dedicated improving world, one Parma taxes. Paved binder driveway and seeded Liana Tata, those three that we have child and oneoutcommunity atsoa much time.more The. Kiwanis finished walk basement and lawn will complete this awesome home package back there are such solid players and Club of Brockport has been serving the local com$249,900. I give so much credit to them,” Burns Team captains (l-r) Lindsay Lenhard, Aleena Solano, in the spring. $479,900. munity for 97 years, Oak Orchard Health has The girls celebrate their win. Photo by said. “They kept things locked down Cate Burns, Kendall Mesh, and Jamie Keens. Photo been serving the same communities for 50 years, by Warren Kozireski. Warren Kozireski. for me. together they are making positive differences for area children. We are delighted to be able to be a contributor to the Mommy and Me Program,” said Brigitte Duschen, Club Treasurer of the Kiwanis Club of Brockport. Oak Orchard Health joined the Brockport KiDigital copies of the Westside News print editions are now available for viewing Licensed Associate wanis Club four years ago. The relationship has been productive; Oak Orchard staff have volunReal Estate Broker Friday mornings. No need to wait for our carriers to deliver our publications to you. Plus, you can take a screenshot of anything in the paper for personal use. teered during Kiwanis fundraisers, and a part of (c) So, clip that coupon, save that article, send that photo to an out-of-town relative. those proceeds is now helping children with this donation to the Mommy and Me program. Provided85 information South Union Street, Spencerport

Accepting New Patients Brockport Kiwanis Club supports Oak Orchard’s Mommy and Me Program

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