Greece News
Published by Westside News Inc.

Jack is six-years-old, and a student at Thornell Road Elementary School in Pittsford. Jack’s mother, Katie Palumbo said, “For his birthday this year, Jack said he wanted a brand new bike. Jack has a limb difference, his left arm ends at his elbow, so a standard bike would not work for him. We needed someone that has the ability to modify a bicycle so he can ride, just like the rest of his friends.”
They found him, David Silloway, owner of Bike Zone, 2100 W. Ridge Road, in Greece. Silloway has owned the bike shop for 26 years. He said, “When Jack’s mom contacted me about modifying the bike she said she had been calling other bike shops for help, without success. I thought, that sounds like something that I have done many times before, so I wanted to see what I could do. I like helping people solve issues to keep them riding their bikes.”
Silloway met with Jack and his mom, discussed their needs, looked at the bike, and took measurements. Using his expertise, Silloway modified the bike so Jack can now ride. “I found parts not meant for what I did to the bike. I modified it by making a brace for Jack to lean his elbow against. Jack was involved in the process of adapting his bike. That kept him encouraged, and he was happy that he could ride with one hand, and feel stable,” Silloway said.
Katie said the process of working with Silloway, for both her and Jack, was very easy. She said, “Dave is very creative. He came up with a few different ideas so that Jack could ride. We are really grateful. When you have a child with different needs, and you find someone who is willing to go the extra mile to help, it is so reassuring. Dave studied the physics of the bike with the modification, and worked out how Jack would best be able to balance the bike. He even made it adaptable so that the bike will grow along with Jack. It is so appreciated to find someone willing to help. It is nice that he is local so we don’t have to travel, or send away for a bike.”
Jack is currently in the process of learning to ride the bike without the training wheels.
Silloway has been helping people stay riding through adaptations, for many years. He said, “ We take each request, case by case, and address individual needs. It is about caring enough
about the customer to not close the door on them, and really wanting to see them ride again. I am willing to step up to the challenge, it really feels great to help in that way.”
The Bike Zone is located at 2100 W. Ridge Road in Greece and specializes in good quality bikes, backed up with parts and repair service and offers a complete line bike related accessories. For more information on Bike Zone visit or call 585-225-7960.
Memorial Day Events on Monday, May 27, 2024.
11:00 AM – Memorial Day Parade, which will proceed down Long Pond Road from Janes Road to the Greece Town Hall Campus.
11:45 AM – Town of Greece Remembrance Ceremony, held at the Greece Town Hall Pavilion. Please note that parking will be available at Greece Town Hall. Town Hall Campus Parking will be open until approximately 10:45am. The section of Long Pond Road running from Latta Road to Janes Road and a portion of Janes Road will be closed from approximately 10:00am – 12:00pm.
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Trish Walter ext. 138
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 468 and VFW Auxiliary Post 4658 hosted a “No Sew” Blanket event on Sunday, April 7, 2024 at the American Legion Post on Dorsey Road in Greece. The event was an opportunity for the children to learn how to make a blanket that will help other children.
There were 43 blankets made during the “No Sew” day, all have been donated to the Bovina Child Advocacy Center, an organization with a vision for, “A community where all children are safe and free from abuse,” and C.U.R.E. Childhood Cancer, an association that exists to, “Provide emotional, educational, social, and financial assistance to Rochester-area families whose children have cancer or a blood disorder.”
These blankets symbolize hope, comfort and security for those receiving them. To the kids making them it represents caring and pride in what they can do together. Auxiliary members are so proud of these kids. It was amazing watching them work together, accomplishing so much in such a short time. The blankets are just beautiful.
The Auxiliary members wish to send a special Thank You to Joanne Henchen’s card playing group for donated money, My Apartment Bar and Grill for hosting a Euchre Tournament to raise money for the materials, Greece Little League Baseball, and all of the other children who came to help. This would not have been
Featuring Zac Brown Tribute Band
The Annual Jerry J. Helfer Memorial Food Truck Rodeo will be held on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, from 5:30-8:30pm at the Greece Town Hall Campus. This will be in conjunction with the Town of Greece Summer Concert Series featuring Zac Brown Tribute Band. Food trucks will open at 5:30pm and the concert will begin at 6:00pm.
All proceeds collected from the Food Truck Rodeo will go towards
the Jerry J. Helfer Youth Engagement Scholarship. The scholarship provides the Greece community with the opportunity to recognize a student that regularly upholds exemplary moral values, devotes time and energy into helping serve the Greece community, and consistently displays outstanding leadership skills. For more information, please contact the Greece Youth Board at 723-2934 or email Provided Information
June 12, 2024 • 7:00PM Lakeview Community Church, 30 Long Pond Rd., Rochester. If You Plant It, They Will Come – Gardening for Our Pollinators The Monarch butterfly is the poster child of pollinators and milkweed is in high demand at garden centers everywhere. But what about all the other butterflies, moths, and bees that are threatened by habitat loss? Learn about the plants that attract and support Swallowtails, Red Admirals, Skippers, and more. VCE Master Gardener Judith Alberts shares her photographs to illustrate her citizen scientist approach to raising wild butterflies by cultivating native plants. Depending on the time of year, Judith brings live specimens to show you how it all happens. Judith is part of Wild
To attend contact Darlene Markham at dmarkham@rochester.
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The Town of Greece was named a 2023 Tree City USA by the Arbor Day Foundation in honor of its commitment to effective urban forest management. The Tree City USA program is sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation, in partnership with the United States Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters.
The Town of Greece achieved the recognition by meeting the program’s four requirements which include maintaining a tree board or department, having a tree-care ordinance, dedicating an annual community forestry budget of at least $2 per capita, and hosting an Arbor Day observance and proclamation.
“Tree City USA communities see the positive effects of an urban forest firsthand. The trees being planted and cared for by Greece are ensuring that generations to come will enjoy a better quality of life,” said Dan Lambe, CEO of the Arbor Day Foundation.
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The Greece Historical Society will host their annual fundraiser, Strawberry and Dessert Tasting Festival, at the Greece Town Hall Pavilion on Monday, June 17, 2024, from 4:00 -7:00pm. Cost is $10 for adults, $5 for children 6 -12, and free for children ages 5 and under.
This year dessert samples will be offered by Wegmans, Bill’s Long Pond Diner, Special T Cakes & Desserts, Soulistic Sweets, and Mayers Lake Ontario Winery. In addition, grilled foods will be available for purchase from local grilling experts, Barton’s Parkside Hots.
Due to the nearby construction, the Greece Historical Society has again partnered with the Town of Greece, and thanks to Supervisor Bill Reilich and Staff, the festival will again be held at the Town Pavilion on the Town Hall Campus.
The annual festival started in 1974 when Society members turned their June meeting into a strawberry social and invited the community to join them on the grounds of the Newcomb homestead. When the Society’s offices and museum relocated to 595 Long Pond Road, it became a fundraiser to help defray the costs of the move and renovation of their new facility.
Over time, the festival changed from Greece Historical Society
volunteers making and serving strawberry shortcake and offering homemade bake goods for sale, to commercial businesses offering dessert samples, while adding an entertaining DJ, community group information tables, clowns for children, door prizes and raffles. It has become an annual picnic for the whole community. Free parking at the Town Hall Campus.
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The Greece Chamber Charitable Foundation recently announced their second annual Golf Tournament supporting local nursing education. Title sponsor Bryant & Stratton College, Honorary Tournament Chairperson and Buffalo Bills, Pro Bowl MVP Steve Tasker, and the Greece Chamber Charitable Foundation are inviting the public to register to golf as an individual golfer or a foursome, which includes 18 holes of golf with cart, tee prizes, food and drink.
The tournament will take place on Monday, June 24, 2024, beginning 11:00 am, at Ridgemont Country Club, 3717 West Ridge Road, in Greece. For more information and registration, the public can visit, call (585) 227-7272, or email Tournament Chairman and Past Foundation President Michael A. Mordenga, Mike@TheVictorsGym. com. Sponsorships are still available. To sponsor this event, call 585.227.7272 or visit
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On Sunday, June 9, 2024, Street Machines of Rochester will celebrate the 50th Anniversary of their organization by hosting their Annual Outdoor Auto Show. This year’s special event at Badgerow Park South, 1120 Latta Road, Greece features Dash Plaques to the first 300 registered entries, New 25 Favorite Awards, for 2000 and newer rides, over 30 Special Awards, plus every 1/2 hour, from 10:30am to 3:00pm, a show participant will win $100.
There will be food trucks, basket raffles, vendors, give-aways, free parking and lots of family fun. Gates open 9:00am-12noon for registration, spectator gates are open all day. Award presentations at 4:00pm. A portion of the proceeds raised at the Auto Show will go to local charities.
Maryann Newland has been a member of Street Machines for over 45 years. Maryann said, “ Our entire family has been involved with Street Machines and their events. It is great family fun. We are a group of nice people, that enjoy good clean fun with our families.” Maryann and her husband Butch have attended the show with their four children, Tammy, Teresa, Timmy and Todd each year. They all share a love for cars. Maryann works each year
during the Auto Show in the t-shirt booth, and the throughout the years her kids have helped her by finding sizes, and talking with the customers. Maryann shows her car every year. It is a 1969 Camaro RS with hidden headlights, corvette white, with pink roses on the handles, “Just a small detail to show the car belongs to a woman,” she said. Maryann also drag raced for four years, and according to her account, she held her own along side with the men.
Street Machines of Rochester is a socially active club. Founded in 1974, the annual membership averages about 100 car enthusiasts. Throughout the year, the club sponsors monthly events for members. Summer is filled with picnics, ice cream socials and car cruise-ins, wintertime brings Halloween, Christmas and Super Bowl parties. They give back to the community through bell ringing for the Salvation Army, food and clothing drives along with nursing home visits to cheer residents during the holidays. They also participate in local parades, including the upcoming Town of Greece Memorial Day parade.
For more information on Street Machines, including the 2024 Auto Show and registration forms, visit
Standard business members of the Greece Regional Chamber of Commerce.
Premium Business Members: Faber Builders, Inc.; Rochester Group; Elmwood Agency; and Bob Johnson Chevrolet.
New Business Members: KB Coatings and Contracting, LLC.; Antelli Salon; Home Away From Home Child Care Center; Howard Hanna Real Estate Services Greece Office; Nine Ten Construction and Excavation; Blake Keller, 1st Legislative District; Josh Jensen, 134th District; Compass Cycle & Flow; Boot Barn; Monroe County Executive Adam Bello; and Dale Carnegie Training.
The Greece Regional Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit membership association dedicated to promoting Rochester regional business members. Our membership includes for-profit and nonprofit corporations, government, education, and individuals from throughout Monroe County and the greater Rochester region. The Chamber has been serving the business community since 1984.
For more information on the Greece Regional Chamber of Commerce and its membership benefits, available to businesses and individuals throughout Monroe County and beyond, call (585) 227-7272 or email
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Carmela Gallinat, President of Northwest AARP Chapter 3498, recently spoke to Kiwanis Club of Greece. Carmela is not a stranger to Kiwanis or community service, she is still going strong with her leadership positions in Greece and Rochester organizations.
For more information on AARP visit org/volunteer/aarp-chapters/locator/locator-detail. a1ro0000001oAGyAAM.html
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On May 21st, the Greece School Board election will take place. A day that most parents in Greece ignore. The result is usually a budget most of us do not want, and a school board that does not represent the best interests of our children. Greece residents need to make this day as important as a presidential election. It is our children’s future at stake. Over the last several years enrollment has declined in the Greece Public Schools while more staff seems to be needed, including medical staff and counselors. Their argument is that more kids have mental health needs. In my opinion, these kids have issues because the public schools confuse them, destroy their personal identities and sexually demoralize them. This is the reality. More and more parents are taking their children out of the Greece School District. These parents are sacrificing their time and their finances to do so. What does that say about the Schools in Greece? At the last meeting, they were once again reminding us that they may again need more of our money. None of this adds up. To make matters even worse, the Greece Schools are pushing a new social movement called the “Community Schools Revolution”. The “Community Schools Revolution” advocates the role of parents in raising children, as nothing more than a partnership with the school system. Community schools include providing health, mental health, social services, social emotional learning, trauma informed care and restorative justice. This is directly out of the “Community Schools Revolution” book! What does all of that imply? Our children belong to their parents, NOT THE STATE! If you agree with the schools and the government having full authority over your children, then vote for the incumbents seeking re-election on May 21st. If not, vote for the new candidates instead, who do not support this agenda. Candidates who believe that it is a God given right to raise our own children. Our children’s well-being should be the responsibility of their parents, including medical and mental health. Now think about the cost and who is going to pay for all of this. Are not enough people leaving our state as it is? Now I will address another even more serious issue. The “Comprehensive Sexuality Education” legislation in New York State. Our N.Y. State government is encouraging dysfunctional behavior while punishing those of us with families that are assets to our community. Do we really want our schools to follow Hochul’s road to Hell? Section 1 amends the education law by adding a new section 804-e. Paragraph one requires each public and charter school to provide students in grades KINDERGARTEN through twelve with comprehensive sexuality education. These people are sick! In fact, I suggest that they are mentally depraved perverts. They want to deprive our children of the wonderful experience of just being kids. Again, our Greece School Board incumbents remain silent. At a recent school board meeting, they repeatedly interrupted a Greece resident who is a retired teacher while she was addressing concern over this legislation and silenced her. The solution from our current School Board was to change the time allotted to speak at a School Board Meeting from 4 minutes to 2 minutes. With 56,000 registered voters in Greece, only 3,500 voted in the last School Board election. That is shameful! You can easily search for the Greece School Board on your device and get the names of the current members. I suggest that you vote NO on the budget. They dressed it up to look good as usual, but it will result in more government control over our children and higher taxes. The last several budgets, along with this proposed budget include financial provisions for “Community Schools”. This is not meant to offend our teachers. They have nothing to do with this. The union pushes them hard to vote against their own conscience. Those of you who are teachers do not need the union to speak for you, and tell you who to vote for. The teachers I remember were dedicated to us students. Even after 54 years I and my friends talk about the many very good memories we have of them, and we still remember their faces and their names. I myself considered teaching but I chose a life in business instead. Most teachers are parents themselves who also want to raise their own children. It is time to make a stand. Parents, teachers, school bus drivers and grandparents. We all have one thing in common. We love our children.
Frank Prescuitti“Please note that the above opinion does not necessarily reflect the views of Westside News, its staff and management nor its advertisers and supporters.”