West Suburban Living September 2016

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• 2016



Listings for more than 550 area restaurants



VOL. 21 •




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Essential Fall Fashion The Cape

Burgundy Cashmere Cape with dyed Fox Trim, Stenciled Calfskin Clutch Editor & Publisher | Chuck Cozette Art Director | Rachel Switall Interns | Sarah Astra & Clay Curcio

Contributing Writers Joni Hirsch Blackman, Buzz Brandt, Denise Linke, Lynn Petrak, Diana Santos, Lisa Sloan, Sara Pearsaul Vice, Michele Weldon, Tom Witom Contributing Photographer Ed Ahern Advertising Sales Pam Loebel, Susan Reetz Accounting/Circulation Jennifer Cozette

Reader Advisory Board Laurie Barton (Glen Ellyn), Karla Bullett (Lombard) Linda Cassidy (Campton Hills), Mary Ellen Coombs (Wheaton), Joan Hoff (Elmhurst) M Grace Grzanek (Batavia), Liz Hunka (Wheaton) Nancy Jensen (Batavia), Holly Jordan (Wheaton) Mary Ellen Kastenholz (Western Springs) Kate Kirkpatrick (Naperville) Molly Livermore (St. Charles) Pamela Peterson (Burr Ridge)


Diana Santos (Woodridge), Darla Scheidt (Darien) Jean Stawarz (Oak Brook) Marilyn Straub Garazin (Winfield)


Casual Luxe

West Suburban Living is a publication of C2 Publishing, Inc. 5101 Darmstadt Rd., Hillside, IL 60162

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MASTHEAD_wsl_09_16.indd 2

West Suburban Living (Vol. 21, No. 8 SEPTEMBER 2016; ISSN No. 15326705) is published monthly, except for July/August and November/ December issues (10 times a year) by C2 Publishing, Inc., 5101 Darmstadt Rd., Hillside, IL 60162, 630 834-4995, fax 630 834-4996. Periodicals postage paid at Elmhurst, Illinois and additional mailing offices. Subscriptions: 1 year $15; 2 years $24; 3 years $32. Single copy $3.95; back issues, as available, $7. West Suburban Living assumes no responsibility for unsolicited materials. POSTMASTER: Send changes of address to West Suburban Living Magazine, P.O. Box 111, Elmhurst, IL 60126. Printed in USA.

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Contents |




Photo courtesy of Premier Design & Cabinetry

West Suburban Living







Five amazing kitchens packed with performance and panache

These popular plants — available in more varieties than ever before — are the source of much of the flavor in our food.

Town Focus

Photo courtesy of Rialto Square Theatre



With a rich history and a growing range of entertainment options, the fourth largest city in Illinois continues to build for the future.


 Features 55

Grilled coho salmon, sweet corn succotash and grilled marble potatoes as served at Niche in Geneva.



for any and every occasion. Listings

Your indispensable west suburban

for more than 550 area eateries, plus

restaurant resource. Use this guide to

new restaurant openings and Q&A

find the right dining destination

interviews with top area chefs.


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Photo by Diana Santos

Photo courtesy of the McAninch Arts Center

West Suburban Living

Photo courtesy of Craig Sager



18 Around the Towns






Taking pride in our west suburban roots

Playwright Mat Smart returns home after “Naperville” makes a triumphant off-Broadway debut.



Though surprises can be great fun, planning makes life simpler and easier to manage.





with Batavia native and NBA sideline reporter Craig Sager

A photo gallery of recent notable charitable events




westsuburbanliving.net The go-to site for the Best of the Western Suburbs at your fingertips!



NEW RESTAURANTS: Babcock’s Grove House in Lombard; Cucinova/Grill 89 in Westmont; Deane’s Market & Deli in Geneva; Euro Crepes in Glen Ellyn; Leland Legends Pub & Grill in Aurora; and Steak + Vine in La Grange




New stores and hidden gems


The best in music, theatre and other area events

Second Labels are Liquid Assets



A handy guide to pumpkin picking and outdoor fall fun


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editor’s Note “Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may

Taking Pride in Where We’re From

look back and realize they were the big things.”


- Robert Breault

“In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” - Abraham Lincoln

“I don’t want to get to the end of my life and find that I lived just the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well.”

- Diane Ackerman

“I will continue to keep fighting, sucking the marrow out of life as life sucks the marrow out of me. I will live my life full of love and full of fun. It’s the only way I know how.”

- Craig Sager

“So then I recommend, enjoyment of life, because it is better on earth for a man to eat, drink and be happy, since this will stay with him throughout his struggle all the days of his life, which God grants him on earth.”

e were more than a little hesitant to ask. In fact, I had pretty much ruled out even contacting him. After all, he is in the midst of the fight of his life ­— a battle against cancer. And between medical treatments and trying to continue living his life as fully as possible, he is undoubtedly busy or, at the very least, preoccupied with far more important concerns. But then we thought, why not let him decide. He can always say no, or simply not answer. But answer Craig Sager did, or more accurately, his wife Stacy responded on his behalf. Yes, he would be willing to answer some questions for a Q&A feature we wanted to do on him for the magazine. How incredibly gracious, I thought. After all, he had been on the cover of Sports Illustrated earlier this year and recently accepted the Jimmy V Perseverance award at this year’s ESPYS. To take the time out to be interviewed for a small local publication he had likely never heard of — much less, while in the midst of cancer treatments — was truly a gracious gesture. But perhaps I should not have been surprised, as Sager has long been considered one of the true “good guys” in sports, as evidenced by the outpouring of affection by colleagues, athletes and fans alike when he was first diagnosed with cancer two years ago. And you’ll get a sense why when you read our Q&A with him on page 14. Sager’s character and spirit shines through in the article. Something else is readily evident as well — his fondness for his hometown and the friends he made there,

- Ecclesiastes 8:15

as well as the lasting pride he has for his high school sports teams. Perhaps that is in part why he decided to do the interview ­­­— to reconnect with his roots. If so, we are glad to have helped in whatever small way. Another successful west suburbanite is reconnecting with his roots in a different way — by reflecting some of his memories on stage. Mat Smart recently returned to the area in connection with the production of his play Naperville, which, after a successful off-Broadway run in New York, is currently playing through Oct. 16 at Theater Wit in Chicago. Called a “valentine to the heart and soul of the American suburbs” by the New York Theater Review, the play is unabashedly a “defense of Naperville,” acknowledges Smart (see page 20). He, too, has fond memories of his hometown and, tired of people bashing the suburbs, decided to use Naperville as the backdrop for his play. Both Sager and Smart are right. There is much to be proud of in being from the western suburbs. Sometimes we take the wonderful area we live in for granted, so it’s good to be reminded now and again. We hope you enjoy the two articles and the rest of this issue. And as always, thanks for being a reader!

Chuck Cozette, Editor & Publisher chuck@westsuburbanliving.net 10 SEPTEMBER 2016 | WWW.WESTSUBURBANLIVING.NET | WEST SUBURBAN LIVING

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Craig Sager

Photo courtesy of Craig Sager


Well known among sports fans for his NBA sideline interviews as well as his colorful attire, the Batavia native is battling cancer with the same fortitude and tenacity that has shaped his life and career. See Q&A on next page.


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Craig Sager/ Photo courtesy of Craig Sager

The Batavia native and NBA sideline reporter known for his colorful reporting style and attire n What activities were you involved

in at Batavia High School and did you have any mentors that influenced your later career pursuits? CS: When I was a freshman in high school, I played basketball with senior Dan Issel, who would become an NBA Hall of Famer, and junior Kenny Anderson, who would find his calling as an MVP in the National Football League. Our coach was Don Van Dersnick, a tough son-of-a-gun, former Marine, with a buzz cut, a soldier’s mouth and a relentless drive to extract every ounce of talent from his players. n In your high school years, did you

With a Passion for sports cultivated while

n Tell us a little about growing up

growing up in Batavia, Craig Sager has parlayed

in Batavia. What are a few of your fondest childhood memories of living and growing up there and what were your primary interests? CS: My bedroom in Batavia was about 35 miles from Wrigley Field and was awash in Cubs paraphernalia — Cubs sheets, Cubs pillowcase, Cubs backpack and a life-size photo of my childhood idol Ernie Banks. I even drew the Cubs logo on all of my school folders and binders, just in case a classmate was unsure of my loyalties.

a career in broadcasting into some memorable experiences — from helping escort Henry Aaron to home plate after his record-breaking 715th home run, to accompanying former Chicago Bull Dennis Rodman on a three-day, post-NBA championship celebration in Las Vegas. In recent years, he has served as TNT’s sideline reporter for NBA games, where his engaging style and colorful outfits have endeared him to fans and players alike. Diagnosed with cancer two years ago, Sager is battling the disease with the same determination he has demonstrated throughout his life and career.



have any noteworthy accomplishments or memorable games or experiences? CS: In the late 60s, we won 54 consecutive conference basketball games, five straight Little 7 championships and were annually the final small school standing in the state tournament. In a hotly contested game against one of our rivals, East Aurora, my mom, Coral, marched onto the court to protest a referee’s call, and in not-sofamily-friendly terms. When she refused to leave the court, the men in blue shrugged their shoulders, put her in handcuffs, and led her out of the gym. She exited to a standing ovation. n You were slated to go to the Air Force

Academy to play basketball, but when your congressman wanted to redirect you to West Point, you opted to go

you and from whom? “Everybody

Ryan — excel in sports. Both have

has the will to win, you need the will

received success at an early age

to prepare to win.” - Bobby Knight

with Ryan bursting through the


C e t f i t I i s t I s S

y m d C a b o t d w N p o t


1. Your favorite sport to play?

2. You favorite sports team

5. If not a sports reporter, what?

rankings as a 10 year old tennis

to watch as a spectator?

as a fan? Chicago Cubs

A professional golfer.

prodigy competing in 12U.

to cover as a reporter? To play,

3. Favorite athlete you have

6. Favorite hobbies when not

7. Favorite words of wisdom?

golf; to watch, NBA basketball;

covered? Michael Jordan

working? Watching my sons —

“Time is simply how we live our life.”

to cover, NBA basketball.

4. Best advice anyone ever gave

11-year-old Riley and 10-year-old

Craig Sager, July 2016 ESPY speech


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c i r w r a

to Northwestern instead where you walked on to both the football and basketball teams. CS: I always had an infatuation with flying, and with my high school graduation in 1969 during the midst of the Vietnam War, I set my sights on the Air Force Academy, where I could become a pilot. Instead, Congresswoman Charlotte Reid appointed me to West Point. With no interest in the role of an infantryman, I turned down the appointment and walked-on at Northwestern. n What was your walk-on career like?

CS: In the early 70s, freshmen were not eligible to play varsity athletics, but had their own teams instead. I walked on the football team but, after several concussions in pre-season, that career quickly came to a close, so I set my sights on basketball. I had grown six inches since my senior year in high school, and with the point guard skills I had accrued at Batavia, coupled with the newfound ability to dunk a basketball, I not only made the team but compiled significant minutes after star forward Rick Sund broke his leg. n For your last three years in college, you were Willie the Wildcat, the school mascot. What made you decide to do that? CS: After my freshman year, I still had an invitation to continue as a walk-on, but with so many scholarship players ahead of me, the chances of extended playing time were minimal. I also found the physical demands of Big Ten athletics, combined with the high academic standards of Northwestern, difficult to maintain while pursuing a four-year degree, so I went on to become the school’s mascot,“Willie the Wildcat.”

of that historic event and your involvement in it? CS: Upon graduation from Northwestern, I was working at WSPB radio in Sarasota for $95 a week. We were a radio network affiliate of the Atlanta Braves and as a lifelong baseball fan, I had set my sights on being in Atlanta on the night Hank Aaron broke Babe Ruth’s career record of 714 home runs. On April 8, 1974, I found myself at Atlanta Fulton County Stadium and, without a credentialed seat in the press box, I occupied a spot in the camera well by third base. When Hank crushed #715 off Al Downing of the Dodgers in the fourth inning, I instantly ran onto the field with my tape recorder and met Aaron between third base and home. I compiled exclusive interviews with Aaron’s teammates along with his parents, which we donated to the Baseball Hall of Fame, to which I was presented a lifetime pass. n You were a very early employee at CNN, handling the new network’s first remote playoff baseball telecast. How did you hook on with them and what was it like in those early years of the network? CS: CNN went on the air June 1 of 1980 and its first sports remote was the Kansas City Royals/New York Yankee playoff series that fall. Major League Baseball told Ted Turner that CNN was not an accredited news organization and never would be. Not one to take no for an answer, Ted called Royals PR Director Dean Vogelar and asked for help. Vogelar said to hire Sager because, at the time, I was the sports director of the ABC affiliate in Kansas City (KMBC) and roomed with three of the Royals players, along with PR Assistant Mike Swanson. n You covered many sports early in your

n Two years into your journalistic career, you jumped on the field to interview Henry Aaron after he hit his record-breaking 715th home run. That was a pretty bold thing for a young reporter to do. How did that come about and what are your memories

career including the Olympics, but for the past 20 years or so, you have been most closely associated with basketball and the NBA. Did that happen by choice because basketball is your favorite sport or was it a happy convergence? CS: Starting in March of 1981, I worked for


With more than 100 stores, you’ll find the hottest fall trends as well as the latest in home decor in Downtown Naperville. Come explore national brands like Williams-Sonoma, Pottery Barn, and Erehwon Mountain Outfitters, as well as local favorites including Dean’s Fine Clothing, Costello Jewelers, and Little Luxuries. Also discover new restaurants including Nando’s PERi-PERi, MOD Pizza, and Empire Burgers & Brew. Sept 2– 5 Last Fling

Sept 5 Labor Day Parade

Sept 17–18 Riverwalk Fine Art Fair



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Q&A seven years at CNN. When TBS secured the NBA TV contract, I moved to TBS and later to TNT to work closely with the NBA. I have been a fixture on the sidelines ever since.

Sager gets a hug from Chicago mascot Benny the Bull.

 What was the

impetus for your colorful sportscoats and outfits? CS: Whether I was a weatherman in Tampa, a sports director in Kansas City, or a news anchor at CNN, I always approached my jobs with a lively and colorful personality, so I felt it was only befitting that I have a matching wardrobe. With increasing attention as a result of cell phones, social media and the Internet, I try not to wear the same ensemble more than once in the same season.  Any particularly crazy, funny or

memorable sporting moment come to mind? CS: After Michael Jordan hit the game winning shot over Byron Russell in Utah to capture the 1998 NBA Championship, Dennis Rodman ran down the baseline and yelled to me “Vegas after the game.” As a good friend of Rodman’s, I got the message and flew to Vegas where I met up with the flamboyant character. If you think locker room celebrations and ticker tape parades look like fun, try spending three days with Dennis Rodman in Las Vegas after winning an NBA Championship.  Looking back over your career, what

are you most proud of as a journalist and reporter? CS: Sports are who I am, and although I have made covering sports my life’s work, there has never been a day when it seemed like work. Although I am constantly on the go I have tried not to sacrifice my relationships with my beloved bride Stacy — my heaven on earth — or my incredible children Kacy, Craig II, Krista, Riley and Ryan.  A little over two years ago, you were

diagnosed with cancer. It has been an

up-and-down battle since, but you have worked as much as you can through it all. Why has that been so important for you? CS: What I may have thought a terminal diagnosis like cancer would do for my spirit, it summoned quite the opposite — the greatest appreciation of life itself.  You have had some

noteworthy honors in the last two years as well — throwing out the first pitch and singing Take Me Out to the Ballgame at Wrigley Field, getting the chance to report your first NBA finals, and being awarded the Jimmy V Perseverance award this year. What do those kinds of honors and the outpouring of affection you have received from fans, athletes and peers mean to you? CS: My battle with leukemia has allowed me to touch people in ways I never thought imaginable. I realize it is not about me but what I represent as a person who refuses to give up, refuses to give in to the awful disease called cancer.  What is your message to others who

are battling cancer? CS: I firmly believe the way you think affects the way you feel, and the way you feel determines the way you act.  While you now live in Georgia, do

you have any family or friends that have drawn you back to the Batavia area in recent years? CS: My best friend today is John “Hondo” Clark, who has been my best friend since kindergarten in Batavia. I also remain close to Paula Issel, widow of our close friend Greg. Former Batavia basketball Coach Jimmy Roberts does a terrific job of bringing all former Bulldogs together each summer for a golf tournament. This year I particularly enjoyed reuniting with Tom Cornwell, Tom Stefano, Mike Brown, Dean Anderson, Jerry Sytar, Greg Bradley and Bill Porter. — Rachel Switall


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Photo courtesy of DeSitter Flooring

Photo by Sarah Astra

Photo by Diana Santos

Hidden Gems & Longtime Favorites

Peace Boutique



New to downtown Naperville,

LOCATED ALONG the river and

AFTER ALMOST 30 YEARS in its former

Peace Boutique (143 W. Jefferson St., 630 358-9642) offers completely natural products that evoke conscious living and thoughtful choices. Incorporating a background in public health with her personal philosophy of “every action we make has a domino effect,” owner Kate Mason’s shop offers items that are cruelty-free and eco-friendly. Mason presents a carefully edited collection of skin care and personal care products, along with traditional yoga pieces, soothing healing stones, Zen-inspired Buddha boards, Maravella jewelry, and an exclusive selection of Free People Movement attire. An essential oil station allows clients to create roll-on perfume, yoga mat spray and anti-bacterial spritz. Many items are locally sourced and all must conform to Peace’s rigorous standards. The store also hosts Abhyaasa Yoga classes, meditation sessions and other workshops to foster a sense of connectedness, community and personal knowledge. — Diana Santos

a stone’s throw away from the Batavia Riverwalk sits The Salvaged Heart — Vintage Wares (14 N. Island Ave., 630 310-9022). Dedicated to repurposing, recycling and salvaging “all things dear to our hearts,” according to the shop’s slogan, this translates to more than six rooms of up-cycled furniture, vintage clothing, painted signs, handcrafted jewelry and much more. Owners Cindy Cutler and Sharon Harwick opened the shop two years ago with the intent of selling a wide variety of vintage items from mid-century, primitive rustic, and the 60s and 70s, as well as shabby chic pieces. More than a dozen different local vendors create and/or refurbish the various items in the shop, resulting in a distinctive mix of gifts and home décor. Salvaged Heart also participates in a semi-flea market during the summer and helps head up Batavia’s annual downtown Holiday Market in November. — Sarah Astra

location on Geneva Road in Carol Stream, DeSitter Flooring recently transitioned to a new and larger showroom at 444 Roosevelt Rd. in Glen Ellyn (630 517-2697). “We needed a bigger space to showcase tile and natural stone,” explains co-owner Steve DeSitter, the third generation to run the 96-year-old, family-owned business. “The new showroom has plenty of space to display beautiful room vignettes and concept boards to make the tile selection process easier.” DeSitter is known for the wide range of flooring products it carries including area rugs, carpet, stone, tile, hardwoods, laminates and luxury vinyl tile. The latter is especially popular right now, particularly for lower level spaces like basements, because it looks like hardwood and tile but is water resistant. Founded in Chicago in 1920, DeSitter has a second location as well as a separate tile gallery in La Grange. — Chuck Cozette

New Store Openings Following is a sampling of new shops that have opened in the last few months in the western suburbs. For a full list, go to westsuburbanliving.net. Green Envee - Products that promote mind, body, and spirit wellness. 17 S. 3rd St., Geneva. 630 423-7140 IPOSH Eye Candy Esthetics - Spa offering

PCA chemical peels, eyelash extensions and tinting, waxing, laser hair removal, micro-current facelifts and more. 310 Campbell, Geneva. 630 457-5550

JAYNE - Women’s clothing, shoes, jewelry, handbags and accessories, as well as body products and home goods, including bedding and linens. 476 N. Main St., Glen Ellyn. 630 793-9098

Tommy Bahama Opening Sept. 7. Men’s and women’s sportswear, footwear and accessories, and select home décor items. 5 Woodfield Mall, Schaumburg.

Waxing the city - Offers a full range of hair removal services — from eyebrows and ears to backs and bikinis — for both men and women. 4430 Fox Valley Dr., Aurora, 630 618-2078.


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By Joni Hirsch Blackman

From Naperville to NY and Back Again Playwright Mat Smart returns home after “Naperville” makes a triumphant off-Broadway debut


at Smart was home, going through boxes of high school mementos. He was also in town for the Chicago opening of his play, Naperville. A New Yorker for eight years, he truly misses his hometown. Don’t let him hear you laugh. “This play is a good defense of Naperville. So many people trash on the suburbs — they say they’re all the same, they’re homogenous, they’re just chain stores. But I had a lot of wonderful mentors here and a lot of spiritual growth. To say it’s vacant of depth is inaccurate.” Most theater productions strive to make it to the big city, but Naperville, arrives in Chicago after already having a successful run in New York. Someday, Smart hopes it premieres in an even smaller city, 35 miles to the west. Though thrilled his non-autobiographical play has come (almost) home, Smart realizes he’s now back where people have an opinion about Naperville. He’s curious to see how his play about the state’s fifth-largest city plays in the country’s third-largest city (through Oct. 16 at Theater Wit.) Extremely well-received off Broadway, Naperville earned a New York Times Critic’s Pick. Critic Neil Genzlinger called it an “intricate, delightful comic drama.” But “people here will be more critical of my depiction of Naperville, people have first-hand experience with it,” says Smart. “It was a tinge exotic in New York — the further you are from a place, you can buy into the mythology. But while it is about the place, it is about a lot of other things, too — the heart of it is the conflict of wanting to pursue your dreams and be

there for your family.” After nearly every show during the three-week New York run, Smart says the same thing happened: “It’s so Napervillian to come see it and then introduce yourself.” I was one of those people.

A reporter for the Waubonsie Valley High School newspaper, Smart was also involved in plays. English teacher Bill Bowman told him, “I don’t think you should act, I think you should write.” No dummy, the 1997 grad listened.

While it is about the place, it is about a lot of other things, too — the heart of it is the conflict of wanting to pursue your dreams and be there for your family.” Nearly two years ago, as my son and I landed in New York City, I turned on my cell phone and the notifications I’d missed rolled in. One was a tweet from the city of Naperville. “Did you know there is a play called Naperville in NYC? Anyone seen it?” the tweet said. Huh? We looked it up. Then it got even weirder — the play was about a son from Seattle returning to help his mom in Naperville. My son — who had just moved out — was born in Seattle. Clearly we needed to see this play. Tickets were available for our one unscheduled evening and the cost was such that if we hated it, we could leave. “Let’s go,” my son said. I didn’t argue. We were not only enthralled, we laughed out loud and enjoyed every minute. Who’d have thought? Mat Smart, apparently. He and I recently met in the Naperville space that once housed Caribou Coffee on 95th Street, where his play is set. Smart spent a lot of time in that coffee shop as a teen.

With a bachelor’s degree from University of Evansville and a master’s in playwriting from UC San Diego, Smart’s goal was to visit all seven continents and write about each place. Number seven was a month-long stay in Mendoza, Argentina volunteering on an organic farm this year. Since writing his first play in 2005, Smart has had approximately two plays produced each year. His July visit home brought him full circle because his mom, Mary, a Napervillian since 1977, is moving. Truly a product of the western suburbs, Smart attended high school in Aurora, was a summer camp counselor in Lisle and an actor in a Downers Grove Shakespeare troupe. But it’s Joe Naper who was a big inspiration for his play. “Once I learned more about Naper, I wanted him to be a big part of it — in his 30s, he built ships and then built a town! What do we build now?” Lamenting his mom’s moving and the old coffee shop disappearing, Smart doesn’t even seem to realize that he’s another young man in his 30s who has created something that will last. n


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Local Authors

By Rachel Switall



by Emily Paster of River Forest.

by Emily Giffin of Naperville.

Gina: Queen of the Butterflies

Co-founder of Chicago Food

by Michael P. Curry of

Now a #1 New York Times

by Donna Mililli of Aurora.

Swap, Paster shares 80

Clarendon Hills. Full of

bestseller, Giffin’s eighth novel

A simple but sweet children’s

recipes that are perfect for

anecdotes, biographies

tells the story of two sisters who

swapping and gift-giving.

and tips for cooking and

find themselves at a crossroads.

Guidance is given on finding

gardening, this compendium

When tragedy strikes their

a local food swap, strategies

of creative cuisine from

family, the sisters’ different

for successful swapping, and

around the world includes

responses splinter their delicate

the basics on how to start

recipes from some of today’s

bond. As the anniversary of

and maintain your own

leading artists and performers

this tragedy looms and painful

event. With a forward by

— Ella Fitzgerald and Bea

secrets from the past begin to

Kate Payne, co-founder of

Arthur, among others. This

surface, they must not only

the Food Swap Network,

coffee table book invites the

confront the issues that divide

this book is part cookbook,

reader on many culturally

them, but also come to terms

parents and teachers as

part how-to guide.

diverse culinary excursions.

with their own choices.

well as their young children.


story about a young girl who loves butterflies and appreciates the beauty of nature. Gina tries to teach her friend Suzie that everyone deserves kindness, even a little caterpillar that will one day be a beautiful butterfly. This story has a loving, gentle message, which should appeal to


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MOMIX: Opus Cactus

Photo courtesy of the McAninch Arts Center


Sept. 10 The internationally renowned dancer-illusionist troupe brings the landscape of the American Southwest to the stage at McAninch Arts Center with acrobatic images of cacti, lizards, fire dancers and more. Call 630 942-4000 for information.


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Calendar of Events

THEATRE | The Man With The Plastic Sandwich | Through Sept 3, Fri − Sat 8 p.m. Fired after 20 years, a depressed and frustrated Walter Price found peace at a park bench, but when three engaging, provocative characters invade his life, he cannot ignore their presence or the perspectives they bring. Cost: $17/15. The Riverfront Playhouse, 11 &13 S Water St. Mall, Aurora. 630 897-9496 | Theatre-Hikes | Through Oct 30, Sat − Sun 1 p.m.; October performances are at 3 p.m. instead of 1 p.m. Enjoy live performances among 1,700 acres of trees and landscapes featuring "Driving Miss Daisy" in September and "10 Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse" in October. Registration required. Cost: $20/5. The Morton Arboretum, 4100 Illinois Route 53, Lisle. 630 968-0074 | Smokey Joe’s Café | Wed − Sun, Sept 1 − Oct 23, Wed 1:30 p.m., Thur 1:30 & 8 p.m., Fri 8 p.m., Sat 5 & 8:30 p.m. and Sun 2 & 6 p.m. The Tony Award-nominated musical showcases 39 pop standards, including rock and roll and blues anthems written by duo Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller, as well as other jukebox hits like "Stand By Me" and "Charlie Brown." Cost: $60/40. Drury Lane Theatre, 100 Drury Ln., Oakbrook Terrace. 630 530-0111 | Mamma Mia! | Wed − Sun, Sept 7 − Oct 30, Wed 1:30 & 7 p.m., Thur 7 p.m., Fri 8 p.m., Sat 3 & 8 p.m. and Sun 1 & 5:30 p.m. When Sophie, a 20-year-old bride-to-be, finds her mother's diary and reads about her love-filled summer 20 years ago with three different men, she sets out to discover which one is her father. Cost: $59/44. Paramount Theatre, 23 E Galena Blvd., Aurora. 630 896-6666 | Steel Magnolias | Thur − Sun, Sept 8 − 18, Thur − Sat 8 p.m. and Sun 2:30 p.m.; Also, 7:30 p.m. show on Sun, Sept 11 and 2:30 p.m. show on Sat, Sept 17. This modern classic celebrates the unshakable bond among a group of Southern women. Theatre of Western Springs, 4384 Hampton Ave., Western Springs. 708 246-3380 | Horizons Of Gold | Thur − Sat, Sept 9 − Oct 1, Thur − Fri 7:30 p.m. and Sat 2 & 7:30 p.m.; No 2 p.m. show on Sat, Sept 10. This play tells the story of how the lives of an abandoned Mexican migrant, a farmwife who lost her family, and a generous wheat farmer interwine. Cost: $17/12. Medinah Baptist Church, 900 Foster Ave., Medinah. 630 634-2100 | Don't Dress For Dinner | Thur − Sun, Sept 9 − Oct 9, Thur − Sat 8 p.m. and Sun 3 p.m. Hidden identities and infidelities take center stage in this comedic sequel to Camoletti’s “Boeing Boeing.” Cost: $35. Playhouse Theatre at McAninch Arts Center, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn. 630 942-4000 | The Audience | Sun, Sept 11, 2 p.m.; Also, Thur, Sept 15, 7 p.m. Encore screening of National Theatre Live's smash-hit broadcast about the weekly meetings between Queen Elizabeth II and her 12 Prime Ministers from 1952 to the present. Includes an exclusive Q&A with Helen Mirren and director Stephen Daldry. Cost: $20. McAninch Arts Center, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn. 630 942-4000 | Reflections And Perspectives | Thur − Sun, Sept 15 − 18, Thur 9 p.m., Fri 6 p.m., Sat 1:30 p.m. and Sun 3 p.m. Presented by the Elgin Theatre Company, this production consists of three short plays in which people try to relate to one another and their own lives, sometimes with comedic results and sometimes in a more serious setting. Cost: $18/15. Imago, 216 Prairie St., Elgin. 847 741-0532 | Forbidden Broadway | Thur − Sun, Sept 16 − Oct 9, Thur − Sat 8 p.m. and Sun 3 p.m. An Off-Broadway revue parodying musical theatre, particularly Broadway musicals. Cost: $23/20. Playhouse 111, 111 N Hale St., Wheaton. 630 260-1820

| The Complete Works Of William Shakespeare (Abridged) | Fri − Sun, Sept 16 − Oct 9, Fri − Sat 8 p.m. and Sun 3 p.m. Performed in a comically shortened or merged form, this play parodies the plays of William Shakespeare. Cost: $28/23. Steel Beam Theatre, 111 W Main St., St. Charles. 630 587-8521 | Born Yesterday | Fri − Sun, Sept 23 − Oct 9. Egotistical junk dealer Harry Brocks goes to Washington to make crooked deals and brings his ditsy girlfriend with him, but when he enlists the help of a young magazine reporter to educate his girlfriend, she and the reporter fall in love and uncover Harry's crooked schemes. For showtimes and tickets, visit www.greenmantheatre.org. First United Methodist Church of Elmhurst, 232 S York Rd., Elmhurst. 630 464-2646 | A View From The Bridge | Sun, Sept 25, 7 p.m. and Thur, Sept 29, 2 p.m. Enjoy an encore screening of National Theatre Live's smash-hit broadcast about a longshoreman from Brooklyn who welcomes his Sicilian cousins to the land of freedom, but when one of them falls for his niece, they discover freedom comes at a price. Cost: $20. Belushi Performance Hall at McAninch Arts Center, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn. 630 942-4000 | Making God Laugh | Fri − Sun, Sept 30 − Oct 9, Fri − Sat 7:30 p.m. and Sun 3 p.m.; No show on Fri, Oct 9. This comedy/drama tells a story of life’s changes of direction, the role reversals of parents and children, the primacy of the reality of now versus the memories of the past and the predictions of the future, and the importance of family breaking bread together. Cost: $14/12. Gallery Theatre, 203 Turner Ct., West Chicago. 630 234-5919 | Time Wasted | Thur − Sun, Oct 6 − 9, Thur − Fri 7:30 p.m., Sat 2 & 7:30 p.m. and Sun 2:30 p.m. This play focuses on the relationship between a daughter and her alcoholic mother, and their struggle to communicate after many years of separation and a lifetime of addiction. Cost: $10/5. Madden Theatre, 171 E Chicago Ave., Naperville. 630 637-7469 | The Addams Family: A New Musical | Thur − Sun, Oct 6 − 9, Thur − Sat 8 p.m. and Sun 2 p.m. This musical comedy is based on the cartoon characters, rather than the television and film characters, of the ghoulish American family. Cost: $7/5. Mill Theatre at Elmhurst College, 190 Prospect Ave., Elmhurst. 630 617-3005 | Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat | Mon, Oct 19, 7:30 p.m. A reimagining of the Biblical story of Joseph, his eleven brothers and the coat of many colors, filled with songs like "Go Go Go Joseph," "Any Dream Will Do" and "Close Every Door." Cost: $70/40. Rialto Square Theatre, 102 N Chicago St., Joliet. 815 726-6600

COMEDY | Jon Lovitz | Thur − Sat, Sept 1 − 4, Thur 7:30 p.m., Fri 8 p.m., Sat 7 & 9:15 p.m. and Sun 7 p.m. Well-known for being a cast member of "Saturday Night Live" for five years, this Emmy Award-nominated actor, comedian, voice artist and singer hits the stage with his stand-up comedy. For ages 18 and over. Cost: $33 + 2 item min. Chicago Improv, 5 Woodfield Rd., Woodfield Mall, Store K120B, Schaumburg, 847 240-2001 | The Capitol Steps | Fri, Sept 9, 7:30 p.m. The American political satire group, whose shows consist of song parodies about current events and skits, brings its "Mock the Vote" show to the stage, Cost: $50/33. Batavia Fine Arts Centre, 1201 Main St., Batavia, 630 937-8930 | Keith Alberstadt | Thur − Sat, Sept 15 − 17, Thur − Fri 8 p.m. and Sat 7:30 & 9:45 p.m. This comedian has appeared on "Late Night with Seth Meyers," "The Late


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Calendar of Events

Oct. 2 JOHN HIATT Enjoy an acoustic evening at McAninch Arts Center with the Grammy Award-nominated rock guitarist, pianist, singer and songwriter, who has played a variety of musical styles, such as new wave, blues and country. Call 630 942-4000.

Show with David Letterman," a comedy feature called "Apostles of Comedy: Onwards and Upwards" and more. For ages 21 and over. Cost: $20 + 2 item food/bev min. Zanies Comedy Club in Pheasant Run Resort, 4051 E Main St., St. Charles. 630 524-0001 | Jo Koy | Thur − Sat, Sept 15 − 24, Thur 7:30 p.m., Fri 8 & 10:30 p.m. and Sun 7 & 9:30 p.m. The American standup comic has appeared on more than 100 episodes of "Chelsea Lately" and was a semi-regular on "The Adam Carolla Show." For ages 18 and over. Cost: $66/33 + 2 item min. Chicago Improv, 5 Woodfield Rd., Woodfield Mall, Store K120B, Schaumburg. 847 240 2001 | Miranda Sings | Fri, Sept 16, 8 p.m. This fictional character, developed on the internet, is portrayed by comedian, actress and YouTube personality Colleen Ballinger, who presents a live comedy act with singing, improvisation, audience interaction and comical banter. Cost: $73/38. Rosemont Theatre, 5400 N River Rd., Rosemont. 847 671-5100 | Norm MacDonald | Fri, Sept 16, 8 p.m. The stand-up comedian, writer, producer and actor is well-known for his five seasons as a cast member on "Saturday Night Live," a writer for the sitcom "Roseanne" and his role as Adam Sandler's best friend in "Billy Madison." Cost: $55/40. Rialto Square Theatre, 102 N Chicago St., Joliet. 815 726-6600 | Ari Shaffir | Fri − Sat, Sept 23 − 24, Fri 8 & 10:30 p.m. and Sat 7 & 9:30 p.m. The stand-up comedian, actor, writer and producer is also the host of "The Skeptic Tank" podcast and Comedy Central's "This is Not Happening." For ages 21 and over. Cost: $25 + 2 item food/bev min. Zanies Comedy Club in MB Financial Park, 5437 Park Pl., Rosemont. 847 813-0484 | "Chingo Bling" | Fri − Sun, Sept 30 − Oct 2, Fri 8 & 10:30 p.m., Sat 7 & 9:30 p.m. and Sun 7 p.m. A self-parodying alter ego of Pedro Herrera III, the rapper, producer and comedian, is known for his music parody albums and YouTube videos that celebrate and have fun with Mexican-American culture and identity. For ages 18 and over. Cost: $66/33 + 2 item min. Chicago Improv, 5 Woodfield Rd., Woodfield Mall, Store K120B, Schaumburg. 847 240 2001 | Free Speech! (While Supplies Last) | Sat, Oct 1, 6 p.m. The Second City performs their new show that provides an irreverent look at America's electoral insanity, including political satire, songs and improv. Cost: $46/32. Belushi Performance Hall at McAninch Arts Center, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn. 630 942-4000

| Jake "The Snake" Roberts | Tue, Oct 4, 8 p.m. The WWE Hall of Famer shares stories from the world of wrestling and holds a Q&A session with the audience during his "UnSpokeN WorD TouR" featuring comedian Alex Ansel. For ages 18 and over. Cost: $20 + two-item food/bev min. Zanies Comedy Club in MB Financial Park, 5437 Park Pl., Rosemont. 847 813-0484

MUSIC | Afternoon Concerts | Sun, Sept 4, 3 p.m.; Also, Mon, Sept 5. Free outdoor concerts featuring a wide variety of music and artists. Red Bandshell at Cantigny Park, 1S151 Winfield Rd., Wheaton. 630 668-5161 | Live On The Lawn | Through Sept 28, Wednesdays, 5:30 − 9 p.m. Enjoy live music, drink service and food on the lawn of the golf course. St. Andrews Golf & Country Club, 2241 Route 59, West Chicago. 630 231-3100 | Sounds Of Summer Concert Series | Through Oct 29, Fri − Sat 8 p.m. Lve performances from local bands of many genres, including Frank & Dave, Chi-Town Soul, The Messengers, Eleventh Hour and more. Eaglewood Resort & Spa, 1401 Nordic Rd., Itasca. 630 773-1400 | Sounds On The Street | Fri, Sept 2. Bring your own food and drinks and enjoy a free live concert downtown. Main St. between Hillside Ave. and Duane St., Glen Ellyn. www.downtownglenellyn.com | Daughtry | Sat, Sept 3, 7 p.m. The rock band formed and fronted by Chris Daughtry has been nominated for four Grammy Awards, including Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals, with hits "Home" and "It's Not Over." Cost: $85/30. Festival Park, 250 S Grove Ave., Elgin. 847 468-7000 | Bonnie Raitt | Sat, Sept 3, 7:30 p.m. The award-winning blues singer, songwriter and slide guitar player, with hits "Something to Talk About, " "Love Sneakin' Up on You" and "I Can't Make You Love Me," performs during her "Dig in Deep" Tour. Cost: $130/38. Ravinia Festival, 418 Sheridan Rd., Highland Park. 847 266-5100 | Illinois Brass Band | Mon, Sept 5, 3 p.m. Celebrate Labor Day with this six-time NABBA championship group and a repertoire ranging from brass band classics to show tunes and jazz. Bandshell at Cantigny Park, 1S151 Winfield Rd., Wheaton. 630 668-5161


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| Moonlight Mixer: Cowboy Jukebox | Fri, Sept 9, 8 p.m. This five-member country cover band performs during this new concert series. Ticket includes complimentary specialty cocktail. For ages 21 and over. Cost: $30/20. Arranmore Farm & Polo Club, 34 Rance Rd., Oswego. 630 884-8271

www.pbkitchen.design | (630) 208-1011

| Classic Albums Live: David Bowie | Fri, Sept 9, 8 p.m. Experience a group of musicians perform a classic rock album in its entirety during this concert about "The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust." Cost: $55/33. Ravinia Festival, 418 Sheridan Rd., Highland Park. 847 266-5100 | Armaan Malik | Sat, Sept 10, 8 p.m. The award-winning Indian singer, who placed eighth on "Sa Re Ga Ma Pa L'il Champs," performs. Cost: $250/35. Rosemont Theatre, 5400 N River Rd., Rosemont. 847 671-5100


| Corky Siegel's Chamber Blues With Sam Lay | Sat, Sept 10, 8 p.m. Corky Siegel, a singer, composer and musician of the harmonica and piano, is joined by Sam Lay, a renowned drummer in the Blues Hall of Fame and the Jazz Hall of Fame, for an evening of classical and blues music. Cost: $24/12. Fermilab's Ramsey Auditorium, Kirk Rd. and Pine St., Batavia. 630 840-2787 | Picosa | Sun, Sept 11, 3 − 5 p.m. This eclectic mixedchamber ensemble performs works by Haydn, Faure, Bach, Dvorak and American jazz composer Hersch. For ages 10 and over. Cost: $25/10. Mayslake Peabody Estate, 1717 W 31st St., Oak Brook. 630 206-9566 | Buckcherry | Wed, Sept 14, 7:30 p.m. The multi-platinumselling rock band, known for "Sorry," "Lit Up" and "For the Movies," celebrates its 10th anniversary of the acclaimed "15" album with a performance featuring Candlebox as the special guest. Cost: $99/59. Arcada Theatre, 105 E Main St., St. Charles. 630 962-7000 | TOMMY: A Bluegrass Opry | Fri, Sept 16, 7:30 p.m. Missouri band The HillBenders transforms the music of The Who's classic rock opera into a bluegrass opry using the banjo, dobra, mandolin, bass, guitar and vocals. Cost: $29. SecondSpace Theatre at Elgin Community College, 1700 Spartan Dr., Elgin. 847 622-0300 | ZZ Top With Gov't Mule | Sat, Sept 17, 7 p.m. These two award-winning rock bands join forces for a special tour. Cost: $88/38. Rosemont Theatre, 5400 N River Rd., Rosemont. 847 671-5100 | Chicago Sinfonietta: Unhinged | Sat, Sept 17, 8 p.m. This concert features the music of Glinka, Stravinsky, Michael Jackson, Gershwin, Poulenc and Coldplay, with guest artists Anderson and Roe, a piano duo, and Clayton Stephenson, an award-winning piano prodigy. Cost: $60/10. Wentz Concert Hall, 171 E Chicago Ave., Naperville. 630 637-7469 | Elgin Symphony Orchestra | Sat − Sun, Sept 17 − 18, Sat 7:30 p.m. and Sun 2:30 p.m. The Orchestra highlights Russian composers with a performance of Shostakovich's "Festive Overture," "Tchaikovsky's "Violin Concerto" and "Rachmaninoff's "Symphonic Dances," featuring violinist Simone Porter. Cost: $60/10. The Hemmens Cultural Center, 45 Symphony Way, Elgin. 847 888-4000 | Orion Ensemble: Collage Of Colors | Sun, Sept 18, 7 p.m. The award-winning chamber music group kicks off their 24th season with a performance that includes works by Mozart, Alexander von Zemlinsky and James Wintle, featuring violinist Stephen Boe. Cost: $26/10. First Baptist Church of Geneva, 2300 South St., Geneva. 630 628-9591 | Tim Coffman | Fri, Sept 23, 8 p.m. Enjoy an evening with the Jazz trombonist and current member of the New Standard, who has performed with artists like Frank Sinatra, Kurt Elling and Diane Krall. Cost: $20/15. Madden Theatre, WEST SUBURBAN LIVING | WWW.WESTSUBURBANLIVING.NET | SEPTEMBER 2016 27

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Calendar of Events

171 E Chicago Ave., Naperville. 630 637-7469 | Organ Extravaganza XX Pipe Organ Pops Concert | Sat, Sept 24, 7 p.m. This show features a multitude of combined Orchestra/Keyboardists selections in the Pops genre, including music from "Star Wars," "Superman" and "Home Alone." Cost: $30. Rialto Square Theatre, 102 N Chicago St., Joliet. 815 726-6600

Oct. 1 Richard Marx Hear the Grammy Award-winner sing some of his many hits, such as "Right Here Waiting," "Don't Mean Nothing" and "Hold On to the Nights" at Wentz Concert Hall in Napeville. Call 630 637-7469.

| Switchback With Anna Fermin | Sat, Sept 24, 7:30 p.m. Brian FitzGerald and Martin McCormack, the awardwinning duo of Switchback, performs bluegrass, country, rock, Celtic and pop songs, and the award-winning singer/songwriter and frontwoman for the Chicago alt-countrybandTriggerGospelblendsfolk,countryandrock. Cost: $27. Lund Auditorium at Dominican University, 7900 W Division St., River Forest. 708 488-5000 | Josh Turner | Sat, Sept 24, 8 p.m. Grammy and CMA Award-winning country singer, with hits "Long Black Train," "Would You Go With Me" and "Time Is Love," hits the stage with his rich, deep voice and distinctive style. Cost: $75/50. Pfeiffer Hall, 310 E Benton, Naperville. 630 637-7469 | Passionate Virtuosity: Prokofiev & Tchaikovsky | Sat − Sun, Sept 24 − 25, Sat 7:30 p.m. and Sun 3 p.m. Award-winning Egyptian pianist Wael Farouk joins New Philharmonic's season opening celebration with Prokofiev's "Piano Concerto" followed by a performance of "Tchaikovsky's "Pathetique" and "1812 Overture." Cost: $49. Belushi Performance Hall at McAninch Arts Center, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn. 630 942-4000 | Reggie Harris And David Roth | Sun, Sept 25, 3 p.m. Enjoy a performance by these singer/songwriters and activists. Cost: $15. Maple Street Concerts, 220 S Main St., Lombard. 630 627-0171

| Juan Gabriel | Sun, Sept 25, 7 p.m. The award-winning artist brings his "Méxxico Es Todo Tour 2016" to Rosemont in a 360-degree setup, which includes 50 mariachi and orchestra players, ten singers and 20 dancers. Cost: $199/59. Allstate Arena, 6920 N Mannheim Rd., Rosemont. 847 635-6601

of Stravinsky, Rachmaninoff and Gershwin. Cost: $45/10. Edman Memorial Chapel at Wheaton College, NE corner of Washington and Franklin St., Wheaton. 630 752-5010

| Blues & Brews On 66 | Fri, Sept 30, 5 − 11 p.m. Enjoy live entertainment by multiple blues artists, cold brews and food vendors. Chicago St., Downtown Joliet. 815 774-6066

| Danny Gokey: Hope Is A Home | Sat, Oct 1, 8 p.m. The third-place winner on season 8 of "American Idol," who moved his musical direction toward adult pop/ contemporary Christian music, performs during Emmanuel House's benefit concert. Cost: $35/25. Batavia Fine Arts Centre, 1201 Main St., Batavia. 630 937-8930

| The 5 Browns | Fri, Sept 30, 7:30 p.m. The classical piano ensemble consisting of five siblings performs the works

| Richard Marx | Sat, Oct 1, 8 p.m. With more than 30 million records sold, the Grammy Award-winning singer,


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songwriter and producer has had many hits including "Right Here Waiting," "Don't Mean Nothing" and "Hold On to the Nights," and composed songs including NSYNC's "This I Promise You." Cost: $65/55. Wentz Concert Hall, 171 E Chicago Ave., Naperville. 630 637-7469 | Rita Moreno | Sun, Oct 2, 3 p.m. The Oscar, Emmy, Grammy and Tony Award-winning actress and singer, with notable roles in the musical films "The King and I" and "West Side Story" takes the stage. Cost: $89/49. Arcada Theatre, 105 E Main St., St. Charles. 630 962-7000 | The Symphony Of Oak Park And River Forest | Sun, Oct 2, 4 p.m. One of the nation's oldest community orchestras performs Beethoven's "Piano Concerto No. 5" and "Symphony No. 5." Pre-show lecture is at 3 p.m. Cost: $28. Lund Auditorium at Dominican University, 7900 W Division St., River Forest. 708 488-5000 | John Hiatt | Sun, Oct 2, 7:30 p.m. An acoustic evening with the Grammy Award-nominated rock guitarist, pianist, singer and songwriter, who has played a variety of musical styles, such as new wave, blues and country. Cost: $60/45. Belushi Performance Hall at McAninch Arts Center, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn. 630 942-4000 | Megadeth | Wed, Oct 5, 6:30 p.m. The thrash metal band performs past hits as well as new music off of their Dystopia album featuring the new single, "Post American World." Cost: $58/20. Sears Centre Arena, 5333 Prairie Stone Pkwy., Hoffman Estates. 847 649-2270 | Stephen Schwartz And Friends | Fri, Oct 7, 8 p.m. A concert of popular Broadway tunes performed by the Academy, Grammy and Tony Award-winning composer and musical icon, such as "Day by Day," "Popular," and "Defying Gravity," featuring award-winning Broadway vocalists Liz Callaway, Scott Coulter and Debbie Gravitte. Cost: $73/53. Belushi Performance Hall at McAninch Arts Center, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn. 630 942-4000 | Eros Ramazzotti | Fri, Oct 7, 8 p.m. The multiple awardwinning Italian musician and singer-songwriter, with hits "Otra Como TĂş," "La cosa mĂĄs bella" and "Un'emozione per sempre," takes the stage during his World Tour. Cost: $225/79. Rosemont Theatre, 5400 N River Rd., Rosemont. 847 671-5100 | Kanye West | Sat, Oct 8, 8 p.m. The 22-time Grammy Award-winning artist, who has sold over 30 million albums, brings to life songs from his seventh consecutive #1 album, "The Life Of Pablo." Cost: $140/30. Allstate Arena, 6920 N Mannheim Rd., Rosemont. 847 635-6601 | Chicago Jazz Orchestra | Sat, Oct 8, 8 p.m. Starring Allan Harris and led by artistic director Jeff Lindberg, the 17-piece ensemble has received local and national acclaim for more than 35 years. Cost: $49/39. Belushi Performance Hall at McAninch Arts Center, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn. 630 942-4000 | Gloria Trevi | Sat, Oct 8, 8:30 p.m. The Mexican poprock singer-songwriter, who has sold more than 20 million records, performs during her El Amor Tour. Cost: $150/60. Rosemont Theatre, 5400 N River Rd., Rosemont. 847 671-5100

DANCE | MOMIX: Opus Cactus | Sat, Sept 10, 7:30 p.m. The internationally renowned dancer-illusionist troupe brings the landscape of the American Southwest to the stage with acrobatic images of cacti, lizards, fire dancers and more. Cost: $52/42. Belushi Performance Hall at McAninch Arts Center, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn. 630 942-4000 | Ballet Folklorico Huehuecoyotl| Sat, Sept 24, 7 p.m. WEST SUBURBAN LIVING | WWW.WESTSUBURBANLIVING.NET | SEPTEMBER 2016 29

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The In-Residence Ensemble celebrates its 20th anniversary with a performance titled "Beyond the Dance." Cost: $20/12. Blizzard Theatre at Elgin Community College, 1700 Spartan Dr., Elgin. 847 622-0300

ART | By All Accounts: The Story Of Elmhurst | Ongoing, Tue − Sun 1 − 5 p.m. A new, innovative and interactive exhibit that shows how Elmhurst has changed and grown over the past 165 years with artifacts and the latest museum technology. Elmhurst History Museum, 120 E Park Ave., Elmhurst. 630 833-1457 | But Wait, There's More! | Through Sept 18, Tue − Sun, Tue − Fri & Sun 1 − 5 p.m. and Sat 10 a.m. − 5 p.m.; Also, Thur 5 − 8 p.m. This exhibit chronicles the story of Chicagoan Ron Popeil and his rise to fame, and showcases some of his products for hands-on exploration. Elmhurst History Museum, 120 E Park Ave., Elmhurst. 630 833-1457 | Sharron Ott | Through Oct 6, Mon − Sun, Mon − Fri 8 a.m. − 8 p.m., Sat 9 a.m. − 5 p.m. and Sun noon − 8 p.m.; Exhibit is closed on weekends through Sept 11. This artist's expressionistic paintings speak to the beauty of nature, bringing awareness of creatures that are endangered and precious. Oesterle Library Gallery, 320 E School St., Naperville. 630 637-5375

Photos by Graham Webb

| Bogumil Bronkowski & Nathan Motsinger | Mon − Sun, Sept 16 − Oct 16, Mon & Sat 10 a.m. − 6 p.m., Tue − Fri 10 a.m. − 9 p.m. and Sun noon − 5 p.m. Bronkowski plays with the sense of space and depth in his paintings, while Motsinger's work incorporates raw materials with the process of layering, editing and creating space for the unknown. Schoenherr Gallery at the Fine Arts Center, 171 E Chicago Ave., Naperville. 630 637-5375 | Fine Line Original Fridays | Fri, Sept 16, 6:30 − 10 p.m. A visual and performing arts series featuring two to three different visual artists showcasing their work trunk showstyle, as well as two to three songwriters performing original music. Fine Line Creative Arts Center, 37W570 Bolcum Rd., St. Charles. 630 584-9443


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| Riverwalk Fine Art Fair | Sat − Sun, Sept 17 − 18, 10 a.m. − 5 p.m. Outdoor juried art exhibit and sale. Along the Naperville Riverwalk, Downtown Naperville. 630 35-2530 | West End Art Festival | Sat − Sun, Sept 17 − 18, Sat 10 a.m. − 5 p.m. and Sun 10 a.m. − 4 p.m. Fine art event with live music, culinary demonstrations, food and drinks from local restaurants, children’s art activities and a wine tasting. Stone Avenue Station, 701 Burlington Ave., La Grange. 708 582-6510 | Arboretum Uncorked: Fall | Thur, Sept 22, 7 − 9 p.m. Enjoy a glass of wine and work with an instructor to create either a painting that uses wood and water, or a fall table arrangement in a pail. Registration required. Cost: $50/40. Thornhill Education Center at The Morton Arboretum, 4100 Illinois Route 53, Lisle. 630 719-2468 | Country Folk Art Festival | Fri − Sun, Sept 23 − 25, Fri 5 − 9 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. − 5 p.m. and Sun 11 a.m. − 4 p.m. Folk art and reproductions of antiques and traditional American crafts. Kane County Fairgrounds, 525 S Randall Rd., St. Charles. 630-387-1151 | Artist Trunk Show | Sat, Sept 24, 11 a.m. − 3 p.m. Local painter Rozanne Priebe demonstrates her take on nature and showcases her newest fall creations. The Arboretum Store, 4100 Illinois Route 53, Lisle. 630 968-0074

FAMILY & GENERAL | Summer Art Series | Through Sept 25, Mon − Sun. Enjoy art from seven different artists, see the sculptures at Legacy 3D, and view historical collector cards on display. For more information, visit www.summerartseries.com. Gaylord Building, 200 W 8th St. and Illinois State Museum, 201 W 10th St., Lockport. Art will also be on display from dawn until dusk along the I&M Canal and at Lincoln Landing in downtown Lockport. 815 838-0549 | Fun Unplugged: Childhood Memories | Through Sept 25, Mon − Sun, Mon − Fri 8:30 a.m. − 4:30 p.m. and Sat − Sun noon − 4 p.m. Learn about the various toys and games of the 19th and 20th centuries at this exhibit. Suggested donation: $4/2. DuPage County Historical Museum, 102 E Wesley St., Wheaton. 630 510-4941 | Cars For A Cause | Sat, Sept 10, 9 a.m. − 2 p.m. Car and Motorcycle show featuring antique, classic, hot rod and collectible cars and motorcycles, as well as awards, door prizes, raffles, 50/50 and vendors. 1202 75th St., Downers Grove. 630 852-9644 | Food Truck Rally And Sunset 5K | Sat, Sept 17, noon − 8 p.m. Enjoy food from a wide variety of food trucks, children's activities, live entertainment, a beer tent, 5K race and more. College of DuPage, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn. 630 942-3823 | Night Owl Benefit | Sat, Sept 17, 6:30 − 10 p.m. Enjoy an evening under the lights with behind-the-scenes tours, wildlife releases, food and more, and learn about the 60-year history of what was formerly known as a “wildlife haven.” For ages 21 and over. Cost: $60. Willowbrook Wildlife Center, 525 S Park Blvd., Glen Ellyn. 630 942-6200 | Cantigny Car Show | Sun, Sept 18, 9 a.m. − 3 p.m. The 10th annual auto show features a variety of vintage cars, food, entertainment and prizes. Parade Field at Cantigny Park, 1S151 Winfield Rd., Wheaton. 630 260-8167 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 400 | Sun, Sept 18. Kick off The Chase for the NASCAR Sprint Cup with a day full of family activities, including appearances from costumed characters, a photo station and a prerace concert, followed by the race at 1:30 p.m. Cost: $185/30. Chicagoland Speedway, 500 Speedway Blvd., Joliet. 888 629-7223 | Multi-Media Salute To Judy Garland | Sun, Sept 18, 3 p.m. The legendary star's son, Joey Luft, hosts this evening featuring personal recollections, archival images, performances from "The Judy Garland Show," and other television specials, plus a pre-show exhibit of costumes, rare photos and a post-show Q&A. Cost: $49/19. Rialto Square Theatre, 102 N Chicago St., Joliet. 815 726-6600 | 8th Annual Elgin Short Film Festival | Sat, Sept 24, 7 − 10 p.m. Watch the top five short films from area filmmakers that have been selected by the film festival’s selection committee and help the panel of judges choose the winner at this event, featuring comedian Mike Toomey as the emcee. Cost: $7. The Hemmens Cultural Center, 45 Symphony Way, Elgin. 847 888-4000 | Steampunk Weekend | Sat − Sun, Sept 24 − 25. Dress up in your best steampunk costume and enjoy high tea, a costume gala, scavenger hunt, live entertainment and more. Cost: $160/20. Various locations throughout downtown Lockport. www.summerartseries.com | Harvest Pow Wow | Sat − Sun, Sept 24 − 25, Sat 11 a.m. − 10 p.m. and Sun 11 a.m. − 5 p.m. Celebrate Native American heritage with dancing, cultural demonstrations, children's games and crafts, special presentations and


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more. Cost: $12/9. Naper Settlement, 523 S Webster St., Naperville. 708 257-4300 | Tavern Day | Sun, Sept 25, 1 − 4:30 p.m. Learn what life was like in the 1840s with blacksmith demonstrations, hands-on activities like candle-dipping, roping a bed and corn shelling, live farm animals, games, music and more. Cost: $8/3. Stacy's Tavern Museum, 557 Geneva Rd., Glen Ellyn. 630 469-1867 | Harvest Days | Sun, Oct 2, 11:30 a.m. − 4 p.m. Celebrate the season with continuous demonstrations of farm and household skills, food and 19th-century music. Cost: $6/3. Garfield Farm Museum, 3N016 Garfield Rd., Campton Hills. 630 584-8485

KIDS | Little Shop Of Horrors | Fri − Sun, Sept 9 − 18, Fri − Sat 7:30 p.m. and Sun 2 p.m. A comedy, science fiction and rock musical rolled into one, starring a man-eating plant from outer space. Cost: $12/10. Blizzard Theatre at Elgin Community College, 1700 Spartan Dr., Elgin. 847 622-0300 | Fall Fest | Sat − Sun, Sept 24 − 25, Sat 9 a.m. − 5 p.m. and Sun 11 a.m. − 5 p.m. This annual children's festival features hayrides, crafts, scavenger hunts and more. The Growing Place, 2000 Montgomery Rd., Aurora. 630 820-8088

HISTORY | Who Was Sadie Cooksey? | Through Nov 7, Tue − Sat 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. An exhibition in memory of professional photographer and former Genevan Maggie Foskett, documenting the early history of the Illinois State Training School for Delinquent Girls or Geneva’s Girl’s School. Cost: $3/2. Geneva History Museum, 113 S Third St., Geneva. 630 232-4951 | Civil War Encampment | Sat − Sun, Sept 3 − 4, 11 a.m. − 4 p.m. Experience black powder firing demonstrations and drills, cooking, toys and crafts as members of the 10th Illinois Regiment and their families depict what life was like in a Union military camp. Graue Mill, 3800 York Rd., Oak Brook. 630 655-2090 | Date With History: Terrence J. Finnegan | Wed, Sept 7, 7:30 p.m. The retired U.S. Air Force Colonel and military history author discusses "A Delicate Affair on the Western Front: America Learns How to Fight a Modern War in the Woëvre Trenches." First Division History Museum at Cantigny Park, 1S151 Winfield Rd., 630 260-8187 | Revolutionary War Reenactment | Sat − Sun, Sept 10 − 11, Sat 10 a.m. − 5 p.m. and Sun 10 a.m. − 4 p.m. Get a feel for camp life, experience a battle and enjoy the sights and sounds of the 18th century with The North West Territory Alliance. Cantigny Park, 1S151 Winfield Rd., Wheaton. 630 668-5161 | History Speaks: 9/11 Memorial Program | Sun, Sept 11, noon. Retired Naperville Fire Department captain Chuck Wehrli discusses how he was mobilized on September 11th after the terrorist attacks in New York, with the Missouribased FEMA Urban Search and Rescue Team, their 10-day deployment, recovery activities and their return. Century Memorial Chapel, 523 S Webster St., Naperville. 630 420-2010 | St. Mark's Mural Mystery | Tue, Sept 13, noon. Join Ron and Mary Walkington as they share the story and discovery of the mystery behind the chapel's historical mural. Cost: $5/3. St. Mark's Episcopal Church, 320 Franklin St., Geneva. 630 232-4951



SEPTEMBER 3 - 30, 2016

Park Art Center 9 E. Park Blvd., Villa Park parkartcenter@gmail.com

| Oak Park River Forest Gangster Tour | Sun, Sept 18, WEST SUBURBAN LIVING | WWW.WESTSUBURBANLIVING.NET | SEPTEMBER 2016 31

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Calendar of Events

11 a.m. & 1:30 p.m.; Also, Sun, Oct 16. Mob historian and author John Binder conducts this exterior tour via minibus that visits 14 houses previously owned by reputed hoodlums including Tony Accardo, Paul Ricca, Sam Battaglia, "Tough Tony" Capezio and "Machine Gun Jack" McGurn. Cost: $30/27. Meet at Oak Park Visitors Center, 1010 Lake St., Oak Park. 708 848-1500

4 p.m. A multi-vendor show featuring handcrafted items from local artists. Visitors Center at Cantigny Park, 1S151 Winfield Rd., Wheaton. 630 668-5161

| Military Through The Ages | Sat − Sun, Oct 1 − 2, 10 a.m. − 4 p.m. Walk through Cantigny's wide span of military encampments, from ancient Rome through Operation Desert Storm, and learn about how soldiers lived and fought throughout civilization, as well as the progression of weapons and technology. Parade Field at Cantigny Park, 1S151 Winfield Rd., Wheaton. 630 668-5161

| Carol Stream Summer Carnival | Thur − Mon, Sept 1 − 5, Thur 6 − 10 p.m. Fri 6 − 11 p.m. Sat 1 − 11 p.m., Sun 1 − 9 p.m. and Mon 1 − 8 p.m. Carnival, games, food and more. Ferraro Town Center, 960 N Gary Ave., Carol Stream. 630 665-7050 | Hometown Days Festival | Fri − Sun, Sept 2 − 4. Live entertainment, car show, Ultimate Air Dog Show, carnival rides, food and more. Beecher Community Park, 908 Game Farm Rd., Yorkville. 630 553-4357

HOME & GARDEN | Weed Ladies Fall Sale | Thur − Sun, Sept 8 − 11, Thur − Sat 10 a.m. − 4 p.m. and Sun 1 − 4 p.m. This sale features seasonal floral arrangements with silk and dried florals as well as dried bouquets. Daniels House at Naper Settlement, 523 S Webster St., Naperville. 630 420-6010 | Say "I Can" To Canning | Sat, Sept 10, 10 − 11:30 a.m. University of Illinois Extension Educator Laura Barr demonstrates a variety of food preservation techniques with fresh fruits and vegetables at the Aurora Farmers Market, followed by a Q&A session. Aurora Transportation Center, 233 N Broadway, Aurora. 630 584-6166 | Bulb Fest | Sat, Sept 10, 10 a.m. − 3 p.m. Learn to plant bulbs, create light bulb terrariums and participate in other bulb-themed activities. The Growing Place, 25W471 Plank Rd., Naperville. 630 355-4000 | Healing Gardens | Sun, Sept 11 & Oct 9, 11 a.m. − 4 p.m. Enjoy two acres of woodland and perennial gardens. Free for cancer survivors. Cost: $5 per person. Healing Gardens, 37W249 Dean St., St. Charles. 630 377-1846 | Fall Planting Fest | Sat, Sept 17, 10 a.m. − 4 p.m. Listen to talks geared towards planting during the cooler months. The Growing Place, 2000 Montgomery Rd., Aurora. 630 820-8088 | Aquascape Water & Garden Showcase | Sat, Sept 17, 2 − 7 p.m. A self-guided, open-house style tour of six private properties with an array of features including fire pits and bowls, bubbling urns, land bridges, rainwater harvesting systems, waterfalls, water and seasonal garden plants, aquatic life and more, followed by an evening celebration at 7 p.m. For more information, visit www.aquascapechicagoland.com. Various locations in St. Charles. 630 659-2057 | SCARCE | Tue, Sept 20, 6:15 − 8 p.m. Kay McKeen from SCARCE discusses the historical aspects of caring for the environment, including The Founding Gardeners book, composting, WWII Victory Gardens and today’s community gardens. St. Paul Church, 118 First St., Bloomingdale. www.bloomingdalegardenclub.org | From Home To Horizon: Sustainability In The Landscape | Sat, Sept 24, 10 a.m. Jack Pizzo, Ecologist and president of the Pizzo Group, discusses native plants, rain gardens, lawn alternatives, formal landscapes, transition gardens, restored ecosystems and more. Registration required. Wasco Nursery & Garden Center, 41W781 Route. 64, St. Charles. 630 584-4424

FASHION & BRIDAL | Jewelry & Accessories Show | Sun, Sept 18, 10 a.m. −


| Naperville Jaycees Last Fling | Fri − Mon, Sept 2 − 5, Fri 5 − 11 p.m., Sat − Sun 10 a.m. − 11 p.m. and Mon 10 a.m. − 6 p.m. Main stage entertainment by Toad the Wet Sprocket, Rusted Root, Sugar Ray, Foreigners Journey and other artists, food, drinks, carnival, parade and more. Downtown Naperville. 630 961-4143 | Lemont Heritage Festival | Sat, Sept 3, 3 − 11 p.m. Live music, children’s activities, food and more. Downtown Lemont. 630 257-1550 | Fox Valley Folk Music & Storytelling Festival | Sun − Mon, Sept 4 − 5, 11 a.m. − 6 p.m. Eight stage areas present concerts, hands-on workshops, topical song and story workshops, dance, vocal and instrument classes, along with other activities. For more information, visit www.foxvalleyfolk.com. Cost: $20/15. Island Park, 2 IL-25, Geneva. 630 232-7494 | Sandwich Fair | Wed − Sun, Sept 7 − 11, 9 a.m. − 9 p.m. Harness racing, carnival rides, live entertainment, food, exhibits and more. Free for children 5 and under. Cost: $9/5. Somonauk Rd. and Pratt Rd., Sandwich. 815 786-2159 | Festival Of The Vine | Fri − Sun, Sept 9 − 11, Fri − Sat 10 a.m. − 10 p.m. and Sun 10 a.m. − 5 p.m. Wine tasting, food, craft show, flower market, horse-drawn carriage rides, live entertainment and more. W State St. and N Fourth St., Downtown Geneva. 630 232-6060 | Darien Fair | Fri − Sun, Sept 9 − 11, Fri 6 − 10:30 p.m., Sat 1 − 10:30 p.m. and Sun noon − 8 p.m. Carnival, live entertainment, business expo, food, beer tent and more. Darien Community Park, Plainfield Rd. and Clarendon Hills Rd., Darien. 630 968-0004 | Bartlett Heritage Days | Fri − Sun, Sept 9 − 11, Fri 6 − 11 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. − 10 p.m. and Sun 10 a.m. − 5 p.m. Arts and crafts show, car show, antique/flea market, carnival, live music, beer tent, food and more. Downtown Bartlett. 630 924-4263 | Forest Park Rib Fest | Sat, Sept 10, 11 a.m. − 11 p.m. Rib and other food vendors, music, children’s activities and more. Forest Park Picnic Grove, 7824 Madison St., Forest Park. 708 771-7737 | World War II Days | Sat − Sun, Sept 10 − 11, Sat 9 a.m. – 10:30 p.m. and Sun 9 a.m. − 5 p.m. Battle reenactments, aircraft flyovers, demonstrations, music, food, beer garden and more. Dellwood Park, Route 171 and Woods Dr., Lockport. 815 838-362 | Downtown Downers Grove Fine Arts Festival | Sat − Sun, Sept 10 − 11, 10 a.m. − 5 p.m. Juried art festival, boutiques, live music, children’s activities and more. Main St. and Curtiss St., Downtown Downers Grove. 630 725-0991 | Fiestas Patrias | Sat − Sun, Sept 10 − 11, Sat 5 − 9 p.m. and Sun 1 − 8 p.m. Celebrate the sound, culture and taste


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Calendar of Events Photo courtesy of Broadway in Chicago

Out&about Hamilton

of Mexico with food, a variety of musical acts, children's activities and more. Ticket required for Saturday only. RiverEdge Park, 360 N Broadway St., Aurora. 630 896-6666 | Oaktoberfest | Fri − Sat, Sept 16 − 17, Fri 4 − 10 p.m. and Sat noon − 10 p.m. Microbrews and wines, food, live entertainment and children’s activities. Marion St. between Lake St. and North Blvd., Downtown Oak Park. 708 383-4145 | Heritage Fest | Fri − Sun, Sept 16 − 18, Fri 6 − 11 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. − 11 p.m. and Sun 8 a.m. − 5 p.m. Art and craft show, car show, entertainment, fireworks, food, carnival and children's activities. N 2nd St. and Lincoln Ave., West Dundee. 847 551-3800 | Lisle Depot Days | Sat − Sun, Sept 17 − 18, noon − 5 p.m. History-themed events, food games, petting zoo, entertainment, contests and more. Museums at Lisle Station Park, 921 School St., Lisle. 630 968-0499

Wor th Going Downtown For - Disney On Ice: Dare To Dream -

Wed − Sun, Sept 7 − 11, Wed − Fri 7 p.m. and Sat − Sun 11 a.m., 3 & 7 p.m. Dance and sing along as Mickey and Minnie Mouse share stories of four Disney Princesses. Cost: $75/20. United Center, 1901 W Madison St., Chicago. 312 455-4500

- World Music Festival Chicago -

Sept 9 − 25. 18th annual 11-day festival presents contemporary and traditional music from awardwinning musicians around the world. For complete schedule, visit website. Various locations throughout Downtown Chicago. www.cityofchicago.org

- Wonderful Town - Wed − Sun,

Sept 10 − Oct 16.; Also, Tue, Oct 4. A musical about Ruth and Eileen Sherwood who decide to leave behind their mundane Ohio lives in search of success in the Big Apple. For showtimes and tickets, visit www.goodmantheatre.org. Albert Theatre, 170 N Dearborn St., Chicago. 312 443-3800


Tug Of War: Civil Strife Sept 15 − Oct 9. Picking up where "Tug of War: Foreign Fire" left off, this drama distills Shakespeare's "Henry VI Part 2 & 3" and "Richard III" and explains how family divisions launch a country at war with itself. For showtimes and tickets, visit www.chicagoshakes.com.Chicago Shakespeare Theater, 800 E Grand Ave., Chicago. 312 595-5600

- Cheers Live On Stage - Tue −

Sun, Sept 20 − Oct 23. Based on NBC's long-running sitcom, this new theatre comedy utilizes the original award-winning scripts adapted from the first season. For showtimes and tickets, visit

www.broadwayinchicago.com. Broadway Playhouse at Water Tower Place, 175 E Chestnut St., Chicago. 800 775-2000

- Wine & Wildlife - Thur, Sept 22,

6 p.m. Enjoy a glass of wine while learning about the zoo's global conservation programs from a few animal care experts and research scientists, and enjoy a screening of the award-winning short film, "Red Wolf Recovery." Registration required. Cost: $17/14. Lincoln Park Zoo, 2001 N Clark St., Chicago. 312 742-2056

- Susan Werner - Thur,Sept 22,7:30

p.m. This singer-songwriter, whose musical style slides between folk, jazz, pop and classic, returns to the Auditorium Theatre for her 9th appearance. Cost: $75/50. Auditorium Theatre of Roosevelt University, 50 E Congress Pkwy., Chicago. 312 341-2300

- EXPO Chicago 2016 -

Thur − Sun, Sept 22 − 25, Thur 6 − 9 p.m., Fri − Sat 11 a.m. − 7 p.m. and Sun 11 a.m. − 6 p.m. This exhibition brings together works from more than 140 leading galleries from around the world and includes panel discussions, projects, on-site programming and more. Cost: $30/20. Navy Pier, 600 E Grand Ave., Chicago. www.expochicago.com

- Celtic Thunder: Legacy Tour -

Sat, Sept 24, 8 p.m. The Irish singing group, backed by an eight-piece band, brings a new twist to an eclectic repertoire ranging from traditional Irish and folk music to adult contemporary, rock and classical crossover. Cost: $75/33. Chicago Theatre, 175 N State St., Chicago. 312 462-6300

- Hamilton -

Tue − Sun, Sept 27 − Mar 19, 2017. Featuring a score that blends hip-hop, jazz, blues, rap, R&B and Broadway, the Tony Award-winning musical is about the life of America's Founding Father Alexander Hamilton, who rose from his humble orphaned beginnings to play a major role in making America what it is today. For showtimes and tickets, visit www.broadwayinchicago.com. PrivateBank Theatre, 18 W Monroe St., Chicago. 800 775-2000

- Hamlet (The Revenge Of Prince Zidan) - Wed − Thur, Sept 28 − 29, 7:30 p.m. Shanghai Jingju Company transforms one of the most famous plays by Shakespeare into a new Peking opera that mixes Chinese and western culture. Cost: $125/35. Harris Theatre, 205 E Randolph Dr., Chicago. 312 334-7777 -

Christopher Kimball Live Thur, Sept 29, 7:30 p.m. Spend an evening with the founder of "America's Test Kitchen" and "Milk Street Kitchen" and participate in a live audience taste-test, watch live experiments on stage, enjoy blooper footage, and ask Kimball questions. Cost: $65/45. Cadillac Palace Theatre, 151 W Randolph St., Chicago. 800 775-2000

- Le Vin Herbé (The Love Potion) -

Fri, Sept 30 & Oct 7, 7:30 p.m.; Also, Sun, Oct 9, 3 p.m. This opera tells the story of Tristan and Isolde, the fateful lovers who meet by deception, fall in love by magic, and pursue their love in defiance of heavenly and earthly powers. Cost: $125/39. Chicago Opera Theatre, 70 E Lake St., Suite 415, Chicago. 312 704-8414

| Lisle Ale Fest | Sat, Sept 24, 4 − 8 p.m. Craft beers, food and live music. Must be 21 and over. Cost: $75/15. Prairie Walk Pond, Garfield Ave., Lisle. 630 964-0052 or www.lislealefest.com | Passport Europe Festival | Sat − Sun, Sept 24 − 25, 10 a.m. − 4 p.m. Travel to Europe with culinary delights, authentic musical performances, dancing demonstrations and more during this second annual cultural festival. Free with admission. Cost: $14/9. The Morton Arboretum, 4100 Illinois Route 53, Lisle. 630 968-0074 | Grundy County Corn Festival | Wed − Sun, Sept 28 − Oct 2. Enjoy a craft show, flea market, parade, live entertainment, food and more. For more information, visit www.cornfestival.org. 909 N Liberty St., Morris. 815 942-2676 | Oktoberfest | Fri − Sat, Sept 30 − Oct 1, Fri 5 − 10 p.m. and Sat noon − 10 p.m. Celebrate Naperville's German heritage with live musical entertainment, food, drinks and other activities. Cost: $15/8. Naper Settlement, 523 S Webster St., Naperville. 630 420-6010 | Batavia Oktoberfest | Fri − Sat, Oct 7 − 8, Fri 4 − 11 p.m. and Sat 11 a.m. − 10 p.m. Authentic German food, beer, music, entertainment, contests and more. Along River St., downtown Batavia. 630 761-3528 | St. Charles Scarecrow Fest | Fri − Sun, Oct 7 − 9, Fri − Sat 10 a.m. − 9 p.m. and Sun 10 a.m. − 5 p.m. View handcrafted scarecrows, visit the petting zoo, and enjoy live entertainment, a craft show, carnival, food and more. Downtown St. Charles. 800 777-4373 | Fall Festival | Sat, Oct 8, 10 a.m. − 4 p.m. Enjoy a variety of activities including a Fall craft show, music, hayrides, hot cider, treats and more. Parade Field at Cantigny Park, 1S151 Winfield Rd., Wheaton. 630 668-5161

OUTDOORS | Prairie Walk | Sat, Sept 10, 9 a.m. Tour the prairie with museum staff to learn about the native environment and ecosystems of Illinois. Reservations encouraged. Cost: $6/3. Garfield Farm Museum, 3N016 Garfield Rd., Campton Hills. 630 584-8485 | Night Hike By Lantern Light | Fri, Sept 23, 7 − 9 p.m. Explore McKee Marsh along a lantern-lit trail on a selfguided hike and enjoy snacks and s'mores around the fire. Registration required. Cost: $5. Blackwell Forest Preserve, Mack Rd. and Williams Rd., Warrenville. 630 850-8110 | Pedal Oak Park | Through Sept 30, Fri − Sun, 9:30 a.m. A two-hour guided bicycle tour of 21 Wright-designed structures, including Wright's Home and Studio, Frank


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Thomas House, Heurtley House, Cheney House, Furbeck House and more. Guests may bring a bike or use one that is provided. Tour begins and ends at Greenline Wheels, 105 S Marion St., Oak Park. Cost: $35/30. 312 994-4000

FOOD & DRINK | Something's Brewing In The Prairie | Tue, Sept 8, 6 − 8:30 p.m. Sample a few micro-brewed beers out in the prairie along with treats, and learn about each sample's brewing ingredients and flavor profiles, and a bit of beer history. Registration required. Cost: $40/35. Cantigny Park, 1S151 Winfield Rd., Wheaton. 630 668-5161 | Glen Ellyn Backyard BBQ | Sat, Sept 10, noon − 9 p.m. Enjoy food, music, activities like face painting and bounce houses, games, competitions and more. Glenwood Avenue parking lot, Crescent Blvd. between Main St. and Prospect Ave., Glen Ellyn. 630 532-1155 | Elmhurst Craft Beer Fest | Sat, Sept 17, noon − 5 p.m. Enjoy more than 50 craft brews, ciders, music and food. Must be 21 and over. Tickets include souvenir tasting glass, 18 tasting tickets, light snacks and a chance to win door prizes. Cost: $50/40. Elmhurst History Museum Grounds, 120 E Park Ave., Elmhurst. 630 833-1457 | Tea 101 | Tue, Oct 4, 7 p.m. Sarine Crotteau, owner of SereneTeaz in Glen Ellyn, shares a brief history of tea and discusses how varieties of tea are different in both processing and taste. Samples of each type of tea along with instructions on preparation are provided. Registration required. Free for members. Cost: $5. Visitors Center at Cantigny Park, 1S151 Winfield Rd., Wheaton. 630 260-8162

SPORTS | Glow Ball Scramble | Fri, Sept 16, 7 p.m. Enjoy this 9-hole, four-person scramble designed for golfers ages 18 and over, along with dinner. For more information, visit www.golfnaperville.org. Cost: $40 per person. Registration required. Naperbrook Golf Course, 22204 W 111th St., Plainfield. 630 378-4215 | WWE Live | Sat, Sept 24, 7:30 p.m. Professional wrestling with Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins, Finn Balor vs. Chris Jericho, and Cesaro vs. Kevin Owens, along with other WWE superstars. Cost: $125/20. Allstate Arena, 6920 N Mannheim Rd., Rosemont. 847 635-6601 | On Par For DuPage | Thur, Sept 29, 10 a.m. − 6 p.m. Oktoberfest-themed golf outing features 18 holes of golf, lunch, on-course craft beer sampling, dinner, a raffle, silent auction and live entertainment. Cost: $200. Arrowhead Golf Club, 26W151 Butterfield Rd., Wheaton. 630 510-4941

HEALTH & FITNESS | Gerald Subaru Rooster 5K And Fling Mile | Mon, Sept 5, 8:45 a.m. Chip-timed 5K and Fling mile run. Registration required. Cost: $35/15. Race ends at Porter Ave by Naperville Central High School, Naperville. www.lastfling.org | TheosoFEST | Sat, Sept 10, 10 a.m. − 5 p.m. Annual mind-body-spirit festival featuring food, vendor booths, presentations, Kids' Korner, hands-on demonstrations in Tao Chi, yoga and other practices. Theosophical Society, 1926 N Main St., Wheaton. 630 668-1571 | ZooRunRun | Sun, Sept 11, 8:30 − 11 a.m. Participate in a 5K chip-timed race, fun run or fun walk within the zoo, and enjoy a post-race festival with music, food, beverages and prize giveaways. Registration required. Cost: $40/35. Brookfield Zoo, 8400 31st St., Brookfield. 708 668-8000 WEST SUBURBAN LIVING | WWW.WESTSUBURBANLIVING.NET | SEPTEMBER 2016 35

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Quick guide

Area Pumpkin Farms & Corn Mazes  NORTON’S HOLLOW – Through Oct 31, Mon – Fri

9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sat 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., and Sun 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Enjoy straw mazes, hayrides, corn tunnels and other activities. Cost $3/1. Norton Farm, 39W369 Illinois Route 64, St. Charles. 630 377-8118 or www.nortonsproduce.com  PATCH 22 – Through Oct 31, Sundays, 10 a.m. –

3 p.m. (September), Sat – Sun 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. (October). Choose from thousands of farm-grown pumpkins, corn stalks, hay bales and more, and enjoy horse-drawn and tractor-drawn hayrides, pony rides and a petting farm. 15900 Kelly Rd., Wadsworth. 847 336-0120 or www.patch22.biz  ABBEY FARMS – Sept 19 – Oct 31, Mon – Sun 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.; Night Maze open until 10 p.m. on Saturdays. Enjoy the corn maze, fire pits, pony rides, a petting zoo, beer tent and more. Cost: $14/6. 2855 Hart Rd., Aurora. 630 966-7775 or www.abbeyfarms.org


Oct 30, Wed – Thur 3 –10 p.m., Fri – Sat 10 a.m. – 11 p.m. and Sun noon –10 p.m. Enjoy a 33-acre Star Trek-themed corn maze, a 50-ft observation tower, 750-ft zipline, pumpkin patch, wagon rides, pig races and more. Cost: $16/13. 909 English Prairie Rd., Spring Grove. 815 675-9729 or www.richardsonadventurefarm.com


30, Mon – Sun. Enjoy pumpkins, pig races, pony rides, pumpkin launching, kiddie rides, hayrides, a petting zoo and more. For specific times, visit website. Cost: $17/10. 13341 W 151st St., Homer Glen. 708 301-3276 or www.pumpkinfarm.com  COSLEY ZOO PUMPKIN FEST – Oct 1 – 31, Mon –

Sun 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Visit with the animals, explore a straw pyramid and corn stalk tunnel, and pick from thousands of pumpkins. Free for members and children under 18. Cost: $5/4. 1356 N Gary Ave., Wheaton. 630 665-5534 or www.cosleyzoo.org  DIDIER FARMS – Sept 24 – Oct 31, Mon – Sun 9

a.m. – 6 p.m. Pick pumpkins from the farmstand and explore the corn maze, scarecrow alley, hayrides, kiddie rides, pig races, petting zoo and more. 16678 W Aptakisic Rd., Lincolnshire. 847 634-3291 or www.didierfarms.com/pumpkinfest  DOLLINGER FAMILY FARM – Sept 19 – Oct 30,

Mon – Sun 10 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Visit this pumpkin farm with a gift shop, petting zoo, 4-acre corn maze, and weekend hayrides and train rides. 7420 E Hansel Rd., Channahon. 815 467-6766 or www.dollingerfarms.com  FOX RIVER TROLLEY MUSEUM – Oct 15 – 23, Sat

– Sun 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Take a trolley ride and pick a pumpkin. Cost: $5/2. 365 S LaFox St., South Elgin. 847 697-4676 or www.foxtrolley.org  GOEBBERT’S FARM & GARDEN CENTER – Sept

24 – Oct 30, Mon – Sun 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.; Also, Mon, Oct 31, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Corn and straw mazes, wagon rides, pig races, animal farm, weekend magic shows and more. 40 W Higgins Rd., South Barrington. 847 428-6727 or www.goebbertsgardencenter.com  GOEBBERT’S PUMPKIN PATCH – Sept 24 – Oct

30, Mon – Sun 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.; Also, Mon, Oct 31, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Pumpkin Express train, pumpkin patch, mazes, haunted house, petting zoo, pig races, the Pumpkin Eating Dinosaur, wagon, camel and pony rides and more. Cost: $15/6. 42W813 Reinking Rd., Hampshire. 847 464-5952 or www.goebbertspumpkinpatch.com

 SIEGEL’S COTTONWOOD FARMS – Sept 17 – Oct 31, Mon – Sun 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Take a fall hayride through a pumpkin patch, explore the Haunted Barn with animals to pet, enjoy a 15-acre corn maze, kiddie train ride, pony rides and more. Cost: $13/11. 17250 S Weber Rd., Crest Hill. 815 741-2693 or www.ourpumpkinfarm.com

 GREAT GODFREY MAZE – Sept 2 – Oct 30, Fri 6 –

10 p.m., Sat 11 a.m. – 10 p.m. and Sun 1 p.m. – dusk; Park closes at 4 p.m. on Oct 30. The park features a 7-acre maze, haunted maze, cow train, hay wagon and more. Cost: $6/4. Robert E Glazebrook Park, 1401 Stamper Ln., Godfrey. 618 466-1483 or www.godfreyil.org

 SONNY ACRES FARM – Sept 20 – Oct 31, Mon – Thur 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Fri – Sun 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. Explore piles of pumpkins, a farmers market, haunted barn and costume shop, and enjoy carnival rides, wagon rides and a petting zoo. 29W310 North Ave., West Chicago. 630 231-3859 or www.sonnyacres.com

 JOHANSEN FARMS – Sept 15 – Oct 31, Mon –

 TANNER’S ORCHARD – Through Nov 30, Mon

Sun 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. Pick pumpkins, visit a petting zoo, enjoy train rides and hayrides, a corn maze, two-story airslide and more. Cost: $14/9. 710 W Boughton Rd., Bolingbrook. 630 739-7587 or www.johansenfarmszoo.com

– Sun 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. (Sept & Oct), Mon – Sat 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. (November). Journey through a corn maze, pick your own apples and pumpkins, enjoy pony and wagon rides, farm animals and more. Cost: $7/3. 740 State Route 40, Speer. 309 493-5442 or www.tannersorchard.com

 JONAMAC ORCHARD – Pick fresh apples and

pumpkins, visit the bakery and store, jump on a hayride, navigate the corn mazes, enjoy a petting zoo and more. Visit website for more information on specific hours and activities. 19412 Shabbona Rd., Malta. 815 825-2158 or www.jonamacorchard.com

 TOM’S FARM MARKET – Oct 1 – 31, Mon – Sat

 KUIPERS FAMILY FARM – Sept 19 – Oct 31, Mon

 WINDY ACRES FARM – Sept 24 – Oct 31,

– Sat 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Sun 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Enjoy 230 acres of pumpkin and apple picking, a corn “Maize,” peddle tractor derby, farm animals, pig and duck races, pony rides, hayrides, food, shops and more. Cost: $15/6. 1N318 Watson Rd., Maple Park. 815 827-5200 or www.kuipersfamilyfarm.com

Mon – Sun 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. Over four acres of pumpkins, a corn maze, tractor rides, miniature golf, children’s zoo, bakery, live entertainment and more in October. Cost: $13/7. 37W446 Fabyan Pkwy., Geneva. 630 232-6429 or www.windyacresfarmstand.com

9 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Sun 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. A 6-acre corn maze, tractor rides, hayrides, pumpkins, petting zoo, pony rides, crafts, gifts and bakery. 10214 Algonquin Rd., Huntley. 847 669-3421 or www.tomsfarmmarket.com


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Calendar of Events

| Soul LOVE Fest | Sat − Sun, Sept 17 − 18, Sat 9 a.m. − 7 p.m. and Sun 8 a.m. − 2 p.m. Reconnect with your mind, body and spirit through soul LOVE’s 100+ workshops, masterclasses, outdoor activities and vendors. For ages 18 and over. Registration required. Cost: $150/30. Arranmore Farm & Polo Club, 34 Rance Rd., Oswego. 630 884-8271 | Light The Torch 5K Night Run/Walk | Fri, Sept 30, 7 p.m. Race in downtown Wheaton, followed by a street fest with a DJ, carnival rides and food trucks. Registration required. Cost: $40/ 15. 120 E Liberty St., Wheaton. 630 510-5135 | Fall Color 5K Run And Walk | Sun, Oct 2, 8 a.m. Experience the recertified USATF course, along with a Kids Dash at 9:30 a.m., followed by a post-race party with live music. Registration required. Cost: $40/10. The Morton Arboretum, 4100 Illinois Route 53, Lisle. 630 725-2066

ANIMALS | Tails On The Trails | Sat, Sept 10, 10 a.m. − 4 p.m. Bring your dog and explore the Arboretum's 16 miles of hiking trails, test out the agility course, sign your dog up for dog-friendly games and more. Cost: $5 per dog. The Morton Arboretum, 4100 Rt 53, Lisle. 630 968-0074 | Pets-A-Palooza | Sun, Sept 18, 11 a.m. − 4 p.m. Bring your pet and enjoy pet-related demonstrations, petthemed contests, a parade, entertainment, food and more. Mooseheart Child City & School, 240 James J. Davis Dr., Mooseheart. 847 697-2880 | Barkapalooza | Sun, Sept 25, 10 a.m. − 2 p.m. Bring your pet and participate in the Dog Walkathon, explore the Pet Expo, enjoy live music and more. Cost: $20. Lisle Community Park, 1825 Short St., Liske. 630 960-9600

LITERATURE | Catch A Bunch Of Authors Fair | Sat, Sept 10, 2 − 4 p.m. Join Donna Mililli and dozens of other authors as they sign books, and meet with fans. Gina Santori Aurora Public Library, 101 S River St., Aurora. 630 264-4100 | William Kent Krueger | Sat, Sept 10, 11 a.m. − 1 p.m. This award-winning author brings his newest novel in the Cork O'Conner thrillers, "Manitou Canyon," for a discussion and book signing. Centuries & Sleuths Bookstore, 7419 W Madison St., Forest Park. 708 771-7243 | Frances McNamara | Sun, Sept 18, 2 − 4 p.m. The author of the "Emily Cabot Mystery" series brings the sixth book of the series, "Death at the Paris Exposition" for a discussion and book signing. Centuries & Sleuths Bookstore, 7419 Madison St., Forest Park. 708 771-7243 | Living Proof Live | Sat, Sept 17, 9:30 a.m. − 4:15 p.m. Join best-selling author Beth Moore for a day of storytelling and Bible teaching, along with worship by Dove Awardwinning musical artist Travis Cottrell. Registration required. Cost: $69. Sears Centre Arena, 5333 Prairie Stone Pkwy., Hoffman Estates. 800 254-2022 | Leigh Bardugo | Tue, Sept 27, 7 p.m. The #1 New York Times bestselling author brings "Crooked Kingdom: A Sequal to Six of Crows" for a Q&A and book signing. Anderson's Bookshop, 123 W Jefferson Ave., Naperville. 630 355-2665 Information is as accurate as possible, but times and dates do sometimes change and events are occasionally canceled. Please call to verify all critical information. To have an event included in this guide, send information two to three months in advance to: Out & About, P.O. Box 111, Elmhurst, IL 60126, or wsl@westsuburbanliving.net.


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Recipe Renewal for

5 Amazing Kitchens Packed with Performance and Panache


hen thinking about moving or remodeling, the kitchen is often a key consideration. Everyone wants the heart of their home to beat strongly, and that means selecting components and finishes that reflect and enhance their lifestyle. Here are five kitchens that are

by Lisa Sloan

as unique as their owners.


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Photos courtesy of Drury Design

WELL POLISHED Homeowners: Jeff and Debra Du Bose of Oak Brook Design: Jason Wickline of Drury Design in Glen Ellyn Type of Project: Remodel

What They Wanted: In the 25 years since Jeff and Debra Du Bose moved into their Oak Brook home, the kitchen had not been updated. “It was time for a refresh,” says Jeff. It was also a bit cramped and inefficient, and the couple was eager to have a space fit for cooking and entertaining. “The existing kitchen was closed off to the rest of the first floor, making entertaining very difficult,” says designer Jason Wickline of Drury Design, who worked with them on the project.

HOW THEY Achieved IT: The first order of business was to remove walls between the kitchen and the family and dining rooms to create an open floor plan. Cabinets with glass doors on both sides between the kitchen and dining room provide display and storage while still maintaining the open feel. The large center island offers plenty of space for food prep, and one end is rounded like a table with chairs for everyday seating. A mix of materials and finishes add interest to the room, starting with a whitepainted center island and refrigerator cabinet that contrast with the dark-stained maple cabinetry throughout the rest of the space. The main countertops and stove wall backsplash are quartzite, while the sink wall backsplash features stacked limestone tiles. Two types of glass tile add shine to the wine and beverage center between the kitchen and family room. For more gleam, the range hood was custom crafted of polished chrome and

features a wood accent band that coordinates with the cabinetry. The finished room has an elegant, transitional look, and the couple liked it so well that the project snowballed into a whole-house redo. They also worked with Elmhurst-based interior designer Donna Miceli to select furnishings and some of the light fixtures. “The thing that stands out to me is the feel you get when you go into the kitchen — it’s a complete lifestyle change,” says Jeff, who now enjoys spending mornings at the countertop table with his laptop and a cup of coffee, something he would have never done in the old kitchen. Debra appreciates the added function resulting from the new high-end appliances and cabinet accessories, which include tray slots, pullouts and a pop-up mixer shelf. “I love everything about the space, from the floor to the backsplash by the stove. It turned out to be everything I wanted and more.”


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Photos courtesy of Oakley Home Builders

R Grand style Homeowner: Catherine Ponakala of Hinsdale Design: Ryan Dunham of Oakley Home Builders in Downers Grove Type of Project: New Construction

What They Wanted: With a family that includes five young children, a roomy kitchen was at the top of Catherine’s list when searching for a new home. Coming from a house with a much smaller kitchen, she was impressed with both the look and function of this one, designed by Oakley Home Builders. “The kitchen was one of the reasons we ended up buying this house,” says Catherine. “It has a great layout to accommodate my family.” How They Achieved It: Multiple dining areas, including stools that tuck out of sight under the island

and a built-in banquette in the breakfast nook, allow for flexibility and seating up to 10. Dunham notes that banquettes are becoming popular because they are compact as well as cozy, freeing up square footage that can be used elsewhere. Dunham selected a neutral palette for the kitchen, but the details keep it anything but boring. A custom-sculpted stainless steel range hood with chrome accents adds luster, which is carried throughout the space via the chrome hardware and the above-island light

fixtures. An arabesque marble and glass tile backsplash is an exotic counterpoint to the simplicity of the cabinets and the sleek quartz countertops. Catherine appreciates the lowmaintenance style of quartz. “It’s pretty, but durable. I don’t have to worry if the kids are using markers, glitter or glue on it,” she says. In addition to everyday use, the large island is great for grown-up social gatherings, like wine tastings, because there is space for plenty of guests to gather.


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Photos courtesy of Premier Design & Cabinetry

RUSTIC AND REFINED Homeowners: Paul and Meg LeFaivre of La Grange Design: Sheri Sauer of Premier Design & Cabinetry in La Grange Park Type of Project: Remodel

What They Wanted: Paul and Meg LeFaivre loved the character of their 1892 La Grange farmhouse, but they didn’t love the cramped, compartmentalized kitchen. “It was noisy, uncomfortable and very closed in,” says Meg. Renovation-show aficionados, the couple had a good idea of what they wanted in a revamped space, including rustic touches, like a salvaged beam, simple Shaker-style cabinetry and a greenhouse window. They also hoped to incorporate an old chimney stack into the design. How They Achieved It: Working with Sheri Sauer from Premier Design & Cabinetry, whom they met via a local business-owners association, they came up with a design that opened

up the room and included the elements they craved. The starting point was a large reclaimed beam that spans the space between the kitchen and sitting area, where a wall once stood. Incorporating stained glass pieces into the window design gives the space a warm, personal touch. To go along with the original brick chimney stack, which is no longer functional but provides a decorative element, Sauer selected tile that looks like brick for the backsplash. The counters are a mix of soapstone and a leathered granite on the 42-inch-high island, designed a bit higher than the norm to suit the couple’s height. The island is finished in a gray paint with a black glaze, which makes it stand out amid the white cabinets and wood

flooring, which was selected to blend with the flooring in the rest of the home. Improved lighting also makes the space shine. Replacing the door to the back porch with sliding glass doors admits more natural light as do new windows. Blown-glass jug-style pendants reflect Meg’s love of bottles (the couple own Bottle & Bottega in La Grange, a painting party business). “I never really paid much attention to lighting before, but it makes such a difference. It highlights the special qualities of the room,” says Meg. Before the remodel, the couple had considered moving, but the new kitchen changed their minds. “It feels lighter and airy, and it’s so much more functional,” says Meg. “I liked my house before—but I love my house now.”


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Photos courtesy of Reliable Home Improvement


OLD WORLD ELEGANCE Homeowners: Kevin and Jacquline Goff of Aurora Design: Mike Ducato of Reliable Home Improvement in Naperville Type of Project: Remodel

What They Wanted: A visit to a Reliable Home Improvement open house in their subdivision was the spark that led to a kitchen remodel for Kevin and Jacquline Goff. They had lived with the same kitchen for nearly two decades and were ready for a change, including an elegant new look, a larger island and additional counter and cabinet space.

How They Achieved It: The starting point for the design, says Reliable’s Mike Ducato, was the large center island, which replaced a smaller one with a built-in cooktop. The new island offers extra seating and has a beverage cooler on one end and open display on the other. The creation of a crown moldingtrimmed soffit that mirrors the shape of the island draws attention to that part of the


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room. “We wanted the space to have a lot of aesthetic appeal,” says Ducato. “It really makes the island stand out.” Adding an extra bank of cabinets that extends into the breakfast area, including a buffet cabinet, not only provided more storage but also visually expanded the kitchen. “It seems like the space is larger, but we did not add square footage,” says Kevin. Materials and fixtures, including granite countertops, travertine backsplash, painted and glazed cabinetry, decorative molding and sparkling chandeliers, contribute to the elegant look of the space. Replacing and relocating the appliances make the workspace more efficient. “We enjoy it every day and it has become the focal point of our home now,” says Kevin. “It’s great for entertainment. The island is so big that it works really well for serving buffet style to a large group of people.”


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Photos courtesy of River Oak Cabinetry and Design


COASTAL COTTAGE FLAIR Homeowners: Nancy and Bill Seiple of Naperville Design: Patty Rosignal and Kevin Sommers or River Oak Cabinetry and Design in Plainfield Type of Project: Remodel

What They Wanted: Bill and Nancy Seiple’s kitchen had been updated “here and there” since the home was built in 1965, but the couple had long wanted to completely overhaul the space. “We wanted more room and a more open concept,” says Nancy, adding that a farm sink, a six-burner stove and a center island were also on her wish list.

How They Achieved It: The couple worked with Patty Rosignal and Kevin Sommers of River Oak Cabinetry to create a design that involved removing a wall between the kitchen and dining room and expanding the openings between other adjacent rooms. “We combined the kitchen and dining room and made it a much larger


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Photos courtesy of River Oak Cabinetry and Design

kitchen and then opened up the space between the kitchen and living room,” says Rosignal. As a result, the space now has a brighter feel. A larger window over the sink admits more natural light and improved

lighting, including industrial pendants, can lights and under-cabinet and in-cabinet lighting, made a dramatic difference. The white cabinets are balanced by darker quartz countertops, and the island and wood, chimney-style range hood

boast a gray finish with a brushed glaze. Hand-scraped hickory flooring lends a rustic touch, while decorative embellishments include mullion inserts in glass-fronted cabinet doors, arched feet on some cabinets, and a marble backsplash with jewel-like glass accent tiles above the cooktop. Cabinet accessories, such as pull-out spice rack, a wide pantry with multiple roll-outs and a mixer lift in the island, make the kitchen a more user-friendly workspace. Nancy appreciates the new look and improved function and flow of her revamped kitchen.“We eat at home a lot more, and it makes it easier to host Sunday dinners with our son and daughter and grandchildren,” says Nancy.“It’s wonderful.” 

708-398-3222 | www.silverleafconstruction.net WEST SUBURBAN LIVING | WWW.WESTSUBURBANLIVING.NET | SEPTEMBER 2016 45

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FOR ALL SEASONS These popular plants — available in more varieties than ever before — are the source of much of the flavor in our food.

by Sara Pearsaul Vice


s the growing season wanes, the herb garden continues to bring flavor to life. Autumn is a time to reap and a time to plant, as well as a time to preserve herbs for the long, cold winter, and plan ahead for the next growing season. For sage advice, we turned to local growers and other experts to share their tips on how to select, grow, harvest, preserve and enjoy herbs of all kinds, all year long.

Our Favorite Herbs As it turns out, the herbs we enjoy today have been popular for centuries, if not millennia. Vicki Nowicki, landscape designer and principal with The Land Office of Downers Grove, even has an ancestor to prove it. He came to New York from Holland in 1641 and wrote a book about the garden he grew here, which boasted 12 herbs still in culinary use today,


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Annual vs. Perennial Herbs Most herbs are annual plants in our growing zone, but quite a few are perennial and can be planted in the early fall. Jim Schmidt, extension specialist in horticulture at the University of Illinois, explains that some perennial herbs are hardy, meaning they can take the harsh winters, while others are marginal, such as rosemary, and should be brought indoors for the winter. Nowicki recommends mints, lemon balm, sage, chives and tarragon as hardy enough to make it through the winter. Rocchi notes that thyme is “very nearly evergreen in Chicago and can grow under the snow.” Be sure to check plant hardiness tags before deciding on late-season herb plantings outdoors. For spring planting, Schmidt says, “Herbs are usually easier to grow from plants than from seeds.” If you are a particularly devoted gardener who likes to start plants indoors from seed during

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Photo courtesy of Heritage Prairie Farm Photo courtesy of The Growing Place

Photo courtesy of The Land Office

the winter, Schmidt relates that parsley, basil, dill and fennel are easy to grow from seed. Nowicki encourages gardeners to save seeds of heirloom plants to replant in the future as well as to share. She started a community seed library in Downers Grove that now houses 1,500 heirloom seeds through the Seed Savers Exchange, which also offers homegrown heirloom seeds for sale, from anise to za’atar While most herbs are fairly wellbehaved in the garden, some, like lemon balm and mint, are likely to take over. Sharon Yiesla, plant knowledge specialist at the Morton Arboretum in Lisle, suggests planting mints, lemon balm and other quick-spreading herbs in containers, rather than in the ground. Even with techniques like planting mint in the ground in its own container, Yiesla cautions, “I’m always betting on the plants. You just need one part of the plant to come through” in order for it to spread out. Herbs that are not perennial outdoors can be planted in containers and moved indoors when the weather turns cool. The average first frost date to reach 32 degrees in the Chicago area is around mid-October, but some herbs cannot take temperatures below 45 degrees. Rocchi recommends giving the plants time to get adjusted from outdoors to indoors, so she usually digs up herbs to plant in containers and bring inside by Sept. 15. She advises that herb containers need at least six hours of sun a day on a windowsill to thrive indoors. If growing your own herbs seems daunting, area farmers markets and grocery stores offer pre-cut herbs such as basil all year round. Heritage Prairie Farm in Elburn runs a four-season growing operation and sells its herbs, micro-greens and other produce in its own store and through local grocery stores and chains. Whole Foods, for example, will have locally grown basil, micro-greens and other herbs year-round, thanks to area hydroponic growers such as Gotham Greens in Chicago.

Herbs come in many varieties — some better to plant in the ground, some best in containers — and some eventually end up in jars as jelly.

Photo courtesy of The Land Office

including basil, dill, mint and tarragon. “If you could only use these, you’d have all the flavor you would want,” Nowicki relates. “It would be safe to say that all of these herbs are ancient.” Growing herbs and other edibles at home has exploded in popularity, and breeders and growers are now offering an astonishing array of herbs. The Growing Place in Aurora grows some 120 varieties of herb plants on site, including 20 types of basil. “People are completely overwhelmed when they see all 120 varieties,” says Joannie Rocchi, retail perennial manager at the Aurora garden center. She tells people new to herb gardening, “Let’s pick out five that you think you will use — such as parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme — and add chives.” She suggests planting a container of your favorite herbs to put by the grill during the summer, which then can be brought indoors for the winter. Although the biggest selection of herbal plants is available in spring, The Growing Place, other garden centers and grocery stores are likely to have a few herb plants available after the weather turns chilly.

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Herbs as Culinary Seasonings Herbs add beauty to the garden, but their main purpose is to add flavor to foods. Fresh herbs, in particular, add zip to beverages and all sorts of dishes from appetizers to desserts. At Heritage Prairie Farm, fresh herbs are featured in the store and in the recipes they develop for farm dinners and special events such as weddings. “Herbs are a really easy way to increase flavor,” says Operations Manager Nate Sumner, who recommends using herbs generously in cooking. Heritage’s farm dinner on Sept. 8 will feature chives in heirloom tomato biscuits, tarragon with the salmon course, and thyme in a roasted vegetable tart. Sumner suggests adding herbs to salads, marinades and stir fry, as well. His current favorite herb for cooking is Thai basil for its “pungent, anise-like flavor.” The farm also infuses its honey with mint, which he says makes a refreshing addition to iced tea. Nowicki likes to use fresh herbs in smoothies and other beverages, such as infused water. She suggests cooking nectarines with basil and then straining the reduction into water for a flavor kick. You can make herbal teas from dried or fresh herbs. She also uses herbs liberally in sauces, soups and side dishes, and to flavor vinegar. Rocchi recommends using a flavor theme like lemon to create tea from fresh herbs such as lemon grass, lemon thyme, lemon verbena, lemon balm and Lemon Gem marigolds. On the same lemon theme, she makes a lemon paste in the

Growing herbs and other edibles at home has exploded in popularity, and breeders and growers are now offering an astonishing array of herbs. blender with two cups of fresh herbs, one cup of olive oil, two tablespoons of red wine vinegar, and salt and pepper to taste. Like a basil pesto, lemon paste can be used as a pasta sauce. Yiesla points out that herbs are also used extensively in beauty products, essential oils, potpourri and wellness promotion. How to Harvest and Preserve Herbs During the growing season, herbs will thrive with regular pruning. “You don’t want to harvest more than one-third of the plant. Annuals may take that but not typically perennials,” Schmidt advises. Pruning throughout the season promotes new growth, which “is generally going to be the most flavorful.” At Heritage Prairie Farm, Sumner says, “We try to harvest our herbs first thing in the morning, before the sun hits.” When it comes to storing and preserving herbs, each plant has its own preferences. “Not all herbs are created equal,” Schmidt relates. Drying herbs is the most popular method, whether air drying on a screen or hanging bunches of herbs from the rafters. Quicker methods include microwave or oven drying, but not all herbs react well to heat. Once dried, herbs should be stored in a cool, dry place,

preferably in a dark jar. “Some can be frozen,” he adds. “People put herbs in ice cube trays with water, which can be used for soups and stews.” Herbs can also be chopped up and frozen with olive oil. To keep fresh herbs tasty, Sumner suggests rinsing the leaves and putting them in a plastic bag or glass container to store in the refrigerator. A notable exception is basil, which turns brown when refrigerated. A good option is to cover basil with a bag on the counter where it can stay cool and dry. If you want to keep the basil growing, he says it is very easy to re-root by putting it in a jar of water and placing it in the sun, but only with basil that is freshly picked, not store-bought stems. That said, some fresh herbs, such as rosemary and thyme, are best kept dry. Herbs as Symbols As if their many uses were not enough, herbs have gained symbolic meanings over the centuries. The “Old Farmer’s Almanac” lists basil’s meaning as good wishes, chamomile as patience, chives as usefulness, lavender as devotion, parsley as festivity, and sage, of course, as wisdom. “Rosemary is one of my favorites, because it’s the herb of remembrance,” Rocchi shares. A twig of rosemary can adorn a wedding gift or a sympathy card, as rosemary has been used for centuries at both weddings and funerals to remember a loved one. In the immortal words of William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet,” Ophelia gives a sprig to her brother, saying, “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance. Pray you, love, remember.” n


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Where to Learn More About Growing Great Herbs Photo courtesy of The Land Office

THE MORTON ARBORETUM, LISLE Growing Greens Indoors - Saturday, Oct. 15, 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. Bill Shores, garden manager for Chef Rick Bayless, teaches a class on indoor growing using a simple light system. Grow Vegetables Year-Round Thursday, Oct. 27, 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. - Arboretum experts introduce the basics of hydroponics — a method of growing plants indoors with a nutrient-rich water solution — demonstrate two systems, and share tips. RESILIENCY INSTITUTE, MCDONALD FARM, NAPERVILLE Nature as Our Pharmacy: Intro to Herbs and Herbal Preparations - Sunday, Oct. 2, 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Herbalist Ellyn Schmitz leads a plant walk to identify five late-summer plants that will then be used in class to make herbal remedies. CHICAGO BOTANIC GARDEN, GLENCOE Growing Herbs Indoors and Out - Saturday, Oct. 22, 10 a.m. – noon. Nina Koziol, garden writer, shares how to grow, harvest and use your own herbs.

Herb gardens can be very successful when grown in containers.


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JOLIET by Lynn Petrak

With a rich history and a growing range of entertainment options, the fourth largest city in Illinois continues to build for the future.


ot all roads lead to Joliet, but a lot of them sure do. The fourth largest city in Illinois spanning 62 square miles and nine different townships, this community in Will and Kendall counties was put on the literal and figurative map by explorer and namesake Louis Jolliet, who stayed there for a bit with fellow explorer and traveler Jacques Marquette. Joliet is also a well-known stop on historic Route 66, as that roadway winds and wends westward, and is bisected by Lincoln Highway/Route 30. The convergence of waterways, including the Des Plaines River, DuPage River, Illinois and Michigan Canal, has also made Joliet a hub for travel, industry and outdoor recreation. In addition to the more than 147,000 residents who call Joliet home, the city attracts people from across the state and beyond. “People from all over the country and world come to Joliet to experience our downtown and its history,” says Richard Fredrickson, manager of the Joliet City Center Partnership, a cooperative organization that promotes the downtown. He notes that more than 25,000 visitors

come through Joliet on Route 66 tours in a given year. One visitor to the Joliet Area Historical Museum exemplifies the wide range of folks who have made a trek through Joliet. A few years ago, Sir Paul McCartney stopped by unannounced on his travels along Route 66 in between concert gigs. “What do you give the person who has everything? An hour of anonymity,” says the museum’s Executive Director Greg Peerbolte, adding that the artist was “very attentive” to staff and volunteers. Scott Paddock, president of the Chicagoland Speedway, says that Joliet’s location, only 40 minutes southwest of Chicago and close to I-55, I-355, I-80 and other busy roadways, makes it a great destination for those who are looking for a staycation or day trip. “I think people are surprised when they hear Joliet is one of the largest cities in Illinois and that it has more infrastructure than you’d imagine, along with many restaurant and entertainment options,” says Paddock. An ongoing revitalization of the downtown, propelled by a committed group of residents and leaders, has had a positive effect on bringing more visitors

to the area in recent years, according to Mayor Bob O’Dekirk. “I can point to a lot of progress in the last few years, with a number of festivals, and even more great things coming,” says O’Dekirk, who was a police officer and city council member before being elected mayor last year. Mary Jaworski, president of the Joliet Chamber of Commerce, points to the balance between history and modernity and between grassroots kinds of places and new businesses. “We have many family businesses that are fixtures in Joliet, such as Milano Bakery, Adler Roofing and Sheet Metal, JD Brown, Cemeno’s Pizza and Chignoli Auto, to name a few,” says Jaworski. “On the flip side, we are very fortunate to have had a number of exciting new businesses join our Joliet community in recent years, including First Community Bank, ATI Physical Therapy and the Autobahn Country Club.” The buzz of good things, along with a legacy of accessibility and connectedness, reflects the city’s slogan as “The City of Excitement.” Indeed, city leaders, business owners, residents and others have pooled their resources and efforts to offer a variety of exciting things to do and see in town, including


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Among the many attractions in Joliet are the Chicago Speedway,Old Joliet Prison Park and the Rialto Square Theatre.

entertainment, culture, shopping, dining and recreation. Downtown Joliet & Special Events Fredrickson says that people who have never visited downtown Joliet or came here a long time ago would be pleasantly surprised at the evolution. “If folks have not been downtown in a while, they can take advantage of our many events that are held downtown, most of which are free to the public,” he says. Although many events take place in the summer, like the annual Taste of Joliet, Independence Day Celebration, River Fest and Nitro Nite held in conjunction with the Route 66 NHRA Nationals at the nearby Route 66 Raceway, the early fall calendar is also filled with special events. “In September, we have several festivals taking place in downtown Joliet,” says Jaworski. “They include the Farmers Market every Wednesday night; Fiesta en la Calle, held after the Mexican Day Parade on Sept. 10; the Race Fan Rally, held in conjunction with Chicagoland Speedway and the NASCAR Sprint Cup on Sept. 15; and Blues Brews and BBQ on Sept. 30” Mayor O’Dekirk agrees that downtown Joliet has become more of a destination for its festivals and events. “People can come down and go to an event, look at the architecture downtown and attend a ballgame in the evening,” he notes. As they walk through downtown Joliet during special events — or, for that matter, on an ordinary day — visitors can also shop and dine at a variety of places. The history and roadside charm of the area is evident in spots like the Route 66 Diner, Chicken-N-Spice and Rich & Creamy ice cream. New places

lend a more hip vibe as well, like Juliet’s and Tin Roof, among others. When on a walking tour of downtown Joliet, visitors also come across a number of plaques and historical markers that share the story of the city’s past. The Joliet Historical Preservation Commission offers suggestions for a self-guided architectural tour, which include stops at the Joliet YMCA, designed by the D.H. Burnham

Company in the 1920s; the Louis Joliet Hotel, which dates back to 1927; the gothic and English Tudor-style Joliet Public Library, built in 1903 from locallyquarried limestone; and Union Station, built in 1912 during the heyday of railroading in Joliet and features grand arches, stone facades and interior marble stairs and floors. Other historic sites of note include the city’s five green iron truss bridges, built in the 1930s by the Army Corps of Engineers. The Joliet Jackpot: Harrah’s and Hollywood Casinos If the waterways in Joliet brought early explorers to the area, they are bringing

scores of people seeking a different kind of adventure today. Joliet is home to two riverboat casinos set alongside the Des Plaines River — Hollywood Casino Joliet and Harrah’s Joliet Casino & Hotel. “We’ve got terrific casinos,” says O’Dekirk, who notes that more security officers were hired when the casinos opened to guard the safety of those visiting those facilities. With its multi-story 200-room hotel, Harrah’s brings a bit of the Vegas Strip to Joliet. The interior casino, along with in-house buffet, in-house Starbucks and a fine dining restaurant, also has a Vegasof-the-Midwest flair to it. Harrah’s has more than 1,100 slot machines, two dozen table games and a poker room. Hollywood Casino also offers table games including blackjack, craps, roulette, poker and mini-Baccarat, in addition to slots and video poker. Guests have their choice of dining at a fine steakhouse, deli, brewpub or buffet, and can take in some music with live entertainment, including bands that play in the pub. Rialto Square Theatre When it comes to entertainment, the Rialto Square Theatre is located in the middle of downtown Joliet and is at the heart of the city’s historic and tourist attractions. Mayor O’Dekirk, like many residents, waxes poetic about the theatre. “Rialto Square is absolutely beautiful on the inside — the lobby was built to mimic the House of Mirrors in Versailles,” he says of the décor and architectural details that are emblematic of the gilded age of movies at the time the theatre was built in the mid1920s. “For years, every act that was going to or from Chicago stopped in Joliet because they traveled by train and there


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Statistical Snapshot Photo courtesy of Joliet City Center

Population 2014 est - 147,928

g Increase from 2000 – 39.3% g Median Age – 33.1 g 19 and Under – 32.5% g 20-24 – 6.8% g 25-34 – 14.5% g 35-44 – 15.5% g 45-54 – 13.7% g 55-64 – 8.5% g 65 and Over – 8.6% g % Male – 49.7% g % Female – 50.3% g % White – 51.3% g % African-American –16.4% g % Asian – 2% g % Hispanic – 28.7%

g % Graduate or Professional Degree – 6.9%


g Median Household

g Gross median rent – $895

Income – $59,019


g % Bachelor’s Degree or Higher – 23.5%

Houses – $165,493

g % High School Degree or Higher – 82.7%

– 35,592

g Renter-Occupied units

g Total households – 50,983 g % Family Households – 72.7% g Avg. Household Size – 3.0 g Mean Price for Detached


g Owner-occupied units

is a train station located near the theater in Joliet. People could see Bob Hope or the Marx Brothers.” Today, the Rialto Square is still a great place to see a show. The venue spearheads a diverse performing arts community partnership and offers a variety of programs throughout the year, from an interactive screening of The Sound of Music on Sept. 9 to a pipe organ pops concert on Sept. 24. On Oct. 15, the Rialto offers a show featuring performers who were part of famous acts, including Frankie Valli, Carole King, Cat Stevens and more, and in November, audience members can participate in “The Price is Right Live,” a show that gives guests a chance to win a variety of prizes. Visitors can also take a tour of the theatre, which is offered most weekends. Group tours are available as well. Joliet Area Historical Museum The fabled Route 66 has many stops along its route westward. In Joliet, many Route 66 travelers — including the aforementioned Paul McCartney — stop at the Joliet Area Historical Museum, which opened in 2002 in the site of a former church. Walking into the museum, visitors get an immediate sense of the interactive nature of the displays, which include

– 13,400

Business/Employment g % Residents Employed – 94.3% g % Residents Unemployed – 5.7%

g Avg. Travel Time to Work – 29.4 min Sources: U.S. Census, City-Data.com and usa.com

touchscreens and audio-visual presentations as well as models of cars and people. Several special exhibits are offered throughout the year, and the museum includes a Route 66 Welcome Center and gift shop. “We really pride ourselves on offering a modern museum experience,” says Peerbolte, who cites the interactive features as well as the museum’s focus on history. “We try to put Joliet in context of larger stories, from the I&M Canal to Route 66, from the lunar landing to our new gallery on war heroes.” According to Peerbolte, the museum has welcomed more than 15,000 visitors so far this year. Dispelling any notion of a museum being stuffy, the Joliet Area Historical Museum hosts fun events throughout the year. The rooftop summer music series, which began in May with live performances on the building’s outside rooftop terrace, concludes on Sept. 18 with an act by the Righteous Hillbillies. On Sept. 10, the museum will host its annual fall fundraiser, the Sports Bash. Chicagoland Speedway & Route 66 Raceway On one level, the Chicagoland Speedway and the Route 66 Raceway reflect the city’s longtime association with roads and cars. On another level, the Chicagoland Speedway is the largest sporting facility in

Illinois and has become a major attraction in and beyond the Midwest. The fact that the Chicagoland Speedway hosts the first event in the Chase for the NASCAR Sprint Cup has helped boost its profile, says Paddock. “We kick off the playoffs for one of the most watched and followed sports in America — it’s a big deal,” he notes, adding that research has shown that a NASCAR fan is willing to drive up to 300 miles to a race. “This year’s event includes tailgating, camping, sponsor engagements and more. It’s a big festival, and fans really make a day or weekend of it. There’s an incredible sense of community.” The big race weekend at the Chicagoland Speedway features the ARCA Racing Series Scott 150 on Sept. 15, NASCAR Camping World Truck Series on Sept. 16, NASCAR Infinity Series Chicagoland 300 on Sept. 17 and the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series 400 on Sept. 18. Also on-site at the Chicagoland Speedway is the Route 66 Raceway, comprised of a drag strip and dirt oval used for national drag racing events and demolition derbies. A Team Demolition Derby is set for Sept. 24. Joliet Slammers/Silver Cross Field Sports enthusiasts will also want to head over to Silver Cross Field, home of the Joliet Slammers minor league baseball team, which is part of the Independent Frontier League. The season isn’t over yet for the Slammers, who play into early September. On Fan Appreciation Night on Sunday, Sept. 4, fans can stay after the game for a fireworks display. Billie Limacher Bicentennial Park Those driving into downtown Joliet glimpse tall buildings and signs for casinos and Route 66 stops, but can also check out the scenic 10-acre Billie Limacher Bicentennial Park that leads into the main business district. Several programs and events are held at Bicentennial Park throughout the year, such as the free Concerts on the Hill during the summer and a summer youth


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Photo courtesy of Rialto Square Theatre

Resources as well as hosts several drag racing events like the National Hot Rod Association.

Education  University

of St. Francis 500 Wilcox St., 800 735-7500. A Catholic university rooted in the liberal arts offering undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs.


Thomas Ford Memorial Library  Total

Holdings - 472,782 Checked Out Per Year - 799,562  Visitors Per Year - 514,090  Items


Autobahn Country Club 3795 CenterPoint Way, 815 722-2223. Memberbased road racing facility featuring two circuits and a half-mile karting track.

Billie Limacher Bicentennial Park & Theatre – 201 W. Jefferson St., 815 724-3760. Cultural arts center set in a 10-acre park featuring an outdoor bandshell and indoor theatre complex that hosts live concerts and theatrical performances.

Chicagoland Speedway 500 Speedway Blvd., 888 629-7223. A 1.5-mile, D-shaped, tri-oval speedway that annually hosts the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series, NASCAR XFINITY Series, NASCAR Camping World Truck Series and ARCA Racing Series.

Haunted Trails – 1423 N. Broadway, 815 722-7800.

A Halloween-themed amusement park featuring mini golf, go-karts, laser tag, batting cages, amusement rides and more.

 Concerts On The Hill Billie Limacher Bicentennial Park – 201 W. Jefferson St., 815 724-3760. Free weekly concerts with a variety of entertainment, held on Thursday evenings in June and July.

Hollywood Casino Joliet 77 Hollywood Blvd., 888 436-7737. A stationary boat casino with 50,000 square feet of gaming space, featuring slots and video poker machines, table games and live poker.

 Festival of the Gnomes at Billie Limacher Bicentennial Park, 201 W. Jefferson St., 815 724-3760. Features stories of the wee folk, live music, crafts, cookie factory and more in December.

Old Joliet Prison Park 1125 Collins St., 815 727-6141. A prison from 1858-2002, renovated into a park featuring kiosk panels with information about the prison’s history.

 Joliet Farmers Market Chicago St. between Van Buren St. and W. Jefferson St., 815 774-6067. Vendors, handmade crafts, live music, food, drinks, community garden table, activities and more, held this year on Fridays through September 21.

Rialto Square Theatre 102 N. Chicago St., 815 726-6600. A 1926 vaudeville-style theatre that provides space for concerts, comedy acts, Broadway shows, dance performances, weddings and receptions.

Route 66 Raceway – 3200 S. Chicago St., 888 629-7223. This complex includes a quarter-mile drag strip and a half-mile dirt oval track,

drama camp, among others. In addition to an outdoor band shell, this parcel of land also includes the indoor Bicentennial Park Theatre, home to local theater groups Joliet Drama Guild and Latitude 41. Both groups stage performances throughout the year, including an upcoming Latitude 41 performance of “Love, Sex and the IRS” in September and early October. Andrew B. Barber & Clarence D. Oberwortmann Horticultural Center Another pretty area for nature lovers

 Light Up the Holidays Festival & Parade Downtown, 815 774-6066. Held on the first Friday after Thanksgiving, featuring a tree lighting ceremony, music, crafts and more.  Taste Of Joliet – Joliet Memorial Stadium, 3000 W. Jefferson St., 815 741-7275. Live music featuring multiple artists as well as carnival, kids zone and food.

in Joliet is the Barber & Oberwortmann Horticultural Center and Bird Haven Greenhouse. Here, people can stroll through stunning formal gardens that are open from June through October and get inspired in the indoor greenhouse, which offers a variety of floral shows all year long. An array of waterfalls, fountains and bridges add to the bucolic feel. Run by the Joliet Park District, the horticultural center is a 12,000-sq-foot facility that is a popular place for weddings and other special events. Barber & Oberwortmann Horticultural

Center and Bird Haven Greenhouse are surrounded by the expansive Pilcher Park, a green jewel in the crown of the Joliet Park District. “Pilcher Park offers a beautiful nature center, playground areas, picnic grounds, scenic hiking trails, bicycle trails and cross country ski trails. Over 640 acres of land provide a habitat for wildlife and the perfect environment for outdoor recreation,” says Tom Carstens, executive director of the Joliet Park District. Joliet Correctional Center Those who have watched the famous film,The Blues Brothers, know that Joliet is practically synonymous with the Joliet Correctional Center. Also featured in the TV show Prison Break a decade or so ago, the jail is a historic site in the city. Built in 1858 by prisoners doing hard labor, the prison — also known as Collins Street Prison and the Joliet Penitentiary at various points in time — was constructed with 5-ft-thick walls made from nearby limestone quarries. The jail closed in 2002 amid budget cuts and concerns about its safety for inmates. Given its role in Joliet history, the former Joliet Correctional Center remains a tourist attraction. “We’re in the process of getting the old state prison re-opened, with tours held through the Joliet Area Historical Museum,” reports Mayor O’Dekirk. “The prison is 150 years old, and there is a lot of history there.” Inwood Athletic Club Although there is great deal of history in Joliet, the area is home to some vibrant newer facilities as well, including the Inwood Athletic Club. “Consisting of a 10,000-sq-ft fitness center, an eight-lane indoor pool, a walking track and ice arena, this facility — opened in 2006 — accommodates more than 1,200 visitors a day,” reports Carstens. The Inwood Athletic Club offers programs for all ages, interests and athletic levels, according to Carstens. Fitness training and nutrition programs are available for members and guests, and the club is a popular place for birthday parties and other special events. 


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DINING INING 2016 GUIDE Your Indispensable West Suburban Restaurant Resource

Monkfish with saffron yogurt, toasted orzo, charred rapini, and smoked tomato, as served at Niche in Geneva.

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Take Our Culinary Tour of More Than


Area Restaurants

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With a virtual smorgasbord of culinary options from which to choose, use this comprehensive guide to find just the right dining destination for any and every occasion.

Listings n Central DuPage n Nw DuPage & Upper Fox Valley

n Alley 64: 212 W Main St, St. Charles. 630 513-6464.

Classic American fare in a family friendly atmosphere with a Harley Davidson-themed décor. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Beef brisket. Entrée prices: $7-$13. Extras: Outdoor dining, bar, party room, daily specials. M–Sat 11–2, Sun 11–12. Reservations: No.

n Sw DuPage & lower fox valley n Se Dupage & SW Cook n Ne DuPage & nw cook

|A| n Adelle’s: 535 W Liberty Dr, Wheaton. 630 784-8015.

New twists on old American favorites served by seasoned professionals in a stylish ambiance. Capacity: 160 plus 50 on outdoor patio. Yrs in bus: 13. Chef’s Choice: White fish. Entrée prices: $18-$34. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, banquets, wine room, carry-out, live jazz Th at 7 pm, live music on select other nights, lounge, fireplaces. T-Th 4:30-8:30, F-Sat 4:30-9:30, Sun 4-8. Reservations: Recommended. n Aguamiel: 30 S Prospect Ave, Clarendon Hills. 630 537-1966. Authentic Mexican atmosphere featuring a menu that focuses on traditional Mexican “street food,” as well as smart urban fare. Capacity: 108. Yrs in bus: 4. Chef’s Choice: Tacos. Entrée prices: $9-$21; Avg: $11. Extras: Full bar, kids’ menu, carry-out, catering. T-Th 4-10, F-Sat 4-11, Sun 4-8. Reservations: Yes.

n Al’s Charhouse: 32 S La Grange Rd, La Grange.

708 354-6255. Western-style steakhouse and saloon serving huge downtown steaks and specialty drinks without the downtown prices. Capacity: 200. Yrs in bus: 28. Chef’s Choice: Steak or rib dinners. Entrée prices: $20-$35. Extras: Carry-out, bar, banquets, family friendly. M-Th 4-10, F-Sat 4-11, Sun noon-9. Reservations: Yes.

n Alexander’s: 1725 N State St, Elgin. 847 888-4146.

Modern, family friendly dining featuring continental cuisine. Capacity: 240 at 60 tables. Yrs in bus: 30. Chef’s Choice: Fish tacos. Entrée prices: $5-$18. Extras: Carry-out, bar, kids’ menu, healthy meals menu, gaming. M-Sat 6:30 am-10 pm, Sun 7 am-9 pm. Reservations: Yes, for 6 or more.

n Alfie’s Inn: 425 E. Roosevelt Rd, Glen Ellyn.

630 858-2506. Burgers, ribs, beef and seafood in an old English pub atmosphere. Capacity: 200 at 50 tables. Yrs in bus: 49. Chef’s Choice: Burgers. Entrée prices: $5-$16, Avg: $7. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, carry-out, family friendly, low-carb menu, desserts. M-Sat 11-11, Sun 11-10. Reservations: No.

n All Aboard Diner: 1510B W. 75th St, Downers Grove. 630 322-8960. Train-themed restaurant serving sandwiches, burgers and more. Capacity: 104. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Barbecue pork and chopped salad. Entrée prices: $7-$10. Extras: Interactive trains, family friendly, carry-out, outdoor seating, beer and wine, private parties. M-Sat 11-8, Sun 11-7. Reservations: No.

n Allgauer’s: 3003 Corporate West Dr, Lisle; in the

Hilton Lisle/Naperville. 630 245-7650. Classic American fare with an eclectic twist in a contemporary environment. Specializes in locally sourced, dry aged steaks, fresh seafood and chops. Capacity: 196 at 44 tables. Yrs in bus: 35. Chef’s Choice: Potato-crusted halibut. Entrée prices: $25- $44; lunch menu $9-$18. Extras: Bar, banquets, family friendly, Sunday brunch, breakfast buffet Mon-Sun, lunch buffet M-F, seafood buffet on Friday. Breakfast M-F 6:30-11 am, Sat 7-11 am, Sun 7-9:30 am; Lunch M-Sat 11-3; Dinner M-Sun 4-10, F seafood & prime rib buffet 5:30-8:30, Sun brunch 10:30-2:30. Reservations: Recommended.

n Allie’s American Grille: 1500 Opus Place,

Downers Grove; in the Marriott Suites. 630 852-1500. Midwestern cooking made from scratch in a casual and warm atmosphere. Capacity: 85. Yrs in bus: 27. Chef’s Choice: Hand-cut steaks. Entrée prices: $10-$32, lunch $10-$18, breakfast $9-$16. Extras: Bar, carry-out, room service, wine list. M-F 6:30 am-11 pm, Sat-Sun 7 am-11 pm. Reservations: Accepted.

W 7 am-2 pm, Sat-Sun 7 am-3 pm. Reservations: Yes. n Angeli’s: 1478 E Chicago Ave, Naperville.

630 420-1370. Cozy restaurant featuring fine Italian cuisine. Capacity: 200. Yrs in bus: 21. Chef’s Choice: Fried Calamari or Veal Piccata. Entrée prices: $10$35. Extras: Newly Renovated Bar, catering, family friendly, private parties, gluten-free menu, patio seating. M-Th 4-9:30, F-Sat 4-10, Sun 4-9 (bar open later). Reservations: Yes.

n Angelo’s Ristorante: 247 N York Rd, Elmhurst.

630 833-2400. Italian food in an elegant atmosphere. Capacity: 140 at 30 tables. Yrs in bus: 22. Chef’s Choice: Zuppe di pesce. Entrée prices: $11-$27. Extras: Bar, catering, banquets, M-F lunch buffet 11 am-2 pm, patio upstairs. M-Th 11-10, F 11 ammidnight, Sat 4-midnight, Sun 3-9. Reservations: Yes.

n Another Round Bar & Grill: 5141 Main St,

Downers Grove. 630 963-0333. Family friendly sports bar and grill featuring wings in more than 10 different sauces, pizza, burgers and more. Capacity: 400 inside, 80 outside. Yrs in bus: 6. Chef’s Choice: Pot roast waffle fry nachos. Entrée prices: $8-$13. Extras: Two full bars, banquets, outdoor dining, carry-out, lounge, daily specials. M-Th 11 am-1 am, F-Sat 10 am-2 am, Sun 11 am-12 am. Reservations: No. Affiliated with Roundhead’s Pizza Pub, 2001 63rd St, Downers Grove, 630 434-9999; and 275 Roosevelt Rd, Lombard, 630 705-3333.

n Altiro Latin Fusion: 308 Anderson Blvd,

Geneva. 630 232-7717. A tapas restaurant combining innovative flavors from Spanish and Latin cuisine. Capacity: 50 + 40 outside. Yrs In bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Altiro tilapia tacos. Entrée prices: $8-$12. Extras: Full bar, carry-out, catering, patio. Lunch T-Sat 11-3; Dinner M-Th 4-9, F-Sat 4-10; Brunch Sun 10-2. Reservations: Recommended. Affiliated with Al Chulo, 1400 S Neltnor Blvd., West Chicago, 630 520-0615.

n Amber Café: 13 N Cass Ave, Westmont.

630 515-8080. Contemporary American cuisine in a newly remodeled setting and featuring a brand new summer/fall menu. Capacity: 70 inside, 50 outside. Chef’s Choice: Pan-roasted Lake Superior whitefish. Yrs in bus: 10. Entrée prices: $15-$37. Extras: Outdoor dining, bar, private parties on Sun, wine list. T-Sat 5-10. Reservations: Recommended.

n American Tap Pub & Eatery: 701 W Lake St, Addison. 630 628-5800. Sports lounge and bar serving a variety of American fare and over 40 craft beers on tap in a rustic setting. Capacity: 190. Yrs in bus: 6. Chef’s Choice: Southwest Chicken Wrap. Entrée prices: $8-$13. Extras: Live entertainment on weekends, Tuesday Trivia nights, private parties, newly expanded outdoor dining, bar and bag games on the patio, no cover charge on UFC fights. Sun-Th 11 am-1 am, F-Sat 11 am-2 am. Reservations: Yes for large parties. n Andres Restaurant: 5 Webster St, Batavia. 630 482-9420. American and Spanish cuisine in a casual, family friendly atmosphere. Capacity: 80. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Breakfast omelets and crepes. Entrée prices: $6-$10. Extras: Carry-out, outdoor dining, catering. M-T & Th-F 8 am-2 pm,

n Antico Posto: 118 Oakbrook Center, Oak

Brook. 630 586-9200. Italian fare featuring fresh mozzarella, hand-crafted pasta, brick-oven pizza and homemade gelato. Capacity: 180. Yrs in bus: 17. Chef’s Choice: Gnocchi delicati and margherita pizza. Entrée prices: $15-$20. Extras: Outdoor dining, carry-out, full bar, catering, piatti del giorno, gelato of the day, kids’ menu, private parties. M-Th 11:308:30, F-Sat 11:30-9:30, Sun noon-8. Reservations: Recommended.

n Antonino’s: 701 W Hillgrove Ave, La Grange.

708 579-9191. Northern Italian and Sicilian fare in an intimate atmosphere. Capacity: 40. Yrs in bus: 27. Chef’s Choice: lemon chicken and baked lasagna. Entrée prices: $8-$17. Extras: Carry-out, outdoor dining, daily seafood specials, family friendly, beer and wine. T-Th 4-9, F-Sat 4-10. Reservations: Yes, for 5 or more.

n Anyway’s Chicago Restaurant & Pub 5 E Roosevelt Rd, Oakbrook Terrace. 630 932-9323. Classic neighborhood restaurant and pub serving American cuisine. Capacity: 200 at 45 tables. Yrs in bus: 20. Chef’s Choice: Izzy’s jambalaya pasta and Certified Angus burgers. Entrée prices: $7-$15. Extras: Bar, carry-out, banquets, outdoor dining, kids’ menu, daily specials. M-Th 11:30 am-1 am, F-Sat 11:30 am-2 am, Sun noon-1 am. Reservations: Yes, for 10 or more. Additional location at 304 W Army Trail Rd, Bloomingdale, 630 351-8870. n Aodake: 2129 75th St, Darien; in the Darien Towne Center. 630 719-9888. Japanese sushi and steakhouse. Capacity: 80. Yrs in bus: 10. Chef’s Choice: Hibachi, sushi and tempura entrées. Entrée


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prices: $11-$35. Extras: Wine list, hibachi cookers, carry-out, private parties, kids’ menu. Lunch M-F 11- 2:30; Dinner M-Th 4:30-9:30, F 4:30-10, Sat noon10, Sun noon-9. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 462 N Weber Rd, Romeoville, 815 886-9888. n Armand’s: 105 W First St, Elmhurst. 630 782-5800.

Italian pizzas, salads, sandwiches and pastas served in a casual ambiance in a downtown storefront setting. Capacity: 125. Yrs in bus: 14. Chef’s Choice: Thin-crust pizza. Entrée prices: $10-$25, Avg: $12. Extras: Bar, carry-out, delivery, family friendly. M-Th 11:30-10, F 11:30-11, Sat noon-11, Sun noon-10. Reservations: Recommended. Additional locations in La Grange, Lombard and Wheaton.

n Arrowhead Restaurant & Bar: 26W151 Butterfield Rd, Wheaton. 630 510-5070. Classic American fare and premium spirits in a golf-themed décor and a panoramic view of the golf course. Capacity: 120 inside, 60 on patio. Yrs in bus: 10. Chef’s Choice: Barrel Cut Ribeye. Entrée prices: $16-$30. Extras: Bar, banquets, seasonal outdoor dining, wine list, beer list, private rooms, carry-out, weekly and daily specials, 15 HDTVs. M-Th 11-11, F-Sat 11 am-1 am, Sun 11-9. Reservations: Yes. n Artisan Table: 1801 Naper Blvd, Naperville; in

ChicagoMarriott Naperville. 630 505-4900. Upscale restaurant serving “modern farm cuisine” that focuses on seasonal, sustainable, local and inspired fare. Capacity: 114. Yrs in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Open faced pulled pork sandwich. Entrée prices: $11-$29, lunch $9. Extras: Full bar. Breakfast M-Sun 6:30-10:30; Lunch M-Sun 11-2; Dinner M-Sat 5-10. Reservations: Recommended.

n Ashoka Restaurant: 252 E Army Trail Rd,

Glendale Heights. 630 529-5560. Indian cuisine serving a variety of menu items. Capacity: 49. Yrs in bus: 29. Chef’s Choice: Chicken tikka misala. Entrée prices: $10-$15. Extras: Carry-out, catering, family friendly. M-Sun 5-9. Reservations: No.

n Atwater’s: 15 S River Ln, Geneva; in the

Herrington Inn & Spa. 630 208-8920. Eclectic American cuisine with a rotating, seasonal menu in a European style atrium setting overlooking the Fox River. Capacity: 40. Yrs in bus: 23. Entrée prices: $24-$45. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, banquets, catering, private dining in gazebo, event space. Breakfast M-F 7 am-11 am, Sat-Sun 8 am-11 am; Lunch M-Sun 11-2; Dinner Sun-Th 5-9, F-Sat 5-10; Brunch Sun 11-2. Reservations: Recommended.

n Augustino’s Rock & Roll Deli: 246 Schmale

Rd, Carol Stream, 630 665-5585. Family favorite deli known for its forearm-length subs with a fast-paced, friendly atmosphere and authentic music memorabilia. Capacity: 100. Yrs in bus: 38. Chef’s Choice: Homemade Italian beef and Traditional Reuben. Entrée prices: $8-$10. Extras: Gluten-free menu, kids’ menu, catering, drive-thru, classic car nights at West Chicago location, outdoor dining in Carol Stream. M-Sat 6:30 am-9 pm, Sun 9 am-8 pm. Reservations: No. Additional location at 300 W North Ave, West Chicago. 630 293-8602. n Aurelio’s: 1455 W Lake St, Addison. 630 889-9560. Family-oriented Italian restaurant serving homemade pasta, sandwiches and Chicago-style pizza. Capacity: 235. Yrs in bus: 16. Chef’s Choice: Thin crust pizza. Entrée prices: $12-$26. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, banquets, catering, party room, children’s menu, gluten-free selections. M-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11, Sun noon-10. Reservations: Yes. Additional locations in Bolingbrook, Downers Grove, Geneva, Joliet, La Grange, Naperville, Oakbrook Terrace and Woodridge. n Autre Monde Café: 6727 Roosevelt Rd, Berwyn.

708 775-8122. Mediterranean-infused fare served in an urban setting. Capacity: 85, 75 patio seating. Yrs in bus: 5. Entrée prices: $13-$24, smaller plates $6-$15. Chef’s Choice: Pastas made fresh daily and flatbreads. Extras: Outdoor patio, private parties, catering, wine list, Sun brunch 10-2. T-Th 5-10, F-Sat

n n n n Chef Profile

Klaus Lotter

Executive Chef at Weber Grill in Lombard n Years as a chef and years in your current position? I started in the culinary field back in 1992 but didn’t cook professionally until 1995, so for more than 20 years. I’ve held an Executive Chef position since 2006 and started with Weber Grill in June this year. n When did you first get interested in cooking and what sparked that interest? I was interested in cooking since I was young. My family of German immigrants did a lot of cooking at home and I assisted my grandmother all the time. She had to be one of my greatest influences. n What is your culinary training? I attended the New England Culinary Institute in Montpelier, Vermont and graduated in May of 2000. My internships were at Spiaggia in Chicago and in a hotel north of Munich, Germany, called Gasthof Gallus. n Mentor you learned most about cooking from? Andreas Mayer, my Chef at the Kempinski Four Seasons in Munich, Germany, was hands down the mentor from which I learned the most. He took me under his wing and taught me all the classical techniques to saucier and for butchering. n Your go-to cookbook? I have so many in my personal library, I can’t really say that I have just one. Guess it all depends on what mood I am in to cook that day. Can’t go wrong with “Weber’s Way to Grill.” n Aspect of being a chef that the average person would find surprising? We don't get to just cook all day. Seriously, that would be great, but there are so many more duties that go hand-in-hand with running a kitchen and more paperwork than one would guess.

n Favorite west suburban restaurant to eat at other than yours? Hofbraühaus Rosemont. I have to give them compliments, but I‘m biased having worked there for over three years. n Guilty pleasure or junk food you really enjoy? I don’t always cook up a storm at home, usually something quick and simple. Either burgers on the grill or Taco Tuesday! n Your last meal would be? A German dish that reminds me of family and home — braised beef roulades, spaetzle and white asparagus from Germany. n Best advice anyone ever gave you? Nothing worthwhile in life is easy to achieve. n Favorite kitchen utensild you couldn’t live without? Solid 12” stainless steel kitchen tongs

n Favorite ingredients to work with? I love fresh herbs, red peppers, asparagus and Mediterranean seafood.

n Personal cooking philosophy? Keep it simple and present the ingredients so they can be enjoyed for what they truly are.

n Favorite dish to make and why? I really love braised beef short ribs. Just the time it takes to slow cook and be so tender.

n If not a chef, what career would you have likely pursued? I’ve been a weekend do-ityourselfer and enjoy working with wood, so probably a carpenter.

n Favorite source or place to shop for ingredients? A lot of fresh markets with European flair have popped up the last few years like Tony’s, Caputo’s and The Fresh Market, which is my usual "go to." n Most unusual ingredient you have used in a dish? Camel. I had to use it when I was cooking for some sheiks. Can’t say I’m a big fan. n Top tips for foodie home cooks or aspiring chefs? Have fun and experiment! If at first the recipe doesn’t work, don’t be discouraged and try again.

Five must have items for any good cook’s home kitchen? Chef’s knife, quality cutting board, olive oil, a Weber charcoal grill, and plenty of spices to work with. n

n Three words to describe you and/or your cooking style? Strict but fair, dedicated n Hobbies or things you like to do when not working? Spending time with my wife and my two kids, golfing, skiing and woodworking n Does it bother you when a meal goes largely uneaten? ABSOLUTELY! n How many meals come out of your kitchen on a busy weekend night? We put out more than1000 covers. n How often do you cook at home and what is your favorite dish to make there? Basically, whenever I am off and home before dinner time, it’s my duty to cook. Nothing better than grilling, period.


2016 Dining Guide FINALFINAL.indd 57

8/26/16 3:28 AM

DIning 5-11, Sun 5-9. Reservations: Yes. n Avenue Ale House & Rooftop Café: 825 S Oak Park Ave, Oak Park. 708 848-280. American cuisine served in a pub atmosphere with 10 flat screen TVs and a large projection screen. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 16. Entrée prices: $7-$25. Chef’s Choice: Creole Tortellini and Tenderloin Medallions. Extras: Trivia on T nights, rooftop with full bar, live entertainment, live band Sat nights. M-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11:30, Sun 10:30-9:30. Reservations: Yes, for lower level dining only.

|B| n Babcock’s Grove House: 101 W St. Charles Rd, Lombard. 630 613-8920. Midwestern comfort food for all ages served up in a historic space. Capacity: 50. Mths in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Chicken schnitzel sandwich and smashed potato burger with beer-battered cheese curds. Entrée prices: $9-$12. Extras: Seasonal menu, wine and local craft beers, outdoor seating, family friendly, carry-out. T-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10, Sun 11-3. Reservations: No. n Back Alley Burger: 1 S La Grange Rd, La Grange. 708 482-7909. Gourmet, grass-fed Angus beef burgers, specialty sandwiches, house-cut fries and hand-dipped shakes in a friendly, comfortable atmosphere. Capacity: 75. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s Choice: Good ‘Ole Boys Blues Burger and Back Alley Burger. Entrée prices: $7-$10. Extras: Outdoor dining, carry-out, BYOB, beer and wine, kids’ menu, family friendly. M-Sat 11-9, Sun 11-8. Reservations: No. Additional location at 609 W St. Charles Rd, Elmhurst, 630 516-1755. n Bahama Breeze: 406 E Golf Rd, Schaumburg. 847 884-7060. Caribbean-inspired food made from scratch in a Caribbean-themed setting. Capacity: 250. Yrs in bus: 13. Chef’s Choice: Paella. Entrée prices: $8-$23. Extras: Bar, live entertainment, outdoor seating, happy hour appetizers, kids’ menu, fire pit, carry-out. Sun-Th 11-11, F-Sat 11 am-midnight. Reservations: Yes, available on website. n Bakersfield: 330 E Ogden Ave, Westmont.

630 568-3615. Casual yet sophisticated eatery, featuring steaks butchered in-house and prepared on a wood-fired grill. Capacity: 200 indoors, 48 outdoors. Yrs in bus: 4. Chef’s Choice: Barrel-Cut Filet Mignon and Knuckle Sandwich. Entrée prices: $12$38. Extras: Outdoor seating with fireplace & fire pit, bar, family friendly, private dining, brunch 10:30-2 on Sat & Sun. Sun-M 11-9, T-Sat 11-10. Reservations: Yes. n Ballydoyle Irish Pub & Restaurant: 5157 Main St, Downers Grove. 630 969-0600. Classic Irish fare with a mix of burgers, salads and sandwiches. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 12. Entrée prices: $8-$19. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, live music Th-Sat, trivia night T, open mic night W. M-Th 11 am-1 am, F-Sat 11 am-2 am, Sun 11-10. Reservations: No. Additional location at 28 W New York St, Aurora, 630 844-0400. n Bambu Thai Cuisine: 1035 S York Rd, Elmhurst.

630 993-9392. Thai cuisine served quickly in a sophisticated atmosphere. Capacity: 65. Yrs in bus: 13. Chef’s Choice: Pad Thai. Entrée prices: $9-$15. Extras: Carry-out, family friendly. Lunch M-F 11-2:30; Dinner M-F 4-9, Sat 11-9. Reservations: Yes.

Bartlett. 630 213-2400. American grill featuring sports-themed décor. Capacity: 350. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Broasted chicken & wings. Entrée prices: Avg: $8. Extras: Bar, private parties, live music, carry-out, drink specials. Sun-T 11 am-midnight, W-Th 11 am-1 am, F-Sat 11 am-2 am. Reservations: No. n Bao Gourmet: 941 S Rt 59, Bartlett. 630 837-8168. Family-owned restaurant serving authentic, cookedto-order Chinese and Asian fare in a casual atmosphere. Capacity: 30. Yrs in bus: 4. Chef’s Choice: General Tso’s chicken. Entrée prices: Avg: $7. Extras: Catering, delivery, carry-out, online ordering, lunch specials, vegetarian menu. M-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-9:30, Sun noon-9. Reservations: No. n Bar Louie: 22 E Chicago Ave, Naperville. 630 983-1600. Upscale neighborhood bar with a lively atmosphere serving American fare. Capacity: 275. Yrs in bus: 14. Entrée prices: $7-$17. Extras: Bar, carry-out, outdoor dining, DJ W, F-Sat. M-Th 11 am-1 am, Fri 11 am-2 am, Sat 10 am-2 am, Sun 10 am-1 am. Reservations: Yes, for 10 or more. Additional locations at 619 E Boughton Rd, Bolingbrook, 630 410-7100; 1602 Commons Dr, Geneva, 630 397-4300; 17W350 22nd St, Oak Brook, 630 478-8040; and 1122 Lake St, Oak Park, 708 725-3300. n Barbakoa: 1341 Butterfield Rd, Downers Grove. 630 852-2333. A modern Spanish Fusion restaurant that serves tacos, tequila and Latin cuisine in a vibrant urban setting. Capacity: 350. Years in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Carne Asada Tacos. Entrée prices: $20-$32. Extras: Bar featuring over 100 tequilas and mezcals, lounge, outdoor area. Brunch Sat-Sun 113; Lunch M-F 11:30-3; Dinner Th 3-10, F-Sat 3-11, Sun 11-9. Reservations: Recommended. n Barclay’s American Grille: 1120 Pleasant St, Oak Park; in the Carleton Hotel. 708 848-4250. Classic American cuisine “with a twist.” Capacity: 140. Yrs in bus: 6. Chef’s Choice: Maytag Bleu Cheese Chips. Entrée prices: Avg: $15-$30. Extras: Bar, banquets, outdoor dining, kids’ menu, carry-out. M-Th 5-11, F-Sat 5-midnight, Sun 5-9. Reservations: Yes. n Barone’s: 475 Pennsylvania Ave, Glen Ellyn. 630 858-0555. Italian food and pizza in a family friendly atmosphere. Capacity: 230. Yrs in bus: 46. Chef’s Choice: Thin crust, pan and stuffed pizza. Entrée prices: $6-$18. Extras: Carry-out, delivery, catering, children’s room, kids’ menu, online ordering available. M-Th 4-10, F-Sat 3-11, Sun 3-10. Reservations: Yes, for 8 or more. n Barrel + Rye: 477 S Third St, Geneva. 630 402-0647. American bistro featuring craft beers, venison burgers and small shareable plates. Capacity: 32, 25 at bar. Yrs in bus: 2. Chef’s Choice: Southern deep fried chicken. Entrée prices: $9-$16. Extras: TVs, full bar, free Wi-Fi, carry-out, selection of whisky, scotch and bourbon, patio. Sun-Th 11-midnight, F-Sat 11-2 am. Reservations: No. n Basils Greek Dining: 4000 Fox Valley Center

Dr, Aurora. 630 692-1300. Award-winning Greek/ Mediterranean restaurant with a modern flair. Capacity: 240. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Oven roasted lamb shank. Entrée prices: $21-$49. Extras: Bar, banquets, outdoor dining, catering, carry-out, craft beer on tap. M-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11, Sun 11-9. Reservations: Yes.

n Bangkok Village: 22 E Chicago Ave, Suite #122Naperville. 630 369-9757. Thai food served with a personal touch in a comfortable and authentic setting. Capacity: 45. Yrs in bus: 26. Chef’s Choice: Pad Thai and curry entrées. Entrée prices: $9-$17, Avg: $13. Extras: Carry-out, lunch specials, family friendly, full bar. M-Th 11-9, F 11–10, Sat 11:30-10, Sun 4-8:30. Reservations: Yes.

n The Bavarian Lodge: 1800 Ogden Ave,

n Bannerman’s Sports Grill: 858 S Rt 59,

n BD’s Mongolian Grill: 221 S Washington St,

Lisle. 630 241-4701. Traditional, home-cooked German food and a world class beer list in a cozy, European atmosphere. Capacity: 269. Yrs in bus: 30. Chef’s Choice: The Braumeister’s Platter. Entrée prices: $10-$25. Extras: Full bar, 200+ beers (39 on tap), carry-out, family-friendly. W-Sat 4-10, Sun noon-9 (bar open later). Reservations: No.

Naperville. 630 428-0300. Create-your-own stir fry in an upbeat, casual and family friendly atmosphere. Capacity: 175 at 40 tables. Yrs in bus: 19. Entrée prices: $8-$18, T & W kids' night $3. Extras: Carry-out, full bar, soup and salad bar, $2 kids' meals on T-W, $11 college dinners on M. M-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11, Sun 11-9. Reservations: Yes, for 6 or more; call-ahead seating available. Additional location at 619 E Boughton Rd, Bolingbrook, 630 972-0450. n Beehive Tavern & Grille: 204 W Main St, St. Charles. 630 584-0800. Sandwiches, burgers, soups and salads in an inviting neighborhood vintage tavern with an old Americana décor. Capacity: 120. Yrs in bus: 11. Chef’s Choice: Pot Roast and Beehive Chicken Sandwich. Entrée prices: $8-$18, Avg: $13. Extras: Bar, carry-out, outdoor dining, specials, free WiFi. Sun & T-Th 11:30-9, M 4-8, F-Sat 11:30-10 (bar open M-Sun until 2 am). Reservations: Yes. n Beer Market: 888 N Mecham Rd, Schaumburg.

630 858-0234. Craft beer bar offering over 500 microbrews, plus wine and food pairings. Capacity: 100. Yrs in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Beer braised bratwurst. Entrée prices: $5-$13. Extras: Outdoor patio, TVs, private parking lot, live entertainment Fri & Sat nights. M-Th 3-1 am, F 11-2 am, Sat 12 -2 am, Sun noon-midnight. Reservations: No. n Bella Bacinos: 36 S La Grange Rd, La Grange. 708 352-8882. Authentic Neapolitan wood-fired pizzas, homemade pastas and other Italian specialties. Capacity: 80. Yrs in bus: 15. Chef’s Choice: Pasta of the day. Entrée prices: $13-$28. Extras: Outdoor dining, bar, kids’ menu. T-Th 4:30–9, Fri noon-11, Sat noon-10, Sun noon-9 (open until 8 in winter). Reservations: Yes. n Benihana: 747 E Butterfield Rd, Lombard.

630 571-4440. Traditional Japanese steak and seafood dishes cooked in a table-top style. Capacity: 260. Yrs in bus: 30. Chef’s Choice: Hibachi options & sushi. Entrée prices: $18-$44, Avg: $25. Extras: Hibachi grills, carry-out, kids’ menu, full bar, specials, sushi menu, private party rooms, happy hour. Lunch M-Th 11:30-2:30; Dinner M-Th 5-10, F 11:30-11, Sat noon-11, Sun noon-10. Reservations: Recommended. Additional locations at 1200 E Higgins Rd, Schaumburg, 847 995-8201. n Benjarong Thai Restaurant: 2138-B Mannheim Rd, Westchester. 708 409-0339. Familystyle Thai cuisine in a cozy atmosphere. Capacity: 45. Yrs in bus: 24. Chef’s Choice: Pad Thai and basil leaf entrées. Entrée prices: $9-$11, Avg: $9. Extras: Carry-out, BYOB, lunch specials, M-Sat 11-9. Reservations: Yes, for 6 or more. n Bernard’s Café & Deli: 14 W 63rd St, Willowbrook. 630 850-7510. Traditional continental cuisine in a casual and earthy setting. Capacity: 110 at 40 tables. Yrs in bus: 29. Chef’s Choice: Homemade pizza, pasta & soup. Entrée prices: $9-$19, Avg: $10. Extras: Carry-out, outdoor dining, antipasti bar, catering, beer and wine, family friendly. M-Sat 11-9. Reservations: No. n Biaggi’s Ristorante Italiano 2752 Showplace Dr, Naperville. 630 428-8500. Classic and contemporary authentic Italian dining in a casual, friendly setting. Capacity: 240. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Black fettuccine with lobster & wild mushrooms. Entrée prices: $10-$30. Extras: Exhibition kitchen, bar, wine list, children’s menu, gluten-free menu, carry-out, catering, private parties, family friendly. M-Th 11:30-9:30, F-Sat 11:30-10:30, Sun 11-9. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 20560 N Rand Rd, Deer Park, 847 438-1850. n Bien Trucha: 410 W State St, Geneva.

630 232-2665. A variety of authentic and modern Mexican cuisine including little samplers and tapas.


2016 Dining Guide FINALFINAL.indd 58

8/26/16 2:32 AM

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8/24/16 4:19 PM

DIning Capacity: 80. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Tacos and Guacamole del Dia. Entrée prices: $7-$15. Extras: Carry-out, outdoor dining, bar (open later). Lunch T-F 11-3, Sat noon-3; Dinner T-Th 5-9, F-Sat 5-10. Reservations: Yes. n Big Bowl: 1950 E Higgins Rd, Schaumburg.

847 517-8881. Fresh Chinese and Thai cooking in an open kitchen. Capacity: 200. Yrs in bus: 15. Chef’s Choice: Stir Fry Bar and Pad Thai. Entrée prices: $15-$21. Extras: Bar, carry-out, outdoor dining, kids’ menu, gluten-free menu. M-Th 11:15-10, F-Sat 12-11, Sun 12-9. Reservations: Yes. n Bigby’s Pour House: 1700 W Lake St, Addison.

630 773-1050. Craft beer bar serving homestyle Italian food. Capacity: 49, plus 24 outside. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s Choice: Flatbreads, pizzas and tapas. Entrée prices: Avg: $9. Extras: Outdoor dining, free Wi-Fi, craft beers, piano bar, board games, TVs. M-Th 4 pm-1 am, F-Sat 4 pm-2 am, Sun 4pm-midnight. Reservations: No. n Big Hurt Brewhouse: 6801 W Cermak Rd,

Berwyn. 708 956-7722. American comfort food with local beers run by former White Sox Hall-of-Famer. Capacity: 200. Yrs in bus: 2. Chef’s Choice: Prime Burger Patty Melt or smoked wings (available in three different flavors). Entrée prices: $9-$22. Extras: Seasonal beer garden, TVs, catering, special event spaces, large outdoor patio. T-Th 4-9, F-Sat noon-11 pm, Sun noon-10. Reservations: Yes, for 8 or more. n Blackberry Market: 401 N Main St, Glen Ellyn.

630 474-9149. Fast-casual café and bakery serving seasonal fare. Capacity: 75, plus 25 outdoor. Chef’s Choice: The Farmhouse Breakfast. Entrée prices: $7-$10. Extras: Ready-to-eat bagged dinners, catering, beer and wine, gluten-free, vegetarian and vegan options, Intelligentsia coffee. M-F 7-7 pm, Sat-Sun 7-5 pm. Reservations: No. n Blackstone Bar & Grill: 600 E Veterans Pkwy, Yorkville. 630 882-8305. Charhouse with a colorful bar offering freshly grilled and “platter-style” recipes. Capacity: 180. Yrs in bus: 11. Chef’s Choice: Chargrilled steaks. Entrée prices: $8-$23, Avg: $16. Extras: Carry-out, banquets, martini and wine bar. Sun-Th 4-9:30, F-Sat 4-10. Reservations: Recommended. n Blaze Pizza: 17W639 Roosevelt Rd, Oakbrook Terrace. 630 495-1141. Fast, artisnal pizzas served in a casual environment. Chef's Choice: Meat Eater pizza. Extras: Carry-out, family friendly, beer & wine, free Wi-Fi, outdoor seating. Sun-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10. Reservations: No. n Bohemian Crystal: 639 N Blackhawk Dr,

Westmont. 630 789-1981. Ethnic fare in a casual atmosphere. Capacity: Banquet space. Yrs in bus: 34. Chef’s Choice: Czech Platter and Dumplings Breaded Pork Tenderloin. Entrée prices: $11-$20. Extras: Carry-out, banquets, full bar, kids’ menu. T-Sat 11-8, Sun 11-7. Reservations: Yes, for 5 or more. n Bonefish Grill: 180 S Roselle Rd, Schaumburg. 847 534-0679. Florida seafood restaurant specializing in fresh fish daily with five signature sauces. Capacity: 205. Yrs in bus: 11. Chef’s Choice: Imperial tilapia. Entrée prices: $13-$25. Extras: Vegetarian dishes, full bar, carry-out, daily specials, outdoor dining, kids’ menu. M-Th 4-10:30, F 4-11:30, Sat 11-11:30, Sun 10-9. Reservations: Yes. n Braconi’s Restaurant & Pizzeria: 796 Royal

St. George Dr, Naperville. 630 717-9530. Traditional Italian cuisine with some American favorites, including signature wheat-crust pizza, in a family-oriented setting. Capacity: 180. Yrs in bus: 12. Chef’s Choice: Sausage and basil pizza. Entrée prices: Avg: $12.

n n n n Recently Opened

Babcock’s Grove House Casual Midwest comfort food in Lombard



the present-day Lombard

Babcock’s Grove

and Glen Ellyn area.

House, 101 W. St. Charles Rd.,

Moreau says popular menu

Lombard (630 613-8920), is

items include the chicken

finding a broad audience

schnitzel sandwich and

for its Midwestern comfort

smashed potato burger, along

food, says Dana Moreau,

with top-selling beer-battered

who co-owns the soup, salad

cheese curds. In early

and sandwich shop with her

September, Chef Ricardo

husband Steve.

Martinez will introduce a

couple has owned, though

seasonally adjusted fall menu.

Steve Moreau previously

Most dishes are priced from

was involved in opening

“We’re attracting multiple generations — babies to grandparents — and often

$8.50 to $12. Wine and mostly

primarily middle to high-end

they all come in at the same

local craft beer are available,

restaurants worldwide for

time,” Moreau says.

including two brews made in

other companies.

town — Noon Whistle’s Lilacia

Hours of business are 11

which occupies a building

Farmhouse Ale and Cosmo

a.m.-9 p.m. Tuesday through

constructed in 1858 as a hotel,

American Pale Ale.

Thursday; 11 a.m.-10 p.m.

takes its name from Babcock’s

Babcock’s Grove House

weekends, and 11 a.m.-3 p.m.

Grove, a historic reference to

is the first restaurant the

on Sunday.

The 50-seat restaurant,

Extras: Bar, carry-out, delivery, free Wi-Fi, banquets, outdoor dining, lunch buffet, catering, car shows on W. M-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-midnight, Sun noon-10. Reservations: Yes. n Brick House Tavern & Tap: 1461 Butterfield Rd, Downers Grove. 630 963-1104. Local tavern with elevated American fare and a diverse beer selection. Capacity: 375. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Kobe burger & salmon. Entrée prices: $7-$20. Extras: Bar, 46 TVs, private parties, outdoor dining, live music on occasion, couches. M-Th 11-1 am, F-Sat 11-2 am, Sun 11 am-midnight. Reservations: Yes, for 8 or more. n Bricks Wood Fired Pizza & Café: 132 W St.

Charles Rd, Lombard. 630 691-1900. Wood-fired, brick oven pizza, salads, sandwiches and gourmet soups in a comfortable, fast-casual café atmosphere. Capacity: 50. Yrs in bus: 10. Chef’s Choice: Classic margherita and artichoke pesto pizzas. Entrée prices: $8-$14. Extras: Carry-out. M-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10, Sun noon-8. Reservations: No. Additional locations at 103 Front St, Wheaton, 630 784-4620 and 1763 Freedom Dr, Naperville, 630 799-6860. n BRio Tuscan Grille: 330 Yorktown Center, Lombard. 630 424-1515. Casual Italian dining featuring pasta and wood-grilled steaks. Capacity: 300 inside, 100 outside, 70 In banquet room. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Pasta Vodka and Lobster Bisque. Entrée prices: $12-$29. Extras: Outdoor dining, carry-out, online ordering, wine list, catering, family friendly, happy hour appetizers, brunch Sat-Sun 11-3:30, daily specials, full bar, gluten-free, light and kids’ menu. M-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11, Sun 11-9. Reservations: Yes. n Buca Di Beppo: 90 Yorktown Rd, Lombard (SW corner of Yorktown Center). 630 932-7673. Italian cuisine served family-style in an eclectic setting. Capacity: 350. Yrs in bus: 18. Chef’s Choice: Lasagna and Chicken Parmigiana. Entrée prices: $7-$35, serves between 2-4 or more depending on size. Extras: Full bar, carry-out, banquets, catering, gluten-free menu, delivery for larger orders. M-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11, Sun 11-9. Reservations: Yes. n Buffalo Wild Wings: 149 N York, Elmhurst.

-T.R. Witom

630 832-2999. Lively sports bar serving wings, beer and more. Capacity: 280. Yrs in bus: 13. Chef’s Choice: Wings. Entrée prices: $7-$12. Extras: Bar, carry-out, children’s menu and 35 flat screens. M-Th 11-12:30 am, F-Sat 11-1:30 am, Sun 11 am11:30 pm. Reservations: No. Additional locations in Aurora, Bloomingdale, Bolingbrook, Geneva, Lombard, Naperville, Oswego, Plainfield, Romeoville, Schaumburg, South Elgin, Warrenville, Willowbrook and Woodridge. n Buffalo Wings & Rings: 1279 Rickert Dr, Naperville. 630 548-5021. Traditional American fare served in a casual atmosphere. Capacity: 275. Yrs in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Boneless and traditional wings. Entrée prices: $8-$10. Extras: Full bar, carry-out, kids’ menu, family friendly, beer of the month,flat-screen TVs, lunch specials M-Th, drink specials. M-Th 11:30-11, F 11:30-midnight, Sat 11-midnight, Sun 11-11. Reservations: Yes. n Bulldog Ale House: 394 E Irving Park Rd, Roselle. 630 529-0333. Neighborhood sports bar and ale house. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 4. Chef’s Choice: Burgers. Entrée prices: $7-$13. Extras: Full bar, 50 TVs, 72 domestic and imported craft brews on tap, outdoor dining, carry-out, daily food and drink specials. Sun-Th 11 am-1 am, F-Sat 11 am-2 am. Reservations: Wait list. Additional location at 1021 Fountain View Dr, Carol Stream, 630 690-0333. n The burger Local: 577 S 3rd St, Geneva. 630 232-2806. Locally sourced beef burgers made in a rustic environment. Capacity: 100. Mths in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Double Diner or Hawaii burger. Entrée prices: $11-$15. Extras: Carry-out, family friendly, full bar, outdoor seating, TVs. Sun-T 11-9, W-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11 (bar open later). Reservations: No. n Buttermilk: 7 W State St, Geneva. 630 845-0820.

Breakfast and lunch establishment with a weekly rotating menu and locally produced beer. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 1. Chef’s Choice: House Signature Burger or Havarti Burger. Entrée prices: $6-$14. Extras: Full bar, family friendly, carry-out, private parking. M-Sun 7 am-2:30 pm. Reservations: No.


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|C| n Cabooses Bar & Grill: 300 Crescent Pl, Geneva. 630 232-9448. Neighborhood bar featuring classic pub fare. Capacity: 47, plus 20 outdoor. Yrs in bus: 15. Chef’s Choice: Caboose burger. Entrée prices: $7-$9. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, carry-out, karaoke on select nights, daily specials. M-Th 11-1 am, F 11-2 am, Sat 10-2 am, Sun 10-midnight (bar open later). Reservations: No. n Café Amano: 116 E Schiller St., Elmhurst. 630 279-9333. Cuisine from around the world served in an upscale, intimate bistro setting. Capacity: 90. Yrs in bus: 12. Chef’s Choice: Cherry hazelnut chicken. Entrée prices: $18-$38. Extras: Outdoor patio garden, lounge, demonstration cooking classes, catering, private parties, extensive wine list, daily specials, fusion bar. M-Th 11:30-10, F 11:30-11, Sat 4:30-11. Reservations: Yes. n Café K’Tizo: 1915 Gary Ave, Wheaton. 630 702-9461. Cultural arts café offering over 120 different teas paired with soups and sandwiches. Capacity: 75. Yrs in bus: 2. Chef’s Choice: Melting Pot panini or Great Pyramid wrap. Entrée prices: $6-$8. Extras: Free parking, drive-thru, special events online, carry-out, family friendly, free Wi-Fi. M-T 8 am-6 pm, W-Sat 8 am-9 pm. Reservations: No. n Café Roma: 2175 Point Blvd, Elgin. 847 836-7662. Cozy Italian café. Capacity: 68, plus 20 on the patio. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Tortiglione alla Vodka. Entrée prices: $12-$22. Extras: Bar, private parties, corporate catering, outdoor bistro-style patio, carry-out, delivery. M-W 10-3, Th-F 10-9. Reservations: Yes. n Café Salsa: 9932 W 55th St, Countryside. 708 352-5100. Friendly, festive grill and tequila bar serving Mexican-inspired cuisine. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 26. Chef’s Choice: Stuffed carne asada. Entrée prices: $8-$20, Avg. $10. Extras: Outdoor dining, bar, carry-out, delivery, catering. M 11-9:30, T & Th 11-10, W 11-10:30, F 11-11, Sat 11:30-11, Sun 11:30-9:30. Reservations: Yes, for 5 or more. n Caffé De Luca: 7427 W Madison St, Forest Park. 708 366-9200. Authentic Italian fare in an atmosphere featuring Old World Venice charm and décor. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 11.5. Chef’s Choice: Lamb Oss Buco. Entrée prices: $10-$29. Extras: Two bars, outdoor dining, kids’ menu, private parties, carry-out. Lunch M-F 11:30-4; Dinner M-F 4-10, Sat 3-10, Sun 3-9; Brunch Sat-Sun 10 am-3 pm. Reservations: Yes. n Caliendo’s Restaurant & Bar: 0S050 Winfield Rd, Winfield. 630 690-1555. Diverse menu focusing on Italian cuisine in a family atmosphere. Capacity: 100. Yrs in bus: 24. Chef’s Choice: Pizzas. Entrée prices: $9-$15. Extras: Carry-out, delivery, catering, family friendly. Sun-Th 11-11, F-Sat 11-midnight (bar open until 2 am daily). Reservations: Yes. n California Pizza Kitchen: 551 Oakbrook Center, Oak Brook. 630 571-7800. Innovative pizzas, distinctive pastas and more served in a spacious California-style setting. Capacity: 140. Yrs in bus: 21. Chef’s Choice: BBQ chicken pizza. Entrée prices: $10-$16, Avg: $13. Extras: Carry-out, delivery for $25+ at lunchtime, nights and weekends, curb-side service, catering, full bar, kids' menu, online ordering. M-Th 11-9:30, F-Sat 11-10, Sun 11:30-9. Reservations: No, call-ahead seating available. Additional locations: 1202 Commons Dr, Geneva, 630 845-1731; 1550 E Golf Rd, Schaumburg, 847 413-9200; and 28258 Diehl Rd, Warrenville, 630 393-0852. n The Capital Grille: 87 Yorktown Center, Lombard.


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DIning 630 627-9800. Classic American, fine dining restaurant known for hand-cut, dry-aged steaks, seafood and an award-winning wine list. Capacity: 260. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Bone-In Kona Crusted Sirloin with Shallot Butter. Entrée prices: $30-$50. Extras: Over 3,000 bottles of more than 325 Old and New World wine selections, temperature-controlled wine kiosk, “Captain’s List” of 125 collector and cult wines, four private dining rooms, one semi-private dining room, bar, lounge, chef’s table with front-line view of open kitchen. Lunch M-F 11:30-3; Dinner M-Th 5-10, F-Sat 4-11, Sun 4-9. Reservations: Recommended. Additional location at 5340 N River Rd, Rosemont, 847 671-8125. n Capone’s Restaurant & Pizzeria: 360 W

Schick Rd., Bloomingdale. 630 980-7800. Familyowned Italian restaurant and pizzeria with gangsterthemed décor and a casual atmosphere. Capacity: 16. Yrs in bus: 21. Chef’s Choice: Eggplant Parmigiana. Entrée prices: $9-$18. Extras: Delivery, carry-out, catering. T-Th 11-11, F-Sat 11-midnight, Sun 3-10. Reservations: Yes. n Capri Ristorante: 324 Burr Ridge Pkwy, Burr Ridge. 630 455-4003. Authentic Italian fare served in a warm, elegant setting. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 11. Chef’s Choice: Homemade rigatoni with vodka sauce, with soup or salad. Entrée prices: $15-$40. Extras: Full bar, carry-out, catering, outdoor dining, private parties. M 11:30-2 & 4-10, T-F 11:30-10, Sat 4-11, Sun 2-9. Reservations: Recommended. n Carlucci: 1801 Butterfield Rd, Downers Grove. 630 512-0990. Rustic Italian restaurant serving Tuscan cuisine. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 12. Chef’s Choice: Linguini bobonato. Entrée prices: $12-$33. Extras: Carry-out, private dining, outdoor dining, bar open later, live entertainment. Lunch M-F 11:30-3:30; Dinner M-Th 3:30-9:30, F 3:30-10:30, Sat 4:30-10:30, Sun 4:30-9:30. Reservations: Recommended. n Carmina’s: 1055 N Randall Rd, Elgin. 847 760-6000. Authentic Mexican cuisine in a casual environment. Capacity: 450. Yrs in bus: 13.5. Chef’s Choice: Fajitas. Entrée prices: $9-$16. Extras: Outdoor dining, bar, banquets, drink and lunch specials, carry-out, catering, kids’ menu. Sun-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11. Reservations: Yes. n Carol’s Garden: 515 S Schmale Rd, Carol Stream. 630 260-0303. Breakfast, lunch and dinner in a casual, family friendly setting. Capacity: 220. Yrs in bus: 32. Chef’s Choice: Flaming Saganaki and Banana Bread French Toast. Entrée prices: $7-$19, Avg: $13. Extras: Carry-out, wine and beer, daily specials, free Wi-Fi. M-Sun 6 am-11 pm. Reservations: Yes, for 6 or more. n Carrabba’s Italian Grill: 1001 W 75th St,

Woodridge. 630 427-0900. Authentic Italian food cooked up by two Sicilian boys from Texas. Capacity: 250. Yrs in bus: 13. Chef’s Choice: Chicken marsala. Entrée prices: $12-$30. Extras: Bar, carry-out, private luncheons, summer patio. M-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11, Sun 11-9. Reservations: No, call-ahead seating available. Additional location at 944 S Rt 59, Naperville, 630 355-3234.

prices: $12-$28. Extras: Carry-out, bar, banquets, family friendly, Sun brunch 10-2, entertainment F-Sat, catering. Sun-Th 11-9:30, F-Sat 11-10:30 (bar open later). Reservations: Yes. n Catch Thirty-Five: 35 S Washington St, Naperville. 630 717-3500. A deep and interesting variety of flavorful seafood and premium steaks in an uptown atmosphere. Capacity: 192. Yrs in bus: 11. Chef’s Choice: Chilean sea bass. Entrée prices: $16-$50. Extras: Bar, private parties, family friendly, outdoor dining, valet parking T-Sat. Lunch M-Sat 11:30-4; Dinner M-Sat 4-10, Sun 4-9. Reservations: Yes. n The Cellar Bistro: 132 N Hale St, Wheaton.

630 653-6299. Award-winning, healthy American cuisine in an intimate, urban neighborhood setting featuring food from local farmers and vendors. Capacity: 50, plus 23 on an outdoor patio. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Weekly Fresh fish. Entrée prices: $12-$34. Extras: Outdoor dining, gluten-free and vegan menu, kids' menu, brunch on Sun, wine list, private parties. M-Th 11:30-9, F-Sat 11:30-10, Sun 11-9. Reservations: Yes, call or Open Table. n Chama Gaucha: 3008 Finley Rd, Downers

Grove. 630 324-6002. A Brazilian churrasco-style steakhouse featuring 14 meat selections, a large salad bar and award-winning service. Capacity: 350. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Picanha. Entrée prices: $30-$50. Extras: Full bar, extensive wine list, private rooms seating 25-75, all-you-can-eat dining. Lunch M-F 11:30-2; Dinner M-Th 5-9:30, F 5-10, Sat 4-10, Sun 4-8:30. Reservations: Recommended. n Champps Americana: 2301 Fountain Square

Dr, Lombard. 630 627-3334. Burgers, entrees, beer and more in a sports bar with the “best seats outside the stadium.” Capacity: 360. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s Choice: Nashville Hot Chicken. Entrée prices: $10-$20. Extras: Carry-out, bar, outdoor dining, entertainment, private parties. Sun-Th 11-1 am, F-Sat 11-2 am. Reservations: No, but call-ahead seating available. n Chandler’s Chophouse & Grille 401 N Roselle Rd, Schaumburg. 847 885-9009. Steaks, seafood and chops with a classic feel and golf theme overlooking the Schaumburg Golf Club. Capacity: 200. Yrs in bus: 21. Chef’s Choice: Prime Steak & fresh seafood. Entrée prices: $10-$25, Avg: $15. Extras: Outdoor dining, bar, carry-out, five private party rooms, daily specials, kids’ menu, gluten-free options. Sun & T-Th 8 am-9 pm, M 11-9, F-Sat 8 am-10 pm (hours change in December). Reservations: Recommended. n Charleston On the River: 1 Illinois St, St. Charles. 630 549-7712. Comfort food served in an upscale, casual atmosphere. Capacity: 150. Mths in bus: 6. Chef’s Choice: Seared salmon with mushroom and tomato risotto. Entrée prices: $11-$26. Extras: 12 HD TVs, seasonal patio, Sat & Sun brunch 9-2, live music, full bar, 12 beers on tap, extensive wine list, carry-out. T-Th 11-11, F-Sat 11-1 am, Sun 11-9. Reservations: Yes. n Charlie Fox’s Pizzeria: 3341 W Main St, St.

n Casa Margarita: 32 S La Grange Rd,

La Grange. 708 354-2272. Authentic Mexican food and “best margarita in the Midwest,” served in Mexican-inspired décor. Capacity: 200. Yrs in bus: 21. Chef’s Choice: Fajitas. Entrée prices: $12-$18. Extras: Carry-out, catering, banquets, family friendly, bar, outdoor dining. Sun-Th 11-10:30, F-Sat 11-11:30. Reservations: Yes. Additional locations at 145 S Weber Rd, Bolingbrook, 630 378-9200; and 25 E Hinsdale Ave, Hinsdale, 630 455-9000. n Casey’s Restaurant & Bar: 415 E North Ave, Lombard. 630 932-4777. Steaks, fresh fish and sandwiches in a casual atmosphere. Capacity: 185 at 45 tables. Yrs in bus: 32. Chef’s Choice: Casey’s Prime Rib, Sauted Perch, Beef Stroganoff. Entrée

Charles. 630 443-8888. Casual, family friendly pizzeria offering pizza, pasta, salads and more. Capacity: 64. Yrs in bus: 13. Chef’s Choice: Thin crust pizza. Entrée prices: $10-$30. Extras: Carry-out, delivery, catering, beer and wine, unlimited pizza and pop parties, daily specials, lunch combos. Sun-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-11. Reservations: No. n Chatfield’s: 1400 Corporetum Dr, Lisle; in the

Hyatt Hotel. 630 852-1234. American cuisine and comfort food in a business-casual atmosphere with soft lighting and elegant décor. Capacity: 92. Yrs in bus: 25. Chef’s Choice: NY Strip Steak. Entrée prices: $11-$30. Extras: Bar, banquets, family friendly. Breakfast M-F 6 am-10 am, Sat-Sun 7 am-11 am; Lunch M-Sun 11-2 pm; Dinner M-Sun 5:30-10. Reservations: Yes.

n Cheesecake Factory: 2020 Spring Rd, Oakbrook Center, Oak Brook. 630 573-1800. Over 220 menu items from around the world including signature cheesecakes served in a cosmopolitan ambiance. Capacity: 491. Yrs in bus: 12. Chef’s Choice: Chicken Madeira. Entrée prices: $9-$30. Extras: Heated outdoor dining, bar, carry-out, catering, appetizer bar menu, reduced-calorie menu, Brunch on Sun 10-2, bi-annual rotating menu. M-Th 11-11, F-Sat 11am-midnight, Sun 10 am-11 pm. Reservations: Yes, not on weekends. Additional location at 53 Woodfield Rd, Woodfield Mall, Schaumburg, 847 619-1090. n Chef Shangri-La: 7930 W 26th St, North Riverside. 708 442-7080. Tropical setting featuring a 39-year original recipe on all signature dishes and cocktails. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 40. Chef’s Choice: Teriyaki beef tenderloin. Entrée prices: $8-$32. Extras: Tiki bar, catering, carry-out, delivery, slot machines, private parties, live entertainment on select Fridays and Saturdays. M-W 11:30-10:30, Th-F 11:30 a.m.-1 a.m., Sat noon-1 a.m., Sun noon-8:30 (tiki bar open later). Reservations: Yes, for 5 or more. n Chevy’s Fresh Mex: 1180 N Plaza Dr, Schaumburg.

847 413-9100. California fresh Mex food in an energetic, cantina-style ambiance with festive music. Capacity: 324. Yrs in bus: 14. Chef’s Choice: Fajitas. Entrée prices: $7-$20, Avg: $11. Extras: Carry-out, bar, seasonal specials, banquet menu, “El Machino” fresh tortilla maker, family friendly. M-Sun 11-10. Reservations: Yes. n The Chew Chew: 33 E Burlington St, Riverside. 708 447-8781. Daily-printed menu offering eclectic American cuisine in a comfortable space. Capacity: 110. Yrs in bus: 20. Chef’s Choice: Fresh seafood and steaks. Entrée prices: $10-$30. Extras: Lounge, bar, carry-out, catering, happy hour, outdoor dining. M-Sat 4-9, Sun 4-8. Reservations: Yes. n Chez Moi Café: 415 W State St, Geneva. 331 248-0654. French-inspired café serving French crêpes, galettes, quiches, salads, sandwiches and baked goods. Capacity: 50. Yrs in bus: 4. Chef’s Choice: Freshly made crepes. Entrée prices: $3-$12. Extras: Carry-out, catering, private dining, beer and wine, crepe station. M-Sat 7:30 am-3 pm. Reservations: Yes. n Chianti’s: 201 S Third St, Geneva. 630 232-0212. Italian fare served in a casual atmosphere. Capacity: 70. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Cajun chicken tortellini. Entrée prices: $10-$20. Extras: Carry-out, outdoor dining, catering, private parties, full bar, small/large entrée portions. T-Th 11:30-9, F-Sat 11:30-10, Sun noon-8. Reservations: Yes, recommended on weekends. n Chicago Fire Oven: 5440 N River Rd, Rosemont.

847 928-3860. Specialties from the blazing stone fire oven, featuring thin-crust pizzas, tender steaks and more. Capacity: 78. Yrs in bus: 6. Chef’s Choice: Signature burger. Entrée prices: Avg: $14. Extras: Carry-out, bar, weekly specials. Breakfast M-Sun 6-11 am; Lunch M-Sun 11 am-2 pm; Dinner M-Sun 5-11. Reservations: Yes. n Chicago Prime Italian: 1370 Bank Dr, Schaumburg. 847 240-1414. Schaumburg’s only family-owned Italian eatery. Capacity: 220. Yrs in bus: 2. Chef’s Choice: Chicken Vesuvio and eggplant salad. Entrée prices: $15-$35. Extras: Private events, lounge, live music, daily lounge specials, fresh seafood, two sommeliers on staff, family friendly. M-Th 3-10, F-Sat 2-11, Sun 2-9. Reservations: Recommended. Affiliated with Chicago Prime Steakhouse, 1444 E Algonquin Rd, Schaumburg, 847 969-9900. n Chicago Prime Steakhouse: 1444 E Algonquin

Rd, Schaumburg. 847 969-9900. Schaumburg’s only independent prime steakhouse, offering awardwinning prime aged steak, seafood, and a notable


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wine list. Capacity: 220. Yrs in bus: 17. Chef’s Choice: Bone-in Filet, Thai Buffalo Shrimp. Entrée prices: $24-$55, includes soup or salad. Extras: Private dining rooms, live entertainment T-Sat, year-round outdoor patio, daily lounge specials, fresh seafood flown in five days per week, sommeliers on staff. M-Th 3-10 pm, F-Sat 3-11, Sun 3-9, bar/lounge open M-Sun until midnight-1 am. Reservations: Recommended. n Chicago’s Chicken & Waffles: 543 Madison St, Oak Park. 708 524-3300. Southern-style soul food featuring a number of chicken and waffle combinations. Capacity: 95. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s Choice: Fried chicken and waffles. Entrée prices: $7-$17. Extras: Carry-out, catering, delivery, BYOB after 5, kids eat free W, karaoke thur, live jazz Fri-Sat. Sun-Wed 8 am-9 pm, Th 8 am-10 pm, F-Sat 8am-11 pm. Reservations: No. n Chicks ‘N Salsa: 874 Roosevelt Rd, Glen Ellyn. 630 790-1100. Healthy Mexican fare in a Pueblo style diner and upbeat atmosphere. Capacity: 110. Yrs in bus: 12. Chef’s Choice: Grilled or battered baja fish tacos. Entrée prices: $3-$8, Avg:$5. Extras: Carry-out, catering, kid’s menu, outdoor patio, private parties, curb-side pick-up, pet-friendly. M-F 8 am-9 pm, Sat 10-9, Sun 11-8. Reservations: Yes, for 8 or more. n Chili’s: 1330A W 75th St, Downers Grove. 630 963-5515. Grilled American fare and salads in a casual setting. Capacity: 240. Yrs in bus: 31. Chef’s choice: Fajitas and baby-back ribs. Entrée prices: $9-$18. Extras: Carry-out, catering, online ordering. M-Th 11-10:30, F-Sat 11-11:30, Sun 11-10. Reservations: Call-ahead seating available. Additional locations in Aurora, Batavia, Bloomingdale, Bolingbrook, Hoffman Estates, Naperville, Riverside, Oswego, Plainfield, Romeoville, Rosemont, South Elgin, St. Charles, Streamwood, West Dundee and Wheaton. n China Chef: 42 N Cass Ave, Westmont. 630 964-9401. Traditional Chinese fare in a casual, family-oriented atmosphere. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 44. Chef’s Choice: Mongolian Seafood Noodle and Kung Pao Trio. Entrée prices: $5-$22, Avg: $10. Extras: Carry-out, delivery, catering, full bar. M-Th 11:30-9, F-Sat 11:30-10, Sun noon-9. Reservations: Yes. n Chinese Kitchen: 6551 S Cass Ave, Westmont. 630 968-3828. Cantonese-style Chinese cuisine, featuring both ‘Authentic’ and ‘American’ Chinese menus. Capacity: 60. Yrs in bus: 13. Chef’s Choice: Beef tenderloin in black pepper sauce. Entrée prices: $8-$20. Extras: Carry-out, delivery, lunch specials, catering. M-Th 11-9, F 11-10, Sat noon-10, Sun noon-9. Reservations: Yes. n Chinn’s 34th Street Fishery: 3011 W Ogden Ave, Lisle. 630 637-1777. Seafood, steaks and pasta served in a casual maritime setting. Capacity: 200 at 46 tables. Yrs in bus: 20. Chef’s Choice: Dover sole and king crab legs. Entrée prices: $15-$49. Extras: Bar, carry-out, private parties, kids’ menu, family friendly. M-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-11, Sun 3-9. Reservations: No, but call-ahead seating available. n Choun’s: 226 W Front St, Wheaton. 630 868-3303. Fresh and flavorful blend of Thai specialties along with a selection of American dishes with a Thai twist. Capacity: 40 plus 80 in private dining room. Mths in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Curry bowls. Entrée prices: Avg: $14 Extras: Private dining, full bar, 10 beers on tap, kids' and gluten-free menus, 5 ft bamboo ceiling fixture, carry-out, catering, TVs, free Wi-Fi. T-Sun 11:30-9, F-Sat 11:30-10. Reservations: Yes. n Cine Modern Taqueria: 29 E First St, Hinsdale. 630 590-5655. Contemporary Mexican restaurant serving quality Latin fare. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Mole Negro. Entrée prices: $16-$30. Extras: Outdoor dining, carry-out, delivery, daily specials, full bar, live entertainment on Th, free kids' tacos on Sun. Lunch T-Sat 11:30-2:30; Dinner Sun-M 5-9, T-Th 4-10, F-Sat 4-11. Reservations: Yes. n Citrine Café: 100 S. Oak Park Ave, Oak Park. 708 948-7328. Mediterranean inspired cuisine in a


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DIning modern atmosphere. Capacity: 127. Mths in bus: 6. Chef’s Choice: Charred Octopus or Daily Health sausages Entrée prices: $14-$24. Extras: TVs, full bar, sommelier, wines from around the world, outdoor seating. M-F 4:30-10, Sat-Sun 4:30-11, Sun brunch 10:30-2. Reservations: Yes. n Citrus Diner: 844 E Ogden Ave, Westmont 630 655-1840. Fun, fresh, family atmosphere with a large menu of waffles, pancakes, sandwiches and more. Capacity: 140. Yrs: 2. Chef’s Choice: Tortilla Soup & Hokuna Frittata. Entrée prices: $9-$15. Extras: Kids' menu, catering. M-Sun 7-2:30. Reservations: No. n CityGate Grille: 2020 Calamos Ct, Naperville. 630 718-1010. Fine dining serving contemporary American fare in a steakhouse atmosphere. Capacity: 220. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Seared Diver Scallops and Steak Risotto. Entrée prices: $18-$39, Avg: $25. Extras: Live music F-Sat, private parties, catering, kids’ menu. M-Th 11:30-9, F 11:30-10, Sat 5-10 (bar open later F-Sat). Reservations: Yes. n Claddagh Irish Pub: 1702 Commons Dr,

Geneva. 630 208-0337. Classic pub serving traditional Irish food and spirits above a serene pond. Capacity: 291. Yrs in bus: 13. Chef’s Choice: Fish and chips. Entrée prices: $8-$25. Extras: Outdoor dining, weekend entertainment, carry-out, outside and inside bar, seasonal food & drink menu, drink specials, private parties. Sun-W 11-10, Th 11-11, F-Sat 11-midnight. Reservations: Yes. n Claim Jumper Restaurant: 92 Yorktown

Center, Lombard. 630 932-4290. Steak, chicken, burgers, salads and more in a rustic, family friendly atmosphere. Capacity: 650. Yrs in bus: 10. Chef’s Choice: Chicken pot pie. Entrée prices: $10-$36. Extras: Bar, wine list, stone fireplace, outdoor dining, kids’ menu, gluten-free menu, vegetarian menu, happy hour, TVs, Sun brunch 10-2. Sun-Th 11-9:30, F-Sat 11-10:30. Reservations: Yes. n Clara’s: 6550 S Rt 53, Woodridge. 630 968-8899. Fresh homemade pastas and sauces, fresh seafood, handmade wood stone pizzas, veal and beef dishes. Capacity: 275. Yrs in bus: 29. Chef’s Choice: Shrimp Ersilia. Entrée prices: $8-$35, Avg: $12. Extras: Bar, patio, catering, carry-out, family friendly. T-Th 4-9, F-Sat noon-10, Sun noon-9. Reservations: Yes. n The Clubhouse: 298 Oakbrook Center, Oak

Brook. 630 472-0600. Upscale American cuisine in a sparkling, world-class country club setting. Capacity: 400 on multi-levels. Yrs in bus: 19. Chef’s Choice: Chicken Romano and pecan-crusted tilapia. Entrée prices: $11-$38. Extras: Full bar, outdoor dining, carry-out, kids’ menu. Lunch M-Sun 11-4; Dinner M-Th 4-10:30, F-Sat 4-11:30, Sun 4-9:30; Sun brunch buffet 10-2. Reservations: Recommended. n Cocoa Bean: 11 S Seventh St, Geneva. 630 845-2990. Gourmet pastry shop and café specializing in everything from croissants to wedding cakes, to coffees and espresso drinks, soups and paninis. Capacity: 22. Yrs in bus: 12. Chef’s Choice: Almond Croissant. Entrée prices: $4-$8. Extras: Specials, spring and summer outdoor dining, free parking, catering, family friendly. T-F 7 am-5:30 pm, Sat 8 am-4 pm, Sun 8 am-noon. Reservations: No. n Colonial Café: 1625 E Main St, St. Charles. 630 584-4647. Everything from breakfast to desserts served in an urban, contemporary setting. Capacity: 250. Yrs in bus: 56. Chef’s Choice: Kitchen Sink super dessert. Entrée prices: $6-$10. Extras: Carry-out, family friendly, kids eat free on Monday nights, catering, craft beer and wine. Sun-Th 6 am-10 pm, F-Sat 6 am-11 pm. Reservations: For larger groups. Additional locations at 1961 W Galena Rd, Aurora, 630 844-2444; 600 S McLean Blvd, Elgin, 847 888-3939; 1101 S Washington St, Naperville, 630 420-7722; and 552 S Randall Rd, St. Charles, 630 443-8338. n Connie’s Pizza: 515 Roosevelt Rd, Glen Ellyn,

n n n n Chef Profile

Kory Kove

Head Chef at Fuller House in Hinsdale

Years as a chef and in your current position? Working in the kitchen for five years and one year as a head chef in my current position. n

When did you first get interested in cooking and what sparked that interest? When I was at family gatherings, I would help my dad and grandma prepare all the food for our family.


What is your culinary training? Culinary degree from College of DuPage n

Mentors you learned most about cooking from? Pretty much all my family cooked so I learned a lot from them. I have family in different parts of the U.S., so I was able to learn about different areas. n


Your go-to cookbook? The Professional Chef

n Favorite ingredients to work with? Pork, avocados and poblano n Favorite dish to make and why? Mac & cheese because it is a go-to comfort dish and you can create it in multiple ways, like adding pulled pork or jalapenos to it.

Most unusual ingredient you have used in a dish? Cow tongue for tacos


If not a chef, what career would you have likely pursued? Audio Engineer. I'm big on music.


Favorite restaurant you’ve ever eaten in? Publican in Chicago is one of my favorites. They do everything so well and it's perfect for sharing.


Three words to describe you and/or your cooking style? Comfort, spicy, and hearty


Top tips for foodie home cooks or aspiring chefs? Learn the basics like how to cut, as well as the theory of actual cooking, especially temperatures. n

Five must have items for any good cook’s home kitchen? Quality knives, different style cookbooks, cutting board, cast iron skillet and thermometer n

Hobbies when not cooking? Playing guitar, relaxing and watching sports, and hitting up new places, especially breweries.


How many meals come out of your kitchen on a busy weekend night? Around 300


Who is the chef you most admire and why? Sean Brock is one of my favorites. I like his southern style of cooking and that he has a taco restaurant. n

Favorite west suburban restaurant to eat at other than yours? Bricks Wood Fired Pizza has some of my favorite sandwiches when I’m looking for something quick.


How often do you cook at home and what is your favorite dish to make there? Rarely at home! But if I am cooking, you can find me making some kind of tacos.


Guilty pleasure or junk food you really enjoy? 100% Taco Bell



Your last meal would be? Veal Parmesan

How do you determine what dishes to put on your menu, both as regular items and specials? After being open for a year at Fuller House, we are learning every day what our customers are looking for. I like to see the responses from our customers to certain specials and we are always testing out new items.


Favorite kitchen utensil you couldn’t live without? Set of sharp knives, preferably Wusthof


Personal cooking philosophy? Always stand behind what you’re serving and how you are serving it.


630 403-2400. Italian specialities and pizza in a casual setting. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 31. Chef’s Choice: Deep dish pizza. Entrée prices: $8-$20. Extras: Carry-out, delivery, bar, family friendly, online ordering, banquets, catering. Sun-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-11. Reservations: Yes. n COOPER'S HAWK WINERY & RESTAURANT: 510

Village Center Dr, Burr Ridge. 630 887-0123. Upscale, yet casual dining featuring award-winning wines from Cooper’s Hawk’s own winery. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Gnocchi Carbonara. Entrée prices: $10-$30. Extras: Outdoor patio, bar, wine club, tasting room, retail boutique, private

parties, full wine list, live music Th-Sat. M-Th 11-9:30, F-Sat 11-10:30, Sun 11-9. Reservations: Recommended. Additional locations at 100 W Higgins Rd, South Barrington, 847 836- 9463; and 1740 Freedom Dr, Naperville, 630 245-8000. n Coop’s Den: 148 W Boughton Rd, Bolingbrook. 630 759-0148. Classic American fare and live entertainment in a comfortable atmosphere. Capacity: 230. Yrs in bus: 4. Chef’s Choice: Salmon Teriyake. Entrée prices: $20-$37. Extras: Bar, carry-out, catering, private parties, DJ F-Sat. W-Th 4-midnight, F-Sat 11-2 am, Sun 11 am-midnight. Reservations: No.


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 CORNER BAKERY: 42 E Hinsdale Ave, Hinsdale. 630 850-7587. Salads, pastas, sandwiches and sweets in a casual, deli-style setting for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Capacity: 100. Yrs in bus: 17. Entrée prices: $3-$8. Extras: Carry-out, catering, free Wi-Fi, family friendly. M-F 6:30 am-9 pm, Sat 7:30 am-8 pm, Sun 7:30 am-5 pm. Reservations: No. Additional locations at 1614 Commons Dr, Geneva, 630 845-1738; 39 N LaGrange Rd, La Grange, 708 579-5410; 240 Oakbrook Center, Oak Brook, 630 368-0505; 1901 E Woodfield Rd, Schaumburg, 847 240-1111; and 28258 Diehl Rd, Warrenville, 630 836-1689.  COUNTRY HOUSE: 2095 S Kirk Rd, Geneva. 630 208-8181. Steaks, burgers, sandwiches, seafood, salads and pasta in a casual and rustic setting. Capacity: 240 at 30 tables inside, 70 outside. Yrs in bus: 40. Chef’s Choice: Country Cheeseburger. Entrée prices: $9-$20, Avg: $12. Extras: Carry-out, bar, kids’ menu, outdoor dining, catering and banquets. Sun-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11; bar open until 1 am daily. Reservations: Yes. Additional locations at 241 55th St, Clarendon Hills, 630 325-1444; and 6460 College Rd, Lisle, 630 983-0545.  COZYMEL’S: 311 E Loop Rd, Wheaton. 630 871-1030. Authentic Mexican food in a tropical oasis atmosphere. Capacity: 299. Yrs in bus: 22. Chef’s Choice: Fajitas. Entrée prices: $10-$17. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, family friendly, carry-out, banquets. Sun-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11. Reservations: Yes.  CRAFT WORKS PIZZA: 40W134 Campton

Crossings Dr, St. Charles. 630 945-3325. Hand-crafted pizzas and flatbreads, paninis, soups, salads and craft beers and sodas. Extras: Bar, outdoor patio, online ordering, delivery. M-Th 4-10, F-Sun 11-11. Reservations: No

 THE CRAFTSMAN BY TWO BROTHERS 16 W Jefferson, Naperville. Slated to open in October, artisan café with a farm-to-table focus in a modern tavern. Affiliated with Two Brothers Historic Roundhouse, 205 N Broadway, Aurora, 630 892-0034; and Two Brothers Tap House, 30W315 Calumet Ave, Warrenville, 630 393-2337.

27 Zagat Rated — Your Neighborhood Gem Join us for a night of carefree dining and conversation, and we’ll make it memorable.


PLUS: Handcrafted Cocktails + Great Craft Beers + Comfortable, Upscale Bar

Park Rd, Wood Dale. 630 860-0055. American fare including ribs, burgers, seafood, wings and pizza served in a family sports bar setting. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 12. Chef’s Choice: Wings and ribs. Entrée prices: $6-$20. Extras: Karaoke, live music, bar, dance floor, outdoor and porch dining, video gaming, party packages, delivery, catering. Sun-Th 11:30-1 am, F-Sat 11:30-2 am. Reservations: Yes, for 6 or more.  CROSSTOWN PUB & GRILL: 1890 Mill St, Batavia. 630 406-0669. Gastropub with specialty wings, burgers and flatbreads. Capacity: 200. Yrs in bus: 1.5. Chef’s Choice: Specialty chicken wings. Entrée prices: $8-$13. Extras: Gluten-free menu, catering, TVs, full bar. Sun-Th 11-1 am, F-Sat 11-2 am. Reservations: Yes, though not Th-Sat. Additional location at 909 E Ogden Ave, Naperville, 630 357-9775.  CUCINA PARADISO: 814 North Blvd, Oak Park. 708 848-3434. Award-winning classical and modern regional Italian cuisine including famous thin-crust pizzas and flavorful antipasto dishes. Capacity: 125. Yrs in bus: 21. Chef’s Choice: Rotating chef specials. Entrée prices: $14-$26. Extras: Carry-out, bar, outdoor dining, catering, private parties, rotating menu. M-Th 5-9:30, F-Sat 5-10:30, Sun 5-9. Reservations: Yes, recommended on weekends.

535 W Liberty Drive, Wheaton (630) 784-8015 www.adelles.com Dining Room Hours: T - Th 4:30 - 9 p.m. F & Sat 4:30 - 10 p.m. Sunday 4 - 8 p.m.

 CUCINOVA: 800 E Ogden Ave, Westmont. 630 246-2400. Fast casual restaurant that serves up the flavors of Naples, Italy with a modern twist, in the form of creatively customized pizzas, pastas and salads made-to-order. Capacity: 60, plus 20 outside. Mths in bus: 3 Chef’s Choice: Wood-stoned pizzas. Entrée prices: Avg: $8. Extras: Beer & wine, made-to-order food, owned by Ditka’s. M-Sat 11-10, Sun 11-9. Reservations: No. WEST SUBURBAN LIVING | WWW.WESTSUBURBANLIVING.NET | SEPTEMBER 2016 65

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|D| n The Dam Bar & Grill: 65 N River Ln, Geneva. 630 845-3266. Classic American grill food and spirits in a historic building with a fun, casual ambiance. Capacity: 70. Yrs in bus: 6. Chef’s Choice: The Dam Beaver Burger. Entree prices: Avg: $8. Extras: Full bar, kids’ menu, carry-out. M-Sun 11-2 am. Reservations: Yes.

n Dao Sushi, Thai & Hibachi Restaurant 200 Burr Ridge Pkwy, Burr Ridge. 630 789-5888. Japanese and Thai cuisine featuring sushi and hibachi grill creations in a casual and tranquil environment. Capacity: 160. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Ahi tuna and Hibachi grill options. Entrée prices: $12-$40. Extras: Bar, live entertainment, hibachi grills, carry-out, catering, kids’ menu, lunch specials M-F. Lunch M-F 11-3; Dinner M-Th 4:30-10, F 4:30-11, Sat noon-11, Sun noon-9. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 17W512 22nd St, Oakbrook Terrace, 630 279-2888. Affiliated with Sushi Train, 70 S Weber Rd, Romeoville, 815 886-1166. n Dapper’s West Restaurant: 980 W Lake St, Addison. 630 543-2700. Family-style dining in a lively yet cozy atmosphere. Capacity: 280. Yrs in bus: 26. Chef’s Choice: Grecian chicken, small apple pancakes, prime rib. Entrée Prices: $10-$15. Extras: Bar, carry-out, kids’ menu, free dessert with dinner entrée. M-Sat 6 am-1 am, Sun 6 am-midnight. Reservations: No, call-ahead seating available. n Davanti Enoteca: 800 W Hillgrove Ave, Western Springs. 708 783-1060. Simple Italian fare served in a rustic wine bar setting. Capacity: 130 plus 30 on a seasonal patio. Yrs in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Focaccia di Recco, Burratta Salad and Davante Burger. Entrée prices: $11-$24. Extras: Brunch Sat 11-2 and Sun 10-2, full bar, daily specials, Bloody Mary bar, M-F rotating sandwich menu. M-T 11:30-9, W-Th 11:30-9:30, F 11:30-10, Sat 11-10, Sun 10-9 (bar open later F-Sat). Reservations: Yes. n Dave & Buster’s: 1155 N Swift Rd, Addison.

630 543-5151. American menu inside an entertainment complex. Yrs in bus: 20. Chef’s Choice: Peppercorn New York Strip. Entrée prices: $6-$17, Avg: $10. Extras: Bar, carry-out, arcade, billiards, shuffleboard, daily specials. Sun-Th 11:30-11, F-Sat 10 am-2 am. Reservations: No.

n Deacon & Mercy: 430 N Main St, Glen Ellyn. 630 942-9463. Modern bar and restaurant featuring American fare with a twist. Capacity: 135. Mths in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Deacon meatloaf and Mercy Burger. Extras: Bar, carry-out, TVs, catering, free Wi-Fi, family friendly, occasional live music. M-Th 5-10, F-Sat 5-10:30, Sun 5-9. Reservations: Recommended on weekends. n Deane’s Market & Deli: 500 S Third St, Geneva. 630 402-0139. Family-run deli and restaurant specializing in soups, sandwiches, salads and more. Capacity: 40. Chef’s Choice: Smoked Chicken Salad or Black bean hummus. Entrée prices: $8 and under. Extras: USB ports on tables, carry-out, children’s games and books available, catering. M-Th 10-7, F-Sat 10-5, Sun 10-3. Reservations: No. n Delirio: 5 W Jackson St, Naperville. 630 848-1818.

Seasonal farm-to-table restaurant featuring a chef with 18 years of experience at high-end Chicago restaurants. Capacity: 160. Mths in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Mojo bone in pork chop. Entrée price: $5-$14 for small plates and $24-$32 for large plates. Extras: Carry-out, full bar, outdoor seating, catering, free Wi-Fi, TVs, craft beers. M-Th 11:30-9:30, F-Sat 11:30-10:30, Sun 11:30-9. Reservations: Yes. n Dell Rhea Chicken Basket: 645 Joliet Rd, Willowbrook. 630 325-0780. World-famous fried

chicken in a 1940s-style Route 66 roadhouse featuring video gaming. Capacity: 225 at 40 tables. Yrs in bus: 70. Chef’s Choice: 50/50 burger and breakfast burger. Entrée prices: $10-$20, Avg: $13. Extras: Carry-out, bar, catering, over 50 beers. Sun-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10. Reservations: Yes. n DeMarco’s Ristorante: 5N105 Rt 53, Itasca. 630 285-9200. Regional Italian favorites in a comfortable atmosphere. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 23. Chef’s Choice: Zuppa di pesce. Entrée prices: $13-$32. Extras: Bar, lounge, carry-out, catering, delivery, private parties, family friendly. M-Th 11-9, F 11-10, Sat 4-10. Reservations: Yes. n Devon Seafood + steak: 17W400 22nd St, Oakbrook Terrace. 630 516-0180. Sleek, upscale venue serving fresh seafood and steak. Capacity: 237. Yrs in bus: 4. Chef’s Choice: Maple Plank Salmon Jumbo Lump Crab Cakes. Entrée prices: $21-$58, lunch $11-$25. Extras: Private banquet room, vegetarian and gluten-free menus, wine list, happy hour M-F, full bar (open later), half-priced wine bottles on Mon.days. M-11-9 T-F 11-10, Sat 4-10, Sun 4-9. Reservations: Yes. n Dickey’s Barbecue Pit: 206 Danada Square West, Wheaton. 630 590-9518. Quick-serve chain featuring quality barbecue. Chef’s Choice: Chopped beef brisket and pulled pork. Capacity: 60. Yrs in bus: 4. Entrée prices: $4-$14. Extras: Catering, carry-out, kids’ menu, kids eat free on Sun, free ice cream every day, daily specials. M-Sun 11-9. Reservations: No.

n Ditka’s: Rt 83 & 22nd St, Oakbrook Terrace. 630 572-2200. Fine dining steakhouse also offering fresh seafood, burgers and sandwiches in a hospitable and vibrant atmosphere. Capacity: 350. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Da Pork Chop and Pot Roast Nachos. Entrée prices: $10-$50. Extras: Awardwinning wine list, full bar, private rooms, breakfast on Sat& Sun 9-2, complimentary valet parking, gluten-free options. M-F 11-10, Sat 9-10, Sun 9-9. Reservations: Yes. Additional location in Chicago. n DMK Burger: 2370 Fountain Square Dr, Lombard.

630 705-9020. Casual burger place using only grass-fed beef, as well as lamb, turkey, veggie and salmon. Capacity: 100. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s Choice: Bison burger. Entrée prices: Avg: $10. Extras: Outdoor seating, carry-out, kids’ menu, family friendly, full bar. Sun-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10. Reservations: No, call-ahead seating available.

n D.O.C. Wine Bar: 326 Yorktown Center, Lombard. 630 627-6666. Light, contemporary fare featuring more than 300 wines. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Butcher’s block. Entrée prices: $9-$35. Extras: Full bar, carry-out, lounge, wine flights, retail shop, private dining, daily specials. M-Th 11:30-10, F-Sat noon-midnight, Sun noon-9:30. Reservations: Yes. n Domo 77: 2040 S Naperville Rd, Wheaton.

630 690-3277. Japanese steak, seafood and sushi prepared at your table featuring a recently redesigned sushi bar and lounge with new additions to the sushi menu. Capacity: 180. Yrs in bus: 27. Chef’s Choice: Filet lobster and French garlic shrimp. Entrée prices: $14-$34. Extras: Carry-out, bar, banquets, party packages, private rooms, group rates, birthday discounts, kids’ menu. Lunch F-Sun 11-2; Dinner M-Th 4-9, F-Sun 2-9. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 4097 Healthway Dr, Aurora, 630 692-0030. Affiliated with Japan 77, 2161 Bloomingdale Rd, Glendale Heights, 630 893-3377.

|E| n East China Inn: 915 Oak St, North Aurora. 630 896-8876. Cantonese and Szechwan cuisine in

a cozy atmosphere. Capacity: 200. Yrs in bus: 20. Chef’s Choice: General Tso’s chicken. Entrée prices: $6-$14, Avg. $8. Extras: Carry-out, delivery, full bar. M-Th 11:30-9, F-Sat 11:30-10, Sun noon-9. Reservations: Yes. Additional locations at 3450 Montgomery Rd, Aurora, 630 898-8889; and 140 W Wilson St, 630 879-7676, and 9 S Randall Rd, 630 879-5668, both in Batavia. n EastGate Café: 102 Harrison St, Oak Park.

708 660-9091. American classics including soups, salads and sandwiches served in an intimate, garden-level setting. Capacity: 30, plus 50 outside. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Open-faced steak sandwich and Half-Pound Steak Burger. Entrée prices: $11-$15. Extras: Carry-out, catering, private parties, outdoor dining, live entertainment Sat, gift shop, beer and wine. M-W 8 am-9 pm, Th-Sat 8 am10 pm, Sun 9-7. Reservations: Yes, for 8 or more.

n Eddie Merlot: 28254 Diehl Rd, Warrenville.

630 393-1900. Upscale contemporary steakhouse with a lighter ambiance also known for its wine. Capacity: 260. Yrs in bus: 4. Chef’s Choice: Prime aged steaks and wagyu. Entree prices: $23-$51. Extras: Extensive wine list, outdoor dining, lounge with drink specials. M-Th 4-10, F-Sat 4-11, Sun 4-9. Reservations: Recommended. Additional location at 201 Bridewell Dr, Burr Ridge. 630 468-2098.

n Edwardo’s Natural Pizza: 6831 W North Ave,

Oak Park. 708 524-2400. Relaxed family dining atmosphere with an Italian flair featuring pizzas prepared naturally and served casually. Capacity: 100. Yrs in bus: 32. Chef’s Choice: Stuffed spinach Pizza. Entree prices: Avg: $8. Extras: Carry-out, delivery, family friendly, kids’ menu. M 11-10, T-Th 11-10, F 11-11, Sat noon-11, Sun noon-9. Reservations: Yes.

n Egg Harbor Café: 777 N York Rd, Hinsdale.

630 920-1344. Gourmet breakfast and lunch served in a warm country setting. Capacity: 149 at 30 tables. Yrs in bus: 31. Chef’s Choice: Door County Melt and Banana Bread French Toast. Entree prices: $6-$12. Extras: Catering, carry-out, kids’ menu, gluten-free menu, daily specials, patio. M-Sun 6:30 am-2 pm. Reservations: No. Additional locations in Barrington, Downers Grove, Elmhurst, Geneva, Lombard, Naperville, Schaumburg and Wheaton.

n Egg’lectic Café: 145 N Hale St, Wheaton.

630 690-9001. Innovative menu of breakfast and lunch items in a bright, country setting. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 17. Chef’s Choice: Skillets and omelets. Entrée prices: $6-$12. Extras: Carry-out, banquets, gluten-free and healthy options, kids’ menu, monthly specials. M-Sun 6 am-3 pm. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 221 Town Square, Wheaton, 630 260-9001.

n Eggsperience Pancakes & Cafe

2727 W 75th St, Naperville. 630 548-1000. A familyowned restaurant serving pancakes and benedicts, as well as burgers and paninis. Capacity: 180. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Mushroom Spinach Skillet and Ham & Swiss Panini. Entree prices: $5-$12. Extras: Catering, carry-out, outdoor dining, family friendly. M-Sun 6 am-3 pm. Reservations: Recommended for parties of 8 or more.

n El Puente: 112 E Main St, St. Charles. 630 377-8884.

Authentic Mexican cuisine using homemade recipes and popular margaritas in a comfortable atmosphere. Capacity: 140, plus 85 in a banquet space. Yrs in bus: 17. Chef’s Choice: Carne Asada and Tacos El Pastor. Entree prices: $9-$20. Extras: Bar, carry-out, catering, banquets, family friendly. M-Th 11-9:30, F-Sat 11-10:30. Reservations: Yes.

n El Tapeo: 2100 Spring Rd, Oak Brook in the

Le Meridien Chicago Hotel. 630 828-2044. Authentic Spanish tapas in a modern atmosphere. Capacity: 79. Yrs in bus: 2. Chef’s Choice: Paella de Marisco. Entrée prices: $23-$42. Extras: Live entertainment Fridays, small plates, family style main courses. M-Th 5-10, F-Sat 5-11. Reservations: Yes.


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DIning n Elgin Public House: 219 E Chicago St, Elgin. 847 468-8810. Pub fare in a family friendly atmosphere. Capacity: 250. Yrs in bus: 10. Chef’s Choice: Burgers or sloppy joes. Entree prices: $8-$24. Extras: Carry-out, pub trivia night on W, half-priced burgers on M, brunch buffet on Sundays, M-Th 11 am-1 am, F-Sat 11 am-2 am, Sun 10 am-midnight. Reservations: Yes. Affiliated with the Grumpy Goat Tavern, 875 Sports Way, Elgin, 847 931-5950.

n Erik’s Deli: 107 N Oak Park Ave, Oak Park.

708 848-8805. Gourmet sandwiches and large salad bar in a contemporary atmosphere featuring burritos, paninis and wraps. Capacity: 100. Yrs in bus: 37. Chef’s Choice: Chicken salad. Entrée prices: $9-$10. Extras: Family friendly, carry-out, breakfast on weekends. M-F 10:30-8, Sat-Sun 9-8. Reservations: Yes.

n n n n Recently Opened

Grill 89/Cucinova

Smokehouse fare and wood-fired pizza in Westmont


itka’s Restaurant Group

Additionally, there’s a

raised its profile with

full-service bar and from the

the recent opening of two

main dining room, guests

casual eateries, Grill 89 and

have a view of Executive Chef

Cucinova, both on the

Scott Wegener’s kitchen. The

same premises at 800 E.

place is open daily and offers

Ogden Ave., Westmont but

brunch Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Grill 89 (630 570-5889) seats

At fast-casual Cucinova

about 120 diners and has a

(630 246-2400), diners can

modern, industrial feel, says

choose from wood-fired pizza

available, and Cucinova

Chrissy Guilfoyle, one of the

— available in three minutes —

serves lunch and dinner daily.

managers. Its menu specializes

homemade pasta or made-

“What gives us an edge

in smokehouse fare, such

to-order salad. Each dish starts

that sets us apart is that we

as West Texas 18-Hour Beef

at $8, though customizing

make our own dough, pasta

Brisket and pulled barbecue

ingredients can elevate

and sauces,” says General

pork, but diners also can find

the price. The venue seats

Manager Christina Petrungaro.

grilled burgers, fish tacos and

60 indoors and about 20

"We also shred our own cheeses

rotisserie chicken. Entrées

more outside.

and prepare our own chicken

range in price from $10 to $25.

Beer and wine only are

and salmon.”


T.R. Witom

n Ellyn’s Tap & Grill: 940 Roosevelt Rd, Glen Ellyn. 630 942-0940. Casual American fare and craft beers served in a comfortable, family friendly environment. Capacity: 123. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Burgers or Italian beef egg rolls. Entrée prices: $8-$17. Extras: Jukebox, bar, kids' menu, free Wi-Fi, carry-out, daily specials. Sun-Th 11-1 am, F-Sat 11-2 am. Reservations: Yes, for 10 or more.

n Esteban’s: 1550 Rt 59, Naperville. 630 579-3262.

n Emilio’s Tapas Bar: 4100 Roosevelt Rd, Hillside. 708 547-7177. Spanish tapas in an authentic countryside atmosphere. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 28. Chef’s Choice: Paella and datiles con bacon. Entree prices: $6-$16 per person. Extras: flowered patio, online reservations, carry-out, bar, family friendly, “Tapeo” $1.95 bites menu 4:30-6:30 M-Fri, GrubHub and Yelp Eat 24, live entertainment Fridays, full bar, catering. M 4:30-9:30, T-Th 11:30-9:30, F-Sat 11:30-10, Sun 4-9. Reservations: Yes.

n Euro Crepes: 584 Crescent Blvd, Glen Ellyn.

n Empire Burgers & Brews: 48 W Chicago Ave,

Naperville. 630 355-9000. Craft beers and burgers in an urban atmosphere. Extras: Carry-out, full bar, whiskey selection, live music, outdoor seating, happy hour. M-Th 11-1 am, F-Sat 11-2 am, Sun 11-midnight. Reservations: Accepted.

|F| n Famous Dave’s: 704 Janes Ave, Bolingbrook. 630 783-1502. Smoked ribs, chicken and burgers served in the rustic setting of a timber hunting lodge. Capacity: 225. Yrs in bus: 10. Chef’s Choice: St. Louis spare ribs. Entrée prices: $9-$24, Avg: $12. Extras: Bar, catering, carry-out, kids’ menu. Sun-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11. Reservations: No. Additional locations at 1631 W Lake St, Addison, 630 261-0100; 2440 Rt 34, Oswego, 630 551-4733; and 7201 W 25th St, North Riverside, 708 447-8848. n Fareways Grill At Cantigny: 27W270 Mack Rd, Wheaton. 630 260-8194. American cuisine served in a country club setting with golf course views. Capacity: 100. Yrs in bus: 27. Chef’s Choice: Burgers. Entrée prices: $10-$15. Extras: Outdoor dining, Adjacent Red Oak Room available for banquets and private functions. Lounge M-Sun 7 am-dusk; Breakfast T-Sun 7-11 am; Dining room M-Sun 11-dusk during golf season. Reservations: Yes.

occupying separate kitchens.

n Emmett’s Ale House: 5200 Main St, Downers Grove. 630 434-8500. An original brew pub offering upscale, gourmet cuisine and handcrafted beer. Capacity: 246. Yrs in bus: 13. Chef’s Choice: Fish and chips. Entree prices: $9-$22. Extras: Bar, in-house brewed beer, carry-out, party rooms, free Wi-Fi, happy hour, family friendly, outdoor dining. M-W 11-midnight, Th-Sat 11-1 am, Sun 11-10. Reservations: Yes. Affiliated with Emmett’s Tavern and Brewing, 128 W Main St, West Dundee, 847 428-4500.

F 11:30-2 am, Sat noon-2 am, Sun noon-1 am. Reservations: Yes.

Latin cuisine served in an elegant ambiance with an intimate event venue inside the restaurant. Capacity: 339. Yrs. in bus: 16. Chef’s Choice: Arroz con Gandules Y Lechon. Entrée prices: $12-$18. Extras: Bistro seating, dance lessons T-Sat nights, live salsa band every other Sat. T-T 10:30-9, Fri 10:30-2 am. Reservations: Recommended.

630 403-2061. Fresh, healthy and flavorful crepe options in a cosmopolitan scene. Mths in bus: 2. Chef’s Choice: Create-your-own crepe. Entrée prices: $7-$9. Extras: Carry-out, family friendly. M-F 10-6, Sat 9-8, Sun 9-6. Reservations: No.

n EvenFlow Music & Spirits: 302 W State St,

Geneva. 331 248-0269. Upscale pub fare in a fun, relaxed setting. Capacity: 220. Yrs in bus: 4. Chef’s Choice: EvenFlow Burger. Entrée prices: $8-15. Extras: Live entertainment, full bar, local craft beers, private parties. T-Th 5:30 pm-1 am, F-Sat 3 pm-2 am, Sun noon-8. Reservations: No.

n The Evergreen pub & Grill: 1400 W Main St, St. Charles. 331 901-5142. Grill and local pub specializing in fresh food in a casual atmosphere. Entrée prices: $12-$19. Extras: Family friendly, juke box, karaoke, full bar, outdoor seating, TVs. M-Sun 11-2 am. Reservations: Accepted. n Evviva!: 1017 Front St, Lisle. 630 241-9955. Bar

and eatery known for its award-winning pizza. Capacity: 140. Yrs in bus: 10. Chef’s Choice: Tony Salerno’s pizza. Entrée prices: $7-$17. Extras: Bar, private parties, outdoor patio, carry-out, catering, weekly specials. M 3-1 am, T-Th 11:30-1 am,

n Fat Duck Tavern & Grill: 7218 W Madison St, Forest Park. 708 488-1493. Upscale pub fare featuring duck selections and over 20 microbrews in a casual setting. Capacity: 100 inside, 100 outside. Yrs in bus: 6. Chef’s Choice: Duck fat fries and duck fat burger. Entrée prices: $7-$17. Extras: Two bars, outdoor dining,carry-out, private parties, daily specials, beer garden,late night menu 10-midnight Sun-Th, Fri-Sat 11-1. Sun-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11 (bars open until 2 am or later). Reservations: Yes, for 5 or more. n Fat Ricky’s: 13717 S Rt. 30, Plainfield.

815 230-2300. Family-owned pizzeria and pasta restaurant with food made to order and an extensive menu. Capacity: 40. Yrs in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Old-World style pizza. Entrée prices: $8-$12. Extras: Carry-out, catering, delivery, kids' menu, made to order with an extensive menu. M-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11, Sun 11-9. Reservations: No.

n Features Bar & Grill: 10 & 16 W Chicago Ave, Naperville. 630 416-3310. Trendy sports bar serving homemade soups, salads, sandwiches, burgers and appetizers in the Riverwalk area. Capacity: 150+. Yrs in bus: 29. Chef’s Choice: Lobster bisque. Entrée prices: $5-$10. Extras: Drink specials, outdoor dining, five bars, private and semi-private rooms, over 30 flat-screen TVs. M-Th 11-1 am, F-Sat 11-2 am. Reservations: Yes, for 10 or more. n Fiammé Pizzeria: 19 N Washington St, Naperville.

630 470-9441. Authentic Neapolitan-style pizza cooked in a wood-fired oven. Capacity: 65 indoors, 32 on patio. Yrs in bus: 4. Chef’s Choice: Fiammé pizza or tortellini ricotta. Entrée prices: $12-$18. Extras: Carry-out, full bar, live music on weekends, seasonal patio. Sun-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11. Reservations: Yes.

n Filling Station Pub & Grill: 300 W Main St,

St. Charles. 630 584-4414. American cuisine from a new larger menu served in an antique setting. Capacity: 200. Yrs in bus: 28. Chef’s Choice: Burgers. Entrée prices: $5-$13. Extras: Bar, carry-out, kids’ menu, pet friendly, banquets, outdoor dining family friendly. Sun-Th 11-1 am, F-Sat 11-2 am. Reservations: No.

n The Finery & Blacksmith Bar: 305 W Main St, St. Charles 630 940-2380. Contemporary fare with an ode to the American table in a bistro-like atmosphere. Capacity: Yrs in bus: 1. Chef’s Choice: Country Pheasant and Flat Iron Steak. Extras: Artisan cocktails, craft beers, Happy Hour, family friendly, carry-out, Sunday brunch. T-Th 4-10, F-Sat 4-11, Sun 11-3 and 4-9. Reservations: Yes.


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n Fiora’s: 317 S Third St, Geneva. 630 262-1317.

European-influenced American cuisine served in one of Geneva’s historic landmark buildings. Capacity: 120 inside, 100 outside. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Boneless short rib. Entrée prices: $28-$35, Avg: $24. Extras: Indoor and outdoor bars, live music, private dining, wine cellar, kids’ menu, catering, carry-out, wine list, lounge, outdoor dining. Lunch T-Sat 11:30-2; Dinner T-Sat 5:30-9. Reservations: Recommended only indoors.

n Fire + Wine: 433 N Main St, Glen Ellyn. 630 793-9955.

Rustic and inviting restaurant with modern Italian flare, serving small-plate fare, authentic Neapolitan artesian pizzas and classic pastas in a family friendly atmosphere. Capacity: 135. Yrs in bus: 4. Chef’s Choice: Hanger Steak and Grilled Romaine Salad. Entrée prices: $7-$19. Extras: Bar, carry-out, wine list, craft beer, family friendly, kids’ menu, private event hosting, specials. T-Th 4-11, F 4-midnight, Sat 3-midnight Sun 3-10. Reservations: Call-ahead seating.

n Fire It Up: 572 Weston Ridge Dr, Naperville.

630 305-8225. A TacoFusion dining experience serving local high-quality fresh food and drinks with a focus on local and organic ingredients. Capacity: 67. Yrs in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Cuban rolls, shrimp taco. Entrée prices: $7-$13. Extras: Local craft beer selections, margaritas, sangrias (red or white), carry-out, free Wi-Fi. T-Sat 11-10 Sun 11-9. Reservations: No. Additional location at 1060 College Ave, Wheaton, 630 682-3000.

n Fireside Woodfired Pizza & CafÉ: 18 W Harris Ave, La Grange. 708 639-4432. Family-owned pizzeria serving traditional wood-fired pizzas, artisan sandwiches and salads. Capacity: 54. Yrs in bus: 4. Chef’s Choice: Traditional wood-fired pizzas. Entrée prices: $9-$12. Extras: Variety of beers and wines, gluten-free options, free Wi-Fi, family friendly, delivery, carry-out. M-Th 119, F 11-10, Sat noon-10, Sun 1-8. Reservations: No, but call-ahead seating available. n Fitz’s Pub: 172 N Addison Ave, Elmhurst.

630 530-0777. Burgers, chicken and American fare in a casual, friendly atmosphere. Capacity: 250. Yrs in bus: 16. Chef’s Choice: Fitz Burger. Entrée prices: $5-$10. Extras: Special burger menu Sat, bar, DJ Th-Sun, beer garden, family friendly, kids' menu. Sun-Th 10:30-1 am, F-Sat 10:30-2 am. Reservations: Yes, for 8 or more. Affiliated with Fitz’s Irish Bulldog, 314 W St. Charles Rd, Villa Park, 630 832-8479; and Fitz’s Spare Keys, 119 N York, Elmhurst, 630 379-5007.

n Five Guys Burgers & Fries: 1115 Lake St, Oak

Park. 708 358-0856. Fresh burgers, hot dogs and hand-cut fries. Capacity: 75. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Burgers. Entrée prices: $5-$10. Extras: Carry-out, online ordering. M-Sun 11-10. Reservations: No. Additional locations in Bolingbrook, Downers Grove, Geneva, Joliet, Naperville, Schaumburg and Wheaton.

n Flagstone Pub: 101 W State St, Geneva. 630 232-7238. Burgers, salads, fish and steak in a warm and inviting environment adjacent to the Little Owl. Capacity: 61. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Owl burgers. Entrée prices: $8-$15. Extras: Bar, live entertainment, jukebox, F fish fry. M-Sat 11-2 am, Sun 11:30-1 am. Reservations: No, call-ahead seating. n Flight 112 Wine House: 112 W Park Ave, Elmhurst.

630 758-0808. Full service restaurant with garden to table cuisine and dishes made fresh from scratch featuring modern eclectic American cuisine, small plates and menu items in a casually upscale atmosphere. Capacity: 130 for dining and up to 190 for private events. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Grilled flank steak. Entrée prices: $6-$18. Extras: Private parties, over 120 scotches and whiskies, over 40 craft beers with rotating tap, seasonal menu, vegan and vegetarian options, gluten-free menu, outdoor dining, full bar, live music on W & F. T-Th 3-10, F-Sat 3-11, Sun 3-8; bar open until 1 am. Reservations: Yes.

n Flip Flops Tiki Bar & Grill: 1022 Fountain View Dr, Carol Stream. 630 668-3567. American cuisine


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DIning served in a Caribbean décor. Capacity: 108. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: 10 oz. Angus beef burger. Entrée prices: $7-$10. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, live entertainment on select Sat, free Wi-Fi, daily specials, DJ on F, kids’ menu. M-Th 11-1 am, F-Sat 11-2 am, Sun 11:30-10. Reservations: Yes.

630 717-7821. Homemade pastas and Naples-style cuisine served in an upscale, yet casual setting. Capacity: 60. Yrs in bus: 20. Chef’s Choice: Pork chops zingara. Entrée prices: $12-$20. Extras: Catering, carry-out, private parties, wine and beer, kids’ menu, daily specials. Sun-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10. Reservations: Yes.

n Fogo De CHAo: 1824 Abriter Ct, Naperville.

630 955-0022. Brazilian steakhouse known for its churrasco style of cooking various meats over an open fire in a warm, contemporary atmosphere. Capacity: 200. Mths in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Cordeiro and Picanha. Entrée prices: Avg: $32/$49. Extras: Full bar, family friendly, valet, seasonal patio, Sunday brunch. Lunch: Sun-F 11-2; Dinner: M-Th 5-10, F 5-10:30, Sat 4-10:30, Sun 4-9. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 5460 Park Pl, Rosemont, 847 678-7200.

n Fontano's: 1767 W Ogden Ave, Naperville.

n The Foundry: 85 Executive Dr, Aurora.

630 978-2088. American cuisine in a sports bar atmosphere offering pool, darts, shuffleboard and sand volleyball, plus projection screens. Capacity: 1,200. Yrs in bus: 14. Chef’s Choice: BYOB (Build Your Own Burger). Entrée prices: $8-$20, Avg: $15. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, live music, off-track betting, team trivia, daily food and drink specials, salsa dancing, sand volleyball, private parties, karaoke. M-Th 11-1 am, F-Sat 11-2 am, Sun 11-midnight. Reservations: No. No children after 10 pm.

n 1401 West: 1401 W 22nd St, Oak Brook; in the

Oak Brook Marriott. 630 928-1401. Upscale American cuisine in a romantic setting. Capacity: 100. Yrs in bus: 25. Chef’s Choice: Ribeye steak. Entrée prices: $13-$28, Avg: $19. Extras: Bar, carry-out, room service, breakfast buffet, outdoor dining, family friendly. Breakfast M-F 6:30 am-11 am, Sat 7 am-11, Sun 7 amnoon; Lunch/Dinner M-Sun 11-11. Reservations: Yes.

n Foxfire Steaks, Chops & Seafood: 17 W State

St, Geneva. 630 232-1369. Casual steakhouse with the atmosphere of a downtown restaurant. Capacity: 175. Yrs in bus: 12. Chef’s Choice: Cajun Ahi Tuna. Entrée prices: $18-$46, lunch $9+. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, daily specials, carry-out, bar menu, wine list. M-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10. Reservations: Yes, recommended on weekends.

n Fox's On York: 777 N York Rd, Hinsdale. 630 734-1400. Family-friendly restaurant and pub serving pizza and comfort food. Capacity: 152. Yrs in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Pizza and Sandwiches. Entrée Prices: Avg: $13. Extras: Outdoor patio, full bar, online ordering, Open Table, carry-out, delivery, catering, 10 TVs. Sun 11-9, M-Th 11-9:30, F-Sat 11-10:30. Reservations: Yes. n FRancesca's Amici: 174 N York Rd, Elmhurst.

630 279-7970. Italian cuisine served in an intimate, contemporary setting. Capacity: 200, up to 50 in cocktail lounge. Yrs in bus: 17. Chef’s Choice: Pollo arrosto alla romana. Entrée prices: $15-$29. Extras: Bar, carry-out, private parties, catering, kids’ menu, gluten free menu. Lunch M-Sun 11:30-4; Dinner Sun-T 4-9, W-Th 4-9:30, F-Sat 4-10. Reservations: Recommended.

n FRancesca's At The Promenade: 641 E Boughton Rd, Bolingbrook. 630 739-6300. Italian cuisine served in a classic, family friendly atmosphere. Capacity: 220, plus 14 on the patio. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Pollo arrosto alla romana. Entrée prices: $12-$28. Extras: Bar, private dining, outdoor dining, carry-out, catering, weekly specials, kids’ menu, gluten-free menu, happy hour specials 3:30-6 M-Th. Lunch M-Sun 11:30-4; Dinner M-Th 4-9, F-Sat 4-10, Sun 4-8. Reservations: Yes. n FRancesca's Bellezza: 75 S La Grange Rd,

La Grange. 708 579-3500. Rustic, Northern Italian cooking served in a family friendly atmosphere. Capacity: 125. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Carpaccio del Giorno Pollo Arrosto Alla Romano. Entrée prices: $15-$30. Extras: Bar, carry-out, catering, lounge, outdoor dining, private parties, kids’ menu, glutenfree menu. Lunch M-Sat 11:30-4; Dinner Sun-W 4-9, Th 4-9:30, F-Sat 4-10. Reservations: Yes.

n FRancesca's By The River: 200 S Second St,

St. Charles. 630 587-8221. Italian cuisine served in an upscale, contemporary setting. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 18. Chef’s Choice: Pollo arrosto alla romana. Entrée prices: $14-$36. Extras: Two bars, banquets, catering, carry-out, kids’ menu, gluten-free menu, rotating monthly menu, nightly special, happy hour M-F 3:30-6. Lunch M-Sun 11:30-3; Dinner S-Th 3-9, F-Sat 3-10. Reservations: Yes.

n FRancesca's Fiore: 7407 W Madison St, Forest

Park. 708 771-3063. Northern Italian cuisine in a warm, homey space. Capacity: 200. Yrs in bus: 14. Chef’s Choice: Pollo arrosto alla romana. Entrée prices: $15-$36. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, catering, private parties, carry-out, kids’ menu, gluten-free menu. M-Th 11:30-9, F-Sat 11:30-10, Sun 11-9. Reservations: Yes.

n FRancesca's Passaggio: 3124 S Rt 59, Naperville. 630 946-0600. Hand-written changing menus offering a variety of eclectic Italian cuisine. Capacity: 180. Yrs in bus: 10. Chef’s Choice: Pollo arrosto alla romana. Entrée prices: $15-$30. Extras: Catering, private parties, carry-out, outdoor dining, wine list, bar, kids’ menu, gluten-free menu. Lunch M-Sat 11:30-4; Dinner Sun-Th 4-9, F-Sat 4-10. Reservations: Yes. n Friaco's Mexican Restaurant & Cantina

4405 Fox Valley Center Dr, Aurora. 630 851-3930.


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Mexican dishes served in a villa atmosphere. Capacity: 160. Yrs in bus: 13. Chef’s Choice: Fajitas. Entrée prices: $6-$19. Extras: Carry-out, catering, patio, full bar, family friendly. Sun-Th 11-10, F 11-11, Sat noon-11. Reservations: No.  FRONT STREET CANTINA: 15 W Jefferson Ave,

Naperville. 630 369-5218. Mexican favorites in a lively, casual atmosphere adorned with Mayan decor. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 25. Chef’s Choice: Fajitas. Entrée prices: $8-$18. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, carry-out, family friendly, kids’ menu, rotating craft beers. Sun-W 11-9, Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11 bar open until 2 am on F-Sat. Reservations: No. Additional locations at 319 Front St, Lemont, 630 312-8636; and 15120 S Des Plaines St, Plainfield, 815 254-3474.

 FRONT STREET COCINA: 112 N Hale St, Wheaton.

630 668-2837. Mexican cuisine in a festive atmosphere. Capacity: 125. Yrs in bus: 26. Chef’s Choice: Fajitas. Entrée prices: $8-$12. Extras: Carry-out, outdoor dining, family friendly, full bar, daily specials. Sun-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10. Reservations: No. Affiliated with Front Street Cantina restaurants above.

noon-3; Dinner Sun-Th 5-9:30, F-Sat 5-10. Reservations: Recommended, for 5 or more.

11-2 am. Reservations: Yes, 6 or more.  GEN-HOE RESTAURANT: 537 E State St, Geneva.

Naperville. 630 778-9990. Family-owned restaurant specializing in barbecue ribs, pork, brisket and chicken freshly grilled over wood. Capacity: 140. Yrs in bus: 20. Chef’s Choice: Braised pulled pork and brisket and ribs. Entrée prices: $8-$20. Extras: Carry-out, beer and wine, family friendly, kids’ menu. M-Sat 10-10, Sun 11-9. Reservations: No.

630 232-8350. Cantonese, Szechwan, American and Mandarin cuisine in a casual setting. Capacity: 250. Yrs in bus: 47. Chef’s Choice: Hong Kong porterhouse steak. Entrée prices: $10-$15, Avg: $12; $7-$10 for lunch. Extras: Carry-out, service bar, banquets, catering, business specials T-Sat. Sun & T-Th 11:30-9, F-Sat 11:30-10, Dim Sum on Sun 11:30-3. Reservations: Yes, recommended for weekends.

 GENEVA ALE HOUSE: 319 W State St, Geneva.


 GEMATO'S WOOD PIT BBQ: 1566 W Ogden Ave,

630 262-3877. Upscale pub fare featuring regionally produced specialty brews and limited-availability beers. Capacity: 80. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: The Ale House Burger. Entrée prices: $13-$18. Extras: Bar, beer education events, beer dinners, burger of the month, daily specials, carry-out. M-Sun

Higgins Rd, South Barrington. 847 844-1988. Family owned award-winning deep-dish pizzeria and pub. Capacity: 220. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s Choice: Deep dish pizza. Entrée prices: $8-$12. Extras: Patio, fullservice bar, carry-out, fundraising, catering, private parties. Sun-W 11-9, Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11 (bar open

 FU YUAN: 118 W Liberty Dr, Wheaton. 630 668-8770.

Korean-Chinese cuisine in a casual setting. Capacity: 50. Yrs in bus: 25. Chef’s Choice: Sesame chicken and Mongolian beef. Entrée prices: $7-$10. Extras: Carryout. M-Th 11:15-8:30, F-Sat 11:15-9. Reservations: Yes.

 FUDDRUCKERS: 1500 Branding Ln, Downers Grove.

630 963-0404. Fast-casual restaurant serving burgers, sandwiches, platters, salads and more. Capacity: 230. Yrs in bus: 31. Chef’s Choice: The Original Fudds Burger. Entrée prices: Avg: $10. Extras: Private parties, family friendly, benefit nights, carry-out, kids’ menu, fresh toppings bar. Sun-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 436 E Golf Rd, Schaumburg, 847 519-9390.

 FUJI GRILL: 315 Harlem Ave, Forest Park.

708 366-3773. Authentic Japanese cuisine served with fresh ingredients in a unique atmosphere. Capactiy: 60. Yrs in bus: 6. Chef’s Choice: Spicy Tuna Roll. Entrée prices: $11-$30. Extras: Carry-out, TVs, family friendly, private parking lot. Lunch F-Sat 11:30-2:30; Dinner Sun-Th 4-10, F-Sat 4:30-10:30. Reservations: Yes.

 FULLER HOUSE: 35 E First St, Hinsdale. 630 537-1653.

Craft beer and bar food in an industrial, rustic setting. Capacity: 140. Yrs in bus: 1. Chef’s Choice: Buffalo shrimp or brisket grilled cheese. Entrée prices: $11-$20. Extras: Updated sound system, TVs, sidewalk seating, full bar, carry-out, beer garden in The Backyard. M-Th 11-11, F-Sat 11-midnight, Sun 11-10. Reservations: Yes, for 6 or more.

|G|  GAETANO'S: 7636 W Madison St, Forest Park.

708 366-4010. Rustic Italian dining in an intimate, contemporary atmosphere. Capacity: 90. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Chef’s four-course tasting menu. Entrée prices: $16-$36. Extras: Cooking classes, catering, private parties, wine dinners, full bar, carry-out. M-Th 5-9:30, F-Sat 4:30-10:30. Reservations: Recommended. Additional location at 15 E Main St, Batavia, 630 406-3009.


Downers Grove. 630 515-6400. Italian comfort food served in a rustic setting. Capacity: 145. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Chicken carmine. Entree prices: $8-$24. Extras: Private parties, bar, catering, carry-out. M-Th 5-10, Fri-Sat 11-11, Sun 4-9. Reservations: Yes, for 6 or more.

 GAYLORD RESTAURANT: 555 Mall Dr, Schaumburg.

847 619-3300. Indian cuisine served in an upscale atmosphere. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 19. Chef’s Choice: Tandoori Jinga. Entrée prices: $12-$20. Extras: Bar, carry-out (offers discount), clay oven, wine list, catering, family friendly. Lunch M-F 11:30-2:30, Sat-Sun

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DIning later). Reservations: No, call-ahead seating available. n Geppetto's: 113 N Oak Park Ave, Oak Park.

708 386-9200. Italian classics, salad and dessert bar with contemporary dishes served in a casual atmosphere. Capacity: 95. Yrs in bus: 33. Chef’s

n Giordano's: 455 Roosevelt Rd, Glen Ellyn.

630 790-1717. Pizza and pasta in a family-oriented environment. Capacity: 135 at 36 tables. Yrs in bus: 30. Chef’s Choice: Stuffed spinach pizza and stuffed special pizza. Entrée prices: $7-$30, Avg: $10. Extras: Carry-out, delivery, beer and wine, lunch specials. M-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11, Sun 12-10. Reservations: Yes,

n n n n Recently Opened

DEANE’S MARKET & DELI Soups, sandwiches and salads in Geneva


plus her customers appreciate

smoked chicken salad

are the fast-casual prices.

and black bean hummus are

No entrée exceeds $8. The

early best sellers so far at the

market also offers extensive

new Deane’s Market & Deli,

take-away options from its

500 S. Third St., Geneva (630

well-stocked cooler and

402-0139), says Vicki Deane,

freezer case.

who co-owns the family-run

Each table at the 40-seat

business with her husband,

establishment is equipped

Christopher, who grew up

with a USB port and children’s

on the East Coast working

games and books are on hand.

“We specialize in

Deane’s Market also has

sandwiches, soups and salads,

space to showcase local

crackers, salsas, handmade

99.9 percent of which are

charcuterie, cheeses, fresh

gourmet butters, along with

made from scratch,” says,

breads, organic milk and

a carefully curated line of

Vicki, adding that another

dairy products, fresh eggs,



T.R. Witom

for 6 or more, not on F-Sat. Additional locations in Addison, Downers Grove, Naperville, Oak Park, Oakbrook Terrace, Oswego, Plainfield, Rosemont, St. Charles, South Elgin, Streamwood, Westchester and Willowbrook.

n Gia Mia: 106 N Hale St, Wheaton. 630 480-2480.

Old-world authentic Neapolitan pizza in a rustic restaurant. Capacity: 120. Yrs in bus: 1.5. Chef’s Choice: Hand-crafted meatballs. Entrée prices: $6-$20. Extras: Newly renovated space, full bar, TVs, carry-out, large wine selection, fresh ingredients from local sources, mobile brick-oven. M 4-9, T-Th 11-2 and 4-10, F-Sat 11-10. Reservations: No, but call-ahead seating available. Additional location at 13 N Third St. Geneva, 630 405-5544.

n Gibsons Steakhouse: 5464 N River Rd, Rosemont.

847 928-9900. Classic American steakhouse offering USDA Prime Steaks, fresh seafood and huge portions in a 1920s art-deco style setting. Capacity: 260. Yrs in bus: 16. Chef’s Choice: WR’s Chicago Cut. Entrée prices: $12-$52. Extras: Carry-out, catering, free valet parking, private parties, piano bar (open until 2 am), entertainment. M-Sun 11-2. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 2105 S Spring Rd, Oak Brook, 630 954-0000.

n Gino's East: 1590 E Main St, St. Charles.

630 513-1311. Pasta, sandwiches and deep-dish pizza served in a casual, energetic atmosphere. Capacity: 250 at 85 tables. Yrs in bus: 24. Chef’s Choice: Deep dish pizza. Entrée prices: $10-$25. Extras: Carry-out, delivery, bar, outdoor dining, banquets, catering. M-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10, Sun noon-9. Reservations: Yes, for 8 or more. Additional location at 315 W Front St, Wheaton, 630 588-1010.

n Gioacchino's Restaurant: 5201 W St Charles Rd, Bellwood. 708 544-0380. Quaint restaurant offering home-style Italian cooking known for its pan, stuffed and thin crust pizza. Capacity: 50. Yrs in bus: 41. Chef’s Choice: Chicken Gioacchino. Entrée prices: $8-$19. Extras: Carry-out, delivery, catering, wine list, banquets. T-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-midnight, Sun noon-10. Reservations: Yes.

Grove Town Center, Elk Grove Village. 847 871-5164. Authentic Mexican fare served in a rustic setting. Capacity: 200, 100 outdoor. Yrs in bus: 6. Chef’s Choice: Fajita Loca and Carnitas Mexicanas. Entrée prices: $9-$18, lunch $6-$11. Extras: Family friendly, bar, free Wi-Fi, catering, outdoor dining, carry-out, margarita specials M & Th, vegetarian options, kids’ menu. M-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11, Sun 11:30- 9:30. Reservations: Yes.

639 E Boughton Rd, Bolingbrook. 630 739-6036. Microbrewery featuring made-from-scratch, globally influenced American cuisine. Capacity: 370. Yrs in bus: 8.5. Chef’s Choice: Signature garlic fries. Entrée prices: $10-$25. Extras: Signature beers, private parties, guided tours of on-site brewery. M-Th 11-midnight, F-Sat 11-1 am, Sun 11-11. Reservations: Recommended.

1,000 square feet of retail

Choice: Spaghetti pie. Entrée prices: Avg: $12. Extras: Carry-out, delivery, bar, catering. Sun-Th 11-10:30, F-Sat 11-11:30 pm. Reservations: Yes.

n Good Tequila's Mexican Grill: 950 Elk

n Gordon Biersch Brewery Restaurant

ouse-smoked roast beef,

for an Italian butcher.

Park, 708 354-3930.

n Giuliano's Pizza: 40 & 42 Village Pl, Hinsdale.

630 734-1500. Rustic Italian dining featuring homemade bread and sauces, pastas and entrées in a homey environment. Capacity: 50. Yrs in bus: 18. Chef’s Choice: Hand-tossed pizzas. Entrée prices: $10-$20. Extras: Catering, carry-out, delivery, beer and wine, private parties, outdoor dining, kids’ menu. Sun-Th 4-9, F-Sat 4-10. Reservations: Yes. n Glen Oak Café: 479 Pennsylvania Ave, Glen Ellyn.

630 469-6262. A casual café that serves breakfast and lunch to neighborhood guests in a friendly, efficient, and comfortable setting. Capacity: 153 Yrs in bus: 39. Chef’s Choice: Greek Chicken Kebabs. Entrée prices: $8-$13. Extras: Carry-out, delivery, kids’ menu, fresh-squeezed orange juice. M-Sun 6 am2:30 pm. Reservations: Yes.

n Glen Prairie: 1250 Roosevelt Rd, Glen Ellyn; in

the Crowne-Plaza Glen Ellyn-Lombard. 630 613-1250. Contemporary American cuisine with a strong emphasis on local Midwest flavors and products, as well as natural and organic ingredients. Capacity: 120. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Skuna Bay Salmon & Short Ribs. Entrée prices: $11-$32. Extras: Lounge, private dining, “green”-farmed wine list, bar (open later), Wi-Fi, gluten-free and vegetarian options. M-Th 6 am-10 pm, F 6 am-11 pm, Sat 7 am-11 pm, Sun 7 am-10 pm. Reservations: Recommended.

n Golden Wok II: 1180 Roosevelt Rd, Glen Ellyn.

630 691-8828. Cantonese and Mandarin cuisine served in an Oriental décor. Capacity: 120 at 35 tables. Yrs in bus: 36. Chef’s Choice: Mushroom supreme and Hong Kong steak. Entrée prices: $7-$20. Extras: Carry-out, delivery, lunch buffet, daily specials, tropical drinks. M-Th 11:30-9:30, F 11:3010:30, Sat noon-10:30, Sun noon-9. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 1122 Maple Ave, La Grange

n Graham's 318 Coffeehouse: 318 S Third St, Geneva. 630 845-3180. Handcrafted espresso drinks using Chicago’s Metropolis coffee roasters, fresh bakery, chocolate fondue and gelato served in a casual cozy setting. Capacity: 50. Yrs in bus: 11. Chef’s Choice: Gelato. Entrée prices: $2-$10. Extras: Free Wi-Fi, sofas, outdoor dining, full espresso bar, special orders, reservation-only private party room, board games available, catering, Open Mic night last Th every month 7-10. M-Th 7 am-9 pm, F-Sat 7 am-10 pm, Sun 8-8. Reservations: No. n Grape Leaves: 129 S Oak Park Ave, Oak Park.

708 848-5555. Middle Eastern cuisine in a cozy, garden-like atmosphere. Capacity: 30. Yrs in bus: 21. Chef’s Choice: Vegetarian Couscous and Chicken Sumac. Entrée prices: $5-$15. Extras: Carry-out, delivery, catering, BYOB, family friendly. M-Sun 11-10. Reservations: Yes, 4 or more.

n Greco's: 8850 S Archer Ave, Willow Springs.

708 839-0333. Traditional Italian cuisine with innovative daily specials. Capacity: 125. Yrs in bus: 26. Chef’s Choice: Linguine with clam sauce and lasagna. Entrée prices: $12-$21. Extras: Full bar, banquet facilities outdoor dining, carry-out, catering. T-F 5-10, Sat 5-10:30, Sun 3-9. Reservations: Yes.

n Greek Islands Restaurant & Lounge

300 E 22nd St, Lombard. 630 932-4545. Greek food in a distinctly Mediterranean décor. Capacity: 350. Yrs in bus: 31. Chef’s Choice: Lamb dishes and whole Mediterranean sea bass. Entrée prices: $12-$30, Avg: $13. Extras: Bar, carry-out, banquets, catering, outdoor dining, private parties, wine list, family-style menu. Sun-Th 11-11, F-Sat 11-midnight. Reservations: Limited.

n Grill 89: 800 E Ogden Ave, Westmont. 630 570-5889. Modern, industrial restaurant that specializes in smokehouse fare. Capacity: 120. Mths in bus: 5. Chef’s Choice: West Texas 18-Hour Beef Brisket. Entrée prices: $10-$25. Extras: Full bar, SatSun brunch 10-2, family friendly, outdoor seating, free Wi-Fi, carry-out, TVs. M-Th 11-10, F 11-11, Sat 10-11, Sun 10-9. Reservations: Accepted.

|H| n Haché ModernE Brasserie: 524 W State St, Geneva 630 402-0288. Modern cuisine with traditional French influences in a relaxed charming atmosphere. Yrs in bus: 1. Chef’s Choice: Buffalo Frog Legs. Entrée prices: $10-$56, Extras: Wine club, bar, brunch Sat-Sun 10-3:30. T-Th 11-9, F 11-10, Sat 10-10, Sun 10-8. Reservations: Yes. n Hardware: 2000 W Orchard Rd, North Aurora. 630 299-3977. A sustainable gastropub and brewery complete with a greenhouse and organic hop


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farm. T-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-midnight, Sun noon-9. Reservations: Accepted. n Harry Caray's Italian Steakhouse 70 Yorktown Center, Lombard; in the Westin Hotel. 630 953-3400. Classic Italian steakhouse in a sportsthemed atmosphere. Capacity: 550. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Prime steaks, chops and Italian Specialties. Entrée prices: $12-$52. Extras: Outdoor dining, bar, sports memorabilia, carry-out, private events. Lunch M-Sun 11-5 (bar only); Dinner M-Sat 5-10, Sun 4-9. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 10233 W Higgins Rd, Rosemont, 847 699-1200. n Harvest: 4051 E Main St, St. Charles; in Pheasant Run Resort. 630 584-6300. Steaks, seafood and seasonal specialties. Capacity: 120. Yrs in bus: 10. Chef’s Choice: Pheasant schnitzel or filet of beef. Entrée prices: $22-$42. Extras: Bar, wine list, private parties, microbrews, lounge (open later on weekends), wine dinners on select dates. W-Sun 5-10. Reservations: Yes. n Hawthorne's Backyard: 1200 W Hawthorne Ln, West Chicago. 630 293-6700. Family friendly sports bar and grill serving American fare with a BBQ twist. Capacity: 150 inside, 400 outside. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Wings, ribs and pot roast sandwich. Entrée prices: $11-$19. Extras: Outdoor dining, full indoor and outdoor bars, family friendly, private parties, live entertainment, sand volleyball courts, bocce ball, horseshoes, catering, bags and Wiffle ball, F fish fry. Sun 11-11, M-Th 11-1, F-Sat 11-2 am. Reservations: call ahead seating available. n HB Jones: 551 S York Rd, Elmhurst. 630 782-5669.

American classics and comfort food served in a friendly atmosphere. Capacity: 160 plus 40 on seasonal patio. Yrs in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Mini Jones Burger. Entrée prices: Avg: $12. Extras: Weekly specials, full bar dispensing 60 craft and specialty beers, carry-out, kids’ menu, private parties, outdoor dining, live music on select nights. M-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11, Sun 11-9:30. Reservations: Yes. n Heaven On Seven: 224 S Main St, Naperville.

630 717-0777. Louisiana-style restaurant featuring Cajun and Creole entrées. Capacity: 120. Yrs in bus: 13. Chef’s Choice: Shrimp voodoo over rice. Entrée prices: $9-$20. Extras: Cooking classes, bar, catering. M-Th 11-10, F 11-11, Sat 10-11 pm, Sun 10-9, Sat-Sun brunch 10-3. Reservations: Yes. n Hemmingway's Bistro: 211 N Oak Park Ave,

Oak Park. 708 524-0806. Upscale French dishes in a Parisian bistro atmosphere. Capacity: 80. Yrs in bus: 14. Chef’s Choice: Herb-crusted whitefish. Entrée prices: $21-$35. Extras: Banquets, bar, valet parking on weekends, W & Sun jazz and martini night, Sun champagne brunch 11-3 with live jazz. M-Th 7 am-10 pm, F-Sat 7 am-11 pm, Sun 7 am-8:30 pm. Reservations: Recommended. n Hillgrove Tap: 800 Hillgrove Ave, Western Springs. 708 290-0055. Traditional bar fare with a creative twist served up in a family friendly neighborhood sports bar. Capacity: 115, plus 50 on a seasonal patio. Mths in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Nacho Bites or Bourbon glazed pork chop. Entrée prices: $12-$19. Extras: TVs, 24 craft beers on tap, selection of bourbons and whiskeys, carry-out, full bar, happy hour, outdoor seating, catering. M-Th 11-midnight, F-Sat 11-1 am, Sun 11-10 pm. Reservations: Accepted. n HofbrÃuhaus: 5500 Park Pl, Rosemont.

847 671-2739. German/Bavarian beer hall and restaurant. Capacity: 1000. Yrs in bus: 4. Chef’s Choice: Pork Shank. Entrée prices: $14-$26. Extras: Live entertainment from Germany, beer brewed WEST SUBURBAN LIVING | WWW.WESTSUBURBANLIVING.NET | SEPTEMBER 2016 73

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DIning on premises, valet parking, magician on Sun. Sun-W 11-11, Th 11-midnight, F-Sat 11-2 am. Reservations: Yes. n Holy Mackerel!: 70 Yorktown Center, Lombad; in the Westin Hotel. 630 953-3444. Fresh interpretations on fish house classics in a vintage décor. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Kasu marinated sea bass. Entree prices: $9-$46. Extras: Private parties, bar, carry-out. Breakfast M-Sat 6-11, Sun 6 am-noon; Lunch M-Sat 11-4; Dinner M-Sat 4-9. Reservations: Yes. n Honey-Jam Café: 3000 Oak Grove Rd, Downers Grove. 630 963-2233. Breakfast and lunch favorites served in a family friendly setting. Capacity: 179. Yrs in bus: 6. Chef’s Choice: Bananas Foster crepe and Chicken Malibu sandwich. Entrée prices: $5$14. Extras: Carry-out, catering. M-Fri 6:30 am-2:30 pm, sat-sun 7-2:30 pm. Reservations: M-Th 6:30-11, otherwise No. Additional locations at 521 N Randall Rd, Batavia, 630 406-0100 and 120 E Boughton Rd, Bolingbrook, 630 739-1010. n Houlihan's: 321 Rice Lake Square, Wheaton. 630 690-5550. American menu and eclectic décor. Capacity: 321 at 70 tables. Yrs in bus: 21. Chef’s Choice: Stuffed chicken breast. Entrée prices: $9-$25, Avg: $11. Extras: Flat screen TVs, seasonal outdoor patio, family friendly, bar, carry-out. Sun-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 1322 Commons Dr, Geneva, 630 345-8000; and 2860 Showplace Dr, Naperville, 630 536-0022. n Hounds Blue Moon: 2124 W Galena Blvd, Aurora. 630 966-0600. Contemporary American dining serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. Capacity: 142. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Chicken Vesuvio. Entrée prices: $13-$20. Extras: Outdoor dining, carry-out, bar, Sun brunch (11-2), family friendly. M 11-8, T-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10, Sun 10-3. Reservations: Yes. n House Of Emperor: 1212 S Naper Blvd,

630 682-5900. Family owned Authentic Southern Italian with a modern twist. Capacity: 135, 50 on rooftop. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Lobster Cappellacci. Entrée prices: $1-$36. Extras: Extensive wine list, catering, private parties, bar, rooftop dining, carry-out. Lunch W-F 11:30 - 2:30; Dinner, T-Th 4-10, F-Sat 4-11, Sun 3-9 Reservations: Yes, for dining room only. n Il Vicolo Trattoria: 116 N Oak Park Ave, Oak Park. 708 386-5801. Traditional Italian fare served in a comfortable atmosphere. Capacity: 120 plus 100 on the patio. Yrs in bus: 6. Chef's Choice: Tagliolini frutti di mare. Entrée prices: $11-$25. Extras: Outdoor seating, family friendly, wine list with $20 daily specials. M-Sat 11-10, Sun 4-10. Reservations: Yes. n Indian Harvest: 796 Royal St. George Dr, Naperville. 630 579-9500. Casual and upscale dining featuring vibrant Indian cuisine. Capacity: 160. Yrs in bus: 18. Chef’s Choice: Tandoori lamb chops. Entree prices: $10-$23. Extras: Carry-out, catering, bar, buffet, private parties, outdoor dining, delivery. Lunch M-F 11:30-2:15, Sat-Sun noon-2:45; Dinner Sun-Th 5-9:45, F-Sat 5-10:15. Reservations: Yes. n Islamorada Fish Company: 709 Janes Ave, Bolingbrook. 630 296-2600. Original seafood dishes in a tropical setting within the Bass Pro Shops. Capacity: 313. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Islamorada portofino. Entree Prices: $6-$18. Extras: Outdoor dining, bar, private dining, fish tank. M-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10, Sun 11-7. Reservations: Yes, for 7 or more. n Ivy Restaurant: 120 N Hale St, Wheaton. 630 665-2489. Casually elegant dining featuring steaks, chops and seafood. Capacity: 170, plus 90 on the patio. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef's Choice: Black pepper shrimp. Entrée prices: Avg: $19. Extras: Banquets, outdoor dining, carry-out. M-Th 11-9:30, F-Sat 11-10, Sun 11-9. Reservations: Yes.


Naperville. 630 983-8284. Family-owned Chinese restaurant with a homey atmosphere featuring Szechwan, Cantonese and Mandarin cuisine as well as fresh fruit smoothies. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 26. Chef’s Choice: Shrimp and scallops in walnut sauce. Entrée prices: Avg: $12. Extras: Catering, delivery, carry-out, bar, kids' menu, gluten-free menu. M-Th 11-9, F 11-10, Sat 11:30-10, Sun 11:30-9. Reservations: Yes.

630 573-8180. American cuisine in a polished, sophisticated setting. Capacity: 250 at 47 tables. Yrs in bus: 21. Chef's Choice: Prime rib. Entrée prices: $10-$35. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, kids' menu. Sun-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11. Reservations: Yes.

n Hua Ting: 777 N York Rd, Hinsdale. 630 789-0505.

n J. Fleming's Absolutely Delicious

Szechwan and Mandarin cuisine in a contemporary atmosphere. Capacity: 115. Yrs in bus: 25. Chef’s Choice: Sesame crispy chicken or coconut shrimp. Entrée prices: $8-$13. Extras: Bar, carry-out, catering, delivery. M-Th 11-9, F 11-10, Sat noon-10, Sun 2-9. Reservations: Yes.

18 N Cass Ave, Westmont. 630 434-0224. Spacious, vibrant restaurant offering fresh, American fare. Capacity: 50, plus 100 outside. Yrs in bus: 14. Chef’s Choice: Shrimp lobster mac ‘n’ cheese. Entrée prices: $8-$25. Extras: Kids’ menu, catering, outdoor dining, full bar, live music on weekends, gluten-free options. T-Th 11-9, F 11-10, Sat 8:30 am-10 pm, Sun 8:30 am-1 pm. Reservations: Yes, for 5 or more.

n Hugo's Frog Bar And Fish House

55 S Main St, Naperville. 630 548-3764. Fresh seafood and steaks in a relaxed atmosphere. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 11. Chef’s Choice: Crab cakes and frog legs. Entrée prices: $15-$49. Extras: Bar (open later), live blues and jazz, valet parking, private parties, outdoor dining. Sun-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11. Reservations: Recommended.

|I| n Il Poggiolo: 8 E First St, Hinsdale. 630 734-9400. Regional Italian fare. Capacity: 130. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Ranzino. Entrée prices: $15-$35. Extras: Outdoor seating, bar, signature cocktails, balcony available for parties. Lunch M-F 11:30-2:30; Dinner Sun-Th 5-9, Fri-Sat 5-10. Reservations: Yes. n Il Sogno Ristorante: 100 N Hale St, Wheaton.

n J. Alexander's: 1410 16th St, Oak Brook.

n Jackson Avenue Pub: 7 W Jackson Ave, Naperville. 630 904-9400. Upscale pub featuring classic American fare. Capacity: 75. Yrs in bus: 4. Chef’s Choice: Angus beef burgers. Entrée prices: Avg: $12. Extras: Craft beers on tap, five flat screen TVs, family friendly, carry-out, full bar, extensive whiskey and scotch selection. M-Th 11-1 am, F-Sat 11-2 am, Sun 11-1 am. Reservations: No, but call-ahead seating available. n Jade Dragon: 43 S Washington St, Hinsdale. 630 323-6959. Szechwan, Mandarin and Cantonese cuisine in a family friendly atmosphere located in historic downtown Hinsdale. Capacity: 90. Yrs in bus: 24. Chef’s Choice: Sesame chicken and Szechwan green beans. Entrée prices: $7-$12. Extras: Catering, carry-out. T-Th 11-9, F 11-9:30, Sat 11:30-9:30, Sun

11:30-9. Reservations: For 5 or more. n The JalapeÑo Grille: 602 Geneva Rd, St. Charles. 630 587-1918. Authentic Mexican fast-food fare featuring freshly made dishes. Capacity: 35. Yrs in bus: 11. Chef’s Choice: Steak tacos. Entrée prices: Avg: $10. Extras: Catering, kids’ menu, outdoor dining, carry-out. M-Sat 7-9, Sun 8-8. Reservations: No. Additional location at 1316 N Rt 59, Naperville, 630 778-9118. n Jambalaya: 4051 E Main St, St. Charles; in the Pheasant Run Resort. 630 584-6300. Cajun/ American-themed restaurant serving classic New Orleans cuisine. Capacity: 95. Yrs in bus: 6. Chef’s Choice: Jambalaya. Entrée prices: $8-$18. Extras: Live entertainment F-Sat, karaoke, weekly specials, Sun morning breakfast 9-1. Lunch M-Sun (available depending on hotel occupancy) 11-2; Dinner MSat 5-10. Reservations: Yes. n Jameson's Charhouse: 94 Stratford Dr, Bloomingdale. 630 671-9090. Casual dining steakhouse. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Black Angus bone-in rib-eye. Entrée prices: $13-$28. Extras: Bar, carry-out, banquets, outdoor dining. M-Th 11:30-10, F 11:30-11, Sat noon-11, Sun noon-9. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 1001 W 75th St, Woodridge, 630 910-9700. n Japan 77: 2161 Bloomingdale Rd, Glendale Heights. 630 893-3377. Japanese-style cooking featuring fresh steak, chicken and seafood prepared at your table. Capacity: 140-160. Yrs in bus: 36. Chef’s Choice: Filet mignon and lobster. Entrée prices: $12-$32. Extras: Bar, carry-out, birthday specials, party packages, kids’ menu. M-Th 4-9, Fri-Sat 4-10. Reservations: Yes. Affiliated with Domo 77, 4097 Healthway Dr, Aurora, 630 692-0030; and 2040 S Naperville Rd, Wheaton, 630 690-3277 n Jason's Deli: 1739 Freedom Dr, Naperville. 630 955-1179. Sandwiches, soups and salads served in a fast-casual atmosphere. Capacity: 160. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: California Club. Entrée prices: $7-$11. Extras: Delivery, online ordering, carry-out, catering, outdoor dining, kids’ menu, free ice cream for dine in and carry-out. M-Sun 10-10. Reservations: No. Additional locations at 2060 York Rd, Oak Brook, 630 928-1497; and 1530 McConnor Pkwy, Schaumburg, 847 240-0516. n Javi's Burritos: 544 Crescent Blvd, Glen Ellyn. 630 474-0980. Authentic Mexican atmosphere featuring a menu that focuses on traditional Mexican “street food,” as well as smart urban fare. Capacity: 25. Chef’s Choice: Tacos. Entrée prices: $6-$13, Avg: $9. Extras: catering, free toppings. M-Sat 11-9, Mon-Sat delivery. Reservations: No. n JD Muggs: 437 S Addison Rd, Addison. 630 833-2570. Neighborhood pub serving American fare with an open bar area. Capacity: 201. Yrs in bus: 17. Chef’s Choice: Classic homemade burgers. Entrée prices: $5-$10. Extras: Karaoke, outdoor dining, DJ, live music, bar (open later), dance floor. M 11-10, T-Th 11-11, F-Sat 11-midnight, Sun 11-9. Reservations: Yes, for 6 or more. n Jerusalem Café: 1030 Lake St, Oak Park. 708 848-7734. Fresh Middle Eastern fare to go. Capacity: 45. Yrs in bus: 11.5. Chef’s Choice: Chicken shawarma. Entrée prices: $4-$9. Extras: Carry-out, delivery, catering, outdoor dining. M-Sun 11-10. Reservations: No. Additional location at 300 W Roosevelt Rd, Lombard, 630 629-6400. n Jimmy's Charhouse: 2290 Point Blvd, Elgin. 847 783-0200. Steaks, ribs, burgers and other traditional American fare. Capacity: 350. Yrs in bus: 14. Chef’s Choice: Surf and Turf or rotisserie


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DIning chicken. Entrée prices: $12-$36. Extras: Bar, banquets, catering, carry-out, private parties. M-Sat 11-midnight, Sun 11-10. Reservations: Yes. n Jimmy's Grill: 245 S Washington St, Naperville.

630 548-2500. Casual family dining featuring American fare in an eclectic setting. Capacity: 325. Yrs in bus: 16. Chef’s Choice: Blackhawk burger. Entrée prices: $6-$25. Extras: New management, new menu by Travis Rodriguez, outdoor dining, two bars, catering for holiday parties, kids' menu. Sun-F 11-1 am, Sat 11-2 am. Reservations: No. n Jin 28: 28 W Jefferson Ave, Naperville. 630 848-1828. Pan-Asian fare featuring Chinese, Japanese and Thai cuisine. Capacity: 65. Yrs in bus: 6. Entrée prices: $10-$18. Extras: Online ordering, delivery, carry-out, family friendly, full bar. M-Th 11:30-9:30, F-Sat 11:30-10:30, Sun noon-8:30. Reservations: Yes.


n n n n Chef Profile

Massimo Salatino


6 c C $ f

Chef at Francesca’s Restaurants

Years as a chef and years in your current position? 27 and 17 years in current position



When did you first get interested in cooking and what sparked that interest? I was 11 or 12 years old, and a family friend owned a restaurant and deli.



A f a C p p f 4 o

What is your culinary training? I graduated from Scuola Alberghiera di Stresa, Lago Maggiore, Italy


Mentor you learned most about cooking from? I was very fortunate to have an internship with Chef Fantini — Master Chef of the Italian Culinary team at the Regina Palace Hotel, Lago Maggiore. I learned to truly appreciate how to blend flavors,with seasonings and herbs to create a great dish. I have also been inspired by other great chefs during my career and am still learning!


n John & Tony's Restaurant: 27W371 North

Ave, West Chicago. 630 520-0593. Classic bar and Italian steakhouse featuring American fare, classic Italian dishes and fresh seafood. Capacity: 275. Yrs in bus: 6. Chef’s Choice: Trio Fillet. Entrée prices: $12-$39. Extras: Bar (open later), Sun brunch, outdoor dining, catering, private parties, carry-out, banquets, Eat Out for Charity (20% for charity). M-Th 11:15-9:30, F 11:15-10, Sat 4-10, Sun 11-8:30. Reservations: Accepted.

Your go-to cookbook? There are many sources. Mainly I get ideas from photographs of food, inspiring me to change things around to my liking.


n John's RestauranT & Tavern: 27W482 Jewel

Rd, Winfield. 630 752-2000. Well curated craft beers and other American fare in a casual setting. Capacity: 120. Yrs in bus: 95. Chef’s Choice: Fish Tacos & BBQ Ribs. Entrée prices: $10-$18. Extras: Bar (open later), family friendly, live entertainment Sat. M-Sat 11-2 am, Sun 11-11. Reservations: No. n Johnson's Door County Fish & Shrimp: 908 E Roosevelt Rd, Lombard. 630 629-6520. Casual restaurant serving broiled and deep-fried seafood. Capacity: 70. Yrs in bus: 50. Chef’s Choice: Jumbo shrimp and cod sandwich. Entrée prices: $5-$16. Extras: Carry-out, family friendly, beer and wine. T-Th 11-8, F-Sat 11-9, Sun 3-8. Reservations: For 8 or more. n Jose Maria's: 730 E State St, Geneva. 630 232-9135. Traditional, homemade Mexican dining. Capacity: 64. Yrs in bus: 4. Chef’s Choice: Pollo in poblano cream. Entrée prices: $9-$17. Extras: Carry-out, kids’ menu, bar. M-Th 11-9, F 11-10, Sat noon-10. Reservations: Yes. n Juicy-O: 2942 S Finley Rd, Downers Grove.

630 932-4260. Breakfast and lunch specialties served in a country setting with a homey and relaxed feel. Capacity: 170. Yrs in bus: 11. Chef’s Choice: Taste-o-rama. Entrée prices: $5-$13. Extras: Carry-out, private parties, catering. M-F 6 am-3 pm, Sat-Sun 7 am-3 pm. Reservations: Yes, for 6 or more. Additional locations at 2035 S Washington St, Naperville, 630 470-9879; and 6300 S Kingery Hwy, Willowbrook, 630 468-2585. n The Junction Diner: 7401 W Madison St, Forest

Park. 708 771-5276. Train-themed restaurant with a large dining counter where trains deliver the food. Capacity: 99. Yrs in bus: 4. Chef’s Choice: Spicy chicken salad. Entrée prices: $5-$10. Extras: Family friendly, kids’ interactive train town and chalk wall, birthday party rooms available. T-Sat 11-8, Sun 11-7. Reservations: No. n Jurin: 1772 S Randall Rd #190, Geneva. 630 262-9590. Unique, contemporary Japanese cuisine in an intimate setting. Capacity: 80. Yrs in bus: 16. Chef’s Choice: Sushi. Entrée prices: $11-$30. Extras: Sushi bar, carry-out, family friendly, full bar. Lunch M-Sat 11:30-2; Dinner M-Sun 5-10. Reservations:

Aspect of being a chef that the average person would find surprising? Likely working 12-15 hour days, six and sometimes seven days per week. And ever think about the summer heat in the kitchen? Lucky to get my sauna session at work — great weight loss program!


Favorite ingredients to work with? I love to work with the most colorful, flavorful vegetables and fruits of the season in order to bring to the table food that is fresh, healthy and delicious.


Favorite dish to make and why? Risotto. It reminds me of my teenage years. When I started in this business, I could always make killer risotto.


Favorite place to shop for ingredients? For home cooking, Mariano’s and Trader Joe’s


Most unusual ingredient you have used in a dish? Monkfish liver. It was a great delicacy — I call it poor man’s “foie gras”!



7 u C C E c F

Guilty pleasure or junk food you really enjoy? Ice cream and more ice cream



Your last meal would be? The biggest steak

Best advice anyone ever gave you? My parents were right when they impressed on me to just be honest.



8 w s 6 E o t a s

Favorite kitchen utensils you couldn’t live without? Chef knife (large blade knife), sharpening steel, colander, non stick saute pan, preferably seasoned cast iron


Personal cooking philosophy? Just a few ingredients. Keep it simple, keep it fresh.


If not a chef, what career would you have likely pursued? Physician



6 p S o n S

Three words to describe you and/or your cooking style? Fresh, lively, tasty!


Hobbies or things you like to do when not working? Run, play soccer, take a long walk with my wife and the most important one, sit and relax on my back porch and enjoy a nice glass of wine with my wife.



6 b E p T R

How many meals come out of your kitchen on a busy weekend night? 350-400


How often do you cook at home and what is your favorite dish to make there? Not often, my wife does all the cooking — she is awesome. Plus, she does not like me to cook at home because she says I use too many pots and make a big mess. I guess I don't have people to clean up after me at home.


Top tip for foodie home cooks or aspiring chefs? Have fun with recipes and use your own taste imagination. You may end up creating your own delicious original!


Five must have items for any good cook’s home kitchen? Extra virgin olive oil, sea salt, a great bottle of wine (to have handy just in case something goes wrong, you can just enjoy), a seasoned cast iron pan, and a 10-inch chef's knife.


Most interesting/unusual experience as a chef? Watching dinner come out of a large hole in the ground, everything wrapped in banana leaves. This was a most surprising, delicious dinner with a tribe in Papua New Guinea. n

Favorite west suburban restaurant to eat at other than yours? Fire and Wine in Glen Ellyn



H s C M $ b m 1

How do you determine what dishes to put on your menu, both as regular items and specials? Seasonality. The Francesca group works with a local farm in the western suburbs. What started out as a humanitarian effort to help a struggling farming family when the lead man got ill, turned into a blessing for all. When we have a large bounty of any particular vegetable, that will be used in many dishes because it is farm fresh and inexpensive for our customers. It’s similar to our seafood, as in catch of the day, and meats. Once again it’s seasonality and fresh to the table.



N d 3 E f M 4 r


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Yes, for 5 or more. Additional location at 588 Randall Rd, South Elgin, 847 488-1290. n Just Kabobs: 1825 W Main St, St. Charles. 630 443-3400. Mediterranean fare served in a casual, countertop style. Capacity: 32. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Pork/Chicken Kabobs. Entrée prices: $5-$9. Extras: Catering, drive-thru, carry-out, family friendly, TVs. M-Sat 10-9. Reservations: No.

|K| n Kabuki Steakhouse And Sushi: 19 E North

Ave, Glendale Heights. 630 580-9135. Japanese fare featuring sushi, hibachi entertainment and more in a trendy atmosphere. Capacity: 200. Yrs in bus: 6. Chef’s Choice: Lobster tail and filet mignon. Entrée prices: $10-$43. Extras: Full bar (open later), carry-out, private parties hibachi tables, outdoor seating, family friendly, kids’ menu. M-Th 11-10, F 11-10:30, Sat 4-10:30, Sun 4-10. Reservations: Recommended on weekends. n Kama Bistro: 9 S La Grange Rd, La Grange. 708 352-3300. Fresh and modern Indian fare with unique tastes served in an upscale and cozy setting. Capacity: 55 plus 20 on patio. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s Choice: Lamb Chop Masala. Entrée prices: $10-$34. Extras: Catering, gluten-free & vegan options, carry-out, delivery, patio. M 4-9:30, T-Th 11:30-9:30, F-Sat 11:30-10:30, Sun 11:30-9. Reservations: Yes. n KATIE O’CONNER’S: 13717 Rt 30, Plainfield.

815 439-4411. Irish-American restaurant and pub with a warm and friendly atmosphere serving steaks, chops and ribs. Capacity: 200. Yrs in bus: 6. Chef’s Choice: Shepherd’s pie, steak and ribs. Entrée prices: $8-$25. Extras: Live entertainment, outdoor dining, carry-out, catering, family friendly, team trivia on W & Sun. M-Th 11-1 am, F-Sat 11-2 am, Sun 11-midnight. Reservations: No, call-ahead seating available. n Kerry Piper: 7900 Joliet Rd, Willowbrook.

630 325-3732. Celtic music and cuisine in a cozy Irish pub. Capacity: 220. Yrs in bus: 18. Chef’s Choice: Shepherd’s pie. Entrée prices: $7-$22. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, Irish sessions on Sun 5 pm, pub trivia nights Wed 8 pm. M-Th 11:30-1 am, F-Sat 11:30-2 am, Sun noon-10. Reservations: Accepted. n Khao Suay Thai: 1224 W Ogden Ave, Naperville. 630 355-7420. Traditional Thai food served in a cozy, bright space. Chef’s Choice: Three Flavored Tilapia. Entrée prices: $10-$17. Extras: Delivery, carry-out, private parking, family friendly, catering. Lunch: T-F 11-3, Sat 11-10, Sun 11-9; Dinner T-Th 5-9, F 5-10. Reservations: Yes. n Ki’s Restaurant: 705 North Ave, Glendale Heights. 630 469-4757. Continental, seafood and steakhouse fare in a warm and friendly environment. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 83. Chef’s Choice: Macadamia nut crusted halibut. Entrée prices: $14-$38. Extras: Carry-out, bar (open later), live music, banquets, outdoor dining, specials, catering, kids' menu, champagne brunch on Sun 10-2. M-Th 11:3010, F-Sat 11:30-11, Sun noon-9. Reservations: Yes. n Kiku Japanese Steakhouse: 2764 Aurora Ave,

Naperville. 630 305-3355. Hibachi-style Japanese dining featuring fresh seafood and sushi. Capacity: 350. Yrs in bus: 11. Chef’s Choice: Hibachi grill meals. Entrée prices: $11-$42. Extras: Carry-out, sushi bar, family friendly, two full bars, hibachi grills. Lunch M-F 11:30-2, Sat noon-3, Sun 12:30-3; Dinner M-F 4:30-10, Sat 4:30-10:30, Sun 4-9. Reservations: Yes, recommended on weekends.

n The Kinderhook Tap: 800 S Oak Park Ave, Oak Park. 708 434-0373. Neighborhood gathering place featuring burgers, entrée salads, sandwiches and microbrewed beers. Capacity: 80. Yrs in bus: 5. Entrée prices: $11-$16. Extras: Outdoor dining, full bar, free Wi-Fi. Sun-Wed 11-11 pm, Th 11-midnight, F-Sat 11-1 am. Reservations: Yes, for 8 or more. n Kitaro Grill & Sushi Lounge: 1224 State St,

Lemont. 630 257-2205. Japanese fare and sushi in a contemporary atmosphere. Capacity: 95. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Japanese seared steak and Kitaro supreme. Entrée prices: $12-$48. Extras: Sushi bar, kids’ menu, carry-out, full bar, daily specials. M-Th 11:30-9:30, F 11:30-10, Sat noon-10, Sun noon-9. Reservations: Yes. n Kona Grill: 3051 Butterfield Rd, Oak Brook.

630 515-8395. American favorites and sushi in a casually elegant environment. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Macadamia nut chicken. Entrée prices: Avg: $15. Extras: 2,000-gallon exotic aquarium, sushi bar, lounge, display kitchen, climate-controlled outdoor dining, catering, TVs, family friendly. Sun-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11 (patio open later). Reservations: Yes, though not on patio. n Kuma’s Corner: 1570 E Golf Rd, Schaumburg,

847 240-1200. American fare in a festive modern atmosphere. Capacity: 100, 32 on patio. Yrs in bus: 1. Chef’s Choice: Kuma Burger and mac & cheese. Entrée prices: $12-$17. Extras: Outdoor dining, full bar, craft brews, free Wi-Fi, TVs. Sun-W 11:15–midnight, Th-Sat 11:15 am-1 am. Reservations: No. n Kuma’s Asian Bistro: 216 S Washington St,

Naperville. 630 369-8500. Asian cuisine featuring Korean, Japanese, Thai and other Southeast Asian dishes with an emphasis on contemporary taste and popularity. Capacity: 100. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Signature Dishes. Entrée prices: $10-$22. Extras: Outdoor dining, full service bar, vegetarian menu. T-Th 4-9, F-Sat 11-10, Sun 11-9. Reservations: Yes, for 6 or more. n Kurumaya Japanese Kitchen: 1201 E Higgins

Rd, Elk Grove Village. 847 437-2222. Casual Japanese tavern featuring small plates. Capacity: Yrs in bus: 13. Chef’s Choice: Sushi platter. Entrée prices: $14$25. Extras: Private parties, lunch specials, carry-out, family friendly. Lunch M-F 11:30-2; Dinner M-Sat 5:30-10. Reservations: Yes. n Kyoto: 1408 Butterfield Rd, Downers Grove.

630 627-8588. Traditional Chinese and Japanese cuisine in an authentic atmosphere. Capacity: 100. Yrs in bus: 13. Chef’s Choice: Sakura roll and tuna dumplings. Entrée prices: $10-$20. Extras: Carry-out, full bar, TVs. M-Th 11:30-10, F 11:30-10:30, Sat noon-10:30, Sun noon-9:30. Reservations: Yes.


n La Campana Mexican: 306 W Army Trail

Rd, Bloomingdale. 630 924-8699. Mexican and American food in an authentic décor featuring Mexican tiles and paintings. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 25. Chef’s Choice: Tampiqueña. Entrée prices: $6-$18. Extras: Bar, over 200 tequilas, outdoor dining, carry-out, family friendly, catering. M-Th 11-11, F 11-midnight, Sat 11:30-midnight, Sun 11:30-10. Reservations: Yes. n La Dolce Vita: 107 Stephen St, Lemont. 630 257-9111. Old-world, classic Italian dining in over 100-year-old building. Capacity: 80. Yrs in bus: 15. Chef’s Choice: Eggplant Parmesan. Entrée prices: $13-$35, Extras: Banquet room for up to 90 people, gluten-free menu, outdoor covered patio, 25 different wines, catering, carry-out. M-Th 4-9, F-Sat 4-10, Sun 3-8 (bar open later). Reservations: For 8 or more. n La France Café & Crêpes: 708 S Main St,

Lombard. 630 613-9511. A Paris-inspired café, serving crêpes, coffee, and more in a cozy atmosphere. Capacity: 20. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Sweet and savory French crêpes. Entrée prices: $6-$18. Extras: Carry-out, catering, family friendly, cooking classes, gluten-free and vegetarian options. T-F 9-2 & 5-8, Sat 8-2 & 5-8, Sun 8-2. Reservations: No. n La Hacienda de los Fernandez: 2740 W 75th St, Naperville 630 428-2617. Mexican fare in a festive atmosphere. Capacity: 275. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Al Pastor. Entrée prices: $9-$21. Extras: Catering, drink specials, full bar, catering, carry-out. Sun-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 1571 W Lake St, Addison, 630 932-9551. n La Magdalena: 321 N Addison Rd, Addison. 630 832-0305. Authentic Mexican fare. Capacity: 100. Yrs in bus: 38. Chef’s Choice: Carne asada or Enchiladas Poblanos. Entrée prices: $8-$17. Extras: Bar, carry-out, family friendly. M-Th 3-10, F 3-11, Sat 10-11, Sun 10-10. Reservations: Yes, for 6 or more. n La Notte CafÉ & Ristorante italiano 6822 Windsor Ave, Berwyn. 708 749-1800. Authentic and contemporary Italian cuisine served up in a cozy space. Entrée prices: $15-$29. Extras: Carry-out, family friendly, full bar, outdoor dining, free Wi-Fi, catering. M-Th 11-9, F 11-10, Sat 4-10. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 118 N Marion St, Oak Park. n La Quinta De Los Reyes: 36 E New York St,

Aurora. 630 859-4000. Fine Mexican cuisine. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 10. Chef’s Choice: Meat and seafood parrilladas. Entrée prices: Avg: $15. Extras: Bar, private parties, outdoor dining, live music, monthly celebrations, club hours Th-Sat. M-Th 11-10, F 1-midnight, Sat 10:30-midnight, Sun 10:30-10. Reservations: Yes. n La Sorella di Francesca: 18 W Jefferson,

n La Adelita: 15732 Rt 59, Plainfield. 815 577-6101.

Authentic Mexican fare served in a Mexican Revolution-themed décor. Capacity: 77. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Parrillada la tropa. Entrée prices: $9-$17. Extras: Drive-thru, full bar, carry-out, TVs, catering, family friendly, happy hour. Sun-Th 10-10, F-Sat 10-11. Reservations: No. n La Bella Pasteria: 1103 South Blvd, Oak Park.

708 524-0044. Southern Italian bistro cuisine served in a casual environment. Capacity: 55. Yrs in bus: 24. Chef’s Choice: Veal and Eight-Finger Cavatelli. Entrée prices: $11-$30, Avg: $14. Extras: Carry-out, delivery, catering, bar, outdoor dining, family friendly. Sun & T-Th 4-9, F-Sat 4-10. Reservations: Yes.

Naperville. 630 961-2706. Italian cuisine in a casual, upbeat atmosphere. Capacity: 145 at 46 tables. Yrs in bus: 21. Chef’s Choice: Pollo arrosto alla romana. Entrée prices: $8-$32, Avg: $16. Extras: Carry-out, two bars, outdoor dining, banquets, catering. Lunch M-Sun 11:30-3; Dinner M-Th 3-9:30, F-Sat 3-10:30, Sun 4-9. Reservations: Yes. n LABarra: 3011 Butterfield Rd, Oak Brook, 630 861-6177. Sharable Italian small plates and artisan crafted pizzas in a contemporary atmosphere. Capacity: 230. Yrs in bus: 1. Chef’s Choice: 8-FInger Cavatelli, Sicilian Seafood Salad. Entrée Prices: $7-$20. Extras: Bar, live music, outdoor dining, carry out, catering, private parties, small plates. M-Th 11midnight, F-Sat 11-1 am, Sun 11-10. Reservations: Yes


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DIning n Labriola Bakery Café & Neopolitan Pizzeria 3021 Butterfield Rd, Oak Brook. 630 574-2008. European-inspired café featuring freshly made breakfast, lunch, dinner and bakery selections. Capacity: 180. Yrs in bus: 10. Chef’s Choice: Cheese burger with hand-cut fries. Entrée prices: $6-$18. Extras: Pastries, gelato, carry-out, catering, family friendly, kids’ menu. Sun-Th 7 am-9 pm, F-Sat 7 am-10 pm. Reservations: No. n Lake Street Kitchen + Bar: 1101 Lake St, Oak

Park. 708 383-5253. Comfortable atmosphere with an eclectic menu featuring Mediterranean and Asian inspired cuisine. Capacity: 90. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s Choice: Flatbreads. Entrée prices: $9-$22. Extras: Seasonal outdoor seating, full service bar with local craft beers, carry-out, TVs, weekly specials, brunch. M-Th 11:30-10, F 11:30-midnight, Sat 11-midnight, Sun 11-10. Reservations: For 6 or more. n The Lantern: 8 W Chicago Ave, Naperville.

n n n n Recently Opened

LELAND LEGENDS PUB & GRILL Informal fare in a historic setting in Aurora


eland Legends Pub

Gene Autrey and

& Grill, 1 S. Stolp Ave.,

Sally Rand.

Aurora (630 264-5000), is

The goal of

capitalizing on the colorful

the restaurant is

history of the premises it

to celebrate the

occupies as first-floor tenant

high standards

in a building constructed in

of service and

1928 as the Leland Hotel,

quality from that

which has now morphed

bygone era to

into Leland Tower.

the present day,

During its heyday, the hotel

says restaurant spokeswoman

brunch is being considered.

had a history of attracting

Kathryn Karademas.

There’s full bar service

an eclectic mix of guests.

The dinner menu at the

with specialty martinis and

Visitors referenced in its décor

100-seat venue features

nostalgic 1920s-era cocktails

and menu included business

assorted appetizers, salads,

such as the Bee’s Knees and

moguls like Phillip K. Wrigley

burgers, sandwiches and

South Side Fizz.

and Charles Comiskey II, crime

tacos priced from $8 to $12.

Reservations are taken but

n Lao Sze Chuan: 1331 W Ogden Ave, Downers

chieftains Al Capone and

Lunch service is expected

only for large groups of 6 to 10

Grove. 630 663-0303. Intimate Chinese, Cantonese, Mandarin and Szechuan dining. Capacity: 90. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Dry chili chicken. Entrée prices: Avg $9. Extras: Carry-out, family friendly. Sun-Th 11:30-9, F-Sat 11:30-9:30. Reservations: Yes, for 6 or more.

John Dillinger, and celebrities

to begin in September, and

or more.

630 355-7099. American fare in a classic neighborhood tavern. Capacity: 120. Yrs in bus: 49. Chef’s Choice: Chili and burgers. Entrée prices: $5-$8. Extras: Carry-out, happy hour, juke box, full bar, TVs, family friendly, drink specials. M-Th 10-1 am, F-Sat 10-2 am, Sun noon-1 am Reservations: No.

n Las Palmas: 311 W Ogden Ave, Westmont.

630 963-9999. Mexican food in a cantina décor. Capacity: 200. Yrs in bus: 20. Entrée prices: $6-$20, Avg: $10. Extras: Bar, carry-out, kids’ menu, catering. Sun-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11. Reservations: Yes, for 5 or more. Additional location at 1150 E Ogden Ave, Naperville, 630 717-9030.

Award winning citrus-soy salmon. Entrée prices: $11-$28. Extras: Kids’ menu, extensive whiskey menu, carry-out, happy hour, gluten-free menu. M 11-9, T-Th 11-10, F 11-11, Sat noon-11, Sun noon-9. Reservations: Limited, call-ahead seating available. n Little Bohemian: 25 E Burlington St, Riverside. 708 442-1251. European and American food in a casual atmosphere. Capacity: 45. Yrs in bus: 21. Avg entrée price: $7. Extras: Carry-out, beer and wine, family friendly. T-Sat 11-8, Sun 11-7. Reservations: Yes, for 6 or more.

n L'eiffel Bistrot & CrÊperie: Arboretum of

South Barrington, 100 W Higgins Rd, South Barrington. 847 428-4783. Fine French dining featuring a wide selection of crêpes. Capacity: 200. Yrs in bus: 5. Entrée prices: $14-$42. Extras: Bar, happy hour, absinthe bar, private parties, weekend brunch, outdoor dining, wine tastings, live music. M-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10, Sun 10-9. Reservations: Yes.

n The Little Gem CafÉ: 189 N Marion St, Oak Park. 708 613-5491. Intimate, industrial space serving innovative food. Capacity: 60. Yrs in bus: 2. Chef’s Choice: Duck Two Ways. Entrée prices: $16-$38. Extras: Full bar, private parties, patio, carry-out, catering. Lunch: T-Sun 11-3; Dinner: T-Sun 5-10. Reservations: Yes.

n Leland Legends Pub & Grill: 1 S Stolp Ave, Aurora. 630 264-5000. Fresh burgers, sandwiches and tacos served up in the historic former Leland Hotel. Capacity: 100. Mths in bus: 2. Entrée prices: $8-$12. Extras: Full bar, specialty drinks & cocktails. M-Th 4-11, F-Sat 4-1 am, Sun 4-10. Reservations: Yes, for groups of 6 or more.

n Little owl: 101 W State St, Geneva. 630 2327238. American home-cooking using family recipes served in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere in a historic building. Capacity: 70. Yrs in bus: 91. Chef’s Choice: Italian beef sandwich. Entrée prices: $7$15. Extras: Full bar, carry-out, free Wi-Fi, TVs, kids’ menu, daily and monthly specials. M-Sun 11-10. Reservations: No, but call-ahead seating available.

n Lemont Street Café: 7329 Lemont Rd, Downers

Grove. 630 968-2944. Homemade American fare featuring breakfast and lunch favorites in a family friendly setting. Capacity: 70. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Corned beef hash. Entrée prices: $5-$9. Extras: Carry-out, kids’ menu, family friendly. M-Th & Sat-Sun 7-2 pm, F 7-2 pm & 5-8. Reservations: Yes. n Level 257: 2 Woodfield Mall, Schaumburg.

847 805-0257. Dining and entertainment destination inspired by the PAC-MAN video game. Chef’s Choice: Tiki Rumaki. Entrée prices: $15-$25. Capacity: 160. Yrs in bus: 1. Extras: Private events, bowling, game lounge, carry-out. M-Th 11:30-11, F-Sat 11:30-1am, Sun 10-10. Reservations: Yes. n Lincoln Whiskey Kitchen: 930 N Meacham

Rd, Schaumburg. 847 413-8000. Casual yet upscale restaurant serving made-from-scratch American fare. Capacity: 217. Yrs in bus: 4. Chef’s Choice:

n Liu Brothers Asian Bistro: 1554 E Main St,

St. Charles. 630 797-5155. Traditional and contemporary Asian dishes with fresh ingredients. Capacity: 50. Yrs in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Honey walnut shrimp. Entrée prices: $8-$15. Extras: Free parking, free Wi-Fi, private parking lot, family friendly, carry-out. T-Th 11-9:30, F-Sat 11-10, Sun noon-9. Reservations: Yes. n The Lodge On 64: 41W379 Rt 64, Wasco.

630 443-8000. Restaurant with a wilderness lodge feel, offering certified steaks, seafood, pasta and sandwiches. Capacity: 250. Yrs in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Wood-roasted rotisserie chicken and BBQ ribs. Entrée prices: $9-$35. Extras: Carry-out, live entertainment, bar, wood-burning fire pits, complimentary s’mores, patio, kids’ menu. M-Th 4-1 am, F 11-2 am, Sat noon-2 am, Sun noon-midnight. Reservations: Yes.


T.R. Witom

n Lone Star Steakhouse & Saloon

155 S Randall Rd, Elgin, 847 931-7837. American steakhouse with “Texas pride, attitude and cuisine.” Capacity: 290. Yrs in bus: 20. Chef’s Choice: Texas ribeye. Entrée prices: $9-$26, Avg: $14. Extras: Carry-out, bar, outdoor dining, TVs, family friendly, happy hour. Sun-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 2705 Plainfield Rd, Joliet, 815 436-7600. n Lou Malnati’s: 131 W Jefferson Ave, Naperville.

630 717-0700. Italian pizzeria in an old firehouse with a family atmosphere. Capacity: 200. Yrs in bus: 11. Chef’s Choice: Deep dish pizza. Entrée prices: Avg: $5-$8 per person. Extras: Full bar, delivery, seasonal outdoor dining, carry-out, game room, banquets, catering, party room. Sun-Th 11-11, F-Sat 11 ammidnight. Reservations: No. Additional locations in Bloomingdale, Bolingbrook, Carol Stream, Downers Grove, Elk Grove Village, Elmhurst, Geneva, Joliet, Schaumburg, Oak Park and Western Springs. n Lumes: 1902 W Fabyan Pkwy, Batavia.

630 761-9676. Family-friendly pancake house serving breakfast all day and dinner four nights a week. Capacity: 160. Yrs in bus: 12. Chef’s Choice: Skillets or Omelets. Entrée prices: $8-$10. Extras: Carry-out. Sun-T 6 am-4 pm, W-Sat 6 am-9 pm. Reservations: Yes except on holidays.

|M| n m burger: 1650 Premium Outlet Blvd, Aurora.

630 692-9558. Fast, casual, burger joint featuring burgers, fries, and milkshakes. Yrs in bus: 1. Entrée Prices: $3-$5 Extras: Outdoor dining, children’s play area. M-Sat 11-9, Sun 11-7. Reservations: No. n Maura’s Mediterranean: 31 N Cass Ave, Westmont. 630 512-0010. Mediterranean food served in an authentic atmosphere. Extras: Delivery, carry-out, family friendly, outdoor seating, free Wi-Fi, catering. T-W 11-8, Th-Sun 11-9. Reservations: Accepted. n Macarena Tapas: 618 S Rt 59, Naperville. 630 420-8995. Hot and cold tapas served in a romantic, Spanish ambiance. Capacity: 60. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Solomillo en Tostada and Croquetas de Queso de Cabra. Entrée prices: $5-


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$12. Extras: Bar, private parties, carry-out, TVs, free Wi-Fi. Lunch T-F 11:30-2; Dinner T-Th 5-9, F 5-10, Sat 4-10, Sun 4-9. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 1890 W Main St, St. Charles 630 945-3458.  MACIANO'S PIZZA & PASTARIA: 2460 S Eola Rd, Aurora. 630 585-9700. Homemade Italian favorites served in an authentic, family friendly atmosphere. Capacity: 60. Yrs in bus: 12. Chef’s Choice: Lasagna. Entrée prices: $8-$12. Extras: Delivery, carry-out, online ordering, catering. Sun-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11. Reservations: No, call-ahead seating available. Additional locations in Elgin, North Aurora and Winfield.  MACK'S GOLDEN PHEASANT: 668 W North Ave, Elmhurst. 630 279-8544. Award-winning classic American fare served in the oldest continuously owned landmark eatery in DuPage County. Capacity: 130. Yrs in bus: 86. Chef’s Choice: Wiener schnitzel. Entrée prices: $8-$20. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining and patio, banquets, Sunday brunch 10-2. M-Th 11:30-10, F-Sat 11:30-10:30, Sun 10-9 (bar open later). Reservations: Yes.  MADE IN ITALY TRATTORIA: 476 Forest Ave, Glen Ellyn. 630 469-4146. Traditional Southern Italian cuisine including homemade pastas and desserts in a rustic, intimate setting. Capacity: 60. Yrs in bus: 1. Chef’s Choice: Vitello Ciaobella and Linguine Marechiaro. Entrée prices: $12-$19. Extras: Wine and beer, carry-out. Sun-Th 4-10, F-Sat 4-11. Reservations: No.  MAGGIANO'S LITTLE ITALY: 240 Oakbrook Center, Oak Brook. 630 368-0300. Classic re-creation of New York pre-war “Little Italy” dinner house. Capacity: 400 at 80+ tables. Yrs in bus: 23. Chef’s Choice: Chicken francese or Rigatone D. Entrée prices: $13-$40. Extras: Outdoor dining, valet parking, carry-out, delivery, private parties. M-Th 11:15-10, F-Sat 11:15-11, Sun 11:15-9. Reservations: Yes. Additional locations at 1847 Freedom Dr, Naperville, 630 536-2270; and 1901 E Woodfield Rd, Schaumburg, 847 240-5600.  MAGIC WOK: 23 W Harris Ave, La Grange. 708 352-2341. Classic Cantonese and Mandarin cuisine. Capacity: 165. Yrs in bus: 38. Chef’s Choice: Orange chicken. Entrée prices: $6-$12. Extras: Bar, carry-out, catering, delivery. M-Sun 11-9. Reservations: Yes.  MAGO GRILL & CANTINA: 641 E Boughton Rd in the Promenade Bolingbrook. 630 783-2222. Regional Mexican cuisine in a Latin atmosphere. Capacity: 130. Yrs in bus: 6. Chef’s Choice: Salmon with coconut mole or Guacamole. Entrée prices: $12-$25. Extras: Outdoor dining, full-service bar serving over 200 different tequilas, Th night live mariachis, happy hour. M-Th 11-11, F 11-midnight, Sat 10-midnight, Sun 10-10. Reservations: Yes. Additional locations at 115 W Campbell St, Arlington Height, 847 253-2222 and 100 W Higgins Rd, South Barrington, 847 844-4400.  MAI THAI: 697 N Cass Ave, Westmont. 630 455-4298. Thai and Asian cuisine in a sophisticated yet casual atmosphere. Capacity: 50. Yrs in bus: 13. Chef’s Choice: Pad Thai noodles. Entrée prices: $6-$10. Extras: Family friendly, carry-out, beer and wine, delivery, catering. M-Th 11-9, F 11-9:30, Sat noon-9:30, Sun 4-9. Reservations: Yes.

Experience the Finest Selection of Italian Cuisine One-of-a-Kind Gourmet Specialties, Custom Created by Experienced Chefs

 MAI THAI CAFÉ: 140 N Main St, Wheaton. 630 510-3680. Family business serving traditional Thai fare in a casual environment. Capacity: 20. Yrs in bus: 11. Chef’s Choice: Panang Curry. Entrée prices: Avg: $10. Extras: Carry-out, self-service, family friendly. M-Th 11:30-8. F-Sat 11:30-9. Reservations: No.

483 Spring Road

 MAIN STREET CAFÉ: 2 W St. Charles Rd, Lombard.

630 629-5211. Family friendly diner serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. Capacity: 120. Yrs in bus: 56. Entrée prices: $5-$15. Extras: Carry-out, Wi-Fi. M-Sun 6 am-3 pm. Reservations: Yes, for large parties.




Mon - Thurs 11 am - 11 pm • Fri 11 am - midnight • Sat 4 pm - midnight • Sun 2 - 10 pm


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DIning n Malahini Terrace: 321 W 75th St, Willowbrook. 630 325-0520. Chinese fare in a casual, Hawaiianstyle atmosphere. Capacity: 120. Yrs in bus: 34. Chef’s Choice: Malahini Steak. Entrée prices: $6-$15. Extras: Carry-out, lunch buffet, full bar, delivery. M-Th 11:30-9:30, Fri 11:30-10, Sat noon-10, Sun noon-9:30. Reservations: No.

Elmhurst. 630 607-0188. Modern counter-serve chain dishing up burgers, hot dogs, sandwiches, fries and shakes. Capacity: 65. Yrs in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Build-your-own-burgers. Entrée prices: $6-$13. Extras: Kids’ meals, hand-dipped shakes. Sun-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10. Reservations: No. Additional locations in Glen Ellyn, Naperville, Schaumburg and Willowbrook.

847 397-4200. Italian-American pizzeria and sports bar. Capacity: 311. Yrs in bus: 10. Chef’s Choice: Rustic Penne Pasta and Crispy Chicken Romano. Entrée prices: $8-$20. Extras: Outdoor dining, bar, catering, carry-out. M-Sat 11-11, Sun 11-10. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 1175 W Lake St, Bartlett, 630 837-4992.

n Mama Thai Restaurant: 1112 Madison St, Oak Park. 708 386-0100. Authentic Thai cuisine. Capacity: 50. Yrs in bus: 15. Chef’s Choice: Pad Thai. Entrée prices: $9-$13. Extras: Carry-out, delivery, beer and wine, family friendly. Sun-M 11-9, T-Th 11-9:30, F-Sat 11-10. Reservations: Yes, for 4 or more. Additional location at 52 W Roosevelt Rd, Lombard, 630 792-1881.

n MÉcÉnat Bistro: 821 W Burlington Ave, Western

n Morton's: 1751 Freedom Dr, Naperville.

Springs. 708 246-8668. American eclectic fare. Capacity: 110. Yrs in bus: 5.5. Chef’s Choice: Pan seared whitefish. Entrée prices: $12-$30. Extras: Outdoor dining, full bar, live entertainment F & Sat nights, private dining, retail wine shop. T-Th 4-11, F-Sat 4-midnight, Sun 4-8. Reservations: Yes.

n Mapo Restaurant: 1563 Naperville-Wheaton Rd, Naperville. 630 420-1388. Authentic Szechwan and Chinese cuisine with a touch of Taiwanese influence. Capacity: 110. Yrs in bus: 33. Chef’s Choice: Wokseared fish. Entrée prices: Avg: $5-$17. Extras: Carry-out, family friendly, TVs, specials. M-Th 11:30-9:30, F-Sat 11:30-10, Sun 11:30-9. Reservations: Yes, for 6 or more.

n Melting Pot: 255 W Golf Rd, Schaumburg. 847 843-8970. Traditional and European fondue in a relaxed and romantic atmosphere. Capacity: 131 at 31 tables. Yrs in bus: 21. Chef’s Choice: Fondue. Entrée prices: $32-$45. Extras: Bar, extensive wine list, ladies night. M-Th 5-10, F 5-11, Sat 4-11, Sun noon-9. Reservations: Recommended. Additional locations at 1205 Butterfield Rd, Downers Grove, 630 737-0810; and 4931 S Rt 59, Naperville, 630 717-8301.

630 577-1372. Steaks and seafood in an upscale American steakhouse featuring an a la carte menu. Capacity: 120. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Porterhouse steak. Entrée prices: $40-$60. Extras: Bar, valet parking every day but M, lounge, private dining, patio. M-Th 5:30-10, F 5:30-11, Sat 5-11, Sun 5-10 (bar opens at 4). Reservations: Recommended. Additional locations at 9525 W Bryn Mawr Ave, Rosemont, 847 678-5155; and 1470 McConnor Pkwy, Schaumburg, 847 413-8771.

n Margarita's: 804 S Oak Park Ave, Oak Park.

708 386-3386. Authentic Mexican food in a fun, festive atmosphere. Capacity: 120. Yrs in bus: 28. Chef’s Choice: Quesadillas con Rajas. Entrée prices: $10-$30. Extras: Bar, carry-out, family friendly, catering, lunch buffet. Sun-Th 11-11, F-Sat 11 am-midnight. Yes, for 6 or more. n Marino's Italian CafÉ & Pizzeria: 136 E Irving

Park Rd, Wood Dale. 630 350-7560. Classic Italian dining served in a casual authentic atmosphere. Capacity: 100. Yrs in bus: 25. Chef’s Choice: Chicken Vesuvio and Brick Oven Pizzas. Entrée prices: $10-$15. Extras: Banquet room, beer & wine, catering, daily specials, party packages. M-Th 10:30-10, F-Sat 10:30-11 pm, Sun 3-10. Reservations: Accepted. n Marion Street Market: 100 S Marion St, Oak

Park. 708 725-7200. Artisan cheeses, local and organic products, fine wines and craft-brewed beers in an eclectic and comfortable setting. Capacity: 100, 50 on seasonal patio. Yrs in bus: 12. Entrée prices: $12-$26. Extras: Café, carry-out, catering, liquor and cocktails, outdoor dining, vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free options. T-Th 11:30-9, F 11-10, Sat 9-10, Sun 9-3. Reservations: Yes. Affiliated with Fourteen Sixteen, 14-16 W Calendar Ave, La Grange. n Mattone Restaurant: 9 E 31st St, La Grange Park.

708 352-7588. A vibrant, lively, family-friendly restaurant offering a modern take on Italian cuisine. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Orecchiette Capra. Entrée prices: $13-$23. Extras: Carry-out, delivery, catering, online ordering, bar, banquets. Sun-Th 4-9, F-Sat 4-10. Reservations: Yes. n Maya Del Sol: 144 S Oak Park Ave, Oak Park. 708 358-9800. Casual, yet upscale New World Latin dining. Capacity: 175, 130 outdoors. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Carne asada. Entrée prices: $14-$36. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, live entertainment, gluten and dairy free options, catering, carry-out, private dining. M-Th 4-10, F-Sat 4-11, Sun 4-9, Sun brunch 9-2. Reservations: Yes. n McCormick & Schmick's: 3001 Butterfield Rd,

n MesÓn Sabika: 1025 Aurora Ave, Naperville.

630 983-3000. Spanish cuisine in a multi-dining room mansion with well-manicured grounds. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 26. Chef’s Choice: Tapas, Paella and Signature Sangria. Tapas prices: $5-$17. Extras: Banquets, carry-out, bar, outdoor dining, family friendly, Sun brunch 10:30-2, wine list, vegetarian and gluten-free menus. M-Th 11:30-10, F 11:30-11, Sat 5-11, Sun 4:30-9. Reservations: Recommended. n Miller's Ale House: 455 E Butterfield Rd, Lombard.

630 241-3371. American fare served in a nautical and sports-themed décor accented with Chicago memorabilia. Capacity: 320. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Ossobuco. Entrée prices: $9-$17. Extras: Two full-service bars, with one on the patio, 66 flat-screen TVs, kid’s night, gluten-free options, extensive beer selection, large party menu, PayPerView sporting events shown, outdoor dining. Sun-Th 11-1 am, F-Sat 11-2 am. Reservations: Yes, for 10 or more during the week; for parties under 9, call-ahead. n MOD Pizza: 103 S Washington, Naperville. 630 544-3471. Artisan-style pizzas and salads made to order in a fast, casual environment. Extras: Outdoor seating, carry-out. Sun-Th 10:30-10, F-Sat 10:30-11. Reservations: No. Additional locations at 370 W Army Trail Rd Bloomingdale, 630 523-5296; 556 St. Charles Rd, Elmhurst, 630 532-5879; and 2835 Showplace Dr, Naperville, 630 946-0300. n Moe's Southwest Grill: 4589 W Higgins Rd,

Hoffman Estates. 847 645-1800. Fresh southwest fare in a comfortable, fast-casual environment. Capacity: 72. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Tacos and burritos. Entrée prices: $3-$10. Extras: Catering, delivery. M-Sat 11-9, Sun 11-8. Reservations: No. n Mon Ami Gabi: 260 Oakbrook Center, Oak Brook.

630 472-1900. Classic French bistro featuring steak and fresh seafood. Capacity: 220 plus 60 outdoors. Yrs in bus: 16. Chef’s Choice: Poisson or Filets. Entree prices: $10-$30. Extras: Outdoor dining, banquets, wine dinner, award-winning all French wine selection, kids’ and gluten-free menus. M-Sat 11:30-10, Sun 10:30-9; Brunch Sat 11:30-3, Sun 10:30-3. Reservations: Yes.

Oak Brook. 630 571-3700. Fresh seafood with seasonal cocktails in an elegant atmosphere, with new items on the menu. Capacity: 400+. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Steak and lobster. Entrée prices: $15-$39. Extras: Bar (open 1 hr later), outdoor dining, private parties, happy hour, live music on F, specials. M-Th 11:30-9, F 11:30-10, Sat noon-10, Sun noon-9. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 5320 N River Rd, Rosemont, 847 233-3776.

n Montri Thai Restaurant: 2S535 Rt. 59, Warrenville. 630 836-9774. Thai restaurant serving ethnic favorites in a comfortable atmosphere. Capacity: 100. Yrs in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Pad Thai. Entrée prices: $9-$25. Extras: Carry-out, delivery, catering. Sun-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10. Reservations: Yes.

n Meatheads Burgers & Fries: 143 N York Rd,

n Moretti's: 1893 Walden Office Square, Schaumburg.

n Moshi Moshi: 109 S Main St, Naperville.

630 355-5516. Japanese cuisine. Capacity: 30. Yrs in bus: 12. Entrée prices: $10-$25. Extras: Carry-out, TVs, beer & wine. M-F 11-3 & 5-10, Sat 1-11, Sun 4-10. Reservations: No. n Mr. Samurai: 558 S Randall Rd, St. Charles.

630 762-8500. Japanese-themed steakhouse also specializing in sushi and seafood. Capacity: 68. Yrs in bus: 10. Entree prices: $10-$35. Extras: Bar, cooking table, sushi bar that holds 15, birthday specials, carry-out, catering. M-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10, Sun 2-9. Reservations: Yes. n Muldoons: 133 W Front St, Wheaton. 630 668-8866.

Irish-American eatery with a casual and family-friendly environment that has a brand new menu. Capacity: Over 150 at 47 tables. Yrs in bus: 14. Chef’s Choice: Fish & chips. Entrée prices: $11-$20. Extras: Carry-out, bar, seasonal patio, special. M-Sat 11-1 am, Sun 11 am-midnight. Reservations: Yes. n Mullen's Bar & Grill: 3080 Warrenville Rd, Lisle.

630 505-0240. Traditional American menu featuring steaks, fish, pasta and pizza. Capacity: 300+. Yrs in bus: 10. Chef’s Choice: Burgers or Mullen’s Wrap. Entrée prices: $10-$18. Extras: Bar, billiards, bag games, live entertainment, children’s menu, catering, carry-out, banquets, private parties, outdoor dining, beer garden. Sun-Th 11-1 am, F-Sat 11-2 am. Reservations: Yes. n Munch: 104 N Marion St, Oak Park. 708 848-4226.

Made-from-scratch food using fresh ingredients from local vendors in a modern environment, also offering vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free options. Capacity: 30 at 12 tables. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s Choice: Hippy hemp arugula salad. Entrée prices: Avg: $8. Extras: Carry-out, outdoor dining, family friendly, catering. T-Th 11-8, F 11-9, Sat 10-9, Sun 10-4. Reservations: Yes, for parties of 6 or more. n Muscle Maker Grill: 430 Roosevelt Rd, Glen

Ellyn. 630 790-0000. Nutritious alternative to fast food. Capacity: 25. Yrs in bus: 1. Chef’s Choice: Arizona. Entrée prices: $8-$12. Extras: Delivery, carry-out, family friendly, free Wi-Fi, TVs, catering, vegan, gluten-free, vegetarian and kids’ menu. M-Sat 11-9, Sun 11-7. Reservations: No. Additional Location at 1840 West Main St, St. Charles 847 660-7409. n My Way ristorante: 8116 S Archer Ave, Willow Springs. 708 839-1600. Veal, seafood, chicken, steaks and pasta served within Tuscan décor. Capacity: 50 plus 140 outside. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Stuffed banana peppers. Entrée prices: $15-$30. Extras: Outdoor dining, bar, private parties, catering, carry-out, TVs. T 4-10, W-Th 11:30-10, F 11:30-11, Sat 4-11, Sun 4-9. Reservations: Yes.

|N| n Nabuki: 18 E First St, Hinsdale. 630 654-8880.


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Contemporary Japanese cuisine and sushi restaurant serving traditional and innovative dishes. Capacity: 100. Yrs in bus: 5.5. Chef’s Choice: Red devil roll and Stanley Cup. Entrée prices: $14-$32. Extras: Kid’s menu, carry-out, bar. Lunch M-F 11:30-2:30; Dinner M-Th 5-9, F-Sat 5-10, Sun 5-9. Reservations: Recommended.

Contemporary American cuisine including seasonal and local foods in a warm atmosphere. Capacity: 72. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Pumpernickel-crusted halibut. Entrée prices: $15-$30. Extras: Wine list, revolving selection of 100 beers, 200 whiskies, bar. T-Th 5:30-9, F-Sat 5:30-10. Reservations: Recommended.

n Naf Naf Grill: 1739 Freedom Dr, Naperville.

n Nick's Pizza & Pub: 990 S Randall Rd, Elgin.

630 904-7200. Middle Eastern cuisine featuring freshly prepared falafel, shawarma and kabobs. Capacity: 76. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s Choice: Chicken shawarma. Entrée prices: $6-$15. Extras: Carry-out, outdoor dining, catering, online ordering. Sun-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10. Reservations: No. Additional locations at 4430 Fox Valley Center Dr, Aurora, 630 499-1700; 22 E Chicago Ave, Naperville, 630 548-9240; 17W746 22nd St, Oakbrook Terrace, 630 519-4220; and 10433 Touhy Ave, Rosemont, 847 294-0700.

847 531-5550. Family friendly eatery featuring traditional American and Italian selections. Capacity: 350. Yrs in bus: 11. Chef’s Choice: Nick’s special thin crust. Entrée prices: $8-$20. Extras: Two bars, carry-out, catering, delivery, fundraising, banquets, outdoor dining. Sun-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-midnight. Reservations: No.

n Nando's Peri-Peri: 6 W Jefferson Ave, Naperville.

630 388-0193. South African and Portuguese inspired cuisine in a rustic atmosphere. Capacity: 179. Mths in bus: 6. Chef’s Choice: Flame-grilled butterfly-cut Chicken Breast. Entrée prices: $10-$15. Extras: Patio, beer & wine, free Wi-Fi, family friendly, carry-out. Sun-Th 10-11, F-Sat 11-11. Reservations: No. Additional location at 1138 Lake St, Oak Park, 708 434-6296. n Nathan's Noodles & Rice: 683 N York Rd,

Elmhurst. 630 834-1966. Traditional Thai food served in an authentic restaurant. Capacity: 60. Yrs in bus: 2.5. Chef’s Choice: Thai curries. Entrée prices: $8$13. Extras: Catering, delivery, carry-out. Lunch M-F 11-3; Dinner M-Th 4:30-9, F 4:30-10, Sat 4-10, Sun 4-9. Reservations: Yes. n Neo Authentic Pizzeria: 31 S First St, St. Charles. 630 377-8700. Traditional wood-fired neapolitan thin-crust pizza served in a modern, urban environment. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Margherita pizza. Entrée prices: $11-$17. Extras: Carry-out, private parties, outdoor dining, on location parties. Sun-Th 5-11, F-Sat 5-midnight. Reservations: Yes, for 6 or more. Additional location at 47 E Chicago Ave, Naperville, 630 922-8200. n Nest Bar & Grill: 2001 Rodeo Dr, Bolingbrook;

in the Bolingbrook Golf Club. 630 771-9400. Family friendly, casual bar and grill serving traditional American cuisine, including seafood and steak. Capacity: 200. Yrs in bus: 15. Chef’s Choice: Ultimate Wedge Salad and Chicken & Sausage Cavatappi. Entrée prices: $8-$25. Extras: Carry-out, outdoor dining, wine list, daily specials, kids’ menu, bar. M-Th 7-10 pm, F-Sat 7-11 pm, Sun 7 am-9 pm. Reservations: Yes. n Nevin's Brewing Company: 12337 S Rt. 59,

Plainfield. 815 436-3900. American-themed pub featuring traditional fare. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Burgers. Entrée prices: $8-$18. Extras: Outdoor dining, wide selection of brews, private parties, catering, full bar, ‘bar snack’ options, live music. T-Th 3-1 am, F 3-2 am, Sat 11:30-2 am, Sun 11:30-midnight. Reservations: Yes. n New Pot: 727 Lake St, Oak Park. 708 383-1625.

Thai food in an upbeat setting, vegetarian-friendly atmosphere. Capacity: 80-90. Yrs in bus: 17. Chef’s Choice: Pad Thai. Entrée prices: $9-$17. Extras: Carry-out, catering, delivery, online ordering. M-Th 11:30-9:30, F-Sat 11:30-10, Sun 5-9. Reservations: Yes. n New Rebozo Mexican Restaurant

1116 Madison St, Oak Park. 708 445-0370. Authentic Mexican cuisine in a casual setting. Capacity: 100. Yrs in bus: 23. Chef’s Choice: Mar y Tierra and Can Cun Grill. Entrée prices: $13-$32. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, family friendly, carry-out, kids’ menu. M-F 5-10, Sat noon-10. Reservations: Yes. n Niche: 14 S Third St, Geneva. 630 262-1000.

n Nicksons Eatery: 30 S La Grange Rd, La Grange.

708 354-4995. Bold American flavors and specialty microbrews in a friendly, neighborhood ambiance. Capacity: 80. Yrs in bus: 6. Chef’s Choice: Colorado Elk Burger. Entrée prices: $9-$24. Extras: Bar, specialty microbrews, private parties, carry-out, seasonal, gluten-free and kids’ menu. M-Th 11:30-9, F-Sat 11:30-10. Reservations: Yes. n 1913 Restaurant & Wine Bar: 123 E Main St, Roselle. 630 582-3050. Italian & French small plates mixed with over 100 wines served in a historical building. Capacity: 102 in dining room, 50 at bar. Chef’s Choice: Lobster mac and cheese. Entrée prices: $15-$23. Extras: large wine selection, free parking, carry-out, full bar, outdoor seating, TVs. T-Th 4-9:30, F-Sat 4-10:30, Sun 4-9. Reservations: Accepted.

St. Charles. 630 549-0287. Hybrid gastropub featuring made-from-scratch comfort food. Capacity: 275. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s Choice: Barbecue pulled pork. Entrée prices: Avg: $15. Extras: Full-service lounge, outdoor dining, wood-burning oven, bar, private parties, outdoor fire top tables. M-Th 11midnight, F-Sat 11-2 am, Sun 11-10 pm. Reservations: Yes, recommended. n Old Town Pour House: 8 Oakbrook Center, Oak Brook. 630 601-1440. Vibrant bar and restaurant featuring 90 beers on tap with American fare. Capacity: 190 plus 25 at bar and 68 outdoors. Yrs in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Rigatoni. Entrée prices: $10$20. Extras: Patio, private parties, full bar, carry-out, TVs, outdoor fireplaces. M-Th 11:30-1 am, F 11:30-2 am, Sat 11-2 am, Sun 11-1 am. Reservations: Accepted. n Old Towne Pub: 40W290 LaFox Rd, St. Charles. 630 513-4240. Offering a wide variety of food, including barbecue ribs, fried chicken, fajitas and wraps. Capacity: 220. Yrs in bus: 10. Chef’s Choice: Italian beef and wraps. Entrée prices: $7-$21. Extras: Private parties, carry-out, live music, family friendly, free Wi-Fi. M-Th 11-1 am, F-Sat 11-2 am, Sun noon-1 am. Reservations: Yes. n olive theory Pizzeria: 1400 Butterfield Rd Suite A, Downers Grove. 815 575-8192. Fresh pizza and food served in a casual atmosphere. Entrée prices: $8-$9. Extras: Carry-out, family friendly, beer & wine, free Wi-Fi, TVs, catering. M-Sun 11-10. Reservations: No.

n Nobel House: 305 W State St, Geneva.

n OMG! Brunch & Boutique: 105 S York St, Elmhurst.

630 402-0452. American comfort food and handcrafted cocktails served up at this gastropub. Capacity: 70. Yrs in bus: 2. Chef’s Choice: Big Texas Burger. Entrée prices: $10-$24. Extras: Carry-out, family friendly, full bar, free Wi-Fi, TVs, catering, brunch Sat & Sun, kids’ menu. M-T 11-10, W-Th 11-11, F 11-2 am, Sat-Sun 10-2 am. Reservations: No.

630 501-0323. Globally-inspired brunch with a modern twist with natural and organic foods. Capacity: 70 inside, 35 outside. Yrs in bus: 2. Chef’s Choice: Seafood deluxe crepe and Shepard’s Pie. Entrée prices: Avg: $10. Extras: Art on display, seasonal patio, private parties, catering, carry-out, boutique attached, brunch cocktails. M-Sun 7:30-3. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 390 W Front St, Wheaton.

n Noodles & Company: 207 S Washington St,

Naperville. 630 369-3332. Fast-food noodle dishes in a contemporary setting. Capacity: 85. Yrs in bus: 14. Chef’s Choice: Japanese pan noodles. Entrée prices: $5-$9. Extras: Carry-out, family friendly, catering. M-Sat 10:30-10, Sun 10:30-9. Reservations: No. Additional locations in Aurora, Bolingbrook, Elgin, Geneva, Glen Ellyn, La Grange, Lombard, Oakbrook Terrace, River Forest, Schaumburg, and Wheaton.

n One Fifty One Kitchen + Bar: 151 N York St,

n Nosh: 211 James St, Geneva. 630 845-1570. An

n 100 South Chop House & Grill: 100 S York St,

eclectic breakfast and lunch spot with an urban atmosphere. Capacity: 114. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Hangover Benedict. Entrée prices: $8-$12. Extras: Carry-out, outdoor dining, children’s menu, beer, wine and spirits, new patio. M-F 7:30 am-2 pm, Sat-Sun 8 am-2 pm. Reservations: No.

Elmhurst. 630 782-9091. Upscale, semi-casual 1950s style steakhouse/supper-club with seafood, prime steaks, pastas and salads. Capacity: 190. Yrs in bus: 14. Chef’s Choice: Chop chop ribeye. Entrée prices: $8-$30. Extras: Banquets, catering, carry-out, live entertainment F & Sat. Lunch M-F 1 1-3; Dinner M-F 11 am-10, Sat 3-11, Sun noon-8. Reservations: Yes.

n Nu Crepes: 115 W Schiller Ct, Elmhurst. 630 577-7558.

A not-so-typical creperie using fresh, locally-sourced and organic ingredients. Capacity: 40 and seating for 16 outside. Yrs in bus: 4. Chef’s Choice: Kickin’ chicken. Entrée prices: $7-$9. Extras: Outdoor dining, private parties. T-Fri 7-7 pm, Sat 8-7 pm, Sun brunch 9-2 pm. Reservations: No. n Nuova Italia Ristorante: 32 E Lake St, Addison. 630 832-2131. Classic and casual dining featuring innovative Italian fare. Capacity: 207. Yrs in bus: 10. Chef’s Choice: Ossobucco or whole fish. Entrée prices: $13-$30. Extras: Carry-out, family friendly, outdoor dining, private parties, wine bar, wood oven. M-Th 11-10, F 11- 11, Sat 3-11, Sun 2-9. Reservations: Yes.

|O| n The Office Dining & Spirits: 201 E Main St,

Elmhurst. Seasonally-inspired and locally-sourced menu that highlights Midwestern foods in a relaxed and refined setting opening in mid-October. Capacity: 100 in dining room, 50 in bar area. Chef's Choice: Venison pie. Entrée prices: $11-$27. Extras: Private dining, Chef tasting menu, brunch, kids' menu. Sun-Th 11-11, F-Sat 11-midnight. Reservations: Yes.

n On The Border: 1915 Glacier Park Ave (facing Rt

59), Naperville. 331 472-8740. Tex-Mex fare in a festive setting. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 20. Chef’s Choice: Signature fajitas. Entrée prices: $10-$15. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, carry-out, online ordering, catering, kid’s menu, GrubHub delivery. Sun-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11. Reservations: No, call-ahead seating available. Additional locations at 3050 E Main St, St. Charles, 630 524-4870; and 870 N. Meacham Rd, Schaumburg 847 481-8908. n Orazio Pub: 333 N Center St, Naperville.

630 357-4350. Italian and American gourmet fare in a neighborhood atmosphere. Capacity: 80 at 8 tables. Yrs in bus: 29. Chef’s Choice: Italian subs. Entrée prices: $2-$9. Extras: Carry-out, bar, outdoor dining. M-Sun 11am-close. Reservations: No. n Our Kitchen: 363 W Lake St, Elmhurst. 630 279-3738.

Gourmet breakfast and lunch. Capacity: 190. Yrs in


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DIning bus: 34. Chef’s Choice: Oven-baked omelets with extra-thick bacon and oven-baked apple pancake. Entrée prices: $7-$10. Extras: Carry-out, family friendly, kid’s menu. M-Sat 7 am-3 pm, Sun 7 am-2 pm. Reservations: Yes. n Outback Steakhouse: 166 S Gary Ave,

Bloomingdale. 630 582-8914. Modern American cuisine with an Australian theme. Capacity: 250. Yrs in bus: 26. Chef’s Choice: Steak. Entrée prices: $10-$24. Extras: Carry-out, bar, family friendly. M-Th 11-9:30, F-Sat 11-10:30, Sun 11-9. Reservations: No, call ahead seating available. Additional locations in Joliet, Schaumburg, South Elgin and Villa Park. n Outpost Pub & Grill: 14929 S Archer Ave,

Lockport. 815 836-8893. Sandwiches and steak served in a comfortable, rustic country cabin atmosphere with a rock fireplace, large fish tank and vaulted ceilings. Capacity: 200. Yrs in bus: 11. Entrée prices: $8-$14. Extras: Four fireplaces, live entertainment F-Sat, bar (open later), outdoor dining, banquets, pool tables, drink specials, TVs. M-Th 11-1 am, F-Sat 11-2 am, Sun 11-midnight. Reservations: Yes.


n n n n Recently Opened


It's all in the filling at new creperie in Glen Ellyn


he recent opening

option. Depending on the

of Euro Crepe at 584

type of crepe, fillings range

Crescent Blvd, Glen Ellyn (630

from ham, crispy bacon and a

403-2061) added to the town’s

vegetable combo, to Nutella,

cosmopolitan restaurant scene.

banana, strawberry and

“We offer diners a lot of

blueberries, among others. Gluten-free gelato in

fresh, healthy and flavorful options,” says Ilirjan (Luis)

a variety of flavors is also

Jankulla, who owns the

available. No stranger to the restaurant

family-run business with his wife and brother, Leonardo. At the tiny restaurant,

world, Jankulla previously operated a pizzeria in

sweet crepes go for $7 and

Naperville that also featured

a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday-Friday;

savory, $8.50. Euro Crepe

food from his native Greece.

9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday, and

serves breakfast and offers

Euro Crepe also offers

9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday.

a create-your-own crepe

take-out and is open from 10


T.R. Witom

n Pal Joey's: 440 E Roosevelt Rd, West Chicago.

630 231-9393. Casual Italian restaurant famous for its pizza. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 42. Chef’s Choice: Pan-style pizza. Entrée prices: $12-$25. Extras: Carry-out, catering, dinner specials, family friendly, private parties. M-Th 11-10:30, F 11-11, Sat noon-11, Sun noon-9. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 31 N River St, Batavia, 630 593-6600; Pizza carry out location at Wheaton Bowl, 2031 N Gary Ave, Wheaton, 630 665-7359. n Palmer Place: 56 S La Grange Rd, La Grange.

708 482-7127. Casual American fare featuring 35 kinds of hamburgers. Capacity: 400+ (seats 220 inside, 260 outside). Yrs in bus: 39. Chef’s Choice: Sirloin steak sandwich. Entrée prices: $9-$24. Extras: Bar with over 300 beers, kid’s menu, outdoor dining. M-Th 11-midnight, F-Sat 11-1 am, Sun noon-11. Reservations: No. n Papa Passeros Pizzeria: 6326 S Cass Ave,

Westmont. 630 963-7660. Varied American fare and pizzas in a family-style sports bar. Capacity: 425. Yrs in bus: 38. Chef’s Choice: Broasted chicken and thin crust pizza. Entrée prices: $6-$15. Extras: Bar, banquets, private parties, outdoor dining, carry-out, delivery, game room, M-F lunch buffet 11-2, M-Th dinner buffet 5-8. Sun-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11, Sun brunch 10:30-2. Reservations: Yes, for 15 or more. n Papa's Pizza Place: 253 N Schmidt Rd,

Bolingbrook, 630 759-3700. Old-time Chicago-style restaurant serving pizza, chicken and sandwiches with casual décor and photos of historic Chicago. Yrs in bus: 35. Chef’s Choice: Pizza. Entrée prices: Avg: $6. Extras: Delivery, carry-out, family friendly. M-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11, Sun 4-10. Reservations: No. Additional location at 8258 S Janes Ave, Woodridge, 630 985-0101. n Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen: 921 Pasquinelli

Dr, Westmont. 630 455-9846. Fresh seafood from around the world with a Cajun flare in a casual dining atmosphere. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 18. Chef’s Choice: Sea bass. Entrée prices: $18-$40, Avg: $20. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, family friendly, banquets, live music F-Sat nights. Sun-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11. Reservations: Yes, but not Sat after 3 pm. n Paradise CafÉ: 5130 Main St, Downers Grove.

630 724-0300. Upscale pancake house and café serving American cuisine. Capacity: 170. Mths in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Pumpkin Pancake Combo.

Entrée prices: $7-$10. Extras: Outdoor dining, carry-out, sidewalk grill on Fri nights. M-Sun 7 am-3 pm. Reservations: Yes with parties over 10. n Paris Bistro: 2835 Showplace Dr, Naperville.

630 357-1005. Classic French fare served in a bistro-setting. Capacity: 48. Yrs in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Seared sea scallops and shrimp. Entrée prices: $19-$29. Extras: Free Wi-Fi, kids’ menu, family friendly, carry-out, brunch, beer & wine, catering, outdoor seating. T-Th 11-3, F 11-10, Sat 9-10, Sun 9-8. Reservations: Yes. n Parkers' Restaurant & BAr: 1000 31st St, Downers Grove. 630 960-5700. Casually elegant restaurant serving a contemporary American menu. Capacity: 250. Yrs in bus: 15. Chef’s Choice: Cedar-planked halibut. and charcoal-grilled center cut pork chop. Entrée prices: $14-$65, Avg: $32. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, private dining, live music in lounge W-Sat. Lunch M-F 11:30-2:30; Dinner M-Th 5-10, F 5-10:30, Sat 4-10:30, Sun 4-8:30. Reservations: Recommended. n Patten House Restaurant & Bar

Naperville. 630 369-5200. Located on the two-story riverwalk in downtown Naperville, offers cozy and comfortable dining including light fare, sandwiches and appetizers. Capacity: 80 inside, 200 outside. Yrs in bus: 12. Chef’s Choice: Quesadillas. Entrée prices: $6-$10. Extras: Daily specials, carry-out, outdoor dining, private parties. M-Th 4 pm-1 am, F 4-2 am, Sat 3-2 am, Sun 3-1am. Reservations: Yes. n Penny's Noodle Shop: 1130 W Chicago Ave,

Oak Park. 708 660-1300. Contemporary Asian fare in a family-friendly atmosphere. Capacity: 80. Yrs in bus: 12. Chef’s Choice: Pad Thai. Entrée prices: Avg: $10. Extras: Family friendly, beer & wine, outdoor dining, delivery, carry-out. M-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10, Sun noon-9. Reservations: No. n Perry's Steakhouse & Grille: 5 Oakbrook

Center, Oak Brook. 630 571-1808. Classic steakhouse with premium steaks and fare with tableside preparation. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: 14–oz New York Strip steak and Perry’s Famous Pork Chops. Entrée prices: $26-$59. Extras: Private dining rooms, island bar, seasonal patio, live music M-Sat, carry-out. M-Th & Sat 4-10, F 11-10, Sun 4-9 (bar open later). Reservations: Yes.

124 S Second St, Geneva. 630 492-5040. A newly renovated historic landmark featuring a unique menu with a Cajun flair. Capacity: 250. Yrs in bus: 2. Chef’s Choice: BBQ Pork Sandwich and Honey Sriracha Glazed Brussel Sprouts. Entrée prices: $18-$30. Extras: Full bar, outdoor seating, TVs. M-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11, Sun 10-10. Reservations: Yes.

n P.F. Chang's: 2361 Fountain Square Dr, Lombard.

n Patio Restaurant: 7440 S Kingery Hwy (Rt 83), Darien. 630 920-0211. Casual dining featuring American food and specializing in BBQ ribs. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 27. Chef’s Choice: BBQ ribs. Entrée prices: $7-$22. Extras: Carry-out, outdoor dining, catering, family friendly, drive-up window. M-Th 10:30-10, F-Sat 10:30-11 pm, Sun 10:30-9:30. Reservations: No. Additional locations at 4400 Fox Valley Center Dr, Aurora. 630 820-8800; 151 S Weber Rd, Bolingbrook, 630 226-9696; and 2780 S Highland Ave, Lombard, 630 627-2600.

n Pie Five Pizza Co.: 2555 W 75th St, Suite 125,

n Pazzi Di Pizza: 105 S York St, Elmhurst.

630 279-2323. Authentic Italian pizza prepared in a wood-burning oven. Capacity: 90. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s Choice: Wood-fired pizzas. Entrée prices: $13-$18. Extras: Patio, delivery, bar, catering. M-T 4-10, W-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-10, Sun 4-9. n Peanuts Bar & Grill: 22 W Chicago Ave,

630 652-9977. Fresh Asian inspired cuisine with a modern twist. Capacity: 250. Yrs in bus: 16. Chef’s Choice: Mongolian beef and lettuce wraps. Entrée prices: $8-$19. Extras: Bar, carry-out, valet parking, online ordering, vegetarian and gluten-free options, kids’ menu, food happy hour. Sun-Th 11-10, F-Sat 1111. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 5 Woodfield Mall, Schaumburg, 847 610-8000.

Naperville. 331 457-5098. Specialty, made-to-order pizzas ready in five minutes as well as customizable salads. Capacity: 74. Yrs in bus: 1. Chef’s Choice: Five Star Pizza or High Five. Entrée prices: Under $8. Extras: Outdoor seating, carry-out, private parking lot. M-Sun 11-10. Reservations: No. Additional locations in Algonquin, Elmhurst and Schaumburg. n Piggyback Tavern: 410 Circle Ave, Forest Park. 708 669-9744. Upscale tavern specializing in everything barbecue. Capacity: 120. Yrs in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Baby back ribs. Entrée prices: $8.50-$24.50. Extras: Wide selection of specialty microbrews, tequila, whisky. Brunch 11-3 Sat-Sun.


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M-Th 11:30-11, F 11:30-midnight, Sat 11-midnight, Sun 11-11. Reservations: Yes. n Pinstripes: 7 Oakbrook Center, Oak Brook.

Extras: Full bar, wine bottles for purchase, monthly wine dinner, catering, private parties. T-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10. Reservations: Yes.

630-575-8700. Bistro-style American- and Italian-inspired cuisine. Capacity: 600. Yrs in bus: 4. Chef’s Choice: Bottomless chopped salad. Entrée prices: $12-$25. Extras: Indoor/outdoor entertainment, bowling lanes, bocce courts, fire pits, semi-private banquet rooms. M-Th 10-11, F-Sat 10 am-1 am, Sun 10-10. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 100 W Higgins Rd, South Barrington, 847 844-9300.

n Prime Burgerhouse: 250 S Grove Ave, Elgin;

n Plank Bar & Kitchen: 120 Water St, Naperville.

n Primo: 29 S Third St, Geneva. 630 232-2280. Fine

630 778-9676. Slated to open in October. Upscale bar serving tastes of local food in a rustic modern atmosphere that celebrates the rich history of the Plank Road that led to Chicago. Capacity: 50, 12 at bar. Chef's Choice: Beer braised short rib or Mezcal brined pork tacos. Entrée prices: $12-$28. Extras: Room service, covered parking, valet parking. Breakfast M-F 6:30-10:30, Sat-Sun 7:30-11:30; Dinner M-Sun 4:30-10 (bar open until 11). Reservations: Yes.

wine bar serving Chef Plates from Chef Roby, owner of All-Chocolate Kitchen. Capacity: 30. Mths in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Short ribs. Entrée prices: $12-$22. Extras: Beer & wine, chocolate martinis. W-Th 5-9, F-Sat 5-10. Reservations: Recommended.

n Pockets: 1330 Orchard Rd, Aurora. 630 907-0011.

Health-conscious dining featuring made-to-order pockets, salads, potatoes and calzones. Capacity: 36. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Greek pocket with chicken. Entrée prices: $4-$10. Extras: Carry-out, catering, delivery, online ordering. M-Sat 11-8, Sun 11-4. Reservations: No. Additional location at 2933 N Kirk Rd, Aurora, 630 499-5123. n Poor Phil's Shell Bar: 139 S Marion St, Oak

Park; in the Carlton Hotel. 708 848-0871. Seafood and burgers in a casual, relaxed atmosphere. Capacity: 250. Yrs in bus: 31. Entrée prices: $10-$30. Extras: Craft beer selection, bar, outdoor dining. M-Th 7 am-1 am, F 7 am-2 am, Sat 8 am-2 am, Sun 8 am-midnight. Reservations: No. n PORTILLO'S:: 3895 E Main St, St. Charles.

630 762-8484. Hot dogs and burgers with 1950s décor. Chef’s Choice: Hot dogs. Entrée prices: $5-$15. Extras: Catering, carry-out, beer and wine, drive-thru. M-Th 10:30-10:30, F-Sat 10:30-11, Sun 10:30-9:30. Additional locations in Addison, Batavia, Bloomingdale, Bolingbrook, Downers Grove, Elgin, Elk Grove Village, Elmhurst, Forest Park, Glendale Heights, Naperville, Oswego, Rolling Meadows, Schaumburg, Streamwood, Villa Park, Willowbrook. n Potter's Place: 29 W Jefferson, Naperville.

630 355-9165. Mexican cantina in a relaxed, family friendly environment. Capacity: 200. Yrs in bus: 33. Chef’s Choice: Christmas Tree Burrito. Entrée prices: $6-$16. Extras: Carry-out, bar, outdoor dining, live music, private parties. Sun-Th 11-12:30 am, F-Sat 11–1:30 am. Reservations: Yes, for inside only. n Praga: 229 W St. Charles Rd, Lombard.

630 495-0470. Northern Italian cuisine with a French influence in a contemporary atmosphere. Capacity: 50. Yrs in bus: 14. Chef’s Choice: Daily seafood selection. Entrée prices: $18-$28. Extras: Bar (open later), wine bar, outdoor dining, private parties. T-Th 4:30-1 am, F-Sat 4:30-2 am. Reservations: Yes. n Prasino: 93 S La Grange Rd, La Grange.

708 469-7058. Eco-friendly restaurant focusing on locally-grown, organic fare. Capacity: 200. Yrs in bus: 6. Chef’s Choice: Short ribs or lobster avocado. Entrée prices: $9-$29. Extras: Gluten-free, vegetarian and vegan dishes, outdoor seating, catering, carry-out. Sun-Th 8 am-9 pm, F-Sat 8 am-10 pm. Reservations: Yes. n Preservation Bread & Wine CafÉ: 513 S Third St,

Geneva. 630 208-1588. Sandwiches, cheeses, meats, savory bites and desserts paired with a selection of wine, beer and spirits. Capacity: 30. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s choice: Short Rib Pie. Entrée prices: $9-$13.

in the Grand Victoria Casino Pavilion. 847 468-7000. Specialty gourmet burgers featuring a variety of high-end toppings. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 5.5. Chef’s Choice: Surf and turf burger. Entrée prices: $8-$18. Extras: Carry-out, bar, private TVs in booths. Sun-Th 11:30-midnight, F-Sat 11:30-2 am. Reservations: No.

n Priscilla's Ultimate Soul Food: 1840 E Army

Trail Rd, Hanover Park. 630 540-2040. Fresh, homemade Southern-style soul food selections. Capacity: 80. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s Choice: Catfish filet and fried chicken. Entrée prices: $9-$13. Extras: Catering, carry-out, private parties. W-Sun 11-8. Reservations: No. n Protein Bar: 2040 York Rd, Oak Brook.

630 990-7350. Fresh, healthy fare with a focus on high protein dishes. Capacity: 45. Yrs in bus: 2. Chef’s Choice: Quinoa bowls. Entrée prices: $10-$12. Extras: Carry-out, delivery. M-F 8 am-7 pm, Sat-Sun 8 am-3 pm. Reservations: No. Additional location at 896 Meacham Rd, Schaumburg 847 517-1111. n Pub 222: 222 W Main St, St. Charles. 630 584-4222.

American-Irish entrées. Capacity: 139. Yrs in bus: 19. Chef’s Choice: Pub’s Famous Reuben. Entrée prices: $8-$13. Extras: Outdoor dining, bar, outdoor TVs. Sun-Th 11-1 am, F-Sat 11-2 am. Reservations: Yes. n Public Landing: 200 W 8th St, Lockport.

815 838-6500. Traditional American cuisine in a historic setting with limestone walls. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 28. Chef’s Choice: Aged Black Angus filets. Entrée prices: $16-$30. Extras: Private parties, banquets, outdoor dining, chef’s daily lunch and dinner specials, dog-friendly seasonal patio. T-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10, Sun 11-7. Reservations: Yes, Recommended. n Puebla Modern Mexican: 51 S First St, St. Charles.

630 945-3408. Contemporary Mexican restaurant featuring high quality fare in a trendy atmosphere. Capacity: 155. Yrs in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Tacos. Entrée prices: $15-$24. Extras: Private parties, catering, bar featuring over 50 types of tequila, carry-out, half-priced margaritas on M, Taco Tuesdays. M-Th 11:30-9, F-Sat 11:30-10:30, Sun 11:30-8. Reservations: Yes. n Punch Bowl Social: 1100 American Ln,

Schaumburg. 224 836-9080. Specialty burgers and sandwiches served in an industrial/Victorian style space. Capacity: 108 main diner, 100 bar, 75 patio. Mths in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: The American Burger. Entrée prices: $8-$21. Extras: Carry-out, brunch, family friendly, karaoke, full bar, happy hour, outdoor seating, TVs, ping pong, bowling, shuffleboard, darts, vintage arcade games, live DJ. M-F 11-2am, Sat-Sun 9-2am. Reservations: Accepted.

|Q| n Q BBQ: 70 S La Grange Rd, La Grange. 708 482-8700.

Casual barbecue featuring a variety of sauces from across the country. Capacity: 50 inside, 50 outside. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Brisket burn ends. Entrée prices: $9-$15. Extras: Carry-out, catering, kids’ menu. M-Sun 11-9. Reservations: No. Additional location at 103 S Main St, Naperville, 630 637-6400; and 124 N Marion St, Oak Park, 708 628-3421.


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2016 Dining Guide FINALFINAL.indd 83

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DIning n Quigley's: 43 E Jefferson St, Naperville.

630 428-4774. Irish and American pub food served in a décor featuring authentic Irish furniture and stained glass. Capacity: 195, plus 55 on patio. Yrs in bus: 18. Chef’s Choice: Corned beef and cabbage. Entrée prices: $8-$14. Extras: Bar, dog friendly, outdoor dining, entertainment Th-Sat. M-Th 11:30-1 am, F 11:30-2 am, Sat 10-2 am, Sun 10 am-midnight. Reservations: Yes, 10 or more.

|R| n RA Sushi: 310 Yorktown Center, Lombard.

630 627-6800. Contemporary Japanese dining featuring signature rock ‘n roll-themed sushi creations. Capacity: 240. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Las Vegas roll. Entrée prices: $15-$20. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, catering, sushi rolling classes, happy hour M-Sat 3-7, 10-midnight. Sun-Th 11-midnight, F-Sat 11-1 am. Reservations: Yes, for 6 or more. n Rainforest CafÉ: 5 Woodfield Mall, Schaumburg.

847 619-1900. Environmentally-themed, familyoriented restaurant with a tropical atmosphere. Entrée prices: $10-$25. Extras: Bar, banquets, family night, gift shop, birthdays, tiger vignette. M-Sat 11-9, Sun 11-7. Reservations: Yes. n Raku Sushi Gourmet: 850 E Ogden Ave,

Naperville. 630 357-7633. Contemporary restaurant serving sushi and Japanese fare. Capacity: 120. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Fire dragon roll. Entrée prices: $8-$20. Extras: Sushi bar, catering, serves liquor. Sun & T-Th 11:30-9, F-Sat 11:30-10. Reservations: Yes. n Real Time Sports Bar & Grill: 1120 W Devon

Ave, Elk Grove Village, 847 534-5000. Modern sports bar with a family friendly environment. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 10. Chef’s Choice: Jumbo Wings and pizza. Entrée prices: $9-$22. Extras: Bar, live entertainment, carry-out, heated outdoor beer garden, kid’s menu, catering, game area, 50 HD TVs, 16-ft projection screen, delivery, private rooms. M-Th 11-1 am, F 11-2 am, Sat 11-3 am, Sun 11-11. Reservations: Yes. Affiliated with Suparossa Authentic Italian Pizzeria at 6310 IL-53, Woodridge, 630 852-1000. n Real Urban BBQ: 2119 Clearwater Dr, Oak

Brook. 630 908-4380. Family friendly BBQ restaurant. Capacity: 100. Yrs in bus: 2. Chef’s Choice: Burnt ends. Entrée prices: Avg: $15 Extras: Catering, gift shop, urban bakery, beer & wine, milkshakes. M-F 10:30-9, Sat 11-9, Sun 11-8:30. Reservations: No. n Red Dragon Chinese Restaurant: 117 W 1st St, Elmhurst. 630 832-8326. Chinese cuisine in a gardenlike setting and featuring homemade noodles. Capacity: 110. Yrs in bus: 33. Chef’s Choice: Kung Pao chicken. Entrée prices: $8-$16. Extras: Carry-out, bar, banquets, catering. M-Th 11-9:30, F-Sat 11-10:30, Sun noon-9:30. Reservations: Recommended. n Red Mango: 111 W Jackson Ave, Naperville.

Schaumburg and South Elgin. n Redstone American Grill: 13 Lincoln Center,

Oakbrook Terrace. 630 268-0313. Spirited, rugged and romantic upscale dining. Capacity: 350. Yrs in bus: 13. Chef’s Choice: Swordfish. Entrée prices: $12-$39, Avg: $28. Extras: Bar, lounge, outdoor dining, private dining, fire pit. M-Th 11-11, F-Sat 11 am-1am, Sun 10-10. Reservations: Yes. n Reel Club: 272 Oakbrook Center, Oak Brook.

630 368-9400. Fresh fish and steak in a contemporary ambiance. Capacity: 350. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Sea bass & sushi. Entrée prices: $20-$35. Extras: Lounge, private dining, outdoor dining, carry-out. M-Th 11:15-10, F-Sat 11:15-10:30, Sun 10-9, Sun brunch 10-2. Reservations: Yes.

n Roosters Barn & Grill: 122 W Lake St,

Bloomingdale. 630 307-9995. Steaks, burgers, chicken and ribs with a Southwestern flair and a variety of hot sauces in an old barn building. Capacity: 160 at 45 tables. Yrs in bus: 22. Chef’s Choice: Fish Tacos. Entrée prices: $9-$19, Avg: $10. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, carry-out, catering, dog-friendly, video gaming. M-Th 9 am-9:30 pm, F-Sat 9 am-10:30, Sun 9-9 (bar open later). Reservations: Yes. n Rosalia's Deli: 241 N York Rd, Elmhurst.

630 516-3354. Authentic Italian deli serving soups, salads, pizza and gelato. Capacity: 30. Yrs in bus: 3.5. Chef’s Choice: Prosciutto panini. Entrée prices: Avg: $6. Extras: Catering, carry-out, deli. M-F 10-8, Sat 10-5. Reservations: No. n Rosebud: 22 E Chicago Ave, Naperville.

n Reza's: 40 N Tower Rd, Oak Brook. 630 424-9900.

Family-owned restaurant specializing in Persian and Mediterranean fare. Capacity: 215. Yrs in bus: 11. Chef’s Choice: Lamb kabob. Entrée prices: $10-$20. Extras: Bar. M-Sun 11-10. Reservations: Accepted. n Riganato: 513 S Third St, Geneva. 630 208-1588.

Sandwiches, cheeses, meats, savory bites and desserts paired with a selection of wine, beer and spirits. Capacity: 30. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s choice: Short Rib Pie. Entrée prices: $9-$13. Extras: Full bar, wine bottles for purchase, monthly wine dinner, catering, private parties. T-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10. Reservations: Yes. n Ristorante Amalfi: 298 Glen Ellyn Rd,

Bloomingdale. 630 893-9222. Italian and continental dining in a contemporary, Mediterranean setting with vines and fruits adorning the walls. Capacity: 90 at 23 tables. Yrs in bus: 28. Chef’s Choice: Chicken Vesuvio. Entrée prices: $12-$24, Avg: $15. Extras: Catering, full bar, private parties. T-Th 4-10:30, F-Sat 4-11:30, Sun 2-9:30. Reservations: Yes. n Roberto's Ristorante & Pizzeria: 483 Spring

Rd, Elmhurst. 630 279-8486. Italian cuisine served in a romantic, neighborhood setting accented by white tablecloths. Capacity: 250. Yrs in bus: 54. Chef’s Choice: Fish entrées. Entrée prices: $14-$44. Extras: Carry-out, bar, outdoor dining, catering, family friendly, banquets. M-Th 11-11, F 11-midnight, Sat 4-midnight, Sun 2-10. Reservations: Yes. n Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery:

28256 Diehl Rd, Warrenville. 630 836-1380. American cuisine and craft brews served in a casual environment. Capacity: 325 at 80 tables. Yrs in bus: 18. Chef’s Choice: Fried chicken. Entrée prices: $9-$20, Avg: $12. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, microbrewery, family friendly. M-Th 11-midnight, F 11-1 am, Sat 11:30-1 am, Sun 11:30 am-midnight. Reservations: Yes, call ahead on weekends. Additional location at Yorktown Center, Lombard, 630 424-1550. n Rockwood Tap House: 3131 Finley Rd,

630 904-0994. Natural, non-fat frozen yogurt served in a casual atmosphere. Capacity: 40. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Cake batter. Entrée prices: $3-$7. Extras: Toppings bar. Sun-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11. Reservations: No. Additional locations in Bolingbrook, Deer Park, La Grange, Oak Park, Oakbrook Terrace and Wheaton.

Downers Grove. 630 964-3131. Gastropub serving gourmet burgers, prime rib and more, in addition to 32 domestic, imported and local craft beers on tap. Capacity: 250. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s Choice: Cedar plank salmon and bbq ribs. Entrée prices: $12-$21. Extras: Bar, private parties, outdoor dining, banquet room for up to 200. Sun-Th 11-1 am, F-Sat 11-2 am. Reservations: Yes.

n Red Robin: 28260 Diehl Rd, Warrenville. 630 836-8870. Burgers and casual fare served in a fun, family atmosphere. Capacity: 246. Yrs in bus: 12. Chef’s Choice: Fire-grilled burgers. Entrée prices: $8- $15. Extras: Carry-out, bar, outdoor dining. Sun-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11. Reservations: No. Additional locations in Bloomingdale, Bolingbrook, North Riverside, Oak Brook, Oswego, Plainfield,

n Rookies Sports Pub: 1545 W Main St, St. Charles. 630 513-0681. Casual, family friendly pub serving American fare. Capacity: 301. Yrs in bus: 17. Chef’s Choice: Burgers and pizza. Entrée prices: $8-$14. Extras: Carry-out, full bar (open later), trivia on T. Sun-Th 11-1 am, F-Sat 11-2 am. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 2486 Bushwood Dr, Elgin, 847 551-9006.

630 548-9800. Contemporary Italian fare in a lively atmosphere. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s Choice: Brick chicken. Entrée prices: $15-$38. Extras: Valet parking, kids’ menu, catering, outdoor dining, private parties, bar, delivery, carry-out. Sun-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11. Reservations: Yes. n Roti Mediterranean Grill: 2109 Clearwater

Dr, Oak Brook. 630 601-1730. Mediterranean cuisine in a fast-casual environment. Capacity: 55. Yrs in bus: 2.5. Chef’s Choice: Chicken Roti or Falafel. Extras: Outdoor patio, organic menu, gluten-free menu, catering. M-Sat 11-9, Sun 11-6. Reservations: No. Additional location at 892 N Meacham Rd, Schaumburg, 847 805-9823. n Roundhead's Pizzeria Grill: 2001 63rd St,

Downers Grove. 630 434-9999. Pizza and other favorites in a family friendly sports bar. Capacity: 125. Yrs in bus: 19. Chef’s Choice: Pizza. Entrée prices: $7-$11. Extras: Bar, carry-out, outdoor dining, lunch buffet M-F 11-2, 15 TVs, two projectors, kids’ menu, catering. Sun-Th 11-11, F-Sat 11-midnight (bar open later). Reservations: Yes not on F. Additional location at 275 Roosevelt Rd, Lombard, 630 705-3333. Affiliated with Another Round Bar & Grill, 5141 Main St, Downers Grove, 630 963-0333; and Next Round Bar & Grill, 500 75th St, Downers Grove, 630 968-4444. n Rox City Grill: 100 W Main St, St. Charles; in

the Hotel Baker. 630 845-5800. Eclectic American fare served in contemporary décor within the historic Hotel Baker. Capacity: 56. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Prime aged New York strip steak. Entrée prices: $20-$42. Extras: Lounge, live entertainment Th-Sat, private parties, full bar, wine list. T-Th 5:30-9, F-Sat 5:30-10; Lounge Sun-T 4-10, W-Th 4- midnight, F-Sat 4-2. Reservations: Recommended. n Russell's Bar-B-Q: 1621 N Thatcher Ave,

Elmwood Park. 708 453-7065. Classic barbecue in a quaint, family-friendly ambiance. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 86. Chef’s Choice: Barbecue beef and pork dinners. Entrée prices: $6-$14. Extras: Carry-out, family friendly, private parties, beer and margaritas, catering, online ordering available. Sun-Th 10:30-10 pm, F-Sat 10:30-11 pm. Reservations: Yes. n Ruth's Chris Steak House: 100 W Higgins

Rd Unit, South Barrington. 847 551-3730. A classic American steakhouse featuring USDA Prime steak in a casually upscale environment. Capacity: 325. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Cowboy ribeye. Entrée prices: $28-$60. Extras: Bar, extensive wine list, lounge, private parties, Wi-Fi, complimentary valet parking Th-Sat, outdoor dining, happy hour Sun-F 4:30-6:30. M-Th 5-9:30, F 5-10, Sat 4:30-10, Sun 4-9. Reservations: Yes.

|S| n Saffron Restaurant: 6200 S Cass Ave, Westmont.


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Banquets, bar, catering, carry-out, lunch buffet, outdoor dining, private parties with karaoke. M-F 11-10, Sat 11:30-10, Sun noon-9. Reservations: Yes.

n n n n Chef Profile

Oscar Herrera

n Salerno's On The Fox: 320 N 2nd St, St. Charles.

Co-Head Chef of Basils Greek Dining in Aurora

630 584-7900. Old-world traditional Italian fare with a Southern Italian influence. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 45. Chef’s Choice: Chicken a la Salerno. Entrée prices: $13-$38, Avg: $18. Extras: Outdoor dining, bar, carry-out, catering. T-Th noon-11, F-Sat noon-midnight, Sun noon-10. Reservations: Yes.

Years as a chef and years in your current position? I’ve been working as a chef for 20 years, and as a head chef for 14 years.


When did you first get interested in cooking and what sparked that interest? I started cooking as a part-time job and found that I had a passion for it.

n Sam & Harry's Steakhouse: 1551 N Thoreau Dr,


Schaumburg; in the Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel & Convention Center. 847 303-4050. Steak and fresh seafood in an upscale, modern setting. Capacity: 180. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Steaks. Entrée prices: $30-$50. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining,private parties, extensive wine list. Breakfast M-F 6:30-10:30 am, Sat 7-11:30; Lunch M-F 11:30-2, Sat- Sun noon-2; Dinner M-Sun 5-10. Reservations: Yes.

What is your culinary training? I’m a self taught chef.


Mentor or person you learned most about cooking from? My initial inspiration came from my mom. My restaurant mentor was Chef Mario Cruz. He was a tough chef to work for but he was the one who taught me everything I needed to know to run my own kitchen.


n Sanfratello's Pizzeria: 1299 S. Naper Blvd,

Your last meal would be? A 28-oz, bone-in ribeye with balsamic n

n Your go-to cookbook? One of the owners of Basils shared a cookbook with me, “The Complete Book of Greek Cooking,” which I find myself using for inspiration when I’m exploring my creative side.

n Best advice anyone ever gave you? Always remember to cook from your heart.

Favorite ingredients to work with? The freshness of seafood and the ability to be creative with it makes it one of my favorites. Pasta is another go-to. With my Italian cooking background, I can use it to produce interesting and delicious features.

n Personal cooking philosophy? Don’t try to be better than anybody. If you’re cooking from your heart, that’s all you’ll need


Favorite dish to make and why? It would have to be grilled octopus. Not only is it challenging to prepare properly, it’s also one of our top selling appetizers. It’s a dish that our servers often bring back compliments from our dining guests, which makes my day.


Favorite source or place to shop for ingredients? Whole Foods. They have a variety of options to cook with that you won’t typically find in generic grocery stores.


Most unusual ingredient you have used in a dish? Stingray. It’s a simple preparation of seasoning, a light pan sear with butter and lemon juice. n

Top tip for foodie home cooks or aspiring chefs? Don’t be afraid to experiment. Trust your instincts and make sure you taste everything. n

Five must have items for any good cook’s home kitchen? Olive oil, white wine, sea salt, oregano and eggs n

Favorite kitchen utensils you couldn’t live without? Sharp knifes, tongs, and a blender.


If not a chef, what career would you have likely pursued? Mechanic, I have a passion for fast cars.


Three words to describe you and/or your cooking style? Passionate, patient and personable


Hobbies or things you like to do when not working? Drive my car, work out and shop


Does it bother you when a meal goes largely uneaten? Yes, because I feel like they didn’t enjoy it, and that’s the most important part of my job. To make sure everyone leaves barriga llena con uno corazon contento — with a full stomach and a happy heart. n

How many meals come out of your kitchen on a busy weekend? 250 to 300.


What is your favorite dish to make at home? Mexican flautas. It’s one of my son's favorite dishes that I make. It’s a tortilla wrapped with chicken that I deep fry and I top it with guacamole, sour cream, lettuce and cheese.

Guilty pleasure or junk food you really enjoy? Hot wings and Doritos


630 769-9662. Northern Indian food and ambiance. Capacity: 65. Yrs in bus: 19. Chef’s Choice: Reshmi kabob. Entree prices: $9-$30. Extras: Carry-out, delivery, online ordering, bar, banquet facilities, catering. Lunch T-Sun 11:30-2:30; Dinner T-Sun 5-9:45. Reservations: Yes.

n Sanguche: 535 Fairway Dr #115, Naperville. 331

701-7175. Family run restaurant dedicated to making new concept Peruvian food. Capacity: 49. Yrs in bus: 1. Chef’s Choice: Lomo Saltado. Entrée prices: $2-$9. Extras: Carry-out, catering. T-Sat 11-9, Sun 11-8. Reservations: Yes, for parties of 8 or more. n Santa Fe: 426 N Main St, Glen Ellyn. 630 790-3311.

Authentic Mexican restaurant known for its margaritas in a relaxing atmosphere. Capacity: 145 at 26 tables. Yrs in bus: 34. Chef’s Choice: Steak Santa Fe. Entrée prices: $2-$18, Avg: $8. Extras: Bar, carry-out, private parties, family friendly. T-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11, Sun 11-8. Reservations: Yes. n Santiago's: 24 Calendar Ct, La Grange.

708 354-0700. Mexican cuisine in a casual and festive ambiance. Capacity: 137 at 32 tables. Yrs in bus: 22. Chef’s Choice: Fajitas and carne asada. Entrée prices: $6-$17. Extras: Full bar, carry-out, catering, private parties for up to 55 people. T-Th 11-9:30, F-Sat 11-10:30, Sun noon-9. Reservations: Yes, for 6 or more. n Sara's Grill & Eastern Cuisine: 2860 Show

Place Dr, Naperville. 630 717-7865. Pakistani and Northern Indian cuisine served in an authentic ambience. Capacity: 100. Yrs in bus: 4.5. Chef’s Choice: Chicken Tikka. Entrée prices: $8-$15. Extras: Catering. Sun-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10. Reservations: Yes.


How do you determine what dishes to put on your menu, both as regular items and specials? I have to believe in whatever it is I’m cooking. It’s important to me to use the best and freshest ingredients I can find, therefore my menu focus is based around that. n

Favorite west suburban restaurant to eat at other than yours? The Capital Grille


Naperville. 815 991-8743. Tavern style pizza, pastas and sandwiches served up in a newly opened space. Mths in bus: 5 Chef’s Choice: Signature square-cut pizza Entrée prices: $9-$27. Extras: No on-site seating, carry-out, delivery, deck ovens. M-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10, Sun 11-9. Reservations: No.

n Sakura Nami: 439 W Ogden Ave, Clarendon

Hills. 630 230-0100. Japanese restaurant featuring a floating assembly-line sushi bar and all-you-caneat option, served in a family-friendly environment. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 14. Chef’s Choice: Sea bass and Atlantic salmon. Entrée prices: $12-$37. Extras:

n Scapa Italian Kitchen: 1 Walker Ave, Clarendon

Hills. 630 323-7000. Family-run, upscale casual Italian restaurant. Capacity: 200. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Chianti braised short ribs. Entrée prices: $8-$42. Extras: Private parties, carry-out, delivery, catering, bar (open later), patio dining, kids’ menu, extensive wine list, daily specials. M-Sat 4-10, Sun 4-9. Reservations: Yes. n Schmaltz Delicatessen: 1512 N Naper Blvd, Naperville. 630 245-7595. Authentic Jewish deli featuring overstuffed sandwiches, matzo ball soup, corned beef, pastrami and more. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 11. Chef’s Choice: Sloppy Paul sandwich. Entrée prices: $9-$12. Extras: Private parties, meeting room, catering, online ordering, full bakery, delivery. M-F 7-7, Sat-Sun 8-3. Reservations: Yes, for 8 or more. n Schnitzel Platz: 729 E North Ave, Glendale

Heights. 630 942-9900. Authentic German food in a bright, informal setting. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 17.


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DIning Chef’s Choice: Pork Schnitzel and German House Platter. Entrée prices: $10-$25, Avg: $16. Extras: Live entertainment Th-Sun, family friendly, carry-out, Oktoberfest. Sun-M & W-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10. Reservations: Recommended on weekends. n Scratch Kitchen & Lounge: 7445 Madison St,

cuisine and sushi, voted the best sushi in Naperville for five years. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 7.5. Chef’s Choice: Chateau Briand and Little Delicious roll. Entrée prices: $16-$30. Extras: Bar, carry-out, happy hour specials, sushi and hibachi specials. M-Th 11-10, F 11-11, Sat noon-11, Sun 2-9. Reservations: Yes.

Forest Park. 708 689-8427. Casual, intimate environment serving homemade American cuisine using locally sourced ingredients. Capacity: 65. Yrs in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Burgers. Entrée prices: Avg: $10. Extras: Full bar, catering, Sun Brunch 9-1. Sun-Th 11-midnight, F-Sat 11-2 am. Reservations: No. Additional Scratch Deli & Cafe location at 7444 Madison St, Forest Park, 708 435-4431.

n Shiraz On the Water: 250 W Schick Rd, Bloomingdale; at the Indian Lakes Resort. 630 671-5013. Globally influenced American cuisine served in a modern décor featuring waterfront views. Capacity: 120. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Shiraz braised short ribs. Entrée prices: $10-$28. Extras: Lounge, private parties, full bar. M-Sun 5-10, Sun champagne brunch 10-2 pm. Reservations: Yes.

n Seasons 52: 3 Oakbrook Center, Oak Brook.

n Shogun: 7600 Madison St, Forest Park.

630 571-4752. Fresh grill and wine bar focusing on low-calorie entrées and farmers’ market-influenced fare. Capacity: 350. Yrs in bus: 4. Chef’s Choice: Caramelized sea scallops. Entrée prices: $16-$25. Extras: Extensive wine list, live music, private dining. M-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11, Sun 11-9. Reservations: Yes, recommended. Additional location at 1770 E Higgins Rd, Schaumburg. 847 517-5252.

708 366-5918. A variety of sushi dishes, as well as tempura and teriyaki dinners, in a comfortable, family-friendly atmosphere. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 4. Chef’s Choice: Wildfire Maki Rolls. Entrée prices: $9-$32. Extras: Carry-out, online ordering, lunch specials, delivery. M-Th 11-9:30, F-Sat 11-10:30, Sun noon-9:30. Reservations: No.

n Sen Sushi Bar: 814 S Oak Park Ave, Oak Park.

n Shogun Japanese Restaurant: 596 S Rt 59,

708 848-4400. Sushi selections and contemporary signature dishes. Capacity: 30. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Fuji Mountain Maki. Entrée prices: $11-$37. Extras: Carry-out, delivery, full bar. T-Sat 11-10, Sun noon-9:30. Reservations: No.

Naperville. 630 416-0871. Table-top cooking with entertainment. Capacity: 120. Yrs in bus: 29. Chef’s Choice: Sushi and seafood & steak hibachi. Entrée prices: $12-$30. Extras: Bar, carry-out, family friendly. Lunch W-F 12:30-3:30; Dinner M-F 4:30-10, Sat 1-10, Sun 4-9. Reservations: Yes.

n Sergio's Cantina: 30 W State, Geneva.

n Silverado Grill: 447 Spring Rd, Elmhurst.

630 845-9200. Authentic, family-oriented Mexican dining served in a beachside Mexico décor. Capacity: 59 (inside) 50 (outside). Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Steak chimichurri tacos. Entrée prices: $8-$12. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, drink specials. F-Sat 11-midnight, Sun-Th 11-10. Reservations: Yes.

630 833-1602. Traditional American fare in a casual, neighborhood setting. Capacity: 140 plus 30 on patio. Yrs in bus: 30. Chef’s Choice: Filet mignon. Entrée prices: $8-$22, Avg: $12. Extras: Bar (open later), kid’s menu, outdoor dining. M-Th 11:30-10, F 11:30-11, Sat 11:30-11, Sun 4-9. Reservations: Yes.

n Shakou Sushi: 312 W Main St, St. Charles.

n 601 Bar & Grill: 601 W Army Trail Blvd, Ad-

630 444-0850. Modern Asian cuisine restaurant with full bar and sushi bar featuring a city vibe. Capacity: 225. Yrs in bus: 1.5. Chef’s Choice: Braised short rib or golden lobster maki. Entrée prices: $12-$29. Extras: Kids’ menu, full bar, private parties, TVs, gluten free menu. T-W 11-11, Th 11-midnight, F 11-1 am, Sat noon-1 am, Sun noon-10 (kitchen service ends Sun & T-Th 9 pm and F-Sat 10 pm). Reservations: Yes.

dison. 630 458-9300. American grill with a sportsthemed interior. Capacity: 86. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s Choice: Burgers. Entrée prices: $9-$17. Extras: Bar, private parties, outdoor dining. M-Th 11-1 am, F-Sun 11-2 am. Reservations: Yes.

n Shannon's Irish Pub: 428 N Main St, Glen Ellyn.

630 790-9080. European pub fare in a suburban Irish cottage ambiance. Capacity: 160. Yrs in bus: 12. Chef’s Choice: Fish and chips, corned beef and cabbage. Entrée prices: $12-$21. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining. M-Th 11:30-11, F-Sat 11:30-midnight, Sun 11:30-9. Reservations: Yes. n Shaw's Crab House: 1900 E Higgins Rd,

Schaumburg. 847 517-2722. Seafood, shellfish and prime steaks in an upscale dining environment. Capacity: 400+. Yrs in bus: 17. Chef’s Choice: King crab legs. Entrée prices: $14-$65. Extras: Two dining rooms, bars, banquets, Sun brunch 10-2. Main dining room: Lunch M-F 11-2, Sat 11:30-4; Dinner M-Th 5:309, Fri 5:30-10, Sat 4-10, Sun 5-9. Oyster bar: M 11-9, T-Th 11-10, Fri 11-10:30, Sat 11:30 am-10:30 pm, Sun noon-9. Reservations: Yes. n Sher-A-Punjab: 2113 63rd St, Downers Grove.

630 971-8300. Northern Indian cuisine in a casual setting. Capacity: 75. Yrs in bus: 23. Chef’s Choice: Tandoori chicken and naan. Entrée prices: $9-$15. Extras: Carry-out, banquets, catering, lunch and dinner buffet. T-Sun 11:30-9:30. Reservations: Yes, for 5 or more, but call ahead available. n Shinto: 504 N Rt. 59, Naperville. 630 637-8899.

Hibachi-style dining featuring traditional Japanese

n Smashburger: 842 N Randall Rd, Batavia.

630 593-5030. Angus beef burgers cooked to order. Capacity: 95. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s Choice: Classic burger. Entrée prices: Avg: $6. Extras: Outdoor dining, carry-out. M-Sun 10-10. Reservations: No. Additional locations in Bloomingdale, Elmhurst, La Grange and Wheaton. n Smokin' M's: 7507 Roosevelt Rd, Forest Park.

708 488-0123. Slow-cooked, hickory-smoked specialties in a cozy atmosphere. Capacity: 20. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Barbecue specialties. Entrée prices: $7-$20. Extras: Carry-out, catering, delivery. Sun-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11. Reservations: No. n Snuggery: 7122 S York St, Elmhurst. 630 279-3130.

Casual atmosphere with American comfort food. Capacity: 200. Yrs in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Black Angus Snug Burger. Entrée prices: $6-$15. Extras: Full bar, plasma TVs for sports fans, live entertainment, DJ on Fridays and Saturdays, trivia on Thursdays. M-Th 3-1 am, F-Sat 11-2 am, Sun 11-midnight. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 1540 Roselle Rd, Schaumburg, 847 519-7555. n Solstice: 800 Hillgrove Ave Unit 104, Western

Springs. 708 505-4684. Breakfast and lunch with brunch served on weekends and fresh, in-season ingredients. Capacity: 42 plus 36 on patio. Yrs in bus: 2. Chef’s Choice: Chef’s Omelet or Cuban Sandwich. Entrée prices: $7-$12. Extras: Free Wi-Fi, patio, full liquor license, outdoor seating. M & W-Th

7 am-3 pm, F-Sat 7 am-3 pm & 5-9, Sun 7 am-2 pm. Reservations: Yes. n Sorrento's Fresh Italian Cafe

3853B Carnation St, Franklin Park. 847 455-9440. Authentic Italian cuisine, including pizza, featuring an international ambiance. Yrs in bus: 53. Chef’s Choice: Eggplant Parmesan. Entrée prices: $9-$15. Extras: Catering, online ordering, daily specials, carry-out, delivery. M-F 11-10, Sat 3-10, Sun noon-8. Reservations: No. n Sovereign: 24205 Lockport St, Plainfield.

815 556-8577. Farm-to-fork restaurant and bar with distinctive menu and more in a rustic restaurant. Capacity: 65. Yrs in bus: 2. Chef’s Choice: Beef Stew. Entrée prices: $17-$34. Extras: Free parking, full bar, seasonal patio, carry-out, TVs, free Wi-Fi. M-Sat 11-midnight, Sun 11-10. Reservations: No. n Spavone's: 266 W Lake St, Bloomingdale. 630 529-3154. Italian cuisine in an upscale yet casual,friendly environment. Capacity: 275. Yrs in bus: 32. Chef’s Choice: Veal parmigiana or chicken vesuvio. Entrée prices: $10-$33. Extras: Banquets, catering, online ordering. M-Th 11:30-10:30, F 11:30-11:30, Sat 4-11:30, Sun 2-9:30. Reservations: Recommended on weekends. n Spotted Fox Ale House: 3615 E Main St, St.

Charles. 630 584-2239. Upscale ale house with a focus on American Contemporary cuisine and microbrews. Capacity: 250, plus 40 outside. Yrs in bus: 4. Chef’s Choice: Chicken Parmesan. Entrée prices: $12-$20. Extras: Full bar with 30 craft beers on tap, martinis and wine, 30 HDTVs, carry-out, daily specials, outdoor patio. M-Th 11-11, F-Sat 11-1 am, Sun 11-9. Reservations: Yes. n The Stand: 542 Crescent Blvd, Glen Ellyn.

630 469-8000. Casual fast food restaurant. Capacity: 50. Yrs in bus: 2. Chef’s Choice: Gyros. Entrée prices: Avg: $10. Extras: Private party room, beer and wine. M-Th 11-8, F-Sat 11-9, Sun 11-6. Reservations: No. n Standard Market Grill: 333 E Ogden Ave, Westmont. 630 366-7040. Fast-casual restaurant featuring seasonally changing menu. Capacity: 120 plus 40 on patio. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s Choice: Buddha bowl. Entrée prices: $9-$15. Extras: Adjoining upscale grocery store, deli, extensive wine list. M-F 11-9, Sat-Sun 8-9; Breakfast Sat-Sun 8-11. Reservations: No. Additional location at 1508 Aurora Ave, Naperville, 630 536-1620. n St. Charles Place: 2550 E Main St, St. Charles. 630 377-3333. Steaks and seafood with a lodge fireplace creating a supper club feel. Capacity: 250 at 60 tables. Yrs in bus: 21. Chef’s Choice: Char-grilled ribeye. Entrée prices: $11-$36. Extras: Carry-out, bar, banquets, outdoor dining, kids’ menu. M-Sun 4-10. Reservations: Yes. n Steak + Vine: 37 S La Grange Rd, La Grange. 708 579-0520. Neighborhood steakhouse serving USDA prime meat in a urban space. Capacity: 109. Mths in bus: 2. Chef’s Choice: Prime ribeye or lamb shank. Entrée prices: Avg: $25. Extras: Over 80 wines, full bar, 46 beers and ciders, craft cocktails. M-Th 5-10, F-Sat 4-11, Sun 4-10. Reservations: Yes. n Stella's Pizza & Pub: 1101 Butterfield Rd,

Wheaton. 630 690-6770. Pizzeria and bar in a sportsthemed décor. Capacity: 100. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s Choice: Homemade Chicago-style sausage pizza. Entrée prices: $2-$19. Extras: Full bar, delivery, carry-out, private parties. M-Sun 11-10. Reservations: No. n Stir Crazy Fresh Asian Grill: 105 Oakbrook

Center, Oak Brook. 630 575-0155. Create-your-own


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stir fry in a contemporary Asian-themed atmosphere. Capacity: 200 at 42 tables. Yrs in bus: 20+. Chef’s Choice: Kung Pao chicken. Entrée prices: $9-$16, Avg: $13. Extras: Outdoor dining, bar, carry-out. M-Th 11-9:30, F-Sat 11-10:30, Sun 11-9. Reservations: Yes, call ahead seating available. n Stix & Stones Wood Fired Pizza: 505 Village

Center Dr, Burr Ridge. 630 861-0626. Wood-fired, Neapolitan pizza, sandwiches, salads and soups in a family friendly atmosphere. Capacity: 60. Yrs in bus: 1. Entrée Prices: $8-$14. Chef’s Choice: Chopped Salad and Soppressata “Honey Luv” Pizza. Extras: Craft beer and wines, carry-out, family friendly, outdoor seating, free Wi-Fi, TVs, 19 flavors of Plush Horse ice cream. M-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10, Sun 11-8. Reservations: No. n Stockholm's: 306 W State St, Geneva.

630 208-7070. Upscale dining and brew pub in a casual setting. Capacity: 120. Yrs in bus: 14. Entrée prices: $17-$25. Extras: Outdoor dining, microbrewery, extensive wine and spirits list, Sunday brunch, carry-out. M-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-10:30, Sun 10-9:30. Reservations: No.

Multi-Level Restaurant and Lounge in Historic Geneva Home

n Stonehouse Pub: 103 Stephen St, Lemont.

630 257-1300. Contemporary American fare including burgers, salads and sandwiches in a casual, family friendly setting. Capacity: 100 on two levels. Yrs in bus: 7.5. Chef’s Choice: Burgers and Reuben sandwich. Entrée prices: $4-$10. Extras: Two bars, carry-out, private parties, bands on select weekends, outdoor dining, daily specials, family friendly, large beer selection. M 4-9, T-Th & Sun 11-9, F-Sat 11-10 (limited menu and bar available later). Reservations: Yes.

~ Unique Menu

with a Cajun Flair

~ Expansive

n Stonewood Ale House: 601 Mall Dr, Schaumburg. 847 805-0202. Wood-grilled specialties in a casual and cozy atmosphere. Capacity: 492. Yrs in bus: 11. Chef’s Choice: Burgers. Entrée prices: $11-$28. Extras: Bar, TVs, banquets, online ordering, catering, private parties. Sun-Th 11-2 am, F-Sat 11-3 am. Reservations: Yes.

Outdoor Patio and Deck

~ Banquet and

Special Occasion Rooms Available

n Sugartoad: 2139 CityGate Ln, Naperville; in the

Hotel Arista. 630 778-8623. American cuisine with a French touch in a modern, classy décor. Capacity: 80. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Scallops. Entrée prices: $10-$35 (breakfast/lunch); $25-$45 (dinner). Extras: Bar, catering, outdoor dining, on-site garden, carry-out, weekend brunch 7-2. M-Sat 6:30 am-10 pm, Sun 6:30 am-9 pm. Reservations: Yes. n Sullivan's Steakhouse: 244 S Main St,

Naperville. 630 305-0230. Steak, chops and seafood in a 1940s Chicago-style décor. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 18. Chef’s Choice: Seafood and steak. Entrée prices: $30-$60. Extras: Bar, live entertainment, valet parking, open-air boardroom. Lunch M-F 11:30-4:30; Dinner M-Th 5-10, F 5-11, Sat 4:30-11, Sun 4:30-10. Reservations: Recommended.

124 S. 2nd Street Geneva, IL

630-492-5040 Full Service Kitchen M-Thurs. 11:00 am - 10:00 pm Fri-Sat. 11:00 am - 11:00 pm Sunday 10:00 am - 10:00 pm Sunday Brunch 10:00 am - 2 pm Bar Open Late 7 Days a Week

n Suparossa Restaurant: 6310 S Rt 53, Woodridge.

630 852-1000. Casual, yet upscale, rustic dining serving classic Italian fare. Capacity: 300 at 70 tables. Yrs in bus: 21. Chef’s Choice: Chicken parmigiana. Entrée prices: $11-$18. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, banquets, catering, carry-out, delivery. M-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11, Sun 11-9. Reservations: Yes. n Sushi +: 4430 Fox Valley Center Dr, Aurora.

630 820-1666. Sushi and traditional Japanese cuisine in a contemporary setting. Capacity: 36. Yrs in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Crispy tacos and Adventure Sushi Pizza. Entrée prices: $11-$30. Extras: Carry-out, private parking lot, free Wi-Fi, TVs. Lunch M-F 11:302:30; Dinner M-Th 5-9:30, F 5-10, Sat 11:30-10, Sun noon-9. Reservations: Yes. n Sushi House: 830 E Ogden Ave, Westmont.


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DIning 630 920-8948. Sushi, sashimi and other Japanese fare. Capacity: 100. Yrs in bus: 21. Chef’s Choice: Cracker roll. Entrée prices: $10-$20. Extras: Carry-out, catering, delivery, private parties, kid’s menu, sushi bar, beer & wine. M-F 11:30-10, Sat noon-10, Sun noon-9:30. Reservations: Yes. Additional locations at 950 Warren St, Downers Grove, 630 968-0088; 1107 Lake St, Oak Park, 708 660-8899; and 281 Rice Lake Square, Wheaton, 630 221-8986. n Sushi Mono: 230 W Front St, Wheaton. 630 752-0102.

Contemporary Japanese fare and sushi bar in a classic setting. Capacity: 100. Yrs in bus: 6. Chef’s Choice: Signature rolls. Entrée prices: $14-$29. Extras: Carry-out, full bar, wine and beer. Lunch M-F 11-2; Dinner Sun-Th 4:30-9, F-Sat 4:30- 10:30. Reservations: Yes.

T-Th 5-9, F-Sat 5:30-9:30. Reservations: Recommended.

Reservations: Recommended on weekends.

n Sweet Baby Ray's: 800 E Higgins Rd, Elk Grove

n Szechwan Restaurant: 117 W Main St, St. Charles. 630 513-1889. Chinese, Cantonese, Mandarin cuisine in a relaxed atmosphere. Capacity: 125. Yrs in bus: 28. Chef’s Choice: Sesame chicken. Entrée prices: $12-$23, Avg: $16. Extras: Full bar, carry-out, catering, lunch buffet T-F 11:30-2, delivery. M-Th 11:30-9, F 11:30-9:30, Sat noon-9:30 and Sun 11:308:30. Reservations: Yes, for 4 or more.

Village. 847 437-9555. Wood-smoked, Chicago-style barbecue, as well as a sampling of New Orleans and Southern-style cuisine. Capacity: 175. Yrs in bus: 10. Chef’s Choice: Smoked baby back ribs. Entrée prices: $7-$23. Extras: Full bar, private dining, catering, outdoor dining. M-T 11-9, W-F 11-10, Sat 11:30-10, Sun 11:30-9. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 249 E Irving Park Rd, Wood Dale, 630 238-8261.

n Sushi Station: 2486 N Randall Rd, Elgin.

n The Sweet Spot: 2531 S Des Plaines Ave, N Riverside. 708 443-5770. Casual dining neighborhood sports bar. Capacity: 75. Yrs in bus: 11. Chef’s Choice: Burgers and hot wings. Entrée prices: $5-$9, Avg: $7. Extras: Carry-out, golf boutique. M-F 2 pm-3 am, Sat-Sun noon-3 am. Reservations: No.

847 783-0040. Contemporary sushi and Japanese fare with more than 100 menu items. Capacity: 240.

n Sweet Tomatoes: 2801 E Main St, St. Charles.


Neighborhood steakhouse in La Grange he opening in late

of Michael’s of Key West.

July of Steak + Vine

As partners in Steak + Vine,

n Tairyo: 3099 Ogden Ave, Lisle. 630 904-9888. Japanese steakhouse featuring hibachi selections and à la carte sushi and sashimi. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Steak and lobster. Entrée prices: $18-$45. Extras: Full bar, banquets, private parties, carry-out, kids’ menu. M-Th 11-9:30, F-Sat 11-10:30, Sun noon-9:30. Reservations: Yes.

at 37 S. La Grange Rd.,

the association between

La Grange (708 579-0520)

Gangas and Wilson comes

marked a homecoming of

full circle. “We liked the idea

sorts for its founders, veteran

of running a neighborhood

restaurateurs Nick Gangas

steakhouse — one that was

and Mike Wilson.

a little more accessible than

The two first met as teens

anything else in the area,”

working at InCahoots, a

says Gangas.

of craft cocktails.

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Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Phoenix roll. Entrée prices: $1-$6. Extras: Carry-out, beer, wine and sake. Lunch M-F 11:30-3; Dinner M-F 5-10, Sat noon-10, Sun noon-9. Reservations: No. n Sushi Ya: 261 S Roselle Rd, Schaumburg. 847 301-7742. Japanese fare and sushi selections. Capacity: 50. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s Choice: Avocado torch maki. Entrée prices: $9-$17. Extras: Carry-out, sushi bar, private parties, family friendly, beer and wine. Lunch T-Sat 11:30-2:30; Dinner T-Sat 4:30-10, Sun 4-9:30. Reservations: Yes. n Suzette's: 211 W Front St, Wheaton. 630 462-0898.

Crêperie, pâtisserie, boulangerie, French country bistro and wine bar in a casual setting. Capacity: 88. Yrs in bus: 16. Chef’s Choice: Beef bourguignon crêpe and Suzette’s benedict. Entrée prices: $13-$40. Extras: Wine bar, bakery, carry-out, full bar, outdoor dining, private parties, boutique weddings, occasional live music. Pâtisserie open at 7 am, M-Sat, Sun brunch 11-2, afternoon tea T-Sat 2 pm, Sun 1 pm. Breakfast T-Sat 7-11 am, Sun 8-11 am; Lunch T-Sat 11-4; Dinner

n Taco Grill & Salsa Bar: 111 W Ogden Ave, Westmont. 630 353-0964. Casual Mexican fare with 18 salsas from which to choose. Capacity: 40. Yrs in bus: 14. Chef’s Choice: Tacos al pastor. Entrée prices: $3-$13. Extras: Catering, beer and wine. Sun-Th 11-midnight, F-Sat 11-2 am. Reservations: No. n Tailgaters Sports Bar & Grill: 431 W Boughton Rd, Bolingbrook. 630 679-1994. Sports bar and grill. Capacity: 270. Yrs in bus: 10. Chef’s Choice: Pizza and wings. Entrée prices: $6-$13. Extras: Live entertainment, karaoke, DJ, 17 HD big screen TVs and 40+ TVs. M-Sun 11-2 am (full menu served until midnight). Reservations: No.

n n n n Recently Opened



- T.R. Witom

630 377-3309. Casual all-you-care-to-eat salad buffet, soup and bakery. Capacity: 250. Yrs in bus: 14. Chef’s Choice: Deep Kettle House Chili. Entrée prices: $9-$11. Extras: Carry-out, family friendly, catering. M-Sun 11-9. Reservations: No. Additional locations at 986 N Rt 59, Aurora, 630 978-4017; 2820 Highland Ave, Lombard, 630 932-5099; and 1951 E McConnor Pkwy, Schaumburg, 847 619-1271. n Sweetwater deli: 316 Canal St, Lemont. 630

243-7210. Full-service delicatessen serving Italian sandwiches, salads, locally made pastries and more. Capacity: 40. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s Choice: Chicken salad sandwich. Entrée prices: $2-$7. Extras: Carryout, catering. M-F 10-7, Sat 8:30-4. Reservations: No. n Swordfish Sushi: 207 N Randall Rd, Batavia. 630 406-6463. Contemporary sushi served in a clubby, tropical atmosphere featuring floor-to-ceiling bamboo and private booths. Capacity: 120. Yrs in bus: 13. Chef’s Choice: Ocean’s 13. Entrée prices: $16-$39. Extras: Outdoor dining, bar, carry-out. Lunch M-F 11:30-2:30; Dinner M-Th 5-10, F-Sat 5-11, Sun 4-9.

n Talley's Kitchen + Bar: 31 S Prospect St, Clarendon Hills. 630 908-7295. Upscale restaurant serving an American menu and focusing on fresh ingredients. Capacity: 80. Yrs in bus: 2. Chef’s Choice: Scallops. Entrée prices: $10-$28. Extras: Cotton candy machine, full bar, family friendly, live music on Sat, Sun brunch, specials. T-Th 4-9, F-Sat 4-11, Sun 4-8. Reservations. Yes. n Tallgrass: 1006 S State, Lockport. 815 838-5566. Modern French cuisine in an elegant and intimate historic Victorian building. Capacity: 32. Yrs in bus: 36. Chef’s Choice: Lobster lasagna. Entrée prices: $59, $69 & $79 for 3, 4 & 5 course dinners. Extras: Bar, private parties. W-Sun 6 pm-10. Reservations: Required. n Tamari Japanese Kitchen: 639 E Boughton Rd, Bolingbrook. 630 863-7288. Traditional Japanese favorites served in a natural and decorative atmosphere. Capacity: 108. Yrs in bus: 1. Chef’s Choice: Green Turtle roll. Entrée prices: $19-$26. Extras: Carry-out, family friendly, full bar with Japanese drinks, free Wi-Fi, TVs, catering. M-Th 11-9:30, F-Sat 11-10, Sun 11-9. Reservations: Yes. n TAP HOUSE GRILL: 3341 W Main St, St. Charles.

630 443-1664. High-quality American fare with a large appetizer menu. Capacity: 150. Yrs in bus: 10. Chef’s Choice: Crispy shrimp tacos. Entrée prices: $7-$16. Extras: Bar, carry-out, catering, banquets, Sun brunch 11-3, 38 beers on tap. M-Th 11-1 am, F-Sat 11-2 am, Sun 11-midnight. Reservations: Yes, for 6 or more. Additional locations at 1243 S State St, Lemont, 630 257-5992; 123 Washington St, Oswego, 630 383-2020; 24402 W Lockport St, Plainfield, 815 733-5540; and 6010 S Cass Ave, Westmont, 630 541-8840. n Taste of Brasil CafÉ: 906 S Oak Park Ave, Oak Park. 708 383-3550. Traditional Brazilian fare served in a cozy café setting. Capacity: 25 inside, 19 on seasonal outdoor seating. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Feijoada. Entrée prices: $4-$17. Extras: Carry-out, catering, outdoor dining, family friendly, BYOB. M-F 11-9, Sat 10:30-9, Sun 11-8. Reservations: No. n Taste of Himalayas: 110 N Third St, St. Charles.


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630 444-1575. Nepali and Indian fare served in an authentic décor. Capacity: 160. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Achari chicken and Tandoori mixed grill. Entrée prices: $10-$16. Extras: Lunch buffet, carry-out, delivery, catering, private rooms, outdoor dining, family friendly. Lunch T-F 11:30-2:30, Sat-Sun noon-3; Dinner T-Sat 5-10, Sun 5-9. Reservations: Yes. n Taste Of India: 7243 S Kingery Hwy (Rt 83), Willowbrook. 630 323-1333. Traditional Indian cuisine in an upscale setting. Capacity: 100. Yrs in bus: 13. Chef’s Choice: Chicken Tikka masala. Entrée prices: $9-$15. Extras: Dinner buffet F-Sun, catering, carry-out. Lunch M-Sun 11:30-2:30; Dinner Sun-Th 5-9:30, F-Sat 5-10. Reservations: Yes, on weekends. n Taylor Street Pizza Warehouse: 843 S Rt 59, Bartlett. 630 213-3030. Pizza, pasta, and sandwiches to go in a casual setting. Yrs in bus: 20. Entrée prices: $5-$20. Extras: Delivery, carry-out (no sit-down seating available), catering. M-Th 10-9, F-Sat 10-10, Sun 11-9. Reservations: No. Additional locations in Elk Grove Village, Geneva, Naperville and Wasco. n Ted's Montana Grill: 39 W Jefferson Ave, Naperville. 630 848-2255. Authentic American dining. Capacity: 200 indoors, 20 outdoors. Yrs in bus: 10. Chef’s Choice: Bison steak or burger. Entrée prices: $16-$35. Extras: Bar. Sun-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 623 E Boughton Rd, Bolingbrook, 630 783-2493. n TEXAS DE BRAZIL CHURRASCARIA: 5 Woodfield

Shopping Center, Schaumburg. 847 413-1600. Eclectic international menu with an elegant and Brazilian flare including South American specialties and American favorites. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 10. Chef’s Choice: Picanha. Entrée prices: $22-$45. Extras: Bar, banquets, private parties, wine list. Brunch Sat-Sun noon-3:30; Lunch M-F 11-2; Dinner M-Th 5-9:30, F 5-10, Sat 4-10, Sun 4-9. Reservations: Recommended. n T.F. Boonies Saloon & Eatery: 39W808 Hughes Rd, Geneva. 630 845-0300. American fare in an antique saloon environment. Capacity: 70. Yrs in bus: 11. Chef’s Choice: Boonie burger or pork tenderloin. Entrée prices: $4-$19. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, carry-out, Friday fish fry, family friendly. M-Sun 10-8. Reservations: No. n TGI Friday's: 2201 W 75th St, Darien. 630 434-0290. Diverse American bar fare in an upbeat atmosphere. Capacity: 225. Yrs in bus: 22. Entrée prices: $8-$21. Extras: Bar, family friendly. M-Sun 11-1 am. Reservations: No, call-ahead seating available. Additional locations at 490 Randall Rd, Batavia, 630 406-1090; 302 W Army Trail Rd, Bloomingdale, 630 307-8126; 601 E Butterfield Rd, Lombard, 630 964-3743; and 401 N Harlem Ave, Oak Park, 708 445-8249. n Thai Town: 574 S Randall Rd, South Elgin. 847 289-8659. Traditional Thai fare in an authentic décor. Capacity: 56. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Pad Thai. Entrée prices: $8-$12. Extras: Carry-out, delivery. Sun-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11:30-10. Reservations: Yes. n That Burger Joint: 515 Roosevelt Rd, Glen Ellyn. 630 858-0234. Family-friendly eatery offering Angus burgers, hot dogs and fries. Capacity: 120, 16-20 outside. Yrs in bus: 4. Chef’s Choice: That Cheeseburger. Entrée prices: Under $10. Extras: Oberweis Ice Cream and Connie’s Pizza offered at same complex, patio, carry-out. Sun-Th 10-10, FSat 10-11. Reservations: No. Additional locations at 860 E Boughton Rd, Bolingbrook, 630 783-9101; 2879 95th St, Naperville 630 922-7756. n Thipi Thai: 25 W Calendar Ct, La Grange. 708 588-1002. Freshly prepared Thai food in a cozy


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DIning atmosphere. Capacity: 200. Yrs in bus: 7. Chef’s Choice: Pad Thai chicken noodles. Entrée prices: $10-$17. Extras: Carry-out, delivery, outdoor dining, weekly specials, bar, catering, family friendly. M-Th 11-8:45, F-Sat 11-9:45, Sun noon-7:45. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 530 Crescent Blvd, Glen Ellyn, 630 469-9001. n 3 Corners Grill & TAp: 12371 Derby Rd, Lemont. 630 257-7780. American fare in a casual, family friendly environment with sports-theme undertones. Capacity: 200, 80 on patio. Yrs in bus: 6. Chef’s Choice: 3 Corners burger. Entrée prices: $8-$16. Extras: Year round outdoor dining, bar, large craft beer selection with over 50 varieties, daily specials, private parties. M 4:30-10, T-Th 11-11, F-Sat 11-midnight, Sun 11-10. Reservations: Yes, for parties of 6 or more. n Tilted Kilt Pub & Eatery: 6320 Rt 53, Woodridge. 630 969-5458. Irish/Scottish pub featuring American fare. Capacity: 190. Yrs in bus: 6. Chef’s Choice: Wings. Entrée prices: $6-$13. Extras: Bar, carry-out. M-Sun 11-2 am. Reservations: Yes, for 6 or more. Additional locations in Aurora, Bolingbrook, Joliet, Oakbrook Terrace, Roselle and Schaumburg. n TL's Four Seasons: 110 W Bartlett Ave, Bartlett. 630 830-1988. Chinese and Japanese cuisine in a warm, contemporary environment. Capacity: 105. Yrs in bus: 11. Chef’s Choice: Black pepper garlic beef tenderloin. Entrée prices: $9-$15, Avg: $10. Extras: Full bar, family friendly, sushi bar, catering, delivery, carry-out, lunch specials. M-Th 11:30-10, F-Sat 11:30-10:30, Sun noon-9:30. Reservations: Yes. n TOkio Pub: 1900 E Higgins Rd, Schaumburg.

847 278-5181. Latin American and Asian-style cuisine served in an urban, lounge-like atmosphere. Capacity: 101. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s Choice: Tacos. Entrée prices: $12-$18. Extras: Patio, full bar, catering, carry-out, delivery through GrubHub, private parties. M 11:30-9, T-Th 11:30-10, F-Sat 11:30-11, Sun 11-9. Reservations: Yes. n TOkyo Bay Sushi Bar & Grill: 2775 Showplace Dr, Naperville. 630 579-8880. Traditional Japanese dining featuring sushi, sashimi, steaks and more in an upscale, lively décor. Capacity: 100. Yrs in bus: 6. Chef’s Choice: Specialty rolls. Entrée prices: $5-$20. Extras: Full bar, delivery, outdoor dining, kids’ menu, daily specials, carry-out, private parties, sushi rolling classes, karaoke, lounge open til 2 am F-Sat. Sun-W 11:30-10, Th 11:30-1 am, F-Sat 11:30-2 am. Reservations: Yes. n Tom & Eddie's: 348 Yorktown Center at the Shops

on Butterfield, Lombard. 630 705-9850. Gourmet burgers served in a casual, relaxed setting. Capacity: 103. Yrs in bus: 6. Chef’s Choice: Ampersand burger. Entrée prices: $6-$10. Extras: Outdoor dining, high-tech Key Call system, free Wi-Fi, online ordering, carry-out, customer loyalty club, open kitchen. Sun-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10. Reservations: No. Additional location at 1516 N Naper Blvd, Naperville 630 324-0831. n Tommy Nevin's Pub: 3032 English Rows, Naperville. 630 428-4242. Traditional Irish pub fare in a comfortable atmosphere. Capacity: 541 inside, 100 outside. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Fish and chips and burgers. Entrée prices: $10-$20. Extras: Heated outdoor dining, bar, daily specials, T trivia, Sun Bloody Mary bar. M-Th 11-1 am, F-Sat 11-2 am, Sun 11-midnight. Reservations: Yes. Affiliated with Nevin’s Brewing Company, 12337 S Rt. 59, Plainfield, 815 436-3900; Muldoon’s, 133 W Front St, Wheaton, 630 668-8866; and Kerry Piper, 7900 Joliet Rd, Willowbrook. 630 325-3732. n Tong's Tiki Hut: 100 E Roosevelt Rd, Villa Park. 630 834-7464. Chinese fare served in a casual, tropical, Polynesian- and Hawaiian-themed atmosphere. Capacity: 120. Yrs in bus: 34. Chef’s Choice: Sesame

chicken. Entrée prices: $4-$16. Extras: Bar, catering, carry-out, private parties, family friendly. Sun-Th 11:309:30, F 11:30-10:30, Sat 3:30-10:30. Reservations: Yes. n Topaz CafÉ: 780 Village Center Dr, Burr Ridge. 630 654-1616. Contemporary American dining featuring steaks, fish and chops. Capacity: 220. Yrs in bus: 8. Chef’s Choice: Lake Superior Whitefish. Entrée prices: $14-$46, Avg: $26. Extras: Chef’s table, outdoor dining, private parties, monthly cooking classes, gluten-free items, live entertainment, wine list, wine dinners, daily specials, BYO wine on Sun. M-F 11:30-11, Sat 4-11, Sun 4-8. Reservations: Recommended. n Toscani: 356 Georgetown Square, Wood Dale.

630 422-7944. Classic Italian fare in a casual environment. Capacity: 150-180. Yrs in bus: 2. Chef’s Choice: Calamari Toscani. Entrée prices: $8-$22. Extras: Full bar, family friendly, catering, carry-out. T-Sat 11-10, Sun noon-9:30. Reservations: Yes. n Town House Books & CafÉ: 105 N 2nd Ave, St. Charles. 630 584-8603. American fare in a literary setting connected to a bookstore in a historic Victorian building. Capacity: 48. Yrs in bus: 20. Chef’s Choice: Apricot chicken salad. Entrée prices: $6-$10. Extras: Outdoor dining, Sun brunch, carry-out, wine and beer. M-Sat 9-5 (Kitchen 11-4), Sun 10:30-3. Reservations: Yes, for 5 or more. n Trattoria 225: 225 Harrison St, Oak Park. 708 358-8555. Rustic Italian fare featuring a gluten-free menu, fresh seafood and steaks, all with a focus on free, organic ingredients. Capacity: 125. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Wood-fired pizzas. Entrée prices: $15-$20. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, carry-out, delivery. M-Sat 5-10, Sun 3-9. Reservations: Yes. n Traverso's: 2523 S Plainfield-Naperville Rd,

Naperville. 630 305-7747. Northern Italian, American and continental fare in an upscale family dining atmosphere serving thin-crust pizzas. Capacity: 220. Yrs in bus: 23. Chef’s Choice: Meat ravioli. Entrée prices: $13-$18. Extras: Carry-out, delivery, bar, banquets, gluten-free menu, catering, children’s menu. M-Th 4-10, F-Sat 4-11:30, Sun noon-9:30 (bar open later). Reservations: Yes, for 5 or more. n Tribella Bar & Grill: 1900 Mill St, Batavia.

630 406-9696. White tablecloth bistro featuring unique, Italian cuisine, steaks and seafood made with fresh ingredients. Capacity: 200. Yrs in bus: 17. Chef’s Choice: Tilapia con gamberi. Entrée prices: $12-$29. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, banquets, catering, seasonal menu changes, regional specials, private parties. M-Sun 4-9. Reservations: Recommended. n The Turf Room: 1033 Kilbery Ln, North Aurora.

630 906-9300. Rustic American lounge with modern foods such as steaks, pasta, seafood and more. Capacity: 220. Yrs in bus: 10. Chef’s Choice: Life’s a Peach Duck Breast. Entrée prices: $16-$60. Extras: Sunday brunch, patio, reservations, carry-out, full bar, happy hour, TVs. M-Th 11-midnight, F-Sat 11-1 am, Sun 10-1 pm. Reservations: Yes. n Tuscany: 1415 W 22nd St, Oak Brook. 630 990-1993.

Italian Tuscan cuisine in a relaxed atmosphere and casual bistro setting. Capacity: 250 at 50 tables. Yrs in bus: 23. Chef’s Choice: Grilled veal chops. Entrée prices: $16-$35. Extras: Carry-out, bar, delivery, catering, live music, banquets, outdoor dining. Lunch M-F 11:30-4; Dinner M-Th 4-10, F 4-11, Sat 5-11. Reservations: Recommended. n Two Brothers From Italy Ristorante & Pizzeria: 128 W Park Ave, Elmhurst. 630 833-0414. Family-oriented restaurant serving Italian cuisine in an Italian-themed setting. Capacity: 130 at 30 tables. Yrs in bus: 40. Chef’s Choice: Veal parmigiana. Entrée prices: $6-$19. Extras: Carry-out, delivery, catering.

T-Th 4-10, F-Sat 4-11, Sun 2-9. Reservations: Yes. n Two Brothers Historic Roundhouse: 205 N Broadway, Aurora. 630 892-0034. Regional American food and crafted beers in a historic 1856 railroad roundhouse. Capacity: 700. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s Choice: Fish tacos. Entrée prices: $4-$29. Extras: Bar, live music F-Sat, outdoor dining, banquets, gazebo, café in building. M-Th 6 am-9 pm, F 6 am-10 pm, Sat 8 am-10 pm, Sun 8 am-9 pm. Reservations: For 5 or more. Affiliated with Two Brothers Tap House, 30W315 Calumet Ave, Warrenville, 630 393-2337. n Two Brothers Tap House: 30W315 Calumet Ave, Warrenville. 630 393-2337. Full-service brewpub restaurant serving Two Brothers beers and sodas. Capacity: 250 inside, 64 outside. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Fish tacos. Entrée prices: $8-$15. Extras: Carryout, bar, kids’ menu, brewery tours, gluten-free beer, brew shop, coffee roaster based . M-Th 11-11, F-Sat 11-midnight, Sun 11-9. Reservations: Yes, for 6 or more. Affiliated with Two Brothers Historic Roundhouse, 205 N Broadway, Aurora, 630 892-0034. n Two Chefs CafÉ: 3 S Center, Bensenville. 630 766-6030. Full-service, bistro-style restaurant and dine-in café and catering. Capacity: 140. Yrs in bus: 30. Chef’s Choice: Pasta rigatoni in vodka cream sauce. Entrée prices: $9-$21. Extras: Catering, bar, outdoor dining, banquets, carry-out, kids’ menu, family friendly, private parties, live entertainment, slot machines, all food made from scratch. T-Th 11-11, F-Sat 11-midnight, Sun 11-7. Reservations: Yes. n Two-Nine: 29 W Jefferson Ave (upstairs), Naperville. 630 355-9165. Martini lounge serving specialty drinks and Mexican fare from Potter’s Place restaurant downstairs. Capacity: 90, plus 40 on balcony. Yrs in bus: 11. Chef’s Choice: Gummy bear martini. Entrée prices: $5-$10. Extras: Restaurant below, wine list, outdoor dining, private parties, live music on Potter’s Place patio Th-Sat, DJs F-Sat, bar on balcony. Th 8 pm-1 am, F-Sat 8 pm-2 am. Reservations: Yes.

|U| n Uncle Bub’s: Uncle Bub’s: 132 South Cass Ave, Westmont. 630 493-9000. Authentic, slow-smoked barbecue in a family friendly atmosphere. Capacity: 185. Yrs in bus: 18. Chef’s Choice: Beef brisket and pulled pork. Entrée prices: $11-$22. Extras: Carry-out, catering. Sun-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10. Reservations: Yes. n Uncle Julio's Hacienda: 2360 Fountain Square Dr, Lombard. 630 705-9260. Tex-Mex food in a family friendly and festive atmosphere. Capacity: 350. Yrs in bus: 11. Chef’s Choice: Fajitas. Entrée prices: $10-$27. Extras: Carry-out, outdoor dining, catering. Sun-Th 11-10, F-Sat 11-11. Reservations: Yes, but not accepted F-Sat after 5 pm. n Union House: 0S050 Winfield Rd, Winfield.

630 456-4188. American kitchen with farm-to-table concept and seasonally changing cuisine. Capacity: 65 plus 20 on patio. Yrs in bus: 2.5. Chef’s Choice: Fried Brussels sprouts and shrimp & grits. Entrée prices: $5-$30. Extras: Full service bar with 40 different beers, outdoor patio, occasional live music, carry-out, catering, free Wi-Fi. Lunch T-F 11-2; Dinner T-Th 5-10, F-Sat 4-11. Reservations: Yes, recommended on weekends. n Union Station: 3000 Warrenville Rd, Lisle; in the Wyndham Lisle. 630 505-1000. Northern Californian and Italian fare in an atrium setting. Capacity: 175. Yrs in bus: 14. Chef’s Choice: Porterhouse steak. Entrée prices: $13-$40. Extras: Banquets. M-Sun 6:30 am-2 pm. Reservations: Yes. n Uno Chicago Grill: 1160 Plaza Dr, Schaumburg. 847 413-0200. Pizza, pasta, steaks and more in a casual


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By Buzz Brandt

family setting with sports memorabilia and pictures. Capacity: 306. Yrs in bus: 21. Chef’s Choice: Threetopping pizza. Entrée prices: $11-$19. Extras: Bar, carry-out, Insiders’ Club, delivery. M-Th 11-11, F-Sat 11-midnight, Sun 11-10. Reservations: Yes.


Second Labels are Liquid Assets

n The Vault cafÉ and Bar: 308 Canal St, Lemont. 630 312-8380. Traditonal American fare served amidst historic memorabilia. Capacity: 60. Yrs in bus: 6. Chef’s Choice: Ribeye sandwich. Entrée prices: $6-$13. Extras: Private parties, daily specials, wine bar. T-Th 11-midnight, F-Sat 11-2 am. Reservations: For 6 or more.

Lesser grapes, but great value


t’s no secret that the world’s preeminent vineyards reserve the best grapes from their most prized terroirs for their premium flagship wines. But each season these wineries also harvest far more fruit than they use. And although these excess grapes derive from the same elite vineyards, they are not, for various reasons, of superior quality — some come from younger vines and may have been planted in less-than-pristine sections of the vineyard; some may not have ripened sufficiently or may have been damaged; and some may have been subjected to inclement weather conditions. But this is still high-quality fruit. Winemakers can use the best of these “lesser” grapes to produce a winery’s “second label” — a wine that is stylistically consistent with the ultra-premium brand but not quite as elegant, refined, or structured. Although second labels benefit from the winemaker’s expertise and conform to the winery’s stylistic signature — under French law, only grapes grown on the soil of a particular chateau are

permitted in any wine carrying the chateau’s name, so any second label must contain grapes grown on this same terroir — they can be composed of different blends and are aged for shorter periods of time in older, less robust barrels. They are also usually not good candidates for long-term cellaring. They are, however, significantly less expensive — compare, for example, the $1,400 price tag on a bottle of Château Lafite Rothschild to the $165 cost of a Carruades de Lafite, its second label. Second labels, or many times secondary brands,

are plentiful in America as well, but here there are no laws to guarantee an estate-grown origin of the grapes. To declare that a wine derives from a certain viticultural area like Napa Valley, a vintner must use only 85 percent of grapes from that area — the rest can come from anywhere. And many wineries outsource all the fruit for their second labels or brands. Still, quite a few high-end vineyards, like Napa’s Screaming Eagle, Harlan Estates, and Jason Pahlmeyer have created second labels crafted with only estate-grown grapes. n

Expert wine recommendations Jasper Nowell Mariano's - 2006 Celler de L'Encastell Red Blend $25, Grenache dominates this enticing, smoothlytextured blend that overflows with black fruits and blueberries along with notes of black pepper, vanilla, chocolate and lavender. - 2014 Bruno Giacosa Roero Arneis $30, Straw-

yellow in the glass with a sumptuously aromatic bouquet of stone fruits, citrus, wildflowers, and orange blossoms. On the palate peaches, lemons, green apples, pears and flowers predominate. Mike Matonte Vin Chicago - 2013 Bodegas Juan Gil Jumilla Monastrell $14, Aromas of blackberries, blueberries,

and black currants jump from the glass, followed by a concentrated palate of dark berries, cherries, plums, spices and vanilla. - 2014 Bodega DiamAndes Perlita $12, lush black and blue fruits abound in this 80 per cent Malbec-20 per cent Syrah blend, layered with sweet spices, black pepper and hints of violets and licorice.

n VICEROY OF INDIA: 233 E Roosevelt Rd, Lombard. 630 627-4411. Authentic Indian cuisine in a semiformal setting. Capacity: 200. Yrs in bus: 22. Chef’s Choice: Chicken tikka masala. Entrée prices: $10-$15. Extras: Banquets, bar, carry-out, catering. Lunch M-Sun 11:30-3:30; Dinner M-Sun 5-10. Reservations: Yes. Affiliated with Shikara Restaurant, 1620 75th St, Downers Grove, 630 964-1720. n Vie: 4471 Lawn Ave, Western Springs. 708 246-2082.

Seasonal, contemporary American à la carte menu with European influences in an elegant atmosphere. Capacity: 120. Yrs in bus: 12. Chef’s Choice: Gnocchi. Entrée prices: $26-46. Extras: Bar, new lounge space with exclusive menu, gluten-free and vegetarian options, private parties, monthly Sunday suppers. M-Th 5-9, F-Sat 5-10. Reservations: Yes. n Villa Verone: 416 Hamilton St, Geneva.

630 232-2201. Casual, upscale dining serving Italian favorites. Capacity: 200. Yrs in bus: 19. Entrée prices: $13-$25. Chef’s Choice: Seafood. Extras: Carry-out, live entertainment, outdoor dining, bar and club (open later). M-Th 11:30-9, F 11:30-10, Sat 4-10, Sun 4-9. Reservations: Yes. n VILLAGE PIZZA & PUB: 2496 N Randall Rd, Elgin.

847 551-1088. Pizza, Italian beef and more in a log cabin atmosphere. Capacity: 250. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Sausage pizza. Entrée prices: $6-$19. Extras: Outdoor dining, private parties, bar, game room, TVs. Sun-Th 11-9:30, F-Sat 11-10:30. Reservations: Yes, for 15 or more. n Village Tavern & grill: 291 S Schmale Rd, Carol Stream. 630 668-1101. Continental fare in a historic environment. Capacity: 500. Yrs in bus: 20. Chef’s Choice: Fish fry. Entrée prices: $6-$16. Extras: Bar, carry-out, outdoor dining, family friendly. M-Th 11-1, F-Sat 11-3, Sun 11-11. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 901 W Wise, Schaumburg, 847 891-8866. n Villaggio Restaurant: 1242 W Lake St, Roselle. 630 671-9000. Wide variety of Italian cuisine served in a casual, yet romantic atmosphere. Capacity: 240. Yrs in bus: 20. Chef’s Choice: Seafood specials. Entrée prices: $10-$30, Avg. $15. Extras: Bar, outdoor dining, live music F, banquets, catering, carry-out, opera and wine dinners. M-Th 11-9, F 11-11, Sat 4-11, Sun 4-9. Reservations: Yes. n VINCITORI'S: 14 N Cass Ave, Westmont.

630 663-9467. Italian cuisine in an upscale setting. Capacity: 140. Yrs in bus: 20. Chef’s Choice: Lobster Alfredo. Entrée prices: $9-$32. Extras: Bar, carry-out, catering, live entertainment, family friendly. T-Th 4-9:30, F-Sat 4-10:30, Sun 4-9. Reservations: Recommended. n Vinothai: 3825 E Main St, St. Charles. 630 443-8461. Healthy and fresh Thai cuisine in a cozy and casual atmosphere. Capacity: 65. Yrs in bus: 12. Chef’s Choice: Seafood combination and curry. Entrée prices: $8-$12. Extras: Bar, carry-out. M-Th 11-9:30, F-Sat 11-10, Sun noon-9. Reservations: Yes.


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|W| n Walker’s Charhouse And Bar: 8 W Gartner

Rd, Naperville. 630 637-9688. American food amidst candlelight, murals and antique pictures of Naperville. Capacity: 90. Yrs in bus: 25. Chef’s Choice: Charbroiled Steak. Entrée prices: $10-$26. Extras: Carry-out, bar. Sun-Th 11 -9, F-Sat 11-10. Reservations: Yes. n Warren's ale house: 51 Town Square, Wheaton. 630 462-5126. American bistro featuring gastropub cuisine. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 3. Chef’s Choice: Italian Beef Eggroll. Entrée prices: $10-$25. Extras: Outdoor dining, banquets, bar. M-Th 11:30-1 am, Fri-Sat 11:30-1 am, Sun 11:30-midnight. Reservations: Yes. n Weber grill: 2331 Fountain Square Dr, Lombard. 630 953-8880. Meat cooked on charcoal kettle grills in an open kitchen. Capacity: 300. Yrs in bus: 16. Chef’s Choice: BBQ ribs. Entrée prices: $10-$40, Avg. $21. Extras: Outdoor dining, banquets, bar (open later). M-Th 11:30-10, F-Sat 11:30-11, Sun noon-9. Reservations: Yes. Additional location at 1010 N Meacham Rd, Schaumburg, 847 413-0800. n WHEATSTACK: 5900 S Rt 53, Lisle. 630 968-1920.

Casual dining overlooking the River Bend Golf Course. Capacity: 250. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s Choice: Stuffed Pork Tenderloin. Entrée prices: $10-$24. Extras: Full bar, banquet facilities, catering, outdoor dining. M-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10, Sun 11-8. Reservations: Yes. n White Chocolate Grill: 1803 Freedom Dr, Naperville. 630 505-8300. Classic American fare featuring made-from-scratch selections. Capacity: 292. Yrs in bus: 6.5. Chef’s Choice: White chocolate desserts. Entrée prices: $11-$28. Extras: Exhibition kitchen, private rooms. Tue-Sat 11-10, Sun-M 11-9. Reservations: Yes. n WHITE FENCE FARM: 1376 Joliet Rd, Romeoville. 630 739-1720. Chicken, shrimp, fish, steaks and cocktails served in a colonial décor. Capacity: 1,100. Yrs in bus: 61. Chef’s Choice: Chicken. Entrée prices: $12-$25. Extras: Carry-out, banquets, family friendly, car museum, petting zoo, private parties. T-F 5-9, Sat 4-9, Sun noon-8. Reservations: Yes, for 12 or more. n wild monk gastropub: 88 S La Grange Rd,

La Grange. 708 255-2337. Casual yet upscale atmosphere featuring a chef-driven menu and unique, seasonal craft beers. Capacity: 90, plus 28 outdoors. Yrs in bus: 5. Chef’s Choice: Caramelized Brussels sprouts with bacon jam. Entrée prices: $10-$15. Extras:11-3 Fri- Sun Brunch, Bloody Mary bar. M-Th 4-midnight, F-Sat 11-1 am, Sun 11-11. Reservations: No. n Wild tuna: 3344 S Rt 59, Naperville. 630 420-8801. Japanese sushi served in a contemporary décor. Capacity: 90. Yrs in bus: 10. Chef’s Choice: Wild tuna and Godzilla maki. Entrée prices: $15-$30. Extras: Carry-out, full bar, sushi bar. M-Th 11:30-9:30, F 11:30-10:30, Sat noon-10:30, Sun 4-9. Reservations: Yes, for 6 or more. n Wildfire: 232 Oakbrook Center, Oak Brook.

630 586-9000. Steaks, chops and seafood served in a 1940s-style steakhouse. Capacity: 260. Yrs in bus: 19. Chef’s Choice: Filet mignon. Entrée prices: $11-$40. Extras: Bar, valet parking, private parties, family friendly. M-Th 11:15-10, F-Sat 11:15-10:30, Sun 11:15-9. Reservations: Recommended. Additional location at 1250 E Higgins Rd, Schaumburg, 847 995-0100 n WILDWOOD: 477 S Third St, Geneva. 630 377-8325. Upscale American cuisine featuring steaks and seafood in a modern setting. Capacity: 250. Yrs in bus: 9. Entrée prices: $18-$42. Extras: Bar, extensive wine list, piano lounge, live entertainment on weekends, outdoor dining. Lunch T-Sat 11:30-2:30; Dinner Sun-Th 5-9:30, F-Sat 5-10, Sun brunch 10-2:30 pm. Reservations: Yes.

n winberie's: 151 N Oak Park Ave, Oak Park. 708 386-2600. American fare in a warm and inviting bistro setting. Capacity: 160. Yrs in bus: 32. Chef’s Choice: Cedar-planked salmon. Entrée prices: $10-$25. Extras: Bar, family friendly, Sun brunch 10-1. Lunch M-Sat 11:30-4; Dinner M-Th 4-9:30, F-Sat 4-10:30, Sun 1-9. Reservations: Yes. n wok 'n fire: 590 Village Center Dr, Burr Ridge, 630 323-5100. Pan-Asian cuisine and sushi prepared fresh daily using only natural and high-quality ingredients. Capacity: 120. Yrs in bus: 11. Chef’s Choice: Miso sea bass. Entrée prices: $13-$25. Extras: Bar, carry-out, catering, outdoor dining. M-Th 11:30-9, F-Sat 11:30-11, Sun 3-9. Reservations: Yes. Additional locations at 108 Schiller St, Elmhurst, 630 993-0888; 100 W Higgins Rd, South Barrington, 847 428-7192;181 S First St, St. Charles, 630 444-3580; and 120 E Liberty Dr, Wheaton, 630 665-1440.

|Y| n YAMADO JAPANESE: 929 E Ogden Ave, Naperville. 630 983-3567. Traditional Japanese fare. Capacity: 65. Yrs in bus: 20. Chef’s Choice: Sushi and Teriyaki chicken. Entrée prices: $6-$22. Extras: Catering, carry-out, sushi bar. Lunch M-F 11-2, Sat noon-3; Dinner M-Th 4:30 9:30, F-Sat 4:30-10. Reservations: Yes. n YAU'S PLACE: 110 W Burlington Ave, La Grange. 708 352-7928. Thai and Chinese cooking in an Asian-themed atmosphere. Capacity: 30. Yrs in bus: 9. Chef’s Choice: Hong Kong steak. Entrée prices: $6-$15. Extras: Carry-out, catering. Lunch T-F 11-3; Dinner T-F 4:30-9:30, Sat -Sun 3-10. Reservations: Yes. n yerbabuena: 4734 Main St, Lisle. 630 852-8040.

Upscale, yet casual Mexican restaurant serving traditional fare and signature dishes. Capacity: 150 indoor, 50 outdoor. Yrs in bus: 15. Chef’s Choice: Carnitas with roasted tomatillo jalapeno sauce. Entrée prices: $9-$20. Extras: Outdoor dining, carry-out, catering, wireless internet, kids’ menu, vegan/vegetarian options. M-Th 11-9, F-Sat 11-10. Reservations: Yes. n YORK TAVREN: 3702 York Rd, Oak Brook. 630 323-5090. The oldest, continuously operating restaurant in DuPage County, restored and updated in 2006, serving burgers and American fare. Capacity: 60. Yrs in bus: 172. Chef’s Choice: Burgers. Entrée prices: $6-$20. Extras: Carry-out, bar. M-F 11-1 am, Sat 11-2 am, Sun noon-10. Reservations: No.

|Z| n ZaZa’s Trattoria: 5 S First St, St. Charles. 630 443-9304. Upscale, yet casual fine dining featuring Northern Italian cuisine. Capacity: 120. Yrs in bus: 21. Chef’s Choice: White fish. Entrée Prices: $11-$35. Extras: Bar, catering. Lunch M 11:30-2, T-F 11:30-3; Dinner M 5-9, T-Th 3-9, F 3-10, Sat 5-10, Sun 4-9. Reservations: Yes. Affiliated with ZaZa’s Italian Steakhouse at 1570 W Lake St, Addison, 630 285-9292. n ZaZa’s Italian Trattoria: 441 W Ogden Ave, Clarendon Hills. 630 920-0500. Upscale Northern Italian restaurant serving authentic cuisine in a rustic Tuscan atmosphere. Capacity: 100 inside, 30 outside. Yrs in bus: 15. Chef’s Choice: Linguine Frutti Di Mare. Entrée prices: $13-$24. Extras: Bar, carry-out, private parties, outdoor dining, catering. Lunch M-F 11:30-2:30; Dinner M-Th 5-9:30, F-Sat 5-10, Sun 4:30-8:30. Reservations: Yes. n zoup!: 2948 Finley Rd, Downers Grove. 630 629-9687.

Soup-centric dining that encourages sampling in a quick-serve, family-friendly atmosphere. Capacity: 58, Yrs in bus: 5.5. Chef’s Choice: Chicken pot pie and lobster bisque. Entrée prices: Avg: $10. Extras: Carry-out, vegetarian and gluten-free options. M-Sat 11-7, Sat-Sun 11-3. Reservations: No. WEST SUBURBAN LIVING | WWW.WESTSUBURBANLIVING.NET | SEPTEMBER 2016 93

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Charitable Events of Note

DuPage Pads was one of 30 not-for-profit organizations and five local collaboratives to receive a grant at the DuPage Foundation’s Spring Grant Awards Breakfast held at Glen Oak Country Club in Glen Ellyn. The DuPage Foundation awarded more than $670,000 in grants to organizations working in the area of Health and Human Services and five local collaboratives focused on improving kindergarten-readiness in DuPage County. The grant will help underwrite DuPagePads Medical Respite program. DuPagePads assists families and individuals who are homeless and often have a wide range of complex health conditions. Without a place to rest and recover, individuals who are homeless and discharged from the hospital risk compromising their health which may lead to hospital re-admission. DuPagePads provides one- to two-week rooms at motels with negotiated rates for participants referred by a doctor. Case-management is also provided to ensure program participants receive medical attention and support services needed to better manage their health and move toward stability. The DuPage Foundation seeks to raise the quality of life throughout DuPage County by fostering philanthropy, connecting donors to area needs and building community partnerships. Pictured are (from left) Deborah du Vair of Glen Ellyn, DuPage Foundation Grant committee member; Carol Simler of Villa Park. president & CEO of DuPagePads; Janelle Barcelona of Burr Ridge, vice president of development for DuPagePads; and Janet Hodge of Oak Brook, DuPage Foundation trustee emerita.

Photos courtesy of Edward-Elmhurst Health

Photo courtesy of the DuPage Foundation


More than 300 golfers raised a record $440,000 at the 23rd Annual Edward Foundation Charity Golf Tournament this summer at Cog Hill Golf & Country Club in Lemont. The Foundation is the charitable fundraising organization of Edward Hospital. Former Chicago Cubs outfielder and member of the National Baseball Hall of Fame, Andre Dawson (top left) was the celebrity guest. The event featured a Helicopter Ball Drop (top right) in which entrants paid for a chance to have a numbered golf ball dropped from a helicopter and land closest to the flag. The winner, Connor Doherty of Chicago, and the Foundation split the proceeds of $5,050. Edward Foundation Board members (below, from left) include Nancy Nyberg, Gail Niermeyer and Terese Surges, and Pam Davis, system CEO of EdwardElmhurst Health, all of Naperville; and Meghan Moreno, foundation executive director, of Shorewood. Established in 1990, the Edward Foundation has raised more than $43 million in its mission to support Edward Hospital’s community healthcare initiatives, including free services and health and wellness programs; centers of excellence like Edward Heart Hospital and Edward Cancer Center; and programs that make Edward unique, like the Ronald McDonald Family Room.

drove the party indoors. ECPA Board Chair Jeff Budgell says they were “overwhelmed by the high attendance, the generosity of donors, and the overall level of excitement for the project among residents.” Initially organized as a “friendraiser,” rather than a full-out fundraiser, organizers were pleasantly surprised when approximately $20,000 was raised. ECPA began as a grass-roots initiative among Elmhurst residents with varied interests/experience in theatre, music, dance and comedy. The organization registered as a not-for-profit 501(c)3 earlier this year, and seeks to provide a home where artists and patrons share their love of the performing arts. Local musicians (far left) Emma Ohm and the Resistors of Elmhurst provided live entertainment. Enjoying the performances were (left, from left) Cathy Bajkowski, Mayor Steve Morley and Budgell, all of Elmhurst. Photos courtesy of Elizabeth Rudakis

Elmurst Center for Performing Arts (ECPA) hosted its first community event recently — a summer patio party at Flight 112, where residents were able to see conceptual plans for a proposed multi-stage venue for theatre, music, dance and comedy to be built in downtown Elmhurst. The crowd remained enthusiastic, even as early rain


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Photos courtesy of John Reilly Photography

comes more than a dozen endangered African penguins to the Robert and Mayari Pritzker Penguin Cove this fall. The innovative exhibit will give visitors an up-close view of the colony while helping to conserve the species. Among those attending the event were (from left) Matthew and Janet Halpin of Hinsdale; Robert and Anna Livingston, board of trustees member, of Hinsdale; Betty and Angelo Kritikos of Elmhurst; and Ed and Suzette Rickert of Downers Grove.

Photos by Mike Halligan

Photos courtesy of Wheaton Park District

More than 900 guests attended the 39th annual midsummer’s eve event, “Penguins in Paradise,” hosted by the Women’s Board of Lincoln Park Zoo. The black-tie affair featured dining, dancing and entertainment and raised more than $1.35 million. These funds will be use to support Lincoln Park Zoo as it continues to transform its physical landscape, providing state-of-the-art exhibits that inspire connection with animals and nature. As part of this mission, the zoo wel-

This summer marked the Hinsdale Humane Society’s 27th annual Pet Walk & Run fundraiser, held at Katherine Legge Memorial Park. The addition of a certified 5K Run throughout Hinsdale neighborhoods brought in the shelter’s largest number of pre-registrants in the history of the event: 464 individuals registered for the dog and stroller-friendly race, and $45,000 was raised. The funds will go directly to help the Humane Society’s homeless animals. ABC-7 News Anchor Judy Hsu (inset right, pictured with Lori Halligan, executive director of the Hinsdale Humane Society) emceed the event, volunteering her time and talents to the cause. The Hinsdale Humane Society is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to the care and adoption of homeless animals that advocates education and public service to encourage the compassionate treatment of animals and to prevent their suffering and neglect.

On August 1, when more than 150 golfers teed off at Arrowhead Golf Club in Wheaton, they were supporting the nationally accredited Cosley Zoo at the 33rd annual Mike Williams Cosley Classic Golf Outing, named for a longtime board president of the zoo’s fundraising foundation. The day consisted of 18 holes of golf, lunch, a steak dinner, on-course drinks, gimmick holes, a raffle, animal interactions and a silent auction. The event raised more than $25,000 for the 5-acre zoo. Proceeds benefit The Cosley Foundation, Inc., which has helped bring capital improvements and annual events to the zoo for decades, such as the 60,000-gallon duck pond, animal clinic, Vern Kiebler Learning Center, amphitheater, bobcat exhibit, Cosley Zoo Run for the Animals 5K/10K, Pumpkin Fest, Festival of Lights & Christmas Tree Sales, and more — all the foundation’s handiwork. Among those who came out to support Cosley Zoo were (above left, from left) Mike Nass and Gary Crocus, both of Wheaton; John Benjamin of Geneva; Tiffany Elking of Chicago; and Terry Mee, Mike Benard and David Thiel, all of Wheaton; and (above right, from left) Tim and Nancy Gaffney of Morris; and Ted Kulinski and Donna Czarnecki, both of Wheaton. WEST SUBURBAN LIVING | WWW.WESTSUBURBANLIVING.NET | SEPTEMBER 2016 95

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Last Word

By Michele Weldon

In Praise of Being Prepared Though surprises can be great fun, planning makes life simpler and easier to manage


n my 20s, my friend Marcella threw me a surprise party for my birthday. A few weeks ahead of my big day, we made plans to go to dinner. Then the week before, she casually asked me to switch dinner plans and instead stop by a friend’s house in the evening for drinks. I assumed she forgot it was my birthday. I was to meet her at her friend Bob’s house; he was just someone I knew by name. I was annoyed that Marcella had apparently forgotten it was my birthday and made no mention of the occasion. Sure, I can “stop by.” A little hurt and sulking, I sauntered over there maybe an hour past the time she suggested. Thank goodness I was dressed up. When scores of my good friends jumped into view from hiding spots in Bob’s house, I felt foolish. I was truly surprised; and it was an exceptionally marvelous evening. To have the entire party at someone’s house I barely knew was part of the charade. And Bob was a good sport. That may have been the last time, three decades ago now, that I truly enjoyed being on the receiving end of a big surprise. That’s because I am a planner, a map-it-all-out-ahead-of-time kind of soul, a hope-for-the-best, prepare-for-theworst kind of person. And let me just say for those of us who are born this way — planning works. You want to have people like me along with you on the business retreat, next to you at a meeting that goes too long, carpooling with you stuck in traffic, at the next table at a restaurant. We will have Band-aids, sunscreen, snacks and water.

“Yes, I plan day to day what work I will accomplish when, and how I can keep to my schedule. This does not mean I resist spontaneity or that I am a stick-in-the-mud. I do know how to have fun — I plan for that.”

And a change of clothes just in case. I come by the planning gene through both my parents. My father was a list maker and plotter. My mother executed every task from lists as well as from memory. When she had dinner parties or the family Christmas celebration — which could have as many as 50 guests if her brothers and sisters all came — days before the event, she wrote down what delicacies went in what bowl or on what tray. I can still see her neat handwriting on small pieces of paper, “olives” or “shrimp” in Wedgewood and crystal bowls and platters in the dining room. My sisters still do this. In high school, I planned the outfits I would wear to school and wrote them down day by day, so as not to repeat color combinations or mood. It was more of a reaction to being released from years of wearing school uniforms than a sign of egomania. It also saved time in the mornings wasted on choosing what to wear — or not to wear — and saved me from hunting for the blouse or velvet pants I had in mind. This is not to say that I am a control freak — I do not have any interest in controlling anyone else’s day or life. Mine is enough, thank you. The upside of a well-planned life is that I never run out of toothpaste, coffee,

shampoo or cereal. I am always one step ahead of empty. I step to the podium prepared, I have tissues in my purse and an extra pen. I have back-up cartridges for my printer and never run out of gas. And since my middle son, Brendan, gave me a portable battery charger for my phone, my cell phone never dies. I am never hunting for an outlet. Yes, I plan day to day what work I will accomplish when, and how I can keep to my schedule. I plan breaks and what to do to reward myself after a full day of finishing everything I planned to do. This does not mean I resist spontaneity or that I am a stick-in-the-mud. I do know how to have fun — I plan for that. Recently I met a woman at a party who explained that her aunt had planned her own funeral — she wasn’t even sick — down to the music, the food and what she wanted to wear in the casket. I found this a little morbid. I have mentioned in passing to my sisters, though, that I would like them to play Gloria Gaynor’s I Will Survive at my wake. I plan. Knowing that you can count on some things in your life — especially on yourself — doesn’t make life boring, it makes life simpler and less scary. For those of you who are planners like me, I am sure that comes as no surprise. n


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