Second Section
June 19, 2016
Business Almanac Celebrating the longevity, strength, diversity and creativity of area businesses.
A Chronological Review A special congratulations to these establishments that have been part of our community since the 1800s. Founded in 1809
Founded in 1824
Founded in 1830’s
Zarpentine Farms Quality To The Core
163 Burritt Road Hilton
585-392-3611 Seasonal Hours
Open 7 Days A Week • For Lunch & Dinner
Hilton Baptist Church 50 Lake Avenue, Hilton, NY 14468 Phone: 585-392-7990 Fax: 585-392-7991 www.hiltonbaptist.org Email: hbchurch@frontiernet.net
Join Us! Summer Worship Service: 9:30am. Fellowship: 10:30am. Pastor Dan Brown Handicap Accessible.
Historically Great Food
We Have Both... Sit Down Dinner & Buffet
for WEDDINGS with packages starting at
Founded in 1883
FUNERAL HOME, INC. 340 West Avenue Brockport, NY 14420
per person
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Come check out our new
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Mark Tillman
the Wedding Specialist
15 Minutes From Clarkson 14369 Ridge Road West • Albion, NY 14411 (Route 104 at the corner of Route 98)
120 years ago in 1896 •The first modern day Olympic events began in Athens, Greece. The American team walked away with 75 percent of the medals, winning nine of the 12 events. •The first public exhibition of a moving picture took place in a New York City music hall. The program featured: two blonde girls performing the umbrella dance; a view of the surf breaking on a beach; a skirt dance; and a comic boxing exhibition. The production was hailed by one observer as “an object of magical wonder, the crown and flower of 19th century magic.”
2 Business Almanac
Westside News Inc.
Founded in 1912
115 Main Street Brockport, NY 637-3710 Open Thurs. & Fri. until 8pm
Founded in 1912 Celebrating 104 years of being your local florist!
June 19, 2016
Members of the Chili Fire Department in their parade on Saturday, August 16, 1981, celebrating the department’s 50th anniversary. About 60 units from other departments joined in the celebration with the furthest coming from Ontario, Canada. File photo by Scott Zarnstorff.
Justice Flower Shop Your Local Florist for all Your Floral Needs
• Potted Plants • Fresh & Silk Arrangements • Unique Funeral Designs • Wedding Planner Specialists • Encore Chocolates
Bergen Fire Department in July 1979: Asst. Foreman, Al Turcotte; Foreman, Jerry Fuerch; 1st Asst. Chief, Paul Volkmar; Chief Norman Pimm; 2nd Asst. Chief, Larry Smith; Mechanic, Kevin Aradine; Mechanic, David Culver. File photo.
1215 Hilton Parma Corners Rd., Hilton
Founded in 1925
Founded in 1927
Giuseppe’s Restaurant & Catering Company 50 Spencerport Rd. Gates Plaza
429-6540 • 426-3397
Founded in 1942
5605 Brockport-Spencerport Rd. (corner of Sweden Walker & Rt. 31)
(585) 391-3571
13936 Route 31
(585) 589-9610 BentleyBrosInc.com
Family run for over 70 Years!
45 years ago in April 1971
25 years ago in July 1991
•Monroe Couny was celebrating its sesquicentennial. Coins commemorating the anniversary were available at area banks, and Parma and Hilton threw a Grand Sesquicentennial Banquet for the county at the Clinton House in Brockport.
•The Churchville Volunteer Fire Department celebrated its 100th Anniversary with a re-enactment of the famous Willard Block Fire of 1890. The fire consumed an entire block of Main Street and led to the creation of the department.
40 years ago in July 1976
20 years ago in May 1996
•The Ogden-Spencerport Bicentennial Weekend Celebration was held. The parade had more than 100 marching units - bigger than downtown Rochester's parade. Over the bicentennial weekend there were also family activities, Revolutionary War re-enactments, a street dance, and the dedication of the Ogden Farmers' Library at their new Amity Street location (now the home of Hi-Qual Heating & Cooling).
•The 100th anniversary of the naming of the Village of Hilton was celebrated May 4 with a parade, kite flying contest, doll parade and softball game.
15 years ago in August 2001 •Holley marked the 150th anniversary of its incorporation with a Sesquicentennial Celebration on August 4 that included a parade, pageant, fireworks, band performances and arts and crafts show.
• Holistic Dog & Cat Food and Treats • Unique & Unusual Bird Feeders, Houses and Wild Bird Seed • Pet/Equine from A - Z including Farm and Small Animal Feed & Bedding • Split Rail Fencing • Railroad Ties • Lawn Fertilizer & Seed • Pasture & Plot Mixes • Straw • Wood Pellets • Coal 3440 South Union Street • North Chili, New York Exit 4 off 490 on Rt. 259, under the bridge, north of railroad tracks, between Buffalo Rd. & Chili Ave.
www.HigbieFarmSupplies.com Open year-round. Closed Sundays & Mondays
Business Almanac
Westside News Inc.
Founded in 1950
June 19, 2016 Founded in 1962
Page Appliance Now...Page Countryside Same Service, Same Reliability Kitchen, Bath & Appliance Showroom 415 S. Union St., Spencerport 585-352-4011
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Founded in 1953
Founded in 1962
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00 585-273-01 www.westsi
Issue No. 24
June 12, 2016
, North
Chili, speNCerpo
d again nt traffic voice Concern over sed Clarkson developme regarding propo
Almore neighbors,” the not to see for light turn-out be that “I’m disappointed regarding the might Road and exander added,She suggested one reason process, “our Road and Ridge units. of Sweden Walker public hearing. with the approval residential west corner concern, feel frustrated acres and 265 said. to be the main in who residents includes 31.3 matter,” she Walker Road on traffic continues Walker Road, opinion doesn’t who lives on Sweden Gabalski The impact on Sweden by Kristina Julie Lapinski, told Clarkson particularly of residents volumes are already dangerous, the entire Clarkson/Sweden/ and Sweden proposed by the increase Sweden, said heavy traffic continue to both Clarkson the Town of will be impacted “I don’t say current 7 that they and other development Residents of community members June increase in traffic the even without Brook Field proposed development. “this are Brockport the Planning Board she said, but, created by the said. “There concerns over smart growth,” quality of life and housing development in the area. Sue Alexander don’t in traffic have serious mailboxes,” mailbox. I a problem with Field at Clarkson It affects our “I’ve lost four to walk to my Alexander also have proposed Brook Brook ... I’m afraid a huge development. Niereviewing the bad crashes Brook is I live in Clarkson.” would bring. Road, Diana backyards of Board is currentlyJune 7. Chair Donald want to live in Greece. nobody cares.” of Sweden Walker the Brook look into the The Planning action side of Sweden will connot want to Another resident is worried not only about her home and took no for the west attending. “We decision said she does she Field proposal which are planned residents for proposed behind Sweden dermeier, said will be no Field villas, but duplexes at the Osborne thanked he said. “There Road. Field project, potential development sider your comments,” your attendance.” for the south- Walker and additional appreciate for is proposed Road intersection. plan what is good tonight. We development Walker/Ridge project Board should The Brook Field places for this “The Planning this There are better who live in the community. our plate for people are concerned lot on Road) ... we ... there’s a Walker/Ridge area (Sweden not for that area.” said they are it is too big and and other residents for the development Niedermeier walk lighting proposed one wants to happy with useless. “No takproposed is said. “You’re the sidewalk Niedermeier Road,” It’s not what poor planning. on Sweden Walker ... that’s our This is very ing our sunsets. whatever the boards decide but we want ... said. the board Niedermeier Schepp said frustration,” Engineer J.P. and requested Clarkson Town traffic impact studies he said two in progress,” has reviewed “It’s a work busy traffic in the already a additional information. the increase hasn’t made “The state regarding how do accommodated. roads. We are going to flow will be you loud are both state we are hearing final call, they with the state, what we can Engiwith Costich manager and clear.” project indicated studies (which Michael Montalto, into the traffic impactminimal) have taken be neering, said in on traffic would ... and growth,” the impact intense development from an approval nothing account, “more DOT has done he said. the area. “The have not signed-off,” Board they the Planning of standpoint, the purpose and continue Montalto noted to help advance plans hearing was Clarkson housing public regarding the project. Brook Field at dialogue
for the proposed and elevations K. Gabalski photo. reviews site plans Clarkson Planning Board. of Costich Engineering June 7 by the Michael Montalto a public hearing held Tuesday, development during
of 2016 Herald Class News and Hamlin-Clarkson To 26The edition of Suburban Salute June section in the homes at a savings
up to 33%.
over 33,000 put your own a special pricing to reach school. You can FOR BUSINESSES! of special section at only $39 per TWO OPTIONStogether and take advantage school with your own listing at no extra charge. year message for each high graduating this 1. Put your own on separate pages your own children who are or only $19.00. 2. Join other businesses graduate for here to staff members ad to your favorite special message at the right. • Place a congratulatory See example INDIVIDUALS Size 2-3/8” x 1-7/8”.
The Example Of Ad Congratulatory
Congratulations Liam Martin
McQuaid Jesiut Class of 2016 Love, Your Family
News Call Your Westside at 352-3411 Sales Representative
Since the 1950’s Suburban News has been a part of the fabric and enterprise of western Monroe County.
2775 Spencerport Rd., Spencerport, NY
Hours: M-W 8:30am-4pm, Thurs. 8:30am-5pm, Fri. 8:30am-6pm
Westside News Inc.
We always, all ways give you more!
Founded in 1957
Founded in 1962
Three generations of personalized, caring service.
CHRISTOPHER MITCHELL FUNERAL HOMES, INC. The only locally owned funeral home in Albion and Holley. 585-638-6397 585-589-4471 Route 31, Holley Route 31, Albion www.christophermitchell.com
Scotty Warthman, Past Chief of Brockport Fire Department, brought his antique Arhens Fox fire truck which added a touch of nostalgia to the Morton Fire Department parade celebrating their 50th anniversary in 1980. File photo by Scott Zarnstorff.
50 years ago in 1966
New Members Always Welcome! Westside Community Federal Credit Union 125 East Buffalo St., Churchville
January 1966
Founded in 1959
Professional Service with a Friendly Hometown Feel! 2569 Spencerport road Spencerport, nY 14559 phone: (585) 352-3530 s r
Fax: 352-6726
HoUrS: Mon.-thurs. 7 am-7 pm; Fri. 7 am-6 pm
Founded in 1959
A Family Owned Business Since 1959 Towing & RepaiR - no Job is Too big oR Too small!
3011 Roosevelt Highway, Hamlin Just West of Rt. 19
•Construction began at the Lyell Avenue site of the Spencerport Ambulance. The project was headed up by the Spencerport Lions and was widely supported by area businesses. The building was dedicated in October 1966.
Founded in 1963
April 1966 •Churchville was seeking a $34,000 federal loan to underwrite the cost of preparing final plans for a proposed $1 million sewer system and treatment plant. At this time the entire village relied on septic tanks, but there were many illegal connections into storm sewers eventually polluting Black Creek. •The Countryside Garden Club and Town of Ogden were moving forward with plans for a Memorial Park honoring those who had served in the Armed Forces at the intersection of South Union Street and Brockport-Spencerport Road. •For 90¢ adults could watch Richard Burton starring in “The Spy Who Came In From The Cold” and kids could see “Bambi” for 35¢ at the Brockport Strand.
May 1966
51 Howard Road Rochester, NY 14606
Call Ski & Sharon (585) 429-5790
www.HowardRoadGarage.com Your AC & Automotive SpeCiAliSt
Founded in 1969
•Rochester Telephone customers in Bergen and Churchville started using a new streamlined dial telephone service. Along with the conversion to dial phones, customers began using new all numerical seven-digit telephone numbers.
June 1966 •The Brockport Village Board voted to buy a gasoline station at West Avenue and Carolin Drive. It was expected to be used to house one of the village’s five fire companies. It would be the first time any fire equipment would be housed north of the Erie Canal. •For your summer picnic ... white hots were 79¢ a pound, sirloin steaks 89¢ a pound, potato salad 23¢ a pound and strawberries 33¢ a quart at Bell’s Market in Spencerport.
August 1966 •Hilton Ambulance celebrated 30 years of service by putting a new station wagon style ambulance in service. •The Ogden Town Board put the finishing touches on plans for a new 15 acre municipal landfill off of Lyell Street.
Celebrating Our
47 Year Anniversary
October 1966 •Delays in construction of the new Churchville-Chili Junior High School caused a shortage of classrooms, leaving sixth grade teachers with the task of teaching 180 students in large group lectures in the Fairbanks Road Elementary gym. •The Spencerport Business Association voted to join the National Chamber of Commerce.
November 1966
Robert Zorn, was honored for 50 years of service by the Churchville Volunteer Fire Department in late 1980. He spent 10 years as deputy chief and 15 years as chief from 1945-1960. File photo by Scott Zarnstorff.
•Spencerport Volunteer Ambulance began 24 hour service to the community free of charge. •Chili Town Board decided that something needed to be done about the Union Street railroad crossing after a train rammed a tractor trailer that had stalled there. The road bed was higher than the street and the bump was causing problems for motorists. Between June and September there had been 28 accidents at the crossing. •A Friday Fish Fry was just 99¢ at White House Restaurant in Churchville and at Villa Capri on Route 19 north of Brockport.
Family Owned & Operated Since 1969
3041 Buffalo Road Serving All Of Monroe County
Always the best price with personalized family service! *FREE ESTIMATES! *EMERGENCY SERVICE *FINANCING AVAILABLE
Check out our online specials! www.huetherheatingandcooling.com
4 Business Almanac
Westside News Inc.
June 19, 2016
Barr E
Muhammed Ali was just one of many celebrities and dignitaries who attended the fifth International Summer Special Olympic Games held August 9 through 11, 1979 on the campus of State University College at Brockport. More than 22,000 specators attended the opening ceremony. File photo by Scott Zarnstorff.
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Founded in 1972 “A Browser’s Paradise” 1000’s of books on 100’s of subjects Posters • Cards Magazines • Art Supplies
Gift Certificates 45 Main St., Brockport, NY • 637-2260
Mon 9:30-6, Tues-Fri 9:30-8, Sat 10-6, Sun 12-4
online 24/7 www.liftbridgebooks.com
45 years ago in 1971
40 years ago in 1976
July 1971
April 1976
•On July 26 a wreath from the Town of Gates was placed on the Manhattan gravesite of General Horatio Gates for whom the town was named on the occasion of his 244th birthday. It was the first time the town had honored its namesake in its 162 year history.
•There was a lot of talk about Cable TV coming to the area. Sweden Supervisor John Sodoma and Brockport Mayor James Stull didn’t think it was needed. Hilton Mayor Tom Younker thought it would be “a tremendous asset” because local access channels would be available to keep residents informed. Spencerport took the first step towards acquiring Cable TV by forming a citizen’s advisory committee. Cable had already been introduced in the Churchville Green development as an alternative to placing antennas on all 212 units, but the temporary permit was soon expiring and the Village would have to start at the beginning to receive a new permit.
October 1971 •The first football team in existence at Hilton High School won the first game they played defeating Batavia 22-20. Several hundred fans turned out for the game.
December 1971 •The Monroe County Parks Department Ski Program began at Northampton Park. The ski hill and sledding hill were completed, and the lodge and rope tow were nearing completion.
Founded in 1977
July 1976 •Hilton Crimson Cadets Marching Band performed at our Nation’s Birthday Celebration on July 3 in Philadelphia, and also marched in the more than five hour long Bicentennial Parade on July 4.
Founded in 1980
Mann Insurance Agency An Independent Insurance Agency For All Your Insurance Needs
37 Market Street Brockport
41 East Manitou Road • 225-0639 Catering 865-7711
Wed. & Thurs. 5-9, Fri. 4-10, Sat. 5-10
across from the Fire House
637-5104 • 637-0669 • 24/7 # 752-6162 Founded in 1980
Spencerport Red Onions Steve Brown (right) and Dave Parker (left) compete in July 1979. File photo by Scott Zarnstorff.
ANG MArkets, INc.
Music at the Baby Grand every Friday & Saturday
19 South Main St. • Churchville • 293-1111 Owner Operated Since 1977
MARSHALL - DuBois SEPTIC TANK SERVICE New Owner • Same Reliabiity
Founded in 1976
Founded in 1978
Thomas E. Burger Funeral Home, Inc.
117 S. Union St., Spencerport
Founded in 1978
Family Owned & Operated
7127 Buffalo road, churchville
We’re an independent agency, so we can shop all the major insurance companies to save you money.
Welcome to
Serving Our Area Families Since 1976
Thomas E. Burger, President • Douglas G. Sholette, Associate
735 East Avenue • Hilton, NY 14468 • 585-392-7100 www.burgerfuneralhome.com
Serving GREAT food 7 days a week! Nightly Dinner Specials • Catering Available 6120 Buffalo Road Churchville, NY 14428
W: 585-293-1520 F: 585-293-2274
Members of the Hilton High School Marching Band in July 1979. File photo by Scott Zarnstorff.
Business Almanac
Westside News Inc.
June 19, 2016
Founded in 1982
s ’ e b a B
From left, 1983 Spencerport Fire Dept. Alternate Queen Janal Sarkis, 1983 Spencerport Fire Dept. Queen Bobbi Baldwin, 1983 Hilton Fire Dept. Queen Chris Behnke, 1983 Hilton Fire Dept. and Exempts Alternate Queen Lisa Nichols, and 1983 Hilton Exempts Queen Wendy Wirth. File photo by Scott Zarnstorff.
Hair Salon & Spa
7 Fitch St., Churchville 293-1176
Now celebrating 34 years in the Churchville area! Open: Mon. 9-6; Thur. 11-8; Fri. 9-4; Sat. 9-2
Founded in 1982 When an Ordinary Gift Won’t Do...
35 years ago in 1981
30 years ago in 1986
130 S. UNION ST. • SPENCERPORT 352-1350
January 1981
May 1986
Founded in 1983
October 1981
Located in the center of the Village on Rt. 259
www.BobKaisersRepair.com Complete Automotive Service
• Free loaner vehicles • Unbeatable 2 year, 24,000 mile warranty • Free Shuttle • AAA Approved Auto Repair Center
1095 Hamlin Parma Townline Rd. Hilton, NY 14468
Founded in 1983
Celebrating 33 Years
Trees • Shrubs • Annuals • Perennials Mulch • Stone • Topsoil and more
Buttonwood Farm 1094 Hilton-Parma Corners Rd., Hilton (Rte.259) Only 3 1/2 mi. North of Ridge Rd. West
s r
•The Village of Hilton moved its general offices and Hilton-Parma Recreation offices into the old Henry Street School which the village bought to convert into a community center. Renovation plans for a true community center were progressing slowly.
•Hilton held the first annual Apple Harvest Festival on October 10 and 11. The festival featured crafters, entertainment, an auto show and a five-foot apple pie bake.
December 1981 •Blood pressures were rising among members of the Spencerport Volunteer Ambulance over a decision to allow women to work the overnight shift, and for there to be mixed crews of men and women. In the past, only men had worked at night and women during the day. After the vote, two women quit their day shifts in protest and two men quit their night shifts, refusing to work on a mixed crew.
Founded in 1983 One Hometown Agency For All Your Insurance Needs.
•Monroe County Legislator Tom Parker presented Brockport’s Seymour Library with a proclamation declaring May 15 Seymour Library Day in recognition of the library’s 50th anniversary. •In a unanimous vote, members of the Spencerport Kiwanis Club went on record in support of Kiwanis International’s proposal to amend the club’s rules in order to allow women members.
June 1986 •On June 7, the Ogden Police Department began 24-hour police coverage of the town. The department of eight officers had previously provided coverage for all but two and one half early morning hours. The added coverage was requested by residents who signed a petition.
October 1986 •NYSDOT allocated $100,000 for preliminary engineering studies for continuation of Route 531 to Brockport. At the time the highway ended at Manitou Road.
Founded in 1988
S ’ B O B
Pool & Garden Center
MATHEOS COMMOMS 377 So. Union St., Spencerport
Email: bobspooliscool@aol.com
Celebrating our
191 South Union Street Spencerport, NY 14559
Fax: 349-4242
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-8; Sat. 9-5; Sun. 10-5
Founded in 1988
Founded in 1984 COUPON
Thompson DenTal
GALAXIE ★★ AUTO PARTS ★★ ONE StOp autO partS SHOp 4974 W. Ridge Rd. • Spencerport (Just east of Rt. 259 on the North side)
s r
Founded in 1988
on your first visit to our office.
And because we know that finding a new dentist can be difficult, you’ll also get our
Heating and Cooling Inc.
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Bill Russell, right, Dept. Chief of Walker Fire Department, and other volunteer firemen at the scene of a Hilton fire on Monday, August 10, 1981. File photo by Scott Zarnstorff.
sTeven J. Thompson, DDs 42 Public Square • Holley www.ThompsonDentalCare.com
14 Amity Street • Spencerport FREE SALES ES! T STIMA
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New Grill Menu
1420 County Line Road (Rt. 272) • Kendall, New York 14476
(585) 659-9131 www.PartykaFarms.com
6 Business Almanac
Westside News Inc.
June 19, 2016 25 years ago in 1991
Founded in 1991
September 1991
Director Rachael Blair Instructor/Coach: Serina Blair
•Construction was underway to reshape the lay of the land to create the 96 acre Mill Seat Landfill in Riga. This was the first stage of the four-stage landfill creation process. •Beginning the week of September 16, every Monroe County resident who received trash collection would be able to recycle newsprint. This was the first phase of a countywide recycling law.
Fitness Instructors: Stacey Kaniecki & Lyndsey Oliver-Farewell
November 1991
Classes available for all ages:
•Members of Spencerport High School’s band were flown to California to perform as part of the Disney Channel’s Tribute to the American Teacher. Spencerport music teacher Terry Taylor was selected as Disney’s American Teacher of the Year in the performing arts category. •A new voting system was being tested in Riga on election day. The Optech III-P Eagle required the voter to fill out a paper ballot which was then fed into a machine to record the votes. The recording machine was much smaller than the traditional lever-style voting machines.
• DANCE • GYMNASTICS • ZUMBA • TURBO KICK • ShAKE Up ShApE Up $10 Enrollment Commitment Monthly Discounts For Families With More Than 3 Classes
December 1991 •150 years of higher learning was marked at SUNY Brockport. Brockport Collegiate Institute opened its doors on December 1, 1841.
116 North Main Street, Albion • 585-589-1648 www.missrachael.com
20 years ago in 1996 July 1996 •Braddock Point Lighthouse was back in operation after more than 40 years of darkness. The lighthouse was put into operation in 1896, and was closed 58 years later because of hazardous conditions. In 1986 new owners Bob and Barbara Thulin began a labor of love to restore the lighthouse according to plans provided by the Coast Guard. •The Orleans County Fair celebrated its 50th year.
Westside Gardens Florist and Gift Shop
With Gold and Silver medal wins in short track speed skating, Hilton resident Cathy Turner was welcomed home with spirited parades. She competed in both the 1992 and 1994 Winter Olympics. File photo by John Clifford.
We Deliver Quality
4365 Buffalo Road, N. Chili, NY (585) 594-0990 • (877) 898-0990 www.westsidegardensflorist.com
• Egress Windows • Wall Panel Systems • And Much More • Over 35 Years Experience
•To crown its 130th Anniversary, Roberts Wesleyan College invited the community to the gala opening and inaugural concert at the 1,000 seat Hale Auditorium in its new Roberts Cultural Life Center.
November 1996 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015
Founded in 1993
The construction of the bridge over Black Creek in Churchville, October 1994. File photo.
Founded in 1994 Open to the Public
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Proudly Serving You For 23 Years!
5232 Ridge Rd. West, Spencerport • 352-9420
Founded in 1993 Serving the Community for over 23 Years! 2139 N. Union St. Spencerport Barefoot Landing Plaza (next to Pineway Ponds Park)
Founded in 1993
Thank you for your support!!
Celebrating 9 years in our SuperCenter 23 years in Brockport! Come see what’s in store for you! 6265 Brockport-Spencerport Road • Brockport 637-6331
•Forget the presidential election - the closest race in 1996 was the race for Sweden Town Council. Only three votes separated Democratic challenger Mort Wexler and Republican incumbent Jim Rice. A tabulating machine failure delayed the counting of 175 absentee ballots. After all the votes had been counted, Wexler was declared the winner.
Founded in 1995
•The Town of Parma celebrated the 200th Anniversary of its settlement with a day of activities and exhibits at the Parma Museum. •Elwood and Leona Peck moved from their home on Peck Road. They were the last members of the Peck family remaining on Peck Road more than 150 years after Caleb Peck settled a 169 acre farm there in 1841.
September 1996
Armstrong Waterproofing Corp. • Basement Waterproofing • Drainage Systems & Spot Repairs • Yard Drainage • Foundation Repairs
August 1996
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Founded in 1995
La Danse Workshop 67 Lyell Avenue, Spencerport, NY 14559 585.352.9540 109 Lake Avenue, Hilton, NY 14468 585.392.5988
Contact us at: ladanseworkshop.com Website: www.ladanseworkshop.com
Founded in 1996
Patty Duffy, Pam Ignaszak & Tonya Satter invite you to join them in a peaceful atmosphere to experience the latest in today’s hair fashions.
16941 Ridge Rd., Holley • 585-638-0121 Wed. & Thurs. 10-8; Friday 9-5; Saturday 9-3
Business Almanac
Westside News Inc.
June 19, 2016
Founded in 1997
Founded in 2002 You Don’t Have to Cross the Big Pond to Enjoy Your Favorite Cup of Tea
Founded in 2000
We have over 50 kinds of loose and bagged tea, tea pots, tea cozies and other accoutrements. Enjoy a healthy, fresh farm to table lunch in our café. We serve Afternoon Tea by appt. on Thursday thru Saturday. Intimate Bridal and Baby Showers, Tea Service Rental and catering to your location.
J.M. Tree Service Founded in 1997
& Spa Jean Kuter
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561 Riga-Mumford Road (Route 36) Churchville • 2 Miles South of Expressway
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6000 Sweden Walker Rd. • Brockport, NY 585-637-6224 thecarriageplaceco-op.com
Nikki Miesch NY-5762A
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15 years ago in 2001 September 2001 •Local communities and residents reached out in support of the victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and Pennsylvania. Flags were flying across the area as vigils, rallies, blood drives and fundraisers dominated local events. More than 300 people attended a candlelight vigil at the Hilton Gazebo. Local emergency service and law enforcement personnel volunteered time on September 20 to “Pass the Boot” as part of a county-wide effort to raise funds for the families of emergency service workers lost at the World Trade Center. Boy scouts held a rally for patriotism at Frontier Field. Members of St. John Lutheran Church in Hamlin hosted the “Lift Up America! Ham Dinner” with proceeds going to relief efforts. Seven members of Spencerport Ambulance covered two 12 hour shifts working near Ground Zero. •Spencerport resident and prominent local writer Paul Humphrey died on September 28 at age 86. He was a frequent contributor to the Suburban News and Hamlin Clarkson Herald. His works known as “The Lighter Touch” had appeared in the Westside News publications since the mid-1980s.
November 2001 •On November 1 it became illegal to use hand-held cellular phones while operating a motor vehicle in New York State. •Churchville’s new 4,700 square foot, $600,000 Village Hall opened. •The area code for Orleans, Genesee, Monroe and Wyoming counties changed from 716 to 585 effective November 15. The Buffalo area retained the 716 area code.
The Brockport Fire Department unveiled and dedicated their Firefighters Memorial Monument located at Capen Hose Company Station #4, South Main Street, on August 18, 2002. The monument featured wood carvings by Brockport’s Richard Kron similar to the famous photograph of three firefighters raising the American flag on a leaning pole at Ground Zero on September 11, 2001. File photo by Walter Horylev. 12 years ago in September 2004 At age 16, Churchville’s Lyndsay Wall became the youngest woman hockey player to ever compete in the Olympics. Wall brought home a silver medal from the 2002 Winter Games in Salt Lake City. The Village of Churchville held a rally and parade to welcome home their Olympian. File photo by Walter Horylev.
•In the early morning hours of September 9, Brockport, Spencerport and Ogden officials toured their communities to assess conditions following nearly a full day and night rainfall. What they and many other town and village leaders throughout the area found were roadways flooded and impassable. Spared the brunt of Hurricane Frances which caused so much damage in Bermuda and Florida during Labor Day weekend, the northeast was not spared the torrential precipitation. In the Spencerport Village Plaza parking lot, water flowed to a depth of two feet at times. At one point, the underpass on Washington Street in Adams Basin had seven feet of standing water. Two families were evacuated from the area and a large section of the road had washed away. Salmon Creek in Hilton rose more than 7-1/2 feet higher than it ever had before, flooding the Hilton Fire Department and several homes and businesses. More than 5,600 homes were without power.
8 Business Almanac
Westside News Inc.
June 19, 2016
Churchville native and Olympic Gold Medal Pole Vaulter Jenn Suhr was welcomed back to the area by Churchville Mayor Nancy Steedman at a reception at the Greater Rochester International Airport in August 2012. Everyone wanted a look at the London 2012 Olympic Gold medalist in the pole vault. Jenn signed autographs and posed with many fans at the airport. File photo by Walter Horylev.
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