2 minute read
from 2023-05-31
Hey there!
My name is Zaira Ahmad and I am the Print Editor-in-Chief for the 2023-24 school year.
Congratulations on making it through this year! You have worked hard and it’s time to finally take a moment to relax as you say goodbye to your peers.
While we bid farewell to our seniors, many West staff members also part ways with the school as they retire. To learn about a few teachers’ future plans, flip to page 8.
This issue’s cover story explores body image and its impacts on students at West. To read about students’ experiences with eating disorders, body dysmorphia and self-harm scars, turn to page 10.
As you take your final steps out of West’s doors, you may find yourself looking for the perfect way to start your summer. Turn to page 18 to find soundtracks for any occasion under the sun. Have a great summer West, I look forward to seeing you in the fall!
ZAIRA AHMAD (she/her)
Contact Us
Mailing address: 2901 Melrose Ave., Iowa City, IA 52240
Website: wsspaper.com
Email: westsidestorypaper@gmail.com
West Side Story reflects the views of the staff and does not necessarily represent the opinions of the school administration, faculty or student body. Students who want to join WSS should enroll in Foundations of Journalism. For more information, go to wsspaper.com/join.
Mailing address: 2901 Melrose Ave., Iowa City, IA 52240
Website: wsspaper.com/ads
Email: westsidestorybusiness@gmail.com
Responding To Wss
Letters to the editor may be submitted to room 111, emailed to westsidestorypaper@gmail.com or mailed to the school. All letters must be signed. Names will be published and identities verified by the opinion editor. Letters must not contain personal attacks against an individual and may be edited.
Corrections And Clarifications
The WSS strives to correct its errors. If you notice any inaccuracies, contact westsidestorypaper@gmail.com.
Equity Statement
It is the policy of the Iowa City Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, martial status, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, disability, or sociaeconomic programs, activities, or employment practices. If you believe you have (or your child has) been discriminated against or treated unjustly at your school, please contact the Equity Director, at 509 Dubuque Street, 319-688-1000. Please contact westsidestorypaper@gmail.com for questions or comments.
Wss Social Media
Instagram: @wsspaper & @westhighathletics
Twitter: @wsspaper & @wssathletics
Facebook: @wsspaper
Tiktok: @wsspaper
YouTube: West Side Story
Staff List
Zaira Ahmad* (she/her) Print Editor-In-Chief
Jack Alden (he/him) Reporter
Defne Bayman (they/she) Artist, Designer, Photographer
William Cheng* (he/him) ................................................. Visual Editor
Maya Chu* (she/her) Feature Editor
Ella De Young* (she/her) Managing Editor
Heidi Du* (she/her) Copy Editor
Sila Duran* (she/her) Assistant Design Editor
Jack Furlong (he/they) Reporter, Videographer
Sachiko Goto* (she/they) Design Editor
Lilly Graham* (she/her) Managing Editor
Camille Gretter (she/her) Online Editor-In-Chief
Eva Jordan* (she/her) ....................................... Entertainment Editor
Krisha Kapoor* (she/her) Print Co-Editor-In-Chief
Reem Kirja* (she/her) Profiles Editor
Kamakshee Kuchhal* (she/her) Copy Editor
Jane Lam* (she/her) Assistant Copy Editor
Jessie Li* (she/her) Assistant Copy Editor
Gianna Liu* (she/her) Photo Editor, Sports Editor
Jay Mascardo (she/he/they) Photographer, Reporter
Ginger McCartney* (she/her) Art Editor
Helen Orszula (she/her) Artist, Designer
Esther Park (she/her) Artist, Designer
Lily Prochaska* (she/her) Sports Editor
Mrudani Ramkumar* (she/her) News Editor
Katherine Shoppa* (they/them) Print Co-Editor-In-Chief
Anna Song* (she/her) Assistant Design Editor
McKenna Stephens (she/her) Designer
Marie Stier* (she/her) Feature Editor
Rosemary Timmer-Hackert* (she/they) Opinion Editor
Erinn Varga* (she/her) Design Editor, Opinion Editor
Angel Wells-Lu (she/her) Artist, Designer
Sara Whittaker (she/her) Adviser
Athena Wu* (she/her) Entertainment Editor