Technology Decisions Jun/Jul 2013

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JUN/JUL 2013 VO L .1 NO. 6 $9.95


When BI and collaboration collide Is it easy being green? Building powerful C-Level relationships Who’s accessing your data?

Back in the 1990s I was working with a manufactur-

j u n / j u l

projects I was involved with at the time was developing a better way to report on corporate performance. In particular, the focus was on sales reporting. So we built the imaginatively named ‘Reporting System’. Early on, it was apparent that the biggest issue we faced wasn’t technical. In speaking with a number of people for this month’s feature on business intelligence, it’s clear that the big issues from that time are still with us. How do we know what questions to ask and how do we define the measures we want to track? We look at these challenges and look at where business intelligence and analytics are heading over the next few years.

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ing company. One of the big

10 | Tech Toys 12 | Building powerful C-level relationships 14 | Controlling who is accessing your data 16 | Keeping pace 24 | Peer2Peer: Conrad Bates, C3 Business Solutions 30 | Yarra Valley Water simplifies its IT 32 | Asia Cloud Forum 34 | Images of the future

Enterprises have been working on building up their environmental credibility with much of the pressure being thrust at the CIO. Not only do IT staff need to improve the power efficiency of the data centre but they also need to understand the ‘greenness’ of the entire supply and operation of almost everything with a power supply. How IT can do this is something we look at this month. Anthony Caruana, Editor

F E A T U R E S 04 | Is better BI going to save your business?

cover image: © Terentev

Business intelligence systems and analytics have leapt forward in recent years. We are now in the era of making real-time decisions with live data.

26 | How to execute better decision-making Diverse opinions, backgrounds and expertise mean that we all approach the same question from different perspectives, sharing varied knowledge and experiences. It’s this multiplicity that helps us arrive at the best decision possible.

20 | How green is my strategy? Very few business decisions are now made without some consideration of the environmental impact. Is green a big issue or just more hype?

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Anthony Caruana


Business intelligence systems and analytics have leapt forward in recent years. Gone are the days of retrospective reporting and data warehouses that were updated each day. We are now in the era of using data to make realtime decisions with live data from many sources.

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ticipate what is coming next separates

regular extraction of data from corporate

tomorrow’s winners from the also-rans.

systems. These extractions were then rendered into data cubes that were used

It’s likely that in the future, businesses

for retrospective reporting and analysis.

will compete on the quality of their data and ability to make decisions based on

Joe Collins, from CAMMS, says, “There’s

more intelligent algorithms as much,

a driving force to connect BI components

or perhaps more, than their ability to

to impacting directly how organisations

reduce costs or create new products.

are run. There’s a much stronger emphasis in driving execution of strategy

It’s impossible to discuss analytics and

and much closer alignment with the

business intelligence without segueing

budget process and long-term financial

into a discussion about big data. But, as


we said in the November/December 2012 issue, we are quickly moving to a time

Businesses are spending significant

where the term ‘big data’ will cease to

amounts of money on better data col-


© Jonsson



usiness intelligence - it almost

exist - everything will just be data. Data

lection, collation and analysis tools.

from multiple sources, arriving faster

Interestingly, Michael Pain, Accenture

with little or no discernable structure,

Australia’s Analytics Lead, said, “Return

will be the norm and not the exception.

on investment that they’re seeing, it’s fair to say, is mixed. There are a range

“Depending on your view of what big

of reasons for that. One of them is the

data represents, there’s a layer of com-

idea that a lot of organisations, when

plexity on that that a lot of organisations

they invest in analytics, don’t start with

are wrestling with,” says Mark Sands from

the right questions.”

QlikTech. “Fundamentally, that comes back to a huge emphasis from the IT

This is a key. Business analytics require

community, and vendors in particular,

the business to have some idea of the

who are driving this,” he added.

outcome they are trying to achieve. Analysis for its own sake or because

sounds like the punchline to a bad joke when you say it

Guy Harrison, from Dell Software, says,

everyone else is doing it is not a good reason for investing.

out loud. But nothing could

“I think it’s pretty clear that over the last

be further from the truth. In the data

five years, there was at least one big shift

rich environment today’s corporations

in the BI software market. That was the

Although it’s important for businesses to

operate in, the capacity to understand

emergence of self-service BI, sometimes

have solid plans for deploying analytics

what is happening around them is an

called agile BI.”

and business intelligence tools, there needs to be a balance. “In analytics, we

important weapon. In the post-GFC world, where market volatility is still

Before this, business intelligence and

believe a business case has to have a bal-

an everyday concern, the ability to an-

analytics were largely based around the

ance between clear and proven outcomes

This issue is sponsored by — Kyocera Document Solutions —


© Terentev

but also an element of experimentation,” said Pain. While reporting after the fact remains an important business imperative, the ability to make decisions in real time wasn’t supported. While it was great for the C-suite, it didn’t help line managers who wanted to be able to make more immediate decisions. As a result, line managers began creating their own systems in Excel or using desktop database applications. The trouble was that different parts of the business could use the same data and, by applying different analysis techniques and their own definitions, end up producing inconsistent results. Agile BI systems make it possible to deliver the data more consistently, in

data warehouse. In today’s world, we’re

ligence tools already exist in the IT

real time and in a form that allows

looking at massive volumes of data,

department. However, they’re often

line managers to make real- or near-

from multiple sources, and much of it

channelled towards a different purchase.

time decisions with confidence. Rather

is unstructured. According to Harrison,

Using live data from systems to monitor

than working with raw data and then

this means were more likely to see a

and manage performance is something

manipulating it manually, they are able

Hadoop-style cluster as the main data

many systems managers have been doing

to work with data sets that are better

repository with in-memory processing

for some time.

tailored to their needs and delivered in

systems used to extract and manipulate

a more timely manner.

the data for analysis.

Collins clarified this saying, “All data has

However, the data modelling that used to

iiNet use BI-like tools from Splunk to

a cause and an effect. It’s not just about

happen at the start of the analysis process

monitor their systems in real time and

reporting the data, it’s about trying to

is performed after the data enters the

manage performance. For example, by

link traditional metrics to corporate

database, not before. Harrison calls this

monitoring server performance during


“just-in-time modelling”. Businesses that

peak periods, they are able to reassign

aren’t able to leverage the unstructured

resources dynamically to ensure that

data are “just going to lose” in his view.

systems not only remain available but

Applying similar techniques, we’ve seen companies such as Sportsbet, Coles and

We are already seeing this in retail where

perform at optimal levels.

companies can see what you’ve browsed and purchased online, use demographic

It’s tempting to see the issues around

data they’ve gathered and then target

using data as being largely technical.

How information comes into a business

specific advertising or product recom-

However, “You can change and manipu-

and is used to deliver benefit to the


late data until the cows come home but

bottom line is critical. Grant Christian,

unless you have a direct connect to the

from Information Builders, says, “The

business that’s all you do,” added Collins.

information delivery chain is much more

The way this works requires a shift in

than just delivery or presentation of in-

how businesses store and manage data.


In the past, most of the organisation’s

The good news for the CIO is that

formation, it extends out into the cloud

data was held in a structured database

many of the skills needed to support

with social analytics in one direction,

and then distributed outwards to the

the business in using business intel-

but then also extends right back to the

This issue is sponsored by — Kyocera Document Solutions —

to delivering BI. What we absolutely


are seeing is that organisations are recognising that there’s a capability that


their businesses require them to take a


throwaway approach to allow users to

much more agile app, or even take a self-serve. As we move forward that’s only going to accelerate.”

data and its quality, making sure it is

ganisations, there is an obvious business

In addition, he noted that there are still

correct on input or, when it is derived

opportunity for software vendors. As a

many organisations that haven’t invested

from other information, that the quality

result, there have been many new entrants

in business intelligence or that many

is inherent with the transactional process,

in the market leading to what Christian

business users still haven’t got access

that all information comes from the

describes as the risk that “these are not

to these tools. “If you look at numbers

same source. Then we need to ensure

yet enterprise class and [that businesses

from IDC, only 27% of the people in a

all users have access to the information,

end up] with many disparate solutions

typical organisation are served in some

and how it is presented will depend on

to manage and maintain”.

way by that organisation’s business in-

the level of detail required at the time.”

telligence investments. Really, we see a Many BI projects that we’ve seen have

lot of the evolution in reaching out to

The question then becomes about

been very IT-centric; much of the focus

those 73% of users. Growth is going to

whether business users are able to ask

has been on the technology. However,

be a fundamental element of business

the right questions of the data. Busi-

successful BI projects put the business


ness users are becoming increasingly

analysis with the business user and the

sophisticated in the types of insights

data management, which is a very techni-

As more users get access to the tools,

they want and in using that informa-

cal discipline, with the IT department.

there will be changes in how the tools

tion more wisely. While the role of the

are used and deployed. Dell expects a

data scientist is becoming well known,

“We’re enabling the technology side of

broadening of the user base as staff with

he’s seeing the marketing scientist, who

the house to focus on the things that

lower level technical skills access data.

understands the intersection between

they’re better at. It isn’t producing re-

This will drive further innovation in

data, algorithms and business issues, as

ports. It’s managing data. It’s security.

the tools so that user interfaces make it

a new role that’s developing.

The tools enable business users go to

easier to gain meaning from data and

places they haven’t be able to get to

present information that can be used

before,” said Sands.

for intelligent decision making.

tions, worked with end users to deter-

Looking ahead

The reality is that the next few years

mine requirements that were used to

So, what’s next? Are the next few years

will see a perfect storm of business

develop and deploy systems. With BI,

going to be simply incremental changes

needs and evolving technology. Grant

Sands prefers the term “business user”

on what we are seeing today? Now that

Christian from Information Builders

rather than “end user”. This is because

big data is just data and business intel-

said, “Big data, cloud, social media,

end user suggests the end of a process.

ligence and analytics tools are quite

predictive analytics and mobile. More

But business is ongoing activities, so

mature, it’s easy to imagine a period

than buzzwords, these technologies are

by shifting the focus away from what

of consolidation.

allowing organisations to leverage data

IT delivery teams have, when they’ve worked effectively in delivering solu-

users want to what the business needs,


to accelerate business. Used together,

BI projects have a greater chance of

Mark Sands from QlikView sees a future

these five business intelligence trends

delivering business value.

with even more diversity. “If we look at

are converging to transform the way

how the market has evolved over the

critical business decisions are made, and

As business intelligence and analytic

last few years, we have recognised that

opening opportunities for new services

tools become more prevalent within or-

there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution

and new revenue.”

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This issue is sponsored by — Kyocera Document Solutions —







IOs have a unique perspective

Questions from C-level executives during

across the entire organisation

IT steering committees such as “Why is

and an opportunity, if not a

IT so expensive?” and “Are these savings

mandate, to play a leading

projections real?” can limit the value of

role in supporting executive team decision-

these meetings and reinforce a tactical view

making. To be effective, however, CIOs must

of IT. As in ancient Zen Buddhist texts,

understand that each executive views busi-

when “unuseful” questions are asked, the

ness slightly differently based on his or her

CIO must “unask” the questions. Leading

current role and past experiences.

CIOs have created sets of questions or discussion guides to help their CEOs,

Understanding the C-suite’s mental models,

boards and other C-level executives focus

including risk appetite and strategic mindset,

on strategic value in their discussions

helps CIOs to build executive relationships

about IT.

and effective IT and business outcomes. Gartner research shows that all C-LevelCEOs are typically outward-facing, evangelis-

CIO relationships range from arm’s-length

ing, big-picture-oriented leaders who focus

transactional relationships to close part-

on future results. CIOs are more detailed

nerships. Four types typically exist:

and present-oriented in their thoughts,

At risk: Where the CIO delivers below

less comfortable with ambiguity and prefer

C-Level expectations.

operating in their sphere of control, rather

Transactional: Where the CIO is focused

than their sphere of influence. According to

on running the business, rather than

Gartner analysts, the trick for CIOs is not

growing or transforming it.

to lose the detail, but to become ‘bilingual’

Partnering: Where the CIO has credibility,

- able to switch between IT and business

engages the CxOs on business issues and

leadership issues and styles.

leads some business initiatives.

Marcus Darbyshire is an executive partner in Gartner Executive Programs. He performs the roles of advisor, coach and partner to C-level executives, helping them gain the insights necessary to make the decisions that deliver business results while building their leadership capabilities. He advises IT executives across both the private and public sectors on topics including: the business value of IT, cost containment, IT governance, IT strategy, portfolio management, cloud computing and BYOD.

Trusted ally: Where the CIO behaves as, CFOs and CIOs have many similarities. They

and is viewed as, a true business leader,

act as stewards of critical enterprise assets

leading significant proportions of the

and both roles usually attract people with

business. This is still relatively rare.

conservative approaches. A Gartner study


found the CFO was viewed as the most

If you have the CIO role now or in your

conservative senior executive and the CIO

sights, make time to take three or four

viewed as more conservative than many

concrete steps towards better executive

other C-level executives. The CFO’s focus is

relationships. Delegate running of the

around managing cashflow and investments

‘IT shop’, book regular meetings with key

while achieving regulatory compliance.

executives and adapt your style between

CIOs often focus on IT service and project

focusing on the future and the present,

delivery, improving business processes and

the big picture and the details. These are

demonstrating the business value of IT.

critical skills for the successful CIO.

This issue is sponsored by — Kyocera Document Solutions —



ith various information security standards

accessing its information and what they are doing with it. With

to adhere to, Mercy Health and Aged Care

a complete audit trail, MHAC can prove policies are in place,

Central Queensland Limited (MHAC) needed

and being adhered to, to satisfy compliance with various national

transparency into who was accessing its data,

and international information security standards.

and what they were doing with it. In addition, with nearly 400

Starting with one of its aged care facilities, MHAC used

workstations and a user base of 600, MHAC also needed an

Varonis to maintain the management of data ownership. From

easier, holistic approach to control access.

this point it nominated, with the help of the system, data owners

Marcia Healy, Information Systems Officer for MHAC, explains,

who were then trained in managing their own data privileges.

“As part of compliance with various legislatures, we needed a

Marcia explains, “The solution automatically identifies who

mechanism to provide visibility into who was accessing our data.

the likely data owners are and they are then empowered to assign

We were also conscious that our IT team were receiving, and

the permissions for their information. Anyone who needs access

provisioning, access requests which, although technically capable,

to files can raise a request, which is directed to the relevant

they did not have adequate data context, value or other relevant

data owner automatically who provisions the request. It also

insight on which to base these decisions.”

allows us to remove access rights from groups, without having to go through them one by one, when someone terminates their employment, which previously was a huge job.” MHAC has already started to classify data, and identify data owners, in other parts of its business. In the coming months, it will meet with all its clinical quality and risk staff to introduce them to the system and train them in its use, before fully rolling out across the organisation. Marcia clarifies, “From our first integration we

© stock.xchng/ArminH

discovered that its user-friendly interface means it’s very easy for people to use and training isn’t too arduous. The fact that it’s also supported by automated workflows, in email, is a real benefit as it’s simplistic and users are familiar with the MHAC also knew it needed to improve visibility, and control,

Speaking specifically about the improvements MHAC has

groups had various access rights, through NFTS permissions.

been able make, Marcia concludes, “An immediate benefit is, by

However, this was exceptionally complicated as we did not have

removing the onus of this responsibility from IT, the process

a holistic view. We needed transparency to be able to monitor

of provisioning users becomes far more efficient as people are

who was accessing information and identify what they were

now dealing direct with managers who can action the request

doing to it.” Due to the nature of the organisation, MHAC’s

immediately. It also strengthens security to sensitive data as the

workforce includes a large percentage of shift workers, further

appropriate person is making the decision of who does and doesn’t

complicating users’ access permissions.

have access. This is great both morally and administratively.

MHAC has met these challenges using Varonis DatAdvantage



of users’ access rights. Marcia explains, “We knew that certain

and DataPrivilege. This solution allows MHAC to identify who is

Although we haven’t made a full cost analysis, we predict ROI within three to six months, which is just phenomenal.”

This issue is sponsored by — Kyocera Document Solutions —

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Andrew Collins

umanity has a tough time

stock market plunge, provides a recent

the hoax tweet’s posting, virtually all US

keeping pace with technology.

example. The story revolves around the

markets plunged, according to Reuters.

We run into trouble when we

use of automated trading: computers trad-

embrace our inventions too

ing autonomously on the stock market,

The news agency said the S&P 500 index’s

soon, but also when we adapt to them too

without human intervention, based on

value fell US$136.5 billion following the

slowly. History is littered with examples,

investment instructions in the form of

tweet, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average

and a couple have emerged quite recently.

preprogrammed algorithms.

dropped 143.5 points, or 0.98%. Both the

The competitive nature of business drives

Hackers - reportedly the Syrian Electronic

levels after it was revealed minutes later that

many to become early adopters, tempting

Army - obtained access to the AP’s of-

the AP had been hacked, according to the

those who hope to gain some advantage

ficial Twitter account and posted a hoax

UK’s Daily Mail.

over their slower moving rivals. But early

tweet stating the White House had been

adoption is a risk - many have suffered for


Dow and the S&P regained their previous

embracing technology without caution. Such

Jonathan Corpina, a senior managing partner with Meridian Equity Partners, told Bloomb-

risk can become widespread, and threaten

“Breaking: Two Explosions in the White

erg that algorithmic trading programs that

entire economies, as the threat of being

House and Barack Obama is injured”, the

read news headlines may have started the

left behind drives everyone else to adopt -

hackers’ tweet read.

selling. “And then other [algorithms] jump in

without due consideration of consequences.

to play the snowball effect, and little by little Both the White House and the AP informed

you have the computer trading systems that

The April hacking of the Associated Press’s

the public minutes later that the report

have cancelled all their orders on the buy

(AP) Twitter account, and subsequent US

was not true. But within three minutes of

side and the sell [algorithms] hit all these bids, and that’s the big dip we saw,” he said. This is not the first time algorithmic trading has been blamed for market wipes. The May 2010 ‘Flash Crash’ saw the Dow Jones Industrial Average drop about 1000 points, only to recover within minutes. A joint US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) investigation found that high-frequency trading (HFT) - a



form of automated trading - contributed to the sharp price declines in the Flash Crash. (It is worth noting that, despite the SEC/CFTC report, some actually theorise that HFT may have helped minimise and reverse the 2010 Flash Crash.)

This issue is sponsored by — Kyocera Document Solutions —

These stories illustrate what can happen

Some companies are adapting to the new

Zealand intelligence agency, the Government

when we get ahead of the tech curve, with-

landscape formed by these pressures -

Communications Security Bureau (GSCB),

out implementing necessary safeguards.

changing their services or releasing new

unlawfully spied on Dotcom in the years

types of products to sway consumers away

leading up to his arrest. The spying was

But we also run into trouble when we fall

from piracy and other free content - but

illegal because the GSCB is forbidden from

behind the tech curve. For example: I argue

the industry’s attempts to stay afloat are

spying on New Zealanders, and Dotcom

that recent missteps in the US’s case against

often litigious. Rather than rolling with

gained New Zealand residency in 2010. The

file sharing website Megaupload and its

the technological punches, they’re on the

Prime Minister of New Zealand, John Key,

founder Kim Dotcom are symptomatic

defensive, unleashing their lawyers in an

apologised to Dotcom for the illegal spying,

of one industry’s struggle to keep pace

attempt to dissuade consumers from pirating

saying he was “personally disappointed”

with technology.

content or service providers from facilitating

and that the GSCB had “failed on the most

such piracy.

basic of levels”.

has struggled to cope with the rise of the

Now, there’s nothing wrong with a company

With a couple of exceptions, the film, music

internet. Consumers are turning away from

protecting its interests to the extent allowed

and television industries have so far failed to

traditional media channels and instead

by law. But in their zeal, those pursuing

adapt their business models to the internet

turning to piracy or cheap/free internet-

Dotcom and his company in the Megaup-

age. They turn to litigation in an attempt to

based alternatives for their music, film

load case have broken the law several times.

stall the use of technology, instead of trying

Look at how the entertainment industry

to innovate their businesses in order to keep

and television desires. This upsets the

pace with an evolving market.

business models of the companies that

For one, a New Zealand judge ruled that

produce this content, which largely rely

search warrants used to gather evidence

on revenue direct from consumers or

related to the case were, in fact, illegal. On

We stumble when we try to move too fast -

ad revenue based on audience numbers.

top of that, it was later revealed that the New

but also when we move too slowly.


This issue is sponsored by — Kyocera Document Solutions —



GREEN IS MY S T R AT E GY ? Anthony Caruana

Very few business decisions are now made without some consideration of the environmental impact. But decision makers are also sick of the ‘greenwash’ that is applied to almost every product and service. Is green a big issue or just more hype?


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Is it too hard to compare products and services due to a lack of uniform standards?

Do we need to be constantly told about a product’s green credentials? All of our panellists agreed - companies need to get their act together when it

ments that are easily understood by their target audience, otherwise the message will be lost. Despite the fact that there is no uniform standard for measuring greenness, companies should still be able to communicate how their product or service is eco-friendly using easily understood units of measurements,” said Tse.

comes to their green strategies. Tse said:

The onus is still on buyers of tech-

“Every company is different regarding

nology to figure out what everyone’s

how much value they place on being

different claims about greenness and

Will standards make a difference? Gib-

green and eco-friendly. For some, this is

environmental friendliness mean. Tyrer

bons said: “I am not sure if standards

an important issue that they place a high

suggests: “There are a number of differ-

would change this situation much, as

value on, and their products are designed

ent standards that measure greenness

every company needs to assess sustain-

and engineered accordingly.”

which make the environment complex.

ability from their unique set of cir-

Organisations need to make a concerted

cumstances and strive for the very best

Gibbons was a stronger, saying: “A prod-

effort to consider the expected longevity

outcome; however, standards may be

uct’s ‘green’ credentials are a very important

of the infrastructure, looking at areas

useful in encouraging us to benchmark

aspect of its overall characteristics and I

like CAPEX vs OPEX, and return on

against the minimum acceptable level

don’t know any credible organisation that

investment over the lifetime of products

and give the public a point of refer-

doesn’t have sustainability as part of its

or services.”

ence when comparing between different organisations.”

underpinning values.” This makes it hard for business, as there’s

Is green technology a part of strategic planning for IT managers?

Both Tyrer and Deguara agreed that we

no way to compare apples with apples

are still at the beginning of the green

if everyone is using different systems to

journey. Tyrer told us: “Some level of

articulate their green credentials. “If you

green credentials is expected by the

really want to gauge the environmental

market; however, not all green standards

impact of a product you’re using, the

are uniform.”

data may be available but trying to find

All four panellists agreed that energy

it can be the challenge,” said Deguara.

efficiency and green technology were significant influences in IT strategic planning.

Deguara had some strong words, saying: “We’re nowhere near the point where we

For those selling services that they’re

“Green technology has become increas-

can assume the technology we use has

touting as green, the challenges are

ingly important for strategic planning

either been designed for minimal envi-


for CIOs and IT managers,” said Tyrer.

help us reduce our own impact on the

“If a company makes green marketing

Within Fiji Xerox, Gibbons said: “Green


a priority, they should offer measure-

technology is one of the critical lenses


Paul Tyrer, Vice President - Pacific, Schneider Electric

Mark Deguara, Senior Manager Technical Services, Emerson Power

Judith Tse, Marketing Director Asia Pacific, LifeSize Communications

Craig Gibbons, Chief Information Officer, Fuji Xerox Australia

This issue is sponsored by — Kyocera Document Solutions —

© Chanthapan

ronmental impact or can be assumed to


we pass over the plan to confirm that it

environmentally sound practices across

This highlights the point our four experts

is robust and complete. In my opinion,

the entire portfolio of service delivery.

made earlier - creating a greener IT

we are taking a green approach anytime

department might start with a project

we reduce power consumption, reduce

“Rising energy costs coupled with the

and some specific initiatives but it will

floor space, reduce infrastructure or other

increasing number of devices connected

only work when it’s instilled in everyday

‘costly’ IT enablers.”

to the network will force all areas of busi-

operations and embedded into work

ness to look for ways to become more

practices and culture.

This highlights an important considera-

energy efficient. In fact, plug loads and

tion. ‘Green’ is not a product or service

IT device energy use in commercial build-

Gibbons pushed this home, saying:

that can be purchased and deployed. It’s

ings accounts for nearly 5% of all energy

“Regulatory compliance and cost saving

a way of doing things that influences all

use in the US; by 2030 that energy use

targets are a given, baked into strategic

service delivery.

is expected to increase 36%,” said Tyrer.

planning now through years of effort

Deguara said: “When you’re talking IT,

Gibbons pointed to his company’s BYOD

environmental benefits to underpin

green technology and energy efficiency

programs and how it can reduce the

the BYOD business case; however, the

are synonymous. Computers are among

company’s environmental impact simply

real benefit of this strategy is a better

the biggest users of power, and power

by reducing the number of devices each

user experience, which better meets the

is still - on the whole - produced from

individual uses. Instead of having a device

consumers’ individual needs.”

non-renewable resources. Implementing

for work and one for personal use, BYOD

an energy-efficient strategy across every

has substantially reduced the number of

There is a perception that ‘going green’

facet of a computer room or data centre

devices being used.

means spending more money, which

and application. There are cost and

can save companies millions of dollars.”

might stop companies from impleHowever, the data centre does remain

menting more environmentally friendly

Interestingly, Tse felt that the key in-

a critical element in IT’s planning and

technologies in favour of cheaper so-

fluence for IT adoption of green and


lutions. However, Deguara said: “The bigger picture benefits of using green

energy-efficient technology came from outside the IT department and from

“Data centre infrastructure in many cases

technology are more important to some

the C-suite.

uses more power than the IT equipment

than the dollars and cents that can be

in isolation, which is why advances in the

demonstrably made or saved using it.

“Typically, the green initiative does not

energy efficiency of data centre cooling,

But even if the use of ‘green’ is more

come from the IT department, but rather

cooling methods, uninterruptible power

financially than ethically motivated, its

company leadership. If the organisation

supplies (UPS) and power distribution

importance isn’t diminished.”

has a goal to reduce its carbon footprint

is so critical,” added Deguara. Corporate social responsibility is a term

or ‘go green’, a directive will be given to the IT department to find a product that most closely matches those standards,” she said.

Is green tech only a data centre issue?


Are CIOs demonstrating how green technologies can benefit the entire business?

that is starting to find its way into IT strategy documents. The benefits of implementing green technologies may go further than being a simple measurement of better financial outcomes through power saving.

Tse said: “CIOs have the challenge of encouraging their employees to become

“CIOs are increasingly finding that

It’s easy to confine IT’s use of green ini-

more eco-friendly, and usually that drive

green technologies are at the forefront

tiatives to the data centre and choosing

comes from regulatory compliance and

of corporate social responsibility policy

PCs that comply with some environmen-

cost savings. However, many companies

and initiatives - for this reason it’s im-

tal standard such as EPEAT. However,

will make a commitment to becoming

portant that they have a good grasp of

all four experts agreed that this was a

more eco-friendly and build a corporate

the complexity and issues at hand with

superficial view of IT’s capacity to apply

culture off of that mission.”

green technologies,” said Tyrer.

This issue is sponsored by — Kyocera Document Solutions —

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PEER PEER Information management (IM) and business intelligence (BI) projects are continuing to grow in popularity, with more organisations planning to make the most of the data they hold to give them a competitive edge.



ith a traditional software

the business’s needs are central to the work

development lifecycle

being undertaken.

(SDLC) or waterfall approach to development,

In short, to make agile IM successful, you

you must gather all of your requirements

must …

upfront and then you commence the devel-

1. Be open to change and have a desire to

opment cycle. That cycle could take many

do things differently. You must place all

months to complete, by which time your

value on the outcome, not on the process

business has changed fundamentally and

to get there. Change the approach to work

those requirements no longer meet the needs

estimation and constantly reassess and learn.

of the business. You’re delivered a solution

Change the requirements management

that is out-dated even before it goes live.

approach, use business stories to scope the work. Project governance can be improved

An agile delivery approach, however, focuses on adaptability and enables your development team/s to start delivering value to the business even before the requirements are complete. It focuses your team/s in on what is most important now and keeps you working with this critical view in mind. Over a two- or three-week development sprint, you can release code to the business that fulfils a particular requirement - immediate, regular, incremental value.

through agile methods. 2. Have the right problem with a moderate amount of unknowns with a team that can collaboratively turn unknowns into ‘knowns’ in a timely manner. 3. Have a product owner from the business who is committed to defining what is required and accepting the outcome of the work undertaken. 4. Be able to implement a team focused on a joint outcome that is independent of

An agile IM approach is about making

organisation structure or operating model.

the complex simple; stripping back to bare

A team that is empowered and responsible

minimum with a singular goal in mind. With

for the outcome. Use agile tools to support

agile IM, the goal is what’s important, not

the process including: requirements manage-

the documentation and bureaucracy. Agile

ment, testing and migration.

IM by its pure nature is a highly adaptive approach; it’s light on process and heavy

To futureproof your IM investment, you need

on outcome.

to ensure that your organisation’s solution can change as and when required. An agile


Conrad Bates is a Managing Partner at C3 Business Solutions, has previously led the Public Sector BI Strategy practice for IBM and held consulting roles at PricewaterhouseCoopers and Teradata (NCR). He has delivered largescale public and private sector solutions in Australia, the US, New Zealand, Taiwan, the Netherlands and China.

So, as your business requirements change,

delivery approach can certainly help you

so too does the focus of your develop-

do this by focusing on the most important

ment teams. Critical to agile IM success

aspects of your IM program, ensuring that

is the connection between the business

when change does occur, the impact to exist-

and IT. A business or product owner is

ing reports, code and processes is minimal

incorporated into the team to ensure that

or non-existent.

This issue is sponsored by — Kyocera Document Solutions —



BETTER DECISION-MAKING H O W TO E X E C U T E Glen Rabie Yellowfin CEO and Co-Founder


t’s that collaborative approach that ena-

a BI tool is critical. This is now known as

bles business intelligence (BI) deploy-

collaborative BI.

ments to support better organisational decision-making. The success of BI tools


Why do we hold meetings, jump on the phone or par take in impromptu hallway discussions when attempting to make a decision? Diverse opinions, backgrounds and expertise mean that we all approach the same question from different perspectives, sharing varied knowledge and experiences. It’s that multiplicity of input that helps us arrive at the best decision possible.

What is collaborative BI?

used to report, analyse and present data in

Sometimes referred to as social BI, col-

a range of formats, to help businesses iden-

laborative BI is a type of collaborative

tify trends and opportunities and support

decision-making (CDM) module. Col-

operational and strategic decision-making

laborative BI harnesses the functions and

is driven by people.

philosophies of social networking and Web 2.0 technologies, applying them to

Those familiar with the BI industry may

reporting and analytics. Such capabilities

contend there are many factors that deter-

allow multiple people to cooperate in

mine the success or failure of a BI deploy-

making sense of a data set and trend or

ment. While it’s difficult to argue with

instance within, leading to better and faster

this view, it’s my opinion that the ability

fact-based decision-making. The term col-

to couple human interaction and insights

laborative BI encompasses and describes

with the factual information generated by

those shared activities and processes that,

This issue is sponsored by — Kyocera Document Solutions —

bridge the gap between insight and action by supporting peoples’ natural decisionmaking processes.

actionable meaning from reporting and analytics. 2. Increasingly dispersed workforces have heightened the need for, and benefit of,

Gartner has suggested that around 15% of BI deployments now combine traditional

fast information sharing and collaborative decision-making.

BI and collaborative components in a single

3. The need to provide context to action-

decision-making environment. I believe this

able information to underpin accurate,

figure is extremely conservative. Or if it’s ac-

fact-based decision-making.

curate, far too many vendors are hopelessly behind the fast disappearing ‘ball’.

I’ve also found that clients who embrace best practice collaborative BI have the ability to

This demand for better enterprise collabora-

improve productivity and visibility across

tion, and collective decision-making capabili-

the breadth of organisational operations,

ties, is part of a wider spike in demand for

via enhanced knowledge sharing.

CDM software. Analyst firm IDC reported a 5.1% uptick in CDM software sales across © Ten Hong

2012, making it the fastest growing global software segment last year.

The need: why is collaboration important when using analytics? The demand and drivers for collaborative BI

More specifically, Wayne Eckerson’s ‘Collabo-

seem clear. But why is conducting effective

rative Business Intelligence: Optimizing the

collaboration so important when attempting

Process of Making Decisions’ report found

to use BI content to make better decisions?

that 87% of BI professionals believe that “col-

Information sharing and discussion allows

laboration tools can have a positive impact

human insight and understanding to be

when drawn together, enable a collective

on analysis and decision-making activities”,

added to data, making it more meaningful

decision to be made.

while “Fifty-eight percent of BI professionals

and actionable.

plan to evaluate collaboration features when BI veterans Claudia Imhoff and Collin

they purchase their next BI tools.”

Collaboration exposes the ‘why’ and ‘how’ behind data, helping us move beyond the

White provide a useful definition of collaborative BI, “BI software enables business

According to InformationWeek’s 2012 Busi-

simple ‘what’ and onto a deeper level of

users to report on and analyse business

ness Intelligence, Analytics and Information

analysis and comprehension. For example,

processes and associated activities, while

Management Survey, 59% of IT pros list “the

you might work for a sporting goods com-

collaboration tools enable the results of BI

ability for users to share and collaborate” as

pany assessing the monthly sales report. In

queries and reports as well as other related

the most important feature to consider when

one instance, that report might indicate a

information to be accessed and shared by

purchasing a BI solution. Only mainstays

massive jump in the sale of boxing equip-

multiple users.

“ease of use” (63%) and “fast data explora-

ment. By sharing data with all the relevant

tion” (62%) ranked higher.

business groups - Sales (did we have a focus on clearing boxing equipment this month?),

“The ultimate goal of any BI environment is to make timely and better business


Marketing (did we run a campaign?), IT

decisions. A collaborative BI environment

Over the years I’ve found three key factors

(do we have errors in our data sets relat-

supports team efforts to assess situations

driving client demand and interest in col-

ing to boxing equipment?) - we’re able to

and make decisions.”

laborative BI:

determine not just what happened, but why

1. The increased demand for real-time

and how it happened. Collaborative BI is

Demand for collaborative BI

information, in conjunction with the

about connecting the right people with

If executed correctly, collaborative BI has the

rapid expansion of corporate data assets,

the right data to maximise the effective-

ability to form crucial connections between

has resulted in organisations searching

ness of data analysis and achieve better

people, process, data and technology - to

for faster methods to share and derive


This issue is sponsored by — Kyocera Document Solutions —



enterprise collaboration - in relation to BI

ogy can support the ingrained processes

Has anyone actually proved that collaborative

at least anyway.

humans naturally undertake when making

BI works? Aside from the strong customer

important cooperative decisions. Or, as Imhoff and White put it: “Organiza-

this emerging area. The results of its study

What components are essential for a successful CDM module?

- ‘Collaborative BI: Harnessing the Extended

How should you support enterprise collabo-

tion and information enhancement features

Enterprise to Boost Productivity’ - are

ration in a BI context? Firstly, you need to

using the capabilities currently offered by, or

profound. Organisations that embraced

ensure that the process of collective decision-

being added to, many BI tools. Supporting

and implemented best practice collabora-

making is able to take place in full view of

collaborative decision-making, however,

tive BI enjoyed a 42% improvement in

your up-to-date and interactive data. Inside

requires the use of a collaborative platform

employee productivity, a 30% increase in

or outside your BI environment - wherever

or a separate system designed specifically

business process efficiency and a 40% rise

it makes sense.

to meet the need for collaboration in the

results I’ve seen, analyst firm Aberdeen Group has conducted early research into

in BI adoption.

tions can implement collaborative interac-

decision-making process.” Most analytics-based group decision-making

Why do current attempts at collaborative

does not occur in full view of live reports

Enabling collaborative BI

BI fail?

and dashboards. Shared decisions are most

To achieve real collaborative BI, organisations

often made via emails or in meetings, open-

also need to adopt a collaborative mindset

Given these astounding results, it’s per-

ing a gap between human insight and the

and support a culture of organisation-wide

plexing that Gartner recently revealed

business data. Decision-making remains

information sharing and data access. This

that some 80% of BI projects fail, citing

isolated from the data that should drive

breaks down departmental silos, enabling

poor communication and collaboration

and underpin it.

faster, better and more effective decision-

as the primary reasons. And, according to

making. It’s also a non-negotiable prereq-

Accenture’s ‘Competing Through Analyt-

BI vendors should be adjusting the technol-

uisite for success, as cautioned by Gartner’s

ics’ survey of 250 IT executives, 40% of

ogy to seamlessly integrate into your natural

Carol Rozwell: “If you have a culture where

major business decisions are not based

decision-making processes, rather than

people are rewarded for hoarding informa-

on information generated from reporting

making users adjust to the technology - it

tion and being experts without sharing,

and analytics, due to limited capacity for

must be intuitive.

you’re not ready. Technology will not make

business decision-makers to share and

an organisation collaborative if it does not

discuss BI content. Eckerson’s study backs

Eckerson’s landmark study into collaborative

already support the notion of teams from

those results, finding that of those using BI

BI found that meetings are the overwhelm-

different business units working in concert

solutions that already contain collaborative

ingly preferred collaborative mechanism

on common projects.”

features, only 16% use them. Consequently,

employed by people looking to make a

“we still see a real gap between the level

collective decision based on the insights

The birth of collaborative BI has highlighted

of information in BI and the quality and

gleaned from data analysis - people like

two BI truths. The technology must assist the

transparency of decision-making”, accord-

to make crucial decisions together; face to

right people to make decisions in an intuitive,

ing Gartner’s Rita Sallam.

face. Why would it be any different when

natural way; and, the right technology alone

acting on the information produced by BI?

isn’t enough to ensure great reporting and

How is this possible, you ask, given the


analytics. The environment must be right

proven benefits of collaborative BI? Why

Best practice collaborative BI is about un-

too. It’s not just the technology but what

are users snubbing many of the collaborative

derstanding and enabling people to share BI

you do with it that drives performance and

elements currently available when there’s

content; discuss overlaying knowledge and

return on investment.

such an obviously strong demand for features

contextual information on that data; and

that can assist collaborative decision-making

collectively decide the best course of action

Adopting technology conducive to innate hu-

within a BI environment?

whenever and wherever needed - inside a

man decision-making processes, and estab-

BI environment, embedded within your

lishing a corporate environment conducive

Well, it seems that many technology ven-

company wiki or during a presentation.

to collaboration, is the only way to achieve

dors haven’t understood how to support

It’s about understanding how BI technol-

the best from your BI implementation.

This issue is sponsored by — Kyocera Document Solutions —




arra Valley Water (YVW) has implemented Oracle’s Exadata and Exalogic to simplify its overly complex IT environments. The company has used Oracle’s Customer Care

& Billing for some time, previously running it on Sun M-series

the two boxes tied together “pretty much manage everything”. He said it gives YVW a “much more streamlined way of managing our Oracle stack” than a system that used multiple boxes, and required YVW to manage the integration layers, would have.

boxes. But after four or five years, the company found that these

The solution has provided speed benefits. “Spinning up new

systems were “getting a bit long in the tooth”, according to YVW

environments is definitely much quicker. It used to take us a

CIO Leigh Berrell.

week or two to spin up an environment.

“We were starting to see some issues with

Now we can pretty much do it in hours,

data growth and application performance

rather than days.”

creeping in that we were able to do nothing

The system did not require tinkering

about. It was clear for various reasons - risk

with code or tuning databases to achieve

mitigation, better performance - that we

this speed increase. Berrell describes the

needed to put new systems in to replace

system as “a bit of a black box”.

those,” Berrell said.

“We really haven’t had to play with

The company considered doing a ‘like-for-

it. The box is performing as fast as we

like’ renewal, replacing the old Sun systems

need it to perform. We pretty much let

with servers built on newer, faster technology.

the boxes run as they need to run.”

But Berrell also wanted to address another

However, he said there is a downside

problem that had been plaguing the company’s

to this black box approach. “Sometimes

IT - complexity.

you really just don’t know what’s going

“Like most IT environments, ours is getting

on under the covers.” So if you have

more complex rather than simpler. The more

some odd or unusual problem, “it can

of these tier-one systems that we put in place,

be a little more difficult to drill in and

the more middleware connections we have

find out what that is”.

between systems and integration layers, and

“We have found ways of doing it, but

the more customer-facing systems that we

we’ve had to learn a little bit about how

build, the more we’ve got to manage,” he said.

the system works, and understand how to

This makes it harder to spin up

… pull information out of the Exalogic

environments and deal with disaster recovery,

boxes in particular to do that,” he said.

among other things. The company felt a like-for-like server

dealing with a bunch of discrete systems,

replacement would not address this problem

according to Berrell. But “you can’t have

with complexity. Berrell wanted something

both” the ease of a black box and the

that would provide a better outcome, be

visibility of discrete systems, he said.

easier to manage and “be able to make us much more reactive to the needs of our business” by creating environments faster.


Such diagnosis might be easier when

The system has also “made a huge difference to the way we operate”, Berrell said. The new system completes overnight

YVW implemented a system combining an Exadata database

batch processes much faster, meaning Berrell’s team has more

appliance and an Exalogic Elastic Cloud system, both from Oracle.

time available that can potentially be used to do software or

Berrell describes the new system as an end-to-end approach, where

systems upgrades.

This issue is sponsored by — Kyocera Document Solutions —

P A R T N E R EVENTS & HAPPENINGS AUSTRALIAN CIO SUMMIT 2013 Already on the fast track of professional transformation, the CIO’s role is continuing to evolve. Modern demands require less emphasis on back-office, data-processing activities and place more pressure on CIOs to be creators of value. To play a key part in strategy formulation and execution, drive business innovation and have a strong voice in the boardroom, IT professionals need to master their fundamental responsibilities first and keep their company’s electronic plumbing in good repair. Armed with unrivalled technology insights and solid understanding of business objectives, modern CIOs are expected to be both the engines and drivers of organisational progress. 29-31 July 2013, RACV Royal Pines The Australian CIO Summit 2013 offers enterprise, financial and government chief information officers and IT solution providers and consultants an intimate environment for a focused discussion of key new drivers for IT innovation.

Resort, Gold Coast, Queensland. For more information:


This issue is sponsored by — Kyocera Document Solutions —

Equinix’s third Singapore data centre opens 2014 Equinix’s SG3 data centre in Singapore will begin operations in Q3 of 2014. Proposed investment for Phase 1 is estimated at US$50-55 million. The new facility is targeted at cloud service providers, financial services institutions and digital content distributors. It will feature over 35,000 m2 of gross floor area and 5000 cabinets. SG3 will be located close to SG1, Equinix’s first data centre in Singapore. They will be interconnected via a dedicated fibre network, enabling expansion opportunities for SG1 customers. Equinix’s second data centre in the country, SG2, is located 13 km from SG1. Key features of the SG3 include compliance with financial services industry guidelines introduced by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) in July 2012 and a solar power system. Speaking at the facility’s groundbreaking ceremony, deputy chief executive for the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore


(IDA) Leong Keng Thai cited research saying enterprise spending on public cloud services is expected to hit US$207 billion by

Cloud service providers must also take mobility into consideration

2016, more than double the amount for 2012.

as they roll out new services.

Leong added that Singapore’s next-generation national broadband

The Parallels SMB Cloud Insights 2013 study covered more than

network will support an exponential increase in cloud usage, and

12,000 SMBs in 14 markets globally last year. It forecast that the

the corresponding need for ultrafast connectivity and enhanced

global SMB cloud market will be worth $95 billion in 2015, more

network capabilities.

than double 2012’s $45 billion figure.

Read full article by Melissa Chua at equinixs-third-singapore-data-center-opens-2014

According to Forrester, SMBs are faced with the need to innovate increasing business intelligence use, upgrading disaster recovery and

The SMB cloud service consumption market has diversified globally,

Read the full article by Melissa Chua at content/tips-engaging-current-smb-cloud-market

as SMBs who are already onboard the cloud bandwagon look to purchase additional services. Opportunities abound for cloud services providers, who need to


their product and service offerings. Their top IT priorities include

Tips for engaging the current SMB cloud market

business continuity capabilities and increasing virtualisation use.

NUS cuts data analysis man-hours by half

understand what SMBs today seek and subsequently offer the right

The National University of Singapore (NUS) has saved 50% in

combination of services.

man-hours needed to analyse massive amounts of user data.

According to research from Parallels, offering bundled services is

Completed in December 2012, this big data deployment has already

the way forward for cloud service providers as SMBs shop around

enabled NUS to capture real-time analytics to improve the user

for the best value and look towards an integrated cloud journey.

experience of its online learning management system, Integrated

This issue is sponsored by — Kyocera Document Solutions —

W W W. A S I A C L O U D F O R U M . C O M

© Joyner

The Asia Cloud Forum, an online media portal, has been created to represent the interests of enterprise users, governments, telcos, vendors, policy makers and others with a stake in the development of cloud computing in Asia. Virtual Learning Environment (IVLE). This deployment involved

Last month, the group adopted the Microsoft Office 365 commu-

Microsoft SQL Server 2012, chosen for its features, cloud readiness

nication and collaboration system to support its ‘one single cloud

and ease of use.

service’ project across its 28 high-end luxury hotels.

IVLE hosts 90% of academic modules offered in the college and

As part of Office 365, Mandarin Oriental implemented Exchange

the portal is accessed by most of its 37,000 students daily. To ensure

Online for its 5000 staff worldwide. According to Raju Darya-

a top-notch user experience, the college’s Centre for Information

nani, vice president of IT infrastructure and information security,

Technology (CIT) had invested many man-hours since 2010 into

Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group, “One of the major benefits of

digging deeper into terabytes of data to understand the user habits

Exchange Online is its support for all the different mobile devices

of a diverse set of students using IVLE.

that users have, including BlackBerry, Windows Phone 8 and other smartphone models.”

Jeffery Tay, Associate Director of CIT, NUS, said: “In analysing large sets of data about user behaviours, we were faced with the challenge

Supporting employees that work on the go is a typical challenge for

of consolidating different sets of structured and unstructured data;

most hotels. With a large number roaming staff, there is a strong

and uncertainties in the accuracy of insights gathered.”

need for the hotel to keep them in the loop.

Read the full article by the Asia Cloud Forum Editors at www.

“We want to get our services delivered very, very quickly,” said

Mandarin Oriental: cloud keeps mobile workers in the loop

Daryanani. “So mobile communication does happen in our hotels. Also, there is a strong need to communicate globally with other hotel staff in the US and Europe as my global role requires communication on a global basis.”

The rise of consumerisation of IT in the last few years has led the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group to support mobile communications internally.

Read the full article by Carol Ko at mandarin-oriental-cloud-keeps-mobile-workers-loop

This issue is sponsored by — Kyocera Document Solutions —

W W W. A S I A C L O U D F O R U M . C O M


FORWARD THINKER IMAGES OF THE FUTURE Elizabeth Rudd, Director, FutureNous

companies much as they are today but

or read it. Humans remember stories,

compels you to do something. So

many don’t even exist yet. However,

over facts and figures. Many people are

imagine the future in 15 years. What

when you ask any number of people

visual learners. Images engage, entertain

will you be doing? How old will

working within a company to imagine

and trigger emotions. They create shared

you be? Where will you live? Will you

the future, each individual imagines it

understanding, and powerful images can

work? Will you have kids? How old will


feel ‘real’ even though they are about a

they be? Any grandkids? What does your house look like? Will you have a car?

future yet to be created. Many organisations never think about their collective future in any detail. Tak-

With a shared image of the future, or-

For many of us imagining our future

ing the time to imagine as an organisation

ganisational decisions have a context.

is not difficult - we dream of the day

what they think the future may be, what

Does it move us towards our preferred

when we work less, have more money,

people will be doing, where they will live,

future? What do we need to do to

more time, the ability to travel, volunteer,

what products and services they will use.

make the future a reality? What are the

spend more time with family, or just

They proceed towards the future without

organisation’s priorities and long-term

the luxury to pursue our passions and

a collective view, with everyone making

goals. Abstract concepts, including new

interests. Many of us can imagine it in

decisions in the context of what they

products and services or technologies can

considerable detail, creating pictures and

think the future might be, even though

be ‘created’ and shared through stories

stories of how it might be.

this may be at odds with others within

and pictures. New projects can be com-

the same organisation.

municated, prioritised and resourced in this context. Strategy is developed and

Now imagine some of the products and services you use in 15 years. Will your

Imagine the power of everyone in an

executed within this future context. Alter-

home have full automation to reduce en-

organisation sharing an image of the

natives can be envisioned and evaluated.

ergy consumption? Will there be gadgets

future, the preferred future, the one

and technology to provide comfort and

the organisation would like to be part

The shared image of the future can be

convenience? Will your car drive itself?

of creating.

a powerful motivator to align and focus

What will you be eating? Will you still cook and eat fresh food?


the organisation. Stories and pictures Stories and pictures can be powerful

help create the unknown, making the

tools, creating images and helping people

future seem real, exciting and achievable.

Many of the products and services you

to envision the future. Many of us can

Creating shared images for an organisa-

imagine in the future will be produced

remember a face rather than a name, or

tion about the future is the first step

and delivered by organisations and

a movie or story long after we have seen

in creating your organisation’s future.

This issue is sponsored by — Kyocera Document Solutions —

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