Summertime In Greece

Grand Opening of Lollypop Farm in Greece Ridge Mall
On July 30, 2024, a ribbon cutting ceremony celebrating the Grand Opening of Lollypop Farm in Greece Ridge Mall was held. This location can be accessed through Entrance 9 at the Mall at Greece Ridge Center.
The Town of Greece and the Greater Rochester Area is fortunate to have Lollypop Farm as a resource to help pet owners and provide second chances for thousands of pets every year. This adoption center creates a community hub that provides animal welfare and adoption, and allows Lollypop Farm to extend its reach, making it more convenient for residents on the West side of Rochester to adopt cats and small animals. By housing pets for adoption at this new center, Lollypop Farm will be able to increase its capacity to care for other homeless, abused, and at-risk pets brought to the shelter’s main Fairport location every day.

sion to help homelessness and abused animals in the Greater Rochester Area,” said Greece Town Supervisor Bill Reilich.
and Photo
“This adoption center will help people to extend their compas-
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Greece Historical Society Events
Walking Tour of Holy Sepluchre Cemetery
Sunday. August 18, 2024 • 2:00PM

Volunteers from the Greece Historical Society will be conducting a walking tour of Sections 7, 19, 21 and 23 on the east side of Holy Sepluchre Cemetery, 2461 Lake Avenue, Rochester, 14612.
Come learn about some of the interesting Rochesterians interred in the oldest section of this historic cemetery. The tours were mapped out by Joe Vitello and Maureen Whalen. Maureen will be the tour guide. We’ll meet behind the chapel along the road that borders Section 19.
The event is free, registration is required. Registration confirms your spot, and provides contact information for registrants in case of poor weather conditions, such as thunderstorms or a high heat index which forces a postponement. Be prepared to walk on hilly and uneven ground.
For registration email: ghswalkingtours@gmail.com Upcoming Programs:
Tuesday, September 10, 2024, The Late Great Sibley, Lindsay & Curr Co. by Donovan Shilling
Sunday, October 20, 2024, Rochester Theater Organ Society Tuesday, November 12, 2024, Elsa von Blumen by Karen Lankeshofer
For more information on the Greece Historical Society visit www.greecehistoricalsociety.org
Provided Information

Recipient of Youth Engagement Scholarship Announced
On August 7, 2024, the Town of Greece recognized one of the recipients of the Jerry J. Helfer Youth Engagement Scholarship. This year’s recipient, Landon Clifford, received a recognition proclamation and check in the amount of $2000.
Landon has been very involved in the community, both inside and outside of school. His school activities have included being a member of the National Honor Society and playing the violin for his high school orchestra. He is also a Greece Public Library Teen Advisory Board Member and a volunteer for Better World Books and Foodlink. Landon shows leadership skills in sports through his positions as Team Captain of the Boys Varsity Bowling Team and Team Captain for the Boys Varsity Tennis Team. He is attending Penn State University to pursue a degree in Chemical Engineering. The Town of Greece is very proud of Landon and stands behind him as he continues to set examples of volunteerism and leadership in our community.
The Jerry J. Helfer Youth Engagement Scholarship provides

the Greece community with the opportunity to recognize a student that regularly upholds exemplary moral values, devotes time and energy into helping serve the Greece community, and consistently displays outstanding leadership skills. This scholarship has been established by the Town of Greece to highlight Jerry’s exceptional character, virtue, and lifelong love of learning and public service. With over 25 years of public service, Jerry served on the Greece Youth Board, was elected as Town Councilman for 10 years, and served as Deputy Supervisor until his untimely passing in July of 2014.
“Every year we have several applicants from all throughout the Greece community. Through careful consideration by the Greece Youth Board and the Helfer family, this year’s recipient provided an excellent example of leadership, public service, and volunteerism. Landon is an outstanding member of our community and is helping to continue the legacy of Jerry Helfer,” said Greece Town Supervisor Bill Reilich. Provided Information and Photo


Chamber Welcomes New Business Members
Greece Regional Chamber welcomes 17 new or upgraded Premium Business Members: Advantage Federal Credit Union, Atlas Automation, BTB Wood Fired Pizza Bar & Grill, Canandaigua National Bank, Frank’s Basement Systems, Greenlight Networks, Hose 22/The Stutson House, LeChase Construction Services, Monroe Medi Trans, INC dba Monroe Ambulance, Rochester Pest Pro, Rochester Regional Health Unity Hospital, The Mall at Greece Ridge, The NSR Group-LLC, The Summit Federal Credit Union, University of Rochester, Waste Management and Wegman Properties.
Greece Regional Chamber welcomes 15 New Business Members: 101 Mobility, Avril Blackwood of Hunt Real Estate ERA Columbus, Bansbach Law P.C., Bill Reduction Pro, Dock Hardware, Ferra’s Furniture Service and Repair, Flooring Plus, Junior Achievement of Central Upstate New York, Lollypop Farm, Humane Society of Greater Rochester, Mission Advancement Group LLC, NYS SBDC at SUNY Brockport, Open Door Mission, JP White
Trash LLC, Refined Restoration, Spectrum Sounds, LLC.
The Greece Regional Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit membership association dedicated to promoting Rochester regional business members. Our membership includes for-profit and nonprofit corporations, government, education, and individuals from throughout Monroe County and the greater Rochester region. The Chamber has been serving the business community since 1984. Chamber services and member benefits include networking, marketing and promotion, educational presentations, health/vision/dental insurance, travel packages, business services, advocacy, discounts, visibility, recognition, advertising opportunities, committee participation, and numerous monthly and signature events throughout the year.
Businesses interested in membership, increased networking opportunities, marketing, and greater success can reach out to the Chamber at Info@GreeceChamber.org or 585-227-7272.
Provided Information and Photo
Greece Chamber Annual Meeting Indicates Positive Growth
The Greece Regional Chamber of Commerce recently held its Annual Meeting and Luncheon at The Stutson House. The event provided area business members the opportunity to network, elect new board members, and hear from Chamber and community leaders.
Meeting included the Annual State of the Chamber Address by Chamber President and CEO Joe Robach; remarks and annual meeting facilitation by Board Chair John Adams, and featured speakers Unity Hospital President Jill A. Graziano and Greater Rochester Enterprise President, Matt Hurlbutt.
The membership elected the following as new directors serving a first three-year term: Alex Broccuto, Matt Camiolo, Tom Coyle, Joel Craddock, Michael Mariani, Michele Martel, Julie Rapesovska; Matthew Reed and Lindsay Ward.
Additionally, the following will be continuing on the Board of Directors for 2024-2025, including: John Adams, Board Chair, David Perotto, Immediate Past Chair, Lenora Paige, Board Secretary, Anthony Ariola, Christina Breen-Hale, Teresa Maniscalco, Michelle Scipioni, Michael Tornatore and Matthew Weinrich.
The event also featured recognition of retiring Board Vice

Chair Tom Dambra and Director Maria Scalise.
For more information on the Greece Regional Chamber of Commerce and its membership benefits, available to businesses throughout Monroe County, NY, and beyond, visit www.GreeceChamber.org, email Info@GreeceChamber.org, or call (585) 2277272.
Provided Information
From the office of The Supervisor, Bill Reilich
It has been a very active summer here in the Town of Greece. From food truck rodeos and summer concerts to the Old Fashioned 4th of July Celebration, we have been happy to watch our community participate in and enjoy these beloved events.

This month on our Town Hall Campus we held our final Food Truck Rodeo of the season in conjunction with a Summer Concert featuring The Skycoasters. Hundreds joined us for a tasty treat from one of the many local food vendors and were entertained by the energetic band!
This past month, we hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony for Lollypop Farm in Greece Ridge Mall. This adoption
End of Summer Book Sale
center creates a community hub that provides animal welfare and adoption and allows Lollypop Farm to extend its reach, making it more convenient for residents on the West side of Rochester to adopt cats and small animals. I can say from firsthand experience that Greece residents have huge hearts and a great sense of community. My family and I have fostered many pets throughout the years; fostering and finding permanent homes for our pet community is near and dear to my heart. This adoption center will help allow these people to extend their compassion to help homelessness and abused animals in the Greater Rochester Area.
As always, I enjoy hearing feedback from residents about programming and other Town-related matters. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact my office or visit our website.
The Friends of the Greece Public Library are sponsoring their End of Summer Book Sale on Saturday, August 24, 2024, from 9AM to 3PM. Sale will be held at the Buckman’s Plaza, Lower Level, 2590 West Ridge Road. Book selections include children’s books, non-fiction, fiction, mystery, adventure and romance.
Please bring your own bag. Masking is optional.
Provided Information

Greece Athena Student Wins Congressional Art Competition
Congressman Joe Morelle announced that Greece Athena High School student Talia Favitta is the winner of the 2024 Congressio nal Art Competition.
“Each year I am deeply impressed by the exceptional talent of our community’s students,” said Congressman Joe Morelle. “Ta lia Favitta’s art is captivating, and I am proud to see her represent Monroe County here in the halls of our nation’s Capitol.”
“Talia is an exceptional talent and I’m so lucky to have had the pleasure of being her teacher this past school year for Stu dio Art,” said Sarah Vigoren, Art Teacher at Greece Athena High School. “Her body of work is infused with creativity and experi mentation with a high level of craftsmanship. It has been exciting to see her skill level growing every single day.”
Talia’s piece, entitled Full Moon, will fly to Washington, D.C. where the Congressional Institute will honor her work alongside participating Congressional districts from across the Country.

Her artwork will be displayed in the United States Capitol for an entire year and featured on the official Congressional Art Competition website.
For the past 42 years, the annual Congressional Art Competition has showcased our country’s artistic talent and provided an opportunity for the art community here in Rochester to be represented on a national stage.
Provided Information and Photos

Full Moon
Congressman Joe Morelle with Greece Athena student Talia Favitta, winner of the Congressional Art Competition.
Get out & grow!
by Kristina Gabalski
Do plants have intelligence?
If you are passionate about plants, you have probably noticed how they respond to different conditions and situations. But does that mean they have intelligence?
In a recent article in the Cornell Chronicle, Andre Kessler, a chemical ecologist and professor in the Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University, argues that the question of plant intelligence revolves around the importance of “signaling” in the plant’s ability to process environmental cues.
Kessler believes that plants do show intelligence. He and Michael Mueller, a doctoral student in his lab, recently authored a paper in the journal, “Plant Signaling and Behavior.” Kessler and Mueller define intelligence as the ability to solve problems, based on information acquired from the environment, toward a particular goal.
Kessler says his previous research into how goldenrod responds to pests provides evidence that plants display intelligence as he defines it. Goldenrod emits a chemical when being eaten by leaf beetle larvae that informs the insect that the plant is damaged and not a good source of food. The airborne chemicals, known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are then picked up by neighboring goldenrod plants which then produce their own defense against the beetle larvae. The result is that the pest moves on to other plants.
In 2022, Kessler co-authored a paper in the journal “Plants” regarding experiments that showed goldenrod can perceive higher far-red light ratios reflected off leaves of neighboring plants. When goldenrods are eaten by beetles while neighbor plants are present, they respond differently than when no neighbors are present – which Kessler says fits his definition of intelligence.
When neighbor plants are present, goldenrods put energy into tolerating the pest by growing faster while also producing defensive compounds that help the plants fight off the insect. When no neighbors are present, goldenrods do not grow faster when eaten

by insects and the chemical response to the leaf-eating insects is different.
The ability of neighboring goldenrods to perceive VOCs signaling a pest is near is also a sign of intelligence, according to Kessler. Neighboring goldenrods use this environmental cue to sense that a future threat is present, allowing them to act in advance.
Additionally, Kessler notes the proposal of mathematicians 100 years ago that plants function like beehives. Each cell in a plant operates as a bee and the entire plant operates as the hive. Kessler explains this means the brain in a plant is the entire plant – the plant does not need central coordination to respond to signals in the environment. Instead of electrical signaling, chemical signaling is utilized throughout the larger organism, enabling the plant to “smell out their environment very precisely,” Kessler says. He explains that plant cells all perceive the same things and trigger a collective response through chemical signals. That response may be in growth or metabolism.
Whether or not you agree these types of behaviors in plants indicate they are intelligent, it is clear that plants are really amazing, and have fascinating ways to respond to the world around them, helping them to survive and thrive.
Entries sought for Erie Canalway Photo Contest
The Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor is calling for entries for its annual Erie Canalway Photo Contest. Amateur and professional photographers are invited to submit up to three images that capture the canals’ beauty, vibrancy, and character. Winning photos will be featured in the 2025 Bicentennial Erie Canalway Calendar.
Entries must be postmarked by August 30, 2024.
Images may be submitted in four contest categories: On the Water, Along the Trail, Canal Celebrations & Communities, and Classic Canal. Judges will select first, second, and third place winning images in each category, as well as 12 honorable mentions.
Submitted images must be in horizontal format and taken within the Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor, which spans 524 miles across the full expanse of upstate New York. It encompasses the Erie, CayugaSeneca, Oswego, and Champlain canals and their historic alignments, as well as more than 230 canal communities.
Download official contest rules and an entry form at https://eriecanalway.org/get-involved/photo-contest. Provided information

Can plants think? Are they smart? That depends on how you define intelligence. Photo by Kristina Gabalski.
Image by Dan Judd, courtesy of Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor.
14 Greece News August/September 2024
As the summer of 2024 comes to a close, be sure to take advantage of at least one, or two, of the many summertime activities available through the Town of Greece.

The Center – 1 Vince Tofany Blvd.
The Center, a 60,00+ square foot facility, is an active and vital community and senior center, offering a state-of-the-art Public Library, Wellness Center and so much more. Home to the Department of Parks and Recreation, there are walking tracks, activity rooms, a wellness center and dedicated toddler gym. Programs, special events and fitness classes take place at The Center all throughout the year.

The Center’s 30,000 sq. ft. expansion was opened in January 2024 and includes a wellness center with an expanded walking track, now 1/5 mile long, and several new program spaces.
Wild Over Water Zone Splash Pad
The Town Hall Campus is home to the Wild Over Water Zone Splash Park. The park is a zoo themed spray park with dumping coconuts, spraying zebras and ground features for kids of all ages. Open daily 10AM to 7PM thru Labor Day. Greece residents are free with a valid Community Center membership, non-residents are $5 per child, cash only.
Lake Ontario and Ponds
With the Lake Ontario shoreline, Braddock Bay, and ponds that include Cranberry Pond, Long Pond, Buck Pond and numerous other smaller ponds, water activities including boating, swimming, fishing and bird watching are central to summertime fun in Greece. There are numerous car top and motorized boat launches, and docking facilities, along the lakeshore providing boating opportunities for water enthusiasts.

Braddock’s Bay
continued from page 14
in these 189 acres are 13 baseball diamonds, 10 soccer fields, 3 combination football/soccer fields, 8 basketball courts, 20 tennis courts, 2 volleyball courts 16 playgrounds, a skate park, 2 disc golf courses (1-18-hole and 1-9-hole), and several nature trails.
Adeline Park – 6.5 acre neighborhood park in northeastern Greece. Park has lighted basketball courts, lodge for rental, picnic and playground areas, restrooms, tennis courts and soccer fields.
Braddock Bay Park – 199 East Manitou Road is a 375 acre town operated park that is part of the 3,000 acre Braddock Bay Fish and Wildlife Management Area. In addition to excellent birdwatching location the park has a playground, boardwalk, shelters and lodges available for rental, hiking trails, handicapped-accessible canoe/kayak launch, and restrooms.
Badgerow Park South – 1120 Latta Road is a 33.1 acre park with tennis courts, playground, shelter available for rental, soccer/football field, baseball field, trails and restrooms.
Basil Marella Park – 975 English Road – Largest developed park in Greece, 101.7 acres with multi-use athletic fields, disc golf course, tennis courts, playground, shelter available for rental, trails, soccer/football fields, skate park and restrooms.

Beverly Pappas Park – 67 Haviland Park is a 5 acre neighborhood park with a playground and acres of open space for activity.
Carter Park – 1281 Long Pond Road is 12 acres with a playground, baseball fields, shelter available for rental, tennis and basketball courts and restrooms.
Columbus Park – 461 Bonesteel Street is a nine acre open space park with a new playground (2020) and a sitting area.
Frisbee Hill Park – 141 Frisbee Hill Road is 90 plus acres with a playground and open space area for activities.
Grandview Park – 255 Beechwood Road is a 6.9 acre neighborhood park with a playground, baseball, soccer and football field, tennis and basketball courts and restrooms.
Goodwin Park - 15 Long Pond Road, is a two acre park set beautifully along the canal. Amidst the historic Grandview Beach neighborhood located along the ‘Old Trolley Route’ dating from 1891-1925, Goodwin Park has a playground, picnic amenities and a wonderful view. In 2021, this park was updated as a result of the REDI flood mitigation project. The updates include a new playground, relocated parking lot, knee wall and new sidewalks.

Henpeck Park – 2901 Ridgeway Avenue is a four acre waterfront park located on the Erie Canal. Set along the Canalway Trail, the park Historical markers along the trail that describe Henpeck as the Port of South Greece, there are also grills, picnic tables, fishing access and a car top boat launch.
Sawyer Park – 732 Long Pond Road is a 16.7 acre park with a
playground, shelter available for rental, disc golf course, trails and restrooms.
Veteran’s Memorial Park – 4614 Dewey Avenue is a 33.2 acre park with extensive trails, tennis and basketball courts, playground, shelter available for rental, soccer/football field and restrooms. For more information on Greece Parks and Recreation visit www.greeceny.gov
Andrew and Danielle biking in Henpeck Park.
Santino and Maceo at Greece Canal Park playground.

from page 15

Monroe County Executive Adam Bello announced the launch of an online grant application for mid-sized arts organizations seeking funding for 2024 operating expenditures. Applications, a FAQ and virtual training session with question-and-answer are available at www.monroecounty.gov/artsgrant.
All applications must be submitted by 5 p.m. Tuesday, September 3, 2024.
Qualifying organizations will receive funding to offset operating expenses. Organizational funding will depend on several factors including number of eligible applicants, evaluation of responses, and funds available. Applicants must meet the following requirements: The organization must have a significant presence in Monroe County, conducting at least 50% of its operations in Monroe County, and maintaining a physical location in the county; The organization must have been legally recognized for at least one year as a 501(c)3 organization or LLC with a tax filing; The organization’s primary mission must be directly

related to arts and culture; The organization’s annual operating budget (operating expenses) must be between $50,000 and $4,000,000.
Provided Information
Greece Central School District Back to School Bash
Monday, August 26, 2024 • 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM
English Village Elementary School, 800 Tait Avenue, Rochester, 14616
All Greece Central School District families are welcome. There will be Free Haircuts, Backpacks, School Supplies, Pizza, Dessert, Games, Prizes and more.
Shuttles available from the ELC and Lakeshore Elementary School from 4PM-7PM.
Provided Information

Nailah, Gabe and Sykhani having fun playing at Greece Canal Park playground. Front cover: Back: Ryan, Vanessa, front: Cameron and Luca Summertime photos by Karen Fien


w/Mozzarella, 14 Chicken Tenders or 12 Mozz. Sticks or 10 Wings