Brockport Arts Festival 2015

Page 1

LOCAL Businesses & Community Events! Support Your

August 8 & 9

Come Join The Fun!

• Entertainment • Arts & Crafts • Food • Duck Derby • Cruise-In • Wine Tasting • Farmers Market • Family Fun

August 2, 2015

Second Section

Authors Under The Awning! Local authors will be out front under our awning on both Saturday and Sunday during the Art Festival signing books.

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Crazy Sale! Check out a different CRAZY-FUN offer from each participating merchant and eatery during the Brockport Art Festival

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2 Brockport Arts Festival

Westside News Inc.

August 2, 2015

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Fun for all at the 2015 Brockport Arts Festival Summertime in upstate New York is Get to the arts festival early on Sunday synonymous with outdoor events, concerts from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. to visit the popuand festivals. The Brockport Arts Festival lar Farmers Market located along Market (BAF) is a well-known festival that draws Street. Many area growers will offer their tens of thousands of folks to western Mon- latest harvests. roe County. This year’s festival will take Food, food, and more food. Check out all place in the heart of the village of Brockport the different food vendors including two on Saturday, August 8 from 10 a.m. until 6 BISCO booths at this year’s BAF. p.m. and on Sunday, August 9 from 10 a.m. “You can find fried dough, ice cream and until 4:30 p.m. The much more -- even festival site will be specialty coffee at located along Main the different food Brockport Arts Festival Street from State truck vendors,” said features “unique vendors. Street south to the Appleby. The festival highlights all railroad bridge. Greg Lund, BISCO that Brockport offers to our Over 110 artists secretary, explained will showcase their how important the community. We invite folks work at this year’s festival is to the to come spend a day or the BAF. This juried Brockport communiweekend, shop, enjoy the show includes new ty: “We have unique music and food and tour and returning artists vendors. The festival who are selected by highlights all that our village.” the BAF CommitBrockport offers to Greg Lund, tee. These artists our community. We BISCO secretary create a wide variety invite folks to come of products in media spend a day or the including wood, clay, weekend, shop, enjoy ceramics, glass, textiles, and metal. the music and food and tour our village,” “We are proud to host high-quality art- he said. ists who hail from all over New York along Besides all the great artists, food and enwith some artists from Texas, Florida and tertainment, during the festival weekend, the mid-West,” said Art Appleby, BAF festival-goers can learn more about BrockChairperson and President of the Brock- port organizations and all that the greater port Integrated Service Club Organization Brockport community has to offer. Area (BISCO). churches will offer tours of their historic Stop out to the Brockport Arts Festival worship places, and also offer rummage and witness thousands of yellow plastic and baked food sales. ducks floating in the Erie Canal. The popular BAF event, called the Duck Derby, Make it easy – take the shuttle is set for Sunday, August 9 at 3:30 p.m. Event organizers encourage attendees Interested in taking a chance on a win- to park at the Sweden Plaza on Route ner? Duck tickets can be purchased at the 19 south of Route 31, just outside of the Duck Derby booth throughout the festival village, and use the festival shuttle. weekend. Tickets are $5 each; five tickets This shuttle will operate throughout the are called Quack Pack and cost $20. Buy a weekend from 9:30 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. on flock of 35 tickets for $100. Prizes including Saturday and 9:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on gas gift cards, Wegmans gift cards, comput- Sunday. The shuttle buses will run to and ers, gas grills and TVs, will be awarded for from the festival every 20 minutes. the first five and last five ducks that cross Check out more festival information the finish line. highlighted in this special Westside News Do you have a prized roadster? Drive on Inc. publication or visit the BAF website at in to the Brockport Arts Festival Cruise-in on Saturday, August 8 from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. This year’s Cruise-in, sponsored by by Maggie Fitzgibbon the Mopar Club, will have a new location on for the Brockport College Street. Stop over to see some great Arts Festival Committee hot rods and vintage vehicles.

August 2, 2015 George Hogan, from Nashville

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August 8th 3PM

We are going to have George Hogan, from Nashville, from 3pm to 6pm performing on the bricks just for us. Spend this beautiful day enjoying free tea tasting inside the Red Bird. We will be serving our original peach iced tea as well as our new raspberry herbal iced tea. See you there! 25 Main St., Brockport 637-3340 Lunch Served Daily 11-2:30; Mon.-Sat. 10-5:30



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All sponsors will be listed in our program, acknowledged at the event, and Thank You in the newspaper after the event.




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The Red Bird

Brockport Arts Festival 3

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Town of Clarkson Summer Events

ClarKson Good neiGhbor day ★ ★ ★ one day event at hafner Park ★ ★ ★

Friday, aUGUsT 14 5:00 PM - ‘till

• lions Club Car show (5:00 PM - dusk)

• Monster Trucks • bounce house & more • band (5:30 - 8:30 PM) • Frog Jumping Contest

Save the Date for Family Fun!

(7:00 PM)

• Movie (at dusk) • Fireworks (following Movie) Paul Kimball, Festival Chairman •

4 Brockport Arts Festival

Westside News Inc.

August 2, 2015

SatuRday, auguSt 8, 10am-6pm Sunday, auguSt 9, 10am-4:30pm







Vintage Car Cruise In - College Street Sponsored by Rochester Mopars 10am-6pm Over 100 Arts & Crafts Vendors 10am-2pm 89.1 The Point Broadcasting Live on Main Street 10am-6pm Wine Tasting at Big Tent in Sagawa Park 10am-4pm Historic Church Tours at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church 10am-2pm Baked Food Sale -First Baptist Church Rummage Sale - Brockport United Methodist Church MOMS Club hosts nursing & diaper Station at BUMC

11am-12pm Body By Summer 12:30pm-2:30pm Standard Time 3:30pm Master Lim’s TaeKwonDo

mORgan mannIng HOuSE 10:30am 11:00am 12pm-3pm 3pm-5pm

Brockport School of Dance & Performing Arts Lawn Chair Ladies Lakeside Country Cloggers Pratt Pack Wayward Wynd


10am-4:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 10am-4pm 11:30am-2pm

SagaWa paRK StagE -



The Great Festival Farmer’s Market Over 100 Arts & Crafts Vendors Wine Tasting at Big Tent in Sagawa Park Pre-race program with DJ Spencer Productions (Canal side) Duck Derby, Tom Martin, Race Caller (Canal side) Historic Church Tours at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Baked Food Sale - First Baptist Church

SagaWa paRK StagE 10am-11:30am 11:30am-2pm 2pm-3pm 3pm-5pm

S&S Fitness David Bielewicz Master Lim’s TaeKwonDo Nerds in Denial

mORgan mannIng HOuSE 11am-11:30am 12pm-1:00pm 1pm-3pm 1:30pm-4pm

Via Dance Body By Summer Morgan Manning House Tours of first floor Daily Milestone

duCK dERBy pRIzES - Largest prizes ever offered! See you at the Canal Bridge Duck tickets available from: • BISCO Members • Towpath Lodge Members • Brockport Lions Members • Brockport Rotary Members • Brockport Firemen

• 1st & Last Prizes $1,000 Gift Card (Wegmans) • 2nd & 2nd from Last $500 Debit Card (drs. thaney & Bowdler)/ $500 Prize ($300 Five Star Bank Debit Card and a $200 Gas Card from mobil Express mart) • 3rd & 3rd from Last $400 Gas Grill from Lowes/ $400 Gas Cards from Brockport Lions & Brockport Rotary • 4th & 4th from Last $250 Gift Cards (Wegmans) • 5th & 5th from Last $200 Desktop Computer & $200 32” Flat Screen TV (Sunnking) • 6th & 6th from Last $150 Semester SERC Memberships at the College at Brockport

tICKEtS • One Lonely Duck - $5 • Quack Pack (5 tickets)- $20 • Community Flock (35 tickets)$100

BEnEFICIaRIES • Brockport Area Youth and Organizations Selling Tickets

Watch the Duck Derby Sun., Aug. 9 at 3:30pm.

Vendor Check-In Friday, august 7th (6:30 to 8:30 pm) and Saturday, august 8th (6:00 to 8:30 am). Check-in will be at Broc

August 2, 2015

Brockport Arts Festival 5

Westside News Inc.

t t ! S e re n i a On M All Festival profits support BISCO’s many community projects, especially those involving our youth.

Bring this insert with you to the festival!


dOgS and FEStIVaLS dOn’t mIX, pLEaSE LEaVE pEtS at HOmE FOR SaFEty.

All information as provided at press time to Westside News Inc. Subject to change.

CERamICS/pOttERy Ginny Dorcy 184 Stu-Art Pottery 206 CLOtHIng Alexalina Boutique 131 Dibble’s Dabbles 120 Ella Rae Boutique 122 Jakaro Tye Dye 110/112 Mary Saunders Designs 198 PNJ Creations 107/109 dRaWIng/gRapHICS LeRoy Airbrush 97 Martin Calligraphics 211 FIBER/LEatHER Critters + Creations by Ruth 133 Edgest Leather 214 Hare, Kathy 127 Homemade Crafts by Anita 118 Linda’s Crafts 114 Paw Phasions & More 132 Ropeworks USA 179 Stitched Together 217 Sy-Designs Quilts & more 216 gLaSS Glass Elegance 116 Imaginative Creations 145 MT Ventures 152 Robb/Stretch Bottle Art 172 JEWELRy Accents of Nature 219 After the Gold Rush 150 Avon Sales 155 Back to Classic Designs 161 Beaded Serendipity & Jeweled Serendipity 124 Crescent Moon Studio 153 Daisy Jewelry Designs 142 Designs by Dawn 117 Ear Divine 195 Ellen Burns 200 Galstian, Lolita 199 Get Personal Designer Jewelry 201 Gillis, Janet 207 Jen’s Magnetic Connection Inc. 147/149 Jewelry by Gerina 204 Just Beachy 185 Kurpisz 178

Laura’s Beaded Treasures 139 Sea Glass and Pebbles Co. 192 Sha-Sha Beads 135/137 Simply Cindy 146 Stitching Nitch, The 215 Sweetbriar Creations 129 Treasures of Ukraine 174 Willowcreek Interiors 193 mEtaL Adams Welding 190 Shabby Chic Garden, The 159 mIXEd mEdIa Braddock Bay Gallery 125 Especially for You 108 Girly Things 196 Helena’s Organic Garden 115 Jim’s Bonsai 119/121 Moonlight Garden Floral Designs 103/105 Nature Lights 141 Shelly’s Cellar 191 OtHER B & B Burnables 143 Berean Hills Alpacas 101 East Lake Products 187 Hawk Moon Soaps, Bath & Body 113 Lorraine’s Concrete Leaves 176 Modern Dryad 213 Pawsitively Prrfect 208 Puka Inti 209 qq creations 136 Sign Post, The 123 The Hair Jeweler Inc. 138 Vintage House Soap and Scents 189 paIntIng Carols Country Seasons 182 Dr Marina’s Art Forms Face Painting 160 Gayane’s Gifts & Crafts 140 J & J Design 134 Painting by Ann 154 Taylor Pinstriping 158 Van Deusen Design 99 pHOtOgRapHy Bella Mondo Images 164 Topeck Design 180

SpECIaLty FOOdS Healthy Sisters Soup & Bean Works 151 Jackie’s Jams and Jellies 186 Kissed by the Sun 183 WOOd B & L and Co. 175/177 D and S Krafts 126/128 Drake Hill 130 Piche’ Design 210 Pine Hill Woodshop 157 Silhouettes in Wood 205 Whiteman 220 Woodpecking Woodcrafts 222 FaCE paIntER Dr Marina’s Art Forms 160

Enjoy our rating shuttle ope n plaza from Swede art Site) (former Wal-M t main ff a dropping o ridge & Street RR b . Sagawa park m 0p 9:30am-6:3 y a rd Satu 0pm :0 9:30am-5 y Sunda

WInERIES 5 Brothers Winery Gust of Sun Winery Lakeland Winery Salamaca Estate Winery Thousand Island Winery Victorianbourg Wine Estate

nOn-pROFItS Breast Cancer Coalition 188 Brockport Ecumenical Food Shelf 98 Brockport Ecumenical Outreach Comm 218 Hamlin Cong of Jehovah’s Witnesses 181 Kathleen Anne Tenny Animal Shelter 162 Navy Club of Lake Ontario Ship 1812 148 New Beginnings Christian Fellowship 144 Oak Orchard Community Health Center 203 Paws Animal Shelter 194 Seymour Library 212 Spencerport Ranger Robotics 163 WBSU Radio 89.1 MM First Presbyterian Church 225

SpOnSORIng VEndORS Cutco Cutlery 197 KR Communications 156 Leaf Filter North of New York, Inc. 202 NYS Lottery 167 Renewal by Anderson 221 The Greater Brockport Chamber of Commerce University of Rochester/ Strong West Upstate 165

FOOd VEndORS BISCO N 92 BISCO S 168 Brick N Motor 166 Coco Bongos 89 Kettlecorn Shop 170 Koala’s Kitchens 96 Koala’s Kitchens 169/171 Lockport Pizza Oven (Creekview) 94 Lombardo’s Pita Place 90 Macarollin 95 MAT Concessions 93 Outback Kettlecorn 91 Santillo’s Concessions 173

FEStIVaL SpOnSORS McAfee’s Remodeling 100/102 Bonduelle North America111 Softub Express div. of Pettis Pools 104/106 Walmart Wegmans (Duck Derby major sponsor) WHAM 1180 The College at Brockport (Festival & DD) WestSide News, Inc. Corn Fields, Inc. 224

ckport Bowl - 4660 Lake Road. Vendor set-up is Friday 7:00 to 9:00 pm and Saturday 6:00 - 9:00 am. FInd uS On FaCEBOOK


6 Brockport Arts Festival

Westside News Inc.

August 2, 2015

BISCO - a short name for a great community organization BISCO is the acronym for the Brockport Integrated Service Club Organization. It may be a short name but the good work completed by this organization can be found all throughout the Brockport-Sweden area. BISCO is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that was founded in 1993. A group of representatives from area community organizations came together to collectively raise money for projects that would benefit the community. The group’s primary focus is to fund projects which benefit children in the Brockport-Sweden area. “BISCO has purchased a multi-seat cycle and storage shed for Camp Abilities, a camp for children with visual impairments that is held at The College at Brockport. We also provided funding for Cool Kids, a cultural arts event series for families that is held in Brockport and also made a donation to Seymour Library for construction of a history room,” said Art Appleby, BISCO President and Chairperson of the Brockport Arts Festival. Other community projects supported by

BISCO include the Brockport Toy Shelf, computers and equipment for the Youth Area at Seymour Library, the Brockport Central School District’s Walk to School Program, playground equipment for the Barry Street and Corbett Parks along with a long list of contributions to other local endeavors. Each year, BISCO organizes and sponsors the Brockport Arts Festival, one of the area’s largest summer festivals. BISCO membership is open to any person who is a member of any of the groups that comprise BISCO -- Brockport Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions, Elks, Fire Department and many other community organizations. Board meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month. For information on becoming a BISCO member, visit the website at or contact

by Maggie Fitzgibbon for the Brockport Arts Festival Committee

TRIBUTE TO NE ! W! W FIRST NE RESPONDERS Coming in the February 28th Edition

of Suburban News and Hamlin-Clarkson Herald Every fire department, ambulance corps and police department in our coverage area will be featured including: 1) Color photo of membership and staff 2) List of members and staff 3) Calendar of activities for all first responder organizations 4) Member of the Year for 2015 for all organizations who choose to select one. Advertising Opportunities 1) Have your message to our first responders included in this keepsake edition. 2) For all 52-Week Contract advertisers we will double the size of your ad! 3) For all first responders placing an ad we will double the size of your ad. Save an additional 10% if you have a 52-week contract.

Brockport Art Festival to hold 19th Annual Duck Derby August 9 Every year since 1997, the final event at the Brockport Arts Festival is the annual Duck Derby. The 2015 event marks its 19th year. Thousands of plastic ducks will be dumped off the Main Street canal bridge to race towards the Park Avenue bridge and historic Harvester Park. The community and festival attendees will cheer on the ducks. The first six and last six ducks that cross the finish line are prize winners. The Duck Derby continues to be the most popular single event during the Brockport Arts Festival. The event is also the largest fundraiser for the Arts Festival and allows BISCO to fund various youth and community projects throughout the year. In the last 20 years, BISCO has supported over $250,000 projects including the Brockport Toy Shelf, various playgrounds, Sweden Town Park (skate park and baseball field), Brockport Fire Department equipment, Cool Kids program, Brockport Eagles football program, Seymour Library, Walk/Bike Brockport, and Lakeside Hospital. This year’s Duck Derby proceeds will benefit additional projects to be identified later. This year’s Duck Derby prizes are the largest ever offered in the 19 year history of the event, including: First and last prizes - $1000 Gift Cards (Wegmans) Second and second from last - $500 Debit Card (Drs. Thaney & Bowdler), $500 prize ($300 Five Star Bank Debit Card and $200 gas card) Third and third from last - $400 Gas Grill from Lowes, $400 Gas Cards from Brockport Lions and Brockport Rotary

Fourth and fourth from last - $250 Gift Cards (Wegmans) Fifth and fifth from last - $200 Desktop Computer and $200 32” Flat Screen TV (Sunnking) Sixth and sixth from last - $150 Semester SERC Memberships at The College at Brockport In addition, nominal prizes from local merchants will be awarded in a random drawing during the time between the sixth and sixth from last ducks crossing the finish line. Nominal prizes value between $25 and $100, and winners will not be eliminated from winning the higher-value Duck Derby prizes. Local merchants wishing to support BISCO and the Duck Derby can send their gift certificates or other nominal prizes to: BISCO - Duck Derby, PO Box 197, Brockport, NY 14420-0197. Duck Derby tickets can be purchased individually (A Lonely Duck) for $5, package of five tickets (Quack Pack) for $20, or package of 35 tickets (Community Flock) for $100. Duck Derby tickets are available from BISCO members, Towpath Lodge members, Brockport Lions members, Brockport Rotary members, and Brockport Firemen. Groups selling the tickets also benefit from your purchase of Duck Derby tickets through a generous sales commission. Be sure to attend this year’s Duck Derby on Sunday, August 9 at 3:30 p.m., at the Main Street canal lift bridge in downtown Brockport. Your purchase of Duck Derby tickets will provide you the chance to share in the prizes and will support future BISCO youth and community projects. Provided information

For More Information Contact a Sales Representative today at 352-3411


Always doing more to better-serve our communities!

Congratulations to the

Brockport Arts Festival Committee on another great community event! from your hometown newspapers We always, in all ways, give you more!

August 2, 2015

Brockport Arts Festival 7

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Calling all wine aficionados and music lovers Visit the Wine Garden at the Brockport Arts Festival and you can speak with representatives from local wineries and learn more about the art of wine tasting. Six New York wineries will offer tastings at the Wine Garden throughout the festival weekend. Admission is $5 per person for those who are 21 or older. This admission price includes tastings from all six participating wineries. Thousand Island Winery, Victorianbourg Wine Estate, Gust of Sun Winery, Lakeland Winery, Salamanca Estate Winery and Five Sons Winery will be featured at this year’s Brockport Arts Festival (BAF). The Wine Garden will be located in Sagawa Park just off Main Street. A local winery from Brockport is featured this year. “Five Sons is a winery in Brockport that is owned by a retired Brockport police officer and his family,” said Greg Lund, secretary of BISCO and chair of the Food and Wine Garden Committee. “We’ve grown over the last few years and the Wine Garden is now open throughout the festival weekend. And most importantly, we are proud to give our area wineries the chance to be a part of this great event.”

Musicians, dancers and performers of all ages will give festival attendees a reason to smile at this year’s BAF. Entertainment stages will be located at Sagawa Park and the Morgan Manning House. “Nerds in Denial will perform. This band is made up of a group of local high school students who have a popular following, “ said Andy Pacitto, BISCO Vice President. “Summer Torrance, a Brockport fitness instructor, will present various classes offered at her studio. Master Lim and some of his students will demonstrate Tai Kwon Do. The Country Cloggers are another festival favorite,” Pacitto said. Street performers can be found in Sagawa Park throughout the weekend. All of this entertainment is free. Find Out More: Check out the complete entertainment schedule, as well as the festival map and information, included in this special section and on the website at by Maggie Fitzgibbon for the Brockport Arts Festival Committee

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Brockport Arts festivAl A speciAl section of Westside neWs inc. - August 2, 2015

Publisher Keith A. Ryan

Ad production manager, Assistant manager Karen Fien, Joanne Michielsen

Circulation & distribution Don Griffin, Debbie Rath.

Editor Emeritus Evelyn Dow

Writers & contributors Mark Ball, John Dunn, Maggie Fitzgibbon, Kristina Gabalski, Doug Hickerson, Walter Horylev, Warren Kozireski, Rick Nicholson, Terra Osterling, Joe Reinschmidt, Leisa Strabel.

Published by Westside News Inc. as a second section of Suburban News and Hamlin Clarkson Herald newspapers which circulate by private carrier and the U.S. Postal Service to free distribution recipients and paid subscribers in Bergen, Brockport-Sweden, Chili, Churchville-Riga, Clarendon, Clarkson, Hamlin, Hilton-Parma, HolleyMurray, North Greece, and Spencerport-Ogden. Business offices are located at 1776 Hilton-Parma Corners Road, Spencerport, NY 14559. (585) 352-3411. Entered for mailing at Spencerport, NY 14559. Subscription rates are $40 per year; $25 for six months or less.

Office manager Marilyn Brown Advertising representatives Lori Antonelli, Rachael Blair, Debbie Day, Kim Martin, Jan Miller, Tami Raco, Mary Lou Rockow, Ellen Stevens

Editorial Assistant Kiri Patella Ryan Production Emily Antinore, Vicki Caspersson, Suzette Coleman, Joanne Michielsen, Linda Michielsen, Donna Stultz.

At Suburban News & The Herald, “we always, all ways give you more.”

A publication of Westside News Inc. P. O. Box 106 Spencerport, NY 14559 585-352-3411

8 Brockport Arts Festival

Westside News Inc.

August 2, 2015

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