Westside News WEST Edition – December 24, 2023

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December 24, 2023


Westside News Established 1953

Serving Suburban News West and Hamlin-Clarkson Herald edition areas

Holiday Savings! A Holiday Tradition: Family Christmas Pajamas December 24, 2023

Issue No. 52

by Teresa Schreiber Werth People have many unique traditions revolving around Christmas. Some involve food like favorite cookies or a traditional Christmas breakfast or dinner. Some traditions involve hiking through the snow and cutting the Christmas tree, or decorating with tree ornaments that hold a special meaning. The practice that recently captured my attention is the Family Christmas Pajamas. We know a family that has managed this feat for almost 20 years, through three kids. Just the thought of trying to know everyone’s sizes, finding options, choosing the style and design, purchasing and actually having them laundered and ready to go on Christmas Eve, is more than I can imagine doing once, let alone every year! And I have marveled at their success, making them my all-time winner of Christmas holiday traditions… until last year, when I was shown a photo of a very large, local Christmas family gathering – I’m talking about 26 people from three months to almost 70 years of age, all wearing the same Christmas pajamas at their Christmas Eve gathering! Most tire offers end 12/31/23. See Dealer for details. It was a unique sight to behold! Of course, the little baby and two kids were cute… but the truly amazing part even the parents grandProvide us withwasn’t a better eligible* price at and the time of parents wearing them… the youngeligible* adult men purchase and we’ll matchitit.was Find a better and women decked holiday jammies. The price within 30 days ofout thein purchase,and entire scene was mind-boggling to a person who *



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I asked the co-ordinator of this feat, Minnie Costco members save even more* Rivera, howUp sheTo pulled it off? Her story is just as complex as I imagined (which is why this will Leases starting at for 36 mos. Costco members save even more* NEVER happen in my family)! all willing to forego their personal was finding a Grinch dog sweater for #Payment with $2,000 cash or trade equity and $695 acquisition fee due at signing, plus applicable taxes, DMV fees & 1st payment. Requires GMF credit approval. 10,000 miles/year allowance, 25¢/mi. overage. Lessee responsible for any exWE’LL REFUND THE DIFFERENCE. wear &week miles, & $395 disposition fee at lease end. MustMinnie provide a validwalked GM Supplier or GM Christmas employee code and have a Chevrolet leaseacurrently registered in household. Prior salesson, excluded, in stock vehicleslittle only. *Silverado her Jonnie’s, dogdiscount Mia. Her Thecess first of December 2022, style for Grinch family incudes factory rebate and loyalty program that requires currently owned or leased 2009 or newer Chevrolet in household. See salesperson for details. # *Must take retail delivery by 1/2/24. *Includes factory rebate and requires currently ELIGIBLE BRANDS: BF Goodrich, Bridgestone, idea an over-the-top success! into Walmart NOTpassenger looking Christmas pajamas! owned or leasedone 2009 orday newer Chevrolet car orfor truck pajamas. in household. See As salesperson for details. Must takein retailmatching delivery by 1/2/24.*Costco member $1,000 Rebate must havewas been a Costco member on or before 10/31/23. Continental, Dunlop, Firestone, General, When asked if she would do this she began to cruise the aisles, she noticed several Minnie says that people arrived at Goodyear, Hankook, Kelly, Michelin, Pirelli and Uniroyal.styles of holiday pajamas on display. Something in her home wearing their pjs and kept again? Minnie said, “Yes! Because we Offer ends 12/31/23. See dealer for details. her mind clicked! Minnie has had custom t-shirts them on all day! One minor excep- really had a good time, the pictures made for more than a few events, so she was no tion, was one of her brothers-in-law, are beautiful and it made our Christstranger to a “big project” on a tight timeframe. who, in true Grinch spirit, eventually mas gathering a very memorable And, right then and there, Minnie decided to make pulled his favorite Buffalo Bills shirt event. In truth, we weren’t actually - EXPERT REPAIR - ALL MAKES - ALL INSURANCE being ‘grinchy’ at all…I just liked the look-alike Grinch pajamas happen for her entire over his Grinch pajama top! (immediate and extended) family for Christmas What has become of the matching way it all looked! Seeing everybody 2022. Christmas pjs? She doesn’t know in their matching pjs really made us What may have sounded simple at first, was about everyone else’s, but Minnie still LOOK like one, big family!” anything BUT! Once Minnie was able to get a list has hers. And the biggest surprise of all the sizes she needed (no small task), she began scouring area Walmarts to complete her pj (18) eQUiNoX purchases. Shechevy was calling stores and lTs asking for $ 2015 chevy silverado 1500 stock# 23T212a ............ $24,951 Receive up to in rebates† on the purchase starting at $12,979 items to be held, traveling between Greece, Gates and installation of eligible batteries, cabin andand Brockport, through (4)searching chevy TraXracks ls and piles. 2017 GMc sierra 1500 stock# 4897a.............................. $25,992 engine air filters, and wiper blades. Expires 12/31/23 In the end, it took her right up until Christmas Eve starting at $16,420 2018 chevy silverado stock# 24T068a .......................... $27,464 to complete her shopping list. Most ACDelco Silver (7) chevy lT her SpenIn the meantime, she wasTraX decorating 2017 chevy silverado 1500 stock# 4894 ................. $33,418 starting at $17,923 cerport home (the party venue) in all things Grinch. She says,(2) “It 2020 was thechevy grinchiesteQUiNoX site you ever saw!” 2019 chevy silverado 1500 stock# 24T123a .......... $33,952 was an inflatable Grinch to greet guests, *Includes up to 6 quartsThere of oil. PreMiers Some V-6 and V-8 engines 2022 chevy silverado 1500 stock# 4956 .................... $36,426 Grinch table coverings and dinnerware, Grinch and other select vehicles starting at $20,937 window and door decorations, even a Grinch shower require more than 6 quarts 2020 chevy silverado 1500 stock# 4925 ................... $40,931 See dealer for eligible ACDelco Dexos1®* of oil.vehicles (2) chevy MaliBUs bathroom! and details.curtain in the Expires 12/31/23 (opcode BFA) Expires 12/31/23. By her count, the project involved six families 2022 chevy silverado 1500 stock# 4940 ................. $42,436 at $11,968 Sisters (l-r) Maria, Minnie, Ivette and Marilyn. It was comprised of 16starting females and 11 males. There were (2) chevy crUZe lTs 2020 chevy silverado 1500 stock# 4922 ................. $42,948 Minnie’s idea for the family to wear matching pajamas. spouses, children, siblings, cousins, and girlfriends,








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*Length of contract limited and varies by model. Must finance with GM Financial. Some customers may not qualify. Not available with some other offers. Must take delivery by 12/30/2023. Prior sales excluded. All prices are plus tax, title, lic. & reg. Advertised vehicles may be subject to open safety recalls. Go to safecars.gov or contact dealer for more details.

Dept. Hours: Digital copies of theSales Westside News print editions are now available for viewing Friday mornings. No need 7101 Buffalo Rd. (Rt. 33) Tues.to & Thurs. 8:30am-7pm to wait for ourMon., carriers deliver our publications to you. Plus, you can take a screenshot of anything in the Wed. & Fri. 8:30am-5:00pm; Sat. 9am-3pm 293-2120 paper for personal use. So, clip that coupon, saveChurchville that article, send • that photo to an out-of-town relative. Go to safercar.gov or contact dealer for more info. westsidenewsny.com/digital-edition

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Advertised vehicles may be subject to open safety recalls.

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