SEPTEMBER 2015 Helping organizations achieve greater value through the advancement of fiber optic telecommunications
DCN BREAKS GROUND ON DATA CENTER EXPANSION Construction of Dakota Carrier Network’s (DCN) new data center expansion is underway. Approved by DCN’s 15 owner companies in August 2015, the 30,000 square foot data center addition is being built at 4202 Coleman Street in Bismarck, North Dakota. The data center expansion is expected to be completed by the beginning of 2017. The new data center will now include private suites (selected spaces leased exclusively to a single customer), along with cabinets currently offered for customers to store their equipment.
Seth Arndorfer, CEO
In 2012, DCN built a 42,000 square foot hardened data center to accommodate customer demands for a safe, secure facility to house their critical data. Due to the increased demand, current space in the data center has recently been filled. I’m proud to announce that DCN is continuing to grow along with North Dakota and is in the process of constructing an additional 30,000 square foot data center to our Bismarck facility. Since inception, reinvestment has been a consistent theme at DCN. Whether it be our Owner Telecommunications Service providers reinvesting in fiber infrastructure in order to deliver Gigabit Internet services in all of their service territories across the state, or DCN investing in expanding our Data Center.
The new addition will be constructed with the same fort-like features as DCN’s current data centers in Bismarck and Fargo. The building will be a carrier grade hardened facility able to withstand F4 tornado-force winds, backed by a 1 MW generator and battery plant having an N+1 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). “The data center expansion is being built in response to customers continuing demand for secure and reliable IT outsourcing solutions and services,” said Seth Arndorfer, DCN’s CEO. “The facility ensures 99.999 percent network uptime for North Dakota’s most critical institutions, including health care, public safety, state government, and financial organizations.”
Current Data Center
This issue also highlights DCN’s commitment to our employees training and the mentoring of North Dakota students pursuing a career in technology.
Future Data Center Addition
DCN LAUNCHES NEW WEBSITE DESIGN We are proud to reveal our newly redesigned website at, feel free to take a peek. The site was redesigned with a fresh new look, userfriendly navigation, new search functionality, and has been updated with the latest information about our services. One of our main goals was to make our website user-friendly and mobile. DCN’s website is now using a responsive design, which means that you’ll see essentially the same design optimized on different devices. You now have the capability to access DCN’s website across a wide range of devices from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones and tablets. This website has many new features, including a new Blog section, easy-to-find Tech Support phone numbers, and highlights of DCN’s Management and Sales Team. Again, we hope you will visit DCN’s newly redesigned website at
TWO DCN OWNER COMPANIES RECOGNIZED AS CERTIFIED GIG-CAPABLE PROVIDERS Polar Communications, and Dickey Rural Networks were among only nine telco companies nationwide, selected to receive “NTCA Gig-Capable Certification.” These companies are recognized as community-based telcom providers that have built communications networks capable of delivering Internet speeds of up to 1 gigabit per second, which is 100 times faster than those currently available in many U.S. households.
DCN BOARD MEMBER RETIRES On June 1, 2015, Royce Aslakson retired as CEO/General Manager of Reservation Telephone Cooperative (RTC). Aslakson served as a member of DCN’s Board of Governors for over 14 years. In recognition for his dedication and commitment to the Board, DCN presented Royce with an appreciation award. Shane Hart assumed the role as RTC’s CEO/General Manager, January of 2015, and will occupy Aslakson’s DCN Board position.
Polar Communications, and Dickey Rural Networks are the only two North Dakota representatives recognized and joined telecoms in Kentucky, Indiana, Wisconsin and two each in Iowa, and North Carolina honored for their commitment to being on the forefront of Internet speeds. To become a certified Gig-Capable Provider, rural telcos must document that gigabit technology is currently commercially available with 95% of one or more exchanges within their serving territory. In addition, they must show that such service can be provided without trenching or stringing new aerial facilities.
Pictured above from left to right: Dakota Carrier Network CEO, Seth Arndorfer; former Reservation Telephone Cooperative CEO/General Manager, Royce Aslakson; and Consolidated Telcom General Manager/CEO, Paul Schuetzler, the current Chairman of DCN’s Board of Governors.
14TH ANNUAL DAKOTA CARRIER CLASSIC Tuesday, July 21 was an exceptional day for DCN’s fourteenth annual customer appreciation Golf Classic. Perfect weather attributed to the fun-filled day of competition and camaraderie at the Hawktree Golf Course in Bismarck, North Dakota. Over 114 golfers took to the greens and participated in this year’s event. Following the afternoon of golf, a nice evening steak meal was provided at the clubhouse, followed by the presentation of various prizes and awards. The event is not only a great day on a beautiful golf course; it is also an opportunity for DCN to express our gratitude to our customers, and affiliates for their continuous support and business.
DCN HELPS YOUNG PROFESSIONALS Getting an inside look at a career that you’re interested in can be difficult, Dakota Carrier Network offered an invaluable opportunity for two young professionals to receive a handson experience in the field of technology. Through DCN’s IT mentorship program, Taite Grossman, and Jeremy Grossman were able to see DCN’s state-ofthe-art equipment in action by experiencing the hands-on building of networks with an enterprise business. Currently, Taite is attending BSC and Jeremy is employed with MDU Resources in their network department.
Pictured above from left to right: Tim Paulson, Ethernet/IP Supervisor; Taite Grossman; and Jeremy Grossman.
EMPLOYEE BECOMES NRS I CERTIFIED Aparna Thiel successfully completed the Alcatel-Lucent Network Routing Specialist I (NRS I) Certification Program. As a certified NRS I, Aparna has become more familiar with the fundamentals of TCP/IP, routing, routing protocols, IP addressing and carrier Ethernet services. This knowledge will further her skills in broadband services, mobility services, and enterprise communication services. Seth Arndorfer, CEO presented Aparna with an Education Bonus check for her efforts in taking part of DCN’s training incentive program.
Seth Arndorfer, CEO (right) and Aparna Thiel, Ethernet/IP Tech II
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Isabel DeWitt
Michael Mack
Isabel DeWitt has joined DCN as a Web Application Developer. Her office is located at the DCN building in Bismarck.
Michael Mack has been hired as the Outside Plant/ Project Manager to oversee all facets of DCN’s fiber infrastructure.
DeWitt was previously employed at North Dakota’s Department of Transportation in the IT Division. Isabel graduated from Bismarck State College with an AAS degree in web design and development. She holds the following certifications: CIW Internet Business Associate, CIW Site Development Associate, CIW Web Design Specialist, and CIW Database Design Specialist.
Mack was previously employed as the Outside Plant and Access Engineering Manager at IdeaOne/ Enventis Telecom for 16 years. Michael is a native of Kensal, North Dakota and has been a Fargo resident since 1999. His office is located at the DCN building in Fargo.