Suburban News West Edition - November 29, 2015

Page 1

Commemorate your baby’s first Christmas...

Michielsen Robert Thomas ” “Robbie March 30, 2015

will appear in the December 20th edition. DeaDliNe: TUeSDaY, DeCeMBeR 15TH

November 29, 2015




Jackson Robe rt Hulbe april 15, 2015 rt

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with a spot on the special holiday keepsake pages of Suburban News and Hamlin Clarkson Herald

Baby’s First Christmas

We’ll feature a photo of your baby plus a special message from you. It will make a marvelous memento to clip and include in your baby’s memory book. 1 col. x 2-7/8”

Sample Ad Shown

ristmas! at Reduced Merry First Ch love, Size andpa Gr Grandma & nt Joanne au & en els chi Mi

Westside News Inc.

Publishers of Suburban News and Hamlin-Clarkson Herald

1776 Hilton-Parma Corners Rd., Spencerport, NY 14559 • 352-3411

Issue No. 48

Merry First Ch ristmas! love, Grandma & Gr andpa Stultz

West Edition

Distributed to Bergen, Clarendon, Holley-Murray and Brockport-Sweden

Ogden Farmers’ Library - a history that speaks volumes by Maggie Fitzgibbon The year was 1815. A group of farmers cultivated a future as they formed the Ogden Farmers’ Library. This library became one of the founding organizations of the Ogden/Spencerport area. Only two community entities came before it, the first school in 1807 and the Congregational Church in 1811. This year notes the bicentennial of the library. At that time in 1815, the library collection contained 100 original books and was housed at the home of George W. Willey, the first settler in Ogden Center. Windsor Stone Trowbridge (a familiar name to the Ogden-Spencerport area) was one of the original stockholders. David Rice, Ephraim Colby and Ephraim Colby, Jr., along with Abraham, Isaac, Timothy, Eastman, Zaccheus and Merrill Colby are also listed as men who were thought to be some of the founders. There are no official documents from that time due to a fire in 1876 that destroyed most of the library materials and records from that time. A charter from 1910 notes that the library book numbered two contained the rules and regulations of the library. The document explains how the general return days were the first Tuesdays in February, May, August and November, much different than current day library return rules. The charter outlined the property of the Farmers’ Library Company with a share equally $2.00, the annual trustees election was held the first Tuesday in February. Well-known author John T. Trowbridge (son of Windsor Stone Trowbridge) wrote a letter in 1902 for the Ogden Centennial, which noted, ‘With special satisfaction and lifelong gratitude I remember the circulating library kept in a store at the Center, at a time when books began to be of inestimable value to me. It must have been a small library indeed, but for me it held infinite riches in a little room.’ Trowbridge’s letter brought about thoughts of reorganizing the library. The Village Building was being built and plans to include a library were considered. A letter from Asa Wynkoop, the Head of the New York Libraries Section, noted a date when he would be traveling to the area and a request to meet with the trustees. During the meeting, Wynkoop outlined the assistance the state would give and the process of complying with those conditions set by the state. Soon after the state granted the corporate name of Farmers’ Library Company and a free public library was established. Edwin Austin, Frank Webster, Horatio Burritt, Jabez Pierce, Foster Spencer were named as the first trustees of this corporation that was recorded in May 1908. In that same year, Harriet Moore was selected as librarian. Four years later, due

A large scale birthday card signed with greetings from library patrons congratulates Ogden Farmers’ LIbrary for its 200 years of library service to the community. to illness, Louise Wilcox and Grace Smith acted as temporary librarians who replaced Moore. Caroline Bush was chosen in 1913 as librarian. Mina Lapp followed Bush and Lapp served as librarian for 30 years. Expanding the library’s services and collections During this time of change for the library, the trustees were committed to growing the library’s collections. In June 1915 the library recorded over 2,500 books, and the total of volumes and magazines loaned was 13,839. It’s interesting to note, the 2012 Ogden Farmers’ Library Annual Report notes 148,980 items were borrowed. Over time, the library became integral to community life. In the early 1930s, over 16,000 books were checked out by patrons, which proved the library’s importance to the community. Programs and services were changed to meet the needs of the community. A statement in the 1929 annual report notes, ‘We were disappointed in our children’s book week and entertainment. We did have a “Christmas Story Hour” on December 23 that was well attended by small children. Each child was given a story booklet as a gift at close.’ This was the beginning of children’s programming at Ogden Farmers’ Library. December of 1948 brought disaster to the fire hall and village building. A fire ripped through these structures, which caused much damage to the library’s collections. Smoke and water created damage that was widespread throughout the library. The heat melted the bindings of much of the library’s collection. Due to this horrible loss, the library remained closed until October 1949.

Librarians in service As in any time period - either present day or long ago - a librarian plays a key role in the operation of a library. The list of those who served as librarians is long and reflects many years of dedicated service. Lovilla Dimock became the first unofficial librarian in 1909; Harriet Moore served for two years following Dimock. Louise Wilcox, Grace Smith and Eunice Gridley all served until Wilcox was officially appointed for a short time in 1913. Caroline Bush acted as librarian until 1916. Mina Lapp’s tenure as librarian spans 30 years, and during this time she witnessed many changes. World War I, a United States population of over 100 million people, the Stock Market Crash, World War II and attack on Pearl Harbor,

and all of these turbulent times impacted the Ogden Farmers’ Library. The 1920s saw dramatic swings in the number of books loaned, totals sometimes fluctuating dramatically - proof that this time in the country was filled with many changes. The annual report filed in 1946 noted $1,000 as Lapp’s salary. The Library Board of Trustees petitioned the Town of Ogden with a letter seeking to increase the salary to $1,200 to hire a replacement for Lapp. Marion Carpenter was subsequently hired as librarian and filled this roll until another fire in 1948 closed the library for almost one year. Adelaide Stewart came on board in 1949 and served until her untimely death in 1967. Louise Campbell, who served for one year, replaced Stewart. Margaret Stevenson followed Campbell and served as the main librarian for 26 years. It was during Stevenson’s leadership that the library underwent another dramatic change, a move to a new facility. A new space for a new era An article published in the Suburban News dated July 21, 1976, described the library’s dedication at its new location at 14 Amity Street. This two-story facility offered patrons more than 18,000 books and other materials for loan including records, sculptures, framed prints, periodicals, films and cassettes. The staff included Stevenson, Ann Curtis, Jeannette Elliott, Sherrie Burris and Carol Kinnaman. At this time, a community group called the Friends of the Library was formed to support the library and assist with library activities. The Friends of the Ogden Farmers’ Library still exists but with a broader scope of support including fundraising.

continued on page 4

The move to the present Ogden Farmers’ Library located in the Ogden Community Center on Ogden Center Road permitted the creation of a spacious reading and learning area for youngsters.

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Kid’s holiday events at the Seymour Library The Emily Knapp Museum of Brockport will be sponsoring children’s holiday events to take place at the Seymour Library on Saturday, December 12. Starting at 10 a.m., spend an hour with Brockport’s Breadman, Chet Fery, learning the art of breadmaking with a little history and storytelling thrown in. Participants will leave with a container of bread to bake at home and to share with family and friends. This event is limited to fifteen attendees, ages 9 through 16. RSVP online at or call 637-1050. Following at 1 p.m., Mrs. Claus will read holiday stories to children of all ages. She will also collect letters to Santa for delivery to the North Pole. Both activities are free, but goodwill donations for the museum are always welcome. Provided information

Each week, 52 weeks a year, the area’s “Best Read” local newspaper, Suburban News or The Herald, is brought to you free of charge.

Suburban News - West Edition - November 29, 2015 3

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4 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - November 29, 2015

We always, all ways give you more (585) 352-3411 • FAX (585) 352-4811 P.O. Box 106 1776 Hilton-Parma Corners Road (Route 259) Spencerport, NY 14559

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Writers & contributors Mark Ball, John Dunn, Maggie Fitzgibbon, Kristina Gabalski, Doug Hickerson, Walter Horylev, Warren Kozireski, Rick Nicholson, Terra Osterling, Joe Reinschmidt, Leisa Strabel.

Ogden Farmers’ Library a history that speaks volumes continued from page one Mary Anderson is the president of the Friends of the Ogden Farmers’ Library. “We support the library in so many ways, such as fundraising for equipment and volunteer support, and also what we call ‘friend raising.’ Our goal is to strengthen the library’s programs and services and provide the best service possible.” The Friends of the OFL group also provides scholarships to students who have volunteered at the library and are pursuing higher education. During the 1970s and 1980s, library programming was expanded to include craft demonstrations, lunchtime book reviews and discussions as well as even nature walks. Programming evolved for children and included film festivals, visiting artists, and story hours with Rosalind Krebs. (This kind lady will forever be remembered as a favorite with this writer.) “Many of the programs that were started back in the 1970s are still offered today. Our reading programs are still very popular. When I started in 1982, we knew all of our library patrons and it’s still the same in 2015,” said Doreen Castano, retired library clerk and now director of the Spencerport Depot and Canal Museum. Judy Jennejahn became head librarian in 1980; Annette Von Dohlen followed her in 1984 and she served for 16 years. In 1989, an evolution into the world of technology brought the Ogden Farmers’ Library into the new era with a newly automated circulation system. A location change readies the library for growth 1992 brought a location change as the library found its current space at 269 Ogden Center Road. This new location offered opportunities for the library to grow and provided space to update the library’s collections as well as room to create children’s and young adult areas. Patty Uttaro stepped in to replace Von Dohlen in 1999. Uttaro, along with a dedicated group of community members, came together with a mission to restore a 1908 railroad depot for the purpose of a visitor’s center, museum and satellite library. In May 2005 the depot was moved to its location on the banks of the Erie Canal in Spencerport. It opened to the public in September of 2007. The Spencerport Depot and Canal Museum now serves as a vital resource to the Spencerport and Ogden communities as a museum, lending library and stopping place for boaters and travelers. Uttaro remembers: “Mary Gerew, a devoted library volunteer, and lifelong resident of Spencerport, asked to meet with me along with a few friends, Bud Nichols and Bernie Cubitt. They had a dream of restoring the old depot to the Village. Maxine Davison, a well-known philanthropist, wanted to donate the building to the Village, but only if it could be used as a museum. These folks asked me for help in organizing their efforts to get the depot moved. I took on the role of general supporter and fundraiser, while Bud and Bernie recruited volunteers to help with moving the depot,” Uttaro explained. “We raised more than $35,000 in about 10 months to help pay for the construction and moving. I wrote and received a New York State Library Construction grant, which helped furnish the finished depot. The interior of the Depot resembles the

Editorial Assistant -- Kiri Patella Ryan ext. 126 email: Circulation & distribution -Don Griffin, Noreen Newton. ext. 123 email: Published each Sunday by Westside News Inc., Suburban News circulates by private carrier and the U.S. Postal Service to free distribution recipients and paid subscribers in Bergen, Brockport-Sweden, Chili, Churchville-Riga, Clarendon, Clarkson, Hamlin, Hilton-Parma, North Greece, and Spencerport-Ogden. Business offices are located at 1776 Hilton-Parma Corners Road (Route 259),..Spencerport, NY 14559. (585) 352-3411. Entered for mailing at Spencerport, NY 14559. Subscription rates are $40 per year; $25 for six months or less. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS All advertising in this publication is subject to approval before publication. We reserve the right to edit, refuse, reject or cancel any ad at any time. We shall not be liable for any loss or expense that results from the publication (whether published correctly or not) or omission of an advertisement. COLLECTION NOTICE In the event of non-payment when due, an advertiser’s account may be turned over to an attorney for collection and will be liable for all charges paid by Westside News Inc. for collection. If judgments are received against the advertiser, the name of the person and the business will appear in this publication until the judgment is satisfied. Office hours:

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The Ogden Farmers’ Library in the early 1900s when the library was housed at the Spencerport Village Hall. Ogden Farmers’ Library as it looked in 1908.” Uttaro felt a great sense of community and accomplishment working on the Depot project. “The enthusiasm from the volunteers, especially Bud and Bernie, was remarkable. Their knowledge of Spencerport history and their love for the community was something I have not encountered since. Also, the opportunity to create a unique destination point in Spencerport was so appealing,” Uttaro said. Over the next six years, Kay Dennett, Jennifer Magee and Sue Swanton all followed Uttaro. Since 2013, John Cohen has served as director. Since its early beginnings in 1815, the library has now become a cornerstone for the community. Programs and services have grown to appeal to library patrons of all ages. “The library has become more than just a collections of books. We are a resource for the community and programming is a mainstay of what we offer. Our programming has a broad scope of offerings from genealogy to gardening to specific community interests. Our reading programs are well attended, and range from pre-school through adult. The intent of these programs are to foster life-long love of reading,” Cohen explained. Celebrating the milestone This bicentennial year was celebrated with a host of events and activities including filling a time capsule that was buried in the Children’s Garden. Cohen collected items from community groups to note their contributions or significance to the Spencerport/Ogden area. “We kicked off the year with a birthday party in January where our staff and volunteers gave a presentation highlighting important events that occurred over the year. We held a contest in February. We invited the community to write an essay explaining why they love Ogden Farmers’ Library,” Cohen said. “A time capsule was filled with items from the library and community as well as a letter to the future noting the important events of 2015. This capsule is buried in the Children’s Garden outside the library.” What does the next 200 years hold for the Ogden Farmers’ Library? Castano noted how the library continues to be a vital resource for the community. “When I retired 15 years ago, we were seeing second and third generation children and families visiting and borrowing library books and taking part in programming. This proved the importance and value of our library.”

Library patrons in the early 1900s could settle into a rocking chair to peruse the newspaper.

Note: The Ogden Farmer’s Library’s Annual Reports contain pages and pages of anecdotal information written by librarians that gives a first person explanation of the accounts of that time period and were used to assist in writing this article. For other information about the Ogden Farmers’ Library, visit and visit to learn more about the Spencerport Depot and Canal Museum.

Toys for Tots comes to The Garden Factory for combined Contribution and Toy Drive Event In the summer of 2013, the local Marine Corps Reserves Center on Paul Road was closed due to federal government cut-backs. Up until that time, The Rochester Marine Corps Reservists were tasked the responsibility of handling the regional Toys for Tots toy drive through the National Toys for Tots Foundation. The local resident Marine Corps Reservists now train in Buffalo and Syracuse leaving the Toys for Tots handling responsibility to the local Marine Corps League and Marine Corps Coordinating Council of Rochester. We are mostly retired veteran Marines but carry on the tradition of Toys for Tots and the United States Marine Corps with the National Toys for Tots Foundation. We are also connected with the local Salvation Army for Monroe County toy distribution. Our area of responsibility is Monroe and also all of the adjacent counties. Last year in

2014 we collected and distributed over 11,000 toys for this area. This year we have teamed up with the Garden Factory for a massive Contribution and Toy Drive Event scheduled for December 5 and 6. We started with an October weekend at the Garden Factory advertising this upcoming event along with a free distribution of Halloween coloring books to kids hunting for Halloween fun and a distribution of fliers. In December we will have a huge military truck staged right inside their facility and promote a “Stuff the Military Truck with Toys” event. For more information, go to www.rochester. Frank Kozlowsky MCCC Senior Vice Chairman & Promotional Events

Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - November 29, 2015 5

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6 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - November 29, 2015

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Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - November 29, 2015 7

Brockport readies for fifth annual holiday parade

Brockport Volunteer Ambulance Corps

by Kristina Gabalski WHAM 1180’s Bob Lonsberry will MC this year’s Holiday Lights Spectacular Community Parade in Brockport Sunday, December 6. Co-hosting will be Caurie PutnamFerguson. The parade kicks off at 5 p.m. along Main Street in the downtown business district. This year marks the 5th anniversary of the event that has quickly become a favorite holiday tradition in the village. “It started out as an event to celebrate the re-opening of Main Street,” says organizer Brian Winant of the Brockport Police Stetson Club. “It has continued to grow in attendance every year. We are hoping for another big turnout.” The parade features sparkling lighted floats, cars, trucks and marching bands and is followed by the Tree Lighting Ceremony at Sagawa Park. Mr. and Mrs. Claus will also make an appearance. Winant says dress for the weather, bring your family, “and meet friends and neighbors for the kick-off event of the holiday season.” He encourages parade-goers to come early to shop and eat along Main Street. Winant reminds those attending that there will be no parking on Main Street after 3 p.m. “There’s plenty of parking in the lots behind Main Street and where allowed on side streets,” Winant says.

3rd Annual

Winter Craft Show

Sat., Dec. 5, 2015 • 10am-4pm The Center, 133 State St., Brockport Chinese Auction, DJ Mike Neale, 50/50 Raffle, Food & More.

Information for CPR and EMS classes available. Proceeds to benefit Brockport Volunteer Ambulance Corps. Quality Pre-Hospital Emergency Medical Services

The Holiday Lights Spectacular Community Parade in Brockport will feature sparkling lighted floats, cars and trucks to line up Main Street. File photo There is still time for community groups, organizations and businesses to register to take part in the parade, he adds. $500 in prize money will be awarded. The registration deadline is December 2. For more information or to register, email or call 391-3155.

2016 Erie Canalway calendar available Dec. 1 The public is invited to pick up a free 2016 Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor calendar starting December 1 at selected libraries and visitor centers throughout the National Heritage Corridor. This year’s calendar celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Erie Canalway photo contest and shares winning images that capture the unique beauty, history, and character of New York’s canals and canal communities. Calendars will be available on a first-come, firstserved basis, thanks to sponsorship by the NYS Canal Corporation. This year’s cover features First Place winner Storm Cloud Over Adams Basin by Jane MaitlandMoran of Spencerport. Visit for list of calendar distribution sites. Provided information

The 2016 Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor Calendar cover features First Place winner Storm Cloud over Adams Basin by Jane Maitland-Moran of Spencerport. Provided photo.

Fresh Picked Produce • Squash • Apples • Broccoli

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Hamlin Fire Department

It’s Back!

Holiday Raffle

Sat., Dec. 5th 7 p.m. till? Hamlin Fire House 1521 Lake Road Hamlin, NY Turkey, prime rib, strip steaks, ham, shrimp & lobster

Health & Fitness

Pull tabs & door prizes Refreshments Available coUPoN

Northside service ceNter

Sigillo Chiropractic Some Causes of Back Pain A car accident or other serious trauma, like a fall,

are likely causes of back pain. But pain can develop from a variety of sources that are not quite so obvious. Here are a few of the conditions that can play a role in creating back pain: • Spinal stenosis: a narrowing of the space around Dr. Christopher J. Sigillo, D.C. the spinal cord. It’s a condition often caused by arthritis. In the narrowed chamber, pressure can build on the spinal cord. • Herniated disc: between each vertebrae - the individual bones that make up the spine - is a cushioning pillow called a disc. When the disc is herniated, or ruptured, material from inside the disc can push out and put pressure on the nerve. This problem generally occurs in the lower back. • Stress: it can make muscles tense and can cause pain. • Sciatica: a shooting, stabbing pain that runs down the leg. A disc pressing against the sciatic nerve is usually the cause. • Spondylitis: chronic back pain and stiffness caused by infection or inflammation of the spinal joints. • Spondylosis: a kind of arthritis caused by degeneration of the spine that comes with age. • Osteoporosis: a loss of bone density that can lead to fractures of the vertebrae and other bones. These are just some of the factors that can cause back pain. Talk with your chiropractor about ways to protect you back and , if necessary, to treat back pain. Presented as a community service by

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8 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - November 29, 2015 You are invited to our

Holiday Open House

on Sat., Dec. 5 & Sun., Dec. 6 Refreshments Served

Brockport Open House December 5 & 6

Crabtree & Evelyn Bath and Body, Coco and Carmen Clothing, Bunnies By the Bay Infant Wear, Romero Britto, Michele Design Works, Harney & Sons Teas, Finger Lakes Coffee Beans, Stonewall Kitchen, Stonybrook Oil, and other gourmet goodies!

Now within the Red Bird

25 Main St., Brockport 637-3340 Mon.-Thurs. 10-5:30, Fri. til 8pm, Sat. 10-5:30; Closed Sun. Lunch Served Daily 11-2:00 Beer and wine available Find us on Facebook

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Holiday Greetings to All From Western Monroe Historical Society

Morgan-Manning House 151 Main Street, Brockport, NY 14420 We extend appreciation to our entire membership and encourage your patronage of these local business members: Adams Basin Inn Arjuna Florist & Gifts Bateman Orthodontics - Dr. Bateman Bittersweet Brad’s Northside Service Brockport Animal Hospital Brockport Auxiliary Brockport Custom Carpet Brockport Optometry - Dr. Raff Carriage Place & Antique Co-op Country Treasures Danielle Windus-Cook Properties Dollingers Inn & Suites Dunn’s Furnishings, Inc. Edward Jones Investments 58 Main BBQ & Brew Five Star Bank Fowler Funeral Home, Inc. Garnishes Catering

Jill’s Antiques & Collectibles Kirby’s Farm Market Klafehn Heise & Johnson, PLLC Lift Bridge Book Shop Magic Wands Vacuum Cleaner Shoppe Mahan’s Discount Liquor & Wine Red Bird Cafe & Gift Shoppe Robb Farms Salmon Creek Nursery, Inc. Sara’s Garden Center Seaward Candies Strong West - Brockport The UPS Store #1145 The White Farm Bed & Breakfast Maxwell Thaney, DDS Wegman’s Brockport Westside News Inc.

Sunday, December 6th 3-5pm Pictures with Santa Bring your family and camera to the MorganManning House. Have your picture taken with Santa!

~ Happening at the House ~

Candlelight Christmas Show & Sale

Fri., Dec. 4th - 10:00am-9:00pm • Sat., Dec. 5th - 10:00am-5:00pm 55 Artisans display and sell exquisite handcrafts throughout the beautifully restored Victorian mansion. Suggested donation $3.00 Major credit cards accepted For information about Membership, Programs, Special Events Website: Email: Telephone: 585-637-3645

Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - November 29, 2015 9

‘Tis the Season at

Bittersweet Holiday Open House Dec. 5th & 6th * Distinctive Jewelry * Santas * Snowmen * Pottery * Leather Purses * Beautiful Scarves * Warm Accessories & Comfortable Clothing There’s something for everyone on your holiday list. Gift

ates Certific ble a l i a Av


41 Main St., Brockport • 637-4774

• Books • Games • Toys • Stocking Stuffers • Arts & Crafts • Baby Gifts • Advent Calendars

Holiday Open House Weekend

Sunday, december 6th at 5:00 pm 5th Annual

s ’ t r o p k c o r B s t h g i L y a holid r a l u c a t c Spe

Community Parade

Fri., Dec. 4 & Sun., Dec. 6

25% OFF Calendar Sale

New American Girl Maryellen Larkin Sat., Dec. 12, 11am $ 5 age 7 & up

Come Kick Off the Holiday Season

She will be teaching all things 1950s like games and the hand jive. It will be fun! Doll drawing following event.

45 Main Street, Downtown Brockport


featuring glittering, lighted floats, cars, trucks, marching bands & music. Parade MC’s Bob Lonsberry from WHAM 1180 and Caurie Putnam-Ferguson of the Brockport Blog.

M 9:30-6, T-F 9:30-8, S 10-6, S 12-4

Arjuna Florist & Design Shoppe 78 Main St. Brockport 14420


Arjuna Florist & Design Shoppe Invites you to share a weekend of

Customer Appreciation...

Offering Store Wide Savings, Magical Ambiance, Music and Seasonal Sweets.

December 5: 9-5 and

December 6: 1-6

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25% off

our customer friendly prices.

Can’t make it?

Call us and we will give you

10% off

a future holiday order of $50 or more when placed on 12/5 - 12/6


tree Lighting Ceremony

at Sagawa Park and a visit with Mr. & Mrs. Claus.

Come early & stroll through the festive Victorian Village of Brockport and enjoy Christmas shopping with all the Downtown Merchants Sponsors - “Thank You!” THE GREATER BROCKPORT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE


Kelly M Lewis, Agent


Brockport Merchant’s Association


10 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - November 29, 2015


•Programs and events at Lift Bridge Book Shop: Toddler story time, Friday, November 20 at 10:30 a.m. Ages 1 to 4. Includes songs, games and stories. Free and open to the public. Thanksgiving Weekend Sale - November 25 through 29. Pete the Cat is visiting Saturday, November 28 at 11 a.m. Meet Pete and have a book signed. For ages 3 and up. Cost is $5. Registration required. All programs take place at Lift Bridge Book Shop, 45 Main Street, Brockport. For information or to register, contact Cody Steffen at 637-2260 or

PerSOnaL attentIOn for your Dog & cat by resident owner & staff

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Ebb Tide

Kennels & stables 16787 ridge road • Holley 638-5042 •

LIGHT A CANDLE OF LOVE. Since Christmas is a time for remembering, we are lighting a candle in our funeral home for all the families we have served this past year. As you enjoy this Christmas season, we hope this gesture will serve to remind you of Holidays past and the importance of family. May the quiet peace of Christmas fill your heart and home.

Christopher M itchell


•Euchre at the Hamlin Firemen’s Exempts, 1382 Lake Road, Hamlin, every Tuesday at 7 p.m. •Fundraiser to benefit the Aurora House - Save bottles, cans and pull tabs (aluminum only). The collection is on-going. Call John, 352-7866.

Government Meetings

•Assemblyman Steve Hawley announced the next round of his November mobile office hours at Seymour Library Ellwanger Room, 161 East Avenue, Brockport, Wednesday, November 25, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. •Brockport: Village Board meets the first and third Monday of each month at 7 p.m. Village Board work session meets the fourth Monday of the month (November 23 meeting has been cancelled) at 7 p.m. Planning Board meets the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. Zoning Board of Appeals meets the first Thursday of the month only upon application. Historic Preservation Board meets the third Thursday of the month at 7:15 p.m. All meetings are held at the Village Hall unless otherwise noted. •Clarendon: Town Board meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall, 16385 Church Street, Clarendon. Planning Board meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall. Zoning Board of Appeals meets upon necessity, on the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. •Clarkson: Town Board meets each second and fourth Tuesday at 6 p.m. at the Clarkson Town Hall, 3710 Lake Road, Clarkson. Planning Board meets the first and third Tuesday of each month, effective September 1 meetings take place at 7 p.m. Zoning Board of Appeals meets the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. Conservation Board meets the second Wednesday of every month as needed. Architectural Review Board meets on the first Tuesday of the month as needed. All meetings are held in the Town Hall, 3710 Lake Road, Clarkson. The Library Board meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at the Seymour Library, 161 East Avenue. Historical Society meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Clarkson Academy, 8343 Ridge Road. The Town Clerk’s Tuesday office hours have been extended to 6 p.m. •Hamlin: Planning Board meets the first Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m.; Town Board meets the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m.; Conservation Board meets fourth Monday of each month at 7 p.m.; Zoning Board of Appeals meets the third Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. All meetings held at the Hamlin Town Hall, 1658 Lake Road, Hamlin. For information, call 964-7222.

•Holley: Planning Board meets the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. Board of Trustees meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. Regular monthly Supervisors Meetings are held prior to the Board of Trustees meetings, beginning at 5:30 p.m. •Kendall: Town Board meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. for regular meetings. The conference sessions (workshop) meets the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. Meetings are held at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall. The Town Board has also scheduled additional work sessions to occur on each Monday evening from 6 to 9 p.m. excluding holidays, and on Saturdays prior to the third Tuesday of each month from 9 to 11:30 a.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall. Planning Board meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m., with optional work sessions held the second Tuesday at 7 p.m.; and the Zoning Board meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall. •Murray: Town Board meets the second Tuesday of each month beginning at 7 p.m. at the Murray Town Hall, 3840 Fancher Road, Holley. •Parma: Town Board will meet on the first and third Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. Conservation Board meets the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m.; Planning Board meets the first Thursday and third Monday of each month at 7 p.m.; Zoning Board of Appeals meets the third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. All meetings held at the Parma Town Hall, 1300 Hilton-Parma Corners Road, and are open to the public. •Sweden: Town Board meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month (November 24) at 7 p.m. Town of Sweden offices are open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For information, contact the Supervisor’s office at 637-7588.


•Hamlin Public Library programs and events - Munchkin Monday Story Hour Monday, November 23 from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. For ages 2 to 5 with caregiver. Baby Storytime - Tuesday, November 24 from 10:30 to 11 a.m. Stories, music and educational play for babies under 2 years and caregiver. Siblings welcome. All programs take place at the Hamlin Public Library, 1680 Lake Road, Hamlin.


•St. Leo’s Knights of Columbus Council #9461 Hilton meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the St. Leo’s Parish Center on Lake Avenue, Hilton. •U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, Flotilla 48, meets the fourth Monday of the month at 6:15 p.m. for dinner, followed by a business meeting at 7 p.m. at Hilton Baptist Church, 50 Lake Avenue in Hilton. For information, e-mail Bonnie at Division or leave a message at (585) 964-9434. •The Hamlin Republican Committee meets the fourth Tuesday of each month in the Hamlin Town Hall starting at 7 p.m.

Social and Professional

•Hilton-Parma Knitting and Needlework Group meets the fourth Tuesday of each month from 6:30 to 9 p.m. in the Hilton Community Center Senior Lounge. All are welcome.


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Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - November 29, 2015 11




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Reynolds Plumbing - Kitchen & Bath Remodeling, new homes, sewer & drain cleaning, gas lines, water heaters. Plumbing Repair Service. Call Joe 585-637-6879, cell 737-6016. [TFN]

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Fence Installations, Repairs and Removals - Landscaping, Cleanups, Hedge/Shrub Trimming, Gutter Cleaning. Fully Insured. Call Chinappi Enterprises, 585469-6334.[11-29] __________________ Topsoil, screened and delivered locally - 2 yds. $88; 3 yds. $100; 4 yds. $118; 5 yds. $130; 6 yds. $145; 7 yds. $168; 8 yds. $192. Also, screened garden compost mulch, decorative stone, driveway stone; stone dust, pool sand and fill dirt. Pick-up and save. Visa, Discover and Mastercard welcome. Buttonwood Farms, 585-392-5340.[TFN]

2007 Mazda M3 sedan, 4 door, PW, PS, PM, tilt, air, cruise 82,000 miles. $6,150. 585-4155141.[11-29] __________________ 2008 Buick Lucerne CX, 3.8 litre engine, PW, PL, PM, PS, tilt, cruise, air, very good condition. 13,600 miles. $4,250. 585-415-5141.[11-29] __________________

2002 Hyundai Accent GL, 4 dr., 114K, AC, PW, PD, 4 cyl., auto., AM/FM stereo w/cassette. $1,595. Call 585352-8730.[TFN]

AUTOMOTIVE A+ Whelehan Painting - 37 years experience. Father/son business. Interior/exterior. Painting/staining, powerwashing, deck refinishing, wallpaper removal. EPA Lead Certified. Fully-insured. - Credit Cards Accepted. Pat (585) 317-6654 [TFN] __________________

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Suburban News & The Herald

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This is Suburban News & The Herald. Thank you for reading!


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MOTORCYCLE/ ALL TERRAIN Harley Davidson Dyna Super Glide, 2005 FXD, red, mileage is 23,900. Clear title, engine size is 1450 cc. Includes spoked wheels, saddle bags with keys to lock bags to the bike. Small bag in front on forks. Screaming Eagle kit installed and oil changed every 3,000 miles. New tires. Excellent condition. $8,000. Photos available on craigslist. 585-392-1919.[TFN]

RECREATIONAL VEHICLES/CAMPERS 2011 Jay Feather X23J hybrid, only used for 6 nights. Double slide, tons of storage. A must see! $16,500. Weighs: 4,739.Call Pat, 7031427.[TFN]

GENERAL SERVICE APPLIANCE REPAIR Bauer Appliance Service - All makes & models Refrigerators, Freezers, Washers, Dryers, Dishwashers, Ranges. Committed to Quality. 585-3149115.[TFN] __________________ Appliance Repair: Call Lou Borrelli. Washers, dryers, refrigerators, ranges-ovens, microwaves. 585-352-3440. [TFN]


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GENERAL SERVICE ATTORNEYS/LEGAL Attorney: Real Estate Closings, Divorce, Family Court, Bankruptcy and Wills. Free initial consultation. Jennie M. Cooper, 2255 Lyell Avenue, 585-3257792. A Debt Relief Agency.[2-14-16]

GRAVESITE MAINTENANCE Gravesite care when you can’t get there! Headstone Cleaning, Detailed and Personalized Plot Maintenance. Flower Bouquet and Wreath placement for holidays or special occasions. Call 585352-7476 or visit www. Locally owned and operated.[TFN]

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TAXIDERMY P ro f e s s i o n a l E u ropean Skull Mount Service. Call 585352-4676, leave message. $50. I Love My Bugs.[12-6]

WEDDINGS/ SPECIAL OCCASIONS Professionally trained soloist, available to add a touch of elegance to your wedding, meeting or social event. Call 585352-8730.[TFN]

The deadline for next week’s edition is Thursday at 4 p.m.

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Find details about placing an ad on the first page of the Classifieds. 1776 Hilton-Parma Corners Rd. Spencerport, NY 14559


12 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - November 29, 2015

real estate

iteMs For sale/For rent ANTIQUES


ANTIQUES .com 65 Main Street



6000 Sweden Walker Rd. Brockport

ART WORK Original acrylic paintings ... seasonal, landscapes, portraits, modern folk images, various sizes. Affordable & very interesting. For more information contact Nils R. Caspersson, 585-9247868.[TFN]




585-370-7986 cell • 585-352-0368


75 FC ............................. Picked up $ 90 FC .......................Local Delivery $ 85 FC ....5 or More FC Local Delivery $


FireWOOd - $70 per face cord, pick up only, Spencerport area. Call 585-594-4514 or 585455-7168.[12-13] _________________

FireWOOd - Split, seasoned Apple Wood. Delivery Available. Kirby’s Farm Market, 9739 Ridge Rd., Brockport. 585-637-2600.[12-6] _________________ Alternative Fuels Dry Creek Wood Pellets, Bagged Coals and Envi-Blocks. Hendel Farms, Holley. 585638-6042.[TFN]

FURNITURE Chest of drawers for babies room, oak - $70. Two rocking chairs: one maple and one painted black - $25 each. Call 585-3521979. [TFN]



(585) 391-3571


(585) 589-9610

gARAgE/ MOVINg SALES indoor Pre-Christmas Winter Sale - Friday, December 4 - Sunday, December 6; 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Churchville Moose Lodge, 5709 Chili Riga Center Road, Churchville. NY Yankees memorabilia, T-shirts, baseball caps; Nutcracker collection; miscellaneous Christmas items; much more. 585-738-2722.[11-29]

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 8 Track Tapes over one hundred mostly western & children. $1 a piece. Call Walter Frisbee, 585-2254360.[12-6] __________________ APPle SHiPPiNg Send a great tasting gift to anyone in the continental U.S. Kirby’s Farm Market, 9739 Ridge Road, Brockport, 585-637-2600.[12-6]

Brockport/Holley area - Country setting. Half house, 2 bedroom, 1 bath. $750+ utilities. First month plus security due at signature for 1 year lease. Available Dec. 15. No pets. No smoking. Call 585-2022869.[11-29] _________________

starting @



(585) 637-5560 Antiques & Collectibles


Medical lift chairs

Downtown Brockport

The Carriage Place


Wo o d e n w i n e press, Circa 1940. Excellent condition. 585-293-1115. Make offer.[12-6] Kitchen oak - 10 cabinets, counters, sink, faucet, disposal, very good condition. $650. 585-469-8939.[TFN] _________________

Maple Syrup - 100% Pure and Natural. Maple Grove Farm - a 5th generation family farm. 4394 South Holley Road, Holley (north of Rt. 31A); 6 miles west of Brockport. 585638-6245.[TFN] _________________

Complete kitchen appliances, Oak honey tone, Corian top, 15 cabinets, excellent condition. $2,800. 585469-8939.[TFN] _________________ Sentry home fire proof safes; out of the box, good as new. Model 1170 $45; model 1150 $35; model 1100 - $25. Call 585-3527476, please leave a message.[TFN] _________________ Ain’t it sweet to beat the high cost of heat? Coal, wood pellets, Enviblocks. Pickup, delivery. Gloves, boots, critter control, hay, straw, pet/farm food and bird seed. 585-5948300.[TFN] _________________

large office desk & cabinets, 11’ 8” long with T in center. 5-31/2” long, custom built inlaid Formica top, gorgeous. $390. 585-4698939.[TFN] _________________ Put your super value ad here for only $14.50 for 15 words and 50 cents for each additional. Buy 1 week and we give you two more Free! Call 585-3523411 for details on the Super Value Ad. Single items only on this special and not available to businesses. $500 maximum.[TFN]

The deadline for next week’s edition is Thursday at 4 p.m.!

352-4011 WANTED TO BUY Wanted Snowblowers, riding lawn mowers, tractors, 3 wheelers. Call 585-415-5141 to discuss.[11-29]



NOTICE The following inserts should be found inside your edition of the Suburban News or Hamlin Clarkson Herald this week.

• gATES bIg m Inside all papers in Ogden and Spencerport. • TOPS Inside all papers in Bergen, Holley, Kendall, Clarendon and Murray. • DICk’S SPORTIng gOODS Inside all papers in Brockport, Sweden, Holley, Bergen, Clarendon and Murray. • COUnTRY mAx Inside all papers in Spencerport, Ogden, Parma, Hilton, Hamlin, Kendall, Brockport, Sweden, Holley, Bergen, Clarendon and Murray. • kIwAnIS bOOkS Inside all papers in Ogden, Hamlin, Brockport, Sweden, Holley and Clarkson. IF YOU FAIL TO RECEIVE A COPY OF THESE FLYERS AS YOU SHOULD, PLEASE CALL OUR OFFICE AT 352-3411.

ANNOUNCEMENTS Advertise in the Westside’s only publications with saturation coverage... AND a professional editorial staff. That spells readership and response. To advertise in Suburban News and The Hamlin-Clarkson Herald call 585-352-3411 for details.[TFN]



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real estate APARTMENTS/ UNFURNISHED Spencerport/greece. Studio/1 BR apart ments, 2 BR House and Mobile homes. Great location on W. Ridge near Manitou. Commercial Building 2,000 sq. ft. Subdividable. 585-3813672.[TFN] __________________ Hilton: Cedar Hill Townhouses - The Space your family needs to grow ... away from the crowded city. Affordable two and three bedroom town-houses with 1.5 baths, finished basement family rooms, storage/laundry rooms with w/d hookups, central air, 24-hour emergency service, and playground for the kids. Cats are welco me. Rates from $850-$875 + security. Call for details 585392-6015. Professionally managed by Landsman. Hours: MondayFriday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Equal Housing Opportunity. We do not participate in Section 8 or DSS programs. [TFN]

Bergen: 1 bedroom apartments available. Call for info 585-6830995.[11-29] _________________ Brockpor t-Willowbrooke Manor. Spacious two bedroom apts. Appliances, carpeting, 24 hr. emergency service, free cable TV, recreation and laundry facilities. 585-637-3400.[TFN] Persons placing ads that discriminate contrary to Federal Law can be liable for fines of $10,000 and more per offense. DON’T DISCRIMINATE. If you feel that you have been discriminated against please call the Fair Housing Enforcement Project at 585325-2500.[TFN]

★★ ★




reach almost 5,500,000 homes in the New York state classified Network available through this newspaper. Only $490 for 15 words. $15 each additional word. Call 585-3523411 and place your ad today![TFN]

Harper Park Hamlin: New and pre-owned manufactured homes for sale in lovely community. Yard with 2 car asphalt driveway. Short drive to Hamlin Beach State Park. Moderately priced, single floor living. Take a tour today. 4000 Brick Schoolhouse Rd., Hamlin, NY. Call 585964-2434 or visit us at www.harperhomes. net. [TFN]

Manufactured Home on own land for rent: two bedrooms, fireplace, central air, appliances including washer and dryer, month to month lease, no smoking, no pets. $795 per month + utilities. Available Nov. 1st. Call 585352-9758.[11-29]

CONDOS/TOWNHOUSES FOR RENT Townhouses - Hilton Parkwood, have finished basement, storage/laundry rooms with w/d hookups, 2 bdrms., 1-1/2 baths, large country kitchen with all appliances. $895 month. 585-313-0811.[11-29]

Advertise where people


Read where people



HOMES FOR SALE OPeN HOuSe - 146 E. State St., Albion. December 6, 1 to 3 p.m. Large colonial, 4 bedrooms, 2 story Carriage house, metal roof, natural woodwork. Must see - Beautiful Home. Call Early Sunrise Realty, 585-638-0020.[11-29] __________________ Hilton area - 3 bedroom, 2.5 baths, fireplaced family room, tiered deck, fenced yard. All for $126,000. Must see to enjoy! Call Early Sunrise Realty, 585-638-0020.[11-29]

For information on advertising Call us at


RESORT PROPERTIES FOR RENT Three bedroom, 2 bath home in North Cape May, N.J. (10 minutes to the ocean, beaches). Call Keith at 585-3528730. [TFN]

This is Suburban News & The Herald. Thank you for reading!

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aMerican jobs!

★★ ★

ProDUce local... shoP local... hire local...

contact tami for help with your employment needs • 352-3411 ext. 129 • or

every eMPloyMent aD rUns online For free!



• Immediate B & C shift openings • Very clean environment • Albion • $11.00 – 11.20 per hour


• Openings on all three shifts • Fast paced environment • Medina • $10.00 – 10.65 per hour Go to to fill out our application. Walk-ins welcome at 534 Main St., Medina, NY Bring ID for I9 We never charge a fee! eoe

Full time experienced dump truck driver. Good pay, benefits available. Clean CDL A or B license a must. Send resume to pradema@ or stop by 50 Owens Road, Brockport, NY to pick up an application.[TFN] __________________ House Cleaner - days, M-F. Can earn over $500/wk. with performance & attendance rewards. Must be at least 21 years old & have own car. 585-2474650.[TFN]

Suburban News & The Herald




★★★★★★ Skilled grill cook wanted. Great pay & benefits to those who have the “right stuff.” Apply in person. Tillman’s Village Inn, Albion. 585-5899151. [TFN]

Quality assurance supervisor - Needs 5-10 yrs experience with frozen fruits & vegetables • Starting pay $13.00 • SQF experience $ apply at Holli-pac • 16677 rt. 31 Holley, ny.

★★★★★★ Persons placing ads that discriminate contrary to Federal Law can be liable for fines of $10,000 and more per offense. DON’T DISCRIMINATE. If you feel that you have been discriminated against please call the Fair Housing Enforcement Project at 585325-2500.[TFN]

NOW HIRING first and second shift production General Laborers $9.00 - $9.25/hr + OT over 40 hrs. Apply in person at 16677 Rt. 31 Holley, NY.



Look on our website for items for sale under $50. Email your ads to

Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - November 29, 2015 13

aMEricaN jObs!

★★ ★

★★ ★

PrODUcE LOcaL... shOP LOcaL... hirE LOcaL...

contact Tami for help with your employment needs • 352-3411 ext. 129 • or






Rochester Based Construction Company



Western New York Energy LLC "ATES 2D s 0/ "OX s -EDINA .9

Materials Handler Commodity Handler

Nature of Work:

Operates and maintains machinery and equipment necessary in the loading and unloading of ethanol, wet & dry distillers and corn.

is looking for an experienced

heavy equipment mechanic Ideal applicants must possess the following: • Basic knowledge of routine maintenance and repair for the following: - Tractor Trailers & Trailers - Cranes - Lifts - Utility Trucks

EmployEr offErs CompEtitivE WagEs, mEdiCal and dEntal bEnEfits and 401K.

• Valid NYS Driver License • Good Communication Skills • Reliable Transportation • Ability to work extended hours if necessary • Ability to prioritize responsibilities Hours are 7:00am - 3:30pm, Monday - Friday

To apply: Please forward your resume to or fax to 585-263-2734


Gates Albert, Inc.

Seeking innovative, talented people to advance our leadership position in precision Davenport machining. We are looking for motivated people to join our team in support of over 100 production machines.

ImmedIate openIngs Include: • Production Trainees • Davenport Operators • Setup/Troubleshoot • Tool Makers • Inspectors • Machine Repair/Rebuild • General Labor

Must be trainable and willing to learn multiple tasks within the organization.

Gates Albert

offers work stable environment, excellent benefits, 401K match and career growth. EOE

Gates Albert, Inc.

3434 Union Street • North Chili, NY 14514 Fax: 585-594-4305



$1000 SIgNINg bONUS for AST position only

Full Time Day Shift Positions • $11.00 per hour Armored Service Techs - Work as a team on a designated route. You will be responsible for the safe and timely delivery of cash and coin to Loomis customers, as well as the loading and balancing of ATM machines along your route. If you enjoy meeting customers and the freedom of working outside an office while wearing the uniform of one of the most respected companies in the field, this may be the opportunity for you.

Essential Responsibilities & Duties of Material Handler:

s Inspect grain received to ensure that it meets company standards. s Timely loading and unloading of ethanol, distiller’s grains and other products by railcar and truck. s Proper completion of all records. s Housekeeping as related, maintaining cleanliness and organization of all areas of the department. Operating rolling stock that includes loaders, railcar mover, skid steer and forklift. s Frequent communication with the scale operator and operations department.

Education and Experience:

s High school/GED diploma. s Demonstrated competencies. s Experience with loading equipment. s Work experience and equivalent to 2 years of experience in core essential responsibilities and duties.

Physical Demands:

s Ability to lift 50 lbs. s Use ladders and stairs. s May spend up to 8 hours on your feet.

Please respond to



Looking for a career change? Great Income Opportunity for self-starter in Real Estate Sales. Call Mary for details, 585-638-0020.[11-29]

Suburban newS is taking names for

walking/motor CarrierS for hilton (200 PaPerS)

Must be at least 11 years old and able to obtain a work permit. Please email circulation@ or call 352-3411 ext 123, ask for Noreen between 10:00am-5:00pm Mon., Tues. or Thurs.

Don’t wait for your ship to come in!


Full Time Day Shift Positions - $9.00 per hour Part Time night, Day and weekend Positions - $10.00 per hour Full Time overnight positions - $11.00

To apply go to: Select city and state Loomis is an equal opportunity employer. EOE AA M/F/Vet/Disability

“Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regards to their race, color, religion, national origin, sex, protected veteran status or disability�

The deadline for next week’s edition is Thursday at 4 p.m.!

Westside News Employment Ad.

NYS PCA & HHA Training Positions Available Upon Certification To apply go to

EvEry EmploymEnt ad runs onlinE


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CAPITAL CLASSIC CARS Buying All European & Classic Cars. Any Condition. Any Location. Porsche, Mercedes, Jaguar & More! Top Dollar Paid. Steve Nicholas 571-282-5153.

Make a Connection. Real People, Flirty Chat. Meet singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call NOW: 1888-909-9905 18+.

VIAGRA 100mg, CIALIS 20mg. 50 tabs $90 includes FREE SHIPPING. 1888-836-0780 or

AVIATION Grads work with JetBlue, Boeing, Delta and others- start here with hands on training for FAA certification. Financial aid if qualified. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-453-6204.

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DISH TV Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! Regular Price $34.99 Ask About FREE SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 877-477-9659.

ADVERTISE to 10 Million Homes across the USA! Place your ad in over 140 community newspapers, with circulation totaling over 10 million homes. Contact Independent Free Papers of America IFPA at danielleburnett-ifpa@ or visit our website for more information.

CASH PAID- up to $25/Box for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. 1-DAYPAYMENT.1-800-371-1136. Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201.

sTATewIde AdverTIsers CASH FOR CARS and TRUCKS. Get A Top Dollar INSTANT Offer! Running or Not! 1-888-416-2208.

RECRUITING EMPLOYEES FROM A LARGER MARKET? Reach nearly 1.9 million potential candidates (plus more online readers) in central and western New York with a 25-word classified ad for just $349! Place your ad online at or call 1-877-2752726.

To appy click below:

**Part Time positions are a GREAT job for stay at home Moms or Dads while kids are in school!!!!**

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Now offering onsite Monthly HHA/PCA Training Classes

Many RN positions available in your area. Hospitals, correctional facilities, and home health assessments. Great Pay & Benefits. Call: 1-718-387-8181 #202 or email:


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AVIATION GRADS work with JetBlue, Boeing, Delta and others - start here with hands on training for FAA certification. Financial aid if qualified. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 1-866-296-7093.

At least 21 years old • A valid NYS Pistol Permit is required to apply for this position. • Lift up to 50 pounds. • Ability to pass a DOT physical. • Work 5 days per week – weekend work required.

Several positions available in the Money Room. • Full Time Days Sunday – Thursday, 4 Day work week, $10 per hour • Full Time Days Monday – Friday, $9 per hour • Full Time Nights Monday – Thursday • Part Time Nights – Sunday(day shift) – Monday-Wednesday (Nights ops) 4 Day work week - $10 per hour • Part Time Nights - Monday – Friday – 5:00 – 11:00 $10 per hour • Part Time Days – Monday – Friday 7:30 – 1:30 - $9 per hour

Our Family Caring for Your Family

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Full Time nighT lead - $13.00 per hour

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Say you saw it in the Suburban News & Hamlin-Clarkson Herald.

DISH Network - Get MORE for LESS! Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 months.) PLUS Bundle & SAVE (Fast Internet for $15 more/month.) CALL Now 1-800-826-4464. DO YOU SELL TO A LARGER MARKET? Reach nearly 4.3 million potential buyers in print -- plus more online -- quickly and inexpensively! Only $489 for a 25-word ad; less for smaller zones. Visit us at or call 1-877-275-2726. ENJOY 100% guaranteed, deliveredto-the-door Omaha Steaks! Save 76% PLUS 4 FREE Burgers-The Happy Family Celebration-ONLY $49.99. ORDER Today 1-800-992-3148 mention offer 47222VPP or www.OmahaSteaks. com/mbfave31 HERO MILES - to find out more about how you can help our service members, veterans and their families in their time of need, visit the Fisher House website at REVERSE MORTGAGES - Draw all eligible cash out of your home & eliminate mortgage payments FOREVER! For Seniors 62+! Serving NY, NJ, Florida. FHA Government insured. Purchase, refinance & VA loans also. In home personal service. Free 28 page catalog. 1-888-660-3033. All Island Mortgage. MOTORCYCLES WANTED Before 1985. Running or not. Japanese, British, European, $Cash$ paid. Free appraisals! CALL 1-315-569-8094 Email pictures or description to: IS YOUR VACATION HOME FOR SALE OR RENT? Promote in print to nearly 4.3 million potential buyers (plus more readers online!) with a statewide classified ad. Advertise your property for just $489 for a 25-word ad, less for smaller coverage areas. Visit or call 1-877-275-2726.

14 Suburban News - West Edition - November 29, 2015

Hilton Monument Co.

death notices



•Thieleman, David Louis, age 63, died November 23, 2015 at Unity Hospital. He was born August 25, 1952 in Rochester and resided in the area his whole life. David is survived by his loving companion, Bonnie Neale; mother-inlaw, Josephine Wood/Widener; several sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, close friends, Don, Phyliss, Dan and Karen. To share a special memory of David please visit www.


•Hayes, Dorothy M. (Hargrave), died November 13, 2015 at age 89. She was predeceased by her parents, Edward and Rose, her sister Patricia and her brother, James. She is survived by her loving husband of 67 years, William; her children, Vickie (Tom) Turner, Alan (Amy), Brian (Denise) Dugan, Daniel Dugan; siblings, Edward, Ruth, Ellen, Elsie and Martha; 12 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren and many nieces and nephews. There will be a reception in her honor at the Conservation Club of Brockport, 291 Ladue Road, Brockport on December 6 from 1 to 4 p.m. Please join us to celebrate her life. Please respond at http:/ or call 585-494-1609 by November 30. Donations can be made to the Bergen Rescue Squad, P.O. Box 428, Bergen 14416 in her memory.


•Kinsey, Abel Christian, infant son of Mark Kinsey and Nicole Edwards, died suddenly November 20, 2015 in Strong Memorial Hospital. Born November 5, 2015, in the short 15 days on this earth, he touched the lives of so many people impacting them in a positive way for the rest of their lives. In addition to his parents, he is survived by his maternal grandparents: Michael and Doreen Edwards; his paternal grandparents: Chuck and Leigh Kinsey; his paternal great grandmother: Dorothy Kinsey; aunts and uncles: Anna and Doug Kemp, Charles and Melissa Kinsey, Tom and Jodi Kinsey, Mike and Jennifer Kinsey, Lindsay and Phillip Hoyt, Wesley Edwards; and several cousins. Private service and interment in Hillside Cemetery will be held at the convenience of the family. Memorial gifts may be given to the family. To share your love and support for the family, please visit: •Roney, Eleanor (Luskey), died November 20, 2015, at age 93. Predeceased by first husband, J. Bernard Luskey in 1985; and second husband, Thomas Roney in 2010. Survived by children, Peter Luskey of Greece, Patrick Luskey of South Carolina and Bettina (Jack Peters) Luskey of Oregon; four grandchildren, Brian (Ashley) Luskey of West Virginia, Kathryn (Paul) Jacobson of Virginia, Christine (Shawn) Burton of Greece and Elizabeth (Maj. Nathan, USAF), Willis of Georgia; 11 great-grandchildren; a brother, Duane Prince of Clarkson; nephews and nieces. Service and Interment private. Friends wishing can have Masses said for the repose of her soul, or donate to their favorite charity in her memory. •Stevens, Nicholas L. “Nick,â€? died November 14, 2015, at age 22. Predeceased by his grandfather, William Stevens. He is survived by his loving parents, Terry and Paula Stevens; twin brother, Nathaniel; sister, Megan; grandparents, Larry and Marian Nicastro, Marilyn Stevens; aunts, Kathy Winans, Cheryl (Mark) Godfrey, Lori (Mike) Prescott; uncle, Harold (Rhonda) Blew; cousins, Kailey, Michelle, Alex, Darren, Kelly, Michael and Danny; also many other relatives and friends. His Mass of Christian Burial was held November 25 in Nativity Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Brockport. Interment, in Mt. Olivet Cemetery.

FREE In-Home Consultation


•Leathersich, Harry E., Born April 14, 1935, Harry passed peacefully on November 20, 2015 at age 80. Predeceased by his parents, David and Helen Leathersich; sister, Shirley Zastrocky. Harry is survived by his loving wife of 60 years, Phyllis; children, Scott (Janelle) Leathersich, Mark (Pam) Leathersich, Catherine (Stephen) Goodemote, Terry Leathersich, Lori Mingoea (Kenny Morgante), Nancy (Christopher) Dunshie, and David (Rachel) Leathersich; 16 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren and one on the way; brother, Donald (Nicolette) Leathersich; sisters, Sylvia (Richard) Watson, Linda Burlingame; sister-in-law, and brother-in-law, Betty and Robert Carges; many nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. His Funeral Service was celebrated November 24 at First Congregational Church of Christ, (The White Church), Spencerport. Interment private. Donations can be made to the Aurora House, 2495 South Union Street, Spencerport or First Congregational Church of Spencerport, 65 Church Street, Spencerport in his memory.

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Legal NoticeS Village of Brockport Building Inspection/Code Enforcement/ Planning Board/ZBA Clerk The Village of Brockport (2.2 square miles, population ~8,300 which doubles when College is in session, ~1,766 parcels) seeks individual to assist the Building/Code Enforcement Department and Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals in a variety of clerical, customer service, meeting minutes taking and record keeping functions. The BI/CE Department is located at Brockport Village Hall and is comprised of 1 full time BI/CEO, 2 part time BI/CEO’s, and the Clerk. The full time BI/CEO serves as direct supervisor to the BI/CE/PB/ZBA Clerk. Education and Experience: secretarial, business, or related field. Associates Degree and public sector/municipal experience preferred. Must be personable, have a positive attitude, be a quick learner, detail/accuracy oriented and able to multitask/prioritize. Familiarity with Microsoft Office is necessary. Additional task-specific computer programs are utilized such as I.P.S. by B.A.S. Full time 35 hours per week to include monthly evening meeting of the Planning Board (currently 2nd Monday at 7pm) and Zoning Board of Appeals (currently 1st Thursday at 7pm). Wage range $12.50 to $15 per hour plus benefits. New York State Retirement System. Position is Civil Service Exempt – title is Secretary to Planning and Zoning Boards. Download employment application from Send cover letter to include names, titles and contact information for 3 references, and rÊsumÊ with completed employment application by e-mail to: or by mail to: Village of Brockport Attention: Village Clerk 49 State Street Brockport, NY 14420. Application deadline: Noon, Tuesday, December 15, 2015 Leslie Ann Morelli Brockport Village Clerk


A domestic LLC, Articles of Organization filed with SSNY on 21-September-2015. Office Location: Genesee County, State of NY. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail any process against the LLC to The LLC at 7590 Coward Rd., Byron, NY 14422

Notice of Formation of Pizza Ninja Master, LLC The Articles of Organization of Pizza Ninja Master, LLC were filed with the New York Department of State on July 3, 2015. The New York Secretary of State has been appointed agent for service. The name and address of the registered agent, upon which process may be served and which will receive copies of service from the New York Secretary of State, are: Agostino Balsamo, 8202 East Main Street, LeRoy, New York 14482. The purpose of the limited liability company is to engage in any lawful activity for which limited liability companies may be formed. It will have its principal office in LeRoy, Genesee County, New York. The latest date on which this Company is to dissolve is as specified by law.

Legal Notice Notice of Formation of Batavia Brewing Company, LLC a domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Art. of Org. filed with the SSNY on October 19, 2015. Office location: GENESEE County 111 Main Street, Batavia, NY 14020. SSNY is designated agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Jonathan W. Mager at 111 Main Street, Batavia, NY 14020. PURPOSE: To engage in any lawful act or activity.

Legal Notice Notice of Formation of Rogers Brewing, LLC a domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the SSNY on June 16, 2015. Office location: Genesee County at 9 Main St., LeRoy NY, 14482. SSNY is designated agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Marc Marcello at 58 N. Main St. Brockport, NY 14420. PURPOSE: To engage in any lawful act or activity.

reLIGIous serVICes DIreCtorY Cornerstone ChurCh

3426 Hulberton Road, Holley, NY 14470 (Old St. Rocco’s Church) (585) 967-6985 Rev. Alex M. True, Pastor Sundays 9:00AM Adult Bible Connection Group Sundays 10:27AM Weekly Worship Gathering & Children’s Sunday School

CrossPoInt Free MethoDIst ChurCh

1021 Hilton Parma Corners Road Hilton, NY 14468 (585) 392-4178 Loving God, Loving People Growing Together. Pastor Darlene Mieney Sunday Service at 10:00am Sermon Series: Into the Wilderness Every Wednesday Spark Youth Group, 6:45-8:15pm @ Crosspoint Every Thursday Prayer Group, 11am @ Crosspoint Fireside Chat starts at 7pm @ Crosspoint (Series will be: Book of Joshua) Every Second & Fourth Tuesday of the Month Ladies Heart to Heart meet at 7pm @ Crosspoint Mountain Top - a time of prayer and praise Every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month 6pm-7:30pm

GrACe BAPtIst ChurCh

5220 Lake Road South Brockport, NY 14420 (585) 637-2470 December 12 & 13, 6pm both nights The Grace Baptist Church Adult Choir presents a cantata, “That’s Where the Story Began� and Kids of Grace Singers present a Christmas musical, “Away in a Manger�

hILton unIteD MethoDIst ChurCh Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by Following Christ; Connecting Generations; Transforming Communities. 21 West Avenue, Hilton, NY 14468 (585) 392-8761 Rev. Jennifer Green, pastor E-mail: Service: 10am Fellowship: 11am Sunday School: 11:30am Child care available 9:30am to 12:30pm Adult Bible Study: Monday 7pm & Thursday 1pm Handicap Accessible

st. GeorGe’s ePIsCoPAL ChurCh 635 Old Wilder Road, Hilton, NY 14468 (across from Kelly’s Apple Farm) (585) 392-4099 Please join us for Worship & Sunday School at 10am Bible Study on Tuesdays at 11am

st. Leo’s CAthoLIC ChurCh

167 Lake Avenue, Hilton (585) 392-2710 Father Catanise Worship Saturday 4pm • Sunday 9:30am Lifeteen Mass 6pm What is Lifeteen Mass? Our teens are important to us and we at St. Leo’s are proud to offer a Mass that engages a drum set, electric guitars, and a host of teen musicians to celebrate the Mass. Afterwards on Sunday nights there is Religious Education for grades 7-12 that involves a lesson, fun and food. Everyone is welcome! Please share the experience with us and bring a friend! Handicap accessible. Do you know someone who wants to become Catholic? Consider the St. Leo’s RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) for any person wanting to join the Catholic Church. If you are interested, please contact the RCIA coordinator, Mary Lou Rosien, at 734-2313 or Second Time Treasures Resale Ministry at St. Leo’s Winter and holiday clothes and accessories at reasonable prices. Open Tues. & Sat. 10am-4pm, Thurs. Noon-6pm

to have Your services Listed Please Call 352-3411

st. John LutherAn ChurCh

1107 Lake Road West Fork Hamlin, NY 14464 (585) 964-2550 Pastor Christian Bode Sunday Worship 8:30 & 11AM Sunday School & Bible Class 9:45AM NYS Licensed Child Care Mon.-Fri., 6AM-6PM, 964-5859 UPK & Preschool

st. MArY’s ChurCh

13 South Main Street, Holley

st. MArK’s ChurCh

16789 Kenmore Road, Kendall Parish Center - Holley 638-6718 Father Mark Noonan Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:00AM St. Mary’s Thursday - 7:00PM St. Mary’s Friday - 11:30AM St. Mark’s Saturday Vigil - 5:00PM St. Mary’s Sunday 8:30AM St. Mark’s, 10:30AM St. Mary’s

Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - November 29, 2015 15

An invitation to read stories of Brockport’s people and places

Come to the

Spencerport Lions Club

Over the past 23 years as a freelance writer, I have written articles about interesting people and places in the Brockport area. I am pleased to share these stories through the kindness of Seymour Library. I invite you to peruse three portfolios with 130 of my human interest articles dating between 2015 and 1992. The retrospective is scheduled at Seymour Library from December 1 to January 1 in the new Local History Room. The library is located at 161 East Avenue, Brockport. I started freelance writing after retiring from a career in college administration. The people in these stories first captured my attention in the daily course of my life in the Brockport area. The article clippings with photos were hidden in my files for more than two decades. Recently retrieving them and laying them out gave a visual delight in the rich human fabric of our community. The woven threads are a variety of fascinating people and treasured places. With each published article I enjoyed the skilled editorship of Evelyn Dow. She was editor for over 30 years and now is editor emeritus. I am grateful for her support over the decades in what has become a kind of part-time second career. All the articles were written for the Suburban News and Hamlin-Clarkson Herald, publications of Westside News, Inc. Besides writing about people in our history, I am honored to have my writings in these community newspapers with their own rich history. Suburban News dates back to the early 1950s. Several years prior it was the Suburban Pennysaver circulating in the Churchville, Spencerport area; it was renamed Suburban News in February 1953. Suburban News West Edition was originally named the Brockport Republic Democrat-Holley Standard edition, echoing two newspaper names which are among the oldest in New York State. Hamlin-Clarkson Herald resurrected the Hamlin Herald nameplate of a newspaper which circulated in Hamlin. Westside News owns both Suburban News (including three geographic area editions) and Hamlin-Clarkson Herald as well as the names of several local newspapers. Visit the Seymour Library beginning December 1 and enjoy stories and photos of a variety of people and places at the heart of our community for over two decades. Doug Hickerson Town of Sweden Freelance writer, Westside News Inc.

19th Holiday Craft Show Saturday, December 12, 2015 9:00am til 3:30pm

Terry Taylor School Gym

399 Ogden-Parma Town Line Rd. (off Rt. 259) Spencerport, New York Raffles All Day ~ Over 45 Crafters Food Available ~ Handicap Accessible FREE ADMISSION Contact Lion Kathy Hare 585-544-2316 Money raised goes to 2 High School Senior Scholarships, Student of the Month and a Variety of Community Projects



Saturday, December 5, 10 AM 3317 St. Paul Blvd., Irondequoit, NY.

A Colonial style house with 5 bedrooms, 4 baths, 3-car attached garage, 2-car detached garage on a double lot w/ 46 ft. frontage x 145 ft. depth. Full basement, gas forced air furnace, municipal water & sewer. Assessed at $224, 000 (2014). Open house – Dec. 5, 8-10 a.m. Also selling a 1928 Chevy delivery truck & a 2000 Dodge van. TERMS: Sold absolute after $70,000, 10% BP, $20,000 deposit due auction day in cash or certified funds. Closing in approx. 45 days. See

for complete terms & photos. Since 1935

8975 Wortendyke Rd., Batavia, NY 14020 Auction Center Office • (585)343-4529


AT BonTrAger’s AucTion cenTer 4 miles west of Batavia, 1/2 mile south of Rt. 33

8975 Wortendyke rd., Batavia

WeDnesDAy, DecemBer 2

starting outside @ 4:00 Pm, weather permitting. Dining room table; end tables; sofa & love seat; wing back chairs; queen size poster bed; cane back chairs; lamps antique tools; Victorian settee; cedar chest; mattress & box springs; brass bed; Star War Action figures by Kenner – in original boxes (boxes are rough). Much more to arrive. See our website @ for photos &

complete list. Preview after 3:00 PM. Refreshments are available. Since 1935

8975 Wortendyke Rd., Batavia, NY 14020 Auction Center Office • (585)343-4529

TERMS: Cash, Approved check w/ID, MC/VISA, 13% B/P.

Going ..   once. ng    Goi ice...     tw HILTON FARMETTE REAL ESTATE & ANTIQUE AUCTION SAT., DEC. 5, 2015 10:00 A.M. HILTON, NY Auction to be held in heated warehouse at 1235 Hilton Parma Corners Road (Rt. 259). REAL ESTATE: House selling at 10:30am is located at 440 Parma Center Road. It is a circa 1885 farmhouse with barn located on rural 3 acre lot. Home has 4 bedrooms, 1 full bath, kitchen, living room, dining room, family room, and mud room. Needs rehab. Assessed for $75,000, sells at $20,000 or above. $5,000 deposit required to bid. OPEN HOUSES: SAT. NOV. 28 from 10am-11am and TUES. DEC 1 from Noon – 1pm. For details call Penne Vincent at 303-2325. ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD: oak sideboard; Victorian settee; “White” treadle sewing machine; antique well pump; flax wheel; yarn winder; painted wicker table; drop leaf table; 2 round dining tables w/leaf and 4 chairs; desks; stands; rockers; variety of chairs; kitchen tables; bed frames; stools; framed photos some of actors and actresses( Hop-ALong Cassidy, Roy Rogers, Elvis, Clint Eastwood, Dolly Parton, etc); bicycles; toboggan; hobby horse; wrought iron railing; misc. items; TOOLS: antique carpenter’s box; tires and rims; several hand carts; ladders; kegs of nails; snow fence; cones; asst. of hand tools; more. TERMS: 10% Buyer’s Premium. Cash, NYS check, Visa/MC. on contents. Phone (585) 494-1880


59 South Lake Avenue Bergen, New York 14416

Auctioneers, Realtors, & Appraisers

Ask a Brockport Agent about Nothnagle’s new

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John Majchrzak*



patricia Bardeen* 585-309-2754

Joanne Bocach** 585-415-6107

timothy clark* 585-506-8417

kimberlie Donley* 585-329-7848

elizabeth (Liz) Hazel* 585-978-5166

Jamey Hinman* 585-474-5714

pamela ketchum* 585-305-4656

olga Lippa* 585-278-7653

Bert r. Maggio** 585-261-0743

John McNall* 585-259-6485

paul r. Nicosia** 585-721-0872

patricia Sikula-thayer* 585-313-1787

Brenda G. Swanger* 585-315-2734

Mark Swanson** 585-750-2906

Vickie Sweet** 585-739-6976

Linda taddonio* 585-295-3716

tina Visconte* 585-402-8095

Mark Weston* 585-415-9037

9 Main Street, Brockport

Brockport office


*Licensed real estate Salesperson ** Licensed Associate real estate Broker

Open HOuse

Sunday, December 6th, 2015 1:00PM-3:00PM Come meet our staff and tour the hospital.

• Refreshments • Raffle Prizes • Face Painting • FREE Pet Pictures with Santa • and more

All your favorite

Christmas Flowers


to brighten your home for the holidays!

Fresh Cut & Fragrant Fraser Fir Douglas Fir Concolor Fir Grand Fir Blue Spruce

Fresh made wreaths, garlands and greens for all of your holiday decorating!

YAnkee CAndle

Buy One Get One

50% OFF

Custom Arrangements

can be ordered for all of your holiday celebrations or as a lovely gift (delivery available)


Heidi Wendel, DVM, MPH Dean Snyder, DVM, PE 370 South Union Street Spencerport, NY 14559 349-PETS (7387)

Sara’S Garden

16 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - November 29, 2015


An Evening with Byers’ Choice December 4th • 4-8pm

Buy one at regular price, get the second one

1/2 price*

Wine Tasting and Musical Guests from 6-7pm *From previous inventory


Terry from 92.5 WBEE Sat., Dec. 12 2-4pm

Glue Factory Gift Shop

3252 Union St. • North Chili • 594-0857 Open Mon.-Fri. 10-8pm; Sat. 10-6pm; Sun. 10-5pm


FREE ornament with a

$40.00 purchase.

value at $7.99 total after sales/coupons Expires 12/6/15

Gift Certificates Available!




any Decorated Wreath over $25.00 Expires 12/6/15




any tree over $30.00 Expires 12/6/15

389 East avE., Brockport • 585-637-4745 7 Days a WEEk • Monday-Saturday 9-6; Sunday 9-5

all Major credit cards accepted • sale prices valid 11/29-12/6/15

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