FEBRUARY 2017 Helping organizations achieve greater value through the advancement of fiber optic telecommunications
2016 was another exciting year of growth for DCN!
Dakota Carrier Network (DCN) held a ribbon cutting on Tuesday, January 24, 2017, at its data center located at 4202 Coleman Street in Bismarck to celebrate the newly completed 30,000 square foot expansion. Approximately 100 attendees joined in this celebration.
Our Bismarck data center expansion project has been completed, and I’m proud to say we already have signed agreements with customers who are excited to move into our state-of-the-art facility. Also, many of DCN’s owner companies are finishing up their fiber to the premise initiatives, paving the way to position North Dakota to offer gigabit services to every community throughout the state. I have great optimism and know we will continue to see growth in data consumption across all market segments. 2017 will be another exciting year in North Dakota. Upgrades continue as we accommodate the exponential growth in data consumption. DCN’s operations team has been extremely busy upgrading every node in our network to support 100 Gig, and preparing our infrastructure to support Terabit switching.
The event opened with a welcome from Seth Arndorfer, DCN’s CEO. Seth recognized and thanked DCN’s owner companies for continuously investing in vital technology infrastructure, including the 40,000 miles of fiber optic cable DCN and its owner companies have installed throughout North Dakota and DCN’s Fargo data center, which has been operating since 2006. Guest speaker, Kristen Hamman, regional director from the office of Sen. John Hoeven (R-ND), presented a letter of congratulations from Senator Hoeven. Rick Collin, senior policy advisor to U.S. Representative Kevin Cramer, was the next guest speaker and provided remarks on the behalf of Congressman Cramer. The microphone was then turned over to Paul Schuetzler, GM/ CEO of Consolidated Telcom, and the event was concluded by Seth Arndorfer. Door prizes, refreshments, and facility tours were also provided.
DCN will be focusing on additional resources in 2017 to expand our cloud services and data center business. A BIG THANKS goes out to Diane Heier for her 16 years of service, and welcome aboard to DCN’s two new employees, Kelly Markert and Lisa Fisher. Seth Arndorfer, CEO.
Consolidated Telcom General Manager/CEO, Paul Schuetzler, Chairman of DCN’s Board of Governors and Dakota Carrier Network CEO, Seth Arndorfer cut the ribbon at DCN’s open house data center expansion event. www.DakotaCarrier.com
NETWORK OPERATIONS CENTER REORGANIZATION Effective January 1, 2017, DCN reorganized its Network Operations department to better serve our customer needs. The position of Network Operations Center (NOC) Manager was filled by Gregg Retzer to provide a more detailed structure in the day-to-day operations and processes of DCN’s NOC. In addition, several Engineering positions were created to separate the planning and designing aspects from the implementation and support roles for the services that DCN provides. This transition will remove the planning and design responsibilities from our technicians and allow them to focus solely on implementing and supporting our customers.
Gregg Retzer, NOC Manager (left) and Tim Paulson, Ethernet/IP Engineer
Tim Paulson has accepted the Ethernet/IP Engineer position. His responsibilities include the planning and design elements of DCN’s Carrier Ethernet and IP platforms. Aparna Thiel has accepted the Sales Engineer position. She is tasked with translating customer business requirements into workable business solutions utilizing DCN’s products and services.
Aparna Thiel, Sales Engineer
DCN BOARD MEMBER RETIRES On January 1, 2017, Mike Steffan, General Manager/CEO of Northwest Communications Cooperative (NCC) retired from his position on DCN’s Board of Governors. Steffan was recently recognized for serving four years on the DCN’s Board of Governors and was presented with an appreciation award from DCN. NCC’s Board of Directors has announced Jeremy Becker as the new GM/CEO effective Monday, February 20, 2017.
Mike Steffan, former Northwest Communications General Manager and CEO (left), and Seth Arndorfer, DCN’s CEO
Diane Heier, recently retired after 16 years of devoted service as a network specialist at DCN. Her attention to detail and willingness to put in extra time for month-end billing will not be forgotten. Diane has been a valuable asset to DCN and will be missed. Thank you, Diane, for everything you’ve done to help contribute to DCN’s success. Congratulations and best wishes on your retirement!
Diane Heier
DCN COMPLETES BISMARCK’S DATA CENTER EXPANSION Demand for data center space has steadily increased in the past few years and as a direct response to our customer needs, DCN completed the addition of 30,000 square feet of space to its existing data center in Bismarck. “The amount of internet bandwidth used by North Dakotans is doubling every 12 to 15 months, and all of this activity creates data which needs to be securely stored and yet remain easily accessible to end-users, said Seth Arndorfer, DCN’s CEO. “This expansion is a necessary building block to provide North Dakotans with the infrastructure they need to remain competitive at a global level.” The data center addition was built with the same features as the current carrier grade hardened facilities in Bismarck and Fargo. The new data center now includes private suites (selected spaces leased exclusively to a single customer) which gives customers the ability to choose cabinets specific to their business needs. To reserve space or for additional information, call a DCN representative at 800-814-3333. Tours are available by appointment.
DCN suites - can be customized to meet customer needs
DCN cabinets - are available in one third, half or full size
DCN Owner Companies, DCN’s CEO, and Bismarck-Mandan Chamber Ambassadors celebrate the newly completed data center at the open house event.
More information relating to DCN’s data center expansion can be found on DCN’s website at: http://dakotacarrier.com/dcncelebrates-major-data-center-expansion/.
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Kelly Markert
Lisa Fisher
Kelly Markert has joined DCN as a sales support specialist. She replaces Diane Heier who recently retired from the Fargo office.
Lisa Fisher has been hired as a sales support specialist to assist DCN’s wholesale department at the Fargo office.
Markert’s role includes providing support to the sales department for placing broadband connections throughout North Dakota and across the region.
Lisa’s new role will involve working closely with wholesale carrier relations and her responsibilities will include responding to quotes, placing orders, and providing office support.
Kelly received an associate’s degree from Moorhead State Community and Technical College, and was previously employed by Sanford Health in Fargo, North Dakota.
Fisher was previously employed as a sales support coordinator at Consolidated Communications in Fargo, North Dakota.