Preventing Suicide Through COMMUNITY EDUCATION
In 2022, FirstLink presented trainings to build suicide-safer communities across North Dakota and Clay County, Minnesota. Our staff are certified instructors of both safeTALK, a 3-hour suicide alertness training, and ASIST, a 2-day suicide intervention workshop, developed by LivingWorks Education.
safeTALK is a great start for those looking to become more suicide alert and prepared to offer help. Participants of safeTALK have shared that the workshop is very informative, stating that “more people in our community need to know that this training is readily available.”

ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) offers more skills specific to providing suicide first aid. The ASIST workshop is a blend of instruction and practice, which allows caregivers to feel more confident in providing a suicide intervention. One

recent ASIST participant shared that “the simulations were helpful in giving real-life scenarios as well as actually feeling more comfortable saying ‘suicide’ out loud.”
We also offer trainings such as Mental Health First Aid and Mental Health Awareness, which explore offering support during various mental health challenges or crises, including panic attacks or substance use disorders.
Altogether, FirstLink staff have presented to over 5,200 people in various communities throughout 2022! That is a whopping 189 hours spent training.
Learn more about upcoming training opportunities at

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One of a FirstLink Call Specialist’s critical roles in suicide prevention is to connect people with resources that can help them through their short- and long-term struggles. This practice helps us create a network of support for those that are feeling isolated and alone. Our Community Resource Team plays the crucial role of making sure the resources we give to callers are accurate and up to date. In 2022, they worked hard to update the agencies within the database at a rate of 500 agencies each quarter. In addition to updating our current resources, the database team is responsible for adding new services and agencies as they arise. In 2022, the team added over 100 new services and agencies to the database.
The database team would like to thank all the agencies that responded to requests to update or confirm their services. Your timely responses help us provide the best information and service to callers in need.
Scan this QR code to learn more
letter from Executive Director
As we move into the new year, I have been reflecting on 2022 and making goals for 2023. Our call volume has increased, the number of people we are reaching through our community trainings is growing, and the number of people that we call every day on our Care and Support program is at an all-time high. This superior 24/7 service would not be possible without the incredible team members that make up FirstLink. I know firsthand that we have a fantastic team. I see this diverse group of individuals come together to make the lives of others better by offering hope and help to those that are facing loneliness and isolation.
I am not the only one that immensely appreciates our team. I was at a foundation meeting in Minot recently and overheard a person sitting at the table next to me say, “I was just at a fantastic training. The training itself had great content, but the trainer was excellent.
I highly recommend that you call FirstLink and ask if they can bring Youth MHFA to your agency.” While I was presenting 211 University to a group, a participant said, “I was in your Care and Support Program, and with FirstLink’s help, I am still alive.” A vendor in the community recently told me, “FirstLink helped save my brother’s life. He dialed 988 at the last moment, and he is alive.”
These testimonies from members of our community mean the world to me. They prove that our mission is essential, and that our work is effective. As 2022 comes to a close, I want to take this time to tell you how grateful I am for your ongoing support of our mission and vision. I also want to thank our staff for always being willing, ready, and able to answer the call to help those in need.
Jennifer Illich
One of the many concerns highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic was the loneliness and isolation faced by senior citizens in our communities. To combat this issue, FirstLink has partnered with the State of North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services to create the Neighborhood Network program. This program set up a line specifically for North Dakota seniors to call for support 24 hours a day. When seniors call, they are connected to a call specialist that is trained to provide supportive listening, connection to resources, and friendly conversation.
In addition to the 24-hour phone line, this program will provide Mental Health First Aid trainings across North Dakota to those who frequently interact with seniors. Trainings will help those working with seniors recognize when someone could be experiencing a mental health condition and support them through their struggle.

The Neighborhood Network phone line is available now. Seniors can call 701-356-7099 24 hours a day to reach a call specialist. If you are interested in attending one of our Mental Health First Aid trainings for seniors, please email our Outreach Department at

Upcoming EVENTS
Giving Hearts Day 2023 is fast approaching on Thursday, February 9! We have experienced a 20 percent growth in call volume over the past three years. People have reached out for financial assistance and emotional support due to isolation, increased substance use, and thoughts of suicide. Our goal in 2023 is to raise $45,000 to provide support to meet the increasing