September 2016 Newsletter

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SEPTEMBER 2016 Helping organizations achieve greater value through the advancement of fiber optic telecommunications

CEO’S MESSAGE I’m writing this message just after DCN’s big announcement to offer statewide Wi-Fi services throughout North Dakota. At the State of Technology Conference, I spoke about how I’ve been blessed to work with the 15 rural independent telecommunications providers that have been committed in providing North Dakotan’s with fiber based broadband internet access across our great state. But the reality is internet accessibility has grown to be about more than just fiber and connectivity…it’s about true mobility. Industries across the world are realizing that mobility is now the fabric of everyone’s life. Mobile phones, tablets, and other devices that require bandwidth are increasingly becoming the main source of connectivity for people everywhere. We as consumers now want to access what we want, whenever we want, and now from even wherever we want to access it. DCN and its owners recognized this shift to mobility, and have worked to identify the best way to ensure our users’ mobile experience is just as positive as the experience they have when they are hard-wired to our fiber network. We will deliver a frictionless wireless solution that delivers a secure connection to our customers throughout the state.

SENATOR HEITKAMP, FCC COMMISSIONER ROSENWORCEL VISITS DCN On Friday, May 13, 2016, Heitkamp and Rosenworcel joined NTCA members and business leaders at DCN to discuss the importance of high-speed internet access throughout North Dakota. NTCA members included NDATC Executive Vice President, David Crothers; DCN Chief Executive Officer, Seth Arndorfer; Northwest Communications Cooperative Operations Manager, Dean Rustad; and Red River Communications General Manager/CEO, Jeffrey Olson. The meeting provided updates on broadband deployments and investments made throughout the state. Heitkamp and Rosenworcel were also informed of the obstacles rural carriers are facing, and how important the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Utilities Service telecom and broadband loan programs are to North Dakota. Since a reliable Internet connection is becoming a basic necessity to a child’s education, part of the discussion focused on the critical importance of high-speed Internet throughout North Dakota. With high-speed Internet connections, students will have the opportunity to keep up with the ever-changing technology that is needed to access educational resources. Following the DCN tour provided by Seth Arndorfer, Heitkamp and Rosenworcel visited the Mandan Middle School to Skype with NASA Astronaut Karen Nyberg, the only graduate from the University of North Dakota that has gone into space.

Our track record for rolling out state-of-the-art technology solutions to our customers is second to none, and I expect our Wi-Fi rollout to be just as successful. I’m also very excited to announce that DCN’s 30,000 square-foot data center expansion is on schedule and will be completed before the end of 2016. We will be ready for customers to take advantage of our state-of-the-art data center. Seth Arndorfer, CEO


(Photo courtesy of Heitkamp’s office) Pictured above from left to right: North Dakota State Director for U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development, Ryan Taylor; U.S. Senator, Heidi Heitkamp; U.S. Federal Communications (FCC) Commissioner, Jessica Rosenworcel; and DCN’s CEO, Seth Arndorfer.

STATEWIDE WI-FI ANNOUNCED AT STATE OF TECHNOLOGY On Tuesday, August 16, 2016, Seth Arndorfer, DCN’s CEO, announced the launch of a statewide Wi-Fi network at The State of Technology, an annual event hosted by the Fargo Moorhead West Fargo Chamber of Commerce and Senator John Hoeven held in Fargo, North Dakota.

DCN’s member companies have already begun installing access points for the Wi-Fi network and statewide connectivity is expected to be completed over the next 24 months.

Along with its 15 owner companies, DCN is leveraging its 40,000 miles of fiber optic cable to establish the first statewide Wi-Fi network. With this joint effort, DCN and its member companies’ customers that subscribe to this service will have access to the statewide secure Wi-Fi network.

Seth Arndorfer, DCN’s CEO announces statewide Wi-Fi.

Pictured above from left to right: U.S. Senator John Hoeven; Seth Arndorfer, CEO, DCN; Brad Smith, President and Chief Legal Officer, Microsoft. Photo Credits: Dennis Krull, 5foot20 design lounge


DCN CELEBRATES 20TH ANNIVERSARY This year marks a major milestone for DCN and its 15 owner companies. To commemorate this unique partnership of 20 years, DCN hosted an event for over 100 guests on Monday, July 18 at Sixteen03 Main Events in Bismarck, North Dakota.

DCN’s CEO, Seth Arndorfer (left) with Doug Burgum.

North Dakota Republican gubernatorial candidate, Doug Burgum visited DCN’s Bismarck facility on Tuesday, August 9, 2016. Discussions included issues relating to the telecommunications industry.

The event began with a social hour followed by a welcome to the group from DCN’s CEO, Seth Arndorfer. The Invocation was provided by Royce Aslakson, former DCN Board Member and RTC CEO/General Manager. After dinner and a video presentation, Evan Hass, former DCN General Manager, enlightened the crowd with DCN’s history and milestones. The microphone was then turned over to Paul Schuetzler, Consolidated Telcom GM/CEO.

Burgum was especially interested to learn more about the investment made in fiber infrastructure by DCN, and the 15 rural telecommunications companies to provide gigabit services across the state. After the meeting, Seth Arndorfer provided Doug Burgum with a tour of DCN’s facility.


Paul Schuetzler, current Chairman of DCN’s Board of Governors.

DCN BOARD MEMBER RETIRES On July 1, 2016, David Dunning retired as CEO/General Manager of Polar Communications. Dunning served as a member of DCN’s Board of Governors since 1996. He was also a past Chairman of DCN’s Board of Governors. In recognition for his dedication and commitment to the Board, DCN presented David with an appreciation award. Karl Blake assumed the role as Polar Communications CEO/General Manager on July 1, 2016 and will occupy Dunning’s DCN Board position.

On Tuesday, July 19, 2016, over 116 golfers participated in the fifteenth annual ‘Dakota Carrier Classic’ held at the Hawktree Golf Course in Bismarck, North Dakota. Following the afternoon’s golf outing, the event continued to proceed indoors with a delicious meal provided at the clubhouse, along with the presenting of numerous awards and prizes. Once again, this fun-filled event gives DCN the opportunity to show gratitude to our customers and affiliates for their continuous support. DCN appreciates your business and looks forward to serving you in the future.

Dakota Carrier Network CEO, Seth Arndorfer (right) presenting Polar Communications CEO/General Manager, David Dunning with an award. Courtesy Photo Polar Communications

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NEW ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE JOINS DCN TEAM Dana Eckart has been hired at DCN’s Fargo office as an Account Executive. Eckart was previously employed at Network Center Inc., assisting businesses with consulting services and providing technology solutions. He graduated from Minnesota State University, Moorhead, Minnesota in 2001 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. Dana responsibilities include working with current and prospective commercial customers in providing technology solutions to meet their business needs. Eckart and his wife, Sheri have three children and reside in West Fargo. In his spare time, Dana enjoys coaching hockey, fishing, hunting, and hanging out at the lake with family and friends. Dana Eckart

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