Westside News WEST Edition – November 26, 2023

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November 26, 2023


Westside News Established 1953

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Holiday Savings 7dla^c\ 7gdi]Zg]ddY November 26, 2023

Issue No. 48

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Serving the communities of Hamlin, Clarkson, Kendall, Bergen, Clarendon, Holley-Murray, Brockport-Sweden

the years they won multiple championships and scholarships. ALL NEW Their friendship and bowling skills really Years ago, four young boys met at sum2024 school when they began mer camp at Ogden Recreation. Little did took off in middle the varsityTRAX level in Spencerport. they know that this friendship would span bowling atCHEVY all through their school years and beyond Jesse was in seventh grade and the other AVAILABLE HAVE to form a bond of brotherhood through three were in eighth grade when they began. ARRIVED! This year Carter, Josh and Manny are setheir love of bowling. Josh Winter, Manny Panetta, Carter niors at Spencerport and Jesse is a junior. They have shared many years of sucSchum and Jesse Taccone are the powerhouse bowlers for Spencerport’s varsity cesses. Jesse, at the age of 14, bowled a bowling team. Their love for bowling and perfect 300 match against Rush Henrietta. their friendship began after they met at The team was Sectional runner up in 2021 summer camp, which led to a play date and Sectional Champions in 2022. In 2023, at Gates Bowl when they were just eight they won the Monroe County division years old. Their passion for bowling re- championship, defeating more established ally started when Manny was bowling in programs like Rush Henrietta and Hilton. a Saturday morning bumper league at Josh and Jesse achieved individual top perGates Bowl, and he invited his new friends formances, beating out one of the top bowlers in the country, and Jesse was named to the to join him. AVAILABLE Jesse has bowling in his bloodline; his All-Greater Rochester team. The boys team dad, Ty, and grandfather, Jesse Taccone, also set a new school record for high series were avid bowlers. Jesse’s dad helped last winter. From left, Carter Schum, Jesse Taccone, Josh Winter and Manny Panetta haveAVAILABLE been bowling togther “The town is often known for soccer and coach the boys in bowling technique. “He for nearly a decade and are leaders on Spencerport’s varsity boys bowling team. Photo by Karen Fien. BFme Goodrich, Firestone, programs, but these kids develgot my firstBridgestone, bowling ballContinental, and taughtDunlop, me wrestling Costco members General, Goodyear, Hankook, Kelly, Michelin Pirelli save even more* a new dynasty in a lesser-known sport how to throw a curve ball,” recalls Carter. andoped Up To Most combined tire offers end 11/30/23. See Dealer foreventually details. and their friendship impacted their young and I want others to know that the sport – bowling,” said Carter’s mom, Ellen. The bumper league bowling Leases starting at for 36 mos. members save even more* lives. “Bowling can positively affect your life teaches you many things like learning to The boys reflected on how muchCostco bowling became travel league bowling. Throughout #Payment with $2,000 cash or trade equity and $695 acquisition fee due at signing, plus applicable taxes, DMV fees & 1st payment. Requires GMF credit approval. 10,000 miles/year allowance, 25¢/mi. overage. Lessee responsible for any exstay Prior calm cool mind no matcess wear & miles, & $395 disposition fee at lease end. Must provide a valid GM Supplier or GM employee code and have a Chevrolet lease currently registered in household. sales and excluded,keeping in stock vehiclesaonly. *Silverado discount incudes factory rebate and loyalty program that requires currently owned or leased 2009 or newer Chevrolet in household. See salesperson for details. # *Must take retail delivery by 12/4/23. *Includes factory rebate and requires currently Provide us with a better eligible* price at the time terRebate what,” Manny. owned or leased 2009 or newer Chevrolet passenger car or truck in household. See salesperson for details. Must take retail delivery by 12/4/23.*Costco member $1,000 must havesaid been a Costco member on or before 10/31/23. of purchase and we’ll match it. Find a better Josh agreed that the sport really influeligible* price within 30 days of the purchase, enced him. “This sport really helps teach and WE’LL REFUND THE DIFFERENCE.* us how to process information quickly and Ends 11/30/23. See dealer for details. learn to think quickly on our feet.” Carter found in improving his bowling skills that it also helped him build his confidence. He said, “This is a mental game, - EXPERT REPAIR - ALL MAKES - ALL INSURANCE and it is so important to not overreact and to stay confident.” Being part of the varsity bowling program in Spencerport has given the boys (16) chevy eQUiNoX lT’s an added level of academic accountability. starting at $10,956 “Our grades need to be up, and we can’t 2016 BUicK eNvisioN blow off school or we can’t $25,951 bowl,” said Josh. 2015 chevy silverado 1500 stock# 23T212a ............ PreMiUM aWd Kelly Taccone, Jesse’s mom, commented, 2017 GMc sierra 1500 stock#“Friendships 4897a.............................. $27,992 Good $14,999 are so important. friends are hard to come by and good to 2018 chevy silverado stock# 24T068a .......................... $28,464 (13) chevy TraX Most ACDelco Silver have.” Jesse concurred, adding, “We help starting at $16,932 2017 GMc sierra 1500 stock#pick 4894our ................................ $33,918 team mates up and build them up (1) chrysler PaciFica if they are23T226a struggling.” 2019 chevy silverado 1500 stock# .......... $35,418 ToUriNG l through bowling. continued on page 2 The boys have spent a lot of time together on the lanes and have won many trophies and scholarships Provided photos. *Includes up to 6 quarts of oil. by Tami Raco

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